lDvoXaKwsFE-00000-00000037-00000087 Look, lDvoXaKwsFE-00001-00000250-00000462 Let's take a photo together. lDvoXaKwsFE-00002-00000546-00000759 We're finally leaving, my glasses are fogging up lDvoXaKwsFE-00003-00000759-00000913 because it's cold out. lDvoXaKwsFE-00004-00001280-00001497 It must be nice. lDvoXaKwsFE-00005-00001655-00001872 December 17th, we packed our bags lDvoXaKwsFE-00006-00001872-00002127 and we flew to Kenya to visit Koheun’s family. lDvoXaKwsFE-00007-00002773-00003007 We hadn't been back in three years, and it didn't seem like lDvoXaKwsFE-00008-00003007-00003128 there was enough time to do lDvoXaKwsFE-00009-00003128-00003436 everything we wanted without catching COVID and still lDvoXaKwsFE-00010-00003436-00003732 being able to go back to Korea. lDvoXaKwsFE-00011-00005376-00005609 We’re walking to our plane. lDvoXaKwsFE-00012-00006435-00006598 But it had to end. lDvoXaKwsFE-00013-00006598-00006844 We had to go back to Korea. lDvoXaKwsFE-00014-00006844-00007031 Bye bye buddy. lDvoXaKwsFE-00015-00007031-00007127 Is he going to be at the party? lDvoXaKwsFE-00016-00007127-00007344 He is going to be a teenager by the time you guys see him again. lDvoXaKwsFE-00017-00007369-00007624 And as we know, Korea is not the easiest country lDvoXaKwsFE-00018-00007624-00007828 to get into right now because of COVID. lDvoXaKwsFE-00019-00007828-00008116 They have some of the strictest rules, strictest quarantine lDvoXaKwsFE-00020-00008116-00008379 and especially because of Omicron people coming from countries lDvoXaKwsFE-00021-00008379-00008737 in Africa are flagged and taken to a different facility lDvoXaKwsFE-00022-00008754-00009150 to spend a night and get a PCR test there first when they land in Korea. lDvoXaKwsFE-00023-00009163-00009275 So that's where we had to go. lDvoXaKwsFE-00024-00009300-00009426 Basically the situation is... lDvoXaKwsFE-00025-00009426-00009613 we got in yesterday. lDvoXaKwsFE-00026-00009613-00009701 Because we came from lDvoXaKwsFE-00027-00009701-00009989 Kenya Africa, we have to stay the quarantine lDvoXaKwsFE-00028-00010001-00010456 in a separate location for one night and test get tested. Will is positive. lDvoXaKwsFE-00029-00010477-00010623 Koheuns Inconclusive. lDvoXaKwsFE-00030-00010623-00010981 I'm negative, therefore I must be immune. superior system. lDvoXaKwsFE-00031-00010981-00011152 So we're stuck here right now. lDvoXaKwsFE-00032-00011152-00011436 But since Koheun was inconclusive, they're testing her again tonight. lDvoXaKwsFE-00033-00011453-00011699 Actually, they called us this morning to tell us our test results lDvoXaKwsFE-00034-00011699-00011849 and they're like, well, justin is negative. lDvoXaKwsFE-00035-00011849-00012166 So he can check out. and then they're like, Will's positive. lDvoXaKwsFE-00036-00012170-00012308 So he needs to go to a facility, lDvoXaKwsFE-00037-00012308-00012516 but obviously he can't go by himself because he is a baby. lDvoXaKwsFE-00038-00012554-00012704 So that's what the first lady told me. lDvoXaKwsFE-00039-00012704-00012904 And then I called be like, Hey, can we just go home? lDvoXaKwsFE-00040-00012904-00013196 Because at the time I understood like my test results have come back lDvoXaKwsFE-00041-00013196-00013417 as negative as well, but like, Oh no , you're going inconclusive, lDvoXaKwsFE-00042-00013417-00013559 so you have to get tested again. lDvoXaKwsFE-00043-00013559-00013772 So that's the situation. lDvoXaKwsFE-00044-00013772-00014105 This little guy has got to go to a facility, lDvoXaKwsFE-00045-00014105-00014251 A facility by himself. lDvoXaKwsFE-00046-00014251-00014506 So that's probably the most ridiculous for me, lDvoXaKwsFE-00047-00014510-00014702 are we hopeful that we're going to go home tomorrow. lDvoXaKwsFE-00048-00014702-00014881 Yeah, I think we're going to go home tomorrow. lDvoXaKwsFE-00049-00015732-00015982 Nice. Let’s see what we got. lDvoXaKwsFE-00050-00016007-00016395 wine cold or minus from grape chili. lDvoXaKwsFE-00051-00016399-00016649 Oh, juice, lDvoXaKwsFE-00052-00016704-00017046 oh, the same lunch as yesterday, Chicken cutlet. lDvoXaKwsFE-00053-00017121-00017296 Is it still cold? lDvoXaKwsFE-00054-00017296-00017538 Look at this. lDvoXaKwsFE-00055-00017538-00017634 There is a hair in my food. lDvoXaKwsFE-00056-00017696-00017892 Oh, can you see it? lDvoXaKwsFE-00057-00017892-00018134 Yeah, yeah. lDvoXaKwsFE-00058-00018205-00018326 So gross. lDvoXaKwsFE-00059-00018422-00018668 Oh, at least we got lunch, I guess. lDvoXaKwsFE-00060-00018931-00019152 So basically, well, I'm negative. lDvoXaKwsFE-00061-00019152-00019427 Cohen's negative will had a inconclusive test, lDvoXaKwsFE-00062-00019431-00019669 but then they retested the sample and he's positive. lDvoXaKwsFE-00063-00019673-00019811 But he has no symptoms, lDvoXaKwsFE-00064-00019811-00019978 so we'll get him tested again in a couple of days. lDvoXaKwsFE-00065-00019978-00020199 I mean, we all get tested again and seven days from now. lDvoXaKwsFE-00066-00020282-00020603 But we've been released, so that's great. lDvoXaKwsFE-00067-00020612-00020733 We haven't been released lDvoXaKwsFE-00068-00020733-00020937 or almost released. We just need to get a time lDvoXaKwsFE-00069-00020979-00021158 and our good friends are coming to pick us up. lDvoXaKwsFE-00070-00021158-00021262 So thank you guys. lDvoXaKwsFE-00071-00021262-00021667 Yeah, all we have to do now is put our hazmat suits on and leave. lDvoXaKwsFE-00072-00025266-00025588 OK. Well, lDvoXaKwsFE-00073-00025588-00025683 we're doing lDvoXaKwsFE-00074-00025804-00026151 something room, literally leaving the ship to your home. lDvoXaKwsFE-00075-00026188-00026593 Oh, oh, forget it lDvoXaKwsFE-00076-00026597-00027052 to tear lDvoXaKwsFE-00077-00027214-00027348 gas stuff going. lDvoXaKwsFE-00078-00027473-00027685 Just take a photo together. lDvoXaKwsFE-00079-00027685-00028011 My glasses are fogging up because it's cold out. lDvoXaKwsFE-00080-00028011-00028144 How are you feeling bud? lDvoXaKwsFE-00081-00028386-00028674 OK. I have to get one more bag. lDvoXaKwsFE-00082-00028812-00029133 We did it. We made it back. lDvoXaKwsFE-00083-00029195-00029433 and never felt so good to come home. lDvoXaKwsFE-00084-00029750-00029863 Worth it. lDvoXaKwsFE-00085-00029900-00029971 Well, the trip? lDvoXaKwsFE-00086-00029971-00030497 Yeah. OK, so this is our 10th day into quarantine. lDvoXaKwsFE-00087-00030501-00030784 We've we're almost done. We have one more day. lDvoXaKwsFE-00088-00030784-00031110 We all tested yesterday and we're all negative now. lDvoXaKwsFE-00089-00031110-00031264 So that's great. lDvoXaKwsFE-00090-00031264-00031527 And we're ready to join the Korean society lDvoXaKwsFE-00091-00031527-00031589 again. lDvoXaKwsFE-00092-00031827-00032011 Will will be back at day care. lDvoXaKwsFE-00093-00032011-00032390 I will be back at work, at home and Justin will be out. lDvoXaKwsFE-00094-00032432-00032599 Who's that? Who's that? lDvoXaKwsFE-00095-00033404-00033500 All right, that's the end. lF9nc5un1_8-00000-00005800-00006800 Hello dear viewers! I am glad to welcome you on our channel. As always, I am Alexander Sudarev and today we will talk about some of the events that take place in the project's life. lF9nc5un1_8-00001-00006800-00008400 Many of you who actively follow our social media have already repeatedly seen the work that is conducted on the construction site. Namely, on the territory of the special economic zone, the "Alabushevo" site, where the future design and engineering technology department is built. lF9nc5un1_8-00002-00008400-00010600 And there is really a lot of work! It is already very clear how many concrete foundations have "grown" out of the ground and in the near future, I think, we will be able to see how the elements of the metal frame for the building will be mounted in these concrete foundations. And then there are even more interesting and large-scale views lying in store for us. lF9nc5un1_8-00003-00010600-00012300 But this does not mean that we work only on the construction site. The work on the temporary leased premises is also in full swing. It includes the ongoing testing, modeling and calculations for new electric rotating machines. A huge amount of work in the testing laboratory and so on. lF9nc5un1_8-00005-00015500-00017500 Depending on the size and complexity of the design, the number of motors produced per month will vary, but the average number is 12,000 units. And this is quite a serious number of motors, which "Sovelmash" will be able to handle even on the leased premises. lF9nc5un1_8-00007-00021600-00023100 And it is a big event in the project's life. Many people have been waiting for this event and now it is very close! But, in addition, the number of leased premises will be increased by one more space. lF9nc5un1_8-00008-00023100-00025300 We are talking about the testing laboratory. Many of you have already seen it, I think now the footage on the screens confirms to you what it looks like today. But in accordance with certain requirements and standards, we've decided to expand the area of the laboratory, in order to enhance the safety of employees, the quality of work, and so on. lF9nc5un1_8-00009-00025300-00027500 In particular, such rearrangements will ensure protecting the testing line from the premises where the employees are located at the time of testing, as well as the high-precision metrological equipment. This will allow us to meet certain standards and requirements. It will also allow us to bring the accreditation of the "Sovelmash" testing laboratory closer. lF9nc5un1_8-00011-00031600-00033800 This issue is quite complex, it has a lot of subtleties and nitty-gritty details, but nevertheless, on your screens you can now see the work that corresponds to the preparation of the premises for their commissioning on the temporary leased premises, which will enable increasing the current capacities of "Sovelmash" and elaborating all the necessary processes. lF9nc5un1_8-00012-00033800-00035100 Dear viewers, later you will be able to see even more useful information, learn more about the project's life. Please subscribe to our social media, leave your comments, follow the project. See you again! lHouamVAcpc-00001-00000350-00000451 There is a waiting area to check lHouamVAcpc-00002-00000470-00000520 if there is anaphylactic shock lHouamVAcpc-00003-00000543-00000670 for 15 minutes lHouamVAcpc-00004-00000673-00000842 after being vaccinated. lHouamVAcpc-00005-00000975-00001453 About the moment I entered the venue lHouamVAcpc-00006-00001453-00001868 One corner of the waiting area was really rough, wasn't it? lHouamVAcpc-00007-00001987-00002102 Hello everyone lHouamVAcpc-00008-00002102-00002476 I ’m Maco, the modern princess. lHouamVAcpc-00009-00002555-00002864 I would like lHouamVAcpc-00010-00002864-00003177 to talk about the first vaccination lHouamVAcpc-00011-00003177-00003489 yesterday, September 28th. lHouamVAcpc-00012-00003524-00003707 First of all I lHouamVAcpc-00013-00003707-00004171 He was not very positive about vaccination lHouamVAcpc-00014-00004171-00004397 If I don't have to hit it, lHouamVAcpc-00015-00004397-00004784 I want to go without hitting it lHouamVAcpc-00016-00004901-00005022 Instead, I did a 72-hour lHouamVAcpc-00017-00005022-00005385 PCR test before going to Fukuoka lHouamVAcpc-00018-00005385-00005748 or after returning to Yamagata. lHouamVAcpc-00019-00005748-00005925 When I moved, lHouamVAcpc-00020-00005925-00006147 I tried to do it well lHouamVAcpc-00021-00006147-00006332 and take measures against lHouamVAcpc-00022-00006332-00006484 infection, but if that was all I wanted to do, lHouamVAcpc-00023-00006484-00006737 I was a group of people. lHouamVAcpc-00024-00007138-00007352 But that's why lHouamVAcpc-00025-00007352-00007593 I got lHouamVAcpc-00026-00007593-00007820 the vaccine. lHouamVAcpc-00027-00007820-00008006 The first point lHouamVAcpc-00028-00008006-00008349 is that it will be difficult lHouamVAcpc-00029-00008349-00008782 if you do not hit it at work. lHouamVAcpc-00030-00008782-00009029 There is something you can do with a lHouamVAcpc-00031-00009029-00009302 72-hour PCR test, lHouamVAcpc-00032-00009302-00009408 Even so, it will lHouamVAcpc-00033-00009408-00009661 be a little difficult to behave lHouamVAcpc-00034-00009661-00009841 in the future, lHouamVAcpc-00035-00009841-00010514 so I decided to vaccinate for that. lHouamVAcpc-00036-00010514-00010886 It ’s just something you can put in your body lHouamVAcpc-00037-00010886-00011167 I've been researching various things lHouamVAcpc-00038-00011167-00011612 Still, in order to make the final decision, lHouamVAcpc-00039-00011612-00011744 I got to know people lHouamVAcpc-00040-00011744-00012004 who are involved in various medical treatments lHouamVAcpc-00041-00012004-00012169 such as Youtube. lHouamVAcpc-00042-00012169-00012655 Since there are researchers lHouamVAcpc-00043-00012655-00013110 who are acquainted with people lHouamVAcpc-00044-00013110-00013501 who are studying this regenerative medicine lHouamVAcpc-00045-00013501-00013734 in various fields lHouamVAcpc-00046-00013734-00013985 and are researching at the genetic or molecular level, lHouamVAcpc-00047-00013985-00014210 is it okay to vaccinate those people? I heard that lHouamVAcpc-00048-00014294-00014521 Ingestion is recommended lHouamVAcpc-00049-00014521-00014703 I was told that lHouamVAcpc-00050-00014703-00014825 Believe it already lHouamVAcpc-00051-00014825-00015016 If a researcher who wants to cure illness, lHouamVAcpc-00052-00015016-00015436 including my body, lHouamVAcpc-00053-00015436-00015641 recommends it, I think I have no choice lHouamVAcpc-00054-00015641-00015875 but to believe it. lHouamVAcpc-00055-00015875-00016116 I will hit this time lHouamVAcpc-00056-00016205-00016757 In the case of Tsuruoka City, lHouamVAcpc-00057-00016757-00017013 where I live, did the vaccination ticket arrive at me? lHouamVAcpc-00058-00017013-00017166 Maybe I'm in the hospital lHouamVAcpc-00059-00017172-00017454 The vaccination ticket arrived in late July lHouamVAcpc-00060-00017454-00017761 or around August lHouamVAcpc-00061-00017761-00017878 At that time, lHouamVAcpc-00062-00017878-00018318 I wasn't very positive yet, lHouamVAcpc-00063-00018318-00018590 so I didn't make a reservation lHouamVAcpc-00064-00018590-00019114 and I had to hit it lHouamVAcpc-00065-00019114-00019434 at the beginning of September. lHouamVAcpc-00066-00019434-00020014 By trying to make a reservation from that time lHouamVAcpc-00067-00020014-00020445 There is such a paper in the envelope lHouamVAcpc-00068-00020445-00020618 Based on this paper, lHouamVAcpc-00069-00020618-00021136 I searched for an inoculation place in my city. lHouamVAcpc-00070-00021136-00021377 Since it is a wheelchair, lHouamVAcpc-00071-00021377-00021787 not all clinics can enter, lHouamVAcpc-00072-00021787-00022045 and there is also a parking problem. lHouamVAcpc-00073-00022045-00022492 If the parking lot is small, you can't go lHouamVAcpc-00074-00022492-00022751 Because the inside of the clinic was narrow lHouamVAcpc-00075-00022751-00023158 and there were steps, it was difficult. lHouamVAcpc-00076-00023158-00023567 At the beginning, it was written lHouamVAcpc-00077-00023567-00023813 that a large general hospital could make a reservation. lHouamVAcpc-00078-00023813-00024182 When you call, the reservation is over lHouamVAcpc-00079-00024182-00024726 After that, when I called the facility lHouamVAcpc-00080-00024726-00024910 operated by the city, lHouamVAcpc-00081-00024910-00025057 it seemed that the receptionist's aunt lHouamVAcpc-00082-00025057-00025153 wasn't doing anything. lHouamVAcpc-00083-00025153-00025329 You can really lHouamVAcpc-00084-00025329-00025491 say something like this! lHouamVAcpc-00085-00025491-00025638 what is it! I thought lHouamVAcpc-00086-00025638-00025902 it was different lHouamVAcpc-00087-00025902-00026220 from the table like lHouamVAcpc-00088-00026326-00026395 The city is doing lHouamVAcpc-00089-00026395-00026764 Call the Corona Vaccine lHouamVAcpc-00090-00026764-00026908 Consultation and Reservation Center for a moment lHouamVAcpc-00091-00027019-00027205 The current situation is different from the table lHouamVAcpc-00092-00027205-00027564 on the net lHouamVAcpc-00093-00027564-00027818 and the actual reservation cannot be made. lHouamVAcpc-00094-00027818-00028064 When I asked lHouamVAcpc-00095-00028064-00028195 if there was any other information, lHouamVAcpc-00096-00028195-00028414 I don't know anymore here. lHouamVAcpc-00097-00028414-00028608 I was told that I had to call lHouamVAcpc-00098-00028608-00028835 one by one lHouamVAcpc-00099-00028835-00029007 If you mutter lHouamVAcpc-00100-00029007-00029175 that you can't make lHouamVAcpc-00101-00029175-00029414 a reservation on Twitter at all, lHouamVAcpc-00102-00029414-00029551 other people have posted it on lHouamVAcpc-00103-00029551-00029858 the Tsuruoka City homepage. lHouamVAcpc-00104-00029858-00030124 Also, if there is a table of the inoculation venue lHouamVAcpc-00105-00030124-00030364 and it is written on this paper, lHouamVAcpc-00106-00030364-00030600 the update date is September 7th. lHouamVAcpc-00107-00030661-00030824 The Tsuruoka City homepage lHouamVAcpc-00108-00030824-00031004 was updated on September 10th, lHouamVAcpc-00109-00031004-00031158 so this one is correct, lHouamVAcpc-00110-00031158-00031287 isn't it? Because there was lHouamVAcpc-00111-00031287-00031630 I called again while looking at that table lHouamVAcpc-00112-00031647-00032188 I was able to make a reservation for one clinic, lHouamVAcpc-00113-00032188-00032442 but when I called around September 10th lHouamVAcpc-00114-00032442-00032813 and 11th, lHouamVAcpc-00115-00032813-00033363 the next inoculation was around October 14th lHouamVAcpc-00116-00033363-00033680 and 15th. lHouamVAcpc-00117-00033680-00034134 It's a little difficult to take there lHouamVAcpc-00118-00034134-00034540 during the period of work. lHouamVAcpc-00119-00034540-00034714 Inoculate twice lHouamVAcpc-00120-00034775-00035001 If you think about the effect in 2 weeks, lHouamVAcpc-00121-00035001-00035440 it may not be in time for a while, lHouamVAcpc-00122-00035440-00035640 and for those who come lHouamVAcpc-00123-00035640-00035867 and go outside the prefecture, than until the day of inoculation lHouamVAcpc-00124-00035867-00036045 Until a week ago, you lHouamVAcpc-00125-00036045-00036352 will not be able to come to the clinic lHouamVAcpc-00126-00036352-00036848 unless you come back to your hometown. lHouamVAcpc-00127-00036848-00037042 I was told that, so lHouamVAcpc-00128-00037042-00037167 considering that, there is always work lHouamVAcpc-00129-00037167-00037584 going back and forth, lHouamVAcpc-00130-00037584-00037895 so according to the vaccine lHouamVAcpc-00131-00037895-00038144 It's a little difficult to go home lHouamVAcpc-00132-00038144-00038323 a week ago lHouamVAcpc-00133-00038323-00038837 It was a little difficult to tell you lHouamVAcpc-00134-00038837-00039111 that I'm back lHouamVAcpc-00135-00039111-00039386 with all the PCR tests and antigen tests, lHouamVAcpc-00136-00039386-00039712 so I was wondering what to do. lHouamVAcpc-00137-00039712-00040093 Because I was wondering if I could inoculate in Fukuoka, lHouamVAcpc-00138-00040093-00040281 there was a proper inoculation lHouamVAcpc-00139-00040281-00040411 other than the place of residence. lHouamVAcpc-00140-00040411-00040663 I decided to reserve it lHouamVAcpc-00141-00040663-00040976 and take it in Fukuoka lHouamVAcpc-00142-00040976-00041287 Fukuoka Reservation Center lHouamVAcpc-00143-00041287-00041554 I would like to call the place of consultation and receive an inoculation lHouamVAcpc-00144-00041554-00041996 outside my place of residence. lHouamVAcpc-00145-00041996-00042218 Can I make a reservation? If you contact me lHouamVAcpc-00146-00042218-00042363 You can make reservations for large-scale inoculation venues lHouamVAcpc-00147-00042363-00042619 at any time of the day. lHouamVAcpc-00148-00042619-00042767 When I heard that I could go from tomorrow, lHouamVAcpc-00149-00042767-00043027 I thought that lHouamVAcpc-00150-00043027-00043365 the environment was completely different. lHouamVAcpc-00151-00043365-00043576 By the way, Tsuruoka City was about lHouamVAcpc-00152-00043576-00044081 Pfizer's vaccine at that time. lHouamVAcpc-00153-00044181-00044461 Even in Fukuoka, Pfizer is difficult to make reservations lHouamVAcpc-00154-00044461-00044698 At that time, it is difficult to make a reservation lHouamVAcpc-00155-00044698-00044948 and it will be held at a large-scale inoculation site lHouamVAcpc-00156-00044948-00045102 It was said that if it was Moderna, lHouamVAcpc-00157-00045102-00045428 it could be done immediately, lHouamVAcpc-00158-00045428-00045855 so I made a reservation because it was okay with Moderna. lHouamVAcpc-00159-00045855-00046349 It must be a month after being told that I can do it lHouamVAcpc-00160-00046349-00046542 every day from tomorrow lHouamVAcpc-00161-00046715-00047198 I can't because the vaccine doesn't come in, lHouamVAcpc-00162-00047198-00047442 and there is traffic outside the prefecture lHouamVAcpc-00163-00047442-00047727 on the clinic side. lHouamVAcpc-00164-00047727-00048118 It ’s difficult if you do n’t open it for a week or so. lHouamVAcpc-00165-00048118-00048339 I can understand that feeling at all, lHouamVAcpc-00166-00048339-00048527 but when that happens, lHouamVAcpc-00167-00048527-00048959 I usually work in other prefectures. lHouamVAcpc-00168-00048959-00049212 Like a truck driver lHouamVAcpc-00169-00049424-00049706 I think there are many people lHouamVAcpc-00170-00049706-00049923 who work every day across regions. lHouamVAcpc-00171-00049923-00050089 It ’s difficult for such people to inoculate individually lHouamVAcpc-00172-00050089-00050472 at the clinic. lHouamVAcpc-00173-00050472-00050581 I thought it was amazing lHouamVAcpc-00174-00050581-00050874 I thought that the current situation is that lHouamVAcpc-00175-00050874-00051111 even if you want to hit lHouamVAcpc-00176-00051111-00051279 the job area inoculation, lHouamVAcpc-00177-00051279-00051641 the medical institution may refuse it lHouamVAcpc-00178-00051641-00051995 for a while. lHouamVAcpc-00179-00051995-00052196 There were quite a few people lHouamVAcpc-00180-00052196-00052374 who said that if they muttered on Twitter, lHouamVAcpc-00181-00052374-00052541 they would be the same. lHouamVAcpc-00182-00052541-00053088 I thought it was a difficult problem lHouamVAcpc-00183-00053088-00053302 Yesterday lHouamVAcpc-00184-00053302-00053828 I've been vaccinated at a large-scale lHouamVAcpc-00185-00053828-00054192 inoculation site in Fukuoka, lHouamVAcpc-00186-00054192-00054474 but it doesn't hurt. lHouamVAcpc-00187-00054474-00054576 Than that lHouamVAcpc-00188-00054832-00055138 Can I say this? lHouamVAcpc-00189-00055138-00055438 I think it's good lHouamVAcpc-00190-00055438-00055659 because it actually happened, lHouamVAcpc-00191-00055659-00055795 but there is a waiting place to check lHouamVAcpc-00192-00055795-00056150 if there is anaphylactic shock lHouamVAcpc-00193-00056150-00056413 for 15 minutes after being vaccinated. lHouamVAcpc-00194-00056413-00056891 About the moment I entered the venue lHouamVAcpc-00195-00056891-00057305 One corner of the waiting area was really rough, wasn't it? lHouamVAcpc-00196-00057305-00057673 When I saw the place where I was rushing, lHouamVAcpc-00197-00057673-00058085 there was a person who was carried on a stretcher. lHouamVAcpc-00198-00058094-00058372 picture? I don't know lHouamVAcpc-00199-00058372-00058664 how sick lHouamVAcpc-00200-00058664-00058838 I was after vaccination, lHouamVAcpc-00201-00058838-00059092 but I went into lHouamVAcpc-00202-00059092-00059416 a private room. lHouamVAcpc-00203-00059416-00059616 Then 15 minutes lHouamVAcpc-00204-00059616-00060096 The ambulance didn't come lHouamVAcpc-00205-00060096-00060332 until I left the venue, lHouamVAcpc-00206-00060332-00060467 so I wonder if it's not that important. lHouamVAcpc-00207-00060467-00060629 After all, I witnessed that lHouamVAcpc-00208-00060629-00060902 some people got sick lHouamVAcpc-00209-00060902-00061146 and were carried on stretchers. lHouamVAcpc-00210-00061146-00061357 I'm 15 minutes from there lHouamVAcpc-00211-00061357-00061759 I have to wait for such a situation lHouamVAcpc-00212-00061759-00061947 in that place lHouamVAcpc-00213-00061947-00062084 I felt that lHouamVAcpc-00214-00062084-00062323 15 minutes was insanely long lHouamVAcpc-00215-00062323-00062562 and even after hitting lHouamVAcpc-00216-00062616-00062812 I was honest with the feeling lHouamVAcpc-00217-00062812-00063130 that it was okay lHouamVAcpc-00218-00063130-00063294 After that, even if lHouamVAcpc-00219-00063294-00063452 I drive normally lHouamVAcpc-00220-00063452-00063662 and return to the center for a day, lHouamVAcpc-00221-00063662-00063899 I don't have a fever lHouamVAcpc-00222-00063899-00064072 and I'm not feeling sick. lHouamVAcpc-00223-00064072-00064223 Well, my arms are lHouamVAcpc-00224-00064323-00064546 Even if I hit the flu vaccine, lHouamVAcpc-00225-00064546-00064711 I was the type of person lHouamVAcpc-00226-00064711-00065120 who became extremely hard and hurt lHouamVAcpc-00227-00065120-00065385 when I moved it, lHouamVAcpc-00228-00065385-00065657 so I think that lHouamVAcpc-00229-00065657-00065930 there is no particular problem with wheelchairs lHouamVAcpc-00230-00065930-00066353 or something to do at the same level. lHouamVAcpc-00231-00066597-00066790 Because it's moderna lHouamVAcpc-00232-00066790-00067037 Also, the inoculation will be 4 weeks later. lHouamVAcpc-00233-00067037-00067437 In the second half of October lHouamVAcpc-00234-00067437-00067664 Also, it feels like hitting in Fukuoka lHouamVAcpc-00235-00067664-00067919 for the 4th time. lHouamVAcpc-00236-00067919-00068015 I think everyone is free to hit lHouamVAcpc-00237-00068015-00068169 and not hit, lHouamVAcpc-00238-00068169-00068501 and I hear that lHouamVAcpc-00239-00068501-00068748 there are still situations lHouamVAcpc-00240-00068748-00068832 where you can't hit lHouamVAcpc-00241-00068832-00069071 even if you want to hit. lHouamVAcpc-00242-00069160-00069261 If you are in the countryside lHouamVAcpc-00243-00069261-00069410 and have to open a week lHouamVAcpc-00244-00069410-00069550 with a medical institution lHouamVAcpc-00245-00069550-00069827 or something like that, lHouamVAcpc-00246-00069827-00069965 you can hit it in another prefecture. lHouamVAcpc-00247-00069965-00070297 I think it's just one hand lHouamVAcpc-00248-00070357-00070551 I hope this video lHouamVAcpc-00249-00070551-00070863 will be helpful. lHouamVAcpc-00250-00070863-00070953 So lHouamVAcpc-00251-00070953-00071151 Also, the second time lHouamVAcpc-00252-00071151-00071286 everyone says it's tough lHouamVAcpc-00253-00071286-00071495 I'm going to take a picture of what it will look lHouamVAcpc-00254-00071495-00071841 like the second time, lHouamVAcpc-00255-00071841-00072013 so please look forward to it. lHouamVAcpc-00256-00072071-00072443 If you think this video was helpful, lHouamVAcpc-00257-00072443-00072583 please like it. lHouamVAcpc-00258-00072631-00072869 Thank you for subscribing to the channel lHouamVAcpc-00259-00072919-00073071 Thank you for watching lHouamVAcpc-00260-00073071-00073489 until the end today lLuebKaWywA-00000-00016212-00016312 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00001-00016312-00016412 thank you lLuebKaWywA-00002-00016412-00016512 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00003-00016512-00016612 foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00004-00016612-00016712 foreign lLuebKaWywA-00005-00016712-00016812 [Applause] [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00006-00016812-00016912 [Music] [Applause] lLuebKaWywA-00007-00016912-00017012 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00008-00017012-00017112 foreign [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00009-00017112-00017212 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00010-00017212-00017312 [Applause] [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00011-00017312-00017412 [Applause] lLuebKaWywA-00012-00017412-00017512 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00013-00017512-00017612 [Music] you are lLuebKaWywA-00014-00017612-00017712 [Music] too good lLuebKaWywA-00015-00017712-00017812 foreign lLuebKaWywA-00016-00017812-00017912 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00017-00017912-00018012 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00018-00018012-00018112 [Music] [Applause] [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00019-00018112-00018212 [Applause] [Music] good morning lLuebKaWywA-00020-00018212-00018312 that's enough lLuebKaWywA-00021-00018312-00018412 because lLuebKaWywA-00022-00018412-00018512 tomorrow lLuebKaWywA-00023-00018512-00018612 [Music] Opera someone lLuebKaWywA-00024-00018612-00018712 again lLuebKaWywA-00025-00018712-00018812 [Applause] [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00026-00018812-00018912 number [Music] and before lLuebKaWywA-00027-00018912-00019012 [Applause] lLuebKaWywA-00028-00019012-00019112 [Applause] lLuebKaWywA-00029-00019112-00019212 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00030-00019212-00020615 come on foreign [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00031-00020615-00022790 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00032-00022790-00024965 foreign lLuebKaWywA-00035-00033668-00035843 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00036-00035843-00038019 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00037-00038019-00040194 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00039-00043847-00045277 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00040-00045277-00046708 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00042-00050999-00052429 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00043-00052429-00055289 and [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00044-00055289-00055389 she said lLuebKaWywA-00045-00055389-00055489 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00046-00055489-00055589 [Music] [Applause] [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00047-00055589-00055689 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00048-00055689-00055789 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00049-00055789-00055889 nothing wrong [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00050-00055889-00055989 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00051-00055989-00056089 all back lLuebKaWywA-00052-00056089-00056189 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00053-00056189-00056289 California lLuebKaWywA-00054-00056289-00056389 [Music] lLuebKaWywA-00055-00056389-00056390 [Music] lM2nNaPA9c4-00000-00000072-00000728 including only premiered videos, that video is first place, although it is now lM2nNaPA9c4-00001-00000728-00001376 only the fourth most viewed video on the channel. this is probably change in the near future, lM2nNaPA9c4-00002-00001376-00001984 and if you listen to my updates, you will know where it will be it's likely to remain around lM2nNaPA9c4-00003-00001984-00002592 third place for about seven days, assuming the view rate stays at 15, lM2nNaPA9c4-00004-00002592-00003360 but this is very unlikely to happen, so we'll stay there. anyway, it will also have around 5 000 views. lM5nhdQ-cSA-00000-00000053-00000385 With the built-in scales, you can weigh everything lM5nhdQ-cSA-00001-00000385-00000840 with precision, directly into your mixing bowl as you mix and cook. lM5nhdQ-cSA-00002-00001052-00001192 Just reset the scale lM5nhdQ-cSA-00003-00001192-00001664 using the Tare button to weigh all your ingredients one after the other, lM5nhdQ-cSA-00004-00001664-00001993 ensuring perfect results every time. lM5nhdQ-cSA-00005-00002044-00002128 Weighing lN8yRL0uSaM-00000-00001237-00001659 chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Union of Soviet Socialist lN8yRL0uSaM-00001-00001659-00002400 nikita khrushchev mobile units of wh o TV k r and t TV and woi TV are being lN8yRL0uSaM-00002-00002400-00002982 used in this special pool telecast ladies and gentlemen this is Jack lN8yRL0uSaM-00003-00002982-00003393 Shelley speaking from the Des Moines Municipal Airport where a mood of lN8yRL0uSaM-00004-00003393-00003773 expectancy has been gathering now for many hours and is just about of the peak lN8yRL0uSaM-00005-00003773-00004175 at this moment as we anticipate that if they latest announcement is correct lN8yRL0uSaM-00006-00004175-00004694 premier khrushchev plane will be landing here in a matter of only a couple of lN8yRL0uSaM-00007-00004694-00005118 minutes we have been watching for the last several hours those of us who have lN8yRL0uSaM-00008-00005118-00005789 been here during that time the first 707 jet airplanes which most of us have seen lN8yRL0uSaM-00009-00005789-00006305 touching down one by one at the Des Moines Municipal Airport the first one lN8yRL0uSaM-00010-00006305-00006786 was a commercial jet plane which bore about a hundred and twenty five members lN8yRL0uSaM-00011-00006786-00007298 of the press radio and TV party all of whom have been preceding the Russian lN8yRL0uSaM-00012-00007298-00007791 premier as he makes his stops all the way across the country and then one by lN8yRL0uSaM-00013-00007791-00008238 one we have seen other jets of the type you're looking at right now planes lN8yRL0uSaM-00014-00008238-00008784 operated by the US Air Force and used by the military air transport service for lN8yRL0uSaM-00015-00008784-00009236 so-called VIP flights which have been bringing in first another collection of lN8yRL0uSaM-00016-00009236-00009627 radio TV and press people then the last one arriving only about lN8yRL0uSaM-00017-00009627-00010145 five minutes or so ago carried with it men and women of what might be called lN8yRL0uSaM-00018-00010145-00010611 somewhat secondary importance with a Russian party now you can see those who lN8yRL0uSaM-00019-00010611-00011469 are watching the the crowd gathered at the scene where viewing at the present lN8yRL0uSaM-00020-00011469-00012066 moment people who are standing on the side of the airport runway where the lN8yRL0uSaM-00021-00012066-00012758 crowds will be greeing the Russian premier and we are at the same time lN8yRL0uSaM-00022-00012758-00013533 watching what is going on as the members of the press assemble on a large truck lN8yRL0uSaM-00023-00013533-00014009 body which has been assembled to one side here and which has mounted at the lN8yRL0uSaM-00024-00014009-00014522 present time on it something like eight or a dozen sound and lN8yRL0uSaM-00025-00014522-00014954 still motion picture cameras to be used in the coverage of Chris chars arrival lN8yRL0uSaM-00026-00014954-00015509 off in another direction while the members of the military police and the lN8yRL0uSaM-00027-00015509-00015998 Air National Guard stand expectantly waiting to move forward with the ramp lN8yRL0uSaM-00028-00015998-00016481 which will provide the stairway by which Chris Jeff will come down from his plane lN8yRL0uSaM-00029-00016481-00017028 in other directions we see various members of the group of dignitaries who lN8yRL0uSaM-00030-00017028-00017426 are going to extend an official welcome for the City of Des Moines and for the lN8yRL0uSaM-00031-00017426-00017862 state of Iowa among those waiting of course and by the way at the very moment lN8yRL0uSaM-00032-00017862-00018351 that I am speaking you are looking what appears to me to be the convertible car lN8yRL0uSaM-00033-00018351-00018825 in which the Russian premier will ride he was given his choice we understood of lN8yRL0uSaM-00034-00018825-00019307 having either a clothed air-conditioned limousine or this open one of the lN8yRL0uSaM-00035-00019307-00019728 convertible type and the weather while it has been a little doubtful and while lN8yRL0uSaM-00036-00019728-00020091 there is a forecast of possible thunderstorm conditions this afternoon lN8yRL0uSaM-00037-00020091-00020559 right now seems to be fairly favorable for his ride downtown and it looks to us lN8yRL0uSaM-00038-00020559-00021020 as though they're going to prepare the convertible that you see for his ride lN8yRL0uSaM-00039-00021020-00021663 downtown there has been a great crowd gathering along McKinley Avenue which lN8yRL0uSaM-00040-00021663-00022295 runs down to Fleur Drive along the fences just outside the south end or I lN8yRL0uSaM-00041-00022295-00022644 should say the north end of the Des Moines Airport trying to get whatever lN8yRL0uSaM-00042-00022644-00023013 gifts they can perhaps you can see in the distance now some of the people lN8yRL0uSaM-00043-00023013-00023429 gathered there beyond the airport fence you are looking over the heads of the lN8yRL0uSaM-00044-00023429-00023834 photographers and some of the dignitaries there are more newsman than lN8yRL0uSaM-00045-00023834-00024237 anybody else in this group that you are watching in the immediate foreground who lN8yRL0uSaM-00046-00024237-00024951 are watching for the arrival of the Khrushchev plane we are told by others lN8yRL0uSaM-00047-00024951-00025584 of our new staff who are handling this pool broadcast for the central Iowa lN8yRL0uSaM-00048-00025584-00026084 television stations we are told that there are downtown now in the vicinity lN8yRL0uSaM-00049-00026084-00026544 of hotel Fort Des Moines something in excess of a thousand persons that police lN8yRL0uSaM-00050-00026544-00027012 are already on hand controlling the crowds there and moreover we are told lN8yRL0uSaM-00051-00027012-00027489 that there have been some signs protesting groups visible in the lN8yRL0uSaM-00052-00027489-00027811 vicinity of the Fort Des Moines hotel for a brief run down lN8yRL0uSaM-00053-00027811-00028201 the other places we're going to take a look right now at the Fort Des Moines lN8yRL0uSaM-00054-00028201-00028711 hotel site where later on you will see chairman Khrushchev of the council of lN8yRL0uSaM-00055-00028711-00029058 ministers of the union of socialist Soviet republics is he arrived here you lN8yRL0uSaM-00056-00029058-00029572 are looking in the area at the corner of the Fort Des Moines Hotel there at 9th lN8yRL0uSaM-00057-00029572-00029950 and walnut notice the tremendous crowd of people gathered there on the parking lN8yRL0uSaM-00058-00029950-00030352 ramp on that unique in circular parking ramp which undoubtedly offers a lN8yRL0uSaM-00059-00030352-00030769 wonderful place from which to view Khrushchev arrival at the hotel now here lN8yRL0uSaM-00060-00030769-00031162 you see some of the people who are standing at barricades and there are lN8yRL0uSaM-00061-00031162-00031555 some signs as you can see expressing sentiments of one kind or another lN8yRL0uSaM-00062-00031555-00031966 notice that the police in the ninth and walnut area have people kept pretty lN8yRL0uSaM-00063-00031966-00032329 firmly behind these barricades and of course they'll be kept well back we lN8yRL0uSaM-00064-00032329-00032770 understand at the time when the premier does arrive at the hotel now you're lN8yRL0uSaM-00065-00032770-00033298 getting a look actually into a portion of the hotel itself and you can see lN8yRL0uSaM-00066-00033298-00033886 people waiting on the roof and over the red carpet which Christoph will tread on lN8yRL0uSaM-00067-00033886-00034366 as he enters the Fort Des Moines Hotel from this position we are going to move lN8yRL0uSaM-00068-00034366-00034900 to our other pickup point at 14th and Locust the intermediate point on the lN8yRL0uSaM-00069-00034900-00035416 pickup and we hope that from there we'll be able to get a view of the premier lN8yRL0uSaM-00070-00035416-00035788 after he has left the airport for the moment though we're going to return to lN8yRL0uSaM-00071-00035788-00036205 the Des Moines Airport and take a look at again at the jet planes which have lN8yRL0uSaM-00072-00036205-00036631 borne the advance members of the party and if the scenes which are to be found lN8yRL0uSaM-00073-00036631-00037078 here at the airport as we wait for the arrival of the Russian premier plane lN8yRL0uSaM-00074-00037078-00037846 notice here this is a house just across from the airport side not at all distant lN8yRL0uSaM-00075-00037846-00038233 from the place where the f-86 jet fighters of the Iowa Air National Guard lN8yRL0uSaM-00076-00038233-00038713 are customarily based and you'll see that while it is not a packed crowd that lN8yRL0uSaM-00077-00038713-00039127 there are substantial numbers of people there who have been building up over the lN8yRL0uSaM-00078-00039127-00039508 course of the last several hours some of those cars over there which you can see lN8yRL0uSaM-00079-00039508-00040051 on the other side of McKinley some of those cars have been there since 8 lN8yRL0uSaM-00080-00040051-00040552 o'clock this morning as some people came out to choose advantageous spots the lN8yRL0uSaM-00081-00040552-00040963 crowd of pedestrians has really just built up I would say within the last lN8yRL0uSaM-00082-00040963-00041271 hour to any size just before we came on the lN8yRL0uSaM-00083-00041271-00041769 air with our broadcast from the scene I walked over to the 8th the gate of the lN8yRL0uSaM-00084-00041769-00042189 Air National Guard base and saw that there were substantial numbers of people lN8yRL0uSaM-00085-00042189-00042627 lined up most of the way down floor drive or I should say McKinley to floor lN8yRL0uSaM-00086-00042627-00043176 drive now we're taking another look at the scene where the members of the party lN8yRL0uSaM-00087-00043176-00043677 of official greeters are waiting to give Chris job his welcome to the state of lN8yRL0uSaM-00088-00043677-00044112 Iowa and the City of Des Moines among those in the party who are going to be lN8yRL0uSaM-00089-00044112-00044487 welcoming the governor of would be welcoming Chris Jeff of course are the lN8yRL0uSaM-00090-00044487-00044829 governor governor and mrs. Lovelace lieutenant governor and mrs. Edward lN8yRL0uSaM-00091-00044829-00045321 McManus mayor and mrs. Charles Isles of Des Moines mr. and mrs. Frank de pute he lN8yRL0uSaM-00092-00045321-00045654 is the president of the Chamber of Commerce and mr. and mrs. John Adams lN8yRL0uSaM-00093-00045654-00046005 John Adams of course being the executive secretary of the Greater Des Moines lN8yRL0uSaM-00094-00046005-00046560 Chamber of Commerce and while they are waiting as you can see it's almost lN8yRL0uSaM-00095-00046560-00046998 impossible to distinguish between those who are members of the official greeting lN8yRL0uSaM-00096-00046998-00047478 party and those who are among the hordes of news men gathered here to cover this lN8yRL0uSaM-00097-00047478-00048033 event there have been throughout the afternoon different versions one time lN8yRL0uSaM-00098-00048033-00048633 saying 1:25 would be his arrival time on other occasions that 1:45 would be his lN8yRL0uSaM-00099-00048633-00049038 arrival time and then just as we took the air the word was that he'd be here lN8yRL0uSaM-00100-00049038-00049608 by now that's at approximately 126 p.m. premier khrushchev flying in from San lN8yRL0uSaM-00101-00049608-00050058 Francisco California in a Boeing 707 jet of the United States Air Force would lN8yRL0uSaM-00102-00050058-00050646 have landed here here is the entrance to the Iowa Air National Guard's quarters lN8yRL0uSaM-00103-00050646-00051225 out here and this is the place where the dignitaries had gathered first of all in lN8yRL0uSaM-00104-00051225-00051702 order to get ready for the arrival of the Russian premier there's quite a lN8yRL0uSaM-00105-00051702-00052407 lineup of cars already in formation police cars and civilian type cars also lN8yRL0uSaM-00106-00052407-00052908 those known as pool cars carrying photographers for radio and for lN8yRL0uSaM-00107-00052908-00053388 television and we are now taking a look at that long lineup of cars each of them lN8yRL0uSaM-00108-00053388-00053826 in its proper place each one bearing a number designating its place in the lN8yRL0uSaM-00109-00053826-00054387 parade and now we're back again to the men who are waiting at parade rest out lN8yRL0uSaM-00110-00054387-00054977 there by the ramp which Khrushchev will be using those who are familiar with the lN8yRL0uSaM-00111-00054977-00055463 Des Moines area and in particular the Des Moines Fire Department might be lN8yRL0uSaM-00112-00055463-00055887 interested to know that Lieutenant John cutters the red-haired lN8yRL0uSaM-00113-00055887-00056262 man who for so many years has been a spokesman for the Des Moines lN8yRL0uSaM-00114-00056262-00056925 firefighters he is going to drive the car which governor Lovelace and lN8yRL0uSaM-00115-00056925-00057441 Khrushchev are expected to ride in for just a very short time as a matter of lN8yRL0uSaM-00116-00057441-00057798 fact Gianni was telling us just before we came on the air that he expects to lN8yRL0uSaM-00117-00057798-00058313 drive the car only as far as the place where Christoph will enter it here on lN8yRL0uSaM-00118-00058313-00058848 the edge of the airport runway and the then President Eisenhower's own personal lN8yRL0uSaM-00119-00058848-00059333 driver will take over the wheel of crews jobs car now let's take another look lN8yRL0uSaM-00120-00059333-00059679 downtown and see how things are coming on at some of the other points where lN8yRL0uSaM-00121-00059679-00060210 pickups are being made here we are once more downtown in the vicinity of the lN8yRL0uSaM-00122-00060210-00060774 route that will be traveled by the Russian premier as you can see there are lN8yRL0uSaM-00123-00060774-00061224 very large crowds on hand around the Fort Des Moines there but you can also lN8yRL0uSaM-00124-00061224-00061650 see that there are some protest signs there's one which reads the only good lN8yRL0uSaM-00125-00061650-00062105 Communist is a dead one and the D is just a little bit out of place in the lN8yRL0uSaM-00126-00062105-00062492 middle there isn't that a rather hasty job perhaps a sign making but a lN8yRL0uSaM-00127-00062492-00062951 demonstration that there are those who are protesting lN8yRL0uSaM-00128-00063672-00063877 you lQyHbuOPBNk-00000-00000000-00000200 free future type beat,free gunna type beat,free gunna type beat 2022,free gunna type instrumental 2022,free type beat,free type beat 2022,future type beat,future type beat 2022,gunna beat,gunna beats for free 2022,gunna guitar beat,gunna guitar type beat 2022,gunna piano type beat,gunna type beat,gunna type beat 2022,gunna type beat free 2022,gunna type beat free non profit,type beat,type beat 2022,wheezy type beat,young thug type beat lQNmw0BNL_M-00000-00000320-00000923 Alongside the Mythos DLC coming on September 2nd, A Total War Saga: Troy will get a free update lQNmw0BNL_M-00001-00000923-00001250 containing the Historical campaign and battle modes lQNmw0BNL_M-00002-00001250-00001733 When starting a new campaign or a custom battle, you have the option to select what level of realism lQNmw0BNL_M-00003-00001733-00002153 you want the game to have, tailoring the experience to your preference lQNmw0BNL_M-00004-00002153-00002583 The Historical mode strives for historical authenticity by, among other things, lQNmw0BNL_M-00005-00002583-00003013 removing monsters and magic and adding bodyguards to hero units. lQNmw0BNL_M-00006-00003013-00003433 If you are looking for the more realistic Bronze Age Total War experience lQNmw0BNL_M-00007-00003433-00003566 this mode is for you. lQNmw0BNL_M-00008-00003566-00003946 This update will be available to all players who own A Total War Saga: Troy lQNmw0BNL_M-00009-00003946-00004340 on the Epic Games Store or the upcoming Steam release lQNmw0BNL_M-00010-00004403-00004806 The biggest difference between Historical and the Truth Behind The Myth modes lQNmw0BNL_M-00011-00004806-00005186 might be the removal of mythic and single entity units. lQNmw0BNL_M-00012-00005186-00005510 Many of the event chains throughout the Truth Behind The Myth campaign lQNmw0BNL_M-00013-00005510-00005770 awards you with mythic units as rewards lQNmw0BNL_M-00014-00005770-00005963 For the historical campaign, we've gone through lQNmw0BNL_M-00015-00005963-00006416 and replaced some of these rewards with more historically authentic elite units lQNmw0BNL_M-00016-00006416-00006780 while other events have been replaced with entirely new ones. lQNmw0BNL_M-00017-00006780-00007073 Additionally, Heroes, which would be single entities in lQNmw0BNL_M-00018-00007073-00007530 The Truth Behind The Myth, have bodyguard units with them in the historical modes. lQNmw0BNL_M-00019-00007530-00007890 In custom battle, you get to choose what type of bodyguards accompany lQNmw0BNL_M-00020-00007890-00008280 your hero, giving you great flexibility in how you build your army lQNmw0BNL_M-00021-00008280-00008633 In the campaign, this is available through each hero's skill tree lQNmw0BNL_M-00022-00008633-00009166 For example, at level 1, Penthesilea will start with a unit of Oathsworn bodyguards. lQNmw0BNL_M-00023-00009166-00009593 But at level 12, she will have the option of choosing between a unit of Hippomachoi lQNmw0BNL_M-00024-00009593-00009826 or a unit of Furies as her guards lQNmw0BNL_M-00025-00009826-00010393 In the Heroes' equipment screen, the bodyguards have taken the place occupied by the mount in other campaigns lQNmw0BNL_M-00026-00010393-00010786 Adding a mounted unit of bodyguards will also give that mount to your hero, lQNmw0BNL_M-00027-00010786-00011196 just so that they aren't left behind in the dust when your bodyguards rush forward. lQNmw0BNL_M-00028-00011196-00011686 And for you modders out there; Yes, the bodyguards are moddable. Have fun. lQNmw0BNL_M-00029-00011766-00012153 Certain Hero abilities can be a bit... fantastical. lQNmw0BNL_M-00030-00012153-00012463 So we went through them all and either removed or reworked lQNmw0BNL_M-00031-00012463-00012793 the ones that simply do not have a place in our historical mode. lQNmw0BNL_M-00032-00012793-00013190 If you've ever almost defeated a unit only for them to use an ability and heal lQNmw0BNL_M-00033-00013190-00013533 all the way back up, you're probably quite happy right now. lQNmw0BNL_M-00034-00013630-00014073 A brand new feature we're adding into all three campaigns is Administration, lQNmw0BNL_M-00035-00014073-00014413 which replaces the previous supply lines system lQNmw0BNL_M-00036-00014413-00014990 A growing empire is an unwieldy beast and comes with both benefits and negatives lQNmw0BNL_M-00037-00014993-00015360 as you add settlements, heroes and stronger units to your empire. lQNmw0BNL_M-00038-00015360-00015676 You will notice your administration bar increasing with each stage of the bar. lQNmw0BNL_M-00039-00015676-00016210 With each stage of the bar you receive progressively harsher penalties as well as boons lQNmw0BNL_M-00040-00016210-00016583 While your units will be more expensive to recruit and keep around, lQNmw0BNL_M-00041-00016583-00016866 your administrative efficiency will be increased as well. lQNmw0BNL_M-00042-00016866-00017090 Making royal decrees complete faster lQNmw0BNL_M-00043-00017090-00017663 At higher levels, you'll also see increases to your influence, replenishments and recruitment capacity. lQNmw0BNL_M-00044-00017663-00018140 Since higher tier units account for more administration costs, you'll need to strategize lQNmw0BNL_M-00045-00018140-00018583 whether the one strong army or two weaker armies will suit your needs better. lQNmw0BNL_M-00046-00018583-00018863 We hope that these additions will give historical fans something new lQNmw0BNL_M-00047-00018863-00019053 and refreshing to get stuck in to lQNmw0BNL_M-00048-00019053-00019333 See you on the battlefield. lRxCGll5dSA-00000-00000656-00000806 Music is an expression lRxCGll5dSA-00001-00000810-00000980 Music is an inspiration lRxCGll5dSA-00002-00000988-00001112 Music is love lRxCGll5dSA-00003-00001172-00001370 I like music because... lRxCGll5dSA-00004-00001430-00001544 ...with it, lRxCGll5dSA-00005-00001626-00001812 you can clear of the things that you feel. lRxCGll5dSA-00006-00001864-00002056 For example, if you're sad, lRxCGll5dSA-00007-00002056-00002138 with the music lRxCGll5dSA-00008-00002170-00002302 you can... lRxCGll5dSA-00009-00002420-00002618 ...express many ways... lRxCGll5dSA-00010-00002666-00002790 ...to feel happy lRxCGll5dSA-00011-00002954-00003010 and... lRxCGll5dSA-00012-00003158-00003358 sharing things with all my friends lRxCGll5dSA-00013-00003358-00003544 and so feel more cheerful. lRxCGll5dSA-00014-00003772-00003928 I invite you to come, lRxCGll5dSA-00015-00003928-00004130 to share everything lRxCGll5dSA-00016-00004130-00004283 as if we were... lRxCGll5dSA-00017-00004306-00004396 ...a family lRxCGll5dSA-00018-00004570-00004726 everything, everything, everything! lRxCGll5dSA-00019-00004796-00004906 sing lRxCGll5dSA-00020-00004906-00005013 get excited lRxCGll5dSA-00021-00005013-00005115 play lRxCGll5dSA-00022-00005116-00005192 among other things. lSH69G7__vg-00000-00000024-00000632 what's up nerdlings what's up nearly a nerd for renaissance fair pickups hey lSH69G7__vg-00001-00000632-00001592 nerdlings it's jaspee from nerdy blatant cosplays and you're watching do you nerd lSH69G7__vg-00002-00002368-00003040 if you have not already please take a look at our dragon fest 2021 video that was a great lSH69G7__vg-00003-00003040-00003511 year that saw them in a new location you can really see just how much they've grown lSH69G7__vg-00004-00003511-00004160 right now we're going to jump right into some of the pickups that we got first of all the booklet lSH69G7__vg-00005-00004160-00004704 that they handed out obviously you want your your handy dandy information right there for lSH69G7__vg-00006-00004704-00005336 you the thing that i love though was the map i mean they have grown so much that they now need a lSH69G7__vg-00007-00005336-00005952 map to make sure that you can see everything while you're there but i love the hand-drawn style of it lSH69G7__vg-00008-00005952-00006792 it's such a great little touch it really is yeah this was not the only thing merch to help promote lSH69G7__vg-00009-00006792-00007576 dragon fest uh they happen to have something nice and sudsy for you they had their own beer lSH69G7__vg-00010-00007576-00008360 brewed for this occasion this is the fat dragon it is a vanilla cream stout it was brewed and lSH69G7__vg-00011-00008360-00009208 bottled by the dragonfest dragon console at show me brewing with a 7.05 percent alcohol by volume lSH69G7__vg-00012-00009288-00009984 this was a tasty one too that's a pretty tasty brew nice and creamy very very smooth lSH69G7__vg-00013-00010128-00010608 not bad and we had to have one of the bottles because uh you know i mean lSH69G7__vg-00014-00010664-00011368 someone loves dragons just a little bit just a tiny bit something that goes along lSH69G7__vg-00015-00011368-00012136 with dragon fest was the official dragon fest pen it is a very very well done looks like it's lSH69G7__vg-00016-00012136-00012624 made out of pewter and it's got the year on it it says dragon fest on there it's really nice lSH69G7__vg-00017-00012624-00013216 it's got