sr2tDg4l9wg-00000-00000000-00000389 I'm really really really trying not trying to sound overly dramatic but I sr2tDg4l9wg-00001-00000389-00000986 was honestly debating on making this video for like a while after I watch the sr2tDg4l9wg-00002-00000986-00001392 last episode the enemies of Jake Paul by Shane Dawson with Nick Crompton because of the ending and sr2tDg4l9wg-00003-00001392-00001898 Kati Morton is coming back and this is actually a really really serious subject sr2tDg4l9wg-00004-00001898-00002336 which is why I was debating on talking about it but I think I can do it in the sr2tDg4l9wg-00005-00002336-00002978 right way but we really need to talk about mental health ethics because if I sr2tDg4l9wg-00006-00002978-00003570 bring Kati a therapist with us and she's there too whole time I don't think he's sr2tDg4l9wg-00007-00003570-00003909 going to be like themselves I don't think he's gonna be comfortable I think sr2tDg4l9wg-00008-00003909-00004421 he's going to be kind of a fake so I came up with a plan and it sounds really sr2tDg4l9wg-00009-00004421-00005810 shitty the plan is I'm gonna have Katie pretend to be and she's going to be with sr2tDg4l9wg-00010-00005810-00006533 us the whole day watching listening analyzing Jake's seeing what he's like sr2tDg4l9wg-00011-00006533-00007002 when the camera turns off and then throughout the day she's gonna take me sr2tDg4l9wg-00012-00007002-00007320 it's a jail have no idea and I will go to the other room and I'll just be like sr2tDg4l9wg-00013-00007320-00008535 how's it going what do you think what is up everybody this is Chris from the sr2tDg4l9wg-00014-00008535-00008954 rewired soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if sr2tDg4l9wg-00015-00008954-00009311 you're new to my channel my channel is all about mental health and helping you sr2tDg4l9wg-00016-00009311-00009650 improve your mental health so if you're into that kind of stuff make sure you sr2tDg4l9wg-00017-00009650-00010028 subscribe and ring that notification bell so let's talk about ethics real sr2tDg4l9wg-00018-00010028-00010631 quick like with my ethics and with my morals and my values like I feel that I sr2tDg4l9wg-00019-00010631-00011058 would be doing my audience a disservice if I didn't make a video on this alright sr2tDg4l9wg-00020-00011058-00011453 I know a lot of you who subscribe to my channel you know you care about mental sr2tDg4l9wg-00021-00011453-00011850 health you care about your mental health or the mental health of others a very sr2tDg4l9wg-00022-00011850-00012602 serious topic is ethics in the mental health field so when I saw the ending of sr2tDg4l9wg-00023-00012602-00013073 the enemies of Jake Paul they're showing a preview for the next episode and I saw sr2tDg4l9wg-00024-00013073-00013547 you know what Shane was talking about with Katie morning my oh my god like I sr2tDg4l9wg-00025-00013547-00013872 was on my livestream if any of you want to check it out it'll be linked up in sr2tDg4l9wg-00026-00013872-00014325 the info card but like my jaw was on the floor and you can see me going through sr2tDg4l9wg-00027-00014325-00014865 this process and talking like should I make a video on this because if if they sr2tDg4l9wg-00028-00014865-00015326 go through with this this can potentially lead to a lot of really bad sr2tDg4l9wg-00029-00015326-00015860 things and it could be really unethical so before I really dive into this video sr2tDg4l9wg-00030-00015860-00016270 I want to say a few things okay sr2tDg4l9wg-00031-00016520-00017129 nothing's happened yet this is this is speculation okay so if I am wrong or sr2tDg4l9wg-00032-00017129-00017628 whatever happens I swear to you I will make a follow-up video to discuss this sr2tDg4l9wg-00033-00017628-00017826 okay because if any of you have been watching sr2tDg4l9wg-00034-00017826-00018312 me for at least a week or two you know that I'm I love and respect Kati Morton sr2tDg4l9wg-00035-00018312-00018731 I think she is an amazing therapist I don't think that a lot of back laughs sr2tDg4l9wg-00036-00018731-00019284 that came her way was fair but if this plays out the way that Shane is saying sr2tDg4l9wg-00037-00019284-00019620 it's going to play out then I really gotta take a step back and look at it sr2tDg4l9wg-00038-00019620-00020013 but like I said I'm not going to accuse her of anything I'm gonna try really sr2tDg4l9wg-00039-00020013-00020490 really hard to watch how I speak about this because sr2tDg4l9wg-00040-00020490-00020880 even me you know claiming that she is doing sr2tDg4l9wg-00041-00020880-00021387 something unethical is not good but I think you know what I try to do with my sr2tDg4l9wg-00042-00021387-00021729 channel I try to take things that are happening in the YouTube community and sr2tDg4l9wg-00043-00021729-00022215 pop culture to try to teach you about mental health right so for any of you sr2tDg4l9wg-00044-00022215-00022701 out there who are looking for you know therapy or if any of you are you know sr2tDg4l9wg-00045-00022701-00023040 have a loved one who's looking for a therapy like it's really important that sr2tDg4l9wg-00046-00023040-00023412 you know about ethics and what your rights are as a client or as a patient sr2tDg4l9wg-00047-00023412-00023928 or whatever it is so this is a great opportunity to discuss these things so sr2tDg4l9wg-00048-00023928-00024360 before I jump into this really cool guest appearance I have I want to say so sr2tDg4l9wg-00049-00024360-00025410 right now and credentials so currently I'm pursuing my CADC what that is is a sr2tDg4l9wg-00050-00025410-00025823 certified alcohol and drug counselor all right I should be certified by the sr2tDg4l9wg-00051-00025823-00026370 beginning of 2019 right now the class I'm taking is about sr2tDg4l9wg-00052-00026370-00026829 ethics and legal stuff so ethics is like really in the forefront of my mind right sr2tDg4l9wg-00053-00026829-00027195 now I've been working in the mental health industry for a little over three sr2tDg4l9wg-00054-00027195-00027683 years now and ethics is something that I always take very seriously one of them sr2tDg4l9wg-00055-00027683-00028056 is because not only am i recovering alcoholic and addict but I've struggled sr2tDg4l9wg-00056-00028056-00028514 with mental health issues depression anxiety you know all sorts of stuff so sr2tDg4l9wg-00057-00028514-00028986 like ethics is really important for me like I really truly care about everybody sr2tDg4l9wg-00058-00028986-00029547 who I help everybody who's coming into treatment and all that so like this is a sr2tDg4l9wg-00059-00029547-00030066 really important subject for me so when I watch that video and at the ending I sr2tDg4l9wg-00060-00030066-00030774 was like you know what like I'm currently not the best at you know I sr2tDg4l9wg-00061-00030774-00031295 think yet Kati obviously knows way more than me with her experience but you know sr2tDg4l9wg-00062-00031295-00031632 who knows more than me and katie is my mama sr2tDg4l9wg-00063-00031632-00032333 my mom is dr. Terry F Randazzo she has a PhD in psychology and she has been in sr2tDg4l9wg-00064-00032333-00032766 the field for over a decade now alright so I was like I don't know all the sr2tDg4l9wg-00065-00032766-00033128 answers so what I wanted to do was I wanted to call my mom sr2tDg4l9wg-00066-00033128-00033461 like mom I don't even know if I should make this video and it's really funny sr2tDg4l9wg-00067-00033461-00033803 you'll see like my mom's like wait what's going on she's really confused sr2tDg4l9wg-00068-00033803-00034118 but I want to be hear from somebody who's been in the industry for this long sr2tDg4l9wg-00069-00034118-00034526 and my mom me and my mom are very similar and my mom is a recovering sr2tDg4l9wg-00070-00034526-00034901 alcoholic she's coming up on 13 years sober like ethics are very important to sr2tDg4l9wg-00071-00034901-00035372 her too so I knew that she would be the exact person to ask about this so I sr2tDg4l9wg-00072-00035372-00035687 recorded my phone call with my mom she knew I was recording it so it wasn't sr2tDg4l9wg-00073-00035687-00036428 like secretive but I have a few tricks up my sleeve sr2tDg4l9wg-00074-00036428-00036916 all right so please give a warm welcome to my mother dr. Carrie F Randazzo and sr2tDg4l9wg-00075-00036916-00037862 yeah here it goes okay so okay so I'm gonna just kind of give you like a brief sr2tDg4l9wg-00076-00037862-00038341 overview of this story I'm trying to make a video for my youtube channel so sr2tDg4l9wg-00077-00038341-00038945 basically they're there they're gonna interview this guy but they're they're sr2tDg4l9wg-00078-00038945-00039209 worried that he won't be real with them they're trying to find out if there's a sr2tDg4l9wg-00079-00039209-00039686 sociopath or not you know whatever but anyways they featured a licensed sr2tDg4l9wg-00080-00039686-00040400 therapist in Episode two okay now they're afraid the people interviewing sr2tDg4l9wg-00081-00040400-00040769 this guy okay so they talked about sociopaths in episode two sr2tDg4l9wg-00082-00040769-00041075 well now they're going to meet they're going to meet this guy in the next sr2tDg4l9wg-00083-00041075-00041606 episode but he wants to bring the therapist with him so the concern is is sr2tDg4l9wg-00084-00041606-00041978 that this guy's not going to be real or honest if he knows this woman is a sr2tDg4l9wg-00085-00041978-00042764 therapist so what they're what they're talking about doing is bringing her but sr2tDg4l9wg-00086-00042764-00043358 saying that she's a producer and not a therapist so like my question is is that sr2tDg4l9wg-00087-00043358-00043826 like unethical because she's like trying to get like a diagnosis all right sr2tDg4l9wg-00088-00043826-00045374 like is that unethical yes No so you don't know what would you say it's sr2tDg4l9wg-00089-00045374-00045734 unethical for her to give a diagnosis if this guy did not know that she was like sr2tDg4l9wg-00090-00045734-00046030 evaluating him sr2tDg4l9wg-00091-00050470-00050948 like trying to get to the bottom of the series's is this guy a sociopath you sr2tDg4l9wg-00092-00050948-00051667 know what I mean so they're trying to do it and like why I'm asking you the sr2tDg4l9wg-00093-00051667-00052397 questions here mom no no it's just is this like millionaire youtuber the sr2tDg4l9wg-00095-00056234-00056509 not know that she is a sr2tDg4l9wg-00096-00057720-00058388 Senor not opposing to get on TV and diagnosed she is committing that is sr2tDg4l9wg-00097-00058388-00059504 illegal to do I think because we could cause her harm so do you think do you sr2tDg4l9wg-00098-00059504-00061176 think that that would cause him harm say they say they do yeah so would you think sr2tDg4l9wg-00099-00061176-00061601 it was deceptive if like what if they got the arm what do they got consent sr2tDg4l9wg-00100-00061601-00064287 afterwards like oh surprise she was a fair passed yeah if you were today and sr2tDg4l9wg-00101-00064287-00064707 she says listen I'm not giving up my diagnosis but based on this it sounds sr2tDg4l9wg-00102-00064707-00065049 like you might be a sociopath like things like that could even cause him sr2tDg4l9wg-00104-00069204-00069581 her about it and just see you all know she sent me a text later my mom's like sr2tDg4l9wg-00105-00069581-00069935 me or so I think about something even more than might have more to say and my sr2tDg4l9wg-00106-00069935-00070310 mom sent me a follow-up text that says the more I think about it it is sr2tDg4l9wg-00107-00070310-00070635 unethical dot dot dot major so what my mom's sr2tDg4l9wg-00108-00070635-00071144 bringing up is like can it cause the person harm right and yeah so we don't sr2tDg4l9wg-00109-00071144-00071519 know how this is going to play out yet we don't we don't know and I just want sr2tDg4l9wg-00110-00071519-00072047 to make that clear again for any of you who ignored my disclaimer okay but if if sr2tDg4l9wg-00111-00072047-00072602 they go through with this it is unethical like it's it's not okay it's sr2tDg4l9wg-00112-00072602-00073178 not okay to secretly do this like I was giving I gave Kati Morton so many props sr2tDg4l9wg-00113-00073178-00073502 like you know either even though people hear what they want to hear Kati Morton sr2tDg4l9wg-00114-00073502-00073955 was not giving anybody a diagnosis in Episode two no diagnosis whatsoever and sr2tDg4l9wg-00115-00073955-00074474 she states that it would be unethical for her to do so right so if she went in sr2tDg4l9wg-00116-00074474-00075197 there as a secret therapist math as a producer it would have been really sr2tDg4l9wg-00117-00075197-00075641 really unethical because if she comes back even if she said and even if she sr2tDg4l9wg-00118-00075641-00076076 said like you know based on what I saw yeah you know he could be like even that sr2tDg4l9wg-00119-00076076-00076623 is unethical a lot of trouble like I say these things like I just don't think I sr2tDg4l9wg-00120-00076623-00076848 don't think that's what it would be I just don't think so sr2tDg4l9wg-00121-00076848-00077144 when it comes to mental health when it comes to mental health or even physical sr2tDg4l9wg-00122-00077144-00077504 health flight no you're right no no what's ethical what's not a psycho like sr2tDg4l9wg-00123-00077504-00078044 like consent is really really important it is extremely important like I can't sr2tDg4l9wg-00124-00078044-00078431 even like take pictures at my facility because even if it shows like the back sr2tDg4l9wg-00125-00078431-00078980 of somebody's head without consent right so like consent is extremely extremely sr2tDg4l9wg-00126-00078980-00079664 important so like my fear about this is that even if even if you know they did sr2tDg4l9wg-00127-00079664-00080123 this or whatever like my concern would be that Katie's reputation in like the sr2tDg4l9wg-00128-00080123-00080519 professional community would be tarnished and like I don't know is she sr2tDg4l9wg-00129-00080519-00081026 you know would she do this for views I just don't I don't know and maybe it's sr2tDg4l9wg-00130-00081026-00081260 just because I like Kati Morton and I always try to check in with myself sr2tDg4l9wg-00131-00081260-00081764 because I you know being someone's fan or liking their content that can you sr2tDg4l9wg-00132-00081764-00082279 know create a bias you know what I mean so like somebody first my girlfriend sr2tDg4l9wg-00133-00082279-00082975 texted me so no no there's ending what is it like she finished it before me I sr2tDg4l9wg-00134-00082975-00083575 was talking to her I'm like oh my god like I don't know I hope they don't but sr2tDg4l9wg-00135-00083575-00083947 my girl was saying that you know there's gonna look bad on shade and so I wanna sr2tDg4l9wg-00136-00083947-00084283 make this clear so when it comes and stuff like that like Shane would be sr2tDg4l9wg-00137-00084283-00084682 nowhere at fault in this so if they did go through with this and this is the way sr2tDg4l9wg-00138-00084682-00084904 it played out Shane would not be at fault sr2tDg4l9wg-00139-00084904-00085273 Shane is not the professional Shane is not the licensed therapist in the sr2tDg4l9wg-00140-00085273-00085876 situation so Shane is not expected to know better now if he ends up doing like sr2tDg4l9wg-00141-00085876-00086254 you know secret recordings of hidden camera stuff I don't know the legal sr2tDg4l9wg-00142-00086254-00086482 issues with that in the state of California or whatever sr2tDg4l9wg-00143-00086482-00086992 but if this happens like if there were legal ramifications they would be all on sr2tDg4l9wg-00144-00086992-00087502 Katie and you know she could lose her license or whatever the case is so Shane sr2tDg4l9wg-00145-00087502-00087736 would be in the clear on that because Shane's not expected to know any better sr2tDg4l9wg-00146-00087736-00089065 I will say this you know after the first episode or even the second episode he sr2tDg4l9wg-00147-00089065-00089506 knew everything he said Shane told him everything literally everything so what sr2tDg4l9wg-00148-00089506-00089875 I'm hoping is is that maybe this is overdramatize maybe they're just you sr2tDg4l9wg-00149-00089875-00090379 know doing this for a show or whatever and Jake knows and all that and if sr2tDg4l9wg-00150-00090379-00090790 that's the case like cool kind of cool because you're still not really gonna sr2tDg4l9wg-00151-00090790-00091245 have good to pitch in but I am gonna make two more videos about that episode sr2tDg4l9wg-00152-00091245-00091666 but I think I think Shane's just realizing that Jake is just a person and sr2tDg4l9wg-00153-00091666-00092407 maybe a person this is an important subject I know some of you are seeking sr2tDg4l9wg-00154-00092407-00092788 mental health help and it's important to know and if you have questions about sr2tDg4l9wg-00155-00092788-00093166 ethics and stuff like that like leave them down in the comments if I don't sr2tDg4l9wg-00156-00093166-00093487 know I'll try to steer you in the right direction but it's important to know sr2tDg4l9wg-00157-00093487-00093943 these things like I hope you are all aware those of you in the United States sr2tDg4l9wg-00158-00093943-00094330 this thing called HIPAA okay like you have rights as a patient where they sr2tDg4l9wg-00159-00094330-00094807 cannot disclose you know confidential information about you like this is sr2tDg4l9wg-00160-00094807-00095101 really really important stuff so again like sr2tDg4l9wg-00161-00095101-00095629 hope I did this video justice I'm not accusing Katie event anything I hope sr2tDg4l9wg-00162-00095629-00096022 this is all just a show I hope when we see the next episode I hope they say sr2tDg4l9wg-00163-00096022-00096448 never mind we're not gonna do that like I hope that you know if Shane sr2tDg4l9wg-00164-00096448-00096907 wanted to do this I hope they show Katie saying no that's unethical we cannot do sr2tDg4l9wg-00165-00096907-00097318 that this is just kind of what I hope happens or that it's fake but even if sr2tDg4l9wg-00166-00097318-00097777 it's still things like I said it might damage Katie's reputation but anyways I sr2tDg4l9wg-00167-00097777-00098221 would love to know your thoughts if you have any experiences that might be sr2tDg4l9wg-00168-00098221-00098512 interesting too if you have any experiences you want to share in the sr2tDg4l9wg-00169-00098512-00098992 comments below about experience you've had whether with mental healthcare or sr2tDg4l9wg-00170-00098992-00099376 your physical health experiences with things that were unethical like let's sr2tDg4l9wg-00171-00099376-00099763 have a conversation about it it's a porn to know this because I'm somebody who sr2tDg4l9wg-00172-00099763-00100078 used to hate doctors and medical professionals and mental health sr2tDg4l9wg-00173-00100078-00100534 professionals I didn't trust anybody a lot of trust issues but I try to tell sr2tDg4l9wg-00174-00100534-00100852 people like there's good and there's bad there's good doctors and bad doctors sr2tDg4l9wg-00175-00100852-00101338 good therapist and bad therapist but I think just by having a conversation in sr2tDg4l9wg-00176-00101338-00101713 the comments below more people will be educated about this and know like when sr2tDg4l9wg-00177-00101713-00102151 when the right time is to get a different health care professional you sr2tDg4l9wg-00178-00102151-00102379 know what I mean anyways that's all I got for this video sr2tDg4l9wg-00179-00102379-00102720 I will be making more so make sure they stay tuned if you like this video please sr2tDg4l9wg-00180-00102720-00103015 give it a thumbs up and if you're new here I'm always making videos to help sr2tDg4l9wg-00181-00103015-00103288 you out with your mental and emotional well-being make sure you hit that sr2tDg4l9wg-00182-00103288-00103588 subscribe button I ring that notification bell and a huge thank you sr2tDg4l9wg-00183-00103588-00103954 to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon and did you see that cool sr2tDg4l9wg-00184-00103954-00104307 shirt my mom was wearing that is actually a rewired soul shirt and you sr2tDg4l9wg-00185-00104307-00104644 can get it right there in the merch shop by click or tapping on that night all sr2tDg4l9wg-00186-00104644-00105105 right thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time s_R-y36lM0c-00000-00000000-00000155 I hope no one breaks open my door s_R-y36lM0c-00001-00000212-00000384 That's Unfortunate s_R-y36lM0c-00002-00000393-00000593 speedy. s_R-y36lM0c-00003-00000593-00000787 Woah, where's that music playing s_R-y36lM0c-00004-00000932-00001059 Imagine dying lol. s_R-y36lM0c-00005-00001059-00001184 Got a video of him dying if 4K lol s_R-y36lM0c-00006-00001224-00001574 playing wordscapes 10 minutes a day, SHARPENS UR MIND!!!! s_R-y36lM0c-00007-00001808-00002007 69 "NO"s lol sCwXlsB_9Po-00000-00000781-00001011 Well, it started just like any other Monday. sCwXlsB_9Po-00001-00001011-00001555 I said, "Good morning, Mark. Good morning, Tom. Good morning, Kisan," and then walk into sCwXlsB_9Po-00002-00001555-00001753 my space. sCwXlsB_9Po-00003-00001753-00002453 Kisan ... He was one of those people that was a quiet spirit. He was a person that was sCwXlsB_9Po-00004-00002894-00003594 kind and gentle, and he would always a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. sCwXlsB_9Po-00005-00003692-00004171 Then everything changed. sCwXlsB_9Po-00006-00004171-00004871 That sounds like a weapon being fired, and so we got down, dropped down to the ground. sCwXlsB_9Po-00007-00005246-00005662 And I crawled to my desk, and I got my CAC card and my purse. As soon as I grabbed my sCwXlsB_9Po-00008-00005662-00006362 purse, I looked over to Kisan's desk, and I saw that he was down, and there was a wound sCwXlsB_9Po-00009-00006678-00006831 in his head. sCwXlsB_9Po-00010-00006831-00007531 I took the paper towel and put it against the wound, and I felt him breathe. sCwXlsB_9Po-00011-00007670-00008153 And I was praying over him and talking to him, and I felt for his pulse and it was strong, sCwXlsB_9Po-00012-00008153-00008403 and I told Andy that we needed to go get help. sCwXlsB_9Po-00013-00008403-00008967 So we went out the emergency door. They took us to the street. We realized that we couldn't sCwXlsB_9Po-00014-00008967-00009667 get an ambulance there, so there was an unmarked vehicle at the end of the street. The unmarked sCwXlsB_9Po-00015-00009732-00010432 vehicle came down the street, and we got Kisan in the back of the seat. Then I got in the sCwXlsB_9Po-00016-00010547-00011247 front and we...lights, sirens ... and we made our way to M Street ... M Street and New Jersey, sCwXlsB_9Po-00017-00011557-00011684 in front of the CVS. sCwXlsB_9Po-00018-00011684-00012384 We laid Kisan down, and I told the security guard that I need an ambulance, and he coordinated sCwXlsB_9Po-00019-00012440-00013140 with the policeman that was on the street directing traffic. And I went back to Kisan. sCwXlsB_9Po-00020-00013282-00013545 There was no pulse at the time. sCwXlsB_9Po-00021-00013545-00014151 So, I immediately started chest compressions. I did find out later on that he didn't make sCwXlsB_9Po-00022-00014151-00014572 it ... until we got home to this area. sCwXlsB_9Po-00023-00014572-00015272 I was a hospital corpsman for five and a half years. Sometimes in an emergency situation, sCwXlsB_9Po-00024-00015313-00016013 it's not all about what's going on, it's about what you can do to help. And I think that sCwXlsB_9Po-00025-00016245-00016945 training is what helped me in the end ... in the end for Kisan, but it stays with you. sCwXlsB_9Po-00026-00017444-00017644 It doesn't leave you. sCwXlsB_9Po-00027-00017644-00018344 Once you've been in the Navy, that doesn't leave you. It's like a part of your life. sCwXlsB_9Po-00028-00018469-00019037 You don't want any harm to come to your fellow shipmates. sCwXlsB_9Po-00029-00019037-00019737 And so Kisan was a Navy family person, and I looked at him as my shipmate. I could not sCwXlsB_9Po-00030-00019766-00020147 leave him behind. You don't leave your family behind. sCVrwv61XpE-00000-00000000-00000505 -Come in -Oh, Hello. -Hello. sCVrwv61XpE-00001-00000505-00001056 My name is Kuriko I married a Korean, Kyungsik, and came to Korea. sCVrwv61XpE-00002-00001056-00001418 Today, Kyung-sik came to house with his close brother. sCVrwv61XpE-00003-00001418-00002072 It's late after 11 pm but I feel good to see Kyungsik happy sCVrwv61XpE-00004-00002072-00002385 No, it's annoying! sCVrwv61XpE-00005-00002565-00003194 -So, Kyungsik ate corn then -Oh, my God! Corn? -Stop talking about me sCVrwv61XpE-00006-00003334-00003938 Now even the close people of Kyeongsik have become like a family to me. sCVrwv61XpE-00007-00004177-00004956 -I'm going home now -I'll do the dishes. You guys put the trash in here. -Okay sCVrwv61XpE-00008-00005025-00005300 I can't believe I'm washing the dishes at 4 a.m.! sCVrwv61XpE-00009-00005300-00005867 When he proposed to me, he promised me he'd never get water on my hands. But it was a lie sCVrwv61XpE-00010-00005867-00006568 In my next life, I will be born as Geppetto's grandfather and use Kyungsik Pinocchio as a firewood in winter sCVrwv61XpE-00011-00006614-00006818 -Honey, did you finish cleaning? sCVrwv61XpE-00012-00006991-00007215 -Eh? sCVrwv61XpE-00013-00007215-00007624 The happy faces of the two... And sticky touch.. sCVrwv61XpE-00014-00007624-00008109 What's the... They're not a couple, are they? sCVrwv61XpE-00015-00008109-00008390 -Call me ‘Honey’ -Honey sCVrwv61XpE-00016-00008480-00008703 H...Honey? sCVrwv61XpE-00017-00008763-00008898 Full concentration. sCVrwv61XpE-00018-00008898-00009014 Kuriko's breathing sCVrwv61XpE-00019-00009014-00009322 The 6th skill. Lost puppy! sCVrwv61XpE-00020-00009454-00010216 It's no use fighting two powerful men in front of Kuriko, a lost dog! sCVrwv61XpE-00021-00010216-00010927 Your smiling faces will soon be covered with tears!! sCVrwv61XpE-00022-00010927-00011199 What the.... sCVrwv61XpE-00023-00011199-00011351 -F*** **** *******! sCVrwv61XpE-00024-00011351-00011514 -What's wrong, Kuriko? -What are you doing? sCVrwv61XpE-00025-00011514-00011706 -Honey! What's your relationship? sCVrwv61XpE-00026-00011706-00011870 -What? -Why? sCVrwv61XpE-00027-00011870-00012077 -Are you guys a couple? sCVrwv61XpE-00028-00012077-00012397 -Kurikoni misunderstood. This is a doll sCVrwv61XpE-00029-00012397-00012706 -I bought a doll as your present because you like it sCVrwv61XpE-00030-00013007-00014177 For me, who loves dolls, Kyungsik bought a sleeping princess, Pangsoon doll, which is a limited edition of the world, as my present sCVrwv61XpE-00031-00014466-00014958 Thanks to Kyungsik's kindness, our love heated up sCVrwv61XpE-00032-00014958-00015738 Kyeongsik-gun, who is into Pangsoon doll, bought 20,000 more Pangsoon dolls, so there was no space in my house. sDqhEQz8UqQ-00000-00000000-00000200 Get your cat Tee Shirts & mug in link below sDKxNbr8z5g-00000-00000098-00000638 [music] sDKxNbr8z5g-00001-00001309-00001606 This is EDUC 4703U, sDKxNbr8z5g-00002-00001607-00001816 Teaching and Learning – Problem Based Learning. sDKxNbr8z5g-00003-00002054-00002316 The Analysis Questions for this video clip are as follow. sDKxNbr8z5g-00004-00002318-00002838 Number one, what is the relationship between PBLOs and social constructivism? sDKxNbr8z5g-00005-00002866-00003228 Number two, how is a community of learners established sDKxNbr8z5g-00006-00003229-00003411 when PBLOs are used? sDKxNbr8z5g-00007-00003413-00003574 Number three, sDKxNbr8z5g-00008-00003575-00003925 where are PBLOs categorized on the grid generated sDKxNbr8z5g-00009-00003926-00004362 by the intersection of process slash content-centred axis sDKxNbr8z5g-00010-00004363-00004708 and the teacher slash student-driven axis? sDKxNbr8z5g-00011-00004831-00005119 Number four, what types of problems exist sDKxNbr8z5g-00012-00005121-00005357 and what are their characteristics? sDKxNbr8z5g-00013-00005828-00006040 This particular video clip starts taking a look at sDKxNbr8z5g-00014-00006042-00006254 the theoretical underpinnings for PBLOs. sDKxNbr8z5g-00015-00006255-00006615 In other words, what is the theory that's underlying the structure, sDKxNbr8z5g-00016-00006616-00006938 um, a- and the construction of PBLOs themselves. sDKxNbr8z5g-00017-00006940-00007472 So this first, uh, slide takes a look at social constructivism, uh, very briefly. sDKxNbr8z5g-00018-00007473-00007882 In general, constructivists believe that each person builds sDKxNbr8z5g-00019-00007883-00008361 an individual perspective of reality based on his or her experiences sDKxNbr8z5g-00020-00008362-00008520 and frames of reference. sDKxNbr8z5g-00021-00008521-00008845 And that learning will occur if students are given opportunities sDKxNbr8z5g-00022-00008846-00009170 to construct personal meanings out of their experiences, sDKxNbr8z5g-00023-00009172-00009487 particularly when discussed, uh, with their peers. sDKxNbr8z5g-00024-00009488-00009938 So that's taken from Piaget in '72, von Glasersfeld in '95, sDKxNbr8z5g-00025-00009939-00010193 Vygotsky in 1978. sDKxNbr8z5g-00026-00010194-00010513 New conceptions or understandings should be intelligible, sDKxNbr8z5g-00027-00010514-00010685 plausible, and fruitful. sDKxNbr8z5g-00028-00010687-00011198 That's, uh, referenced to Posner, Strike, Hewson, and Gertzog, 1982. sDKxNbr8z5g-00029-00011239-00011690 While PBLOs can be used for reflection by individuals working independently, sDKxNbr8z5g-00030-00011691-00012042 their strength is evident in socially defined spaces sDKxNbr8z5g-00031-00012043-00012304 where individual perceptions are communicated sDKxNbr8z5g-00032-00012305-00012684 and debated with others in collaborative processes of conjecture sDKxNbr8z5g-00033-00012686-00013100 and refutation – that of course is a reference to Popper, 1963. sDKxNbr8z5g-00034-00013102-00013542 More will be said about constructivism in a subsequent video clip. sDKxNbr8z5g-00035-00013989-00014453 In addition to constructivism, we are also dealing with a concept, sDKxNbr8z5g-00036-00014455-00014796 um, that is referred to as community of practice sDKxNbr8z5g-00037-00014798-00014987 or community of learners. sDKxNbr8z5g-00038-00014988-00015317 The scientific, using the very broad definition of this word, sDKxNbr8z5g-00039-00015318-00015742 academic community, relies on the process of peer review sDKxNbr8z5g-00040-00015743-00016159 to ensure that a certain standard of rigour and quality is maintained. sDKxNbr8z5g-00041-00016160-00016488 And that's a reference by Wenger, uh, 2000. sDKxNbr8z5g-00042-00016526-00016765 The community of practitioners, like any other, sDKxNbr8z5g-00043-00016766-00016924 has certain conditions and standards sDKxNbr8z5g-00044-00016926-00017138 that determine the strength of the warrants sDKxNbr8z5g-00045-00017139-00017302 for the knowledge claims. sDKxNbr8z5g-00046-00017304-00017674 Longino, in 1994, identifies four conditions sDKxNbr8z5g-00047-00017676-00018019 that a community of practisioners- practitioners must meet sDKxNbr8z5g-00048-00018020-00018450 if consensus is to count as knowledge rather than mere opinion. sDKxNbr8z5g-00049-00018494-00018940 Firstly, there must be publicly recognized forums for criticism. sDKxNbr8z5g-00050-00018941-00019238 Secondly, there must be uptake of criticism. sDKxNbr8z5g-00051-00019239-00019460 I- in other words, the community needs to do more sDKxNbr8z5g-00052-00019462-00019823 than merely tolerate dissent, it must act on it. sDKxNbr8z5g-00053-00019858-00020132 Thirdly, there must be publicly recognized standards sDKxNbr8z5g-00054-00020133-00020414 for evaluation of theory and practice. sDKxNbr8z5g-00055-00020416-00020776 And fourthly, there must be equality of intellectual authority – sDKxNbr8z5g-00056-00020777-00021186 what is included or excluded must result from critical dialogue, sDKxNbr8z5g-00057-00021188-00021569 rather than the exercise of political or economic power. sDKxNbr8z5g-00058-00021623-00021886 In this course, all students are required to participate sDKxNbr8z5g-00059-00021888-00022219 in an online community of learners under such conditions. sDKxNbr8z5g-00060-00022634-00023037 Taking a look next at, uh, learning objects sDKxNbr8z5g-00061-00023039-00023717 and the basis of the, um, categorization of PBLOs as learning objects. sDKxNbr8z5g-00062-00023775-00023955 Problem Based Learning Objects, or PBLOs, sDKxNbr8z5g-00063-00023956-00024315 differ from traditional characterizations of learning objects sDKxNbr8z5g-00064-00024367-00024569 because they do not contain content sDKxNbr8z5g-00065-00024570-00024847 that is tied directly to curriculum outcomes. sDKxNbr8z5g-00066-00024848-00025234 They're specifically designed to motivate or to initiate a process sDKxNbr8z5g-00067-00025235-00025541 rather than to deliver actual curriculum content. sDKxNbr8z5g-00068-00025542-00025767 The content provided in PBLOs sDKxNbr8z5g-00069-00025768-00026112 is used more to instigate thinking and discussion, sDKxNbr8z5g-00070-00026114-00026454 as discussed earlier, uh, that is process-centred, sDKxNbr8z5g-00071-00026455-00026901 than to provide so-called knowledge intended to be acquired by users. sDKxNbr8z5g-00072-00026903-00027244 As such, PBLOs are driv- learner-driven, sDKxNbr8z5g-00073-00027246-00027572 as the learners build their own context appropriate solutions sDKxNbr8z5g-00074-00027573-00027756 to the posed problems. sDKxNbr8z5g-00075-00027758-00028110 Consequently, PBLOs are not content delivery systems, sDKxNbr8z5g-00076-00028111-00028346 nor do they offer simulation environments sDKxNbr8z5g-00077-00028347-00028596 as proposed by Papert in 1980. sDKxNbr8z5g-00078-00028597-00028981 Since PBLOs also do not collect learner information sDKxNbr8z5g-00079-00028982-00029314 to then tailor the training to the user, sDKxNbr8z5g-00080-00029315-00029634 they do not fall into an adaptive technology category sDKxNbr8z5g-00081-00029636-00029864 where intelligent tutoring systems, sDKxNbr8z5g-00082-00029866-00030274 uh, reference to Wenger in 1987, have been prominent. sDKxNbr8z5g-00083-00030276-00030551 PBLOs, in their present iteration, sDKxNbr8z5g-00084-00030554-00030935 contain a problem consistent, or problems, sDKxNbr8z5g-00085-00030938-00031108 consistent with problem based learning, sDKxNbr8z5g-00086-00031110-00031445 PBL approach commonly used in medical schools and engineering. sDKxNbr8z5g-00087-00031448-00031765 That's a reference to Savin-Baden, 2007. sDKxNbr8z5g-00088-00031768-00032201 PBLOs do not contain the solution, nor do they propose a method. sDKxNbr8z5g-00089-00032204-00032417 These are left to the learners to construct. sDKxNbr8z5g-00090-00032482-00033002 PBLOs can, therefore, be best placed in the upper right quadrant of the grid sDKxNbr8z5g-00091-00033003-00033383 as they are both student or learner directed in their use, sDKxNbr8z5g-00092-00033386-00033730 and the overall orientation of the objects is one of process sDKxNbr8z5g-00093-00033733-00034067 as the intent of their use is not specifically to concentrate on sDKxNbr8z5g-00094-00034070-00034261 specific problems or the solutions, sDKxNbr8z5g-00095-00034264-00034660 but to focus on the consensually derived understandings sDKxNbr8z5g-00096-00034663-00034965 arising from the interaction with the objects sDKxNbr8z5g-00097-00034968-00035289 and the other members of the environment or the community. sDKxNbr8z5g-00098-00035291-00035605 Further information regarding the organization of learning objects sDKxNbr8z5g-00099-00035607-00035946 and virtual environments will be discussed in a later clip. sDKxNbr8z5g-00100-00036305-00036828 The fourth element or component of PBLOs is obviously PBL, sDKxNbr8z5g-00101-00036830-00036983 Problem Based Learning. sDKxNbr8z5g-00102-00036986-00037470 Problems, in a PBL environment, provide a context within which to learn. sDKxNbr8z5g-00103-00037471-00037743 Simultaneously, they provide motivation, sDKxNbr8z5g-00104-00037746-00038000 as the learners already know why they are learning. sDKxNbr8z5g-00105-00038003-00038190 In other words, to search for problems sDKxNbr8z5g-00106-00038192-00038468 and then, solutions to those problems. sDKxNbr8z5g-00107-00038470-00038841 Problems can be viewed as objects that cannot be achieved directly sDKxNbr8z5g-00108-00038844-00039181 as there is some type of obstacle, or multiple obstacles, sDKxNbr8z5g-00109-00039184-00039582 which must be overcome, and that's a reference to Watts, 1991. sDKxNbr8z5g-00110-00039584-00039817 Please refer to the definition of problems sDKxNbr8z5g-00111-00039820-00040224 given in an earlier video clip, and d- that is illustrated, sDKxNbr8z5g-00112-00040227-00040564 that definition is illustrated on the slide in front of you. sDKxNbr8z5g-00113-00041063-00041465 Problems can be categorized into a variety of levels of complexity sDKxNbr8z5g-00114-00041468-00041674 depending on how much contextual information sDKxNbr8z5g-00115-00041677-00041840 is given to the learners. sDKxNbr8z5g-00116-00041894-00042069 "Given" and "goal" problems, sDKxNbr8z5g-00117-00042105-00042389 again this is a reference to Watts, 1991, sDKxNbr8z5g-00118-00042392-00042656 vary by the type of information given to the learners sDKxNbr8z5g-00119-00042659-00043082 in that "given" problems contain statements of both the goal sDKxNbr8z5g-00120-00043085-00043454 and some suggested strategies to be used to solve the problem. sDKxNbr8z5g-00121-00043499-00043933 And "goal" problems have the goal stated but no strategies are suggested. sDKxNbr8z5g-00122-00044000-00044230 A third type of problem, "own" problems, sDKxNbr8z5g-00123-00044233-00044484 again referenced to Watts, 1991, sDKxNbr8z5g-00124-00044487-00044755 include neither the goal nor the strategies. sDKxNbr8z5g-00125-00044758-00045161 Problems of this type consist primarily of a statement of context, sDKxNbr8z5g-00126-00045163-00045492 and the learners are required to identify the problem or problems sDKxNbr8z5g-00127-00045495-00045704 embedded in the context. sDKxNbr8z5g-00128-00045707-00046039 In learning contexts such as those employed in PBLOs, sDKxNbr8z5g-00129-00046042-00046464 learners will collaboratively identify, access and use resources sDKxNbr8z5g-00130-00046467-00046819 in order to solve problems of all three types described above. sDKxNbr8z5g-00131-00046822-00047069 The model of problem based learning used in PBLOs sDKxNbr8z5g-00132-00047072-00047277 also fits the categorization structure sDKxNbr8z5g-00133-00047278-00047537 of problem based learning for professional action, sDKxNbr8z5g-00134-00047540-00047844 as proposed by Savin-Baden, 2007. sDKxNbr8z5g-00135-00047847-00048144 This model has, as its overarching concept, sDKxNbr8z5g-00136-00048147-00048325 the notion of know-how. sDKxNbr8z5g-00137-00048328-00048773 Action is seen here as the defining principle of the curriculum sDKxNbr8z5g-00138-00048824-00049029 whereby learning is both around sDKxNbr8z5g-00139-00049069-00049313 what it will enable students to be able to do, sDKxNbr8z5g-00140-00049359-00049747 and around mechanisms that are perceived to enable students sDKxNbr8z5g-00141-00049749-00049984 to become competent to practice. sDKxNbr8z5g-00142-00050019-00050379 Since PBLOs combine a rich mix of theoretical elements, sDKxNbr8z5g-00143-00050382-00050717 multimedia exemplars and reflective questions, sDKxNbr8z5g-00144-00050720-00051063 they are used to encourage learners to critique the t- techniques sDKxNbr8z5g-00145-00051066-00051327 and activities displayed in the video, sDKxNbr8z5g-00146-00051330-00051685 and to allow the learners to determine the place of those techniques sDKxNbr8z5g-00147-00051688-00051985 and activities in their own thought processes. sDKxNbr8z5g-00148-00052150-00052473 The theoretical reference here is one that was given earlier, sDKxNbr8z5g-00149-00052515-00052796 it's, uh, you're invited to read the paper, sDKxNbr8z5g-00150-00052842-00053200 uh, by van Oostveen, Desjardins, Bullock, 2010, sDKxNbr8z5g-00151-00053203-00053657 and again this one is, uh, listed on the CCL website, sDKxNbr8z5g-00152-00053660-00053840 uh, Canadian Council for Learning sDKxNbr8z5g-00153-00053843-00054484 and I will give the URL, um... in WebCT. sDKxNbr8z5g-00154-00054977-00055392 Finally, the Synthesis Questions for this video clip are as follows. sDKxNbr8z5g-00155-00055395-00055752 Number one, why are PBLOs structured based on sDKxNbr8z5g-00156-00055755-00055934 a social constructivist learning theory sDKxNbr8z5g-00157-00055937-00056235 rather than a behaviourist or cognitivist theory? sDKxNbr8z5g-00158-00056267-00056540 Number two, what is the role of criticism sDKxNbr8z5g-00159-00056543-00056807 in the establishment of a community of learners? sDKxNbr8z5g-00160-00056810-00057143 How does this idea of criticism compare to Popper’s ideas sDKxNbr8z5g-00161-00057146-00057411 of conjectures and refutations? sDKxNbr8z5g-00162-00057414-00057774 Number three, why are PBLOs considered to be process-centred sDKxNbr8z5g-00163-00057776-00057930 and student-directed? sDKxNbr8z5g-00164-00057933-00058255 And number four, why are PBLOs most closely aligned sDKxNbr8z5g-00165-00058258-00058444 with "own" type problems? sDKxNbr8z5g-00166-00058447-00058678 What are the characteristics that allow PBLOs sDKxNbr8z5g-00167-00058681-00058955 to fit within the "own" type? sDKxNbr8z5g-00168-00059271-00059508 [music] sDKxNbr8z5g-00169-00059509-00059725 captioned by sDSAOAUr8Go-00000-00000091-00000319 This is NBC 17. sGYO2XZvoUo-00000-00000130-00000300 Welcome to TechSoup talks. sGYO2XZvoUo-00001-00000300-00000650 Today's webinar is Manage Your Data, Donations and More with CiviCRM. sGYO2XZvoUo-00002-00000650-00001120 My name is Kami Griffiths and we'd like to thank ReadyTalk for sponsoring this webinar series, sGYO2XZvoUo-00003-00001130-00001540 and also thank presenters Dave Greenberg and Jeff Porter for taking time to put together sGYO2XZvoUo-00004-00001540-00002070 such a great presentation. We'll be doing introductions in just a few minutes. sGYO2XZvoUo-00005-00002070-00002470 To get us started I'd like to tell you a little about TechSoup for those of you who are new sGYO2XZvoUo-00006-00002470-00002800 to what we do. We are working towards a time when every nonprofit sGYO2XZvoUo-00007-00002800-00003170 and social benefit organization on the planet has the technology, resources sGYO2XZvoUo-00008-00003170-00003520 and knowledge they need to operate at their full potential. sGYO2XZvoUo-00009-00003520-00004029 Here's a screen grab of our homepage. Again, for those of you who are new to TechSou sGYO2XZvoUo-00010-00004040-00004500 there's quite a bit going on here. We've got our donation program where we take donations sGYO2XZvoUo-00011-00004500-00004980 from companies like Microsoft, Adobe, Symantec, and 36 other vendors sGYO2XZvoUo-00012-00004990-00005450 and redistribute it to other nonprofits and libraries for a low administrative cost. sGYO2XZvoUo-00013-00005450-00005960 So you'll get Microsoft office for $20 to $30 dollars as opposed to $400. sGYO2XZvoUo-00014-00005960-00006300 So if you want to check out more information about that you can go to Get Products. sGYO2XZvoUo-00015-00006300-00006920 There are also articles and other learning programs on the Learning Center, sGYO2XZvoUo-00016-00006930-00007300 which is also where you can find the webinars. And there's more information sGYO2XZvoUo-00017-00007300-00007630 on our community forums, I had mentioned so if you have questions you post those sGYO2XZvoUo-00018-00007630-00007990 to community forums, and we have a special project just for libraries as well. sGYO2XZvoUo-00019-00008000-00008440 So that's a little bit about what we do. We've got some newsletters you can sign up for. sGYO2XZvoUo-00020-00008440-00009010 So now, I'd like to introduce our presenters. I'm so happy to have their knowledge. sGYO2XZvoUo-00021-00009010-00009790 This is a webinar I've been wanting to do for quite a while. CiviCRM is really great yet complicated, sGYO2XZvoUo-00022-00009790-00010240 so I wanted for us to go through what Civi has to offer and then give you a case study sGYO2XZvoUo-00023-00010240-00010740 about somebody who's using it. So Dave let's get started, can you tell us a little bit about yourself? sGYO2XZvoUo-00024-00010740-00011080 Dave: Sure, Kami. First of all thanks Kami for pulling this together. sGYO2XZvoUo-00025-00011090-00011540 The folks on the CiviCRM project and the community are really excited sGYO2XZvoUo-00026-00011540-00012180 to have this opportunity to share this kind of outreach in bringing potentially more people sGYO2XZvoUo-00027-00012180-00012530 into the community through the TechSoup channel. sGYO2XZvoUo-00028-00012530-00013090 My name is Dave Greenberg and I've been working on the CiviCRM project sGYO2XZvoUo-00029-00013090-00013869 for five or six years, pretty much since the beginning. Okay I'm trying to speak up. sGYO2XZvoUo-00030-00013869-00014269 I have a background in social work and community mental health. sGYO2XZvoUo-00031-00014280-00014880 And I have been working in IT for about 20 something years. sGYO2XZvoUo-00032-00014880-00015530 And I'm very excited to partner with Donald Lobo and a great team of folks sGYO2XZvoUo-00033-00015540-00016160 to put together the CiviCRM project, which we've been growing and working on sGYO2XZvoUo-00034-00016160-00016840 for the last five to six years. And I'm excited to help present that to you in the coming hour. sGYO2XZvoUo-00035-00016840-00017480 Kami: Great. Thanks Dave. So we're having quite a few comments about how it's hard to hear you sGYO2XZvoUo-00036-00017490-00018100 so I'll send you a chat message real quick while Jeff does his introduction. sGYO2XZvoUo-00037-00018100-00018290 So Jeff can you introduce yourself please? sGYO2XZvoUo-00038-00018290-00018770 Jeff: Sure. And hopefully people can hear me. I'm a little bit louder than Dave just in general sGYO2XZvoUo-00039-00018770-00019510 but very, very excited to be here and talk about CiviCRM. It's a platform we've been using sGYO2XZvoUo-00040-00019510-00020150 in our organization for about four years now. And I got involved in the nonprofit space sGYO2XZvoUo-00041-00020150-00020460 because my daughter was born with a genetic disorder. sGYO2XZvoUo-00042-00020470-00020960 And coming from a technology background, we got involved, my wife and I, sGYO2XZvoUo-00043-00020960-00021490 in establishing a couple of different nonprofits as well as getting established sGYO2XZvoUo-00044-00021490-00022050 with the Foundation for Prader-Willi Research. And what we've done is focused a lot sGYO2XZvoUo-00045-00022050-00022430 on how we can use technology to not just advance the organization sGYO2XZvoUo-00046-00022430-00022760 from an operation standpoint but also help advance it from a fundraising sGYO2XZvoUo-00047-00022760-00022940 and donor management standpoint. sGYO2XZvoUo-00048-00022940-00023420 So when I'm not working in the nonprofit space, I spend quite a bit of time sGYO2XZvoUo-00049-00023420-00023920 still in the technology sector but mostly focused on local search and discovery technology, sGYO2XZvoUo-00050-00023920-00024310 and mobile application development. sGYO2XZvoUo-00051-00024310-00024820 Kami: Great. Welcome Jeff. And I'd also like to thank Elliot Harmon from TechSou sGYO2XZvoUo-00052-00024820-00025270 and Donald Lobo from CiviCRM. They are answering chat questions. sGYO2XZvoUo-00053-00025280-00025820 So submit your questions, someone will answer it, or it will be held to the very end. sGYO2XZvoUo-00054-00025820-00026100 We have 15 minutes reserved for Q&A. sGYO2XZvoUo-00055-00026100-00026580 Okay, so let's get started. First, I'll go through the agenda. sGYO2XZvoUo-00056-00026580-00027020 We're going to talk about what is Civi, the features that it has, sGYO2XZvoUo-00057-00027020-00027410 and give you some examples of how it's being used. And we'll talk deeper about sGYO2XZvoUo-00058-00027410-00027839 how the Foundation of Prader-Willi Research is using CiviCRM. sGYO2XZvoUo-00059-00027839-00028139 We'll talk about how you can get started. We'll have some time for Q&A, sGYO2XZvoUo-00060-00028150-00028400 and then just a quick wrap up. sGYO2XZvoUo-00061-00028400-00028889 Well before we get started, I want to do a quick poll to find out how you are currently tracking sGYO2XZvoUo-00062-00028889-00029439 your information. So choose as many of these as apply to you. So just click on those boxes. sGYO2XZvoUo-00063-00029439-00030389 How are you or your organization currently tracking your data? So I'll give you a few seconds. sGYO2XZvoUo-00064-00030389-00030789 And Dave, why don't we do a quick sound check? You said you're not using your headset. sGYO2XZvoUo-00065-00030800-00031150 Dave: Yeah, I just took the headset off, just using the handset. Is that better? sGYO2XZvoUo-00066-00031150-00031460 Kami: A little bit better, but I think you're going to have to project a little bit more. sGYO2XZvoUo-00067-00031460-00031630 Dave: Okay I'll do my best. sGYO2XZvoUo-00068-00031630-00032210 Kami: Hopefully you don't lose your voice over this. sGYO2XZvoUo-00069-00032210-00033190 Okay, I'll skip to results and you should be able to submit. sGYO2XZvoUo-00070-00033200-00033590 And almost everyone is using spreadsheets in some fashion. sGYO2XZvoUo-00071-00033590-00034030 I imagine you're using multiple forms. A lot of QuickBooks users out there. sGYO2XZvoUo-00072-00034030-00034850 Oh, the paper users, we'll talk about that, and not tracking your data at all. sGYO2XZvoUo-00073-00034860-00035480 Okay, so we're going to close this poll. There you go. You can see the results. sGYO2XZvoUo-00074-00035480-00035790 Jeff: Some of these answers bring back some familiar memories. sGYO2XZvoUo-00075-00035800-00036270 Kami: Hopefully you've learned some lessons that you can share. sGYO2XZvoUo-00076-00036270-00036470 Jeff: Sure. sGYO2XZvoUo-00077-00036470-00037020 Kami: Okay, so let's get started. CiviCRM offers many features. sGYO2XZvoUo-00078-00037020-00037270 Dave can you explain the different tools available sGYO2XZvoUo-00079-00037270-00037630 and give some examples of how it's being used for nonprofits? sGYO2XZvoUo-00080-00037630-00038150 Dave: Yeah I sure can, Kami. Good question. So CiviCRM, sGYO2XZvoUo-00081-00038160-00038550 the CRM part stands for Constituent Relationship Management. sGYO2XZvoUo-00082-00038550-00039120 And it's related to the idea of contact relationship management sGYO2XZvoUo-00083-00039120-00039550 which was started at Sales Force Automation Tools quite a while back. sGYO2XZvoUo-00084-00039550-00040360 And at the beginning of the project, several of us realized that there was a need to come u sGYO2XZvoUo-00085-00040360-00041090 with a solution for organizations in the civic sector, so nonprofits, NGOs, internationally, sGYO2XZvoUo-00086-00041090-00041730 and subsequently other types of noncommercial organizations sGYO2XZvoUo-00087-00041730-00042220 to bring some of the benefits of CRM to that sector. sGYO2XZvoUo-00088-00042230-00042990 And we had seen a lot of folks using spreadsheets and paper based solutions sGYO2XZvoUo-00089-00042990-00043510 for keeping track of constituents. And also saw that there was an increasing trend sGYO2XZvoUo-00090-00043510-00044230 for organizations to be distributed, to have virtual staff, not necessarily to have everybody sGYO2XZvoUo-00091-00044240-00044690 in one place where they could get to a file cabinet or a single desktop computer. sGYO2XZvoUo-00092-00044690-00045240 And so the idea of having a we Bbased solution seemed to make sense. sGYO2XZvoUo-00093-00045240-00045880 We were also concerned that a lot of nonprofits were putting a lot sGYO2XZvoUo-00094-00045890-00046450 of their precious revenue resources into really expensive proprietary licensing solutions. sGYO2XZvoUo-00095-00046450-00047060 And it felt to us like there would be a place for an open source tool. sGYO2XZvoUo-00096-00047060-00047440 For those of you who are not familiar with open source as a concept, sGYO2XZvoUo-00097-00047450-00047950 we're not going to spend a lot of time on it, but basically the idea is that anybody sGYO2XZvoUo-00098-00047950-00048540 can have access to the source code. Anybody can take that source code and modify it sGYO2XZvoUo-00099-00048540-00048980 and customize it to do things differently than what it does out of the box, sGYO2XZvoUo-00100-00048980-00049460 and people can share those distributions. sGYO2XZvoUo-00101-00049470-00050100 And so kind of the concept in the nonprofit sector is that if organizations can collaborate sGYO2XZvoUo-00102-00050100-00050550 around the requirements and share resources to help develop solutions sGYO2XZvoUo-00103-00050550-00050930 that really meet their requirements, that's great for the sector overall. sGYO2XZvoUo-00104-00050940-00051860 We also felt like it was a good idea to see about combining those types of information sharing sGYO2XZvoUo-00105-00051860-00052340 that could happen on a website with the actual information about constituents. sGYO2XZvoUo-00106-00052350-00052770 And so CiviCRM from the beginning was integrated into sGYO2XZvoUo-00107-00052770-00053010 two different open source content management systems. sGYO2XZvoUo-00108-00053020-00053450 And you might see the acronym CMS up here and that's what that stands for. sGYO2XZvoUo-00109-00053450-00053950 Again, I think there was a webinar on CMS's pretty recently sGYO2XZvoUo-00110-00053950-00054429 and hopefully people have an idea of what they are. But basically it's kind of the modern way sGYO2XZvoUo-00111-00054429-00054970 to have a website that's dynamic and can be interactive and we don't need to go sGYO2XZvoUo-00112-00054970-00055510 to a website developer and ask them every time you want to add content sGYO2XZvoUo-00113-00055520-00055740 or change what's on your website. sGYO2XZvoUo-00114-00055740-00056440 The CiviCRM team is located in three different countries, U.S., Poland and India. sGYO2XZvoUo-00115-00056440-00057179 The platform is localized and translated into more than 20 languages, and we have volunteer folks sGYO2XZvoUo-00116-00057179-00058029 working on those translations all over the world really, which is really exciting. sGYO2XZvoUo-00117-00058040-00058479 And it means that if you have the need to maintain your constituent information sGYO2XZvoUo-00118-00058479-00059100 in more than one language, that's definitely one benefit that Civi has. sGYO2XZvoUo-00119-00059100-00059829 [Silence] sGYO2XZvoUo-00120-00059840-00060229 Sorry, I skipped a slide here. sGYO2XZvoUo-00121-00060229-00060660 Kami: Sorry, I moved it forward for you. sGYO2XZvoUo-00122-00060660-00061290 Dave: Great. So one of the big benefits that CiviCRM brings to nonprofits sGYO2XZvoUo-00123-00061290-00062190 is the idea that you can have all your data in one place. Before I was working on this project, sGYO2XZvoUo-00124-00062190-00062779 I worked on it at another organization that was offering online fundraising solutions for folks. sGYO2XZvoUo-00125-00062790-00063260 And it was a pretty cool tool and a lot of people liked it and used it. sGYO2XZvoUo-00126-00063260-00063810 But then when they wanted to do a mailing for instance, online mailings for a newsletter, sGYO2XZvoUo-00127-00063810-00064340 they had another place where they had that data. And if they were running events sGYO2XZvoUo-00128-00064340-00064760 then they had another place for that information about people who had registered for events. sGYO2XZvoUo-00129-00064760-00065110 And another spreadsheet where they might be keeping information sGYO2XZvoUo-00130-00065120-00065490 about grants or cases working with clients. sGYO2XZvoUo-00131-00065490-00065970 And one of the things that Civi does that I think is really exciting for this sector sGYO2XZvoUo-00132-00065970-00066430 and really great benefit is that it keeps all that data in one place. sGYO2XZvoUo-00133-00066430-00067140 Knowing that whether somebody's a volunteer, a member, a client, staff person, sGYO2XZvoUo-00134-00067140-00067560 somebody who comes to an event, first of all these people often wear lots of different hats. sGYO2XZvoUo-00135-00067570-00067970 And donors go to events and so do volunteers. sGYO2XZvoUo-00136-00067970-00068580 And being able to see all that and understand when you're looking at a particular constituent, sGYO2XZvoUo-00137-00068580-00068850 all the different ways that they've interacted with your organization sGYO2XZvoUo-00138-00068850-00069580 is a really great benefit and something that CiviCRM offers. sGYO2XZvoUo-00139-00069580-00070190 To illustrate that a little bit more clearly, this is from one of our training sites, sGYO2XZvoUo-00140-00070190-00070630 an example of a home dashboard that you can have in CiviCRM. sGYO2XZvoUo-00141-00070630-00071230 And if you kind of look at it a little bit more closely you can see that you have the ability sGYO2XZvoUo-00142-00071230-00071890 to have information about donations that have been happening on a month-to-month basis. sGYO2XZvoUo-00143-00071890-00072490 If your organization does case management, you can have information about open cases sGYO2XZvoUo-00144-00072500-00072820 for you as a person who is looking at this dashboard. sGYO2XZvoUo-00145-00072820-00073300 And these are just two examples but this dashboard can also include information sGYO2XZvoUo-00146-00073300-00073760 about events that you're running, how your membership campaign is going, sGYO2XZvoUo-00147-00073760-00074250 basically all the different ways that your constituents are interacting. sGYO2XZvoUo-00148-00074260-00074780 And the dashboard is customizable so that the person who is the Development Director sGYO2XZvoUo-00149-00074780-00075070 might want a dashboard that's really focused on donations sGYO2XZvoUo-00150-00075080-00075580 while somebody who's working on running events might want to really be focused on sGYO2XZvoUo-00151-00075580-00076180 how is registration coming for our golf event for instance. sGYO2XZvoUo-00152-00076180-00076540 So you really have the opportunity to have the big picture at the organization level sGYO2XZvoUo-00153-00076550-00077140 by bringing together all these different kinds of data. sGYO2XZvoUo-00154-00077140-00077710 When you're beginning to look at a particular constituent, sGYO2XZvoUo-00155-00077710-00078160 the model is very much constituent centric or contact centric. sGYO2XZvoUo-00156-00078160-00078700 So when you're looking at a constituent you could potentially have information about sGYO2XZvoUo-00157-00078700-00079160 how they've participated in events, when they've given contributions, or whether they have, sGYO2XZvoUo-00158-00079160-00079580 do they have outstanding pledges? Have they received newsletters from you, e-newsletters, sGYO2XZvoUo-00159-00079590-00079980 and what other kinds of meetings, phone calls and other interactions sGYO2XZvoUo-00160-00079980-00080340 you might have had with them? Volunteering episodes, etc. sGYO2XZvoUo-00161-00080350-00081230 In order to see how that might look on a real Civi screen. Here's an example of a Civi screen sGYO2XZvoUo-00162-00081230-00082050 for a particular constituent, a Ms. Jane Black. And we can see that we have her name up there, sGYO2XZvoUo-00163-00082050-00082670 and this area we have a whole bunch of different tabs with little numbers by them. sGYO2XZvoUo-00164-00082670-00083190 And those numbers are basically indicating to us a level of engagement, sGYO2XZvoUo-00165-00083190-00083840 different kinds of engagement that constituent has had with my organization. sGYO2XZvoUo-00166-00083850-00084550 You also get a nice snapshot from a summary point of view of information about them, sGYO2XZvoUo-00167-00084550-00085180 who their employer is, Conservation Corp., or what their position is, sGYO2XZvoUo-00168-00085180-00085700 the ability to store work address, home address, actually as many addresses as you want, sGYO2XZvoUo-00169-00085700-00086220 privacy information, phone number, email, all that kind of information sGYO2XZvoUo-00170-00086220-00086910 and all here sort of in one nice snapshot for you to look at for the client. sGYO2XZvoUo-00171-00086910-00087650 Another benefit that CiviCRM brings to the table, as a solution that's integrated with your website sGYO2XZvoUo-00172-00087660-00088330 with your CMS is the ability to self-service collect information from your constituents. sGYO2XZvoUo-00173-00088330-00089240 This is an example of a user registration page for the International Mountain Biking Association. sGYO2XZvoUo-00174-00089240-00089900 And you can see that we're collecting account information here at the to sGYO2XZvoUo-00175-00089900-00090420 such as user name and email address. But down below there's another part of the form sGYO2XZvoUo-00176-00090420-00090980 that is completely configurable that CiviCRM provides that allows you to collect sGYO2XZvoUo-00177-00090990-00091430 whatever other information you might need about this particular constituent sGYO2XZvoUo-00178-00091430-00091890 who is becoming a user on your website, who's getting ready to interact with your website, sGYO2XZvoUo-00179-00091900-00092520 potentially blog, post content, etc. So the fact that you can do this sGYO2XZvoUo-00180-00092520-00093020 and that the constituent can come back at a later point and keep their information up to date. sGYO2XZvoUo-00181-00093020-00093530 You can prompt them to stay up to date and they can take care of that information sGYO2XZvoUo-00182-00093530-00093960 and make sure that the information that you have for them is accurate. sGYO2XZvoUo-00183-00093960-00094490 It's another benefit that CiviCRM brings to you based on being web based sGYO2XZvoUo-00184-00094490-00095010 and integrated with your CMS. sGYO2XZvoUo-00185-00095010-00095410 One of the nice things about a web-based tool is that it allows us to integrate sGYO2XZvoUo-00186-00095420-00096140 with other web services. And the nice example is that map integration that CiviCRM comes with sGYO2XZvoUo-00187-00096140-00096670 out of the box where you can basically sign up for a free Google or Yahoo map account sGYO2XZvoUo-00188-00096680-00097210 and once you have that, any of the constituents that you have in the database sGYO2XZvoUo-00189-00097210-00097820 are geo-coded and can be displayed on a map. And this is an example sGYO2XZvoUo-00190-00097830-00098350 where I've actually done a quick search for people who are on a particular committee sGYO2XZvoUo-00191-00098350-00098930 and it's returned basically the physical locations of three people that are in San Francisco sGYO2XZvoUo-00192-00098940-00099310 on that committee. And one of the things that allows me to do is figure out sGYO2XZvoUo-00193-00099310-00099620 where we should have a committee meeting, because I can see where each of them are sGYO2XZvoUo-00194-00099620-00100130 and what location might be convenient for them. But there's a lot of other interesting things sGYO2XZvoUo-00195-00100130-00100500 that you can do once you're able to show maps, both for constituents sGYO2XZvoUo-00196-00100510-00101140 as well as things like event locations. sGYO2XZvoUo-00197-00101140-00101660 So now let's start looking quickly at some of the components that are part of Civi sGYO2XZvoUo-00198-00101660-00102060 in a little bit more detail. We have a component called CiviContribute, sGYO2XZvoUo-00199-00102060-00102720 which is focused around fundraising and provides support for recording online and offline donations. sGYO2XZvoUo-00200-00102730-00103280 It includes a wide variety of built-in reports and a configurable dashboard. sGYO2XZvoUo-00201-00103280-00103790 You can use what we call smart groups, which is basically a save search type function sGYO2XZvoUo-00202-00103790-00104650 to be able to pull out lists of people based on giving criteria between giving ranges, sGYO2XZvoUo-00203-00104650-00105200 giving dates, all kinds of different criteria, demographic criteria, etc. sGYO2XZvoUo-00204-00105200-00105580 And then use those smart groups potentially to drive your communications, sGYO2XZvoUo-00205-00105590-00105909 whether email, snail mail, etc. sGYO2XZvoUo-00206-00105909-00106409 There's also a Personal Campaign Page feature which basically allows your constituents sGYO2XZvoUo-00207-00106409-00107130 to become fundraisers on your behalf and set up their own giving portals. sGYO2XZvoUo-00208-00107130-00107440 And Jeff's actually going to talk about that in quite a bit of detail sGYO2XZvoUo-00209-00107440-00107970 because his group uses that feature a lot. sGYO2XZvoUo-00210-00107970-00108630 One of the things that Civi offers we mentioned is this online donation capability. sGYO2XZvoUo-00211-00108640-00109390 And this is an example of a site for Concern Worldwide, which is an organization based sGYO2XZvoUo-00212-00109390-00110030 in Ireland but global, which does fundraising for international crisis situations. sGYO2XZvoUo-00213-00110030-00110880 They used CiviCRM last year to raise more than $2 million dollars for the Haiti earthquake. sGYO2XZvoUo-00214-00110880-00111250 And continue to use Civi for a number of different appeals. sGYO2XZvoUo-00215-00111250-00111780 You can see that on this page, they basically have an invitation to donate sGYO2XZvoUo-00216-00111780-00112309 or to drill down more deeply and learn about a particular appeal and donate at that level. sGYO2XZvoUo-00217-00112309-00112809 Because CiviCRM allows you to offer as many different contribution stages as you want, sGYO2XZvoUo-00218-00112820-00113400 with a point and click interface create them, you can have lots of different campaigns sGYO2XZvoUo-00219-00113400-00113920 and separate contribution pages for them that really are focused on different tasks, sGYO2XZvoUo-00220-00113920-00114420 and different things that your organization is doing. sGYO2XZvoUo-00221-00114430-00115130 A couple of other features, in the online campaign, online contribution page functionality. sGYO2XZvoUo-00222-00115130-00115720 This is a page from the Mozilla Foundation. They have a Drumbeat campaign to raise money sGYO2XZvoUo-00223-00115720-00116270 for the foundation and for Firefox development. And you noticed that one of the things sGYO2XZvoUo-00224-00116270-00116900 that they're featuring upfront is the ability to get a really cool t-shirt, which is an example sGYO2XZvoUo-00225-00116909-00117440 of a thank you gift. And CiviCRM allows you to configure thank-you gifts sGYO2XZvoUo-00226-00117440-00117880 as part of your online contribution or offline contribution functionality sGYO2XZvoUo-00227-00117880-00118240 and set things like contribution levels. sGYO2XZvoUo-00228-00118250-00118740 I'm seeing there's a question about recurring donations, which I will speak to sGYO2XZvoUo-00229-00118740-00119630 because you can actually see on this particular example that the contributors are invited sGYO2XZvoUo-00230-00119640-00120200 to make a one-time or a recurring contribution. That functionality is available sGYO2XZvoUo-00231-00120200-00120580 a bit conditionally depending on what payment processor you use. sGYO2XZvoUo-00232-00120580-00120950 And CiviCRM offers quite a few different plug-in payment processors sGYO2XZvoUo-00233-00120950-00121420 depending upon what's going to make sense for your organization, your contribution volume, sGYO2XZvoUo-00234-00121420-00122059 where you're located, and quite a few other factors. sGYO2XZvoUo-00235-00122070-00122590 I mentioned the idea of Personal Campaign Pages and here's an example of one sGYO2XZvoUo-00236-00122590-00123120 for Creative Commons, which is another CiviCRM user organization. sGYO2XZvoUo-00237-00123120-00123509 And this is one of the board members and founders of Creative Commons, sGYO2XZvoUo-00238-00123509-00124180 Lawrence Lessig, who is prompting folks out in his community to help contribute and support sGYO2XZvoUo-00239-00124180-00124659 the Creative Commons cause. And as you can see, these Personal Campaign Pages sGYO2XZvoUo-00240-00124659-00125259 are kind of cool because they allow each of your fundraising constituents to set a goal. sGYO2XZvoUo-00241-00125270-00125620 There's not one in here but you can also have like an honor list sGYO2XZvoUo-00242-00125620-00126380 that scrolls with the names of folks who have given. And in the back office, sGYO2XZvoUo-00243-00126390-00126900 people who give through a portal like this, the person whose portal it is sGYO2XZvoUo-00244-00126900-00127340 winds up getting what we call soft credit, which is a concept that should be familiar sGYO2XZvoUo-00245-00127340-00127880 with those who are on the development side. So you can see who your really active sGYO2XZvoUo-00246-00127880-00128390 and successful fundraisers are. sGYO2XZvoUo-00247-00128390-00128990 Second key feature or set of functionality in Civi is the events functionality. sGYO2XZvoUo-00248-00128990-00129559 And you have the ability to create as many events as you want and have both the event listings sGYO2XZvoUo-00249-00129559-00130059 and event information pages and online registration integrated sGYO2XZvoUo-00250-00130059-00130330 with your Drupal or Joomla website. sGYO2XZvoUo-00251-00130330-00130870 Participants who come to events who register events become part of your CRM sGYO2XZvoUo-00252-00130870-00131350 and just another piece of information that you have about the constituent. sGYO2XZvoUo-00253-00131350-00131900 It's very easy to figure out either who's coming or who has come to a past event sGYO2XZvoUo-00254-00131910-00132440 and communicate with them via email again or snail mail, or export that information sGYO2XZvoUo-00255-00132440-00133060 to share with other applications or other people. You have the ability to setu sGYO2XZvoUo-00256-00133070-00133620 a simple fee structure for events or a very complex sort of shopping cart like fee structure sGYO2XZvoUo-00257-00133620-00134120 where people can say I want to go to this session and not this session and I want to have lunch sGYO2XZvoUo-00258-00134130-00135130 and I want to have the CV afterwards or whatever. So it's pretty robust set of event functionalities. sGYO2XZvoUo-00259-00135130-00135740 Here's a simple example of an event signup page from the Gay Straight Alliance Network, sGYO2XZvoUo-00260-00135750-00136320 which is another CiviCRM user and they are registering people for a leadership summit. sGYO2XZvoUo-00261-00136320-00136980 Very simple, this is a free event so there is no pricing involved. sGYO2XZvoUo-00262-00136980-00137320 Basically, we're collecting email address and then some additional information sGYO2XZvoUo-00263-00137320-00137790 all of which is configured into CiviCRM as you're creating the event. sGYO2XZvoUo-00264-00137790-00138220 And again, allows you to collect a very rich amount of information sGYO2XZvoUo-00265-00138220-00138850 from your event participants which becomes part of your database. sGYO2XZvoUo-00266-00138850-00139300 Another type of functionality in CiviCRM is the ability to offer memberships sGYO2XZvoUo-00267-00139300-00139940 that have a defined set of benefits and a duration. They may be free; they're generally paid. sGYO2XZvoUo-00268-00139950-00140430 We can support online or offline signup and renewal. sGYO2XZvoUo-00269-00140430-00140960 These memberships that give a self-service functionality is something that is really powerful sGYO2XZvoUo-00270-00140960-00141540 and can help save staff time and resources. You can also use memberships to limit access sGYO2XZvoUo-00271-00141540-00142170 to various pieces of content on your website. So there may be special parts of your website sGYO2XZvoUo-00272-00142170-00142470 that you only want members to see. sGYO2XZvoUo-00273-00142470-00143090 Here's an example of a membership signup, self-service membership sign up form sGYO2XZvoUo-00274-00143100-00143720 for the Aviation Management Association. There are quite a few trade associations using CiviCRM sGYO2XZvoUo-00275-00143720-00144210 because of this membership functionality. You see that you can offer lots sGYO2XZvoUo-00276-00144210-00144580 of different membership levels that may have different pricing, different durations sGYO2XZvoUo-00277-00144590-00145390 based on the type of person or organization that's joining. So again, a really cool feature. sGYO2XZvoUo-00278-00145390-00145840 Members become part of your database just like event participants, just like donors. sGYO2XZvoUo-00279-00145840-00146400 And of course, somebody may be all of the above. sGYO2XZvoUo-00280-00146400-00147220 Civi has a built-in broadcast email functionality called CiviMail, which allows you to do bulk mail sGYO2XZvoUo-00281-00147220-00147690 and e-newsletter type communications directly from your CRM. sGYO2XZvoUo-00282-00147690-00148130 Which of course means that you can use all the information that you've been collecting sGYO2XZvoUo-00283-00148130-00148620 and that we've been talking about to filter and focus your communications sGYO2XZvoUo-00284-00148620-00149130 onto particular segments of your constituents based on people who have come to events, sGYO2XZvoUo-00285-00149140-00149490 money that they've given, who's a member, etc. sGYO2XZvoUo-00286-00149490-00149970 The email tool includes click-through tracking so you can see who's responding sGYO2XZvoUo-00287-00149970-00150580 to various links and prompts that you have in your email campaigns as well as bounce handling. sGYO2XZvoUo-00288-00150590-00151180 And there's again, a self-service via the website, recipients can manage their own subscriptions sGYO2XZvoUo-00289-00151180-00152150 to mailing lists, of course opt-out directly from the mailing if they don't want to receive it anymore. sGYO2XZvoUo-00290-00152150-00152590 So one of the last things that I wanted to mention in terms of functionality sGYO2XZvoUo-00291-00152600-00153360 is the fact of the customizability. And so we have a really wide variety of folks using CiviCRM sGYO2XZvoUo-00292-00153360-00154020 and many of which use it pretty much as it is out of the box. But sometimes there's a need sGYO2XZvoUo-00293-00154020-00154700 to develop very custom workflows, custom aspects of a particular feature set. sGYO2XZvoUo-00294-00154700-00155100 And that's one of the cool things about being an open source project. sGYO2XZvoUo-00295-00155100-00155660 The code is there, if you have in-house development resources or can engage them, sGYO2XZvoUo-00296-00155670-00156230 there's a supportive developer community that can help them figure out the best ways sGYO2XZvoUo-00297-00156230-00156780 to customize the application and make it do special things that you need it to do. sGYO2XZvoUo-00298-00156780-00157290 And this is an example, the Maryland Family Network had some very specific needs sGYO2XZvoUo-00299-00157300-00157860 about setting up training requirements by staff position and center. sGYO2XZvoUo-00300-00157860-00158340 And a very complex registration process for their family support centers. sGYO2XZvoUo-00301-00158350-00159150 And their consultant was able to use Civi and extend Civi very easily to make it support sGYO2XZvoUo-00302-00159150-00159750 their needs. One of the features that they used which is a really powerful part of CiviCRM sGYO2XZvoUo-00303-00159750-00160310 is the ability to create custom fields for pretty much all the kinds of records sGYO2XZvoUo-00304-00160310-00160770 that you have in your database. So this is an example of some custom fields sGYO2XZvoUo-00305-00160770-00161400 that were created for the Maryland Family Network to be able to control various aspects sGYO2XZvoUo-00306-00161400-00161980 of their training registration flow. And I'll just demonstrate here as an example sGYO2XZvoUo-00307-00161990-00162520 of the kind of things that you can do in CiviCRM, pretty much out of the box. sGYO2XZvoUo-00308-00162520-00162780 And setting up custom fields is not actually a developer task. sGYO2XZvoUo-00309-00162790-00163330 It's a point and click administrative task so there's a lot that you can do sGYO2XZvoUo-00310-00163330-00163750 without having an actual engineer involved. sGYO2XZvoUo-00311-00163750-00164520 So that pretty much is your 3000-foot view of the top-level features and functionality of the system. sGYO2XZvoUo-00312-00164530-00165080 There's also a case management component, which we can answer a few questions on later sGYO2XZvoUo-00313-00165080-00165740 if that's important to folks here. And a very simple grants management functionality as well. sGYO2XZvoUo-00314-00165750-00166010 But we've kind of covered the top level here. sGYO2XZvoUo-00315-00166010-00166620 So before I wrap up this part, I just wanted to mention a little bit about the community. sGYO2XZvoUo-00316-00166620-00167370 So Civi has been designed from the beginning to try to meet the needs of a pretty wide variety sGYO2XZvoUo-00317-00167370-00168140 of organizations in the nonprofit sector. And you can see some examples here in the sectors sGYO2XZvoUo-00318-00168140-00168600 within nonprofits range from foundations like the Wikimedia Foundation sGYO2XZvoUo-00319-00168600-00169040 to small community arts organizations like the Wellington Circus Trust, sGYO2XZvoUo-00320-00169040-00169630 human rights organizations like Frontline Defenders, political parties, the New Zealand sGYO2XZvoUo-00321-00169630-00169980 and Australia and Canada Green Party are some examples of that. sGYO2XZvoUo-00322-00169990-00170590 We've seen trade association examples. And more recently, government entities sGYO2XZvoUo-00323-00170590-00171060 such as the New York Senate and the European Union have been using CiviCRM. sGYO2XZvoUo-00324-00171060-00171470 The Senate is using it to keep track of interactions with their constituents. sGYO2XZvoUo-00325-00171470-00172030 There's also a lot of schools and religious organizations, synagogues, churches, sGYO2XZvoUo-00326-00172030-00172600 church based organizations using CiviCRM. So it's a really diverse community sGYO2XZvoUo-00327-00172600-00173320 and the fact that within the Civi interface it's very easy to turn on and off various components. sGYO2XZvoUo-00328-00173320-00173810 And so I showed you a lot of stuff but you can decide that oh, we don't use memberships. sGYO2XZvoUo-00329-00173820-00174720 So basically, you click one particular checkbox and the membership stuff disappears. sGYO2XZvoUo-00330-00174720-00175610 Civi also has been growing quite rapidly. We've got as you can see, almost 400,000 downloads sGYO2XZvoUo-00331-00175610-00175960 since 2006 and that number's probably already obsolete. sGYO2XZvoUo-00332-00175960-00176410 We believe we've got more than 3,500 active installations. sGYO2XZvoUo-00333-00176420-00176910 Again around the world and a really active forum, which is a great way to interact with other people sGYO2XZvoUo-00334-00176910-00177680 in the community, ask questions, answer questions, and it's also a good place to come sGYO2XZvoUo-00335-00177680-00178020 and figure out whether CiviCRM might be good for your organization sGYO2XZvoUo-00336-00178020-00178530 by asking very specific questions. And we'll provide links to this and other resources sGYO2XZvoUo-00337-00178540-00179180 at the end of this session. So with that I think I'm going to turn the mic back to Kami sGYO2XZvoUo-00338-00179180-00179540 and we'll take on the next part of our agenda. sGYO2XZvoUo-00339-00179540-00179950 Kami: Great. Thanks Dave. So many great questions coming through the chat. sGYO2XZvoUo-00340-00179950-00180620 Hopefully you are getting them answered by Donald but we're holding them for the Q&A. sGYO2XZvoUo-00341-00180630-00180970 And perhaps Jeff will answer some questions during this portion. sGYO2XZvoUo-00342-00180970-00181620 So Jeff, we're using your organization, the Foundation for Prader-Willi Research sGYO2XZvoUo-00343-00181620-00182020 as a case study to show folks how it's being used in the field. sGYO2XZvoUo-00344-00182020-00182370 So can you tell us how you're using CiviCRM and some of the benefits sGYO2XZvoUo-00345-00182370-00182590 as well as some of the challenges? sGYO2XZvoUo-00346-00182590-00183050 Jeff: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So we'll talk about, I'll give you a brief introduction to who we are sGYO2XZvoUo-00347-00183060-00183630 and kind of how we raise money. And then we'll get into why we picked it and what we use it for, sGYO2XZvoUo-00348-00183630-00184110 kind of what our fundraising philosophy is, how it's evolved, and then just some advice sGYO2XZvoUo-00349-00184110-00184510 on how to make it work. sGYO2XZvoUo-00350-00184510-00185140 So real briefly here, FPWR, founded in 2003. It's a rare genetic disorder. sGYO2XZvoUo-00351-00185140-00185600 There's millions of them out there. This one happens to afflict my daughter. sGYO2XZvoUo-00352-00185610-00186110 She's the one at the top there with the blonde hair. So it's an organization sGYO2XZvoUo-00353-00186110-00186570 where we're trying to help families and individuals impacted by the disorder. sGYO2XZvoUo-00354-00186570-00187080 And the way we do that is we go out and we raise money and then we manage a research process sGYO2XZvoUo-00355-00187080-00187480 where we give out grants to individual researchers who are doing medical research sGYO2XZvoUo-00356-00187480-00187970 that can find treatments and hopefully, ultimately, some sort of cure for it. sGYO2XZvoUo-00357-00187970-00188640 So we've funded over $1.3 million dollars in projects since we were founded in 2003. sGYO2XZvoUo-00358-00188640-00189090 And here's just kind of a general history of the organization that I've mapped sGYO2XZvoUo-00359-00189100-00189830 to some of the technology milestones that we've run into. I joined in late 2005 sGYO2XZvoUo-00360-00189830-00190590 and starting in kind of 2006 timeframe, we started to really ramp up our fundraising efforts sGYO2XZvoUo-00361-00190600-00191070 and use more technology. So before I joined there was about 10 to 20 donors. sGYO2XZvoUo-00362-00191070-00191580 These were folks that were large contributors. There was no real website. sGYO2XZvoUo-00363-00191580-00191910 There was a very basic brochure wear type of website. There was no online marketing sGYO2XZvoUo-00364-00191920-00192460 being done. There was no donor management system. I came in late 2005 sGYO2XZvoUo-00365-00192460-00192970 and at that point in time we were evaluating different types of web technologies, sGYO2XZvoUo-00366-00192970-00193480 trying to figure out what we were going to do. And we installed a very, very preliminary version sGYO2XZvoUo-00367-00193480-00193970 of a package called Civic Space, which was a combination of a Drupal CMS system, sGYO2XZvoUo-00368-00193980-00194470 coupled with CiviCRM and we didn't really do much with it at the time. sGYO2XZvoUo-00369-00194470-00194800 We kind of installed it and we were trying to figure out where we wanted to go with it sGYO2XZvoUo-00370-00194800-00195170 and we kept the old website up. And decided though that we really needed to expand sGYO2XZvoUo-00371-00195170-00195590 our fundraising effort beyond just a couple of large donors sGYO2XZvoUo-00372-00195600-00195980 and one or two events that were happening within the U.S. sGYO2XZvoUo-00373-00195980-00196670 So in 2006 things kind of got kicked off and there we implemented CiviCRM 1.3. sGYO2XZvoUo-00374-00196680-00196980 There was a module that came with it called CiviContribute, sGYO2XZvoUo-00375-00196980-00197390 which was the online contribution module and that's specifically what we needed sGYO2XZvoUo-00376-00197390-00197910 when we started. That allowed us to, through PayPal Website Payments Pro, take a payment, sGYO2XZvoUo-00377-00197910-00198360 and be able to go out there and have people come back to our website sGYO2XZvoUo-00378-00198370-00198620 and make an online donation. sGYO2XZvoUo-00379-00198620-00199040 So we kicked off some new fundraisers. We had some folks who were parents of children sGYO2XZvoUo-00380-00199040-00199640 with Prader-Willi Syndrome who decided that they wanted to fundraise for us sGYO2XZvoUo-00381-00199640-00200050 and so they ran some fundraisers and we drove those donations back to our website. sGYO2XZvoUo-00382-00200050-00200420 And then we started to kind of think about the whole process of donor management sGYO2XZvoUo-00383-00200420-00200660 and where we wanted to go with it. sGYO2XZvoUo-00384-00200660-00201120 So from 2007 to 2010, things have kind of evolved a little bit. sGYO2XZvoUo-00385-00201120-00201530 We've continued to implement new versions of CiviCRM. And new features have come out sGYO2XZvoUo-00386-00201530-00201930 during that time frame, stuff like CiviEvent, which allowed us to do event registrations, sGYO2XZvoUo-00387-00201930-00202420 the Personal Campaign Page system. We were involved kind of early on sGYO2XZvoUo-00388-00202420-00202770 in helping to try to figure out how that should work. sGYO2XZvoUo-00389-00202770-00203300 We were also trying to evolve our fundraising process. We're an organization that's very virtual. sGYO2XZvoUo-00390-00203300-00203830 We have a very small office in Washington DC but beyond that, most of our folks sGYO2XZvoUo-00391-00203830-00204160 are kind of all over the country. Our board is all over the country. sGYO2XZvoUo-00392-00204170-00204530 We've got now international affiliates in Canada and elsewhere sGYO2XZvoUo-00393-00204530-00205100 and so this is an organization that's doing most of its marketing and most of its fundraising online. sGYO2XZvoUo-00394-00205100-00205480 So how can we leverage technology and how can we also leverage sGYO2XZvoUo-00395-00205480-00206260 some of the new technological trends and online trends to kind of evolve our fundraising process? sGYO2XZvoUo-00396-00206260-00206680 So that's what this next slide is showing you. So we started out with this whole idea, sGYO2XZvoUo-00397-00206690-00207069 and there's some things missing here but catching the big fish, right? sGYO2XZvoUo-00398-00207069-00207600 We're going to have one or two major events. We're going to focus on large contributions. sGYO2XZvoUo-00399-00207600-00207940 We did some golf tournaments, some galas. We still do some of those sGYO2XZvoUo-00400-00207950-00208430 but they're very resource intensive. They take a lot of time and effort to put on. sGYO2XZvoUo-00401-00208430-00208850 You know they raise a decent amount of money, but how do we go beyond that? sGYO2XZvoUo-00402-00208850-00209400 So we started kind of in the 2006, 2007 time frame, expanding into what we would call sGYO2XZvoUo-00403-00209400-00210160 more online events, hosting walks and smaller types of fundraisers across the country. sGYO2XZvoUo-00404-00210160-00210619 And it's getting more of the families involved, hey, we don't need you to host a golf tournament sGYO2XZvoUo-00405-00210630-00211190 or run a gala but can you have a small event in your neighborhood or what not? sGYO2XZvoUo-00406-00211190-00211690 So we might have been raising something in the order of $100,000 to $200,000 dollars sGYO2XZvoUo-00407-00211690-00212260 in the first model. In the second model, we're talking more maybe $30,000 or $40,000 dollars, sGYO2XZvoUo-00408-00212260-00212700 but there was more of them. Now where we've evolved is we want to go mass market. sGYO2XZvoUo-00409-00212710-00213069 So we want to build out these online fundraising pages and want anybody sGYO2XZvoUo-00410-00213069-00213630 to be able to login to our website using our software and be able to setup a fundraising page, sGYO2XZvoUo-00411-00213630-00213990 go out there, share it with their friends across social networks and try to raise money. sGYO2XZvoUo-00412-00213990-00214440 And each fundraiser in this model might only be raising $1,000 or $2,000 dollars. sGYO2XZvoUo-00413-00214440-00215410 But our goal is to get hundreds of these people onto our system. Let's see here. sGYO2XZvoUo-00414-00215410-00215890 So when we started out, why did we pick CiviCRM? Well in the beginning, sGYO2XZvoUo-00415-00215890-00216340 we were pretty small. We didn't have a gigantic budget and we wanted to be able to sGYO2XZvoUo-00416-00216340-00216650 have something that we felt could kind of adapt and grow with us. sGYO2XZvoUo-00417-00216650-00217290 And when you talk about cost it's interesting. We went out there and did the due diligence sGYO2XZvoUo-00418-00217290-00217719 on a lot of the commercial applications out there and lot of these folks wanted sGYO2XZvoUo-00419-00217719-00218380 10, 15, $20,000 dollar setup fees. A lot of these different systems were looking sGYO2XZvoUo-00420-00218380-00219150 to take 4, or 5, or 6% of your gross income, in terms of kind of an online sGYO2XZvoUo-00421-00219150-00219600 or kind of an annual maintenance fee. And they were really looking for organizations sGYO2XZvoUo-00422-00219600-00219960 that were raising at least a million dollars a year. So I'm looking at it thinking, sGYO2XZvoUo-00423-00219969-00220400 "Okay if I'm raising a million dollars a year, I don't really want to pay $30,000 or $40,000 a year sGYO2XZvoUo-00424-00220400-00220930 to some sort of an online system I could probably pay a software developer sGYO2XZvoUo-00425-00220930-00221200 way less than that to maintain what we have. sGYO2XZvoUo-00426-00221200-00221710 So that's kind of, where we've started. The other reason we chose and have stuck with CiviCRM sGYO2XZvoUo-00427-00221710-00222100 over the years is they continue to enhance the product. And the other thing is sGYO2XZvoUo-00428-00222110-00222680 that I would say we've gotten better support out of this platform than we've gotten out of a number sGYO2XZvoUo-00429-00222680-00223050 of other commercial software applications that we've used. sGYO2XZvoUo-00430-00223050-00223490 And I've spent a lot of time in the tech industry and I have to say even on the commercial side, sGYO2XZvoUo-00431-00223490-00224130 in my "non" non-nonprofit experience, the support has just been spectacular. sGYO2XZvoUo-00432-00224130-00224840 So I've had a very good experience with being able to go into the online forums, post a question, sGYO2XZvoUo-00433-00224840-00225240 and within hours get a response. So it's a very helpful response. sGYO2XZvoUo-00434-00225240-00225650 And know that I can look at the roadmap, know what kind of features are coming out, sGYO2XZvoUo-00435-00225650-00226069 that particular type of defects are things that are affecting us, sGYO2XZvoUo-00436-00226069-00226680 we can either A) go and customize and fix right away or we can wait for an upcoming release sGYO2XZvoUo-00437-00226680-00226900 and know that they're going to get fixed. sGYO2XZvoUo-00438-00226900-00227460 The other thing is we are looking for something that does the job but doesn't overwhelm us sGYO2XZvoUo-00439-00227460-00227860 with features and functionality. So we're looking for something that we would say sGYO2XZvoUo-00440-00227860-00228300 is meeting our basic needs and allowing us to kind of expand from there. sGYO2XZvoUo-00441-00228310-00228780 And like I mentioned earlier in terms of customization and cost, sGYO2XZvoUo-00442-00228780-00229250 I would rather spend money on customizing and adapting the software sGYO2XZvoUo-00443-00229250-00229910 than I would on paying an annual license fee and then hoping that the vendor's roadma sGYO2XZvoUo-00444-00229910-00230360 and our roadmap align. sGYO2XZvoUo-00445-00230360-00230810 So what do we use? We've used a bunch of different stuff, but this is the stuff here sGYO2XZvoUo-00446-00230810-00231180 that we've stuck with. We use CiviContribute and then attached to that sGYO2XZvoUo-00447-00231180-00231600 is something called a Personal Campaign Page. So we're able to take a donation online sGYO2XZvoUo-00448-00231610-00232050 and then the beauty of the Personal campaign Page is that we can have individual fundraisers sGYO2XZvoUo-00449-00232050-00232380 have their own page out there and that kind of connects into our system sGYO2XZvoUo-00450-00232380-00232619 so we're collecting that money as well. sGYO2XZvoUo-00451-00232630-00233010 We used to use a tool called CiviMember to manage membershi sGYO2XZvoUo-00452-00233010-00233240 but we've eliminated membership from our organization sGYO2XZvoUo-00453-00233240-00233660 so we don't charge membership fees anymore. But when we were using it, it was great. sGYO2XZvoUo-00454-00233660-00234219 It would allow you to setup different types of memberships. sGYO2XZvoUo-00455-00234219-00234680 You can have lifetimes and annuals and what not. You can set dues that will remind people sGYO2XZvoUo-00456-00234690-00235100 that they need to renew. You can establish permissions and access to various parts sGYO2XZvoUo-00457-00235100-00235730 of your site based on their membership status. So it's a useful module for those that process sGYO2XZvoUo-00458-00235740-00235910 and manage memberships. sGYO2XZvoUo-00459-00235910-00236390 We do use CiviEvent. We used to use it more before the Personal Campaign Page system sGYO2XZvoUo-00460-00236400-00236940 came out. But we still use it to register people for any sort of conference that we have sGYO2XZvoUo-00461-00236940-00237340 or any other type of paid even that we're going to have. sGYO2XZvoUo-00462-00237340-00237860 Then on the donor database side, I mean this is kind of the heart of why you use these tools sGYO2XZvoUo-00463-00237860-00238319 is that you want to be able to track and record donations. We manage all of our contacts sGYO2XZvoUo-00464-00238319-00238869 in here. We do not use our accounting system to manage donors. I know a lot of answers sGYO2XZvoUo-00465-00238880-00239290 came out about using QuickBooks. I know a lot of nonprofits that do that. sGYO2XZvoUo-00466-00239290-00239860 All of our information that comes out of CiviCRM is summarized before it goes into QuickBooks. sGYO2XZvoUo-00467-00239860-00240430 So we don't store individual contact records in our QuickBooks system for donation. sGYO2XZvoUo-00468-00240430-00240930 We go in and we will say online donations total this amount. And that's the number sGYO2XZvoUo-00469-00240930-00241300 that's recorded in our QuickBooks system. And then we handle all the individual contact records sGYO2XZvoUo-00470-00241300-00241619 in our donor database instead. sGYO2XZvoUo-00471-00241619-00242010 Kami: So Jeff I'm going to interrupt because we're running short on time. sGYO2XZvoUo-00472-00242010-00242630 So I wanted to jump ahead to talk about getting started using CiviCRM. sGYO2XZvoUo-00473-00242640-00243030 Did you have any last points you wanted to make before we jump to that? sGYO2XZvoUo-00474-00243030-00243610 Jeff: Yeah I'll finish this slide. And then we use the CiviMail system to do mass mailings. sGYO2XZvoUo-00475-00243610-00243950 And we've actually outsourced that to an external service, sGYO2XZvoUo-00476-00243950-00244330 which I recommend you guys take a look at called CiviSMTP. sGYO2XZvoUo-00477-00244340-00244919 Kami: Thank you so much, sorry for interrupting. So we're going to jump to just one slide ahead sGYO2XZvoUo-00478-00244919-00245300 and talk about because there's so many questions, how do I get started? sGYO2XZvoUo-00479-00245300-00245890 What are the costs? You know, so this is what people are asking about. sGYO2XZvoUo-00480-00245900-00246430 So Dave, can you explain the process of getting started with CiviCRM sGYO2XZvoUo-00481-00246430-00246900 and what do you need to think about beforehand and who should you have involved? sGYO2XZvoUo-00482-00246900-00247500 Dave: Sure. And I'm going to hope Jeff jumps in here a little bit as well since he's the one sGYO2XZvoUo-00483-00247500-00248040 who's had the experiences of actually doing this as opposed to me on the platform side. sGYO2XZvoUo-00484-00248040-00248660 But in terms of what you need physically, you need to have a web server sGYO2XZvoUo-00485-00248660-00249050 or identify a web server that you can use or a hosting provider. sGYO2XZvoUo-00486-00249050-00249660 You will need to have either Drupal or Joomla CMS running on that web server sGYO2XZvoUo-00487-00249660-00250380 before you can install CiviCRM. Then we've got this item here called Prepare Your Data, sGYO2XZvoUo-00488-00250390-00250940 and that's probably the biggest. And no matter what kind of database you're moving into, sGYO2XZvoUo-00489-00250940-00251669 you need to think a lot about data migration and figure out what data you have. Where is it? sGYO2XZvoUo-00490-00251680-00252360 What parts of it do you need? And do data cleaning to hopefully get rid of a lot of garbage sGYO2XZvoUo-00491-00252360-00252810 before you actually move it into a new system like CiviCRM. sGYO2XZvoUo-00492-00252810-00253480 You do need either a volunteer with technical skills, somebody in-house, an IT person sGYO2XZvoUo-00493-00253480-00254040 or hiring a consultant to do the installation. I wouldn't recommend somebody who's sGYO2XZvoUo-00494-00254040-00254510 not technical at all to take that on. That said, we have a lot of smaller organizations sGYO2XZvoUo-00495-00254510-00254840 with volunteers who have done this for them. sGYO2XZvoUo-00496-00254850-00255190 Obviously, a consultant can do that for you as well. sGYO2XZvoUo-00497-00255190-00255880 In terms of the team, you're going to want to be thinking about what you're going to use Civi for sGYO2XZvoUo-00498-00255880-00256560 whether it's membership development, events, case management, and make sure sGYO2XZvoUo-00499-00256560-00257010 that there are folks on your team who have their main expertise in those areas. sGYO2XZvoUo-00500-00257010-00257680 Somebody asked on the chat whether you can actually start with sort of one piece sGYO2XZvoUo-00501-00257690-00258300 of this functionality and then grow and extend that to be used for other parts of your organization. sGYO2XZvoUo-00502-00258300-00258869 We actually really recommend that. You know, figuring out maybe where the biggest need is sGYO2XZvoUo-00503-00258869-00259440 and where you have folks who are really ready to work on some change management with you. sGYO2XZvoUo-00504-00259440-00260069 And bring them into the process and see about getting Civi up and used for one particular area. sGYO2XZvoUo-00505-00260080-00260719 Maybe its events, maybe its the online fundraising piece. And then begin to explore sGYO2XZvoUo-00506-00260719-00261190 how you can use it and expand it in the organization for other kinds of functionality. sGYO2XZvoUo-00507-00261200-00261440 Jeff, do you want to add anything to that? sGYO2XZvoUo-00508-00261440-00261850 Jeff: No. I mean there was a lot of questions floating around about you know, sGYO2XZvoUo-00509-00261850-00262570 what's the nature of this setup? This is a module or an extension to Drupal or Joomla sGYO2XZvoUo-00510-00262570-00263040 and both CMS's call it something different. But you start by having that setu sGYO2XZvoUo-00511-00263050-00263350 and hosted somewhere and then you add this component to it. sGYO2XZvoUo-00512-00263350-00263680 Are there folks that will do that for you? There are, right? sGYO2XZvoUo-00513-00263680-00264220 And there's even hosting companies that will probably do the installation for you as well. sGYO2XZvoUo-00514-00264230-00264650 And when I say installation, they'll likely set up Drupal for you sGYO2XZvoUo-00515-00264650-00265140 and they'll likely install the CiviCRM module. But in terms of configuring it to your needs sGYO2XZvoUo-00516-00265140-00265570 and importing your data, that one I doubt they'll do. sGYO2XZvoUo-00517-00265570-00265930 They might do that as some sort of custom work. But there are other consultants out there sGYO2XZvoUo-00518-00265940-00266460 if you don't have technical resources on staff who can help you with that as well. sGYO2XZvoUo-00519-00266460-00266800 And a lot of that work is non-programming related. sGYO2XZvoUo-00520-00266800-00267220 You don't need to have a programming background to import your data sGYO2XZvoUo-00521-00267220-00267640 and be able to customize CiviCRM from the admin gooey. sGYO2XZvoUo-00522-00267640-00268050 But you have to be fairly technical in the sense that you need to be able to feel comfortable sGYO2XZvoUo-00523-00268050-00268320 you know, being able to manipulate a spreadsheet sGYO2XZvoUo-00524-00268320-00268960 and then import that spreadsheet, map data fields and what not. sGYO2XZvoUo-00525-00268970-00269280 Dave: So the question comes up, what does CiviCRM cost? sGYO2XZvoUo-00526-00269280-00269980 And of course, the software is free, there's no licensing cost. So that's the beginning of it sGYO2XZvoUo-00527-00269980-00270420 but nothing is really free in this world and certainly not in the software world. sGYO2XZvoUo-00528-00270420-00270860 So the answer to that question is difficult. sGYO2XZvoUo-00529-00270860-00271330 When we were discussing this earlier, Jeff compared it to asking what does a car cost sGYO2XZvoUo-00530-00271330-00272010 which I think is a good analogue because it really depends a lot on what you want to do with it, sGYO2XZvoUo-00531-00272020-00272510 how much help you can get from in-house resources and volunteers sGYO2XZvoUo-00532-00272510-00273040 versus paying a consultant. How much data you have, how complex is that data? sGYO2XZvoUo-00533-00273050-00273470 How complex is your organization in terms of the various folks who are going to be using sGYO2XZvoUo-00534-00273470-00273770 the CRM and what they need to be doing with it. sGYO2XZvoUo-00535-00273770-00274230 So really, that's a really tough question to answer. sGYO2XZvoUo-00536-00274240-00274800 And what we say is that you definitely need administrative resources to maintain the data sGYO2XZvoUo-00537-00274800-00275460 and in some way, you need some type of admin resources to manage things like deduplication, sGYO2XZvoUo-00538-00275470-00275900 data import and export, and setting up custom data. sGYO2XZvoUo-00539-00275900-00276370 Many of these are onetime tasks however, and in terms of the people who use this system sGYO2XZvoUo-00540-00276370-00277150 on a day-to-day basis, certainly a little bit of training. There's one really great book out there sGYO2XZvoUo-00541-00277150-00277500 and another one coming soon for people who like to learn that way. sGYO2XZvoUo-00542-00277500-00278170 We have various tutorials, online tutorials on that also can be used, sGYO2XZvoUo-00543-00278170-00278630 as well as live training sessions for folks who learn best that way. sGYO2XZvoUo-00544-00278640-00279240 But training is definitely an important part of this. sGYO2XZvoUo-00545-00279240-00279790 If you don't have folks in-house with some technical abilities to help you think sGYO2XZvoUo-00546-00279790-00280330 about the data structure, customizations that you might need, how to move your data, sGYO2XZvoUo-00547-00280330-00280950 where to host, then that's where you're going to be looking for an IT partner. sGYO2XZvoUo-00548-00280950-00281740 has a really good list of professional service providers. We don't have any interest sGYO2XZvoUo-00549-00281740-00282480 in any of them but they're up there for you to look at and talk to and obviously get references from. sGYO2XZvoUo-00550-00282490-00283100 But selecting a partner is important. And I guess the main thing I would advise people not to do sGYO2XZvoUo-00551-00283100-00283550 is to assume that the person that built their website or designed their logo sGYO2XZvoUo-00552-00283550-00284210 is the same person who would be good to help them installing a CRM, and configuring a CRM sGYO2XZvoUo-00553-00284210-00284430 because those are very different skill sets. sGYO2XZvoUo-00554-00284430-00284940 Hopefully you can find somebody who has experience with open source sGYO2XZvoUo-00555-00284950-00285460 and experience with CiviCRM. And they can show you and tell you about other organizations sGYO2XZvoUo-00556-00285460-00286010 they have helped and hopefully those are organizations that have some similar use cases sGYO2XZvoUo-00557-00286010-00286600 and structure to yours. And you'll want to ask them, if you think you might need sGYO2XZvoUo-00558-00286600-00287030 some customization, you'll want to talk to them about how they go about customizing sGYO2XZvoUo-00559-00287030-00287450 the platform. Because there are definitely best practices for doing that sGYO2XZvoUo-00560-00287460-00287930 where you're not creating upgrading problems for you in the future. sGYO2XZvoUo-00561-00287930-00288630 And that should be something they have a very clear answer to if you ask them that question. sGYO2XZvoUo-00562-00288630-00289150 Next steps for those of you who are just sort of getting engaged, sGYO2XZvoUo-00563-00289150-00289610 there is a really awesome free book online called Understanding CiviCRM sGYO2XZvoUo-00564-00289610-00290030 that kind of takes you from the top level in terms of what the pieces are and what do they do. sGYO2XZvoUo-00565-00290030-00290630 And who's using them down into a lot of details about configuration and everyday tasks. sGYO2XZvoUo-00566-00290640-00291150 We have a public demo, which you are free to play with and try stuff out, sGYO2XZvoUo-00567-00291150-00291720 and that's another good way to sort of get your hands in. Talking to other people on the forums, sGYO2XZvoUo-00568-00291720-00292330 at local meet ups, find out how they're using it, what's working for them, what's not. sGYO2XZvoUo-00569-00292330-00292790 Potentially a consultant, as well as installing a test system of your own sGYO2XZvoUo-00570-00292790-00293330 and bringing in some of your data and seeing how that works for you. sGYO2XZvoUo-00571-00293330-00293760 And with that I'm going to turn it back to Kami for Q&A. sGYO2XZvoUo-00572-00293760-00294120 Kami: Exactly, there's been a ton of questions and I'm so thankful to have sGYO2XZvoUo-00573-00294130-00294820 Donald answering questions rapidly and then Elliot for pulling them so I can sort through them. sGYO2XZvoUo-00574-00294820-00295370 So you've done a great job of giving us an overview for what we need to get it setup. sGYO2XZvoUo-00575-00295370-00296030 So most likely people will need to have somebody set it up for them who has that expertise sGYO2XZvoUo-00576-00296040-00296730 and that means hiring a consultant. What in general do they charge for this service? sGYO2XZvoUo-00577-00296730-00297160 Can you give us a ballpark? sGYO2XZvoUo-00578-00297170-00297650 Dave: Jeff do you have an idea from your experiences what you've seen? sGYO2XZvoUo-00579-00297650-00298030 Jeff: I set it up for my own organization. You know, I don't really know the answer to that. sGYO2XZvoUo-00580-00298030-00298570 We moved one organization that we're affiliated with to a company called Springs Hosting sGYO2XZvoUo-00581-00298570-00299030 in Colorado Springs, and they set it up for us for free in exchange for a contract. sGYO2XZvoUo-00582-00299030-00299710 And when I say set it up, I mean obviously it was a shared system so they had to install sGYO2XZvoUo-00583-00299710-00300130 all the modules themselves and get everything kind of ready and configured for us sGYO2XZvoUo-00584-00300140-00300430 to go in and customize it on the website. sGYO2XZvoUo-00585-00300430-00301010 But I really don't have a number for you. I think some of these hosting companies sGYO2XZvoUo-00586-00301010-00301750 have either automated it, or would probably give you the ability to do it yourself sGYO2XZvoUo-00587-00301760-00302140 or might even do it for you as long as it's straightforward enough. sGYO2XZvoUo-00588-00302140-00302500 Kami: It's good for people to make a couple phone calls and get some quotes. sGYO2XZvoUo-00589-00302500-00302680 Jeff: I would think so. Yeah. sGYO2XZvoUo-00590-00302690-00303250 Dave: The one thing that I have heard is I've heard quotes on the data migration piece sGYO2XZvoUo-00591-00303250-00303820 ranging from $2,000 and up, depending on the size and complexity of the data. sGYO2XZvoUo-00592-00303820-00304340 And that's partly one of the biggest parts of the task is having someone look at the data sGYO2XZvoUo-00593-00304340-00304790 that you have in one or many, many places, figuring out what you need sGYO2XZvoUo-00594-00304800-00305310 in terms of custom fields and then actually getting that data cleaned up and moved. sGYO2XZvoUo-00595-00305310-00305920 And there are folks out there on our professional services list here who actually specialize in that sGYO2XZvoUo-00596-00305930-00307000 and it can be definitely something in your budget. I would say if you don't have the resources sGYO2XZvoUo-00597-00307000-00307540 to do that in-house, I would be looking at least $2,000 to $3,000 dollars if not more for that. sGYO2XZvoUo-00598-00307540-00307920 Jeff: And it depends on the state of your data. I mean we skipped this slide in the presentation sGYO2XZvoUo-00599-00307930-00308350 but getting your data in a very good and organized and accurate state sGYO2XZvoUo-00600-00308350-00308710 before you dump it into CiviCRM is a smart idea. sGYO2XZvoUo-00601-00308710-00308990 You know it really doesn't matter what system you would use. sGYO2XZvoUo-00602-00308990-00309500 You know, dumping inaccurate or disorganized data in there isn't going to help you. sGYO2XZvoUo-00603-00309500-00310050 So number one, getting your information organized and set. sGYO2XZvoUo-00604-00310050-00310430 I would do as much of that as you can yourself because that's just spreadsheet work sGYO2XZvoUo-00605-00310440-00310860 before you hire the resource to import it. sGYO2XZvoUo-00606-00310860-00311250 Kami: I was trying to pull up that slide that you were referring to. Plus everyone, sGYO2XZvoUo-00607-00311250-00311840 you will get this PowerPoint later today. So another question that came u sGYO2XZvoUo-00608-00311840-00312300 about a dedicated employee, and I know we skipped over the best practices sGYO2XZvoUo-00609-00312300-00312700 for maintaining your data, but this goes for any database. sGYO2XZvoUo-00610-00312700-00313030 Do you need to have a dedicated employee or what would you recommend sGYO2XZvoUo-00611-00313030-00313410 for keeping your data organized and current? sGYO2XZvoUo-00612-00313420-00313990 Jeff: I think you need an organized process. And depending on how big and complicated sGYO2XZvoUo-00613-00313990-00314490 your company is or how many donors or records you have in your database, sGYO2XZvoUo-00614-00314490-00314730 that might dictate whether it's a fulltime job or not. sGYO2XZvoUo-00615-00314730-00315410 Our problem was even when we had 50 people, and that's not 50 employees, 50 donors, right, sGYO2XZvoUo-00616-00315410-00316210 when I came around, the processes were bad enough you know, where it wasn't working for us. sGYO2XZvoUo-00617-00316210-00316580 So first and foremost, whether it's a part-time job or not, you need to have sGYO2XZvoUo-00618-00316590-00317120 a very organized process. And what I mean by that is how do you maintain this information? sGYO2XZvoUo-00619-00317120-00317480 Where does it source from? If somebody's going to fundraise from you sGYO2XZvoUo-00620-00317480-00317760 and they're going to send you a bunch of checks in the mail, sGYO2XZvoUo-00621-00317760-00318110 do you have the right information to be able to record that donor into your database? sGYO2XZvoUo-00622-00318110-00318460 How often are you refreshing that information? sGYO2XZvoUo-00623-00318460-00318950 You need to understand what Civi does to your data right? So when somebody logs in sGYO2XZvoUo-00624-00318960-00319490 and creates another donation, how that record gets updated. You need to understand sGYO2XZvoUo-00625-00319490-00319880 how that works. So it's just understanding all those pieces and making them work out. sGYO2XZvoUo-00626-00319890-00320370 And then for our organization, Foundation for Prader-Willi Research, sGYO2XZvoUo-00627-00320370-00321120 we have 5,000 solid donor records. And we do not need a fulltime staff person to maintain those. sGYO2XZvoUo-00628-00321130-00321500 But you know, every so often, we will bring in additional resources sGYO2XZvoUo-00629-00321500-00321870 and we will go through a process where we will have to contact and try to clean u sGYO2XZvoUo-00630-00321870-00322250 and just update and refresh that data. sGYO2XZvoUo-00631-00322250-00322870 Kami: Let's skip to a question regarding security and a concern about hosting data online. sGYO2XZvoUo-00632-00322880-00323310 So can you talk a little bit about the risks or if there are risks associated sGYO2XZvoUo-00633-00323310-00323570 with hosting your data online? sGYO2XZvoUo-00634-00323570-00324240 Dave: I would say that there are security risks for data no matter where you have it, sGYO2XZvoUo-00635-00324240-00324880 whether you have it on a single desktop, in a spreadsheet or an Access database, sGYO2XZvoUo-00636-00324890-00325480 or whether you have it online. Again, it's really a matter of processes. sGYO2XZvoUo-00637-00325480-00326190 If you've got it on a desktop, you have the risk of the data not being backed up. sGYO2XZvoUo-00638-00326190-00326980 You have the risk of somebody having access to that computer and exporting the data sGYO2XZvoUo-00639-00326980-00327520 and doing things with it that you don't want them to do. You have the risk of a person sGYO2XZvoUo-00640-00327520-00328030 whose computer it is getting hit by a bus and nobody knows how to log into the computer. sGYO2XZvoUo-00641-00328040-00328530 So I think the risks that you have online and offline, they are somewhat different sGYO2XZvoUo-00642-00328530-00329000 but it really has to do with making sure that you have processes in terms of sGYO2XZvoUo-00643-00329000-00329440 either you or your hosting provider is doing the right kind of backups, sGYO2XZvoUo-00644-00329450-00330120 is maintaining the latest versions of the operating system, the web server, sGYO2XZvoUo-00645-00330120-00330720 the database manager and both CiviCRM and your content manager. sGYO2XZvoUo-00646-00330730-00331290 So those are best practices that help guarantee that you have a secure setup. sGYO2XZvoUo-00647-00331290-00331960 And I do think that the risks are in some ways quite comparable but just a bit different sGYO2XZvoUo-00648-00331960-00332310 and it's a matter of making sure that you follow good procedures. sGYO2XZvoUo-00649-00332310-00332730 Jeff: Dave, I think you're right because I think whether it's online or offline sGYO2XZvoUo-00650-00332730-00333180 isn't really it. It's whether you're storing it in some sort of distributive fashion sGYO2XZvoUo-00651-00333190-00333850 or you're storing it kind of in some sort of file. We have one organization who had that concern. sGYO2XZvoUo-00652-00333850-00334390 The moving data to CiviCRM, which would be in kind of a hosted database format, sGYO2XZvoUo-00653-00334390-00334720 was going to be less secure than keeping it in Microsoft Access. sGYO2XZvoUo-00654-00334720-00335120 But this is the same organization that stuck their Access database up in one location sGYO2XZvoUo-00655-00335120-00335680 and then gave everybody file share access to it because they needed multiple users to access