J4-7zc-JGK8-00000-00002966-00003464 Towers [Music] [Applause] [Music] J4-7zc-JGK8-00001-00003464-00003659 [Applause] foreign J4-7zc-JGK8-00002-00003659-00003964 [Music] Wilz Nasho J4-7zc-JGK8-00003-00003964-00006738 [Music] Subcribe J4-7zc-JGK8-00004-00006738-00009427 [Music] foreign [Music] J4-7zc-JGK8-00005-00009427-00009617 [Music] Subscribe J4-7zc-JGK8-00006-00009617-00010213 [Music] Wilz Nasho J4-7zc-JGK8-00007-00010213-00011927 [Music] street kids J5rmchT_KWc-00000-00000038-00000448 Unplugged Activity | Relay Programming J5rmchT_KWc-00001-00000754-00001210 Hi, I'm Anna! Today we're going to do relay programming. J5rmchT_KWc-00002-00001211-00001647 It's all about programming under pressure and debugging the mistakes that sometimes J5rmchT_KWc-00003-00001647-00002243 happen when you work really quickly or in teams. We'll use graph paper programming to J5rmchT_KWc-00004-00002243-00002943 simulate coding, and use relay races to simulate having a deadline. In relay programming, teams J5rmchT_KWc-00005-00003225-00003765 will be racing to finish a graph paper program. You have to check your teammate's work, or J5rmchT_KWc-00006-00003765-00004466 debug it, fix it if there's a mistake, add your arrow, and run back and tag your teammate. J5rmchT_KWc-00007-00004507-00005207 Programmers use debugging a lot to find and fix problems in their algorithms or code. J5rmchT_KWc-00008-00005671-00006182 There are lots of ways to debug problems. One of the easiest is to move step by step J5rmchT_KWc-00009-00006182-00006814 until you find where something goes wrong, then fix it. Here, I'm trying to do a back J5rmchT_KWc-00010-00006814-00007514 handspring, but I keep falling off. I walk through each part, step by step, and realize J5rmchT_KWc-00011-00007547-00008247 where my mistake was. My coach showed me I wasn't putting my hands on the beam correctly. J5rmchT_KWc-00012-00008384-00008902 So I tried another back handspring on the beam with my new hand position, and I stuck J5rmchT_KWc-00013-00008902-00009602 it! I was really glad I debugged my back handspring. We figured it out! J5rmchT_KWc-00014-00009602-00010012 Debugging is finding and fixing problems. J5rmchT_KWc-00015-00010290-00010490 Nice, Anna! Good job! J5ybTbwyDgy-00000-00000882-00000982 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} J5ybTbwyDgy-00001-00000982-00001082 {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 J5ybTbwyDgy-00002-00001082-00001182 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural J5ybTbwyDgy-00003-00001182-00001282 \f0\fs24 \cf0 [Video]:\ Black screen\ J5ybTbwyDgy-00004-00001282-00001382 Fade in white text on black screen reads:\ J5ybTbwyDgy-00005-00001382-00001482 \ [Text]:\ J5ybTbwyDgy-00006-00001482-00001582 Martine, you testified at the last round of Digital Millennium Copyright Act hearings J5ybTbwyDgy-00007-00001582-00001682 on fair use. J5ybTbwyDgy-00008-00001682-00001782 Are there any current implications surrounding that testimony?\ J5ybTbwyDgy-00009-00001782-00001882 \ [Video]:\ J5ybTbwyDgy-00010-00001882-00001982 Fade to black screen\ \ J5ybTbwyDgy-00011-00001982-00002082 Fade in image appears: Martine Courant Rife sits centered on screen. J5ybTbwyDgy-00012-00002082-00002182 \ \ J5ybTbwyDgy-00013-00002182-00002282 [Text overlay]:\ A text overlay appears on screen. J5ybTbwyDgy-00014-00002282-00002382 It reads: Martine Courant Rife, Public Advocacy\ \ J5ybTbwyDgy-00015-00002382-00002482 [Audio]:\ I'm going to be, I plan on participating in J5ybTbwyDgy-00016-00002482-00002582 the hearings which are going to be taking place May and June 2012 again for the exemption, J5ybTbwyDgy-00017-00002582-00002682 to keep the exemption we already have and to expand it. J5ybTbwyDgy-00018-00002682-00002782 The EFF and Peter Dechurny are asking for us to maintain the exemption (for working J5ybTbwyDgy-00019-00002782-00002882 around Digital Rights Management protections) and for it to be expanded to include students, J5ybTbwyDgy-00020-00002882-00003292 and they are also asking for it to be expanded to include additional media other than just J5ybTbwyDgy-00021-00003292-00003444 CDs. J5ybTbwyDgy-00022-00003444-00003911 These hearings will take place in Los Angles and Washington, DC.\ J5ybTbwyDgy-00023-00003911-00004011 \ [Video]:\ J5ybTbwyDgy-00024-00004011-00004778 Fade to black screen\ Fade in white text on black screen reads:\ J5ybTbwyDgy-00025-00004778-00004878 \ [Text]:\ J5ybTbwyDgy-00026-00004878-00004978 Why do you feel that public advocacy is vital to composing, writing, and IP issues?\ J5ybTbwyDgy-00027-00004978-00005078 \ [Audio]:\ J5ybTbwyDgy-00028-00005078-00005443 I just want to make the point that it's pretty obvious to a lot of us that public advocacy J5ybTbwyDgy-00029-00005443-00005543 is really important. J5ybTbwyDgy-00030-00005543-00006080 [It's important] for us to be engaging in public advocacy and civic participation for J5ybTbwyDgy-00031-00006080-00006493 a lot of reasons, and we should be doing this in a lot of areas and a lot of us already J5ybTbwyDgy-00032-00006493-00006594 are. J5ybTbwyDgy-00033-00006594-00007164 For me it's been, I think the primary reason is that, well I hope that it's benefited others. J5ybTbwyDgy-00034-00007164-00007584 It's also been a really great professional experience for me and a wonderful learning J5ybTbwyDgy-00035-00007584-00007695 experience.\ \ J5ybTbwyDgy-00036-00007695-00008282 It's informed my teaching and it's reminded me of how the role of writing and of civic J5ybTbwyDgy-00037-00008282-00008924 participation--how these kind of activities can actually make things change. J5ybTbwyDgy-00038-00008924-00009336 And this kind of gives me inspiration for what I'm doing in the First year writing classroom J5ybTbwyDgy-00039-00009336-00009761 because I know that it is possible to change things because I've actually participated J5ybTbwyDgy-00040-00009761-00010481 with others and helped to change something on a national level. J5ybTbwyDgy-00041-00010481-00011286 The other reason why I think that public advocacy is important, even for writing teachers, is, J5ybTbwyDgy-00042-00011286-00011746 well, it just brings me back to the whole idea of how to make a claim and support it J5ybTbwyDgy-00043-00011746-00012101 with evidence--which is what I'm always telling my students that they need to do and in order J5ybTbwyDgy-00044-00012101-00012468 to do that it reminds me of all the things you need to study. J5ybTbwyDgy-00045-00012468-00012568 You need to study your audience. J5ybTbwyDgy-00046-00012568-00012746 You need to know the history of the conversation. J5ybTbwyDgy-00047-00012746-00013052 And, you need to be able to see a little bit into the future. J5ybTbwyDgy-00048-00013052-00013635 And, it's a complicated activity to go into a different kind of forum than what I'm used J5ybTbwyDgy-00049-00013635-00014355 to on a daily basis, and be able to act properly and say something that might be effective. J5ybTbwyDgy-00050-00014355-00014697 So, it's a continual learning experience to me.\ J5ybTbwyDgy-00051-00014697-00014869 \ The one comment I do want to make though is J5ybTbwyDgy-00052-00014869-00015377 that I've come to realize--I think it's obvious if you think about it--there is a certain J5ybTbwyDgy-00053-00015377-00015758 danger in being visible this way. J5ybTbwyDgy-00054-00015758-00015969 There's good things and bad things. J5ybTbwyDgy-00055-00015969-00016505 It's wonderful to be acknowledged for something you've done in a public forum, but at the J5ybTbwyDgy-00056-00016505-00016972 same time it can be dangerous because you are more visible. J5ybTbwyDgy-00057-00016972-00017494 But you have to decide for yourself how visible you want to be. J5ybTbwyDgy-00058-00017494-00018084 I don't at this time want to be the Michael Moore of Rhetoric and Composition: it's tempting, J5ybTbwyDgy-00059-00018084-00018428 but then you have a whole set of issues you have to deal with. J5ybTbwyDgy-00060-00018428-00018778 So, that's the main thing I'm navigating right now. J5ybTbwyDgy-00061-00018778-00019712 I'm sure this subject has been considered by many others, but I can see a benefit to J5ybTbwyDgy-00062-00019712-00020156 supporting others too, as well as being in the public limelight yourself, so you just J5ybTbwyDgy-00063-00020156-00020256 have to think about what's best for you.\ \ J5ybTbwyDgy-00064-00020256-00020356 [Video]:\ Fade out to black screen\ J5ybTbwyDgy-00065-00020356-00020456 \ \ J5ybTbwyDgy-00066-00020456-00020556 \ } J6iycWTGJSy-00000-00000010-00000053 REPORTING FROM PINE RIVER J6iycWTGJSy-00001-00000053-00000060 REPORTING FROM PINE RIVER J6iycWTGJSy-00002-00000060-00000160 REPORTING FROM PINE RIVER BACKUS, ANTHONY SCOTT, LAKELAND J6iycWTGJSy-00003-00000160-00000166 REPORTING FROM PINE RIVER BACKUS, ANTHONY SCOTT, LAKELAND J6iycWTGJSy-00004-00000166-00000230 REPORTING FROM PINE RIVER BACKUS, ANTHONY SCOTT, LAKELAND NEWS. J6iycWTGJSy-00005-00000230-00000236 BACKUS, ANTHONY SCOTT, LAKELAND NEWS. J6iycWTGJSy-00006-00000236-00000440 BACKUS, ANTHONY SCOTT, LAKELAND NEWS. >> WELL, VOLLEYBALL PLAYOFFS IS J6iycWTGJSy-00007-00000440-00000447 NEWS. >> WELL, VOLLEYBALL PLAYOFFS IS J6iycWTGJSy-00008-00000447-00000547 NEWS. >> WELL, VOLLEYBALL PLAYOFFS IS A COUPLE WEEKS AWAY, BUT THE J6iycWTGJSy-00009-00000547-00000553 >> WELL, VOLLEYBALL PLAYOFFS IS A COUPLE WEEKS AWAY, BUT THE J6iycWTGJSy-00010-00000553-00000653 >> WELL, VOLLEYBALL PLAYOFFS IS A COUPLE WEEKS AWAY, BUT THE BRACKETS ARE SET FOR SOCCER AND J6iycWTGJSy-00011-00000653-00000660 A COUPLE WEEKS AWAY, BUT THE BRACKETS ARE SET FOR SOCCER AND J6iycWTGJSy-00012-00000660-00000767 A COUPLE WEEKS AWAY, BUT THE BRACKETS ARE SET FOR SOCCER AND WE'RE READY TO ROLL. J6iycWTGJSy-00013-00000767-00000774 BRACKETS ARE SET FOR SOCCER AND WE'RE READY TO ROLL. J6iycWTGJSy-00014-00000774-00000870 BRACKETS ARE SET FOR SOCCER AND WE'RE READY TO ROLL. THE BEMIDJI BOYS TEAM IS RANKED J6iycWTGJSy-00015-00000870-00000877 WE'RE READY TO ROLL. THE BEMIDJI BOYS TEAM IS RANKED J6iycWTGJSy-00016-00000877-00001037 WE'RE READY TO ROLL. THE BEMIDJI BOYS TEAM IS RANKED 8TH IN THE LATEST COACHES J6iycWTGJSy-00017-00001037-00001044 THE BEMIDJI BOYS TEAM IS RANKED 8TH IN THE LATEST COACHES J6iycWTGJSy-00018-00001044-00001197 THE BEMIDJI BOYS TEAM IS RANKED 8TH IN THE LATEST COACHES POLL, LOOKING FOR ITS THIRD J6iycWTGJSy-00019-00001197-00001204 8TH IN THE LATEST COACHES POLL, LOOKING FOR ITS THIRD J6iycWTGJSy-00020-00001204-00001404 8TH IN THE LATEST COACHES POLL, LOOKING FOR ITS THIRD STRAIGHT STATE BERTH. J6iycWTGJSy-00021-00001404-00001411 POLL, LOOKING FOR ITS THIRD STRAIGHT STATE BERTH. J6iycWTGJSy-00022-00001411-00001591 POLL, LOOKING FOR ITS THIRD STRAIGHT STATE BERTH. >> THE TEAM HAD A DIFFICULT J6iycWTGJSy-00023-00001591-00001598 STRAIGHT STATE BERTH. >> THE TEAM HAD A DIFFICULT J6iycWTGJSy-00024-00001598-00001758 STRAIGHT STATE BERTH. >> THE TEAM HAD A DIFFICULT SCHEDULE THIS YEAR, WITH FOUR J6iycWTGJSy-00025-00001758-00001764 >> THE TEAM HAD A DIFFICULT SCHEDULE THIS YEAR, WITH FOUR J6iycWTGJSy-00026-00001764-00001875 >> THE TEAM HAD A DIFFICULT SCHEDULE THIS YEAR, WITH FOUR GAMES AGAINST 2 A OPPONENTS J6iycWTGJSy-00027-00001875-00001881 SCHEDULE THIS YEAR, WITH FOUR GAMES AGAINST 2 A OPPONENTS J6iycWTGJSy-00028-00001881-00002062 SCHEDULE THIS YEAR, WITH FOUR GAMES AGAINST 2 A OPPONENTS GOING 2 AND 2, INCLUDING A PAIR J6iycWTGJSy-00029-00002062-00002068 GAMES AGAINST 2 A OPPONENTS GOING 2 AND 2, INCLUDING A PAIR J6iycWTGJSy-00030-00002068-00002248 GAMES AGAINST 2 A OPPONENTS GOING 2 AND 2, INCLUDING A PAIR OF WINS OVER MOOREHEAD. J6iycWTGJSy-00031-00002248-00002255 GOING 2 AND 2, INCLUDING A PAIR OF WINS OVER MOOREHEAD. J6iycWTGJSy-00032-00002255-00002368 GOING 2 AND 2, INCLUDING A PAIR OF WINS OVER MOOREHEAD. THEY HOPE THE QUALITY OF J6iycWTGJSy-00033-00002368-00002375 OF WINS OVER MOOREHEAD. THEY HOPE THE QUALITY OF J6iycWTGJSy-00034-00002375-00002509 OF WINS OVER MOOREHEAD. THEY HOPE THE QUALITY OF OPPONENTS THEY HAVE PLAYED WILL J6iycWTGJSy-00035-00002509-00002515 THEY HOPE THE QUALITY OF OPPONENTS THEY HAVE PLAYED WILL J6iycWTGJSy-00036-00002515-00002612 THEY HOPE THE QUALITY OF OPPONENTS THEY HAVE PLAYED WILL PREPARE FOR THEM FOR THE PLAY J6iycWTGJSy-00037-00002612-00002619 OPPONENTS THEY HAVE PLAYED WILL PREPARE FOR THEM FOR THE PLAY J6iycWTGJSy-00038-00002619-00002799 OPPONENTS THEY HAVE PLAYED WILL PREPARE FOR THEM FOR THE PLAY UFS AND THE CHALLENGES -- J6iycWTGJSy-00039-00002799-00002806 PREPARE FOR THEM FOR THE PLAY UFS AND THE CHALLENGES -- J6iycWTGJSy-00040-00002806-00002896 PREPARE FOR THEM FOR THE PLAY UFS AND THE CHALLENGES -- PLAY-OFFS AND THE CHALLENGES J6iycWTGJSy-00041-00002896-00002902 UFS AND THE CHALLENGES -- PLAY-OFFS AND THE CHALLENGES J6iycWTGJSy-00042-00002902-00002992 UFS AND THE CHALLENGES -- PLAY-OFFS AND THE CHALLENGES THEY WILL FACE IN THE SECTION J6iycWTGJSy-00043-00002992-00002999 PLAY-OFFS AND THE CHALLENGES THEY WILL FACE IN THE SECTION J6iycWTGJSy-00044-00002999-00003163 PLAY-OFFS AND THE CHALLENGES THEY WILL FACE IN THE SECTION >> IT HELPS A LOT PLAYING A LOT J6iycWTGJSy-00045-00003163-00003169 THEY WILL FACE IN THE SECTION >> IT HELPS A LOT PLAYING A LOT J6iycWTGJSy-00046-00003169-00003323 THEY WILL FACE IN THE SECTION >> IT HELPS A LOT PLAYING A LOT OF HIGH LEVEL, WHEN IT COMES TO J6iycWTGJSy-00047-00003323-00003329 >> IT HELPS A LOT PLAYING A LOT OF HIGH LEVEL, WHEN IT COMES TO J6iycWTGJSy-00048-00003329-00003429 >> IT HELPS A LOT PLAYING A LOT OF HIGH LEVEL, WHEN IT COMES TO PLAYING TEAMS THAT AREN'T QUITE J6iycWTGJSy-00049-00003429-00003436 OF HIGH LEVEL, WHEN IT COMES TO PLAYING TEAMS THAT AREN'T QUITE J6iycWTGJSy-00050-00003436-00003636 OF HIGH LEVEL, WHEN IT COMES TO PLAYING TEAMS THAT AREN'T QUITE AT THAT LEVEL, WE'RE ABLE TO J6iycWTGJSy-00051-00003636-00003643 PLAYING TEAMS THAT AREN'T QUITE AT THAT LEVEL, WE'RE ABLE TO J6iycWTGJSy-00052-00003643-00003823 PLAYING TEAMS THAT AREN'T QUITE AT THAT LEVEL, WE'RE ABLE TO KNOCK IT AROUND A LITTLE BIT J6iycWTGJSy-00053-00003823-00003830 AT THAT LEVEL, WE'RE ABLE TO KNOCK IT AROUND A LITTLE BIT J6iycWTGJSy-00054-00003830-00003897 AT THAT LEVEL, WE'RE ABLE TO KNOCK IT AROUND A LITTLE BIT BETTER AND MAYBE MOVE THEM J6iycWTGJSy-00055-00003897-00003903 KNOCK IT AROUND A LITTLE BIT BETTER AND MAYBE MOVE THEM J6iycWTGJSy-00056-00003903-00004040 KNOCK IT AROUND A LITTLE BIT BETTER AND MAYBE MOVE THEM AROUND A LITTLE MORE THAN WE J6iycWTGJSy-00057-00004040-00004047 BETTER AND MAYBE MOVE THEM AROUND A LITTLE MORE THAN WE J6iycWTGJSy-00058-00004047-00004224 BETTER AND MAYBE MOVE THEM AROUND A LITTLE MORE THAN WE COULD AGAINST THOSE TEAMS. J6iycWTGJSy-00059-00004224-00004230 AROUND A LITTLE MORE THAN WE COULD AGAINST THOSE TEAMS. J6iycWTGJSy-00060-00004230-00004421 AROUND A LITTLE MORE THAN WE COULD AGAINST THOSE TEAMS. >> PLAYING BETTER COMPETITION IN J6iycWTGJSy-00061-00004421-00004427 COULD AGAINST THOSE TEAMS. >> PLAYING BETTER COMPETITION IN J6iycWTGJSy-00062-00004427-00004567 COULD AGAINST THOSE TEAMS. >> PLAYING BETTER COMPETITION IN THE FUTURE BECAUSE THEN WE'RE J6iycWTGJSy-00063-00004567-00004574 >> PLAYING BETTER COMPETITION IN THE FUTURE BECAUSE THEN WE'RE J6iycWTGJSy-00064-00004574-00004667 >> PLAYING BETTER COMPETITION IN THE FUTURE BECAUSE THEN WE'RE PREPARED TO PLAY AT THAT SPEED J6iycWTGJSy-00065-00004667-00004674 THE FUTURE BECAUSE THEN WE'RE PREPARED TO PLAY AT THAT SPEED J6iycWTGJSy-00066-00004674-00004808 THE FUTURE BECAUSE THEN WE'RE PREPARED TO PLAY AT THAT SPEED OF PLAY INSTEAD OF PLAYING TEAMS J6iycWTGJSy-00067-00004808-00004814 PREPARED TO PLAY AT THAT SPEED OF PLAY INSTEAD OF PLAYING TEAMS J6iycWTGJSy-00068-00004814-00004924 PREPARED TO PLAY AT THAT SPEED OF PLAY INSTEAD OF PLAYING TEAMS THAT ARE LOWER LEVEL AND GET J6iycWTGJSy-00069-00004924-00004931 OF PLAY INSTEAD OF PLAYING TEAMS THAT ARE LOWER LEVEL AND GET J6iycWTGJSy-00070-00004931-00005128 OF PLAY INSTEAD OF PLAYING TEAMS THAT ARE LOWER LEVEL AND GET USED TO PLAYING AT A SLOWER PACE J6iycWTGJSy-00071-00005128-00005135 THAT ARE LOWER LEVEL AND GET USED TO PLAYING AT A SLOWER PACE J6iycWTGJSy-00072-00005135-00005305 THAT ARE LOWER LEVEL AND GET USED TO PLAYING AT A SLOWER PACE TO PLAYING AT A FASTER PACE J6iycWTGJSy-00073-00005305-00005311 USED TO PLAYING AT A SLOWER PACE TO PLAYING AT A FASTER PACE J6iycWTGJSy-00074-00005311-00005545 USED TO PLAYING AT A SLOWER PACE TO PLAYING AT A FASTER PACE WHICH HELPS US BECOME BETTER J6iycWTGJSy-00075-00005545-00005552 TO PLAYING AT A FASTER PACE WHICH HELPS US BECOME BETTER J6iycWTGJSy-00076-00005552-00005582 TO PLAYING AT A FASTER PACE WHICH HELPS US BECOME BETTER PLAYERS. J6iycWTGJSy-00077-00005582-00005588 WHICH HELPS US BECOME BETTER PLAYERS. J6iycWTGJSy-00078-00005588-00005985 WHICH HELPS US BECOME BETTER PLAYERS. >> THEY WENT 9-0 AND 1 IN J6iycWTGJSy-00079-00005985-00005992 PLAYERS. >> THEY WENT 9-0 AND 1 IN J6iycWTGJSy-00080-00005992-00006029 PLAYERS. >> THEY WENT 9-0 AND 1 IN SECTION PLAY. J6iycWTGJSy-00081-00006029-00006036 >> THEY WENT 9-0 AND 1 IN SECTION PLAY. J6iycWTGJSy-00082-00006036-00006109 >> THEY WENT 9-0 AND 1 IN SECTION PLAY. THEY KNOW THEY CAN'T TAKE J6iycWTGJSy-00083-00006109-00006116 SECTION PLAY. THEY KNOW THEY CAN'T TAKE J6iycWTGJSy-00084-00006116-00006192 SECTION PLAY. THEY KNOW THEY CAN'T TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED. J6iycWTGJSy-00085-00006192-00006199 THEY KNOW THEY CAN'T TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED. J6iycWTGJSy-00086-00006199-00006926 THEY KNOW THEY CAN'T TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED. >> YOU CANNOT OVERLOOK ANYBODY. J6iycWTGJSy-00087-00006926-00006933 ANYTHING FOR GRANTED. >> YOU CANNOT OVERLOOK ANYBODY. J6iycWTGJSy-00088-00006933-00007047 ANYTHING FOR GRANTED. >> YOU CANNOT OVERLOOK ANYBODY. WE EXPECT NOTHING BUT THE J6iycWTGJSy-00089-00007047-00007053 >> YOU CANNOT OVERLOOK ANYBODY. WE EXPECT NOTHING BUT THE J6iycWTGJSy-00090-00007053-00007230 >> YOU CANNOT OVERLOOK ANYBODY. WE EXPECT NOTHING BUT THE ABSOLUTE BEST FROM EVERY TEAM WE J6iycWTGJSy-00091-00007230-00007237 WE EXPECT NOTHING BUT THE ABSOLUTE BEST FROM EVERY TEAM WE J6iycWTGJSy-00092-00007237-00007550 WE EXPECT NOTHING BUT THE ABSOLUTE BEST FROM EVERY TEAM WE WILL FACE BEGINNING TOMORROW. J6iycWTGJSy-00093-00007550-00007557 ABSOLUTE BEST FROM EVERY TEAM WE WILL FACE BEGINNING TOMORROW. J6iycWTGJSy-00094-00007557-00007677 ABSOLUTE BEST FROM EVERY TEAM WE WILL FACE BEGINNING TOMORROW. WE HAVE TO BE 100% PHYSICALLY J6iycWTGJSy-00095-00007677-00007684 WILL FACE BEGINNING TOMORROW. WE HAVE TO BE 100% PHYSICALLY J6iycWTGJSy-00096-00007684-00008238 WILL FACE BEGINNING TOMORROW. WE HAVE TO BE 100% PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY PREPARED. J7hCZqlktBk-00000-00000136-00000919 One of the boxes I opened first was the computer box or "Hub" as LEGO calls it. J7hCZqlktBk-00001-00001104-00001776 The Hub is the white and blue one. The all-blue one is the battery that fits inside the Hub. J7hCZqlktBk-00002-00002144-00002984 It fits quite easily, as you can see. J7hCZqlktBk-00003-00003200-00003800 Next we unpack the cable that connects our LEGO Hub to our computer. J7hCZqlktBk-00004-00004224-00004920 Now you see it's got miniature plug which can connects to the J7hCZqlktBk-00005-00004920-00005520 computer Hub. There are two ways up. Make sure you have the right way up. It looks as though J7hCZqlktBk-00006-00005520-00006096 the connection could be easily damaged if you put it the wrong way in. There, that's good. J7hCZqlktBk-00007-00006368-00006776 The other end of the cable plugs into the USB port on your computer. J7hCZqlktBk-00008-00006831-00007304 Make sure the USB is the right way up. This will help avoid damage to your computer. J7hCZqlktBk-00009-00007304-00007968 Next we upgrade the LEGO Robot Inventor Hub's firmware operating system. in the first video in J7hCZqlktBk-00010-00007968-00008616 this series we installed the LEGO Robot Inventor's app.. If you have not already installed this, J7hCZqlktBk-00011-00008616-00009016 go back and install this app.. The next step in this video will be J7hCZqlktBk-00012-00009016-00009840 impossible without that app. being installed. Next we start up the Robot Inventor app.. Look J7hCZqlktBk-00013-00009840-00010976 in the start menu. Find "MINDSTORMS". No mention of LEGO which is a bit strange. Find "MINDSTORMS". J7hCZqlktBk-00014-00011176-00011928 We then click on "START" to update the Hub operating system, and then click on "START J7hCZqlktBk-00015-00011928-00013000 UPDATE". The update starts, and slowly the update comes down to the Robot Inventor Hub J7hCZqlktBk-00016-00013304-00013480 This will take quite some time. J7hCZqlktBk-00017-00013624-00014184 We suggest you go away and play a computer game, or read a book, and much later... J7hCZqlktBk-00018-00014440-00015688 much, much, later, the Hub operating system will be updated completely. We then click on "DONE". J7hCZqlktBk-00019-00016063-00016568 But the motors also have to be updated. So, we click on "UPDATE MOTORS". J7hCZqlktBk-00020-00016684-00017496 Next we add the motors into our LEGO Hub. We plug these J7hCZqlktBk-00021-00017496-00018384 into the two connections nearest the connection to the computer, we've already got. J7hCZqlktBk-00022-00018816-00019784 Our robot inventor has four motors, so we connect all four of these. J7hCZqlktBk-00023-00020280-00020824 The result looks like this. Next LEGO wants you to do something with ports A, J7hCZqlktBk-00024-00020824-00021760 B, C and D. The letters A, B, C and D are marked on the top of your robot inventor hub, like this: J7hCZqlktBk-00025-00022352-00023104 Now LEGO wants us to put some locks on the motors. I will will show you the diagrams that J7hCZqlktBk-00026-00023104-00023984 LEGO show us, and then I will show you someone actually connecting these J7hCZqlktBk-00027-00025352-00025388 locks to the motors. J7hCZqlktBk-00028-00025388-00026176 Find one of these black pieces. Take two blue pieces which are two LEGO holes long on one side J7hCZqlktBk-00029-00026176-00026895 and one LEGO hole on the other. You put these two through the black piece, as we are shown. J7hCZqlktBk-00030-00026968-00027839 We attach a second black one to that. Next we obtain the small brown piece, like this. J7hCZqlktBk-00031-00027895-00028183 Put the brown piece in the middle, J7hCZqlktBk-00032-00028352-00029176 probably not all the way in, like that. We next line up those signs on the motor. This is so we J7hCZqlktBk-00033-00029176-00029983 can set a zero point on the motor. We then add our lock into the motor, and then press J7hCZqlktBk-00034-00029983-00031216 the brown piece in, so that it locks the motor so it won't rotate. We now click on "DONE". J7hCZqlktBk-00035-00031552-00031920 We have the lock in the motor. You will see that J7hCZqlktBk-00036-00032136-00032752 We are now updating motor A. There is an update coming down into motor A J7hCZqlktBk-00037-00032848-00033088 from LEGO-s website on the internet. J7hCZqlktBk-00038-00033560-00033840 This is a lot quicker than updating the Hub. J7hCZqlktBk-00039-00034192-00034872 We remove the lock from motor A, because we're going to use it with motors B, C, and D. J7hCZqlktBk-00040-00035200-00035344 Pull the lock off like this. J7hCZqlktBk-00041-00035944-00036080 We then attach it to J7hCZqlktBk-00042-00036344-00037096 motor B the same way that we did for motor A. We won't go through the B, C, and D updates in J7hCZqlktBk-00043-00037096-00037776 detail, because they are exactly the same as motor A. You will notice this is motor B. J7hCZqlktBk-00044-00037912-00038624 We add the lock onto motor B. We update motor B J7hCZqlktBk-00045-00038704-00039384 the same way we updated Motor A. J7hCZqlktBk-00046-00040888-00041432 We remove the lock from motor B. We put it on motor C. J7hCZqlktBk-00047-00041880-00043584 We go through the whole process again for updating motor C. J7hCZqlktBk-00048-00045368-00046384 We remove the lock from motor C. J7hCZqlktBk-00049-00046816-00049400 We attach the lock to motor D and go through the same process again. Fortunately updating each of J7hCZqlktBk-00050-00049400-00050816 these motors is much quicker than updating the Robot Inventor Hub itself. Good. We remove the J7hCZqlktBk-00051-00050816-00051552 lock from motor D and we are almost there. We have only one more thing to be cautious about. J7hCZqlktBk-00052-00051552-00052208 Our hub is connected to the internet, but notice the red light that means the hub needs charging. J7hCZqlktBk-00053-00052391-00052616 Now, if we believe comments on the internet, J7hCZqlktBk-00054-00052672-00053288 charging your robot inventor hub for the first time, while having it connected to a USB port J7hCZqlktBk-00055-00053288-00053872 in your computer, could take up to six hours! I did say six hours, that's right! J7hCZqlktBk-00056-00054048-00054784 When it's fully charged the red light will change to green like this. J7hCZqlktBk-00057-00057716-00057816 Thank J7hCZqlktBk-00058-00057816-00057927 you for watching... J81jehylL6k-00000-00000064-00000880 i seriously lost one more subscriber? so i went from having 209 to having 208 subscribers J81jehylL6k-00001-00000880-00001360 again, and it's the second time i've seen this, except this time, J81jehylL6k-00002-00001360-00001944 i just lost the other subscribers that i gained. maybe as soon as continue to fall J81jehylL6k-00003-00001944-00002384 to fall even further, and it's going to be a problem for my subscribers. JslFpJ83w0M-00000-00000625-00001227 I address the Russians who are watching us. Interviews of your soldiers will not be shown on federal channels JslFpJ83w0M-00001-00001252-00002360 share this video among your friends and relatives, especially in Russian social networks, so that more people will know the truth about the war JslFpJ83w0M-00002-00002370-00002588 -What's your full name? -Orekhov Sergey Sergeevich JslFpJ83w0M-00003-00002597-00002700 -Orekhov? -Orekhov JslFpJ83w0M-00004-00002729-00002984 -Date of birth? -1979 JslFpJ83w0M-00005-00003102-00003335 -Where are you from? -Moscow region JslFpJ83w0M-00006-00003362-00003704 -Town or settlement? -Volodarskogo settlement JslFpJ83w0M-00007-00003770-00003970 -Volodarskogo? -Volodarskogo JslFpJ83w0M-00008-00003970-00004073 -You were mobilized, right? -Yes JslFpJ83w0M-00009-00004100-00004224 -Do you have a family or children? -Yes JslFpJ83w0M-00010-00004285-00004413 -How many children do you have? -Two JslFpJ83w0M-00011-00004475-00004718 -Boy or girl? -Two boys JslFpJ83w0M-00012-00004737-00005195 -How old are they? -18 and 7 years old JslFpJ83w0M-00013-00005323-00005558 -How did this whole mobilization happen? JslFpJ83w0M-00014-00005944-00006818 On the October third, we were brought to Nizhny Novgorod region. There we sat... JslFpJ83w0M-00015-00006835-00007064 -No, I mean did you get drafting summons? -Yes JslFpJ83w0M-00016-00007082-00007757 -And you came to the recruitment office? -Of course, but my mom signed for the drafting summons and that's it JslFpJ83w0M-00017-00007905-00008151 They called me and said I must arrive to recruitment office at this date JslFpJ83w0M-00018-00008384-00008706 I went there -You were brought to Nizhny Novgorod region, right? JslFpJ83w0M-00019-00008790-00009133 And then? -We sat there on the 18th, and on the 16th JslFpJ83w0M-00020-00009133-00009471 we were brought to Belgorod region JslFpJ83w0M-00021-00009896-00010370 We were told we were going to Stary Oskol and wouldn't go anywhere else JslFpJ83w0M-00022-00010789-00010898 We were deceived JslFpJ83w0M-00023-00010987-00011430 We got off the train, sat in the cars and drove off JslFpJ83w0M-00024-00011447-00011919 We were driven about 3 hours and a half. No one said about where we were going and what we were going to do JslFpJ83w0M-00025-00012095-00012346 -When did you get captured? -On the 6th JslFpJ83w0M-00026-00012385-00012526 -On the 6th of November? -Yes JslFpJ83w0M-00027-00012577-00012777 -Which settlement were you in? JslFpJ83w0M-00028-00012920-00013070 -Nearby was... JslFpJ83w0M-00029-00013256-00013456 Novoselovka, I think -Novoselovka, yes? JslFpJ83w0M-00030-00013456-00013697 -I may be wrong, maybe it's called something else JslFpJ83w0M-00031-00013697-00013897 -What military rank are you? -Private JslFpJ83w0M-00032-00013910-00014048 -Private, yes? Gunner? -Yes JslFpJ83w0M-00033-00014163-00014724 -How much money were you promised? -Initially it was 300k rubles, elsewise I don't know JslFpJ83w0M-00034-00014741-00015677 -I heard those are gubernatorial. First 300k and then you get 200k more. To get 300k you must've served for half a year, right? JslFpJ83w0M-00035-00015690-00016106 -No, 3 months -3 months. What did you do before? JslFpJ83w0M-00036-00016106-00016255 -I was a driver -Driver of what? JslFpJ83w0M-00037-00016298-00016717 -Driver of a car -You worked as a driver in your settlement JslFpJ83w0M-00038-00016731-00017169 How much did you earn? -75k, 90k rubles, it depends JslFpJ83w0M-00039-00017177-00017527 -So you must've been driving someone big -No, just intercity JslFpJ83w0M-00040-00017546-00017857 -Ah, intercity. So you were a driver of what? -Trucker JslFpJ83w0M-00041-00017874-00018220 -Oh. Yeah, you can earn such money as a trucker JslFpJ83w0M-00042-00018249-00018808 For how long did you work as a trucker? -I had recently began, less than a year, then mobilization begun JslFpJ83w0M-00043-00018876-00019231 -And before that? -Before I worked as a driver as well, but in Moscow JslFpJ83w0M-00044-00019340-00019540 -Do you have an education? -Secondary special education JslFpJ83w0M-00045-00019557-00019872 -Which specialty? -Mechanical assembly fitter JslFpJ83w0M-00046-00020021-00021420 -I see. Look, you say that you have all been deceived. I have a question. I'm always proposed by YouTube with the videos of seeing off the mobilized JslFpJ83w0M-00047-00021420-00022327 "Hero! Do your duty for your homeland!" all these chants and so on. Did you not understand that there's war? JslFpJ83w0M-00048-00022383-00023076 And the fact that you could be led into Ukraine like a pack of sheep? -We didn't know if we'd be led into Ukraine, honestly JslFpJ83w0M-00049-00023146-00023866 We just drove. We were told to guard the borders in Belgorod region and so on JslFpJ83w0M-00050-00024113-00024534 -How do you guard the border if, for example, Russians invaded Kharkiv region? JslFpJ83w0M-00051-00024534-00025146 I don't really understand. Did you know there was war in general? -We tracked it with a radio JslFpJ83w0M-00052-00025169-00025489 -You tracked it, right? Is this Special Military Operation or war to you? JslFpJ83w0M-00053-00025708-00026132 -Most likely war -Most likely war, yes, at least you have an understanding JslFpJ83w0M-00054-00026132-00026970 You say you were driven to guard the border. What tasks were you given? -None. There were no tasks JslFpJ83w0M-00055-00027185-00027948 When we arrived we were put into trenches to dig them more and just observe the field. That's it JslFpJ83w0M-00056-00028148-00028626 -Do you know how to shoot? -They let me shoot at the polygon only once JslFpJ83w0M-00057-00028841-00029029 I was in the army 22 years ago JslFpJ83w0M-00058-00029130-00029247 -On mandatory service? -Yes JslFpJ83w0M-00059-00029340-00029957 -Were you taught anything there? -If only I could remember. We weren't taught. I served in Moscow region JslFpJ83w0M-00060-00030512-00031174 -Question: from what did you have to defend the border? -We weren't explained, no one explained to us JslFpJ83w0M-00061-00031174-00032100 -Look, I'm talking to you and you tell me how you weren't explained anything. From what does Russia have to defend it's borders? JslFpJ83w0M-00062-00032339-00032880 Ok, I'll rephrase the question: what do you know about Ukraine? -Nothing JslFpJ83w0M-00063-00033033-00033414 -Nothing? -It's a European country, if I'm not wrong JslFpJ83w0M-00064-00033470-00033792 I haven't been to Ukraine ever JslFpJ83w0M-00065-00033822-00034126 -Have you ever been abroad? -Yes JslFpJ83w0M-00066-00034126-00034326 -Where? -Poland, Warsaw JslFpJ83w0M-00067-00034365-00034629 -How did you get there? -By car JslFpJ83w0M-00068-00034652-00034903 -I understood. Through Belarus? -Yes JslFpJ83w0M-00069-00034934-00035198 -Do you like the lifestyle of Poland? -Well, yes JslFpJ83w0M-00070-00035235-00035557 -Does it have better life than Russia? -Yes, or at least I think it lives better JslFpJ83w0M-00071-00035578-00036040 -A lot better, right? -I've been there a year ago, I can't tell what has changed JslFpJ83w0M-00072-00036062-00036801 -Not much would change in a year, but the life is better. Do you like how Poles live? They were USSR's satellite before as well JslFpJ83w0M-00073-00036846-00037098 Now they are in European Union. They're developing JslFpJ83w0M-00074-00037298-00037541 Does Ukraine have the right to be in European Union? JslFpJ83w0M-00075-00037741-00038508 -I'm far from politics, I can't even answer you that. I guess each one has a right for what he wants JslFpJ83w0M-00076-00038651-00039594 -Just explain to me. This whole thing, I think, people will write whole books about this war JslFpJ83w0M-00077-00039629-00040252 When Russians say "I'm far from politics" or "I'm not interested in politics", can you explain me what it means? JslFpJ83w0M-00078-00040316-00040835 You're not the only one who says that, I just want to understand Russians as people JslFpJ83w0M-00079-00040885-00041388 "I'm far from politics" What does that mean? We're being decided for? JslFpJ83w0M-00080-00041547-00041883 -I don't know, I only speak for myself JslFpJ83w0M-00081-00041927-00042294 -Ok. What does "I'm far from politics" mean for you? JslFpJ83w0M-00082-00042368-00043018 -In my understanding it practically means you don't look into politics or watch news and so on JslFpJ83w0M-00083-00043053-00043445 -Ok. Who do you want your children to become in the future? -People JslFpJ83w0M-00084-00043529-00044177 -They're people already. Professionally, who do you want them to become? JslFpJ83w0M-00085-00044202-00044464 -It's their choice who they want to become JslFpJ83w0M-00086-00044464-00044944 -You as a father, who do you see them as in the future? -They have to be directed first JslFpJ83w0M-00087-00044980-00045213 -Ok, you directed them. Who would you want to see them as? JslFpJ83w0M-00088-00045305-00045885 Laborer? Scientist? Actor? -They have to decide for themselves JslFpJ83w0M-00089-00045978-00046233 -Soldiers? -They should decide for themselves, but not soldiers JslFpJ83w0M-00090-00046283-00046607 -Not soldiers? Why? -Because no JslFpJ83w0M-00091-00046861-00047411 -It's a very popular profession in Russia -For someone, yes, but we don't have anyone in the army JslFpJ83w0M-00092-00047500-00047700 -You mean in the family? -Yes JslFpJ83w0M-00093-00047718-00048050 -Would you want your children to live in Russia? JslFpJ83w0M-00094-00048201-00048758 -If everything is normal, why not? We still live there -I understand that, but is Russia a free country? JslFpJ83w0M-00095-00048896-00049583 Is Russia a free country to you? -If they study well and plan to go somewhere else, it's still their choice JslFpJ83w0M-00096-00050540-00051000 -I see that you have no understanding. From our conversation, I see that you're part of the policy JslFpJ83w0M-00097-00051000-00051540 The fact you're talking to Lyubomyr is because you became a part of the policy JslFpJ83w0M-00098-00051637-00051732 You're a part of politics JslFpJ83w0M-00099-00051754-00052398 You're a mobilized soldier of RF who invaded another country. It is politics and you are a part of it JslFpJ83w0M-00100-00052809-00052928 Could you reject? JslFpJ83w0M-00101-00053223-00053487 -I don't know if I could, I was told I'd be jailed if I rejected JslFpJ83w0M-00102-00053559-00054529 And when we came there, there were no talks of invasion JslFpJ83w0M-00103-00054847-00054989 -Do you want to say anything to Russians? JslFpJ83w0M-00104-00055402-00055463 -No JslFpJ83w0M-00105-00055690-00055740 Are you afraid? JslFpJ83w0M-00106-00055979-00056340 -No. I don't know what to say JslFpJ83w0M-00107-00056548-00057215 -If I was a Russian and I was in your place I'd know what to tell them JslFpJ83w0M-00108-00057215-00057761 You could simply tell them: "It's all one big lie." JslFpJ83w0M-00109-00057930-00058815 "We were told one thing, but an entirely different scenario played out. Don't listen to anyone and stop this nonsense while you're in Russia." JslFpJ83w0M-00110-00058890-00059073 Those would've been normal words, right? JslFpJ83w0M-00111-00059395-00060000 So thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands mobilized people can't stop a few idiots in the country, right? JslFpJ83w0M-00112-00060171-00060511 Are there that many jails in Russia or what? -I don't know JslFpJ83w0M-00113-00060530-00060928 -So they're prepared to jail literally everyone in Russia -I didn't say that JslFpJ83w0M-00114-00060961-00061736 -It turns out that way, you're afraid, there's jail and so on, yet invading another country under bullets and artillery is normal JslFpJ83w0M-00115-00061976-00062155 Do you understand that Ukrainians won't give up? JslFpJ83w0M-00116-00062528-00063172 You say you're not interested in politics. Do you understand you're a part of rashist policy? That's a new term today JslFpJ83w0M-00117-00063281-00063463 You're part of the rashists JslFpJ83w0M-00118-00063529-00063914 There were fascists, now there are rashists who came to destroy Ukrainian people JslFpJ83w0M-00119-00063954-00064288 If you can explain what Russians are doing here, I'm ready to listen JslFpJ83w0M-00120-00064764-00064921 -I can't answer you that question JslFpJ83w0M-00121-00064921-00065500 -But do you watch the TV? Do you listen to radio? Do you have any understanding of what Russia is doing here? JslFpJ83w0M-00122-00066000-00066125 -I can't answer JslFpJ83w0M-00123-00066173-00066480 -Do you go on elections? -No JslFpJ83w0M-00124-00066528-00066847 -At all? Who even votes there? -I don't know JslFpJ83w0M-00125-00066913-00067672 -Do people even go on elections there or is it all one big folding screen? -Maybe someone attends them, but I mostly don't JslFpJ83w0M-00126-00067910-00068273 -I understand that, but no one here yet had said they go on elections JslFpJ83w0M-00127-00068345-00068733 That's just crazy. That means there's nothing in Russia JslFpJ83w0M-00128-00068770-00069725 So if no one goes on elections, if everything is falsified, I have a proposal, maybe place Putin as Tsar? JslFpJ83w0M-00129-00069756-00070183 Why all the work? Presidents and so on, here's the Tsar, scepter and that's all JslFpJ83w0M-00130-00070183-00070500 -No, I only answered for myself. I can't answer for anyone else JslFpJ83w0M-00131-00070520-00070681 -No one said they go on elections JslFpJ83w0M-00132-00070726-00071000 Ok, do you have any political preferences? JslFpJ83w0M-00133-00071134-00071334 I don't specialize in politics at all JslFpJ83w0M-00134-00071379-00071606 -You must have a likeable political figure -I don't like anyone JslFpJ83w0M-00135-00071620-00072254 -Maybe Zhirinovsky. Many said they like Zhirinovsky because he's funny. They supported communists JslFpJ83w0M-00136-00072555-00072713 What do you want in life in general? JslFpJ83w0M-00137-00073118-00073487 What do you dream of? -I dream of peace and tranquility JslFpJ83w0M-00138-00073545-00074205 -How should it be achieved? -I guess it depends on 2 presidents JslFpJ83w0M-00139-00074310-00074681 -What depends on Zelensky? -I can't answer JslFpJ83w0M-00140-00074725-00075102 -What depends on Putin? -Peace talks first, I guess JslFpJ83w0M-00141-00075114-00075682 -Ok, you talk about 2 presidents. What should Zelensky do to achieve peace? JslFpJ83w0M-00142-00075832-00076000 -I don't know -What about Putin? JslFpJ83w0M-00143-00076140-00076658 -He should sit at the negotiation table, probably -Maybe he should take his forces out of Ukraine and leave it alone? JslFpJ83w0M-00144-00076750-00077283 -That too -Zelensky does the right thing by defending his country, right? JslFpJ83w0M-00145-00077598-00078192 Did the grandfathers fight? -They did JslFpJ83w0M-00146-00078192-00078456 -What did they fight for? -For peace JslFpJ83w0M-00147-00078514-00078770 -Where? -On their land JslFpJ83w0M-00148-00079197-00080272 -The grandfathers of Russians are admired. What would the grandfathers in their coffins do right now if they saw all this? JslFpJ83w0M-00149-00080360-00080455 Would they turn around? JslFpJ83w0M-00150-00080598-00080769 What do Russians do to Ukrainians? JslFpJ83w0M-00151-00081243-00081526 Are you not answering because you don't know or because you're embarrassed? JslFpJ83w0M-00152-00081699-00081823 -I don't know what to say JslFpJ83w0M-00153-00081872-00082027 -Do you want to say anything to Ukrainians? JslFpJ83w0M-00154-00082950-00083041 -I don't know JslFpJ83w0M-00155-00083227-00083774 -They talk about brotherly people and so on, but they don't even know the meaning of "brother". Could you at least apologize? JslFpJ83w0M-00156-00083964-00084647 For being so cowardice in our country and instead invade your country. Could you at least say that or do you not have the balls for it? JslFpJ83w0M-00157-00084847-00084941 None, really? JslFpJ83w0M-00158-00085174-00085374 Because FSB might knock at relative's doors? JslFpJ83w0M-00159-00085618-00085738 Am I correct or not? JvK-GgY_1ey-00000-00000000-00000200 Level 100? JvK-GgY_1ey-00001-00000200-00000400 …… JvK-GgY_1ey-00003-00000400-00000600 …… JvOdbgiJY28-00000-00001024-00001592 i know you never can tell shady pass yes JvOdbgiJY28-00001-00001832-00002432 um to be honest with them when we're playing just one-on-one then we too tend to just use very JvOdbgiJY28-00002-00002432-00003040 simple scenarios but um when we've got multiplayer games to stop it just falling into where JvOdbgiJY28-00003-00003104-00003544 everyone just shoot at the nearest person i just came up with a like i painted a load JvOdbgiJY28-00004-00003544-00004072 of townspeople and then i just came up with a load of mission objectives based on those towns JvOdbgiJY28-00005-00004072-00004800 people and then and they have various uh victory point totals and then so it's like so everyone's JvOdbgiJY28-00006-00004800-00005352 got an additional reason to come into town and then you try and do that so it might be from uh JvOdbgiJY28-00007-00005496-00005784 it might be just going to rob the bank or it might be going to JvOdbgiJY28-00008-00005840-00006216 rescue your sister who's been forced to work in the brothel in the saloon JvOdbgiJY28-00009-00006216-00007056 or it might be rogan's bar there's a there was a um i think there was a the bar keeper JvOdbgiJY28-00010-00007056-00007559 in there threw one of the gang bosses out so that though he's been back in to sort them out JvOdbgiJY28-00011-00007784-00008216 just just to give you a little bit of try and get rid of the sameness of it and JvOdbgiJY28-00012-00008216-00008608 the more of these i can make up the more the difference more different it is every game so JvOdbgiJY28-00013-00009000-00009440 no not all of it says it's a mixture there's some foreground some tape there this one JvOdbgiJY28-00014-00009440-00011384 is table top combat tt combat there is some cyrissa there is some yeah there's a mixture JvOdbgiJY28-00015-00016128-00016984 so JvOdbgiJY28-00016-00018120-00018384 me JvOdbgiJY28-00017-00018960-00019784 me JvOdbgiJY28-00018-00020400-00021184 so JvOdbgiJY28-00019-00022048-00022056 you JC40xwxLNq0-00000-00000055-00000258 - Good afternoon everybody. JC40xwxLNq0-00001-00000258-00000583 Good to see some of you all again here. JC40xwxLNq0-00002-00000599-00000861 So I'm Command Sergeant Major John Wayne Troxell JC40xwxLNq0-00003-00000861-00001032 the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman JC40xwxLNq0-00004-00001032-00001245 of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Dunford. JC40xwxLNq0-00005-00001245-00001404 I also serve as the Senior Enlisted Advisor JC40xwxLNq0-00006-00001404-00001637 to the Secretary of Defense. JC40xwxLNq0-00007-00001696-00001824 Thank you all for being here today. JC40xwxLNq0-00008-00001824-00002097 We really appreciate this dialogue we're going to have JC40xwxLNq0-00009-00002097-00002478 between our Combat and Command Senior Enlisted leaders JC40xwxLNq0-00010-00002478-00002767 who are in the operational environment every day JC40xwxLNq0-00011-00002767-00002984 getting after the mission. JC40xwxLNq0-00012-00002986-00003267 This is all part of my annual Defense Senior Enlisted JC40xwxLNq0-00013-00003267-00003467 Leader Council meetings. JC40xwxLNq0-00014-00003527-00003718 And it's a council that JC40xwxLNq0-00015-00003836-00004078 is driven by my boss's policy JC40xwxLNq0-00016-00004249-00004374 that gets after JC40xwxLNq0-00017-00004380-00004601 education and development of Senior Enlisted. JC40xwxLNq0-00018-00004601-00004798 It includes a Service Senior Enlisted JC40xwxLNq0-00019-00004798-00005048 that you heard from yesterday. JC40xwxLNq0-00020-00005062-00005326 It also includes the Combat and Command Senior Enlisted. JC40xwxLNq0-00021-00005326-00005524 So we're on Day Two here, JC40xwxLNq0-00022-00005524-00005682 and no better way to close out the day JC40xwxLNq0-00023-00005682-00005883 than to have a dialogue with all of you. JC40xwxLNq0-00024-00005883-00006126 So thanks again for being here. JC40xwxLNq0-00025-00006126-00006311 What we'd like to focus on today, JC40xwxLNq0-00026-00006311-00006569 in terms of three main areas is JC40xwxLNq0-00027-00006692-00006919 Joint Operations in Joint Forces, JC40xwxLNq0-00028-00006919-00007225 Global Integration, and International Partnerships. JC40xwxLNq0-00029-00007225-00007450 So let me introduce my battle buddies JC40xwxLNq0-00030-00007450-00007615 and my colleagues here. JC40xwxLNq0-00031-00007615-00007902 So on my immediate right is the Pacific Command JC40xwxLNq0-00032-00007902-00008240 Senior Enlisted leader, Sergeant Major Tony Spadaro. JC40xwxLNq0-00033-00008240-00008487 To his right is the Strategic Command JC40xwxLNq0-00034-00008487-00008799 Senior Enlisted Leader, Chief Master Sergeant Pat McMahon. JC40xwxLNq0-00035-00008799-00009174 Next to him is the European Command Senior Enlisted Leader, JC40xwxLNq0-00036-00009174-00009371 Fleet Master Chief Crisp Addington, JC40xwxLNq0-00037-00009371-00009484 and on the far right JC40xwxLNq0-00038-00009484-00009744 is the Transportation Command Senior Enlisted Leader, JC40xwxLNq0-00039-00009744-00009951 Chief Master Sergeant Matt Caruso. JC40xwxLNq0-00040-00009951-00010079 On my immediate left JC40xwxLNq0-00041-00010079-00010341 is the United States Africa Command Senior Enlisted Leader, JC40xwxLNq0-00042-00010341-00010555 Chief Master Sergeant Ramon Colon-Lopez, JC40xwxLNq0-00043-00010555-00010714 better known as CZ. JC40xwxLNq0-00044-00010719-00011000 Next to him is the Central Command Senior Enlisted Leader, JC40xwxLNq0-00045-00011000-00011195 Sergeant Major Bill Thetford. JC40xwxLNq0-00046-00011195-00011345 Next to him is the JC40xwxLNq0-00047-00011345-00011498 Southern Command Senior Enlisted Leader, JC40xwxLNq0-00048-00011498-00011678 Sergeant Major Bryan Zickefoose. JC40xwxLNq0-00049-00011678-00011786 And on the far left JC40xwxLNq0-00050-00011786-00012057 is the Special Operations Command Senior Enlisted Leader, JC40xwxLNq0-00051-00012057-00012227 Sergeant Major Pat McCauley. JC40xwxLNq0-00052-00012227-00012334 Now unfortunately, JC40xwxLNq0-00053-00012334-00012598 our NORAD NORTHCOM Senior Enlisted Leader, JC40xwxLNq0-00054-00012598-00012780 Chief Master Sergeant Buddy Hutchinson JC40xwxLNq0-00055-00012780-00012961 could not be here today because JC40xwxLNq0-00056-00012961-00013164 he's dealing with a family emergency. JC40xwxLNq0-00057-00013164-00013465 So with that, we'll open it up to your questions. JC40xwxLNq0-00058-00013465-00013605 Yes sir, good to see you again. JC40xwxLNq0-00059-00013605-00013688 Go ahead sir. JC40xwxLNq0-00060-00013688-00013816 - [Man] Thank you sir, thank you very much. JC40xwxLNq0-00061-00013816-00014233 I just want you to, if you can clear the record, please JC40xwxLNq0-00062-00014238-00014462 and address my question as far as U.S. and India's JC40xwxLNq0-00063-00014462-00014673 relations are concerned, military to military JC40xwxLNq0-00064-00014673-00014896 and so much is happening between the two countries, JC40xwxLNq0-00065-00014896-00015151 back and forth, (inaudible) and so forth. JC40xwxLNq0-00066-00015151-00015301 What and how much, JC40xwxLNq0-00067-00015314-00015689 what would you advise to the President or the Secretary JC40xwxLNq0-00068-00015689-00016050 on the future of the two country's relations? JC40xwxLNq0-00069-00016050-00016272 - So, I'll start off by answering that sir JC40xwxLNq0-00070-00016272-00016355 and then I'll go to JC40xwxLNq0-00071-00016355-00016540 the Pacific Command Senior Enlisted Leader, JC40xwxLNq0-00072-00016540-00016863 where India is part of his area of responsibility. JC40xwxLNq0-00073-00016863-00017065 So, the Secretary of Defense, JC40xwxLNq0-00074-00017065-00017287 one of his lines of effort, JC40xwxLNq0-00075-00017287-00017463 is strengthening our alliances JC40xwxLNq0-00076-00017463-00017659 and attracting new partners. JC40xwxLNq0-00077-00017659-00017991 We understand to combat the threats around the world JC40xwxLNq0-00078-00017991-00018287 that we need strong partnerships and alliances JC40xwxLNq0-00079-00018287-00018553 to get after peace and security. JC40xwxLNq0-00080-00018562-00018742 So we're going to look, globally, JC40xwxLNq0-00081-00018742-00018955 where we can continue to attract new partners JC40xwxLNq0-00082-00018955-00019164 who have shared interests JC40xwxLNq0-00083-00019165-00019383 and that we can mutually support each other JC40xwxLNq0-00084-00019383-00019567 in peace and security. JC40xwxLNq0-00085-00019571-00019849 So, Tony, I'll ask you to talk about JC40xwxLNq0-00086-00019849-00020055 specifically India in the PACOM AOR. JC40xwxLNq0-00087-00020055-00020239 - Well, India remains one of our most valuable partners JC40xwxLNq0-00088-00020239-00020451 that we have in the Indo-Asia-Pacific. JC40xwxLNq0-00089-00020451-00020747 If you notice, even the term, Indo, Asia-Pacific. JC40xwxLNq0-00090-00020747-00020916 And there's a reason for that. JC40xwxLNq0-00091-00020916-00021068 Because of the demonstrated value JC40xwxLNq0-00092-00021068-00021282 of the partnership we've had with them. JC40xwxLNq0-00093-00021282-00021589 Mil to mil, it is probably one of the strongest JC40xwxLNq0-00094-00021589-00021814 in the PACOM AOR right now. JC40xwxLNq0-00095-00021831-00022181 My boss, Admiral Harris, has had continuing dialogue JC40xwxLNq0-00096-00022181-00022360 with the Minister of Defense, JC40xwxLNq0-00097-00022360-00022639 with the President even, this past year. JC40xwxLNq0-00098-00022639-00022827 So when you're looking at for opportunities JC40xwxLNq0-00099-00022827-00023061 for advancement in the region, JC40xwxLNq0-00100-00023061-00023358 India remains probably the best partner we have JC40xwxLNq0-00101-00023358-00023713 in that region right now for increasing that. JC40xwxLNq0-00102-00023713-00023967 - [Man] If I just quick follow-up question, sorry JC40xwxLNq0-00103-00023967-00024109 to interrupt you. JC40xwxLNq0-00104-00024140-00024365 How would you rate as far as India JC40xwxLNq0-00105-00024365-00024532 in the middle of two JC40xwxLNq0-00106-00024750-00024908 well, adversaries I would say, JC40xwxLNq0-00107-00024908-00025251 or enemies like Pakistan, because there is terrorism JC40xwxLNq0-00108-00025251-00025427 inside Pakistan still today. JC40xwxLNq0-00109-00025427-00025750 And there is China and how much can you trust Pakistan JC40xwxLNq0-00110-00025750-00026066 or how much can you trust China today? JC40xwxLNq0-00111-00026066-00026458 - Okay, we're not going to address our dialogue JC40xwxLNq0-00112-00026550-00026739 with China and Pakistan, JC40xwxLNq0-00113-00026739-00026997 but I can tell you, in terms of JC40xwxLNq0-00114-00027006-00027213 global peace and security as I mentioned earlier JC40xwxLNq0-00115-00027213-00027325 and getting after the threats, JC40xwxLNq0-00116-00027325-00027579 where it be aggression from a nation state JC40xwxLNq0-00117-00027579-00027898 or a non-state actor committing violent, extremist JC40xwxLNq0-00118-00027898-00028056 kind of attacks or anything, JC40xwxLNq0-00119-00028056-00028180 we're going to continue to look for ways JC40xwxLNq0-00120-00028180-00028389 to strengthen our relationships globally JC40xwxLNq0-00121-00028389-00028564 to better combat those threats. JC40xwxLNq0-00122-00028564-00028867 And I'll ask you to come back on that in terms of India. JC40xwxLNq0-00123-00028867-00029284 - Well, if anything, India's part of our on-going efforts JC40xwxLNq0-00124-00029314-00029631 to fight anything against counter terrorism. JC40xwxLNq0-00125-00029631-00029856 So they're with us, all in. JC40xwxLNq0-00126-00029858-00030031 So I don't see where that's the issue JC40xwxLNq0-00127-00030031-00030428 where you're trying to identify two other countries. JC40xwxLNq0-00128-00030428-00030684 I think the most part is that we're working together JC40xwxLNq0-00129-00030684-00030980 and that partnership also demonstrates to the Allies JC40xwxLNq0-00130-00030980-00031172 a position of strength. JC40xwxLNq0-00131-00031181-00031315 And I think that's the more important thing JC40xwxLNq0-00132-00031315-00031431 that you need to look at, JC40xwxLNq0-00133-00031431-00031632 is that the U.S. and India together JC40xwxLNq0-00134-00031632-00031989 comes from a position of strength to the rest of the region. JC40xwxLNq0-00135-00031989-00032223 - Okay, ma'am, you had your hand up first back there. JC40xwxLNq0-00136-00032223-00032339 I'll go to you. JC40xwxLNq0-00137-00032339-00032423 - [Carla] Thank you so much. JC40xwxLNq0-00138-00032423-00032736 I actually have a quick question for Pacific Command, JC40xwxLNq0-00139-00032736-00032968 African Command and Special Operations Command, JC40xwxLNq0-00140-00032968-00033222 so I'll start with the Pacific. JC40xwxLNq0-00141-00033222-00033596 With this current, recent launch in North Korea, JC40xwxLNq0-00142-00033596-00033860 what more can you tell us about this launch. JC40xwxLNq0-00143-00033860-00034045 Do you have any additional details for us, JC40xwxLNq0-00144-00034045-00034226 and how does that affect your troops? JC40xwxLNq0-00145-00034226-00034329 - [SGM Spadaro) No ma'am, I can't speak, JC40xwxLNq0-00146-00034329-00034475 even at a hypothetical right now. JC40xwxLNq0-00147-00034475-00034869 We just, as everyone knows, we know it just happened today. JC40xwxLNq0-00148-00034869-00035094 You know, the continued missile and nuclear tests, JC40xwxLNq0-00149-00035094-00035402 it does demonstrate that North Korea, JC40xwxLNq0-00150-00035426-00035644 poses not only a threat to the United States, JC40xwxLNq0-00151-00035644-00035994 but to our Allies as well into the region. JC40xwxLNq0-00152-00036000-00036159 This is what we have to look at right now. JC40xwxLNq0-00153-00036159-00036390 It's just part of the continuing process. JC40xwxLNq0-00154-00036390-00036503 As it develops, we'll know more, JC40xwxLNq0-00155-00036503-00036812 but right now it's too early to tell you what is going on. JC40xwxLNq0-00156-00036812-00037022 - [Carla] Thank you, on Africa, JC40xwxLNq0-00157-00037022-00037317 have you been seeing an increase in movement JC40xwxLNq0-00158-00037317-00037693 for Islamic State fighters into different pockets in Africa? JC40xwxLNq0-00159-00037693-00037878 We've seen the reports coming out, JC40xwxLNq0-00160-00037878-00038108 increase in strikes in Somalia JC40xwxLNq0-00161-00038108-00038387 against Islamic State, four in the past month. JC40xwxLNq0-00162-00038387-00038646 We've seen what has happened in Niger. JC40xwxLNq0-00163-00038646-00038877 We've seen additional strikes in Libya. JC40xwxLNq0-00164-00038877-00039083 So, can you lay that out for us, JC40xwxLNq0-00165-00039083-00039391 what is the threat of Islamic State in Africa currently? JC40xwxLNq0-00166-00039391-00039612 - Well, first of all, we have to identify JC40xwxLNq0-00167-00039612-00039808 that the threat is there. JC40xwxLNq0-00168-00039808-00040057 Second, the increase in strikes JC40xwxLNq0-00169-00040057-00040228 has to do with authorities that JC40xwxLNq0-00170-00040228-00040478 we didn't previously have until last year. JC40xwxLNq0-00171-00040478-00040690 And that's when we started exercising that authority, JC40xwxLNq0-00172-00040690-00040972 to get out there, so naturally, you're going to have more JC40xwxLNq0-00173-00040972-00041164 attacks on the enemies. JC40xwxLNq0-00174-00041213-00041558 Lastly, with regards to the spread of ISIS, JC40xwxLNq0-00175-00041558-00041706 pretty much everything that you're getting JC40xwxLNq0-00176-00041706-00041998 on open source is what we're seeing. JC40xwxLNq0-00177-00041998-00042202 You have flows of foreign fighters JC40xwxLNq0-00178-00042202-00042476 that went from Africa to fight in Iraq and Syria, JC40xwxLNq0-00179-00042476-00042676 and they're coming back. JC40xwxLNq0-00180-00042729-00042954 Our job right now is to be able to contain them JC40xwxLNq0-00181-00042954-00043100 and keep the pressure on the network JC40xwxLNq0-00182-00043100-00043282 to prevent further spread. JC40xwxLNq0-00183-00043282-00043433 - Where are you most concerned about JC40xwxLNq0-00184-00043433-00043633 Islamic State spreading? JC40xwxLNq0-00185-00043634-00043840 - Well, we're considering the continent writ large JC40xwxLNq0-00186-00043840-00043956 for a lot of different reasons, JC40xwxLNq0-00187-00043956-00044240 primarily the youth bulge in Africa, JC40xwxLNq0-00188-00044240-00044435 because right now we have a...... JC40xwxLNq0-00189-00044435-00044557 - [Carla] Is there a particular country JC40xwxLNq0-00190-00044557-00044703 that you're focused on? JC40xwxLNq0-00191-00044703-00044876 - Well you realize that the entire continent JC40xwxLNq0-00192-00044876-00045209 is about 50 percent under the age of 24. JC40xwxLNq0-00193-00045286-00045526 Very few opportunities, which is clearly concerning JC40xwxLNq0-00194-00045526-00045743 because when you have even the smallest of pockets JC40xwxLNq0-00195-00045743-00046108 of these VEOs and they're providing opportunities JC40xwxLNq0-00196-00046108-00046299 to the youth of Africa, JC40xwxLNq0-00197-00046313-00046563 it's clearly concerning to us. JC40xwxLNq0-00198-00046566-00046818 - [Carla] And then finally, with Special Operations Command, JC40xwxLNq0-00199-00046818-00047057 we've been seeing an increase in the reliance JC40xwxLNq0-00200-00047057-00047414 on Special Operations Forces, across the globe. JC40xwxLNq0-00201-00047414-00047588 What's your, what's your force level? JC40xwxLNq0-00202-00047588-00047720 Are you confident that you can still handle JC40xwxLNq0-00203-00047720-00047904 all of the missions that you're being tasked with JC40xwxLNq0-00204-00047904-00048221 or have you had to say no to some of the recent missions? JC40xwxLNq0-00205-00048221-00048343 - Thank you for the question. JC40xwxLNq0-00206-00048343-00048597 We certainly are at a sustainable level JC40xwxLNq0-00207-00048597-00048718 to maintain across the globe. JC40xwxLNq0-00208-00048718-00048917 But that doesn't come easily. JC40xwxLNq0-00209-00048917-00049079 We are always evaluating the mission sets JC40xwxLNq0-00210-00049079-00049188 that we're doing forward, JC40xwxLNq0-00211-00049188-00049429 and working through, by, and with our partners, JC40xwxLNq0-00212-00049429-00049602 to make sure we build capacity, JC40xwxLNq0-00213-00049602-00049807 so that they're able to solve the problems themselves. JC40xwxLNq0-00214-00049807-00050044 It's kind of a force multiplier. JC40xwxLNq0-00215-00050044-00050193 At SOCOM, we use a process, JC40xwxLNq0-00216-00050193-00050462 the Global Synchronization of SOF Forces. JC40xwxLNq0-00217-00050462-00050599 And essentially what that means is JC40xwxLNq0-00218-00050599-00050783 we look at the forces available, JC40xwxLNq0-00219-00050783-00051088 we balance that against GCC requirements around the globe, JC40xwxLNq0-00220-00051088-00051383 and then we allocate forces to meet those requirements. JC40xwxLNq0-00221-00051383-00051482 And right now, we feel like JC40xwxLNq0-00222-00051482-00051597 we're in a pretty good place with that, JC40xwxLNq0-00223-00051597-00051817 but again, it's a constantly on-going process JC40xwxLNq0-00224-00051817-00052085 we're evaluating, divesting of some missions JC40xwxLNq0-00225-00052085-00052217 that we may or may not be doing, JC40xwxLNq0-00226-00052217-00052455 and then moving into other areas. JC40xwxLNq0-00227-00052455-00052872 - Ma'am, if I could just add on from an OSD perspective. JC40xwxLNq0-00228-00052880-00053278 We know that the threat of ISIS and violent extremists, JC40xwxLNq0-00229-00053278-00053521 they're a trans-regional kind of threat. JC40xwxLNq0-00230-00053521-00053849 Obviously, you know, born out of places like the Middle East JC40xwxLNq0-00231-00053849-00054059 but it's spilled over into Africa, JC40xwxLNq0-00232-00054059-00054292 as Chief Colon-Lopez talked. JC40xwxLNq0-00233-00054321-00054524 And it's, we've seen attacks in Europe, JC40xwxLNq0-00234-00054524-00054794 but we've also seen them in the Pacific as well. JC40xwxLNq0-00235-00054794-00055022 So when we talk Global Integration, JC40xwxLNq0-00236-00055022-00055280 it's key that all of us here work together. JC40xwxLNq0-00237-00055280-00055697 And from a perspective of by, with, and through our partners JC40xwxLNq0-00238-00055743-00055924 and building partner capacity, JC40xwxLNq0-00239-00055924-00056229 it's important for us to be focused on things like JC40xwxLNq0-00240-00056229-00056429 developing small unit leaders, JC40xwxLNq0-00241-00056429-00056661 specifically their non-commissioned officer corps JC40xwxLNq0-00242-00056661-00056904 that can execute disciplined initiative JC40xwxLNq0-00243-00056904-00057107 within Commander or Officer's intent JC40xwxLNq0-00244-00057107-00057287 and accomplish the mission. JC40xwxLNq0-00245-00057287-00057546 When you talk about Africa, and I'm going to come back to JC40xwxLNq0-00246-00057546-00057646 my battle buddy here, JC40xwxLNq0-00247-00057646-00057905 and I'd ask, he just had a very spectacular event JC40xwxLNq0-00248-00057905-00058136 that I had the opportunity to come and speak at, JC40xwxLNq0-00249-00058136-00058345 as well as Sergeant Major McCauley JC40xwxLNq0-00250-00058345-00058571 and Fleet Addington over here. JC40xwxLNq0-00251-00058571-00058775 His AFRICOM Senior Enlisted Leader Conference, JC40xwxLNq0-00252-00058775-00059069 the first one of its nature that's ever happened, JC40xwxLNq0-00253-00059069-00059203 and I'll let you talk about that JC40xwxLNq0-00254-00059203-00059571 and the level of attendance and the level of dialogue. JC40xwxLNq0-00255-00059571-00059738 - Certainly SEAC, so JC40xwxLNq0-00256-00059813-00060035 for the first time ever, we were able to have a JC40xwxLNq0-00257-00060035-00060279 continent-wide Senior Enlisted Leader Conference. JC40xwxLNq0-00258-00060279-00060551 And a lot of it was synchronization with our partners JC40xwxLNq0-00259-00060551-00060957 to be able to maximize the capabilities in the continent. JC40xwxLNq0-00260-00060957-00061219 By virtue of the sharing COCOMs, JC40xwxLNq0-00261-00061219-00061471 with regards to operations in Africa, JC40xwxLNq0-00262-00061471-00061854 we extended invitations CENTCOM, SOCOM, EUCOM, JC40xwxLNq0-00263-00061899-00062162 amongst others, including NATO and the SEAC JC40xwxLNq0-00264-00062162-00062419 and also Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force was present, JC40xwxLNq0-00265-00062419-00062721 just to be able to have a dialogue over four days JC40xwxLNq0-00266-00062721-00062955 on what are some of the things and initiatives JC40xwxLNq0-00267-00062955-00063201 that we need to be getting more aggressive on, JC40xwxLNq0-00268-00063201-00063474 and what methods we'll need to further utilize JC40xwxLNq0-00269-00063474-00063787 to insure that they have professional forces JC40xwxLNq0-00270-00063787-00064077 that are, number one, obedient to the rule of law, JC40xwxLNq0-00271-00064077-00064238 and that are able to go ahead and JC40xwxLNq0-00272-00064238-00064461 affect security in the region. JC40xwxLNq0-00273-00064461-00064839 The event went great, and I will quote the African partners, JC40xwxLNq0-00274-00064839-00065098 when they stated at the end, and I quote, JC40xwxLNq0-00275-00065098-00065406 "We came here as NCOs of our country, JC40xwxLNq0-00276-00065458-00065638 we leave here as NCOs for Africa. JC40xwxLNq0-00277-00065638-00065877 We need to tackle these problems together." JC40xwxLNq0-00278-00065877-00066122 - So I guess, finally, to just follow up with your, JC40xwxLNq0-00279-00066122-00066314 since you opened it up. JC40xwxLNq0-00280-00066318-00066585 So where in the globe do you see JC40xwxLNq0-00281-00066585-00066840 most of the ISIS fighters going right now? JC40xwxLNq0-00282-00066840-00067173 - Well, as we continue to liberate areas in the Middle East, JC40xwxLNq0-00283-00067173-00067438 like we just liberated, rather than we, JC40xwxLNq0-00284-00067438-00067522 I should say our partners that JC40xwxLNq0-00285-00067522-00067772 we are advising and assisting. JC40xwxLNq0-00286-00067925-00068148 They're going to continue to look for areas JC40xwxLNq0-00287-00068148-00068539 that they can build capacity and continue to do JC40xwxLNq0-00288-00068648-00068856 the kinds of activities they've done before. JC40xwxLNq0-00289-00068856-00069038 So we have to be sensitive to that. JC40xwxLNq0-00290-00069038-00069255 So when we talk about ISIS JC40xwxLNq0-00291-00069285-00069528 or violent extremists as a threat, JC40xwxLNq0-00292-00069528-00069698 you know, years before, JC40xwxLNq0-00293-00069698-00069966 we used to talk at it as a CENTCOM problem. JC40xwxLNq0-00294-00069966-00070172 Now, it's a global problem JC40xwxLNq0-00295-00070172-00070442 that requires all of our bosses to be involved JC40xwxLNq0-00296-00070442-00070735 and working together to get after this threat. JC40xwxLNq0-00297-00070735-00070908 Okay, sir, I'll go with you next. JC40xwxLNq0-00298-00070908-00071083 - [Kevin] Hi, I'm Kevin Baron from Defense One, JC40xwxLNq0-00299-00071083-00071352 and I'll continue on Carla's question JC40xwxLNq0-00300-00071352-00071619 to SOCOM and some of the others. JC40xwxLNq0-00301-00071709-00072059 With the expansion and spread of terrorism JC40xwxLNq0-00302-00072068-00072304 and the projection that there's going to be more fighting, JC40xwxLNq0-00303-00072304-00072419 more by, with, and through, JC40xwxLNq0-00304-00072419-00072662 more troops on the border in Europe, JC40xwxLNq0-00305-00072662-00072860 all of this is under this umbrella of readiness JC40xwxLNq0-00306-00072860-00073076 that we're talking about in Washington a lot about. JC40xwxLNq0-00307-00073076-00073309 Can some of you just give some of the metrics JC40xwxLNq0-00308-00073309-00073436 that are on your mind right now JC40xwxLNq0-00309-00073436-00073777 of how you're measuring and what you need JC40xwxLNq0-00310-00073786-00074017 for your forces, for what it comes to equipment, JC40xwxLNq0-00311-00074017-00074289 or pace of rotational deployments, whatever it is, JC40xwxLNq0-00312-00074289-00074529 just give us a sense of where things are now, JC40xwxLNq0-00313-00074529-00074724 and while you're in Washington, what's your ask JC40xwxLNq0-00314-00074724-00074986 to this town, to your leaders here? JC40xwxLNq0-00315-00074986-00075107 - If you don't mind, sir, I'll talk from a JC40xwxLNq0-00316-00075107-00075234 Defense Department perspective, JC40xwxLNq0-00317-00075234-00075429 then I'll ask for my battle buddies. JC40xwxLNq0-00318-00075429-00075824 So, we understand that we have some readiness challenges. JC40xwxLNq0-00319-00075824-00076115 16 years of high operational tempo, JC40xwxLNq0-00320-00076137-00076495 and then unstable budgets have caused us to JC40xwxLNq0-00321-00076500-00076684 defer some modernization programs JC40xwxLNq0-00322-00076684-00076845 that we needed to get after. JC40xwxLNq0-00323-00076845-00077013 It's caused us not to be able to get after JC40xwxLNq0-00324-00077013-00077263 maintenance programs we needed to get after. JC40xwxLNq0-00325-00077263-00077424 And it's caused some of our service members JC40xwxLNq0-00326-00077424-00077613 to use worn out equipment. JC40xwxLNq0-00327-00077613-00077905 So, what we need to get after this readiness is JC40xwxLNq0-00328-00077905-00078167 we need a stable budget that allow us JC40xwxLNq0-00329-00078167-00078427 to get after line of effort number one by the Secretary JC40xwxLNq0-00330-00078427-00078772 and that's adding, building a larger, more capable force JC40xwxLNq0-00331-00078772-00079040 and a more lethal force as we go forward. JC40xwxLNq0-00332-00079040-00079457 So, I'll ask Fleet Master Chief Crisp Addington from EUCOM JC40xwxLNq0-00333-00079495-00079647 for his comments on that. JC40xwxLNq0-00334-00079647-00079944 I'll ask other one, and then I'll go down to SOCOM. JC40xwxLNq0-00335-00079944-00080133 - Thank you for the question, first of all. JC40xwxLNq0-00336-00080133-00080477 And from a European Command's perspective, JC40xwxLNq0-00337-00080477-00080727 the big, the big ask per se is JC40xwxLNq0-00338-00081022-00081381 as we develop the ready and postured forces JC40xwxLNq0-00339-00081491-00081908 for Europe, the rotation of the Armored Brigade Combat Teams JC40xwxLNq0-00340-00082116-00082416 the build-out of the aviation units, JC40xwxLNq0-00341-00082520-00082878 the build-out of the sea, in order to deter JC40xwxLNq0-00342-00083025-00083125 and focus on JC40xwxLNq0-00343-00083373-00083581 building partner capacity JC40xwxLNq0-00344-00083646-00083751 within the region. JC40xwxLNq0-00345-00083751-00084076 That's probably the biggest to work on. JC40xwxLNq0-00346-00084136-00084228 Making sure JC40xwxLNq0-00347-00084393-00084586 that it's not a U.S. only. JC40xwxLNq0-00348-00084586-00084815 So you tie it with the by, with, and through, JC40xwxLNq0-00349-00084815-00085232 but it's about working together and being interoperable. JC40xwxLNq0-00350-00085291-00085501 It's not about just building something. JC40xwxLNq0-00351-00085501-00085700 It's about building the right things. JC40xwxLNq0-00352-00085700-00086031 And so, from the European perspective, it's, JC40xwxLNq0-00353-00086031-00086368 it's working through NATO to make sure that JC40xwxLNq0-00354-00086368-00086570 all the nations are working together, JC40xwxLNq0-00355-00086570-00086883 developing the right way, so that we're all JC40xwxLNq0-00356-00086883-00087108 looking at the same things. JC40xwxLNq0-00357-00087135-00087312 - And I'll ask U.S. Strategic Command, JC40xwxLNq0-00358-00087312-00087475 Chief Master Sergeant Pat McMahon JC40xwxLNq0-00359-00087475-00087695 if you can talk about some of those challenges. JC40xwxLNq0-00360-00087695-00087778 - Hey, thank you SEAC. JC40xwxLNq0-00361-00087778-00087874 You know from our perspective, JC40xwxLNq0-00362-00087874-00088020 really when you look at our portfolio, JC40xwxLNq0-00363-00088020-00088280 you know, my boss's priorities, General Hyten, JC40xwxLNq0-00364-00088280-00088470 his number one priority is strategic deterrence. JC40xwxLNq0-00365-00088470-00088657 And so from a strategic deterrence perspective, JC40xwxLNq0-00366-00088657-00088768 how do you have to look through it, JC40xwxLNq0-00367-00088768-00088875 and it really is now, JC40xwxLNq0-00368-00088875-00088973 in this day and age is really JC40xwxLNq0-00369-00088973-00089267 how does 21st century strategic deterrence JC40xwxLNq0-00370-00089267-00089445 differentiate from 20th century? JC40xwxLNq0-00371-00089445-00089560 And it's exceedingly different, JC40xwxLNq0-00372-00089560-00089710 because the environment's changed. JC40xwxLNq0-00373-00089710-00089933 And typically when I talk to individuals, JC40xwxLNq0-00374-00089933-00090019 to me, it's like you have to have a JC40xwxLNq0-00375-00090019-00090157 comprehensive understanding JC40xwxLNq0-00376-00090157-00090240 of the threat JC40xwxLNq0-00377-00090240-00090397 in the strategic environment that's out there. JC40xwxLNq0-00378-00090397-00090523 And things have changed. JC40xwxLNq0-00379-00090523-00090662 If you look back 25 plus years ago, JC40xwxLNq0-00380-00090662-00090844 when we were in a Cold war posture, JC40xwxLNq0-00381-00090844-00091047 it was really a bipolar world. JC40xwxLNq0-00382-00091047-00091148 And then you look at the complexity JC40xwxLNq0-00383-00091148-00091257 and uncertainties of today, JC40xwxLNq0-00384-00091257-00091443 where it really is a multipolar world. JC40xwxLNq0-00385-00091443-00091598 And as you look at the strategic capabilities JC40xwxLNq0-00386-00091598-00091738 that our command provides, JC40xwxLNq0-00387-00091738-00091926 whether it's the nuclear deterrent, JC40xwxLNq0-00388-00091926-00092077 whether you look across space capabilities, JC40xwxLNq0-00389-00092077-00092197 cyber capabilities, JC40xwxLNq0-00390-00092197-00092381 as you look, there has been a recognition, JC40xwxLNq0-00391-00092381-00092691 so right now, modernization across the nuclear portfolio, JC40xwxLNq0-00392-00092691-00092931 investments in space, investments in cyber, JC40xwxLNq0-00393-00092931-00093175 it's been recognized that we have to move out on that, JC40xwxLNq0-00394-00093175-00093430 because it really is, how do you ultimately integrate JC40xwxLNq0-00395-00093430-00093545 and aggregate effects JC40xwxLNq0-00396-00093545-00093727 at the time and place of your choosing? JC40xwxLNq0-00397-00093727-00093907 - Okay, and then I'll ask Central Command. JC40xwxLNq0-00398-00093907-00094195 - Okay, so from Central Command, it's a similar theme JC40xwxLNq0-00399-00094195-00094422 to what my teammates have already said. JC40xwxLNq0-00400-00094422-00094653 Yes, we have aging equipment, JC40xwxLNq0-00401-00094653-00094909 and I'd say it keeps our maintainers pretty busy JC40xwxLNq0-00402-00094909-00095034 to keep it running. JC40xwxLNq0-00403-00095034-00095307 Sometimes, the equipment runs because we have some JC40xwxLNq0-00404-00095307-00095540 creative young folks that are motivated JC40xwxLNq0-00405-00095540-00095720 and want to just get the job done. JC40xwxLNq0-00406-00095720-00095870 Would they like new equipment? JC40xwxLNq0-00407-00095870-00096228 Absolutely, but not because their desire comes from JC40xwxLNq0-00408-00096228-00096377 a sense of entitlement. JC40xwxLNq0-00409-00096377-00096572 It's because they want to be successful, JC40xwxLNq0-00410-00096572-00096836 and they want to get after the mission. JC40xwxLNq0-00411-00096836-00097069 - And we'll close out on this question with SOCOM. JC40xwxLNq0-00412-00097069-00097255 - Certainly, like has been discussed, JC40xwxLNq0-00413-00097255-00097442 you know, budget concerns always, JC40xwxLNq0-00414-00097442-00097765 are going to be forefront in any discussion about this. JC40xwxLNq0-00415-00097765-00097878 But you touched on something else JC40xwxLNq0-00416-00097878-00098189 with the spreading of terrorism across the globe. JC40xwxLNq0-00417-00098189-00098379 We've been at war for 16 years. JC40xwxLNq0-00418-00098379-00098722 That is a reality and in SOF, we certainly have felt that. JC40xwxLNq0-00419-00098722-00099139 With a little bit more of a senior, age-wise force. JC40xwxLNq0-00420-00099146-00099293 You know, our average age is a little bit more than JC40xwxLNq0-00421-00099293-00099448 you see across the military. JC40xwxLNq0-00422-00099448-00099697 Fortunately for us, the Department of Defense JC40xwxLNq0-00423-00099697-00099851 as well as Congress, JC40xwxLNq0-00424-00099851-00100012 have allowed us to have programs JC40xwxLNq0-00425-00100012-00100255 to help deal with those realities. JC40xwxLNq0-00426-00100255-00100376 In our case, the Preservation of Force JC40xwxLNq0-00427-00100376-00100554 and the Family Initiative, JC40xwxLNq0-00428-00100554-00100832 which helps us look at the spiritual domain, JC40xwxLNq0-00429-00100832-00101070 the physical domain, the social domain, JC40xwxLNq0-00430-00101070-00101280 all these, and the psychological domain, JC40xwxLNq0-00431-00101280-00101437 to help ensure, long term, that we're able JC40xwxLNq0-00432-00101437-00101568 to keep people in the fight JC40xwxLNq0-00433-00101568-00101769 as this continues to go on generationally. JC40xwxLNq0-00434-00101769-00101939 - [Kevin] Do you give that good reviews? JC40xwxLNq0-00435-00101939-00102023 - I'm sorry? JC40xwxLNq0-00436-00102023-00102106 - [Kevin] Do you give that good reviews? JC40xwxLNq0-00437-00102106-00102223 - Absolutely, absolutely. JC40xwxLNq0-00438-00102223-00102629 - [Kevin] Can I follow up with SOCOM and AFRICOM about JC40xwxLNq0-00439-00102629-00102949 just the geographic size of Africa alone is a concern so JC40xwxLNq0-00440-00102949-00103238 when you talk to some folks about what's coming next. JC40xwxLNq0-00441-00103238-00103449 Is that something you're talking about, JC40xwxLNq0-00442-00103449-00103562 you're preparing for, JC40xwxLNq0-00443-00103562-00103736 you're concerned with? JC40xwxLNq0-00444-00103736-00103829 - [CMSGT McMahon] Absolutely, it's a great question. JC40xwxLNq0-00445-00103829-00104030 And Africa represents a challenge, JC40xwxLNq0-00446-00104030-00104259 and I'll pass it over to the AFRICOM cell JC40xwxLNq0-00447-00104259-00104350 here in a minute. JC40xwxLNq0-00448-00104350-00104575 Obviously, as we discussed, JC40xwxLNq0-00449-00104609-00104795 our enemies are going to go where we're not. JC40xwxLNq0-00450-00104795-00104960 They're going to go to ungoverned space. JC40xwxLNq0-00451-00104960-00105043 They're going to go to places JC40xwxLNq0-00452-00105043-00105245 where they can get freedom of maneuver. JC40xwxLNq0-00453-00105245-00105516 Those particular locations present challenges. JC40xwxLNq0-00454-00105516-00105599 They present challenges JC40xwxLNq0-00455-00105599-00105762 when you start talking about logistically, JC40xwxLNq0-00456-00105762-00106046 how do you support folks that are in the fight forward? JC40xwxLNq0-00457-00106046-00106282 And that is a challenge that we're constantly looking at JC40xwxLNq0-00458-00106282-00106530 and developing new and better ways to be able to facilitate JC40xwxLNq0-00459-00106530-00106814 operations in those types of areas. JC40xwxLNq0-00460-00106814-00106905 - Go ahead. JC40xwxLNq0-00461-00106914-00107193 - So, you know, as I stated before, JC40xwxLNq0-00462-00107193-00107422 the youth bulge is really concerning to us, JC40xwxLNq0-00463-00107422-00107674 because where the foreign fighters go, JC40xwxLNq0-00464-00107674-00107888 where they decide to grow their manning pool. JC40xwxLNq0-00465-00107888-00108017 If you look at Africa right now, JC40xwxLNq0-00466-00108017-00108292 there's 1.2 billion people there. JC40xwxLNq0-00467-00108321-00108704 By 2050, it's estimated that it's going to double to 2.4. JC40xwxLNq0-00468-00108704-00109019 And what happens when you have 600 million youth, right now JC40xwxLNq0-00469-00109019-00109373 without any opportunities for education or jobs? JC40xwxLNq0-00470-00109373-00109585 And then, every year that passes by, JC40xwxLNq0-00471-00109585-00110002 you have 11 million more entering that empty pool of labor. JC40xwxLNq0-00472-00110126-00110253 That they're either going to migrate, JC40xwxLNq0-00473-00110253-00110423 they're going to go ahead and join VEOs, JC40xwxLNq0-00474-00110423-00110614 we just don't know what's going to happen. JC40xwxLNq0-00475-00110614-00110812 So from a national security perspective, JC40xwxLNq0-00476-00110812-00111144 I think it's imperative that we stare at the African problem JC40xwxLNq0-00477-00111144-00111340 because it can potentially be a hotbed JC40xwxLNq0-00478-00111340-00111504 for terrorism in the future, JC40xwxLNq0-00479-00111504-00111848 and that is just something based on facts and data. JC40xwxLNq0-00480-00111848-00112134 - Okay, Jim, we'll go to you, and then Tara will go next. JC40xwxLNq0-00481-00112134-00112358 - [Jim] Thanks Sergeant Major. JC40xwxLNq0-00482-00112358-00112641 I've heard partnership, I've heard by, with and through JC40xwxLNq0-00483-00112641-00112774 from all of you. JC40xwxLNq0-00484-00112881-00113232 And a lot of the countries that you deal with JC40xwxLNq0-00485-00113232-00113432 don't have an NCO Corps. JC40xwxLNq0-00486-00113472-00113624 And I have to wonder what they think JC40xwxLNq0-00487-00113624-00113824 when they meet you guys. JC40xwxLNq0-00488-00113869-00114005 Do they want to emulate you? JC40xwxLNq0-00489-00114005-00114239 Do they, what do they want from you JC40xwxLNq0-00490-00114239-00114499 when you go out and talk to these JC40xwxLNq0-00491-00114499-00114757 these, people in these nations? JC40xwxLNq0-00492-00114815-00114989 - So, I'm going to start off on that JC40xwxLNq0-00493-00114989-00115155 and then I'm going ask our Major Zickefoose, JC40xwxLNq0-00494-00115155-00115430 who's from SOUTHCOM to follow me. JC40xwxLNq0-00495-00115521-00115792 So Jim, it kind of goes both ways. JC40xwxLNq0-00496-00115792-00116015 Sometimes, culture of the country, JC40xwxLNq0-00497-00116015-00116367 you know, they can't overcome their culture JC40xwxLNq0-00498-00116367-00116725 to have empowered enlisted leaders to get after business. JC40xwxLNq0-00499-00116725-00117125 So, for 27 months, I served on U.S. Forces Korea JC40xwxLNq0-00500-00117132-00117388 and it was challenging to get them, JC40xwxLNq0-00501-00117388-00117573 because they were conscription military, JC40xwxLNq0-00502-00117573-00117773 and because of cultures, JC40xwxLNq0-00503-00117824-00118241 it was tough to get them to empower small unit NCO leaders JC40xwxLNq0-00504-00118350-00118556 and trust them to get after mission command. JC40xwxLNq0-00505-00118556-00118861 Now, also, they haven't had the combat experience JC40xwxLNq0-00506-00118861-00119158 that we've had over the past 16 years. JC40xwxLNq0-00507-00119158-00119338 And we've learned over the last 16 years, JC40xwxLNq0-00508-00119338-00119584 that you can expand the Commander's reach JC40xwxLNq0-00509-00119584-00119754 and their area of responsibility JC40xwxLNq0-00510-00119754-00119943 by empowering enlisted leaders. JC40xwxLNq0-00511-00119943-00120258 But that has to come through training, education JC40xwxLNq0-00512-00120258-00120378 and then you have trust, JC40xwxLNq0-00513-00120378-00120461 and when you have trust, JC40xwxLNq0-00514-00120461-00120673 you can empower those enlisted leaders. JC40xwxLNq0-00515-00120673-00120829 But then there's others, JC40xwxLNq0-00516-00120829-00120985 you know Sergeant Major Spadaro and I JC40xwxLNq0-00517-00120985-00121163 just recently went to Taiwan JC40xwxLNq0-00518-00121163-00121530 and we were asked by their Chief of Defense, JC40xwxLNq0-00519-00121631-00121898 hey, what do I need to do to get after JC40xwxLNq0-00520-00121898-00122281 more efficient, small unit kind of operations. JC40xwxLNq0-00521-00122290-00122690 And we talked about NCO development and empowerment. JC40xwxLNq0-00522-00122690-00122881 And we thought it was a two-tier approach, JC40xwxLNq0-00523-00122881-00123104 from bottom up and top down, JC40xwxLNq0-00524-00123104-00123327 so your small unit NCO courses JC40xwxLNq0-00525-00123327-00123669 and things like that that can gear small unit leaders JC40xwxLNq0-00526-00123669-00123923 to get after the things they need to get after like JC40xwxLNq0-00527-00123923-00124337 pre-combat inspections, training, and stuff like that. JC40xwxLNq0-00528-00124337-00124604 But they also needed somebody at the top, JC40xwxLNq0-00529-00124604-00125004 who had grown up in this military and can tell them JC40xwxLNq0-00530-00125004-00125193 what's going on and where they need to go. JC40xwxLNq0-00531-00125193-00125543 So we recommended that CHOD appoint a SEAC JC40xwxLNq0-00532-00125596-00125851 and two months ago, they appointed their first SEAC JC40xwxLNq0-00533-00125851-00126267 and he just recently returned from Taiwan on a visit. JC40xwxLNq0-00534-00126275-00126490 So I'll ask you to comment on that right quick. JC40xwxLNq0-00535-00126490-00126706 And then Z, we'll come down to you. JC40xwxLNq0-00536-00126706-00126892 - You know, that's a great question JC40xwxLNq0-00537-00126892-00127189 because this is what we're seeing in the Indo-Asia-Pacific. JC40xwxLNq0-00538-00127189-00127389 It's a growing awareness JC40xwxLNq0-00539-00127403-00127569 of the asymmetric advantage JC40xwxLNq0-00540-00127569-00127824 by having an empowered NCO Corps. JC40xwxLNq0-00541-00127824-00128134 So, for example, when the SEAC and I was in Taiwan in May, JC40xwxLNq0-00542-00128134-00128269 their CHOD looked right at me, JC40xwxLNq0-00543-00128269-00128468 he goes, what do I need to do? JC40xwxLNq0-00544-00128468-00128705 And SEAC looked at him and says, you need a SEAC. JC40xwxLNq0-00545-00128705-00128839 And he named one two weeks later JC40xwxLNq0-00546-00128839-00129006 and it took about a couple months to get in place. JC40xwxLNq0-00547-00129006-00129219 I just left there last week, JC40xwxLNq0-00548-00129219-00129405 and I had a great conversation with him. JC40xwxLNq0-00549-00129405-00129616 And he said, you know what, my boss is making me JC40xwxLNq0-00550-00129616-00129804 put together a five-year plan JC40xwxLNq0-00551-00129804-00130221 on what direction we need do better NCO growth development. JC40xwxLNq0-00552-00130229-00130330 So there's an example. JC40xwxLNq0-00553-00130330-00130516 I was in Singapore two weeks ago, JC40xwxLNq0-00554-00130516-00130750 and I watched an empowered NCO Corps JC40xwxLNq0-00555-00130750-00131167 dealing directly between officer and enlisted seamlessly. JC40xwxLNq0-00556-00131180-00131429 We had our CHOD SEL Conference this year. JC40xwxLNq0-00557-00131429-00131687 Two years ago, I had six SEACs show up to it. JC40xwxLNq0-00558-00131687-00131862 This year, we had 16. JC40xwxLNq0-00559-00131910-00132078 So to me, there's a growing awareness. JC40xwxLNq0-00560-00132078-00132235 And how we get to that growing awareness JC40xwxLNq0-00561-00132235-00132478 is when you see the gentlemen at this table here, JC40xwxLNq0-00562-00132478-00132738 when they're traveling with their bosses, JC40xwxLNq0-00563-00132738-00132913 and our partners see this, too. JC40xwxLNq0-00564-00132913-00133180 They're saying, hey, there's a validity, there's a value JC40xwxLNq0-00565-00133180-00133449 of having empowered Senior Enlisted Leader. JC40xwxLNq0-00566-00133449-00133645 Sri Lanka just named one, JC40xwxLNq0-00567-00133645-00133917 and we're hoping to keep growing this in the region so, JC40xwxLNq0-00568-00133917-00134334 in the Indo-Asia-Pacific, we see a growth in this right now. JC40xwxLNq0-00569-00134405-00134534 - Okay, Z, go ahead. JC40xwxLNq0-00570-00134534-00134867 - Just as the CXN and the Sergeant Major JC40xwxLNq0-00571-00134876-00135293 said there, it's about leadership, it's about development. JC40xwxLNq0-00572-00135358-00135541 We go to these nations JC40xwxLNq0-00573-00135545-00135763 and they see us sitting next to our Admirals JC40xwxLNq0-00574-00135763-00136072 or our Generals and they say, how do you affect, JC40xwxLNq0-00575-00136072-00136231 what do you affect? JC40xwxLNq0-00576-00136243-00136382 And we tell them, JC40xwxLNq0-00577-00136382-00136611 that they want the same thing as we do. JC40xwxLNq0-00578-00136611-00136802 We talk about the imperatives. JC40xwxLNq0-00579-00136802-00136935 We talk about as the U.S. Southern Command JC40xwxLNq0-00580-00136935-00137194 the four imperatives, NCO development, JC40xwxLNq0-00581-00137194-00137478 human rights, being joint and then JC40xwxLNq0-00582-00137544-00137778 general integration and perspective. JC40xwxLNq0-00583-00137778-00137948 They want the same things we do. JC40xwxLNq0-00584-00137948-00138288 They just, they're trying to get it at the same time. JC40xwxLNq0-00585-00138288-00138416 - Okay, Tara, go ahead. JC40xwxLNq0-00586-00138416-00138619 - [Tara] Thank you, Tara Copp, Military Times. JC40xwxLNq0-00587-00138619-00138833 I have a couple of questions. JC40xwxLNq0-00588-00138833-00139170 I wanted to get back to the strategic deterrents piece, JC40xwxLNq0-00589-00139170-00139429 and ask both STRATCOM and PACOM JC40xwxLNq0-00590-00139464-00139805 what does success look like for North Korea? JC40xwxLNq0-00591-00139805-00140038 Is it a North Korea that has JC40xwxLNq0-00592-00140130-00140344 ballistic missile capability but is contained? JC40xwxLNq0-00593-00140344-00140594 The Pentagon just confirmed that that is was an IC. JC40xwxLNq0-00594-00140594-00140744 Sorry, I'm still getting over this. JC40xwxLNq0-00595-00140744-00140960 An ICBM that was launched. JC40xwxLNq0-00596-00141039-00141270 So is success a contained North Korea, JC40xwxLNq0-00597-00141270-00141517 is it a North Korea with no nuclear program? JC40xwxLNq0-00598-00141517-00141934 If you could, just talk to us a little bit about that. JC40xwxLNq0-00599-00142008-00142145 - So that's to Pat. JC40xwxLNq0-00600-00142145-00142228 - Well thank you for the question. JC40xwxLNq0-00601-00142228-00142336 You know, I would offer right now, JC40xwxLNq0-00602-00142336-00142500 if you look from the military dimension, JC40xwxLNq0-00603-00142500-00142721 it really is in support of diplomacy right now. JC40xwxLNq0-00604-00142721-00142939 You look, you know, at nationally JC40xwxLNq0-00605-00142939-00143087 as well as our regional Allies, JC40xwxLNq0-00606-00143087-00143338 it really is about, how do you put pressure on that regime JC40xwxLNq0-00607-00143338-00143481 to change behavior? JC40xwxLNq0-00608-00143481-00143694 And so, from a policy perspective, JC40xwxLNq0-00609-00143694-00143842 I think ultimately, you have to see JC40xwxLNq0-00610-00143842-00144049 denuclearization as the ultimate goal. JC40xwxLNq0-00611-00144049-00144181 But right now, from the military dimension, JC40xwxLNq0-00612-00144181-00144348 and what are we doing, from a, you know, JC40xwxLNq0-00613-00144348-00144576 broad ARC command perspective into deter JC40xwxLNq0-00614-00144576-00144855 and as importantly, assure our allies in the region as well. JC40xwxLNq0-00615-00144855-00145007 And so, as you looked over, as JC40xwxLNq0-00616-00145007-00145303 North Korea has ramped up their cycle JC40xwxLNq0-00617-00145303-00145544 really over the last 18 months if you will, JC40xwxLNq0-00618-00145544-00145935 the actions that we taken with our allies in the region. JC40xwxLNq0-00619-00145935-00146140 And so, I traveled with General Hyten over the summer JC40xwxLNq0-00620-00146140-00146405 into Sergeant Major Spadaro's AOR JC40xwxLNq0-00621-00146405-00146563 and visited United States Forces Korea JC40xwxLNq0-00622-00146563-00146656 where General Brooks and JC40xwxLNq0-00623-00146656-00146860 Command Sergeant Major Payton reside at JC40xwxLNq0-00624-00146860-00147024 and spent time there, spent time with JC40xwxLNq0-00625-00147024-00147184 the United States Forces Japan JC40xwxLNq0-00626-00147184-00147447 and met with both, you know, our joint partners there JC40xwxLNq0-00627-00147447-00147596 as well as our Allied partners JC40xwxLNq0-00628-00147596-00147756 and to really, it is, it's about solidifying JC40xwxLNq0-00629-00147756-00148072 that assurance piece and collaborating JC40xwxLNq0-00630-00148076-00148260 ultimately to sit there, to support diplomacy, JC40xwxLNq0-00631-00148260-00148613 our State Department and our National Security apparatus. JC40xwxLNq0-00632-00148613-00148697 - Go ahead. JC40xwxLNq0-00633-00148697-00148931 - And Tara, I'm just going to echo those remarks. JC40xwxLNq0-00634-00148931-00149165 You know, we're just willing to seek the peaceful, JC40xwxLNq0-00635-00149165-00149455 denuclearization of that peninsula, JC40xwxLNq0-00636-00149455-00149625 and that's our U.S. stance and that's how JC40xwxLNq0-00637-00149625-00149828 the only way we need to get about it right now. JC40xwxLNq0-00638-00149828-00150020 - [Tara] But is that possible at this point? JC40xwxLNq0-00639-00150020-00150238 It seems North Korea is pretty bent on JC40xwxLNq0-00640-00150238-00150397 continuing to build its program. JC40xwxLNq0-00641-00150397-00150484 - But that's why we're hoping for JC40xwxLNq0-00642-00150484-00150738 diplomatic solutions at this point, JC40xwxLNq0-00643-00150738-00150870 and right now, if you look at it, JC40xwxLNq0-00644-00150870-00151107 I got that there was a test today. JC40xwxLNq0-00645-00151107-00151348 But there's also continuing diplomatic process JC40xwxLNq0-00646-00151348-00151479 that's been going on. JC40xwxLNq0-00647-00151479-00151673 And I think for that diplomatic process, JC40xwxLNq0-00648-00151673-00151926 if you look at the calculus behind that, JC40xwxLNq0-00649-00151926-00152189 there is achieved effects right now. JC40xwxLNq0-00650-00152189-00152524 And it's also, we're also demonstrating to our Allies, JC40xwxLNq0-00651-00152524-00152727 we're demonstrating to the partners also into the region, JC40xwxLNq0-00652-00152727-00152876 that we're all in to this, and I think JC40xwxLNq0-00653-00152876-00153042 they want a peaceful JC40xwxLNq0-00654-00153140-00153393 and a denuclearlization of the peninsula. JC40xwxLNq0-00655-00153393-00153502 - And I think, if you remember, JC40xwxLNq0-00656-00153502-00153885 on the trip we just went on together to Korea, JC40xwxLNq0-00657-00153992-00154217 you know, as General Dunford and Secretary Mattis JC40xwxLNq0-00658-00154217-00154435 got after the Military Committee Meetings JC40xwxLNq0-00659-00154435-00154624 and Security Consultative Meetings, JC40xwxLNq0-00660-00154624-00154796 I did what I'm charged to do, JC40xwxLNq0-00661-00154796-00154978 and that's go out and check on the troops. JC40xwxLNq0-00662-00154978-00155163 So I went up to the demilitarized zone JC40xwxLNq0-00663-00155163-00155313 to check on the ROC troops. JC40xwxLNq0-00664-00155313-00155491 I went and talked to the U.S. troops, JC40xwxLNq0-00665-00155491-00155668 because I wanted them to understand JC40xwxLNq0-00666-00155668-00155809 that, even though JC40xwxLNq0-00667-00155954-00156304 nobody wants high end conflict with Korea, JC40xwxLNq0-00668-00156309-00156715 the bottom line, we're charged by our Commander in Chief JC40xwxLNq0-00669-00156715-00157013 to be prepared to fight and win if we have to. JC40xwxLNq0-00670-00157013-00157304 So, not only, this gets back to the JC40xwxLNq0-00671-00157316-00157486 multinational part of this, JC40xwxLNq0-00672-00157486-00157761 not only was I out there checking on the U.S. forces, JC40xwxLNq0-00673-00157761-00158022 but it was the Korean forces as well, JC40xwxLNq0-00674-00158022-00158301 because in the end, not only is it going to be JC40xwxLNq0-00675-00158301-00158452 a combined forces command fight, JC40xwxLNq0-00676-00158452-00158627 but our United Nations sending states JC40xwxLNq0-00677-00158627-00158794 are going to be involved as well. JC40xwxLNq0-00678-00158794-00159062 So, I think that's what we have to focus on JC40xwxLNq0-00679-00159062-00159235 is making sure we're getting after JC40xwxLNq0-00680-00159235-00159469 the level of readiness and preparedness JC40xwxLNq0-00681-00159469-00159787 that we need in case we have to go to war. JC40xwxLNq0-00682-00159787-00159914 Go ahead, I thought you had a follow up. JC40xwxLNq0-00683-00159914-00160228 - [Tara] I do, I have two more for SOCOM. JC40xwxLNq0-00684-00160228-00160366 - [Man] Way to hog things. JC40xwxLNq0-00685-00160366-00160466 - I'm sorry. JC40xwxLNq0-00686-00160512-00160602 - [CSM Troxell] We're coming over here next. JC40xwxLNq0-00687-00160602-00160790 Christina, you've got to get fired up, alright? JC40xwxLNq0-00688-00160790-00161015 (laughter) JC40xwxLNq0-00689-00161068-00161422 - For SOCOM, what is your dwell right now for enlisted, JC40xwxLNq0-00690-00161422-00161609 going, you know, with all of the various countries JC40xwxLNq0-00691-00161609-00161836 that U.S. Forces are in right now, JC40xwxLNq0-00692-00161836-00162030 is it above a one to one dwell or JC40xwxLNq0-00693-00162030-00162205 where are you all at? JC40xwxLNq0-00694-00162224-00162452 - Overall, we're above a one to one dwell. JC40xwxLNq0-00695-00162452-00162664 Certainly, it's episodic across our force. JC40xwxLNq0-00696-00162664-00163028 The vast majority of our force is within an acceptable norm. JC40xwxLNq0-00697-00163028-00163271 In all honesty, in Special Forces, JC40xwxLNq0-00698-00163271-00163523 we're still working towards getting there. JC40xwxLNq0-00699-00163523-00163739 We are above a one to one, JC40xwxLNq0-00700-00163749-00163953 but we're not where we want to be at a one to two JC40xwxLNq0-00701-00163953-00164102 or a one to three at this point. JC40xwxLNq0-00702-00164102-00164224 It is an on-going challenge JC40xwxLNq0-00703-00164224-00164460 and one that we keep looking at every day. JC40xwxLNq0-00704-00164460-00164773 I think we're on a glide path to get to those JC40xwxLNq0-00705-00164773-00165178 those dwells long term and I think we're in a good spot JC40xwxLNq0-00706-00165178-00165536 going forward but I don't want to paint any JC40xwxLNq0-00707-00165565-00165725 rosy picture here, it is a challenge that JC40xwxLNq0-00708-00165725-00166098 we are dealing with, but it is tenable right now. JC40xwxLNq0-00709-00166098-00166203 - [Tara] So without getting too specific, JC40xwxLNq0-00710-00166203-00166325 it's just slightly above one to one? JC40xwxLNq0-00711-00166325-00166565 That seems to put an incredible amount of strain JC40xwxLNq0-00712-00166565-00166783 on your forces and their families. JC40xwxLNq0-00713-00166783-00166894 - Certainly there's strains on the forces JC40xwxLNq0-00714-00166894-00167119 and their families as well. JC40xwxLNq0-00715-00167210-00167337 As I mentioned earlier, the POTIF program JC40xwxLNq0-00716-00167337-00167544 we use to help facilitate JC40xwxLNq0-00717-00167544-00167720 alleviating some of that stress to include JC40xwxLNq0-00718-00167720-00167856 some programs for the family members, JC40xwxLNq0-00719-00167856-00168185 for the wives and the support infrastructure JC40xwxLNq0-00720-00168185-00168360 for all of our folks. JC40xwxLNq0-00721-00168384-00168567 Most of that staff will tell you that right now JC40xwxLNq0-00722-00168567-00168821 at a one to two that we feel like it's sustainable. JC40xwxLNq0-00723-00168821-00168967 Long term goals, we have JC40xwxLNq0-00724-00168967-00169212 parts of our force that are at one to three. JC40xwxLNq0-00725-00169212-00169532 Others, based on really skill set are at a JC40xwxLNq0-00726-00169532-00169715 one to maybe 1.2, 1.5, JC40xwxLNq0-00727-00169962-00170163 which is not where we want to be optimally, JC40xwxLNq0-00728-00170163-00170371 but it's been gliding and trending towards JC40xwxLNq0-00729-00170371-00170576 much better where we want it to be. JC40xwxLNq0-00730-00170576-00170986 - [Tara] Thank you, I just have one more, I promise. JC40xwxLNq0-00731-00170986-00171324 From yesterday, one of the programs that the JC40xwxLNq0-00732-00171324-00171552 Pentagon has used to bring in recruits JC40xwxLNq0-00733-00171552-00171785 with needed skills, especially translators, JC40xwxLNq0-00734-00171785-00172047 is reach out everywhere is the MAVNI program. JC40xwxLNq0-00735-00172047-00172262 I was just wondering if you could talk about JC40xwxLNq0-00736-00172262-00172464 the value that you've seen in that program JC40xwxLNq0-00737-00172464-00172682 and whether it's something as the Pentagon assesses it, JC40xwxLNq0-00738-00172682-00172974 that you think should be continued. JC40xwxLNq0-00739-00172993-00173303 - Well, I'll start off with that and then I'll ask for JC40xwxLNq0-00740-00173303-00173456 my colleagues to comment. JC40xwxLNq0-00741-00173456-00173873 I think, first of all, these programs are very important, JC40xwxLNq0-00742-00173923-00174163 especially when we're looking at bringing in talent JC40xwxLNq0-00743-00174163-00174503 that can allow us to be more of an enabler JC40xwxLNq0-00744-00174503-00174877 or a facilitator to the force that we're conducting JC40xwxLNq0-00745-00174877-00175150 Security Force assistance with or whatever. JC40xwxLNq0-00746-00175150-00175356 And that we ought to look at that JC40xwxLNq0-00747-00175356-00175548 as a way of building on JC40xwxLNq0-00748-00175643-00175762 the competitive war fighting advantage JC40xwxLNq0-00749-00175762-00176005 that we're trying to get in the human domain. JC40xwxLNq0-00750-00176005-00176381 We already own a significant advantage in the human domain JC40xwxLNq0-00751-00176381-00176601 because of our empowered enlisted force. JC40xwxLNq0-00752-00176601-00176773 But programs like MANVI, JC40xwxLNq0-00753-00176773-00176991 just allow us to get after that even more. JC40xwxLNq0-00754-00176991-00177400 And I'll ask, anybody else have comments on this? JC40xwxLNq0-00755-00177508-00177673 Don't all talk at once. JC40xwxLNq0-00756-00177673-00177756 - Perfectly JC40xwxLNq0-00757-00177756-00177853 - If you don't mind, I mean. JC40xwxLNq0-00758-00177853-00177936 - Yeah, go ahead. JC40xwxLNq0-00759-00177936-00178049 - Anytime you can add diversity into the game. JC40xwxLNq0-00760-00178049-00178132 - Yeah, go ahead. JC40xwxLNq0-00761-00178132-00178457 - You talk across the force, and adding JC40xwxLNq0-00762-00178579-00178738 adding those pieces JC40xwxLNq0-00763-00178761-00179161 and that ability just makes us a stronger force. JC40xwxLNq0-00764-00179280-00179459 - So and I would even go as far, and Matt, JC40xwxLNq0-00765-00179459-00179641 I'll ask you to comment on this down there. JC40xwxLNq0-00766-00179641-00180025 TRANSCOM perspective, what we need in terms of JC40xwxLNq0-00767-00180038-00180219 military sealift and air mobility JC40xwxLNq0-00768-00180219-00180552 and surface deployment and distribution, JC40xwxLNq0-00769-00180588-00180846 you know, sometimes we have to go to JC40xwxLNq0-00770-00180846-00180972 civilian-type stuff and everything, JC40xwxLNq0-00771-00180972-00181118 so can you comment on that JC40xwxLNq0-00772-00181118-00181420 in terms of what we need to get after JC40xwxLNq0-00773-00181420-00181681 and then how people that are in this MANVI program JC40xwxLNq0-00774-00181681-00181915 can assist us as we're doing these overseas JC40xwxLNq0-00775-00181915-00182177 kind of movements and deployments? JC40xwxLNq0-00776-00182177-00182282 - Thanks SEAC, I appreciate it JC40xwxLNq0-00777-00182282-00182544 and thanks Tara for the perspective and the question. JC40xwxLNq0-00778-00182544-00182832 From a transportation mobility logistics standpoint JC40xwxLNq0-00779-00182832-00182964 and as it relates to defense JC40xwxLNq0-00780-00182964-00183177 and all the things we're trying to do JC40xwxLNq0-00781-00183177-00183377 to help the Global Security environment, JC40xwxLNq0-00782-00183377-00183793 honestly I think a lot of our Allies and partners, JC40xwxLNq0-00783-00183875-00184084 especially the ones up and coming, buying more equipment JC40xwxLNq0-00784-00184084-00184271 and buying more airplanes and more sealift JC40xwxLNq0-00785-00184271-00184571 or weapons, whatever, what have you. JC40xwxLNq0-00786-00184575-00184697 They forget, a lot of time, JC40xwxLNq0-00787-00184697-00184935 there's a sustainment tail that comes with that. JC40xwxLNq0-00788-00184935-00185273 There's a bill on maintenance and supply and sustainment, JC40xwxLNq0-00789-00185273-00185613 and we have to do, I think, we could do a better job. JC40xwxLNq0-00790-00185613-00185958 There's a lot of opportunity here for us to grow and show JC40xwxLNq0-00791-00185958-00186220 our Allies and our partners what that looks like JC40xwxLNq0-00792-00186220-00186501 over the long term life of a weapons system say, JC40xwxLNq0-00793-00186501-00186700 or whatever capability our partners buy, JC40xwxLNq0-00794-00186700-00186911 purchase and what have you. JC40xwxLNq0-00795-00186911-00187194 But as far as our enterprise goes, JC40xwxLNq0-00796-00187230-00187467 you know, I'd say that, a mobility command, JC40xwxLNq0-00797-00187467-00187697 surface deployment distribution command, JC40xwxLNq0-00798-00187697-00187799 and military sealift command JC40xwxLNq0-00799-00187799-00188039 and our commercial partners which General McDew calls JC40xwxLNq0-00800-00188039-00188321 our fourth component, appropriately. JC40xwxLNq0-00801-00188321-00188609 We are fielding just about everything we can right now JC40xwxLNq0-00802-00188609-00189025 as far as meeting the requirements of all of the COCOMs. JC40xwxLNq0-00803-00189042-00189293 So we're a functional Combat and Command, JC40xwxLNq0-00804-00189293-00189709 just like my teammates in STRATCOM, SOCOM, and now SARBECOM JC40xwxLNq0-00805-00189791-00189965 but we have global responsibilities JC40xwxLNq0-00806-00189965-00190125 and that comes with a huge bill. JC40xwxLNq0-00807-00190125-00190491 Obviously, to our forces, but our capability JC40xwxLNq0-00808-00190505-00190780 as far as our weapons systems go. JC40xwxLNq0-00809-00190790-00191012 When you think about General McDew's authorities JC40xwxLNq0-00810-00191012-00191292 and the equipment he's responsible for JC40xwxLNq0-00811-00191292-00191459 to execute the nation's wars JC40xwxLNq0-00812-00191459-00191741 or supply the forces for the nation's wars, JC40xwxLNq0-00813-00191741-00191865 they're strategic assets JC40xwxLNq0-00814-00191865-00192005 and they take a long time to build. JC40xwxLNq0-00815-00192005-00192236 They take a long time to pay for. JC40xwxLNq0-00816-00192236-00192588 And so, when we get into the piece where we have CRs, JC40xwxLNq0-00817-00192588-00192796 when we get into the piece where budgets JC40xwxLNq0-00818-00192796-00193167 have been somewhat stable or flat over many years now, JC40xwxLNq0-00819-00193167-00193294 it's hard to purchase more ships JC40xwxLNq0-00820-00193294-00193469 and that's what we're asking for JC40xwxLNq0-00821-00193469-00193755 and we consistently message to Congress and our leaders JC40xwxLNq0-00822-00193755-00193994 that we need more ships for the out years, JC40xwxLNq0-00823-00193994-00194176 we need more airplanes, we'd like to see JC40xwxLNq0-00824-00194176-00194401 the TC-46 come on line soon. JC40xwxLNq0-00825-00194401-00194613 We're excited about that and other assets but JC40xwxLNq0-00826-00194613-00194754 thanks for asking the question SEAC JC40xwxLNq0-00827-00194754-00194839 and give me the opportunity to explain that. JC40xwxLNq0-00828-00194839-00195048 - And Tara, if I can close out with the MANVI thing. JC40xwxLNq0-00829-00195048-00195217 So just a personal example. JC40xwxLNq0-00830-00195217-00195474 In 2007 and '08, during the surge into Iraq, JC40xwxLNq0-00831-00195474-00195690 I was a Striker Brigade Command Sergeant Major, JC40xwxLNq0-00832-00195690-00195961 and my interpreter was an Army O9 Lima, JC40xwxLNq0-00833-00195961-00196101 if you remember the program where JC40xwxLNq0-00834-00196101-00196398 you brought people in specifically to be interpreters. JC40xwxLNq0-00835-00196398-00196570 However, he was a soldier. JC40xwxLNq0-00836-00196570-00196829 He was a rifleman and so, not only, JC40xwxLNq0-00837-00196829-00197186 was he a lethal part of my force to be able to JC40xwxLNq0-00838-00197186-00197551 defeat any threat, but because he was an interpreter JC40xwxLNq0-00839-00197551-00197891 and he could help me in my key leader engagements, JC40xwxLNq0-00840-00197891-00198100 he helped me with the non-lethal stuff JC40xwxLNq0-00841-00198100-00198429 which was as important as the lethal stuff. JC40xwxLNq0-00842-00198429-00198639 So I think those kind of programs, JC40xwxLNq0-00843-00198639-00198900 we have to continue to have those kind of programs JC40xwxLNq0-00844-00198900-00199113 to get after a capability that we're going to need JC40xwxLNq0-00845-00199113-00199465 in the future as we continue to be this expeditionary force. JC40xwxLNq0-00846-00199465-00199549 So thanks. JC40xwxLNq0-00847-00199593-00199843 Okay, Manchoose, rock 'n roll. JC40xwxLNq0-00848-00199870-00200169 - [Man] That's right, yeah, we met years ago in Iraq. JC40xwxLNq0-00849-00200169-00200333 - 2007 and '08, in Iraq. JC40xwxLNq0-00850-00200333-00200557 - [Man] Absolutely, yeah four nine Infantry, right? JC40xwxLNq0-00851-00200557-00200672 - Manchoose, go ahead. JC40xwxLNq0-00852-00200672-00200837 - [Man] So on the right hand side of the table over here, JC40xwxLNq0-00853-00200837-00200978 we've got a tremendous amount, decades of JC40xwxLNq0-00854-00200978-00201214 Special Operations experience in the persons JC40xwxLNq0-00855-00201214-00201467 of these three gentlemen, Command Sergeant Major McCauley, JC40xwxLNq0-00856-00201467-00201590 Command Sergeant Major Thetford, JC40xwxLNq0-00857-00201590-00201807 and Chief Master Sergeant. JC40xwxLNq0-00858-00201883-00202074 - [CMSGT Lopez] Yes, Ramon Lopez. JC40xwxLNq0-00859-00202074-00202212 - Ramon Lopez, so I wanted to ask if you. JC40xwxLNq0-00860-00202212-00202624 - [SGM Troxell] That wasn't by design, by the way. JC40xwxLNq0-00861-00202624-00202806 - I wanted to ask kind of a longer term question about JC40xwxLNq0-00862-00202806-00203118 you know, the way roles of SOF have changed JC40xwxLNq0-00863-00203118-00203335 in the time that you guys have been in the force. JC40xwxLNq0-00864-00203335-00203564 10 years ago, we would hear a lot about how, JC40xwxLNq0-00865-00203564-00203712 SOF was all into direct action, JC40xwxLNq0-00866-00203712-00203843 everybody was doing direct action. JC40xwxLNq0-00867-00203843-00204042 Now it's kind of the opposite, I mean, it seems like JC40xwxLNq0-00868-00204042-00204210 everybody does by, with and through JC40xwxLNq0-00869-00204210-00204320 and foreign internal defense. JC40xwxLNq0-00870-00204320-00204564 You've got SEAL platoons doing it, MSOTS doing it. JC40xwxLNq0-00871-00204564-00204654 You've even got, JC40xwxLNq0-00872-00204654-00204786 I mean I don't know if you could have imagined, JC40xwxLNq0-00873-00204786-00204967 when you were a young Ranger at Ft. Lewis, JC40xwxLNq0-00874-00204967-00205206 Sergeant Major Thetford, if you could have imagined JC40xwxLNq0-00875-00205206-00205392 Rangers now doing the kind of stuff they do JC40xwxLNq0-00876-00205392-00205611 with the Ktah Khas today in Afghanistan. JC40xwxLNq0-00877-00205611-00205784 So as you kind of circulate around the force JC40xwxLNq0-00878-00205784-00205924 and talk to Special Operators JC40xwxLNq0-00879-00205924-00206072 who've been at this a long time, JC40xwxLNq0-00880-00206072-00206240 what do they think of this evolution? JC40xwxLNq0-00881-00206240-00206354 What do guys think of, kind of, JC40xwxLNq0-00882-00206354-00206537 everything being by, with and through, JC40xwxLNq0-00883-00206537-00206764 everything being with partners. JC40xwxLNq0-00884-00206764-00207064 I mean I certainly know Special Operators who, JC40xwxLNq0-00885-00207064-00207226 who joined the force exactly to do that, JC40xwxLNq0-00886-00207226-00207364 and I know ones who joined the force JC40xwxLNq0-00887-00207364-00207614 exactly not to do that, right. JC40xwxLNq0-00888-00207628-00207789 I just wonder if you could sort of speak to JC40xwxLNq0-00889-00207789-00207932 how this sits with the Force, JC40xwxLNq0-00890-00207932-00208065 how guys to adapt to doing it JC40xwxLNq0-00891-00208065-00208330 in these many, many different theaters, JC40xwxLNq0-00892-00208330-00208653 everywhere from West Africa to the Philippines JC40xwxLNq0-00893-00208653-00208820 to everywhere in between. JC40xwxLNq0-00894-00208820-00208962 - Bill, go ahead. JC40xwxLNq0-00895-00208968-00209142 - Okay, yeah, so for some of our forces, like you said, JC40xwxLNq0-00896-00209142-00209426 they, by nature, or direct action force, JC40xwxLNq0-00897-00209426-00209618 so there's a bit of an evolution for them JC40xwxLNq0-00898-00209618-00209784 to kind of understand that, JC40xwxLNq0-00899-00209784-00210013 right now what we need them to do is JC40xwxLNq0-00900-00210013-00210206 work with a partner force and JC40xwxLNq0-00901-00210206-00210375 use that by, with, through approach JC40xwxLNq0-00902-00210375-00210652 and over time, if you communicate to the troops JC40xwxLNq0-00903-00210652-00210904 why it's important and you kind of give them a chance to JC40xwxLNq0-00904-00210904-00211125 to buy into it, then they get it. JC40xwxLNq0-00905-00211125-00211412 And you mentioned the Rangers and the Ktah Khas JC40xwxLNq0-00906-00211412-00211553 and they've done a phenomenal job JC40xwxLNq0-00907-00211553-00211874 and that's just one good example of a direct action unit JC40xwxLNq0-00908-00211874-00212121 that kind of grabbed on to the JC40xwxLNq0-00909-00212121-00212363 the lead in by, with, through JC40xwxLNq0-00910-00212376-00212578 and they've done a great job at it. JC40xwxLNq0-00911-00212578-00212752 - I think if you look at the evolution of SOF JC40xwxLNq0-00912-00212752-00212919 or really the history of SOF, JC40xwxLNq0-00913-00212919-00213079 what you'll see is we've always JC40xwxLNq0-00914-00213079-00213367 been very opportunistic on how we engage our enemies. JC40xwxLNq0-00915-00213367-00213553 We've been able to change, based upon the threat, JC40xwxLNq0-00916-00213553-00213701 based upon the environment, JC40xwxLNq0-00917-00213701-00213864 and found unique and differing ways JC40xwxLNq0-00918-00213864-00214069 to always get after the enemy. JC40xwxLNq0-00919-00214069-00214207 So I don't think this is anything new. JC40xwxLNq0-00920-00214207-00214428 I think it's really a matter of emphasis. JC40xwxLNq0-00921-00214428-00214615 Foreign internal defense, your regular warfare, JC40xwxLNq0-00922-00214615-00214810 unconventional warfare, special reconnaissance, JC40xwxLNq0-00923-00214810-00215148 all those tasks have been in the books forever. JC40xwxLNq0-00924-00215148-00215358 It's just, we've started to emphasize those more JC40xwxLNq0-00925-00215358-00215769 with certain units taking on increased responsibility. JC40xwxLNq0-00926-00215769-00215985 A great problem that we have is that our folks JC40xwxLNq0-00927-00215985-00216198 want to be out there on the tip of the spear. JC40xwxLNq0-00928-00216198-00216307 And certainly, you're going to have folks JC40xwxLNq0-00929-00216307-00216553 that want to be out on the battlefield, you know, JC40xwxLNq0-00930-00216553-00216772 going back and forth with the enemy. JC40xwxLNq0-00931-00216772-00217061 Those folks are not always going to be ecstatic initially to JC40xwxLNq0-00932-00217061-00217194 okay, we're going to train a partner force JC40xwxLNq0-00933-00217194-00217350 to be able to conduct operations. JC40xwxLNq0-00934-00217350-00217578 This is a good problem for us to have, JC40xwxLNq0-00935-00217578-00217730 because our people want to be out there. JC40xwxLNq0-00936-00217730-00217856 So it takes a pretty, JC40xwxLNq0-00937-00217856-00218085 pretty consistent communication from us JC40xwxLNq0-00938-00218085-00218471 but once they understand the effect that they can have, JC40xwxLNq0-00939-00218471-00218663 and really through partners and with partners JC40xwxLNq0-00940-00218663-00218887 how it's exponentially bigger than just themselves JC40xwxLNq0-00941-00218887-00219006 and their organization, JC40xwxLNq0-00942-00219006-00219239 they almost universally buy into that JC40xwxLNq0-00943-00219239-00219382 and are very thankful to have the opportunity JC40xwxLNq0-00944-00219382-00219665 to continue to serve their nation in that capacity. JC40xwxLNq0-00945-00219665-00219748 - CZ? JC40xwxLNq0-00946-00219771-00219966 - So, since the early days, JC40xwxLNq0-00947-00219966-00220212 when we first deployed to Afghanistan, JC40xwxLNq0-00948-00220212-00220554 clearly SOF had a specific niche mission, JC40xwxLNq0-00949-00220669-00220910 i.e., direct action and so on. JC40xwxLNq0-00950-00220910-00221189 But as the years went by, you have to realize that JC40xwxLNq0-00951-00221189-00221447 SOF is a very, very small pool. JC40xwxLNq0-00952-00221480-00221735 And being smart about the way that we fight wars, JC40xwxLNq0-00953-00221735-00221917 we train other people to go ahead and take over JC40xwxLNq0-00954-00221917-00222196 some of those missions so that they can go ahead and spread JC40xwxLNq0-00955-00222196-00222417 the span of control in the battlefield. JC40xwxLNq0-00956-00222417-00222834 So what you see there is just a few subtle differences JC40xwxLNq0-00957-00222858-00223046 due to the nature of war today. JC40xwxLNq0-00958-00223046-00223172 It's very regular. JC40xwxLNq0-00959-00223172-00223355 And now you have conventional Infantry units JC40xwxLNq0-00960-00223355-00223603 that are carrying out SOF-like missions, JC40xwxLNq0-00961-00223603-00223901 but SOF always has a specific advantage JC40xwxLNq0-00962-00223901-00224176 with the way they operate that is JC40xwxLNq0-00963-00224226-00224414 secretive, for lack of better words, JC40xwxLNq0-00964-00224414-00224667 just because it's that element of surprise that gives JC40xwxLNq0-00965-00224667-00225037 this man the advantage and here, soon, women. JC40xwxLNq0-00966-00225037-00225174 So that's what you're seeing today. JC40xwxLNq0-00967-00225174-00225496 - If I could finish this one off, from a DOD perspective. JC40xwxLNq0-00968-00225496-00225756 In terms of risk to the force, and risk to mission, JC40xwxLNq0-00969-00225756-00226102 if you remember back when we had 150,000 troops in Iraq, JC40xwxLNq0-00970-00226102-00226285 look at April of 2004. JC40xwxLNq0-00971-00226287-00226622 We lost 140 Americans in action in that month. JC40xwxLNq0-00972-00226622-00226838 Hundreds severely wounded. JC40xwxLNq0-00973-00226869-00227063 And we were trying to build this capacity JC40xwxLNq0-00974-00227063-00227222 in the Iraqi Security Force. JC40xwxLNq0-00975-00227222-00227547 We were trying to defeat an insurgency. JC40xwxLNq0-00976-00227559-00227878 So now look where we came at with the strategy we have now. JC40xwxLNq0-00977-00227878-00228165 Where we have this by, with, and through, JC40xwxLNq0-00978-00228165-00228312 this build partner capacity, JC40xwxLNq0-00979-00228312-00228563 train, advise and assist and in some cases, JC40xwxLNq0-00980-00228563-00228748 with our Special Operations Forces, JC40xwxLNq0-00981-00228748-00228858 that have the authorities, JC40xwxLNq0-00982-00228858-00229053 they will accompany the partner force, JC40xwxLNq0-00983-00229053-00229336 under certain restrictions though. JC40xwxLNq0-00984-00229347-00229636 But the risk to our force has significantly dropped. JC40xwxLNq0-00985-00229636-00229811 In 2011 and '12, I was the Sergeant Major JC40xwxLNq0-00986-00229811-00230011 of all combat forces in Afghanistan JC40xwxLNq0-00987-00230011-00230278 as the ISF Joint Command, Sergeant Major. JC40xwxLNq0-00988-00230278-00230453 All of our patrols were partnered, JC40xwxLNq0-00989-00230453-00230597 but the majority of the casualties JC40xwxLNq0-00990-00230597-00230878 were U.S. and Coalition, more so than Afghan. JC40xwxLNq0-00991-00230878-00231148 Now I'm not wishing any harm on our Afghan partners, JC40xwxLNq0-00992-00231148-00231528 but if we're building the capacity into our partners, JC40xwxLNq0-00993-00231528-00231706 then they need to be in the lead. JC40xwxLNq0-00994-00231706-00231948 So, as we reduced formations, JC40xwxLNq0-00995-00232030-00232188 and it caused us to JC40xwxLNq0-00996-00232287-00232474 do more through our partners and everything. JC40xwxLNq0-00997-00232474-00232779 So the risk to our force has gone down. JC40xwxLNq0-00998-00232779-00232996 The risk to the mission of JC40xwxLNq0-00999-00233101-00233285 stability and security has gone down. JC40xwxLNq0-01000-00233285-00233521 But more importantly, it's caused the risk JC40xwxLNq0-01001-00233521-00233714 to our institutions over the long haul JC40xwxLNq0-01002-00233714-00233921 to come down as we move forward. JC40xwxLNq0-01003-00233921-00234030 So, ma'am, I'll go to you. JC40xwxLNq0-01004-00234030-00234113 - [Man] Quick follow up on. JC40xwxLNq0-01005-00234113-00234227 - Yeah, go ahead, then ma'am, I want to get you JC40xwxLNq0-01006-00234227-00234416 and Christina, I'm coming to you after that. JC40xwxLNq0-01007-00234416-00234544 And then sir, I'll get you over here. JC40xwxLNq0-01008-00234544-00234772 - [Man] On the stretching force thing that Tara brought up JC40xwxLNq0-01009-00234772-00234930 with regard to SOF, JC40xwxLNq0-01010-00234931-00235084 can you guys say whether, JC40xwxLNq0-01011-00235084-00235284 I mean, is the dwell issue, JC40xwxLNq0-01012-00235284-00235448 is that worse with the kind of the JC40xwxLNq0-01013-00235448-00235572 building block teams of the force, JC40xwxLNq0-01014-00235572-00235756 the MSOTs and the ODAs and the SEAL platoons, JC40xwxLNq0-01015-00235756-00235966 or is it worse with the headquarters units, JC40xwxLNq0-01016-00235966-00236158 you know the battalion or squadron level elements JC40xwxLNq0-01017-00236158-00236318 that are going over there and staffing JC40xwxLNq0-01018-00236318-00236501 all these task forces? JC40xwxLNq0-01019-00236560-00236705 - Well, certainly there's challenges with the headquarters JC40xwxLNq0-01020-00236705-00236864 elements going forward. JC40xwxLNq0-01021-00236864-00237118 I would say from the overall perspective, JC40xwxLNq0-01022-00237118-00237379 it's really with our enabler population that you see JC40xwxLNq0-01023-00237379-00237548 a lot of stress on the force. JC40xwxLNq0-01024-00237548-00237771 The folks that do those very specialized mission sets. JC40xwxLNq0-01025-00237771-00237998 The intelligence folks, the communicators. JC40xwxLNq0-01026-00237998-00238157 They're the ones that have a recurrent mission, JC40xwxLNq0-01027-00238157-00238356 that whenever you stand up a headquarters forward, JC40xwxLNq0-01028-00238356-00238510 they're the folks that fall in on that, JC40xwxLNq0-01029-00238510-00238678 so certainly they have felt JC40xwxLNq0-01030-00238678-00238992 quite a bit of strain across their force. JC40xwxLNq0-01031-00238992-00239108 - Okay, yes ma'am. JC40xwxLNq0-01032-00239108-00239308 - [Caroline] Hi, Caroline Houck with Defense One. JC40xwxLNq0-01033-00239308-00239564 Just a quick question for EUCOM. JC40xwxLNq0-01034-00239564-00239805 With, now that we're kind of nearing a year in, JC40xwxLNq0-01035-00239805-00240102 with the first year of the EFP battle groups, JC40xwxLNq0-01036-00240102-00240417 and the EDIs becoming more entrenched and more stabilized JC40xwxLNq0-01037-00240417-00240703 into the base budget, there's some talk now about JC40xwxLNq0-01038-00240703-00241060 whether the rotational deployment is the correct approach JC40xwxLNq0-01039-00241060-00241475 and whether it should switch to a permanent stationing. JC40xwxLNq0-01040-00241475-00241637 So I'm wondering what you're hearing from JC40xwxLNq0-01041-00241637-00241720 troops on the ground. JC40xwxLNq0-01042-00241720-00241883 Is there a desire for that JC40xwxLNq0-01043-00241883-00242068 permanent basing or are they, JC40xwxLNq0-01044-00242068-00242296 are they getting value from their rotational heel-to-toe, JC40xwxLNq0-01045-00242296-00242471 what are you hearing? JC40xwxLNq0-01046-00242591-00242757 - First of all, thank you, JC40xwxLNq0-01047-00242757-00242840 but JC40xwxLNq0-01048-00242980-00243114 kind of the look JC40xwxLNq0-01049-00243239-00243406 and from the troops, JC40xwxLNq0-01050-00243805-00243913 on the ground JC40xwxLNq0-01051-00244048-00244132 working through, JC40xwxLNq0-01052-00244132-00244335 we've worked through the three four JC40xwxLNq0-01053-00244335-00244493 rotational brigade. JC40xwxLNq0-01054-00244547-00244819 We're now two one is now over there, JC40xwxLNq0-01055-00244819-00244977 just relieved them. JC40xwxLNq0-01056-00245371-00245545 And it's really about deterrents. JC40xwxLNq0-01057-00245545-00245772 And it's about being able to provide JC40xwxLNq0-01058-00245772-00245930 the force structure JC40xwxLNq0-01059-00246021-00246179 to deter aggression JC40xwxLNq0-01060-00246405-00246621 in this case, from Russia. JC40xwxLNq0-01061-00246829-00247246 The numbers show that we need about a division's worth JC40xwxLNq0-01062-00247256-00247348 of material JC40xwxLNq0-01063-00247528-00247791 there in Europe in order to properly deter. JC40xwxLNq0-01064-00247791-00248141 Now that's not, move a whole division there JC40xwxLNq0-01065-00248141-00248328 and re-establish that division, JC40xwxLNq0-01066-00248328-00248470 but that's a division worth, JC40xwxLNq0-01067-00248470-00248637 whether that's using JC40xwxLNq0-01068-00248813-00249051 forces that are currently stationed there, JC40xwxLNq0-01069-00249051-00249247 along with the rotation units, JC40xwxLNq0-01070-00249247-00249447 along with the APS units JC40xwxLNq0-01071-00249642-00249967 the pre-positioned stores that we have. JC40xwxLNq0-01072-00249991-00250275 So those three combined to make up JC40xwxLNq0-01073-00250277-00250478 a division worth of stuff, JC40xwxLNq0-01074-00250478-00250761 we feel along with our counterparts, JC40xwxLNq0-01075-00250761-00250994 our NATO Allies and partners JC40xwxLNq0-01076-00251059-00251184 is what we need JC40xwxLNq0-01077-00251291-00251638 on the European continent in order to deter JC40xwxLNq0-01078-00251638-00251886 further aggression from Russia. JC40xwxLNq0-01079-00251886-00252102 - SEAC, SEAC may I address that? JC40xwxLNq0-01080-00252102-00252230 - Yeah, go ahead. JC40xwxLNq0-01081-00252230-00252409 - Caroline, thanks, I'd like to address it from JC40xwxLNq0-01082-00252409-00252716 how we view ourselves as a superpower and JC40xwxLNq0-01083-00252716-00252873 the projection of forces. JC40xwxLNq0-01084-00252873-00253188 And the European AOR is a good example. JC40xwxLNq0-01085-00253188-00253400 Thankfully, in the last 18 months or so, JC40xwxLNq0-01086-00253400-00253653 we've had, and I'll just use the Army as an example as well, JC40xwxLNq0-01087-00253653-00253820 an army on the move. JC40xwxLNq0-01088-00253853-00254013 And commanders in the Army have responded to JC40xwxLNq0-01089-00254013-00254257 our call to ensure that we know how to JC40xwxLNq0-01090-00254257-00254496 ship our equipment from the CONUS to the ports JC40xwxLNq0-01091-00254496-00254668 and from the ports across the oceans, JC40xwxLNq0-01092-00254668-00254882 off-lining them if required, JC40xwxLNq0-01093-00254882-00255113 but moreso the sealift option, JC40xwxLNq0-01094-00255113-00255356 into the ports of Northern Europe JC40xwxLNq0-01095-00255356-00255469 to understand the challenges JC40xwxLNq0-01096-00255469-00255726 of getting equipment down into Europe. JC40xwxLNq0-01097-00255726-00255946 You know, delivering that decisive force. JC40xwxLNq0-01098-00255946-00256096 And I'd offer that JC40xwxLNq0-01099-00256122-00256319 you know, that really, our projection, JC40xwxLNq0-01100-00256319-00256559 our ability to project or anywhere in the world, JC40xwxLNq0-01101-00256559-00256750 whether overnight with airlift JC40xwxLNq0-01102-00256750-00257091 or in a decisive way, over three or four months JC40xwxLNq0-01103-00257091-00257285 a brigade combat team and so on JC40xwxLNq0-01104-00257285-00257669 and other major equipment and personnel delivery, JC40xwxLNq0-01105-00257669-00257888 that's what makes us a superpower. JC40xwxLNq0-01106-00257888-00258059 The only country in the world that can do that JC40xwxLNq0-01107-00258059-00258379 and our men and women all across all of our services, JC40xwxLNq0-01108-00258379-00258633 all across all of our COCOMS and the headquarters that JC40xwxLNq0-01109-00258633-00258850 that run those operations, JC40xwxLNq0-01110-00258873-00259144 it's just an incredible, synergistic enterprise JC40xwxLNq0-01111-00259144-00259320 that you just, you've got to be proud of. JC40xwxLNq0-01112-00259320-00259664 In fact, with everything we have on our plate, JC40xwxLNq0-01113-00259664-00259781 and all of the JC40xwxLNq0-01114-00259850-00260100 the equipment that's getting older and older everyday, JC40xwxLNq0-01115-00260100-00260418 the young men and women of America that join our service JC40xwxLNq0-01116-00260418-00260551 continue to crush it every night. JC40xwxLNq0-01117-00260551-00260838 And I can't tell you how proud we are up here JC40xwxLNq0-01118-00260838-00260988 to serve for them. JC40xwxLNq0-01119-00261081-00261227 - Christina, go ahead. JC40xwxLNq0-01120-00261227-00261328 - [Christina] So, both my questions JC40xwxLNq0-01121-00261328-00261478 were taken by other people. JC40xwxLNq0-01122-00261478-00261778 So I had to make some up on the fly, JC40xwxLNq0-01123-00261804-00261947 especially after you called me out. JC40xwxLNq0-01124-00261947-00262101 (laughter) JC40xwxLNq0-01125-00262101-00262466 Is there an increasing reliance on Special Operations Forces JC40xwxLNq0-01126-00262466-00262641 in your AORs and why? JC40xwxLNq0-01127-00262806-00263110 And secondly, does the military need to shift to get on this JC40xwxLNq0-01128-00263110-00263351 by, with and through footing, JC40xwxLNq0-01129-00263359-00263634 what adjustments need to be made? JC40xwxLNq0-01130-00263661-00263972 - I'm going to frame this, Christina, from a DOD perspective JC40xwxLNq0-01131-00263972-00264117 and then I'm going to ask Sergeant Major Zickefoose JC40xwxLNq0-01132-00264117-00264261 and Sergeant Major Spadaro JC40xwxLNq0-01133-00264261-00264419 to comment on this. JC40xwxLNq0-01134-00264469-00264868 So, and I think CZ kind of started off talking about this. JC40xwxLNq0-01135-00264868-00265077 We're looking for ways to get after JC40xwxLNq0-01136-00265077-00265244 are there missions out there, JC40xwxLNq0-01137-00265244-00265487 where well-trained general purpose forces JC40xwxLNq0-01138-00265487-00265767 can move in and do the job that we previously JC40xwxLNq0-01139-00265767-00265995 had Special Operations Forces doing, JC40xwxLNq0-01140-00265995-00266150 under the right training guidance, JC40xwxLNq0-01141-00266150-00266349 under the right authorities and things like that? JC40xwxLNq0-01142-00266349-00266617 The answer is, yes, and we're doing that JC40xwxLNq0-01143-00266617-00266780 across theaters where JC40xwxLNq0-01144-00266780-00267160 because of the experience we've had over 16 years JC40xwxLNq0-01145-00267160-00267426 of decentralized kind of operations JC40xwxLNq0-01146-00267426-00267632 and this foreign internal defense kind of stuff JC40xwxLNq0-01147-00267632-00267833 that Sergeant Major McCauley talked about, JC40xwxLNq0-01148-00267833-00268183 our general purpose forces are conditioned JC40xwxLNq0-01149-00268224-00268388 through a training program and everything JC40xwxLNq0-01150-00268388-00268520 to do those kind of things. JC40xwxLNq0-01151-00268520-00268727 So we're constantly looking at that, JC40xwxLNq0-01152-00268727-00268906 so that we can alleviate some of the stress JC40xwxLNq0-01153-00268906-00269113 on our Special Operations Forces. JC40xwxLNq0-01154-00269113-00269220 Ah Z, go ahead. JC40xwxLNq0-01155-00269220-00269334 - So we have a very small footprint JC40xwxLNq0-01156-00269334-00269483 of Special Operations Forces. JC40xwxLNq0-01157-00269483-00269642 You know, we'd always take more. JC40xwxLNq0-01158-00269642-00269832 But the reality is, you know, JC40xwxLNq0-01159-00269832-00269975 we get a special purpose MAGTF JC40xwxLNq0-01160-00269975-00270179 that comes down about halfway through the year, JC40xwxLNq0-01161-00270179-00270371 and works HADR and also JC40xwxLNq0-01162-00270391-00270620 works other missions within, JC40xwxLNq0-01163-00270620-00270958 you know, within our Central America and South America JC40xwxLNq0-01164-00270958-00271199 where they actually get with their partner nations JC40xwxLNq0-01165-00271199-00271401 and build that partner