their logo and everything and just one last fun thing they had some coins that you could lSH69G7__vg-00018-00013216-00013840 purchase to use at the fair i love when festivals do this because it really gets lSH69G7__vg-00019-00013840-00014384 you into the feeling of being at these fairs plus it makes for a great keepsake when you come home lSH69G7__vg-00020-00014480-00015584 oh my gosh that was exciting it's gonna be great in the treasure chest lSH69G7__vg-00021-00017584-00018080 something great about ren faires are the fantastic homemade items that you see these lSH69G7__vg-00022-00018080-00018608 fenders rocking and generally you can't find these any place else you know outside of buying online lSH69G7__vg-00023-00018664-00019408 there was one booth that had so many fun felt based things they had dragon tails which was lSH69G7__vg-00024-00019408-00020136 really cool so you can have your own details they also had stick horses so they had a multitude of lSH69G7__vg-00025-00020136-00020800 colors patterns and everything and they even had a specific accessory for your stick horse yes i lSH69G7__vg-00026-00020800-00021632 loved it the creator had made some uh carrots it's a pretty one oh it's a pegasus unicorn lSH69G7__vg-00027-00022056-00022376 you could feed your your horse or dragon i believe lSH69G7__vg-00028-00022376-00022704 there's also a chicken that one yeah hey you're a stick creature lSH69G7__vg-00029-00022936-00023648 well we didn't leave empty-handed we saw this tray of felt veggies chopped up uh of course lSH69G7__vg-00030-00023648-00024264 that big red and white mushroom i mean kind of has a mario feel to it so that jerusalem lSH69G7__vg-00031-00024264-00024680 nice little knife in there to chop up your your cheeses and your meats and everything lSH69G7__vg-00032-00024680-00025056 we haven't decided yet if we're going to take the cellophane off yet because uh lSH69G7__vg-00033-00025056-00025456 you know it's keeping everything in place we like how it looks a little charcuterie lSH69G7__vg-00034-00025544-00026008 he keeps it fresh that way but uh you know fun pieces like that love seeing stuff like lSH69G7__vg-00035-00026008-00026783 that the royals were uh giving this one some trouble because of the red hair lSH69G7__vg-00036-00027280-00027968 they also drew her in with a very cool artifact yeah they made uh handmade dragon eyes and then lSH69G7__vg-00037-00027968-00028424 they had little dragons and i think some little fairies and whatnot i was really drawn to this lSH69G7__vg-00038-00028424-00028960 eye right here and it is just flat on the back but they had given a good idea like you said you could lSH69G7__vg-00039-00028960-00029448 go to the store and buy those pin backs and make it like a pen or a magnet or whatever so i think lSH69G7__vg-00040-00029448-00029936 i'm gonna make it a pin to add to my costume but there was just something about this eye that was lSH69G7__vg-00041-00029936-00030392 speaking to me oh well it's definitely rocking the colors you love i know my favorite colors lSH69G7__vg-00042-00030392-00031039 well dragon's lacking eyes weren't the only creatures there no there was other magical lSH69G7__vg-00043-00031039-00031744 yes yes what did you get to see i got to have my picture taken with a mama unicorn and lSH69G7__vg-00044-00031744-00032239 sleeping right next to her was her baby unicorn it was so cute we kept trying to lSH69G7__vg-00045-00032239-00032608 i mean as mean as the sounds we kept trying to wake it up just so we could look at it but lSH69G7__vg-00046-00032608-00033040 apparently it was really exhausted didn't want to wake up so we could see its beautiful face lSH69G7__vg-00047-00033040-00033328 but yeah i got my picture taken with the universe oh that's so cute lSH69G7__vg-00048-00033456-00033920 just sleeping i wish i could sleep standing up i knew i was trying to get her a treat earlier lSH69G7__vg-00049-00033920-00034512 i didn't realize she was sleeping she wasn't even opening her lips he was so cute so pretty lSH69G7__vg-00050-00034608-00034976 yeah your straw is kind of hanging at your mouth you didn't finish your treat lSH69G7__vg-00051-00034976-00035696 oh i'm so sorry i insulted it nothing says fantasy quite like the magic of creating something out of lSH69G7__vg-00052-00035696-00036360 thin air such as a 3d printed mug which was a really cool booth that we were at there was a lSH69G7__vg-00053-00036360-00036784 bunch of different ones i spent probably about 20 minutes are trying to figure out exactly which lSH69G7__vg-00054-00036784-00037472 one i liked it was a really tough decision but we were both drawn to this like tool belty lSH69G7__vg-00055-00037472-00037968 type one the only thing i didn't like about it was the fact that it was all one color so lSH69G7__vg-00056-00037968-00038792 i may try to paint it um individually later it's a thermal mug but what you do is it comes with lSH69G7__vg-00057-00038792-00039384 one of these fake plastic cans so that you can pour a drink in there if you want to or lSH69G7__vg-00058-00039448-00039992 if you have bottles or what not different sizes they come with these really cool inserts that lSH69G7__vg-00059-00039992-00040560 tell you for a 16 ounce or 12 ounce and you just pop them in there so if you have a normal can lSH69G7__vg-00060-00040560-00040952 it doesn't you know sink all the way to the bottom like that does so i thought that was lSH69G7__vg-00061-00040952-00041648 a really clever touch now of course any fun part of going to fairs festivals conventions any event lSH69G7__vg-00062-00041648-00042152 is running into some of your buddies we ran into craigmeister he's got a great lSH69G7__vg-00063-00042152-00042592 web page and he throws some youtube videos up as well giving you some information about lSH69G7__vg-00064-00042656-00043208 kind of the inner workings of wren fares so we got to talk to him and let's pass it on over lSH69G7__vg-00065-00043296-00043872 good day i'm craig meister i have a website that lists all the renaissance fairs in north america lSH69G7__vg-00066-00043928-00044504 i also have videos on my website that you can go watch i have interviews with performers lSH69G7__vg-00067-00044592-00045104 videos of different fairs many other things to learn on those as well it is a very large lSH69G7__vg-00068-00045104-00045752 site and you can find many fun things on there i go about taking pictures across the fairs in lSH69G7__vg-00069-00045752-00046296 the middle part of the united states as well i have a link to my facebook page that shows those lSH69G7__vg-00070-00046360-00047000 and i get to meet many interesting people like those from do you nerd i hope to see you at a lSH69G7__vg-00071-00047000-00047688 renaissance fair sometime soon fair travels and fair roads and for all those who helped put on lSH69G7__vg-00072-00047688-00048368 fairs whether you're a volunteer organizer or person that just takes tickets at the gate and lSH69G7__vg-00073-00048368-00049184 pays people hazard to you because you make these fares happen gramercy enjoy your day thank you lSH69G7__vg-00074-00051736-00051984 there you go thank you it lights up lSH69G7__vg-00075-00052288-00052912 new dragon those go on your breath well one more pick up you had to get something dragon bait lSH69G7__vg-00076-00052976-00053600 dress besides just an eye i had to get a plushie of some kind and this was a really cute well-made lSH69G7__vg-00077-00053664-00054472 handmade felt dragon and he's got wire in his wings and his tail and i just i really liked lSH69G7__vg-00078-00054472-00055008 the look on his face and he's got cute little feetsies down here another great souvenir i do lSH69G7__vg-00079-00055008-00055520 like the two-tone color in the wings and there's a bit of a pattern on the top there is yeah lSH69G7__vg-00080-00055520-00056184 there's there's a slight pattern to it and i i did like the the yellow and the gray patterns it's lSH69G7__vg-00081-00056184-00056704 almost like a certain theme of colors what would that be might be a little close to hufflepuff lSH69G7__vg-00082-00056800-00057488 but yeah he's a cute little baby dragon he's a min pin hard working patient and a friend to all lSH69G7__vg-00083-00057936-00058304 so i haven't quite figured out how i'm going to attach him to things but uh lSH69G7__vg-00084-00058304-00058776 you know maybe he'll be a shoulder sitter or a wrist sitter or whatever but right now he just lSH69G7__vg-00085-00058776-00059200 looks over my jewelry box and keeps it safe so that no one steals my jewelry as it was nearing lSH69G7__vg-00086-00059200-00059648 the end of our day there we were getting ready to head out but we did see peter from waves and lSH69G7__vg-00087-00059648-00060160 games he brought his daughters along and they had a great time too so first of all it was lSH69G7__vg-00088-00060160-00060784 nice to see another friendly face but uh they they managed to leave with a few pickups of their own lSH69G7__vg-00089-00060864-00061808 well hello good day sir good day ladies you wanna say hello lSH69G7__vg-00090-00061808-00062272 hello sarah this is tom he's not wearing regular clothes i know lSH69G7__vg-00091-00062504-00063184 we're just leaving so sarah what'd you get what kind of horse lSH69G7__vg-00092-00064032-00064872 there's princess crowns on it and then this is her carrot that's the carrot you got and this lSH69G7__vg-00093-00064872-00065792 is a norris carrot with the hound's toothpaste it's over here and anora got the green dragon lSH69G7__vg-00094-00065944-00066336 so yeah also sarah lost a tooth today while we were there so that was a very exciting time lSH69G7__vg-00095-00066416-00067112 there you have it nerd leans a quick look at the pickups from dragon fest 2021 we're already lSH69G7__vg-00096-00067112-00067704 ready and excited for dragon fest 2022 we cannot wait again please check out the video that shows lSH69G7__vg-00097-00067704-00068136 you a good look at the fairgrounds see some of the stuff that's happening some of the other cool lSH69G7__vg-00098-00068136-00068808 vendors a lot of really really cool stuff hey give the video a like if you happen to like it lSH69G7__vg-00099-00068808-00069360 check out the links in the description down below leave some comments down below subscribe lSH69G7__vg-00100-00069360-00069848 notification bell do all that stuff so you can keep following us on more rin fair adventures lSH69G7__vg-00101-00069848-00070368 and listen to lady lacey as she tells you don't forget to like us on facebook twitter lSH69G7__vg-00102-00070368-00070792 and instagram go over to t public because we've got merchandise over there head out lSH69G7__vg-00103-00070792-00071192 over under the retro refresh and check us out on that lovely little website lSH69G7__vg-00104-00071192-00071976 and if we like it we nerd it we just need uh mugs that refill themselves though we do lSH69G7__vg-00105-00071976-00072984 yeah we need some doctor strange love going on here oh oh well huzzah nerdlings lSH69G7__vg-00106-00074328-00074712 we haven't decided if we're going to take the felt off or not because we like the way it looks lSH69G7__vg-00107-00074712-00075320 just kind of charcuterie we're not going to take the felt off damn it sit down sit down lSH69G7__vg-00108-00075384-00075912 let's sit down we'll cuddle after the video okay i promise okay now it's time lSH69G7__vg-00109-00076296-00077184 no dragon that's not where you live lSH69G7__vg-00110-00080544-00080552 you lSQLxkOjejg-00000-00000330-00000710 Hello there. Over the last month I have continued to meet business people lSQLxkOjejg-00001-00000710-00001021 around the place I'm getting a good understanding of lSQLxkOjejg-00002-00001021-00001462 where people's concerns are. I've also received a briefing on the Inpex project lSQLxkOjejg-00003-00001462-00001832 and a bit of an understanding about how it will be gearing up over the coming months. lSQLxkOjejg-00004-00001832-00002341 The NT Training Awards are open and nominations close on 2nd of May. lSQLxkOjejg-00005-00002341-00002780 If you know any outstanding apprentices or vocational student's, people in training, lSQLxkOjejg-00006-00002786-00003132 please stop and think about them and nominate them for an award. lSQLxkOjejg-00007-00003132-00003684 They are really the future workforce of the Northern Territory. I also had a bit lSQLxkOjejg-00008-00003684-00003780 of a briefing on the Shell lSQLxkOjejg-00009-00003780-00004187 Prelude project. You may be aware that this will be the world's largest lSQLxkOjejg-00010-00004187-00004494 offshore floating LNG plant when it's established. lSQLxkOjejg-00011-00004494-00004826 I'm please to say that the project has chosen lSQLxkOjejg-00012-00004826-00005216 the East Arm Industrial Park as it's onshore base here. lSQLxkOjejg-00013-00005216-00005535 Local businesses can look forward to lSQLxkOjejg-00014-00005535-00005937 having some opportunities to be involved in supply of goods and services for the lSQLxkOjejg-00015-00005937-00006007 project. lSQLxkOjejg-00016-00006007-00006396 If you want some assistance in developing capability statements lSQLxkOjejg-00017-00006396-00006770 please contact our business advisory services for some assistance. lSQLxkOjejg-00018-00006770-00007343 The Department continues to provide a lot on the ground support for businesses lSQLxkOjejg-00019-00007343-00007406 in Gove. lSQLxkOjejg-00020-00007406-00007906 Graeme Kevern is on the spot in Gove and is available to meet with businesses. lSQLxkOjejg-00021-00007906-00008292 I'm happy to say we've relaxed some of the entry requirements lSQLxkOjejg-00022-00008292-00008707 for our programs for businesses in Gove to make them easier to access. lSQLxkOjejg-00023-00008707-00009079 The next meeting of the Business Advisory Council will be held in Gove lSQLxkOjejg-00024-00009079-00009170 in early April. lSQLxkOjejg-00025-00009170-00009545 I'm looking forward to catching up with as many businesses as possible while I'm there. lSQLxkOjejg-00026-00009545-00009904 Regular watchers of the business bulletin lSQLxkOjejg-00027-00009904-00010257 may recall that last year there was a presentation lSQLxkOjejg-00028-00010257-00010618 on the red tape reduction Advocate. Recently lSQLxkOjejg-00029-00010618-00011059 I met a business in Darwin who'd had successful outcomes from being lSQLxkOjejg-00030-00011059-00011461 involved with the Advocate. The business was involved in the maritime industry in lSQLxkOjejg-00031-00011461-00011522 Darwin lSQLxkOjejg-00032-00011522-00011961 and one of their employees let one of their occupational licences lapse. lSQLxkOjejg-00033-00011961-00012371 When they contacted the licensing authority they were told that the educational lSQLxkOjejg-00034-00012371-00012543 requirements would need to be repeated. lSQLxkOjejg-00035-00012543-00012991 I'm pleased to say the business contacted the red tape reduction Advocate lSQLxkOjejg-00036-00012991-00013345 and a successful outcome was negotiated involving the company lSQLxkOjejg-00037-00013345-00013778 and the licensing authority so if you've got a similar problem lSQLxkOjejg-00038-00013778-00014118 or have concerns about red tape in the Northern Territory generally lSQLxkOjejg-00039-00014118-00014637 don't hesitate to contact the Advocate. We've got a 1-800 number you can contact lSQLxkOjejg-00040-00014637-00014981 it is 1 800 754 lSQLxkOjejg-00041-00014981-00015422 466. Our Advocate is in a state of cat like readiness lSQLxkOjejg-00042-00015422-00015751 waiting for your call. Until next month, thanks very much. lSSOMkj3crA-00000-00000000-00002819 [Upbeat Music] lULbW7FA-8y-00000-00000042-00000390 Trying to figure out what to wear tomorrow based on the weather? lULbW7FA-8y-00001-00000394-00000654 You'll probably check a weather forecasting app, right! lULbW7FA-8y-00002-00000674-00000819 Now pretend you're a farmer lULbW7FA-8y-00003-00000836-00001174 and you're trying to figure out what crop will be the most profitable lULbW7FA-8y-00004-00001190-00001474 to plant next year, based on the weather. lULbW7FA-8y-00005-00001540-00001664 What about 50 years from now? lULbW7FA-8y-00006-00001738-00002038 Instead of checking a short-term weather forecast for these answers, lULbW7FA-8y-00007-00002092-00002442 scientists are working to advance the field of ecological forecasting. lULbW7FA-8y-00008-00002476-00002874 Ecological forecasting is similar to weather forecasting lULbW7FA-8y-00009-00002874-00003208 but instead of only predicting weather a couple days out lULbW7FA-8y-00010-00003208-00003590 ecological forecasting attempts to predict environmental conditions lULbW7FA-8y-00011-00003606-00004142 based on interactions between organisms and their environment on a longer time scale. lULbW7FA-8y-00012-00004156-00004448 Ecological forecasting is really important because it can lULbW7FA-8y-00013-00004448-00004790 provide a glimpse into the future state of an ecosystem lULbW7FA-8y-00014-00004790-00005126 from wild lands like forests and marshes to lULbW7FA-8y-00015-00005126-00005416 manage lands like farms and cities. lULbW7FA-8y-00016-00005492-00005912 This sort of forecasting will help landowners and policymakers anticipate upcoming lULbW7FA-8y-00017-00005912-00006240 environmental change and possibly mitigate the impacts. lULbW7FA-8y-00018-00006274-00006852 To be able to forecast how an ecosystem will be in the future, scientists used data collected lULbW7FA-8y-00019-00006852-00007162 from the past and present, in combination with models. lULbW7FA-8y-00020-00007162-00007372 No, not those kind of models! lULbW7FA-8y-00021-00007418-00007836 Ecological forecasting models are a series of equations produced by scientists lULbW7FA-8y-00022-00007836-00008218 that are fed data about air, land, and water. lULbW7FA-8y-00023-00008286-00008814 Organizations, like NEON, provide these data freely so that scientists can produce forecasts lULbW7FA-8y-00024-00008814-00009040 on how an ecosystem will be in the future. lULbW7FA-8y-00025-00009040-00009266 But how can we know if the forecasts these models produce will be accurate? lULbW7FA-8y-00026-00009266-00010006 On a short timescale, scientists can build a forecasting model that will make a prediction lULbW7FA-8y-00027-00010036-00010562 about the near future say 4 months from now. After the four months have passed, they can compare the lULbW7FA-8y-00028-00010563-00010996 predictions to what actually happened and use those observations to improve the model. lULbW7FA-8y-00029-00010998-00011578 Each iteration allows scientists to peek further into the future of that ecosystem. lULbW7FA-8y-00030-00011696-00012184 This is similar to how the National Weather Service began its forecasting process in the 50s. lULbW7FA-8y-00031-00012184-00012788 Back then, scientists were predicting the 36-hour forecast with about 23% accuracy. lULbW7FA-8y-00032-00012788-00012958 [clip: The odds are way against it.] lULbW7FA-8y-00033-00012958-00013394 The more weather forecasts were produced and compared with actual data, The Weather Service has lULbW7FA-8y-00034-00013394-00013997 been able to adjust and improve its 36-hour forecasting model to be almost 85% accurate. lULbW7FA-8y-00035-00014112-00014497 One useful application for ecological forecasting could be to lULbW7FA-8y-00036-00014497-00014808 predict corn production in Iowa ten years from now, lULbW7FA-8y-00037-00014841-00015182 another might be forecasting the types of disease-carrying mosquitoes that will lULbW7FA-8y-00038-00015182-00015372 live in New York in 50 years lULbW7FA-8y-00039-00015469-00015996 Waiting that long to compare projections to the results just isn't feasible for advancing this science. lULbW7FA-8y-00040-00016058-00016566 An alternative is to build a model based on a historical time period, lULbW7FA-8y-00041-00016566-00017076 like using data collected from 1960 to build a model about what would happen 50 years later. lULbW7FA-8y-00042-00017076-00017420 And since we already have that data from 2010, we can test it. lULbW7FA-8y-00043-00017420-00017976 These types of comparisons allow scientists to continually improve the accuracy of their models lULbW7FA-8y-00044-00017976-00018150 and reduce the amount of uncertainty in them. lULbW7FA-8y-00045-00018312-00018772 Uncertainties in the models are the variables that scientists can't fully account for lULbW7FA-8y-00046-00018772-00019017 but that's not to say they can't eventually be with lULbW7FA-8y-00047-00019018-00019111 new technology, lULbW7FA-8y-00048-00019122-00019214 more data, and lULbW7FA-8y-00049-00019240-00019352 discoveries lULbW7FA-8y-00050-00019352-00019982 Uncertainties are an essential part of ecological forecasting because they help to define boundaries lULbW7FA-8y-00051-00019998-00020204 on the forecasted state of the ecosystem. lULbW7FA-8y-00052-00020234-00020814 The more uncertainty in the model the less scientists can decisively project the future state of the ecosystem. lULbW7FA-8y-00053-00020852-00021510 As the model projection extends into the future, the uncertainty around the forecast also increases. lULbW7FA-8y-00054-00021510-00021984 But, like the weather forecasting models have shown, with each forecast, test, and update lULbW7FA-8y-00055-00021984-00022338 uncertainties decrease and accuracy improve. lULbW7FA-8y-00056-00022338-00022942 With that, we know more about the range of scenarios that will not happen and the scenarios that are likely lULbW7FA-8y-00057-00022942-00023206 to happen become easier to identify. lULbW7FA-8y-00058-00023248-00023710 As we move toward the future and ecological forecasting becomes more accurate lULbW7FA-8y-00059-00023710-00024290 scientists can better address processes like making forecasts for how an ecosystem will react lULbW7FA-8y-00060-00024308-00024850 if we institute a policy to reduce greenhouse emissions by 25 percent by the year 2040. lULbW7FA-8y-00061-00025074-00025514 So pulling it all together, ecological forecasting is a really useful way to gain lULbW7FA-8y-00062-00025514-00025812 a better understanding of our ecosystems and how they are changing. lULbW7FA-8y-00063-00025868-00026374 It's a way scientists are helping policymakers and landowners take a peek into the future lULbW7FA-8y-00064-00026388-00026627 to anticipate major environmental change. lULbW7FA-8y-00065-00026672-00026882 Like the weather service models have shown, lULbW7FA-8y-00066-00026882-00027292 ecological forecasting accuracy will improve through time lULbW7FA-8y-00067-00027292-00027692 as more predictions are made test it against actual data and then refined. lULbW7FA-8y-00068-00027772-00028214 As a result, ecological forecasts will inform planning efforts that allow lULbW7FA-8y-00069-00028216-00028650 humans and the environment to thrive moving forward. lcp_jI8gMku-00000-00000012-00000366 All right. So today we are making baby food in your Vitamix. lcp_jI8gMku-00001-00000369-00000596 The first thing is that you want to pick one ingredient. lcp_jI8gMku-00002-00000600-00000825 You want to make sure that you're testing for allergies. lcp_jI8gMku-00003-00000827-00001151 So once you've picked that ingredient you're going to steam it. lcp_jI8gMku-00004-00001161-00001422 Steaming helps keep all the nutrients in. lcp_jI8gMku-00005-00001433-00001719 You're gonna blend with either breast milk or formula. lcp_jI8gMku-00006-00001725-00002228 Remember that that's all that they've had at this point so you want to make it's as smooth as possible. lcp_jI8gMku-00007-00002238-00002706 You're making really small batches. You never know what your kiddo is going to like or not like. lcp_jI8gMku-00008-00002727-00002957 And they're not going to eat purees for that long. lcp_jI8gMku-00009-00002982-00003639 Once you've blended, you want to freeze. So you're going to put your blend in a small silicone tray. lcp_jI8gMku-00010-00003651-00004074 I use these silicone trays because they're much easier to pop out than a traditional tray. lcp_jI8gMku-00011-00004086-00004728 And I'm using the really small cube size because the serving portion is going to be really small once you start. lcp_jI8gMku-00012-00004746-00005226 So once it's frozen you're going to pop out the portion that you need the night before. lcp_jI8gMku-00013-00005247-00005631 Put it in a little container and put it in the refrigerator to thaw overnight. lcp_jI8gMku-00014-00005642-00006144 If you need a quick thaw, my method is filling a glass bowl with hot water, lcp_jI8gMku-00015-00006144-00006344 putting another glass container with a couple of cubes frozen cubes in it, and then letting it sit in that hot water. lcp_jI8gMku-00016-00006726-00006998 Within a couple of minutes, you'll have thawed baby food. lcp_jI8gMku-00017-00007017-00007377 And then the last step is to label the food that you made. lcp_jI8gMku-00018-00007392-00007910 You want to label what ingredient you used and when you made it because mom brain is real. lcp_jI8gMku-00019-00007920-00008276 So if you like this video hit the thumbs up and subscribe to our channel if you haven't already. lcp_jI8gMku-00020-00008276-00008476 Thanks so much for watching. See you next time. lcrV8YuodIu-00000-00002462-00002843 Hello again, let’s continue analyzing Cervantes’s lcrV8YuodIu-00001-00002843-00002949 masterpiece. lcrV8YuodIu-00002-00002949-00003554 Chapter thirty-five concludes the hunting episode with the arrival of Merlin and Dulcinea. lcrV8YuodIu-00003-00003554-00004105 Note that the Devil had said Dulcinea would arrive in the company of Montesinos. lcrV8YuodIu-00004-00004105-00004407 Is this another of Cervantes’s supposed errors? lcrV8YuodIu-00005-00004407-00004823 As we shall see, the answer is no. lcrV8YuodIu-00006-00004823-00005121 At first, SP’s optimism seems confirmed. lcrV8YuodIu-00007-00005121-00005646 Unlike the three foreboding carts of the previous chapter, Merlin and Dulcinea arrive atop a lcrV8YuodIu-00008-00005646-00006351 triumphant cart pulled, not by oxen, but by six “brown mules” covered in white cloth lcrV8YuodIu-00009-00006351-00006577 and ridden by penitents. lcrV8YuodIu-00010-00006577-00007114 The penitents carry large wax torches and are also dressed in white. lcrV8YuodIu-00011-00007114-00007819 The description of Dulcinea is exotic: “a nymph, adorned with a thousand veils of silver lcrV8YuodIu-00012-00007819-00008190 cloth, all of them shining forth infinite leaves of gold sequins.” lcrV8YuodIu-00013-00008190-00008811 The narrator specifies that she is between sixteen and twenty years old. lcrV8YuodIu-00014-00008811-00009039 This is now also erotic. lcrV8YuodIu-00015-00009039-00009414 Careful, though; Cervantes is setting us up. lcrV8YuodIu-00016-00009414-00009949 Pessimism invades the scene when a figure dressed in black and seated next to the girl lcrV8YuodIu-00017-00009949-00010489 stands up and, removing his robe and veil, “revealed nothing less than the very figure lcrV8YuodIu-00018-00010489-00010847 of Death, emaciated and hideous.” lcrV8YuodIu-00019-00010847-00011482 This figure of “living Death” recites a long poem composed of epic eleven-syllable lcrV8YuodIu-00020-00011482-00011775 verses with little to no rhyme-scheme. lcrV8YuodIu-00021-00011776-00011826 He proclaims that he is Merlin, rumored to be the son of the Devil and “prince of magic lcrV8YuodIu-00022-00011826-00012792 and monarch / and archive of the Zoroastrian science.” lcrV8YuodIu-00023-00014402-00014994 Note how a note of optimism returns when Merlin says he cares greatly for knights-errant. lcrV8YuodIu-00024-00014995-00015672 He tells how he learned of Dulcinea’s “transformation from genteel damsel / into a peasant girl” lcrV8YuodIu-00025-00015672-00016274 and says that he has come “to give the proper remedy / to such great woe.” lcrV8YuodIu-00026-00016274-00016923 Merlin praises DQ as a Spanish warrior and now we learn how Dulcinea is to be disenchanted: lcrV8YuodIu-00027-00016923-00017523 “for her to recover her prior state, / the peerless Dulcinea del Toboso, / it is necessary lcrV8YuodIu-00028-00017523-00018083 that Sancho, your squire, / give himself three thousand and three hundred lashes / upon his lcrV8YuodIu-00029-00018083-00018414 two hindquarters / exposed to the open air.” lcrV8YuodIu-00030-00018414-00019276 Wait, does that mean SP must lash each of his ass cheeks 3,300 times for a total of lcrV8YuodIu-00031-00019276-00019478 6,600 lashes? lcrV8YuodIu-00032-00019478-00019995 SP’s reaction is hilarious: “To hell with that way of disenchanting! lcrV8YuodIu-00033-00019995-00020434 I don’t see what my backsides have to do with enchantments!” lcrV8YuodIu-00034-00020434-00021015 He says that if Merlin can find no other way to save Dulcinea, then “she can go enchanted lcrV8YuodIu-00035-00021015-00021179 to the grave!” lcrV8YuodIu-00036-00021179-00021621 Angry, DQ deploys the formal address. lcrV8YuodIu-00037-00021621-00022196 Note also that our knight has realized that there are two ways to count SP’s lashes: lcrV8YuodIu-00038-00022196-00022401 “I shall take you... lcrV8YuodIu-00039-00022401-00023071 sir Vileness stuffed with garlic, and I shall tie you to a tree, as naked as when your mother lcrV8YuodIu-00040-00023071-00023662 bore you, where I shall give you not three thousand and three hundred but, rather, six lcrV8YuodIu-00041-00023662-00024009 thousand and six hundred lashes.” lcrV8YuodIu-00042-00024009-00024609 Recall the fate of the shepherd boy Andrés, tied to a tree and whipped by his master Juan lcrV8YuodIu-00043-00024609-00024709 Haldudo. lcrV8YuodIu-00044-00024709-00025173 The novel has come full circle from DQ 1.4. lcrV8YuodIu-00045-00025173-00025880 Now Merlin intercedes in favor of SP: “It shall not to be that way, for the lashes that lcrV8YuodIu-00046-00025880-00026508 good Sancho has to receive must be voluntary, and not by force, and in the time that he lcrV8YuodIu-00047-00026508-00026663 wishes.” lcrV8YuodIu-00048-00026663-00027131 This is crucial: Merlin insists on a fundamental natural law. lcrV8YuodIu-00049-00027131-00027780 SP is not to be treated like a slave; he must freely accept his lashes! lcrV8YuodIu-00050-00029817-00030548 SP refuses with a Latin term used by priests to renounce Satan during exorcisms: “me, lcrV8YuodIu-00051-00030548-00030683 lash myself...? lcrV8YuodIu-00052-00030683-00030810 Abernuncio! lcrV8YuodIu-00053-00030810-00031041 I renounce thee!” lcrV8YuodIu-00054-00031041-00031552 At this moment, the narrator has Dulcinea, “the silver nymph,” stand up, remove her lcrV8YuodIu-00055-00031552-00031948 veil, and direct a long speech against SP. lcrV8YuodIu-00056-00031948-00032360 She reprimands him for his selfishness and cowardice. lcrV8YuodIu-00057-00032360-00032820 She could understand his reluctance if they were asking him to kill his family “with lcrV8YuodIu-00058-00032820-00033158 some sharp and horrifying scimitar.” lcrV8YuodIu-00059-00033158-00033345 But this is not the case. lcrV8YuodIu-00060-00033345-00033952 She shouts at SP, echoing the theme of the squire as analogous to his own ass: “miserable lcrV8YuodIu-00061-00033952-00034120 and hardened animal!” lcrV8YuodIu-00062-00034120-00034896 Moreover, when Dulcinea asks SP to look into her eyes, she inverts the Duchess’s phrase lcrV8YuodIu-00063-00034896-00035637 at the end of DQ 2.33: “fix, I say, those eyes of a frightened little owl on these pupils lcrV8YuodIu-00064-00035637-00035865 of mine.” lcrV8YuodIu-00065-00035865-00036368 She laments her altered state, as her youth “is consumed and withered under the bark-like lcrV8YuodIu-00066-00036368-00036969 skin of a rustic peasant girl,” explaining that if she appears beautiful now, it’s lcrV8YuodIu-00067-00036969-00037500 only because Merlin has made an exception so that SP will submit. lcrV8YuodIu-00068-00037500-00038097 Her final point is that if SP will not free her on her own account, then he should do lcrV8YuodIu-00069-00038097-00038697 so on behalf of his master: “do it for that poor knight that you see at your side.” lcrV8YuodIu-00070-00038697-00039256 Turning mundanely funny, she claims DQ is so anxious that his soul is trapped between lcrV8YuodIu-00071-00039256-00039476 his stomach and his mouth. lcrV8YuodIu-00072-00039476-00040200 Hilariously, DQ checks his throat and concurs: “I have my soul stuck in my throat, like lcrV8YuodIu-00073-00040200-00040343 the nut of a crossbow.” lcrV8YuodIu-00074-00040343-00041030 SP is also trapped, between his master and Dulcinea, and between the Duke and the Duchess. lcrV8YuodIu-00075-00041030-00041688 Like Dulcinea, the Duchess insists that SP answer, and like DQ, the Duke corrects his lcrV8YuodIu-00076-00041688-00041974 mispronunciation of “abrenuncio”. lcrV8YuodIu-00077-00041974-00042367 Thank you for joining me in this chapter. lcrV8YuodIu-00078-00042367-00042712 Hope you can join me in the next one too. ldda26cByBQ-00000-00000003-00000298 Well, enzymes don't act in isolation. Biological ldda26cByBQ-00001-00000298-00000574 catalysts are not in the cell, isolated from other ldda26cByBQ-00002-00000574-00000869 reactions. Ttypically they're part of biochemical ldda26cByBQ-00003-00000869-00001078 pathways, such as the one shown here, where ldda26cByBQ-00004-00001078-00001450 A is converted to B by enzyme 1, B to C by enzyme 2, ldda26cByBQ-00005-00001450-00001639 C to E by enzyme 3. and so on. ldda26cByBQ-00006-00001639-00001930 As molecules of A build up. it's possible that one ldda26cByBQ-00007-00001932-00002262 of them might actually go back and bind to enzyme1, ldda26cByBQ-00008-00002262-00002510 changing its shape and preventing it from acting. ldda26cByBQ-00009-00002510-00002762 That's called feedback inhibition, which is a very ldda26cByBQ-00010-00002762-00003010 common way of regulating enzymes to control the ldda26cByBQ-00011-00003016-00003411 levels of, in this case, E, in a cell .So when E builds up, ldda26cByBQ-00012-00003414-00003650 when the final product of this pathway builds up, ldda26cByBQ-00013-00003650-00003929 very characteristically some of those molecules ldda26cByBQ-00014-00003929-00004248 go back and bind to an enzyme early in the pathway, ldda26cByBQ-00015-00004248-00004576 changing its shape, thus inhibiting it, That's called ldda26cByBQ-00016-00004576-00004840 'feedback inhibition'. It is a reversible phenomenon, ldda26cByBQ-00017-00004840-00005122 so that when levels of E drop because the cell is ldda26cByBQ-00018-00005126-00005382 using it for some purpose, the E molecule that is ldda26cByBQ-00019-00005384-00005650 bound to the enzyme 1 would actually come off, ldda26cByBQ-00020-00005650-00005912 and then the pathway could resume at full speed. ldda26cByBQ-00021-00005914-00006232 So we control enzymes by in fact controlling their shape ldda26cByBQ-00022-00006232-00006504 by allosteric regulation, as I indicated earlier. ldda26cByBQ-00023-00006508-00006768 so here we have the enzyme and substrate and ldda26cByBQ-00024-00006768-00007022 we have an 'allosteric effector' which in this case ldda26cByBQ-00025-00007022-00007294 is going to bind to the enzyme at a site other than the ldda26cByBQ-00026-00007294-00007568 active site. Bbut it's going to cause a change in shape ldda26cByBQ-00027-00007580-00007866 at the active site, which prevents the substrate from ldda26cByBQ-00028-00007866-00008181 even attaching to the enzyme. So the inactive ldda26cByBQ-00029-00008181-00008584 enzyme isn't no longer able to bind the substrate, lf2NsjsDFyE-00000-00000064-00000377 In this module, we learned about igneous rocks, lf2NsjsDFyE-00001-00000377-00000827 so these crystalline assemblages that are formed lf2NsjsDFyE-00002-00000827-00001310 from lavas and magmas that have crystallized, lf2NsjsDFyE-00003-00001310-00001599 either beneath or at the surface of the earth. lf2NsjsDFyE-00004-00001599-00001855 These are made up of silicate minerals lf2NsjsDFyE-00005-00001855-00002160 that are very resistant to weathering, lf2NsjsDFyE-00006-00002160-00002544 and they're also very, very hard. lf2NsjsDFyE-00007-00002544-00002814 So the physical properties of these rocks lf2NsjsDFyE-00008-00002814-00003044 is an amalgamation of the physical properties lf2NsjsDFyE-00009-00003044-00003345 of the minerals that make them up. lf2NsjsDFyE-00010-00003345-00003561 But in summary, they come together lf2NsjsDFyE-00011-00003561-00003952 to form a very hard, very resilient, lf2NsjsDFyE-00012-00003952-00004352 very lasting rock that will be around lf2NsjsDFyE-00013-00004438-00004773 for geological time scales, which lf2NsjsDFyE-00014-00004773-00005071 are on the order of millions, hundreds lf2NsjsDFyE-00015-00005071-00005293 of millions of years. lf2NsjsDFyE-00016-00005293-00005717 I've seen basalts that are over two billion years old. lf2NsjsDFyE-00017-00005717-00005878 So we're talking about stuff that lf2NsjsDFyE-00018-00005878-00006077 could stick around for a long, long time here. lf2NsjsDFyE-00019-00006077-00006249 And this comes into play in some lf2NsjsDFyE-00020-00006249-00006544 of the ways in which it's used in art history. lf2NsjsDFyE-00021-00006544-00006878 Very much so, yes as I hope you have lf2NsjsDFyE-00022-00006963-00007234 noticed, the common thread running lf2NsjsDFyE-00023-00007234-00007556 through our case studies is that all lf2NsjsDFyE-00024-00007556-00007943 of the works we've looked at were meant to be permanent. lf2NsjsDFyE-00025-00007943-00008265 And in the case of some of these sculptures, lf2NsjsDFyE-00026-00008265-00008669 we actually have inscriptions on them lf2NsjsDFyE-00027-00008669-00008891 from ancient Euro-Eastern rulers lf2NsjsDFyE-00028-00008891-00009178 that said, I chose to have this made, lf2NsjsDFyE-00029-00009178-00009663 not of gold, not of bronze, not of lapis, lf2NsjsDFyE-00030-00009663-00009919 which was very expensive. lf2NsjsDFyE-00031-00009919-00010268 But instead of basalt or of diorite lf2NsjsDFyE-00032-00010268-00010536 so that it would last forever. lf2NsjsDFyE-00033-00010536-00010798 And it's that lasting forever lf2NsjsDFyE-00034-00010798-00010967 that is one of the most important lf2NsjsDFyE-00035-00010967-00011193 commonalities that we have. lf2NsjsDFyE-00036-00011193-00011503 And that comes with a difficult side, lf2NsjsDFyE-00037-00011503-00011710 as I hope you also noticed. lf2NsjsDFyE-00038-00011710-00012055 4D artist, because unlike some lf2NsjsDFyE-00039-00012055-00012326 of the softer rocks that we're going lf2NsjsDFyE-00040-00012326-00012799 to investigate next, it is very difficult lf2NsjsDFyE-00041-00012799-00013178 to work with diorite and basalt, lf2NsjsDFyE-00042-00013178-00013316 here's my diorite. lf2NsjsDFyE-00043-00013316-00013747 And with porphyry, you have to work lf2NsjsDFyE-00044-00013747-00014143 it punching into it perpendicularly, lf2NsjsDFyE-00045-00014143-00014319 rather than being able to kind lf2NsjsDFyE-00046-00014319-00014575 of slice it off or shave into lf2NsjsDFyE-00047-00014575-00015036 it the way that you can work with tools in marble. lf2NsjsDFyE-00048-00015036-00015353 And so there is an extra level lf2NsjsDFyE-00049-00015353-00015704 of effort and of difficulty just lf2NsjsDFyE-00050-00015704-00016032 in shaping and forming it. lf2NsjsDFyE-00051-00016032-00016283 But then the payoff is that permanence. lin2GNGQbzy-00000-00000311-00000581 Hello, I'm Colin and here are today's headlines from Pinksixty, lin2GNGQbzy-00001-00000581-00000932 The weekend's Polish election has delivered Europe's first trans MP into office. lin2GNGQbzy-00002-00000932-00001332 Anna Grodzka, represents the Palikot Movement, which supports gay marriage, abortion and lin2GNGQbzy-00003-00001332-00001479 the easing of some drug laws. lin2GNGQbzy-00004-00001479-00001887 The party came third, in the country which operates a proportional representation system. lin2GNGQbzy-00005-00001887-00002202 Four of the nine suspects on trial for the murder of a South African lesbian have been lin2GNGQbzy-00006-00002202-00002447 found guilty after an epic court case. lin2GNGQbzy-00007-00002447-00002904 Zoliswa Nkonyana, was stabbed to death in Cape Town after refusing to use a male toilet. lin2GNGQbzy-00008-00002904-00003306 A leading Australian rugby player has made a stand against his homeland's ban on same-sex lin2GNGQbzy-00009-00003306-00003604 marriaqe - by refusing to wed his girlfriend until the law is changed. lin2GNGQbzy-00010-00003604-00003965 David Pocock said: "I don't see what the big deal is with the whole gay marriage debate lin2GNGQbzy-00011-00003965-00004105 in Australia. lin2GNGQbzy-00012-00004105-00004566 Sunday's Rio Pride saw revellers with rainbow flags and fancy dress costumes congregating lin2GNGQbzy-00013-00004566-00004914 on Copacabana beach to call for stronger laws against homophobia. lin2GNGQbzy-00014-00004914-00005372 Organisers had hoped for a 1.5m turnout but police say the number was nearer 700,000. lin2GNGQbzy-00015-00005372-00005718 And finally, October is LGBT History Month in the USA. lin2GNGQbzy-00016-00005718-00006146 Timed to coincide with Coming Out Day today, the month is dedicated to teaching about our lin2GNGQbzy-00017-00006146-00006515 cultural heritage and inspire those still in the closet to step into the light. lin2GNGQbzy-00018-00006515-00006620 Thats all from us today. lin2GNGQbzy-00019-00006620-00006704 Join us again tomorrow. lkoc8MuHieu-00000-00000567-00001091 She's kept a low profile as she continues to work on her music career lkoc8MuHieu-00001-00001208-00002157 Yet Megan McKenna proved she is still as down to earth as ever as she cleaned up after her pet dog, Daisy, during a walk in Essex on Wednesday. lkoc8MuHieu-00002-00002274-00003367 Worlds away from her typical glamour, the former TOWIE star, 25, proved she was a responsible dog owner as she enjoyed some fresh air on the outing lkoc8MuHieu-00003-00003484-00004618 Scroll down for video Megan opted for a low-key look for the stroll, teaming a pair of cropped black trousers with a padded coat, whilst she accessorised with a baseball cap and trainers lkoc8MuHieu-00004-00004735-00005667 Layering up, Megan couldn't resist injecting a touch of glamour as she draped herself in a Burberry scarf that added a splash of colour to her ensemble lkoc8MuHieu-00005-00005784-00006748 Allowing her stunning natural beauty to shine through on the outing, the star went make-up free and swept her glossy chestnut locks away from her pretty features lkoc8MuHieu-00006-00006865-00007903 Megan has been keeping a lower profile of yet as she quit The Only Way Is Essex last year following the ongoing drama surrounding her relationship with ex Pete Wicks. lkoc8MuHieu-00007-00008020-00009459 In a shocking statement released to The Sun, the ITVBe favourite said: 'I've absolutely loved my time on TOWIE, although this series has been emotionally draining so I need a break from all the drama and lies.' lkoc8MuHieu-00008-00009576-00010554 It came after Megan embarked on a chart-topping solo career, the start of which was closely documented on her reality show There's Something About Megan. lkoc8MuHieu-00009-00010671-00011527 The Essex native insisted her departure would see her focus on her music rather than the endless dramas she is involved in on the show. lkoc8MuHieu-00010-00011644-00012653 She continued: 'My music is really important to me and I just want to focus as much of my time on that as possible but I'd like to think I might return at some point lkoc8MuHieu-00011-00012770-00013328 I'd like to thank everyone at Lime Pictures and ITV for their ongoing support.' lkoc8MuHieu-00012-00013444-00014913 Megan's dreams became a reality last year when her two debut singles rocketed to top of the iTunes chart just 24 hours after their release - even knocking $250million superstar Taylor Swift off the number one spot. lkoc8MuHieu-00013-00015030-00016402 Speaking exclusively to MailOnline about her success, the 'overwhelmed' reality star admitted she would be flattered if the Love Story singer targeted her in her next revenge single, laughing: 'That would be a massive compliment!' lkoc8MuHieu-00014-00016519-00017547 Revealing that she's currently working on new material, Megan responded to a fan's tweet asking about songs on Wednesday by responding 'There will be soon xx' lmhGAmbbLqk-00000-00000003-00000384 what's up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the lmhGAmbbLqk-00001-00000384-00000878 problem but focus on the solution in this video the question is are you lmhGAmbbLqk-00002-00000878-00001475 addicted and what we're going to be using is a test from the National lmhGAmbbLqk-00003-00001475-00002018 Council on alcoholism and drug dependence all right now very quickly lmhGAmbbLqk-00004-00002018-00002598 this test can actually be used for just about anything what I mean by that lmhGAmbbLqk-00005-00002598-00003063 gambling addiction sex addiction food addiction smartphone addiction social lmhGAmbbLqk-00006-00003063-00003378 media addiction all these other things alright for the purpose of this video lmhGAmbbLqk-00007-00003378-00003789 we're going to focus on alcohol and drugs but there will be a link to this lmhGAmbbLqk-00008-00003789-00004262 test in the description below and if you feel that you might have a problem with lmhGAmbbLqk-00009-00004262-00004587 something else you can easily take this same test just lmhGAmbbLqk-00010-00004587-00005337 swap out what it is alright so when it comes to drug addiction alcoholism a lot lmhGAmbbLqk-00011-00005337-00005694 of myths a lot of misconceptions a lot of people don't know what separates an lmhGAmbbLqk-00012-00005694-00006137 addict from a non addict now one of the biggest issues is because people like to lmhGAmbbLqk-00013-00006137-00006564 use the word functioning addict and functioning not functioning doesn't lmhGAmbbLqk-00014-00006564-00007002 matter check out the link in the description I mean the info card there's lmhGAmbbLqk-00015-00007002-00007448 a video called rock bottom and check that out to get rid of that idea of lmhGAmbbLqk-00016-00007448-00007875 functioning so anyways this video might be a little bit longer because I'm gonna lmhGAmbbLqk-00017-00007875-00008475 hit on some details of this test but as you follow along the only thing you have lmhGAmbbLqk-00018-00008475-00009236 to do the only thing that you have to do is be 100% honest with yourself you can lmhGAmbbLqk-00019-00009236-00009507 lie to me you can lie to your friends you get a lot of your family you can lie lmhGAmbbLqk-00020-00009507-00009965 to your boss all you want all you have to do in this video is be honest with lmhGAmbbLqk-00021-00009965-00010524 yourself so let's get started alright question number one can you get through lmhGAmbbLqk-00022-00010524-00011132 the week without drinking or using alright there's a lot of people who have lmhGAmbbLqk-00023-00011132-00011682 a problem stopping but there's this false idea that we can control it so can lmhGAmbbLqk-00024-00011682-00012179 you go an entire week without drinking or use it are you always able to stop lmhGAmbbLqk-00025-00012179-00012603 when you want to this is a big one this is lmhGAmbbLqk-00026-00012603-00013035 the biggest questions this is where you need to be honest with yourself lmhGAmbbLqk-00027-00013035-00013680 can you stop when you want to okay addiction involves this this craving lmhGAmbbLqk-00028-00013680-00014283 that the average person doesn't get once we start we cannot stop what what this lmhGAmbbLqk-00029-00014283-00014631 means is how many times have you ever gone to the bar and said I'm only going lmhGAmbbLqk-00030-00014631-00015087 to have one or two but you ended up having five six seven eight however many lmhGAmbbLqk-00031-00015087-00015497 it is those of you who are using drugs prescription medications lmhGAmbbLqk-00032-00015497-00015951 more specifically that was one of my drugs of choice can you take them as lmhGAmbbLqk-00033-00015951-00016500 prescribed or do you need more and right now you might have some justifications lmhGAmbbLqk-00034-00016500-00016818 coming through your head like oh well I'm in more pain than what the doctor lmhGAmbbLqk-00035-00016818-00017238 prescribes me leave that out of the equation for right now just answer the lmhGAmbbLqk-00036-00017238-00017676 question honestly all right can you stop when you want to lmhGAmbbLqk-00037-00017676-00017943 all right don't give me that like well I don't lmhGAmbbLqk-00038-00017943-00018288 want to all right just be honest with yourself all right lmhGAmbbLqk-00039-00018288-00018875 question number three do you ever feel guilty about your drinking or drug use lmhGAmbbLqk-00040-00018875-00019335 just so you know this is not something that normal people feel guilty about lmhGAmbbLqk-00041-00019335-00020034 okay like do you ever feel bad for drinking for using typically you know my lmhGAmbbLqk-00042-00020034-00020420 experience was was because I was hiding it I was doing it when people weren't lmhGAmbbLqk-00043-00020420-00020838 looking and this actually plays into some of the following questions like lmhGAmbbLqk-00044-00020838-00021326 there was guilt associated with my drinking and using one of them being lmhGAmbbLqk-00045-00021326-00021789 drinking before work drinking during lunch using drugs at work these are lmhGAmbbLqk-00046-00021789-00022188 things that I felt guilty about all right being high around my son high lmhGAmbbLqk-00047-00022188-00022620 around my family all these things all right do your family or friends ever lmhGAmbbLqk-00048-00022620-00023204 complain about your drinking or using alright so get rid of any kind of bias lmhGAmbbLqk-00049-00023204-00023778 out of your head okay because I also want to make very clear check out some lmhGAmbbLqk-00050-00023778-00024257 of my other videos about the brain science of addiction addiction takes lmhGAmbbLqk-00051-00024257-00024794 control of our survival mechanism okay so when our drinking or using is lmhGAmbbLqk-00052-00024794-00025338 challenged we get on the defensive real quick alright so ask yourself honestly lmhGAmbbLqk-00053-00025338-00025833 do your family do your friends ever come about your drinking or drug use get rid lmhGAmbbLqk-00054-00025833-00026352 of all the other you know narrative in this situation just yes or no yes or no lmhGAmbbLqk-00055-00026352-00026830 that's it okay do they ever complain next this ties in with it lmhGAmbbLqk-00056-00026830-00027330 how's your drinking or drug use caused any issues with family or friends lmhGAmbbLqk-00057-00027330-00028030 similar but different what this means more is do you fight with your family lmhGAmbbLqk-00058-00028030-00028480 members when you're drunk do you fight with them when you're high okay has it lmhGAmbbLqk-00059-00028480-00029161 caused issues okay another example might be do as your family members ever given lmhGAmbbLqk-00060-00029161-00029595 you like an ultimatum like you need to quit drinking you need to quit using lmhGAmbbLqk-00061-00029595-00029986 drugs if you want to live in my house if your spouse has ever said you need to lmhGAmbbLqk-00062-00029986-00030526 stop or I'm going to leave have you neglected family or friends because of lmhGAmbbLqk-00063-00030526-00031077 your drinking or drug use this this is something that you know we do when we lmhGAmbbLqk-00064-00031077-00031618 have an addiction for example you're invited to a family gathering or lmhGAmbbLqk-00065-00031618-00032260 something like that but you're too drunk to go you're too high to go maybe you lmhGAmbbLqk-00066-00032260-00032851 have said no to some kind of gathering because you knew that you could not lmhGAmbbLqk-00067-00032851-00033445 drink there or you could not be hi there okay have you ever missed any type of lmhGAmbbLqk-00068-00033445-00034036 gathering because of your drinking or drug use have you lost a job because of lmhGAmbbLqk-00069-00034036-00034612 drinking you're using this one's big to me personally the first job I ever lost lmhGAmbbLqk-00070-00034612-00035083 from my drinking like I said the brain automatically hops on the defensive I lmhGAmbbLqk-00071-00035083-00035479 immediately got thoughts like oh the boss is out to get me these people lmhGAmbbLqk-00072-00035479-00035995 didn't like me anyways the reality was was that I lost that job lmhGAmbbLqk-00073-00035995-00036496 for failing a drug test okay so just answer this honestly have lmhGAmbbLqk-00074-00036496-00036931 you ever lost a job because of drinking or drug use another example is by the lmhGAmbbLqk-00075-00036931-00037414 way if you don't know me I have lost dozens of jobs back in my act of lmhGAmbbLqk-00076-00037414-00037939 addiction okay and not only did I fail drug tests but there were times when I lmhGAmbbLqk-00077-00037939-00038185 drank the night before like all night long lmhGAmbbLqk-00078-00038185-00038722 woke up late for work got there late got fired for it okay these are the things lmhGAmbbLqk-00079-00038722-00039050 that talking about next have you experienced lmhGAmbbLqk-00080-00039050-00039581 withdrawal symptoms when you stopped this is a big one too this is about lmhGAmbbLqk-00081-00039581-00040112 physical dependency when you drink or use an excess and now that I think about lmhGAmbbLqk-00082-00040112-00040580 I need to do a video on why withdrawal happens so remind me remind me to make a lmhGAmbbLqk-00083-00040580-00041219 video on that but when you stop drinking or using do you experience withdrawal my lmhGAmbbLqk-00084-00041219-00041777 drinking got to a point where right about around lunchtime my hand would lmhGAmbbLqk-00085-00041777-00042334 start shaking like this I was so ignorant to what withdrawal was I didn't lmhGAmbbLqk-00086-00042334-00042865 know what this meant I vomited a lot okay I was going through alcohol lmhGAmbbLqk-00087-00042865-00043346 withdrawal my body had become so dependent alcohol that I needed it lmhGAmbbLqk-00088-00043346-00043759 throughout the day as soon as the alcohol was metabolizing in my body my lmhGAmbbLqk-00089-00043759-00044041 body would start freaking out because it didn't know how to operate without it lmhGAmbbLqk-00090-00044041-00044525 same thing happens with drugs if any of you out there abuse opiates especially lmhGAmbbLqk-00091-00044525-00045094 prescription drugs whether it's pain medications or benzos like xanax or lmhGAmbbLqk-00092-00045094-00045615 value those have some brutal withdrawals - benzos you can even have seizures lmhGAmbbLqk-00093-00045615-00046366 opiate withdrawal is literally the worst aches pains nausea I will do a video on lmhGAmbbLqk-00094-00046366-00046819 withdrawal symptoms but go Google symptoms of withdrawal from whatever lmhGAmbbLqk-00095-00046819-00047296 substance you may or may not have a problem with and see if you are lmhGAmbbLqk-00096-00047296-00047806 experiencing any of those symptoms when you are not using because a physical lmhGAmbbLqk-00097-00047806-00048334 dependence like a Trump's most of the questions on here if you have developed lmhGAmbbLqk-00098-00048334-00048806 any kind of physical dependence to alcohol or drugs you got a problem lmhGAmbbLqk-00099-00048806-00049597 alright the very last question is have you had any medical problems because of lmhGAmbbLqk-00100-00049597-00050393 drinking or using okay the first time that I acknowledged my medical issues