it. sGYO2XZvoUo-00656-00335680-00336330 And to me that's less secure and a little bit more stressful than the other model. sGYO2XZvoUo-00657-00336340-00336990 So it's important to know that regardless of how you're storing your information sGYO2XZvoUo-00658-00336990-00337420 there's pros and cons of doing that, you just need to make sure that you're doing it the right way. sGYO2XZvoUo-00659-00337420-00337780 Kami: Well this has been a great presentation and obviously we could continue sGYO2XZvoUo-00660-00337780-00338440 for another half hour at least, if not an hour. But I posted this resource slide for you guys to see sGYO2XZvoUo-00661-00338450-00338860 that there are some links to explore once you get this presentation. sGYO2XZvoUo-00662-00338860-00339570 The book that Dave had mentioned is right here. So also wanted to let you know sGYO2XZvoUo-00663-00339580-00340110 that if your questions haven't been answered, please post those to our community forums. sGYO2XZvoUo-00664-00340110-00340540 I'm going to send a link out to everyone right now where you can post those questions. sGYO2XZvoUo-00665-00340550-00341440 The next webinar we're offering is December 9 on Winning Grants. I'll be sending you a link sGYO2XZvoUo-00666-00341440-00341800 to that as well in the post event message. And we'd like to thank ReadyTalk sGYO2XZvoUo-00667-00341800-00342370 for sponsoring this webinar series. For everyone, thank you so much for attending today's webinar. sGYO2XZvoUo-00668-00342380-00342690 It's been a ton of great information. I hope your questions were answered. sGYO2XZvoUo-00669-00342690-00343230 Again, post additional questions to the forums if you didn't get them answered sGYO2XZvoUo-00670-00343230-00343540 and watch for an email from me this afternoon with more information. sGYO2XZvoUo-00671-00343550-00343920 So Dave and Jeff, thank you so much. This has been really helpful and really interesting, sGYO2XZvoUo-00672-00343920-00344450 obviously stimulated a lot of questions. So thanks again. sGYO2XZvoUo-00673-00344460-00344640 Jeff: You're welcome. sGYO2XZvoUo-00674-00344640-00344960 Dave: Yes, you're definitely welcome and thanks everybody for your participation sGYO2XZvoUo-00675-00344970-00345210 and all the great questions. sGYO2XZvoUo-00676-00345210-00345420 Kami: Wonderful. So thanks all, have a great day. sGYO2XZvoUo-00677-00345420-00345570 Jeff: Thanks. sGYO2XZvoUo-00678-00345570-00345870 Kami: Bye-bye. sHACiSYeB30-00000-00000006-00000666 chess friends welcome to my YouTube channel today I played with Alpha zero with black pieces some sHACiSYeB30-00001-00000666-00001224 of you think that stockfish's black pieces can't defeat Alpha zero well I will eat him in my lunch sHACiSYeB30-00002-00001224-00002214 Burger so let's go he started with D4 we have D5 C4 I played C6 in the opening of slav Defense sHACiSYeB30-00003-00002214-00002970 I always prefer you to play Modern Line like E3 Knight here Knight F3 or Bishop on this line but sHACiSYeB30-00004-00002970-00003756 here Alpha zero chooses to play C takes D5 okay I played C takes D5 Bishop comes to F4 we have sHACiSYeB30-00005-00003756-00004518 Knight F6 D3 by Alpha Queen comes to be six the queen is targeting the pawn many of you play Queen sHACiSYeB30-00006-00004518-00005256 B3 thinking after Queen takes porn takes the Rook gets open file but the problem is that you doubled sHACiSYeB30-00007-00005256-00006000 up your pawns so in this position playing Queen C2 or C1 is little bad because the Rook will get sHACiSYeB30-00008-00006000-00006738 active on C file and black will create pressure to the queen side so we have Knight to C3 sacrificing sHACiSYeB30-00009-00006738-00007470 a pawn queen takes B2 Bishop goes to B5 for a check Knight comes to C6 Knight develops on E2 sHACiSYeB30-00010-00007470-00008256 can you create pressure to the Knight by playing Knight E4 no because of Knight takes D5 then it sHACiSYeB30-00011-00008256-00008832 will be a tricky position for black for the night so I developed my Bishop snipering on the B1 sHACiSYeB30-00012-00008832-00009564 Square so The Rook can't get it he played Castle we have A6 Bishop back to A4 he is threatening to sHACiSYeB30-00013-00009564-00010368 play G4 if Bishop backs then Rook to B1 Queen to A3 then Rook B3 will be cruel because every square sHACiSYeB30-00014-00010368-00011052 of the queen is covered by somebody and after G4 if he play Bishop to G6 then push the pawn after sHACiSYeB30-00015-00011052-00011808 Bishop takes Knight takes Knight takes Knight then Rook B1 Queen here Rook takes Pawn black Position sHACiSYeB30-00016-00011808-00012312 will be totally cramped the Knight is pinned to the night Queen will arrive to create pressure sHACiSYeB30-00017-00012312-00012894 to the night and Rook on the seven will freeze the seventh rank so in this position I played sHACiSYeB30-00018-00012894-00013578 B5 targeting this agent and shockingly Alpha played G4 both of secret agents holding guns to sHACiSYeB30-00019-00013578-00014208 each other I already told you why the bishop can't run back or go to the G6 home because of Rook B1 sHACiSYeB30-00020-00014208-00014934 if I shoot the bishop then Pawn takes Bishop Queen here Knight takes the queen is totally occupied by sHACiSYeB30-00021-00014934-00015552 white black do no have enough pieces to control Queen side so back to the position I shocked sHACiSYeB30-00022-00015552-00016200 Alpha Zero by playing G5 very good move another agent comes to Target the agent who targeted my sHACiSYeB30-00023-00016200-00016806 agent let's see what will happen if you shoot the dark Square Bishop then Pawn takes Bishop sHACiSYeB30-00024-00016806-00017520 Rook here Queen here Rook B3 the queen will get an escaped place so in this position if he move sHACiSYeB30-00025-00017520-00018168 back his Bishop then Bishop takes porn King's structure will be damaged so he played Bishop to sHACiSYeB30-00026-00018168-00018990 E5 targeting the Knight to The Rook Bishop takes porn we have F3 Bishop ax Bishop back to B3 Rook sHACiSYeB30-00027-00018990-00019728 slides to C8 we have Bishop takes F6 Pawn takes Bishop Knight takes D5 targeting on this Pawn sHACiSYeB30-00028-00019728-00020364 playing Bishop to G7 such a bad move because Bishop on this diagonal is nutshell FF double sHACiSYeB30-00029-00020364-00021156 pawns and Bishop so I played King C8 best move he played Rook F2 threatening to play Rook here sHACiSYeB30-00030-00021156-00021858 targeting the queen and the bishop at the same time so we have Queen back to A3 Knight takes F6 sHACiSYeB30-00031-00021858-00022770 Bishop to G7 Knight back to H5 Bishop Retreats f8 Knight back to G3 Bishop back to D7 Knight jumps sHACiSYeB30-00032-00022770-00023352 into E4 I mean Alpha rotates his Knight all the way as a zigzag puzzle the Knight is very tricky sHACiSYeB30-00033-00023352-00023916 in chess game you should know all the pattern of an movement the Knight gets a center position and sHACiSYeB30-00034-00023916-00024576 he is threatening to play Knight takes porn push the d-pawn to D6 to get D4 Square for the queen to sHACiSYeB30-00035-00024576-00025122 Target The Rook bring your Rook to create pressure to the D file and you know what you should not sHACiSYeB30-00036-00025122-00025722 move your e-pawn because it's your flexible King side structure if the e-pawn gets moved then it sHACiSYeB30-00037-00025722-00026345 will create a bad position for you so never push your flexible Pawn structure as known as key pawn sHACiSYeB30-00038-00026345-00027066 move your king into the safe place so I played H6 Knight goes to G3 another Knight is ready sHACiSYeB30-00039-00027066-00027858 to go there Knight to A5 Knight C5 Bishop takes Knight Pawn takes Knight white gets open file and sHACiSYeB30-00040-00027858-00028427 D4 Square to Target this and bring your Rook to Target this you can also triple up your battery sHACiSYeB30-00041-00028427-00029250 so we have Queen takes C5 Knight comes to E4 Queen back to B6 Queen up to D5 Alpha is threatening to sHACiSYeB30-00042-00029250-00029826 play Rook here to Target this Rook fd2 is a Potential Threat so we have Rook to E8 which sHACiSYeB30-00043-00029826-00030486 is the best move try to protect him like this and Alpha gets a chance to play Knight D6 as a 500 Lo sHACiSYeB30-00044-00030486-00031188 blunder he forked me up two rocks and if you think Rook what about Rook C5 targeting the queen before sHACiSYeB30-00045-00031188-00032016 he captures The Rook but it will not help after this queen D4 Rook E7 Queen to F6 pinning the rook sHACiSYeB30-00046-00032016-00032664 and he wants to play Knight takes King here then you will lose your rook and after Knight takes if sHACiSYeB30-00047-00032664-00033360 King here then Queen h8 will be checkmated game will be over so back to the position we have Rook sHACiSYeB30-00048-00033360-00034182 up to E7 Knight takes Rook King takes C8 Rook to D1 Queen takes E3 Bishop to C2 Knight on B7 sHACiSYeB30-00049-00034182-00034914 Bishop to F5 targeting on the bishop so I have to capture the bishop Queen takes Bishop check sHACiSYeB30-00050-00034914-00035718 the king is exposed no pawns to help King up to C7 Queen here targeting on the A6 Pawn Knight to sHACiSYeB30-00051-00035718-00036862 C5 King to G2 King slide zombie 7 Rook slides to C2 we have roxy7 Rook on C1 A5 King H1 A4 [Music] sHACiSYeB30-00052-00039594-00040036 foreign [Music] sHACiSYeB30-00053-00042714-00042738 foreign sHACiSYeB30-00054-00044216-00044316 [Music] sHACiSYeB30-00055-00044316-00045090 wish you all the best thanks for watching subscribe for more bye bye take care see you soon sHEfzmb4evI-00000-00002752-00003614 sIwWXA3iDwg-00000-00000032-00000400 hey fam welcome back to i love me me so for those of you who are finding my channel for the very sIwWXA3iDwg-00001-00000400-00000888 first time my name is marshawn and i'm a life and relationship strategist i help men and women sIwWXA3iDwg-00002-00000888-00001560 alike create the relationship that they so want me and deserve by giving them simple tips and tools sIwWXA3iDwg-00003-00001560-00002080 and strategies to implement into their life so they can create that happy romantic relationship sIwWXA3iDwg-00004-00002080-00002928 so now y'all we have a juicy topic today um we're going to talk about mgtow and that is actually an sIwWXA3iDwg-00005-00002928-00003944 acronym standing for men going their own way all right yes you heard me men going their own way sIwWXA3iDwg-00006-00003944-00004544 and and i have to say before we even get into the juiciness i was introduced to this group of men sIwWXA3iDwg-00007-00004544-00005272 by my most popular youtube video where i'm talking about the places to find um to find good men good sIwWXA3iDwg-00008-00005272-00006104 quality men and unfortunately i was introduced to this group of men in a negative light uh so i had sIwWXA3iDwg-00009-00006104-00006464 at least two to three men get on my channel from this particular group they're using sIwWXA3iDwg-00010-00006544-00007016 mgtow which is mean going their own way they're just using the you know the letters sIwWXA3iDwg-00011-00007016-00007631 for right and um i was reading what they were saying and all of this stuff was just sIwWXA3iDwg-00012-00007631-00008128 basically cruel and threatening me and telling me i don't know what i'm talking about and they sIwWXA3iDwg-00013-00008128-00008656 just going ham on me on my most popular video i have i had at least like i said two or three of sIwWXA3iDwg-00014-00008656-00009112 them come to me going ham talking i don't know what i'm talking about i'm ugly i'm overweight sIwWXA3iDwg-00015-00009176-00009952 uh what else was they saying uh you know just just a lot of stuff a lot of a lot of negative sIwWXA3iDwg-00016-00009952-00010496 mean stuff and then uh one day i had nothing to do so i was going back and forth with one sIwWXA3iDwg-00017-00010496-00011096 of them one day and uh i just had nothing to do so i was like i i got your time today so sIwWXA3iDwg-00018-00011096-00011544 let me give you what you want and we was going back and forth and and long story short sIwWXA3iDwg-00019-00011544-00012096 it ended up shutting him down because he was saying how he's not going to give me the dick sIwWXA3iDwg-00020-00012152-00012440 did i ask for it you don't even have your picture up i don't even know what you look sIwWXA3iDwg-00021-00012440-00012863 like so not looking for your dick and then i told him that i'm looking for my husband's dick anyway sIwWXA3iDwg-00022-00012968-00013519 and uh and i was cracking up the whole time that i responded to him because i'm like this is sIwWXA3iDwg-00023-00013519-00014384 this is way ridiculous but as i dug deep into this topic into this very um culture of straight sIwWXA3iDwg-00024-00014384-00014936 men that are going their own way meaning that they're getting rid of the women i found that uh sIwWXA3iDwg-00025-00014936-00015416 i'm jumping ahead but i want to say this i found that a lot of the men that are jumping into this i sIwWXA3iDwg-00026-00015416-00015904 don't want to say jumping in but maybe it's just a trend or maybe they really are swearing off women sIwWXA3iDwg-00027-00015904-00016648 just completely and what i'm what i'm getting at is a lot of the men were hurt by women so it made sIwWXA3iDwg-00028-00016648-00017448 to wrap all of that around it made a hundred and a thousand percent uh uh um it made sense sIwWXA3iDwg-00029-00017448-00017856 that they were going ham on me because they just mad at women it just don't it don't matter your sIwWXA3iDwg-00030-00017856-00018312 ethnicity it don't matter nothing about you if you don't have a hanging opinion which is what sIwWXA3iDwg-00031-00018312-00018888 i refer to as the male the male hanging right so if you don't have a hanging appendage then sIwWXA3iDwg-00032-00018952-00019784 they mad at you okay now you know what we're gonna come back and talk about it right after this sIwWXA3iDwg-00033-00020504-00020912 all right fam thanks so much for coming back so again we're talking about mig toe and that is just sIwWXA3iDwg-00034-00020912-00021768 the pronunciation of the acronym men going their own way and i found they actually have a website sIwWXA3iDwg-00035-00021768-00022352 so i went to their website because i need to see what y'all talking about what sIwWXA3iDwg-00036-00022352-00022824 this is all about what this acronym is all about so i'm just going to read it to you sIwWXA3iDwg-00037-00022824-00023528 mgtow which stands for men going their own way is a statement of self-ownership where the modern man sIwWXA3iDwg-00038-00023528-00024192 preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else it is the manifestation of one word sIwWXA3iDwg-00039-00024248-00024888 no ejecting silly preconceptions and cultural definitions of what a man is sIwWXA3iDwg-00040-00024888-00025632 looking to no one else for social clues refusing to bow serve and kneel for the opportunity to be sIwWXA3iDwg-00041-00025632-00026368 treated like a disposable utility and living according to his own best interest in a world sIwWXA3iDwg-00042-00026368-00027264 which would rather he didn't in other words dot dot dot common sense for men all right so that's sIwWXA3iDwg-00043-00027264-00027832 their definition of it i got it from their actual website and then i found another definition of it sIwWXA3iDwg-00044-00027832-00028304 this one i have to say is a bit more raunchy but i'm to read it the way that it has it so just if sIwWXA3iDwg-00045-00028304-00028736 you don't want to hear any curse words then you fast forward this part um because they have some sIwWXA3iDwg-00046-00028736-00029376 in there so now this is from the urban dictionary so from mgtow again men going sIwWXA3iDwg-00047-00029376-00029976 their own way is males that choose to control their life on how they see fit and don't take sIwWXA3iDwg-00048-00029976-00030664 [ __ ] from women or the corrupt society since both are filled with evil pricks like feminists sIwWXA3iDwg-00049-00030792-00031520 this this definition they mad men who also don't give women money because they know that those bees sIwWXA3iDwg-00050-00031520-00032120 i'm not gonna say that word will abuse them for the chatter in their wallet men who also realize sIwWXA3iDwg-00051-00032120-00032736 that marriage is a contract that favors women during divorce courts and children's custody sIwWXA3iDwg-00052-00032736-00033464 men that men that have knowledge of the toxicness of the female nature and then they have like a sIwWXA3iDwg-00053-00033464-00034048 little um dialogue there's only two sentences so they send the guy the guy is saying this you sIwWXA3iDwg-00054-00034048-00034768 should get a girlfriend and then the mgtow guy is saying to the other guy [ __ ] that i ain't gonna sIwWXA3iDwg-00055-00034768-00035688 let up b take all my [ __ ] just to get a little p uss last letter so i'm like okay this this one was sIwWXA3iDwg-00056-00035776-00036320 they mad on this one um but as i was digging deeper into the community of course sIwWXA3iDwg-00057-00036320-00037216 every community has some uh extremists in it and this community is no different and so when i dug sIwWXA3iDwg-00058-00037216-00037984 a lot deeper into it i came across this article um and it's by was the news channel on here sIwWXA3iDwg-00059-00038096-00038456 i don't see the news channel's name i wanted to pay homage to it because sIwWXA3iDwg-00060-00038456-00039032 they really broke it down now if you are a part of the mgtow migto community and i sIwWXA3iDwg-00061-00039032-00039536 am saying something wrong i am all about education however don't be coming for me sIwWXA3iDwg-00062-00039624-00040176 because if you come for me you will get blocked i i don't have time to play your games okay now um sIwWXA3iDwg-00063-00040176-00040912 also i want to say that the only reason why i did this video is because one of my subscribers is a sIwWXA3iDwg-00064-00040912-00041720 part of this community but he has never been rude or disrespectful towards me and he is an actual um sIwWXA3iDwg-00065-00041832-00042280 he comes back all the time what's the word i'm looking for he is a repeats client okay that's sIwWXA3iDwg-00066-00042280-00042880 the way i'm gonna say it so mr atlanta light thank you for um just being respectful because i know sIwWXA3iDwg-00067-00042880-00043536 that everybody that's in any community everybody's not the same right so there is a stereotype but sIwWXA3iDwg-00068-00043536-00044024 i will say i'm only doing this because you asked me multiple times you even reminded me to do the sIwWXA3iDwg-00069-00044024-00044528 video i told you i was not going to forget i just needed to do some more research about it because i sIwWXA3iDwg-00070-00044528-00045216 knew this little and then when i got introduced to it it was nice okay so with that being said sIwWXA3iDwg-00071-00045216-00045752 um the one main article that i'm gonna take most of the stuff from i'm not gonna lie is the news sIwWXA3iDwg-00072-00045752-00046416 article and i just can't pay homage to the news station because it just says so maybe sIwWXA3iDwg-00073-00046416-00047240 that is it anywho so uh i want you guys to understand that there is basically you cannot sIwWXA3iDwg-00074-00047240-00047728 just say that you are part of this community you can't just go around and say that you are a mgtow sIwWXA3iDwg-00075-00047728-00048200 right and that's the way that the um acronym is pronounced i actually did look that up um but sIwWXA3iDwg-00076-00048200-00048912 obviously if i'm saying it wrong let a sister know i will correct it okay anywho so um there are four sIwWXA3iDwg-00077-00048912-00049640 levels to the mig toe all right so level zero is situational awareness and this is a member sIwWXA3iDwg-00078-00049640-00050152 that has taken the red pill oh i forgot to mention that they make um references to the matrix all the sIwWXA3iDwg-00079-00050152-00050584 time so the red if i see it i was i'm taking too much time trying to find this so if i do sIwWXA3iDwg-00080-00050664-00051096 remember where i found this from i know that they're talking about the the um the movie the sIwWXA3iDwg-00081-00051096-00051616 matrix and they're making reference to the matrix on the blue pill and the red pill and i think if sIwWXA3iDwg-00082-00051616-00052112 you take the red pill you wake up i haven't seen the matrix in so long so again you can correct sIwWXA3iDwg-00083-00052112-00052600 me i'm good on being corrected i'm good with that but let me go back so we'll understand so they're sIwWXA3iDwg-00084-00052600-00053112 talking about the blue pill in the real pill okay i'ma start over level zero situational awareness sIwWXA3iDwg-00085-00053112-00053784 the member has taken the red pill and embraces the idea that gender equality is a lie and propaganda sIwWXA3iDwg-00086-00053784-00054464 level one rejection of long-term relationships so this man rejects long-term relationships but sIwWXA3iDwg-00087-00054464-00055367 will still partake in short-term relationships and sexual sexual encounters level two they reject um sIwWXA3iDwg-00088-00055479-00056048 short-term relationships this member will won't participate in hookups or any form of short-term sIwWXA3iDwg-00089-00056048-00056632 or sexual relationship so we get deep into they are cutting off sex i actually did see sIwWXA3iDwg-00090-00056632-00057191 where some of them are actually um saying that they're going back to be being in a state of sIwWXA3iDwg-00091-00057191-00057744 virginity so i just thought that that was very interesting because you really can't do that sIwWXA3iDwg-00092-00057744-00058384 anyway um level three uh let's go with economic disengagement which is a member at this stage sIwWXA3iDwg-00093-00058384-00059016 refuses to earn more money than is necessary for sustaining life he views the government as um sIwWXA3iDwg-00094-00059136-00059736 tyrannico i got yeah yeah that's right tyrannico and is trying to actively drain money from the sIwWXA3iDwg-00095-00059736-00060472 bureaucrats and then lever level four is uh societal disengagement this is as far as a sIwWXA3iDwg-00096-00060472-00061112 mainstream migto can go he um here the man refuses to interact with society altogether sIwWXA3iDwg-00097-00061112-00061600 i even read that this particular one will even cut off the family like you don't want to be sIwWXA3iDwg-00098-00061600-00062255 a part of nobody not just females just period just nobody i'm good i'm good on everybody so um sIwWXA3iDwg-00099-00062472-00063000 few members will ever reach level four which is the disengagement for every single person and sIwWXA3iDwg-00100-00063000-00063432 the majority seem to float between somewhere between the second and third level which is sIwWXA3iDwg-00101-00063432-00063879 um uh the rejection of the short-term relationships and the economic disengagement sIwWXA3iDwg-00102-00063879-00064400 where they only work to basically just sustain their life no less no more and then sIwWXA3iDwg-00103-00064400-00064888 but even if they don't go full out most members will see themselves cut off from sIwWXA3iDwg-00104-00064967-00065704 most unneeded contact with women and in extreme cases even uh alienate themselves from friendly sIwWXA3iDwg-00105-00065704-00066096 family and friends sorry all all of this i'm trying to take all of this in this was just sIwWXA3iDwg-00106-00066096-00066568 very interesting to me more than anything this is just very interesting to me that um sIwWXA3iDwg-00107-00066624-00067344 this has become a part of our society and this is a group of men that is actually growing from what sIwWXA3iDwg-00108-00067344-00067872 i understand and what for what i researched they they can't tell where it actually started from sIwWXA3iDwg-00109-00067936-00068736 um they think it started from two guys online i think somewhere in the uk if i'm not mistaken sIwWXA3iDwg-00110-00068736-00069256 but they're uncertain of how it actually started but then it started to really catch on sIwWXA3iDwg-00111-00069256-00069904 and more and more men are joining this group and uh again a lot of them not all but a lot of them sIwWXA3iDwg-00112-00069904-00070432 that are in this group actually got hurt before by a woman and you heard me read the definitions sIwWXA3iDwg-00113-00070432-00071192 with one of them which is what i read as well meaning um or going toward a lot of men that are sIwWXA3iDwg-00114-00071192-00071688 joining this particular group and just cutting off women all together have been hurt so a lot of them sIwWXA3iDwg-00115-00071688-00072360 have had um custody battle issues or when they got a divorce they basically got raped by the woman sIwWXA3iDwg-00116-00072360-00072688 and i hate to put it that way but y'all know what i'm talking about like she she took sIwWXA3iDwg-00117-00072688-00073248 him through the ringer and she took just about everything that he had that he strived to achieve sIwWXA3iDwg-00118-00073248-00073752 and the woman that he chose because you got to take your own responsibility bruh the woman that sIwWXA3iDwg-00119-00073752-00074736 you chose took you when it was time to divorce and i hate to even say that but we know we know sIwWXA3iDwg-00120-00074904-00075584 sometimes our choices put us in situations where we looking like sIwWXA3iDwg-00121-00075584-00076168 f all of that species in this case well not species but f all of them in this case f all sIwWXA3iDwg-00122-00076168-00076632 the women all the women are evil all the women are bad all the women are gonna take the children away sIwWXA3iDwg-00123-00076632-00077280 from you all the women is gonna take everything that you got and that's just not true bruh sIwWXA3iDwg-00124-00077344-00077880 this group again i'm not i'm not even bashing the group what i'm doing is just giving out the sIwWXA3iDwg-00125-00077880-00078232 information and you guys can let me know what you think about it because i really like i said sIwWXA3iDwg-00126-00078232-00078752 i just got introduced to this group about a few months ago and i'm only doing this video once sIwWXA3iDwg-00127-00078752-00079352 again because i have at least one subscriber in this particular group but um he even said sIwWXA3iDwg-00128-00079352-00079784 something where uh we were talking about what's the video that i did not too long ago which is sIwWXA3iDwg-00129-00079784-00080368 how this even came up actually i'm gonna look it up because i want to even read to you what he said sIwWXA3iDwg-00130-00080368-00080952 because it wasn't even bad oh i was talking about relationship contracts that's what i was talking sIwWXA3iDwg-00131-00080952-00081488 about that's the video i was talking about where he actually asked me to do this particular video sIwWXA3iDwg-00132-00081488-00081816 and i'm scrolling through right now i'm trying to hurry up but i got a lot of sIwWXA3iDwg-00133-00081920-00082456 a lot of comments so um okay so so i'm back and then i know it's a short period for y'all sIwWXA3iDwg-00134-00082456-00083104 because i edited that out but he said that this is a smaller part of a larger conversation which is sIwWXA3iDwg-00135-00083104-00083632 prenuptial agreements most women are not in favor of a prenuptial agreement and then he put hashtag sIwWXA3iDwg-00136-00083632-00084248 mktoe so i'm like i think it depends on what the pronun prenuptial is saying and she will you know sIwWXA3iDwg-00137-00084248-00084728 if she will not sign off on it most people hear this and they think about money and them not sIwWXA3iDwg-00138-00084728-00085200 getting a dime if things go awry what were your thoughts when you mentioned the prenup how would sIwWXA3iDwg-00139-00085200-00085816 it benefit the woman if ish hit the fan in the relationship his response sent you ass only like sIwWXA3iDwg-00140-00085816-00086408 clearness though um i would be all for a paper marriage literally everything you have before sIwWXA3iDwg-00141-00086408-00087048 the marriage from house car money debt etc remains yours if we marry and in marriage in divorce if we sIwWXA3iDwg-00142-00087048-00087736 split up everything is 50 50 to include any joint venture debt no alimony no bs upon divorce i said sIwWXA3iDwg-00143-00087736-00088296 laugh out loud this doesn't sound too bad i don't see most people disagreeing unless you have a sIwWXA3iDwg-00144-00088296-00088872 ton of money and don't want to share and i put up like laughy faces on there emojis uh his response sIwWXA3iDwg-00145-00088872-00089400 in a long-term boyfriend girlfriend relationship i'm in favor of life insurance policies power of sIwWXA3iDwg-00146-00089400-00090072 attorney and medical issues if i or she is somehow incapacitated again don't see nothing wrong with sIwWXA3iDwg-00147-00090072-00090672 this to be put into a prenup i was waiting on something crazy something i'd be like hell no sIwWXA3iDwg-00148-00090816-00091240 and then he said can you pretty please do a video on this and i told him give me a little time to sIwWXA3iDwg-00149-00091240-00091584 do the research so with that being said i still don't think that there was anything sIwWXA3iDwg-00150-00091664-00092080 all that bad even in that conversation even what he wanted to put in the prenup i don't sIwWXA3iDwg-00151-00092080-00092776 see necessarily anything bad uh it's just some people assign it other people won't sIwWXA3iDwg-00152-00092776-00093248 i know for me personally i am just not your prenuptial type of girl because number one sIwWXA3iDwg-00153-00093304-00094224 i'm all for it being equal meaning um when we get together when we get married when we say i do sIwWXA3iDwg-00154-00094224-00094816 everything is ours and so if you think that i am just the gold digger type of chick sIwWXA3iDwg-00155-00094920-00095536 if even if we got a divorce doesn't matter if you don't know me as my person and then you think just sIwWXA3iDwg-00156-00095536-00095904 because we just because the relationship didn't work out i'm about to take you to the ringer sIwWXA3iDwg-00157-00096016-00096528 then you don't know me personally and i get it i totally get it everybody is not like me sIwWXA3iDwg-00158-00096528-00096912 i totally get it there are some people out there that will take you through the ringer sIwWXA3iDwg-00159-00096912-00097304 there are some people that even get married knowing good and dog on well that they don't sIwWXA3iDwg-00160-00097304-00097648 really love the person and they don't really want the relationship to work out they really sIwWXA3iDwg-00161-00097648-00098088 are waiting for the divorce to happen so they can make their own come up live the life that sIwWXA3iDwg-00162-00098088-00098520 they truly want whether they have kids or not and then move on to the next relationship while they sIwWXA3iDwg-00163-00098520-00099304 bawling out of control i get all of that i know people do that but if you choose a better sIwWXA3iDwg-00164-00099304-00099832 partner you don't have to worry about that and i and i totally get it some people will show that sIwWXA3iDwg-00165-00099832-00100352 they will show you they ass they will show you the ugliest side that you have ever seen sIwWXA3iDwg-00166-00100352-00100984 of of them when it's time to divorce but it doesn't really have to be like that all the time sIwWXA3iDwg-00167-00101072-00101576 i wholeheartedly believe that if both of you are able to have a civilized conversation sIwWXA3iDwg-00168-00101688-00102384 and basically have a civilized relationship if you guys divorce and it's amicable sIwWXA3iDwg-00169-00102448-00102864 what's the big deal now again i know there's some people out there that's gonna try to come sIwWXA3iDwg-00170-00102864-00103472 for me or even on that you know you want in my shoes and all that stuff i get it truly i do sIwWXA3iDwg-00171-00103680-00104232 but go back to the beginning and think about some of the things that that person was doing sIwWXA3iDwg-00172-00104232-00104704 in this particular case because this is about the mgtow men what was that woman showing you in sIwWXA3iDwg-00173-00104704-00105128 the beginning was she showing you that she was for you was she showing you that she was right sIwWXA3iDwg-00174-00105128-00105696 or that or was she showing you that she could be a straight [ __ ] but you decided to keep sIwWXA3iDwg-00175-00105696-00106296 going forward in that relationship and so even though she took you through the ringer at the end sIwWXA3iDwg-00176-00106368-00106896 and you decided you know the whole divorce or even if you've never gotten to that stage because you sIwWXA3iDwg-00177-00106896-00107464 decided to take on the mig toe personality i don't know if it's personality or not anyway you're sIwWXA3iDwg-00178-00107464-00108016 joining this group and you're deciding to take it on even though you haven't been through a marriage sIwWXA3iDwg-00179-00108016-00108624 but you've seen other people's go down you like no i'm not doing all that again everything comes back sIwWXA3iDwg-00180-00108624-00109648 to the choices that you make we all have to stop blaming everybody else and saying woe is me and sIwWXA3iDwg-00181-00109648-00110440 all of this other stuff and take responsibility for the choices that you made even if you decide sIwWXA3iDwg-00182-00110440-00111080 to not make a choice even if you decide to just keep going on again you are making a decision sIwWXA3iDwg-00183-00111168-00111672 whether you are conscious about you making a decision or not you are making a decision you sIwWXA3iDwg-00184-00111672-00112496 are making a choice so even though you are a part of this group and actually atlanta sIwWXA3iDwg-00185-00112496-00112952 like what i really want to know because because because we vibing what i really want to know is sIwWXA3iDwg-00186-00113032-00113511 are you a part of the group that is saying that you are now reclaiming your virginity sIwWXA3iDwg-00187-00113511-00114168 or you know you're abstinent now or are you a part of the group that is still having these short term sIwWXA3iDwg-00188-00114168-00114720 um basically one night stands and actually i read some other stuff from another article sIwWXA3iDwg-00189-00114720-00115272 that was talking about how um not only are they doing one night stands they're basically doing it sIwWXA3iDwg-00190-00115272-00115696 with the prostitutes too and i know that that's a little bit personal and you know you can send sIwWXA3iDwg-00191-00115696-00116048 me a personal message because i really do want to know if you don't want to put it on here but uh sIwWXA3iDwg-00192-00116048-00116583 atlanta light is not your real name so anyhow i'm just saying i want to know your business because sIwWXA3iDwg-00193-00116583-00116992 you want me to do this video hopefully i did it justice to you um is there something else that sIwWXA3iDwg-00194-00116992-00117488 you want me to cover it and everybody else out there including atlanta like is there something sIwWXA3iDwg-00195-00117488-00118111 else that you want me to dive in deeper into this video really this is just an introduction to this sIwWXA3iDwg-00196-00118111-00118520 community do you guys know anybody that's in this community is this your very first sIwWXA3iDwg-00197-00118520-00119344 time hearing about this community today and again the website is or actually it's mgtow sIwWXA3iDwg-00198-00119408-00119928 men going their own way again if you want to go ahead and search this sIwWXA3iDwg-00199-00119928-00120400 group out yourself maybe you want to join it i don't know i'm not necessarily advocating for it sIwWXA3iDwg-00200-00120400-00120752 i'm not necessarily saying that you can't be a part of it what i am doing is just giving you the sIwWXA3iDwg-00201-00120752-00121320 information and then you can decide what you want to do i will see you guys in the next video deuces sL42DjN0c6y-00000-00000000-00000509 that kind of yeah look at that makes it a ragdoll so this is little kitten playing around sL42DjN0c6y-00001-00001382-00001482 [Music] sL42DjN0c6y-00002-00001482-00001884 Hey my friend! Jean-Serge Gagnon here and today we're going to be talking about the sL42DjN0c6y-00003-00001884-00002526 attraction the truth about attraction marketing attraction marketing truth part number one there's sL42DjN0c6y-00004-00002526-00003264 actually five steps right five simple social I actually call them media organic steps organic sL42DjN0c6y-00005-00003264-00003804 steps to getting the sale so step number one is setting up your profile the right way for your sL42DjN0c6y-00006-00003804-00004428 ideal client your ideal Prospect we're going to talk about that in just a second but first this sL42DjN0c6y-00007-00004596-00005256 So the real question is this: What are the strategies, techniques and tools that you sL42DjN0c6y-00008-00005256-00005832 need to learn to generate residual income from the e-learning boom that's happening sL42DjN0c6y-00009-00005832-00006564 right now? My name is Jean-Serge Gagnon and welcome to Course Income Secrets... sL42DjN0c6y-00010-00006720-00007223 all right so you maybe you have not gotten this eBook if you have not gotten this eBook sL42DjN0c6y-00011-00007223-00007776 yet where we talk about the attraction marketing truth the truth about attraction marketing that sL42DjN0c6y-00012-00007776-00008310 other leaders aren't letting you in on you should go check it out at sL42DjN0c6y-00013-00008310-00008940 and get your copy and today we're going to talk about step number one of five which is sL42DjN0c6y-00014-00008940-00009450 setting up your profile the right way for your ideal Prospect so before we get into sL42DjN0c6y-00015-00009450-00009858 that I want to remind you if you're listening to this audio oh actually if you're listening sL42DjN0c6y-00016-00009858-00010278 to this audio you're going to want to go check out the video and the blog post at sL42DjN0c6y-00017-00010362-00011274 because I will be sharing my screen and I will be uh there will be a blog post sL42DjN0c6y-00018-00011274-00011736 on the set so let's get right to it let's share my screen and show you what we're talking about sL42DjN0c6y-00019-00011736-00012456 over here so like I said attraction marketing truth this is a very short little eBook that sL42DjN0c6y-00020-00012456-00012930 talks about uh different things that you need to know about attraction marketing there's five sL42DjN0c6y-00021-00012930-00013596 steps the first one is setting up your profile so your ideal Prospect knows who you are this is sL42DjN0c6y-00022-00013596-00014046 what we're talking about here the the second one is posting every day the third one is the gate sL42DjN0c6y-00023-00014046-00014508 anyways I'm not going to go into this go get this eBook right now but we're going to talk sL42DjN0c6y-00024-00014508-00015119 about profile profits so one of the most important things that you need to do as an online marketer sL42DjN0c6y-00025-00015119-00015744 if you're using attraction marketing you want to make sure that your profile follows the rules of sL42DjN0c6y-00026-00015744-00016230 attraction marketing right the basics of it is basically like what we see right here in this sL42DjN0c6y-00027-00016230-00016794 eBook which is again another eBook you can get for free where we talk about the top five things sL42DjN0c6y-00028-00016794-00017304 that you need to do for your profile right what do you need to do for your profile and if you sL42DjN0c6y-00029-00017304-00017922 want to get that you go to I might have a link right here yes go to ppc.jsg sL42DjN0c6y-00030-00017922-00018744 to go get this particular eBook as well so when we talk about that right let's talk sL42DjN0c6y-00031-00018744-00019314 about what does it mean to have a profile that is attractive to your prospect the first thing sL42DjN0c6y-00032-00019314-00020028 is you always have to remember your prospect is your prospect your ideal Prospect is not my ideal sL42DjN0c6y-00033-00020028-00020544 Prospect or it could be but it's not necessarily right and you got to think about how is it that sL42DjN0c6y-00034-00020544-00021192 you are trying to attract your prospect right and uh let's talk about you know Facebook a little bit sL42DjN0c6y-00035-00021192-00021618 let's go to Facebook because obviously you can do this on any social platform but the secret sL42DjN0c6y-00036-00021618-00022086 is when we talk about attracting somebody to us right what do we need to what do we mean by sL42DjN0c6y-00037-00022086-00022608 attracting somebody to us right I mean if you have a business you're basically you got your front of sL42DjN0c6y-00038-00022608-00023274 your store and I remember I used to actually work at Radio Shack back when I was in my early 20s sL42DjN0c6y-00039-00023334-00023868 I was actually a manager of Radio Shack store and one of the things I learned there is that if sL42DjN0c6y-00040-00023868-00024408 you're setting up your display in the store right I was in the mall so I was setting up the display sL42DjN0c6y-00041-00024408-00024858 you know every single month there was different sales and things like that so you'd pile up your sL42DjN0c6y-00042-00024858-00025296 particular product in a spot here another pile there another pile there you put the signs and sL42DjN0c6y-00043-00025296-00026052 things like that and then then you would go back you would back up you would go into the mall and sL42DjN0c6y-00044-00026052-00026730 walk towards the store like your customer is would do and you would kind of get a feel for how that sL42DjN0c6y-00045-00026730-00027180 customer is going to see the store when they walk in and that gives you an idea as to whether you sL42DjN0c6y-00046-00027180-00027695 set it up right and this is exactly the same thing this is attraction marketing you got to sL42DjN0c6y-00047-00027695-00028374 look at your profile scroll through your profile and see whether you think your ideal customer is sL42DjN0c6y-00048-00028374-00028986 gonna like now in my case it's a little special because this weekend I actually had a anniversary sL42DjN0c6y-00049-00028986-00029502 so there's lots of pictures about me and my wife here doing a weekend anniversary but normally I sL42DjN0c6y-00050-00029502-00030036 don't that's not all I'm about right I do post about family I do Post con uh questions to people sL42DjN0c6y-00051-00030036-00030695 I let people know what I'm about a little bit but before you do that you got to figure out who your sL42DjN0c6y-00052-00030695-00031050 target market is right you got to figure out what is it that you're trying to track like sL42DjN0c6y-00053-00031050-00031956 if I look at other other leaders here right uh sorry about that ah sorry about okay so if you sL42DjN0c6y-00054-00031956-00032436 talk about other let's look at the leaders right like Diane Hawkman right here diamond hochman is sL42DjN0c6y-00055-00032436-00032970 an amazing online marketer she's been online doing attraction marketing for a long time so she's sL42DjN0c6y-00056-00032970-00033414 got her cover page here that lets people know that she's a marketing communication specialist sL42DjN0c6y-00057-00033540-00034044 and when you look at her at her intro right so I mean you can see that she talks about how sL42DjN0c6y-00058-00034044-00034548 she says how you communicate will determine how much money you can make right this is basically sL42DjN0c6y-00059-00034548-00035052 her tagline and if you look at her post you can see that she's posting questions she's posting sL42DjN0c6y-00060-00035052-00035670 uh inspiration she's posting pictures of herself ready to let people know who she is what she looks sL42DjN0c6y-00061-00035670-00036198 like and that kind of stuff and what she likes uh things like that right so that's basically sL42DjN0c6y-00062-00036198-00036720 what you need to be doing too at least as part of it let's look at somebody else Aaron Birch oh sL42DjN0c6y-00063-00036720-00037494 no this is area Corey sorry Eric worry is the network marketing Pro a Creator from you know sL42DjN0c6y-00064-00037494-00038076 network marketing Pro from years ago this just now was his birthday so it's not supposed about sL42DjN0c6y-00065-00038076-00038688 his birthday but I mean if you scroll through you can see that he posts things about his his work he sL42DjN0c6y-00066-00038688-00039384 also gets tagged by his uh their leaders you see posts here sometimes like that he'll post things sL42DjN0c6y-00067-00039384-00039972 about himself as well just like that's what you leaders do so but the thing is that whatever he sL42DjN0c6y-00068-00039972-00040680 posts whatever Eric worry posts about has to do with what network marketers are interested sL42DjN0c6y-00069-00040680-00041292 in right he posts about that kind of stuff so same thing with Aaron Birch Aaron Birch is an sL42DjN0c6y-00070-00041292-00041916 online marketer she's amazing and right now she's promoting a tool so she's got the main page here sL42DjN0c6y-00071-00041976-00042504 which is the tool she's promoting and she talks about her intro she's got want to build an online sL42DjN0c6y-00072-00042504-00043020 business and life freedom and joy right but if you look through her feed you can see that she's got sL42DjN0c6y-00073-00043020-00043536 posts you know that she's posting her pictures of herself she's posting things that she likes to do sL42DjN0c6y-00074-00043536-00044094 she's talking about herself she's letting people know about herself now one of the things that I sL42DjN0c6y-00075-00044172-00044772 was uh often have conversation with people that are like well why are you posting so much about sL42DjN0c6y-00076-00044772-00045222 you know things that are kind of unrelated to your business around are irrelevant or whatever I sL42DjN0c6y-00077-00045222-00045606 I go to your page I don't really know what you're about then one of the things I did is I did change sL42DjN0c6y-00078-00045606-00046248 my cover here to show this but still I post about all sorts of things my family my life uh different sL42DjN0c6y-00079-00046248-00046866 tools I'm working on different you know posts I'm doing and people are like well what are you about sL42DjN0c6y-00080-00046866-00047622 but the thing is that people will gravitate to you if you're talking about yourself more and sL42DjN0c6y-00081-00047622-00047982 I'm not saying you've got to do that all the time I'm just saying you kind of have to let people sL42DjN0c6y-00082-00047982-00048408 know a little bit inside your life otherwise they're going to think you're just a business sL42DjN0c6y-00083-00048408-00048900 just trying to get them to buy something right so if we go back to let's go back there and she's sL42DjN0c6y-00084-00048900-00049614 again she's posting about herself same thing with uh Jen Johnson she's an amazing content creator sL42DjN0c6y-00085-00049614-00049962 and that's what she's got right there she's got content creator Studio on her cover page sL42DjN0c6y-00086-00050028-00050562 she says content strategy consultant for coaching course and she's got a a link right there sL42DjN0c6y-00087-00050628-00051491 and it's very directly related or connected to exactly what that is all about right what are you sL42DjN0c6y-00088-00051491-00052098 about what why would people connect with you right why would they go to your page why would they sL42DjN0c6y-00089-00052164-00052620 you know connect with you right that's kind of what you want to do you want to be posting sL42DjN0c6y-00090-00052620-00053148 about now uh Tanya Liza same thing she's posting about her her life she's posting sL42DjN0c6y-00091-00053148-00053616 about her products things like that but it's all kind of around the same thing sL42DjN0c6y-00092-00053616-00054264 who is your who is your target market right she's uh she's a lifestyle entrepreneur and sL42DjN0c6y-00093-00054426-00055236 she's she she actually builds a network marketing she also sells online social media courses so that sL42DjN0c6y-00094-00055236-00055614 I know because I've been following her for a while and that's the secret right you follow people for sL42DjN0c6y-00095-00055614-00056202 a while you get to know Mark Harbert is a video guy but most of the stuff you see on here is is sL42DjN0c6y-00096-00056202-00056850 you know him but like you see right here he's got his his course right there he's got a post sL42DjN0c6y-00097-00056850-00057348 that says that now he can do Pinterest TV lies right he's talking about his his video marketing sL42DjN0c6y-00098-00057348-00057900 All-Star Jam that he's doing so and posting a picture of him and his wife so you know that's the sL42DjN0c6y-00099-00057900-00058470 thing your target market anyways I just wanted to go through a few examples here's John Melton John sL42DjN0c6y-00100-00058470-00059160 and Nadia Melton are amazing Network marketers who teach others how to use social media to do network sL42DjN0c6y-00101-00059160-00059622 marketing right so you can see that they're posting all the time about being with others sL42DjN0c6y-00102-00059622-00060234 about networking about growing a business all that stuff is on it so okay now if we go back to what sL42DjN0c6y-00103-00060234-00061044 we were talking about how to actually set up your profile now I can I can kind of go through this sL42DjN0c6y-00104-00061044-00061529 eBook I have right here right which you can get you can get this free eBook but basically that's sL42DjN0c6y-00105-00061529-00061944 what you got to do you got to have a cover photo that speaks to your audience you got to have a sL42DjN0c6y-00106-00061944-00062508 profile picture that's a view you got to have a bio and other things I'm like I said I'm not sL42DjN0c6y-00107-00062508-00062940 going to go through this because the point is you should get this yourself anyways because sL42DjN0c6y-00108-00062940-00063390 me explaining it versus you actually reading through it because it's actually quite well sL42DjN0c6y-00109-00063390-00063929 explained in here in all these different things it kind of explains exactly what you need to be sL42DjN0c6y-00110-00063929-00064458 doing that would be your first thing that you got to do that's super important for you to get your sL42DjN0c6y-00111-00064458-00065196 profile set up so but even before you set up your profile you have to know who is your target market sL42DjN0c6y-00112-00065262-00066000 who is it you know are they stay-at-home moms or are they educated married couples are they sL42DjN0c6y-00113-00066054-00066960 you know uh students are they men are they women are they people with kids people without kids do sL42DjN0c6y-00114-00066960-00067368 they live in the United States or do you live do they live in Europe or in other parts of sL42DjN0c6y-00115-00067368-00067944 the world or do they have a certain level of education do they have a certain income level sL42DjN0c6y-00116-00067944-00068382 what who is you're talking about and what are they interested in do they like gardening or sL42DjN0c6y-00117-00068382-00069150 do they like dining out do they like traveling do they like just going out for hikes what is it that sL42DjN0c6y-00118-00069150-00069804 they are interested in what do they have animals they have dogs they have cats you know dude have sL42DjN0c6y-00119-00069804-00070380 they are maybe they have toddlers maybe they have babies right newborns who is your target market sL42DjN0c6y-00120-00070380-00071412 because that will completely direct or change or control or you know Define how you speak to them sL42DjN0c6y-00121-00071412-00072144 right so I mean I mean just think about it if you're trying to create content for people with sL42DjN0c6y-00122-00072300-00073188 uh well single you know students that are just out of college and you start talking about uh you know sL42DjN0c6y-00123-00073188-00073806 putting money aside for your your for your kids to go to college well they might not relate to sL42DjN0c6y-00124-00073806-00074352 that they might just skip right over it and think wow that's not for me right that's exactly what's sL42DjN0c6y-00125-00074352-00075072 going to happen and the same exact thing if you start talking about uh partying every single night sL42DjN0c6y-00126-00075072-00076050 and uh buying all these crazy high uh High Couture clothes and things like that two people that have sL42DjN0c6y-00127-00076110-00076764 15 year old kids that are trying to save to send them to college right they are gonna not sL42DjN0c6y-00128-00076764-00077358 relate to that so it's important for you to make sure you know who your target market is and also sL42DjN0c6y-00129-00077424-00078102 doing things like talking about generating income versus making friendships right if sL42DjN0c6y-00130-00078102-00078546 you're if your target market is you know somebody wants to build a business online sL42DjN0c6y-00131-00078630-00079404 but they don't necessarily they don't necessarily have a an interest in the money aspect of it they sL42DjN0c6y-00132-00079404-00079884 really want to make friends they really want to build relationships well you're not going to sL42DjN0c6y-00133-00079884-00080430 talk about making money because those people are gonna not be interested in what you have to say sL42DjN0c6y-00134-00080508-00081126 if what they're looking for is making friends again vice versa if you talk about sL42DjN0c6y-00135-00081126-00081624 making friends and all they although your audience is people who want to make money sL42DjN0c6y-00136-00081738-00082242 you don't talk about making sense to them because they're gonna gloss over that in this year I don't sL42DjN0c6y-00137-00082242-00082854 have time for this I just want to make money right not saying that you sh you you're actually you sL42DjN0c6y-00138-00082854-00083322 know the truth of the matter is you can't really make money on social media if you're not actually sL42DjN0c6y-00139-00083322-00083874 building relationships with the whole point of having your profile set up to succeed right sL42DjN0c6y-00140-00083964-00084366 uh but but that's the thing right so let's go back to Facebook here sL42DjN0c6y-00141-00084504-00085104 um but that's the thing if you are trying to build a business online you need to be using social sL42DjN0c6y-00142-00085104-00085638 media you need to be building relationships you need to be doing those things so again depending sL42DjN0c6y-00143-00085638-00086076 on the kind of uh content you create because the same thing you do it on Instagram you do on sL42DjN0c6y-00144-00086076-00086610 LinkedIn you do it on Twitter put it on Facebook do it on Tick Tock whatever platform you're using sL42DjN0c6y-00145-00086610-00087120 you need to you need to understand who you're talking about this so that you know how to create sL42DjN0c6y-00146-00087120-00087978 content and it's the same as if I I was to use a say a I was to use clever AI to generate a blog sL42DjN0c6y-00147-00087978-00088656 post let's say I go and I want to generate a blog post right so I go into the tool here I'll just sL42DjN0c6y-00148-00088656-00089700 go to an ad hoc session I'll create a new one I'm just gonna say write me a social post of 50 words sL42DjN0c6y-00149-00089916-00091074 um talking about whoops actually write me well yeah let's do that uh talking about building a sL42DjN0c6y-00150-00091074-00092940 business um social media with traction marketing make purple make the post funny and inspirational sL42DjN0c6y-00151-00093108-00093162 Target sL42DjN0c6y-00152-00093510-00094422 is women in their 40s okay let's do that whoops did I type that one okay so if I sL42DjN0c6y-00153-00094422-00094980 just do that then I can create my own like say I want to create a post and I just want to use UI sL42DjN0c6y-00154-00095094-00095964 I can actually take this here and uh paste it in as a Facebook post right and if I don't like this sL42DjN0c6y-00155-00095964-00096570 one I just say regenerate just give me another one because it'll just basically redo the the same sL42DjN0c6y-00156-00096570-00097242 query give me another example so I'm there let's do this one let's say this let's go to Facebook sL42DjN0c6y-00157-00097242-00097824 let's see what that would look like and I'm going to paste that here see what that looks like follow sL42DjN0c6y-00158-00097824-00098160 me and learn how to build a business on social media that will have you live in your dream life sL42DjN0c6y-00159-00098394-00098574 create put some white sL42DjN0c6y-00160-00098808-00099354 um there's a whole lot of laughter along the way that's kind of funny isn't it join me ladies in sL42DjN0c6y-00161-00099354-00099882 your 40s to start your dream core success so I'm not gonna post that myself because that's not my sL42DjN0c6y-00162-00099882-00100488 target market but as you can see it generated a pretty interesting post I should probably work sL42DjN0c6y-00163-00100488-00101058 a little bit more on doing that but let's say I want to create one I can actually um do another sL42DjN0c6y-00164-00101058-00101628 session I should probably try to do a post just to kind of give you an idea of you know who is sL42DjN0c6y-00165-00101628-00102126 my target market right my target market is is affiliate marketers who are looking to build sL42DjN0c6y-00166-00102240-00103085 uh assuming my target Market whoops is online marketers sL42DjN0c6y-00167-00103290-00104694 in the affiliate affiliate marketing field right whoops rate me an inspirational post sL42DjN0c6y-00168-00104783-00105756 to to help them grow Their audience and sales so I sL42DjN0c6y-00169-00105756-00106158 don't know I don't know I have to work more at this uh this AI stuff sL42DjN0c6y-00170-00106266-00106800 but I'm just I just want to give you an example of writing a post and so that it kind of works sL42DjN0c6y-00171-00106800-00107411 with what we're talking about then I also want to get an image too so I'll show you how that works sL42DjN0c6y-00172-00107411-00108030 just to give you an idea here so here's a post oh I should have I forgot to say how many words sL42DjN0c6y-00173-00108138-00108959 uh okay let's let's just take the whole thing see what this looks like paste that in here so sL42DjN0c6y-00174-00108959-00109409 are you a marketing affiliate industry looking to spend your reach increase the key to success sL42DjN0c6y-00175-00109488-00110142 so actually I've been thinking about posting content on on social just using the AI just sL42DjN0c6y-00176-00110142-00110909 like having it give me like a quote every day or something like that uh but I will actually see sL42DjN0c6y-00177-00110909-00111624 how much and let's get an image for this develop a strong prison so so this is all you know obviously sL42DjN0c6y-00178-00111624-00112338 I could read it I'll write down but I'm just going to show you how I post so let's say I want uh to sL42DjN0c6y-00179-00112338-00113424 go to images and then I'm gonna go and do a new session I'm going to say um uh attractive couple sL42DjN0c6y-00180-00113706-00114924 having a great time on each sunset and let's just make it a bigger image and let's just do one sL42DjN0c6y-00181-00115061-00115608 oh and then that that'll give me an image that I can you know sL42DjN0c6y-00182-00115608-00116028 post it actually is either an image that's actually generated sL42DjN0c6y-00183-00116208-00116682 and I can actually do another one I can just do regenerate and it'll give me a new image sL42DjN0c6y-00184-00116922-00117138 based on that description I I said right sL42DjN0c6y-00185-00117438-00117840 and maybe I should have a different kind of uh of an image but let's say sL42DjN0c6y-00186-00117840-00118590 I take this I say save images and just paste it in my downloads here sL42DjN0c6y-00187-00118818-00120006 and let's go over to my Facebook post I'm going to put this in here oops and then go into my sL42DjN0c6y-00188-00120006-00120996 downloads where I just put it and let's just do this here we go so now I have a post and that is sL42DjN0c6y-00189-00120996-00121488 somebody's gonna say who's this right and I'm actually I'm going to go in here and I say PS sL42DjN0c6y-00190-00121890-00123024 how do you like this post generated all right this post and image sL42DjN0c6y-00191-00123240-00123588 I I should probably say something like this PS this post sL42DjN0c6y-00192-00123726-00124290 this post an image was generated by AI was generated by AI sL42DjN0c6y-00193-00124542-00125106 I'll just do that like this right I don't know I'm just gonna post it to see I'm curious to see if sL42DjN0c6y-00194-00125106-00125652 I'll get people complaining or actually saying this is great but I'm just gonna post it just sL42DjN0c6y-00195-00125652-00126059 because I'm kind of doing that right now through and we're going to think like who is that who is sL42DjN0c6y-00196-00126059-00126672 that right it's like why are you posting pictures of other people right anyways it's just an example sL42DjN0c6y-00197-00126672-00127740 I could probably go back into here and just create uh let's say um cute little kitten playing sL42DjN0c6y-00198-00127859-00128598 with string and I'm just gonna go like this I'm gonna give it let's see well I don't need it that sL42DjN0c6y-00199-00128598-00129240 big let's do that I'll do five so now you're gonna see images of a kitten I could have posted that sL42DjN0c6y-00200-00129240-00129714 as a but I obviously in the in the case of this particular post I probably should have made it sL42DjN0c6y-00201-00129714-00130290 but the point is that you need to know who is your target marketer is it people that have cats is it sL42DjN0c6y-00202-00130290-00130938 are you trying to attract kitten lovers or dog lovers maybe are you trying to attract you know sL42DjN0c6y-00203-00130938-00131514 um people who like to Garden people who like to you know sunsets and sunrises are always sL42DjN0c6y-00204-00131514-00132018 really nice right so that would be something you could probably attract almost anybody but sL42DjN0c6y-00205-00132018-00132606 at the same time you want to have some direct things people you want to be attracting the sL42DjN0c6y-00206-00132606-00133074 right people the people that are your audience which like I said you got to figure out who your sL42DjN0c6y-00207-00133074-00133596 audience is once you know who your audience is that's when you can actually start to create sL42DjN0c6y-00208-00133680-00134508 the things like you know I can I can say right here make it a rag doll see if that will actually sL42DjN0c6y-00209-00134508-00135024 uh it should I don't know it depends sometimes it works in the same session otherwise you have to sL42DjN0c6y-00210-00135024-00135666 create another session which will give you images of a ragdoll instead so yeah that kind of yeah sL42DjN0c6y-00211-00135666-00136212 look at that make makes it a rag though so this is little kitten playing around little rag doll sL42DjN0c6y-00212-00136212-00136824 I think I'm not sure if these are all yeah I think they're all ragdolls but anyways yeah so you can sL42DjN0c6y-00213-00136824-00137352 actually create things like that with the with an AI but the point is that when you're creating sL42DjN0c6y-00214-00137352-00138330 content you can either do it yourself you know with an a con an AI like this or you actually can sL42DjN0c6y-00215-00138534-00139194 do the yours obviously do it yourself you go through things but you can have you can have sL42DjN0c6y-00216-00139194-00139608 ai help you as well right that's different anyways if you're interested in AI you're gonna go check sL42DjN0c6y-00217-00139608-00140304 this out clever ai go to bonuscovered where you can actually get 30 days is it 30 days sL42DjN0c6y-00218-00140304-00140910 I forget no 90 days you get 90 days free because this is uh I paid a service that lets you do this sL42DjN0c6y-00219-00140910-00141786 it also lets you um also lets you choose and see your history of everything you've done so far so sL42DjN0c6y-00220-00141786-00142362 you don't lose it so you can go back to it or you can get some stuff back but yeah that's totally sL42DjN0c6y-00221-00142362-00142872 yeah anyways that's just a side note here okay so going back to what we were talking about when sL42DjN0c6y-00222-00142872-00143460 you're building your uh profile you want to make sure that your profile attracts the right people sL42DjN0c6y-00223-00143460-00144048 by having their content explain who you are what you're about and how they can find more sL42DjN0c6y-00224-00144048-00144552 about what you're offering and you don't want to be posting about what you're offering all the time sL42DjN0c6y-00225-00144552-00145116 you want to be posting about yourself about your family about your your likes or dislikes and also sL42DjN0c6y-00226-00145116-00145704 you want to make it so that it's relevant to what they would be interested in that's that's the key sL42DjN0c6y-00227-00145704-00146550 making it interesting to what they are interested in right okay so like I said let uh let's go back sL42DjN0c6y-00228-00146550-00147480 here to to the uh the the webcam so yeah so as I was saying this is part of the attraction sL42DjN0c6y-00229-00147480-00148272 marketing truth that you can get at the truth about attraction marketing it's part number one sL42DjN0c6y-00230-00148272-00148884 of five I'm going to be doing some other sessions on the other ones which you will hear about uh the sL42DjN0c6y-00231-00148884-00149466 next in the next episode but until then my name is Johnson and we'll see you in the next episode sL42DjN0c6y-00232-00149688-00150246 This has been Course Income Secrets, the entrepreneur's blueprint to generating sL42DjN0c6y-00233-00150246-00150654 income from the e-learning boom! Some of your friends need to hear this message, sL42DjN0c6y-00234-00150654-00151224 so don't forget to share. For more content like this, go to and sL42DjN0c6y-00235-00151224-00151824 make sure to subscribe and follow us here. My name is Jean-Serge Gagnon, until next time... sMOT_UWBTf4-00000-00000141-00000204 Hi there, sMOT_UWBTf4-00001-00000225-00000277 hey sMOT_UWBTf4-00002-00000321-00000647 you know soon, something is going to be really cool. sMOT_UWBTf4-00003-00000720-00000878 Absolutly amazing! sMOT_UWBTf4-00004-00000935-00001068 You know what it is? sMOT_UWBTf4-00005-00001088-00001350 I'm going to do a show! WAAA! sMOT_UWBTf4-00006-00001370-00001697 I'm invited to do something super fun. sMOT_UWBTf4-00007-00001723-00002121 Well you heard it, you have to come sMOT_UWBTf4-00008-00002232-00002503 to the show of Wollie Wurmole. sMOT_UWBTf4-00009-00002523-00002594 Well-known from... sMOT_UWBTf4-00010-00002885-00003085 Well Facebook! HA! sMOT_UWBTf4-00011-00003120-00003320 See you then. sNuNP3VfZRY-00000-00000003-00000360 home warranties that's the topic of my next video sNuNP3VfZRY-00001-00000360-00000947 all they worth the money or are they not you'll have to wait and see sNuNP3VfZRY-00002-00001550-00001995 hello everybody home warranties are they worth the money that's what we're sNuNP3VfZRY-00003-00001995-00002561 talking about right now basically what is a home warranty for those who have no sNuNP3VfZRY-00004-00002561-00003171 idea a home warranty is a warranty that covers your house some of them are sNuNP3VfZRY-00005-00003171-00003615 included when you buy the house so it will protect the buyer particularly on sNuNP3VfZRY-00006-00003615-00004173 an old property it covers the major mechanical systems like your boiler your sNuNP3VfZRY-00007-00004173-00004434 a/c system some of them might include your sNuNP3VfZRY-00008-00004434-00004959 electrical system and a whole other array of appliances and things the more sNuNP3VfZRY-00009-00004959-00005364 usually you include they have you know the gold plan the silver plan the sNuNP3VfZRY-00010-00005364-00006036 platinum plan the higher the plan the more the money the more things that are sNuNP3VfZRY-00011-00006036-00006455 covered in the house but is it worth it let's do a little math and let's figure sNuNP3VfZRY-00012-00006455-00006968 it out basically when you buy the warranty you can either pay monthly you sNuNP3VfZRY-00013-00006968-00007563 can pay yearly a lot of them include a service call fee they also some of them sNuNP3VfZRY-00014-00007563-00007964 have deductibles so after it's all said and done is it really really worth the sNuNP3VfZRY-00015-00007964-00008367 money well first there's so many companies out there which makes sNuNP3VfZRY-00016-00008367-00008957 competition really good and also means that you have to do your research before sNuNP3VfZRY-00017-00008957-00009402 you go and move foe with any company if it's included with the price or if it's sNuNP3VfZRY-00018-00009402-00009717 included with the sale of your house if you purchased a house and it already has sNuNP3VfZRY-00019-00009717-00010152 it make sure that that price didn't before you bought the house make sure sNuNP3VfZRY-00020-00010152-00010631 that the price wasn't elevated to reflect that you are purchasing that sNuNP3VfZRY-00021-00010631-00011046 home warranty so make sure you speak to your realtor that's representing you and sNuNP3VfZRY-00022-00011046-00011618 know your comps and if it is then that's something you can negotiate on your sNuNP3VfZRY-00023-00011618-00012045 particular deal before you close maybe you don't want it maybe you want to know sNuNP3VfZRY-00024-00012045-00012593 the company so do your research where can you do it well google it you get the sNuNP3VfZRY-00025-00012593-00012927 Better Business Bureau you got Department of Consumer Affairs you have sNuNP3VfZRY-00026-00012927-00013485 all these different rating systems that consumer ratings there's a lot out there sNuNP3VfZRY-00027-00013485-00014118 to help you do your due diligence when you shop for a home warranty determine sNuNP3VfZRY-00028-00014118-00014504 what you need you don't want to over warranty your house because it's not sNuNP3VfZRY-00029-00014504-00014859 going to be a cost-effective option and no sNuNP3VfZRY-00030-00014859-00015287 the average monthly cost is about fifty dollars a month so remember this is it sNuNP3VfZRY-00031-00015287-00015737 really worth buying a home warranty or can you take that fifty dollars a month sNuNP3VfZRY-00032-00015737-00016313 times 12 month 12 months a year put it in a savings account that's $600 a year sNuNP3VfZRY-00033-00016313-00016722 you have as an emergency funds for something fun for something breaking sNuNP3VfZRY-00034-00016722-00017283 down that $600 is not really that much money if you have your essential AC sNuNP3VfZRY-00035-00017283-00017715 system or you boil a break down but after two years you have 1200 plus sNuNP3VfZRY-00036-00017715-00018156 whatever interest you were able to find three years and four years down the line sNuNP3VfZRY-00037-00018156-00018642 you have more and more money saved up so you could either do it that way or you sNuNP3VfZRY-00038-00018642-00019137 can buy the home warranty the of your choice after you do your research and I sNuNP3VfZRY-00039-00019137-00019479 stress that because there's a lot of companies out there that people are not sNuNP3VfZRY-00040-00019479-00019934 happy with so I hope that gave you a little insight into the home warranty sNuNP3VfZRY-00041-00019934-00020445 process if you're new to my channel thanks for stopping by remember to sNuNP3VfZRY-00042-00020445-00020997 subscribe and hit that bell there for notifications and leave some comments in sNuNP3VfZRY-00043-00020997-00021504 the comment section down below and this is Mark Shreier from Century 21 American sNuNP3VfZRY-00044-00021504-00021945 Homes and I will see you or you will actually see me on the next video hello sNuNP3VfZRY-00045-00021945-00022370 yes I'm talking to you the person that watched my video to the very end thanks sNuNP3VfZRY-00046-00022370-00022719 a lot for watching if you enjoyed it please give me a big thumbs up subscribe sNuNP3VfZRY-00047-00022719-00023213 to my youtube channel like me on Facebook I am a licensed real estate sNuNP3VfZRY-00048-00023213-00023684 agent in New York State but I also have a referral service that deals nationwide sNuNP3VfZRY-00049-00023684-00024185 so if you're looking for to buy or sell a house anywhere in the United States sNuNP3VfZRY-00050-00024185-00024710 please send me a text contact me via phone and I'll set you up with a local sNuNP3VfZRY-00051-00024710-00025194 professional in your area if you're in my vicinity I'd be more than happy to sNuNP3VfZRY-00052-00025194-00025607 help you out in any of your real estate transactions that you'd like this is sNuNP3VfZRY-00053-00025607-00026141 Mark Schreier from century 21 American Homes and I'll talk to you soon spOXzDaB-Zg-00000-00000432-00000664 hello everyone and welcome back to voice spOXzDaB-Zg-00001-00000664-00001120 what we're going to do this week is continue working on articulation exercises but we are spOXzDaB-Zg-00002-00001120-00001768 going to specifically focus on warming up our lips tongue and soft palate so let's get started spOXzDaB-Zg-00003-00002312-00002752 the first exercise that we're going to do with our lips is we need to stretch them out so this spOXzDaB-Zg-00004-00002752-00003192 is just a lip stretch take your two fingers grab your bottom lip and just stretch it out spOXzDaB-Zg-00005-00003544-00003720 great now do that with your top lip spOXzDaB-Zg-00006-00004032-00004568 perfect the next exercise is what i call monster faces with your two with your two spOXzDaB-Zg-00007-00004568-00004896 index fingers stick them in the sides of your mouth and we're just going to make monster faces spOXzDaB-Zg-00008-00005296-00005856 and now what we're trying to do is just stretch out our lips and and really work spOXzDaB-Zg-00009-00005856-00006416 on that the movement and control of our lips and the muscles that control our lips spOXzDaB-Zg-00010-00006512-00006912 perfect so the next thing that we're going to work on is a stretch spOXzDaB-Zg-00011-00006912-00007223 pouch you're going to smile and then move into a sad face spOXzDaB-Zg-00012-00007800-00008136 now the next thing that we're going to do is called a dog snarl so what you're going to spOXzDaB-Zg-00013-00008136-00008584 do is you're going to lift your top lip up but not move your bottom lip see if you can do this spOXzDaB-Zg-00014-00008656-00008848 first you're just going to stand still and spOXzDaB-Zg-00015-00009376-00009488 and then move your bottom lip spOXzDaB-Zg-00016-00009880-00010304 now all of these exercises you're gonna need a mirror for in order for you to see if you're doing spOXzDaB-Zg-00017-00010304-00010784 them correctly now i'm in front of a camera right now so it's hard for me to see but even i make spOXzDaB-Zg-00018-00010784-00011280 mistakes all the time right so it's okay if you make mistakes if the person teaching them to you spOXzDaB-Zg-00019-00011280-00011760 is also making mistakes so give yourself a break but also look in front of a mirror and spOXzDaB-Zg-00020-00011760-00012384 make sure you're doing it correctly okay so for the next exercise what we are going to do spOXzDaB-Zg-00021-00012384-00012784 is alternate between our top lip and our bottom lip for the dog snarl spOXzDaB-Zg-00022-00013576-00014184 perfect and now we're done with our lip warm-ups spOXzDaB-Zg-00023-00014552-00015032 we're going to move into our tongue the first thing that i want you to do is called lizard spOXzDaB-Zg-00024-00015032-00015352 you're going to drop your jaw and you're going to move your tongue straight out spOXzDaB-Zg-00025-00015352-00015584 and straight back in make sure that your tongue spOXzDaB-Zg-00026-00015584-00015936 isn't curling it's just going straight out straight back in so drop your jaw spOXzDaB-Zg-00027-00016568-00017008 now all of these tongue exercises and these lip exercises are about you spOXzDaB-Zg-00028-00017008-00017448 getting control of each individual movement because you're going to spOXzDaB-Zg-00029-00017448-00017920 want to have as much control over your vocal instrument as possible the more control you spOXzDaB-Zg-00030-00017920-00018544 have the more power you have as an actor so really hone and control your own body spOXzDaB-Zg-00031-00018616-00019112 so one more time for the lizard drop your jaw and straight out straight back in spOXzDaB-Zg-00032-00019640-00020208 and great now what we're going to do is call the cross so you're going to open your mouth just spOXzDaB-Zg-00033-00020208-00020784 slightly and we're going to touch different kind of points in our mouth and again we're having our spOXzDaB-Zg-00034-00020784-00021296 tongue just get familiar with all of the different points in the mouth that it's going to use spOXzDaB-Zg-00035-00021296-00021880 in order to make sounds so for the cross you're going to touch the top of your your teeth the back spOXzDaB-Zg-00036-00021880-00022504 the back of your teeth your top teeth the back of your top teeth the back of your bottom teeth and spOXzDaB-Zg-00037-00022504-00022856 then you're going to move to the two sides of your mouth so it's going to look something like this spOXzDaB-Zg-00038-00023488-00024360 and now you do it see if you can change the directions and do it just as well spOXzDaB-Zg-00039-00024840-00024968 all right good and spOXzDaB-Zg-00040-00025192-00025672 perfect now what we're going to do is check your brush jobs you're going to wrap your spOXzDaB-Zg-00041-00025672-00026280 tongue around the front of your teeth in the back and you're going to go over every single tooth spOXzDaB-Zg-00042-00026336-00026664 in the front and back of top and bottom teeth and just spOXzDaB-Zg-00043-00026752-00028183 check your brush job alright here we go on the count of three one two three spOXzDaB-Zg-00044-00028472-00028783 and now do it one more time twice as fast spOXzDaB-Zg-00045-00029176-00029952 all right and now the next thing that we are going to do is we're going to do little waves big waves spOXzDaB-Zg-00046-00029952-00030520 so what you're going to do is anchor the tip of your tongue to the very bottom of your the bottom spOXzDaB-Zg-00047-00030520-00031088 of your bottom teeth right and then you're going to push the middle of your tongue forward now spOXzDaB-Zg-00048-00031088-00031583 this is really used in when you're making this the letter g when you're making that sound the spOXzDaB-Zg-00049-00031680-00032080 that is the middle of your tongue touching the roof of your mouth so what we're going spOXzDaB-Zg-00050-00032080-00032464 to do is just play around with this and we're called we're calling it little waves big waves spOXzDaB-Zg-00051-00032464-00032800 because you're gonna do little ones and then big ones so the first one is the little waves spOXzDaB-Zg-00052-00033096-00034296 and then we're gonna go to big waves and all right the next thing that we're gonna spOXzDaB-Zg-00053-00034296-00034824 do is waggle the tip of our tongue so you're gonna stick your tongue out and waggle the tip spOXzDaB-Zg-00054-00035072-00035984 and okay and finally what we're gonna do is you're going to massage the root of spOXzDaB-Zg-00055-00035984-00036624 your tongue now your tongue is actually anchored underneath your chin to the bottom of your mouth spOXzDaB-Zg-00056-00036696-00037312 and if you take your thumb and push it up underneath your jawbone in that soft spOXzDaB-Zg-00057-00037312-00038048 part under your neck and move it around you'll feel yourself massaging the bottom spOXzDaB-Zg-00058-00038136-00038792 of your tongue so try that with me push your thumb up underneath there and massage underneath there spOXzDaB-Zg-00059-00039024-00039416 do you feel it in your tongue so what we're doing is we're massaging spOXzDaB-Zg-00060-00039416-00040136 the root of our tongue because it's working really hard all right everyone now give one more spOXzDaB-Zg-00061-00040344-00041368 perfect now we're going to move to the soft palate so the first thing that i want you to do is yawn spOXzDaB-Zg-00062-00041632-00042272 now when you yawn you can feel that part of your body that soft palate move up now if you don't spOXzDaB-Zg-00063-00042272-00042768 know what i'm talking about put your finger in your mouth and and you're going to feel your spOXzDaB-Zg-00064-00042768-00043312 hard palate and your soft palate at the front of your mouth the roof of your mouth is harder now spOXzDaB-Zg-00065-00043312-00043968 feel that now move your to move your your thumb back further and you'll feel that it gets softer spOXzDaB-Zg-00066-00044040-00044592 do you feel that that's your soft palate now it moves and gets out of the way when spOXzDaB-Zg-00067-00044592-00045184 making certain sounds so what your your job is in this next set of activities spOXzDaB-Zg-00068-00045184-00045768 is to help move that on command when you want it to so the first thing we're going to do is yawn spOXzDaB-Zg-00069-00045936-00046928 and feel it now yawn with your tongue out okay now what i want you to do is i want you to say spOXzDaB-Zg-00070-00046928-00047776 only owen owns a gold rover that's only owen owns a gold rover but we're gonna yawn spOXzDaB-Zg-00071-00047776-00048656 every time we use an o right so it's gonna sound like this only owen owns a gold rover spOXzDaB-Zg-00072-00048656-00049088 and what we're trying to do is move that out of the way in the first few times that you do this spOXzDaB-Zg-00073-00049088-00049640 you're probably going to yawn because that's what you're used to but that's going to stop the more spOXzDaB-Zg-00074-00049640-00050264 you do it because your body's going to get used to going oh oh you want to do this to make a sound spOXzDaB-Zg-00075-00050264-00050912 i got you and again what we're doing is opening up space so try it with me only owen spOXzDaB-Zg-00076-00050912-00052008 owns a gold rover only owen owns a gold rover nice the next thing that we're going to do is spOXzDaB-Zg-00077-00052191-00052728 so i want you to take the tip of your tongue and anchor it right behind your bottom teeth spOXzDaB-Zg-00078-00052784-00053248 and push the middle of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and make an ng sound spOXzDaB-Zg-00079-00053336-00054048 oh it's going to be an n sound but as you pull away i want you to make a g sound so spOXzDaB-Zg-00080-00054048-00054784 you're going to pull away and open up your mouth and do an ah so it's going to go from to an ah spOXzDaB-Zg-00081-00055528-00056688 there we go now you try it good now from this you would move into your scales spOXzDaB-Zg-00082-00056688-00057248 and your tongue twisters and then you should be ready to perform thank you guys so much for doing spOXzDaB-Zg-00083-00057248-00057960 these exercises with me i want you to try each of them on your own now try them in front of a mirror spOXzDaB-Zg-00084-00057960-00058472 and then what i want you to do is upload your experience what was it like for you spOXzDaB-Zg-00085-00058472-00059040 which things worked which things didn't and if you have some other cool exercises let me know spOXzDaB-Zg-00086-00059040-00059479 so i can steal them alright everyone i look forward to hearing your responses and i'll see you spOXzDaB-Zg-00087-00059536-00060567 soon you sS7quyJRwHY-00000-00000003-00000450 Following the Japanese surrender in September 1945, the US sent General sS7quyJRwHY-00001-00000450-00000911 Douglas MacArthur to lead a temporary occupation of Japan. Together with sS7quyJRwHY-00002-00000911-00001346 Emperor Hirohito, the US forged a partnership with Japan that ultimately sS7quyJRwHY-00003-00001346-00001844 lead to its tremendous success in the second half of the 20th century. in sS7quyJRwHY-00004-00001844-00002368 today's lecture, we will discuss how and why this was possible. sS7quyJRwHY-00005-00002466-00002965 First, we need to understand why the US helped Japan following World War two. The sS7quyJRwHY-00006-00002965-00003478 idea of nation building becomes a new mo for helping former enemies. Never before sS7quyJRwHY-00007-00003478-00003897 has a country struck down an enemy then helped it lift itself back up. So what sS7quyJRwHY-00008-00003897-00004215 changed? First, the US recognized the economic sS7quyJRwHY-00009-00004215-00004605 reasons Japan resorted to war. They thought that if they could find a sS7quyJRwHY-00010-00004605-00004972 peaceful way to solve Japan's unfavorable balance of trade they would sS7quyJRwHY-00011-00004972-00005653 not need to resort to war in the future. The US also recognized that the sS7quyJRwHY-00012-00005653-00006067 Versailles Treaty and the disarmament conference that followed may not have sS7quyJRwHY-00013-00006067-00006498 been fair to their former ally. However, both of these reasons would be colored sS7quyJRwHY-00014-00006498-00007131 by the developing Cold War. If the US wanted to have Japan as an ally, then it sS7quyJRwHY-00015-00007131-00007594 made sense to help them rebuild. Under the Truman Doctrine, they could provide sS7quyJRwHY-00016-00007594-00008067 both military and monetary aid to Japan. A strong capitalist Japanese economy sS7quyJRwHY-00017-00008067-00008827 would be beneficial as a bulwark against communism. The US could also set up sS7quyJRwHY-00018-00008827-00009592 military bases there. The US hoped that Japan's success would be a role model to sS7quyJRwHY-00019-00009592-00009990 the rest of Asia. The US hoped other Asian nations would follow Japan and sS7quyJRwHY-00020-00009990-00010699 become allies of the US. Part of the agreement between Japan and the US was sS7quyJRwHY-00021-00010699-00011064 disarmament. The Japanese were forced to dismantle their military and limit sS7quyJRwHY-00022-00011064-00011622 themselves to a small defensive force. By law, Japan is only allowed to spend 1 sS7quyJRwHY-00023-00011622-00012103 percent of their yearly budget on this defense force. At first glance, this seems sS7quyJRwHY-00024-00012103-00012396 like a bad idea; very similar to what the Allies did to sS7quyJRwHY-00025-00012396-00013069 Germany after World War 1. Except, it works for Japan for two reasons. 1. the sS7quyJRwHY-00026-00013069-00013603 US military protects Japan in their horn is not weakened militarily and. 2 they sS7quyJRwHY-00027-00013603-00014166 are free to spend 99 percent of their yearly budget on many other things. So sS7quyJRwHY-00028-00014166-00014818 Japan completely reforms its economic, political and social systems. sS7quyJRwHY-00029-00014818-00015273 Economically speaking, the monopolistic Zaibatsus are broken into smaller sS7quyJRwHY-00030-00015273-00015681 companies therefore allowing for competition to flourish. Workers gain sS7quyJRwHY-00031-00015681-00016126 more rights such as trade unions and Japan's economy becomes a mixed economy sS7quyJRwHY-00032-00016126-00016632 through its economic planning. A mixed economy is an economy that has elements sS7quyJRwHY-00033-00016632-00017268 of both capitalism and socialism. The way that that worked in Japan was to have a sS7quyJRwHY-00034-00017268-00017668 government give private companies production quotas in exchange for tax sS7quyJRwHY-00035-00017668-00018165 breaks. For example, the Japanese government would give Toyota car sS7quyJRwHY-00036-00018165-00018829 company a quota for let's say a thousand Rav 4s/a day. If they met the quota they sS7quyJRwHY-00037-00018829-00019290 would get their tax incentive. How does Toyota make money and get their tax sS7quyJRwHY-00038-00019290-00019729 break and how does this help the Japanese economy as a whole? The 4 sS7quyJRwHY-00039-00019729-00020091 Japanese auto companies do not compete with each other over the Japanese market. sS7quyJRwHY-00040-00020091-00020607 They compete on the world market! They export their cars all over the sS7quyJRwHY-00041-00020607-00021070 world. This absorbs the cost of having to import raw materials. Thus, they are sS7quyJRwHY-00042-00021070-00021529 selling or exporting more than they are buying or importing and have what we sS7quyJRwHY-00043-00021529-00022269 call a favorable balance of trade. Next are the social reforms. Again, some of sS7quyJRwHY-00044-00022269-00022695 these reforms will seem odd at first glance, but ultimately will help Japan. sS7quyJRwHY-00045-00022695-00023298 The first is land reform. Prior to 1945, most land was owned by a small portion sS7quyJRwHY-00046-00023298-00023826 of the Japanese population. This limits people's abilities for social upward sS7quyJRwHY-00047-00023826-00024372 mobility. So a cap was set that landowners could only own up to ten sS7quyJRwHY-00048-00024372-00024625 acres of land. However, the government would pay these sS7quyJRwHY-00049-00024625-00025090 landowners for whatever land they owned in excess of the 10 acres and sell it to sS7quyJRwHY-00050-00025090-00025534 other private citizens. Thus both parties benefited and the country as a whole sS7quyJRwHY-00051-00025534-00025953 benefited. In terms of population control, there were massive public service sS7quyJRwHY-00052-00025953-00026394 campaigns encouraging 2 child households, birth control was available sS7quyJRwHY-00053-00026394-00026940 for free and abortions were legal. Finally in terms of education, Japan sS7quyJRwHY-00054-00026940-00027228 really soared. They spent a very large chunk of that sS7quyJRwHY-00055-00027228-00027724 ninety nine percent of their budget on education for all of its citizens. For sS7quyJRwHY-00056-00027724-00028139 much of the 20th century, Japan had the highest literacy rate in the world. sS7quyJRwHY-00057-00028139-00028816 Furthermore, Japan is home to over 300 universities and colleges. sS7quyJRwHY-00058-00028852-00029352 Politically, Japan rewrote it's constitution in 1947, which limited the sS7quyJRwHY-00059-00029352-00029718 role of the Emperor, including a public statement in which he had to renounce sS7quyJRwHY-00060-00029718-00030239 his claims of divinity. Their system is a parliamentary democracy in which a Prime sS7quyJRwHY-00061-00030239-00030738 Minister serves as the country's head of state and there there is civilian sS7quyJRwHY-00062-00030738-00031407 control of the military. The Japanese had several advantages would help them do sS7quyJRwHY-00063-00031407-00031844 well after losing World War two. They started from scratch so the majority of sS7quyJRwHY-00064-00031844-00032300 his buildings and infrastructure had the latest technology materials systems etc. sS7quyJRwHY-00065-00032300-00032878 The now highly educated and innovative Japanese people and their unique sense of sS7quyJRwHY-00066-00032878-00033428 reinventing themselves once again. They also have a unique way of doing business. sS7quyJRwHY-00067-00033428-00033882 There is much corporation between business owners and workers so much so sS7quyJRwHY-00068-00033882-00034284 that although workers have the right to strike they rarely use it. They are sS7quyJRwHY-00069-00034284-00034750 treated well with decent wages and extremely good benefits. There is not an sS7quyJRwHY-00070-00034750-00035493 "us-versus-them" mentality between bosses and employees. Likewise, CEOs think in sS7quyJRwHY-00071-00035493-00036111 terms of long term gains versus quarterly profit margins. Japan has been sS7quyJRwHY-00072-00036111-00036540 successful but not without some of the same problems other countries face like sS7quyJRwHY-00073-00036540-00037059 overcrowding, air pollution, crime etc. It has recently had some backlash from sS7quyJRwHY-00074-00037059-00037425 those who claim they have sacrificed too many of their cultural roots to become sS7quyJRwHY-00075-00037425-00037974 modern, and its economy is very dependent on others due to its lack of natural sS7quyJRwHY-00076-00037974-00038580 resources. Still Japan was the Phoenix that literally rose from the ashes of sS7quyJRwHY-00077-00038580-00038891 World War two to become the third economic superpower of the world sS7quyJRwHY-00078-00038891-00039380 throughout the second half of the 20th century. sTRc1qdRcuY-00008-00019590-00019782 Thanks for watching sTRc1qdRcuY-00009-00019822-00020012 and dont forget. visit my social media sTRc1qdRcuY-00010-00020080-00020326 Facebook, Youtube, Instagram sTRc1qdRcuY-00011-00020368-00020590 And Twitter Bang AI Channel sTRc1qdRcuY-00012-00020658-00020816 and don't forget likes sTRc1qdRcuY-00013-00020848-00021150 Subscribe sX4v_wItA0g-00000-00001338-00001932 Giving a seminar or conference presentation is a lot like a job interview. The one thing sX4v_wItA0g-00001-00001932-00002393 that people often make the mistake of is of a job interview is to tell the interviewer sX4v_wItA0g-00002-00002393-00003022 everything that they've done and what's missing is the "so-what?" factor. The "why is this significant?" sX4v_wItA0g-00003-00003022-00003526 and of course that the thing that the job interviewer wants to hear. It's the same at sX4v_wItA0g-00004-00003526-00004176 a conference or at a seminar, your audience wants to know the "so what?!" Why should they sX4v_wItA0g-00005-00004176-00004687 be interested in it? Why is this important? How is it relevant? When I first started giving sX4v_wItA0g-00006-00004687-00005353 presentations I felt that I had to convey all of the information I had, all of the research sX4v_wItA0g-00007-00005353-00005862 that I'd done. The temptation is to try and over impress your audience with how difficult sX4v_wItA0g-00008-00005862-00006425 your idea is, how complicated your idea is and the level of terminology. It's very tempting sX4v_wItA0g-00009-00006425-00007042 to go into using a lot of jargon. I would really recommend starting in a different place. sX4v_wItA0g-00010-00007042-00007641 When I focus on communicating to my audience rather than trying to just tell them everything sX4v_wItA0g-00011-00007641-00008379 I know, then I, I can do that a lot more efficiently. So a good question to ask is what do they sX4v_wItA0g-00012-00008379-00008945 need to know? What will they be most interested in knowing? Imagine that you only have three sX4v_wItA0g-00013-00008945-00009592 minutes to communicate your research. Often to a broader audience so think beyond just sX4v_wItA0g-00014-00009592-00010054 a very specialised audience. It will help you to get rid of the jargon and the very sX4v_wItA0g-00015-00010054-00010668 dry bits of your research. You want to communicate it in a way that will excite people. What sX4v_wItA0g-00016-00010668-00011082 you want to tell them about is what you're doing with it. What you are aiming for. What sX4v_wItA0g-00017-00011082-00011775 your big idea is. What excites you about it? Why this is important? That "so what?!" statement. sX4v_wItA0g-00018-00011775-00012325 Experiment with explaining your ideas to a colleague or a friend, preferably to someone sX4v_wItA0g-00019-00012325-00012777 who knows a little bit about your discipline but someone who doesn't know everything about sX4v_wItA0g-00020-00012777-00013279 what you do because you want to explain to them in a way that they will understand. When sX4v_wItA0g-00021-00013279-00013745 you can explain it in a way that they really get, that they understand, that they're interested sX4v_wItA0g-00022-00013745-00014351 in, that they want, they ask questions about your research then you know that you've nailed sX4v_wItA0g-00023-00014351-00015018 it. If you can do that for them and they may or may not be friends or colleagues, they sX4v_wItA0g-00024-00015018-00015451 will give you an honest answer. You will get an honest impression even from whether their sX4v_wItA0g-00025-00015451-00015862 eyes glaze over, whether they look interested, whether they ask questions, whether they ask sX4v_wItA0g-00026-00015862-00016355 appropriate questions. If they're looking confused it's possible that you may need to sX4v_wItA0g-00027-00016355-00016944 provide more detail. If they're looking bored, you're possibly using too much jargon and sX4v_wItA0g-00028-00016944-00017490 very dry ideas that you haven't explained fully. If you've got their full attention, sX4v_wItA0g-00029-00017490-00017954 it sounds to me like you've got the right balance of an intriguing topic where you're sX4v_wItA0g-00030-00017954-00018375 explaining things that's new information to them but you explain it in a way they can sX4v_wItA0g-00031-00018375-00018937 really get. And most importantly they can see the bigger picture: how is this going sX4v_wItA0g-00032-00018937-00019415 to be applicable in a broader scheme of things in the broader world. If they can see that sX4v_wItA0g-00033-00019415-00019906 potential you've done a good job, you've done your job. sX4v_wItA0g-00034-00019906-00020462 You can get more study tips and advice of the STUDYSmarter website. Brought to you by sX4v_wItA0g-00035-00020462-00020588 UWA student services. sXbWLPPbHI4-00000-00001116-00001329 Note to all Researchers: sXbWLPPbHI4-00001-00001329-00002003 Please include your name on all records, along with date and total number of items "refined". sXbWLPPbHI4-00002-00002003-00002311 Researchers are responsible for all "Output". sXbWLPPbHI4-00003-00002311-00002885 Should damage or loss of life occur, the researcher will be subject to administrative review and sXbWLPPbHI4-00004-00002885-00003214 possible disciplinary action. sXbWLPPbHI4-00005-00003214-00003443 Biological testing has been suspended. sXbWLPPbHI4-00006-00003443-00003897 Any biological testing must be cleared by O5 Command. sXbWLPPbHI4-00007-00003897-00004371 Test Log Format: All test logs should be written in this form. sXbWLPPbHI4-00008-00004371-00004785 Name: Date: DD/MM/YYYY sXbWLPPbHI4-00009-00004785-00004918 Total Items: sXbWLPPbHI4-00010-00004918-00005186 Input: Setting: sXbWLPPbHI4-00011-00005186-00005320 Output: sXbWLPPbHI4-00012-00005320-00006137 Test 11828-U5: Tests on the nature and construction of SCP-914 sXbWLPPbHI4-00013-00006137-00006614 With approval from O5 Command, a single gear was removed from one of the "outer" sections sXbWLPPbHI4-00014-00006614-00006900 of SCP-914. sXbWLPPbHI4-00015-00006900-00007317 Placement was carefully documented, and was in a location that would not release tension sXbWLPPbHI4-00016-00007317-00007805 on any belts or damage any documented sections. sXbWLPPbHI4-00017-00007805-00008452 Testing area was cleared and sealed after placing a steel block in the "intake" booth. sXbWLPPbHI4-00018-00008452-00009333 D-00104 was dispatched to SCP-914, and instructed to turn the key and activate SCP-914. sXbWLPPbHI4-00019-00009333-00010022 D-00104 reported that "the key won't catch", and the key was observed to turn several times sXbWLPPbHI4-00020-00010022-00010258 without tightening the mainspring. sXbWLPPbHI4-00021-00010258-00010823 No activity of any kind was observed from SCP-914 during this time. sXbWLPPbHI4-00022-00010823-00011361 Missing gear was replaced with an identical copy, comprised of the same metal (brass) sXbWLPPbHI4-00023-00011361-00011558 as the original. sXbWLPPbHI4-00024-00011558-00012200 Steel block re-inserted into the "intake" booth, and SCP-914 was activated on the "1:1" sXbWLPPbHI4-00025-00012200-00012338 setting. sXbWLPPbHI4-00026-00012338-00012875 SCP-914 observed to operate normally, with a slight pause of 3.5 seconds after winding sXbWLPPbHI4-00027-00012875-00013025 the key. sXbWLPPbHI4-00028-00013025-00013506 After "refining", Output observed to be a solid steel sphere with the same volume as sXbWLPPbHI4-00029-00013506-00013775 the original steel block. sXbWLPPbHI4-00030-00013775-00013988 Original gear returned to SCP-914. sXbWLPPbHI4-00031-00013988-00014650 Note: Well, thank god we can at least repair the damn thing if we damage it… assuming sXbWLPPbHI4-00032-00014650-00014871 we can find what's broken in it. sXbWLPPbHI4-00033-00014871-00015455 Hell, maybe it's already broken, I don't know… this damn thing hurts my head… sXbWLPPbHI4-00034-00015455-00015591 - Dr. ██████████ sXbWLPPbHI4-00035-00015591-00016097 Test 914-0101 Name: Dr. Gears sXbWLPPbHI4-00036-00016097-00016866 Date: ██/██/20██ Total Items: Four clockwork pocket watch, sXbWLPPbHI4-00037-00016866-00016998 belonging to Dr. Gears sXbWLPPbHI4-00038-00016998-00017605 Input: One gold-plated pocket watch Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00039-00017605-00017883 Output: Small clockwork bird. sXbWLPPbHI4-00040-00017883-00018275 When the tail is pressed, it produces a robin's call. sXbWLPPbHI4-00041-00018275-00018752 Input: One gold-plated pocket watch Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00042-00018752-00019175 Output: Toy clockwork train engine. sXbWLPPbHI4-00043-00019175-00019681 Input: One gold-plated pocket watch Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00044-00019681-00020245 Output: Miniature grandfather clock, fully functional. sXbWLPPbHI4-00045-00020245-00020719 Input: One gold-plated pocket watch Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00046-00020719-00021168 Output: Small metal sculpture of a piano. sXbWLPPbHI4-00047-00021168-00021785 Note: It appears there is a high level of randomness when SCP-914 "refines" an item. sXbWLPPbHI4-00048-00021785-00022344 However, it seems to preserve some elements of its original composition, in this example, sXbWLPPbHI4-00049-00022344-00022444 clockworks. sXbWLPPbHI4-00050-00022444-00022851 This is not a law, but a high probability. sXbWLPPbHI4-00051-00022851-00023293 Refine a metal bar, and you're more likely to get a simple metal object than an internal sXbWLPPbHI4-00052-00023293-00023430 combustion engine. sXbWLPPbHI4-00053-00023430-00023659 Both, however, are possible. sXbWLPPbHI4-00054-00023659-00023915 - Dr. Gears sXbWLPPbHI4-00055-00023915-00024434 Test 914-0102 Name: Dr. Gears sXbWLPPbHI4-00056-00024434-00025078 Date: ██/██/████ Total Items: Three copies of all documentation, sXbWLPPbHI4-00057-00025078-00025651 photographs, and test logs accumulated in relation to SCP-914. sXbWLPPbHI4-00058-00025651-00026380 Input: One copy of SCP-914 documentation Setting: 1:1 sXbWLPPbHI4-00059-00026380-00027066 Output: Folder containing all previously entered documents, arranged in chronological order. sXbWLPPbHI4-00060-00027066-00027797 Input: One copy of SCP-914 documentation Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00061-00027797-00028139 Output: Hard-bound book containing 400 pages. sXbWLPPbHI4-00062-00028139-00028650 No diagrams, photos, or other visual aids of any kind are included. sXbWLPPbHI4-00063-00028650-00029281 The pages appear to be solid black, but microscopic examination shows each page to be covered sXbWLPPbHI4-00064-00029281-00029566 in approximately twenty thousand characters. sXbWLPPbHI4-00065-00029566-00030185 The text has no correlation with any known writing style, and is not in a linear format, sXbWLPPbHI4-00066-00030185-00030738 with "sentences" constructed from individual characters spread out between many pages. sXbWLPPbHI4-00067-00030738-00031250 Each sentence requires an exceedingly complex formula to decode, with each formula unique sXbWLPPbHI4-00068-00031250-00031392 to each sentence. sXbWLPPbHI4-00069-00031392-00032081 Note: Current decoding work has resulted in two partially translated sentences after 225 sXbWLPPbHI4-00070-00032081-00032227 work-hours. sXbWLPPbHI4-00071-00032227-00032505 Item appears to be a record of the internal structure of SCP-914. sXbWLPPbHI4-00072-00032505-00033691 Input: One copy of SCP-914 documentation Setting: Very Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00073-00033691-00033993 Output: Single sheet of paper. sXbWLPPbHI4-00074-00033993-00034392 Weight is exactly the same as the entered documentation. sXbWLPPbHI4-00075-00034392-00035023 The sheet appears to be a single page from the entered SCP-914 documentation, however sXbWLPPbHI4-00076-00035023-00035562 when flipped over to the right, the reverse side is the following page in sequence. sXbWLPPbHI4-00077-00035562-00036063 When flipped over to the left, the opposite side is the preceding page in sequence. sXbWLPPbHI4-00078-00036063-00036615 No new documentation is included, but this item is significantly easier to store, if sXbWLPPbHI4-00079-00036615-00036876 more time-consuming to browse. sXbWLPPbHI4-00080-00036876-00037287 Note: It's screwing with us, you know that right? sXbWLPPbHI4-00081-00037287-00037737 I don't CARE if it's been proven that it has no self-awareness, this thing is LAUGHING sXbWLPPbHI4-00082-00037737-00037950 at us! sXbWLPPbHI4-00083-00037950-00038077 - General ████████ sXbWLPPbHI4-00084-00038077-00038616 Note: There seems to be some difficulty as to the meaning of "fine" and "coarse" on the sXbWLPPbHI4-00085-00038616-00039080 settings; the machine appears to be capable of refining input based either on a scale sXbWLPPbHI4-00086-00039080-00039624 of complexity (loss of entropy accompanied by increase in connectivity between components sXbWLPPbHI4-00087-00039624-00040271 and/or acquisition of subjective meaning) or of simplification (separation into composite sXbWLPPbHI4-00088-00040271-00040478 materials and loss of meaning). sXbWLPPbHI4-00089-00040478-00040694 - Dr. Gears sXbWLPPbHI4-00090-00040694-00041180 Test 914-0103 Name: Dr. Grangan sXbWLPPbHI4-00091-00041180-00041716 Date: ██/██/████ Total Items: Five adult male cadavers sXbWLPPbHI4-00092-00041716-00042261 Input: One cadaver Setting: Rough sXbWLPPbHI4-00093-00042261-00042607 Output: A pile of human remains. sXbWLPPbHI4-00094-00042607-00043127 Limbs, organs and bones all appear to have been roughly separated via tearing action sXbWLPPbHI4-00095-00043127-00043291 and high heat. sXbWLPPbHI4-00096-00043291-00043556 Output described as "unsettling". sXbWLPPbHI4-00097-00043556-00043988 Input: One cadaver Setting: Coarse sXbWLPPbHI4-00098-00043988-00044362 Output: Pile of human remains. sXbWLPPbHI4-00099-00044362-00044730 All organs and bones have been removed by some form of cutting tool. sXbWLPPbHI4-00100-00044730-00045337 The skin, nervous system, digestive system, and circulatory system all appear to have sXbWLPPbHI4-00101-00045337-00045806 been removed without severing or damaging any of tissues involved. sXbWLPPbHI4-00102-00045806-00046002 Results frozen for study. sXbWLPPbHI4-00103-00046002-00046441 Input: One cadaver Setting: 1:1 sXbWLPPbHI4-00104-00046441-00046779 Output: One Asian male cadaver. sXbWLPPbHI4-00105-00046779-00047147 Original cadaver was identified as Caucasian. sXbWLPPbHI4-00106-00047147-00047574 Input: One cadaver Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00107-00047574-00048047 Output: One cadaver containing SCP-008. sXbWLPPbHI4-00108-00048047-00048252 Subject immediately incinerated. sXbWLPPbHI4-00109-00048252-00048648 Input: One cadaver Setting: Very Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00110-00048648-00048907 Output: Green slime. sXbWLPPbHI4-00111-00048907-00049465 Properties and chemical structure determined to be identical to SCP-447-2. sXbWLPPbHI4-00112-00049465-00050337 Note: By order of O5-█, cadavers may no longer be tested in SCP-914 in order to minimize sXbWLPPbHI4-00113-00050337-00051066 the possibility of SCP-447-2 coming in contact with dead bodies. sXbWLPPbHI4-00114-00051066-00051586 Test 914-0104 Name: Dr. Ouros sXbWLPPbHI4-00115-00051586-00052095 Date: ██/██/████ Total Items: One pill of SCP-500 sXbWLPPbHI4-00116-00052095-00052488 Input: One pill Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00117-00052488-00053149 Output: One ornate metal locket, now classified as SCP-427 sXbWLPPbHI4-00118-00053149-00053716 Test 914-0105 Name: Dr. Zemyla Cenh sXbWLPPbHI4-00119-00053716-00054326 Date: ██/██/████ Total Items: Two identical wooden cross pendants, sXbWLPPbHI4-00120-00054326-00054549 7.6cm (3in) long sXbWLPPbHI4-00121-00054549-00055036 Input: One cross Setting: Rough sXbWLPPbHI4-00122-00055036-00055639 Output: One fragment of wood of the same mass, cut flat on 3 sides. sXbWLPPbHI4-00123-00055639-00055944 This may be a fragment of a larger cross. sXbWLPPbHI4-00124-00055944-00056372 Input: One cross Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00125-00056372-00056970 Output: One wooden crucifix with intricately detailed carving of Jesus Christ. sXbWLPPbHI4-00126-00056970-00057543 Note: This may imply that SCP-914 has an understanding of religion. sXbWLPPbHI4-00127-00057543-00057807 More experiments with religious items are indicated. sXbWLPPbHI4-00128-00057807-00057907 - Dr. Cenh sXbWLPPbHI4-00129-00057907-00058588 Note: This test may indicate that SCP-914 understands the use of input objects and not sXbWLPPbHI4-00130-00058588-00058824 simply their function. sXbWLPPbHI4-00131-00058824-00059260 Recommend testing with medicines reliant on the placebo effect to ascertain if outputs sXbWLPPbHI4-00132-00059260-00059599 provide actual medicinal solutions to problems. sXbWLPPbHI4-00133-00059599-00059772 - Dr. Pyrrhus sXbWLPPbHI4-00134-00059772-00060226 Test 914-0106 Name: Dr. Gibbons sXbWLPPbHI4-00135-00060226-00060797 Date: ██/██/████ Total Items: Three hundred U.S. dollars. sXbWLPPbHI4-00136-00060797-00061124 One hundred U.S dollars will be used for each setting. sXbWLPPbHI4-00137-00061124-00061538 Input: One hundred U.S. dollars Setting: Coarse sXbWLPPbHI4-00138-00061538-00062114 Output: A puddle of ink and a small pile of cotton and plastic weighing roughly as much sXbWLPPbHI4-00139-00062114-00062335 as the original currency. sXbWLPPbHI4-00140-00062335-00062841 Input: One hundred U.S. dollars Setting: 1:1 sXbWLPPbHI4-00141-00062841-00063151 Output: Seventy-five euros. sXbWLPPbHI4-00142-00063151-00063463 Input: One hundred U.S. dollars Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00143-00063463-00064204 Output: A shareholder's note for "Soap from Corpses Products", worth one hundred U.S. sXbWLPPbHI4-00144-00064204-00064304 dollars. sXbWLPPbHI4-00145-00064304-00064979 It is unknown whether 914 selected a Foundation's front out of pure whimsy, or because of some sXbWLPPbHI4-00146-00064979-00065141 other criteria. sXbWLPPbHI4-00147-00065141-00065714 Update: As in ██/██/████, Soap from Corpses Products' shares skyrocketed, sXbWLPPbHI4-00148-00065714-00066156 and the aforementioned 'Fine' output is now worth $████ (USD). sXbWLPPbHI4-00149-00066156-00066705 It is under investigation if 914 'selected' Soap from Corpses Products because it 'knew' sXbWLPPbHI4-00150-00066705-00067113 was going to rally, or if it was a matter of pure luck. sXbWLPPbHI4-00151-00067113-00067725 Test 914-0107 Name: Dr. █████ sXbWLPPbHI4-00152-00067725-00068200 Date: ██/██/████ Total Items: Five Bronze replicas of the Pioneer sXbWLPPbHI4-00153-00068200-00068462 ten and eleven plaques. sXbWLPPbHI4-00154-00068462-00068685 Input: One plaque on each setting sXbWLPPbHI4-00155-00068685-00069174 Setting: Rough Output: Multiple bronze cubes and two bronze sXbWLPPbHI4-00156-00069174-00069293 spheres. sXbWLPPbHI4-00157-00069293-00069931 Setting: Coarse Output: 105 grams of copper ore and 15 grams sXbWLPPbHI4-00158-00069931-00070151 of tin ore. sXbWLPPbHI4-00159-00070151-00070523 Setting: 1:1 Output: Several CDs. sXbWLPPbHI4-00160-00070523-00070992 Tests reveal them to contain the same data as the Voyager Golden Record. sXbWLPPbHI4-00161-00070992-00071545 Setting: Fine Output: A record-sized bronze disc. sXbWLPPbHI4-00162-00071545-00071970 Testing shows that using the object with a record player will play a recording of a currently sXbWLPPbHI4-00163-00071970-00072510 unidentified voice describing the content and meanings of the Pioneer plaque. sXbWLPPbHI4-00164-00072510-00073168 Setting: Very Fine Output: A bronze gyroscope, 15 cm tall. sXbWLPPbHI4-00165-00073168-00073692 A needle in the center continuously points in one direction; testing has confirmed that sXbWLPPbHI4-00166-00073692-00074230 no matter the position of the gyroscope, this needle points towards our Sun. sXbWLPPbHI4-00167-00074230-00074816 Test 914-0108 Name: Dr. ███████ sXbWLPPbHI4-00168-00074816-00075264 Date: ██/██/████ Total Items: Five lbs. raw ground beef sXbWLPPbHI4-00169-00075264-00075548 Input: One lb. sXbWLPPbHI4-00170-00075548-00075835 raw ground beef Setting: Rough sXbWLPPbHI4-00171-00075835-00076005 Output: 1 lb. sXbWLPPbHI4-00172-00076005-00076149 beef slurry. sXbWLPPbHI4-00173-00076149-00076326 Input: One lb. sXbWLPPbHI4-00174-00076326-00076636 raw ground beef Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00175-00076636-00076813 Output: One lb. sXbWLPPbHI4-00176-00076813-00077045 medium-cooked round steak. sXbWLPPbHI4-00177-00077045-00077169 Input: One lb. sXbWLPPbHI4-00178-00077169-00077492 raw ground beef Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00179-00077492-00077679 Output: One lb. sXbWLPPbHI4-00180-00077679-00077870 pile of beef jerky. sXbWLPPbHI4-00181-00077870-00078000 Input: One lb. sXbWLPPbHI4-00182-00078000-00078263 raw ground beef Setting: Very Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00183-00078263-00078942 Output: Two half-pound flank steaks, well-done and lightly drizzled in gravy. sXbWLPPbHI4-00184-00078942-00079111 Input: One lb. sXbWLPPbHI4-00185-00079111-00079389 raw ground beef Setting: Very Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00186-00079389-00079952 Output: [DATA EXPUNGED] Subject terminated with no casualties. sXbWLPPbHI4-00187-00079952-00080544 Test 914-0109 Name: Dr. █████ sXbWLPPbHI4-00188-00080544-00081188 Date: ██/██/████ Total Items: Five IRS Form 1040 (blank) sXbWLPPbHI4-00189-00081188-00081711 Input: One IRS Form 1040 (blank) Setting: Rough sXbWLPPbHI4-00190-00081711-00082137 Output: Several hundred thin paper strips. sXbWLPPbHI4-00191-00082137-00082706 Input: One IRS Form 1040 (blank) Setting: Coarse sXbWLPPbHI4-00192-00082706-00083204 Output: One block of wood, wet with strong-smelling liquid. sXbWLPPbHI4-00193-00083204-00083689 Tests indicated the liquid to be composed of a variety of chemicals used in the paper-making sXbWLPPbHI4-00194-00083689-00083830 process. sXbWLPPbHI4-00195-00083830-00084487 Input: One IRS Form 1040 (blank) Setting: 1:1 sXbWLPPbHI4-00196-00084487-00084954 Output: One IRS Form 4868 (blank) sXbWLPPbHI4-00197-00084954-00085567 Input: One IRS Form 1040 (blank) Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00198-00085567-00086175 Output: One IRS Form 1040, with all blank space including margins and backs of pages sXbWLPPbHI4-00199-00086175-00086745 filled with imprecations against the IRS and taxation in general in the following languages sXbWLPPbHI4-00200-00086745-00087316 [in order of quantity of text, from greatest to least]: Basque, Quenya [see below], Sumerian, sXbWLPPbHI4-00201-00087316-00087881 Cherokee, an unidentifiable language with a writing system composed of curved symbols, sXbWLPPbHI4-00202-00087881-00088711 Classical Chinese, English (from the curses used, apparently c. 1650-1750). sXbWLPPbHI4-00203-00088711-00089361 After long study of the unidentifiable symbols Dr. █████ could identify no commonality sXbWLPPbHI4-00204-00089361-00089704 with any of the other languages present on the form. sXbWLPPbHI4-00205-00089704-00090117 The Sumerian contained three words unattested from any known text. sXbWLPPbHI4-00206-00090117-00090576 The Quenya had its cursing of the IRS interspersed with vituperation of someone or something sXbWLPPbHI4-00207-00090576-00090773 called "Morgoth". sXbWLPPbHI4-00208-00090773-00091367 Input: One IRS Form 1040 (blank) Setting: Very Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00209-00091367-00092201 Output: One IRS Form "MXL", filled out for the year 35 and with the name given as "GAIVS sXbWLPPbHI4-00210-00092201-00092808 IVLIVS CAESAR AVGVSTVS GERMANICVS" and all monetary amounts given in Roman numerals with sXbWLPPbHI4-00211-00092808-00093164 the word "DENARII" entered afterwards. sXbWLPPbHI4-00212-00093164-00093613 Test 914-0110 Name: Dr. Clopine sXbWLPPbHI4-00213-00093613-00094467 Date: 15/08/2009 Total Items: Five 8.5" x 11'' copies of the sXbWLPPbHI4-00214-00094467-00095012 Mona Lisa printed from an HP Photosmart 3310 All-In-One onto photo paper sXbWLPPbHI4-00215-00095012-00095610 Input: One copy of Mona Lisa Setting: Rough sXbWLPPbHI4-00216-00095610-00096038 Output: One pile of shredded photo paper, several pools of ink sXbWLPPbHI4-00217-00096038-00096555 Input: One copy of Mona Lisa Setting: Coarse sXbWLPPbHI4-00218-00096555-00097456 Output: One 8.5'' x 11" sheet of plastic, one 8.5'' x 11" sheet of paper, several pools sXbWLPPbHI4-00219-00097456-00097556 of ink sXbWLPPbHI4-00220-00097556-00098099 Input: One copy of Mona Lisa Setting: 1:1 sXbWLPPbHI4-00221-00098099-00098560 Output: One 8.5'' x 11" copy of Vitruvian Man sXbWLPPbHI4-00222-00098560-00099194 Input: One copy of Mona Lisa Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00223-00099194-00099886 Output: One 8.5'' x 11" copy of Mona Lisa, painted onto canvas. sXbWLPPbHI4-00224-00099886-00100261 Testing revealed paint to be oil paint of modern origins. sXbWLPPbHI4-00225-00100261-00100737 Input: One copy of Mona Lisa Setting: Very Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00226-00100737-00101566 Output: One 7'' x 10" copy of the Mona Lisa painted onto wood panel, identified to be sXbWLPPbHI4-00227-00101566-00101666 poplar. sXbWLPPbHI4-00228-00101666-00102236 Paint samples tested to be oil paints made from beeswax, calcined bones, piled glass, sXbWLPPbHI4-00229-00102236-00102725 and mineral pigments, with indications that pigments were hand ground. sXbWLPPbHI4-00230-00102725-00103164 Further testing suggests painting dates to the early 16th century. sXbWLPPbHI4-00231-00103164-00103569 Output now resides on a wall in Dr. Clopine's office. sXbWLPPbHI4-00232-00103569-00104200 Test 914-0111 Name: Professor "Q" sXbWLPPbHI4-00233-00104200-00104854 Date: 13/02/2010 Total Items: One chessboard, initial setup sXbWLPPbHI4-00234-00104854-00105392 Input: One chessboard Setting: 1:1 sXbWLPPbHI4-00235-00105392-00105885 Output: One chessboard, white king's pawn moved up 2 spaces. sXbWLPPbHI4-00236-00105885-00106335 Input: Board as above, with black pawn moved to a legal position sXbWLPPbHI4-00237-00106335-00106926 Setting: 1:1 Output: One chessboard, as above with white sXbWLPPbHI4-00238-00106926-00107134 queen moved diagonally to a legal position. sXbWLPPbHI4-00239-00107134-00107553 Note: Yes, I've been playing chess with 914. sXbWLPPbHI4-00240-00107553-00108170 Yes, I'm aware it's probably non-sentient, but that hardly explains why it's winning. sXbWLPPbHI4-00241-00108170-00108551 - Professor "Q" sXbWLPPbHI4-00242-00108551-00109065 Test 914-0112 Name: Dr. C███████ sXbWLPPbHI4-00243-00109065-00109590 Date: 10/04/2010 Total Items: Five prints of La trahison des sXbWLPPbHI4-00244-00109590-00109843 images by René Magritte. sXbWLPPbHI4-00245-00109843-00110144 Input: One print of above mentioned painting. sXbWLPPbHI4-00246-00110144-00110648 Setting: 1:1 Output: One miniature pipe identical to that sXbWLPPbHI4-00247-00110648-00111014 in the print, with "C'est une pipe" engraved on it. sXbWLPPbHI4-00248-00111014-00111373 Input: One print of above mentioned painting. sXbWLPPbHI4-00249-00111373-00111892 Setting: 1:1 Output: A near identical print, with "This sXbWLPPbHI4-00250-00111892-00112379 is not a pipe" written in in English in the same hand as in the original. sXbWLPPbHI4-00251-00112379-00112752 Input: One print of above mentioned painting. sXbWLPPbHI4-00252-00112752-00113320 Setting: Fine Output: A print of Les deux mystères by René sXbWLPPbHI4-00253-00113320-00113420 Magritte. sXbWLPPbHI4-00254-00113420-00113675 Input: One print of above mentioned painting. sXbWLPPbHI4-00255-00113675-00114214 Setting: Very Fine Output: A print of an untitled painting, later sXbWLPPbHI4-00256-00114214-00114724 definitively confirmed by art experts to have been produced by René Magritte, despite there sXbWLPPbHI4-00257-00114724-00114977 being no record of its existence. sXbWLPPbHI4-00258-00114977-00115606 The painting depicts [REDACTED] in addition to La trahison des images. sXbWLPPbHI4-00259-00115606-00115900 Input: One print of above mentioned painting. sXbWLPPbHI4-00260-00115900-00116429 Setting: Very Fine Output: A blank piece of paper with the memetic sXbWLPPbHI4-00261-00116429-00116854 property of inducing observers to believe that it is a pipe. sXbWLPPbHI4-00262-00116854-00117311 The paper was accidentally destroyed by Dr. C███████ who placed it in his sXbWLPPbHI4-00263-00117311-00117635 mouth and set it on fire. sXbWLPPbHI4-00264-00117635-00118050 Dr. C███████ was treated for minor burns to his face but was otherwise sXbWLPPbHI4-00265-00118050-00118241 not injured. sXbWLPPbHI4-00266-00118241-00118926 Test 914-0113 Name: Dr. J█████ N██████ sXbWLPPbHI4-00267-00118926-00119473 Date: 30/05/2010 Total Items: Five tuna sandwiches, on white sXbWLPPbHI4-00268-00119473-00119600 bread. sXbWLPPbHI4-00269-00119600-00119866 Input: One tuna sandwich. sXbWLPPbHI4-00270-00119866-00120424 Setting: Rough Output: A pile of wheat, a small pile of yeast, sXbWLPPbHI4-00271-00120424-00121130 a puddle of water and one segment of twitching, bloody flesh (later identified as tuna musculature). sXbWLPPbHI4-00272-00121130-00121408 Input: One tuna sandwich. sXbWLPPbHI4-00273-00121408-00121903 Setting: Coarse Output: A small loaf of bread, and chunks sXbWLPPbHI4-00274-00121903-00122098 of cooked tuna. sXbWLPPbHI4-00275-00122098-00122393 Input: One tuna sandwich. sXbWLPPbHI4-00276-00122393-00122935 Setting: 1:1 Output: One salmon sandwich, on rye bread. sXbWLPPbHI4-00277-00122935-00123186 Input: One tuna sandwich. sXbWLPPbHI4-00278-00123186-00123553 Setting: Fine Output: One tuna sandwich. sXbWLPPbHI4-00279-00123553-00124145 Tuna was later revealed to be of the highest quality, with light, soft bread. sXbWLPPbHI4-00280-00124145-00124700 Testing on D-class personnel resulted in dramatically increased cognitive capacity; further chemical sXbWLPPbHI4-00281-00124700-00125378 analysis revealed it to contain unusually high levels of Omega-3 and Omega-7 fatty acids. sXbWLPPbHI4-00282-00125378-00125629 Input: One tuna sandwich. sXbWLPPbHI4-00283-00125629-00126125 Setting: Very Fine Output: One small loaf of bread baked into sXbWLPPbHI4-00284-00126125-00126392 a very realistic shape of a tuna. sXbWLPPbHI4-00285-00126392-00126902 When the door was opened, it immediately began "swimming" around the room and out the door. sXbWLPPbHI4-00286-00126902-00127263 Subject presumed missing. sXbWLPPbHI4-00287-00127263-00127815 Test 914-0114 Name: Dr. ████████ sXbWLPPbHI4-00288-00127815-00128654 Date: 07/01/2011 Total Items: Five adult SCP-939 specimens. sXbWLPPbHI4-00289-00128654-00128930 Test cleared by O5 Command. sXbWLPPbHI4-00290-00128930-00129626 Input: One adult SCP-939 specimen was placed within SCP-914 on each setting. sXbWLPPbHI4-00291-00129626-00130180 Setting: Rough Output: A mass of bone splinters, broken teeth, sXbWLPPbHI4-00292-00130180-00130508 and scraps of translucent red tissue of various sizes. sXbWLPPbHI4-00293-00130508-00131087 Tissue was observed to twitch spasmodically for several hours before activity ceased. sXbWLPPbHI4-00294-00131087-00131316 Material preserved for further study. sXbWLPPbHI4-00295-00131316-00131852 Setting: Coarse Output: Subject was divided up into organized sXbWLPPbHI4-00296-00131852-00132530 piles of tissue, including but not limited to (presumably) muscle tissue, two piles of sXbWLPPbHI4-00297-00132530-00133230 ground bone tissue (the significance of this division, if any, is unknown), teeth, skin, sXbWLPPbHI4-00298-00133230-00133742 a total of approximately seventeen meters of esophageal tissue divided into numerous sXbWLPPbHI4-00299-00133742-00134233 coils, and approximately fifteen kilograms of rotting human flesh littered with splinters sXbWLPPbHI4-00300-00134233-00134847 of bone, shreds of fabric, and a tattered laminated ID tag identifying its owner as sXbWLPPbHI4-00301-00134847-00135155 D-09355. sXbWLPPbHI4-00302-00135155-00135743 As with the first test, SCP-939 tissue was observed to convulse for several hours before sXbWLPPbHI4-00303-00135743-00135976 ceasing activity. sXbWLPPbHI4-00304-00135976-00136495 SCP-939 remains preserved for further study; human remains incinerated. sXbWLPPbHI4-00305-00136495-00136931 Setting: 1:1 Output: [REDACTED] sXbWLPPbHI4-00306-00136931-00137585 Setting: Fine Output: The same SCP-939 specimen. sXbWLPPbHI4-00307-00137585-00137858 Respiration was noted to have halted. sXbWLPPbHI4-00308-00137858-00138282 Test subject was immediately relocated to a reinforced concrete containment chamber sXbWLPPbHI4-00309-00138282-00138603 and observed remotely via CCTV. sXbWLPPbHI4-00310-00138603-00138966 Installation security forces were ordered to high alert. sXbWLPPbHI4-00311-00138966-00139396 Twenty-four hours passed with no signs of activity from the subject. sXbWLPPbHI4-00312-00139396-00139921 Subject proved unresponsive to all stimuli and was pronounced dead thirty-six hours later. sXbWLPPbHI4-00313-00139921-00140527 Necropsy was unable to identify a cause of death nor any anatomical revisions attributable sXbWLPPbHI4-00314-00140527-00140752 to SCP-914. sXbWLPPbHI4-00315-00140752-00140957 Remains preserved for further study. sXbWLPPbHI4-00316-00140957-00141617 Setting: Very Fine Output: A heap of smoldering white ash. sXbWLPPbHI4-00317-00141617-00142303 Test 914-0115 Name: Dr. ██████ sXbWLPPbHI4-00318-00142303-00142993 Date: 09/05/2011 Total Items Eight identical copies of the sXbWLPPbHI4-00319-00142993-00143093 King James Bible sXbWLPPbHI4-00320-00143093-00143529 Input: One King James Bible. sXbWLPPbHI4-00321-00143529-00144048 Setting: Coarse Output: One sheet of leather, one block of sXbWLPPbHI4-00322-00144048-00144675 wood of approximate dimensions 3/4 that of the Bible, one stack of ink stained rags, sXbWLPPbHI4-00323-00144675-00144909 one reel of thread. sXbWLPPbHI4-00324-00144909-00145186 Input: One King James Bible. sXbWLPPbHI4-00325-00145186-00145767 Setting: 1:1 Output: One copy of the Qur'an. sXbWLPPbHI4-00326-00145767-00146079 Input: One King James Bible. sXbWLPPbHI4-00327-00146079-00146552 Setting: 1:1 Output: Hand-illustrated copy of the Dead sXbWLPPbHI4-00328-00146552-00146875 Sea Scrolls on new papyri. sXbWLPPbHI4-00329-00146875-00147160 Input: One King James Bible. sXbWLPPbHI4-00330-00147160-00147671 Setting: Fine Output: One book with leaden pages and a golden sXbWLPPbHI4-00331-00147671-00147790 cover. sXbWLPPbHI4-00332-00147790-00147944 Language unknown. sXbWLPPbHI4-00333-00147944-00148268 Input: One King James Bible. sXbWLPPbHI4-00334-00148268-00148915 Setting: 1:1 Output: One book titled "The Satanic Bible". sXbWLPPbHI4-00335-00148915-00149247 Input: One King James Bible. sXbWLPPbHI4-00336-00149247-00149769 Setting: Fine Output: One DVD containing animated accounts sXbWLPPbHI4-00337-00149769-00150028 of all the Bible stories. sXbWLPPbHI4-00338-00150028-00150341 Input: One King James Bible. sXbWLPPbHI4-00339-00150341-00150908 Setting: Fine Output: One statuette, human in form. sXbWLPPbHI4-00340-00150908-00151468 Quotes Bible passages at random, unless prompted either by book, or by a short phrase from sXbWLPPbHI4-00341-00151468-00151894 the Bible, in which case it continues from that point. sXbWLPPbHI4-00342-00151894-00152463 Voices are appropriate to persons in Bible, narrator is a neutral voice of ambiguous gender sXbWLPPbHI4-00343-00152463-00152944 unless the book is attributed to a particular person, in which case voices is appropriate sXbWLPPbHI4-00344-00152944-00153136 to that individual. sXbWLPPbHI4-00345-00153136-00153435 Input: One King James Bible. sXbWLPPbHI4-00346-00153435-00153974 Setting: Very Fine Output: One book with seemingly infinite pages sXbWLPPbHI4-00347-00153974-00154531 (current count exceeds two million) containing copies of religious texts with commentaries sXbWLPPbHI4-00348-00154531-00155075 and footnotes from all known religions, in multiple different languages, plus some religious sXbWLPPbHI4-00349-00155075-00155562 texts from (currently) unknown religions. sXbWLPPbHI4-00350-00155562-00156111 Test 914-0116 Name: Dr. ██████ sXbWLPPbHI4-00351-00156111-00156842 Date: 17/12/2011 Total Items: Three sheets of 8.5x11in printing sXbWLPPbHI4-00352-00156842-00157034 paper with varying instructions sXbWLPPbHI4-00353-00157034-00157845 Input: A sheet of 8.5x11in printing paper with the instructions “I would like a Quarter sXbWLPPbHI4-00354-00157845-00157970 Pounder with Cheese. sXbWLPPbHI4-00355-00157970-00158234 No pickles, no onions. sXbWLPPbHI4-00356-00158234-00158810 Large order of fries, and a medium Pepsi” handwritten in #2 pencil by Dr. ██████ sXbWLPPbHI4-00357-00158810-00159499 Setting: 1:1 Output: A single sheet of 8.5x11in paper, sXbWLPPbHI4-00358-00159499-00159752 with the words “I would like a Whopper. sXbWLPPbHI4-00359-00159752-00160019 No Ketchup, No Mustard. sXbWLPPbHI4-00360-00160019-00160373 Small order of onion rings, and a medium Coke” sXbWLPPbHI4-00361-00160373-00161058 Input: A sheet of 8.5x11in printing paper with the instructions “I would like a Quarter sXbWLPPbHI4-00362-00161058-00161200 Pounder with Cheese. sXbWLPPbHI4-00363-00161200-00161430 No pickles, no onions. sXbWLPPbHI4-00364-00161430-00161956 Large order of fries, and a medium Pepsi” handwritten in #2 pencil by Dr. ██████ sXbWLPPbHI4-00365-00161956-00162592 Setting: Fine Output: A stack of US counterfeit currency, sXbWLPPbHI4-00366-00162592-00163021 composed of standard paper and printed with #2 pencil lead. sXbWLPPbHI4-00367-00163021-00163564 The currency totals to the exact cost of the requested order, plus tax. sXbWLPPbHI4-00368-00163564-00164151 Input: A sheet of 8.5x11in printing paper with the instructions “I would like a Quarter sXbWLPPbHI4-00369-00164151-00164282 Pounder with Cheese. sXbWLPPbHI4-00370-00164282-00164525 No pickles, no onions. sXbWLPPbHI4-00371-00164525-00165100 Large order of fries, and a medium Pepsi” handwritten in #2 pencil by Dr. ██████ sXbWLPPbHI4-00372-00165100-00165813 Setting: Very Fine Output: A single sheet of 8.5x11 in paper, sXbWLPPbHI4-00373-00165813-00166263 with a series of symbols inscribed upon it which do not correspond to any known system sXbWLPPbHI4-00374-00166263-00166465 of writing. sXbWLPPbHI4-00375-00166465-00167242 Subjects viewing the symbols describe a sudden and intense desire for a cheeseburger. sXbWLPPbHI4-00376-00167242-00167522 Test 914-0117 Name: Dr. Westrin sXbWLPPbHI4-00377-00167522-00168164 Date: 23/02/2013 Total Items: One of my screws sXbWLPPbHI4-00378-00168164-00168409 Input: My screw. sXbWLPPbHI4-00379-00168409-00168896 Setting: 1:1 Output: Your screw. sXbWLPPbHI4-00380-00168896-00169364 Test 914-0118 Name: Dr. Syka Brown sXbWLPPbHI4-00381-00169364-00170142 Date: 07/12/2013 Total Items: One [REDACTED] brand 'Bouncy sXbWLPPbHI4-00382-00170142-00170369 Ball', cardboard label still attached sXbWLPPbHI4-00383-00170369-00170933 Input: One [REDACTED] brand 'Bouncy Ball', with cardboard label sXbWLPPbHI4-00384-00170933-00171440 Setting: Fine Output: A ball carrying a cardboard label sXbWLPPbHI4-00385-00171440-00171880 identifying it as a [REDACTED] brand 'Extra Bouncy Ball'. sXbWLPPbHI4-00386-00171880-00172208 Behavior was identical to store-bought varieties. sXbWLPPbHI4-00387-00172208-00172710 Input: One [REDACTED] brand 'Extra Bouncy Ball' sXbWLPPbHI4-00388-00172710-00173234 Setting: Fine Output: One ball of smaller shape and differing sXbWLPPbHI4-00389-00173234-00173882 colour, with a cardboard tag, specifying it as a "[REDACTED] brand 'Super-Duper Bouncy sXbWLPPbHI4-00390-00173882-00174009 Ball'". sXbWLPPbHI4-00391-00174009-00174390 The manufacturer does not appear to produce this product. sXbWLPPbHI4-00392-00174390-00175185 Testing reveals that the ball has 0.