capacity. JC40xwxLNq0-01166-00271401-00271703 You know, everything from SEO development JC40xwxLNq0-01167-00271703-00272023 to shooting, swimming, all those things we need JC40xwxLNq0-01168-00272023-00272282 to build that partner capacity. JC40xwxLNq0-01169-00272305-00272667 So yes, always need more, but the reality is, JC40xwxLNq0-01170-00272667-00273083 we can do the same thing with the forces we have today. JC40xwxLNq0-01171-00273110-00273315 - Special Operations Command Pacific has been JC40xwxLNq0-01172-00273315-00273565 absolutely magnificent for us. JC40xwxLNq0-01173-00273688-00273956 What they have done for us, it's just JC40xwxLNq0-01174-00273956-00274089 they're beyond a JC40xwxLNq0-01175-00274270-00274459 parter builders for us. JC40xwxLNq0-01176-00274459-00274557 They have, literally, JC40xwxLNq0-01177-00274557-00274761 they're unintended diplomats for us. JC40xwxLNq0-01178-00274761-00275084 We're seeing our PAT teams doing magnificent work, JC40xwxLNq0-01179-00275084-00275268 and the really cool thing about it? JC40xwxLNq0-01180-00275268-00275502 It's done by enlisted men and women JC40xwxLNq0-01181-00275502-00275718 that are assigned to them that are doing just JC40xwxLNq0-01182-00275718-00275948 the work of angels for us over there. JC40xwxLNq0-01183-00275948-00276058 But with that too, JC40xwxLNq0-01184-00276058-00276321 we've also seem successes that we've carefully integrated JC40xwxLNq0-01185-00276321-00276669 conventional forces, because they do need relief over there JC40xwxLNq0-01186-00276669-00276820 because of the workload, JC40xwxLNq0-01187-00276820-00277036 it just keeps increasing in the Pacific JC40xwxLNq0-01188-00277036-00277195 for our Special Operators. JC40xwxLNq0-01189-00277195-00277382 So we've seen success with JC40xwxLNq0-01190-00277382-00277548 as Sergeant Major Zikkefoose said, JC40xwxLNq0-01191-00277548-00277757 when you have the special MAGTFs come in, JC40xwxLNq0-01192-00277757-00278002 but we also said when we introduced our UAS assets JC40xwxLNq0-01193-00278002-00278202 to bring relief to them. JC40xwxLNq0-01194-00278208-00278418 And they've integrated magnificently, JC40xwxLNq0-01195-00278418-00278619 and I think because, as the SEAC keeps alluding JC40xwxLNq0-01196-00278619-00278728 and everyone here, JC40xwxLNq0-01197-00278728-00279023 16 years have just proven, time and time again JC40xwxLNq0-01198-00279023-00279206 how to make this work. JC40xwxLNq0-01199-00279206-00279330 So what's the future hold? JC40xwxLNq0-01200-00279330-00279477 And I think that's where we have to start taking JC40xwxLNq0-01201-00279477-00279619 a deeper look is, JC40xwxLNq0-01202-00279640-00279862 how are we going to carefully integrate JC40xwxLNq0-01203-00279862-00280115 conventional forces to alleviate JC40xwxLNq0-01204-00280115-00280464 some of the mission sets to our Special Operators. JC40xwxLNq0-01205-00280464-00280615 - Go ahead, CZ, you wanted to comment. JC40xwxLNq0-01206-00280615-00280819 - So, just wanted to give you a quick example. JC40xwxLNq0-01207-00280819-00280996 We have a lot of places in Africa JC40xwxLNq0-01208-00280996-00281288 where literacy rates are not really all that great. JC40xwxLNq0-01209-00281288-00281681 You're talking about 60 percent of them can't read or write. JC40xwxLNq0-01210-00281681-00281940 Then you have a SOF specific force JC40xwxLNq0-01211-00281940-00282165 that goes in to train them. JC40xwxLNq0-01212-00282223-00282488 In essence, the training that SOF may provide JC40xwxLNq0-01213-00282488-00282679 may be too specialized for the capacity JC40xwxLNq0-01214-00282679-00282863 and capabilities and sustainability JC40xwxLNq0-01215-00282863-00283068 of that particular force, JC40xwxLNq0-01216-00283068-00283278 to where, we may be better served JC40xwxLNq0-01217-00283278-00283485 by having a basic Infantry unit JC40xwxLNq0-01218-00283485-00283845 teach them how to shoot, move, communicate and do basic JC40xwxLNq0-01219-00283845-00283994 life saving skills. JC40xwxLNq0-01220-00283994-00284235 So there's a lot of places that we employ SOF JC40xwxLNq0-01221-00284235-00284487 because SOF has done this for a long time. JC40xwxLNq0-01222-00284487-00284673 I mean, it's one of their core missions. JC40xwxLNq0-01223-00284673-00284871 But does the shoe fit every time? JC40xwxLNq0-01224-00284871-00284970 Absolutely not. JC40xwxLNq0-01225-00284970-00285098 I think sometimes we need to go out JC40xwxLNq0-01226-00285098-00285235 and rely on other assets to be able to provide JC40xwxLNq0-01227-00285235-00285513 that relief to get after those dwell rates JC40xwxLNq0-01228-00285513-00285719 to make sure that we allow our SOF forces JC40xwxLNq0-01229-00285719-00285936 to train for SOF missions. JC40xwxLNq0-01230-00286058-00286163 - So just to close this out, JC40xwxLNq0-01231-00286163-00286475 one of the strong programs we have in our National Guard JC40xwxLNq0-01232-00286475-00286657 is our state partnership programs JC40xwxLNq0-01233-00286657-00286861 that are around the world. JC40xwxLNq0-01234-00286861-00287163 And so Fleet Addington and I were in Ukraine JC40xwxLNq0-01235-00287163-00287429 several months back, and what I saw out there JC40xwxLNq0-01236-00287429-00287652 that I thought was pretty unique and pretty good JC40xwxLNq0-01237-00287652-00288002 was that we had SOF forces out there training JC40xwxLNq0-01238-00288002-00288277 SOF tasks to Ukrainian forces but JC40xwxLNq0-01239-00288314-00288588 we had National Guard non-commissioned officers out there JC40xwxLNq0-01240-00288588-00288955 teaching small unit leadership to Ukrainian NCOs. JC40xwxLNq0-01241-00288955-00289159 Another country that badly needs JC40xwxLNq0-01242-00289159-00289389 this empowered, small unit leadership JC40xwxLNq0-01243-00289389-00289595 to get after the challenges they're having JC40xwxLNq0-01244-00289595-00289783 in the eastern part of the country there. JC40xwxLNq0-01245-00289783-00289893 So that was a pretty good example JC40xwxLNq0-01246-00289893-00290085 that I saw from their actions. JC40xwxLNq0-01247-00290085-00290168 Yes sir. JC40xwxLNq0-01248-00290184-00290369 - [Phil] Phil Stewart from Reuters. JC40xwxLNq0-01249-00290369-00290594 I was hoping to get your thoughts on JC40xwxLNq0-01250-00290594-00290926 one of the partner forces, particularly in Syria. JC40xwxLNq0-01251-00290926-00291325 What do you think that they, the folks on the ground there, JC40xwxLNq0-01252-00291325-00291617 our partners will need to transition from JC40xwxLNq0-01253-00291617-00291808 a kind of clear force to a JC40xwxLNq0-01254-00291808-00292044 to a hold force and kind of looking ahead. JC40xwxLNq0-01255-00292044-00292269 What are the shortcomings and JC40xwxLNq0-01256-00292269-00292557 where do you think the U.S. has to focus? JC40xwxLNq0-01257-00292557-00292759 - So I'll ask the CENTCOM Senior Enlisted Leader JC40xwxLNq0-01258-00292759-00292885 to comment on that. JC40xwxLNq0-01259-00292885-00293238 - You're speaking of our SDF, Syrian Democratic Forces. JC40xwxLNq0-01260-00293238-00293478 We'll there getting practice at it right now, JC40xwxLNq0-01261-00293478-00293683 because they'll tactically go in, JC40xwxLNq0-01262-00293683-00293932 do a mission, clear ISIS from an area, JC40xwxLNq0-01263-00293932-00294202 and then before they move on to their next JC40xwxLNq0-01264-00294202-00294357 tactical objective, JC40xwxLNq0-01265-00294357-00294548 they leave behind a civil council JC40xwxLNq0-01266-00294548-00294847 to stand up basic services for the population, JC40xwxLNq0-01267-00294847-00295072 because we know if you don't govern, JC40xwxLNq0-01268-00295072-00295226 you've got a limited amount of time, JC40xwxLNq0-01269-00295226-00295431 or that vacuum will be filled by JC40xwxLNq0-01270-00295431-00295567 the next group of terrorists. JC40xwxLNq0-01271-00295567-00295895 So, the SDF is, not only are they good fighters, JC40xwxLNq0-01272-00295895-00296240 but they're good at leaving behind a civil council to JC40xwxLNq0-01273-00296240-00296414 take care of the population. JC40xwxLNq0-01274-00296414-00296553 - I guess what I'm wondering is what happens to fighters JC40xwxLNq0-01275-00296553-00296690 and what do you think your role is JC40xwxLNq0-01276-00296690-00296953 is trying to make sure they're trained right JC40xwxLNq0-01277-00296953-00297191 to transition to a hold force, JC40xwxLNq0-01278-00297191-00297335 because part of the job is not JC40xwxLNq0-01279-00297335-00297562 just to create the social and the governmental JC40xwxLNq0-01280-00297562-00297738 conditions to prevent a return of ISIS, JC40xwxLNq0-01281-00297738-00298024 but also to ensure that you have the military JC40xwxLNq0-01282-00298024-00298249 cohesion and staying power, JC40xwxLNq0-01283-00298286-00298479 because it's easy to be united when you're fighting an enemy JC40xwxLNq0-01284-00298479-00298676 but when that fight's not so obvious, JC40xwxLNq0-01285-00298676-00298859 things can get complicated so JC40xwxLNq0-01286-00298859-00298954 people get factioned off. JC40xwxLNq0-01287-00298954-00299069 I'm just sort of wondering JC40xwxLNq0-01288-00299069-00299368 how you're looking at that more specific military problem? JC40xwxLNq0-01289-00299368-00299479 - I don't know that we've JC40xwxLNq0-01290-00299479-00299649 kind of tackled that just yet. JC40xwxLNq0-01291-00299649-00299963 Right now, the Syrian Democratic Forces are busy JC40xwxLNq0-01292-00299963-00300322 in their clearance of ISIS from east Syria. JC40xwxLNq0-01293-00300334-00300443 Once they get JC40xwxLNq0-01294-00300494-00300708 to where they're going to have their limit of advance, JC40xwxLNq0-01295-00300708-00300840 then we've got to look and see JC40xwxLNq0-01296-00300840-00301164 what do they do, what is their long term future? JC40xwxLNq0-01297-00301164-00301262 - Is there a model you're looking at, JC40xwxLNq0-01298-00301262-00301410 is there some other force that JC40xwxLNq0-01299-00301410-00301670 might be a model for you as you look to how to JC40xwxLNq0-01300-00301670-00301893 move the Syrians to the next phase of the fight? JC40xwxLNq0-01301-00301893-00302060 - I think it's, every, JC40xwxLNq0-01302-00302060-00302268 every case is going to be unique. JC40xwxLNq0-01303-00302268-00302468 And so, I think what the SDF have earned JC40xwxLNq0-01304-00302468-00302699 is a seat at the table to see what JC40xwxLNq0-01305-00302699-00302965 comes next for Syria as a whole. JC40xwxLNq0-01306-00303015-00303154 - So if I could add on to that, JC40xwxLNq0-01307-00303154-00303402 and I'll ask, Sergeant Major McCauley and I JC40xwxLNq0-01308-00303402-00303545 about a month ago, month and a half, JC40xwxLNq0-01309-00303545-00303722 we were in Rocca Syria, JC40xwxLNq0-01310-00303722-00303917 and got to see the SDF in action JC40xwxLNq0-01311-00303917-00304196 and I will tell you, as I mentioned yesterday, JC40xwxLNq0-01312-00304196-00304325 we were on the ground for four hours JC40xwxLNq0-01313-00304325-00304499 and I don't know how they were holding out, JC40xwxLNq0-01314-00304499-00304754 from all of the lethality that the SDF JC40xwxLNq0-01315-00304754-00305171 along with us assisting them were putting on them. JC40xwxLNq0-01316-00305173-00305512 But as they continue to pursue this enemy, JC40xwxLNq0-01317-00305512-00305642 one thing we've noticed is that JC40xwxLNq0-01318-00305642-00305834 the minute they let up, JC40xwxLNq0-01319-00305865-00306104 this is a very resilient enemy that will come back JC40xwxLNq0-01320-00306104-00306395 and attack and try to look for vulnerabilities JC40xwxLNq0-01321-00306395-00306518 to come after and get them. JC40xwxLNq0-01322-00306518-00306803 So we're going to continue to support the SDF. JC40xwxLNq0-01323-00306803-00306928 They got a lot of hard fighting to do, JC40xwxLNq0-01324-00306928-00307134 just like Sergeant Major Thetford said, JC40xwxLNq0-01325-00307134-00307279 and we're going to continue to JC40xwxLNq0-01326-00307279-00307497 support them as we continue this effort JC40xwxLNq0-01327-00307497-00307914 to liberate more areas along the Euphrates River Valley JC40xwxLNq0-01328-00307948-00308255 and also continue to get after the defeat of ISIS. JC40xwxLNq0-01329-00308255-00308369 Anything you want to add on that? JC40xwxLNq0-01330-00308369-00308586 - Just say that the SDF is a unique partner JC40xwxLNq0-01331-00308586-00308859 in that it's made up, you have Sunnis and Shia, JC40xwxLNq0-01332-00308859-00309205 you have Christians, you have Arabs and Kurds, JC40xwxLNq0-01333-00309205-00309466 males and females, all in one organization. JC40xwxLNq0-01334-00309466-00309662 And what we can look at holistically is JC40xwxLNq0-01335-00309662-00309794 we can look at their body of work JC40xwxLNq0-01336-00309794-00310000 what they've accomplished, how far they've gone, JC40xwxLNq0-01337-00310000-00310242 and what they've done in their wake, JC40xwxLNq0-01338-00310242-00310349 because that, in a lot of ways, JC40xwxLNq0-01339-00310349-00310433 is going to be an indicator JC40xwxLNq0-01340-00310433-00310556 of what we can expect in the future JC40xwxLNq0-01341-00310556-00310679 and I can tell you that JC40xwxLNq0-01342-00310679-00310881 as the SEAC and I traveled across country, JC40xwxLNq0-01343-00310881-00310988 it was pretty evident that one thing JC40xwxLNq0-01344-00310988-00311162 that they are absolutely doing in their wake JC40xwxLNq0-01345-00311162-00311399 is they are governing in their wake. JC40xwxLNq0-01346-00311399-00311568 There were police forces that were JC40xwxLNq0-01347-00311568-00311850 in all of the cities, there was governance had been returned JC40xwxLNq0-01348-00311850-00311983 In a lot of those places, JC40xwxLNq0-01349-00311983-00312102 business as usual had almost come back. JC40xwxLNq0-01350-00312102-00312410 You wouldn't even realize that there was a war going on. JC40xwxLNq0-01351-00312410-00312747 So it's a unique organization, certainly. JC40xwxLNq0-01352-00312747-00312975 What will the future hold for them? JC40xwxLNq0-01353-00312975-00313370 That's not at our level obviously to figure out. JC40xwxLNq0-01354-00313370-00313541 But they have been an outstanding partner for us JC40xwxLNq0-01355-00313541-00313779 and I think all indicators of what we've seen from them JC40xwxLNq0-01356-00313779-00313937 have been positive. JC40xwxLNq0-01357-00313968-00314079 - [Kevin] Could I follow this? JC40xwxLNq0-01358-00314079-00314163 - Yes sir. JC40xwxLNq0-01359-00314163-00314300 - [Kevin] I was just at the Halifax Conference JC40xwxLNq0-01360-00314300-00314527 where the Turkish CHOD came out JC40xwxLNq0-01361-00314527-00314764 and it was probably the third senior Turkish official JC40xwxLNq0-01362-00314764-00315058 in the couple weeks to come out blasting the SDF JC40xwxLNq0-01363-00315058-00315206 as basically equivalent to the PKK JC40xwxLNq0-01364-00315206-00315356 and calling them terrorists, JC40xwxLNq0-01365-00315356-00315476 calling on the United States to JC40xwxLNq0-01366-00315476-00315714 pull back their support, pull back their arms. JC40xwxLNq0-01367-00315714-00315899 How does it, if you were just out there, JC40xwxLNq0-01368-00315899-00316116 I know you can't speak to whatever these policy decisions JC40xwxLNq0-01369-00316116-00316249 that will be made but, JC40xwxLNq0-01370-00316249-00316533 what did you hear from the SDF fighters JC40xwxLNq0-01371-00316533-00316763 about the mood, when they hear this coming from JC40xwxLNq0-01372-00316763-00316847 the Turks on one side JC40xwxLNq0-01373-00316847-00317015 and their American backers on the other JC40xwxLNq0-01374-00317015-00317214 and what are the American advisors JC40xwxLNq0-01375-00317214-00317503 and assisters, whatever you call them, JC40xwxLNq0-01376-00317503-00317711 your forces, your forces, JC40xwxLNq0-01377-00317793-00318008 saying about this talk, if they're hearing it, JC40xwxLNq0-01378-00318008-00318152 if it's filtering down to them. JC40xwxLNq0-01379-00318152-00318569 - So I'll start off and then, Pat, I'll ask you to. JC40xwxLNq0-01380-00318626-00318927 When I was out there, and we were engaging with the, JC40xwxLNq0-01381-00318927-00319037 I've been out there twice now. JC40xwxLNq0-01382-00319037-00319304 I went in May initially and then JC40xwxLNq0-01383-00319315-00319601 I was just there recently with Sergeant Major McCauley. JC40xwxLNq0-01384-00319601-00319801 And I will tell you this JC40xwxLNq0-01385-00319855-00320193 kind of never came up as a topic of conversation with me, JC40xwxLNq0-01386-00320193-00320451 because the level of partnering JC40xwxLNq0-01387-00320507-00320688 and the level of support they were getting JC40xwxLNq0-01388-00320688-00320913 by the forces on the ground JC40xwxLNq0-01389-00320927-00321109 kept them engaged and they were JC40xwxLNq0-01390-00321109-00321270 seeing the successes they were having JC40xwxLNq0-01391-00321270-00321579 and they were wanting to continue to pursue this enemy JC40xwxLNq0-01392-00321579-00321876 so that level of conversation never came up with me. JC40xwxLNq0-01393-00321876-00322064 But I'll let Sergeant Major McCauley talk about this. JC40xwxLNq0-01394-00322064-00322240 - [Kevin] Speaking from American troops, too. JC40xwxLNq0-01395-00322240-00322598 - Yeah, American troops supporting the SDF. JC40xwxLNq0-01396-00322633-00322880 What I saw was a cohesive relationship between the two JC40xwxLNq0-01397-00322880-00323052 and they were mutually focused JC40xwxLNq0-01398-00323052-00323298 on pursuing and defeating this threat. JC40xwxLNq0-01399-00323298-00323450 - Absolutely great relationship with the folks JC40xwxLNq0-01400-00323450-00323549 that are on the ground. JC40xwxLNq0-01401-00323549-00323689 You know, many of them will tell you this is, JC40xwxLNq0-01402-00323689-00323828 if not the best, one of the best partners JC40xwxLNq0-01403-00323828-00324029 they've ever worked with. JC40xwxLNq0-01404-00324029-00324212 Very, very good at what they do JC40xwxLNq0-01405-00324212-00324373 and then very eager to learn. JC40xwxLNq0-01406-00324373-00324534 One of the things that I think gets lost a lot of times JC40xwxLNq0-01407-00324534-00324799 is that the SDF is, more than half of it, JC40xwxLNq0-01408-00324799-00325133 is made up of Sunnis that are not Kurds, JC40xwxLNq0-01409-00325224-00325432 they're actually Arabs that are doing the fighting. JC40xwxLNq0-01410-00325432-00325727 I think that kind of gets lost in the translation somewhere JC40xwxLNq0-01411-00325727-00325982 as we look at that force holistically. JC40xwxLNq0-01412-00325982-00326252 But it's quite a unique and mixed force JC40xwxLNq0-01413-00326252-00326492 that's out there on the battlefield right now. JC40xwxLNq0-01414-00326492-00326760 - [Kevin] Talking to as the next wave of Americans JC40xwxLNq0-01415-00326760-00326888 goes out there, this is, you know JC40xwxLNq0-01416-00326888-00327239 physical territory that Americans have helped JC40xwxLNq0-01417-00327239-00327508 the SDF take and there's already talk JC40xwxLNq0-01418-00327508-00327735 at the international level that it may go back. JC40xwxLNq0-01419-00327735-00327838 That the Turks may want it back, JC40xwxLNq0-01420-00327838-00328255 that when it comes to the peace, none of this may last. JC40xwxLNq0-01421-00328273-00328520 I'm hearing from some troops the sense of JC40xwxLNq0-01422-00328520-00328772 you know, maybe like Iraq or like parts of Afghanistan, JC40xwxLNq0-01423-00328772-00328959 we've fought for places, that JC40xwxLNq0-01424-00328959-00329151 and Americans died for them JC40xwxLNq0-01425-00329151-00329267 and we're going to have to give it all back JC40xwxLNq0-01426-00329267-00329502 because of some geopolitical concerns. JC40xwxLNq0-01427-00329502-00329816 - So I would just comment that as we've seen JC40xwxLNq0-01428-00329816-00330158 since we've been partnering with the SDF, JC40xwxLNq0-01429-00330348-00330461 they've been pretty capable, JC40xwxLNq0-01430-00330461-00330570 not only of defeating the enemy JC40xwxLNq0-01431-00330570-00330742 but governing afterwards. JC40xwxLNq0-01432-00330742-00331109 So, I think there's momentum with this force JC40xwxLNq0-01433-00331170-00331377 that they're going to have a seat at the table JC40xwxLNq0-01434-00331377-00331644 in whatever final resolution is. JC40xwxLNq0-01435-00331699-00331866 And that's not for us to decide here JC40xwxLNq0-01436-00331866-00332009 as was mentioned earlier. JC40xwxLNq0-01437-00332009-00332404 We focus on the task at hand as Senior Enlisted Advisors JC40xwxLNq0-01438-00332404-00332684 and that's going out and visiting those troops, JC40xwxLNq0-01439-00332684-00332893 finding out the concerns they have, JC40xwxLNq0-01440-00332893-00333080 and then bringing it back to our bosses. JC40xwxLNq0-01441-00333080-00333341 So, I think we can take time for one more question. JC40xwxLNq0-01442-00333341-00333441 - Hey, John. JC40xwxLNq0-01443-00333475-00333619 - Oh yeah, go ahead, you finish off. JC40xwxLNq0-01444-00333619-00333784 - Just to kind of follow up on that. JC40xwxLNq0-01445-00333784-00333867 - Then I'll go to you sir. JC40xwxLNq0-01446-00333867-00334149 - From the European and one of the things, JC40xwxLNq0-01447-00334149-00334491 as I was visiting the troops at Incirlik. JC40xwxLNq0-01448-00334574-00334932 Turkey has been all in on the counter ISIS. JC40xwxLNq0-01449-00334959-00335375 Okay, they have been, you know, despite the political side JC40xwxLNq0-01450-00335431-00335672 that you read and you see and you hear, JC40xwxLNq0-01451-00335672-00335935 they've been all in on the counter ISIS campaign. JC40xwxLNq0-01452-00335935-00336193 And they have been a great ally JC40xwxLNq0-01453-00336301-00336518 with protecting our troops JC40xwxLNq0-01454-00336549-00336823 that are on the ground in Turkey. JC40xwxLNq0-01455-00336823-00336972 And so, I just wanted to add that, JC40xwxLNq0-01456-00336972-00337195 that despite that political rhetoric, JC40xwxLNq0-01457-00337195-00337612 they're a wonderful ally and they continue to protect JC40xwxLNq0-01458-00337688-00337988 the bases that we do have in Turkey. JC40xwxLNq0-01459-00338012-00338162 - Sir, you have the last question. JC40xwxLNq0-01460-00338162-00338384 - [Todd] This is very specific to the Marines. JC40xwxLNq0-01461-00338384-00338545 Sergeant Major Spadaro, as I know him JC40xwxLNq0-01462-00338545-00338849 Senior Drill Instructor Gunnery Sergeant Spadaro. JC40xwxLNq0-01463-00338849-00338988 (laughter) JC40xwxLNq0-01464-00338988-00339114 When we talk about. JC40xwxLNq0-01465-00339114-00339441 - So you actually know him, in a social kind of, okay. JC40xwxLNq0-01466-00339441-00339539 - Social construct. JC40xwxLNq0-01467-00339539-00339622 - Yeah. JC40xwxLNq0-01468-00339638-00339745 - Let's hope you behaved well. JC40xwxLNq0-01469-00339745-00339848 - Stand up straight. JC40xwxLNq0-01470-00339848-00339976 (laughter) JC40xwxLNq0-01471-00339976-00340101 - [Man] Very specific to. JC40xwxLNq0-01472-00340101-00340200 - I'll tell you when to talk. JC40xwxLNq0-01473-00340200-00340335 (laughter) JC40xwxLNq0-01474-00340335-00340551 - [Todd] Aye sir, aye sir. JC40xwxLNq0-01475-00340572-00340732 Very specific to the LOCE concept that the JC40xwxLNq0-01476-00340732-00340965 commandants unveiled this past year, JC40xwxLNq0-01477-00340965-00341137 I'm curious when you talk about unit forces JC40xwxLNq0-01478-00341137-00341376 and Allies and Global Integration, JC40xwxLNq0-01479-00341376-00341596 you look at PACOM, are there opportunities JC40xwxLNq0-01480-00341596-00341717 starting now or in the near future JC40xwxLNq0-01481-00341717-00341952 where you're going to see integrating other national forces JC40xwxLNq0-01482-00341952-00342152 within the littoral kind of combat sphere JC40xwxLNq0-01483-00342152-00342331 that you guys are developing. JC40xwxLNq0-01484-00342331-00342564 - Hey, Todd, that is a phenomenal question, JC40xwxLNq0-01485-00342564-00342684 'cause yes, we are seeing that. JC40xwxLNq0-01486-00342684-00342909 I just returned from Singapore JC40xwxLNq0-01487-00342909-00343096 and even there we have our littoral combat ships JC40xwxLNq0-01488-00343096-00343264 based out there right now. JC40xwxLNq0-01489-00343264-00343427 So you're seeing where Singapore JC40xwxLNq0-01490-00343427-00343732 is invited us in as a valued partner. JC40xwxLNq0-01491-00343732-00343839 So that's growing there. JC40xwxLNq0-01492-00343839-00344002 We see the Marine Corps right now, JC40xwxLNq0-01493-00344002-00344126 if you want to talk there, JC40xwxLNq0-01494-00344126-00344348 Sri Lanka, at the beginning of this year, JC40xwxLNq0-01495-00344348-00344647 developed a Marine Corps, based off our visits, JC40xwxLNq0-01496-00344647-00344864 so it was the visits and the conduct of the Marines JC40xwxLNq0-01497-00344864-00345067 who were working with our Sri Lankan partners. JC40xwxLNq0-01498-00345067-00345320 Sri Lanka said they actually did a reduction JC40xwxLNq0-01499-00345320-00345584 and moved their other forces and developed a Marine Corps JC40xwxLNq0-01500-00345584-00345866 now to go after specific mission sets. JC40xwxLNq0-01501-00345866-00346101 That's going to help Sri Lanka, especially along JC40xwxLNq0-01502-00346101-00346243 their coastal waters, JC40xwxLNq0-01503-00346243-00346469 where the Marine Corps' going to operate best out of. JC40xwxLNq0-01504-00346469-00346732 So they've created a Marine Corps. JC40xwxLNq0-01505-00346732-00346923 You're seeing developments in Indonesia. JC40xwxLNq0-01506-00346923-00347162 You're seeing developments in Malaysia. JC40xwxLNq0-01507-00347162-00347380 So with that, I think though, JC40xwxLNq0-01508-00347380-00347588 it's just not the Marine Corps that owns this though. JC40xwxLNq0-01509-00347588-00347913 U.S. Army Pacific with their Pacific pathways JC40xwxLNq0-01510-00347913-00348046 is growing this. JC40xwxLNq0-01511-00348050-00348242 We have the Navy, now, when they're going out JC40xwxLNq0-01512-00348242-00348520 doing joint operations with other Navies, JC40xwxLNq0-01513-00348520-00348788 with India they're operating specifically with, JC40xwxLNq0-01514-00348788-00349053 so you're watching this, it's such a growth. JC40xwxLNq0-01515-00349053-00349372 It's happening now, it's not limiting us for the future. JC40xwxLNq0-01516-00349372-00349501 It's something that's happening now JC40xwxLNq0-01517-00349501-00349597 and we're just going to seize, JC40xwxLNq0-01518-00349597-00349836 because this is how we're going to embolden JC40xwxLNq0-01519-00349836-00350227 our partners to also to address the same problem sets JC40xwxLNq0-01520-00350227-00350455 of defending their homelands. JC40xwxLNq0-01521-00350455-00350566 You know, you've got to look at it. JC40xwxLNq0-01522-00350566-00350825 Defending the homeland side is not a transdential statement. JC40xwxLNq0-01523-00350825-00351067 It's a transferable statement JC40xwxLNq0-01524-00351102-00351461 for other partners to defend their homelands. JC40xwxLNq0-01525-00351461-00351552 - Okay, ladies and gentlemen, JC40xwxLNq0-01526-00351552-00351758 unfortunately we're running out of time. JC40xwxLNq0-01527-00351758-00352078 But I think I can speak for this entire group up here. JC40xwxLNq0-01528-00352078-00352290 We really appreciate you taking the time, JC40xwxLNq0-01529-00352290-00352603 but more importantly, we appreciate what you do everyday JC40xwxLNq0-01530-00352603-00352815 to support the troops and tell the troops' story. JC40xwxLNq0-01531-00352815-00352949 Christina, whether it's JC40xwxLNq0-01532-00352949-00353175 being at Wounded Warrior events with you, JC40xwxLNq0-01533-00353175-00353448 or Tara or Jim, being on overseas flight with you, JC40xwxLNq0-01534-00353448-00353648 and out where the troops are at. JC40xwxLNq0-01535-00353648-00353878 You know we never get to send you to garden spots JC40xwxLNq0-01536-00353878-00354025 like New Zealand or Australia. JC40xwxLNq0-01537-00354025-00354300 We send you to the Middle East or JC40xwxLNq0-01538-00354472-00354636 South Korea or whatever. JC40xwxLNq0-01539-00354636-00354820 But the bottom line is, we appreciate you JC40xwxLNq0-01540-00354820-00355082 and that's why we hope this dialogue JC40xwxLNq0-01541-00355082-00355387 will be something that's enduring as we move forward. JC40xwxLNq0-01542-00355387-00355501 I'll leave you with this. JC40xwxLNq0-01543-00355501-00355812 We talked a lot about a lot of good things that are going on JC40xwxLNq0-01544-00355812-00356070 in the operational environment, JC40xwxLNq0-01545-00356079-00356356 but let there be no doubt, we do have challenges. JC40xwxLNq0-01546-00356356-00356646 We have readiness challenges that we have get after JC40xwxLNq0-01547-00356646-00356936 and as I mentioned earlier, it's because of unstable budgets JC40xwxLNq0-01548-00356936-00357078 that we haven't been able to get after JC40xwxLNq0-01549-00357078-00357225 this modernization program like JC40xwxLNq0-01550-00357225-00357429 Pat McMahon just talked about JC40xwxLNq0-01551-00357429-00357644 or maintenance programs and stuff like that. JC40xwxLNq0-01552-00357644-00357821 But I go back to what I said earlier JC40xwxLNq0-01553-00357821-00358038 and what I said yesterday, JC40xwxLNq0-01554-00358039-00358272 we absolutely still can defend our homeland JC40xwxLNq0-01555-00358272-00358422 and our way of life. JC40xwxLNq0-01556-00358422-00358664 We can meet our Alliance commitments JC40xwxLNq0-01557-00358664-00358921 and we absolutely have war fighting competitive advantages JC40xwxLNq0-01558-00358921-00359096 in every war fighting domain. JC40xwxLNq0-01559-00359096-00359339 Some of those, not as much as we'd like to, JC40xwxLNq0-01560-00359339-00359567 because of this unstable budget, JC40xwxLNq0-01561-00359567-00359671 but the bottom line is JC40xwxLNq0-01562-00359671-00359958 our greatest competitive advantage is our enlisted force. JC40xwxLNq0-01563-00359958-00360084 And as you go around the world JC40xwxLNq0-01564-00360084-00360228 and as we go around the world, JC40xwxLNq0-01565-00360228-00360469 we see men and women that are enlisted leaders JC40xwxLNq0-01566-00360469-00360719 that have been empowered by commanders or officers JC40xwxLNq0-01567-00360719-00360876 to get after the mission. JC40xwxLNq0-01568-00360876-00361029 They're applying disciplined initiative JC40xwxLNq0-01569-00361029-00361195 and agile and adaptive thinking JC40xwxLNq0-01570-00361195-00361368 and they're accomplishing the mission JC40xwxLNq0-01571-00361368-00361565 even though they may not have all the people JC40xwxLNq0-01572-00361565-00361740 that they should have or all the resources JC40xwxLNq0-01573-00361740-00361862 that they should have JC40xwxLNq0-01574-00361862-00362117 but they're taking that risk that's out there, JC40xwxLNq0-01575-00362117-00362200 they're mitigating it, JC40xwxLNq0-01576-00362200-00362450 but more importantly, they are JC40xwxLNq0-01577-00362507-00362818 sharing that risk with their higher headquarters, JC40xwxLNq0-01578-00362818-00363034 but also, they're anticipating that risk JC40xwxLNq0-01579-00363034-00363346 and getting after the mission and how to accomplish it. JC40xwxLNq0-01580-00363346-00363508 So once again, thank you all. JC40xwxLNq0-01581-00363508-00363692 It's truly an honor for all of us to be here. JC40xwxLNq0-01582-00363692-00363839 And we hope to do this again soon. JC40xwxLNq0-01583-00363839-00363922 Thank you. JCqI3TgVAEy-00000-00001522-00001605 ABONE OLUP LİKE ATMAYI UNUTMAYIN JCqI3TgVAEy-00001-00001605-00001913 İYİ SEYİRLER DOSTLAR JCqI3TgVAEy-00002-00001913-00002192 KENDİNİZE İYİ BAKIN JDz7Ye3JnLI-00000-00000163-00000376 I kind of was like, "Hey, you know what?" JDz7Ye3JnLI-00001-00000390-00000560 No! No, no, no, no, no! JDz7Ye3JnLI-00002-00000653-00000780 No! No! JDz7Ye3JnLI-00003-00000794-00001004 "Let's say Victorious doesn't make it to season two JDz7Ye3JnLI-00004-00001017-00001241 at least I was technically slimed JDz7Ye3JnLI-00005-00001254-00001364 on Nickelodeon." JDz7Ye3JnLI-00006-00001441-00001548 No! JDz7Ye3JnLI-00007-00001578-00001845 This is not cringe. I would do it all over again. JDz7Ye3JnLI-00008-00001865-00002002 No! JDz7Ye3JnLI-00009-00002048-00002202 No! JIBBRFvTuIM-00000-00000656-00000856 butter JL1iaJvIGTy-00000-00000000-00000092 Chord definition: JL1iaJvIGTy-00001-00000112-00000444 Chord is 3 notes or more sounded at the same time. JL1iaJvIGTy-00002-00000459-00000803 Therefore, just like notes, chords also have orders. JL1iaJvIGTy-00003-00000830-00001118 according to what modes they're in. JL1iaJvIGTy-00004-00001182-00001626 For example, when used the notes in Ionian (mode name for natural Major scale), JL1iaJvIGTy-00005-00001646-00001878 we'll get this chords order JL1iaJvIGTy-00006-00001907-00002322 Major-minor-minor-Major-Major-minor-minor flat five- Major. JL1iaJvIGTy-00007-00002322-00002618 When they're in the key of C, JL1iaJvIGTy-00008-00002618-00002888 we'll get the following chords order JL1iaJvIGTy-00009-00002920-00003328 C Major-D minor-E minor-F Major-G Major-A minor-B minor flat five-C Major. JL1iaJvIGTy-00010-00003356-00003461 Keep in mind, JL1iaJvIGTy-00011-00003461-00003611 Key is NOT the same as chord. JL1iaJvIGTy-00012-00003654-00003894 We've talked about chord definition. JL1iaJvIGTy-00013-00003910-00004065 Let's talk about KEY. JL1iaJvIGTy-00014-00004086-00004366 Definition of Key: Using the previous example. JL1iaJvIGTy-00015-00004376-00004822 C Major-D minor-E minor-F Major-G Major-A minor-B minor flat five-C Major. JL1iaJvIGTy-00016-00004862-00005144 We can simply tell it's in the key of C. JL1iaJvIGTy-00017-00005172-00005292 Because Do = C. JL1iaJvIGTy-00018-00005314-00005658 Can you recall the "Do=" appears at the beginning of songs? JL1iaJvIGTy-00019-00005698-00006180 For instance, we can say that "the notes being used as Do (1st note in natural major scale) determine the Key of the song". JL1iaJvIGTy-00020-00006194-00006412 Do can be used with any notes. JL1iaJvIGTy-00021-00006412-00007095 As with Do=D, we will have: D-E-F#-G-A-B-C#-D. JL1iaJvIGTy-00022-00007109-00007759 So, the chords are: D-Em-F#m-G-A-Bm-C#mb5-D. JL1iaJvIGTy-00023-00007770-00007870 Simple, right? JL1iaJvIGTy-00024-00007894-00008208 I have no idea how chords and keys first mistakenly learned. JL1iaJvIGTy-00025-00008208-00008470 And, why the one who knows the right way not sharing it right? JL1iaJvIGTy-00026-00008488-00008776 Or maybe the better SEO is JL1iaJvIGTy-00027-00008806-00009006 Key to play a song entitled blah blah blah... JL1iaJvIGTy-00028-00009008-00009184 Hence, tutorial videos with #key (hashtag) JL1iaJvIGTy-00029-00009200-00009524 get more viewers than the one with chord hashtag. JL1iaJvIGTy-00030-00009548-00009704 Let's check this musical staff. JL1iaJvIGTy-00031-00009792-00010042 There's a # in the line for F note, JL1iaJvIGTy-00032-00010042-00010262 which tell the song is in the key of G. JL1iaJvIGTy-00033-00010262-00010406 We'll cover this later. JL1iaJvIGTy-00034-00010492-00010638 Next time, when someone ask you, JL1iaJvIGTy-00035-00010638-00010858 "what's the key of I Remember You?", JL1iaJvIGTy-00036-00010858-00010980 you just have to answer, "G"! JL1iaJvIGTy-00037-00010980-00011088 That's it. JL1iaJvIGTy-00038-00011088-00011278 And when you're asked, JL1iaJvIGTy-00039-00011284-00011524 "do you know the chords to play I Remember You?". JL1iaJvIGTy-00040-00011524-00011742 You can answer, "G, Cadd9, and so on". JL1iaJvIGTy-00041-00011754-00012018 Well, was this video interesting or even boring? JL1iaJvIGTy-00042-00012028-00012226 We'll cover everything for sure. JNOQUW2YO_y-00000-00000009-00000315 - Hi, I'm David Cline, I'm an Aquaculturist JNOQUW2YO_y-00001-00000315-00000549 with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System JNOQUW2YO_y-00002-00000549-00000770 and the Auburn University School of Fisheries, JNOQUW2YO_y-00003-00000770-00000981 Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences. JNOQUW2YO_y-00004-00000981-00001223 And today I'd like to give you a brief overview JNOQUW2YO_y-00005-00001223-00001442 of this Tabletop Aquaponic System JNOQUW2YO_y-00006-00001442-00001755 that we design for educators and home owners. JNOQUW2YO_y-00007-00001755-00002099 The system is made of three main components. JNOQUW2YO_y-00008-00002099-00002545 The first component is the aquarium that houses the fish. JNOQUW2YO_y-00009-00002545-00002863 In this case we're working with a 15 gallon aquarium JNOQUW2YO_y-00010-00002863-00003141 that has about 10 gallons of water in it. JNOQUW2YO_y-00011-00003141-00003459 But when you add the water in the other components, JNOQUW2YO_y-00012-00003459-00003660 the total amount of water in this system JNOQUW2YO_y-00013-00003660-00003882 is a little more than 15 gallons. JNOQUW2YO_y-00014-00003972-00004273 We use three, four to six inch Koi is the engine JNOQUW2YO_y-00015-00004273-00004535 for our aquaponic system. JNOQUW2YO_y-00016-00004535-00004691 These fish start the process JNOQUW2YO_y-00017-00004691-00004903 of converting feed into nutrients JNOQUW2YO_y-00018-00004903-00005164 that can be used by the plants. JNOQUW2YO_y-00019-00005164-00005372 We feed the fish small pellets JNOQUW2YO_y-00020-00005372-00005722 of 36 to 40% protein cat fish feed JNOQUW2YO_y-00021-00005722-00005891 that they can easily swallow. JNOQUW2YO_y-00022-00005980-00006199 We feed them daily with an amount of food JNOQUW2YO_y-00023-00006199-00006567 that they will clean up in 60 seconds or less. JNOQUW2YO_y-00024-00006567-00006814 You don't want to have uneaten feed in the tank JNOQUW2YO_y-00025-00006814-00007053 as it will clog the pumps and filters. JNOQUW2YO_y-00026-00007142-00007529 This feeding process ensures that the fish get adequate food JNOQUW2YO_y-00027-00007529-00007795 and it creates enough nutrients for the plants. JNOQUW2YO_y-00028-00007933-00008094 There's a small fountain pump JNOQUW2YO_y-00029-00008094-00008381 that constantly lifts water from the aquarium JNOQUW2YO_y-00030-00008381-00008797 into the second component, which is the mechanical filter. JNOQUW2YO_y-00031-00008797-00008964 The mechanical filter consists JNOQUW2YO_y-00032-00008964-00009414 of a one gallon bucket nested inside a five gallon bucket JNOQUW2YO_y-00033-00009414-00009740 that is held in place with a plywood board. JNOQUW2YO_y-00034-00009740-00009930 Inside the one gallon bucket JNOQUW2YO_y-00035-00009930-00010322 is a piece of four inch PVC pipe with holes drilled in it JNOQUW2YO_y-00036-00010322-00010643 that is wrapped in a layer of filter material. JNOQUW2YO_y-00037-00010643-00010840 The water is delivered to the bucket JNOQUW2YO_y-00038-00010840-00011100 so that it must pass through the filter material JNOQUW2YO_y-00039-00011100-00011312 before flowing over the standpipe JNOQUW2YO_y-00040-00011312-00011584 into the five gallon bucket below. JNOQUW2YO_y-00041-00011584-00011901 The standpipe in the one gallon bucket directs water JNOQUW2YO_y-00042-00011901-00012143 to the bottom of the five gallon bucket JNOQUW2YO_y-00043-00012143-00012465 that can contain additional filter material. JNOQUW2YO_y-00044-00012465-00012717 Once the water fills the five gallon bucket, JNOQUW2YO_y-00045-00012717-00013028 it overflows into the third component of the system, JNOQUW2YO_y-00046-00013028-00013188 the plant tank. JNOQUW2YO_y-00047-00013188-00013419 The plant tank is a plastic box filled JNOQUW2YO_y-00048-00013419-00013712 with expanded clay balls that serve as media JNOQUW2YO_y-00049-00013712-00014077 to hold the roots of our Okinawa spinach plants. JNOQUW2YO_y-00050-00014077-00014349 This media also provides surface area JNOQUW2YO_y-00051-00014349-00014590 for beneficial bacteria that convert JNOQUW2YO_y-00052-00014590-00014944 the ammonia produced by the fish first into nitrite JNOQUW2YO_y-00053-00014944-00015313 and then into nitrate that the plants can use for food. JNOQUW2YO_y-00054-00015313-00015484 Because we're growing indoors, JNOQUW2YO_y-00055-00015484-00015747 we use an LED light above the plants JNOQUW2YO_y-00056-00015747-00015919 to provide supplemental light. JNOQUW2YO_y-00057-00016016-00016297 The plant tank contains an overflow pipe JNOQUW2YO_y-00058-00016297-00016496 that is covered by a Bell Siphon JNOQUW2YO_y-00059-00016496-00016710 that controls the water level in the tank. JNOQUW2YO_y-00060-00016801-00016968 The water fills the plant tank JNOQUW2YO_y-00061-00016968-00017293 until it reaches the top of the overflow pipe. JNOQUW2YO_y-00062-00017293-00017506 Once the water starts flowing over the top JNOQUW2YO_y-00063-00017506-00017779 of the standpipe inside the Bell Siphon, JNOQUW2YO_y-00064-00017779-00018039 it draws the air out from under the cap JNOQUW2YO_y-00065-00018039-00018202 which starts the siphon JNOQUW2YO_y-00066-00018202-00018505 causing the water to flow quickly out of the plant tank. JNOQUW2YO_y-00067-00018635-00018865 When the water level reaches the air inlet JNOQUW2YO_y-00068-00018865-00019167 on the Bell Siphon, air is pulled into the cap JNOQUW2YO_y-00069-00019167-00019368 and breaks the siphon JNOQUW2YO_y-00070-00019368-00019622 and then the process starts over again. JNOQUW2YO_y-00071-00019622-00019873 We monitor the water quality in the system JNOQUW2YO_y-00072-00019873-00020230 using some simple sensors and test strips. JNOQUW2YO_y-00073-00020230-00020525 These sensors continuously monitor the ammonia JNOQUW2YO_y-00074-00020525-00020857 and pH levels and provide a quick visual check JNOQUW2YO_y-00075-00020857-00021025 to make sure the water is suitable JNOQUW2YO_y-00076-00021025-00021235 for the fish and plants. JNOQUW2YO_y-00077-00021235-00021508 We also periodically measure the hardness, JNOQUW2YO_y-00078-00021508-00021826 nitrates, nitrites and alkalinity JNOQUW2YO_y-00079-00021826-00022030 using these handy test strips. JNOQUW2YO_y-00080-00022030-00022281 A small air pump and airstone ensure JNOQUW2YO_y-00081-00022281-00022493 that the fish and bacteria will always JNOQUW2YO_y-00082-00022493-00022691 have plenty of oxygen. JNOQUW2YO_y-00083-00022691-00022812 So there you have it, JNOQUW2YO_y-00084-00022812-00023023 a simple Tabletop Aquaponic System JNOQUW2YO_y-00085-00023023-00023195 that you can build using components JNOQUW2YO_y-00086-00023195-00023427 that you can find at any local homestore. JNOQUW2YO_y-00087-00023427-00023603 If you like to build one of these, JNOQUW2YO_y-00088-00023603-00023899 we've provided a video with complete instructions JNOQUW2YO_y-00089-00023899-00024101 and you can find the link of that video JNOQUW2YO_y-00090-00024101-00024335 in the description section below. JNOQUW2YO_y-00091-00024335-00024627 And if you'd like to learn more about this Aquaponic System, JNOQUW2YO_y-00092-00024627-00024859 as well as other aquaculture topics, JNOQUW2YO_y-00093-00024859-00025066 please subscribe to our channel. JNOQUW2YO_y-00094-00025066-00025261 Thanks and have a great day. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00000-00001688-00001788 NICKOLAS MEANS: How's everybody doing? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00001-00001788-00001888 AUDIENCE: Good! Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00002-00001888-00001988 Yeah! Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00003-00001988-00002088 Yeah! Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00004-00002088-00002188 N.M.: Nobody's saying tired? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00005-00002188-00002288 I would have said tired Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00006-00002288-00002388 if somebody asked me that question. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00007-00002388-00002488 I'm so exhausted. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00008-00002488-00002664 It's been a great conference, but it's been long Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00009-00002664-00002880 and I am privileged to have the last speaking Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00010-00002880-00002980 slot. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00011-00002980-00003080 Which is a really funny joke to play Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00012-00003080-00003180 on a guy with impostor syndrome. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00013-00003180-00003279 So whoever set Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00014-00003279-00003711 the schedule, nice job. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00015-00003711-00003903 My name is Nickolas Means, but we are about Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00016-00003903-00004090 to be really good friends, so please call me Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00017-00004090-00004212 Nick. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00018-00004212-00004312 You can find me- Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00019-00004312-00004412 AUDIENCE: Hi Nick! Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00020-00004412-00004512 N.M.: Hi. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00021-00004512-00004612 You can find me as @nmeans on Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00022-00004612-00004712 Twitter if you're playing along on your laptop or Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00023-00004712-00004812 your phone. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00024-00004812-00005028 I'm an engineer at WellMatch health. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00025-00005028-00005128 I'm Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00026-00005128-00005300 lucky enough to get to remote pair nearly 100% Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00027-00005300-00005592 of the time from beautiful Austin, Texas with a Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00028-00005592-00005828 lot of really smart people, fixing some of the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00029-00005828-00006194 hard problems that vex our health care system. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00030-00006194-00006440 I want to start by asking you to think Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00031-00006440-00006643 a little bit. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00032-00006643-00006813 What is your biggest fear at Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00033-00006813-00006913 work? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00034-00006913-00007022 What's the worst thing that could possibly happen Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00035-00007022-00007215 to you at your job? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00036-00007215-00007530 AUDIENCE: Get fired! Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00037-00007530-00007884 N.M.: I can tell you mine. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00038-00007884-00007984 I've been a Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00039-00007984-00008122 software developer for over a decade now. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00040-00008122-00008222 I did Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00041-00008222-00008407 some PHP spaghetti for awhile. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00042-00008407-00008507 Moved into Ruby. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00043-00008507-00008607 Been Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00044-00008607-00008861 doing Ruby for, gosh, eight years now. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00045-00008861-00008961 I've worked Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00046-00008961-00009061 as a solo developer. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00047-00009061-00009184 I've worked as a cylo Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00048-00009184-00009325 developer where I was the only guy working on Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00049-00009325-00009506 a product and I brought our team. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00050-00009506-00009606 I've worked Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00051-00009606-00009706 in a really good team environment which is what Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00052-00009706-00009909 I'm in now. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00053-00009909-00010115 But I've had this persistent fear, the whole time Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00054-00010115-00010272 I've been a software developer, that I was about Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00055-00010272-00010372 to be fired. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00056-00010372-00010617 Now, how many times do you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00057-00010617-00010800 think I've been fired in my ten plus years Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00058-00010800-00011064 of software development? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00059-00011064-00011167 Brandon right. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00060-00011167-00011267 Three. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00061-00011267-00011370 No, zero. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00062-00011370-00011559 I've never been fired. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00063-00011559-00011678 But it might happen any Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00064-00011678-00011899 day now, or at least, that's what my brain Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00065-00011899-00012104 persists in telling me all the time. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00066-00012104-00012204 It's just Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00067-00012204-00012379 a matter of time until my boss figures out Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00068-00012379-00012556 that I really have no idea what I'm talking Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00069-00012556-00012767 about and I'm a terrible software developer and all Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00070-00012767-00012993 my commits are crap. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00071-00012993-00013093 And then I'm gonna get Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00072-00013093-00013268 the pink slip. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00073-00013268-00013419 Which is not true, right? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00074-00013419-00013519 Because I've convinced a Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00075-00013519-00013703 bunch of people to give me a job, and Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00076-00013703-00013974 I've shipped good code, and I've been through pull Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00077-00013974-00014088 requests processes. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00078-00014088-00014188 My code's been reviewed. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00079-00014188-00014300 I pair now. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00080-00014300-00014736 So, I'm, I'm an OK developer? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00081-00014736-00015128 This is the, the gist of impostor syndrome. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00082-00015128-00015228 It's Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00083-00015228-00015431 a set of beliefs and behaviors that was first Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00084-00015431-00015762 identified back in 1978 by Doctors Pauline Rose Clance Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00085-00015762-00016122 and Suzanne Imes at Georgia State University. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00086-00016122-00016237 Dr. Clance Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00087-00016237-00016560 was on the psychological staff at Georgia State and Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00088-00016560-00016788 Dr. Imes was a research, a predoctoral researcher under Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00089-00016788-00016930 her. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00090-00016930-00017107 And they did a lot of interviews with Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00091-00017107-00017207 graduate students. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00092-00017207-00017367 Female graduate students specifically. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00093-00017367-00017514 Now, these women Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00094-00017514-00017874 had all gotten into very competitive graduate programs. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00095-00017874-00017974 They Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00096-00017974-00018359 had all been published in very prestigious psychological journals. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00097-00018359-00018676 But they still didn't think very much of themselves. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00098-00018676-00018894 There's actually a really great definition of impostor syndrome Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00099-00018894-00019083 in this abstract. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00100-00019083-00019413 Despite outstanding academic and professional accomplishments, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00101-00019413-00019700 women who experience the impostor phenomenon persist in believing Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00102-00019700-00019941 that they are really not bright and have fooled Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00103-00019941-00020223 anyone who thinks otherwise. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00104-00020223-00020476 So these women were all very prestigious, all very Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00105-00020476-00020749 successful, but still thought that they had everybody around Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00106-00020749-00020918 them fooled. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00107-00020918-00021126 And all the stuff that people told Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00108-00021126-00021423 them about themselves was not true. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00109-00021423-00021523 So if you've Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00110-00021523-00021782 experienced these kind of feelings, where you think that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00111-00021782-00021940 people around you say nice things about you that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00112-00021940-00022073 aren't really true, let me tell you a little Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00113-00022073-00022187 bit about yourself. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00114-00022187-00022560 A pretty good chance that you're an introvert. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00115-00022560-00022660 Pretty Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00116-00022660-00022826 good chance you're a perfectionist. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00117-00022826-00022926 At times you're a Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00118-00022926-00023026 workaholic. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00119-00023026-00023307 At other times you are a procrastinator. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00120-00023307-00023407 You Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00121-00023407-00023712 probably have a deep-seated and abiding fear of failure. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00122-00023712-00023906 You probably get really uncomfortable when people pay you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00123-00023906-00024110 a compliment. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00124-00024110-00024315 You probably feel less competent than your Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00125-00024315-00024505 peers. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00126-00024505-00024815 If that resonates any, there's good news. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00127-00024815-00024915 You're Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00128-00024915-00025015 not alone. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00129-00025015-00025236 As it turns out, impostor feelings are really pretty Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00130-00025236-00025336 common. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00131-00025336-00025657 Dr. Clance's research indicates that about 70% of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00132-00025657-00025973 people experience impostor syndrome at some point in their Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00133-00025973-00026073 careers. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00134-00026073-00026241 Now, that's not to say that everybody experiences Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00135-00026241-00026395 impostor syndrome the same way. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00136-00026395-00026591 There's people like me, who have experienced it throughout Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00137-00026591-00026893 their entire career as a persistent feeling, afraid that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00138-00026893-00027081 they were gonna be fired at any moment, and Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00139-00027081-00027264 there's other people that maybe it only happens when Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00140-00027264-00027432 they start a new job or they, they emerge Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00141-00027432-00027654 from college into the workforce. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00142-00027654-00027894 But no matter where you are on the scale, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00143-00027894-00028070 there's things that you can do to lessen this Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00144-00028070-00028192 reaction that you feel. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00145-00028192-00028320 So there's two things I Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00146-00028320-00028499 want to do in this talk. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00147-00028499-00028599 The first thing Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00148-00028599-00028699 is I want to tell you how your brain Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00149-00028699-00028799 trolls you. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00150-00028799-00028912 Cause there's a lot of stuff that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00151-00028912-00029220 goes on in your head that reinforces this impostorism, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00152-00029220-00029541 and this inability to accept your success. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00153-00029541-00029641 And I want to tell you how to patch Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00154-00029641-00029761 your brain. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00155-00029761-00029933 As it turns out, impostor syndrome in Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00156-00029933-00030114 your head is sort of this infinite loop that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00157-00030114-00030386 goes around and around and around. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00158-00030386-00030486 And what we Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00159-00030486-00030649 have to do is find places where we can Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00160-00030649-00030902 hook into that loop and get out of that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00161-00030902-00031002 cycle. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00162-00031002-00031229 And if we can do that, then we Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00163-00031229-00031462 can start functioning a little bit better. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00164-00031462-00031596 But, before I do that, I want to tell Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00165-00031596-00031798 you a story. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00166-00031798-00032008 It's about the first conference talk Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00167-00032008-00032216 I ever gave. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00168-00032216-00032316 And you folks didn't know this Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00169-00032316-00032439 when you walked into the room, but you're lucky Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00170-00032439-00032650 enough to be part of this grand experiment. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00171-00032650-00032750 Somebody Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00172-00032750-00032850 decided it was a good idea to give me Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00173-00032850-00033174 a speaking slot at RailsConf. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00174-00033174-00033390 I decided, on a whim, about an hour before Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00175-00033390-00033566 the CFP closed that I was gonna put in Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00176-00033566-00033759 this talk proposal. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00177-00033759-00033859 And it's one that had already Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00178-00033859-00034040 been rejected by a couple of conferences. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00179-00034040-00034140 So I Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00180-00034140-00034240 tweaked it a little bit. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00181-00034240-00034340 I cleaned it up. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00182-00034340-00034440 I made it a little bit better. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00183-00034440-00034540 And submitted Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00184-00034540-00034640 it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00185-00034640-00034876 And the RailsConf submission process is, like, custom-tailored for Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00186-00034876-00035130 someone with impostor syndrome. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00187-00035130-00035230 Because the first round is Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00188-00035230-00035330 blind. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00189-00035330-00035430 So I don't have to worry about it Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00190-00035430-00035530 that I don't have this great reputation in the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00191-00035530-00035735 community and nobody knows my name. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00192-00035735-00035835 And during this Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00193-00035835-00036027 process, there's the chance for people reviewing your proposal Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00194-00036027-00036127 to give you feedback. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00195-00036127-00036410 So, Sarah Mae, bless her heart, read my early Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00196-00036410-00036709 rough draft and gave me some great feedback. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00197-00036709-00036809 I Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00198-00036809-00037002 tightened up my abstract quite a lot, and apparently Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00199-00037002-00037126 it was enough to get me through the final Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00200-00037126-00037449 selected, and I got a talk accepted. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00201-00037449-00037679 So I was hanging out with my wife and Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00202-00037679-00037846 my three-year-old son when I got the email that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00203-00037846-00038016 my talk was accepted at RailsConf. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00204-00038016-00038221 And I gasped, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00205-00038221-00038461 and I was speechless, and my wife thought somebody Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00206-00038461-00038638 important had died. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00207-00038638-00039063 Finally, I got the words out to tell her Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00208-00039063-00039203 what was happening. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00209-00039203-00039396 And I was very excited. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00210-00039396-00039496 So Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00211-00039496-00039609 when I put the proposal in, the whole time Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00212-00039609-00039733 I'm waiting to see whether I got in or Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00213-00039733-00039918 not, I'm envisioning. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00214-00039918-00040038 Our team has a Friday happy Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00215-00040038-00040201 hour, and I'm envisioning getting to tell my team Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00216-00040201-00040412 mates that I got a talk accepted at RailsConf. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00217-00040412-00040579 And I got to do that, and it was Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00218-00040579-00040701 glorious. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00219-00040701-00040997 But, then reality sets in. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00220-00040997-00041097 I don't know if Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00221-00041097-00041301 any of you have ever spoken at a user Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00222-00041301-00041543 group or something, but as it turns out, you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00223-00041543-00041772 don't actually have to write the talk before it Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00224-00041772-00041966 gets accepted. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00225-00041966-00042119 So once your talk is accepted, you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00226-00042119-00042297 have to start writing it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00227-00042297-00042421 And it plunged me, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00228-00042421-00042853 immediately, into this worry, fear, panic and dread. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00229-00042853-00043001 I sat down, I tried to make an initial Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00230-00043001-00043104 outline. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00231-00043104-00043204 Total creative block. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00232-00043204-00043304 I couldn't come up with Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00233-00043304-00043404 anything. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00234-00043404-00043504 I couldn't organize my thoughts to save my Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00235-00043504-00043604 life. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00236-00043604-00043730 The funniest thing was my brain played this Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00237-00043730-00043927 great trick on me. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00238-00043927-00044027 It told me I didn't Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00239-00044027-00044272 even have impostor syndrome bad enough to give a Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00240-00044272-00045222 talk on impostor syndrome. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00241-00045222-00045382 So I, I pushed through it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00242-00045382-00045500 And I, I, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00243-00045500-00045763 I took an impostor syndrome test, on which I Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00244-00045763-00046006 scored very highly. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00245-00046006-00046106 And I'll share that test with Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00246-00046106-00046386 you guys later. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00247-00046386-00046551 So after that, I jumped into Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00248-00046551-00046651 full-on overwork. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00249-00046651-00046869 Now, normally I am a huge procrastinator. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00250-00046869-00047065 Normally, I sit and wait until the very last Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00251-00047065-00047165 minute to do something. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00252-00047165-00047265 But I guess my brain Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00253-00047265-00047466 thought this was important, because it jumped into overwork Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00254-00047466-00047569 from day one. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00255-00047569-00047683 Like, three days after I found Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00256-00047683-00047849 out my talk was accepted, my family was heading Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00257-00047849-00048063 on vacation, and, you know, as you do, I Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00258-00048063-00048349 loaded my Kindle up with psychological journal articles and Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00259-00048349-00048560 brought books, and I spent most of my vacation Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00260-00048560-00048796 reading about impostor syndrome. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00261-00048796-00048896 Which is not what I'd Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00262-00048896-00049313 planned to do. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00263-00049313-00049500 And then hopefully the next step in the cycle Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00264-00049500-00049600 is success. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00265-00049600-00049700 Now, clearly the jury is still out Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00266-00049700-00049800 on this. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00267-00049800-00049918 But hopefully when you're done you won't Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00268-00049918-00050052 feel like your time has been wasted in this Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00269-00050052-00050152 room. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00270-00050152-00050308 And after that, I'm gonna feel some initial Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00271-00050308-00050408 relief. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00272-00050408-00050571 A coworker asked me - I had this long Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00273-00050571-00050728 list of things that I hope would happen after Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00274-00050728-00050828 the talk. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00275-00050828-00050956 And a coworker asked me, OK, so Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00276-00050956-00051114 what do you really want to happen after this Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00277-00051114-00051214 talk? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00278-00051214-00051314 Really, all I want out of this talk Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00279-00051314-00051435 is to help somebody. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00280-00051435-00051567 If I accomplish that, that's Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00281-00051567-00051672 all I want out of this. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00282-00051672-00051901 So, if that happens, I'll feel some initial relief. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00283-00051901-00052250 But then, as we do, I will move into Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00284-00052250-00052412 this step where I am focusing on all the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00285-00052412-00052557 little failures in this talk. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00286-00052557-00052657 I'm gonna focus on Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00287-00052657-00052820 the jokes that I didn't get just right. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00288-00052820-00052920 I'm Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00289-00052920-00053033 gonna focus on the times I said uh, and Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00290-00053033-00053361 um and stumbled over my points and the content Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00291-00053361-00053527 areas that I wish I had covered better or Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00292-00053527-00053802 phrased differently. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00293-00053802-00053914 And then I'm gonna move into sort of the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00294-00053914-00054033 meat of impostor syndrome. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00295-00054033-00054213 I'm gonna start denying my Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00296-00054213-00054313 success. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00297-00054313-00054507 I'm gonna start feeling like people saying nice Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00298-00054507-00054657 things to me in the hallway are just doing Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00299-00054657-00054962 it because they know I have impostor syndrome and Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00300-00054962-00055263 need compliments. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00301-00055263-00055461 And that's, you know, that's what we do. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00302-00055461-00055561 We Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00303-00055561-00055785 write off our success, and it robs you of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00304-00055785-00056038 your ability to enjoy your success. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00305-00056038-00056138 So then, when Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00306-00056138-00056324 the next opportunity comes up, you cycle right back Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00307-00056324-00056514 into this thing, because you've never been successful in Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00308-00056514-00056614 your life. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00309-00056614-00056824 At least in your own mind. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00310-00056824-00056935 This is the impostor cycle. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00311-00056935-00057035 Again, this was, this Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00312-00057035-00057464 was identified in Dr. Clance's research, and it's, it's Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00313-00057464-00057695 driven by the superstition that we have to go Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00314-00057695-00058098 through this fear and doubt and overwork and panic Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00315-00058098-00058298 to get anything done. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00316-00058298-00058426 So you go through it, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00317-00058426-00058526 you look back on it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00318-00058526-00058742 You did OK. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00319-00058742-00058842 The Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00320-00058842-00058942 reason you did OK is because you went through Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00321-00058942-00059274 this big process of being all panicky and fearful Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00322-00059274-00059441 and procrastinating and overworking. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00323-00059441-00059673 So you develop this superstition that if you don't Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00324-00059673-00059924 do that, if you don't go through that hell, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00325-00059924-00060095 you're not gonna be able to pull of whatever Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00326-00060095-00060289 it is you're trying to pull off. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00327-00060289-00060389 And so Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00328-00060389-00060489 it denies you the ability to ever absorb your Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00329-00060489-00060688 success and feel like you actually are a capable, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00330-00060688-00060789 competent person. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00331-00060789-00060991 There's a lot of stuff going on in your Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00332-00060991-00061148 brain that causes this to happen. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00333-00061148-00061248 I alluded this Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00334-00061248-00061371 to some of these earlier. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00335-00061371-00061502 A, one of the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00336-00061502-00061751 first ones is introversion. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00337-00061751-00061851 There's probably a lot of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00338-00061851-00061991 introverts in this room. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00339-00061991-00062150 And the thing about introverts Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00340-00062150-00062314 is we all spend a lot of time inside Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00341-00062314-00062479 our own heads, right. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00342-00062479-00062579 We spend a lot of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00343-00062579-00062974 time replaying social interactions, wishing we hadn't been awkward, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00344-00062974-00063204 wishing we were better at small talk. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00345-00063204-00063304 We meet Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00346-00063304-00063413 this hero of ours at a conference. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00347-00063413-00063513 We go Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00348-00063513-00063613 talk to him and we say something really stupid Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00349-00063613-00063719 and put our foot in our mouth and we Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00350-00063719-00063987 spend the next six hours thinking about that. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00351-00063987-00064087 So Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00352-00064087-00064433 we spend a lot of time in self-criticism. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00353-00064433-00064571 The next thing is perfectionism. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00354-00064571-00064720 And the, the two Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00355-00064720-00065150 most highly-correlated personality attributes to impostor syndrome are introversion Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00356-00065150-00065304 and perfectionism. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00357-00065304-00065458 So the thing about perfectionism is we Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00358-00065458-00065640 have very high standards for ourselves, right. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00359-00065640-00065740 We want Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00360-00065740-00065889 to get the gold standard. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00361-00065889-00065989 So what happens when Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00362-00065989-00066295 we hit silver plus, plus, plus? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00363-00066295-00066471 We have failed. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00364-00066471-00066831 So, you have this inability to ever do as Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00365-00066831-00066974 well as you think you ought to do. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00366-00066974-00067074 You Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00367-00067074-00067192 have this inability to ever pull anything off to Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00368-00067192-00067455 your own perfect standard. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00369-00067455-00067555 And then it goes into Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00370-00067555-00067787 something even more sinister than that. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00371-00067787-00067887 There's this need Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00372-00067887-00068152 in perfectionism that emerges to always be the best. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00373-00068152-00068281 It's not enough to be good. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00374-00068281-00068381 You have to Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00375-00068381-00068579 be the shining star. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00376-00068579-00068702 And so you get into Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00377-00068702-00068955 this, it, it can create some really weird things Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00378-00068955-00069114 in your job. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00379-00069114-00069455 So, when a coworker, say, gets a lot of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00380-00069455-00069820 praise for pulling something off, I feel threatened by Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00381-00069820-00069937 that. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00382-00069937-00070037 Which is stupid, right? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00383-00070037-00070137 I know, intellectually, that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00384-00070137-00070237 I shouldn't. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00385-00070237-00070337 I know that there's more than enough Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00386-00070337-00070437 credit to go around. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00387-00070437-00070541 It's not a zero-sum game. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00388-00070541-00070827 But I still feel like, somehow, my coworker getting Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00389-00070827-00071202 praise is taking something away from my shiny gold Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00390-00071202-00071319 star. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00391-00071319-00071480 And so it sets you up to always Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00392-00071480-00071624 have to be perfect. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00393-00071624-00071815 It's terrible. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00394-00071815-00072139 And it feeds into workaholism, because it takes a Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00395-00072139-00072347 lot of work to live up to that standard Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00396-00072347-00072462 that we all think we need to live up Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00397-00072462-00072562 to. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00398-00072562-00072688 A whole lot of work. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00399-00072688-00072814 Or, when we Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00400-00072814-00073030 get into a situation where we know we can't, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00401-00073030-00073204 we procrastinate. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00402-00073204-00073548 Now, I've been a world-champion procrastinator for Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00403-00073548-00073858 the bulk of my career. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00404-00073858-00074139 And it wasn't until maybe a year ago that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00405-00074139-00074483 I realized how intertwined it was with impostor syndrome. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00406-00074483-00074715 Because what procrastination does for you, when you're a Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00407-00074715-00074924 perfectionist, is it gives you a forcing function. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00408-00074924-00075024 It Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00409-00075024-00075183 lets you get something out the door that might Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00410-00075183-00075326 not be as perfect as you want it to Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00411-00075326-00075426 be. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00412-00075426-00075526 It gives you a time box. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00413-00075526-00075626 And what Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00414-00075626-00075726 you can produce in that time box has to Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00415-00075726-00075826 be good enough. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00416-00075826-00076264 And it also gives you a way out of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00417-00076264-00076364 failure. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00418-00076364-00076635 Because, like I mentioned earlier, impostors often have Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00419-00076635-00076832 a strong fear of failure. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00420-00076832-00076932 So if you procrastinate, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00421-00076932-00077063 if you wait until the very last minute to Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00422-00077063-00077423 do something, and then you fail, well. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00423-00077423-00077523 It's just Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00424-00077523-00077623 cause you didn't spend enough time on it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00425-00077623-00077723 It's Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00426-00077723-00077939 not a reflection of you as a person. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00427-00077939-00078119 Which is the perfect segue into the next thing Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00428-00078119-00078308 going on in your head, which is fear of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00429-00078308-00078529 failure. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00430-00078529-00078898 As impostors, we are terrified for others to Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00431-00078898-00079055 see us struggle. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00432-00079055-00079305 We are scared to death to, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00433-00079305-00079470 for anybody else to see that we might not Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00434-00079470-00079671 be able to pull it off the first time Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00435-00079671-00079822 we try. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00436-00079822-00079948 Because we feel like we're walking on Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00437-00079948-00080048 eggshells. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00438-00080048-00080218 We have this very thin facade, that if Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00439-00080218-00080400 anybody can get through, anybody can see around, they're Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00440-00080400-00080636 gonna realize what a complete and total failure we Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00441-00080636-00080831 are. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00442-00080831-00081116 So anytime there's a crack in that armor, we're Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00443-00081116-00081326 afraid that it's all gonna come tumbling down. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00444-00081326-00081426 So Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00445-00081426-00081633 we develop this deep-seated fear of failure that makes Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00446-00081633-00081822 it very hard to go and try to do Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00447-00081822-00081922 new things. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00448-00081922-00082045 It makes it hard to do anything Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00449-00082045-00082239 you think you might look foolish doing. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00450-00082239-00082339 A perfect Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00451-00082339-00082511 example of that is the dance floor. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00452-00082511-00082611 And one Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00453-00082611-00082711 thing you will not see on the dance floor Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00454-00082711-00082920 is this guy. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00455-00082920-00083047 Much to the chagrin of my wife, by the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00456-00083047-00083147 way. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00457-00083147-00083247 She would really prefer me to get out Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00458-00083247-00083347 on the dance floor with her. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00459-00083347-00083470 But, I'm so Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00460-00083470-00083648 afraid that I'm gonna get out there and make Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00461-00083648-00083873 a fool of myself that I just won't do Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00462-00083873-00083973 it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00463-00083973-00084113 I won't risk that part of my personality Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00464-00084113-00084358 because somehow it's gonna make people think less of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00465-00084358-00084458 me. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00466-00084458-00084586 I know it's kind of a contrived, trivial Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00467-00084586-00084748 example, but it plays out on the rest of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00468-00084748-00084848 your professional life. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00469-00084848-00085035 It plays out when you're trying to learn something Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00470-00085035-00085318 new, or you're trying to fight through a hard Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00471-00085318-00085446 problem. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00472-00085446-00085752 You're kind of afraid to admit that you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00473-00085752-00086099 don't know. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00474-00086099-00086358 This one is really the meat of impostor syndrome. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00475-00086358-00086624 This idea of denial of success. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00476-00086624-00086724 One thing we're Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00477-00086724-00087030 all really good at, as impostors, is deflecting objective Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00478-00087030-00087369 evidence that we're actually competent and successful. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00479-00087369-00087469 We're very Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00480-00087469-00087580 good at pushing those things away. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00481-00087580-00087758 We deflect compliments, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00482-00087758-00088010 we write off promotions. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00483-00088010-00088119 We got new jobs because Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00484-00088119-00088438 we're good interviewers, not because we're good developers. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00485-00088438-00088748 In fact, when I found out my talk was Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00486-00088748-00089137 accepted, the first thought that came into my mind Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00487-00089137-00089380 is, man, that's gonna be such a let-down tomorrow Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00488-00089380-00089549 when I get the email that their CFP system Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00489-00089549-00089982 screwed up and emailed everybody a letter of acceptance. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00490-00089982-00090157 So stupid, right? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00491-00090157-00090332 But that's, the, these are the things that your Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00492-00090332-00090630 brain does that traps you in this cycle. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00493-00090630-00090730 It Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00494-00090730-00090947 gets into attribution theory in psychology. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00495-00090947-00091047 And that's the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00496-00091047-00091352 idea of where you attribute success and failure. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00497-00091352-00091452 As Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00498-00091452-00091682 impostors, we tend to contribute success to external factors. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00499-00091682-00091820 So, it's luck. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00500-00091820-00091967 And timing. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00501-00091967-00092067 And knowing the right Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00502-00092067-00092217 people. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00503-00092217-00092435 Whereas we take failure and we internalize it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00504-00092435-00092535 It Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00505-00092535-00092683 speaks to who we are as a person. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00506-00092683-00092783 If Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00507-00092783-00092889 we fail, it's completely a reflection on us. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00508-00092889-00092989 But Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00509-00092989-00093117 if we succeed, it's not a reflection on us Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00510-00093117-00093280 at all, it's a reflection of the situations we Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00511-00093280-00093551 found ourselves in. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00512-00093551-00093654 We also have a little bit of fear of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00513-00093654-00093812 success going on. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00514-00093812-00093958 There's this fear that being successful Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00515-00093958-00094247 might ostracize you from your peers. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00516-00094247-00094347 I know I Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00517-00094347-00094447 felt this in school a lot. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00518-00094447-00094547 I was the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00519-00094547-00094733 kid that knew the answer every time, and by Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00520-00094733-00095020 about third grade I had developed a defense mechanism Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00521-00095020-00095218 where I hardly ever raised my hand. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00522-00095218-00095318 Cause I Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00523-00095318-00095418 didn't want to be the kid that knew all Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00524-00095418-00095778 the answers, cause that kid didn't have any friends. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00525-00095778-00096114 This is part of why people from marginalized groups Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00526-00096114-00096433 suffer disproportionately more from impostor syndrome than the rest Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00527-00096433-00096542 of us. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00528-00096542-00096686 The only marginalized group I'm a part Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00529-00096686-00096856 of is guys without hair. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00530-00096856-00097000 So, but I still Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00531-00097000-00097313 have a very strong case of impostor syndrome. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00532-00097313-00097413 When Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00533-00097413-00097538 you get into a marginalized group and you might Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00534-00097538-00097843 be more successful than some of your peers, you're Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00535-00097843-00098027 afraid it might cause you to be outcast from Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00536-00098027-00098237 that peer group that's one of the only safe Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00537-00098237-00098337 places you have. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00538-00098337-00098437 One of the only places you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00539-00098437-00098537 belong. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00540-00098537-00098678 It's a scary thing. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00541-00098678-00099018 There's a couple things that make impostor syndrome more Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00542-00099018-00099354 prevalent in technology than it is in other industries. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00543-00099354-00099608 One of those things is the vastness of the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00544-00099608-00100095 knowledge involved in being a technology worker. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00545-00100095-00100195 Most of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00546-00100195-00100295 us have heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00547-00100295-00100395 It's this Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00548-00100395-00100689 idea that unskilled people may not really be able Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00549-00100689-00100814 to gage their level of competence. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00550-00100814-00100914 They may feel Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00551-00100914-00101058 like they're more competent than they are because they Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00552-00101058-00101239 don't know their gaps. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00553-00101239-00101536 We have the diametric opposite problem of that. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00554-00101536-00101636 We Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00555-00101636-00101813 know every last one of our gaps. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00556-00101813-00101913 We know Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00557-00101913-00102013 all the things that we don't know. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00558-00102013-00102113 We know Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00559-00102113-00102213 all the things that we need to improve about Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00560-00102213-00102501 ourselves. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00561-00102501-00102728 And we know how much we don't know. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00562-00102728-00103008 And, DHH alluded to this in his keynote, actually, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00563-00103008-00103278 when he talked about the impostor plexus. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00564-00103278-00103416 We spend a lot of time wondering if we're Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00565-00103416-00103758 doing it right in software. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00566-00103758-00103858 But the definition of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00567-00103858-00104002 right is always moving around. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00568-00104002-00104102 It's very hard to Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00569-00104102-00104210 track. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00570-00104210-00104310 And so it sets us up for this Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00571-00104310-00104498 feeling where we're never doing it right. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00572-00104498-00104598 We're always Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00573-00104598-00104698 two steps behind. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00574-00104698-00104798 There's always something else we need Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00575-00104798-00104905 to know to be able to be accepted in Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00576-00104905-00105005 our field. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00577-00105005-00105248 The other thing is peer scrutiny. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00578-00105248-00105585 Actors, scientists, college Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00579-00105585-00106041 professors, musicians, artists, all have a hard time with Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00580-00106041-00106179 impostor syndrome. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00581-00106179-00106289 And the thing all those professions have Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00582-00106289-00106535 in common with us is this idea of peer Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00583-00106535-00106635 scrutiny. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00584-00106635-00106795 We are always one code review away from Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00585-00106795-00106996 somebody telling us that our work is crap and Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00586-00106996-00107149 we are crap. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00587-00107149-00107353 And it's, it's a scary place to be. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00588-00107353-00107453 So, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00589-00107453-00107665 to cope with that fear, your brain starts dutifully Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00590-00107665-00107850 preparing you for someone telling you that your work Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00591-00107850-00107991 is crap by telling you that you're crap ahead Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00592-00107991-00108091 of time. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00593-00108091-00108350 It's really helpful. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00594-00108350-00108516 The other thing we do is we compare the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00595-00108516-00108836 finished work of other people to our messy thought Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00596-00108836-00108982 process. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00597-00108982-00109114 So you, you look at this library that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00598-00109114-00109214 you admire. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00599-00109214-00109314 You look at the code. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00600-00109314-00109414 You look Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00601-00109414-00109514 at the structure. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00602-00109514-00109614 You look at the way it's Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00603-00109614-00109714 organized. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00604-00109714-00109814 It's fantastic code. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00605-00109814-00109914 Then you look at your own code. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00606-00109914-00110014 But when Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00607-00110014-00110114 you look at your own code, you have the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00608-00110114-00110214 back story of that code. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00609-00110214-00110314 You know how it Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00610-00110314-00110414 came to be. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00611-00110414-00110514 You know what a struggle it Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00612-00110514-00110614 was. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00613-00110614-00110738 So you assume this guy wrote this entire Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00614-00110738-00110989 text file, beautiful library in one pass. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00615-00110989-00111089 But you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00616-00111089-00111269 know how the sausage was made on your code. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00617-00111269-00111449 And you know it wasn't a pretty process. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00618-00111449-00111549 So Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00619-00111549-00111816 you're setting yourself up for failure in that comparison. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00620-00111816-00112051 You're never gonna come out ahead when you compare Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00621-00112051-00112288 your thought process to somebody else's finished code. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00622-00112288-00112733 So how does this work out in practice? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00623-00112733-00112833 There Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00624-00112833-00113225 are a lot of things that impostors don't do, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00625-00113225-00113486 because of impostor syndrome. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00626-00113486-00113854 We don't participate in conversations. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00627-00113854-00114023 We go to user groups. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00628-00114023-00114123 We tend to hide Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00629-00114123-00114226 in the wings, right. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00630-00114226-00114484 Because if we hide, then Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00631-00114484-00114623 we don't have to put ourselves out there. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00632-00114623-00114723 We Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00633-00114723-00114871 don't have to let anybody see us and figure Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00634-00114871-00115074 out that we don't know what we're talking about Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00635-00115074-00115253 and shouldn't be where we are. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00636-00115253-00115577 We don't ask questions. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00637-00115577-00115677 It's hard for us to Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00638-00115677-00115866 admit that we don't know something. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00639-00115866-00115966 We pretend like Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00640-00115966-00116066 we know it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00641-00116066-00116166 Fake it till you make it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00642-00116166-00116328 And then we come back later and frantically scramble Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00643-00116328-00116476 to try to learn the things that we don't Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00644-00116476-00116616 know. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00645-00116616-00116742 So we write crappy code. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00646-00116742-00116842 We blindly adhere Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00647-00116842-00116942 to best practices. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00648-00116942-00117042 We don't ask questions that would Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00649-00117042-00117207 allow us to become somebody with a trained eye Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00650-00117207-00117471 for code that actually knows how to apply those Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00651-00117471-00117816 best practices well. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00652-00117816-00117986 And we all know that if you just blindly Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00653-00117986-00118201 apply best practices, you're gonna end up with some Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00654-00118201-00118408 code that's really pretty rough. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00655-00118408-00118508 But if you don't Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00656-00118508-00118609 ask those questions, if you don't put yourself out Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00657-00118609-00118851 there to admit that, yeah, you know what, I Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00658-00118851-00119051 could learn to do this a little better, you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00659-00119051-00119388 don't grow. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00660-00119388-00119488 Impostors don't teach others. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00661-00119488-00119588 We don't give user group Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00662-00119588-00119688 talks. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00663-00119688-00119788 We don't give convention talks. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00664-00119788-00119888 We don't help Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00665-00119888-00120069 out at workshops. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00666-00120069-00120203 And the community is worse off Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00667-00120203-00120303 for this. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00668-00120303-00120544 Brandon Hayes, in his talk this morning, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00669-00120544-00120721 alluded to the fact that everybody sitting in the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00670-00120721-00120893 audience has a talk that they could give. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00671-00120893-00120993 There Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00672-00120993-00121172 is something out there that you know an awful Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00673-00121172-00121272 lot about. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00674-00121272-00121460 Maybe more about than anybody else. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00675-00121460-00121560 But Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00676-00121560-00121660 if you're afraid to get up in front of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00677-00121660-00121819 people and share that knowledge, the community is lacking Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00678-00121819-00121919 that knowledge. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00679-00121919-00122196 The community is lacking your unique viewpoint. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00680-00122196-00122494 So impostor syndrome robs our community of some voices Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00681-00122494-00122766 that would otherwise be very helpful and very insightful. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00682-00122766-00123032 Another thing impostors don't do is contribute to open Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00683-00123032-00123157 source. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00684-00123157-00123477 I remember when I was a PHP developer Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00685-00123477-00123801 in the first year of my software development career. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00686-00123801-00124008 I said something really stupid on the WordPress mailing Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00687-00124008-00124108 list. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00688-00124108-00124250 It was something along the lines of WordPress Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00689-00124250-00124611 isn't supported on Microsoft stack. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00690-00124611-00124711 Or something, I don't Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00691-00124711-00124811 know, something dumb. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00692-00124811-00124915 And I got my rear end Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00693-00124915-00125140 handed to me for it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00694-00125140-00125492 And ever since that happened, I have been very Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00695-00125492-00125750 hesitant to do anything of any significance in the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00696-00125750-00125935 open source world. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00697-00125935-00126035 And I have a feeling that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00698-00126035-00126135 there's a lot of people in the audience that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00699-00126135-00126235 that's true for, as well. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00700-00126235-00126335 Maybe you got bit Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00701-00126335-00126435 one time. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00702-00126435-00126535 Maybe you're just afraid of getting bit Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00703-00126535-00126708 by trying to contribute to open source. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00704-00126708-00126808 But it's, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00705-00126808-00127052 it's something that impostors don't do, because we're afraid Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00706-00127052-00127152 of that rejection. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00707-00127152-00127407 We're afraid of that failure. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00708-00127407-00127532 The other thing impostors don't do is they don't Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00709-00127532-00127661 change jobs. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00710-00127661-00127811 I mentioned I was a solo developer Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00711-00127811-00128030 for the first chunk of my career. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00712-00128030-00128130 I was Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00713-00128130-00128335 in that job for five years. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00714-00128335-00128435 And it was, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00715-00128435-00128535 it was a bit of a cushy position. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00716-00128535-00128635 I'll Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00717-00128635-00128735 admit that. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00718-00128735-00128911 But by being a solo developer, I Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00719-00128911-00129160 deprived myself of the chance of learning from other Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00720-00129160-00129267 developers. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00721-00129267-00129408 And by the time I left that job, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00722-00129408-00129595 I was not making anything close to a market Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00723-00129595-00129695 salary. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00724-00129695-00129969 But, as impostors, we kind of feel lucky to Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00725-00129969-00130118 have the job we have and to have the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00726-00130118-00130316 people that are around us fooled. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00727-00130316-00130416 It seems like Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00728-00130416-00130516 an awful lot of work to go take a Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00729-00130516-00130616 new job and have to fool a new group Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00730-00130616-00130797 of people, right? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00731-00130797-00130897 So we just sit where we Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00732-00130897-00131035 are. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00733-00131035-00131467 So, clearly, these are not things that we want Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00734-00131467-00131748 to happen in our community. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00735-00131748-00131848 So how do we Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00736-00131848-00132016 patch our brains to get out of this cycle? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00737-00132016-00132236 Like I mentioned earlier, impostor syndrome, that cycle, it's Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00738-00132236-00132362 kind of an infinite loop in your head. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00739-00132362-00132462 And Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00740-00132462-00132562 you just have to find the places that you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00741-00132562-00132823 can hook into it so that you can get Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00742-00132823-00132932 out of it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00743-00132932-00133170 The good news is, is that for starters, knowing Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00744-00133170-00133379 is half the battle. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00745-00133379-00133490 If you just understand that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00746-00133490-00133940 this thing that you feel, this pervasive sense of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00747-00133940-00134339 incompetence that you feel actually has a name. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00748-00134339-00134439 It's Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00749-00134439-00134539 called impostor syndrome. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00750-00134539-00134639 You know how it's affecting your Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00751-00134639-00134739 thoughts. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00752-00134739-00134958 You know how it's affecting your head. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00753-00134958-00135058 That's Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00754-00135058-00135213 the first start of the road to recovery. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00755-00135213-00135313 I Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00756-00135313-00135413 mentioned earlier, I've got an impostor survey, I'll give Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00757-00135413-00135527 you the link at the end of the talk. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00758-00135527-00135792 It's derived from research from Dr. Clance. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00759-00135792-00135892 And it'll Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00760-00135892-00135992 give you a numeric score. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00761-00135992-00136092 It'll help you sort Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00762-00136092-00136236 of sort through some of the thoughts in your Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00763-00136236-00136479 head and figure out if it's something that you're Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00764-00136479-00136711 dealing with. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00765-00136711-00136869 So once you know what impostor syndrome is, the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00766-00136869-00136978 next thing is mindfulness. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00767-00136978-00137078 You have to start paying Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00768-00137078-00137226 attention. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00769-00137226-00137606 And, I apologize, cause I know this is Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00770-00137606-00137976 super cheesy, but I'm gonna do it anyway. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00771-00137976-00138076 I Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00772-00138076-00138176 want you to turn to somebody next to you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00773-00138176-00138441 in the audience and pay them a compliment. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00774-00138441-00138541 If Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00775-00138541-00138697 it's somebody you know well, make it as specific Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00776-00138697-00138904 a compliment as you can. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00777-00138904-00139180 I'll wait. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00778-00139180-00139457 AUDIENCE: [chatter] Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00779-00139457-00139871 N.M.: All right. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00780-00139871-00140423 All right, come on. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00781-00140423-00140699 Reeling it Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00782-00140699-00141080 back in here. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00783-00141080-00141186 I wondered if this would happen Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00784-00141186-00141361 on the last day of the conference, and it Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00785-00141361-00141937 did. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00786-00141937-00142725 So, think back to when the person sitting next Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00787-00142725-00142834 to you paid you that compliment. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00788-00142834-00142934 How did you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00789-00142934-00143067 react? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00790-00143067-00143345 Was your initial instinct to accept that compliment Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00791-00143345-00143666 and take it at face value as true? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00792-00143666-00143766 Or Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00793-00143766-00143882 was it to try to write it off. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00794-00143882-00143982 To Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00795-00143982-00144113 try to find some way deflect it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00796-00144113-00144213 Cause that's Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00797-00144213-00144313 what we do as impostors, right? Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00798-00144313-00144413 If somebody comes Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00799-00144413-00144548 up and says hey, nice job. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00800-00144548-00144736 Oh, man, I was really lucky. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00801-00144736-00144836 It was an Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00802-00144836-00144936 easy topic to talk about. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00803-00144936-00145040 That sort of thing. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00804-00145040-00145233 We tend to write it off. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00805-00145233-00145333 So you have Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00806-00145333-00145433 to pay attention to how you accept compliments. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00807-00145433-00145533 You Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00808-00145533-00145633 have to work to accept them gracefully. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00809-00145633-00145733 If you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00810-00145733-00145833 don't know how to do that, just say thank Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00811-00145833-00145933 you. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00812-00145933-00146033 All you have to say. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00813-00146033-00146133 It's very hard Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00814-00146133-00146385 work, and I am still terrible at it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00815-00146385-00146564 The other thing you have to do, that you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00816-00146564-00146891 can do to help you find how this is Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00817-00146891-00147140 happening in your head is to listen to yourself Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00818-00147140-00147341 talk. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00819-00147341-00147660 See if you do a lot of self-deprecation. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00820-00147660-00147812 When you make a mistake in the code, you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00821-00147812-00147970 say, oh man, I'm an idiot. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00822-00147970-00148070 Or do you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00823-00148070-00148273 do, oh, I forgot a semi-colon. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00824-00148273-00148373 Not that we Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00825-00148373-00148473 ever do that because we're Rubyists and we don't Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00826-00148473-00148855 write JavaScript or anything. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00827-00148855-00149003 The next thing you have to do is accept Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00828-00149003-00149157 your success. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00829-00149157-00149257 Accept your success. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00830-00149257-00149465 Trust reality, not your Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00831-00149465-00149588 feelings. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00832-00149588-00149707 Brandon Hayes is a friend of mine from Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00833-00149707-00149954 Austin, said this probably as eloquently as I've heard Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00834-00149954-00150054 it said. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00835-00150054-00150254 He was talking about leaving a previous Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00836-00150254-00150522 job and coworkers paying him compliments and saying nice Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00837-00150522-00150622 things about him. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00838-00150622-00150848 And he said, you know, at some point, I Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00839-00150848-00151130 had to stop the thought process in my head. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00840-00151130-00151298 And I had to try to find these things Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00841-00151298-00151486 that people were saying about me inside myself. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00842-00151486-00151586 I Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00843-00151586-00151686 had to find them as true. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00844-00151686-00151825 And it's hard. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00845-00151825-00151925 It's hard. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00846-00151925-00152027 You have to try to accept that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00847-00152027-00152202 compliments are true. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00848-00152202-00152302 You have to accept that nice Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00849-00152302-00152488 things that people say about you are true, rather Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00850-00152488-00152721 than immediately writing them off. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00851-00152721-00152821 Another way to practice Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00852-00152821-00152972 that is to give more compliments. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00853-00152972-00153163 I mentioned sort of this idea of a zero-sum Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00854-00153163-00153485 game, where it's, you have to be the shining Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00855-00153485-00153803 star and you're worried about what happens when people Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00856-00153803-00153934 on your team get compliments. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00857-00153934-00154110 Well, give more compliments. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00858-00154110-00154424 Notice the genuineness with which you deliver a compliment. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00859-00154424-00154686 If you notice how genuine you're being, start assuming Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00860-00154686-00154953 other people are being that genuine as well. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00861-00154953-00155053 And Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00862-00155053-00155453 they're not just deluded into thinking you're something you're Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00863-00155453-00155600 not. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00864-00155600-00155854 You have to own your success. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00865-00155854-00155954 And even if Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00866-00155954-00156161 your success involved a lot of luck and timing, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00867-00156161-00156324 you still had to be smart enough to use Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00868-00156324-00156524 that luck and timing to your benefit. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00869-00156524-00156624 So even Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00870-00156624-00156724 if you try to write it off as luck Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00871-00156724-00156876 and timing, you still had something to do with Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00872-00156876-00156976 it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00873-00156976-00157180 You also need to be kind to yourself. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00874-00157180-00157280 Forgive Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00875-00157280-00157380 your mistakes. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00876-00157380-00157721 If you notice yourself being very self-critical, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00877-00157721-00157939 interrupt yourself. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00878-00157939-00158102 Notice what you did well, in addition Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00879-00158102-00158253 to what you feel like you need to improve Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00880-00158253-00158353 on. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00881-00158353-00158510 My wife's a middle-school English teacher. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00882-00158510-00158610 And in her Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00883-00158610-00158810 classroom, she practices something that she calls the compliment Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00884-00158810-00158992 sandwich. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00885-00158992-00159182 When she has to deliver some bad news Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00886-00159182-00159314 to a student or tell them how they need Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00887-00159314-00159499 to improve their writing or, or something like that, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00888-00159499-00159850 she tells them first something they did really well. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00889-00159850-00160109 Then she delivers the improvement, and then she tells Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00890-00160109-00160236 them something else they did really well. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00891-00160236-00160443 Well, if you start doing this inside your own Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00892-00160443-00160641 head, what'll happen is you'll have to find something Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00893-00160641-00160835 you did well. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00894-00160835-00160947 Then you can indulge in that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00895-00160947-00161245 self-criticism that feels so good to us. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00896-00161245-00161345 And then Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00897-00161345-00161445 you tell yourself something else you did well. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00898-00161445-00161545 And Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00899-00161545-00161698 over time, you'll notice that you start to notice Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00900-00161698-00161960 your success more than the things that you wish Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00901-00161960-00162237 you'd done better. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00902-00162237-00162470 Another technique you can use is to ratchet your Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00903-00162470-00162661 freak-out. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00904-00162661-00162903 And I use this one a lot this, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00905-00162903-00163042 giving this talk. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00906-00163042-00163208 I mentioned that I moved into Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00907-00163208-00163601 that fear and doubt and, cycle, pretty early on. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00908-00163601-00163842 Well, I made an agreement with myself that I Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00909-00163842-00164047 was not gonna freak out until a week before Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00910-00164047-00164388 the conference. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00911-00164388-00164547 And it actually worked pretty well. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00912-00164547-00164699 So, normally when Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00913-00164699-00164867 I do something like this, I would freak out Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00914-00164867-00164986 a long time in advance. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00915-00164986-00165086 I would start worrying Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00916-00165086-00165214 about it and feeling like I wasn't gonna pull Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00917-00165214-00165314 it off. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00918-00165314-00165414 But I made an agreement with myself Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00919-00165414-00165552 that I wasn't gonna do that. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00920-00165552-00165652 And I sat Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00921-00165652-00165752 on it for awhile. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00922-00165752-00165852 And a week before the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00923-00165852-00165952 conference. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00924-00165952-00166052 It actually worked. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00925-00166052-00166152 When it would come up, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00926-00166152-00166252 I would push it back down and say, you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00927-00166252-00166352 get to freak out a week before the conference. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00928-00166352-00166452 You don't get to freak out now. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00929-00166452-00166552 And then Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00930-00166552-00166652 the week before the conference got here and, boy Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00931-00166652-00166920 did I freak out. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00932-00166920-00167073 I stayed up till two in the morning most Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00933-00167073-00167363 nights not doing much of anything, but feeling better Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00934-00167363-00167539 because I was doing something. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00935-00167539-00167639 Like I was making Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00936-00167639-00167739 progress on my talk. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00937-00167739-00167839 It was very much a Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00938-00167839-00167939 coping mechanism. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00939-00167939-00168102 I wasn't accomplishing anything. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00940-00168102-00168202 But instead of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00941-00168202-00168384 doing that for a whole month, I only did Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00942-00168384-00168499 it for a week. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00943-00168499-00168777 And the magic of this, is it lets you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00944-00168777-00169210 be successful without freaking out for a month. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00945-00169210-00169310 And Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00946-00169310-00169477 so you start to break down that superstition that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00947-00169477-00169615 you have to do a lot of freaking out Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00948-00169615-00169805 before you can be successful. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00949-00169805-00169905 You start to chink Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00950-00169905-00170202 away at that bit by bit, until finally you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00951-00170202-00170452 become convinced that it's not as necessary, maybe, as Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00952-00170452-00170635 you believe it is. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00953-00170635-00171065 Another thing is embrace vulnerability. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00954-00171065-00171165 Allow yourself to admit Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00955-00171165-00171340 you don't know things and ask questions. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00956-00171340-00171440 If you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00957-00171440-00171574 don't know who that is in the background of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00958-00171574-00171787 that slide, it's Renee Brown. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00959-00171787-00171887 If you haven't seen Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00960-00171887-00172153 her TED talk, The Power of Vulnerability, put that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00961-00172153-00172445 very high on your to-do list. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00962-00172445-00172690 I saw it probably two years ago, and it Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00963-00172690-00172977 was the start of my journey out of impostor Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00964-00172977-00173177 syndrome. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00965-00173177-00173299 Because it was the first time I'd really Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00966-00173299-00173514 ever embraced the message that it was OK if Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00967-00173514-00173620 I wasn't perfect. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00968-00173620-00173720 It was OK if I didn't Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00969-00173720-00174051 know everything all the time. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00970-00174051-00174252 When you start embracing vulnerability, it frees you up Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00971-00174252-00174500 to be yourself, and to be OK with that. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00972-00174500-00174898 To be OK with not knowing everything. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00973-00174898-00174998 And once Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00974-00174998-00175148 you're comfortable with who you are, it gives you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00975-00175148-00175391 a much more solid foundation to build upon and Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00976-00175391-00175496 to improve. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00977-00175496-00175650 Like, instead of trying to build on Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00978-00175650-00175938 top of this shaky facade, you're building on who Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00979-00175938-00176265 you actually are and what you actually know. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00980-00176265-00176622 In the process of embracing vulnerability, something you absolutely Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00981-00176622-00177007 need to try is pair programming. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00982-00177007-00177107 I don't have Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00983-00177107-00177225 a lot of time, but I will be more Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00984-00177225-00177385 than happy to pair with any of you if Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00985-00177385-00177485 I can find the time. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00986-00177485-00177585 Just ping me on Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00987-00177585-00177685 Twitter. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00988-00177685-00177785 I'm lucky enough to be on a team that Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00989-00177785-00178015 does pair programming 100% of the time. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00990-00178015-00178115 And what Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00991-00178115-00178366 you find, a coworker said this to me right Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00992-00178366-00178529 as I was walking in to give this talk. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00993-00178529-00178947 What you find, is that knowledge becomes collective. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00994-00178947-00179047 Not Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00995-00179047-00179147 something that you have to bring to the table Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00996-00179147-00179289 individually. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00997-00179289-00179484 So it's OK if you don't know everything. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00998-00179484-00179635 Your pair probably does. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-00999-00179635-00179735 And there's no penalty for Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01000-00179735-00180035 them knowing things and you not. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01001-00180035-00180241 But it also makes you be vulnerable enough to Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01002-00180241-00180341 work with somebody. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01003-00180341-00180441 Because if you're pair programming with Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01004-00180441-00180773 somebody, there is no hiding. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01005-00180773-00180873 And it's really the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01006-00180873-00181239 first dose of having an accurate basis of comparison Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01007-00181239-00181471 for my work that I ever had. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01008-00181471-00181571 Working with Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01009-00181571-00181809 somebody, seeing how they worked, seeing how I worked. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01010-00181809-00181942 Seeing how we did a lot of the same Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01011-00181942-00182328 things and approached problems the same ways, convinced me Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01012-00182328-00182540 that maybe I wasn't that bad a developer after Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01013-00182540-00182652 all. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01014-00182652-00182977 But most importantly, you gotta keep going. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01015-00182977-00183077 You have Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01016-00183077-00183239 to keep going. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01017-00183239-00183442 The hell of impostor syndrome is Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01018-00183442-00183848 that you are never fully recovered from it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01019-00183848-00183948 This Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01020-00183948-00184074 pattern of thought is so deeply ingrained in your Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01021-00184074-00184464 head that is very hard to escape from. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01022-00184464-00184564 So Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01023-00184564-00184707 what you're working towards is becoming what I like Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01024-00184707-00185138 to call a high-functioning impostor. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01025-00185138-00185258 I've alluded to the fact that I have been Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01026-00185258-00185448 my own walking case study in the development of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01027-00185448-00185548 this talk. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01028-00185548-00185670 So, clearly I am not out of Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01029-00185670-00185770 the woods. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01030-00185770-00185912 Clearly, I still experience most of these Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01031-00185912-00186173 things on a very regular basis. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01032-00186173-00186346 The difference is, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01033-00186346-00186607 I can work through it enough to be able Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01034-00186607-00186901 to get up and give a talk, or to, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01035-00186901-00187231 to ship code and know it's actually decent code. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01036-00187231-00187331 And everybody can do this. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01037-00187331-00187470 It's not that hard. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01038-00187470-00187700 You just have to start working through it and Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01039-00187700-00187913 continue working through it and not giving up when Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01040-00187913-00188160 it's hard and continue pushing against it. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01041-00188160-00188340 The last thing I want to leave you with Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01042-00188340-00188440 is this. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01043-00188440-00188695 I talked about Dunning-Kruger effect earlier. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01044-00188695-00188795 The Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01045-00188795-00189087 thing that you need to remember about impostor syndrome Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01046-00189087-00189241 is you have a lot of very smart people Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01047-00189241-00189619 around you saying very nice things about you. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01048-00189619-00189719 If Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01049-00189719-00189975 you believe that these people are full of crap, Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01050-00189975-00190257 then you're saying that they're not smart enough to Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01051-00190257-00190445 see through you. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01052-00190445-00190546 They're not good enough at reading Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01053-00190546-00190789 code to tell that your code is terrible. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01054-00190789-00190889 And Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01055-00190889-00191024 these are also the people that serve as your Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01056-00191024-00191127 basis of comparison. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01057-00191127-00191227 So you're looking around at all Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01058-00191227-00191436 these people that are very smart, and these are Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01059-00191436-00191607 the people that you feel like you might be Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01060-00191607-00191746 inferior to. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01061-00191746-00191984 Well, you're saying these people that you, that you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01062-00191984-00192247 consider to be smarter than you are not smart Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01063-00192247-00192432 enough to see through this facade. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01064-00192432-00192594 They are. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01065-00192594-00192694 And Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01066-00192694-00192827 they're not, because there's no facade there. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01067-00192827-00192927 So the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01068-00192927-00193264 fact that you experience impostor syndrome pretty much means Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01069-00193264-00193516 that you have no reason to experience impostor syndrome. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01070-00193516-00193702 It means you know enough about your skill and Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01071-00193702-00194052 your craft to see your shortcomings and you just Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01072-00194052-00194216 need to focus more on the things that you Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01073-00194216-00194330 know and the value that you bring to the Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01074-00194330-00194511 table. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01075-00194511-00194758 Give yourself credit for that and focus less on Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01076-00194758-00194886 the things that you still have to learn. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01077-00194886-00194986 Because Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01078-00194986-00195086 you have a long career ahead of you. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01079-00195086-00195186 You Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01080-00195186-00195312 don't have to know it all now. Jp-Qh1VRqvg-01081-00195312-00195355 Thanks. JS5fkqPsNy0-00000-00000398-00000856 20fps wot-tv JTPm9xkQEVQ-00000-00001780-00003009 If we have a plan B, our plan A is less likely to work. JTPm9xkQEVQ-00001-00003009-00003282 Every now and then, it hurts to be prepared. JTPm9xkQEVQ-00002-00003282-00004126 In a series of experiments from the University of Pennsylvania, researchers found that when JTPm9xkQEVQ-00003-00004126-00004872 volunteers thought about a backup plan before starting a task, they did worse than those JTPm9xkQEVQ-00004-00004872-00005048 who hadn't thought about a plan B. What's more, when they realized they had options, JTPm9xkQEVQ-00005-00005048-00005148 their motivation for succeeding the first time around dropped. JTPm9xkQEVQ-00006-00005148-00005248 The researchers stress that thinking ahead is a good idea, but you might be more successful JTPm9xkQEVQ-00007-00005248-00005250 if you keep those plans vague.Fear can feel good—if we're not really in danger. JU_IEPbw7LE-00000-00000008-00000596 TRANQUIL MUSIC JU_IEPbw7LE-00001-00000612-00001008 MATTHIJS SCHOUTEN: There are many, but one of the important messages JU_IEPbw7LE-00002-00001024-00001620 is that nature... In many parts of Europe there's less and less space. JU_IEPbw7LE-00003-00001636-00001876 Nature is in a way under threat, JU_IEPbw7LE-00004-00001892-00002348 which I find an interesting and worrying observation. JU_IEPbw7LE-00005-00002364-00002640 But at the same time one can also ask the question JU_IEPbw7LE-00006-00002656-00002840 what nature are we then talking about. JU_IEPbw7LE-00007-00002856-00003092 Because there are different perceptions of nature JU_IEPbw7LE-00008-00003108-00003404 and some people might feel that nature is not under threat at all. JU_IEPbw7LE-00009-00003420-00003864 You see more and more blackbirds in the city that weren't there before and so on. JU_IEPbw7LE-00010-00003879-00004160 So it depends very much of what type of nature you're talking about. JU_IEPbw7LE-00011-00004176-00004336 But certain types of nature in Europe, JU_IEPbw7LE-00012-00004352-00004588 certain representations are seriously under threat. JU_IEPbw7LE-00013-00004604-00004772 And that's a matter of concern. JU_IEPbw7LE-00014-00004788-00005228 Ultimately we humans take space and need space to live. JU_IEPbw7LE-00015-00005244-00005736 And at the same time nature and natural elements and all kinds of creatures JU_IEPbw7LE-00016-00005752-00005920 need space too. JU_IEPbw7LE-00017-00005936-00006420 And I think that that's a very important challenge for the future. JU_IEPbw7LE-00018-00006436-00006695 How to combine those spaces. JU_IEPbw7LE-00019-00006712-00007212 Do we need to separate the space of nature completely from the space of humans JU_IEPbw7LE-00020-00007228-00007608 in reserves and different localities JU_IEPbw7LE-00021-00007623-00008264 or can we find ways in which the two living spaces can be combined JU_IEPbw7LE-00022-00008280-00008664 in such a way that we both have a sustainable future? JU_IEPbw7LE-00023-00008680-00009012 When you ask people what their first association with nature is JU_IEPbw7LE-00024-00009028-00009312 usually those associations are very very varied. JU_IEPbw7LE-00025-00009328-00009772 I do research in this topic with all kinds of people, JU_IEPbw7LE-00026-00009788-00010140 and I recently worked with a lot of Dutch young people. JU_IEPbw7LE-00027-00010156-00010460 And when you ask them their first association with the word nature, JU_IEPbw7LE-00028-00010476-00010628 about two thirds said forest. JU_IEPbw7LE-00029-00010644-00010984 And then a lot of them said green and then came plants and animals JU_IEPbw7LE-00030-00011000-00011184 and then came specific types of landscapes, JU_IEPbw7LE-00031-00011200-00011416 and they were very different for different people. JU_IEPbw7LE-00032-00011432-00011588 A lot of Dutch people said mountains, JU_IEPbw7LE-00033-00011604-00011840 we don't have mountains, but apparently that's nature. JU_IEPbw7LE-00034-00011856-00011964 It was very interesting, JU_IEPbw7LE-00035-00011980-00012296 within the group there were people of different ethnical backgrounds. JU_IEPbw7LE-00036-00012312-00012676 We had people with a Dutch, a Turkish and a Chinese background. JU_IEPbw7LE-00037-00012692-00013032 And the people with a Turkish and a Chinese background JU_IEPbw7LE-00038-00013047-00013212 had a completely, not always, JU_IEPbw7LE-00039-00013228-00013540 but had associations that we didn't find with the Dutch. JU_IEPbw7LE-00040-00013556-00013776 Like for instance everything. JU_IEPbw7LE-00041-00013791-00014060 None of the Dutch people said: Nature is everything. JU_IEPbw7LE-00042-00014076-00014332 Or the Earth is also a very nice one. JU_IEPbw7LE-00043-00014347-00014800 Or health was also one that came up with the non-Dutch groups quite a lot. JU_IEPbw7LE-00044-00014816-00015328 So perceptions of nature vary very much between individuals and cultural context. JUcVlCvgxAY-00000-00000000-00000348 I will give you report on Laura Anderson in room ten, who is a 35 year JUcVlCvgxAY-00001-00000348-00000677 old, on comfort measures only. She has a history of lung cancer with metastasis JUcVlCvgxAY-00002-00000677-00001161 to bone and brain. I last assessed Laura about an hour ago. Respiratory rate was six, JUcVlCvgxAY-00003-00001161-00001671 oxygen saturation's in the 70's. Oxygen is on at five liters per nasal prongs. We're JUcVlCvgxAY-00004-00001671-00001952 just checking respiratory effort. I haven't needed to give her any JUcVlCvgxAY-00005-00001952-00002313 medications this shift. Her mother has been asleep in the chair next to the JUcVlCvgxAY-00006-00002313-00002658 patient. Laura received the last rites and the mother is still having trouble JUcVlCvgxAY-00007-00002658-00003077 accepting. She isn't coping well. We don't know which funeral home will be used yet. JUcVlCvgxAY-00008-00003077-00003486 We would still have to ask mom about possible organ donation also, as this has JUcVlCvgxAY-00009-00003486-00004015 not been addressed. Chaplain would like to be called back, as needed. JdV-CpArc4c-00000-00000000-00000387 What? I always dress like this. JdV-CpArc4c-00001-00000387-00001117 Hi. Welcome to ‘A Bill a Minute’ from GovTrack, your short breakdown of interesting bills in Congress. I’m Jesse Rifkin. JdV-CpArc4c-00002-00001117-00001888 Juneteenth became a federal holiday in 2021, the first new one added since Martin Luther King Day in the 1980s. JdV-CpArc4c-00003-00001888-00002492 So ever since 2021, notably more federal holiday proposals have been introduced in Congress. JdV-CpArc4c-00004-00002492-00003343 GovTrack Insider has written about several such proposals, including Rosa Parks Day, Lunar New Year a.k.a. Chinese New Year, JdV-CpArc4c-00005-00003343-00004084 September 11, Gold Star Families Day honoring families of those who lost their lives in combat, JdV-CpArc4c-00006-00004084-00004555 Harriet Tubman Day, and the Hindu new year festival Diwali. JdV-CpArc4c-00007-00004555-00005549 My problem has been that none of those holiday proposals have particularly lent themselves to comedy songs. Until now. JdV-CpArc4c-00008-00005549-00006497 Because Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick recently introduced the St. Patrick’s Day Act, which would establish every March 17 as a federal holiday. JdV-CpArc4c-00009-00006497-00006871 So I wrote an Irish drinking song about it. JdV-CpArc4c-00010-00006871-00007909 We need some more time off Some folks in Congress say JdV-CpArc4c-00011-00007909-00008413 We honor all the veterans Every year in late May JdV-CpArc4c-00012-00008413-00008880 We celebrate Columbus We honor MLK JdV-CpArc4c-00013-00008880-00009424 And now it’s time our nation Has Saint Patrick’s Day JdV-CpArc4c-00014-00009424-00009878 But what are the chances This actually becomes law? JdV-CpArc4c-00015-00009878-00010372 An Irish celebration Could the U.S. take that off? JdV-CpArc4c-00016-00010372-00011173 Right now, the odds are 5% But if all of the gods Look down upon it kindly JdV-CpArc4c-00017-00011173-00011617 Then it might have Dublin odds JdV-CpArc4c-00018-00011617-00012217 Now what am I going to do with this outfit? Jepe8TsBCUo-00000-00000000-00000285 - In this video, we're gonna talk about the reason Jepe8TsBCUo-00001-00000285-00000503 why you need a second camera. Jepe8TsBCUo-00002-00000628-00000738 Let me explain why. Jepe8TsBCUo-00003-00000867-00001133 (country music) Jepe8TsBCUo-00004-00003340-00003424 Alright, welcome back. Jepe8TsBCUo-00005-00003424-00003635 My name is Brian, I'm with Three Princess Productions. Jepe8TsBCUo-00006-00003635-00003870 Unfortunately, we don't have a two video for you today, Jepe8TsBCUo-00007-00003870-00004020 even though it's Tuesday. Jepe8TsBCUo-00008-00004020-00004116 I'm still here to talk to you Jepe8TsBCUo-00009-00004116-00004266 about something really important. Jepe8TsBCUo-00010-00004266-00004600 And that is the importance of having a second camera. Jepe8TsBCUo-00011-00004600-00004747 So unfortunately this week, Jepe8TsBCUo-00012-00004747-00004947 I had to take my camera into the shop Jepe8TsBCUo-00013-00004947-00005161 because the tripod mount is busted Jepe8TsBCUo-00014-00005161-00005358 and unfortunately, needed to be repaired. Jepe8TsBCUo-00015-00005358-00005605 Because not only do I wanna make YouTube videos, Jepe8TsBCUo-00016-00005605-00005819 but I also wanna capture some home videos. Jepe8TsBCUo-00017-00005819-00005983 With only one camera, that's a problem. Jepe8TsBCUo-00018-00005983-00006155 Now, of course, I do have my cell phone, Jepe8TsBCUo-00019-00006155-00006320 which I'm recording on right now Jepe8TsBCUo-00020-00006320-00006669 and I have my external mics, the Boya Lavalier mics. Jepe8TsBCUo-00021-00006669-00006848 But the importance of having a second camera, Jepe8TsBCUo-00022-00006848-00006998 it's very important. Jepe8TsBCUo-00023-00006998-00007241 One, if you're gonna be making content on a regular basis, Jepe8TsBCUo-00024-00007241-00007419 you wanna make sure you're good to go. Jepe8TsBCUo-00025-00007419-00007581 You don't wanna be stuck in the situation Jepe8TsBCUo-00026-00007581-00007834 that I'm in right now, filming with your cell phone. Jepe8TsBCUo-00027-00007834-00008113 Especially if you spend nice money on a good camera. Jepe8TsBCUo-00028-00008113-00008319 So my recommendation is to get a second camera. Jepe8TsBCUo-00029-00008319-00008447 Now, one of my friends, Jepe8TsBCUo-00030-00008447-00008726 she let me borrow this little beauty. Jepe8TsBCUo-00031-00008726-00008950 This is the Canon Rebel T6. Jepe8TsBCUo-00032-00008950-00009113 Unfortunately, I'm not able to record on that, Jepe8TsBCUo-00033-00009113-00009347 so it does not have any external mic ports. Jepe8TsBCUo-00034-00009347-00009841 I am able to record here in 4K on my Samsung Galaxy S, Jepe8TsBCUo-00035-00009841-00009954 so that's what we're going with. Jepe8TsBCUo-00036-00009954-00010276 I'm also using a new software, Filmic Pro. Jepe8TsBCUo-00037-00010276-00010598 You can put onto your smartphone to give you Jepe8TsBCUo-00038-00010598-00010838 a little bit more of a DSL type feel. Jepe8TsBCUo-00039-00010838-00010980 I'll put a link down in the description Jepe8TsBCUo-00040-00010980-00011079 so you can check that out. Jepe8TsBCUo-00041-00011079-00011228 If you're looking to pick up one of these bad boys, Jepe8TsBCUo-00042-00011228-00011406 I'll put a link down below. Jepe8TsBCUo-00043-00011406-00011503 My recommendation though, Jepe8TsBCUo-00044-00011503-00011832 is to get the T6i if you're gonna get a Rebel. Jepe8TsBCUo-00045-00011832-00011962 The camera takes great pictures. Jepe8TsBCUo-00046-00011962-00012045 Here at the end of the video, Jepe8TsBCUo-00047-00012045-00012307 I'll throw up some of the pictures I took over the week Jepe8TsBCUo-00048-00012307-00012552 when me and the girls ended up going to the zoo. Jepe8TsBCUo-00049-00012552-00012819 (country music) Jepe8TsBCUo-00050-00013458-00013590 So coming up in the upcoming weeks, Jepe8TsBCUo-00051-00013590-00013860 we do have a couple videos with more fingerling minis, Jepe8TsBCUo-00052-00013860-00014168 a bunch of balloons, and greedy grandma, Jepe8TsBCUo-00053-00014168-00014408 we wanna show you that game that was sent to us recently. Jepe8TsBCUo-00054-00014408-00014504 These are all great products Jepe8TsBCUo-00055-00014504-00014640 that were sent to us by companies, Jepe8TsBCUo-00056-00014640-00014747 and we do appreciate that Jepe8TsBCUo-00057-00014747-00014922 so we wanna make sure we get those videos out. Jepe8TsBCUo-00058-00014922-00015100 And until the next video, Jepe8TsBCUo-00059-00015100-00015329 I really appreciate ya sticking with us. Jepe8TsBCUo-00060-00015329-00015515 It is my birthday and Labor Day, Jepe8TsBCUo-00061-00015515-00015705 so Happy Labor Day to everybody in the US. Jepe8TsBCUo-00062-00015705-00015835 If you can give me some birthday love Jepe8TsBCUo-00063-00015835-00016068 and give us a thumbs up, we'd really appreciate it. Jepe8TsBCUo-00064-00016068-00016225 Leave some comments down below. Jepe8TsBCUo-00065-00016225-00016535 And you ever us a Canon T6, I gotta tell ya, Jepe8TsBCUo-00066-00016535-00016758 I think I'm looking to get a DSLR after this. Jepe8TsBCUo-00067-00016758-00016997 Maybe one of those new mirrorless cameras, Jepe8TsBCUo-00068-00016997-00017153 thinking about that Sony a7 iii. Jepe8TsBCUo-00069-00017153-00017388 Thank you, again if you could give us Jepe8TsBCUo-00070-00017388-00017612 some birthday thumbs up, we'd really appreciate it. Jepe8TsBCUo-00071-00017612-00017737 Leave comments down below. Jepe8TsBCUo-00072-00017737-00017956 If you haven't subscribed yet, please subscribe. Jepe8TsBCUo-00073-00017956-00018093 Click that little bell notification, Jepe8TsBCUo-00074-00018093-00018334 so you don't miss out on any of our future videos. Jepe8TsBCUo-00075-00018334-00018506 I appreciate all the love. Jepe8TsBCUo-00076-00018506-00018636 Hopefully you guys have a good week Jepe8TsBCUo-00077-00018636-00018906 and we will see you next Tuesday. Jepe8TsBCUo-00078-00018906-00019193 Hopefully, camera should be back by then. Jepe8TsBCUo-00079-00019193-00019343 It's on its way back. Jepe8TsBCUo-00080-00019343-00019528 We'll see you next Tuesday for another video. Jepe8TsBCUo-00081-00019528-00019714 Until next time, bye. Jepe8TsBCUo-00082-00019838-00020105 (country music) JgoUwnjem70-00000-00000064-00000462 I'm here with football's biggest star, Randy Ramblebecker. JgoUwnjem70-00001-00000536-00000636 Randy, JgoUwnjem70-00002-00000718-00000944 in as many words as you can think of, JgoUwnjem70-00003-00000990-00001286 tell us why you love football. JgoUwnjem70-00004-00001398-00001572 I feel so fortunate JgoUwnjem70-00005-00001636-00001766 and blessed JgoUwnjem70-00006-00001784-00002005 to have a body that JgoUwnjem70-00007-00002092-00002414 when and if I put it on another person's body, JgoUwnjem70-00008-00002490-00002756 it will make that person's body fall to the ground. JgoUwnjem70-00009-00002816-00002920 Because JgoUwnjem70-00010-00003008-00003170 when you play football, JgoUwnjem70-00011-00003318-00003478 during every play, you're- JgoUwnjem70-00012-00003478-00003764 you need to bring a body to the ground. There's always JgoUwnjem70-00013-00003782-00004072 somebody that is moving around, JgoUwnjem70-00014-00004072-00004254 generally with a ball, JgoUwnjem70-00015-00004326-00004536 and if you put your body on their body, JgoUwnjem70-00016-00004536-00004746 they fall down and you make good. JgoUwnjem70-00017-00004746-00004912 You win game, JgoUwnjem70-00018-00005020-00005124 and feel good. JgoUwnjem70-00019-00005324-00005444 And that nice. JgoUwnjem70-00020-00005444-00005556 That good for me. JgoUwnjem70-00021-00005648-00005740 Keep going. JgoUwnjem70-00022-00005750-00006110 And having that sort of a body has its own challenges. JgoUwnjem70-00023-00006198-00006409 For example I- I don't wanna JgoUwnjem70-00024-00006459-00006659 accidentally put my body on JgoUwnjem70-00025-00006659-00006868 someone I love and trust's body JgoUwnjem70-00026-00006931-00007144 as it would make their body go to the ground. JgoUwnjem70-00027-00007306-00007508 This has made life difficult for me. JgoUwnjem70-00028-00007602-00007688 I can't JgoUwnjem70-00029-00007800-00008026 I can't hug, uhh, JgoUwnjem70-00030-00008068-00008156 anyone. JgoUwnjem70-00031-00008384-00008592 I haven't hugged anyone for a long time. JgoUwnjem70-00032-00008734-00008832 Keep going. JgoUwnjem70-00033-00008846-00008986 But it's not all bad. JgoUwnjem70-00034-00009078-00009386 I led the league in bringing bodies to the ground. JgoUwnjem70-00035-00009498-00009716 I led the league in touching the ball JgoUwnjem70-00036-00009758-00009878 out of the air. JgoUwnjem70-00037-00010054-00010402 Uhh, I led the league in holding, uhh, JgoUwnjem70-00038-00010434-00010634 holding the ball down. JgoUwnjem70-00039-00010724-00010842 And getting it. JgoUwnjem70-00040-00010924-00011296 And I would either get it, or I would bring it, JgoUwnjem70-00041-00011484-00011774 but in both cases I lead the league in that. JgoUwnjem70-00042-00011892-00011994 Keep going. JgoUwnjem70-00043-00012006-00012352 Well the thing is, I don't play with a helmet because my body, JgoUwnjem70-00044-00012352-00012622 whenever it is touched by another body, JgoUwnjem70-00045-00012750-00013096 I didn't find that necessary because my body, JgoUwnjem70-00046-00013136-00013358 uh, didn't- doesn't need it. JgoUwnjem70-00047-00013378-00013594 My body doesn't need a helmet. JgoUwnjem70-00048-00013706-00013800 Keep going. JgoUwnjem70-00049-00013862-00014126 I wouldn't have had any need for pads, JgoUwnjem70-00050-00014152-00014502 uh, my- my body, you see, JgoUwnjem70-00051-00014556-00014856 the less that I put on my body, the- JgoUwnjem70-00052-00014856-00015090 the more it's able to- to... JgoUwnjem70-00053-00015128-00015308 react to other bodies. JgoUwnjem70-00054-00015308-00015506 And what I mean to say by that is that JgoUwnjem70-00055-00015552-00015763 when other bodies touch my body, JgoUwnjem70-00056-00015808-00015896 my body JgoUwnjem70-00057-00016038-00016226 will push that body to the ground. JgoUwnjem70-00058-00016296-00016496 And fall on that body. JgoUwnjem70-00059-00016634-00016792 And that body will be hurt. JgoUwnjem70-00060-00016856-00017030 Through no will of my own. JgoUwnjem70-00061-00017064-00017424 It's the way that I was born and the way that I was raised. JgoUwnjem70-00062-00017568-00017678 But I heh- JgoUwnjem70-00063-00017754-00017974 can't help but think, uhh, JgoUwnjem70-00064-00018036-00018330 you know, if I didn't have that sort of body, maybe... JgoUwnjem70-00065-00018618-00018780 You know, if I had a body JgoUwnjem70-00066-00018806-00018994 that, allowed me JgoUwnjem70-00067-00019116-00019398 to touch a piano without breaking it... JgoUwnjem70-00068-00019510-00019776 If I had a body that allowed me to JgoUwnjem70-00069-00019786-00020004 squeeze a tube of icing JgoUwnjem70-00070-00020004-00020230 without squirting out the whole mess of it... JgoUwnjem70-00071-00020398-00020590 The type of body I- I have, JgoUwnjem70-00072-00020598-00020826 uhh, has really affected me. JgoUwnjem70-00073-00020886-00021004 In a good way, JgoUwnjem70-00074-00021152-00021256 you should JgoUwnjem70-00075-00021270-00021492 live the life that JgoUwnjem70-00076-00021510-00021666 your body JgoUwnjem70-00077-00021704-00021840 lets you live. JgoUwnjem70-00078-00021946-00022186 To do what you want to do. JgoUwnjem70-00079-00022224-00022342 To live your- JgoUwnjem70-00080-00022402-00022518 the purpose. JgoUwnjem70-00081-00022588-00022702 Of your body. JgoUwnjem70-00082-00022878-00023060 You are your body! JiSJhVoIBw0-00000-00000000-00000200 બગીચાની ખેતી JlrbpVCRUr0-00000-00000010-00000473 NEWER TOURNAMENTS. JlrbpVCRUr0-00001-00000473-00000480 NEWER TOURNAMENTS. JlrbpVCRUr0-00002-00000480-00000557 NEWER TOURNAMENTS. >>> A NEW MINUTE AT THE CROSSING JlrbpVCRUr0-00003-00000557-00000563 NEWER TOURNAMENTS. >>> A NEW MINUTE AT THE CROSSING JlrbpVCRUr0-00004-00000563-00000727 NEWER TOURNAMENTS. >>> A NEW MINUTE AT THE CROSSING ARTS ALLIANCE IN BRAINERD IS JlrbpVCRUr0-00005-00000727-00000734 >>> A NEW MINUTE AT THE CROSSING ARTS ALLIANCE IN BRAINERD IS JlrbpVCRUr0-00006-00000734-00000900 >>> A NEW MINUTE AT THE CROSSING ARTS ALLIANCE IN BRAINERD IS SHOWING HOW A CERTAIN HOUSEHOLD JlrbpVCRUr0-00007-00000900-00000907 ARTS ALLIANCE IN BRAINERD IS SHOWING HOW A CERTAIN HOUSEHOLD JlrbpVCRUr0-00008-00000907-00000974 ARTS ALLIANCE IN BRAINERD IS SHOWING HOW A CERTAIN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE PIECE CAN BE TURNED JlrbpVCRUr0-00009-00000974-00000980 SHOWING HOW A CERTAIN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE PIECE CAN BE TURNED JlrbpVCRUr0-00010-00000980-00001084 SHOWING HOW A CERTAIN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE PIECE CAN BE TURNED INTO A WORK OF ART. JlrbpVCRUr0-00011-00001084-00001091 FURNITURE PIECE CAN BE TURNED INTO A WORK OF ART. JlrbpVCRUr0-00012-00001091-00001304 FURNITURE PIECE CAN BE TURNED INTO A WORK OF ART. THE TAKE A SEAT EXHIBIT SHOWS JlrbpVCRUr0-00013-00001304-00001311 INTO A WORK OF ART. THE TAKE A SEAT EXHIBIT SHOWS JlrbpVCRUr0-00014-00001311-00001524 INTO A WORK OF ART. THE TAKE A SEAT EXHIBIT SHOWS DIFFICULT CHAIRS DONATED BY JlrbpVCRUr0-00015-00001524-00001531 THE TAKE A SEAT EXHIBIT SHOWS DIFFICULT CHAIRS DONATED BY JlrbpVCRUr0-00016-00001531-00001768 THE TAKE A SEAT EXHIBIT SHOWS DIFFICULT CHAIRS DONATED BY HABITAT FOR HUMANITY AND GIVEN JlrbpVCRUr0-00017-00001768-00001775 DIFFICULT CHAIRS DONATED BY HABITAT FOR HUMANITY AND GIVEN JlrbpVCRUr0-00018-00001775-00001848 DIFFICULT CHAIRS DONATED BY HABITAT FOR HUMANITY AND GIVEN TO ARTISTS. JlrbpVCRUr0-00019-00001848-00001855 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY AND GIVEN TO ARTISTS. JlrbpVCRUr0-00020-00001855-00002058 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY AND GIVEN TO ARTISTS. MORE THAN A DOZEN CHAIRS ARE HE JlrbpVCRUr0-00021-00002058-00002065 TO ARTISTS. MORE THAN A DOZEN CHAIRS ARE HE JlrbpVCRUr0-00022-00002065-00002095 TO ARTISTS. MORE THAN A DOZEN CHAIRS ARE HE FEATURED. JlrbpVCRUr0-00023-00002095-00002102 MORE THAN A DOZEN CHAIRS ARE HE FEATURED. JlrbpVCRUr0-00024-00002102-00002342 MORE THAN A DOZEN CHAIRS ARE HE FEATURED. TWO OF THE ARTISTS SAY THEY FELT JlrbpVCRUr0-00025-00002342-00002349 FEATURED. TWO OF THE ARTISTS SAY THEY FELT JlrbpVCRUr0-00026-00002349-00002515 FEATURED. TWO OF THE ARTISTS SAY THEY FELT INSPIRED TO TAKE PART IN THE JlrbpVCRUr0-00027-00002515-00002522 TWO OF THE ARTISTS SAY THEY FELT INSPIRED TO TAKE PART IN THE JlrbpVCRUr0-00028-00002522-00003049 TWO OF THE ARTISTS SAY THEY FELT INSPIRED TO TAKE PART IN THE PROJECT. JlrbpVCRUr0-00029-00003049-00003056 INSPIRED TO TAKE PART IN THE PROJECT. JlrbpVCRUr0-00030-00003056-00003206 INSPIRED TO TAKE PART IN THE PROJECT. >> I'M ALWAYS PARTICIPATING IN JlrbpVCRUr0-00031-00003206-00003213 PROJECT. >> I'M ALWAYS PARTICIPATING IN JlrbpVCRUr0-00032-00003213-00003453 PROJECT. >> I'M ALWAYS PARTICIPATING IN SHOWS AND STUFF, AND THIS ONE IS JlrbpVCRUr0-00033-00003453-00003460 >> I'M ALWAYS PARTICIPATING IN SHOWS AND STUFF, AND THIS ONE IS JlrbpVCRUr0-00034-00003460-00003563 >> I'M ALWAYS PARTICIPATING IN SHOWS AND STUFF, AND THIS ONE IS A DIFFERENT ONE. JlrbpVCRUr0-00035-00003563-00003570 SHOWS AND STUFF, AND THIS ONE IS A DIFFERENT ONE. JlrbpVCRUr0-00036-00003570-00004160 SHOWS AND STUFF, AND THIS ONE IS A DIFFERENT ONE. AND KIND OF A -- KIND OF A FUN JlrbpVCRUr0-00037-00004160-00004167 A DIFFERENT ONE. AND KIND OF A -- KIND OF A FUN JlrbpVCRUr0-00038-00004167-00004240 A DIFFERENT ONE. AND KIND OF A -- KIND OF A FUN POP-UP THING. JlrbpVCRUr0-00039-00004240-00004247 AND KIND OF A -- KIND OF A FUN POP-UP THING. JlrbpVCRUr0-00040-00004247-00004374 AND KIND OF A -- KIND OF A FUN POP-UP THING. UNIQUE MEDIUMS AND STUFF. JlrbpVCRUr0-00041-00004374-00004381 POP-UP THING. UNIQUE MEDIUMS AND STUFF. JlrbpVCRUr0-00042-00004381-00004614 POP-UP THING. UNIQUE MEDIUMS AND STUFF. >> I JUST WANTED TO CREATE A JlrbpVCRUr0-00043-00004614-00004621 UNIQUE MEDIUMS AND STUFF. >> I JUST WANTED TO CREATE A JlrbpVCRUr0-00044-00004621-00004801 UNIQUE MEDIUMS AND STUFF. >> I JUST WANTED TO CREATE A SPACE WITH LOTS OF DEPTH AND I JlrbpVCRUr0-00045-00004801-00004808 >> I JUST WANTED TO CREATE A SPACE WITH LOTS OF DEPTH AND I JlrbpVCRUr0-00046-00004808-00005148 >> I JUST WANTED TO CREATE A SPACE WITH LOTS OF DEPTH AND I STARTED THINKING ABOUT JlrbpVCRUr0-00047-00005148-00005155 SPACE WITH LOTS OF DEPTH AND I STARTED THINKING ABOUT JlrbpVCRUr0-00048-00005155-00005382 SPACE WITH LOTS OF DEPTH AND I STARTED THINKING ABOUT ATMOSPHERE AND SPACE AND OUT OF JlrbpVCRUr0-00049-00005382-00005388 STARTED THINKING ABOUT ATMOSPHERE AND SPACE AND OUT OF JlrbpVCRUr0-00050-00005388-00005582 STARTED THINKING ABOUT ATMOSPHERE AND SPACE AND OUT OF THAT, JUST GREW THE WHOLE SPACE JlrbpVCRUr0-00051-00005582-00005588 ATMOSPHERE AND SPACE AND OUT OF THAT, JUST GREW THE WHOLE SPACE JlrbpVCRUr0-00052-00005588-00005612 ATMOSPHERE AND SPACE AND OUT OF THAT, JUST GREW THE WHOLE SPACE IDEA. JlrbpVCRUr0-00053-00005612-00005618 THAT, JUST GREW THE WHOLE SPACE IDEA. JlrbpVCRUr0-00054-00005618-00005785 THAT, JUST GREW THE WHOLE SPACE IDEA. NEXT THING YOU KNOW, THERE WERE JlrbpVCRUr0-00055-00005785-00005792 IDEA. NEXT THING YOU KNOW, THERE WERE JlrbpVCRUr0-00056-00005792-00006089 IDEA. NEXT THING YOU KNOW, THERE WERE PLANETS AND SPACEMEN AND A JlrbpVCRUr0-00057-00006089-00006096 NEXT THING YOU KNOW, THERE WERE PLANETS AND SPACEMEN AND A JlrbpVCRUr0-00058-00006096-00006329 NEXT THING YOU KNOW, THERE WERE PLANETS AND SPACEMEN AND A ROCKETSHIP AND A MAP AND A JlrbpVCRUr0-00059-00006329-00006336 PLANETS AND SPACEMEN AND A ROCKETSHIP AND A MAP AND A JlrbpVCRUr0-00060-00006336-00006483 PLANETS AND SPACEMEN AND A ROCKETSHIP AND A MAP AND A GALAXY AND DIFFERENT THINGS. JlrbpVCRUr0-00061-00006483-00006489 ROCKETSHIP AND A MAP AND A GALAXY AND DIFFERENT THINGS. JlrbpVCRUr0-00062-00006489-00006653 ROCKETSHIP AND A MAP AND A GALAXY AND DIFFERENT THINGS. IT -- THE WHOLE THING FELL JlrbpVCRUr0-00063-00006653-00006659 GALAXY AND DIFFERENT THINGS. IT -- THE WHOLE THING FELL JlrbpVCRUr0-00064-00006659-00006793 GALAXY AND DIFFERENT THINGS. IT -- THE WHOLE THING FELL TOGETHER AND THAT'S THAT. JlrbpVCRUr0-00065-00006793-00006800 IT -- THE WHOLE THING FELL TOGETHER AND THAT'S THAT. JlrbpVCRUr0-00066-00006800-00006946 IT -- THE WHOLE THING FELL TOGETHER AND THAT'S THAT. >> THE EXHIBIT RUNS FOR A JlrbpVCRUr0-00067-00006946-00006953 TOGETHER AND THAT'S THAT. >> THE EXHIBIT RUNS FOR A JlrbpVCRUr0-00068-00006953-00007000 TOGETHER AND THAT'S THAT. >> THE EXHIBIT RUNS FOR A LIMITED TIME. JlrbpVCRUr0-00069-00007000-00007006 >> THE EXHIBIT RUNS FOR A LIMITED TIME. JlrbpVCRUr0-00070-00007006-00007060 >> THE EXHIBIT RUNS FOR A LIMITED TIME. IT BEGINS TOMORROW AND GOES K4jmu0Vt5o4-00000-00000313-00000819 This Library video will show you how to reference a book chapter using the Chicago 17 style. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00001-00000919-00001760 The details for citing a book chapter are generally found on the title page, copyright page, table of contents and the chapter title page. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00002-00001860-00002623 Important details include Author of book - Title of chapter - Title of book - - page numbers - Edition – publisher location - K4jmu0Vt5o4-00003-00002623-00003429 Publisher – place of publication - Year - And page numbers of chapter K4jmu0Vt5o4-00004-00003570-00003996 You need to format and present these details in a specific way K4jmu0Vt5o4-00005-00004246-00004559 Author - This is formatted using K4jmu0Vt5o4-00006-00004593-00005553 the family name - comma - first name - middle initial (if any) and then a full stop K4jmu0Vt5o4-00007-00005813-00006239 Chapter title – the chapter title is formatted using K4jmu0Vt5o4-00008-00006343-00006773 The title of the chapter – then a full stop. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00009-00006873-00007216 Capitalise all the major words in the chapter title. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00010-00007220-00007693 Finally, the chapter title is enclosed within double quotation marks. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00011-00007893-00008293 Book title – The book title is formatted using K4jmu0Vt5o4-00012-00008346-00008769 The word “In” then, The Title of the book K4jmu0Vt5o4-00013-00008843-00009233 The colon is used to separate the title and any subtitles K4jmu0Vt5o4-00014-00009360-00009616 Capitalise all the major words in the title K4jmu0Vt5o4-00015-00009700-00010236 Finally format the title in italics, end the section with a comma K4jmu0Vt5o4-00016-00010553-00010899 Page numbers – the page numbers are formatted using K4jmu0Vt5o4-00017-00010953-00011646 The first page of chapter – dash – then the last page of chapter. Then a full stop, K4jmu0Vt5o4-00018-00011790-00012650 Inclusive page numbers should be abbreviated according to section 9.61 in the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00019-00012803-00013453 Edition – The edition is formatted using the short ordinal version of the number. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00020-00013453-00014133 This is followed by an abbreviation of the word edition, Written here as ed full stop. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00021-00014356-00014773 Place of publication – where the publisher is based. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00022-00014869-00015810 The place of publication is formatted using, The city – then a comma – then the state or country – then a colon K4jmu0Vt5o4-00023-00015890-00016653 for rules about the place of publication, see section 14.130 in the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00024-00016846-00017146 Publisher - This is who published the book K4jmu0Vt5o4-00025-00017280-00017473 The Publisher is formatted using. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00026-00017586-00017943 Publisher’s name – then a comma K4jmu0Vt5o4-00027-00018056-00018779 Note: For rules about publisher names see 14.133 in the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00028-00018966-00019286 Year - this is the year the book was published. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00029-00019373-00019813 The year is formatted using the year – then a full stop. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00030-00019950-00020256 Only use the publishing year, and not the reprint year. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00031-00020406-00020806 View other guides and resources on the Library’s referencing and citation page. K4jmu0Vt5o4-00032-00020970-00021296 For more information, please contact the Library. K5WZwZALjqQ-00000-00000000-00000200 Copyright-free lofi music Relaxing vibes for daily routine Background music for studying Copyright-free lo-fi hip-hop Instrumental music for working Calm and relaxing music Music for sleeping and relaxing Background music for videos Copyright-free music for YouTube videos Lofi copyright-free music for videos Music for relaxing and studying Lo-fi for YouTube videos Instrumental music for studying and working Relaxing background music Non-copyrighted music for videos Tranquil and relaxing music for daily routine. KqKPCOfvIhI-00000-00000009-00000380 This is going to kill your business overnight, let's find out now KqKPCOfvIhI-00001-00001129-00001628 And what is going to kill your business overnight let's get into it before we do though KqKPCOfvIhI-00002-00001629-00002333 Don't forget to like share subscribe and hit the notification bell for updates guys as well as follow me on instagram at Rikki haze KqKPCOfvIhI-00003-00002385-00002681 IG well, let's get straight into it KqKPCOfvIhI-00004-00002857-00003057 That's embarrassing KqKPCOfvIhI-00005-00003102-00003301 Well, it's going to kill your business overnight KqKPCOfvIhI-00006-00003301-00003927 Facebook is imposing new rules that will kill dropshipping businesses as we know and this is your ad account score KqKPCOfvIhI-00007-00003934-00004493 Okay, in order to see at account school you need 5,000 page lights, but if you do you can click that link there KqKPCOfvIhI-00008-00004494-00004694 I'll be putting a link the KqKPCOfvIhI-00009-00004801-00005241 Document down below in the description. So feel free to view this at your leisure KqKPCOfvIhI-00010-00005437-00005868 But it's really important that that you check this KqKPCOfvIhI-00011-00005868-00006465 Okay, guys, once you hit 5,000 likes you check this on a regular basis because Facebook is locking people down KqKPCOfvIhI-00012-00006543-00006995 Frequently over this stuff, so don't forget about this. Alright, so KqKPCOfvIhI-00013-00007111-00007422 Here's an example of a good at account so you can see here KqKPCOfvIhI-00014-00007447-00007838 Anything under 2 is gonna get penalized anything over is fine KqKPCOfvIhI-00015-00007864-00008330 Obviously the higher the better you can see this is one of the other counts that I manage that is perfectly fine KqKPCOfvIhI-00016-00008371-00008850 Okay, you can see it's peaked at about four point seven and then it's sort of plateaued about four point five KqKPCOfvIhI-00017-00008850-00009393 You can never retain a five so don't ever worry about that. But this is an extremely high school KqKPCOfvIhI-00018-00009393-00009716 Alright, so this is an example of a bad at account KqKPCOfvIhI-00019-00009717-00009756 Okay KqKPCOfvIhI-00020-00009756-00010457 So you can see here that we've received a large number of negative feedback from your customers over recent weeks until you improve your service KqKPCOfvIhI-00021-00010457-00010796 And receive a satisfaction rating above to you ads may reach fewer people KqKPCOfvIhI-00022-00010804-00011306 If your score drops to one or below your Facebook page will no longer be able to run Facebook ads KqKPCOfvIhI-00023-00011400-00011756 Okay. So this is the reality of where a lot of people aren't going KqKPCOfvIhI-00024-00011757-00012125 a lot of people are sitting under three - pretty much they're just KqKPCOfvIhI-00025-00012178-00012704 Sitting - okay and most people don't even realize it and that's what actually penalized is a lot of accounts KqKPCOfvIhI-00026-00012704-00013403 That's why people make multiple an accounts that you can't see it. Unfortunately - you have 5,000 likes an actual number represent eight KqKPCOfvIhI-00027-00013510-00014069 Representation but that is there. Okay, and so you can see that this is only gonna get worse KqKPCOfvIhI-00028-00014134-00014688 Okay. So what happens when you penalize you're gonna get lower reach if you consistently provide the negative feedback KqKPCOfvIhI-00029-00014688-00014844 They're going to shut down and account KqKPCOfvIhI-00030-00014844-00014894 eventually KqKPCOfvIhI-00031-00014894-00015497 They can even shut down your business manager and lock your Facebook account on the rare instance Kay if you consistently provide bad KqKPCOfvIhI-00032-00015497-00015656 They're just going to lock your Facebook camp KqKPCOfvIhI-00033-00015656-00016340 I don't want you on their platform because their jar you're actually making their their platform worse. So to them they don't want you KqKPCOfvIhI-00034-00016356-00016513 okay, and KqKPCOfvIhI-00035-00016513-00017024 So what's going to result is your main traffic source will be completely cutting up them. Okay your Facebook account KqKPCOfvIhI-00036-00017025-00017438 It's going to be completely Courier and that's where most people make their money. Most people and now KqKPCOfvIhI-00037-00017509-00017906 What they're still making most their money from Facebook Instagram and Google. All right KqKPCOfvIhI-00038-00017917-00018317 Now how to prevent this from happening is your be transparent with the customers now KqKPCOfvIhI-00039-00018318-00018876 I forgot to add this but about shipping times at the FAQ page your shipping shipping and KqKPCOfvIhI-00040-00019081-00019428 Shipping and delivery page. Sorry your order tracking page KqKPCOfvIhI-00041-00019444-00019985 --you'll Thank You page your purchase confirmation email your shipping confirmation email and your shipping updates KqKPCOfvIhI-00042-00020070-00020405 Your receipt in messenger if you use messenger KqKPCOfvIhI-00043-00020409-00021095 You also can send a receipt by a text message as well as I've opted in for that to send a fire that KqKPCOfvIhI-00044-00021160-00021298 and KqKPCOfvIhI-00045-00021298-00021609 Between you know, all of that we're looking at seven to eight avenues KqKPCOfvIhI-00046-00021609-00022164 okay, and we're pretty much going to eliminate ninety to ninety-five percent and KqKPCOfvIhI-00047-00022245-00022320 There you go KqKPCOfvIhI-00048-00022320-00022617 Most of you covered most people don't even go to that degree because I don't care KqKPCOfvIhI-00049-00022666-00023216 And which is baffling reply to every customer service email. Just get a VA three to four dollars an hour KqKPCOfvIhI-00050-00023217-00023483 You can literally go on up with tons of people do it KqKPCOfvIhI-00051-00023484-00023775 There's heaps of other websites, of course three to four dollars an hour KqKPCOfvIhI-00052-00023809-00024236 Let's say five bucks to keep it simple five bucks an hour and you'll get a decent VA KqKPCOfvIhI-00053-00024237-00024617 I recommend from the Philippines I find from the Philippines. They're very good v8 KqKPCOfvIhI-00054-00024820-00025015 Don't ignore charge backs KqKPCOfvIhI-00055-00025015-00025641 Don't ignore just why would you ignore them? Anyway, dispute them. If because a lot of them are a lot of crap KqKPCOfvIhI-00056-00025732-00026208 As well as don't just ignore them that's actually going to piss people off even more not ignoring them KqKPCOfvIhI-00057-00026224-00026664 okay provide quality items if you have a winner test it to see if you can find a better quality item through a KqKPCOfvIhI-00058-00026693-00026812 sourcing manager KqKPCOfvIhI-00059-00026812-00027039 So again on up work you can find sourcing manager KqKPCOfvIhI-00060-00027039-00027691 But most are around twenty to twenty-five dollars an hour and they are extremely skilled. Just find the host once and you'll be fine KqKPCOfvIhI-00061-00027745-00028438 They're gonna spend at least four to five hours trying to find from different suppliers by a number of those are samples KqKPCOfvIhI-00062-00028460-00028773 You know spend 10 20 bucks or whatever how much it is on KqKPCOfvIhI-00063-00028811-00029220 Samples get them sent over and choose the best one and then go with that supplied KqKPCOfvIhI-00064-00029220-00029535 you'll actually find that it'll be cheaper for you because you'll be getting KqKPCOfvIhI-00065-00029591-00029914 A good supply. Okay. I didn't add this in as well KqKPCOfvIhI-00066-00029914-00030273 But if you are doing well as well and most of the time we go into the u.s KqKPCOfvIhI-00067-00030289-00030792 Use services like ship Bob so you have faster shipping. Okay, that's that's what the next step is KqKPCOfvIhI-00068-00030793-00031176 Now faster shipping ship bob has if you sent to their fulfillment center KqKPCOfvIhI-00069-00031180-00031594 you basically just it's it integrates with Shopify you get a KqKPCOfvIhI-00070-00031625-00032139 Sort like a an account manager and the account manager will help you with where to send it KqKPCOfvIhI-00071-00032174-00032470 Because they might ask you to send it to different locations KqKPCOfvIhI-00072-00032618-00032947 You then buy in bulk on Alibaba sent it to them KqKPCOfvIhI-00073-00032947-00033333 You're gonna have one two three day shipping time, but about it one day for film and time KqKPCOfvIhI-00074-00033334-00033798 So in total, usually I find max of four days, but most of the time they're actually about three days KqKPCOfvIhI-00075-00033799-00034240 which is what people expect okay people like people usually would KqKPCOfvIhI-00076-00034274-00034732 Be extremely happy with three days like well that's quick. Right so if that KqKPCOfvIhI-00077-00034787-00034955 As well as ask for feedback KqKPCOfvIhI-00078-00034955-00035449 To help you or Add Account score just through that link just offer them a 20% discount code KqKPCOfvIhI-00079-00035449-00035982 They just need to search activity for the ad for your business and they can give you positive feedback KqKPCOfvIhI-00080-00035983-00036460 give me a 20% discount code to encourage how you do that is just using something like after ship the KqKPCOfvIhI-00081-00036515-00036659 delivery confirmation KqKPCOfvIhI-00082-00036659-00036895 The also one if you're using klaviyo KqKPCOfvIhI-00083-00036989-00037189 as well as KqKPCOfvIhI-00084-00037430-00037609 Text message if you're doing text KqKPCOfvIhI-00085-00037609-00037669 All right KqKPCOfvIhI-00086-00037669-00038014 And so the other one that's obvious is just treat this like a business you can see this stuff is not hot KqKPCOfvIhI-00087-00038041-00038649 Once you have this stuff set up, it's pretty much leave it and go right and so treat this like an actual business KqKPCOfvIhI-00088-00038650-00039072 That's all I'm getting out there truly like just if you think you can change to Google ads that will influence KqKPCOfvIhI-00089-00039095-00039486 Marketing and just do that solely then you're wrong. So Google Ads chaton KqKPCOfvIhI-00090-00039487-00040066 okay, it's just even on if you don't have your policies on your footer page like your refund Terms of Service and KqKPCOfvIhI-00091-00040256-00040795 Refund Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, they're not even gonna let you run ads. They're gonna literally crawl your website KqKPCOfvIhI-00092-00040795-00041202 They're gonna be up now not even gonna let you run it and if you're providing crappy KqKPCOfvIhI-00093-00041282-00041821 Service, they're gonna shut down your account in terms of customers giving negative feedback about your website stuff like that KqKPCOfvIhI-00094-00041821-00042315 They're just going to completely shut you down. I just had a friend that's just recently had that and it's very frustrating KqKPCOfvIhI-00095-00042416-00042867 It's just the way it is going to get used to it. If you're doing influencer marketing, it's far more lenient because KqKPCOfvIhI-00096-00042920-00043350 that's a growing trend again at the moment in the community influencer marketing but KqKPCOfvIhI-00097-00043457-00043942 If you remember influencer marketing you're gonna get you know, you pay $50 for sure KqKPCOfvIhI-00098-00043942-00044230 You're gonna get thousands people or however many people to your website KqKPCOfvIhI-00099-00044230-00044799 If you want to actually make this into a real business you need to do remarketing too many people are not doing remarketing KqKPCOfvIhI-00100-00044840-00045265 If you want to do remarketing on Facebook, you need to have a good at accounts course KqKPCOfvIhI-00101-00045265-00045627 So don't think you can get away with this. They're all relative. Okay, so KqKPCOfvIhI-00102-00045761-00046246 Google I know will shutdown you unless you're providing transparency that will shut me down influencer marketing works to a degree KqKPCOfvIhI-00103-00046246-00046506 But if you want to do remarketing, it's critical KqKPCOfvIhI-00104-00046559-00046836 That's it guys the there isn't much to it KqKPCOfvIhI-00105-00046837-00047125 You can see this is all really just coming down to basic common sense KqKPCOfvIhI-00106-00047125-00047755 But why I'm seeing a growing trend of is that people are again neglecting this because there's this growing trend you to other people KqKPCOfvIhI-00107-00047768-00047968 Providing courses don't get me wrong. They're good KqKPCOfvIhI-00108-00048104-00048642 That people are moving to those and that these platforms these forms of other marketing KqKPCOfvIhI-00109-00048839-00049371 Being taken advantage of and trust me when I say that it's not gonna last forever it's going to come back to square one KqKPCOfvIhI-00110-00049372-00049705 Really quick. So you need to start treating this like a damn business. Okay, I KqKPCOfvIhI-00111-00049784-00050335 Might not be the most popular person in the world by saying this but so many people are going to fail just by this simple KqKPCOfvIhI-00112-00050335-00050620 fact and I assure you throughout the entire of 2019 and KqKPCOfvIhI-00113-00050627-00050913 Onwards that this is only going to become a bigger and bigger and bigger topic KqKPCOfvIhI-00114-00050924-00051199 Because no one seems to want to give a shit about KqKPCOfvIhI-00115-00051280-00051877 Responding to customer service emails or their account score. Okay, you know people will go from Google to KqKPCOfvIhI-00116-00051975-00052490 Snapchat they'll go from this to that and then they're just going to create the same shit in a different spot KqKPCOfvIhI-00117-00052491-00053129 So stop doing it. If you want to make an actual business take the time take the time. It's frustrating KqKPCOfvIhI-00118-00053129-00053615 I know I don't enjoy all that much either doing a lot of this stuff, especially, you know KqKPCOfvIhI-00119-00053674-00054225 Even if you have a VI e and they're doing emails you're still gonna get have to do some yourself in there crap KqKPCOfvIhI-00120-00054258-00054413 But you're gonna have to get used to it KqKPCOfvIhI-00121-00054413-00054956 If you want to make this into a real lifelong business and that's what you have to do. Okay, you just have to do it KqKPCOfvIhI-00122-00055026-00055562 All right. It's built on the foundation of trust right guys. So that's pretty much it from today's video if you did enjoy it KqKPCOfvIhI-00123-00055562-00055616 There's a link KqKPCOfvIhI-00124-00055616-00055853 There'll be a link down below for today's slides KqKPCOfvIhI-00125-00055891-00056333 Down below if you did like it as I don't forget to Like share subscribe and get the notification bell KqKPCOfvIhI-00126-00056358-00056843 don't forget to follow me on instagram at Rikki haze IG where you get up close and KqKPCOfvIhI-00127-00056866-00057366 Personal with me and there's a cheat sheet down below a hundred percent free cheat sheet guys. All right. Enjoy have a lovely day KvJlAk897CQ-00000-00000058-00000154 OFDGOTSKILLZ KvSHUFV-GHQ-00000-00000000-00000200 Kein Halten wenn Freunde miteinander toben: Luigi und Milou KvSHUFV-GHQ-00001-00000200-00000400 ... und auf weichem Untergrund macht es noch mehr Spaß Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00000-00000016-00000408 hi guys i'm andrea and i'm larry and today we have Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00001-00000463-00001104 magical pick-me-up yay these are the best you're so so excited i am excited Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00002-00001496-00001936 these are good these are excellent boxes these boxes are a disney subscription Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00003-00001936-00002808 box from hong kong yes look at this guy yep and it's always fun to get Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00004-00002912-00003384 things from different perks yeah we can't get this stuff so it's just exciting to open Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00005-00003384-00003968 these olivia's great over there at magical pick-me-up she sends a preference list you Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00006-00003968-00004720 fill it out and she goes shopping for you yeah i like it no yeah so let's get into this let's see Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00007-00004720-00005616 so there's two boxes there's a mini and then the regular size i think it's 49.99 and 59.99 okay Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00008-00005616-00005952 and this is what size is this this is the bigger one the bigger one okay Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00009-00006160-00006528 hong kong disneyland that's cute Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00010-00006928-00007352 oh and look at a note on the back dear andrea happy birthday Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00011-00007352-00007728 happy birthday it is my birthday today andrew's birthday today Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00012-00007984-00008296 wishing you a magical birthday and made all your dreams come true Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00013-00008296-00008688 have a magical day olivia oh that was very nice olivia's so nice Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00014-00008808-00009440 okay so i changed my preference list because i love lotso and i didn't have lotso on there Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00015-00009496-00010200 you have lots of ones yeah oh i do i love also and he smells wonderful can you yes i can okay Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00016-00010200-00011216 okay so the very first thing on the top do you see it i do and i know their ears those are awesome Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00017-00011296-00012000 i saw these wow those are cool yeah i got some ears with my uh mile long tag Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00018-00012208-00012400 those are cool can you help me yes i will okay Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00019-00012616-00013416 so look it's like a clear iridescent bow but look at zero those are really cool barrel and jack Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00020-00013704-00014408 yeah and that sounds yeah rainbow iridescent they are very popular right now lounge fly Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00021-00014504-00014840 you can yeah it's like here it's like vinyl Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00022-00014840-00015584 or something i'm not sure if it's vinyl exactly but right i like that yeah those are really cool Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00023-00015663-00016063 we saw these when we were at disneyland yeah somebody had didn't somebody had those Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00024-00016063-00016760 um it was in world of disney okay yeah yeah those are really cool i like these we do like nightmare Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00025-00016760-00017432 before christmas so these are perfect and i need some more ears yeah those are very cool Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00026-00017536-00018288 yeah if they're i'll try them on later okay yeah those are cool i like those i do like those okay Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00027-00018288-00018648 you you think the next thing well i'm just going to reach here and continue right off the top Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00028-00018824-00019784 it's pink i think it matches my ears all over oh my we god Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00029-00020016-00020688 a lotto towel that is awesome here let's i've never seen that Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00030-00021120-00021768 there we go try to break the little whoops we're on both sides oh that's so neat here we go Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00031-00022080-00022160 is it a towel Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00032-00022424-00023216 wait but i thought it was what does it say here is that oh it's a sport towel okay so it says Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00033-00023216-00024000 four times long okay so we could still put it in the bathroom yeah that is neat Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00034-00024112-00025048 how cute is that the very bottom right here what it says lotso hug and bear very nice oh does it Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00035-00025048-00025783 smell no it doesn't wow yeah that's cool i like that yeah it's got some strawberries at the top Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00036-00026064-00026424 yeah cool nice okay Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00037-00026695-00027080 i know where i'm gonna put them above them let me eat Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00038-00027272-00028183 yay okay yeah this is a great box so far great ones yeah two for two definitely Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00039-00028512-00028912 so i'm glad that i got another pin because my last pin Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00040-00029048-00029624 somebody dropped it what happened to it you dropped it and broke it Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00041-00029624-00030360 yeah i did i dropped it and it hit right on the writing like the ball point writing part Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00042-00030360-00030983 and it just pushed it right back inside the yeah that part yeah just push that little right back Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00043-00030983-00032072 in there yeah that part went back inside yep so yay okay okay so i emailed olivia and asked Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00044-00032072-00032896 if she could find one for me because i really wanted one and she found it okay and here it is Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00045-00033080-00033784 what is this oh okay this is something else we'll take this off okay so we have Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00046-00034176-00034528 a mickey soap foam shape maker Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00047-00035088-00035688 so yeah so it is the little soap dispenser you push down and it gives you a little mickey-shaped Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00048-00035792-00036608 soapy suds isn't that awesome right there so this one's the difference this is a disneyland 15. so Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00049-00036608-00037560 this is the 15-year anniversary hong kong version right awesome very cool this little note was Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00050-00037672-00038264 oh okay so they had to take the soap out for postal regulations Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00051-00038544-00039408 and you may fill the soap dispenser with any foaming hand soap handsome Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00052-00039408-00039912 see isn't that neat i'll take this off Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00053-00040376-00040784 and then you can see 15. Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00054-00041792-00042416 there's instructions how to wash your hands so you just push it down Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00055-00042688-00043248 oh there was oh there's a little bit there's a little bit left so pretty much most of us empty Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00056-00043552-00043832 that's cool yeah oh okay you can kind of see the Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00057-00043936-00044624 underneath and see the little little squirters it smells good what does it smell like okay Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00058-00044760-00045496 so fruity soap okay yeah that's awesome that's cool thank you so much olivia that's great Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00059-00045728-00046232 probably our bathroom probably yeah good choice or owie well Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00060-00046232-00046776 probably not out here no unless you want to be magical every time you wash the dishes no really Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00061-00047104-00047480 all right so this was a great box this was a lot of fun there's a lot of excellent stuff in here Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00062-00047480-00048216 what do you want something for that i'll wash my hands okay so you want to recap what did we get Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00063-00048216-00048912 yeah so we did get this little card postcard from olivia wishing android happy birthday it was very Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00064-00048912-00049936 nice that was nice thank you uh we got the lotso sport towel lots of there lots of hugging bear at Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00065-00049936-00050912 the bottom and we got these awesome lounge white ears iridescent look there very cool Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00066-00050976-00051912 it is neat yeah those are cool and of course they are lounge fly very nice yes we got the pen Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00067-00051912-00052648 a replacement pin or the one i broke yeah how did you know olivia you're that good right Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00068-00052904-00053384 and then we got the the mickey shaped foam Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00069-00054408-00055232 yeah yes i had fun opening this box i hope you guys enjoyed watching as open this box Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00070-00055232-00055696 um if you want to get a box of your own i'll put the link down below Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00071-00055767-00056400 um i'll try to find a code i think there was a 10 off code for your first box that she gives to Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00072-00056400-00056952 everybody so i'll try to find that and then link that down below but thanks you guys so much for Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00073-00056952-00057464 watching and don't forget to hit that subscribe and like button and that bell button yep get Kw8ZTIx4t5E-00074-00057464-00058496 those notifications when we post new videos so thank you guys so much see you next time bye KHlS82LM-D8-00000-00000117-00000319 Hi, I'm Mr. McKee and these are my KHlS82LM-D8-00001-00000319-00000795 to treat KHlS82LM-D8-00002-00000795-00001060 when I was around 10 II KHlS82LM-D8-00003-00001060-00001596 fell through the ice year KHlS82LM-D8-00004-00001596-00001804 way and was KHlS82LM-D8-00005-00001804-00002147 early twenties in KHlS82LM-D8-00006-00002147-00002454 theater s KHlS82LM-D8-00007-00002454-00002734 youngest KIwSc2-wnB4-00000-00000000-00001408 like and sub KM6YGS83LfQ-00000-00000036-00000474 How to get the most out of training with beginners and how to beat them in tournaments. KM6YGS83LfQ-00001-00000558-00001182 Hello there, Martin here from Schildwache Potsdam and today I want to talk with you about beginners KM6YGS83LfQ-00002-00001182-00001907 in historical martial arts or historic swordplay that is. They are a great treasure for us, because KM6YGS83LfQ-00003-00001907-00002520 not only do they help us growing that favorite hobby of ours, but they also bring in new ideas, KM6YGS83LfQ-00004-00002520-00003600 concepts, and well… really new movements to test our interpretations against. So, beginners usually KM6YGS83LfQ-00005-00003672-00004152 have two characteristics which make them really interesting for any experienced practitioner to KM6YGS83LfQ-00006-00004152-00004686 deal with and these are for once, they know very little about the subject because they're still KM6YGS83LfQ-00007-00004686-00005454 beginning, they are also not practiced in that art of ours. And second, they are unpredictable KM6YGS83LfQ-00008-00005454-00006048 as such, and that unpredictability makes them quite challenging for a lot of experienced KM6YGS83LfQ-00009-00006048-00006642 practitioners in tournaments to deal with. But let's first focus on the training side of things, KM6YGS83LfQ-00010-00006708-00007409 so how to get the most out of your training or your sparring with beginners. Well, I think there KM6YGS83LfQ-00011-00007409-00007980 are two approaches that are really useful here. The first thing is a constraint-based approach KM6YGS83LfQ-00012-00007980-00008634 especially in sparring. So if you want to get the most out of your sparring, you should pick KM6YGS83LfQ-00013-00008634-00009306 a goal like a set of technique techniques that you want to use, a concept that you want to KM6YGS83LfQ-00014-00009306-00010218 practice and you basically put yourself into a box and you try to make that thing work. And KM6YGS83LfQ-00015-00010218-00010926 as you become more predictable that way, you're basically putting constraints on yourself to not KM6YGS83LfQ-00016-00011010-00011544 vary between all the skills that you got, this predictability makes you actually easier to deal KM6YGS83LfQ-00017-00011544-00012366 with for the beginner - in essence, making them better against you, so you need to work KM6YGS83LfQ-00018-00012366-00013163 harder to make these techniques still work. And by already being experienced (right?), KM6YGS83LfQ-00019-00013163-00013919 you can loosen up these constraints to generate the kind of optimal rate of success. KM6YGS83LfQ-00020-00013986-00014724 So you know this already from drilling when you want your drills to be challenging, KM6YGS83LfQ-00021-00014724-00015504 not too easy but not too hard as well, so you get like that feeling of flow into your KM6YGS83LfQ-00022-00015504-00016206 technique where everything feels - like I said - challenging, so the success rate should be around KM6YGS83LfQ-00023-00016206-00016824 50 to maybe 80 percent, but it's not too easy, it's not too hard. All right, other constraints KM6YGS83LfQ-00024-00016824-00017592 could be of course that you try to go slower than usual, that you try to put other constraints on KM6YGS83LfQ-00025-00017592-00018264 your fencing using only a certain kind of attacks or that you are trying to make your openings a bit KM6YGS83LfQ-00026-00018264-00018900 wider than usual, just really to to test the the edge of your skill basically and putting KM6YGS83LfQ-00027-00018900-00019494 yourself in this challenging zone. This will make your fencing a lot better in the long run. KM6YGS83LfQ-00028-00019554-00020004 It will also train you against that unpredictability of the beginners as well. KM6YGS83LfQ-00029-00020112-00020802 But first, the other approach in your training is that you could also - especially in drills - try KM6YGS83LfQ-00030-00020802-00021678 to be the perfect feedback machine so to speak. So the coach usually plans out the lesson and I would KM6YGS83LfQ-00031-00021678-00022326 generally advise against on just verbally giving some extra teaching to your fellow KM6YGS83LfQ-00032-00022326-00023142 students and beginners because that generally just interrupts the lesson and usually the coach has a KM6YGS83LfQ-00033-00023142-00023898 much better plan of what verbal instructions and cues they have to give. So you actually don't want KM6YGS83LfQ-00034-00023898-00024438 to overwhelm your fellow students and beginners but you can present them with a perfect feedback KM6YGS83LfQ-00035-00024438-00025146 machine. So what do I mean by that well every time they do the right thing in an exercise they need KM6YGS83LfQ-00036-00025146-00025782 to succeed while if they fail to do something correctly in the exercise well then they should KM6YGS83LfQ-00037-00025782-00026483 fail or maybe if they do something correctly but not at the appropriate speed or intensity KM6YGS83LfQ-00038-00026483-00027245 then they should also fail. So you as a feedback machine can once again induce a perfect rate of of KM6YGS83LfQ-00039-00027245-00027876 success to your fellow students / to the beginners of the class. Okay, and this is really hard KM6YGS83LfQ-00040-00027948-00028848 because picking up on every inaccuracy takes a lot of skill in itself and that's the an own skill to KM6YGS83LfQ-00041-00028848-00029430 develop giving like a proper fencing lesson in practice which will serve you quite well in the KM6YGS83LfQ-00042-00029430-00030042 long run, not only with beginners but also with advanced students and training partners and so on. KM6YGS83LfQ-00043-00030095-00030768 All right, so two approaches: try to put yourself into a box, constrain yourself on KM6YGS83LfQ-00044-00030768-00031176 different levels to really make the sparring with beginners still challenging for you, KM6YGS83LfQ-00045-00031176-00031920 and the other one be the perfect feedback machine and develop your skill on giving fencing lessons. KM6YGS83LfQ-00046-00031920-00032495 So, but now, how to beat them in tournaments? So, you just want to win right and you need to deal KM6YGS83LfQ-00047-00032495-00033294 with that unpredictability and actually that being not predictable is a trade quite a lot of people KM6YGS83LfQ-00048-00033294-00034086 have if we don't know them already. So here comes some historical advice from Giovan Antonio Lovino, KM6YGS83LfQ-00049-00034086-00034752 a historical fencing master from the 16th century out of Milan and that is against KM6YGS83LfQ-00050-00034860-00035538 fencers that you do not already know, you shouldn't use feints and thereof but you KM6YGS83LfQ-00051-00035538-00036444 should actually use constraining actions, beats, over binds and direct actions to feel them out. KM6YGS83LfQ-00052-00036516-00037218 Because especially with feints which are usually conducted to entice a defensive KM6YGS83LfQ-00053-00037218-00037626 response of your opponent, you don't really know if they actually pick up on that feint, KM6YGS83LfQ-00054-00037626-00038418 maybe it's to subtle for them, maybe they'll do just a panic reaction, they go away or even worse KM6YGS83LfQ-00055-00038418-00039000 say attack into your feint which is of course for them quite beneficial because in that movement KM6YGS83LfQ-00056-00039060-00039666 of your feint, you're not really threatening them, you might be open so that's a good thing KM6YGS83LfQ-00057-00039666-00040356 to do for them. You don't really know if they react to that feint so get more on the side KM6YGS83LfQ-00058-00040356-00040848 of things that you want to constrain them that you want to use beating actions and if you then KM6YGS83LfQ-00059-00040848-00041394 notice that they react to your direct attacks or beats with a wide parry or something like that KM6YGS83LfQ-00060-00041394-00042228 then work with feints, then work with like these little disengagements right. So try to make them KM6YGS83LfQ-00061-00042228-00042816 basically more predictable by feeling them out and in that process don't open yourself too much. KM6YGS83LfQ-00062-00042978-00043764 Okay, another approach in tournaments would be to make them taking a tempo, to make them KM6YGS83LfQ-00063-00043764-00044382 move. Because if they move in a certain way, so for example they strike you from their KM6YGS83LfQ-00064-00044382-00044922 right shoulder then it's really hard for them - as they strike committedly at least - really KM6YGS83LfQ-00065-00044922-00045408 hard for them to make any other motion or diversion in that same time- So basically KM6YGS83LfQ-00066-00045408-00046074 as they are doing that committed motion they just became predictable and this is the time where you KM6YGS83LfQ-00067-00046074-00046584 can then of course do your parry & riposte or maybe even a counter thrust or something like KM6YGS83LfQ-00068-00046584-00047406 this. So you actually want to provoke these types of actions for example by exposing the left side KM6YGS83LfQ-00069-00047406-00047898 of your head which is also something that you can practice in your training once again as well KM6YGS83LfQ-00070-00048024-00048714 with the beginners in your class where you can test out how big of an opening do you need to KM6YGS83LfQ-00071-00048714-00049338 give where they are enticed to strike you but you still have enough time because all that KM6YGS83LfQ-00072-00049338-00049920 comes down here is measure and that's something that especially beginners usually struggle with. KM6YGS83LfQ-00073-00050532-00051180 Measuring the distance between two opponents is largely dependent on factors like of course KM6YGS83LfQ-00074-00051180-00051804 weapon reach, but of course it's the speed of the footwork ,the speed of the hand, so KM6YGS83LfQ-00075-00051804-00052578 it's athleticism that plays a role here - not only your own, but also that of the your opponent - the KM6YGS83LfQ-00076-00052578-00053334 kinds of movements each of the of the opponents makes. For example if people still have tells you KM6YGS83LfQ-00077-00053334-00054155 can… well… tell quite early what a move they're going to make so all this plays a role here and as KM6YGS83LfQ-00078-00054155-00055308 beginners are usually of course not that practiced in seeing all these motions they have a hard time KM6YGS83LfQ-00079-00055308-00056100 telling where the correct place to stand is. So I would advise you to especially try to work KM6YGS83LfQ-00080-00056100-00056820 on your footwork, work on direct attacks ,work on provoking them to directly attack you while KM6YGS83LfQ-00081-00056820-00057336 they are still of course a bit too far away - so they need to take a too long motion and KM6YGS83LfQ-00082-00057336-00058026 then you counter-strike them right after as they get predictable. All right so just to summarize: KM6YGS83LfQ-00083-00058079-00058716 Like I said beginners are a great treasure. Try to support them as much as you can do, KM6YGS83LfQ-00084-00058800-00059262 because one day they will be just as good or maybe even better than you KM6YGS83LfQ-00085-00059322-00060048 and this is just something that will entice you to get even better yourself; KM6YGS83LfQ-00086-00060048-00060708 so it's a win-win situation for both of you. Until next time take care and if you KM6YGS83LfQ-00087-00060708-00061391 want to like to support us on patreon we'd be very grateful - safe training and ciao! KMw9GGoqflg-00000-00000018-00000190 foreign [Music] KMw9GGoqflg-00001-00003347-00003706 stand for me [Music] KMw9GGoqflg-00002-00006762-00007476 the lion KMw9GGoqflg-00003-00011220-00012774 [Music] KMw9GGoqflg-00004-00013991-00015605 thank you [Music] please KMw9GGoqflg-00005-00015605-00015752 [Music] KMw9GGoqflg-00006-00015752-00016312 thank you [Music] KNEcbRIlLlu-00000-00000000-00000200 SASTRA FILM KNEcbRIlLlu-00001-00000200-00000400 WITH KNEcbRIlLlu-00002-00000400-00000600 BAYON TV KNEcbRIlLlu-00003-00001369-00001647 You aren't that embarrassing, KNEcbRIlLlu-00004-00001698-00001822 and too brave. KNEcbRIlLlu-00005-00002008-00002216 Yeah, I'm like that. KNEcbRIlLlu-00006-00002252-00002357 If not, KNEcbRIlLlu-00007-00002388-00002546 how can I seduce your husband? KNEcbRIlLlu-00008-00002847-00003119 You are pretty, KNEcbRIlLlu-00009-00003176-00003314 but you're seducing my husband KNEcbRIlLlu-00010-00003424-00003689 while you knew he has me as his wife. KNEcbRIlLlu-00011-00003738-00003874 Yes, I'm pretty KNEcbRIlLlu-00012-00003914-00004014 not that ugly. KNEcbRIlLlu-00013-00004106-00004348 My mind is too pure not as you think. KNEcbRIlLlu-00014-00004520-00004648 I'm bad for one thing, KNEcbRIlLlu-00015-00004768-00005105 just having the feeling for your husband. KNEcbRIlLlu-00016-00005323-00005423 To love a person, KNEcbRIlLlu-00017-00005504-00005722 not just about a heart KNEcbRIlLlu-00018-00005898-00006138 but you need to use your brain as well. KNEcbRIlLlu-00019-00006260-00006360 What you should do KNEcbRIlLlu-00020-00006468-00006568 and what you shouldn't do. KNEcbRIlLlu-00021-00006795-00006951 I feel regret for your cosmetics KNEcbRIlLlu-00022-00007034-00007149 that spent for make up KNEcbRIlLlu-00023-00007201-00007309 on your face. KNEcbRIlLlu-00024-00007431-00007562 If you keep your time to study, KNEcbRIlLlu-00025-00007611-00007801 maybe you will have a bright future. KNEcbRIlLlu-00026-00008215-00008403 Let me ask you straight forward, KNEcbRIlLlu-00027-00008515-00008666 as a woman KNEcbRIlLlu-00028-00008772-00008920 have you ever imagined KNEcbRIlLlu-00029-00009014-00009466 you will wear a wedding dress as the other? KNEcbRIlLlu-00030-00009564-00009874 PRESENT KNEcbRIlLlu-00031-00010214-00010502 MY HUSBAND'S MISTRESS KNEcbRIlLlu-00032-00010962-00011204 I want to meet you, get out now. KNEcbRIlLlu-00033-00011358-00011598 Is anyone home? Can you hear me? KNEcbRIlLlu-00034-00011852-00011978 Open the door for me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00035-00013246-00013375 Who are you? KNEcbRIlLlu-00036-00013484-00013638 Are you the housewife here? KNEcbRIlLlu-00037-00013785-00013941 I am his wife. KNEcbRIlLlu-00038-00013999-00014110 Is he at home? KNEcbRIlLlu-00039-00014207-00014307 What are you saying? KNEcbRIlLlu-00040-00014402-00014502 Wife? KNEcbRIlLlu-00041-00014872-00015118 You must be confused. KNEcbRIlLlu-00042-00015142-00015429 My husband might never know you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00043-00015454-00015674 You should find him at other houses. KNEcbRIlLlu-00044-00015682-00016232 No, I'm not confusing. His name is Seyha and he's working at real estate property. KNEcbRIlLlu-00045-00016482-00016626 No matter who you are, KNEcbRIlLlu-00046-00016698-00016950 but you must leave here. KNEcbRIlLlu-00047-00016956-00017244 I won't leave until I meet him. KNEcbRIlLlu-00048-00017379-00017493 What do you want? KNEcbRIlLlu-00049-00017564-00017793 Why do you want to have a problem here? KNEcbRIlLlu-00050-00017973-00018073 Seyha, come out. KNEcbRIlLlu-00051-00018112-00018402 Can you hear me? Come out and meet me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00052-00018402-00018502 He's not here. KNEcbRIlLlu-00053-00018652-00018786 He's going outside. KNEcbRIlLlu-00054-00018868-00019338 I don't believe you. Let him out or else I will get in by myself. KNEcbRIlLlu-00055-00019398-00019734 Try me. Who are you? Why are you too prided? KNEcbRIlLlu-00056-00019755-00020048 You are shouting out loud in front of my house and want to get in like this? KNEcbRIlLlu-00057-00020432-00020550 I understand you are a woman too, KNEcbRIlLlu-00058-00020629-00020870 you're lucky that I didn't call the polices here. KNEcbRIlLlu-00059-00020935-00021128 Get out of my house. KNEcbRIlLlu-00060-00021462-00021573 Today I can't meet him, KNEcbRIlLlu-00061-00021659-00021767 but I will meet him later. KNEcbRIlLlu-00062-00025186-00025409 Hello, I'm Chenda talking on the phone. KNEcbRIlLlu-00063-00025546-00025657 Who's this? KNEcbRIlLlu-00064-00025710-00025864 It's my husband's cellphone. KNEcbRIlLlu-00065-00025928-00026113 I want to talk to him. KNEcbRIlLlu-00066-00026175-00026275 Where is he? KNEcbRIlLlu-00067-00026397-00026562 Who are you? KNEcbRIlLlu-00068-00026696-00026959 Your voice is similar. KNEcbRIlLlu-00069-00027009-00027130 Don't you remember me? KNEcbRIlLlu-00070-00027202-00027399 I just went to find my husband last morning. KNEcbRIlLlu-00071-00027470-00027584 Where is he now? KNEcbRIlLlu-00072-00027699-00027812 You..... KNEcbRIlLlu-00073-00027913-00028184 What do you want? Who are you? KNEcbRIlLlu-00074-00028464-00028813 What's your right? Why are you calling my husband is your husband? KNEcbRIlLlu-00075-00028904-00029195 I don't care who are you to Seyha, KNEcbRIlLlu-00076-00029196-00029451 but he told me he loves me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00077-00029549-00029716 Is it enough for you? KNEcbRIlLlu-00078-00029819-00029919 Tell you, KNEcbRIlLlu-00079-00030040-00030201 he used to tell me that he's married. KNEcbRIlLlu-00080-00030307-00030591 But I didn't interest in this problem KNEcbRIlLlu-00081-00030718-00030907 since I'm in love with him already. KNEcbRIlLlu-00082-00031021-00031297 Just stay in his warm chest, KNEcbRIlLlu-00083-00031345-00031541 it's all my happiness. KNEcbRIlLlu-00084-00031587-00031687 Enough, KNEcbRIlLlu-00085-00031718-00031939 shut your dirty mouth up. KNEcbRIlLlu-00086-00031994-00032254 I don't know what you want with my family, KNEcbRIlLlu-00087-00032325-00032597 but he has me as his wife and a child too. KNEcbRIlLlu-00088-00032610-00032996 He wouldn't love other girls more than his family. KNEcbRIlLlu-00089-00033062-00033338 If he really loves you, KNEcbRIlLlu-00090-00033394-00033621 you are just a toy for him. KNEcbRIlLlu-00091-00033674-00033774 Mark my words. KNEcbRIlLlu-00092-00034070-00034306 Thank for your valuable advice, sister. KNEcbRIlLlu-00093-00034446-00034553 But don't forget to tell him that KNEcbRIlLlu-00094-00034766-00034972 I really love him full of my heart. KNEcbRIlLlu-00095-00035038-00035174 Not gonna stop any days. KNEcbRIlLlu-00096-00036943-00037196 I heard my phone ringing? KNEcbRIlLlu-00097-00037232-00037375 Did anyone call me? KNEcbRIlLlu-00098-00037450-00037643 No, it isn't. KNEcbRIlLlu-00099-00037727-00037914 You may be confusing. KNEcbRIlLlu-00100-00040135-00040288 I'm thankful to you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00101-00040364-00040550 You really love me so much. KNEcbRIlLlu-00102-00040690-00040863 I wanna stay near your forever. KNEcbRIlLlu-00103-00040958-00041084 Just a day without seeing you, KNEcbRIlLlu-00104-00041171-00041346 it seems like a year without seeing you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00105-00041590-00042006 Your skin is so cold and smells so good. KNEcbRIlLlu-00106-00042104-00042284 I always feel weird KNEcbRIlLlu-00107-00042377-00042528 whenever I with you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00108-00042633-00042826 Don't say that. KNEcbRIlLlu-00109-00042870-00043086 You never love me honesty, KNEcbRIlLlu-00110-00043138-00043334 because I'm not your wife. KNEcbRIlLlu-00111-00043390-00043574 Why would you downgrade yourself KNEcbRIlLlu-00112-00043690-00043844 to stay near me for so long? KNEcbRIlLlu-00113-00044120-00044432 Why did you talk about her? You're ruining the atmosphere now. KNEcbRIlLlu-00114-00044547-00044757 Why did you talk like that again? KNEcbRIlLlu-00115-00044914-00045177 You aren't a toy to me, KNEcbRIlLlu-00116-00045223-00045405 I gave you everything KNEcbRIlLlu-00117-00045435-00045580 as long as you're happy. KNEcbRIlLlu-00118-00045741-00045864 I promise, KNEcbRIlLlu-00119-00045942-00046195 to buy you a diamond ring you love KNEcbRIlLlu-00120-00046195-00046358 for you next week. KNEcbRIlLlu-00121-00046527-00046629 If one day KNEcbRIlLlu-00122-00046692-00046911 your wife catch me with you, KNEcbRIlLlu-00123-00047041-00047190 what will you think? KNEcbRIlLlu-00124-00047324-00047592 My wife cannot do anything for you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00125-00047685-00047847 If that day really come, KNEcbRIlLlu-00126-00047945-00048186 I will be the bodyguard to protect you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00127-00048340-00048613 I will not let her harm you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00128-00048852-00048966 What if I want you to divorce her KNEcbRIlLlu-00129-00049012-00049314 and take everything for me, can you? KNEcbRIlLlu-00130-00049690-00049790 Don't do that face. KNEcbRIlLlu-00131-00049909-00050038 I'm just kidding. KNEcbRIlLlu-00132-00050088-00050284 Give me a smile. KNEcbRIlLlu-00133-00050352-00050638 I'm happy enough to have you stay with me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00134-00050701-00050900 I'm not interested in other things. KNEcbRIlLlu-00135-00052574-00052864 Don't cry, baby. Don't cry. KNEcbRIlLlu-00136-00053088-00053232 Daddy is back soon. KNEcbRIlLlu-00137-00053712-00053896 Why aren't you sleep? KNEcbRIlLlu-00138-00054050-00054195 Why you wait for me? KNEcbRIlLlu-00139-00054251-00054351 What about you? KNEcbRIlLlu-00140-00054516-00054759 Why are you just home? KNEcbRIlLlu-00141-00054857-00055055 I called you and you didn't pick up. KNEcbRIlLlu-00142-00055088-00055252 I texted you and you didn't reply to mine. KNEcbRIlLlu-00143-00055358-00055642 She got fever and crying for you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00144-00055817-00055973 I told you KNEcbRIlLlu-00145-00056114-00056462 that I had a meeting from morning till evening. KNEcbRIlLlu-00146-00056600-00057067 I left my work to had a party with my team works. KNEcbRIlLlu-00147-00057210-00057560 I didn't mad on you back from work at late night, KNEcbRIlLlu-00148-00057748-00058017 but you should worry about our kid too. KNEcbRIlLlu-00149-00058097-00058230 As you can see, KNEcbRIlLlu-00150-00058269-00058473 she keeps crying for you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00151-00058669-00058892 Enough, such annoying. KNEcbRIlLlu-00152-00059006-00059155 I didn't back from hangout, KNEcbRIlLlu-00153-00059242-00059386 I just back from work. KNEcbRIlLlu-00154-00059446-00059560 You should understand too. KNEcbRIlLlu-00155-00059653-00059940 Learn to open your mind. KNEcbRIlLlu-00156-00059940-00060246 Why do you need to tell me just our kid Is getting a fever? KNEcbRIlLlu-00157-00060337-00060477 Why me all the time? KNEcbRIlLlu-00158-00061014-00061158 Even these words KNEcbRIlLlu-00159-00061301-00061470 you can spit it out too? KNEcbRIlLlu-00160-00061750-00062033 You never used these words to me before. KNEcbRIlLlu-00161-00062292-00062482 You're really changed. KNEcbRIlLlu-00162-00062628-00062776 Your attitude, KNEcbRIlLlu-00163-00062845-00062959 your speech, KNEcbRIlLlu-00164-00063294-00063700 where is Seyha from the past? KNEcbRIlLlu-00165-00065314-00065650 MY HUSBAND'S MISTRESS KNEcbRIlLlu-00166-00071556-00071932 MY HUSBAND'S MISTRESS KNEcbRIlLlu-00167-00075994-00076214 Hello my love, have you eat lunch yet? KNEcbRIlLlu-00168-00076380-00076504 Not yet. KNEcbRIlLlu-00169-00076626-00076850 How about you? KNEcbRIlLlu-00170-00076892-00077286 I'm not yet hungry since I'm not feeling well. KNEcbRIlLlu-00171-00077286-00077590 I feel miserable today. KNEcbRIlLlu-00172-00077594-00077778 I feel cold in my body KNEcbRIlLlu-00173-00077812-00078026 seem like I don't have any warmness. KNEcbRIlLlu-00174-00078072-00078180 You don't feel well? KNEcbRIlLlu-00175-00078296-00078464 Have you taken medicine? KNEcbRIlLlu-00176-00078512-00078806 Do you go for a check-up at the hospital or now? KNEcbRIlLlu-00177-00078856-00079342 If not, can I be a doctor to take care of you? KNEcbRIlLlu-00178-00079407-00079710 Take care of you when you're cold KNEcbRIlLlu-00179-00079710-00080118 or give you some warmness to warm you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00180-00080250-00080450 I'm not confusing right? KNEcbRIlLlu-00181-00080462-00080840 Just hearing your voice I feel like I have a doctor to taking care of. KNEcbRIlLlu-00182-00080890-00081308 I almost feel well without taking any medicine. KNEcbRIlLlu-00183-00081308-00081488 You're so sweet. KNEcbRIlLlu-00184-00081606-00081827 Can you come to have lunch with me? KNEcbRIlLlu-00185-00081959-00082175 I want you to feel fresh. KNEcbRIlLlu-00186-00082317-00082565 I'm making my hair now, KNEcbRIlLlu-00187-00082622-00082727 wait till the evening KNEcbRIlLlu-00188-00082759-00082895 if you want to meet me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00189-00083009-00083220 I'm just joking, darling. KNEcbRIlLlu-00190-00083238-00083557 I just want to hear your voice. KNEcbRIlLlu-00191-00083604-00084028 You must eat on time, don't fall sick I'm worried. KNEcbRIlLlu-00192-00084040-00084332 If you sick who will talk with me again? KNEcbRIlLlu-00193-00084400-00084908 If it is like that I will lonely and get sick too. KNEcbRIlLlu-00194-00084978-00085225 No, I'm not easy to get sick KNEcbRIlLlu-00195-00085225-00085557 I have you as my special medicine. KNEcbRIlLlu-00196-00086041-00086258 If I send these photos to her KNEcbRIlLlu-00197-00086326-00086635 I don't know how will she feel. KNEcbRIlLlu-00198-00086745-00086930 No need to send her, KNEcbRIlLlu-00199-00086976-00087190 just a post and tag her in she might be hurt enough. KNEcbRIlLlu-00200-00088064-00088474 Whenever you see this I hope your sugar wouldn't excess. KNEcbRIlLlu-00201-00088518-00088924 You aren't lucky as me to have a man take care of. KNEcbRIlLlu-00202-00089572-00089764 Many days ago, he took me out for dinner. KNEcbRIlLlu-00203-00089970-00090212 I specially ordered his favorite foods for him KNEcbRIlLlu-00204-00090320-00090518 since I don't want him to eat the same things KNEcbRIlLlu-00205-00090598-00090738 I afraid that he cannot accept it. KNEcbRIlLlu-00206-00090820-00090960 I worried about him, KNEcbRIlLlu-00207-00091000-00091128 take care of him, KNEcbRIlLlu-00208-00091172-00091298 and you don't need to wonder KNEcbRIlLlu-00209-00091334-00091574 why did your husband love me? KNEcbRIlLlu-00210-00091638-00092008 Don't be upset. KNEcbRIlLlu-00211-00092032-00092306 I'm younger and prettier than you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00212-00098539-00098699 When I hug you, KNEcbRIlLlu-00213-00098780-00099176 I feel so warm and peaceful. KNEcbRIlLlu-00214-00099298-00099416 You know? KNEcbRIlLlu-00215-00099536-00099689 I really miss you, KNEcbRIlLlu-00216-00099757-00099951 whenever I can't see you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00217-00100064-00100205 Your mouth is so sweet. KNEcbRIlLlu-00218-00100339-00100518 Your words such a things KNEcbRIlLlu-00219-00100574-00100717 I don't know what it is, KNEcbRIlLlu-00220-00100760-00100863 whenever I heard it KNEcbRIlLlu-00221-00100956-00101090 I feel so in love with you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00222-00101202-00101352 I upset for one thing. KNEcbRIlLlu-00223-00101718-00101882 I don't know what are you thinking now. KNEcbRIlLlu-00224-00102240-00102384 Do you have something? KNEcbRIlLlu-00225-00102457-00102632 Tell me now. KNEcbRIlLlu-00226-00102793-00103069 Lately, I don't know who is it KNEcbRIlLlu-00227-00103111-00103238 chat to me KNEcbRIlLlu-00228-00103308-00103422 and use bad words. KNEcbRIlLlu-00229-00103490-00103590 After I listened to it KNEcbRIlLlu-00230-00103676-00103832 I cannot accept it. KNEcbRIlLlu-00231-00103901-00104036 She is a woman. KNEcbRIlLlu-00232-00104105-00104297 I never known her before. KNEcbRIlLlu-00233-00104437-00104537 She said, KNEcbRIlLlu-00234-00104594-00104994 I'm such a slut seducing other's husband for money. KNEcbRIlLlu-00235-00105135-00105322 I'm ruining other people's happiness. KNEcbRIlLlu-00236-00105382-00105511 After I listened to it, KNEcbRIlLlu-00237-00105519-00105791 I want to die right away. KNEcbRIlLlu-00238-00105834-00105971 I feel hurt with those words KNEcbRIlLlu-00239-00106094-00106232 because I'm a good person KNEcbRIlLlu-00240-00106309-00106483 I never argued with anyone, KNEcbRIlLlu-00241-00106611-00106828 neither making anyone mad at me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00242-00106894-00107046 Why did she say like that? KNEcbRIlLlu-00243-00107219-00107438 Don't think about those useless words. KNEcbRIlLlu-00244-00107474-00107773 The important thing is me and you can stay together. KNEcbRIlLlu-00245-00107854-00108316 I will give you everything you love and want. KNEcbRIlLlu-00246-00108668-00108798 I have everything KNEcbRIlLlu-00247-00108849-00109150 but it doesn't equal to have you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00248-00109342-00109452 You know? KNEcbRIlLlu-00249-00109494-00109635 My friends thought that KNEcbRIlLlu-00250-00109670-00109788 I have a person who loves me KNEcbRIlLlu-00251-00109876-00110114 but I didn't have anything like them. KNEcbRIlLlu-00252-00110211-00110350 I feel so embarrassing. KNEcbRIlLlu-00253-00110413-00110621 I promised with you already KNEcbRIlLlu-00254-00110665-00110895 that I will buy you a diamond KNEcbRIlLlu-00255-00111028-00111280 as a gift for our love. KNEcbRIlLlu-00256-00111350-00111444 You sure? KNEcbRIlLlu-00257-00111551-00111780 You're so lovely. KNEcbRIlLlu-00258-00111943-00112043 I'm so lucky, KNEcbRIlLlu-00259-00112220-00112540 that I have you and you love me too. KNEcbRIlLlu-00260-00116042-00116238 You're trying to provoke me again and again. KNEcbRIlLlu-00261-00116293-00116393 This time, KNEcbRIlLlu-00262-00116414-00116612 you think you're gonna be alright? KNEcbRIlLlu-00263-00117242-00117499 Hello, my beloved sister. KNEcbRIlLlu-00264-00117558-00117717 I never do anything to you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00265-00117886-00118152 Why are you trying to annoyed my life? KNEcbRIlLlu-00266-00118178-00118380 I didn't do anything to you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00267-00118430-00118586 Sister, KNEcbRIlLlu-00268-00118641-00118806 hold yourself. KNEcbRIlLlu-00269-00118886-00119097 Why do you need to talk loud to me? KNEcbRIlLlu-00270-00119212-00119463 We are women KNEcbRIlLlu-00271-00119501-00119654 just take it peace. KNEcbRIlLlu-00272-00119816-00119968 Don't talk too much. KNEcbRIlLlu-00273-00120117-00120309 If anyone hears it, KNEcbRIlLlu-00274-00120309-00120589 they might say you got no shame KNEcbRIlLlu-00275-00120589-00120749 seducing other's husband. KNEcbRIlLlu-00276-00120851-00121003 I ask you, KNEcbRIlLlu-00277-00121061-00121238 don't you feel shame? KNEcbRIlLlu-00278-00121272-00121680 When you sleep with him and send me photos like this? KNEcbRIlLlu-00279-00121818-00122006 I don't wish to do anything bad. KNEcbRIlLlu-00280-00122114-00122330 I just want to show you KNEcbRIlLlu-00281-00122375-00122616 that how much he loves me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00282-00122767-00123050 He told me that KNEcbRIlLlu-00283-00123084-00123242 whenever he with me KNEcbRIlLlu-00284-00123316-00123567 he feel so peaceful. KNEcbRIlLlu-00285-00123748-00123900 When he's with you KNEcbRIlLlu-00286-00124030-00124161 he's so boring. KNEcbRIlLlu-00287-00124227-00124460 I feel regret for you, sister. KNEcbRIlLlu-00288-00124609-00124798 I don't feel anything KNEcbRIlLlu-00289-00124897-00125081 with trash words KNEcbRIlLlu-00290-00125136-00125383 that come from your dirty mouth KNEcbRIlLlu-00291-00125493-00125607 with worms in it. KNEcbRIlLlu-00292-00125901-00126082 I am a dignified woman, KNEcbRIlLlu-00293-00126262-00126452 I bowed my head with him KNEcbRIlLlu-00294-00126559-00126659 and everyone knew about it. KNEcbRIlLlu-00295-00127024-00127316 MY HUSBAND'S MISTRESS KNEcbRIlLlu-00296-00133180-00133624 MY HUSBAND'S MISTRESS KNEcbRIlLlu-00297-00133730-00133902 If you live in dignify KNEcbRIlLlu-00298-00134068-00134242 but with the loneliness KNEcbRIlLlu-00299-00134346-00134484 husband left you alone KNEcbRIlLlu-00300-00134588-00134688 seem like Sela waiting for her husband, KNEcbRIlLlu-00301-00134922-00135244 I will live to be me is better. KNEcbRIlLlu-00302-00135364-00135580 I don't need to feel sore KNEcbRIlLlu-00303-00135598-00135724 and waiting for my husband to come back. KNEcbRIlLlu-00304-00135875-00136171 It's hurt and nothing can compare to it. KNEcbRIlLlu-00305-00136308-00136567 Then follow your mind, KNEcbRIlLlu-00306-00136723-00136981 because people's consciousness is different. KNEcbRIlLlu-00307-00137094-00137216 different thinkable. KNEcbRIlLlu-00308-00137586-00137821 You are pretty as angel KNEcbRIlLlu-00309-00137929-00138091 that sitting on the mental armor. KNEcbRIlLlu-00310-00138199-00138402 These days, KNEcbRIlLlu-00311-00138476-00138688 there aren't any people sitting on mental armor. KNEcbRIlLlu-00312-00138814-00139090 But if you sponsor that for me, KNEcbRIlLlu-00313-00139140-00139330 I'm willing to sit there. KNEcbRIlLlu-00314-00139382-00139554 I wanna know how it was. KNEcbRIlLlu-00315-00139554-00139604 Shut up! KNEcbRIlLlu-00316-00139736-00139874 Listen to me carefully, KNEcbRIlLlu-00317-00139963-00140139 stop bothering with my life. KNEcbRIlLlu-00318-00140356-00140652 No matter what are you doing with my husband, KNEcbRIlLlu-00319-00140776-00140898 I'm not interested KNEcbRIlLlu-00320-00140992-00141242 on your type of woman. KNEcbRIlLlu-00321-00141352-00141452 You're young, KNEcbRIlLlu-00322-00141599-00141743 why did you love my husband? KNEcbRIlLlu-00323-00141859-00142033 Stop seducing my husband. KNEcbRIlLlu-00324-00142211-00142311 You're so naughty. KNEcbRIlLlu-00325-00142446-00142546 Share me KNEcbRIlLlu-00326-00142598-00142698 it's not waste. KNEcbRIlLlu-00327-00145102-00145401 I never got involved in your personal things, KNEcbRIlLlu-00328-00145454-00145752 but the money was withdrawing from the bank is too much. KNEcbRIlLlu-00329-00145756-00145982 What did you do with this amount of money? KNEcbRIlLlu-00330-00146288-00146556 My work every day need to send money in and out like that. KNEcbRIlLlu-00331-00146728-00147086 It's not weird that I withdrew money in huge amount. KNEcbRIlLlu-00332-00147288-00147458 Why are you asking me this? KNEcbRIlLlu-00333-00147710-00148120 But you just withdrew your money last a few weeks ago, KNEcbRIlLlu-00334-00148194-00148484 not long ago, you withdrew again. KNEcbRIlLlu-00335-00148484-00148584 So what? KNEcbRIlLlu-00336-00148770-00149222 Do I need to tell you everything about my work? KNEcbRIlLlu-00337-00149320-00149510 Are you my wife or my mother? KNEcbRIlLlu-00338-00149586-00149686 I know KNEcbRIlLlu-00339-00149714-00149874 that you will say these words. KNEcbRIlLlu-00340-00149951-00150071 I shouldn't ask you KNEcbRIlLlu-00341-00150144-00150244 because you are the head of the family. KNEcbRIlLlu-00342-00150344-00150672 I'm skeptical, I can say it's my mistake. KNEcbRIlLlu-00343-00150946-00151276 There a thing I want you to explain the truth to me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00344-00152892-00153202 Many friends of mine took a picture with me while we were eating, KNEcbRIlLlu-00345-00153228-00153394 why don't you wonder that too? KNEcbRIlLlu-00346-00153508-00153730 What? Are you suspecting me? KNEcbRIlLlu-00347-00153867-00154074 Such a useless thing. KNEcbRIlLlu-00348-00154832-00154932 What? KNEcbRIlLlu-00349-00155121-00155266 What do you want with me? KNEcbRIlLlu-00350-00155589-00155712 You stalked on my mistakes. KNEcbRIlLlu-00351-00155870-00156081 You don't know who is this and you believe her? KNEcbRIlLlu-00352-00156133-00156233 You're too believable. KNEcbRIlLlu-00353-00156271-00156423 I'm not making a quarrel with you, KNEcbRIlLlu-00354-00156573-00156722 but you should think about it yourself. KNEcbRIlLlu-00355-00156830-00157094 You have a wife and a daughter, KNEcbRIlLlu-00356-00157196-00157403 don't let her mess around with me again. KNEcbRIlLlu-00357-00157665-00157803 You can do as long as you want, KNEcbRIlLlu-00358-00157841-00157941 I will endure this, KNEcbRIlLlu-00359-00158048-00158164 I can do everything, KNEcbRIlLlu-00360-00158314-00158517 I love my family's honor, KNEcbRIlLlu-00361-00158688-00158818 but I ask for one thing, KNEcbRIlLlu-00362-00159061-00159161 if you can stop KNEcbRIlLlu-00363-00159196-00159296 you should stop this. KNEcbRIlLlu-00364-00159333-00159517 You're too much, today. KNEcbRIlLlu-00365-00159668-00159808 You want to make a quarrel? KNEcbRIlLlu-00366-00159906-00160036 I don't wanna say anything, KNEcbRIlLlu-00367-00160244-00160440 I don't say anything when you with her. KNEcbRIlLlu-00368-00160700-00160816 But I ask for a thing, KNEcbRIlLlu-00369-00161248-00161476 don't mistreat me more. KNEcbRIlLlu-00370-00161698-00161842 Stop seeing that girl. KNEcbRIlLlu-00371-00161988-00162117 Stop caring about her. KNEcbRIlLlu-00372-00164255-00164537 I didn't see you come out, lately. KNEcbRIlLlu-00373-00164597-00164741 Did something happen to you? KNEcbRIlLlu-00374-00165129-00165301 There are small problems in my house. KNEcbRIlLlu-00375-00165446-00165546 What's that? KNEcbRIlLlu-00376-00165834-00166124 No, it's nothing. Just a small thing. KNEcbRIlLlu-00377-00166235-00166409 Is it about your husband? KNEcbRIlLlu-00378-00166891-00167094 I don't want you to feel sad. KNEcbRIlLlu-00379-00167313-00167535 You shouldn't be too soft KNEcbRIlLlu-00380-00167620-00167770 he might step on you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00381-00167888-00168154 Your husband's relationship isn't simple, maybe. KNEcbRIlLlu-00382-00168414-00168581 What do you mean? KNEcbRIlLlu-00383-00168616-00168773 I don't really understand. KNEcbRIlLlu-00384-00169268-00169502 I saw your husband with a woman KNEcbRIlLlu-00385-00169546-00169712 left the hotel many days ago. KNEcbRIlLlu-00386-00169918-00170216 They seem so close to each other. KNEcbRIlLlu-00387-00170456-00170828 I thought your husband and that woman are KNEcbRIlLlu-00388-00171296-00171494 Enough, let's go. KNEcbRIlLlu-00389-00172013-00172211 Sorry, I shouldn't split it out. KNEcbRIlLlu-00390-00172666-00172981 I heard your boyfriend is a rich man. KNEcbRIlLlu-00391-00173115-00173230 Yeah right, so what? KNEcbRIlLlu-00392-00173359-00173494 Is he that rich? KNEcbRIlLlu-00393-00173604-00173786 Nothing relates to you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00394-00173836-00174202 Don't tell me you're in love with other's husbands. KNEcbRIlLlu-00395-00174286-00174454 Be careful then. KNEcbRIlLlu-00396-00174478-00174592 What's wrong with a married man? KNEcbRIlLlu-00397-00174618-00174822 Even he has a wife but he still a man. KNEcbRIlLlu-00398-00174868-00175020 He's single but he still a man too. KNEcbRIlLlu-00399-00175078-00175216 Nothing different. KNEcbRIlLlu-00400-00175254-00175522 I tell you, my husband is a good man, KNEcbRIlLlu-00401-00175548-00175648 he loves me KNEcbRIlLlu-00402-00175676-00175928 take care of me and give me everything. KNEcbRIlLlu-00403-00176022-00176189 How about his wife? Does she know about it? KNEcbRIlLlu-00404-00176255-00176355 She doesn't know. KNEcbRIlLlu-00405-00176423-00176568 But I let her know it first. KNEcbRIlLlu-00406-00176682-00176848 Nothing to scare for the first wife. KNEcbRIlLlu-00407-00176956-00177090 She couldn't do anything to me too. KNEcbRIlLlu-00408-00177120-00177272 The important is me and him are in love with each other. KNEcbRIlLlu-00409-00177354-00177638 If I didn't hear it from you I wouldn't know you are this kind of person. KNEcbRIlLlu-00410-00177726-00178015 You're seducing other husbands, you should be soft KNEcbRIlLlu-00411-00178122-00178391 maybe his wife can endure with you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00412-00178422-00178687 Are you admire me or blame me? KNEcbRIlLlu-00413-00178747-00178966 Enough, keep quiet. KNEcbRIlLlu-00414-00179027-00179175 Do whatever you want. KNEcbRIlLlu-00415-00179216-00179465 It's my problem if you didn't listen to my advice. KNEcbRIlLlu-00416-00180740-00180886 Are you sleeping yet? KNEcbRIlLlu-00417-00181222-00181360 Not yet, how about you? KNEcbRIlLlu-00418-00181372-00181600 I couldn't sleep. KNEcbRIlLlu-00419-00181694-00181844 You feel upset? KNEcbRIlLlu-00420-00181844-00182020 Yes darling. KNEcbRIlLlu-00421-00182348-00182524 Do you have something? KNEcbRIlLlu-00422-00183046-00183204 If you don't feel happy come and find me KNEcbRIlLlu-00423-00183204-00183487 I will make you happy, I'm waiting, KNEcbRIlLlu-00424-00183644-00183734 I will be there soon. KNEcbRIlLlu-00425-00190022-00190290 I really miss you, you know? KNEcbRIlLlu-00426-00190384-00190668 I didn't stay near you for a minute, my heart KNEcbRIlLlu-00427-00190668-00190832 feel like it's far from you an hour. KNEcbRIlLlu-00428-00191896-00192210 MY HUSBAND'S MISTRESS KNEcbRIlLlu-00429-00198104-00198522 MY HUSBAND'S MISTRESS KNEcbRIlLlu-00430-00200566-00200666 Stop! KNEcbRIlLlu-00431-00201349-00201467 What do you want? KNEcbRIlLlu-00432-00201574-00201724 I think a person made mistakes KNEcbRIlLlu-00433-00201813-00201958 maybe she can't face other. KNEcbRIlLlu-00434-00202105-00202253 Where is my husband, last night? KNEcbRIlLlu-00435-00202424-00202536 You are his wife KNEcbRIlLlu-00436-00202620-00202748 but why you ask me? KNEcbRIlLlu-00437-00202878-00203032 Didn't you are with him every day? KNEcbRIlLlu-00438-00203256-00203554 Last night, he was chatting with you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00439-00203646-00203746 Don't act like you didn't know about this. KNEcbRIlLlu-00440-00204115-00204215 Yes. KNEcbRIlLlu-00441-00204248-00204348 It's true, so what? KNEcbRIlLlu-00442-00204424-00204598 You're rightful because you're his wife KNEcbRIlLlu-00443-00204648-00204819 and you want to make a quarrel with me? KNEcbRIlLlu-00444-00204873-00205032 Yes, I did. KNEcbRIlLlu-00445-00205110-00205210 I have my right as a wife. KNEcbRIlLlu-00446-00205306-00205501 How about you? KNEcbRIlLlu-00447-00205694-00206010 What's right? Doesn't every day it was all fake happiness? KNEcbRIlLlu-00448-00206112-00206219 Even it's fake KNEcbRIlLlu-00449-00206298-00206398 or it's real, KNEcbRIlLlu-00450-00206469-00206625 I'm still the rightful than you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00451-00206806-00206920 What do you want now? KNEcbRIlLlu-00452-00207009-00207158 What did I do to you these days? KNEcbRIlLlu-00453-00207238-00207456 Why are you asking me in the middle way like this? KNEcbRIlLlu-00454-00207592-00207769 You're with my husband KNEcbRIlLlu-00455-00207888-00208392 and you're provoking me by sending me photos and text KNEcbRIlLlu-00456-00208438-00208634 and you want me to stand still as a statue? KNEcbRIlLlu-00457-00208933-00209064 I sent you photos? KNEcbRIlLlu-00458-00209112-00209233 What did I provoking you? KNEcbRIlLlu-00459-00209363-00209523 Your acting is so good. KNEcbRIlLlu-00460-00209618-00209718 You act nothing is happening. KNEcbRIlLlu-00461-00209810-00210053 Don't you know what are you doing every day? KNEcbRIlLlu-00462-00210146-00210268 The thunder nowadays, KNEcbRIlLlu-00463-00210399-00210564 it doesn't care about summer or raining, KNEcbRIlLlu-00464-00210709-00210928 we can see it in our own eyes. KNEcbRIlLlu-00465-00211055-00211181 I remind you, KNEcbRIlLlu-00466-00211240-00211340 I am afraid you will be forgotten. KNEcbRIlLlu-00467-00211560-00211704 No need to talk about me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00468-00211740-00211840 I know myself KNEcbRIlLlu-00469-00211914-00212071 that I seduced your husband. KNEcbRIlLlu-00470-00212206-00212308 If you know it already KNEcbRIlLlu-00471-00212368-00212500 why don't you stop this? KNEcbRIlLlu-00472-00212640-00212789 What if I wouldn't stop? KNEcbRIlLlu-00473-00212946-00213165 You got no shamed. KNEcbRIlLlu-00474-00213256-00213423 You are with my husband KNEcbRIlLlu-00475-00213498-00213794 and you still send me the pictures of you to provoking me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00476-00213988-00214182 Your husband is like my husband. KNEcbRIlLlu-00477-00214340-00214458 When he's near you KNEcbRIlLlu-00478-00214488-00214598 he's your husband. KNEcbRIlLlu-00479-00214654-00214854 When he's near me he's my husband. KNEcbRIlLlu-00480-00214921-00215136 I love him as my husband. KNEcbRIlLlu-00481-00215291-00215391 So? KNEcbRIlLlu-00482-00215469-00215569 Very good. KNEcbRIlLlu-00483-00215642-00215810 You ain't got no shame. KNEcbRIlLlu-00484-00216008-00216123 No I'm not. KNEcbRIlLlu-00485-00216180-00216396 Se, you're the prostitute? KNEcbRIlLlu-00486-00216526-00217040 Prostitute or not is my business. I can do whatever I want and it's not related to you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00487-00217116-00217271 Don't look down on me too much. KNEcbRIlLlu-00488-00217366-00217594 If I seducing your husband so what? KNEcbRIlLlu-00489-00217671-00217808 You didn't know? KNEcbRIlLlu-00490-00217992-00218145 I really endure with you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00491-00218228-00218420 You were posting when you had dinner with him KNEcbRIlLlu-00492-00218541-00218815 or even tagged me in, I wouldn't say anything. KNEcbRIlLlu-00493-00218893-00219002 More and more, KNEcbRIlLlu-00494-00219048-00219276 you're trying to provoke me again and again. KNEcbRIlLlu-00495-00219392-00219773 Till last night, you texted to come to you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00496-00219806-00219958 You're doing everything like this KNEcbRIlLlu-00497-00220033-00220183 then what's it call? KNEcbRIlLlu-00498-00220256-00220485 I am the honorable person, KNEcbRIlLlu-00499-00220601-00220926 I don't wanna have some words with you too. KNEcbRIlLlu-00500-00220994-00221208 What do you want to talk more? Split it out, KNEcbRIlLlu-00501-00221250-00221369 I'm happy to listen. KNEcbRIlLlu-00502-00221559-00221659 The truth is KNEcbRIlLlu-00503-00221670-00221802 your face is too tight KNEcbRIlLlu-00504-00221885-00222009 and too brave. KNEcbRIlLlu-00505-00222199-00222408 Yes, I'm like this. KNEcbRIlLlu-00506-00222444-00222544 If not KNEcbRIlLlu-00507-00222579-00222742 how can I seduce your husband? KNEcbRIlLlu-00508-00223039-00223139 Your face KNEcbRIlLlu-00509-00223165-00223265 is pretty KNEcbRIlLlu-00510-00223406-00223506 but you're seducing my husband? KNEcbRIlLlu-00511-00223610-00223886 You knew he has a family too. KNEcbRIlLlu-00512-00223923-00224234 I'm pretty not that ugly. KNEcbRIlLlu-00513-00224296-00224538 My mind isn't that bad either. KNEcbRIlLlu-00514-00224712-00224842 I'm bad for one thing, KNEcbRIlLlu-00515-00224919-00225062 I fall in love KNEcbRIlLlu-00516-00225120-00225258 with your husband. KNEcbRIlLlu-00517-00225512-00225643 To love a person, KNEcbRIlLlu-00518-00225700-00225884 it's not just your heart KNEcbRIlLlu-00519-00226058-00226410 but you must use your brain to think about it KNEcbRIlLlu-00520-00226452-00226552 what should you do KNEcbRIlLlu-00521-00226665-00226765 and what shouldn't you do? KNEcbRIlLlu-00522-00226982-00227127 I feel waste for your make up KNEcbRIlLlu-00523-00227197-00227343 that you spent your time on it KNEcbRIlLlu-00524-00227414-00227514 to your