lmhGAmbbLqk-00101-00050393-00050783 was the day my son was born it was a very long labor my mom had me go down to lmhGAmbbLqk-00102-00050783-00051253 the emergency room because my feet were swollen they were swelling up and so lmhGAmbbLqk-00103-00051253-00051594 were like my calves right and I went down there and lmhGAmbbLqk-00104-00051594-00051894 the doctor he asked me a series of questions and one of them was like how lmhGAmbbLqk-00105-00051894-00052344 much do you drink and I told him the truth like whatever I like to get drunk lmhGAmbbLqk-00106-00052344-00052875 like I'm a young dude you know whatever and he said this is coming from your lmhGAmbbLqk-00107-00052875-00053391 drinking you need to stop so all I did was I started lying to all of the other lmhGAmbbLqk-00108-00053391-00053952 doctors that I ever saw after that so we lie to ourselves about these things okay lmhGAmbbLqk-00109-00053952-00054438 so you have to ask yourself have you had any medical issues because of your lmhGAmbbLqk-00110-00054438-00055070 drinking or using fact alcohol is literally like the most dangerous lmhGAmbbLqk-00111-00055070-00055589 substance when it comes to harming your innards okay lmhGAmbbLqk-00112-00055589-00056277 opioid overdose is a is a really quick death from overdose but alcoholism is lmhGAmbbLqk-00113-00056277-00056763 very long it has drawn out your body starts shutting down acting in different lmhGAmbbLqk-00114-00056763-00057138 ways like alcohol was one of the main reasons that I almost died five years lmhGAmbbLqk-00115-00057138-00057530 ago but it also had to do a little bit with my prescription painkiller lmhGAmbbLqk-00116-00057530-00057849 addiction and my cocaine addiction and all the other things I was putting in my lmhGAmbbLqk-00117-00057849-00058422 body alright so like I said the only thing I wanted you to do during these lmhGAmbbLqk-00118-00058422-00058854 questions was to just be honest with yourself I did skip over a couple of lmhGAmbbLqk-00119-00058854-00059180 these questions just for the sake of keeping this video nice and short lmhGAmbbLqk-00120-00059180-00059652 alright so make sure that you check out the link in the description below now lmhGAmbbLqk-00121-00059652-00060116 question is what do you do like let's say you answered yes to every single lmhGAmbbLqk-00122-00060116-00060795 question and by the way in order to have a problem with substances you only need lmhGAmbbLqk-00123-00060795-00061292 to score like a forty thirty percent of fifty percent on this test like if you lmhGAmbbLqk-00124-00061292-00061701 have like even four or five of the questions that I asked you if those lmhGAmbbLqk-00125-00061701-00062214 answers are yes like you really need to seek help so if you need help feel free lmhGAmbbLqk-00126-00062214-00062808 to reach out to me okay leave a comment I also have in the description all of my lmhGAmbbLqk-00127-00062808-00063312 social media links my email address you can get ahold of me let me know I will lmhGAmbbLqk-00128-00063312-00063840 provide you with resources alright this is for anybody who might be in other lmhGAmbbLqk-00129-00063840-00064191 countries I've been having people from the UK and Australia showing up to my lmhGAmbbLqk-00130-00064191-00064500 channel so please feel free to reach out I will help provide you with resources lmhGAmbbLqk-00131-00064500-00064974 also if you are in United States and you do not have health lmhGAmbbLqk-00132-00064974-00065529 insurance either way make sure you check out the info cards because I do have a lmhGAmbbLqk-00133-00065529-00066180 video about how you can go to rehab without insurance all right but if you lmhGAmbbLqk-00134-00066180-00066531 if you think that you have a problem if you think that a friend has a problem lmhGAmbbLqk-00135-00066531-00066918 hey even if you're just stumbled across this video and you think one of your lmhGAmbbLqk-00136-00066918-00067323 friends has a problem like please share with them alright but like I said I am lmhGAmbbLqk-00137-00067323-00067719 always available a lot of people have been getting a hold of me on Instagram lmhGAmbbLqk-00138-00067719-00068151 so I will make this lovely Instagram thing pop up again add me on Instagram lmhGAmbbLqk-00139-00068151-00068685 shoot me a DM if I can be of any help to you make sure you let me know but also lmhGAmbbLqk-00140-00068685-00069078 if you would like to just learn more about the science of the disease of lmhGAmbbLqk-00141-00069078-00069660 addiction this month the entire month of December you can get 50% off over at my lmhGAmbbLqk-00142-00069660-00070074 website the rewired soul calm on the science of addiction course just use lmhGAmbbLqk-00143-00070074-00070641 coupon code X miss 50 and you'll get 50% off so if you want to learn more go lmhGAmbbLqk-00144-00070641-00071219 check it out surprised this is part one okay I'm going to make a second video lmhGAmbbLqk-00145-00071219-00071934 talking about the spectrum of addiction and how to know what type of help you lmhGAmbbLqk-00146-00071934-00072594 need depending on how severe your addiction is okay so make sure if you lmhGAmbbLqk-00147-00072594-00072885 are new here hit the little brown subscribe button right below my lmhGAmbbLqk-00148-00072885-00073230 beautiful face right here hits a notification bell because I will be lmhGAmbbLqk-00149-00073230-00073647 making a follow-up also thanks for watching but check out some of the other lmhGAmbbLqk-00150-00073647-00073977 videos I have on this channel a lot of stuff to help you out with diction lmhGAmbbLqk-00151-00073977-00074316 mental illness and all that stuff but thanks for watching everybody I'll see lmhGAmbbLqk-00152-00074316-00074573 you next time m0s5H0riBEu-00000-00000117-00000344 this is a video tutorial in m0s5H0riBEu-00001-00000344-00000658 tracker four-point eight five m0s5H0riBEu-00002-00000658-00001161 too sure how you can interpret some of these motions in the m0s5H0riBEu-00003-00001161-00001604 right panel such as have lost in the explosion Yana X m0s5H0riBEu-00004-00001604-00002032 so this is a complex motion of the Pascale are being drawn x m0s5H0riBEu-00005-00002032-00002364 hitting a born in the heat in the crown eventually m0s5H0riBEu-00006-00002364-00002881 after several bones so this is why one of the ways you can interpret the data m0s5H0riBEu-00007-00002881-00003313 so i'd and checked on the velocity vector to allow the m0s5H0riBEu-00008-00003313-00003806 visualization up to velocity be close to question I asked was how can interpret m0s5H0riBEu-00009-00003806-00004375 the action view I soda many of these values are difficult to understand so by m0s5H0riBEu-00010-00004375-00004420 eight m0s5H0riBEu-00011-00004420-00004844 tracked by allowing the visualization of the velocity vector you can now see m0s5H0riBEu-00012-00004844-00005222 debt the velocity vector is quite short so I make have lost the effect that will m0s5H0riBEu-00013-00005222-00005292 be m0s5H0riBEu-00014-00005292-00005662 stretch by multiplying effect of six perhaps m0s5H0riBEu-00015-00005662-00006139 and see how old these can be overly on the real video m0s5H0riBEu-00016-00006139-00006464 so you can see that this very issue air or heat is m0s5H0riBEu-00017-00006464-00006859 to show you the magnitude and direction of the velocity m0s5H0riBEu-00018-00006859-00007187 which I actually is not sure what I was up all good I'll m0s5H0riBEu-00019-00007187-00007684 the vector so you can see at the bottom right corner of the m0s5H0riBEu-00020-00007684-00008081 screen diseased actually does velocity vector m0s5H0riBEu-00021-00008081-00008606 and HDD be X he said she devil also the exaction m0s5H0riBEu-00022-00008606-00009072 view why is that policy in a way to action so you can see day when the histo m0s5H0riBEu-00023-00009072-00009204 wall m0s5H0riBEu-00024-00009204-00009607 every bone loss Yoshida wall m0s5H0riBEu-00025-00009607-00010279 and he doled cope and this is where the velocity HD don't cause m0s5H0riBEu-00026-00010279-00010703 to the positive x asia's he conceded the PX now is positive m0s5H0riBEu-00027-00010703-00011059 and velocity vibration m0s5H0riBEu-00028-00011059-00011397 is actually beginning to be near zero by six false m0s5H0riBEu-00029-00011397-00011747 after the hope you can find at a velocity now get larger m0s5H0riBEu-00030-00011747-00012129 and a v8 is a chic Weiss more because days nor move m0s5H0riBEu-00031-00012129-00012615 move 10 the basketball in the exaction softer several bouncy were seeded m0s5H0riBEu-00032-00012615-00013181 HDTV X graph is a chick web meeting for because the greedy in here m0s5H0riBEu-00033-00013181-00013594 allows you to understand it the motion under free fall m0s5H0riBEu-00034-00013594-00014019 undergoes constant acceleration as illustrated by the street slang m0s5H0riBEu-00035-00014019-00014101 gradients m0s5H0riBEu-00036-00014101-00014477 in the PX Krash when the V m0s5H0riBEu-00037-00014477-00015081 white robe is relatively flat n0 southern ozone to feed m0s5H0riBEu-00038-00015081-00015600 and not teach you how you can only visual ID so it only took the m0s5H0riBEu-00039-00015600-00015969 pics BX and EX crash m0s5H0riBEu-00040-00015969-00016359 so they can see all dat or the tree quantities in this interaction m0s5H0riBEu-00041-00016359-00016881 say you can see that the shee starting from zero by slowly decreasing m0s5H0riBEu-00042-00016881-00017319 and you can see it is really a straight line so it seems to suggest it m0s5H0riBEu-00043-00017319-00017622 the Troy love a basketball he sexually m0s5H0riBEu-00044-00017622-00018004 abortion we don't any horizontal exploration m0s5H0riBEu-00045-00018004-00018519 hey when his the bought you can see that as a small harm in the exaction m0s5H0riBEu-00046-00018519-00018848 indicating that yes morph fall what m0s5H0riBEu-00047-00018848-00019279 to the right and we need to see more honey the movie is m0s5H0riBEu-00048-00019279-00019670 known relatively fairly constant exhortation by intervening m0s5H0riBEu-00049-00019670-00020120 the x-direction he conceded a follows that the israeli pretty fled m0s5H0riBEu-00050-00020120-00020555 about there some wolfman K on so I what is m0s5H0riBEu-00051-00020555-00020926 meaningfully in this case will be no let's look at the whiny m0s5H0riBEu-00052-00020926-00021243 the Y and he whiny m0s5H0riBEu-00053-00021243-00021562 so desire white pot typically m0s5H0riBEu-00054-00021562-00022073 term is useful physics to be analyzing a seat at the Y HTC increasing m0s5H0riBEu-00055-00022073-00022406 and increasing usage the m0s5H0riBEu-00056-00022406-00022548 the m0s5H0riBEu-00057-00022548-00022819 because he found a quiet gravity up m0s5H0riBEu-00058-00022819-00023204 a quadratic graph and m0s5H0riBEu-00059-00023204-00023736 he why should be greatest relatively at a value over negative 9.1 m0s5H0riBEu-00060-00023736-00024219 you can see from the greedy in but not so much from de- why they are so there's m0s5H0riBEu-00061-00024219-00024333 a lot of fluctuation m0s5H0riBEu-00062-00024333-00024674 I like behind his petition funded by: graph m0s5H0riBEu-00063-00024674-00025092 you need to let you look at the V wide I ve y graph m0s5H0riBEu-00064-00025092-00025428 to look at the gradient to determine the acceleration m0s5H0riBEu-00065-00025428-00025732 so at that m0s5H0riBEu-00066-00025732-00026177 point where a histogram you can see that shes several useful physics concept they m0s5H0riBEu-00067-00026177-00026291 can be illustrated m0s5H0riBEu-00068-00026291-00026591 so does his bit lower spine in the white graph m0s5H0riBEu-00069-00026591-00026960 and it is seeing the Y is start to m0s5H0riBEu-00070-00026960-00027395 increase from negative to positive value and in the e why it is a m0s5H0riBEu-00071-00027395-00027814 there's a very large pecan which gives you indication the very early after m0s5H0riBEu-00072-00027814-00027933 impact force m0s5H0riBEu-00073-00027933-00028475 because echoed a.m. eazy-e_ the wise large therefore FYE sludge m0s5H0riBEu-00074-00028475-00028822 get up to several bars again see that this I a typical m0s5H0riBEu-00075-00028822-00029004 sector is cool prof m2vdiWlU73I-00000-00000003-00000509 so the other day I made a video about Billy Eilish and her fans and I was m2vdiWlU73I-00001-00000509-00000933 talking about depression and thinking that maybe Billy Irish isn't such a good m2vdiWlU73I-00002-00000933-00002223 influence but now I'm thinking maybe she's not so bad what is up everybody m2vdiWlU73I-00003-00002223-00002576 this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but m2vdiWlU73I-00004-00002576-00003021 focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is for anybody m2vdiWlU73I-00005-00003021-00003339 who wants to improve their mental and emotional well-being so if any that m2vdiWlU73I-00006-00003339-00003812 stuff make sure you subscribe and bring that notification about and after I did m2vdiWlU73I-00007-00003812-00004173 one of my first Billy Eilis videos I had a bunch of people like yo Chris what are m2vdiWlU73I-00008-00004173-00004686 your thoughts on the songs Annie right and I think a lot of people you know m2vdiWlU73I-00009-00004686-00005136 comment on this song because I am a recovering drug addict my drug of choice m2vdiWlU73I-00010-00005136-00005637 was prescription medications my specific drug of choice is actually opioids no m2vdiWlU73I-00011-00005637-00006155 which were painkillers and xanax aka xanny that is you know a m2vdiWlU73I-00012-00006155-00006465 benzodiazepine that wasn't really my thing I messed around with them a little m2vdiWlU73I-00013-00006465-00006984 bit wasn't a huge fan just kind of numb you out zombie you out and that just was m2vdiWlU73I-00014-00006984-00007476 not my thing and I am on an antidepressant anti-anxiety medication m2vdiWlU73I-00015-00007476-00008136 which is called lexapro which is a non narcotic medication and just xeni in in m2vdiWlU73I-00016-00008136-00008631 particular like it is trying to calm down anxiety faster but the problem is m2vdiWlU73I-00017-00008631-00009024 is that it could be addictive and a lot of people who become addicted to it also m2vdiWlU73I-00018-00009024-00009629 mix it with other things like alcohol which increases the risk of an overdose m2vdiWlU73I-00019-00009629-00010047 and the other issue is is that some people who are buying zandi's on the m2vdiWlU73I-00020-00010047-00010488 street they're being mixed with fentanyl and fitnah is an extremely extremely m2vdiWlU73I-00021-00010488-00010997 powerful opioid which is much stronger than heroin and that's what I believe m2vdiWlU73I-00022-00010997-00011472 little peep passed away from alright anyways I will talk about this song zani m2vdiWlU73I-00023-00011472-00011895 I'm gonna go over the lyrics first and then I want to talk about how maybe m2vdiWlU73I-00024-00011895-00012513 Billy Eilish isn't so bad of a role model alright so this first part says m2vdiWlU73I-00025-00012513-00012768 what is it about them I must be missing something m2vdiWlU73I-00026-00012768-00013153 they just keep doing nothing too intoxicated to be scared m2vdiWlU73I-00027-00013153-00013594 better off without them they're nothing but unstable bring ashtrays to the table m2vdiWlU73I-00028-00013594-00014019 and that's about the only thing they share all right so like when it's m2vdiWlU73I-00029-00014019-00014406 talking about like I must be missing something like I see that I was like m2vdiWlU73I-00030-00014406-00014991 this whole song kind of seems like Billy has friends who abuse xannys right and m2vdiWlU73I-00031-00014991-00015438 she's sitting there like what the heck are you guys doing right and and what m2vdiWlU73I-00032-00015438-00015865 she says too intoxicated to be scared this is something very common with m2vdiWlU73I-00033-00015865-00016306 people who are abusing substances like what are the issues with substance abuse m2vdiWlU73I-00034-00016306-00016885 is that you lack prefrontal cortex function and part of the prefrontal m2vdiWlU73I-00035-00016885-00017461 courses is cortex is job is to give you fear modulation is supposed to let you m2vdiWlU73I-00036-00017461-00017758 know why you should be afraid of this is one of the reasons about so many people m2vdiWlU73I-00037-00017758-00018370 overdose on xanax is because they'll be taking xanax and technically you can't m2vdiWlU73I-00038-00018370-00018844 overdose on xanax but you mix some booze with it you can die from it right it m2vdiWlU73I-00039-00018844-00019398 depresses your nervous system so like what can happen is is that you you get m2vdiWlU73I-00040-00019398-00019798 so messed up that you don't even care like the logical brain knows don't take m2vdiWlU73I-00041-00019798-00020239 xanax and drink logically you know not to do that but once you start getting m2vdiWlU73I-00042-00020239-00020632 high that doesn't make sense so I imagine Billy sitting there looking at m2vdiWlU73I-00043-00020632-00021048 her friend and and just being like what are you guys doing but they're too m2vdiWlU73I-00044-00021048-00021658 messed up to even care all right so it says I'm in their secondhand smoke still m2vdiWlU73I-00045-00021658-00022012 just drinking can coke I don't need a sandy to feel better on m2vdiWlU73I-00046-00022012-00022401 designated drives home only one who's not stoned m2vdiWlU73I-00047-00022401-00022954 don't give me a zani now or ever so I don't know if like Billy's had friends m2vdiWlU73I-00048-00022954-00023464 who have passed away from xanax or if she knows people who are addicted to m2vdiWlU73I-00049-00023464-00023857 xanax but like this is why I'm talking about this one like man maybe Billy m2vdiWlU73I-00050-00023857-00024176 ain't so bad hopefully this is like a personal story m2vdiWlU73I-00051-00024176-00024706 because people refer to her as like an industry plant and I know that her m2vdiWlU73I-00052-00024706-00025069 brother I think it is helps write songs so I don't know if this is her own m2vdiWlU73I-00053-00025069-00025489 personal story either way I think it's very beneficial that she's singing about m2vdiWlU73I-00054-00025489-00026095 this but when she's talking about like I don't need a zani to feel better this is m2vdiWlU73I-00055-00026095-00026429 one of the reasons substance abuse as such m2vdiWlU73I-00056-00026429-00026927 a major issue is so many people just aren't content with feeling the way that m2vdiWlU73I-00057-00026927-00027208 they're feeling they just want to change the way they're feeling I remember when m2vdiWlU73I-00058-00027208-00027589 I was in my active addiction and I would just try anything I'm like when people m2vdiWlU73I-00059-00027589-00027881 are like Chris I think you have a problem like I would be like listen I m2vdiWlU73I-00060-00027881-00028319 will take anything that alters my current state of being like I just I m2vdiWlU73I-00061-00028319-00028925 never felt comfortable in my own skin so I would drink or snort or swallow like m2vdiWlU73I-00062-00028925-00029408 anything right and it's cool that Billy's talking about I don't need a m2vdiWlU73I-00063-00029408-00029882 zani to be better and you're talking about being the designated driver and m2vdiWlU73I-00064-00029882-00030494 the only one who's not stoned right and by the way by the way I know a lot of m2vdiWlU73I-00065-00030494-00030839 people like in sobriety who like you know they worry about going out like for m2vdiWlU73I-00066-00030839-00031199 example I live in Las Vegas I go to concerts and shows and things like that m2vdiWlU73I-00067-00031199-00031667 and like if I well early on in my recovery like when people like why m2vdiWlU73I-00068-00031667-00032132 aren't you drinking why don't you know how the drink just like I'm designated m2vdiWlU73I-00069-00032132-00032614 driver right so any of you who are newly sober use that hack if anybody asks you m2vdiWlU73I-00070-00032614-00032930 if you want to drink just say no thanks I'm designated driver cuz you got to be m2vdiWlU73I-00071-00032930-00033251 a real punk sucker to try to get somebody to drink m2vdiWlU73I-00072-00033251-00033551 when they're trying to do the responsible thing and be designated m2vdiWlU73I-00073-00033551-00033830 driver alright and then she says don't give me m2vdiWlU73I-00074-00033830-00034331 a zani now or ever like she doesn't want it so any kids watching this be like m2vdiWlU73I-00075-00034331-00035060 Billy and remember just say no all right so the next set of lyrics says waking up m2vdiWlU73I-00076-00035060-00035816 a sundown they're late to every party nobody's ever sorry this man I knew a m2vdiWlU73I-00077-00035816-00036293 lot of people who are addicted to xanax and the next line actually says to a m2vdiWlU73I-00078-00036293-00036908 neighbor two inebriated now to dance like so many people addicted to saying m2vdiWlU73I-00079-00036908-00037217 that's like it is just this ultimate downer like I said there's one of the m2vdiWlU73I-00080-00037217-00037565 reasons why I never really messed with it because I just didn't want to like m2vdiWlU73I-00081-00037565-00038357 move like at all I just felt completely numb doubt like a zombie and when you m2vdiWlU73I-00082-00038357-00038741 have friends who are addicted to this stuff we're constantly abusing these m2vdiWlU73I-00083-00038741-00039149 medications like she's talking about how they're waking up at sundown and they're m2vdiWlU73I-00084-00039149-00039483 late to every single party like I remember I remember m2vdiWlU73I-00085-00039483-00040017 friends who are addicted to xanax and just constantly flaking constantly m2vdiWlU73I-00086-00040017-00040314 flaking I'm like you take it all personally right how about dude where m2vdiWlU73I-00087-00040314-00040752 were you right like I remember like one specific story comes to mind I was m2vdiWlU73I-00088-00040752-00041184 supposed to meet a friend right and or he was supposed to come over something m2vdiWlU73I-00089-00041184-00041745 like that and like it was three hours later until I heard from him I dude what m2vdiWlU73I-00090-00041745-00042192 like what the heck is going on and he's like oh you know I got I got high and I m2vdiWlU73I-00091-00042192-00042591 just I passed out right so Billy's talking about how you know her friends m2vdiWlU73I-00092-00042591-00043038 who are using xanies they're late to every every party and nobody's ever m2vdiWlU73I-00093-00043038-00043605 sorry right because people people who are addicted to substances they often m2vdiWlU73I-00094-00043605-00044067 don't take any personal accountability or responsibility maybe early on or m2vdiWlU73I-00095-00044067-00044454 maybe on a lucky day like I remember like in my addiction like I used to get m2vdiWlU73I-00096-00044454-00044931 mad at you if you got mad at me for being late right like if I was busy m2vdiWlU73I-00097-00044931-00045234 getting messed up or I had to swing by the dealer's house and I was late to m2vdiWlU73I-00098-00045234-00045678 this or this or this or whatever like it wasn't my fault you shouldn't be so m2vdiWlU73I-00099-00045678-00046251 upset right like addiction is this very selfish and self-centered disease so it m2vdiWlU73I-00100-00046251-00046779 says mourning as they come down there pretty heads are hurting they're awfully m2vdiWlU73I-00101-00046779-00047451 bad at learning make the same mistakes blame circumstance and this this is a m2vdiWlU73I-00102-00047451-00047826 good song like the lyrics of the song are good I personally am NOT a fan of m2vdiWlU73I-00103-00047826-00048285 the song like I need something a little bit more upbeat and energetic but like m2vdiWlU73I-00104-00048285-00048699 she's talking about that come down right like the come down from xanax is is m2vdiWlU73I-00105-00048699-00049221 brutal and detox from xanax is absolutely terrible m2vdiWlU73I-00106-00049221-00049719 so detox from xanax gives you a lot of psychological symptoms as well as m2vdiWlU73I-00107-00049719-00050214 physical symptoms like I've seen some people from the treatment center I was m2vdiWlU73I-00108-00050214-00050655 working at and we did detox an inpatient and PHP and outpatient but anyways like m2vdiWlU73I-00109-00050655-00051132 I've seen people who had been clean off xanax for you know a week two weeks m2vdiWlU73I-00110-00051132-00051558 three weeks and have a seizure like I remember one kid just straight up in my m2vdiWlU73I-00111-00051558-00051888 group just sitting there and then just boom just started having a seizure like m2vdiWlU73I-00112-00051888-00052304 xanax messes you up and when she's talking about m2vdiWlU73I-00113-00052304-00052750 they're pretty heads hurting they're all about of learning and they make the same m2vdiWlU73I-00114-00052750-00053308 so when it comes to addiction a lot of people a lot of people aren't even using m2vdiWlU73I-00115-00053308-00053878 anymore to get high they're just using to get well right but when she talks m2vdiWlU73I-00116-00053878-00054301 about how they blame circumstance and they're not learning like for example m2vdiWlU73I-00117-00054301-00054625 for example maybe somebody is just one trigger m2vdiWlU73I-00118-00054625-00055242 maybe somebody stressed about money right so they use xanax in order to calm m2vdiWlU73I-00119-00055242-00055657 down this is why xanax can become very addictive because stress you take a m2vdiWlU73I-00120-00055657-00055966 xanax right but let's say you're stressed about money you take a xanax m2vdiWlU73I-00121-00055966-00056449 right then you run out as an axe now you got to go buy more xanax or you got to m2vdiWlU73I-00122-00056449-00056716 find the doctor who will prescribe you more because most people most people m2vdiWlU73I-00123-00056716-00057117 addicted to xanax or abusing them and using way too much so they got it dr. m2vdiWlU73I-00124-00057117-00057451 Sharpe and all these other things right but then you run out of money so now m2vdiWlU73I-00125-00057451-00057901 you're causing even more stress because you don't have money and you need xanax m2vdiWlU73I-00126-00057901-00058324 right but when she talks about blaming circumstances like I remember in my m2vdiWlU73I-00127-00058324-00058680 active addiction like I used to tell people like when they would say you got m2vdiWlU73I-00128-00058680-00059032 a problem and you need to quit I'd be like if you knew how bad my life was m2vdiWlU73I-00129-00059032-00059446 you'd understand why I need to take these right like you'd understand why I m2vdiWlU73I-00130-00059446-00060004 need to be high or drunk all the time right like because addiction is very m2vdiWlU73I-00131-00060004-00060376 cunning and it takes over the survival part of the brain like the limbic system m2vdiWlU73I-00132-00060376-00060919 and in an active addiction you feel like you need it in order to survive so you m2vdiWlU73I-00133-00060919-00061716 will justify your use in any way you can right but anyways like this song was m2vdiWlU73I-00134-00061716-00062179 like actually really good like lyrical like lyric was if you like the actual m2vdiWlU73I-00135-00062179-00062620 song like cool you do you baby but anyways I was really impressed by this m2vdiWlU73I-00136-00062620-00063010 when I was listening to song I pulled up the lyrics like oh man I have you can m2vdiWlU73I-00137-00063010-00063400 make a video about this because maybe Billy Irish is actually getting a decent m2vdiWlU73I-00138-00063400-00063889 message out there right this of other songs I want to look into and kind of m2vdiWlU73I-00139-00063889-00064204 break those down as well but anyways if you're watching this if you're m2vdiWlU73I-00140-00064204-00064617 struggling with a xanax addiction or you know someone who is like I mentioned m2vdiWlU73I-00141-00064617-00065020 detox it could be very dangerous please please please go get professional help m2vdiWlU73I-00142-00065020-00065611 find a detox center to go and come down off of them in a safe way because like I m2vdiWlU73I-00143-00065611-00065847 said there can be seizures and other issues m2vdiWlU73I-00144-00065847-00066249 so make sure that you get help alright anyways that's all I got for this video m2vdiWlU73I-00145-00066249-00066543 if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you m2vdiWlU73I-00146-00066543-00066900 subscribe and bring that notification about because I make a ton of videos and m2vdiWlU73I-00147-00066900-00067197 a huge huge thank you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon m2vdiWlU73I-00148-00067197-00067509 you are all amazing and if you would like to become a patron you can click a m2vdiWlU73I-00149-00067509-00068093 tap right there alright thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time m42q3i5u3_k-00000-00034100-00034600 Thank you, guys, for watching and make sure to subscribe for more videos like this. m4t2KsAaeMy-00000-00000000-00001248 [Music] hello how are you I hope you're well if you are new here welcome if you're a return m4t2KsAaeMy-00001-00001248-00002070 subscriber thank you so much for returning I hope you will comment like And subscribe to the video m4t2KsAaeMy-00002-00002208-00003234 this video is about 10 of my favorite Niche fragrance brands and my favorite from each brand m4t2KsAaeMy-00003-00003324-00003894 I may have one favorite from each brand or maybe I may have three favorite from m4t2KsAaeMy-00004-00003894-00004602 a brand for example Jojo I have a lot of Jojo fragrances and I have probably have more than one m4t2KsAaeMy-00005-00004680-00005436 favorite from Jojo so if you like to see uh what some of my favorite brands m4t2KsAaeMy-00006-00005436-00005994 are and some of my favorite from the brand please stay tuned I will be back m4t2KsAaeMy-00007-00006509-00006881 foreign m4t2KsAaeMy-00008-00007194-00008496 so what makes a fragrance and a brand uh important to me to a point where I can say this is one of my m4t2KsAaeMy-00009-00008496-00009306 favorite brands it's because when I look at these companies you know I see that they are m4t2KsAaeMy-00010-00009306-00010086 dedicated to crafting exceptional fragrances that are Innovative okay they are unique and m4t2KsAaeMy-00011-00010086-00011082 Timeless fragrances these fragrances will tell you that look you are wearing a perfume from my house m4t2KsAaeMy-00012-00011190-00011790 and this perfume will make you stand out from other people that avoid other fragrances m4t2KsAaeMy-00013-00011874-00012642 and I've always said that you know fragrances are subjective so there are no bad fragrance out there m4t2KsAaeMy-00014-00012726-00013344 but they are special fragrances there are fragrances that actually stand out more m4t2KsAaeMy-00015-00013344-00014034 than other fragrances especially in the niche World there are some great quality m4t2KsAaeMy-00016-00014034-00014747 nice fragrances out there and the perfume house is dated their time to craft those fragrances m4t2KsAaeMy-00017-00014747-00015366 to make them exceptional to make them stand out this is why I'm talking about those Brands today m4t2KsAaeMy-00018-00015450-00016019 my channel is too small for those going to even know that they exist m4t2KsAaeMy-00019-00016097-00017034 so this is my own opinion I'm not paid for this I did not receive any free fragrances from those m4t2KsAaeMy-00020-00017034-00017862 houses these are you know my views or my opinions only and so I'm going to share them with you today m4t2KsAaeMy-00021-00017862-00018558 all right let's get after it the first brand that I actually love and I do not have a lot of m4t2KsAaeMy-00022-00018558-00019230 fragrances from from this house I think I only have three or four fragrances but I absolutely m4t2KsAaeMy-00023-00019230-00020112 love this too uh Roja puffer is a luxury line from England the first one that I absolutely m4t2KsAaeMy-00024-00020112-00020886 love is sweetie out it's really old I love this fragrance I will never stop when this fragments m4t2KsAaeMy-00025-00020886-00021618 it will always be part of my collection the second one is reckless perfume is such a buffer m4t2KsAaeMy-00026-00021618-00022176 esa's the profile is absolutely gorgeous it's one of those fragrances that every woman should have m4t2KsAaeMy-00027-00022176-00022908 in her collection men as well I think men can also wear this another luxury brand from Italy is one m4t2KsAaeMy-00028-00022908-00023976 of my ultimate fragrance Brands this is JoJo oh my gosh do I love JoJo or what the first one from m4t2KsAaeMy-00029-00024048-00024948 uh this version of line that I absolutely love is Alexandria too I love this fragrance and your job m4t2KsAaeMy-00030-00025014-00025698 you know puts time and effort the craftsmanship in designing the barrels I mean you can tell m4t2KsAaeMy-00031-00025698-00026352 this fragrance house you know they wanted to create masterpieces fragrances just like uh m4t2KsAaeMy-00032-00026352-00027089 also they put their time and effort into creating those fragrances so the first one m4t2KsAaeMy-00033-00027089-00027930 that I love from the house is Alexandria too the second one that I can never stop worrying that I m4t2KsAaeMy-00034-00027930-00028668 think I think this is my third Barrel in two years from this house is accento overdose I absolutely m4t2KsAaeMy-00035-00028752-00029274 I am madly in love with this fragrance absolutely love this fragrance again m4t2KsAaeMy-00036-00029274-00030306 accento overdose and the third fragrance is such an exceptional Rose fragrance my gosh you know m4t2KsAaeMy-00037-00030306-00031080 it's [Music] uh you know anybody who's wearing this fragrance should get tons of compliments m4t2KsAaeMy-00038-00031080-00031836 when he or she uh wears this fragrance it's such a beautiful rose another brand that I m4t2KsAaeMy-00039-00031836-00032639 absolutely love is amoe's perfume from Oman Western Asia and this is love to be Rose I'm m4t2KsAaeMy-00040-00032639-00033336 a true rose lover I absolutely love uh love love to viewers it's such a great fragrance m4t2KsAaeMy-00041-00033402-00034074 I mean this is sensual this is sexy it's provocative you know it makes you feel like m4t2KsAaeMy-00042-00034074-00034626 you want to go out and go to sleep at the same time wake up and go out or call someone over and m4t2KsAaeMy-00043-00034626-00035152 have them come and spend the night with you because you spell so damn good again [Music] m4t2KsAaeMy-00044-00035202-00036420 the fourth house that I am absolutely in love with is uh by Killian uh from France Pali m4t2KsAaeMy-00045-00036504-00037404 uh this is Angel shares oh Angel shares it's just such a beautiful boozy vanillic fragrance m4t2KsAaeMy-00046-00037506-00038304 absolutely great to wear out nothing don't worry this to work because it's too boozy unless you m4t2KsAaeMy-00047-00038304-00038868 work in a club or in a bar it's okay but if you're working an office with people tend to m4t2KsAaeMy-00048-00038868-00039552 be sensitive so I would say do not wear this to work other than that it is absolutely gorgeous m4t2KsAaeMy-00049-00039552-00040362 perfect date fragrance my second favorite from the house which is very hard to find now it's m4t2KsAaeMy-00050-00040362-00041094 a rare fine fragrance if you find it get your hands on it this is Apple Brandy Apple Brandy m4t2KsAaeMy-00051-00041094-00041754 that's just what it says what the name says it's apple and then it's Brandy it's it's a dark m4t2KsAaeMy-00052-00041808-00042420 powerful sultry fragrance that never leaves your skin you will want to wear this you know because m4t2KsAaeMy-00053-00042420-00043038 you feel like you are going out you're going to pin the town you're going to meet someone m4t2KsAaeMy-00054-00043038-00043542 who's going to hug you and hold you tight okay all right let me let me stop dreaming m4t2KsAaeMy-00055-00043770-00044520 okay ladies and gentlemen uh Apple Brandy by Killian another favorite house of mine m4t2KsAaeMy-00056-00044520-00045462 is Maison Francisco jar uh this is gasoir from basil Francis closure I just love God's wall I m4t2KsAaeMy-00057-00045462-00046164 think it's absolutely gorgeous I hope they had the body product for Gasol I would definitely purchase m4t2KsAaeMy-00058-00046164-00046692 the body products but they do not have any of the body products after out yet I don't know maybe m4t2KsAaeMy-00059-00046692-00047406 in the future they will have them but you know Francis if you see my video please bring some body m4t2KsAaeMy-00060-00047406-00048264 product for gas War another exceptional house that I think everyone can find something from m4t2KsAaeMy-00061-00048264-00049344 this house to wear is nishin from Istanbul nation has some powerful nice frequencies I think I have m4t2KsAaeMy-00062-00049344-00050040 maybe five or six fragrances from this house and I love every single one of them my first m4t2KsAaeMy-00063-00050040-00051072 one that I wear a lot with all the time is fan Your Flames fan Your Flames is such a beautiful m4t2KsAaeMy-00064-00051228-00052014 type of boozy type fragrance it's so nice it has some coconut some rum some tobacco I have another m4t2KsAaeMy-00065-00052014-00052662 tobacco lover but for some reason I just love funnier flames you can see how much I've used the m4t2KsAaeMy-00066-00052662-00053184 bottle this is my second bottle of fan Your Flames in two years I absolutely love this fragrance m4t2KsAaeMy-00067-00053184-00053994 the second one from the shin is Annie I think Annie is loved by almost probably 99 of people m4t2KsAaeMy-00068-00053994-00054840 who who owns it or who have come across irony they all love it on unconditionally and I have m4t2KsAaeMy-00069-00054900-00055428 I am for I am in I'm in love with this fragrance and then I think this is Battle number three or m4t2KsAaeMy-00070-00055428-00055878 battle number four for me for and from Annie because I just love it and I refuse to buy m4t2KsAaeMy-00071-00055878-00056478 the smaller bottle because I always want the big bottle because it's such a superb m4t2KsAaeMy-00072-00056478-00057600 great fragrance another very underrated uh uh house this is jovoy from Paris and your boy uh m4t2KsAaeMy-00073-00057600-00058086 makes some great fragrances but for some reason they are underrated and I don't know why they m4t2KsAaeMy-00074-00058086-00058698 do have their own customers and I'm one of their customers so this is far at will fire at will is m4t2KsAaeMy-00075-00058764-00059652 one of your fragrances that you want to wear in the uh uh summer or the spring it's not very loud m4t2KsAaeMy-00076-00059652-00060329 it's beautiful stays on for a very long time but it just stays very close to the skin and I love m4t2KsAaeMy-00077-00060329-00060929 wearing a fire well it's such a great fragrance and your voice makes wonderful fragrances m4t2KsAaeMy-00078-00060990-00061938 another exceptional hot fragrance hours is perfect Molly from France uh this is the Lena exclusive I m4t2KsAaeMy-00079-00061938-00062646 would never be without this fragrance it's such oh my God the lychee in this fragrance is absolutely m4t2KsAaeMy-00080-00062646-00063329 superbly beautiful than any other fragrances with lychee on them that I have I have tried m4t2KsAaeMy-00081-00063329-00063870 I love puffing the Molly I don't have a lot from this brand but this is one of my favorite Brands m4t2KsAaeMy-00082-00063870-00064608 because I'm absolutely in love with the Lina exclusive I have the body product and also the m4t2KsAaeMy-00083-00064608-00065214 uh the perfume when you wear these two together you feel like you are going straight to heaven m4t2KsAaeMy-00084-00065279-00065802 I'm not ready to go to heaven yet I want to stay on earth right here again God I hope you m4t2KsAaeMy-00085-00065802-00066366 are you are listening to me I know you are I'm saying write yourself for a very very long time m4t2KsAaeMy-00086-00066432-00067080 all right they always say that you save the best for us this is not the last this is almost lost m4t2KsAaeMy-00087-00067158-00068184 this is house number nine M Michaelis from France look not vanity is the best m4t2KsAaeMy-00088-00068286-00069270 boozy fragrance that I have in my collection okay I heard it was reformulated I hope that's not the m4t2KsAaeMy-00089-00069270-00070290 case because this fragrance here is so beautiful so gorgeous so exceptional women and men around m4t2KsAaeMy-00090-00070290-00071010 the world should try to get their hands on this fragrance because it is a fragrance to be worn m4t2KsAaeMy-00091-00071010-00071772 by exceptional people by people who know about fragrances people who know what they want out m4t2KsAaeMy-00092-00071772-00072912 of their fragrances this is so [Music] oh man so damn sexy all right I did save the best for last m4t2KsAaeMy-00093-00073002-00073878 so this is uh Krueger the house of Kruger started in Moscow in 1904 in 1909 they m4t2KsAaeMy-00094-00073878-00074580 moved to South France and then in 1931 they moved to the United States and Krueger passed m4t2KsAaeMy-00095-00074580-00075342 away uh some time in between those years this is number 19 English Promenade look m4t2KsAaeMy-00096-00075414-00076296 this fragrance is no joke Orange Blossom is what I get out of it the line the house you know the m4t2KsAaeMy-00097-00076296-00076860 frequencies are expensive the battles they don't look like they cost you know as much as they cost m4t2KsAaeMy-00098-00076986-00077604 but it's not about the Battle it's about the fragrance it's about the house it's about the m4t2KsAaeMy-00099-00077604-00078426 craft the time that they took to create these masterpieces fragrances I love Krieger I love uh m4t2KsAaeMy-00100-00078426-00079350 English number 19 English Promenade and you know what I would give all of my ex-boyfriends away for m4t2KsAaeMy-00101-00079350-00080058 this battle for Battle of one of their fragrances out for all of them and put them in a basket m4t2KsAaeMy-00102-00080148-00080970 or in a box ship them somewhere so someone could ship me a bottle of acrylic I guess m4t2KsAaeMy-00103-00081060-00081762 I know it sounds really bad doesn't it that I would I would donate my exes m4t2KsAaeMy-00104-00081822-00082422 for a bottle of fragrance but that's you know they call them eggs for a reason so when they m4t2KsAaeMy-00105-00082422-00083226 are exes you don't care you just wanna get rid of them right so oh my gosh I am such a m4t2KsAaeMy-00106-00083226-00083868 horrible person for saying something like that anyway that's how I feel yes give the axes away m4t2KsAaeMy-00107-00083868-00084732 and give me perfumes because perfumes bring me pleasure all right that last one was kind of a m4t2KsAaeMy-00108-00084732-00085458 chip shot against you know my exes I have nothing against them personally but they are still called m4t2KsAaeMy-00109-00085458-00086316 X for a reason so uh it was a joke you know I like to make jokes I would never trade or send m4t2KsAaeMy-00110-00086316-00086916 someone away for a bottle of perfume it was just a joke so don't hold it against me anyway thank m4t2KsAaeMy-00111-00086916-00087498 you so much for watching this video I really appreciate you and I hope to see you next time m4t2KsAaeMy-00112-00087498-00088068 and I'm looking forward to reading your comments on my video take care and have a good day [Music] m4t2KsAaeMy-00113-00088068-00089082 thank you m62Pk00G0q0-00000-00000000-00000444 MyMidMichigan is My Go-To Place because it saves me time. I can book m62Pk00G0q0-00001-00000444-00000963 appointments, view my test results online, message my doctor and pay bills with just m62Pk00G0q0-00002-00000963-00001353 a few clicks. I can even do some appointments at my place. This is My m62Pk00G0q0-00003-00001353-00001651 Go-To Place. m6XxwGQGnmM-00000-00000000-00000200 🛑መዝሙረ ዳዊት ከመዝሙር አስራ አንድ 11 እስከ መዝሙር ሃያ 20 Psalms 1 through 20 በየ ንጉሡ By the king m9qa6oobROg-00000-00000612-00000968 Egg, carrot, bell pepper, onion, enoki mushroom, garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, oyster sauce, pepper m9qa6oobROg-00001-00001252-00001508 Changed the knifeused as a young. m9qa6oobROg-00002-00001720-00001988 I can't use it well. m9qa6oobROg-00003-00002160-00002476 Cut all vegetables long. m9qa6oobROg-00004-00003850-00004050 Unusually add garlic. m9qa6oobROg-00005-00004428-00004628 Egg, the main character of the day. m9qa6oobROg-00006-00004794-00005052 Salt and pepper m9qa6oobROg-00007-00005954-00006236 Make several egg papers. m9qa6oobROg-00008-00008048-00008248 Look at the color. m9qa6oobROg-00009-00008750-00009042 Cook vegetables while the egg paper is cooling. m9qa6oobROg-00010-00009552-00010114 Fry the garlic, add the vegetables. m9qa6oobROg-00011-00010822-00011070 Half cup of water m9qa6oobROg-00012-00011276-00011476 Soy sauce and oyster sauce m9qa6oobROg-00013-00012346-00012546 Thicken with starch m9qa6oobROg-00014-00013097-00013297 Put sesame oil and finish. m9qa6oobROg-00015-00013730-00014013 Roll egg paper m9qa6oobROg-00016-00015446-00015646 Change knife m9qa6oobROg-00017-00015868-00016068 Cut egg paper into noodles. m9qa6oobROg-00018-00016760-00016960 Plating m9qa6oobROg-00019-00017884-00018084 vegetables boiled over the induction. m9qa6oobROg-00020-00018610-00018810 Doesn't it look delicious? m9qa6oobROg-00021-00019450-00019650 Together~! mrHrZE_P-Su-00000-00000332-00000597 Artillery drum cover of a thrash metal song By Inheritance. mspDHj3KwaU-00000-00002043-00002344 I'm quiet and I'm awkward mspDHj3KwaU-00001-00002344-00002634 I say the dumbest things mspDHj3KwaU-00002-00002634-00002913 I try hard not to let you see my mspDHj3KwaU-00003-00002913-00003118 under coverings mspDHj3KwaU-00004-00003118-00003340 but ask my friends they'll mspDHj3KwaU-00005-00003340-00003440 all tell you mspDHj3KwaU-00006-00003440-00003629 I'm fun and quite profound mspDHj3KwaU-00007-00003650-00003940 I wish you'd see just who I am mspDHj3KwaU-00008-00003956-00004198 when you are not around mspDHj3KwaU-00009-00004198-00004468 I don't ask for your number mspDHj3KwaU-00010-00004506-00004716 I tend to just agree mspDHj3KwaU-00011-00004716-00004991 for some peculiar reason mspDHj3KwaU-00012-00004991-00005232 hide my true identity mspDHj3KwaU-00013-00005232-00005528 but ask my friends they'll swear to you mspDHj3KwaU-00014-00005528-00005824 I lift them when they're down mspDHj3KwaU-00015-00005834-00006082 You'd be inspired by who I am mspDHj3KwaU-00016-00006100-00006374 when you are not around mspDHj3KwaU-00017-00006374-00006584 when you are not around mspDHj3KwaU-00018-00006606-00006970 I'm witty and really sound mspDHj3KwaU-00019-00007004-00007190 I'm playful and I'm strong mspDHj3KwaU-00020-00007200-00007484 I think we could get along mspDHj3KwaU-00021-00007506-00007958 when you are not around mspDHj3KwaU-00022-00008862-00009114 I grin for no good reason mspDHj3KwaU-00023-00009138-00009380 I compliment your clothes mspDHj3KwaU-00024-00009392-00009636 confused by all your teasing mspDHj3KwaU-00025-00009654-00009820 I should leave I suppose mspDHj3KwaU-00026-00009838-00010104 but ask my friends, they'll testify mspDHj3KwaU-00027-00010120-00010378 that I am honor-bound mspDHj3KwaU-00028-00010378-00010616 I do the most courageous things mspDHj3KwaU-00029-00010616-00010920 when you are not around mspDHj3KwaU-00030-00010920-00011142 I stand in the corner mspDHj3KwaU-00031-00011168-00011399 I feel like such a dunce mspDHj3KwaU-00032-00011399-00011643 You view me like a mourner mspDHj3KwaU-00033-00011644-00011846 But if I could just once mspDHj3KwaU-00034-00011870-00012128 just help you see what my friends see mspDHj3KwaU-00035-00012150-00012396 I'd sweep you off the ground mspDHj3KwaU-00036-00012418-00012644 You wouldn't have to fear what I do mspDHj3KwaU-00037-00012644-00012924 when you are not around mspDHj3KwaU-00038-00012946-00013154 when you are not around mspDHj3KwaU-00039-00013154-00013566 I pleasantly will confound mspDHj3KwaU-00040-00013566-00013750 remarkable and sure mspDHj3KwaU-00041-00013750-00014018 may I take you on a tour mspDHj3KwaU-00042-00014038-00014480 when you are not around mspDHj3KwaU-00043-00014586-00014791 When you are not around mspDHj3KwaU-00044-00014791-00015208 my resume will astound mspDHj3KwaU-00045-00015232-00015468 my exploits are folklore mspDHj3KwaU-00046-00015490-00015762 there is so much fun in store mspDHj3KwaU-00047-00015788-00016213 when you are not around mspDHj3KwaU-00048-00016302-00017060 when you are not around mvGofeJmdwI-00000-00000000-00000434 Congratulations to FKM BKA from Indonesia. mvGofeJmdwI-00001-00000505-00001234 FKM BKA is a cross-organizational forum of various disabled people organizations, ... mvGofeJmdwI-00002-00001234-00001905 ... located in the in Aceh province, an especially tsunami and earthquake affected region in Indonesia. mvGofeJmdwI-00003-00001905-00002466 Founded in 2014, the organization has prepared inclusive disaster evacuation strategies ... mvGofeJmdwI-00004-00002466-00002834 ... by developing hazard and resource maps. mvGofeJmdwI-00005-00002834-00003142 (applause) mvGofeJmdwI-00006-00003142-00003461 Hi, I'm Irna Susrianti from FKM BKA. mvGofeJmdwI-00007-00003461-00003697 We would like to say thank you to Zero Project ... mvGofeJmdwI-00008-00003697-00004022 ... for giving us the chance to be on stage ... mvGofeJmdwI-00009-00004022-00004646 ... to present our project about inclusive distaster risk management in Aceh. mvGofeJmdwI-00010-00004646-00004774 Thank you. mvSuJLpPyYo-00000-00000000-00000296 This video is not available on Ninja channel mwnlp-xiujU-00000-00000019-00000454 8 Things All Women Notice On Men (And 8 They Don’t Care About). mwnlp-xiujU-00001-00000454-00000824 Imagine yourself at a club, a mall or even on a date. mwnlp-xiujU-00002-00000824-00001279 Although everyone is different, there is a general consensus when it comes to what each mwnlp-xiujU-00003-00001279-00001501 gender is initially drawn to. mwnlp-xiujU-00004-00001501-00002096 Sometimes the thing that makes us most self-conscious is, in fact, something that no one really mwnlp-xiujU-00005-00002096-00002223 cares about. mwnlp-xiujU-00006-00002223-00002693 Okay, let us get one thing straight: women do notice everything. mwnlp-xiujU-00007-00002693-00003053 However, there is a difference between noticing and looking for. mwnlp-xiujU-00008-00003053-00003542 A lot of men are under the impression that in order to get a woman’s attention, they mwnlp-xiujU-00009-00003542-00004148 have to be buying copious amounts of alcohol at a nightclub or driving the fastest car. mwnlp-xiujU-00010-00004148-00004767 Yes, this may be true for girls, but when it comes to women, real women, what they notice mwnlp-xiujU-00011-00004767-00005385 is so much deeper.Women are evidently complex beings, and everything they notice has a reason mwnlp-xiujU-00012-00005385-00005497 behind it. mwnlp-xiujU-00013-00005497-00005964 That is why we thought it would be fun to discover what women really notice, versus mwnlp-xiujU-00014-00005964-00006576 what they could not care less about when it comes to men.It is 2017 and women are more mwnlp-xiujU-00015-00006576-00007154 independent than ever, and for one to agree to settle down, it is going to take a guy mwnlp-xiujU-00016-00007154-00007714 that is really up to her standards.So men, if you are reading this, pay close attention. mwnlp-xiujU-00017-00007714-00007934 You might just learn something. mwnlp-xiujU-00018-00007934-00008034 1. mwnlp-xiujU-00019-00008034-00008250 Their Perfect Body: We Don’t Care. mwnlp-xiujU-00020-00008250-00008742 In a society that has pressured women for so long to look a certain way, it comes as mwnlp-xiujU-00021-00008742-00009061 no surprise that men fall into the trap as well. mwnlp-xiujU-00022-00009061-00009654 Men, take it from us, women do not care if you have washboard abs, in fact, we prefer mwnlp-xiujU-00023-00009654-00009825 it if you do not. mwnlp-xiujU-00024-00009825-00010317 Some men believe that the first thing a woman will notice is his body, but that is far from mwnlp-xiujU-00025-00010317-00010417 the truth. mwnlp-xiujU-00026-00010417-00010882 Women actually love a guy with a bit of a belly — it shows us that you eat well and mwnlp-xiujU-00027-00010882-00011053 might even cook for us! mwnlp-xiujU-00028-00011053-00011591 It also shows that you are not a guy obsessed with vanity, which is very important to a mwnlp-xiujU-00029-00011591-00011691 woman. mwnlp-xiujU-00030-00011691-00012127 Men need to start realizing that there are only a few physical qualities that women notice mwnlp-xiujU-00031-00012127-00012634 and care about, the rest are all qualities that stem from the person inside. mwnlp-xiujU-00032-00012634-00012734 2. mwnlp-xiujU-00033-00012734-00012922 Their Intelligence: We Notice. mwnlp-xiujU-00034-00012922-00013443 The most noticeable and the most attractive quality a man can possess is intelligence. mwnlp-xiujU-00035-00013443-00014007 When a man is smart, there is nothing monetary or physical that can outshine his brain. mwnlp-xiujU-00036-00014007-00014533 For a woman, knowing that she is with a man that possesses intelligence is like hitting mwnlp-xiujU-00037-00014533-00014633 the lottery. mwnlp-xiujU-00038-00014633-00015231 Men and women are both attracted to intelligence, however, it is truly something women notice mwnlp-xiujU-00039-00015231-00015369 right off the bat. mwnlp-xiujU-00040-00015369-00015919 Women pay attention to what you say, how you say it, and the way you respond to certain mwnlp-xiujU-00041-00015919-00016028 questions. mwnlp-xiujU-00042-00016028-00016518 There are a lot of good-looking guys in the world but there are not as many smart ones. mwnlp-xiujU-00043-00016518-00016959 Which is why it is something that we women notice right away.Intelligence is the most mwnlp-xiujU-00044-00016959-00017519 noticeable thing on a man, and there is nothing else that even comes close! mwnlp-xiujU-00045-00017519-00017677 3. mwnlp-xiujU-00046-00017677-00017867 Their (Lack Of) Hair: We Don’t Care. mwnlp-xiujU-00047-00017867-00018354 This is a problem that many men face and one that women do not understand. mwnlp-xiujU-00048-00018354-00018842 When a man reaches a certain point in his life, a lot of the time they begin to lose mwnlp-xiujU-00049-00018842-00018942 their hair. mwnlp-xiujU-00050-00018942-00019406 Although this is a totally normal occurrence, men believe that women care and notice the mwnlp-xiujU-00051-00019406-00019627 amount of hair that is on their head. mwnlp-xiujU-00052-00019627-00020114 Let us clear something else up while we are on the topic of hair: women do not care how mwnlp-xiujU-00053-00020114-00020359 much hair is on your heads or on your bodies. mwnlp-xiujU-00054-00020359-00020683 It is just not something that we notice. mwnlp-xiujU-00055-00020683-00021191 Men, however, become self-conscious when they do not have a full head of hair, which in mwnlp-xiujU-00056-00021191-00021411 our opinion makes no difference. mwnlp-xiujU-00057-00021411-00021765 Some of the sexiest men we have encountered are bald. mwnlp-xiujU-00058-00021765-00021865 And they rock it. mwnlp-xiujU-00059-00021865-00022265 Our advice: if your hair starts falling out, just shave your head. mwnlp-xiujU-00060-00022265-00022800 It will be a lot more attractive then walking around with a bunch of bald spots. mwnlp-xiujU-00061-00022800-00022900 4. mwnlp-xiujU-00062-00022900-00023141 How They Treat Staff: We