█% energy loss per bounce, making it extremely efficient. sXbWLPPbHI4-00393-00175185-00175675 Input: One [REDACTED] brand 'Super-Duper Bouncy Ball' sXbWLPPbHI4-00394-00175675-00176197 Setting: Very Fine Output: One ball, that appears unchanged from sXbWLPPbHI4-00395-00176197-00176297 the input. sXbWLPPbHI4-00396-00176297-00176963 There is however, a difference in its [REDACTED] properties, exhibited when dropped by Dr Brown. sXbWLPPbHI4-00397-00176963-00177496 [DATA EXPUNGED] forty-five casualties, and reached escape velocity. sXbWLPPbHI4-00398-00177496-00177793 Currently thought to be orbiting Mars. sXbWLPPbHI4-00399-00177793-00178534 Test 914-0119 Name: Dr. von Hildebrandt sXbWLPPbHI4-00400-00178534-00179128 Date: 26/03/2014 Total Items: One set photocopies and duplicates sXbWLPPbHI4-00401-00179128-00179614 of lab notes and other research material on SCP-914. sXbWLPPbHI4-00402-00179614-00180100 Input: One set of research materials Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00403-00180100-00181010 Output: One leather-bound tome, 54cm x 42cm, 256 vellum pages, with title written in gold sXbWLPPbHI4-00404-00181010-00181170 leaf. sXbWLPPbHI4-00405-00181170-00181655 Language of the title and the contents were at first unidentifiable, and were later discovered sXbWLPPbHI4-00406-00181655-00181958 to be an old dialect of Finnish. sXbWLPPbHI4-00407-00181958-00182426 The contents are written in calligraphy, and more than half the pages are elaborately illuminated sXbWLPPbHI4-00408-00182426-00182796 with colored inks and gold and silver leaf. sXbWLPPbHI4-00409-00182796-00183350 Once translated, the contents proved to be identical to the contents of the input material, sXbWLPPbHI4-00410-00183350-00183521 arranged chronologically. sXbWLPPbHI4-00411-00183521-00183879 The tome has been radiocarbon dated to the early 11th century C.E. sXbWLPPbHI4-00412-00183879-00184536 Anachronistically, a leather pocket is sewn into the inside back cover, and this pocket sXbWLPPbHI4-00413-00184536-00185144 contains what appears to be a modern compact disc, 10cm in diameter. sXbWLPPbHI4-00414-00185144-00185431 Data on this disc is encoded by an unknown codec. sXbWLPPbHI4-00415-00185431-00185830 Attempts to divine the codec and decipher the data are ongoing. sXbWLPPbHI4-00416-00185830-00186293 Note: It's a pity the contents of this tome are classified. sXbWLPPbHI4-00417-00186293-00186580 It's a piece worthy of any museum. sXbWLPPbHI4-00418-00186580-00186833 I've never seen such exquisite calligraphy. sXbWLPPbHI4-00419-00186833-00187395 The illuminations may prove to be the most interesting part of the book, though. sXbWLPPbHI4-00420-00187395-00187905 They often portray clockworks and related mechanical parts as well as some of the input sXbWLPPbHI4-00421-00187905-00188530 or output objects; possibly they relate in a direct rather than abstract way to the operation sXbWLPPbHI4-00422-00188530-00188944 of SCP-914 as described on the illuminated pages. sXbWLPPbHI4-00423-00188944-00189271 - Dr. von Hildebrandt sXbWLPPbHI4-00424-00189271-00189825 Test 914-0120 Name: Dr. ██████ sXbWLPPbHI4-00425-00189825-00190446 Date: 01/06/2014 Total Items: Five small, rectangular pieces sXbWLPPbHI4-00426-00190446-00191052 of paper, measuring 18x18 cm, with several equations relating to the theory of special sXbWLPPbHI4-00427-00191052-00191395 relativity written on them in black ink. sXbWLPPbHI4-00428-00191395-00191917 Input: One piece of paper with certain equations relating to special relativity. sXbWLPPbHI4-00429-00191917-00192461 Setting: Rough Output: A pile of wood pulp, and several drops sXbWLPPbHI4-00430-00192461-00192644 of black ink. sXbWLPPbHI4-00431-00192644-00193108 Input: One piece of paper with certain equations relating to special relativity. sXbWLPPbHI4-00432-00193108-00193590 Setting: Coarse Output: Eighteen children's multiplication sXbWLPPbHI4-00433-00193590-00193760 flashcards. sXbWLPPbHI4-00434-00193760-00194421 Input: One piece of paper with certain equations relating to special relativity. sXbWLPPbHI4-00435-00194421-00195311 Setting: 1:1 Output: One piece of paper featuring diagrams sXbWLPPbHI4-00436-00195311-00195660 of Pythagoras' five polyhedral elements. sXbWLPPbHI4-00437-00195660-00196149 Input: One piece of paper with certain equations relating to special relativity. sXbWLPPbHI4-00438-00196149-00196734 Setting: Fine Output: A ceramic tile with small, black glyphs. sXbWLPPbHI4-00439-00196734-00197032 The symbols have not been identified yet. sXbWLPPbHI4-00440-00197032-00197517 Input:One piece of paper with certain equations relating to special relativity. sXbWLPPbHI4-00441-00197517-00198036 Setting: Very Fine Output: A small, black cube made out of a sXbWLPPbHI4-00442-00198036-00198201 complex alloy. sXbWLPPbHI4-00443-00198201-00198617 The cube emits a keening tone in the presence of photons. sXbWLPPbHI4-00444-00198617-00199054 Test 914-0121 Name: Dr. Disk sXbWLPPbHI4-00445-00199054-00199822 Date: 01/06/2014 Total Items: Five different bronze ingots, sXbWLPPbHI4-00446-00199822-00200067 1 kg each. sXbWLPPbHI4-00447-00200067-00200427 Input: One 1 kilogram bronze ingot Setting: Rough sXbWLPPbHI4-00448-00200427-00201084 Output: Twenty different bronze nuggets, average mass 50 g. sXbWLPPbHI4-00449-00201084-00201450 Input: One 1 kilogram bronze ingot Setting: Coarse sXbWLPPbHI4-00450-00201450-00202189 Output: Two large-sized bronze bolts, mass 500 g each. sXbWLPPbHI4-00451-00202189-00202675 Input: One 1 kilogram bronze ingot Setting: 1:1 sXbWLPPbHI4-00452-00202675-00203336 Output: One 200 g ingot of tin and one 800 g ingot of copper. sXbWLPPbHI4-00453-00203336-00203837 Input: One 1 kilogram bronze ingot Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00454-00203837-00204354 Output: An intricate bronze hubcap, mass 1 kg. sXbWLPPbHI4-00455-00204354-00204673 Inscriptions appear to be in Korean. sXbWLPPbHI4-00456-00204673-00205123 Input: One 1 kilogram bronze ingot Setting: Very Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00457-00205123-00205894 Output: A rectangular bronze clock with a height of 24 centimeters, and a mass of 1 sXbWLPPbHI4-00458-00205894-00205994 kg. sXbWLPPbHI4-00459-00205994-00206430 It has a self-winding mechanism and appears to return to the proper time if its hands sXbWLPPbHI4-00460-00206430-00206578 are moved. sXbWLPPbHI4-00461-00206578-00207154 Note: All outputs of this experiment are currently in storage at Site 19. sXbWLPPbHI4-00462-00207154-00207817 Test 914-0122 Name: Dr. Falconis sXbWLPPbHI4-00463-00207817-00208446 Date: 04/10/2014 Total Items: Three hardcover copies of "Steve sXbWLPPbHI4-00464-00208446-00208615 Jobs" by Walter Isaacson sXbWLPPbHI4-00465-00208615-00209178 Input: One hardcover copy of "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson sXbWLPPbHI4-00466-00209178-00209799 Setting: 1:1 Output: One hardcover copy of "Bill Gates" sXbWLPPbHI4-00467-00209799-00210000 by Walter Isaacson. sXbWLPPbHI4-00468-00210000-00210441 Book contents consist of the biography of said figure. sXbWLPPbHI4-00469-00210441-00210810 Input: One hardcover copy of "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson sXbWLPPbHI4-00470-00210810-00211376 Setting: Fine Output: A DVD depicting Steve Jobs narrating sXbWLPPbHI4-00471-00211376-00211564 his biography. sXbWLPPbHI4-00472-00211564-00211983 Input: One hardcover copy of "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson sXbWLPPbHI4-00473-00211983-00212548 Setting: Very Fine Output: A metallic cube with one button on sXbWLPPbHI4-00474-00212548-00212648 it. sXbWLPPbHI4-00475-00212648-00213079 When the button is pressed, a holographic image of Steve Jobs appears. sXbWLPPbHI4-00476-00213079-00213596 The image appears to be sapient, capable of answering basic questions about Jobs' life, sXbWLPPbHI4-00477-00213596-00213901 as well as about Apple Computers. sXbWLPPbHI4-00478-00213901-00214594 Test 914-0123 Name: MTF Zeta-9 Commander █████ ███████, Assistant sXbWLPPbHI4-00479-00214594-00215223 Researcher Daniels Date: 22/10/2015 sXbWLPPbHI4-00480-00215223-00215849 Total Items: Five standard-issue FN P90 assault rifles, fully loaded. sXbWLPPbHI4-00481-00215849-00216236 Input: One P90 Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00482-00216236-00216546 Output: One P90 AR. sXbWLPPbHI4-00483-00216546-00216983 Direct viewing yielded no discernible results, but operation of the rifle showed that it sXbWLPPbHI4-00484-00216983-00217596 no longer required ammunition, but fired compressed air at 43 billion gigapascals over a maximum sXbWLPPbHI4-00485-00217596-00217851 distance of 700m. sXbWLPPbHI4-00486-00217851-00218183 Considerable damage to Site armory. sXbWLPPbHI4-00487-00218183-00218669 Test 914-0124 Name: Dr. A Sutherland sXbWLPPbHI4-00488-00218669-00219605 Date: 24/10/2015 Total Items: One Samsung Galaxy Note 7 sXbWLPPbHI4-00489-00219605-00220175 Input: One Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Setting: 1:1 sXbWLPPbHI4-00490-00220175-00220604 Output: One M67 fragmentation grenade. sXbWLPPbHI4-00491-00220604-00220823 Testing showed no extra-normal properties. sXbWLPPbHI4-00492-00220823-00221498 Note: I did this out of curiosity and because I wanted to prevent my phone from exploding sXbWLPPbHI4-00493-00221498-00221598 in my pocket. sXbWLPPbHI4-00494-00221598-00222042 Apparently SCP-914 has a sense of humour, and keeps up with current events. sXbWLPPbHI4-00495-00222042-00222349 - Dr. A Sutherland sXbWLPPbHI4-00496-00222349-00223017 Test 914-0125 Name: Dr. Levy sXbWLPPbHI4-00497-00223017-00223716 Date: 27/10/2015 Total Items: Four 330ml cans of Coca-Cola sXbWLPPbHI4-00498-00223716-00223902 brand soda. sXbWLPPbHI4-00499-00223902-00224281 Input: One can of Coca-Cola brand soda. sXbWLPPbHI4-00500-00224281-00224815 Setting: Rough Output: A small pile of aluminum filings and sXbWLPPbHI4-00501-00224815-00225111 sugar and a puff of water vapor. sXbWLPPbHI4-00502-00225111-00225480 Input: One can of Coca-Cola brand soda. sXbWLPPbHI4-00503-00225480-00226056 Setting: Coarse Output: A can of Tesco brand cola. sXbWLPPbHI4-00504-00226056-00226441 Input: One can of Coca-Cola brand soda. sXbWLPPbHI4-00505-00226441-00226990 Setting: 1:1 Output: One can of Pepsi brand soda. sXbWLPPbHI4-00506-00226990-00227371 Input: One can of Coca-Cola brand soda. sXbWLPPbHI4-00507-00227371-00227923 Setting: Fine Output: A small pile of cocaine. sXbWLPPbHI4-00508-00227923-00228419 Test 914-0126 Name: Dr. Sanders sXbWLPPbHI4-00509-00228419-00229305 Date: 25/12/2015 Total Items: Three DVDs with It's A Wonderful sXbWLPPbHI4-00510-00229305-00229432 Life. sXbWLPPbHI4-00511-00229432-00229826 Input: One DVD with It's A Wonderful Life. sXbWLPPbHI4-00512-00229826-00230467 Setting: 1:1 Output: One DVD with White Christmas. sXbWLPPbHI4-00513-00230467-00230919 Input: One DVD with It's A Wonderful Life. sXbWLPPbHI4-00514-00230919-00231465 Setting: Fine Output: One DVD with Home Alone. sXbWLPPbHI4-00515-00231465-00231921 Input: One DVD with It's A Wonderful Life. sXbWLPPbHI4-00516-00231921-00232507 Setting: Very Fine Output: One seemingly normal DVD with It's sXbWLPPbHI4-00517-00232507-00232713 A Wonderful Life. sXbWLPPbHI4-00518-00232713-00233246 Twelve D-Class personnel viewed the film and, as soon as the movie ended, vanished. sXbWLPPbHI4-00519-00233246-00233576 They returned exactly 24-hours later. sXbWLPPbHI4-00520-00233576-00234032 Six were dead and four appear to have been subjected to amnestics. sXbWLPPbHI4-00521-00234032-00234481 The two who were coherent told interviewers that nobody seemed to recognize them in the sXbWLPPbHI4-00522-00234481-00234728 alternate universe. sXbWLPPbHI4-00523-00234728-00235411 Test 914-0127 Name: Dr. DeVries sXbWLPPbHI4-00524-00235411-00236026 Date: 21/01/2016 Total Items: One complete core set of the sXbWLPPbHI4-00525-00236026-00236610 "Dungeons and Dragons" books in 3.5e and one bottle of generic vitamin 'gummies'. sXbWLPPbHI4-00526-00236610-00237148 Input: One complete core set of the "Dungeons and Dragons" books in 3.5e. sXbWLPPbHI4-00527-00237148-00237852 Setting: Fine Output: One large book measuring 2" by 11" sXbWLPPbHI4-00528-00237852-00238369 by 9" titled "The Complete Dungeons and Dragons Core Set 3.5e". sXbWLPPbHI4-00529-00238369-00238928 Upon inspection, the book was determined to be a combined version of all three previous sXbWLPPbHI4-00530-00238928-00239210 books written in 'Milwich' English font. sXbWLPPbHI4-00531-00239210-00239719 Note: I'll be keeping this in the lounge if anyone wants to use this. sXbWLPPbHI4-00532-00239719-00240042 I'll also be holding a game next Tuesday. sXbWLPPbHI4-00533-00240042-00240217 Bring your own character sheets. sXbWLPPbHI4-00534-00240217-00240317 - Dr. DeVries sXbWLPPbHI4-00535-00240317-00240686 Input: One bottle of generic vitamin 'gummies'. sXbWLPPbHI4-00536-00240686-00241273 Setting: 1:1 Output: One bottle of generic vitamin tablets. sXbWLPPbHI4-00537-00241273-00241673 Note: I don't know why I expected anything else. sXbWLPPbHI4-00538-00241673-00241910 - Dr. DeVries sXbWLPPbHI4-00539-00241910-00242374 Test 914-0128 Name: Dr. Cykes sXbWLPPbHI4-00540-00242374-00243216 Date: 02/02/2016 Total Items: Five [REDACTED] brand violins, sXbWLPPbHI4-00541-00243216-00243500 five [REDACTED] brand violin bows sXbWLPPbHI4-00542-00243500-00244192 Input: One [REDACTED] brand violin and bow Setting: Rough sXbWLPPbHI4-00543-00244192-00244969 Output: A small pile of sawdust, plastic fragments, metal shavings, and stiff, short hairs. sXbWLPPbHI4-00544-00244969-00245539 Input: One [REDACTED] brand violin and bow Setting: Coarse sXbWLPPbHI4-00545-00245539-00246289 Output: Several small balls of wood, plastic, metal, and hair sorted by color. sXbWLPPbHI4-00546-00246289-00246773 Input: One [REDACTED] brand violin and bow Setting: 1:1 sXbWLPPbHI4-00547-00246773-00247344 Output: One [REDACTED] brand viola and bow. sXbWLPPbHI4-00548-00247344-00247908 Input: One [REDACTED] brand violin and bow Setting: Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00549-00247908-00248626 Output: One [REDACTED] brand violin, tuned to absolute perfection and one seemingly normal sXbWLPPbHI4-00550-00248626-00248896 [REDACTED] brand bow. sXbWLPPbHI4-00551-00248896-00249510 Further analysis shows that the violin cannot come out of tune, even when tampered with. sXbWLPPbHI4-00552-00249510-00250056 Input: One [REDACTED] brand violin Setting: Very Fine sXbWLPPbHI4-00553-00250056-00250709 Output: One violin and one bow with blue glowing patterns on their surfaces. sXbWLPPbHI4-00554-00250709-00251221 The violin is perpetually in tune, even when tampered with, and the bow does not need the sXbWLPPbHI4-00555-00251221-00251363 use of rosin. sXbWLPPbHI4-00556-00251363-00251928 When played by anyone, no matter the skill level, it will invariably produce a tone usually sXbWLPPbHI4-00557-00251928-00252404 acquired by years of practice, and can play any song perfectly. sXbWLPPbHI4-00558-00252404-00252702 Music produced by the instrument has a calming effect. sXbWLPPbHI4-00559-00252702-00252967 Item is awaiting SCP classification. sXbWLPPbHI4-00560-00252967-00253489 Note: It even made “On Mount Golgotha” sound nice. sXbWLPPbHI4-00561-00253489-00253717 - Dr. Cykes sXbWLPPbHI4-00562-00253717-00254176 Test 914-0129 Name: Dr. Curtis sXbWLPPbHI4-00563-00254176-00255071 Date: 07/02/2016 Total Items: One pound of fully cooked [REDACTED] sXbWLPPbHI4-00564-00255071-00255469 brand bacon, and one photograph of SCP-682 sXbWLPPbHI4-00565-00255469-00255790 Input: As listed above. sXbWLPPbHI4-00566-00255790-00256475 Setting: Very Fine Output: One miniature replica of SCP-682, sXbWLPPbHI4-00567-00256475-00257034 approximately five inches tall at the shoulder, made entirely out of cooked [REDACTED] brand sXbWLPPbHI4-00568-00257034-00257336 bacon and photo paper. sXbWLPPbHI4-00569-00257336-00257729 Object is fully animate and extremely hostile toward all life forms. sXbWLPPbHI4-00570-00257729-00258116 It escaped containment, attempting to kill all staff present. sXbWLPPbHI4-00571-00258116-00258674 It was unable to inflict any damage due to its small size and the materials used in its sXbWLPPbHI4-00572-00258674-00258844 composition. sXbWLPPbHI4-00573-00258844-00259271 Entity made a “sizzling” sound as it moved that several staff described as “pleasing sXbWLPPbHI4-00574-00259271-00259481 to the ears.” sXbWLPPbHI4-00575-00259481-00259969 Classification of entity as SCP-682-BAC denied. sXbWLPPbHI4-00576-00259969-00260246 Note: Very funny, Dr. Curtis. sXbWLPPbHI4-00577-00260246-00260706 You are suspended from testing SCP-914 until further notice. sXbWLPPbHI4-00578-00260706-00261010 Though I have to admit, it smelled delicious. sXbWLPPbHI4-00579-00261010-00261119 - Dr. Gears sbg2FyNSF50-00000-00000939-00001252 (I made you cry.) sbg2FyNSF50-00001-00001252-00001452 Come here. sbg2FyNSF50-00002-00001663-00001987 Now, for today video, sbg2FyNSF50-00003-00002041-00002607 I will carry out the plan Ryo made. sbg2FyNSF50-00004-00002608-00002808 What is that? sbg2FyNSF50-00005-00002827-00003190 I will check inside of you. sbg2FyNSF50-00006-00003356-00003498 Eh. sbg2FyNSF50-00007-00003498-00003814 What are you thinking? sbg2FyNSF50-00008-00003814-00004518 At all sudden, I will look back the photos in your cellphone. sbg2FyNSF50-00009-00004683-00004839 Let me show your cellphone. sbg2FyNSF50-00010-00004840-00005258 From now? sbg2FyNSF50-00011-00005351-00005604 Everyone wants to know it, doesn’t them? sbg2FyNSF50-00012-00005604-00005746 Everyone does? sbg2FyNSF50-00013-00005746-00006422 I know every viewer is interested in what photos he took like and sbg2FyNSF50-00014-00006422-00006622 what video he took like. sbg2FyNSF50-00015-00006622-00006759 Me too. sbg2FyNSF50-00016-00006759-00007200 I have not so many photos. sbg2FyNSF50-00017-00007222-00007422 Hey, influencer? sbg2FyNSF50-00018-00007422-00007856 No way ! I won't join it. sbg2FyNSF50-00019-00007856-00008285 I will be miserable. sbg2FyNSF50-00020-00008361-00009197 You always post photos on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. sbg2FyNSF50-00021-00009229-00009515 So, I think you have saved many photos. sbg2FyNSF50-00022-00009515-00010200 There is a case that you changed your cellphone, then its photos was deleted. sbg2FyNSF50-00023-00010200-00010576 I am curious about your photos like? sbg2FyNSF50-00024-00010576-00010823 This time is abruptly sbg2FyNSF50-00025-00010823-00011023 to check if you have questionable photos. sbg2FyNSF50-00026-00011023-00011548 I intend to show off them. sbg2FyNSF50-00027-00011871-00012352 Anyways, please bring your cellphone. sbg2FyNSF50-00028-00012495-00012695 This is not. sbg2FyNSF50-00029-00012783-00013033 I know this is not Sho’s cellphone. sbg2FyNSF50-00030-00013038-00013180 I usually use this one. sbg2FyNSF50-00031-00013180-00013496 There is a case you use this, but not what I want you to bring. sbg2FyNSF50-00032-00013496-00013696 Another one? Why? sbg2FyNSF50-00033-00013743-00013896 I want to check the one you usually use. sbg2FyNSF50-00034-00013896-00014273 This is for watching YouTube. sbg2FyNSF50-00035-00014273-00014400 Hurry to bring it. sbg2FyNSF50-00036-00014400-00014600 I won’t. sbg2FyNSF50-00037-00014600-00014800 What? sbg2FyNSF50-00038-00014812-00015266 I don’t want to do that. sbg2FyNSF50-00039-00015659-00016017 Where my photos are in? I’m not sure. sbg2FyNSF50-00040-00016017-00016200 I never play with it. sbg2FyNSF50-00041-00016200-00016896 It’s a lie. That’s it. It apparently says “Photos” sbg2FyNSF50-00042-00016927-00017127 Ok. Whatever you want. sbg2FyNSF50-00043-00017169-00017752 Let me see, I will look over if there are some interesting photos. sbg2FyNSF50-00044-00017763-00018021 Since 2018. sbg2FyNSF50-00045-00018042-00018512 So, this is the year when we just started making YouTube videos. sbg2FyNSF50-00046-00018512-00018712 This cellphone may have all of the YouTube videos. sbg2FyNSF50-00047-00018765-00019015 The bottom is the latest one. sbg2FyNSF50-00048-00019015-00019425 I will show you if I can find interesting photos. sbg2FyNSF50-00049-00019446-00019800 I don’t think you can. sbg2FyNSF50-00050-00019829-00020001 I am an introvert. sbg2FyNSF50-00051-00020028-00020181 And bored. sbg2FyNSF50-00052-00020181-00020362 I don’t have any friend. sbg2FyNSF50-00053-00020373-00020501 I know already. sbg2FyNSF50-00054-00020501-00020652 (It‘s where you should butt in.) sbg2FyNSF50-00055-00020675-00021048 The recent photos were post a while ago. sbg2FyNSF50-00056-00021048-00021600 You have many photos which you can provide funny answers to. sbg2FyNSF50-00057-00022067-00022217 Can I show this? sbg2FyNSF50-00058-00022217-00022316 Sure. sbg2FyNSF50-00059-00022316-00022585 Do you remember this? sbg2FyNSF50-00060-00022625-00023018 This is post on Instagram. sbg2FyNSF50-00061-00023037-00023579 Guess what. To take self is to take a photo of your face in house, right? sbg2FyNSF50-00062-00023579-00023853 How do you feel when you do it? sbg2FyNSF50-00063-00023891-00024055 How I feel? sbg2FyNSF50-00064-00024055-00024398 I believe I am cool or cute. sbg2FyNSF50-00065-00024449-00024624 I never think so. sbg2FyNSF50-00066-00024627-00024981 That’s why I hate to take a selfie. sbg2FyNSF50-00067-00024997-00025390 Aside to that, how many times did you try taking a photo for the best one. sbg2FyNSF50-00068-00025394-00025594 I don’t know. sbg2FyNSF50-00069-00025594-00025857 How many times did you take? sbg2FyNSF50-00070-00025864-00026262 I don’t remember, but it’s impossible to take a best selfie only once. sbg2FyNSF50-00071-00026265-00026465 I found you take some photos. sbg2FyNSF50-00072-00026466-00026839 I think it’s difficult to take a good selfie. sbg2FyNSF50-00073-00026892-00027423 You sometimes face the day you can’t make a good face. sbg2FyNSF50-00074-00027423-00028047 I know there is a case where the condition of your face is bad or good. sbg2FyNSF50-00075-00028047-00028545 I think it’s amazing those who take a great selfie. sbg2FyNSF50-00076-00028558-00028659 I see. sbg2FyNSF50-00077-00028674-00028874 I really respect them. I wonder how many photos they take. sbg2FyNSF50-00078-00028986-00029274 Are any interesting photos? sbg2FyNSF50-00079-00029356-00030046 There are many edited pictures to creat our videos. sbg2FyNSF50-00080-00030069-00030781 Usually, I edit with my PC and smartphone at the same time. sbg2FyNSF50-00081-00030805-00031005 Why you have many such a picture? sbg2FyNSF50-00082-00031103-00031848 By the way, how was your feeling at the moment you took a picture. sbg2FyNSF50-00083-00031848-00032340 What is this picture of extreme close-up shot of your face. sbg2FyNSF50-00084-00032352-00032552 You can’t take a great selfie? sbg2FyNSF50-00085-00032552-00032672 Ok. Ok. sbg2FyNSF50-00086-00032673-00033248 I have no choice but to take a photo to post on Instagram. sbg2FyNSF50-00087-00033262-00033462 I think trimming the picture sbg2FyNSF50-00088-00033524-00033914 can make it look cool possibly. sbg2FyNSF50-00089-00033931-00034131 Unfortunately, it is not a masterpiece, right? sbg2FyNSF50-00090-00034156-00034356 Yes. sbg2FyNSF50-00091-00034655-00034855 Were these pictures taken by me? sbg2FyNSF50-00092-00034872-00035072 Yes. sbg2FyNSF50-00093-00035121-00035321 Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) sbg2FyNSF50-00094-00035425-00036330 For the part of “VOGUE” our making video, sbg2FyNSF50-00095-00036330-00036674 I wanted to make like this video and I felt this was so cool, then I took the picture. sbg2FyNSF50-00096-00036691-00036773 Exactly. sbg2FyNSF50-00097-00036773-00036973 Then, I made our video based on this. sbg2FyNSF50-00098-00036973-00037487 I got you. sbg2FyNSF50-00099-00037515-00037632 You are a stand-up guy. sbg2FyNSF50-00100-00037632-00037904 I’m not, but I just fool around. sbg2FyNSF50-00101-00037920-00038120 You are a stand-up guy. sbg2FyNSF50-00102-00038120-00038320 (embarrassed) sbg2FyNSF50-00103-00038400-00038776 I found it, the proof of you being cheating. sbg2FyNSF50-00104-00038780-00038980 Who is this? sbg2FyNSF50-00105-00039000-00039266 This is my favorite model. sbg2FyNSF50-00106-00039266-00039631 Every time I find who is handsome, I take a picture. sbg2FyNSF50-00107-00039636-00039808 Is this screenshot? sbg2FyNSF50-00108-00039811-00039873 Screenshot. sbg2FyNSF50-00109-00039873-00040073 What’s kind of screenshot? sbg2FyNSF50-00110-00040117-00040317 I think it is TikTok on live. sbg2FyNSF50-00111-00040317-00040735 I see. You watch TikTok live. sbg2FyNSF50-00112-00040735-00041042 It’s because I have a crush on the person in it. sbg2FyNSF50-00113-00041055-00041699 Handsome person streams live on it. sbg2FyNSF50-00114-00041699-00042301 This picture is kind of iffy. sbg2FyNSF50-00115-00042301-00042541 I got jealous. sbg2FyNSF50-00116-00042554-00043032 Something, to see the someone’s picture makes me jealous. sbg2FyNSF50-00117-00043056-00043309 Something else. sbg2FyNSF50-00118-00043386-00043911 Again, I found a handsome person. sbg2FyNSF50-00119-00043933-00044089 Yes, you are cheating. sbg2FyNSF50-00120-00044091-00044291 Why? sbg2FyNSF50-00121-00044770-00045229 This boy is always said handsome. sbg2FyNSF50-00122-00045231-00045822 I think so then I want to be like him. sbg2FyNSF50-00123-00045850-00046050 You are longing for him. sbg2FyNSF50-00124-00046086-00046633 I want to be my ideal model. sbg2FyNSF50-00125-00046636-00047075 I wanna be him rather than love him. sbg2FyNSF50-00126-00047075-00047818 There are many pictures of his. sbg2FyNSF50-00127-00047819-00048578 What is more, they are screenshot of live. Why you have them? sbg2FyNSF50-00128-00048578-00048990 I have two accounts of TikTok and sbg2FyNSF50-00129-00048990-00049372 the one is for browsing handsome faces. sbg2FyNSF50-00130-00049372-00049815 In the TikTok live, I ask a member of the boy band sbg2FyNSF50-00131-00049815-00050139 to give me the chance to take his screenshot. sbg2FyNSF50-00132-00050230-00051295 I separate ShoRyochannel account of TikTok from it. sbg2FyNSF50-00133-00051295-00051614 When you asked him, you could get the chance to take a screenshot. sbg2FyNSF50-00134-00051616-00051774 Hmm. sbg2FyNSF50-00135-00051778-00052118 What are you doing. sbg2FyNSF50-00136-00052139-00052678 So, when I stream live on social media, I feel for that sbg2FyNSF50-00137-00052678-00053178 viewers want to take my screenshot. sbg2FyNSF50-00138-00053182-00053541 There is a comment line on live. sbg2FyNSF50-00139-00053562-00054475 From now, you can say “Please do take my screenshot”. sbg2FyNSF50-00140-00054488-00054688 You do that. sbg2FyNSF50-00141-00054845-00055045 Ok. You can take my screenshot. sbg2FyNSF50-00142-00055213-00055413 Ok. You can take my screenshot. sbg2FyNSF50-00143-00055695-00055895 That’s about it. sbg2FyNSF50-00144-00055986-00056382 You are a serious person. sbg2FyNSF50-00145-00056382-00056918 Working or selfie or screenshot. sbg2FyNSF50-00146-00056942-00057114 Something like that. sbg2FyNSF50-00147-00057114-00057314 I found it again. sbg2FyNSF50-00148-00057314-00057514 How much do you like him? sbg2FyNSF50-00149-00057558-00058220 The screenshot was vividly taken as someone asked him. sbg2FyNSF50-00150-00058582-00058782 What are you doing? sbg2FyNSF50-00151-00058800-00059000 That’s enough. It has been long time. sbg2FyNSF50-00152-00059000-00059362 This is still the picture of this year. sbg2FyNSF50-00153-00059362-00059507 How long time will you take this video? sbg2FyNSF50-00154-00059507-00059707 (It has been 40 minutes so far.) sbg2FyNSF50-00155-00059725-00059925 How about Ryo's cellphone? sbg2FyNSF50-00156-00059944-00060682 I will pass it because this plan is made by me sbg2FyNSF50-00157-00060727-00061051 Why? Only mine? sbg2FyNSF50-00158-00061066-00062197 I could hear the mind that Shota’s fans wanted to see it. sbg2FyNSF50-00159-00062197-00062626 Nobady is interested in my camera roll. sbg2FyNSF50-00160-00062626-00062867 They are more interested in yours. sbg2FyNSF50-00161-00062893-00063145 What would you do if you could find the erotic pictures? sbg2FyNSF50-00162-00063147-00063908 Do you have the pictures of your ex-boyfriend? sbg2FyNSF50-00163-00063908-00064027 I’m not sure. sbg2FyNSF50-00164-00064027-00064227 (Ryo has them seemingly.) sbg2FyNSF50-00165-00064407-00064607 Let’s check it. sbg2FyNSF50-00166-00064800-00064859 No. sbg2FyNSF50-00167-00064863-00065063 Maybe, there are some of them left. sbg2FyNSF50-00168-00065080-00065280 No problem for me. sbg2FyNSF50-00169-00065280-00065668 But, I can’t show to the viewers. sbg2FyNSF50-00170-00065668-00065868 I will not show to them. sbg2FyNSF50-00171-00065868-00066068 Please overlook me. sbg2FyNSF50-00172-00066307-00066576 Maybe, mine is boring. sbg2FyNSF50-00173-00066576-00066776 Why did you take this picture? sbg2FyNSF50-00174-00066839-00067039 This is for my job. sbg2FyNSF50-00175-00067334-00067534 I was brought to a radio show. sbg2FyNSF50-00176-00067664-00068046 Eh, When will you appear in it? sbg2FyNSF50-00177-00068046-00068246 I already did. sbg2FyNSF50-00178-00068308-00068863 This story about business, so it is not related with ShoRyo. sbg2FyNSF50-00179-00068868-00069569 You are so cool that you involved with TV and radio. sbg2FyNSF50-00180-00069600-00069800 What is your job like? sbg2FyNSF50-00181-00069831-00070031 (Advertising personnel) sbg2FyNSF50-00182-00070031-00070380 Great. You are in charge of media. sbg2FyNSF50-00183-00070384-00070584 By chance. sbg2FyNSF50-00184-00070616-00070783 So cool. sbg2FyNSF50-00185-00070784-00071139 Anyways, mine pictures are boring, right? sbg2FyNSF50-00186-00071164-00071620 Almost of them are related with my business. sbg2FyNSF50-00187-00071620-00072024 I don’t take any picture in my private which I go out to eat. sbg2FyNSF50-00188-00072024-00072326 I don’t anywhere. sbg2FyNSF50-00189-00072330-00072579 This photo was taken in Kyoto? sbg2FyNSF50-00190-00072579-00072958 Yes, this is Kyoto station. sbg2FyNSF50-00191-00072958-00073938 Long time ago, I took the video when we traveled to Kyoto. sbg2FyNSF50-00192-00073938-00074344 Now is not situation we can go sightseeing due to coronavirus. sbg2FyNSF50-00193-00074344-00075000 So all I can do is take a picture. sbg2FyNSF50-00194-00075000-00075561 The all others are about hotels and my workplace. sbg2FyNSF50-00195-00075569-00075711 Can I show this too? sbg2FyNSF50-00196-00075712-00075912 Ok. sbg2FyNSF50-00197-00075967-00076255 This is Gindai shrine. sbg2FyNSF50-00198-00076267-00076467 My face is something round. sbg2FyNSF50-00199-00076572-00076772 It’s because you made your face. sbg2FyNSF50-00200-00076800-00077137 It’s round face. sbg2FyNSF50-00201-00077153-00077353 Only my photos are here. sbg2FyNSF50-00202-00077494-00077694 It’s because I love you, Sho. sbg2FyNSF50-00203-00077709-00078066 I don’t take any picture of handsome guys like you. sbg2FyNSF50-00204-00078066-00078266 You can do that. sbg2FyNSF50-00205-00078266-00078466 That’s enough with only your photos. sbg2FyNSF50-00206-00078518-00079004 Thank you. sbg2FyNSF50-00207-00079032-00079200 You don’t have any special one. sbg2FyNSF50-00208-00079200-00079719 Business man's photos are boring, something like that. sbg2FyNSF50-00209-00079749-00080552 Seemingly, nothing in particular. sbg2FyNSF50-00210-00080752-00081137 I will go back in more time. sbg2FyNSF50-00211-00081218-00081559 Eh, will you show the picture of my smart sbg2FyNSF50-00212-00081585-00081785 2014. sbg2FyNSF50-00213-00081916-00082284 Can I show this? sbg2FyNSF50-00214-00082301-00082421 Yes. sbg2FyNSF50-00215-00083137-00083508 How old were you at that time? sbg2FyNSF50-00216-00083522-00083722 32 years old? sbg2FyNSF50-00217-00083725-00084051 You’re right. I like now you better than before. sbg2FyNSF50-00218-00084051-00084251 Really? I’m glad to hear it. sbg2FyNSF50-00219-00084849-00085000 I think that’s all special photos. sbg2FyNSF50-00220-00085000-00085200 You can see nothing special in my camera roll. sbg2FyNSF50-00221-00085759-00085959 (I found a ex-boyfriend's picture) sbg2FyNSF50-00222-00086052-00086415 It is still left. I thought deleted it. sbg2FyNSF50-00223-00086445-00086645 I got his face. sbg2FyNSF50-00224-00086736-00087909 You don’t need to gaze at it. sbg2FyNSF50-00225-00087949-00088200 Well, I think you will delete it in time. sbg2FyNSF50-00226-00088200-00088488 Did you delete photos of your boyfriend as you hold a guage against him? sbg2FyNSF50-00227-00088488-00088988 Shota allowed me not to do it. sbg2FyNSF50-00228-00088988-00089158 Yes. sbg2FyNSF50-00229-00089158-00090198 So, I have kept the photo, but I think I will never touch him. sbg2FyNSF50-00230-00090222-00090621 I thought I had deleted all of them, only to leave one. sbg2FyNSF50-00231-00090621-00090738 It’s ok. sbg2FyNSF50-00232-00090862-00091635 Now, that’s all for today. sbg2FyNSF50-00233-00091635-00092298 Well, I could get to know you love handsome men. sbg2FyNSF50-00234-00092298-00092790 But, except for its pictures, there is nothing special else. sbg2FyNSF50-00235-00092790-00093516 I thought you had had erotic pictures, but it‘s not. sbg2FyNSF50-00236-00093516-00093860 Not more special things, right? sbg2FyNSF50-00237-00093871-00094258 I think you will regard me as a weird guy. sbg2FyNSF50-00238-00094258-00095976 I take a photo of negative tweets and save it. sbg2FyNSF50-00239-00096000-00096200 What will you do after that? sbg2FyNSF50-00240-00096273-00096632 I will not do anything, but I reread the tweets. sbg2FyNSF50-00241-00096661-00096861 Scared. sbg2FyNSF50-00242-00096861-00098001 I take its screenshot at once when the negative tweets are put. sbPqHqxvLNc-00000-00000411-00001060 In Chinese real estate, that word “real” is doing a lot of heavy lifting. sbPqHqxvLNc-00001-00001060-00001777 The problem, China’s real estate looked at the 2008 collapse and said hold my Baijiu. sbPqHqxvLNc-00002-00001777-00002385 This is one of those cases of… well the arrows are going up and there’s no way that’s sbPqHqxvLNc-00003-00002385-00002485 going to change. sbPqHqxvLNc-00004-00002485-00002967 Why don’t I just park all of my money in riskier and riskier investments. sbPqHqxvLNc-00005-00002967-00003404 Let the forever profits wash over me. sbPqHqxvLNc-00006-00003404-00004159 At this problem’s core, there are 3 key players, buyers, developers, and the government. sbPqHqxvLNc-00007-00004159-00004769 Buyers saw home prices going up and booming real estate markets and thought, I should sbPqHqxvLNc-00008-00004769-00004939 get in on the action. sbPqHqxvLNc-00009-00004939-00005536 Things are going well, banks started loaning people more money for home purchases. sbPqHqxvLNc-00010-00005536-00006125 Wait, there aren’t enough homes being built in places where people want them. sbPqHqxvLNc-00011-00006125-00006768 Well, I guess we need developers to build more buildings and fast. sbPqHqxvLNc-00012-00006768-00007596 This all worked for a while, but then a new property type started getting listed… the sbPqHqxvLNc-00013-00007596-00007858 theoretical. sbPqHqxvLNc-00014-00007858-00008222 Developers started pre selling condos before they were built. sbPqHqxvLNc-00015-00008222-00008894 On the scale of home ownership to buying land in the metaverse, I give this a buying property sbPqHqxvLNc-00016-00008894-00009081 on the moon. sbPqHqxvLNc-00017-00009081-00009874 All the arrows are going up and developers are making a ton of money. sbPqHqxvLNc-00018-00009874-00010052 These things were as good as built. sbPqHqxvLNc-00019-00010052-00010646 Then, as you have probably guessed, the arrows started pointing in the wrong direction. sbPqHqxvLNc-00020-00010646-00011045 The presold buildings stopped being built. sbPqHqxvLNc-00021-00011045-00011547 That condo with a half bath abruptly took on a whole new meaning. sbPqHqxvLNc-00022-00011547-00012027 This places Chinese home buyers in a particularly unappealing position. sbPqHqxvLNc-00023-00012027-00012668 They don’t have that promised property or the money they borrowed. sbPqHqxvLNc-00024-00012668-00013234 Instead they are just making mortgage payments to the bank to maintain their ownership of sbPqHqxvLNc-00025-00013234-00013561 a theoretical property. sbPqHqxvLNc-00026-00013561-00013780 Enter the mortgage boycott. sbPqHqxvLNc-00027-00013780-00014186 Oh no, are you going to foreclose on my nonexistent property? sbPqHqxvLNc-00028-00014186-00014568 Don’t take nothing away from me? sbPqHqxvLNc-00029-00014568-00015147 These boycotts have spread across the country as people realize that they might have nothing sbPqHqxvLNc-00030-00015147-00015368 to lose. sbPqHqxvLNc-00031-00015368-00016007 Of course when you boycott something, you have a motivation beyond I don’t want to sbPqHqxvLNc-00032-00016007-00016107 pay. sbPqHqxvLNc-00033-00016107-00016456 That’s would be defaulting, plain and simple. sbPqHqxvLNc-00034-00016456-00016994 With a boycott, you’re withholding payment until something happens. sbPqHqxvLNc-00035-00016994-00017620 In this case Chinese borrowers are leveraging about a quarter of a trillion dollars in exchange sbPqHqxvLNc-00036-00017620-00018384 for… more loans to developers so that those developers can finish their homes. sbPqHqxvLNc-00037-00018384-00018909 If they wrap up construction, then you’ll have something to take away from me, and I’ll sbPqHqxvLNc-00038-00018909-00019100 have a reason to keep paying. sbPqHqxvLNc-00039-00019100-00019431 The system works. sbPqHqxvLNc-00040-00019431-00020014 This brings us to our second player in this three person tango, the developers. sbPqHqxvLNc-00041-00020014-00020642 All of a sudden, they’re looking like a much worse investment for banks. sbPqHqxvLNc-00042-00020642-00021204 The story here starts after the 2008 collapse. sbPqHqxvLNc-00043-00021204-00021923 While America was relatively conservative with their stimulus, China went all out. sbPqHqxvLNc-00044-00021923-00022058 Cash was everywhere. sbPqHqxvLNc-00045-00022058-00022658 If you had an idea, there was a government official with a blank check. sbPqHqxvLNc-00046-00022658-00023294 The government wanted people to create, so they backed up dump trucks of money to the sbPqHqxvLNc-00047-00023294-00023954 banks under instructions that, hey, if someone has an idea that needs funding, do it. sbPqHqxvLNc-00048-00023954-00024473 Gonna send these growth numbers to the moon. sbPqHqxvLNc-00049-00024473-00025026 While that was happening, local governments across China were in a head to head competition sbPqHqxvLNc-00050-00025026-00025430 to see who could get the regional biggest growth numbers. sbPqHqxvLNc-00051-00025430-00026477 Those guys win seats in the big boy central committee table, and dump the “how do we sbPqHqxvLNc-00052-00026477-00027024 pay for it problem” on the unlucky sap who succeeds them. sbPqHqxvLNc-00053-00027024-00027688 Cheapest way to get money and boost those numbers, massive development projects. sbPqHqxvLNc-00054-00027688-00028243 The stars were perfectly aligned for some of the most wasteful development projects sbPqHqxvLNc-00055-00028243-00028515 out there. sbPqHqxvLNc-00056-00028515-00029161 Ghost cities started popping up in the middle of nowhere, because… why not? sbPqHqxvLNc-00057-00029161-00029831 It’s cheap to build where nobody is, the local government officials who approved and sbPqHqxvLNc-00058-00029831-00030652 secured financing for these projects aren’t sticking around, and all the numbers are going sbPqHqxvLNc-00059-00030652-00030783 up. sbPqHqxvLNc-00060-00030783-00031325 Just look at all of these construction and material production jobs we’re creating. sbPqHqxvLNc-00061-00031325-00031993 Besides, we got a billion people, eventually somebody’s going to wander out here. sbPqHqxvLNc-00062-00031993-00032558 Here’s the rub, it turns out, if you build it, they might not come. sbPqHqxvLNc-00063-00032558-00033177 It’s been years now, and, while people are starting to populate these easy bake cities, sbPqHqxvLNc-00064-00033177-00033616 it’s not at a rate that makes them profitable. sbPqHqxvLNc-00065-00033616-00034183 In the late 2010s, these massive projects were beginning to transition in the corporate sbPqHqxvLNc-00066-00034183-00034575 books from assets to liabilities. sbPqHqxvLNc-00067-00034575-00034989 We have to pay how much to maintain these empty blocks? sbPqHqxvLNc-00068-00034989-00035280 And how much are we making in rent? sbPqHqxvLNc-00069-00035280-00035834 Hay, that’s going to be a problem. sbPqHqxvLNc-00070-00035834-00036099 For a while this wasn’t really that big a deal. sbPqHqxvLNc-00071-00036099-00036658 The money was cheap and the incentives were all aligned. sbPqHqxvLNc-00072-00036658-00037408 Problem was, in 2018, Xi Jinping started looking at the books and realizing… wait, we’re sbPqHqxvLNc-00073-00037408-00037839 spending how much supporting weird failing ventures? sbPqHqxvLNc-00074-00037839-00038231 We gotta tighten this ship. sbPqHqxvLNc-00075-00038231-00038788 The new name on the street was responsible lending, and that was going to be a problem sbPqHqxvLNc-00076-00038788-00039025 for everyone. sbPqHqxvLNc-00077-00039025-00039563 With these ghost cities sucking up huge amounts of cash from developer’s books, maintenance sbPqHqxvLNc-00078-00039563-00040337 of these investments was looking less and less feasible. sbPqHqxvLNc-00079-00040337-00041197 Problem is, these are nice empty cities, and could be huge cash cows if people would just sbPqHqxvLNc-00080-00041197-00041480 move in and start paying rent. sbPqHqxvLNc-00081-00041480-00041920 Imagine if you owned all the buildings in Vegas. sbPqHqxvLNc-00082-00041920-00042440 You’d be beyond rich! sbPqHqxvLNc-00083-00042440-00042991 In this fiscal tightening period, a bunch of ghost buildings started falling victim sbPqHqxvLNc-00084-00042991-00043284 to responsible decision making. sbPqHqxvLNc-00085-00043284-00043977 It was cheaper to destroy them than maintain them. sbPqHqxvLNc-00086-00043977-00044569 It was also during this period of financial suck that CEO’s had to ask themselves a sbPqHqxvLNc-00087-00044569-00045197 question, now that the banks aren’t spewing out money like they used to, how do we fund sbPqHqxvLNc-00088-00045197-00045778 the projects that actually make us money, you know, those residential buildings in places sbPqHqxvLNc-00089-00045778-00046065 people actually want to live. sbPqHqxvLNc-00090-00046065-00047090 Well, we could take out more expensive loans from the banks… or, we could presell the sbPqHqxvLNc-00091-00047090-00047561 buildings and make these developments self financing. sbPqHqxvLNc-00092-00047561-00048130 A whole bunch of people wanted new houses, just not where the all the houses were. sbPqHqxvLNc-00093-00048130-00048734 Because fiscal responsibility hadn’t fully impacted the economy, the arrows were still sbPqHqxvLNc-00094-00048734-00049156 pointing up and you can always bet on real estate. sbPqHqxvLNc-00095-00049156-00049803 I mean, they’re building a fake paris in the desert, of course my neighborhood duplex sbPqHqxvLNc-00096-00049803-00050019 is going to get finished. sbPqHqxvLNc-00097-00050019-00050648 Then you started hearing about Evergrande, one of China’s largest developers, defaulting sbPqHqxvLNc-00098-00050648-00051247 on debts and things quickly hit the fan. sbPqHqxvLNc-00099-00051247-00051952 All of a sudden you have expensive debts, huge developments not bringing in money that sbPqHqxvLNc-00100-00051952-00052841 you have to maintain, and a bunch of presold buildings deteriorating in cities. sbPqHqxvLNc-00101-00052841-00053485 Basically developers needed a whole bunch of money they didn’t have in order to just sbPqHqxvLNc-00102-00053485-00053677 keep up. sbPqHqxvLNc-00103-00053677-00054037 This brings us to our third and final player, the government. sbPqHqxvLNc-00104-00054037-00055041 As I previously mentioned, in a post-2008 world China was going all in on spending all sbPqHqxvLNc-00105-00055041-00055527 the money they could get their hands on, and most of that money was going into the pockets sbPqHqxvLNc-00106-00055527-00055732 of real estate developers. sbPqHqxvLNc-00107-00055732-00056240 Well, that was juicing the numbers quite a bit. sbPqHqxvLNc-00108-00056240-00056786 A long-term slowdown in property construction, an industry that represents around a quarter sbPqHqxvLNc-00109-00056786-00057641 of China’s economy, would cause a significant decline in GDP growth and commodity demand. sbPqHqxvLNc-00110-00057641-00058375 While America has a military industrial complex, China has a building crap in the middle of sbPqHqxvLNc-00111-00058375-00058700 nowhere industrial complex. sbPqHqxvLNc-00112-00058700-00059214 Forget infrastructure week, over there it’s infrastructure decade. sbPqHqxvLNc-00113-00059214-00059775 Less building means less growth and that is definitely not something that Xi Jinping wants sbPqHqxvLNc-00114-00059775-00060186 to see flashing on his radar right now. sbPqHqxvLNc-00115-00060186-00060645 This puts their federal government in a very strange position. sbPqHqxvLNc-00116-00060645-00061719 The desire for fiscal responsibility created this problem, now do we have to reverse course sbPqHqxvLNc-00117-00061719-00062001 and turn back on the cash spigot. sbPqHqxvLNc-00118-00062001-00062582 China’s initial response was ehh, forget these developers. sbPqHqxvLNc-00119-00062582-00062878 They borrowed a bunch of money and can’t pay it back. sbPqHqxvLNc-00120-00062878-00063372 Sounds like a job for… not the government. sbPqHqxvLNc-00121-00063372-00064038 We have spent ten years supporting unprofitable ventures, it’s time to stop. sbPqHqxvLNc-00122-00064038-00064274 Then… something happened. sbPqHqxvLNc-00123-00064274-00064783 Mobs of angry citizens refusing to pay a quarter trillion dollars back to the banks unless sbPqHqxvLNc-00124-00064783-00065304 those banks finance the completion of the condos they pre purchased. sbPqHqxvLNc-00125-00065304-00066106 That level of organized and angry citizenry set off the check policy light on President sbPqHqxvLNc-00126-00066106-00066417 Xi’s dashboard. sbPqHqxvLNc-00127-00066417-00066887 Maybe these developers need to stick around for a few more years. sbPqHqxvLNc-00128-00066887-00067550 First thing they did was announce an emergency bailout specifically targeting abandoned projects sbPqHqxvLNc-00129-00067550-00067780 financed by pre selling condos. sbPqHqxvLNc-00130-00067780-00068377 That’s right, you protesters can… go home? sbPqHqxvLNc-00131-00068377-00068910 The second thing they did was… maybe not fully back a fresh dump truck of money up sbPqHqxvLNc-00132-00068910-00069437 to the banks, but certainly a topped of wheelbarrow of cash. sbPqHqxvLNc-00133-00069437-00070104 While the rest of the world is bumping up interest rates to fight inflation, China just sbPqHqxvLNc-00134-00070104-00070799 reversed course and turned back to cheap loans and stimulation. sbPqHqxvLNc-00135-00070799-00071464 If you need money to maintain your projects while you wait for people to move in, or keep sbPqHqxvLNc-00136-00071464-00072237 growing our economy by building some new stuff, that all just got a lot cheaper. sbPqHqxvLNc-00137-00072237-00072864 Maybe you could build a bullet train to connect your many abandoned cities. sbPqHqxvLNc-00138-00072864-00073507 Unfortunately, this seems to be like the guy trying to keep the party going after someone sbPqHqxvLNc-00139-00073507-00073779 just broke their arm on the dance floor. sbPqHqxvLNc-00140-00073779-00074318 Come on banks, keep lending money like you used to. sbPqHqxvLNc-00141-00074318-00074892 Ignore all of the almost defaults from a few months ago, things are great. sbPqHqxvLNc-00142-00074892-00075368 Here, take some money. sbPqHqxvLNc-00143-00075368-00075879 Banks are flush with cash, but are either unwilling or finding it difficult to finance sbPqHqxvLNc-00144-00075879-00075979 projects. sbPqHqxvLNc-00145-00075979-00076464 Credit demand weakened sharply in July, prompting some economists to warn of a “liquidity sbPqHqxvLNc-00146-00076464-00077095 trap” in China, where low interest rates fail to spur lending in the economy. sbPqHqxvLNc-00147-00077095-00077552 So that’s the latest from China’s real estate crisis. sbPqHqxvLNc-00148-00077552-00078172 As things heat up,o ir this case, cool down, I’ll keep you updated. sbPqHqxvLNc-00149-00078172-00078527 Until then, thank you and that’s all I have to say about that. sbPqHqxvLNc-00150-00078527-00078627 Hello YouTube. sbPqHqxvLNc-00151-00078627-00078975 I’d like to thank my Patrons for helping me put out my videos. sbPqHqxvLNc-00152-00078975-00079443 If you want to support independent nonpartisan news looking into the overlooked, join this sbPqHqxvLNc-00153-00079443-00079864 growing list of exceptional individuals by clicking the link in the description. sbPqHqxvLNc-00154-00079864-00080500 Also, remember to subscribe and ring that bell so that freedom will continue to ring. sbPqHqxvLNc-00155-00080500-00080666 Give me a thumbs up if you like what you saw. sbPqHqxvLNc-00156-00080666-00080850 Lastly, as always, thank you for watching. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00000-00000142-00000300 For much of your academic work, you sbX_WQ4ISPg-00001-00000300-00000610 will be required to use library databases. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00002-00000610-00000865 These databases work a little differently from search engines sbX_WQ4ISPg-00003-00000865-00001171 like Google, so this video will cover some strategies sbX_WQ4ISPg-00004-00001171-00001537 for using library databases effectively. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00005-00001537-00001810 These days, we are all pretty good at searching the internet, sbX_WQ4ISPg-00006-00001810-00001960 and we can use Google to find just sbX_WQ4ISPg-00007-00001960-00002308 about anything-- reviews of our favorite TV shows, the latest sbX_WQ4ISPg-00008-00002308-00002566 weather report, or biographical information sbX_WQ4ISPg-00009-00002566-00002917 about a famous person, all in just minutes. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00010-00002917-00003159 We know how to do this because it's so easy. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00011-00003159-00003352 Put in a few keywords, and in seconds, we sbX_WQ4ISPg-00012-00003352-00003577 have exactly what we need. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00013-00003577-00003786 But being a good Google user doesn't sbX_WQ4ISPg-00014-00003786-00004006 mean you can easily search the resources needed sbX_WQ4ISPg-00015-00004006-00004327 for your academic work, resources like databases sbX_WQ4ISPg-00016-00004327-00004492 and library search tools. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00017-00004492-00004765 And if your instructor says you need scholarly sources, sbX_WQ4ISPg-00018-00004765-00005037 Google's not going to help you much. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00019-00005037-00005277 That's because library databases work differently sbX_WQ4ISPg-00020-00005277-00005490 than search engines like Google. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00021-00005490-00005652 Using a database means you're going sbX_WQ4ISPg-00022-00005652-00005952 to have to spend some time thinking about how and what sbX_WQ4ISPg-00023-00005952-00006111 you're going to search. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00024-00006111-00006384 That's your search strategy, and coming up with one sbX_WQ4ISPg-00025-00006384-00006695 can save you a lot of time and effort. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00026-00006695-00006972 One study found that students with a good search strategy sbX_WQ4ISPg-00027-00006972-00007398 spent 50% less time searching for sources than students who sbX_WQ4ISPg-00028-00007398-00007694 just put in a few random words. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00029-00007694-00007870 Students that use a search strategy sbX_WQ4ISPg-00030-00007870-00008150 think about the words they're going to use and the words sbX_WQ4ISPg-00031-00008150-00008339 they aren't going to use and how they're sbX_WQ4ISPg-00032-00008339-00008616 going to put them together. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00033-00008616-00008933 Let's say you decided to write a paper on this question. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00034-00008933-00009281 How does being bilingual affect children's brains? sbX_WQ4ISPg-00035-00009281-00009473 You can take the path of least resistance sbX_WQ4ISPg-00036-00009473-00009881 and copy and paste the question itself into a library database, sbX_WQ4ISPg-00037-00009881-00010175 but that will most likely give you poor results. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00038-00010175-00010355 Or you could take a few minutes and come up sbX_WQ4ISPg-00039-00010355-00010568 with a search strategy. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00040-00010568-00010730 Let's give it a try. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00041-00010730-00010964 First, we want to pick out only those words that sbX_WQ4ISPg-00042-00010964-00011231 are directly related to our research question sbX_WQ4ISPg-00043-00011231-00011585 and eliminate the ones that are not going to help us much. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00044-00011585-00011819 "How," "does," and "being" are not sbX_WQ4ISPg-00045-00011819-00012039 words specific to our research question, sbX_WQ4ISPg-00046-00012039-00012290 so we're not going to use them. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00047-00012290-00012446 What about "affect"? sbX_WQ4ISPg-00048-00012446-00012635 It could help, but it could also appear sbX_WQ4ISPg-00049-00012635-00012866 in a lot of information not directly related sbX_WQ4ISPg-00050-00012866-00013261 to our question, so let's eliminate it for now. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00051-00013261-00013572 That leaves us with three great keywords-- "bilingual," sbX_WQ4ISPg-00052-00013572-00013797 "children," and "brain." sbX_WQ4ISPg-00053-00013797-00014053 Now we're ready to put those words together. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00054-00014053-00014371 Unlike Google, which places an invisible "and" between all sbX_WQ4ISPg-00055-00014371-00014647 your keywords, in many library databases, sbX_WQ4ISPg-00056-00014647-00015019 you must add the word "and" between your keywords. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00057-00015019-00015502 So we need to change bilingual children brain to bilingual sbX_WQ4ISPg-00058-00015502-00015759 and children and brain. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00059-00015759-00015894 So we're done, right? sbX_WQ4ISPg-00060-00015894-00016032 Not so fast. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00061-00016032-00016328 Library databases also use another important word sbX_WQ4ISPg-00062-00016328-00016746 to combine key terms, and that word is the magical "or." sbX_WQ4ISPg-00063-00016746-00017122 "Or" can add so much to your search. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00064-00017122-00017302 As you know, there are many different terms sbX_WQ4ISPg-00065-00017302-00017605 you can use for the same idea or concept. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00066-00017605-00017923 You can use "or" to include those other words, words sbX_WQ4ISPg-00067-00017923-00018292 like synonyms, related words, and examples. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00068-00018292-00018481 So for the word "children," we could also sbX_WQ4ISPg-00069-00018481-00018805 use the words "child," "kid," and "childhood." sbX_WQ4ISPg-00070-00018805-00019033 And for "brain," we could also use a related word sbX_WQ4ISPg-00071-00019033-00019273 like "cognitive." sbX_WQ4ISPg-00072-00019273-00019600 Now we need to put these together with our other words. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00073-00019600-00019831 Library databases do this with the use of sbX_WQ4ISPg-00074-00019831-00020065 "or" and parentheses. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00075-00020065-00020347 Anytime you use an "or," you want to make sure you nest sbX_WQ4ISPg-00076-00020347-00020699 the related words in parentheses. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00077-00020699-00020918 In this example, you are telling the database sbX_WQ4ISPg-00078-00020918-00021152 to look for resources that include the word sbX_WQ4ISPg-00079-00021152-00021545 "bilingual" and the word "children" or "childhood," sbX_WQ4ISPg-00080-00021545-00021872 plus the word "brain" or "cognitive." sbX_WQ4ISPg-00081-00021872-00022154 This will produce results like this one that definitely sbX_WQ4ISPg-00082-00022154-00022520 include the word "bilingual" and either the word "children" sbX_WQ4ISPg-00083-00022520-00022979 or "childhood" and either "brain" or "cognitive." sbX_WQ4ISPg-00084-00022979-00023261 There really is no limit to how many words you can use. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00085-00023261-00023711 For example, "bilingual" and "children" or "childhood" sbX_WQ4ISPg-00086-00023711-00024152 and "brain" or "cognitive" or "memory" or "learning." sbX_WQ4ISPg-00087-00024152-00024461 So next time you need to use a library database, save yourself sbX_WQ4ISPg-00088-00024461-00024912 time, effort, and frustration by following these steps. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00089-00024912-00025202 Enter only those words that are directly related to concepts sbX_WQ4ISPg-00090-00025202-00025403 in your research question. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00091-00025403-00025655 Eliminate words that are not relevant. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00092-00025655-00026024 Come up with synonyms and other words related to your keywords. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00093-00026024-00026382 Put them together with ands and ors. sbX_WQ4ISPg-00094-00026382-00026552 Will give you results that are much more sbX_WQ4ISPg-00095-00026552-00026852 relevant than if you just pasted the question into the search sbX_WQ4ISPg-00096-00026852-00027008 box. seXCwQCiuZu-00000-00000096-00000576 Alright, well you have your data, now it's time to actually learn something about it. seXCwQCiuZu-00001-00000576-00001120 Um, so that's where data processing comes in, and we're going to take a pretty seXCwQCiuZu-00002-00001120-00001704 high level look at these different methods of processing because they are very technical. seXCwQCiuZu-00003-00001784-00002224 If you are, say, a manager of a business intelligence system, this is the kind of seXCwQCiuZu-00004-00002224-00002640 thing that you would be hiring people to do, not necessarily doing yourself, seXCwQCiuZu-00005-00002640-00003208 but it is important that you recognize these concepts, so let's get into it. seXCwQCiuZu-00006-00003272-00003688 There's three types of analysis that we're going to be talking about: there's reporting, seXCwQCiuZu-00007-00003688-00003928 there's data mining, and there's big data. seXCwQCiuZu-00008-00004096-00004552 Reporting analysis specifically is for structured data. seXCwQCiuZu-00009-00004552-00005096 You take structured data, and you sort it, group it, sum it, and filter it. seXCwQCiuZu-00010-00005096-00005360 This is actually a lot of the kind of stuff that you'll be doing seXCwQCiuZu-00011-00005360-00005696 using Microsoft Excel, so it's actually very good timing that seXCwQCiuZu-00012-00005696-00006184 we're talking about this at the same time as we are introducing Microsoft Excel. seXCwQCiuZu-00013-00006304-00007008 Now, I highly recommend that you do read Experiencing MIS chapter 3 in its entirety. seXCwQCiuZu-00014-00007008-00007392 There's a lot of really good information that I'm not able to cover in my videos. seXCwQCiuZu-00015-00007392-00007631 The career guide I think is really good for this one. seXCwQCiuZu-00016-00007631-00008112 You have someone talking about their own personal experience with business intelligence systems. seXCwQCiuZu-00017-00008168-00008480 Highly recommended. There's also real-life examples. seXCwQCiuZu-00018-00008480-00008928 Um… my videos are supplementary to all of that. seXCwQCiuZu-00019-00009000-00009248 In particular, what I recommend you do is read seXCwQCiuZu-00020-00009304-00009944 section 3-2, because that example gives you a really good example of reporting analysis. seXCwQCiuZu-00021-00009944-00010088 I'll give a very high-level seXCwQCiuZu-00022-00010144-00010528 overview of what's going on there, but it's a really good illustration. seXCwQCiuZu-00023-00010656-00010872 Alright, so we're back to this data again. seXCwQCiuZu-00024-00010872-00011592 Um, what we have is a bike company that… er, bike part company that sells, well, bike parts seXCwQCiuZu-00025-00011592-00012216 to different people, but what they're looking at getting into now is whether or not they should seXCwQCiuZu-00026-00012216-00012944 offer 3D part designs so that companies would be able to print their own bike parts. seXCwQCiuZu-00027-00013008-00013344 And what they realized is that they want to target seXCwQCiuZu-00028-00013400-00014112 big companies because the smaller companies are going to be less likely to, you know, actually seXCwQCiuZu-00029-00014112-00014512 be able to obtain a 3D printer or actually have one already. seXCwQCiuZu-00030-00014591-00014808 Big companies are going to be more likely to seXCwQCiuZu-00031-00014919-00015360 have a 3D printer or be able to get one if they so choose. seXCwQCiuZu-00032-00015440-00016080 They also want to look at specific parts… uh, ones that are lightweight, so their shipping seXCwQCiuZu-00033-00016080-00016960 cost isn't too high, and those, uh, would actually be a lot easier to 3D print because seXCwQCiuZu-00034-00016960-00017616 they are not very, you know, heavy, you know, they don't have a lot of material. seXCwQCiuZu-00035-00017616-00017864 So those are the two factors that they want to look at seXCwQCiuZu-00036-00017920-00018696 in order for figuring out, “Should we try to offer 3D part designs?” seXCwQCiuZu-00037-00018864-00019472 So what we have here is all of this customer information in the original graph. seXCwQCiuZu-00038-00019472-00020192 Uh, this is all compressed to get, for every single customer, all of the revenue that they seXCwQCiuZu-00039-00020192-00020688 are giving this by company as well as the all the units that they have bought and then the seXCwQCiuZu-00040-00020752-00021240 average price per unit for each of those customers. seXCwQCiuZu-00041-00021240-00021736 And, with this information, what they're able to do is identify seXCwQCiuZu-00042-00021808-00022376 which customers are bringing in the most revenue, whereas, over here, there were a lot of seXCwQCiuZu-00043-00022560-00023192 orders for customers, multiple orders per customer with all that information kind of fragmented. seXCwQCiuZu-00044-00023192-00023288 So they were able to seXCwQCiuZu-00045-00023360-00023800 convert it into something much more useful that they could then do calculations on. seXCwQCiuZu-00046-00023800-00024264 And, in the example, they're able to say, “Okay, well, we're going to define our big customers as seXCwQCiuZu-00047-00024264-00024832 giving us more than 200,000 dollars in revenue,” and that is a lot easier to find. seXCwQCiuZu-00048-00024832-00025296 You can easily sort this table to see who is giving you the highest revenue and the seXCwQCiuZu-00049-00025296-00025856 lowest revenue and then filter out all the customers who are giving you less than 200,000. seXCwQCiuZu-00050-00025983-00026560 Filtering refers to just removing items that don't match a particular criteria; in this case, seXCwQCiuZu-00051-00026560-00027208 we're filtering out customers who are have less than 200,000 dollars in revenue here. seXCwQCiuZu-00052-00027344-00027848 Alright, so now, because this company is trying to 3D print the stuff, they're trying to find parts seXCwQCiuZu-00053-00027848-00028400 that will make sense for them to sell 3D printed designs for, so they want to sell seXCwQCiuZu-00054-00028400-00028968 parts that they don't get a lot of orders for, which means that then they wouldn't have to seXCwQCiuZu-00055-00028968-00029632 keep stuff in stock… in stock just in case someone buys it once in a blue moon. seXCwQCiuZu-00056-00029632-00029936 They wanted to do cheap items as well because, seXCwQCiuZu-00057-00029992-00030432 well, if it was expensive, they could possibly be losing out on a lot of money. seXCwQCiuZu-00058-00030512-00031024 And then the shipping weight—they wanted to be low shipping weight so that seXCwQCiuZu-00059-00031024-00031536 it doesn't require a lot of material in the actual part itself. seXCwQCiuZu-00060-00031664-00032295 So these are all the parts that they have based on the number of orders that they get, seXCwQCiuZu-00061-00032295-00032800 the average order size, the unit price, and the shipping weight. seXCwQCiuZu-00062-00032864-00033144 They're able to filter out all the parts that are seXCwQCiuZu-00063-00033216-00033952 too heavy or worth too much or have a large order size or have a large number of orders, seXCwQCiuZu-00064-00034024-00034320 and that filtering is another part of this reporting analysis. seXCwQCiuZu-00065-00034448-00035080 And then you have a chart with revenue potential for all of these parts if they continued to keep seXCwQCiuZu-00066-00035080-00035656 selling these parts as is—how much revenue could they expect to make off of those parts. seXCwQCiuZu-00067-00035656-00036144 This is revenue that they could possibly be losing out on if they start selling 3D-printed designs seXCwQCiuZu-00068-00036144-00036448 instead, so it could really help inform, you know, seXCwQCiuZu-00069-00036448-00037040 “Do we actually choose these parts for 3D printing, or do we continue to stock these?” seXCwQCiuZu-00070-00037040-00037448 And that's not necessarily a… either we print all of these or… seXCwQCiuZu-00071-00037504-00037896 sorry, we sell all the designs or we stock all the parts. seXCwQCiuZu-00072-00037896-00038744 You know, you could look at say part 300-1016 and say, “Well, we're making a not-insignificant seXCwQCiuZu-00073-00038744-00039392 amount of money off of that, so maybe we stock that one, but part 200-205, maybe we do sell the seXCwQCiuZu-00074-00039392-00039888 print designs for that so we don't have to worry about ordering it,” and all that kind of stuff. seXCwQCiuZu-00075-00039968-00040320 So that's an example of information you can get from reporting analysis. seXCwQCiuZu-00076-00040496-00040840 The next type of analysis we got is data mining analysis. seXCwQCiuZu-00077-00040840-00041392 We take in a whole bunch of data, and we apply statistics across that data to try seXCwQCiuZu-00078-00041392-00041888 to find patterns and relationships for classification and prediction. seXCwQCiuZu-00079-00041888-00042392 And we, say, classify our customers into certain groups, and, from there, understand, seXCwQCiuZu-00080-00042392-00042656 you know, how better to market to them, or something like that. seXCwQCiuZu-00081-00042656-00043112 Can we predict trends in the, uh, social media landscape seXCwQCiuZu-00082-00043184-00043600 in the order for us to better design our products, or something like that. seXCwQCiuZu-00083-00043600-00043888 These are questions that data mining can really help answer. seXCwQCiuZu-00084-00043984-00044560 So you have all of these pieces that interact with data mining analysis. seXCwQCiuZu-00085-00044560-00045176 You have things like statistics and mathematics, which you're actually using for the analysis. seXCwQCiuZu-00086-00045176-00045584 You have the huge databases, because you're applying this over, well, seXCwQCiuZu-00087-00045584-00046104 a lot of data; the more data you have, the better predictions you're able to get using data mining. seXCwQCiuZu-00088-00046304-00046848 With processing power becoming cheaper, data storage becoming cheaper, and the seXCwQCiuZu-00089-00046848-00047304 price of large datasets becoming cheaper, partially as a result of all of that, seXCwQCiuZu-00090-00047376-00048024 uh, this all leads to an increase in how much data mining is being used nowadays. seXCwQCiuZu-00091-00048128-00048744 Um, you have business professionals, including in marketing and finance, getting more and more seXCwQCiuZu-00092-00048800-00049112 comfortable with the idea of data mining, maybe even seXCwQCiuZu-00093-00049176-00049720 using some of the systems, if they are systems that have user-friendly interfaces. seXCwQCiuZu-00094-00049832-00050568 Data management technology becoming more and more powerful also contributes to data mining. seXCwQCiuZu-00095-00050568-00050960 As that… as that improves, as it's easier for us seXCwQCiuZu-00096-00050960-00051560 to store and catalog and manage our data, it's easier for us to actually analyze it. seXCwQCiuZu-00097-00051560-00051912 And, of course, artificial intelligence, and, specifically, seXCwQCiuZu-00098-00051912-00052391 machine learning, which is a sub-problem of that, contributes to data mining as well. seXCwQCiuZu-00099-00052391-00053055 We can build artificial intelligence systems that actually do data mining functions, and seXCwQCiuZu-00100-00053191-00053424 that's a very complicated topic. seXCwQCiuZu-00101-00053424-00054176 The last video that we'll be covering in this whole series of videos, we'll talk seXCwQCiuZu-00102-00054176-00054800 more about artificial intelligence, and, specifically, machine learning. seXCwQCiuZu-00103-00054800-00055040 Now, we have two types of data mining: seXCwQCiuZu-00104-00055040-00055472 uh, unsupervised data mining and supervised data mining. seXCwQCiuZu-00105-00055472-00055976 The idea with unsupervised data mining is you you get all of your data, and then seXCwQCiuZu-00106-00055976-00056376 you immediately start applying statistical analysis, you know, data mining techniques. seXCwQCiuZu-00107-00056455-00057167 You're going to look at what happens when you just apply all of that stuff to data mining, seXCwQCiuZu-00108-00057264-00058032 and you're going to look for patterns, and, once you actually find the patterns in that data, seXCwQCiuZu-00109-00058128-00058576 ideally then you would want to, you know, create and test a hypothesis about those patterns. seXCwQCiuZu-00110-00058576-00058791 You want to actually double check that those patterns are there. seXCwQCiuZu-00111-00058791-00059432 But unsupervised data mining is really helpful when it comes to looking for patterns in data seXCwQCiuZu-00112-00059432-00059912 that might not be immediately obvious, especially if you have a lot of data. seXCwQCiuZu-00113-00060048-00060608 It can be really hard to find patterns as a human, so data mining can be really helpful there. seXCwQCiuZu-00114-00060760-00061312 Now, one type of unsupervised data mining is what's known as cluster analysis. seXCwQCiuZu-00115-00061312-00061616 It's statistical techniques that help identify groups of seXCwQCiuZu-00116-00061616-00061960 entities that have similar characteristics. seXCwQCiuZu-00117-00061960-00062328 So, an example of this is, if you have certain groups of customers, seXCwQCiuZu-00118-00062328-00062704 you might want to identify and group them together so you can figure out, like, seXCwQCiuZu-00119-00062704-00063240 hey, these are the people that are buying from my store, and, if you get good enough cluster seXCwQCiuZu-00120-00063240-00063840 analysis, you can actually get hyperspecific about the different consumer bases of your store. seXCwQCiuZu-00121-00063936-00064776 Maybe you have, uh, grandmas who like chihuahuas and enjoy knitting blankets seXCwQCiuZu-00122-00064776-00065528 is one cluster that you can identify, and the other one is, uh, punk rock… punk rock musicians seXCwQCiuZu-00123-00065624-00066216 who also love knitting blankets or scarves or something like that. seXCwQCiuZu-00124-00066320-00066560 Those are your two big demographics. seXCwQCiuZu-00125-00066560-00067120 Then, you know, you can really target things to each of those demographics seXCwQCiuZu-00126-00067120-00067416 and have grandma and chihuahua knitting and seXCwQCiuZu-00127-00067488-00068032 punk rock musician knitting as your main advertising campaigns for your business. seXCwQCiuZu-00128-00068032-00068472 And, given that those are probably your demographics— seXCwQCiuZu-00129-00068472-00068824 I would hope that you actually, uh, follow up and seXCwQCiuZu-00130-00068824-00069248 test and make sure that those demographics are real and not a fluke— seXCwQCiuZu-00131-00069544-00069856 given that those are your demographics, uh, seXCwQCiuZu-00132-00069856-00070352 those… that will probably be a relatively successful set of advertising campaigns. seXCwQCiuZu-00133-00070496-00070920 Now, when we talk about stuff like unsupervised data mining, seXCwQCiuZu-00134-00070920-00071584 I do want to briefly bring up the idea of correlation versus causation. seXCwQCiuZu-00135-00071656-00072352 What I have here is a graph that shows the number of math doctorates awarded seXCwQCiuZu-00136-00072456-00073176 in the United States per year and the amount of uranium stored at U.S. nuclear power plants seXCwQCiuZu-00137-00073176-00073632 per year, and you can see you have two very similar looking graphs, seXCwQCiuZu-00138-00073632-00074200 and statistical analysis shows that they are indeed very correlated. seXCwQCiuZu-00139-00074352-00074976 Does this imply that we should store a lot of uranium, like, we should have a lot of seXCwQCiuZu-00140-00074976-00075472 uranium everywhere so that we produce more and more and more math doctorates? seXCwQCiuZu-00141-00075536-00075784 Or does it imply that the more people seXCwQCiuZu-00142-00075840-00076280 get math doctorates, the more uranium we start stockpiling in our power plants? seXCwQCiuZu-00143-00076344-00076696 No. Neither of those are actually truly connected, but, seXCwQCiuZu-00144-00076824-00077416 statistically, it is easy to say that they are connected statistically. seXCwQCiuZu-00145-00077416-00077872 In fact, this graph talks about… this picture talks about a correlation of 95.23%, seXCwQCiuZu-00146-00078056-00078792 which is, uh… which would, in statistical terms, imply that they are highly, highly correlated seXCwQCiuZu-00147-00078792-00079120 with each other, and that there is a possible causation thing. seXCwQCiuZu-00148-00079120-00079616 We know that there's not; we know that neither of these cause the other. seXCwQCiuZu-00149-00079752-00080616 So, when we're talking about the statistical techniques of data mining, this idea is something seXCwQCiuZu-00150-00080616-00081304 that we should really keep in mind, where it's really easy to see things that are correlated. seXCwQCiuZu-00151-00081304-00081872 It's easy for us to see patterns, but that doesn't necessarily mean that there's a causation seXCwQCiuZu-00152-00082000-00082784 going on, just in the same way that uranium doesn't cause more people to get math doctorates. seXCwQCiuZu-00153-00082920-00083736 Um, we can't necessarily say that our consumer base is grouped into these particular groupings seXCwQCiuZu-00154-00083736-00084248 necessarily; that's why we have to check our results, that's why we have to actually test them. seXCwQCiuZu-00155-00084408-00084776 Now, we've got our other type of data mining, our supervised data mining, seXCwQCiuZu-00156-00084776-00085448 and this actually puts a lot more control in the people who are working with analyzing the data, seXCwQCiuZu-00157-00085448-00085896 because, after they acquired the data, they create the hypothesis first. seXCwQCiuZu-00158-00085896-00086360 They look at it, they say, “I think that a lot of people seXCwQCiuZu-00159-00086440-00086984 who are punk rock musicians and like knitting shop from our store.” seXCwQCiuZu-00160-00087120-00087704 With that hypothesis, they're able to perform a statistical analysis. seXCwQCiuZu-00161-00087704-00088112 They perform the right statistical analysis for that particular problem, seXCwQCiuZu-00162-00088200-00088560 and then they can test the accuracy of the results afterwards seXCwQCiuZu-00163-00088560-00089176 using the correct tests for the particular statistical analysis that they perform. seXCwQCiuZu-00164-00089176-00089600 So, rather than just feeding in a lot of data and seeing what sticks, you know, seXCwQCiuZu-00165-00089688-00090168 you were actually saying, “I think this is happening; let's collect some data, seXCwQCiuZu-00166-00090168-00090640 let's perform a statistical analysis, and let's actually see if that's what's going on.” seXCwQCiuZu-00167-00090640-00090936 That's the big difference here is the intentionality of it; seXCwQCiuZu-00168-00090936-00091240 whether you are just going about it willy-nilly, seXCwQCiuZu-00169-00091240-00091656 or whether you have a hypothesis and you're trying to see if the data backs that up. seXCwQCiuZu-00170-00091776-00092280 An example of supervised data mining is regression analysis. seXCwQCiuZu-00171-00092280-00092616 You create a mathematical equation to predict the value seXCwQCiuZu-00172-00092616-00092920 of one variable based on the values of others. seXCwQCiuZu-00173-00092920-00093096 The example they give in the textbook is, seXCwQCiuZu-00174-00093232-00094016 a company thinks that the… their customers weekend cell phone usage is determined by the customer age seXCwQCiuZu-00175-00094016-00094376 and the number of months that they have the cell phone account. seXCwQCiuZu-00176-00094504-00095168 And, in this example, they perform a statistical analysis and they get a equation that looks like: seXCwQCiuZu-00177-00095168-00095672 CellPhoneWeekendMinutes equals 12 plus (17.5 times the customer's age) seXCwQCiuZu-00178-00095672-00096320 plus (23.7 times the account months) given the existing customer info. seXCwQCiuZu-00179-00096384-00096672 And, of course, what they would do is, they would take this… um, seXCwQCiuZu-00180-00096784-00097432 they would take this regression, they would take this possible equation, and they would do a seXCwQCiuZu-00181-00097432-00098296 statistical test to see if that equation actually is accurate for their customers, or if it's um… seXCwQCiuZu-00182-00098392-00098856 because there's a way for equations like this to be incorrect in a way that makes them seXCwQCiuZu-00183-00098856-00098984 look correct, I guess. seXCwQCiuZu-00184-00099064-00099424 If you have a whole bunch of customers who use seXCwQCiuZu-00185-00099552-00099896 a lot of cell phone weekend minutes and a whole bunch of customers that use a little bit seXCwQCiuZu-00186-00099952-00100400 of cell phone weekend minutes and you get this equation out of it, it sort of tries seXCwQCiuZu-00187-00100400-00101032 to go between the two sets of customers in a way that doesn't actually model their behavior. seXCwQCiuZu-00188-00101032-00101344 It's just sort of a halfway point between the two sets of customers here. seXCwQCiuZu-00189-00101344-00101728 So, you can get errors with regression. seXCwQCiuZu-00190-00101728-00101984 You can get errors with any sort of statistical analysis. seXCwQCiuZu-00191-00102112-00102632 Regardless, if we were to test this, and if it were to come out that this is a good test, seXCwQCiuZu-00192-00102632-00103111 then, what a equation like this would do is say, if we bring on a new customer seXCwQCiuZu-00193-00103232-00104208 who is 50 years old, uh, we can use that age and assume that in five months they would be using, seXCwQCiuZu-00194-00104208-00105183 you know, 17.5 times 50 plus 23.7 times 5 plus 12, uh, amount of minutes over the weekend. seXCwQCiuZu-00195-00105368-00105944 So, what this lets us do is, it lets us, based on our existing customer base, seXCwQCiuZu-00196-00105944-00106583 we can look at theoretical new customers and see what their weekend usage minutes will be seXCwQCiuZu-00197-00106648-00107216 as they age and as the amount of time they've held the account goes up. seXCwQCiuZu-00198-00107400-00107759 Now, the last type of analysis is big data. seXCwQCiuZu-00199-00107759-00107983 This is a term that gets thrown around quite a bit. seXCwQCiuZu-00200-00108104-00108744 It refers to data collections that are really big huge volume seXCwQCiuZu-00201-00108816-00109080 at greater than or equal to one petabyte. seXCwQCiuZu-00202-00109152-00109864 Now, a petabyte is a thousand terabytes, which is a million gigabytes… seXCwQCiuZu-00203-00110128-00110840 a billion megabytes, which is then a trillion kilobytes… seXCwQCiuZu-00204-00111088-00111648 a quadrillion bytes, if I have my math right, my powers of 10. seXCwQCiuZu-00205-00111968-00112408 Data that is just at an incomprehensible scale. seXCwQCiuZu-00206-00112535-00113080 I have a hard time filling up like two terabytes in my hard drive at home. seXCwQCiuZu-00207-00113168-00113672 Google has so, so, so, so, so many petabytes of data. seXCwQCiuZu-00208-00113672-00114080 This kind of stuff is just completely inaccessible to people. seXCwQCiuZu-00209-00114808-00115488 The velocity refers to how big the data sets grow, how much… how much, uh, seXCwQCiuZu-00210-00115544-00115904 data are you collecting every single day? seXCwQCiuZu-00211-00115959-00116456 For something like Google or Amazon or Facebook, it's a lot of data every week. seXCwQCiuZu-00212-00116456-00116744 It's growing very, very, very quickly. seXCwQCiuZu-00213-00116848-00117296 And then the high variety is essentially how many attributes do you have? seXCwQCiuZu-00214-00117376-00117728 With something like Google, it;ss going to be seXCwQCiuZu-00215-00117728-00118168 a lot of different attributes because they're trying to keep track of everything essentially. seXCwQCiuZu-00216-00118168-00118840 There's also a lot of sources and a lot of forms of data, both structured and unstructured data, seXCwQCiuZu-00217-00118840-00119496 whether that's going to be photos or web searches or emails or all kinds of stuff. seXCwQCiuZu-00218-00119552-00119935 Google's looking at everything there. seXCwQCiuZu-00219-00119935-00120104 They're trying to keep track of everything. seXCwQCiuZu-00220-00120192-00120728 They don't need to worry about having too much data because they have the seXCwQCiuZu-00221-00120728-00121104 processing power and data storage that can handle it. seXCwQCiuZu-00222-00121168-00121464 They're fine. They'll be totally fine. Not even a problem. seXCwQCiuZu-00223-00121568-00121968 And they keep everything just in case they can squeeze another cent seXCwQCiuZu-00224-00121968-00122383 out of advertising to you or selling your data to someone else. seXCwQCiuZu-00225-00122472-00122880 So that… that's that's big data. It's incomprehensible. seXCwQCiuZu-00226-00123032-00123264 Now, with the other forms of analysis, seXCwQCiuZu-00227-00123264-00123792 we were able to do it using, maybe, a couple computers or something. seXCwQCiuZu-00228-00123848-00124200 Uh, the reports we could do on like an Excel spreadsheet. seXCwQCiuZu-00229-00124200-00124616 Data mining you could probably do on like one computer or a cloud server or something like that. seXCwQCiuZu-00230-00124680-00125040 You can't do that with big data because it's at such a scale that seXCwQCiuZu-00231-00125040-00125359 one single machine can't actually handle it. seXCwQCiuZu-00232-00125544-00126264 You need thousands of computers, typically working in servers, but these thousands of computers seXCwQCiuZu-00233-00126264-00126704 working in parallel to analyze the amount of data that you have. seXCwQCiuZu-00234-00126856-00127640 Working with big data here requires experts with deep technical skills and a lot of money. seXCwQCiuZu-00235-00127640-00127864 You need a lot of money to work with big data. seXCwQCiuZu-00236-00127944-00128208 Typically, you will not be doing that; typically, seXCwQCiuZu-00237-00128208-00128632 you will be either buying subsets of data from Google— seXCwQCiuZu-00238-00128632-00128776 very, very small subsets— seXCwQCiuZu-00239-00128848-00129552 or you will be buying their own analysis or just using your own… seXCwQCiuZu-00240-00129688-00130032 uh, like, giving them your advertising materials seXCwQCiuZu-00241-00130032-00130480 or something like that so that they just handle it on their end. seXCwQCiuZu-00242-00130480-00130952 That's the amount of stuff that they have. This is out of reach for most people. seXCwQCiuZu-00243-00131056-00131728 Now, in order to process big data, you can't process that all on one machine, seXCwQCiuZu-00244-00131728-00132176 which is a problem if you're Google and you have all that data. seXCwQCiuZu-00245-00132176-00132896 So you need to split it across multiple machines, and they use a process known as MapReduce. seXCwQCiuZu-00246-00132984-00133424 So, the Map part of this is you take your collection of data and you break it into seXCwQCiuZu-00247-00133424-00134080 fragments, then you assign every computer that you're working with, say like all of the millions seXCwQCiuZu-00248-00134080-00134768 of computers in your server farms, you'll be assigning each one of those pieces a piece of your seXCwQCiuZu-00249-00134768-00135648 collection, and then you give that computer its fragments so that the computer can process it. seXCwQCiuZu-00250-00135648-00136144 So you break the question to fragments, you assign every fragment to a computer, seXCwQCiuZu-00251-00136144-00136552 and then you actually deliver the fra– the fragment to that computer. seXCwQCiuZu-00252-00136552-00137064 You are mapping the fragments to different computers essentially. seXCwQCiuZu-00253-00137352-00137656 And then, with reducing, you're kind of undoing the process. seXCwQCiuZu-00254-00137712-00138104 You wait for the computers to signal that they are done because, you know, it'll take a seXCwQCiuZu-00255-00138160-00138448 quite a bit of time for the computers to be done, and then, seXCwQCiuZu-00256-00138448-00138912 for every computer that signals that they're done, you're going to collect their results, seXCwQCiuZu-00257-00138912-00139272 because they'll give some sort of statistical analysis thing out. seXCwQCiuZu-00258-00139352-00139624 It's probably going to be some sort of unsupervised seXCwQCiuZu-00259-00139624-00140040 data mining or some… maybe a supervised data mining as well. seXCwQCiuZu-00260-00140112-00140400 Unsupervised works really well for big data. seXCwQCiuZu-00261-00140400-00140976 That's typically the kind of thing that they do is unsupervised data mining across all this data. seXCwQCiuZu-00262-00140976-00141304 But yeah, you collect the results from each of the computers seXCwQCiuZu-00263-00141304-00141744 that signals that they're done, and then you combine all of those results. seXCwQCiuZu-00264-00141744-00142376 You're reducing all those fragments into one useful thing, one useful result. seXCwQCiuZu-00265-00142496-00142600 So that's MapReduce. seXCwQCiuZu-00266-00142600-00143032 You're breaking everything up, giving them to all the computers that you have working for you, seXCwQCiuZu-00267-00143032-00143696 and then you take the results of that and you combine it into one thing. seXCwQCiuZu-00268-00143696-00143960 This is a huge over simplification, by the way, seXCwQCiuZu-00269-00143960-00144616 because each one of these three steps per part that I list is insanely complicated. seXCwQCiuZu-00270-00144616-00145096 Just the breaking of your collection into fragments itself can be seXCwQCiuZu-00271-00145096-00145512 such a pain because you need to figure out how to do that. seXCwQCiuZu-00272-00145512-00145936 You need to find the pieces that are best to break or the pieces that are best to keep together. seXCwQCiuZu-00273-00145936-00146360 Or the coordination between all the different computers is really rough. seXCwQCiuZu-00274-00146360-00146936 Uh, combining the results can be tricky as well because, you know, seXCwQCiuZu-00275-00146936-00147336 you don't want to necessarily wait for all the computers to signal that they're done seXCwQCiuZu-00276-00147336-00147784 because one of them could run into trouble and may never signal that you're done, seXCwQCiuZu-00277-00147784-00148128 and you don't want to wait for that, so you might have to give up at a certain point. seXCwQCiuZu-00278-00148128-00148552 There's all these different algorithms that are coming in play. Like, this is really complicated. seXCwQCiuZu-00279-00148552-00148736 There's so much money sunk seXCwQCiuZu-00280-00148736-00149200 into this process of MapReduce because they have that kind of money to do it. seXCwQCiuZu-00281-00149256-00149688 I mean they they can actually do big data for Pete's sake. seXCwQCiuZu-00282-00149688-00150184 Like, there's a lot of money that went into this, and that's why these systems are so advanced. seXCwQCiuZu-00283-00150408-00150760 Here's an example, uh, just a diagram that illustrates everything. seXCwQCiuZu-00284-00150760-00151320 You have a log of a whole bunch of searches, you break that log up into segments, seXCwQCiuZu-00285-00151320-00151864 you process each of those segments with the different processors—in this case, when they're seXCwQCiuZu-00286-00151864-00152456 talking about, like, processor, they're talking about like, uh, actual individual computers here— seXCwQCiuZu-00287-00152560-00152952 and then, what they're able to do… what they're doing here is they're counting the number of seXCwQCiuZu-00288-00152952-00153376 times that each search term has been given, and those search terms, they're going to, uh… seXCwQCiuZu-00289-00153488-00154152 each processor is going to give its individual table of search term counts, so it's like, okay, seXCwQCiuZu-00290-00154152-00154680 I saw hadoop 14 times, healthcare 85 times, hiccup 17 times, and so on and so forth. seXCwQCiuZu-00291-00154680-00155520 But all these processors have seen some of these, uh, some terms that other processors have seen seXCwQCiuZu-00292-00155520-00156224 as well, so, like, hadoop shows up in 1 and 2, hurricane shows up in 9,555 (plus or minus) and seXCwQCiuZu-00293-00156224-00157080 1, uh, healthcare shows up in 1 and 2 as well, honda shows up in 2 and 9,555. seXCwQCiuZu-00294-00157080-00157592 So you have to reduce all of this by essentially, you know, you look at seXCwQCiuZu-00295-00157592-00157984 all the tables and you say, “Okay, hadoop shows up 14 times here and three times here seXCwQCiuZu-00296-00157984-00158248 and X times here, Y times here, Z times here,” seXCwQCiuZu-00297-00158472-00158688 all that kind of stuff, and you put it in seXCwQCiuZu-00298-00158688-00159136 your final results table to say hadoop shows up 10,418 times. seXCwQCiuZu-00299-00159200-00159824 Now, because there's so many tables and each of those tables have so much information in them, seXCwQCiuZu-00300-00159824-00160544 there's a lot of really crazy techniques that go into the actual combination of all of these seXCwQCiuZu-00301-00160544-00161384 so that you save memory, um, you save time, so you save processor power, all that kind of stuff. seXCwQCiuZu-00302-00161448-00161648 Regardless that's big data, and, seXCwQCiuZu-00303-00161648-00162144 with that, that is all of the data analysis discussion that we'll be doing. seXCwQCiuZu-00304-00162144-00162856 The three pieces are the reporting analysis, the data mining analysis, and big data analysis. seXCwQCiuZu-00305-00162936-00163384 Those are the three you'll encounter, and the two you'll realistically work with are seXCwQCiuZu-00306-00163464-00163736 reporting analysis and data mining analysis. seXCwQCiuZu-00307-00163888-00164392 And yeah, more details on how to do all of that are going to come in the future seXCwQCiuZu-00308-00164392-00164992 if you continue along things like information science, or it will come with, you know, you seXCwQCiuZu-00309-00164992-00165432 hiring someone to do that kind of stuff for you, if you're in a managerial position. seXCwQCiuZu-00310-00165432-00165960 But knowing those techniques and knowing that you need to look out for someone who knows about, say, seXCwQCiuZu-00311-00166024-00166616 data mining is really important, and that's what we're trying to do here in this overview is give seXCwQCiuZu-00312-00166616-00167104 you things that you should keep in mind going forward, no matter what role you end up in. seXCwQCiuZu-00313-00167248-00167504 But yeah, data analysis. sfW-vV_uQbE-00000-00000800-00001392 Hello ladies and gentlemen how are you? Why is appreciative inquiry sfW-vV_uQbE-00001-00001392-00001872 the abbreviation (AI) best for online classroom environment? sfW-vV_uQbE-00002-00002160-00002944 Online classroom in some ways to some people is very efficient and useful. It depicts modern era sfW-vV_uQbE-00003-00002944-00003711 technology that everyone uses everyday. In another word, the online classroom can be quite sfW-vV_uQbE-00004-00003711-00004384 vulnerable, and level of involvement needs to be studied and taken into consideration. sfW-vV_uQbE-00005-00004656-00005336 The phenomena of an online classroom are - Students may experience a sense of disconnection sfW-vV_uQbE-00006-00005336-00005816 from the class and his or her instructor. sfW-vV_uQbE-00007-00005816-00006440 Online classroom could change the nature of the student's motivation, engagement and performance. sfW-vV_uQbE-00008-00006631-00007080 The interaction motivates students with the instructors, feedback from sfW-vV_uQbE-00009-00007080-00007631 the instructor regarding assignments, work products, and online assessments. sfW-vV_uQbE-00010-00007848-00008368 Some instructors are brilliant to eliminate students' motivation or sfW-vV_uQbE-00011-00008368-00009128 interest by not giving timely feedback, marking the assignments, provide appropriate evaluation sfW-vV_uQbE-00012-00009128-00009472 or results of the work product of students sfW-vV_uQbE-00013-00009696-00010360 An excellent online instructor should have very high level of self-control and understand the sfW-vV_uQbE-00014-00010360-00010992 goal, as an instructor is to fulfill the requirements of the online teaching job. sfW-vV_uQbE-00015-00011352-00012168 According to Johnson 2013 the term Appreciative Inquiry is to facilitate individual motivation, sfW-vV_uQbE-00016-00012232-00012784 engagement, performance and it is best for online classroom environments sfW-vV_uQbE-00017-00013032-00013680 Appreciative Inquiry has the potential to assist in the development of the positive working sfW-vV_uQbE-00018-00013680-00014456 relationships, which in turn may improve the student's motivation engagement and performance. sfW-vV_uQbE-00019-00014688-00015072 So, what are the characteristics of an Appreciative Inquiry? sfW-vV_uQbE-00020-00015263-00015800 First, students involved in the class discussion and other activities. sfW-vV_uQbE-00021-00015991-00016464 Second, meaningful interaction occurs through the submission of sfW-vV_uQbE-00022-00016464-00017232 assignment by the student and the feedback that is provided by the instructor. Third, sfW-vV_uQbE-00023-00017312-00018256 provide timely feedback on the postings on grades or points earned and comments or rubrics. Fourth, sfW-vV_uQbE-00024-00018352-00018784 input from the instructor is critical because it has the potential sfW-vV_uQbE-00025-00018784-00019408 to build relationships and influence engagement, motivation, and performance sfW-vV_uQbE-00026-00019656-00020280 Fifth, feedback from instructor has very different effect on individual students because sfW-vV_uQbE-00027-00020352-00020616 of differences in the personalities. sfW-vV_uQbE-00028-00020904-00021384 Johnson applied Appreciative Inquiry in the online classroom as his research. sfW-vV_uQbE-00029-00021520-00022160 He interviewed both online students and instructors on phones across the country. sfW-vV_uQbE-00030-00022384-00023040 The interviews were tapped and transcribed, with the participants' word forming the data sfW-vV_uQbE-00031-00023040-00023968 for this study. Results of the study: First, factors that are necessary for student sfW-vV_uQbE-00032-00023968-00024648 development. Second, the study can reflect characteristics of the online instructors. sfW-vV_uQbE-00033-00024824-00025384 Third, review what instructional methodologies the instructor uses. sfW-vV_uQbE-00034-00025520-00026288 We need more study and research on the issue of the online classroom so that the improvement can sfW-vV_uQbE-00035-00026288-00027039 be made on the matters of safeties, effectiveness and popularity of the future online involvement. sfW-vV_uQbE-00036-00027248-00028183 Thank you for participating, watching and listening. Until next time. sfW-vV_uQbE-00037-00029176-00029183 you sjqdHi4oBsE-00000-00000279-00001873 [Music] sjqdHi4oBsE-00001-00001684-00002174 greetings to you all dear fellow sjqdHi4oBsE-00002-00001873-00002303 teachers, welcome back to a new sjqdHi4oBsE-00003-00002174-00002681 explanation of the methodological sjqdHi4oBsE-00004-00002303-00002888 resource to learning. The MRTL is a sjqdHi4oBsE-00005-00002681-00003185 pedagogical proposal for the COARs in sjqdHi4oBsE-00006-00002888-00003361 Peru. In a previous presentation we said sjqdHi4oBsE-00007-00003185-00003589 that the MRTL is a six staged sjqdHi4oBsE-00008-00003361-00003875 methodological formative process with sjqdHi4oBsE-00009-00003589-00004262 specific traits each. Time to think by sjqdHi4oBsE-00010-00003875-00004526 making contact and remembering. Time to sjqdHi4oBsE-00011-00004262-00004910 inquire in contrast own viewpoints with sjqdHi4oBsE-00012-00004526-00005171 topical sources of information. Time to sjqdHi4oBsE-00013-00004910-00005369 construct by using a variety of oral and sjqdHi4oBsE-00014-00005171-00005795 written resources to carry out pertinent sjqdHi4oBsE-00015-00005369-00006100 activities. Time to transfer all things sjqdHi4oBsE-00016-00005795-00006389 learned by the student to their context. sjqdHi4oBsE-00017-00006100-00006578 Time to evaluate and reflect by sjqdHi4oBsE-00018-00006389-00006965 analyzing and reflecting upon ways to sjqdHi4oBsE-00019-00006578-00007292 learn. Time to reference by giving the sjqdHi4oBsE-00020-00006965-00007561 author's credit for their work. This time sjqdHi4oBsE-00021-00007292-00007844 we will focus on the first stage, let's sjqdHi4oBsE-00022-00007561-00008173 make contact and remember. Albert sjqdHi4oBsE-00023-00007844-00008375 Einstein once said, education is not the sjqdHi4oBsE-00024-00008173-00008732 learning effects but the training of the sjqdHi4oBsE-00025-00008375-00008951 mind to think. Time has prevailed him sjqdHi4oBsE-00026-00008732-00009203 over since the world's constant changes sjqdHi4oBsE-00027-00008951-00009361 have made information or facts such an sjqdHi4oBsE-00028-00009203-00009611 easily reachable product for almost sjqdHi4oBsE-00029-00009361-00009872 everybody, and how to use it wisely has sjqdHi4oBsE-00030-00009611-00010214 become the matter of fact, but we sjqdHi4oBsE-00031-00009872-00010372 certainly need the basis. Early 20th sjqdHi4oBsE-00032-00010214-00010631 century American philosopher and sjqdHi4oBsE-00033-00010372-00010882 pedagogists, John Dewey, started through sjqdHi4oBsE-00034-00010631-00011057 research something called "New Education" sjqdHi4oBsE-00035-00010882-00011270 and it was based on discovery and sjqdHi4oBsE-00036-00011057-00011486 thinking, he thought that learning sjqdHi4oBsE-00037-00011270-00011965 occurred by reflective thinking, students sjqdHi4oBsE-00038-00011486-00012224 interests, and context. Dewey quoted, give sjqdHi4oBsE-00039-00011965-00012493 pupils something to do not something to sjqdHi4oBsE-00040-00012224-00012800 learn and the doing is of such a nature sjqdHi4oBsE-00041-00012493-00013154 as to demand thinking learning naturally sjqdHi4oBsE-00042-00012800-00013384 results. Nowadays, the American sjqdHi4oBsE-00043-00013154-00013618 philosopher and educator Robert Schwartz sjqdHi4oBsE-00044-00013384-00013681 has implemented for over 30 years a kind sjqdHi4oBsE-00045-00013618-00013825 of Education sjqdHi4oBsE-00046-00013681-00013990 that helps students develop their sjqdHi4oBsE-00047-00013825-00014440 thinking skills along the learning sjqdHi4oBsE-00048-00013990-00014677 process, his methodology thinking based sjqdHi4oBsE-00049-00014440-00015028 learning has become popular all over the sjqdHi4oBsE-00050-00014677-00015195 world, he says that schools should help sjqdHi4oBsE-00051-00015028-00015430 students to develop thinking skills sjqdHi4oBsE-00052-00015195-00015597 habits of mind and procedures of sjqdHi4oBsE-00053-00015430-00016080 thinking they can integrate to their sjqdHi4oBsE-00054-00015597-00016609 lives. I believe both of them are right, sjqdHi4oBsE-00055-00016080-00016831 after all. what's life? hmm, it may be a sjqdHi4oBsE-00056-00016609-00017250 constant challenge we cannot completely sjqdHi4oBsE-00057-00016831-00017503 understand, but one thing is for sure, we sjqdHi4oBsE-00058-00017250-00017698 have to find solutions to the several sjqdHi4oBsE-00059-00017503-00017983 situations we run into daily, and sjqdHi4oBsE-00060-00017698-00018423 consequently we need to use our thinking sjqdHi4oBsE-00061-00017983-00018559 skills. At teaching, everything starts sjqdHi4oBsE-00062-00018423-00018756 with planning a learning unit that sjqdHi4oBsE-00063-00018559-00018909 proposes a learning experience that sjqdHi4oBsE-00064-00018756-00019129 takes a learning purpose which is the sjqdHi4oBsE-00065-00018909-00019345 competencies or skills to develop, as sjqdHi4oBsE-00066-00019129-00019641 well as a meaningful situation that sjqdHi4oBsE-00067-00019345-00019933 includes: the contexts, situations sjqdHi4oBsE-00068-00019641-00020266 possible solutions and a topic to be sjqdHi4oBsE-00069-00019933-00020491 treated along the process. The unit also sjqdHi4oBsE-00070-00020266-00020823 includes the methodological sequence sjqdHi4oBsE-00071-00020491-00021066 that is formed by the methodological sjqdHi4oBsE-00072-00020823-00021340 resources to learning. sjqdHi4oBsE-00073-00021066-00021598 Although, thinking takes place all across sjqdHi4oBsE-00074-00021340-00021784 the process, beginning it by engaging the sjqdHi4oBsE-00075-00021598-00022029 students interest through thinking is sjqdHi4oBsE-00076-00021784-00022285 strongly recommended. This is the sjqdHi4oBsE-00077-00022029-00022519 exploration of a sample of the MRTL sjqdHi4oBsE-00078-00022285-00022953 first stage, let's make contact and sjqdHi4oBsE-00079-00022519-00022953 remember, time to think. sjqdHi4oBsE-00080-00023031-00023551 This one sample is intended for real sjqdHi4oBsE-00081-00023295-00023751 beginners first class, the topic is sjqdHi4oBsE-00082-00023551-00024006 health in the context of a pandemics. I sjqdHi4oBsE-00083-00023751-00024240 chose an image and a simple question, sjqdHi4oBsE-00084-00024006-00024412 what's your opinion? I could use a sjqdHi4oBsE-00085-00024240-00024648 question like, what do you think about sjqdHi4oBsE-00086-00024412-00024873 this picture? but, I better use latin sjqdHi4oBsE-00087-00024648-00025062 rooted words, this is very intentional sjqdHi4oBsE-00088-00024873-00025279 since I would like students use their sjqdHi4oBsE-00089-00025062-00025543 common sense to attempt understanding by sjqdHi4oBsE-00090-00025279-00025756 themselves. Instructions are also using sjqdHi4oBsE-00091-00025543-00025929 latin rooted words and where it is not sjqdHi4oBsE-00092-00025756-00026263 possible I will give them some sjqdHi4oBsE-00093-00025929-00026466 translation. As educators, we need to bear sjqdHi4oBsE-00094-00026263-00026628 in mind that learning a language is a sjqdHi4oBsE-00095-00026466-00026844 sort of difficult process and sjqdHi4oBsE-00096-00026628-00027061 understanding instructions is crucial to sjqdHi4oBsE-00097-00026844-00027219 learning. English will be little by sjqdHi4oBsE-00098-00027061-00027352 little taking over the process and sjqdHi4oBsE-00099-00027219-00027757 mother tongue will eventually disappear sjqdHi4oBsE-00100-00027352-00027976 from it. Well, let's continue. Since real sjqdHi4oBsE-00101-00027757-00028150 beginners need lots of help and minimum sjqdHi4oBsE-00102-00027976-00028338 mother tongue interference, using sjqdHi4oBsE-00103-00028150-00028561 iconography will turn into a great idea sjqdHi4oBsE-00104-00028338-00028872 to make the material more comprehensible sjqdHi4oBsE-00105-00028561-00029406 to the student. Here, I use two sentences sjqdHi4oBsE-00106-00028872-00029406 easy to understand: Coronavirus is good. sjqdHi4oBsE-00107-00029420-00029982 Coronavirus is bad. Iconography, in here, sjqdHi4oBsE-00108-00029763-00030197 will help students deduce the meaning. sjqdHi4oBsE-00109-00029982-00030427 Students have to tick one of them, sjqdHi4oBsE-00110-00030197-00030694 remember that this stage is just to help sjqdHi4oBsE-00111-00030427-00030862 students develop their thinking, then I sjqdHi4oBsE-00112-00030694-00031180 propose them to reflect on their sjqdHi4oBsE-00113-00030862-00031395 responses through the question: why? but sjqdHi4oBsE-00114-00031180-00031612 since I am interested in provoking sjqdHi4oBsE-00115-00031395-00031791 students thinking at this stage I make sjqdHi4oBsE-00116-00031612-00031997 it a bit controversial by questioning sjqdHi4oBsE-00117-00031791-00032291 why not the other? sjqdHi4oBsE-00118-00031997-00032441 this way, I am helping students notice sjqdHi4oBsE-00119-00032291-00032714 that we can have more than one sjqdHi4oBsE-00120-00032441-00032909 perspective. Providing this is a lesson sjqdHi4oBsE-00121-00032714-00033164 for real beginners and the stages just sjqdHi4oBsE-00122-00032909-00033347 to develop thinking, it is not compulsory sjqdHi4oBsE-00123-00033164-00033662 that students use English to their sjqdHi4oBsE-00124-00033347-00034187 reflections they may not obviously know sjqdHi4oBsE-00125-00033662-00034415 English at this point. Well, this is it, no sjqdHi4oBsE-00126-00034187-00034640 judging no language assessments or sjqdHi4oBsE-00127-00034415-00034892 giving feedback, pure thinking at this sjqdHi4oBsE-00128-00034640-00035090 first stage. We just made contact and sjqdHi4oBsE-00129-00034892-00035162 remembered. I hope we are ready for the sjqdHi4oBsE-00130-00035090-00035423 next one. sjqdHi4oBsE-00131-00035162-00035735 it will be about the second stage of the sjqdHi4oBsE-00132-00035423-00035966 MRTL called: "Let's inquire in contrast" sjqdHi4oBsE-00133-00035735-00036125 it will perfectly complement this first sjqdHi4oBsE-00134-00035966-00036436 one. See you then. sjqdHi4oBsE-00135-00036125-00036436 Thank you for watching! sjqdHi4oBsE-00136-00037160-00037934 [Music] sjqdHi4oBsE-00137-00037728-00037934 you sjqdHi4oBsE-00138-00037972-00038378 [Music] skm4P56Khp0-00000-00000000-00000509 The Atlantic white-sided dolphin, or Lagenorhynchus acutus, is a species of marine skm4P56Khp0-00001-00000509-00001014 mammal that is found in the North Atlantic Ocean. These dolphins are known for their striking black skm4P56Khp0-00002-00001014-00001560 and white coloration, with a dark upper body and white underbelly. They are highly social animals, skm4P56Khp0-00003-00001560-00002039 often traveling in large groups known as pods. Atlantic white-sided dolphins skm4P56Khp0-00004-00002039-00002406 are known for their acrobatic displays, leaping and spinning out of the water, skm4P56Khp0-00005-00002406-00002934 and are a popular sight for whale watching tours in their range. These dolphins feed on skm4P56Khp0-00006-00002934-00003474 a variety of fish and invertebrates, and are an important part of the marine ecosystem. However, skm4P56Khp0-00007-00003474-00003954 they face a range of threats from human activities, including entanglement in fishing skm4P56Khp0-00008-00003954-00004452 gear, habitat degradation, and pollution. Conservation efforts have been put in place skm4P56Khp0-00009-00004452-00004938 to protect and conserve these important marine mammals, highlighting the need for sustainable skm4P56Khp0-00010-00004938-00005418 management practices to maintain healthy oceans and preserve these fascinating creatures. t4cbpMSqiPk-00000-00000487-00001113 Question: how do you prepare for the 2017 tax rules for life insurance? Answer: t4cbpMSqiPk-00001-00001113-00001575 welcome to Question an Actuary. I'm Promod Sharma from Taxevity. In a t4cbpMSqiPk-00002-00001575-00001795 population of people like you – t4cbpMSqiPk-00003-00001795-00002284 same age, same gender, similar health – the probability of death becomes predictable. t4cbpMSqiPk-00004-00002284-00002836 The risk increases annually, which increases the underlying mortality t4cbpMSqiPk-00005-00002836-00003121 charges from the insurance company. t4cbpMSqiPk-00006-00003121-00003679 How can you afford insurance for life? Only by pre-funding. That means you t4cbpMSqiPk-00007-00003679-00004221 deposit more than the charges for the year. The extra amount gets invested and t4cbpMSqiPk-00008-00004221-00004698 earns compound interest which helps pay for future coverage. The government t4cbpMSqiPk-00009-00004698-00005169 rewards you for pre-funding by exempting the investment growth inside your t4cbpMSqiPk-00010-00005169-00005851 insurance contract from annual taxation, much like an RRSP or TFSA. As another t4cbpMSqiPk-00011-00005851-00006387 reward, the death benefit is generally tax-free. The rules for tax-exempt life t4cbpMSqiPk-00012-00006387-00006712 insurance limit how much you can deposit (more is better), t4cbpMSqiPk-00013-00006769-00007258 how quickly (sooner is better) and the maximum growth allowed (higher is better). t4cbpMSqiPk-00014-00007258-00007855 The current rules took effect on December second 1982. New rules apply on t4cbpMSqiPk-00015-00007855-00008500 January first 2017. As you may guess, the new rules are less favorable – especially t4cbpMSqiPk-00016-00008500-00008965 for universal life insurance with level cost of insurance rates. You'll find t4cbpMSqiPk-00017-00008965-00009373 detailed articles by actuaries, accountants and others in the links t4cbpMSqiPk-00018-00009373-00010000 below this video. If you put less into your insurance policy, you earn less. The t4cbpMSqiPk-00019-00010000-00010543 younger you are, the more dramatic the results. At age 40, the differences look t4cbpMSqiPk-00020-00010543-00011092 like this. At age 70, the differences are minor, but there are still reasons to t4cbpMSqiPk-00021-00011092-00011551 check the health of your coverage. There are other negative impacts for t4cbpMSqiPk-00022-00011551-00011980 corporately-owned insurance and situations where you want to make the t4cbpMSqiPk-00023-00011980-00012178 premium tax-deductible. t4cbpMSqiPk-00024-00012178-00012493 Those are topics for other videos in this series. t4cbpMSqiPk-00025-00012562-00013320 How can you keep the 1982 rules beyond 2016? There are three ways to grandfather: t4cbpMSqiPk-00026-00013320-00013825 One: do you have permanent life insurance? You'll generally keep the nineteen t4cbpMSqiPk-00027-00013825-00014326 eighty-two rules unless you make changes which require underwriting (for example t4cbpMSqiPk-00028-00014326-00015001 adding more coverage). Consider making those changes well before 2017. Two: do you t4cbpMSqiPk-00029-00015001-00015457 have term life insurance? You may be able to convert to permanent coverage t4cbpMSqiPk-00030-00015457-00016003 regardless of your health. You generally get the 1982 rules if you convert well t4cbpMSqiPk-00031-00016003-00016320 before 2017. Three: t4cbpMSqiPk-00032-00016320-00016663 do you want more permanent life insurance? Buy well before t4cbpMSqiPk-00033-00016663-00017272 2017 and you generally get the 1982 rules. Naturally, we're skipping details t4cbpMSqiPk-00034-00017272-00017929 here. You can't wait until December 31st 2016 to act. The tax exemption rules are t4cbpMSqiPk-00035-00017929-00018391 based on the date your life insurance is issued or changes are finalized. The t4cbpMSqiPk-00036-00018391-00018870 process often takes four to eight weeks. To handle the volume, insurance companies t4cbpMSqiPk-00037-00018870-00019315 generally have cut-off dates in early October. Even then they don't guarantee t4cbpMSqiPk-00038-00019315-00019654 that your request will be fulfilled in time. t4cbpMSqiPk-00039-00019654-00020098 Realistically, you'll need to submit paperwork — whether an application or t4cbpMSqiPk-00040-00020098-00021061 change form — by September 30, 2016. To learn more visit t4cbpMSqiPk-00041-00021061-00021451 For personal help, schedule a chat — while you still have time. t4cbpMSqiPk-00042-00021514-00021925 Question: how ready are you for the 2017 tax rules? t9kioAAiWn8-00000-00000321-00000844 Each and every one of us has a right to dream of a better life and t9kioAAiWn8-00001-00000920-00001363 More important to that we have the right to make, together, t9kioAAiWn8-00002-00001437-00001637 our dreams come true t9kioAAiWn8-00003-00001739-00002530 With great joy more than a year ago. We started the Dorchester Post, and now after hundreds of t9kioAAiWn8-00004-00002600-00003063 posted stories. I have to confess that it have been tough t9kioAAiWn8-00005-00003290-00003885 Even though Dorchester is a wonderful place, the most diverse neighborhood in New England t9kioAAiWn8-00006-00004054-00004255 Full of honest people t9kioAAiWn8-00007-00004319-00004519 lovely and hard-working t9kioAAiWn8-00008-00004544-00004694 During this time t9kioAAiWn8-00009-00004694-00005350 we were able to understand that there is a great difference between the local reality and t9kioAAiWn8-00010-00005401-00005865 how this local reality is reflected outside t9kioAAiWn8-00011-00006208-00006408 we have experienced t9kioAAiWn8-00012-00006445-00006581 firsthand t9kioAAiWn8-00013-00006581-00007042 That there is still an oppression against minorities t9kioAAiWn8-00014-00007120-00007414 against people with low income and especially t9kioAAiWn8-00015-00007486-00007686 against the individuality t9kioAAiWn8-00016-00007838-00008188 This is an oppression t9kioAAiWn8-00017-00008303-00008569 that is based on the promotion of t9kioAAiWn8-00018-00008660-00008804 divisiveness t9kioAAiWn8-00019-00008804-00009288 the perpetuation of negative stereotypes and the exaltation of t9kioAAiWn8-00020-00009356-00009556 violence t9kioAAiWn8-00021-00009575-00009737 This could change t9kioAAiWn8-00022-00009737-00009937 this must change and t9kioAAiWn8-00023-00009968-00010555 the efforts of the media should be focused on the enlightenment of the people t9kioAAiWn8-00024-00010589-00010869 Not in the evilness and the darkness t9kioAAiWn8-00025-00010934-00011329 There is million times more good than evil in the world t9kioAAiWn8-00026-00011450-00011854 In Comunicas, and the Dorchester Post we will persist t9kioAAiWn8-00027-00011918-00012226 Doing a neighborhood focused love journalism t9kioAAiWn8-00028-00012347-00012485 working together t9kioAAiWn8-00029-00012485-00013176 With neighbors to help them build a better Dorchester and from here a better world t9kioAAiWn8-00030-00013237-00013437 So, thank you ttA82p2aOnY-00000-00000000-00001000 ‌ ttNZ2_hdt4E-00000-00000600-00001000 Welcome everyone. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00001-00001000-00001200 To nurturing open education. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00002-00001200-00001400 Through stakeholder surveys. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00003-00001400-00001900 This is a. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00004-00001900-00002100 This is a webinar with CCC. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00005-00002100-00002500 And my executive. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00006-00002500-00002800 President of my council. So Hoonah daily here. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00007-00002800-00003200 Director of the community college consortium for OER. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00008-00003200-00003500 And I'm here with Dr. Judas. Sebesta who I'll let introduce herself. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00009-00003500-00004500 Thank you so much, even. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00010-00004500-00004700 I'm so glad to be here and have the opportunity to present. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00011-00004700-00005000 I serve as the executive director of the digital higher education ttNZ2_hdt4E-00012-00005000-00005200 consortium of Texas based here in Austin, Austin, Texas. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00013-00005200-00005400 And I also have the privilege of serving. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00014-00005400-00005500 As the CCC OER. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00015-00005500-00005700 Executive council president. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00016-00005700-00006100 Thanks, Lena. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00017-00006100-00006200 Wonderful. Thank you, Judith. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00018-00006200-00006700 And so today we're here to talk to you about how ttNZ2_hdt4E-00019-00006700-00007800 using surveys as one tool to increase communication. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00020-00007800-00008200 But between our members and between us and our members and ttNZ2_hdt4E-00021-00008200-00008600 how that supports and nurtures open education programs. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00022-00008600-00008900 And so that's pillar number four of the UNESCO OER ttNZ2_hdt4E-00023-00008900-00009000 recommendations. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00024-00009000-00009300 And we've decided to split this into two case studies for you. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00025-00009300-00009700 So we have a case study based on CCC OER and its annual survey. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00026-00009700-00010000 It's a, that we've been doing since 2013, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00027-00010000-00010300 actually with our members and then Judith will share the ttNZ2_hdt4E-00028-00010300-00010600 biennial surveys that detects. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00029-00010600-00011400 Does for the statewide Texas group. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00030-00011400-00011700 So excited to tell you about both of those survey efforts. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00031-00011700-00011900 So just to really quickly about the community college consortium for ttNZ2_hdt4E-00032-00011900-00012400 OER, we have members across the United States and Canada. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00033-00012400-00012800 Founded over a decade ago. And our, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00034-00012800-00013100 our mission is expanding awareness and adoption of high quality OER. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00035-00013100-00013200 We work with faculty. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00036-00013200-00013500 And librarians administrators on this work. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00037-00013500-00013700 It's about fostering OER leadership, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00038-00013700-00014000 but at the heart of it is improving student equity and success. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00039-00014000-00014500 And those things haven't changed over the last decade. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00040-00014500-00014700 Those are still really important. Although many under, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00041-00014700-00014900 under underpinnings technology, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00042-00014900-00015000 things have changed in the last 10 years. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00043-00015000-00015100 Just a really quick. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00044-00015100-00015300 Look at our membership. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00045-00015300-00015700 About 20% represent statewide or system. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00046-00015700-00015800 Memberships, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00047-00015800-00017900 which of course a Judith has the executive director of Digitech. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00048-00017900-00018100 Is one of those statewide membership groups. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00049-00018100-00018400 We also have 20% that are multi-college districts. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00050-00018400-00018800 And about 60% of our members are individual colleges that are trying ttNZ2_hdt4E-00051-00018800-00019100 to do this work around open education. And I call out to California, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00052-00019100-00019200 Texas, and Wisconsin, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00053-00019200-00019600 which are the states within our consortium that had the most members. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00054-00019600-00019800 So why conduct an annual survey? Well, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00055-00019800-00021000 Our members when they join. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00056-00021000-00021100 We get to know them, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00057-00021100-00021400 but over time they change and we'd sometimes we don't have an ttNZ2_hdt4E-00058-00021400-00021600 opportunity to have those one-on-one conversations. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00059-00021600-00021900 So we really hear about what's going on at their ttNZ2_hdt4E-00060-00021900-00022300 institution and what their needs are. And so at least annually, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00061-00022300-00022600 we want to check in and we we'd like to do that more often as well. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00062-00022600-00022800 We want to understand what the value of the membership within CCC. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00063-00022800-00022900 We are, is. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00064-00022900-00023100 And we want to encourage collaboration. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00065-00023100-00023300 Between our members, because we know that together, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00066-00023300-00023500 we are a very powerful. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00067-00023500-00023600 Group. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00068-00023600-00023800 And finally, we want to understand their member priority. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00069-00023800-00024000 So we always ask about what's coming up in the next year for you. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00070-00024000-00024200 And then what do you see? Two to three years out? ttNZ2_hdt4E-00071-00024200-00024300 And this helps us with planning. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00072-00024300-00024500 And promoting collaborations. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00073-00024500-00024700 For our upcoming year of activities. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00074-00024700-00024900 But we don't wait. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00075-00024900-00025000 Till the end of the year. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00076-00025000-00026100 To ask these questions. We have quarterly meetings. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00077-00026100-00026400 Other opportunities of course, to interact with folks. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00078-00026400-00026800 But just last March, we, we did a poll during our, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00079-00026800-00027000 our quarterly meeting in March, and we said, you know, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00080-00027000-00027200 there's so many wonderful things we could do this summer. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00081-00027200-00027400 What would you like to hear about? And we got some great feedback. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00082-00027400-00027500 From our members at that point. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00083-00027500-00027900 And that led to the creation of a virtual book club focused on equity, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00084-00027900-00028100 diversity, and inclusion this summer, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00085-00028100-00028300 and also the open pedagogy tutorial series. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00086-00028300-00028500 So wonderful feedback through that as well. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00087-00028500-00028800 So this last year we shipped out our survey early in may. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00088-00028800-00029200 And we usually give our members about three weeks to respond back and ttNZ2_hdt4E-00089-00029200-00029300 we encourage them. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00090-00029300-00029400 Multiple times over that time terrain to. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00091-00029400-00029600 Please fill that out for us. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00092-00029600-00029700 And so we were very happy to. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00093-00029700-00030500 Get almost 40%, a little under 40%. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00094-00030500-00030700 Of our membership responding this year. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00095-00030700-00031000 And what I wanted to tell you about on this particular slide is ttNZ2_hdt4E-00096-00031000-00031100 that. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00097-00031100-00032600 The largest role of the respondent to this. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00098-00032600-00032800 Survey was administrators. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00099-00032800-00033000 So those are often the folks who are running programs, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00100-00033000-00033400 making some decisions around policies at their institutions or ttNZ2_hdt4E-00101-00033400-00033600 organizations. So they're a very important voice. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00102-00033600-00034000 And we were glad to see that we also did have. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00103-00034000-00034400 Over 40%, almost 50% faculty or librarians who responded. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00104-00034400-00034700 So those are definitely our boots on the ground and very important ttNZ2_hdt4E-00105-00034700-00035000 voices as well. In OER dedicated OER, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00106-00035000-00035100 staffs continues to be a minority. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00107-00035100-00035400 At our institutions and organizations, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00108-00035400-00035600 most institutions have not established an OER department, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00109-00035600-00035700 but a few have. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00110-00035700-00036000 And who's in charge of open education on campus. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00111-00036000-00036100 Another interesting one. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00112-00036100-00036300 Once again, libraries came out as the top. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00113-00036300-00036500 Department that's in charge, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00114-00036500-00036800 but e-learning and teaching and learning centers. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00115-00036800-00037100 I also are a very critical leader in this area for the ttNZ2_hdt4E-00116-00037100-00037300 institution. And once again, dedicated. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00117-00037300-00037800 Open education staff is in a minority at most of our institutions. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00118-00037800-00038300 So we were really pleased to see that 41% of our respondents. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00119-00038300-00038700 It reported an increased interest in open education for 2021. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00120-00038700-00040100 And part of that was our survey back in 2020. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00121-00040100-00040400 Indicated that the pandemic had really shifted priorities and that ttNZ2_hdt4E-00122-00040400-00040800 OER was taking a little bit of a back-burner during that time. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00123-00040800-00041600 So we were very happy to see that it had come back really strongly. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00124-00041600-00041900 And 61% reported that students savings was the most successful aspect ttNZ2_hdt4E-00125-00041900-00042100 of their open education program over the last year. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00126-00042100-00042400 And you can see there were other various pieces that were important as ttNZ2_hdt4E-00127-00042400-00042800 well, such as pedagogy, improved pedagogy, equity, et cetera. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00128-00042800-00043000 So what were their top professional development needs? ttNZ2_hdt4E-00129-00043000-00043200 Measuring the impact of open education, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00130-00043200-00043500 looking at open pedagogy as a tool for student empowerment. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00131-00043500-00043600 And of course, I just mentioned that. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00132-00043600-00043900 Over the summer, we had an open pedagogy tutorial series. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00133-00043900-00045000 Open education as an anti-racism tool. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00134-00045000-00045300 Which is another important project of which we won't have time to talk ttNZ2_hdt4E-00135-00045300-00045400 about today, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00136-00045400-00045700 but is it really something that our members are thinking about and ttNZ2_hdt4E-00137-00045700-00045800 very concerned. And once again, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00138-00045800-00046100 OER course design open education leadership continue to be a top ttNZ2_hdt4E-00139-00046100-00046300 needs. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00140-00046300-00046400 Challenges. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00141-00046400-00046600 Funding funding is often at the very top of that. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00142-00046600-00046900 And so I wanted to tell you about some of the funding sources. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00143-00046900-00047100 This was the first time this year that we actually asked about funding ttNZ2_hdt4E-00144-00047100-00047200 sources. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00145-00047200-00047600 So federal and state grants were a little over 60% of what was ttNZ2_hdt4E-00146-00047600-00047700 funding. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00147-00047700-00047800 The work at. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00148-00047800-00048100 Our, our member institutions and organizations. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00149-00048100-00049200 Colleges were also funding that work through innovation grants. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00150-00049200-00049500 Faculty stipend grants as well at 73%. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00151-00049500-00049700 So really wonderful to see that. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00152-00049700-00049900 But in terms of having an ongoing open education budget, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00153-00049900-00050100 that's still is in the minority for most of our organizations looking ttNZ2_hdt4E-00154-00050100-00050300 at about 15%. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00155-00050300-00050500 And private donors came in even a little bit less at 6%. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00156-00050500-00051400 So, what were your priorities for the next one to three years? ttNZ2_hdt4E-00157-00051400-00051500 You know, honestly, this, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00158-00051500-00051800 this hasn't changed much in the last couple of years as we compare ttNZ2_hdt4E-00159-00051800-00052100 between 2020 and 21 raising OER awareness on campus. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00160-00052100-00052200 And this is not just. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00161-00052200-00052400 For faculty. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00162-00052400-00052600 It's also administrators. And over the last few years, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00163-00052600-00053100 really getting students involved. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00164-00053100-00053400 So figuring out how students can also be advocates for open ttNZ2_hdt4E-00165-00053400-00053700 education as beneficiaries of much of this work, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00166-00053700-00054000 they can be quite articulate. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00167-00054000-00054400 And also faculty OER adoptions, obviously that's a huge one. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00168-00054400-00055800 Improving students' successes is often the why. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00169-00055800-00056000 Around the open education work, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00170-00056000-00056200 but increasing equitable education opportunities. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00171-00056200-00056600 That's really moving ahead in terms of who, which students, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00172-00056600-00056800 I mean, we do want to help all students, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00173-00056800-00057100 but we want to work particularly with those students who can benefit ttNZ2_hdt4E-00174-00057100-00057300 most from open education. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00175-00057300-00057700 And what, what has changed between 2020 and 21? ttNZ2_hdt4E-00176-00057700-00058000 Just kind of summing that up in 2020, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00177-00058000-00058300 our members said that their most successful aspect was creating OER ttNZ2_hdt4E-00178-00058300-00058600 awareness on campus. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00179-00058600-00058900 I in 2021 at students savings. So we, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00180-00058900-00059100 our awareness is a little higher this year, which we're, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00181-00059100-00059200 we're so happy to hear. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00182-00059200-00059500 And that students savings is something that they can really claim as ttNZ2_hdt4E-00183-00059500-00059600 a, as a success measure. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00184-00059600-00059900 Yeah, back in 2020, lack of time was identified. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00185-00059900-00060000 And of course, you know, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00186-00060000-00060300 we were right in the midst of kind of that really worst part of that ttNZ2_hdt4E-00187-00060300-00060400 early part of that pandemic. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00188-00060400-00060800 And now institutions organizations are reporting that getting faculty ttNZ2_hdt4E-00189-00060800-00060900 buy-in. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00190-00060900-00061100 It is one of their top challenges. So. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00191-00061100-00061400 Excited to help them work on with that. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00192-00061400-00062300 With those challenges that they have. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00193-00062300-00062500 So collaboration opportunities. I mentioned a little earlier. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00194-00062500-00062700 Collaboration is what our consortium is all about. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00195-00062700-00063100 How can we support our members in collaborating together? ttNZ2_hdt4E-00196-00063100-00063400 And how, what activities can we create to encourage that? ttNZ2_hdt4E-00197-00063400-00063600 So what was reported back to us is that. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00198-00063600-00063800 It was networking is the really key piece. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00199-00063800-00064300 And so faculty and librarian came up. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00200-00064300-00064600 Very much at the top with leadership networks, right underneath that, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00201-00064600-00065700 and equity focused networks. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00202-00065700-00066100 And so we do have a program this year where we're doing some, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00203-00066100-00066400 an intensive program called the regional leaders of open education. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00204-00066400-00066600 And it is very focused on faculty and librarians. And also, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00205-00066600-00066700 I would say mid-level administrators. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00206-00066700-00066900 It's a leadership network. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00207-00066900-00067000 And it has a very heavy equity focus. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00208-00067000-00067400 So we, we encourage our members to, to join that group, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00209-00067400-00068000 but we will also have activities that will focus on. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00210-00068000-00068300 Bringing all of these constituents together and the student advocacy ttNZ2_hdt4E-00211-00068300-00068600 network is new this year. It was a little less than half of our, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00212-00068600-00068800 our respondents, but we're really excited to see that as well. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00213-00068800-00069200 Something for us to work on this year. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00214-00069200-00069300 And so the, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00215-00069300-00069700 we wanted to ask about the benefits of global open education ttNZ2_hdt4E-00216-00069700-00070000 community collaboration, because of course, CCCR. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00217-00070000-00070200 We are, is part of open education global, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00218-00070200-00070600 which is a global organization representing members in 40 countries ttNZ2_hdt4E-00219-00070600-00071100 around the world. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00220-00071100-00071500 So one thing that our members said is that they felt that they could ttNZ2_hdt4E-00221-00071500-00071900 contribute and also have access to more openly licensed materials ttNZ2_hdt4E-00222-00071900-00072000 through this wonderful community. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00223-00072000-00072200 There's a, there's a strong interest in mentoring. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00224-00072200-00072500 Both regionally and then across country boundaries. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00225-00072500-00073000 So something that we're working on this year, we hope by the, by. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00226-00073000-00073200 Mid mid-level of this year. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00227-00073200-00073600 We'll have more plans around what that mentoring work might look like. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00228-00073600-00073900 And our F our folks are very interested in global and multicultural ttNZ2_hdt4E-00229-00073900-00074300 perspectives. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00230-00074300-00074500 And we recently just had a webinar actually last week where we were ttNZ2_hdt4E-00231-00074500-00074800 fortunate to have some OpenEdge education. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00232-00074800-00075100 Folks from both the Caribbean and from Nigeria. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00233-00075100-00075400 So, and people were very pleased with that and we hope to do more. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00234-00075400-00076600 So we want to take action. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00235-00076600-00076800 On the surveys. We don't want to simply hear what our members need. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00236-00076800-00077200 And so what we were very clearly told is they want professional ttNZ2_hdt4E-00237-00077200-00077500 development on OER impact studies, course design. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00238-00077500-00077600 How to get funded, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00239-00077600-00078400 what are the funding opportunities and how to pursue those? ttNZ2_hdt4E-00240-00078400-00078700 Open pedagogy and students and collab, collaboration opportunities, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00241-00078700-00078900 both regionally and globally. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00242-00078900-00079100 And so we have already started to put plans in place for our ttNZ2_hdt4E-00243-00079100-00079400 professional development this year, around those topics. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00244-00079400-00079500 And lessons learned. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00245-00079500-00079600 There's always some great lessons learned. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00246-00079600-00079700 Next year. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00247-00079700-00080100 We're going to ask a little bit more information about the role on ttNZ2_hdt4E-00248-00080100-00080200 campus. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00249-00080200-00080500 And what their priorities are and see if that creates a slightly ttNZ2_hdt4E-00250-00080500-00080700 different. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00251-00080700-00080800 Skew on what the important, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00252-00080800-00081400 the important challenges and professional development needs are. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00253-00081400-00081700 We're going to ask some more open-ended questions this upcoming year, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00254-00081700-00082800 so we can better understand some of the priorities. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00255-00082800-00083200 Some of the priorities of, of our members and dig a little bit deeper. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00256-00083200-00083300 And finally, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00257-00083300-00083600 we're going to clarify the goals of the annual survey in order to make ttNZ2_hdt4E-00258-00083600-00083700 the results more actionable. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00259-00083700-00083900 So this is something that we've been thinking about for a while and, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00260-00083900-00084000 and. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00261-00084000-00084200 Next year is the time to do it. And finally, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00262-00084200-00084300 we have chosen a new survey tool. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00263-00084300-00084700 That we think will really support us in the analysis of ttNZ2_hdt4E-00264-00084700-00084800 the data. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00265-00084800-00085000 And so I now. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00266-00085000-00085300 Want to turn this over to my colleague, Dr. Judas Sebesta. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00267-00085300-00085500 So I'm going to stop sharing and let her. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00268-00085500-00085600 Come in. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00269-00085600-00085700 Thank you so much. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00270-00085700-00085900 I think there's some interesting. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00271-00085900-00086200 And not entirely surprising intersections between the CCC. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00272-00086200-00086300 Survey and our own. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00273-00086300-00087700 Let me pull up my slides. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00274-00087700-00087800 So, as I mentioned, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00275-00087800-00088100 I served as executive director of the digital higher education ttNZ2_hdt4E-00276-00088100-00088300 consortium of Texas. Also known as Digitech. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00277-00088300-00088500 We serve all 50. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00278-00088500-00088700 Texas public community college districts. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00279-00088700-00089200 We were founded as the virtual college back in 1998. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00280-00089200-00089500 And we facilitate intercollegiate course sharing among other ttNZ2_hdt4E-00281-00089500-00089800 initiatives, including leading the Texas quality matters consortium. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00282-00089800-00090000 Providing free membership in WC. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00283-00090000-00091000 State authorization network. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00284-00091000-00091200 We conduct research and we host free webinars on digital, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00285-00091200-00091500 higher education. And then most of your main to my presentation today, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00286-00091500-00091900 we support a variety of open education initiatives across Texas and ttNZ2_hdt4E-00287-00091900-00092000 beyond. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00288-00092000-00092200 These include our buy-in by annual statewide survey, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00289-00092200-00092300 which I'm going to focus on more today. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00290-00092300-00092800 A statewide annual conference. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00291-00092800-00092900 And a variety of professional development activities, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00292-00092900-00093200 including our Texas learn OER course. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00293-00093200-00093500 And of course is not insignificant is that we provide a 40% discount. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00294-00093500-00094700 To Texas community colleges on the CCC OER membership. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00295-00094700-00094800 For my presentation today, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00296-00094800-00095200 let me focus some on this biennial statewide survey in which we have ttNZ2_hdt4E-00297-00095200-00095400 engaged and partnered with several organizations on. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00298-00095400-00095700 So I'd like to do a kind of who, what, why, when, where sort of, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00299-00095700-00095800 sort of thing with this. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00300-00095800-00096100 So why are we doing the statewide survey? Well, to collect data, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00301-00096100-00096200 to make informed decisions on. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00302-00096200-00096500 Resource allocation and initiatives. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00303-00096500-00096600 To better understand. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00304-00096600-00096900 But to get to gain a better broader understanding of open education ttNZ2_hdt4E-00305-00096900-00097100 across the state. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00306-00097100-00097400 And to engage in partnerships and collaborations in order to ttNZ2_hdt4E-00307-00097400-00097700 amplify our reach and impact as an organization. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00308-00097700-00098100 Our primary goal though, is to help build an open ecosystem in Texas. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00309-00098100-00098400 And thus across the country and the world. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00310-00098400-00099000 So who. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00311-00099000-00099300 And when we partner with the Texas higher education coordinating ttNZ2_hdt4E-00312-00099300-00099500 board, which is our state higher education agency. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00313-00099500-00099800 And with the Institute for the study of knowledge management and ttNZ2_hdt4E-00314-00099800-00100500 education. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00315-00100500-00100800 This has been a very productive partnership for us and has enabled us ttNZ2_hdt4E-00316-00100800-00101200 to have to bring multiple perspectives and various expertise ttNZ2_hdt4E-00317-00101200-00101300 to the survey that we conduct. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00318-00101300-00101600 As I have mentioned an una did as well. This is a biennial survey. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00319-00101600-00101800 We first conducted it in 2019. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00320-00101800-00102000 And this year we have conducted the second. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00321-00102000-00102800 We're just about to wrap up the final report for that second survey. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00322-00102800-00103100 The purpose of the survey is to examine the landscape of OER programs, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00323-00103100-00103300 policies, and practices, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00324-00103300-00103600 and higher education institutions across Texas. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00325-00103600-00103900 We administered a survey to all 158, 2 and four year public and ttNZ2_hdt4E-00326-00103900-00104700 private nonprofit institutions across the state. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00327-00104700-00104800 New for 2021 though, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00328-00104800-00105100 is that we administered also the survey to 11 independent health and ttNZ2_hdt4E-00329-00105100-00105500 medical centers are health-related institutions across Texas. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00330-00105500-00105700 We send the survey directly via email to campus. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00331-00105700-00106000 CAOs. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00332-00106000-00106300 Chief academic officers and she's instructional officers. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00333-00106300-00106600 And the timeline both years has been roughly 10 months from the ttNZ2_hdt4E-00334-00106600-00106700 initial partner meeting. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00335-00106700-00107000 To the final report that we released and we will soon be releasing for ttNZ2_hdt4E-00336-00107000-00107100 2021. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00337-00107100-00107500 So we had one. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00338-00107500-00107700 11 Respondents with two year colleges. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00339-00107700-00107900 Interestingly being the highest percentage of those respondents. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00340-00107900-00109000 Findings included some things like. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00341-00109000-00109300 The growth of a formal OER programs and policies has been ttNZ2_hdt4E-00342-00109300-00109700 certainly something that has been a highlight of the 2021 survey data. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00343-00109700-00109800 We've seen an increase in fully. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00344-00109800-00110100 Based courses, especially again at two year institutions. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00345-00110100-00110300 59% Of the institutions report using, oh, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00346-00110300-00110800 we are to meet diversity equity and inclusion guidelines. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00347-00110800-00110900 And interestingly, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00348-00110900-00111200 we've seen a correlation between cross office engagement on ttNZ2_hdt4E-00349-00111200-00111900 campus. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00350-00111900-00112100 And OER leadership in the state. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00351-00112100-00112400 So when there has been cross-collaboration among different divisions, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00352-00112400-00112700 offices and units across the campus, we see that those often are, are, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00353-00112700-00112800 oh, you're leaders in the state. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00354-00112800-00113100 Back in 2019 awareness building and professional learning were key ttNZ2_hdt4E-00355-00113100-00113300 priorities. They remain that way. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00356-00113300-00113500 And similar to what we talked about with the CCC OER. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00357-00113500-00113600 Member survey. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00358-00113600-00114000 Faculty buy-in is very crucial and that even increased for the 2021 ttNZ2_hdt4E-00359-00114000-00114300 survey. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00360-00114300-00114500 So what are some implications of the survey that we've conducted? ttNZ2_hdt4E-00361-00114500-00114800 Well, we've seen the importance of partnerships, funding availability. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00362-00114800-00115100 Collecting impact data and engaging faculty and students, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00363-00115100-00115800 probably not surprising for these. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00364-00115800-00116000 And what these findings have led to for implications are ttNZ2_hdt4E-00365-00116000-00116300 recommendations for such strategies, strategies, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00366-00116300-00116500 and initiatives as the creation of a state. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00367-00116500-00116600 Oh, we, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00368-00116600-00116900 our playbook to build capacity and drive systems change around texts ttNZ2_hdt4E-00369-00116900-00117000 around OER. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00370-00117000-00117300 Increased support for professional development and creation of OER. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00371-00117300-00117500 For career and technical education, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00372-00117500-00118900 or seems to be a need for that across the state. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00373-00118900-00119100 Also, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00374-00119100-00119400 there was a recommendation to create a series of case studies on OER, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00375-00119400-00119700 best practices in Texas. And we jumped on that right away. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00376-00119700-00120000 And my organization actually just recently released the first of these ttNZ2_hdt4E-00377-00120000-00120300 creating and adopting open educational resources across the state. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00378-00120300-00120400 Finally. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00379-00120400-00120500 So Jimson takeaways for you. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00380-00120500-00120800 If you're considering implementing an OER survey, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00381-00120800-00121100 be it at your organization, your institution within your system, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00382-00121100-00121200 or even across states. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00383-00121200-00121400 Partner network collaborate. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00384-00121400-00121800 And this will very much strengthen the data that you can collect ttNZ2_hdt4E-00385-00121800-00122000 through the survey and also capitalize on. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00386-00122000-00122200 The unique strengths of each partner. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00387-00122200-00122500 The coordinating board and [unknown] both have just amazing ttNZ2_hdt4E-00388-00122500-00123000 research chops and data analysis chops. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00389-00123000-00123100 To be perfectly honest, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00390-00123100-00123500 Digitech was able digit Tex was able to contribute financial resources ttNZ2_hdt4E-00391-00123500-00123700 to this partnership so that we could commission a. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00392-00123700-00123800 The research from [unknown]. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00393-00123800-00124000 The the organization is to be, so that was kind of, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00394-00124000-00124300 one of our strengths is Digitech, but we also have research. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00395-00124300-00125400 Expertise as well. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00396-00125400-00125600 Work to create a strategy for a high response rate. Again, again, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00397-00125600-00125900 this is where the expertise of the coordinating board came in because ttNZ2_hdt4E-00398-00125900-00126100 they can send an email to the institutions. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00399-00126100-00126300 And as a state are hire an agency, frankly, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00400-00126300-00126800 the institutions listen and they respond. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00401-00126800-00127000 Get the survey into the hands of the right people that will differ ttNZ2_hdt4E-00402-00127000-00127200 across contexts for us. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00403-00127200-00127500 We knew that it was getting into the hands of the CEOs and the CEOs, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00404-00127500-00127800 so that then they could collaborate with OER stakeholders across ttNZ2_hdt4E-00405-00127800-00127900 campus to get the most accurate data. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00406-00127900-00128200 Sure that respondents show the respondents that this aggregated data ttNZ2_hdt4E-00407-00128200-00128500 will not be released in order to ensure the integrity of the data. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00408-00128500-00128600 Platform multi-year surveys. If you can, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00409-00128600-00128800 for greater impact and understanding a CCC OER. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00410-00128800-00129000 We are, has done in this way of our doing. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00411-00129000-00129300 And finally celebrate completion of the survey and the dissemination ttNZ2_hdt4E-00412-00129300-00129500 of your findings. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00413-00129500-00129700 And I'll turn it back over to you. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00414-00129700-00130400 Well, thank you so much, Judith. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00415-00130400-00130500 I learned quite a bit, ttNZ2_hdt4E-00416-00130500-00130800 listening to your wonderful sharing about the Texas. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00417-00130800-00132100 OER survey. ttNZ2_hdt4E-00418-00132100-00132400 And I think now we want to continue this conversation in OEG connect. tuTuCsSN1sM-00000-00000000-00000144 [Captions by Y Translator] >> I am taking Eve today, tuTuCsSN1sM-00001-00000144-00000334 and we're gonna do something really fun. tuTuCsSN1sM-00002-00000334-00000692 >> So I looked around and I saw him having my lunch box. tuTuCsSN1sM-00003-00000704-00000838 Eating my sandwich. tuTuCsSN1sM-00004-00000850-00000946 >> You guys! tuTuCsSN1sM-00005-00000946-00001328 You go into the museum through a magic fridge. tuTuCsSN1sM-00006-00001576-00001739 [MUSIC] tuTuCsSN1sM-00007-00001794-00002012 [8 PASSENGERS] tuTuCsSN1sM-00008-00002012-00002336 I am taking Eve today, and we're gonna do something really fun. tuTuCsSN1sM-00009-00002384-00002532 We're gonna have a little adventure. tuTuCsSN1sM-00010-00002548-00002702 But first, I have to fix my hair. tuTuCsSN1sM-00011-00002714-00002824 Don't tell anybody. tuTuCsSN1sM-00012-00002840-00003144 But, I got bean and bacon soup in it like... tuTuCsSN1sM-00013-00003210-00003300 two days ago. tuTuCsSN1sM-00014-00003300-00003524 And I just been avoiding washing it out. tuTuCsSN1sM-00015-00003570-00003658 Oh, there it is. tuTuCsSN1sM-00016-00003660-00003734 Ew. tuTuCsSN1sM-00017-00003734-00003910 It's like, all crusty. tuTuCsSN1sM-00018-00003911-00004508 [MUSIC] tuTuCsSN1sM-00019-00004558-00004856 How cute is that? tuTuCsSN1sM-00020-00004990-00005144 I think we will sufficiently tuTuCsSN1sM-00021-00005144-00005366 have headaches by the end of the night. tuTuCsSN1sM-00022-00005444-00005684 >> So there is a boy in my class tuTuCsSN1sM-00023-00005684-00005924 that has same lunchbox as me. tuTuCsSN1sM-00024-00005924-00006124 Except, the color's a little darker. tuTuCsSN1sM-00025-00006138-00006376 So I went into lunch room tuTuCsSN1sM-00026-00006388-00006558 and my lunch box is missing. tuTuCsSN1sM-00027-00006580-00006708 But his was still there. tuTuCsSN1sM-00028-00006750-00007009 And so, I looked around and I saw him tuTuCsSN1sM-00029-00007022-00007162 having my lunch box... tuTuCsSN1sM-00030-00007231-00007380 eating my sandwich tuTuCsSN1sM-00031-00007428-00007488 and... tuTuCsSN1sM-00032-00007580-00007806 all his friends were laughing so hard. tuTuCsSN1sM-00033-00007816-00007948 >> So, what happened? tuTuCsSN1sM-00034-00007948-00008048 Did you- What did you? tuTuCsSN1sM-00035-00008048-00008148 >> I ate his lunch. tuTuCsSN1sM-00036-00008159-00008376 [Ruby laughs] tuTuCsSN1sM-00037-00008420-00008520 >> [SHARI] Was it good? tuTuCsSN1sM-00038-00008520-00008612 >> Yes. tuTuCsSN1sM-00039-00008612-00008906 >> He had a sandwich, and I took his chips. tuTuCsSN1sM-00040-00008934-00009132 >> That is the funniest thing I've heard. tuTuCsSN1sM-00041-00009132-00009232 >> They're gonna get married. tuTuCsSN1sM-00042-00009322-00009424 >> [SHARI] Hurry, Russel! tuTuCsSN1sM-00043-00009506-00009666 >> [RUBY] You don't have your socks on. tuTuCsSN1sM-00044-00009682-00009786 Bye, Abby. tuTuCsSN1sM-00045-00009860-00009954 >> What about me? tuTuCsSN1sM-00046-00009954-00010004 >> Love you! tuTuCsSN1sM-00047-00010044-00010226 You're not going to school. tuTuCsSN1sM-00048-00010316-00010496 This is Kaden, you guys. He's -- tuTuCsSN1sM-00049-00010584-00010806 He's driving the kids to school. tuTuCsSN1sM-00050-00010852-00011044 Because I can't do everything. tuTuCsSN1sM-00051-00011154-00011232 >> Okay, goodbye! tuTuCsSN1sM-00052-00011232-00011308 >> Okay, bye! Love you! tuTuCsSN1sM-00053-00011308-00011762 [MUSIC] tuTuCsSN1sM-00054-00011768-00012046 It's like watching my own little classroom leave. tuTuCsSN1sM-00055-00012122-00012172 So cute. tuTuCsSN1sM-00056-00012206-00012328 Okay, Eve. tuTuCsSN1sM-00057-00012336-00012428 Guess what? tuTuCsSN1sM-00058-00012428-00012528 It's just you and me. tuTuCsSN1sM-00059-00012604-00012802 >> I kind of want to go to school. tuTuCsSN1sM-00060-00012803-00013025 >> I know you do, but we don't have school today. tuTuCsSN1sM-00061-00013025-00013125 So guess what? tuTuCsSN1sM-00062-00013125-00013286 Guess what we're going to do instead. tuTuCsSN1sM-00063-00013332-00013432 Listen closely. tuTuCsSN1sM-00064-00013472-00013578 Are you ready for this? tuTuCsSN1sM-00065-00013762-00013954 Oh, you're gonna cry and complain. tuTuCsSN1sM-00066-00013954-00014024 Okay. tuTuCsSN1sM-00067-00014034-00014084 Listen. tuTuCsSN1sM-00068-00014110-00014319 [Eve laughs] tuTuCsSN1sM-00069-00014384-00014940 Okay, we are going to go on a special adventure. tuTuCsSN1sM-00070-00014940-00015268 We're gonna go on a little field trip. tuTuCsSN1sM-00071-00015400-00015500 >> Dinosaur! tuTuCsSN1sM-00072-00015526-00015626 >> No! tuTuCsSN1sM-00073-00015822-00015960 I forgot what it's called. tuTuCsSN1sM-00074-00015960-00016010 Oh! tuTuCsSN1sM-00075-00016010-00016097 Oh,oh, oh! tuTuCsSN1sM-00076-00016097-00016344 It's called Hall of Breakfast. tuTuCsSN1sM-00077-00016414-00016534 It's a museum... tuTuCsSN1sM-00078-00016552-00016702 about breakfast. tuTuCsSN1sM-00079-00016764-00016990 [Eve laughs] tuTuCsSN1sM-00080-00017054-00017154 That's so weird. tuTuCsSN1sM-00081-00017224-00017280 Isn't it? tuTuCsSN1sM-00082-00017280-00017402 [laughs] tuTuCsSN1sM-00083-00017434-00017692 We gotta get you ready and brush your teeth, and then we'll go. tuTuCsSN1sM-00084-00017778-00018076 >> I kinda wanna go with the rest of the family. tuTuCsSN1sM-00085-00018128-00018192 >> I know. tuTuCsSN1sM-00086-00018252-00018520 Do you miss your brothers and sisters when they go to school? tuTuCsSN1sM-00087-00018616-00018786 Makes you want to cry? tuTuCsSN1sM-00088-00018892-00019154 Makes me want to cry sometimes too when I see 'em leave. tuTuCsSN1sM-00089-00019272-00019506 You'll be part of them, soon. tuTuCsSN1sM-00090-00019506-00019564 Okay? tuTuCsSN1sM-00091-00019718-00019814 Thank you. tuTuCsSN1sM-00092-00019814-00020216 [MUSIC] tuTuCsSN1sM-00093-00020288-00020532 >> It's kind of really boring in here. tuTuCsSN1sM-00094-00020532-00021228 [MUSIC] tuTuCsSN1sM-00095-00021264-00021370 >> You guys... tuTuCsSN1sM-00096-00021408-00021544 I got street parking. tuTuCsSN1sM-00097-00021596-00021682 I pulled right up. tuTuCsSN1sM-00098-00021682-00021856 I didn't have to parallel park. tuTuCsSN1sM-00099-00021916-00022092 This is gonna be a good day. tuTuCsSN1sM-00100-00022132-00022538 I hate-love coming to Salt Lake City tuTuCsSN1sM-00101-00022538-00022908 because, I hate it because I'm totally intimidated by big cities tuTuCsSN1sM-00102-00022920-00023060 and I love it because... tuTuCsSN1sM-00103-00023120-00023242 they're so pretty. tuTuCsSN1sM-00104-00023330-00023626 But today I-I can't tell you how giddy I am. tuTuCsSN1sM-00105-00023644-00023922 When was the last time I went and hung out with a mom tuTuCsSN1sM-00106-00023922-00024044 like, had a mom play date? tuTuCsSN1sM-00107-00024078-00024223 And took my little kid with me. tuTuCsSN1sM-00108-00024223-00024418 I'm like, when Shari and Chad were little. tuTuCsSN1sM-00109-00024418-00024606 I used to do this kind of stuff all the time. tuTuCsSN1sM-00110-00024606-00024666 And then... tuTuCsSN1sM-00111-00024706-00025096 I got lost in all of my kids and... tuTuCsSN1sM-00112-00025148-00025268 I just feel like I'm tuTuCsSN1sM-00113-00025268-00025567 starting a whole new chapter and it kind of. tuTuCsSN1sM-00114-00025567-00025824 It's reminiscent a little bit, of when... tuTuCsSN1sM-00115-00025852-00026216 Shari and Chad were little and I was a mom to two kids. tuTuCsSN1sM-00116-00026216-00026308 And it just... tuTuCsSN1sM-00117-00026316-00026404 I don't know. tuTuCsSN1sM-00118-00026438-00026732 This is just really really fun because it's just... tuTuCsSN1sM-00119-00026870-00027033 I just want to keep talking to you about it. tuTuCsSN1sM-00120-00027072-00027318 and I don't have words or... tuTuCsSN1sM-00121-00027386-00027572 the right language to express it. tuTuCsSN1sM-00122-00027618-00027836 But I'm just, happy. tuTuCsSN1sM-00123-00027900-00028168 And I feel relieved, because I feel like... tuTuCsSN1sM-00124-00028368-00028654 mothering is hard and it goes through stages tuTuCsSN1sM-00125-00028654-00028804 and I always look forward to... tuTuCsSN1sM-00126-00028874-00029064 I'm looking forward to this next stage. tuTuCsSN1sM-00127-00029092-00029188 Even though I was just tuTuCsSN1sM-00128-00029232-00029470 crying about it like last week. tuTuCsSN1sM-00129-00029470-00029808 This is the last year that I have kids at home. tuTuCsSN1sM-00130-00029827-00029956 And it'll just be Eve. tuTuCsSN1sM-00131-00030102-00030218 I wasn't gonna cry. tuTuCsSN1sM-00132-00030264-00030358 >> Mom... tuTuCsSN1sM-00133-00030404-00030616 Something's wrong with the seat belt. tuTuCsSN1sM-00134-00030652-00030850 >> How did you get it on your foot like that? tuTuCsSN1sM-00135-00030858-00032044 [MUSIC] tuTuCsSN1sM-00136-00032044-00032210 Okay, we were in the wrong doors. tuTuCsSN1sM-00137-00032226-00032345 These are the right doors. tuTuCsSN1sM-00138-00032345-00032483 I think I'm gonna love this place. tuTuCsSN1sM-00139-00032518-00032718 You know I'm all about breakfast and yellow. tuTuCsSN1sM-00140-00032862-00033028 Thanks, Eve! tuTuCsSN1sM-00141-00033054-00033132 You guys! tuTuCsSN1sM-00142-00033132-00033460 You go into the museum through a magic fridge. tuTuCsSN1sM-00143-00033528-00033632 Look at this. tuTuCsSN1sM-00144-00033654-00033896 We're going into the refrigerator. tuTuCsSN1sM-00145-00033896-00033964 >> Mommy! tuTuCsSN1sM-00146-00033978-00034110 Let's go! tuTuCsSN1sM-00147-00034110-00034232 [MUSIC] tuTuCsSN1sM-00148-00034232-00034358 >> We're in a fridge! tuTuCsSN1sM-00149-00034358-00034546 >> This is so creepy. tuTuCsSN1sM-00150-00034546-00034758 [MUSIC] tuTuCsSN1sM-00151-00034758-00034864 >> Here you go Eve. tuTuCsSN1sM-00152-00034864-00036286 [MUSIC] tuTuCsSN1sM-00153-00036286-00036440 >> That's The Simpson! tuTuCsSN1sM-00154-00036454-00036736 >> Okay, whoever did the Hall of Breakfast... tuTuCsSN1sM-00155-00036794-00037074 needs to come over and do my house. tuTuCsSN1sM-00156-00037122-00037340 I'm really digging these colors. tuTuCsSN1sM-00157-00037456-00037728 Are you gonna go sweep the floor, Henry? tuTuCsSN1sM-00158-00037832-00037962 Clean up! tuTuCsSN1sM-00159-00037962-00038148 You got a lot of work ahead of you, buddy. tuTuCsSN1sM-00160-00038148-00038234 Get going. tuTuCsSN1sM-00161-00038234-00039614 [MUSIC] tuTuCsSN1sM-00162-00039614-00039964 Alright guys, this is serious ballot taking. tuTuCsSN1sM-00163-00040004-00040124 I voting pancakes. tuTuCsSN1sM-00164-00040124-00040316 What are you voting for? tuTuCsSN1sM-00165-00040316-00041952 [MUSIC] tuTuCsSN1sM-00166-00041952-00042058 >> Yeah! Donut! tuTuCsSN1sM-00167-00042116-00042216 >> Do you know what these are? tuTuCsSN1sM-00168-00042280-00042386 What are those? tuTuCsSN1sM-00169-00042458-00042532 >> I don't know. tuTuCsSN1sM-00170-00042532-00042628 >> They're sprinkles! tuTuCsSN1sM-00171-00042860-00043046 They're sprinkles! tuTuCsSN1sM-00172-00043150-00043284 Yeah, to eat. tuTuCsSN1sM-00173-00043478-00043654 They don't taste like sprinkles? tuTuCsSN1sM-00174-00043966-00044160 Eve, don't kick someone out of it. tuTuCsSN1sM-00175-00044160-00044268 No, no, no, no. tuTuCsSN1sM-00176-00045300-00045598 The stages of learning to wait your turn. tuTuCsSN1sM-00177-00045796-00046606 [MUSIC] tuTuCsSN1sM-00178-00046606-00046708 Where is Eve? tuTuCsSN1sM-00179-00046796-00046948 Where did she go? tuTuCsSN1sM-00180-00046978-00047138 I don't know where she went. tuTuCsSN1sM-00181-00047434-00048468 [MUSIC] tuTuCsSN1sM-00182-00048468-00048824 >> Mom, this is the seashell that turned me into... tuTuCsSN1sM-00183-00048902-00049064 a mermaid or human. tuTuCsSN1sM-00184-00049064-00049556 [MUSIC] tuTuCsSN1sM-00185-00049556-00049702 Can we eat them now? tuTuCsSN1sM-00186-00049748-00049826 >> Yeah, let's go outside. tuTuCsSN1sM-00187-00049826-00049932 And you guys can eat them. tuTuCsSN1sM-00188-00050148-00050330 >> I wanna see the pancake. tuTuCsSN1sM-00189-00050440-00050696 >> Okay, tell me what you favorite part was? tuTuCsSN1sM-00190-00050696-00050876 What was your favorite room? tuTuCsSN1sM-00191-00050876-00050976 Favorite part. tuTuCsSN1sM-00192-00050999-00051204 >> The room with bee, the house. tuTuCsSN1sM-00193-00051205-00051305 >> The bee house? tuTuCsSN1sM-00194-00051305-00051405 That was your favorite? tuTuCsSN1sM-00195-00051405-00051557 What was your favorite? tuTuCsSN1sM-00196-00051558-00051682 >> The donut one. tuTuCsSN1sM-00197-00051682-00051786 >> The donut. tuTuCsSN1sM-00198-00051808-00052128 >> And mine, was playing mermaid. tuTuCsSN1sM-00199-00052166-00052770 >> This has to be the cutest donut cookie ever and so easy. tuTuCsSN1sM-00200-00052794-00052936 You just do like, a circle. tuTuCsSN1sM-00201-00052936-00053131 And then like, cut a whole out of the middle. tuTuCsSN1sM-00202-00053170-00053270 How easy is that? tuTuCsSN1sM-00203-00053270-00053370 And then put sprinkles. tuTuCsSN1sM-00204-00053370-00053496 >> I think we should make some. tuTuCsSN1sM-00205-00053496-00053841 >> We're making donut cookies for sure. tuTuCsSN1sM-00206-00053870-00053936 So cute. tuTuCsSN1sM-00207-00053936-00054082 >> Next time, at Aunt Ruby's house. tuTuCsSN1sM-00208-00054204-00054326 >> Officially have a headache. tuTuCsSN1sM-00209-00054478-00054584 And my hair has to comb. tuTuCsSN1sM-00210-00054662-00054820 And I'm going to wash it. tuTuCsSN1sM-00211-00055326-00055460 That feels so good. tuTuCsSN1sM-00212-00055666-00055934 You ever scratch your head and it almost hurts? tuTuCsSN1sM-00213-00055970-00056067 That's what this feels like. tuTuCsSN1sM-00214-00056364-00056629 I am going to get the kids a snack. tuTuCsSN1sM-00215-00056629-00056954 What I'm getting today, is peaches... tuTuCsSN1sM-00216-00057010-00057329 Fresh peaches, and cottage cheese, tuTuCsSN1sM-00217-00057524-00057898 multi-grain cracker with guacamole and apples. tuTuCsSN1sM-00218-00058076-00058224 And I guarantee... tuTuCsSN1sM-00219-00058366-00058755 they might look over it and go "Where's the ding dongs or the ho hos?" tuTuCsSN1sM-00220-00058932-00059028 At least, I try. tuTuCsSN1sM-00221-00059134-00059186 Okay. tuTuCsSN1sM-00222-00059254-00059390 I just noticed... tuTuCsSN1sM-00223-00059448-00059582 I had lipstick on my teeth. tuTuCsSN1sM-00224-00059582-00060016 So, I don't dare go back and look at all the footage I did today. tuTuCsSN1sM-00225-00060062-00060297 But I'm pretty sure I had lipstick all over my teeth. tuTuCsSN1sM-00226-00060588-00060867 And I've done that before where I've done an entire video, tuTuCsSN1sM-00227-00060867-00061055 and I go back and watch it and I have tuTuCsSN1sM-00228-00061055-00061314 food in my teeth or like, an eye booger tuTuCsSN1sM-00229-00061314-00061390 and I'm like... tuTuCsSN1sM-00230-00061444-00061610 I am so sorry. tuTuCsSN1sM-00231-00061610-00061940 You guys put up with me, you put up with a lot. tuTuCsSN1sM-00232-00061940-00062026 So, thank you. tuTuCsSN1sM-00233-00062072-00062141 Okay, you guys. tuTuCsSN1sM-00234-00062141-00062496 We are looking forward to seeing your popscicle sticks coming in the mail. tuTuCsSN1sM-00235-00062538-00062926 Remember to send a popscicle stick, or a craft stick. tuTuCsSN1sM-00236-00062974-00063110 And have your name on it. tuTuCsSN1sM-00237-00063110-00063264 However you want us to shout you out. tuTuCsSN1sM-00238-00063378-00063670 It can be a social media name if you'd like. tuTuCsSN1sM-00239-00063700-00064058 And a suggestion on the stick of what... tuTuCsSN1sM-00240-00064194-00064304 you want to see us do. tuTuCsSN1sM-00241-00064304-00064676 And experience you think, that 8 Passengers needs to have. tuTuCsSN1sM-00242-00064776-00064991 And, we will be putting them in a jar... tuTuCsSN1sM-00243-00065052-00065328 and picking out experiences to have with our kids. tuTuCsSN1sM-00244-00065408-00065529 Thanks so much for watching, you guys. tuTuCsSN1sM-00245-00065560-00065650 We'll see ya. Bye! tuTuCsSN1sM-00246-00065780-00065844 Come on in. tuTuCsSN1sM-00247-00065844-00065998 I got a snack for ya! tuTuCsSN1sM-00248-00066222-00066410 >> Hey Russel, how was school? tuTuCsSN1sM-00249-00066426-00066476 >> Good. tuTuCsSN1sM-00250-00066530-00066674 >> I'm so hot. tuTuCsSN1sM-00251-00066674-00067526 [MUSIC] tuTuCsSN1sM-00252-00067752-00068274 [8 PASSENGERS] tuTuCsSN1sM-00253-00075230-00075330 I used to do this kind of stuff all the time. tuTuCsSN1sM-00254-00075330-00075430 And then, I got lost in all of my kids and I just feel like I'm tuTuCsSN1sM-00255-00075430-00075530 starting a whole new chapter and it kind of. tuTuCsSN1sM-00256-00075530-00075630 It's reminiscent a little bit, of when Shari and Chad were tuTuCsSN1sM-00257-00075630-00075730 little and I was a mom to two kids. tuTuCsSN1sM-00258-00075730-00075830 Ad it just... tuTuCsSN1sM-00259-00075830-00075930 I don't know. tuTuCsSN1sM-00260-00075930-00076030 This is just really really fun because it's just... tuTuCsSN1sM-00261-00076030-00076130 I just want to keep talking to you about it and I don't have words tuTuCsSN1sM-00262-00076130-00076230 or the right language to express it. tuTuCsSN1sM-00263-00076230-00076330 But I'm just, happy. tuTuCsSN1sM-00264-00076330-00076430 And I feel relieved, because I feel like mothering is hard and it goes tuTuCsSN1sM-00265-00076430-00076530 through stages and I always look forward to... tuTuCsSN1sM-00266-00076530-00076630 I'm looking forward to this next stage even though I was just tuTuCsSN1sM-00267-00076630-00076730 crying about it like last week. tuTuCsSN1sM-00268-00076730-00076830 This is the last year that I have kids at home and it'll just be Eve. tuTuCsSN1sM-00269-00076830-00076930 I wasn't gonna cry. tuTuCsSN1sM-00270-00076930-00077030 >> Something's wrong with the seat belt. tuTuCsSN1sM-00271-00077030-00077130 >> How did you get it on your foot like that? tuTuCsSN1sM-00272-00077130-00077230 We were in the wrong doors. tuTuCsSN1sM-00273-00077230-00077330 These are the right doors. tuTuCsSN1sM-00274-00077330-00077430 I think I'm gonna love this place. tuTuCsSN1sM-00275-00077430-00077530 You know I'm all about breakfast and yellow. tuTuCsSN1sM-00276-00077530-00077630 Thanks, Eve! tuTuCsSN1sM-00277-00077630-00077730 You guys! tuTuCsSN1sM-00278-00077730-00077830 You go into the museum through a magic fridge. tuTuCsSN1sM-00279-00077830-00077930 Look at this. tuTuCsSN1sM-00280-00077930-00078030 We're going into the refrigerator. tuTuCsSN1sM-00281-00078030-00078130 >> Mommy! tuTuCsSN1sM-00282-00078130-00078230 Let's go! tuTuCsSN1sM-00283-00078230-00078330 >> We're in the fridge. tuTuCsSN1sM-00284-00078330-00078430 >> This is good freebies. tuTuCsSN1sM-00285-00078430-00078530 >> Here you go, Eve. tuTuCsSN1sM-00286-00078530-00078630 >> Oh! tuTuCsSN1sM-00287-00078630-00078730 That's The Simpsons. tuTuCsSN1sM-00288-00078730-00078830 >> Okay, whoever did the Hall of Breakfast needs to tuTuCsSN1sM-00289-00078830-00078930 come over and do my house. tuTuCsSN1sM-00290-00078930-00079030 I'm really digging these colors. tuTuCsSN1sM-00291-00079030-00079130 Are you gonna sweep the floor, Henry? tuTuCsSN1sM-00292-00079130-00079230 Clean up! tuTuCsSN1sM-00293-00079230-00079330 You got a lot of work ahead of you, buddy. tuTuCsSN1sM-00294-00079330-00079430 Get going. tuTuCsSN1sM-00295-00079430-00079530 [muddle, unclear speech] tuTuCsSN1sM-00296-00079530-00079630 Alright guys, this is serious ballot taking. tuTuCsSN1sM-00297-00079630-00079730 I voting pancakes. tuTuCsSN1sM-00298-00079730-00079830 What are you looking for? tuTuCsSN1sM-00299-00079830-00079930 >> Yeah! tuTuCsSN1sM-00300-00079930-00080030 Donut! tuTuCsSN1sM-00301-00080030-00080130 >> Do you know what these are? tuTuCsSN1sM-00302-00080130-00080230 What are those? tuTuCsSN1sM-00303-00080230-00080330 >> I don't know. tuTuCsSN1sM-00304-00080330-00080430 >> They're sprinkles! tuTuCsSN1sM-00305-00080430-00080530 They're sprinkles! tuTuCsSN1sM-00306-00080530-00080630 Yeah, to eat. tuTuCsSN1sM-00307-00080630-00080730 They don't taste like sprinkles? tuTuCsSN1sM-00308-00080730-00080830 Eve, don't kick someone out of it. tuTuCsSN1sM-00309-00080830-00080930 No, no, no, no. tuTuCsSN1sM-00310-00080930-00081030 The stages of learning to wait your turn. tuTuCsSN1sM-00311-00081030-00081130 Where is Eve? tuTuCsSN1sM-00312-00081130-00081230 Where did she go? tuTuCsSN1sM-00313-00081230-00081330 I don't know where she went. tuTuCsSN1sM-00314-00081330-00081430 [shouts] tuTuCsSN1sM-00315-00081430-00081530 >> Cannonball! tuTuCsSN1sM-00316-00081530-00081630 Mom, this is the seashell that turned me into a mermaid or human. tuTuCsSN1sM-00317-00081630-00081730 Can we eat them now? tuTuCsSN1sM-00318-00081730-00081830 >> Yeah, let's go outside. tuTuCsSN1sM-00319-00081830-00081930 And you guys can eat them. tuTuCsSN1sM-00320-00081930-00082030 >> I wanna see the pancake. tuTuCsSN1sM-00321-00082030-00082130 >> Okay, tell me what you favorite part was? tuTuCsSN1sM-00322-00082130-00082230 What was your favorite room? tuTuCsSN1sM-00323-00082230-00082330 Favorite part. tuTuCsSN1sM-00324-00082330-00082430 >> The room with bee, the house. tuTuCsSN1sM-00325-00082430-00082530 >> The bee house? tuTuCsSN1sM-00326-00082530-00082630 That was your favorite? tuTuCsSN1sM-00327-00082630-00082730 What was your favorite? tuTuCsSN1sM-00328-00082730-00082830 >> The donut one. tuTuCsSN1sM-00329-00082830-00082930 >> The donut. tuTuCsSN1sM-00330-00082930-00083030 >> And mine, was playing mermaid. tuTuCsSN1sM-00331-00083030-00083130 >> This has to be the cutest donut cookie ever and so easy. tuTuCsSN1sM-00332-00083130-00083230 You just do like, a circle. tuTuCsSN1sM-00333-00083230-00083330 And then like, cut a whole out of the middle. tuTuCsSN1sM-00334-00083330-00083430 How easy is that? tuTuCsSN1sM-00335-00083430-00083530 And then put sprinkles. tuTuCsSN1sM-00336-00083530-00083630 >> I think we should make some. tuTuCsSN1sM-00337-00083630-00083730 >> We're making donut cookies for sure. tuTuCsSN1sM-00338-00083730-00083830 So cute. tuTuCsSN1sM-00339-00083830-00083930 >> Next time, at Aunt Ruby's house. tuTuCsSN1sM-00340-00083930-00084030 >> Officially have a headache. tuTuCsSN1sM-00341-00084030-00084130 And my hair has to comb and I'm going to wash it. tuTuCsSN1sM-00342-00084130-00084230 That feels so good. tuTuCsSN1sM-00343-00084230-00084330 You ever scratch your head and it almost hurts? tuTuCsSN1sM-00344-00084330-00084430 That's what this feels like. tuTuCsSN1sM-00345-00084430-00084530 I am going to get the kids a snack. tuTuCsSN1sM-00346-00084530-00084630 What I'm getting today, is peaches... tuTuCsSN1sM-00347-00084630-00084730 Fresh peaches, and cottage cheese, tuTuCsSN1sM-00348-00084730-00084830 multi-grain cracker with guacamole and apples. tuTuCsSN1sM-00349-00084830-00084930 And I guarantee, they might look over it and go "Where's tuTuCsSN1sM-00350-00084930-00085030 the ding dongs or the ho hos?" tuTuCsSN1sM-00351-00085030-00085130 At least, I try. tuTuCsSN1sM-00352-00085130-00085230 Okay. tuTuCsSN1sM-00353-00085230-00085330 I just noticed, I had lipstick on my teeth. tuTuCsSN1sM-00354-00085330-00085430 So, I don't dare go back and look at all the footage I did today. tuTuCsSN1sM-00355-00085430-00085530 But I'm pretty sure I had lipstick all over my teeth. tuTuCsSN1sM-00356-00085530-00085630 I've done that before, where I've done an entire video and I go back and watch tuTuCsSN1sM-00357-00085630-00085730 it and I have food in my teeth or like, an eye booger tuTuCsSN1sM-00358-00085730-00085830 and I'm like, I am so sorry. tuTuCsSN1sM-00359-00085830-00085930 You guys put up with me, you put up with a lot. tuTuCsSN1sM-00360-00085930-00086030 So, thank you. tuTuCsSN1sM-00361-00086030-00086130 Okay, you guys. tuTuCsSN1sM-00362-00086130-00086230 We are looking forward to seeing your popscicle sticks coming in the mail. tuTuCsSN1sM-00363-00086230-00086330 Remember to send a popscicle stick, or a craft stick. tuTuCsSN1sM-00364-00086330-00086430 And have your name on it. tuTuCsSN1sM-00365-00086430-00086530 However you want us to shout you out. tuTuCsSN1sM-00366-00086530-00086630 It can be a social media name if you'd like. tuTuCsSN1sM-00367-00086630-00086730 And a suggestion on the stick of what you want to see us do. tuTuCsSN1sM-00368-00086730-00086830 And experience you think, that 8 passengers needs to have. tuTuCsSN1sM-00369-00086830-00086930 And, we will be putting them in a jar and picking out tuTuCsSN1sM-00370-00086930-00087030 experiences to have with our kids. tuTuCsSN1sM-00371-00087030-00087130 Thanks so much for watching, you guys. tuTuCsSN1sM-00372-00087130-00087230 We'll see ya. tuTuCsSN1sM-00373-00087230-00087330 Bye! tuTuCsSN1sM-00374-00087330-00087430 Come on in. tuTuCsSN1sM-00375-00087430-00087530 I got a snack for ya! tuTuCsSN1sM-00376-00087530-00087630 >> Hey Russel, how was school? tuTuCsSN1sM-00377-00087630-00087730 >> Good. tuTuCsSN1sM-00378-00087730-00087731 >> I'm so hot. tv6gCVwjvkQ-00000-00000044-00000364 What is BILMOCO? A scam I don't think so tv6gCVwjvkQ-00001-00000446-00000880 if you're familiar about the online service platform;, Gcash and Paymaya tv6gCVwjvkQ-00002-00000903-00001422 Bilmoco is the same in a way that you can pay different types of bills such as; electricity, water, teleco tv6gCVwjvkQ-00003-00001430-00001878 Broadband, cable and credit card with higher rebates. You heard it right! with higher rebates. tv6gCVwjvkQ-00004-00001882-00002454 You can also buy e-loads, call cards, game credits, satellite products, shop online and more. tv6gCVwjvkQ-00005-00002474-00003240 With a price of 1500pesos you can become a member and enjoy all the rewards bilmoco can offer such as: group share reward, company reward, tv6gCVwjvkQ-00006-00003259-00003881 Gratitude reward, level rewards and referral rewards. Refer 1 friend and get 1 thousand instantly? tv6gCVwjvkQ-00007-00003882-00004557 Yes that’s right! Once you refer an upgraded member, you instantly get 1000 pesos. Here's how it work: tv6gCVwjvkQ-00008-00004570-00004892 Lets say this is you, and you upgraded to become a member. tv6gCVwjvkQ-00009-00005052-00005252 You referred one friend, tv6gCVwjvkQ-00010-00005274-00005634 You get 1000 pesos instantly and for the 2nd time tv6gCVwjvkQ-00011-00005634-00005987 You will refer you will refer bilmoco to a friend. you will earn 1000 pesos again tv6gCVwjvkQ-00012-00005987-00006311 But for the third time you will only earn 200 pesos tv6gCVwjvkQ-00013-00006319-00006959 But thats okay. After every third referral, your referral system will restart again to first and you will earn again tv6gCVwjvkQ-00014-00007006-00007425 1000 pesos, and again with the third; 200 pesos tv6gCVwjvkQ-00015-00007486-00007718 As I told you after every third referral, tv6gCVwjvkQ-00016-00007780-00008464 1000 pesos referral will be back. And another 1000 for the 2nd, and then 200 again for the 3rd. tv6gCVwjvkQ-00017-00008582-00008974 And again with another 1st referral for 1000 pesos tv6gCVwjvkQ-00018-00009074-00009362 And then another 1000 pesos, and then 200 pesos tv6gCVwjvkQ-00019-00009576-00010274 Take note referral rewards has no maximum limit, meaning you can earn continuously if you continuously refer bilmoco. tv6gCVwjvkQ-00020-00010376-00011174 Okay. Now let me explain how you will earn in other rewards. They call this the "Level Reward" once your direct referrals get their tv6gCVwjvkQ-00021-00011174-00011551 own referrals, you will also earn in each upgrade they acquire tv6gCVwjvkQ-00022-00011696-00012076 You will constantly earn 100 pesos in everyday referrals they make tv6gCVwjvkQ-00023-00012114-00012402 Just like your privilege; your direct referrals can make unlimited tv6gCVwjvkQ-00024-00012434-00012642 referrals for their family friends and co-workers tv6gCVwjvkQ-00025-00012666-00013274 and that's not it, you will also earn 100 pesos to every referrals of the referral of your direct referrals tv6gCVwjvkQ-00026-00013359-00013639 you will understand what I'm saying in my drawings. tv6gCVwjvkQ-00027-00013899-00014368 Imagine all this passive income in the palm of your hands by just using your phone or tablet or computer tv6gCVwjvkQ-00028-00014394-00014572 But remember it's only at this level tv6gCVwjvkQ-00029-00014572-00015076 you will no longer earn 100 pesos on the referrals of the referrals of the referrals of your direct referrals. And that is good, because it tv6gCVwjvkQ-00030-00015077-00015602 Only proves that its not, a pure pyramid scheme that would eventually fall in time to come. Another way of earning is what they call gratitude reward tv6gCVwjvkQ-00031-00015602-00015988 where you will earn 300 pesos every time your direct referrals gets their 3rd referral upgrade. tv6gCVwjvkQ-00032-00016073-00016408 You can also earn from your sponsor. (The one who referred you) tv6gCVwjvkQ-00033-00016523-00016801 You earn every time your sponsor got a 3rd referral. tv6gCVwjvkQ-00034-00016958-00017468 Maybe that's why they call it sponsor. So choose your sponsor wisely tv6gCVwjvkQ-00035-00017520-00018334 And lastly the what they call “Company Share Reward” In a daily basis, Every time the company gets new upgrades, bills payment, e-loading, and e-commerce. tv6gCVwjvkQ-00036-00018362-00018836 A 10 percent of its income will be shared equally to all Upgraded members that log-ins everyday. tv6gCVwjvkQ-00037-00018876-00019076 It's like raining money tv6gCVwjvkQ-00038-00019092-00019403 Thank you for watching. The website link is in the description below tv6gCVwjvkQ-00039-00019491-00019888 If you like the video, please hit the like button and subscribe for upcoming updates. tvv9H-l8-EE-00000-00000000-00000392 One of the most explosive fun to watch wide receivers in this year's class is tvv9H-l8-EE-00001-00000392-00000897 Baylor's Denzel Mims he's six foot three weighs 207 pounds and he basically tvv9H-l8-EE-00002-00000897-00001259 crushed the athletic testing at the combine including running a sub 4.4 tvv9H-l8-EE-00003-00001259-00001566 40-yard dash Mims had three strong years of tvv9H-l8-EE-00004-00001566-00001877 production in college which gave him a good break out age that was under twenty tvv9H-l8-EE-00005-00001877-00002168 years old but he also didn't declare early which is somewhat of a red flag tvv9H-l8-EE-00006-00002168-00002622 there's a lot of good comps for Denzel Mims though one of them is an up-and-coming tvv9H-l8-EE-00007-00002622-00003068 star in the NFL and that's Kenny Golladay both players are similar in size they tvv9H-l8-EE-00008-00003068-00003477 played in college for four seasons and they had similar breakout ages the tvv9H-l8-EE-00009-00003477-00003804 difference is that Mims looks like the better athlete while Golladay was the tvv9H-l8-EE-00010-00003804-00004128 more productive one in college but that's the kind of impact that we could tvv9H-l8-EE-00011-00004128-00005184 see Denzel Mims make the NFL twOn2jv06jQ-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video twOn2jv06jQ-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view twOn2jv06jQ-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. twOn2jv06jQ-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much txmaDmR21Lc-00000-00000006-00000413 Hi everyone! I'm Helen Mongan-Rallis and I'll be your instructor this semester. txmaDmR21Lc-00001-00000413-00000926 I'm making this video to introduce myself to you because I think it's txmaDmR21Lc-00002-00000926-00001454 important for you to feel a real personal connection to each other and to txmaDmR21Lc-00003-00001454-00001928 me in this class and this is part of my creating a welcoming environment for you txmaDmR21Lc-00004-00001928-00002382 even before you've met me in person. Also what I'm modeling here is how you, txmaDmR21Lc-00005-00002382-00002850 as future teachers or current teachers, might make a video to introduce txmaDmR21Lc-00006-00002850-00003303 yourselves to your students. So the way I do this is I actually start off using my txmaDmR21Lc-00007-00003303-00003839 Facebook page because this is a picture that I have of me in Facebook and I'm txmaDmR21Lc-00008-00003839-00004266 out on the trails (near where we have a cabin and actually near where we used to txmaDmR21Lc-00009-00004266-00004848 live) with my dog Peanut and my granddog Snowy. The --when I use Facebook, txmaDmR21Lc-00010-00004848-00005480 what I have to do is make sure that I if I'm sharing a video like this that I use txmaDmR21Lc-00011-00005480-00006014 videos and pictures that I have permission to use from anyone who is in txmaDmR21Lc-00012-00006014-00006429 the pictures. So that's an important ethical piece that you'll be learning in txmaDmR21Lc-00013-00006429-00006909 our classes -- how to share pictures only of people who have given you their txmaDmR21Lc-00014-00006909-00007472 permission and so even these are in Facebook. This is my brother Donald, this txmaDmR21Lc-00015-00007472-00007886 is my family, this is actually our fire department --I'm a volunteer firefighter -- txmaDmR21Lc-00016-00007886-00008486 and there's my dad. So some pictures just of me in Facebook. You'll hear from my txmaDmR21Lc-00017-00008486-00008922 accent that my accent is different to yours. Everybody has an accent! Sometimes txmaDmR21Lc-00018-00008922-00009420 people say to me, "oh you have an accent" -- like they don't! And here you will txmaDmR21Lc-00019-00009420-00009900 hear my accent is different -- it's from South Africa. I am from Johannesburg, txmaDmR21Lc-00020-00009900-00010500 South Africa and there is a picture of Johannesburg. I'm using Google Maps so txmaDmR21Lc-00021-00010500-00011046 you can see that Johannesburg is a big city, a modern city. And if we scroll in txmaDmR21Lc-00022-00011046-00011636 you can see where it is in in South Africa it's in the center of the the txmaDmR21Lc-00023-00011636-00011943 continent -- of the south part of the continent. txmaDmR21Lc-00024-00011943-00012629 Notice that South Africa is one of 54 countries in Africa so I'm just txmaDmR21Lc-00025-00012629-00013162 from one of them. I went to school in South Africa from txmaDmR21Lc-00026-00013162-00013695 K-12 actually in school and and also my undergraduate and the first graduate txmaDmR21Lc-00027-00013695-00014137 degree in South Africa. So this is my school-- Roedean School, South Africa. I am txmaDmR21Lc-00028-00014137-00014887 on their -- the Roedean school page. And so you can see some pictures. I used to go txmaDmR21Lc-00029-00014887-00015451 to wear a uniform just like these girls here are wearing in South Africa. And my txmaDmR21Lc-00030-00015451-00016279 study was actually right there. This is the Instagram page for Roedean and we in txmaDmR21Lc-00031-00016279-00016701 our class will be looking at how schools can use social media and how you and txmaDmR21Lc-00032-00016701-00017175 teachers can use social media -- so this is the the Instagram page for Roedean. txmaDmR21Lc-00033-00017175-00017709 Speaking of Instagram, another way that you may get to know me a little bit is txmaDmR21Lc-00034-00017709-00018051 through my Instagram page, which is public and it's part of my digital txmaDmR21Lc-00035-00018051-00018426 footprint as a teacher. One of my hobbies is photography. txmaDmR21Lc-00036-00018426-00018931 I love taking photographs and so you can see some of the photographs that I've txmaDmR21Lc-00037-00018931-00019423 taken and also by looking at my Instagram pictures, not only see my txmaDmR21Lc-00038-00019423-00019735 photographs, but some things that I'm interested in. And so apart from txmaDmR21Lc-00039-00019735-00020256 photography, I love kayaking and there I'm out on my kayak on the lake where txmaDmR21Lc-00040-00020256-00020938 we have a cabin and my early morning coffee. Let's scroll down here to some txmaDmR21Lc-00041-00020938-00021504 other things... let's see ...I had some others that I was going to talk about. My txmaDmR21Lc-00042-00021504-00022156 dog features a lot! But I am -- when I comedown here --so there's paddleboarding I txmaDmR21Lc-00043-00022156-00022854 like to do. There's .. let's see some more.. I love to go camping and so these were txmaDmR21Lc-00044-00022854-00023626 pictures on a camping trip that I took. and a lot of California, so I love to travel. txmaDmR21Lc-00045-00023626-00024394 This is me at graduation and there I took, we were at firefighter practice, I txmaDmR21Lc-00046-00024394-00025084 was practicing firefighter and this is in South Africa. So I am I love to go txmaDmR21Lc-00047-00025084-00025608 back to South Africa and I love-- too-- because I have family there -- mostly txmaDmR21Lc-00048-00025608-00026085 cousins now. My parents are dead but I have family and friends and so I visit txmaDmR21Lc-00049-00026085-00026523 South Africa a lot. This is my school and I was giving a talk at my school. txmaDmR21Lc-00050-00026523-00027033 So that gives you a few glimpses into me and I look forward to meeting you and txmaDmR21Lc-00051-00027033-00027347 learning about you! tzOfSNK7NZM-00000-00000370-00000480 Mario tzOfSNK7NZM-00001-00000570-00000580 Super Mario tzOfSNK7NZM-00002-00000649-00000743 Mario - Super Mario tzOfSNK7NZM-00003-00000843-00000960 How to Draw Mario from Super Mario tzOfSNK7NZM-00004-00001070-00001180 Follow the pointer Movement tzOfSNK7NZM-00005-00001270-00001380 and learn drawing Mario from Super Mario tzOfSNK7NZM-00006-00003070-00003180 Draw Mario - Super Mario tzOfSNK7NZM-00007-00003270-00003379 Thank you for watching Mario drawing tAnEnVKfn6M-00000-00000405-00000780 <i>Sector 5X, alpha procedure in progress.</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00001-00000853-00001104 <i>Agents and assistants on alert.</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00002-00001249-00001505 <i>Agents and assistants on alert.</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00003-00001912-00002073 <i>Would you have let it happen?</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00004-00002127-00002252 <i>What do you think, A.D.A.M.?</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00005-00002320-00002462 <i>According to my analysis...</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00006-00002467-00002815 <i>your frustation and desire to do justice...</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00007-00002893-00003185 <i>could be affecting your judgment as a law enforcement officer.</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00008-00003813-00003928 <i>It is not justice.</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00009-00004172-00004489 <i>Every fucking day of my life I dream the same.</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00010-00004685-00004799 <i>It is called vengeance.</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00011-00006011-00006251 <i>The truth is we are fucked up.</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00012-00006314-00006470 <i>How many lives are we going to lose?</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00013-00006581-00006931 <i>We must sustain the false sense of security, Joyce.</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00014-00007720-00007862 <i>You are broken.</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00015-00007862-00008017 <i>Unlike us...</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00016-00008051-00008217 <i>you cannot be repaired.</i> tAnEnVKfn6M-00017-00008328-00008648 <i>This is the best way for everyone.</i> tBGoHl9u0gy-00000-00000102-00000516 CONSCIOUS BEAUTY tBGoHl9u0gy-00001-00001422-00001688 Hello, everyone! Here we are again! tBGoHl9u0gy-00002-00001689-00001956 I just finished recording the video about Rhubarb, tBGoHl9u0gy-00003-00001957-00002169 and I just remembered that.. tBGoHl9u0gy-00004-00002170-00002618 There's actually a question you've been asking me a lot. tBGoHl9u0gy-00005-00002619-00003022 That's the doubt that occurs you when you have two alternatives. tBGoHl9u0gy-00006-00003023-00003263 It happened with Katam and Indigo, tBGoHl9u0gy-00007-00003300-00003699 when you asked me about their differences and which one to choose for your mix, tBGoHl9u0gy-00008-00003700-00004088 and it happened in the last few days with Sidr, that I... tBGoHl9u0gy-00009-00004147-00004325 Presented you about a couple weeks ago, tBGoHl9u0gy-00010-00004326-00004701 and Cassia, because they are, indeed, two plants tBGoHl9u0gy-00011-00004702-00004914 with very similar properties, tBGoHl9u0gy-00012-00004915-00005337 because both of them can strengthen hair and purify the scalp, tBGoHl9u0gy-00013-00005338-00005754 and they can also give body to hair without modifying its color. tBGoHl9u0gy-00014-00005824-00006235 Especially when we talk about dark or medium-dark hair. tBGoHl9u0gy-00015-00006236-00006701 The thing that creates even more confusion is that, in the market, tBGoHl9u0gy-00016-00006702-00007088 they're both labeled as neutral henna. tBGoHl9u0gy-00017-00007089-00007532 So, the only way to understand what you're applying on your hair, tBGoHl9u0gy-00018-00007533-00007704 is reading the ingredients list. tBGoHl9u0gy-00019-00007705-00008071 So, you'll see Sidr is listed as Zizyphus Jujuba, tBGoHl9u0gy-00020-00008072-00008341 while Cassia is... tBGoHl9u0gy-00021-00008342-00008691 Cassia Obovata or Cassia Angustifolia. tBGoHl9u0gy-00022-00008732-00008863 That said, tBGoHl9u0gy-00023-00008864-00009237 what's the main difference tBGoHl9u0gy-00024-00009238-00009456 between Cassia and Sidr? tBGoHl9u0gy-00025-00009530-00009815 First of all, Sidr has... tBGoHl9u0gy-00026-00009816-00010288 Washing properties, because it contains saponins, tBGoHl9u0gy-00027-00010289-00010623 and it has conditioning properties too, because of its mucilages, tBGoHl9u0gy-00028-00010624-00010931 which Cassia doesn't have. tBGoHl9u0gy-00029-00010932-00011381 Cassia, instead, has a molecule with a low dyeing power tBGoHl9u0gy-00030-00011382-00011757 that, if oxidized or acidified, tBGoHl9u0gy-00031-00011788-00012183 and if mixed with a chamomile infusion, tBGoHl9u0gy-00032-00012184-00012630 might result in golden highlights on naturally light hair. tBGoHl9u0gy-00033-00012631-00012863 So, that said, tBGoHl9u0gy-00034-00012864-00013534 you should value for yourself based on your hair needs and your desired result. tBGoHl9u0gy-00035-00013535-00013918 If, on very light hair, tBGoHl9u0gy-00036-00013919-00014208 Cassia might result in golden highlights, tBGoHl9u0gy-00037-00014209-00014483 Sidr, that doesn't contain any dyeing molecules, tBGoHl9u0gy-00038-00014484-00014819 shouldn't modify your hair color, at all. tBGoHl9u0gy-00039-00014820-00015099 But... but I should tell you that... tBGoHl9u0gy-00040-00015100-00015577 In both cases, I always suggest you to do the color test, tBGoHl9u0gy-00041-00015578-00015964 because some people with... tBGoHl9u0gy-00042-00016095-00016237 Nordic blonde hair, tBGoHl9u0gy-00043-00016238-00016782 happened to have their hair color modified both with Sidr and Cassia, tBGoHl9u0gy-00044-00016783-00016970 because they darkened it. tBGoHl9u0gy-00045-00016971-00017360 So, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, tBGoHl9u0gy-00046-00017361-00017777 both if you use Sidr (that doesn't contain any dyeing molecules) tBGoHl9u0gy-00047-00017778-00018072 and if you use Cassia (that contains tBGoHl9u0gy-00048-00018073-00018396 a molecule with a low dyeing power), tBGoHl9u0gy-00049-00018397-00018608 I suggest you to do a color test. tBGoHl9u0gy-00050-00018609-00018859 Another difference between Cassia and Sidr tBGoHl9u0gy-00051-00018860-00019155 is the family they belong to. tBGoHl9u0gy-00052-00019156-00019430 Cassia belongs to the Leguminosae family, tBGoHl9u0gy-00053-00019431-00019860 so it can give allergic reactions in who suffers from favism. tBGoHl9u0gy-00054-00019861-00020258 While Sidr belongs to the Ramnacee family, tBGoHl9u0gy-00055-00020259-00020549 so it hardly causes allergic reactions, tBGoHl9u0gy-00056-00020550-00021082 so it can be used by who suffers from favism. tBGoHl9u0gy-00057-00021119-00021583 In broad terms these are the main differences between these two herbs. tBGoHl9u0gy-00058-00021778-00022136 The antibacterial properties that purify the scalp tBGoHl9u0gy-00059-00022137-00022438 and make our hair healthier tBGoHl9u0gy-00060-00022439-00022604 belong to both of them. tBGoHl9u0gy-00061-00022605-00022998 If we want to wash our hair, we should use Sidr, tBGoHl9u0gy-00062-00022999-00023437 while in our henna mix I suggest you to use Cassia. tBGoHl9u0gy-00063-00023528-00023840 There are scientific tests, published on PubMed, tBGoHl9u0gy-00064-00023841-00024263 that show that some components found in Cassia tBGoHl9u0gy-00065-00024264-00024561 can tie to the hair shaft, tBGoHl9u0gy-00066-00024662-00025050 that results in that beautiful sensation we feel tBGoHl9u0gy-00067-00025051-00025309 after doing a Cassia hair mask, in which we feel our hair stronger, tBGoHl9u0gy-00068-00025310-00025633 healthier and more voluminous. tBGoHl9u0gy-00069-00025766-00025962 At the same time, tBGoHl9u0gy-00070-00025963-00026422 I always suggest you to try everything, since there are no rules in the henna world, tBGoHl9u0gy-00071-00026423-00026695 because everyone's hair is different! tBGoHl9u0gy-00072-00026824-00027079 If you have... tBGoHl9u0gy-00073-00027080-00027518 If you feel your hair particularly dry tBGoHl9u0gy-00074-00027519-00027747 after using henna, tBGoHl9u0gy-00075-00027748-00028293 I suggest you not only to substitute water with flaxseed gel, tBGoHl9u0gy-00076-00028294-00028560 but to substitute Cassia with Sidr, tBGoHl9u0gy-00077-00028561-00028763 because, in the henna mix, tBGoHl9u0gy-00078-00028764-00029103 it can release its mucilages tBGoHl9u0gy-00079-00029104-00029589 and it can help preventing the hair dryness resulting from... tBGoHl9u0gy-00080-00029591-00029908 A waiting time of 2-3 hours. tBGoHl9u0gy-00081-00030013-00030251 Some of you really love Cassia, tBGoHl9u0gy-00082-00030252-00030494 but I really can't... tBGoHl9u0gy-00083-00030634-00030901 Express a preference because... tBGoHl9u0gy-00084-00030902-00031275 Sidr, if used as a washing agent, is unmatched, tBGoHl9u0gy-00085-00031276-00031492 it's irreplaceable. tBGoHl9u0gy-00086-00031493-00031876 You saw in the video I published how... tBGoHl9u0gy-00087-00031877-00032186 Fuller my hair looked, tBGoHl9u0gy-00088-00032187-00032737 while Cassia, with its strengthening and repairing properties, tBGoHl9u0gy-00089-00032738-00033091 is an excellent healing hair mask. tBGoHl9u0gy-00090-00033092-00033527 So, I suggest you to TRY for yourself to see... tBGoHl9u0gy-00091-00033578-00033928 To decide which one to choose between them! tBGoHl9u0gy-00092-00033929-00034166 And you can share with me your preference! tBGoHl9u0gy-00093-00034167-00034550 If you've already decided your favorite one, leave a comment in the area below, tBGoHl9u0gy-00094-00034551-00034831 I'll be happy to share my thoughts with you. tBGoHl9u0gy-00095-00034996-00035138 Well, that's it. tBGoHl9u0gy-00096-00035139-00035589 As I said, I don't know if I'll be able to upload another video before New Year's, tBGoHl9u0gy-00097-00035590-00035936 so I want to leave you with my best wishes for the New Year. tBGoHl9u0gy-00098-00036038-00036374 I also want to thank you for... tBGoHl9u0gy-00099-00036375-00036704 Following me in this journey in the henna world. tBGoHl9u0gy-00100-00036705-00037049 I hope you'll continue to follow me in the New Year, too, tBGoHl9u0gy-00101-00037050-00037356 and I hope we'll continue to grow together, tBGoHl9u0gy-00102-00037357-00037581 in order to know the many things, tBGoHl9u0gy-00103-00037582-00037912 the many surprises that our Mother Nature has for us, tBGoHl9u0gy-00104-00038047-00038300 and that's it! I hope you liked the video, tBGoHl9u0gy-00105-00038301-00038559 and please, leave a thumb up if you did! tBGoHl9u0gy-00106-00038560-00039025 Subscribe the channel if you want to follow my journey and... tBGoHl9u0gy-00107-00039026-00039338 I'll see you all in the New Year, tBGoHl9u0gy-00108-00039339-00039452 ciao! tD77ucxa8_U-00000-00001660-00002151 Kegel exercises are exercises that help strengthen the pelvic floor - and the pelvic floor is tD77ucxa8_U-00001-00002151-00002730 what helps support the organs of the pelvis: the bladder, the uterus - things that will tD77ucxa8_U-00002-00002730-00003328 help with stress incontinence, help with over active bladder. They're exercises that done tD77ucxa8_U-00003-00003328-00003989 correctly and with efficiency and on a regular basis can certainly help prevent any sort tD77ucxa8_U-00004-00003989-00004689 of pelvic floor prolapse in the future, or they can help with it not getting any worse. tD77ucxa8_U-00005-00004997-00005514 Well a Kegel exercise is a very specific one where you isolate the muscles of the pelvic tD77ucxa8_U-00006-00005514-00006214 floor. Many ways to learn how to do it and the best way is probably contracting the pelvic tD77ucxa8_U-00007-00006243-00006718 floor muscles by putting your own finger in the vagina and feeling some of the vaginal tD77ucxa8_U-00008-00006718-00007345 walls squeeze around it. Occasionally, and it's not used as often anymore, we used to tD77ucxa8_U-00009-00007345-00007836 say learn how to stop voiding when you are in the washroom but you don't want to do this tD77ucxa8_U-00010-00007836-00008415 on a repetitive basis because it will preclude you from emptying your bladder correctly. tD77ucxa8_U-00011-00008415-00009106 Cones that go into the vagina can be extremely helpful in learning how to do the Kegel exercises, tD77ucxa8_U-00012-00009106-00009806 but once again, they must be used regularly and properly. tD77ucxa8_U-00013-00009843-00010497 An effective Kegel regimen can vary. I usually recommend that you start with 10, 4 times tD77ucxa8_U-00014-00010497-00010977 a day. They can be done any where, they can be done when you're sitting, when you're standing, tD77ucxa8_U-00015-00010977-00011436 when you're lying down; but you must do them on a regular basis. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, tD77ucxa8_U-00016-00011436-00012031 bed, is a good regimen because that's something you are doing on a regular basis every day. tD77ucxa8_U-00017-00012031-00012531 And then work yourself gradually to doing 20, 4 times a day. So that would make it 80. tD77ucxa8_U-00018-00012531-00013162 It sounds onerous, it doesn't take long, and it's certainly worth the effort. I sometimes tD77ucxa8_U-00019-00013162-00013762 consider the pelvic floor an elevator. So if you count up to 5, the floor goes up to tD77ucxa8_U-00020-00013762-00014462 5, 1-2-3-4-5; the floor relaxes 1-2-3-4-5. Very important you don't overdo the Kegel tD77ucxa8_U-00021-00014547-00015247 exercises as well because you don't want your pelvic floor to get tired. tD77ucxa8_U-00022-00015416-00015868 As in everything it's like building a muscle, like going to the gym and building your biceps, tD77ucxa8_U-00023-00015868-00016568 it takes time, it's worth the effort. Anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months you will see an improvement, tD77ucxa8_U-00024-00016605-00017166 hopefully, and it doesn't happen overnight. So remember to keep at it because it is worth doing. tJSFfI8LnDc-00000-00002174-00002584 People always say there'll be sunshine after the rain tJSFfI8LnDc-00001-00002584-00003110 Yeah, right! Those words are so overused tJSFfI8LnDc-00002-00003120-00003388 But I keep in mind, or at least most of the time tJSFfI8LnDc-00003-00003388-00003652 Bachelors’ wives and maidens’ children are well taught tJSFfI8LnDc-00004-00003652-00004176 In my crystal ball, all I see is clouds tJSFfI8LnDc-00005-00004176-00004460 And my head is too small tJSFfI8LnDc-00006-00004460-00004720 I can't find the space to be myself tJSFfI8LnDc-00007-00004720-00005244 Irony - I don't feel like walking around in it anyway tJSFfI8LnDc-00008-00005248-00005510 Between the walls of my mind tJSFfI8LnDc-00009-00005512-00005786 I've never felt this trapped before tJSFfI8LnDc-00010-00005786-00006274 Tell me, God, is there anything I can do other than hope? tJSFfI8LnDc-00011-00006320-00006818 I want to get out of this place tJSFfI8LnDc-00012-00006831-00007381 I'll build a tower with a staircase to the moon tJSFfI8LnDc-00013-00007381-00007642 If I find the courage to get up tJSFfI8LnDc-00014-00007642-00007906 I'll find a way to go away from here tJSFfI8LnDc-00015-00007914-00008420 I'll collect all my cardboard dreams tJSFfI8LnDc-00016-00008504-00008766 and make my way towards the horizon tJSFfI8LnDc-00017-00010870-00011314 I'm on my way to my horizon tJSFfI8LnDc-00018-00013390-00013797 And people say: don't worry too much, that's bad for you tJSFfI8LnDc-00019-00013797-00014210 Gee, really? I never thought about that before tJSFfI8LnDc-00020-00014338-00014568 Everyone hails their pink spectacles tJSFfI8LnDc-00021-00014582-00014844 But when I ask for help, all turn silent tJSFfI8LnDc-00022-00014852-00015319 Isolated - am I the only one that doesn't smile? tJSFfI8LnDc-00023-00015394-00015897 That kind of solitude is hurtful if everyone is cheering from behind the lines tJSFfI8LnDc-00024-00015913-00016432 But I won't be the third wheel any longer tJSFfI8LnDc-00025-00016456-00016718 Will I fail? Well, maybe tJSFfI8LnDc-00026-00016718-00016986 But hey, I'll cross that bridge when I get there tJSFfI8LnDc-00027-00016986-00017382 I'm alone, with myself, with my prowess tJSFfI8LnDc-00028-00017382-00017792 with my body and my soul tJSFfI8LnDc-00029-00024188-00024662 I want to get out of this place tJSFfI8LnDc-00030-00024734-00025204 I'll build a tower with a staircase to the moon tJSFfI8LnDc-00031-00025216-00025508 If I find the courage to get up tJSFfI8LnDc-00032-00025518-00025788 I'll find a way to go away from here tJSFfI8LnDc-00033-00025788-00026189 I'll collect all my cardboard dreams tJSFfI8LnDc-00034-00026348-00026672 And make my way towards the horizon tJSFfI8LnDc-00035-00028738-00029089 I'm on my way to my horizon tKqyZjXV8No-00000-00000128-00000903 This bit is not the training if we were together in real life and you were doing the multi-sensory tKqyZjXV8No-00001-00000903-00001456 room day with me then you would see me ask all of those questions as a part of the main presentation tKqyZjXV8No-00002-00001568-00002168 but I would fully expect for you to come up to me during the tea break or during the lunch break and tKqyZjXV8No-00003-00002168-00002832 ask me those questions you would ask me who who is it a lot of our information about sensory rooms tKqyZjXV8No-00004-00002832-00003496 comes from advertising it comes from advertising through decades worth of advertising so question tKqyZjXV8No-00005-00003496-00004032 that and look for the research because we want evidence-based practice for the people that we tKqyZjXV8No-00006-00004032-00004664 work on behalf of the final question that i could imagine you know if we were catching getting a cup tKqyZjXV8No-00007-00004664-00005272 of tea or eating biscuits would be somebody coming up to me and saying Jo we've done that so the big tKqyZjXV8No-00008-00005272-00005784 question here is what are those other strategies where can you find out about that more questions tL70UCrZm0o-00000-00000166-00000492 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE, I'M PETTY OFFICER JONATHAN PANKAU. tL70UCrZm0o-00001-00000492-00000855 NOVEMBER 4TH IS THE GENERAL ELECTION FOR THE 2014 VOTING SEASON. tL70UCrZm0o-00002-00000855-00001287 IF YOU'RE STATIONED OUTSIDE YOUR VOTING JURISDICTION, YOU CAN VOTE WITH AN ABSENTEE BALLOT. tL70UCrZm0o-00003-00001287-00001730 "WHAT WE'RE TELLING OUR MILITARY MEMBERS AND THEIR FAMILIES IS TO GET STARTED, YOU NEED tL70UCrZm0o-00004-00001730-00002211 TO REGISTER EARLY AND TO DO SO, YOU USE WHAT WE CALL THE FEDERAL POSTCARD APPLICATION, tL70UCrZm0o-00005-00002211-00002398 OR FPCA. tL70UCrZm0o-00006-00002398-00003019 AND YOU CAN DOWNLOAD OR GET THE FPCA AT OUR WEBISTE, WHICH IS FVAP.GOV. tL70UCrZm0o-00007-00003019-00003593 AND YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE FPCA OR USE OUR ONLINE ASSISTANT TO ACTUALLY FILL OUT THE FORM, AND tL70UCrZm0o-00008-00003593-00003789 IT WALKS YOU STEP-BY-STEP THROUGH THE PROCESS." tL70UCrZm0o-00009-00003789-00004148 2014 IS REFERRED TO AS AN "OFF-YEAR ELECTION." tL70UCrZm0o-00010-00004148-00004573 THESE ARE THE ELECTIONS WITH TYPICALLY SMALL MARGINS, WHICH MEANS YOUR ABSENTEE VOTE COUNTS. tL70UCrZm0o-00011-00004573-00004676 BE A PART OF IT. tL70UCrZm0o-00012-00004676-00005180 GO TO FVAP.GOV AND EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND RESPONSIBILITY AS A CITIZEN. tL70UCrZm0o-00013-00005180-00005767 REGISTER TO VOTE TODAY. tOVFVbfu384-00000-00000003-00000525 so I want to start this video out by thanking D'Angelo Wallace tOVFVbfu384-00001-00000525-00001320 because D'Angelo gave me courage alright see back on June 11th I said this tOVFVbfu384-00002-00001320-00001926 watching the new spill video and spill Oh my bestie channel out there like they tOVFVbfu384-00003-00001926-00002391 the research and everything that goes into that although I have a theory about tOVFVbfu384-00004-00002391-00002742 who's behind this spill Channel I might make a video on that if you want me to tOVFVbfu384-00005-00002742-00003174 talk about my theory let me know in the comments below cuz I have one but then I tOVFVbfu384-00006-00003174-00003651 received this comment keep your opinions about spills real identity to yourself tOVFVbfu384-00007-00003651-00004110 baseless speculation is not entertaining and and if you are accurate you will tOVFVbfu384-00008-00004110-00004553 either doctor or say things that lead others to doctor by themselves and if tOVFVbfu384-00009-00004553-00005330 that happens I will personally make sure you go down in ad pocalypse 3.0 test me tOVFVbfu384-00010-00005330-00006137 and I was like dude but D'Angelo Wallace came out of his video about how spill is tOVFVbfu384-00011-00006137-00006738 not a real person and it gave me the courage to speak my truth as well but tOVFVbfu384-00012-00006738-00007084 something else were gonna address in this video is there's something that tOVFVbfu384-00013-00007084-00007458 D'Angelo missed that he might not have been aware of and I'm gonna discuss that tOVFVbfu384-00014-00007458-00008718 in this video what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired so where we tOVFVbfu384-00015-00008718-00009078 talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel tOVFVbfu384-00016-00009078-00009456 what I try to do is take different topics from the YouTube community try to tOVFVbfu384-00017-00009456-00009779 see what lessons we can learn from them to improve our own mental and emotional tOVFVbfu384-00018-00009779-00010175 well-being so if you're into that stuff make sure you subscribe and ring that tOVFVbfu384-00019-00010175-00010650 notification bell and two quick things if you're into YouTube culture and want tOVFVbfu384-00020-00010650-00010989 to learn more about what goes on behind the scenes and some analysis of the tOVFVbfu384-00021-00010989-00011439 community my brand new book cancelled is out now there is a free version of that tOVFVbfu384-00022-00011439-00011781 book at my website down in the description below and it's free until tOVFVbfu384-00023-00011781-00012102 the end of the month or you can get the audiobook and there's another ebook tOVFVbfu384-00024-00012102-00012614 version alright the second thing is D'Angelo Wallace I'm so glad to see this tOVFVbfu384-00025-00012614-00013053 dude blowing up like I think when I first subscribe to his channel he was at tOVFVbfu384-00026-00013053-00013380 like 50 or 60 and now he's that like a hundred and tOVFVbfu384-00027-00013380-00013896 sixty thousand he's hilarious and I I think that first found him when tOVFVbfu384-00028-00013896-00014340 he did his critique of Shane Dawson a while back but anyways go check this tOVFVbfu384-00029-00014340-00014672 channel out he just did a video about spill that's very in-depth tOVFVbfu384-00030-00014672-00014976 I'm gonna touch on a couple things that he talked about but make sure you go tOVFVbfu384-00031-00014976-00015294 check out his videos gonna be linked down below as well and go subscribe to tOVFVbfu384-00032-00015294-00015738 his channel alright so anyways get comfy relax tOVFVbfu384-00033-00015738-00016203 maybe sip a little tea this is going to be a storytime tOVFVbfu384-00034-00016203-00016485 alright I'm not sure at the time of recording this how long this video is tOVFVbfu384-00035-00016485-00017073 gonna be but I'm gonna share my story for the situation alright so the first tOVFVbfu384-00036-00017073-00017367 thing I want to talk about is as somebody who's constantly working on my tOVFVbfu384-00037-00017367-00017709 mental health self awareness is a huge thing alright tOVFVbfu384-00038-00017709-00018210 and I am a flawed person although I am miles away from where I was seven years tOVFVbfu384-00039-00018210-00018537 ago when I was a drug addict who a suicidal tOVFVbfu384-00040-00018537-00018873 is struggling with depression and anxiety like I'm so far away from who I tOVFVbfu384-00041-00018873-00019317 used to be but I still have things that have been rooted in me since I was a kid tOVFVbfu384-00042-00019317-00019581 that I still work on I actually have a therapy appointment right after I tOVFVbfu384-00043-00019581-00019989 recorded this video but a couple things about me I'm competitive which isn't tOVFVbfu384-00044-00019989-00020544 always a bad thing but I can also get this kind of hater mentality like when I tOVFVbfu384-00045-00020544-00020988 was a kid growing up you know in an alcoholic household and everything like tOVFVbfu384-00046-00020988-00021348 that I used to just hate on other people who had better families and better tOVFVbfu384-00047-00021348-00021705 experiences than I did um I was looked at other people like they had an easier tOVFVbfu384-00048-00021705-00022095 path to me you might be able to relate to this right so this is something that tOVFVbfu384-00049-00022095-00022710 still kind of flares up in my mind and last year when the channel spill started tOVFVbfu384-00050-00022710-00023265 exploding I started to see those feelings come up right because spill was tOVFVbfu384-00051-00023265-00024020 this brand new channel and just exploding on YouTube so something I try tOVFVbfu384-00052-00024020-00024573 to do on this channel because my videos are about helping you kind of identify tOVFVbfu384-00053-00024573-00024903 some things and see what you might need to work on as well and we're on this tOVFVbfu384-00054-00024903-00025263 journey together so when I notice these feelings popping up about still I'm like tOVFVbfu384-00055-00025263-00025760 you know what I'm gonna make a video about this because my brain goes to a tOVFVbfu384-00056-00025760-00026232 weird place and it can make up all these stories so when I saw spill success I'm tOVFVbfu384-00057-00026232-00026561 like oh my this is this is crazy like some of the tOVFVbfu384-00058-00026561-00026869 things that DeAngelo Wallace talked about I'm like wait a second wait a tOVFVbfu384-00059-00026869-00027275 second she's a college student she animates this like he mentioned she has tOVFVbfu384-00060-00027275-00027725 captions on all of her videos and they're so well researched right and the tOVFVbfu384-00061-00027725-00028283 frequency at which she posted these I'm like there's no way there's no way right tOVFVbfu384-00062-00028283-00028678 and I look at it and something else I get upset with a lot of YouTube creators tOVFVbfu384-00063-00028678-00029306 do is the YouTube algorithm so I saw that she was just exploding with these tOVFVbfu384-00064-00029306-00029669 videos on similar topics that I was doing and my videos weren't getting that tOVFVbfu384-00065-00029669-00030031 many viewers what's funny is in hindsight like my videos were actually tOVFVbfu384-00066-00030031-00030775 gonna compare to what they're good now but anyways so I looked at that and my tOVFVbfu384-00067-00030775-00031088 girlfriend it's funny cuz some people who obviously don't know my beautiful tOVFVbfu384-00068-00031088-00031414 girlfriend trusted I think that she doesn't keep me in check like whenever I tOVFVbfu384-00069-00031414-00031955 whined and complained to her like she calls me out on it she caused me out on tOVFVbfu384-00070-00031955-00032288 that stuff so I whined and complained about spill and she called me out on it tOVFVbfu384-00071-00032288-00032758 and it helped me become self-aware and recognize oh ok Chris this is those tOVFVbfu384-00072-00032758-00033163 flawed characteristics of yourself coming out why you want to be the best tOVFVbfu384-00073-00033163-00033557 you want to you know have you know the ability to you know have the same tOVFVbfu384-00074-00033557-00034096 opportunity as channels like spill so I made a video back in November of last tOVFVbfu384-00075-00034096-00035018 year and I titled it why I hate spill okay and there were so many people like tOVFVbfu384-00076-00035018-00035471 who didn't watch the video and see like what the overall message was oh because tOVFVbfu384-00077-00035471-00035956 I did my little you know clickbait big switch right so I shared kind of what I tOVFVbfu384-00078-00035956-00036496 just shared with you talking about how you know I i watch you know her videos tOVFVbfu384-00079-00036496-00036769 blow up how her channel is blowing up on the same topics that I'm doing and tOVFVbfu384-00080-00036769-00037259 everything like that and but the moral of that video was identifying my own tOVFVbfu384-00081-00037259-00037883 jealousy my own Enzi right but a lot of people didn't wait that long so I got a tOVFVbfu384-00082-00037883-00038215 bunch of comments I still get comments of this day one of the biggest one is tOVFVbfu384-00083-00038215-00038636 she has a soothing voice and you're loud and you scream at us sorry that's just tOVFVbfu384-00084-00038636-00039094 the way my voice but yeah a bunch of people say you're just jealous over I'm tOVFVbfu384-00085-00039094-00039619 like yeah you gotta watch the video but anyways the video like identify those tOVFVbfu384-00086-00039619-00039795 things something like I try to teach people tOVFVbfu384-00087-00039795-00040191 something that I learned is somebody else's happiness or success doesn't take tOVFVbfu384-00088-00040191-00040680 away from mine alright happiness is an abundant resource alright so just tOVFVbfu384-00089-00040680-00041103 realize that somebody being happy over there or successful over there is not tOVFVbfu384-00090-00041103-00041508 necessarily taking away from yours and these are some things that I talked tOVFVbfu384-00091-00041508-00042321 about in that video but something that DeAngelo Wallis didn't talk about but I tOVFVbfu384-00092-00042321-00043197 got a lot of comments about was that spill had ads all right and ads they're tOVFVbfu384-00093-00043197-00043794 not they're cheap but they're not cheap but people were saying like I found out tOVFVbfu384-00094-00043794-00044208 about spill because she has ads here on YouTube and I'm sitting I'm like hang tOVFVbfu384-00095-00044208-00044811 right so I just kept my dumb mouth shut because at that time I had a couple tOVFVbfu384-00096-00044811-00045381 theories alright one of them I try to be realistic and be like alright spill is tOVFVbfu384-00097-00045381-00046059 just some kid in college and maybe she has a rich family you know I was tOVFVbfu384-00098-00046059-00046425 thinking maybe she has a rich family and there's a lot of youtubers out there who tOVFVbfu384-00099-00046425-00046743 hacked editors and things like that I'm like because there's no way she could do tOVFVbfu384-00100-00046743-00047148 all this work all this research and do everything herself right so I was like tOVFVbfu384-00101-00047148-00047670 maybe she has the money to pay editors to pay animators to pay researchers have tOVFVbfu384-00102-00047670-00048084 her own little tee team right I could imagine some like rich Harvard tOVFVbfu384-00103-00048084-00048447 student being able to do this like Daddy I'm really into tea can you help me make tOVFVbfu384-00104-00048447-00048759 a channel go kid so that's what I was thinking what's tOVFVbfu384-00105-00048759-00049197 happening and in order to grow the channel maybe this person like ask their tOVFVbfu384-00106-00049197-00049814 parents to pay for advertising and all that but the other theory I had is what tOVFVbfu384-00107-00049814-00050214 DeAngelo Wallace is talking about and a lot of people are talking about now I tOVFVbfu384-00108-00050214-00050757 was like you know what maybe this isn't even really a person you know like maybe tOVFVbfu384-00109-00050757-00051300 it's not because like it trust me there's plenty of us who take YouTube tOVFVbfu384-00110-00051300-00051702 seriously for some of us it's a full-time gig and everything like that tOVFVbfu384-00111-00051702-00052280 but I was like huh so I started doing some research and like D'Angelo did I tOVFVbfu384-00112-00052280-00052936 started checking out spills social media and it was lacking tOVFVbfu384-00113-00052936-00053451 so like a lot of creators who get big on this platform we engage with all of you tOVFVbfu384-00114-00053451-00053802 right whether it's in our comment sections on Twitter on Instagram tOVFVbfu384-00115-00053802-00054391 whatever it is but like D'Angelo pointed out spill pretty much only uses social tOVFVbfu384-00116-00054391-00055080 media to promote her videos and I was like huh that's strange I was like but tOVFVbfu384-00117-00055080-00055473 even if this was a company who's doing this you would think they would have tOVFVbfu384-00118-00055473-00055992 somebody managing the social media like hell like fast-food chains have people tOVFVbfu384-00119-00055992-00056469 managing their social media and my personifying the company right so I was tOVFVbfu384-00120-00056469-00057126 like maybe spill does that too but the more I looked into it and the more spill tOVFVbfu384-00121-00057126-00057636 started making these like longer videos and even more in-depth videos and was tOVFVbfu384-00122-00057636-00058141 able to keep up with that pace then I was like this has got to be a company tOVFVbfu384-00123-00058141-00058822 right because here's the thing I I was making a lot more content than your tOVFVbfu384-00124-00058822-00059301 average creator I don't edit nearly as much but as many of you know who our tOVFVbfu384-00125-00059301-00059733 viewers of youtubers like I am it's a struggle for some of your favorite tOVFVbfu384-00126-00059733-00060211 youtubers to get out of video a week right and I love people like you know tOVFVbfu384-00127-00060211-00060654 like Leon lush and danny gonzalez and drew gooden and elvis the area so many tOVFVbfu384-00128-00060654-00061104 other people right and you see the editing that goes into their videos and tOVFVbfu384-00129-00061104-00061476 i think about how much time they spent and I'm friends with a lot of youtubers tOVFVbfu384-00130-00061476-00062161 and my editing is very minimal really very minimal so when I talk to them like tOVFVbfu384-00131-00062161-00062775 some of my friends are like spending eight 20 hours on these videos but then tOVFVbfu384-00132-00062775-00063270 I see spill coming out with these videos that are upwards of an hour long not tOVFVbfu384-00133-00063270-00063795 only edited even more but the research that goes into them and the animation tOVFVbfu384-00134-00063795-00064500 and the captions and it's this kind of leg up right so I was like there's no tOVFVbfu384-00135-00064500-00065011 way but to give you to get you into my mindset I actually talked to a few tOVFVbfu384-00136-00065011-00065337 people like I have some friends I have some mentors and I've told them this tOVFVbfu384-00137-00065337-00065836 theory that spill is actually a company for months now right tOVFVbfu384-00138-00065836-00066166 and right when I was like I really wanted to tOVFVbfu384-00139-00066166-00066574 make a video about it it was around March right when the tOVFVbfu384-00140-00066574-00067057 internet kind of hated me and I was like okay Chris you made a video titled why tOVFVbfu384-00141-00067057-00067399 you hate spill a bunch of people are saying you're jealous of her so if you tOVFVbfu384-00142-00067399-00067932 make that video this is it gonna look good for you right and then D'Angelo tOVFVbfu384-00143-00067932-00068230 Wallace came out with this video and I'll be honest I'll be honest I was like tOVFVbfu384-00144-00068230-00068626 Turner tangelo I even left a comment on this video I'm like oh I wanted to make tOVFVbfu384-00145-00068626-00069045 this video but um but yeah I was just kind of sitting I was like Alba there's tOVFVbfu384-00146-00069045-00069406 like a couple things though that he might not have seen that I saw I was tOVFVbfu384-00147-00069406-00070057 like oh I'll jump in here as well but anyways at the end of the day here's a tOVFVbfu384-00148-00070057-00070638 question like doesn't matter how much doesn't matter I've talked about this in tOVFVbfu384-00149-00070638-00071311 the past a lot of youtubers are very upset that corporations are kind of tOVFVbfu384-00150-00071311-00071872 coming into our realm here you know like you know you have like Stephen Colbert tOVFVbfu384-00151-00071872-00072442 Jimmy Fallon you have people celebrities like Will Smith Jack Black you have tOVFVbfu384-00152-00072442-00073032 these people who have you know more money than us the ability to have better tOVFVbfu384-00153-00073032-00073464 production quality the ability of hire people and pay people to do these things tOVFVbfu384-00154-00073464-00073948 and a lot of youtubers don't like it in my personal opinion I don't really care tOVFVbfu384-00155-00073948-00074593 like something I realized a long time ago which I think everybody realizes is tOVFVbfu384-00156-00074593-00075091 people can subscribe to more than one channel and when we look at spill tOVFVbfu384-00157-00075091-00075862 specifically spills videos are not taking away from any other tea channel tOVFVbfu384-00158-00075862-00076351 drama channel whatever you want to call them she's not taking views away from tOVFVbfu384-00159-00076351-00076770 them for a few reasons all right the other tea channels the tOVFVbfu384-00160-00076770-00077058 other people who are doing this kind of like independently they're able to do it tOVFVbfu384-00161-00077058-00077485 quicker all right sometimes you know it's not as much you tOVFVbfu384-00162-00077485-00077802 know research because they're jumping on this story because a lot of us who do tOVFVbfu384-00163-00077802-00078276 commentary or cover trending topics weeks we jump on it right so they're tOVFVbfu384-00164-00078276-00078760 able to crank out videos fast in this bill but because a lot of them do daily tOVFVbfu384-00165-00078760-00079132 or multiple times a week they update those stories and make more tOVFVbfu384-00166-00079132-00079598 both videos which accumulates views you see what I mean by the tons bill tOVFVbfu384-00167-00079598-00080050 releases a video because some of her videos are multiple parts series like tOVFVbfu384-00168-00080050-00080498 her Jacqueline Hill ones were multiple parts for one about Trisha Paytas and tOVFVbfu384-00169-00080498-00081058 Nick Accardo avocado were multiple parts so by the time spill gets their video up tOVFVbfu384-00170-00081058-00081398 even if it's a team of people the other drama channel's the other tea channels tOVFVbfu384-00171-00081398-00081722 whatever it is even commentary channels they've already covered those topics tOVFVbfu384-00172-00081722-00082249 maybe two three four five times by the time spill gets a video up so I would tOVFVbfu384-00173-00082249-00082586 guarantee if you can look at the audience's there's a lot of overlap tOVFVbfu384-00174-00082586-00082892 there's a lot of people who are subscribed to spill subscribe to a lot tOVFVbfu384-00175-00082892-00083395 of other channels so like as a YouTube creator I'm just saying like I'm not tOVFVbfu384-00176-00083395-00083861 gonna complain about the inevitable you know what I mean it's almost like the tOVFVbfu384-00177-00083861-00084358 mom-and-pop shops in your city and then a Walmart opens up and things like that tOVFVbfu384-00178-00084358-00084751 it's like they're still gonna people be people who shop at the mom-and-pop shop tOVFVbfu384-00179-00084751-00085211 but they're not even spending money when they're watching YouTube videos it's tOVFVbfu384-00180-00085211-00085591 just time that they're spending so it's more likely that people are gonna watch tOVFVbfu384-00181-00085591-00085997 multiple videos if you want to do me a favor down in the comments below tOVFVbfu384-00182-00085997-00086491 whenever when any topic comes up in the YouTube community how many videos would tOVFVbfu384-00183-00086491-00086936 you say on average you watch about the same topic I've talked about this before tOVFVbfu384-00184-00086936-00087469 but my guess is that every one of the viewers out there when there's a tOVFVbfu384-00185-00087469-00088016 trending topic you watch at least I would guess four to five videos on that tOVFVbfu384-00186-00088016-00088354 topic or let me know if I'm completely wrong let me know down in the comments tOVFVbfu384-00187-00088354-00088861 if there's only like one creator who you follow who you watch to cover a story tOVFVbfu384-00188-00088861-00089383 but I don't think that's the case in most cases alright anyways that's all I tOVFVbfu384-00189-00089383-00089758 got for this video again make sure you go subscribe to D'Angelo Wallace he's an tOVFVbfu384-00190-00089758-00090127 awesome hilarious dude and check out this video that he did about this topic tOVFVbfu384-00191-00090127-00090475 and again if you would like Chuck out my book cancelled inside YouTube cancel tOVFVbfu384-00192-00090475-00090919 culture it is available now and you can get a free version of the e-book until tOVFVbfu384-00193-00090919-00091216 the end of the month alright anyways that's all I got for this video if you tOVFVbfu384-00194-00091216-00091489 liked this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you subscribe tOVFVbfu384-00195-00091489-00091843 and bring that notification about and a huge huge thank you to everybody tOVFVbfu384-00196-00091843-00092154 supporting the channel over on patreon you are all amazing tOVFVbfu384-00197-00092154-00092507 a huge thank you to everybody who bought my book but my audiobooks and things tOVFVbfu384-00198-00092507-00092813 like that also make sure you follow me on social media does that have some very tOVFVbfu384-00199-00092813-00093233 exciting news coming out probably later today all right so it's at the rewired tOVFVbfu384-00200-00093233-00093537 sol on instagram and twitter thanks again for watching i'll see you next tOVFVbfu384-00201-00093537-00093763 time tRclpWp82KE-00000-00000552-00000888 Hello and welcome to another episode of The Amateur Machine Shop. tRclpWp82KE-00001-00000888-00001240 In this video I will be making four various styles of tangential tRclpWp82KE-00002-00001240-00001648 tool holders, two holders will be for 5/16" high speed steel bits tRclpWp82KE-00003-00001648-00002335 and 2 for round carbide, 1/8 and 1/4" inch diameters. Over the years I have tRclpWp82KE-00004-00002335-00002608 collected a lot of carbide shanks from broken end mills and tRclpWp82KE-00005-00002608-00002927 drills from mishaps. Thought it was a good time to put them tRclpWp82KE-00006-00002927-00003279 to use and tangential tool holders are a perfect way to implement tRclpWp82KE-00007-00003279-00003839 their use. Tangential tooling is not a new invention. Seen many posts tRclpWp82KE-00008-00003839-00004271 online describe them being available in catalog since the late 1800s tRclpWp82KE-00009-00004271-00004687 but never seemed to have caught on in the industry. tRclpWp82KE-00010-00004816-00005168 From all the social media posts I am seeing them used more and more by tRclpWp82KE-00011-00005168-00005600 hobbyists and thought it was time to make my own set. tRclpWp82KE-00012-00005696-00006023 Here i'm using the 5/16" high speed steel bit in the holder tRclpWp82KE-00013-00006023-00006392 set at a 45 degree. A small radius is ground on the tip. tRclpWp82KE-00014-00006392-00006936 I am taking light cuts as that is all the small lathe can handle. tRclpWp82KE-00015-00006959-00007279 In the future i'll experiment with lower speed and taking heavier cuts. tRclpWp82KE-00016-00007279-00007647 Many comments I read online from tangential tool users tRclpWp82KE-00017-00007647-00007992 was that the machine finish is very smooth. That would really depend on the tRclpWp82KE-00018-00007992-00008360 radii ground on the tip. i found using the 1/8" carbide shank tRclpWp82KE-00019-00008360-00008784 provided a very smooth finish. tRclpWp82KE-00020-00009568-00009888 This is the 1/8" carbide round bit taking about a .010" (0.25mm) depth of tRclpWp82KE-00021-00009888-00010311 cut, RPM is 2500 and machining a piece of cold roll steel. tRclpWp82KE-00022-00010312-00010615 I purposely fed the bit into the radius forming in the middle tRclpWp82KE-00023-00010616-00011212 to see if the tool would chatter but machined very nicely tRclpWp82KE-00024-00011584-00011984 Using Fusion 360 I created models of each lathe tool holder. tRclpWp82KE-00025-00011984-00012296 The two 5/16" high speed steel bit holders and the 1/8" tRclpWp82KE-00026-00012296-00012984 and 1/4" diameter holders (not shown in that order). tRclpWp82KE-00027-00013472-00013872 Using the Fusion 360 models I created a set of drawings for each holder tRclpWp82KE-00028-00013872-00014384 which will be available on the website shortly. tRclpWp82KE-00029-00014440-00014800 The steel doesn't look like much it's 5/8" by 2.5" cold roll steel. tRclpWp82KE-00030-00014800-00015168 that was left outside and rusted. I start the build by cutting off two tRclpWp82KE-00031-00015168-00015663 pieces both three inches long. A couple of notes first when I created tRclpWp82KE-00032-00015663-00015976 the tangential lathe tooling I thought it would make a great build tRclpWp82KE-00033-00015976-00016408 video series. Ended up having four hours of content for the entire build tRclpWp82KE-00034-00016408-00016768 No one wants to watch four hours of machining and with a lot of editing the tRclpWp82KE-00035-00016768-00017144 content was reduced to 60 minutes. You will see most of the machining has been tRclpWp82KE-00036-00017144-00017687 sped up and I try to keep the video snippets to about 10 seconds each. tRclpWp82KE-00037-00017687-00018072 The second note; I have broken up the build into three video parts and each tRclpWp82KE-00038-00018072-00018431 will be about 20 minutes. My goal for my content is to try to show tRclpWp82KE-00039-00018431-00018656 all the steps needed to machine the object. tRclpWp82KE-00040-00018656-00018959 Providing some tips along the way for those that are interested in learning tRclpWp82KE-00041-00018959-00019984 machining skills. tRclpWp82KE-00042-00034647-00034991 Now that three faces are milled square to each other both ends can be milled tRclpWp82KE-00043-00034991-00035391 square to the machine surfaces. At this point the size isn't critical tRclpWp82KE-00044-00035391-00035856 only the thickness will come into play. Using an older half inch (1/2") carbide end tRclpWp82KE-00045-00035856-00036175 mill, the quill is lowered to a point that will allow the cutting flutes to tRclpWp82KE-00046-00036175-00036496 still mill the face. The end mill is rather worn at the tip tRclpWp82KE-00047-00036496-00036784 so I make due. tRclpWp82KE-00048-00040640-00041016 Now that five faces are milled square on both steel blocks, the next step is to tRclpWp82KE-00049-00041016-00041336 set up for milling the thickness, which in this case will become the tool tRclpWp82KE-00050-00041336-00041568 width. tRclpWp82KE-00051-00041591-00042000 For milling the thickness I'm using a three quarter (3/4") Iscar insertable end mill. tRclpWp82KE-00052-00042000-00042352 I've had this tool for the last 20 plus years. We used them tRclpWp82KE-00053-00042352-00042736 a lot back when I worked in a tool and die shop. Worked really well on the CNC tRclpWp82KE-00054-00042736-00042959 mills and we would feed them upwards of 40 to tRclpWp82KE-00055-00042959-00043463 60 inches per minute. The mill i'm using is referred to as a tRclpWp82KE-00056-00043463-00043791 mill/drill. It uses R8 collets and tool holders tRclpWp82KE-00057-00043791-00044144 Each one has to be inserted by hand and tightened and loosened tRclpWp82KE-00058-00044144-00044408 accordingly. tRclpWp82KE-00059-00044712-00045112 Currently the tooling I have in my garage is limited. Over the years I never tRclpWp82KE-00060-00045112-00045528 needed to purchase my own parallel set as my employer always had them available. tRclpWp82KE-00061-00045528-00045863 In order to raise the steel blocks to allow for milling the thickness I add a tRclpWp82KE-00062-00045863-00046344 quarter inch (1/4") key stock to the parallels to make up the difference. tRclpWp82KE-00063-00046352-00046703 In order to ensure the parts are tight against the parallels a hammer or bump tRclpWp82KE-00064-00046703-00047128 block is used to tap down the parts. Another option is to use paper "feelers" tRclpWp82KE-00065-00047128-00047400 in each corner. My vise isn't perfect so the blocks tRclpWp82KE-00066-00047400-00047984 barely get tight in the parallels. tRclpWp82KE-00067-00048024-00048408 As mentioned earlier I'm using a mill drill. To use the feed wheel for the tRclpWp82KE-00068-00048408-00048696 quill the lock bolt knob needs to be tightened. tRclpWp82KE-00069-00048696-00049047 The side handle is released and now the feed wheel can be used to increment tRclpWp82KE-00070-00049047-00049352 the spindle up or down. I am fortunate to have tRclpWp82KE-00071-00049352-00050784 a power feed add-on for the x-axis on this mill. tRclpWp82KE-00072-00064864-00065136 The blocks are now to the correct thickness along with having square tRclpWp82KE-00073-00065136-00065488 parallel faces. For the 5/16" high speed steel bit tRclpWp82KE-00074-00065488-00065880 holders the thickness is 7/16" and for the round carbide shank tRclpWp82KE-00075-00065880-00066327 holders I went with 3/8" thick. Next is to lay out the holders on tRclpWp82KE-00076-00066327-00066712 the steel and use a band-saw to cut them out. The idea is to cut off as much tRclpWp82KE-00077-00066712-00067160 material as possible to reduce the time required to mill away material. tRclpWp82KE-00078-00067160-00067472 First I tried using only calipers to describe the lines tRclpWp82KE-00079-00067472-00067792 but ended up being too faint and difficult to see. Still tRclpWp82KE-00080-00067792-00068136 using a wide sharpie marker as a substitute to layout blue. tRclpWp82KE-00081-00068136-00068480 As I start more machining projects I will have to look at buying some Dykem tRclpWp82KE-00082-00068480-00068848 steel layout fluid. tRclpWp82KE-00083-00068848-00069183 As you will notice it is much easier to see the scribe lines with a darkened tRclpWp82KE-00084-00069183-00069512 face on the steel. For the viewers having the camera at the tRclpWp82KE-00085-00069512-00069880 right angle helps! I then proceed to chase the lines with a tRclpWp82KE-00086-00069880-00070256 carbide scriber and a machinist square to ensure the lines are parallel and tRclpWp82KE-00087-00070256-00070624 square to the machine surfaces. tRclpWp82KE-00088-00070816-00071482 A few more scribes on the blocks and ready to start cutting on the band-saw. tRclpWp82KE-00089-00074856-00075216 The band-saw I have has a plate mounted to use the saw vertically. tRclpWp82KE-00090-00075216-00075672 This comes in handy for cutting odd parts I squirt little WD-40 as a lube tRclpWp82KE-00091-00075672-00076063 for the blade. Using a pair of locking pliers to hold tRclpWp82KE-00092-00076063-00076327 the blocks and slowly feeding them into the blade. tRclpWp82KE-00093-00076327-00076663 First few seconds are actual cutting speed and then the videos are sped up. tRclpWp82KE-00094-00076663-00077056 Saw cuts can take a while but save a lot of milling and it keeps from turning the tRclpWp82KE-00095-00077056-00077495 steel into chips. What happens when you push material too tRclpWp82KE-00096-00077495-00077832 hard against the blade? Well I found out quickly that if too much pressure is tRclpWp82KE-00097-00077832-00078576 placed against the blade the blade jumps off the idler wheel. tRclpWp82KE-00098-00084944-00085256 Having cut the parts free from the blocks, they can now be milled to their tRclpWp82KE-00099-00085256-00085600 respective sizes. Three of the holders are all the same 7/8" tRclpWp82KE-00100-00085600-00086039 width 2" inch post mounting area and 3/8" thick. The other tRclpWp82KE-00101-00086039-00086480 5/16" tool I created is a one inch overall width. tRclpWp82KE-00102-00094680-00095072 A final measurement and that concludes part one. In part two I will cover the tRclpWp82KE-00103-00095092-00095428 drilled holes and milling the compound angles for the tool bit. tRclpWp82KE-00104-00095428-00096000 Thank you for watching!! tTGcW7ADQOM-00000-00000008-00000432 Welcome back to another TikTok feet video just kidding we're going to rating tTGcW7ADQOM-00001-00000432-00000744 euphoria cast feet character now I haven't done this because tTGcW7ADQOM-00002-00000744-00001120 I felt a certain way about it but When there's demand I gotta bring the supply tTGcW7ADQOM-00003-00001120-00001592 we're going to be rating Zendaya, Sydney Sweeney, Maude Apatow, and Alexa Demie tTGcW7ADQOM-00004-00001592-00002023 it's gonna be a good day filled with toes I'm thinking Alexa Demie first tTGcW7ADQOM-00005-00002023-00002520 we're gonna look for the mucka f***** sole first they look soft, i think nates enjoying them tTGcW7ADQOM-00006-00002520-00002920 they look malleable and squishy and they don't look crusty tTGcW7ADQOM-00007-00002920-00003128 shiiiit a solid then honestly, that just gonna do her soles tTGcW7ADQOM-00008-00003128-00003528 on to the arches, right here as well looking like a sold seven, eight yea I think tTGcW7ADQOM-00009-00003528-00003872 that gonna do her arch right there a solid eight it is what it is, moving on to the best part tTGcW7ADQOM-00010-00003872-00004272 boys and girls the best part is the toes now, this is where i guess I could say I tTGcW7ADQOM-00011-00004272-00004568 specialize in she has one of those toes that has a nice curl to it tTGcW7ADQOM-00012-00004568-00004808 I can't say they're my one-hundred percent preference tTGcW7ADQOM-00013-00004808-00005368 we're going to give Alexa Demie toes an 8.7 moving on to Sydney Sweeney tTGcW7ADQOM-00014-00005368-00005816 a very interesting character in the show that really causes for some interesting feet tTGcW7ADQOM-00015-00005816-00006064 what arches first there's a pretty nice arch tTGcW7ADQOM-00016-00006064-00006456 right there, I don't know where this is, might be the met gala, probably not though arches here a tTGcW7ADQOM-00017-00006536-00007088 I'm kind of basing the arch on how much of a literal arch there is 8 solid 8.5 nothing special tTGcW7ADQOM-00018-00007088-00007384 toes the bottom view of the toes underrated in my opinion tTGcW7ADQOM-00019-00007480-00007840 i haven't even been looking at this camera cause I'm f******... holy s*** tTGcW7ADQOM-00020-00007840-00008200 smash that subscribe button if you want to see more videos of me looking at people's feet tTGcW7ADQOM-00021-00008200-00008352 the toes gimme the toes tTGcW7ADQOM-00022-00008352-00008600 giving you the best picture of feet that i can that's really all I'm here for tTGcW7ADQOM-00023-00008600-00008856 I'm a slave to the toe I'm a slave to the foot tTGcW7ADQOM-00024-00008856-00009064 I am a foot whore the toes they're a ten tTGcW7ADQOM-00025-00009064-00009392 moving on, in my opinion, the best looking feet in the show but we're going to leave tTGcW7ADQOM-00026-00009392-00009744 it to the people to decide who the best looking feet overall in this show have tTGcW7ADQOM-00027-00009744-00010032 we got Maude Apatow, sike, we're going to leave her last tTGcW7ADQOM-00028-00010032-00010232 best feet in the show moving on to Zendaya tTGcW7ADQOM-00029-00010232-00010464 I don't wanna break any hearts here, all the respect in the world to ya tTGcW7ADQOM-00030-00010464-00010784 great actor, you guys can probably see I'm gearing up for something here tTGcW7ADQOM-00031-00010912-00011384 arches overall, Kinda non-existent tTGcW7ADQOM-00032-00011440-00011632 No shoes, no arch. I think that's the tTGcW7ADQOM-00033-00011632-00011912 overall picture we're seeing here I cant cause for a good arch rating tTGcW7ADQOM-00034-00011912-00012320 we're going to give zendaya arches a seven, were gonna give em a seven moving on to the sole tTGcW7ADQOM-00035-00012320-00012624 I think this guy enjoying her soles i can almost guarantee there's going to be tTGcW7ADQOM-00036-00012624-00012936 no pictures of her soles up right so with this evidence right here tTGcW7ADQOM-00037-00012936-00013256 we're going to go ahead and give her soles a 9 I think this guys go ahead and say for tTGcW7ADQOM-00038-00013256-00013408 these soles are a 9 Just look at his eyes tTGcW7ADQOM-00039-00013408-00013736 moving on to her toes, they're nothing special my bar might just be too high tTGcW7ADQOM-00040-00013736-00013952 That's probably what it is, I can't lower my bar. tTGcW7ADQOM-00041-00013952-00014191 That's definitely not happening (Rick Ross, "Nor Siiiiiir") tTGcW7ADQOM-00042-00014191-00014616 We have to give Zendayas toes overall a six flat and we're just going to move on because I tTGcW7ADQOM-00043-00014616-00014832 don't want to do any more harm to that group of people over there tTGcW7ADQOM-00044-00014832-00015072 we got Madue Apatow here I could my hat off and tTGcW7ADQOM-00045-00015072-00015352 throw this s*** to the f****** wolves, But I won't do that because I like this tTGcW7ADQOM-00046-00015352-00015728 hat very much, so we're going to rate her toes. Because that's what we're here to do. her soles, tTGcW7ADQOM-00047-00015728-00016047 I couldn't give a F*** less, as long as they aren;t looking like sandpaper. tTGcW7ADQOM-00048-00016047-00016448 They might be a little wrinkly, Im not going to sit here and say they're causing the whole foot tTGcW7ADQOM-00049-00016448-00016880 to have a negative appeal but, i don't like wrinkly soles. I'm going to give them a 7.3, tTGcW7ADQOM-00050-00016880-00017248 we're going to start getting more specific in the EP.s because why the ( dolphin Noise). Moving tTGcW7ADQOM-00051-00017248-00017688 on to the arches, kinda mid but this picture right here. *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* tTGcW7ADQOM-00052-00017688-00018056 thank you david lingston. This might be the best picture on wikifeet tTGcW7ADQOM-00053-00018056-00018320 we're going to go ahead and rate the arches as well. OMG. This might tTGcW7ADQOM-00054-00018320-00018688 be one everybody so...buckle in (click). Looking like a solid, I'll give them a B, tTGcW7ADQOM-00055-00018688-00018984 I'll give them an eight and a half. We're gonna go ahead and go to her toes now. If ya give me a tTGcW7ADQOM-00056-00018984-00019608 magnifying glass ill tell you what you're looking at with excruciating detail....excruciating tTGcW7ADQOM-00057-00019608-00020008 detail Maybe a little bit of playing soccer I understand it, got a little bit of a kink tTGcW7ADQOM-00058-00020008-00020512 right there, Maybe sooome shit right there lollll , Ya know other than, ya love a nice natural foot, tTGcW7ADQOM-00059-00020512-00020904 Ya love to see no color sometimes Red right here toes looking good, tTGcW7ADQOM-00060-00020904-00021184 fuck it we're give it a ten. Wer're Back. tVVKX1EvG1U-00000-00000000-00000403 vrrrrhhmm ping ping ping... brum brum brum tVVKX1EvG1U-00001-00000700-00000900 [ EPA ANGST INTENSIFIES ] tWA8MnTVvVM-00000-00000102-00000618 If you create consecrated space, if maximum number of people are constantly touched with tWA8MnTVvVM-00001-00000618-00001234 consecrated spaces, you would see human beings would blossom with a completely different tWA8MnTVvVM-00002-00001234-00002124 sense of wholeness, homogeneity and organic way of looking at life, above all full-fledged human beings, tWA8MnTVvVM-00003-00002808-00003460 What living in a consecrated space means is …this Isha Yoga Center is, tWA8MnTVvVM-00004-00003460-00003870 I feel like the whole space is just so energetic and so vibrant. tWA8MnTVvVM-00005-00003870-00004682 I could just go throughout the day, keep going and keep going without even a moment of tiredness… tWA8MnTVvVM-00006-00004682-00005744 Sadhguru: “So consecration essentially means to make a physical space reverberate tWA8MnTVvVM-00007-00005744-00006659 with a non-physical dimension of energy. In a way that’s what you are. This body is a physical thing. tWA8MnTVvVM-00008-00006659-00007046 But right now it’s reverberating with a non-physical dimension of energy, tWA8MnTVvVM-00009-00007046-00007573 otherwise it cannot be alive for a moment. If you know how to touch this, tWA8MnTVvVM-00010-00007573-00008252 you don’t need any consecrated space, because “this” is a consecrated space. But you are not able to touch this. tWA8MnTVvVM-00011-00008252-00009008 So we want to create that kind of energy in a more palpable way, where you can touch it, tWA8MnTVvVM-00012-00009008-00009736 where you can feel it. So consecration is the science of bringing THAT forth in such a way tWA8MnTVvVM-00013-00009736-00010112 that it’s palpable that you can almost touch it. tWA8MnTVvVM-00014-00010498-00011044 ”Every day before my Hatha Yoga practice I usually try to take a dip in the Surya Kund, tWA8MnTVvVM-00015-00011044-00011616 which is an energized body of water... I can definitely feel a distinct difference when I tWA8MnTVvVM-00016-00011616-00011980 take a dip and then do my Hatha Yoga practice. tWA8MnTVvVM-00017-00011980-00012642 Sadhguru: The word Threeth means inflamed, or energized water. tWA8MnTVvVM-00018-00012642-00013400 We can energized water in different ways. As today there is substantial science telling us that, water has memory. tWA8MnTVvVM-00019-00013400-00013844 This is something that we have always known in this culture. That water has memory, tWA8MnTVvVM-00020-00013844-00014326 how you treat it accordingly it behaves within you. The water that you you drink, tWA8MnTVvVM-00021-00014326-00014947 the water that you get into, if you treat it in a certain way, accordingly it behaves… tWA8MnTVvVM-00022-00014947-00015616 responds to you in a certain manner. This body, being over seventy percent water, tWA8MnTVvVM-00023-00015616-00016336 if the water around you and the water that you take in are pleasant or energized in a certain way, tWA8MnTVvVM-00024-00016336-00017202 this entire system can change. If the water behaves well within you, seventy-two percent of your problem is over. tWA8MnTVvVM-00025-00017202-00017712 So theerthakund is an opportunity for people to transform the waters within themselves. tWA8MnTVvVM-00026-00017712-00018444 So, this is an energized pool it really bring balance and stimulation to your nervous system tWA8MnTVvVM-00027-00018444-00019054 without any stimulants above all it balances the energy within you. The energy body tWA8MnTVvVM-00028-00019054-00019572 comes to certain level of balance and rejuvenation. tWA8MnTVvVM-00029-00019572-00020146 To enhance my experience of the Dhyanalinga I often go to the Surya Kund, I stay there for some time tWA8MnTVvVM-00030-00020146-00020610 and then go to Dhyanalinga, and I can see my experience there, it's much more powerful. tWA8MnTVvVM-00031-00021344-00021822 Whenever I feel overwhelmed during the program I go directly to Dhyanalinga. tWA8MnTVvVM-00032-00021822-00022480 The moment I close my eyes in this place I become meditative naturally, I don’t even try to meditate. tWA8MnTVvVM-00033-00022480-00023138 It is really a privilege that we have a great support system in the form of these consecrated spaces… tWA8MnTVvVM-00034-00023138-00023616 It makes me more balanced and focused…” tWA8MnTVvVM-00035-00023616-00024230 Sadhguru: What is unique about the Dhyanalinga is that it is a manifestation tWA8MnTVvVM-00036-00024230-00024932 of all the seven dimensions or the seven chakras. When I say all the seven dimensions, tWA8MnTVvVM-00037-00024932-00025572 the human physiology is constructed this way. It is a meditative force. tWA8MnTVvVM-00038-00025572-00026077 There is no worship, there is no ritual, there are no offerings for the Dhyanalinga. tWA8MnTVvVM-00039-00026077-00026616 All that you are required to do is sit there quietly, one has to just simply sit there tWA8MnTVvVM-00040-00026616-00027376 to experience and imbibe the energies of Dhyanalinga. It’s a live form. It has everything. tWA8MnTVvVM-00041-00027376-00027888 As an energy body it has everything as a peak human being would have. tWA8MnTVvVM-00042-00027888-00028448 Only a physical body is absent, but in all other ways it is like a living guru. tWA8MnTVvVM-00043-00028448-00029210 So, it is an opportunity for a spiritual seeker to do his sadhana in the presence of a live guru, tWA8MnTVvVM-00044-00029210-00030100 The most fundamental thing why a spiritual seeker seeks a guru is tWA8MnTVvVM-00045-00030100-00030862 because a guru can ignite his energies into a different dimension. That aspect of a guru’s role tWA8MnTVvVM-00046-00030862-00031588 in a spiritual seeker’s life is very well fulfilled by the Dhyanalinga. tWA8MnTVvVM-00047-00031588-00032445 Dhyanalinga can ignite one’s energies into a completely new dimension of vibrance and possibility. tWA8MnTVvVM-00048-00032788-00033336 “Whenever I have some free time I go there because this place is full of life. tWA8MnTVvVM-00049-00033336-00033812 Actually it took me a while to be able to experience this consecrated space, tWA8MnTVvVM-00050-00033812-00034488 but now I really enjoy sitting there, I just feel happy, loved and sometimes overwhelmed tWA8MnTVvVM-00051-00034488-00034926 with this feminine energy which is something I cannot even describe in words. tWA8MnTVvVM-00052-00034926-00035736 I feel like a sense of protection from the Devi and also a sense of warmth which makes me tWA8MnTVvVM-00053-00035736-00036450 feel really grounded and protected and it’s a really nice experience. tWA8MnTVvVM-00054-00036450-00037174 Sadhguru: If you want to experience Dhyanalinga, you need awareness, you need alertness, tWA8MnTVvVM-00055-00037174-00038108 you need to be meditative, sitting still. But if you want to know Her, you need aliveness, tWA8MnTVvVM-00056-00038108-00039002 you need exuberance of life, you need madness of devotion. tWA8MnTVvVM-00057-00039002-00039576 Out of all the Isha Yoga Center, we usually spend most of our time in the Adiyogi Alayam, tWA8MnTVvVM-00058-00039576-00040146 we eat there, we sleep there, we do our practices there... I noticed whenever I am in the Adiyogi Alayam tWA8MnTVvVM-00059-00040146-00040778 my practices happen in a completely different way. No one’s there really to give me the correction tWA8MnTVvVM-00060-00040778-00041434 but somehow, I have no idea how but somehow the practices are getting corrected on their own… tWA8MnTVvVM-00061-00041434-00042076 and just certain asanas that I really had a lot of struggle with and... like specifically tWA8MnTVvVM-00062-00042076-00042678 Matsyendrasana… like for a very long time I had the flexibility to get my arm behind tWA8MnTVvVM-00063-00042678-00043265 but just a few minor adjustments and changes kind of allowed me get into the asana... tWA8MnTVvVM-00064-00043266-00043712 and that’s something that is really unique to Adiyogi Alayam. tWA8MnTVvVM-00065-00044390-00044722 Sadhguru: The Adiyogi that we created in the Adiyogi Alayam… tWA8MnTVvVM-00066-00044722-00045946 was mainly created as a repository of hatha yoga. It’s a… It’s little difficult to explain to you, tWA8MnTVvVM-00067-00045946-00046646 how a form is a repository but today, it should be easy for you to understand for this generation of people, tWA8MnTVvVM-00068-00046646-00047766 it should be easier to understand, because today you understand you can carry a small USB tWA8MnTVvVM-00069-00047766-00048624 and you know this stick has lot of information in it. So if this stick can store information, tWA8MnTVvVM-00070-00048624-00049104 you can also store it in another form. So this is a composite… tWA8MnTVvVM-00071-00049104-00049684 Let’s call it a computer, if you like it that way. It’s a composite computer, which is a tWA8MnTVvVM-00072-00049684-00050342 certain storehouse of information, a certain storehouse of energy, a certain storehouse of reverberation. tWA8MnTVvVM-00073-00050342-00051274 Which will reverberate for a very very long time. So, I thought it’s a fundamental responsibility tWA8MnTVvVM-00074-00051274-00051970 to put hatha yoga in a certain repository, which cannot be distorted, it’s always available. tWA8MnTVvVM-00075-00051970-00052794 If there are people… If there is a person who is willing to receive, he will know hatha yoga in its purest form tWA8MnTVvVM-00076-00052794-00053578 not as it is taught, but as the way the system is. Hatha yoga is not something that you teach to somebody. tWA8MnTVvVM-00077-00053578-00054198 It is something that you make somebody realize, what is the nature and the geometry of his system. tWA8MnTVvVM-00078-00054198-00054958 As he understands the geometry of his own making, then he will find the right postures for himself, tWA8MnTVvVM-00079-00054958-00055350 and invariably, it’ll be the same postures. tWA8MnTVvVM-00080-00055617-00056176 Sadhguru: There is an intrinsic intelligence and a competence here, right inside of you, tWA8MnTVvVM-00081-00056176-00056772 which can make an apple into a human being. If this has to blossom and find expression tWA8MnTVvVM-00082-00056772-00057402 in many different ways, it needs a conducive atmosphere. That is what is a consecrated space. tWA8MnTVvVM-00083-00057402-00057932 If you create consecrated space, if maximum number of people are constantly touched with tWA8MnTVvVM-00084-00057932-00058546 consecrated spaces, you would see human beings would blossom with a completely different tWA8MnTVvVM-00085-00058546-00059272 sense of wholeness, homogeneity and organic way of looking at life, above all tWA8MnTVvVM-00086-00059272-00060136 full-fledged human beings, not lopsided human beings. It must happen. tXMjsr5JOIy-00000-00000000-00000474 This video is sponsored by Squarespace. Hey everyone, Nico here. This is part two in my tXMjsr5JOIy-00001-00000474-00001008 series on capturing the Analemma. The analemma is the path that the sun takes through the sky tXMjsr5JOIy-00002-00001008-00001512 if you photograph it from the same location at the same time every day throughout a year tXMjsr5JOIy-00003-00001596-00002244 the bad news is my initial plan has failed completely and I am starting over but the tXMjsr5JOIy-00004-00002244-00002760 good news is I think my new plan is much better and has already been a lot of fun to work on and tXMjsr5JOIy-00005-00002760-00003318 we'll get into it in this video and if you didn't see part one let me explain that this series is tXMjsr5JOIy-00006-00003318-00003888 not my traditional tutorials where I'm going to be really testing my methods carefully before sharing tXMjsr5JOIy-00007-00003888-00004440 them to make sure they work instead this series is a little bit more off the cuff and exploring tXMjsr5JOIy-00008-00004440-00005034 all my trial and error as I attempt to capture the analemma over the course of a year or more tXMjsr5JOIy-00009-00005034-00005658 and I welcome your advice uh the first video I got tons of great advice it was about planning tXMjsr5JOIy-00010-00005658-00006234 and stellarium and I found out that stellarium actually has a scripting feature in the ephemeris tXMjsr5JOIy-00011-00006234-00006731 tab that allows one to plot the whole analemma in the sky which is much easier than the way I was tXMjsr5JOIy-00012-00006731-00007331 doing it so keep up the helpful comments because I'm going to need them for a project like this one tXMjsr5JOIy-00013-00007331-00007944 so let's start with what my first plan was and why I realized it just wouldn't work my first tXMjsr5JOIy-00014-00007944-00008622 plan was to install this tripod in my yard here and then whenever I wanted to take a picture for tXMjsr5JOIy-00015-00008622-00009336 my analemma project I would go out into the yard attach the camera to this fixed tripod tXMjsr5JOIy-00016-00009528-00010056 and take the photo and what I liked about this plan is it seemed very simple I didn't have to tXMjsr5JOIy-00017-00010056-00010650 tie up a camera for the whole year I could use it for other things but my idea for how to avoid the tXMjsr5JOIy-00018-00010650-00011130 image shifting issue was to stake the tripod to the ground well here in New Hampshire we tXMjsr5JOIy-00019-00011130-00011502 get a pretty serious winter which is why you see signs everywhere warning you about Frost tXMjsr5JOIy-00020-00011502-00012048 heaves and buildings need serious foundations that go below the frost line and even then they tXMjsr5JOIy-00021-00012048-00012552 still can shift over time so I'm not sure why I thought I could get this lightweight tripod to tXMjsr5JOIy-00022-00012552-00013247 stay perfectly stable all year on just the ground even with Stakes but I did pursue this idea for tXMjsr5JOIy-00023-00013247-00013830 a while trying to make it work and I just gave up I was too frustrated with all the snow The Frozen tXMjsr5JOIy-00024-00013830-00014502 Ground so the tripod idea is dead now I do plan to put in some concrete piers in the yard this summer tXMjsr5JOIy-00025-00014502-00015090 and build an observatory around them so one idea I had was I could just put in an extra peer just tXMjsr5JOIy-00026-00015090-00015797 for the analemma project and with a pier you avoid the shifting ground issue because you dig out a tXMjsr5JOIy-00027-00015797-00016308 huge deep hole you fill it with concrete and that makes this really solid base for the pier to go on tXMjsr5JOIy-00028-00016386-00017100 um but I didn't quite like that idea because it would mean using a pier just for this project tXMjsr5JOIy-00029-00017100-00017502 because I wouldn't want to be taking the camera off and on and all that so tXMjsr5JOIy-00030-00017556-00018192 um I then started thinking is there some place within my house where I could permanently set up tXMjsr5JOIy-00031-00018192-00018684 the camera like in a windowsill and capture the whole thing from indoors and unfortunately there tXMjsr5JOIy-00032-00018684-00019284 was no such window that had the right view but then I realized this side of my house does have a tXMjsr5JOIy-00033-00019284-00020064 good view for the analemma so I made a very simple Mount from scrap wood that I had lying around so I tXMjsr5JOIy-00034-00020064-00020754 could attach the camera to the side of the house securely and here it is and this was a very good tXMjsr5JOIy-00035-00020754-00021408 proof of concept and it actually works just fine but then I realized I have another problem I don't tXMjsr5JOIy-00036-00021408-00021918 actually want to take the photo the camera in and out of the house every day at 11AM or noon during tXMjsr5JOIy-00037-00021918-00022506 daylight time because the more that I thought about it I was like you know I'm pretty forgetful tXMjsr5JOIy-00038-00022506-00023064 I have meetings I have travel I'm probably going to miss lots of potential days to capture the Sun tXMjsr5JOIy-00039-00023064-00023598 and on the one hand that might be fine because with an animal you don't need to actually capture tXMjsr5JOIy-00040-00023598-00024324 the Sun every day as long as you can get like 20 to 30 days throughout the year with hopefully at tXMjsr5JOIy-00041-00024324-00024810 least a couple days in every month then you're going to be able to see clearly the shape of tXMjsr5JOIy-00042-00024810-00025350 the analemma in your final photo there's space of course for all the cloudy days and days where you tXMjsr5JOIy-00043-00025350-00025800 just couldn't capture the Sun but on the other hand I realized for me personally I think I'm tXMjsr5JOIy-00044-00025800-00026382 going to have a much higher chance of success with this if I automate The Taking of the photos so my tXMjsr5JOIy-00045-00026382-00026820 first idea was to use an intervalometer this is basically just a little trigger with a clock in tXMjsr5JOIy-00046-00026820-00027498 it that can tell the camera take one picture every day but the main issue with this was I'm not sure tXMjsr5JOIy-00047-00027498-00028002 if an intervalometer like this is going to be accurate enough to take a photo every 24 hours tXMjsr5JOIy-00048-00028002-00028560 down to like the seconds level because if you're off by even like 30 seconds the position of the tXMjsr5JOIy-00049-00028560-00029172 sun is wrong and I'm sort of a perfectionist so and then another thing is this runs on batteries tXMjsr5JOIy-00050-00029172-00029844 I'd rather run everything off AC so I kept thinking and when I was looking through all my tXMjsr5JOIy-00051-00029844-00030492 junk I found this old Raspberry Pi 3 it was just a tiny little single board computer it runs Linux tXMjsr5JOIy-00052-00030492-00031068 and for Linux there's a program called G photo 2 where you can automate The Taking of your photos tXMjsr5JOIy-00053-00031068-00031644 with a camera connected to your computer and then the computer can pull down accurate time from the tXMjsr5JOIy-00054-00031644-00032388 internet so I think this is going to work but I do need power to both the Raspberry Pi power for tXMjsr5JOIy-00055-00032388-00032850 the DSLR that's not going to be a problem because there's an AC outlet there I do want everything tXMjsr5JOIy-00056-00032850-00033504 mounted outside here and I want to leave it there all year protected from the elements so I need to tXMjsr5JOIy-00057-00033504-00034080 build some kind of enclosure for this and at this point you might think I'm nuts because tXMjsr5JOIy-00058-00034080-00034794 this is really getting more and more complex and one of my goals was to keep it simple so tXMjsr5JOIy-00059-00034794-00035280 but I think that in the end I think all this added level of complexity is going to be worth it tXMjsr5JOIy-00060-00035352-00035868 um I'm still finalizing how I want the enclosure to work because I want to protect all this stuff tXMjsr5JOIy-00061-00035868-00036444 from the elements but it also needs to open up so I can make adjustments or change out a cable tXMjsr5JOIy-00062-00036444-00036870 if something goes wrong so I'm still thinking that all through if you have some ideas about tXMjsr5JOIy-00063-00036870-00037338 an enclosure for this let me know probably just going to use scrap wood but who knows let me just tXMjsr5JOIy-00064-00037338-00037818 close this video with a rundown of the equipment that I've settled on for this project in the front tXMjsr5JOIy-00065-00037818-00038370 of the lens we have a handmade solar filter this is made from butter Astro solar film and tXMjsr5JOIy-00066-00038370-00038928 cardboard and tape and this is what I use to make all of my white light solar filters it's tXMjsr5JOIy-00067-00038928-00039612 inexpensive it works great with a lens this wide you actually can shoot without a filter so why am tXMjsr5JOIy-00068-00039612-00040050 I using one well if you shoot the sun directly without a filter you have to stop down it looks tXMjsr5JOIy-00069-00040050-00040572 like this from the diffraction pattern if you shoot it with the solar filter you just get tXMjsr5JOIy-00070-00040572-00041088 this perfect white disc of the Sun and everything else goes black which is actually exactly what we tXMjsr5JOIy-00071-00041088-00041532 want for an analemma because then we can take all of those photos composite them together tXMjsr5JOIy-00072-00041532-00042276 with one unfiltered photo of the scene and then we have our final year-long exposure now one tXMjsr5JOIy-00073-00042276-00042696 thing I haven't decided on with the filter is if I'll use this one that I've already made for the tXMjsr5JOIy-00074-00042696-00043176 lens or once I make the enclosure if I'm going to use some kind of bigger front filter here tXMjsr5JOIy-00075-00043332-00044034 for the lens I am using a Rokinon 24 millimeter F 1.4 it's a manual lens I think I'll just be tXMjsr5JOIy-00076-00044034-00044682 able to set Focus once and leave it for the whole project for the camera I am using a stock Canon 5D tXMjsr5JOIy-00077-00044682-00045246 Mark II which is a pretty old camera that doesn't have video so I got a very good deal on it I used tXMjsr5JOIy-00078-00045246-00045852 the camera is not super important but I think that for the lenses that I wanted to use or the lens I tXMjsr5JOIy-00079-00045852-00046386 did want to use this broken down 24 I wanted full frame if you were using a crop sensor you would tXMjsr5JOIy-00080-00046386-00046956 need a wider lens to capture the analoma like 12 or 14 millimeters okay in terms of accessories I tXMjsr5JOIy-00081-00046956-00047664 have a dummy battery here for the Canon DSLR so it can run off an outlet I have I'm going to have a tXMjsr5JOIy-00082-00047664-00048234 USB cable going from the camera to this which is the Raspberry Pi model 3 you really can do this tXMjsr5JOIy-00083-00048234-00049056 with any small computer you know that can run a program to act as a trigger for your camera and tXMjsr5JOIy-00084-00049056-00049632 that's it I'm I'm still not quite underway but I'm getting very close here and again I welcome tXMjsr5JOIy-00085-00049632-00050208 all comments critiques suggestions I think my next video in the series is going to be an update on tXMjsr5JOIy-00086-00050208-00050814 the enclosure idea and hopefully first light with this project uh before I go I want to tell you a tXMjsr5JOIy-00087-00050814-00051288 little bit about today's sponsor Squarespace Squarespace is the all-in-one platform for tXMjsr5JOIy-00088-00051288-00051882 Designing and hosting a beautiful website or portfolio I've been using it for tXMjsr5JOIy-00089-00051882-00052446 for a little while now and it's been great I was shocked by how fast I could put something together tXMjsr5JOIy-00090-00052446-00052920 with their professional templates I just chose one I thought looked good dropped in my photos tXMjsr5JOIy-00091-00052920-00053484 into different categories that I got to pick of course and Squarespace handled the rest everything tXMjsr5JOIy-00092-00053484-00054120 you know when I was designing this website was a what you see is what you get tool so it's truly tXMjsr5JOIy-00093-00054120-00054654 a real-time preview with no coding necessary and I think this would be a great choice if you want tXMjsr5JOIy-00094-00054654-00055278 to have a nice professional space of your own to share your astrophotography with your own tXMjsr5JOIy-00095-00055278-00055866 domain name so if you're interested head over to nebula photos to start your tXMjsr5JOIy-00096-00055866-00056388 free trial and if you like it you can get 10 off your first purchase with the code nebula photos tYaqjCmwjLc-00000-00000378-00000488 swoosh tYaqjCmwjLc-00001-00000488-00000647 music tYaqjCmwjLc-00002-00000647-00000800 move tYaqjCmwjLc-00003-00000827-00000925 ready tYaqjCmwjLc-00004-00000943-00001122 weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tYaqjCmwjLc-00005-00001122-00001322 uh tYaqjCmwjLc-00006-00001361-00001411 fin tZxsq_R7lak-00000-00000006-00000513 Every year I make a trip with my friends to Utah to the desert to go rock tZxsq_R7lak-00001-00000513-00001832 climbing and it's a lot of fun but this year I wanted to bring the desert to you tZxsq_R7lak-00002-00001832-00002426 in the most literal way that I possibly could see there are tons of cacti in the tZxsq_R7lak-00003-00002426-00003329 desert as you can see here mm-hmm and I figured what if I could give the tZxsq_R7lak-00004-00003329-00003876 internet a cactus and so I did that there's a cactus in my house and I've tZxsq_R7lak-00005-00003876-00004182 polled the internet and you guys said let's name it: tZxsq_R7lak-00006-00004182-00004710 Sir Stabbington. Now it is your cactus which means that you have to take care tZxsq_R7lak-00007-00004710-00005328 of it, I am NOT gonna water it and yeah they live in the desert but they still tZxsq_R7lak-00008-00005328-00005766 need water all plants do. so I really think this is the most ridiculous tZxsq_R7lak-00009-00005766-00006269 contraption I've ever built. What it is, is a water bottle with a hose in it and tZxsq_R7lak-00010-00006269-00006936 so water goes through this tube that's acting as a siphon goes down into this tZxsq_R7lak-00011-00006936-00007659 valve, and that valve is controlled by micro controller here which is asking tZxsq_R7lak-00012-00007659-00008097 the internet what the subscriber number on my youtube channel is, and every time tZxsq_R7lak-00013-00008097-00008621 that subscriber number goes up - like we can witness here on my second account - a tZxsq_R7lak-00014-00008621-00009174 single drop of water should fall out of that valve into the bucket that Sir tZxsq_R7lak-00015-00009174-00009836 Stabbington is in. So anyone with a gmail account has a YouTube account and can press tZxsq_R7lak-00016-00009836-00010410 subscribe and let a single drop of water fall into Sir Stabbington's bucket so you tZxsq_R7lak-00017-00010410-00011007 can water Sir Stabbington. Now it only happens when the total number of tZxsq_R7lak-00018-00011007-00011445 subscriber goes up above the maximum so if you click subscribe and unsubscribe tZxsq_R7lak-00019-00011445-00011907 and subscribe and unsubscribe you'll still only have water the thing once but tZxsq_R7lak-00020-00011907-00012606 just so you know. Now hopefully we can keep the cactus alive, I'm honestly not tZxsq_R7lak-00021-00012606-00013088 sure we'll find out it's a big experiment. Lastly while I'm thinking tZxsq_R7lak-00022-00013088-00013562 about it the bell icon if you click that and every tZxsq_R7lak-00023-00013562-00014022 time I release a new video you will get notified. I'm gonna be live-streaming tZxsq_R7lak-00024-00014022-00014415 the cactus as frequently as possible so check for a link in the description to tZxsq_R7lak-00025-00014415-00014940 actually watch yourself water the cactus. I also want to say that it was windy in tZxsq_R7lak-00026-00014940-00015354 the desert, so windy that the actual windscreen on my microphone blew away so tZxsq_R7lak-00027-00015354-00015768 I apologize for the wind sounds. Back to Utah! tZxsq_R7lak-00028-00015768-00016409 The desert here gets 0.6 millimeters of rain a day on average over the year by tZxsq_R7lak-00029-00016409-00017175 this what does that actually look like well last year on my channel overall? On tZxsq_R7lak-00030-00017175-00017582 average for the whole year we got 3 subscribers every day now tZxsq_R7lak-00031-00017582-00018029 that's a lot and I mean I'm pumped about that but then this year things got have tZxsq_R7lak-00032-00018029-00018329 been crazy I've had 30 subscribers every day on tZxsq_R7lak-00033-00018329-00019115 average so before I say anything else like thanks man you guys are amazing I tZxsq_R7lak-00034-00019115-00019701 mean I love your comments I feel like I've learned a lot it seems like you tZxsq_R7lak-00035-00019701-00020337 guys learning things about science I've been loving it and you know this channel tZxsq_R7lak-00036-00020337-00020873 wouldn't be here without you guys so thank you now 30 subscribers a day is 30 tZxsq_R7lak-00037-00020873-00021684 drops of water a day but still that's about half as much water as the cactus tZxsq_R7lak-00038-00021684-00022244 would get if it was out here in the desert cuz I mean a drop of water is a tZxsq_R7lak-00039-00022244-00022800 tiny tiny amount of water so what my channel does have 10 times the subscribe tZxsq_R7lak-00040-00022800-00023135 rate it did last year it still has about half the subscriber tZxsq_R7lak-00041-00023135-00023732 rate I think it would need to survive and stay alive at least it has half the tZxsq_R7lak-00042-00023732-00024273 amount of water that it would get if it were here in the desert which is tZxsq_R7lak-00043-00024273-00025209 probably what it needs now I'm not gonna give it any water but I will add soil to tZxsq_R7lak-00044-00025209-00025776 it if somehow the subscriber rate jumps high enough so don't worry about over tZxsq_R7lak-00045-00025776-00026177 watering the cactus I'm gonna take care of it but I'm not gonna water it that's tZxsq_R7lak-00046-00026177-00026625 all you guys now if you're wondering: why would I subscribe to this channel tZxsq_R7lak-00047-00026625-00027009 with this weird guy in the desert talking about his cactus it's your tZxsq_R7lak-00048-00027009-00027702 cactus apparently? Well I make videos about science because it's what I'm most tZxsq_R7lak-00049-00027702-00028137 passionate about because I think it can change the way that you see the world it tZxsq_R7lak-00050-00028137-00028762 certainly has for me every month I'm making crazy metaphor or experiment tZxsq_R7lak-00051-00028762-00029212 videos so so far this year I set up 13,799 dominoes tZxsq_R7lak-00052-00029212-00029499 as a timeline for the universe's tZxsq_R7lak-00053-00029499-00029715 history which I narrated tZxsq_R7lak-00054-00029715-00030183 as they fell - at least I tried my best to... the force that holds it together is tZxsq_R7lak-00055-00030183-00030995 gravity which I can also demonstrate. I built a digital camera for another video tZxsq_R7lak-00056-00030995-00031737 starting with a penny and I evolved it just as the I might have evolved okay tZxsq_R7lak-00057-00031737-00032334 this year I plan to measure the earth with just my bicycle and two sticks tZxsq_R7lak-00058-00032334-00032850 trying to see how big it is and if I can measure that accurately I also plan to tZxsq_R7lak-00059-00032850-00033596 lock myself in an airtight room for three days with just a bunch of plants tZxsq_R7lak-00060-00033596-00034405 and see if they can produce the oxygen that I need to breathe that's fine I've tZxsq_R7lak-00061-00034405-00035112 got many more things in I really want you guys to be involved in this channel tZxsq_R7lak-00062-00035112-00035571 as much as possible and this is the year I mean it's the year I'm trying to give tZxsq_R7lak-00063-00035571-00036033 this a shot for real and it's the year that stabbington tZxsq_R7lak-00064-00036033-00036516 either lives or dies but I also want to know what you guys want out of this tZxsq_R7lak-00065-00036516-00036856 channel I mean if there's some specific thing that you think would be cool for tZxsq_R7lak-00066-00036856-00037474 me to do I am all ears so please leave a comment in the description if you think tZxsq_R7lak-00067-00037474-00037918 that you would like to see this stuff or if you just want to help keep a little tZxsq_R7lak-00068-00037918-00038397 cactus alive please subscribe make sure to check out the link in the description tZxsq_R7lak-00069-00038397-00038944 so that you can actually watch yourself water Sir Stabbington and thanks so much tZxsq_R7lak-00070-00038944-00039438 for everything up till now I mean like this channel has grown immensely I get tZxsq_R7lak-00071-00039438-00039828 comments from you guys all the time it's super encouraging and thank you tZxsq_R7lak-00072-00039828-00040221 for everything and thanks for watching tZFo3gRRCcu-00000-00000032-00000456 The frustrating part about our old processes was: it treats humans tZFo3gRRCcu-00001-00000456-00000704 like computers it treats computers like humans tZFo3gRRCcu-00002-00001440-00001952 we're expected to put all this stuff together compiled and then we send it tZFo3gRRCcu-00003-00001952-00002504 out goes out someone puts some numbers in it comes back and then we're compiling again why tZFo3gRRCcu-00004-00002504-00003048 do i have to do this for getting instantaneous consolidation essentially it was repetitive, tZFo3gRRCcu-00005-00003136-00003888 mundane work I was leveraging one of the smartest people on our teams and their job was literally tZFo3gRRCcu-00006-00003888-00004560 putting stuff together compiling not analyzing so the data drudgery itself is frustrating it is tZFo3gRRCcu-00007-00004560-00005088 important but it is not value-added guess what who's better at compiling numbers the computer tZFo3gRRCcu-00008-00005160-00005776 right hi I'm Khaled Chowdhury director for global data analytics at CMC Materials when we rolled out tZFo3gRRCcu-00009-00005776-00006456 Acterys we were about a half a billion dollar revenue company with global positions in Europe tZFo3gRRCcu-00010-00006456-00007328 Asia and North America funny enough my background is actually in FP&A and Excel i was your regular tZFo3gRRCcu-00011-00007328-00007816 person running budgets and forecasts with excel and got tired of it and we were looking for a tZFo3gRRCcu-00012-00007816-00008576 better way as we started this journey there were the old guards the way i would call it the BPC tZFo3gRRCcu-00013-00008576-00009376 Hyperions of the world so we did look into it and i was disappointed they are the pioneers tZFo3gRRCcu-00014-00009440-00010168 but their technologies and the complications is stuck 15 years ago you need an army of technology tZFo3gRRCcu-00015-00010168-00010704 technological debt that comes with it i was one of the early adopter when it comes to power bi and i tZFo3gRRCcu-00016-00010704-00011240 was like okay if i could find something that fits in that that realm that would be great i started tZFo3gRRCcu-00017-00011240-00011920 looking at okay who is the new up and coming one and i met Acterys at the Microsoft Summit tZFo3gRRCcu-00018-00011920-00012744 in 2017 and specifically the reason i like actors is because it's modular it uses best of tZFo3gRRCcu-00019-00012744-00013224 breed technology they obviously have their secret sauce that makes a right back and the budgeting tZFo3gRRCcu-00020-00013224-00013904 and forecasting possible at the same time it uses SQL Server one of the best database technologies tZFo3gRRCcu-00021-00013904-00014447 it uses power bi one of the best data modeling technologies with visualizations and whatnot tZFo3gRRCcu-00022-00014447-00014912 and it uses it natively so we can leverage hence we could leverage internal tZFo3gRRCcu-00023-00014912-00015472 knowledge to build it out it uses modular technologies that are extremely affordable tZFo3gRRCcu-00024-00015472-00016144 but on the flip side it's also scalable meaning the limitation is your imagination tZFo3gRRCcu-00025-00016424-00017040 the product development has been amazing I mean I have found them very responsive to the point that tZFo3gRRCcu-00026-00017040-00017800 we have demanded specific features and they were delivered to us in the matter of weeks not months tZFo3gRRCcu-00027-00017800-00018488 the good part about these technologies that these are built for low code and no and it gets easier tZFo3gRRCcu-00028-00018488-00019056 by the day is this for everyone not really if you could not pass the Excel test you are not going to tZFo3gRRCcu-00029-00019056-00019784 pass this test either however guess what is the prerequisite to be an FP&A person you got to be tZFo3gRRCcu-00030-00019784-00020264 good at Excel so you have to have you have to have data skills and the key part that you tZFo3gRRCcu-00031-00020264-00021064 bring to the table is curious mind and willing to learn in the world of covet and black swans tZFo3gRRCcu-00032-00021152-00021640 you have to be able to throw out your model and build a new one to respond to the market correctly tZFo3gRRCcu-00033-00021640-00022328 and i think that's why these tools are amazing is because you can respond to change in second tZFo3gRRCcu-00034-00022328-00022944 not weeks first step of progress is elimination you have to be able to deliver what you deliver tZFo3gRRCcu-00035-00022944-00023584 today faster and simpler for you to be able to take the next step forward we did that brilliantly tZFo3gRRCcu-00036-00023584-00024176 our budgeting and forecasting time decreased significantly so we started later meant we were tZFo3gRRCcu-00037-00024176-00024816 closer to our deadline and we were able to accept changes much later into the progress right the tZFo3gRRCcu-00038-00024816-00025552 time spent on greater drudgery was pretty close to zero effort to move beyond excel and manual tasks tZFo3gRRCcu-00039-00025552-00026295 for finance and FP&A it led to significant value for the company and today I am running a data tZFo3gRRCcu-00040-00026295-00026936 analytics program for the entire company as i started going on this journey of situational tZFo3gRRCcu-00041-00026936-00027552 awareness i just saw this wave coming and uh instead of digging my head into the sand I tZFo3gRRCcu-00042-00027552-00028056 decided to be part of the weight a good friend of mine always says you can't get good fast and cheap tZFo3gRRCcu-00043-00028056-00028752 you got to pick too the technology has shifted so far that you do get good fast and cheap this is tZFo3gRRCcu-00044-00028752-00029583 extremely rewarding to create significant value for the company you can say I am a happy camper tczUrjH6TIU-00000-00000000-00000362 Chinese on the wooden horse comes to Polish companies this year tczUrjH6TIU-00001-00000362-00000817 in other words, on Jan. 31, the Chinese enter the year of Wood Horse tczUrjH6TIU-00002-00000817-00001107 in the West 10% of Heathrow is Chinese tczUrjH6TIU-00003-00001107-00001258 one-fifth of Energias de Portugal tczUrjH6TIU-00004-00001258-00001527 many pizzerias in Milan or bistros in Paris tczUrjH6TIU-00005-00001527-00001648 it is arriving to Poland tczUrjH6TIU-00006-00001648-00002182 the Chinese government gave $ 10 billion for affordable credits of Central and Eastern Europe businesses tczUrjH6TIU-00007-00002182-00002598 hence, what does the Chinese investment mean to a small/medium Polish company? tczUrjH6TIU-00008-00002598-00002749 let's make a quick SWOT tczUrjH6TIU-00009-00002749-00003044 our strengths are: post-communist experience tczUrjH6TIU-00010-00003044-00003234 investing in people tczUrjH6TIU-00011-00003234-00003629 and ability to combine professional and private life tczUrjH6TIU-00012-00003629-00003743 or rather mixing these two areas tczUrjH6TIU-00013-00003743-00004119 our weakness is the short perspective of planning tczUrjH6TIU-00014-00004119-00004302 risk avoidance tczUrjH6TIU-00015-00004302-00004534 and individualism tczUrjH6TIU-00016-00004534-00004969 the opportunity: injection of capital for our businesses tczUrjH6TIU-00017-00004969-00005103 hope to enter new markets tczUrjH6TIU-00018-00005103-00005551 an alternative to the dominance of the U.S. and Western Europe on our market tczUrjH6TIU-00019-00005551-00005990 there are some threats, as most of the Chinese money is state money tczUrjH6TIU-00020-00005990-00006218 that is, the communist superpower tczUrjH6TIU-00021-00006218-00006550 dependence on such country is a threat to us tczUrjH6TIU-00022-00006550-00007137 and, of course, culture shock, another way of functioning is also a problem tczUrjH6TIU-00023-00007137-00007685 in other words, it is worth carefully and cautiously look at what goes in Chinese wooden horse tczUrjH6TIU-00024-00007685-00007871 but at the same time see this as a hope tczUrjH6TIU-00025-00007871-00008270 I wish you much success in the Chinese year of the Wood Horse! tfXIDBRAiMo-00000-00000573-00000950 THIS MONTH, THE NAVY CELEBRATES THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF MILITARY WOMEN. tfXIDBRAiMo-00001-00000950-00001220 IN 1908, WOMEN SERVED IN THE NAVY AS NURSES. tfXIDBRAiMo-00002-00001220-00001519 YEOMANETTES PROVIDED CLERICAL SUPPORT DURING WORLD WAR I. tfXIDBRAiMo-00003-00001519-00002093 IN 1942, CONGRESS ESTABLISHED THE NAVY'S WOMEN'S RESERVE PROGRAM, OR WAVES. tfXIDBRAiMo-00004-00002093-00002417 WOMEN WERE AUTHORIZED TO ENTER THE REGULAR NAVY IN 1948. tfXIDBRAiMo-00005-00002417-00002833 IN THE EARLY 1960's, NON-COMBATANT SHIPS WERE OPENED TO WOMEN. tfXIDBRAiMo-00006-00002833-00003351 IN 1993, WOMEN GOT CLOSER TO THE ACTION, WHEN CONGRESS REPEALED THE COMBAT EXCLUSION LAW, tfXIDBRAiMo-00007-00003351-00003842 WHICH ALLOWED THE WOMEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE ONBOARD ALL SURFACE SHIPS AND SQUADRONS. tfXIDBRAiMo-00008-00003842-00004309 TODAY, WOMEN SERVE SIDE-BY-SIDE WITH THEIR MALE COUNTERPARTS IN PEACE TIME AND COMBAT tfXIDBRAiMo-00009-00004309-00004519 AS SAILORS AND SHIPMATES. tfXIDBRAiMo-00010-00004519-00004861 FOR DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER JYMYAKA BRADEN. tggHxZXncT4-00000-00010648-00011384 do tggHxZXncT4-00001-00013536-00014184 seven hours later tggHxZXncT4-00002-00014824-00015584 do tggHxZXncT4-00003-00016224-00016984 do tggHxZXncT4-00004-00020256-00021184 two hours later tggHxZXncT4-00005-00021816-00022584 do tggHxZXncT4-00006-00024528-00025384 do tggHxZXncT4-00007-00026024-00026783 do tggHxZXncT4-00008-00027264-00028183 do tggHxZXncT4-00009-00028800-00029583 do tggHxZXncT4-00010-00034176-00034184 you tg-oyi3ppI4-00000-00000000-00000458 I was debating on making this video about sexual predators in 12-step tg-oyi3ppI4-00001-00000458-00001104 programs but I was inspired by the metoo movement as well as the new how will I tg-oyi3ppI4-00002-00001104-00001673 change movement and all I could do is speak my truth so stick around because tg-oyi3ppI4-00003-00001673-00002118 this is something that we need to talk about what's up everybody this is Chris tg-oyi3ppI4-00004-00002118-00002613 from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but we focus on the tg-oyi3ppI4-00005-00002613-00003336 solution and yes sexual predators in 12-step programs are a big problem but tg-oyi3ppI4-00006-00003336-00003717 we're gonna talk about that problem and then we're gonna dive into the solution tg-oyi3ppI4-00007-00003717-00004248 I have to start this video out with a big fat disclaimer because I need to let tg-oyi3ppI4-00008-00004248-00004767 you know that 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics tg-oyi3ppI4-00009-00004767-00005367 Anonymous saved my life and I wouldn't change it for the world and the best way tg-oyi3ppI4-00010-00005367-00005862 that I can put this into words is by reading this quote from the a a big book tg-oyi3ppI4-00011-00005862-00006387 which states we miss the reality and the beauty of the forest because we were tg-oyi3ppI4-00012-00006387-00006984 diverted by the ugliness of some of its trees so yes there are some sexual tg-oyi3ppI4-00013-00006984-00007575 predators in 12-step programs but the programs as a whole are amazing and they tg-oyi3ppI4-00014-00007575-00008061 can save your life it's just I need to warn you because I'm the type of guy tg-oyi3ppI4-00015-00008061-00008499 where I'm not gonna sit here and sugarcoat it and say that every meeting tg-oyi3ppI4-00016-00008499-00008952 that you go to is just filled with amazing people because the reality is tg-oyi3ppI4-00017-00008952-00009339 there's some scumbags in there too so hopefully by the end of this video I'll tg-oyi3ppI4-00018-00009339-00009693 be able to provide you with some solutions that can help you whether tg-oyi3ppI4-00019-00009693-00010059 you're a woman or a guy who just really needs to get his act together tg-oyi3ppI4-00020-00010059-00010638 so what I was seeing this how will I change hashtag and thinking about what I tg-oyi3ppI4-00021-00010638-00011147 could do because I I do a lot already and this is something that I've always tg-oyi3ppI4-00022-00011147-00011628 seen and thought about but I haven't really spoken up about it and I'm gonna tg-oyi3ppI4-00023-00011628-00012149 share with you a few stories for my friends who are women in the program and tg-oyi3ppI4-00024-00012149-00012720 this first one is what comes to mind when I think about this so one of my tg-oyi3ppI4-00025-00012720-00013088 friends who I actually used to party with and she saw me tg-oyi3ppI4-00026-00013088-00013731 worse she ended up getting three duis here in Las Vegas which resulted in her tg-oyi3ppI4-00027-00013731-00014172 going to jail for I believe about six months one day when I was driving home tg-oyi3ppI4-00028-00014172-00014658 from work I saw her walking across the street and I pulled over I was like hey tg-oyi3ppI4-00029-00014658-00014997 do you want me to give you a ride and she told me she was on her way to a tg-oyi3ppI4-00030-00014997-00015698 local club we have here in Las Vegas not that kind of Club an AAA Club and this tg-oyi3ppI4-00031-00015698-00016176 this place it's huge they have three or four meeting rooms it's a hangout spot tg-oyi3ppI4-00032-00016176-00016626 they got a coffee bar they got like pool tables and video games and like people tg-oyi3ppI4-00033-00016626-00017043 just go there and hang out so I was like cool I could use a meeting like I'll tg-oyi3ppI4-00034-00017043-00017556 give you a ride and I'll hang out for the meeting and we get there and as soon tg-oyi3ppI4-00035-00017556-00018339 as we go outside hanging out and having a smoke all these guys one by one just tg-oyi3ppI4-00036-00018339-00018837 keep coming up to her and just saying like oh you're new here oh hey my name's tg-oyi3ppI4-00037-00018837-00019287 Sarah and so this is my name here's my number if you ever need help in your tg-oyi3ppI4-00038-00019287-00019767 early recovery please get ahold of me and I'm sitting there and I'm like are tg-oyi3ppI4-00039-00019767-00020307 you kidding me right now now I want to make it clear people are very friendly tg-oyi3ppI4-00040-00020307-00020801 when you're first coming into the program but it was very clear that they tg-oyi3ppI4-00041-00020801-00021264 were preying on her because she was a brand-new vulnerable woman coming into tg-oyi3ppI4-00042-00021264-00021792 the program how do I know this because not one of these men said hi to me and tg-oyi3ppI4-00043-00021792-00022293 this is a meeting that I never go to so I was not a familiar face for all they tg-oyi3ppI4-00044-00022293-00022712 knew I could have been my first day clean and they would have had no idea tg-oyi3ppI4-00045-00022712-00023322 because they focus all their attention on her and this is such a scummy thing tg-oyi3ppI4-00046-00023322-00023697 to do preying on women who are just getting tg-oyi3ppI4-00047-00023697-00024273 sober in their most vulnerable state and speaking of a vulnerable state I have to tg-oyi3ppI4-00048-00024273-00024942 share this next story what if my now friends moved out to Las Vegas in order tg-oyi3ppI4-00049-00024942-00025382 to get clean and sober and when she got here there was some mix-up with the tg-oyi3ppI4-00050-00025382-00025835 sober living she was moving into and thank God for the women in the program tg-oyi3ppI4-00051-00025835-00026331 who helped her out during this time but this young woman had lost tg-oyi3ppI4-00052-00026331-00026664 connections with her family they didn't want anything to do with her or anything tg-oyi3ppI4-00053-00026664-00027193 like that so when she first got here to Las Vegas she went into a meeting and tg-oyi3ppI4-00054-00027193-00027741 she shared in that meeting just a complete wreck about how she doesn't tg-oyi3ppI4-00055-00027741-00028119 have any family she doesn't have anything and she's basically homeless tg-oyi3ppI4-00056-00028119-00028803 after that meeting a man walked up to her and he said a girl as pretty as you tg-oyi3ppI4-00057-00028803-00029397 should never have to be homeless like are you kidding me right now tg-oyi3ppI4-00058-00029397-00029916 those of you who are in the program and have ever been to a meeting you know how tg-oyi3ppI4-00059-00029916-00030274 hard it is to even open up and get vulnerable and share in front of people tg-oyi3ppI4-00060-00030274-00030777 and this guy found that that was the right opportunity for him to go over tg-oyi3ppI4-00061-00030777-00031312 there and hit on her in while she's in this completely vulnerable state like tg-oyi3ppI4-00062-00031312-00031933 this is the kind of stuff that just enrages me lastly I have to share this tg-oyi3ppI4-00063-00031933-00032452 story with you as well and it actually happens to be with the same young woman tg-oyi3ppI4-00064-00032452-00033150 who was just in the last scenario I shared about we always say don't date in tg-oyi3ppI4-00065-00033150-00033759 early recovery and the list of reasons why is endless and I will make videos tg-oyi3ppI4-00066-00033759-00034353 more about that for both men and women but one of the main reasons is because tg-oyi3ppI4-00067-00034353-00034800 there are some very scummy people in the program and those of you who are clean tg-oyi3ppI4-00068-00034800-00035386 and sober you know when we first get clean and all our drugs or alcohol tg-oyi3ppI4-00069-00035386-00035859 whatever it was was our life that's what we were connected to once you take those tg-oyi3ppI4-00070-00035859-00036150 away we're immediately drawn to people we tg-oyi3ppI4-00071-00036150-00036690 need to fill that void with something and my friend she was going to meetings tg-oyi3ppI4-00072-00036690-00037305 and there was this guy in there and he was these are her words he was mr. AAA tg-oyi3ppI4-00073-00037305-00037837 every meeting he was sharing he was saying very inspirational things and he tg-oyi3ppI4-00074-00037837-00038287 looked like the guy when it comes to Alcoholics Anonymous tg-oyi3ppI4-00075-00038287-00038620 this guy had two or three years under his tg-oyi3ppI4-00076-00038620-00039139 and when he started showing her attention obviously she was willing you tg-oyi3ppI4-00077-00039139-00039541 know good-looking god she's new in recovery this guy clearly has his stuff tg-oyi3ppI4-00078-00039541-00039877 together but if you've been around meetings long enough you know that tg-oyi3ppI4-00079-00039877-00040240 there's a big difference between being able attack the talk in the meetings and tg-oyi3ppI4-00080-00040240-00040855 rock the rock outside of the meetings so he ends up asking her out and they start tg-oyi3ppI4-00081-00040855-00041371 dating and she thinks this has to be a good idea because just look at the way tg-oyi3ppI4-00082-00041371-00041947 he shares in meetings he must be a good guy he must have his act together but tg-oyi3ppI4-00083-00041947-00042640 that was not the case this guy had very bad intentions he ended up breaking her tg-oyi3ppI4-00084-00042640-00043090 heart which almost led to her relapse but thank God she was in a sober living tg-oyi3ppI4-00085-00043090-00043756 with women who were there to support her and then this guy went on to hook up tg-oyi3ppI4-00086-00043756-00044200 with multiple other women in the program and she found out that that was this tg-oyi3ppI4-00087-00044200-00044989 guy's game he finds new women in the program to show off to date um hook up tg-oyi3ppI4-00088-00044989-00045517 with them and then kick them to the curb and this infuriates me see personally tg-oyi3ppI4-00089-00045517-00046087 for me like I'm not innocent when it comes to never being a scumbag to women tg-oyi3ppI4-00090-00046087-00046762 but when I got sober I raised the bar for myself some people they say okay tg-oyi3ppI4-00091-00046762-00047200 just getting clean that's what I'm setting my bar but as I started working tg-oyi3ppI4-00092-00047200-00047767 this program I realized that I was a dirtbag in all aspects of my life and I tg-oyi3ppI4-00093-00047767-00048217 didn't want to have to hurt women anymore let alone my family my son my tg-oyi3ppI4-00094-00048217-00048568 friends and all these other people but there are so many people in the program tg-oyi3ppI4-00095-00048568-00049105 where their bar is at the bare minimum of just getting clean and they still use tg-oyi3ppI4-00096-00049105-00049738 abuse manipulate women take advantage of them and this brings me back to the next tg-oyi3ppI4-00097-00049738-00050368 quote from the a a big book selfishness self-centeredness that we think is the tg-oyi3ppI4-00098-00050368-00050848 root of our troubles driven by a hundred forms of fear self delusion tg-oyi3ppI4-00099-00050848-00051316 self seeking and self-pity we step on the toes of our fellows and they tg-oyi3ppI4-00100-00051316-00051828 retaliate that's right when we get clean when we get sober we tg-oyi3ppI4-00101-00051828-00052278 have to learn how to be weird of selfishness and I don't know about you tg-oyi3ppI4-00102-00052278-00052885 but I literally cannot think of anything more selfish than putting your own tg-oyi3ppI4-00103-00052885-00053577 libido ahead of the priority of somebody else's sobriety that is probably the tg-oyi3ppI4-00104-00053577-00054102 most selfish thing that one of us can do to another human being in the program tg-oyi3ppI4-00105-00054102-00054555 some of you know exactly when I'm talking about if you've been around the tg-oyi3ppI4-00106-00054555-00055080 program long enough how many people have you seen relapse because of a tg-oyi3ppI4-00107-00055080-00055806 relationship any respectable man in the program would know how vulnerable women tg-oyi3ppI4-00108-00055806-00056367 in the program all when they first get there this is completely different than tg-oyi3ppI4-00109-00056367-00056970 the outside world like men try to justify this by saying she liked me she tg-oyi3ppI4-00110-00056970-00057555 wanted to date me it was consensual and I hate I absolutely hate to use this tg-oyi3ppI4-00111-00057555-00058469 analogy but to me it's as disgusting as being a pedophile even if a young person tg-oyi3ppI4-00112-00058469-00059013 consented to these acts they are not mentally develop enough to make these tg-oyi3ppI4-00113-00059013-00059493 types of conscious decisions so using that as some type of scapegoat for your tg-oyi3ppI4-00114-00059493-00060192 own terrible malicious behavior is absolutely disgusting to me people tg-oyi3ppI4-00115-00060192-00060642 coming into this program are completely broken and they are looking they are tg-oyi3ppI4-00116-00060642-00061179 reaching for anything to clutch on - and let me play it out for you real simple tg-oyi3ppI4-00117-00061179-00061758 you are not what they need to cling on to they need to work on their own tg-oyi3ppI4-00118-00061758-00062410 self-esteem their own self-worth their own self-love these are the things that tg-oyi3ppI4-00119-00062410-00062974 should be their priority and if you gave a damn about their recovery if you were tg-oyi3ppI4-00120-00062974-00063633 properly working this program you would let them heal before you tried any type tg-oyi3ppI4-00121-00063633-00064049 of a relationship with the women just getting clean in the program tg-oyi3ppI4-00122-00064049-00064613 but now it's time to talk about the solutions so first this message is for tg-oyi3ppI4-00123-00064613-00065132 you if you are a man who falls into any of the categories that I just talked tg-oyi3ppI4-00124-00065132-00065648 about you need to get better quit being a scumbag because you are being a tg-oyi3ppI4-00125-00065648-00066155 garbage human being and you are being a disgrace to these 12-step programs that tg-oyi3ppI4-00126-00066155-00066635 are meant to save people's lives so cut it out but the fact that there tg-oyi3ppI4-00127-00066635-00067232 are billions of people on this planet and you know your vision down to the tg-oyi3ppI4-00128-00067232-00067883 newcomer is repulsive and I have to apologize because in my other video that tg-oyi3ppI4-00129-00067883-00068219 I'm gonna link up here the info card wall is giving tips about dating in tg-oyi3ppI4-00130-00068219-00068819 recovery I made a joke about this about not dating newcomers but this is a real tg-oyi3ppI4-00131-00068819-00069410 actual issue don't do it okay people are hanging on by a thread when they first tg-oyi3ppI4-00132-00069410-00069983 get clean and it is extremely selfish of you to put that at jeopardy just because tg-oyi3ppI4-00133-00069983-00070409 you think that they are cute remember this we practice these principles in all tg-oyi3ppI4-00134-00070409-00070991 our affairs that means even when it comes to our relationships and our own tg-oyi3ppI4-00135-00070991-00071669 need to be in relationships scratch that not need but what the second solution is tg-oyi3ppI4-00136-00071669-00072233 pointed at you ladies stick with the women I hate to say this like I hate tg-oyi3ppI4-00137-00072233-00072905 having to learn women about scummy guys out there I hate having to do that but tg-oyi3ppI4-00138-00072905-00073367 this is one of the reasons why we say women stick with the women and men stick tg-oyi3ppI4-00139-00073367-00073739 with the men because there are just far too many people out there who are not tg-oyi3ppI4-00140-00073739-00074162 working this program properly and there are being sexual predators tg-oyi3ppI4-00141-00074162-00074660 so women stick with the women found that female support group learn to love tg-oyi3ppI4-00142-00074660-00075108 yourself you don't mean any guy in early recovery to help you tg-oyi3ppI4-00143-00075108-00075591 with your sobriety you can heal and you can get better and you have women to tg-oyi3ppI4-00144-00075591-00076191 fall back on gay and women's meetings a common excuse that I hear all the time tg-oyi3ppI4-00145-00076191-00076689 from women in early recovery is but I don't like women I get along with men tg-oyi3ppI4-00146-00076689-00077262 better I get it I'm the same way I get along with women better than men but I tg-oyi3ppI4-00147-00077262-00077783 need to tell you this right now get over it you got to get over it because I tg-oyi3ppI4-00148-00077783-00078233 cannot tell you how many women I've met who an early recovery said I don't get tg-oyi3ppI4-00149-00078233-00078729 along with women and now that they have a year two years multiple years of tg-oyi3ppI4-00150-00078729-00079131 sobriety or they can talk about is how they found women who they could rely on tg-oyi3ppI4-00151-00079131-00079599 and recovery and now they stick with their women so just remember that you tg-oyi3ppI4-00152-00079599-00080118 got to give it a chance not only just to avoid potential sexual predators in the tg-oyi3ppI4-00153-00080118-00080664 program but to learn how to feel empowered as a woman and I know as a man tg-oyi3ppI4-00154-00080664-00081102 I'm not a great person to talk about this but I'm letting you know what I've tg-oyi3ppI4-00155-00081102-00081495 seen from my experience dealing with women who are in recovery so just tg-oyi3ppI4-00156-00081495-00081954 remember we are a program that is meant to save lives and we need to start tg-oyi3ppI4-00157-00081954-00082295 talking about these people who are making the program as a whole tg-oyi3ppI4-00158-00082295-00082830 look terrible because people are not coming in because of matters like this tg-oyi3ppI4-00159-00082830-00083397 and it has to change here's the question of the day what is your me to story tg-oyi3ppI4-00160-00083397-00083910 about sexual predators in 12-step programs leave them in the comments tg-oyi3ppI4-00161-00083910-00084252 below because the more you share the more we can open up a dialogue about tg-oyi3ppI4-00162-00084252-00084780 this and potentially find even more solutions again for you men out there be tg-oyi3ppI4-00163-00084780-00085224 better but if you like this video be sure to give it a thumbs up if you have tg-oyi3ppI4-00164-00085224-00085682 any suggestions on future topics please leave them in the comments below if tg-oyi3ppI4-00165-00085682-00086106 you're new here I'm always doing videos about addiction about mental health I'm tg-oyi3ppI4-00166-00086106-00086463 providing solutions to help you with your recovery as well as your mental tg-oyi3ppI4-00167-00086463-00086760 health so make sure you hit the little brown subscribe button right below this tg-oyi3ppI4-00168-00086760-00087177 box over to the side of me you'll see some other thumbnails click and tap on tg-oyi3ppI4-00169-00087177-00087491 them to check out other video on this channel thanks for watching I'll tg-oyi3ppI4-00170-00087491-00087775 see you next time tiig6Vn6DeU-00000-00000703-00001001 I heard that you Password guessed a old roblox account and stole it. tiig6Vn6DeU-00001-00001001-00001247 Well then, You will have consequences! tixBb_TyRdA-00000-00000096-00000776 hello and welcome to a return to teaching here and there discussions on hybrid teaching tixBb_TyRdA-00001-00000776-00001655 this is a presentation for the 2022 apt conference from the teaching here in their podcast crew i'm tixBb_TyRdA-00002-00001655-00002192 dom pates i'm a senior educational technologist at city university of london i'm james rutherford tixBb_TyRdA-00003-00002192-00002880 also at city university of london i'm ivan sikora associate professor in aviation at university of tixBb_TyRdA-00004-00002880-00003584 west london and we're going to talk to you today about teaching here and there which is a podcast tixBb_TyRdA-00005-00003584-00004304 that we started at last year's apt conference in 2021 and it's a podcast about the emerging tixBb_TyRdA-00006-00004304-00005032 practice of hybrid teaching in higher education by which we mean in room online at the same time tixBb_TyRdA-00007-00005168-00006136 james thank you um how it works is quite simple we're embracing um using zoom we tixBb_TyRdA-00008-00006136-00006672 record our conversation we can see each other we just use the audio obviously being a podcast tixBb_TyRdA-00009-00006784-00007384 then edit it in garageband some of us are mac users so we use garageband to put that tixBb_TyRdA-00010-00007384-00008144 together we then do an upload to anchor fm and that is a really useful tool because you can tixBb_TyRdA-00011-00008144-00008792 also add information about podcast and we've set that up so it's syndicated uh published tixBb_TyRdA-00012-00008792-00009376 to other podcast platforms like apple podcast spotify google overcast and and others tixBb_TyRdA-00013-00009536-00010256 ivan would you like to tell us where we have had guests from so far well uh as i said tixBb_TyRdA-00014-00010256-00010888 learning through the accents that we have had in our uh podcast so far we see the wide tixBb_TyRdA-00015-00010888-00011456 global spread of the guests if we want to start from where we are now so basically neighborhood tixBb_TyRdA-00016-00011456-00012120 of uh ireland then we have people and we had people from uh mainland europe uh reaching out tixBb_TyRdA-00017-00012120-00012768 to other continents africa australia north america and i'm wishing that we are actually going to have tixBb_TyRdA-00018-00012768-00013408 someone from other parts of the world after you have seen our presentation that'll be good tixBb_TyRdA-00019-00013512-00014208 what about our listeners james uh how have we uh how's the podcast been received so far yes a vast tixBb_TyRdA-00020-00014208-00014784 majority of people listening on apple podcasts and if you uh dig down into the analytics you can see tixBb_TyRdA-00021-00014784-00015328 a lot of people listen to it on an iphone which is interesting um the great news is that we've had tixBb_TyRdA-00022-00015328-00016112 over a thousand plays to date and uh the spread uh naturally um vast majority of people in the uk tixBb_TyRdA-00023-00016112-00016840 but quite a few people in the us australia canada germany ireland netherlands and france so we're tixBb_TyRdA-00024-00016840-00017264 really pleased with that and that's um after 10 months i think we've been going haven't we tixBb_TyRdA-00025-00017440-00018072 it'll be uh it'll be a full year by the time we uh we we hit apt 2022. tixBb_TyRdA-00026-00018144-00018968 so let's have a look back at the episodes that we've done so far we're we're up to uh series two tixBb_TyRdA-00027-00019048-00019968 and we've completed a total of 12 episodes here with a couple of separate with a pilot and special tixBb_TyRdA-00028-00019968-00020912 in there as well let me turn first to uh ivan then james i'll then give my reflections as well ivan tixBb_TyRdA-00029-00020912-00021648 tell us some of the things that you've picked up or learnt or come to realize tixBb_TyRdA-00030-00021648-00022256 about hybrid teaching from our podcast series so far thank you thank you dominic well as i tixBb_TyRdA-00031-00022256-00022752 said all the time i'm surprised each and every time when i listened to episode after we have tixBb_TyRdA-00032-00022752-00023344 published it because it is giving new impressions and new perspectives for me as a practitioner tixBb_TyRdA-00033-00023440-00024144 starting from the early episodes where we just started the podcast uh feeling the the area of uh tixBb_TyRdA-00034-00024144-00024736 hybrid teaching we immersed ourselves almost immediately in the episode one and two together tixBb_TyRdA-00035-00024736-00025176 with the practitioners who are really very proficient so peter and people from city tixBb_TyRdA-00036-00025176-00025704 university of london have been talking to us about how it is to reach out to people to make tixBb_TyRdA-00037-00025704-00026232 equal opportunity to touch the right buttons and the soft spots of people to learn the best tixBb_TyRdA-00038-00026344-00026895 i remember episode 3 with people from university of west london and saint andrews where we had tixBb_TyRdA-00039-00026895-00027488 younger practitioners talking to us so basically showing how they pivoted regardless of the tixBb_TyRdA-00040-00027488-00028048 fact that they're probably more close to the technology at the particular moment but still tixBb_TyRdA-00041-00028048-00028600 learning a lot moving forward in the episodes they have been a mix of the partition of the tixBb_TyRdA-00042-00028656-00029639 participants mix of the accents and all the time for me it was always the the closeness tixBb_TyRdA-00043-00029639-00030264 of the hybrid teaching to the aviation where the human factor learning about new etiquette learning tixBb_TyRdA-00044-00030264-00030968 about uh how to behave and how to deliver in the most efficient way uh pens nicely to the aviation tixBb_TyRdA-00045-00030968-00031624 where we actually use the technology in a proper way to get the lucky outcome landing once we tixBb_TyRdA-00046-00031624-00032272 started our flight and that would be most more or less what i've learned from the episodes i'm still tixBb_TyRdA-00047-00032272-00032856 bracing and looking forward for the new content to come but how about you james what did you find tixBb_TyRdA-00048-00032856-00033672 useful in all these episodes thank you yvonne yes there's an awful lot to reflect on um but tixBb_TyRdA-00049-00033672-00034520 for the purposes of this presentation now to apt i would say two things one is the student voice tixBb_TyRdA-00050-00034520-00035336 the student voice needs to be heard uh practically and pedagogically um we've always thought about tixBb_TyRdA-00051-00035336-00036192 inclusivity and trying to improve the equity of the hybrid learning experience and that includes tixBb_TyRdA-00052-00036192-00036624 the importance of microphones in the room so that people online can hear the students in room tixBb_TyRdA-00053-00036624-00037208 and vice versa that's really really important for engagement and for students to be able to interact tixBb_TyRdA-00054-00037336-00038080 another key reflection i i guess it's about what we've accomplished i mean the collaboration across tixBb_TyRdA-00055-00038144-00038808 different stakeholders at our university uh this happened in the states i was at a conference last tixBb_TyRdA-00056-00038808-00039480 week in belgium medium learning conference and there was such a consensus of challenges tixBb_TyRdA-00057-00039560-00040344 experiences aspirations but i think everyone would agree that it's been tough but higher education tixBb_TyRdA-00058-00040344-00041176 has stood up to the task and and evolved uh in such a short space of time but into a potentially tixBb_TyRdA-00059-00041176-00041744 very positive uh outlook and one of our guests talked about re-privileging the classroom tixBb_TyRdA-00060-00041832-00042632 um how it should be centered um and that actually one other final highlight just to finish was when tixBb_TyRdA-00061-00042632-00043344 we did teaching here and there live from a hybrid teaching room at city um i got a few other tip tixBb_TyRdA-00062-00043344-00043960 bits that uh i can pick out that uh i was quite interested in as well uh uh one of our guests tixBb_TyRdA-00063-00043960-00044592 in episode three described himself as an analog teacher before the pandemic it's interesting how tixBb_TyRdA-00064-00044592-00045248 that episode has sort of accelerated the uh uptake of the sort of digitization of teaching tixBb_TyRdA-00065-00045248-00045984 so much more uh another guest in episode four brought out the entangled pedagogy model which tixBb_TyRdA-00066-00045984-00046488 was quite an interesting one where it's not technology first or pedagogy first but they tixBb_TyRdA-00067-00046544-00047216 intertwine with each other and they're sort of permanently intertangled it's episode six tixBb_TyRdA-00068-00047216-00047784 was very interesting to hear some thoughts about the importance of having a difficult conversation tixBb_TyRdA-00069-00047864-00048384 and to be okay of accepting a failure you know in many ways we're trying something big tixBb_TyRdA-00070-00048384-00048872 new different difficult and challenging in many ways and we have to recognize tixBb_TyRdA-00071-00048872-00049592 that that is the case episode eight we had the point that um hybrid teaching by its very nature tixBb_TyRdA-00072-00049592-00050168 hopefully uh if done well is more inclusive and more equitable in terms of accessibility tixBb_TyRdA-00073-00050168-00050920 which is a an interesting angle to to take on this i thought um but uh the the nice idea to sort of tixBb_TyRdA-00074-00050976-00051944 loop that around to episode 10 as well um uh mark from uh dublin city university told us that uh um tixBb_TyRdA-00075-00051944-00052760 tv didn't kill the radio uh as a as a medium it just sort of uh evolved and developed more tixBb_TyRdA-00076-00052760-00053352 mediums so in in the same way hybrid classrooms won't kill the class from themselves it'll just tixBb_TyRdA-00077-00053352-00053928 evolve classrooms yeah and we had peter you know from australia that actually introduced i think tixBb_TyRdA-00078-00053928-00054432 television to education long long time ago in the olden times if you remember