face. KNEcbRIlLlu-00525-00227616-00227747 If you save your time to study, KNEcbRIlLlu-00526-00227809-00227993 you might have a bright future. KNEcbRIlLlu-00527-00228332-00228596 Let me ask your straight KNEcbRIlLlu-00528-00228707-00228857 as we are women, KNEcbRIlLlu-00529-00228964-00229092 have you ever imagined that KNEcbRIlLlu-00530-00229232-00229698 you will wear the wedding dress on your wedding someday? KNEcbRIlLlu-00531-00230014-00230273 Don't waste your hard work. KNEcbRIlLlu-00532-00230409-00230537 You're sacrifice your body for him KNEcbRIlLlu-00533-00230642-00230760 and got shame KNEcbRIlLlu-00534-00230837-00230948 because you're seducing my husband. KNEcbRIlLlu-00535-00231253-00231353 Leave him. KNEcbRIlLlu-00536-00231615-00231789 Stop seducing my husband more. KNEcbRIlLlu-00537-00231900-00232012 You're young KNEcbRIlLlu-00538-00232083-00232183 why are you loving my husband? KNEcbRIlLlu-00539-00232317-00232417 Mark my words, KNEcbRIlLlu-00540-00232710-00232895 I'm here to talk with you now KNEcbRIlLlu-00541-00233373-00233496 is the last time you heard me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00542-00233653-00233753 Because KNEcbRIlLlu-00543-00233783-00233883 I don't have time to waste KNEcbRIlLlu-00544-00234044-00234242 with you a prostitute like you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00545-00238088-00238523 I'm going to province for a few days. KNEcbRIlLlu-00546-00243426-00244028 Hello, wait for me. I forgot something in my room. Wait for me. I will be there soon. KNEcbRIlLlu-00547-00246348-00246505 Stop, let me explain. KNEcbRIlLlu-00548-00246800-00247050 I don't want to listen to your explanation. KNEcbRIlLlu-00549-00247252-00247353 I know clearly KNEcbRIlLlu-00550-00247486-00247586 and everything KNEcbRIlLlu-00551-00247936-00248067 what kind of person you are. KNEcbRIlLlu-00552-00249172-00249273 Get her out of here. KNEcbRIlLlu-00553-00249538-00249638 Get out. KNEcbRIlLlu-00554-00249772-00249938 Get away from my life. KNEcbRIlLlu-00555-00254176-00254423 MY HUSBAND'S MISTRESS KNEcbRIlLlu-00556-00260314-00260740 MY HUSBAND'S MISTRESS KNEcbRIlLlu-00557-00268628-00268792 Where is daddy? KNEcbRIlLlu-00558-00269014-00269216 Why didn't he eat with us? KNEcbRIlLlu-00559-00269612-00269722 You're smart, KNEcbRIlLlu-00560-00270176-00270616 daddy is going to work. He will be far from you for a short time. KNEcbRIlLlu-00561-00270810-00271004 Dad will come back soon. KNEcbRIlLlu-00562-00271132-00271398 Is daddy stop loving me? KNEcbRIlLlu-00563-00271972-00272182 Dad will come back soon. KNEcbRIlLlu-00564-00272530-00272852 Unless you're a good child. KNEcbRIlLlu-00565-00276704-00276876 Drink this water. KNEcbRIlLlu-00566-00277244-00277414 I have one thing to ask from you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00567-00277434-00277648 What's that? Split it out. KNEcbRIlLlu-00568-00277752-00277986 I want to go out this evening. KNEcbRIlLlu-00569-00277986-00278278 There are a lot of brands that discount for today. KNEcbRIlLlu-00570-00278294-00278601 I will regret it if I can't go today. KNEcbRIlLlu-00571-00278612-00279200 But today I really have a meeting till evening. Can you wait for the other day? KNEcbRIlLlu-00572-00279234-00279568 I promise I will take you out for a whole day. KNEcbRIlLlu-00573-00279666-00279902 No, please I'm begging you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00574-00279986-00280185 Bring me there. KNEcbRIlLlu-00575-00280185-00280404 Your meeting isn't just today. KNEcbRIlLlu-00576-00280404-00280620 You can delay it too. KNEcbRIlLlu-00577-00280896-00281054 But I really....... KNEcbRIlLlu-00578-00281340-00281576 I don't know what are you thinking about me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00579-00281662-00281972 Your work is more important than me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00580-00282178-00282390 I'm lucky for a short time. KNEcbRIlLlu-00581-00282488-00282808 Okay, I bring you there. KNEcbRIlLlu-00582-00282808-00283030 You can be happy. KNEcbRIlLlu-00583-00283176-00283572 You're lovely. I'm happy to have you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00584-00285538-00285750 OMG, why is it like this? KNEcbRIlLlu-00585-00285798-00286026 He's giving me little money too. KNEcbRIlLlu-00586-00288159-00288317 Why did I lose it now? KNEcbRIlLlu-00587-00288421-00288622 He didn't pick up his phone either. KNEcbRIlLlu-00588-00288670-00288843 Why am I so unlucky? KNEcbRIlLlu-00589-00292537-00292719 What's wrong? KNEcbRIlLlu-00590-00292968-00293165 You aren't happy? KNEcbRIlLlu-00591-00293384-00293484 What? KNEcbRIlLlu-00592-00293538-00293646 Shut up. KNEcbRIlLlu-00593-00293854-00294052 I'm getting so much headache KNEcbRIlLlu-00594-00294169-00294388 because I'm getting fire at work. KNEcbRIlLlu-00595-00294434-00294554 Know yourself. KNEcbRIlLlu-00596-00294632-00294756 Why is it like that? KNEcbRIlLlu-00597-00294787-00294990 Aren't you the manager? KNEcbRIlLlu-00598-00295063-00295242 Why you're getting fire easily like this? KNEcbRIlLlu-00599-00295308-00295499 The company is being wasteful KNEcbRIlLlu-00600-00295614-00295900 because I didn't checkup clearly. KNEcbRIlLlu-00601-00296051-00296276 Every documents to the customers KNEcbRIlLlu-00602-00296290-00296692 are being too busy. Now you know how is it. Everything is end now. KNEcbRIlLlu-00603-00296818-00296952 I'm getting fire. KNEcbRIlLlu-00604-00297063-00297269 I need to pay them back the waste money. KNEcbRIlLlu-00605-00297734-00297884 Don't tell me this. KNEcbRIlLlu-00606-00297988-00298113 It's your business. KNEcbRIlLlu-00607-00298208-00298464 Why don't you bring more money when you left your home KNEcbRIlLlu-00608-00298556-00298688 if you know it will be like this? KNEcbRIlLlu-00609-00298910-00299125 Money all the time. KNEcbRIlLlu-00610-00299176-00299276 Everyday, KNEcbRIlLlu-00611-00299306-00299441 you can live by money KNEcbRIlLlu-00612-00299476-00299725 and when I'm having a problem you're blaming me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00613-00299875-00300053 You're acting cool. KNEcbRIlLlu-00614-00300092-00300192 Right, KNEcbRIlLlu-00615-00300258-00300462 money and human are in the same state. KNEcbRIlLlu-00616-00300542-00300832 If I don't love money then I'm dumb? KNEcbRIlLlu-00617-00300974-00301239 You think I love you with all my heart? KNEcbRIlLlu-00618-00301322-00301460 If you can't endure with me KNEcbRIlLlu-00619-00301502-00301772 get back to your wife. Leave here right away. KNEcbRIlLlu-00620-00301862-00302004 Don't shout at me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00621-00302238-00302434 Don't act like before. KNEcbRIlLlu-00622-00302598-00302846 You're only yourself. Don't act cool. KNEcbRIlLlu-00623-00303960-00304108 Why is it like this? KNEcbRIlLlu-00624-00304193-00304293 What to do? KNEcbRIlLlu-00625-00304696-00304796 Listen, KNEcbRIlLlu-00626-00304973-00305144 come and get him out of my house. KNEcbRIlLlu-00627-00305218-00305336 He's fainting now. KNEcbRIlLlu-00628-00305436-00305598 I have no money to take him to the hospital. KNEcbRIlLlu-00629-00308108-00308401 Are you his relative? KNEcbRIlLlu-00630-00308401-00308700 Yes doctor. I'm his wife. KNEcbRIlLlu-00631-00308700-00309556 He got the helminth. He needs an operation tonight because he has been sick for so long already. KNEcbRIlLlu-00632-00309632-00310130 Yes doctor, no matter what please help him out of danger, KNEcbRIlLlu-00633-00310166-00310362 I will try my best. KNEcbRIlLlu-00634-00310370-00311042 One more thing, I need a person to guarantee his life when we are operating and it's only for relatives. KNEcbRIlLlu-00635-00311124-00311498 Yes it's me. I will guarantee his life. KNEcbRIlLlu-00636-00314754-00314888 Daughter. KNEcbRIlLlu-00637-00315114-00315600 Daddy, please don't leave me again. I really miss you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00638-00315778-00315998 I will not leave you again. KNEcbRIlLlu-00639-00316036-00316240 Let me apologize. KNEcbRIlLlu-00640-00316318-00316500 Promise me? KNEcbRIlLlu-00641-00316782-00316915 I promised. KNEcbRIlLlu-00642-00317443-00317543 I know KNEcbRIlLlu-00643-00317680-00317866 I did wrong to you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00644-00318090-00318248 I made you tears down KNEcbRIlLlu-00645-00318450-00318756 and hurt because of me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00646-00318910-00319096 I have a good wife and I don't know how to care. KNEcbRIlLlu-00647-00319684-00319910 I madly in love with a pretty girl. KNEcbRIlLlu-00648-00320124-00320266 When there is nothing left, KNEcbRIlLlu-00649-00320376-00320732 I realize no one near me KNEcbRIlLlu-00650-00320732-00320950 besides my wife and family. KNEcbRIlLlu-00651-00320990-00321368 It's all my fault, I'm sorry. KNEcbRIlLlu-00652-00321800-00322250 I'm sorry for everything I did. KNEcbRIlLlu-00653-00322616-00322882 Mommy, please don't be mad at daddy. KNEcbRIlLlu-00654-00322980-00323238 Daddy is back to me. KNEcbRIlLlu-00655-00323892-00324264 He will never leave me again. KNEcbRIlLlu-00656-00324300-00324492 Please don't hate him, mom. KNEcbRIlLlu-00657-00326142-00326242 I forgive you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00658-00326780-00327074 I want you to be back like before. KNEcbRIlLlu-00659-00327308-00327620 I want happiness for our family. KNEcbRIlLlu-00660-00328341-00328628 I will start a new family again. KNEcbRIlLlu-00661-00328950-00329254 I want to pay back to you. KNEcbRIlLlu-00662-00329500-00329666 Give me a chance. KNEcbRIlLlu-00663-00329834-00330212 I promise I will take care of you and our daughter. KNEcbRIlLlu-00664-00335750-00335968 MY HUSBAND'S MISTRESS KNQ1th47Etc-00000-00000059-00000560 (birds chirping) KNQ1th47Etc-00001-00000560-00000645 Hello. KNQ1th47Etc-00002-00000645-00000937 We are going to make a six points star. KNQ1th47Etc-00003-00000937-00001181 And we will use two balloons to make it. KNQ1th47Etc-00004-00001181-00001291 Inflate the first balloon KNQ1th47Etc-00005-00001291-00001491 leaving one inch flat tail. KNQ1th47Etc-00006-00001491-00001675 Fold the balloon three times to find KNQ1th47Etc-00007-00001675-00001880 one third of the balloon. KNQ1th47Etc-00008-00001880-00002381 It is the size of the bubbles we have to twist. KNQ1th47Etc-00009-00002381-00002793 Twist the first one third of the size of the balloon. KNQ1th47Etc-00010-00002793-00002889 (birds chirping) KNQ1th47Etc-00011-00002889-00003066 Twist the 2nd bubble KNQ1th47Etc-00012-00003066-00003539 exactly the same size as the 1st one. KNQ1th47Etc-00013-00003539-00003870 The rest of the balloon is the 3rd bubble. KNQ1th47Etc-00014-00003870-00004277 Make sure all bubbles of the same size. KNQ1th47Etc-00015-00004277-00004621 Redo the bubbles if you have to make the right size. KNQ1th47Etc-00016-00004621-00005201 (birds chirping) KNQ1th47Etc-00017-00005201-00005635 Tie both ends of the balloon together in one knot. KNQ1th47Etc-00018-00005635-00005842 (birds chirping) KNQ1th47Etc-00019-00005842-00006086 We have made a triangle. KNQ1th47Etc-00020-00006086-00006306 (birds chirping) KNQ1th47Etc-00021-00006306-00006583 Now we are going to use the 2nd balloon KNQ1th47Etc-00022-00006583-00006888 to make a chain of three bubbles KNQ1th47Etc-00023-00006888-00007220 of the same size as we did the first balloon. KNQ1th47Etc-00024-00007220-00007497 (birds chirping) KNQ1th47Etc-00025-00007497-00008024 Inflate the 2nd balloon leaving the one inch flat tail. KNQ1th47Etc-00026-00008024-00008331 (birds chirping) KNQ1th47Etc-00027-00008331-00008580 Find one third of the balloon. KNQ1th47Etc-00028-00008580-00009430 (birds chirping) KNQ1th47Etc-00029-00009430-00010050 Twist the 1st bubble one third of the balloon size. KNQ1th47Etc-00030-00010050-00010339 Twist the 2nd bubble...uh...the same size KNQ1th47Etc-00031-00010339-00010622 as the first bubble. KNQ1th47Etc-00032-00010622-00011006 The rest of the balloon is the 3rd bubble. KNQ1th47Etc-00033-00011006-00011264 All bubbles should be the same size. KNQ1th47Etc-00034-00011264-00011568 Now we are going to weave or braid KNQ1th47Etc-00035-00011568-00011747 the second balloon KNQ1th47Etc-00036-00011747-00012179 inside of the triangle of the first balloon. KNQ1th47Etc-00037-00012179-00012359 Pull the ends of the 2nd balloon KNQ1th47Etc-00038-00012359-00012758 in the triangle from opposite directions. KNQ1th47Etc-00039-00012758-00013132 You have made the first weave. KNQ1th47Etc-00040-00013132-00013420 Weave the 2nd balloon KNQ1th47Etc-00041-00013420-00014015 around the other sides of the triangle. KNQ1th47Etc-00042-00014015-00014232 Tie the ends of the second balloon KNQ1th47Etc-00043-00014232-00014451 in one knot. KNQ1th47Etc-00044-00014451-00015182 (birds chirping) KNQ1th47Etc-00045-00015182-00015462 Fix the sides of both triangles KNQ1th47Etc-00046-00015462-00015742 regarding to each other. KNQ1th47Etc-00047-00015742-00016442 (birds chirping) KNQ1th47Etc-00048-00016442-00016520 Congratulations. KNQ1th47Etc-00049-00016520-00016720 You have made two triangles KNQ1th47Etc-00050-00016720-00016934 or six points star KNQ1th47Etc-00051-00016934-00017190 or star of David. KNQ1th47Etc-00052-00017190-00017562 (birds chirping) KNQ1th47Etc-00053-00017562-00017853 Have fun and happy twisting :) KNQ1th47Etc-00054-00017853-00018231 (birds chirping) KNQ1th47Etc-00055-00018231-00018400 Subtitles by the Amara.org community KNU0FHFIkcA-00007-00002172-00002372 Hello ! KNU0FHFIkcA-00008-00002372-00002572 Today I speak of the powder Essence KNU0FHFIkcA-00009-00002572-00002772 Mattifyng Compact Powder. KNU0FHFIkcA-00011-00002972-00003172 As you see I tried both colors, 01 and 02 KNU0FHFIkcA-00012-00003172-00003372 Natural Beige Soft Beige, without finding KNU0FHFIkcA-00013-00003372-00003572 much difference if not a shade slightly, KNU0FHFIkcA-00014-00003572-00003772 but just slightly lighter in color 01. KNU0FHFIkcA-00015-00003772-00003972 It is a face powder matting, the KNU0FHFIkcA-00016-00003972-00004172 packaging is 12 grams and being the KNU0FHFIkcA-00017-00004172-00004372 Essence brand is placed in the low-end. KNU0FHFIkcA-00030-00006772-00006972 In practice the traditional compact KNU0FHFIkcA-00031-00006972-00007172 powders matting, and this is the main KNU0FHFIkcA-00032-00007172-00007372 thing because they are really matting, at KNU0FHFIkcA-00033-00007372-00007572 least to me like so much and considered KNU0FHFIkcA-00034-00007572-00007772 that my skin is mixed. KNU0FHFIkcA-00036-00007972-00008172 I find them very valuable especially to fix KNU0FHFIkcA-00037-00008172-00008372 make-up and then also to dull the area T. KNU0FHFIkcA-00039-00008572-00008772 They are perfect for a touch up during KNU0FHFIkcA-00040-00008772-00008972 the day. KNU0FHFIkcA-00042-00009172-00009372 I use the powder every day after KNU0FHFIkcA-00043-00009372-00009572 foundation not only to set makeup but KNU0FHFIkcA-00044-00009572-00009772 also to dull your face because I do not KNU0FHFIkcA-00045-00009772-00009972 like the feeling that only the foundation KNU0FHFIkcA-00046-00009972-00010172 leaves skin. KNU0FHFIkcA-00048-00010372-00010572 Used for touch-ups during the day does KNU0FHFIkcA-00049-00010572-00010772 not give me any kind of problem, simply KNU0FHFIkcA-00050-00010772-00010972 reapply and in this way I can stay souped KNU0FHFIkcA-00051-00010972-00011172 -up from morning to evening. KNU0FHFIkcA-00053-00011372-00011572 On average, if I make the morning, do a KNU0FHFIkcA-00054-00011572-00011772 touch up in the afternoon and into the KNU0FHFIkcA-00055-00011772-00011972 evening are in place. If I also have to go KNU0FHFIkcA-00056-00011972-00012172 out in the evening and do not want to KNU0FHFIkcA-00057-00012172-00012372 redo all the makeup I apply again and are KNU0FHFIkcA-00058-00012372-00012572 in place. KNU0FHFIkcA-00060-00012772-00012972 I finished these two powders and I KNU0FHFIkcA-00061-00012972-00013172 already bought back the color 02, which KNU0FHFIkcA-00062-00013172-00013372 is the one that suits my complexion. KNU0FHFIkcA-00064-00013572-00013772 I find that to be a low cost product is KNU0FHFIkcA-00065-00013772-00013972 really very good, I found many of the KNU0FHFIkcA-00066-00013972-00014172 effects that give the various powders of KNU0FHFIkcA-00067-00014172-00014372 more expensive brands, then I see no KNU0FHFIkcA-00068-00014372-00014572 reason to spend more for the same result. KNU0FHFIkcA-00070-00014772-00014972 One pack, used every day, it quietly lasts KNU0FHFIkcA-00071-00014972-00015172 a couple of months, and something very KNU0FHFIkcA-00072-00015172-00015372 positive, to the end does not break, which KNU0FHFIkcA-00073-00015372-00015572 is the case I punctually with transparent KNU0FHFIkcA-00074-00015572-00015772 compact powder always the Essence, I KNU0FHFIkcA-00075-00015772-00015972 would say that is just a fact of KNU0FHFIkcA-00076-00015972-00016172 formulation of the product. KNU0FHFIkcA-00078-00016372-00016572 It applies easily with the classical brush KNU0FHFIkcA-00079-00016572-00016772 for face powder or dust, kabuki or a KNU0FHFIkcA-00080-00016772-00016972 sponge cloth. KNU0FHFIkcA-00082-00017172-00017372 Let me know if you have tried this KNU0FHFIkcA-00083-00017372-00017572 product and how you found. KNU0FHFIkcA-00084-00017572-00017772 . KPAKulsKLGg-00000-00000091-00000401 As every teacher knows, we deal with a lot of paper. KPAKulsKLGg-00001-00000401-00000605 What do we do with it, how do we organize it? KPAKulsKLGg-00002-00000605-00001085 Well in my classroom, a solution I have found that works well for me KPAKulsKLGg-00003-00001085-00001724 is I’ve purchased these file boxes, or mailboxes, from Walmart KPAKulsKLGg-00004-00001724-00002479 and these boxes, I just placed a little name on them and they’re just stickers KPAKulsKLGg-00005-00002479-00002884 so I just easily take them off every year and replace them with my next class. KPAKulsKLGg-00006-00002884-00003368 So I just file everybody’s paper right in there after I grade it KPAKulsKLGg-00007-00003368-00003652 and then at the end of the week, they know they can come over, grab their papers-- KPAKulsKLGg-00008-00003652-00004097 or if they’re leaving early for the week, they know that they can come over get their papers KPAKulsKLGg-00009-00004097-00004349 put them in their take-home folders and take them home. KPAKulsKLGg-00010-00004349-00004716 This is just one way you can organize all those papers that you have in your KPAKulsKLGg-00011-00004716-00004982 classroom and you don’t have to send papers home every single day. KPAKulsKLGg-00012-00004982-00005277 I just send them home on Friday and that seems to work really well. KPAKulsKLGg-00013-00005277-00005474 You might want to try this in your classroom. KQM9IRF2E44-00000-00000070-00000583 Shrink the size of your overall waist circumference!! KQM9IRF2E44-00001-00001092-00001568 Hello, this is Jiny from Jiny Diet V^_^V KQM9IRF2E44-00002-00001589-00001750 Hi everyone!! KQM9IRF2E44-00003-00001750-00002190 The weather is slowly warming up for spring already! KQM9IRF2E44-00004-00002190-00002727 I visited the Han River recently and I began to see cherry blossoms blooming already! KQM9IRF2E44-00005-00002727-00003428 As the weather warms up, I wondered which part of the body you would all want to slim down on? KQM9IRF2E44-00006-00003428-00003738 Since skinny fitted tops are popular during the spring KQM9IRF2E44-00007-00003738-00004107 So in order to enhance the look when we wear fitted tops KQM9IRF2E44-00008-00004107-00004432 I prepared a slim waist routine! KQM9IRF2E44-00009-00004432-00004693 Applause!! *clap clap clap* KQM9IRF2E44-00010-00004693-00004986 If you search for "Jiny Diet Thin Waist" on YouTube KQM9IRF2E44-00011-00004986-00005463 There are two videos that I've uploaded previously on creating a smaller waist! KQM9IRF2E44-00012-00005463-00005950 As a brief explanation, there are some differences in the targeted areas from these 2 videos KQM9IRF2E44-00013-00005950-00006111 With regards to the first waist routine KQM9IRF2E44-00014-00006111-00006766 Unlike conventional thinking, the fat in the back could be an issue rather than the side of the waist KQM9IRF2E44-00015-00006766-00007148 It creates an illusion for a thick waist due to the fat in the back area KQM9IRF2E44-00016-00007148-00007911 So for this first video, it mainly targeted the back diagonal area within the waist KQM9IRF2E44-00017-00007911-00008400 And for the second waist video, it mainly targeted the complete side obliques KQM9IRF2E44-00018-00008400-00008887 It was a routine to completely slim down the fat on the side of the waist! KQM9IRF2E44-00019-00008887-00009047 This is a sudden TMI KQM9IRF2E44-00020-00009047-00009354 There was a hilarious best comment in one of those videos KQM9IRF2E44-00021-00009354-00009783 Comment 1: Jiny, don't exercise with a straight face :( I thought it was easy but you tricked me Comment 2: It's fun if you think about an alien who's trying to kidnap you grabbing your leg KQM9IRF2E44-00022-00009783-00010175 And the third slim waist routine that you can look forward to! KQM9IRF2E44-00023-00010175-00010336 Today's exercise routine is... KQM9IRF2E44-00024-00010336-00010874 A routine that will slim down the entire circumference of your waist! KQM9IRF2E44-00025-00010874-00011184 If you imagine the waist like a trunk from a bird's eye view KQM9IRF2E44-00026-00011184-00011388 In order to decrease your waist circumference KQM9IRF2E44-00027-00011388-00011498 We'll need to slim it down from the front KQM9IRF2E44-00028-00011498-00011634 The diagonals KQM9IRF2E44-00029-00011634-00011755 The sides KQM9IRF2E44-00030-00011755-00011885 The back sides KQM9IRF2E44-00031-00011885-00012083 And from the complete back as well KQM9IRF2E44-00032-00012083-00012402 In order to completely slim down the entire perimeter around the waist KQM9IRF2E44-00033-00012402-00012841 This routine will work the entire area around the circumference of your waist! KQM9IRF2E44-00034-00012841-00013093 Oops I got so excited ^^ KQM9IRF2E44-00035-00013093-00013381 It's a routine to target the entire waist but KQM9IRF2E44-00036-00013381-00013591 Don't get too scared :) KQM9IRF2E44-00037-00013591-00013760 The level of difficulty is 3 out of 5 stars! KQM9IRF2E44-00038-00013760-00014025 The movements in today's routine are quite simple KQM9IRF2E44-00039-00014025-00014531 The level of difficulty is on the easier side compared to the other routines on my channel KQM9IRF2E44-00040-00014531-00014728 It's been made to accurately target the specific muscle groups KQM9IRF2E44-00041-00014728-00014934 So that even when you're following this routine from home KQM9IRF2E44-00042-00014934-00015572 This routine will be able to help you stimulate the muscles in the front, side, back and diagonally as well! KQM9IRF2E44-00043-00015572-00015810 I strongly recommend this to the following group of people KQM9IRF2E44-00044-00015810-00016379 For those of you who can't see your core muscles very well when you face the mirror KQM9IRF2E44-00045-00016379-00016776 And for those of you who have a lot of fat surrounding your waist KQM9IRF2E44-00046-00016776-00016983 I strongly recommend this routine to you! KQM9IRF2E44-00047-00016983-00017183 Before we get to the workout, I just have one more thing to tell you! KQM9IRF2E44-00048-00017183-00017419 There is a small prop that we'll need! KQM9IRF2E44-00049-00017419-00017696 It is... a pillow! KQM9IRF2E44-00050-00017696-00017924 The purpose of this pillow is KQM9IRF2E44-00051-00017924-00018231 In order to build muscle, we stretch our muscles KQM9IRF2E44-00052-00018231-00018603 And shrink in order for muscle growth to take place KQM9IRF2E44-00053-00018603-00018807 As we place the pillow on the floor KQM9IRF2E44-00054-00018807-00019157 This will help us stretch our muscles to a larger degree KQM9IRF2E44-00055-00019157-00019492 While conversely constricting those muscles at the same time KQM9IRF2E44-00056-00019492-00019688 In order to work these muscles to a greater degree! KQM9IRF2E44-00057-00019688-00019984 This routine is still possible to follow without a pillow KQM9IRF2E44-00058-00019984-00020418 But if you can, I recommend using a stiff, inflated pillow for this workout! KQM9IRF2E44-00059-00020418-00020675 By chance, if you happen to have a yoga ball like this KQM9IRF2E44-00060-00020675-00020885 It'll be great to follow the routine with a yoga ball as well KQM9IRF2E44-00061-00020885-00021191 You'll definitely be able to feel the stimulating effects in your muscles :) KQM9IRF2E44-00062-00021191-00021356 Otherwise, a pillow will work as well! KQM9IRF2E44-00063-00021356-00021736 For me, I'll be using a pillow to follow along this workout with you all :) KQM9IRF2E44-00064-00021736-00021911 Let's go! KQM9IRF2E44-00065-00022157-00022357 We will now begin the workout KQM9IRF2E44-00066-00022385-00022789 Each movement will be for 20 seconds KQM9IRF2E44-00067-00022942-00023143 Slimming down the front part of the torso KQM9IRF2E44-00068-00023249-00023368 Curl up stay KQM9IRF2E44-00069-00023398-00023952 Lay down with the pillow on your back as you place your hands intertwined behind your hand KQM9IRF2E44-00070-00024015-00024504 Raise your upper body as much as you can and concentrate on your breathing KQM9IRF2E44-00071-00024644-00025268 Your stomach should rise as you inhale and shrink as you exhale KQM9IRF2E44-00072-00025326-00026045 Concentrate on your stomach expansion as you inhale and contraction as you exhale KQM9IRF2E44-00073-00026277-00026347 Cur up KQM9IRF2E44-00074-00026426-00026968 Inhale as you lower your torso and exhale as you come back up KQM9IRF2E44-00075-00027006-00027699 Exhale as you raise your upper body and make sure your stomach contracts as you exhale KQM9IRF2E44-00076-00029023-00029224 Curl Up Stay & Table Top KQM9IRF2E44-00077-00029252-00029601 This time, bend your knees to a right angle and keep your legs lifted in this position KQM9IRF2E44-00078-00029641-00030151 Stay in this position with your upper body raised as you concentrate on your breathing KQM9IRF2E44-00079-00030191-00030817 Your stomach should grow as you inhale and flatten out as you exhale KQM9IRF2E44-00080-00031651-00031848 Curl Up & Table Top KQM9IRF2E44-00081-00031848-00032655 Stay in this table top position as you lower your body during the exhale and raise your body as you inhale KQM9IRF2E44-00082-00032655-00033314 Even if it's difficult, don't use your shoulders and concentrate on flattening your stomach KQM9IRF2E44-00083-00034207-00034407 Curl Up Stay & Leg Stretch KQM9IRF2E44-00084-00034461-00034834 Like the previous movement, keep your upper body in the raised position KQM9IRF2E44-00085-00034834-00035185 Extend your legs as you exhale KQM9IRF2E44-00086-00035240-00035877 At this time, extend your legs around the similar angle as demonstrated instead of extending it closer to the floor KQM9IRF2E44-00087-00035910-00036476 Similarly, the more you concentrate on contracting your stomach as you exhale KQM9IRF2E44-00088-00036476-00036731 This way, you will be able to better engage your core muscles KQM9IRF2E44-00089-00037338-00037602 Slimming down the side of the core KQM9IRF2E44-00090-00037685-00037869 Oblique Curl Up Left KQM9IRF2E44-00091-00037926-00038336 Extend your right arm out and keep your right leg at a right angle KQM9IRF2E44-00092-00038336-00038678 Raise your upper body diagonally towards the right KQM9IRF2E44-00093-00038900-00039370 Inhale as you lower your body and exhale as you curl up diagonally KQM9IRF2E44-00094-00040033-00040358 Oblique Curl Up Stay & Leg Stretch Left KQM9IRF2E44-00095-00040433-00040700 Keep your upper body in the raised position KQM9IRF2E44-00096-00040700-00041084 Exhale as you extend your right leg KQM9IRF2E44-00097-00041121-00041531 Inhale as you fold your right leg and exhale as you extend it KQM9IRF2E44-00098-00041571-00042238 Your body may start to feel tired but continue to keep it raised facing the diagonal right KQM9IRF2E44-00099-00042694-00042874 Oblique Curl Up Right KQM9IRF2E44-00100-00042886-00043299 This time, stretch out your left arm as you keep your right hand behind your ears KQM9IRF2E44-00101-00043324-00043521 Prepare your left leg in a right angle KQM9IRF2E44-00102-00043521-00043815 Raise your upper body diagonally towards the left KQM9IRF2E44-00103-00043895-00044424 Lower your body as you exhale and raise your torso as you inhale KQM9IRF2E44-00104-00045577-00045864 Oblique Curl Up Stay & Leg Stretch Right KQM9IRF2E44-00105-00045947-00046207 Keep your body raised facing diagonally towards the left KQM9IRF2E44-00106-00046234-00046586 Exhale as you extend your left leg KQM9IRF2E44-00107-00046639-00047003 Inhale as you fold your left knee and exhale as you extend it KQM9IRF2E44-00108-00047087-00047757 As you get tired keeping your torso raised, try to twist and make sure to keep it up KQM9IRF2E44-00109-00048141-00048418 Targeting the side of the waist KQM9IRF2E44-00110-00048440-00048590 Side Curl Up Left KQM9IRF2E44-00111-00048623-00049109 Place the pillow to your side as you rest your head against your hands KQM9IRF2E44-00112-00049205-00049883 In this position, exhale as you curl up sideways and bring your head back to where your hand is KQM9IRF2E44-00113-00050153-00050742 Inhale as you come back to your hand and exhale as you move away from your hand KQM9IRF2E44-00114-00051880-00052070 Side Curl Up + Left KQM9IRF2E44-00115-00052120-00052447 This time, bring out your right arm in front of you as you keep your body raised KQM9IRF2E44-00116-00052447-00052869 Exhale as you bring your body higher than before KQM9IRF2E44-00117-00052976-00053496 Try to push against your arm on the floor to raise your body higher KQM9IRF2E44-00118-00055108-00055256 Side Curl Up Right KQM9IRF2E44-00119-00055298-00055558 We will now repeat the movements on the other side KQM9IRF2E44-00120-00055622-00055827 Lie sideways on the opposite side as you get ready by placing your head on your hand KQM9IRF2E44-00121-00055827-00056226 Exhale as you curl up sideways KQM9IRF2E44-00122-00057674-00057874 Side Curl Up + Right KQM9IRF2E44-00123-00057897-00058206 This time, extend your left arm forwards KQM9IRF2E44-00124-00058264-00058711 Exhale as you bring your body KQM9IRF2E44-00125-00060039-00060215 This movement will work your back muscles KQM9IRF2E44-00126-00060250-00060397 Extension Stay KQM9IRF2E44-00127-00060460-00060864 This time, place the pillow on your stomach and keep your feet shoulder length apart KQM9IRF2E44-00128-00060864-00061513 Clasp your hands like a gun behind your back and stay in this raised position KQM9IRF2E44-00129-00061563-00062255 As you exhale, try to keep your body higher and extend your arms even further KQM9IRF2E44-00130-00063533-00063643 Extension KQM9IRF2E44-00131-00063673-00064219 As you inhale, lower your body and raise your body as you exhale KQM9IRF2E44-00132-00064292-00064484 Don't raise your chin too much KQM9IRF2E44-00133-00064484-00065028 Keep your chin inwards as you try to maintain a smooth curve in your back KQM9IRF2E44-00134-00066291-00066491 This movement will target the sides of your back muscles KQM9IRF2E44-00135-00066579-00066714 Cross Superman KQM9IRF2E44-00136-00066760-00067068 Keep your arms over your head in a comfortable position KQM9IRF2E44-00137-00067068-00067589 Exhale as you raise and lower your right arm and left leg as much as possible KQM9IRF2E44-00138-00067589-00068088 Exhale as you raise and lower your left arm and right leg KQM9IRF2E44-00139-00068123-00068374 Proceed to interchange between both sides KQM9IRF2E44-00140-00070290-00070401 Superman KQM9IRF2E44-00141-00070428-00070997 This is the last movement! Exhale as you raise and lower both arms and legs at the same time KQM9IRF2E44-00142-00071079-00071766 Inhale as you lower your arms and legs and exhale as you raise them again while contracting your stomach KQM9IRF2E44-00143-00071831-00072247 It's more effective if you can raise both your arms and legs to a similar height! KQM9IRF2E44-00144-00073027-00073228 You've done well KQM9IRF2E44-00145-00073228-00073625 *Clap clap clap!!!* Jiny claps for you once you finish the workout :) KQM9IRF2E44-00146-00073625-00073863 Gosh, I'm so excited today! KQM9IRF2E44-00147-00073863-00074075 You've done so well! KQM9IRF2E44-00148-00074075-00074255 Was it alright? KQM9IRF2E44-00149-00074255-00074697 I always ask, "It was easy right?" And you all say it was hard so I don't even know anymore.. KQM9IRF2E44-00150-00074697-00074899 Regardless! You still did well :) KQM9IRF2E44-00151-00074899-00075125 The best way to use today's routine! KQM9IRF2E44-00152-00075125-00075373 If you have weak muscles all throughout your body KQM9IRF2E44-00153-00075373-00075879 And you want to get rid of the flabby fat all around your torso KQM9IRF2E44-00154-00075879-00076367 For those of you who feel this way, I recommend doing 2 sets of this routine for 7 days! KQM9IRF2E44-00155-00076389-00076589 Or if you already have an existing exercise routine KQM9IRF2E44-00156-00076589-00076895 If you have a back day on Monday and leg day on Tuesday KQM9IRF2E44-00157-00076895-00077257 For those of you with designated workout schedules KQM9IRF2E44-00158-00077257-00077557 I recommend doing 1 set of this routine after your ab workout! KQM9IRF2E44-00159-00077557-00077782 Lastly, this is a teaser for the next video! KQM9IRF2E44-00160-00077782-00078153 The next routine I will be uploading is also for a smaller waist! KQM9IRF2E44-00161-00078153-00078735 But if today's routine was to slim out the fatty areas all around the waist KQM9IRF2E44-00162-00078735-00079089 The next routine I will be uploading will be for muscular bodies! KQM9IRF2E44-00163-00079089-00079404 Those of you with excessive muscles around the waist! KQM9IRF2E44-00164-00079404-00079983 The next routine will be for those of you with trunk-like waists due to excessive muscles! KQM9IRF2E44-00165-00079983-00080495 But of course, the next video will definitely help those with excess fat around the waist as well! KQM9IRF2E44-00166-00080500-00081034 Now this has been Jiny from Jiny Diet V^_^V KQM9IRF2E44-00167-00081034-00081232 Bye for now~ KTN0ZE-644Q-00000-00000024-00000124 Hello. KTN0ZE-644Q-00001-00000124-00000224 My name is Styly Hayward. KTN0ZE-644Q-00002-00000224-00000445 I would like to welcome you to the Blessed Hope ministry. KTN0ZE-644Q-00003-00000445-00000755 We are a King James grounded family Bible study. KTN0ZE-644Q-00004-00000755-00001070 These lessons are not to be a substitute for regular church attendance. KTN0ZE-644Q-00005-00001070-00001433 Nightly, I direct my family through the Bible by chapter and verse. KTN0ZE-644Q-00006-00001433-00001868 We request you to join us and to study from God in His Son, Jesus Christ. KTN0ZE-644Q-00007-00001868-00002341 You may have permission to like, send, or encourage our studies with family or friend KTN0ZE-644Q-00008-00002341-00002684 edification to what God has and what He desires in our life. KTN0ZE-644Q-00009-00002684-00003218 "Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly KTN0ZE-644Q-00010-00003218-00003377 dividing the word of truth." KTN0ZE-644Q-00011-00003377-00003790 You may use our studies, but I request that you do not abuse them. KTN0ZE-644Q-00012-00003790-00004580 For YouTube videos, subscribe below for more videos and place the thumbs up and leave a KTN0ZE-644Q-00013-00004580-00004992 comment or email me. KTN0ZE-644Q-00014-00004992-00005598 Thank you. KTN0ZE-644Q-00015-00005598-00005847 Genesis chapter 34. KTN0ZE-644Q-00016-00005847-00006512 Now we left off Jacob is living in Shechem. KTN0ZE-644Q-00017-00006512-00006729 Dinah the daughter of Leah... KTN0ZE-644Q-00018-00006729-00007261 That's Important, well, it raising up a question. KTN0ZE-644Q-00019-00007261-00007614 Which she bear unto Jacob went out to see the daughters of the land. KTN0ZE-644Q-00020-00007614-00007921 She went to go to hang out with the worldly girls. KTN0ZE-644Q-00021-00007921-00008515 She didn't stay within the camp of Jacob the children of Israel. KTN0ZE-644Q-00022-00008515-00008907 You got to watch your children, you got to watch who they hang out with. KTN0ZE-644Q-00023-00008907-00009253 What the Bible says, black and white. KTN0ZE-644Q-00024-00009253-00009877 And when Shechem, the son of Hamor the Hivite prince of the county, country, saw her he KTN0ZE-644Q-00025-00009877-00010284 took her and lay with her and defiled her. KTN0ZE-644Q-00026-00010284-00010507 Raped her. KTN0ZE-644Q-00027-00010507-00011082 And his soul clave unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob and he loved the Damsel and spake KTN0ZE-644Q-00028-00011082-00011215 kindly unto the damsel. KTN0ZE-644Q-00029-00011215-00011870 Well, at least this guy treated Dinah better than one of David's sons. KTN0ZE-644Q-00030-00011870-00012114 But still. KTN0ZE-644Q-00031-00012114-00012635 And Shechem spake unto his father Hamor, saying, Get me this damsel to wife. KTN0ZE-644Q-00032-00012635-00012866 He already got her. KTN0ZE-644Q-00033-00012866-00013488 They got to get the approval of the father afterwards. KTN0ZE-644Q-00034-00013488-00014212 And Jacob heard that he had defiled Dinah his daughter: Now his sons were with his cattle... KTN0ZE-644Q-00035-00014212-00014722 So they're grown up they're taking care of the cattle. KTN0ZE-644Q-00036-00014722-00014822 In the field... KTN0ZE-644Q-00037-00014822-00015256 Type of world... and Jacob held his peace until they were come. KTN0ZE-644Q-00038-00015256-00015844 And Hamor the father of Shechem went out unto the Jacob to commune with him. KTN0ZE-644Q-00039-00015844-00016103 Talk with him. KTN0ZE-644Q-00040-00016103-00016865 The sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard it and the men were grieved, and KTN0ZE-644Q-00041-00016865-00017687 they were very wroth, Because he had wrought folly in Israel... notice the children are KTN0ZE-644Q-00042-00017687-00017923 using Israel. KTN0ZE-644Q-00043-00017923-00018307 So Jacob told him about his new name. KTN0ZE-644Q-00044-00018307-00018918 And they take Israel already as we are the group of Israel; we are the children of Israel. KTN0ZE-644Q-00045-00018918-00019129 It didn't say Jacob. KTN0ZE-644Q-00046-00019129-00019896 In lying with Jacob's daughter which thing ought not to be done. KTN0ZE-644Q-00047-00019896-00020509 We found this in the law on Deuteronomy 22:28. KTN0ZE-644Q-00048-00020509-00021227 And Hammor commute with them saying the soul of my son Shechem...The city's name for Shechem... KTN0ZE-644Q-00049-00021227-00021776 Longest for your daughter: I pray you give her him to wife. KTN0ZE-644Q-00050-00021776-00021964 Allow this marriage. KTN0ZE-644Q-00051-00021964-00022168 They are not Israelites. KTN0ZE-644Q-00052-00022168-00022598 THey are not the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. KTN0ZE-644Q-00053-00022598-00023056 Now the law has not forbidden it yet. KTN0ZE-644Q-00054-00023056-00023614 But with Isaac going to your mother's going to our family. KTN0ZE-644Q-00055-00023614-00023744 Get Rebecca. KTN0ZE-644Q-00056-00023744-00024048 Jacob going to Rebecca's family and get a wife. KTN0ZE-644Q-00057-00024048-00024580 To Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob they've already seen that a pure race of people. KTN0ZE-644Q-00058-00024580-00025271 They stepped outside to Egyptian Hagar and it's all messed up.Esau steps out and marries KTN0ZE-644Q-00059-00025271-00025494 Ishmael into the children of the land. KTN0ZE-644Q-00060-00025494-00025881 Rebekah and Isaac are griefed. KTN0ZE-644Q-00061-00025881-00026137 It's known. KTN0ZE-644Q-00062-00026137-00026718 The father Jacob by the grandpa Isaac has spoken to these children. KTN0ZE-644Q-00063-00026718-00027538 They know that their father went into Rebecca's family to get their mother. KTN0ZE-644Q-00064-00027538-00028068 And make ye marriages with us and give your daughters unto us and take our daughters unto KTN0ZE-644Q-00065-00028068-00028168 you. KTN0ZE-644Q-00066-00028168-00028375 Mixed marraige. KTN0ZE-644Q-00067-00028375-00028956 So come join our daughters and then come let's get married and lets have mixed marriages. KTN0ZE-644Q-00068-00028956-00029296 That's the world saying not the children of God saying. KTN0ZE-644Q-00069-00029296-00029724 And ye shall dwell with us... come live with us. KTN0ZE-644Q-00070-00029724-00030202 Don't just go out and see what the daughters are doing now come on let's let's get together KTN0ZE-644Q-00071-00030202-00030812 as one big family unless have one big hoopla. KTN0ZE-644Q-00072-00030812-00031052 That's against the Bible. KTN0ZE-644Q-00073-00031052-00031422 Paul said why be unequally yoked with unbelievers? KTN0ZE-644Q-00074-00031422-00031925 A Widow's if she's going to marry the Bible says Paul speaks of Corintian Church she's KTN0ZE-644Q-00075-00031925-00032284 to marry only in the Lord. KTN0ZE-644Q-00076-00032284-00032632 Ye shall with with us and the land shall be before you. KTN0ZE-644Q-00077-00032632-00032833 We'll give you our land. KTN0ZE-644Q-00078-00032833-00033415 So you called Prejudice or whatever you want to call it racist or anything like that that's KTN0ZE-644Q-00079-00033415-00033654 Bible doctrine. KTN0ZE-644Q-00080-00033654-00034115 And you can face God yourself but you're going to be wrong. KTN0ZE-644Q-00081-00034115-00034537 Dwell and trade ye therein and get your possessions therein. KTN0ZE-644Q-00082-00034537-00035374 So we want your people, we want your possessions, we want everything that's a part of you. KTN0ZE-644Q-00083-00035374-00035962 And Shechem said unto her father and onto her brethren, Let me find grave in your eyes, KTN0ZE-644Q-00084-00035962-00036344 and what ye shall say unto me I will give. KTN0ZE-644Q-00085-00036344-00036512 Whatever the money is. KTN0ZE-644Q-00086-00036512-00036641 Whatever. KTN0ZE-644Q-00087-00036641-00037034 We'll pay it. KTN0ZE-644Q-00088-00037034-00037402 Wages of sin is death. KTN0ZE-644Q-00089-00037402-00037546 Ask me never so much dowry. KTN0ZE-644Q-00090-00037546-00037837 That's the price given. KTN0ZE-644Q-00091-00037837-00037994 And gift. KTN0ZE-644Q-00092-00037994-00038166 Jacob's favorite word. KTN0ZE-644Q-00093-00038166-00038899 And I will give according as ye shall say unto me; but give me the damsel to wife. KTN0ZE-644Q-00094-00038899-00039212 Boy, he's really stretching it out. KTN0ZE-644Q-00095-00039212-00040315 You find Herod like Young broad it says Hey, Give me ask for anything but half my kingdom. KTN0ZE-644Q-00096-00040315-00040638 This guy says whatever you ask, I give it. KTN0ZE-644Q-00097-00040638-00041036 They could say Hey here's a blank check and we want it all. KTN0ZE-644Q-00098-00041036-00041227 We want the city. KTN0ZE-644Q-00099-00041227-00041327 We want the people. KTN0ZE-644Q-00100-00041327-00041484 but they don't. KTN0ZE-644Q-00101-00041484-00041656 Solomon gives a blank check. KTN0ZE-644Q-00102-00041656-00041937 He says, LORD GOd, I need help to guide your people. KTN0ZE-644Q-00103-00041937-00042083 I need your wisdom. KTN0ZE-644Q-00104-00042083-00042377 I need your understanding to do right. KTN0ZE-644Q-00105-00042377-00042890 And the sons of Jacob answered Shechem and Hamor his father deceitfully. KTN0ZE-644Q-00106-00042890-00042991 Deceitfully. KTN0ZE-644Q-00107-00042991-00043688 We're going to see the fruits of that in a mintue. KTN0ZE-644Q-00108-00043688-00044365 But get that deceitfully. and said because he has defiled Dana or Dinah their sister. KTN0ZE-644Q-00109-00044365-00044947 And they said unto them, we cannot do this thing. KTN0ZE-644Q-00110-00044947-00046191 True. to give our sister to one that is uncircumcised, true. for that were a reproach unto us, true. KTN0ZE-644Q-00111-00046191-00046511 Very much true. KTN0ZE-644Q-00112-00046511-00047043 And yet it's a lie. KTN0ZE-644Q-00113-00047043-00047297 Because they're doing it is deceitfully. KTN0ZE-644Q-00114-00047297-00047890 The word spoken of 14 is not a true but of deceitfulness. KTN0ZE-644Q-00115-00047890-00048608 Satan spoke to Eve and everything but one sentence was true. KTN0ZE-644Q-00116-00048608-00048838 You can tell a true and yet be a lie. KTN0ZE-644Q-00117-00048838-00049637 You ought to be careful about deceivers. KTN0ZE-644Q-00118-00049637-00050040 What you think is true. KTN0ZE-644Q-00119-00050040-00050462 That's why the Bible That's why one Bible says study to show thyself approved unto God KTN0ZE-644Q-00120-00050462-00050996 a Workman that needs not to be shame, Rightly dividing the word of Truth. KTN0ZE-644Q-00121-00050996-00052020 But in this will we consent unto you: If you be as we be that evey male of you be circumcised. KTN0ZE-644Q-00122-00052020-00052614 Nowhere does this say this. KTN0ZE-644Q-00123-00052614-00053032 God told Abraham if the people are bought with your money and they are part of your KTN0ZE-644Q-00124-00053032-00053571 family if they are of you then their to be circumcised. KTN0ZE-644Q-00125-00053571-00054225 I'm pretty sure that that the children Jacob understand what circumcisions to be because KTN0ZE-644Q-00126-00054225-00054691 that was a token that God had of Abraham. KTN0ZE-644Q-00127-00054691-00054965 It's a very important token. KTN0ZE-644Q-00128-00054965-00055182 You don't mess with circumcision. KTN0ZE-644Q-00129-00055182-00055319 Do it or you don't do it. KTN0ZE-644Q-00130-00055319-00055873 you do it right or you don't do it right. KTN0ZE-644Q-00131-00055873-00056454 Then we will give our daughter on to you. KTN0ZE-644Q-00132-00056454-00057345 And we will take your daughters to us, And we will dwell with you, and we will become KTN0ZE-644Q-00133-00057345-00057487 one people. KTN0ZE-644Q-00134-00057487-00057983 And that's a lie. KTN0ZE-644Q-00135-00057983-00058083 They are lying. KTN0ZE-644Q-00136-00058083-00058461 We'll get to this by the end of chapter but this is a lie right now it looks good. KTN0ZE-644Q-00137-00058461-00059363 The promises, and yet it will not happen; that's the deceitfulness. KTN0ZE-644Q-00138-00059363-00060007 Genesis 34 tells us what the definition that is now spoken about; that Jesus will speak, KTN0ZE-644Q-00139-00060007-00060619 that Moses will speaks, that Paul will speak, Peter speaks, Jews preaches, James preaches KTN0ZE-644Q-00140-00060619-00060791 about deceitfulness. KTN0ZE-644Q-00141-00060791-00061239 deceivers they can sound like the Bible. KTN0ZE-644Q-00142-00061239-00061658 And yet be totally wrong. KTN0ZE-644Q-00143-00061658-00062580 If you do this God will save you and you go to heaven and it's nowhere found in the Bible.But KTN0ZE-644Q-00144-00062580-00063986 if ye will not hearken unto us, To be circumcised then will we take our daughter and We will KTN0ZE-644Q-00145-00063986-00064086 be gone. KTN0ZE-644Q-00146-00064086-00064889 Now this is a Hook, Line & Sinker for Shechem 'you're going to take the one that I love.' KTN0ZE-644Q-00147-00064889-00065375 And this is where religion will latch onto you that you know if you do something or you KTN0ZE-644Q-00148-00065375-00065991 go out of this you're no more you cannot God is not pleased with you God will hate you. KTN0ZE-644Q-00149-00065991-00066197 Does the deceitfulness. KTN0ZE-644Q-00150-00066197-00066412 That's the difference between a colt and a Bible believer. KTN0ZE-644Q-00151-00066412-00067196 You can be saved Christian you go live on the world you're not going to lose your soul KTN0ZE-644Q-00152-00067196-00067380 but you're going to lose Rewards. KTN0ZE-644Q-00153-00067380-00067608 You're not going to be happy at the Judgment Seat of Christ and see the price. KTN0ZE-644Q-00154-00067608-00068194 But you can't say because you leave the Lord you're going to lose your salvation. KTN0ZE-644Q-00155-00068194-00068841 Yet some churches teaches that unless God has chosen you you can't be safe that deceitfulness. KTN0ZE-644Q-00156-00068841-00069972 Oh you're not going to get no respect. KTN0ZE-644Q-00157-00069972-00071807 And their words pleased Hamor and Shechem Hamor's Son. KTN0ZE-644Q-00158-00071807-00072235 Young man deferred not to do the thing... KTN0ZE-644Q-00159-00072235-00072752 Government deferred not to do the same... because he had delight in Jacob's daughter KTN0ZE-644Q-00160-00072752-00073288 and he was more Honourable than all the house of his father. KTN0ZE-644Q-00161-00073288-00073687 And Hamor and Shechem his son came to the gate of their sitting this is where all the KTN0ZE-644Q-00162-00073687-00074088 businesses and City Hall and this is the judgement. KTN0ZE-644Q-00163-00074088-00074411 This is where the elders in the city meet. KTN0ZE-644Q-00164-00074411-00075024 This is where they had receded City. KTN0ZE-644Q-00165-00075024-00075876 And commune with the men of their City saying These men are Peaceable...No they're not going KTN0ZE-644Q-00166-00075876-00076343 to be.I have read the end of the chapter. KTN0ZE-644Q-00167-00076343-00076991 Therefore let them dwell in the land... it's there it's their land God said it's their KTN0ZE-644Q-00168-00076991-00077800 land and slowly by slowly they will get that land. KTN0ZE-644Q-00169-00077800-00078198 Not yet. KTN0ZE-644Q-00170-00078198-00079113 That's when Joshua brings them it's not there let Moses.Where Israel this Egyptian not yet KTN0ZE-644Q-00171-00079113-00079748 Moses. You sinned KTN0ZE-644Q-00172-00079748-00080466 Behold it is large enough for themJust take their daughters to us for wires and let us KTN0ZE-644Q-00173-00080466-00080730 give them our Daughters... mixed marriages again. KTN0ZE-644Q-00174-00080730-00081177 If you got a problem mixed marriages go over to Ezra and Nehemiah to see the problem of KTN0ZE-644Q-00175-00081177-00081393 mixed marriages are. KTN0ZE-644Q-00176-00081393-00082404 Only herein will the men consent unto us for to dwell with us to be one people Unity that's KTN0ZE-644Q-00177-00082404-00082545 where the Tower of Babel. KTN0ZE-644Q-00178-00082545-00082952 Now let's all get together let's make religion without God. KTN0ZE-644Q-00179-00082952-00083147 There is no God in this chapter. KTN0ZE-644Q-00180-00083147-00083751 But we'll going to have perfect Unity. KTN0ZE-644Q-00181-00083751-00084673 I can just imagine just next sentence coming up with Every male Among Us be circumcised KTN0ZE-644Q-00182-00084673-00085272 as they are Circumcised. KTN0ZE-644Q-00183-00085272-00085786 Shall not their cattle and their substance and every beast of theirs be ours. KTN0ZE-644Q-00184-00085786-00086022 Oh, see. KTN0ZE-644Q-00185-00086022-00086350 You want to get together. KTN0ZE-644Q-00186-00086350-00086812 You wanted what to take what belongs to the children of God. KTN0ZE-644Q-00187-00086812-00087877 Now it comes out. KTN0ZE-644Q-00188-00087877-00088300 Only let us consent unto them and they will dwell with us. KTN0ZE-644Q-00189-00088300-00088443 It's a selffish moment. KTN0ZE-644Q-00190-00088443-00088922 I thought it was for Dinah. KTN0ZE-644Q-00191-00088922-00089689 I thought that because I love Dinah so much that I'll do anything to get her hand in marriage. KTN0ZE-644Q-00192-00089689-00089824 No, we want their goods. KTN0ZE-644Q-00193-00089824-00090257 And that is Shechem and Hamor speaking to the people. KTN0ZE-644Q-00194-00090257-00090588 It's not the people in the city talking. KTN0ZE-644Q-00195-00090588-00090977 That's these two who are invovled with this daughter of Jacob. KTN0ZE-644Q-00196-00090977-00091462 We want we want the girl we just so much in love with her and people, so we can take their KTN0ZE-644Q-00197-00091462-00091654 stuff. KTN0ZE-644Q-00198-00091654-00092227 Now comes out. KTN0ZE-644Q-00199-00092227-00092701 And unto Hamor and unto Shechem his son hearkened all that went out of the gate of the city KTN0ZE-644Q-00200-00092701-00093244 and every male was Circumcised and all they went out of the gate of his City. KTN0ZE-644Q-00201-00093244-00093743 When it came to pass on the third day... a lot of third days in the Bible. KTN0ZE-644Q-00202-00093743-00093881 That's an interesting number. KTN0ZE-644Q-00203-00093881-00094208 third day, three days. KTN0ZE-644Q-00204-00094208-00094494 When they were sore... KTN0ZE-644Q-00205-00094494-00094619 I bet they were. KTN0ZE-644Q-00206-00094619-00094749 Joshua 5:2-4. KTN0ZE-644Q-00207-00094749-00095320 that two of the Sons of Jacob Simeon and Levi. KTN0ZE-644Q-00208-00095320-00096064 Reuben is going to lose that Birthright because he's going to Sleep with 1 of Jacob's wives, KTN0ZE-644Q-00209-00096064-00096451 the handmaid, I forget her name. KTN0ZE-644Q-00210-00096451-00096751 So, all right, now. KTN0ZE-644Q-00211-00096751-00097126 It's supposed to be Joseph's. KTN0ZE-644Q-00212-00097126-00097650 But Joseph is broken into two Ephraim and Manasseh. KTN0ZE-644Q-00213-00097650-00098052 So here comes now next is Simeon. KTN0ZE-644Q-00214-00098052-00098424 Next is Levi, the priest class. KTN0ZE-644Q-00215-00098424-00098732 Dinah's brethren. KTN0ZE-644Q-00216-00098732-00099042 Dinah's brethren. KTN0ZE-644Q-00217-00099042-00099697 This is Leah's boys and one girl... took each man his sword and came upon the city boldly KTN0ZE-644Q-00218-00099697-00100211 and slew the males... murder. KTN0ZE-644Q-00219-00100211-00100433 They lost their Birthright. KTN0ZE-644Q-00220-00100433-00101442 In chapter 49 verse 5 will see that, later. KTN0ZE-644Q-00221-00101442-00101756 Now we're before the law. KTN0ZE-644Q-00222-00101756-00102079 But God explain to Noah. KTN0ZE-644Q-00223-00102079-00102427 Any man Slays any man his blood shall be accounted for. KTN0ZE-644Q-00224-00102427-00103215 They lose the inheritance of being the line of Jesus Christ so Levi gets to be the priest. KTN0ZE-644Q-00225-00103215-00103957 The children of Levi in the millennium will be serving Jesus Christ at the Temple as priests. KTN0ZE-644Q-00226-00103957-00104710 Why is it that you want to say something that's it. KTN0ZE-644Q-00227-00104710-00104810 Zadock. KTN0ZE-644Q-00228-00104810-00105336 They slew Hamor and Shechem his son with the edge of the sword Entertainer out of toweland KTN0ZE-644Q-00229-00105336-00106122 took Dinah out of Shechem's house and went out. KTN0ZE-644Q-00230-00106122-00106699 The sons of Jacob came upon the slain and spoiled the city because they had defiled KTN0ZE-644Q-00231-00106699-00106813 their sister. KTN0ZE-644Q-00232-00106813-00107374 They took their sheep, and their oxen, and Their asses and that which was in the city KTN0ZE-644Q-00233-00107374-00107671 and that which was in the field. KTN0ZE-644Q-00234-00107671-00107783 Thelf, murder. KTN0ZE-644Q-00235-00107783-00107883 Thelf and murder. KTN0ZE-644Q-00236-00107883-00108554 Now watch this in verse 13. and Sons of Jacob Answered Shechem and Hamor his father deceitfully. KTN0ZE-644Q-00237-00108554-00108978 The Deceitfully ended up with murder and it ended up with thelf. KTN0ZE-644Q-00238-00108978-00109167 that's what a deceiver will do to somebody. KTN0ZE-644Q-00239-00109167-00110086 he will kill them and will rob from them..You might have a spiritual death or you'll get KTN0ZE-644Q-00240-00110086-00110825 nothing to reward of God or you You like just cause death to your soul in the end up in KTN0ZE-644Q-00241-00110825-00111019 hell. KTN0ZE-644Q-00242-00111019-00111410 And they'll take everything you got. KTN0ZE-644Q-00243-00111410-00112108 That's a Biblical definition of being deceived and being a deceiver right there Genesis 34. KTN0ZE-644Q-00244-00112108-00113002 And all their wealth and all their little ones... the children...And their wives...That's KTN0ZE-644Q-00245-00113002-00113393 interesting. KTN0ZE-644Q-00246-00113393-00114003 Kill all the males and take the wives took they captive and spoiled even all that was KTN0ZE-644Q-00247-00114003-00114384 in the house. KTN0ZE-644Q-00248-00114384-00114990 And Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, Ye have troubled me to make me stink among the inhabitants KTN0ZE-644Q-00249-00114990-00115220 of the land, among the Canaanites and the Perizzites... KTN0ZE-644Q-00250-00115220-00115989 These are the people of the land... and I being few in Number they shall gather themselves KTN0ZE-644Q-00251-00115989-00116990 together against me and slay me and I shall be destroyed I and my house.And they... KTN0ZE-644Q-00252-00116990-00117746 Simeon and Levi... said Should he deal with our sister as with an harlot? KTN0ZE-644Q-00253-00117746-00118228 There's one question that we always ask ourselves when we read the Bible. KTN0ZE-644Q-00254-00118228-00118932 The way Jacob is...If I don't know, if it's right or wrong. KTN0ZE-644Q-00255-00118932-00119371 But what if Dinah would have been Rachel's daughter. KTN0ZE-644Q-00256-00119371-00119920 What if Jacob... because he seems to act like no big deal. KTN0ZE-644Q-00257-00119920-00120279 Remember when Esau comes he puts the handmaids up front. KTN0ZE-644Q-00258-00120279-00120988 Then he puts Leah and her children, and then he put Rachel land Joseph in the back. KTN0ZE-644Q-00259-00120988-00121497 And Jacob learn this by because Issac Loved Esau saw because of his venison and his mother KTN0ZE-644Q-00260-00121497-00121727 loved Jacob as a plain man. KTN0ZE-644Q-00261-00121727-00122404 Just ask myself what if this girl what what is her man at daughter of Rachel what was KTN0ZE-644Q-00262-00122404-00122905 Jacob done because this is really no regard here. KTN0ZE-644Q-00263-00122905-00124028 That the sons of Jacob, the brothers of Dinah and had to do... and it's wrong. KTN0ZE-644Q-00264-00124028-00124533 Jacob doesn't do anything. KTN0ZE-644Q-00265-00124533-00124633 That's interesting. KTN0ZE-644Q-00266-00124633-00126105 That's an very interesting note there. KY9Av-KTYEI-00000-00000011-00000509 When I'm teaching 3rd graders in the Bay Area, I sometimes use stories from my own life to KY9Av-KTYEI-00001-00000509-00000745 help them tell their own stories. KY9Av-KTYEI-00002-00000745-00001232 Next week I'll tell them about my 500 mile drive to get to Palm Springs to be at the KY9Av-KTYEI-00003-00001232-00001328 CUE conference. KaGfvopPSWE-00000-00000008-00000416 ice cream ice cream ice cream..lululah... KaGfvopPSWE-00001-00000680-00001160 ice cream ice cream ice cream..lululah... KaGfvopPSWE-00002-00001160-00001639 ice cream ice cream we eating ice cream.. KaGfvopPSWE-00003-00001639-00002001 Ice cream..nyam..nyam..nyam..nyammm... Kbsjs-GqfXA-00000-00000010-00000063 GET INVOLVED WITH THE UNITED WAY Kbsjs-GqfXA-00001-00000063-00000070 GET INVOLVED WITH THE UNITED WAY Kbsjs-GqfXA-00002-00000070-00000123 GET INVOLVED WITH THE UNITED WAY OF BEMIDJI, CHECK OUT THIS STORY Kbsjs-GqfXA-00003-00000123-00000130 GET INVOLVED WITH THE UNITED WAY OF BEMIDJI, CHECK OUT THIS STORY Kbsjs-GqfXA-00004-00000130-00000303 GET INVOLVED WITH THE UNITED WAY OF BEMIDJI, CHECK OUT THIS STORY ON OUR WEBSITE AT LPTV.ORG. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00005-00000303-00000310 OF BEMIDJI, CHECK OUT THIS STORY ON OUR WEBSITE AT LPTV.ORG. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00006-00000310-00000453 OF BEMIDJI, CHECK OUT THIS STORY ON OUR WEBSITE AT LPTV.ORG. >>> AN ORGANIZATION IN BRAINERD Kbsjs-GqfXA-00007-00000453-00000460 ON OUR WEBSITE AT LPTV.ORG. >>> AN ORGANIZATION IN BRAINERD Kbsjs-GqfXA-00008-00000460-00000580 ON OUR WEBSITE AT LPTV.ORG. >>> AN ORGANIZATION IN BRAINERD IS HOLDING THEIR ANNUAL BIG Kbsjs-GqfXA-00009-00000580-00000587 >>> AN ORGANIZATION IN BRAINERD IS HOLDING THEIR ANNUAL BIG Kbsjs-GqfXA-00010-00000587-00000750 >>> AN ORGANIZATION IN BRAINERD IS HOLDING THEIR ANNUAL BIG EVENT THIS WEEKEND TO RAISE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00011-00000750-00000757 IS HOLDING THEIR ANNUAL BIG EVENT THIS WEEKEND TO RAISE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00012-00000757-00000890 IS HOLDING THEIR ANNUAL BIG EVENT THIS WEEKEND TO RAISE MONEY TO FUND SCHOLARSHIPS AND Kbsjs-GqfXA-00013-00000890-00000897 EVENT THIS WEEKEND TO RAISE MONEY TO FUND SCHOLARSHIPS AND Kbsjs-GqfXA-00014-00000897-00001047 EVENT THIS WEEKEND TO RAISE MONEY TO FUND SCHOLARSHIPS AND PROGRAMS FOR STUDENTS IN THE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00015-00001047-00001054 MONEY TO FUND SCHOLARSHIPS AND PROGRAMS FOR STUDENTS IN THE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00016-00001054-00001197 MONEY TO FUND SCHOLARSHIPS AND PROGRAMS FOR STUDENTS IN THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00017-00001197-00001204 PROGRAMS FOR STUDENTS IN THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00018-00001204-00001351 PROGRAMS FOR STUDENTS IN THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL Kbsjs-GqfXA-00019-00001351-00001358 BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL Kbsjs-GqfXA-00020-00001358-00001504 BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL FOUNDATION IS HOSTING THE BIG Kbsjs-GqfXA-00021-00001504-00001511 THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL FOUNDATION IS HOSTING THE BIG Kbsjs-GqfXA-00022-00001511-00001644 THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL FOUNDATION IS HOSTING THE BIG EVENT THIS SATURDAY AT CRAGUN'S Kbsjs-GqfXA-00023-00001644-00001651 FOUNDATION IS HOSTING THE BIG EVENT THIS SATURDAY AT CRAGUN'S Kbsjs-GqfXA-00024-00001651-00001805 FOUNDATION IS HOSTING THE BIG EVENT THIS SATURDAY AT CRAGUN'S RESORT. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00025-00001805-00001811 EVENT THIS SATURDAY AT CRAGUN'S RESORT. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00026-00001811-00001961 EVENT THIS SATURDAY AT CRAGUN'S RESORT. THIS IS THE FOUNDATION'S SIXTH Kbsjs-GqfXA-00027-00001961-00001968 RESORT. THIS IS THE FOUNDATION'S SIXTH Kbsjs-GqfXA-00028-00001968-00002098 RESORT. THIS IS THE FOUNDATION'S SIXTH ANNUAL BIG EVENT AND IS THE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00029-00002098-00002105 THIS IS THE FOUNDATION'S SIXTH ANNUAL BIG EVENT AND IS THE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00030-00002105-00002882 THIS IS THE FOUNDATION'S SIXTH ANNUAL BIG EVENT AND IS THE MAJOR FUNDRAISER FOR THE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00031-00002882-00002889 ANNUAL BIG EVENT AND IS THE MAJOR FUNDRAISER FOR THE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00032-00002889-00002946 ANNUAL BIG EVENT AND IS THE MAJOR FUNDRAISER FOR THE FOUNDATION. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00033-00002946-00002952 MAJOR FUNDRAISER FOR THE FOUNDATION. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00034-00002952-00003099 MAJOR FUNDRAISER FOR THE FOUNDATION. THIS YEAR'S THEME IS "GAME ON" Kbsjs-GqfXA-00035-00003099-00003106 FOUNDATION. THIS YEAR'S THEME IS "GAME ON" Kbsjs-GqfXA-00036-00003106-00003173 FOUNDATION. THIS YEAR'S THEME IS "GAME ON" AND IN ADDITION TO THE EVENT, AN Kbsjs-GqfXA-00037-00003173-00003179 THIS YEAR'S THEME IS "GAME ON" AND IN ADDITION TO THE EVENT, AN Kbsjs-GqfXA-00038-00003179-00003246 THIS YEAR'S THEME IS "GAME ON" AND IN ADDITION TO THE EVENT, AN ONLINE AUCTION IS AVAILABLE FOR Kbsjs-GqfXA-00039-00003246-00003253 AND IN ADDITION TO THE EVENT, AN ONLINE AUCTION IS AVAILABLE FOR Kbsjs-GqfXA-00040-00003253-00003309 AND IN ADDITION TO THE EVENT, AN ONLINE AUCTION IS AVAILABLE FOR ANYONE TO BID ON WITH ALL Kbsjs-GqfXA-00041-00003309-00003316 ONLINE AUCTION IS AVAILABLE FOR ANYONE TO BID ON WITH ALL Kbsjs-GqfXA-00042-00003316-00003366 ONLINE AUCTION IS AVAILABLE FOR ANYONE TO BID ON WITH ALL PROCEEDS GOING TO THE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00043-00003366-00003373 ANYONE TO BID ON WITH ALL PROCEEDS GOING TO THE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00044-00003373-00003733 ANYONE TO BID ON WITH ALL PROCEEDS GOING TO THE FOUNDATION. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00045-00003733-00003740 PROCEEDS GOING TO THE FOUNDATION. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00046-00003740-00003877 PROCEEDS GOING TO THE FOUNDATION. >> EVERYTHING WE'VE GOT GOING ON Kbsjs-GqfXA-00047-00003877-00003883 FOUNDATION. >> EVERYTHING WE'VE GOT GOING ON Kbsjs-GqfXA-00048-00003883-00004064 FOUNDATION. >> EVERYTHING WE'VE GOT GOING ON THAT NIGHT IS GAME RELATED. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00049-00004064-00004070 >> EVERYTHING WE'VE GOT GOING ON THAT NIGHT IS GAME RELATED. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00050-00004070-00004210 >> EVERYTHING WE'VE GOT GOING ON THAT NIGHT IS GAME RELATED. WE'VE GOT REALLY GREAT RAFFLES Kbsjs-GqfXA-00051-00004210-00004217 THAT NIGHT IS GAME RELATED. WE'VE GOT REALLY GREAT RAFFLES Kbsjs-GqfXA-00052-00004217-00004337 THAT NIGHT IS GAME RELATED. WE'VE GOT REALLY GREAT RAFFLES AND THINGS OF THAT NATURE. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00053-00004337-00004344 WE'VE GOT REALLY GREAT RAFFLES AND THINGS OF THAT NATURE. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00054-00004344-00004571 WE'VE GOT REALLY GREAT RAFFLES AND THINGS OF THAT NATURE. WE'RE GOING TO DO GAMBLING LIKE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00055-00004571-00004577 AND THINGS OF THAT NATURE. WE'RE GOING TO DO GAMBLING LIKE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00056-00004577-00004728 AND THINGS OF THAT NATURE. WE'RE GOING TO DO GAMBLING LIKE ELECTRONIC HORSE RACES AND Kbsjs-GqfXA-00057-00004728-00004734 WE'RE GOING TO DO GAMBLING LIKE ELECTRONIC HORSE RACES AND Kbsjs-GqfXA-00058-00004734-00004861 WE'RE GOING TO DO GAMBLING LIKE ELECTRONIC HORSE RACES AND UNIQUE THINGS WE'VE NEVER DONE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00059-00004861-00004868 ELECTRONIC HORSE RACES AND UNIQUE THINGS WE'VE NEVER DONE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00060-00004868-00004928 ELECTRONIC HORSE RACES AND UNIQUE THINGS WE'VE NEVER DONE BEFORE. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00061-00004928-00004934 UNIQUE THINGS WE'VE NEVER DONE BEFORE. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00062-00004934-00005058 UNIQUE THINGS WE'VE NEVER DONE BEFORE. IT WILL BE A LOT OF FUN. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00063-00005058-00005065 BEFORE. IT WILL BE A LOT OF FUN. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00064-00005065-00005188 BEFORE. IT WILL BE A LOT OF FUN. THIS WOULDN'T BE POSSIBLE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00065-00005188-00005195 IT WILL BE A LOT OF FUN. THIS WOULDN'T BE POSSIBLE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00066-00005195-00005582 IT WILL BE A LOT OF FUN. THIS WOULDN'T BE POSSIBLE WITHOUT OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS Kbsjs-GqfXA-00067-00005582-00005588 THIS WOULDN'T BE POSSIBLE WITHOUT OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS Kbsjs-GqfXA-00068-00005588-00005742 THIS WOULDN'T BE POSSIBLE WITHOUT OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS AND COMMUNITY. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00069-00005742-00005749 WITHOUT OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS AND COMMUNITY. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00070-00005749-00005975 WITHOUT OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS AND COMMUNITY. THEY'VE BEEN OUR PREMIERE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00071-00005975-00005982 AND COMMUNITY. THEY'VE BEEN OUR PREMIERE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00072-00005982-00006139 AND COMMUNITY. THEY'VE BEEN OUR PREMIERE SPONSORS EVER SINCE WE STARTED. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00073-00006139-00006146 THEY'VE BEEN OUR PREMIERE SPONSORS EVER SINCE WE STARTED. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00074-00006146-00006262 THEY'VE BEEN OUR PREMIERE SPONSORS EVER SINCE WE STARTED. >>Dennis: THE BRAINERD PUBLIC Kbsjs-GqfXA-00075-00006262-00006269 SPONSORS EVER SINCE WE STARTED. >>Dennis: THE BRAINERD PUBLIC Kbsjs-GqfXA-00076-00006269-00006369 SPONSORS EVER SINCE WE STARTED. >>Dennis: THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATION WAS Kbsjs-GqfXA-00077-00006369-00006376 >>Dennis: THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATION WAS Kbsjs-GqfXA-00078-00006376-00006483 >>Dennis: THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATION WAS ESTABLISHED IN 1987 TO PROVIDE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00079-00006483-00006489 SCHOOLS FOUNDATION WAS ESTABLISHED IN 1987 TO PROVIDE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00080-00006489-00006603 SCHOOLS FOUNDATION WAS ESTABLISHED IN 1987 TO PROVIDE SCHOLARSHIPS, PROGRAMS AND Kbsjs-GqfXA-00081-00006603-00006609 ESTABLISHED IN 1987 TO PROVIDE SCHOLARSHIPS, PROGRAMS AND Kbsjs-GqfXA-00082-00006609-00006723 ESTABLISHED IN 1987 TO PROVIDE SCHOLARSHIPS, PROGRAMS AND FUNDING TO ENHANCE THE FOUR A'S Kbsjs-GqfXA-00083-00006723-00006730 SCHOLARSHIPS, PROGRAMS AND FUNDING TO ENHANCE THE FOUR A'S Kbsjs-GqfXA-00084-00006730-00006856 SCHOLARSHIPS, PROGRAMS AND FUNDING TO ENHANCE THE FOUR A'S -- ARTS, ACADEMICS, ATHLETICS Kbsjs-GqfXA-00085-00006856-00006863 FUNDING TO ENHANCE THE FOUR A'S -- ARTS, ACADEMICS, ATHLETICS Kbsjs-GqfXA-00086-00006863-00007000 FUNDING TO ENHANCE THE FOUR A'S -- ARTS, ACADEMICS, ATHLETICS AND ACTIVITIES -- IN THE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00087-00007000-00007006 -- ARTS, ACADEMICS, ATHLETICS AND ACTIVITIES -- IN THE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00088-00007006-00007130 -- ARTS, ACADEMICS, ATHLETICS AND ACTIVITIES -- IN THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00089-00007130-00007137 AND ACTIVITIES -- IN THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00090-00007137-00007277 AND ACTIVITIES -- IN THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT. ALONG WITH PROVIDING Kbsjs-GqfXA-00091-00007277-00007283 BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT. ALONG WITH PROVIDING Kbsjs-GqfXA-00092-00007283-00007410 BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT. ALONG WITH PROVIDING SCHOLARSHIPS, THE FOUNDATION HAS Kbsjs-GqfXA-00093-00007410-00007417 ALONG WITH PROVIDING SCHOLARSHIPS, THE FOUNDATION HAS Kbsjs-GqfXA-00094-00007417-00007517 ALONG WITH PROVIDING SCHOLARSHIPS, THE FOUNDATION HAS PROVIDED FUNDING FOR Kbsjs-GqfXA-00095-00007517-00007524 SCHOLARSHIPS, THE FOUNDATION HAS PROVIDED FUNDING FOR Kbsjs-GqfXA-00096-00007524-00007644 SCHOLARSHIPS, THE FOUNDATION HAS PROVIDED FUNDING FOR CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGY IN THE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00097-00007644-00007650 PROVIDED FUNDING FOR CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGY IN THE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00098-00007650-00007777 PROVIDED FUNDING FOR CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS SUCH AS VIRTUAL REALITY Kbsjs-GqfXA-00099-00007777-00007784 CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS SUCH AS VIRTUAL REALITY Kbsjs-GqfXA-00100-00007784-00008044 CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS SUCH AS VIRTUAL REALITY AND A NEW MAKERSPACE. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00101-00008044-00008051 SCHOOLS SUCH AS VIRTUAL REALITY AND A NEW MAKERSPACE. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00102-00008051-00008124 SCHOOLS SUCH AS VIRTUAL REALITY AND A NEW MAKERSPACE. >> OPPORTUNITIES IN A LITTLE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00103-00008124-00008131 AND A NEW MAKERSPACE. >> OPPORTUNITIES IN A LITTLE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00104-00008131-00008294 AND A NEW MAKERSPACE. >> OPPORTUNITIES IN A LITTLE TOWN LIKE BRAINERD, IT'S NICE TO Kbsjs-GqfXA-00105-00008294-00008301 >> OPPORTUNITIES IN A LITTLE TOWN LIKE BRAINERD, IT'S NICE TO Kbsjs-GqfXA-00106-00008301-00008435 >> OPPORTUNITIES IN A LITTLE TOWN LIKE BRAINERD, IT'S NICE TO COMPETE WITH THE BIGGER SCHOOLS, Kbsjs-GqfXA-00107-00008435-00008441 TOWN LIKE BRAINERD, IT'S NICE TO COMPETE WITH THE BIGGER SCHOOLS, Kbsjs-GqfXA-00108-00008441-00008555 TOWN LIKE BRAINERD, IT'S NICE TO COMPETE WITH THE BIGGER SCHOOLS, THE BIGGER COMMUNITIES. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00109-00008555-00008561 COMPETE WITH THE BIGGER SCHOOLS, THE BIGGER COMMUNITIES. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00110-00008561-00008815 COMPETE WITH THE BIGGER SCHOOLS, THE BIGGER COMMUNITIES. SO WE HAVE CUTTING-EDGE STUFF. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00111-00008815-00008822 THE BIGGER COMMUNITIES. SO WE HAVE CUTTING-EDGE STUFF. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00112-00008822-00008962 THE BIGGER COMMUNITIES. SO WE HAVE CUTTING-EDGE STUFF. WE HAVE VIRTUAL REALITY. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00113-00008962-00008968 SO WE HAVE CUTTING-EDGE STUFF. WE HAVE VIRTUAL REALITY. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00114-00008968-00009215 SO WE HAVE CUTTING-EDGE STUFF. WE HAVE VIRTUAL REALITY. WE'RE WORKING TO RAISE MONEY FOR Kbsjs-GqfXA-00115-00009215-00009222 WE HAVE VIRTUAL REALITY. WE'RE WORKING TO RAISE MONEY FOR Kbsjs-GqfXA-00116-00009222-00009319 WE HAVE VIRTUAL REALITY. WE'RE WORKING TO RAISE MONEY FOR AUGMENTED REALITY. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00117-00009319-00009325 WE'RE WORKING TO RAISE MONEY FOR AUGMENTED REALITY. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00118-00009325-00009496 WE'RE WORKING TO RAISE MONEY FOR AUGMENTED REALITY. IT FEATURES SO MANY THINGS WE'RE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00119-00009496-00009502 AUGMENTED REALITY. IT FEATURES SO MANY THINGS WE'RE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00120-00009502-00009666 AUGMENTED REALITY. IT FEATURES SO MANY THINGS WE'RE ABLE TO PROVIDE OUR KIDS LOCALLY Kbsjs-GqfXA-00121-00009666-00009672 IT FEATURES SO MANY THINGS WE'RE ABLE TO PROVIDE OUR KIDS LOCALLY Kbsjs-GqfXA-00122-00009672-00009809 IT FEATURES SO MANY THINGS WE'RE ABLE TO PROVIDE OUR KIDS LOCALLY TO ENHANCE WHAT THE SCHOOL Kbsjs-GqfXA-00123-00009809-00009816 ABLE TO PROVIDE OUR KIDS LOCALLY TO ENHANCE WHAT THE SCHOOL Kbsjs-GqfXA-00124-00009816-00009999 ABLE TO PROVIDE OUR KIDS LOCALLY TO ENHANCE WHAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT IS DOING ALREADY. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00125-00009999-00010006 TO ENHANCE WHAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT IS DOING ALREADY. Kbsjs-GqfXA-00126-00010006-00010196 TO ENHANCE WHAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT IS DOING ALREADY. >>Dennis: TICKETS FOR THE BIG Kbsjs-GqfXA-00127-00010196-00010203 DISTRICT IS DOING ALREADY. >>Dennis: TICKETS FOR THE BIG Kbsjs-GqfXA-00128-00010203-00010527 DISTRICT IS DOING ALREADY. >>Dennis: TICKETS FOR THE BIG EVENT ARE SOLD OUT, BUT ANYONE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00129-00010527-00010533 >>Dennis: TICKETS FOR THE BIG EVENT ARE SOLD OUT, BUT ANYONE Kbsjs-GqfXA-00130-00010533-00010557 >>Dennis: TICKETS FOR THE BIG EVENT ARE SOLD OUT, BUT ANYONE STILL KcJ7sNFgydI-00000-00000258-00000579 Hi violinists! I’m teacher Cássio from the Instituto Darchet, KcJ7sNFgydI-00001-00000579-00000995 teacher Bianca, and we are answering some questions. KcJ7sNFgydI-00002-00000995-00001902 We got one from Angélica: “Why does my violin sound never match my teacher's? KcJ7sNFgydI-00003-00001902-00002400 Even her Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star sound like Beethoven’s Symphony no. 5. KcJ7sNFgydI-00004-00002400-00002880 So, I believe the time that you have with your instrument influences KcJ7sNFgydI-00005-00002880-00003623 on this natural thing that you have with it, mainly related with tension, you with time start… KcJ7sNFgydI-00006-00003623-00003875 For example, a person who start on the violin six months ago, KcJ7sNFgydI-00007-00003875-00004157 and a person who already plays it for ten years is very different from each other, KcJ7sNFgydI-00008-00004157-00004685 even playing the same music, it sounds different, it’s a different relaxation. KcJ7sNFgydI-00009-00004685-00005210 With time you get used to the instrument, you become familiar, KcJ7sNFgydI-00010-00005210-00005836 mainly with the tension part, the tension gets in the way of quality sound, the technique, KcJ7sNFgydI-00011-00005836-00006287 the naturality with the techniques in general, KcJ7sNFgydI-00012-00006287-00006622 so the teacher, he has more time with the technique, KcJ7sNFgydI-00013-00006622-00007031 he has more time studying the instrument, so the sound will be different. KcJ7sNFgydI-00014-00007031-00007755 It is considerable at times the quality of the student makes the same repertoire that the teacher will do. KcJ7sNFgydI-00015-00007755-00008070 Thank you for watching the video, (thanks) and see you next time! KcJ7sNFgydI-00016-00008073-00008209 Bye! Bye! Kda4YkaTNP4-00000-00000003-00000533 This time around we are going to be changing this logo that is here, I'm Kda4YkaTNP4-00001-00000533-00001092 using ClassicPress right now which is a fork of WordPress, however it works in Kda4YkaTNP4-00002-00001092-00001639 the same way, what we're going to do actually works in the same way. Kda4YkaTNP4-00003-00001639-00001988 Welcome back to the channel. Last time Kda4YkaTNP4-00004-00001992-00002499 we managed to make our admin area a little more clean and less crowded Kda4YkaTNP4-00005-00002499-00003150 and we were able to change also our post type of posts into news. Today I just Kda4YkaTNP4-00006-00003150-00003689 want to use our activated plug-in that we're using which is the editors guide, and Kda4YkaTNP4-00007-00003689-00004104 what we are going to do is we are going to log out of here, and we're going to Kda4YkaTNP4-00008-00004104-00004571 change this logo for WordPress and ClassicPress which is a fork of Kda4YkaTNP4-00009-00004571-00005078 WordPress. So they both work in the same way, and if I actually inspect this element Kda4YkaTNP4-00010-00005078-00005630 we're going to realize that this is just a link that has a background image Kda4YkaTNP4-00011-00005630-00006192 here that you can actually change, and you can change it in the CSS. However Kda4YkaTNP4-00012-00006192-00006840 when I quickly google for how I can tap into this using code, there's actually a Kda4YkaTNP4-00013-00006840-00007395 part in the WordPress codex that tells us how we can customize this login form Kda4YkaTNP4-00014-00007395-00007940 and make it ours, and they actually give us a code sample of our what we can use here. Kda4YkaTNP4-00015-00007940-00008507 So what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy this information that is here, and Kda4YkaTNP4-00016-00008507-00009135 I'll just drag our folder here that is our plug-in, and then when I go Kda4YkaTNP4-00017-00009135-00009657 inside here, I'm actually going to just paste this code block here, and then I'll Kda4YkaTNP4-00018-00009657-00010464 explain what goes on. So we actually tap into a WordPress hook that's Kda4YkaTNP4-00019-00010464-00011118 that's called "login enqueue scripts", and this action is going to run our function Kda4YkaTNP4-00020-00011118-00011675 here, and what our function is going to do is that it is going to Kda4YkaTNP4-00021-00011675-00012381 add some style which is CSS, and it's going to target this particular CSS code, Kda4YkaTNP4-00022-00012381-00012884 it's going to look for the ID login, for the header tag, and then the link Kda4YkaTNP4-00023-00012884-00013308 that's embedded in there, and then the next thing that it's going to do is Kda4YkaTNP4-00024-00013308-00013880 it's going to change this particular background image, and we can actually Kda4YkaTNP4-00025-00013880-00014406 just make this any image that we can come up with. For example if I just Kda4YkaTNP4-00026-00014406-00015107 quickly run here and go to maybe pexels.com where there are loyalty-free Kda4YkaTNP4-00027-00015107-00015672 pictures, I don't want to have any issues with copyright infringement, so if I Kda4YkaTNP4-00028-00015672-00016500 quickly go to someone whose, let's just use this eye, so I'll just get the link to Kda4YkaTNP4-00029-00016500-00017274 this image, so I get a link to this image and what I'm going to do is come here Kda4YkaTNP4-00030-00017274-00017838 and I'm going to change this background image by deleting this, and then I'll put Kda4YkaTNP4-00031-00017838-00018615 this link and click Save. And if we quickly go back to our login page and Kda4YkaTNP4-00032-00018615-00019254 reload, we actually see that we get a big image here of this eye. So there are a Kda4YkaTNP4-00033-00019254-00019731 number of things we can do to this to make it a little better, and we can Kda4YkaTNP4-00034-00019731-00020373 actually still add style using our code block that we have actually added here. Kda4YkaTNP4-00035-00020373-00020964 So the first thing was to change the image, next is to change the particular Kda4YkaTNP4-00036-00020964-00021669 styling. But I want to go for a different angle, when we look into our WordPress Kda4YkaTNP4-00037-00021669-00022491 usually and then we go into our customizer, we Kda4YkaTNP4-00038-00022491-00023067 actually in most cases will have themes that are supporting a logo to be added. Kda4YkaTNP4-00039-00023067-00023697 So I want to use this logo that is added maybe from our theme, maybe it's a Kda4YkaTNP4-00040-00023697-00024135 particular company or business that has added the logo there, then the next thing Kda4YkaTNP4-00041-00024135-00024444 we're going to do is that we're going to use this same logo that we are having here Kda4YkaTNP4-00042-00024444-00025134 and then we will use it on the back end of our login page. So the first thing Kda4YkaTNP4-00043-00025134-00025707 that actually we are going to deal with is trying to add this logo support in Kda4YkaTNP4-00044-00025707-00026268 our theme, let's say if our theme did not support that logo addition via the customizer. Kda4YkaTNP4-00045-00026268-00026825 So when you come to WordPress this is already embedded or in ClassicPress, so Kda4YkaTNP4-00046-00026825-00027458 you would use this in your functions.php or you can use a plug-in to add Kda4YkaTNP4-00047-00027458-00028110 this. So you can add theme support, and then you add custom logo, and then what Kda4YkaTNP4-00048-00028110-00028737 you can do is you can add a bunch of properties to that custom logo, maybe the Kda4YkaTNP4-00049-00028737-00029250 height, the fixed width, however this will only work if you're adding it in the Kda4YkaTNP4-00050-00029250-00029856 theme, when you tap into the hook that's called "after theme setup" in your Kda4YkaTNP4-00051-00029856-00030285 particular theme. So what I'm going to do is that I'm just going to pick this Kda4YkaTNP4-00052-00030285-00031056 whole block of code here, so that even if I add it through my plug-in right here Kda4YkaTNP4-00053-00031056-00031587 right above this code and paste it, I know that I'll tap into the after Kda4YkaTNP4-00054-00031587-00032225 set up theme support hook, and then I'll run my particular function, and then Kda4YkaTNP4-00055-00032225-00032741 I'll add theme support for that logo to be so. So this is all the information Kda4YkaTNP4-00056-00032741-00033381 you need to add to your logo. So since my theme supports the logo already Kda4YkaTNP4-00057-00033381-00033906 I don't need to add this block of code. So I'm just going to comment Kda4YkaTNP4-00058-00033906-00034428 this out since I don't need it anymore, and then I'll just focus on this code. Kda4YkaTNP4-00059-00034428-00035088 So let me just drag this down, I'll just put it at the bottom since I don't need Kda4YkaTNP4-00060-00035088-00035736 it, but you can always refer to it. And I'm going to come back to our block that Kda4YkaTNP4-00061-00035736-00036321 we do have here. So the way we tap into this information that is already in the Kda4YkaTNP4-00062-00036321-00036959 customizer is we use a function called "get theme mode" to get the information here. Kda4YkaTNP4-00063-00036959-00037380 But again since this is already embedded in the ClassicPress or the WordPress Kda4YkaTNP4-00064-00037380-00037812 core, there is an easy way of getting this information, again if you scroll Kda4YkaTNP4-00065-00037812-00038530 down this page we were in on the codex; codex.wordpress.org/theme_logo, Kda4YkaTNP4-00066-00038530-00038972 you find that we can actually put that particular logo Kda4YkaTNP4-00067-00038972-00039540 by using this function which checks if there is a custom logo, then Kda4YkaTNP4-00068-00039540-00040233 we can throw the custom logo back in here, or if we want to actually tackle Kda4YkaTNP4-00069-00040233-00040935 the HTML and make it our own, we can actually just go and get only the URL or Kda4YkaTNP4-00070-00040935-00041559 the link that goes to that particular image. So we shall get theme mode which is Kda4YkaTNP4-00071-00041559-00042219 going to go and tap into the customizer itself, and then look for the ID of Kda4YkaTNP4-00072-00042219-00042993 custom logo as we set it up using this function that Kda4YkaTNP4-00073-00042993-00043719 is tapping into the after setup theme, and then we'll save the information Kda4YkaTNP4-00074-00043719-00044412 we'll save this ID, and then just drop it to get the attachment that is this Kda4YkaTNP4-00075-00044412-00045150 particular image here. So next we'll go and say you know what there is something Kda4YkaTNP4-00076-00045150-00045497 that's being thrown out, we're going to dump all this information so you will Kda4YkaTNP4-00077-00045497-00045963 see how this actually comes out, and so we'll get the first item that comes back Kda4YkaTNP4-00078-00045963-00046440 for our array. Because when we query WP get attachment Kda4YkaTNP4-00079-00046440-00046932 image source, we get a bunch of information that's attached to that particular image Kda4YkaTNP4-00080-00046932-00047484 that we've uploaded. So we can actually just choose through the array just using Kda4YkaTNP4-00081-00047484-00048813 PHP, and then we'll find the image link. So let's jump right into that. So what Kda4YkaTNP4-00082-00048813-00049278 I'm going to do first here is actually go and upload an image that I want to Kda4YkaTNP4-00083-00049278-00050075 use as my logo, so I'm going to look for this image that I made Kda4YkaTNP4-00084-00050075-00050826 that's just a funny guitar logo, and then I'm going to just add it, and immediately Kda4YkaTNP4-00085-00050826-00051408 you see that since this theme supports images and supports the logos coming out Kda4YkaTNP4-00086-00051408-00051917 it already shows you in the customizer. So we're going to save this here, and what Kda4YkaTNP4-00087-00051917-00052670 I'm going to do next is actually I'm going to log out of our Kda4YkaTNP4-00088-00052670-00053067 administration area, and then we shall be able to see what's Kda4YkaTNP4-00089-00053067-00053485 going on here. So we still have our old image that we were using to test Kda4YkaTNP4-00090-00053485-00054076 and we're now going to jump into the code. So what we're going to do now Kda4YkaTNP4-00091-00054076-00054691 is actually we're going to test this particular code that we got from, that Kda4YkaTNP4-00092-00054691-00055177 we're going to get from our codex. I'm just going to copy the whole thing, we'll Kda4YkaTNP4-00093-00055177-00055842 inspect it to see what is displayed. So we'll see, so what I'm going to do is Kda4YkaTNP4-00094-00055842-00056538 that I'm going to comment out each line, and then I'll use the PHP line to var_dump Kda4YkaTNP4-00095-00056538-00057235 whatever we are getting we look for some information. So I'm going to get the Kda4YkaTNP4-00096-00057235-00058066 custom logo ID that we've been saving here, and then I'm going to use the WP Kda4YkaTNP4-00097-00058066-00058813 die, so I'll use WP die to just stop whatever is running. Now if we go Kda4YkaTNP4-00098-00058813-00059580 back to our page and reload, so when we dump the information from our code here Kda4YkaTNP4-00099-00059580-00060148 we actually see that we get an integer of 30, and that is basically the ID of Kda4YkaTNP4-00100-00060148-00060780 the attachment. Now remember that attachments are also custom post types Kda4YkaTNP4-00101-00060780-00061462 in our WordPress. Now we are getting the ID of this from our customizer and we Kda4YkaTNP4-00102-00061462-00061909 are going to pass it into this function of WordPress that says we need to get Kda4YkaTNP4-00103-00061909-00062613 attachment ID source, that has the ID of 30, but we want to get it in full. Kda4YkaTNP4-00104-00062613-00063066 We want to get the full size of it, so what I'm going to do is I'm now going to Kda4YkaTNP4-00105-00063066-00063604 change what we are dumping out, so I'm going to save this, and then when I Kda4YkaTNP4-00106-00063604-00064171 reload our page here we actually see that we get back an array that has four Kda4YkaTNP4-00107-00064171-00064666 pieces of information. And the first piece of information is a string which Kda4YkaTNP4-00108-00064666-00065299 is a URL of our image, the next piece is giving us an integer Kda4YkaTNP4-00109-00065299-00065824 of 240 and we have 240 here and we have a boolean which is false. Kda4YkaTNP4-00110-00065824-00066507 Now if I was to actually go to the Codex and find out what does this Kda4YkaTNP4-00111-00066507-00066985 function actually do? so I'm going to open my browser and drop this into Kda4YkaTNP4-00112-00066985-00067626 Google and find out what it does, so if we go to the codex again, we're going to Kda4YkaTNP4-00113-00067626-00068232 find out what information is given back. So when we pass in the ID, the attachment Kda4YkaTNP4-00114-00068232-00068739 ID and the size of what we want, this is what we get Kda4YkaTNP4-00115-00068739-00069189 back, we get an array that has a URL which is the link, we get the width, we Kda4YkaTNP4-00116-00069189-00069829 get the height, and we get whether it is intermediate. This is the information we Kda4YkaTNP4-00117-00069829-00070480 get back. Remember when we were using Kda4YkaTNP4-00118-00070480-00070963 this code here to set the height and width, it's different for every theme so you Kda4YkaTNP4-00119-00070963-00071467 can set your particular width and height that you want to get. So the next thing Kda4YkaTNP4-00120-00071467-00072031 that we're going to do now is that we saw that in our array of the information Kda4YkaTNP4-00121-00072031-00072697 we were getting, is we had item 0 or the first item in our array was the string Kda4YkaTNP4-00122-00072697-00073141 and that is what we want. So what we're going to do is just use PHP again and Kda4YkaTNP4-00123-00073141-00074052 say, we just want to echo only the first item in what we saved, this is the Kda4YkaTNP4-00124-00074052-00074818 variable that we saved, we just want to get only the first item which is item 0, and so Kda4YkaTNP4-00125-00074818-00075426 I'm going to just get this, I'm just going to add these brackets and add 0 Kda4YkaTNP4-00126-00075426-00075943 and then we're going to see what we are actually dumping. So I'll just save this Kda4YkaTNP4-00127-00075943-00076393 again, reload and we'll see that we are only get in this string. So this is the Kda4YkaTNP4-00128-00076393-00076876 information that we need, and that is what we can drop actually in our Kda4YkaTNP4-00129-00076876-00077686 background here. So what I'm going to do is I'll remove the die and the echo. Kda4YkaTNP4-00130-00077698-00078160 So after cleaning out the space that is here, what we're going to do next is we're Kda4YkaTNP4-00131-00078160-00078568 going to replace whatever is here. So the first thing we're going to do is we're Kda4YkaTNP4-00132-00078568-00079168 going to get this link that is here, we're going copy this function that is Kda4YkaTNP4-00133-00079168-00079527 here, and we're going to place it into PHP quotes Kda4YkaTNP4-00134-00079527-00080181 here and say we have our PHP here and our function, now what we also need to Kda4YkaTNP4-00135-00080181-00081024 do is we're going to get our integer or our ID of our post type or the attachment Kda4YkaTNP4-00136-00081024-00081552 post type ID, and we're going to query it from here. So what we're going to do is we're going to say Kda4YkaTNP4-00137-00081552-00082230 to say, let us echo whatever we get out of this function being queried and Kda4YkaTNP4-00138-00082230-00082674 once we passed in all those parameters. So I'll just remove this since we Kda4YkaTNP4-00139-00082674-00083307 don't need it here, so after saving this here, we're going to go back and we Kda4YkaTNP4-00140-00083307-00083790 reload, and we actually see that there is nothing here so what I'll do is I'll Kda4YkaTNP4-00141-00083790-00084288 quickly inspect to find out, and we'll see that in our background image we have an Kda4YkaTNP4-00142-00084288-00084933 array here, so that was our era we forgot to actually add that we want only the Kda4YkaTNP4-00143-00084933-00085725 first item in the array, because the array starts from 0 all the way upwards to 1 2 3, so in position Kda4YkaTNP4-00144-00085725-00086427 1 we have 0, position 2 we have 1, position 3 would be number 2, so once I Kda4YkaTNP4-00145-00086427-00087140 save this again, we're actually now just going to have the the image coming in, as the URL Kda4YkaTNP4-00146-00087332-00087897 sorry this shouldn't be here, it should be actually at the end because we want Kda4YkaTNP4-00147-00087897-00088524 to get the array at the end of this, so once I save this and then go back here Kda4YkaTNP4-00148-00088524-00089052 and reload, we actually see our image that we uploaded from our Kda4YkaTNP4-00149-00089052-00089556 browser and it actually comes here and we have it sorted here. So the next thing Kda4YkaTNP4-00150-00089556-00090309 that we can do is actually we can decide to make this better looking and give it Kda4YkaTNP4-00151-00090309-00090831 a lot of CSS to make it look nice. Or we would have saved an image that is actually Kda4YkaTNP4-00152-00090831-00091317 maybe with these dimensions that we have here. This is how we make our login Kda4YkaTNP4-00153-00091317-00091662 page better, and there are a couple of other things that we can change, for Kda4YkaTNP4-00154-00091662-00092310 example we can change the URL so that it's not going outside Kda4YkaTNP4-00155-00092310-00092748 to any other place, and we can even change the title Kda4YkaTNP4-00156-00092748-00093210 this particular link when we hover over, so that it's not saying powered by Kda4YkaTNP4-00157-00093210-00094127 WordPress or by ClassicPress. So if we go back to our codex and scroll all the way Kda4YkaTNP4-00158-00094127-00094604 down, there are also other functions that you can tap into and these ones are filters. Kda4YkaTNP4-00159-00094604-00095387 Remember filters are also hooks into WordPress, but filters expect Kda4YkaTNP4-00160-00095387-00095948 information and they actually also return information. So that's why you see that Kda4YkaTNP4-00161-00095948-00096539 once we use the login header URL filter, it's expecting to Kda4YkaTNP4-00162-00096539-00097364 return, this is a function in WordPress that gets the URL of your particular Kda4YkaTNP4-00163-00097364-00097805 domain. And if we look at the second filter it's Kda4YkaTNP4-00164-00097805-00098316 saying we can change the login header title, and we can give it anything Kda4YkaTNP4-00165-00098316-00098841 that we do want. For example this is your site name and information, so once we save Kda4YkaTNP4-00166-00098841-00099386 this, or we can actually say let us make it very dynamic, so I'm going to use Kda4YkaTNP4-00167-00099386-00099863 blog info which is a function of WordPress, and I'm going to say now Kda4YkaTNP4-00168-00099863-00100520 instead of this I want to add the name of my website, once I save and Kda4YkaTNP4-00169-00100520-00101135 reload and come back here, we're actually going to see that our URL has Kda4YkaTNP4-00170-00101135-00102135 changed, you see this is blog gallery which is up here, and our title is empty because we're actually echoing it here you Kda4YkaTNP4-00171-00102135-00102566 can see this is saying lightbox gallery. So what I'm going to do is just go back Kda4YkaTNP4-00172-00102566-00103295 here because I made an error. Blog info actually echoes, we can use the Kda4YkaTNP4-00173-00103295-00103982 title of our blog or we can even use the description which is usually the Kda4YkaTNP4-00174-00103982-00104609 tagline that we give to our particular blog, so we can also change that and Kda4YkaTNP4-00175-00104609-00105308 make it just another WordPress, like we want or we can even make a blend of both. So it's Kda4YkaTNP4-00176-00105308-00105892 up to you to do what you want to have there, so Kda4YkaTNP4-00177-00105892-00106453 I'll just join up these two, but at this point we've actually made what we wanted Kda4YkaTNP4-00178-00106453-00106939 to do. So this is just doing something extra. I'm just joining two pieces of Kda4YkaTNP4-00179-00106939-00107471 information here, so I'll save this so that we have lightbox gallery which is Kda4YkaTNP4-00180-00107471-00107854 just another WordPress site. We're good and done with this tutorial. Kda4YkaTNP4-00181-00107854-00108449 I thank you for watching and staying with me over this long period of time, and I Kda4YkaTNP4-00182-00108449-00108797 hope you liked the video. If you liked it please give it a thumbs up and share it Kda4YkaTNP4-00183-00108797-00109189 with your friends, and also don't forget to subscribe if you haven't subscribed to Kda4YkaTNP4-00184-00109189-00109594 the channel. We have a number of things that are going to be coming out next, and Kda4YkaTNP4-00185-00109594-00110224 we always do small small challenges also coming in. So feel free to leave a Kda4YkaTNP4-00186-00110224-00111095 question, leave a comment, give direction, or give us how you want to do this in Kda4YkaTNP4-00187-00111095-00111610 the comment section. And just to note that ClassicPress in itself is Kda4YkaTNP4-00188-00111610-00112333 dealing with this thing just to help websites better brand themselves. ClassicPress Kda4YkaTNP4-00189-00112333-00112922 is actually making this part of the core, right now they are Kda4YkaTNP4-00190-00112922-00113353 working on how to change this to be part of the core, so that whenever you upload Kda4YkaTNP4-00191-00113353-00114061 a logo in your theme it automatically gives you your logo coming up here. The Kda4YkaTNP4-00192-00114061-00114545 other thing is that it will default to the ClassicPress logo if you don't have Kda4YkaTNP4-00193-00114545-00115073 a theme supporting the logo, but now you know so you can do it for yourself. Thank Kda4YkaTNP4-00194-00115073-00116028 you for watching. KfrcOPCdhf8-00000-00000000-00000796 Rickrolling KgTKgbprxm8-00000-00002112-00002984 so KgTKgbprxm8-00001-00004192-00004384 first one KgTKgbprxm8-00002-00006800-00007184 kill KgTKgbprxm8-00003-00008080-00008584 thank you KgTKgbprxm8-00004-00009280-00009984 oh KgTKgbprxm8-00005-00010520-00011384 killed KgTKgbprxm8-00006-00012056-00012784 so KgTKgbprxm8-00007-00014712-00015584 first blood KgTKgbprxm8-00008-00015872-00016984 uh KgTKgbprxm8-00009-00018672-00019784 double kill KgTKgbprxm8-00010-00020920-00021184 double kill KgTKgbprxm8-00011-00024480-00025384 um KgTKgbprxm8-00012-00026072-00026783 uh KgTKgbprxm8-00013-00030920-00032383 killed KgTKgbprxm8-00014-00033568-00033784 huh KgTKgbprxm8-00015-00035560-00036584 kill KgTKgbprxm8-00016-00040664-00042184 foreign first blood KgTKgbprxm8-00017-00044440-00044984 double kill KgTKgbprxm8-00018-00050992-00053384 oh i'm doing good KgTKgbprxm8-00019-00057400-00057584 oh KgTKgbprxm8-00020-00060320-00060384 double kill KgTKgbprxm8-00021-00062791-00063184 double kill KgTKgbprxm8-00022-00066544-00067384 foreign KgTKgbprxm8-00023-00067920-00070184 hmm come on KgTKgbprxm8-00024-00072400-00072984 ugh KgTKgbprxm8-00025-00073288-00074384 what is he double kill KgTKgbprxm8-00026-00076520-00077184 oh KgTKgbprxm8-00027-00079856-00079984 foreign KgTKgbprxm8-00028-00080304-00081384 ah KgTKgbprxm8-00029-00082168-00082784 first blood KgTKgbprxm8-00030-00084128-00085584 hmm KgTKgbprxm8-00031-00088112-00088384 um KgTKgbprxm8-00032-00089584-00089784 get your body moving KgTKgbprxm8-00033-00090072-00090216 get your body moving KgTKgbprxm8-00034-00091096-00091976 get your body moving Kkjq4-qkGAg-00000-00000000-00000127 各位朋友 Dear friends. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00001-00000127-00000307 这是一个不锈钢架子 This is a stainless steel shelf. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00002-00000307-00000517 是不是很肮脏? Is it dirty? Kkjq4-qkGAg-00003-00000517-00000840 我现在示范给你看怎样清洁它 I am going to show you how to clean it now. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00004-00000840-00001410 我觉得如果你用清洁剂也不一定能把它弄乾净 I think if you use detergent it won't necessarily get it clean. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00005-00001410-00001989 它虽然满是污垢 我只需要用水来清洁就够了 Although it's full of dirt, I just need to clean it with water. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00006-00004135-00004600 为什么我要示范给你们看? Why do I show you a demonstration? Kkjq4-qkGAg-00007-00004755-00005620 我要证明不需要用清洁剂 也可以做出同样的效果 I want to prove that the same effect can be achieved without the use of cleaning agents. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00008-00005782-00006132 刚才这里很肮脏 It was dirty here just now. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00009-00006160-00006690 在它的週围擦一下 rub it around. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00010-00006720-00007181 这部份没有这么肮脏了 This part is already not so dirty. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00011-00007547-00007909 我现在用鉄丝刷擦乾净了 I've cleaned it with the steel wire ball now. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00012-00007909-00008222 地上这些就是擦出来的汚垢 These are the dirt rubbed out on the ground. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00013-00008222-00008605 我跟你说 这个是不銹钢架子 I talk to you, this is a stainless steel shelf. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00014-00008605-00009055 一般来说 它是不会生銹的 Generally, it does not rust. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00015-00009055-00009297 不需要用到清洁剂来清洁 No need to use detergent to clean. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00016-00009297-00009587 因为清洁剂效力太强 Because the cleaning agent is too powerful. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00017-00009587-00009837 有可能会侵蚀它的表面 It may erode its surface. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00018-00009837-00010540 所以我们最好用普通的铁丝刷加棉布就可以了 So we'd better use an generic steel wire ball and cotton cloth. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00019-00010540-00010887 让我来教你怎样做 Let me teach you how to do. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00020-00010887-00011117 我们要准备一些牙刷 We need to prepare some toothbrushes. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00021-00011117-00011472 一枝是软毛的 另一枝是硬毛的 One is soft, the other is hard bristle. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00022-00011472-00011755 为什么需要用软和硬的牙刷? Why need to use both soft and hard bristle tooth-pastes? Kkjq4-qkGAg-00023-00011755-00012036 硬毛牙刷可以把接口的污垢刷走 Hard-bristled toothbrush can brush away the dirt on the interface. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00024-00012036-00012405 用软毛就很难刷 因为它的毛太软 It is difficult to brush with soft bristles because the bristles are too soft. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00025-00012405-00012782 不过软毛牙刷可以刷普通的表面 However, a soft-bristled toothbrush can brush ordinary surfaces. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00026-00012782-00013207 如果你不要软毛的 可以乾脆只用铁丝刷 If you don't want soft hair, you can just use a steel wire ball. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00027-00013207-00013830 湿一点水 在它的表面来回刷它 Wet a little water and brush it back and forth on its surface. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00028-00013962-00014517 它的接口就用硬毛来刷 Its interface is brushed with bristles. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00029-00014656-00015262 要刷它的底部就把整个架子反过来 To brush its bottom turn the whole shelf upside down. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00030-00015284-00015997 同样的方法 这样刷它的表面 In the same method brush its surface like this. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00031-00016146-00016442 这样就会很清洁 It will be very clean. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00032-00016442-00016692 因为它是不銹钢 不是鉄制品 Because it is stainless steel, not the product made of iron. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00033-00016692-00017007 不会生銹 所以很容易清洁 It does not rust, so it is easy to clean. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00034-00017007-00017359 表面上通常都是一些油污 There is usually some dirt on the surface. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00035-00017389-00017690 刷了它就可以了 Just brush it. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00036-00017748-00018093 这样就很完美了 That's perfect. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00037-00018117-00018392 你自己试试看 You may try it yourself. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00038-00018392-00018726 总共只需要准备两枝牙刷 Only need two toothbrushes in total. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00039-00018726-00018939 一个鉄丝刷 An steel wire ball. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00040-00018939-00019216 还有一些清水 And some water. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00041-00019335-00019571 你觉得怎么样? What do you think? Kkjq4-qkGAg-00042-00019571-00019834 是不是很简单? Is it simple? Kkjq4-qkGAg-00043-00019834-00020154 完全不需要用清洁剂 No need for cleaning agents at all. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00044-00020154-00020525 清洁剂会腐蚀它的表面 Detergents will corrode its surface. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00045-00020525-00020982 另外 我刚刚也刷乾净我的烘炉 Also, I just cleaned my oven. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00046-00020982-00021480 下次我再做一个视频给你们看 Next time I will make another video for you to watch. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00047-00021480-00021927 因为我现在已经把它弄干净了 Because I have cleaned it now. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00048-00021955-00022177 忘记了拍视频 I forgot to take a video. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00049-00022177-00022462 没有机会做给你们看 I didn't have a chance to show you. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00050-00022462-00022707 下次我再清洁烘炉的时候 Next time when I clean the oven. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00051-00022707-00022957 我再教你们怎样做 I'll teach you how to do. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00052-00022957-00023175 烘炉是铁造的 The oven is made of iron. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00053-00023175-00023461 所以要用另外一种方法来清洁 So need to use another method to clean. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00054-00023461-00023740 暂时我不透露怎样做 保持秘密 I won't reveal what to do for now, keep it as a secret. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00055-00023740-00024001 现在我的烘炉清洁得很干净 Now my oven is clean. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00056-00024001-00024220 下次才做给你们看 I'll do it to show you next time. Kkjq4-qkGAg-00057-00024220-00024337 再见 Good bye. KkudMCWc-OE-00000-00000000-00000732 is how it can help you today I I want cocoa Pops I sorry we don't have cocoa pops okay and also KkudMCWc-OE-00001-00000732-00001482 I want ice cream okay here's your ice cream thank you hey Dad can I have ice cream no Jack will not KkudMCWc-OE-00002-00001482-00002256 get ice cream but why not I say no Jack we not get ice cream my dad has went out for now I'm eating KkudMCWc-OE-00003-00002256-00002856 ice cream yum I love eating ice cream hey why this idiot eat ice cream from the freezer and put ice KkudMCWc-OE-00004-00002856-00003588 cream in the freezer thoughts that I will call his dad how dare you eat ice cream in the freezer KkudMCWc-OE-00005-00003588-00004074 Cuts if you are grounded for 10 to 20 weeks we are go home and give all of them sick and wear KkudMCWc-OE-00006-00004074-00004980 a mask again wow you say no ice cream I hate you and you Moron stop saying to me Moron or I will KkudMCWc-OE-00007-00004980-00005634 call the police and then send to you to jail you Moron that I will call the police you will stay KkudMCWc-OE-00008-00005634-00006462 in jail for 10 years for eating ice cream and shopping and call your dad Moron ten hour later KkudMCWc-OE-00009-00006528-00007331 Jack now is 12 a.m get up go to my office now Jack go to sit on the electric chair right now no KkudMCWc-OE-00010-00007595-00008232 foreign Yay Jack Is Dead Forever KkudMCWc-OE-00011-00008232-00008490 no more Jack KkOw6JTKG9M-00001-00016760-00017168 So, while VR and AI threaten to suck some into a virtual vortex KkOw6JTKG9M-00002-00017260-00017394 There's another side to SexTech KkOw6JTKG9M-00003-00017454-00017698 One that is all about enhancing real-life relationships KkOw6JTKG9M-00004-00017756-00018166 I spoke with Kiiroo. A Company that is transforming the way that we have sex online. KkOw6JTKG9M-00005-00018248-00018604 Hi Alex thank you for comming to speak with us, at the Drum, today from Amsterdam. KkOw6JTKG9M-00006-00018676-00018992 Do you want to talk us through what Kiiroo is and how it works? KkOw6JTKG9M-00007-00019050-00019358 We are a company that have tried to improve and develop Teledildonics KkOw6JTKG9M-00008-00019454-00019916 That's what they're commonly known as, but other people call them Cyberdildonics or Remote Pleasure Products KkOw6JTKG9M-00010-00020128-00020596 They are vibrators and male masturbators that you can use to share feeling through over the internet KkOw6JTKG9M-00011-00020596-00020646 You can sed feeling. KkOw6JTKG9M-00012-00020674-00020868 Can we have a look and see how it works? - yeah sure! KkOw6JTKG9M-00013-00020958-00021248 Put your hand inside and you will able to feel the rings as I move my hand up and down this product KkOw6JTKG9M-00014-00021358-00021546 So you go up! and down. KkOw6JTKG9M-00015-00021546-00021746 That feels really great! KkOw6JTKG9M-00016-00021746-00022100 And that'll be in and out and in and out KkOw6JTKG9M-00017-00022100-00022206 And it can go faster KkOw6JTKG9M-00018-00022206-00022406 It really pulsates, doesn't it? KkOw6JTKG9M-00020-00022606-00022894 It also vibrates. Im not going to put it on vibrate for the moment Lo7kGzFM5n8-00000-00001074-00001298 I just washed up. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00001-00001330-00001642 I don't usually sleep in hoodie. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00002-00001642-00001914 But I did yesterday. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00003-00001914-00002372 So my neck is sore. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00004-00002372-00002722 The pad I'm using is the derma plan green trouble pad from THE SAEM Lo7kGzFM5n8-00005-00002722-00003028 THE SAEM's derma line is very gentle. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00006-00003028-00003290 You couldn't have seen this thing on my face. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00007-00003290-00003710 Do you see this red, big zit? Lo7kGzFM5n8-00008-00003761-00004222 I didn't want to pop it so I waited a week. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00009-00004222-00004608 And it naturally popped last night. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00010-00004608-00005122 It turned bruised and blood came out. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00011-00005244-00005554 Ended up being a scab. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00012-00005554-00005708 It doesn't look good. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00013-00005842-00006074 It's really big in person. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00014-00006156-00006614 As you're wiping your face, you should wipe the back of the ear too. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00015-00006614-00006962 Next, I'll spray the Dr.G filagrin cream water mist. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00016-00007390-00007736 I'm not going to use a viscous toner today. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00017-00007736-00008076 So I sprayed a lot to moisturize my skin. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00018-00008076-00008508 My friend's having a housewarming party today. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00019-00008508-00009042 All my friends will be there, so I'm going too. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00020-00009042-00009502 I had a housewarming party and I've been to other housewarming parties as well. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00021-00009548-00009900 But I've never drank alcohol at a housewarming party. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00022-00009900-00010442 You usually eat food, talk, and watch movie or something. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00023-00010442-00010688 It's the first time for me drinking alcohol at a housewarming party. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00024-00010712-00010996 So I feel kind of excited Lo7kGzFM5n8-00025-00010996-00011126 and nervous. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00026-00011126-00011486 I'm kind of looking forward to it though. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00027-00011486-00011998 Next up, I'll use the ROVECTIN activating treatment lotion. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00028-00012056-00012468 This is very gentle and it gives good hydration to the skin. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00029-00012522-00013128 I recommended this to my friend who's studying in the U.S. and that friend's using it well. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00030-00013128-00013778 And there's my friend who only uses high-end skincare products. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00031-00013778-00014308 We went to Olive Young together and I recommended this to that friend so she bought it. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00032-00014308-00014624 She said she's been enjoying this a lot. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00033-00014624-00014928 And it kind of made me feel nice. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00034-00014928-00015486 Whenever I recommend something and they use it well, I feel very good. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00035-00015486-00015763 Because I only recommend something that actually works. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00036-00015763-00016150 I'm being very picky when it comes to recommend something. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00037-00016150-00016718 When I do, I wish that product to work for their skins. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00038-00016718-00016926 And my friends said it worked, so I felt very good. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00039-00016980-00017446 It's been a very long time since the last time I filmed a gwrm/makeup tutorial. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00040-00017446-00017916 If you go on my channel, you'll see that there's no current makeup video. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00041-00017916-00018258 That is because, during the Halloween's week, Lo7kGzFM5n8-00042-00018258-00018524 I've got a really bad cold. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00043-00018524-00019132 And I've been keep thinking, "oh, I'll film when I get better". Lo7kGzFM5n8-00044-00019132-00019390 I'm not fully recovered yet though. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00045-00019390-00019912 I noticed that I haven't been filming a makeup video for so long. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00046-00019912-00020474 So even though I'm not fully recovered yet, I thought it's time to film one. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00047-00020474-00020848 So today's the day. I go to the party later today anyways. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00048-00021070-00021296 So I feel kind of awkward now. I don't know why. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00049-00021296-00021676 Then, I'll use the MAMONDE red energy recovery serum. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00050-00021676-00022046 Someone asked me how many times I pump this out. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00051-00022046-00022300 I pump 3 to 4 times. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00052-00022382-00022766 The stuff I use after the toner, like serum and essence, Lo7kGzFM5n8-00053-00022766-00022994 I pump out a lot. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00054-00022994-00023484 If the product is not oily, I apply more. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00055-00023484-00023814 If the product is oily, then I try to use less. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00056-00023814-00024340 I feel bad that I have a big pimple because I'm filming this after a while. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00057-00024370-00024550 You know, Lo7kGzFM5n8-00058-00024550-00025008 there's a pimple you can and can't cover up with concealer. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00059-00025008-00025284 This, I definitely can't cover. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00060-00025284-00025440 Do you know what I mean? Lo7kGzFM5n8-00061-00025472-00025666 It's very bumpy. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00062-00025695-00026130 You're trying to cover it up, but you're just making it look worse. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00063-00026130-00026258 Like... how to I explain? Lo7kGzFM5n8-00064-00026258-00026444 Like a cracker. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00065-00026616-00026977 For sunscreen, I'll use the KRAVE BEAUTY beat the sun. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00066-00026977-00027280 There's a ton of people who praise about this. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00067-00027280-00027698 I bought it and started using it. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00068-00027745-00027924 It doesn't sting my eyes at all. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00069-00027945-00028260 Because I got LASIK, I look for the sunscreen that doesn't sting. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00070-00028260-00028495 I liked it that it doesn't sting my eyes. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00071-00028556-00029022 And this is kind of interesting. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00072-00029022-00029164 When you just look at it, Lo7kGzFM5n8-00073-00029164-00029306 it looks very small, isn't it? Lo7kGzFM5n8-00074-00029306-00029677 It looks like a mini sunscreen. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00075-00029677-00030074 When you actually compare this with other sunscreens, the sizes are about the same. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00076-00030074-00030522 It's the design that makes it look smaller. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00077-00030564-00030852 I was talking with my friend on video call, Lo7kGzFM5n8-00078-00030852-00031224 I said, "People said this sunscreen is very good, but doesn't it look very small?". Lo7kGzFM5n8-00079-00031224-00031339 And she said it does. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00080-00031339-00031789 So I kind of wanted to compare the size so I did. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00081-00031789-00031974 The sizes were about the same. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00082-00031974-00032372 I thought it was very interesting and funny. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00083-00032424-00032600 Me and my friend were talking about it the other day. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00084-00032739-00032932 We talked until late. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00085-00033014-00033518 For base, I'll use the MILLION BEAUTY cover me glow cushion in shade 23. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00086-00033518-00033752 This puff is from Piccaso. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00087-00033752-00033944 I switched the puff. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00088-00033944-00034268 I liked using Fillimilli puff for a while. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00089-00034314-00034462 I think this one's better. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00090-00034636-00034884 It's a little more expensive but it's better. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00091-00035012-00035440 Because it's a housewarming party and I'll be staying in the house, Lo7kGzFM5n8-00092-00035514-00035846 so I won't use concealer. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00093-00035990-00036224 I'm just going to do my base with cushion. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00094-00036224-00036612 I haven't been wearing makeup for a while. I don't know if it's going to look good or not. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00095-00036690-00037158 Because I haven't been feeling well, I just wore a hat Lo7kGzFM5n8-00096-00037300-00037540 with a mask on. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00097-00037616-00037850 It's been a while putting makeup on. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00098-00037850-00038360 And I'm actually using a different camera than I normally filmed with. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00099-00038360-00038664 This has way better quality. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00100-00038732-00038844 So Lo7kGzFM5n8-00101-00038952-00039078 I'm a little worried. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00102-00039146-00039568 Because my skin doesn't look good today. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00103-00039688-00039850 At worst, I won't be posting it. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00104-00039850-00040312 If my skin looks terrible when I check on the computer, I won't post it. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00105-00040368-00040698 People are wearing long puffer jackets outside. It's very cold. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00106-00040746-00041044 But I'm sweating now as I record. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00107-00041204-00041530 I don't really like how it turned out. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00108-00041530-00042018 I like the glow but I don't like the coverage. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00109-00042074-00042446 Maybe I just have bad skin today. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00110-00042508-00042962 I'm going to powder my face with MAKE UP FOR EVER UHD pressed powder. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00111-00042962-00043460 I figured that the powder from Banila Co is very nice, so I've been sticking with that for a while. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00112-00043460-00043734 But I noticed that this is going to expire soon. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00113-00043734-00043968 So I came back on using this. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00114-00044054-00044188 I like this one too. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00115-00044342-00044486 I'm sweating. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00116-00044576-00045142 If you press down too hard, it's going to rub the base off. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00117-00045142-00045386 If you do like this. Hard strokes. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00118-00045420-00046000 Just think it as you're gently adding the powder on the top the base. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00119-00046000-00046254 I know I'm aging but lately I noticed that Lo7kGzFM5n8-00120-00046254-00046868 when you do your makeup, the more you put on, the worse it makes your skin. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00121-00046868-00047422 When I was younger, my skin used to look really good with just BB cream on. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00122-00047422-00047656 But right now... it's not. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00123-00047726-00047888 I'll do the eye makeup first. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00124-00047888-00048190 I'll use the ETUDE HOUSE play color eyes maple road. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00125-00048190-00048676 I'm using the PICCASSO COLLEZIONI brushes for eye. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00126-00048676-00048858 As always I'd do, Lo7kGzFM5n8-00127-00048858-00049144 I'm taking this color. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00128-00049824-00050064 I'll add shadow to the eye. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00129-00050692-00050860 And then, here. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00130-00050926-00051296 Using the slightly reddish brown color. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00131-00051296-00051488 Under and the outer corner of the eye. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00132-00051850-00052302 I'm adding the long line. It makes the eyes look longer. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00133-00052426-00052690 I'll apply the remaining under the eye. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00134-00052829-00053154 Next, using the BENEFIT pencil, I'll do my eyebrows. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00135-00053154-00053726 Lately, I only use BENEFIT brow pencil. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00136-00053726-00053908 So I thought I'd use something else today. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00137-00053986-00054164 But I ended up using this again. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00138-00054362-00054544 When I do my eyebrows, Lo7kGzFM5n8-00139-00054622-00054752 I don't talk. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00140-00054912-00055012 I always don't. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00141-00055534-00055855 I really like how they turned out. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00142-00055970-00056274 Next, I'm using the RAREKIND mini album... Lo7kGzFM5n8-00143-00056274-00056567 I use this all the time but I always don't remember the number of this album. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00144-00056567-00056726 The 1st album no.3 Lo7kGzFM5n8-00145-00056726-00056922 Mix and high brown. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00146-00056922-00057186 My eyebrows look really dark in the camera. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00147-00057234-00057396 They're not in person. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00148-00057478-00057650 Maybe because it's dark here. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00149-00057714-00057944 I wish my face is smaller. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00150-00058014-00058204 Then I wouldn't have to do much contouring. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00151-00058384-00058698 And now, I don't contour my nose as much. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00152-00058732-00058812 But, Lo7kGzFM5n8-00153-00058955-00059164 because it's after a while, I will. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00154-00059241-00059386 It's the same brush. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00155-00059746-00060104 Back then, even though I contour my nose, Lo7kGzFM5n8-00156-00060234-00060500 it wasn't really noticeable. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00157-00060500-00060654 Now, you can definitely tell. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00158-00060728-00061246 For today's lip, I'll use the 3CE cloud lip tint, blossom day. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00159-00061302-00061908 I thought it was too pigmented at fist. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00160-00061908-00062204 I'd just apply a little bit on my lip. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00161-00062204-00062420 And I'd blend it using my finger. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00162-00062486-00062758 Then it'd look natural. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00163-00063096-00063746 If my own lips were a bit more red and pink, Lo7kGzFM5n8-00164-00063774-00063944 they would look like these. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00165-00064016-00064216 Then I would feel very good, wouldn't I? Lo7kGzFM5n8-00166-00064426-00064846 I'm going to go do my hair and get changed. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00167-00064846-00065188 Because it's just a housewarming party, Lo7kGzFM5n8-00168-00065188-00065317 I'm going to wear comfy clothes. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00169-00065388-00065604 I did my hair and got changed. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00170-00065604-00065942 I was going to wear a hoodie. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00171-00065942-00066228 But then I thought I looked too comfy. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00172-00066228-00066450 So I just wore a sweater. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00173-00066450-00066736 I posted this hair on my Instagram. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00174-00066736-00066918 And people liked it a lot. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00175-00066918-00067130 So I put my bangs up. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00176-00067130-00067476 I think I'm all set. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00177-00067522-00067998 Thanks for watching today's grwm video! Lo7kGzFM5n8-00178-00067998-00068314 Like, subscribe, and turn on the notification bell. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00179-00068314-00068482 I'll see you in the next one. Lo7kGzFM5n8-00180-00068482-00068854 Take care and stay warm! Lo7kGzFM5n8-00181-00068854-00068944 Bye~ Lo7kGzFM5n8-00182-00069040-00069144 Co-night! L1bMngZOOzu-00000-00000088-00000784 after checking everyone, we have approved 20 new users, nine from when we made the first video, L1bMngZOOzu-00001-00000784-00001472 five more from the first video, the second video combined, and 20 in total. we had added L1bMngZOOzu-00002-00001472-00002128 four new hearts, and sadly one comment had to be removed by mistake, but that was a lot. L1bMngZOOzu-00003-00002256-00002664 if you were one of those extra users, we are happy to see you again. L5UUFUClXbo-00000-00000131-00000331 Hello, y'all! L5UUFUClXbo-00001-00000331-00000630 Let's rock it xD L5UUFUClXbo-00002-00000658-00001257 Through this video, we will do 4 sections of 25 min deep study with 5 min break at the end of each section. L5UUFUClXbo-00003-00001320-00001668 As the core rule of the Pomodoro technique, we should make a list of tasks we are gonna do before starting the study. L5UUFUClXbo-00004-00001690-00002228 If your task is something big like writing an essay, I suggest breaking it down into smaller parts ^^ L5UUFUClXbo-00005-00002273-00002622 If you haven't made the list, it's OK. You can pause and make it now ;> L5UUFUClXbo-00006-00002665-00002965 Ok, GOOD LUCK everyone ^^ L5UUFUClXbo-00007-00161485-00161684 Stop what you are doing! L5UUFUClXbo-00008-00161684-00161985 Ok, let's take 5 min break now. Don't cheat yourself xD L5UUFUClXbo-00009-00161985-00162248 Don't forget to stretch ^^ L7P1YaEnink-00000-00000045-00000811 Hello everyone how are you today we are going to prepare cheek is one of the best cuts of cows available in the gourmet kitchen L7P1YaEnink-00001-00000857-00001057 has a texture and aroma L7P1YaEnink-00002-00001058-00001798 incredible and the result is a creamy bite full of flavor stay with us and we will tell you how to prepare this stew L7P1YaEnink-00003-00001826-00002026 traditional you will love it L7P1YaEnink-00004-00002088-00002288 delicious L7P1YaEnink-00005-00002986-00003186 We need to cheek L7P1YaEnink-00006-00003187-00003385 leek carrots L7P1YaEnink-00007-00003385-00003693 onion garlic cloves bay leaves L7P1YaEnink-00008-00003754-00003919 flour wine L7P1YaEnink-00009-00003919-00004419 water salt black pepper and oil from the meat hand is natural field L7P1YaEnink-00010-00004438-00005076 We have known retinta is one of the most important and best adapted autochthonous breeds of cattle in Spain ' L7P1YaEnink-00011-00005136-00005612 its name comes from the color of its coat that is red or red and its meat is of excellent quality L7P1YaEnink-00012-00005644-00005966 low level of saturated fat with many natural proteins L7P1YaEnink-00013-00006010-00006615 vitamins and the dark color of its meat is because it undergoes maturation without preservatives or additives L7P1YaEnink-00014-00006863-00007278 and we are going to the important thing how to cook it so that we have super time L7P1YaEnink-00015-00007468-00007767 We start by peppering the two sides of our cheek pieces L7P1YaEnink-00016-00008037-00008499 then we pass it by flour on both sides shaking the excess L7P1YaEnink-00017-00008854-00009247 In a frying pan we pour abundant olive oil and when it is hot L7P1YaEnink-00018-00009287-00009870 we fry it caressed what we are doing is lightly marking to seal the meat and that it does not lose the juices L7P1YaEnink-00019-00010520-00010768 When it is sealed we take advantage of that oil L7P1YaEnink-00020-00010985-00011696 We put it in an express pot or saucepan where you are going to cook the cheek is the time to add the remaining red wine L7P1YaEnink-00021-00011733-00012158 spectacular to this recipe we will let it reduce to medium heat in the pan L7P1YaEnink-00022-00012378-00012825 and while I was cooking I know how to take advantage of subscribing to the channel and hitting the bell L7P1YaEnink-00023-00013528-00013966 Now we are going to heat the oil in the pot add the chopped garlic cloves L7P1YaEnink-00024-00014905-00015304 and when they are browned we incorporate the vegetables of our stew L7P1YaEnink-00025-00015547-00016296 Carrot, onion and leek and we will let it suffer a little and we will add a sprig of rosemary and two bay leaves L7P1YaEnink-00026-00016324-00016599 so that they enhance the taste and smell of our vegetables L7P1YaEnink-00027-00016737-00017003 something strange to add salt and pepper to vegetables L7P1YaEnink-00028-00017882-00018462 We put the cheek pieces in the pot with their juice and it is time to pour the water until it covers the meat to L7P1YaEnink-00029-00018463-00018685 make our stew juicy L7P1YaEnink-00030-00018746-00019071 do not skimp on the sauce because then it is delicious L7P1YaEnink-00031-00019864-00020329 We will cook for 40 minutes and when we open the pot L7P1YaEnink-00032-00020456-00020656 we will check with the tip of a knife L7P1YaEnink-00033-00020739-00020998 that the meat is tender and ready to eat L7P1YaEnink-00034-00021071-00021484 you see that the rest of the vegetables have been fused with the sauce have taken all the flavor L7P1YaEnink-00035-00021537-00022187 so we remove the cheek from the pot look how bright and what a good color it has taken with the mixer L7P1YaEnink-00036-00022229-00022711 we crush all the vegetables in the pot and this sauce is crazy L7P1YaEnink-00037-00022898-00023454 We are going to place our cheek I do not even want to tell you how all the kitchen smells good incredible L7P1YaEnink-00038-00023534-00023772 let's try it so you can see how it is cut L7P1YaEnink-00039-00023857-00024450 look how it comes off and the flavor I can't describe it with words you have to try it L7P1YaEnink-00040-00024598-00024798 we encourage to prepare retinto meat L7P1YaEnink-00041-00024834-00025568 Campo Natura meats, in addition to supplying premium meat to the best restaurants and grills, are sent home to individuals. L7P1YaEnink-00042-00025704-00025990 take advantage and enter the web in case you want to take a look L7P1YaEnink-00043-00026124-00026530 We hope you liked it and that you comment on your work soon. LB_SeFaWcE8-00000-00001576-00002052 where do office workers go for lunch? LB_SeFaWcE8-00001-00002294-00003290 Gourmet Lunch Restaurant LB_SeFaWcE8-00002-00003360-00003970 Don't forget to subscribe and like Judy TV ~ ^^ LB_SeFaWcE8-00003-00004390-00004878 Where shall we go today? LB_SeFaWcE8-00004-00005150-00005538 clear sky LB_SeFaWcE8-00005-00005690-00006170 The road to delicious food LB_SeFaWcE8-00006-00006170-00006740 I'm near the new apartment. LB_SeFaWcE8-00007-00007259-00007702 There are a lot of people in the elevator, so we walk up to the second floor. LB_SeFaWcE8-00008-00007752-00008094 "Ah! The second floor is higher than I thought! ” LB_SeFaWcE8-00009-00008604-00008954 "Ah! There is. ” LB_SeFaWcE8-00010-00008988-00009308 I first came here to know that it was a home that was frequented on TV programs. LB_SeFaWcE8-00011-00009308-00009508 It's a house I searched for ...--; LB_SeFaWcE8-00012-00009508-00009858 Don't forget to subscribe and like Judy TV ~ ^^ LB_SeFaWcE8-00013-00009858-00010008 Owl Pork Cutlet LB_SeFaWcE8-00014-00010008-00010420 It's a house I searched for ...--; LB_SeFaWcE8-00015-00010758-00011026 "Hello. Three people. ” LB_SeFaWcE8-00016-00011026-00011296 “Please sit in your comfort zone” LB_SeFaWcE8-00017-00011296-00011606 It's just opened. LB_SeFaWcE8-00018-00011662-00012919 A restaurant with a sea view LB_SeFaWcE8-00019-00012919-00013258 There were a lot of people LB_SeFaWcE8-00020-00014100-00014336 “The water is warm.” LB_SeFaWcE8-00021-00014354-00014469 “It's not warm.” LB_SeFaWcE8-00022-00014490-00014622 "Ah. I thought it was steaming. ” LB_SeFaWcE8-00023-00014666-00015216 “One spawn of a pollack cream pasta, one honey bacon rice, one snow cheese cutlet” LB_SeFaWcE8-00024-00015216-00015394 “Would you like a lemon and two grapefruits?” LB_SeFaWcE8-00025-00015418-00015468 "Yeah" LB_SeFaWcE8-00026-00015963-00016398 Pork cutlet is also cream soup LB_SeFaWcE8-00027-00017054-00017398 spawn of a pollack cream pasta visual pass! LB_SeFaWcE8-00028-00018362-00018670 The taste was good LB_SeFaWcE8-00029-00019264-00019700 Honey Bacon Rice Visual Passed! LB_SeFaWcE8-00030-00019700-00020240 I personally enjoyed this rice LB_SeFaWcE8-00031-00021654-00022076 After all it is a soda for oily food LB_SeFaWcE8-00032-00022680-00023250 If you eat hard, the next menu will appear LB_SeFaWcE8-00033-00023250-00023576 “Fan is hot, so please take care.” LB_SeFaWcE8-00034-00023576-00024006 Snow cheese cutlet visual pass LB_SeFaWcE8-00035-00024006-00024300 It looks like snow cheese cutlet because the cheese piled up like snow LB_SeFaWcE8-00036-00024994-00025336 And Garlic Gorgonzola Pizza LB_SeFaWcE8-00037-00025772-00026282 It's a set of three ... four people could have eaten-;; LB_SeFaWcE8-00038-00027072-00027406 "Four people will eat a lot." LB_SeFaWcE8-00039-00028702-00029202 Look at Pizza Visual LB_SeFaWcE8-00040-00029306-00029806 Take some honey ~ LB_SeFaWcE8-00041-00030004-00030230 “It's delicious” LB_SeFaWcE8-00042-00030236-00031054 Now time to eat three people food ^^ LB_SeFaWcE8-00043-00037004-00037386 I ate well. LB_SeFaWcE8-00044-00037404-00037786 There was a self-bar to eat popcorn. LB_SeFaWcE8-00045-00037808-00037880 “Self Bar” LB_SeFaWcE8-00046-00037880-00038284 There was even coffee beans LB_SeFaWcE8-00047-00039462-00039764 The coffee smelled good, but the taste wasn't good. LB_SeFaWcE8-00048-00039814-00039990 Eventually the pizza remained and packed-- ;; LB_SeFaWcE8-00049-00039990-00041098 The owl brings us wealth, but the owl pork cutlet seems so well-named LB_SeFaWcE8-00050-00041098-00041678 Generally it was a good restaurant. LBFhiCMwGao-00000-00000852-00001042 Questioner: Pranam Sadhguru. LBFhiCMwGao-00001-00001042-00001274 Faith moves mountain… LBFhiCMwGao-00002-00001274-00001436 Sadhguru: What maa ? LBFhiCMwGao-00003-00001458-00001588 Questioner : Faith Moves Mountain LBFhiCMwGao-00004-00001588-00001660 Sadhguru: Ayyaiyo (Laughter). LBFhiCMwGao-00005-00001662-00001712 Questioner: …as you said. LBFhiCMwGao-00006-00001718-00002072 Sadhguru: Don’t move this mountain (Referring to Velliangiri Hills) (Laughter), okay? LBFhiCMwGao-00007-00002073-00002337 Questioner: But it also freezes the mind (Sadhguru laughs). LBFhiCMwGao-00008-00002337-00002534 So where do we draw the line? LBFhiCMwGao-00009-00002534-00002634 Sadhguru: Pl… LBFhiCMwGao-00010-00002634-00002734 (Laughs) LBFhiCMwGao-00011-00002734-00002834 Questioner: And we need faith for everything. LBFhiCMwGao-00012-00002834-00002970 Sadhguru: Please take care of this lady (Laughter). LBFhiCMwGao-00013-00002970-00003371 I don’t want her to move this mountain (Referring to Velliangiri Hills) anywhere else (Laughter). LBFhiCMwGao-00014-00003371-00003967 Questioner: Sadhguru, I’ll be with the mountain here only. LBFhiCMwGao-00015-00004101-00004619 Sadhguru: People (Laughs) who visit the ashram, sometimes I meet them somewhere and they come LBFhiCMwGao-00016-00004619-00004794 and say, “What a beautiful place you’ve created!” LBFhiCMwGao-00017-00004894-00005192 I keep telling them, “I didn’t make the mountains” (Laughter) because that is the LBFhiCMwGao-00018-00005192-00005490 most beautiful aspect of the ashram is the mountains (Laughs). LBFhiCMwGao-00019-00005490-00005941 So don’t move it, please. LBFhiCMwGao-00020-00005941-00006386 Moving a mountain is a crime. LBFhiCMwGao-00021-00006386-00006809 In many ways, faith has been a crime on this planet. LBFhiCMwGao-00022-00006809-00007172 The worst kind of crime has happened in the name of faith. LBFhiCMwGao-00023-00007172-00007423 Yes (Laughs)? LBFhiCMwGao-00024-00007423-00007759 Moving a mountain is definitely a crime. LBFhiCMwGao-00025-00007759-00008546 You can move somewhere, don’t move the mountain (Laughs). LBFhiCMwGao-00026-00008546-00008911 So it may move the mountains but it freezes the mind for sure. LBFhiCMwGao-00027-00008911-00009709 When we say faith, we have completely misunderstood what faith is. LBFhiCMwGao-00028-00009709-00010234 It’s become a belief system. LBFhiCMwGao-00029-00010234-00010625 You believe something and you think you are in some faith. LBFhiCMwGao-00030-00010625-00011114 The way the word faith is being used today is – a certain set of beliefs is a certain faith LBFhiCMwGao-00031-00011114-00011425 another set of beliefs is another faith. LBFhiCMwGao-00032-00011425-00011929 In that context, this quote (Laughs). LBFhiCMwGao-00033-00011929-00012915 If you just believe something, hard and fast because either you’re born into that culture LBFhiCMwGao-00034-00012916-00013612 or somebody has really worked upon you or some other compulsion has made you take to it LBFhiCMwGao-00035-00013624-00014336 The moment you believe “This is it,” then there’s no need for your mind. LBFhiCMwGao-00036-00014337-00014745 Mind is a tool for exploration, not for drawing conclusions. LBFhiCMwGao-00037-00014745-00015276 Unfortunately, most people are using their mind to draw conclusions. LBFhiCMwGao-00038-00015276-00015768 This mind is not about drawing conclusions - this is a tool for exploration, LBFhiCMwGao-00039-00015768-00016372 that you can continue to look at life in deeper and deeper ways, in more profound ways of experience LBFhiCMwGao-00040-00016390-00016571 and knowing. LBFhiCMwGao-00041-00016571-00016824 That’s the significance of the mind. LBFhiCMwGao-00042-00016824-00017311 If you had to just draw conclusions, you don’t need such a complex structure of mind. LBFhiCMwGao-00043-00017311-00017568 You don’t need it. LBFhiCMwGao-00044-00017568-00018354 Now, the disease of doubt and suspicion, you try to fix it with faith – no. LBFhiCMwGao-00045-00018354-00019144 You just have to refine your logic… you have to refine the nature of your mind that… LBFhiCMwGao-00046-00019144-00019767 you need to understand that there is a way to be in this world without taking any position. LBFhiCMwGao-00047-00019767-00020223 That’s why the postures – yoga postures, do you understand (Laughs)? LBFhiCMwGao-00048-00020223-00020590 To twist yourself this way (Gestures), that way (Gestures) because to understand that LBFhiCMwGao-00049-00020590-00021076 “I don’t want to take any particular position in my life, I am not stuck this way or that LBFhiCMwGao-00050-00021076-00021899 I am… want to know life from every possible direction, every possibility that way LBFhiCMwGao-00051-00021899-00022315 this life is (Referring to oneself), I wish to know when I’m alive.” LBFhiCMwGao-00052-00022315-00023135 So, if that has to happen, you need a flexible mind, a mind that has not taken positions, LBFhiCMwGao-00053-00023135-00023488 a mind does not… does not believe or disbelieve something. LBFhiCMwGao-00054-00023488-00023962 See, do not think disbelief is an option. LBFhiCMwGao-00055-00023962-00024162 Belief and disbelief are not two different things. LBFhiCMwGao-00056-00024162-00024618 They are positive belief or negative belief – that’s all they are, two different ways LBFhiCMwGao-00057-00024618-00025018 of believing, belief and disbelief. LBFhiCMwGao-00058-00025018-00025687 So we are not talking about faith versus atheism, belief versus disbelief – no. LBFhiCMwGao-00059-00025687-00026472 We’re talking about why can’t you learn to not take a position of anything? LBFhiCMwGao-00060-00026472-00027077 Right now, to conduct a particular activity, we take positions but there is no need to LBFhiCMwGao-00061-00027077-00027520 take positions to live, to be alive here. LBFhiCMwGao-00062-00027520-00028127 If you want to know life, you should not take any position or any opinion about anything. LBFhiCMwGao-00063-00028127-00028702 The moment you form an opinion, that means you’re not open to anything else, isn’t it? LBFhiCMwGao-00064-00028714-00029324 Whether it’s about a person or yourself or about the life around you, you don’t LBFhiCMwGao-00065-00029325-00029619 form any kind of opinion or conclusion. LBFhiCMwGao-00066-00029619-00029841 Conclusion means death. LBFhiCMwGao-00067-00029841-00030013 Yes? LBFhiCMwGao-00068-00030013-00030355 Life means no conclusion - you’re looking. LBFhiCMwGao-00069-00030355-00030874 Instead of sharpening your vision, you’re drawing a conclusion because conclusion brings LBFhiCMwGao-00070-00030874-00031247 a certain certainty, it brings a certain confidence. LBFhiCMwGao-00071-00031247-00031545 The moment you believe something, you are confident. LBFhiCMwGao-00072-00031574-00031908 Confidence without clarity is a disaster. LBFhiCMwGao-00073-00031908-00032494 It’s better to see clearly rather than just believe something. LBFhiCMwGao-00074-00032494-00032990 If you believe something, it gives you confidence and sometimes it works unfortunately. LBFhiCMwGao-00075-00032990-00033315 We’ve been talking about this all the way long. LBFhiCMwGao-00076-00033315-00033893 Even if you want to cross a street, what you need is clarity of vision, not confidence. LBFhiCMwGao-00077-00033893-00034051 Confidence can kill. LBFhiCMwGao-00078-00034051-00034931 If the traffic is not much, it works (Laughter), that’s the whole problem with it (Laughs). LBFhiCMwGao-00079-00034931-00035031 Yes? LBFhiCMwGao-00080-00035031-00035566 The traffic is not much and it’s not fast, then it works and now you think it works, LBFhiCMwGao-00081-00035566-00035862 you apply it everywhere, you’ll get hit. LBFhiCMwGao-00082-00035862-00036280 So you don’t need confidence. LBFhiCMwGao-00083-00036280-00036953 If you just give up your need for confidence, you’re okay being here, not knowing anything. LBFhiCMwGao-00084-00036953-00037234 Actually you don’t know nothing. LBFhiCMwGao-00085-00037234-00037419 Please look at this. LBFhiCMwGao-00086-00037419-00037900 You really don’t know anything about the nature of this existence, isn’t it? LBFhiCMwGao-00087-00037900-00038053 Yes or no? LBFhiCMwGao-00088-00038053-00038154 Participants: Yes. LBFhiCMwGao-00089-00038154-00038603 Sadhguru: You don’t know when this entire solar system is going to fall apart, maybe LBFhiCMwGao-00090-00038603-00038771 it’s tomorrow morning, do you know? LBFhiCMwGao-00091-00038771-00039297 Tch, do you know whether it is going to fall apart tomorrow morning or not, do you know? LBFhiCMwGao-00092-00039297-00039737 You don’t know when you’ll fall dead, you don’t know when it’s going to happen, LBFhiCMwGao-00093-00039737-00040133 but it’s all right. LBFhiCMwGao-00094-00040133-00040781 But if you are that kind of a mind which is looking for faith, you know everything not LBFhiCMwGao-00095-00040781-00041362 just here, beyond death where you will go, what kind of accommodations you will get there LBFhiCMwGao-00096-00041362-00041666 (Laughter), you know the works (Laughs). LBFhiCMwGao-00097-00041666-00042183 This kind of knowing is what needs to go. LBFhiCMwGao-00098-00042447-00043406 An ignorance which is aware and acknowledged by yourself - that I’m ignorant - is a far LBFhiCMwGao-00099-00043406-00044027 more powerful and profound state than a knowledge that you have concluded about. LBFhiCMwGao-00100-00044027-00044455 You have conclusions about everything and everybody. LBFhiCMwGao-00101-00044455-00045253 Just try this one simple sadhana in your life, all of you – whatever conclusions you have LBFhiCMwGao-00102-00045254-00045722 about yourself, about the people around you, about the situations around you, LBFhiCMwGao-00103-00045722-00045900 just give it up tonight. LBFhiCMwGao-00104-00045900-00046368 Tomorrow morning just wake up and look at everything fresh. LBFhiCMwGao-00105-00046368-00046878 Just do this every day, at least see if you can maintain this for the firstt one hour LBFhiCMwGao-00106-00046878-00047080 after you’re awake. LBFhiCMwGao-00107-00047080-00047670 You will see, it will take lots of work (Laughs), you understand? LBFhiCMwGao-00108-00047670-00048171 It’ll take lots of work, twenty-four hours of the day to look at everything fresh. LBFhiCMwGao-00109-00048171-00048884 If you’re looking at everything fresh, you will not miss a single possibility. LBFhiCMwGao-00110-00048884-00049508 Everything is alive to you – where people see nothing, you will see all kinds of things. LBFhiCMwGao-00111-00049508-00050043 Where people see problems, you will see possibilities in life. LBFhiCMwGao-00112-00050043-00050387 But the moment you conclude… LBFhiCMwGao-00113-00050387-00050980 If you make conclusions and you concretize it and then you get it endorsed by heaven, LBFhiCMwGao-00114-00050980-00051213 then you’re calling that faith. LBFhiCMwGao-00115-00051213-00051904 Ignorance endorsed by a great authority will not become truth. LBFhiCMwGao-00116-00051904-00052316 This is the biggest problem that people think authority is truth. LBFhiCMwGao-00117-00052316-00052416 No! LBFhiCMwGao-00118-00052416-00052796 Truth is the only authority in the creation, in this existence! LBQ8guJ9FiU-00000-00000000-00001175 SUBSCRIEB!!!!!👇🏾 LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00000-00000000-00000450 500 days of summer could be a real bummer but there are also some great LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00001-00000450-00000825 lessons that we can learn from it about breakups and I got a very special guest LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00002-00000825-00002043 to talk to you all about it what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00003-00002043-00002421 soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if you're new LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00004-00002421-00002715 to my channel my channel is all about mental health what I typically do is LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00005-00002715-00003015 pull different topics from the YouTube community to try to teach you about your LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00006-00003015-00003489 mental and emotional well-being but you can also take a lot from movies TV shows LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00007-00003489-00003927 just the content that you're consuming every single day anyways if you're into LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00008-00003927-00004139 that kind of stuff make sure you subscribe and bring that notification LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00009-00004139-00004664 bell so today is an exciting day today I am doing a collab with my buddy LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00010-00004664-00005132 my editor Zach so those of you who came over during the Shane Dawson series Zach LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00011-00005132-00005550 was anything pretty much all of those videos amazing amazing dude me and him LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00012-00005550-00005937 have been buddies for I think about a year now I love that guy yeah hopefully LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00013-00005937-00006225 we're trying to figure something out so we can get back to editing some of my LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00014-00006225-00006693 newer videos and stuff like that but anyways we were actually trying to do LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00015-00006693-00007134 this collab like way earlier this year and like I was excited about it because LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00016-00007134-00007586 you know he wanted to get my thoughts on 500 days of summer and its really LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00017-00007586-00008139 interesting so I actually did a video talking about why this movie or this LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00018-00008139-00008490 relationship should have never happened there's a lot of relationship advice in LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00019-00008490-00008784 it I did that video over on Zach's channel so make sure you go check that LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00020-00008784-00008979 out and feel free to subscribe to Zach his LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00021-00008979-00009311 channel link will be up there and the info card down in the description will LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00022-00009311-00009750 be at the end too but anyways Zach and I decided to edit each other's videos and LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00023-00009750-00010320 I had a blast but anyways I love this because zach was able to take things LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00024-00010320-00010697 from this movie and actually learn some life lessons and that's something that LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00025-00010697-00011082 I'm just always trying to teach you guys to do so anyways let's get started and LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00026-00011082-00011450 here's my man Zach everybody thank you so much to Chris for having me on the LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00027-00011450-00011775 channel I've been doing editing for him for the past couple of months so it's LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00028-00011775-00012192 cool to be on this side of the camera for his channel you guys are such an LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00029-00012192-00012611 awesome community and I'm glad to be a part of it and what's crazy is we had LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00030-00012611-00013056 actually originally planned on doing this collab back in February but I was LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00031-00013056-00013369 too busy with dealing with dropping out of LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00032-00013369-00014008 College and planning my journey as a youtuber so yeah maybe Chris will allow LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00033-00014008-00014425 me to tell that story one day too but today is gonna be new to me basically LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00034-00014425-00014941 because this is the first time I've ever been this vulnerable on camera I've been LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00035-00014941-00015313 vulnerable my entire life I always tell people what's up I'm always like yeah LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00036-00015313-00015730 this is what's going on with me you know I'm more of an open book than a closed LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00037-00015730-00016162 book but I've never talked about a relationship on camera so it's gonna be LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00038-00016162-00016549 a little weird but bear with me hopefully you guys can learn something LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00039-00016549-00016948 from my experiences and from this movie that we're gonna talk about so earlier LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00040-00016948-00017299 this year I watched the movie 500 days of summer I thought it was gonna be one LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00041-00017299-00017686 of those garbage hallmark movies that I could just talk trash on on a YouTube LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00042-00017686-00018193 video but it ended up being one of my favorite movies of all time essentially LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00043-00018193-00018742 it's a story about love but it's not necessarily a love story boy meets girl LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00044-00018742-00019129 but boy doesn't stay with girl at the end of the movie and that's what makes LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00045-00019129-00019537 this such a unique and special movie couple that with exceptional LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00046-00019537-00020014 cinematography a beautiful soundtrack and editing that only I wish to thrive LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00047-00020014-00020536 for in the future this is a great movie that you should definitely watch but LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00048-00020536-00020968 movie critic stuff aside I wanted to talk about one of the main characters LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00049-00020968-00021466 Tom Hanson he's a guy that's probably in his late 20s he works at a greeting card LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00050-00021466-00021850 company instead of pursuing his dream job as an architect and one day at work LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00051-00021850-00022251 he meets a girl named summer his immediate reaction is love at first LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00052-00022251-00022693 sight they eventually hook up and then they date a while but their relationship LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00053-00022693-00023101 isn't exactly defined so he gets mad that she doesn't take their relationship LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00054-00023101-00023578 as seriously as he does stuff happens and they end up breaking up even though LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00055-00023578-00024022 for the most part their relationship was great some are explicitly says LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00056-00024022-00024388 throughout the film that she doesn't want to take things too seriously in the LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00057-00024388-00024835 relationship and it's pretty clear that her definition of love is completely LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00058-00024835-00025180 different than his definition of love the crazy thing that ends up happening LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00059-00025180-00025576 though that will lead into my personal story is that at the end of the movie LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00060-00025576-00026073 were shown that summer ends up getting married to someone that's not Tom LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00061-00026073-00026445 even though summer had stated many times that she wasn't ready for marriage she LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00062-00026445-00026745 ends up getting married to someone only month LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00063-00026745-00027211 after they had started dating and so this leaves Tom depressed and upset and LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00064-00027211-00027661 confused he doesn't know what he did wrong he doesn't understand why some are LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00065-00027661-00028291 abandoned him and he has no closure so this is where I finish I have been Tom LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00066-00028291-00028722 before at the end of this movie he has no closure I've been there and I'm LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00067-00028722-00029178 pretty sure many of you have to the beauty of this movie is it doesn't just LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00068-00029178-00029731 show us what's on the surface it lets us think about what's underneath and for LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00069-00029731-00030262 this and since Tom where we think that tom is in the Wrights the entire movie LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00070-00030262-00030661 and he should be mad at summer considering that you know she broke up LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00071-00030661-00031294 with him but he's in the wrong he ends up going headfirst into relationship LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00072-00031294-00031716 without considering summers feelings whatsoever and so he feels betrayed LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00073-00031716-00032236 because summer didn't quite love him as much as he loved her so what enough LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00074-00032236-00032709 happening for me is that I did get closure from this movie in regards to a LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00075-00032709-00033109 past relationship so in 2012 I was about to start my junior year in high school LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00076-00033109-00033574 and for the past two summers I was a part of a summer college access program LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00077-00033574-00033825 I lived in a college campus for an entire month LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00078-00033825-00034252 took classes did activities the important part here is that my class was LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00079-00034252-00034647 the same group of about 25 different people that I would end up living with LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00080-00034647-00035244 for an entire four summers so I had become very close to these people they LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00081-00035244-00035674 still remain some of my best friends to this day and I would even consider most LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00082-00035674-00036115 of them family but in 2012 I had just started my second summer and for the LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00083-00036115-00036471 past couple of months I had been texting and talking to this girl that's in my LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00084-00036471-00036937 class for quite a while almost on a daily basis we were just friends though LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00085-00036937-00037353 and so it was weird because I had no intentions on dating her the the fact LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00086-00037353-00037903 that us being in a relationship never even crossed my mind but for some reason LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00087-00037903-00038377 when that second summer started up and I was talking to her every day like every LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00088-00038377-00038944 single day during multiple meals during workouts during classes I found myself LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00089-00038944-00039384 basically falling in love with my best friend and it was it was it was really LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00090-00039384-00039771 weird it was a super weird situation but halfway through the summer I found out LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00091-00039771-00040130 that she also had feelings for me we ended up talking it through and then LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00092-00040130-00040508 after a couple months after the summer it happened after we had forgotten about LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00093-00040508-00040849 the weirdness of the situation we actually ended up dating for a while and LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00094-00040849-00041509 that's the beginning of my real first relationship it was it was great like LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00095-00041509-00041773 everything about it was great until the very end LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00096-00041773-00042280 to this day these are some of my fondest memories I had thought even as a dumb LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00097-00042280-00042568 teenager that we were going to be highschool sweethearts and like get LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00098-00042568-00043009 married one day which I can't even I can't even think about me I try to now LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00099-00043009-00043537 holy crap I can't even contemplate that thought LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00100-00043537-00044296 and the number one thickest pokemons waifu of all time is motherfucking LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00101-00044296-00044833 goodra who else would it be go jure what do you think of the word LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00102-00044833-00045550 thick what do you think of first things like yogurt or gravy thick like LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00103-00045550-00045955 substances right things that are gooey like the ability that guter has that's LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00104-00045955-00046462 what goodra is actually 100% the definition of the word thick so with LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00105-00046462-00046966 this being said I have a favor to ask but in high school we had talked about LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00106-00046966-00047551 this we were dumb kids that had fell in love and we felt we were gonna get LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00107-00047551-00048085 married and so when this relationship had ended it was a very very confusing LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00108-00048085-00048619 time in my life it sucked this was my first love I really cared for her and it LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00109-00048619-00049075 was hard to digest what had just happened so essentially I felt like Tom LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00110-00049075-00049540 from 500 days of summer I knew that I loved this girl I knew that she loved me LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00111-00049540-00050101 I knew that what we had was real but I was confused I didn't quite understand LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00112-00050101-00050602 how this relationship could end when I felt that I did nothing wrong and I'd be LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00113-00050602-00051076 lying if I said I didn't get over and immediately because I really didn't for LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00114-00051076-00051475 the last year of my high school life we actually remained friends best friends LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00115-00051475-00051852 we had talked about everything we still talked about getting back together and LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00116-00051852-00052167 then there were even a couple moments where it felt like we were back together LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00117-00052167-00052675 but at the end of the day she ended up dating someone else when it came to it I LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00118-00052675-00053047 still remain confused to everyone we broke up for a couple of years even I LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00119-00053047-00053401 eventually moved on and realized that it didn't matter why the relationship ended LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00120-00053401-00053716 because it's not something that defines me and it's not the only thing that can LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00121-00053716-00054274 make me happy in life and that's super important for everybody to realize LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00122-00054274-00054777 especially when you end a relationship that relationships are not things that LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00123-00054777-00055341 make you happy but I also realized I've always been a busy person so when I was LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00124-00055341-00055789 in high school I was in marching band I was in jazz band I led our jazz band I LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00125-00055789-00056176 was in so many different extracurricular activities in high school I was taking LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00126-00056176-00056677 college classes then so when I went to college things became even more LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00127-00056677-00057073 difficult I had more things on my plate everything in my LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00128-00057073-00057898 life was I was busy and even after college like I'm still busy almost 24/7 LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00129-00057898-00058395 so what I realized was homie you don't need to be in a relationship right now LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00130-00058395-00059554 you need to work on yourself you ain't got time for that I have dreams and LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00131-00059554-00060066 ambitions that I'm trying to work really hard to make happen and so if someone LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00132-00060066-00060513 came into my life right now pursuing a relationship and if it was somebody that LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00133-00060513-00060957 I cared about like that'd be dope but they would have to understand that right LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00134-00060957-00061263 now is just not the time for me to be in a relationship so if we were friends LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00135-00061263-00061668 like that'd be cool but there's just there's just no way that a relationship LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00136-00061668-00062118 would work out right now because of how busy I am and I'm actually kind of sure LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00137-00062118-00062556 that maybe that's why that relationship didn't work out completely I am not a LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00138-00062556-00062958 hundred percent sure but we'll get into that in a bit the point is that I'm LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00139-00062958-00063474 editing videos 24/7 and I ain't got time for girls and that's okay you need to LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00140-00063474-00063900 realize that it's okay to not be in a relationship especially if you're LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00141-00063900-00064222 younger if you're in the 20s and 30s like you should be out there and LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00142-00064222-00064563 especially high school you should be out there exploring figuring out what your LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00143-00064563-00065086 passions are and acting on them there's also a whole nother lesson in this movie LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00144-00065086-00065485 where Tom wants to be an architect he's always wanted to be an architect but he LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00145-00065485-00065811 held himself back and so I end up working at this greeting card company LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00146-00065811-00066229 and he was good at making greeting cards like he was really good at it but it was LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00147-00066229-00066726 the relationship with summer that made him realize yo I really really want to LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00148-00066726-00067206 be an architect like that is my passion that is my dreams and so at the end of LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00149-00067206-00067500 the movie he goes for it and that's awesome one of the things that I LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00150-00067500-00067936 realized and my first real relationship was I had just started YouTube a few LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00151-00067936-00068260 months before that so I've been doing YouTube for about seven eight years now LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00152-00068260-00068883 and I had decided because of my relationship and because of busy being LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00153-00068883-00069492 busy with everything else I was going to quit YouTube for five months during this LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00154-00069492-00069930 relationship I quit YouTube and it was it was awful LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00155-00069930-00070188 like I hated not making YouTube videos and I've LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00156-00070188-00070536 since gone on to be on a hiatus on YouTube for a few months because of LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00157-00070536-00070960 other reasons and I decided like that's not something I'm willing to sacrifice LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00158-00070960-00071301 that's something I love doing that's something I want to keep doing and LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00159-00071301-00071623 that's the thing that I want to be successful at or one of the things that LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00160-00071623-00072048 I want to be successful at so don't let a relationship get in the way of your LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00161-00072048-00072543 passions of your ambitions because a lot of people do that and it when that LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00162-00072543-00072912 relationship ends you're just sitting there okay not like me LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00163-00072912-00073332 now what do I do luckily I was in high school so it was like I still have to LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00164-00073332-00073602 finish high school I'm still planning on going to college I still have a career LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00165-00073602-00073954 set forth for me like and all that got mixed up because of college but anyways LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00166-00073954-00074535 but the point is is that relationships do not define you and it's okay to LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00167-00074535-00075030 continue pursuing your passions during a relationship but the biggest thing that LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00168-00075030-00075567 I took away from 500 days of summer was that I got closure from this LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00169-00075567-00075963 relationship see throughout this entire movie you are in the perspective of Tom LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00170-00075963-00076500 you see Tom's actions you see Tom's motives you don't really get a whole lot LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00171-00076500-00076973 of that from summer but it was this moment in the movie where I realized I LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00172-00076973-00077516 have some closure it's when summer says this LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00173-00078283-00078733 see I think summer did love Tom I I think their relationship was very real LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00174-00078733-00079264 and I believe that it wasn't in vain but what I also realized is that it took Tom LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00175-00079264-00079735 to show his love to summer for her to fully love the man that she ends up LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00176-00079735-00080275 being married and this is kind of poetic in a way it's sad yes for Tom but the LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00177-00080275-00080686 fact that summer is this girl that didn't believe in love her entire life LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00178-00080686-00081055 because her parents got divorced and because other relationships didn't go LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00179-00081055-00081523 well it was just kind of beautiful to see that Tom's love is the thing that LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00180-00081523-00082156 showed summer that love is real and all this is cheesy yes sure but what I had LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00181-00082156-00082564 realized after four years of not being in this relationship and not having LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00182-00082564-00083283 closure that I still didn't understand why the relationship ended I still don't LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00183-00083283-00083745 understand what I did wrong and even though I had moved on from this LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00184-00083745-00084325 relationship a long time ago and there was still always something in the back LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00185-00084325-00084651 of my mind every once in a while you're up late at night you're thinking about LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00186-00084651-00085081 memories you're wondering why did it I don't understand I still don't LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00187-00085081-00085539 understand would I go back to that person right now probably not but it LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00188-00085539-00086143 still was confusing to me why did it in and it was this moment in the movie that LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00189-00086143-00086782 helped me realize that I loved this girl she told me that she loved me and she LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00190-00086782-00087235 probably did love me but maybe that love wasn't equal maybe that love wasn't the LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00191-00087235-00087847 same and that's okay that's very okay because now she is with somebody that LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00192-00087847-00088377 she does love in that way at least probably right I don't know they'll have LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00193-00088377-00088857 to figure that out for themselves but in a way this girl actually had a lot of LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00194-00088857-00089457 similarities to summer so I'm glad that I was able to show her the love that I LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00195-00089457-00089814 had during the time that we were together but anyways these are just a LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00196-00089814-00090195 handful of the things that I learned from the movie it helped her mental LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00197-00090195-00090568 health really this comes down to hoping your mental health when you realize that LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00198-00090568-00090957 you don't need to be in a relationship to be happy you don't need to be a LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00199-00090957-00091306 relationship when you're younger necessarily if you're fine one that's LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00200-00091306-00091667 cool but you don't need to go pursuing it when a relationship in LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00201-00091667-00092267 it's not the end of the world and relationships ending are ok it's 100 LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00202-00092267-00092600 percent ok it means that you were meant to be with somebody else and they were LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00203-00092600-00092894 meant to be with somebody else and if you guys end up back together like LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00204-00092894-00093137 that's cool too maybe you're meant to be together LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00205-00093137-00093593 maybe right now in life is not the time that you guys need to be together and LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00206-00093593-00094034 just realizing these things it makes you less stressed it makes you less anxious LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00207-00094034-00094418 it makes you less depressed at least in regards to your love life you start to LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00208-00094418-00094826 figure out other things in your life you still have to be able to focus on what's LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00209-00094826-00095286 that thing that Chris always says mindfulness yeah LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00210-00095286-00095707 yeah be mindful of your relationship guys cuz that's super important LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00211-00095707-00096142 so hopefully this helped somebody being vulnerable like this on camera is oddly LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00212-00096142-00096586 satisfying um Chris I might have to start my own mental health Channel LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00213-00096586-00097288 so what do you think about that if you guys want me to talk about that time I LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00214-00097288-00097678 dropped out of college even though I did finish the entire four years mainly LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00215-00097678-00097951 because of my mental health or if you want me to talk about my mental health LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00216-00097951-00098481 and just regards to being a small youtuber and working as a freelancer and LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00217-00098481-00098974 being an aspiring entrepreneur I'm sure that like the middle health in this LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00218-00098974-00099271 mindset Chris is going through it too it's just a little bit different LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00219-00099271-00099553 probably for both of us because everybody's different in different ways LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00220-00099553-00100039 like Chris no I'd love to be back on the channel if he let me and by the way LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00221-00100039-00100456 thank you for all the kind comments that I've been getting from this community in LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00222-00100456-00100804 the past about my editing on the channel those really do make my day and it's LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00223-00100804-00101209 cool to see people appreciate my work anyways thanks again to Chris for having LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00224-00101209-00101821 me how great was my editing though how great was my editing though anyways I LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00225-00101821-00102322 want to touch on just one point that Zach said because I could make a more LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00226-00102322-00102928 in-depth video on this but he was talking about how Tom taught summer that LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00227-00102928-00103458 summer could love somebody right and that's important so I I'm sorry to get LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00228-00103458-00103807 really deep like for this kind of like light-hearted thing that Zach and I are LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00229-00103807-00104176 doing but it's an important subject so those of you who haven't been following LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00230-00104176-00104497 my channel I made a video back in August when it was the anniversary of my LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00231-00104497-00104910 ex-girlfriend passing away but when my ex-girlfriend passed away like I was in LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00232-00104910-00105241 love with her I thought we're gonna get married have kids all that stuff and she LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00233-00105241-00105703 passed away right and it's something that threw me into depression quite a LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00234-00105703-00106156 bit was like oh my god I'm never going to feel that way again I am never ever LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00235-00106156-00106516 ever going to feel that way again and a lot of us feel that way when we go LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00236-00106516-00106852 through a breakup we think that we are never ever going to love somebody that LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00237-00106852-00107326 much again and after I got sober I waited about a year and a half until I LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00238-00107326-00107858 started dating again and I this other young woman and we dated for LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00239-00107858-00108233 almost a year and I fell in love with her I fell in love with her and that LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00240-00108233-00108645 relationship ended and I was depressed aside you know all that breakup stuff LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00241-00108645-00109206 but but one of the best things that I learned from that relationship was that LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00242-00109206-00109707 I can love again right and that's huge that's huge because I know so many of LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00243-00109707-00110135 you are you know going through a breakup or you know you just got out of a LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00244-00110135-00110475 relationship or whatever and I know that thought that's in our heads that we can LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00245-00110475-00110805 never love again and I want you to take my experience that's proof that you can LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00246-00110805-00111236 buff again not only did I fell in love with the girl I started dating you know LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00247-00111236-00111611 after I got sober but as most of you know Tristan and I have been together LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00248-00111611-00112095 for a little over two years now and I'm madly in love with her so what I'm LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00249-00112095-00112650 saying is it's like don't give up hope I know it sucks right now but time will LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00250-00112650-00113040 heal your wounds work on yourself work on your mental health take some notes LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00251-00113040-00113520 from what Zach was talking about to like some of you and I I know not many people LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00252-00113520-00113925 are like oh you know maybe it's supposed to be this way or whatever it is but LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00253-00113925-00114393 like just think like sometimes we're meant to be single sometimes we're LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00254-00114393-00114747 supposed to be single like I needed to be single so I could work on myself in LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00255-00114747-00115089 my mental health so I know we get lonely and all those things and that's why we LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00256-00115089-00115503 gotta work on ourselves but anyways like know that being single might actually be LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00257-00115503-00115851 the best thing for you all right when the time comes you will fall in love LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00258-00115851-00116183 again there are billions of people on this planet so don't give up hope all LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00259-00116183-00116439 right but anyways a big big big thanks to Zach LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00260-00116439-00116763 again for coming over and doing this guest video will probably do some more LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00261-00116763-00117243 will probably do some more we'll see we'll see how he acts all right but LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00262-00117243-00117560 anyways that's all I got for this video if you like this video please give it a LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00263-00117560-00117780 thumbs up if you do make sure you subscribe and bring that notification LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00264-00117780-00118116 bell and a huge thank you to everybody supporting the cella over on patreon and LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00265-00118116-00118511 right there is a link to Zach's channel go click that button go subscribe to his LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00266-00118511-00118854 channel and then down there is a link to the video that I did over on his channel LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00267-00118854-00119241 so you can watch that that subscribe how about that thanks everybody LCZ-v6eqGFQ-00268-00119241-00119516 I'll see you next time LDF9c-hT-Do-00000-00003297-00003397 [Chorus:] I'm never gonna run away, away from Y LDF9c-hT-Do-00001-00003942-00004042 I open up my heart to You, I'm Yours I'm pulling out my flag and I, I surrender LDF9c-hT-Do-00002-00004042-00004142 Anchor of my ship, You can hold me down I'm never going to run, no, I'm never going LDF9c-hT-Do-00003-00004142-00004242 to run. LDF9c-hT-Do-00004-00004242-00004342 [Verse 1:] I'm never going to run, I am truly convinced LDF9c-hT-Do-00005-00004342-00004442 That Your ways are better, I'm not on the fence LDF9c-hT-Do-00006-00004442-00004542 Who distributes joy, who sets the soul free, Who can forgive sin, Jesus, who died for me, LDF9c-hT-Do-00007-00004542-00004642 Yes it's true that I've been captured by Your love, LDF9c-hT-Do-00008-00004642-00004742 I've been captured by Your grace, I've been covered by Your blood, LDF9c-hT-Do-00009-00004742-00004838 I was lost but now I'm found, yes it's true You hold me, LDF9c-hT-Do-00010-00004842-00004942 Jesus here's my white flag, I surrender right now LDF9c-hT-Do-00011-00004942-00005042 [Chorus:] I'm never gonna run away, away from You LDF9c-hT-Do-00012-00005042-00005142 I open up my heart to You, I'm Yours I'm pulling out my flag and I, I surrender LDF9c-hT-Do-00013-00005142-00005242 Anchor of my ship, You can hold me down I'm never going to run, no, I'm never going LDF9c-hT-Do-00014-00005242-00005342 to run. LDF9c-hT-Do-00015-00005342-00005442 [Verse 2:] How can I run away, or go take a hiatus, LDF9c-hT-Do-00016-00005442-00005542 When the decedent of David has proven He is the greatest, LDF9c-hT-Do-00017-00005542-00005642 You see, He mediates, He is the mediator, Now I am so free, what a sweet savior LDF9c-hT-Do-00018-00005642-00005742 I found a real love and He is my ransom, Not going to escape, I'm going to stay, LDF9c-hT-Do-00019-00005742-00005842 I'm captured yeah, but I'm so free, And I finally know that I'm where I'm supposed LDF9c-hT-Do-00020-00005842-00005942 to be, So I raise my hands, I get on my knees, LDF9c-hT-Do-00021-00005942-00006042 Because there is nothing like the day the Spirit captured me, LDF9c-hT-Do-00022-00006042-00006142 And there is no one greater, I surrender I don't need another Savior, LDF9c-hT-Do-00023-00006142-00006242 I'm never going to run LDF9c-hT-Do-00024-00006242-00006342 [Chorus:] I'm never gonna run away, away from You LDF9c-hT-Do-00025-00006342-00006442 I open up my heart to You, I'm Yours I'm pulling out my flag and I, I surrender LDF9c-hT-Do-00026-00006442-00006700 Anchor of my ship, You can hold me down I'm never going to run, no, I'm never going LDF9c-hT-Do-00027-00006700-00006800 to run. LDF9c-hT-Do-00028-00006800-00007327 [Bridge:] My ship was a wreck, I couldn't pay the debt, LDF9c-hT-Do-00030-00014012-00014112 and I'm staying forever, I'm never going to run, LDF9c-hT-Do-00031-00014112-00014212 no LDF9c-hT-Do-00032-00014212-00014312 [Chorus:] I'm never gonna run away, away from You LDF9c-hT-Do-00033-00014312-00014412 I open up my heart to You, I'm Yours I'm pulling out my flag and I, I surrender LDF9c-hT-Do-00034-00014412-00014512 Anchor of my ship, You can hold me down I'm never going to run, no, I'm never going LDF9c-hT-Do-00035-00014512-00014612 to run. LDF9c-hT-Do-00036-00014612-00014662 Jesus here's my white flag, I surrender right now LDcdTLPgHvY-00000-00001126-00001416 Item #: SCP-467 LDcdTLPgHvY-00001-00001416-00001607 Object Class: Safe LDcdTLPgHvY-00002-00001607-00002407 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-467 is currently located at Site ██, and is guarded LDcdTLPgHvY-00003-00002407-00002836 by a single security personnel, changed daily. LDcdTLPgHvY-00004-00002836-00003429 Although SCP-467 has no true anomalous lasting effects, the information it reveals can leave LDcdTLPgHvY-00005-00003429-00003721 people with lasting effects of their own. LDcdTLPgHvY-00006-00003721-00004307 While SCP-467 is being studied or moved, all involved personnel must have no cell phones, LDcdTLPgHvY-00007-00004307-00004787 pagers, or other communication devices on them without clearance for testing. LDcdTLPgHvY-00008-00004787-00005568 Description: SCP-467 appears to be an empty phone booth, and was found in [DATA EXPUNGED]. LDcdTLPgHvY-00009-00005568-00006066 The SCP Foundation discovered it due to a legend about a 'haunted phone' that used to LDcdTLPgHvY-00010-00006066-00006559 reside inside the booth, although testing has revealed that the phone was of no importance, LDcdTLPgHvY-00011-00006559-00006915 and the effects came from the booth itself. LDcdTLPgHvY-00012-00006915-00007369 Even after the phone was removed, the booth itself remained a place of superstition before LDcdTLPgHvY-00013-00007369-00007734 being recovered by [DATA EXPUNGED]. LDcdTLPgHvY-00014-00007734-00008178 Although there is nothing extraordinary about the booth itself, so long as a human and a LDcdTLPgHvY-00015-00008178-00008847 communications device are in the booth at the same time, its effects are easily observed. LDcdTLPgHvY-00016-00008847-00009192 Communications devices receive a message from somebody the user knows. LDcdTLPgHvY-00017-00009192-00009738 This call shows no preference for friends, family, loved ones, co-workers, or even just LDcdTLPgHvY-00018-00009738-00009865 acquaintances. LDcdTLPgHvY-00019-00009865-00010363 Curiously enough, later examination of phone records or call logs reveal that this call LDcdTLPgHvY-00020-00010363-00010743 never happened, even though it may be observed and recorded. LDcdTLPgHvY-00021-00010743-00011313 The 'caller' has never even picked up the phone, in the process, suggesting SCP-467 LDcdTLPgHvY-00022-00011313-00011582 has a powerful form of telepathy. LDcdTLPgHvY-00023-00011582-00012071 These calls divulge information that the user previously did not know, most commonly secrets LDcdTLPgHvY-00024-00012071-00012228 and confessions. LDcdTLPgHvY-00025-00012228-00012649 These calls range from insignificant to life-changing (see addendum). LDcdTLPgHvY-00026-00012649-00013113 A single user may use the phone booth more than once, provided that at least twenty-four LDcdTLPgHvY-00027-00013113-00013378 hours have passed since their last use. LDcdTLPgHvY-00028-00013378-00013730 It is suggested that the booth not be used for personal reasons. LDcdTLPgHvY-00029-00013730-00014252 Addendum: A collection of some of the more notable results has been collected, and is LDcdTLPgHvY-00030-00014252-00014449 still being formed. LDcdTLPgHvY-00031-00014449-00014652 Test Log 467-Various LDcdTLPgHvY-00032-00014652-00015019 Subject: Nature of Call: LDcdTLPgHvY-00033-00015019-00015119 Effects: LDcdTLPgHvY-00034-00015119-00015536 Subject: Class D personnel; convicted of multiple violent crimes LDcdTLPgHvY-00035-00015536-00016001 Nature of Call: Subject's mother, telling them they were disappointed with what they LDcdTLPgHvY-00036-00016001-00016503 had done and admitting that they blamed themselves for not raising them right. LDcdTLPgHvY-00037-00016503-00016994 Effects: Subject seemed mildly disturbed for several hours, repeatedly asked to be allowed LDcdTLPgHvY-00038-00016994-00017203 to contact family. LDcdTLPgHvY-00039-00017203-00017409 Subject's request was turned down. LDcdTLPgHvY-00040-00017409-00018080 Subject: Class D personnel; convicted of homicide Nature of Call: Subject received call from LDcdTLPgHvY-00041-00018080-00018625 victim's family, saying that they never forgot, but they were slowly learning to forgive him. LDcdTLPgHvY-00042-00018625-00018954 Effects: Mild discomfort for several hours. LDcdTLPgHvY-00043-00018954-00019601 Subject: Class D personnel; [DATA EXPUNGED] Nature of Call: [DATA EXPUNGED] LDcdTLPgHvY-00044-00019601-00020004 Effects: Violent outbursts intermittent with hysterical sobbing. LDcdTLPgHvY-00045-00020004-00020328 Subject was terminated after an attack on nearby researchers. LDcdTLPgHvY-00046-00020328-00020845 Subject: Class D personnel Nature of Call: Received a call from researcher LDcdTLPgHvY-00047-00020845-00021235 present in the room at the moment, saying that he thought the subject's haircut looked LDcdTLPgHvY-00048-00021235-00021335 ridiculous. LDcdTLPgHvY-00049-00021335-00021710 Effects: Mild annoyance, followed by amusement. LDcdTLPgHvY-00050-00021710-00022166 Subject: Class D personnel; convicted of several counts of rape LDcdTLPgHvY-00051-00022166-00022604 Nature of Call: Victim of subject, telling them they had managed to heal and grow past LDcdTLPgHvY-00052-00022604-00023187 the crime since then, having started a family and working with woman's rights organizations. LDcdTLPgHvY-00053-00023187-00023693 Effects: Subject was confused and admitted that he was not sure how to feel about that. LDcdTLPgHvY-00054-00023693-00024050 A notable improvement in morale followed for several days. LDcdTLPgHvY-00055-00024050-00024519 Subject: Dr. Rights Nature of Call: Unknown. LDcdTLPgHvY-00056-00024519-00024985 Effects: Moderate depression for approximately two days, intermittent with doubt regarding LDcdTLPgHvY-00057-00024985-00025173 working with the Foundation. LDcdTLPgHvY-00058-00025173-00025335 Full recovery followed. LDcdTLPgHvY-00059-00025335-00025747 Subject: Dr. Iceberg Nature of Call: Unknown LDcdTLPgHvY-00060-00025747-00026051 Effects: No immediate effects. LDcdTLPgHvY-00061-00026051-00026585 Two days later began an argument with a researcher at Site 17, which lead to a mild physical LDcdTLPgHvY-00062-00026585-00026685 conflict. LDcdTLPgHvY-00063-00026685-00026939 Full reprimand followed. LDcdTLPgHvY-00064-00026939-00027418 Incident Report - ██/██/██ Near holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, LDcdTLPgHvY-00065-00027418-00027874 a notable increase in disturbing or distressing calls has been observed. LDcdTLPgHvY-00066-00027874-00028337 Theory currently holds that this is due to increased family tension and urges to be 'nice' LDcdTLPgHvY-00067-00028337-00028586 to people at this point in time. LDcdTLPgHvY-00068-00028586-00029064 Additionally, it was during the holiday season that the first two reported incidents occured LDcdTLPgHvY-00069-00029064-00029681 of occupant inside SCP-467 receiving a call from themselves, and other reported incidents LDcdTLPgHvY-00070-00029681-00030113 of an occupant receiving a call from the deceased or non-existent. LDcdTLPgHvY-00071-00030113-00030722 Further investigation pending on how personnel could 'lie' to themselves, and how SCP-467 LDcdTLPgHvY-00072-00030722-00031004 receives calls from non-existing sources. LDcdTLPgHvY-00073-00031004-00031562 Subject: Class D personnel Nature of Call: Subject's own voice, describing LDcdTLPgHvY-00074-00031562-00031747 latent homosexuality. LDcdTLPgHvY-00075-00031747-00032400 Effects: Subject attempted to destroy SCP-467, immediate termination followed. LDcdTLPgHvY-00076-00032400-00032849 Subject: Class D personnel; amnesiac testing subject LDcdTLPgHvY-00077-00032849-00033468 Nature of Call: Subject's own voice, explaining forgotten events prior to amnesiac testing. LDcdTLPgHvY-00078-00033468-00033980 Effects: Subject seemed moderately confused, but showed no other effects. LDcdTLPgHvY-00079-00033980-00034502 Subject: Class D personnel; convicted of multiple counts of homicide LDcdTLPgHvY-00080-00034502-00034977 Nature of Call: Victim of subject, angrily screaming for five minutes. LDcdTLPgHvY-00081-00034977-00035558 Effects: Subject attempted to destroy SCP-467, immediate termination followed. LDcdTLPgHvY-00082-00035558-00036046 Subject: Dr. Rights Nature of Call: Voice was described as that LDcdTLPgHvY-00083-00036046-00036487 of a young child; Dr. Rights shut off the recording equipment after voice revealed to LDcdTLPgHvY-00084-00036487-00036746 belong to [DATA EXPUNGED]. LDcdTLPgHvY-00085-00036746-00037031 Effects: [DATA EXPUNGED] LDcdTLPgHvY-00086-00037031-00037649 Subject: Secretarial/Security Staff Break Nature of Call: Dr. Iceberg [REDACTED]. LDcdTLPgHvY-00087-00037649-00037812 Effects: [REDACTED] LGl7-hUREUA-00000-00000000-00000447 now let's quickly talk about the working directory again and how to set up LGl7-hUREUA-00001-00000447-00001053 RStudio projects here I re-opened RStudio the environment is clean and LGl7-hUREUA-00002-00001053-00001719 again the console is clean it starts with a usual R welcome message but LGl7-hUREUA-00003-00001719-00002294 we have R script and we can redo all the computations that we need for LGl7-hUREUA-00004-00002294-00002601 example we can select everything and hit control enter LGl7-hUREUA-00005-00002601-00003246 so it was executed and now we have the prompt here blinking offering us to type LGl7-hUREUA-00006-00003246-00003939 more we have the environment where we see the values which were obtained and LGl7-hUREUA-00007-00003939-00004664 for example we want to save something for example we want to save the object Z LGl7-hUREUA-00008-00004664-00005394 how to do it for example we can save it in CSV format the function for it is LGl7-hUREUA-00009-00005394-00006647 write.csv then we need to type the object name Z and then we LGl7-hUREUA-00010-00006647-00007784 need to type the file name file the file name will be in quotes will be Z dot CSV LGl7-hUREUA-00011-00007784-00008604 and by default again R will try to save it to the working directory which is LGl7-hUREUA-00012-00008604-00009456 currently getwd is the documents if we want to save it in our folder for this LGl7-hUREUA-00013-00009456-00010038 tutorial again we need to change the working directory so it's either going LGl7-hUREUA-00014-00010038-00010986 to rprogramming and then setting the working directory for example session LGl7-hUREUA-00015-00010986-00011771 set working directory to files pane location or we can type this full path in the file name LGl7-hUREUA-00016-00011771-00012704 this is an option so you can do like this and actually we should add here LGl7-hUREUA-00017-00012704-00013019 data derived LGl7-hUREUA-00018-00013194-00013876 because this is something we produced so we can do this full path or we can do LGl7-hUREUA-00019-00013876-00014530 the set working directory so some people set working directory in the beginning LGl7-hUREUA-00020-00014530-00015409 of the script or they use full path this is an alternative however I don't LGl7-hUREUA-00021-00015409-00016018 recommend you doing these things so remove this you can just select and LGl7-hUREUA-00022-00016018-00016993 delete or you could just type ctrl D as a shortcut what we will do is we will LGl7-hUREUA-00023-00016993-00017701 set or we will create an RStudio project and it will show us relative LGl7-hUREUA-00024-00017701-00018841 paths to operate with our files so let's do project new project ok it offers me LGl7-hUREUA-00025-00018841-00019708 to save things again we don't need to save R data just save selected let's LGl7-hUREUA-00026-00019708-00020718 create a project in existing directory in rprogramming create project LGl7-hUREUA-00027-00020744-00021431 now the project is opened we will see in the top right here the the project is LGl7-hUREUA-00028-00021431-00022226 selected also RStudio created a file called rprograming.Rproj so LGl7-hUREUA-00029-00022226-00022673 this is the file that saves the settings for the project and it will be LGl7-hUREUA-00030-00022673-00023402 also our start-from location when we will type relative paths for example now LGl7-hUREUA-00031-00023402-00023924 in tools you can set project options so there are some options which can be LGl7-hUREUA-00032-00023924-00024551 different from the global options we set in the previous video we can reopen our LGl7-hUREUA-00033-00024551-00025542 code and we can write the file using the LGl7-hUREUA-00034-00025542-00026145 relative path now in this case I will use dot slash meaning we are starting LGl7-hUREUA-00035-00026145-00026679 from the project location then I can use tab as a hint to go to dataderived LGl7-hUREUA-00036-00026679-00027737 folder and then save it as Z dot CSV so stay on the line click control enter LGl7-hUREUA-00037-00027737-00028569 Z not found okay we just need to re-execute the code and then write the file LGl7-hUREUA-00038-00028569-00029610 so now in our folder data derived we have this CSV file so this is how we can LGl7-hUREUA-00039-00029610-00030441 use relative paths to conveniently save data load data execute the code and if LGl7-hUREUA-00040-00030441-00031166 we share this project we just share the folder rprogramming and the user who LGl7-hUREUA-00041-00031166-00031683 receives that folder will be able to conveniently rerun the code without LGl7-hUREUA-00042-00031683-00032439 worrying about the paths thanks for watching this video is part of R LGl7-hUREUA-00043-00032439-00032855 programming course like and subscribe LGrmMLzLPpA-00000-00000144-00000401 - I'm Jeff Yarger, I'm a Professor of Chemistry, LGrmMLzLPpA-00001-00000401-00000896 Biochemistry, and Physics at Arizona State University. LGrmMLzLPpA-00002-00000896-00001376 Today I'd like to introduce the laws and postulates LGrmMLzLPpA-00003-00001376-00001717 that govern the foundation of thermodynamics. LGrmMLzLPpA-00004-00001717-00002217 And thermodynamics is the theory or mathematical foundation LGrmMLzLPpA-00005-00002266-00002719 that we use to understand the macroscopic world, LGrmMLzLPpA-00006-00002719-00002988 and the transformation of energy LGrmMLzLPpA-00007-00002988-00003178 within the macroscopic world. LGrmMLzLPpA-00008-00003377-00003784 And when we speak of various kinds of energy, LGrmMLzLPpA-00009-00003784-00003910 a lot of things come to mind LGrmMLzLPpA-00010-00003910-00004153 that we've had from previous experience LGrmMLzLPpA-00011-00004153-00004541 in introductory chemistry and physics classes. LGrmMLzLPpA-00012-00004541-00004865 In physics, things like the kinetic energy, LGrmMLzLPpA-00013-00004865-00005190 versus its potential, and how the two interplay LGrmMLzLPpA-00014-00005190-00005334 with each other. LGrmMLzLPpA-00015-00005334-00005646 In chemistry, a lot of times we think of chemical energy, LGrmMLzLPpA-00016-00005646-00005898 in numerous forms whether we're talking about LGrmMLzLPpA-00017-00005898-00006250 chemical energy like within a nuclei, LGrmMLzLPpA-00018-00006250-00006402 where we think of nuclear energy, LGrmMLzLPpA-00019-00006402-00006722 or chemical energy because of how the electrons move, LGrmMLzLPpA-00020-00006722-00007095 electricity, electrical energy, et cetera. LGrmMLzLPpA-00021-00007095-00007345 As well as other things like surface energies, LGrmMLzLPpA-00022-00007345-00007556 and strains, et cetera. LGrmMLzLPpA-00023-00007556-00007863 So we have a lot of different concepts LGrmMLzLPpA-00024-00007863-00008175 of types of energy we're interested in, LGrmMLzLPpA-00025-00008175-00008392 and when we speak of these various kinds of energy LGrmMLzLPpA-00026-00008392-00008775 we often say something like, you know, LGrmMLzLPpA-00027-00008775-00009167 kinetic energy, for example, that energy possesses, LGrmMLzLPpA-00028-00009451-00009727 the energy possessed by a body LGrmMLzLPpA-00029-00009727-00010045 in virtue of its motion is kinetic energy, LGrmMLzLPpA-00030-00010045-00010483 while energy possessed by a body LGrmMLzLPpA-00031-00010483-00010845 in virtue of its position within a field, LGrmMLzLPpA-00032-00010845-00011000 within some type of energy field, LGrmMLzLPpA-00033-00011000-00011244 would be a potential energy. LGrmMLzLPpA-00034-00011244-00011728 And some type of energy possessed LGrmMLzLPpA-00035-00011918-00012182 by a body in virtue of its temperature LGrmMLzLPpA-00036-00012182-00012409 would be a thermal energy. LGrmMLzLPpA-00037-00012409-00012878 Energy possessed by virtue of a chemical substance LGrmMLzLPpA-00038-00012878-00013061 might be some type of chemical energy, LGrmMLzLPpA-00039-00013061-00013279 or even again some subset of it, LGrmMLzLPpA-00040-00013279-00013544 like the energy of a nuclei LGrmMLzLPpA-00041-00013544-00013716 would have some type of nuclear energy LGrmMLzLPpA-00042-00013716-00014009 while the electrons would have some type of electricity, LGrmMLzLPpA-00043-00014009-00014377 or electrical energy associated with them. LGrmMLzLPpA-00044-00014377-00014697 And we usually use terms like, for example, LGrmMLzLPpA-00045-00014697-00015133 a generator produces electrical energy, LGrmMLzLPpA-00046-00015133-00015633 or a motor produces mechanical energy in a system. LGrmMLzLPpA-00047-00015636-00015991 And when we say that, you know, LGrmMLzLPpA-00048-00015991-00016469 the electrical energy produced by a generator, LGrmMLzLPpA-00049-00016469-00016824 it didn't come from nothing, it came from somewhere, right? LGrmMLzLPpA-00050-00016824-00017324 And so usually, we think of a mechanical device LGrmMLzLPpA-00051-00017433-00017789 such as a turbine was needed to produce that. LGrmMLzLPpA-00052-00017789-00018195 And it's following the changes in energy LGrmMLzLPpA-00053-00018195-00018517 that are fundamentally what we do, LGrmMLzLPpA-00054-00018517-00018842 and their transformations, that we do in thermodynamics. LGrmMLzLPpA-00055-00019040-00019540 So the laws that you will find in most textbooks, LGrmMLzLPpA-00056-00019551-00019964 whether they're in physics, chemistry textbooks, LGrmMLzLPpA-00057-00019964-00020132 biochemistry, et cetera, LGrmMLzLPpA-00058-00020260-00020546 date back to the Industrial Revolution, LGrmMLzLPpA-00059-00020546-00020851 and kind of have a historical sense LGrmMLzLPpA-00060-00020851-00021163 that is why we have a zeroth law, et cetera, LGrmMLzLPpA-00061-00021163-00021463 because it came after some of these, et cetera. LGrmMLzLPpA-00062-00021463-00021761 And I'm not gonna go into a lot of the historical LGrmMLzLPpA-00063-00021761-00022029 foundation of this because it's so well-documented LGrmMLzLPpA-00064-00022029-00022312 in so many books. LGrmMLzLPpA-00065-00022312-00022671 You know, for example, several books LGrmMLzLPpA-00066-00022671-00022900 on general thermodynamics, LGrmMLzLPpA-00067-00022900-00023400 where this is one that I provide to students online, LGrmMLzLPpA-00068-00023402-00023768 but there's so many general physical chemistry LGrmMLzLPpA-00069-00023768-00023998 and specific thermodynamic books, LGrmMLzLPpA-00070-00023998-00024243 and physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, LGrmMLzLPpA-00071-00024243-00024478 biochemistry, et cetera. LGrmMLzLPpA-00072-00024478-00024808 Instead, I just want to briefly review some of 'em, LGrmMLzLPpA-00073-00024808-00025177 and point out some salient overall features. LGrmMLzLPpA-00074-00025177-00025669 And the first is, the first law is what gets discussed LGrmMLzLPpA-00075-00025669-00025852 the most especially in chemistry, LGrmMLzLPpA-00076-00025852-00026091 and what we just gave context to, LGrmMLzLPpA-00077-00026091-00026298 that thermodynamics is really looking LGrmMLzLPpA-00078-00026298-00026581 at different kinds of energy and their transformation. LGrmMLzLPpA-00079-00026581-00026838 And what the first law says, generally, LGrmMLzLPpA-00080-00026838-00027017 is that energy is conserved. LGrmMLzLPpA-00081-00027017-00027306 The total energy in the universe is staying the same, LGrmMLzLPpA-00082-00027306-00027660 or that energy can neither be created nor destroyed LGrmMLzLPpA-00083-00027768-00027913 type of fundamental thought, LGrmMLzLPpA-00084-00027913-00028149 so that we're really just bookkeeping LGrmMLzLPpA-00085-00028149-00028361 when it comes to thermodynamics. LGrmMLzLPpA-00086-00028361-00028597 We're just following where the energy goes, LGrmMLzLPpA-00087-00028696-00028924 and guiding it into different things, LGrmMLzLPpA-00088-00028924-00029244 but overall it stays the same LGrmMLzLPpA-00089-00029244-00029404 when you account for everything. LGrmMLzLPpA-00090-00029618-00029830 And that's probably one of the fundamental LGrmMLzLPpA-00091-00029830-00030102 tenets of thermodynamics. LGrmMLzLPpA-00092-00030102-00030589 The other ones all in a sense help us understand LGrmMLzLPpA-00093-00030589-00030861 this idea of heat better. LGrmMLzLPpA-00094-00030861-00031229 So the energy, the internal energy of a system, LGrmMLzLPpA-00095-00031229-00031498 can be broken up into work and heat. LGrmMLzLPpA-00096-00031498-00031699 And work we have a good sense for. LGrmMLzLPpA-00097-00031699-00031818 We got a good sense for it LGrmMLzLPpA-00098-00031818-00032264 in fundamental introductory chemistry and physics classes, LGrmMLzLPpA-00099-00032264-00032623 mechanical work, doing some type of force, LGrmMLzLPpA-00100-00032623-00032834 pushing things over a certain length. LGrmMLzLPpA-00101-00032939-00033271 In chemistry, looking at ideal gases, LGrmMLzLPpA-00102-00033271-00033435 and different pressures and volumes, LGrmMLzLPpA-00103-00033435-00033684 to do different types of mechanical work. LGrmMLzLPpA-00104-00033684-00033877 In introductory physics, LGrmMLzLPpA-00105-00033877-00034070 where we do electricity and magnetism LGrmMLzLPpA-00106-00034070-00034410 to see electrical work, or magnetic work, et cetera. LGrmMLzLPpA-00107-00034410-00034809 So we have a very good sense for these type of work LGrmMLzLPpA-00108-00034809-00035090 and how they relate to energy directly, LGrmMLzLPpA-00109-00035090-00035364 and how we can bookkeep them and add 'em up LGrmMLzLPpA-00110-00035364-00035594 and transform them, et cetera. LGrmMLzLPpA-00111-00035594-00036094 It's heat where thermodynamics really makes a statement. LGrmMLzLPpA-00112-00036218-00036718 And so there's, we basically define what heat is, LGrmMLzLPpA-00113-00036905-00037230 and we define it in terms of a new variable LGrmMLzLPpA-00114-00037230-00037452 that we call entropy. LGrmMLzLPpA-00115-00037452-00037798 It's really the second law that says that that entropy LGrmMLzLPpA-00116-00037798-00037998 tries to become a maximum. LGrmMLzLPpA-00117-00037998-00038449 The third law that says as you approach an absolute LGrmMLzLPpA-00118-00038449-00038891 reduction in the energy, reduction in the temperature, LGrmMLzLPpA-00119-00038891-00039179 that you also get to an absolute value, LGrmMLzLPpA-00120-00039179-00039583 or a zero of entropy as well. LGrmMLzLPpA-00121-00039717-00040122 And even the zeroth law of thermal equilibrium LGrmMLzLPpA-00122-00040122-00040474 that when you put two bodies in contact with each other, LGrmMLzLPpA-00123-00040474-00040628 with walls, where they can equilibrate, LGrmMLzLPpA-00124-00040628-00040988 that they basically equilibrate by maximizing their entropy LGrmMLzLPpA-00125-00040988-00041433 and equilibrating their temperature. LGrmMLzLPpA-00126-00041433-00041834 Or becoming where the macroscopic variables LGrmMLzLPpA-00127-00041834-00042060 don't change over time, LGrmMLzLPpA-00128-00042060-00042325 and they don't have any history, LGrmMLzLPpA-00129-00042325-00042661 or hysteretic effect associated with them, LGrmMLzLPpA-00130-00042661-00042956 once you hit these equilibrium states. LGrmMLzLPpA-00131-00042956-00043157 And this causes a lot of interesting, LGrmMLzLPpA-00132-00043157-00043338 these end up being state variables, LGrmMLzLPpA-00133-00043338-00043613 meaning they're no longer dependent on their path. LGrmMLzLPpA-00134-00043613-00044113 So unlike how the work and heat can change, LGrmMLzLPpA-00135-00044193-00044323 those are path dependent, LGrmMLzLPpA-00136-00044323-00044533 and that's why some bookkeeping, LGrmMLzLPpA-00137-00044533-00044951 we often use these small deltas. LGrmMLzLPpA-00138-00044951-00045156 The other term that often gets used LGrmMLzLPpA-00139-00045156-00045310 is the D with a line through it, LGrmMLzLPpA-00140-00045310-00045707 indicating that it's a path-dependent change LGrmMLzLPpA-00141-00045707-00045945 or infinitesimal change in something. LGrmMLzLPpA-00142-00045945-00046238 So these two are the most common terms used, LGrmMLzLPpA-00143-00046238-00046483 either a small Greek delta, LGrmMLzLPpA-00144-00046483-00046958 or basically a D with a line for a derivative LGrmMLzLPpA-00145-00046958-00047173 that is a path-dependent. LGrmMLzLPpA-00146-00047173-00047464 So these are, while the work and the heat, LGrmMLzLPpA-00147-00047464-00047741 independently, are path-dependent, LGrmMLzLPpA-00148-00047741-00048128 the quantity that when you bookkeep all of 'em together LGrmMLzLPpA-00149-00048128-00048426 is path-independent, it's a state variable, LGrmMLzLPpA-00150-00048426-00048540 the internal energy. LGrmMLzLPpA-00151-00048540-00048747 It doesn't depend on the path you took, LGrmMLzLPpA-00152-00048747-00048997 it only depends on its original condition LGrmMLzLPpA-00153-00048997-00049182 and the final condition it was in. LGrmMLzLPpA-00154-00049460-00049678 And like I said, most of these laws LGrmMLzLPpA-00155-00049678-00050051 are helping us define heat in terms of temperature, LGrmMLzLPpA-00156-00050051-00050445 which we have a natural intuition of, LGrmMLzLPpA-00157-00050445-00050663 just dealing with the macroscopic world, LGrmMLzLPpA-00158-00050663-00050877 and this new variable entropy, LGrmMLzLPpA-00159-00050877-00051076 which is what we'll be dealing with a lot LGrmMLzLPpA-00160-00051076-00051271 throughout the course of this semester. LGrmMLzLPpA-00161-00051369-00051620 The other thing we see is that, LGrmMLzLPpA-00162-00051620-00052065 all these work terms come in this intensive, extensive LGrmMLzLPpA-00163-00052065-00052266 conjugate field pairs. LGrmMLzLPpA-00164-00052266-00052610 So whether you're talking about mechanical work LGrmMLzLPpA-00165-00052610-00052796 with pressure volume. LGrmMLzLPpA-00166-00052796-00053094 Whether you're talking about, you know, LGrmMLzLPpA-00167-00053094-00053594 some type of magnetic moment into its magnetic field. LGrmMLzLPpA-00168-00053688-00054005 Whether you're talking about a chemical potential LGrmMLzLPpA-00169-00054005-00054345 into the change in the number of moles. LGrmMLzLPpA-00170-00054345-00054512 So whether you're talking about chemical work, LGrmMLzLPpA-00171-00054512-00054948 or magnetic work, or PdV mechanical work, LGrmMLzLPpA-00172-00054948-00055170 it always takes this form. LGrmMLzLPpA-00173-00055279-00055648 The other thing that is critical to point out, LGrmMLzLPpA-00174-00055648-00055892 and is one of the what I would call practical LGrmMLzLPpA-00175-00055892-00056291 when using thermodynamics to solve problems, et cetera, LGrmMLzLPpA-00176-00056291-00056547 that comes up a lot is this idea LGrmMLzLPpA-00177-00056547-00056985 of what we're looking at as far as what is considered LGrmMLzLPpA-00178-00056985-00057294 work coming into and out of the system. LGrmMLzLPpA-00179-00057294-00057794 So the typical way we use it as chemists LGrmMLzLPpA-00180-00057904-00058404 is to use the convention that the work performed LGrmMLzLPpA-00181-00058448-00058822 on the system by the surroundings is positive. LGrmMLzLPpA-00182-00058915-00059266 So this leads to the change in the work LGrmMLzLPpA-00183-00059266-00059521 so that we usually use the positive. LGrmMLzLPpA-00184-00059521-00059966 Now classically in physics it can often be the opposite, LGrmMLzLPpA-00185-00059966-00060199 that we consider that a negative work. LGrmMLzLPpA-00186-00060199-00060613 And so this is the way we usually use it in chemistry, LGrmMLzLPpA-00187-00060613-00060926 and the way I will use it throughout this course, LGrmMLzLPpA-00188-00060926-00061382 so this will always come down as a positive value here. LGrmMLzLPpA-00189-00061538-00061896 So besides the most common way, LGrmMLzLPpA-00190-00061896-00062174 which is through these four laws, LGrmMLzLPpA-00191-00062174-00062333 the three laws and the zeroth law LGrmMLzLPpA-00192-00062333-00062519 of thermodynamics to define it, LGrmMLzLPpA-00193-00062646-00063146 Herbert Callen popularized a method with postulates, LGrmMLzLPpA-00194-00063154-00063567 the four postulates to define the thermodynamics LGrmMLzLPpA-00195-00063567-00063760 and the theory that we used. LGrmMLzLPpA-00196-00063760-00064008 And it's very similar to the three laws, LGrmMLzLPpA-00197-00064008-00064412 except there's one clear, obvious omission here, LGrmMLzLPpA-00198-00064412-00064607 and for a very detailed, LGrmMLzLPpA-00199-00064607-00064968 you can see his book directly on the subject. LGrmMLzLPpA-00200-00065052-00065363 Which is, you can see here in a sense now, LGrmMLzLPpA-00201-00065363-00065536 every single one of them LGrmMLzLPpA-00202-00065536-00065887 is basically helping us define entropy, right? LGrmMLzLPpA-00203-00065887-00066206 It's not even talking about energy directly. LGrmMLzLPpA-00204-00066206-00066557 It's only talking about energy with respect to entropy. LGrmMLzLPpA-00205-00066557-00066879 So you can already see, three out of the four laws LGrmMLzLPpA-00206-00066879-00067164 are really about entropy or heat. LGrmMLzLPpA-00207-00067164-00067546 Here, all four in a sense are about heat, LGrmMLzLPpA-00208-00067546-00067863 and the idea of conservation of energy LGrmMLzLPpA-00209-00067863-00068108 is almost just assumed in a sense. LGrmMLzLPpA-00210-00068108-00068404 So, and in that case, where we normally write LGrmMLzLPpA-00211-00068404-00068832 what I think of as the fundamental law of thermodynamics LGrmMLzLPpA-00212-00068832-00069113 where we're typically as chemists especially LGrmMLzLPpA-00213-00069113-00069441 where I explicitly show out the chemical work, LGrmMLzLPpA-00214-00069441-00069655 and the type of mechanical work LGrmMLzLPpA-00215-00069655-00069946 we usually do in chemistry which is PdV, LGrmMLzLPpA-00216-00069946-00070368 and anything else would be some extra work term. LGrmMLzLPpA-00217-00070673-00070867 You know, if we had some type of magnetic field, LGrmMLzLPpA-00218-00070867-00071162 or electric charge et cetera, LGrmMLzLPpA-00219-00071162-00071444 we would always kind of consider that as an extra case. LGrmMLzLPpA-00220-00071444-00071661 But this being, so we have our heat term, LGrmMLzLPpA-00221-00071661-00071853 which is always TdS, LGrmMLzLPpA-00222-00071853-00072027 and typically the two types of work LGrmMLzLPpA-00223-00072027-00072280 we deal with in chemistry and biochemistry LGrmMLzLPpA-00224-00072280-00072666 are mechanical work, PdV work, and chemical work, LGrmMLzLPpA-00225-00072666-00072948 and that's usually what we're looking for in these systems. LGrmMLzLPpA-00226-00072948-00073352 And so the postulate number one LGrmMLzLPpA-00227-00073352-00073600 looks at that there is an equilibrium state, LGrmMLzLPpA-00228-00073600-00073924 but instead of looking at it in this way, LGrmMLzLPpA-00229-00073924-00074091 you can just rearrange the equation, LGrmMLzLPpA-00230-00074091-00074445 and this is really how Callen looks at it. LGrmMLzLPpA-00231-00074445-00074798 You look at it from an equilibrium state LGrmMLzLPpA-00232-00074798-00075055 where if you have internal energy, volume, LGrmMLzLPpA-00233-00075055-00075459 and this is meant to be a capital sigma, LGrmMLzLPpA-00234-00075459-00075615 the sum and the number of moles LGrmMLzLPpA-00235-00075615-00075866 or all of the different chemical constituents. LGrmMLzLPpA-00236-00076043-00076537 That there is an equilibrium state LGrmMLzLPpA-00237-00076537-00076816 that's defined where the macroscopic variables LGrmMLzLPpA-00238-00076816-00077177 in this isolated system no longer changes. LGrmMLzLPpA-00239-00077177-00077566 And it's defined by where the entropy is a maximum, LGrmMLzLPpA-00240-00077566-00077755 and it defines some properties of entropy LGrmMLzLPpA-00241-00077755-00078146 that it's additive over different parts of the subsystem, LGrmMLzLPpA-00242-00078146-00078370 that it's continuous and differentiable, LGrmMLzLPpA-00243-00078370-00078864 and that it increases with energy. LGrmMLzLPpA-00244-00078864-00079361 But that as you go to an absolute zero in temperature, LGrmMLzLPpA-00245-00079361-00079676 it helps to find an absolute zero in temperature, LGrmMLzLPpA-00246-00079676-00080025 and therefore a standard state or an absolute zero, LGrmMLzLPpA-00247-00080025-00080189 or where entropy doesn't change LGrmMLzLPpA-00248-00080189-00080499 as you approach the absolute zero in temperature. LGrmMLzLPpA-00249-00080853-00081166 Entropy is such a critical component to thermodynamics, LGrmMLzLPpA-00250-00081166-00081411 it's where we'll spent a fair amount of time. LGrmMLzLPpA-00251-00081411-00081670 That and applying these thermodynamics LGrmMLzLPpA-00252-00081670-00082042 to practical and useful biological systems. LGrmMLzLPpA-00253-00082141-00082327 But I want to point out, LGrmMLzLPpA-00254-00082327-00082521 which we'll get to later in this semester, LGrmMLzLPpA-00255-00082521-00082734 that entropy has a natural, LGrmMLzLPpA-00256-00082734-00082961 it can be explained in numerous different ways, LGrmMLzLPpA-00257-00082961-00083210 and a lot of these books describe it LGrmMLzLPpA-00258-00083210-00083510 in a very engineering or practical sense, LGrmMLzLPpA-00259-00083510-00083877 because that's how it was originally discovered. LGrmMLzLPpA-00260-00083877-00084271 However, later on Boltzmann came along, LGrmMLzLPpA-00261-00084271-00084623 and this is in fact from his tombstone, LGrmMLzLPpA-00262-00084740-00085018 and showed that entropy has a fundamental relation LGrmMLzLPpA-00263-00085018-00085381 to the configurations of atoms, LGrmMLzLPpA-00264-00085381-00085783 or of the microscopic atoms and molecules LGrmMLzLPpA-00265-00085783-00085954 and particles that we have. LGrmMLzLPpA-00266-00085954-00086122 It was very controversial at the time, LGrmMLzLPpA-00267-00086122-00086374 but it's been a huge insight. LGrmMLzLPpA-00268-00086374-00086774 And more modernly we would write it as not just a constant, LGrmMLzLPpA-00269-00086774-00087187 but Boltzmann, the capital B is in honor LGrmMLzLPpA-00270-00087187-00087477 of Boltzmann himself that it's a Boltzmann constant, LGrmMLzLPpA-00271-00087477-00087715 and the log that we use here, LGrmMLzLPpA-00272-00087715-00087875 oftentimes when we write L-O-G, LGrmMLzLPpA-00273-00087875-00088319 we think of that as a log base 10 is the assumption we make. LGrmMLzLPpA-00274-00088319-00088762 And this is a natural log that we use most readily in this, LGrmMLzLPpA-00275-00088762-00089118 and W where oftentimes we'll use an omega as well, LGrmMLzLPpA-00276-00089118-00089528 are the number of configurations, and these are microscopic. LGrmMLzLPpA-00277-00089528-00089780 So this is gonna give us a key LGrmMLzLPpA-00278-00089780-00089973 of how entropy will relate LGrmMLzLPpA-00279-00089973-00090194 from the macroscopic theory of thermodynamics LGrmMLzLPpA-00280-00090194-00090513 and allow us to have insights into the microscopic, LGrmMLzLPpA-00281-00090513-00090873 or vice versa, uses insights from the microscopic LGrmMLzLPpA-00282-00090873-00091191 to give us a better sense of what's going on LGrmMLzLPpA-00283-00091191-00091555 in the macroscopic world in chemistry and biochemistry. LGrmMLzLPpA-00284-00091555-00091828 And these are often, I've written several common terms, LGrmMLzLPpA-00285-00091828-00092116 where you see entropy introduced LGrmMLzLPpA-00286-00092116-00092352 and used in this way exclusively, LGrmMLzLPpA-00287-00092352-00092729 which you usually start with the microscopic theory LGrmMLzLPpA-00288-00092729-00093025 of quantum mechanics which is probabilistic in nature, LGrmMLzLPpA-00289-00093025-00093141 and therefore you end up LGrmMLzLPpA-00290-00093141-00093336 through probability using statistics. LGrmMLzLPpA-00291-00093336-00093543 So it's called statistical mechanics, LGrmMLzLPpA-00292-00093543-00093728 where you take those microscopic theories LGrmMLzLPpA-00293-00093728-00093962 and use large number statistics LGrmMLzLPpA-00294-00093962-00094179 to get them to the macroscopic. LGrmMLzLPpA-00295-00094179-00094421 It's often, y'know, another synonym for that LGrmMLzLPpA-00296-00094421-00094783 is statistical thermodynamics, or molecular thermodynamics, LGrmMLzLPpA-00297-00094783-00095198 and Callen typically calls it thermostatistics. LGrmMLzLPpA-00298-00095198-00095604 So we'll get to some of those ideas later in the semester, LGrmMLzLPpA-00299-00095604-00095791 as well as I'll also mention, LGrmMLzLPpA-00300-00095879-00096033 entropy has a fundamental relation LGrmMLzLPpA-00301-00096033-00096368 as a completely separate track to information itself. LGrmMLzLPpA-00302-00096368-00096816 To what we can define as a fundamental unit of information, LGrmMLzLPpA-00303-00096816-00097201 the bit, et cetera, and this was developed by Shannon et al. LGrmMLzLPpA-00304-00097373-00097689 So I like to summarize whether you look at the laws LGrmMLzLPpA-00305-00097689-00097946 or the postulates of thermodynamics. LGrmMLzLPpA-00306-00097946-00098313 The aphorism I always remember myself, LGrmMLzLPpA-00307-00098313-00098794 when somebody asks me what are the tenets of thermodynamics LGrmMLzLPpA-00308-00098794-00099056 is what Clausius said, which is that, LGrmMLzLPpA-00309-00099056-00099326 the energy of the universe is constant, LGrmMLzLPpA-00310-00099326-00099545 and the entropy strives to reach a maximum. LGrmMLzLPpA-00311-00099545-00099852 And that more or less summarizes a lot LGrmMLzLPpA-00312-00099852-00100144 of the most important salient features LGrmMLzLPpA-00313-00100144-00100338 of the laws that we use to build LGrmMLzLPpA-00314-00100338-00100576 a macroscopic theory for thermodynamics. LGrmMLzLPpA-00315-00100860-00101087 And then I'll summarize by just saying, LGrmMLzLPpA-00316-00101193-00101408 we often summarize this by saying LGrmMLzLPpA-00317-00101408-00101797 the energy is bookkeeping all of the energies, LGrmMLzLPpA-00318-00101797-00102009 where you can have the work terms, LGrmMLzLPpA-00319-00102009-00102308 and the heat terms, and they're path-dependent. LGrmMLzLPpA-00320-00102308-00102647 As we formulate what entropy really is, LGrmMLzLPpA-00321-00102647-00103050 we can end up coming up with all of these work LGrmMLzLPpA-00322-00103050-00103316 and heat functions as state variables LGrmMLzLPpA-00323-00103316-00103586 so that each one of these independently now LGrmMLzLPpA-00324-00103586-00103970 is path independent, they're state variables, LGrmMLzLPpA-00325-00103970-00104240 so that we can really start bookkeeping LGrmMLzLPpA-00326-00104240-00104472 where all of the different work terms LGrmMLzLPpA-00327-00104472-00104889 and the heat flow to give the overall energy of the system. LGrmMLzLPpA-00328-00104889-00105292 More concretely, in biochemistry and chemistry, LGrmMLzLPpA-00329-00105292-00105497 heat is always the same, LGrmMLzLPpA-00330-00105497-00105755 but we usually limit ourselves LGrmMLzLPpA-00331-00105755-00105989 to looking at mechanical work LGrmMLzLPpA-00332-00105989-00106478 and the importance of the change in the chemical system. LGrmMLzLPpA-00333-00106568-00106774 So as shown here at the bottom, LGrmMLzLPpA-00334-00106858-00107319 while you can have very complicated biochemical systems, LGrmMLzLPpA-00335-00107319-00107649 one of the fundamental in something like respiration, LGrmMLzLPpA-00336-00107649-00108068 we use the energy from adenosine triphosphate LGrmMLzLPpA-00337-00108068-00108568 as it goes to adenosine diphosphate, and a phosphate unit, LGrmMLzLPpA-00338-00108578-00108826 and then we use some other source of energy, LGrmMLzLPpA-00339-00108826-00109177 like the sun or light to convert it back LGrmMLzLPpA-00340-00109177-00109379 to adenosine triphosphate. LGrmMLzLPpA-00341-00109379-00109683 But when you do that chemical reaction, LGrmMLzLPpA-00342-00109683-00110029 it's bookkeeping where you can put all of that energy LGrmMLzLPpA-00343-00110029-00110333 into different things, one is obviously heat. LGrmMLzLPpA-00344-00110333-00110583 But then you can put it into mechanical motion, LGrmMLzLPpA-00345-00110583-00110723 you can put it into chemical motion, LGrmMLzLPpA-00346-00110723-00110917 where you do some types of reactions. LGrmMLzLPpA-00347-00110917-00111088 You can put it into electrical, LGrmMLzLPpA-00348-00111088-00111302 where maybe you charge separate LGrmMLzLPpA-00349-00111302-00111579 something across a membrane, et cetera. LGrmMLzLPpA-00350-00111579-00111916 And it's keeping track of all those different energy terms LGrmMLzLPpA-00351-00111916-00112131 and knowing that they're overall conserved. LGrmMLzLPpA-00352-00112243-00112738 So next time, or in future lectures, LGrmMLzLPpA-00353-00112738-00113013 we'll be covering just some basics LGrmMLzLPpA-00354-00113013-00113401 about what equilibrium and its implications LGrmMLzLPpA-00355-00113401-00113646 on reversible thermodynamics. LGrmMLzLPpA-00356-00113646-00113913 We'll have a lecture that just kind of focuses on LGrmMLzLPpA-00357-00113913-00114101 some of the common mathematics, LGrmMLzLPpA-00358-00114101-00114383 the mathematics of partial differential equations. LGrmMLzLPpA-00359-00114511-00114793 Experimentally, nine times out of 10, LGrmMLzLPpA-00360-00114793-00114959 if you're doing some type of experiment LGrmMLzLPpA-00361-00114959-00115160 that's directly giving you thermodynamics, LGrmMLzLPpA-00362-00115160-00115414 it's calorimetry in nature, LGrmMLzLPpA-00363-00115414-00115702 looking at the temperature changes in things. LGrmMLzLPpA-00364-00115810-00116073 And then it's very important that, LGrmMLzLPpA-00365-00116073-00116316 modern thermodynamics is such a developed theory, LGrmMLzLPpA-00366-00116316-00116530 and we're able to use it at such high levels LGrmMLzLPpA-00367-00116530-00116673 through statistical mechanics LGrmMLzLPpA-00368-00116673-00117119 that we can do these often computational experiments, LGrmMLzLPpA-00369-00117119-00117539 which give us huge insights from the molecular level LGrmMLzLPpA-00370-00117539-00117738 of how macroscopic things changes. LGrmMLzLPpA-00371-00117738-00117943 And so we'll be looking at that, LGrmMLzLPpA-00372-00117943-00118101 and then we'll further develop, LGrmMLzLPpA-00373-00118101-00118553 and all of this is at biopchem.education, thank you. LGe9mKd8VEY-00000-00000000-00000200 PermaFlow Gutter Guards LJgnn7anwY0-00000-00002236-00002420 Welcome back, we missed you LJgnn7anwY0-00001-00002753-00003271 Chapter twenty-two relates DQ’s descent into the Cave of Montesinos. LJgnn7anwY0-00002-00003271-00003788 This is a real cave, located between Ciudad Real and Albacete. LJgnn7anwY0-00003-00003788-00004414 For a man supposedly headed east to Zaragoza, DQ sure is spending a lot of time in the south LJgnn7anwY0-00004-00004414-00004778 of La Mancha as he did in part one. LJgnn7anwY0-00005-00004778-00005339 Before departing for the cave, Basilio and Quiteria make him their guest for three days. LJgnn7anwY0-00006-00005339-00005961 The narrator tells us they were impressed by his rare combination of valor and discretion: LJgnn7anwY0-00007-00005961-00006543 “considering him another Cid in arms and another Cicero in eloquence.” LJgnn7anwY0-00008-00006543-00007234 DQ voices his approval of Basilio’s “ingenuity,” arguing that the ends of actions justify their LJgnn7anwY0-00009-00007234-00007834 means: “Those which seek virtuous ends... cannot, and should not, be called deceptions.” LJgnn7anwY0-00010-00007834-00008407 But then he has words of advice for Basilio about the importance of acquiring wealth to LJgnn7anwY0-00011-00008407-00008993 keep his wife content: “Lord Basilio should quit exercising his particular skills, for LJgnn7anwY0-00012-00008993-00009634 even though they were winning him fame, they won him no money, and he should attend to LJgnn7anwY0-00013-00009634-00010075 acquiring wealth by licit and industrious means.” LJgnn7anwY0-00014-00010075-00010704 There is irony in such advice coming from an hidalgo who cannot manage his own estate. LJgnn7anwY0-00015-00010704-00011438 DQ then gives wise, if paradoxical, advice about how to avoid jealousy: “it was the LJgnn7anwY0-00016-00011438-00012072 opinion of a wise man, whose name I forget, that there was but a single chaste woman in LJgnn7anwY0-00017-00012072-00012721 all the world, and he advised that each man should think and believe that single chaste LJgnn7anwY0-00018-00012721-00013200 woman was his own, and in this way he would live happily.” LJgnn7anwY0-00019-00013200-00013937 He even says that to this end, a woman should keep her adulterous behavior private: “women’s LJgnn7anwY0-00020-00013937-00014591 honors are damaged much more by public indiscretions and liberties than by secret transgressions” LJgnn7anwY0-00021-00014591-00014701 (cf. LJgnn7anwY0-00022-00014701-00015025 María de Zayas). LJgnn7anwY0-00023-00015025-00016009 SP mutters to himself that his master is a know-it-all: LJgnn7anwY0-00024-00016009-00016618 “What a devil of a knight errant you are, for you know something about everything!” LJgnn7anwY0-00025-00016618-00017156 When DQ asks what he just said, SP claims he was just talking about his wife: “I was LJgnn7anwY0-00026-00017156-00017823 merely saying to myself that I wish I had heard what your grace has just said here before LJgnn7anwY0-00027-00017823-00017924 I got married.” LJgnn7anwY0-00028-00017924-00018459 On the one hand, this is a modern and funny exchange in which SP avoids responsibility LJgnn7anwY0-00029-00018459-00018976 for his insult by vocalizing another line of inquiry that distracts DQ. LJgnn7anwY0-00030-00018976-00019649 On the other hand, the insinuation is that Teresa has been unfaithful to SP. LJgnn7anwY0-00031-00019649-00020230 DQ confirms the latter idea: “Is your Teresa so bad!” LJgnn7anwY0-00032-00020230-00020676 SP then confesses: “she’s not as good as I would like.” LJgnn7anwY0-00033-00020676-00020777 WOW. LJgnn7anwY0-00034-00020777-00021059 Are SP’s children his own? LJgnn7anwY0-00035-00021059-00021915 Finally, DQ asks the “skilled licentiate” from the fencing duel in DQ 2.19 for a guide LJgnn7anwY0-00036-00021915-00022045 to the Cave of Montesinos. LJgnn7anwY0-00037-00022045-00022676 He provides DQ with “a cousin of his, a famous student who was quite fond of reading LJgnn7anwY0-00038-00022676-00022859 books of chivalry.” LJgnn7anwY0-00039-00022859-00023216 This curious figure will remain unnamed. LJgnn7anwY0-00040-00023216-00023820 He knows all about books and printing, and he is adept at dedicating his texts to important LJgnn7anwY0-00041-00023820-00023920 people. LJgnn7anwY0-00042-00023920-00024420 The narrator has the cousin describe himself as a humanist dedicated to composing “books LJgnn7anwY0-00043-00024420-00024977 for publication, all of great benefit, and no less entertaining, to the republic.” LJgnn7anwY0-00044-00024977-00025409 There are many theories regarding just who this figure is. LJgnn7anwY0-00045-00025409-00025932 On some level, however, he is a comedic parody of Cervantes himself. LJgnn7anwY0-00046-00025932-00026306 He composes seemingly useless and superfluous books. LJgnn7anwY0-00047-00026306-00026780 He is currently working on one called “The Metamorphoses, or the Spanish Ovid.” LJgnn7anwY0-00048-00026780-00027404 This echoes Cervantes’s description of himself in the fourth introductory sonnet of part one. LJgnn7anwY0-00049-00029483-00030138 Finally, hinting at both SP’s symbolic ass and Teresa’s infidelity, the cousin rides LJgnn7anwY0-00050-00030138-00030868 a meaningful beast with a multicolored saddle cloth: “a pregnant she-ass, whose packsaddle LJgnn7anwY0-00051-00030869-00031193 covered a brightly colored mat or sack.” LJgnn7anwY0-00052-00031289-00031738 That´s all for now, we hope you will tune in and watch our next video. LL0eor2h8JI-00000-00005656-00005784 um LL0eor2h8JI-00001-00006800-00006936 thank you LMafhfJYSyY-00000-00001083-00001377 *Sound of CD player* LMafhfJYSyY-00001-00001432-00001550 Detective: Good evening Doctor. LMafhfJYSyY-00002-00001613-00001813 Detective: So tell us, what happened? LMafhfJYSyY-00003-00001914-00002114 Doctor: It was about a week ago. LMafhfJYSyY-00004-00002237-00002512 Doctor: We could never have foreseen such a disaster... LMafhfJYSyY-00005-00002553-00002727 Detective: You mean what I think? LMafhfJYSyY-00006-00002727-00002837 Doctor: Yes... Yes. That's it. LMafhfJYSyY-00007-00002921-00003034 Detective: Alright, carry on. LMafhfJYSyY-00008-00003092-00003615 Doctor: At the begining, we were supposed to do a EXP on SCP-173. LMafhfJYSyY-00009-00003724-00004251 Doctor: And, at the same time, there was maintenance of the systems… Electrical, I believe. LMafhfJYSyY-00010-00004251-00004391 Doctor: In Light Containment Zone, precisely... LMafhfJYSyY-00011-00004416-00004616 Detective: Except that it didn't happen planned? LMafhfJYSyY-00012-00004654-00004734 Doctor: Oh no… LMafhfJYSyY-00013-00004734-00004866 Doctor: And far from it… LMafhfJYSyY-00014-00004904-00005074 Doctor: I… I don't know what happened. LMafhfJYSyY-00015-00005090-00005290 Doctor: I have no idea. LMafhfJYSyY-00016-00005337-00005717 Doctor: All I know is that they started to get out of their containement. LMafhfJYSyY-00017-00005831-00005896 Doctor: All. LMafhfJYSyY-00018-00006029-00006229 Doctor: All doors have opened. LMafhfJYSyY-00019-00006320-00006445 Doctor: And, it became chaos. LMafhfJYSyY-00020-00006445-00006883 Doctor: I saw my colleagues being cut and tortured… LMafhfJYSyY-00021-00007086-00007286 Doctor: We had no chance of getting out of it. LMafhfJYSyY-00022-00007310-00007469 Doctor: The only way was to… LMafhfJYSyY-00023-00007469-00007519 Doctor: To activate… LMafhfJYSyY-00024-00007625-00007825 Doctor: Decontamination. LMafhfJYSyY-00025-00008471-00008641 Your attention LMafhfJYSyY-00026-00008641-00008931 The decontamination process has been initiated. LMafhfJYSyY-00027-00008963-00009163 The Light Containment Zone sector LMafhfJYSyY-00028-00009180-00009349 Identifier: LCZ LMafhfJYSyY-00029-00009349-00009606 Will be fully decontaminated in 120 seconds. LMafhfJYSyY-00030-00011310-00011412 Attention! LMafhfJYSyY-00031-00011412-00011789 All organic matter and living objects will be destroyed within 90 seconds. LMafhfJYSyY-00032-00011862-00012167 Please evacuate the LCZ sector as soon as possible. LMafhfJYSyY-00033-00014023-00014223 This is not an exercise. LMafhfJYSyY-00034-00014254-00014725 Decontamination of the LCZ sector will take place in 60 seconds. LMafhfJYSyY-00035-00014751-00014951 Evacuate immediately! LMafhfJYSyY-00036-00017275-00017648 Decontamination of the LCZ sector will take place in less than 30 seconds. LMafhfJYSyY-00037-00019846-00020091 Beginning of the decontamination sequence. LQgfJcIC3wI-00000-00000463-00000496 [swoosh] LQgfJcIC3wI-00001-00000496-00000568 Hi, I’m Michael LQgfJcIC3wI-00002-00000568-00000760 the founder and president of EazyPaper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00003-00000760-00000903 I nearly failed my first paper LQgfJcIC3wI-00004-00000903-00001016 due to formatting issues LQgfJcIC3wI-00005-00001016-00001392 and that was after studying the format manual for hours, yet missing a comma here LQgfJcIC3wI-00006-00001392-00001576 or a period in the reference list. LQgfJcIC3wI-00007-00001576-00001680 So I wrote a computer program LQgfJcIC3wI-00008-00001680-00001784 to format my paper LQgfJcIC3wI-00009-00001784-00001928 and EazyPaper was born. LQgfJcIC3wI-00010-00001928-00002120 What started as a way to format my papers LQgfJcIC3wI-00011-00002120-00002248 has turned into viable business; LQgfJcIC3wI-00012-00002344-00002664 EazyPaper has been sold to thousands of students in hundreds of universities LQgfJcIC3wI-00013-00002664-00002728 around the world. LQgfJcIC3wI-00014-00002824-00003016 EazyPaper’s a product written by a student LQgfJcIC3wI-00015-00003016-00003264 for students to solve a problem we all face– LQgfJcIC3wI-00016-00003264-00003608 we’d all rather invest the time into writing papers, not formatting them. LQgfJcIC3wI-00017-00003664-00003824 Let me show you how EazyPaper saves you LQgfJcIC3wI-00018-00003824-00004047 time, money and grades in turning a blank LQgfJcIC3wI-00019-00004047-00004248 document into a perfectly formatted paper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00020-00004320-00004440 The first step is to apply a LQgfJcIC3wI-00021-00004440-00004616 formatting template for your paper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00022-00004616-00004784 Click the EazyPaper icon and choose the LQgfJcIC3wI-00023-00004784-00005008 format type that your professor tells you to use LQgfJcIC3wI-00024-00005008-00005152 and the type of paper you wish to write. LQgfJcIC3wI-00025-00005232-00005400 Unless your professor says otherwise LQgfJcIC3wI-00026-00005400-00005544 just keep the default sections LQgfJcIC3wI-00027-00005544-00005696 and fill out the title page information. LQgfJcIC3wI-00028-00005800-00006136 EazyPaper remembers the title page information I entered for my last paper LQgfJcIC3wI-00029-00006136-00006328 so I’ll just update what’s different, and click ok. LQgfJcIC3wI-00030-00006440-00006568 EazyPaper is now creating a template LQgfJcIC3wI-00031-00006568-00006776 for my document, with helpful hints on how to LQgfJcIC3wI-00032-00006776-00006992 fill out this template to turn it into a real paper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00033-00007088-00007256 The next step in the paper writing process LQgfJcIC3wI-00034-00007256-00007408 is to research your topic. LQgfJcIC3wI-00035-00007408-00007552 EazyPaper’s research tools LQgfJcIC3wI-00036-00007552-00007720 collectively called EazyHunt LQgfJcIC3wI-00037-00007720-00007959 shaves hours off the research process LQgfJcIC3wI-00038-00007959-00008296 while avoiding plagiarism and improving the quality of your paper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00039-00008296-00008472 Let’s first walk through the tools that help with LQgfJcIC3wI-00040-00008472-00008608 finding relevant books LQgfJcIC3wI-00041-00008608-00008792 and then move on to finding and downloading LQgfJcIC3wI-00042-00008792-00008960 online journals articles with EazyHunt. LQgfJcIC3wI-00043-00009048-00009224 To search for a book with EazyLibrary LQgfJcIC3wI-00044-00009224-00009344 click Hunt for References LQgfJcIC3wI-00045-00009344-00009600 and then enter an author and/or a title LQgfJcIC3wI-00046-00009656-00009864 keyword, or ISBN to search. LQgfJcIC3wI-00047-00009864-00010248 The ISBN is the unique barcode number on the bottom of every book. LQgfJcIC3wI-00048-00010248-00010368 Click Hunt to start the search. LQgfJcIC3wI-00049-00010432-00010672 EazyHunt detected that I entered an ISBN LQgfJcIC3wI-00050-00010672-00010888 and thus deselected the other search locations LQgfJcIC3wI-00051-00010888-00011128 and began a search of the Library of Congress. LQgfJcIC3wI-00052-00011128-00011272 Click the search result to get its LQgfJcIC3wI-00053-00011272-00011384 details in the main form. LQgfJcIC3wI-00054-00011440-00011560 Thus, if you have access to the LQgfJcIC3wI-00055-00011560-00011672 back cover of a book LQgfJcIC3wI-00056-00011672-00011872 or can copy and paste its ISBN LQgfJcIC3wI-00057-00011872-00012032 from a site like Amazon LQgfJcIC3wI-00058-00012032-00012232 then EazyLibrary saves you from having to LQgfJcIC3wI-00059-00012232-00012408 enter the reference fields manually LQgfJcIC3wI-00060-00012408-00012664 giving you a perfectly formatted reference. LQgfJcIC3wI-00061-00012664-00012792 Just enter the page number LQgfJcIC3wI-00062-00012792-00012968 and click ‘Add’ to capture this reference. LQgfJcIC3wI-00063-00013072-00013216 EazyLibrary is even more useful when LQgfJcIC3wI-00064-00013216-00013447 you configure it with your university library. LQgfJcIC3wI-00065-00013447-00013663 Click Hunt to open up the EazyHunt form LQgfJcIC3wI-00066-00013663-00013856 and then Clear to get the Configure button LQgfJcIC3wI-00067-00013856-00014024 and then Configure to select your library. LQgfJcIC3wI-00068-00014080-00014200 Click the library dropdown LQgfJcIC3wI-00069-00014200-00014360 to browse through the hundreds of libraries LQgfJcIC3wI-00070-00014360-00014576 around the world that EazyLibrary supports LQgfJcIC3wI-00071-00014576-00014696 and then select one. LQgfJcIC3wI-00072-00014696-00014791 Or if you know its name LQgfJcIC3wI-00073-00014791-00014912 just type it in and click OK. LQgfJcIC3wI-00074-00015008-00015216 Now enter a search term and click Hunt. LQgfJcIC3wI-00075-00015216-00015416 If you happen to live in northern New York LQgfJcIC3wI-00076-00015416-00015600 you can now simultaneously search two LQgfJcIC3wI-00077-00015600-00015944 libraries that are 13 miles apart for books related to your topic LQgfJcIC3wI-00078-00015944-00016304 thus saving you from having to go back and forth between these libraries. LQgfJcIC3wI-00079-00016304-00016408 With EazyLibrary LQgfJcIC3wI-00080-00016408-00016632 you have the “World libraries at your fingertips.” LQgfJcIC3wI-00081-00016736-00016992 Another EazyHunt feature is EazyDatabase. LQgfJcIC3wI-00082-00016992-00017208 It backs up all your references to the cloud LQgfJcIC3wI-00083-00017208-00017416 and synchronizes them across all your papers LQgfJcIC3wI-00084-00017416-00017552 on all your computers. LQgfJcIC3wI-00085-00017552-00017704 Just this automatic backup LQgfJcIC3wI-00086-00017704-00017832 could be worth it for you; LQgfJcIC3wI-00087-00017832-00018024 we’ve had several cases where an EazyPaper LQgfJcIC3wI-00088-00018024-00018144 user’s computer died LQgfJcIC3wI-00089-00018144-00018336 but we were able to restore their database of LQgfJcIC3wI-00090-00018336-00018504 references on their new computer because LQgfJcIC3wI-00091-00018504-00018664 they had an EazyDatabase subscription. LQgfJcIC3wI-00092-00018744-00018840 On the other hand LQgfJcIC3wI-00093-00018840-00019040 if you’re like me in pursing post-grad studies LQgfJcIC3wI-00094-00019040-00019208 you’ve built up a database of dozens LQgfJcIC3wI-00095-00019208-00019368 or even hundreds of references LQgfJcIC3wI-00096-00019368-00019552 across all the papers you’ve written LQgfJcIC3wI-00097-00019552-00019712 so finding a particular reference LQgfJcIC3wI-00098-00019712-00019784 can be overwhelming. LQgfJcIC3wI-00099-00019912-00020064 EazyDatabase solves that problem by LQgfJcIC3wI-00100-00020064-00020208 providing a filter mechanism LQgfJcIC3wI-00101-00020208-00020344 that works while you type. LQgfJcIC3wI-00102-00020344-00020576 You can sort by title, author, or date LQgfJcIC3wI-00103-00020576-00020808 but the one I find most useful, yet unique to LQgfJcIC3wI-00104-00020808-00020992 EazyDatabase is retrieving a reference LQgfJcIC3wI-00105-00020992-00021184 by where I last cited it into a paper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00106-00021248-00021416 It filters your database of references LQgfJcIC3wI-00107-00021416-00021496 as you type LQgfJcIC3wI-00108-00021496-00021672 thus finding a reference you used in one of LQgfJcIC3wI-00109-00021672-00021832 your papers is as easy clicking LQgfJcIC3wI-00110-00021832-00021920 the filtered reference. LQgfJcIC3wI-00111-00022000-00022200 To search the online database, click Hunt. LQgfJcIC3wI-00112-00022280-00022400 EazyDatabase is now searching the LQgfJcIC3wI-00113-00022400-00022608 anonymous, aggregate database of references LQgfJcIC3wI-00114-00022608-00022736 that EazyPaper customers LQgfJcIC3wI-00115-00022736-00022920 have referenced in their papers. LQgfJcIC3wI-00116-00022920-00023088 Keep typing to filter search results LQgfJcIC3wI-00117-00023088-00023288 even as new ones are being added to the list. LQgfJcIC3wI-00118-00023368-00023576 Since EazyPaper’s users are students like you LQgfJcIC3wI-00119-00023576-00023800 a reference used by multiple EazyPaper users LQgfJcIC3wI-00120-00023800-00023984 is a good candidate for your paper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00121-00023984-00024080 We call that a ‘vote’ LQgfJcIC3wI-00122-00024080-00024448 so click the Votes column until its arrow is pointing up to sort the references LQgfJcIC3wI-00123-00024448-00024552 in descending order. LQgfJcIC3wI-00124-00024608-00024736 Note that the Pridham reference LQgfJcIC3wI-00125-00024736-00024872 has a vote count of 5 LQgfJcIC3wI-00126-00024872-00025240 which means that 5 other researchers entered this reference into their papers. LQgfJcIC3wI-00127-00025240-00025536 I’ll just click Add, and now I’ve voted for it too. LQgfJcIC3wI-00128-00025536-00025648 Or if I decide that I’m not going LQgfJcIC3wI-00129-00025648-00025736 to use this reference LQgfJcIC3wI-00130-00025736-00025920 I can remove it from my EazyDatabase LQgfJcIC3wI-00131-00025920-00026104 and rescind my vote of confidence in it. LQgfJcIC3wI-00132-00026183-00026344 That’s the power of EazyDatabase: LQgfJcIC3wI-00133-00026344-00026536 it’s “Your research community.” LQgfJcIC3wI-00134-00026536-00026632 If you like a reference LQgfJcIC3wI-00135-00026632-00026736 add it to your paper LQgfJcIC3wI-00136-00026736-00026936 and fellow researchers will see your vote. LQgfJcIC3wI-00137-00026936-00027056 Same with the other way: LQgfJcIC3wI-00138-00027056-00027248 if many researchers vote for a reference LQgfJcIC3wI-00139-00027248-00027592 then it’s probably a good candidate to hunt down in your local library. LQgfJcIC3wI-00140-00027592-00027960 Just use EazyLibrary to see if your library has the book before making the trip down there. LQgfJcIC3wI-00141-00028024-00028264 Now let’s move onto searching journals. LQgfJcIC3wI-00142-00028264-00028448 Professional journals have moved to the web LQgfJcIC3wI-00143-00028448-00028688 where you have to pay a fee to read the article. LQgfJcIC3wI-00144-00028688-00028880 One major exception is PubMed LQgfJcIC3wI-00145-00028880-00029136 a free service maintained by US Government’s LQgfJcIC3wI-00146-00029136-00029392 National Center for Biotechnology Information LQgfJcIC3wI-00147-00029392-00029527 along with partnerships with their LQgfJcIC3wI-00148-00029527-00029688 Canadian and European equivalents. LQgfJcIC3wI-00149-00029744-00029912 Searching PubMed through EazyHunt will LQgfJcIC3wI-00150-00029912-00030160 access all three repositories simultaneously. LQgfJcIC3wI-00151-00030160-00030464 It contains over 34 million and counting LQgfJcIC3wI-00152-00030464-00030600 full-text articles for free! LQgfJcIC3wI-00153-00030688-00030816 First, I’ll turn on PubMed LQgfJcIC3wI-00154-00030816-00031008 and turn on the other search locations. LQgfJcIC3wI-00155-00031008-00031192 Then I’ll enter a search term and click Hunt. LQgfJcIC3wI-00156-00031248-00031368 PubMed supports listing LQgfJcIC3wI-00157-00031368-00031520 the bibliographic information LQgfJcIC3wI-00158-00031520-00031624 viewing the abstract LQgfJcIC3wI-00159-00031624-00031824 and searching for similar articles. LQgfJcIC3wI-00160-00031824-00031960 When you click the Full Text link LQgfJcIC3wI-00161-00031960-00032127 you are directed to a webpage where you can LQgfJcIC3wI-00162-00032127-00032304 download the full-text article for free! LQgfJcIC3wI-00163-00032376-00032488 If your professor is fine with LQgfJcIC3wI-00164-00032488-00032720 you using only journal articles for your paper LQgfJcIC3wI-00165-00032720-00032968 then you can do your paper’s entire research LQgfJcIC3wI-00166-00032968-00033136 without ever leaving EazyPaper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00167-00033216-00033336 Notice what I did here: LQgfJcIC3wI-00168-00033336-00033608 I searched for CPR and got over 100 results. LQgfJcIC3wI-00169-00033608-00033808 After reading an abstract that looks relevant LQgfJcIC3wI-00170-00033808-00033928 I clicked Similar Articles LQgfJcIC3wI-00171-00033928-00034088 and am now getting search results LQgfJcIC3wI-00172-00034088-00034304 that are more relevant to what I’m researching. LQgfJcIC3wI-00173-00034304-00034504 I then read more abstracts and add the journal LQgfJcIC3wI-00174-00034504-00034648 articles that look promising. LQgfJcIC3wI-00175-00034648-00034816 I click Similar Articles again LQgfJcIC3wI-00176-00034816-00034976 and narrow the search further. LQgfJcIC3wI-00177-00034976-00035136 After going down this search path LQgfJcIC3wI-00178-00035136-00035440 I can click the down arrow and go back to a previous search term LQgfJcIC3wI-00179-00035440-00035592 and click Hunt to resume the search. LQgfJcIC3wI-00180-00035656-00035864 In this way, I can quickly build up a list of LQgfJcIC3wI-00181-00035864-00036024 articles that I would like to read. LQgfJcIC3wI-00182-00036024-00036152 Once I have enough leads LQgfJcIC3wI-00183-00036152-00036288 I simply click each of them LQgfJcIC3wI-00184-00036288-00036400 and then their Full Text link LQgfJcIC3wI-00185-00036400-00036592 to get the full text article. LQgfJcIC3wI-00186-00036592-00036920 What used to take hours and a trip to the library was done in minutes LQgfJcIC3wI-00187-00036920-00037096 all without having to leave my computer. LQgfJcIC3wI-00188-00037184-00037344 EazyHunt is great for doing research LQgfJcIC3wI-00189-00037344-00037432 within EazyPaper LQgfJcIC3wI-00190-00037432-00037688 but most of us do our research in the browser these days. LQgfJcIC3wI-00191-00037688-00038104 That’s why the EazyPaper installer includes Chrome and Edge extensions that provide you LQgfJcIC3wI-00192-00038104-00038360 with this Save to EazyPaper button to import LQgfJcIC3wI-00193-00038360-00038616 the contents of the webpage into EazyPaper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00194-00038616-00038808 To demonstrate the EazyImporter feature LQgfJcIC3wI-00195-00038808-00039232 let me bring up an actual paper that I wrote with EazyPaper as part of my PhD studies. LQgfJcIC3wI-00196-00039288-00039632 Click EazyImport Menu, and then Import Website Reference. LQgfJcIC3wI-00197-00039632-00040032 There, do you see the reference I imported through the Save to EazyPaper extension? LQgfJcIC3wI-00198-00040032-00040480 Click Insert to insert a perfectly formatted footnote into your paper, and scroll down to LQgfJcIC3wI-00199-00040480-00040816 check the updated bibliography, all without having to type in anything. LQgfJcIC3wI-00200-00040912-00041208 EazyImporter works for books too. Go to worldcat.org LQgfJcIC3wI-00201-00041208-00041592 which is the world’s largest library catalog, and then search for something. LQgfJcIC3wI-00202-00041592-00041696 Select a search result LQgfJcIC3wI-00203-00041696-00041888 and then click Save to EazyPaper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00204-00041888-00042136 You now have an offline copy of the citation LQgfJcIC3wI-00205-00042136-00042272 which is instantaneously LQgfJcIC3wI-00206-00042272-00042416 imported into EazyPaper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00207-00042416-00042544 Click Insert, and you’re done. LQgfJcIC3wI-00208-00042600-00043120 So with EazyImporter, you can cite practically any book you can find in a library in two clicks: LQgfJcIC3wI-00209-00043120-00043488 one to save the book to EazyPaper, and another to insert it into your paper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00210-00043584-00043928 EazyImporter supports Amazon books too: find the book you’re looking for LQgfJcIC3wI-00211-00043928-00044136 and then click Save to EazyPaper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00212-00044136-00044312 Click Insert, and you’re done. LQgfJcIC3wI-00213-00044312-00044688 It just takes two clicks to cite any book on Amazon, whether it be a Kindle book LQgfJcIC3wI-00214-00044688-00044808 or a regular paperback. LQgfJcIC3wI-00215-00044864-00045200 Importing from Google Books is a similar process: search for the book LQgfJcIC3wI-00216-00045200-00045616 and then click through to the page where it contains the citation data you’re looking for. LQgfJcIC3wI-00217-00045616-00045968 For Google Books, the preview page does not contain the publisher information LQgfJcIC3wI-00218-00045968-00046192 but the About this book link does. LQgfJcIC3wI-00219-00046192-00046656 Most websites, including Google Books and Amazon, don’t include the place of publication LQgfJcIC3wI-00220-00046656-00047040 so you can waste hours hunting it down if you’re using a format that requires it LQgfJcIC3wI-00221-00047040-00047152 like Turabian. LQgfJcIC3wI-00222-00047152-00047304 We’ve solved that problem. LQgfJcIC3wI-00223-00047304-00047456 Click Save to EazyPaper LQgfJcIC3wI-00224-00047456-00047632 and import it into EazyPaper LQgfJcIC3wI-00225-00047632-00047848 and EazyImporter will search in the background LQgfJcIC3wI-00226-00047848-00048016 to get the place of publication for you. LQgfJcIC3wI-00227-00048016-00048464 It usually succeeds as long as the publisher discloses their place of publication LQgfJcIC3wI-00228-00048464-00048624 something that self-publishers LQgfJcIC3wI-00229-00048624-00048712 sometimes don’t do. LQgfJcIC3wI-00230-00048848-00049184 EazyImporter supports importing books from other popular book listing sites LQgfJcIC3wI-00231-00049184-00049584 including Book Depository, Open Library, Scribd, and more. LQgfJcIC3wI-00232-00049584-00049944 The list is growing all the time, and you can check out the currently supported list LQgfJcIC3wI-00233-00049944-00050112 of websites in the description below. LQgfJcIC3wI-00234-00050216-00050432 EazyImporter works for journal articles too. LQgfJcIC3wI-00235-00050432-00050792 The best free search engine for journal articles is Google Scholar. LQgfJcIC3wI-00236-00050792-00051080 My PhD topic is on the gift, so I search for it, LQgfJcIC3wI-00237-00051080-00051424 and then I click cite for the article I want to cite. LQgfJcIC3wI-00238-00051424-00051672 EazyImporter supports all the common citation LQgfJcIC3wI-00239-00051672-00052088 formats, including BibTex, EndNote, RefMan, and RefWorks. LQgfJcIC3wI-00240-00052088-00052432 If you have a choice of export formats though like in Google Scholar LQgfJcIC3wI-00241-00052432-00052879 choose the RefMan–ris format as it is the most widely supported LQgfJcIC3wI-00242-00052879-00053088 and standardized export format available. LQgfJcIC3wI-00243-00053144-00053264 Download the citation LQgfJcIC3wI-00244-00053264-00053384 click Insert, and you’re done. LQgfJcIC3wI-00245-00053472-00053879 JSTOR is another journal aggregation site that supports the ris format LQgfJcIC3wI-00246-00053879-00054064 in fact, nearly all of them do. LQgfJcIC3wI-00247-00054064-00054496 Exporting to ris is a multi-step process specific to each journal aggregator LQgfJcIC3wI-00248-00054496-00054984 but you can usually find the export feature if you look hard enough; just save the ris file LQgfJcIC3wI-00249-00054984-00055432 and EazyImporter will automatically move it to the Downloads\EazyPaper folder and import it. LQgfJcIC3wI-00250-00055512-00055752 For JSTOR, there’s an easier way though. LQgfJcIC3wI-00251-00055752-00055928 I’ll remove the reference in EazyPaper LQgfJcIC3wI-00252-00055928-00056232 and then click Save to EazyPaper on the JSTOR article page. LQgfJcIC3wI-00253-00056288-00056567 This one-click interface is unique to EazyImporter. LQgfJcIC3wI-00254-00056567-00056912 There’s no other product out there that is as fast or as accurate LQgfJcIC3wI-00255-00056912-00057176 for importing references as EazyImporter. LQgfJcIC3wI-00256-00057176-00057336 It works for EBSCO too. LQgfJcIC3wI-00257-00057336-00057776 Click once to import the reference, and then click a second time to insert it into your paper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00258-00057776-00058079 With EazyImporter, you’ll never have to type a reference again. LQgfJcIC3wI-00259-00058152-00058560 In addition to books and journal aggregation, EazyImporter also supports major LQgfJcIC3wI-00260-00058560-00058920 research sites like Wikipedia, and reputable magazines and newspapers LQgfJcIC3wI-00261-00058920-00059079 such as the New York Times. LQgfJcIC3wI-00262-00059079-00059488 It’s not possible for EazyImporter to support every single website out there; LQgfJcIC3wI-00263-00059488-00059608 there’s just too many of them. LQgfJcIC3wI-00264-00059664-00060000 However, we don’t have to; all we have to do is support the websites LQgfJcIC3wI-00265-00060000-00060232 that you actually use in your research. LQgfJcIC3wI-00266-00060232-00060552 That’s why we made EazyImporter a subscription service. LQgfJcIC3wI-00267-00060552-00060808 If you ever run into a website that doesn’t import correctly LQgfJcIC3wI-00268-00060808-00061279 click “Report Error”, and we’ll get back to you by email in a couple of days as developer support LQgfJcIC3wI-00269-00061279-00061440 is part of the subscription service. LQgfJcIC3wI-00270-00061496-00061848 As long as the website has the required information on it like author and date LQgfJcIC3wI-00271-00061848-00061976 then we should be able to support it. LQgfJcIC3wI-00272-00062048-00062528 It’s an ongoing, never-ending project to support all the websites that EazyPaper customers use LQgfJcIC3wI-00273-00062528-00062960 for their research, so we’ll prioritize supporting research-grade websites that get LQgfJcIC3wI-00274-00062960-00063184 lots of requests for us to support. LQgfJcIC3wI-00275-00063184-00063648 Clicking “Report Error” adds your vote for that particular website, and increases the priority LQgfJcIC3wI-00276-00063648-00063864 that we would write the code to support it. LQgfJcIC3wI-00277-00063864-00064288 Since EazyImporter is a subscription service, it is in our interest, as well as yours LQgfJcIC3wI-00278-00064288-00064584 to respond quickly to your requests, or else we would lose your business. LQgfJcIC3wI-00279-00064704-00065088 EazyImporter is like having your own personal researcher who will do all the data entry LQgfJcIC3wI-00280-00065088-00065455 for you to cite any book, journal article, or website in the world LQgfJcIC3wI-00281-00065455-00065720 so you can focus on writing, not citing. LQgfJcIC3wI-00282-00065776-00066184 If you consider how much time EazyImporter saves you in the citation process LQgfJcIC3wI-00283-00066184-00066328 and the cost of paying a researcher LQgfJcIC3wI-00284-00066328-00066456 to do that for you LQgfJcIC3wI-00285-00066456-00066928 then the EazyImporter subscription service with developer support is a steal of a deal. LQgfJcIC3wI-00286-00066928-00067096 But you don’t have to take our word for it. LQgfJcIC3wI-00287-00067096-00067560 The download links to the Save to EazyPaper extension and the EazyPaper addon LQgfJcIC3wI-00288-00067560-00067840 to Microsoft Word are in the description below LQgfJcIC3wI-00289-00067840-00068104 so you can try them out for free and see if they work for you. LQgfJcIC3wI-00290-00068240-00068384 Even with all these import tools LQgfJcIC3wI-00291-00068384-00068648 there are still cases where you have to enter a reference manually. LQgfJcIC3wI-00292-00068648-00068752 Many books and magazines LQgfJcIC3wI-00293-00068752-00068888 particularly older ones LQgfJcIC3wI-00294-00068888-00068992 never made it online LQgfJcIC3wI-00295-00068992-00069208 so it’s not possible for an online searcher like LQgfJcIC3wI-00296-00069208-00069472 EazyHunt or EazyImporter to find those references for you. LQgfJcIC3wI-00297-00069528-00069776 Instead, EazyPaper provides two solutions for LQgfJcIC3wI-00298-00069776-00069928 manually building references: LQgfJcIC3wI-00299-00069928-00070104 Importing references from the clipboard LQgfJcIC3wI-00300-00070104-00070184 and EazyExample. LQgfJcIC3wI-00301-00070248-00070624 If you have an existing reference, you can select it and press Control+C to copy it LQgfJcIC3wI-00302-00070624-00070752 and then click EazyImport. LQgfJcIC3wI-00303-00070832-00071136 EazyPaper will import any correctly formatted reference in your clipboard LQgfJcIC3wI-00304-00071136-00071248 and automatically convert it LQgfJcIC3wI-00305-00071248-00071352 to your chosen format. LQgfJcIC3wI-00306-00071424-00071816 EazyPaper is the only formatting software that boasts 100% accuracy; LQgfJcIC3wI-00307-00071816-00072112 we’ve proven it by importing every example from the style manuals LQgfJcIC3wI-00308-00072112-00072344 and verifying them down to the last period. LQgfJcIC3wI-00309-00072344-00072440 Check it out for yourself LQgfJcIC3wI-00310-00072440-00072624 at eazypaper.com/proveit LQgfJcIC3wI-00311-00072712-00072848 EazyPaper can even import LQgfJcIC3wI-00312-00072848-00072992 an entire bibliography. LQgfJcIC3wI-00313-00072992-00073536 I’ll just press Ctrl+C to copy multiple references from any webpage, pdf, or Word document LQgfJcIC3wI-00314-00073536-00073832 and click EazyImport to import them into EazyPaper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00315-00073832-00074040 And as I click through the imported references LQgfJcIC3wI-00316-00074040-00074168 you can see that EazyPaper LQgfJcIC3wI-00317-00074168-00074296 parsed them all correctly LQgfJcIC3wI-00318-00074296-00074432 and will generate correct output LQgfJcIC3wI-00319-00074432-00074520 when I click Insert. LQgfJcIC3wI-00320-00074592-00074752 But if you can’t find the book online LQgfJcIC3wI-00321-00074752-00074912 and there’s nothing to copy and paste LQgfJcIC3wI-00322-00074912-00075176 then you’ll have to enter the reference information manually. LQgfJcIC3wI-00323-00075176-00075496 For books, websites, and journal articles, that’s not a problem: LQgfJcIC3wI-00324-00075496-00075880 just fill in the fields with the information you can find, and EazyPaper will do the rest. LQgfJcIC3wI-00325-00075880-00076080 If you want enter optional information LQgfJcIC3wI-00326-00076080-00076480 click “Show More Fields” or the “Show All” checkbox to toggle the advanced fields. LQgfJcIC3wI-00327-00076480-00076616 When you type into a field LQgfJcIC3wI-00328-00076616-00076744 a popup will show to the right LQgfJcIC3wI-00329-00076744-00076864 giving you advanced options LQgfJcIC3wI-00330-00076864-00076960 related to that field. LQgfJcIC3wI-00331-00077024-00077320 Fill in that form to support the specialized requirements of your reference. LQgfJcIC3wI-00332-00077424-00077728 Between the main templates and their field-specific popups LQgfJcIC3wI-00333-00077728-00078056 EazyPaper supports practically every type of reference that you would want to cite LQgfJcIC3wI-00334-00078056-00078152 in your academic career. LQgfJcIC3wI-00335-00078208-00078608 However, knowing which fields to fill out for a particular reference type would require LQgfJcIC3wI-00336-00078608-00078792 looking up an example in the style manual. LQgfJcIC3wI-00337-00078792-00078984 That’s where EazyExample comes in. LQgfJcIC3wI-00338-00078984-00079312 Say you want to cite something pretty specialized, like a magazine column. LQgfJcIC3wI-00339-00079312-00079648 Simply scroll through the list of templates you want cite, or just type in column. LQgfJcIC3wI-00340-00079744-00080056 EazyExample now gives you a list of all the templates in the Turabian manual that have LQgfJcIC3wI-00341-00080056-00080440 the word “column” in them, such as the magazine column template I’m looking for. LQgfJcIC3wI-00342-00080440-00080752 Note that I am using an actual example from the Turabian style manual LQgfJcIC3wI-00343-00080752-00081048 in this case, section 17.3 on page 191. LQgfJcIC3wI-00344-00081112-00081200 Now I’ll just update the LQgfJcIC3wI-00345-00081200-00081352 fields with my actual column. LQgfJcIC3wI-00346-00081352-00081600 Here’s the author in first name, last name format LQgfJcIC3wI-00347-00081600-00081792 and as I press tab to get to the next field LQgfJcIC3wI-00348-00081848-00081984 EazyPaper converts it to last name LQgfJcIC3wI-00349-00081984-00082064 first name format. LQgfJcIC3wI-00350-00082144-00082496 It doesn’t matter what order I enter the authors’ names, or even if the author doesn’t LQgfJcIC3wI-00351-00082496-00082576 have a last name; LQgfJcIC3wI-00352-00082656-00082864 EazyPaper will figure it out when I tab to the next field. LQgfJcIC3wI-00353-00082920-00083376 For the column, enter the title of column as if you were entering it into a sentence. LQgfJcIC3wI-00354-00083376-00083768 Star Trek should be capitalized because it’s a proper noun, but rules is not. LQgfJcIC3wI-00355-00083768-00084000 Note however that in the generated reference LQgfJcIC3wI-00356-00084000-00084336 rules is capitalized because Turabian treats titles like a headline. LQgfJcIC3wI-00357-00084336-00084736 But if I switch to APA which uses sentence style capitalization for titles LQgfJcIC3wI-00358-00084736-00084896 rules become lower case. LQgfJcIC3wI-00359-00084896-00085176 The rest of the fields are self-explanatory, so I’ll leave them as-is. LQgfJcIC3wI-00360-00085248-00085536 Page range specifies which pages you can find the column LQgfJcIC3wI-00361-00085536-00085744 and that shows up in the bibliography entry LQgfJcIC3wI-00362-00085744-00086056 while the actual quote you are referencing starts on page 129 LQgfJcIC3wI-00363-00086056-00086184 and that shows up in the citation. LQgfJcIC3wI-00364-00086248-00086456 Note that APA uses the full page range LQgfJcIC3wI-00365-00086456-00086760 but if I switch to Turabian, the second page number is elided. LQgfJcIC3wI-00366-00086760-00087000 That’s one of the Turabian rules you might not have known of LQgfJcIC3wI-00367-00087000-00087376 but if you use EazyPaper, you don’t have to memorize the style manual examples anymore LQgfJcIC3wI-00368-00087376-00087472 because you can find them LQgfJcIC3wI-00369-00087472-00087608 all within EazyPaper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00370-00087608-00087776 Now add this reference to your database LQgfJcIC3wI-00371-00087776-00087832 and you’re done. LQgfJcIC3wI-00372-00087968-00088160 Now that I’ve created my library of references LQgfJcIC3wI-00373-00088160-00088376 the next step is to enter them into my paper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00374-00088376-00088776 Position the cursor where you want to enter a reference and click EazyImport to select the LQgfJcIC3wI-00375-00088776-00088912 reference from your database. LQgfJcIC3wI-00376-00088912-00089136 Click Insert and Close to insert it into your document. LQgfJcIC3wI-00377-00089200-00089384 EazyPaper follows APA’s rules LQgfJcIC3wI-00378-00089384-00089536 for shortening a citation. LQgfJcIC3wI-00379-00089536-00089808 For instance, if the author is already in the paragraph LQgfJcIC3wI-00380-00089808-00090000 then the citation should only contain the year. LQgfJcIC3wI-00381-00090056-00090208 Hover over the citation to see its LQgfJcIC3wI-00382-00090208-00090360 corresponding reference. LQgfJcIC3wI-00383-00090360-00090616 Similarly, if the year is already specified LQgfJcIC3wI-00384-00090616-00090752 then only the author should be LQgfJcIC3wI-00385-00090752-00090872 placed in brackets. LQgfJcIC3wI-00386-00090872-00091272 Click EazyImport and re-insert the Lencioni reference to demonstrate that. LQgfJcIC3wI-00387-00091328-00091616 To verify that EazyPaper updated the references correctly LQgfJcIC3wI-00388-00091616-00092040 press Ctrl+F2 to set a quick bookmark (or use the toolbar button) LQgfJcIC3wI-00389-00092040-00092512 and then scroll to the References list and press Ctrl+F3 to set the second quick bookmark. LQgfJcIC3wI-00390-00092576-00092840 Note that the reference is inserted in alphabetical order LQgfJcIC3wI-00391-00092840-00093160 and there is only one of them even though I have multiple citations to it. LQgfJcIC3wI-00392-00093224-00093592 Click Go to Quick Bookmark 1 to go back to the first quick bookmark LQgfJcIC3wI-00393-00093592-00093984 or use the F3 and F2 keyboard shortcuts to jump between the two bookmarks. LQgfJcIC3wI-00394-00094112-00094272 EazyPaper even handles the specialized LQgfJcIC3wI-00395-00094272-00094400 cases for APA. LQgfJcIC3wI-00396-00094400-00094808 Click EazyImport, and then change the title and insert the reference again. LQgfJcIC3wI-00397-00094808-00095160 APA requires that you append a letter in alphabetical order to the year LQgfJcIC3wI-00398-00095160-00095544 when you have multiple works by the same author published in the same year. LQgfJcIC3wI-00399-00095544-00095688 And if I press F3 to LQgfJcIC3wI-00400-00095688-00095832 jump to the second bookmark LQgfJcIC3wI-00401-00095832-00096200 you can see the letters in the citation correspond to the letters in the reference list. LQgfJcIC3wI-00402-00096264-00096736 Whatever references you insert, EazyPaper will just do the right thing according to the APA rules LQgfJcIC3wI-00403-00096736-00096944 to generate a perfectly formatted paper. LQgfJcIC3wI-00404-00097016-00097392 Now let’s take a look at EazyPaper’s typing, spelling and grammar features. LQgfJcIC3wI-00405-00097392-00097624 EazyTyper is really easy to use: just type! LQgfJcIC3wI-00406-00097624-00097952 When EazyTyper recognizes a word you’ve already typed in your paper LQgfJcIC3wI-00407-00097952-00098200 it will give you the top two completion options. LQgfJcIC3wI-00408-00098200-00098464 You can either press enter or tab to complete the word LQgfJcIC3wI-00409-00098464-00098704 or type through the word to view new completion options LQgfJcIC3wI-00410-00098704-00098880 that match your expanding prefix. LQgfJcIC3wI-00411-00098880-00099232 For instance, typing ‘p’ rules out ‘combined’ as a completion option. LQgfJcIC3wI-00412-00099288-00099568 And if the prefix has only one completion option, then you can LQgfJcIC3wI-00413-00099568-00099752 press enter or tab to complete it. LQgfJcIC3wI-00414-00099808-00100208 EazyTyper completed my word with a trailing space so I can start typing the next word. LQgfJcIC3wI-00415-00100208-00100496 But if this was the last word in your sentence, just press period LQgfJcIC3wI-00416-00100496-00100680 and EazyTyper will delete the space for you. LQgfJcIC3wI-00417-00100752-00101272 EazyTyper remembers the last completion I gave, so when I type the C o m prefix again LQgfJcIC3wI-00418-00101272-00101736 it will offer that word as its first completion option while retaining your chosen capitalization. LQgfJcIC3wI-00419-00101800-00101984 If you want to turn EazyTyper off LQgfJcIC3wI-00420-00101984-00102128 click its button in the toolbar LQgfJcIC3wI-00421-00102128-00102456 or use the Ctrl+Shift+T shortcut to turn it on and off. LQgfJcIC3wI-00422-00102552-00102911 Now that you know how EazyTyper saves you typing, let’s move on to an addon LQgfJcIC3wI-00423-00102911-00103040 that doesn’t require typing at all. LQgfJcIC3wI-00424-00103144-00103600 EazyXray allows you to hover your mouse over any word to view its synonyms and antonyms. 