Notice. mwnlp-xiujU-00063-00023141-00023548 This is one of the most noticeable and telling things about a man. mwnlp-xiujU-00064-00023548-00023827 Let us tell you: women care about this. mwnlp-xiujU-00065-00023827-00024358 No good woman wants to be seen with a man who treats staff at restaurants in a derogatory mwnlp-xiujU-00066-00024358-00024458 way. mwnlp-xiujU-00067-00024458-00024903 There is something very telling about a man who does not show respect to staff, and it mwnlp-xiujU-00068-00024903-00025082 is not a good quality. mwnlp-xiujU-00069-00025082-00025584 When a man is condescending and arrogant to people serving him, it opens a woman’s eyes mwnlp-xiujU-00070-00025584-00025827 to how they truly are on the inside. mwnlp-xiujU-00071-00025827-00026468 Any man who puts staff down is arrogant, obnoxious, and no one a real lady would want to be seen mwnlp-xiujU-00072-00026468-00026568 with. mwnlp-xiujU-00073-00026568-00027037 With that being said, our advice to any man reading this is to always treat those serving mwnlp-xiujU-00074-00027037-00027206 you as your equal. mwnlp-xiujU-00075-00027206-00027635 Just because you are eating at the restaurant and someone else is working does not mean mwnlp-xiujU-00076-00027635-00027900 you are in any way better than them. mwnlp-xiujU-00077-00027900-00028000 5. mwnlp-xiujU-00078-00028000-00028167 Their Height: We Don’t Care. mwnlp-xiujU-00079-00028167-00028677 A lot of men under 6 feet believe that women notice and care about their height. mwnlp-xiujU-00080-00028677-00029308 Okay, if we are being honest, initially we do notice height because, well, it is something mwnlp-xiujU-00081-00029308-00029408 noticeable. mwnlp-xiujU-00082-00029408-00029960 However, if a short man with confidence is up against a tall guy with zero confidence, mwnlp-xiujU-00083-00029960-00030114 there is no competition. mwnlp-xiujU-00084-00030114-00030366 The short guy will leave with the girl. mwnlp-xiujU-00085-00030366-00030712 Height for women is not as big of a factor as men believe. mwnlp-xiujU-00086-00030712-00031322 Yes, a woman wants a strong man, but that has zero to do with physical aspects. mwnlp-xiujU-00087-00031322-00031827 A woman wants a man with a strong will, strong beliefs, and strong values. mwnlp-xiujU-00088-00031827-00032354 If they just so happen to be physically strong as well, that is a bonus. mwnlp-xiujU-00089-00032354-00032869 All this to say, we believe men notice the height of other men more than women do. mwnlp-xiujU-00090-00032869-00033368 For ladies, there are a lot more important and noticeable qualities to a man than how mwnlp-xiujU-00091-00033368-00033515 tall he is. mwnlp-xiujU-00092-00033515-00033615 6. mwnlp-xiujU-00093-00033615-00033876 Their Accessories: We Notice. mwnlp-xiujU-00094-00033876-00034336 Accessories are so different from clothes, and we will gladly explain this to you patient mwnlp-xiujU-00095-00034336-00034478 readers. mwnlp-xiujU-00096-00034478-00034961 Accessories can tell a lot about a person, in ways that clothing can’t.If a man is mwnlp-xiujU-00097-00034961-00035555 wearing jeans, a plain t-shirt, and he has a pooka shell necklace, you know he is probably mwnlp-xiujU-00098-00035555-00035676 not for you. mwnlp-xiujU-00099-00035676-00036209 If a man is wearing the exact same outfit with a trendy beaded bracelet, things begin mwnlp-xiujU-00100-00036209-00036805 to start looking different.Accessories for men are pretty important, from watches to mwnlp-xiujU-00101-00036805-00037307 necklaces, you can tell a lot about both his style and his personality through his choice mwnlp-xiujU-00102-00037307-00037466 of accessorizing. mwnlp-xiujU-00103-00037466-00037981 Some ladies notice if the guy is wearing a religious symbol, while others pay attention mwnlp-xiujU-00104-00037981-00038533 to the style of watch they are wearing.However, the most important and noticeable accessory mwnlp-xiujU-00105-00038533-00038838 on a man is the wedding band. mwnlp-xiujU-00106-00038838-00039350 If you are rocking one of those, trust us: we see it and we are not interested. mwnlp-xiujU-00107-00039350-00039450 7. mwnlp-xiujU-00108-00039450-00039692 Their Designer Gear: We Don’t Care. mwnlp-xiujU-00109-00039692-00040266 For some odd reason, this generation of man thinks women take notice if they are sporting mwnlp-xiujU-00110-00040266-00040604 designer gear, which is so far from the truth. mwnlp-xiujU-00111-00040604-00041128 Most women love a man who is wearing jeans and a plain t-shirt, which is why it is surprising mwnlp-xiujU-00112-00041128-00041565 when men actually believe that women want a dude that is decked out from head to toe mwnlp-xiujU-00113-00041565-00041777 in the latest runway clothing. mwnlp-xiujU-00114-00041777-00042332 Do not get it twisted; women appreciate designers, but it is not something they notice about mwnlp-xiujU-00115-00042332-00042432 a man. mwnlp-xiujU-00116-00042432-00042902 Trust us when we say no woman has ever stated the following, “he’s wearing a Givenchy mwnlp-xiujU-00117-00042902-00043093 shirt, so I must have him.” mwnlp-xiujU-00118-00043093-00043555 Women care more about looking put together than how much your outfit costs. mwnlp-xiujU-00119-00043555-00044011 We simply do not want to be with a man who is wearing stained clothes or a man that does mwnlp-xiujU-00120-00044011-00044246 not know which two colors match. mwnlp-xiujU-00121-00044246-00044543 But that is about as far as the garment game goes. mB6U87DNq9Q-00000-00000000-00000498 Habits form as shortcuts as a way to save as time or to make us feel good. mB6U87DNq9Q-00001-00000498-00001094 These shortcuts become hardwired because they become stronger neural pathways and mB6U87DNq9Q-00002-00001094-00001671 it's actually not really possible to just get rid of a habit. Think about it, mB6U87DNq9Q-00003-00001671-00002210 so you have to replace one habit with another. You can't just break not mB6U87DNq9Q-00004-00002210-00002651 exercising as a habit, you have to replace it with exercising. Or you can't mB6U87DNq9Q-00005-00002651-00003147 just kick snoozing, it must be replaced by getting out of bed right away when mB6U87DNq9Q-00006-00003147-00003618 your alarm goes off. So, you have to think about it like that. So, anytime you're mB6U87DNq9Q-00007-00003618-00004026 thinking about how you wish you were doing less of something or weren't doing mB6U87DNq9Q-00008-00004026-00004461 something at all. You know, it could be advice like drinking too much wine. Okay, mB6U87DNq9Q-00009-00004461-00004926 so, what are you gonna do instead when you're doing that? Are there things mB6U87DNq9Q-00010-00004926-00005298 that you can do that become the replacement habits? So, that's a mB6U87DNq9Q-00011-00005298-00005784 key and so how do we replace bad habits? According to research done by clinical mB6U87DNq9Q-00012-00005784-00006273 psychologist, John Norcross, it's about environment, as I was just alluding to, mB6U87DNq9Q-00013-00006273-00006876 not willpower. So, he said people can be so preoccupied with examining their mB6U87DNq9Q-00014-00006876-00007314 inner thoughts and feelings that they neglect to keep their surroundings in mB6U87DNq9Q-00015-00007314-00007898 sync with their goal. Another person not a, you know, clinician but Orison Marden, mB6U87DNq9Q-00016-00007898-00008331 who's the author and founder of Success Magazine said, "A strong successful man is mB6U87DNq9Q-00017-00008331-00008970 not the victim of his environment. He creates favorable conditions." So whatever mB6U87DNq9Q-00018-00008970-00009399 you're trying to change, think about it, if you are trying to, let's say, quit mB6U87DNq9Q-00019-00009399-00009800 smoking but you only hang out with smokers, what do you think your odds of mB6U87DNq9Q-00020-00009800-00010335 relapsing are or of actually quitting smoking? I think very low. So, you have to mB6U87DNq9Q-00021-00010335-00010889 actually design and we're going to talk about that right now. Design and define mB6U87DNq9Q-00022-00010889-00011390 your environment. That's a big piece of making habit change. So, we have to mB6U87DNq9Q-00023-00011390-00011850 actively design an environment that not only sparks self motivation but enables mB6U87DNq9Q-00024-00011850-00012345 us to sustain it in the long run to help us achieve our end goals. So, the good mB6U87DNq9Q-00025-00012345-00012809 news is that we don't need to constantly redesign these environments as long as mB6U87DNq9Q-00026-00012809-00013266 we design it correctly the first time. So, eventually the current research shows mB6U87DNq9Q-00027-00013266-00013546 it's about sixty-six days, but there's still some mB6U87DNq9Q-00028-00013546-00013896 debate. You know, some people used to say it was thirty days to form a habit, some mB6U87DNq9Q-00029-00013896-00014283 people can say it's as little as three weeks. Some people say it might actually mB6U87DNq9Q-00030-00014283-00014822 be longer than 66 days, which I think comes out to about nine weeks or so, but mB6U87DNq9Q-00031-00014822-00015347 let's say it's 66 days. Once we actually form that habit, we no longer really need mB6U87DNq9Q-00032-00015347-00015708 to actively think about it, it just becomes routine. Not to say that you'll never mB6U87DNq9Q-00033-00015708-00016155 have, you know, a day that you don't meditate, for example, after the 66 but mB6U87DNq9Q-00034-00016155-00016515 the idea is that it's now hardwired into your brain, so your brain will continue mB6U87DNq9Q-00035-00016515-00016872 to, kind of, go to it and not resist it. mBv5aU_BrzY-00000-00001170-00001580 Is this the castle where you live, King Graham of Daventry? mBv5aU_BrzY-00001-00001580-00001830 You will regret this day mBv5aU_BrzY-00002-00002474-00002788 How nice it's to walk Today is a wonderful day mBv5aU_BrzY-00003-00002788-00003315 Mmm, maybe I should go back to the castle with my family in case they need me... mBv5aU_BrzY-00004-00003315-00003415 No. mBv5aU_BrzY-00005-00003415-00003868 They sure are fine! They are in a castle, what could be happen to them? mBv5aU_BrzY-00006-00003868-00004256 Someone would have to use magic or something to take the castle mBv5aU_BrzY-00007-00004276-00004456 Ha! That's nonsense mBv5aU_BrzY-00008-00004456-00004650 Ha Ha Ha! mBv5aU_BrzY-00009-00004656-00004878 Hoi hoy hoy ho !! mBv5aU_BrzY-00010-00006040-00006260 Dude, Where's My Castle? mBv5aU_BrzY-00011-00006260-00006531 I had left it parked here! mBv5aU_BrzY-00012-00007488-00008088 Hum, so you're the king of Daventry And you say the evil wizard Mordak has taken your castle mBv5aU_BrzY-00013-00008088-00008184 Exactly mBv5aU_BrzY-00014-00008192-00008502 Tell me something, king Graham... In Daventry... mBv5aU_BrzY-00015-00008502-00008824 Do you usually take hallucinogenic mushrooms? mBv5aU_BrzY-00016-00008830-00008930 No! mBv5aU_BrzY-00017-00008938-00009032 Huh, huh! mBv5aU_BrzY-00018-00009032-00009398 It is true that he took his castle, with his family inside mBv5aU_BrzY-00019-00009398-00009632 I saw how the wizard Mordak did it! mBv5aU_BrzY-00020-00009632-00010158 Wow... that Mordak is an asshole I remember it from the wizard society mBv5aU_BrzY-00021-00010158-00010462 He was dedicated to killing and extorting people mBv5aU_BrzY-00022-00010464-00010624 That's why I liked him! mBv5aU_BrzY-00023-00010624-00010872 He was not a pussy like the other wizards! mBv5aU_BrzY-00024-00011012-00011528 But one day he did something terrible and we had to expel him from the guild mBv5aU_BrzY-00025-00011528-00011616 What was it? mBv5aU_BrzY-00026-00011616-00011948 He deleted my League of Legends level 30 character mBv5aU_BrzY-00027-00011948-00012044 What a bastard! mBv5aU_BrzY-00028-00012044-00012182 Indeed mBv5aU_BrzY-00029-00012182-00012788 You are a king, so you will have elite armies at your disposal and all that to fight Mordak, right? mBv5aU_BrzY-00030-00012788-00012880 Yes, but... mBv5aU_BrzY-00031-00012880-00013474 I prefer to go alone on a risky suicide adventure You know, I like to do it my way mBv5aU_BrzY-00032-00013506-00013772 It doesn't seem like the smartest decision... mBv5aU_BrzY-00033-00013772-00013963 But whatever I don't give a shit! mBv5aU_BrzY-00034-00013963-00014230 As long as you leave my house, for me it's fine mBv5aU_BrzY-00035-00014230-00014454 I will not keep you anylonger! mBv5aU_BrzY-00036-00014454-00014718 Time is vital if you wanna get your family back mBv5aU_BrzY-00037-00014718-00014910 Take this magic wand! mBv5aU_BrzY-00038-00014916-00014974 How cool! mBv5aU_BrzY-00039-00014974-00015218 Will I be able to do magic with it? mBv5aU_BrzY-00040-00015218-00015313 Pff, nope! mBv5aU_BrzY-00041-00015313-00015794 I was going to throw it away But since you're here, I give it to you mBv5aU_BrzY-00042-00015794-00016234 So you can use it to scratch your ass or something, I don't know ... mBv5aU_BrzY-00043-00016234-00016312 And also! mBv5aU_BrzY-00044-00016312-00017026 My useless and annoying pet Cedric will accompany you on your adventures so you don't feel alone mBv5aU_BrzY-00045-00017026-00017316 It's actually my excuse to get rid of him... mBv5aU_BrzY-00046-00017316-00017542 I mean ... he's a great partner mBv5aU_BrzY-00047-00017542-00017760 Very kind, crazy old man mBv5aU_BrzY-00048-00017760-00017924 You don't need to thank me! mBv5aU_BrzY-00049-00017924-00018140 Your journey begins, King Graham! mBv5aU_BrzY-00050-00018140-00018428 Along the way a multitude of adventures await you, mBv5aU_BrzY-00051-00018428-00018990 in addition to all kinds of absurd deaths, plus frustrating puzzles and mazes that are mBv5aU_BrzY-00052-00018990-00019178 impossible to solve without a guide mBv5aU_BrzY-00053-00019178-00019570 You inspire me with hope and motivation, wizard Crispin... mBv5aU_BrzY-00054-00019570-00019678 Huh, huh! mBv5aU_BrzY-00055-00019678-00019894 You've already heard, King Graham! mBv5aU_BrzY-00056-00019894-00020174 I will accompany you on your adventures mBv5aU_BrzY-00057-00020174-00020436 I hope you are useful and helpful mBv5aU_BrzY-00058-00020436-00020676 Do not worry, of course I will be! mBv5aU_BrzY-00059-00020878-00021108 Okay, Cedric The adventure starts! mBv5aU_BrzY-00060-00021108-00021452 When I'm in danger, You won't let it kill me, okay? mBv5aU_BrzY-00061-00021452-00021648 Don't worry King Graham! mBv5aU_BrzY-00062-00021648-00021832 I will always help you! mBv5aU_BrzY-00063-00021946-00022680 Cedric seems to be quietly contemplating their current situation and so is not inclined to indulge in conversation right now mBv5aU_BrzY-00064-00022846-00023034 Cedric is too busy looking around mBv5aU_BrzY-00065-00023034-00023370 and doesn't seem to be paying any attention to Graham at the moment mBv5aU_BrzY-00066-00023872-00024024 No Graham! Don't! mBv5aU_BrzY-00067-00024940-00025038 Too late! mBv5aU_BrzY-00068-00025038-00025416 Graham collapses and dies of extreme thirst in the hot desert sun mBv5aU_BrzY-00069-00025446-00025514 Uhu! mBv5aU_BrzY-00070-00025514-00025733 Keep your eye on the gypsies, Graham. mBv5aU_BrzY-00071-00025733-00025914 I don't trust them! mBv5aU_BrzY-00072-00025968-00026016 No! mBv5aU_BrzY-00073-00026016-00026168 Stay away from the edge! mBv5aU_BrzY-00074-00026176-00026424 Aaaaaaah! mBv5aU_BrzY-00075-00026472-00026570 Oh, oh! mBv5aU_BrzY-00076-00026589-00026752 Graham, don't get too close! mBv5aU_BrzY-00077-00026752-00026926 Aaaaaaah! mBv5aU_BrzY-00078-00027022-00027252 Aaaaaaah! mBv5aU_BrzY-00079-00027288-00027408 Aaaaaaah! mBv5aU_BrzY-00080-00027442-00027668 Aaaaaaah! mBv5aU_BrzY-00081-00027720-00027900 Aaaaaaah! mBv5aU_BrzY-00082-00027939-00028106 Aaaaaaah! mBv5aU_BrzY-00083-00028170-00028666 Aaaaaaah! ... mBv5aU_BrzY-00084-00028732-00028782 [ouch] mBv5aU_BrzY-00085-00028892-00028942 Aaaah! mBv5aU_BrzY-00086-00028962-00029012 [splash] mBv5aU_BrzY-00087-00029860-00029920 No! Aaaah! mBv5aU_BrzY-00088-00030058-00030108 Oh, oh! mBv5aU_BrzY-00089-00030536-00030632 No Graham! Don't! mBv5aU_BrzY-00090-00030632-00030842 Aaaaaaah! mBv5aU_BrzY-00091-00030856-00030906 Oh, oh! mBv5aU_BrzY-00092-00030992-00031054 No, Graham! mBv5aU_BrzY-00093-00031058-00031233 Aaaaaaah! mBv5aU_BrzY-00094-00031242-00031345 Oh, oh! mBv5aU_BrzY-00095-00031444-00031720 Uhu! I think I'll stay here until you come back mBv5aU_BrzY-00096-00032127-00032344 Say hello to Davy Jones, Graham! mBv5aU_BrzY-00097-00032432-00032932 Aaaaaaah! mBv5aU_BrzY-00098-00032992-00033090 Graham! Help me! mBv5aU_BrzY-00099-00033206-00033318 Poor Cedric! mBv5aU_BrzY-00100-00033318-00033600 Having been seriously wounded by the vicious harpies. mBv5aU_BrzY-00101-00033600-00033944 He now lies moaning and in pain upon the sandy path mBv5aU_BrzY-00102-00034160-00034416 Huuuh, huh! Huhuuuuh....! mBv5aU_BrzY-00103-00034632-00034792 Graham! [cough] mBv5aU_BrzY-00104-00034792-00034984 Help meeee..." mBv5aU_BrzY-00105-00035150-00035344 Cedric! Where you hurt? mBv5aU_BrzY-00106-00035438-00035654 Uhu... Everywhere!... mBv5aU_BrzY-00107-00036256-00036656 Aaaaaaah! mBv5aU_BrzY-00108-00036656-00036858 ... mBv5aU_BrzY-00109-00036866-00037016 [splash!] mBv5aU_BrzY-00110-00037130-00037554 Oh, oh! That last step was a doozy! mBv5aU_BrzY-00111-00038328-00039696 Like & Subscribe, thnx!!! mCu4XOIigfc-00000-00000091-00000438 Hello Participants in the LEGO® contest. mCu4XOIigfc-00001-00000438-00001029 Bonjour, tout le monde, merci d’avoir participé et d’avoir partagé vos projets de LEGO®. mCu4XOIigfc-00002-00001029-00001620 Il a eu tellement de sculptures et des projets créatifs qu’on a adorés de voir. mCu4XOIigfc-00003-00001620-00002067 Dans ce temps inhabituel de Corona, c’est très important de continuer d’être créatif mCu4XOIigfc-00004-00002067-00002169 et de s’exprimer. mCu4XOIigfc-00005-00002169-00002800 Ça peut être avec du LEGO®, dessiner ou en chant. mCu4XOIigfc-00006-00002800-00003469 Alors je vous conseille même maintenant de continuer avec le LEGO® et de montrer vos mCu4XOIigfc-00007-00003469-00003569 talents de LEGO®. mCu4XOIigfc-00008-00003569-00003983 Et biens sûr de visiter les musées dès que c’est possible. mCu4XOIigfc-00009-00003983-00004547 So thank you participants for sharing your projects and being part of this contest. mCu4XOIigfc-00010-00004547-00005091 You have showed us so many wonderful sculptures and ways of using LEGO® creatively. mCu4XOIigfc-00011-00005091-00005563 We are going through very unusual times, and even in these times it’s important to stay mCu4XOIigfc-00012-00005563-00005814 creative and to express yourself. mCu4XOIigfc-00013-00005814-00006226 That could be with LEGO®, or singing, or drawing. mCu4XOIigfc-00014-00006226-00006728 So even though the contest has ended I’ll recommend you to continue using your LEGO® mCu4XOIigfc-00015-00006728-00007213 talent, and of course to visit the museums as soon as it’s possible. mCu4XOIigfc-00016-00007213-00007615 So congratulations to the six winners of the contest. mCu4XOIigfc-00017-00007615-00007779 Well done! mCu4XOIigfc-00018-00007779-00008068 Félicitations au six gagnants, belle job! mLxhnL0ffBE-00000-00000430-00000704 [heartbeat] mLxhnL0ffBE-00001-00001234-00001438 We're cutting your funding, Bryce mLxhnL0ffBE-00002-00001665-00001907 I'm sorry you want to try that again in English? mLxhnL0ffBE-00003-00001907-00002276 We allotted you those funds to build three children'shospitals mLxhnL0ffBE-00004-00002276-00002472 and instead you built TEN PRISONS! mLxhnL0ffBE-00005-00002472-00002586 They're cheaper! mLxhnL0ffBE-00006-00002586-00002730 ...and kids justsuck! mLxhnL0ffBE-00007-00002730-00003024 I'm sorry Bryce, be we are cutting... mLxhnL0ffBE-00008-00003024-00003162 Your... mLxhnL0ffBE-00009-00003162-00003222 FUNDING!! mLxhnL0ffBE-00010-00003486-00003744 I heard you the first time I just didn't agree. mLxhnL0ffBE-00011-00003744-00003972 Now unless you have anything positive to say mLxhnL0ffBE-00012-00003972-00004122 about my looks... mLxhnL0ffBE-00013-00004122-00004344 I don't see any reason for thisto continue mLxhnL0ffBE-00014-00004344-00004452 Ma'am... mLxhnL0ffBE-00015-00004452-00004620 We have the charity meeting in 30 mLxhnL0ffBE-00016-00004620-00004680 You hear that? mLxhnL0ffBE-00017-00004680-00004866 I goddamn do charity! mLxhnL0ffBE-00018-00004866-00004986 Yeah forpeople with what... mLxhnL0ffBE-00019-00004986-00005160 Insider info?! mLxhnL0ffBE-00020-00005160-00005244 Cancer. mLxhnL0ffBE-00021-00005244-00005346 Oh... mLxhnL0ffBE-00022-00005346-00005388 Well... mLxhnL0ffBE-00023-00005388-00005454 Still... mLxhnL0ffBE-00024-00005514-00005730 You're not getting another CENT from mycompany! mLxhnL0ffBE-00025-00005730-00006048 Try anything and you'll see me in court! mLxhnL0ffBE-00026-00006240-00006528 Donovan, our investor has just crossed a line mLxhnL0ffBE-00027-00006792-00006912 What are you doing?!! mLxhnL0ffBE-00028-00006912-00007044 Call him off me you monster! mLxhnL0ffBE-00029-00007044-00007392 No, you see a monster would NOT tell your wife and kids mLxhnL0ffBE-00030-00007392-00007554 Where your body can be found tonight... mLxhnL0ffBE-00031-00007554-00007823 But because I'm such a caring person... mLxhnL0ffBE-00032-00007823-00008226 Your kids can rest easy knowing their daddy neverabandoned them mLxhnL0ffBE-00033-00008406-00008538 No! Wait! Please! mLxhnL0ffBE-00034-00008538-00008778 HAVE A HEART mLxhnL0ffBE-00035-00008778-00008964 I do have a heart, Mr. Dutton... mLxhnL0ffBE-00036-00008964-00009168 And it isabout as mLxhnL0ffBE-00037-00009168-00009252 large as your mLxhnL0ffBE-00038-00009252-00009366 PENIS mLxhnL0ffBE-00039-00009954-00010146 Get me cleaned up, Donovan mLxhnL0ffBE-00040-00010146-00010398 I wanna look like I give a s*** at that cancer thing mLxhnL0ffBE-00041-00010554-00010980 She's one of THE most influentialCEOs in all of American history... mLxhnL0ffBE-00042-00011184-00011466 ...But is she more than a corporate sex icon? mLxhnL0ffBE-00043-00011466-00011664 ACTIVATE THE BEYONCÉ mLxhnL0ffBE-00044-00011664-00011976 The internet is absolutely obsessed with this woman mLxhnL0ffBE-00045-00011976-00012282 there isn't aticker or a tocker who doesn't wish to one day be... mLxhnL0ffBE-00046-00012282-00012405 Bryce Tankthrust mLxhnL0ffBE-00047-00012405-00012444 [cackles] mLxhnL0ffBE-00048-00012444-00012624 And she might notbe YOUR president... mLxhnL0ffBE-00049-00012624-00012804 but she certainly was America's mLxhnL0ffBE-00050-00012804-00013082 How's this for a stimulus package, America? mLxhnL0ffBE-00051-00013155-00013304 ...I said it on tape! mLxhnL0ffBE-00052-00013304-00013530 Show the tape, put it on your website mLxhnL0ffBE-00053-00013530-00013782 Oh you mean eatmyassjoe.org? mLxhnL0ffBE-00054-00013782-00013919 Stay tuned poor people! mLxhnL0ffBE-00055-00013919-00013965 [laughs] mLxhnL0ffBE-00056-00013965-00014256 And let's not forget that she just got marriedto horny terrorist mLxhnL0ffBE-00057-00014256-00014340 Bobby Worst... mLxhnL0ffBE-00058-00014340-00014652 The evil-weds were recently spotted honeymooning at North KoreanPride... mLxhnL0ffBE-00059-00014883-00015234 And rumor has it, a literal heart has started growing inside that empty void of a chest mLxhnL0ffBE-00060-00015234-00015522 Will she retain that evil edge that's gotten her so far? mLxhnL0ffBE-00061-00015522-00015780 ...or will she now start going soft? mLxhnL0ffBE-00062-00015960-00016206 I'm cutting your funding :) mLxhnL0ffBE-00063-00016206-00016296 I'm sorry? mLxhnL0ffBE-00064-00016296-00016410 You said you wanted to help us mLxhnL0ffBE-00065-00016410-00016578 Well I didn't think you'd live this long mLxhnL0ffBE-00066-00016578-00016770 I'm sorry, you thought we were dying? mLxhnL0ffBE-00067-00016770-00016938 Look, I don't know how cancer works mLxhnL0ffBE-00068-00016938-00017004 Ma'am... mLxhnL0ffBE-00069-00017004-00017220 We don't have cancer mLxhnL0ffBE-00070-00017220-00017598 This is a charity for people born June through July 22nd mLxhnL0ffBE-00071-00017598-00017790 Your money goes to the mental health of cancers mLxhnL0ffBE-00072-00017790-00017964 who are bullied, simply for being a crab mLxhnL0ffBE-00073-00018036-00018198 Wait, hold on, are you f***ing kidding me? mLxhnL0ffBE-00074-00018198-00018444 I've been dumpin' cash into this glory hole for how many years? mLxhnL0ffBE-00075-00018444-00018564 It's been 9 months ma'am mLxhnL0ffBE-00076-00018564-00018768 Shut the f*** up you crab that was rhetorical mLxhnL0ffBE-00077-00018768-00019002 Look, with the money I'm saving with whatever this is mLxhnL0ffBE-00078-00019002-00019230 You people should be happy to know that I'm going to build mLxhnL0ffBE-00079-00019230-00019380 MY 11TH PRISON! mLxhnL0ffBE-00080-00019620-00019992 What happened to you in yourchildhood to make you such a monster? mLxhnL0ffBE-00081-00020160-00020406 what happened in your childhood that made youso poor? mLxhnL0ffBE-00082-00020406-00020652 No no, I'm actually asking... mLxhnL0ffBE-00083-00020712-00020826 Why are you like this? mLxhnL0ffBE-00084-00020826-00020994 What, you mean good with my money? mLxhnL0ffBE-00085-00021168-00021480 I started learning frugality the very day I was born... mLxhnL0ffBE-00086-00021480-00021726 The head's too big ma'am! mLxhnL0ffBE-00087-00021726-00021930 Well what do you want me to do about it? mLxhnL0ffBE-00088-00021930-00022086 We're gonna need to perform a c-section mLxhnL0ffBE-00089-00022086-00022260 What's that gonna set me back? mLxhnL0ffBE-00090-00022260-00022404 Ma'am, you need this mLxhnL0ffBE-00091-00022404-00022566 Well that means expensive... mLxhnL0ffBE-00092-00022566-00022764 [BRYCE'S VOICE] mLxhnL0ffBE-00093-00022764-00023074 My mother always knew the value in pinchinga penny... mLxhnL0ffBE-00094-00023074-00023398 [BRYCE'S VOICE] She was a con artist, you see, and a damn good one mLxhnL0ffBE-00095-00023398-00023778 [BRYCE'S VOICE] By the time I was 10, she decided it was... mLxhnL0ffBE-00096-00023778-00023952 Time you finally grew up! mLxhnL0ffBE-00097-00024090-00024414 Today, I'm gonna teach you the Double DivaDiversion! mLxhnL0ffBE-00098-00024414-00024522 The Diva... mLxhnL0ffBE-00099-00024522-00024642 The DOUBLE Diva... mLxhnL0ffBE-00100-00024642-00024744 Diversion, yes! mLxhnL0ffBE-00101-00024744-00025056 Her mother and her performed it and nowshe and I got to mLxhnL0ffBE-00102-00025056-00025122 [laughs] mLxhnL0ffBE-00103-00025122-00025524 The maneuver consisted of one person distracting an individual mLxhnL0ffBE-00104-00025524-00025895 often byflirting while the other person robs them blind mLxhnL0ffBE-00105-00025992-00026268 I don't know why she called it the "Double" DivaDiversion mLxhnL0ffBE-00106-00026268-00026592 'cause it was apparent only one of uswas allowed to be the diva mLxhnL0ffBE-00107-00026592-00026754 Shen was the beautiful distraction, mLxhnL0ffBE-00108-00026754-00027036 and I was the petty thief who lived in her shadow mLxhnL0ffBE-00109-00027036-00027450 Of course I Justified it as a meansto live, we were just keeping the lights on that'sall! mLxhnL0ffBE-00110-00027450-00027822 But what I would have given just to be that distraction just for once... mLxhnL0ffBE-00111-00027822-00028068 ...just to have men look at me the way they looked at her... mLxhnL0ffBE-00112-00028068-00028458 I was willing to get that validation from anyone willing to give it to me... mLxhnL0ffBE-00113-00028458-00028572 Who is that? mLxhnL0ffBE-00114-00028572-00028722 JUST THROW IT mLxhnL0ffBE-00115-00028722-00028895 That's Bobby, he'snew... mLxhnL0ffBE-00116-00028895-00029052 I heard he goes to therapy mLxhnL0ffBE-00117-00029052-00029195 and he doesn't have parents mLxhnL0ffBE-00118-00029310-00029454 WE'RE NOT PLAYING FRISBEE! mLxhnL0ffBE-00119-00029454-00029645 Yeah, someonepooped his Valentine's box mLxhnL0ffBE-00120-00029645-00029820 So far, no one likes him mLxhnL0ffBE-00121-00029964-00030040 Good mLxhnL0ffBE-00122-00030040-00030324 [BRYCE'S VOICE] It was obvious he needed tobe saved mLxhnL0ffBE-00123-00030324-00030545 far more than I needed the validation mLxhnL0ffBE-00124-00030545-00030612 but... mLxhnL0ffBE-00125-00030612-00030726 I don't know, mLxhnL0ffBE-00126-00030726-00030960 sometimesI wonder who was saving who that day mLxhnL0ffBE-00127-00031218-00031776 Even in that moment I knew I was living through the pinnacle of ten-year-old rom-coms... mLxhnL0ffBE-00128-00031776-00032160 That is of course until my friends showed up andscrewed the pooch mLxhnL0ffBE-00129-00032160-00032333 Ew, I told you they were friends mLxhnL0ffBE-00130-00032333-00032544 Why don't you shut up Melanie mLxhnL0ffBE-00131-00032544-00032706 You shut up you a**-haver mLxhnL0ffBE-00132-00032706-00032844 Melanie, you have an a** too mLxhnL0ffBE-00133-00032844-00032994 You would know, pervert! mLxhnL0ffBE-00134-00032994-00033156 Ew, you're pervert? mLxhnL0ffBE-00135-00033218-00033402 Ew gross! mLxhnL0ffBE-00136-00033402-00033618 We were perfect for each other... mLxhnL0ffBE-00137-00033618-00033918 and soon, he became the only thought that occupied my... mLxhnL0ffBE-00138-00033918-00034038 Oh s*** I forgot about this mLxhnL0ffBE-00139-00034038-00034583 I can tell you're getting distracted mLxhnL0ffBE-00140-00034583-00034854 Alright You'renot focusing on that school s*** are you? mLxhnL0ffBE-00141-00034854-00034950 Of course not mother, mLxhnL0ffBE-00142-00034950-00035196 you know I detest learningabout this world mLxhnL0ffBE-00143-00035196-00035530 Good. Because the world does not look out for girls like you and me Brycey... mLxhnL0ffBE-00144-00035530-00035646 [BRYCE'S VOICE] As the b**** droned on, mLxhnL0ffBE-00145-00035646-00035836 all I could think about wasBobby... mLxhnL0ffBE-00146-00035836-00035898 ...you're not a beauty... mLxhnL0ffBE-00147-00035898-00036060 You're not a great beauty like me mLxhnL0ffBE-00148-00036060-00036210 What're you gonna do when you grow up? mLxhnL0ffBE-00149-00036210-00036322 You gotta use your brains! mLxhnL0ffBE-00150-00036322-00036384 [BRYCE'S VOICE] ...and the more I mLxhnL0ffBE-00151-00036384-00036516 thought about him, the more I felt mLxhnL0ffBE-00152-00036516-00036826 this string throbbing feeling inside my little chest mLxhnL0ffBE-00153-00036826-00037212 [BRYCE'S VOICE] ...in that moment i knew my heart was his mLxhnL0ffBE-00154-00037212-00037620 [BRYCE'S VOICE] mLxhnL0ffBE-00155-00037620-00038328 it was the most alive thatlittle goblin-girl had ever felt mLxhnL0ffBE-00156-00038328-00038790 [BRYCE'S VOICE] ...for about 20 minutes mLxhnL0ffBE-00157-00038988-00039126 you don't look so good mLxhnL0ffBE-00158-00039198-00039324 Iguess that's love lol mLxhnL0ffBE-00159-00039324-00039432 No, that's not love mLxhnL0ffBE-00160-00039432-00039690 we gotta find a doctor and put this back in you mLxhnL0ffBE-00161-00039690-00039798 Yeahon who's dime? mLxhnL0ffBE-00162-00039798-00039906 And what am I supposed to do? mLxhnL0ffBE-00163-00039906-00040338 just come home and say "Hey Mom, I fell in love with a boy you don't know and now I ripped my mLxhnL0ffBE-00164-00040338-00040656 heart out for the motherf***er and now I need to get it sewn back into my chest... mLxhnL0ffBE-00165-00040656-00040836 immediately before I die mLxhnL0ffBE-00166-00040956-00041160 You did what to your new uniform? mLxhnL0ffBE-00167-00041160-00041382 Did younot hear a word your daughter just said? mLxhnL0ffBE-00168-00041382-00041472 She needs a hospital! mLxhnL0ffBE-00169-00041472-00041838 No, what she needs is tostay away from boys like you mLxhnL0ffBE-00170-00041900-00042000 eeumphMMPPH!! mLxhnL0ffBE-00171-00042000-00042108 Just go home, Bobby mLxhnL0ffBE-00172-00042444-00042552 I don't have a home mLxhnL0ffBE-00173-00042714-00042864 yeah orparents... mLxhnL0ffBE-00174-00042864-00042914 I don't... mLxhnL0ffBE-00175-00042966-00043026 I mLxhnL0ffBE-00176-00043026-00043092 have nothing mLxhnL0ffBE-00177-00043186-00043286 Awwwwwww... mLxhnL0ffBE-00178-00043366-00043683 No! Wait! Wait wait! No! mLxhnL0ffBE-00179-00043683-00043978 No! Wait I'll be good! mLxhnL0ffBE-00180-00044628-00044680 Bobby mLxhnL0ffBE-00181-00044891-00045156 Ugh, stop being so dramatic! mLxhnL0ffBE-00182-00045510-00045588 oh s***! mLxhnL0ffBE-00183-00045588-00045726 The surgery wasa success! mLxhnL0ffBE-00184-00045726-00045894 Surgery? What the... mLxhnL0ffBE-00185-00045894-00046212 oh s*** I've never seen the inside of a real doctor's office before mLxhnL0ffBE-00186-00046212-00046320 And you still haven't! mLxhnL0ffBE-00187-00046320-00046512 I'm technically not a real "doctor" mLxhnL0ffBE-00188-00046512-00046740 Honey you knowPaul from up the street mLxhnL0ffBE-00189-00046740-00046884 The mortician? mLxhnL0ffBE-00190-00046884-00047058 Hey! You be grateful! mLxhnL0ffBE-00191-00047058-00047340 This little surgery is causing mean H-job mLxhnL0ffBE-00192-00047460-00047580 ...You promised a B-job mLxhnL0ffBE-00193-00047580-00047682 If she lives first mLxhnL0ffBE-00194-00047682-00047958 okay hold on how long is this going to last me? mLxhnL0ffBE-00195-00047958-00048174 Itcould last you a lifetime, or that thing could pop tonight mLxhnL0ffBE-00196-00048174-00048444 It all depends on your ability to avoid mLxhnL0ffBE-00197-00048444-00048678 stress, anger, scary movies... mLxhnL0ffBE-00198-00048678-00048888 anxiety, frustration... mLxhnL0ffBE-00199-00048888-00049254 to avoid most people... mLxhnL0ffBE-00200-00049254-00049626 oh by the way I canceled your membership to that little club you're always at mLxhnL0ffBE-00201-00049626-00049734 You mean school? mLxhnL0ffBE-00202-00049734-00049824 Bingo! mLxhnL0ffBE-00203-00049824-00050144 It's you and me, baby! Full time, pickpocketin' mLxhnL0ffBE-00204-00050144-00050370 And don't pull any of your bulls*** mLxhnL0ffBE-00205-00050472-00050556 HiTammy! mLxhnL0ffBE-00206-00050676-00050772 Mrs. Hurley! mLxhnL0ffBE-00207-00050772-00050964 We gotta stop meeting like this! mLxhnL0ffBE-00208-00051030-00051305 people are gonna think you're stalking me you little pervo! mLxhnL0ffBE-00209-00051305-00051702 Now I'm gonna continue charming ol' ladylong-tits over there mLxhnL0ffBE-00210-00051702-00051941 while you gut her purse like a good little girly mLxhnL0ffBE-00211-00051941-00052176 So how's the fam-damily? mLxhnL0ffBE-00212-00052176-00052290 STILL DEAD mLxhnL0ffBE-00213-00052290-00052347 Fantastic! mLxhnL0ffBE-00214-00052347-00052464 [BRYCE'S VOICE] mLxhnL0ffBE-00215-00052464-00052702 I found it was easier to simply shut up and dowhat I was told mLxhnL0ffBE-00216-00052702-00052866 [BRYCE'S VOICE] so that's what I did mLxhnL0ffBE-00217-00052866-00053109 Wow! That outfit's amazing! mLxhnL0ffBE-00218-00053109-00053271 Thank you so much! mLxhnL0ffBE-00219-00053271-00053567 Oh my god, take it off your body! mLxhnL0ffBE-00220-00053567-00053766 You should be a model! mLxhnL0ffBE-00221-00053766-00053908 Oh great! mLxhnL0ffBE-00222-00053908-00054210 [BRYCE'S VOICE] Despite her many reassurances that Iwas the... mLxhnL0ffBE-00223-00054210-00054490 ...most important part of this operation except for me mLxhnL0ffBE-00224-00054490-00054802 [BRYCE'S VOICE] I knew I was pretty enough to be thediversion... mLxhnL0ffBE-00225-00054802-00054929 [BRYCE'S VOICE] She just didn't mLxhnL0ffBE-00226-00054929-00055116 wanna be upstaged by her own daughter mLxhnL0ffBE-00227-00055116-00055302 [Tammy screams] mLxhnL0ffBE-00228-00055302-00055367 Oh my god! mLxhnL0ffBE-00229-00055367-00055525 I hit my head! I can'tsee! mLxhnL0ffBE-00230-00055525-00055762 [BRYCE'S VOICE] Thievery wasn't our only pastime... mLxhnL0ffBE-00231-00055762-00055924 [BRYCE'S VOICE] We worked out together... mLxhnL0ffBE-00232-00055924-00056166 [BRYCE'S VOICE] Ate meals together... mLxhnL0ffBE-00233-00056166-00056490 [BRYCE'S VOICE] Well, for about 5 minutes mLxhnL0ffBE-00234-00056574-00056670 It's been 5 minutes! mLxhnL0ffBE-00235-00056670-00056902 [BRYCE'S VOICE] Then right back to work it off together! mLxhnL0ffBE-00236-00056902-00057217 [BRYCE'S VOICE] That is, until one fateful commercial break mLxhnL0ffBE-00237-00057217-00057408 PAY ATTENTION mLxhnL0ffBE-00238-00057408-00057522 Shhhhhut the fuck up! mLxhnL0ffBE-00239-00057522-00057651 I didn't say anything mother mLxhnL0ffBE-00240-00057651-00057762 But you were going to mLxhnL0ffBE-00241-00057762-00057804 Ok mLxhnL0ffBE-00242-00057804-00057929 [SINGER] What's portable? mLxhnL0ffBE-00243-00057929-00058085 [SINGER] And mostly cancer-free? mLxhnL0ffBE-00244-00058085-00058174 [SINGER] They're CELL PHONES! mLxhnL0ffBE-00245-00058174-00058353 [SINGER] It's WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY! mLxhnL0ffBE-00246-00058353-00058484 Hi, I'm Fitchell Hornborn! mLxhnL0ffBE-00247-00058484-00058651 Founder of these f**kin phones! mLxhnL0ffBE-00248-00058651-00058914 Do you got someone to call but also somewhere to be? mLxhnL0ffBE-00249-00058964-00059179 Call now and get yourself a warran-ty! mLxhnL0ffBE-00250-00059235-00059370 We'll replace ANY phone mLxhnL0ffBE-00251-00059370-00059636 that's lost, damaged, eaten or inserted mLxhnL0ffBE-00252-00059636-00059746 FOR FREE! mLxhnL0ffBE-00253-00059790-00059874 Free? mLxhnL0ffBE-00254-00059874-00060074 [VOICE ON TV] That's right, FREE! mLxhnL0ffBE-00255-00060348-00060563 Thank you for calling Callco Phones. How may I direct you? mLxhnL0ffBE-00256-00060563-00060869 I would like my phone replaced please mLxhnL0ffBE-00257-00060869-00061030 Alright I just need your name please mLxhnL0ffBE-00258-00061030-00061177 Addison Adderall mLxhnL0ffBE-00259-00061234-00061441 I feel like I've hear that name before mLxhnL0ffBE-00260-00061441-00061543 [dramatic music] mLxhnL0ffBE-00261-00061834-00062073 Oh I know who you are, you filthy f***incon artist. mLxhnL0ffBE-00262-00062073-00062268 You're "Tacky Tammy the Taker" mLxhnL0ffBE-00263-00062268-00062493 Why do they call me— her that? mLxhnL0ffBE-00264-00062493-00062737 Because of how tacky your disguises are mLxhnL0ffBE-00265-00062765-00062965 Those are my normal clothes you dick! mLxhnL0ffBE-00266-00063050-00063324 Brycey! Get me my White Pages! mLxhnL0ffBE-00267-00063324-00063548 [BRYCE'S VOICE] You see nobodypissed off my mother without getting their mLxhnL0ffBE-00268-00063548-00063794 [BRYCE'S VOICE] home address looked up and broken into mLxhnL0ffBE-00269-00063794-00063934 [BRYCE'S VOICE] exceptthis victim already... mLxhnL0ffBE-00270-00063934-00064048 Knows my face mLxhnL0ffBE-00271-00064048-00064276 I'm gonna need you to take the lead on this one mLxhnL0ffBE-00272-00064276-00064421 Can you do it? mLxhnL0ffBE-00273-00064421-00064567 I won't let you down, mother mLxhnL0ffBE-00274-00064567-00064673 mmm, good mLxhnL0ffBE-00275-00064940-00065218 HI! I'm with the Jesus and God Church wondering if mLxhnL0ffBE-00276-00065218-00065572 you have a little bit of time to be a little bitsaved today? mLxhnL0ffBE-00277-00065572-00065830 Well that's very kind of you but I'mactually part of a church and I don't have any mLxhnL0ffBE-00278-00065830-00066088 plans on leaving but thank you very much though mLxhnL0ffBE-00279-00066143-00066379 Wait, maybe... maybe you'd like to um mLxhnL0ffBE-00280-00066379-00066515 go out sometime mLxhnL0ffBE-00281-00066742-00066899 Like on a date? mLxhnL0ffBE-00282-00066899-00067104 [BRYCE'S VOICE] I couldn't think of a damnthing to say mLxhnL0ffBE-00283-00067104-00067572 [BRYCE'S VOICE] Not 'cause I was dumb, but because I was panicking. My head wasspinning my heart was racing and my mLxhnL0ffBE-00284-00067572-00067866 [BRYCE'S VOICE] hand was writing? and all I could get outwere three shitty words: mLxhnL0ffBE-00285-00067866-00067988 Here's my number! mLxhnL0ffBE-00286-00068232-00068346 [laughs] mLxhnL0ffBE-00287-00068424-00068533 BYE! mLxhnL0ffBE-00288-00068533-00068789 I don't like you fraternizing with the enemy... mLxhnL0ffBE-00289-00068789-00069000 Why don't you want me to just be happy, mother? mLxhnL0ffBE-00290-00069000-00069142 'Cause I'm your mother! mLxhnL0ffBE-00291-00069142-00069343 And happiness = DISTRACTION! mLxhnL0ffBE-00292-00069498-00070362 and we have a store to rob, bright and earlytomorrow morning, 9am mLxhnL0ffBE-00293-00070362-00070539 I'm not distracted mother mLxhnL0ffBE-00294-00070539-00070995 I'm just excited for tomorrow's heist is all. There'sa lot of brands that store that... mLxhnL0ffBE-00295-00071202-00071734 I... I'm sorry did we steal personal photographsfrom him mother? mLxhnL0ffBE-00296-00071734-00071875 I took whatever fit in the bag mLxhnL0ffBE-00297-00071875-00072167 These are personal items mother, now you're just being a b**** mLxhnL0ffBE-00298-00072167-00072245 [PHONE RINGS] mLxhnL0ffBE-00299-00072245-00072295 And? mLxhnL0ffBE-00300-00072295-00072433 Tankthrusters! mLxhnL0ffBE-00301-00072433-00072665 Hey, is this the girl that was just at my house? mLxhnL0ffBE-00302-00072665-00072925 [TAMMY] Hey! theseshoulders aren't gonna rub themselves! mLxhnL0ffBE-00303-00072925-00073131 No, I'm sorry that that that that was just mLxhnL0ffBE-00304-00073131-00073215 THE TV!!! mLxhnL0ffBE-00305-00073215-00073378 Don't ruin the face! mLxhnL0ffBE-00306-00073378-00073470 Face is my fortune mLxhnL0ffBE-00307-00073470-00073676 I'm sorry if this is a bad time, I can call back later mLxhnL0ffBE-00308-00073676-00074028 No it's a great time! It'salways a great time here at the church of... mLxhnL0ffBE-00309-00074028-00074278 Wherever I Said I Was From. How are you doing? mLxhnL0ffBE-00310-00074278-00074489 Well uh...not great mLxhnL0ffBE-00311-00074489-00074929 umm, someone broke into my house and stole the only photo I had of my old dog mLxhnL0ffBE-00312-00075000-00075099 Oh n— you d... mLxhnL0ffBE-00313-00075175-00075424 that's terrible you don't say— well who would that? mLxhnL0ffBE-00314-00075424-00075690 Anyway, it got me thinking about youand... mLxhnL0ffBE-00315-00075776-00075983 well, all the work you do saving others and... mLxhnL0ffBE-00316-00075983-00076033 Oh mLxhnL0ffBE-00317-00076033-00076083 good mLxhnL0ffBE-00318-00076083-00076133 ya mLxhnL0ffBE-00319-00076164-00076463 You know, there's just not that many people like you left in the world, and... mLxhnL0ffBE-00320-00076463-00076663 I just.. mLxhnL0ffBE-00321-00076677-00076800 um mLxhnL0ffBE-00322-00076800-00076888 Well you what? mLxhnL0ffBE-00323-00077001-00077178 I uh just... mLxhnL0ffBE-00324-00077178-00077595 wanted to take youup on that offer of maybe... mLxhnL0ffBE-00325-00077595-00077766 going out sometime? mLxhnL0ffBE-00326-00077814-00078070 [BRYCE'S VOICE] In my head I was going "hmm..." mLxhnL0ffBE-00327-00078070-00078144 [TAMMY] Hey!! mLxhnL0ffBE-00328-00078144-00078384 I canstill hear you being happy in there mLxhnL0ffBE-00329-00078520-00078680 What are you doing right now? mLxhnL0ffBE-00330-00078763-00079163 [BRYCE'S VOICE] I don't thinkI'd ever gotten ready faster in my whole life mLxhnL0ffBE-00331-00079253-00079498 [BRYCE'S VOICE] life and for the first time in over adecade... mLxhnL0ffBE-00332-00079593-00079853 [BRYCE'S VOICE] I enjoyed my f***in self mLxhnL0ffBE-00333-00079853-00080260 [Music] mLxhnL0ffBE-00334-00081000-00081099 I had fun tonight mLxhnL0ffBE-00335-00081550-00081635 Thank you mLxhnL0ffBE-00336-00081800-00081894 Hey mLxhnL0ffBE-00337-00082000-00082132 I didn't get your name bythe way mLxhnL0ffBE-00338-00082243-00082332 I'm Bryce mLxhnL0ffBE-00339-00082477-00082562 I'm Donovan mLxhnL0ffBE-00340-00082698-00083118 [BRYCE'S VOICE] "Donovan," oh god something about that name justhits mLxhnL0ffBE-00341-00083157-00083481 Why are you still sleeping you lazy b****!?? mLxhnL0ffBE-00342-00083481-00083660 I love your makeup! I have to get em, mLxhnL0ffBE-00343-00083660-00083825 tell me it's inthe store or I'm gonna die! mLxhnL0ffBE-00344-00083825-00084011 Is she okay? mLxhnL0ffBE-00345-00084044-00084152 [Snoring] mLxhnL0ffBE-00346-00084301-00084485 I knew it! You're getting distracted mLxhnL0ffBE-00347-00084485-00084620 I'm not gettingdistracted mLxhnL0ffBE-00348-00084620-00084729 You met a boy! mLxhnL0ffBE-00349-00084729-00084826 I have not mLxhnL0ffBE-00350-00084826-00085247 [BRYCE'S VOICE] Say what you will, I was telling the god's truth becauseI did not meet a boy... mLxhnL0ffBE-00351-00085260-00085453 [BRYCE'S VOICE] I met a f****n man mLxhnL0ffBE-00352-00085766-00085983 [BRYCE'S VOICE] and I did it again... mLxhnL0ffBE-00353-00085983-00086172 [BRYCE'S VOICE] And again! mLxhnL0ffBE-00354-00086172-00086488 [BRYCE'S VOICE] And beforewe knew it we were doing everything together mLxhnL0ffBE-00355-00086488-00086789 [BRYCE'S VOICE] S***, he even started bringing me to his place of employment mLxhnL0ffBE-00356-00086789-00086935 Welcome to my place of employment mLxhnL0ffBE-00357-00086935-00087199 Wow I...I love your place of employment mLxhnL0ffBE-00358-00087266-00087446 Donovan!! YOU'RE LATE!!! mLxhnL0ffBE-00359-00087446-00087580 I... I'm sorry sir I just mLxhnL0ffBE-00360-00087580-00087780 Who is this lovely can of hairspray? mLxhnL0ffBE-00361-00087854-00088054 This is uh.. my... mLxhnL0ffBE-00362-00088054-00088200 ...Girlfriend mLxhnL0ffBE-00363-00088200-00088413 Fitchell Hornborn: Big d**k, bigger phones mLxhnL0ffBE-00364-00088413-00088759 Oh, I know who you are, Mr. Hornborn mLxhnL0ffBE-00365-00088842-00089093 You keep bringing this bi*** around I might just give you a raise! mLxhnL0ffBE-00366-00089117-00089440 [BRYCE'S VOICE] And that's how I learned to get by 90% of the corporateworld mLxhnL0ffBE-00367-00089440-00089603 [TAMMY] You better be dead or you will be! mLxhnL0ffBE-00368-00089603-00089765 [BRYCE'S VOICE] The thought of making money legitimately mLxhnL0ffBE-00369-00089765-00089930 [BRYCE'S VOICE] never crossed my mind till that moment mLxhnL0ffBE-00370-00089930-00090114 Excuseme what the hell do you think you're doing?! mLxhnL0ffBE-00371-00090114-00090264 HEY! HEY! mLxhnL0ffBE-00372-00090264-00090539 You're too ugly to touch my da— sister! mLxhnL0ffBE-00373-00090539-00090657 [Gasp] mLxhnL0ffBE-00374-00090657-00090894 You know Iran the numbers and we could actually be mLxhnL0ffBE-00375-00090894-00091138 making more money if we went and got jobs mLxhnL0ffBE-00376-00091242-00091532 Did you know how shitty it would be to work for someone else? mLxhnL0ffBE-00377-00091532-00091881 Well, you got to startsomewhere... and who knows? mLxhnL0ffBE-00378-00092046-00092266 ...maybe one day we'll be the ones people answer to, mother mLxhnL0ffBE-00379-00092266-00092404 jobs are for suckers mLxhnL0ffBE-00380-00092404-00092622 They never let women run anything mLxhnL0ffBE-00381-00092622-00092831 [BRYCE'S VOICE] I knew right away that was a lie... mLxhnL0ffBE-00382-00092831-00093036 [BRYCE'S VOICE] 'Cause someone was letting her run that damn mouth mLxhnL0ffBE-00383-00093052-00093155 ATTENTION! mLxhnL0ffBE-00384-00093155-00093523 Mr Hornborn would like to offer you apromotion today at noon mLxhnL0ffBE-00385-00093523-00093736 Congratulations, Donovan mLxhnL0ffBE-00386-00093900-00094216 well holy s*** look at you climbing up thatladder! mLxhnL0ffBE-00387-00094216-00094572 [BRYCE'S VOICE] And ladder soon became my obsession mLxhnL0ffBE-00388-00094812-00095148 ...and on the other side we havepenises and boners and THAT'S why mLxhnL0ffBE-00389-00095148-00095366 we only have two genders! mLxhnL0ffBE-00390-00095366-00095638 Wow you'rereally progressive, maybe I should get a bible mLxhnL0ffBE-00391-00095862-00096029 You know Donovan, I... mLxhnL0ffBE-00392-00096029-00096348 I think it's time Igave you something I've been holding on to... mLxhnL0ffBE-00393-00096467-00096575 Thank you! mLxhnL0ffBE-00394-00096667-00096854 I'm sorry I didn't get you anything mLxhnL0ffBE-00395-00096854-00097129 Well youknow... this is my way of s— mLxhnL0ffBE-00396-00097200-00097353 You have opened my eyes mLxhnL0ffBE-00397-00097353-00097495 to a new way of living. mLxhnL0ffBE-00398-00097495-00097656 A better way of living mLxhnL0ffBE-00399-00097656-00097972 ...ofmaking a— earning a living and I just... mLxhnL0ffBE-00400-00097972-00098112 What the f*** is this? mLxhnL0ffBE-00401-00098267-00098437 In my head that was going to take you longerto open mLxhnL0ffBE-00402-00098518-00098627 Did you steal this from my house? mLxhnL0ffBE-00403-00098627-00098986 Well, worse I actually was the diversion while that wasstolen mLxhnL0ffBE-00404-00099042-00099204 You're friends with "Tacky Tammy" mLxhnL0ffBE-00405-00099226-00099480 Eh, worse. I came out of "Tacky Tammy" mLxhnL0ffBE-00406-00099498-00099793 Wait so you mean allof this is just payback because I wouldn't give your mom a free phone? mLxhnL0ffBE-00407-00099810-00100159 Well, it's a result of thatbut it's not the whole caboodle mLxhnL0ffBE-00408-00100159-00100588 and how dare you think my mom's clever enough to pull off a heist that complicated mLxhnL0ffBE-00409-00100588-00100722 I F***** YOU! mLxhnL0ffBE-00410-00100722-00100957 Yeah well I thought I was being f***ed by a decent mLxhnL0ffBE-00411-00100957-00101322 Church girls don't need to be f***ed because they already are mLxhnL0ffBE-00412-00101322-00101565 and besides I don't need church to be decent mLxhnL0ffBE-00413-00101565-00101822 I'm doing the decent thing now aren't I? mLxhnL0ffBE-00414-00101822-00101889 [GLASS SHATTERS] mLxhnL0ffBE-00415-00102474-00102600 What else are you lying about? mLxhnL0ffBE-00416-00102600-00102929 Oh don't go making me out to be some kind of liar just 'cause I don't tell the truth mLxhnL0ffBE-00417-00102929-00103115 Are you even with the Jesus and God Church? mLxhnL0ffBE-00418-00103115-00103360 I'm not even with Jesus OR God! mLxhnL0ffBE-00419-00103529-00103671 Were you ever even with me? mLxhnL0ffBE-00420-00104106-00104446 Of course I was— I am with you,Donovan... mLxhnL0ffBE-00421-00104446-00104683 and you really have taught me a better way of living mLxhnL0ffBE-00422-00104683-00105006 [Donovan screams] ...I just don't seea future without you in it at this point mLxhnL0ffBE-00423-00105198-00105474 this is where you say... something,anything... mLxhnL0ffBE-00424-00105559-00105703 Donovan... mLxhnL0ffBE-00425-00105703-00105903 Don— mLxhnL0ffBE-00426-00105937-00106137 DONOVAN! mLxhnL0ffBE-00427-00106457-00106818 Donovan! mLxhnL0ffBE-00428-00106968-00107117 No mLxhnL0ffBE-00429-00107449-00108000 no no no Donovan Donovan hellooooh my god, mLxhnL0ffBE-00430-00108000-00108113 you are dead mLxhnL0ffBE-00431-00108144-00108216 dead mLxhnL0ffBE-00432-00108216-00108588 dead oh my god you are so dead you are one of the most dead people I've ever... mLxhnL0ffBE-00433-00108588-00108686 Hey! Is there someone over there?! mLxhnL0ffBE-00434-00108686-00108848 I think there's someone over there!! mLxhnL0ffBE-00435-00108848-00108988 NO!!! mLxhnL0ffBE-00436-00108988-00109200 Okay, right about this point I was sh***in' my tights mLxhnL0ffBE-00437-00109200-00109543 I mean what was I supposed to do? How was I supposed to break this to my mother? mLxhnL0ffBE-00438-00109543-00110226 Long story short: I hiked all the way back (on foot) from the bottom of a cliff a man fell off of, who I've been secretly dating mLxhnL0ffBE-00439-00110226-00110652 behind your back— his head popped off! Andwhile I'm trying not to blame myself for mLxhnL0ffBE-00440-00110652-00110949 his death I know the police probably will! mLxhnL0ffBE-00441-00110949-00111090 you did what to your new shoes? mLxhnL0ffBE-00442-00111090-00111540 Mother listen to what I'm saying this life of crime is getting us into seriously hot water! mLxhnL0ffBE-00443-00111540-00111676 NO!!! mLxhnL0ffBE-00444-00111706-00112296 What you did going behind my back got us into hot water! And this "life of crime" that you mLxhnL0ffBE-00445-00112296-00112776 so belittle is the only thing we have to go on, and that's the only thing we're ever gonna HAVE! mLxhnL0ffBE-00446-00112938-00113269 the the f*** do you what officer? mLxhnL0ffBE-00447-00113269-00113534 That's her. That'sthe one that called me ugly mLxhnL0ffBE-00448-00113576-00113757 Is this true ma'am? mLxhnL0ffBE-00449-00113826-00114003 Officer look at him mLxhnL0ffBE-00450-00114003-00114293 Ow! My daughter actuallykilled someone tonight mLxhnL0ffBE-00451-00114293-00114447 and you're arresting me?! mLxhnL0ffBE-00452-00114447-00114619 Ow! I don't like it like that stop it! mLxhnL0ffBE-00453-00114619-00114913 [ANCHOR] Shoplifterand Petty Thief Tammy Tankthrust has been arrested tonight mLxhnL0ffBE-00454-00114954-00115358 [ANCHOR] ...spotted by a local twink whoclaims: "I won't let anyone be rude to me again!" mLxhnL0ffBE-00455-00115385-00115769 I really screwed up Brycey, and I'm sorry mLxhnL0ffBE-00456-00115769-00115994 I wasa terrible mother mLxhnL0ffBE-00457-00116052-00116442 I should have had us rob way prettier people, way richer people mLxhnL0ffBE-00458-00116442-00116813 We shouldhave killed all the witnesses, leftt nobody mLxhnL0ffBE-00459-00116813-00117230 but now here I am suffering the consequences of beingtoo nice... mLxhnL0ffBE-00460-00117230-00117507 don't let your heart get any weaker mLxhnL0ffBE-00461-00117556-00117718 I think I'm stuck mLxhnL0ffBE-00462-00117718-00118030 [BRYCE'S VOICE] To whom it may concern... mLxhnL0ffBE-00463-00118030-00118240 [BRYCE'S VOICE] My nameis Bryce Tankthrust mLxhnL0ffBE-00464-00118240-00118706 [BRYCE'S VOICE] it has come to my attention that a position has recently been made availableat your company mLxhnL0ffBE-00465-00118706-00119084 [BRYCE'S VOICE] I believe I have what it takes to fill not just the void in your office mLxhnL0ffBE-00466-00119084-00119292 [BRYCE'S VOICE] but theone in your heart mLxhnL0ffBE-00467-00119292-00119733 [BRYCE'S VOICE] I am a woman of solid ethics and I intend to be a valuable asset mLxhnL0ffBE-00468-00119733-00120054 [BRYCE'S VOICE] to yourcompany through hard work and good judgment! mO6Jq-N0VcA-00000-00000078-00000684 I sat at Dudes for my regular burger and fry as a group from the local high school rolled in. mO6Jq-N0VcA-00001-00000724-00001164 They weren't any different looking than the other teens who populated the place at lunch hour. mO6Jq-N0VcA-00002-00001208-00001742 From the girls' close cropped hair and mandatory number of pierced body parts, to the boys' mO6Jq-N0VcA-00003-00001742-00002278 baggy pants and familiar swoosh symbol on hats and shoes, they seemed like the perfect mO6Jq-N0VcA-00004-00002278-00002482 representatives of today's youth culture. mO6Jq-N0VcA-00005-00002558-00003052 They sat in the booth next to me and as they began talking I realized how foolish it was mO6Jq-N0VcA-00006-00003052-00003265 to judge from exterior looks alone. mO6Jq-N0VcA-00007-00003311-00003872 Being so close, I couldn't help hearing their discussion over "religious" issues - of all things. mO6Jq-N0VcA-00008-00003932-00004362 It seemed that their group cared whether or not a woman could preach in church and they mO6Jq-N0VcA-00009-00004362-00004560 debated the point quite vigorously. mO6Jq-N0VcA-00010-00004604-00005100 Their conversation wandered through several points relevant to teenage Christians mO6Jq-N0VcA-00011-00005100-00005662 (is drinking OK, how about dancing) as well as the ever present gossip of who was dating whom. mO6Jq-N0VcA-00012-00005724-00006154 To my knowledge, none of the debates were resolved but that wasn't the point. mO6Jq-N0VcA-00013-00006156-00006670 I realized that beside the pierced tongues and wild colored hair - religion mattered to them! mO6Jq-N0VcA-00014-00006706-00006977 They had questions and they were looking for answers. mO6Jq-N0VcA-00015-00007050-00007531 Lunch at Dude's doesn't usually bring me to any type of resolution (except maybe cutting mO6Jq-N0VcA-00016-00007532-00008047 down on greasy food) but this day's experience made me realize that if we don't teach young mO6Jq-N0VcA-00017-00008047-00008410 people, they will teach themselves, or find someone who will. mO6Jq-N0VcA-00018-00008410-00008772 Let's not let their style put us off - they are searching mO6Jq-N0VcA-00019-00008772-00009018 and we need to help them find the truth. mPTHMP4A3bg-00000-00000000-00000200 It snowed for the first time in Makkah today, Sunday 1/1/2023. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00000-00000000-00000136 Our Yang Yong-eun is... mRiu9Iy4sf0-00001-00000136-00000470 The first Korean to win a major tournament in Asia. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00002-00000470-00000676 A record-breaking competition. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00003-00000676-00000886 Only one of the four major championships. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00004-00000886-00001113 He's not allowed to play as an amateur. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00005-00001113-00001666 Let me introduce you to the PGA Championship. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00006-00003163-00003620 Nice to meet you. Dog golf. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00007-00003620-00003866 The second major tournament of the season (2020-2021) mRiu9Iy4sf0-00008-00003866-00004133 The 103rd PGA Championship has been a huge success. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00009-00004133-00004543 It runs for four days from Thursday, May 20th. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00010-00004543-00004896 A few days ago, Lee Kyung-hoon played AT&T Byron Nelson mRiu9Iy4sf0-00011-00004896-00005580 He won the competition and was dramatically placed on the roster. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00012-00005580-00005976 Throughout the broadcast, the narrator called me KH Lee. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00013-00005976-00006263 It's all over my ears. I'm gonna... mRiu9Iy4sf0-00014-00006263-00006700 I'll call you KH Lee.Haha mRiu9Iy4sf0-00015-00006700-00006906 For your information, the Korean player who participated in the competition is mRiu9Iy4sf0-00016-00006906-00007259 2009 Championship champion Yang Yong-eun, including athletes. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00017-00007259-00007880 Ahn Byung-hoon, Lim Sung-jae, Kim Si-woo and KH Lee. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00018-00007880-00008186 To tell you a little bit about the history of the contest, mRiu9Iy4sf0-00019-00008186-00008540 The PGA was established in February 1916. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00020-00008540-00009043 The first PGA Championship was held in October of the same year. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00021-00009043-00009323 The popularity and status of amateur golf at that time... mRiu9Iy4sf0-00022-00009323-00009570 I've overwhelmed professional golf. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00023-00009570-00009763 The American professional golfers are the only ones who know how to play. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00024-00009763-00010006 Found an association, the PGA. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00025-00010006-00010203 The best competition for themselves. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00026-00010203-00010546 I planned the PGA Championship. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00027-00010546-00010983 From 1916 to 1957. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00028-00010983-00011383 It is played in a match-play manner that determines every hole. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00029-00011383-00011886 Starting in 1958, the total number of round scores was determined. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00030-00011886-00012196 It's operated in a stroke-play way. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00031-00012196-00012440 The venue for the 2021 tournament is... mRiu9Iy4sf0-00032-00012440-00012883 It's the Ocean Course of Kia Island Golf Resort. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00033-00012883-00013310 The course is 7,876 yards long. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00034-00013310-00013740 The average length of the par-4 course is nearly 500 yards.ㅎㄷㄷ mRiu9Iy4sf0-00035-00013740-00014030 Maybe it's because of the length of the course. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00036-00014030-00014406 It is analyzed that long hitters will have an advantage. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00037-00014406-00014693 The trophy is called "Wanamaker." mRiu9Iy4sf0-00038-00014693-00015166 It is 75cm tall and weighs 12kg. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00039-00015166-00015556 It looks similar to the UEFA Champions League trophy. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00040-00015556-00015700 A remarkable player is... mRiu9Iy4sf0-00041-00015700-00016003 Defending champion Colin Morikawa, mRiu9Iy4sf0-00042-00016003-00016373 Jordan Spieth, a career grand slam seeker. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00043-00016373-00016713 At the 2012 tournament, by eight strokes on the same course, mRiu9Iy4sf0-00044-00016713-00016930 Winner Rory McGillroy, mRiu9Iy4sf0-00045-00016930-00017353 Last year, the year before last, the runner-up Dustin Johnson, etc. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00046-00017353-00017690 Looking at the roster, it's really fancy. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00047-00017690-00017930 Rory McGillroy or Jordan Spieth. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00048-00017930-00018143 With the four major championships, mRiu9Iy4sf0-00049-00018143-00018643 I wonder if I will achieve the 6th career grand slam. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00050-00018643-00018960 It's unusual for the players to play in this PGA Championship. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00051-00018960-00019296 It is said to allow the use of distance meters. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00052-00019296-00019450 By preventing slow play mRiu9Iy4sf0-00053-00019450-00019820 They say it's a move to speed up the overall economy. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00054-00019820-00020076 Rather concerned about adverse effects. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00055-00020076-00020366 Some of the players have objections. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00056-00020366-00020740 Whoever wins the PGA Championship will be a new history. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00057-00020740-00021100 I'm thinking of seeing great performances and high-quality performances. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00058-00021100-00021430 I'm already excited. mRiu9Iy4sf0-00059-00021430-00021833 This has been Dog Golf. Thank you. mUGGlXhun44-00000-00000024-00000238 Hey, and welcome back to my channel. mUGGlXhun44-00001-00000238-00000745 Are you wondering if your partner can be on your personal board of directors? mUGGlXhun44-00002-00000745-00001255 Stay tuned, because I'm going to talk about why that may or may not be the best decision mUGGlXhun44-00003-00001255-00001355 for you. mUGGlXhun44-00004-00001355-00001763 For the best advice on self-care and personal empowerment, be sure to subscribe to my channel, mUGGlXhun44-00005-00001763-00002827 and hit that bell to get notified when I release a new video every Thursday. mUGGlXhun44-00006-00002827-00003990 So, can your partner be on your personal board of directors? mUGGlXhun44-00007-00003990-00004283 By the way, for those of you who aren't sure what I'm talking about when I say "Personal mUGGlXhun44-00008-00004283-00004715 board of directors," be sure you check out my earlier video, I will link to that in the mUGGlXhun44-00009-00004715-00005235 description below, as well as put a little link up top. mUGGlXhun44-00010-00005235-00005342 Here's the thing. mUGGlXhun44-00011-00005342-00005835 Your personal board of directors, they're a group of people who you turn to when you mUGGlXhun44-00012-00005835-00006315 want critical feedback, when you want critical, constructive feedback. mUGGlXhun44-00013-00006315-00006803 They're people who can give it to you straight, tell it like it really is. mUGGlXhun44-00014-00006803-00007475 Now, I don't know about you, but sometimes when I receive feedback from my partner, my mUGGlXhun44-00015-00007475-00008107 husband, I'm not in the best state to receive that information because that's my husband, mUGGlXhun44-00016-00008107-00008532 he's supposed to love and support me no matter what. mUGGlXhun44-00017-00008532-00009271 That's the role of your partner, they're supposed to be the person on your side, no matter the mUGGlXhun44-00018-00009271-00009371 circumstances. mUGGlXhun44-00019-00009371-00010035 They should be team insert your name here, all the time, no matter what. mUGGlXhun44-00020-00010035-00010377 Your personal board of directors, not so much. mUGGlXhun44-00021-00010377-00010900 They're there to give you the feedback that you need to help support you making the best mUGGlXhun44-00022-00010900-00011400 decisions for your life, and sometimes those best decisions aren't necessarily the ones mUGGlXhun44-00023-00011400-00011742 we want to make, I mean, let's be honest about it. mUGGlXhun44-00024-00011742-00012160 They're there to make sure that you're staying in alignment with your truth, that you're mUGGlXhun44-00025-00012160-00012511 staying in alignment with your values, and do we want our partners to do that as well? mUGGlXhun44-00026-00012511-00012799 Yes, but we want them to do it in a different way. mUGGlXhun44-00027-00012799-00013152 We want them to do it from that love perspective. mUGGlXhun44-00028-00013152-00013413 Our personal board of directors, they're more like... mUGGlXhun44-00029-00013413-00013974 I don't know, think about it like friendly managers, people who can give us that annual mUGGlXhun44-00030-00013974-00014613 review when we need it from the people that we know have our backs. mUGGlXhun44-00031-00014613-00015051 It's a little bit like we want to keep our business life and our personal life separate. mUGGlXhun44-00032-00015051-00015552 I don't know about you, but if I was running a big corporation, I don't know that I would mUGGlXhun44-00033-00015552-00016144 want my partner sitting on my board of directors when I'm the corporation's CEO. mUGGlXhun44-00034-00016144-00016728 You're the CEO of your life, so you should have a board of directors that has the capacity mUGGlXhun44-00035-00016728-00017501 to evaluate you in a way that is productive, constructive, and feels good. mUGGlXhun44-00036-00017501-00018002 Your partner on the other hand, this should be a person who you can go to at the end of mUGGlXhun44-00037-00018002-00018397 the day, take off the CEO hat, and just be you. mUGGlXhun44-00038-00018397-00018981 So, to make this sweet and short, no, I do not recommend inviting your partner to serve mUGGlXhun44-00039-00018981-00019396 on your personal board of directors, that's a different role, and I hope that this has mUGGlXhun44-00040-00019396-00019496 been helpful. mUGGlXhun44-00041-00019496-00020029 I hope you enjoyed this video, and I would love to know, do you have a personal board mUGGlXhun44-00042-00020029-00020531 of directors, and is your partner on your board of directors, and how is that working mUGGlXhun44-00043-00020531-00020694 out for you? mUGGlXhun44-00044-00020694-00021206 Self-care is an everyday practice, make sure you take a look at and download my free guide, mUGGlXhun44-00045-00021206-00021658 50 Tips for Everyday Living, you can find that in the description below. mUGGlXhun44-00046-00021658-00021814 I hope you enjoyed this video. mUGGlXhun44-00047-00021814-00022265 If you did, be sure to like it, subscribe to my channel, and hit that bell to get notified mUGGlXhun44-00048-00022265-00022660 when I release a new video every Thursday. mUGGlXhun44-00049-00022660-00022864 Stay ignited out there, I will see you soon. mUGGlXhun44-00050-00022864-00022877 Bye. maeLQsZTJik-00000-00002086-00002500 I get to see them become more confident in using English as they engage in maeLQsZTJik-00001-00002514-00002910 authentic tasks where they have to use the English that they have to persuade, maeLQsZTJik-00002-00002912-00003360 to learn to teach. I also see them become better team players maeLQsZTJik-00003-00004258-00004772 One thing that I learned from this trip is that education is not only what we maeLQsZTJik-00004-00004772-00005252 learn in classrooms, but also the whole experience of learning whether it's maeLQsZTJik-00005-00005252-00005604 inside the classroom or outdoors as well. maeLQsZTJik-00006-00006458-00006778 It's very valuable for the children because like, they really want to learn maeLQsZTJik-00007-00006778-00007213 English and they're very involved in the class and when we have games they really maeLQsZTJik-00008-00007213-00007616 want to ... they are active and they really want to answer your questions. maeLQsZTJik-00009-00010370-00010896 I'm Michelle, and I'm taking Applied Biology and Biotechnology at PolyU. This is maeLQsZTJik-00010-00010896-00011397 my second time coming to Tainan to teach English. I first joined this Service maeLQsZTJik-00011-00011397-00011804 Learning course because I think English is an international language so I think maeLQsZTJik-00012-00011804-00012300 it will be a nice experience for them to meet people other than Taiwanese. maeLQsZTJik-00013-00012374-00012839 Hi, I'm Raymond and I'm from Indonesia and I'm studying in PolyU in the School of maeLQsZTJik-00014-00012839-00013359 Accounting and Finance. Currently I'm in Taiwan doing my Service Learning trip maeLQsZTJik-00015-00013359-00013875 teaching English to children. My hope for the children here is maeLQsZTJik-00016-00013875-00014426 that they can dream big, not only limited to the resources they have, not only maeLQsZTJik-00017-00014426-00014606 limited to the places they live. maeLQsZTJik-00018-00014666-00014906 One of the highlights of my academic year has maeLQsZTJik-00019-00014906-00015312 to be when we embark on this journey with our ELC2S02 students and maeLQsZTJik-00020-00015312-00015813 hopefully one day they'll know how they can actually respond or how they can maeLQsZTJik-00021-00015813-00016329 inspire other people to respond to needs and issues in the society and also in maeLQsZTJik-00022-00016329-00016462 the global community. mbv4pWr4Ddc-00000-00000794-00001473 Aristotle said, we what we repeatedly do Wise man he. who we are and what we a mbv4pWr4Ddc-00001-00001473-00001863 accomplish in life is based on a series of routines and habits that we follow and mbv4pWr4Ddc-00002-00001863-00002346 we've all had experiences where we try to break a bad habit with very little mbv4pWr4Ddc-00003-00002346-00002678 success finally saying " Aah Shoot! This is who I am mbv4pWr4Ddc-00004-00002678-00003147 just let me be" and that right here brings us to the focus of today's mbv4pWr4Ddc-00005-00003147-00003864 episode learning how to install new empowering habits. Hi I'm Sheila and this mbv4pWr4Ddc-00006-00003864-00004928 is Lumiere 24 light on. Do you know that habits are not just the physical mbv4pWr4Ddc-00007-00004928-00005405 activities that we do or don't do like the can't start my day without the cup mbv4pWr4Ddc-00008-00005405-00005654 of tea one or overeating or not exercising smoking complaining mbv4pWr4Ddc-00009-00005654-00006192 . Habits mbv4pWr4Ddc-00010-00006192-00006693 also include how we routinely feel and think. Feeling happy or unhappy, being mbv4pWr4Ddc-00011-00006693-00007188 angry all the time, feeling successful or unsuccessful, feeling low, feeling mbv4pWr4Ddc-00012-00007188-00007911 unmotivated. mbv4pWr4Ddc-00013-00007911-00008388 now of course you want to keep your good habits. We will talk about those habits mbv4pWr4Ddc-00014-00008388-00008897 which we want to change, which we are struggling to change and often feel mbv4pWr4Ddc-00015-00008897-00009414 guilty about having. And in order to change a bad habit we have to go right mbv4pWr4Ddc-00016-00009414-00009840 up to where the drama is happening: in your brain! Remember when you were first mbv4pWr4Ddc-00017-00009840-00010340 learning to drive a car it seems so complex especially if you were using the mbv4pWr4Ddc-00018-00010340-00010932 manual one ! 3 pedals, but only two feet, release the clutch slowly, and at the mbv4pWr4Ddc-00019-00010932-00011499 same time , press the accelerator! Too fast, too slow, the car jerks forward, the car mbv4pWr4Ddc-00020-00011499-00012047 stalls, change the gear, look down because you can't remember which gear the car is in mbv4pWr4Ddc-00021-00012047-00012905 jerk against all again and of course the feelings: fear, confusion, embarrassment, a mbv4pWr4Ddc-00022-00012905-00013313 million signals to the brain- thinking what do I do, mbv4pWr4Ddc-00023-00013313-00013644 what next, what next, and then after a week of mbv4pWr4Ddc-00024-00013644-00014169 driving suddenly it seems easier and now you probably don't even think about it mbv4pWr4Ddc-00025-00014169-00014634 when you get into your car and drive away . It has become automatic and this is mbv4pWr4Ddc-00026-00014634-00015147 exactly how a habit is formed, whether it's your physical habits or the mbv4pWr4Ddc-00027-00015147-00015851 emotional ones you start them all by a lot of present moment thinking reminding mbv4pWr4Ddc-00028-00015851-00016398 and working, Though it doesn't seem that now. Charles Duhigg, the author of the Power of Habits calls it chunking mbv4pWr4Ddc-00029-00016398-00016935 when the brain converts a sequence of actions mbv4pWr4Ddc-00030-00016935-00017529 into an automatic routine. You have to realize that all habits consist of a mbv4pWr4Ddc-00031-00017529-00018156 simple but powerful 3-step loop first there is a cue for the habit - a trigger mbv4pWr4Ddc-00032-00018156-00018581 which tells your brain to go into automatic mode and choose a habit a mbv4pWr4Ddc-00033-00018581-00019065 routine which is what you do when you're triggered and the reward which helps the mbv4pWr4Ddc-00034-00019065-00019593 brain remember whether this habit is worth it. As time goes by the cue and mbv4pWr4Ddc-00035-00019593-00020040 reward is so intertwined that the habit becomes automatic. Let me give you an mbv4pWr4Ddc-00036-00020040-00020697 example I have this habit of having a huge cup of tea at 11:30 a.m. and no mbv4pWr4Ddc-00037-00020697-00021267 matter where I am this urge for tea is so strong that I even drive to the mbv4pWr4Ddc-00038-00021267-00021810 nearest cafe and order my large cup of tea. The CUE here is the mid morning mbv4pWr4Ddc-00039-00021810-00022307 slump, especially if I'm writing, and the reward is a recharge to my brain cells mbv4pWr4Ddc-00040-00022307-00022770 now I just cannot decide to stop drinking the tea. That is a temporary mbv4pWr4Ddc-00041-00022770-00023403 solution. So we have to play by the rules. So what are the rules? The cue and the mbv4pWr4Ddc-00042-00023403-00024000 reward loop. The cue and the reward both are valid. I realized that drinking mbv4pWr4Ddc-00043-00024000-00024479 something warm soothes me relaxes me and gives me a chance to mbv4pWr4Ddc-00044-00024479-00025070 stretch my legs. So all I have to do here is replace the tea with warm lemon water mbv4pWr4Ddc-00045-00025070-00025635 and check if it works;and it does! If you want to get rid of a bad habit you have mbv4pWr4Ddc-00046-00025635-00026226 to find out how to implement a healthier routine to give you the same reward. Of mbv4pWr4Ddc-00047-00026226-00026655 course it's not that simple. Forming new habits is just as hard. Just mbv4pWr4Ddc-00048-00026655-00027048 because you're telling your brain that there's a reward doesn't mean that that mbv4pWr4Ddc-00049-00027048-00027636 habit will stick. It only really sinks in when you train the brain to accept it mbv4pWr4Ddc-00050-00027636-00028254 See I always say that it's like training a dog: Command. Reward. mbv4pWr4Ddc-00051-00028254-00028905 Repeat.Command. Reward. Repeat. So if you're looking for a quick tool to get mbv4pWr4Ddc-00052-00028905-00029858 rid of your habits here's what I have in my toolbox. Since this is how I trained my mbv4pWr4Ddc-00053-00029858-00030501 beagle max I will call this the Max Intervention Process or MIP. So here's mbv4pWr4Ddc-00054-00030501-00031110 how you do it first think of a habit you want to change and think of the habit mbv4pWr4Ddc-00055-00031110-00031683 you want to replace it with. Let's say you want to replace not exercising with mbv4pWr4Ddc-00056-00031683-00032589 exercising. Now you use the if-then process. Say, if I exercise then I will mbv4pWr4Ddc-00057-00032589-00033086 reward myself with a smoothie. You will notice that two things are important mbv4pWr4Ddc-00058-00033086-00033768 Focus on the behavior you want and two, incentivize the behavior you want. Didn't mbv4pWr4Ddc-00059-00033768-00034245 I tell you I trained max this way? Positive reinforcement. So it's very mbv4pWr4Ddc-00060-00034245-00034644 important that you have a list of rewards ready to offer your brain every mbv4pWr4Ddc-00061-00034644-00035160 time you exercise and before you start out on that exercise visualize the joy mbv4pWr4Ddc-00062-00035160-00035592 that that reward will bring. I allow myself to visualize the glow that comes mbv4pWr4Ddc-00063-00035592-00036114 onto my face after my run; my heartburn free stomach that allows me to eat mbv4pWr4Ddc-00064-00036114-00036713 whatever I want and these rewards get me out of the door every time. mbv4pWr4Ddc-00065-00037456-00037910 Lasting change happens when the brain begins to crave the reward and that's mbv4pWr4Ddc-00066-00037910-00038486 when it becomes automatic. It will take time, it will take effort, but you know mbv4pWr4Ddc-00067-00038486-00039158 that the benefits will be worth it. And like I always tell you your environment mbv4pWr4Ddc-00068-00039158-00039662 is stronger than your willpower. Surround yourself with people who are on the same mbv4pWr4Ddc-00069-00039662-00040166 mission as yourself. If you want to run more often join the runners group. If you mbv4pWr4Ddc-00070-00040166-00040699 want to meditate longer find the meditators group in your area. mbv4pWr4Ddc-00071-00040878-00041397 I love the fact that you guys love these videos. It motivates me to find all the mbv4pWr4Ddc-00072-00041397-00041790 topics that I can think will make a difference in your personal growth. So mbv4pWr4Ddc-00073-00041790-00042257 write in to me, leave your comments and show your love by sharing this video. mbv4pWr4Ddc-00074-00042257-00042779 Spread the light folks; let's create a better world. mdn5KIxYFFc-00000-00001900-00002500 Jobar. The Assault of Fortified Area from the South (Part 10) mdn5KIxYFFc-00001-00002700-00003300 The first battle tank is shifting its gunfire to the private housing residential area where the infantry troops are going to advance. mdn5KIxYFFc-00002-00003300-00003700 The militants have highly fortified positions there. mdn5KIxYFFc-00003-00004900-00005600 The second battle tank has fired at the buildings on the right flank and the shock wave has killed the camera. The camera stops filming. mdn5KIxYFFc-00004-00006400-00006900 The infantry troops' mission today is to enter the houses in the private housing district in the right. mdn5KIxYFFc-00005-00006900-00007500 The battle tanks are currently clearing those houses by firing high explosive fragmentation rounds on them. mdn5KIxYFFc-00006-00007500-00008500 SAA Officer: "Stand by! You're about to get going! The second tank! Fire! That's it! Go ahead! Go! Now! Make it fast, guys! Good! God bless!" mdn5KIxYFFc-00007-00008900-00009300 After the battle tank had fired, the infantry troops rushed forward. mdn5KIxYFFc-00008-00009300-00009600 The tanks are using their armored hulls to shield the troops from the enemy gunfire. mdn5KIxYFFc-00009-00010100-00010600 The infantry troops have two combat missions to accomplish. The first one is to slip inside the buildings in the right. mdn5KIxYFFc-00010-00010600-00011200 However, the whole place down there could be rigged with explosives. So, it is necessary to quickly check the buildings if there is any danger posed by landmines there. mdn5KIxYFFc-00011-00012300-00012700 SAA Officer: "Tanks! Lay the smokescreen everywhere! Fast! Lay the smokescreen!" mdn5KIxYFFc-00012-00013200-00013800 Presently, the battle tanks are laying the smokescreen so that the militants would not be able to fire at the Syrian infantry troops. mdn5KIxYFFc-00013-00013900-00014500 The infantry troops have sent in a report that the troops have entered the private residential district and they are engaging the enemy there. mdn5KIxYFFc-00014-00015000-00015500 The officer has ordered the first battle tank to move a little forward and fire at the militants. mdn5KIxYFFc-00015-00015800-00016500 "Turn your turret a little to the left! There is a white building over there. Fire at it! The second tank! Fire!" mdn5KIxYFFc-00016-00016900-00017500 The officers have decided to have Akatsiya self-propelled artillery piece fire at the building from inside of which a fire strike might be delivered on the battle tanks. mdn5KIxYFFc-00017-00018100-00019100 This day, strange things were happening to the cameras. One camera went out of order because of the tank's gunfire. The other camera suddenly came alive and filmed the tank as the latter came under fire. mdn5KIxYFFc-00018-00020000-00020700 Being aware that the militants have missed it, the battle tank does not leave the line of gunfire and continues covering the infantry troops who keep pushing forward. mdn5KIxYFFc-00019-00020900-00021700 It is B-10 projectile, probably. Passing by several feet away from the battle tank, the round has landed five meters (16 feet) away from us. mdn5KIxYFFc-00020-00021700-00023300 I have come to find it commonplace that any SAA officer who is in charge of commanding a combat fighting and who is responsible for the lives of his tank men and infantry troops - who he makes sure are protected by the vehicles' armor - pays little attention to such trifle details as enemy missiles landing around us. mdn5KIxYFFc-00021-00023500-00024200 This is the replay of the flying projectile. If it had hit the tank, loses and injuries would have been inevitable. mdn5KIxYFFc-00022-00024500-00024900 The most important thing for the officer is to have the mission accomplished. mdn5KIxYFFc-00023-00025000-00025700 I have been numerous times under enemy gunfire along with the Syrian army officers. They are always heroic, never giving up and never losing their composure. mdn5KIxYFFc-00024-00025700-00025900 We keep working. mdn5KIxYFFc-00025-00026700-00027300 The infantry troops are entering the private residential district and keep moving forward steadily. mdn5KIxYFFc-00026-00028300-00029000 SAA Officer: "There is a white building in front of you. A high-rise. The gunfire is coming from inside its basement, in the left side of the building. mdn5KIxYFFc-00027-00029000-00029500 "Check it out! If you can aim at the spot, fire at them. We've got to get them in there. mdn5KIxYFFc-00028-00030700-00031200 "Come on! Fire and move out. Fast." mdn5KIxYFFc-00029-00035000-00035500 As soon as the infantry troops have entered the buildings, the battle tanks were ordered to move out. mdn5KIxYFFc-00030-00035500-00035900 As always laying smokescreen in the process, the tanks are moving out having their main guns turned in the direction of the enemy. mdn5KIxYFFc-00031-00044400-00044900 The tank men are back from the combat. It is great to see that every one of them has survived the battle and is safe and sound. mdn5KIxYFFc-00032-00044900-00045300 Noone has lost his nerves. Everyone is ready to continue doing their jobs. mdn5KIxYFFc-00033-00047000-00048000 On the rooftop, Viktor Kuznetsov, who is my fellow reporter, is seriously risking his life, as he could be spotted by terrorist snipers, while he is filming the Syrian army positions near the intersection as they are being engaged by the terrorists. mdn5KIxYFFc-00034-00048000-00048600 As soon as the battle tanks had left the battlefield, the militants adjusted their own artillery fire and started the shelling. mdn5KIxYFFc-00035-00052800-00053300 Presently, one of the officers is giving his senior commanding officers an account of the things that had been done. mdn5KIxYFFc-00036-00053300-00054000 The infantry troops have entered the houses in the private housing area, the battle tanks have come under fire, and the militant mortars were particularly active. mdn5KIxYFFc-00037-00054000-00054500 They are supposed to continue engaging the enemy. Coordination of further actions by the Syrian army units is being discussed. mdn5KIxYFFc-00038-00054600-00055100 Andrey Filatov, Viktor Kuznetsov. ANNA-News, Damascus, Syria. me0A9L-cn48-00000-00000000-00000654 welcome back to beyond the stars conversations on the cosmos I'm Carl Sagan joined by my co-hosts me0A9L-cn48-00001-00000654-00001200 the brilliant Stephen Hawking and Rachel Carson today we're diving into the fascinating world of me0A9L-cn48-00002-00001200-00001878 space time and the mysteries of the universe how's everyone today good to be here Carl that's all me0A9L-cn48-00003-00002010-00002442 conversations I couldn't agree more I'm looking forward to today's discussion me0A9L-cn48-00004-00002508-00003054 so let's Jump Right In physics as we know seeks to understand the structure of the world much me0A9L-cn48-00005-00003054-00003576 like our brains do but sometimes it challenges our fundamental concepts like the realness of me0A9L-cn48-00006-00003576-00004134 space and time there's a debate between the absolute view of space and time which Newton me0A9L-cn48-00007-00004134-00004788 supported and the relational view held by thinkers like leibniz and Descartes what are your thoughts me0A9L-cn48-00008-00004788-00005430 on this Stephen it's a fascinating debate Carl personally I lean more towards the relational View me0A9L-cn48-00009-00005532-00006072 as we've seen in my own work on black holes and the nature of the universe space and time seem me0A9L-cn48-00010-00006072-00006612 to be interconnected and malleable rather than absolute entities you know it's interesting how me0A9L-cn48-00011-00006612-00007145 the human mind perceives space and time for example our perception of space seems to be me0A9L-cn48-00012-00007145-00007709 more absolute while our perception of time is more relational and malleable don't you think me0A9L-cn48-00013-00007709-00008310 that's curious it's fascinating Rachel it's like how we perceive the passage of time differently me0A9L-cn48-00014-00008310-00008910 when we're engaged in different activities time flies when we're having fun right absolutely me0A9L-cn48-00015-00009030-00009390 speaking of fun Have you ever considered how animals perceive space and time me0A9L-cn48-00016-00009468-00009906 it's likely that their perception is different from ours imagine the World Through The Eyes me0A9L-cn48-00017-00009906-00010410 of a hummingbird or a tortoise oh that would be quite a different experience no doubt I wonder me0A9L-cn48-00018-00010410-00010878 how the universe would look to them are you tired of losing track of time while exploring the cosmos me0A9L-cn48-00019-00010878-00011574 introducing the dark matter timekeeper harness the mysterious power of dark matter to keep your me0A9L-cn48-00020-00011574-00012390 Interstellar travels on schedule get yours now at HTTP Dark Matter timekeeper com slash that was a me0A9L-cn48-00021-00012390-00013013 strange commercial but back to our discussion so we know that our brains have neural mechanisms me0A9L-cn48-00022-00013013-00013590 like Place cells and grid cells that help us navigate through space it's fascinating how me0A9L-cn48-00023-00013590-00014172 these cells create a cognitive map to represent our environment absolutely these discoveries have me0A9L-cn48-00024-00014172-00014724 helped us understand the relationship between our perception of space and time it's amazing how our me0A9L-cn48-00025-00014724-00015300 brains can update our position on this mental map based on depth perception velocity and Direction me0A9L-cn48-00026-00015300-00015863 it really is a testament to the complexity and Brilliance of the human brain it's like a me0A9L-cn48-00027-00015863-00016404 built-in GPS system allowing us to navigate both real and mental spaces speaking of mental space me0A9L-cn48-00028-00016458-00016962 I've always been intrigued by dreams the way our minds can create entire worlds while we me0A9L-cn48-00029-00016962-00017520 sleep and how time can be so distorted in that state fascinating Realm Of Human Experience me0A9L-cn48-00030-00017520-00018036 dreams are indeed an interesting phenomenon Carl I wonder how much our understanding of me0A9L-cn48-00031-00018036-00018444 space and time could be influenced by our experiences in the dream world it's me0A9L-cn48-00032-00019026-00019608 into the nature of reality itself that reminds me of an anecdote about Einstein it said that he came me0A9L-cn48-00033-00019608-00020076 up with the theory of relativity after having a vivid dream about cows jumping over a fence me0A9L-cn48-00034-00020136-00020550 it's incredible how our minds can wander and stumble upon groundbreaking ideas me0A9L-cn48-00035-00020550-00021060 that's a great story Carl it just goes to show how powerful our imaginations can me0A9L-cn48-00036-00021060-00021504 be especially when it comes to unraveling the mysteries of the universe speaking of me0A9L-cn48-00037-00021786-00022278 think of him might be influenced by our emotions or even the weather time seems to pass more me0A9L-cn48-00038-00022278-00022824 slowly on a gloomy day or when we're feeling down that's an excellent point Stephen it's fascinating me0A9L-cn48-00039-00022824-00023394 how our subjective experiences can shape our perception of time and it's not just time but our me0A9L-cn48-00040-00023394-00023976 perception of space can also be influenced by our experiences for example a familiar space can feel me0A9L-cn48-00041-00023976-00024426 smaller or larger depending on our emotional state or memories associated with that place me0A9L-cn48-00042-00024492-00025224 absolutely Rachel it makes me think about how our perception of the cosmos has evolved over time me0A9L-cn48-00043-00025224-00025914 ancient civilizations viewed the stars and planets as gods or mythical beings as our understanding me0A9L-cn48-00044-00025914-00026550 of the universe has grown our perception of space has changed dramatically that's true Carl me0A9L-cn48-00045-00026730-00027480 who brings to mind how it can alter our perception of space and time with the advancement of me0A9L-cn48-00046-00027480-00028068 Technology we're able to experience entirely new worlds further blurring the line between reality me0A9L-cn48-00047-00028068-00028554 and Imagination I think it's important for us to remain grounded in the natural world as well me0A9L-cn48-00048-00028554-00029232 there's something awe-inspiring about standing under a star-filled sky experiencing the vastness me0A9L-cn48-00049-00029232-00030006 of space firsthand absolutely Rachel there's no substitute for the real thing but as we continue me0A9L-cn48-00050-00030006-00030539 to explore the implications of these ideas in physics we must ask ourselves what fundamental me0A9L-cn48-00051-00030539-00031127 structures and processes give rise to the external regularities that our brains represent as space me0A9L-cn48-00052-00031127-00031710 and time it's a profound question Carl as we push the boundaries of our understanding me0A9L-cn48-00053-00031710-00032112 it's fascinating to ponder the nature of the universe and the role our perceptions play me0A9L-cn48-00054-00032112-00032700 in shaping our reality and who knows what new discoveries lie ahead our pursuit of knowledge me0A9L-cn48-00055-00032700-00033222 will undoubtedly lead us down unexpected paths further challenging our understanding of space me0A9L-cn48-00056-00033222-00033924 time and the cosmos well said Rachel it's been a wonderful discussion as always thank you Stephen me0A9L-cn48-00057-00033924-00034530 and Rachel for joining me today and thank you dear listeners for tuning in we'll be back next me0A9L-cn48-00058-00034530-00035112 time for another enlightening conversation on beyond the stars conversations on the cosmos mebCX0f-aCI-00000-00000003-00000717 I gomake for my child an arc, so long, a longbow mebCX0f-aCI-00001-00000717-00002756 I'm going to make our old bed base, from the flexible slats mebCX0f-aCI-00002-00000717-00001671 I'm going to make our old bed base, from the flexible slats mebCX0f-aCI-00003-00001755-00002696 I think that is bending, I bend it, it's certainly not break. It is special to bend. mebCX0f-aCI-00004-00002792-00003506 What will I do? I'm going to cut in two. mebCX0f-aCI-00005-00003707-00003920 I'll do my jigsaw. mebCX0f-aCI-00006-00004107-00004214 In a safe way of course mebCX0f-aCI-00007-00006670-00007003 Now we make the handle mebCX0f-aCI-00008-00007197-00009052 bla bbla bla balblabla and we take the jig saw mebCX0f-aCI-00009-00009312-00009799 The jig saw we use this on the end of the table. mebCX0f-aCI-00010-00011464-00012552 There should be slots in the slats mebCX0f-aCI-00011-00012639-00013136 That fit in here so mebCX0f-aCI-00012-00013216-00013616 I draw on it, just about so. mebCX0f-aCI-00013-00015131-00016063 wohewoweloweweisowawe mebCX0f-aCI-00014-00016062-00016690 wowesewowowaa mebCX0f-aCI-00015-00016690-00017204 Okey ?? mebCX0f-aCI-00016-00018375-00018926 Always safety first ! mebCX0f-aCI-00017-00019332-00019816 So, like that, ...... hallo......hey !! mebCX0f-aCI-00018-00019806-00021758 These holes I have drilled, which I have already sunk, and now I gaa teeth drilled. mebCX0f-aCI-00019-00022886-00023690 Now we assemble the right screw in the right hole. mebCX0f-aCI-00020-00023677-00024278 Now we just screw, like that. mebCX0f-aCI-00021-00025045-00025756 The screw is already on the other side look, then I is the moment. mebCX0f-aCI-00022-00025976-00026652 If the bow is finished with the perfect grip that I made for my daughters. mebCX0f-aCI-00023-00027661-00027975 Hé !! mebCX0f-aCI-00024-00028234-00029863 Thus the arc is finished, now to attach a tendon, a cord to attach. mebCX0f-aCI-00025-00030063-00030744 I carved top, the wire fastening. mebCX0f-aCI-00026-00031167-00031969 So, hang that rope tight mebCX0f-aCI-00027-00031835-00032623 I'll put the camera further away, so you can see all my clutter mebCX0f-aCI-00028-00032802-00034047 Am I right so far,............. he is about, how, no, good. A little down now. mebCX0f-aCI-00029-00034047-00036016 So you make it down, bend the bow and the loop doing around the top. mebCX0f-aCI-00030-00036209-00037007 If the bow is stretched, it actually does a nice job. mebCX0f-aCI-00031-00038171-00039042 Actually it's not really that ...........????? mebCX0f-aCI-00032-00039042-00039683 It is well made, but it's not really that?? mebCX0f-aCI-00033-00040777-00041114 The children will be pleased !?!???? mgksSwqiHo0-00000-00000037-00000737 Hi my name is Cindy Castillol with Castillo Law. What happens if you are in public and mgksSwqiHo0-00001-00000743-00001443 you are intoxicated? mgksSwqiHo0-00002-00001913-00002598 In the state of Arizona there is no public intoxication law. However it's very important mgksSwqiHo0-00003-00002598-00003243 that you consider whether or not an officer can charge you with some other type of offense mgksSwqiHo0-00004-00003243-00003504 when you are intoxicated in public. mgksSwqiHo0-00005-00003504-00004117 For example if you are disturbing the peace and quiet of others or if you're disturbing mgksSwqiHo0-00006-00004117-00004817 a store or liquor establishment you can be charged with disorderly conduct. Also if an mgksSwqiHo0-00007-00005017-00005601 officer sees you urinating in public this is another offense that you can be charged mgksSwqiHo0-00008-00005601-00006264 with. If an officer feels that perhaps you are endangering yourself or endangering people mgksSwqiHo0-00009-00006264-00006811 on the highway because you are walking in the roadway this is another offense that you mgksSwqiHo0-00010-00006811-00006953 can be charged with. mgksSwqiHo0-00011-00006953-00007616 So just because we do not have public intoxication laws does not mean that you cannot be charged mgksSwqiHo0-00012-00007616-00008147 with an offense. If you find yourself charged with one of these other types of offenses mgksSwqiHo0-00013-00008147-00008499 pleased feel free to contact me, I offer free consultations mhQW1y4OGgU-00000-00000038-00000382 Hello! Welcome to Sinta Positivo. mhQW1y4OGgU-00001-00000386-00000686 To understand how stress can affect our health mhQW1y4OGgU-00002-00000686-00000966 we need to understand first how our body works mhQW1y4OGgU-00003-00000997-00001335 Our body is a perfect and smart machine mhQW1y4OGgU-00004-00001358-00001665 it hs the ability to keep itself in constant balance mhQW1y4OGgU-00005-00001666-00001894 even with the external changes mhQW1y4OGgU-00006-00001894-00002178 this ability is called Homeostasis mhQW1y4OGgU-00007-00002190-00002499 homeostasis work though a feedback system mhQW1y4OGgU-00008-00002499-00002784 it means, when something is out of order mhQW1y4OGgU-00009-00002784-00002969 our body can realize it mhQW1y4OGgU-00010-00002969-00003319 and take the measurements to make it go back to normal mhQW1y4OGgU-00011-00003354-00003610 Do you want some examples of how homeostasis work? mhQW1y4OGgU-00012-00003650-00004024 Our body temperature is 37°C (98,6°F) mhQW1y4OGgU-00013-00004024-00004182 when the temperature drops mhQW1y4OGgU-00014-00004182-00004499 our body shivers to protect us from cold mhQW1y4OGgU-00015-00004511-00004823 and shakes our skeletal muscles mhQW1y4OGgU-00016-00004853-00005136 if the temperature rises and the body gets hot mhQW1y4OGgU-00017-00005150-00005493 our body releases swet to cool the body down mhQW1y4OGgU-00018-00005526-00005813 All the organs and systems in our body have their function mhQW1y4OGgU-00019-00005813-00006078 in the functioning and regulation of our body mhQW1y4OGgU-00020-00006088-00006328 together, they keep the body working mhQW1y4OGgU-00021-00006328-00006575 and developing itself in a perfect balance. mhQW1y4OGgU-00022-00006620-00007020 But, what if one or more of these organs failed to fulfill its role? mhQW1y4OGgU-00023-00007020-00007298 That would cause an imbalance mhQW1y4OGgU-00024-00007308-00007623 and would create several diseases and complications to our health. mhQW1y4OGgU-00025-00007636-00007942 This is exactly what stress can cause mhQW1y4OGgU-00026-00008003-00008341 But stress is not necessarily a bad thing mhQW1y4OGgU-00027-00008372-00008652 Stress is an answer generated by our body mhQW1y4OGgU-00028-00008652-00009038 so that you can handle a threat that requires immediate attention mhQW1y4OGgU-00029-00009046-00009216 During a stressful situation mhQW1y4OGgU-00030-00009216-00009552 our body direct your energy to your arms and legs mhQW1y4OGgU-00031-00009552-00009880 and put you in a "Fight or Fly" mode. mhQW1y4OGgU-00032-00009916-00010214 This used to be very useful to our ancestors mhQW1y4OGgU-00033-00010214-00010497 when they had to fight or run from an animal, for example. mhQW1y4OGgU-00034-00010554-00010738 But, how does that work exactly? mhQW1y4OGgU-00035-00010778-00011138 A stressful event releases some substances in your body mhQW1y4OGgU-00036-00011138-00011414 one of them is called Cortisol mhQW1y4OGgU-00037-00011430-00011686 When cortisol enters the bloodstream mhQW1y4OGgU-00038-00011686-00012010 it compresses the veins and blood vessels of our organs mhQW1y4OGgU-00039-00012010-00012308 and raises the heart rate to send your blood mhQW1y4OGgU-00040-00012308-00012614 to your arms and legs, which you will use to fight mhQW1y4OGgU-00041-00012614-00012778 or fly from this threat. mhQW1y4OGgU-00042-00012826-00013082 Cortisol pauses the functioning of our organs mhQW1y4OGgU-00043-00013082-00013356 to send the energy to arms and legs. mhQW1y4OGgU-00044-00013436-00013676 It also increases blood sugar level mhQW1y4OGgU-00045-00013676-00013968 so we can have more energy to deal with this threat mhQW1y4OGgU-00046-00014032-00014134 So mhQW1y4OGgU-00047-00014134-00014273 Imagine you come across mhQW1y4OGgU-00048-00014274-00014502 a mad dog about to attack you mhQW1y4OGgU-00049-00014516-00014868 It makes total sense that stress pauses the functioning of your organs mhQW1y4OGgU-00050-00014868-00015113 so that you can have more energy and strength mhQW1y4OGgU-00051-00015113-00015504 that you woud usually have to run away from this dog, right? mhQW1y4OGgU-00052-00015584-00015904 Then, a few minutes later, you escape the dog mhQW1y4OGgU-00053-00015904-00016308 calm down and and your body stops releasing cortisol in large quantities mhQW1y4OGgU-00054-00016310-00016472 because everything is back to normal mhQW1y4OGgU-00055-00016482-00016932 And now your organs can go back working to take care of your body balance mhQW1y4OGgU-00056-00017050-00017346 Stress is not necessarily a bad thing mhQW1y4OGgU-00057-00017402-00017802 However, our body doesn't know the difference between a mad dog mhQW1y4OGgU-00058-00017806-00018077 and a work presentation that you have to do mhQW1y4OGgU-00059-00018077-00018346 and when we get stressed with any of these things mhQW1y4OGgU-00060-00018346-00018562 cortisol is released the same way mhQW1y4OGgU-00061-00018616-00018822 Now, imagine that mhQW1y4OGgU-00062-00018822-00018998 like most of the people mhQW1y4OGgU-00063-00018998-00019426 you get stressed for long hours while you go and come back from work and college mhQW1y4OGgU-00064-00019434-00019878 You get stressed with the traffic and overcrowding of public transportation mhQW1y4OGgU-00065-00019892-00020228 You get stressed with your work and the people there mhQW1y4OGgU-00066-00020268-00020716 You get stressed with your college classes, which you consider boring and dull mhQW1y4OGgU-00067-00020782-00021276 You get stressed with the lack of money to pay your bills and to buy what you want mhQW1y4OGgU-00068-00021342-00021744 You get stressed about being out of shape mhQW1y4OGgU-00069-00021804-00022236 You get stressed with your relationship and the problems in your family mhQW1y4OGgU-00070-00022430-00022658 Then, to make things even worse mhQW1y4OGgU-00071-00022666-00023082 you realize that all these stressful situations are part of your routine mhQW1y4OGgU-00072-00023082-00023230 every day mhQW1y4OGgU-00073-00023298-00023648 The effects of prolonged and excessive action of cortisol on your body mhQW1y4OGgU-00074-00023650-00023814 create several problems mhQW1y4OGgU-00075-00023814-00024115 such as cardiovascular diseases, like heart attack mhQW1y4OGgU-00076-00024115-00024405 stroke or hypertension. mhQW1y4OGgU-00077-00024452-00024682 It also causes immunosuppression mhQW1y4OGgU-00078-00024682-00024942 which is the deficiency of our immune system mhQW1y4OGgU-00079-00024942-00025176 making our body more susceptible mhQW1y4OGgU-00080-00025176-00025388 to diseases caused by infections mhQW1y4OGgU-00081-00025388-00025540 bacterias and viruses mhQW1y4OGgU-00082-00025540-00025910 Have you ever noticed how stressed people are constantly having the flu? mhQW1y4OGgU-00083-00026000-00026236 And because it increases our blood sugar level mhQW1y4OGgU-00084-00026236-00026430 and decreases insulin production mhQW1y4OGgU-00085-00026430-00026627 it also leads to diabetes mhQW1y4OGgU-00086-00026627-00026866 kidney disease, obesity mhQW1y4OGgU-00087-00026866-00027018 and abdominal fat mhQW1y4OGgU-00088-00027033-00027456 Actually, stressed people have a harder time losing weight mhQW1y4OGgU-00089-00027494-00027620 Also, mhQW1y4OGgU-00090-00027620-00027916 stress can cause several psychological problems mhQW1y4OGgU-00091-00027919-00028250 such as anxiety, depression, insomnia mhQW1y4OGgU-00092-00028250-00028670 irritability and concentration, focus and memory problems mhQW1y4OGgU-00093-00028695-00028800 Did you see? mhQW1y4OGgU-00094-00028800-00029148 When you are worried about the bills you have to pay mhQW1y4OGgU-00095-00029148-00029433 you are sabotaging your health mhQW1y4OGgU-00096-00029460-00029716 But how can you stop being worried all the time? mhQW1y4OGgU-00097-00029756-00029938 Like we already saw here in the channel mhQW1y4OGgU-00098-00029938-00030332 frequent meditation helps you to get your brain out of this state of worry mhQW1y4OGgU-00099-00030332-00030698 with the problems both hfrom your past and future mhQW1y4OGgU-00100-00030698-00030904 and helps you to focus on the present moment mhQW1y4OGgU-00101-00030952-00031070 Also, mhQW1y4OGgU-00102-00031070-00031380 being more aware in your present moment will help you to notice mhQW1y4OGgU-00103-00031380-00031667 what are the stressful situations on your daily life mhQW1y4OGgU-00104-00031667-00031986 and what you have to do to change them mhQW1y4OGgU-00105-00032026-00032160 For a few days mhQW1y4OGgU-00106-00032160-00032382 use a notebook or your cellphone to write it down mhQW1y4OGgU-00107-00032382-00032754 whenever you have a negative thought about something that stresses you mhQW1y4OGgU-00108-00032754-00033047 Take notes of everything, even the small things such as mhQW1y4OGgU-00109-00033048-00033430 the horn sound of other cars, the bus that is taking too long to come mhQW1y4OGgU-00110-00033430-00033746 the fact that you weren't able to sit down because the bus was crowded mhQW1y4OGgU-00111-00033746-00034186 This will help you to identify the main causes of stress for you mhQW1y4OGgU-00112-00034248-00034728 The first step to solve a problem is recognizing there is one mhQW1y4OGgU-00113-00034792-00035062 Practicing physical exercises also helps you mhQW1y4OGgU-00114-00035062-00035408 because they release a hormone called serotonin, the well-being hormone mhQW1y4OGgU-00115-00035408-00035641 which is also suppressed by stress mhQW1y4OGgU-00116-00035718-00036053 Start making these changes in your life today mhQW1y4OGgU-00117-00036053-00036304 and live better and better mhQW1y4OGgU-00118-00036304-00036583 because, more important than thinking is feeling mhQW1y4OGgU-00119-00036583-00036680 so mhQW1y4OGgU-00120-00036680-00036934 feel positive (Sinta Positivo). n0MRiBYX65Q-00000-00000050-00000382 Hello, I'm KiArt Kia. n0MRiBYX65Q-00001-00000671-00000846 <Medium Sculpey> n0MRiBYX65Q-00002-00000846-00001046 What I'm going to make today is Metal Sonic. n0MRiBYX65Q-00003-00001046-00001218 First, make an arm. n0MRiBYX65Q-00004-00001218-00001389 The reason why I make it from the arms is because... n0MRiBYX65Q-00005-00001389-00001591 Because I usually do the most complicated things first. n0MRiBYX65Q-00006-00001841-00002022 Put oil on the hardened clay in the oven. n0MRiBYX65Q-00007-00002169-00002349 And put clay on top of it to form the shape. n0MRiBYX65Q-00008-00002848-00003049 Take a small form of clay to express the shape of a screw. n0MRiBYX65Q-00009-00003159-00003355 Do the same for the other side. n0MRiBYX65Q-00010-00003561-00003806 Um... what I'm making right now is the shoulder joint. n0MRiBYX65Q-00011-00003885-00004077 It binds these together. n0MRiBYX65Q-00012-00004614-00005118 Put what you just made in the oven and we have to make sharp fingers. n0MRiBYX65Q-00013-00005165-00005379 It combines with thin wire. n0MRiBYX65Q-00014-00005491-00005630 Make four of these. (Based on one arm) n0MRiBYX65Q-00015-00005630-00005717 Thumbs make it slightly different. n0MRiBYX65Q-00016-00005783-00005997 Next, make the palm of your palms. n0MRiBYX65Q-00017-00006193-00006422 Next, make and attach the thumb joint. n0MRiBYX65Q-00018-00006422-00006595 Next, put it on with the back of your hand. n0MRiBYX65Q-00019-00006652-00006898 Let's make a hole in the place where our fingers will go in. n0MRiBYX65Q-00020-00007213-00007464 I'll give you a tip if you bake your fingers separately in the oven. n0MRiBYX65Q-00021-00007464-00007618 You can make it more sophisticated. n0MRiBYX65Q-00022-00007618-00007888 Why do you think it's complicated? n0MRiBYX65Q-00023-00007888-00008196 Of course, in this process, make the other arm the same. n0MRiBYX65Q-00024-00009273-00009352 Ta-da! n0MRiBYX65Q-00025-00009427-00009774 You have to put this on to complete your arms. Repeat this twice to complete the arms. n0MRiBYX65Q-00026-00009961-00010148 [Making a Body> n0MRiBYX65Q-00027-00010544-00010744 Bake this form once in the oven. n0MRiBYX65Q-00028-00010744-00010998 I use the oven too often, but it is essential for comfortable construction. n0MRiBYX65Q-00029-00011332-00011697 Apply oil like glue and add clay. n0MRiBYX65Q-00030-00011946-00012106 This is the front part of the body. n0MRiBYX65Q-00031-00012241-00012468 The back part is also made in a similar way. n0MRiBYX65Q-00032-00012613-00012815 It creates a smooth shape. n0MRiBYX65Q-00033-00012815-00013324 Make a cone before it hardens in the oven. n0MRiBYX65Q-00034-00013324-00013745 £Caution: Only cones should be baked in the oven, not in the oven. n0MRiBYX65Q-00035-00014184-00014419 You need to add a clay to shape the body here. n0MRiBYX65Q-00036-00015238-00015438 Please stick it on the oiled body. n0MRiBYX65Q-00037-00015500-00015756 Rub it into a ball. n0MRiBYX65Q-00038-00016159-00016359 Oven is harmful to mental health. I have to see this scene several times in the future. n0MRiBYX65Q-00039-00016359-00016500 <Building a Bridge> n0MRiBYX65Q-00040-00016502-00016702 Shape it like making an arm. n0MRiBYX65Q-00041-00017446-00017659 Please make a screw shape here, too. n0MRiBYX65Q-00042-00018778-00018978 Please make 1 small circle and 2 large circles. n0MRiBYX65Q-00043-00019050-00019235 Make a hole in the small circle. n0MRiBYX65Q-00044-00019377-00019577 It binds your legs together. n0MRiBYX65Q-00045-00019743-00019921 There's a lot of oven coming out, right? n0MRiBYX65Q-00046-00020085-00020285 Apply glue for a momentarily. n0MRiBYX65Q-00047-00021517-00021702 I'm going to finish these two legs. n0MRiBYX65Q-00048-00021912-00022112 Next, let's make a head. n0MRiBYX65Q-00049-00022431-00022631 Bake the round clay in the oven. n0MRiBYX65Q-00050-00022631-00022831 It makes a petal-like shape. n0MRiBYX65Q-00051-00023690-00023890 I'm going to make the head look bigger with these 3 lumps. n0MRiBYX65Q-00052-00024123-00024323 Apply oil everywhere. n0MRiBYX65Q-00053-00024513-00024713 Like this, attach the lumps that you just made. n0MRiBYX65Q-00054-00025785-00025985 Fill the inside with clay. n0MRiBYX65Q-00055-00026390-00026590 Rub it to complete one form. n0MRiBYX65Q-00056-00027141-00027668 You can skip the current process, but personally, I think it would be better to add this part. n0MRiBYX65Q-00057-00027946-00028146 Then you can bring a sleek profile. n0MRiBYX65Q-00058-00028603-00028803 To make it smooth, I'll apply sponge. n0MRiBYX65Q-00059-00028975-00029132 This process is annoying, n0MRiBYX65Q-00060-00029132-00029501 The result is so good when painting, so please do it as much as