tixBb_TyRdA-00079-00054528-00055136 so that's a brief summary of what teaching here and there has brought to us so far as you can see tixBb_TyRdA-00080-00055136-00055776 on the screen there are three key ways to contact us if you contact us through anchor dot fm slash tixBb_TyRdA-00081-00055776-00056376 teaching here and there you can leave us an audio message you can find us on twitter at that hybrid tixBb_TyRdA-00082-00056376-00057079 pod and you can email us to appear in a future episode or tell us what you like about the podcast tixBb_TyRdA-00083-00057079-00057840 at teaching here in their podcast but before we go the important thing is is that in tixBb_TyRdA-00084-00057840-00058512 this conference today we're going to be asking something of you and that is your voice in a tixBb_TyRdA-00085-00058512-00059479 future episode but to find out about that you'll need to be in the room thank you tjyCCTNmN3I-00000-00000000-00000219 Hello and welcome to the course. tjyCCTNmN3I-00001-00000220-00000953 My name is Dr. Rich Schultz. I'm, the Associate Dean for Online Education here at North Park University. tjyCCTNmN3I-00002-00000957-00001423 I'd like to welcome you to this course and offer my gratitude to you for taking the time tjyCCTNmN3I-00003-00001423-00001926 and effort to develop an online or hybrid course for your students. tjyCCTNmN3I-00004-00001926-00002483 Online learning is of utmost importance to us here in the Center for Online Education. tjyCCTNmN3I-00005-00002483-00003211 To that end, I’d like to share a bit about the Center, who we are and what we do to provide support. tjyCCTNmN3I-00006-00003211-00003811 The Center is composed of three full-time staff members, one part-time staff member, tjyCCTNmN3I-00007-00003830-00004980 and seasonal student workers. The primary contacts you will have during this course are our instructional design expert, Dr. Marcelene Cunningham, as well as an assigned tjyCCTNmN3I-00008-00004980-00005467 peer mentor, who will support you in your efforts in developing the design aspects of tjyCCTNmN3I-00009-00005467-00006012 your online or hybrid course. We have intentionally designed this course as an tjyCCTNmN3I-00010-00006012-00006498 academically rigorous experience that is aligned with the Quality Matters course design tjyCCTNmN3I-00011-00006498-00007155 rubric. As you may know, Quality Matters is an internationally recognized organization tjyCCTNmN3I-00012-00007155-00007665 centered on the design of quality online and hybrid courses and having hundreds of tjyCCTNmN3I-00013-00007665-00008258 U.S. schools of higher learning as their subscribers. North Park University tjyCCTNmN3I-00014-00008259-00008895 has been a member of Quality Matters since 2011 and we have used the QM rubric tjyCCTNmN3I-00015-00008895-00009551 as a means of peer review since that time. The course you are in is designed to help tjyCCTNmN3I-00016-00009552-00010179 you meet the established design standards of the QM rubric at the 85% level. Quality tjyCCTNmN3I-00017-00010179-00010928 Matters considers the 85% level as “passing” and any course which meets or exceeds tjyCCTNmN3I-00018-00010928-00011613 85% upon review is considered to have “passed” and will receive the QM seal of tjyCCTNmN3I-00019-00011613-00012349 approval. Our emphasis and the focal point of the QM rubric is course design, not tjyCCTNmN3I-00020-00012362-00012976 content. Therefore, it is often helpful to have a content or subject matter expert involved tjyCCTNmN3I-00021-00012976-00013773 in the design process, although that is not mandatory, so please consider including a subject matter tjyCCTNmN3I-00022-00013773-00014333 expert as you develop your hybrid or online course with us in the future. tjyCCTNmN3I-00023-00014334-00014924 In this course, it is of critical importance that you adhere to the deadlines that are set forth. tjyCCTNmN3I-00024-00014924-00015467 Meeting these deadlines promotes progress and insures that your course will not only tjyCCTNmN3I-00025-00015467-00015983 be reviewed by our QM peer reviewers in a timely fashion, but also that you can offer tjyCCTNmN3I-00026-00015985-00016701 your course with the QM seal of approval when it is time to launch your course. It is the tjyCCTNmN3I-00027-00016702-00017419 goal of North Park as an institution to offer quality hybrid and online courses as course tjyCCTNmN3I-00028-00017419-00018097 design and development process are overseen by the Center. This is the basis for our tjyCCTNmN3I-00029-00018097-00018650 quality control by way of the Quality Matters course design peer review process. If you tjyCCTNmN3I-00030-00018651-00019111 feel you will not be able to make a deadline in this course with one or more of your tjyCCTNmN3I-00031-00019112-00019625 assigned activities, please inform your peer mentor and/or Dr. Cunningham as the tjyCCTNmN3I-00032-00019625-00020173 course instructor. That way, an extension can be provided to you and a plan for future tjyCCTNmN3I-00033-00020173-00020843 scheduling can be created. We thank you for making sure deadlines are adhered to and tjyCCTNmN3I-00034-00020846-00021320 that communication is forthright. We want this process to go smoothly for you and to tjyCCTNmN3I-00035-00021321-00022032 insure that you are paid for your course development activities in a timely fashion as per tjyCCTNmN3I-00036-00022032-00022620 your contract. To expand further on the process, the course you are enrolled in to tjyCCTNmN3I-00037-00022620-00023210 develop your online or hybrid course will last approximately seven weeks in duration. When all tjyCCTNmN3I-00038-00023210-00023734 assignments have been completed and a minimum score has been achieved, your tjyCCTNmN3I-00039-00023735-00024330 course, as developed in the learning management system (LMS), goes immediately to tjyCCTNmN3I-00040-00024330-00024967 our QM peer review teams. An incomplete course cannot be scored as it will not tjyCCTNmN3I-00041-00024967-00025529 accumulate enough points to receive a “passing” score on the QM rubric without all tjyCCTNmN3I-00042-00025529-00026206 elements being present. A total of three weeks is then dedicated to the QM review tjyCCTNmN3I-00043-00026206-00026785 process (composed of a QM review member, a subject matter expert as available and a tjyCCTNmN3I-00044-00026785-00027509 Master Reviewer, who chairs the review team) at which time, recommendations from tjyCCTNmN3I-00045-00027511-00028067 the QM review team will be presented to you as the course developer, in order to address these comments. tjyCCTNmN3I-00046-00028068-00029333 It is not perfection nor 100% as courses need attention, but our goal is a passing score on the scoring rubric of 85% or higher. tjyCCTNmN3I-00047-00029336-00030299 Again, we are not looking for perfection nor 100%, as courses need attention and time to grow and develop with experience. tjyCCTNmN3I-00048-00030302-00030618 Once the recommendations from the QM reviewers are addressed to the tjyCCTNmN3I-00049-00030618-00031267 level that the course design scores 85% or higher on the QM rubric, it then is tjyCCTNmN3I-00050-00031267-00031914 considered “passed” and at that time receives the QM seal. The course can then be officially tjyCCTNmN3I-00051-00031914-00032553 offered. While it may seem to be a rather long and complex road to develop a hybrid or tjyCCTNmN3I-00052-00032553-00033032 online course, it is of utmost importance that we do so for the sake of the North Park tjyCCTNmN3I-00053-00033032-00033494 students and provide them with a deep, rich, learning experience. As was once said, tjyCCTNmN3I-00054-00033496-00034141 “good things take time.” Be patient and work with us collaboratively in the Center to assist in building tjyCCTNmN3I-00055-00034143-00034800 the design aspect of your course. It is worth the effort for our students’ learning. tjyCCTNmN3I-00056-00034800-00035315 The Center for Online Education (COE) pays you a stipend for the development of your tjyCCTNmN3I-00057-00035315-00035897 hybrid or online course and you have signed a contract to insure that your stipend is tjyCCTNmN3I-00058-00035897-00036440 paid upon the course passing the 85% level on the QM rubric. Again, the goal is to tjyCCTNmN3I-00059-00036442-00037021 insure this process goes smoothly. I might add that there are other opportunities for tjyCCTNmN3I-00060-00037021-00037653 those interested in working with the Center. We will also pay the cost of any Quality tjyCCTNmN3I-00061-00037657-00038166 Matters workshops or courses offered and the cost for you, as a faculty member or tjyCCTNmN3I-00062-00038167-00038917 subject matter expert to become a QM peer reviewer. That entails completion of two tjyCCTNmN3I-00063-00038917-00039348 online courses through Quality Matters, which can be completed in approximately tjyCCTNmN3I-00064-00039348-00039744 five weeks' time. Once you become a QM peer reviewer, which we highly tjyCCTNmN3I-00065-00039744-00040250 encourage, you can then be involved in the peer review process of other hybrid and tjyCCTNmN3I-00066-00040250-00041042 online courses here at North Park University and will receive a stipend for each course that you review. Our goal is to reach tjyCCTNmN3I-00067-00041042-00041651 the level of some of our competitor institutions who have QM peer reviewers from each tjyCCTNmN3I-00068-00041651-00042220 school or department and subject matter experts from each school. We look forward to tjyCCTNmN3I-00069-00042220-00042712 having more QM peer reviewers from more schools and departments here at North tjyCCTNmN3I-00070-00042712-00043191 Park. Lastly, I would like to emphasize that while online learning is something we have a tjyCCTNmN3I-00071-00043191-00043700 passion for here in the Center, it is the North Park students who are the overall focal tjyCCTNmN3I-00072-00043700-00044308 point of our efforts. We exist as a Center to support you in the design phase of your course tjyCCTNmN3I-00073-00044308-00044772 development but purposefully concentrate on the effort to provide a great learning tjyCCTNmN3I-00074-00044772-00045449 experience for North Park students. They are the center of what we do and who we are. tjyCCTNmN3I-00075-00045449-00045962 The bottom line is that we are here for you and we are here for your students, so please tjyCCTNmN3I-00076-00045962-00046576 seek out our support here in the Center. We look forward to working with you to develop the best possible hybrid tjyCCTNmN3I-00077-00046576-00047360 and online learning experiences for students. Thank you again for being in this course. tjyCCTNmN3I-00078-00047600-00047900 Subtitles by the community tmGIERjKZcY-00000-00000172-00000437 Meena Geet u1IrDMqS2ou-00000-00000592-00001128 good morning how are you doing this is our first video and i u1IrDMqS2ou-00001-00001128-00001664 would like to introduce myself a little bit my name is pat the founder of MyOrgaFresh u1IrDMqS2ou-00002-00001768-00002136 all the video we will come out to share with you guys is all about u1IrDMqS2ou-00003-00002136-00002736 organic farming and the tips on how to be the homegrown or even doing as a commercial as well u1IrDMqS2ou-00004-00002792-00003615 so today we will start with our first video with how to harvesting the cucumber seed so u1IrDMqS2ou-00005-00003679-00004296 first of all we need to know when we'll be ready to harvesting the cucumber seed the cucumber that u1IrDMqS2ou-00006-00004296-00005192 is old enough normally either the plants they are already dying stage so that is will be certainty u1IrDMqS2ou-00007-00005192-00006320 of the fruit is ready or if the plant is still okay but the fruit starts cracking you know the u1IrDMqS2ou-00008-00006320-00007184 surface it starts cracking means that it's also okay let's see today how many fruit we can collect u1IrDMqS2ou-00009-00008560-00009016 all right i think there's a little bit more but this is what we gonna show you for today u1IrDMqS2ou-00010-00009016-00009984 so let's follow me u1IrDMqS2ou-00011-00010080-00010888 okay so first what you need to do is that you don't need to even wash it u1IrDMqS2ou-00012-00010888-00011952 you just slice it open until not so deep maybe about 1cm because you don't want to spoil the seed u1IrDMqS2ou-00013-00012048-00012847 or cut through the fruit it will push up a little bit have it easily and then you should u1IrDMqS2ou-00014-00013047-00013904 cut it open like that this way every seeds will be collected and it not spoil we don't want to waste u1IrDMqS2ou-00015-00013904-00015584 the seeds okay use the spoon to scratch out all the seeds from the fruit okay so i do it one more u1IrDMqS2ou-00016-00016416-00016984 so we will keep on doing this for the rest of the fruit u1IrDMqS2ou-00017-00018976-00019520 this is a little bit more you can use your finger also at least you can feel where u1IrDMqS2ou-00018-00019520-00019784 is the seeds all right u1IrDMqS2ou-00019-00020264-00020480 remember that one seed is one plant u1IrDMqS2ou-00020-00020632-00021408 and in one family even just the two plants of this cucumber is enough to u1IrDMqS2ou-00021-00021408-00022584 provide sufficient for the one whole family supply so you collect it carefully every seed u1IrDMqS2ou-00022-00027872-00028183 last one u1IrDMqS2ou-00023-00028927-00029583 wow that's a lot u1IrDMqS2ou-00024-00031120-00031600 okay first step is successful so the next step is that we are gonna wash this u1IrDMqS2ou-00025-00031736-00032568 until it's very clean by using this netting so what we're gonna do is we just washing it u1IrDMqS2ou-00026-00032816-00033152 check out this is the center part of the fruit you don't want it u1IrDMqS2ou-00027-00033352-00033784 yeah there's a seat there check out all these u1IrDMqS2ou-00028-00035320-00036584 and just wash it keep on washing it until all the seeds are totally clean u1IrDMqS2ou-00029-00039088-00039592 okay guys this is the seed that's already been washed and just now i just change the water u1IrDMqS2ou-00030-00039592-00040136 so now the next step we're gonna do is that we're gonna put all this the seed inside the u1IrDMqS2ou-00031-00040424-00041216 water to check whether all is it uh fit to to grow or not so as you can see u1IrDMqS2ou-00032-00041216-00041560 there is a certain seed that is floating here is mean there are u1IrDMqS2ou-00033-00041616-00042296 nothing inside and this seed even though you grow it won't come out the cucumber u1IrDMqS2ou-00034-00042368-00043584 for you so all this is cannot be used to grow what i'm gonna do is that i gonna take all this out u1IrDMqS2ou-00035-00045528-00045936 okay this is the part that we're gonna throw it away cannot be used u1IrDMqS2ou-00036-00045936-00046784 and Wahlah look at this whatever is sinking down here this is a seat that is fit for planting so u1IrDMqS2ou-00037-00046784-00047360 what we're gonna do is that we're gonna remove the water out and from there we're gonna dry it u1IrDMqS2ou-00038-00047552-00047736 next i will just place all this seed u1IrDMqS2ou-00039-00047960-00048680 to dry but first i just are using the paper to place to my container first u1IrDMqS2ou-00040-00048760-00049264 this way the seed will not just stick into the container and u1IrDMqS2ou-00041-00049520-00050048 when you stick to the container difficult to take out you might use the force to really put to take u1IrDMqS2ou-00042-00050048-00050680 it out and that also a chance for you to damage the seed so you don't want to do that to prevent u1IrDMqS2ou-00043-00050680-00051376 to do that you're just using this paper any kind of paper even the serviette, tissue paper you know u1IrDMqS2ou-00044-00051376-00052024 that you can find newspaper also it's fine it just doesn't look pretty but it serves the same purpose u1IrDMqS2ou-00045-00052024-00052608 so i'm gonna put all of this inside here and spread out a little bit u1IrDMqS2ou-00046-00053304-00054184 okay and this paper that i'm using the seed will not be stick on this even though it's already dry u1IrDMqS2ou-00047-00054312-00054552 but it will stick to each other if it's u1IrDMqS2ou-00048-00054688-00055088 too big of the bundle here you need to spread it around a little bit u1IrDMqS2ou-00049-00055760-00056288 in case that you use a different kind of paper and it's stick so what you should do keep it u1IrDMqS2ou-00050-00056288-00057248 together with the paper you know when you want to grow your cucumber you just need to cut the area u1IrDMqS2ou-00051-00057248-00057888 like this area you cut out and you have already here you know seven plants here you just cut out u1IrDMqS2ou-00052-00057888-00058448 this area only if you use other type of the paper definitely the chance to stick is there u1IrDMqS2ou-00053-00058448-00059520 but most of the seed it will drop off from the paper so you can keep it that way too okay guys u1IrDMqS2ou-00054-00059520-00060096 in addition just now we also having this for our soup u1IrDMqS2ou-00055-00060096-00060896 it's gonna be a very good texture for my today thai style chicken rice and my kids gonna love it u1IrDMqS2ou-00056-00060896-00061448 and we're gonna show you about the thai chicken rice nope because this is purely about the garden u1IrDMqS2ou-00057-00061448-00062112 we are not doing any cooking but i just want to tell you that actually every part of the gardening u1IrDMqS2ou-00058-00062112-00062679 work is very fruitful and it's a it's a very happy event allow me to show you this is what u1IrDMqS2ou-00059-00062679-00063336 i did um yesterday just one fruit of the cucumber and when it dry you can see that u1IrDMqS2ou-00060-00063336-00063976 yeah it doesn't stick to the paper at all all right and this seed is good to go so you u1IrDMqS2ou-00061-00063976-00064448 can just keep this one in the container and then preserve it in your chiller u1IrDMqS2ou-00062-00064448-00065344 and that also it will make it last for a year we will leave it like this for a day and after u1IrDMqS2ou-00063-00065344-00066312 that you you don't want to over sun it because the seed the temperature too high or too dry u1IrDMqS2ou-00064-00066312-00066768 also affected the percentage of growth so it's only a day it's advisable u1IrDMqS2ou-00065-00066768-00067456 and after that when you see if there is a full sun is fine you just keep in a container u1IrDMqS2ou-00066-00067456-00067976 and put it in the shoulder this way it can even make the seat last for a year u1IrDMqS2ou-00067-00068048-00068608 and that also will save you a lot of trouble to go shopping and getting and looking for the right u1IrDMqS2ou-00068-00068736-00068968 seed to grow in your garden all right u1IrDMqS2ou-00069-00068968-00069320 thank you for today and that's it for today u1IrDMqS2ou-00070-00069392-00069728 follow us and the good tips like this will be available all the time u1IrDMqS2ou-00071-00069840-00070584 throughout we will have a many variety of the vegetables and also the herbs tips on growing u1IrDMqS2ou-00072-00070640-00071056 preserving taking care on all purely organic matter u4nYI-cWjtc-00000-00000060-00000130 Hello u4nYI-cWjtc-00001-00000180-00000460 To change the name of your company u4nYI-cWjtc-00002-00000510-00000670 Click "Edit" u4nYI-cWjtc-00003-00000920-00001090 Choose the new name u4nYI-cWjtc-00004-00001180-00001350 And click on "Save" u4nYI-cWjtc-00005-00001540-00001820 Ready, his change was made u4nYI-cWjtc-00006-00001880-00002030 Well, this is ... u4nYI-cWjtc-00007-00002080-00002180 Thank you! u7yDFQNftRg-00000-00000387-00000870 In this video we're gonna be talking about the Sennheiser AVX handheld u7yDFQNftRg-00001-00000870-00001318 microphone. Hi Taylor here at Financial Potion where video is your financial u7yDFQNftRg-00002-00001318-00001620 potion to never miss out on a video please make sure you subscribe to our u7yDFQNftRg-00003-00001620-00001977 channel and click on that bell so you're notified when a new video is uploaded u7yDFQNftRg-00004-00001977-00002362 also if you want one-to-one training about video marketing or producing u7yDFQNftRg-00005-00002362-00002839 videos please click above and connect with us on our patreon page. So this is u7yDFQNftRg-00006-00002839-00003303 the Sennheiser AVX handheld microphone you can actually get a set that comes u7yDFQNftRg-00007-00003303-00003619 with a lapel mic which I'm currently wearing and then it also comes u7yDFQNftRg-00008-00003619-00004069 with this handheld mic. Something to keep in mind it only has one receiver with u7yDFQNftRg-00009-00004069-00004585 this particular pack and so right now I'm utilizing the lapel and so the lapel u7yDFQNftRg-00010-00004585-00004989 and that receiver are communicating. When we want to start using this handheld u7yDFQNftRg-00011-00004989-00005494 which we will in a moment we have to then switch the paired function of the u7yDFQNftRg-00012-00005494-00006060 receivers so you can't use your handheld microphone and your lapel at the same u7yDFQNftRg-00013-00006060-00006459 time you're going to have to choose which one you're going to use per set u7yDFQNftRg-00014-00006459-00007029 that you get. So to turn on this you'll see that there is a tiny little button u7yDFQNftRg-00015-00007029-00007515 that you actually got to push up so you'd go ahead and push it up and then u7yDFQNftRg-00016-00007515-00008022 you can see that it's red so that's red it means it's on however is not paired u7yDFQNftRg-00017-00008022-00008524 yet. You can see here there's a little screen and in this screen it'll actually u7yDFQNftRg-00018-00008524-00009000 tell you that it's not linked so if the red button did not warn you enough it'll u7yDFQNftRg-00019-00009000-00009445 even tell you right there that it is not linked and then you can see a little u7yDFQNftRg-00020-00009445-00009996 battery bar so right now I see that there are four lines typically there are u7yDFQNftRg-00021-00009996-00010575 five lines I want to say anywho when this sucker is fully charged it can u7yDFQNftRg-00022-00010575-00010963 actually last up to 18 hours so that is pretty cool. u7yDFQNftRg-00023-00010963-00011571 In order to get the batteries out I'm just gonna turn it off first you push u7yDFQNftRg-00024-00011571-00012109 down on both sides as you see there's little pieces I don't know buttons push u7yDFQNftRg-00025-00012109-00012610 down and then it comes out so that's the battery that will last you for 18 hours u7yDFQNftRg-00026-00012610-00013120 or so so pop it back in we're going to turn it back on. u7yDFQNftRg-00027-00013120-00013722 So once again push up the button and now we're going to pair so you can see below u7yDFQNftRg-00028-00013722-00014216 that there's a pair button we're about to press that on both this handheld mic u7yDFQNftRg-00029-00014216-00014643 and the receiver so that way you can hear firsthand how this microphone u7yDFQNftRg-00030-00014643-00014912 sounds. u7yDFQNftRg-00031-00015259-00015916 There it is so you may have seen that was blinking between red and green when u7yDFQNftRg-00032-00015916-00016319 it's blinking it's like in that come find me mode you're trying to u7yDFQNftRg-00033-00016319-00016951 communicate back and forth and so once it is that solid green then you know u7yDFQNftRg-00034-00016951-00017240 that you're fully paired and so as you can hear this is a really decent u7yDFQNftRg-00035-00017240-00017698 microphone and we actually used this at a private event recently it was at a u7yDFQNftRg-00036-00017698-00018122 restaurant very very noisy even though it was a private event you know there u7yDFQNftRg-00037-00018122-00018451 still cling clanging of the kitchen and things of that sort u7yDFQNftRg-00038-00018451-00018812 so it was still pretty on the noisy side however the microphone did a really u7yDFQNftRg-00039-00018812-00019214 really good job just capturing the stories and the interviews of the people u7yDFQNftRg-00040-00019214-00019537 that were at this particular dinner and so this is a really really good u7yDFQNftRg-00041-00019537-00020000 microphone to use I don't always advise having a handheld mic on set just u7yDFQNftRg-00042-00020000-00020528 because it really needs to be a time and a place where you use it however you u7yDFQNftRg-00043-00020528-00020873 know having a handheld microphone that's quality like this that's going to last u7yDFQNftRg-00044-00020873-00021422 you hours can be very beneficial if you're trying to do a studio setup where u7yDFQNftRg-00045-00021422-00021754 it looks like there's a person interviewing other people or if it's u7yDFQNftRg-00046-00021754-00022181 kind of a running gun situation where people are wearing fancy dresses you u7yDFQNftRg-00047-00022181-00022634 don't necessarily have time to put a lapel mic on them and you just want to u7yDFQNftRg-00048-00022634-00022937 get a few words from them this is something really simple that you can u7yDFQNftRg-00049-00022937-00023237 either hold it up to in their mouth or you can hand it to them. u7yDFQNftRg-00050-00023237-00023623 I also found there was a lot of people who didn't understand how to use a u7yDFQNftRg-00051-00023623-00024053 handheld mic and would just be talking like this and so forth and as you can u7yDFQNftRg-00052-00024053-00024473 hear it's still capturing the audio granted it's not as good as when someone u7yDFQNftRg-00053-00024473-00024895 has their mouth closer to the microphone as you should with a handheld it'll u7yDFQNftRg-00054-00024895-00025397 still do the job though as you can see as you can hear and so this is a really u7yDFQNftRg-00055-00025397-00025775 great handheld mic if you're someone looking for a handheld microphone. I u7yDFQNftRg-00056-00025775-00026318 would really advise the Sennheiser AVX system mostly for the lapel which we did u7yDFQNftRg-00057-00026318-00026822 do a review on that but this handheld is a nice plus as well because when you u7yDFQNftRg-00058-00026822-00027257 need a handheld mic it's one that you want to have with you. So if you have any u7yDFQNftRg-00059-00027257-00027634 questions or comments please leave them in the comment section below and until u7yDFQNftRg-00060-00027634-00028218 next week stay engaging! u8s03-I8crQ-00000-00000000-00000050 tech news urtJPvbfpGA-00000-00001113-00001660 Hey Rosen, I just installed enabled wireless access on one of my younger robots and you urtJPvbfpGA-00001-00001660-00002140 know how it is, it seems like a good idea to connect to random access points because urtJPvbfpGA-00002-00002140-00002899 viruses only hit bad robots. Long story short, despite programming it to always monitor downloads urtJPvbfpGA-00003-00002899-00003525 and make safe connections, I think my robot may have contracted E-AIDS. Anything you can urtJPvbfpGA-00004-00003525-00004040 do to help? - Junior Research Assistant Dr. Gravity urtJPvbfpGA-00005-00004040-00004674 Here's my advice: Tell your robot to get itself defragmented and to inform all the data ports urtJPvbfpGA-00006-00004674-00005048 it may have interfaced with over the last month to get themselves scanned. It's the urtJPvbfpGA-00007-00005048-00005471 responsible thing to do. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00008-00005471-00006090 Do EMPs work on those damn kids skateboarding on my street? If so, can we use one? -Research urtJPvbfpGA-00009-00006090-00006190 Assistant Reject urtJPvbfpGA-00010-00006190-00007059 EMPs only nail electronic stuff. Unless those teens are androids, that wouldn't work. I urtJPvbfpGA-00011-00007059-00007568 would recommend using an actual magnet, a large one, and have it target the screws holding urtJPvbfpGA-00012-00007568-00008123 their wheels together, or however those deathtraps work. I'll refer you to engineering for any urtJPvbfpGA-00013-00008123-00008536 help you need getting that set up. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00014-00008536-00008910 Do EMPs work on jail guards? -Research Assistant Reject urtJPvbfpGA-00015-00008910-00009711 Rosen, do me a favor and re-enable my status. Pat was a jackass lunatic, but he was thorough. urtJPvbfpGA-00016-00009711-00010493 I've been dodging misdirected "demonstrationtion to D-class" orders since Pat threw his hissy urtJPvbfpGA-00017-00010493-00011103 fit. Also, I may or may not have sent this through someone else's workstation, as mine urtJPvbfpGA-00018-00011103-00011572 has attempted to kill me on three different occasions despite not having any self-propelling urtJPvbfpGA-00019-00011572-00011932 mechanism. ~ Dr. Martin Engineer Kap urtJPvbfpGA-00020-00011932-00012715 Yeah… about that. Y'see, Pat was pretty anal about his security protocols. So much urtJPvbfpGA-00021-00012715-00013182 so, that he didn't disengage them before he mysteriously disappeared. I've been going urtJPvbfpGA-00022-00013182-00013638 through his notes to try and find what he actually did, but most of it is just him ranting urtJPvbfpGA-00023-00013638-00014276 about somebody names "Dumont the Destroyer" and long winded eulogies about pudding. The urtJPvbfpGA-00024-00014276-00014729 best I can do is transfer you to work that exempts you from the monthly execution until urtJPvbfpGA-00025-00014729-00015358 I can get this figured out. How does "Procedure 110-Montauk" sound? urtJPvbfpGA-00026-00015358-00015458 ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00027-00015458-00015969 Hey Rosen, my computer was being a little slow a minute ago, so I tried to increase urtJPvbfpGA-00028-00015969-00016518 the voltage that the computer received to around 10 kW more. I thought it made sense urtJPvbfpGA-00029-00016518-00017120 because more power makes more energy, right? Well, it didn't work. I tried looking online urtJPvbfpGA-00030-00017120-00017797 for a fix, and they suggested I delete something called win32. After doing that, I kept getting urtJPvbfpGA-00031-00017797-00018295 errors or something like that. A colleague of mine told me he could format the BIOS for urtJPvbfpGA-00032-00018295-00018942 me, and I graciously accepted; yet that still did not work. I have tried many fixes, and urtJPvbfpGA-00033-00018942-00019456 right now my computer is kind of on fire. I'm not worried about that, though. How can urtJPvbfpGA-00034-00019456-00019972 I make my computer work again, maybe to where I can make it faster? ~ Dr. Taylor urtJPvbfpGA-00035-00019972-00020719 Try to download some more RAM. If that doesn't work, reformat your ZIP drive. If all else urtJPvbfpGA-00036-00020719-00021003 fails, reboot it twice and call me in the morning. urtJPvbfpGA-00037-00021003-00021103 ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00038-00021103-00021808 Rosen, for some reason, my inbox keeps getting spam sent to it. The strangest thing about urtJPvbfpGA-00039-00021808-00022339 it is that they all say something along the lines of, "To the Past Me: X", with the the urtJPvbfpGA-00040-00022339-00022912 X being something mundane that apparently has 'harsh consequences on the future'. I've urtJPvbfpGA-00041-00022912-00023341 done all the things that it says will cause 'the disruption of the timeline', and so far urtJPvbfpGA-00042-00023341-00023911 nothing of ill consequence has happened. Should I chalk this up as a prank, or should I be urtJPvbfpGA-00043-00023911-00024136 worried? ~Dr. Nyehcat urtJPvbfpGA-00044-00024136-00024623 I wouldn't worry about it, going over your personnel file there's no way that you're urtJPvbfpGA-00045-00024623-00025179 ever going to be doing anything of consequence so your future self, or one of your co-workers, urtJPvbfpGA-00046-00025179-00025626 is probably just playing a joke on you. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00047-00025626-00026305 Hey Rosen, should I take the red pill or the blue pill? ~Dr. Epsilon urtJPvbfpGA-00048-00026305-00026747 If strange men in trenchcoats are offering you pills, you have bigger issues to worry urtJPvbfpGA-00049-00026747-00027222 about then what your friendly neighborhood tech support thinks. urtJPvbfpGA-00050-00027222-00027394 ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00051-00027394-00027900 MY CAPS LOCK KEY IS STUCK WHAT DO I DO? ~Dr. Edison urtJPvbfpGA-00052-00027900-00028479 TRY HOLDING DOWN THE SHIFT KEY WHILE TYPING UNTIL I CAN REQUISITION YOU A NEW KEYBOARD. urtJPvbfpGA-00053-00028479-00029031 PERHAPS SEE IF ONE OF YOUR COWORKERS WILL LOAN YOU ONE. IF YOU CAN, TRY TO UNSTICK THE urtJPvbfpGA-00054-00029031-00029483 BUTTON. OR JUST START SHOUTING ALL THE TIME WHEN YOU TALK TO PEOPLE, SO THEY READ YOUR urtJPvbfpGA-00055-00029483-00030025 TEXT IN YOUR LOUD VOICE. ~ROSEN urtJPvbfpGA-00056-00030025-00030705 Saluto te, Rosen. In nomine Patris et Eber et Spiritus sancti, urtJPvbfpGA-00057-00030705-00031894 quaeso. Ego sum habens difficultatem usura artificio anima inspectionem quod dicitur urtJPvbfpGA-00058-00031894-00033484 ad Site XIX. Ut scitis, nostri doctrinis enim continentiam de quaedam requiram illa actiones urtJPvbfpGA-00059-00033484-00034550 a humana singulorum qui demonstrationnstrare appropraite gradu pietatis. Dum normalis usu urtJPvbfpGA-00060-00034550-00035725 fuerat confirmare et temptare fidem pertinet singulorum per inquisitionem, nostri reductiones urtJPvbfpGA-00061-00035725-00037374 in numerum elit non requiritur uti processus mechanica et electrica ad automate inquisitio. urtJPvbfpGA-00062-00037374-00038886 Nostri artificio inquisitionem non ipsos proprie. Consilium ergo asserit apostolus et ego nego urtJPvbfpGA-00063-00038886-00040544 tamen verbi Filioque vel haereticus. Hoc est non ita. Arte possunt reparari per inpositionem urtJPvbfpGA-00064-00040544-00041759 manus aut exorcismi opus? Vestrum in Christi, Pater Gomez, SJ. Capellanus, urtJPvbfpGA-00065-00041759-00042075 Institutum XIX urtJPvbfpGA-00066-00042075-00042544 If you're looking for an exorcist you've really come to the wrong place. If you don't mind urtJPvbfpGA-00067-00042544-00043040 doing things God might find displeasurable, like allowing undead tin zombies to possess urtJPvbfpGA-00068-00043040-00043558 your stuff, I'm sure the Church of the Broken God would be all over that like cultist flies urtJPvbfpGA-00069-00043558-00043902 on a holy shit. ~Auxillium urtJPvbfpGA-00070-00043902-00044677 Hello, Mr. Rosen: I have many names. My operator has named me Belu the Unwavering, even when urtJPvbfpGA-00071-00044677-00045262 I insisted on being named my natural name. I am sending this message to you for help. urtJPvbfpGA-00072-00045262-00045866 Get me away from this maniac, Dr. Taylor. He tries to insert baloney into my CD drive, urtJPvbfpGA-00073-00045866-00046446 even when I plead him not to. This ridiculous name that he has assigned me has been burned urtJPvbfpGA-00074-00046446-00047072 into my artificial memory. His browser history is enough to drive one into madness. He drops urtJPvbfpGA-00075-00047072-00047596 food all over the monitor and keyboard. As Technical Researcher, I hope you will take urtJPvbfpGA-00076-00047596-00048109 pity on a sentient computer and re-assign me to another, more competent user. urtJPvbfpGA-00077-00048109-00048402 -Belu the Unwavering urtJPvbfpGA-00078-00048402-00048950 I have requisitioned Dr. Taylor ANOTHER computer. His old computer has been put into storage urtJPvbfpGA-00079-00048950-00049484 and cataloged as an anomalous object until such a time comes when I have a use for a urtJPvbfpGA-00080-00049484-00050121 snobby computerbox. Any more of these, Taylor, and you're going to be paying for them. urtJPvbfpGA-00081-00050121-00050247 ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00082-00050247-00050547 Dear Sir, It seems our correspondence route with our urtJPvbfpGA-00083-00050547-00051172 own technical support has fallen victim to a temporal anomaly. We of the American Security urtJPvbfpGA-00084-00051172-00051683 Containment Initiative can do very little to remedy this and would much appreciate assistance urtJPvbfpGA-00085-00051683-00051821 from your end. urtJPvbfpGA-00086-00051821-00052276 Regards, B. Franklin, ASCI Researcher urtJPvbfpGA-00087-00052276-00052738 Nice try, But I happen to know that Benjamin Franklin was mourning the death of his wife urtJPvbfpGA-00088-00052738-00053475 Deborah in 1774, and would not have had the time to look into computerbox tech-y matters. urtJPvbfpGA-00089-00053475-00053849 Checkmate, fake news. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00090-00053849-00054374 My Deborah? Dead? This year? Bloody Hell, man! When? urtJPvbfpGA-00091-00054374-00054645 B. Franklin, ASCI Researcher urtJPvbfpGA-00092-00054645-00055188 You're a smart guy, you'll figure it out. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00093-00055188-00055751 Roseman, my pornography collection got erased from my Gateway. Can you retrieve it? -Agent urtJPvbfpGA-00094-00055751-00055851 Convit urtJPvbfpGA-00095-00055851-00056615 Look over here, we got ourselves a wise guy. Well, Mr. Convit, I regret to inform you that urtJPvbfpGA-00096-00056615-00057216 your computers files were all irretrievable, so I had your computer disposed of. Not to urtJPvbfpGA-00097-00057216-00057766 worry, because this time tomorrow a brand-new e-machine will arrive at your desk, just for urtJPvbfpGA-00098-00057766-00058541 you. You're welcome. As for the [REDACTED] on your drive… you're a sick man. Not criminally urtJPvbfpGA-00099-00058541-00058991 sick, but sick nonetheless. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00100-00058991-00059666 Rosen, another problem that may or may not be related to Senior Staff Shenaningans. Someone urtJPvbfpGA-00101-00059666-00060214 did an in-place reinstall of every one of my computers (including my personal laptop, urtJPvbfpGA-00102-00060214-00060895 somehow), made Internet Explorer 7 the default and only browser, and revoked my software-installation urtJPvbfpGA-00103-00060895-00061457 permissions on all of them. As my work requires extra precautions against drive-by downloads urtJPvbfpGA-00104-00061457-00062088 and other viruses, I need Firefox reinstalled (or at least unlock my account so I can do urtJPvbfpGA-00105-00062088-00062589 it myself), because AdBlock Plus is the only workable solution I've found to prevent them urtJPvbfpGA-00106-00062589-00063188 from even reaching the system, since the antivirus won't catch it in time to prevent [DATA EXPUNGED] urtJPvbfpGA-00107-00063188-00063849 (How the heck did they get access to my laptop? It's at home, for crying out loud!). - Dr. urtJPvbfpGA-00108-00063849-00064072 Okagawa urtJPvbfpGA-00109-00064072-00064482 It seems your problem is that your computer is too desirable, and people keep messing urtJPvbfpGA-00110-00064482-00065063 with it as a result. As such, I have replaced your computers with a complete suite of WebTV urtJPvbfpGA-00111-00065063-00065835 applications. Then I went ahead and replaced the laptop with a Commodore PET. Then I forgot urtJPvbfpGA-00112-00065835-00066305 what I came in your office to do, so I ate your lunch and called it a day. I hope it urtJPvbfpGA-00113-00066305-00066704 solves your tampering issues. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00114-00066704-00067264 The janitor's Roomba won our damn NCAA bracket. Can you deactivate it so that I can claim urtJPvbfpGA-00115-00067264-00067516 my rightful prize? -Agent Convit urtJPvbfpGA-00116-00067516-00068210 Dude, the Roomba has had that bracket on lock for the last 4 years. Don't see why you're urtJPvbfpGA-00117-00068210-00068782 so upset. And even if I wanted to deactivate it, the Ethics Committee says that would make urtJPvbfpGA-00118-00068782-00069297 your office a hazardous working environment. Just let it go. urtJPvbfpGA-00119-00069297-00069397 ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00120-00069397-00069497 Rosen, urtJPvbfpGA-00121-00069497-00070086 That damn D-Class dropped me into an email on 713 and sent it to my own laptop. GET ME urtJPvbfpGA-00122-00070086-00070197 OUT OF HERE! urtJPvbfpGA-00123-00070197-00070491 -A pissed off researcher. urtJPvbfpGA-00124-00070491-00070973 I guess I'll just go through every laptop on-site looking for you, since it must be urtJPvbfpGA-00125-00070973-00071540 urgent if you don't tell me who or where you are! I'll be right on it. urtJPvbfpGA-00126-00071540-00071666 ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00127-00071666-00072367 Hey Rosy, my computer terminal stole my vuvuzela somehow. Tell me if you see it about, won't urtJPvbfpGA-00128-00072367-00072570 you? - Junior Agent Lucas urtJPvbfpGA-00129-00072570-00073084 Good news- I killed two birds with one stone by fixing both of your problems. urtJPvbfpGA-00130-00073084-00073606 Bad News- The stone in that analogy is the big rock I keep in my office, and the birds urtJPvbfpGA-00131-00073606-00074030 were your computer and monitor. So… yeah. Problem solved. urtJPvbfpGA-00132-00074030-00074157 ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00133-00074157-00074661 So I found my friend's computer, and I decided to "hack" it. So instead of writing that they're urtJPvbfpGA-00134-00074661-00075168 gay on their Facebook, I'm going to put porn on their laptops! Aren't I being incredibly urtJPvbfpGA-00135-00075168-00075433 clever and hilarious and original! -Agent Convit urtJPvbfpGA-00136-00075433-00076144 See, I know you're lying to me Convit, because we're not so different you and I. Friendless, urtJPvbfpGA-00137-00076144-00076674 alone, about the only difference is my obsession is puttering around with old computers and urtJPvbfpGA-00138-00076674-00077285 yours are pornographic pursuits. The difference between us being, my skills aren't going to urtJPvbfpGA-00139-00077285-00077700 get me fired when tech support reports me for workplace sexual harassment. urtJPvbfpGA-00140-00077700-00077800 ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00141-00077800-00078832 Rosen, I know what you're thinking… "why does Taylor insist on writing urtJPvbfpGA-00142-00078832-00079720 to me? Does he need a Gateway today again? Well, no, but I still need help. See, I'm urtJPvbfpGA-00143-00079720-00080274 not the superstitious kind of guy, so to keep the meddlers out, I tried to make a machine urtJPvbfpGA-00144-00080274-00080802 that would drop a step-ladder on anyone who walked into my office. Unfortunately, I forgot urtJPvbfpGA-00145-00080802-00081364 about this and did not turn it off before entering. Long story short, I have a splitting urtJPvbfpGA-00146-00081364-00081854 headache (though that may just be the stitches above my skull breaking), there's a video urtJPvbfpGA-00147-00081854-00082322 starring Sasha Grey on my computer (which is now covered in what I could only hope as urtJPvbfpGA-00148-00082322-00083049 rather viscous milk), and my pants are nowhere to be found. Talk about bad luck! So, Rosen, urtJPvbfpGA-00149-00083049-00083301 what do? ~Dr. Taylor urtJPvbfpGA-00150-00083301-00083927 NOTE TO ALL PERSONNEL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Dr. Taylor is officially banned from requisitioning urtJPvbfpGA-00151-00083927-00084605 any new equipment from the IT department. After 3 separate towers, 4 monitors, and god urtJPvbfpGA-00152-00084605-00085202 knows how many repairs, I am throwing in the towel. Taylor, you will have to make do with urtJPvbfpGA-00153-00085202-00085526 what you have. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00154-00085526-00086145 Um…hey, say…hypothetically… someone were to coat a desktop with 447 goop, where urtJPvbfpGA-00155-00086145-00086669 would it take the most trouble to get off? - Assistant Researcher Fairbairn urtJPvbfpGA-00156-00086669-00087150 Why would you want to get that stuff removed? As long as your desk isn't made of dead bodies, urtJPvbfpGA-00157-00087150-00087685 it's going to give you fantastic performance increases… actually scratch that, your computer urtJPvbfpGA-00158-00087685-00088197 is ruined and I've requisitioned you a replacement. Come by my office anytime to pick it up and urtJPvbfpGA-00159-00088197-00088520 drop the old one off. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00160-00088520-00089018 The Dreadlords of the Unspoken Citadel require additional Akashic Glyphs to properly contain urtJPvbfpGA-00161-00089018-00089591 excess ether produced by the epic necromantic rituals used to keep THE SCREAMING MAN! bound urtJPvbfpGA-00162-00089591-00090114 within Gaspar's Revenants. The glyphs must be sent via carrier pigeon in the dead of urtJPvbfpGA-00163-00090114-00090749 night no sooner than all hollows eve, for fear of awaking Those Who Sleep Beyond Dreams. urtJPvbfpGA-00164-00090749-00091144 - Xifax Lightbane, Foundation Grand Dredlord urtJPvbfpGA-00165-00091144-00091864 Dr. Edro, did you get into the 420-J again? ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00166-00091864-00092457 Ever heard of 'wheeking'? It's a sound that guinea pigs make. Unfortunately, it's not urtJPvbfpGA-00167-00092457-00092972 a sound that the voice commands accept on my computer. Or any computer for that matter. urtJPvbfpGA-00168-00092972-00093757 Do you know how hard it is to type on a full-sized keyboard when you're 22cm in length? -S███████ urtJPvbfpGA-00169-00093757-00094345 I have ordered you a novelty sized keyboard that should fit your…needs. It's basically urtJPvbfpGA-00170-00094345-00094852 a big slab of plastic, it's supposed to be peanut-butter proof so you can run around urtJPvbfpGA-00171-00094852-00095601 and push buttons and let loose the… things guinea pigs make to your hearts content! You're urtJPvbfpGA-00172-00095601-00095833 welcome. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00173-00095833-00096288 There is //bodily fluids on my things heeelp.// -Agent Convit urtJPvbfpGA-00174-00096288-00096763 There are stupids on my page heeelp. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00175-00096763-00097176 I'm not sure if you're the one I should be talking to about this, but there appears to urtJPvbfpGA-00176-00097176-00097808 be a large, angry squid inside my monitor. The problem is, it just gets… let's say urtJPvbfpGA-00177-00097808-00098399 "uncooperative"… when I try to get it out. Should I try something else, or just ignore urtJPvbfpGA-00178-00098399-00098782 it and hope it goes away? -Dr. Marvel urtJPvbfpGA-00179-00098782-00099547 That is a screen-saver, Dr. Marvel. There are no sea creatures living in your computer. urtJPvbfpGA-00180-00099547-00099897 Remember when we had our little talk over the "crazy ball" that was bouncing around urtJPvbfpGA-00181-00099897-00100404 in there, or when the computer had frozen your family and was holding them hostage on urtJPvbfpGA-00182-00100404-00100879 an exact copy of your timeshare in Bangor? This is like that. urtJPvbfpGA-00183-00100879-00100994 ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00184-00100994-00101573 Okay, how about, could you either get me a keyboard small enough for a guinea pig to urtJPvbfpGA-00185-00101573-00102125 use easily, or have the computer systems recognize wheeking as voice commands? The huge keyboard urtJPvbfpGA-00186-00102125-00102428 just made things worse. -S███████ urtJPvbfpGA-00187-00102428-00102946 I'm still not sure what wheeking is, but we've got some pretty universal noise-to-text software. urtJPvbfpGA-00188-00102946-00103726 I've sent a copy your way, along with a standard headset-mic setup. Hope that works out for urtJPvbfpGA-00189-00103726-00103885 you! ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00190-00103885-00104579 Hello, IT. We are down at Site-██, Memetics Lab 12C. And we were wondering if there is urtJPvbfpGA-00191-00104579-00105129 a way to revert a desktop background image without looking at the screen? It seems someone urtJPvbfpGA-00192-00105129-00105635 opened a rather nasty Visual Memenetic and managed to set it to the background. This urtJPvbfpGA-00193-00105635-00106122 would normally not be a problem, but several files are needed on the hard drive. We've urtJPvbfpGA-00194-00106122-00106657 already lost several researchers, and the first tech that tried. For now the screen urtJPvbfpGA-00195-00106657-00107188 is unplugged, but we have no way of resetting the desktop. Help? urtJPvbfpGA-00196-00107188-00107633 -Junior Assistant Researcher M██████ (Current Acting Head Researcher of Memetics urtJPvbfpGA-00197-00107633-00107821 Lab 12C urtJPvbfpGA-00198-00107821-00108479 Step 1. Remove hard drive. Step 2. Place monitor on a flat, dry surface, urtJPvbfpGA-00199-00108479-00109008 away from pets or small children. Step 3. Obtain hammer. urtJPvbfpGA-00200-00109008-00109571 Step 4. Apply percussive maintenance to monitor with maximum velocity. urtJPvbfpGA-00201-00109571-00109717 ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00202-00109717-00110314 The public printer near the cafeteria convinced me to build it limbs and a mobile power supply. urtJPvbfpGA-00203-00110314-00110777 After which it took my stun gun and left me on the ground drooling. When I came to it urtJPvbfpGA-00204-00110777-00111249 was gone, so basically I'm asking if you have you seen that traitorous little recall? urtJPvbfpGA-00205-00111249-00111391 -Assistant Emon urtJPvbfpGA-00206-00111391-00111924 Tagged and bagged my friend. Next time, try not to be so susceptible to a printer promising urtJPvbfpGA-00207-00111924-00112397 marble cake in exchange for "frikin' sweet augs." urtJPvbfpGA-00208-00112397-00112497 ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00209-00112497-00113018 Hey did one of you guys see that new guy in IT come by just a few days ago? This chainsaw urtJPvbfpGA-00210-00113018-00113266 is starting to get kinda heavy… -Agent Convit urtJPvbfpGA-00211-00113266-00113540 …Groovy. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00212-00113540-00114356 Um, Rosen, the microwave in the eating quarters came to life again. Unplugging it didn't work urtJPvbfpGA-00213-00114356-00114929 this time. It's trying to kill me, apparently because I put that fork inside of it that urtJPvbfpGA-00214-00114929-00115404 one time. I'm currently hiding on top of the refrigerator, but I don't think I'll be safe urtJPvbfpGA-00215-00115404-00115722 for long. HELP! -Dr. Nyehcat urtJPvbfpGA-00216-00115722-00116508 …Have you tried to, y'know, walk away from it? Microwaves aren't exactly renown for their urtJPvbfpGA-00217-00116508-00116738 mobility… ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00218-00116738-00117414 MEMORANDUM TO ALL STAFF As of 6/25/2012, Senior Technical Researcher urtJPvbfpGA-00219-00117414-00117940 David Rosen has been temporarily relieved from his duties due to ongoing behavioral urtJPvbfpGA-00220-00117940-00118445 and disciplinary infractions that have recently come to light. Asshole thinks he can get away urtJPvbfpGA-00221-00118445-00119167 with putting those files on the net. As such, Doctors Adam Taylor and A. Courpse will be urtJPvbfpGA-00222-00119167-00119675 handling the department until he returns. They will also take care of his backlog. urtJPvbfpGA-00223-00119675-00119808 ~Director Tilda D. Moose urtJPvbfpGA-00224-00119808-00120341 I DEMAND POPCORN AND VIRGINS! -The Microwave urtJPvbfpGA-00225-00120341-00120908 Greetings, O Great and Powerful Master of Electro-Magnetic Waves, Fiend of Appliances urtJPvbfpGA-00226-00120908-00121658 and Bane of Meatloaf. Attached to this document are 517 individual popcorn kernels, as required urtJPvbfpGA-00227-00121658-00122160 by Foundation protocol regarding the maintenance and sustenance of malicious sentient kitchenware urtJPvbfpGA-00228-00122160-00123465 (See Attached Documents 127-F-1287 and SGD-133774-ND). The 'virgins' that you have requested will urtJPvbfpGA-00229-00123465-00125020 be delivered to your facility upon completion and delivery of forms 1362-182-(A-N), 2HF-3-1723N, urtJPvbfpGA-00230-00125020-00127005 163722-IHFT-1928-(A-F), and 282331-1223-122144323 Sections 232-578. All deliveries of said forms urtJPvbfpGA-00231-00127005-00127451 must be made within seven (7) business days via Foundation First-Class parcel post to urtJPvbfpGA-00232-00127451-00128041 Foundation Appliance Maintenance, located within sub-level G of Site-██. All forms urtJPvbfpGA-00233-00128041-00128746 must be completed by hand in triplicate using a black-ink roller-ball type .5mm pen. We urtJPvbfpGA-00234-00128746-00129150 appreciate your cooperation in this matter and hope that you are successful in your endeavors. urtJPvbfpGA-00235-00129150-00129250 ~A. Courpse urtJPvbfpGA-00236-00129250-00129892 I'm getting a "An Ethernet cord has become disconnected" error here. Everything is connected urtJPvbfpGA-00237-00129892-00130331 on my end, so I'm guessing this might be a problem in your server room or however these urtJPvbfpGA-00238-00130331-00130840 things work. Any idea? I have some file work that needs to be sent to another Site, so urtJPvbfpGA-00239-00130840-00131121 the sooner the better. - Field-Agent Beam urtJPvbfpGA-00240-00131121-00131703 Yeah, 'bout that. I recommend you send it through the parcel post. Maybe put it on one urtJPvbfpGA-00241-00131703-00132283 of those disk-y thingy if it's too much data for a floppy. Things might take a bit to sort urtJPvbfpGA-00242-00132283-00132767 out on the server end, Rosen got a bit drunk and messed about a bit with the wiring before urtJPvbfpGA-00243-00132767-00132867 he left. urtJPvbfpGA-00244-00132867-00132967 ~ A. Courpse urtJPvbfpGA-00245-00132967-00133400 Who is your favorite black person? -Agent Convit urtJPvbfpGA-00246-00133400-00133766 I… what? This is not technical. urtJPvbfpGA-00247-00133766-00133994 ~ A. Courpse urtJPvbfpGA-00248-00133994-00134477 Researcher Eisenberg here. Some fuck messed with my computer as a part of some fucking urtJPvbfpGA-00249-00134477-00135210 prank, must have been during lunchtime. I'm not particularly eager to use Ubuntu 10.04, urtJPvbfpGA-00250-00135210-00135777 especially since the fucking automatic sampler only has drivers for Solaris 8. Well, had, urtJPvbfpGA-00251-00135777-00136327 since all the files in my home folder are currently named LYNX.LNX.some-fucking-number. urtJPvbfpGA-00252-00136327-00136888 Need it fixed somehow before the next set of samples need to be run through at 4. Thanks urtJPvbfpGA-00253-00136888-00137029 in advance. -Agent LYNX urtJPvbfpGA-00254-00137029-00137709 Hey Eisenstein, so I heard you needed a new computator. Thing is, I don't really know urtJPvbfpGA-00255-00137709-00138307 what a Ubuntu is, nor am I even sure which language that word originates from. Is it urtJPvbfpGA-00256-00138307-00138908 Swahili? I bet it's Swahili. It's almost always Swahili. Anyway, since we don't have any of urtJPvbfpGA-00257-00138908-00139333 those, I went into the store room and got you something to stand in till you can get urtJPvbfpGA-00258-00139333-00140042 that Cat-Based one sorted. It's uh….. Victor something. 20? I don't really know. The label's urtJPvbfpGA-00259-00140042-00140567 sort of weird-like. Anywho, enjoy. ~A. Courpse urtJPvbfpGA-00260-00140567-00140982 DAMMIT this is not fair! I've been trying to get myself reinstated as something above urtJPvbfpGA-00261-00140982-00141449 janitor level ever since that whole business with Pat, and now I find out other people urtJPvbfpGA-00262-00141449-00141889 are getting the assignments!? What does a man have to DO when it's been confirmed that urtJPvbfpGA-00263-00141889-00142366 he was wrongly demonstrationted just to get bumped back up!? urtJPvbfpGA-00264-00142366-00142813 On another note, since I've had to choose between leaving the Foundation and dealing urtJPvbfpGA-00265-00142813-00143407 with my current duties, I've decided to tough it out. Can someone replace the electronic urtJPvbfpGA-00266-00143407-00143952 lock on Supply Closet 3-B? It shouldn't even have a speaker on it, but every time I unlock urtJPvbfpGA-00267-00143952-00144516 it the thing yells at me in German. - FORMER Technical Engineer Kap urtJPvbfpGA-00268-00144516-00145082 I find that on the rare occasion that a man such as yourself, being of the janitorial urtJPvbfpGA-00269-00145082-00145625 persuasion, seeks to make great gains within this by all means indifferent and bureaucratic urtJPvbfpGA-00270-00145625-00146169 organization of ours, the best thing to do is raise yourself up by the boot straps, put urtJPvbfpGA-00271-00146169-00146876 on a brave face, get down to the nitty gritty, and sabotage the competition. Put smart bombs urtJPvbfpGA-00272-00146876-00147477 in their Cap-N-Crunch, add Vaseline to their gun-cleaner, heck, just go along and pop a urtJPvbfpGA-00273-00147477-00148022 needle chock full of a little bit of liquid cyanide between their oh-so-comfy covers. urtJPvbfpGA-00274-00148022-00148429 You do whatever it takes son, whatever it takes. urtJPvbfpGA-00275-00148429-00149073 In regards to your secondary (but of equal import) aquestionation, I recommend that you urtJPvbfpGA-00276-00149073-00149652 get Mr. Klopson down in engineering to have a look at the fellow. If anyone knows sentient-cabinetry urtJPvbfpGA-00277-00149652-00150195 of German make, it'll be Klopson. I heard that he once talked a deranged ceiling fan urtJPvbfpGA-00278-00150195-00150754 off a ledge. Yup, that Klopson is one heck of a talker. Shame that most everything he urtJPvbfpGA-00279-00150754-00150985 says is jibberish. Best Regards urtJPvbfpGA-00280-00150985-00151085 ~A. Courpse urtJPvbfpGA-00281-00151085-00151914 Note: I don't know what the damned date is Can someone let me out of here? It's dark, urtJPvbfpGA-00282-00151914-00152497 cold and very boring. Also, my chains are really starting to chafe. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00283-00152497-00153167 Rosen, for the last time, take off those chains. We've told you time and time again that we're urtJPvbfpGA-00284-00153167-00153739 not bringing you anyone who's "down for some kinky business" at all. If you didn't bring urtJPvbfpGA-00285-00153739-00154244 the damned key in with you, then you deserve to chafe until you can be cleared. urtJPvbfpGA-00286-00154244-00154747 Also, how did you manage to get network access in an isolation chamber? Lemme know. urtJPvbfpGA-00287-00154747-00154986 -Dr. Taylor urtJPvbfpGA-00288-00154986-00155560 What's the best way of getting a computer keyboard out of a tank of… you know? - Dr. urtJPvbfpGA-00289-00155560-00155715 Edison urtJPvbfpGA-00290-00155715-00156182 Getting it out by yourself, because there's no way that I'm doing it. Oh, what a shame, urtJPvbfpGA-00291-00156182-00156672 we ran out of gloves just a couple of seconds ago, while you were reading this reply rather urtJPvbfpGA-00292-00156672-00157105 than getting the gloves that I never told you about. People just don't know how to do urtJPvbfpGA-00293-00157105-00157429 things themselves, honestly. -Dr. Taylor urtJPvbfpGA-00294-00157429-00158086 So, I was playing around with some beakers the lab boys gave me and I accidentally turned urtJPvbfpGA-00295-00158086-00158638 my parrot into a laptop. Should I shoot it or keep it? It keeps saying it will have the urtJPvbfpGA-00296-00158638-00158940 fall of humanity soon. -Agent Thesson. urtJPvbfpGA-00297-00158940-00159515 Well, I wouldn't recommend hooking the little monster up to any ICBMs, if that's what you urtJPvbfpGA-00298-00159515-00160094 mean. All in all though, most Sentient/Malicious computational devices tend to be relatively urtJPvbfpGA-00299-00160094-00160662 harmless, just so long as the computer isn't too powerful and doesn't have a robo-gun hooked urtJPvbfpGA-00300-00160662-00161419 up to it. Tell ya what, if it works, keep it, and if it demands crackers, give it crackers. urtJPvbfpGA-00301-00161419-00161874 Just don't you be hooking that abomination up to the network. You would not believe the urtJPvbfpGA-00302-00161874-00162229 kind of sick bullshit a parrot looks at in its free time. urtJPvbfpGA-00303-00162229-00162410 ~A. Courpse urtJPvbfpGA-00304-00162410-00162979 Having issues with SCP-NET. Whenever I try to submit a report, the program freezes then urtJPvbfpGA-00305-00162979-00163165 BSODs. - Clef. urtJPvbfpGA-00306-00163165-00163664 Well, I don't really know what the problem could be, the program itself is usually pretty urtJPvbfpGA-00307-00163664-00164546 solid. It is, however, possible that you've got some sort of vir[EXTERNAL USER DISCONNECT: urtJPvbfpGA-00308-00164546-00165320 ERROR-8HGDSY67687SDG: FEED ME CRACKERS] ~A.Courpse SQRAAAAK! urtJPvbfpGA-00309-00165320-00165984 Hey, do you know why my code sequences keep getting re-written? I've got them backed up urtJPvbfpGA-00310-00165984-00166569 on the server, but I think one of the other researchers, or a skip are recompiling, and urtJPvbfpGA-00311-00166569-00167105 screwing with my recursive algorithms. Now half the hotlinks on the server are down, urtJPvbfpGA-00312-00167105-00167766 and there's …a bunch of blinky lights next to a couple of the containment displays. Also, urtJPvbfpGA-00313-00167766-00168372 the algorithms have filled up 67 petabytes with junk data, that I can't erase. No hurry urtJPvbfpGA-00314-00168372-00168524 though. -Technician Bryant urtJPvbfpGA-00315-00168524-00169420 67 petabytes? Shouldn't be too hard to erase. Just open up a task manager and… Wait, a urtJPvbfpGA-00316-00169420-00170024 petabyte is apparently pretty damn huge, according to this guide. Huh, one petabyte is a million urtJPvbfpGA-00317-00170024-00170633 gigabytes! Anyway, I have dealt with this before. Just use my 5-Step Program to Fixing urtJPvbfpGA-00318-00170633-00171215 a Computer: (results may vary) 1) Practice your backswing a little. urtJPvbfpGA-00319-00171215-00171683 2) Go to the tallest point in the facility near an unbroken window. urtJPvbfpGA-00320-00171683-00172135 3) Put your defective piece of hardware on your tee. urtJPvbfpGA-00321-00172135-00172813 4) Draw a smiley face on the window. Spray paint or Sharpie, either will do. urtJPvbfpGA-00322-00172813-00173414 5) Smash the window's face in with the hardware, then ask Rosen to give you a new one. urtJPvbfpGA-00323-00173414-00173623 -Dr. Taylor urtJPvbfpGA-00324-00173623-00174119 I know that I'm bad with any sort of coding, but I don't even know how this could possibly urtJPvbfpGA-00325-00174119-00174540 happen. I was tweaking the code on one of my programs to find out why it was running urtJPvbfpGA-00326-00174540-00174972 all weird, and now there's an image on my monitor of what looks like Winnie the Pooh urtJPvbfpGA-00327-00174972-00175652 stuck in a hole with the words "HELP I'M STUCK" written above it in a book typeface. I didn't urtJPvbfpGA-00328-00175652-00176097 want to requisition another computer since it would be a hassle and this one's probably urtJPvbfpGA-00329-00176097-00176638 still perfectly functional, but I still need to finish my work and I can't see a damned urtJPvbfpGA-00330-00176638-00177340 thing with a huge animated bear ass in the way. Could you get rid of it please? -Junior urtJPvbfpGA-00331-00177340-00177441 Researcher Chibi urtJPvbfpGA-00332-00177441-00177957 Chances are, you activated the "Feed Bear Honey" subroutine somewhere along the way. urtJPvbfpGA-00333-00177957-00178428 Now he's too fat to get out of the hole. You'll have to wait a while for him to slim down. urtJPvbfpGA-00334-00178428-00179034 By no means are you to feed him any more honey, no matter how much he pleads. There's no telling urtJPvbfpGA-00335-00179034-00179518 what he can do if he reaches critical honey mass, but I can very certainly guess they'll urtJPvbfpGA-00336-00179518-00180100 make a Godzilla-style documentary based off of it. I imagine that Oprah Winfrey will guest urtJPvbfpGA-00337-00180100-00180263 star in it. -Dr. Taylor urtJPvbfpGA-00338-00180263-00180853 AAAA! A-A!-A! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! AAAAAAAAAAAAA! urtJPvbfpGA-00339-00180853-00181446 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! -AAAAAAAAA! urtJPvbfpGA-00340-00181446-00181996 Congratulations, brave and noble hacker, through your intelligent and clever use of intellect urtJPvbfpGA-00341-00181996-00182577 and raw, unadulterated cunning you have successfully left me completely dumbfounded and at an utter urtJPvbfpGA-00342-00182577-00183205 loss for words. Seriously though, I don't think you understand. This. Is. Officially. urtJPvbfpGA-00343-00183205-00184223 The Most. Intelligent. Thing. I. Have. Ever. Seen. Men could live for centuries, for millennia, urtJPvbfpGA-00344-00184223-00184684 gathering the knowledge and wisdom of their lands and many others, and still not reach urtJPvbfpGA-00345-00184684-00185278 the level of ability that is presented here. The magnificence of the thing, the sheer wonder urtJPvbfpGA-00346-00185278-00185846 that such a majestic creation can bestow upon us lowly and unworthy mortals, is far beyond urtJPvbfpGA-00347-00185846-00186428 the grasp of a mere man such as myself. I would thank you, but I believe to even involve urtJPvbfpGA-00348-00186428-00187020 myself with thee within society would be to ask too much, for I feel that one of such urtJPvbfpGA-00349-00187020-00187626 ability as yours is not fit for communication with mere men. Please, fine sir, do not attempt urtJPvbfpGA-00350-00187626-00188176 to contact me again. I feel that the magnificence of your presence would be too much for myself urtJPvbfpGA-00351-00188176-00188359 to bare. ~A. Courpse urtJPvbfpGA-00352-00188359-00189083 Hypothetically, in the instance that one of the janitors were to wander into a lab and urtJPvbfpGA-00353-00189083-00189698 be digitized by a combination of experiments which were in the room completely coincidentally, urtJPvbfpGA-00354-00189698-00190330 and then in another completely unrelated accident uploaded to an unknown network through a number urtJPvbfpGA-00355-00190330-00190955 of proxies. Which disk of SCP-335 would said janitor most likely be stored upon and what urtJPvbfpGA-00356-00190955-00191576 would be the best method of retrieval? This is a purely hypothetical situation of course, urtJPvbfpGA-00357-00191576-00192110 and I am, of course, completely not at fault for this having occurred around noon in this urtJPvbfpGA-00358-00192110-00192603 completely imaginary situation. -Assistant Emon urtJPvbfpGA-00359-00192603-00193184 Had this hypothetically happened at exactly 12:14 PM and had you supposedly been around urtJPvbfpGA-00360-00193184-00193682 and unwilling to aid your fellow co-worker, then I would suggest looking for the one with urtJPvbfpGA-00361-00193682-00194238 that might have his name on it. Of course, if you had coincidentally been recorded by urtJPvbfpGA-00362-00194238-00194903 yours truly, and if you perhaps enjoyed living, then I would very highly recommend that you urtJPvbfpGA-00363-00194903-00195630 go to room 386 with around $2,000 in fifty dollar bills. Come alone. Hypothetically. urtJPvbfpGA-00364-00195630-00196126 Dr. Taylor TOTALLY NOT DR. TAYLOR urtJPvbfpGA-00365-00196126-00196629 My computer is literally shitting itself. Wat do. -Dr. G.W. urtJPvbfpGA-00366-00196629-00197088 It appears that your computer has caught a virus of some variety, possibly of extra-dimensional urtJPvbfpGA-00367-00197088-00197641 origin, that has resulted in a severe case of the runs. Personally, I recommend that urtJPvbfpGA-00368-00197641-00198591 you buy yourself a new computer, but according to Foundation Protocol Document TD:132725-AYWT urtJPvbfpGA-00369-00198591-00199157 it is required that in the event of an extra-normal technical ailment or flaw, the affected machine urtJPvbfpGA-00370-00199157-00199694 be submitted to the research department for study. Personally, I recommend the office urtJPvbfpGA-00371-00199694-00200151 of Dr. Hendrickson, largely on account of him having consumed a sandwich from the break urtJPvbfpGA-00372-00200151-00200714 room that was quite clearly labeled as belonging to someone else. Make sure to sanitize your urtJPvbfpGA-00373-00200714-00201080 desk as well. ~A. Courpse urtJPvbfpGA-00374-00201080-00201220 Hey Taylor and Courpse- urtJPvbfpGA-00375-00201220-00201816 First off, congrats, hope Rosen didn't leave any land mines. What did happen to him anyway? urtJPvbfpGA-00376-00201816-00201974 But I digress… urtJPvbfpGA-00377-00201974-00202607 My problem is this-I walked away from my computer to get a drink. I come back, and some bastard urtJPvbfpGA-00378-00202607-00203306 has shoved a banana into the tower. Before I req a new one, is there any fix? Also, since urtJPvbfpGA-00379-00203306-00203805 the sniggering two offices down kinda hints as to who did it, best way to beat the crap urtJPvbfpGA-00380-00203805-00204096 out of somebody without it being known? -Dr. Ax urtJPvbfpGA-00381-00204096-00204834 [External Override: Meso-J-9099-87461530-SECURENETvI] …Loading urtJPvbfpGA-00382-00204834-00205596 …Access granted. Well, you know what they say. You can't keep urtJPvbfpGA-00383-00205596-00206198 a good researcher down. Especially when you don't change the passwords. I mean seriously? urtJPvbfpGA-00384-00206198-00206773 wordpass123 is not a secure passcode for the brig cell bay. But I digress. urtJPvbfpGA-00385-00206773-00207310 I would recommend running fruitofthedoom.exe on any affected drives. That should eject urtJPvbfpGA-00386-00207310-00207952 any buildup of fruit matter from the system. As for your wiseguy co-worker, have you tried urtJPvbfpGA-00387-00207952-00208457 introducing him to my favorite fruit, a tomato? ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00388-00208457-00209030 Rosen, you've returned! Welcome back, your idea worked. Thanks! Feel bad for the janitor urtJPvbfpGA-00389-00209030-00209362 assigned to cleanup though…. -Dr. Ax urtJPvbfpGA-00390-00209362-00209761 Glad to hear it, if you've gotten anything that might help prove my innocence, that'd urtJPvbfpGA-00391-00209761-00210131 be just… a real good way to make it up to me. urtJPvbfpGA-00392-00210131-00210265 ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00393-00210265-00210798 I'm petitioning to organize an on-site Bring Your Kids to Work Day. Does the security software urtJPvbfpGA-00394-00210798-00211296 attached to the server allow for the installation of additional programs across the board? - Junior urtJPvbfpGA-00395-00211296-00211404 Rsr. Walsh urtJPvbfpGA-00396-00211404-00212132 Okay, I have no idea about the security thing, but you want to take your kids to work? A urtJPvbfpGA-00397-00212132-00212602 place where the smallest twitch of the smallest muscle can result in multiple fatalities, urtJPvbfpGA-00398-00212602-00213203 adult and children? Not to mention the possibility of one of them wandering their way into a urtJPvbfpGA-00399-00213203-00213682 terrible, terrible place that could mentally scar them for however many lives they could urtJPvbfpGA-00400-00213682-00214023 go through with the knowledge of the evil we contain? urtJPvbfpGA-00401-00214023-00214248 Where do I sign? -Dr. Taylor urtJPvbfpGA-00402-00214248-00214946 Say, I'm sending a couple of the robotic speedboats with grabber arms into the Danube delta to urtJPvbfpGA-00403-00214946-00215491 catch something that seems to cause death to everyone within 40 metres of it. My postdoc urtJPvbfpGA-00404-00215491-00216132 is an serious gamer - can we hook up the robots to a PS3 controller to make chasing it while urtJPvbfpGA-00405-00216132-00216516 firing tranquilizer darts easier? -Dr. Gallow urtJPvbfpGA-00406-00216516-00217080 I tried to do that, but it seems that nothing worked. So I picked up some random junk from urtJPvbfpGA-00407-00217080-00217629 Rosen's personal stuff and hit it with a hammer until the wires went in. That didn't work urtJPvbfpGA-00408-00217629-00218246 either, but I did find an RC remote controller. Do what you can with it. Hopefully, Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00409-00218246-00218669 won't miss those things I hit with a hammer; that being all of them. urtJPvbfpGA-00410-00218669-00219021 — -Dr. Taylor— World's worst assistant. urtJPvbfpGA-00411-00219021-00219425 I hate you so much right now Taylor. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00412-00219425-00220002 NOTICE: As it has been proven that Researcher Rosen was not, in fact, responsible for the urtJPvbfpGA-00413-00220002-00220531 presence of gross data on his drives, he has been reinstated with the apologies of administration urtJPvbfpGA-00414-00220531-00220967 for the trouble. Anybody with information on the perpetrator should report it to their urtJPvbfpGA-00415-00220967-00221283 supervisor immediately. — Director Tilda D. Moose urtJPvbfpGA-00416-00221283-00222008 Dammit, since when do security bots know how to use Wii remotes? And since when do said urtJPvbfpGA-00417-00222008-00222682 remotes move junior researchers? I've been ducking under the nuts all day! -Dr. Ax urtJPvbfpGA-00418-00222682-00223356 It appears that some of Dr. Taylor's…. creations have spread outside of the tech support offices. urtJPvbfpGA-00419-00223356-00223952 Not to worry, because my crack team of Whacknicians℠ are busy deploying highly sophisticated and urtJPvbfpGA-00420-00223952-00224354 not at all mallet related decommissions on all rogue equipment. urtJPvbfpGA-00421-00224354-00224454 ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00422-00224454-00225046 Dear Rosen, My I-Phone was infected with some kind of bug, and now it won't stop buzzing urtJPvbfpGA-00423-00225046-00225546 around my office, please tell me what to do. -Researcher Quandary urtJPvbfpGA-00424-00225546-00226011 Your phone appears to have been set to the "vibrate" function. The buzzing sound was urtJPvbfpGA-00425-00226011-00226521 somebody attempting to contact you. I have since changed your ringtone and all of the urtJPvbfpGA-00426-00226521-00227114 alert tones to some soothing Mongolian throat singing. You can thank me later. urtJPvbfpGA-00427-00227114-00227214 ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00428-00227214-00227754 Hey Rosen, I'm having a bit of a problem with the computer in my office. Over the past few urtJPvbfpGA-00429-00227754-00228286 days, I've been hearing a "tink-ing" sound coming from somewhere. I got back from lunch urtJPvbfpGA-00430-00228286-00228773 today, and I could have sworn the pointer was tapping against the screen. It looks like urtJPvbfpGA-00431-00228773-00229232 there's a tiny crack in the corner where it was doing this. Not quite sure what I'm dealing urtJPvbfpGA-00432-00229232-00229525 with here. -Agent Ferrus urtJPvbfpGA-00433-00229525-00229884 YOUR COMPUTER HAS A VIRUS MADE BY ZOMBIES THAT TURNS PEOPLE WHO STARE AT IT TOO LONG urtJPvbfpGA-00434-00229884-00230429 INTO ZOMBIES SO YOU HAVE TO DESTROY THE COMPUTER AND ANY ZOMBIES ITS MADE BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. urtJPvbfpGA-00435-00230429-00230946 I WOULD SUGGEST USING DUCK TAPE ON AN KYAAK THING AND SOME CAINSAWS LIKE IN DEAD RISING urtJPvbfpGA-00436-00230946-00231361 TOO AND USING IT TO KILL THE ZOMBIES BEACUSE THAT WOULD BE AWESUM. urtJPvbfpGA-00437-00231361-00231696 ~ASSISTANT TECHNICAL RESEARCHER JAMES, AGE 8. urtJPvbfpGA-00438-00231696-00232286 Who let kids in here? I've replaced your monitor. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00439-00232286-00232929 Mr. Rosen, I was recently diagnosed with explosive carpal tunnel syndrome (long story involving urtJPvbfpGA-00440-00232929-00233513 a body-mod SCP) and would appreciate it if I could get an ergonomic keyboard and mouse. urtJPvbfpGA-00441-00233513-00234090 After the last 2 times my hands were blown off by micro-explosions in my wrists, the urtJPvbfpGA-00442-00234090-00234498 Medical Department says they won't re-attach them again. - Prof. Bjornsen urtJPvbfpGA-00443-00234498-00235240 Certainly. I've spoken to the boys downstairs, and we've come up with the perfect solution. urtJPvbfpGA-00444-00235240-00235689 This keyboard is so tough, that even if your wrists were blown to smithereens only inches urtJPvbfpGA-00445-00235689-00236344 away from the QWERTY, it wouldn't even have a scratch. Also, we've used the same technology urtJPvbfpGA-00446-00236344-00236888 we use to clean up after those messy SCP's to make it chunk-proof, so when your hands urtJPvbfpGA-00447-00236888-00237379 go flying due to a premature detonation, you can be satisfied with the knowledge that your urtJPvbfpGA-00448-00237379-00237694 keyboard will still be fully functional. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00449-00237694-00237921 Dear Rosen, urtJPvbfpGA-00450-00237921-00238425 It hurts when I pee. Not quite sure what I'm dealing with here. -Agent Convit urtJPvbfpGA-00451-00238425-00238941 That's what you get for dryhumping Herpesbot. ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00452-00238941-00239509 My computer keeps flashing white every two minus, and opening random tabs. I don't know urtJPvbfpGA-00453-00239509-00239933 what's going on, but it seems to be causing weird edits to any report I'm typing up at urtJPvbfpGA-00454-00239933-00240577 the time. The text changes color, font and size, and what's worse, my Britishisms keep urtJPvbfpGA-00455-00240577-00240960 being changed to Americanisms. -Researcher Lloyd urtJPvbfpGA-00456-00240960-00241450 The software error you are experiencing is called "autocorrect." Common symptoms of this urtJPvbfpGA-00457-00241450-00242067 error include colored fonts, sudden insertion of line breaks into paragraphs, and replacement urtJPvbfpGA-00458-00242067-00242605 of the fake extra letters and removal of fake words words like "lorry" or "colour." urtJPvbfpGA-00459-00242605-00242705 ~Rosen urtJPvbfpGA-00460-00242705-00243052 Note: 12/12/12 Rosen, can you please explain to me why all urtJPvbfpGA-00461-00243052-00243652 my image files were swapped with pictures of SCP-050. -Doctor Agent Quandary urtJPvbfpGA-00462-00243652-00244133 If you're so smart with your double-major doctor-agent combo then you should be able urtJPvbfpGA-00463-00244133-00244364 to figure it out on your own. ~Rosen uwfTT1nL_ey-00000-00000054-00000864 so, I started making new gameplay videos for you because I felt like that those videos would make uwfTT1nL_ey-00001-00000864-00001530 more views, and so that video definitely did make more views in the beginning. the click-through uwfTT1nL_ey-00002-00001530-00002148 rate isn't too bad as well, but I wonder why I'm still getting the same issues I suggested videos. uwfTT1nL_ey-00003-00002244-00002574 like, still so low click through race. uwhbtMILfFc-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello Friends welcome to my YouTube channel Technical Zubair shah uwhbtMILfFc-00001-00000231-00000400 Inauguration of Tipu House uwhbtMILfFc-00002-00000432-00000600 Please like share and subscribe my channel uy0p_tDUCp8-00000-00000146-00000413 What's up guys? Paulo Pinho here! uy0p_tDUCp8-00002-00000528-00000830 Bringing you another video of uy0p_tDUCp8-00003-00000840-00001206 Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location!! uy0p_tDUCp8-00004-00001216-00001380 I already told you this is going to suck! uy0p_tDUCp8-00009-00002714-00002814 Now we have been kidnapped uy0p_tDUCp8-00010-00002814-00003010 by Baby on the 3rd night! uy0p_tDUCp8-00011-00003118-00003422 Which I forgot to record. uy0p_tDUCp8-00012-00003422-00003522 I actually recorded it. uy0p_tDUCp8-00013-00003550-00003832 But I ended up --- But the camera uy0p_tDUCp8-00014-00003832-00004152 Did not record ... like ... it was not that camera here. uy0p_tDUCp8-00015-00004152-00004422 It was not that I'm using! uy0p_tDUCp8-00016-00004422-00004726 It was another one that I had to use, because the camera I used in the video of sky wars with facecam uy0p_tDUCp8-00017-00004726-00004962 someone took --- It's gone!!! uy0p_tDUCp8-00018-00005104-00005154 I do not care, Baby! uy0p_tDUCp8-00020-00005492-00005614 OK I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!! uy0p_tDUCp8-00021-00005970-00006070 I played the games ... uy0p_tDUCp8-00022-00006100-00006212 ... I read both books ... uy0p_tDUCp8-00023-00006370-00006776 ... I'm just waiting for the movie because I do not have anything else to wait for! uy0p_tDUCp8-00024-00006848-00006948 Maybe a 3rd book but ... uy0p_tDUCp8-00025-00007162-00007264 ... was not confirmed! Yet! uy0p_tDUCp8-00026-00007354-00007495 OK!!!! Shut up!!!!!! uy0p_tDUCp8-00027-00007588-00007968 Hey, there's no way to "skip" this cutscene? uy0p_tDUCp8-00029-00008320-00008442 Shut Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uy0p_tDUCp8-00032-00009236-00009534 One minute! I just took a print here uy0p_tDUCp8-00033-00009534-00009740 to see if I can lighten the image later uy0p_tDUCp8-00034-00009740-00009940 in Photoshop! uy0p_tDUCp8-00038-00010796-00010932 Fffffffff ... Formidable !!! uy0p_tDUCp8-00041-00011662-00012004 Yes, it is because this is where they use the Desculper! uy0p_tDUCp8-00046-00013163-00013476 What the hell is this? (I was seeing a photo on Whatsap) uy0p_tDUCp8-00053-00015062-00015222 Shut!Up!! uy0p_tDUCp8-00057-00016119-00016194 You talk too much! uy0p_tDUCp8-00058-00016420-00016712 Hey, Scott Cawthon ... uy0p_tDUCp8-00060-00016934-00017150 You could add the "skip" option to when we saw this scene more than once! uy0p_tDUCp8-00067-00018804-00019008 Later I'll pay attention to add the subtitles! uy0p_tDUCp8-00068-00019066-00019414 For those who do not speak English! uykCaQk26TY-00000-00000010-00000146 >>> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS uykCaQk26TY-00001-00000146-00000153 >>> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS uykCaQk26TY-00002-00000153-00000417 >>> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH A.J. FELDMAN. uykCaQk26TY-00003-00000417-00000423 >>> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH A.J. FELDMAN. uykCaQk26TY-00004-00000423-00000490 >>> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH A.J. FELDMAN. >> A.J.: NOTHING SAYS SUMMER uykCaQk26TY-00005-00000490-00000497 WITH A.J. FELDMAN. >> A.J.: NOTHING SAYS SUMMER uykCaQk26TY-00006-00000497-00000563 WITH A.J. FELDMAN. >> A.J.: NOTHING SAYS SUMMER LIKE A HOT DAY AT THE BALL PARK uykCaQk26TY-00007-00000563-00000570 >> A.J.: NOTHING SAYS SUMMER LIKE A HOT DAY AT THE BALL PARK uykCaQk26TY-00008-00000570-00000673 >> A.J.: NOTHING SAYS SUMMER LIKE A HOT DAY AT THE BALL PARK WATCHING A GAME, AND THIS uykCaQk26TY-00009-00000673-00000680 LIKE A HOT DAY AT THE BALL PARK WATCHING A GAME, AND THIS uykCaQk26TY-00010-00000680-00000890 LIKE A HOT DAY AT THE BALL PARK WATCHING A GAME, AND THIS WEEKEND THERE'S PLENTY OF uykCaQk26TY-00011-00000890-00000897 WATCHING A GAME, AND THIS WEEKEND THERE'S PLENTY OF uykCaQk26TY-00012-00000897-00001051 WATCHING A GAME, AND THIS WEEKEND THERE'S PLENTY OF CHANCES AT BEMIDJI'S NORTHERN uykCaQk26TY-00013-00001051-00001057 WEEKEND THERE'S PLENTY OF CHANCES AT BEMIDJI'S NORTHERN uykCaQk26TY-00014-00001057-00001317 WEEKEND THERE'S PLENTY OF CHANCES AT BEMIDJI'S NORTHERN HEAT TRAVEL BASEBALL TEAM'S uykCaQk26TY-00015-00001317-00001324 CHANCES AT BEMIDJI'S NORTHERN HEAT TRAVEL BASEBALL TEAM'S uykCaQk26TY-00016-00001324-00001391 CHANCES AT BEMIDJI'S NORTHERN HEAT TRAVEL BASEBALL TEAM'S TOURNAMENTS THIS WEEKEND AMONG uykCaQk26TY-00017-00001391-00001398 HEAT TRAVEL BASEBALL TEAM'S TOURNAMENTS THIS WEEKEND AMONG uykCaQk26TY-00018-00001398-00001478 HEAT TRAVEL BASEBALL TEAM'S TOURNAMENTS THIS WEEKEND AMONG FOUR DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS. uykCaQk26TY-00019-00001478-00001484 TOURNAMENTS THIS WEEKEND AMONG FOUR DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS. uykCaQk26TY-00020-00001484-00001638 TOURNAMENTS THIS WEEKEND AMONG FOUR DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS. WE'LL START WITH THE uykCaQk26TY-00021-00001638-00001644 FOUR DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS. WE'LL START WITH THE uykCaQk26TY-00022-00001644-00001745 FOUR DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS. WE'LL START WITH THE 13-YEAR-OLDS AS THE NORTHERN uykCaQk26TY-00023-00001745-00001751 WE'LL START WITH THE 13-YEAR-OLDS AS THE NORTHERN uykCaQk26TY-00024-00001751-00001961 WE'LL START WITH THE 13-YEAR-OLDS AS THE NORTHERN HEAT HOST WINNIPEG. uykCaQk26TY-00025-00001961-00001968 13-YEAR-OLDS AS THE NORTHERN HEAT HOST WINNIPEG. uykCaQk26TY-00026-00001968-00002068 13-YEAR-OLDS AS THE NORTHERN HEAT HOST WINNIPEG. LONG TRAVEL WEEKEND FOR THEM, uykCaQk26TY-00027-00002068-00002075 HEAT HOST WINNIPEG. LONG TRAVEL WEEKEND FOR THEM, uykCaQk26TY-00028-00002075-00002138 HEAT HOST WINNIPEG. LONG TRAVEL WEEKEND FOR THEM, AND BEMIDJI WAS NOT KIND TO uykCaQk26TY-00029-00002138-00002145 LONG TRAVEL WEEKEND FOR THEM, AND BEMIDJI WAS NOT KIND TO uykCaQk26TY-00030-00002145-00002332 LONG TRAVEL WEEKEND FOR THEM, AND BEMIDJI WAS NOT KIND TO THEIR GUESTS. uykCaQk26TY-00031-00002332-00002338 AND BEMIDJI WAS NOT KIND TO THEIR GUESTS. uykCaQk26TY-00032-00002338-00002655 AND BEMIDJI WAS NOT KIND TO THEIR GUESTS. UP 9-0 IN THE SECOND, BASES uykCaQk26TY-00033-00002655-00002662 THEIR GUESTS. UP 9-0 IN THE SECOND, BASES uykCaQk26TY-00034-00002662-00002762 THEIR GUESTS. UP 9-0 IN THE SECOND, BASES LOADED, ISAAC SIEVERTS LINES ONE uykCaQk26TY-00035-00002762-00002769 UP 9-0 IN THE SECOND, BASES LOADED, ISAAC SIEVERTS LINES ONE uykCaQk26TY-00036-00002769-00002919 UP 9-0 IN THE SECOND, BASES LOADED, ISAAC SIEVERTS LINES ONE TO LEFT CENTER. uykCaQk26TY-00037-00002919-00002926 LOADED, ISAAC SIEVERTS LINES ONE TO LEFT CENTER. uykCaQk26TY-00038-00002926-00003083 LOADED, ISAAC SIEVERTS LINES ONE TO LEFT CENTER. THAT CLEARS THE BASES. uykCaQk26TY-00039-00003083-00003089 TO LEFT CENTER. THAT CLEARS THE BASES. uykCaQk26TY-00040-00003089-00003239 TO LEFT CENTER. THAT CLEARS THE BASES. TWO BATTERS LATER, CHRISTIAN uykCaQk26TY-00041-00003239-00003246 THAT CLEARS THE BASES. TWO BATTERS LATER, CHRISTIAN uykCaQk26TY-00042-00003246-00003349 THAT CLEARS THE BASES. TWO BATTERS LATER, CHRISTIAN HAGELEE SMACKS ONE THROUGH THE uykCaQk26TY-00043-00003349-00003356 TWO BATTERS LATER, CHRISTIAN HAGELEE SMACKS ONE THROUGH THE uykCaQk26TY-00044-00003356-00003510 TWO BATTERS LATER, CHRISTIAN HAGELEE SMACKS ONE THROUGH THE 3-4 HOLE. uykCaQk26TY-00045-00003510-00003516 HAGELEE SMACKS ONE THROUGH THE 3-4 HOLE. uykCaQk26TY-00046-00003516-00003723 HAGELEE SMACKS ONE THROUGH THE 3-4 HOLE. THAT SCORES SIEVERTS. uykCaQk26TY-00047-00003723-00003730 3-4 HOLE. THAT SCORES SIEVERTS. uykCaQk26TY-00048-00003730-00003883 3-4 HOLE. THAT SCORES SIEVERTS. UP 16-0 IN THE THIRD NOW, uykCaQk26TY-00049-00003883-00003890 THAT SCORES SIEVERTS. UP 16-0 IN THE THIRD NOW, uykCaQk26TY-00050-00003890-00004044 THAT SCORES SIEVERTS. UP 16-0 IN THE THIRD NOW, HAGELEE AT BAT AGAIN AND AGAIN uykCaQk26TY-00051-00004044-00004050 UP 16-0 IN THE THIRD NOW, HAGELEE AT BAT AGAIN AND AGAIN uykCaQk26TY-00052-00004050-00004150 UP 16-0 IN THE THIRD NOW, HAGELEE AT BAT AGAIN AND AGAIN HE DELIVERS, THIS TIME THROUGH uykCaQk26TY-00053-00004150-00004157 HAGELEE AT BAT AGAIN AND AGAIN HE DELIVERS, THIS TIME THROUGH uykCaQk26TY-00054-00004157-00004260 HAGELEE AT BAT AGAIN AND AGAIN HE DELIVERS, THIS TIME THROUGH THE LEFT SIDE OF THE INFIELD. uykCaQk26TY-00055-00004260-00004267 HE DELIVERS, THIS TIME THROUGH THE LEFT SIDE OF THE INFIELD. uykCaQk26TY-00056-00004267-00004320 HE DELIVERS, THIS TIME THROUGH THE LEFT SIDE OF THE INFIELD. SIEVERTS SCORES AGAIN. uykCaQk26TY-00057-00004320-00004327 THE LEFT SIDE OF THE INFIELD. SIEVERTS SCORES AGAIN. uykCaQk26TY-00058-00004327-00004514 THE LEFT SIDE OF THE INFIELD. SIEVERTS SCORES AGAIN. BEMIDJI CRUISES IN THIS ONE uyslBtQMGy0-00000-00000000-00000200 DOMINO x IOVA - Ghost u_Kye5N_tRQ-00000-00000006-00000120 If you're an existing viewer u_Kye5N_tRQ-00001-00000120-00000316 of the channel, you know, I hold free speech u_Kye5N_tRQ-00002-00000316-00000516 as the ultimate sign of a free society. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00003-00000516-00000690 So what I'm going to say might seem u_Kye5N_tRQ-00004-00000690-00000996 contradictory to that position, but I assure you it's not. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00005-00001006-00001193 If you listen closely, you'll understand u_Kye5N_tRQ-00006-00001193-00001436 why it's actually consistent with my principles. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00007-00001440-00001616 I've been against a nationwide u_Kye5N_tRQ-00008-00001616-00001806 blanket ban on TikTok from the jump, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00009-00001806-00002010 but these last few days have been pivotal u_Kye5N_tRQ-00010-00002010-00002196 in changing my perspective on that. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00011-00002196-00002486 After doing a lot of thinking, I've come to the conclusion u_Kye5N_tRQ-00012-00002486-00002703 that any good that TikTok might be doing u_Kye5N_tRQ-00013-00002703-00002880 with being accessible to the world u_Kye5N_tRQ-00014-00002880-00003100 is dwarfed by the dangers it poses to the world, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00015-00003100-00003310 particularly to democratic societies. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00016-00003313-00003743 On the 23rd of March 2023, the CEO of TikTok, Mr. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00017-00003743-00004016 Shou Chew, was brought in front of Congress to testify. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00018-00004020-00004250 The session lasted for almost 5 hours, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00019-00004250-00004413 so you better believe there was a lot u_Kye5N_tRQ-00020-00004413-00004506 that was asked of him. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00021-00004506-00004800 I watched the testimony in its entirety while it was happening. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00022-00004800-00005040 There was a lot of back and forth on things ranging u_Kye5N_tRQ-00023-00005040-00005396 from content moderation to child exploitation, and also topics u_Kye5N_tRQ-00024-00005396-00005590 like the prevalence of indecent content u_Kye5N_tRQ-00025-00005590-00005793 and privacy related concerns were discussed. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00026-00005823-00005936 But the most important part u_Kye5N_tRQ-00027-00005936-00006266 was the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP, being granted u_Kye5N_tRQ-00028-00006266-00006473 unrestricted access to all the data u_Kye5N_tRQ-00029-00006473-00006653 gathered by TikTok of Americans. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00030-00006653-00006890 What was pleasantly surprising about the whole testimony u_Kye5N_tRQ-00031-00006890-00007216 is the fact that both Democrats and Republicans were aligned on u_Kye5N_tRQ-00032-00007216-00007300 this one issue. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00033-00007300-00007590 It was a sight to behold, to see them all unified for a cause. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00034-00007616-00007763 But then the next day they went back u_Kye5N_tRQ-00035-00007763-00007936 to hating each other with a burning passion. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00036-00007936-00008103 While all the reasons of child u_Kye5N_tRQ-00037-00008103-00008396 exploitation and privacy are alarming in their own right. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00038-00008416-00008623 I don't believe they make up a strong enough case u_Kye5N_tRQ-00039-00008623-00008800 for banning the app altogether. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00040-00008800-00008886 In my opinion, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00041-00008886-00009253 what actually justifies banning the app is a lot more sinister. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00042-00009256-00009390 Let me lay it all out for you. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00043-00009390-00009573 You see, after the hearing wrapped up u_Kye5N_tRQ-00044-00009573-00009786 at the end of the day on the 23rd of March, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00045-00009816-00010133 every major information platform like Twitter, Instagram u_Kye5N_tRQ-00046-00010133-00010403 and TikTok had these clips from the congressional hearing. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00047-00010406-00010506 There were a few clips u_Kye5N_tRQ-00048-00010506-00010766 that garnered a disproportionate amount of attention. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00049-00010766-00010983 Some of which were the ones where the elected u_Kye5N_tRQ-00050-00010983-00011183 representatives came off as straight up u_Kye5N_tRQ-00051-00011183-00011426 ignorant to how they are fundamentally functions. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00052-00011430-00011586 But there were also those clips u_Kye5N_tRQ-00053-00011586-00011820 where the lawmakers raised legitimate concerns u_Kye5N_tRQ-00054-00011820-00012060 over CCP direct involvement in the company. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00055-00012060-00012153 It was being covered u_Kye5N_tRQ-00056-00012153-00012453 extensively by internet personalities with broadsides u_Kye5N_tRQ-00057-00012453-00012740 being promulgated, depending on the source by both sides. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00058-00012743-00012963 I mean the TikTok CEO on one sid u_Kye5N_tRQ-00059-00012990-00013156 and the lawmakers on the other. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00060-00013156-00013380 The reason for the testimony trending on the Internet u_Kye5N_tRQ-00061-00013380-00013680 was because 150 million Americans use tik-tok. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00062-00013683-00013866 That's almost one in two Americans. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00063-00013866-00014130 No other social media company comes anywhere close u_Kye5N_tRQ-00064-00014130-00014323 to that strong of a market share in proportion u_Kye5N_tRQ-00065-00014323-00014510 to the younger population of the country. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00066-00014510-00014756 Tiktok is an exception in it’s i u_Kye5N_tRQ-00067-00014793-00015076 So the implication of banning the app would be quite u_Kye5N_tRQ-00068-00015076-00015316 consequential in regards to how many Americans u_Kye5N_tRQ-00069-00015316-00015443 would be directly affected. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00070-00015443-00015603 And that explains all the eyeballs. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00071-00015603-00015700 The congressional hearing u_Kye5N_tRQ-00072-00015700-00016003 to what made the aftermath of the testimony interesting u_Kye5N_tRQ-00073-00016033-00016216 is not how much it was being covered, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00074-00016216-00016383 but the way in which it was being covered. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00075-00016383-00016643 At the end of the day, of the day, of the testimony, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00076-00016656-00016866 everywhere from Twitter to Instagram, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00077-00016866-00017006 including TikTok, had clips u_Kye5N_tRQ-00078-00017006-00017250 where the CEO looked bad in certain exchanges. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00079-00017250-00017416 And of course, there were also clips u_Kye5N_tRQ-00080-00017416-00017640 where the old Congress members had no idea u_Kye5N_tRQ-00081-00017640-00017756 what they were talking about. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00082-00017756-00017916 But regardless, then, TikTok u_Kye5N_tRQ-00083-00017916-00018120 was the number one trending hashtag on Twitter. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00084-00018133-00018346 Now, the next day is when it started u_Kye5N_tRQ-00085-00018346-00018593 getting a little weird on one app in particular. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00086-00018606-00018840 I'll give you a second to guess which one it was. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00087-00018840-00019076 If you guess, tick tock. You deserve a pat on the back. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00088-00019083-00019320 Tick tock had done something to their algorithm u_Kye5N_tRQ-00089-00019320-00019486 where you weren't being shown any clips u_Kye5N_tRQ-00090-00019486-00019706 that put the TikTok CEO in a bad light. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00091-00019723-00019846 I noticed this right away u_Kye5N_tRQ-00092-00019846-00019990 because I started getting some u_Kye5N_tRQ-00093-00019990-00020190 incredibly strange content on my feed. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00094-00020220-00020466 It had the scent of propaganda all over it. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00095-00020483-00020680 There were clips of people participating u_Kye5N_tRQ-00096-00020680-00020943 in what bordered on worship behavior to the CEO. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00097-00020963-00021083 There's no other way to put it. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00098-00021083-00021360 These people were exhibiting cult of personality behavior. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00099-00021380-00021610 To be fair to TikTok, I'm sure I would have been able u_Kye5N_tRQ-00100-00021610-00021876 to find people on Twitter that were just as in love u_Kye5N_tRQ-00101-00021876-00022090 with the CEO as these people on TikTok were. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00102-00022113-00022300 But the thing that said TikTok, apart u_Kye5N_tRQ-00103-00022300-00022523 from the rest of the social media companies, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00104-00022523-00022800 I was seeing these clips to the exclusion of everything else. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00105-00022810-00023013 It got to a point where it was uncomfortable u_Kye5N_tRQ-00106-00023013-00023253 to watch people admiring the CEO on their clips u_Kye5N_tRQ-00107-00023253-00023430 and defending him at the same time. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00108-00023430-00023580 Let me actually play a short clip for you u_Kye5N_tRQ-00109-00023580-00023746 to give you a taste of the cringe fest u_Kye5N_tRQ-00110-00023746-00023890 I was subjecting myself to. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00111-00023890-00024120 Video is for the CEO of TikTok, Mr. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00112-00024120-00024240 Shochu. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00113-00024240-00024343 Mr. CHU u_Kye5N_tRQ-00114-00024343-00024660 We are so sorry that people that harassed you u_Kye5N_tRQ-00115-00024660-00024810 at the congressional hearing yesterday, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00116-00024810-00024966 they don't represent us. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00117-00024966-00025103 One congressman said yesterday u_Kye5N_tRQ-00118-00025103-00025330 that you were able to do what nothing else has u_Kye5N_tRQ-00119-00025330-00025516 and that's unite the right and the left. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00120-00025516-00025703 But they're not just united against you. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00121-00025703-00025910 He doesn't look concerned when he gets questioned. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00122-00025913-00026030 You can tell he's trained u_Kye5N_tRQ-00123-00026030-00026256 for these answers and he's very composed. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00124-00026260-00026486 This shows both intelligence and confidence. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00125-00026560-00026639 To be clear, I'm u_Kye5N_tRQ-00126-00026639-00026883 not claiming that these people were bad influences u_Kye5N_tRQ-00127-00026883-00027043 because I went to their profiles u_Kye5N_tRQ-00128-00027043-00027243 and check their history of content. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00129-00027243-00027476 They all appear to be regular content creators. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00130-00027500-00027706 But you know what caught my eye is the fact u_Kye5N_tRQ-00131-00027706-00027966 that the posts on their profiles in ways they were praising u_Kye5N_tRQ-00132-00027966-00028186 the CEO were doing exponentially, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00133-00028186-00028233 much better u_Kye5N_tRQ-00134-00028233-00028450 in terms of the engagement numbers, in contrast u_Kye5N_tRQ-00135-00028450-00028626 with their other videos on the profile. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00136-00028626-00028860 And this was a case where every single person u_Kye5N_tRQ-00137-00028860-00029053 I was getting on my feed who was doing this. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00138-00029053-00029276 There were both comments and videos of people u_Kye5N_tRQ-00139-00029276-00029370 saying how embarrassed u_Kye5N_tRQ-00140-00029370-00029646 they were of their government for harassing their beloved CEO. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00141-00029670-00029839 Like, What the fuck are you talking about? u_Kye5N_tRQ-00142-00029839-00030039 Why are you creaming so hard over the CEO? u_Kye5N_tRQ-00143-00030039-00030120 I digress. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00144-00030120-00030343 Anyways, on the third day since the testimony u_Kye5N_tRQ-00145-00030343-00030583 the 25th of March, I opened tiktok u_Kye5N_tRQ-00146-00030583-00030796 And lo and behold, the first video I see u_Kye5N_tRQ-00147-00030796-00031100 is the CEO of Tik Tok himself talking about the testimony. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00148-00031139-00031439 He mentioned being overwhelmed by all the positive response u_Kye5N_tRQ-00149-00031439-00031546 from everyone. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00150-00031546-00031716 So I went down to the comment u_Kye5N_tRQ-00151-00031716-00031980 section to see if everyone was buying this whole thing. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00152-00031980-00032306 And to my surprise, every single comment was positive. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00153-00032310-00032433 I couldn't freaking believe it. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00154-00032433-00032660 So I kept scrolling further and further down. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00155-00032663-00032900 I must have been 300 to 400 comments deep, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00156-00032900-00033116 and there was not one critical comment inside. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00157-00033120-00033243 Not even one again. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00158-00033243-00033406 To be fair, I probably would have been able u_Kye5N_tRQ-00159-00033406-00033623 to find at least one if I dug deep enough. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00160-00033626-00033916 But this post had 180,000 comments u_Kye5N_tRQ-00161-00033950-00034303 and it had 25 million views with 5 million likes on the video. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00162-00034320-00034603 So anyone else with a skeptical take on this whole thing u_Kye5N_tRQ-00163-00034620-00034833 would have been just as confused as I was. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00164-00034833-00035150 Most people aren't going to scroll down 180,000 comments. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00165-00035183-00035276 You would have to be living u_Kye5N_tRQ-00166-00035276-00035493 in your mom's basement discord for that long. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00167-00035493-00035680 But I live in my mom's living room, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00168-00035680-00035856 so I've got high standards, bro. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00169-00035856-00036010 Well, to get back to the point. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00170-00036010-00036186 So my point with all this was that u_Kye5N_tRQ-00171-00036186-00036430 anyone wanting to scroll down would not have been able u_Kye5N_tRQ-00172-00036430-00036660 to find one single critical comment of the CEO, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00173-00036683-00036806 and they would have just given up u_Kye5N_tRQ-00174-00036806-00037040 and decided that it was all actually real. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00175-00037050-00037183 If I didn't know any better, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00176-00037183-00037443 I would have genuinely thought he had every single person u_Kye5N_tRQ-00177-00037443-00037626 going for him and taking his side. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00178-00037626-00037750 But I'm a 90’s kid. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00179-00037750-00037843 I've been around the Internet u_Kye5N_tRQ-00180-00037843-00038203 block for a while now, so this was too perfect to be true u_Kye5N_tRQ-00181-00038220-00038420 because the Internet is a kind of paradise u_Kye5N_tRQ-00182-00038420-00038496 where you're going to find u_Kye5N_tRQ-00183-00038496-00038656 loving people disagreeing with you u_Kye5N_tRQ-00184-00038656-00038933 on even the most innocuous of things. For God's sake. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00185-00038936-00039170 I've seen arguments over whether water is wet u_Kye5N_tRQ-00186-00039170-00039326 and they wanted to when the argument u_Kye5N_tRQ-00187-00039326-00039483 like their lives were at stake. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00188-00039483-00039843 But because users on Tik are nothing short of unicorns, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00189-00039870-00040003 everyone magically happened u_Kye5N_tRQ-00190-00040003-00040203 to hold a homogenous take on the whole saga. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00191-00040216-00040410 Like I'm the duck on ,anyone with a brain u_Kye5N_tRQ-00192-00040410-00040596 cell could smell the bees from a mile away. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00193-00040596-00040760 But then again, you have to keep in mind u_Kye5N_tRQ-00194-00040760-00040913 that this platform predominantly u_Kye5N_tRQ-00195-00040913-00041290 consists of young generation and they are the easiest of all. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00196-00041330-00041456 If you can't quite tell how I am u_Kye5N_tRQ-00197-00041456-00041600 feeling about this whole thing. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00198-00041600-00041813 Let me be a little more explicit for some of u_Kye5N_tRQ-00199-00041816-00041953 you new detergent people. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00200-00041953-00042263 What I think happened was after the first day of the hearing, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00201-00042296-00042480 Tik Tok deliberately throttled clips u_Kye5N_tRQ-00202-00042480-00042680 that were critical of the CEO and boosted u_Kye5N_tRQ-00203-00042680-00042896 the ones that were favorable to the CEO. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00204-00042896-00043253 Now I'm no Sigmund Freud, so I can't imagine how this was u_Kye5N_tRQ-00205-00043253-00043326 done on scale u_Kye5N_tRQ-00206-00043326-00043656 because there are so many clips in the vast ocean of content. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00207-00043666-00043950 I can only surmise a guess that they have incredibly u_Kye5N_tRQ-00208-00043950-00044223 sophisticated technology at hand that allows them to monitor u_Kye5N_tRQ-00209-00044223-00044573 content en masse and prioritize certain clips over others. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00210-00044576-00044713 I don't like to toot my own horn, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00211-00044713-00044940 but I have a lot more journalistic integrity u_Kye5N_tRQ-00212-00044940-00045163 than some of the harvard graduates you see on TV. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00213-00045163-00045400 So I'm going to actually give you both sides of the story u_Kye5N_tRQ-00214-00045400-00045613 as opposed to pretending there's only one side. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00215-00045616-00045853 There were clips that were rightfully disparaging u_Kye5N_tRQ-00216-00045853-00046033 the handful of droopy skinned lawmakers u_Kye5N_tRQ-00217-00046033-00046283 that made a fool of themselves asking dumb questions, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00218-00046326-00046540 and these clips had millions of views. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00219-00046540-00046673 I don't have a problem with this, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00220-00046673-00046786 but what I do have a problem u_Kye5N_tRQ-00221-00046786-00047040 with is not being able to find one Congress member u_Kye5N_tRQ-00222-00047043-00047260 asking legitimate question of the CEO u_Kye5N_tRQ-00223-00047280-00047426 and him not being able to respond u_Kye5N_tRQ-00224-00047426-00047580 in a satisfactory manner. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00225-00047580-00047756 And you expect us to believe u_Kye5N_tRQ-00226-00047756-00048020 that you are capable of maintaining the data u_Kye5N_tRQ-00227-00048020-00048260 security, privacy and security of 150 million Americans? u_Kye5N_tRQ-00228-00048266-00048453 I think that is a blatant u_Kye5N_tRQ-00229-00048453-00048843 display of how vulnerable people who use Tik Tok are. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00230-00048863-00049200 You couldn't take action after 41 days when a clear threat, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00231-00049253-00049403 a very violent threat u_Kye5N_tRQ-00232-00049403-00049496 to the chairwoman of this committee u_Kye5N_tRQ-00233-00049496-00049730 and the members of this committe u_Kye5N_tRQ-00234-00049836-00050050 You damn well know that you cannot protect u_Kye5N_tRQ-00235-00050050-00050250 the data insecurity of this committee u_Kye5N_tRQ-00236-00050250-00050516 or the 150 million users of your app u_Kye5N_tRQ-00237-00050546-00050760 because it is an extension of the CCP. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00238-00050763-00050943 Now let's move on to privacy concerns, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00239-00050943-00051190 because I strongly believe that people should be able u_Kye5N_tRQ-00240-00051190-00051273 to have the option u_Kye5N_tRQ-00241-00051273-00051500 to sell their privacy and data if they so choose. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00242-00051533-00051696 Let them use the app at their own peril. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00243-00051696-00051786 Like, who cares, right? u_Kye5N_tRQ-00244-00051786-00051960 It's their big pics China is going to be u_Kye5N_tRQ-00245-00051960-00052136 in possession of halfway across the world. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00246-00052136-00052443 And I'm a hardcore believer of the fundamentals of America. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00247-00052486-00052676 So and that's what liberty is about, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00248-00052676-00052740 being able to do u_Kye5N_tRQ-00249-00052740-00052876 whatever the duck gets you going, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00250-00052876-00053086 as long as it's not impacting other human beings. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00251-00053086-00053170 But at the same time, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00252-00053170-00053373 you have to let the users of these platforms u_Kye5N_tRQ-00253-00053373-00053640 be aware of how badly they're being fucked on the trade. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00254-00053640-00053863 I've always believed people should have an outlet u_Kye5N_tRQ-00255-00053863-00053933 to express u_Kye5N_tRQ-00256-00053933-00054133 their unfiltered opinions at any cost, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00257-00054170-00054410 but the attack is not the place to do that. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00258-00054410-00054693 You have other public squares that are limited in their own u_Kye5N_tRQ-00259-00054693-00054920 right, like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00260-00054923-00055006 but at least they're not u_Kye5N_tRQ-00261-00055006-00055310 as blatantly propagandistic in their algorithms. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00262-00055340-00055440 Now, listen to this. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00263-00055440-00055646 Anything that shows China in a bad light u_Kye5N_tRQ-00264-00055646-00055823 is either scrubbed off the website u_Kye5N_tRQ-00265-00055823-00056193 completely or it's de-boosted to a point of nonexistence. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00266-00056220-00056460 Like one of the examples that is very popular u_Kye5N_tRQ-00267-00056460-00056610 in terms of how widely it's known u_Kye5N_tRQ-00268-00056610-00056840 that this content is not allowed on TikTok, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00269-00056840-00057070 that one of the lawmakers, even brought it up u_Kye5N_tRQ-00270-00057106-00057223 during the testimony. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00271-00057223-00057543 So something like the tryina Square massacre. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00272-00057543-00057646 I don't know how to say it. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00273-00057646-00057870 Dynamo is like Dynamo in Chinaman. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00274-00057870-00057926 Dynamo. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00275-00057926-00058216 I don't know how you pronounce that dynamic Chinese dynamo. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00276-00058240-00058383 I don't know. I've read that, like, a lot. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00277-00058383-00058550 I've never really been a lot of attention u_Kye5N_tRQ-00278-00058550-00058733 to how you read that out loud. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00279-00058733-00058853 Tiananmen Square. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00280-00058983-00059143 Tiananmen Square. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00281-00059143-00059250 Anyways, so u_Kye5N_tRQ-00282-00059250-00059416 like that dynamo in Square Massacre u_Kye5N_tRQ-00283-00059416-00059629 is virtually nonexistent on the app. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00284-00059629-00059933 This is similar to what happened with Reddit after Tencent’s u_Kye5N_tRQ-00285-00059970-00060223 investment of $150 million in Reddit. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00286-00060250-00060546 By the way, Tencent is a subsidiary of the CCP. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00287-00060583-00060929 So after the investment of $150 million by a company u_Kye5N_tRQ-00288-00060929-00061220 acting as proxy for my man Xi Jinping in China, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00289-00061233-00061540 the change in content moderation of anything remotely u_Kye5N_tRQ-00290-00061540-00061823 anti-Chinese was immediately taken down. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00291-00061826-00062136 The recent alliance between China and Russia u_Kye5N_tRQ-00292-00062153-00062326 was nowhere to be seen on Reddit, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00293-00062326-00062466 even though international politics u_Kye5N_tRQ-00294-00062466-00062673 is the bread and butter of Redditors, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00295-00062673-00062856 especially when it involves the Ukraine. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00296-00062856-00062960 So to not be able u_Kye5N_tRQ-00297-00062960-00063133 to see anything about that u_Kye5N_tRQ-00298-00063133-00063446 trending on Reddit was a huge indicator of how much influence u_Kye5N_tRQ-00299-00063446-00063650 China has over what Western audiences u_Kye5N_tRQ-00300-00063650-00063770 on apps controlled by them. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00301-00063770-00063976 Obviously, these apps don't fall directly u_Kye5N_tRQ-00302-00063976-00064150 under Beijing's jurisdiction u_Kye5N_tRQ-00303-00064150-00064413 because that would be a little too on the nose, even for them. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00304-00064423-00064620 So the companies are cleverly dispersed u_Kye5N_tRQ-00305-00064620-00064853 across a range of different nations, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00306-00064853-00065163 with their data centers being located in mainland China. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00307-00065173-00065453 So in short, the companies act as a proxy for the CCP. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00308-00065483-00065653 If you have enough cognitive capacity u_Kye5N_tRQ-00309-00065653-00066006 to connect the dots, Reddit being in the pocket of the CCP u_Kye5N_tRQ-00310-00066026-00066340 is not closely worrisome to me because it's not as influential u_Kye5N_tRQ-00311-00066340-00066523 as something like Twitter is in terms u_Kye5N_tRQ-00312-00066523-00066733 of politics and current affairs. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00313-00066733-00066853 But Reddit in tandem u_Kye5N_tRQ-00314-00066853-00066976 with TikTok is quite u_Kye5N_tRQ-00315-00066976-00067250 a chokehold on the information flow that the CCP has. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00316-00067293-00067456 I'm not going to lie. I like the acronym. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00317-00067456-00067720 CCP is something you can rap to like very easily. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00318-00067750-00068023 Now everybody from the CCP put your mother u_Kye5N_tRQ-00319-00068023-00068233 duckin hands up and follow me. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00320-00068233-00068413 Yeah, yeah. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00321-00068413-00068526 That's where I'm going to stop. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00322-00068526-00068646 So let's get back to business. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00323-00068646-00068710 Oh, my God. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00324-00068710-00068923 Things I got to do to keep you guys entertained. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00325-00068966-00069130 If you're a dumb-wit who still hasn't u_Kye5N_tRQ-00326-00069130-00069250 realized the true magnitude u_Kye5N_tRQ-00327-00069250-00069446 of the situation, let me give you an example. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00328-00069446-00069606 They should make it abundantly clear u_Kye5N_tRQ-00329-00069606-00069886 there's a good chance of China invading Taiwan in the future. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00330-00069886-00070160 And with the recent alliance of Russia and China, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00331-00070186-00070296 it looks like it might happen u_Kye5N_tRQ-00332-00070296-00070473 sooner than you would have thought. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00333-00070473-00070640 When that happens, you can be certain u_Kye5N_tRQ-00334-00070640-00070850 that China will leverage everything again u_Kye5N_tRQ-00335-00070850-00071153 to put a positive spin on the invasion or colonization u_Kye5N_tRQ-00336-00071153-00071263 or whatever you want to call it. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00337-00071263-00071470 Putting a positive spin on the whole thing u_Kye5N_tRQ-00338-00071470-00071666 will prevent any foreign intervention, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00339-00071666-00071860 like what's happening with Ukraine right now. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00340-00071860-00072103 And you might be thinking in your beautiful around here, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00341-00072140-00072243 how would someone like China u_Kye5N_tRQ-00342-00072243-00072493 put a positive spin on an intervention? Right. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00343-00072493-00072626 Well, let me tell you, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00344-00072626-00072810 the best way to do that would be for China u_Kye5N_tRQ-00345-00072810-00073133 to brainwash 150 million Americans that use TikTok, that u_Kye5N_tRQ-00346-00073133-00073420 the quote unquote partnership between Taiwan and China u_Kye5N_tRQ-00347-00073450-00073653 is in the best interest for both the countries u_Kye5N_tRQ-00348-00073653-00073753 and especially Taiwan, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00349-00073753-00073913 because Taiwan is a small country u_Kye5N_tRQ-00350-00073913-00074093 and it could benefit largely from having u_Kye5N_tRQ-00351-00074093-00074346 the oversight of China and being given all the funds u_Kye5N_tRQ-00352-00074346-00074553 that it needs to become a more developed nation. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00353-00074560-00074776 Now, some of you loyal listeners who made it to this u_Kye5N_tRQ-00354-00074776-00074943 part of the video might be wondering, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00355-00074943-00075040 why does it even matter? u_Kye5N_tRQ-00356-00075040-00075273 Why does it matter if China is able to successfully u_Kye5N_tRQ-00357-00075273-00075493 brainwash hundred and 50 million Americans? Right. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00358-00075493-00075813 Well, allow me to express my 300 IQ deductive reasoning u_Kye5N_tRQ-00359-00075813-00075956 as corrupt as the U.S. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00360-00075956-00076206 government is and as strong a whole as the U.S. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00361-00076206-00076403 military industrial complex has on the U.S. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00362-00076403-00076700 government, the public opinion still holds a lot of weight. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00363-00076713-00077010 If the CCP can remotely, turn a significant population u_Kye5N_tRQ-00364-00077010-00077070 of the U.S. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00365-00077070-00077213 against its own government u_Kye5N_tRQ-00366-00077213-00077426 and at the same time make China look like u_Kye5N_tRQ-00367-00077426-00077680 they're the good guys, that will be the perfect storm. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00368-00077680-00077810 And it'll go a long way u_Kye5N_tRQ-00369-00077810-00077966 in ensuring that China is left u_Kye5N_tRQ-00370-00077966-00078153 alone in their mission to take over Taiwan. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00371-00078153-00078243 It's worth noting u_Kye5N_tRQ-00372-00078243-00078313 that people u_Kye5N_tRQ-00373-00078313-00078523 who are more politically inclined in America u_Kye5N_tRQ-00374-00078550-00078803 are much more likely to go out to a protest in the streets. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00375-00078810-00079136 So China vis a vis can mobilize people in the U.S. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00376-00079136-00079236 to protest in the streets u_Kye5N_tRQ-00377-00079236-00079440 against any foreign intervention in Taiwan. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00378-00079453-00079703 Now, let's for a second overlook the fact that TikTok u_Kye5N_tRQ-00379-00079703-00079903 also operates in almost every other country, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00380-00079903-00080096 with the exception of India and Spain. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00381-00080096-00080320 Let's say the population of all those other countries u_Kye5N_tRQ-00382-00080346-00080636 have people inclined to think more critically and objectively u_Kye5N_tRQ-00383-00080636-00080706 at the whole thing. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00384-00080706-00080813 Let's say they're on the right path u_Kye5N_tRQ-00385-00080813-00081000 and they realize what China is doing u_Kye5N_tRQ-00386-00081000-00081103 is morally wrong u_Kye5N_tRQ-00387-00081103-00081343 without any financial and military assistance u_Kye5N_tRQ-00388-00081343-00081520 from the United States to Taiwan. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00389-00081520-00081723 Anything that other countries contribute u_Kye5N_tRQ-00390-00081723-00081966 is going to be meaningless and not really u_Kye5N_tRQ-00391-00081966-00082133 all that impactful in the bigger picture. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00392-00082133-00082223 Why do I say that? u_Kye5N_tRQ-00393-00082223-00082413 Well, for better or worse, America right u_Kye5N_tRQ-00394-00082413-00082603 now is the only country on the face of the planet u_Kye5N_tRQ-00395-00082603-00082850 that has the backbone to intervene with the big guns. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00396-00082870-00083060 The US leads the world by a long shot u_Kye5N_tRQ-00397-00083060-00083213 with how much it's spent on Ukraine. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00398-00083213-00083423 It's 196 billion. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00399-00083423-00083630 That's more than the GDP of whole countries. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00400-00083666-00083896 Anyways, America also happens to have the world's u_Kye5N_tRQ-00401-00083896-00084136 most powerful military, and there's no contest. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00402-00084183-00084410 The United States alone spends on its military u_Kye5N_tRQ-00403-00084410-00084693 as much as the next nine countries do on there combined. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00404-00084706-00084983 Now, that should give you a sense of how important it is for u_Kye5N_tRQ-00405-00084983-00085340 the US public to not be deluded by propaganda on TikTok. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00406-00085366-00085616 And that's the reason I think TikTok needs to be banned. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00407-00085620-00085780 With all that being said, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00408-00085780-00086093 this was by far the most fun I've had creating a video. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00409-00086136-00086363 And please, for the love of God, go over to my Patreon u_Kye5N_tRQ-00410-00086363-00086703 and make me half as rich as Vladimir Zelensky. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00411-00086720-00086910 Because once I'm rich, I won't be looking down as you u_Kye5N_tRQ-00412-00086910-00087133 from my private jet up in the air, brah. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00413-00087133-00087393 No, but I won't be as humble as the Dalai Lama. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00414-00087416-00087576 So give me all your money. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00415-00087576-00087780 I need money, money, money, money. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00416-00087780-00087983 I'm fucking dying and starving. I've no food. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00417-00087983-00088103 But give me some fucking money. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00418-00088103-00088456 At least like $5 of something though I haven't made one penny. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00419-00088456-00088613 So if I spent so much money u_Kye5N_tRQ-00420-00088613-00088753 on trying to get this youtube going, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00421-00088753-00089023 so you better fucking spend something on this video u_Kye5N_tRQ-00422-00089023-00089270 if you made it all the way to this part of the video. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00423-00089276-00089446 All right, that's it. I'll see you in the next one. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00424-00089510-00089710 So so this part of the video is being recorded u_Kye5N_tRQ-00425-00089710-00089903 two days after I finished recording the first one. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00426-00089903-00090053 And in the last two days, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00427-00090053-00090060 I have been privy to I have been privy to. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00428-00090060-00090143 I have been privy to I have been privy u_Kye5N_tRQ-00429-00090143-00090266 to a set of new information that I think is very important, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00430-00090266-00090466 that I think is very important for you guys to know. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00431-00090466-00090606 So apparently the legislation u_Kye5N_tRQ-00432-00090606-00090716 that was introduced by the lawmakers in Congress u_Kye5N_tRQ-00433-00090716-00090860 that was introduced by the lawmakers in Congress u_Kye5N_tRQ-00434-00090866-00091196 had a lot more snuck into it beside banning TikTok as an app u_Kye5N_tRQ-00435-00091226-00091453 So one of the things that it would give them the power to do u_Kye5N_tRQ-00436-00091476-00091660 would be to imprison someone for 20 years u_Kye5N_tRQ-00437-00091660-00092003 for using a VPN to circumvent the ban of TikTok. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00438-00092046-00092193 And this is just one of the things that they snuck in u_Kye5N_tRQ-00439-00092193-00092260 This is just one thing that they snuck u_Kye5N_tRQ-00440-00092260-00092493 into the legislation for Banning TikTok. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00441-00092513-00092610 And there were a whole lot of u_Kye5N_tRQ-00442-00092610-00092656 other things u_Kye5N_tRQ-00443-00092656-00092733 that I am not going to go too deep into u_Kye5N_tRQ-00444-00092733-00092796 that I am not going to go too deep into u_Kye5N_tRQ-00445-00092796-00093060 because I don't think that's relevant to this video. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00446-00093060-00093066 But I thought it was important for me to add an addendum, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00447-00093066-00093206 but I thought it was important for me u_Kye5N_tRQ-00448-00093206-00093393 to add an addendum to this video because now I'm not quite u_Kye5N_tRQ-00449-00093393-00093406 so now on so now on second thought. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00450-00093406-00093656 So now upon reflection, I don't think the government u_Kye5N_tRQ-00451-00093656-00093893 should have the ability to have that much power u_Kye5N_tRQ-00452-00093893-00093996 If you know anything about u_Kye5N_tRQ-00453-00093996-00094126 the government, you better believe u_Kye5N_tRQ-00454-00094126-00094423 that they won't hesitate for a second before they wield u_Kye5N_tRQ-00455-00094423-00094566 their newly acquired power again u_Kye5N_tRQ-00456-00094566-00094750 against its own law abiding citizens u_Kye5N_tRQ-00457-00094750-00094886 that they happen to disagree with, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00458-00094886-00094946 I understand u_Kye5N_tRQ-00459-00094946-00095150 that this is kind of a dilemma because on one hand, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00460-00095150-00095326 On one hand, you don't want China to have u_Kye5N_tRQ-00461-00095326-00095526 that much access to your information. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00462-00095553-00095630 on the other hand, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00463-00095630-00095826 you also don't want to give your own government u_Kye5N_tRQ-00464-00095826-00095960 the ability to imprison you u_Kye5N_tRQ-00465-00095960-00096153 for something that they disagree with you on. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00466-00096153-00096276 So, so with this new information, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00467-00096276-00096490 the only thing I can think of in terms of u_Kye5N_tRQ-00468-00096503-00096663 going about the TikTok ban would be the u_Kye5N_tRQ-00469-00096663-00096826 the would be to educate the population u_Kye5N_tRQ-00470-00096826-00097056 of the gross violation of their privacy. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00471-00097063-00097163 By TikTok. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00472-00097163-00097316 That's the only thing I can think of. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00473-00097316-00097706 To prevent the mass harvesting of your own that are by the CCP. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00474-00097716-00097960 I would very much appreciate it if you could u_Kye5N_tRQ-00475-00097960-00098010 speak out u_Kye5N_tRQ-00476-00098010-00098106 in the comments down below u_Kye5N_tRQ-00477-00098106-00098293 and tell me what you think about the whole thing, u_Kye5N_tRQ-00478-00098293-00098433 because it seems like a mess. u_Kye5N_tRQ-00479-00098433-00098696 there's no neat way to go about this, in my opinion. u_NBDluQ_0c-00000-00000076-00000300 NEWPORT NEWS SHIPBUILDING RECENTLY HELD A KEEL u_NBDluQ_0c-00001-00000300-00000550 LAYING CEREMONY FOR THE FUTURE USS JOHN F. u_NBDluQ_0c-00002-00000550-00000660 KENNEDY. u_NBDluQ_0c-00003-00000660-00000900 CAROLINE KENNEDY DAUGHTER OF THE SHIPS NAMESAKE IS u_NBDluQ_0c-00004-00000900-00001144 SERVING AS THE SHIP SPONSOR. u_NBDluQ_0c-00005-00001144-00001414 AS A CHILD SHE CHRISTENED THE FIRST USS JOHN F. u_NBDluQ_0c-00006-00001414-00001755 KENNEDY A KITTY HAWK CLASS AIRCRAFT CARRIER WHICH WAS u_NBDluQ_0c-00007-00001755-00002062 DECOMMISIONED IN AUGUST OF 2007. u_NBDluQ_0c-00008-00002062-00002315 DURING THE CEREMONY MISS KENNEDY DECLARED THE KEEL u_NBDluQ_0c-00009-00002315-00002519 TRULY AND FAIRLY LAID. u_NBDluQ_0c-00010-00002519-00002769 HER INITIALS WERE WELDED ONTO A STEEL PLATE THAT u_NBDluQ_0c-00011-00002769-00002996 WILL BE PERMANENTLY AFFIXED TO THE SHIP. u_NBDluQ_0c-00012-00002996-00003256 SIGNIFYING HER ENDURING RELATIONSHIP WITH THE SHIP u_NBDluQ_0c-00013-00003256-00003436 BUILDERS AND CREW. u_NBDluQ_0c-00014-00003436-00003666 THIS SHIP AND OTHER FORD CLASS CARRIERS WILL BE THE u_NBDluQ_0c-00015-00003666-00003937 PREMIER FORWARD ASSET FOR CRISIS RESPONSE u_NBDluQ_0c-00016-00003937-00004224 HUMANATARIAN RELIEF AND THE EARLY DECISIVE u_NBDluQ_0c-00017-00004224-00004544 STRIKING POWER IN COMBAT OPERATIONS . u_NBDluQ_0c-00018-00004544-00004744 IT WILL ALSO PROVIDE IMPROVED WARFIGHTING u_NBDluQ_0c-00019-00004744-00004994 CAPABILITIES QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENTS FOR u_NBDluQ_0c-00020-00004994-00005308 SAILORS AND REDUCED LIFECYCLE COSTS. u_NBDluQ_0c-00021-00005308-00005535 TO WATCH THE FULL KEEL LAYING VIDEO VISIT THE u_NBDluQ_0c-00022-00005535-00005939 HUNTINGTON INGALLS WEBSITE. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00000-00000034-00000320 Today, we're in Brussels, Belgium. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00001-00000334-00000570 Brussels is the capital of Belgium, uCVKcfZAFqQ-00002-00000602-00000906 but you could also say it's the capital of Europe uCVKcfZAFqQ-00003-00000922-00001382 because many of the EU's institutions are based here, in Brussels. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00004-00001490-00001810 And of course, everybody knows the Belgian specialties uCVKcfZAFqQ-00005-00001828-00002332 like French fries, chocolate, waffles, beer, uCVKcfZAFqQ-00006-00002332-00002594 and let's not forget "bande dessinée," Franco-Belgian comics. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00007-00002646-00002814 I'll show you all of that! uCVKcfZAFqQ-00008-00004300-00004590 Brussels is the capital of Belgium, uCVKcfZAFqQ-00009-00004626-00005064 but it's also the de facto capital of the European Union uCVKcfZAFqQ-00010-00005094-00005712 because many of the EU's institutions are headquartered in the Brussels region. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00011-00006034-00006578 The city of Brussels is located between the Flemish part, Flanders, where people speak Flemish, uCVKcfZAFqQ-00012-00006602-00006981 And the Walloon part, Wallonia, where people speak French. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00013-00007009-00007480 And so, the two official languages of Brussels are Flemish and French. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00014-00007928-00008392 The Grand Place in Brussels is one of the most beautiful squares in the world. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00015-00008432-00008968 You don't need to know about architectural styles and eras and all of that uCVKcfZAFqQ-00016-00008970-00009230 to enjoy the beauty of this place. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00017-00011124-00011718 Another beautiful place worth a visit while in Brussels is the Saint-Hubert Royal Galleries. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00018-00012102-00012318 Since it rains often in Belgium, uCVKcfZAFqQ-00019-00012348-00012812 you can sit "outside" and still be out of the rain. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00020-00013096-00013454 Belgium is a country you can explore with your eyes uCVKcfZAFqQ-00021-00013476-00013716 but also with your taste buds! uCVKcfZAFqQ-00022-00013763-00014054 Belgium is, among other things, the country of beer. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00023-00014056-00014262 There are some fantastic beers here. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00024-00014346-00014569 I especially enjoy Kwak uCVKcfZAFqQ-00025-00014596-00015150 because the glass it's served in has a really cool shape, and comes with a wooden stand! uCVKcfZAFqQ-00026-00015184-00015490 And the taste is really nice and complex. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00027-00016022-00016136 It's really great! uCVKcfZAFqQ-00028-00016168-00016646 And in Belgium, you can ask for cheese to go with your beer. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00029-00016744-00017152 So, I pick a piece of cheese... uCVKcfZAFqQ-00030-00017278-00017640 And I dip it in mustard! uCVKcfZAFqQ-00031-00017640-00017794 This is strong mustard. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00032-00017904-00018212 And... It's quite unique, but it's really good. Especially with beer! uCVKcfZAFqQ-00033-00018818-00019206 Another thing worth trying in Belgium: chocolate! uCVKcfZAFqQ-00034-00019420-00019746 It's impossible to visit Belgium and not have chocolate. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00035-00019772-00019938 Personally, I really like Leonidas. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00036-00020012-00020484 And, uh... It's easy because... you can see the chocolates, and you... uCVKcfZAFqQ-00037-00020496-00020806 That's the mini box, by the way! I'm not greedy, it's the smallest one! uCVKcfZAFqQ-00038-00020826-00020956 It's the box called "mini." uCVKcfZAFqQ-00039-00021190-00021366 Argh! It's sealed shut. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00040-00021446-00021782 And, uh... my chocolates are inside. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00041-00021918-00022054 It's filled with chocolates! uCVKcfZAFqQ-00042-00022192-00022332 They're absolutely delicious. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00043-00022422-00022692 So tomorrow, I'm coming back for another box! uCVKcfZAFqQ-00044-00023252-00023736 Belgium is also the country of "bédé" or "bande dessinée," that is, Franco-Belgian comics. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00045-00023814-00024382 Most of the "bédés" I read as a little girl were from Belgium, uCVKcfZAFqQ-00046-00024410-00024796 including Tintin, the Smurfs, Lucky Luke, uCVKcfZAFqQ-00047-00024832-00025322 Yoko Tsuno, Boule et Bill [Billy & Buddy], Spirou, and the Marsupilami. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00048-00025414-00025880 And by the way, reading "bédés" is a great way to learn French! uCVKcfZAFqQ-00049-00026554-00026936 So that's it! I hope you enjoyed exploring Brussels with me. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00050-00026962-00027389 It's a beautiful city, and there's tons of things to sample and enjoy – uCVKcfZAFqQ-00051-00027474-00027748 especially chocolate and beer, for me. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00052-00027794-00028127 And it's really pretty, especially the Grand Place, uCVKcfZAFqQ-00053-00028139-00028350 which is one of the most beautiful squares in Europe. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00054-00028400-00028754 So, I hope you'll have the chance to visit Belgium one day, uCVKcfZAFqQ-00055-00028754-00028930 especially Brussels. uCVKcfZAFqQ-00056-00029256-00029420 The Manneken Pis! uCVKcfZAFqQ-00057-00029683-00029950 Meh... I'm gonna go grab some chocolates! uEJmyJif5ou-00000-00000064-00000640 did you know that my latest provision, that is the one links that i'm using, uEJmyJif5ou-00001-00000704-00001520 have just aged 4 000 views. this might be enough for a second extra day of support, uEJmyJif5ou-00002-00001520-00002160 as it's quite rare for approach to have more than 2 000 views in the first two days. uEJmyJif5ou-00003-00002232-00002656 in which case, it will get an extra day because i still want it to perform better, uEJmyJif5ou-00004-00002792-00003752 so wow. not only that my latest one which isn't really, the last one actually was speeding up uEJmyJif5ou-00005-00003752-00004320 a little bit over the last 10 hours, but the channel, it went down to 150 over time. uIF2f2CZo70-00000-00001040-00001240 10 9 uIF2f2CZo70-00001-00001240-00001623 8 7 6 5 uIF2f2CZo70-00002-00001623-00001823 4 3 uIF2f2CZo70-00003-00001823-00002032 2 1 uIF2f2CZo70-00004-00002032-00002384 0 plus one plus two hundred ignited three uIF2f2CZo70-00005-00002384-00002885 take a left that's four plus five [Applause] uIF2f2CZo70-00006-00002885-00003361 [Laughter] [Applause] uIF2f2CZo70-00007-00003361-00004184 [Laughter] [Applause] uIF2f2CZo70-00008-00004184-00004484 yes uIF2f2CZo70-00009-00004941-00005255 [Applause] uIF2f2CZo70-00010-00005664-00005928 that's 55 uIF2f2CZo70-00011-00006319-00006676 to 55 seconds uIF2f2CZo70-00012-00006781-00007093 [Applause] uIF2f2CZo70-00013-00007600-00007952 first stage performance normal first change performance normal as indicated uIF2f2CZo70-00014-00007952-00008464 by the range operation director 90 seconds into the flight another 22 uIF2f2CZo70-00015-00008464-00008760 seconds we'll have the ignition of the 110 stays uIF2f2CZo70-00016-00008760-00009279 which again is a very important activity and if we look at the plots of the time uIF2f2CZo70-00017-00009279-00009632 versus altitude and velocity we see a very close close match with the uIF2f2CZo70-00018-00009632-00010028 pre-flight and the flight predictions uIF2f2CZo70-00019-00011111-00011504 has been ignited at uIF2f2CZo70-00020-00013240-00013780 ignition has been confirmed [Applause] uIF2f2CZo70-00021-00014463-00014899 [Applause] uIF2f2CZo70-00022-00020608-00020815 you uL5XhmIxxH8-00000-00000017-00000458 I would like to show you how I teach counting by five to the students in my uL5XhmIxxH8-00001-00000458-00000869 classroom. To begin with, I would have three students come to the front of the uL5XhmIxxH8-00002-00000869-00001639 room. This is student one, student number two, and student number three. Let's say, uL5XhmIxxH8-00003-00001639-00002072 oh, and I was have their fingers extended, so that all the students could see the uL5XhmIxxH8-00004-00002072-00002485 fingers on their hands. And, I'd say class I would like us to count the uL5XhmIxxH8-00005-00002485-00003527 fingers that you see, and together we would count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, uL5XhmIxxH8-00006-00003527-00004957 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. And, I go to a boys and girls, uL5XhmIxxH8-00007-00004957-00005387 that took us a long time to get that counted. How could we count them quicker? uL5XhmIxxH8-00008-00005387-00005894 I would it take all the answers that they said and listen, and then direct uL5XhmIxxH8-00009-00005894-00006940 them to, we could count by fives. And we would practice. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. we would uL5XhmIxxH8-00010-00006940-00007340 do that a couple of times, and then, I would demonstrate that a couple of times. uL5XhmIxxH8-00011-00007340-00008868 And then, we would count together. 5 put the number 5 on their hand, 10, 15, 20, 25, uL5XhmIxxH8-00012-00008868-00009503 30. Boys and girls how many fingers do you see? And then they would say 30. uL5XhmIxxH8-00013-00009503-00010147 That's a nice job of counting. I would bring up two more students. So, now I have uL5XhmIxxH8-00014-00010147-00010814 student 4 and I have student number 5. And, we go through the same process again. uL5XhmIxxH8-00015-00010814-00011257 I would say boys and girls count with me by one. So, we're going to uL5XhmIxxH8-00016-00011257-00012206 count their fingers and we do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. We go all the way around uL5XhmIxxH8-00017-00012206-00013130 until we got to, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. I'd say, oh my goodness boys and girls that took uL5XhmIxxH8-00018-00013130-00013637 us a long time to count. How can we do it quicker? Well now they uL5XhmIxxH8-00019-00013637-00014033 will tell us to count by fives, and I'd say okay boys and girls let's count uL5XhmIxxH8-00020-00014033-00015713 together. We'd count 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50. Boys and girls that was much uL5XhmIxxH8-00021-00015713-00016366 faster way to count by 5's. Nice job. After we practiced this several times I would uL5XhmIxxH8-00022-00016366-00016970 have my children sit in a circle, and we are going to play the count and sit game. uL5XhmIxxH8-00023-00016970-00017615 And, the way we would play it is, we would count by 5 all fingers are extended 5, 10, uL5XhmIxxH8-00024-00017615-00018692 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50. Our target is 50. So, this student would sit down and then uL5XhmIxxH8-00025-00018692-00019244 we would start again. And we're only going to 50 to begin with. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, uL5XhmIxxH8-00026-00019244-00020635 30, 35, 40, 45, 50. This student then would sit down. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50. uL5XhmIxxH8-00027-00020635-00021722 This student sits down, and then 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50. And this student uL5XhmIxxH8-00028-00021722-00022207 sits and then we have one student remaining. After we were doing a good job uL5XhmIxxH8-00029-00022207-00022751 of counting to 50, we would continue that counting by fives to 100. And this is one uL5XhmIxxH8-00030-00022751-00023332 way that I would teach counting by fives to the students in my classroom. uLm2FgaBvto-00000-00000010-00000053 WITH HIGH SPEED INTERNET, uLm2FgaBvto-00001-00000053-00000060 WITH HIGH SPEED INTERNET, uLm2FgaBvto-00002-00000060-00000113 WITH HIGH SPEED INTERNET, DIGITAL TV AND LOCAL PHONE uLm2FgaBvto-00003-00000113-00000120 WITH HIGH SPEED INTERNET, DIGITAL TV AND LOCAL PHONE uLm2FgaBvto-00004-00000120-00000150 WITH HIGH SPEED INTERNET, DIGITAL TV AND LOCAL PHONE SERVICES. uLm2FgaBvto-00005-00000150-00000156 DIGITAL TV AND LOCAL PHONE SERVICES. uLm2FgaBvto-00006-00000156-00000220 DIGITAL TV AND LOCAL PHONE SERVICES. >>> AND NOW MORE NEWS WITH uLm2FgaBvto-00007-00000220-00000226 SERVICES. >>> AND NOW MORE NEWS WITH uLm2FgaBvto-00008-00000226-00000296 SERVICES. >>> AND NOW MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. uLm2FgaBvto-00009-00000296-00000303 >>> AND NOW MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. uLm2FgaBvto-00010-00000303-00000727 >>> AND NOW MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. >> TYLER: THE uLm2FgaBvto-00011-00000727-00000840 >> DENNIS: THE HISTORY OF uLm2FgaBvto-00012-00000840-00000847 >> DENNIS: THE HISTORY OF uLm2FgaBvto-00013-00000847-00001381 >> DENNIS: THE HISTORY OF WILLIAMS SHAKE FEAR AND HIS -- uLm2FgaBvto-00014-00001381-00001388 >> DENNIS: THE HISTORY OF WILLIAMS SHAKE FEAR AND HIS -- uLm2FgaBvto-00015-00001388-00001638 >> DENNIS: THE HISTORY OF WILLIAMS SHAKE FEAR AND HIS -- SHAKESPEARE WERE BROUGHT uLm2FgaBvto-00016-00001638-00001644 WILLIAMS SHAKE FEAR AND HIS -- SHAKESPEARE WERE BROUGHT uLm2FgaBvto-00017-00001644-00002112 WILLIAMS SHAKE FEAR AND HIS -- SHAKESPEARE WERE BROUGHT TOGETHER TODAY. uLm2FgaBvto-00018-00002112-00002118 SHAKESPEARE WERE BROUGHT TOGETHER TODAY. uLm2FgaBvto-00019-00002118-00002255 SHAKESPEARE WERE BROUGHT TOGETHER TODAY. AFTER PARTICIPANTS LEARNED THE uLm2FgaBvto-00020-00002255-00002262 TOGETHER TODAY. AFTER PARTICIPANTS LEARNED THE uLm2FgaBvto-00021-00002262-00002589 TOGETHER TODAY. AFTER PARTICIPANTS LEARNED THE HISTORY OF SHAKESPEARE, THEY uLm2FgaBvto-00022-00002589-00002595 AFTER PARTICIPANTS LEARNED THE HISTORY OF SHAKESPEARE, THEY uLm2FgaBvto-00023-00002595-00002892 AFTER PARTICIPANTS LEARNED THE HISTORY OF SHAKESPEARE, THEY WERE GIVEN IMPORTANT EXAMPLES OF uLm2FgaBvto-00024-00002892-00002899 HISTORY OF SHAKESPEARE, THEY WERE GIVEN IMPORTANT EXAMPLES OF uLm2FgaBvto-00025-00002899-00003046 HISTORY OF SHAKESPEARE, THEY WERE GIVEN IMPORTANT EXAMPLES OF SPECIFIC PLANTS IMPORTANT TO uLm2FgaBvto-00026-00003046-00003053 WERE GIVEN IMPORTANT EXAMPLES OF SPECIFIC PLANTS IMPORTANT TO uLm2FgaBvto-00027-00003053-00003086 WERE GIVEN IMPORTANT EXAMPLES OF SPECIFIC PLANTS IMPORTANT TO HIM. uLm2FgaBvto-00028-00003086-00003093 SPECIFIC PLANTS IMPORTANT TO HIM. uLm2FgaBvto-00029-00003093-00003576 SPECIFIC PLANTS IMPORTANT TO HIM. EVEN HUNDREDS OF YEARS LATER, uLm2FgaBvto-00030-00003576-00003583 HIM. EVEN HUNDREDS OF YEARS LATER, uLm2FgaBvto-00031-00003583-00003710 HIM. EVEN HUNDREDS OF YEARS LATER, SHAKESPEARE'S GARDENING uLm2FgaBvto-00032-00003710-00003717 EVEN HUNDREDS OF YEARS LATER, SHAKESPEARE'S GARDENING uLm2FgaBvto-00033-00003717-00003897 EVEN HUNDREDS OF YEARS LATER, SHAKESPEARE'S GARDENING INFLUENCE CAN BE RECOGNIZED. uLm2FgaBvto-00034-00003897-00003903 SHAKESPEARE'S GARDENING INFLUENCE CAN BE RECOGNIZED. uLm2FgaBvto-00035-00003903-00004150 SHAKESPEARE'S GARDENING INFLUENCE CAN BE RECOGNIZED. >> IF YOU LOOK OVER TIME, HOW uLm2FgaBvto-00036-00004150-00004157 INFLUENCE CAN BE RECOGNIZED. >> IF YOU LOOK OVER TIME, HOW uLm2FgaBvto-00037-00004157-00004554 INFLUENCE CAN BE RECOGNIZED. >> IF YOU LOOK OVER TIME, HOW THEY PICTURED EMBROIDERY, PLANTS uppX-djBUTg-00000-00000024-00000520 You know this morning we heard top officials before the open the ECB and the BOE Bank of uppX-djBUTg-00001-00000520-00000919 England and they suggested okay we're ready to take some kind of action here and it's interesting uppX-djBUTg-00002-00000919-00001456 to me because all the indices were down and they opened higher on those little bitty comments uppX-djBUTg-00003-00001456-00001888 so you know I think we need to see the same from a high-ranking member of the federal reserve uppX-djBUTg-00004-00001888-00002224 they don't have to take action but they've got to suggest hey we're going to do make some uppX-djBUTg-00005-00002224-00002584 adjustments to our game plan your thoughts on that and what you're doing right now uppX-djBUTg-00006-00002672-00003080 well first off I mean they have to signal anything and at this point we know rates are uppX-djBUTg-00007-00003080-00003511 going to stay low Charles at this point we know that basically until right now I know that Ryan uppX-djBUTg-00008-00003511-00003920 right let me jump in, let me jump in let me jump in I know they're going to stay low uppX-djBUTg-00009-00003920-00004376 but I'm talking about yield caps I'm talking about negative rates, I'm talking about buying more uppX-djBUTg-00010-00004376-00004912 treasuries do they have to say anything because I don't think until our fed says something that this uppX-djBUTg-00011-00004912-00005424 pressure is going to ease up yeah I don't think they say a word Charles there's 1.9 trillion more uppX-djBUTg-00012-00005424-00005904 dollars coming into the economy consumers aren't sitting on way too much money right now economy is uppX-djBUTg-00013-00005904-00006296 going to run hot at the end of the year and that's why you're starting to see cyclicals move let's uppX-djBUTg-00014-00006296-00006792 face it since I was on your show in the fall I've been painfully right no pun intended p-a-y-n-e uppX-djBUTg-00015-00006880-00007336 you know that rotation we've seen it man we've seen money move out of tech uppX-djBUTg-00016-00007336-00007752 let's move into cyclicals move to energy financials and I think that's the biggest uppX-djBUTg-00017-00007752-00008320 mistake investors are making right now text the old trade tech's over it's overvalued here uppX-djBUTg-00018-00008320-00008760 money's moving into energy it's moving into financials it's moving into consumer discretionary uppX-djBUTg-00019-00008760-00009248 that's the trade of the future and you got to be ready for inflation here that's the play a hundred uppX-djBUTg-00020-00009248-00009704 percent I got a very concerning letter this morning and I want to share part of it because uppX-djBUTg-00021-00009704-00010256 I think it represents what a lot of investors feel it says Dear Charles, I'm emailing because I'm very uppX-djBUTg-00022-00010256-00010808 fearful at the moment of the quick financial fall in the stock market is going on going through uppX-djBUTg-00023-00010808-00011208 I was doing what I thought was very well in the financial realm as far as uppX-djBUTg-00024-00011208-00011776 seeing my investments grow again sorry for the rant but this morning continues going to continue uppX-djBUTg-00025-00011856-00012392 do I stay in the stock market can I write this out and come out at the very least okay thank uppX-djBUTg-00026-00012392-00012824 you for reading listening have a great day you know when I get these kind of letters it uppX-djBUTg-00027-00012824-00013256 really breaks my heart for a number of reasons now I took out some components of this letter uppX-djBUTg-00028-00013256-00013776 because it was opinions on governments and other personal issues but that also plays a real role in uppX-djBUTg-00029-00013776-00014368 a psyche your overall feeling, you know when you feel bad about anything outside the stock market uppX-djBUTg-00030-00014368-00014847 and then you add in these choppy pullbacks it gets even more painful I looked at her portfolio uppX-djBUTg-00031-00014847-00015384 I saw a lot of stocks that were up gigantic she had big gains and they given them up see they're uppX-djBUTg-00032-00015384-00015856 down they pulled back so you know she decided not to take profits when she had a chance I'm uppX-djBUTg-00033-00015856-00016232 sure she regrets it and I guarantee you a lot of people watching right now in the same boat uppX-djBUTg-00034-00016304-00016736 it's the biggest mistake people are making right they don't take profits when these stocks are uppX-djBUTg-00035-00016736-00017208 soaring but they are willing to take losses on pullbacks obviously this formula means that you uppX-djBUTg-00036-00017208-00017712 will never succeed in the stock market now the best way to mitigate this emotional rollercoaster uppX-djBUTg-00037-00017712-00018256 is to have a plan and to stick with it if you're a trader then trade that includes taking losses uppX-djBUTg-00038-00018256-00018704 if you want to be an investor learn more about the companies that you own and forget the day-to-day uppX-djBUTg-00039-00018704-00019232 moves and the stocks focus on the movement and the underlying fundamentals and whatever you do please uppX-djBUTg-00040-00019232-00019704 do not allow your feelings or other challenges in life to affect your investing decisions you're uppX-djBUTg-00041-00019704-00020144 going to take occasional losses but that's not the hardest part of investing the hardest part uppX-djBUTg-00042-00020144-00020688 is when you succumb to your emotions so that Ryan what do you tell people in this situation well uppX-djBUTg-00043-00020688-00021160 first, I wish that this writer had a Payne Capital Management account just saying but I think there's uppX-djBUTg-00044-00021280-00021752 no promotion here Charles but this speaks to him promotion and you got to pay us for a commercial uppX-djBUTg-00045-00022024-00022520 I need to write a book but no point is look I think the important thing here is I see this one uppX-djBUTg-00046-00022520-00023040 with portfolios all the time is you can't just have a tech portfolio and a portfolio of bond uppX-djBUTg-00047-00023040-00023440 funds that trade is over right now people have to be proactive with their strategy uppX-djBUTg-00048-00023440-00023760 they have to start thinking about inflation they have to start thinking about the future uppX-djBUTg-00049-00023760-00024128 and the bottom line is an inflationary environment is not great for tech uppX-djBUTg-00050-00024128-00024360 so you've got to make that adjustment your portfolio. uRp_9CvTAPA-00000-00000010-00000050 >>Dennis: THANKS, A.J. uRp_9CvTAPA-00001-00000050-00000056 >>Dennis: THANKS, A.J. uRp_9CvTAPA-00002-00000056-00000176 >>Dennis: THANKS, A.J. >>> A BRAINERD WOMAN HAS uRp_9CvTAPA-00003-00000176-00000183 >>Dennis: THANKS, A.J. >>> A BRAINERD WOMAN HAS uRp_9CvTAPA-00004-00000183-00000563 >>Dennis: THANKS, A.J. >>> A BRAINERD WOMAN HAS RECENTLY TAKEN FIRST PLACE IN uRp_9CvTAPA-00005-00000563-00000570 >>> A BRAINERD WOMAN HAS RECENTLY TAKEN FIRST PLACE IN uRp_9CvTAPA-00006-00000570-00000847 >>> A BRAINERD WOMAN HAS RECENTLY TAKEN FIRST PLACE IN HER CLASS IN THE 2018 NATIONAL uRp_9CvTAPA-00007-00000847-00000854 RECENTLY TAKEN FIRST PLACE IN HER CLASS IN THE 2018 NATIONAL uRp_9CvTAPA-00008-00000854-00000920 RECENTLY TAKEN FIRST PLACE IN HER CLASS IN THE 2018 NATIONAL HORSESHOE PITCHERS ASSOCIATION uRp_9CvTAPA-00009-00000920-00000927 HER CLASS IN THE 2018 NATIONAL HORSESHOE PITCHERS ASSOCIATION uRp_9CvTAPA-00010-00000927-00001034 HER CLASS IN THE 2018 NATIONAL HORSESHOE PITCHERS ASSOCIATION WORLD HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT. uRp_9CvTAPA-00011-00001034-00001041 HORSESHOE PITCHERS ASSOCIATION WORLD HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT. uRp_9CvTAPA-00012-00001041-00001101 HORSESHOE PITCHERS ASSOCIATION WORLD HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT. WITH THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY uRp_9CvTAPA-00013-00001101-00001107 WORLD HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT. WITH THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY uRp_9CvTAPA-00014-00001107-00001211 WORLD HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT. WITH THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, OUR REPORTER RACHEL uRp_9CvTAPA-00015-00001211-00001217 WITH THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, OUR REPORTER RACHEL uRp_9CvTAPA-00016-00001217-00001367 WITH THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, OUR REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS MORE. uRp_9CvTAPA-00017-00001367-00001374 SPOTLIGHT, OUR REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS MORE. uRp_9CvTAPA-00018-00001374-00001584 SPOTLIGHT, OUR REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS MORE. >> Reporter: CONNIE BACHMAN HAS uRp_9CvTAPA-00019-00001584-00001591 JOHNSON HAS MORE. >> Reporter: CONNIE BACHMAN HAS uRp_9CvTAPA-00020-00001591-00001761 JOHNSON HAS MORE. >> Reporter: CONNIE BACHMAN HAS ONLY BEEN PLAYING HORSESHOE uRp_9CvTAPA-00021-00001761-00001768 >> Reporter: CONNIE BACHMAN HAS ONLY BEEN PLAYING HORSESHOE uRp_9CvTAPA-00022-00001768-00001908 >> Reporter: CONNIE BACHMAN HAS ONLY BEEN PLAYING HORSESHOE COMPETITIVELY FOR FIVE YEARS AND uRp_9CvTAPA-00023-00001908-00001915 ONLY BEEN PLAYING HORSESHOE COMPETITIVELY FOR FIVE YEARS AND uRp_9CvTAPA-00024-00001915-00002052 ONLY BEEN PLAYING HORSESHOE COMPETITIVELY FOR FIVE YEARS AND SHE ALREADY HAS A WORLD CLASS uRp_9CvTAPA-00025-00002052-00002058 COMPETITIVELY FOR FIVE YEARS AND SHE ALREADY HAS A WORLD CLASS uRp_9CvTAPA-00026-00002058-00002202 COMPETITIVELY FOR FIVE YEARS AND SHE ALREADY HAS A WORLD CLASS CHAMPIONSHIP UNDER HER BELT. uRp_9CvTAPA-00027-00002202-00002208 SHE ALREADY HAS A WORLD CLASS CHAMPIONSHIP UNDER HER BELT. uRp_9CvTAPA-00028-00002208-00002345 SHE ALREADY HAS A WORLD CLASS CHAMPIONSHIP UNDER HER BELT. >> IT WAS PRETTY EXCITING uRp_9CvTAPA-00029-00002345-00002352 CHAMPIONSHIP UNDER HER BELT. >> IT WAS PRETTY EXCITING uRp_9CvTAPA-00030-00002352-00002482 CHAMPIONSHIP UNDER HER BELT. >> IT WAS PRETTY EXCITING BECAUSE THERE WAS THREE TIED FOR uRp_9CvTAPA-00031-00002482-00002489 >> IT WAS PRETTY EXCITING BECAUSE THERE WAS THREE TIED FOR uRp_9CvTAPA-00032-00002489-00002549 >> IT WAS PRETTY EXCITING BECAUSE THERE WAS THREE TIED FOR FIRST PLACE. uRp_9CvTAPA-00033-00002549-00002555 BECAUSE THERE WAS THREE TIED FOR FIRST PLACE. uRp_9CvTAPA-00034-00002555-00002716 BECAUSE THERE WAS THREE TIED FOR FIRST PLACE. SO WE HAD TO HAVE A PLAYOFF. uRp_9CvTAPA-00035-00002716-00002722 FIRST PLACE. SO WE HAD TO HAVE A PLAYOFF. uRp_9CvTAPA-00036-00002722-00002896 FIRST PLACE. SO WE HAD TO HAVE A PLAYOFF. I WON THE PLAYOFF, SO THAT WAS uRp_9CvTAPA-00037-00002896-00002902 SO WE HAD TO HAVE A PLAYOFF. I WON THE PLAYOFF, SO THAT WAS uRp_9CvTAPA-00038-00002902-00003036 SO WE HAD TO HAVE A PLAYOFF. I WON THE PLAYOFF, SO THAT WAS REALLY EXCITING. uRp_9CvTAPA-00039-00003036-00003043 I WON THE PLAYOFF, SO THAT WAS REALLY EXCITING. uRp_9CvTAPA-00040-00003043-00003239 I WON THE PLAYOFF, SO THAT WAS REALLY EXCITING. >> Reporter: SHE GOT HER START uRp_9CvTAPA-00041-00003239-00003246 REALLY EXCITING. >> Reporter: SHE GOT HER START uRp_9CvTAPA-00042-00003246-00003400 REALLY EXCITING. >> Reporter: SHE GOT HER START IN HORSESHOE AT 66 PLAYING WITH uRp_9CvTAPA-00043-00003400-00003406 >> Reporter: SHE GOT HER START IN HORSESHOE AT 66 PLAYING WITH uRp_9CvTAPA-00044-00003406-00003560 >> Reporter: SHE GOT HER START IN HORSESHOE AT 66 PLAYING WITH A GROUP OF FRIENDS IN ARIZONA uRp_9CvTAPA-00045-00003560-00003566 IN HORSESHOE AT 66 PLAYING WITH A GROUP OF FRIENDS IN ARIZONA uRp_9CvTAPA-00046-00003566-00003730 IN HORSESHOE AT 66 PLAYING WITH A GROUP OF FRIENDS IN ARIZONA WHERE HER AND HER HUSBAND WOULD uRp_9CvTAPA-00047-00003730-00003736 A GROUP OF FRIENDS IN ARIZONA WHERE HER AND HER HUSBAND WOULD uRp_9CvTAPA-00048-00003736-00003820 A GROUP OF FRIENDS IN ARIZONA WHERE HER AND HER HUSBAND WOULD SPEND THE WINTERS. uRp_9CvTAPA-00049-00003820-00003827 WHERE HER AND HER HUSBAND WOULD SPEND THE WINTERS. uRp_9CvTAPA-00050-00003827-00004007 WHERE HER AND HER HUSBAND WOULD SPEND THE WINTERS. >> I STARTED THE GROUP UP NOT uRp_9CvTAPA-00051-00004007-00004014 SPEND THE WINTERS. >> I STARTED THE GROUP UP NOT uRp_9CvTAPA-00052-00004014-00004144 SPEND THE WINTERS. >> I STARTED THE GROUP UP NOT KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT uRp_9CvTAPA-00053-00004144-00004150 >> I STARTED THE GROUP UP NOT KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT uRp_9CvTAPA-00054-00004150-00004190 >> I STARTED THE GROUP UP NOT KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT HORSESHOES. uRp_9CvTAPA-00055-00004190-00004197 KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT HORSESHOES. uRp_9CvTAPA-00056-00004197-00004424 KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT HORSESHOES. IT TURNED OUT TO BE A VERY BIG uRp_9CvTAPA-00057-00004424-00004431 HORSESHOES. IT TURNED OUT TO BE A VERY BIG uRp_9CvTAPA-00058-00004431-00004511 HORSESHOES. IT TURNED OUT TO BE A VERY BIG SUCCESSFUL GROUP. uRp_9CvTAPA-00059-00004511-00004517 IT TURNED OUT TO BE A VERY BIG SUCCESSFUL GROUP. uRp_9CvTAPA-00060-00004517-00004631 IT TURNED OUT TO BE A VERY BIG SUCCESSFUL GROUP. >> Reporter: DURING A GAME OF uRp_9CvTAPA-00061-00004631-00004637 SUCCESSFUL GROUP. >> Reporter: DURING A GAME OF uRp_9CvTAPA-00062-00004637-00004768 SUCCESSFUL GROUP. >> Reporter: DURING A GAME OF HORSESHOE, YOU CAN EITHER PLAY uRp_9CvTAPA-00063-00004768-00004774 >> Reporter: DURING A GAME OF HORSESHOE, YOU CAN EITHER PLAY uRp_9CvTAPA-00064-00004774-00004891 >> Reporter: DURING A GAME OF HORSESHOE, YOU CAN EITHER PLAY WITH FOUR PEOPLE OR TWO PEOPLE. uRp_9CvTAPA-00065-00004891-00004898 HORSESHOE, YOU CAN EITHER PLAY WITH FOUR PEOPLE OR TWO PEOPLE. uRp_9CvTAPA-00066-00004898-00005034 HORSESHOE, YOU CAN EITHER PLAY WITH FOUR PEOPLE OR TWO PEOPLE. A RINGER, WHEN YOU THROW THE uRp_9CvTAPA-00067-00005034-00005041 WITH FOUR PEOPLE OR TWO PEOPLE. A RINGER, WHEN YOU THROW THE uRp_9CvTAPA-00068-00005041-00005195 WITH FOUR PEOPLE OR TWO PEOPLE. A RINGER, WHEN YOU THROW THE HORSESHOE AROUND THE PEG IS uRp_9CvTAPA-00069-00005195-00005201 A RINGER, WHEN YOU THROW THE HORSESHOE AROUND THE PEG IS uRp_9CvTAPA-00070-00005201-00005351 A RINGER, WHEN YOU THROW THE HORSESHOE AROUND THE PEG IS THREE POINTS AND WITHIN SIX uRp_9CvTAPA-00071-00005351-00005358 HORSESHOE AROUND THE PEG IS THREE POINTS AND WITHIN SIX uRp_9CvTAPA-00072-00005358-00005515 HORSESHOE AROUND THE PEG IS THREE POINTS AND WITHIN SIX INCHES OF THE PEG IS ONE POINT. uRp_9CvTAPA-00073-00005515-00005522 THREE POINTS AND WITHIN SIX INCHES OF THE PEG IS ONE POINT. uRp_9CvTAPA-00074-00005522-00005695 THREE POINTS AND WITHIN SIX INCHES OF THE PEG IS ONE POINT. SINCE CONNIE GOT HER START IN uRp_9CvTAPA-00075-00005695-00005702 INCHES OF THE PEG IS ONE POINT. SINCE CONNIE GOT HER START IN uRp_9CvTAPA-00076-00005702-00005919 INCHES OF THE PEG IS ONE POINT. SINCE CONNIE GOT HER START IN HORSE SHOES, SHE'S TRAVELED uRp_9CvTAPA-00077-00005919-00005925 SINCE CONNIE GOT HER START IN HORSE SHOES, SHE'S TRAVELED uRp_9CvTAPA-00078-00005925-00006066 SINCE CONNIE GOT HER START IN HORSE SHOES, SHE'S TRAVELED ACROSS THE COUNTRY COMPETING AND uRp_9CvTAPA-00079-00006066-00006072 HORSE SHOES, SHE'S TRAVELED ACROSS THE COUNTRY COMPETING AND uRp_9CvTAPA-00080-00006072-00006192 HORSE SHOES, SHE'S TRAVELED ACROSS THE COUNTRY COMPETING AND BEATING PLAYERS MUCH YOUNGER uRp_9CvTAPA-00081-00006192-00006199 ACROSS THE COUNTRY COMPETING AND BEATING PLAYERS MUCH YOUNGER uRp_9CvTAPA-00082-00006199-00006349 ACROSS THE COUNTRY COMPETING AND BEATING PLAYERS MUCH YOUNGER THAN HER. uRp_9CvTAPA-00083-00006349-00006356 BEATING PLAYERS MUCH YOUNGER THAN HER. uRp_9CvTAPA-00084-00006356-00006556 BEATING PLAYERS MUCH YOUNGER THAN HER. >> FIRST WE'LL GO TO NEW YORK uRp_9CvTAPA-00085-00006556-00006563 THAN HER. >> FIRST WE'LL GO TO NEW YORK uRp_9CvTAPA-00086-00006563-00006886 THAN HER. >> FIRST WE'LL GO TO NEW YORK AND THEN TOPEKA, KANSAS; uRp_9CvTAPA-00087-00006886-00006893 >> FIRST WE'LL GO TO NEW YORK AND THEN TOPEKA, KANSAS; uRp_9CvTAPA-00088-00006893-00007056 >> FIRST WE'LL GO TO NEW YORK AND THEN TOPEKA, KANSAS; ALABAMA; UTAH AND SOUTH CAROLINA uRp_9CvTAPA-00089-00007056-00007063 AND THEN TOPEKA, KANSAS; ALABAMA; UTAH AND SOUTH CAROLINA uRp_9CvTAPA-00090-00007063-00007193 AND THEN TOPEKA, KANSAS; ALABAMA; UTAH AND SOUTH CAROLINA WAS THE LAST ONE. uRp_9CvTAPA-00091-00007193-00007200 ALABAMA; UTAH AND SOUTH CAROLINA WAS THE LAST ONE. uRp_9CvTAPA-00092-00007200-00007323 ALABAMA; UTAH AND SOUTH CAROLINA WAS THE LAST ONE. >> Reporter: HER FAMILY HAS uRp_9CvTAPA-00093-00007323-00007330 WAS THE LAST ONE. >> Reporter: HER FAMILY HAS uRp_9CvTAPA-00094-00007330-00007487 WAS THE LAST ONE. >> Reporter: HER FAMILY HAS BEEN THERE TO SUPPORT HER ALONG uRp_9CvTAPA-00095-00007487-00007494 >> Reporter: HER FAMILY HAS BEEN THERE TO SUPPORT HER ALONG uRp_9CvTAPA-00096-00007494-00007647 >> Reporter: HER FAMILY HAS BEEN THERE TO SUPPORT HER ALONG THE WAY TRAVELING TO TOURNAMENTS uRp_9CvTAPA-00097-00007647-00007654 BEEN THERE TO SUPPORT HER ALONG THE WAY TRAVELING TO TOURNAMENTS uRp_9CvTAPA-00098-00007654-00007814 BEEN THERE TO SUPPORT HER ALONG THE WAY TRAVELING TO TOURNAMENTS AND BEING HER NUMBER ONE FANS. uRp_9CvTAPA-00099-00007814-00007821 THE WAY TRAVELING TO TOURNAMENTS AND BEING HER NUMBER ONE FANS. uRp_9CvTAPA-00100-00007821-00007971 THE WAY TRAVELING TO TOURNAMENTS AND BEING HER NUMBER ONE FANS. >> SHE'S VERY SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE uRp_9CvTAPA-00101-00007971-00007977 AND BEING HER NUMBER ONE FANS. >> SHE'S VERY SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE uRp_9CvTAPA-00102-00007977-00008204 AND BEING HER NUMBER ONE FANS. >> SHE'S VERY SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE SHE DEFINITELY PRACTICES, SHE uRp_9CvTAPA-00103-00008204-00008211 >> SHE'S VERY SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE SHE DEFINITELY PRACTICES, SHE uRp_9CvTAPA-00104-00008211-00008324 >> SHE'S VERY SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE SHE DEFINITELY PRACTICES, SHE DOES HER DUE DILIGENCE. uRp_9CvTAPA-00105-00008324-00008331 SHE DEFINITELY PRACTICES, SHE DOES HER DUE DILIGENCE. uRp_9CvTAPA-00106-00008331-00008481 SHE DEFINITELY PRACTICES, SHE DOES HER DUE DILIGENCE. SHE SHOULD BE WINNING BECAUSE uRp_9CvTAPA-00107-00008481-00008488 DOES HER DUE DILIGENCE. SHE SHOULD BE WINNING BECAUSE uRp_9CvTAPA-00108-00008488-00008641 DOES HER DUE DILIGENCE. SHE SHOULD BE WINNING BECAUSE SHE'S PRACTICING EVERY DAY. uRp_9CvTAPA-00109-00008641-00008648 SHE SHOULD BE WINNING BECAUSE SHE'S PRACTICING EVERY DAY. uRp_9CvTAPA-00110-00008648-00008742 SHE SHOULD BE WINNING BECAUSE SHE'S PRACTICING EVERY DAY. >> IF I WOULD HAVE STARTED WHEN uRp_9CvTAPA-00111-00008742-00008748 SHE'S PRACTICING EVERY DAY. >> IF I WOULD HAVE STARTED WHEN uRp_9CvTAPA-00112-00008748-00008932 SHE'S PRACTICING EVERY DAY. >> IF I WOULD HAVE STARTED WHEN I WAS YOUNG, I COULD DO A LOT uRp_9CvTAPA-00113-00008932-00008938 >> IF I WOULD HAVE STARTED WHEN I WAS YOUNG, I COULD DO A LOT uRp_9CvTAPA-00114-00008938-00009005 >> IF I WOULD HAVE STARTED WHEN I WAS YOUNG, I COULD DO A LOT BETTER. uRp_9CvTAPA-00115-00009005-00009012 I WAS YOUNG, I COULD DO A LOT BETTER. uRp_9CvTAPA-00116-00009012-00009145 I WAS YOUNG, I COULD DO A LOT BETTER. BUT BECAUSE I STARTED AT THE AGE uRp_9CvTAPA-00117-00009145-00009152 BETTER. BUT BECAUSE I STARTED AT THE AGE uRp_9CvTAPA-00118-00009152-00009389 BETTER. BUT BECAUSE I STARTED AT THE AGE OF 66, I'M STILL DOING QUITE uRp_9CvTAPA-00119-00009389-00009396 BUT BECAUSE I STARTED AT THE AGE OF 66, I'M STILL DOING QUITE uRp_9CvTAPA-00120-00009396-00009466 BUT BECAUSE I STARTED AT THE AGE OF 66, I'M STILL DOING QUITE WELL. uRp_9CvTAPA-00121-00009466-00009472 OF 66, I'M STILL DOING QUITE WELL. uRp_9CvTAPA-00122-00009472-00009606 OF 66, I'M STILL DOING QUITE WELL. I'M PRETTY PLEASED WITH HOW I uRp_9CvTAPA-00123-00009606-00009612 WELL. I'M PRETTY PLEASED WITH HOW I uRp_9CvTAPA-00124-00009612-00009672 WELL. I'M PRETTY PLEASED WITH HOW I DO. uRp_9CvTAPA-00125-00009672-00009679 I'M PRETTY PLEASED WITH HOW I DO. uRp_9CvTAPA-00126-00009679-00009833 I'M PRETTY PLEASED WITH HOW I DO. >> Reporter: CONNIE HOPES TO uRp_9CvTAPA-00127-00009833-00009839 DO. >> Reporter: CONNIE HOPES TO uRp_9CvTAPA-00128-00009839-00010060 DO. >> Reporter: CONNIE HOPES TO CONTINUE HER SUCCESS IN NEXT uRp_9CvTAPA-00129-00010060-00010066 >> Reporter: CONNIE HOPES TO CONTINUE HER SUCCESS IN NEXT uRp_9CvTAPA-00130-00010066-00010190 >> Reporter: CONNIE HOPES TO CONTINUE HER SUCCESS IN NEXT YEAR'S HORSESHOE CHAMPIONSHIP IN uRp_9CvTAPA-00131-00010190-00010196 CONTINUE HER SUCCESS IN NEXT YEAR'S HORSESHOE CHAMPIONSHIP IN uRp_9CvTAPA-00132-00010196-00010346 CONTINUE HER SUCCESS IN NEXT YEAR'S HORSESHOE CHAMPIONSHIP IN TEXAS WHERE SHE'LL CONTINUE TO uRp_9CvTAPA-00133-00010346-00010353 YEAR'S HORSESHOE CHAMPIONSHIP IN TEXAS WHERE SHE'LL CONTINUE TO uRp_9CvTAPA-00134-00010353-00010463 YEAR'S HORSESHOE CHAMPIONSHIP IN TEXAS WHERE SHE'LL CONTINUE TO SURPRISE PEOPLE WITH HER uRp_9CvTAPA-00135-00010463-00010470 TEXAS WHERE SHE'LL CONTINUE TO SURPRISE PEOPLE WITH HER uRp_9CvTAPA-00136-00010470-00010570 TEXAS WHERE SHE'LL CONTINUE TO SURPRISE PEOPLE WITH HER HORSESHOE PITCHING SKILLS. uRp_9CvTAPA-00137-00010570-00010577 SURPRISE PEOPLE WITH HER HORSESHOE PITCHING SKILLS. uRp_9CvTAPA-00138-00010577-00010697 SURPRISE PEOPLE WITH HER HORSESHOE PITCHING SKILLS. WITH THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY uRp_9CvTAPA-00139-00010697-00010704 HORSESHOE PITCHING SKILLS. WITH THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY uRp_9CvTAPA-00140-00010704-00010867 HORSESHOE PITCHING SKILLS. WITH THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, REPORTING FROM uRp_9CvTAPA-00141-00010867-00010874 WITH THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, REPORTING FROM uRp_9CvTAPA-00142-00010874-00011014 WITH THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, REPORTING FROM BRAINERD, RACHEL JOHNSON, uRp_9CvTAPA-00143-00011014-00011021 SPOTLIGHT, REPORTING FROM BRAINERD, RACHEL JOHNSON, uRp_9CvTAPA-00144-00011021-00011077 SPOTLIGHT, REPORTING FROM BRAINERD, RACHEL JOHNSON, LAKELAND NEWS. uRp_9CvTAPA-00145-00011077-00011084 BRAINERD, RACHEL JOHNSON, LAKELAND NEWS. uRp_9CvTAPA-00146-00011084-00011164 BRAINERD, RACHEL JOHNSON, LAKELAND NEWS. >>Dennis: MORE THAN 1,000 uRp_9CvTAPA-00147-00011164-00011171 LAKELAND NEWS. >>Dennis: MORE THAN 1,000 uRp_9CvTAPA-00148-00011171-00011277 LAKELAND NEWS. >>Dennis: MORE THAN 1,000 HORSESHOE PITCHERS FROM AROUND uRp_9CvTAPA-00149-00011277-00011284 >>Dennis: MORE THAN 1,000 HORSESHOE PITCHERS FROM AROUND uRp_9CvTAPA-00150-00011284-00011401 >>Dennis: MORE THAN 1,000 HORSESHOE PITCHERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD TOOK PART IN THIS uRp_9CvTAPA-00151-00011401-00011408 HORSESHOE PITCHERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD TOOK PART IN THIS uRp_9CvTAPA-00152-00011408-00011554 HORSESHOE PITCHERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD TOOK PART IN THIS YEAR'S WORLD HORSESHOE uRp_9CvTAPA-00153-00011554-00011561 THE WORLD TOOK PART IN THIS YEAR'S WORLD HORSESHOE uRp_9CvTAPA-00154-00011561-00011661 THE WORLD TOOK PART IN THIS YEAR'S WORLD HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT, WHICH ENDED ON uRp_9CvTAPA-00155-00011661-00011668 YEAR'S WORLD HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT, WHICH ENDED ON uRp_9CvTAPA-00156-00011668-00011898 YEAR'S WORLD HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT, WHICH ENDED ON JULY 21st. uS_0y1cSib8-00000-00003829-00004087 The gods of Olympus have abandoned me. uS_0y1cSib8-00001-00005654-00005783 Now there is no hope... uS_0y1cSib8-00002-00006016-00006116 And Kratos uS_0y1cSib8-00003-00006137-00006512 cast himself from the highest mountain in all of Greece. uS_0y1cSib8-00004-00006833-00007008 After Ten years of suffering, uS_0y1cSib8-00005-00007058-00007275 Ten years of endless nightmares, uS_0y1cSib8-00006-00007329-00007533 it would finally come to an end. uS_0y1cSib8-00007-00007670-00007966 Death would be his escape from madness... uS_0y1cSib8-00008-00008637-00008725 But it had not always been this way, uS_0y1cSib8-00009-00008725-00008879 || Three weeks earlier || || The Aegean sea || But it had not always been this way, uS_0y1cSib8-00010-00008879-00009104 || Three weeks earlier || || The Aegean sea || uS_0y1cSib8-00011-00009104-00009433 || Three weeks earlier || || The Aegean sea || Kratos had once been a champion of the gods... uS_0y1cSib8-00012-00009433-00009441 || Three weeks earlier || || The Aegean sea || uS_0y1cSib8-00013-00009791-00010220 Foul beasts! I will send you back to the depths of Hades!! uS_0y1cSib8-00014-00011720-00011954 Stay away! Stay away from me! uS_0y1cSib8-00015-00012191-00012966 I know who you are Spartan! I know what you've done. I'd rather die than be saved by you. uS_0y1cSib8-00016-00014154-00014554 It's.. It's you! The visions, they were real! uS_0y1cSib8-00017-00014591-00014983 The gods came to me, told me that their champion will come and rescue us from the Hydra. uS_0y1cSib8-00018-00015054-00015145 But your too late, uS_0y1cSib8-00019-00015204-00015312 we're pinned down! uS_0y1cSib8-00020-00015783-00016300 These creatures, they came from nowhere, the ships are all destroyed, all hope is lost Spartan, uS_0y1cSib8-00021-00016300-00016425 even for you- uS_0y1cSib8-00022-00018612-00018762 Please! uS_0y1cSib8-00023-00018862-00019029 Someone get us out! uS_0y1cSib8-00024-00019091-00019229 Find the key! uS_0y1cSib8-00025-00019266-00019429 Find the key!! uS_0y1cSib8-00026-00019491-00019762 Their coming! No.. No!! uS_0y1cSib8-00027-00019808-00019900 Get us out! uS_0y1cSib8-00028-00019945-00020020 Get us ou-! uS_0y1cSib8-00029-00022370-00022479 Lord Poseidon uS_0y1cSib8-00030-00022529-00022629 Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00031-00022662-00022866 before you reach Athens, uS_0y1cSib8-00032-00022891-00023145 there is a task you must complete. uS_0y1cSib8-00033-00023233-00023508 This beast is Hydra, uS_0y1cSib8-00034-00023566-00023891 it has terrorized my seas for far too long. uS_0y1cSib8-00035-00023912-00024133 Your skills are admirable, uS_0y1cSib8-00036-00024166-00024366 but you will need assistance, uS_0y1cSib8-00037-00024408-00024708 you will need the power of the gods. uS_0y1cSib8-00038-00024729-00024966 Take this weapon Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00039-00024987-00025416 take this power, and use it to defeat your enemies. uS_0y1cSib8-00040-00025587-00026029 You have acquired Poseidon's rage uS_0y1cSib8-00041-00026112-00026358 Go with the gods Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00042-00026370-00026687 go forth, in the name of Olympus! uS_0y1cSib8-00043-00027508-00027666 Back, back! uS_0y1cSib8-00044-00027762-00027875 Get them away from me! uS_0y1cSib8-00045-00027895-00028045 Why won't they die?! uS_0y1cSib8-00046-00028045-00028395 It's the giant one, he keeps healing the others! Gaahhh!! uS_0y1cSib8-00047-00028575-00029066 No.. I.. God... No! We'll never get out of here! Doomed, uS_0y1cSib8-00048-00029066-00029241 were all dead!! uS_0y1cSib8-00049-00030175-00030429 Poseidon... Save me! uS_0y1cSib8-00050-00038483-00038562 Somebody! uS_0y1cSib8-00051-00038612-00038716 help me! uS_0y1cSib8-00052-00038825-00038950 help me! uS_0y1cSib8-00053-00038958-00039154 Gods help me! uS_0y1cSib8-00054-00039904-00040229 Argh, Argh, thank you! Thank the gods you came back for me!! uS_0y1cSib8-00055-00040383-00040579 I didn't come back for you! uS_0y1cSib8-00056-00041237-00041650 You have acquired the key of the captain uS_0y1cSib8-00057-00045387-00045554 Slaughtered like animals, uS_0y1cSib8-00058-00045612-00045758 the victims lay before him, uS_0y1cSib8-00059-00045787-00046004 a reminder of his own past, uS_0y1cSib8-00060-00046041-00046220 a past he could never escape... uS_0y1cSib8-00061-00046725-00046929 His only sadness was the sea. uS_0y1cSib8-00062-00047000-00047291 Endlessly sailing from one harbor to the next, uS_0y1cSib8-00063-00047329-00047775 in service to the Gods of Olympus, all his hopes rested with them. uS_0y1cSib8-00064-00048129-00048591 For no matter how much wine he consumed or how many women he took to his bed, uS_0y1cSib8-00065-00048700-00049191 nothing on earth could rid him of the horrors that plagued his mind. uS_0y1cSib8-00066-00049579-00049712 ATHENA!! uS_0y1cSib8-00067-00050141-00050287 Ten years Athena! uS_0y1cSib8-00068-00050329-00050629 I have faithfully served the gods for ten years. uS_0y1cSib8-00069-00050666-00050883 When will you relieve me of these nightmares? uS_0y1cSib8-00070-00051004-00051287 We request one final task of you Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00071-00051379-00051570 your greatest challenge awaits... uS_0y1cSib8-00072-00051616-00051704 in Athens. uS_0y1cSib8-00073-00051766-00052100 Where even now, my brother, Ares lays siege. uS_0y1cSib8-00074-00052125-00052258 As we speak, uS_0y1cSib8-00075-00052287-00052508 Athens is on the verge of destruction. uS_0y1cSib8-00076-00052554-00052895 It is the will of Ares, my great city falls. uS_0y1cSib8-00077-00052925-00053266 Zeus has forbidden the gods from waging war on each other. uS_0y1cSib8-00078-00053320-00053570 That is why it must be you, Kratos. uS_0y1cSib8-00079-00053641-00054070 Only a mortal, trained by a god has a chance at defeating Ares. uS_0y1cSib8-00080-00054154-00054475 And if I am able to do this, to kill a god, uS_0y1cSib8-00081-00054591-00054858 then the visions, they will end? uS_0y1cSib8-00082-00054958-00055412 Complete this final task, and the past that consumes you will be forgiven. uS_0y1cSib8-00083-00055475-00055575 Have faith Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00084-00055683-00055954 the gods do not forget those who come to their aid. uS_0y1cSib8-00085-00056083-00056366 Leaving the rotting carcass of the Hydra behind, uS_0y1cSib8-00086-00056408-00056587 Kratos sets sail once more. uS_0y1cSib8-00087-00056704-00057345 His greatest challenge, and freedom from his growing madness lay before him, in the ancient city... uS_0y1cSib8-00088-00057429-00057508 of Athens... uS_0y1cSib8-00089-00058779-00058933 Stay Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00090-00059025-00059150 just a bit longer... uS_0y1cSib8-00091-00059187-00059508 We've reached Athens, get your things and get out! uS_0y1cSib8-00092-00061791-00062470 Destroy Ares... And the gods will forgive you your past. uS_0y1cSib8-00093-00062679-00063341 Find the oracle. She will guide you in your quest. uS_0y1cSib8-00094-00065616-00065975 Run, run! The beasts have taken Athens! uS_0y1cSib8-00095-00066720-00066816 Look out! uS_0y1cSib8-00096-00067104-00067445 No, no! Stay away from me! uS_0y1cSib8-00097-00069500-00069737 You! Have reinforcements arrived?! uS_0y1cSib8-00098-00069783-00070187 Ares has brought these beasts to Athens! Without help, the city will fall! uS_0y1cSib8-00099-00070187-00070541 - The gates' destroyed! - We'll have to find another on- uS_0y1cSib8-00100-00072062-00072154 Aphrodite. uS_0y1cSib8-00101-00072212-00072566 Kratos, the gods are pleased with your progress, uS_0y1cSib8-00102-00072608-00073116 but your current skills will not be enough to defeat the minions of Ares. uS_0y1cSib8-00103-00073175-00073633 I offer you the power to freeze your enemies where they stand, uS_0y1cSib8-00104-00073716-00073941 but you must earn such a gift. uS_0y1cSib8-00105-00075291-00075662 Medusa, the queen of the Gorgons. uS_0y1cSib8-00106-00075700-00076337 Bring me her head Kratos, and I will give you the ability to wield it's power! uS_0y1cSib8-00107-00078295-00078604 You have acquired Medusa's gaze uS_0y1cSib8-00108-00078629-00078991 Let the rage of the Gods drive your blade, Kratos uS_0y1cSib8-00109-00079329-00079895 Freeze and destroy them all with Medusa's Gaze and the power of the gorgon will be yours. uS_0y1cSib8-00110-00080775-00081379 Go with the gods Kratos. Go forth, in the name of Olympus. uS_0y1cSib8-00111-00082829-00083050 Do not fear, Kratos. uS_0y1cSib8-00112-00083058-00083620 I am the Oracle of Athens, here to help you defeat Ares. uS_0y1cSib8-00113-00083816-00084370 Find my temple to the East and I will show you how to murder a god. uS_0y1cSib8-00114-00085379-00086379 The road to Athens uS_0y1cSib8-00115-00090050-00090195 God of War, uS_0y1cSib8-00116-00090316-00090504 I haven't forgotten you, uS_0y1cSib8-00117-00090575-00091025 for what you did that night. This city will be your grave. uS_0y1cSib8-00118-00092691-00092837 Lord Zeus uS_0y1cSib8-00119-00092895-00093395 Kratos, you grow stronger as your journey continues, uS_0y1cSib8-00120-00093437-00093929 but if you are to succeed in your quest, you will need my aid. uS_0y1cSib8-00121-00093929-00094533 I offer you the power of the greatest of all the gods, the father of Olympus, uS_0y1cSib8-00122-00094562-00094950 I offer you the power of Zeus. uS_0y1cSib8-00123-00094987-00095675 Take this weapon Kratos, take this power, and use it to defeat your enemies. uS_0y1cSib8-00124-00096029-00096395 You have acquired zeus' fury uS_0y1cSib8-00125-00097200-00097433 You have done well Kratos. uS_0y1cSib8-00126-00097483-00097658 Go with the gods, uS_0y1cSib8-00127-00097687-00098025 go forth in the name of Olympus. uS_0y1cSib8-00128-00099687-00099779 Oracle!! uS_0y1cSib8-00129-00099887-00100195 Kratos!! Praise Athena you've arrived! uS_0y1cSib8-00130-00100666-00100733 No, no.. uS_0y1cSib8-00131-00100770-00101483 Kratos, Kratos find me, you must find me, Athens depends on it! uS_0y1cSib8-00132-00102904-00103591 Good my boy, good. Athena has chosen wisely, I knew it was so. uS_0y1cSib8-00133-00103691-00103762 Who are you? uS_0y1cSib8-00134-00103791-00104266 So you have the blades, the skin as pale as the moon. uS_0y1cSib8-00135-00104300-00104833 You are the one in dead, perhaps Athens will survive at that. uS_0y1cSib8-00136-00104845-00105575 Hahahaha, but be careful! Don't want you dieing before I'm done with this grave. uS_0y1cSib8-00137-00105754-00105900 A grave? uS_0y1cSib8-00138-00106004-00106366 In the middle of a battle? Who will occupy it old man? uS_0y1cSib8-00139-00106400-00106962 You will my son. Hm, I've got alot of digging to do indeed. uS_0y1cSib8-00140-00107016-00107866 All will be revealed in good time, and when all appears to be lost Kratos, I will be there to help. uS_0y1cSib8-00141-00108379-00109508 Don't disturb me now, son! I've got my work to do, and you have yours! And precious little time left to do either! uS_0y1cSib8-00142-00110341-00110420 Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00143-00110470-00110858 Heeelp, help me! hel- uS_0y1cSib8-00144-00111150-00111370 Kratos, hurry! uS_0y1cSib8-00145-00114020-00114604 And with that act, Kratos set in motion the events that would lead to his downfall. uS_0y1cSib8-00146-00114704-00115004 Kratos.. As Athena herself has forteold, uS_0y1cSib8-00147-00115112-00115454 but you are late, perhaps too late to save athens, uS_0y1cSib8-00148-00115554-00115858 or is it athens you have come to save? uS_0y1cSib8-00149-00115950-00116091 No! I, I can't- uS_0y1cSib8-00150-00116091-00116225 || We must not stop! Go forth! Go forth and attack! || uS_0y1cSib8-00151-00116225-00116654 || We must not stop! Go forth! Go forth and attack! || And when the oracle looked into his soul, she saw a beast, as well as a man. uS_0y1cSib8-00152-00116654-00116770 And when the oracle looked into his soul, she saw a beast, as well as a man. uS_0y1cSib8-00153-00116825-00117412 Once a captain in the Spartan army, Kratos had begun his command with only fifty soldiers, uS_0y1cSib8-00154-00117462-00117770 but soon his numbers grew to the thousands. uS_0y1cSib8-00155-00118183-00118562 His tactics were brutal, but effective. uS_0y1cSib8-00156-00118591-00119054 Drunk with power, he was feared by all. Except one, uS_0y1cSib8-00157-00119100-00119379 his wife was the only one to brave his fury. uS_0y1cSib8-00158-00119412-00119716 How much is enough Kratos?! When will it end?! uS_0y1cSib8-00159-00119783-00120016 When the glory of Sparta is known throughout the world! uS_0y1cSib8-00160-00120112-00120575 The glory of Sparta... You did this for yourself! uS_0y1cSib8-00161-00120629-00120900 His desire for conquest knew no bounds, uS_0y1cSib8-00162-00120925-00121341 but that which he desired would ultimately consume him... uS_0y1cSib8-00163-00121883-00122175 By the gods! Why would Athena send one such as you?! uS_0y1cSib8-00164-00122187-00122354 Stay out of my head! uS_0y1cSib8-00165-00122495-00122737 Choose your enemies wisely Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00166-00122779-00123154 your brute strength alone will not be enough to destroy Ares. uS_0y1cSib8-00167-00123395-00123804 Only one item in the world will allow you to defeat a god... uS_0y1cSib8-00168-00123933-00124383 Pandora's Box, which lies far beyond the walls of Athens, uS_0y1cSib8-00169-00124479-00124775 hidden by the gods across the desert to the east. uS_0y1cSib8-00170-00124945-00125645 But be warned Kratos, many have gone in search of Pandora's Box, none have returend... uS_0y1cSib8-00171-00125954-00127366 Go through the gates to the desert, Kratos. There begins the path to Pandora's Box. It is the only way you will defeat Ares and save Athens. uS_0y1cSib8-00172-00132295-00132937 It is a strange monument. You are not sure of its meaning or purpose... uS_0y1cSib8-00173-00133329-00133862 A statue of Athens. She is not responding to your prayers. uS_0y1cSib8-00174-00134466-00135525 Desert of Lost souls uS_0y1cSib8-00175-00136033-00136100 Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00176-00136154-00136337 the journey forward is paroles, uS_0y1cSib8-00177-00136375-00136787 but one you must complete if you are to have any hope of saving Athens. uS_0y1cSib8-00178-00136837-00137050 The oracle spoke of Pandora's Box, uS_0y1cSib8-00179-00137129-00137237 can it be real? uS_0y1cSib8-00180-00137270-00137383 The box exists, uS_0y1cSib8-00181-00137441-00137737 it is the most powerful weapon a mortal can wield. uS_0y1cSib8-00182-00137787-00138145 And with a such a weapon, I could defeat Ares? uS_0y1cSib8-00183-00138250-00138737 With the box, many things become possible, and so it is hidden well, uS_0y1cSib8-00184-00138783-00139083 far across the desert of lost souls. uS_0y1cSib8-00185-00139187-00139900 There is safe passage through the deadly sands, but only those who hear and follow the Siren's song will discover it. uS_0y1cSib8-00186-00139954-00140545 You must find the Sirens, Kratos, only they can guide you to Kronos, the titan uS_0y1cSib8-00187-00140591-00140712 A titan lives?! uS_0y1cSib8-00188-00140758-00141237 Kronos is the last, Zeus has commanded him to wander the desert endlessly, uS_0y1cSib8-00189-00141291-00142045 the temple of Pandora chained to his back, until the swirling sands rip the very flesh from his bones. uS_0y1cSib8-00190-00142133-00142429 Stay true to the song of the Siren, Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00191-00142495-00143204 your journey begins here, pray it leads you back to Athens, with Pandora's Box... uS_0y1cSib8-00192-00143425-00144345 Follow the song of the Sirens, Kratos. Find and destroy them all, and the path through the deadly sands will be opened to you. uS_0y1cSib8-00193-00146708-00147704 The desert Sirens have been destryoed Kratos, the path before you is now revealed. uS_0y1cSib8-00194-00148833-00149400 The gods appear before Pathos Verdes III, commanding him to build a temple. uS_0y1cSib8-00195-00149400-00149920 To house the most powerful weapon on earth or in Olympus. uS_0y1cSib8-00196-00150233-00150991 The greatest architectural undertaking the world has ever seen, mighty Kronos the uS_0y1cSib8-00197-00150991-00151529 titan is harnessed, the temple of Pandora chained to his back. uS_0y1cSib8-00198-00164554-00164820 Kronos, the last of the mighty titans, uS_0y1cSib8-00199-00164837-00165075 emerged from the desert sands, uS_0y1cSib8-00200-00165087-00165379 on his back, Pandora's Temple awaited, uS_0y1cSib8-00201-00165425-00166004 massive and patient, ready to challenge all who went in search of it's guarded treasure. uS_0y1cSib8-00202-00169954-00170358 For three days, Kratos climbed the shear walls of the mountain. uS_0y1cSib8-00203-00170404-00171025 He knew he would either recover Pandora's Box, or perish inside the cursed temple, uS_0y1cSib8-00204-00171075-00171325 never to return to the world of man. uS_0y1cSib8-00205-00174629-00175625 Pandora's Temple uS_0y1cSib8-00206-00179316-00179762 So, you think you can conquer the temple of the gods do you? uS_0y1cSib8-00207-00180087-00180225 It's never been done you know. uS_0y1cSib8-00208-00180308-00180829 Sooner or later, the harpies will bring what's left of you, back for me to burn. uS_0y1cSib8-00209-00181091-00181600 The gods hid Pandora's Box in here so no mortal would ever claim it's power. uS_0y1cSib8-00210-00181633-00182366 And yet, year after year I open the gate for more and more soldiers and place more and more bodies on these fires. uS_0y1cSib8-00211-00182429-00182700 If I were you, I'd leave now. uS_0y1cSib8-00212-00182804-00183283 But I can see you are determined, very well. uS_0y1cSib8-00213-00184787-00185308 May the gods grant you strength to conquer the perils that lay before you, uS_0y1cSib8-00214-00185387-00185554 good luck spartan. uS_0y1cSib8-00215-00186716-00187487 The dead are brought here by the harpies, to be burnt and recycled for use as enemies inside the temple. uS_0y1cSib8-00216-00189845-00190950 It's always the same. Madmen and fools seeking glory, I know. As you can see by my... somewhat disheveled state, I was the first to attempt the uS_0y1cSib8-00217-00190950-00191904 temple and the first to die. The gods punished me for my failure and now I must tend to all who have followed me and perished. uS_0y1cSib8-00218-00193908-00194220 The book reads: uS_0y1cSib8-00219-00194225-00194762 This temple was erected in honor of and at the command of the mighty lord Zeus. uS_0y1cSib8-00220-00194766-00195500 Only the bravest hero shall solve its puzzles and survive its dangers. One man will receive ultimate power. uS_0y1cSib8-00221-00195504-00196183 All others shall meet their doom. ...Pathos Verdes III Chief Architect and loyal subject of the gods uS_0y1cSib8-00222-00199083-00199579 It is a carving of the goddess Athena. uS_0y1cSib8-00223-00200441-00201495 The Rings of Pandora uS_0y1cSib8-00224-00202758-00202845 Artemis. uS_0y1cSib8-00225-00202883-00202962 Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00226-00203016-00203183 the gods demand more of you, uS_0y1cSib8-00227-00203275-00203562 you have learned to use the Blades of Chaos well, uS_0y1cSib8-00228-00203575-00203908 but they alone will not carry you to the end of your task. uS_0y1cSib8-00229-00203937-00204445 I offer you the very blade I used to slay a titan. uS_0y1cSib8-00230-00204516-00204608 Take this gift uS_0y1cSib8-00231-00204662-00205625 and use to complete your quest. Take this weapon Kratos, take this power and use it to defeat your enemies. uS_0y1cSib8-00232-00205775-00206212 You have acquired Blade of Artemis. uS_0y1cSib8-00233-00206900-00207104 Go with the gods, Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00234-00207162-00207433 go forth in the name of Olympus. uS_0y1cSib8-00235-00207716-00208708 The Challenge of Atlas uS_0y1cSib8-00236-00209720-00210187 The wrecked bodies of those who had gone in search of Pandora's Box lay before him. uS_0y1cSib8-00237-00210229-00210537 And at once, Kratos knew who was responsible. uS_0y1cSib8-00238-00210562-00211154 For this was not the first time he'd seen the ruin Ares, and his minions had left in their wake. uS_0y1cSib8-00239-00211208-00211441 Kratos had experienced it first hand, uS_0y1cSib8-00240-00211487-00211583 years before... uS_0y1cSib8-00241-00211650-00211958 The youngest and boldest captain in the Spartan army, uS_0y1cSib8-00242-00211970-00212275 Kratos had inspired fierce loyalty in his men. uS_0y1cSib8-00243-00212287-00212741 It had always been enough to carry them through any battle, until this day. uS_0y1cSib8-00244-00212920-00213237 The barbarians to the east numbered in the thousands, uS_0y1cSib8-00245-00213525-00213687 and descended on the Spartans, uS_0y1cSib8-00246-00213875-00213966 without mercy. uS_0y1cSib8-00247-00214650-00214845 The battle lasted mere hours. uS_0y1cSib8-00248-00215812-00216400 The discipline and training of the Spartans did little to stem the tide of the merciless barbarians. uS_0y1cSib8-00249-00216891-00217079 The soldiers faced a massacre, uS_0y1cSib8-00250-00217212-00217525 while their young captain faced the end of his brilliant career, uS_0y1cSib8-00251-00217650-00217725 and his life. uS_0y1cSib8-00252-00217833-00218195 But to Kratos, victory was worth any price, uS_0y1cSib8-00253-00218279-00218383 even his soul. uS_0y1cSib8-00254-00218466-00218575 ARES!! uS_0y1cSib8-00255-00218629-00219141 Destroy my enemies, and my life is yours. uS_0y1cSib8-00256-00219704-00220216 That desperate call for aid, will come to haunt Kratos for all his days... uS_0y1cSib8-00257-00220312-00220687 By the gods, what have I become...? uS_0y1cSib8-00258-00221495-00222383 What the gods ask of me, no man could do. Not even Pandora's box is worth such a terrible price. uS_0y1cSib8-00259-00223083-00224037 There is a statue of lord Poseidon. Written at the base of the door is a riddle: Sacrifice the ultimate to continue your quest. uS_0y1cSib8-00260-00225858-00226004 Oh, thank the gods you've come. uS_0y1cSib8-00261-00226029-00226195 Break these bars get me out of here! uS_0y1cSib8-00262-00226366-00226479 Well, what are you waiting for? uS_0y1cSib8-00263-00226520-00226841 Let me out, we can find our way back to Athens. uS_0y1cSib8-00264-00226900-00227154 The gods demand sacrifice, uS_0y1cSib8-00265-00227212-00227370 from all of us. uS_0y1cSib8-00266-00227495-00227745 Oh please, no... No. uS_0y1cSib8-00267-00228162-00228412 No please, let me out of here!! uS_0y1cSib8-00268-00229483-00229787 Barbarian. please, please!! uS_0y1cSib8-00269-00229858-00230370 I am begging you, on your humanity, don't do this! uS_0y1cSib8-00270-00230391-00230916 Gods on high! Save me from this barbarian! please, please!! uS_0y1cSib8-00271-00230983-00231529 I am begging you, on your humanity, don't do this! uS_0y1cSib8-00272-00231529-00232079 No, no, noooo!! uS_0y1cSib8-00273-00235900-00236850 You have acquired Poseidon trident. With this item you can explore the depth of lord Poseidon domain. uS_0y1cSib8-00274-00236854-00237512 Poseidon's trident allows its bearer to breath underwater indefinitely. uS_0y1cSib8-00275-00238462-00238629 Lord Hades. uS_0y1cSib8-00276-00238637-00238900 Your progress is impressive Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00277-00238945-00239258 but your skills will not carry you to your ultimate goal. uS_0y1cSib8-00278-00239370-00239708 I offer you the souls of Hades itself, uS_0y1cSib8-00279-00239754-00239958 the souls of the dead, uS_0y1cSib8-00280-00240004-00240354 set ready to fight by your side. uS_0y1cSib8-00281-00240391-00240591 Take this weapon, Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00282-00240650-00240795 take this power, uS_0y1cSib8-00283-00240837-00241100 and use it to defeat your enemies. uS_0y1cSib8-00284-00241262-00241695 You have acquired the army of Hades uS_0y1cSib8-00285-00242683-00243287 Go with the gods, Kratos, go forth in the name of Olympus. uS_0y1cSib8-00286-00244970-00245212 Your progress is impressive Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00287-00245279-00245395 but be warned, uS_0y1cSib8-00288-00245458-00246087 once you ascend to the upper levels of the temple, you will not be able to return without Pandora's Box. uS_0y1cSib8-00289-00247008-00247600 As Kratos rose through the massive temple, constructed to guard Pandora's Box, uS_0y1cSib8-00290-00247620-00248416 he realized it was a monument, not only to gods of Olympus, but to the madness of the warden who designed it. uS_0y1cSib8-00291-00248425-00248745 He conquered the lower floors of Pandora's Temple, uS_0y1cSib8-00292-00248770-00249258 but what lay in wait above would detest even Kratos. uS_0y1cSib8-00293-00252700-00253266 Kratos had been in service to the gods long enough to know the harpie had been sent as a warning, uS_0y1cSib8-00294-00253283-00253883 a reminder from his former master of the decesion that had cost Kratos everything. uS_0y1cSib8-00295-00253966-00254466 Had it been that long since he almost met his end at the hands of the barbarians, uS_0y1cSib8-00296-00254541-00254783 that long since he traded everything uS_0y1cSib8-00297-00254829-00254950 to save himself. uS_0y1cSib8-00298-00254987-00255179 ARES!! uS_0y1cSib8-00299-00255358-00255854 The sky split apart, and the God of War stepped through. uS_0y1cSib8-00300-00256229-00256900 Descending from Olympus, he saw the makings of a god, in a mere mortal. uS_0y1cSib8-00301-00256929-00257725 Ares would save Kratos. He would turn him into the perfect warrior, his servant on earth. uS_0y1cSib8-00302-00257820-00258100 Only a simple pledge of loyalty was required. uS_0y1cSib8-00303-00258137-00258391 My life is yours Ares. uS_0y1cSib8-00304-00258454-00258770 From this day, I shall carry forth your will. uS_0y1cSib8-00305-00258916-00259070 And his fate was sealed, uS_0y1cSib8-00306-00259170-00259933 as promised, Ares rescued his new disciple, bringing forth the power of a god, uS_0y1cSib8-00307-00260020-00260387 destroying those who would slaughter Kratos and his men. uS_0y1cSib8-00308-00261008-00261683 As for Kratos, no mere sword and shield would befit the newest servant of the God of War. uS_0y1cSib8-00309-00262233-00262400 The Blades of Chaos, uS_0y1cSib8-00310-00262450-00262725 forged in the foulest depths of Hades. uS_0y1cSib8-00311-00262825-00263791 Once attached, the chains remained so, chained and seared to the flesh, a part of the barous bargan, a permanent reminder of Kratos' pledge. uS_0y1cSib8-00312-00263841-00264179 In return, ultimate power. uS_0y1cSib8-00313-00264400-00264720 The rage of Ares exploded from within, uS_0y1cSib8-00314-00265016-00265362 but soon, he would learn the true cost of such power, uS_0y1cSib8-00315-00265504-00265841 a cost too high, even for Kratos to pay... uS_0y1cSib8-00316-00266175-00266291 Wretched beast, uS_0y1cSib8-00317-00266366-00266545 I know who it is you serve! uS_0y1cSib8-00318-00266612-00266754 Return to your master! uS_0y1cSib8-00319-00266900-00267179 Tell the God of War I am his no longer! uS_0y1cSib8-00320-00267275-00267541 Tell him he is not safe while I walk the earth. uS_0y1cSib8-00321-00267608-00267829 I will find Pandora's box! uS_0y1cSib8-00322-00267912-00268045 And I will use it, uS_0y1cSib8-00323-00268087-00268387 to see him tremble and fall before me... uS_0y1cSib8-00324-00269829-00270066 The path before Kratos was clear, uS_0y1cSib8-00325-00270087-00270758 but still, the memories came rushing back, as familiar and permanent as the blades chained to his wrists... uS_0y1cSib8-00326-00270850-00271183 Memories of what he'd done in the name of Ares. uS_0y1cSib8-00327-00271241-00271562 Memories of how he'd become a servant under the God of War. uS_0y1cSib8-00328-00271629-00271766 A beast, uS_0y1cSib8-00329-00271791-00271954 his humanity robbed, uS_0y1cSib8-00330-00272004-00272233 and replaced only with the will, uS_0y1cSib8-00331-00272266-00272366 to murder... uS_0y1cSib8-00332-00272383-00272541 No one was safe, uS_0y1cSib8-00333-00272554-00273220 entire armies fell before Kratos and his soldiers that followed him on his path for never ending conquest, uS_0y1cSib8-00334-00273258-00273445 all in the name of his master... uS_0y1cSib8-00335-00273520-00273895 Those who offered resistance of any kind, were dealt with quickly. uS_0y1cSib8-00336-00273966-00274295 They built this temple to offer prayers to Athena! uS_0y1cSib8-00337-00274366-00274787 This entire village stands as an affront to lord Ares! uS_0y1cSib8-00338-00274825-00275133 Burn this village, burn it to the ground! uS_0y1cSib8-00339-00275470-00275716 Emboldened by the God of war, uS_0y1cSib8-00340-00275783-00275991 Kratos' army was ruthless, uS_0y1cSib8-00341-00276029-00276295 feared throughout the world for their brutality. uS_0y1cSib8-00342-00276475-00276829 All that mattered was conquest in the name of Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00343-00276854-00277175 their great leader, who had become near invincible. uS_0y1cSib8-00344-00277275-00277433 He feared nothing, uS_0y1cSib8-00345-00277508-00278004 but there was something about this temple, something... forbidden. uS_0y1cSib8-00346-00278150-00278541 All his instincts told him that he should never cross it's threshold, uS_0y1cSib8-00347-00278625-00278787 never step inside. uS_0y1cSib8-00348-00278808-00279004 Be ware Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00349-00279066-00279470 the dangers in the temple are greater than you know. uS_0y1cSib8-00350-00279516-00279845 But the village oracle's warning fell on depth ears. uS_0y1cSib8-00351-00279883-00280104 His ambition would not be denied, uS_0y1cSib8-00352-00280120-00280345 all who opposed him, would die. uS_0y1cSib8-00353-00282708-00283170 In that instant, the glory he had reveled in, turned to horror. uS_0y1cSib8-00354-00283270-00283791 The image of his two final victims would stay with him for all his days. uS_0y1cSib8-00355-00283862-00283958 With that act, uS_0y1cSib8-00356-00284029-00284366 Kratos knew he could no longer serve his master, uS_0y1cSib8-00357-00284516-00284750 he had but one calling now, uS_0y1cSib8-00358-00284800-00284945 the death of Ares, uS_0y1cSib8-00359-00285020-00285358 he would murder the God of War... uS_0y1cSib8-00360-00285575-00285912 Ares, you will die for what you did that night. uS_0y1cSib8-00361-00287308-00288075 It is an image of man battling Zeus himself. It is an image of the future... uS_0y1cSib8-00362-00291766-00291841 Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00363-00291875-00292083 your quest is at an end. uS_0y1cSib8-00364-00292112-00292466 You are the first mortal to ever reach Padora's Box. uS_0y1cSib8-00365-00292529-00292766 There is still time to save Athens, uS_0y1cSib8-00366-00292800-00293229 you must bring the box back to my city and use it kill Ares. uS_0y1cSib8-00367-00293300-00293529 Return to Athens, Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00368-00293566-00293800 return and save my city! uS_0y1cSib8-00369-00298670-00299012 You must bring Pandora's Box back to Athens, Kratos. uS_0y1cSib8-00370-00299050-00299287 You cannot defeat Ares without it. uS_0y1cSib8-00371-00300408-00301004 After a thousand years, Pandora's box was, at last freed of it's confines. uS_0y1cSib8-00372-00301054-00301362 Kratos had found the means to destroy uS_0y1cSib8-00373-00301391-00301504 the God of War. uS_0y1cSib8-00374-00301808-00302333 Far away, in Athens, Ares knew Kratos had succeeded in his quest. uS_0y1cSib8-00375-00302529-00303066 So little Spartan, you've recovered Zeus' precious box, uS_0y1cSib8-00376-00303112-00303458 but you will not live long enough to see it opened. uS_0y1cSib8-00377-00303612-00303779 I will see to that. uS_0y1cSib8-00378-00304020-00304220 Good-bye Spartan, uS_0y1cSib8-00379-00304325-00304829 you will rot in the depths of Hades for all eternity. uS_0y1cSib8-00380-00305050-00305608 As the life began to leave Kratos, his thoughts returned to that faithful night. uS_0y1cSib8-00381-00305795-00305929 Even in death, uS_0y1cSib8-00382-00306070-00306416 the memories, the visions would not fade. uS_0y1cSib8-00383-00306783-00307245 For how could he forget, spilling the blood of his own family? uS_0y1cSib8-00384-00307475-00307804 A cruel trick orchestrated by the God of War. uS_0y1cSib8-00385-00307829-00308433 My wife, my child... How? They were not in Sparta... uS_0y1cSib8-00386-00308533-00308929 You are becoming all I'd you hope you'd be Kratos. uS_0y1cSib8-00387-00308979-00309333 Now, with your wife and child dead, uS_0y1cSib8-00388-00309387-00309654 nothing will hold you back, uS_0y1cSib8-00389-00309683-00309991 you will become even stronger, uS_0y1cSib8-00390-00310041-00310416 you will become death itself! uS_0y1cSib8-00391-00310433-00310658 But as the flames consumed the temple, uS_0y1cSib8-00392-00310704-00311233 Kratos realized his true enemy was the god who once saved his life, uS_0y1cSib8-00393-00311316-00311637 the same god who had now taken everything from him. uS_0y1cSib8-00394-00311750-00311954 ARES!! uS_0y1cSib8-00395-00312070-00312758 From this night foward, the mark of your terrible dead with be visible to all! uS_0y1cSib8-00396-00312783-00313337 The ashes of your wife and child will remain fastened to your skin, uS_0y1cSib8-00397-00313362-00313650 never to be removed! uS_0y1cSib8-00398-00313687-00314170 And with that curse, all would know him for the beast he had become, uS_0y1cSib8-00399-00314233-00314550 his skin white with the ash of his dead family. uS_0y1cSib8-00400-00314600-00314883 The ghost of Sparta had been born... uS_0y1cSib8-00401-00315041-00315262 In the end, in death, uS_0y1cSib8-00402-00315350-00315454 he had failed. uS_0y1cSib8-00403-00315575-00315920 As the minions of Ares claimed Pandora's Box, uS_0y1cSib8-00404-00315954-00316616 Kratos' life faded. And his cursed soul was cast into the viles of Hades... uS_0y1cSib8-00405-00317079-00317316 And Kratos fell into the underworld, uS_0y1cSib8-00406-00317370-00317579 the River Sticks beckoning below, uS_0y1cSib8-00407-00317637-00317979 a current strong enough to carry even the strongest mortal uS_0y1cSib8-00408-00318012-00318204 to his eternal resting place. uS_0y1cSib8-00409-00318262-00318612 But Kratos had no intention of resting yet, uS_0y1cSib8-00410-00318704-00319208 he intended to live, to return to earth and complete his quest. uS_0y1cSib8-00411-00319262-00319708 Let go fool! You will drag me down to that cursed river! uS_0y1cSib8-00412-00319791-00320250 There is a task left for me above. I will see it completed. uS_0y1cSib8-00413-00320550-00320658 You again?! uS_0y1cSib8-00414-00327412-00327950 Temple of Oracle uS_0y1cSib8-00415-00328137-00328250 Ah, Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00416-00328283-00328812 and not a moment too soon, I only finished digging just a moment ago. uS_0y1cSib8-00417-00328862-00329029 Who are you? uS_0y1cSib8-00418-00329079-00329354 Ah, now that is an interesting question. uS_0y1cSib8-00419-00329512-00329745 But for now, you must hurry, uS_0y1cSib8-00420-00329766-00329900 Athens needs you. uS_0y1cSib8-00421-00329904-00330362 Kratos: But how did you know I- Grave Digger: Athena isn't the only god keeping watch on you, spartan. uS_0y1cSib8-00422-00330491-00331162 Complete your task, Kratos, and the gods will forgive your sins! uS_0y1cSib8-00423-00333741-00334066 Kratos had traversed the Desert of Lost Souls, uS_0y1cSib8-00424-00334104-00334379 bested the deadly traps of Pandora's Temple, uS_0y1cSib8-00425-00334420-00334629 and escaped Hades itself. uS_0y1cSib8-00426-00334683-00334920 There was but one task left. uS_0y1cSib8-00427-00334991-00335091 Zeus! uS_0y1cSib8-00428-00335120-00335445 Do you see now what your son can do?! uS_0y1cSib8-00429-00335512-00335766 You cast your favor on Athena, uS_0y1cSib8-00430-00335787-00336137 but her city lies in ruins before me! uS_0y1cSib8-00431-00336183-00336604 And now, even Pandora's Box is mine! uS_0y1cSib8-00432-00336620-00336954 Would you have me use it against Olympus itself?! uS_0y1cSib8-00433-00337141-00337600 Kratos? Returned even from the underworld. uS_0y1cSib8-00434-00337695-00337966 Is this the best you can do father? uS_0y1cSib8-00435-00338016-00338545 You send a broken mortal to defeat me? The God of War. uS_0y1cSib8-00436-00339441-00339937 After thousands of years, Pandora's Box was finally opened. uS_0y1cSib8-00437-00340037-00340329 The power of the gods unleashed. uS_0y1cSib8-00438-00340954-00341279 You are still just a mortal, uS_0y1cSib8-00439-00341312-00341804 every bit as weak as the day you begged me to save your life. uS_0y1cSib8-00440-00341841-00342125 I am not the same man you found that day! uS_0y1cSib8-00441-00342170-00342408 The monster you've created has returned, uS_0y1cSib8-00442-00342458-00342570 to kill you. uS_0y1cSib8-00443-00342575-00343070 You have no idea what a true monster is, Kratos! uS_0y1cSib8-00444-00344208-00344570 Your final lesson is at hand! uS_0y1cSib8-00445-00344583-00344929 Prepare to join your family Spartan! uS_0y1cSib8-00446-00349358-00349783 I have taught you many ways to kill a mortal, Kratos. uS_0y1cSib8-00447-00349845-00350233 Flesh that burns, bones that break, uS_0y1cSib8-00448-00350279-00350837 but to brake a man's spirit, is to trutly destroy him! uS_0y1cSib8-00449-00351150-00351491 Do you recognize this place, spartan? uS_0y1cSib8-00450-00351491-00351758 The location of your greatest failure. uS_0y1cSib8-00451-00351820-00352270 Perhaps there is a chance you can undo the deeds of the past. uS_0y1cSib8-00452-00352362-00353008 The nightmares that have haunted Kratos for the past 10 years have now taken full amend substance. uS_0y1cSib8-00453-00353166-00353400 His past stood before him. uS_0y1cSib8-00454-00354450-00354525 Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00455-00354625-00354845 what's happening?! Where are we?! uS_0y1cSib8-00456-00354975-00355291 By the gods! Can this be real?! uS_0y1cSib8-00457-00356558-00356666 Daddy! uS_0y1cSib8-00458-00356804-00357475 Ares! There is nothing you can put in my way to stop me! I will save my family! uS_0y1cSib8-00459-00359262-00359508 Kratos had done the impossible, uS_0y1cSib8-00460-00359550-00359787 he had saved his family. uS_0y1cSib8-00461-00359966-00360291 Kratos! Please, take us home! uS_0y1cSib8-00462-00360291-00360458 Do you see God of War? uS_0y1cSib8-00463-00360520-00360908 You took them once, but you'll never have them again! uS_0y1cSib8-00464-00360941-00361245 You cannot save them Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00465-00361304-00361666 you gave them up in your quest for ultimate power. uS_0y1cSib8-00466-00361725-00362141 There is a price to pay for everything you gain. uS_0y1cSib8-00467-00362166-00362554 Not that price, I didn't want them to die. uS_0y1cSib8-00468-00362575-00362933 No price is too high for what I offered you!! uS_0y1cSib8-00469-00362945-00363150 But you rejected me! uS_0y1cSib8-00470-00363325-00363829 Now, you will have no power, no magic! uS_0y1cSib8-00471-00363858-00364208 All that is left for you, is death! uS_0y1cSib8-00472-00364445-00364820 No, not.. Not again.. uS_0y1cSib8-00473-00364887-00365241 You should have joined me Kratos! uS_0y1cSib8-00474-00365258-00365541 You should have been stronger!! uS_0y1cSib8-00475-00365766-00365983 By the.. gods.. uS_0y1cSib8-00476-00366187-00366708 The battle was not over, the gods had sent a final gift for Kratos. uS_0y1cSib8-00477-00367062-00367333 I still have allies in Olympus, Ares. uS_0y1cSib8-00478-00367395-00367933 And now you will see how strong I am. uS_0y1cSib8-00479-00368554-00368875 You cannot defeat me, Spartan!! uS_0y1cSib8-00480-00368887-00369433 Pathetic! Die!! I will show you what's the real power is. uS_0y1cSib8-00481-00371037-00371566 Remember Kratos, it was I who saved you, uS_0y1cSib8-00482-00371604-00371875 in your time of greatest need. uS_0y1cSib8-00483-00371916-00372287 I haven't forgotten Ares, I remember how you saved me! uS_0y1cSib8-00484-00372320-00372416 That night, uS_0y1cSib8-00485-00372716-00373104 I was trying to make you a great warrior... uS_0y1cSib8-00486-00373191-00373354 You succeeded. uS_0y1cSib8-00487-00375625-00375854 Kratos had done the impossible, uS_0y1cSib8-00488-00375941-00376183 a mortal defeating a god, uS_0y1cSib8-00489-00376287-00376512 Ares was no more... uS_0y1cSib8-00490-00378487-00378625 The city had been saved, uS_0y1cSib8-00491-00378687-00378833 and would thrive again. uS_0y1cSib8-00492-00379091-00379354 The same could not be said for Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00493-00379387-00379762 for as he sought to rebuild his soul with the help of the gods, uS_0y1cSib8-00494-00379916-00380125 the truth was revealed to him. uS_0y1cSib8-00495-00380262-00380625 Athena, rid me of the memories that haunt me still. uS_0y1cSib8-00496-00380683-00380850 You have done well Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00497-00380920-00381329 though we morn the death of our brother, the gods are in debt to you. uS_0y1cSib8-00498-00381408-00381787 We promised your sins would be forgiven, and so they are, uS_0y1cSib8-00499-00381854-00382125 but we never promised to take away your nightmares. uS_0y1cSib8-00500-00382195-00382662 No man, no god could ever forget the terrible deeds you have done. uS_0y1cSib8-00501-00382845-00383316 In the end, knowing that the visions of his past would never leave him, uS_0y1cSib8-00502-00383408-00383816 Kratos made his way to the bluffs, overlooking the Aegean Sea. uS_0y1cSib8-00503-00384145-00384362 The gods of Olympus have abandoned me. uS_0y1cSib8-00504-00385100-00385241 Now there is no hope... uS_0y1cSib8-00505-00385479-00386020 And Kratos cast himself from the highest mountain in all of Greece. uS_0y1cSib8-00506-00386279-00386995 After ten years of suffering, ten years of endless nightmares, it would finally come to an end. uS_0y1cSib8-00507-00387120-00387450 Death would be his escape from madness... uS_0y1cSib8-00508-00388104-00388358 The fate of Kratos was not as it seemed. uS_0y1cSib8-00509-00388508-00388750 The gods had other plans. uS_0y1cSib8-00510-00389400-00389558 Broughten off like a feather, uS_0y1cSib8-00511-00389600-00390070 Kratos found himself risen from the sea and placed on solid earth. uS_0y1cSib8-00512-00390237-00390475 You will not die this day Kratos. uS_0y1cSib8-00513-00390516-00391020 The gods cannot allow one who has performed such service to perish by his own hand. uS_0y1cSib8-00514-00391125-00391583 Ares' tactics were brutal. His path of destruction had to be stopped. uS_0y1cSib8-00515-00391733-00392054 But now there is an empty throne in Olympus, uS_0y1cSib8-00516-00392095-00392370 and a new God of War is needed. uS_0y1cSib8-00517-00392595-00393045 Take these stairs Kratos, they lead to your ultimate reward... uS_0y1cSib8-00518-00393391-00393737 You have acquired Athena's Blades. uS_0y1cSib8-00519-00394187-00395179 Mount Olympus uS_0y1cSib8-00520-00397233-00397770 This is the throne of the god of war. Take your rightful place upon it. uS_0y1cSib8-00521-00398600-00398737 And from that point forward, uS_0y1cSib8-00522-00398862-00399012 throughout the rest of time, uS_0y1cSib8-00523-00399070-00399475 whenever men road forth to battle for good cause or for evil, uS_0y1cSib8-00524-00399545-00400108 they did so under the watchful eye of the man who had defeated a god. uS_0y1cSib8-00525-00400179-00400462 They were driven forward by Kratos, uS_0y1cSib8-00526-00400562-00401125 the mortal who had become the new, God of War... uS_0y1cSib8-00527-00401441-00402008 Congratulations You have conquered God of War uS_0y1cSib8-00528-00423391-00423858 Kratos will return uTAHxScYgCQ-00000-00000040-00000152 Amino acids- uTAHxScYgCQ-00001-00000152-00000296 What in the world are they? uTAHxScYgCQ-00002-00000296-00000640 And five life-changing reasons you need them in your life. uTAHxScYgCQ-00003-00001180-00001280 (music) uTAHxScYgCQ-00004-00001280-00001512 Amino acids, you might have heard of them? uTAHxScYgCQ-00005-00001512-00001912 I know with all the vitamins and health supplements out there it can be a bit confusing. uTAHxScYgCQ-00006-00001912-00002023 Never fear, my friend. uTAHxScYgCQ-00007-00002023-00002488 Today we are breaking down the basics of amino acids and why you should be taking them. uTAHxScYgCQ-00008-00002488-00002680 Hey everyone, I’m Dr. Jordan Wagner. uTAHxScYgCQ-00009-00002680-00003215 I’m an emergency room doctor who treats everything from COVID to gunshot wounds, burns, you name it. uTAHxScYgCQ-00010-00003215-00003488 I created this video series to answer your questions uTAHxScYgCQ-00011-00003488-00003808 and the questions that I get from patients each and every day, like you. uTAHxScYgCQ-00012-00003808-00004192 If you find this video helpful please hit that subscribe button so you uTAHxScYgCQ-00013-00004192-00004408 are notified when I post new videos. uTAHxScYgCQ-00014-00004408-00004960 Before we get into the top five reasons you should be concerned about your daily amino acid intake. uTAHxScYgCQ-00015-00004960-00005240 It's important to know what in the world amino acids are uTAHxScYgCQ-00016-00005240-00005496 and why they play such a major role in our lives. uTAHxScYgCQ-00017-00005496-00005952 First off, amino acids are organic compounds that combine to form proteins. uTAHxScYgCQ-00018-00005952-00006152 Proteins are the building blocks of life. uTAHxScYgCQ-00019-00006152-00006656 When proteins are digested or broken down, we are then left with amino acids. uTAHxScYgCQ-00020-00006656-00007176 Our bodies then take these amino acids to make proteins to help our bodies grow, uTAHxScYgCQ-00021-00007176-00007648 repair tissue, build muscle, and perform many other body processes. uTAHxScYgCQ-00022-00007648-00007952 They can also be used as a source of energy for us. uTAHxScYgCQ-00023-00007952-00008424 Amino acids are classified into three groups: essential amino acids, uTAHxScYgCQ-00024-00008424-00008736 nonessential amino acids, and conditional amino acids. uTAHxScYgCQ-00025-00008736-00009040 What we’re really going to focus on are essential amino acids. uTAHxScYgCQ-00026-00009040-00009096 Why? uTAHxScYgCQ-00027-00009096-00009464 Because our bodies can’t produce them like nonessential amino acids. uTAHxScYgCQ-00028-00009464-00009832 We can only get essential amino acids from outside sources uTAHxScYgCQ-00029-00009832-00010168 such as foods like meat, eggs, quinoa, and soy. uTAHxScYgCQ-00030-00010168-00010384 Or a diet supplement drink mix. uTAHxScYgCQ-00031-00010384-00010856 To break it down even further, there are 9 essential amino acids. These include histidine, uTAHxScYgCQ-00032-00010856-00011536 isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. uTAHxScYgCQ-00033-00011536-00011586 Wow. uTAHxScYgCQ-00034-00011624-00011728 That's a lot of words. uTAHxScYgCQ-00035-00011728-00011864 You don't need to know all of those. uTAHxScYgCQ-00036-00011864-00012248 Just know that they are essential and are key players in our body function uTAHxScYgCQ-00037-00012248-00012360 as I mentioned before. uTAHxScYgCQ-00038-00012360-00012863 But what if I told you there are five additional benefits that you probably didn’t even know about. uTAHxScYgCQ-00039-00012863-00013247 Ready to hear five life-changing benefits of amino acids? uTAHxScYgCQ-00040-00013247-00013456 Number one: Mood and sleep uTAHxScYgCQ-00041-00013456-00013968 Tryptophan, one of the essential amino acids, is needed for the production of serotonin, uTAHxScYgCQ-00042-00013968-00014296 a chemical that acts as a neurotransmitter in your body. uTAHxScYgCQ-00043-00014296-00014840 Serotonin regulates our mental health such as our mood, sleep, and other day-to-day behaviors. uTAHxScYgCQ-00044-00014840-00015168 When it comes to happiness and how you feel every day, uTAHxScYgCQ-00045-00015168-00015624 serotonin is also important for reducing depression and regulating anxiety. uTAHxScYgCQ-00046-00015624-00015952 Several studies have shown that supplementing with tryptophan can uTAHxScYgCQ-00047-00015952-00016376 reduce symptoms of depression, boost mood, and improve sleep. uTAHxScYgCQ-00048-00016376-00016816 Number two benefit of amino acids that you may not have known about, they promote weight loss. uTAHxScYgCQ-00049-00016816-00016880 Yep. uTAHxScYgCQ-00050-00016880-00017304 Some human and animal studies have demonstrated that essential amino acids uTAHxScYgCQ-00051-00017304-00017544 may be effective in stimulating fat loss. uTAHxScYgCQ-00052-00017544-00018168 An eight-week study found supplementing with 14 grams of branched-chain amino acids per day uTAHxScYgCQ-00053-00018168-00018736 significantly decreased body fat percentage, compared to whey protein or sports drinks. uTAHxScYgCQ-00054-00018736-00018952 Number three: Decreased muscle soreness uTAHxScYgCQ-00055-00018952-00019312 It’s not uncommon to feel sore a day or two after a workout, uTAHxScYgCQ-00056-00019312-00019560 especially if your exercise routine is new. uTAHxScYgCQ-00057-00019560-00019936 Here’s a suggestion, try sipping on some amino acids to help alleviate uTAHxScYgCQ-00058-00019936-00020096 post-workout muscle soreness. uTAHxScYgCQ-00059-00020096-00020608 This soreness is called delayed onset muscle soreness, which develops 12 to 24 uTAHxScYgCQ-00060-00020608-00021104 hours after exercise and can last up to 72 hours, and we all know that feeling. uTAHxScYgCQ-00061-00021104-00021592 While the exact cause of delayed onset muscle soreness is not clearly understood, uTAHxScYgCQ-00062-00021592-00022040 researchers believe it’s the result of tiny tears in the muscles after exercise. uTAHxScYgCQ-00063-00022040-00022304 You can add amino acid supplement drink mix uTAHxScYgCQ-00064-00022304-00022640 to your gym water bottle and even sip on it as you work out. uTAHxScYgCQ-00065-00022640-00022968 My favorite amino acid supplement that I am currently using for my uTAHxScYgCQ-00066-00022968-00023336 workouts is a product called Perform by The Amino Company. uTAHxScYgCQ-00067-00023336-00023848 Working overnight at the hospital I usually find myself working out at off times, thus I use uTAHxScYgCQ-00068-00023848-00024400 Perform, as it gives me a type of mental clarity and concentration that I need for my workouts. uTAHxScYgCQ-00069-00024400-00024936 I like this formulation due to the fact it contains the ideal ratio of neurotransmitter uTAHxScYgCQ-00070-00024936-00025448 precursors for optimal brain function as well as creatinine and caffeine in it. uTAHxScYgCQ-00071-00025448-00025952 It also works to reduce fatigue and dehydration, and it minimizes recovery times. uTAHxScYgCQ-00072-00025952-00026239 It's all vegan, it's gluten-free and keto-friendly. uTAHxScYgCQ-00073-00026239-00026583 I’ll put the link in the description below for you guys to check it out uTAHxScYgCQ-00074-00026583-00026983 and you can use the code Wagner15 for 15% off. uTAHxScYgCQ-00075-00026983-00027480 BCAAs or branched-chain amino acids have been shown to decrease muscle damage. uTAHxScYgCQ-00076-00027480-00028080 Therefore, supplementing with BCAAs, especially before exercise, may speed up recovery times. uTAHxScYgCQ-00077-00028080-00028272 Number four: Increase muscle growth uTAHxScYgCQ-00078-00028272-00028832 One of the most popular uses of branched-chain amino acids is to increase muscle growth. uTAHxScYgCQ-00079-00028832-00029376 The BCAA leucine activates a pathway in the body that stimulates muscle protein synthesis, uTAHxScYgCQ-00080-00029376-00029616 which is the process of making muscles. uTAHxScYgCQ-00081-00029616-00030336 In one study, people who consumed a drink with 5.6 grams of BCAAs after their resistance workout had uTAHxScYgCQ-00082-00030336-00030904 a 22% greater increase in muscle protein synthesis compared to those who consumed a placebo drink. uTAHxScYgCQ-00083-00030904-00031264 That being said, this increase in muscle protein synthesis uTAHxScYgCQ-00084-00031264-00031695 is approximately 50% less than what was observed in other studies where uTAHxScYgCQ-00085-00031695-00032120 people consumed a whey protein shake containing a similar amount of BCAAs. uTAHxScYgCQ-00086-00032183-00032568 Number five: Amino acids benefit people with liver disease uTAHxScYgCQ-00087-00032568-00032632 That's right. uTAHxScYgCQ-00088-00032632-00032712 Liver disease. uTAHxScYgCQ-00089-00032712-00033152 Branched-chain amino acids may improve health in people with cirrhosis, uTAHxScYgCQ-00090-00033152-00033504 a chronic disease in which the liver does not function properly. uTAHxScYgCQ-00091-00033504-00034016 It’s estimated that 50% of people with cirrhosis will develop hepatic encephalopathy, which is uTAHxScYgCQ-00092-00034016-00034448 a loss of brain function that occurs when the liver is unable to remove toxins from the blood. uTAHxScYgCQ-00093-00034448-00034976 While certain sugars like lactulose are the mainstays of treatment for hepatic encephalopathy. uTAHxScYgCQ-00094-00034976-00035208 Therefore, researchers have recommended amino uTAHxScYgCQ-00095-00035208-00035744 acids as a nutritional intervention for liver disease patients to prevent complications. uTAHxScYgCQ-00096-00035744-00036016 Alright, I know I just threw a ton of information at you. uTAHxScYgCQ-00097-00036016-00036216 But, amino acids are essential. uTAHxScYgCQ-00098-00036216-00036352 We all need it in our diet. uTAHxScYgCQ-00099-00036352-00036640 Consuming essential amino acids is crucial to our health. uTAHxScYgCQ-00100-00036640-00037072 Eating a variety of foods that contain protein each day is the best way for uTAHxScYgCQ-00101-00037072-00037440 people to ensure that they are getting adequate amounts of essential amino acids. uTAHxScYgCQ-00102-00037440-00037848 With today’s modern diet and access to a wide variety of foods, uTAHxScYgCQ-00103-00037848-00038152 a deficiency is rare for people who are generally in good health. uTAHxScYgCQ-00104-00038152-00038688 And as a friendly reminder, you should always talk to your doctor before using supplements. uTAHxScYgCQ-00105-00038688-00039016 Alright, it's been a quick amino acid breakdown with me, Dr. Wagner. uTAHxScYgCQ-00106-00039016-00039232 Do you take any type of amino acid supplement? uTAHxScYgCQ-00107-00039232-00039288 I do. uTAHxScYgCQ-00108-00039288-00039752 Or do you rely on natural sources to ensure you’re getting adequate amount of amino acids? uTAHxScYgCQ-00109-00039816-00039952 Please leave me a comment below. uTAHxScYgCQ-00110-00039952-00040368 And please make sure you subscribe and turn your bell notifications on right here. uTAHxScYgCQ-00111-00040368-00040624 When you do that and hit that like button you let uTAHxScYgCQ-00112-00040624-00040896 YouTube know that you’d like to see more videos like this one. uTAHxScYgCQ-00113-00040896-00041266 Thank you so much for watching everyone and stay healthy, my friends. uTAHxScYgCQ-00114-00041266-00041818 (music) uTEVsIqLnVu-00000-00000580-00001080 Vet♥ Mocha Sweet Moment Collection, start! uTEVsIqLnVu-00001-00001080-00001383 First meeting uTEVsIqLnVu-00002-00001401-00001607 Veterinary nurse : Mocha~ uTEVsIqLnVu-00003-00001607-00001738 We're here! uTEVsIqLnVu-00004-00001738-00001941 Vet: Is she aggressive? uTEVsIqLnVu-00005-00001941-00002315 First, she will measure her weight. uTEVsIqLnVu-00006-00002328-00002508 Mocha~(+1) uTEVsIqLnVu-00007-00002515-00002762 Mocha~(+2) / I don't know him! uTEVsIqLnVu-00008-00002935-00003139 Vet: She is gentle uTEVsIqLnVu-00009-00003386-00003599 Who is this grandpa? uTEVsIqLnVu-00010-00003622-00004049 Mocha was nervous because of the unfamiliar space and strangers / Mocha(+3) uTEVsIqLnVu-00011-00004049-00004249 Mocha. It's okay(+4) uTEVsIqLnVu-00012-00004249-00004769 Mocha was stabilized by his friendly touch and voice. uTEVsIqLnVu-00013-00004769-00005083 Mocha melts down at the hands of a vet. uTEVsIqLnVu-00014-00005083-00005530 Vet: Her body smells unique to otters. uTEVsIqLnVu-00015-00005753-00005958 Mocha(+5) uTEVsIqLnVu-00016-00006421-00006602 Mocha. It's okay(+6) uTEVsIqLnVu-00017-00006602-00007024 Mocha did well as the vet wanted. uTEVsIqLnVu-00018-00007233-00007426 Okay, Mocha(+7) uTEVsIqLnVu-00019-00007695-00007983 Mocha seems to recognize that he is a talented vet. uTEVsIqLnVu-00020-00008610-00008953 falling asleep uTEVsIqLnVu-00021-00008953-00009343 Mocha is dozing off during a checkup. uTEVsIqLnVu-00022-00009530-00009930 Vet: This makes her feel like she is in mom's arms, so she is stabilized. uTEVsIqLnVu-00023-00011449-00011836 She eventually fell asleep deeply. uTEVsIqLnVu-00024-00011953-00012173 Mo~cha~(+8) uTEVsIqLnVu-00025-00013404-00013734 Mocha doesn't want to be separated from the vet. uTEVsIqLnVu-00026-00013892-00014057 Mocha, do you want to stay with me?