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LQgfJcIC3wI-00457-00111911-00112104 So if you find EazyPaper a lifesaver LQgfJcIC3wI-00458-00112104-00112368 yet easy to use at a price that fits your budget LQgfJcIC3wI-00459-00112368-00112535 remember that I’m a student too LQgfJcIC3wI-00460-00112535-00112720 and I know what you’re going through LQgfJcIC3wI-00461-00112720-00112888 that’s why EazyPaper was born. LQgfJcIC3wI-00462-00112888-00113104 So, “Write the paper, not the footnotes.” LQgfJcIC3wI-00463-00113104-00113344 I’m Michael Hu, take care. LQvAIVXBig0-00000-00000537-00000919 When you are considering applying or dealing with pesticides, it’s important to think LQvAIVXBig0-00001-00000922-00001384 about the toxicity that is associated with each pesticide. For each pesticide, there LQvAIVXBig0-00002-00001384-00001925 is a signal word that describes how harmful each one of these pesticides is. LQvAIVXBig0-00003-00001925-00002541 In order of increasing risk is caution, warning, danger, and danger poison. LQvAIVXBig0-00004-00002541-00003236 When we think about toxicity, the term LD50 is often used. LD50 stands for “lethal dose.” LQvAIVXBig0-00005-00003236-00003832 The 50 represents the amount of a substance it takes to kill half of the test population LQvAIVXBig0-00006-00003832-00004251 of rats. This LD50 number can also be applied to other substances that we have around our LQvAIVXBig0-00007-00004251-00004589 house. This might include caffeine, or even table salt. LQvAIVXBig0-00008-00004589-00005144 The LD50 number is important for us because it helps explain the toxicity of each product. LQvAIVXBig0-00009-00005144-00005671 The lower the toxicity, the higher the LD50 number. The higher the toxicity, the lower LQvAIVXBig0-00010-00005671-00006292 the LD50 number is. An LD50 with a very low number is actually really toxic, and therefore LQvAIVXBig0-00011-00006292-00006781 would be associated with a signal word such as danger poison. A higher LD50 number would LQvAIVXBig0-00012-00006781-00007209 actually be associated with a signal word such as caution or warning, meaning it is LQvAIVXBig0-00013-00007209-00007326 less toxic. LQvAIVXBig0-00014-00007326-00007839 When purchasing pesticides for use around the house, look for the signal word. This LQvAIVXBig0-00015-00007839-00008248 will inform you about the potential risk of each pesticide you are buying. LQvAIVXBig0-00016-00008248-00008614 From the University of Wyoming Extension, I’m Brian Sebade, and you’re watching LQvAIVXBig0-00017-00008614-00008800 From the Ground Up. LRFsSgD6V3y-00000-00000000-00000200 Spiritual music, gentle, calming, peaceful music, relaxing music, and meditation music LRFsSgD6V3y-00001-00000200-00000400 SOOTHING AND MEDITATION LWxp8eO4bC0-00000-00000000-00000200 Vin Diesel | EXERCISES FOR THE VEINS OF THE NECK | Vježbe za vratne žile LWbv_4r1h7o-00000-00000068-00000550 To you, who have come this far and do not know who I am, my name is Miriam Mosby and this is my new video LWbv_4r1h7o-00001-00000652-00001290 Just a few days for Easter, I could not bring anything else that was not ... Tips to survive Holy Week LWbv_4r1h7o-00002-00001292-00001542 If you arrive last do not put on the first LWbv_4r1h7o-00003-00001542-00001782 Because I have not been here for three hours keeping the site LWbv_4r1h7o-00004-00001789-00002023 I'm not here because I did not have anything better to do in my house LWbv_4r1h7o-00005-00002037-00002325 and if you arrive first, you are looking for a good place on the sidewalk LWbv_4r1h7o-00006-00002461-00002717 Do not mess with the baby cart on a street full of people LWbv_4r1h7o-00007-00002717-00003020 because you will not be able to pass LWbv_4r1h7o-00008-00003020-00003408 and you're going to burst your ankle to all the people you cross LWbv_4r1h7o-00009-00003536-00003686 When you pass step you shut up LWbv_4r1h7o-00010-00003702-00004145 because I say it will not be so important what you are telling him that you have not been able to tell him in all this time LWbv_4r1h7o-00011-00004146-00004512 That you have to wait for just when Christ is passing LWbv_4r1h7o-00012-00004562-00004776 That is what I say LWbv_4r1h7o-00013-00004932-00005212 The backpack you take it full of food LWbv_4r1h7o-00014-00005212-00005578 Snacks, jellybeans, water, pipes ... LWbv_4r1h7o-00015-00005598-00005911 Because at the moment you do not feel like it LWbv_4r1h7o-00016-00005912-00006416 But when you see the one next to you eating the sandwich or the pipes, it will make you want LWbv_4r1h7o-00017-00006462-00006729 and you say, because I came to Chinese LWbv_4r1h7o-00018-00006730-00007608 but everyone has thought like you and is full of people LWbv_4r1h7o-00019-00007656-00007958 it will not happen to you to go to the street without the book LWbv_4r1h7o-00020-00007958-00008201 because you tell me where you go in Holy Week without the book LWbv_4r1h7o-00021-00008318-00009554 Yes, that one of your friends will end up carrying a book, but it is ridiculous to see 6 people the same book LXMj4dLCmic-00000-00000108-00000256 Laurie Boyer: While we’re getting set up, I just wanted LXMj4dLCmic-00001-00000256-00000973 to thank the organizers for actually giving me an opportunity to be here to learn. LXMj4dLCmic-00002-00000973-00001668 I’m outside of ENCODE, always looking in, so it’s great to have, to actually be on LXMj4dLCmic-00003-00001668-00001985 the other side. LXMj4dLCmic-00004-00001985-00002513 One of the things that I wanted to focus on -- and I’ve changed my talk 50 times since LXMj4dLCmic-00005-00002513-00002936 I’ve been here this morning so I kind of might not even know what I’m talking about LXMj4dLCmic-00006-00002936-00003278 because there’re so many things that stimulated my thinking. LXMj4dLCmic-00007-00003278-00004079 So I think one of the goals of my talk is to not only describe ways or ideas or my thoughts LXMj4dLCmic-00008-00004079-00004516 about improving the syntax for annotating functional elements in the human genome but LXMj4dLCmic-00009-00004516-00004964 how we can use those functional elements to understand disease processes. LXMj4dLCmic-00010-00004964-00005545 And so I really like this quote from Galileo because I think it’s very fitting for ENCODE LXMj4dLCmic-00011-00005545-00006235 and hopefully at the end of this we can make measurable what is not currently measurable. LXMj4dLCmic-00012-00006235-00006732 But for the purposes of today’s talk, even though we’ve been discussing that our catalog LXMj4dLCmic-00013-00006732-00007357 of functional elements is incomplete, largely ENCODE is focused on those elements that control LXMj4dLCmic-00014-00007357-00007457 gene expression. LXMj4dLCmic-00015-00007457-00007867 While I won’t have time to talk about it today, I do think it’s important to expand LXMj4dLCmic-00016-00007867-00008295 that beyond the gene-centric view and Ross touched on that a little bit. LXMj4dLCmic-00017-00008295-00008713 And our understanding of these functional elements, or at least how to annotate them, LXMj4dLCmic-00018-00008713-00009420 where they are in the genome, et cetera, has really derived or has gone very far in the LXMj4dLCmic-00019-00009420-00009934 last couple of years due to the development of high-throughput technologies: ChIP, RNA-Seq, LXMj4dLCmic-00020-00009934-00010253 DNAse, ATAC-Seq, the “C”s, everything. LXMj4dLCmic-00021-00010253-00010872 And from those types of data, we’ve been able to integrate them to come up with some, LXMj4dLCmic-00022-00010872-00011372 you know, rudimentary definitions of things that characterize gene elements, so just promoters, LXMj4dLCmic-00023-00011372-00011947 promoter classes, transcriptional and post-transcriptional elements; but also, you know, something that’s LXMj4dLCmic-00024-00011947-00012532 been a very big focus over the last several years are these non-coding DNA regulatory LXMj4dLCmic-00025-00012532-00012632 elements. LXMj4dLCmic-00026-00012632-00013137 And certainly we still don’t understand what the catalog is, but one element in particular LXMj4dLCmic-00027-00013137-00013595 that I feel has gotten a lot of sort of bang for the buck over the last several years are LXMj4dLCmic-00028-00013595-00014090 enhancer elements or at least putative enhancer elements I should say. LXMj4dLCmic-00029-00014090-00014670 So historically, enhancer elements, even though we’ve known about them for decades and decades, LXMj4dLCmic-00030-00014670-00014837 have been pretty hard to find in the genome. LXMj4dLCmic-00031-00014837-00015343 It’s a little bit like a needle in a haystack because there were no conspicuous sequence LXMj4dLCmic-00032-00015343-00015487 features that you could say, “Ah. LXMj4dLCmic-00033-00015487-00015587 That’s an enhancer.” LXMj4dLCmic-00034-00015587-00016075 And most of what we knew about the early enhancers were born out of genetic studies. LXMj4dLCmic-00035-00016075-00016642 We know a few clues about how they work and prior to I would say the studies of, you know, LXMj4dLCmic-00036-00016642-00017153 five, six, seven years ago we only knew a handful of examples and now, you know, current LXMj4dLCmic-00037-00017153-00017633 estimates, and I don’t even know if this is right as of today, suggest that, you know, LXMj4dLCmic-00038-00017633-00017840 enhancers could make up 10 percent of the genome. LXMj4dLCmic-00039-00017840-00018504 That’s a lot of real estate and I don’t think we still understand what the definition LXMj4dLCmic-00040-00018504-00018985 of an enhancer is but I do think that we’re starting to build the vocabulary in order LXMj4dLCmic-00041-00018985-00019412 to more discretely define their functions. LXMj4dLCmic-00042-00019412-00019878 So I’m going to focus on enhancers only because the way that my brain thinks is usually LXMj4dLCmic-00043-00019878-00020384 to come up with a specific example, really think about it a lot, and extrapolate from LXMj4dLCmic-00044-00020384-00020519 there. LXMj4dLCmic-00045-00020519-00020920 Maybe not the best way but that’s just -- it is what it is. LXMj4dLCmic-00046-00020920-00021506 So very broadly, enhancers, as we all know, have gained a lot of attention because they’re LXMj4dLCmic-00047-00021506-00021895 thought to control cell type, temporal, and special expression patterns. LXMj4dLCmic-00048-00021895-00022433 If we know their target genes then we can put together very, you know, clear gene networks LXMj4dLCmic-00049-00022433-00022970 that might really define cell state and how disruption of those networks can actually LXMj4dLCmic-00050-00022970-00023448 cause changes in cell state, for example what happens in cancer. LXMj4dLCmic-00051-00023448-00023889 So over the last several years there have been a lot of correlative data that we’ve LXMj4dLCmic-00052-00023889-00024431 used to define enhancers in the genome and some of those are chromatin marks. LXMj4dLCmic-00053-00024431-00025079 And so chromatin states have been used to define these through the genome: accessibility, LXMj4dLCmic-00054-00025079-00025593 chromatin accessibility, DNase hypersensitive sites, certainly transcription factor binding. LXMj4dLCmic-00055-00025593-00026061 I think one of the big surprises over the last several years is the observation that LXMj4dLCmic-00056-00026061-00026868 you can actually get Pol2 binding as well as RNA being produced from these regions. LXMj4dLCmic-00057-00026868-00027545 And we still don’t know what the purpose of having polymerase transcribing the DNA LXMj4dLCmic-00058-00027545-00028156 into these small RNAs is in terms of enhancer function but clearly it turns out that the LXMj4dLCmic-00059-00028156-00028534 RNA levels actually seem to correlate with enhancer activity. LXMj4dLCmic-00060-00028534-00028975 I think we still need to learn a lot more about that but I think that’s one of the LXMj4dLCmic-00061-00028975-00029402 surprises from the ENCODE work and beyond. LXMj4dLCmic-00062-00029402-00030044 So we also know that these enhancers likely form loops with their target genes. LXMj4dLCmic-00063-00030044-00030587 However, there are different instances where a loop is instructive; for example, the loop LXMj4dLCmic-00064-00030587-00031047 is formed when the gene becomes active but there are other cases where the loop is already LXMj4dLCmic-00065-00031047-00031364 formed prior to the gene becoming active. LXMj4dLCmic-00066-00031364-00031558 So I think there’s still a lot we need to know. LXMj4dLCmic-00067-00031558-00032191 We do know that these enhancers they bind quite a few transcription factors. LXMj4dLCmic-00068-00032191-00032797 They can recruit chromatin modifiers, chromatin regulators; all kinds of stuff that’s supposedly LXMj4dLCmic-00069-00032797-00033249 important for inducible gene expression. LXMj4dLCmic-00070-00033249-00033663 So here are some of the things that I think that we still don’t know about enhancers. LXMj4dLCmic-00071-00033663-00034243 And I use the term enhancer very loosely because I still don’t think that we have a really LXMj4dLCmic-00072-00034243-00034552 good operative definition. LXMj4dLCmic-00073-00034552-00034902 But one of the key questions is how do we validate an enhancer, you know. LXMj4dLCmic-00074-00034902-00035546 There are a few assays that we use but I think that really has to involve not only computational, LXMj4dLCmic-00075-00035546-00036011 experimental, genetic approaches, and all of these things have to come together to really LXMj4dLCmic-00076-00036011-00036362 understand the function of an enhancer. LXMj4dLCmic-00077-00036362-00036824 One thing that often comes up when we try to validate enhancers and reporter assays LXMj4dLCmic-00078-00036824-00037100 is what defines the boundaries of these elements. LXMj4dLCmic-00079-00037100-00037762 What is actually the minimal sequence necessary to produce a transcriptional output that is LXMj4dLCmic-00080-00037762-00038009 physiologically relevant? LXMj4dLCmic-00081-00038009-00038536 So I think that in order to address some of these questions we really need to very clearly LXMj4dLCmic-00082-00038536-00039212 analyze transcription factor binding and transcriptome data in multiple states of activity. LXMj4dLCmic-00083-00039212-00039790 And that could be by inducing particular cells and asking how enhancers become activated LXMj4dLCmic-00084-00039790-00040293 but also taking multiple states during lineage commitment. LXMj4dLCmic-00085-00040293-00040817 I think one thing that is very interesting to me is what is the rate-limiting step for LXMj4dLCmic-00086-00040817-00041016 enhancer activation. LXMj4dLCmic-00087-00041016-00041522 And so for example in terms of the gene loops versus producing RNA, what has to actually LXMj4dLCmic-00088-00041522-00041706 happen to sort of tip that balance? LXMj4dLCmic-00089-00041706-00042236 There are a lot of enhancers that appear to be in sort of a permissive state. LXMj4dLCmic-00090-00042236-00042447 Sometimes they become active, sometimes they don’t. LXMj4dLCmic-00091-00042447-00042703 What’s rate limiting for that activation? LXMj4dLCmic-00092-00042703-00043125 And again I think we really need dynamic cell state and cell-cycle models to be able to LXMj4dLCmic-00093-00043125-00043368 start to ask these questions. LXMj4dLCmic-00094-00043368-00043950 And I think one of the things that is also very important is that we call enhancers very LXMj4dLCmic-00095-00043950-00044093 broadly. LXMj4dLCmic-00096-00044093-00044737 And in fact it really -- the data really suggests that there are different classes of enhancers LXMj4dLCmic-00097-00044737-00045288 and that not all enhancers are created equal so I do think that we need to expand the dictionary LXMj4dLCmic-00098-00045288-00045616 to delineate these classes of enhancers. LXMj4dLCmic-00099-00045616-00045875 And we’ve touched upon this quite a bit. LXMj4dLCmic-00100-00045875-00046436 We also need large-scale efforts to really link enhancers to target genes in multiple LXMj4dLCmic-00101-00046436-00046875 contexts to understand the impact on transcriptional output. LXMj4dLCmic-00102-00046875-00047331 So with that being said, I’m just going to go through a few examples. LXMj4dLCmic-00103-00047331-00047836 And so to validate enhancers, oftentimes we use reporter assays, but that requires taking LXMj4dLCmic-00104-00047836-00048520 the enhancer out of context and guessing at what that element is in order to produce an LXMj4dLCmic-00105-00048520-00048656 output. LXMj4dLCmic-00106-00048656-00049277 I would say the models where you actually can look at the enhancer activity at an organismal LXMj4dLCmic-00107-00049277-00049796 level is certainly a huge benefit but most of the time you only get about 50 or 60 percent LXMj4dLCmic-00108-00049796-00049896 that validate. LXMj4dLCmic-00109-00049896-00050044 So why is that? LXMj4dLCmic-00110-00050044-00050369 Are we just taking it out of context and it needs other elements? LXMj4dLCmic-00111-00050369-00050776 How do we better understand what enhancer validation is? LXMj4dLCmic-00112-00050776-00051221 A lot of times we use evolutionary data and we use like the minimal region of conservation LXMj4dLCmic-00113-00051221-00051776 to define what is driving that enhancer; but in many cases enhancers are not conserved. LXMj4dLCmic-00114-00051776-00052309 So I think in combination with these reporter assays certainly if you do see activity it’s LXMj4dLCmic-00115-00052309-00052773 suggestive but it’s not always definitive and I think more perturbation studies are LXMj4dLCmic-00116-00052773-00053416 needed to really understand enhancer and what activates that enhancer. LXMj4dLCmic-00117-00053416-00053900 So just to touch on the different classes of enhancers this is a nice review that was LXMj4dLCmic-00118-00053900-00054551 put out by Eileen Furlong and it suggests that not all enhancers are created equal and LXMj4dLCmic-00119-00054551-00055084 certainly the effect of transcription factor binding can’t be measured just from ChIP-Seq LXMj4dLCmic-00120-00055084-00055485 studies in static cell states. LXMj4dLCmic-00121-00055485-00055905 So for example, in any of these different models if you just did ChIP-Seq you would LXMj4dLCmic-00122-00055905-00056322 see transcription factors binding and you really wouldn’t be able to infer much more LXMj4dLCmic-00123-00056322-00056488 from that. LXMj4dLCmic-00124-00056488-00057296 But there are examples where you have cooperative binding, which is critical for in most cases LXMj4dLCmic-00125-00057296-00057430 inducible gene expression. LXMj4dLCmic-00126-00057430-00058016 In another case you have more flexible binding where the order of the sites is not that important LXMj4dLCmic-00127-00058016-00058605 but just maybe having some of those transcription factors binding there is important or some LXMj4dLCmic-00128-00058605-00059202 amount of protein-protein interactions is critical for enhancer activity. LXMj4dLCmic-00129-00059202-00059798 So I also think it would be of great interest -- so we know we can use chromatin states LXMj4dLCmic-00130-00059798-00060458 to overall define putative enhancers but can we use chromatin state maps or DNase hypersensitivity LXMj4dLCmic-00131-00060458-00061091 or any one or several of those techniques to actually distinguish among these models. LXMj4dLCmic-00132-00061091-00061553 And again I think we really need time scale and perturbation studies to better understand LXMj4dLCmic-00133-00061553-00061905 how these various models dictate transcriptional output. LXMj4dLCmic-00134-00061905-00062409 And I just want to give you a really nice example of one of those models. LXMj4dLCmic-00135-00062409-00062761 And this really is born out by early studies by Maniotis. LXMj4dLCmic-00136-00062761-00063575 This is a beautiful example of how really discrete protein-protein interactions -- even LXMj4dLCmic-00137-00063575-00064182 the way that a protein is bound to the DNA and, you know, basically you can’t even LXMj4dLCmic-00138-00064182-00064645 move them half a helix away on the DNA or else you will not get the same transcriptional LXMj4dLCmic-00139-00064645-00064745 output. LXMj4dLCmic-00140-00064745-00065434 And you need all of these factors to actually bind cooperatively to respond appropriately LXMj4dLCmic-00141-00065434-00065751 to viral infection and to turn on this gene. LXMj4dLCmic-00142-00065751-00066370 So I’d be really curious to see if there are ways that we can actually distinguish LXMj4dLCmic-00143-00066370-00066773 these types of enhancers from other types of enhancers. LXMj4dLCmic-00144-00066773-00067395 And also this type of enhancer where you have very strong cooperative binding, really where LXMj4dLCmic-00145-00067395-00068027 the factors are bound on the DNA makes a huge difference, may be more susceptible to variations LXMj4dLCmic-00146-00068027-00068710 or to common variants in these regions can certainly disrupt that type of output or that LXMj4dLCmic-00147-00068710-00068810 response. LXMj4dLCmic-00148-00068810-00069288 And so that’s a good segue where then I would like to just spend the last couple of LXMj4dLCmic-00149-00069288-00069839 minutes talking about how we can use enhancers to begin to reinterpret GWAS data. LXMj4dLCmic-00150-00069839-00070618 So, you know, this is something that everyone’s been talking about, determining the impact LXMj4dLCmic-00151-00070618-00070958 of common variation on human diseases and traits. LXMj4dLCmic-00152-00070958-00071637 And, you know, another key aspect of that is can we predict functional variants. LXMj4dLCmic-00153-00071637-00072075 Can we use these functional variants to predict upstream regulators and ultimately downstream LXMj4dLCmic-00154-00072075-00072175 targets? LXMj4dLCmic-00155-00072175-00072781 Well that’s a big question and I’m going to focus actually on a particular set of traits LXMj4dLCmic-00156-00072781-00073438 just to show you a concrete example of how I think that enhancers can allow us to interpret LXMj4dLCmic-00157-00073438-00073538 GWAS data. LXMj4dLCmic-00158-00073538-00074131 And lots of labs and lots of people that are here have actually been using this as a mechanism LXMj4dLCmic-00159-00074131-00074614 to try to understand these variants and have been very, very successful. LXMj4dLCmic-00160-00074614-00075277 But this is where, you know, we can use ENCODE data as well as many other data types that LXMj4dLCmic-00161-00075277-00075825 have been produced and are available through NHGRI to learn something new about a particular LXMj4dLCmic-00162-00075825-00075958 trait. LXMj4dLCmic-00163-00075958-00076423 And I think for us one thing that was really important is selecting a system where you LXMj4dLCmic-00164-00076423-00076980 could use all of these data sources to actually get phenotype level information. LXMj4dLCmic-00165-00076980-00077899 So I’m not going to go through this; everybody here is very aware that genetic variation, LXMj4dLCmic-00166-00077899-00078315 most of the time, does not overlap protein-coding genes in these GWAS loci. LXMj4dLCmic-00167-00078315-00078470 So what are they doing? LXMj4dLCmic-00168-00078470-00079204 The long and the short of it is that actually if take enhancers and you ask which SNPs fall LXMj4dLCmic-00169-00079204-00079927 in enhancers in these loci you can significantly reduce the search base for functional variants. LXMj4dLCmic-00170-00079927-00080534 So doing this, you know, you can choose loci for example that you want to prioritize based LXMj4dLCmic-00171-00080534-00081003 on SNPs that might overlap an enhancer that’s active in your tissue of choice. LXMj4dLCmic-00172-00081003-00081863 And we chose QT interval because we know the target tissue, we know it’s a ventricular, LXMj4dLCmic-00173-00081863-00082465 you know, trait essentially, and even using unbiased studies where you ask, you know -- look LXMj4dLCmic-00174-00082465-00082981 at all the enhancers and ask which ones overlap the GWAS loci associated with it, you come LXMj4dLCmic-00175-00082981-00083257 up with active cardiac enhancers. LXMj4dLCmic-00176-00083257-00083900 So we think it’s a really good way to actually try to fine-tune some causal or functional LXMj4dLCmic-00177-00083900-00084172 variants that are associated with it. LXMj4dLCmic-00178-00084172-00084823 And also the fact that oftentimes enhancers can alter -- and this can go in either direction. LXMj4dLCmic-00179-00084823-00085493 You can either create or destroy transcription factor binding sites and that these may also LXMj4dLCmic-00180-00085493-00085921 help you to prioritize variants that you want to test on a more detailed level. LXMj4dLCmic-00181-00085921-00086513 So I just want to give you a proof of concept example. LXMj4dLCmic-00182-00086513-00087144 So here’s a locus that we identified with SNPs that overlapped an enhancer. LXMj4dLCmic-00183-00087144-00087849 We then scanned this region using a number of data sets, here mostly in heart and in LXMj4dLCmic-00184-00087849-00088543 left ventricle, chromatin-level data as well as DNase hypersensitive sites; and we identified LXMj4dLCmic-00185-00088543-00089476 a SNP that was basically in a DNase hypersensitive site in an enhancer and kind of was in between LXMj4dLCmic-00186-00089476-00089681 sort of this dip in chromatin marks. LXMj4dLCmic-00187-00089681-00090264 So I’m not going to go into too much detail about this other than the approach that I’m LXMj4dLCmic-00188-00090264-00090965 telling you just about for one locus is certainly scaleable to a large number of loci. LXMj4dLCmic-00189-00090965-00091461 So one of the things that we wanted to look at is whether or not we could predict just LXMj4dLCmic-00190-00091461-00092061 using ENCODE type data, whether or not you could detect allele-specific differences. LXMj4dLCmic-00191-00092061-00092778 Is binding actually disrupted at this locus based on the DNase data that we had. LXMj4dLCmic-00192-00092778-00093418 And you could actually from -- get genotype-level data from the DNase reads and you could actually LXMj4dLCmic-00193-00093418-00093824 see that there was a predicted nuclear factor there. LXMj4dLCmic-00194-00093824-00094662 And if you look at the actual differences in the DHS reads at each allele, clearly there LXMj4dLCmic-00195-00094662-00094863 looks like there’s something going on here. LXMj4dLCmic-00196-00094863-00095414 So for example, the lower reads suggest that something is bound there where the higher LXMj4dLCmic-00197-00095414-00095673 reads suggest that something might be missing. LXMj4dLCmic-00198-00095673-00096184 So you can use this and across looking at a number of individuals, if you start to see LXMj4dLCmic-00199-00096184-00096616 that there’s a correlation with a particular genotype suggests that there might be something LXMj4dLCmic-00200-00096616-00096864 going on there. LXMj4dLCmic-00201-00096864-00097481 So you can also use 4-C, and here’s an example of where our particular trait that we’d LXMj4dLCmic-00202-00097481-00097982 decided to use was very good because you can use cell type information. LXMj4dLCmic-00203-00097982-00098557 We could use hIPSC-derived cardiomyocytes to look for potential target genes and you LXMj4dLCmic-00204-00098557-00098875 can also use these cells for phenotype screening. LXMj4dLCmic-00205-00098875-00099350 So you can engineer hIPSC cells to either rescue a variant or create a variant and ask LXMj4dLCmic-00206-00099350-00099839 what the consequences on gene expression but you can also ablate that gene and look at LXMj4dLCmic-00207-00099839-00100332 the consequence of electrophysiology or other traits that are known to be associated with LXMj4dLCmic-00208-00100332-00100500 QT. LXMj4dLCmic-00209-00100500-00101144 So the great thing about it is there’s also an organismal model that is really great at LXMj4dLCmic-00210-00101144-00101490 mimicking alterations in QT interval. LXMj4dLCmic-00211-00101490-00102186 So you can test these enhancers and see whether or not they actually regulate expression in LXMj4dLCmic-00212-00102186-00102739 the heart, which for example zebrafish is a fantastic model for looking at action potential LXMj4dLCmic-00213-00102739-00103193 duration, which is the cellular correlate of a QT interval. LXMj4dLCmic-00214-00103193-00103742 And you can -- based on the genes that we identified that might be linked to this enhancer, LXMj4dLCmic-00215-00103742-00104226 you can start to test these in functional assays; so we could knock them down and we LXMj4dLCmic-00216-00104226-00104892 could show that our target genes -- there were three that we found -- actually do result LXMj4dLCmic-00217-00104892-00105167 in changes in action potential duration. LXMj4dLCmic-00218-00105167-00106011 And so that led us basically from a genotype, a change in a SNP, all the way to an actual LXMj4dLCmic-00219-00106011-00106772 phenotype leading to a change in action potential duration that may be a function of loss of LXMj4dLCmic-00220-00106772-00106929 this particular gene. LXMj4dLCmic-00221-00106929-00107410 And interestingly enough this gene was recently implicated in something called Brugada syndrome LXMj4dLCmic-00222-00107410-00107722 that has exactly this type of phenotype in human. LXMj4dLCmic-00223-00107722-00108207 What more we were able to gather from this is that this gene also which is next door LXMj4dLCmic-00224-00108207-00108724 has a mild phenotype but these two are in the same family, they have the same domains; LXMj4dLCmic-00225-00108724-00109103 it’s something called a popeye-containing domain. LXMj4dLCmic-00226-00109103-00109933 And so we were able to search more loci and found other genes associated with enhancers LXMj4dLCmic-00227-00109933-00110491 in these potential GWAS loci that also had these domains so that allowed us also to find LXMj4dLCmic-00228-00110491-00110784 potential families that were involved in these traits. LXMj4dLCmic-00229-00110784-00111178 So this is pretty much my last slide. LXMj4dLCmic-00230-00111178-00111673 One of the, I would say, biggest complaints over the years about these GWAS studies is LXMj4dLCmic-00231-00111673-00112253 that the significance threshold is set so high due to multiple hypothesis testing that LXMj4dLCmic-00232-00112253-00112444 there’s a lot that we miss, right? LXMj4dLCmic-00233-00112444-00112675 So how can you get the best bang for your buck? LXMj4dLCmic-00234-00112675-00113272 Well one way to do this might be to exploit functional elements to prioritize novel disease LXMj4dLCmic-00235-00113272-00113697 genes that don’t reach genome-wide significance. LXMj4dLCmic-00236-00113697-00114054 And so you could take everything you’ve learned from these enhancers that overlap LXMj4dLCmic-00237-00114054-00114663 GWAS loci and then you can ask are there other loci that share these same characteristics LXMj4dLCmic-00238-00114663-00114897 that are in this sub-threshold region. LXMj4dLCmic-00239-00114897-00115165 And so that’s what we’ve been doing and it looks like that that’s going to be a LXMj4dLCmic-00240-00115165-00115754 relatively good approach, and of course that needs validation; but that allows us to get LXMj4dLCmic-00241-00115754-00116011 more information from existing cohorts. LXMj4dLCmic-00242-00116011-00116463 So there are a lot of things that still need to be done. LXMj4dLCmic-00243-00116463-00116905 We need new computational and experimental approaches to understand the predictive value LXMj4dLCmic-00244-00116905-00117554 of these SNPs and enhancers or predictive value of SNPs in loci in general and can we LXMj4dLCmic-00245-00117554-00118117 use functional elements to prioritize novel genes within existing cohorts. LXMj4dLCmic-00246-00118117-00118569 It’s going to be really important to connect enhancers to cognate genes so that we can LXMj4dLCmic-00247-00118569-00119148 understand how these SNPs might disrupt these interactions or the expression of a gene. LXMj4dLCmic-00248-00119148-00119703 And these types of studies we can start to leverage the Gtex and ENCODE data to learn LXMj4dLCmic-00249-00119703-00120063 more about how expression might be disrupted. LXMj4dLCmic-00250-00120063-00120736 And I think some key points moving forward that would be great to have more data on is LXMj4dLCmic-00251-00120736-00121425 allele-specific expression and how variants might actually affect allele-specific expression. LXMj4dLCmic-00252-00121425-00121833 And something that hasn’t got a lot of attention but I do think is going to be very valuable LXMj4dLCmic-00253-00121833-00122457 are these copy number variations in the genome and how they might affect genome organization LXMj4dLCmic-00254-00122457-00122575 and expression. LXMj4dLCmic-00255-00122575-00123350 So with that, I will stop and take questions and I think that, you know, one great thing LXMj4dLCmic-00256-00123350-00123842 that ENCODE could do, in my opinion, is to support individual labs with unique systems LXMj4dLCmic-00257-00123842-00124147 or technologies to close the gaps. LXMj4dLCmic-00258-00124147-00124688 And also to provide opportunities for greater collaboration between labs outside ENCODE LXMj4dLCmic-00259-00124688-00124869 with those that have this current infrastructure. LXMj4dLCmic-00260-00124869-00124969 So that’s it. LXMj4dLCmic-00261-00124969-00125069 [applause] LXMj4dLCmic-00262-00125069-00125169 Carol Bult: So Frank is coming up, we’ll take -- getting LXMj4dLCmic-00263-00125169-00126097 set up, we’ll take some questions. LXMj4dLCmic-00264-00126097-00126291 Aravinda? LXMj4dLCmic-00265-00126291-00126974 Aravinda Chakravarti: So I’m just going to ask you that, you know, LXMj4dLCmic-00266-00126974-00127510 all of us sort of buy into this model of sequence specificity on the level of enhancers. LXMj4dLCmic-00267-00127510-00128344 You know, what is this thing in genetics called neocentromeres, right, when you don’t quite LXMj4dLCmic-00268-00128344-00128937 need the canonical structure? LXMj4dLCmic-00269-00128937-00129375 So I know we look for conservation and other ways of looking for the sequence specificity. LXMj4dLCmic-00270-00129375-00129734 Is it really known of how enhancers can seed themselves? LXMj4dLCmic-00271-00129734-00129834 Laurie Boyer: No. LXMj4dLCmic-00272-00129834-00129934 So I think that there are cases where you actually have quite a few low significance LXMj4dLCmic-00273-00129934-00130304 binding sites within enhancers and in a lot of cases the motifs that are thought to be LXMj4dLCmic-00274-00130304-00130961 bound by transcription factors that actually don’t match what you actually see. LXMj4dLCmic-00275-00130961-00131674 So I still don’t think we can predict an enhancer based on sequence. LXMj4dLCmic-00276-00131674-00132386 And I think that’s something that’s going to be very important moving forward. LXMj4dLCmic-00277-00132386-00132550 Carol Bult: Great. LXMj4dLCmic-00278-00132550-00132996 Again, we’ll take more questions at the end of the session. LXMj4dLCmic-00279-00132996-00133096 So -- LXMj4dLCmic-00280-00133096-00133096 [end of transcript] LZ28t7AqHwE-00000-00001250-00001908 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors, it’s pitch black dark but my eyes can see, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00001-00001920-00002154 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00002-00002158-00002558 It’s pitch black dark but my eyes can see, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00003-00002812-00003225 By God, may your glory steep in the teapot, oh my ancestors LZ28t7AqHwE-00004-00003233-00003512 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00005-00003525-00003900 By God, may beauty stop you on your tracks, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00006-00003908-00004158 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00007-00004208-00004541 By God, may your glory steep in the teapot, oh my ancestors LZ28t7AqHwE-00008-00004545-00004816 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00009-00004825-00005212 By God, may beauty stop you on your tracks, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00010-00005220-00005450 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00011-00005458-00005845 Go to the sanctuary of the saints, I implore you, oh my ancestors LZ28t7AqHwE-00012-00005858-00006125 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00013-00006133-00006525 The saints will accompany you, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00014-00006529-00006758 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00015-00006808-00007175 Go to the sanctuary of the saints, I implore you, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00016-00007204-00007441 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00017-00007445-00007833 The saints will accompany you, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00018-00007841-00008108 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00019-00008116-00008504 From the beauty of jovial love to the glory of our ancestors LZ28t7AqHwE-00020-00008512-00008754 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00021-00008758-00009145 wa azzin wlidati la kanou bih maliha LZ28t7AqHwE-00022-00009158-00009420 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00023-00009425-00009812 From the beauty of my lovers to the glory of our ancestors LZ28t7AqHwE-00024-00009820-00010058 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00025-00010066-00010454 We don’t want no colonizers, oh ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00026-00010458-00010716 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00027-00010725-00011116 We don’t want to be beaten at our doorsteps, oh ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00028-00011125-00011404 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00029-00011408-00011750 We don’t want to be beaten at our doorsteps, oh ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00030-00011762-00012016 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00031-00012025-00012412 By God, may your glory steep in the teapot, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00032-00012425-00012654 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00033-00012670-00013050 By God, may beauty stop you on your tracks, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00034-00013062-00013320 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00035-00013329-00013712 Go to the sanctuary of the saints, I implore you, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00036-00013720-00013958 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00037-00013975-00014345 The saints will accompany you, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00038-00014362-00014612 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00039-00014625-00015008 By God, may your glory steep in the teapot, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00040-00015016-00015270 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00041-00015275-00015641 By God, may beauty stop you on your tracks, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00042-00015654-00015870 Oh my ancestors, oh my ancestors. LZ28t7AqHwE-00043-00015875-00016158 Have some grilled meat, oh love Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00044-00016162-00016333 Gracefully Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00045-00016337-00016500 Here we go! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00046-00016508-00016654 With sweets Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00047-00016658-00016820 Here we go! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00048-00016825-00016975 With some lamb Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00049-00016979-00017141 With some cow Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00050-00017145-00017329 With some camel Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00051-00017333-00017475 Here we go! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00052-00017504-00017641 Oh my god. Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00053-00017645-00017770 Here we go! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00054-00017775-00017950 Here we go! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00055-00017962-00018125 You rascal Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00056-00018129-00018250 Here we go! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00057-00018258-00018425 Getting crazy. Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00058-00018441-00018575 Here we go! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00059-00018608-00018725 Here we go! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00060-00018729-00018858 Oh you rascal. Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00061-00018862-00019033 Here we go! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00062-00019037-00019179 Oh mister sweets Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00063-00019208-00019333 Here we go! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00064-00019341-00019508 Oh the master! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00065-00019520-00019658 Get up, you’ve been summoned! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00066-00019670-00019825 Come close. Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00067-00019837-00019975 Fellow musicians. Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00068-00020000-00020137 Come next to me. Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00069-00020141-00020325 Here we go! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00070-00020329-00020466 You naughty boy! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00071-00020470-00020633 Here we go! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00072-00020641-00020770 Oh sweetie. Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00073-00020775-00020925 Oh the master! Have a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00074-00020941-00021158 Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00075-00021170-00021425 Just a little, give me some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00076-00021437-00021575 Oh my eyes Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00077-00021604-00021750 Give me some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00078-00021758-00021916 Give me some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00079-00021925-00022070 Oh my eyes Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00080-00022100-00022237 Give me some more.! Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00081-00022250-00022408 Oh my eyes Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00082-00022425-00022541 Give me some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00083-00022554-00022720 Give me some more.! Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00084-00022725-00022875 Oh my eyes. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00085-00022904-00023033 Give me some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00086-00023041-00023170 Oh my legs. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00087-00023208-00023337 Give me some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00088-00023341-00023504 Oh my eyes Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00089-00023512-00023650 Slow dance! Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00090-00023658-00023816 Give me some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00091-00023825-00023966 He turned it up a bit! Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00092-00023979-00024137 Oh my eyes Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00093-00024145-00024270 Give me some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00094-00024275-00024454 And he turned it up a bit! Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00095-00024458-00024612 Oh my eyes? Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00096-00024625-00024758 Oh my eyes. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00097-00024775-00024920 Give me some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00098-00024925-00025066 Oh my eyes. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00099-00025075-00025229 Gimme some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00100-00025233-00025366 Give me some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00101-00025375-00025533 Oh my legs. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00102-00025541-00025708 Give me some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00103-00025712-00025825 My eyes. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00104-00025837-00026012 Give me some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00105-00026020-00026150 Give me some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00106-00026162-00026325 Come over here. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00107-00026329-00026462 Give me some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00108-00026475-00026625 Oh my eyes. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00109-00026633-00026775 Give me some more. Just a little. LZ28t7AqHwE-00110-00026779-00026941 What a stallion! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00111-00026954-00027129 What a stallion! LZ28t7AqHwE-00112-00027137-00027312 Saddle up. Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00113-00027325-00027475 The horse is piaffing. Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00114-00027508-00027666 Oh what a master! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00115-00027675-00027850 Get up, you’ve been summoned. Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00116-00027858-00028041 What a stallion! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00117-00028054-00028225 Oh the connaisseurs! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00118-00028241-00028425 Oh what a Tbourida horse-rider! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00119-00028429-00028608 Oh what a stallion! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00120-00028620-00028800 Oh the Saints! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00121-00028808-00028970 Oh what a Tbourida horse-rider! Oh yeah!! LZ28t7AqHwE-00122-00028970-00029141 Oh the connaisseurs! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00123-00029145-00029329 Oh what a stallion! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00124-00029337-00029475 Come on girls Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00125-00029479-00029637 Come on girls. Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00126-00029641-00029775 What a stallion! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00127-00029804-00029945 Saddle up! Oh yeah!00:04:59.08] LZ28t7AqHwE-00128-00029945-00030108 The horse is piaffing. Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00129-00030108-00030237 Lead the horse to water! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00130-00030254-00030408 Lead the horse to water! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00131-00030425-00030550 Saddle up! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00132-00030558-00030708 What a stallion! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00133-00030725-00030870 What a stallion! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00134-00030875-00031041 Oh the Tbourida horse rider! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00135-00031050-00031216 Oh the connaisseurs! LZ28t7AqHwE-00136-00031233-00031408 Oh the Tbourida horse rider! LZ28t7AqHwE-00137-00031416-00031550 What a stallion! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00138-00031558-00031733 Oh beautiful saints. Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00139-00031741-00031879 They have arrived at once. LZ28t7AqHwE-00140-00031908-00032075 Oh Saint Rahal Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00141-00032108-00032241 He will heal you. wa hya! LZ28t7AqHwE-00142-00032254-00032408 What a stallion! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00143-00032416-00032550 Saddle up! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00144-00032562-00032712 The horse is piaffing. Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00145-00032725-00032850 Come on girls. Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00146-00032858-00033004 Come on ladies! Oh yeah! LZ28t7AqHwE-00147-00033025-00033208 Oh the lover’s gaze that burned me!00:05:31.18] LZ28t7AqHwE-00148-00033208-00033333 Here it is in front of me. LZ28t7AqHwE-00149-00033345-00033525 Oh the lover’s gaze that burned me! LZ28t7AqHwE-00150-00033537-00033708 The eyes are still wide open. LZ28t7AqHwE-00151-00033725-00033929 Oh the lover’s gaze that burned me! LZ28t7AqHwE-00152-00033937-00034108 Here it is in front of me. LZ28t7AqHwE-00153-00034120-00034258 Oh the lover’s gaze that burned me! LZ28t7AqHwE-00154-00034258-00034412 Here it is in front of me. LZ28t7AqHwE-00155-00034412-00035650 Ha! Ha! LZ28t7AqHwE-00156-00035654-00035908 Oh God! LaJX_lGae9E-00000-00000176-00000240 Good evening! LaJX_lGae9E-00001-00000268-00000318 Good evening! LaJX_lGae9E-00002-00000340-00000390 Good evening! LaJX_lGae9E-00003-00000478-00000528 Good evening! LaJX_lGae9E-00004-00000528-00000580 Good evening! LaJX_lGae9E-00005-00001576-00001664 What can I bring to you? LaJX_lGae9E-00006-00001762-00001884 I want a mineral water please! LaJX_lGae9E-00007-00001950-00002064 I want a Coca Cola please! LaJX_lGae9E-00008-00002064-00002134 A Coke for me please! LaJX_lGae9E-00009-00002216-00002366 I want a Cappy please! LaJX_lGae9E-00010-00002468-00002578 I want a mineral water please! LaJX_lGae9E-00011-00002602-00002718 A still mineral water for me please! LaJX_lGae9E-00012-00002834-00002924 I bring it. LaJX_lGae9E-00013-00002924-00002994 Thank you LaJX_lGae9E-00014-00002994-00003070 Thank you LaJX_lGae9E-00015-00003582-00004980 Good,but the problem is that when the transporter has brought the goods,the bricks were rather broken.The bricks had to be sent back then the transporter said that he would not give any discount only for one-way transportation. LaJX_lGae9E-00016-00005066-00005122 I think, it is a huge..... LaJX_lGae9E-00017-00005122-00005384 But we want the same goods back,that is... LaJX_lGae9E-00018-00005384-00005526 Did you have to pay extra? LaJX_lGae9E-00019-00005652-00005936 Well../ It took a long time, didn`t it? LaJX_lGae9E-00020-00005958-00006088 Well yes ,but I will... LaJX_lGae9E-00021-00006104-00006236 The bill, please! LaJX_lGae9E-00022-00006296-00006458 I won't leave it! LaJX_lGae9E-00023-00006523-00006573 Why? LaJX_lGae9E-00024-00006690-00006920 Because it is not permitted for our company! LaLfPjX74sy-00000-00000008-00000456 What's up everyone? Welcome to The Durbin Compound! If we're meeting for the first time, my name is LaLfPjX74sy-00001-00000456-00000944 Devin Durbin. I'm here to bring you the tools, tips, and tricks to make you more self-sufficient. LaLfPjX74sy-00002-00000944-00001607 So, today on the chopping block is the ToughBuilt electrician pouch. This is a ClipTech system. LaLfPjX74sy-00003-00001607-00002382 So this little modular clip goes on your belt and then you can clip in and out each of thesepouches. LaLfPjX74sy-00004-00002382-00003026 So they make pouches for each of the trades. I am testing this small electrician pouch and LaLfPjX74sy-00005-00003026-00003488 I have my doubts before we even get started because there's really no method to the LaLfPjX74sy-00006-00003488-00004100 madness on this pouch. So if you want to see what I have to say about it, well stay tuned. LaLfPjX74sy-00007-00005248-00005976 All right, so like I said before, when I was first looking at this pouch, I was kind of wondering LaLfPjX74sy-00008-00005976-00006752 exactly how they expected you to set this up. So I've got an array of basic electrician's tools that, LaLfPjX74sy-00009-00006752-00007447 you know, I would use on a basic service call or just troubleshooting in general. LaLfPjX74sy-00010-00007447-00008064 Nothing very expansive whatsoever. I mean this is the small electrician pouch after all. LaLfPjX74sy-00011-00008064-00008856 So I don't plan on just stuffing a bunch of crap into this. But it does still have to make sense. LaLfPjX74sy-00012-00008856-00009544 So, first thing I thought of was some screwdrivers. So I have my 1000 volt Milwaukee screwdrivers, LaLfPjX74sy-00013-00009544-00010344 a Phillips flathead, and the proprietary little star bit one that is for electrical outlets. So I have LaLfPjX74sy-00014-00010344-00011094 three screwdrivers that I'm planning on putting in this. But after looking over the pouch, there is no LaLfPjX74sy-00015-00011096-00011768 apparent place to even put screwdrivers. So do they expect you to just cram them inside the main pouch LaLfPjX74sy-00016-00011768-00012822 here and set them up and just cram them in? I'm not sure. So you would usually have some nutdrivers LaLfPjX74sy-00017-00012822-00013488 with you, probably a 1/4" and a 5/16" or maybe just an 11 in 1 multi-tool or LaLfPjX74sy-00018-00013488-00014224 multi-screwdriver would be good for this pouch. But there's no apparent place to put it. So, of course, LaLfPjX74sy-00019-00014224-00014935 I think that every single electrical kit would not be, or electrician's pouch, would not be LaLfPjX74sy-00020-00014936-00015829 complete without a multimeter. So, of course, I could stick the T5-600 in here or I could use this... LaLfPjX74sy-00021-00015832-00016544 Man, it takes up a considerable amount of space in the pouch. And then I assume LaLfPjX74sy-00022-00016544-00017233 that if you don't hold the leads, you pull it out, it will unravel itself. Not that big of a deal. LaLfPjX74sy-00023-00017233-00017840 Am I being critical on that part? Maybe, but now wecram the screwdrivers down in beside it. LaLfPjX74sy-00024-00017984-00018720 Um, where do pliers go? So, maybe behind here in this smaller pouch. Maybe that's what they're for. LaLfPjX74sy-00025-00018808-00019504 Surely it can't be just for one pair of pliers. Let's put some diagonal cutters back here and some LaLfPjX74sy-00026-00019592-00019848 lineman's pliers back behind the meter here. LaLfPjX74sy-00027-00020240-00020848 Well, maybe they'll go down in there further than that. Maybe my meter is fighting them. So, maybe LaLfPjX74sy-00028-00020848-00021416 we'll put these down in here. No, they don't go any further than that. So they stick out a little ways. LaLfPjX74sy-00029-00021488-00021952 Okay, so just as I assumed that wires...it would pull the wires right off my meter. LaLfPjX74sy-00030-00022040-00022704 I do like that it has a kickstand to it. And that it will sit up on its own after you were to LaLfPjX74sy-00031-00022704-00023256 take it off your belt. That's a cool little feature that I will go ahead and give you a thumbs up for. LaLfPjX74sy-00032-00023376-00024024 But my main thought about this is, an electrician did not design this little tool pouch. LaLfPjX74sy-00033-00024096-00024448 I'm not sure what these little hoops are for here on the side. LaLfPjX74sy-00034-00024552-00025368 Maybe some stuff that you would put a carabiner through. I don't need a tape measure thing for LaLfPjX74sy-00035-00025368-00025983 a basic electrician's kit. Maybe we can put the non-contact voltage tester here. LaLfPjX74sy-00036-00026112-00026936 Utility knife maybe over here. We can shove it down in there. A little screwdriver, little 5 in 1 LaLfPjX74sy-00037-00027039-00027600 just haphazardly place it in here. Let's try to put our strippers here in the front. LaLfPjX74sy-00038-00027600-00028084 I'm not sure what this front pouch is supposed to be designed for. LaLfPjX74sy-00039-00028160-00028664 It looks like it's a pass-through. So I'm not sure why you need a pass-through. LaLfPjX74sy-00040-00028895-00029383 I'm not entirely sure what you would put in there. If you guys have any idea what LaLfPjX74sy-00041-00029383-00030256 you would do with this kit, put it in the comments below. I like this option because these are cheap. LaLfPjX74sy-00042-00030327-00031084 I think this one was $13.97 at Menard's. They're sold at Home Depot, Menard's, Lowe's. LaLfPjX74sy-00043-00031084-00031808 They're pretty much everywhere and they're very, very reasonable when it comes to price. But the overall LaLfPjX74sy-00044-00031904-00032392 design of the whole thing, the execution is just kind of poor. There's nowhere to LaLfPjX74sy-00045-00032392-00033280 like put screwdrivers. This thing...what am I going to do? Put 10 rolls of tape on here? LaLfPjX74sy-00046-00033280-00033944 I need this about three or four lengths shorter here. We only need, you know, arguably four different LaLfPjX74sy-00047-00034000-00034536 colors of electrical tape. So, I really don't like that that thing's a mile long. LaLfPjX74sy-00048-00034608-00035208 That's just something that I don't know, I don't like. This side pouch over here, when I LaLfPjX74sy-00049-00035208-00035688 was goofing around with it, I don't even know what you would put in this side pouch and then close. LaLfPjX74sy-00050-00035688-00036379 This side pouch is really, really shallow. The voltage tester won't even go in there. LaLfPjX74sy-00051-00036379-00037050 So I can't get a voltage tester in there. I'm not sure what that is for. So, you know, although this LaLfPjX74sy-00052-00037152-00037832 is a cool design, and the ClipTech is decent, and it comes in at an awesome price around $15, LaLfPjX74sy-00053-00037960-00038908 I'm not really impressed with it. It definitely could have a lot more or better executed design. LaLfPjX74sy-00054-00038908-00039659 So that's just how I feel about it. This is my first look at it. You know, I wish it had a carryinghandle, LaLfPjX74sy-00055-00039659-00040160 just a stitched-in carrying handle, so I didn't always have to carry it on my belt loop. LaLfPjX74sy-00056-00040160-00040968 You know, there's a reason why I haven't taken this tag off yet. And it's pretty much because I don't LaLfPjX74sy-00057-00040968-00041600 think I'm going to own this tool pouch. So, I mean I like the other...I bought a couple more pouches LaLfPjX74sy-00058-00041600-00042304 from ToughBuilt. And I'm going to try them out. The ClipTech system seems to be a cool thing to do. LaLfPjX74sy-00059-00042440-00043000 And, you know, it's an awesome little feature, but I don't think this one's for me. LaLfPjX74sy-00060-00043080-00043872 It's just not set up for what I want to do. So, well now, hold on. Just goofing around, LaLfPjX74sy-00061-00043960-00044592 I can't even get my non-voltage tester out of the pocket. What is going on with this thing? LaLfPjX74sy-00062-00044672-00045368 So, wow! Okay, so I'm going to have to mess with that later. Oh, there it is. Oh it's got some LaLfPjX74sy-00063-00045368-00045992 teeth behind here that grip it. You can see the yellow teeth that stick out. So that obviously LaLfPjX74sy-00064-00045992-00046576 can't go in that pocket. It doesn't work there. It'll have to go somewhere else. LaLfPjX74sy-00065-00046576-00047376 I don't know. So, yeah, overall disappointed with the execution of the design here. But the system LaLfPjX74sy-00066-00047376-00047880 seems cool. I will check out some other pouches. I will definitely review all the other pouches LaLfPjX74sy-00067-00047880-00048432 and maybe we'll put this into circulation. But this is going to be, definitely, something that LaLfPjX74sy-00068-00048536-00049160 needs a little bit more attention. And needs a, maybe a better thought here so that I can use it. LaLfPjX74sy-00069-00049160-00049672 So, I hope you guys enjoyed the video. Time to give me a thumbs up. Or a thumbs down. Whatever you guys LaLfPjX74sy-00070-00049672-00050300 are into. If you haven't clicked subscribe, click subscribe. And we'll see you guys in the next video. Liy-21PTR_y-00000-00000126-00000223 It's falling out, it's falling out ! Liy-21PTR_y-00001-00000326-00000546 Stop smelling people's bread! Liy-21PTR_y-00002-00000546-00000699 As if you could find this in the caribbean! Liy-21PTR_y-00003-00000699-00000899 Yeah! Liy-21PTR_y-00004-00000945-00001168 Here is your man, coming from the Caribbean Liy-21PTR_y-00005-00001168-00001368 Hello guys it's Joan kun Liy-21PTR_y-00006-00001436-00001762 Today I received a special package Liy-21PTR_y-00007-00001762-00001890 Here it is Liy-21PTR_y-00008-00001891-00002249 It is a traditional jam from the Caribbean Liy-21PTR_y-00009-00002249-00002811 So I am going to give it a try with Ryoya and Mark Liy-21PTR_y-00010-00002811-00003011 We're starting right now! Liy-21PTR_y-00011-00003189-00003706 Ryoya and Mark don't know yet what those jam are made out of Liy-21PTR_y-00012-00003706-00003863 So we're going to do a game Liy-21PTR_y-00013-00003863-00004441 Let's see who can guess the flavor of the jam the fastest Liy-21PTR_y-00014-00004441-00004621 First let's try to open it Liy-21PTR_y-00015-00004621-00004883 The packaging is cute Liy-21PTR_y-00016-00004883-00004986 True! Liy-21PTR_y-00017-00004986-00005132 It's small and cute Liy-21PTR_y-00018-00005132-00005360 So let's eat the first jam Liy-21PTR_y-00019-00005611-00005774 It's falling out, it's falling out ! Liy-21PTR_y-00020-00005774-00005974 It fell out Liy-21PTR_y-00021-00005974-00006043 But it's ok Liy-21PTR_y-00022-00006043-00006175 It looks like Ketchup! Liy-21PTR_y-00023-00006175-00006333 Does it?! Liy-21PTR_y-00024-00006333-00006566 Don't worry, no way this is Ketchup Liy-21PTR_y-00025-00006566-00006766 Yeah the color is different Liy-21PTR_y-00026-00006766-00006966 It don't have any smell Liy-21PTR_y-00027-00007126-00007283 No, it has a smell! Liy-21PTR_y-00028-00007327-00007583 Wait try on your own bread Liy-21PTR_y-00029-00007583-00007861 Stop smelling people's bread! Liy-21PTR_y-00030-00007861-00007976 Is it ok like this? Liy-21PTR_y-00031-00007977-00008154 Yeah Yeah Liy-21PTR_y-00032-00008154-00008320 I spread to much on my bread though Liy-21PTR_y-00033-00008320-00008941 Since I already know the flavor of the Jam only Ryoya and Mark will play Liy-21PTR_y-00034-00009590-00009689 So did you guess? Liy-21PTR_y-00035-00009935-00010014 So fast!! Liy-21PTR_y-00036-00010014-00010234 Do you know this fruit? Liy-21PTR_y-00037-00010235-00010435 No I don't, I have never heard about it! Liy-21PTR_y-00038-00010477-00010694 The truth is that it is also famous in Philipine Liy-21PTR_y-00039-00010694-00010813 Aa! that's why! Liy-21PTR_y-00040-00010813-00011031 -That's why you get it without any hesitation -Without any hesitation! Liy-21PTR_y-00041-00011031-00011162 And it's delicious! Liy-21PTR_y-00042-00011162-00011437 -Look, doesn't it look like it's written "Guava" -Oh yeah true! Liy-21PTR_y-00043-00011614-00011778 So in French it is called Goyave Liy-21PTR_y-00044-00011778-00012233 So It tried to hide the name from Mark so he doesn't get the hint Liy-21PTR_y-00045-00012233-00012433 So as you said, it is growing in Philipine Liy-21PTR_y-00046-00012433-00012534 Yeah and it' so good! Liy-21PTR_y-00047-00012534-00012707 -So was it good? -Yess Liy-21PTR_y-00048-00012707-00012907 And it's sweet right Liy-21PTR_y-00049-00012907-00013084 So what do you think about it Ryoya Liy-21PTR_y-00050-00013084-00013461 Well since it's the first time I eat this Liy-21PTR_y-00051-00013461-00013983 I thought : " Oh that's how French Jam taste" Liy-21PTR_y-00052-00013983-00014159 So this is a Guava, did you know about it? Liy-21PTR_y-00053-00014159-00014391 First time I see this fruit Liy-21PTR_y-00054-00014391-00014591 -So it's this one right? -Yeah Liy-21PTR_y-00055-00015106-00015333 Ok let's try the next jam Liy-21PTR_y-00056-00015552-00015915 -Ryoya, maybe you will be able to guess what is the next jam -I wonder if I can Liy-21PTR_y-00057-00016013-00016213 I will be kind, I will wait 10 seconds before saying the answer Liy-21PTR_y-00058-00016421-00016598 Come one, no chance ! Liy-21PTR_y-00059-00016616-00016816 So basically, can you buy those in France Liy-21PTR_y-00060-00016816-00017089 Those are jam that you can buy in the Caribbean Liy-21PTR_y-00061-00017089-00017241 Is it a specialty of the Caribbean ? Liy-21PTR_y-00062-00017241-00017478 What do you mean? Liy-21PTR_y-00063-00017478-00017726 Like, is it a product that is only sold over there Liy-21PTR_y-00064-00017726-00018275 Well I think you can buy those in France but they are originally made in the Caribbean Liy-21PTR_y-00065-00018377-00018543 So yeah it's a specialty of over there Liy-21PTR_y-00066-00018869-00018998 Interesting Liy-21PTR_y-00067-00018998-00019065 Let me show this to the camera Liy-21PTR_y-00068-00019065-00019138 It looks like this Liy-21PTR_y-00069-00019138-00019306 I hope you can see well Liy-21PTR_y-00070-00019397-00019479 Time to eat ! Liy-21PTR_y-00071-00019604-00019710 You took pretty much Liy-21PTR_y-00072-00019710-00019838 Oops yeah Liy-21PTR_y-00073-00019845-00019977 This on looks very different from the other Liy-21PTR_y-00074-00019977-00020177 it seems to be more solid Liy-21PTR_y-00075-00020177-00020377 -I took too much -It's ok Liy-21PTR_y-00076-00021557-00021983 I know what it is but it tastes different from what I expected Liy-21PTR_y-00077-00021998-00022048 Did you guess? Liy-21PTR_y-00078-00022048-00022102 I can't tell what it is Liy-21PTR_y-00079-00022102-00022314 I feel like I have eaten this before Liy-21PTR_y-00080-00022440-00022588 You can take some more if you want Liy-21PTR_y-00081-00022588-00022733 Or maybe you're ok, maybe you can guess without a second try Liy-21PTR_y-00082-00022733-00022848 Are you going to try a second time Mark? Liy-21PTR_y-00083-00022848-00022972 Yes just a bit Liy-21PTR_y-00084-00022972-00023108 I'm sure I've eaten this some where before ! Liy-21PTR_y-00085-00023108-00023184 So what is it? Liy-21PTR_y-00086-00023184-00023658 -Orange -It's not orange but it has the same color Liy-21PTR_y-00087-00023659-00024009 -Yuzu -No way! Liy-21PTR_y-00088-00024009-00024229 As if you could find this in the Caribbean! Liy-21PTR_y-00089-00024300-00024547 Grapefruit....or maybe not Liy-21PTR_y-00090-00024547-00024979 Nop but it has the same color Liy-21PTR_y-00091-00024983-00025422 Ok so the first hint : This fruit is yellow Liy-21PTR_y-00092-00025646-00025891 -It was not that much sour -Really?! Liy-21PTR_y-00093-00025891-00026190 The second hint :It's king of long -Long? Liy-21PTR_y-00094-00026190-00026310 Pear? Liy-21PTR_y-00095-00026395-00026563 -Wait a minute -In English it.... Liy-21PTR_y-00096-00026563-00026906 Maybe this is part of the Citrus family, like the Oranges, mandarins Liy-21PTR_y-00097-00026906-00027197 Hmm I wonder if it's true Liy-21PTR_y-00098-00027197-00027544 So in English and also in Japanese it starts with the letter P Liy-21PTR_y-00099-00027544-00027644 Persimmon! Liy-21PTR_y-00100-00027644-00027723 No! Liy-21PTR_y-00101-00027723-00027823 -Pineapple! -yes, it's Pineapple! Liy-21PTR_y-00102-00027823-00028023 Yeah! Liy-21PTR_y-00103-00028065-00028265 No way ! Pineapple! Liy-21PTR_y-00104-00028265-00028390 Yeah Pineapple Liy-21PTR_y-00105-00028390-00028701 -But it doesn't really taste like pineapple right? -Not really Liy-21PTR_y-00106-00028702-00028800 For real?! Liy-21PTR_y-00107-00028800-00029000 Yeah, it was Pineapple Liy-21PTR_y-00108-00029000-00029227 1 versus 1 Liy-21PTR_y-00109-00029465-00029606 And the last one Liy-21PTR_y-00110-00029722-00029890 Ok, I am not reading Liy-21PTR_y-00111-00029890-00030045 Maybe I can't read Liy-21PTR_y-00112-00030045-00030204 Aaa, yeah you better not read it Liy-21PTR_y-00113-00030204-00030345 Maybe I can understand it? Liy-21PTR_y-00114-00030518-00030653 Don't look Ryoya Liy-21PTR_y-00115-00030690-00030828 But I can't understand Liy-21PTR_y-00116-00030828-00031014 Maybe you can understand Liy-21PTR_y-00117-00031014-00031174 You understand a bit of English right? Liy-21PTR_y-00118-00031532-00031639 It looks like this Liy-21PTR_y-00119-00031639-00031827 Oh I think I know what it is from the color Liy-21PTR_y-00120-00031929-00032266 Oh no mark you're too fast Liy-21PTR_y-00121-00032456-00032656 Ok take some Liy-21PTR_y-00122-00032700-00032962 -It's kind of hard -This is a good match Liy-21PTR_y-00123-00032962-00033183 I am sure Mark is going to win Liy-21PTR_y-00124-00033183-00033413 No, cause he said he doesn't know yet Liy-21PTR_y-00125-00033413-00033592 -Who, Mark? -Yeah Liy-21PTR_y-00126-00033735-00034002 He said he guessed it just by looking Liy-21PTR_y-00127-00034085-00034336 It is what I think it is! Liy-21PTR_y-00128-00034337-00034661 -As expected it has this kind of texture right? -Yes Liy-21PTR_y-00129-00034661-00034810 He already knows Liy-21PTR_y-00130-00034811-00034967 Now from the texture I am sure what it is Liy-21PTR_y-00131-00034967-00035073 For real?! Liy-21PTR_y-00132-00035493-00035615 Coconut!! Liy-21PTR_y-00133-00035860-00036014 But it's not fair! Liy-21PTR_y-00134-00036014-00036256 You guessed it from the texture Liy-21PTR_y-00135-00036257-00036429 But it also tasted like Coconut Liy-21PTR_y-00136-00036430-00036682 So it was easy to tell Liy-21PTR_y-00137-00036682-00036849 Ryoya could you guess it? Liy-21PTR_y-00138-00036849-00037049 I couldn't tell until I ate it Liy-21PTR_y-00139-00037131-00037331 -Ah, but when you ate it you guessed it right? -Yes, yes Liy-21PTR_y-00140-00037454-00037547 Good then Liy-21PTR_y-00141-00037547-00037841 -This is really good -Is it? - Yes! Liy-21PTR_y-00142-00037841-00038017 Everything was good! Liy-21PTR_y-00143-00038017-00038093 Now it's ranking time! Liy-21PTR_y-00144-00038313-00038528 I am going first! Liy-21PTR_y-00145-00038528-00038728 My favorite was the Guava jam Liy-21PTR_y-00146-00038728-00039070 Then the Coconuts one Liy-21PTR_y-00147-00039070-00039279 and the last one... Liy-21PTR_y-00148-00039279-00039479 ...was the Pineapple one Liy-21PTR_y-00149-00039559-00039684 What about you Mark Liy-21PTR_y-00150-00039733-00040306 Since Philippine is also famous for coconuts, I am going to place it in first position Liy-21PTR_y-00151-00040306-00040454 *Reading in French* Liy-21PTR_y-00152-00040454-00040639 Coconut Liy-21PTR_y-00153-00040639-00041005 Oh nice! nice! Liy-21PTR_y-00154-00041005-00041344 then Pineapple Liy-21PTR_y-00155-00041345-00041545 and the third one is Liy-21PTR_y-00156-00041960-00042232 "Guava" nice, nice! Liy-21PTR_y-00157-00042232-00042590 I liked it but it's something I am used to eat every day Liy-21PTR_y-00158-00042590-00042718 But all of them tasted good!! Liy-21PTR_y-00159-00042718-00042834 What about you Ryoya? Liy-21PTR_y-00160-00042834-00043056 I would definitely put the last one I ate in first position Liy-21PTR_y-00161-00043056-00043256 The coconut Jam Liy-21PTR_y-00162-00043467-00043667 Then Guava Liy-21PTR_y-00163-00043704-00043851 and the last one Liy-21PTR_y-00164-00043959-00044250 Pineapple Liy-21PTR_y-00165-00044307-00044407 Ok I see! Liy-21PTR_y-00166-00044407-00044680 Thank you for watching until the end Liy-21PTR_y-00167-00044723-00045229 Don't forget to tell me in the comments which jam you would like to eat out of the three Liy-21PTR_y-00168-00045229-00045586 See you! LiRLEi5Ath8-00000-00001570-00002011 Begin by getting comfortable LiRLEi5Ath8-00001-00002011-00002546 and lovingly close those eyes once you're ready LiRLEi5Ath8-00002-00002546-00003143 tuning into your own inner experience of breath and body LiRLEi5Ath8-00003-00003143-00003761 letting both be as relaxed as they'd like to be right now LiRLEi5Ath8-00004-00003761-00004339 inviting belly to do the majority of the work as you breathe LiRLEi5Ath8-00005-00004339-00005012 giving your upper chest a break even if only for this practice LiRLEi5Ath8-00006-00005012-00005484 signaling to your body that you are safe LiRLEi5Ath8-00007-00005484-00005903 and it is time to slow down LiRLEi5Ath8-00008-00005903-00006451 if anything else is on your mind about today LiRLEi5Ath8-00009-00006451-00006872 let yourself know first of all LiRLEi5Ath8-00010-00006872-00007236 but that's okay LiRLEi5Ath8-00011-00007236-00007609 thoughts may come and go LiRLEi5Ath8-00012-00007609-00008033 there's nothing wrong with that LiRLEi5Ath8-00013-00008033-00008674 you may imagine you're hitting pause like on a giant cassette player LiRLEi5Ath8-00014-00008674-00009156 hitting pause just for this practice LiRLEi5Ath8-00015-00009156-00009740 during this practice I'm tuning in to my breath and body LiRLEi5Ath8-00016-00009740-00010207 and if the Mind wants to fight you LiRLEi5Ath8-00017-00010207-00010578 let it know that's okay LiRLEi5Ath8-00018-00010578-00011106 just return your awareness to breath and body LiRLEi5Ath8-00019-00011106-00011618 nothing to get hung up on with your thoughts LiRLEi5Ath8-00020-00011618-00012167 to let this experience be even sweeter LiRLEi5Ath8-00021-00012167-00012742 invite all the muscles that you do not need to use right now LiRLEi5Ath8-00022-00012742-00013155 to become slack and heavy LiRLEi5Ath8-00023-00013155-00013538 often in our lives LiRLEi5Ath8-00024-00013538-00014016 we're taught to have important goals LiRLEi5Ath8-00025-00014016-00014340 that usually have something to do with the new to come LiRLEi5Ath8-00026-00014340-00015128 but for this moment and in this practice together LiRLEi5Ath8-00027-00015128-00015516 our only goal is LiRLEi5Ath8-00028-00015516-00015851 to just be LiRLEi5Ath8-00029-00015851-00016447 the outcome we are just allowing ourselves to experience LiRLEi5Ath8-00030-00016447-00016831 we're not chasing it LiRLEi5Ath8-00031-00016831-00017214 we're not forcing it LiRLEi5Ath8-00032-00017214-00017817 our desired outcome is tuning in to breath and body LiRLEi5Ath8-00033-00017817-00018311 tuning in to our own inner experience LiRLEi5Ath8-00034-00018311-00018815 The Experience Beyond thought is great LiRLEi5Ath8-00035-00018815-00019404 it's just we have overused that muscle for far too long LiRLEi5Ath8-00036-00019404-00019862 and we are recalibrating now LiRLEi5Ath8-00037-00019862-00020393 remembering our connection with breath and body LiRLEi5Ath8-00038-00020393-00021033 remembering that awareness and connection are equally important LiRLEi5Ath8-00039-00021033-00021483 is our connection to our mind LiRLEi5Ath8-00040-00021483-00021683 and as we tune into this LiRLEi5Ath8-00041-00021683-00022256 we become aware LiRLEi5Ath8-00042-00022256-00022797 of all of the Unseen Connections in our world LiRLEi5Ath8-00043-00022797-00023254 the way we are all interconnected LiRLEi5Ath8-00044-00023254-00023872 the way cycles and systems occur on their own LiRLEi5Ath8-00045-00023872-00024331 naturally linking and connecting us all LiRLEi5Ath8-00046-00024331-00024853 as well as those we've created and generated LiRLEi5Ath8-00047-00024853-00025278 for our own well-being LiRLEi5Ath8-00048-00025278-00025725 it's enough to make one Wonder LiRLEi5Ath8-00049-00025725-00026219 what even is the value and separation? LiRLEi5Ath8-00050-00026219-00026757 if not to just be something we appreciate LiRLEi5Ath8-00051-00026757-00027308 because it's what allows our returning to Oneness LiRLEi5Ath8-00052-00027308-00027641 and wholeness LiRLEi5Ath8-00053-00027641-00028043 time and time again LiRLEi5Ath8-00054-00028043-00028457 what a beautiful Symphony LiRLEi5Ath8-00055-00028457-00029133 we all are a part of occasionally becoming discordant on our own self LiRLEi5Ath8-00056-00029133-00029530 letting fear run the show LiRLEi5Ath8-00057-00029530-00029891 to reign supreme LiRLEi5Ath8-00058-00029891-00030524 until we can realize in our own awareness and experience LiRLEi5Ath8-00059-00030524-00031058 the choice for peace has always been within us LiRLEi5Ath8-00060-00031058-00031470 and when we practice LiRLEi5Ath8-00061-00031470-00031981 simply feeling it in our bodies in this way LiRLEi5Ath8-00062-00031981-00032528 without spending too much time wrapped up in thoughts LiRLEi5Ath8-00063-00032528-00032937 then we recalibrate LiRLEi5Ath8-00064-00032937-00033459 we remind ourselves how natural it is LiRLEi5Ath8-00065-00033459-00033835 to feel peace Within LiRLEi5Ath8-00066-00033835-00034150 so now LiRLEi5Ath8-00067-00034150-00034587 for the next several breaths LiRLEi5Ath8-00068-00034587-00035322 I invite you to stay so deeply connected to your own peaceful inner awareness LiRLEi5Ath8-00069-00035322-00035736 wherever that is within you LiRLEi5Ath8-00070-00035736-00036275 even if you can only access it right now LiRLEi5Ath8-00071-00036275-00036608 let that be enough LiRLEi5Ath8-00072-00036608-00036991 enjoy being here LiRLEi5Ath8-00073-00036991-00037581 with you present in your own inner awareness of yourself LiRLEi5Ath8-00074-00037581-00038200 stay in this relaxed gentle awareness for as long as you wish LiRLEi5Ath8-00075-00038200-00038571 taking your time LiRLEi5Ath8-00076-00038571-00039028 when you are ready to come out of this LiRLEi5Ath8-00077-00039028-00039546 doing so by very slowly stretching LiRLEi5Ath8-00078-00039546-00039722 however you feel called LiRLEi5Ath8-00079-00039722-00040555 and taking your time to slowly blink your eyes open once LiRLEi5Ath8-00080-00040555-00040877 you're ready LiRLEi5Ath8-00081-00040877-00041569 staying connected to this delicious gentle feeling for as long as you like LiRLEi5Ath8-00082-00041569-00041818 thank you so much for being here LmqSayYejsy-00000-00000000-00000050 hi everyone LmqSayYejsy-00001-00000050-00001587 This is Banknifty 1 Minute Chart LmqSayYejsy-00002-00001587-00004241 Buy trend Beginning so to intimate Green color candle appeared in chart LmqSayYejsy-00003-00004417-00007396 Whenever market trend changes you will receive calls in live market LmqSayYejsy-00007-00020070-00022786 After 1 Hour of trading market reached target LmqSayYejsy-00010-00030487-00030687 For chart subscription details whatsapp - 9488462166 Mo0KSFQxEi8-00000-00000258-00000509 - So, I think we've all underestimated the risks Mo0KSFQxEi8-00001-00000509-00000632 of tipping points. Mo0KSFQxEi8-00002-00000816-00001046 You know, in New Zealand, for example, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00003-00001046-00001315 a lot of us have grown up with the sea Mo0KSFQxEi8-00004-00001315-00001591 and with the fresh water that we swim in, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00005-00001591-00001950 and I think we've been surprised and a little bit shocked Mo0KSFQxEi8-00006-00001950-00002377 by where things have got to, even for New Zealand, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00007-00002377-00002689 which is better than, probably, anywhere in the world, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00008-00002689-00003049 so I think we, it's almost like it's crept up on all of us, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00009-00003049-00003495 and I think, so I think that's for everybody, really. Mo0KSFQxEi8-00010-00003495-00003686 When I came into the environmental area, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00011-00003686-00003889 I kind of was probably a bit naive Mo0KSFQxEi8-00012-00003889-00004061 about what those tipping points were. Mo0KSFQxEi8-00013-00004061-00004293 I thought we were further away from some of them, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00014-00004293-00004611 but, around the world, there are tipping points around, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00015-00004611-00004898 safe havens around nitrogen, for example, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00016-00004898-00005243 and New Zealand's one of the highest Mo0KSFQxEi8-00017-00005243-00005524 users of nitrogen fertilizer, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00018-00005524-00005787 and so, one of the things that we know is Mo0KSFQxEi8-00019-00005787-00006287 that we're not seeing it, the lag, and what we've done, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00020-00006289-00006425 what we've put on the land. Mo0KSFQxEi8-00021-00006534-00006799 So, already, we've got fresh water quality issues. Mo0KSFQxEi8-00022-00006898-00007252 When we see the load that's being put on our land, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00023-00007252-00007441 we expect to see those worsening, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00024-00007441-00007854 so I think nitrogen is one of our biggest ones Mo0KSFQxEi8-00025-00007854-00008156 in New Zealand, and our biodiversity loss as well, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00026-00008156-00008240 so, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00027-00008364-00008690 for New Zealanders, understanding our species, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00028-00008690-00009097 they're really unique, and, you know, they're endemic, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00029-00009097-00009418 you know, so they're only here or they only breed here, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00030-00009418-00009679 so once they've gone from New Zealand, that's it, Mo0KSFQxEi8-00031-00009679-00009915 and I think that is, we've reached a point now Mo0KSFQxEi8-00032-00009915-00010143 where we really need to think about that. M1yBH_-8lic-00000-00000000-00000200 The Last of Us | 4K DLSS PERFORMANCE | RTX 4070 M1UmYnmYTA4-00000-00002285-00002407 subscribe now M1UmYnmYTA4-00001-00002407-00002457 ballroom dance M1UmYnmYTA4-00002-00002457-00002507 dancesport video M1UmYnmYTA4-00003-00002507-00002557 tango M1UmYnmYTA4-00004-00002557-00002607 showdance M1UmYnmYTA4-00005-00003017-00003067 panache star video M4DL1e1QRty-00000-00000092-00000512 This video covers information on how to deploy a net from land. M4DL1e1QRty-00001-00000616-00000964 On low tide pick an area that is suitable to set your net, M4DL1e1QRty-00002-00001003-00001348 preferably somewhere with little or no rocks or trees. M4DL1e1QRty-00003-00001384-00001948 Even at low tide keep a look out for dangers such as stonefish, jellyfish and crocodiles. M4DL1e1QRty-00004-00002100-00002380 To begin, make sure you have the following items: M4DL1e1QRty-00005-00002448-00002600 A 50-metre net M4DL1e1QRty-00006-00002684-00002844 4 star pickets M4DL1e1QRty-00007-00002924-00003132 Four 25 millimetre pulleys M4DL1e1QRty-00008-00003204-00003415 Four D-shackles (small) M4DL1e1QRty-00009-00003484-00003640 a roll of electrical tap M4DL1e1QRty-00010-00003720-00003808 a knife M4DL1e1QRty-00011-00003864-00004152 300 metres of 10mm poly rope M4DL1e1QRty-00012-00004244-00004504 a 30cm wide round float M4DL1e1QRty-00013-00004576-00004788 a 30cm width football float M4DL1e1QRty-00014-00004852-00004964 and a sledgehammer. M4DL1e1QRty-00015-00005136-00005812 Set your star pickets in place, starting with the outside picket, attach a pulley and shackle to each one. M4DL1e1QRty-00016-00006104-00006488 Pull the main line through the pulleys starting with the outside picket, M4DL1e1QRty-00017-00006580-00006820 and then walk the line back up the beach. M4DL1e1QRty-00018-00006900-00007159 You will attach the net to this end of the rope. M4DL1e1QRty-00019-00007304-00007800 Attach the round float to the outside picket as a warning for any boats in the area. M4DL1e1QRty-00020-00007928-00008456 While someone prepares the net someone else is to keep watch for hazards and crocodiles. M4DL1e1QRty-00021-00008556-00009152 The person setting up is focused on the preparation and will at times be looking down or have their backs to the water. M4DL1e1QRty-00022-00009284-00009796 Tie a bowline knot in both the top float line and the bottom lead line of the net. M4DL1e1QRty-00023-00009868-00010136 Keep the lead line shorter than the float line. M4DL1e1QRty-00024-00010356-00010728 During the setup, it is good practice to keep the area tidy. M4DL1e1QRty-00025-00010740-00011376 Lay lines neatly flat on the ground and not crossed over other lines and always watch where you step. M4DL1e1QRty-00026-00011440-00012196 Using a bowline knot, tie both lead line and float line to the main line with a football float attached to the seaward side of the net. M4DL1e1QRty-00027-00012296-00012720 This will help you see how far out the net is, when you pull it into the water. M4DL1e1QRty-00028-00012936-00013563 Spread the net, and then use a bowline to attach the float and lead line to the other end of the mainline. M4DL1e1QRty-00029-00013647-00014080 This will allow you to pull your net in to safely retrieve fish. M4DL1e1QRty-00030-00014140-00014547 Pull the net using the pulley system to the outside star picket. M4DL1e1QRty-00031-00014596-00014936 As you pull the net out, make sure it isn’t twisted or tangled. M4DL1e1QRty-00032-00014991-00015456 You need to watch over the net and make sure it doesn’t twist as the tide comes in. M4DL1e1QRty-00033-00015491-00016076 Remember to always be safe, take your time and set the net and pulley system correctly. M4DL1e1QRty-00034-00016152-00016504 Tie off both ends of the mainline to the star picket on the beach, M4DL1e1QRty-00035-00016528-00016796 this will keep your net from moving with the current. M4DL1e1QRty-00036-00016816-00017188 The unused rope should be neatly bundled next to the star picket. M4DL1e1QRty-00037-00017256-00017560 Never leave your net unattended or overnight. M4DL1e1QRty-00038-00017624-00017988 Crocodiles are active and can get tangled in fishing gear. M4DL1e1QRty-00039-00018068-00018564 If you see a crocodile in the area, retrieve your net and stay out of the water M4DL1e1QRty-00040-00018744-00019168 When a school of fish have been caught in the net, it’s important to retrieve them quickly. M4DL1e1QRty-00041-00019244-00019852 Fish splashing in the net may attract sharks and other predators that will eat your catch and damage your net. M4DL1e1QRty-00042-00019984-00020528 To collect the fish, untie the mainline from the star picket and pull the net to shore. M4DL1e1QRty-00043-00020608-00020888 Carefully remove the fish so they aren’t damaged, M4DL1e1QRty-00044-00020940-00021368 wash off any sand and place them in an ice slurry straight away. M4DL1e1QRty-00045-00021444-00021772 This will make sure your fish stay fresh and looking good. M4DL1e1QRty-00046-00022060-00022420 When packing up the equipment, neatly bundle the net and rope. M4DL1e1QRty-00047-00022456-00022728 This will make it easier for the next time you go fishing. M4DL1e1QRty-00048-00022808-00023180 Collect your outside star picket at low tide, when it’s safe. M4DL1e1QRty-00049-00023232-00023520 Always make sure you have someone looking for hazards. M4DL1e1QRty-00050-00023540-00023964 Remember, it’s important to keep safe for yourself and your family. M6mLs7Xk9-y-00000-00000136-00000727 To zoom out of the project you use the command key and then the left arrow and M6mLs7Xk9-y-00001-00000727-00001263 just remember that return takes you to the start of your timeline so what we M6mLs7Xk9-y-00002-00001263-00001678 want to do now is just add that intro music that we've already downloaded so M6mLs7Xk9-y-00003-00001678-00002076 in order to add music files to your project just click on the folder where M6mLs7Xk9-y-00004-00002076-00002650 your music is and you can just click and drag that into your timeline and you'll M6mLs7Xk9-y-00005-00002650-00003163 see that it's actually quite longer than the audio that we've recorded so what I M6mLs7Xk9-y-00006-00003163-00003538 might do is just zoom out a little bit so you can see the whole file and we're M6mLs7Xk9-y-00007-00003538-00004572 just going to see how they play together M6mLs7Xk9-y-00008-00004572-00005020 OK so what I want to do is just move this audio a little bit further down the M6mLs7Xk9-y-00009-00005020-00005536 timeline what it's not letting me do is copy these keyframes so what I'm going M6mLs7Xk9-y-00010-00005536-00006169 do is just delete them and move the audio a little bit further down and move M6mLs7Xk9-y-00011-00006169-00006703 the playhead to the start and just paste those keyframes on top. So what I'm going to do M6mLs7Xk9-y-00012-00006703-00007288 is fade in this intro piece so that it fades in and then the talking starts so M6mLs7Xk9-y-00013-00007288-00007759 I've turned automation on and now I'm just going to create two keyframes and then M6mLs7Xk9-y-00014-00007759-00008184 I'm going to drag that one a little bit further down so that it's M6mLs7Xk9-y-00015-00008184-00008809 very low about minus 10 decibels when the talking starts then I'm going to M6mLs7Xk9-y-00016-00008809-00009274 press return to go back to the start and then I'm just going to preview this M6mLs7Xk9-y-00017-00009274-00011434 sound. So what I'm going to do is just M6mLs7Xk9-y-00018-00011434-00011782 turn that music a little bit further down and then I'm actually going to fade M6mLs7Xk9-y-00019-00011782-00012358 it out towards the end so now that music fades out as soon as the talking ends M6mLs7Xk9-y-00020-00012358-00012922 and I can might move that keyframe a little bit further up. OK so I'm going M6mLs7Xk9-y-00021-00012922-00014415 to press return to go back to the start and then play it again M6mLs7Xk9-y-00022-00014415-00014758 "welcome to the podcast I'm going to teach you how to use M6mLs7Xk9-y-00023-00014758-00015691 GarageBand so that you can make your own podcast" so we have added intro music and M6mLs7Xk9-y-00024-00015691-00016185 we'll faded it down so that it fits in with the audio M8rqmr8s-fu-00000-00000000-00000200 Pubg lite geming MtYWXxRWq2c-00000-00001492-00001754 Cop: It's O.K. It's O.K. They're just measuring your heart rate, yeah? MtYWXxRWq2c-00001-00001762-00002090 Cop: mum and Dad is still here, they are standing just over there... MtYWXxRWq2c-00002-00002109-00002523 Cop: he just wants to measure how fast your heart is beating. MtYWXxRWq2c-00003-00002682-00003167 [Cop laughing] MtYWXxRWq2c-00004-00003420-00003716 Cop: how you going with your knees man? Jump up, a bit, if you feel like it... MtYWXxRWq2c-00005-00003724-00004090 Cop: I'll hold his arm. He cannot live anyway... MtYWXxRWq2c-00006-00004090-00004461 Cop: if you wanna, stretch your legs, that's fine, just go for it man, go for it... MtYWXxRWq2c-00007-00004493-00004897 Cop: just go for it, stretch your legs man, stretch your legs... MtYWXxRWq2c-00008-00007340-00007922 Cop: mate, mate, mate...! Just chill! Valentin!! Just relax... MtYWXxRWq2c-00009-00008088-00008385 Cop: They're just measuring your heart rate... mum and Dad is still here... MtYWXxRWq2c-00010-00008400-00008661 Cop: They are standing just over there... MtYWXxRWq2c-00011-00008674-00009200 Cop: he just wants to measure how fast your heart is beating, O.K.? Cop: just to make sure that you're O.K. MtYWXxRWq2c-00012-00009240-00009440 [BEEPING SOUND ] MtYWXxRWq2c-00013-00012807-00013214 Mama take this badge off of me MtYWXxRWq2c-00014-00013220-00013456 I can't use it anymore... MtYWXxRWq2c-00015-00013466-00013835 It's getting dark, too dark to see MtYWXxRWq2c-00016-00013847-00014175 Feels like I'm knocking on Heaven's door. MtYWXxRWq2c-00017-00014225-00015682 Knock, knock, knockin' on Heaven's door... MtYWXxRWq2c-00018-00016178-00016378 Mama put my guns in the ground MtYWXxRWq2c-00019-00016430-00016776 I can't shoot them anymore... MtYWXxRWq2c-00020-00016818-00017158 That long black cloud is coming down, MtYWXxRWq2c-00021-00017165-00017510 I feel like I'm knocking on Heaven's door... MtYWXxRWq2c-00022-00017521-00018944 Knock, knock, knockin' on Heaven's door... MtYWXxRWq2c-00023-00018991-00019297 Mama put my guns in the ground MtYWXxRWq2c-00024-00019308-00019646 I can't shoot them, anymore MtYWXxRWq2c-00025-00019652-00020035 That long black cloud is coming down MtYWXxRWq2c-00026-00020040-00020429 I feel like I'm knocking on Heaven's door. MtYWXxRWq2c-00027-00020437-00021876 Knock, knock, knockin' on Heaven's door... Mv02pTSfZDu-00000-00000000-00000200 Let’s see the game. MyPQifAPas4-00000-00000041-00000434 My name is Christina Hendricks and I teach philosophy at the University of British MyPQifAPas4-00001-00000434-00000917 Columbia in Vancouver BC Canada. In this video I'm going to give you some of the MyPQifAPas4-00002-00000917-00001278 historical and political background for Plato and Socrates to help you better MyPQifAPas4-00003-00001278-00001832 understand Plato's dialogues. This is video one of two videos so be MyPQifAPas4-00004-00001832-00002227 sure to catch the second one as well. MyPQifAPas4-00005-00002276-00002781 Socrates was a philosopher who, so far as we know, went around Athens engaging MyPQifAPas4-00006-00002781-00003183 people in philosophical conversations. Young men of Athens would follow him MyPQifAPas4-00007-00003183-00003503 around and learn how to have philosophical discussions themselves. MyPQifAPas4-00008-00003503-00003918 There are no records of Socrates having written anything down, only that he MyPQifAPas4-00009-00003918-00004353 talked with people in person. Plato appears to have been one of those MyPQifAPas4-00010-00004353-00004857 people who in his youth followed Socrates. Later, Plato started a MyPQifAPas4-00011-00004857-00005280 philosophical school and also wrote numerous philosophical texts. Many of MyPQifAPas4-00012-00005280-00005703 these are dialogues, fictional conversations between characters. Most of MyPQifAPas4-00013-00005703-00006110 Plato's dialogues feature Socrates as one of the characters speaking. To get a MyPQifAPas4-00014-00006110-00006396 better sense of what is going on in these dialogues we need to know a bit of MyPQifAPas4-00015-00006396-00006954 the political history of Athens at the time of Socrates and Plato. Athens at the MyPQifAPas4-00016-00006954-00007370 time was a direct democracy, which means that everyone who was a citizen could MyPQifAPas4-00017-00007370-00008004 vote in the assembly. But not every adult was a citizen. Only those who were male, MyPQifAPas4-00018-00008004-00008547 over the age of 20, and had Athenian parents. No women, foreigners, children, MyPQifAPas4-00019-00008547-00009047 or slaves could vote. So I've crossed them out in this picture. The image at MyPQifAPas4-00020-00009047-00009365 the bottom shows the area of Athens where the assembly of citizens would MyPQifAPas4-00021-00009365-00009759 meet. There were about 40 such meetings per year at the time that Socrates and MyPQifAPas4-00022-00009759-00010282 Plato lived. There would be about 5,000 to 6,000 people at a time the Assembly. MyPQifAPas4-00023-00010282-00010695 Citizens got money to attend, which was a way to try to get the voices of MyPQifAPas4-00024-00010695-00011214 people who didn't have a lot of money as well as the voices of the rich. Anyone MyPQifAPas4-00025-00011214-00011618 who wished to speak would go up onto the speaker's rock (shown in the top image) to MyPQifAPas4-00026-00011618-00012111 address the crowd. This rock is on the right in the bottom image. As you can MyPQifAPas4-00027-00012111-00012528 imagine, one had to learn how to speak loudly and also persuasively to get many MyPQifAPas4-00028-00012528-00012992 people to vote for your proposals. The Assembly's job was to vote on laws and MyPQifAPas4-00029-00012992-00013487 other proposals, which were put forward by a group called the Council of 500. MyPQifAPas4-00030-00013487-00013971 The Council of 500 was a group of people who were chosen by lottery out of 10 MyPQifAPas4-00031-00013971-00014436 different areas of Athens to ensure geographical representation. You did have MyPQifAPas4-00032-00014436-00014853 to fulfill some criteria to be eligible, though: you had to be older than 30, pay MyPQifAPas4-00033-00014853-00015324 taxes, and have a good moral reputation. The council prepared proposals for the MyPQifAPas4-00034-00015324-00015930 Assembly to vote on and they served for one year. 10 people on the council served MyPQifAPas4-00035-00015930-00016371 as presidents for part of the year, and then another 10 for another part of the MyPQifAPas4-00036-00016371-00016826 year, and so on. The presidents set the agendas for the meetings of the council. MyPQifAPas4-00037-00016826-00017280 There was one person per day who was the chairman of the presidents for the day. MyPQifAPas4-00038-00017280-00017694 The order was chosen by lottery. This person would take care of day-to-day MyPQifAPas4-00039-00017694-00018216 issues, great foreign visitors, hold the keys to the Treasury. But then the next MyPQifAPas4-00040-00018216-00018741 day it would be someone else, and so on. You should be getting the sense that MyPQifAPas4-00041-00018741-00019212 Athens valued equality; they shared power amongst many citizens ,choosing people MyPQifAPas4-00042-00019212-00019884 even just by lottery. At this time in Athens it was important to learn how to MyPQifAPas4-00043-00019884-00020340 speak well in front of large groups of people. In addition to the assembly, if MyPQifAPas4-00044-00020340-00020763 you went to court you had to argue your own case; there were no lawyers to do MyPQifAPas4-00045-00020763-00021276 that for you. So wealthy families would hire travelling teachers called Sophists MyPQifAPas4-00046-00021276-00021888 who would teach young men how to persuade others with speeches. MyPQifAPas4-00047-00021888-00022284 The Sophists had a reputation for not being concerned so much with persuading others MyPQifAPas4-00048-00022284-00022884 to get the truth, but rather to get what you want for yourself--to win in the MyPQifAPas4-00049-00022884-00023265 assembly and the law courts. They were known for teaching people how to make MyPQifAPas4-00050-00023265-00023712 bad arguments sound good in order to persuade others and win debates. Yhis MyPQifAPas4-00051-00023712-00024075 point is referenced in Plato's text called Apology, in which Socrates says MyPQifAPas4-00052-00024075-00024615 people think this is what he does. Many Sophists were relativists: they didn't MyPQifAPas4-00053-00024615-00025011 believe there was any objective truth or moral goodness. What is true or false, MyPQifAPas4-00054-00025011-00025548 morally right or wrong, they thought didn't exist objectively; it just MyPQifAPas4-00055-00025548-00025970 depended on when a group of people said these were. Sometimes groups agree on MyPQifAPas4-00056-00025970-00026406 some things being morally right but not others, thus groups 1 and 2 in the image MyPQifAPas4-00057-00026406-00026939 have a bit of a crossover. Plato disagreed. Plato was an ethical MyPQifAPas4-00058-00026939-00027389 objectivist: he thought that what was morally right was so for all people at MyPQifAPas4-00059-00027389-00027906 all times in places, and thus in this image group 2 has the objective truth MyPQifAPas4-00060-00027906-00028404 about morality. We can see Plato's moral objectivism in the dialogue called MyPQifAPas4-00061-00028404-00028749 Euthyphro which depicts Socrates speaking to a priest about the nature of MyPQifAPas4-00062-00028749-00029235 piety. Socrates is looking for a single definition of piety that is universally MyPQifAPas4-00063-00029235-00029748 valid, and Euthyphro tries but is unable to come up with one. That doesn't mean MyPQifAPas4-00064-00029748-00030108 though that Plato thinks there is no universally valid definition of piety; MyPQifAPas4-00065-00030108-00030564 this dialogue depicts Socrates searching for it and only shows that Euthyphro the MyPQifAPas4-00066-00030564-00030995 priest doesn't have it even though he claims to do so...a theme we will revisit MyPQifAPas4-00067-00030995-00031439 again in Plato's text called Apology Mz-dlZF3wUo-00000-00001594-00002099 When this dog was told to get into bed he took his owner's words way too literally Mz-dlZF3wUo-00001-00002314-00002757 When a pet owner told her dog to get into bed, she never expected him to take her word Mz-dlZF3wUo-00002-00002757-00003434 So literally after she went to check on her pooch later, however, she stumbled across a scene of carnage as a result Mz-dlZF3wUo-00003-00003435-00003759 She decided to capture the unfolding events on camera Mz-dlZF3wUo-00004-00003910-00004337 While dogs might be man's best friend that's not to say they always behaved in a way Mz-dlZF3wUo-00005-00004337-00004928 We approve of as many canine owners will no animal discipline issues can arise long after puppyhood Mz-dlZF3wUo-00006-00005007-00005798 Consequently, the Internet is awash with videos of naughty dogs being busted by their humans and it seems that viewers can't get enough of footage Mz-dlZF3wUo-00007-00005798-00005964 of dogs misbehaving on Mz-dlZF3wUo-00008-00005964-00006596 The whole the internet agrees that there's nothing much cuter than a canine who's done wrong and has guilt written all over Mz-dlZF3wUo-00009-00006606-00006806 its furry face in Mz-dlZF3wUo-00010-00006850-00007487 One compilation video of disobedient dogs and owner explains how her pooch had gotten into his own bed today Mz-dlZF3wUo-00011-00007528-00008136 However, as she pans the camera around the room, it becomes clear that by that she doesn't mean he's settled down for a nap Mz-dlZF3wUo-00012-00008211-00008522 Instead it appears the dog has had some kind of a tussle with his bed Mz-dlZF3wUo-00013-00008539-00009044 leaving balls of padding everywhere and a big bald patch in his usual resting place in Mz-dlZF3wUo-00014-00009100-00009725 Short the piece of pet furniture is utterly destroyed. And what's more the dog seems to realize he's done wrong as Mz-dlZF3wUo-00015-00009778-00010428 The camera rolls the dog's owner reveals for some reason he won't make eye contact with me and it seems she's right Mz-dlZF3wUo-00016-00010453-00010950 Because as she turns her lens onto her pet his blue eyes remain fixed in a corner before Mz-dlZF3wUo-00017-00010957-00011357 Darting to the floor as if to eliminate any chance of meeting as humans gaze Mz-dlZF3wUo-00018-00011428-00011850 The next clip in the compilation features another dog that's turned on its sleeping place Mz-dlZF3wUo-00019-00011865-00012197 However, it not content was scattering feathers all across the room Mz-dlZF3wUo-00020-00012204-00012794 This playful pooch is also managed to bend the bars on its cage leaving its owner less than impressed Mz-dlZF3wUo-00021-00012888-00013531 Surveying the scene with a camera a man says you tore up everything there was a age. There's feathers too deep everywhere Mz-dlZF3wUo-00022-00013565-00014227 But his words appear to fall on deaf ears as his dog looks away into the distance barely acknowledging that he's even there Mz-dlZF3wUo-00023-00014415-00015016 The next piece of footage features a case of double trouble in the clip a pet owner walks into a scene of carnage Mz-dlZF3wUo-00024-00015038-00015538 With one of her dogs stood along a slew of torn up items. So let's talk to the dogs Mz-dlZF3wUo-00025-00015548-00016186 Who did this miles did you do this? She asks the pooch which precedes to run and hide beneath the bed Mz-dlZF3wUo-00026-00016271-00016765 Turning her attention to a second dog. The lady asks, where's Paxton ed and after a quick search Mz-dlZF3wUo-00027-00016765-00016965 She finds the animal sitting in a cage Mz-dlZF3wUo-00028-00016979-00017623 But while the dog appears to look as innocent as can be his owner sees its sheepish behavior as an admission of guilt Mz-dlZF3wUo-00029-00017625-00017983 I'm pretty sure Paxton did it she concludes as Mz-dlZF3wUo-00030-00018084-00018541 The video rolls on clips continue to show dogs caught out in various moments of madness Mz-dlZF3wUo-00031-00018620-00019135 Household objects from bottles to rolls of toilet tissue are among the items to meet their demise in the footage Mz-dlZF3wUo-00032-00019151-00019465 Which features some pretty remorseful looking pooches in? Mz-dlZF3wUo-00033-00019554-00020317 One particularly adorable clip a four-legged rascal seemed so concerned about the repercussions of its bad deeds that it hides in the bathtub Mz-dlZF3wUo-00034-00020372-00020911 Other dogs simply refuse to make eye contact with their owners while some flee the scenes of their crimes Mz-dlZF3wUo-00035-00020979-00021626 Given that all of these actions could be interpreted as signs of remorse many dog owners claim to be able to recognize their own pets Mz-dlZF3wUo-00036-00021654-00022406 Guilty faces, however, some scientists believe that canines in fact aren't able to understand complex emotions such as shame Mz-dlZF3wUo-00037-00022490-00022969 According to research released back in 2015 when badly behaved pets look guilty Mz-dlZF3wUo-00038-00022981-00023383 They're reacting to their owners demeanors rather than reflecting on their own behavior Mz-dlZF3wUo-00039-00023409-00023828 So in this case human body language and tone of voice plays a big part in Mz-dlZF3wUo-00040-00023966-00024262 Order to test their theory a team of scientists from Cambridge University Mz-dlZF3wUo-00041-00024354-00024826 Recruited a number of dogs and their owners to take part in an experiment in the exercise Mz-dlZF3wUo-00042-00024840-00025187 human participants train their pooches not to eat a biscuit within reach Mz-dlZF3wUo-00043-00025212-00025819 They then left the room after which a researcher either fed the biscuit to the dog or instead remove the snack Mz-dlZF3wUo-00044-00025910-00026431 When the owners returned to find the treat missing they were asked to decide whether their dogs had eaten the biscuits Mz-dlZF3wUo-00045-00026465-00026953 Judging by the look on the animal faces. However, the owners couldn't it appeared? Mz-dlZF3wUo-00046-00026953-00027304 There was no difference in expression whether or not the animal had consumed the food Mz-dlZF3wUo-00047-00027486-00027749 Later Cambridge University research associate Mz-dlZF3wUo-00048-00027762-00028288 Lyrica a stoic told the Daily Mail if that guilty look is really an expression of contrition Mz-dlZF3wUo-00049-00028288-00028636 they would only show it when they've done wrong, but that's not the case a Mz-dlZF3wUo-00050-00028700-00029164 Stoic added I had a client who had three dogs and whenever something happened like a shoe was chewed Mz-dlZF3wUo-00051-00029164-00029635 It was always one of them that had the guilty look yet often. She was not the dog who had done it Mz-dlZF3wUo-00052-00029655-00030085 She was just the most timid dog and got frightened more quickly by her owners reaction Mz-dlZF3wUo-00053-00030255-00030691 Dr. Susan hazel from the University of Adelaide agreed with the researchers findings Mz-dlZF3wUo-00054-00030708-00031319 There have been a number of studies and it's pretty clear that dogs don't feel or display guilt. She told the Daily Telegraph Mz-dlZF3wUo-00055-00031383-00031583 It's not the way their brains work Mz-dlZF3wUo-00056-00031637-00032401 Therefore it appears the scientific community are pretty much in agreement that dogs can't feel complex human emotions such as shame Mz-dlZF3wUo-00057-00032438-00032488 however Mz-dlZF3wUo-00058-00032488-00033007 There's no denying that there's something adorable about the faces our pooches poll after misbehaving. So Mz-dlZF3wUo-00059-00033056-00033478 We don't expect guilty dog videos to disappear from the web any time soon Mz-dlZF3wUo-00060-00035328-00035528 You M_nr6ZNJWek-00003-00001831-00002118 Hello everyone my name is Turtle.I am fitness trainer. M_nr6ZNJWek-00004-00002118-00002387 Let's play full body exercise together. M_nr6ZNJWek-00005-00002387-00002665 I will exercise this video for 10 minutes. M_nr6ZNJWek-00006-00002732-00002944 Exercise me while watching.Let's go!! MC6n2qUGe7Y-00000-00000652-00001324 I was introduced to the training almost two years ago, a really good friend of mine that MC6n2qUGe7Y-00001-00001324-00002571 spoke about it and slowly had me attract to it, so I started watching videos. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00002-00002571-00003390 And I remember the first video I watched, and I thought, “Wow! MC6n2qUGe7Y-00003-00003390-00003972 This is genius, and it’s just brilliant.” MC6n2qUGe7Y-00004-00003972-00004767 But then I noticed that I was also a little bit high, so I said, “OK, probably it’s MC6n2qUGe7Y-00005-00004767-00004983 because I’m like now, I’m very high. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00006-00004983-00005315 And it sounds so good, like everything.” MC6n2qUGe7Y-00007-00005315-00006212 But then I kept going back to it because I recognized this attraction, which I couldn’t MC6n2qUGe7Y-00008-00006212-00006541 explain. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00009-00006544-00007363 And yeah, it was a slow process for me, like every time I started to do more, to be more MC6n2qUGe7Y-00010-00007363-00008293 interested, started to join the community Clarity Calls and to join face-to-face meetings MC6n2qUGe7Y-00011-00008293-00008549 in Israel. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00012-00008549-00009446 And then I decided to come here to Goa, which was a really big step for me because I remember MC6n2qUGe7Y-00013-00009446-00010204 the decision to do it, and it was nothing like any other decision I’ve made in my MC6n2qUGe7Y-00014-00010204-00010382 life. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00015-00010382-00011303 Because all my other decisions took so many preparations before I took them, and so many MC6n2qUGe7Y-00016-00011303-00011956 thinking and digging, we say in Hebrew. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00017-00011956-00012821 And this was so simple, like I didn’t know what I’m doing, I just came to my boss and MC6n2qUGe7Y-00018-00012821-00013818 I said to him, “OK, I’m going to India in three months for this thing I’m doing.” MC6n2qUGe7Y-00019-00013818-00014651 And suddenly I’m here without a lot of thinking, just came very open. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00020-00014651-00015604 I just finished the Twelve Empowerments on Saturday, which was really amazing, and it’s MC6n2qUGe7Y-00021-00015604-00016811 a very intensive and profound training that really opens up a lot, really. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00022-00016811-00017265 It’s still going. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00023-00017265-00017934 I’m sure it’s just the beginning, it feels like this. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00024-00017934-00019245 It’s really like the main thing that I can say that is very clear to me, is that I can MC6n2qUGe7Y-00025-00019245-00020584 give up the story telling, which was a really present part in everything that I did in my life MC6n2qUGe7Y-00026-00020587-00021180 like to tell the story and to see how this adds to the story of my life, and most of MC6n2qUGe7Y-00027-00021180-00021729 the time it just had no sense, it made no sense. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00028-00021729-00022634 Like I could go through this experience, and then see, “OK, how can I integrate it to MC6n2qUGe7Y-00029-00022634-00022884 the story of my life?” MC6n2qUGe7Y-00030-00022884-00023522 It was such hard work to do it. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00031-00023522-00024465 It’s really relaxing to know that I don’t have to work, really, it just feels like this. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00032-00024465-00025338 It just feels like finished a day at work, so it’s kind of similar, the feeling, the MC6n2qUGe7Y-00033-00025338-00025584 sensation, that, “Oh, it’s over.” MC6n2qUGe7Y-00034-00025584-00026037 But like a million times more releasing. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00035-00026037-00027910 And I really do feel that I have energy that really, otherwise before I met the training, MC6n2qUGe7Y-00036-00027910-00028602 really I put a lot of energy in trying to tell myself stories. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00037-00028602-00029586 And even though I was, I remember myself as an open person, open to everyone around me, MC6n2qUGe7Y-00038-00029586-00030456 still I always had the feeling that I have to maintain it somehow, to maintain this identity MC6n2qUGe7Y-00039-00030456-00030939 of being open. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00040-00030939-00031550 And it was also a lot of work, like being open it’s very natural, but trying to maintain MC6n2qUGe7Y-00041-00031550-00032220 it and see every time when I interact with someone, to see, “Am I open now? MC6n2qUGe7Y-00042-00032220-00032447 Am I enough open?” MC6n2qUGe7Y-00043-00032447-00033231 And then I used to like make sure this person knows I’m open with him, so it was also MC6n2qUGe7Y-00044-00033231-00033463 a lot of work. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00045-00033463-00035294 So, yes, it’s really amazing and I’m grateful to have met this training, this beautiful MC6n2qUGe7Y-00046-00035294-00035713 support network of the Four Mainstays. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00047-00035713-00036264 It’s amazing to be with you, all of you. MC6n2qUGe7Y-00048-00036264-00036405 Thank you. MEwRyWOOQmQ-00000-00000010-00000483 Now it's not quite soccer season yet, but the weather outside is starting to feel like MEwRyWOOQmQ-00001-00000483-00000583 it should be. MEwRyWOOQmQ-00002-00000583-00001105 And earlier today Bemidji High senior Hannah Willford made the decision on her soccer future. MEwRyWOOQmQ-00003-00001105-00001515 The former Lumberjack midfielder signed her letter of intent to play with St. Cloud State MEwRyWOOQmQ-00004-00001515-00001727 University and the NSIC. MEwRyWOOQmQ-00005-00001727-00002143 I really like the campus, it's not that far away from home, and when I practiced with MEwRyWOOQmQ-00006-00002143-00002287 the team, I really liked them. MEwRyWOOQmQ-00007-00002287-00002591 I'm kind of nervous because I hope I live up to the expectation of play. MEwRyWOOQmQ-00008-00002591-00002915 I'm gonna redshirt next year and hopefully see the field sophomore here. MEwRyWOOQmQ-00009-00002915-00003102 I'm really excited. MEwRyWOOQmQ-00010-00003102-00003447 Three other Lumberjacks committed to Division 3 schools today as well. MEwRyWOOQmQ-00011-00003447-00003922 Lydia Bitter to Martin Luther College for soccer, Laura Bieberdorf to Concordia-Moorhead MEwRyWOOQmQ-00012-00003922-00004978 for basketball, and Paige De La Hunt to Saint Catherine's for hockey. MEZ3Wl117VY-00007-00004087-00004220 I will get an emerald before eggman does let hurry MEZ3Wl117VY-00008-00004830-00004962 ok LETS GET GREEN ONE MEZ3Wl117VY-00009-00004962-00005012 whoa no YOU DON'T! MEZ3Wl117VY-00010-00005094-00005214 whoa no you didn't MEZ3Wl117VY-00011-00005752-00005944 ok lets get the first emerald MEZ3Wl117VY-00012-00005944-00006144 he really need to sh*t up B*tch of motherf*ucker MEZ3Wl117VY-00015-00006304-00006354 HA THAT A PUSSY MAN MEZ3Wl117VY-00019-00006562-00006802 alright yes i really need alot of rings d*ck MEZ3Wl117VY-00021-00006852-00006902 and f*cking what WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING MEZ3Wl117VY-00023-00007050-00007100 holy s*it! AHEY WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU... DANMIT DADDYF*CKER MEZ3Wl117VY-00024-00007170-00007298 DANM..........IT MEZ3Wl117VY-00025-00007298-00007362 cmon i gotta get that f*cking emerald MEZ3Wl117VY-00027-00007562-00007809 OHH MY F*CKIN WHY YOU LITTLE S*IT.... MEZ3Wl117VY-00028-00007809-00008009 WHAT A SISSY SHE A BITCHES THAT ON ME BITCH MEZ3Wl117VY-00029-00008009-00008210 OK WHAT THE HELL... MEZ3Wl117VY-00030-00008245-00008295 GET THAT FEET OFF THAT FUCKING EMERALD MEZ3Wl117VY-00031-00008295-00008345 SHIT!!! MEZ3Wl117VY-00032-00008345-00008452 no time to lose MOrQKimxH0A-00000-00000000-00000200 The Starter Kit. this video is made for the owner, Myron Steven Kent. MOFdYTEPrP0-00000-00000600-00000800 Oh my god MOFdYTEPrP0-00001-00000800-00001050 I went all the way up the hill, like MOFdYTEPrP0-00002-00001050-00001150 not even a thing MOFdYTEPrP0-00003-00001150-00001350 I just went up it, pretty awesome. MOFdYTEPrP0-00004-00001500-00001750 Everything that I wondered about it is true MOFdYTEPrP0-00005-00002050-00002250 The motor, the battery, all contained MOFdYTEPrP0-00006-00002250-00002450 in the Wheel, no cables MOFdYTEPrP0-00007-00002450-00002650 that's the beauty of this device. MOFdYTEPrP0-00008-00002700-00002875 Just how fast it goes MOFdYTEPrP0-00009-00002900-00003100 It feels super natural MOFdYTEPrP0-00010-00003250-00003500 I like my bike, and I want to keep my bike MOFdYTEPrP0-00011-00003600-00003750 I love the regeneration mode MOFdYTEPrP0-00012-00003750-00003950 because it made going down hill feel safer MOFdYTEPrP0-00013-00003950-00004150 and less effort, and I know MOFdYTEPrP0-00014-00004150-00004300 it's regenerating the batteries. MOFdYTEPrP0-00015-00004500-00004625 That was really cool MOFdYTEPrP0-00016-00004625-00004870 it's the boost I always wish I had! MOFdYTEPrP0-00017-00004975-00005200 It's a mix of both pedaling and assist MOFdYTEPrP0-00018-00005200-00005400 and also it fits onto your own bike MOFdYTEPrP0-00019-00005500-00005700 Definitely, it's a game changer. MPMhv7cplBc-00000-00000770-00001355 In the heart of Canada's capital, Centre 507 is an adult drop-in centre and MPMhv7cplBc-00001-00001355-00001861 support service, that describes itself as a safe haven and a stepping stone. MPMhv7cplBc-00002-00001861-00002382 Located within Centretown United Church, the Centre supports more than 100 people MPMhv7cplBc-00003-00002382-00003084 every day, many facing such challenges as homelessness, poverty, addiction, mental MPMhv7cplBc-00004-00003084-00003645 illness, unstable housing, chronic unemployment, limited income, and physical MPMhv7cplBc-00005-00003645-00004232 abuse. So what we can offer here in a day Centre is an enhanced recreation program, MPMhv7cplBc-00006-00004232-00004986 something to eat, a community, a chance to rebuild relationships, move forward. We MPMhv7cplBc-00007-00004986-00005625 act like a hub, where we can link people who are looking for something extra, to MPMhv7cplBc-00008-00005625-00006126 other resources in the community. On Sundays, a lunchtime Food Programme MPMhv7cplBc-00009-00006126-00006483 operates. The Sunday program is really important because there are not a lot of MPMhv7cplBc-00010-00006483-00007197 options for food on a Sunday. Nobody should have to go without a meal for 48 MPMhv7cplBc-00011-00007197-00007718 hours. Five days a week we make fresh soup, on Sundays our programs is a bit MPMhv7cplBc-00012-00007718-00008109 different. We have hard-boiled eggs, cereal, and sandwiches. The centre also MPMhv7cplBc-00013-00008109-00008613 cares for a vegetable garden outside the church, using the produce in fresh salads MPMhv7cplBc-00014-00008613-00009147 during the week. Some of my friends invited me here and I've been addicted MPMhv7cplBc-00015-00009147-00009722 to coming here. I like it. The workers are patient, kind, loving, and MPMhv7cplBc-00016-00009722-00010340 caring. It's not just for ones that are down and out or anything like this. It's MPMhv7cplBc-00017-00010340-00011106 a social group. I come here usually to socialize. I usually go to the drop-in MPMhv7cplBc-00018-00011106-00011650 to use the computers. So they have three computers here with the internet, and MPMhv7cplBc-00019-00011650-00012396 if there's any outings, I go to them usually. The people that come in here are really MPMhv7cplBc-00020-00012396-00012795 not much different from you and I. We've had people who've had long work MPMhv7cplBc-00021-00012795-00013472 histories and who've been successful,. and for one reason or another MPMhv7cplBc-00022-00013472-00014046 their lives changed. They may be looking for a bowl of soup. They may be looking MPMhv7cplBc-00023-00014046-00014706 for somebody to play chess with. Just human contact. People who need MPMhv7cplBc-00024-00014706-00015219 some human contact. They need to be able to come and talk to somebody. They need MPMhv7cplBc-00025-00015219-00015693 someone to help them over their isolation and their loneliness, and MPMhv7cplBc-00026-00015693-00016179 that's something we can definitely do. Some of the participants in the program MPMhv7cplBc-00027-00016179-00016926 also act as volunteers. It makes me feel that I'm still in the society and stuff MPMhv7cplBc-00028-00016926-00017409 like this. I would like people of the United Church to know that we appreciate MPMhv7cplBc-00029-00017409-00018148 every single dollar. It is the support of people who sit in the pews, that make MPMhv7cplBc-00030-00018148-00018568 a difference. Your gifts to the Mission and Service of the United Church of MPMhv7cplBc-00031-00018568-00019020 Canada, help organizations like these create community and support people MPMhv7cplBc-00032-00019020-00019550 living on the margins. Thank you, and please continue to give. MQRfo3upHEM-00000-00001616-00002064 My children, do you remember I taught you about the sound, MQRfo3upHEM-00001-00002064-00002248 a 'b' MQRfo3upHEM-00002-00002248-00002539 I taught you a sound of letter 'b' MQRfo3upHEM-00003-00002539-00003135 Now we will play a fun game which will require us to be quiet. MQRfo3upHEM-00004-00003136-00003642 We have to be quiet and still, this game is so much fun! MQRfo3upHEM-00005-00003642-00004065 We will learn about the sound of the letter 'b.' MQRfo3upHEM-00006-00004065-00004398 The teacher has a box here, do you see her box? MQRfo3upHEM-00007-00004398-00004848 It's labeled with a letter 'b.' MQRfo3upHEM-00008-00004848-00005452 'b', inside the box there are certain items. MQRfo3upHEM-00009-00005560-00005892 The teacher will show you the items inside. MQRfo3upHEM-00010-00005892-00006272 Before the teacher opens the box, can you see a letter 'b?' MQRfo3upHEM-00011-00006272-00006528 How did we say we write a letter 'b?' MQRfo3upHEM-00012-00006686-00007438 You start from the top all the way down, then you draw a curve line to the middle. MQRfo3upHEM-00013-00007438-00007868 Very good, you got it right! MQRfo3upHEM-00014-00007962-00008734 You start from the top all the way down, then you draw a curve line to the middle. MQRfo3upHEM-00015-00008734-00008872 Here is a letter 'b.' MQRfo3upHEM-00016-00009010-00009842 The teacher will open her box so we can see the items with the sound of letter 'b.' MQRfo3upHEM-00017-00010254-00010602 Who can tell me what you're seeing in teacher's picture? MQRfo3upHEM-00018-00010782-00010871 Vela! MQRfo3upHEM-00019-00010872-00011038 'Ubuso' (a face). MQRfo3upHEM-00020-00011038-00011204 We can not hear you, please speak up! MQRfo3upHEM-00021-00011204-00011331 'Ubuso' MQRfo3upHEM-00022-00011331-00011435 Please say it again, Vela! MQRfo3upHEM-00023-00011436-00011630 'Ubuso' MQRfo3upHEM-00024-00011630-00011864 'Ubuso,' let's say it all together. MQRfo3upHEM-00025-00011864-00012256 'Ubuso!' MQRfo3upHEM-00026-00012256-00012628 Please hold on to the teacher's picture, Iviwe. MQRfo3upHEM-00027-00012819-00012956 'Popayi' (A cartoon). MQRfo3upHEM-00028-00013008-00013166 'Popayi' MQRfo3upHEM-00029-00013166-00013854 He is correct, this is 'Popayi' but what is it doing? MQRfo3upHEM-00030-00013854-00013972 Please tell us, Entle! MQRfo3upHEM-00031-00013972-00014100 'Uyabaleka' (he is running) MQRfo3upHEM-00032-00014100-00014274 Please say it again, I can not hear you. MQRfo3upHEM-00033-00014274-00014608 'Uyabaleka -u-ya-ba-le-ka!' MQRfo3upHEM-00034-00014608-00015096 This cartoon is running. MQRfo3upHEM-00035-00015096-00015540 Lelethu, please hold for us this picture of a running cartoon MQRfo3upHEM-00036-00015540-00016028 Wow, wow, wow. What is this? MQRfo3upHEM-00037-00016028-00016132 Lelo, what is this? MQRfo3upHEM-00038-00016132-00016286 'Ubisi' (Milk). MQRfo3upHEM-00039-00016286-00016446 Say it again, Lelo! MQRfo3upHEM-00040-00016446-00016576 'Ubisi' MQRfo3upHEM-00041-00016576-00016796 'U-bi-si,' what is Lelo saying? 'Ubisi' MQRfo3upHEM-00042-00016796-00016944 "U-bi-si" what is Lelo saying? MQRfo3upHEM-00043-00016944-00017116 -'Ubisi' -'Ubisi,' what is Lelo saying? MQRfo3upHEM-00044-00017116-00017271 Can you hear the sound of the letter 'b?' MQRfo3upHEM-00045-00017272-00017420 Can you hear? MQRfo3upHEM-00046-00017420-00017706 'Ubisi' MQRfo3upHEM-00047-00017706-00018068 Limise, please hold for us the picture of 'Ubisi.' MQRfo3upHEM-00048-00018438-00019120 And there is this item, it's smooth and soft like a baby. MQRfo3upHEM-00049-00019172-00019570 Who can tell us what this is, Vela? MQRfo3upHEM-00050-00019570-00019868 'Uboya' (Fur)! MQRfo3upHEM-00051-00019868-00020174 -What is Vela saying? 'Uboya.' -'Uboya' MQRfo3upHEM-00052-00020174-00020370 Vela, please hold on to our fur! MQRfo3upHEM-00053-00020606-00020762 'Uboya' MQRfo3upHEM-00054-00020762-00021706 Those that have our pictures, please pass them to others so they can touch and feel them. MQRfo3upHEM-00055-00021706-00022038 Please pass them around so others may see them. MQRfo3upHEM-00056-00022216-00022658 Pass it around so others may look and touch them. MQRfo3upHEM-00057-00022658-00023220 Please pass it around for others to see. MQRfo3upHEM-00058-00023624-00024284 Pass them around for others to see. MQRfo3upHEM-00059-00024406-00024546 Good, listen up! MQRfo3upHEM-00060-00024592-00024870 Ngcwele, please hold on to it! Good, listen up! MQRfo3upHEM-00061-00024870-00025032 Limise you also keep your picture. MQRfo3upHEM-00062-00025032-00025466 Kamvelihle please keep the fur and let's listen to the teacher. MQRfo3upHEM-00063-00025466-00025612 Limise, hold on to your picture. MQRfo3upHEM-00064-00025612-00025812 You too Lelethu. MQRfo3upHEM-00065-00026000-00026132 Here's another thing. MQRfo3upHEM-00066-00026798-00026939 What are these? MQRfo3upHEM-00067-00027233-00027430 They are fishes. MQRfo3upHEM-00068-00027430-00027752 They are fishes, she is right. But these are mixed and are different colors. They are fishes. MQRfo3upHEM-00069-00027752-00028104 They are fishes, she is right. But these are mixed and are different colors. MQRfo3upHEM-00070-00028104-00028112 All these we will say "i-mibala" - colors They are fishes, she is right. But these are mixed and are different colors. MQRfo3upHEM-00071-00028112-00028519 All these we will say "i-mibala" - colors MQRfo3upHEM-00072-00028519-00028595 What are these? MQRfo3upHEM-00073-00028595-00028795 "i-mibala" - colors MQRfo3upHEM-00074-00028795-00029339 Who can tell me what color are these fishes, Entle? MQRfo3upHEM-00075-00029339-00030000 They are red, blue and yellow. MQRfo3upHEM-00076-00030000-00030092 What the other color? MQRfo3upHEM-00077-00030092-00030187 It's yellow! MQRfo3upHEM-00078-00030187-00030380 Please start over, I did not hear well. MQRfo3upHEM-00079-00030380-00030972 They are red, blue and yellow. MQRfo3upHEM-00080-00030972-00031551 She says they are red, blue and yellow in color. MQRfo3upHEM-00081-00031551-00031656 She is correct! MQRfo3upHEM-00082-00031656-00031951 How many fishes do we have in this color? MQRfo3upHEM-00083-00031951-00032092 They're three. MQRfo3upHEM-00084-00032092-00032283 Correct, how many again? MQRfo3upHEM-00085-00032283-00032416 They are three. MQRfo3upHEM-00086-00032416-00032692 Please hold these for us, Bahle. MQRfo3upHEM-00087-00032887-00033324 Bahle, please pass the colors around for others to see. MQRfo3upHEM-00088-00033324-00033560 Please pass the colors around. MQRfo3upHEM-00089-00033560-00033812 Please pass them around. MQRfo3upHEM-00090-00033812-00034243 Please pass around what you are holding so others may touch and see. MQRfo3upHEM-00091-00034243-00034627 Pass around for others to see and touch. MQRfo3upHEM-00092-00035216-00035500 Pass around for others to see and touch. MQRfo3upHEM-00093-00036012-00036300 Pass to the back, pass to the back! MQRfo3upHEM-00094-00036300-00036668 Pass around for others to see and touch. MQRfo3upHEM-00095-00036868-00037427 Limise pass "u-bisi" around. MQRfo3upHEM-00096-00039127-00039612 Those with objects, keep them with you. MQRfo3upHEM-00097-00039612-00039839 Hold on to what you have. MQRfo3upHEM-00098-00039839-00040039 Are you holding on to it? MQRfo3upHEM-00099-00040039-00040304 Likhwezi, pay attention to the teacher. MQRfo3upHEM-00100-00040304-00040612 Keep what you have, hold on to it. MQRfo3upHEM-00101-00040612-00040956 The picture or an object you have keep with you. MQRfo3upHEM-00102-00041156-00041839 All the objects you have have a sound of a letter ? MQRfo3upHEM-00103-00041860-00042268 a letter "b" MQRfo3upHEM-00104-00042268-00043048 Remember with spoke about the letter "s" MQRfo3upHEM-00105-00043048-00043556 What letter is this? it's the letter "s" MQRfo3upHEM-00106-00043556-00043887 In this box, the teacher has some items, MQRfo3upHEM-00107-00043887-00044192 Teacher is going to show them to you. MQRfo3upHEM-00108-00044192-00044568 I will take them out and you will tell me what they are. MQRfo3upHEM-00109-00045107-00045216 "I-rayisi" - rice. Anam says "i-rayisi" , she is correct MQRfo3upHEM-00110-00045216-00045524 She says this is "i-rayisi" - rice. Is she correct? MQRfo3upHEM-00111-00045619-00045707 What is this? MQRfo3upHEM-00112-00045992-00046160 Likhwezi what is this? It's sand. MQRfo3upHEM-00113-00046160-00046363 He says "yi-santi" - sand MQRfo3upHEM-00114-00046363-00046612 Yes "i-santi" has a sound of a letter "s" MQRfo3upHEM-00115-00046612-00046827 But this is not sand. MQRfo3upHEM-00116-00046827-00047136 Isanti - has a letter "s", although this is not sand. MQRfo3upHEM-00117-00047136-00047204 Maphao, what is this? MQRfo3upHEM-00118-00047204-00047304 "I-swekile" - sugar MQRfo3upHEM-00119-00047304-00047595 It's "i-swekile"! MQRfo3upHEM-00120-00047595-00047887 This is "i-swekile" touch it Anam. MQRfo3upHEM-00121-00047887-00048375 Who can tell me what this is, Ovayo! MQRfo3upHEM-00122-00048375-00048475 "I-siba" - a feather. MQRfo3upHEM-00123-00048475-00048624 "i-siba" MQRfo3upHEM-00124-00048624-00048727 What is this? MQRfo3upHEM-00125-00048727-00049104 "i-siba", can your hear the sound of letter "s"? MQRfo3upHEM-00126-00049104-00049372 "li -si-ba" MQRfo3upHEM-00127-00049372-00049587 Hold on to it Ovayo. MQRfo3upHEM-00128-00049595-00049892 What is this, Zezemihla? MQRfo3upHEM-00129-00049892-00049992 "i sepha" - soap! MQRfo3upHEM-00130-00049992-00050124 "i-sepha" MQRfo3upHEM-00131-00050124-00050216 What is this? MQRfo3upHEM-00132-00050216-00050416 "i sepha"! MQRfo3upHEM-00133-00050416-00050972 What is this, Lizalise? MQRfo3upHEM-00134-00050972-00051104 "i-sonka" - bread! MQRfo3upHEM-00135-00051104-00051436 "i-sonka" , here take it Lisolethu. MQRfo3upHEM-00136-00052248-00052348 What is this, Likhwezi? MQRfo3upHEM-00137-00052348-00052487 "i-sele" - a frog MQRfo3upHEM-00138-00052487-00052715 "i-sele"! What is this again? MQRfo3upHEM-00139-00052715-00053148 "i-sele" MQRfo3upHEM-00140-00053148-00053348 "i-sele". Please hold on to this. MQRfo3upHEM-00141-00053348-00053703 Then what is this? MQRfo3upHEM-00142-00053703-00054079 He says "i-kofu" MQRfo3upHEM-00143-00054079-00054400 He says i "i-kofu" is he correct? MQRfo3upHEM-00144-00054512-00054860 Is this coffee? Then what is it? MQRfo3upHEM-00145-00054939-00055132 Usakhe, what is this? MQRfo3upHEM-00146-00055132-00055248 Its "i-santi" - black sand. MQRfo3upHEM-00147-00055460-00055820 "i-santi", yes it is black sand! MQRfo3upHEM-00148-00055820-00056132 Lelethu, please hold on to our black sand. MQRfo3upHEM-00149-00056132-00056639 Asigcobise tell us what this is. MQRfo3upHEM-00150-00056639-00056775 "i-sandla" - a hand. MQRfo3upHEM-00151-00056775-00057024 "i-sandla", what is this again? MQRfo3upHEM-00152-00057027-00057291 "i-sandla" MQRfo3upHEM-00153-00057291-00057491 Please take this Asigcobise. MQRfo3upHEM-00154-00057712-00058127 What did we say this letter is? It's the letter "s" MQRfo3upHEM-00155-00058127-00058620 I'd like us to write the letter "s" in the air. MQRfo3upHEM-00156-00058879-00059344 Let's write it again! MQRfo3upHEM-00157-00059448-00059703 Write the letter "s" MQRfo3upHEM-00158-00059703-00060160 It looks like others are writing the number "2" MQRfo3upHEM-00159-00060160-00060479 We are writing the letter "s", please! MQRfo3upHEM-00160-00060479-00061324 Let's ask Mvela to write the letter "s" as it is here. MQRfo3upHEM-00161-00062060-00062503 Pay attention! White you still have your objects. MQRfo3upHEM-00162-00062503-00063687 I'd like those with objects with the letter "s" to pass them around so others can see and touch them. MQRfo3upHEM-00163-00063687-00063887 Those with items with a letter "s" MQRfo3upHEM-00164-00063887-00064515 Those with objects with the letter "s" please pass them around so others can see and touch them. MQRfo3upHEM-00165-00064515-00064763 Pass is to anybody. MQRfo3upHEM-00166-00064763-00065175 Those next to you or behind you. MQRfo3upHEM-00167-00065484-00065724 Those with a letter "s", Likhwezi. MQRfo3upHEM-00168-00066020-00066751 Hold it, where you are. Stop right there! MQRfo3upHEM-00169-00066751-00067151 Sakhiwo hold on to it. Lizalise you too. MQRfo3upHEM-00170-00067779-00068020 Listen up, I'll count up to five! MQRfo3upHEM-00171-00068020-00068296 I'll count up to three and you have to be still. MQRfo3upHEM-00172-00068296-00068612 One.. two.. three! MQRfo3upHEM-00173-00068612-00068851 Good, listen to the teacher now! MQRfo3upHEM-00174-00068851-00070139 All those holding an object with the sound of letter "b", please bring it to the teachers circle. MQRfo3upHEM-00175-00070139-00070684 If what you're holding has a letter "b" MQRfo3upHEM-00176-00070684-00070996 Stand up and come bring it to the teacher's circle. MQRfo3upHEM-00177-00071312-00072015 If you are holding something with a letter "b" please bring it to the teacher's circle. MQRfo3upHEM-00178-00072015-00072215 In the "b" circle. MQRfo3upHEM-00179-00074439-00074744 Here are the items with the letter "b". MQRfo3upHEM-00180-00074744-00075051 Are these all we have? MQRfo3upHEM-00181-00075051-00075284 Are these enough? MQRfo3upHEM-00182-00075284-00075803 Are they enough? MQRfo3upHEM-00183-00075803-00076027 What is this? MQRfo3upHEM-00184-00076027-00076355 "u-bisi" - milk. MQRfo3upHEM-00185-00076355-00076487 What is this? MQRfo3upHEM-00186-00076487-00076612 "U-boya" - fur MQRfo3upHEM-00187-00076615-00076687 What is it? MQRfo3upHEM-00188-00076687-00076932 "U-boya" MQRfo3upHEM-00189-00076932-00077075 What is this? MQRfo3upHEM-00190-00077075-00077691 "U-bu-so" - face MQRfo3upHEM-00191-00077691-00077800 What's happening here? MQRfo3upHEM-00192-00077800-00077912 "baleka" - run MQRfo3upHEM-00193-00077912-00078279 What's happening here, what is this cartoon doing? MQRfo3upHEM-00194-00078279-00078587 "uya-baleka" - he is running! MQRfo3upHEM-00195-00078587-00078812 What are these? MQRfo3upHEM-00196-00078812-00079836 It's colorful fishes. MQRfo3upHEM-00197-00079908-00080272 correct, it's colorful fishes. MQRfo3upHEM-00198-00080272-00080663 Give yourselves a round of applause! MQRfo3upHEM-00199-00080948-00081551 I'd like those who have objects with the sound of letter "s" MQRfo3upHEM-00200-00081551-00081751 bring them to the circle, MQRfo3upHEM-00201-00081751-00082263 bring them to the circle. MQRfo3upHEM-00202-00082712-00082908 ... in the circle! MQRfo3upHEM-00203-00084251-00084775 Very good! They're all here, well done! MQRfo3upHEM-00204-00084775-00084951 What did we say this was? MQRfo3upHEM-00205-00084951-00085287 "I-santi emnyama" - it's black sand MQRfo3upHEM-00206-00085287-00085363 What did we say this was? MQRfo3upHEM-00207-00085363-00085560 "I-swekile" - sugar MQRfo3upHEM-00208-00085560-00085687 What did we say this was? MQRfo3upHEM-00209-00085687-00085912 "I-sandla" - a hand! MQRfo3upHEM-00210-00085912-00085991 What is this? MQRfo3upHEM-00211-00085991-00086232 "I-sonka" - bread! MQRfo3upHEM-00212-00086232-00086584 "I-sele" - a frog. MQRfo3upHEM-00213-00086584-00086972 "I-sepha" - the soap! MQRfo3upHEM-00214-00086972-00087648 "I-siba" - a feather! MQRfo3upHEM-00215-00087648-00087727 What is this? MQRfo3upHEM-00216-00087727-00087951 "I-siba" MQRfo3upHEM-00217-00087951-00088615 Great, you know how to differentiate between letter "b" and letter "s" MQRfo3upHEM-00218-00088615-00089024 Give you selves a round of applause! MR-xaDNQWL4-00000-00001704-00002136 Where is this place? MR-xaDNQWL4-00001-00002780-00003132 Oky came out to meet me MR-xaDNQWL4-00002-00004102-00004490 Oky's Cafe where Jeju Island can play MR-xaDNQWL4-00003-00004552-00004890 Oky likes this place the best MR-xaDNQWL4-00004-00006812-00007070 Pretty props MR-xaDNQWL4-00005-00008130-00008404 Oky want to eat snacks MR-xaDNQWL4-00006-00009660-00009900 I have an ordered drink. MR-xaDNQWL4-00007-00010080-00010360 Now go out and play MR-xaDNQWL4-00008-00012550-00012982 Oky to greet the puppy barking next door MR-xaDNQWL4-00009-00019350-00019686 Oky is here when you get here MR-xaDNQWL4-00010-00020834-00021034 (laugh) MR-xaDNQWL4-00011-00021092-00021424 I'm kidding Oky. MR-xaDNQWL4-00012-00022596-00022904 Oky to open the door MR-xaDNQWL4-00013-00025716-00026045 Oky to torture MX9qIxCISL8-00000-00000241-00000342 Guest kim: atention customers, MX9qIxCISL8-00001-00000342-00000464 clean up on lsle 3. MX9qIxCISL8-00002-00000464-00000587 Jon: SOMENE LEFT THEIR MX9qIxCISL8-00003-00000587-00000659 Guest kim: Heart Shaped Object: MX9qIxCISL8-00004-00000659-00000804 Jon: LYING AROUND. MX9qIxCISL8-00005-00000858-00000982 Jon: It's time to make- MX9qIxCISL8-00006-00000982-00001133 -A "vErY" MX9qIxCISL8-00007-00001133-00001200 Guset kim: Specil! MX9qIxCISL8-00008-00001200-00001268 Jon: ...Deal! MX9qIxCISL8-00009-00001268-00001494 Gender.ZIP: *Madness laugh* MX9qIxCISL8-00010-00002924-00003008 Gender.ZIP: Congratulations! MX9qIxCISL8-00011-00003561-00003642 Gender.ZIP: 3.99! MX9qIxCISL8-00012-00004036-00004190 Gender.ZIP: Now's your chance to be a big shot! MX9qIxCISL8-00013-00004190-00004347 Be big be big Now your shot. MX9qIxCISL8-00014-00004422-00004472 Jon: WHAT??? MX9qIxCISL8-00015-00004493-00004654 Are you kIdDiNg me?! MX9qIxCISL8-00016-00004695-00004821 Gender.ZIP: It's for you! MX9qIxCISL8-00017-00004835-00005146 (Miss Pauling sings) MX9qIxCISL8-00018-00005146-00005388 (Guset kim sings) MX9qIxCISL8-00019-00005388-00005481 (Gender.ZIP is going crazy) MX9qIxCISL8-00020-00005481-00005595 Gender.ZIP: Now's your chance to be a big shot! MX9qIxCISL8-00021-00005595-00005645 (Jon: yeah?) MX9qIxCISL8-00022-00005645-00005695 (Friday) MX9qIxCISL8-00023-00005695-00005745 (Guset kim: Pingas.) MX9qIxCISL8-00024-00005745-00005806 (Jon: Freaky on a Friday-) MX9qIxCISL8-00025-00005806-00005883 Gender.ZIP: Now's your chan- MX9qIxCISL8-00026-00005883-00006015 Gender.ZIP: Now you can. MX9qIxCISL8-00027-00006015-00006115 Now you can! NOW YOU NOW YOU- (AAAA) MX9qIxCISL8-00028-00006587-00006750 Gender.ZIP: watch me fly! MX9qIxCISL8-00029-00006750-00006938 Mama~~~~~~~~~~~ MX9qIxCISL8-00030-00007418-00007468 (Pipis.) MX9qIxCISL8-00031-00008352-00008460 (Gender.ZIP: Now you chance to be a) MX9qIxCISL8-00032-00008460-00008518 (Guset kim: Pingas.) MX9qIxCISL8-00033-00009432-00009482 Gender.ZIP: UGH! MX9qIxCISL8-00034-00009600-00009650 Jon: ugh ugh MX9qIxCISL8-00035-00010283-00010333 Gender.ZIP: what. MX9qIxCISL8-00036-00010395-00010476 Jon: It's for ME! MX9qIxCISL8-00037-00010512-00010604 (Gender.ZIP is get Shock) MX9qIxCISL8-00038-00012365-00012439 Gender: pipis, pipis MX9qIxCISL8-00039-00012439-00012489 pipis, pipis MX9qIxCISL8-00040-00013156-00013296 Gender: EARTHQUAKES AND THUNDERSTORMS, MX9qIxCISL8-00041-00013296-00013400 BASS SMASHING THROUGH: MX9qIxCISL8-00042-00013400-00013481 ugh ugh ugh ugh uuuuuuuuuuuuugh MX9qIxCISL8-00043-00013630-00013741 Gender: Deal or no deal! MX9qIxCISL8-00044-00018117-00018633 (Mad laugh) MXO64hPDiDc-00000-00000051-00002692 Music Playing McT4EvdXS_o-00000-00000001-00000105 (male narrator) In this video, McT4EvdXS_o-00001-00000105-00000404 we will look at scientific notation and how we can convert McT4EvdXS_o-00002-00000404-00000802 between scientific notation and standard notation. McT4EvdXS_o-00003-00000802-00001007 Scientific notation is used to express McT4EvdXS_o-00004-00001007-00001300 really big or really small numbers McT4EvdXS_o-00005-00001300-00001604 in the form a times 10 to the b-- McT4EvdXS_o-00006-00001604-00001806 where a, the number in front, McT4EvdXS_o-00007-00001806-00002305 will always be between... 1 and 10. McT4EvdXS_o-00008-00002305-00002500 This means the decimal McT4EvdXS_o-00009-00002500-00002804 will always come after the first digit. McT4EvdXS_o-00010-00002804-00003303 The b--the exponent on 10-- tells us the number of times... McT4EvdXS_o-00011-00004101-00004504 the decimal... has moved. McT4EvdXS_o-00012-00005002-00005207 To know which direction the decimal moves, McT4EvdXS_o-00013-00005207-00005700 we consider if the b is positive or if the b is negative. McT4EvdXS_o-00014-00005700-00006004 If the b is positive, it means the original number, McT4EvdXS_o-00015-00006004-00006204 in standard notation... McT4EvdXS_o-00016-00006807-00007200 is big. McT4EvdXS_o-00017-00007302-00007602 For example, if the original number was 5 million, McT4EvdXS_o-00018-00007602-00007802 that would be a big number McT4EvdXS_o-00019-00007802-00008107 with a positive exponent in scientific notation. McT4EvdXS_o-00020-00008107-00008702 If the b is negative, this means our standard notation number... McT4EvdXS_o-00021-00009200-00009407 is small. McT4EvdXS_o-00022-00009803-00010309 For example, a number like 245 one-thousandths. McT4EvdXS_o-00023-00010309-00010600 This is a very small value McT4EvdXS_o-00024-00010600-00011007 and would have a negative exponent on the 10. McT4EvdXS_o-00025-00011007-00011303 Let's consider an example. McT4EvdXS_o-00026-00011303-00011703 We're going to convert this number to standard notation. McT4EvdXS_o-00027-00011703-00011909 The exponent is positive. McT4EvdXS_o-00028-00011909-00012202 This tells me, in standard notation, McT4EvdXS_o-00029-00012202-00012407 I'm dealing with a large number, McT4EvdXS_o-00030-00012407-00012802 so I must move the exponent five times: McT4EvdXS_o-00031-00012802-00013206 one, two, three, four, five. McT4EvdXS_o-00032-00013206-00013608 And for each extra space, we will insert a 0. McT4EvdXS_o-00033-00013608-00014000 This gives us the number 523 McT4EvdXS_o-00034-00014000-00014606 with three extra 0s at the end: 523,000. McT4EvdXS_o-00035-00014808-00015008 Let's consider another number. McT4EvdXS_o-00036-00015203-00015503 Let's convert this one to standard notation. McT4EvdXS_o-00037-00015503-00015708 Notice this time, the exponent is negative. McT4EvdXS_o-00038-00015708-00016001 This means as I move the decimal, McT4EvdXS_o-00039-00016001-00016109 I need to end up McT4EvdXS_o-00040-00016109-00016309 with a small number in standard notation. McT4EvdXS_o-00041-00016309-00016503 To make it small, McT4EvdXS_o-00042-00016503-00016804 we need to move the decimal to the left four times, McT4EvdXS_o-00043-00016804-00017300 as the exponent is 4: one, two, three, four. McT4EvdXS_o-00044-00017300-00017704 And for each extra space, again, we will insert a 0. McT4EvdXS_o-00045-00017704-00018002 In standard notation, after the decimal point, McT4EvdXS_o-00046-00018002-00018501 we have three 0s and then 425. McT4EvdXS_o-00047-00018501-00018908 This would be standard notation for our number. McT4EvdXS_o-00048-00019106-00019600 Let's consider converting the alternate direction. McT4EvdXS_o-00049-00019600-00019902 If I give you the number in scientific notation, McT4EvdXS_o-00050-00019902-00020206 how will we convert it to standard notation? McT4EvdXS_o-00051-00020206-00020606 Well, the decimal needs to go after the first digit. McT4EvdXS_o-00052-00020606-00021308 This means we have 8.15 in decimal form, times 10. McT4EvdXS_o-00053-00021308-00021706 Because 8...1...8... what is that... McT4EvdXS_o-00054-00021706-00022100 8 million 150 thousand is a large number, McT4EvdXS_o-00055-00022100-00022408 much larger than 10, our exponent will be positive. McT4EvdXS_o-00056-00022600-00022704 How positive? McT4EvdXS_o-00057-00022704-00023004 Count the number of times the decimal has moved: McT4EvdXS_o-00058-00023004-00023407 one, two, three, four, five, six. McT4EvdXS_o-00059-00023704-00024401 This is 8.15 times 10 to the +6, representing the large number. McT4EvdXS_o-00060-00024505-00024801 Let's try one more. McT4EvdXS_o-00061-00024801-00025103 This problem, you notice, is very small. McT4EvdXS_o-00062-00025103-00025506 This means we will have a negative exponent on the 10. McT4EvdXS_o-00063-00025506-00025705 The decimal needs to go McT4EvdXS_o-00064-00025705-00025904 after the first significant digit, McT4EvdXS_o-00065-00025904-00026502 so we have 2.45 times 10 to the negative, McT4EvdXS_o-00066-00026502-00026701 because it's a small number. McT4EvdXS_o-00067-00026701-00027008 And we count the number of times the decimal has moved: McT4EvdXS_o-00068-00027008-00027404 one, two, three, four, five, six. McT4EvdXS_o-00069-00027404-00027907 We get 2.45 times 10 to the -6. McT4EvdXS_o-00070-00027907-00028201 In this way, we can convert McT4EvdXS_o-00071-00028201-00028402 from standard notation to scientific McT4EvdXS_o-00072-00028402-00028602 or scientific to standard notation McT4EvdXS_o-00073-00028602-00028905 by counting the number of times the decimal moves McT4EvdXS_o-00074-00028905-00029106 and deciding if the standard number McT4EvdXS_o-00075-00029106-00029404 is big--meaning a positive exponent-- McT4EvdXS_o-00076-00029404-00029800 or small--meaning a negative exponent. McbrjtrHREY-00000-00000032-00000486 I’ve never much liked compulsory superannuation — I’d much rather be in charge of my own McbrjtrHREY-00001-00000486-00000556 money. McbrjtrHREY-00002-00000556-00000948 Sure, I’m happy if super exists, but let’s make it voluntary. McbrjtrHREY-00003-00000948-00001424 A recent report from the Centre for Independent Studies (CIS) agrees. McbrjtrHREY-00004-00001424-00001910 The report titled, “Millennials and Super: the case for voluntary superannuation”, McbrjtrHREY-00005-00001911-00002298 suggests that that the money that young people are forced to save for their retirement through McbrjtrHREY-00006-00002298-00002737 compulsory superannuation, would be better off being spent to save up for a house in McbrjtrHREY-00007-00002737-00002830 the present. McbrjtrHREY-00008-00002830-00003300 Owning a house earlier on in life is a better option than not owning a house in retirement, McbrjtrHREY-00009-00003301-00003510 but having a super balance instead. McbrjtrHREY-00010-00003510-00004060 CIS research director, Simon Cowan, suggests that the massive increase in house prices, McbrjtrHREY-00011-00004060-00004567 especially in places like Sydney and Melbourne, delays home ownership for first home buyers. McbrjtrHREY-00012-00004567-00004626 He said, McbrjtrHREY-00013-00004626-00004922 “Super is paid for out of the wages of workers. McbrjtrHREY-00014-00004923-00005385 Diverting more of those wages to prop up future super balances will damage workers in the McbrjtrHREY-00015-00005386-00005472 present. McbrjtrHREY-00016-00005472-00005948 Though it is likely that home ownership is more important than accumulating superannuation, McbrjtrHREY-00017-00005948-00006336 the system prioritises superannuation above home ownership.” McbrjtrHREY-00018-00006336-00006780 Looking at this chart from the report, we can see that property prices have risen sharply McbrjtrHREY-00019-00006780-00007264 compared to Australian incomes since about the early 1990s, around the same time compulsory McbrjtrHREY-00020-00007264-00007488 superannuation was introduced. McbrjtrHREY-00021-00007488-00007864 With the introduction of compulsory super, workers have had to spend a lot more of their McbrjtrHREY-00022-00007865-00008220 take-home income to save up enough for a home deposit. McbrjtrHREY-00023-00008220-00008695 Mr Cowan has labelled compulsory super as a form of “government paternalism”, that McbrjtrHREY-00024-00008695-00008983 is, the Government think that they know what is best for us. McbrjtrHREY-00025-00008983-00009368 However, in the process, they have made it harder for young people to save up for their McbrjtrHREY-00026-00009368-00009491 first home. McbrjtrHREY-00027-00009491-00009608 Mr Cowan said, McbrjtrHREY-00028-00009608-00009994 “The ratio of the average deposit in Sydney to average earnings increased by more than McbrjtrHREY-00029-00009994-00010424 70% between 1996 and 2015. McbrjtrHREY-00030-00010424-00010824 During the same time, government increased the compulsory super contribution by about McbrjtrHREY-00031-00010824-00010974 the same percentage. McbrjtrHREY-00032-00010974-00011494 Not only is that bad housing policy, its actually bad retirement policy as well.” McbrjtrHREY-00033-00011494-00011836 Here’s a chart showing the rate of home ownership for the various age groups. McbrjtrHREY-00034-00011836-00012266 As you can see, home ownership has pretty much fallen for all age categories, except McbrjtrHREY-00035-00012266-00012560 perhaps for those who are 65 years or older. McbrjtrHREY-00036-00012560-00013168 The largest falls have occurred in the younger age groups, 25-34 year olds and 35-44 year McbrjtrHREY-00037-00013168-00013254 olds. McbrjtrHREY-00038-00013254-00013554 I fall into that category and its not looking too good for us. McbrjtrHREY-00039-00013554-00013878 This ongoing trend is very worrying indeed. McbrjtrHREY-00040-00013878-00014408 There was a time in the early 80s when more than 60% of young people owned their own home, McbrjtrHREY-00041-00014408-00014766 but that’s since fallen well below 50% in recent years. McbrjtrHREY-00042-00014766-00015291 When it comes to compulsory super, employers are required to pay 9.5% of workers’ salaries McbrjtrHREY-00043-00015291-00015850 into the superannuation system, but that’s said to be increasing to 12% by 2025. McbrjtrHREY-00044-00015850-00016308 According to modelling conducted by the Grattan Institute, this increase in compulsory super McbrjtrHREY-00045-00016308-00016812 will strip almost $20 billion of workers’ salaries away from them every year. McbrjtrHREY-00046-00016812-00017128 Home ownership rates are simply going to get worse and worse. McbrjtrHREY-00047-00017128-00017232 Mr Cowan said, McbrjtrHREY-00048-00017232-00017614 “You can be comfortable in retirement without a super balance, but it’s far harder to McbrjtrHREY-00049-00017614-00017832 do so if you don't own your own home. McbrjtrHREY-00050-00017832-00018384 Making super voluntary would also fix problems with unacceptably high fees and low returns McbrjtrHREY-00051-00018384-00018695 — because super funds would have to compete for your dollars.” McbrjtrHREY-00052-00018696-00018786 So there we go. McbrjtrHREY-00053-00018786-00019100 Compulsory superannuation hurts first home buyers. McbrjtrHREY-00054-00019100-00019594 As Simon Cowan said, superannuation is government paternalism at its best. McbrjtrHREY-00055-00019594-00019962 The government seem to think that they know what is good for us, so they force us to pay McbrjtrHREY-00056-00019962-00020560 a percentage of our hard-earned cash into a system which is known for unfair fees and poor returns. McbrjtrHREY-00057-00020560-00020736 Super doesn’t help individuals. McbrjtrHREY-00058-00020736-00020946 Super helps the super funds. McbrjtrHREY-00059-00020946-00021408 I’m not saying to get rid of it, but at the very least, let’s make it voluntary McbrjtrHREY-00060-00021408-00021756 — just like it should be in a free and democratic society. Me5Ag27xEMy-00000-00000131-00000296 SEPTEMBER 25 Me5Ag27xEMy-00001-00000296-00000994 "And do not be conformed to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your Me5Ag27xEMy-00002-00000994-00001726 mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." Me5Ag27xEMy-00003-00001726-00002361 Romans 12:2 Me5Ag27xEMy-00004-00002361-00003158 THE world, and the love of it, and conformity to it, may please and assist the life of sense, Me5Ag27xEMy-00005-00003158-00003632 but it is opposed to, and will retard, the life of faith. Me5Ag27xEMy-00006-00003632-00004216 Not more opposed in their natures are the flesh and the Spirit, darkness and light, Me5Ag27xEMy-00007-00004216-00005012 sin and holiness, than are a vigorous life of faith and a sinful love of the world. Me5Ag27xEMy-00008-00005012-00005618 Professor of the gospel! guard against the world; it is your great bane: watch against Me5Ag27xEMy-00009-00005618-00006262 conformity to it in your dress, in your mode of living, in the education of your children, Me5Ag27xEMy-00010-00006262-00006834 in the principles, motives, and policy that govern you. Me5Ag27xEMy-00011-00006834-00007459 Grieve not, then, the Holy Spirit of God by any known inconsistency of conduct, any sinful Me5Ag27xEMy-00012-00007459-00008224 conformity to the world, any inordinate pursuit of its wealth, its honors, its pleasures, Me5Ag27xEMy-00013-00008224-00008577 its friendships, and its great things. Me5Ag27xEMy-00014-00008577-00009072 Pray against the sin of covetousness, that canker-worm that feeds at the root of so many Me5Ag27xEMy-00015-00009072-00009767 souls; pray against the love of dress, that sin that diverts the mind of so many professors Me5Ag27xEMy-00016-00009767-00010489 from the simplicity of Christ, and takes the eye off from the true adornment; pray against Me5Ag27xEMy-00017-00010489-00011240 a thirst for light and trifling reading, that strange and sinful inconsistency of so many, Me5Ag27xEMy-00018-00011240-00011747 the certain tendency of which is to starve the life of God in the soul, to engender a Me5Ag27xEMy-00019-00011747-00012392 distaste for spiritual aliment, for the word of God, for holy meditation, and for Divine Me5Ag27xEMy-00020-00012392-00013044 communion and fellowship—yes, pray against the spirit of worldly, sinful conformity in Me5Ag27xEMy-00021-00013044-00013650 everything, that the Holy Spirit do not be grieved, and that Christ do not be dishonored Me5Ag27xEMy-00022-00013650-00013997 and crucified afresh in and through you. Me5Ag27xEMy-00023-00013997-00014593 It is to be feared that much of the professed Christianity of the day is of a compromising Me5Ag27xEMy-00024-00014593-00014751 character. Me5Ag27xEMy-00025-00014751-00015550 The spirit that marks so many is, "What will you give me, and I will deliver him unto you?" Me5Ag27xEMy-00026-00015550-00016001 There is a betraying of Christ before the world—a bartering of Christianity for its Me5Ag27xEMy-00027-00016001-00016647 good opinion, its places of honor, and influence, and emolument. Me5Ag27xEMy-00028-00016647-00017190 The world, the flesh, and Satan are ever on the alert to frame a bargain with a Christian Me5Ag27xEMy-00029-00017190-00017390 professor for his religion. Me5Ag27xEMy-00030-00017390-00017905 "What will you give me in return?" is the eager inquiry of many. Me5Ag27xEMy-00031-00017905-00018416 Oh, awful state! oh, fearful deception! oh, fatal delusion! Me5Ag27xEMy-00032-00018416-00018785 Reader! are you a professing Christian? Me5Ag27xEMy-00033-00018785-00019490 Then guard against the least compromise of your principles, the least betrayal of Jesus, Me5Ag27xEMy-00034-00019490-00020095 the first step in an inconsistency of walk; above all, pray and watch against a worldly Me5Ag27xEMy-00035-00020095-00020815 Christianity—a Christianity that wears a fair exterior, so far as it is composed of Me5Ag27xEMy-00036-00020815-00021534 attendance upon sanctuary services and sacraments and religious institutions, but which excludes Me5Ag27xEMy-00037-00021534-00022134 from it the cross of the meek and lowly Lamb of God—a Christianity which loves the world Me5Ag27xEMy-00038-00022134-00022681 and the things of the world, "makes a fair show in the flesh," speaks well of Christ, Me5Ag27xEMy-00039-00022681-00022929 and yet betrays Him with a kiss. Me5Ag27xEMy-00040-00022929-00023228 Let not this be the model of your religion. Me5Ag27xEMy-00041-00023228-00023700 The world is the sworn enemy of your Savior; let it not be your friend. Me5Ag27xEMy-00042-00023700-00024059 No; come out of it, and be you separate. Mfyv3eDMetU-00000-00000171-00000577 Wiki: build knowledge together. Mfyv3eDMetU-00001-00000577-00000823 If you've ever gone to Wikipedia to look something Mfyv3eDMetU-00002-00000823-00001292 up you might have noticed that you can actually edit the page: you can add Mfyv3eDMetU-00003-00001292-00001768 information to it, because it is a wiki which is collaboratively created and Mfyv3eDMetU-00004-00001768-00002012 edited. Mfyv3eDMetU-00005-00002012-00002403 Moodle has a wiki too, which you could set up for your learners for Mfyv3eDMetU-00006-00002403-00003138 instance to do a group project doing some research or to write a combined essay. Mfyv3eDMetU-00007-00003138-00003535 To add a wiki we go to our course page and we turn the editing on from the link Mfyv3eDMetU-00008-00003535-00004011 in the gear menu and then in the section where we want our wiki we click Add an Mfyv3eDMetU-00009-00004011-00004301 activity or resource. Mfyv3eDMetU-00010-00004301-00004585 This brings up the activity chooser. Mfyv3eDMetU-00011-00004585-00004985 Scrolling down we'll see wiki in the activity list and if we Mfyv3eDMetU-00012-00004985-00005411 click once we get some information giving useful teaching ideas about a Mfyv3eDMetU-00013-00005411-00005835 wiki, and then we can click the Add button at the bottom ,or we can click Mfyv3eDMetU-00014-00005835-00006174 twice to get straight to the setup screen. Mfyv3eDMetU-00015-00006174-00006493 The name is important because it's what the students will see on the Mfyv3eDMetU-00016-00006493-00006936 page to access it and you can then give a description of what you want them to Mfyv3eDMetU-00017-00006936-00007518 do with the wiki and you can tick the box Display description on course page. Mfyv3eDMetU-00018-00007518-00008084 Normally a wiki would be group work - collaborative - but you can, by changing Mfyv3eDMetU-00019-00008084-00008545 the drop-down menu here, have an individual wiki and then each student Mfyv3eDMetU-00020-00008545-00009008 would have their own copy for instance as a personal notebook. Mfyv3eDMetU-00021-00009008-00009452 We are going to keep it as collaborative however and the next thing to do is to Mfyv3eDMetU-00022-00009452-00009919 choose the first page name and this must be carefully thought out because it Mfyv3eDMetU-00023-00009919-00010201 cannot then be altered. Mfyv3eDMetU-00024-00010201-00010662 There are other settings but for now we just go to Save and display and get our Mfyv3eDMetU-00025-00010662-00010883 wiki started. Mfyv3eDMetU-00026-00010883-00011246 You see now that we press a button to create this page. Mfyv3eDMetU-00027-00011246-00011549 If you don't understand any of the other formats just Mfyv3eDMetU-00028-00011549-00011865 leave it as default; it's absolutely fine. Mfyv3eDMetU-00029-00011865-00012260 And we now have our first page of the wiki. Mfyv3eDMetU-00030-00012260-00012789 To set up links to make up the other pages you put double square brackets Mfyv3eDMetU-00031-00012789-00013376 around the name you want to give the page, so here are a couple of examples Mfyv3eDMetU-00032-00013376-00013908 and this is how your learners would also make new pages on the wiki. Mfyv3eDMetU-00033-00013908-00014149 When we scroll down and save it ,we see that we Mfyv3eDMetU-00034-00014149-00014694 have links but these aren't yet pages until we actually click onto them and Mfyv3eDMetU-00035-00014694-00015258 create those pages in the same way that we made the first page,so if we click on Mfyv3eDMetU-00036-00015258-00015776 the Reading link, we're them prompted to create that page and we can start adding Mfyv3eDMetU-00037-00015776-00016078 information to it. Mfyv3eDMetU-00038-00016078-00016311 This is how your students would then add text and Mfyv3eDMetU-00039-00016311-00016564 information to a new page. Mfyv3eDMetU-00040-00016564-00016935 For now if we scroll down and save that page, we can Mfyv3eDMetU-00041-00016935-00017266 take a look at some of the other links in a wiki. Mfyv3eDMetU-00042-00017266-00017518 If we look at the tabs at the top: Mfyv3eDMetU-00043-00017518-00017995 Map takes us two pages which have been created and we can access them from Mfyv3eDMetU-00044-00017995-00018390 there - currently we only have two pages. Mfyv3eDMetU-00045-00018390-00018704 History is a useful way of the other learners Mfyv3eDMetU-00046-00018704-00019184 and the teacher seeing who has changed what on the wiki and in case of any Mfyv3eDMetU-00047-00019184-00019490 problems that's a handy page to go and revert Mfyv3eDMetU-00048-00019490-00020198 changes, and if enabled, Comments allows you to see and add comments to the wiki. MktAromvbfU-00000-00000000-00000448 Asalam alykum wr wb halal family welcome to the channel i hope you guys are having yourself a MktAromvbfU-00001-00000448-00000984 wonderful day in today's video i'll be playing a mobile legend game MktAromvbfU-00002-00000984-00001592 so i'll be sharing that with you guys so stay tuned we'll be right back MktAromvbfU-00003-00002112-00002544 welcome back guys we're gonna get started with the game i'm just opening it up on my phone MktAromvbfU-00004-00002544-00003104 i'll show you guys my account in case you guys wanted to add me and then hopefully we can MktAromvbfU-00005-00003104-00003632 play together so let me know guys if you like it then i'll continue to make one game or maybe a day MktAromvbfU-00006-00003632-00004264 or every other day and if you don't like it also let me know alright guys so this is my account MktAromvbfU-00007-00004352-00005240 mark saunders number 35 id204192047 so now i'm just waiting for a game to start game MktAromvbfU-00008-00005696-00006559 battlefield so lets go Bot all troops deployed that's weird i can't see the other hero because MktAromvbfU-00009-00006559-00007184 i haven't fully updated the game MktAromvbfU-00010-00007559-00007816 keep it up until you're as brilliant as me MktAromvbfU-00011-00008208-00009984 oh hectic this guys super annoying and Nana two annoying heroes MktAromvbfU-00012-00010224-00010274 oh MktAromvbfU-00013-00010728-00011384 my goodness MktAromvbfU-00014-00011824-00011968 wow that would have been double kill MktAromvbfU-00015-00012232-00012784 not bad i'm gonna book it back to the base MktAromvbfU-00016-00013216-00013576 actually didn't look like we killed it because it's or maybe died by the creeps MktAromvbfU-00017-00013576-00014352 showing zero zero let's try to jungle a bit MktAromvbfU-00018-00014824-00015584 maybe let's just go help him because that hero multiplies usually and harasses quite a bit MktAromvbfU-00019-00016872-00016922 just going to heal fully MktAromvbfU-00020-00017608-00018616 man that's super annoying stupid MktAromvbfU-00021-00019192-00019816 i'm just gonna try farming because i need my skills to get stronger hero keeps running away MktAromvbfU-00022-00020512-00020856 we can do it try to see if i can get MktAromvbfU-00023-00021072-00021122 the buff MktAromvbfU-00024-00022304-00022768 i might not be able to because i don't have too much health but let's see if i can heal up MktAromvbfU-00025-00022912-00023984 i will drive away first blood let's go bot help him first we can get buff after MktAromvbfU-00026-00025224-00025488 whatever his name is he's just stealing our creeps MktAromvbfU-00027-00026432-00028183 i think this guy gives a buff too so maybe even if i can get this i should be good i can try to farm MktAromvbfU-00028-00029208-00029583 i will drive away the darkness MktAromvbfU-00029-00030280-00031416 super annoying man i hate how she throws this stupid thing you see that i don't know what MktAromvbfU-00030-00031416-00031895 the hell that animal is it's whether it's a rabbit it's a panda it's a bear i will drive MktAromvbfU-00031-00031895-00032383 away the darkness it can't get rid of it like once you pass the boundaries it just comes after you MktAromvbfU-00032-00033352-00033784 we can do it MktAromvbfU-00033-00034576-00035184 wow stupid turtle MktAromvbfU-00034-00036416-00036792 wow wow these guys are harassing me MktAromvbfU-00035-00037368-00037536 there you go that's what i'm talking about MktAromvbfU-00036-00039216-00039744 doing good now we are getting our groove back we got to push this tower if we can MktAromvbfU-00037-00040392-00042184 nice destroy the turret oh they realize we have nana too good then we can harass them too MktAromvbfU-00038-00042408-00043584 okay going to try defend mid because they're gonna try to push that tower MktAromvbfU-00039-00043648-00044040 and are we missing guys i will drive away the darkness MktAromvbfU-00040-00044040-00044456 gonna go bot help them actually there's four of them there so they should be good MktAromvbfU-00042-00048024-00048216 our turret has been destroyed MktAromvbfU-00043-00049248-00049352 oh what the hell MktAromvbfU-00044-00049912-00050584 it focused the wrong way MktAromvbfU-00045-00051896-00053384 seriously i'm just gonna go get the buff the buff helps quite a bit too MktAromvbfU-00046-00053744-00054024 let's go get these other creeps you're as brilliant as me MktAromvbfU-00047-00054232-00054424 come on come on there you go good job MktAromvbfU-00048-00054752-00054864 I will go after to the top MktAromvbfU-00049-00055152-00056184 okay let's go top because i think that's where they're gonna come from oh there you go MktAromvbfU-00050-00058488-00058984 i will drive away the darkness MktAromvbfU-00051-00060088-00060384 we can do it MktAromvbfU-00052-00061536-00061928 hit what the heck where did he go MktAromvbfU-00053-00062528-00063184 time to get this annoying guy he's super annoying he annoys me every time MktAromvbfU-00054-00063744-00064584 oh my god MktAromvbfU-00055-00065592-00065984 see even this guy's getting mad like what you guys doing MktAromvbfU-00056-00066672-00067312 and help this guy that they can't even tell what kind of hero he is i will MktAromvbfU-00057-00068408-00068784 nice there we go i got my crit critical now it's going to be good MktAromvbfU-00058-00068896-00070184 every hit's going to do higher damage there you see crit 900 oh wow oh they got lord hectic MktAromvbfU-00059-00071168-00071584 oh MktAromvbfU-00060-00072856-00073064 so should be easy MktAromvbfU-00061-00073544-00074384 i will drive away the darkness okay the lord is gone MktAromvbfU-00062-00075080-00075816 even though we got more kills looks like these guys are gonna make us lose MktAromvbfU-00063-00075816-00076072 keep it up until you're as brilliant as me MktAromvbfU-00064-00076552-00077184 our turret is under attack we can do it MktAromvbfU-00065-00078112-00078584 keep it up until you're as brilliant as me MktAromvbfU-00066-00079216-00080104 we can do it okay MktAromvbfU-00067-00080792-00081384 let's see if they're gonna help push MktAromvbfU-00068-00081760-00084184 this guy's super annoying oh wow my phone is slowing down MktAromvbfU-00069-00084512-00085824 launch attack initiate retreat MktAromvbfU-00070-00086224-00086840 i will drive away the darkness these guys like i don't know man they could have just pushed MktAromvbfU-00071-00086896-00087472 mid and we could have ended it but i don't know what they're trying to do but it's a team MktAromvbfU-00072-00087472-00088384 game so i gotta go help them oh okay they're just trying to sit here wait idly for the hero to come MktAromvbfU-00073-00089032-00089192 that was a good one what'd you guys MktAromvbfU-00074-00089192-00090112 think poor guy he's standing by his tower but MktAromvbfU-00075-00090320-00091184 couldn't do nothing MktAromvbfU-00076-00091616-00092000 we should be pushing because gringo or granger or whatever it is he's dead MktAromvbfU-00077-00092232-00093984 so i'm just going to wait for the creeps and push midtower oh wow they got one hero MktAromvbfU-00078-00094936-00095464 so i have some defense too you know not just attack damage but MktAromvbfU-00079-00095528-00096784 want to be able to defend against some of their damage MktAromvbfU-00080-00097672-00098304 kill two of them and i got the lord what else right thank you thank you thank you very much MktAromvbfU-00081-00099400-00100984 now we're just gonna go straight to the base and get the tower and call the day MktAromvbfU-00082-00101384-00101512 you see still surprised MktAromvbfU-00083-00101760-00101896 and lord is going now there MktAromvbfU-00084-00102200-00102600 until you're as brilliant as me let's get this guy so he can help me heal MktAromvbfU-00085-00103104-00103783 okay we're ready all healed up and ready to go for round two MktAromvbfU-00086-00105048-00105183 oh wow my phone is lagging MktAromvbfU-00087-00105735-00105959 there's too much going on here oh my goodness MktAromvbfU-00088-00106368-00107016 let's just finish it take him out of their misery what you guys think good MktAromvbfU-00089-00107288-00107624 i just play once in a while like i said nothing too crazy but let's see MktAromvbfU-00090-00107856-00107983 mvp MktAromvbfU-00091-00108392-00108976 mvp wow i got mvp 125 times let's see how many kills we got MktAromvbfU-00092-00109144-00109735 nice okay so let's see good job guys MktAromvbfU-00093-00110135-00110911 15 kills five deaths i had 14 000 gold i think i had the highest amount of gold so MktAromvbfU-00094-00111016-00111359 that's it guys just wanted to share this game with you guys and see what you guys think if you MktAromvbfU-00095-00111359-00111720 liked it please don't forget to like comment share and subscribe and if you like me too MktAromvbfU-00096-00111720-00112224 upload a game every other day or so let me know in the comment section and MktAromvbfU-00097-00112224-00112664 we can go with that so thank you very much guys i hope you guys have yourself a wonderful day MktAromvbfU-00098-00112664-00113583 take care yourself and family insha'Allah i'll see you guys in the next video take care and wassalam Mm0it7dgHOQ-00000-00000032-00000704 i'm getting more 0.00 on my videos, and i don't know what the reason is. maybe it's because of that Mm0it7dgHOQ-00001-00000704-00001720 stupid outfit video, about the estimated number, or 59 000 on that video, and i don't know what is Mm0it7dgHOQ-00002-00001720-00002688 causing this to happen. i also encourage the people to like my video, so why would they not do it. MmAjrizuZzE-00000-00006000-00009000 Các bạn nhớ [ĐĂNG KÝ] kênh, Nhấn [CHUÔNG], [LIKE] và [SHARE] nhaaaa!!!!!! MmAjrizuZzE-00001-00018000-00021000 Các bạn nhớ [ĐĂNG KÝ] kênh, Nhấn [CHUÔNG], [LIKE] và [SHARE] nhaaaa!!!!!! MmAjrizuZzE-00003-00042050-00045050 Các bạn nhớ [ĐĂNG KÝ] kênh, Nhấn [CHUÔNG], [LIKE] và [SHARE] nhaaaa!!!!!! MmAjrizuZzE-00004-00060050-00063000 Các bạn nhớ [ĐĂNG KÝ] kênh, Nhấn [CHUÔNG], [LIKE] và [SHARE] nhaaaa!!!!!! N39Jmjt6380-00000-00001207-00001607 It takes a village to maintain and operate a place like N39Jmjt6380-00001-00001607-00002009 Mount Rainier National Park. What role will you play? N39Jmjt6380-00002-00002009-00002412 Who will be the future of Mount Rainier National Park? N39Jmjt6380-00003-00002412-00002814 (music) N39Jmjt6380-00004-00002814-00003215 (music) N39Jmjt6380-00005-00003215-00003624 I'm a future archaeologist and I N39Jmjt6380-00006-00003624-00004028 study the human history of the park. N39Jmjt6380-00007-00004028-00004441 I'm a future maintenance ranger. I am a future backcountry N39Jmjt6380-00008-00004441-00004850 ranger and I protect the wilderness. I'm a plant N39Jmjt6380-00009-00004850-00005267 ecologist and I plant meadows. N39Jmjt6380-00010-00005267-00005673 (music) N39Jmjt6380-00011-00005673-00006077 (music) N39Jmjt6380-00012-00006077-00006495 (music) N39Jmjt6380-00013-00006495-00006913 I'm a future N39Jmjt6380-00014-00006913-00007314 dispatch ranger and I connect the park. N39Jmjt6380-00015-00007314-00007718 We're future mechanics! I'm a future welder. N39Jmjt6380-00016-00007718-00008122 I'm a future carpenter. I work with wood. N39Jmjt6380-00017-00008122-00008526 I'm a park superintendent! N39Jmjt6380-00018-00008526-00008945 I weld broken plows. I work on projects like N39Jmjt6380-00019-00008945-00009359 improving campgrounds. I'm a future education ranger N39Jmjt6380-00020-00009359-00009770 and I take kids on field trips and help inspire them N39Jmjt6380-00021-00009770-00010182 to care for the animals and the park and not stomp on N39Jmjt6380-00022-00010182-00010604 meadows and just be bad to nature. N39Jmjt6380-00023-00010604-00011019 (music) N39Jmjt6380-00024-00011019-00011437 I'm watering the plants so they grow. N39Jmjt6380-00025-00011437-00011842 We're park rangers! N39Jmjt6380-00026-00011842-00012262 (music) N39Jmjt6380-00027-00012262-00012668 (music) N39Jmjt6380-00028-00012668-00013087 I like going on hikes N39Jmjt6380-00029-00013087-00013497 cause I can see cool stuff and really cool stuff too N39Jmjt6380-00030-00013497-00013908 (off camera) What sort of cool stuff? Like big N39Jmjt6380-00031-00013908-00014319 ferns, plants, trees, N39Jmjt6380-00032-00014319-00014735 twigs, stumps, N39Jmjt6380-00033-00014735-00015138 and all that stuff. N39Jmjt6380-00034-00015138-00015540 (music) N39Jmjt6380-00035-00015540-00015941 (music) N39Jmjt6380-00036-00015941-00016703 (music) N42toRCziLQ-00000-00000400-00000600 Ok PeterDaily didnt notice me N42toRCziLQ-00001-00000700-00001000 Im surprised PeterDaily hasn't noticed me yet N42toRCziLQ-00002-00001700-00001985 New keyboard, new mouse N42toRCziLQ-00003-00002583-00002715 I can literary message myself N42toRCziLQ-00004-00004113-00004413 Was that PeterDaily? N42toRCziLQ-00005-00004413-00004971 OH MY GOD CODIAMOND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SETUP I WILL HIT YOU WITH THIS N42toRCziLQ-00006-00004971-00005171 IF YOU DON'T GET OUT OF MY SETUP N42toRCziLQ-00007-00005370-00005570 Oh god has he been here before N42toRCziLQ-00008-00005670-00005970 OH MY GOD he's been videoing Oh No! N5En5lRBD1A-00000-00000000-00000200 MONEY FREEDOM N6nkuAC-PeE-00000-00000624-00001160 Nairobi VS Lagos. Detailed Comparison of Development, Cost of Living, N6nkuAC-PeE-00001-00001160-00001639 Food, Livability and Weather. Nairobi is Kenya's capital city. N6nkuAC-PeE-00002-00001639-00002144 It is located in the highlands of the country's south-central region, at an elevation of around N6nkuAC-PeE-00003-00002144-00002752 5,500 feet (1,680 metres). The city is located 300 miles (480 kilometers) northwest of Mombasa, N6nkuAC-PeE-00004-00002752-00003464 Kenya's largest Indian Ocean port. The city began as a colonial railway colony in the late 1890s, N6nkuAC-PeE-00005-00003464-00004032 taking its name from a Maasai water well known as Enkare Nairobi. The British colonial capital N6nkuAC-PeE-00006-00004032-00004696 of Ukamba province was moved from Machakos to the location when the railhead arrived in 1899, N6nkuAC-PeE-00007-00004696-00005400 and Nairobi became the capital of the British East Africa Protectorate in 1905. Lagos, on the other N6nkuAC-PeE-00008-00005400-00006000 hand, is Nigeria's largest city, stretching inland over the Lagos Lagoon from the Gulf of Guinea. N6nkuAC-PeE-00009-00006000-00006504 The financial core of the city, Victoria Island, is known for its beach resorts, N6nkuAC-PeE-00010-00006504-00007120 boutiques, and nightlife. The National Museum Lagos, located on Lagos Island to the north, N6nkuAC-PeE-00011-00007120-00007704 houses cultural relics and handicrafts. Freedom Park, which was formerly a colonial-era prison N6nkuAC-PeE-00012-00007704-00008248 but is now a prominent site for concerts and other events, is close by. These two cities N6nkuAC-PeE-00013-00008248-00008784 are large capital cities with bright development prospects. We'll compare and contrast both cities N6nkuAC-PeE-00014-00008784-00009360 in terms of development, food, cost of living, livability, and weather. Thank you for taking N6nkuAC-PeE-00015-00009360-00009984 part in Africa Reloaded. Stay tuned as we bring a full comparison of these megacities to light. N6nkuAC-PeE-00016-00010320-00010648 Development. Nairobi, Kenya's capital, N6nkuAC-PeE-00017-00010648-00011176 has benefited greatly from several advancements that have been facilitated by a supportive policy N6nkuAC-PeE-00018-00011176-00011856 framework and aided by international aid. Nairobi boasts nearly universal mobile phone penetration N6nkuAC-PeE-00019-00011856-00012456 and Internet connectivity of over 60% in just under two decades. With multiple N6nkuAC-PeE-00020-00012456-00013104 incubation centers, a growing number of ICT specialists, and a tech-savvy young populace, N6nkuAC-PeE-00021-00013104-00013560 the city is currently one of Africa's most important ICT innovation towns. N6nkuAC-PeE-00022-00013616-00014184 Nairobi now has a plethora of economic growth potential as a result of these advancements. N6nkuAC-PeE-00023-00014312-00014919 The GDP and population growth of Lagos, Nigeria, are the most telling indicators of the city's N6nkuAC-PeE-00024-00014919-00015608 constantly expanding market prospects. As the government relocated the capital to Abuja in 1991, N6nkuAC-PeE-00025-00015608-00016112 economic growth began in Lagos, and continued after the government invested in the region's N6nkuAC-PeE-00026-00016112-00016712 burgeoning oil industry. Lagos has benefited economically from Nigerian policy reforms that N6nkuAC-PeE-00027-00016712-00017352 improve corporate privatization in addition to the oil industry. Many newly privatized enterprises N6nkuAC-PeE-00028-00017352-00017800 are based in Lagos' Yaba neighborhood, which has received financial backing from the state N6nkuAC-PeE-00029-00017800-00018352 government, and infrastructural developments are ongoing to keep up with the city's rapid growth. N6nkuAC-PeE-00030-00018352-00019096 In 2017, Nigeria's state output was $136 billion, accounting for more than a third N6nkuAC-PeE-00031-00019096-00019776 of the country's GDP. Lagos' strong economy is expected to continue rising at a rate of 4.5 N6nkuAC-PeE-00032-00019776-00020504 percent GDP growth per year in 2035, much higher than the present world average of 2.9 percent. N6nkuAC-PeE-00033-00020920-00021160 Cost of Living. Nairobi. N6nkuAC-PeE-00034-00021160-00021496 Nairobi's average cost of living is $754, N6nkuAC-PeE-00035-00021576-00022280 placing it in the top 33% of the world's least expensive cities, ranking 6210th out of N6nkuAC-PeE-00036-00022384-00023192 9294 in our worldwide ranking and first out of ten in Kenya. The median after-tax wage is $427, N6nkuAC-PeE-00037-00023264-00023800 which is enough to pay for 0.6 months' worth of living expenditures. The greatest city to N6nkuAC-PeE-00038-00023800-00024512 live in Kenya is Nairobi, which is ranked 5237th on the list of best places to live in the world. N6nkuAC-PeE-00039-00024512-00025176 Nairobi is Kenya's largest city, with a population of over 5.5 million people. The high cost of N6nkuAC-PeE-00040-00025176-00025695 living in Nairobi is due to the fact that we are accustomed to a developed-country lifestyle, N6nkuAC-PeE-00041-00025695-00026248 which is difficult and expensive to maintain in certain developing countries. As a result, N6nkuAC-PeE-00042-00026248-00026783 the cost of living in Nairobi varies greatly between residents and expats. N6nkuAC-PeE-00043-00026920-00027280 Lagos. Lagos has an average cost of living of $1245, N6nkuAC-PeE-00044-00027512-00028344 which is similar to the global average. It is placed 4107th out of 9294 cities in our global N6nkuAC-PeE-00045-00028344-00029160 ranking and second out of 33 in Nigeria. The median after-tax wage is $236, which is enough to N6nkuAC-PeE-00046-00029160-00029800 pay for 0.2 months' worth of living expenditures. In the list of finest places to live in the world, N6nkuAC-PeE-00047-00029800-00030512 it is ranked 6338th (TOP 68 percent) and the first best city in Nigeria. Lagos is Nigeria's N6nkuAC-PeE-00048-00030512-00031280 largest metropolis, with a population of 14.9 million people. Living in Lagos is 5.3 times N6nkuAC-PeE-00049-00031280-00031800 more expensive than the average salary because we are comparing ourselves to a developed country N6nkuAC-PeE-00050-00031800-00032327 lifestyle, which is difficult and expensive to maintain in certain developing countries. N6nkuAC-PeE-00051-00032327-00032840 As a result, the cost of living in Lagos varies greatly between residents and expats. N6nkuAC-PeE-00052-00033216-00033464 Food. When eating in Nairobi, N6nkuAC-PeE-00053-00033464-00033928 one of the first things you'll notice is the variety of ethnicities that contribute to Kenya's N6nkuAC-PeE-00054-00033928-00034600 unique food culture. The Swahili cuisine culture is influenced by Arabian and Indian influences N6nkuAC-PeE-00055-00034600-00035240 and can be found along Kenya's coast, such as in Mombasa. In Nairobi, you'll find less seafood, N6nkuAC-PeE-00056-00035240-00035744 more meat (and lots of it), and a strong Indian cuisine culture influence. N6nkuAC-PeE-00057-00035744-00036272 Local Kenyan food in Nairobi frequently includes ugali (a maize meal staple), N6nkuAC-PeE-00058-00036272-00037008 sukuma wiki (a vegetable akin to collard greens), and a form of beef stew or wet fry. Chapatis, N6nkuAC-PeE-00059-00037008-00037568 beans, mung beans, maize, and kachumbari round up every Kenyan meal. N6nkuAC-PeE-00060-00037568-00038032 The fact that Nairobi is such an international city is one of the best things about eating N6nkuAC-PeE-00061-00038032-00038672 there. Gourmet restaurants provide a wide range of cuisines, from Italian pasta to Japanese sushi. N6nkuAC-PeE-00062-00038872-00039520 Nigerian cuisine, on the other hand, encompasses the cuisines of the country's more than 250 ethnic N6nkuAC-PeE-00063-00039520-00040064 groups. It shares many similarities with its West African and Central African neighbors, N6nkuAC-PeE-00064-00040064-00040736 like as Ghana, Benin, and Cameroon, in terms of cuisine. The Nigerian diet is dominated by N6nkuAC-PeE-00065-00040736-00041472 starchy foods such as yam, cassava, plantains, rice, and beans. They're frequently served with N6nkuAC-PeE-00066-00041472-00041968 a variety of substantial soups and stews cooked with various meats and vegetables. N6nkuAC-PeE-00067-00041968-00042656 Vegetable stews are popular among Nigerians, who eat them many times a week. Nigerian cuisine is N6nkuAC-PeE-00068-00042656-00043184 based on snout-to-tail eating, which means that very little of the animal is wasted. N6nkuAC-PeE-00069-00043184-00043936 Beef, goat, lamb, chicken, and turkey are popular meats, while Lagos spinach, African spinach, N6nkuAC-PeE-00070-00043936-00044440 water leaves, pumpkin leaves, and jute leaves are some of the most popular vegetables. N6nkuAC-PeE-00071-00044816-00045080 Livability. Nairobi is famed for N6nkuAC-PeE-00072-00045080-00045616 its breathtaking natural beauty, which will take your breath away. Nairobi is a location where N6nkuAC-PeE-00073-00045616-00046208 everyone comes together to create a spectacular experience that will be remembered for a lifetime. N6nkuAC-PeE-00074-00046208-00046856 Nairobi has a lot going on, from entertainment to business. Nairobi is a vibrant city with a N6nkuAC-PeE-00075-00046856-00047376 diverse culture and a long history, as well as attractive national parks and animals. N6nkuAC-PeE-00076-00047432-00047856 Nairobi's dynamism makes it the most fascinating metropolis on the planet. N6nkuAC-PeE-00077-00048056-00048544 Lagos, on the other hand, is known for being Nigeria's most vibrant city. N6nkuAC-PeE-00078-00048544-00048992 The metropolis wins the title of Nigeria's most densely populated city, N6nkuAC-PeE-00079-00048992-00049536 with crowded streets and enormous traffic jams. With all of these prestigious honors, N6nkuAC-PeE-00080-00049536-00050200 it is reasonable to conclude that Lagos is a fantastic city. Lagos is a world-class destination N6nkuAC-PeE-00081-00050200-00050880 and Nigeria's most incredible metropolis, with beautiful beaches, skyscrapers, incredible parks, N6nkuAC-PeE-00082-00050880-00051512 the best entertainment options, the most career prospects, and much more. Lagos is a city that N6nkuAC-PeE-00083-00051512-00052120 has something for everyone. The city takes pride in its one-of-a-kind experiences and unrivaled N6nkuAC-PeE-00084-00052120-00052648 moods, with the locals, dubbed "Lagosians," serving as the city's distinguishing feature. N6nkuAC-PeE-00085-00053024-00053336 Weather. Summers in Nairobi are brief, N6nkuAC-PeE-00086-00053336-00054040 warm, and overcast, while winters are brief, chilly, dry, and partly cloudy. The temperature N6nkuAC-PeE-00087-00054040-00054760 normally ranges from 54°F to 81°F throughout the year, with temperatures rarely falling below 50°F N6nkuAC-PeE-00088-00054888-00055552 or rising above 84°F. The greatest time to visit Nairobi for warm-weather activities, N6nkuAC-PeE-00089-00055552-00056176 according to the tourist score, is from early July to mid October. While the wet season in Lagos is N6nkuAC-PeE-00090-00056176-00056855 overcast, the dry season is partly cloudy, and the weather is hot and humid all year. The temperature N6nkuAC-PeE-00091-00056855-00057584 normally ranges from 75°F to 91°F throughout the year, with temperatures rarely falling below 70°F N6nkuAC-PeE-00092-00057720-00058448 or rising over 94°F. The best dates to visit Lagos for hot-weather activities are from mid-July to N6nkuAC-PeE-00093-00058448-00058984 late-August and from early December to late January, according to the beach/pool score. N6nkuAC-PeE-00094-00059176-00059688 This comparison gives you a perspective on both cities in terms of their greatness and likely N6nkuAC-PeE-00095-00059688-00060224 future development. One could imagine that, given the rate at which these cities are developing, N6nkuAC-PeE-00096-00060224-00060728 there are no loopholes in them. The majority of these flaws are the primary reasons why the N6nkuAC-PeE-00097-00060728-00061255 governments of these countries are working so hard to make these large cities wonderful in every way. N6nkuAC-PeE-00098-00061312-00062200 Thank you for watching; please like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more updates. NtI2trl96CA-00000-00000000-00000118 Hey everybody, Scott Bintz here NtI2trl96CA-00001-00000124-00000302 And I'm in the car with Caleb NtI2trl96CA-00002-00000446-00000702 We are returning from a speaking event NtI2trl96CA-00003-00000728-00000861 When you kick out a new book NtI2trl96CA-00004-00000861-00001282 You get lots of road time going to speaking events and book signings NtI2trl96CA-00005-00001282-00001496 I'm catching up on #AskAnything questions NtI2trl96CA-00006-00001510-00001766 One of the questions I get asked a lot is NtI2trl96CA-00007-00001830-00002156 You know I always talk about, if you want to try to... NtI2trl96CA-00008-00002156-00002514 Be really really good in your space on a few things NtI2trl96CA-00009-00002514-00002820 Rather than being mediocre at a bunch of things NtI2trl96CA-00010-00002820-00002986 And a question I get asked is, NtI2trl96CA-00011-00002998-00003324 "How do you get really really good at a few things?" NtI2trl96CA-00012-00003388-00003604 The best way is start the process NtI2trl96CA-00013-00003604-00004034 Is to start getting your team, company, everybody in your company NtI2trl96CA-00014-00004174-00004438 Asking and creating "Stop Doing" lists NtI2trl96CA-00015-00004438-00004642 What are some things we should stop doing? NtI2trl96CA-00016-00004652-00004772 One or two or three NtI2trl96CA-00017-00004796-00004972 And pile them all together NtI2trl96CA-00018-00004972-00005174 You might discover some things NtI2trl96CA-00019-00005174-00005476 When you do this, "Stop Doing" list that you're like, NtI2trl96CA-00020-00005518-00005854 "Oh wow, it's so obvious we should stop doing this" NtI2trl96CA-00021-00005872-00006136 What you'll discover is a lot of times is NtI2trl96CA-00022-00006136-00006326 In the book, "Good to Great" it talks about it NtI2trl96CA-00023-00006386-00006562 In a factual sense NtI2trl96CA-00024-00006618-00006970 That great companies tend to have "Stop Doing" lists NtI2trl96CA-00025-00006970-00007212 More so than they have start doing lists NtI2trl96CA-00026-00007240-00007395 And so thats my answer NtI2trl96CA-00027-00007400-00007544 And I'm sticking to it NtI2trl96CA-00028-00007556-00007606 Any other words of wisdom to that, NtI2trl96CA-00029-00007606-00007828 Caleb? NtI2trl96CA-00030-00007888-00008048 Ask the right questions NtI2trl96CA-00031-00008122-00008282 Ask people's imput on it NtI2trl96CA-00032-00008282-00008624 Your employees will tell you a lot of things you may not realize NtI2trl96CA-00033-00008630-00008746 There it is NtI2trl96CA-00034-00008746-00008860 You heard it from Caleb NtI2trl96CA-00035-00008860-00009058 Until next time, smile Ny4P736gmwo-00000-00000109-00000284 - You know, what would be something? Ny4P736gmwo-00001-00000284-00000541 If I knew that what was in this bottle was actually Ny4P736gmwo-00002-00000541-00000755 what my body needs. Ny4P736gmwo-00003-00000755-00000991 - If it was developed by on-staff scientists. Ny4P736gmwo-00004-00000991-00001304 - In collaboration with leading nutrition researchers. Ny4P736gmwo-00005-00001304-00001387 - And experts. Ny4P736gmwo-00006-00001486-00001813 - Who created specialized formulas for each Ny4P736gmwo-00007-00001817-00002030 of your cells' unique needs. Ny4P736gmwo-00008-00002051-00002164 (upbeat music) Ny4P736gmwo-00009-00002170-00002575 And to continually improve those formulas with new research. Ny4P736gmwo-00010-00002600-00002756 - If they went out of their way sourcing Ny4P736gmwo-00011-00002761-00003006 quality ingredients your body can easily use. Ny4P736gmwo-00012-00003030-00003218 - Manufacturing products within their own Ny4P736gmwo-00013-00003226-00003493 state-of-the-art facility. Ny4P736gmwo-00014-00003497-00003662 - To maintain purity and potency Ny4P736gmwo-00015-00003665-00003907 throughout the entire process. Ny4P736gmwo-00016-00003923-00004127 - They'd be trusted by more elite athletes Ny4P736gmwo-00017-00004135-00004430 than any other nutritional supplement company in the world. Ny4P736gmwo-00018-00004581-00004816 - Now, imagine if they took a holistic approach Ny4P736gmwo-00019-00004822-00005044 to nutrition, researching, testing, Ny4P736gmwo-00020-00005050-00005308 and developing more than just supplements. Ny4P736gmwo-00021-00005542-00005721 Now that would be something. Ny4P736gmwo-00022-00005754-00006012 (upbeat music) ND6vQjcVmB4-00000-00000000-00000200 Please subscribe, like and comment NGK-A1sCcto-00000-00000000-00000222 I know who you are. NGK-A1sCcto-00001-00000223-00000423 "Amicia De Rune" NGK-A1sCcto-00002-00000423-00000623 Amicia... You kill him NGK-A1sCcto-00003-00000679-00000780 I didn't want to NGK-A1sCcto-00004-00000780-00000947 The floor... is mooving NGK-A1sCcto-00005-00000947-00001147 The rats ! NGK-A1sCcto-00006-00001871-00002071 Sorry for being sick Amicia NGK-A1sCcto-00007-00002071-00002271 No, no, no. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00000-00000038-00000566 *old reel to reel projector running sound effect* NJaZ2YDXqPA-00001-00000664-00000980 Setting up at the Fulton Fish Market, with the stink, of the f-, NJaZ2YDXqPA-00002-00000996-00001428 you know, the fish market, to me, it's not very tempting. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00003-00001452-00001600 Life, we're talking about life, right, fellas? NJaZ2YDXqPA-00004-00001620-00002072 You have to act. Not just listen. So you're saying, he was a selective leader. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00005-00002076-00002184 Who's the worst leader? NJaZ2YDXqPA-00006-00002186-00002270 "You?" NJaZ2YDXqPA-00007-00002270-00002526 By doing what he did, did he go over the edge? NJaZ2YDXqPA-00008-00002538-00002984 Every one of these guys, think that you're not so hot. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00009-00003022-00003215 You don't believe, in the genetic pool? NJaZ2YDXqPA-00010-00003282-00003415 That what you have you have? NJaZ2YDXqPA-00011-00003415-00003642 All right. Well, I hope you're right. I hope you're right. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00012-00003642-00004167 Now, listen! I want you to tell me, who the two people are, you feel, are equally NJaZ2YDXqPA-00013-00004167-00004864 GUILTY for your team's loss, and REALLY, would NOT be, essentially, a good PRESIDENT. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00014-00004902-00005244 You know what, that's important that you say that, because I sort of thought he did, NJaZ2YDXqPA-00015-00005272-00005444 and you were there, and you don't think he did? NJaZ2YDXqPA-00016-00005480-00005758 You don't think that you have to watch him? "Yeah!" Constantly watch him? "Yeah!, Yeah!" NJaZ2YDXqPA-00017-00005760-00005962 You wouldn't necessarily trust him with your bank account? NJaZ2YDXqPA-00018-00005962-00006146 And you don't think he's got those principals? NJaZ2YDXqPA-00019-00006170-00006390 You've done a lousy job as the leader. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00020-00006390-00006852 Really! The women kicked you around badly, and you've done a bad job. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00021-00006890-00007080 It seemed to be unanimous, NJaZ2YDXqPA-00022-00007080-00007268 that, I don't even think it's a lack of leadership. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00023-00007270-00007628 You got to be careful. Cuz, you're a wild man. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00024-00007628-00007881 You'll do great, or you'll be a total DISASTER! NJaZ2YDXqPA-00025-00007942-00008090 I haven't figured it out yet. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00026-00008112-00008296 I don't see that you stepped up at all. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00027-00008334-00008616 You even admitted that you wouldn't have been a good leader! NJaZ2YDXqPA-00028-00008664-00009182 We have an elevator, that goes up to the suite, and an elevator that goes down to the street. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00029-00009238-00009602 One of you will stay, and one of you will be sent home. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00030-00009614-00009870 I'm gonna ask you to take the down elevator. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00031-00009870-00009996 "You're Fired!™" NJaZ2YDXqPA-00032-00010046-00010274 But I'm not seeing it! NJaZ2YDXqPA-00033-00010324-00010756 That was very interesting, and somewhat surprising. NJaZ2YDXqPA-00034-00010778-00011058 avinaparty NKsXvwglEdk-00000-00000016-00000496 Hi everyone ! in this video we are going to teach you how to create a map for NKsXvwglEdk-00001-00000496-00001072 the LMS game mode to do so we are going to use a base map created by Néoriion NKsXvwglEdk-00002-00001072-00001317 and we deeply thank him for this. NKsXvwglEdk-00003-00001317-00001607 To have a great map the simpler the better NKsXvwglEdk-00004-00001607-00002096 That is to say a map where players will easily be able to meet, collide and knock each other out NKsXvwglEdk-00005-00002248-00002664 To begin, you will need a classic start you can also use a custom item NKsXvwglEdk-00006-00002920-00003472 Then you need to place spawning pointsfor other players the spawners are in fact NKsXvwglEdk-00007-00003472-00004128 invisible multilap start you will find in thedescription below a zip archive with the items NKsXvwglEdk-00008-00004128-00004753 used in this video including a visible multilap start created by Heasto NKsXvwglEdk-00009-00005152-00005664 When placing the spawner please check its orientation by clicking on test and aimingfor the item NKsXvwglEdk-00010-00005664-00006287 your car will automaticallybe oriented in the spawner's direction NKsXvwglEdk-00011-00007248-00007672 you can also use the default editor plugin available in game NKsXvwglEdk-00012-00007672-00008136 it will give you in addition of the position of your cursor the orientation of your item NKsXvwglEdk-00013-00008296-00008816 the more spawner you have, the more you makesure that two players won't spawn in one another NKsXvwglEdk-00014-00009496-00009912 it is not mandatory but you can force the spawner's apparition order NKsXvwglEdk-00015-00009912-00010256 to do so you need to click on edit block properties NKsXvwglEdk-00016-00010256-00010752 at the bottom of your screen it will highlight all start and finish of the map NKsXvwglEdk-00017-00011112-00011440 you just need to click on the spawners to define the order NKsXvwglEdk-00018-00011440-00011778 you can have a single number for each spawner NKsXvwglEdk-00019-00012096-00012784 or different spawners with the same number in that case the game will define the order NKsXvwglEdk-00020-00012952-00013519 Thirdly, you need to create the edges of the map. You have various items to do so NKsXvwglEdk-00021-00013519-00013961 we have different textures but i will explain you later on how to hide them NKsXvwglEdk-00022-00014016-00014369 you have to surround the playground completely with finish zone NKsXvwglEdk-00023-00014376-00014846 to prevent players from getting out with glidersfor instance NKsXvwglEdk-00024-00014846-00015043 now that the ground is settled NKsXvwglEdk-00025-00015047-00015682 we are going to create a ceiling using the same item but this time place it at the maximum height NKsXvwglEdk-00026-00016136-00016984 then we're gonna use for instance the same item turned at a 90 degree angle to make the walls NKsXvwglEdk-00027-00018056-00018610 please be careful with the scenery so that players don't get stuck in it or can hide NKsXvwglEdk-00028-00018640-00019234 you have an item exactly the size of one block to help you if needed in the archive below NKsXvwglEdk-00029-00020816-00021401 once you're done you can make those item invisible to do so edit one of the item NKsXvwglEdk-00030-00021712-00021861 go to the mesh modeler NKsXvwglEdk-00031-00022128-00022710 select geometry and uncheck the "Visibility" box and then save your item NKsXvwglEdk-00032-00022816-00023330 please note that all items with the same name will then take the new version NKsXvwglEdk-00033-00023330-00023608 that is to say all of them will be invisible NKsXvwglEdk-00034-00023639-00023908 repeat the process as much as needed NKsXvwglEdk-00035-00024074-00024240 here is a little reminder that you can NKsXvwglEdk-00036-00024240-00024793 display the location of start and finish block by using the edit block properties button NKsXvwglEdk-00037-00024836-00025345 if you want to interact with invisible items it will show you their base NKsXvwglEdk-00038-00025562-00025823 finally you need to validate the map NKsXvwglEdk-00039-00025856-00026464 unfortunately the map does not fit the game's validation criterias you will need to use NKsXvwglEdk-00040-00026464-00027089 the Map Validator OpenPlanet plugin. All links you may need are down below in the description NKsXvwglEdk-00041-00027424-00028130 once you're done you need to calculate the shadows save your map and send it over to me using Discordor Twitter NKsXvwglEdk-00042-00028151-00028852 I will check your map to make sure thatyour map is suitable for LMS and come back to youfor changes if needed NKsXvwglEdk-00043-00028852-00029472 thank you for following this video and hopefully see you soon in TrackMania NpBdTTAbMwQ-00000-00000888-00001704 Welcome to my channel, Narc Delusion. My name is Nicole. On this channel, we focus on all things NpBdTTAbMwQ-00001-00001704-00002440 narcissism. If you find this type of content helpful or interesting, please comment, NpBdTTAbMwQ-00002-00002504-00003560 like, share, and subscribe. The subject of this video is Narcissists Generate Garbage and Trash. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00003-00003728-00004696 Narcissists refuse to be accountable for their own actions. They deny having to grow up, NpBdTTAbMwQ-00004-00004752-00004944 improve, and mature. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00005-00005160-00006008 For these reasons, narcissists generate a lot of toxic garbage and trash. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00006-00006176-00007072 Often the narcissist is reacting to a severe abandonment issue. And their demanding, NpBdTTAbMwQ-00007-00007072-00008000 over-reactions are a response to the insulting toxic voices that they have inside their heads. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00008-00008216-00009064 Narcissists are very needy. They are on a very slippery slope during this time. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00009-00009280-00009984 No matter how many times you reassure a narcissist, it is never enough. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00010-00010224-00010632 Never forget that a narcissist will never NpBdTTAbMwQ-00011-00010632-00011472 be there for you. They are never there for you; you are always there for them. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00012-00011880-00012832 Some like to claim that narcissist parent other personalities, that is not the case. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00013-00013096-00014024 A real, true narcissist is probably about two years old. They can have a lot of NpBdTTAbMwQ-00014-00014024-00014968 worldly knowledge, but their emotional needs, and their personal viewpoints, NpBdTTAbMwQ-00015-00015176-00015656 and their backbone is extremely underdeveloped. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00016-00016168-00016768 The true malignant narcissist needs their partner to be there as their backbone. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00017-00016968-00017680 All of the narcissists complaining, machinations, posturing, and whining creates NpBdTTAbMwQ-00018-00017680-00018384 all types disruptions, and disturbances throughout their entire being. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00019-00018520-00019152 All this negative energy, and demands begin to weigh on the supply. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00020-00019360-00020176 Especially in the area of their relationships, the narcissists overgrown egos always NpBdTTAbMwQ-00021-00020232-00020808 leads the way, even while they are personally disintegrating. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00022-00021032-00021704 While they are afraid, hapless, and weak, the narcissists still insist NpBdTTAbMwQ-00023-00021784-00022800 on being more important, and more significant than anyone else. Because the narcissist is NpBdTTAbMwQ-00024-00022800-00023536 unable to accept self-responsibility, they are never going to improve. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00025-00023960-00024672 The narcissists careen from situation to situation, hoping to find NpBdTTAbMwQ-00026-00024672-00025024 a dumping ground for their toxic garbage. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00027-00025344-00026272 The narcissists make many errors in judgment, and they don't want to acknowledge this. They NpBdTTAbMwQ-00028-00026272-00027112 do not want to accept any responsibility, and they point their fingers away from themselves. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00029-00027408-00027736 Narcissists blame shifting becomes NpBdTTAbMwQ-00030-00027736-00028304 increasingly complicated as they usually like to include other people. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00031-00028527-00028744 The narcissist is hapless, NpBdTTAbMwQ-00032-00028927-00029648 and helpless. And feel unable to accomplish much of anything on their own. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00033-00030039-00030983 Narcissists like to bring in other people, or flying monkeys or third parties NpBdTTAbMwQ-00034-00031104-00031839 to further bully, control, impede, and further trash a situation. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00035-00032072-00032383 The narcissist loves to create division, NpBdTTAbMwQ-00036-00032495-00033480 use flying monkeys and triangulate in their drive for attention, control, and supply. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00037-00033704-00034608 So, often there are many eyes on the narcissists during their messy fails, and belly flops. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00038-00034848-00035200 This is simply unacceptable to the narcissists. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00039-00035600-00036128 The narcissists repeat the same egotistical mistakes, NpBdTTAbMwQ-00040-00036192-00036992 and miscalculations. Beware the narcissists blame shifting tactics, NpBdTTAbMwQ-00041-00037048-00037520 and projections to buffer themselves from social rejection. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00042-00037816-00038216 The narcissist refuses any self-responsibility, NpBdTTAbMwQ-00043-00038312-00039160 and is unable to learn anything from their personal role in their many failed misfortunes. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00044-00039376-00039704 The narcissist is carrying a huge load NpBdTTAbMwQ-00045-00039792-00040384 of garbage, and trash that they are looking to dump, and unload. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00046-00040616-00041624 The narcissist has traveled far, with many discarded supply victims in their past. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00047-00041880-00042472 The narcissists know what they did but they don't want to accept it. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00048-00042720-00043448 They want someone to carry their garbage and trash. The narcissist NpBdTTAbMwQ-00049-00043448-00043832 is looking to offload their noxious garbage. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00050-00044104-00044800 They are looking for someone to carry their trash because it is getting too burdensome. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00051-00044976-00045984 In their view it is best to blame someone else. Because the narcissists refuse to admit NpBdTTAbMwQ-00052-00045984-00046648 their own mistakes, the narcissist is also refusing to grow as a person. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00053-00046808-00047832 The inner landscape of a narcissist is a garbage strewn dump site. The narcissist NpBdTTAbMwQ-00054-00047832-00048376 continues to machinate and posture among the filth. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00055-00048608-00049696 The narcissist is contriving, and devising a setup; to set up a stooge. The narc NpBdTTAbMwQ-00056-00049768-00050000 wants to trade places with you. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00057-00050296-00050960 The narc stays stuck in their filth, and refuse to tend to anything. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00058-00051168-00051679 The malignant, sadistic narcissist is very unkept. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00059-00051904-00052679 Their inner landscape is disorganized, fragmented, noxious, and toxic. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00060-00052888-00053536 They are overly preoccupied about obtaining supply, and attention NpBdTTAbMwQ-00061-00053664-00054055 all the while they're rotting from the inside out. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00062-00054304-00055232 There is a lot of confusion, and toxic mess generated by the narc's excessive reactive NpBdTTAbMwQ-00063-00055232-00056560 tactics. The dysfunctional narcissist creates a lot of misunderstandings, and creates new NpBdTTAbMwQ-00064-00056560-00057584 additional problems. Some of these narcissists really have no clue as to what they are doing. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00065-00057744-00058440 The narcissist's plan is to jet off leaving all blame behind with you. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00066-00058664-00059416 In summary, don't be ensnared by these ignorant, low vibration narcissists. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00067-00059608-00060455 Leave them to stew in their filth, and garbage. Get out of the way; leaving their garbage, NpBdTTAbMwQ-00068-00060455-00061120 and trash with you is one of the major reasons why they want to keep you in their games. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00069-00061352-00062064 Understanding the selfish narcissist is the only way to protect against NpBdTTAbMwQ-00070-00062064-00062855 their emotional, and predatory abuse. I hope you find this content helpful, NpBdTTAbMwQ-00071-00062912-00063496 and interesting. Please comment, like, share, and subscribe. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00072-00063640-00064360 If you would like to support my channel, my Paypal link is in the video description below. NpBdTTAbMwQ-00073-00064479-00065984 Remember to hit that notification bell for when new videos are uploaded. Thank you for watching. NPeT5JKjMuE-00000-00000000-00000288 [MUSIC PLAYING] NPeT5JKjMuE-00001-00001219-00001363 IKAI LAN: Hey everybody. NPeT5JKjMuE-00002-00001363-00001619 Welcome to another edition of YouTube Developers Live. NPeT5JKjMuE-00003-00001619-00001777 My name is Ikai Lan. NPeT5JKjMuE-00004-00001777-00001948 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: And this is Ibrahim Ulukaya. NPeT5JKjMuE-00005-00001948-00002219 IKAI LAN: And today what we're going to be talking about is NPeT5JKjMuE-00006-00002219-00002572 using IDEs with the YouTube API samples. NPeT5JKjMuE-00007-00002572-00002805 Now, after I'm done with that, Ibrahim's going to talk a NPeT5JKjMuE-00008-00002805-00003124 little bit about the YouTube samples and the code-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00009-00003124-00003297 the code and the samples themselves. NPeT5JKjMuE-00010-00003297-00003581 But for the first part of this, I was really excited to NPeT5JKjMuE-00011-00003581-00003804 do the show because a lot of what we're going to talk about NPeT5JKjMuE-00012-00003804-00004099 is also going to be applicable to many of the APIs that we NPeT5JKjMuE-00013-00004099-00004154 have available. NPeT5JKjMuE-00014-00004154-00004397 For instance, if you want to work with Google Drive API, NPeT5JKjMuE-00015-00004397-00004723 you could use many of the same steps to import into your IDE. NPeT5JKjMuE-00016-00004723-00004989 And if it isn't clear, we're talking about Java. NPeT5JKjMuE-00017-00004989-00005264 So the two IDEs that I'll be using today are going to be NPeT5JKjMuE-00018-00005264-00005488 Eclipse and IntelliJ. NPeT5JKjMuE-00019-00005488-00005736 So with that, are you ready to being? NPeT5JKjMuE-00020-00005736-00005804 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Sure, let's go. NPeT5JKjMuE-00021-00005804-00006032 IKAI LAN: So I'm going to take my trusty laptop here and put NPeT5JKjMuE-00022-00006032-00006155 it into my lap. NPeT5JKjMuE-00023-00006155-00006598 And this is running OS X, but these commands should more or NPeT5JKjMuE-00024-00006598-00006953 less be the exact same across platform, because I think that NPeT5JKjMuE-00025-00006953-00007245 Eclipse and IntelliJ have done a really good job of more or NPeT5JKjMuE-00026-00007245-00007498 less making the experience the same across the different NPeT5JKjMuE-00027-00007498-00007654 development platforms. NPeT5JKjMuE-00028-00007654-00007890 It's just that on some platforms if I were to do NPeT5JKjMuE-00029-00007890-00008103 anything on the command line, I might have slightly NPeT5JKjMuE-00030-00008103-00008351 different commands or I would have to do things a little bit NPeT5JKjMuE-00031-00008351-00008446 differently. NPeT5JKjMuE-00032-00008446-00008627 So what we're looking at right now is the NPeT5JKjMuE-00033-00008627-00008870 YouTube API samples page. NPeT5JKjMuE-00034-00008870-00009193 This is a Google Code project that contains all of our NPeT5JKjMuE-00035-00009193-00009312 sample projects. NPeT5JKjMuE-00036-00009312-00009628 So it includes our sample code that show you how to do basic NPeT5JKjMuE-00037-00009628-00009922 things such as uploading a video, posting a bulletin, NPeT5JKjMuE-00038-00009922-00010057 doing a search-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00039-00010057-00010309 basically, a lot of things you want to do. NPeT5JKjMuE-00040-00010309-00010431 So how do you get to this page? NPeT5JKjMuE-00041-00010431-00010774 Well, you go to code.google.com/ NPeT5JKjMuE-00042-00010774-00011220 p/youtube-api-samples, or you can just search for YouTube NPeT5JKjMuE-00043-00011220-00011484 API samples and what will happen is this will be one of NPeT5JKjMuE-00044-00011484-00011611 the top results. NPeT5JKjMuE-00045-00011611-00011697 Now my samples-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00046-00011697-00011984 or my search results might be ordered differently from NPeT5JKjMuE-00047-00011984-00012329 yours, but it'll be on the first page for sure. NPeT5JKjMuE-00048-00012329-00012541 So now that we're on this page, we want to download the NPeT5JKjMuE-00049-00012541-00012702 samples here from download samples. NPeT5JKjMuE-00050-00012702-00012940 And you'll see that we have a .zip file here that we can NPeT5JKjMuE-00051-00012940-00013112 click and start downloading samples. NPeT5JKjMuE-00052-00013112-00013338 I've already done this, and I've already unzipped it to NPeT5JKjMuE-00053-00013338-00013469 save us some time. NPeT5JKjMuE-00054-00013469-00013722 Now let's start talking about-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00055-00013722-00013884 oops, let's start talking about Eclipse. NPeT5JKjMuE-00056-00013884-00014096 Eclipse is one of the most popular Java IDEs. NPeT5JKjMuE-00057-00014096-00014283 I mean, it's free. NPeT5JKjMuE-00058-00014283-00014424 You've got lots of different options. NPeT5JKjMuE-00059-00014424-00014593 There are many, many plug-ins. NPeT5JKjMuE-00060-00014593-00014819 What I'm running here is I'm running a newer version of NPeT5JKjMuE-00061-00014819-00015105 Eclipse, so let's take a look at what version I'm running. NPeT5JKjMuE-00062-00015105-00015413 I'm running Eclipse Kepler, and this is either NPeT5JKjMuE-00063-00015413-00015641 Eclipse 4.2 or 4.3. NPeT5JKjMuE-00064-00015641-00015843 What's important is that-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00065-00015843-00015978 excuse me-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00066-00015978-00016215 we're using something nowadays to bundle all of our samples NPeT5JKjMuE-00067-00016215-00016316 called Maven. NPeT5JKjMuE-00068-00016316-00016659 If you've never used Maven before, Maven is a Java build NPeT5JKjMuE-00069-00016659-00016978 and distribution system that effectively you configure an NPeT5JKjMuE-00070-00016978-00017131 XML file-- and I'll show you a little bit of NPeT5JKjMuE-00071-00017131-00017264 what this looks like-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00072-00017264-00017381 of all your dependencies. NPeT5JKjMuE-00073-00017381-00017570 And when you're building, Maven will check to see if NPeT5JKjMuE-00074-00017570-00017856 those dependencies exist on your system and in your NPeT5JKjMuE-00075-00017856-00018024 library, in your code. NPeT5JKjMuE-00076-00018024-00018205 If they do not, it's going to go to the internet. NPeT5JKjMuE-00077-00018205-00018438 It's going to download these sources, and it's going update NPeT5JKjMuE-00078-00018438-00018511 your build path. NPeT5JKjMuE-00079-00018511-00018815 So you include the appropriate .jar files and dependencies NPeT5JKjMuE-00080-00018815-00018943 when you're compiling your code. NPeT5JKjMuE-00081-00018943-00019279 And this is really a huge deal, I think, because prior NPeT5JKjMuE-00082-00019279-00019538 to this we were using Ant, and we used to tell people, well, NPeT5JKjMuE-00083-00019538-00019755 go find this .jar file, go find this .jar file, and NPeT5JKjMuE-00084-00019755-00020056 compile this, and that's kind of crazy, don't you think? NPeT5JKjMuE-00085-00020056-00020236 It's like you've got to go around, and you've got to play NPeT5JKjMuE-00086-00020236-00020497 this Where's Waldo game to find your dependencies. NPeT5JKjMuE-00087-00020497-00020680 And Maven makes this really easy. NPeT5JKjMuE-00088-00020680-00020974 A second thing is that with Maven there's a very defined NPeT5JKjMuE-00089-00020974-00021312 kind of structure for what your projects more or less NPeT5JKjMuE-00090-00021312-00021712 look like, and this makes it really easy for IDEs to import NPeT5JKjMuE-00091-00021712-00021804 your project. NPeT5JKjMuE-00092-00021804-00021987 So I'm going to show you what this means. NPeT5JKjMuE-00093-00021987-00022180 I've already imported a few projects here, but that's NPeT5JKjMuE-00094-00022180-00022424 because this is for Ibrahim afterwards to walk us NPeT5JKjMuE-00095-00022424-00022515 through some code. NPeT5JKjMuE-00096-00022515-00022838 So what I'm going to do right now is I'm going to go ahead, NPeT5JKjMuE-00097-00022838-00023081 and I'm going to import the YouTube NPeT5JKjMuE-00098-00023081-00023286 command line search sample. NPeT5JKjMuE-00099-00023286-00023405 And how do we do this? NPeT5JKjMuE-00100-00023405-00023751 Well, again, I'm running Eclipse Kepler. NPeT5JKjMuE-00101-00023751-00024205 Most versions of Eclipse past 4.2 for Java, these will NPeT5JKjMuE-00102-00024205-00024453 include the m2eclipse plug-in. NPeT5JKjMuE-00103-00024453-00024654 If you're using an older version of Eclipse-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00104-00024654-00024895 I'm going to go back to Chrome real quick-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00105-00024895-00025045 you'll need to install m2eclipse. NPeT5JKjMuE-00106-00025045-00025224 You need to install this plug-in if you don't NPeT5JKjMuE-00107-00025224-00025316 already have it. NPeT5JKjMuE-00108-00025316-00025569 And the way you do this is the same as the way you would NPeT5JKjMuE-00109-00025569-00026152 install most Java plug-ins where you copy the URL, you go NPeT5JKjMuE-00110-00026152-00026864 to Eclipse, you click on Help, install new software, put in NPeT5JKjMuE-00111-00026864-00027206 the URL, click Add, name it something-- m2eclipse. NPeT5JKjMuE-00112-00027633-00027839 This will go ahead and try to connect to the site. NPeT5JKjMuE-00113-00027839-00027941 You click on it. NPeT5JKjMuE-00114-00027941-00028163 You click Next. NPeT5JKjMuE-00115-00028163-00028302 It's going to calculate dependencies. NPeT5JKjMuE-00116-00028302-00028582 This could take a long time, depending on what you're NPeT5JKjMuE-00117-00028582-00028638 installing. NPeT5JKjMuE-00118-00028638-00028830 But you just kind of click through the menus until this NPeT5JKjMuE-00119-00028830-00028920 thing installs. NPeT5JKjMuE-00120-00028920-00029079 I'm not going to show you how to do this, because I already NPeT5JKjMuE-00121-00029079-00029380 have Maven integration on my laptop. NPeT5JKjMuE-00122-00029380-00029485 So we're just going to go ahead and start NPeT5JKjMuE-00123-00029485-00029647 importing the project. NPeT5JKjMuE-00124-00029647-00030001 So I'm going to click file, import. NPeT5JKjMuE-00125-00030001-00030335 And what you want to select is existing Maven projects. NPeT5JKjMuE-00126-00030335-00030669 So if it doesn't show up right away-- and it shows up because NPeT5JKjMuE-00127-00030669-00031070 I was just working on this-- type in Maven in the filter, NPeT5JKjMuE-00128-00031070-00031444 and this will filter down to every kind of import step that NPeT5JKjMuE-00129-00031444-00031505 includes the word Maven. NPeT5JKjMuE-00130-00031505-00031852 And again, you want to select existing Maven projects. NPeT5JKjMuE-00131-00031852-00032106 I'm going to click next. NPeT5JKjMuE-00132-00032106-00032293 Now we're going to browse the root directory NPeT5JKjMuE-00133-00032293-00032370 of the samples folder. NPeT5JKjMuE-00134-00032370-00032650 I put this in my downloads directory, so let's go ahead, NPeT5JKjMuE-00135-00032650-00032857 and let's go to my home directory-- ooh, there's a lot NPeT5JKjMuE-00136-00032857-00033020 of stuff in here. NPeT5JKjMuE-00137-00033020-00033270 We're going to go to downloads. NPeT5JKjMuE-00138-00033270-00033462 I'm going to go to youtube-api.samples-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00139-00033462-00033668 this is what it unzips into. NPeT5JKjMuE-00140-00033668-00033852 I'm going to click on samples, Java. NPeT5JKjMuE-00141-00033852-00033986 We have all of our samples in all different NPeT5JKjMuE-00142-00033986-00034076 languages on here. NPeT5JKjMuE-00143-00034076-00034229 Now I'm going to go into a search sample. NPeT5JKjMuE-00144-00034229-00034464 Now that I'm in the root of the directory, I'm going go NPeT5JKjMuE-00145-00034464-00034774 ahead and click Open. NPeT5JKjMuE-00146-00034774-00035021 And notice that there's a pom.xml. NPeT5JKjMuE-00147-00035021-00035155 If you've used Maven before, you should be NPeT5JKjMuE-00148-00035155-00035257 familiar with this file. NPeT5JKjMuE-00149-00035257-00035501 It defines the dependencies. NPeT5JKjMuE-00150-00035501-00035675 But if you don't know what this, don't worry too much NPeT5JKjMuE-00151-00035675-00035814 about it for now. NPeT5JKjMuE-00152-00035814-00036060 I'm going to go ahead and click Finish, and it's going NPeT5JKjMuE-00153-00036060-00036345 to go and start importing this project into my sample. NPeT5JKjMuE-00154-00036345-00036636 Now this went pretty quickly because I've already done this NPeT5JKjMuE-00155-00036636-00036963 before, but on your first time doing this it might take a NPeT5JKjMuE-00156-00036963-00037239 little bit longer, because what Maven does is it looks to NPeT5JKjMuE-00157-00037239-00037381 see what the dependencies are. NPeT5JKjMuE-00158-00037381-00037702 And it goes ahead and it downloads into a local cache NPeT5JKjMuE-00159-00037702-00037783 on a local machine. NPeT5JKjMuE-00160-00037783-00037983 If you already have those dependencies, it's basically NPeT5JKjMuE-00161-00037983-00038101 just copying a file. NPeT5JKjMuE-00162-00038101-00038303 If you don't have these, that's when it has to connect NPeT5JKjMuE-00163-00038303-00038506 to the internet and download the dependencies. NPeT5JKjMuE-00164-00038506-00038639 So when I open search.java-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00165-00038639-00038915 and I have a humongous font-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00166-00038915-00039035 I've got a bunch of imports here. NPeT5JKjMuE-00167-00039035-00039346 And you see that I didn't have to do anything-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00168-00039346-00039545 Maven just automatically included all of these NPeT5JKjMuE-00169-00039545-00039979 dependencies even though these are not in the .zip file. NPeT5JKjMuE-00170-00039979-00040185 So I can go ahead and-- and you can see that I don't have NPeT5JKjMuE-00171-00040185-00040293 any errors-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00172-00040293-00040692 run this code by going to Run, Run. NPeT5JKjMuE-00173-00040692-00040817 Enter a search term. NPeT5JKjMuE-00174-00041084-00041312 I'm surprised that worked, but I think it's because I already NPeT5JKjMuE-00175-00041312-00041646 edited this code earlier. NPeT5JKjMuE-00176-00041646-00041987 There's a youtube.properties where you enter an API key, NPeT5JKjMuE-00177-00041987-00042349 and that's why this code is able to work. NPeT5JKjMuE-00178-00042349-00042614 So let me just open up a quick file so you can see what this NPeT5JKjMuE-00179-00042614-00042684 looks like. NPeT5JKjMuE-00180-00042684-00043451 This is pom.xml, and let's open up the raw XML. NPeT5JKjMuE-00181-00043451-00043726 And this is an XML file that defines all the different NPeT5JKjMuE-00182-00043726-00044115 dependencies that your project has as well as where to go to NPeT5JKjMuE-00183-00044115-00044172 download these. NPeT5JKjMuE-00184-00044172-00044643 So you're saying, oh, you've got to go to Maven repository. NPeT5JKjMuE-00185-00044643-00044874 And you're going to go ahead and download-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00186-00044874-00045228 we need Google API services, we need the YouTube client, we NPeT5JKjMuE-00187-00045228-00045564 need Google HTTP client, and it kind of recursively goes in NPeT5JKjMuE-00188-00045564-00045830 and downloads the dependencies of those projects. NPeT5JKjMuE-00189-00045830-00046141 So it's a very, very helpful tool for running code. NPeT5JKjMuE-00190-00046141-00046428 As you could see, I put in that code really quickly. NPeT5JKjMuE-00191-00046428-00046652 Whereas if I weren't using Maven I'd have to go through a NPeT5JKjMuE-00192-00046652-00047106 bunch of steps of configuring .jar dependencies and just NPeT5JKjMuE-00193-00047106-00047351 copying files around until I get the right mix of things to NPeT5JKjMuE-00194-00047351-00047469 make it work. NPeT5JKjMuE-00195-00047469-00047671 So that's how you do this in Eclipse. NPeT5JKjMuE-00196-00047671-00047805 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Actually, I have a question NPeT5JKjMuE-00197-00047805-00047855 if you don't mind. NPeT5JKjMuE-00198-00047855-00047949 IKAI LAN: Absolutely. NPeT5JKjMuE-00199-00047949-00048171 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: In doing that, do you actually specify NPeT5JKjMuE-00200-00048171-00048539 a resource in Maven repository doing that, or is it getting NPeT5JKjMuE-00201-00048539-00048926 it from a central Maven repository? NPeT5JKjMuE-00202-00048926-00049227 IKAI LAN: There is kind of like a Maven central where a NPeT5JKjMuE-00203-00049227-00049376 lot of very common packages are. NPeT5JKjMuE-00204-00049376-00049644 Now, there are ways to configure Maven to go to NPeT5JKjMuE-00205-00049644-00049787 different repositories. NPeT5JKjMuE-00206-00049787-00050096 I don't think we're doing that in pom.xml. NPeT5JKjMuE-00207-00050096-00050324 For running the samples, it's not important because NPeT5JKjMuE-00208-00050324-00050522 everything we've done should just work out of the box. NPeT5JKjMuE-00209-00050522-00050576 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Perfect. NPeT5JKjMuE-00210-00050576-00050696 IKAI LAN: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00211-00050696-00050836 You do need an internet connection. NPeT5JKjMuE-00212-00050836-00051055 So it becomes a little bit tricky if you work in a NPeT5JKjMuE-00213-00051055-00051419 company where you have a proxy, right, because network NPeT5JKjMuE-00214-00051419-00051602 proxies are kind of crazy. NPeT5JKjMuE-00215-00051602-00051838 Like, you've got all kinds of different levels of proxies. NPeT5JKjMuE-00216-00051838-00052066 You've got proxy settings in your browser, proxy settings NPeT5JKjMuE-00217-00052066-00052340 at your system level, and a whole bunch of other places NPeT5JKjMuE-00218-00052340-00052617 where you can modify proxy settings, and this causes lots NPeT5JKjMuE-00219-00052617-00052724 of craziness to happen. NPeT5JKjMuE-00220-00052724-00053052 So, unfortunately, debugging network proxy is out of the NPeT5JKjMuE-00221-00053052-00053133 scope of this show. NPeT5JKjMuE-00222-00053133-00053458 I'm trying to move relatively quickly, so let's go ahead and NPeT5JKjMuE-00223-00053458-00053613 talk about IntelliJ. NPeT5JKjMuE-00224-00053613-00054109 So IntelliJ is probably my favorite IDE. NPeT5JKjMuE-00225-00054109-00054652 This is a product that I pay for for doing random stuff. NPeT5JKjMuE-00226-00054652-00054747 Even though we're going to open-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00227-00054747-00054996 I could probably try to apply for an open source license, NPeT5JKjMuE-00228-00054996-00055601 but because IntelliJ IDEA Pro is something that costs for NPeT5JKjMuE-00229-00055601-00055796 personal development, I think, like $200. NPeT5JKjMuE-00230-00055796-00056148 But JetBrains, the company behind IntelliJ, has made a NPeT5JKjMuE-00231-00056148-00056529 community version that is extremely good, and it's free. NPeT5JKjMuE-00232-00056529-00056750 So anyone can go ahead and download this, and I'll show NPeT5JKjMuE-00233-00056750-00056882 you what I'm talking about-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00234-00056882-00057149 IntelliJ IDEA. NPeT5JKjMuE-00235-00057149-00057415 And well, they say it's the best. NPeT5JKjMuE-00236-00057415-00057666 I mean, they're arguably biased, but it's NPeT5JKjMuE-00237-00057666-00057804 a pretty good IDE. NPeT5JKjMuE-00238-00057804-00058108 We click on download, you'll see that, oh, there's an NPeT5JKjMuE-00239-00058108-00058311 ultimate addition, and this is the addition that you have to NPeT5JKjMuE-00240-00058311-00058389 buy a license for. NPeT5JKjMuE-00241-00058389-00058628 But there's a free community edition, and even though they NPeT5JKjMuE-00242-00058628-00059040 say it's lightweight, it's very powerful. NPeT5JKjMuE-00243-00059040-00059262 So let's go back to-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00244-00059262-00059379 this is still Eclipse. NPeT5JKjMuE-00245-00059379-00059475 I get confused. NPeT5JKjMuE-00246-00059475-00059550 Let's go back. NPeT5JKjMuE-00247-00059550-00059665 I'm all confused now because I have NPeT5JKjMuE-00248-00059665-00059825 different weird font sizes. NPeT5JKjMuE-00249-00059825-00059978 So we'll open up IntelliJ. NPeT5JKjMuE-00250-00059978-00060171 This is the main screen you see when you NPeT5JKjMuE-00251-00060171-00060305 first open up IntelliJ. NPeT5JKjMuE-00252-00060305-00060666 And how do we import the samples so that we can start NPeT5JKjMuE-00253-00060666-00060753 writing code? NPeT5JKjMuE-00254-00060753-00061028 Again, even though we're doing this with YouTube API samples, NPeT5JKjMuE-00255-00061028-00061286 you could do this with most of the samples that we have on NPeT5JKjMuE-00256-00061286-00061582 developers.google.com as long as you're using Maven. NPeT5JKjMuE-00257-00061582-00061819 You can do this with BigQuery, Drive API, and NPeT5JKjMuE-00258-00061819-00061959 so on and so forth. NPeT5JKjMuE-00259-00061959-00062347 So I'm now going to go ahead and click Import Project. NPeT5JKjMuE-00260-00062347-00062384 I cheated-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00261-00062384-00062466 I already browsed to this. NPeT5JKjMuE-00262-00062466-00062654 But, again, it's downloads, YouTube API NPeT5JKjMuE-00263-00062654-00062857 samples, samples, Java. NPeT5JKjMuE-00264-00062857-00063121 And let's do something else. NPeT5JKjMuE-00265-00063121-00063494 I'm going to go ahead and let's import myuploads.sample. NPeT5JKjMuE-00266-00063494-00063717 This little m here, this is the Maven symbol. NPeT5JKjMuE-00267-00063717-00063978 Let's go ahead and click OK. NPeT5JKjMuE-00268-00063978-00064244 And by default, it might say create project NPeT5JKjMuE-00269-00064244-00064354 from existing sources. NPeT5JKjMuE-00270-00064354-00064605 You want to make sure to select import project from NPeT5JKjMuE-00271-00064605-00064761 external model. NPeT5JKjMuE-00272-00064761-00065029 We are using Maven, so we select Maven. NPeT5JKjMuE-00273-00065029-00065352 We click next, and now you've got a whole bunch of different NPeT5JKjMuE-00274-00065352-00065613 settings, and you can tweak these as needed. NPeT5JKjMuE-00275-00065613-00065808 I don't think I need to change these too much, so I'm just NPeT5JKjMuE-00276-00065808-00065945 going to go ahead and click next. NPeT5JKjMuE-00277-00065945-00066071 Now it's going to ask you which Maven NPeT5JKjMuE-00278-00066071-00066201 project you want to import. NPeT5JKjMuE-00279-00066201-00066387 The Maven project we want to import-- well, it's the name NPeT5JKjMuE-00280-00066387-00066472 of the project you want to run. NPeT5JKjMuE-00281-00066472-00066556 In this case, it's youtube-cmdline- NPeT5JKjMuE-00282-00066556-00066681 myuploads.sample. NPeT5JKjMuE-00283-00066892-00067386 So now I'm going to click Next. NPeT5JKjMuE-00284-00067386-00067664 And on your first time you're running IntelliJ, you're going NPeT5JKjMuE-00285-00067664-00067845 to need to specify which JDK you're using. NPeT5JKjMuE-00286-00067845-00068106 So what's kind of cool is that-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00287-00068106-00068257 this is just a default Mac one. NPeT5JKjMuE-00288-00068257-00068471 If you don't know where the path is, just go on Google and NPeT5JKjMuE-00289-00068471-00068844 look for how to configure default JDK for IntelliJ IDEA, NPeT5JKjMuE-00290-00068844-00069145 or your favorite search engine, if it's not Google. NPeT5JKjMuE-00291-00069145-00069231 Project name. NPeT5JKjMuE-00292-00069231-00069343 I know this seems like a lot, but this NPeT5JKjMuE-00293-00069343-00069444 actually very, very easy. NPeT5JKjMuE-00294-00069444-00069734 In most cases, you don't need to change anything here. NPeT5JKjMuE-00295-00069734-00069979 Click next, no frameworks, finished. NPeT5JKjMuE-00296-00069979-00070305 Now we're going to go ahead and start importing this. NPeT5JKjMuE-00297-00070305-00070685 And what you'll see is when I start opening this up, I'm NPeT5JKjMuE-00298-00070685-00070987 opening up the Java file. NPeT5JKjMuE-00299-00070987-00071183 I'm surprised it worked right away. NPeT5JKjMuE-00300-00071183-00071394 It shouldn't have worked right away, because it should have NPeT5JKjMuE-00301-00071394-00071810 been like, oh, well, you haven't defined Jackson or any NPeT5JKjMuE-00302-00071810-00071949 of these client libraries. NPeT5JKjMuE-00303-00071949-00072229 But because I'm using Maven and I've already run this NPeT5JKjMuE-00304-00072229-00072392 before, it's gone and it's downloaded all of the NPeT5JKjMuE-00305-00072392-00072602 dependencies and all of the libraries you need to run the NPeT5JKjMuE-00306-00072602-00072688 sample code. NPeT5JKjMuE-00307-00072688-00072970 So let's see what we need to do here. NPeT5JKjMuE-00308-00072970-00073188 When you're running the myupload sample, you need make NPeT5JKjMuE-00309-00073188-00073342 changes to client_secrets.json. NPeT5JKjMuE-00310-00073342-00073428 And this shouldn't work, because I NPeT5JKjMuE-00311-00073428-00073599 recently reset this key. NPeT5JKjMuE-00312-00073599-00073819 But I'm going to go ahead and run this now. NPeT5JKjMuE-00313-00074122-00074842 MyUploads, it's going to build everything, and there. NPeT5JKjMuE-00314-00074842-00075296 It's taken me through the OAuth authorization flow, and NPeT5JKjMuE-00315-00075296-00075546 it has bombed out, because I'm using an invalid client ID, NPeT5JKjMuE-00316-00075546-00075765 but don't worry too much about that right now. NPeT5JKjMuE-00317-00075765-00076007 The point is that you don't have compilation errors, and NPeT5JKjMuE-00318-00076007-00076201 things are working right away. NPeT5JKjMuE-00319-00076201-00076415 Maven has a bunch of other features. NPeT5JKjMuE-00320-00076415-00076668 So when you right click on your project, you can scroll NPeT5JKjMuE-00321-00076668-00076915 down to Maven, and you can see some of the different things NPeT5JKjMuE-00322-00076915-00077155 you could do. NPeT5JKjMuE-00323-00077155-00077401 You can reimport things if somehow you've messed things NPeT5JKjMuE-00324-00077401-00077601 up, if you've deleted the local .jars. NPeT5JKjMuE-00325-00077601-00077923 You can generate sources, and you can just do a lot of NPeT5JKjMuE-00326-00077923-00078031 different things in Maven. NPeT5JKjMuE-00327-00078031-00078254 So this is IntelliJ IDEA. NPeT5JKjMuE-00328-00078254-00078565 There's just a lot things I like about this product, which NPeT5JKjMuE-00329-00078565-00078944 I like their approach to a lot of things you NPeT5JKjMuE-00330-00078944-00079050 want to do in an IDE. NPeT5JKjMuE-00331-00079050-00079349 But then again, it's up to you which one you want to use. NPeT5JKjMuE-00332-00079349-00079659 Both IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse are very good options. NPeT5JKjMuE-00333-00079659-00079854 I simply prefer to use IntelliJ for a bunch of NPeT5JKjMuE-00334-00079854-00079983 personal reasons. NPeT5JKjMuE-00335-00079983-00080224 So that's all I have for now. NPeT5JKjMuE-00336-00080224-00080479 So if you have any questions about how to do any of this NPeT5JKjMuE-00337-00080479-00080673 stuff, do find us on Stack Overflow using NPeT5JKjMuE-00338-00080673-00080884 the youtube-api tag. NPeT5JKjMuE-00339-00080884-00081057 What I'm going to do now is I'm going to close down NPeT5JKjMuE-00340-00081057-00081289 IntelliJ, and I'm going to hand this laptop over to NPeT5JKjMuE-00341-00081289-00081478 Ibrahim because he uses Eclipse. NPeT5JKjMuE-00342-00081478-00081581 I'm trying to convert him, and he's NPeT5JKjMuE-00343-00081581-00081688 actually pretty open minded. NPeT5JKjMuE-00344-00081688-00081853 He said, yeah, I'll give it a try. NPeT5JKjMuE-00345-00081853-00082084 But for this show he's going to be using Eclipse because he NPeT5JKjMuE-00346-00082084-00082191 knows it a little bit better. NPeT5JKjMuE-00347-00082191-00082403 So let's go ahead and do that right now. NPeT5JKjMuE-00348-00082403-00082765 I'm going to minimize my browser, and NPeT5JKjMuE-00349-00082765-00083006 let's open up Eclipse. NPeT5JKjMuE-00350-00083006-00083120 And I'm going to hand this over to you. NPeT5JKjMuE-00351-00083120-00083279 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Cool, thanks. NPeT5JKjMuE-00352-00083279-00083494 IKAI LAN: Did you have any questions about that? NPeT5JKjMuE-00353-00083494-00083636 Hopefully, that was very clear, and NPeT5JKjMuE-00354-00083636-00083709 I was able to explain. NPeT5JKjMuE-00355-00083709-00083854 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: I think that was clear. NPeT5JKjMuE-00356-00083854-00084157 So far I was using the command line of Maven, but using this NPeT5JKjMuE-00357-00084157-00084439 way, I think it will make my life much easier. NPeT5JKjMuE-00358-00084439-00084760 IKAI LAN: What I actually do is I do something different, NPeT5JKjMuE-00359-00084760-00085105 where when I'm developing I used the Maven plug-in, so in NPeT5JKjMuE-00360-00085105-00085270 my IDE it imports things correctly. NPeT5JKjMuE-00361-00085270-00085487 But I still also use the command line heavily. NPeT5JKjMuE-00362-00085487-00085737 I use the command line for doing things, because I prefer NPeT5JKjMuE-00363-00085737-00085982 to use the command line for source control and just doing NPeT5JKjMuE-00364-00085982-00086033 these builds. NPeT5JKjMuE-00365-00086033-00086183 But again, it's all personal preference. NPeT5JKjMuE-00366-00086183-00086378 Some people like GUIs and IDEs. NPeT5JKjMuE-00367-00086378-00086625 I like a mix of an IDE and command line based NPeT5JKjMuE-00368-00086625-00086727 environment. NPeT5JKjMuE-00369-00086727-00086843 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Perfect. NPeT5JKjMuE-00370-00086843-00086908 IKAI LAN: All right. NPeT5JKjMuE-00371-00086908-00086985 Take it away, man. NPeT5JKjMuE-00372-00086985-00087178 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: OK, great. NPeT5JKjMuE-00373-00087178-00087470 So far, Ikai has made my life so easier-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00374-00087470-00087776 upload, import everything, everything's super set up, all NPeT5JKjMuE-00375-00087776-00088119 the dependencies are ready, so I think I'm good to go. NPeT5JKjMuE-00376-00088119-00088458 Now we can just look at our code a little bit and see NPeT5JKjMuE-00377-00088458-00088603 everything we've done. NPeT5JKjMuE-00378-00088603-00088943 Maybe we can just see and go through our code and NPeT5JKjMuE-00379-00088943-00089385 understand how it will augment in YouTube, NPeT5JKjMuE-00380-00089385-00089612 how we develop stuff. NPeT5JKjMuE-00381-00089612-00089919 So actually, I will start with search, and I will to the NPeT5JKjMuE-00382-00089919-00090274 other three examples of MyUploads in subscription and NPeT5JKjMuE-00383-00090274-00090430 uploading video. NPeT5JKjMuE-00384-00090430-00090651 And search is a little bit different by authorization, NPeT5JKjMuE-00385-00090651-00091113 because you'll use just an API key, but for other stuff, NPeT5JKjMuE-00386-00091113-00091368 other examples, we'll be using the OAuth 2.0. NPeT5JKjMuE-00387-00091368-00091641 So we will have a client_secrets kind of NPeT5JKjMuE-00388-00091641-00091971 authorization going through. NPeT5JKjMuE-00389-00091971-00092167 Let's look at the code a little bit. NPeT5JKjMuE-00390-00092167-00092497 So in this one, in the search, everything starts with NPeT5JKjMuE-00391-00092497-00092659 authorization, basically. NPeT5JKjMuE-00392-00092659-00092903 We'll create or you could build a class, which is the NPeT5JKjMuE-00393-00092903-00093309 class, actually, to create our YouTube object. NPeT5JKjMuE-00394-00093309-00093512 And this is like the main class you need NPeT5JKjMuE-00395-00093512-00093567 to like deal with. NPeT5JKjMuE-00396-00093567-00093872 And it will create the YouTube object that will be NPeT5JKjMuE-00397-00093872-00094262 interacting all over the YouTube development phase. NPeT5JKjMuE-00398-00094262-00094670 So we initialize the class, giving the HTTP request. NPeT5JKjMuE-00399-00094670-00095034 We set our application name as an identifier. NPeT5JKjMuE-00400-00095034-00095315 And we build the class, so all builders like [INAUDIBLE] or NPeT5JKjMuE-00401-00095315-00095517 YouTube object is all ready. NPeT5JKjMuE-00402-00095517-00096159 For this one, we will need to have the credentials early, NPeT5JKjMuE-00403-00096159-00096432 because we'll be just using an API key. NPeT5JKjMuE-00404-00096432-00097071 So the YouTube model, we'll just go to the object YouTube NPeT5JKjMuE-00405-00097071-00097564 search method to give us the search object. NPeT5JKjMuE-00406-00097564-00097946 And since we want to do like a search, we'll do NPeT5JKjMuE-00407-00097946-00098145 a list of the search. NPeT5JKjMuE-00408-00098145-00098513 So we created the YouTube search list object by using NPeT5JKjMuE-00409-00098513-00098644 the YouTube search list. NPeT5JKjMuE-00410-00098644-00099015 And anything we want to give as the parameters, optional NPeT5JKjMuE-00411-00099015-00099472 parameters, these are the resources we want to get back NPeT5JKjMuE-00412-00099472-00099653 from all searches out. NPeT5JKjMuE-00413-00099653-00099909 So we want the ID and snippet to be returned back. NPeT5JKjMuE-00414-00099909-00100130 IKAI LAN: Now, is this list object compatible NPeT5JKjMuE-00415-00100130-00100380 with Java util list? NPeT5JKjMuE-00416-00100380-00100382 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: No. NPeT5JKjMuE-00417-00100382-00100490 It is not a Java util list. NPeT5JKjMuE-00418-00100490-00100811 Maybe there could be like a small-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00419-00100811-00101065 people tend to get confused about it, but it's the YouTube NPeT5JKjMuE-00420-00101065-00101227 search list object. NPeT5JKjMuE-00421-00101227-00101607 So I'd really like, actually, rather than importing all the NPeT5JKjMuE-00422-00101607-00101761 way to the [INAUDIBLE] NPeT5JKjMuE-00423-00101761-00102110 Google YouTube search list, I would rather just go to the NPeT5JKjMuE-00424-00102110-00102666 way it was before the YouTube, so you will be able to see any NPeT5JKjMuE-00425-00102666-00102729 lists in your screen. NPeT5JKjMuE-00426-00102729-00102945 You can see, actually, it's YouTube.search.list. NPeT5JKjMuE-00427-00102945-00103176 IKAI LAN: That's a very good tip. NPeT5JKjMuE-00428-00103176-00103503 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: If you don't do it, I think, you may see NPeT5JKjMuE-00429-00103503-00103658 the list in both ways, and you may get NPeT5JKjMuE-00430-00103658-00103771 confused really easily. NPeT5JKjMuE-00431-00103771-00103795 IKAI LAN: Exactly. NPeT5JKjMuE-00432-00103795-00103983 That's a really good tip. NPeT5JKjMuE-00433-00103983-00104213 Thank you for that. NPeT5JKjMuE-00434-00104213-00104431 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: So since we're doing get authorized NPeT5JKjMuE-00435-00104431-00104623 before, we will use the API key. NPeT5JKjMuE-00436-00104623-00104882 For this example, for the sake of this example, we just get NPeT5JKjMuE-00437-00104882-00105169 the API key from a property object. NPeT5JKjMuE-00438-00105169-00105620 And we set it to all search object. NPeT5JKjMuE-00439-00105620-00105848 We create the search object by the list. NPeT5JKjMuE-00440-00105848-00106174 And we want to actually have a query term, because it's NPeT5JKjMuE-00441-00106174-00106353 either from the user-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00442-00106353-00106601 for this example, we just get it from the NPeT5JKjMuE-00443-00106601-00106745 user, the query term. NPeT5JKjMuE-00444-00106745-00106998 We