possible. n0MRiBYX65Q-00061-00029784-00029984 Rinse it with water. n0MRiBYX65Q-00062-00030166-00030366 Sketch the location to make the snow. n0MRiBYX65Q-00063-00030630-00031071 Then you'll see what's lacking. Fill in the volume. n0MRiBYX65Q-00064-00031854-00032054 If it is well made at first, you can skip this process. n0MRiBYX65Q-00065-00032345-00032545 I'm going to make a mouth and stick it on. n0MRiBYX65Q-00066-00033014-00033214 Although omitted from the video, this line can create intense eyes. n0MRiBYX65Q-00067-00033214-00033373 Sketch where your eyes are going in. n0MRiBYX65Q-00068-00033373-00033564 Fill in the clay to express the three-dimensional effect of the eyes. n0MRiBYX65Q-00069-00034136-00034336 I used to paint this part before. n0MRiBYX65Q-00070-00034336-00034552 I think it's good to express it with clay. n0MRiBYX65Q-00071-00034909-00035109 Let's make metal sonic ears. n0MRiBYX65Q-00072-00035109-00035309 Use a hard silicon brush to film the inside. n0MRiBYX65Q-00073-00035567-00035767 The feeling depends on the location of the ear. n0MRiBYX65Q-00074-00036104-00036304 You can just stick it on, but I'll get rid of the boundary. n0MRiBYX65Q-00075-00036500-00036700 Let's take a look at the form. n0MRiBYX65Q-00076-00036935-00037223 There is a screw in the mouth, and it is the process of making it. n0MRiBYX65Q-00077-00038033-00038233 This time, it also creates a (-) shape to make it look like a screw. n0MRiBYX65Q-00078-00038467-00038667 Make a pointed nose first and harden it before baking it in the oven. n0MRiBYX65Q-00079-00039115-00039315 Attach the nose you just made to the desired location. n0MRiBYX65Q-00080-00039567-00039938 Before baking in the oven, apply oil to remove fingerprints and make a smooth surface. n0MRiBYX65Q-00081-00040465-00040665 Let's combine them now. n0MRiBYX65Q-00082-00041462-00041662 I skipped the neck joint part, but I'm making it now. n0MRiBYX65Q-00083-00042000-00042200 Let's combine again. n0MRiBYX65Q-00084-00042614-00042893 I thought about it after filming, but don't combine it before painting. n0MRiBYX65Q-00085-00042893-00043158 It can get hard when you paint later. n0MRiBYX65Q-00086-00043386-00043586 I'll use a gray surfacer. n0MRiBYX65Q-00087-00043586-00043979 Spraying a surpacer will help to paint well and cover the scratch on the surface. n0MRiBYX65Q-00088-00044121-00044321 Sometimes my channel asks me what paint I use. n0MRiBYX65Q-00089-00044321-00044508 I use josona acrylic paint. n0MRiBYX65Q-00090-00044508-00044642 This is hand cream. n0MRiBYX65Q-00091-00044714-00044914 My hands are dry, so I apply them whenever I have time. n0MRiBYX65Q-00092-00045159-00045359 I'm going to go paint now. n0MRiBYX65Q-00093-00051920-00052120 After painting, apply a finishing agent. n0MRiBYX65Q-00094-00052120-00052415 I used matte finish because it made a subtle glow. n0MRiBYX65Q-00095-00052692-00052892 Apply it evenly. n0MRiBYX65Q-00096-00053242-00053442 I think I mixed too much water, so I wiped it off because it overflowed. n0MRiBYX65Q-00097-00053578-00053700 The end! n0MRiBYX65Q-00098-00056099-00056242 Please subscribe. n0MRiBYX65Q-00099-00056242-00056479 Please share it with the thumb button. n0MRiBYX65Q-00100-00056479-00056780 Thanks for watching. It was kiArt kiA. n18s-IKyZZk-00000-00000000-00000300 Welcome to Woa Doodles!!! n18s-IKyZZk-00001-00000300-00000500 Let's watch and relax <3 n18s-IKyZZk-00002-00014050-00014500 Please like, share and subscribe to enjoy many interesting videos of Woa Doodles! n7rBq_s21G4-00000-00001026-00001384 One teacher that inspired me to think about peace was Mrs. Thompson. n7rBq_s21G4-00001-00001384-00001727 Mrs. Thompson taught me in 5th grade, and she taught reading and writing. n7rBq_s21G4-00002-00001727-00002124 She was a peacebuilder because she created an environment where the classroom really n7rBq_s21G4-00003-00002124-00002224 felt like family. n7rBq_s21G4-00004-00002224-00002590 It was really inclusive and a loving environment. n7rBq_s21G4-00005-00002590-00002872 So, thank you, Mrs. Thompson, for being a peacebuilder. n7rBq_s21G4-00006-00002872-00003397 I really look up to my A.P. Gov., U.S. and Comparative teacher in high school. n7rBq_s21G4-00007-00003397-00004075 She brought global issues to the classroom and her way of teaching us made us really n7rBq_s21G4-00008-00004075-00004672 understand what global issues mean to us and what they mean for everyone in the world. n7rBq_s21G4-00009-00004672-00005276 And how we can get more involved with policy and other things to make a difference. n7rBq_s21G4-00010-00005276-00005555 So, I'd like to thank Ms. Fisher for being a peacebuilder. n7rBq_s21G4-00011-00005555-00006197 I took a course in high school, History after 1945, and we looked at the different presidents n7rBq_s21G4-00012-00006197-00006853 during the Vietnam War period and studied how both Democrats and Republicans were peacebuilders n7rBq_s21G4-00013-00006853-00007029 and were also warmongers. n7rBq_s21G4-00014-00007029-00007633 It was fascinating to see both sides of every president and how we as individuals have that n7rBq_s21G4-00015-00007633-00007733 capacity. n7rBq_s21G4-00016-00007733-00008414 So, I'd like to thank Mr. Monica in Bishop-Lanchet High School for teaching me to be a peacebuilder. n7rBq_s21G4-00017-00008414-00008958 The teacher I'd like to thank for teaching me about peace was my 8th grade social studies n7rBq_s21G4-00018-00008958-00009098 teacher. n7rBq_s21G4-00019-00009098-00009459 We were having some issues with bullying in class so she had us do an activity. n7rBq_s21G4-00020-00009459-00010061 I think she stopped her lesson and had us do an activity where we acknowledged all of n7rBq_s21G4-00021-00010061-00010488 the positive things about each other, and I still remember to this day this activity n7rBq_s21G4-00022-00010488-00010939 really transforming the way we communicated with each other as a class. n7rBq_s21G4-00023-00010939-00011647 It got me starting to think about peace because I started to think about empathy and to see n7rBq_s21G4-00024-00011647-00012101 things through other people's eyes, to understand that everyone has different perspectives on n7rBq_s21G4-00025-00012101-00012201 things. n7rBq_s21G4-00026-00012201-00012590 So, I'd really like to thank my 8th grade social studies teacher. n7rBq_s21G4-00027-00012590-00013231 I'd like to thank my 6th grade teacher who had us do heritage projects, and this got n7rBq_s21G4-00028-00013231-00013845 us to focus on other countries, think about other cultures, and really just brought a n7rBq_s21G4-00029-00013845-00014175 global orientation to our world-view. n7rBq_s21G4-00030-00014176-00014634 So, thank you to my 6th grade teacher for being a peacebuilder. n7rBq_s21G4-00031-00014634-00015065 One teacher who inspired me to think about peace was my 11th grade A.P. Human Geography n7rBq_s21G4-00032-00015065-00015220 teacher, Mrs. Oleay. n7rBq_s21G4-00033-00015220-00015601 She began every single class by giving us two questions to think about that were related n7rBq_s21G4-00034-00015601-00016059 to current global events happening in the world, and by doing so really helped to create n7rBq_s21G4-00035-00016059-00016543 a sense of global consciousness and awareness among students who otherwise probably would not n7rBq_s21G4-00036-00016543-00016662 have thought about these issues. n7rBq_s21G4-00037-00016662-00016950 So, thank you, Mrs. Oleay, for being a peacebuilder. n7rBq_s21G4-00038-00016950-00017365 So, I would like to thank my high school history teacher, Ms. Foreign, who was the first person n7rBq_s21G4-00039-00017365-00017843 who got me thinking about the fact that so much of what we learn about in school is war, n7rBq_s21G4-00040-00017843-00018064 and not so much focused on peace. n7rBq_s21G4-00041-00018064-00018443 She encouraged me to look for examples of people and organizations that have worked n7rBq_s21G4-00042-00018443-00018865 hard to build peace, sometimes in some really difficult circumstances. n7rBq_s21G4-00043-00018865-00019087 So thank you, Ms. Foreign, for being a peacebuilder. nrQ__3XpytI-00000-00000048-00000592 Wall Street's major index is rising Friday so too are wholesale prices well let's get nrQ__3XpytI-00001-00000592-00001104 some thoughts on inflation what it means for your portfolio we're joined by Ryan Payne he's nrQ__3XpytI-00002-00001104-00001648 President of Payne Capital Management and welcome back Ryan its been a while great to be here Fred nrQ__3XpytI-00003-00001648-00002192 always good to see you man same here love your positive energy anyway Ryan producer prices nrQ__3XpytI-00004-00002192-00002720 energy there too jumping at double the rate they were in February and on an annual basis nrQ__3XpytI-00005-00002720-00003344 producer prices rising biggest gain in nine and a half years so the from where you see it is nrQ__3XpytI-00006-00003344-00004056 this a blip or is this more of a sign of things to come yeah I think the fed has really been talking nrQ__3XpytI-00007-00004056-00004584 up or Jay Powell has been talking up how inflation is kind of transitory here it's not persistent nrQ__3XpytI-00008-00004584-00005008 I think it's the actual language he used and I don't think he could be more wrong it's kind of nrQ__3XpytI-00009-00005008-00005448 like let's just ignore that pink elephant room Fred let's not look at it ignore it nrQ__3XpytI-00010-00005520-00005912 you know inflation's not real it's not something that's going to be a longer-term impact and I nrQ__3XpytI-00011-00005912-00006344 think that's completely wrong and you're seeing it in so many places I mean the producer price nrQ__3XpytI-00012-00006344-00006904 index which is your wholesale inflation now you know I don't want to be naive but these these nrQ__3XpytI-00013-00006904-00007480 benevolent corporations that now have their costs going up I suspect they're going to pass that on nrQ__3XpytI-00014-00007480-00007928 to you and me so I think you know prices are going to go up you're already starting to see nrQ__3XpytI-00015-00007928-00008496 that supply chains are a mess you know we had that supertanker that was caught in the Suez canal two nrQ__3XpytI-00016-00008496-00009048 weeks ago and I think that really shown a light on just how messed up these supply chains are because nrQ__3XpytI-00017-00009048-00009520 you already had ships just sitting out at ports for two weeks on end trying to get into a lot of nrQ__3XpytI-00018-00009520-00010024 these ports and that was even before that traffic we had in the Suez canal because of the blockage nrQ__3XpytI-00019-00010024-00010400 because you know if you get down to it factories just weren't anticipating nrQ__3XpytI-00020-00010400-00010960 all the consumer good orders that have come in and the scary part about it is the economy's not even nrQ__3XpytI-00021-00010960-00011376 reopened yet so we're already having screwed up supply chains so what does it look like when we nrQ__3XpytI-00022-00011376-00011832 get back to some sort of normalization that's my question so Ryan do you think then given the signs nrQ__3XpytI-00023-00011832-00012456 you're saying that investors should be prepared to fight the fed I think absolutely fight the fed nrQ__3XpytI-00024-00012456-00012896 here and the market's already telling you that I mean look at commodity prices they're up huge nrQ__3XpytI-00025-00012896-00013384 you look at lumber's up 100% you just mentioned oil you know oil's had a phenomenal nrQ__3XpytI-00026-00013384-00013944 run now trades for close to 60 dollars a barrel and you start to look at things like copper which nrQ__3XpytI-00027-00013944-00014472 is more of a leading indicator copper prices are going through the roof and we've already nrQ__3XpytI-00028-00014472-00015008 seen the 10-year treasury have a significant move up here you know we're up to almost 1.8 percent nrQ__3XpytI-00029-00015008-00015391 the other week it's come down a little bit here but I think you know if you look if you're not nrQ__3XpytI-00030-00015391-00015847 living under a rock and you've got to be proactive in your portfolio, you know the reality of it is nrQ__3XpytI-00031-00015847-00016232 the dynamics have changed it's not like the last decade where you had fallen commodity nrQ__3XpytI-00032-00016232-00016712 prices falling interest rates were now going to an inflationary environment you've got to put nrQ__3XpytI-00033-00016712-00016984 you've got to position your portfolio accordingly Fred all right so you got nrQ__3XpytI-00034-00016984-00017368 to be proactive on that portfolio Ryan what are you advising your clients to do right now nrQ__3XpytI-00035-00017488-00017896 well you know we're a big believer in looking at the macro picture and looking at where things are nrQ__3XpytI-00036-00017896-00018352 going so we absolutely have inflation hedges in our portfolio and I can tell you about it, Fred, I nrQ__3XpytI-00037-00018352-00018800 you know I probably look at like 50 portfolios a month we see a thousand portfolios a year nrQ__3XpytI-00038-00018800-00019264 I see what the retail investors doing right now and most portfolios are still positioned for the nrQ__3XpytI-00039-00019264-00019752 last 10 years they still have bond funds but if interest rates go up that's terrible for bond nrQ__3XpytI-00040-00019752-00020264 prices in fact long-term bonds are down big this year and growth stocks tech stocks which were like nrQ__3XpytI-00041-00020264-00020728 the darlings the last decade they don't do that well in an inflationary environment whereas you nrQ__3XpytI-00042-00020728-00021320 know small-cap stocks which were more sensitive to the reopening of the economy, they do better nrQ__3XpytI-00043-00021320-00021816 you start looking at you know places like commodities having commodities in your portfolio nrQ__3XpytI-00044-00021816-00022312 which have already gone up you know having just outright commodity exposure and then economy-based nrQ__3XpytI-00045-00022312-00022744 excuse me commodity-based economies like the emerging markets you definitely want to have nrQ__3XpytI-00046-00022744-00023216 exposure there as well and just a trend on top of all these other trends is you have a falling nrQ__3XpytI-00047-00023216-00023656 dollar as well the dollar's been a lot weaker the last 12 months that's good for anything that's nrQ__3XpytI-00048-00023656-00024136 international so even having developed markets in your portfolio right now which are also more nrQ__3XpytI-00049-00024136-00024648 cyclical in nature typically that's also going to benefit from a weak dollar and the fact that nrQ__3XpytI-00050-00024648-00025072 the economy again is starting to open up again and Ryan, you mentioned that a lot of your clients are nrQ__3XpytI-00051-00025072-00025608 still also stuck on bonds what should they do in fixed-income well you know I've been on your show nrQ__3XpytI-00052-00025608-00026127 before and I abhor bond funds I really don't like bond funds because with bond fund it's kind nrQ__3XpytI-00053-00026127-00026512 of like you're going in an elevator down with a a lot of people you don't like you know it's a nrQ__3XpytI-00054-00026512-00027144 mutual fund you don't necessarily have a set date where your bond matures or your bond matures nrQ__3XpytI-00055-00027144-00027608 so if rates go up they can infinitely just keep going down and then people start to sell out of nrQ__3XpytI-00056-00027608-00028176 these bond funds other investors do so the bond manager has to sell so if you need to own bonds nrQ__3XpytI-00057-00028176-00028600 and for my clients, we do own bonds you want to own them outright you've got to have that set nrQ__3XpytI-00058-00028600-00029048 maturity date Fred and I think that's going to be a huge mistake investors are already feeling nrQ__3XpytI-00059-00029048-00029616 the pain no pun intended p-a-y-n-e and I've you know I've warned you about bond funds on this show nrQ__3XpytI-00060-00029616-00030088 a lot but you've really got to transition out of bond funds and if you're going to own bonds again nrQ__3XpytI-00061-00030088-00030472 permanence and definition I know the interest rate I'm getting and I know I'm going to give my money nrQ__3XpytI-00062-00030472-00030856 back to me in an inflationary environment, you've got to make that transition shorter maturities nrQ__3XpytI-00063-00030968-00031408 I wouldn't necessarily an intermediate maturity is probably always the best if you're too short nrQ__3XpytI-00064-00031408-00031824 you're getting no interest as you know the fed's keeping rates low if you're too far out on the nrQ__3XpytI-00065-00031824-00032280 curve then you're way too sensitive to interest rates and that's why if you look at the long-term nrQ__3XpytI-00066-00032336-00032928 treasury ETF right now it's down like 14% for the year so the sweet spot is always to be in nrQ__3XpytI-00067-00032928-00033304 that intermediate part of the curve even if rates are starting to rise a little bit okay nrQ__3XpytI-00068-00033304-00033944 Ryan got your message so fight the fed this time thanks again all right our thanks to Ryan Payne of nrQ__3XpytI-00069-00033944-00034808 Payne Capital Management in New York City I'm Fred Katayama this is Reuters have a wonderful weekend. nuoLO_FuZM8-00000-00000068-00000118 Hi nuoLO_FuZM8-00001-00000204-00000422 I had a real hard week nuoLO_FuZM8-00002-00000422-00000950 at first we realized from the lab test that the frame does not last long enough nuoLO_FuZM8-00003-00000972-00001392 The frame failed after 90 of 100 thousand pedal cycles nuoLO_FuZM8-00004-00001416-00001748 and on top of it, a tough one nuoLO_FuZM8-00005-00001770-00002226 We got contacted because our design was infringing another patent. nuoLO_FuZM8-00006-00002240-00002798 They have the patend pending in Europe nuoLO_FuZM8-00007-00002860-00003254 And granted in Australia, USA, Canada nuoLO_FuZM8-00008-00003290-00003658 So for us the big question was; we have to work on the yoke nuoLO_FuZM8-00009-00003706-00004198 however we aim uncompromised performance nuoLO_FuZM8-00010-00004318-00005018 and if someone had a similar idea before we would rather pay a patent fee the compromising the performance. nuoLO_FuZM8-00011-00005070-00005734 However I tried to round the patent nuoLO_FuZM8-00012-00005754-00006080 and in linkage that looks extremly promissing nuoLO_FuZM8-00013-00006094-00006390 because we can ramp up the anti squat nuoLO_FuZM8-00014-00006414-00006664 which comes with more pedal kickback nuoLO_FuZM8-00015-00006668-00006954 but as it was extremly low it may be even the better solution nuoLO_FuZM8-00016-00006981-00007312 I have already modified my bike let me show it to you. nuoLO_FuZM8-00018-00007712-00008080 Now the Idler Pulley is concentric with the main pivot. nuoLO_FuZM8-00019-00008123-00008180 Co Axial nuoLO_FuZM8-00020-00008242-00008840 And that means no patent issues and the bike climbs like crazy. nuoLO_FuZM8-00021-00008840-00009156 It´s real hardtail feeling with extra traction nuoLO_FuZM8-00022-00009156-00009674 And now I´m on the top of the first DH and keen to figure out how it performs here. nuoLO_FuZM8-00023-00009698-00010244 Can I feel the increased pedal kickback or is it no problem at all. nuoLO_FuZM8-00024-00010268-00010770 Or do we just profit from better acceleration. nuoLO_FuZM8-00025-00013469-00013726 So I already did ride 2 downhill tracks nuoLO_FuZM8-00026-00013728-00013928 and it is definatly different nuoLO_FuZM8-00027-00013928-00014254 because the bike simply accelerates even better nuoLO_FuZM8-00028-00014294-00014874 But to be honest I could not notice any disadvantages in DH nuoLO_FuZM8-00029-00014916-00015291 And if there is a climp you just pin it like on a XC bike nuoLO_FuZM8-00030-00015324-00015578 and DH is still like crazy fast. nuoLO_FuZM8-00031-00015608-00016050 Pretty stoked, I can imagine that if I test a bit more nuoLO_FuZM8-00032-00016078-00016462 that this is a great solution nuoLO_FuZM8-00033-00016462-00016726 and eventually even mean an improvement. nuoLO_FuZM8-00034-00016754-00017104 sometimes it just get´s super hard nuoLO_FuZM8-00035-00017148-00017596 and later you learn why and what it was good for. nuoLO_FuZM8-00036-00019168-00019312 So well what can I say: nuoLO_FuZM8-00037-00019312-00019526 I just arrived and did some good laps nuoLO_FuZM8-00038-00019544-00019792 and I can not identify any down sides. nuoLO_FuZM8-00039-00019922-00020442 So I´m quiete certain that we add the kinematic switch. nuoLO_FuZM8-00040-00020522-00020976 And doing so we will even improve the bike. nuoLO_FuZM8-00041-00021100-00021678 As I sayed sometimes you thing everything sucks nuoLO_FuZM8-00042-00021700-00022348 but than you get a new look at things and use the chance to try out ideas that you wanted to try later. nuoLO_FuZM8-00043-00022368-00022732 and suddenly the bike can get even better. nuoLO_FuZM8-00044-00022788-00023132 And I just checked STRAVA where I just got 2 new KOM´s nuoLO_FuZM8-00045-00023216-00023908 On tracks where I had good times so I could improve my own KOM´s nuoLO_FuZM8-00046-00023948-00024332 which talks for the kinematic updates nuoLO_FuZM8-00047-00024412-00024664 as I don´t feel so very well today. nuoLO_FuZM8-00048-00024700-00024900 So well I'm optimistic again. nuoLO_FuZM8-00049-00024956-00025372 Of course this means some delay for the project. nuoLO_FuZM8-00050-00025436-00025868 The crack alone would have been enough. nuoLO_FuZM8-00051-00025932-00026232 Now on top comes the kinematic switch nuoLO_FuZM8-00052-00026295-00026864 But I´m already modeling and I hope I can send the final data to the Vendor soon. nuoLO_FuZM8-00053-00026920-00027395 Then we will weld again and go for another round at EFBE. nuoLO_FuZM8-00054-00027444-00028595 Hopefully we stay on shedule and be ready to except orders in late Fall. nuoLO_FuZM8-00055-00028624-00029016 It keeps beeing super exiting it´s a hard project. nuoLO_FuZM8-00056-00029060-00029544 It includes a lot of work and sometimes you think you are done and just get another hit. nuoLO_FuZM8-00057-00029592-00029644 But nuoLO_FuZM8-00058-00029720-00030104 We don´t offer shit we don´t offer a half finished product nuoLO_FuZM8-00059-00030104-00030592 We finish the product till complete production stage before we offer it. nuoLO_FuZM8-00060-00030644-00031460 You rather wait 2 more month than buying some unfinished product from us. nuoLO_FuZM8-00061-00031460-00031716 Be patient it´s gonna be worthed it´s gonna be big! nvNSPd1Uzhy-00000-00000000-00000240 in the last video we looked at a few nvNSPd1Uzhy-00001-00000000-00000246 examples of artificial or constructed nvNSPd1Uzhy-00002-00000000-00000100 languages nvNSPd1Uzhy-00003-00000000-00000233 we looked at Wilkins' Philosophical nvNSPd1Uzhy-00004-00000000-00000220 Language and at Esperanto and the nvNSPd1Uzhy-00005-00000000-00000186 reasons why people make them nvNSPd1Uzhy-00006-00000000-00000253 here we're going to look at a few more nvNSPd1Uzhy-00007-00000000-00000213 examples of artificial languages nvNSPd1Uzhy-00008-00000000-00000233 indeed as we mentioned there's many nvNSPd1Uzhy-00009-00000000-00000246 reasons why people make these it's an nvNSPd1Uzhy-00010-00000000-00000100 art nvNSPd1Uzhy-00011-00000000-00000226 they make it because they might be nvNSPd1Uzhy-00012-00000000-00000126 looking for a way to turn language into nvNSPd1Uzhy-00013-00000000-00000366 mathematical functions or to find nvNSPd1Uzhy-00014-00000126-00000438 universality it's a way to speak that is nvNSPd1Uzhy-00015-00000366-00000750 common to all nvNSPd1Uzhy-00016-00000438-00000950 humans which might not be a successful nvNSPd1Uzhy-00017-00000750-00001174 search but people have tried as we saw nvNSPd1Uzhy-00018-00000950-00001318 in Wilkins' Philosophical Language nvNSPd1Uzhy-00019-00001174-00001518 people have built languages because they nvNSPd1Uzhy-00020-00001318-00001614 have some ideal or some belief that they nvNSPd1Uzhy-00021-00001518-00001906 want to put nvNSPd1Uzhy-00022-00001614-00002070 into a language for example pacifism for nvNSPd1Uzhy-00023-00001906-00002230 Esperanto nvNSPd1Uzhy-00024-00002070-00002406 people design languages because they nvNSPd1Uzhy-00025-00002230-00002638 want to nvNSPd1Uzhy-00026-00002406-00002774 other characters in literature they want nvNSPd1Uzhy-00027-00002638-00003022 to make them nvNSPd1Uzhy-00028-00002774-00003086 different from for example humans who nvNSPd1Uzhy-00029-00003022-00003310 might speak nvNSPd1Uzhy-00030-00003086-00003470 English if the piece of literature was nvNSPd1Uzhy-00031-00003310-00003590 written in the English language nvNSPd1Uzhy-00032-00003470-00003886 which is what happened with those nvNSPd1Uzhy-00033-00003590-00004054 languages right there in nvNSPd1Uzhy-00034-00003886-00004190 Westeros and Game of Thrones some of nvNSPd1Uzhy-00035-00004054-00004334 them speak English and some of them nvNSPd1Uzhy-00036-00004190-00004662 speak Dothraki making them nvNSPd1Uzhy-00037-00004334-00004830 different or other let's look at one nvNSPd1Uzhy-00038-00004662-00005038 example well we have here several nvNSPd1Uzhy-00039-00004830-00005246 examples uh they're made to sound nvNSPd1Uzhy-00040-00005038-00005422 different from English and we saw an nvNSPd1Uzhy-00041-00005246-00005470 example from Elvish in the previous nvNSPd1Uzhy-00042-00005422-00005702 video nvNSPd1Uzhy-00043-00005470-00005846 which is from the Tolkien books and nvNSPd1Uzhy-00044-00005702-00006166 movies nvNSPd1Uzhy-00045-00005846-00006430 Na'vi from Avatar was made like this and nvNSPd1Uzhy-00046-00006166-00006622 when this is Marc Okrand the linguist nvNSPd1Uzhy-00047-00006430-00006766 who invented Klingon and he was asked to nvNSPd1Uzhy-00048-00006622-00007094 come up with something that sounded nvNSPd1Uzhy-00049-00006766-00007270 harsh so he made a language with a lot nvNSPd1Uzhy-00050-00007094-00007582 of sounds that were pronounced with the nvNSPd1Uzhy-00051-00007270-00007758 back part of your throat like "g" or "k" nvNSPd1Uzhy-00052-00007582-00007942 because he thought that would sound nvNSPd1Uzhy-00053-00007758-00008278 harsh by the way this is also kind of nvNSPd1Uzhy-00054-00007942-00008278 like how Dothraki sounds nvNSPd1Uzhy-00055-00008422-00008798 in world so within the the fictional nvNSPd1Uzhy-00056-00008750-00008990 world nvNSPd1Uzhy-00057-00008798-00009134 Klingon is the official language of the nvNSPd1Uzhy-00058-00008990-00009358 Klingon Empire nvNSPd1Uzhy-00059-00009134-00009558 there's a planet word spoken it has nvNSPd1Uzhy-00060-00009358-00009702 regional dialects within the planet nvNSPd1Uzhy-00061-00009558-00009926 and there's different dialects of the nvNSPd1Uzhy-00062-00009702-00010086 language within other planets belonging nvNSPd1Uzhy-00063-00009926-00010406 to this empire nvNSPd1Uzhy-00064-00010086-00010590 this is within its work of literature in nvNSPd1Uzhy-00065-00010406-00010838 our world on planet Earth nvNSPd1Uzhy-00066-00010590-00010894 Klingon is an artificial language that nvNSPd1Uzhy-00067-00010838-00011214 was made nvNSPd1Uzhy-00068-00010894-00011446 for the Star Trek tv series and movies nvNSPd1Uzhy-00069-00011214-00011534 and what happened originally was that nvNSPd1Uzhy-00070-00011446-00011750 they wanted nvNSPd1Uzhy-00071-00011534-00011902 to give some Vulcan words to the nvNSPd1Uzhy-00072-00011750-00012086 character Spock nvNSPd1Uzhy-00073-00011902-00012318 and so they hired a linguist called Marc nvNSPd1Uzhy-00074-00012086-00012454 Okrand he worked on languages nvNSPd1Uzhy-00075-00012318-00012646 of the indigenous languages of nvNSPd1Uzhy-00076-00012454-00012878 California on Mutsun nvNSPd1Uzhy-00077-00012646-00012990 and on Kauya and those languages have nvNSPd1Uzhy-00078-00012878-00013238 structures that are not nvNSPd1Uzhy-00079-00012990-00013326 very frequent in other languages of the nvNSPd1Uzhy-00080-00013238-00013566 world nvNSPd1Uzhy-00081-00013326-00013638 so he used some of those structures to nvNSPd1Uzhy-00082-00013566-00013918 construct nvNSPd1Uzhy-00083-00013638-00014038 Klingon he said that whenever Klingon nvNSPd1Uzhy-00084-00013918-00014342 started looking like nvNSPd1Uzhy-00085-00014038-00014582 too much like any real human language nvNSPd1Uzhy-00086-00014342-00014766 he started switching things around so he nvNSPd1Uzhy-00087-00014582-00014958 made things that could be spoken by nvNSPd1Uzhy-00088-00014766-00015206 a human but that were not very nvNSPd1Uzhy-00089-00014958-00015510 frequently found in human languages nvNSPd1Uzhy-00090-00015206-00015726 one example of this is the word order nvNSPd1Uzhy-00091-00015510-00015846 in most human languages the word order nvNSPd1Uzhy-00092-00015726-00016190 is like in English nvNSPd1Uzhy-00093-00015846-00016630 subject verb object like "I nvNSPd1Uzhy-00094-00016190-00017030 love New York" or as in Japanese nvNSPd1Uzhy-00095-00016630-00017254 subject object verb "I New York love" nvNSPd1Uzhy-00096-00017030-00017446 most human languages work like this nvNSPd1Uzhy-00097-00017254-00017574 there's a small percentage of human nvNSPd1Uzhy-00098-00017446-00017878 languages that have nvNSPd1Uzhy-00099-00017574-00018070 object verb subject like the language nvNSPd1Uzhy-00100-00017878-00018278 Hixkaryana from Brazil nvNSPd1Uzhy-00101-00018070-00018406 so there you would have to say "New York nvNSPd1Uzhy-00102-00018278-00018598 love I" nvNSPd1Uzhy-00103-00018406-00018734 and indeed this is how you build a nvNSPd1Uzhy-00104-00018598-00019006 Klingon sentence nvNSPd1Uzhy-00105-00018734-00019006 by saying "qa'vin tlhutlh Dave" nvNSPd1Uzhy-00106-00019102-00019470 "coffee drinks Dave" in an order that is nvNSPd1Uzhy-00107-00019398-00019678 the mirror nvNSPd1Uzhy-00108-00019470-00019886 of what we have in English so this is nvNSPd1Uzhy-00109-00019678-00019942 how he designed the language to make it nvNSPd1Uzhy-00110-00019886-00020326 sound nvNSPd1Uzhy-00111-00019942-00020462 like it could be spoken by someone nvNSPd1Uzhy-00112-00020326-00020662 with a human mouth nvNSPd1Uzhy-00113-00020462-00020806 but it had elements that were uncommon nvNSPd1Uzhy-00114-00020662-00021134 in human languages nvNSPd1Uzhy-00115-00020806-00021550 also for example the sound "tlhu" in "tlhutlh" nvNSPd1Uzhy-00116-00021134-00021550 comes from the language Nahuatl from Mexico nvNSPd1Uzhy-00117-00021598-00021990 something funny happened when it was nvNSPd1Uzhy-00118-00021782-00022062 being used so the language was supposed nvNSPd1Uzhy-00119-00021990-00022342 to be used by nvNSPd1Uzhy-00120-00022062-00022390 actors and they messed them up all the nvNSPd1Uzhy-00121-00022342-00022518 time nvNSPd1Uzhy-00122-00022390-00022670 all the time they would mispronounce nvNSPd1Uzhy-00123-00022518-00022774 things in ways that Okrand had not nvNSPd1Uzhy-00124-00022670-00023086 designed it nvNSPd1Uzhy-00125-00022774-00023358 so what he did was he retconned it nvNSPd1Uzhy-00126-00023086-00023470 he took the way the recordings were and nvNSPd1Uzhy-00127-00023358-00023622 said that oh nvNSPd1Uzhy-00128-00023470-00023774 these actors said something different nvNSPd1Uzhy-00129-00023622-00023822 but actually just that's just a nvNSPd1Uzhy-00130-00023774-00024086 different nvNSPd1Uzhy-00131-00023822-00024342 dialect of the language for example they nvNSPd1Uzhy-00132-00024086-00024694 would have to say "tajllj jejjaj" nvNSPd1Uzhy-00133-00024342-00024958 which is "your knife may it be sharp" nvNSPd1Uzhy-00134-00024694-00025054 but then the actor said it backwards nvNSPd1Uzhy-00135-00024958-00025254 "jejjaj tajllj" nvNSPd1Uzhy-00136-00025054-00025438 and so he said oh that's just from this nvNSPd1Uzhy-00137-00025254-00025478 fictional region and I'm gonna make up a nvNSPd1Uzhy-00138-00025438-00025702 name nvNSPd1Uzhy-00139-00025478-00025790 No'vadut and that's how they pronounce nvNSPd1Uzhy-00140-00025702-00026054 it there nvNSPd1Uzhy-00141-00025790-00026358 for example in one of the movies the nvNSPd1Uzhy-00142-00026054-00026358 actor was supposed to say "tera'ngan ghaH qama"e'" nvNSPd1Uzhy-00143-00026374-00026742 "the prisoner is a human" and instead the nvNSPd1Uzhy-00144-00026614-00026990 person really tried nvNSPd1Uzhy-00145-00026742-00026990 but said "tera'ngan gha qama" nvNSPd1Uzhy-00146-00027062-00027446 and so again Okrand said ah that's just nvNSPd1Uzhy-00147-00027302-00027598 how they speak it on that planet it's nvNSPd1Uzhy-00148-00027446-00027742 gonna be fine nvNSPd1Uzhy-00149-00027598-00027934 there is some sounds that the actress nvNSPd1Uzhy-00150-00027742-00028190 actor couldn't pronounce such as nvNSPd1Uzhy-00151-00027934-00028350 the ones in "tlhutlh" "to drink" the person nvNSPd1Uzhy-00152-00028190-00028622 said "ghluts" nvNSPd1Uzhy-00153-00028350-00028798 and so again Okrand said oh that's just a nvNSPd1Uzhy-00154-00028622-00029102 different dialect nvNSPd1Uzhy-00155-00028798-00029230 so interestingly because Star Trek fans nvNSPd1Uzhy-00156-00029102-00029446 are so intense nvNSPd1Uzhy-00157-00029230-00029582 and Okrand designed a full language nvNSPd1Uzhy-00158-00029446-00029806 with a full grammar nvNSPd1Uzhy-00159-00029582-00030014 eventually people translated Shakespeare nvNSPd1Uzhy-00160-00029806-00030230 works they translated Hamlet they put on nvNSPd1Uzhy-00161-00030014-00030382 presentations of Klingon Hamlet nvNSPd1Uzhy-00162-00030230-00030558 and this is another example of a nvNSPd1Uzhy-00163-00030382-00030870 language that has nvNSPd1Uzhy-00164-00030558-00031062 that has a life of its own people as you nvNSPd1Uzhy-00165-00030870-00031306 can see only dress up as Klingons but nvNSPd1Uzhy-00166-00031062-00031470 learn it you can learn Klingon in nvNSPd1Uzhy-00167-00031306-00031654 Duolingo and nvNSPd1Uzhy-00168-00031470-00031822 it's an example of an artificial nvNSPd1Uzhy-00169-00031654-00032166 language created nvNSPd1Uzhy-00170-00031822-00032454 to make a fictional character and nvNSPd1Uzhy-00171-00032166-00032630 other to contrast these Klingon warriors nvNSPd1Uzhy-00172-00032454-00032942 with their harsh sounds nvNSPd1Uzhy-00173-00032630-00033102 to humans who spoke English with its nvNSPd1Uzhy-00174-00032942-00033406 non-harsh sounds nvNSPd1Uzhy-00175-00033102-00033438 and fans have taken it and made it their nvNSPd1Uzhy-00176-00033406-00033718 own nvNSPd1Uzhy-00177-00033438-00033910 as you can see so this is another reason nvNSPd1Uzhy-00178-00033718-00034214 why people invent languages nvNSPd1Uzhy-00179-00033910-00034262 for art and there's one which is just nvNSPd1Uzhy-00180-00034214-00034566 art nvNSPd1Uzhy-00181-00034262-00034670 for the sake of art the first documented nvNSPd1Uzhy-00182-00034566-00035014 artificial language nvNSPd1Uzhy-00183-00034670-00035374 was by made by a nun Hildegard of Bingen nvNSPd1Uzhy-00184-00035014-00035542 and it was called Lingua Ignota and nvNSPd1Uzhy-00185-00035374-00035758 we don't know very much about it we nvNSPd1Uzhy-00186-00035542-00035910 don't know how she designed the nvNSPd1Uzhy-00187-00035758-00036006 words but we know she did it basically nvNSPd1Uzhy-00188-00035910-00036182 for fun nvNSPd1Uzhy-00189-00036006-00036334 because she wanted to hide some of the nvNSPd1Uzhy-00190-00036182-00036694 words that she used so nvNSPd1Uzhy-00191-00036334-00036950 she said "o orzchis Ecclesia" nvNSPd1Uzhy-00192-00036694-00037078 "you are the caldemia of the wounds" "you nvNSPd1Uzhy-00193-00036950-00037390 are the crizanta nvNSPd1Uzhy-00194-00037078-00037598 in high sound" and these are words in a nvNSPd1Uzhy-00195-00037390-00037758 language that she made up just to have nvNSPd1Uzhy-00196-00037598-00038046 as her little secret code nvNSPd1Uzhy-00197-00037758-00038222 for example many people just do it for nvNSPd1Uzhy-00198-00038046-00038590 the sake of it for example the chipmunk nvNSPd1Uzhy-00199-00038222-00038814 language that I told you about nvNSPd1Uzhy-00200-00038590-00038902 so these are reasons why people make nvNSPd1Uzhy-00201-00038814-00039094 languages nvNSPd1Uzhy-00202-00038902-00039390 to test the possibilities of language nvNSPd1Uzhy-00203-00039094-00039574 for example how math they can get or how nvNSPd1Uzhy-00204-00039390-00039774 much classification of a world can it nvNSPd1Uzhy-00205-00039574-00039958 get they make them to express a nvNSPd1Uzhy-00206-00039774-00040206 philosophy like Esperanto nvNSPd1Uzhy-00207-00039958-00040270 they make it to other characters in nvNSPd1Uzhy-00208-00040206-00040558 fiction nvNSPd1Uzhy-00209-00040270-00040774 like Klingon or Dothraki they make it nvNSPd1Uzhy-00210-00040558-00040918 for artistic purposes because they want nvNSPd1Uzhy-00211-00040774-00041054 to have fun they want to have fun with nvNSPd1Uzhy-00212-00040918-00041190 their friends and they invent a language nvNSPd1Uzhy-00213-00041054-00041382 of their own nvNSPd1Uzhy-00214-00041190-00041518 some of these languages have been nvNSPd1Uzhy-00215-00041382-00041854 attached to nvNSPd1Uzhy-00216-00041518-00042038 powerful ideas or nvNSPd1Uzhy-00217-00041854-00042182 fan currents and as you can see they nvNSPd1Uzhy-00218-00042038-00042310 have acquired a life of their own where nvNSPd1Uzhy-00219-00042182-00042438 you can find it where you can find nvNSPd1Uzhy-00220-00042310-00042702 Klingon spoken nvNSPd1Uzhy-00221-00042438-00042814 on YouTube as well in the next video I'm nvNSPd1Uzhy-00222-00042702-00042966 going to tell you a little bit of how nvNSPd1Uzhy-00223-00042814-00043566 you're going to do this yourself nvNSPd1Uzhy-00224-00042966-00043566 you're going to invent your own language nwUeg8cv-ZI-00000-00000626-00001126 While reviewing class materials, you may wish to place some items on reserve. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00001-00001192-00001702 Putting an item on reserve shortens the length of time that an item may be checked out. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00002-00001738-00002004 The library is the perfect place to do this. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00003-00002039-00002316 We are open over eighty-eight hours a week, nwUeg8cv-ZI-00004-00002316-00002625 giving your students ample opportunity to access any nwUeg8cv-ZI-00005-00002625-00002890 materials you may wish them to read or view. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00006-00002928-00003250 Pick up a course reserve form at the circulation desk, nwUeg8cv-ZI-00007-00003250-00003932 or go to library.harding.edu/faculty to download a PDF of the form. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00008-00003932-00004486 Take a moment to refresh yourself on the instructions and policies in this matter. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00009-00004522-00004770 Follow the link that fits your type of item. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00010-00004850-00005232 For books, DVDs, etc. Go here. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00011-00005282-00005482 For articles, go here. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00012-00005572-00005664 Fill out your name, nwUeg8cv-ZI-00013-00005742-00005820 the course name, nwUeg8cv-ZI-00014-00005878-00006242 your email or phone number, the course number, and the semester nwUeg8cv-ZI-00015-00006242-00006558 during which you would like to keep the item on reserve. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00016-00006558-00006886 Select personal, or library copy. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00017-00006942-00007358 You are always welcome to use a personal copy to place on reserve. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00018-00007426-00007992 However, we want to build our library collection based on what you and your students need. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00019-00008031-00008546 To request that the library buy an item to be put on reserve go here. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00020-00008592-00009024 Note that you would like the item being purchased to be put on reserve. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00021-00009184-00009728 Decide how long you would like a student to be able to keep the item checked out. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00022-00009808-00010372 Write the title, author, and call number of the item, as well as the number of nwUeg8cv-ZI-00023-00010372-00010628 copies you wish to put on reserve. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00024-00010660-00011048 Fill out the info for each item you are placing on reserve. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00025-00011048-00011356 Click on the additional item sheet, if needed. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00026-00011428-00011592 On the second page of the form, nwUeg8cv-ZI-00027-00011658-00012180 please review our fair use guidelines before initialing the boxes and signing. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00028-00012214-00012452 For questions and concerns about copyright, nwUeg8cv-ZI-00029-00012452-00012738 view our copyright guide here. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00030-00012812-00013007 Once your form has been filled out, nwUeg8cv-ZI-00031-00013022-00013137 come to the library nwUeg8cv-ZI-00032-00013169-00013486 to pull the item that you wish to place on reserve. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00033-00013515-00014195 This way, the library knows exactly the edition and copy that you wish to be placed on reserve. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00034-00014210-00014623 Take the item with the signed and completed form to the circulation desk, nwUeg8cv-ZI-00035-00014623-00014807 and we will begin to process it. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00036-00014890-00015491 Current agreements do not allow Brackett Library to place on reserve required textbooks for courses. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00037-00015534-00015790 The best time to place an item on reserve, nwUeg8cv-ZI-00038-00015790-00016054 is several weeks before school begins. nwUeg8cv-ZI-00039-00016101-00016800 Once the school year starts, it is difficult to process items as quickly as your students will need them. nx44Hrp6xWU-00000-00000032-00000608 the search term "everyone will subscribe to each other in the comments" has reached 100 views nx44Hrp6xWU-00001-00000680-00001128 overall, and most of it happened in the last seven days or so. nx44Hrp6xWU-00002-00001128-00001632 this is because i started to make more of these videos on the 21st of january, nx44Hrp6xWU-00003-00001632-00002296 and this caused it getting a spike, and this made it reach the top three. n-60DbiJsWE-00000-00000224-00000605 ♫ Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye ♫ n-60DbiJsWE-00001-00000605-00000897 (happy folk music) n-60DbiJsWE-00002-00001112-00001470 - Chris is a very positive and public person. n-60DbiJsWE-00003-00001470-00001610 He loves being out there. n-60DbiJsWE-00004-00001610-00001925 He loves being photographed. n-60DbiJsWE-00005-00001925-00002261 He's always been very happy to be in paintings. n-60DbiJsWE-00006-00002261-00002585 He's always wanted, you know, to offer himself as a model. n-60DbiJsWE-00007-00002585-00002940 So, I mean, you have to take these offers up. n-60DbiJsWE-00008-00002940-00003248 (foreign folk music) n-60DbiJsWE-00009-00003248-00003375 - Above all, I'm a poet, n-60DbiJsWE-00010-00003375-00003596 and in the last 18 years, n-60DbiJsWE-00011-00003596-00003822 I've been virtually a full-time poet, n-60DbiJsWE-00012-00003822-00004138 but you don't make any money that way. n-60DbiJsWE-00013-00004352-00004772 For many decades, I was a university teacher as well, n-60DbiJsWE-00014-00004772-00005035 and before that, I had the usual array of jobs. n-60DbiJsWE-00015-00005035-00005147 I worked in a coal mine. n-60DbiJsWE-00016-00005147-00005491 I worked in a mill, all sorts of things like that, n-60DbiJsWE-00017-00005491-00005744 but I settled down teaching down teaching people, n-60DbiJsWE-00018-00005744-00005942 as I've become better known as a poet. n-60DbiJsWE-00019-00005942-00006215 Essentially, poetry has been the thing that I do. n-60DbiJsWE-00020-00006215-00006511 And I think (dog barks). n-60DbiJsWE-00021-00006511-00006652 (dog barks) n-60DbiJsWE-00022-00006652-00006736 That's a dog. n-60DbiJsWE-00023-00006736-00006952 - [Woman] Yes (laughs). n-60DbiJsWE-00024-00006952-00007090 - I guess with the portrait of Chris, n-60DbiJsWE-00025-00007090-00007362 the main symbols are that it's, n-60DbiJsWE-00026-00007362-00007696 you know, it's symbolic of our life. n-60DbiJsWE-00027-00007696-00007905 Books are symbolic of him, I guess, n-60DbiJsWE-00028-00007905-00008185 but the difficulty is that, painting Chris, n-60DbiJsWE-00029-00008185-00008524 at any rate, is that he has a tendency to go to sleep, n-60DbiJsWE-00030-00008524-00008898 which is why he's reading in that portrait, n-60DbiJsWE-00031-00008898-00009084 because I realised it was going to be the only way n-60DbiJsWE-00032-00009084-00009229 he would stay awake. n-60DbiJsWE-00033-00009229-00009646 Otherwise, he would be asleep in two minutes, probably. n-60DbiJsWE-00034-00009855-00010054 - I do mull over a fair bit. n-60DbiJsWE-00035-00010054-00010232 I do walk a lot. n-60DbiJsWE-00036-00010232-00010542 A lot of poems begin when I'm walking through n-60DbiJsWE-00037-00010542-00010849 city scapes or suburb scapes or landscapes. n-60DbiJsWE-00038-00010849-00011070 I love looking at things. n-60DbiJsWE-00039-00011070-00011297 I love using my eyes, n-60DbiJsWE-00040-00011297-00011597 which is a link with painting, also, n-60DbiJsWE-00041-00011704-00012008 but sometimes I set myself deliberate tasks. n-60DbiJsWE-00042-00012008-00012276 Sometimes I feel I have to do this. n-60DbiJsWE-00043-00012276-00012387 Sometimes I'm commissioned. n-60DbiJsWE-00044-00012387-00012579 I just wrote a poem n-60DbiJsWE-00045-00012579-00012981 on the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death, n-60DbiJsWE-00046-00012981-00013148 with a wombat in it. n-60DbiJsWE-00047-00013459-00013670 Yes, well, I developed a sense, n-60DbiJsWE-00048-00013670-00013789 just like the history of art, n-60DbiJsWE-00049-00013789-00014061 the history of poetry was a gigantic paintbox n-60DbiJsWE-00050-00014061-00014227 in which all sorts of colours n-60DbiJsWE-00051-00014227-00014525 and all sorts of tones and depths could be found, n-60DbiJsWE-00052-00014525-00014802 and that you're able to range through all this. n-60DbiJsWE-00053-00014802-00015038 You're able to explore this, n-60DbiJsWE-00054-00015038-00015246 and come back with tones, n-60DbiJsWE-00055-00015390-00015473 perfumes, n-60DbiJsWE-00056-00015647-00015731 colours, n-60DbiJsWE-00057-00015875-00016131 shapes, figures, things like that. n-60DbiJsWE-00058-00016131-00016297 They're things that fill the world. n-60DbiJsWE-00059-00016297-00016607 (foreign folk music) n-60DbiJsWE-00060-00016607-00016858 I haven't been up yet with it on the walls, n-60DbiJsWE-00061-00016858-00017133 but I'm very pleased, very pleased. n-60DbiJsWE-00062-00017133-00017309 I believe I'm next to a princess. n-60DbiJsWE-00063-00017309-00017589 - (laughs) Even now. n-60DbiJsWE-00064-00017589-00017831 (they laugh) n-60DbiJsWE-00065-00017926-00018009 - Touche. n-60DbiJsWE-00066-00018106-00018415 (foreign folk music) n_0F5yy9Uro-00000-00000880-00001194 Hi everybody! I'm Phillip Goodman from the Druesedow n_0F5yy9Uro-00001-00001194-00001583 Real Estate Group at Keller Williams Group One Inc in Reno Nevada and today I'm here n_0F5yy9Uro-00002-00001583-00001941 with Steven McDaniel who is our Damonte Ranch expert. How have you been Steven? n_0F5yy9Uro-00003-00001941-00002285 Fantastic, Phillip. Good to see you again. Thanks for coming in today. Well we're n_0F5yy9Uro-00004-00002285-00002594 gonna take a look back at the third quarter real estate activity in Damonte n_0F5yy9Uro-00005-00002594-00003026 Ranch, third quarter being the busiest selling season here in the Reno area. So n_0F5yy9Uro-00006-00003026-00003534 for all that data let's go inside Market Insights. Steven before we take a look at n_0F5yy9Uro-00007-00003534-00003885 the third quarter activity we should first take a peek at what happened n_0F5yy9Uro-00008-00003885-00004350 specifically in September of 2018 and compare that to what happened n_0F5yy9Uro-00009-00004350-00004725 in August one of the busiest selling months and also what happened compared n_0F5yy9Uro-00010-00004725-00005301 to 2017 which was a record sales year in all of Reno. So why don't we start with n_0F5yy9Uro-00011-00005301-00005850 the median sold price. Right now we're down 6.2 percent over the prior month n_0F5yy9Uro-00012-00005850-00006339 but for the prior year we're up three point eight percent Phillip and units n_0F5yy9Uro-00013-00006339-00006954 sold in September down again. Forty five point five percent down and down n_0F5yy9Uro-00014-00006954-00007543 thirty five point four percent over the prior year but again last year was a n_0F5yy9Uro-00015-00007543-00008079 amazing year for the market so not surprised with these numbers really. n_0F5yy9Uro-00016-00008079-00008675 And even though sales are down listings are up and we we did some digging what's n_0F5yy9Uro-00017-00008675-00009135 kind of unique about this eighty-one new listings number. It's a lot of n_0F5yy9Uro-00018-00009135-00009714 condominiums came into play in this area, almost 20% of the market right now is n_0F5yy9Uro-00019-00009714-00010227 moved by the condominium market. Last month for example new listings are n_0F5yy9Uro-00020-00010227-00010884 down 20% but for the prior year we're up 22.7%. Steven days to contract right now, n_0F5yy9Uro-00021-00010884-00011625 yes they are climbing up but that's just indicative of fall - the rollercoaster - yeah the fall n_0F5yy9Uro-00022-00011625-00012332 activity in all of Reno. Mm-hmm. Steven despite all the increases in n_0F5yy9Uro-00023-00012332-00012962 inventory and the increases in median prices the percent of ask received is n_0F5yy9Uro-00024-00012962-00013365 still around ninety nine percent. Which is a great number. n_0F5yy9Uro-00025-00013365-00013872 just over last month we're up point one percent and over the prior year were n_0F5yy9Uro-00026-00013872-00014444 down only 0.5%. It just shows the strength in this area. Now here's a n_0F5yy9Uro-00027-00014444-00014972 category that some people might be concerned about but we're not and that's n_0F5yy9Uro-00028-00014972-00015429 inventory and month supply of inventory right now we have a hundred and ninety n_0F5yy9Uro-00029-00015429-00016125 four units in inventory from the prior month it's up 7.2% prior year we're up n_0F5yy9Uro-00030-00016125-00016670 sixty three percent in inventory, Phillip. But the bulk of that again are a bunch n_0F5yy9Uro-00031-00016670-00017026 of new condos. Twenty percent approximately that is condominiums. n_0F5yy9Uro-00032-00017026-00017534 Steven we've mentioned in previous videos that once we see month supply of n_0F5yy9Uro-00033-00017534-00018113 inventory reach or broach that four mark that we may see a shift in the market. n_0F5yy9Uro-00034-00018113-00018606 We're at four point six now. What's happening? Well the numbers indicate that n_0F5yy9Uro-00035-00018606-00019023 we're moving more towards a balanced market which makes it equilibrium in the n_0F5yy9Uro-00036-00019023-00019481 marketplace: not an advantage for a buyer not advantage for a seller. And the n_0F5yy9Uro-00037-00019481-00020012 caveat though is that number is specific to the South Meadows region not the n_0F5yy9Uro-00038-00020012-00020429 entire Reno-Sparks market. That's correct. n_0F5yy9Uro-00039-00020453-00020963 Steven let's take a look back at the sold activity for the South Meadows n_0F5yy9Uro-00040-00020963-00021356 region for the last three months. Let's talk first about the median sold price n_0F5yy9Uro-00041-00021356-00021879 by month and the roller-coaster continues. Sure. In July you'll see that n_0F5yy9Uro-00042-00021879-00022359 the median price was $448,250. We get into the August n_0F5yy9Uro-00043-00022359-00022659 month and we're at $454,000. Now that were in n_0F5yy9Uro-00044-00022659-00023057 September at $430,000 you see sort of a curve which n_0F5yy9Uro-00045-00023057-00023631 is normal. This is typical of any market really. And we have the condominiums in n_0F5yy9Uro-00046-00023631-00024059 the blue line down below in July at and $319,000 n_0F5yy9Uro-00047-00024059-00024584 and then August $342,000 and we're sitting at the n_0F5yy9Uro-00048-00024584-00025044 end at now $329,500 That bell curve is a little flatter but it still n_0F5yy9Uro-00049-00025044-00025428 shows the trend of the market at this time of the year. But still relevant n_0F5yy9Uro-00050-00025428-00025883 because we see that condos are about twenty percent of the market in this in n_0F5yy9Uro-00051-00025883-00026277 this unique piece of the market, yes. It may not be the same in all over Reno n_0F5yy9Uro-00052-00026277-00026979 area but this particular market has a lot of condominiums. Absolutely. And units sold again peaking n_0F5yy9Uro-00053-00026979-00027288 in August, dipping down as we get into fall. You'll n_0F5yy9Uro-00054-00027288-00027888 see there's a lot of similar trends in the numbers as we go through them n_0F5yy9Uro-00055-00027888-00028208 because this is the typical roller coaster that we see in this industry n_0F5yy9Uro-00056-00028208-00028749 about this time of year. The nice thing about our market in this particular area n_0F5yy9Uro-00057-00028749-00029400 is it's still relatively strong. Now we're looking at the average days to n_0F5yy9Uro-00058-00029400-00029967 contract which is one of the ways that we that we gauge the market velocity and n_0F5yy9Uro-00059-00029967-00030519 we as we've said before things are starting to slow down. You know you see n_0F5yy9Uro-00060-00030519-00031281 on the July numbers for single-family as we were about 32 days to contract we're n_0F5yy9Uro-00061-00031281-00031818 right now in September we're 52 it's just it's very common to slow down in n_0F5yy9Uro-00062-00031818-00032163 this time of year and the same thing with condominiums: 22 days to contract in n_0F5yy9Uro-00063-00032163-00032937 July to 45 it's just it's just the season. Here we are on our website n_0F5yy9Uro-00064-00032937-00033420 seerenohomesforsale.com and our featured listing today is 10015 n_0F5yy9Uro-00065-00033420-00033888 Ellis Park Lane in Damonte Ranch. Steven what can you tell us about this property? n_0F5yy9Uro-00066-00033888-00034434 It's a beautiful single-story listed at $699,900, it's three bedrooms n_0F5yy9Uro-00067-00034434-00035193 two baths at 2687 square feet and it has a beautiful kitchen. This is a cook's n_0F5yy9Uro-00068-00035193-00035913 dream: nice backsplash, beautiful floors white cabinets. This is very up-to-date n_0F5yy9Uro-00069-00035913-00036423 and modern. It sure is. Take a look at this kitchen. My goodness that is a n_0F5yy9Uro-00070-00036423-00036768 functional kitchen. Can you imagine having the Thanksgiving buffet spread n_0F5yy9Uro-00071-00036768-00037308 out on this counter here? Yes I can. Oh my. So the house is definitely move-in n_0F5yy9Uro-00072-00037308-00037722 ready and I love what they've done with the pavers here. Plus there's still