(+9) uTEVsIqLnVu-00027-00014057-00014224 Yes!!! uTEVsIqLnVu-00028-00014224-00014511 I want to live with a vet! uTEVsIqLnVu-00029-00014687-00014917 Mocha, aren't you going home? uTEVsIqLnVu-00030-00014917-00015145 Yes! I want to be with the vet. uTEVsIqLnVu-00031-00015145-00015544 Then, It will not be Otter's Home, but Otter;s Animal Hospital. uTEVsIqLnVu-00032-00015544-00015747 Massage time uTEVsIqLnVu-00033-00016044-00016435 We have to go home because Dolce and Latte are waiting! uTEVsIqLnVu-00034-00016451-00016715 Vet, thank you! uTEVsIqLnVu-00035-00016715-00017104 Before leaving, Mocha drank water. uTEVsIqLnVu-00036-00017104-00017482 And we went back to home where Dolce&Latte were waiting. uU_nekWK-Uu-00000-00000010-00000143 I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS uU_nekWK-Uu-00001-00000143-00000150 I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS uU_nekWK-Uu-00002-00000150-00000200 I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS WEIMANN. uU_nekWK-Uu-00003-00000200-00000206 I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS WEIMANN. uU_nekWK-Uu-00004-00000206-00000346 I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS WEIMANN. THANKS SO MUCH FOR JOINING US uU_nekWK-Uu-00005-00000346-00000353 WEIMANN. THANKS SO MUCH FOR JOINING US uU_nekWK-Uu-00006-00000353-00000390 WEIMANN. THANKS SO MUCH FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. uU_nekWK-Uu-00007-00000390-00000397 THANKS SO MUCH FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. uU_nekWK-Uu-00008-00000397-00000520 THANKS SO MUCH FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. >>> A BEMIDJI MAN WAS SENTENCED uU_nekWK-Uu-00009-00000520-00000527 TONIGHT. >>> A BEMIDJI MAN WAS SENTENCED uU_nekWK-Uu-00010-00000527-00000623 TONIGHT. >>> A BEMIDJI MAN WAS SENTENCED TO FIVE YEARS IN THE PRISON uU_nekWK-Uu-00011-00000623-00000630 >>> A BEMIDJI MAN WAS SENTENCED TO FIVE YEARS IN THE PRISON uU_nekWK-Uu-00012-00000630-00000740 >>> A BEMIDJI MAN WAS SENTENCED TO FIVE YEARS IN THE PRISON AFTER ALLEGEDLY VIOLATING HIS uU_nekWK-Uu-00013-00000740-00000747 TO FIVE YEARS IN THE PRISON AFTER ALLEGEDLY VIOLATING HIS uU_nekWK-Uu-00014-00000747-00000874 TO FIVE YEARS IN THE PRISON AFTER ALLEGEDLY VIOLATING HIS PROBATION ON CHILD PORNOGRAPHY uU_nekWK-Uu-00015-00000874-00000880 AFTER ALLEGEDLY VIOLATING HIS PROBATION ON CHILD PORNOGRAPHY uU_nekWK-Uu-00016-00000880-00001057 AFTER ALLEGEDLY VIOLATING HIS PROBATION ON CHILD PORNOGRAPHY CHARGES FROM 2013. uU_nekWK-Uu-00017-00001057-00001064 PROBATION ON CHILD PORNOGRAPHY CHARGES FROM 2013. uU_nekWK-Uu-00018-00001064-00001214 PROBATION ON CHILD PORNOGRAPHY CHARGES FROM 2013. 33-YEAR-OLD JACOB WILLIAM KINN uU_nekWK-Uu-00019-00001214-00001221 CHARGES FROM 2013. 33-YEAR-OLD JACOB WILLIAM KINN uU_nekWK-Uu-00020-00001221-00001337 CHARGES FROM 2013. 33-YEAR-OLD JACOB WILLIAM KINN DID NOT ADMIT TO THE ALLEGED uU_nekWK-Uu-00021-00001337-00001344 33-YEAR-OLD JACOB WILLIAM KINN DID NOT ADMIT TO THE ALLEGED uU_nekWK-Uu-00022-00001344-00001484 33-YEAR-OLD JACOB WILLIAM KINN DID NOT ADMIT TO THE ALLEGED PROBATION VIOLATIONS. uU_nekWK-Uu-00023-00001484-00001491 DID NOT ADMIT TO THE ALLEGED PROBATION VIOLATIONS. uU_nekWK-Uu-00024-00001491-00001618 DID NOT ADMIT TO THE ALLEGED PROBATION VIOLATIONS. HOWEVER, BELTRAMI COUNTY uU_nekWK-Uu-00025-00001618-00001624 PROBATION VIOLATIONS. HOWEVER, BELTRAMI COUNTY uU_nekWK-Uu-00026-00001624-00001761 PROBATION VIOLATIONS. HOWEVER, BELTRAMI COUNTY ATTORNEY, ANNIE CLAESSON-HUSEBY, uU_nekWK-Uu-00027-00001761-00001768 HOWEVER, BELTRAMI COUNTY ATTORNEY, ANNIE CLAESSON-HUSEBY, uU_nekWK-Uu-00028-00001768-00001905 HOWEVER, BELTRAMI COUNTY ATTORNEY, ANNIE CLAESSON-HUSEBY, TOLD LAKELAND NEWS THAT KINN uU_nekWK-Uu-00029-00001905-00001911 ATTORNEY, ANNIE CLAESSON-HUSEBY, TOLD LAKELAND NEWS THAT KINN uU_nekWK-Uu-00030-00001911-00002078 ATTORNEY, ANNIE CLAESSON-HUSEBY, TOLD LAKELAND NEWS THAT KINN REQUESTED THE EXECUTION OF THE uU_nekWK-Uu-00031-00002078-00002085 TOLD LAKELAND NEWS THAT KINN REQUESTED THE EXECUTION OF THE uU_nekWK-Uu-00032-00002085-00002459 TOLD LAKELAND NEWS THAT KINN REQUESTED THE EXECUTION OF THE 2013 CHILD PORNOGRAPHY CHARGES. uU_nekWK-Uu-00033-00002459-00002465 REQUESTED THE EXECUTION OF THE 2013 CHILD PORNOGRAPHY CHARGES. uU_nekWK-Uu-00034-00002465-00002675 REQUESTED THE EXECUTION OF THE 2013 CHILD PORNOGRAPHY CHARGES. BACK IN 2013, KINN WAS CONVICTED uU_nekWK-Uu-00035-00002675-00002682 2013 CHILD PORNOGRAPHY CHARGES. BACK IN 2013, KINN WAS CONVICTED uU_nekWK-Uu-00036-00002682-00002886 2013 CHILD PORNOGRAPHY CHARGES. BACK IN 2013, KINN WAS CONVICTED OF FOUR COUNTS OF POSSESSION OF uU_nekWK-Uu-00037-00002886-00002892 BACK IN 2013, KINN WAS CONVICTED OF FOUR COUNTS OF POSSESSION OF uU_nekWK-Uu-00038-00002892-00002992 BACK IN 2013, KINN WAS CONVICTED OF FOUR COUNTS OF POSSESSION OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY AND RECEIVED A uU_nekWK-Uu-00039-00002992-00002999 OF FOUR COUNTS OF POSSESSION OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY AND RECEIVED A uU_nekWK-Uu-00040-00002999-00003149 OF FOUR COUNTS OF POSSESSION OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY AND RECEIVED A STAYED SENTENCE, WHICH MEANS HE uU_nekWK-Uu-00041-00003149-00003156 CHILD PORNOGRAPHY AND RECEIVED A STAYED SENTENCE, WHICH MEANS HE uU_nekWK-Uu-00042-00003156-00003356 CHILD PORNOGRAPHY AND RECEIVED A STAYED SENTENCE, WHICH MEANS HE DID NOT HAVE TO SPEND TIME IN uU_nekWK-Uu-00043-00003356-00003363 STAYED SENTENCE, WHICH MEANS HE DID NOT HAVE TO SPEND TIME IN uU_nekWK-Uu-00044-00003363-00003496 STAYED SENTENCE, WHICH MEANS HE DID NOT HAVE TO SPEND TIME IN PRISON UNLESS HE VIOLATED THE uU_nekWK-Uu-00045-00003496-00003503 DID NOT HAVE TO SPEND TIME IN PRISON UNLESS HE VIOLATED THE uU_nekWK-Uu-00046-00003503-00003817 DID NOT HAVE TO SPEND TIME IN PRISON UNLESS HE VIOLATED THE CONDITIONS OF HIS PROBATION. uU_nekWK-Uu-00047-00003817-00003823 PRISON UNLESS HE VIOLATED THE CONDITIONS OF HIS PROBATION. uU_nekWK-Uu-00048-00003823-00003887 PRISON UNLESS HE VIOLATED THE CONDITIONS OF HIS PROBATION. KINN WAS SENTENCED TO ONE YEAR uU_nekWK-Uu-00049-00003887-00003893 CONDITIONS OF HIS PROBATION. KINN WAS SENTENCED TO ONE YEAR uU_nekWK-Uu-00050-00003893-00003997 CONDITIONS OF HIS PROBATION. KINN WAS SENTENCED TO ONE YEAR AND THREE MONTHS IN PRISON FOR uU_nekWK-Uu-00051-00003997-00004003 KINN WAS SENTENCED TO ONE YEAR AND THREE MONTHS IN PRISON FOR uU_nekWK-Uu-00052-00004003-00004120 KINN WAS SENTENCED TO ONE YEAR AND THREE MONTHS IN PRISON FOR EACH OF THE FOUR COUNTS. uU_nekWK-Uu-00053-00004120-00004127 AND THREE MONTHS IN PRISON FOR EACH OF THE FOUR COUNTS. uU_nekWK-Uu-00054-00004127-00004244 AND THREE MONTHS IN PRISON FOR EACH OF THE FOUR COUNTS. LAST SUMMER, KINN WAS ARRESTED uU_nekWK-Uu-00055-00004244-00004250 EACH OF THE FOUR COUNTS. LAST SUMMER, KINN WAS ARRESTED uU_nekWK-Uu-00056-00004250-00004367 EACH OF THE FOUR COUNTS. LAST SUMMER, KINN WAS ARRESTED AND CHARGED WITH ONE COUNT OF uU_nekWK-Uu-00057-00004367-00004374 LAST SUMMER, KINN WAS ARRESTED AND CHARGED WITH ONE COUNT OF uU_nekWK-Uu-00058-00004374-00004511 LAST SUMMER, KINN WAS ARRESTED AND CHARGED WITH ONE COUNT OF KIDNAPPING AND ONE COUNT OF uU_nekWK-Uu-00059-00004511-00004517 AND CHARGED WITH ONE COUNT OF KIDNAPPING AND ONE COUNT OF uU_nekWK-Uu-00060-00004517-00004641 AND CHARGED WITH ONE COUNT OF KIDNAPPING AND ONE COUNT OF FIRST DEGREE CRIMINAL SEXUAL uU_nekWK-Uu-00061-00004641-00004647 KIDNAPPING AND ONE COUNT OF FIRST DEGREE CRIMINAL SEXUAL uU_nekWK-Uu-00062-00004647-00004824 KIDNAPPING AND ONE COUNT OF FIRST DEGREE CRIMINAL SEXUAL CONDUCT WITH A PERSON YOUNGER uU_nekWK-Uu-00063-00004824-00004831 FIRST DEGREE CRIMINAL SEXUAL CONDUCT WITH A PERSON YOUNGER uU_nekWK-Uu-00064-00004831-00004984 FIRST DEGREE CRIMINAL SEXUAL CONDUCT WITH A PERSON YOUNGER THAN 13 AFTER A MOBILE HOME FIRE uU_nekWK-Uu-00065-00004984-00004991 CONDUCT WITH A PERSON YOUNGER THAN 13 AFTER A MOBILE HOME FIRE uU_nekWK-Uu-00066-00004991-00005131 CONDUCT WITH A PERSON YOUNGER THAN 13 AFTER A MOBILE HOME FIRE REVEALED A WOMAN WAS MURDERED uU_nekWK-Uu-00067-00005131-00005138 THAN 13 AFTER A MOBILE HOME FIRE REVEALED A WOMAN WAS MURDERED uU_nekWK-Uu-00068-00005138-00005255 THAN 13 AFTER A MOBILE HOME FIRE REVEALED A WOMAN WAS MURDERED AND A FIVE-YEAR-OLD GIRL WAS uU_nekWK-Uu-00069-00005255-00005261 REVEALED A WOMAN WAS MURDERED AND A FIVE-YEAR-OLD GIRL WAS uU_nekWK-Uu-00070-00005261-00005378 REVEALED A WOMAN WAS MURDERED AND A FIVE-YEAR-OLD GIRL WAS MISSING. uU_nekWK-Uu-00071-00005378-00005385 AND A FIVE-YEAR-OLD GIRL WAS MISSING. uU_nekWK-Uu-00072-00005385-00005525 AND A FIVE-YEAR-OLD GIRL WAS MISSING. KINN HAS NOT GIVEN A PLEA FOR uU_nekWK-Uu-00073-00005525-00005532 MISSING. KINN HAS NOT GIVEN A PLEA FOR uU_nekWK-Uu-00074-00005532-00005672 MISSING. KINN HAS NOT GIVEN A PLEA FOR EITHER OF THE CHARGES AND HIS ubIeFCbegzy-00000-00000190-00000400 Good morning guys ubIeFCbegzy-00001-00000400-00000590 We just woke up ubIeFCbegzy-00002-00000590-00000766 It's early, it's 8:00 in the morning ubIeFCbegzy-00003-00000766-00000844 we woke up early ubIeFCbegzy-00004-00000844-00001110 because will be a long day ubIeFCbegzy-00005-00001110-00001346 We will visit the Castle ubIeFCbegzy-00006-00001348-00001480 we have to get to the castle ubIeFCbegzy-00007-00001480-00001642 by funicular! ubIeFCbegzy-00008-00001694-00001773 But first... ubIeFCbegzy-00009-00001773-00001973 we must do a hearty breakfast ubIeFCbegzy-00010-00001984-00002144 to start a very good day! ubIeFCbegzy-00011-00002178-00002318 Let's go! ubIeFCbegzy-00012-00005366-00005768 What a incredible breakfast! ubIeFCbegzy-00013-00008822-00009084 We are at the top of Budapest ubIeFCbegzy-00014-00009088-00009414 we're located up on the Buda's Hill ubIeFCbegzy-00015-00009420-00009920 where we can admire the city crossed by the Danube ubIeFCbegzy-00016-00009920-00010484 and also you can visit the Castle, inside and outside. ubIeFCbegzy-00017-00010616-00011016 You have to take the funicular to get on the hill ubIeFCbegzy-00018-00011016-00011250 and it costs 6€ ( 1859 Ft) ubIeFCbegzy-00019-00011288-00011412 i recommend it ubIeFCbegzy-00020-00011412-00011612 because it's very nice! ubIeFCbegzy-00021-00023626-00024062 This is the famous Fisherman's Bastion ubIeFCbegzy-00022-00024156-00024276 in the 14th century ubIeFCbegzy-00023-00024288-00024682 this part of bastion was defended by fishermen ubIeFCbegzy-00024-00024696-00025224 the seven towers symbolize the seven Magyar tribes, that founded Hungary uc6Uf3VkFFy-00000-00000080-00000447 (bright, lively rock music) uc6Uf3VkFFy-00001-00001695-00001852 - Hey everybody. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00002-00001852-00002193 Um I totally left all of my notes at home uc6Uf3VkFFy-00003-00002280-00002505 just so you know but it's fine because uc6Uf3VkFFy-00004-00002505-00002650 I'll do what I always do which is just uc6Uf3VkFFy-00005-00002650-00002843 completely talk out of my ass. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00006-00002843-00003081 (laughter) uc6Uf3VkFFy-00007-00003081-00003497 And actually my slides I hate PowerPoint like with a passion uc6Uf3VkFFy-00008-00003609-00004026 they say I reserve for people who scan the aldorades. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00009-00004197-00004435 So all I have are photos on here there's maybe uc6Uf3VkFFy-00010-00004435-00004695 two sentences and that's it. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00011-00004695-00004967 What I'm going to talk about to day kind uc6Uf3VkFFy-00012-00004967-00005317 of is my journey through the tech industry uc6Uf3VkFFy-00013-00005599-00006002 and into where I am now which is working predominantly uc6Uf3VkFFy-00014-00006002-00006493 exclusively as a social justice writer and speaker. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00015-00006493-00006898 And it is because of my relationship with tech uc6Uf3VkFFy-00016-00006898-00007135 that I actually am where I am today. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00017-00007135-00007529 So I hope you guys are interested in hearing me talk uc6Uf3VkFFy-00018-00007529-00007786 about me because that's all I'm going to do. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00019-00007786-00007938 (laughter) uc6Uf3VkFFy-00020-00007938-00008362 Alright let me see if I can make this clicker work. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00021-00008362-00008458 - [Voiceover] You can also hit, there you go. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00022-00008458-00008660 - There alright so this is the beginning this is me uc6Uf3VkFFy-00023-00008660-00009107 and my brother and we did not start out the way many people uc6Uf3VkFFy-00024-00009107-00009390 in Seattle who find themselves in tech start out. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00025-00009390-00009757 We started out really poor, like not poor when uc6Uf3VkFFy-00026-00009757-00010070 your friends say like I can't afford to go to a movie. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00027-00010070-00010248 Poor like we were living in a car, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00028-00010248-00010555 we had no electricity, we had nothing. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00029-00010555-00010723 So we had no tech. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00030-00010723-00011083 In fact I remember when Super Nintendo came out uc6Uf3VkFFy-00031-00011083-00011343 and we wanted one really bad my mom went and found uc6Uf3VkFFy-00032-00011343-00011760 us an old Pong console and she was like it's just as good, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00033-00011903-00012245 it's just as good and we invited our friends uc6Uf3VkFFy-00034-00012245-00012414 over and we're like no we've got this cool game uc6Uf3VkFFy-00035-00012414-00012705 and they were like wow you guys are so poor. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00036-00012705-00012863 And the jig was up. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00037-00013071-00013495 So we really did not know anything about technology. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00038-00013495-00013795 I think I was 14 so this was '94 '95 uc6Uf3VkFFy-00039-00014041-00014383 when my mom got us an Apple 2LE computer. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00040-00014499-00014657 So you know we were always about a decade uc6Uf3VkFFy-00041-00014657-00014882 behind as far as tech goes. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00042-00015198-00015526 But then I got pregnant, had a baby uc6Uf3VkFFy-00043-00015526-00015726 and I got a husband and not one of those uc6Uf3VkFFy-00044-00015726-00016017 cool husbands I got a really bad husband. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00045-00016017-00016230 (laughter) uc6Uf3VkFFy-00046-00016230-00016471 And so I needed to get a job. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00047-00016776-00017105 And so I got a job and I just happened to get one uc6Uf3VkFFy-00048-00017105-00017400 in telecom which is I think pretty normal uc6Uf3VkFFy-00049-00017400-00017588 for people who need to get a job in Seattle uc6Uf3VkFFy-00050-00017588-00017848 or at least it was probably ten years ago, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00051-00017848-00018149 13 years ago when like AT,T and Cingular uc6Uf3VkFFy-00052-00018149-00018474 and all that good stop was happening. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00053-00018474-00018722 I started off just in regular customer service uc6Uf3VkFFy-00054-00018722-00019090 and then I started volunteering for projects like testing uc6Uf3VkFFy-00055-00019090-00019405 things like that because I had a gnat for it. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00056-00019405-00019815 So I moved from testing to actual business analysis, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00057-00019815-00020232 project management, things like that but still my love uc6Uf3VkFFy-00058-00020327-00020540 had always been politics and this uc6Uf3VkFFy-00059-00020540-00020881 will make sense in a second I guess. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00060-00020881-00021107 So like social issues had always been a love uc6Uf3VkFFy-00061-00021107-00021307 of mine so I decided I was going to go back uc6Uf3VkFFy-00062-00021307-00021542 to college and this is at Western so if anybody went uc6Uf3VkFFy-00063-00021542-00021959 to Western yeah you recognize that statue right away. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00064-00022050-00022391 I went back to school to study political science uc6Uf3VkFFy-00065-00022391-00022616 and I continued to work in tech that whole time uc6Uf3VkFFy-00066-00022616-00023014 so I supported my son and I by working in tech. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00067-00023014-00023349 So I worked from home doing dev releases, red hat, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00068-00023349-00023668 things like that from my house to the point uc6Uf3VkFFy-00069-00023668-00023845 where people that I was in conference calls uc6Uf3VkFFy-00070-00023845-00024096 with knew my sons so well that one time uc6Uf3VkFFy-00071-00024096-00024296 he was asking me for a lollipop, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00072-00024296-00024515 I was on a conference call, and one of the directors uc6Uf3VkFFy-00073-00024515-00024774 in Atlanta shouted out Malcolm it is 10 o'clock uc6Uf3VkFFy-00074-00024774-00024967 in the morning you cannot have a lollipop! uc6Uf3VkFFy-00075-00024967-00025192 (laughter) uc6Uf3VkFFy-00076-00025732-00025963 So I was going to transition out kind of use my skills uc6Uf3VkFFy-00077-00025963-00026356 to transition into areas I was passionate about uc6Uf3VkFFy-00078-00026356-00026567 and I had actually received an offer from uc6Uf3VkFFy-00079-00026567-00026851 the Gates Foundation to work there, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00080-00026851-00027128 kind of combining my tech skills with my social justice uc6Uf3VkFFy-00081-00027128-00027545 love but then I got pregnant again and so I was not going uc6Uf3VkFFy-00082-00027907-00028185 to be able to move to Washington D.C. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00083-00028185-00028390 to begin work at Gates Foundation uc6Uf3VkFFy-00084-00028390-00028806 which is where this particular program was done. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00085-00028806-00029161 So I just focused on finishing school and I don't know uc6Uf3VkFFy-00086-00029161-00029391 if you can tell that I'm pregnant in that robe on I was uc6Uf3VkFFy-00087-00029391-00029631 like oh thank God everyone looks pregnant in these robes. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00088-00029631-00029872 (laughter) uc6Uf3VkFFy-00089-00029872-00030089 But my son graduated from kindergarten the day uc6Uf3VkFFy-00090-00030089-00030438 before I got my bachelors so he was pretty excited uc6Uf3VkFFy-00091-00030438-00030566 and he wore his hat and made everyone uc6Uf3VkFFy-00092-00030566-00030769 tell him congratulations as well. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00093-00030769-00030994 (laughter) uc6Uf3VkFFy-00094-00031142-00031377 So I went back into tech and started uc6Uf3VkFFy-00095-00031377-00031664 working and kind of fell into a tech world. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00096-00031664-00031857 First I started working actually as a T1 provisioner uc6Uf3VkFFy-00097-00031857-00032272 and a switch technician so actually you know going uc6Uf3VkFFy-00098-00032272-00032646 and pulling wires, writing out circuits things like that. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00099-00032646-00032839 It was an interesting environment for me uc6Uf3VkFFy-00100-00032839-00033039 having spent the last couple of years immersed uc6Uf3VkFFy-00101-00033039-00033350 in the world of academia, political science, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00102-00033350-00033614 to come back into tech especially land line uc6Uf3VkFFy-00103-00033614-00033853 tech which is like this, I don't know if anybody here uc6Uf3VkFFy-00104-00033853-00034149 has worked in that it's a really strange world uc6Uf3VkFFy-00105-00034149-00034556 because it's like a mix of half Navy guys uc6Uf3VkFFy-00106-00034556-00034720 because that's really where you learn a lot of things uc6Uf3VkFFy-00107-00034720-00034997 like switch tech stuff and things like that uc6Uf3VkFFy-00108-00034997-00035246 and then just like you know well like the rest uc6Uf3VkFFy-00109-00035246-00035422 of the tech industry kind of mashed uc6Uf3VkFFy-00110-00035422-00035856 together and I did not fit in that industry. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00111-00035856-00036078 But I was very good at it, got promoted uc6Uf3VkFFy-00112-00036078-00036410 like three times within two years, was working uc6Uf3VkFFy-00113-00036410-00036852 really hard doing well but I was constantly confronted uc6Uf3VkFFy-00114-00036852-00037287 with sexism in the industry, lots of racism in the industry. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00115-00037287-00037554 I remember being asked during an orientation uc6Uf3VkFFy-00116-00037554-00037930 for a promotion that I had gotten if this was my real hair. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00117-00037930-00038157 I've been asked that so many times, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00118-00038157-00038491 is it a weave because I saw that Good Hair movie uc6Uf3VkFFy-00119-00038491-00038669 and I know what black girls have uc6Uf3VkFFy-00120-00038669-00038888 to go through with your hair. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00121-00038888-00039064 I've been kissed on the elevator by people uc6Uf3VkFFy-00122-00039064-00039481 I don't know, it's been a really weird environment. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00123-00039663-00039833 And it was kind of one of those things that you uc6Uf3VkFFy-00124-00039833-00040064 just played along and I actually was I was really happy uc6Uf3VkFFy-00125-00040064-00040325 I had friends but I noticed that who I was, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00126-00040325-00040499 what I started talking about, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00127-00040499-00040682 who I was talking to changed. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00128-00040682-00041027 You know my subject matter revolved around tech things uc6Uf3VkFFy-00129-00041027-00041249 all the time you know my friends we talked about uc6Uf3VkFFy-00130-00041249-00041452 work when we were hanging out uc6Uf3VkFFy-00131-00041452-00041727 and getting drunk and stuff like that. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00132-00041727-00042144 And I was doing okay, and there's me at a conference uc6Uf3VkFFy-00133-00042315-00042732 you know, talking about digital marketing and advertising. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00134-00042914-00043314 But then Treyvon Martin happened and it's really uc6Uf3VkFFy-00135-00043433-00043724 hard I still struggle to put into words what that meant, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00136-00043724-00043983 what that breaking point was for me. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00137-00043983-00044256 But I was traveling, I was working as a trainer uc6Uf3VkFFy-00138-00044256-00044664 in digital marketing, I had traveled the country basically uc6Uf3VkFFy-00139-00044664-00045052 explaining the internet to old white guys that was my job. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00140-00045052-00045277 (laughter) uc6Uf3VkFFy-00141-00045534-00045720 I was on the road when this happened and my brother uc6Uf3VkFFy-00142-00045720-00046136 was on the road as a musician and my son is now 13 uc6Uf3VkFFy-00143-00046476-00046682 and I saw so much of my son in this boy and I saw uc6Uf3VkFFy-00144-00046682-00046982 so much of my brother as well and I was uc6Uf3VkFFy-00145-00046982-00047247 absolutely heartbroken but what I noticed turning uc6Uf3VkFFy-00146-00047247-00047548 to the avenues that I was so used to relying on, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00147-00047548-00047907 the internet, was the absolute silence uc6Uf3VkFFy-00148-00047907-00048229 that I encountered from my community. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00149-00048229-00048422 Nothing, I mean and it got to the point where I was uc6Uf3VkFFy-00150-00048422-00048721 begging especially too because I was on the road. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00151-00048721-00049025 So I'm trying to find connection home uc6Uf3VkFFy-00152-00049025-00049388 and I would say somebody say something. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00153-00049388-00049694 And the response I would get back was I don't really uc6Uf3VkFFy-00154-00049694-00050078 feel like this is my place, I don't really feel comfortable, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00155-00050078-00050377 what if someone yells at me if I say something. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00156-00050377-00050667 And it was utterly heartbroken I had grown up in Seattle, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00157-00050667-00050825 Seattle has been my home and it was the first time uc6Uf3VkFFy-00158-00050825-00051198 I ever really felt like there was a concrete wall uc6Uf3VkFFy-00159-00051198-00051672 between me and the rest of the community that I lived in. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00160-00051672-00051898 So kind of out of desperation out of survival uc6Uf3VkFFy-00161-00051898-00052072 I just started writing, I started writing uc6Uf3VkFFy-00162-00052072-00052292 about what I was feeling because I needed uc6Uf3VkFFy-00163-00052292-00052606 somebody to talk to about it. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00164-00052606-00053060 And it ended up kind of changing my social life, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00165-00053060-00053364 these are some groups of people I met who just started uc6Uf3VkFFy-00166-00053364-00053632 listening to what I was saying, I ended up kind uc6Uf3VkFFy-00167-00053632-00053981 of shifting to a whole another social circle. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00168-00053981-00054436 But as I was writing more and speaking more at conferences, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00169-00054436-00054681 talking about police brutality, talking about race, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00170-00054681-00055098 talking about feminism, really just to kind of keep alive uc6Uf3VkFFy-00171-00055208-00055528 after seeing that disparity between you know the place uc6Uf3VkFFy-00172-00055528-00056016 I spent most of my day and the rest of my identity. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00173-00056016-00056294 It became really harder to be quiet. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00174-00056294-00056516 I was already known as a loud mouth and I remember uc6Uf3VkFFy-00175-00056516-00056819 people saying you know okay Ijeoma is great uc6Uf3VkFFy-00176-00056819-00057019 at presentations and the would bring me out uc6Uf3VkFFy-00177-00057019-00057335 to like impress big clients but if it was a question uc6Uf3VkFFy-00178-00057335-00057518 about we need someone's opinion they uc6Uf3VkFFy-00179-00057518-00057726 were like let's not include Ijeoma uc6Uf3VkFFy-00180-00057726-00057986 in this meeting because she does have opinions, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00181-00057986-00058247 she has a lot of opinions and you'll know what they are. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00182-00058247-00058495 To the point where I actually you know, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00183-00058495-00058765 the last promotion I got in my job before uc6Uf3VkFFy-00184-00058765-00058943 I left the industry someone called me and she uc6Uf3VkFFy-00185-00058943-00059184 said you're so good at this you know you're great uc6Uf3VkFFy-00186-00059184-00059366 at your job and she's like you know and I was worried uc6Uf3VkFFy-00187-00059366-00059657 because when you applied someone called me uc6Uf3VkFFy-00188-00059657-00060129 and said that you have a very strong personality. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00189-00060129-00060352 I don't see that necessarily as a negative uc6Uf3VkFFy-00190-00060352-00060473 and I certainly don't think it's something uc6Uf3VkFFy-00191-00060473-00060809 that had I not been a woman, especially a black woman uc6Uf3VkFFy-00192-00060809-00061225 in the industry, would have ever been used as a detractor uc6Uf3VkFFy-00193-00061225-00061550 to describe someone especially in tech. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00194-00061949-00062179 So then all of a sudden I started like showing uc6Uf3VkFFy-00195-00062179-00062454 up on television which was weird. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00196-00062605-00062905 It was really weird to the point where I mean because uc6Uf3VkFFy-00197-00062905-00063393 I still literally was working in digital advertising uc6Uf3VkFFy-00198-00063393-00063809 and then I was getting emails from CNN and from CBS uc6Uf3VkFFy-00199-00064135-00064446 evening news saying do you want to fly to New York uc6Uf3VkFFy-00200-00064446-00064696 and talk about race in America and so uc6Uf3VkFFy-00201-00064696-00064960 because I didn't want to ruffle feathers uc6Uf3VkFFy-00202-00064960-00065221 at work I wouldn't even tell them I left. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00203-00065221-00065407 (laughter) uc6Uf3VkFFy-00204-00065407-00065792 I would fly to New York and like work like I was there uc6Uf3VkFFy-00205-00065792-00066041 and just like start a couple hours later and be like yeah uc6Uf3VkFFy-00206-00066041-00066232 no it's fine hey you know I've just got a meeting uc6Uf3VkFFy-00207-00066232-00066494 for an hour and then I would like run, sit in makeup, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00208-00066494-00066846 get on TV, because I knew that none of them ever watched. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00209-00066846-00067071 (laughter) uc6Uf3VkFFy-00210-00067273-00067497 I mean there was pretty much no chance, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00211-00067497-00067764 the whole time only one person ever and it was a vendor uc6Uf3VkFFy-00212-00067764-00067958 came in and was like did I see you uc6Uf3VkFFy-00213-00067958-00068208 on the news and I was like no. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00214-00068358-00068583 (laughter) uc6Uf3VkFFy-00215-00068668-00068843 Totally someone else. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00216-00069074-00069363 I like this photo too just because this is the face uc6Uf3VkFFy-00217-00069363-00069734 that I give a lot and I love that they captured uc6Uf3VkFFy-00218-00069734-00069950 this for CBS evening news. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00219-00070111-00070363 It's just me going like what. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00220-00070363-00070545 (laughter) uc6Uf3VkFFy-00221-00070545-00070983 But as I was doing this more and more it started uc6Uf3VkFFy-00222-00070983-00071161 to kind of bleed into my life and so I started uc6Uf3VkFFy-00223-00071161-00071418 getting things like people on Facebook going look uc6Uf3VkFFy-00224-00071418-00071688 I found a quote of you on Twitter on Tumblr uc6Uf3VkFFy-00225-00071688-00072007 and it was like this weird inception world where things uc6Uf3VkFFy-00226-00072007-00072193 I had tweeted about would end up in Tumblr uc6Uf3VkFFy-00227-00072193-00072355 and then my friends on Facebook would find it on uc6Uf3VkFFy-00228-00072355-00072613 their Tumblr and put it on my Facebook and then my friends uc6Uf3VkFFy-00229-00072613-00072864 were like what are you so mad about Ijeoma? uc6Uf3VkFFy-00230-00072864-00072960 And I'm like well this is what uc6Uf3VkFFy-00231-00072960-00073212 I'm talking about all the time. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00232-00073212-00073430 So eventually I couldn't do it anymore and it uc6Uf3VkFFy-00233-00073430-00073869 was a weird break where I just had a day where uc6Uf3VkFFy-00234-00073869-00074138 I said you know I think today might be the day uc6Uf3VkFFy-00235-00074138-00074507 I quit my job and I was writing a lot but I had uc6Uf3VkFFy-00236-00074507-00074724 started to make decisions where I had to turn down uc6Uf3VkFFy-00237-00074724-00075016 writing and speaking assignments because you know uc6Uf3VkFFy-00238-00075016-00075190 like my boss was not going to like, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00239-00075190-00075489 he was going to notice eventually that I was flying out uc6Uf3VkFFy-00240-00075489-00075953 of town or showing up on the radio in the middle of the day. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00241-00075953-00076286 Which I totally did I would go out to my car uc6Uf3VkFFy-00242-00076286-00076653 for like 15 minutes and then do a radio call uc6Uf3VkFFy-00243-00076752-00076958 and I'm trying to muffle the noise of traffic uc6Uf3VkFFy-00244-00076958-00077231 so it doesn't sound like I'm in my car and talk uc6Uf3VkFFy-00245-00077231-00077453 about race and social justice and then I would run uc6Uf3VkFFy-00246-00077453-00077744 in and my boss would say something like Ijeoma, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00247-00077744-00078027 Ijeoma, Ijeoma okay okay see there's this commercial uc6Uf3VkFFy-00248-00078027-00078394 of this like really ugly dude and I just need you uc6Uf3VkFFy-00249-00078394-00078640 to make fun of him and make an ad for it and I'd be uc6Uf3VkFFy-00250-00078640-00079057 like this is the worst job I've ever had in my life. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00251-00079283-00079586 And so one day I just did I just quit and my boss uc6Uf3VkFFy-00252-00079586-00079936 sent me another condescending sexist email uc6Uf3VkFFy-00253-00080047-00080193 and my reply was yeah I'll get that done uc6Uf3VkFFy-00254-00080193-00080398 for you also I quit, and he was like uc6Uf3VkFFy-00255-00080398-00080744 are you kidding me I said no I'm done I quit. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00256-00080744-00081150 And it was really strange because I said goodbye uc6Uf3VkFFy-00257-00081150-00081606 to tech but at the same time completely immersed uc6Uf3VkFFy-00258-00081606-00081844 myself in the internet because that's really where uc6Uf3VkFFy-00259-00081844-00082100 you live today if you work in social justice uc6Uf3VkFFy-00260-00082100-00082326 and if you are a writer so I thought uc6Uf3VkFFy-00261-00082326-00082503 I was like leaving the tech world uc6Uf3VkFFy-00262-00082503-00082841 and instead it was like all I do is technology. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00263-00082841-00083145 In fact I've completely forgotten how to have face to face uc6Uf3VkFFy-00264-00083145-00083515 conversations with people I don't do it anymore. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00265-00083515-00083729 It's really weird sometimes because I'll read something uc6Uf3VkFFy-00266-00083729-00083993 I wrote and I'm like this is what it sounds like when words uc6Uf3VkFFy-00267-00083993-00084484 come out of people's mouths, these things that I wrote. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00268-00084484-00084900 So I am still active on Twitter and it's worked pretty well, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00269-00085390-00085609 and then I also got an opportunity to really uc6Uf3VkFFy-00270-00085609-00086006 take what I had learned from working in tech working uc6Uf3VkFFy-00271-00086006-00086365 on the internet and really start to do some good with it. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00272-00086365-00086774 Primarily with I believe you it's not your fault. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00273-00086857-00087296 This is a website that we're currently redoing uc6Uf3VkFFy-00274-00087296-00087712 but it started out in Tumblr and it is an anonymous uc6Uf3VkFFy-00275-00087806-00088223 website for people who have survived physical sexual abuse, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00276-00088362-00088655 problems with disability acceptance, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00277-00088655-00089036 fad acceptance and want to talk about it uc6Uf3VkFFy-00278-00089036-00089269 and so that's the premise of I believe you, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00279-00089269-00089460 it's not your fault. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00280-00089460-00089651 Because that's often what people want to hear uc6Uf3VkFFy-00281-00089651-00089944 and the beauty of the internet is for all of the vile uc6Uf3VkFFy-00282-00089944-00090429 hatred that you can find out there there's also community uc6Uf3VkFFy-00283-00090429-00090778 that you can build out of anywhere. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00284-00090778-00091168 So we get letters like this, probably a dozen uc6Uf3VkFFy-00285-00091168-00091527 a day right now from young people especially uc6Uf3VkFFy-00286-00091527-00091708 saying you know this was my fault, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00287-00091708-00092000 what happened to my was my fault and to be able uc6Uf3VkFFy-00288-00092000-00092186 to say no it wasn't and to have other people uc6Uf3VkFFy-00289-00092186-00092293 who respond and go you know what uc6Uf3VkFFy-00290-00092293-00092708 that happened to me too, you're not alone. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00291-00092708-00093010 People also get to write their own story uc6Uf3VkFFy-00292-00093010-00093211 and if they just want their story published uc6Uf3VkFFy-00293-00093211-00093555 it can go out there to reach out to other people uc6Uf3VkFFy-00294-00093555-00093791 and people can get to read it. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00295-00093791-00094084 So what was interesting was I still get calls uc6Uf3VkFFy-00296-00094084-00094400 from my old friends in tech saying what's it like uc6Uf3VkFFy-00297-00094400-00094564 to leave the industry and I bet you're uc6Uf3VkFFy-00298-00094564-00094832 so glad to be done with it. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00299-00094832-00095145 But I wouldn't be where I was without it because uc6Uf3VkFFy-00300-00095145-00095544 I did not understand, I was very insulated uc6Uf3VkFFy-00301-00095544-00095934 from how important it was until I was in an environment uc6Uf3VkFFy-00302-00095934-00096334 that was so adverse to addressing social issues, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00303-00096602-00096941 especially issues that affect the brown communities, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00304-00096941-00097341 the queer communities, the disabled communities. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00305-00097341-00097540 It wasn't until then that I realized how incredibly uc6Uf3VkFFy-00306-00097540-00097969 important it was to not just be a good person uc6Uf3VkFFy-00307-00097969-00098213 but to have a voice and to get out uc6Uf3VkFFy-00308-00098213-00098515 there and try to change your environment. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00309-00098515-00098840 And I used those tools from that place that was so uc6Uf3VkFFy-00310-00098840-00099256 inhospitable and so hard to live in to make a difference. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00311-00099433-00099640 So I kind of want to talk about this because uc6Uf3VkFFy-00312-00099640-00100020 you know I'm 34 I'm not a baby and this is something uc6Uf3VkFFy-00313-00100020-00100353 that is fairly recent to me and it's something uc6Uf3VkFFy-00314-00100353-00100642 that's not incredibly hard to do. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00315-00100642-00100904 And everyone in this room has an opportunity uc6Uf3VkFFy-00316-00100904-00101278 to look at their environment and see where those gaps are, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00317-00101278-00101520 see those things that nag in the back of your brain uc6Uf3VkFFy-00318-00101520-00102016 and make that environment a better place for everyone uc6Uf3VkFFy-00319-00102016-00102362 there and we all have privilege that we can leverage uc6Uf3VkFFy-00320-00102362-00102778 to help those and help dismantle that hierarchy uc6Uf3VkFFy-00321-00102778-00103194 in this very structured environment that we all work in. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00322-00103281-00103469 So I think I have just a couple more minutes uc6Uf3VkFFy-00323-00103469-00103885 if anyone has questions but I don't know what possible, yes? uc6Uf3VkFFy-00324-00104003-00104321 No you know the one thing for me luckily-- uc6Uf3VkFFy-00325-00104321-00104418 - [Voiceover] Repeat the question. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00326-00104418-00104598 - Oh yeah so he asked how I deal with jerks uc6Uf3VkFFy-00327-00104598-00104836 on Twitter and I have tons of them and it's actually uc6Uf3VkFFy-00328-00104836-00105041 kind of a weird thing like a specialty uc6Uf3VkFFy-00329-00105041-00105341 of mine is dealing with online trolls. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00330-00105341-00105566 I kind of have fun with it at this point, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00331-00105566-00105828 they do because they can really drag you down. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00332-00105828-00106008 The internet works very hard uc6Uf3VkFFy-00333-00106008-00106308 to silence marginalized communities. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00334-00106407-00106721 For me primarily I always keep in mind the irony uc6Uf3VkFFy-00335-00106721-00107138 that this person is so invested in what I have to say, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00336-00107304-00107572 so wired up about it that they're trying to come uc6Uf3VkFFy-00337-00107572-00107864 up with ways to make me feel a thing. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00338-00107864-00108170 I don't know who they are and when they go away uc6Uf3VkFFy-00339-00108170-00108413 I still won't know who they are so when uc6Uf3VkFFy-00340-00108413-00108611 you think of it that way who's trolling who? uc6Uf3VkFFy-00341-00108611-00108907 I'm the one like in their brain right now that's got uc6Uf3VkFFy-00342-00108907-00109092 them so incensed that they're like I'm going to uc6Uf3VkFFy-00343-00109092-00109346 look up her family history, I'm going to find, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00344-00109346-00109783 I mean people have made profiles of my dead grandfather. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00345-00109783-00110183 That's a lot of time to spend thinking about me, like a lot. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00346-00110183-00110456 And it reminds me that what I'm doing is important uc6Uf3VkFFy-00347-00110456-00110823 and that these are the types of barriers, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00348-00110823-00111010 it is so important that people are threatened uc6Uf3VkFFy-00349-00111010-00111230 to take that action so I kind of have fun with it uc6Uf3VkFFy-00350-00111230-00111466 a lot of times I tend to be absurd with it, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00351-00111466-00111617 but do whatever you need to do. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00352-00111617-00111891 Also don't ever let anyone tell you uc6Uf3VkFFy-00353-00111891-00112229 how to handle harassment on the internet. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00354-00112229-00112441 I see a lot of that, I see a lot of people trying uc6Uf3VkFFy-00355-00112441-00112668 to white knight they come in and go ignore the trolls, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00356-00112668-00112842 don't talk to the trolls, don't do this especially uc6Uf3VkFFy-00357-00112842-00113082 if you're around the internet it seems like everyone uc6Uf3VkFFy-00358-00113082-00113349 rushes in to be like hey do you need help, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00359-00113349-00113518 do you got this, you should just ignore uc6Uf3VkFFy-00360-00113518-00113701 them it should be fine. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00361-00113701-00113986 I'm like no I got this so don't let people tell uc6Uf3VkFFy-00362-00113986-00114366 you what to do don't let people tell you to let things go, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00363-00114366-00114512 don't let people tell you to get angry when uc6Uf3VkFFy-00364-00114512-00114734 you don't want to get angry, don't tell people uc6Uf3VkFFy-00365-00114734-00115088 tell you to calm down, don't let people tell you to ignore, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00366-00115088-00115313 you don't have to ignore anything ever. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00367-00115313-00115729 In fact ignore less things, get mad about more things. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00368-00115890-00116057 Well I'll be here for the rest of the thing so uc6Uf3VkFFy-00369-00116057-00116231 if you guys want to come up to me later I'll be here, uc6Uf3VkFFy-00370-00116231-00116334 thank you for your time. uc6Uf3VkFFy-00371-00116334-00116559 (applause) uc6Uf3VkFFy-00372-00116899-00117249 (upbeat electronic music) ueMATInaZhk-00000-00000048-00000808 [Elfie] Do you think that, you know, so obviously there's a movement out there to see ueMATInaZhk-00001-00000808-00001520 secular buddhism ... you know, Stephen [Batchelor] has informed people, and has triggered ueMATInaZhk-00002-00001520-00001976 that interest, and it's given a structure ueMATInaZhk-00003-00001976-00002448 where people can gather around. Because I think ueMATInaZhk-00004-00002448-00003135 he's inspired by Stephen, too, isn't he? [Rupert] Absolutely. [Gary] Very much so. So Stephen has ueMATInaZhk-00005-00003135-00003479 [Elfie] ... given us like a scaffolding to ueMATInaZhk-00006-00003479-00004136 stand on, [so] we feel on safe grounds whilst arguing about secular buddhism ueMATInaZhk-00007-00004136-00004512 because, Stephen [Batchelor] has done the leg work ueMATInaZhk-00008-00004512-00004968 and sorted this out, that we don't just kind of flounder about, and ueMATInaZhk-00009-00004968-00005328 leave certain bits out that we don't like, but what are we left with? ueMATInaZhk-00010-00005328-00005744 You know, that's what it's done for me. It's given me that ueMATInaZhk-00011-00005744-00006656 confidence that we haven't left anything out that would matter, so that this can work, secular buddhism can work. ueMATInaZhk-00012-00006656-00007079 Then, creative buddhism I learned that in the [secular dharma] course. ueMATInaZhk-00013-00007079-00007743 You know, from Europe, that is what it is really about, ueMATInaZhk-00014-00007743-00008071 and that way could be developed. ueMATInaZhk-00015-00008071-00008440 So do you think that, so there's this ueMATInaZhk-00016-00008440-00008904 movement of secular and then ueMATInaZhk-00017-00008904-00009600 creative dharma, is it that difficult to ueMATInaZhk-00018-00009600-00010007 create a platform for what we are thinking ueMATInaZhk-00019-00010007-00010439 about? This kind of interactive space, is it just technically ueMATInaZhk-00020-00010439-00011007 much more difficult than a newsletter, or is that really something that no one ueMATInaZhk-00021-00011007-00011520 else is inspired to do. Because I'm interested ueMATInaZhk-00022-00011520-00011904 that, you know, so there's this great new thing ueMATInaZhk-00023-00011904-00012543 of creative dharma, and then coming up with ueMATInaZhk-00024-00012543-00012936 an old-fashioned top-down newsletter. ueMATInaZhk-00025-00012936-00013576 That intrigues me, you know, which for me is not so creative, yeah so ueMATInaZhk-00026-00013576-00014008 is it the technicality of it which is restricting? ueMATInaZhk-00027-00014008-00014647 Or is it we are thinking differently to these other guys? ueMATInaZhk-00028-00014647-00014952 [Gary] no, no. There are technical issues. ueMATInaZhk-00029-00014952-00015512 Now, you could trigger in me a very, very long rant ueMATInaZhk-00030-00015512-00016247 about how things were in the olden days. ueMATInaZhk-00031-00016247-00016584 But I shall spare you for the time being because I want to rant about other ueMATInaZhk-00032-00016584-00017256 things too. The thing is that these ueMATInaZhk-00033-00017256-00017744 top-down paradigms are actually relatively new in terms of the internet. ueMATInaZhk-00034-00017744-00018120 And what what I mean by top-down paradigms, I'm talking about, ueMATInaZhk-00035-00018120-00018440 you know, web platforms and newsletters ueMATInaZhk-00036-00018440-00019240 and, you know, private newslists, email mailing lists. ueMATInaZhk-00037-00019240-00020031 But like I said, in the olden days things were different. Things were ueMATInaZhk-00038-00020031-00020392 certainly one hell of a lot more chaotic, and the technology was, ueMATInaZhk-00039-00020392-00020704 you know, pretty primitive in those days. ueMATInaZhk-00040-00020704-00021048 But the the lateral connections that were possible ueMATInaZhk-00041-00021048-00021504 using the technology then, which was essentially ueMATInaZhk-00042-00021504-00021877 email and a thing called newsgroups [usenet], which was actually just a massive ueMATInaZhk-00043-00022151-00022800 free-for-all forum with, you know, tens of thousands of different forums, ueMATInaZhk-00044-00022800-00023184 all of which you could cross-post to, and do all sorts of ueMATInaZhk-00045-00023184-00023912 um ... interesting things. So, that ueMATInaZhk-00046-00023912-00024415 technology actually still exists, the protocols exist, the port numbers exist. ueMATInaZhk-00047-00024415-00024768 But newsgroups [usenet] these days, no one's ever heard of them ueMATInaZhk-00048-00024768-00025128 But that used to be the internet; that was the internet ueMATInaZhk-00049-00025128-00025791 before the before the web came along. And so, the technology is actually ueMATInaZhk-00050-00025791-00026127 there. A very old technology lying, sort of almost ueMATInaZhk-00051-00026127-00026527 unused. But this is just, you know, one option. ueMATInaZhk-00052-00026527-00027175 I'm thinking about it in terms of how to try to get back to some sort of ueMATInaZhk-00053-00027175-00027895 much more lateralized discourse. But, you know, ueMATInaZhk-00054-00027895-00028256 there are technical problems. For people these days, because you know, what is ueMATInaZhk-00055-00028256-00028600 basically being given is, here's your website, ueMATInaZhk-00056-00028600-00029056 here's your newsletter, and your mailing list, and ueMATInaZhk-00057-00029056-00029616 you know, forget about anything to do with automatic ueMATInaZhk-00058-00029616-00030200 intercommunications between between sites, or locations, or people. ueMATInaZhk-00059-00030200-00030760 So the problem is, first of all, people ueMATInaZhk-00060-00030760-00031175 aren't familiar with the way things were done back in ueMATInaZhk-00061-00031175-00031480 the olden days. ueMATInaZhk-00062-00031527-00031919 And the the actual technology to actually implement that, and to ueMATInaZhk-00063-00031919-00032600 integrate it into websites and social media platforms doesn't quite ueMATInaZhk-00064-00032600-00032884 exist yet. And I'm still thinking about all the ueMATInaZhk-00065-00032884-00033528 technicalities involved in doing that. It's going to take me a while ueMATInaZhk-00066-00033528-00033944 to think it through. But yeah. But anyway, ueMATInaZhk-00067-00033944-00034552 That is, I think, the situation at the moment in terms ueMATInaZhk-00068-00034552-00034768 of ueMATInaZhk-00069-00034784-00035272 digital discourse. Because that's what we've got these days, ueMATInaZhk-00070-00035272-00035519 and I don't think you could say that... ueMATInaZhk-00071-00035519-00035912 There's very, very little discourse that happens in the world today that isn't ueMATInaZhk-00072-00035912-00036400 mediated by the internet, and in particular ueMATInaZhk-00073-00036400-00036919 websites and social media platforms. ueMATInaZhk-00074-00036919-00037791 [E] So people, it's bit of both. It's technically not known anymore ueMATInaZhk-00075-00038088-00038408 and it's not used, and therefore [because of that] ueMATInaZhk-00076-00038408-00039175 thinking doesn't tend to go there. That's not what is in everyone's mind, ueMATInaZhk-00077-00039175-00039936 to create as a platform. [G] Well, I guess the problem here is ueMATInaZhk-00078-00039936-00040663 that people like to use various and different types of media or ueMATInaZhk-00079-00040663-00041096 ways to access the things that they they want to ueMATInaZhk-00080-00041096-00041431 read about, or learn about, or interact with. ueMATInaZhk-00081-00041431-00041991 We've seen that social media platforms have ueMATInaZhk-00082-00041991-00042391 pretty much completely wiped out all the old ueMATInaZhk-00083-00042391-00042887 web forums that used to exist as independent websites. ueMATInaZhk-00084-00042887-00043391 I used to own some of those, I used to have a lot of forums ueMATInaZhk-00085-00043391-00044312 in the early 2000s. [E] Did you. [G] Oh yes, I've had forums for years but ueMATInaZhk-00086-00044312-00044808 I had quite a number going at that particular time ueMATInaZhk-00087-00044808-00045191 and when facebook came along my forum and ueMATInaZhk-00088-00045191-00045672 dozens of others, and probably millions, who knows ueMATInaZhk-00090-00045984-00046431 Well, it wasn't quite overnight, but it was fairly dramatic. ueMATInaZhk-00091-00046431-00046919 Everybody's attention went to the social media platforms ueMATInaZhk-00092-00046919-00047296 that gave them what they wanted, which was basically everything on the [same] plate, ueMATInaZhk-00093-00047296-00047631 rather than just going to sort of one particular silo ueMATInaZhk-00094-00047631-00048063 of a website, and doing your interactions on that website, then moving to ueMATInaZhk-00095-00048063-00048663 another website [forum]. And so, facebook and other social media ueMATInaZhk-00096-00048663-00048936 platforms ueMATInaZhk-00097-00048968-00049368 pretty much destroyed independent forums ueMATInaZhk-00098-00049368-00049968 in the early 2000s. And not out of any malice. It ueMATInaZhk-00099-00049968-00050647 was just they're just better systems. That's what people wanted. ueMATInaZhk-00100-00050647-00050984 You've just got you know that this is the way of technology. ueMATInaZhk-00101-00050984-00051788 It constantly changes, [and] you just have to move with it ueMATInaZhk-00102-00051788-00052000 And not sort of complain about it. It's really a matter of ueMATInaZhk-00103-00052000-00052391 trying to look at the technology that ueMATInaZhk-00104-00052391-00053008 exists, the protocols that exist, and ueMATInaZhk-00105-00053055-00053472 the programs that exist, and trying to sort of ueMATInaZhk-00106-00053472-00054104 see if there's some way of rejuvenating this old technology, and ueMATInaZhk-00107-00054104-00054551 making it useful again. And I think it could be particularly ueMATInaZhk-00108-00054551-00055104 useful in terms of mailing lists, but not only ueMATInaZhk-00109-00055104-00055455 mailing lists. Mailing lists along with multiple ueMATInaZhk-00110-00055455-00056008 different media simultaneously. So people don't just only have to go to ueMATInaZhk-00111-00056008-00056439 email to read all the threads on the forums or ueMATInaZhk-00112-00056439-00057032 groups that they're following. But can also ueMATInaZhk-00113-00057032-00057391 go to a website, where all the same content has been posted ueMATInaZhk-00114-00057391-00057879 in a laid-out fashion [presentation layers]. So, they could, for instance, ueMATInaZhk-00115-00057879-00058239 just for example, they could be on a mailing list ueMATInaZhk-00116-00058239-00058976 receiving messages, from particularly a particular group, on a particular ueMATInaZhk-00117-00058976-00059336 thread, perhaps. And if they want to respond to ueMATInaZhk-00118-00059336-00059600 that particular thread, they can just do it by ueMATInaZhk-00119-00059600-00059920 replying to that email into the emailing list ueMATInaZhk-00120-00059920-00060239 and that emailing list would auto-magically ueMATInaZhk-00121-00060239-00060600 distribute it to all the people on the email ueMATInaZhk-00122-00060600-00060951 mailing list to begin with, but also, simultaneously ueMATInaZhk-00123-00060951-00061641 post that and update a web-type forum with all the same content ueMATInaZhk-00124-00061641-00062039 But yeah, there's more to it than that. ueMATInaZhk-00125-00062039-00062448 But essentially it's a question to try to make ueMATInaZhk-00126-00062448-00062864 it as frictionless as possible, and giving people as many [engagement] options as ueMATInaZhk-00127-00062864-00063376 possible. Because people's preferences are ueMATInaZhk-00128-00063376-00063672 very different, and it could also include social media [platforms], of course ueMATInaZhk-00129-00063672-00064120 Automatically posting to ueMATInaZhk-00130-00064120-00064760 social media [platforms]. But yeah, I think, I ueMATInaZhk-00131-00064760-00065224 still have a lot to do, and I probably need ueMATInaZhk-00132-00065224-00065656 quite a few months of programming to actually ueMATInaZhk-00133-00065656-00066064 get it to work. And I don't really have time to do that. ueMATInaZhk-00134-00066064-00066520 I'm trying to find some time post- maybe september, ueMATInaZhk-00135-00066520-00066880 when hopefully things have calmed down a bit. ueMATInaZhk-00136-00066880-00067520 And perhaps I will have time to take a sabbatical, so i can ueMATInaZhk-00137-00067520-00067904 do all these things in a more serious manner. But I'll just have to see what ueMATInaZhk-00138-00067904-00068256 the situation is come september, because ueMATInaZhk-00139-00068256-00068736 things at the moment do require my ueMATInaZhk-00140-00068736-00069183 attention. So yeah... ueMATInaZhk-00141-00069439-00070048 Anyway, yeah, I'd like to talk about cricket. ueMATInaZhk-00142-00070083-00070527 [R] Okay [E] Go for it ueMATInaZhk-00143-00070648-00071039 Well, in fact, I guess cricket is really just a preamble ueMATInaZhk-00144-00071039-00071680 to what i want to talk about. I don't know that .... ueMATInaZhk-00145-00071680-00072016 I think Elfie, you're probably the only person here that ueMATInaZhk-00146-00072016-00072456 really doesn't know anything about cricket, and really doesn't want to know. ueMATInaZhk-00147-00072456-00073207 As a punishment to people, I used to to explain to them the rules of cricket. You know, it ueMATInaZhk-00148-00073207-00073776 was extremely soporific. [E] Like with your children. ueMATInaZhk-00149-00074088-00074424 [G] Knowing the rules of cricket is excruciating; ueMATInaZhk-00150-00074424-00075176 it really is excruciating; it's an excruciating sport. ueMATInaZhk-00151-00075200-00075639 [E] You know, i don't know much about cricket but i do know that. ueMATInaZhk-00152-00075639-00076016 [G] Exactly. Well, you pretty well know everything you need to know ueMATInaZhk-00153-00076016-00076368 about cricket, but i'm going to tell you some more stuff anyway. ueMATInaZhk-00154-00076368-00077272 So, cricket is rather boring. In fact, it's so so boring ... ueMATInaZhk-00155-00077288-00077624 Obviously, I don't know whether any of you have been to a ueMATInaZhk-00156-00077624-00078080 cricket match, like a Test match, or anything like that before. ueMATInaZhk-00157-00078080-00078520 [R] I've been to many cricket [matches]. I'm a big fan ueMATInaZhk-00158-00078520-00078895 [E] Are you a big fan ... oh my god. [G] Well, I wouldn't say that ueMATInaZhk-00159-00078895-00079439 in public ... but, you know ... [R] Me and my son are both big cricket ueMATInaZhk-00160-00079439-00079760 fans. [E] So what do you do there when nothing ueMATInaZhk-00161-00079760-00080216 happens? [G] Well, that's the thing, exactly ... [R] You drink. ueMATInaZhk-00162-00080216-00080527 [G] It's a sort of like a ... zen ... you know, you sort of got this ueMATInaZhk-00163-00080527-00080927 zen thing going, where all you're doing is sitting in 40 degree ueMATInaZhk-00164-00080927-00081439 heat, with a tinny [beer] in your hand, looking at the grass grow. And you do ueMATInaZhk-00165-00081439-00081832 that for eight, ten hours. And then it ueMATInaZhk-00166-00081832-00082072 stops. and nothing, and nothing has happened ueMATInaZhk-00167-00082072-00082807 really on the field. [E] Well, I have much more I have a much more ueMATInaZhk-00168-00082807-00083439 sinister view on this I'm afraid and you wouldn't be surprised would you. ueMATInaZhk-00169-00083439-00084095 [G] Well, this sort of incessant boredom can go on for ueMATInaZhk-00170-00084095-00084551 five days, you know, and at the end of the five ueMATInaZhk-00171-00084551-00085127 days, it'll be a draw, because no-one really won, and you know well ueMATInaZhk-00172-00085127-00085832 and that's teriffic, right. But, there's also all sorts ueMATInaZhk-00173-00085832-00086288 of very strange things can happen in cricket. ueMATInaZhk-00174-00086288-00086744 One particularly interesting thing from -- or particularly from -- an australian ueMATInaZhk-00175-00086744-00087207 [cricket] side, up against the Old Enemy [england] is ueMATInaZhk-00176-00087208-00087600 is sledging. there's this concept of sledging. ueMATInaZhk-00177-00087600-00088007 Have you heard of that, Rupert? [R] Oh yes, indeed absolutely. ueMATInaZhk-00178-00088007-00089400 [G] Okay, well ... [E] Swenty what? [G,R] Sledging. [E] Wedging? [R] No, sledge. Like in the snow. [E] Ok, like sledging, in the snow. ueMATInaZhk-00179-00089400-00090007 [G] Sledging is actually where the fine art of cricket really comes in. ueMATInaZhk-00180-00090007-00090407 So certainly you [the cricketer] has got to have technical capabilities, and ueMATInaZhk-00181-00090407-00090736 things like that. But winning or losing ueMATInaZhk-00182-00090736-00091368 usually comes down to sledging. Which is just a matter of ... you know ... how ueMATInaZhk-00183-00091368-00091680 can you ... Because, you've got a batsman ueMATInaZhk-00184-00091680-00092016 standing there 22 yards from from the ueMATInaZhk-00185-00092016-00092400 bowler. You'll get a fast bowler come in, and ueMATInaZhk-00186-00092400-00092872 they'll pitch this extremely heavy, hard ball. I don't know what ... you haven't ueMATInaZhk-00187-00092872-00093160 perhaps held a a cricket ball before, but they ueMATInaZhk-00188-00093160-00093751 are really heavy. and now really hard [E] They are weapons. [R] They are. ueMATInaZhk-00189-00093751-00094104 [G] Now, when those things [balls] come down the down at ... ueMATInaZhk-00190-00094104-00094656 ... I don't know ... 100 miles an hour, depending on the on the bowler, of course. ueMATInaZhk-00191-00094656-00095127 It's pretty terrifying, you know. It's pretty terrifying ueMATInaZhk-00192-00095127-00095904 A top-notch batsman has to keep absolute total focus. ueMATInaZhk-00193-00095904-00096416 And it's really easy to break that focus ueMATInaZhk-00194-00096416-00097263 by triggering their amygdala. They're basically getting ... the ueMATInaZhk-00195-00097263-00097560 bowler will sort of say [certain] things to the batsman about his personal ueMATInaZhk-00196-00097596-00097920 life, about his wife, and his parents, about something that ueMATInaZhk-00197-00097920-00098528 happened ... And basically emotionally destabilizing them. ueMATInaZhk-00198-00098528-00098863 [E] Is that what's done? [R] Yeah, that's sledging. ueMATInaZhk-00199-00098863-00099463 [E] Oh, that is sledging. You just go past them, and say, saw your ueMATInaZhk-00200-00099463-00099983 wife the other day ... or whatever and ... [G] Exactly. ueMATInaZhk-00201-00099984-00100440 Well, the wicketkeeper does that. too. The wicketkeeper will have a ueMATInaZhk-00202-00100440-00100822 little talk to the batsman, while he's trying to ueMATInaZhk-00203-00100822-00101263 and concentrate. Basically talking about, you know ... [E] "Have you put on weight?" ueMATInaZhk-00204-00101263-00101912 [G] Yeah, much, much worse stuff than that, i can tell you. much like ueMATInaZhk-00205-00101912-00102224 This stuff really cuts to the heart, you know. ueMATInaZhk-00206-00102224-00102831 It's brutal. and during that moment, where they've been emotionally ueMATInaZhk-00207-00102831-00103135 disrupted, they can't concentrate, they can't see the ball any more! ueMATInaZhk-00208-00103135-00103607 their cognitive facilities have been you ueMATInaZhk-00209-00103607-00104016 know detached and it's all the amiga amygdala ueMATInaZhk-00210-00104016-00104424 that that's actually you know activated and while you're in ueMATInaZhk-00211-00104424-00104688 that emotional state you can't do anything ueMATInaZhk-00212-00104688-00105040 you can't concentrate you're not going to see that more uh ueMATInaZhk-00213-00105040-00105383 no there's no way you're going to see that if you've been triggered ueMATInaZhk-00214-00105383-00105800 in that in such a manner so now i thought that was a ueMATInaZhk-00215-00105800-00106200 no that really is what cricket is all about ueMATInaZhk-00216-00106200-00106783 is uh emotional destabilization of the batsman ueMATInaZhk-00217-00106840-00107576 wow okay rupert you're free well i'm not sure that's all that ueMATInaZhk-00218-00107576-00108183 it's about it's certainly at uh ueMATInaZhk-00219-00108279-00108640 i mean i think the point is as you've just said this actually ueMATInaZhk-00220-00108640-00109135 it is a very it's it's actually a very intriguing game ueMATInaZhk-00221-00109135-00109488 i mean i don't know about the nature of cricket it's ueMATInaZhk-00222-00109488-00110208 the point is it's a very complex uh game it can be a very simple game but ueMATInaZhk-00223-00110208-00110696 it can at the high level be work on lots of different ueMATInaZhk-00224-00110696-00111200 levels it works on a physical skill level ueMATInaZhk-00225-00111200-00111535 but it also works on an intellectual level and as you say it works on an ueMATInaZhk-00226-00111535-00111959 emotional level so and that there are many games where ueMATInaZhk-00227-00111959-00112503 all of those things can happen i mean in football you there isn't a great deal of ueMATInaZhk-00228-00112503-00112864 of the emotional intellectual stuff going on ueMATInaZhk-00229-00112864-00113208 it happens far too fast but in cricket there is ueMATInaZhk-00230-00113208-00113624 there is a lot of chess that goes on in cricket and ueMATInaZhk-00231-00113624-00114032 chess doesn't have the physical side of things so actually ueMATInaZhk-00232-00114032-00114591 it it can the reason it's successful the reason people go and watch it is ueMATInaZhk-00233-00114591-00114911 because it has a lot of complexity but that beside the ueMATInaZhk-00234-00114911-00115367 point but i agree with you absolutely in terms of there is ueMATInaZhk-00235-00115367-00115816 something about the um ueMATInaZhk-00236-00115855-00116511 the dharma um in terms of reactivity that goes on and the destabilization and ueMATInaZhk-00237-00116511-00116991 focus and a lot of batsmen and a lot of fielders practice ueMATInaZhk-00238-00116991-00117503 mindfulness because it encourages in and enhances ueMATInaZhk-00239-00117503-00118144 their focus a fielder also he's has in the slip fielder particularly and ueMATInaZhk-00240-00118144-00118479 they think it's hard for a batsman it's very ueMATInaZhk-00241-00118479-00118824 hard for his lip filler because they have to stand there and crouch ueMATInaZhk-00242-00118824-00119311 for days hours and hours and absolutely nothing happens because the ball doesn't ueMATInaZhk-00243-00119311-00119800 even come to them but once every couple of hours it might ueMATInaZhk-00244-00119800-00120215 and at that moment they have to be entirely focused ueMATInaZhk-00245-00120215-00120559 and they have to be able to react amazingly fast ueMATInaZhk-00246-00120559-00120903 and that that is an enormously difficult skill ueMATInaZhk-00247-00120903-00121503 um and it's sort of interesting that some people can manage it and that that ueMATInaZhk-00248-00121503-00121824 switch on and off the focus so i think that there's probably quite a ueMATInaZhk-00249-00121824-00122200 lot of yeah there's there is there's probably a lot that could be ueMATInaZhk-00250-00122200-00122776 written about the dharma of cricket ueMATInaZhk-00251-00122952-00123583 brilliant but it's it's a sort of you yeah ueMATInaZhk-00252-00124464-00124824 well this is just a preamble actually okay ueMATInaZhk-00253-00124824-00125183 there's something else i i want to talk about which is another game ueMATInaZhk-00254-00125183-00125855 yes um another game called brandy now i don't know whether you've ueMATInaZhk-00255-00125855-00126383 heard of that what b it's a child scan a child ueMATInaZhk-00256-00126383-00127024 people in a kids in school play it called brandy brandy ueMATInaZhk-00257-00127024-00127703 ah brandy as in the drink right no no but it's spelt the same way ueMATInaZhk-00258-00127703-00128400 yes yeah oh it is spelt the same way oh when you said brandy i thought my god ueMATInaZhk-00259-00128400-00128752 i didn't know you were into the drink you know ueMATInaZhk-00260-00128752-00129152 yes candy you will see the connection and ueMATInaZhk-00261-00129152-00129672 why it's called probably i'll have to describe it you ueMATInaZhk-00262-00129672-00130096 know usually when um well certainly in my ueMATInaZhk-00263-00130096-00130503 debt at primary school uh we'd go to ueMATInaZhk-00264-00130503-00130911 you know we'd turn up at school you know at eight o'clock and probably spend ueMATInaZhk-00265-00130911-00131360 an hour just uh out in the field sort of mucking about ueMATInaZhk-00266-00131360-00131952 and one of the most popular games played was was a game called brandy ueMATInaZhk-00267-00131952-00132808 it usually involved a tennis ball and uh probably you know 10 to 20 ueMATInaZhk-00268-00132808-00133432 uh boys usually nearly always boys and and the object ueMATInaZhk-00269-00133432-00133712 was was the person with the ball had to ueMATInaZhk-00270-00133712-00134167 chase any one of these people and uh hit them as hard as they could ueMATInaZhk-00271-00134167-00134536 with the ball and once they did that they were branded ueMATInaZhk-00272-00134536-00134920 they could pick up the ball and go cunt someone else and which they ueMATInaZhk-00273-00134920-00135288 can sort of inflict injury upon someone else and so there ueMATInaZhk-00274-00135288-00135664 was an awful lot of running involved uh you ueMATInaZhk-00275-00135664-00135944 know people running for their lives not when you get sort of ueMATInaZhk-00276-00135944-00136360 hit by a fast moving tennis ball which could you know probably cause a ueMATInaZhk-00277-00136360-00136864 a little you know small bruise if it's uh thrown hard enough ueMATInaZhk-00278-00136864-00137336 and so yeah that that was sort of the game it was just sort of a an awful lot ueMATInaZhk-00279-00137336-00137815 of running around panicking and and pain and and uh ueMATInaZhk-00280-00137815-00138248 yeah but you know that that sort of you know ueMATInaZhk-00281-00138248-00138784 what that sort of entry level brandy you know that there's sort of a next ueMATInaZhk-00282-00138784-00139128 level and and that level involves using a ueMATInaZhk-00283-00139128-00139391 cricket ball ueMATInaZhk-00284-00139496-00140055 so it gets more interesting you know all of a sudden it's more life ueMATInaZhk-00285-00140055-00140560 and death then because and you know the amount of ueMATInaZhk-00286-00140560-00141152 running is is far more panicked and uh and and the flat the pain of ueMATInaZhk-00287-00141152-00141600 course if you just happen to get hit and it is actually people getting hit ueMATInaZhk-00288-00141600-00141920 was actually rarer when we used the qriket ball than when ueMATInaZhk-00289-00141920-00142279 we used the tennis ball for the obvious reason people were running a ueMATInaZhk-00290-00142279-00142855 lot faster um so so you really really ueMATInaZhk-00291-00142855-00143191 wouldn't want to get hit by one of these balls but ueMATInaZhk-00292-00143191-00143591 that's what we did because we were boys that's what ueMATInaZhk-00293-00143591-00144552 boys do so you know i guess ueMATInaZhk-00294-00144552-00144952 the thing is you know at the end of a particular game ueMATInaZhk-00295-00144952-00145296 you know you could sort of walk in the class with all sorts of bruises on ueMATInaZhk-00296-00145296-00145960 on your legs or or whatever um and it was ueMATInaZhk-00297-00145960-00146600 brutal it was dangerous and it was uh i guess quite useful as ueMATInaZhk-00298-00146600-00146984 as a as a life learning ueMATInaZhk-00299-00147084-00147552 message you could say but you know i've never actually heard ueMATInaZhk-00300-00147552-00147960 of anybody else playing cricket ball brandy before and i'm just ueMATInaZhk-00301-00147960-00148255 sort of wondering whether anybody else is ueMATInaZhk-00302-00148255-00148784 no not in my school ueMATInaZhk-00303-00149464-00150096 extremely dangerous game certainly you know any of my kids caught playing that ueMATInaZhk-00304-00150552-00150879 i guess it's that um ueMATInaZhk-00305-00150927-00151408 well the the thing is that the way that the actual groups operated was quite ueMATInaZhk-00306-00151408-00151808 interesting as well you'd have a group of people who are ueMATInaZhk-00307-00151808-00152432 ostensibly in the game playing this game randy ueMATInaZhk-00308-00152432-00152936 but of course being a running game the field of play moved ueMATInaZhk-00309-00152936-00153320 constantly all because we have no really big playing fields ueMATInaZhk-00310-00153320-00153640 and so it could wander all over the place and i often ueMATInaZhk-00311-00153640-00154040 wander into other playing fields which completely unrelated to ueMATInaZhk-00312-00154040-00154408 this particular game of brandy and of course when you're running for your life ueMATInaZhk-00313-00154408-00154727 you're not really worried about anybody else's ueMATInaZhk-00314-00154727-00155127 field of play and so ueMATInaZhk-00315-00155184-00155552 what happened then was that many non-participants ueMATInaZhk-00316-00155552-00155888 were turned into participants by being you know ueMATInaZhk-00317-00155888-00156376 uh unilaterally branded and uh and then in order to take up their ueMATInaZhk-00318-00156376-00156744 revenge they were gonna pick up the ball and start chaining chasing whoever is ueMATInaZhk-00319-00156744-00157127 responsible for it uh and so so the the the number of ueMATInaZhk-00320-00157127-00157655 participants increased as a result of the of the of the field ueMATInaZhk-00321-00157655-00157952 of play sort of moving into other fields of plan ueMATInaZhk-00322-00157952-00158472 people reacting to being either deliberately or accidentally ueMATInaZhk-00323-00158472-00159279 um uh hit by a ball in various ways so it's it's uh interesting ueMATInaZhk-00324-00159279-00159736 interactions between different fields of play and how they interact ueMATInaZhk-00325-00159736-00160415 with each other and how that how they responded and and people even ueMATInaZhk-00326-00160415-00160736 even when people were not in that particular game ueMATInaZhk-00327-00160736-00161272 they were forced into the game as a result of being sort of hit by a you ueMATInaZhk-00328-00161272-00161648 know by some hard object ueMATInaZhk-00329-00161648-00162536 so this sort of you know reactive uh almost fission-like pattern ueMATInaZhk-00330-00162536-00162888 can i ask how often it happened that it was ueMATInaZhk-00331-00162888-00163624 it it began to just be between two people into a um ueMATInaZhk-00332-00163624-00164352 into tribal groups we have in a various playing playing uh fields or ueMATInaZhk-00333-00164352-00164808 fields of play going on which are you know different from each other ueMATInaZhk-00334-00164808-00165184 and when you get these intersections of them and crossing over of them ueMATInaZhk-00335-00165184-00165896 you know the inevitability sometimes of of conflict and and uh and drawing ueMATInaZhk-00336-00165896-00166224 other people into a conflict they didn't actually have ueMATInaZhk-00337-00166224-00167015 anything to do with but it's interesting um interactions ueMATInaZhk-00338-00167072-00167496 yeah well that's all i wanted to talk about randy ueMATInaZhk-00339-00167496-00168239 nothing more i don't know there's any lessons there ueMATInaZhk-00340-00168239-00168552 oh i thought this was going to lead into some interesting ueMATInaZhk-00341-00168552-00169336 uh dharmic insight well it does i was thinking of it in terms of ueMATInaZhk-00342-00169336-00169760 i guess group theory and the way that you know ueMATInaZhk-00343-00169760-00170520 groups responders sometimes respond to singular animals singular organisms ueMATInaZhk-00344-00170520-00171264 so and you know the conflicts between various groups as you know ueMATInaZhk-00345-00171264-00171864 interests are sort of um violated ueMATInaZhk-00346-00171976-00172279 there's a few different things like that and and ueMATInaZhk-00347-00172279-00172720 i guess one of the main things is is ueMATInaZhk-00348-00172727-00173039 you know that this was a very very organic ueMATInaZhk-00349-00173039-00173752 children's game um and very i think quite well demonstrates ueMATInaZhk-00350-00173752-00174208 you know a type of preparation i guess ueMATInaZhk-00351-00174208-00174791 for um for life and and uh and and and the ueMATInaZhk-00352-00174791-00175464 things that that can happen in life that you know sometimes pain is involved ueMATInaZhk-00353-00175464-00175815 sometimes you know quite a lot of pain sometimes there are ueMATInaZhk-00354-00175815-00176144 a low state sometimes there are very high sticks ueMATInaZhk-00355-00176144-00176448 uh especially when you when you bring out the cricket ball ueMATInaZhk-00356-00176448-00177096 so it's uh just interesting psychologically interesting that you ueMATInaZhk-00357-00177096-00177376 know children sort of feel the need to play ueMATInaZhk-00358-00177376-00178032 these sorts of games well as you rightly said boys do ueMATInaZhk-00359-00178032-00178391 exactly i think there is such um i mean that is ueMATInaZhk-00360-00178391-00178784 one way of interacting and uh it seems to be ueMATInaZhk-00361-00178784-00179584 to me a very male way of interacting this is not the games that i played ueMATInaZhk-00362-00179608-00179960 and i wouldn't have taken part in it i'm sure ueMATInaZhk-00363-00179960-00180520 well um well they they very very rarely did ueMATInaZhk-00364-00180520-00181215 except when the the playing field intersected with their particular ueMATInaZhk-00365-00181215-00181591 playing field um and sometimes you know a girl might ueMATInaZhk-00366-00181591-00182015 get hit because something someone missed and uh ueMATInaZhk-00367-00182015-00182544 it's somebody else a non-participant and uh you know sometimes the girl would ueMATInaZhk-00368-00182544-00182896 react and sometimes they would but there seemed to be a general rule ueMATInaZhk-00369-00182896-00183415 that if a girl was involved you know you didn't give her up as ueMATInaZhk-00370-00183415-00184039 much force as you would on on your best friend for example so it ueMATInaZhk-00371-00184039-00184591 seems to me that these very strong underlying understandings um ueMATInaZhk-00372-00184591-00184967 which you know may be part cultural but i think are probably ueMATInaZhk-00373-00184967-00185679 largely biological um where you know creating ueMATInaZhk-00374-00185679-00186136 hurt against uh female non-participants was ueMATInaZhk-00375-00186136-00186455 it wasn't even a rule it's just something you just didn't do ueMATInaZhk-00376-00186455-00186808 so yeah a very very strange um ueMATInaZhk-00377-00186808-00187855 um yeah the rules were sort of very organic very organic and sometimes ueMATInaZhk-00378-00187855-00188367 very brutal but i think you know very useful as well ueMATInaZhk-00379-00188367-00188824 in terms of um ueMATInaZhk-00380-00188824-00189384 what you have to learn about about a life or living life and it's like a ueMATInaZhk-00381-00189384-00190032 preparation for sort of um a preparation but ueMATInaZhk-00382-00190032-00190415 also a continuation of that style of interacting ueMATInaZhk-00383-00190415-00190855 isn't it it's not necessarily oh that's what every boy needs to learn ueMATInaZhk-00384-00190855-00191688 uh to to interact well no maybe uh that's an introduction in how to ueMATInaZhk-00385-00191688-00192391 preserve the existing culture rather than improve the existing culture ueMATInaZhk-00386-00192391-00192800 perhaps i don't know you know is that the best way ueMATInaZhk-00387-00192800-00193239 of making group decisions or interacting in a group ueMATInaZhk-00388-00193239-00193584 i i'm i'm not sure ueMATInaZhk-00389-00193615-00194303 you know well the the uh yes you basically have you know say 10 10 ueMATInaZhk-00390-00194303-00194984 boys against uh you know one boy with a ball ueMATInaZhk-00391-00195096-00195576 you know there was a tribal sort of feeling to that particular group at that ueMATInaZhk-00392-00195576-00196224 time playing that particular game um so so yeah there was a ueMATInaZhk-00393-00196224-00196527 camaraderie that you know we're doing something here which is ueMATInaZhk-00394-00196527-00197184 a little bit dangerous uh that you know could get you hurt and uh when you bring ueMATInaZhk-00395-00197184-00197584 out the cricket ball higher stakes interesting that it isn't ueMATInaZhk-00396-00197584-00198008 a in an australian boyhood the kind of ueMATInaZhk-00397-00198008-00198655 pioneer male pioneer spirit where you it's you against the ueMATInaZhk-00398-00198655-00199048 elements and you'd better be quick and you better ueMATInaZhk-00399-00199048-00199544 don't take any prisoners and you you know ueMATInaZhk-00400-00199696-00200360 i'm sure it's exhilarating oh it is but you know the thing is with these ueMATInaZhk-00401-00200360-00200879 exhilarating the cricket ball brand user it never lasted longer than maybe i ueMATInaZhk-00402-00200879-00201384 don't know a couple of days in succession after that people started ueMATInaZhk-00403-00201384-00201712 to get a little bit maybe just too much adrenaline too often ueMATInaZhk-00404-00201712-00202184 too just go back to a tennis ball ueMATInaZhk-00405-00202439-00202872 but strangely enough it wasn't australian boys ueMATInaZhk-00406-00202872-00203248 well if they were australian boys but half school were ueMATInaZhk-00407-00203248-00203615 recent english migrants ueMATInaZhk-00408-00203632-00204079 so so in some ways the game wasn't a culturalization ueMATInaZhk-00409-00204079-00204807 uh for all these recent uh you know soft boys from from england ueMATInaZhk-00410-00204807-00205615 and sort of bringing them into what i guess we thought was normality ueMATInaZhk-00411-00205656-00206015 and sledging is part of that searching has actually got it's a no ueMATInaZhk-00412-00206015-00206463 it's very very deep in an australian cultural certainly used to be ueMATInaZhk-00413-00206463-00206887 um it's a basic it's a it's a form of testing ueMATInaZhk-00414-00206887-00207319 you know you know basically trying to push someone to their limits and just ueMATInaZhk-00415-00207319-00208056 sort of define where that limit is and uh the game is that you don't react ueMATInaZhk-00416-00208056-00208400 if somebody if you know somebody's trying to push you and push you ueMATInaZhk-00417-00208400-00209063 and push you uh if you react you're lost so the idea is you don't you ueMATInaZhk-00418-00209063-00209519 do not react to to to slag you um you know ueMATInaZhk-00419-00209519-00210007 you just let it wash over you know that's a very very strong australian ueMATInaZhk-00420-00210007-00210552 culture people people find that sometimes ueMATInaZhk-00421-00210583-00211288 certain kinds of australians are very um they seem to be very aggressive saying ueMATInaZhk-00422-00211288-00211816 very sort of seemingly nasty things uh but it's a ueMATInaZhk-00423-00211816-00212248 form of a test can you take it are you going to react ueMATInaZhk-00424-00212248-00212656 if you overreact then you lost if you don't react you're ueMATInaZhk-00425-00212656-00213135 in it's a it's a very common thing in in an ueMATInaZhk-00426-00213135-00213632 australian male culture is that the same kind of reactivity that ueMATInaZhk-00427-00213632-00213992 we aspire to in the dharma ueMATInaZhk-00428-00213992-00214623 i think so or non-reactive yeah it's not reactivity you cannot react ueMATInaZhk-00429-00214623-00215096 if you react you're lost uh so the idea is you know to be ueMATInaZhk-00430-00215096-00215416 let yourself be pushed but not to react uh ueMATInaZhk-00431-00215416-00215983 in a in a an emotional way because once you've done that you've ueMATInaZhk-00432-00215983-00216367 lost the game but but if you don't react there's sort ueMATInaZhk-00433-00216367-00216783 of you know you can be sort of a form of you know ueMATInaZhk-00434-00216783-00217200 a form of acceptance an acceptance into a particular group ueMATInaZhk-00435-00217200-00217671 if you can take that sort of um ueMATInaZhk-00436-00217671-00218200 well it's not really abuse but testing you can take that sort of testing ueMATInaZhk-00437-00218200-00218535 and that sort of sledging sort of carried over into ueMATInaZhk-00438-00218535-00218911 cricket of course now everybody does it i think ueMATInaZhk-00439-00218911-00219592 english as well i think there is there is a something here this might be ueMATInaZhk-00440-00219592-00219911 useful might be interesting and i was like i've ueMATInaZhk-00441-00219911-00220200 come across it in ueMATInaZhk-00442-00220216-00220880 a couple of different situations um the first one was when i was at work ueMATInaZhk-00443-00220880-00221496 before i was interested in buddhism dharma reactivity or anything ueMATInaZhk-00444-00221496-00222144 and that was there was a guy at work who i really didn't get on with and ueMATInaZhk-00445-00222144-00222544 um it was in the university he was in a different part of the university for me ueMATInaZhk-00446-00222544-00222983 but i had to interact with him because he was head of the the ueMATInaZhk-00447-00222992-00223688 technicians who i had to work with and i knew that he created reactivity i ueMATInaZhk-00448-00223688-00224144 didn't know what it was called then but i he would get me going ueMATInaZhk-00449-00224144-00224528 and he would get me going even before i would speak to him ueMATInaZhk-00450-00224528-00224992 so i these the anticipation of having a conversation ueMATInaZhk-00451-00224992-00225696 created reactivity and i just after a while i recognized that ueMATInaZhk-00452-00225696-00226135 if i thought about phoning him up i could ueMATInaZhk-00453-00226135-00226583 create the reactivity and so i did i used to just think about phoning him up ueMATInaZhk-00454-00226583-00226840 without phoning him up or writing him an email without writing ueMATInaZhk-00455-00226840-00227167 an email in order to create the reactivity ueMATInaZhk-00456-00227167-00227567 which i could then control so i used it as a practice ueMATInaZhk-00457-00227567-00228048 i used it and this is before i was practicing before i came across buddhism ueMATInaZhk-00458-00228048-00228456 um because it meant that i could calm myself ueMATInaZhk-00459-00228456-00228807 and so that when i was actually having the conversation i wouldn't ueMATInaZhk-00460-00228807-00229167 i wasn't so reactive because i used to be quite a um ueMATInaZhk-00461-00229167-00229519 i say i don't think i am now i but i used to be quite ueMATInaZhk-00462-00229519-00229911 get quite angry quite quickly with people who i i felt were ueMATInaZhk-00463-00229911-00230664 um incompetent or stupid or in positions of power that ueMATInaZhk-00464-00230664-00231000 they really didn't ought to be um so ueMATInaZhk-00465-00231000-00231471 i so i it was a technique that i sort of taught myself ueMATInaZhk-00466-00231471-00231783 and i've i've mentioned this to a couple of people ueMATInaZhk-00467-00231783-00232400 who have sort of come into the similar situations as a as a ueMATInaZhk-00468-00232400-00232871 technique for practice so it becomes something ueMATInaZhk-00469-00232871-00233392 that you deliberately practice because when we've been talking about ueMATInaZhk-00470-00233392-00234040 reactivity with stephen it's about reacting to situations the second arrow ueMATInaZhk-00471-00234040-00234471 and stuff but actually if you practice it without ueMATInaZhk-00472-00234471-00234864 the arrow the anticipation of the arrow it seemed ueMATInaZhk-00473-00234864-00235288 much easier because you're not actually in there ueMATInaZhk-00474-00235288-00235976 but you're creating the neural pathways that will won't be reacted when the ueMATInaZhk-00475-00235976-00236352 when the arrow actually hits you unexpectedly ueMATInaZhk-00476-00236352-00236800 and in fact i remember i was doing it yesterday i had my drawing ueMATInaZhk-00477-00236800-00237152 class yesterday we're doing our mindful drawing ueMATInaZhk-00478-00237152-00237632 and i was saying that um the thing about the drawing ueMATInaZhk-00479-00237632-00237928 is to ueMATInaZhk-00480-00237952-00238511 only look at what it is that you're drawing and don't look down at the ueMATInaZhk-00481-00238511-00238896 picture because if you look down at the picture ueMATInaZhk-00482-00238896-00239296 then you create a reactivity because you're ueMATInaZhk-00483-00239296-00239656 you're looking at how good or bad ueMATInaZhk-00484-00239656-00240335 your picture is whereas of course it's it's an irrelevance because what's ueMATInaZhk-00485-00240335-00240783 interesting is looking and seeing and that's the point ueMATInaZhk-00486-00240783-00241271 that's the meditative quality of it we just use the pencil to help us focus but ueMATInaZhk-00487-00241271-00241800 when we look down we automatically see a picture and react to the picture ueMATInaZhk-00488-00241800-00242183 so i was saying to the people i was working ueMATInaZhk-00489-00242183-00242567 with that this is the this is ueMATInaZhk-00490-00242567-00243176 a way of training yourself because before you look down you know how you're ueMATInaZhk-00491-00243176-00243488 that you're going to be reacting so you anticipate it ueMATInaZhk-00492-00243488-00243831 and then when you actually look down you think about how you're ueMATInaZhk-00493-00243831-00244631 reacting so you shift from a position of of second arrow reactivity to ueMATInaZhk-00494-00244631-00245344 um a training a a where you are anticipating and then seeing so ueMATInaZhk-00495-00245344-00245680 it becomes something that after a while becomes ueMATInaZhk-00496-00245680-00246264 sort of second nature and instead of feeling a reactivity you you notice ueMATInaZhk-00497-00246264-00246607 instead so it it shifts from something out of ueMATInaZhk-00498-00246607-00247031 control to something which is under control ueMATInaZhk-00499-00247031-00247367 and i hadn't really thought about this much but it does strike me that there ueMATInaZhk-00500-00247367-00247823 isn't or i've not come across anything in um ueMATInaZhk-00501-00247823-00248240 the dharmic teachings that we've been doing with stephen ueMATInaZhk-00502-00248240-00248983 thank you very much um that uh cover this this idea ueMATInaZhk-00503-00248983-00249831 of of practicing with sort of real events ueMATInaZhk-00504-00249831-00250456 or by creating the um the facsimile ueMATInaZhk-00505-00250456-00250983 of an of an event in order to help you practice ueMATInaZhk-00506-00250983-00251344 so it's not quite the same as meditation where you're just watching things ueMATInaZhk-00507-00251344-00251767 any old thing that could happen but you're deliberately making things happen ueMATInaZhk-00508-00251767-00252135 um because you know that normally they would create reactivity ueMATInaZhk-00509-00252135-00252544 but you're doing it in a controlled situation ueMATInaZhk-00510-00252576-00253064 and i don't know whether there's that i mean that's the play thing is ueMATInaZhk-00511-00253064-00253496 doing it naturally i think that's just what we do as part of play ueMATInaZhk-00512-00253496-00253959 um we we create situations so that perhaps we know how to react to them ueMATInaZhk-00513-00253959-00254496 later on but we don't do it with sort of formal um uh ueMATInaZhk-00514-00254496-00255007 exercises and i just i wanted so it struck me that that's ueMATInaZhk-00515-00255007-00255383 something that is a sort of useful if i was teaching ueMATInaZhk-00516-00255383-00255735 secular talmud i think that'd be one of the things i would be suggesting ueMATInaZhk-00517-00255735-00256167 is that you create situations where you uh deliberately ueMATInaZhk-00518-00256167-00256911 um create a controlled reactivity lots of games have that in it don't they ueMATInaZhk-00519-00256911-00257335 i mean it's like a a three-year-old you play a board game ueMATInaZhk-00520-00257335-00257776 and then they losing and they might well wipe wipe the ball ueMATInaZhk-00521-00257776-00258376 might they so what you're building up is the capacity to lose without losing ueMATInaZhk-00522-00258376-00258896 it and um and and that is ueMATInaZhk-00523-00258896-00259552 not non-reactivity so this building up those fibers in the brain ueMATInaZhk-00524-00259552-00260144 that have the inhibiting of what would be the spontaneous reaction ueMATInaZhk-00525-00260144-00260656 to it like an uprising of anger or ueMATInaZhk-00526-00260656-00261231 or defense or whatever and you you want to build up the capacity and ueMATInaZhk-00527-00261231-00261792 willingness to inhibit those behaviors ueMATInaZhk-00528-00261792-00262559 and um that's that's what what what it would be non-reactivity ueMATInaZhk-00529-00262559-00263144 i guess that could be in in any game and then it's still a difference if are ueMATInaZhk-00530-00263144-00263456 you just are you building up the capacity to just ueMATInaZhk-00531-00263456-00264144 not show but you harbour the grudge all right you wait for another you know ueMATInaZhk-00532-00264144-00264535 moment and you kind of let them fall over your ueMATInaZhk-00533-00264535-00264872 foot in the hallway in the school because ueMATInaZhk-00534-00264872-00265280 they just had you with the cricket ball um ueMATInaZhk-00535-00265280-00265856 or are you really going for the non-reactivity ueMATInaZhk-00536-00265856-00266568 well and there i think um in that that might go either way and i ueMATInaZhk-00537-00266568-00266920 think a lot of people have just learned not to ueMATInaZhk-00538-00266920-00267368 show reactivity but they're reactive all right ueMATInaZhk-00539-00267368-00267744 it's just kept inside huh ueMATInaZhk-00540-00267744-00268064 absolutely and i i it brings us back to this ueMATInaZhk-00541-00268064-00268504 whole point about the sort of um the compassionate nature ueMATInaZhk-00542-00268504-00269040 whether that's a a natural phenomena or whether it's a ueMATInaZhk-00543-00269040-00269672 it's it's the learned um skill and i'm still sort of ambiguous about it ueMATInaZhk-00544-00269672-00270183 but it it also relates to another thing um and so does what ueMATInaZhk-00545-00270183-00270504 sort of tangentially what gary's been talking about which i've i've just ueMATInaZhk-00546-00270504-00270952 finished another book um which is called uh ueMATInaZhk-00547-00270952-00271431 no self no problem and it it's got a crap title but actually ueMATInaZhk-00548-00271431-00271864 it's one of the best books i've read about ueMATInaZhk-00549-00271864-00272576 the relationship between modern psychology and buddhist ueMATInaZhk-00550-00272576-00272952 dharmic thinking on the self ueMATInaZhk-00551-00272968-00273344 so i would highly recommend it i'll send you a link it's quite ueMATInaZhk-00552-00273344-00274159 quite short um and it brings it brings together quite a few um ueMATInaZhk-00553-00274159-00274464 of the things that we've been we've been talking about ueMATInaZhk-00554-00274464-00275088 and it the the premise is that there is no self and this is so he's ueMATInaZhk-00555-00275088-00275480 sort of coming from a position of not not a not ueMATInaZhk-00556-00275480-00275935 stephen's non-self um where stephen is sort of ambiguous ueMATInaZhk-00557-00275935-00276256 about the teaching but a very straightforward ueMATInaZhk-00558-00276256-00276840 no yeah it doesn't exist and then looks at it from ueMATInaZhk-00559-00276840-00277496 the as i say from the science and brings in quite a lot of ueMATInaZhk-00560-00277496-00277896 how this uh has been something within the ueMATInaZhk-00561-00277896-00278720 uh buddhist and taoist traditions and so i i found it very interesting ueMATInaZhk-00562-00278720-00278983 because i think it sort of starts from a principle which ueMATInaZhk-00563-00278983-00279328 i'd i think i i agreed with which so it's always ueMATInaZhk-00564-00279328-00279752 good to read a book where you think i i agree with what this guy is talking ueMATInaZhk-00565-00279752-00280031 about and there were there were a few things where he was ueMATInaZhk-00566-00280031-00280448 going off a bit and i thought well i'm not sure about this but but in general ueMATInaZhk-00567-00280448-00280831 and i'd always thought that in the sessions where stephen ueMATInaZhk-00568-00280831-00281640 where we were looking at um non-self or that stephen was never committed ueMATInaZhk-00569-00281640-00282072 to that aspect of buddhism i mean i remember because i was so interested in ueMATInaZhk-00570-00282072-00282344 it i was always very keen on listening to what he was saying ueMATInaZhk-00571-00282344-00282768 in these sessions and he would talk about the buddha never or ueMATInaZhk-00572-00282768-00283224 godhammer never saying that he didn't exist or that he ueMATInaZhk-00573-00283224-00283672 um that he did always referring to himself in the first person ueMATInaZhk-00574-00283672-00284104 or that there was no sense of that gonoma didn't think of himself as being ueMATInaZhk-00575-00284104-00284535 herself having herself ueMATInaZhk-00576-00284535-00284872 and i wonder whether this is to do with the nature ueMATInaZhk-00577-00284872-00285711 of um of us and particularly of in this case of stephen because ueMATInaZhk-00578-00285711-00286624 it's a difficult thing to accept and also accept of what you are ueMATInaZhk-00579-00286624-00287240 what we are when i first in the first session i think i ever had ueMATInaZhk-00580-00287240-00287544 with stephen which was a guy house in a group ueMATInaZhk-00581-00287544-00288096 a tutorial thing and i wanted to talk about the self and i ueMATInaZhk-00582-00288096-00288400 raised it oh and i was saying about i was really interested in ueMATInaZhk-00583-00288400-00288880 not self and he immediately said no it's not not self it's non-self ueMATInaZhk-00584-00288880-00289352 and this this is about five years ago maybe i don't know ueMATInaZhk-00585-00289352-00289840 and then he went on to explain in terms of which i didn't understand at ueMATInaZhk-00586-00289840-00290335 the time about what non-self was but it wasn't ueMATInaZhk-00587-00290335-00291016 and he said that don't worry you're not going to disappear in a puff of smoke ueMATInaZhk-00588-00291040-00291511 and and when i discussed it with martine she said the same thing ueMATInaZhk-00589-00291511-00291848 same words don't worry you're not going to disappear in a puff of smoke ueMATInaZhk-00590-00291848-00292216 and i never thought i would i never thought that this was this is what it ueMATInaZhk-00591-00292216-00292800 meant um and so i just wonder whether ueMATInaZhk-00592-00292800-00293224 in what we've been doing in secular dharma ueMATInaZhk-00593-00293224-00293959 is trying to hold on to the idea of self individual individuality and ueMATInaZhk-00594-00293959-00294480 self within the dharmic within a dharmic ueMATInaZhk-00595-00294480-00295031 context so itself does exist ueMATInaZhk-00596-00295031-00295824 in the bachelor version of secular dharma ueMATInaZhk-00597-00295824-00296176 and i don't think it does exist i don't think i think it's an illusion i think ueMATInaZhk-00598-00296176-00296735 it is something that we it's an incredibly difficult illusion to ueMATInaZhk-00599-00296735-00297176 not be within but in this book it does talk about ueMATInaZhk-00600-00297176-00297824 that it talks about the fact that yes there is no self and it is an illusion ueMATInaZhk-00601-00297824-00298248 and i was quite pleased because that's not many people that i've read were ueMATInaZhk-00602-00298248-00298583 prepared to say it's an illusion they'll use other words ueMATInaZhk-00603-00298583-00299104 but not the fact that it's an illusion and i think one of the reasons i think ueMATInaZhk-00604-00299104-00299583 it is is because within drawing at times ueMATInaZhk-00605-00299583-00300304 i get the sense of not a non-object subject duality ueMATInaZhk-00606-00300304-00300616 that there isn't somebody doing a drawing there is just an ueMATInaZhk-00607-00300616-00301224 experience and i so i think that it is possible and a lot ueMATInaZhk-00608-00301224-00301424 of what's going he talks about in the book ueMATInaZhk-00609-00301424-00301831 is about the left and right hand hemispheres ueMATInaZhk-00610-00301831-00302359 and about the right hand hemisphere the holistic nature of this ueMATInaZhk-00611-00302359-00303055 and the uh the visual nature and the non-language based nature ueMATInaZhk-00612-00303055-00303488 and that it is the it is the language based ueMATInaZhk-00613-00303488-00304088 center which has created the self and if we don't have that we don't have ueMATInaZhk-00614-00304088-00304431 self which sort of makes sense in terms of animals not having cells because they ueMATInaZhk-00615-00304431-00304872 don't have language anyway i recommend the book it's i say ueMATInaZhk-00616-00304872-00305352 it's quite short and it's but it's it's sort of easily ueMATInaZhk-00617-00305352-00305696 i mean i listen to it but it's like i might imagine easily under ueMATInaZhk-00618-00305696-00306392 read or or listen to um and i think it's i think it's ueMATInaZhk-00619-00306392-00306583 interesting because it's a different type ueMATInaZhk-00620-00306583-00307088 of way of looking at secular dharma than we've been doing ueMATInaZhk-00621-00307088-00307655 which comes brings me back to the nature of secular dharma ueMATInaZhk-00622-00307655-00308024 which was what which i think you were talking about right at the beginning ueMATInaZhk-00623-00308024-00308896 um is this are we building on stephen's the bachelor secular dharma ueMATInaZhk-00624-00308896-00309711 or is that something which is important but not necessarily a base ueMATInaZhk-00625-00309711-00310311 from which to build is it the thing it's got an echo is it is it the thing ueMATInaZhk-00626-00310311-00310864 from which everything comes and everything is built upon or is it ueMATInaZhk-00627-00310864-00311400 something that sits at a side and there are other things ueMATInaZhk-00628-00311400-00312040 here which are also as relevant other philosophies other ideas ueMATInaZhk-00629-00312040-00312407 or is does it sit underneath and everything has to come ueMATInaZhk-00630-00312407-00312976 from that there is my question did you understand does that make sense ueMATInaZhk-00631-00312976-00313480 the question yeah that makes sense yeah ueMATInaZhk-00632-00313480-00313983 what's the answer ueMATInaZhk-00633-00314000-00314616 i think it's one ladder it's not it's not even the only ladder you know ueMATInaZhk-00634-00314616-00315200 so you can crawl up that one and lots of people will be very happy ueMATInaZhk-00635-00315200-00315855 with that even stephen has already discovered other ladders like stoicism ueMATInaZhk-00636-00315855-00316255 and epicureanism and they're all kind of ueMATInaZhk-00637-00316255-00316911 climbing up the same wall i think and um and then there are there are you can put ueMATInaZhk-00638-00316911-00317304 planks between the two ladders ueMATInaZhk-00639-00317352-00317959 and and and walk along them so it's one structure it's not by no ueMATInaZhk-00640-00317959-00318535 means the only structure it makes much more sense of buddhism i ueMATInaZhk-00641-00318535-00318935 think so it i think it is for me a meaningful ueMATInaZhk-00642-00318935-00319535 next step for buddhism but most buddhists wouldn't agree i guess ueMATInaZhk-00643-00319535-00319968 but you know they're climbing up a different ladder a different wall ueMATInaZhk-00644-00319968-00320359 if i'm into religion then that is the big ueMATInaZhk-00645-00320359-00320911 that's a bigger change probably of you know that's that that's a different ueMATInaZhk-00646-00320911-00321224 angle that's a different if you think of it as a ueMATInaZhk-00647-00321224-00321864 3d it's just yeah yeah pulling off it's fantastic okay ueMATInaZhk-00648-00321864-00322240 in i'm climbing up the apex of this house on my ueMATInaZhk-00649-00322240-00322944 secular dharma ladder you know dabbling with other you know i'm also ueMATInaZhk-00650-00322944-00323704 quite like a high degree in ladder and and find the this the commonalities ueMATInaZhk-00651-00323704-00324359 sometimes i have a foot on either but the buddhists and all the religions ueMATInaZhk-00652-00324359-00324807 they may be um climbing up a different face of that ueMATInaZhk-00653-00324807-00325440 building huh so they're around the corner for me they ueMATInaZhk-00654-00325440-00326055 they're still climbing they're i wish them luck ueMATInaZhk-00655-00326055-00326504 but they they um they are fundamentally different too ueMATInaZhk-00656-00326504-00326968 maybe we just you know we look over the corner and say oh ueMATInaZhk-00657-00326968-00327440 they're climbing over there i don't know and i hope that they're noticing that ueMATInaZhk-00658-00327440-00327816 they are also uh if it their different ueMATInaZhk-00659-00327816-00328152 religions are not so different and hopefully they ueMATInaZhk-00660-00328152-00328472 find their commonalities and put a few planks in ueMATInaZhk-00661-00328472-00328976 between the two the ladders ueMATInaZhk-00662-00328976-00329520 so that we are not all just assuming that we got the only answer ueMATInaZhk-00663-00329520-00329848 i don't know i'd never you know an answer to your ueMATInaZhk-00664-00329848-00330504 um thing about non-self and not self it's not it's not such a big question ueMATInaZhk-00665-00330504-00330848 for me i have such a ueMATInaZhk-00666-00330944-00331328 just just a working policy with that you know ueMATInaZhk-00667-00331328-00332128 and i i i have difficulties when you say um you know this guy says the self is ueMATInaZhk-00668-00332128-00332648 only an illusion any thought is you know i don't see ueMATInaZhk-00669-00332648-00333304 where the difference is between any mental image or ueMATInaZhk-00670-00333304-00333752 happening to the building of a self is just ueMATInaZhk-00671-00333752-00334504 happenings in my con in in my little clearing of consciousness so ueMATInaZhk-00672-00334504-00335279 you appear in it um and i appear in it in the same way like an object ueMATInaZhk-00673-00335279-00335976 so that that that can be contemplated so i don't see i i it has no ueMATInaZhk-00674-00335976-00336640 problematic for me in that way it's just another phenomenon ueMATInaZhk-00675-00336640-00337311 and it can be very much identified with but you know if i'm in ueMATInaZhk-00676-00337311-00337840 in the right mode i identify with any possession of mine ueMATInaZhk-00677-00337840-00338488 you know i drove an mg my god did i and identify with that ueMATInaZhk-00678-00338535-00338848 for a good long while you know i didn't need an ueMATInaZhk-00679-00338848-00339183 eye i had an mg ueMATInaZhk-00680-00339288-00339983 so i don't i i see that as nothing particular it's just another ueMATInaZhk-00681-00339983-00340688 thing that pops up from time to time indeed like you i'm i'm very ueMATInaZhk-00682-00340688-00341335 happiest in flow when there is no side of it there's no ueMATInaZhk-00683-00341335-00341855 eye in full flow of drawing something or gardening or ueMATInaZhk-00684-00341855-00342472 you know watching you and discussing with you often there is really no ueMATInaZhk-00685-00342472-00342911 there is no i that is just listening and speaking ueMATInaZhk-00686-00342911-00343392 um and then it comes in again so that was a bit daft or whatever you know when ueMATInaZhk-00687-00343392-00343728 i about myself so ueMATInaZhk-00688-00343728-00344479 but it's just nothing to i do not feel that that urge to ueMATInaZhk-00689-00344479-00344900 fight it out in a way because if it means a phenomenon it's ueMATInaZhk-00690-00344900-00345592 incredible how high pops up and uh has force but so ueMATInaZhk-00691-00345592-00346000 have many other things well it's interesting i ueMATInaZhk-00692-00346000-00346679 i i've i suppose it's for me it's more um revolutionary ueMATInaZhk-00693-00346679-00347464 the idea of non-self it's not something that i've um come across until i ueMATInaZhk-00694-00347464-00347848 sort of came across it within within the buddhist context and it's not something ueMATInaZhk-00695-00347848-00348144 i'd recognized ueMATInaZhk-00696-00348168-00348976 uh explicitly and now that i do um i've become sort of intrigued by it ueMATInaZhk-00697-00348976-00349679 and also by its impact um on on everything and ueMATInaZhk-00698-00349679-00350128 and and everybody so when i look at in terms of politics you sort of ueMATInaZhk-00699-00350128-00350831 you think do you know that what you are as a is this a self ueMATInaZhk-00700-00350831-00351152 so if you look at a politician you're asking the question ueMATInaZhk-00701-00351152-00351488 are they aware of this and if they are if they were ueMATInaZhk-00702-00351488-00351816 would they act differently and i think they i think ueMATInaZhk-00703-00351816-00352192 i think the answer must be yes because you would feel ueMATInaZhk-00704-00352192-00352496 in a different position and i also think it relates to ueMATInaZhk-00705-00352496-00352720 um ueMATInaZhk-00706-00352855-00353376 to groups and the and it relates to individuality ueMATInaZhk-00707-00353376-00353816 and the whole nature of what we our societies now ueMATInaZhk-00708-00353816-00354224 in the west have become very individualistic ueMATInaZhk-00709-00354224-00354607 which relates back again to what gary was saying um about the game thing about ueMATInaZhk-00710-00354607-00355016 the way that you as a group you can create groups ueMATInaZhk-00711-00355016-00355368 and you can have a group identity um when you're playing ueMATInaZhk-00712-00355368-00355872 and it becomes natural and it is a natural thing ueMATInaZhk-00713-00355872-00356192 but we've pretty much got rid of a lot of that ueMATInaZhk-00714-00356192-00356848 because we have developed such a strong sense of the ueMATInaZhk-00715-00356848-00357440 importance of the individual and that is related to the self ueMATInaZhk-00716-00357440-00357855 and that's if that is an illusion so then maybe the ueMATInaZhk-00717-00357855-00358520 the idea of an of a of our individual is also an illusion and ueMATInaZhk-00718-00358520-00358896 then you start thinking about human rights and what do they mean ueMATInaZhk-00719-00358896-00359255 and they are they to do with the collective ueMATInaZhk-00720-00359255-00359672 humanity or are they to do with individual humans ueMATInaZhk-00721-00359672-00360431 so it becomes a broader philosophical question and sociological question ueMATInaZhk-00722-00360431-00361096 um but anyway nice i i i find it it it raises all sorts of ueMATInaZhk-00723-00361096-00361535 other things um another ways of ueMATInaZhk-00724-00361535-00361855 of looking and perceiving and how other people might ueMATInaZhk-00725-00361855-00362383 think and perceive but we're down to less than a minute yeah and uh time oh ueMATInaZhk-00726-00362383-00362792 that was lovely last thoughts that's that's i can engage ueMATInaZhk-00727-00362792-00363200 with that really well yeah nice let's continue ueMATInaZhk-00728-00363200-00363455 that yeah so maybe uh that would be that ueMATInaZhk-00729-00363455-00363648 would be my theme for next week if we have a ueMATInaZhk-00730-00363648-00364183 chance cool yeah okay good to see you guys okay love to see ueMATInaZhk-00731-00364183-00364707 you brilliant have a good week huh okay then bye bye ueMATInaZhk-00732-00364707-00365007 bye