want, actually, for this one, we just want the videos NPeT5JKjMuE-00445-00106998-00107242 to be returned, not the playlist or channels. NPeT5JKjMuE-00446-00107242-00107408 For this one, just videos. NPeT5JKjMuE-00447-00107408-00107616 We set the type. NPeT5JKjMuE-00448-00107616-00107913 The field is an optional parameter, if you want just NPeT5JKjMuE-00449-00107913-00108133 the few fields to be returned rather than NPeT5JKjMuE-00450-00108133-00108438 everything in that resource. NPeT5JKjMuE-00451-00108438-00108745 We want that one, we set the maximum resource. NPeT5JKjMuE-00452-00108745-00109055 And after we set all these objects, and we make it ready NPeT5JKjMuE-00453-00109055-00109404 for execution, all we need to do is execute. NPeT5JKjMuE-00454-00109404-00109642 And this time, we execute it. NPeT5JKjMuE-00455-00109642-00110161 And since it's a source list execution, it will return us NPeT5JKjMuE-00456-00110161-00110339 the list of search results. NPeT5JKjMuE-00457-00110339-00110560 Not to confuse, this time we are using the Java list. NPeT5JKjMuE-00458-00110560-00110658 IKAI LAN: Now this time it's a Java list. NPeT5JKjMuE-00459-00110658-00110724 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00460-00110724-00110860 This time is a Java list. NPeT5JKjMuE-00461-00110860-00111357 So since we named the other one as YouTube.search.list, so NPeT5JKjMuE-00462-00111357-00111639 it is obvious that this time we are using the other list. NPeT5JKjMuE-00463-00111639-00111936 IKAI LAN: So just to clarify, a YouTube.search.list, you're NPeT5JKjMuE-00464-00111936-00112159 not actually creating an object that's a list. NPeT5JKjMuE-00465-00112159-00112330 You're creating an API request doc. NPeT5JKjMuE-00466-00112330-00112428 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00467-00112428-00112615 IKAI LAN: Because the API request, if you look at the NPeT5JKjMuE-00468-00112615-00112846 URI when you go to the API explorer, it NPeT5JKjMuE-00469-00112846-00113027 is slash list, right? NPeT5JKjMuE-00470-00113027-00113242 It's very in this kind of RESTful style. NPeT5JKjMuE-00471-00113242-00113485 So again, that is a request object. NPeT5JKjMuE-00472-00113485-00113796 And this is an actual list of objects. NPeT5JKjMuE-00473-00113796-00113809 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00474-00113809-00114032 The one we created first was a request object. NPeT5JKjMuE-00475-00114032-00114252 And this one is actually our response. NPeT5JKjMuE-00476-00114252-00114656 So any time, the way we'll be going on all these examples is NPeT5JKjMuE-00477-00114656-00114910 we will be creating the request, modify it if NPeT5JKjMuE-00478-00114910-00115314 necessary, and once we do the execution, after execution we NPeT5JKjMuE-00479-00115314-00115489 will get like a response object. NPeT5JKjMuE-00480-00115743-00116115 This object here is like a type of list search results. NPeT5JKjMuE-00481-00116115-00116485 So we will have all the search results inside our list. NPeT5JKjMuE-00482-00116485-00116839 And we can, for this example, we can just go over the list NPeT5JKjMuE-00483-00116839-00117364 and get all the things we want inside the object, which will NPeT5JKjMuE-00484-00117364-00117625 be like search results. NPeT5JKjMuE-00485-00117625-00117970 I will move over, and I will just go to other examples, NPeT5JKjMuE-00486-00117970-00118367 actually going through the OAuth2, which is the suggested NPeT5JKjMuE-00487-00118367-00118670 way of using our APIs. NPeT5JKjMuE-00488-00118670-00118867 IKAI LAN: So one nice thing about this while he's setting NPeT5JKjMuE-00489-00118867-00119208 up this project I'll talk about is that I really like NPeT5JKjMuE-00490-00119208-00119314 the Python client. NPeT5JKjMuE-00491-00119314-00119467 I think it reads really nicely. NPeT5JKjMuE-00492-00119467-00119571 It's very concise. NPeT5JKjMuE-00493-00119571-00119753 It works really well. NPeT5JKjMuE-00494-00119753-00119993 You do have some advantages when you're using the Java NPeT5JKjMuE-00495-00119993-00120369 client, which is that you have type safety, which allows the NPeT5JKjMuE-00496-00120369-00120543 autocomplete to be somewhat useful. NPeT5JKjMuE-00497-00120543-00120778 Now, this can also be frustrating in some instances NPeT5JKjMuE-00498-00120778-00121085 when you make an API request and you must pass a specific NPeT5JKjMuE-00499-00121085-00121315 instance of a certain type of object. NPeT5JKjMuE-00500-00121315-00121544 But while you're learning the API, just having autocomplete NPeT5JKjMuE-00501-00121544-00121853 to say YouTube dot search dot what are my methods, oh, is it NPeT5JKjMuE-00502-00121853-00121966 the right number of parameters, NPeT5JKjMuE-00503-00121966-00122096 it's very, very helpful. NPeT5JKjMuE-00504-00122096-00122344 So there's kind of win and lose. NPeT5JKjMuE-00505-00122344-00122353 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00506-00122353-00122797 I think when I first started doing my own examples on the NPeT5JKjMuE-00507-00122797-00123082 Python, it was fast, and it was good. NPeT5JKjMuE-00508-00123082-00123317 But on the other hand, like when I'm stuck somewhere, and NPeT5JKjMuE-00509-00123317-00123635 I don't know which is the right object type, that was a NPeT5JKjMuE-00510-00123635-00123877 time that I was like, oh, maybe Java would be much NPeT5JKjMuE-00511-00123877-00124020 easier that way. NPeT5JKjMuE-00512-00124020-00124044 IKAI LAN: Right. NPeT5JKjMuE-00513-00124044-00124347 And definitely use the YouTube API explorer that's on NPeT5JKjMuE-00514-00124347-00124722 developers.google.com to kind of figure out what to pass in, NPeT5JKjMuE-00515-00124722-00124909 because your alternative is you're writing code and NPeT5JKjMuE-00516-00124909-00124983 testing, writing code and testing. NPeT5JKjMuE-00517-00124983-00125327 The YouTube API explorer, it will deal with the-- it will NPeT5JKjMuE-00518-00125327-00125446 manage the authentication for you. NPeT5JKjMuE-00519-00125446-00125579 And you can try different things until you find a NPeT5JKjMuE-00520-00125579-00125795 combination that works. NPeT5JKjMuE-00521-00125795-00126047 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: And in documents it says which ones NPeT5JKjMuE-00522-00126047-00126380 are the required parameters, which are the optionals. NPeT5JKjMuE-00523-00126380-00126493 So definitely go there. NPeT5JKjMuE-00524-00126493-00126830 Definitely go whenever you are stuck in something that you NPeT5JKjMuE-00525-00126830-00127108 are not sure what kind of parameter you want to pass, or NPeT5JKjMuE-00526-00127108-00127471 you are getting responses like bad request, definitely go NPeT5JKjMuE-00527-00127471-00127810 there and check it out, which is the right one. NPeT5JKjMuE-00528-00127810-00127949 IKAI LAN: So what are we looking at now? NPeT5JKjMuE-00529-00127949-00128054 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: It is my uploads. NPeT5JKjMuE-00530-00128054-00128353 So we want to try to get like all the uploads related to our NPeT5JKjMuE-00531-00128353-00128508 own channel. NPeT5JKjMuE-00532-00128508-00128848 So this one, we will use, as I explained, the OAuth2 kind of NPeT5JKjMuE-00533-00128848-00129092 authorization from a client secret. NPeT5JKjMuE-00534-00129092-00129567 For installed applications, we use this [INAUDIBLE], using NPeT5JKjMuE-00535-00129567-00129985 the authorization code flow, which actually when you NPeT5JKjMuE-00536-00129985-00130314 actually run the client and run the user, wants to use our NPeT5JKjMuE-00537-00130314-00130878 application, he uses own identity and logins that he NPeT5JKjMuE-00538-00130878-00131129 authorizes with his identity. NPeT5JKjMuE-00539-00131129-00131420 And once it's passed, we will save the identity to the NPeT5JKjMuE-00540-00131420-00131856 client sequence JSON, not the password, not the user name, NPeT5JKjMuE-00541-00131856-00131993 just the token. NPeT5JKjMuE-00542-00131993-00132313 IKAI LAN: Again, not the user name and not the password. NPeT5JKjMuE-00543-00132313-00132430 This is very important. NPeT5JKjMuE-00544-00132430-00132575 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Yeah, this is like the approved way. NPeT5JKjMuE-00545-00132575-00133038 We don't want to save users' credentials in this way. NPeT5JKjMuE-00546-00133038-00133151 So we try to check it. NPeT5JKjMuE-00547-00133151-00133496 And for this example, if the client sequence file is NPeT5JKjMuE-00548-00133496-00133788 nonexistent, we try to get it from the user. NPeT5JKjMuE-00549-00133788-00133957 And once we get it, we want to-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00550-00133957-00134152 IKAI LAN: Let's just browse to it real quick. NPeT5JKjMuE-00551-00134152-00134469 If you need to edit this, it's in source, main resources. NPeT5JKjMuE-00552-00134469-00134594 Its client_sequence.json. NPeT5JKjMuE-00553-00135161-00135442 I was considering refactoring this to use a properties file, NPeT5JKjMuE-00554-00135442-00135792 just because it's kind of silly in this instance how NPeT5JKjMuE-00555-00135792-00135995 we're loading Jackson just so we can load NPeT5JKjMuE-00556-00135995-00136151 this one tiny JSON. NPeT5JKjMuE-00557-00136151-00136347 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: That would be much easier. NPeT5JKjMuE-00558-00136347-00136487 IKAI LAN: Not a huge deal, though, I don't think, NPeT5JKjMuE-00559-00136487-00136656 especially since we're using Maven. NPeT5JKjMuE-00560-00136656-00136685 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00561-00136685-00136883 Maven will be doing all the-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00562-00136883-00137342 so from our JSON once we sent it over there, we were able to NPeT5JKjMuE-00563-00137342-00137644 just read it as a credentials store. NPeT5JKjMuE-00564-00137644-00137933 And what we will do is we will pass these credentials, but we NPeT5JKjMuE-00565-00137933-00138253 will set the credential to our Google authorization code NPeT5JKjMuE-00566-00138253-00138521 flow, which will do the flow for ourselves. NPeT5JKjMuE-00567-00138521-00138772 And we will have the local receiver for it. NPeT5JKjMuE-00568-00138772-00139269 And here at this line, since we are using an installed app NPeT5JKjMuE-00569-00139269-00139996 and in the API console we set it as an installed app, using NPeT5JKjMuE-00570-00139996-00140382 the credentials, we were able to use this flow, use the NPeT5JKjMuE-00571-00140382-00140713 local receiver we just created in this line, and NPeT5JKjMuE-00572-00140713-00140903 authorize the user. NPeT5JKjMuE-00573-00140903-00141508 At this line, once the user puts his authorization, gives NPeT5JKjMuE-00574-00141508-00141812 that authorization with the right scopes-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00575-00141812-00142055 it's really important to use with the right scopes. NPeT5JKjMuE-00576-00142055-00142361 You may have problems if you don't use the right scopes, NPeT5JKjMuE-00577-00142361-00142895 which you will also find in the documentation, which NPeT5JKjMuE-00578-00142895-00143249 scopes are needed for what kind of requests. NPeT5JKjMuE-00579-00143249-00143842 Here we have for this one, we have the Google API slash NPeT5JKjMuE-00580-00143842-00144239 OAuth slash YouTube scope, which is both NPeT5JKjMuE-00581-00144239-00144623 read and write scope. NPeT5JKjMuE-00582-00144623-00144805 This is like the full authorization. NPeT5JKjMuE-00583-00144805-00145125 There is also the actual three scopes I will go over today, NPeT5JKjMuE-00584-00145125-00145365 the YouTube.readonly, which will only give read-only NPeT5JKjMuE-00585-00145365-00145627 access, and YouTube.upload, which is NPeT5JKjMuE-00586-00145627-00145859 able to upload videos. NPeT5JKjMuE-00587-00145859-00146218 So using the previous method we authorized, now we are NPeT5JKjMuE-00588-00146218-00146542 ready to go and do the similar way as we did before. NPeT5JKjMuE-00589-00146542-00146821 We created our YouTube builder object. NPeT5JKjMuE-00590-00146821-00147067 And look at this small difference here. NPeT5JKjMuE-00591-00147067-00147380 We actually pass our credentials, since we NPeT5JKjMuE-00592-00147380-00147626 authorized with that credential. NPeT5JKjMuE-00593-00147626-00147917 And we don't need to set API keys anymore, since we are NPeT5JKjMuE-00594-00147917-00148051 already authorized. NPeT5JKjMuE-00595-00148051-00148265 This one is like we did before. NPeT5JKjMuE-00596-00148265-00148618 We will create a channel request object, channel list NPeT5JKjMuE-00597-00148618-00148731 request object. NPeT5JKjMuE-00598-00148731-00148997 You want to return the contact details. NPeT5JKjMuE-00599-00148997-00149510 And we want only my videos, my channel's content, basically. NPeT5JKjMuE-00600-00149510-00149680 And we'll set mine to true. NPeT5JKjMuE-00601-00150029-00150310 IKAI LAN: And set mine true just means return my uploads. NPeT5JKjMuE-00602-00150310-00150334 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00603-00150334-00150462 Just my uploads. NPeT5JKjMuE-00604-00150462-00150724 Basically, for this one, my channel and my uploads. NPeT5JKjMuE-00605-00150724-00151011 IKAI LAN: And when you look inside the API explorer, what NPeT5JKjMuE-00606-00151011-00151354 this maps to is a field that says mine, true or false. NPeT5JKjMuE-00607-00151354-00151634 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00608-00151634-00151981 And as we did before, we will create the NPeT5JKjMuE-00609-00151981-00152161 channel request object. NPeT5JKjMuE-00610-00152161-00152228 And we execute it. NPeT5JKjMuE-00611-00152228-00152667 And this one, again, we will return the list of Java NPeT5JKjMuE-00612-00152667-00153039 utilities kind of channels. NPeT5JKjMuE-00613-00153039-00153536 If you go to the channel resource in the documents, you NPeT5JKjMuE-00614-00153536-00153835 will be able to see the resources like the contact NPeT5JKjMuE-00615-00153835-00154010 details, snippet ID. NPeT5JKjMuE-00616-00154010-00154305 And inside contact details, there's a field NPeT5JKjMuE-00617-00154305-00154545 called related playlists. NPeT5JKjMuE-00618-00154545-00154812 So we want to actually get from that channel's response, NPeT5JKjMuE-00619-00154812-00154906 which is [INAUDIBLE] NPeT5JKjMuE-00620-00154906-00155117 I'll be able to get all my channel back. NPeT5JKjMuE-00621-00155117-00155416 So I will go through and get my uploads inside the channel, NPeT5JKjMuE-00622-00155416-00155744 which is a playlist called uploads. NPeT5JKjMuE-00623-00155744-00155931 IKAI LAN: So this is something that's a little bit confusing NPeT5JKjMuE-00624-00155931-00156144 to people, which is, how do I fetch my uploads? NPeT5JKjMuE-00625-00156144-00156313 They're now a playlist. NPeT5JKjMuE-00626-00156313-00156531 And they're now specifically a related NPeT5JKjMuE-00627-00156531-00156726 playlist and an upload. NPeT5JKjMuE-00628-00156726-00156870 So this is to be aware of. NPeT5JKjMuE-00629-00156870-00157217 People are always asking us, how do I get my uploads? NPeT5JKjMuE-00630-00157217-00157470 You make a get playlist call essentially. NPeT5JKjMuE-00631-00157470-00157493 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Yes. NPeT5JKjMuE-00632-00157493-00157740 Some people are confused, and they want to go to videos and NPeT5JKjMuE-00633-00157740-00157998 try to search from there, but the right way is going to the NPeT5JKjMuE-00634-00157998-00158230 channels and get it from that. NPeT5JKjMuE-00635-00158230-00158446 So inside the get playlist there is an NPeT5JKjMuE-00636-00158446-00158595 upload field as well. NPeT5JKjMuE-00637-00158595-00158969 And with this one, we were able to get my upload, which NPeT5JKjMuE-00638-00158969-00159128 is a playlist. NPeT5JKjMuE-00639-00159128-00159545 So now, since we have a list of playlist items, which NPeT5JKjMuE-00640-00159545-00160071 playlist actually has items of playlist item. NPeT5JKjMuE-00641-00160071-00160574 And every item is essentially like it's a video or another NPeT5JKjMuE-00642-00160574-00160710 item in it. NPeT5JKjMuE-00643-00160710-00160879 And this is where, actually, you will be able to get all NPeT5JKjMuE-00644-00160879-00161401 the upload video, since we said only set mine before. NPeT5JKjMuE-00645-00161401-00161571 In this one, we'll go through the-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00646-00161884-00162302 since now we have the playlist item list, and not the NPeT5JKjMuE-00647-00162302-00162630 playlist itself, we only get the playlist up to now. NPeT5JKjMuE-00648-00162630-00162863 Now we want to go into the playlist and fetch all the NPeT5JKjMuE-00649-00162863-00163020 videos inside it. NPeT5JKjMuE-00650-00163020-00163416 So it's a two-step process. NPeT5JKjMuE-00651-00163416-00163676 So far, we were able to get the playlists inside. NPeT5JKjMuE-00652-00163676-00163923 And we will get the first playlist out of there, which NPeT5JKjMuE-00653-00163923-00164117 was our upload playlist. NPeT5JKjMuE-00654-00164117-00164659 And putting the playlist item, playlist items, that list is NPeT5JKjMuE-00655-00164659-00164996 another request object we will be using there. NPeT5JKjMuE-00656-00164996-00165109 IKAI LAN: So essentially, what you're saying is we're making NPeT5JKjMuE-00657-00165109-00165250 two requests to get up our uploads. NPeT5JKjMuE-00658-00165250-00165298 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00659-00165298-00165516 First request was get the channel, NPeT5JKjMuE-00660-00165516-00165688 get the channel request. NPeT5JKjMuE-00661-00165688-00166001 And we get over channel the uploads, the NPeT5JKjMuE-00662-00166001-00166168 upload playlist ID. NPeT5JKjMuE-00663-00166168-00166422 And once we get that playlist, now we will go to that NPeT5JKjMuE-00664-00166422-00166851 playlist and request the items inside that playlist. NPeT5JKjMuE-00665-00166851-00167097 With this one, we set the fields. NPeT5JKjMuE-00666-00167097-00167654 And now we set page tokens, because there will be subpages NPeT5JKjMuE-00667-00167654-00167956 over there if you already had a token before. NPeT5JKjMuE-00668-00167956-00168138 Maybe it will be empty, or maybe we went NPeT5JKjMuE-00669-00168138-00168282 to the first page. NPeT5JKjMuE-00670-00168282-00168556 And you only get a second page in the example. NPeT5JKjMuE-00671-00168556-00168973 So we'll go through all the pages by going with page NPeT5JKjMuE-00672-00168973-00169189 tokens done by [INAUDIBLE]. NPeT5JKjMuE-00673-00169189-00169583 Build the loop for that, and every time you put a new page NPeT5JKjMuE-00674-00169583-00169871 token, we will execute our request again with the new NPeT5JKjMuE-00675-00169871-00170027 page token. NPeT5JKjMuE-00676-00170027-00170404 And for the sake of this example, we will add them to a NPeT5JKjMuE-00677-00170404-00170534 normal Java list. NPeT5JKjMuE-00678-00170534-00170783 We will keep populating all the results we will gain NPeT5JKjMuE-00679-00170783-00171080 through the different pages. NPeT5JKjMuE-00680-00171080-00171432 And once we have all the requests, we can just print it NPeT5JKjMuE-00681-00171432-00171679 out or we can use which one we are interested in. NPeT5JKjMuE-00682-00171979-00172255 And that's all I have for my uploads part. NPeT5JKjMuE-00683-00172255-00172796 I'll do an upload video, which I was getting questions about NPeT5JKjMuE-00684-00172796-00173191 it before, how we upload video, especially I was like-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00685-00173191-00173422 maybe it's a good time to talk about it a little bit. NPeT5JKjMuE-00686-00173422-00173744 I was working on an Android app. NPeT5JKjMuE-00687-00173744-00174167 And some people were asking, oh, you want to make an NPeT5JKjMuE-00688-00174167-00174388 Android app and upload some media. NPeT5JKjMuE-00689-00174388-00174516 How are we going to get samples? NPeT5JKjMuE-00690-00174516-00174798 They couldn't find inside Android samples, NPeT5JKjMuE-00691-00174798-00174942 that kind of stuff. NPeT5JKjMuE-00692-00174942-00175241 Actually, if you just put this one into the Android sample, NPeT5JKjMuE-00693-00175241-00175429 it will just work, because they are both NPeT5JKjMuE-00694-00175429-00175528 using the Java as well. NPeT5JKjMuE-00695-00175528-00175592 IKAI LAN: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00696-00175592-00175888 And in Android, you can always also use the upload intent-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00697-00175888-00175991 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Yeah, you can. NPeT5JKjMuE-00698-00175991-00176036 IKAI LAN: --which is really nice. NPeT5JKjMuE-00699-00176036-00176148 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: You can just-- totally, yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00700-00176148-00176337 IKAI LAN: But there are some people that do want to do this NPeT5JKjMuE-00701-00176337-00176368 for whatever reason. NPeT5JKjMuE-00702-00176368-00176383 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00703-00176383-00176552 They want to customize, and they want to NPeT5JKjMuE-00704-00176552-00176630 create their own uploads. NPeT5JKjMuE-00705-00176630-00177029 But definitely if you want to use it, test it right away, NPeT5JKjMuE-00706-00177029-00177179 and you want to do it fast, you can NPeT5JKjMuE-00707-00177179-00177310 just create the intent. NPeT5JKjMuE-00708-00177310-00177608 IKAI LAN: I will say that if you try rebuilding the intent, NPeT5JKjMuE-00709-00177608-00177828 a lot of engineering work went into that, like doing the NPeT5JKjMuE-00710-00177828-00177929 background uploads. NPeT5JKjMuE-00711-00177929-00178170 And there's a lot that can happen. NPeT5JKjMuE-00712-00178170-00178527 When you're uploading using the intent, it cues up a bunch NPeT5JKjMuE-00713-00178527-00178807 of videos, and it shows you an upload progress in the bar. NPeT5JKjMuE-00714-00178807-00178994 There's a lot you have to build. NPeT5JKjMuE-00715-00178994-00179123 It's not a trivial amount of work. NPeT5JKjMuE-00716-00179123-00179445 So before, first examine if you can already use intents. NPeT5JKjMuE-00717-00179445-00179707 Intents are one of the best features of Android. NPeT5JKjMuE-00718-00179707-00180045 And if you're not making good use of that, well, NPeT5JKjMuE-00719-00180045-00180233 what are you doing? NPeT5JKjMuE-00720-00180233-00180628 Focus on building your app and not reinventing every single NPeT5JKjMuE-00721-00180628-00180679 [INAUDIBLE]. NPeT5JKjMuE-00722-00180679-00180701 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00723-00180701-00180899 Don't try to reinvent the wheel. NPeT5JKjMuE-00724-00180899-00181030 First try it. NPeT5JKjMuE-00725-00181030-00181148 Definitely. NPeT5JKjMuE-00726-00181148-00181633 So in this one, we want to upload a video NPeT5JKjMuE-00727-00181633-00181754 style type of video. NPeT5JKjMuE-00728-00181754-00182131 So actually this is the file format we will be putting NPeT5JKjMuE-00729-00182131-00182518 while we'll be uploading the video. NPeT5JKjMuE-00730-00182518-00182861 You want it categorized as a video. NPeT5JKjMuE-00731-00182861-00183037 As we did before, we will do the same. NPeT5JKjMuE-00732-00183037-00183414 Authorization levels, this one the only difference will be we NPeT5JKjMuE-00733-00183414-00183740 will be using a different scope called YouTube.upload. NPeT5JKjMuE-00734-00183740-00184109 And we create our file. NPeT5JKjMuE-00735-00184109-00184256 It's different from the other object. NPeT5JKjMuE-00736-00184256-00184712 We have to get a file from our user, or whatever you want to NPeT5JKjMuE-00737-00184712-00184852 specify the path. NPeT5JKjMuE-00738-00184852-00185314 And once we create the file, in the video upload request we NPeT5JKjMuE-00739-00185314-00185531 will be using both the file and the NPeT5JKjMuE-00740-00185531-00185738 metadata at the same time. NPeT5JKjMuE-00741-00185738-00186073 So we will be able to the set the properties and the NPeT5JKjMuE-00742-00186073-00186359 metadata while uploading the video itself. NPeT5JKjMuE-00743-00186359-00186839 We created the new video, which is the video object we NPeT5JKjMuE-00744-00186839-00187161 will be standing over the wire. NPeT5JKjMuE-00745-00187161-00187311 And we want it to be public. NPeT5JKjMuE-00746-00187311-00187540 We set this private status. NPeT5JKjMuE-00747-00187540-00187872 It's a video status object, so as we explained before, NPeT5JKjMuE-00748-00187872-00188068 everything here will be like an object, every NPeT5JKjMuE-00749-00188068-00188335 field we want to create. NPeT5JKjMuE-00750-00188335-00188619 Maybe if you guys are using it as a dictionary in Python, NPeT5JKjMuE-00751-00188619-00188933 here we will be using as an object for NPeT5JKjMuE-00752-00188933-00189177 all of these fields. NPeT5JKjMuE-00753-00189177-00189434 It's a video status object, if you want to set the status. NPeT5JKjMuE-00754-00189434-00189693 And we can set status public. NPeT5JKjMuE-00755-00189693-00190057 We set it to the metadata we want to really push it, which NPeT5JKjMuE-00756-00190057-00190193 is the video. NPeT5JKjMuE-00757-00190193-00190435 It's the video object. NPeT5JKjMuE-00758-00190435-00190694 We want to set the snippet as well. NPeT5JKjMuE-00759-00190694-00190786 We create-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00760-00190786-00191028 just from a calendar, we just get today's date NPeT5JKjMuE-00761-00191028-00191168 or any date we want. NPeT5JKjMuE-00762-00191168-00191485 We set snippet as title, description. NPeT5JKjMuE-00763-00191745-00192162 And there was a question of how we put the text inside. NPeT5JKjMuE-00764-00192162-00192475 And you will put the text inside the snippet as a list, NPeT5JKjMuE-00765-00192475-00192884 as a Java list, or a special list, Java util list. NPeT5JKjMuE-00766-00192884-00192991 And [INAUDIBLE] NPeT5JKjMuE-00767-00192991-00193177 just for this example. NPeT5JKjMuE-00768-00193177-00193515 And we set the snippet with all the text, the title, the NPeT5JKjMuE-00769-00193515-00193664 description. NPeT5JKjMuE-00770-00193664-00194061 And you want to push it to YouTube. NPeT5JKjMuE-00771-00194061-00194213 IKAI LAN: Right. NPeT5JKjMuE-00772-00194213-00194380 So I noticed that this is just taking a NPeT5JKjMuE-00773-00194380-00194542 standard input stream. NPeT5JKjMuE-00774-00194542-00194832 So what we're doing in this sample is we're specifically NPeT5JKjMuE-00775-00194832-00194962 loading from a file. NPeT5JKjMuE-00776-00194962-00195224 But if you somehow have a different input stream, like NPeT5JKjMuE-00777-00195224-00195512 say you're loading from a database and you have that as NPeT5JKjMuE-00778-00195512-00195760 an input stream, or an alternate data source, NPeT5JKjMuE-00779-00195760-00196111 anything that's compatible with the input stream NPeT5JKjMuE-00780-00196111-00196346 interface should be able to-- you just drop NPeT5JKjMuE-00781-00196346-00196461 and replace the code. NPeT5JKjMuE-00782-00196461-00196470 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00783-00196470-00196629 Definitely. NPeT5JKjMuE-00784-00196629-00196823 As long as there's in input stream interface that NPeT5JKjMuE-00785-00196823-00197129 implemented, you can just use it right away. NPeT5JKjMuE-00786-00197129-00197259 You can plug it in. NPeT5JKjMuE-00787-00197259-00197682 So for this one, we want to create an insert request which NPeT5JKjMuE-00788-00197682-00198269 is YouTube videos insert, and we want to return for this NPeT5JKjMuE-00789-00198269-00198635 example snippets status fields on the way back. NPeT5JKjMuE-00790-00198635-00198977 And what we want to put is, we want to put the input stream NPeT5JKjMuE-00791-00198977-00199196 as well as the metadata as I explained. NPeT5JKjMuE-00792-00199196-00199391 So metadata is here. NPeT5JKjMuE-00793-00199391-00199589 Input stream you already got from the user. NPeT5JKjMuE-00794-00199589-00199968 We created the file put this input stream. NPeT5JKjMuE-00795-00199968-00200468 And we have a Google's own metadata HTTP uploader you can NPeT5JKjMuE-00796-00200468-00200549 use right away. NPeT5JKjMuE-00797-00200549-00200701 It's from the video insert. NPeT5JKjMuE-00798-00200701-00201032 You can get the HTTP uploader from that if you NPeT5JKjMuE-00799-00201032-00201360 want to use that one. NPeT5JKjMuE-00800-00201360-00201837 So this is a tricky part if you want to use a resumable NPeT5JKjMuE-00801-00201837-00202212 upload, which is the premier, or if you want to use the NPeT5JKjMuE-00802-00202212-00202795 simple normal previous upload, which tries to do the upload NPeT5JKjMuE-00803-00202795-00203116 as one huge chunk. NPeT5JKjMuE-00804-00203116-00203436 If you do want to use the resumable one, it has some NPeT5JKjMuE-00805-00203436-00204045 nice features, like you can also track the progress of NPeT5JKjMuE-00806-00204045-00204170 your upload. NPeT5JKjMuE-00807-00204170-00204435 You can create, like in this example, create a progress NPeT5JKjMuE-00808-00204435-00204817 listener, which will be like at every stage of the NPeT5JKjMuE-00809-00204817-00205019 progress, you will be getting notifications. NPeT5JKjMuE-00810-00205019-00205451 And you can set display bars, or you can, in your example, NPeT5JKjMuE-00811-00205451-00206259 show by getting this progress listener, you can track what NPeT5JKjMuE-00812-00206259-00206515 percentage of upload you have sent so far, how many bytes NPeT5JKjMuE-00813-00206515-00206646 you have sent for a file. NPeT5JKjMuE-00814-00206646-00206900 You can definitely tell the user how his NPeT5JKjMuE-00815-00206900-00207007 upload in going on. NPeT5JKjMuE-00816-00207007-00207323 IKAI LAN: On that note, this is not asynchronous. NPeT5JKjMuE-00817-00207323-00207573 If you are writing for Android, absolutely, NPeT5JKjMuE-00818-00207573-00207846 absolutely do this in the background. NPeT5JKjMuE-00819-00207846-00208003 Do not block the UI thread. NPeT5JKjMuE-00820-00208003-00208212 Sometimes I still open Android apps, and I NPeT5JKjMuE-00821-00208212-00208348 go, who's doing this? NPeT5JKjMuE-00822-00208348-00208481 Don't block UI thread. NPeT5JKjMuE-00823-00208481-00208548 Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00824-00208548-00208853 And it's true of any-- it's don't ever block the UI thread NPeT5JKjMuE-00825-00208853-00209104 in any mobile application you're ever writing, be it NPeT5JKjMuE-00826-00209104-00209207 Android or iOS. NPeT5JKjMuE-00827-00209207-00209421 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00828-00209421-00209839 So like here we implemented the progress listener. NPeT5JKjMuE-00829-00209839-00210181 And now we set our progress listener to our uploader. NPeT5JKjMuE-00830-00210181-00210362 And now we are all good to go. NPeT5JKjMuE-00831-00210362-00210861 We will just create our insert object before, request object NPeT5JKjMuE-00832-00210861-00211055 before, we will just execute it. NPeT5JKjMuE-00833-00211055-00211388 And the way it will return, it will return the media NPeT5JKjMuE-00834-00211388-00211852 metadata, the one returned from the service, NPeT5JKjMuE-00835-00211852-00211979 the response object. NPeT5JKjMuE-00836-00211979-00212360 From that, we can get anything we want, we ask for, like NPeT5JKjMuE-00837-00212360-00212505 [INAUDIBLE] NPeT5JKjMuE-00838-00212505-00212623 the statistics about it. NPeT5JKjMuE-00839-00212623-00212671 IKAI LAN: Right. NPeT5JKjMuE-00840-00212671-00212871 And the [INAUDIBLE] we would do if we want to, again, edit NPeT5JKjMuE-00841-00212871-00213256 the video data after the fact, or add it to a playlist or NPeT5JKjMuE-00842-00213256-00213453 things of that sort. NPeT5JKjMuE-00843-00213453-00213477 Yes. NPeT5JKjMuE-00844-00213477-00213602 So hopefully-- NPeT5JKjMuE-00845-00213798-00214021 did you want to show any more samples, because I just wanted NPeT5JKjMuE-00846-00214021-00214229 to say that we are a little bit out of time. NPeT5JKjMuE-00847-00214229-00214441 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: I think that was like the main one, and it NPeT5JKjMuE-00848-00214441-00214585 will get you definitely started. NPeT5JKjMuE-00849-00214585-00214941 If you want more later on, we can go through or you can NPeT5JKjMuE-00850-00214941-00215109 definitely write in Stack Overflow. NPeT5JKjMuE-00851-00215109-00215264 Or you can just go to-- actually we NPeT5JKjMuE-00852-00215264-00215384 already gave the link. NPeT5JKjMuE-00853-00215384-00215725 You should definitely go to the API samples page and check NPeT5JKjMuE-00854-00215725-00215809 it out from there. NPeT5JKjMuE-00855-00215809-00215833 IKAI LAN: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00856-00215833-00216112 And if you have any ideas for future shows that you want to NPeT5JKjMuE-00857-00216112-00216388 see, let us know on any one of these forms. NPeT5JKjMuE-00858-00216388-00216615 Google+ is a very good place to tell us, hey, you know, I'm NPeT5JKjMuE-00859-00216615-00216756 looking to do this. NPeT5JKjMuE-00860-00216756-00216986 And if it's something that we think is going to help a lot NPeT5JKjMuE-00861-00216986-00217171 of people, then we'll say, hey, you know what? NPeT5JKjMuE-00862-00217171-00217292 That sounds like a great idea for a show. NPeT5JKjMuE-00863-00217292-00217602 So we'll go ahead and we'll get cranking on that for you. NPeT5JKjMuE-00864-00217602-00217939 So thank you very much for that introduction and that NPeT5JKjMuE-00865-00217939-00218117 very kind of quick code walk through. NPeT5JKjMuE-00866-00218117-00218286 I'm hoping that was helpful to you guys. NPeT5JKjMuE-00867-00218286-00218482 I'm hoping that if you're a Java developer, it's just NPeT5JKjMuE-00868-00218482-00218688 going to make things a little bit less intimidating. NPeT5JKjMuE-00869-00218688-00218952 So yeah, thank you guys very much for NPeT5JKjMuE-00870-00218952-00219058 joining us on the show. NPeT5JKjMuE-00871-00219058-00219273 And we'll see you next time. NPeT5JKjMuE-00872-00219273-00219410 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: And one last note. NPeT5JKjMuE-00873-00219410-00219508 We are hiring. NPeT5JKjMuE-00874-00219508-00219560 IKAI LAN: Oh, yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00875-00219560-00219592 That's right. NPeT5JKjMuE-00876-00219592-00219814 I always forget this, and they always get mad at me because I NPeT5JKjMuE-00877-00219814-00219857 don't say it. NPeT5JKjMuE-00878-00219857-00219950 We are hiring. NPeT5JKjMuE-00879-00219950-00220125 It's not just YouTube Developer NPeT5JKjMuE-00880-00220125-00220211 Relations that's hiring. NPeT5JKjMuE-00881-00220211-00220421 We are hiring pretty much across every single function NPeT5JKjMuE-00882-00220421-00220519 developer relations. NPeT5JKjMuE-00883-00220519-00220715 We are hiring in our multiple offices. NPeT5JKjMuE-00884-00220715-00220883 We have the most positions in Mountain View. NPeT5JKjMuE-00885-00220883-00221067 But we also have positions in New York City, I NPeT5JKjMuE-00886-00221067-00221279 think Tokyo, London. NPeT5JKjMuE-00887-00221279-00221362 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: All across the world. NPeT5JKjMuE-00888-00221362-00221409 IKAI LAN: Yeah. NPeT5JKjMuE-00889-00221409-00221700 Yeah Just in all of our different offices. NPeT5JKjMuE-00890-00221700-00221821 And Seattle. NPeT5JKjMuE-00891-00221821-00221915 I think those are the main ones. NPeT5JKjMuE-00892-00221915-00222069 Anyway, thank you guys very much. NPeT5JKjMuE-00893-00222069-00222244 If you have any questions, find us on Google+ NPeT5JKjMuE-00894-00222244-00222442 or on our Plus page. NPeT5JKjMuE-00895-00222442-00222654 Or we sometimes look at the comments NPeT5JKjMuE-00896-00222654-00222735 on the YouTube videos. NPeT5JKjMuE-00897-00222735-00222989 But we don't check them as much as we check Plus. NPeT5JKjMuE-00898-00222989-00223135 So thank you guys very much. NPeT5JKjMuE-00899-00223135-00223369 And tell all your friends about us. NPeT5JKjMuE-00900-00223369-00223398 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Definitely. NPeT5JKjMuE-00901-00223398-00223437 IKAI LAN: Thanks. NPeT5JKjMuE-00902-00223437-00223514 Take it easy. NPeT5JKjMuE-00903-00223514-00223639 IBRAHIM ULUKAYA: Have a good one. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00000-00000000-00000527 So to be quite honest with you, I have absolutely no idea why I'm filming this NQO5h5gA0Sk-00001-00000527-00001317 video and I really have no idea how to film an intro for this video and I can NQO5h5gA0Sk-00002-00001317-00001998 feel a shit-ton of anxiety as I sit down to start, but what I do know is that NQO5h5gA0Sk-00003-00001998-00002706 I feel a deep desire in my chest as though I need to film this video and NQO5h5gA0Sk-00004-00002706-00003360 upload it and share it with you all, so that's why I'm here and doing this. What NQO5h5gA0Sk-00005-00003360-00003753 I do know is that I need to start this video with a major trigger warning NQO5h5gA0Sk-00006-00003753-00004173 because I know that it's going to deal with some heavy content, so I'm going to have NQO5h5gA0Sk-00007-00004173-00004505 a full list of trigger warnings in the description below. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00008-00004505-00004902 You all should definitely read that before starting to watch this video NQO5h5gA0Sk-00009-00004902-00005289 because I do not want you to watch anything that could put your mental NQO5h5gA0Sk-00010-00005289-00005778 health at risk. Read the trigger warnings before starting this video. With that I'm NQO5h5gA0Sk-00011-00005778-00006314 just gonna get started talking because that's what I feel I need to do. So, NQO5h5gA0Sk-00012-00006314-00007068 hello I'm Kav in case you didn't know that...I really truly hope this is not the NQO5h5gA0Sk-00013-00007068-00007425 first video you're seeing on my channel because if this is the video you're NQO5h5gA0Sk-00014-00007425-00008139 starting with...good luck to you this video. This video, I guess, could be considered a life NQO5h5gA0Sk-00015-00008139-00008625 update - the title of this video, I think, is going to be something along the lines NQO5h5gA0Sk-00016-00008625-00009156 of 'life two months after my attempt' which is referring to my suicide attempt NQO5h5gA0Sk-00017-00009156-00009729 that happened at the beginning of February of 2020. I did film a video NQO5h5gA0Sk-00018-00009729-00010371 about my suicide attempt which actually is one of the most viewed videos on my NQO5h5gA0Sk-00019-00010371-00011039 YouTube channel now. That was not my intent when I uploaded that, but it's NQO5h5gA0Sk-00020-00011039-00011517 what ended up happening and honestly now looking back on it that's not surprising NQO5h5gA0Sk-00021-00011517-00012114 to me at all because when you title a YouTube video 'I tried to kill myself' NQO5h5gA0Sk-00022-00012114-00012660 that obviously ends up sounding like a clickbait-y title, so now looking NQO5h5gA0Sk-00023-00012660-00012930 back on it I can definitely see why that's one of my most NQO5h5gA0Sk-00024-00012930-00013663 popular uploads. But that was not my intention. I, again, don't fully know why I NQO5h5gA0Sk-00025-00013663-00014322 filmed and uploaded that video, but what I do know is that this channel is NQO5h5gA0Sk-00026-00014322-00014872 essentially like almost a diary of my life. It has so many different NQO5h5gA0Sk-00027-00014872-00015384 significant parts of my life shared on it; I've basically been going through so NQO5h5gA0Sk-00028-00015384-00015872 much of my life journey since the beginning of high school on this, and for NQO5h5gA0Sk-00029-00015872-00016278 better or for worse, that is now a piece of my life journey, so I think that's one NQO5h5gA0Sk-00030-00016278-00016803 reason it's on my channel. Another reason is because I do consider myself to some NQO5h5gA0Sk-00031-00016803-00017316 extent an activist and part of that is being a mental health activist in my NQO5h5gA0Sk-00032-00017316-00017916 opinion. Part of what I do is be completely and totally honest on my NQO5h5gA0Sk-00033-00017916-00018537 channel and on my social media and just here in the internet. While this is NQO5h5gA0Sk-00034-00018537-00019317 a very difficult and personal thing to some, for me it was something I felt I NQO5h5gA0Sk-00035-00019317-00020043 had to share because of the fact that I have started this, kind of, "policy" of NQO5h5gA0Sk-00036-00020043-00020529 unadulterated and completely unfiltered honesty. Now obviously that doesn't NQO5h5gA0Sk-00037-00020529-00020940 extend to everyone and that doesn't mean that I believe everyone who has any NQO5h5gA0Sk-00038-00020940-00021366 kind of public platform, no matter how big or how small, has to do that, but NQO5h5gA0Sk-00039-00021366-00021831 that's just kind of the mentality I follow, so that's what I felt I had to do NQO5h5gA0Sk-00040-00021831-00022295 with this too and that's just kind of what I plan to do going forward. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00041-00022295-00022801 In the book community I have made some of my best and my closest friends, so NQO5h5gA0Sk-00042-00022801-00023441 sharing this part of my story, even though it is really personal, it almost NQO5h5gA0Sk-00043-00023441-00023901 didn't feel that way because so many of my closest friends are in this community. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00044-00023901-00024545 This community feels like my second home in a lot of ways, so it almost didn't NQO5h5gA0Sk-00045-00024545-00024993 feel like I was sharing it with the entire Internet, which really I was. It just NQO5h5gA0Sk-00046-00024993-00025575 felt like I was sharing it with people that I really know. So I wasn't sharing NQO5h5gA0Sk-00047-00025575-00026189 that video for views; I was sharing it because it felt like what I had to do, NQO5h5gA0Sk-00048-00026189-00026586 and I was sharing it because in that moment it felt like it would be healing NQO5h5gA0Sk-00049-00026586-00027116 for me. And in some ways it was, but in the aftermath of a suicide attempt I NQO5h5gA0Sk-00050-00027116-00027513 don't know if anything is truly healing, at least in my personal experience. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00051-00027513-00028139 I bring up that video because as it is so popular, I think, no matter how long NQO5h5gA0Sk-00052-00028139-00028644 you've been subscribed to my channel I assume that, you know, you probably would NQO5h5gA0Sk-00053-00028644-00029193 have seen that video if you have looked through my channel because of how NQO5h5gA0Sk-00054-00029193-00029591 popular it is, so you probably know whether or not you've watched the video NQO5h5gA0Sk-00055-00029591-00030057 that it did happen. I'm probably going to be referring to it quite a lot in this NQO5h5gA0Sk-00056-00030057-00030669 video because I'm going to be talking about the aftermath of my attempt. I kind NQO5h5gA0Sk-00057-00030669-00031275 of feel like my life is now split into before and after, as in before the NQO5h5gA0Sk-00058-00031275-00031839 attempt and after the attempt. This was my second suicide attempt - my first NQO5h5gA0Sk-00059-00031839-00032327 suicide attempt was in my sophomore year of high school; it was a week before my NQO5h5gA0Sk-00060-00032327-00032775 15th birthday, but that was a very different experience for me because that NQO5h5gA0Sk-00061-00032775-00033371 attempt was not premeditated while this one was, so that attempt did not feel NQO5h5gA0Sk-00062-00033371-00034140 like this before and after experience. This one feels truly feels like an attempt and NQO5h5gA0Sk-00063-00034140-00034707 I thought that one felt like an attempt, but now it doesn't. And in a way it does NQO5h5gA0Sk-00064-00034707-00035424 feel life-changing because I now feel like I'm living a life that I wasn't NQO5h5gA0Sk-00065-00035424-00036036 supposed to be living, and I have this overarching question of how do you live NQO5h5gA0Sk-00066-00036036-00036426 a life that wasn't supposed to exist? I still haven't figured out a way to NQO5h5gA0Sk-00067-00036426-00036870 answer that question. I'm currently in a treatment program which I feel very NQO5h5gA0Sk-00068-00036870-00037293 grateful for because so many different people don't have access to that kind of NQO5h5gA0Sk-00069-00037293-00037911 treatment because the healthcare system is fucked up and every system is fucked NQO5h5gA0Sk-00070-00037911-00038295 up and the world is fucked up in so many different ways, so I feel very grateful NQO5h5gA0Sk-00071-00038295-00039116 to have access to treatment and to such good treatment. I've been in treatment NQO5h5gA0Sk-00072-00039116-00039569 since essentially right after my attempt - basically I was like in the hospital and NQO5h5gA0Sk-00073-00039569-00039930 then I went straight into my treatment program. And now that treatment program NQO5h5gA0Sk-00074-00039930-00040686 is almost coming to an end, and I'm scared shitless because I don't know how NQO5h5gA0Sk-00075-00040686-00041256 to exist without it. This has been all I've known in the after. I don't know NQO5h5gA0Sk-00076-00041256-00041769 where to go. And now there are very few options with the entire global situation. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00077-00041769-00042194 I don't want to minimize the effects of this global pandemic because I am NQO5h5gA0Sk-00078-00042194-00042734 definitely not the most affected - I mean I am young and I am physically healthy NQO5h5gA0Sk-00079-00042734-00043322 and I'm not one of the frontline essential workers, so I am not the most NQO5h5gA0Sk-00080-00043322-00043853 at risk here, so I definitely don't want to minimize the effects of this pandemic NQO5h5gA0Sk-00081-00043853-00044544 in the slightest. But I also think that this pandemic is affecting all people in NQO5h5gA0Sk-00082-00044544-00044940 different ways and it's okay to acknowledge that while also NQO5h5gA0Sk-00083-00044940-00045359 acknowledging the people who are most at risk and understanding that. I think that NQO5h5gA0Sk-00084-00045359-00045878 we can balance both. For me, first of all, there are very few options with what to NQO5h5gA0Sk-00085-00045878-00046493 do with life after this, at least for now. I also don't know what to do with it. I NQO5h5gA0Sk-00086-00046493-00047019 kind of dropped out of school, or I took academic leave. I don't really know what NQO5h5gA0Sk-00087-00047019-00047453 I did. I literally don't know what I did; I think I withdrew from my classes, NQO5h5gA0Sk-00088-00047453-00048038 it's kind of all a blurry haze. So I'm not in school right now and I don't know NQO5h5gA0Sk-00089-00048038-00048431 if I want to go back to school, I don't know if I want to get a job, and I don't NQO5h5gA0Sk-00090-00048431-00048943 have the option to do either right now, but I also don't know what I want to do NQO5h5gA0Sk-00091-00048943-00049306 so that's kind of the bigger question right now. And I don't know how to make NQO5h5gA0Sk-00092-00049306-00049822 that decision because I didn't want to do either in the before, and so in the NQO5h5gA0Sk-00093-00049822-00050319 after I don't know how to make to do decision either. I feel like people NQO5h5gA0Sk-00094-00050319-00050758 are telling me to go back to school, and by people I don't mean my family, but I NQO5h5gA0Sk-00095-00050758-00051354 feel like people like ~ the people ~ are telling me to go back to school and I NQO5h5gA0Sk-00096-00051354-00051769 don't know if that's the right option for me because I've had such terrible NQO5h5gA0Sk-00097-00051769-00052329 experiences in school since I was so young. Even in elementary school, looking NQO5h5gA0Sk-00098-00052329-00052810 back on it - I thought I had good experiences - but looking back on it now I NQO5h5gA0Sk-00099-00052810-00053320 actually didn't have as good experiences as I thought I did, and middle school was NQO5h5gA0Sk-00100-00053320-00053667 horrible for me, and high school was horrible for me. And you know I know NQO5h5gA0Sk-00101-00053667-00054112 everyone says middle school and high school are not good times, but when I say NQO5h5gA0Sk-00102-00054112-00054535 they were horrible for me I mean they were truly horrible for me, as in they NQO5h5gA0Sk-00103-00054535-00054919 were a traumatic experience for me, so I don't know if that's the right option NQO5h5gA0Sk-00104-00054919-00055327 for me. But I also don't know about getting a job. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00105-00055327-00056158 You know being 18 now...I have to be an adult. And I felt on some level prepared NQO5h5gA0Sk-00106-00056158-00056967 for that when I was turning 18, and now I'm in the after, and now I feel totally NQO5h5gA0Sk-00107-00056967-00057613 unprepared. And since coming to this treatment program I've also gotten new NQO5h5gA0Sk-00108-00057613-00058312 diagnoses. I have gotten a bipolar diagnosis, I have bipolar disorder - bipolar NQO5h5gA0Sk-00109-00058312-00058804 II to be specific. I have a trauma diagnosis; I have a trauma disorder. And I NQO5h5gA0Sk-00110-00058804-00059200 started getting treatment for my eating disorder which, though I've had that NQO5h5gA0Sk-00111-00059200-00059707 diagnosis for like over a year now, this is the first time I've started getting NQO5h5gA0Sk-00112-00059707-00060109 treatment for it which is in a sense kind of fucked up and a lot of people NQO5h5gA0Sk-00113-00060109-00060480 don't even have access to mental health care or health care at all which is NQO5h5gA0Sk-00114-00060480-00061049 extremely fucked up, so that has also been kind of a whirlwind on its own. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00115-00061049-00061577 I feel like I'm kind of a label-oriented person, not in the sense that I label or NQO5h5gA0Sk-00116-00061577-00062087 judge others, but just in the sense of personally I feel that labels kind of NQO5h5gA0Sk-00117-00062087-00062663 make me feel more at home or that they help me understand myself. Like, finding NQO5h5gA0Sk-00118-00062663-00063128 the label of lesbian or finding the label of non-binary / genderqueer were NQO5h5gA0Sk-00119-00063128-00063808 very beneficial for me, or using the label Indian-American helps me. So NQO5h5gA0Sk-00120-00063808-00064529 having these new labels for my mental illnesses has really been a whirlwind. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00121-00064529-00065276 Because since I was 14 I've had the label of depression, and now to find out NQO5h5gA0Sk-00122-00065276-00066200 that bipolar is actually my label feels different. I'm still grappling with that. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00123-00066200-00066668 And when I was coming into this program I knew that that was a high possibility - NQO5h5gA0Sk-00124-00066668-00067286 I knew that getting the bipolar disorder and the trauma disorder diagnoses were NQO5h5gA0Sk-00125-00067286-00067877 both really high possibilities, but when I actually got the diagnosis it was NQO5h5gA0Sk-00126-00067877-00068324 different. I thought I was prepared for it, and then I got the diagnosis and it NQO5h5gA0Sk-00127-00068324-00068750 felt really different. It felt like I was no longer as prepared for it as I NQO5h5gA0Sk-00128-00068750-00069416 thought I was. It kind of just feels like my life is chaos right now, and I think NQO5h5gA0Sk-00129-00069416-00069794 that's something a lot of people resonate with because of the current NQO5h5gA0Sk-00130-00069794-00070391 global situation, but I feel like my life is chaos in a completely separate way. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00131-00070391-00070838 I also feel like I don't know how to exist in life. I feel almost completely out of NQO5h5gA0Sk-00132-00070838-00071458 place. I feel like after a suicide attempt there's almost this mentality NQO5h5gA0Sk-00133-00071458-00072119 that you're okay. There's this mentality that you survived the attempt so you NQO5h5gA0Sk-00134-00072119-00072743 survived whatever made you want to attempt and that you're fine now... NQO5h5gA0Sk-00135-00072743-00073184 that's very far from the truth. I feel like there's just this NQO5h5gA0Sk-00136-00073184-00074039 mentality that once you're safe, you're fine. But as I said in the video about my NQO5h5gA0Sk-00137-00074039-00074504 suicide attempt - once you survive a suicide attempt that NQO5h5gA0Sk-00138-00074504-00075080 doesn't take away all the factors that made you want to kill yourself. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00139-00075080-00075803 I just feel there are so many misconceptions about what it means to NQO5h5gA0Sk-00140-00075803-00076615 live after surviving an attempt. Maybe it does get better, but I always have this fear NQO5h5gA0Sk-00141-00076615-00077366 that if it does get better, there's always the chance of it not being better NQO5h5gA0Sk-00142-00077366-00077906 again. I mean you can put all your work into recovery - you can spend thousands of NQO5h5gA0Sk-00143-00077906-00078560 dollars and you can spend all your time and your effort into recovering, and then NQO5h5gA0Sk-00144-00078560-00079211 months or years later you can end up back in the same place or in an even NQO5h5gA0Sk-00145-00079211-00079847 worse place than you were. And that is one of my greatest fears. I don't want my NQO5h5gA0Sk-00146-00079847-00080549 life to be just recovery. I don't want my life to be just how do I survive? And I NQO5h5gA0Sk-00147-00080549-00081056 feel like that's all these last two months have been. I feel like I already NQO5h5gA0Sk-00148-00081056-00081836 have enough that I'm battling. I had a breakdown earlier this week after the NQO5h5gA0Sk-00149-00081836-00082502 build-up of being misgendered so much in my life. I know that's something I'm NQO5h5gA0Sk-00150-00082502-00083075 gonna have to deal with for my entire life. I'm always gonna have to deal with NQO5h5gA0Sk-00151-00083075-00083675 the question of when and where is it safe to come out and even after that I'm NQO5h5gA0Sk-00152-00083675-00084319 gonna have to deal with the patience of letting people learn. And it's not that I NQO5h5gA0Sk-00153-00084319-00084878 am not open to people learning, of course I am. I'm so appreciative of people who NQO5h5gA0Sk-00154-00084878-00085329 are open-minded and willing to learn. That also doesn't mean that it NQO5h5gA0Sk-00155-00085329-00085992 doesn't hurt each time you get misgendered. It feels like another stab NQO5h5gA0Sk-00156-00085992-00086547 wound in the same place. It feels like opening up the same wound again and NQO5h5gA0Sk-00157-00086547-00087135 again, and I don't know at what point I'm going to bleed out from that wound. So I NQO5h5gA0Sk-00158-00087135-00087729 already have that to grapple with. I went through a breakup almost right after my NQO5h5gA0Sk-00159-00087729-00088335 attempt. I realized after entering trauma treatment that I'm still actually dealing NQO5h5gA0Sk-00160-00088335-00088961 with some parts of coming to terms of my sexuality which was probably the biggest NQO5h5gA0Sk-00161-00088961-00089598 realization of entering treatment, and the hardest realization. And I've been NQO5h5gA0Sk-00162-00089598-00090231 overcoming so much guilt about that because so much of the last couple of NQO5h5gA0Sk-00163-00090231-00090732 years on this platform I have been talking about how proud I am of being NQO5h5gA0Sk-00164-00090732-00091278 queer and of being a lesbian, and now to realize that maybe I'm not as proud NQO5h5gA0Sk-00165-00091278-00091821 as I thought I was of that part of myself. I feel so guilty. I feel like I've NQO5h5gA0Sk-00166-00091821-00092406 been lying. So there's that I've also been struggling with. And, you know, NQO5h5gA0Sk-00167-00092406-00092805 there's also always microaggressive racism to deal with and then you deal with NQO5h5gA0Sk-00168-00092805-00093153 the intersections of all those identities, so I have enough to battle NQO5h5gA0Sk-00169-00093153-00093591 against. And I know I'm gonna have to grapple with all of that for the rest of NQO5h5gA0Sk-00170-00093591-00094185 my life, and then you add the mental illnesses on top of that. I don't want my NQO5h5gA0Sk-00171-00094185-00094821 life to be just recovery. I don't want my life to just be fighting. I don't want it NQO5h5gA0Sk-00172-00094821-00095349 to just be fighting battles against ignorant assholes, against demons in my own NQO5h5gA0Sk-00173-00095349-00095832 mind. I don't want it to just be recovering from the people who don't see NQO5h5gA0Sk-00174-00095832-00096231 me and don't respect me; I don't want it to just be recovering from the trauma of NQO5h5gA0Sk-00175-00096231-00096683 my past, to just be recovering from the demons in my own mind. I don't want NQO5h5gA0Sk-00176-00096683-00097029 that to just be my life. I just really felt NQO5h5gA0Sk-00177-00097029-00097483 like I needed to film this video. I have wanted to NQO5h5gA0Sk-00178-00097483-00097978 films so many other videos. Throughout March I had my Chain of Gold series. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00179-00097978-00098416 That was actually a pre-planned a series before my attempt, so that's why I was NQO5h5gA0Sk-00180-00098416-00098947 able to make that series happen in March, and also I deeply love Cassandra Clare. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00181-00098947-00099310 And then I had my four year booktube anniversary video come out last week - I NQO5h5gA0Sk-00182-00099310-00099763 always do videos during my booktube anniversaries, so that was also a video NQO5h5gA0Sk-00183-00099763-00100327 that I was able to do. And I've had ideas for videos. I had an idea for a video to NQO5h5gA0Sk-00184-00100327-00100708 just rave about my favorite authors, which I thought would be super fun and NQO5h5gA0Sk-00185-00100708-00101083 uplifting during this time. And then I had an idea for a video to talk about NQO5h5gA0Sk-00186-00101083-00101554 how much I loved More Happy Than Not and why it meant so much to me, and then I had NQO5h5gA0Sk-00187-00101554-00102073 a video to discuss my comfort reads because that's the monthly theme for NQO5h5gA0Sk-00188-00102073-00102394 Book Bound Society which is the book club I co-host. And I'm probably still NQO5h5gA0Sk-00189-00102394-00102775 going to do that one before the end of the month, so probably next week. I've had NQO5h5gA0Sk-00190-00102775-00103282 a couple other video ideas from some of the other suggestions I got from my four NQO5h5gA0Sk-00191-00103282-00103630 year booktube anniversary video that I didn't actually end up doing that I NQO5h5gA0Sk-00192-00103630-00104041 wanted to film, and I just haven't been able to do them. And I've had the NQO5h5gA0Sk-00193-00104041-00104581 inspiration to film. And I've had the ability to film. And then I don't do it. So I NQO5h5gA0Sk-00194-00104581-00105103 filmed this one because I felt like I needed to. And maybe after getting this NQO5h5gA0Sk-00195-00105103-00105580 one up I will feel more able to film the other videos and get those up, I don't NQO5h5gA0Sk-00196-00105580-00105976 know, maybe this is what I needed to get out there first. I'm sorry this was not NQO5h5gA0Sk-00197-00105976-00106509 an uplifting positive video. But if you did stick around and watch it, thank you. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00198-00106509-00107002 I really truly do appreciate it, and I really truly do appreciate all of you NQO5h5gA0Sk-00199-00107002-00107470 who have been supporting me in any way. And I really truly do appreciate those NQO5h5gA0Sk-00200-00107470-00107944 of you who have been going above and beyond to support me. I really appreciate NQO5h5gA0Sk-00201-00107944-00108238 those of you who have been messaging me and who've been going out of your way to NQO5h5gA0Sk-00202-00108238-00108553 message me and to send me your love and support. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00203-00108553-00109063 Thank you for watching this. Thank you for your patience. Thank you NQO5h5gA0Sk-00204-00109063-00109608 for your love. Thank you for your support. I hope you're staying safe right now. NQO5h5gA0Sk-00205-00109608-00110034 I hope you're staying healthy. I hope you're staying indoors if you have the NQO5h5gA0Sk-00206-00110034-00110572 ability to do so. And if you are working on the frontlines in any way, I really NQO5h5gA0Sk-00207-00110572-00110944 truly do appreciate your service. I hope you are taking care of your mental NQO5h5gA0Sk-00208-00110944-00111408 health in the best way possible. And thank you for everything that you all NQO5h5gA0Sk-00209-00111408-00111967 have done to support me in this time. I really truly do appreciate you all from NQO5h5gA0Sk-00210-00111967-00112520 the very bottom of my heart, and I love you. Goodbye. NTUJFqdFoc8-00000-00000233-00000783 residents of Riot City that was a hellacious Key to the City 2018 I'm Sean NTUJFqdFoc8-00001-00000783-00001323 Fewster - we're here to recap the event I'm joined by the icon Rocky Menero NTUJFqdFoc8-00002-00001323-00001725 whats up Sean thanks for joining me and we were supposed to be joined by the NTUJFqdFoc8-00003-00001725-00001980 difference Tyler Daniels as well but after that NTUJFqdFoc8-00004-00001980-00002316 ladder match on it that we'll be seeing much of anybody out of that match for a NTUJFqdFoc8-00005-00002316-00002673 while it was absolutely incredible there's a reason why don't do those sorts NTUJFqdFoc8-00006-00002673-00002955 of matches mate those things are brutal there's a reason I stay on this side of NTUJFqdFoc8-00007-00002955-00003435 the microphone so I guess we'll get on with recapping that first ...Tyler Daniels NTUJFqdFoc8-00008-00003435-00003773 do you think a little match like that it's gonna stop title Daniels from NTUJFqdFoc8-00009-00003773-00004635 making an appearance, you've ah got a little a little what Sean? On with the first match our NTUJFqdFoc8-00010-00004635-00005187 night started with Cadie Tré taking on Tony Toro in our clash between former NTUJFqdFoc8-00011-00005187-00005594 tag team partners it was a good it was a good balance the hell of a match yeah NTUJFqdFoc8-00012-00005594-00005955 and like I love the flight out of Tony Toro and he's really stepped up and NTUJFqdFoc8-00013-00005955-00006285 got a lot of fire behind him but you know Cadie's got a bag full of tricks NTUJFqdFoc8-00014-00006285-00006627 mate he pulled them out tonight gotta win Cadie of course coming off the big NTUJFqdFoc8-00015-00006627-00007154 win against You Tyler Danniels there's a little bit too much for me to NTUJFqdFoc8-00016-00007154-00007476 say the Tony torrid perhaps is a little cheeky in this one and that's why you NTUJFqdFoc8-00017-00007476-00007925 trade off the win no no no I'll agree with whatever you want me to agree with NTUJFqdFoc8-00018-00007925-00008415 right now moving on our second match James Cray of the Millennials took on NTUJFqdFoc8-00019-00008415-00008811 Marvel from the Rude Ones and this was also a grudge match because we saw the NTUJFqdFoc8-00020-00008811-00009218 Millennials take the tag team belts from the rude ones last month we did indeed NTUJFqdFoc8-00021-00009218-00009579 Shawn and it's you know it's never a small thing when keg bells change hands NTUJFqdFoc8-00022-00009579-00009972 and I understand that you know being English that James Kray enjoys NTUJFqdFoc8-00023-00009972-00010410 crickets wasn't sure he's looking for those from the crowd though it was a NTUJFqdFoc8-00024-00010410-00010827 very technical match between the two men and Marvel of course one of the most NTUJFqdFoc8-00025-00010827-00011261 dangerous competitors that you can square up against in Australia easy he's NTUJFqdFoc8-00026-00011261-00011750 a technical marvel that's hence the name but he's a he's a great opponent but NTUJFqdFoc8-00027-00011750-00012153 he's been doing tags too long so I think the one-on-one thing sort of he may have NTUJFqdFoc8-00028-00012153-00012422 been leaning toward the tag partner wasn't there and you know unfortunately NTUJFqdFoc8-00029-00012422-00012774 He got The big L tonight the first win for the NTUJFqdFoc8-00030-00012774-00013380 Millennials of the night and speaking of tag-team action we expected to see would NTUJFqdFoc8-00031-00013380-00013841 we call it a tag-team Shawn that's right we expected to see Davey green team with NTUJFqdFoc8-00032-00013841-00014124 his mentor Chris Basso against the Armstrongs NTUJFqdFoc8-00033-00014124-00014541 but only three of those four men showed up Rocky Menero well we've gotta find NTUJFqdFoc8-00034-00014541-00014862 out what happened to Davie Green to start with but you know all props go to NTUJFqdFoc8-00035-00014862-00015234 Chris Basso he will never back down from a challenge I know this personally and NTUJFqdFoc8-00036-00015234-00015582 y'all very impressive and stepping up taking on through the best brothers in NTUJFqdFoc8-00037-00015582-00016140 in the industry to see one man take on - Tyler Daniels extreme effort from Chris NTUJFqdFoc8-00038-00016140-00016536 Basso but no small amount of fight on the part of the Armstrong oh look the NTUJFqdFoc8-00039-00016536-00016833 Armstrong's probably got strong-armed tonight if you're like way a guy who NTUJFqdFoc8-00040-00016833-00017420 truly is world fast and of course we saw that bizarre moment where Nick's chick NTUJFqdFoc8-00041-00017420-00017940 got involved in the match and we learned a little more about the brotherly bond NTUJFqdFoc8-00042-00017940-00018387 between the Armstrongs then perhaps we really would like to know that crossed a NTUJFqdFoc8-00043-00018387-00018813 few lines and I'm pretty sure in a few states you just can't do this sort of NTUJFqdFoc8-00044-00018813-00019158 thing Shawn I'm pretty sure it's fine in Canberra but I wouldn't try it anywhere NTUJFqdFoc8-00045-00019158-00019617 else now mr. Manero you opened your challenge to Australia you said you NTUJFqdFoc8-00046-00019617-00019934 wanted to compete against the best of the best and tonight you came up against NTUJFqdFoc8-00047-00019934-00020498 PCW's former national champion relentless Mark Cage the kid showed me a NTUJFqdFoc8-00048-00020498-00020979 lot I've been doing this for a long time you know and I call myself the icon and NTUJFqdFoc8-00049-00020979-00021369 I think I proved it tonight but that kid has a hell of a future in front of him NTUJFqdFoc8-00050-00021369-00021594 he hit me with some of the hardest NTUJFqdFoc8-00051-00021594-00021879 forearms and some of the toughest shots of it and one of the toughest matches NTUJFqdFoc8-00052-00021879-00022359 I've had in my 17 years but you know props to the kid but I'm gonna try to NTUJFqdFoc8-00053-00022359-00022569 take on the icon you need to get a little bit more than that NTUJFqdFoc8-00054-00022569-00023160 Tyler Daniels open challenge issued oh he claims to want the best in Australia NTUJFqdFoc8-00055-00023160-00023616 Rocky Menero we'll see about that Rocky and I have known I've known each other NTUJFqdFoc8-00056-00023616-00024018 for a very very long time and I think both of us have got a bit of a ego and NTUJFqdFoc8-00057-00024018-00024591 perhaps consider us ourselves maybe the best around but between me and Tyler NTUJFqdFoc8-00058-00024591-00024848 there doesn't seem to be too much difference NTUJFqdFoc8-00059-00024848-00025586 ooh tension here at the RCW wrap up show our next match was a tag team match as NTUJFqdFoc8-00060-00025586-00026207 we saw Grim and big Brodie Marshall team up for the first time to take on the RCW NTUJFqdFoc8-00061-00026207-00026693 tag team champions the Millenials well it just goes to prove Shawn that you know NTUJFqdFoc8-00062-00026693-00027297 once upon a time if you were savage maybe you're not always a gentleman NTUJFqdFoc8-00063-00027297-00027964 rocky well yeah sometimes you know the bigger you are the harder you can fall NTUJFqdFoc8-00064-00027964-00028288 they've both got the size, they've both got the power NTUJFqdFoc8-00065-00028288-00028720 you know there's a reason why tag teams you know stay together for a long time NTUJFqdFoc8-00066-00028720-00029087 they develop continuity and stuff it's their first outing they didn't get the NTUJFqdFoc8-00067-00029087-00029383 win but you know I can only see good beans from for most of the boards going NTUJFqdFoc8-00068-00029383-00029756 together and I think a special mention has to go out here - James Kray who was NTUJFqdFoc8-00069-00029756-00030251 very much the equalizer in that match and paid for it couldn't have thought of NTUJFqdFoc8-00070-00030251-00030647 a better way for James Keay to end his evening simple as that and in our NTUJFqdFoc8-00071-00030647-00031094 massive six-man ladder match we thought we were going to see a certain group of NTUJFqdFoc8-00072-00031094-00031647 competitors but instead a special entrance by the name of hammer NTUJFqdFoc8-00073-00031647-00032138 special entrance Sean you know I heard Rocky Menero he talked earlier he NTUJFqdFoc8-00074-00032138-00032503 doesn't do these matches because of how dangerous they can be and and so are NTUJFqdFoc8-00075-00032503-00032828 some of the bumps and the bruises that you end up taking from these the last NTUJFqdFoc8-00076-00032828-00033257 thing you want is a you know a personnel change the last minute that throws NTUJFqdFoc8-00077-00033257-00033596 everything you go into these matches trying to do whatever you can to NTUJFqdFoc8-00078-00033596-00033893 understand the psychology of what you need to do who you need to be in there NTUJFqdFoc8-00079-00033893-00034253 the last thing you need is someone like a Hammer come out there and Tuffy give NTUJFqdFoc8-00080-00034253-00034703 away spot just wasn't cricket we saw Gabriel Aeros taking incredible NTUJFqdFoc8-00081-00034703-00035219 dives off those ladders we saw Zac Sabbath using them as weapons bulldog we NTUJFqdFoc8-00082-00035219-00035774 saw the skyscraper Kurt Barron we even saw Jimmy C get up on one of those NTUJFqdFoc8-00083-00035774-00036161 letters good things we saw Jimmy C fall off one of those ladders but the NTUJFqdFoc8-00084-00036161-00036656 question I've been asked is My man Tyler here he was in that matchup how'd you NTUJFqdFoc8-00085-00036656-00037201 go mate? very well thank you mr Manero NTUJFqdFoc8-00086-00037201-00037804 do you have the Key To the City? did you win? I've had the key to the city yes there's a lot of NTUJFqdFoc8-00087-00037804-00038473 hads going on you know and like that leads into you I used to be good maybe you're NTUJFqdFoc8-00088-00038473-00039106 saying you're some what of a has been now you see Rocky maybe a has been is better NTUJFqdFoc8-00089-00039106-00039499 than that never was for someone who claims they don't want to take the bumps NTUJFqdFoc8-00090-00039499-00039814 and they want to do those sorts of matches it's a big call and have a go NTUJFqdFoc8-00091-00039814-00040339 at someone who puts themselves on the line well my friend the difference is NTUJFqdFoc8-00092-00040339-00040864 that I'm a former Riot City Wrestling champion and you're not watch who your NTUJFqdFoc8-00093-00040864-00041710 talking to that's supposed to be some sort of iconic statement now is it will NTUJFqdFoc8-00094-00041710-00042080 definitely residents thank you very much for NTUJFqdFoc8-00095-00042080-00042494 joining us for one of the fireest strap up shows we've ever had we will NTUJFqdFoc8-00096-00042494-00042931 see you next month at Super Clash NTUJFqdFoc8-00097-00043184-00043518 you NYnBHmqEcMo-00000-00000000-00000200 N_MEDIA Nfyle1vO798-00000-00000824-00001504 we are at Burroo Ned promontory fort, so just up from the Calf Sound and it is an Iron Age Nfyle1vO798-00001-00001504-00002240 promontory fort. As you come up to it, we come up past a huge great big bank about five meters wide Nfyle1vO798-00002-00002240-00002816 at its base that's built to cut off this promontory of land from everything else behind it. Nfyle1vO798-00003-00002976-00003488 At some of the promontory fort sites we can see that they have had stone facings added to them and Nfyle1vO798-00004-00003488-00004024 they might well have also had wooden structures - kind of a palisade - associated with them. Nfyle1vO798-00005-00004024-00004416 Here the bank hasn't been excavated so we don't know precisely what it's like. Nfyle1vO798-00006-00004416-00004784 As you walk towards it there's also a slight rise in the landscape as you're nearing it, Nfyle1vO798-00007-00004784-00005136 which may actually be a second bank associated with the promontory fort. Nfyle1vO798-00008-00005192-00005600 Once you come over the bank into the promontory fort you're in a relatively open area. Nfyle1vO798-00009-00005600-00005984 There's lots of exposed rock, like the stuff I'm sat on here, some of which has cup marks Nfyle1vO798-00010-00005984-00006431 that date to the Neolithic and the Bronze Age on it. There's also a more open grassy area Nfyle1vO798-00011-00006431-00006968 and a geophysical survey carried out by the Billown Project found evidence that suggests Nfyle1vO798-00012-00006968-00007440 was roundhouses that were built here in the Iron Age as well, associated with the promontory fort. Nfyle1vO798-00013-00007640-00008272 Promontory forts date to the Iron Age, so anywhere from around about 800/600 BC past that and up to Nfyle1vO798-00014-00008272-00008736 the arrival of the Vikings. Promontory forts are quite common on the Isle of Man they're Nfyle1vO798-00015-00008736-00009152 all the way around the coastline and there are lots of them that are really accessible on the Nfyle1vO798-00016-00009152-00009560 Raad ny Foillan, like this one - it's easy to get to and there's a nice path that takes you up here. Nfyle1vO798-00017-00009728-00010104 Promontory Forts are quite interesting to think about; in one sense we could think about them as Nfyle1vO798-00018-00010104-00010552 being an area that you've cut off from the rest of the Isle of Man, so we're creating an area Nfyle1vO798-00019-00010552-00011096 where we could perhaps be defensive or living if there was some kind of threat to ourselves, Nfyle1vO798-00020-00011096-00011520 but we could also swing around and think about them in the other direction; are they protecting Nfyle1vO798-00021-00011520-00012040 inlets and passages and bits of sea from other people as well? The answer is that it's quite Nfyle1vO798-00022-00012040-00012664 hard to tell but these sites get reused later as Watch and Ward sites as people are defending and Nfyle1vO798-00023-00012760-00013263 monitoring shipping and the movement of goods in later periods as well. So it is easy to think Nfyle1vO798-00024-00013263-00013719 about in both directions: something cut off from the land and something also protected from the Nfyle1vO798-00025-00013719-00014304 sea. So the cup marks that we've got up here probably date to maybe the late Neolithic but Nfyle1vO798-00026-00014304-00014912 more likely the Early Bronze Age, so maybe around about 2000 BC the promontory fort is at least a Nfyle1vO798-00027-00014912-00015360 thousand years later, probably a bit more than that actually. So when people are coming here to Nfyle1vO798-00028-00015360-00015824 build the promontory fort, these features already existed and we don't know what they thought about Nfyle1vO798-00029-00015824-00016384 them or whether they were something that attracted them here to this place. Probably, in both cases, Nfyle1vO798-00030-00016384-00016776 the thing that's attracting them really is this landscape location, where we've got the stunning Nfyle1vO798-00031-00016776-00017272 views in multiple directions. On a clear day you can see out across to England from here, Nfyle1vO798-00032-00017272-00017768 and the same stunning location that made people want to build rock art contributes to why you Nfyle1vO798-00033-00017768-00018216 would put a promontory fort here too. There are quite a lot of promontory forts on the Nfyle1vO798-00034-00018216-00018568 Isle of Man and they're often - and particularly around the Santon area - they're quite closely Nfyle1vO798-00035-00018568-00019008 clustered together. One of the questions is, were they were all occupied at the same time? Nfyle1vO798-00036-00019008-00019496 Did people live in them year round, or did they go to them at particular times of the year, Nfyle1vO798-00037-00019496-00020016 or perhaps in particular kind of defensive situations? Are they about kind of creating Nfyle1vO798-00038-00020016-00020560 a defensive situation? Or are they about marking parts of the landscape as belonging to people? Nfyle1vO798-00039-00020560-00021008 These are kind of open questions. A number of the ones in the kind of Santon and near Nfyle1vO798-00040-00021008-00021552 Castletown area have had excavations in the 1970s and the 80s associated with them, which helps us Nfyle1vO798-00041-00021552-00021968 understand them better but we still have a lot of open questions about their precise function. Nfyle1vO798-00042-00022152-00022520 The thing I really like about the promontory forts is a whole pile of them are really Nfyle1vO798-00043-00022520-00022944 accessible on the Raad ny Foillan. You can take a walk - some of them are quiet Nfyle1vO798-00044-00022944-00023304 in quite steep places but others of them are on really accessible land - and you can Nfyle1vO798-00045-00023304-00023952 walk through them and think about what life was like 2,000, 2,500 years ago on the Isle of Man. Nfyle1vO798-00046-00023952-00024544 These are places where people lived their lives and they're places that you can go today, Nfyle1vO798-00047-00024544-00025104 and I think the kind of the chance to reflect upon that relationship with place and with landscape Nfyle1vO798-00048-00025104-00025568 is something that really strikes you when you're in these kind of really beautiful locations and Nfyle1vO798-00049-00025568-00026783 thinking about how they've been used and reused over hundreds of years, thousands in fact! NfN99D2x-yA-00000-00000010-00000573 LICENSES SOMETIME NEXT FALL. NfN99D2x-yA-00001-00000573-00000580 LICENSES SOMETIME NEXT FALL. NfN99D2x-yA-00002-00000580-00000643 LICENSES SOMETIME NEXT FALL. >>> BEAUTY OF HOPE HAD ITS NfN99D2x-yA-00003-00000643-00000650 LICENSES SOMETIME NEXT FALL. >>> BEAUTY OF HOPE HAD ITS NfN99D2x-yA-00004-00000650-00000714 LICENSES SOMETIME NEXT FALL. >>> BEAUTY OF HOPE HAD ITS ANNUAL LUNCHEON IN BEMIDJI TO NfN99D2x-yA-00005-00000714-00000720 >>> BEAUTY OF HOPE HAD ITS ANNUAL LUNCHEON IN BEMIDJI TO NfN99D2x-yA-00006-00000720-00000787 >>> BEAUTY OF HOPE HAD ITS ANNUAL LUNCHEON IN BEMIDJI TO PROMOTE CANCER AWARENESS AND ALL NfN99D2x-yA-00007-00000787-00000794 ANNUAL LUNCHEON IN BEMIDJI TO PROMOTE CANCER AWARENESS AND ALL NfN99D2x-yA-00008-00000794-00000857 ANNUAL LUNCHEON IN BEMIDJI TO PROMOTE CANCER AWARENESS AND ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE STRENGTH NfN99D2x-yA-00009-00000857-00000864 PROMOTE CANCER AWARENESS AND ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE STRENGTH NfN99D2x-yA-00010-00000864-00000924 PROMOTE CANCER AWARENESS AND ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE STRENGTH AND STYLE PROGRAM AND CANCER NfN99D2x-yA-00011-00000924-00000930 PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE STRENGTH AND STYLE PROGRAM AND CANCER NfN99D2x-yA-00012-00000930-00000970 PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE STRENGTH AND STYLE PROGRAM AND CANCER BOU'S CANCER NfN99D2x-yA-00013-00000970-00000977 AND STYLE PROGRAM AND CANCER BOU'S CANCER NfN99D2x-yA-00014-00000977-00001521 AND STYLE PROGRAM AND CANCER BOU'S CANCER CENTER. NfN99D2x-yA-00015-00001521-00001528 BOU'S CANCER CENTER. NfN99D2x-yA-00016-00001528-00001581 BOU'S CANCER CENTER. THE PROGRAM PROVIDES A NfN99D2x-yA-00017-00001581-00001588 CENTER. THE PROGRAM PROVIDES A NfN99D2x-yA-00018-00001588-00001658 CENTER. THE PROGRAM PROVIDES A COMPLIMENTARY WIG TO ANY PATIENT NfN99D2x-yA-00019-00001658-00001664 THE PROGRAM PROVIDES A COMPLIMENTARY WIG TO ANY PATIENT NfN99D2x-yA-00020-00001664-00001738 THE PROGRAM PROVIDES A COMPLIMENTARY WIG TO ANY PATIENT WHO'S HAD MEDICAL HAIR LOSS SUCH NfN99D2x-yA-00021-00001738-00001745 COMPLIMENTARY WIG TO ANY PATIENT WHO'S HAD MEDICAL HAIR LOSS SUCH NfN99D2x-yA-00022-00001745-00001961 COMPLIMENTARY WIG TO ANY PATIENT WHO'S HAD MEDICAL HAIR LOSS SUCH AS CANCER. NfN99D2x-yA-00023-00001961-00001968 WHO'S HAD MEDICAL HAIR LOSS SUCH AS CANCER. NfN99D2x-yA-00024-00001968-00002058 WHO'S HAD MEDICAL HAIR LOSS SUCH AS CANCER. THIS IS THE FOURTH YEAR OF THE NfN99D2x-yA-00025-00002058-00002065 AS CANCER. THIS IS THE FOURTH YEAR OF THE NfN99D2x-yA-00026-00002065-00002138 AS CANCER. THIS IS THE FOURTH YEAR OF THE LUNCHEON AND LOTS OF FUN NfN99D2x-yA-00027-00002138-00002145 THIS IS THE FOURTH YEAR OF THE LUNCHEON AND LOTS OF FUN NfN99D2x-yA-00028-00002145-00002265 THIS IS THE FOURTH YEAR OF THE LUNCHEON AND LOTS OF FUN WAS IN STORE FOR GUESTS NfN99D2x-yA-00029-00002265-00002272 LUNCHEON AND LOTS OF FUN WAS IN STORE FOR GUESTS NfN99D2x-yA-00030-00002272-00002409 LUNCHEON AND LOTS OF FUN WAS IN STORE FOR GUESTS INCLUDING A FASHION SHOW AND NfN99D2x-yA-00031-00002409-00002415 WAS IN STORE FOR GUESTS INCLUDING A FASHION SHOW AND NfN99D2x-yA-00032-00002415-00002485 WAS IN STORE FOR GUESTS INCLUDING A FASHION SHOW AND MAKE UP SERVICES FOR THEM TO SEE NfN99D2x-yA-00033-00002485-00002492 INCLUDING A FASHION SHOW AND MAKE UP SERVICES FOR THEM TO SEE NfN99D2x-yA-00034-00002492-00003486 INCLUDING A FASHION SHOW AND MAKE UP SERVICES FOR THEM TO SEE THE BEAUTY OF HOPE. NfN99D2x-yA-00035-00003486-00003493 MAKE UP SERVICES FOR THEM TO SEE THE BEAUTY OF HOPE. NfN99D2x-yA-00036-00003493-00003753 MAKE UP SERVICES FOR THEM TO SEE THE BEAUTY OF HOPE. >> IF YOU LOSE YOUR HAIR, YOU NfN99D2x-yA-00037-00003753-00003760 THE BEAUTY OF HOPE. >> IF YOU LOSE YOUR HAIR, YOU NfN99D2x-yA-00038-00003760-00003883 THE BEAUTY OF HOPE. >> IF YOU LOSE YOUR HAIR, YOU ARE NOT YOURSELF, AND ANYTHING NfN99D2x-yA-00039-00003883-00003890 >> IF YOU LOSE YOUR HAIR, YOU ARE NOT YOURSELF, AND ANYTHING NfN99D2x-yA-00040-00003890-00004174 >> IF YOU LOSE YOUR HAIR, YOU ARE NOT YOURSELF, AND ANYTHING YOU CAN DO TO GET THAT SENSE OF NfN99D2x-yA-00041-00004174-00004180 ARE NOT YOURSELF, AND ANYTHING YOU CAN DO TO GET THAT SENSE OF NfN99D2x-yA-00042-00004180-00004310 ARE NOT YOURSELF, AND ANYTHING YOU CAN DO TO GET THAT SENSE OF YOURSELF AND FEEL BEAUTIFUL NfN99D2x-yA-00043-00004310-00004317 YOU CAN DO TO GET THAT SENSE OF YOURSELF AND FEEL BEAUTIFUL NfN99D2x-yA-00044-00004317-00004634 YOU CAN DO TO GET THAT SENSE OF YOURSELF AND FEEL BEAUTIFUL AGAIN AND FEEL GOOD AGAIN, IT'S NfN99D2x-yA-00045-00004634-00004641 YOURSELF AND FEEL BEAUTIFUL AGAIN AND FEEL GOOD AGAIN, IT'S NfN99D2x-yA-00046-00004641-00004671 YOURSELF AND FEEL BEAUTIFUL AGAIN AND FEEL GOOD AGAIN, IT'S TERRIFIC. NfN99D2x-yA-00047-00004671-00004677 AGAIN AND FEEL GOOD AGAIN, IT'S TERRIFIC. NfN99D2x-yA-00048-00004677-00004841 AGAIN AND FEEL GOOD AGAIN, IT'S TERRIFIC. THIS PROGRAM MAKES THAT NfN99D2x-yA-00049-00004841-00004848 TERRIFIC. THIS PROGRAM MAKES THAT NfN99D2x-yA-00050-00004848-00004981 TERRIFIC. THIS PROGRAM MAKES THAT POSSIBLE. NfN99D2x-yA-00051-00004981-00004988 THIS PROGRAM MAKES THAT POSSIBLE. NfN99D2x-yA-00052-00004988-00005091 THIS PROGRAM MAKES THAT POSSIBLE. >> Dennis: ROCHELL FRIESEN SAYS NfN99D2x-yA-00053-00005091-00005098 POSSIBLE. >> Dennis: ROCHELL FRIESEN SAYS NfN99D2x-yA-00054-00005098-00005225 POSSIBLE. >> Dennis: ROCHELL FRIESEN SAYS THE PROGRAM HELPED HER GET NfN99D2x-yA-00055-00005225-00005231 >> Dennis: ROCHELL FRIESEN SAYS THE PROGRAM HELPED HER GET NfN99D2x-yA-00056-00005231-00005382 >> Dennis: ROCHELL FRIESEN SAYS THE PROGRAM HELPED HER GET THROUGH HER JOURNEY WITH BREAST NfN99D2x-yA-00057-00005382-00005388 THE PROGRAM HELPED HER GET THROUGH HER JOURNEY WITH BREAST NfN99D2x-yA-00058-00005388-00005415 THE PROGRAM HELPED HER GET THROUGH HER JOURNEY WITH BREAST CANCER. NfN99D2x-yA-00059-00005415-00005422 THROUGH HER JOURNEY WITH BREAST CANCER. NfN99D2x-yA-00060-00005422-00005562 THROUGH HER JOURNEY WITH BREAST CANCER. AFTER COMPLETING ALL OF HER NfN99D2x-yA-00061-00005562-00005568 CANCER. AFTER COMPLETING ALL OF HER NfN99D2x-yA-00062-00005568-00005805 CANCER. AFTER COMPLETING ALL OF HER CANCER TREATMENTS, FRIESEN IS NfN99D2x-yA-00063-00005805-00005812 AFTER COMPLETING ALL OF HER CANCER TREATMENTS, FRIESEN IS NfN99D2x-yA-00064-00005812-00006066 AFTER COMPLETING ALL OF HER CANCER TREATMENTS, FRIESEN IS HAPPY TO SAY SHE'S NOW CANCER NfN99D2x-yA-00065-00006066-00006072 CANCER TREATMENTS, FRIESEN IS HAPPY TO SAY SHE'S NOW CANCER NfN99D2x-yA-00066-00006072-00006159 CANCER TREATMENTS, FRIESEN IS HAPPY TO SAY SHE'S NOW CANCER FREE. NfN99D2x-yA-00067-00006159-00006166 HAPPY TO SAY SHE'S NOW CANCER FREE. NfN99D2x-yA-00068-00006166-00006626 HAPPY TO SAY SHE'S NOW CANCER FREE. >> IT WAS ACTUALLY QUITE COMICAL NfN99D2x-yA-00069-00006626-00006633 FREE. >> IT WAS ACTUALLY QUITE COMICAL NfN99D2x-yA-00070-00006633-00006810 FREE. >> IT WAS ACTUALLY QUITE COMICAL TRYING ON THE WIGS. NfN99D2x-yA-00071-00006810-00006816 >> IT WAS ACTUALLY QUITE COMICAL TRYING ON THE WIGS. NfN99D2x-yA-00072-00006816-00007003 >> IT WAS ACTUALLY QUITE COMICAL TRYING ON THE WIGS. BUT IT'S A NICE SERVICE THEY NfN99D2x-yA-00073-00007003-00007010 TRYING ON THE WIGS. BUT IT'S A NICE SERVICE THEY NfN99D2x-yA-00074-00007010-00007220 TRYING ON THE WIGS. BUT IT'S A NICE SERVICE THEY OFFER, AND MY DAUGHTER AND I NfN99D2x-yA-00075-00007220-00007227 BUT IT'S A NICE SERVICE THEY OFFER, AND MY DAUGHTER AND I NfN99D2x-yA-00076-00007227-00007450 BUT IT'S A NICE SERVICE THEY OFFER, AND MY DAUGHTER AND I ENDED UP PICKING OUT A WIG AT A NfN99D2x-yA-00077-00007450-00007457 OFFER, AND MY DAUGHTER AND I ENDED UP PICKING OUT A WIG AT A NfN99D2x-yA-00078-00007457-00007617 OFFER, AND MY DAUGHTER AND I ENDED UP PICKING OUT A WIG AT A COLOR THAT MATCHED MY ORIGINAL NfN99D2x-yA-00079-00007617-00007624 ENDED UP PICKING OUT A WIG AT A COLOR THAT MATCHED MY ORIGINAL NfN99D2x-yA-00080-00007624-00007804 ENDED UP PICKING OUT A WIG AT A COLOR THAT MATCHED MY ORIGINAL HAIR COLOR, AND WE ORDERED IT NfN99D2x-yA-00081-00007804-00007811 COLOR THAT MATCHED MY ORIGINAL HAIR COLOR, AND WE ORDERED IT NfN99D2x-yA-00082-00007811-00008048 COLOR THAT MATCHED MY ORIGINAL HAIR COLOR, AND WE ORDERED IT AND EVERYTHING WENT WELL. NfN99D2x-yA-00083-00008048-00008054 HAIR COLOR, AND WE ORDERED IT AND EVERYTHING WENT WELL. NfN99D2x-yA-00084-00008054-00008104 HAIR COLOR, AND WE ORDERED IT AND EVERYTHING WENT WELL. >> Dennis: GUESTS ALSO HEARD Ngtk2JqNQZU-00000-00000000-00000500 [music playing] Ngtk2JqNQZU-00001-00000500-00000900 Hi, I'm Wendy Fritz, with the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ngtk2JqNQZU-00002-00000900-00001206 You know our online professional-development programs. Ngtk2JqNQZU-00003-00001206-00001739 In 2020, we're expanding them, and making them faster, more flexible, and more focused. Ngtk2JqNQZU-00004-00001739-00002140 [Janet Staker-Woerner] We're excited to talk to you about our 2020 changes Ngtk2JqNQZU-00005-00002140-00002540 and new offerings. Everything that we do is rooted in evidence-based Ngtk2JqNQZU-00006-00002540-00002940 research. We pride ourselves on using the latest Ngtk2JqNQZU-00007-00002940-00003340 developments in the online space to support your learning. Ngtk2JqNQZU-00008-00003340-00003740 [Thomas Tobin] The Professional Certificate in Online Education, Foundations of Online Teaching, Ngtk2JqNQZU-00009-00003740-00004140 and the Online Administrator Certificate: those things Ngtk2JqNQZU-00010-00004140-00004540 are still with us in 2020, and we're expanding our curriculum. Ngtk2JqNQZU-00011-00004540-00004940 [Janet] That means, you can take the course when and how you want it. Ngtk2JqNQZU-00012-00004940-00005340 We feel this modular approach will really help support Ngtk2JqNQZU-00013-00005340-00005740 your learning when you want it and how you want it. Ngtk2JqNQZU-00014-00005740-00006260 So, you can see, times are a-changing, and we're excited about having a wonderful 2020. Ngtk2JqNQZU-00015-00006260-00006703 [Wendy] Click the link to learn more—with us. Ngtk2JqNQZU-00016-00006703-00007696 [music playing] http://go.wisc.edu/DTL NgC3wpLv3c4-00000-00000003-00000546 Welcome back. In the previous lecture, we introduced the concept of weathering, and NgC3wpLv3c4-00001-00000546-00001041 talked about how physical, or mechanical, weathering describes the processes by NgC3wpLv3c4-00002-00001041-00001713 which rocks break down, or disintegrate, into smaller and smaller pieces. In this NgC3wpLv3c4-00003-00001713-00002130 lecture, we will talk about two other forms of weathering: chemical and NgC3wpLv3c4-00004-00002130-00002552 biological weathering. We will talk about the different processes that transform NgC3wpLv3c4-00005-00002552-00003110 the materials that make up rocks, and talk about how weathering patterns can NgC3wpLv3c4-00006-00003110-00003532 change the shape of rock outcrops. NgC3wpLv3c4-00007-00003715-00004236 Chemical weathering is the process by which rock minerals are transformed into NgC3wpLv3c4-00008-00004236-00004764 other substances via chemical reactions. Now hopefully, you remember from a NgC3wpLv3c4-00009-00004764-00005339 previous chemistry class that a chemical reaction is process whereby a substance NgC3wpLv3c4-00010-00005339-00006021 or substances are transformed into a different substance or substances. In NgC3wpLv3c4-00011-00006021-00006704 this case, the original substance is called the reactant, and the resulting NgC3wpLv3c4-00012-00006704-00007450 substance is called the product. Some examples that I have here: we have a NgC3wpLv3c4-00013-00007450-00008145 sodium ion, chemical symbol Na, plus a chlorine ion, chemical symbol Cl, NgC3wpLv3c4-00014-00008145-00009090 and these two ions react to form the compound sodium chloride, NgC3wpLv3c4-00015-00009090-00009750 chemical symbol NaCl. Now you'll notice that these are laid out like a NgC3wpLv3c4-00016-00009750-00010397 mathematic equation - so we have the reactants here on the left-hand side, and NgC3wpLv3c4-00017-00010397-00010935 we have, rather than an equal sign separating the two sides of the equation, NgC3wpLv3c4-00018-00010935-00011621 we have an arrow indicating the reaction that takes place. We also have this NgC3wpLv3c4-00019-00011621-00012411 example here of two hydrogen molecules combining with an oxygen molecule to NgC3wpLv3c4-00020-00012411-00013259 form water molecules. Rocks are composed of minerals, and minerals are composed of NgC3wpLv3c4-00021-00013259-00013700 atoms. Remember to your previous chemistry NgC3wpLv3c4-00022-00013700-00014111 class that these are the building blocks that we can't chemically split into NgC3wpLv3c4-00023-00014111-00014663 their smaller components. So chemistry is the study of atoms and how they interact NgC3wpLv3c4-00024-00014663-00015104 and react with each other now. Atoms are composed of three different kinds of NgC3wpLv3c4-00025-00015104-00015775 particles: we have protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, NgC3wpLv3c4-00026-00015775-00016355 neutrons have no charge or have a neutral charge, and electrons have a NgC3wpLv3c4-00027-00016355-00016982 negative charge. Protons and neutrons hang out in the small dense centre of NgC3wpLv3c4-00028-00016982-00017678 the atom, where most of the mass is. This is called the nucleus. Protons and NgC3wpLv3c4-00029-00017678-00018425 neutrons have nearly the same mass. Orbiting around this nucleus, we NgC3wpLv3c4-00030-00018425-00019067 have what's called the electron cloud or sometimes the electron shell, and this is NgC3wpLv3c4-00031-00019067-00019703 where the electrons are found. Electrons have a mass of about 1/2000th NgC3wpLv3c4-00032-00019703-00020369 of protons, but they have an equal charge magnitude as protons - NgC3wpLv3c4-00033-00020369-00020915 just the polar opposite. As you can see here, protons have a charge of NgC3wpLv3c4-00034-00020915-00021428 +1 and electrons have a charge of -1. Another thing to keep in NgC3wpLv3c4-00035-00021428-00021920 mind is that in general the number of protons in an atom is equal to the NgC3wpLv3c4-00036-00021920-00022970 number of electrons. Electrons have certain energy levels - we also refer to NgC3wpLv3c4-00037-00022970-00023519 these as orbits, or shells - that they can inhabit. Each of these different shells NgC3wpLv3c4-00038-00023519-00024098 can hold a different number of electrons, all the way up to two times n squared, NgC3wpLv3c4-00039-00024098-00024818 where n is the number of the number of the shell. In general, we don't ever NgC3wpLv3c4-00040-00024818-00025505 see more than 32 electrons in an individual shell. You can see here NgC3wpLv3c4-00041-00025505-00025916 some of the different shells. We have the first shell, which is also NgC3wpLv3c4-00042-00025916-00026408 called the K shell, and that can hold up to two electrons. We have the second shell, NgC3wpLv3c4-00043-00026408-00027081 also called the L shell, and it can hold up to 8 electrons, and so on. NgC3wpLv3c4-00044-00027081-00027660 The outermost shell of electrons is what is known as the valence shell, and in NgC3wpLv3c4-00045-00027660-00028368 general atoms want to have a full valence shell because this is the most NgC3wpLv3c4-00046-00028368-00029010 stable configuration for them. This this tendency to want to gain or lose NgC3wpLv3c4-00047-00029010-00029550 electrons to fill a valence shell is what gives atoms their chemical NgC3wpLv3c4-00048-00029550-00030231 properties. Another thing to keep in mind is that the the full complement of NgC3wpLv3c4-00049-00030231-00031037 valence electrons is eight, so atoms want to either get up to, so add, NgC3wpLv3c4-00050-00031037-00031713 electrons to get up to eight valence electrons, or they want to drop or lose NgC3wpLv3c4-00051-00031713-00032561 electrons to get down to eight. And again, which direction they want to go NgC3wpLv3c4-00052-00032561-00033354 determines a lot of the chemical properties of the atom. I hope that NgC3wpLv3c4-00053-00033354-00033852 you're all familiar with this. This is the periodic table of elements, which NgC3wpLv3c4-00054-00033852-00034284 contains information about all of the different chemical elements that we know NgC3wpLv3c4-00055-00034284-00034800 of, and it's arranged in a way that lets you quickly see some of the NgC3wpLv3c4-00056-00034800-00035220 different properties of different elements. The first thing to keep in NgC3wpLv3c4-00057-00035220-00035703 mind is that we have the rows of the table: these are what are called periods, NgC3wpLv3c4-00058-00035703-00036189 and they represent the number of shells that the atom has. Remember that we NgC3wpLv3c4-00059-00036189-00036831 go all the way up to seven electron shells. The columns of the table are what NgC3wpLv3c4-00060-00036831-00037323 are called groups, and they represent elements with similar physical NgC3wpLv3c4-00061-00037323-00038382 and chemical properties. In addition, each element has an atomic number, which is NgC3wpLv3c4-00062-00038382-00039222 just the number of protons that the atom has. So if an atom adds a proton, it is no NgC3wpLv3c4-00063-00039222-00039705 longer the same element - it's undergone a change other than what we see in NgC3wpLv3c4-00064-00039705-00040170 chemistry. Atoms can have different numbers of NgC3wpLv3c4-00065-00040170-00040734 neutrons in their nuclei, and those atoms that have different numbers NgC3wpLv3c4-00066-00040734-00041412 of (neutrons) are what we call isotopes of an element. Finally, we have this other NgC3wpLv3c4-00067-00041412-00042012 number in each of these different boxes with the elements. NgC3wpLv3c4-00068-00042012-00042492 This is what is called the atomic mass, or the atomic weight, and it's just NgC3wpLv3c4-00069-00042492-00042873 the average number of protons and neutrons that all of the different NgC3wpLv3c4-00070-00042873-00043764 species of of that atom - all of those different isotopes - has. So a number of NgC3wpLv3c4-00071-00043764-00044235 different examples of elements that we will be looking at a little bit more in NgC3wpLv3c4-00072-00044235-00044903 this lecture. We have hydrogen, which has a chemical symbol of just a capital H. NgC3wpLv3c4-00073-00044903-00045612 It's in the first period, and it only has one proton and no neutrons in the NgC3wpLv3c4-00074-00045612-00046374 nucleus, so it is the simplest of all possible elements. It also has a single NgC3wpLv3c4-00075-00046374-00047301 electron, so one electron in its valence shell. Oxygen, chemical symbol O, is NgC3wpLv3c4-00076-00047301-00047913 in the second period - so it has two electron shells as you can see in this NgC3wpLv3c4-00077-00047913-00048339 diagram over here. It has eight protons and eight neutrons in its NgC3wpLv3c4-00078-00048339-00048816 nucleus, or at least the most common isotope of oxygen has eight protons and NgC3wpLv3c4-00079-00048816-00049413 eight neutrons. The electrons are arranged with two electrons in the NgC3wpLv3c4-00080-00049413-00050157 innermost shell and six electrons in its valence shell. You can see what sodium NgC3wpLv3c4-00081-00050157-00050715 looks like here in terms of this diagram - sodium is in the third period, so it has NgC3wpLv3c4-00082-00050715-00051353 three different electron shells, arranged as you can see there, and chlorine is NgC3wpLv3c4-00083-00051353-00051909 also in the third period, so it has three electron shells and you NgC3wpLv3c4-00084-00051909-00052452 can see how they're arranged here. We can also represent the elements as a dot NgC3wpLv3c4-00085-00052452-00053098 diagram - so this is where we are placing a dot around the chemical symbol NgC3wpLv3c4-00086-00053098-00053635 for each of the electrons that occupy the valence shell of the atom. NgC3wpLv3c4-00087-00053635-00054238 Remember that we go all the way up to eight valence electrons that you can see NgC3wpLv3c4-00088-00054238-00054942 here in - well, here it's listed as Group VIII, but this is the furthest NgC3wpLv3c4-00089-00054942-00055576 right column of the periodic table, which is also, you might remember, known as the NgC3wpLv3c4-00090-00055576-00056089 noble gases. These are gases that do not react with other elements because they NgC3wpLv3c4-00091-00056089-00056860 have a full complement of electrons in their valence shells. But you can see as NgC3wpLv3c4-00092-00056860-00057499 we go from left to right across the table, the elements in each of the NgC3wpLv3c4-00093-00057499-00058066 columns, or each of the groups, all have the same number of valence electrons - so NgC3wpLv3c4-00094-00058066-00058716 starting here in Group I, we have one valence electron; Group II, we have two; NgC3wpLv3c4-00095-00058716-00059323 Group III - or at least, as it's labeled in this diagram - we have three electrons, NgC3wpLv3c4-00096-00059323-00060138 and so on. So remember that each of the different elements in a NgC3wpLv3c4-00097-00060138-00060787 group have similar properties because they have a NgC3wpLv3c4-00098-00060787-00061636 similar number of electrons in their valence shell. A chemical bond is the NgC3wpLv3c4-00099-00061636-00062205 process of sharing or transferring electrons that enables each of the atoms NgC3wpLv3c4-00100-00062205-00062742 involved in the reaction to have a full valence shell. So when two atoms swap, NgC3wpLv3c4-00101-00062742-00063325 electrons they form what is known as a as an "ionic bond." The element that gives NgC3wpLv3c4-00102-00063325-00063883 up the electron now has a net positive charge - we call this a cation. NgC3wpLv3c4-00103-00063883-00064429 The element that gains an electron now has a net negative charge, and we call this an NgC3wpLv3c4-00104-00064429-00065085 anion. We can see this with the formation of sodium chloride from its constituent NgC3wpLv3c4-00105-00065085-00065914 elements, sodium and chlorine, and we write this reaction like NgC3wpLv3c4-00106-00065914-00066432 this, where we have Na, the chemical symbol for sodium, with a little plus NgC3wpLv3c4-00107-00066432-00067008 sign raised there - a superscript plus sign on it, as well as chlorine (Cl) having a NgC3wpLv3c4-00108-00067008-00067614 superscript minus sign, to indicate that these are ions so they NgC3wpLv3c4-00109-00067614-00068370 have a charge associated with them. So we have sodium here, which has 11 NgC3wpLv3c4-00110-00068370-00068781 electrons and a single electron in its valence shell. NgC3wpLv3c4-00111-00068781-00069543 We have chlorine with 17 electrons and we have 7 electrons in its NgC3wpLv3c4-00112-00069543-00070212 valence shell. So sodium wants to give up one electron to get a full complement of NgC3wpLv3c4-00113-00070212-00070822 8 valence electrons. Likewise, chlorine wants to gain an NgC3wpLv3c4-00114-00070822-00071292 electron in order to get a full complement of 8 valence electrons. NgC3wpLv3c4-00115-00071292-00071823 So then sodium loses its electron, or gives up its electron, to chlorine. NgC3wpLv3c4-00116-00071823-00072663 We now have sodium which now has 10 electrons, as you can see here, as well as NgC3wpLv3c4-00117-00072663-00073198 chlorine which now has 18 electrons, and they each have then a positive charge NgC3wpLv3c4-00118-00073198-00073752 for sodium and a negative charge for chlorine because for NgC3wpLv3c4-00119-00073752-00074418 sodium, we have one fewer electron than we have protons and for chlorine we have NgC3wpLv3c4-00120-00074418-00075144 one more electron than we have protons. These two substances can then combine to NgC3wpLv3c4-00121-00075144-00075912 form an ionic bond, which you can see down below here. So when sodium and NgC3wpLv3c4-00122-00075912-00076413 chlorine combine in this way, they form a crystalline structure that looks, at NgC3wpLv3c4-00123-00076413-00077087 least in a schematic sense, it looks like this. What is important to note is that NgC3wpLv3c4-00124-00077087-00077781 sodium chloride, even though the net reactant - sorry, the net product - here NgC3wpLv3c4-00125-00077781-00078450 has no net charge, the individual components - so the sodium ion and the NgC3wpLv3c4-00126-00078450-00079224 chlorine ion, retain the charge that they had. So even though NgC3wpLv3c4-00127-00079224-00079780 the whole crystal itself is neutral, or neutrally charged, NgC3wpLv3c4-00128-00079780-00080335 each of the different components are positively or negatively charged. NgC3wpLv3c4-00129-00080335-00081014 This has implications for how salt reacts with water, among other things. NgC3wpLv3c4-00130-00081014-00081673 This transformation, this undergoing of chemical bonding, also transforms the NgC3wpLv3c4-00131-00081673-00082168 properties of the substances involved. So on its own sodium, is a soft silvery NgC3wpLv3c4-00132-00082168-00082683 metal, highly reactive with water, it's very poisonous - not something you want to NgC3wpLv3c4-00133-00082683-00083023 put in your mouth. Similarly, chlorine is a green-colored NgC3wpLv3c4-00134-00083023-00083779 poisonous gas, but when they combine in this way, in this chemical reaction, we NgC3wpLv3c4-00135-00083779-00084177 get table salt, which is something that we put on our food and eat all the time, NgC3wpLv3c4-00136-00084177-00085170 and in fact need in order to live. If, instead of swapping electrons, atoms NgC3wpLv3c4-00137-00085170-00085744 share electrons to obtain full valence shells, they form what is called a NgC3wpLv3c4-00138-00085744-00086269 covalent bond - and we can see that with the example of water. So here, we have NgC3wpLv3c4-00139-00086269-00086808 hydrogen, which has a single valence electron as you can see here, and we NgC3wpLv3c4-00140-00086808-00087400 have oxygen which has six valence electrons. So oxygen is two electrons NgC3wpLv3c4-00141-00087400-00088012 short of a full valence shell, so two hydrogen atoms combine with an atom of NgC3wpLv3c4-00142-00088012-00088717 oxygen, and it does this by sharing electrons in what is called, again, a NgC3wpLv3c4-00143-00088717-00089563 covalent bond. You can see what that looks like in terms of the orbital NgC3wpLv3c4-00144-00089563-00090042 diagrams here. You can also see what that looks like in another way of NgC3wpLv3c4-00145-00090042-00090580 representing it - this where we have a hydrogen atom here, represented by the NgC3wpLv3c4-00146-00090580-00091300 chemical symbol H, separated by a single line, representing a covalent bond, with NgC3wpLv3c4-00147-00091300-00091966 the oxygen atom represented by the chemical symbol O. You will also often NgC3wpLv3c4-00148-00091966-00092661 see these dots around the oxygen atom in this sort NgC3wpLv3c4-00149-00092661-00093239 of symbol, and what this is symbolizing is that we have "lone pairs" of electrons NgC3wpLv3c4-00150-00093239-00093974 that are not involved in this covalent bond - because it turns out that NgC3wpLv3c4-00151-00093974-00094848 water is a polar molecule. So water actually has a charge to it. When we look NgC3wpLv3c4-00152-00094848-00095649 at the end where the hydrogen atoms are located, we have a (partial) positive charge NgC3wpLv3c4-00153-00095649-00096152 because the electrons here are being shared with the valence shell of the NgC3wpLv3c4-00154-00096152-00096689 oxygen atom. Similarly when we look at this side where these lone electron NgC3wpLv3c4-00155-00096689-00097368 pairs are, we have these electron pairs that are not involved NgC3wpLv3c4-00156-00097368-00098229 in this covalent bond, and so they are giving a partial charge or a partial NgC3wpLv3c4-00157-00098229-00098870 negative charge to the water molecule. So water has a partial positive NgC3wpLv3c4-00158-00098870-00099456 charge towards the hydrogen, and a partial negative charge towards the NgC3wpLv3c4-00159-00099456-00100185 oxygen end, and this fact gives water a lot of the really important properties NgC3wpLv3c4-00160-00100185-00100704 that it has. We'll talk a little bit more about this later. So this is a good NgC3wpLv3c4-00161-00100704-00101235 place to pause the video, maybe go and look back over a couple of the slides, NgC3wpLv3c4-00162-00101235-00101612 and then we will continue after the break. NgC3wpLv3c4-00163-00101612-00102066 So just to review from before the break: NgC3wpLv3c4-00164-00102066-00102678 a chemical reaction is basically how atoms exchange or share electrons in NgC3wpLv3c4-00165-00102678-00103169 order to gain stability. Chemical weathering is just a chemical reaction NgC3wpLv3c4-00166-00103169-00103641 between the rock minerals and some other substance - so it is just the exchange NgC3wpLv3c4-00167-00103641-00104291 of electrons between rock minerals and some other substance to gain stability NgC3wpLv3c4-00168-00104291-00105029 in those different substances. This process converts minerals into new forms, NgC3wpLv3c4-00169-00105029-00105771 or it may release different elements or ions or products into the surrounding NgC3wpLv3c4-00170-00105771-00106123 environment, in a similar manner to the way that NgC3wpLv3c4-00171-00106123-00106649 organic matter, as it is decomposing, releases nutrients and other things into NgC3wpLv3c4-00172-00106649-00107249 the environment. This is a really important process - it's where we NgC3wpLv3c4-00173-00107249-00107747 get, again, a lot of the different minerals that we need to sustain NgC3wpLv3c4-00174-00107747-00108422 life. The major processes that lead to chemical weathering are listed here, and NgC3wpLv3c4-00175-00108422-00108934 we'll talk about each of them through the rest of the lecture. It's NgC3wpLv3c4-00176-00108934-00109333 important to note that while we're presenting these as separate processes, NgC3wpLv3c4-00177-00109333-00109825 they are in fact very interconnected, and one of these NgC3wpLv3c4-00178-00109825-00110482 processes can lay the conditions for another process to happen and vice-versa. NgC3wpLv3c4-00179-00110482-00111003 The first process that we'll talk about is what's called dissolution. NgC3wpLv3c4-00180-00111003-00112025 So this is how substances dissolve in some solvent. This process is NgC3wpLv3c4-00181-00112025-00112745 the breaking down of chemical bonds by a substance, called the solvent, which usually in NgC3wpLv3c4-00182-00112745-00113461 nature is water, or water and something else. It turns out that most minerals are NgC3wpLv3c4-00183-00113461-00114040 actually insoluble in pure water so they don't actually dissolve in a solution of NgC3wpLv3c4-00184-00114040-00114671 pure water. One exception that we've talked quite a bit about is sodium NgC3wpLv3c4-00185-00114671-00115252 chloride, which is also known as the mineral halite, and because sodium NgC3wpLv3c4-00186-00115252-00115936 chloride has these still charged particles within the crystal matrix - so NgC3wpLv3c4-00187-00115936-00116535 remember that we have a sodium ion and a chlorine ion in this crystal structure - NgC3wpLv3c4-00188-00116535-00117208 the polar water molecules - remember that water has a partial negative charge on NgC3wpLv3c4-00189-00117208-00117826 the oxygen side and a partial positive charge on the hydrogen side - these polar NgC3wpLv3c4-00190-00117826-00118433 water molecules are attracted to either the sodium ions or the chlorine ions, NgC3wpLv3c4-00191-00118433-00119029 which actually helps to break down the crystal structure of the halite mineral NgC3wpLv3c4-00192-00119029-00119447 or of sodium chloride, and dissolves the NgC3wpLv3c4-00193-00119447-00119829 crystal structure so it breaks it apart. NgC3wpLv3c4-00194-00119859-00120477 Even though most minerals don't dissolve in pure water, if we add an acid to water - NgC3wpLv3c4-00195-00120477-00120991 so the definition here is an acid is just a substance that can donate a NgC3wpLv3c4-00196-00120991-00121738 proton or form a covalent bond with an electron pair - so if we add an acid to NgC3wpLv3c4-00197-00121738-00122215 water we can increase the ability of water to break down chemical bonds in NgC3wpLv3c4-00198-00122215-00122737 minerals. It's important to remember to that a little bit of acid goes a really NgC3wpLv3c4-00199-00122737-00123332 long way in this process. Of course, acids are produced naturally in a number NgC3wpLv3c4-00200-00123332-00123790 of different ways: by chemical reactions in nature, by biological reactions in NgC3wpLv3c4-00201-00123790-00124726 nature - so it's not that difficult to find something to make an acid. One NgC3wpLv3c4-00202-00124726-00125147 great example of this is called carbonation: this is the dissolution NgC3wpLv3c4-00203-00125147-00125800 weathering that is caused by atmospheric carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide dissolves NgC3wpLv3c4-00204-00125800-00126409 fairly readily in water to form carbonic acid, and this chemical reaction is NgC3wpLv3c4-00205-00126409-00127172 written down here: so we have carbon dioxide, CO2, plus water, H2O, react or NgC3wpLv3c4-00206-00127172-00127958 combine to form carbonic acid, chemical symbol H2CO3. You may also see it NgC3wpLv3c4-00207-00127958-00128894 written as a hydrogen ion plus hydrogen carbonate (also bicarbonate). so carbonic acid NgC3wpLv3c4-00208-00128894-00129553 So carbonic acid breaks down calcite, CaCO3 - this is the main mineral that's found in rocks like NgC3wpLv3c4-00209-00129553-00130244 marble or limestone - and it forms calcium hydrogen carbonate. So this reaction NgC3wpLv3c4-00210-00130244-00131004 looks like this: we have CaCO3 plus our carbonic acid, and these form NgC3wpLv3c4-00211-00131004-00131701 a new mineral or a new product called calcium hydrogen carbonate NgC3wpLv3c4-00212-00131701-00132235 (or calcium bicarbonate). It's important to remember that calcite is not very soluble in NgC3wpLv3c4-00213-00132235-00132703 water - it doesn't break down very easily. Calcium hydrogen carbonate, on the other NgC3wpLv3c4-00214-00132703-00133552 hand, is very soluble in water, so this process, this dissolution of atmospheric NgC3wpLv3c4-00215-00133552-00134326 carbon dioxide in water helps sort of set the stage for further dissolution NgC3wpLv3c4-00216-00134326-00134923 weathering by water that doesn't have necessarily so much NgC3wpLv3c4-00217-00134923-00135792 carbonic acid in it. This can also lead to a process that is called car NgC3wpLv3c4-00218-00135792-00136486 karstification. This is just the formation of karst landscapes via dissolution NgC3wpLv3c4-00219-00136486-00137005 erosion. Karst landscapes are characterized by lots of underground NgC3wpLv3c4-00220-00137005-00137404 drainage - so not a whole lot of surface water running in these environments - NgC3wpLv3c4-00221-00137404-00138055 because it all penetrates through the bedrock to go down into the NgC3wpLv3c4-00222-00138055-00138595 subsurface. As a result, we can see lots of caves and caverns and sinkholes NgC3wpLv3c4-00223-00138595-00139090 because the water is eroding into the bedrock and eating away at the inside. NgC3wpLv3c4-00224-00139090-00139687 A really good example of this is The Burren in County Clare, which has a lot NgC3wpLv3c4-00225-00139687-00140197 of these sort of paving stones - so these flat limestone blocks that have NgC3wpLv3c4-00226-00140197-00140947 semi-regular cracks that look like pavement. They also have plenty of NgC3wpLv3c4-00227-00140947-00141504 what are called "solutional pockets" - so this image down here at the bottom - NgC3wpLv3c4-00228-00141504-00142369 and these are just holes or cracks in the rock where water has pooled NgC3wpLv3c4-00229-00142369-00143026 and eaten away at the rock and formed these nice little NgC3wpLv3c4-00230-00143026-00143563 pockets in the rock itself. The next process that we'll talk about is NgC3wpLv3c4-00231-00143563-00144330 oxidation, or sometimes "oxidation and reduction" or just "redox." Oxidation is NgC3wpLv3c4-00232-00144330-00144930 a reaction where one element loses electrons to another one. Reduction is NgC3wpLv3c4-00233-00144930-00145510 the corresponding gain of electrons. A very common example is the formation of NgC3wpLv3c4-00234-00145510-00146038 iron oxide, also sometimes called hematite depending on the chemical NgC3wpLv3c4-00235-00146038-00146818 formula, or rust. So we see here this reaction: we have iron atoms combining NgC3wpLv3c4-00236-00146818-00147562 with oxygen molecules to form iron oxide or hematite - so any rock mineral that has NgC3wpLv3c4-00237-00147562-00148219 iron is susceptible to this. For example, we have lots of different mafic minerals NgC3wpLv3c4-00238-00148219-00149028 that are susceptible to the oxidation: amphiboles, biotite, olivines, pyroxenes - NgC3wpLv3c4-00239-00149028-00149917 all of these have iron, which readily oxidizes in the presence of oxygen. This NgC3wpLv3c4-00240-00149917-00150475 also changes the color of the rock surface - it usually turns rocks sort NgC3wpLv3c4-00241-00150475-00150877 of this reddish- yellowish-brown color, again depending on which of the NgC3wpLv3c4-00242-00150877-00151612 different minerals are the different reactants. NgC3wpLv3c4-00243-00151612-00152173 Some different examples that you can see here - the Grand NgC3wpLv3c4-00244-00152173-00152755 Canyon is a really famous one where we have all of these really nice red orange NgC3wpLv3c4-00245-00152755-00153364 colored rocks as a result of the chemical weathering of oxidation. Similarly NgC3wpLv3c4-00246-00153364-00153919 at Giant's Causeway, we looked at the inter-basaltic layer, so this orange NgC3wpLv3c4-00247-00153919-00154518 stripe of rock in between two different basaltic lava flows. So this is NgC3wpLv3c4-00248-00154518-00155041 basalt that has weathered over a period of time - I think around a million NgC3wpLv3c4-00249-00155041-00155602 years - and it is transformed into what is called laterite, which is a sedimentary NgC3wpLv3c4-00250-00155602-00156160 rock that is formed by the weathering of basalt, and it has this NgC3wpLv3c4-00251-00156160-00156933 characteristic orange/brown color because of how the basalt has weathered. NgC3wpLv3c4-00252-00157011-00157585 Oxidation reactions can also form serious environmental hazards - for example, NgC3wpLv3c4-00253-00157585-00158841 if we have pyrite, this iron sulfate (FeS2) and water we can form sulfuric acid NgC3wpLv3c4-00254-00158841-00159672 and iron oxide. So this this is especially common in NgC3wpLv3c4-00255-00159672-00160140 areas where we've seen lots of mining. Sulfates are found in a lot of metal NgC3wpLv3c4-00256-00160140-00160811 ores, and when the waste rock, or the waste products from mining are piled up, NgC3wpLv3c4-00257-00160811-00161364 water can get into that waste and form what is called acid mine drainage. NgC3wpLv3c4-00258-00161364-00162090 This is water that is then oxidizing the leftover sulfates in the mining NgC3wpLv3c4-00259-00162090-00162651 waste. This drainage can then get into the water table or surface streams and NgC3wpLv3c4-00260-00162651-00163101 it ends up having a devastating effect on aquatic environments and organisms - NgC3wpLv3c4-00261-00163101-00163860 all of this is a result of the chemistry of the different NgC3wpLv3c4-00262-00163860-00164555 minerals that are found and then brought to the surface by that process of mining. NgC3wpLv3c4-00263-00164759-00165291 Another important process is called hydrolysis. This is a process whereby NgC3wpLv3c4-00264-00165291-00165882 water ruptures or breaks chemical bonds. It's an important process that helps NgC3wpLv3c4-00265-00165882-00166401 decompose or break down silicate minerals. Remember that these are the NgC3wpLv3c4-00266-00166401-00166772 minerals that make up most of the continental rocks at the Earth's surface. NgC3wpLv3c4-00267-00166772-00167502 Hydrolysis rarely occurs with pure water, but again - by dissolving other NgC3wpLv3c4-00268-00167502-00168111 compounds, for example carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide, we can form acids. NgC3wpLv3c4-00269-00168111-00168807 Always remember just a little bit goes a very long way. The example reaction that NgC3wpLv3c4-00270-00168807-00169416 I've written down here is the weathering of granite, which is quartz and potassium NgC3wpLv3c4-00271-00169416-00170139 feldspar - in this case it's the mineral orthoclase. So remember, quartz is a very NgC3wpLv3c4-00272-00170139-00170580 hard mineral, very resistant to weathering - potassium feldspar, on the NgC3wpLv3c4-00273-00170580-00171176 other hand readily reacts with water and carbonic acid. When it breaks down, it NgC3wpLv3c4-00274-00171176-00172058 forms the mineral kaolinite which is a clay mineral, as well as potassium ions, NgC3wpLv3c4-00275-00172058-00172816 bicarbonate ions, and silicic acid in - all of these NgC3wpLv3c4-00276-00172816-00173275 products here are found in solution - so that means that they're NgC3wpLv3c4-00277-00173275-00174184 still dissolved in water. So this process of weathering granite, or breaking down NgC3wpLv3c4-00278-00174184-00174889 the potassium feldspar in granite, helps to free up potassium ions. They can then NgC3wpLv3c4-00279-00174889-00175597 combine with the bicarbonate acid to form potassium bicarbonate which is a NgC3wpLv3c4-00280-00175597-00176325 soluble salt which can then be further weathered or carried away or transported. NgC3wpLv3c4-00281-00176325-00177058 It also can free up these potassium ions to be available as nutrients for plants NgC3wpLv3c4-00282-00177058-00177856 and other organisms. The silicic acid, or the silica that that goes into solution NgC3wpLv3c4-00283-00177856-00178354 as a result of this process can fill up the pore spaces in sediment where it NgC3wpLv3c4-00284-00178354-00178957 will then precipitate as chert or flint, or it can be carried to the ocean where NgC3wpLv3c4-00285-00178957-00179422 it helps form the shells of microscopic organisms. The quartz that's left over, NgC3wpLv3c4-00286-00179422-00179835 because it's very resistant to weathering and being broken down, NgC3wpLv3c4-00287-00179835-00180526 eventually either remains in the soil or it's transported down to the ocean where NgC3wpLv3c4-00288-00180526-00181216 it becomes sand, and might eventually with lithify to form sandstone. So all of NgC3wpLv3c4-00289-00181216-00181744 these different processes are happening as a result of the breakdown of chemical NgC3wpLv3c4-00290-00181744-00182566 bonds because of water. We mentioned hydration in the previous lecture, and I NgC3wpLv3c4-00291-00182566-00183049 said that this is a process that kind of lives right on the edge between physical NgC3wpLv3c4-00292-00183049-00183982 and chemical weathering - because on the one hand, we have the expansion of salt NgC3wpLv3c4-00293-00183982-00184465 crystals which causes physical weathering because it just causes NgC3wpLv3c4-00294-00184465-00184843 fractures to propagate in the rocks. NgC3wpLv3c4-00295-00184843-00185557 Another example is that, or another way that hydration can work NgC3wpLv3c4-00296-00185557-00186153 is rather than having water molecules incorporated directly into the crystal NgC3wpLv3c4-00297-00186153-00187045 structure of a salt, it can combine as a hydroxide so this is just the this NgC3wpLv3c4-00298-00187045-00187785 oxygen atom combined with a hydrogen atom, and it can combine with NgC3wpLv3c4-00299-00187785-00188691 other elements like calcium, to form calcium hydroxide. This, again, can NgC3wpLv3c4-00300-00188691-00189150 lead to further physical weathering because of crystal expansion, but we're NgC3wpLv3c4-00301-00189150-00189747 forming new compounds so it's again kind of right on this edge of the different processes. NgC3wpLv3c4-00302-00189747-00190328 I think this is probably another good point to take a break, so NgC3wpLv3c4-00303-00190328-00190870 feel free to pause the video, look back over the last couple of slides, and then NgC3wpLv3c4-00304-00190870-00191505 we will continue from there. Now that we've talked about the different NgC3wpLv3c4-00305-00191505-00192162 processes of chemical weathering - so how chemical processes help to break down or NgC3wpLv3c4-00306-00192162-00192678 decompose rocks, we can also talk about how they change the shape of rock NgC3wpLv3c4-00307-00192678-00193359 outcrops. In general because chemical weathering is working inward NgC3wpLv3c4-00308-00193359-00193984 from the exposed surface, we get different rates of weathering depending NgC3wpLv3c4-00309-00193984-00194640 on the number of faces that are exposed at the surface. So for example if we have NgC3wpLv3c4-00310-00194640-00195300 just one face of this sort of angular block exposed, we're getting weathering NgC3wpLv3c4-00311-00195300-00196040 that is only decomposing the surface on the one side. If we have an edge, NgC3wpLv3c4-00312-00196040-00196548 weathering is attacking it from two different sides, and it starts to smooth NgC3wpLv3c4-00313-00196548-00197020 this out a little bit. It smooths it out even more if it's working on a NgC3wpLv3c4-00314-00197020-00197463 corner, where the weathering processes are able to attack NgC3wpLv3c4-00315-00197463-00197816 the rock from three different sides all at once. NgC3wpLv3c4-00316-00197816-00198394 Over time, this wears down all of the sharp edges and corners of these sorts NgC3wpLv3c4-00317-00198394-00198887 of angular blocks, and it produces these sort of rounded NgC3wpLv3c4-00318-00198887-00199367 spherical shapes that you can see in the diagram here, as well as this example NgC3wpLv3c4-00319-00199367-00199880 here from the Giant's Causeway. As you walk down from the Visitors Centre to NgC3wpLv3c4-00320-00199880-00200570 the main causeway, you might remember at some point having seen these NgC3wpLv3c4-00321-00200570-00201130 weathered basalts along the way. So these are basalt columns similar to the ones NgC3wpLv3c4-00322-00201130-00201902 found on the main causeway, but they have been weathered by this process NgC3wpLv3c4-00323-00201902-00202748 of spheroidal weathering. When the agents of weathering is living - so the NgC3wpLv3c4-00324-00202748-00203294 thing that is causing rocks to weather, or supplying the materials necessary for NgC3wpLv3c4-00325-00203294-00203861 weathering - we call it biological weathering. Organisms can contribute NgC3wpLv3c4-00326-00203861-00204251 to either physical or mechanical weathering by exerting physical stress, NgC3wpLv3c4-00327-00204251-00204788 in which case it's known as biophysical weathering. So this is where NgC3wpLv3c4-00328-00204788-00205342 roots, for example can get into cracks, and as these root systems grow they NgC3wpLv3c4-00329-00205342-00206228 expand which physically breaks apart rocks. If the processes are NgC3wpLv3c4-00330-00206228-00207029 chemical, and the way that the chemical agents are being supplied is an organism, NgC3wpLv3c4-00331-00207029-00207581 we call that biochemical weathering. So the main way that organisms can do NgC3wpLv3c4-00332-00207581-00208315 that is by producing chemicals that form acids that help to further the NgC3wpLv3c4-00333-00208315-00208969 chemical weathering processes we have talked about up to now. In this case, NgC3wpLv3c4-00334-00208969-00209548 or in this sense, when I'm saying organism, what I mean is any living NgC3wpLv3c4-00335-00209548-00210098 thing - so going from bacteria all the way up to humans. All of these different NgC3wpLv3c4-00336-00210098-00211256 organisms can contribute to biological weathering. This is just an example of NgC3wpLv3c4-00337-00211256-00211598 different acids that are formed by organisms. NgC3wpLv3c4-00338-00211598-00212082 We have the names of the different acids here, the chemical formulae, and then the NgC3wpLv3c4-00339-00212082-00212798 source. So anything from ants, different bacteria, algae, fungi and so on. NgC3wpLv3c4-00340-00212798-00213735 I mentioned that there are organisms that help to break down rocks by chemical NgC3wpLv3c4-00341-00213735-00214356 processes, and in general we call those lithotrophs - these are microorganisms NgC3wpLv3c4-00342-00214356-00215229 that get their energy by breaking down inorganic substances like rock. Some NgC3wpLv3c4-00343-00215229-00215715 different examples, we have different metal-oxidizing bacteria that get their NgC3wpLv3c4-00344-00215715-00216503 energy by oxidizing metals. Some different example species, you see NgC3wpLv3c4-00345-00216503-00217233 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans - this is a bacteria that oxidizes iron or NgC3wpLv3c4-00346-00217233-00217860 sulfur to produce either ferric iron or sulfuric acid - that's the product of NgC3wpLv3c4-00347-00217860-00218355 the oxidation process that these bacteria help to bring about. There's NgC3wpLv3c4-00348-00218355-00219126 another species of bacteria called Acidithiobacillus thiooxidan - this is NgC3wpLv3c4-00349-00219126-00219954 a species that oxidizes sulfur to produce sulfuric acid. Different NgC3wpLv3c4-00350-00219954-00220544 metal-oxidizing bacteria can oxidize metal from ore, and they're often used NgC3wpLv3c4-00351-00220544-00221279 for mineral extraction, or commercial mineral extractions - a lot of mining NgC3wpLv3c4-00352-00221279-00221844 can be done by using these sorts of bacteria. This just shows an example NgC3wpLv3c4-00353-00221844-00222917 of some bacteria that have oxidized iron in water and formed this sort of orange NgC3wpLv3c4-00354-00222917-00224348 precipitate on the bottom of this small pool of water here. NgC3wpLv3c4-00355-00224526-00225015 Another group of really important biological weathering agents are called NgC3wpLv3c4-00356-00225015-00225785 lichens. They contribute to both physical and chemical weathering - in the NgC3wpLv3c4-00357-00225785-00226523 physical sense, the hyphae of the lichens - so this is kind of the root system NgC3wpLv3c4-00358-00226523-00227217 of the lichen - penetrates into small cracks in the rock and of course as that NgC3wpLv3c4-00359-00227217-00227907 absorbs water it increases in volume and helps propagate (cracks). Lichens also emit NgC3wpLv3c4-00360-00227907-00228542 different organic acids - some examples include oxalic acid, citric NgC3wpLv3c4-00361-00228542-00229428 acid - so they can help break down rocks both in a physical sense, so NgC3wpLv3c4-00362-00229428-00229841 they can make it smaller and smaller, expose more of a surface area, and then NgC3wpLv3c4-00363-00229841-00230517 further decompose the rocks by actually producing acids to eat the rocks NgC3wpLv3c4-00364-00230517-00231323 away. Algae and cyanobacteria - cyanobacteria are sometimes called NgC3wpLv3c4-00365-00231323-00231860 blue-green algae - are also very important weathering agents. They can contribute to NgC3wpLv3c4-00366-00231860-00232503 physical weathering by increasing the amount and duration of wetness that the NgC3wpLv3c4-00367-00232503-00232989 wetness stays on a rock surface, which then leads to further physical NgC3wpLv3c4-00368-00232989-00233489 weathering by wetting and drying, which we talked about in the last lecture. NgC3wpLv3c4-00369-00233489-00234003 They can also colonize fissures and invade pores, and then as they expand NgC3wpLv3c4-00370-00234003-00234621 they can help force rocks apart. They grow between cleavage planes, they also NgC3wpLv3c4-00371-00234621-00235323 provide nutrients for higher-order plants like mosses and grasses that can NgC3wpLv3c4-00372-00235323-00236183 help further weather rocks in a physical way. Similar to lichens NgC3wpLv3c4-00373-00236183-00236841 and bacteria, they also NgC3wpLv3c4-00374-00236841-00237398 produce acids, and they often show up as this sort of dark brown NgC3wpLv3c4-00375-00237398-00237828 or black stain on buildings or NgC3wpLv3c4-00376-00237828-00238605 other stoneworks that you might see. Finally we have some examples of NgC3wpLv3c4-00377-00238605-00239191 higher-order plants and animals, and how they contribute to weathering. Here, we NgC3wpLv3c4-00378-00239191-00239768 have trees that are growing into the spaces in rocks and forcing them apart. NgC3wpLv3c4-00379-00239768-00240396 Root systems of trees, or root systems of other plants can also emit organic acids NgC3wpLv3c4-00380-00240396-00241073 which help to further break down rocks. Birds, especially pigeons in urban areas - NgC3wpLv3c4-00381-00241073-00241650 their droppings encourage plant and fungi growth which leads to all of the NgC3wpLv3c4-00382-00241650-00242058 different biological weathering processes that we just talked about, but NgC3wpLv3c4-00383-00242058-00242730 their droppings can also contain organic acids which help to eat away at stone in NgC3wpLv3c4-00384-00242730-00243348 urban environments as well as natural environments. Other examples of NgC3wpLv3c4-00385-00243348-00243756 biological weathering agents: burrowing animals like earthworms NgC3wpLv3c4-00386-00243756-00244240 help to break down rocks, and this of course is to say absolutely nothing of NgC3wpLv3c4-00387-00244240-00244773 humans, who contribute substantially to physical and chemical weathering: we NgC3wpLv3c4-00388-00244773-00245681 break down rocks to all the time to quarry them for buildings, in mining, in NgC3wpLv3c4-00389-00245681-00246108 roadworks, and so on and so forth. You know, we have a very profound NgC3wpLv3c4-00390-00246108-00247053 impact on the lithosphere and on the planet in general. So that's it for NgC3wpLv3c4-00391-00247053-00247615 chemical and biological weathering. For more things to look at or read, you can NgC3wpLv3c4-00392-00247615-00248061 check out the video links here which are also included in the description below NgC3wpLv3c4-00393-00248061-00248652 the video. You can also review Chapters 3 & 6 in the textbook, which covers some NgC3wpLv3c4-00394-00248652-00249147 of the basic chemistry that we talked about at the beginning of the lecture as NgC3wpLv3c4-00395-00249147-00249855 well as chemical and biological weathering. That's it for me. Thanks, NgC3wpLv3c4-00396-00249855-00250115 bye!