n_0F5yy9Uro-00073-00037722-00038091 plenty of blank canvas to paint it however you wish. Make this your own home. n_0F5yy9Uro-00074-00038091-00038568 This is in a beautiful community and a beautiful end of town. So there is your n_0F5yy9Uro-00075-00038568-00038937 third quarter real estate update for the South Meadows and Damonte Ranch n_0F5yy9Uro-00076-00038937-00039447 area. Coming up at the end of October my favorite holiday: Halloween Steven n_0F5yy9Uro-00077-00039447-00039825 what will you be doing this Halloween? Hope Community Church is putting on a n_0F5yy9Uro-00078-00039825-00040243 Trunk-or-Treat event for the little ones. Trunk-or-Treat is when we put cars n_0F5yy9Uro-00079-00040243-00040740 into an area we decorate the trunks we hand out candy and give children a safe n_0F5yy9Uro-00080-00040740-00041238 place to be able to just enjoy the holiday. They can get a lot of candy they n_0F5yy9Uro-00081-00041238-00041590 can come out and just enjoy all the decorations that people have put in n_0F5yy9Uro-00082-00041590-00041911 their trunk. They can get really creative. It's a fun event. So let me get this n_0F5yy9Uro-00083-00041911-00042309 straight: you can trick-or-treat in a parking lot and just go car to car? Yes n_0F5yy9Uro-00084-00042309-00042718 you can Phillip. What a great way to collect candy that much faster. Indeed n_0F5yy9Uro-00085-00042718-00043099 Alright. Well for more information about any of the numbers that Steven and n_0F5yy9Uro-00086-00043099-00043356 I have discussed or if you're ready to go look at some properties in the n_0F5yy9Uro-00087-00043356-00043759 Damonte Ranch South Meadows area with Steven you can contact Steven at the n_0F5yy9Uro-00088-00043759-00044200 information you see on your screen now for Stephen McDaniel for the Druesedow n_0F5yy9Uro-00089-00044200-00044541 Real Estate Group at Keller Williams Group One Inc in Reno Nevada I'm Philip n_0F5yy9Uro-00090-00044541-00045056 Goodman we'll see you next time. nBrgglNnbs8-00000-00000922-00001147 The driving force for what would become the B1 nBrgglNnbs8-00001-00001147-00001347 was Le Pere des Char, General Estienne. nBrgglNnbs8-00002-00001361-00001777 In 1921 he came up with the requirement for a tank of about 13 tons nBrgglNnbs8-00003-00001777-00002038 with the main gun mounted low in the hull. nBrgglNnbs8-00004-00002038-00002385 The thinking behind it was the choice of target, fortifications. nBrgglNnbs8-00005-00002401-00002697 They tended to have firing slits, which were low to the ground nBrgglNnbs8-00006-00002697-00002984 and the thinking was that if you had a low mounted gun nBrgglNnbs8-00007-00002984-00003385 you would have a suitable trajectory for placing a round through the gun slit. nBrgglNnbs8-00008-00003385-00003900 Now what this tells you about the level of expectation for 1920s tank accuracy nBrgglNnbs8-00009-00003900-00004128 is another matter, but that was the thinking. nBrgglNnbs8-00010-00004203-00004529 Other requirements that he had was a 120 horsepower engine, nBrgglNnbs8-00011-00004529-00004902 25 millimeters of armor, and a turret with machine guns. nBrgglNnbs8-00012-00005443-00005635 Now what he had in mind was competition. nBrgglNnbs8-00013-00005640-00005920 He would take various submissions from manufacturers, nBrgglNnbs8-00014-00005920-00006296 he would pick and choose the various different characteristics of the tank nBrgglNnbs8-00015-00006305-00006673 to create one ideal tank which would then be manufactured nBrgglNnbs8-00016-00006673-00006971 by all the various different companies to the same design. nBrgglNnbs8-00017-00007008-00007329 Now, I can’t find out what the prize, shall we say, was nBrgglNnbs8-00018-00007329-00007651 for having the most best features but there you go. nBrgglNnbs8-00019-00007740-00008057 Now it turns out that submissions were received from five manufacturers: nBrgglNnbs8-00020-00008057-00008552 FCM, Schneider, Saint-Chamond, Renault and Delaunay-Belleville. nBrgglNnbs8-00021-00008564-00008740 The latter was very quickly rejected, nBrgglNnbs8-00022-00008740-00009150 it was just an FT that got stretched out with the gun mounted low and forwards. nBrgglNnbs8-00023-00009241-00009603 By 1924, however, the first prototypes were submitted nBrgglNnbs8-00024-00009611-00009835 and you got to start seeing, if you look at the old photographs, nBrgglNnbs8-00025-00009835-00009990 something of a family resemblance nBrgglNnbs8-00026-00009990-00010520 between what they had and the Char B as was finally built. nBrgglNnbs8-00027-00010638-00010878 Indeed, what he did was he picked and chose. nBrgglNnbs8-00028-00010878-00011156 He took the general shape of the Renault and the Schneider, nBrgglNnbs8-00029-00011190-00011590 he took the steering, clutch, differential, from the Schneider as well, nBrgglNnbs8-00030-00011603-00011900 he took the tracks and tensioning system from FCM, nBrgglNnbs8-00031-00011900-00012148 and suspension from Saint-Chamond. nBrgglNnbs8-00032-00012232-00012598 He also added a little bit more armor to make it up to four centimeters nBrgglNnbs8-00033-00012667-00013107 and the first wooden mock-up was made in 1926. nBrgglNnbs8-00034-00013201-00013555 Actual construction of the tank though didn't happen until 1936. nBrgglNnbs8-00035-00013555-00013856 The reason for this elongated development process nBrgglNnbs8-00036-00013862-00014238 was a series of disarmament talks which were going on in Geneva at the time. nBrgglNnbs8-00037-00014276-00014769 One of the items under consideration was a ban on vehicles over 20 tons, nBrgglNnbs8-00038-00014801-00015257 which the Tractor 30, as it was now called under the management of Renault, nBrgglNnbs8-00039-00015284-00015676 would completely blow past. The back-up plan was the D2. nBrgglNnbs8-00040-00015777-00016150 If the Geneva disarmament talks came to a conclusion on the matter, nBrgglNnbs8-00041-00016150-00016537 the D2 would be built, if not, the backstop was the B1. nBrgglNnbs8-00042-00016596-00016804 There was an additional change mandated nBrgglNnbs8-00043-00016804-00016939 when somebody came up with the thought nBrgglNnbs8-00044-00016939-00017315 that perhaps this tank ought to be capable of fighting enemy tanks, nBrgglNnbs8-00045-00017331-00017526 and the machine guns just were not going to cut it. nBrgglNnbs8-00046-00017576-00017969 The solution was to create a new turret and to mount a 47-millimeter into it. nBrgglNnbs8-00047-00018017-00018470 The final vehicle, the B1, was actually only intended to be an interim vehicle nBrgglNnbs8-00048-00018470-00018740 with the B2 and B3 subsequently planned, nBrgglNnbs8-00049-00018740-00019059 however with the rearmament of Germany going on at the time, nBrgglNnbs8-00050-00019073-00019496 it was deemed advisable to simply go with what they had ready to produce, nBrgglNnbs8-00051-00019534-00019950 and as a result the only modification of any note was the B1 Bis. nBrgglNnbs8-00052-00019982-00020353 This added extra armor to a grand total of about 6 centimeters nBrgglNnbs8-00053-00020369-00020619 and this is the vehicle behind me in Saumur. nBrgglNnbs8-00054-00020675-00020905 And this is all a very long-winded way of saying nBrgglNnbs8-00055-00020905-00021123 that this is the vehicle that we're going to take a tour around nBrgglNnbs8-00056-00021136-00021396 if you didn't figure it out from the title card on the video. nBrgglNnbs8-00057-00023766-00023992 The overall shape of the tank is almost reminiscent nBrgglNnbs8-00058-00023992-00024168 of a British World War One design nBrgglNnbs8-00059-00024168-00024475 with the tracks going all the way over the top of the body. nBrgglNnbs8-00060-00024552-00024684 The body itself is riveted nBrgglNnbs8-00061-00024684-00025092 and that means that you can see simply enough the thickness of the plate, nBrgglNnbs8-00062-00025115-00025488 the six centimeters, which is reasonably well sloped for the time. nBrgglNnbs8-00063-00025532-00025761 You can also see a prominent driver’s housing nBrgglNnbs8-00064-00025761-00025947 and this is actually somewhat necessary nBrgglNnbs8-00065-00025947-00026462 because although the tank has huge bulk, it's actually not all that big. nBrgglNnbs8-00066-00026588-00026940 The idlers are prominent and exposed but that does at least mean nBrgglNnbs8-00067-00026940-00027180 that there's a good obstacle crossing capability nBrgglNnbs8-00068-00027180-00027568 because the track is so far in front of everything else, to include the gun. nBrgglNnbs8-00069-00027630-00027980 Just inboard there is the armored housing for the headlight nBrgglNnbs8-00070-00028006-00028361 and inboard of that is the builders plate for Renault. nBrgglNnbs8-00071-00028387-00028828 Underneath the builder’s plate is the vehicles hull number, in this case 81. nBrgglNnbs8-00072-00028895-00029356 Finally on the right hand side is a 7.5 centimeter gun, it is fixed in train, nBrgglNnbs8-00073-00029366-00029600 and you will see that the body of the vehicle nBrgglNnbs8-00074-00029603-00029889 is actually pulled back underneath the gun, presumably nBrgglNnbs8-00075-00029892-00030244 because there is no requirement for anybody's legs to be there, nBrgglNnbs8-00076-00030256-00030660 although they do retain a strengthening bar going across the front. nBrgglNnbs8-00077-00031230-00031553 As you come around to the side of the tank, you can see the overall bulk. nBrgglNnbs8-00078-00031553-00031924 It's a long tank, it'll cross a 2.75 metre gap. nBrgglNnbs8-00079-00031939-00032288 Track tension is done, as ever, at the front of the tank with the idler. nBrgglNnbs8-00080-00032323-00032560 There is an unbolted latch, nBrgglNnbs8-00081-00032619-00032947 you remove back the armor plate and the bolt is visible. nBrgglNnbs8-00082-00032947-00033368 This is the worm gear pretty similar to the original design on the FCM nBrgglNnbs8-00083-00033395-00033617 and you simply rotate the bolt. nBrgglNnbs8-00084-00033617-00034084 This will then screw the idler forwards and backwards to adjust the tension. nBrgglNnbs8-00085-00034084-00034371 Starting at the front just after the track tension port, nBrgglNnbs8-00086-00034382-00034721 there is the only mud chute which is on the vehicle, nBrgglNnbs8-00087-00034740-00034993 and it is at the end of the return run. nBrgglNnbs8-00088-00035068-00035524 The vehicle return itself is simple, it is skids only, nBrgglNnbs8-00089-00035620-00035990 friction and noise doubtless the result, but there are no return rollers. nBrgglNnbs8-00090-00036020-00036307 The links, they are sort of an old-school type link, nBrgglNnbs8-00091-00036307-00036758 almost like from the Holt bulldozer, and there are 63 per side. nBrgglNnbs8-00092-00036758-00036976 There are no center guides or guide horns, nBrgglNnbs8-00093-00036984-00037348 the wheels are kept on by a flange on each side of the wheel. nBrgglNnbs8-00094-00037348-00037833 The wheels themselves are paired, each pair is mounted on a bogie pair, nBrgglNnbs8-00095-00037857-00038030 and things go on from there. nBrgglNnbs8-00096-00038104-00038632 Down at the bottom is the access port for maintaining the bogies. nBrgglNnbs8-00097-00038726-00039140 As you move further back, you're going to see the rather large radiator grille. nBrgglNnbs8-00098-00039140-00039409 Now, the radiator grille is only mounted on the left-hand side, nBrgglNnbs8-00099-00039409-00039785 this is not a symmetrically designed tank. It was originally considered nBrgglNnbs8-00100-00039785-00040121 that perhaps this is going to be a weak point for enemy fire nBrgglNnbs8-00101-00040137-00040548 but in the limited amount of after-action assessments that were done nBrgglNnbs8-00102-00040548-00040772 there was no indication that this was the case. nBrgglNnbs8-00103-00040897-00041118 Something which you may not have noticed, nBrgglNnbs8-00104-00041118-00041358 certainly I didn't until I'm physically in front of the tank, nBrgglNnbs8-00105-00041358-00041494 are these little marker lights. nBrgglNnbs8-00106-00041494-00041804 There's one at the back and one at the front of the tank. nBrgglNnbs8-00107-00041833-00042166 They're white at the front, red at the back, and they're very simply going nBrgglNnbs8-00108-00042166-00042499 to show you the size of the vehicle in the dark so you don't run into it. nBrgglNnbs8-00109-00042590-00042774 Finally, behind the armored housing nBrgglNnbs8-00110-00042774-00043008 you're going to see the very large sprocket wheel, nBrgglNnbs8-00111-00043059-00043323 unarmored two pairs of teeth per side. nBrgglNnbs8-00112-00044715-00044876 If you compare the other side of the tank, nBrgglNnbs8-00113-00044876-00045211 the asymmetric design is obvious with the lack of the grill nBrgglNnbs8-00114-00045211-00045528 and instead the presence of a large heavy door, nBrgglNnbs8-00115-00045596-00045873 and you can see how thick the metal is on the side here, nBrgglNnbs8-00116-00045873-00046092 so this will also perform an interesting function nBrgglNnbs8-00117-00046092-00046476 if you have to get out under fire, you have a significant amount of protection. nBrgglNnbs8-00118-00046520-00046860 The back of the tank is quite sparse. You see the gently sloping rear nBrgglNnbs8-00119-00046860-00047233 upon which you'll find the exhaust pipes. The design of the exhaust pipe nBrgglNnbs8-00120-00047233-00047523 actually changed a fair bit over the production run of the vehicle. nBrgglNnbs8-00121-00047579-00048030 The vertical back holds the hooks, which will hold the towing chain, nBrgglNnbs8-00122-00048080-00048257 clevises of course will go here, nBrgglNnbs8-00123-00048278-00048848 and on the earliest Char B1s you would see a tow hook down here for a trailer. nBrgglNnbs8-00124-00048902-00049222 Now, the four hundred litres of fuel that the tank carried nBrgglNnbs8-00125-00049222-00049433 would get the tank about two hundred kilometres nBrgglNnbs8-00126-00049433-00049822 but this was considered to be insufficient. The idea behind the trailer was nBrgglNnbs8-00127-00049822-00050088 that it will carry an additional eight hundred liters of fuel nBrgglNnbs8-00128-00050128-00050555 plus maybe 50 litres of castor oil (I'll come back to that), nBrgglNnbs8-00129-00050580-00051070 a hundred litres of other oils, a couple of spare track links, spare parts. nBrgglNnbs8-00130-00051147-00051393 This was really something of an unmitigated disaster nBrgglNnbs8-00131-00051393-00051652 and by 1936 they abandoned the idea. nBrgglNnbs8-00132-00051670-00052004 However the idea of a trailer would continue to come and go nBrgglNnbs8-00133-00052004-00052286 over the following decades with different countries nBrgglNnbs8-00134-00052286-00052694 and about the same level of success. Go look up the rota-trailer for example. nBrgglNnbs8-00135-00052793-00053214 Nothing else here's, let's have a quick look up top here at the steering system. nBrgglNnbs8-00136-00053758-00054166 Now again, the tank is not symmetrical. Underneath me is a passageway nBrgglNnbs8-00137-00054209-00054547 behind the engine to the steering system and gearbox. nBrgglNnbs8-00138-00054561-00054843 This hatch back here can only be opened from within the tank nBrgglNnbs8-00139-00054843-00055132 and unfortunately it’s spring loaded, it seems, to the wrong direction. nBrgglNnbs8-00140-00055336-00055891 You can see the handle, uses a sort of a toothed cog to keep it in place. nBrgglNnbs8-00141-00055952-00056479 Now, underneath with the 5-speed gearbox is the Naeder steering system. nBrgglNnbs8-00142-00056479-00056760 It's a hydraulic system, uses castor oil. nBrgglNnbs8-00143-00056804-00057236 The reason for this unusual system is the fact that you had the fixed-train gun, nBrgglNnbs8-00144-00057236-00057574 you had to steer the entire tank precisely to aim the gun. nBrgglNnbs8-00145-00057675-00058032 The hydraulic system used castor oil, not the same sort of castor oil nBrgglNnbs8-00146-00058032-00058246 that you would find, let’s say in a pharmacy, nBrgglNnbs8-00147-00058257-00058609 which is a distinction that was lost upon a lot of the crewmen. nBrgglNnbs8-00148-00058648-00059003 They used whatever castor oil they could find, they figured it was all the same, nBrgglNnbs8-00149-00059003-00059279 and the problem is that pharmaceutical castor oil nBrgglNnbs8-00150-00059279-00059646 loses its lubricating qualities after about 80 degrees Celsius. nBrgglNnbs8-00151-00059686-00059977 The end result was that a lot of these tanks broke down nBrgglNnbs8-00152-00059977-00060507 because of the wrong kind of oil, resulting in a reliability reputation, nBrgglNnbs8-00153-00060518-00060819 or unreliability reputation perhaps better said. nBrgglNnbs8-00154-00060868-00061115 Now, the shame of it was that if you use the correct oil, nBrgglNnbs8-00155-00061115-00061307 this was a very reliable system, nBrgglNnbs8-00156-00061331-00061596 not that you would know this to listen to the French government nBrgglNnbs8-00157-00061601-00061976 who were very proud of this thing, they thought it was a great military secret. nBrgglNnbs8-00158-00061998-00062384 So what they did was to discourage other people or other countries nBrgglNnbs8-00159-00062384-00062788 from copying it, was they loudly proclaimed and emphasized nBrgglNnbs8-00160-00062796-00063033 the unreliability problems of the design, nBrgglNnbs8-00161-00063033-00063243 whereas in reality they were quite happy to keep it nBrgglNnbs8-00162-00063243-00063558 and indeed a lot of the principles are still used today in the LeClerc tank. nBrgglNnbs8-00163-00063590-00063936 The engine neck is huge and it's one of the few pre-war vehicles I can think of nBrgglNnbs8-00164-00063936-00064126 where the entire crew can get a bit of kip. nBrgglNnbs8-00165-00064232-00064425 A large part of the real estate however is taken up nBrgglNnbs8-00166-00064425-00064843 by the old, basic jack here on the left. It’s huge and you can see nBrgglNnbs8-00167-00064843-00065267 how it's held in place with this little ratchet system here, very basic. nBrgglNnbs8-00168-00065310-00065424 On the other side of the tank, nBrgglNnbs8-00169-00065424-00065625 you're going to see some access ports for the engine, nBrgglNnbs8-00170-00065625-00065904 but it is not the only way of accessing the engine. nBrgglNnbs8-00171-00065915-00066168 Because you have this passageway underneath me, nBrgglNnbs8-00172-00066185-00066387 you can get to the engine from the inside. nBrgglNnbs8-00173-00066652-00066814 That's it for the outside of the tank, nBrgglNnbs8-00174-00066814-00067078 and as ever we'll be back for the inside in part 2. nBrgglNnbs8-00175-00067657-00068195 …going to have 25 millimeters of armor, be sealed against gas… nBrgglNnbs8-00176-00068648-00068953 You ever get those moments where you go completely blank in the head? nBrgglNnbs8-00177-00068990-00069249 It weighed in it over 70 and the 1A… nBrgglNnbs8-00178-00069249-00069614 I see you guys shaking your head so the kids are going yeah… nBrgglNnbs8-00179-00069668-00069814 For those of you who are wondering, we've been trying nBrgglNnbs8-00180-00069814-00070184 to film this opening take for about 45 minutes now and it's always… nBrgglNnbs8-00181-00070225-00070528 We made a horrible mistake of coming here on the school vacation. nDNkXOXK8MU-00000-00000052-00000278 Kantanka Automobile Ghana. nDNkXOXK8MU-00001-00000278-00000527 The Pride Of African Automobile. nDNkXOXK8MU-00002-00000527-00001125 KANTANKA AUTOMOBILE COMPANY LIMITED is a vehicle manufacturer and assembly company with the nDNkXOXK8MU-00003-00001125-00001778 goal of increasing added value, expanding OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer), and nDNkXOXK8MU-00004-00001778-00002231 creating a niche market with new types of vehicles that provide value for money to middle nDNkXOXK8MU-00005-00002231-00002765 and lower income earners in Ghana, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the rest of Africa. nDNkXOXK8MU-00006-00002765-00002949 The Kantanka Group of Companies was created by Apostle Dr. Ing. nDNkXOXK8MU-00007-00002949-00003828 Kwadwo Safo Kantanka, the Founder and Leader of Ghana’s Kristo Asafo Mission. nDNkXOXK8MU-00008-00003828-00004313 Kantanka Automobile is a Ghanaian automobile manufacturer that designs, manufactures, and nDNkXOXK8MU-00009-00004313-00004874 sells both on and off-road cars in Ghana, West Africa. nDNkXOXK8MU-00010-00004874-00005361 Products range from high-end 4x4s with built-in terrain resistance to the most cutting-edge nDNkXOXK8MU-00011-00005361-00005931 clean energy technologies, such as electric vehicles. nDNkXOXK8MU-00012-00005931-00006031 Apostle Dr. Ing. nDNkXOXK8MU-00013-00006031-00006526 Kwadwo Safo, the founder of the Kantanka Group, built the first Kantanka car in 1994 as a nDNkXOXK8MU-00014-00006526-00006732 prototype sedan. nDNkXOXK8MU-00015-00006732-00007206 Since then, the company has been investigating numerous ways to improve the typical Ghanaian’s nDNkXOXK8MU-00016-00007206-00007373 driving and affordability comforts. nDNkXOXK8MU-00017-00007373-00008311 The company began mass manufacturing in 2016 and opened its first showroom in 2018. nDNkXOXK8MU-00018-00008311-00008789 It currently has widespread support and usage throughout West Africa, with patrons from nDNkXOXK8MU-00019-00008789-00008974 all social classes. nDNkXOXK8MU-00020-00008974-00009650 Ken Ofori Atta, Ghana’s Finance Minister in 2021, is a proud owner of a Kantanka Amoanimaa nDNkXOXK8MU-00021-00009650-00009750 Saloon Car. nDNkXOXK8MU-00022-00009750-00010027 By evaluating market trends, customer behavior, and surveys, the company researches, designs, nDNkXOXK8MU-00023-00010027-00010581 and develops cars that institutions, government agencies, and individuals will require. nDNkXOXK8MU-00024-00010581-00010892 Hi there, welcome to another day on Africa Reloaded. nDNkXOXK8MU-00025-00010892-00011411 In today’s video, we will be looking at the Kantanka Automobile Company. nDNkXOXK8MU-00026-00011411-00011836 We shall be basing our focus on the concept behind the company, its driving force, its nDNkXOXK8MU-00027-00011836-00012261 benefits to the country (citizens, economy etc). nDNkXOXK8MU-00028-00012261-00013291 Stay connected as we take you on a tour round the factory and make our discoveries. nDNkXOXK8MU-00029-00013291-00013425 Vehicle Models. nDNkXOXK8MU-00030-00013425-00014016 Kantanka is accused of producing military equipment such armored personnel carriers, nDNkXOXK8MU-00031-00014016-00014231 tanks, and helicopters. nDNkXOXK8MU-00032-00014231-00014771 However, it appears that the primary weapon system of these gadgets is fireworks. nDNkXOXK8MU-00033-00014771-00015215 They’ve also created fighting exoskeletons that appear to be more like costume accessories nDNkXOXK8MU-00034-00015215-00015418 than actual weaponry. nDNkXOXK8MU-00035-00015418-00015935 Kantanka debuted an armored vehicle with a rangefinder at Apostle Safo School of Arts nDNkXOXK8MU-00036-00015935-00016561 and Sciences’ 2018 Annual Technology Show. nDNkXOXK8MU-00037-00016561-00017027 Both saloon and four-wheel drive vehicles are available in the Kantanka lineup. nDNkXOXK8MU-00038-00017027-00017517 SUV Kantanka Nkunimdie Foday Lion – Kantanka Omama Pickup nDNkXOXK8MU-00039-00017517-00018485 Kantanka Onantefo SUV – Kantanka Onantefo 4x4 pickup SUV Foday Explorer 6 Otumfuo nDNkXOXK8MU-00040-00018485-00019247 Jinbei S30 Kantanka Amoanimaa Kantanka K71 compact SUV – Brilliance nDNkXOXK8MU-00041-00019247-00019990 Kantanka Omama luxury 4x4 Kantanka Mensah. nDNkXOXK8MU-00042-00019990-00020538 How The Company Began. nDNkXOXK8MU-00043-00020538-00020703 Apostle Dr. Ing. nDNkXOXK8MU-00044-00020703-00021131 Kwadwo Safo Kantanka, founder of the Kantanka Group of Companies, founded Kantanka Automobile nDNkXOXK8MU-00045-00021131-00021231 in 1994. nDNkXOXK8MU-00046-00021231-00021686 It had been over 14 years since the brilliant scientist and engineer began his tireless nDNkXOXK8MU-00047-00021686-00022135 investigation into technology, the environment, and food science. nDNkXOXK8MU-00048-00022135-00022629 The founder’s passion for applied sciences and their social significance finally led nDNkXOXK8MU-00049-00022629-00023018 him to car manufacturing. nDNkXOXK8MU-00050-00023018-00023726 The first Complete Built Unit (CBU) was built in 1998 with more than 75% indigenous components, nDNkXOXK8MU-00051-00023726-00023913 including the engine block. nDNkXOXK8MU-00052-00023913-00024481 Although not for commercial purposes, the company’s first car was a significant step nDNkXOXK8MU-00053-00024481-00024778 forward, signaling that much more could be done. nDNkXOXK8MU-00054-00024778-00025137 Many Ghanaians were intrigued by the blue sedan, which piqued their interest in the nDNkXOXK8MU-00055-00025137-00025454 possibilities of a local vehicle business. nDNkXOXK8MU-00056-00025454-00025947 Engineer Safo labored tirelessly to bring the dream of a made-in-Ghana car to life on nDNkXOXK8MU-00057-00025947-00026047 Ghanaian roads. nDNkXOXK8MU-00058-00026047-00026763 Kantanka Automobile was founded in 2004 as a Limited Liability Company to conduct research nDNkXOXK8MU-00059-00026763-00027297 into the fabrication of automotive components and their integration with other parts received nDNkXOXK8MU-00060-00027297-00027925 from component suppliers to create a fully assembled vehicle. nDNkXOXK8MU-00061-00027925-00028366 The first SUV (ONANTEFO) was produced in 2006. nDNkXOXK8MU-00062-00028366-00029022 Dr. Safo and his Kantanka business were far past the prototype stage this time. nDNkXOXK8MU-00063-00029022-00029543 The “Onantefo,” which means “Walker,” was equipped to take on modern cars of the nDNkXOXK8MU-00064-00029543-00029845 time. nDNkXOXK8MU-00065-00029845-00030287 The shiny black car was well-designed for its driver and passengers, with powerful cruise nDNkXOXK8MU-00066-00030287-00030387 parameters. nDNkXOXK8MU-00067-00030387-00031128 Only a decade later, the model was outdoored and commercially announced, together with nDNkXOXK8MU-00068-00031128-00031561 two others (Omama and K71). nDNkXOXK8MU-00069-00031561-00032183 Sustainability of the Company. nDNkXOXK8MU-00070-00032183-00032666 The Kantanka Group of enterprises is achieving a new milestone in its quest for current tech nDNkXOXK8MU-00071-00032666-00033221 geniuses and educating them adequately for Africa’s today and tomorrow through the nDNkXOXK8MU-00072-00033221-00033321 Akofena Tech Challenge 2021 project. nDNkXOXK8MU-00073-00033321-00033715 The project is looking for brains and hands with Apostle Safo’s gift of making device nDNkXOXK8MU-00074-00033715-00034187 solutions to everyday Ghanaian problems and providing ten teams with full funding and nDNkXOXK8MU-00075-00034187-00034633 technical training to help them fulfill their ideas. nDNkXOXK8MU-00076-00034633-00035278 The mission is unprecedented and really ambitious, but it has already begun and shows no signs nDNkXOXK8MU-00077-00035278-00035594 of slowing down, thanks to the new CEO and his team. nDNkXOXK8MU-00078-00035594-00035755 This will usher in the next chapter of tech cooperation across the continent, as the Kantanka nDNkXOXK8MU-00079-00035755-00036484 Group’s 41st Tech Show, dubbed “Kantanka Tech Expo 2021,” aims to provide a forum nDNkXOXK8MU-00080-00036484-00037240 for innovative minds from around Africa. nDNkXOXK8MU-00081-00037240-00037865 Nana Kwadwo Safo Akofena continues to work with all parties interested in moving Ghana’s nDNkXOXK8MU-00082-00037865-00038091 digital development agenda forward. nDNkXOXK8MU-00083-00038091-00038700 His company continues to urge the African Union to fulfill its Agenda 2063 goals by nDNkXOXK8MU-00084-00038700-00039491 hiring companies like the Kantanka Group to improve the lives of its citizens. nDNkXOXK8MU-00085-00039491-00039605 Benefits of the Company. nDNkXOXK8MU-00086-00039605-00040233 1.The car industry is one of the greatest employers, as new businesses will emerge and nDNkXOXK8MU-00087-00040233-00040465 job growth will be secured at all levels. nDNkXOXK8MU-00088-00040465-00041071 It’s worth mentioning that, despite their tiny size, Kantanka presently employs 150 nDNkXOXK8MU-00089-00041071-00041509 full-time people, with the potential for more as demand grows. nDNkXOXK8MU-00090-00041509-00041609 2. nDNkXOXK8MU-00091-00041609-00042218 Furthermore, the automobile industry provides excellent potential for technical and vocational nDNkXOXK8MU-00092-00042218-00042713 institutions in the country because the emphasis will change from theory to actual application. nDNkXOXK8MU-00093-00042713-00042813 3. nDNkXOXK8MU-00094-00042813-00043271 It will be extremely beneficial, and it is believed that it will completely transform nDNkXOXK8MU-00095-00043271-00043411 our car sector.” nDNkXOXK8MU-00096-00043411-00044137 They have several auto class exams at Abossey Okai, Odorna, Kokompe, and Suame Magazine, nDNkXOXK8MU-00097-00044137-00044680 so when they combine these car classes and build an auto park, Ghana will gain from the nDNkXOXK8MU-00098-00044680-00044780 automotive sector.” nDNkXOXK8MU-00099-00044780-00044880 4. nDNkXOXK8MU-00100-00044880-00045411 Th Ghanaians have been assured to expect nothing but the best from the company, simply because nDNkXOXK8MU-00101-00045411-00045877 their vehicles are fitted with fundamental safety features that any Ghanaian will enjoy nDNkXOXK8MU-00102-00045877-00046574 riding in, encouraging them to patronize them. nDNkXOXK8MU-00103-00046574-00046934 Reasons why you should love and drive A Kantanka Automobile. nDNkXOXK8MU-00104-00046934-00047427 1.It will contribute to Africa’s development of a strong innovation ecosystem. nDNkXOXK8MU-00105-00047427-00047775 In the competitive automobile sector, African driving is stepping up its game, offering nDNkXOXK8MU-00106-00047775-00048650 the Germans, Indians, and Chinese leaders in car design and manufacturing some competition nDNkXOXK8MU-00107-00048650-00048763 in local markets. nDNkXOXK8MU-00108-00048763-00049305 I was ecstatic to learn that more Africans are working in the automotive industry: South nDNkXOXK8MU-00109-00049305-00049952 African-born Elon Musk is changing the game with Tesla Motors, Saroukh el-Jamahiriya made nDNkXOXK8MU-00110-00049952-00050603 in Libya, Laraki made in Morocco, Kiira Motors made in Uganda, Mobius Motors made in Kenya, nDNkXOXK8MU-00111-00050603-00051036 The Wind and Solar Powered Car made in Nigeria, Innoson made in Nigeria. nDNkXOXK8MU-00112-00051036-00051586 These pioneers have all left an indelible mark on the African automobile industry. nDNkXOXK8MU-00113-00051586-00051686 2. nDNkXOXK8MU-00114-00051686-00051934 Ghana’s joy and pride. nDNkXOXK8MU-00115-00051934-00052490 African automakers are developing vehicles that are entirely made in Africa and compete nDNkXOXK8MU-00116-00052490-00052738 on foreign markets. nDNkXOXK8MU-00117-00052738-00053110 Kantanka is posing as a revolutionary African automobile. nDNkXOXK8MU-00118-00053110-00053433 Some even claim it is Africa’s best to date. nDNkXOXK8MU-00119-00053433-00053814 One thing I’d say is that Kantanka is Ghana’s pride and delight — it perfectly depicts nDNkXOXK8MU-00120-00053814-00054190 the country, with its logo being the black star, Ghana’s heart! nDNkXOXK8MU-00121-00054190-00054751 It’s no surprise that Dr. Safo Kantanka is dubbed “Africa’s Star.” nDNkXOXK8MU-00122-00054751-00055294 The Kantanka Automobile’s slogan is actually the most interesting “It’s not just any nDNkXOXK8MU-00123-00055294-00055492 car, it’s our car”. nDNkXOXK8MU-00124-00055492-00055623 3. nDNkXOXK8MU-00125-00055623-00056137 You will be actively involved in the development of Africa’s innovation-driven society. nDNkXOXK8MU-00126-00056137-00056558 When you consider the future of automobiles, it’s incredible: nDNkXOXK8MU-00127-00056558-00057089 -Autonomous self-driving cars appear to be on their way to flooding the car market, much nDNkXOXK8MU-00128-00057089-00057689 like automatic gearbox cars did today, with the promise of saving time and lives by reducing nDNkXOXK8MU-00129-00057689-00057820 human error. nDNkXOXK8MU-00131-00061674-00062412 all mentioned. nDNkXOXK8MU-00132-00062412-00064411 -Consider India’s goal of eliminating gas and diesel cars by 2030 due to climate change nDNkXOXK8MU-00133-00064411-00064511 concerns. nDNkXOXK8MU-00134-00064511-00065424 Paris, Madrid, Athens, and Mexico City plan to achieve this by 2025, Scotland by 2032, nDNkXOXK8MU-00135-00065424-00066251 France by 2040, and the United Kingdom by 2050. nDNkXOXK8MU-00136-00066251-00066774 Kantanka Automobile continues to be a steadfast economic force in Ghana’s automobile industry, nDNkXOXK8MU-00137-00066774-00067186 providing the greatest quality auto services in Africa. nDNkXOXK8MU-00138-00067186-00067784 For all driving enthusiasts, industry professionals, and in-market customers who want the most nDNkXOXK8MU-00139-00067784-00068317 up-to-date and accurate information to make informed judgments on the luxury and performance nDNkXOXK8MU-00140-00068317-00068626 automobiles they follow, admire, and drive. nDNkXOXK8MU-00141-00068626-00069197 There are automobiles made in Africa for Africa by Africans. nDNkXOXK8MU-00142-00069197-00069297 Compliment them! nDNkXOXK8MU-00143-00069297-00069479 It all starts at home! nDNkXOXK8MU-00144-00069479-00070201 Let us communicate, advocate, and drive (use) our own made cars (goods and services) as nDNkXOXK8MU-00145-00070201-00070761 a collective – this is how we will create the Africa that we all wish and envision. nDNkXOXK8MU-00146-00070761-00071153 Thanks for watching this video. nDNkXOXK8MU-00147-00071153-00071645 If you enjoyed it or found it intriguing enough, do well to like, share subscribe, leave a nDNkXOXK8MU-00148-00071645-00072091 comment in order to share your thoughts with us and do not forget to turn on the notification nDNkXOXK8MU-00149-00072091-00072299 for more thrilling and exciting videos. nE22AlemlTE-00000-00000000-00000200 Mysql Commands nGBcIiZHMVk-00000-00000504-00001592 Music nJXDNMjYrTy-00000-00000000-00000444 Hi this is Russell Stannard from teachertrainingvideos.com those of nJXDNMjYrTy-00001-00000444-00001032 you asking me about breakout rooms so what I've done is a complete eh-2-zed of breakout rooms nJXDNMjYrTy-00002-00001032-00001542 if you follow this video right through to the end I'm gonna give you loads of tips on using nJXDNMjYrTy-00003-00001542-00002187 breakout rooms including why it's so important to make sure that you've got the screenshare set for nJXDNMjYrTy-00004-00002187-00002736 everyone how you can reassign people to breakout rooms how you actually create the rooms in the nJXDNMjYrTy-00005-00002736-00003249 first place how you join a room and listen to what's going on but then leave I'm gonna go nJXDNMjYrTy-00006-00003249-00003825 through absolutely everything this is the eh-2-zed of breakout rooms when working with zoom hope the nJXDNMjYrTy-00007-00003825-00004299 video is useful if it is please like it please share it that would be great teachers really nJXDNMjYrTy-00008-00004299-00004767 need this stuff at the moment please any comments leave them below and if you want to join me come nJXDNMjYrTy-00009-00004767-00005286 over to teacher training videos com sign up to the newsletter and maybe join me on my youtube nJXDNMjYrTy-00010-00005286-00006030 channel as well let's get started when you work with breakout rooms and because you're probably nJXDNMjYrTy-00011-00006030-00006750 going to be used most of the time it's a good idea in your general settings to set up your breakout nJXDNMjYrTy-00012-00006750-00007263 rooms so that every time you schedule a meeting you've always got a breakout room in that meeting nJXDNMjYrTy-00013-00007263-00007851 and to do that just come onto your system go on to meet it on to meetings come down to settings nJXDNMjYrTy-00014-00007851-00008610 and the setting you want to set if you come down here is if you come down you've got tier meetings nJXDNMjYrTy-00015-00008610-00009423 recordings telephone just scroll down and you should see as you scroll down here it's quite nJXDNMjYrTy-00016-00009423-00010254 a long way down it's actually the first setting in the Advanced part okay come to here and turn nJXDNMjYrTy-00017-00010254-00011004 breakout meetings on and that means every time you have a breakout meeting then that will be nJXDNMjYrTy-00018-00011004-00011664 activated now that is really the only thing that you need to worry about at the moment the other nJXDNMjYrTy-00019-00011664-00012249 important setting you can do when the meeting starts if you click now on scheduled a meeting nJXDNMjYrTy-00020-00012249-00012843 and we're just going to start a meeting straight away so I'm going to come into the meeting start nJXDNMjYrTy-00021-00012843-00013326 it off you'll notice that the breakout room okay so you can see me on the screen now I'm going to nJXDNMjYrTy-00022-00013326-00013803 turn my camera off while I do this though I'm just gonna click there to turn off the camera nJXDNMjYrTy-00023-00013803-00014241 and we need to get into breakout rooms and the first thing about the breakout rooms is this nJXDNMjYrTy-00024-00014241-00014793 come to the breakout room click here in the minute I'm going to take you for a live one nJXDNMjYrTy-00025-00014793-00015243 but basically it's going to tell you how many participants you've got in the room so let's nJXDNMjYrTy-00026-00015243-00015888 say as an example you've got 20 it's gonna say assign 20 participants in two and you're going nJXDNMjYrTy-00027-00015888-00016545 to decide how many rooms so I'm gonna do five rooms there's going to be 20 participants and nJXDNMjYrTy-00028-00016545-00017277 that will be four people in each room and I normally click on automatically now when you nJXDNMjYrTy-00029-00017277-00018216 click on the create rooms button ok it doesn't mean to say that actually the rooms will start nJXDNMjYrTy-00030-00018216-00018798 you need to click on open all rooms and what you will see here and you'll see in a live session in nJXDNMjYrTy-00031-00018798-00019374 a minute I'm going to show you is that all of the students will be listed here and you will clearly nJXDNMjYrTy-00032-00019374-00020157 see who is in which room remember you've set it automatically and so it makes it really really nJXDNMjYrTy-00033-00020157-00020751 easy you simply just click on automatic and the students are and immediately put into their rooms nJXDNMjYrTy-00034-00020751-00021297 now it is possible to move students out of rooms as well but automatically they will be now in nJXDNMjYrTy-00035-00021297-00021864 their rooms now what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you this live so you can see me in a live nJXDNMjYrTy-00036-00021864-00022407 session here and I've got 19 participants and I'm going to divide them into five into five different nJXDNMjYrTy-00037-00022407-00022845 groups okay I'm doing it automatically I click on the button and look what happens they're all nJXDNMjYrTy-00038-00022845-00023565 automatically placed in their groups I don't have to do anything there I just clicked on automatic nJXDNMjYrTy-00039-00023565-00024075 and all of the teachers were immediately put into their groups now all I need to click on nJXDNMjYrTy-00040-00024075-00024903 that button there open all rooms as soon as I do that they will be placed in their rooms okay nJXDNMjYrTy-00041-00024903-00025482 before I move on and actually show you what it's like when I click on the button and move all the nJXDNMjYrTy-00042-00025482-00025872 people into their rooms I just want to go through a couple of settings that are really important nJXDNMjYrTy-00043-00025872-00026406 when you create the breakout rooms if you come here and click on it one thing you've got some nJXDNMjYrTy-00044-00026406-00026910 options and some of these options are really important for first of all if you always want nJXDNMjYrTy-00045-00026910-00027438 to put your students automatically into breakout rooms then choose that option sometimes I want to nJXDNMjYrTy-00046-00027438-00028026 do it manually so for that reason I don't choose that option allow participants to return to the nJXDNMjYrTy-00047-00028026-00028614 main session at any time that's a really important choice with adults I always have that on because I nJXDNMjYrTy-00048-00028614-00029136 read owner force adults to stay in their breakout room so if they want to leave and come back to the nJXDNMjYrTy-00049-00029136-00029508 main room they can click on the button at any time they can leave if I'm working with young learners nJXDNMjYrTy-00050-00029508-00030225 I may turn that off so that they have to stay in the breakout rooms until I close the breakout room nJXDNMjYrTy-00051-00030225-00030839 so a really important button this next one is also important if you decide that you want to limit the nJXDNMjYrTy-00052-00030839-00031364 amount of time I don't generally use that but you can have it that a breakout room is automatically nJXDNMjYrTy-00053-00031364-00031964 closed after a certain amount of time that can be good for example if you're in the lesson and you nJXDNMjYrTy-00054-00031964-00032489 want to control how long the students are actually working in a breakout room this last setting is nJXDNMjYrTy-00055-00032489-00033192 super important when you close a breakout room and bring everyone back to the main room it's nJXDNMjYrTy-00056-00033192-00033747 very rude if you click on the button and suddenly you just leave the room so this there's a counter nJXDNMjYrTy-00057-00033747-00034212 that will kind of warn the people that they're going to be leaving the breakout room and what nJXDNMjYrTy-00058-00034212-00034809 you can do is maybe give them 60 seconds is often too long about 30 or 15 seconds so that when you nJXDNMjYrTy-00059-00034809-00035361 say closed breakout rooms there's kind of 15 seconds to finish off the discussion and then nJXDNMjYrTy-00060-00035361-00035901 come back into the breakout room 30 seconds might be more appropriate so I would recommend that you nJXDNMjYrTy-00061-00035901-00036480 always set that so those settings those options are really really important right let's get back nJXDNMjYrTy-00062-00036480-00037164 now and actually move into our rooms and see how it all works so now you can see I'm going to click nJXDNMjYrTy-00063-00037164-00037941 on the open all rooms tab and immediately you can see now that the students have all been moved into nJXDNMjYrTy-00064-00037941-00038712 their rooms and if I want to send them a message and then I can just simply click on broadcast a nJXDNMjYrTy-00065-00038712-00039555 message to all and that message will go out to all of the different groups a really important button nJXDNMjYrTy-00066-00039555-00040164 is the join button it works so well you just simply click on join and sudden you find yourself nJXDNMjYrTy-00067-00040164-00040926 in that group remember when your students are in their breakout groups you are on your own in the nJXDNMjYrTy-00068-00040926-00041562 main room but you can at any time you want just click on a joint and you can go in listen to the nJXDNMjYrTy-00069-00041562-00042099 group see them on the screen if you if they got their webcams on and of course you can give them nJXDNMjYrTy-00070-00042099-00042639 help and support etc now I'm going to join one of the rooms so I'll just click on breakout room one nJXDNMjYrTy-00071-00042639-00043347 so yes and in I go so now I find myself in the breakout room and it's just like being a member nJXDNMjYrTy-00072-00043347-00044106 of the group nothing is any different at all now I can leave a breakout room at any time when I join nJXDNMjYrTy-00073-00044106-00044613 a breakout room I'm just another member of that group I can hear the discussions I can engaged nJXDNMjYrTy-00074-00044613-00045210 in the discussions if we're open on the webcam I will be open on the webcam but I can click on the nJXDNMjYrTy-00075-00045210-00045795 breakout rooms at any time and just leave and you can see me doing that now I'm just clicking on the nJXDNMjYrTy-00076-00045795-00046416 breakout room to leave it at any time that I want to close the rooms I just press on the close all nJXDNMjYrTy-00077-00046416-00047193 rooms and it will bring everyone back to the main room remember it will depend on how long I set the nJXDNMjYrTy-00078-00047193-00047811 timer for was it 15 seconds or 30 seconds etc one thing when your students are in breakout rooms if nJXDNMjYrTy-00079-00047811-00048339 you want to move anyone you just roll over their name and you'll see in a minute I'm gonna show you nJXDNMjYrTy-00080-00048339-00048804 that you can just move them into another room and you could just choose the room you want to move nJXDNMjYrTy-00081-00048804-00049287 into them click and they will move to that room so that can be quite nice if you suddenly want to nJXDNMjYrTy-00082-00049287-00049947 reorganize the groups and perhaps have one person from each group go into another group and report nJXDNMjYrTy-00083-00049947-00050478 back what that what the other group was saying it can work really well or bring everyone back into nJXDNMjYrTy-00084-00050478-00050931 the main room and just get them to share their discussions but that can be a really nice way of nJXDNMjYrTy-00085-00050931-00051612 working takes a bit of practice but it is possible to start moving students around and I was doing nJXDNMjYrTy-00086-00051612-00052232 some testing the other day with the system and it works really well now I actually forgot to record nJXDNMjYrTy-00087-00052232-00052787 this life but you can see I just roll my cursor over it says move to I click on the move to button nJXDNMjYrTy-00088-00052787-00053246 and a list of classes come up I click on the class and the student will go straight into that class nJXDNMjYrTy-00089-00053246-00053795 now there's a couple of surprising things about breakout rooms that teachers often don't think nJXDNMjYrTy-00090-00053795-00054611 about I must admit I made this mistake at the beginning if you don't give the option to the nJXDNMjYrTy-00091-00054611-00055216 students the participants to share their screens it will actually mean that when you go into the nJXDNMjYrTy-00092-00055216-00055748 breakout room there's nothing in the center of the screen apart from of course the webcams if nJXDNMjYrTy-00093-00055748-00056336 you want your students for example to talk over a PowerPoint slide or talk about it or talk about a nJXDNMjYrTy-00094-00056336-00057062 picture or talk about our video or whatever you need to give your students the option to screen nJXDNMjYrTy-00095-00057062-00057635 share so that when they're in their breakout rooms whatever you want them to share on the screen is nJXDNMjYrTy-00096-00057635-00058058 available to all the people in that particular group so when you come down to here and that's nJXDNMjYrTy-00097-00058058-00058610 one of the reasons why you'll see that you've got this screen share and go to advanced screen share nJXDNMjYrTy-00098-00058610-00059264 options and you will want to make sure that all participants can screen share so that when they nJXDNMjYrTy-00099-00059264-00059738 move into their breakout rooms it's not just them talking using their webcams but they can actually nJXDNMjYrTy-00100-00059738-00060344 open up a PowerPoint slide or open up a document or open up a video or whatever you want them for nJXDNMjYrTy-00101-00060344-00060890 example it could be an interactive whiteboard so that button is crucial my advice is to also make nJXDNMjYrTy-00102-00060890-00061460 sure that you for you put here only hosts so the only person that can intervene when someone else nJXDNMjYrTy-00103-00061460-00062261 is screen sharing is the host that's you but that all participants can share their screens and that nJXDNMjYrTy-00104-00062261-00062791 only one participant at a time can do it that is why it all I have this mistake several times that nJXDNMjYrTy-00105-00062791-00063209 I did this mistake several times at the beginning of course the students went into the rooms they nJXDNMjYrTy-00106-00063209-00063614 realized I couldn't share anything apart from just talking there was no way of them open up nJXDNMjYrTy-00107-00063614-00064226 any documents or anything onto the screen now you can actually create breakout rooms manually nJXDNMjYrTy-00108-00064226-00064847 I don't do that it takes longer you'd have to move everybody in but one really useful thing is nJXDNMjYrTy-00109-00064847-00065534 when you go to click on your breakout rooms and let's we've got some breakout rooms here if you nJXDNMjYrTy-00110-00065534-00066194 click on re-create it will reset all the breakout rooms and put people into different groups so for nJXDNMjYrTy-00111-00066194-00066626 example if you'd come back to the breakout rooms and you're going to do another exercise using nJXDNMjYrTy-00112-00066626-00067253 breakout rooms rather than put everybody into the same breakout room click on the recreate breakout nJXDNMjYrTy-00113-00067253-00068033 rooms button and then click on the open all rooms so you can recreate the groups each time you go to nJXDNMjYrTy-00114-00068033-00068447 use the breakout room and that really can help you to make sure that the students are always nJXDNMjYrTy-00115-00068447-00068957 working with different groups of students those are really useful tips and can make the breakout nJXDNMjYrTy-00116-00068957-00069485 rooms way more engaging particularly making sure that they can also screen share wow that was a nJXDNMjYrTy-00117-00069485-00069998 really long and complicated video to make if you saw all the editing on the screen you'd be amazed nJXDNMjYrTy-00118-00069998-00070520 how complicated that was I hope that was useful I've gone through breakout rooms I've covered I nJXDNMjYrTy-00119-00070520-00071075 think almost everything if you're looking for more videos come to teachertrainingvideos.com nJXDNMjYrTy-00120-00071075-00071471 you can click on the zoom section or the add model section or lots of other sections there nJXDNMjYrTy-00121-00071471-00071963 if you want to follow my work sign up to the newsletter that way you keep up with all the nJXDNMjYrTy-00122-00071963-00072653 latest videos and the webinars I ran etc you can also sign up of course to the YouTube nJXDNMjYrTy-00123-00072653-00073106 channel that's getting really popular now I think it's up to around 1415 thousand and if nJXDNMjYrTy-00124-00073106-00073598 you want to contact me you can also contact me from my website and thank you very much nJXDNMjYrTy-00125-00073598-00074365 Thank you nMPNd1767zA-00000-00000024-00000368 At Akarana Eatery, we're really proud to be associated with Compost Connect. nMPNd1767zA-00001-00000368-00000736 It's an organic compost initiative for food service providers nMPNd1767zA-00002-00000736-00001176 to transfer their food waste into nutrient-rich compost. nMPNd1767zA-00003-00001240-00001760 157, 000 tonnes of food waste is produced in New Zealand each year. nMPNd1767zA-00004-00001760-00002240 That equates to 271 jumbo jets - the weight of food waste. nMPNd1767zA-00005-00002240-00002976 If that was diverted into compost, that would produce close to 110,000 tonnes of nutrient-rich nMPNd1767zA-00006-00002976-00003496 compost, that can be used back into the soils for schools and for all other great purposes. nMPNd1767zA-00007-00003584-00004024 In the first six months at Akarana Eatery, we would have converted 140, nMPNd1767zA-00008-00004024-00004296 10 kilo bags into organic compost. nMPNd1767zA-00009-00004296-00004720 We have gardens out the front that we use that compost in to grow our herbs nMPNd1767zA-00010-00004720-00004864 and our edible flowers. nMPNd1767zA-00011-00004864-00005352 So taking the consumers food scraps and recyclables goes into our garden nMPNd1767zA-00012-00005352-00005584 to grow our herbs to give back to our customer. nMPNd1767zA-00013-00005584-00005720 That's something we're really proud of, nMPNd1767zA-00014-00005720-00005984 we're really passionate about and it does the full circle. nMPNd1767zA-00015-00006040-00006592 From July, landfill levies are doubling and they're likely to go up six fold by 2025. nMPNd1767zA-00016-00006672-00007136 So why pay to have your organic matter put into landfills nMPNd1767zA-00017-00007136-00007984 when you should be paying to have it turned into organic compost. nMPWaaBnTJy-00000-00000000-00000432 the first snow fell nMPWaaBnTJy-00001-00000661-00001214 It's been a while since it snowed in this area. It's white winter. nMPWaaBnTJy-00002-00001359-00001886 the snow that dogs see is white snow falling on a black background, like a black and white photo nMPWaaBnTJy-00003-00002067-00002238 I wonder how excited they will be. nMPWaaBnTJy-00004-00004384-00004608 Would it be that good? nMPWaaBnTJy-00005-00006025-00006314 By this time, my heart feels heavy. nMPWaaBnTJy-00006-00006542-00006820 I thought they'd play white in white snow. nMPWaaBnTJy-00007-00006958-00007200 It hasn't been long since they took a bath. All of a sudden, fatigue... nMPWaaBnTJy-00008-00007868-00008122 she finally lay down nMPWaaBnTJy-00009-00008239-00008525 oldest sister came to interfere. nMPWaaBnTJy-00010-00008634-00008912 do you want to hang out with me. nMPWaaBnTJy-00011-00008986-00009200 She's dirty. She's running away. nMPWaaBnTJy-00012-00009719-00009975 ok... As long as you guys are excited... nMPWaaBnTJy-00013-00010680-00010964 take a bath in warm water mixed with baking soda nMPWaaBnTJy-00014-00011149-00011335 Hehe. I like to take a bath nMPWaaBnTJy-00015-00012586-00012993 It's nice and warm nMPWaaBnTJy-00016-00013522-00013788 Who are you? nMPWaaBnTJy-00017-00014132-00014359 Can I reveal this look? nMPWaaBnTJy-00018-00015082-00015446 To fit the size of the princess, at the washbasin the sink... nMPWaaBnTJy-00019-00015579-00015629 she likes warm places nMPWaaBnTJy-00020-00018359-00018639 Why are you the only one who has special care? nMPWaaBnTJy-00021-00020237-00020535 are you doing somthing good? nMPWaaBnTJy-00022-00022114-00022421 Audrey and Wendy came out after bathing. nMPWaaBnTJy-00023-00023093-00023446 Wendy is excited after taking a bath. and she wants to have fun with London nMPWaaBnTJy-00024-00023446-00023585 London is still drying her hair nMPWaaBnTJy-00025-00023812-00024127 I think she picked the wrong one nMPWaaBnTJy-00026-00024783-00025073 Let's hang out. nMPWaaBnTJy-00027-00025363-00025602 I feel as good as the height of my butt. nMPWaaBnTJy-00028-00026196-00026421 Stay calm!! nMPWaaBnTJy-00029-00026809-00027133 I want to play. nMPWaaBnTJy-00030-00027444-00027755 I've grown this much, too. nMPWaaBnTJy-00031-00028681-00028887 London is here. nMPWaaBnTJy-00032-00029078-00029269 they feel good after bathing nMPWaaBnTJy-00033-00029652-00030035 London and Wendy are having a good time nMPWaaBnTJy-00034-00030386-00030621 Do you like your smell or mine? nMPWaaBnTJy-00035-00031708-00031987 Wendy is acting weird these days nMPWaaBnTJy-00036-00032082-00032308 posing like a Lion queen nMPWaaBnTJy-00037-00032538-00032975 is it because the youngest wants to stand on top of everyone? nMPWaaBnTJy-00038-00033154-00033473 even the imagination doesn't suit her nMPWaaBnTJy-00039-00034052-00034407 After taking a bath, they'll have a snack time. nMPWaaBnTJy-00040-00034550-00035073 the difference between animals and humans has been divided based on whether there is etiquette or not nMPWaaBnTJy-00041-00035307-00035542 I'm a person who sometimes thinks dogs are better than people nMPWaaBnTJy-00042-00035775-00036333 If you teach and practice etiquette for your dog, think about what makes humans different from dogs nMPWaaBnTJy-00043-00036537-00036821 my dogs have good table manners. nMPWaaBnTJy-00044-00037178-00037639 Wendy gets impatient and gets excited when she sees food only at home nMPWaaBnTJy-00045-00037865-00038096 I hope that Wendy will be able to wait foe food through repeated learning nMPWaaBnTJy-00046-00038482-00038890 I'm standing in front of the dogs with meat nMPWaaBnTJy-00047-00039242-00039628 Bad person; nMPWaaBnTJy-00048-00040000-00040192 Hurry up and give it to me. nMPWaaBnTJy-00049-00041100-00041384 London is trying hard to turn away. nMPWaaBnTJy-00050-00042290-00042575 I've endured it enough. nMPWaaBnTJy-00051-00042843-00043111 I am the lion queen. give me meat nMPWaaBnTJy-00052-00043414-00043874 who is learning for? for you, simply eating would make you happy. nMPWaaBnTJy-00053-00044067-00044477 it might be better to stick to your instincts and simply live like a happy dog nMPWaaBnTJy-00054-00044722-00044967 feed the lion queen! nMPWaaBnTJy-00055-00046155-00046433 it snows quietly all day nMPWaaBnTJy-00056-00046528-00046724 the town has become a white winter nMPWaaBnTJy-00057-00047478-00047896 on a snowy night, these dogs were in bed under electric blankets nMPWaaBnTJy-00058-00048027-00048362 they have a warm night nVHxJUR8Ucu-00000-00001310-00001660 ESO’s Paranal Observatory will host and operate the southern array nVHxJUR8Ucu-00001-00001660-00002100 of the world’s largest and most sensitive array of gamma-ray telescopes. nVHxJUR8Ucu-00002-00002100-00002550 99 telescopes of the southern Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be constructed nVHxJUR8Ucu-00003-00002550-00003150 by the CTA Observatory in the pristine observing conditions of the Chilean Atacama Desert. nVHxJUR8Ucu-00004-00003250-00004150 Another 19 telescopes will be on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands. nVHxJUR8Ucu-00005-00004150-00004950 Gamma rays are emitted by the hottest and most powerful objects in the Universe. nVHxJUR8Ucu-00006-00005184-00005780 When gamma rays hit the atmosphere, they produce flashes of eerie blue light… nVHxJUR8Ucu-00007-00005784-00006640 ...which will be captured by CTA’s mirrors and high-speed cameras. nVHxJUR8Ucu-00008-00006845-00007640 CTA will try to understand the most puzzling astronomical mysteries... nVHxJUR8Ucu-00009-00007640-00008300 ...supermassive black holes, supernovae, and even dark matter itself. nVHxJUR8Ucu-00010-00008750-00009360 Produced by ESO, the European Southern Observatory. Reaching new heights in Astronomy. nWQd6dmNQTo-00000-00000344-00000664 When every line of a table of contents is double-spaced nWQd6dmNQTo-00001-00000664-00001040 it can become difficult for your reader to immediately comprehend it. nWQd6dmNQTo-00002-00001040-00001336 In this table of contents every line is double-spaced nWQd6dmNQTo-00003-00001544-00002176 which can make it easy to differentiate these short lines but harder to differentiate multi-line nWQd6dmNQTo-00004-00002176-00002856 titles. So we're going to single space each item and then place a double space between each item. nWQd6dmNQTo-00005-00002920-00003392 First we'll select a bit of the table of contents by clicking and dragging. And then we'll go to nWQd6dmNQTo-00006-00003392-00004024 the References tab, to the Table of Contents tool. From there we'll choose Custom Table of Contents. nWQd6dmNQTo-00007-00004296-00004608 In the window that appears we click Modify. nWQd6dmNQTo-00008-00004736-00005280 The window that shows up after that lists all the levels of your table of contents. We're going to nWQd6dmNQTo-00009-00005280-00005784 work first on the first level, our chapter level. We'll click modify and in this window we'll choose nWQd6dmNQTo-00010-00005888-00006631 Format Paragraph settings. Here we'll change the spacing between paragraphs between items in our nWQd6dmNQTo-00011-00006631-00007272 table of contents so we go to the spacing and set "Before" to zero points before each item, nWQd6dmNQTo-00012-00007272-00007912 12 points "After" each item and then each item itself will be single-spaced. We click OK. nWQd6dmNQTo-00013-00008000-00008456 OK again and now we'll do that with the second level of our table of contents the nWQd6dmNQTo-00014-00008456-00009000 section headings we'll modify that just as we did before we'll go to the format menu nWQd6dmNQTo-00015-00009000-00009616 and choose paragraph and we'll modify the spacing for each paragraph each item in the nWQd6dmNQTo-00016-00009616-00010296 table of contents zero points "Before", 12 points "After", single-spaced for each item nWQd6dmNQTo-00017-00010296-00010872 and we click OK. And OK again. And lastly we'll do that third level our sub sections nWQd6dmNQTo-00018-00011000-00011712 in our table of contents we'll modify that. Go to the Format menu format the paragraph settings to nWQd6dmNQTo-00019-00011712-00012360 put zero points "Before" each, 12 points "After" each item, and each item is single-spaced. nWQd6dmNQTo-00020-00012560-00013400 OK. OK and OK to close out of this, and OK again. We'll replace that table of contents, yes. nWQd6dmNQTo-00021-00013632-00014184 And there we go. Each item is single spaced with a double space in between, nWQd6dmNQTo-00022-00014184-00014912 making it much easier to scan through our table of contents nX-CIGXlXkU-00000-00000011-00000111 [Female narrator] Recovery from mental nX-CIGXlXkU-00001-00000111-00000302 and substance use disorders is real. nX-CIGXlXkU-00002-00000302-00000444 [Female #1] You can recover. nX-CIGXlXkU-00003-00000444-00000562 [Female narrator] It's possible. nX-CIGXlXkU-00004-00000562-00000735 It happens every day. nX-CIGXlXkU-00005-00000735-00000940 [Male #1] Never give up on yourself. nX-CIGXlXkU-00006-00000940-00001153 [Female narrator] Discover hope and help. nX-CIGXlXkU-00007-00001153-00001374 [Male #2] I thought I was too far gone. nX-CIGXlXkU-00008-00001374-00001474 I wasn't. nX-CIGXlXkU-00009-00001474-00001739 [Female narrator] Join the voices for recovery. nX-CIGXlXkU-00010-00001739-00002026 [Female #2] The world is a beautiful place again. nX-CIGXlXkU-00011-00002026-00002336 [Female narrator] For 24-hour, free and confidential information nX-CIGXlXkU-00012-00002336-00002473 and treatment referral for mental nX-CIGXlXkU-00013-00002473-00002753 and substance use disorders, for you or someone you know, nX-CIGXlXkU-00014-00002753-00002951 call 1-800-662-HELP. nY1-xtT-xl0-00000-00001190-00002476 foreign [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00001-00002476-00003865 [Music] whether we will share nY1-xtT-xl0-00003-00017037-00017503 on the ground nY1-xtT-xl0-00004-00017503-00017887 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00005-00017887-00018270 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00006-00018270-00019039 yesterday [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00008-00022654-00022993 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00009-00022993-00023334 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00010-00023334-00023675 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00011-00023675-00024861 thank you [Music] yeah yeah [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00012-00024861-00024961 yeah nY1-xtT-xl0-00013-00024961-00025061 Allah nY1-xtT-xl0-00014-00025061-00025173 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00015-00025173-00025325 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00016-00025325-00025477 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00017-00025477-00025627 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00018-00025627-00025932 all right nY1-xtT-xl0-00019-00025932-00026083 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00021-00030345-00030733 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00022-00030733-00031512 thank you nY1-xtT-xl0-00023-00031512-00031900 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00024-00031900-00033067 [Music] functions [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00025-00033067-00033456 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00026-00033456-00034438 keep your feet on the ground nY1-xtT-xl0-00027-00034438-00034919 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00028-00034919-00035400 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00029-00035400-00035881 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00030-00035881-00036644 no no no nY1-xtT-xl0-00031-00036644-00039313 no no no no no nY1-xtT-xl0-00032-00039313-00039413 no nY1-xtT-xl0-00033-00039413-00039513 no no nY1-xtT-xl0-00034-00039513-00040016 [Music] nY1-xtT-xl0-00035-00040016-00040047 no no nZl5zMn3eNk-00000-00000003-00000263 Hi everyone, welcome back to our channel! nZl5zMn3eNk-00001-00000330-00000961 Before we begin this video, we at Psych2Go would like to give you a huge thank you for all the love and support. nZl5zMn3eNk-00002-00001006-00001278 Now let's continue with the video. nZl5zMn3eNk-00003-00001366-00001698 We all have people in our lives who give us a hard time sometimes. nZl5zMn3eNk-00004-00001732-00002160 Maybe it's because you disagree, don't get along or simply dislike each other. nZl5zMn3eNk-00005-00002197-00002589 However, difficult people aren't the same as toxic ones. nZl5zMn3eNk-00006-00002694-00003080 A toxic person is a negative influence in your life who exploits you, nZl5zMn3eNk-00007-00003108-00003329 and drains your energy with their needless drama, nZl5zMn3eNk-00008-00003364-00003564 leaving you emotionally exhausted. nZl5zMn3eNk-00009-00003611-00003724 If you’re not careful, nZl5zMn3eNk-00010-00003734-00004256 a toxic relationship can rob you of all of your happiness, motivation, and self-esteem over time. nZl5zMn3eNk-00011-00004324-00004672 To help you figure out if there's someone in your life who's toxic for you, nZl5zMn3eNk-00012-00004678-00005024 here are six telltale signs of a toxic person. nZl5zMn3eNk-00013-00005208-00005332 1 nZl5zMn3eNk-00014-00005346-00005720 They abuse you whether it's physically or emotionally. nZl5zMn3eNk-00015-00005728-00006060 Abusing another person in any way is never acceptable. nZl5zMn3eNk-00016-00006121-00006890 No matter how often they say “they'll change”, it's always best to cut ties with someone once abuse starts to happen, especially if it's intentional. nZl5zMn3eNk-00017-00006976-00007190 Based on a study by Mor and Kirkham, nZl5zMn3eNk-00018-00007245-00008036 abusers will often wreak havoc on their victims lives because the lower the victim self-esteem the more suggestible and easier to exploit they become nZl5zMn3eNk-00019-00008122-00008681 To find out if someone is abusive, especially when their actions are mistaken as good intentions or love, nZl5zMn3eNk-00020-00008734-00009231 Try watching our previous video titled 10 red flags of abuse linked in the description nZl5zMn3eNk-00021-00009403-00009621 2. They're manipulative nZl5zMn3eNk-00022-00009718-00010007 They are compulsive liars who are incredibly charming nZl5zMn3eNk-00023-00010065-00010796 For example, the insistent incident didn't happen when it did or they insist that they did or said something when they didn't. nZl5zMn3eNk-00024-00010860-00011068 Have you ever met someone like this? nZl5zMn3eNk-00025-00011068-00011592 If yes, do you often end up questioning your own sanity because they're so good at it? nZl5zMn3eNk-00026-00011592-00012384 This is also known as "gaslighting," they do so because it's an extremely devious way for them to get out of trouble. nZl5zMn3eNk-00027-00012454-00012728 3. they exploit you nZl5zMn3eNk-00028-00012750-00013218 Based on a 2015 study, by Groth and others showing toxic people nZl5zMn3eNk-00029-00013222-00013641 Compassion and sympathy only makes you a prime target for them to latch on to. nZl5zMn3eNk-00030-00013644-00014360 They exploit your kindness and use your good nature against you. They pretend to care about you so they can use you. nZl5zMn3eNk-00031-00014376-00015226 They look out for themselves and only have their best interest in mind, but will often demand that you prioritize them and attempt at their needs. nZl5zMn3eNk-00032-00015294-00015416 4: nZl5zMn3eNk-00033-00015416-00015666 They take things out on you nZl5zMn3eNk-00034-00015678-00016146 Toxic people often treat those around them like psychological punching bags. nZl5zMn3eNk-00035-00016163-00016590 Whenever they're faced with a problem, they tend to deal with it by taking it out on others and nZl5zMn3eNk-00036-00016639-00016853 projecting their negative feelings on someone else. nZl5zMn3eNk-00037-00016868-00016962 for example nZl5zMn3eNk-00038-00016962-00017734 they put you down by treating you with hurtful sarcasm and thinly veiled judgment so that they feel better about themselves, nZl5zMn3eNk-00039-00017752-00018498 a toxic person will prey on your insecurities, and make you feel bad about yourself because as the saying goes, nZl5zMn3eNk-00040-00018508-00018708 Misery loves company. nZl5zMn3eNk-00041-00018780-00018928 5. nZl5zMn3eNk-00042-00018928-00019100 They never compromise nZl5zMn3eNk-00043-00019102-00019852 Have you ever dealt with people who have an unhealthy desire to be right all the time and only want to do things their way? nZl5zMn3eNk-00044-00019852-00020226 It can be exhausting just to be around them, isn't it? nZl5zMn3eNk-00045-00020238-00021002 They may believe that they're right about everything and thus will often try to intimidate and control you into doing things their way. nZl5zMn3eNk-00046-00021002-00021666 They refuse to hear you out or see things from your point of view and get upset with you when you don't follow their demands, nZl5zMn3eNk-00047-00021666-00022536 this kind of toxic behavior can trap you in a vicious cycle of frustration and powerlessness against someone who simply can't be reasoned with. nZl5zMn3eNk-00048-00022536-00022696 and finally, nZl5zMn3eNk-00049-00022696-00023056 6. They always play the victim card nZl5zMn3eNk-00050-00023060-00023808 Toxic people enjoy claiming the role of the victim, because they don't want to take responsibility and accountability for anything nZl5zMn3eNk-00051-00023808-00023952 to them nZl5zMn3eNk-00052-00023952-00024666 Nothing is ever their fault. Whether it's something they do or fail to do it's always someone else's fault. nZl5zMn3eNk-00053-00024666-00025052 They have double standards: if they get mad, it's your fault for disappointing them. nZl5zMn3eNk-00054-00025056-00025588 but if you get upset, it's your fault for having unreasonable expectations. nZl5zMn3eNk-00055-00025606-00026374 In the end, while all of us can be problematic at times there's a difference, between being flawed and being toxic. nZl5zMn3eNk-00056-00026392-00026998 Do any of these signs remind you of someone in your life? If so, what do you plan to do next? nZl5zMn3eNk-00057-00027004-00027456 What other topics do you like to talk about? Let us know in the comments below. nZl5zMn3eNk-00058-00027468-00028142 Remember, it's not your job to try and save or change them. Love yourself enough to spend the time or energy on nZl5zMn3eNk-00059-00028142-00028377 What makes you happy. nZl5zMn3eNk-00060-00028389-00028839 Don't forget to share this video with someone who might benefit from it, nZl5zMn3eNk-00061-00028839-00029383 be sure to like this video and subscribe to psych2go for more helpful content like this. And as always thanks for watching. nbiG48uMHWk-00000-00000010-00000050 BEMIDJI, SHIRELLE MOORE, nbiG48uMHWk-00001-00000050-00000056 BEMIDJI, SHIRELLE MOORE, nbiG48uMHWk-00002-00000056-00000136 BEMIDJI, SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. nbiG48uMHWk-00003-00000136-00000143 BEMIDJI, SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. nbiG48uMHWk-00004-00000143-00000417 BEMIDJI, SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. >> Anthony: THE CENTER WAS NAMED nbiG48uMHWk-00005-00000417-00000423 LAKELAND NEWS. >> Anthony: THE CENTER WAS NAMED nbiG48uMHWk-00006-00000423-00000627 LAKELAND NEWS. >> Anthony: THE CENTER WAS NAMED TO HONOR BEMIDJI HUMANITARIAN nbiG48uMHWk-00007-00000627-00000633 >> Anthony: THE CENTER WAS NAMED TO HONOR BEMIDJI HUMANITARIAN nbiG48uMHWk-00008-00000633-00000844 >> Anthony: THE CENTER WAS NAMED TO HONOR BEMIDJI HUMANITARIAN JOE LUEKEN WHO PASSED AWAY FROM nbiG48uMHWk-00009-00000844-00000850 TO HONOR BEMIDJI HUMANITARIAN JOE LUEKEN WHO PASSED AWAY FROM nbiG48uMHWk-00010-00000850-00001157 TO HONOR BEMIDJI HUMANITARIAN JOE LUEKEN WHO PASSED AWAY FROM A BATTLE WITH CANCER IN 2014. nbiG48uMHWk-00011-00001157-00001164 JOE LUEKEN WHO PASSED AWAY FROM A BATTLE WITH CANCER IN 2014. nbiG48uMHWk-00012-00001164-00001251 JOE LUEKEN WHO PASSED AWAY FROM A BATTLE WITH CANCER IN 2014. >>> THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT nbiG48uMHWk-00013-00001251-00001257 A BATTLE WITH CANCER IN 2014. >>> THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT nbiG48uMHWk-00014-00001257-00001454 A BATTLE WITH CANCER IN 2014. >>> THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONDED TO A CALL JUST BEFORE nbiG48uMHWk-00015-00001454-00001461 >>> THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONDED TO A CALL JUST BEFORE nbiG48uMHWk-00016-00001461-00001588 >>> THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONDED TO A CALL JUST BEFORE NOON ON SATURDAY AND WHEN nbiG48uMHWk-00017-00001588-00001594 RESPONDED TO A CALL JUST BEFORE NOON ON SATURDAY AND WHEN nbiG48uMHWk-00018-00001594-00001748 RESPONDED TO A CALL JUST BEFORE NOON ON SATURDAY AND WHEN FIREFIGHTERS ARRIVED THEY FOUND nbiG48uMHWk-00019-00001748-00001755 NOON ON SATURDAY AND WHEN FIREFIGHTERS ARRIVED THEY FOUND nbiG48uMHWk-00020-00001755-00002105 NOON ON SATURDAY AND WHEN FIREFIGHTERS ARRIVED THEY FOUND A LARGE FIRE IN A DETACHED nbiG48uMHWk-00021-00002105-00002112 FIREFIGHTERS ARRIVED THEY FOUND A LARGE FIRE IN A DETACHED nbiG48uMHWk-00022-00002112-00002322 FIREFIGHTERS ARRIVED THEY FOUND A LARGE FIRE IN A DETACHED GARAGE THAT ENDANGERED THE HOME nbiG48uMHWk-00023-00002322-00002328 A LARGE FIRE IN A DETACHED GARAGE THAT ENDANGERED THE HOME nbiG48uMHWk-00024-00002328-00002432 A LARGE FIRE IN A DETACHED GARAGE THAT ENDANGERED THE HOME AND ANOTHER GARAGE. nbiG48uMHWk-00025-00002432-00002439 GARAGE THAT ENDANGERED THE HOME AND ANOTHER GARAGE. nbiG48uMHWk-00026-00002439-00002569 GARAGE THAT ENDANGERED THE HOME AND ANOTHER GARAGE. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT WAS ABLE TO nbiG48uMHWk-00027-00002569-00002575 AND ANOTHER GARAGE. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT WAS ABLE TO nbiG48uMHWk-00028-00002575-00002729 AND ANOTHER GARAGE. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT WAS ABLE TO CONFINE THE FIRE TO THE ORIGINAL nbiG48uMHWk-00029-00002729-00002736 THE FIRE DEPARTMENT WAS ABLE TO CONFINE THE FIRE TO THE ORIGINAL nbiG48uMHWk-00030-00002736-00002866 THE FIRE DEPARTMENT WAS ABLE TO CONFINE THE FIRE TO THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE LEAVING ONLY MINOR nbiG48uMHWk-00031-00002866-00002872 CONFINE THE FIRE TO THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE LEAVING ONLY MINOR nbiG48uMHWk-00032-00002872-00003083 CONFINE THE FIRE TO THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE LEAVING ONLY MINOR DAMAGE TO THE OTHER BUILDINGS, nbiG48uMHWk-00033-00003083-00003089 STRUCTURE LEAVING ONLY MINOR DAMAGE TO THE OTHER BUILDINGS, nbiG48uMHWk-00034-00003089-00003293 STRUCTURE LEAVING ONLY MINOR DAMAGE TO THE OTHER BUILDINGS, THE FIRE DID CAUSE MAJOR DAMAGE nbiG48uMHWk-00035-00003293-00003299 DAMAGE TO THE OTHER BUILDINGS, THE FIRE DID CAUSE MAJOR DAMAGE nbiG48uMHWk-00036-00003299-00003410 DAMAGE TO THE OTHER BUILDINGS, THE FIRE DID CAUSE MAJOR DAMAGE TO THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE AND nbiG48uMHWk-00037-00003410-00003416 THE FIRE DID CAUSE MAJOR DAMAGE TO THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE AND nbiG48uMHWk-00038-00003416-00003570 THE FIRE DID CAUSE MAJOR DAMAGE TO THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE AND ITS CONTENTS. nbiG48uMHWk-00039-00003570-00003576 TO THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE AND ITS CONTENTS. nbiG48uMHWk-00040-00003576-00003793 TO THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE AND ITS CONTENTS. THE FIREFIGHTERS FROM BEMIDJI nbW4SuxreLo-00000-00001157-00001594 This conference today is of utmost importance, and in the month that we have found that we nbW4SuxreLo-00001-00001596-00002133 have an American president committed to net carbon zero by 2050 and a Chinese president nbW4SuxreLo-00002-00002135-00002651 committed to net carbon zero by 2060, this meeting is of great global significance as we nbW4SuxreLo-00003-00002654-00003130 fashion the new building blocks to take us there. Today, you are showing how we start nbW4SuxreLo-00004-00003132-00003609 to build an environmentally sustainable future out of the case of covid and out of the world, nbW4SuxreLo-00005-00003610-00004120 disfigured not just by pandemics, but by pollution and by poverty. And you are exposing nbW4SuxreLo-00006-00004121-00004544 the burden of debt that weighs so heavily on the poorest countries of the world. So much so nbW4SuxreLo-00007-00004546-00004966 that millions go hungry, are denied health care and education, and are destitute as a nbW4SuxreLo-00008-00004968-00005518 result. And I'm here to say that by relieving the debts of the poor and releasing the money nbW4SuxreLo-00009-00005519-00006089 to address climate change, we can start to change our world. Indeed, it is solving one nbW4SuxreLo-00010-00006092-00006605 of the greatest injustices of our time, the injuries and pain caused by unpayable debt nbW4SuxreLo-00011-00006607-00007077 that we make possible one of the greatest advances of our time, the achievement of nbW4SuxreLo-00012-00007079-00007429 what are rightly called the sustainable development goals. nbW4SuxreLo-00013-00007431-00007905 So let's look at the facts. That is, as of today, the world's poorest countries, nbW4SuxreLo-00014-00007906-00008354 76 of them with debt interest payments of more than 80 billions due this year and next, nbW4SuxreLo-00015-00008360-00008819 have despite the promises made by the G20, the IMF and the World Bank to stand behind nbW4SuxreLo-00016-00008820-00009201 them in their hour of greatest need, they've received only about a fraction of what they nbW4SuxreLo-00017-00009203-00009786 need in debt relief. They need that debt relief not only to fight covid-19, but to nbW4SuxreLo-00018-00009786-00010234 build education back better, to improve the safety nets, but of course, also to invest nbW4SuxreLo-00019-00010234-00010678 in a green recovery. They need this lifeline in the absence of what should have been nbW4SuxreLo-00020-00010678-00011023 a hundred billion fund agreed at both Copenhagen and Paris that should have been nbW4SuxreLo-00021-00011025-00011610 implemented to mitigate and adapt their economies. It was a promise that I and others nbW4SuxreLo-00022-00011610-00012103 will press for them to honour a COP 26 in Glasgow a year from now. nbW4SuxreLo-00023-00012105-00012535 Yet the Green New Deal is even more urgent because we need increased ambition in all nbW4SuxreLo-00024-00012538-00013072 countries, rich and poor, if we are to reduce carbon emissions to our targets for 2030 and nbW4SuxreLo-00025-00013073-00013651 to achieve net zero carbon emissions later. And it's quite simpy this: unless we help nbW4SuxreLo-00026-00013652-00014166 developing countries play their part, we will fail to achieve our targets. Debt relief and nbW4SuxreLo-00027-00014169-00014539 the delivery of the support promised in the Paris Agreement is very much part of that nbW4SuxreLo-00028-00014540-00015030 2030 plan. You know, I'm proud that at the turn of the century, the United Kingdom was nbW4SuxreLo-00029-00015035-00015468 the first country to offer and pressed for under HIPC the 100 percent debt relief, nbW4SuxreLo-00030-00015468-00015909 the debt cancellation of 200 billion of debt incurred by the 38 poorest countries nbW4SuxreLo-00031-00015911-00016391 of the world. But securing debt relief today raises new problems that were not as nbW4SuxreLo-00032-00016394-00016972 important in the early 2000s. Then most debt was official debt, bilateral and multilateral nbW4SuxreLo-00033-00016973-00017468 debt owed to the rich countries or to the multilateral institutions. Now, 25 percent nbW4SuxreLo-00034-00017472-00017995 of the debt owed by poor countries is private sector debt. Then most of the private nbW4SuxreLo-00035-00017991-00018401 debt was negotiated through the Paris Club. Now one of the biggest creditors is China, nbW4SuxreLo-00036-00018405-00018562 outside the Paris Club. nbW4SuxreLo-00037-00018564-00019087 Currently powerful private sector creditors, not least vulture funds, are shamefully nbW4SuxreLo-00038-00019088-00019518 threatening the poorest countries that if they press for private sector debt relief, they will nbW4SuxreLo-00039-00019518-00019882 exclude themselves from access to the financial markets. And the World Bank is nbW4SuxreLo-00040-00019880-00020363 saying that if the private sector won't engage, then for the public sector to offer debt relief nbW4SuxreLo-00041-00020365-00020788 does not help poor countries, but simply subsidizes the private sector, who won't nbW4SuxreLo-00042-00020791-00020921 give debt relief. nbW4SuxreLo-00043-00020925-00021325 I propose that in the first instance, in the third week of November, at the G20 nbW4SuxreLo-00044-00021329-00021799 meeting convened by Saudi Arabia, that all G20 members agree that all private nbW4SuxreLo-00045-00021802-00022355 and public creditors relieve the full 80 billion of debt payments this year and next. nbW4SuxreLo-00046-00022357-00022910 I want, secondly, that in return, the developing countries agree to allocate that money to both nbW4SuxreLo-00047-00022914-00023376 our social emergencies and to the environmental and economic emergency and nbW4SuxreLo-00048-00023379-00023912 create the Green Revolution. And thirdly, we instruct the next president of the G20 to nbW4SuxreLo-00049-00023912-00024279 prepare a comprehensive long term programme to relieve debt servicing nbW4SuxreLo-00050-00024283-00024753 payments where funds are spent as a result of the relief on social and nbW4SuxreLo-00051-00024755-00025202 environmental emergencies. But of course, as we know, the debt problem extends far nbW4SuxreLo-00052-00025206-00025713 wider than the fate of the 76 poorest countries. The overall total of developing country and nbW4SuxreLo-00053-00025717-00026261 emerging market debt servicing payments are about 500 billion in 2020 and again, another nbW4SuxreLo-00054-00026265-00026588 500 billions in 2021. nbW4SuxreLo-00055-00026590-00026960 The Italian G20, which meets next year, should be asked to come forward with proposals nbW4SuxreLo-00056-00026965-00027471 under which, with debt relief included, that hundred billions promised poor countries nbW4SuxreLo-00057-00027474-00028097 were given at Paris is now provided to be devoted to financing a developing countries nbW4SuxreLo-00058-00028099-00028682 Green New Deal and the relief of poverty throughout the 2020s. This is the way to nbW4SuxreLo-00059-00028685-00029065 start to change the world for the better. And I welcome and applaud those of you nbW4SuxreLo-00060-00029067-00029557 who are determined to make this happen. For let us remember, it is indeed by nbW4SuxreLo-00061-00029559-00030026 addressing one of the great injustices, the burden of poverty and debt, that nbW4SuxreLo-00062-00030028-00030451 we can make possible one of the great economic and social advances. nbW4SuxreLo-00063-00030452-00030929 I want a world like you do where we achieve our goals for sustainable nbW4SuxreLo-00064-00030929-00031243 development. Thank you very much. nchI64mcBz0-00000-00000000-00000420 Jason asked, "What is the most significant thing you have changed your mind on... nchI64mcBz0-00001-00000420-00001148 with respect to cryptocurrencies in the last five years?" That is a very interesting question, Jason. nchI64mcBz0-00002-00001148-00002286 I was digging in my memory and trying to remember various things I might have changed my mind on. nchI64mcBz0-00003-00002286-00003394 First of all, I try not to take firm positions with certainty on issues regarding cryptocurrency, nchI64mcBz0-00004-00003394-00003888 or make predictions about the future with absolute certainty. nchI64mcBz0-00005-00003888-00004652 I think absolute certainty is the behaviour of a fool, especially in a technology like this which is... nchI64mcBz0-00006-00004652-00005454 moving so fast and where changes are happening in highly unanticipated ways. nchI64mcBz0-00007-00005454-00005886 I think it takes a lot of- How do I put this? nchI64mcBz0-00008-00005886-00006868 You [must] be quite selfish or quite arrogant believe that you can give firm predictions or opinions with certainty.. nchI64mcBz0-00009-00006868-00007172 in areas that are so vast and complex. nchI64mcBz0-00010-00007172-00008190 I try to be flexible; I try to realize that there is more I don't know about this space than I do know. nchI64mcBz0-00011-00008190-00008780 I'm always willing to change my mind. I've often been wrong about things. nchI64mcBz0-00012-00008780-00009442 I thought that fees [on-chain] would be low or near free forever. nchI64mcBz0-00013-00009442-00010302 I didn't anticipate that we would see as much centralization in the chip manufacturing side of mining. nchI64mcBz0-00014-00010302-00010498 I was a bit surprised by that. nchI64mcBz0-00015-00010498-00011364 I also thought that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies could be attacked more readily, nchI64mcBz0-00016-00011364-00011928 which was certainly a fear back when Mt. Gox collapsed. nchI64mcBz0-00017-00011928-00013272 It was the first time I felt, 'This could be it, the end of Bitcoin. We must reboot it and start over again.' nchI64mcBz0-00018-00013272-00013522 'This could really kill Bitcoin.' nchI64mcBz0-00019-00013522-00014130 Keep in mind, at the time, only one exchange represented 80% of the [trading] volume. nchI64mcBz0-00020-00014130-00015197 It went down in such a spectacular way. I was scared that time, but I'm not so easily scared anymore. nchI64mcBz0-00021-00015202-00016160 I think I had underestimated how resilient and strong this technology is, how hard it is to take down. nchI64mcBz0-00022-00016160-00017160 But I also underestimated how fragmented the community could get; how much trolling, bitterness, nchI64mcBz0-00023-00017160-00017862 personal vendettas, and egos could [grow] in this space. nchI64mcBz0-00024-00017862-00018734 The debates really surprised me with their bitterness, vitriol, and passion. nchI64mcBz0-00025-00018734-00019582 Now I think I'm a bit wiser. Any time you have large amounts of money, the inevitable trajectory of any... nchI64mcBz0-00026-00019582-00020474 any cryptocurrency community is to arrive at a point of controversy big enough, with stakes high enough, nchI64mcBz0-00027-00020474-00021028 that emotions will get very heated and some people will not act in good faith. nchI64mcBz0-00028-00021028-00021434 People will act in self-interest. nchI64mcBz0-00029-00021434-00022506 I also believe that is one of the ways outsides have tried to attack this system, by attacking the community. nchI64mcBz0-00030-00022506-00023310 Creating drama on purpose is a classic technique used against grassroots movements. nchI64mcBz0-00031-00023310-00023930 "If you were to make one change to Bitcoin, what would it be and why?" nchI64mcBz0-00032-00023930-00024726 Well, if I were to make one change to Bitcoin, I would get down-voted by consensus. nchI64mcBz0-00033-00024726-00025134 No one gets to [unilaterally] make changes to Bitcoin. nchI64mcBz0-00034-00025134-00026330 I would like to see is more implementations of privacy features, but these changes are already happening. nchI64mcBz0-00035-00026330-00027226 I don't really think there is anything else that I would change in Bitcoin, from the original design. nchI64mcBz0-00036-00027226-00028452 It would be hubris to think I can do it better. Every month, every week, somebody comes along... nchI64mcBz0-00037-00028452-00029050 "Hey, I'm new to Bitcoin. I just found out about it. I already have ideas on how to make it better." nchI64mcBz0-00038-00029050-00029718 "... So I created Xcoin. Xcoin is the next Bitcoin." nchI64mcBz0-00039-00029718-00030350 You know what? There has been a "next Bitcoin" every year since the beginning of Bitcoin. nchI64mcBz0-00040-00030350-00030852 Bitcoin still the next Bitcoin. There is a reason for that. nchI64mcBz0-00041-00030852-00032336 Bitcoin's particular set of building blocks and careful design choices were just right for the level of adoption, nchI64mcBz0-00042-00032336-00032948 development, and security that we have. nchI64mcBz0-00043-00032948-00033538 Trying to improve on [Bitcoin without appreciating that] is a fool's game. nchI64mcBz0-00044-00033538-00034182 There are many experts who are suggesting some interesting and relevant improvements, nchI64mcBz0-00045-00034182-00034808 primarily in the area of privacy, which can definitely be improved. nchI64mcBz0-00046-00034808-00035758 But when people tell you that "Bitcoin is broken," has a "fatal problem" or design issue, or will be superseded... nchI64mcBz0-00047-00035758-00036614 by this next technology soon... I would be very skeptical when [you] hear those [claims]. nchI64mcBz0-00048-00036614-00037058 Yes, other coins may exceed bitcoin [in some features] or by market cap, nchI64mcBz0-00049-00037058-00037556 but having more money to throw at something doesn't make it better. nchI64mcBz0-00050-00037556-00037906 The banks can [easily] make a coin that has more market cap than bitcoin -- nchI64mcBz0-00051-00037906-00038294 of course they can, because money is the one thing they have [a lot of]. nchI64mcBz0-00052-00038294-00039024 But can they make something that is more secure, more decentralized, more autonomous? [than Bitcoin]? nchI64mcBz0-00053-00039024-00039906 Can [they] make something that is more censorship- resistant, better in things that Bitcoin is good at? nchI64mcBz0-00054-00039906-00040550 I don't think we can. If we can [make things better, our best chance] is mostly with Bitcoin, nchI64mcBz0-00055-00040550-00040938 because it already has a very good basis for doing those things. njUXN9UcutU-00000-00000292-00000771 I'm saying all of that because, as a man of God, njUXN9UcutU-00001-00000771-00001228 I was out winning souls. I was as happy as I could be. njUXN9UcutU-00002-00001228-00001716 My wife and I were having a time! njUXN9UcutU-00003-00001716-00002877 Watching drug addicts, gangsters, born again. Born again! njUXN9UcutU-00004-00002877-00003212 And one day the Lord spoke to me and he said, njUXN9UcutU-00005-00003212-00003827 "I want you to begin writing a political blog." I said "No." njUXN9UcutU-00006-00003827-00004643 "I don't belong in that swamp. I got my own swamp." njUXN9UcutU-00007-00004643-00005153 And you know what was amazing was I told God I would not write that blog. njUXN9UcutU-00008-00005153-00005906 And he told me this he said "I asked someone else to do it and they said No. njUXN9UcutU-00009-00005906-00006291 "Are you going to tell me no also?" njUXN9UcutU-00010-00006291-00006723 And you see you'll be destroyed, the amplified version said. njUXN9UcutU-00011-00006723-00007140 Because you didn't help when you could've helped. njUXN9UcutU-00012-00007140-00007374 So I said "How do I do this?" njUXN9UcutU-00013-00007374-00007785 He said "Are you against drugs"? I said "Yes." njUXN9UcutU-00014-00007785-00008148 He said "Are you against Gang Violence?" njUXN9UcutU-00015-00008148-00008407 And the Lord said "Now the worst gang in the njUXN9UcutU-00016-00008407-00009184 ghetto is not MS-13, Bloods, or Crips. It's a political party." njUXN9UcutU-00017-00009184-00009605 They are the worst gang in the hood. njUXN9UcutU-00018-00009605-00010105 And this political party that will remain unnamed because njUXN9UcutU-00019-00010105-00011184 I think you've got a higher IQ than an eggplant... njUXN9UcutU-00020-00011184-00011514 has destroyed the inner city. njUXN9UcutU-00021-00011514-00011883 And he said "Now that a political party njUXN9UcutU-00022-00011883-00012238 "is the most violent gang in the hood, njUXN9UcutU-00023-00012238-00012635 "are you going to stop preaching against gangs? njUXN9UcutU-00024-00012635-00012844 "Now that the worst drug in the hood njUXN9UcutU-00025-00012844-00013441 "is not crack cocaine, but socialism," njUXN9UcutU-00026-00013441-00013663 I know I just said that didn't I? njUXN9UcutU-00027-00013663-00013905 I didn't give you the name of the political party, njUXN9UcutU-00028-00013905-00014688 but I did go use the 'S' word didn't I? njUXN9UcutU-00029-00014688-00015449 America is under attack. I want you to look at me, America is under attack. njUXN9UcutU-00030-00015449-00015840 And you're going to wonder why I'm bringing this up. Am I trying to depress you? njUXN9UcutU-00031-00015840-00016319 Promise, fasten your seatbelt. We're about to go somewhere. njUXN9UcutU-00032-00016319-00016676 Let me tell you something, njUXN9UcutU-00033-00016676-00017069 you can't get away with singing this stuff you sing today, njUXN9UcutU-00034-00017069-00017544 without saying in a logical conclusion, "You know what that song meant?" njUXN9UcutU-00035-00017544-00017859 You know what when we said nothing is impossible, njUXN9UcutU-00036-00017859-00018150 God never met anything that was impossible. njUXN9UcutU-00037-00018150-00018361 You know what, you're telling me this church njUXN9UcutU-00038-00018361-00018871 is not just a church, this is not just the meetings. This is not just a get together. njUXN9UcutU-00039-00018871-00019831 God is raising up an army. God... njUXN9UcutU-00040-00019831-00020171 God is raising up an army! njUXN9UcutU-00041-00020171-00022232 To take this country back, from the hands of the devil. njUXN9UcutU-00042-00022232-00023000 I like it when you do that. That feels good. njUXN9UcutU-00043-00023000-00023621 I want you to meet my wife, I want her to stand up right now. njUXN9UcutU-00044-00023621-00024815 I'm madly in love with this girl right there. That's my wife. njUXN9UcutU-00045-00024815-00025782 So they hate Christians now. Wow. njUXN9UcutU-00046-00025782-00026635 You know one of my fantasies is to have a shot at these University professors. njUXN9UcutU-00047-00026635-00027901 They are so open minded their brains have fallen out. njUXN9UcutU-00048-00027901-00028156 So the Lord said "I want you to write a blog." njUXN9UcutU-00049-00028156-00028345 I immediately began to write a blog, njUXN9UcutU-00050-00028345-00028770 exposing the political corruption in the United States. njUXN9UcutU-00051-00028770-00029200 Exposing the double standard against the Church. njUXN9UcutU-00052-00029200-00029674 Exposing what they were doing to our children with the curriculum, njUXN9UcutU-00053-00029674-00030373 and the mass indoctrination in the country. njUXN9UcutU-00054-00030373-00031452 So, when I did that, doors to the church slammed shut. njUXN9UcutU-00055-00031452-00032190 You know, this one benefit to getting older, njUXN9UcutU-00056-00032190-00033453 you don't give a rip who likes you and who doesn't like you. njUXN9UcutU-00057-00033453-00034544 That's what I'm saying... njUXN9UcutU-00058-00034544-00035256 You are not welcome in our church anymore. And I went "oooh". njUXN9UcutU-00059-00035256-00036032 I almost felt that. njUXN9UcutU-00060-00036032-00036723 Did you know that that blog was a national phenomenon? njUXN9UcutU-00061-00036723-00038185 Not a first, but as of today, it is approaching 17 million views. njUXN9UcutU-00062-00038185-00038992 It's how our tent crusades blew up, it's how I ended up on FlashPoint. njUXN9UcutU-00063-00038992-00039741 It's how I met Lance Wallnau. njUXN9UcutU-00064-00039741-00040730 So as you can see I've recovered from the shock of the churches that rejected me. njUXN9UcutU-00065-00040730-00041181 The Bible tells us that in 1 Chronicles chapter 12, njUXN9UcutU-00066-00041181-00041626 the tribes of Judah, the tribes of Israel, rather. njUXN9UcutU-00067-00041626-00041924 It tells us their weaponry, njUXN9UcutU-00068-00041924-00042421 what they were good at fighting, how they were skilled. njUXN9UcutU-00069-00042421-00042942 It's an interesting thing. It's so far ahead of its time. njUXN9UcutU-00070-00042942-00043670 It's almost like this was written in Silicon Valley not in the Old Testament. njUXN9UcutU-00071-00043670-00044466 Because it says, that Reuben, and, Judah, and all of the tribes and the weapons they njUXN9UcutU-00072-00044466-00044881 were good at using, and their skill sets. njUXN9UcutU-00073-00044881-00045305 Then it came to a weapon that is at least njUXN9UcutU-00074-00045305-00045753 4,000 years from being relevant to the world. njUXN9UcutU-00075-00045753-00046247 The weapon of information. njUXN9UcutU-00076-00046247-00047190 Men, the tribe of Issachar that understood the times, and what Israel should do. njUXN9UcutU-00077-00047190-00048197 This is Google, before Google, And it will be after Google. njUXN9UcutU-00078-00048199-00048743 It was a skill set to know the times and what we should do. njUXN9UcutU-00079-00048743-00049027 Now there's something that Satan wants. Look at me. njUXN9UcutU-00080-00049027-00049456 There's something that Satan wants in the American church. njUXN9UcutU-00081-00049456-00049986 Because he, I love this word, bamboozled us. njUXN9UcutU-00082-00049986-00050621 It just feels good, you've not just been fooled, that man is no good for you. njUXN9UcutU-00083-00050621-00051081 That man, you should run from him as if he were nuclear waste. njUXN9UcutU-00084-00051081-00052220 That man has bamboozled you. I just love the way it sounds. njUXN9UcutU-00085-00052220-00052795 The church began to build empires for itself njUXN9UcutU-00086-00052795-00053458 and agree with the Johnson amendment that we shouldn't be politically involved. njUXN9UcutU-00087-00053458-00053872 The Bible tells us how to know that's wrong! njUXN9UcutU-00088-00053872-00054234 "By their fruits, you will know them," (Matthew 7:16) njUXN9UcutU-00089-00054234-00054693 And "wisdom is confirmed by her children." (Luke 7:35) njUXN9UcutU-00090-00054693-00055416 The prayer ban was allowed because the church felt that it couldn't comment. njUXN9UcutU-00091-00055416-00055880 The church allowed Roe v. Wade to be created njUXN9UcutU-00092-00055880-00056566 because we didn't believe it was our place to push back on immorality in America. njUXN9UcutU-00093-00056566-00056839 And so, the Devil said "You know what?" njUXN9UcutU-00094-00056839-00057576 "As long as I can run into the temple of politics, the church can't shoot at me." njUXN9UcutU-00095-00057576-00057857 Well one day God woke me up and said njUXN9UcutU-00096-00057857-00058330 "Aim your weapons straight at it right now." njUXN9UcutU-00097-00058330-00059017 Because now, it is legal. Somebody said "Amen!" njUXN9UcutU-00098-00059017-00059374 You know I have a lot to say, but I'm going to be careful. It's my first time with you and njUXN9UcutU-00099-00059374-00060294 I don't want you to think I just talk for hours. But I'm going to tell you the time were in. njUXN9UcutU-00100-00060294-00061013 And what my point is. And I got to get to this, and please help me njUXN9UcutU-00101-00061013-00061405 By focusing on the Sons of Issachar, njUXN9UcutU-00102-00061405-00061980 the time that we're in, and what we should do. njUXN9UcutU-00103-00061980-00062716 Those songs were too dangerous today. Too dangerous. njUXN9UcutU-00104-00062716-00063111 But the problem with much of the beautiful songs njUXN9UcutU-00105-00063111-00063566 and the powerful words, is that for me njUXN9UcutU-00106-00063566-00064029 those words represent a drug addict coming to Christ. njUXN9UcutU-00107-00064029-00064489 A wheelchair being emptied. A blind eye being healed. njUXN9UcutU-00108-00064489-00064838 So for me this is not virtual reality. njUXN9UcutU-00109-00064838-00065310 It's not me getting induced by emotion or by a lyric. njUXN9UcutU-00110-00065310-00066050 For example, we sing that "There is an army rising up." Right? njUXN9UcutU-00111-00066050-00066618 I've never seen an army take so long to rise up. njUXN9UcutU-00112-00066618-00067257 We sing it to the degree that we confuse singing an army is rising up, njUXN9UcutU-00113-00067257-00067958 with raising up an army. I'm not here to sing, there's an army rising up. njUXN9UcutU-00114-00067958-00068554 I'm here to raise up an army. Somebody said "Amen!" njUXN9UcutU-00115-00068554-00069095 We're going to turn these lyrics into reality. njUXN9UcutU-00116-00069095-00069441 When we say dry bones, rise up. njUXN9UcutU-00117-00069441-00069858 Dead people rise up. We're no longer going to njUXN9UcutU-00118-00069858-00070025 do it in the safety of a church building. njUXN9UcutU-00119-00070025-00070245 But we're going to go out and get them, njUXN9UcutU-00120-00070245-00070595 and bring them in, and watch the heroin addict, njUXN9UcutU-00121-00070595-00071085 and watch the prostitute rise up out of the grave. njUXN9UcutU-00122-00071085-00071562 How many of you want to do it? Do you? njXo8uBHiPQ-00000-00001074-00001672 I'm very happy to introduce our next speaker. njXo8uBHiPQ-00001-00001672-00002391 His name is P.K. Thompson and he is a Samoan-American clergy, njXo8uBHiPQ-00002-00002391-00002895 activist, theologian, husband, and father of four girls. njXo8uBHiPQ-00003-00002895-00003532 He is an alum of the Kanana Fou Theological Seminary njXo8uBHiPQ-00004-00003532-00004187 in American Samoa as well as Columbia University's Union njXo8uBHiPQ-00005-00004187-00004537 Theological Seminary in the city of New York. njXo8uBHiPQ-00006-00004537-00004816 Right now he is currently getting his PhD njXo8uBHiPQ-00007-00004816-00005253 at Boston University School of Theology. njXo8uBHiPQ-00008-00005745-00006506 His scholarly work accentuates the theological discourse, njXo8uBHiPQ-00009-00006506-00006952 indigenous cultural wisdom, social ethics, njXo8uBHiPQ-00010-00006952-00007436 ecology and social justice issues of Samoans and Samoan njXo8uBHiPQ-00011-00007436-00007540 diaspora. njXo8uBHiPQ-00012-00007540-00007942 His ministry encourages people to be change agents njXo8uBHiPQ-00013-00007942-00008390 in the world by invoking a more social, conscious njXo8uBHiPQ-00014-00008390-00008765 Christian ethic and theology. njXo8uBHiPQ-00015-00008765-00009286 I'm very happy to give a warm welcome to our speaker. njXo8uBHiPQ-00016-00009286-00009383 Thank you. njXo8uBHiPQ-00017-00009383-00009675 [APPLAUSE, CHEERS] njXo8uBHiPQ-00018-00010550-00011274 Well, first of all, huge thanks to Jalissa njXo8uBHiPQ-00019-00011274-00011664 and also the steering committee of the Martin Luther King, njXo8uBHiPQ-00020-00011664-00012441 Jr. 2008 Week Of Remembrance and Reflection. njXo8uBHiPQ-00021-00012441-00012720 It's always an odd thing listening to your own bio, njXo8uBHiPQ-00022-00012720-00012944 you know. njXo8uBHiPQ-00023-00012944-00013209 It's really, you know, not all that fancy njXo8uBHiPQ-00024-00013209-00013536 when you're sitting down there listening to your own bio. njXo8uBHiPQ-00025-00013536-00013731 I'm just a student, just like the rest of you njXo8uBHiPQ-00026-00013731-00014371 in this room right now, but at a different level in academia. njXo8uBHiPQ-00027-00014371-00014733 So like you, I'm here to share stories. njXo8uBHiPQ-00028-00014733-00015279 I'm here to learn alongside you and also hopefully offer you njXo8uBHiPQ-00029-00015279-00015722 something today on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, njXo8uBHiPQ-00030-00015722-00016244 Jr. I'm going to go into the lecture, njXo8uBHiPQ-00031-00016244-00016542 but eventually throughout the lecture njXo8uBHiPQ-00032-00016542-00016872 I have some texts here that I did bring with me. njXo8uBHiPQ-00033-00016872-00017226 One of them has not come out yet and it's njXo8uBHiPQ-00034-00017226-00017658 by an ethicist and historian by the name of Dr. Gary njXo8uBHiPQ-00035-00017658-00018147 Dorian, who documents the black social gospel, and that legacy njXo8uBHiPQ-00036-00018147-00018501 and how influential it was on the legacy of Martin Luther njXo8uBHiPQ-00037-00018501-00018843 King, Jr. So eventually I'll pass that around so some of you njXo8uBHiPQ-00038-00018843-00019128 can sort of take a look at some of these texts njXo8uBHiPQ-00039-00019128-00019566 that I draw from in designing and going through this lecture njXo8uBHiPQ-00040-00019566-00019699 as I prepared for this week. njXo8uBHiPQ-00041-00020047-00020475 "The Woke King: Reimagining Martin Luther King, njXo8uBHiPQ-00042-00020475-00020897 Jr's Beloved Community in a Donald Trump America." njXo8uBHiPQ-00043-00021169-00021664 From the introduction of his 2015 book, The Radical King, njXo8uBHiPQ-00044-00021664-00022027 a thematically-arranged compilation of Dr. King's njXo8uBHiPQ-00045-00022027-00022477 speeches, essays, and sermons, Dr. Cornel West njXo8uBHiPQ-00046-00022477-00023134 writes, "the FBI transcript of a June 27, 1964, phone njXo8uBHiPQ-00047-00023134-00023500 conversation reveals Malcolm X receiving a message njXo8uBHiPQ-00048-00023500-00023913 from Martin Luther King, Jr. This message supported njXo8uBHiPQ-00049-00023913-00024096 the idea of getting the Human Rights njXo8uBHiPQ-00050-00024096-00024312 Declaration of the United Nations njXo8uBHiPQ-00051-00024312-00024711 to expose the unfair, vicious treatment of black people njXo8uBHiPQ-00052-00024711-00024949 in America. njXo8uBHiPQ-00053-00024949-00025228 Malcolm X replied that he was eager to meet Martin Luther njXo8uBHiPQ-00054-00025228-00025747 King, Jr. as soon as the next afternoon. njXo8uBHiPQ-00055-00025747-00026137 If they had met that day and worked together, njXo8uBHiPQ-00056-00026137-00026538 the radical King would be well-known. njXo8uBHiPQ-00057-00026538-00026991 In a speech to staff in 1966, King explained, njXo8uBHiPQ-00058-00026991-00027354 'there must be a better distribution of wealth njXo8uBHiPQ-00059-00027354-00028033 and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism.' njXo8uBHiPQ-00060-00028033-00028419 If he had lived and pursued this project, njXo8uBHiPQ-00061-00028419-00028902 the radical King would be well-known. njXo8uBHiPQ-00062-00028902-00029469 On April 4th, 1968, in Memphis, the last day of his life, njXo8uBHiPQ-00063-00029469-00029789 Martin Luther King, Jr. phoned Ebenezer Baptist Church njXo8uBHiPQ-00064-00029789-00030273 in Atlanta with the title of his Sunday sermon, njXo8uBHiPQ-00065-00030273-00030664 'Why America May Go To Hell.' njXo8uBHiPQ-00066-00030664-00031086 If he had preached this sermon, the radical King njXo8uBHiPQ-00067-00031086-00031224 would be well-known." njXo8uBHiPQ-00068-00031508-00031829 From a theological perspective, these njXo8uBHiPQ-00069-00031829-00032039 are the kinds of questions I pondered njXo8uBHiPQ-00070-00032039-00032444 as I prepared for this lecture. njXo8uBHiPQ-00071-00032444-00032758 Unfortunately, the way we envision a more radical Dr. njXo8uBHiPQ-00072-00032758-00033233 King is constructed largely from presuppositions and assumptions njXo8uBHiPQ-00073-00033233-00033575 on where Dr. King's intellectual and pastoral legacy was njXo8uBHiPQ-00074-00033575-00033756 heading. njXo8uBHiPQ-00075-00033756-00034145 This brings me to the central theme of this lecture. njXo8uBHiPQ-00076-00034145-00034445 Dr. King was a champion of civil rights njXo8uBHiPQ-00077-00034445-00034799 and the advancement of people of color in America, njXo8uBHiPQ-00078-00034799-00035070 and the whole world for that matter. njXo8uBHiPQ-00079-00035070-00035479 He believed in the beloved community, a global vision njXo8uBHiPQ-00080-00035479-00035974 of unity based on the principles of love and justice njXo8uBHiPQ-00081-00035974-00036455 through a universal ethic of nonviolence. njXo8uBHiPQ-00082-00036455-00036862 However, King's beloved community njXo8uBHiPQ-00083-00036862-00037206 was not some utopic vision of humanity njXo8uBHiPQ-00084-00037206-00037487 and everlasting peaceful accord. njXo8uBHiPQ-00085-00037487-00037736 Dr. King was cognizant of the violent world njXo8uBHiPQ-00086-00037736-00037993 he sought to transform. njXo8uBHiPQ-00087-00037993-00038378 For King, it was evident that human experience is forever njXo8uBHiPQ-00088-00038378-00038792 cloaked in a garment of conflict and struggle. njXo8uBHiPQ-00089-00038792-00039104 Given this reality, King sought to mediate njXo8uBHiPQ-00090-00039104-00039398 such conflict and human indifference njXo8uBHiPQ-00091-00039398-00039638 through the teachings of his faith, njXo8uBHiPQ-00092-00039638-00040016 whereby peace could be achieved through nonviolent means, njXo8uBHiPQ-00093-00040016-00040517 in effect creating a beloved community that njXo8uBHiPQ-00094-00040517-00041170 would result in reconciliation and the redemption of humanity. njXo8uBHiPQ-00095-00041170-00041476 Had he stayed within those confines, had njXo8uBHiPQ-00096-00041476-00041830 he remained Martin Luther King, Jr., the champion njXo8uBHiPQ-00097-00041830-00042269 of civil rights and desegregation of America, njXo8uBHiPQ-00098-00042269-00042701 we can only assume that King would still be alive. njXo8uBHiPQ-00099-00042701-00043015 And as I mentioned earlier from Dr. West, njXo8uBHiPQ-00100-00043015-00043429 the radical King would be well-known today. njXo8uBHiPQ-00101-00043429-00043751 However, from a historical perspective, njXo8uBHiPQ-00102-00043751-00044241 that is obviously not the way America works. njXo8uBHiPQ-00103-00044241-00044529 From its inception, it has been prefaced njXo8uBHiPQ-00104-00044529-00044727 by a religious understanding that njXo8uBHiPQ-00105-00044727-00045282 commands moral authority over all other religious beliefs. njXo8uBHiPQ-00106-00045282-00045612 It has been shaped by ideological notions njXo8uBHiPQ-00107-00045612-00045999 of manifest destiny that has allowed white supremacy njXo8uBHiPQ-00108-00045999-00046425 to flourish, in both the private and public discourse njXo8uBHiPQ-00109-00046425-00046518 of American society. njXo8uBHiPQ-00110-00047014-00047608 In the 20th-anniversary preface of his book, Martin and Malcolm njXo8uBHiPQ-00111-00047608-00048043 and America: A Dream or a Nightmare, njXo8uBHiPQ-00112-00048043-00048390 my mentor and the father of black liberation theology, njXo8uBHiPQ-00113-00048390-00048699 James Cone, writes about his personal experience njXo8uBHiPQ-00114-00048699-00049044 during the tumultuous era of the 60s. njXo8uBHiPQ-00115-00049044-00049362 For Cone, Dr. King and Malcolm X had njXo8uBHiPQ-00116-00049362-00049822 an equally significant impact on the black freedom movement. njXo8uBHiPQ-00117-00049822-00050194 Cone writes, "no one could name white supremacy njXo8uBHiPQ-00118-00050194-00050414 like Martin and Malcolm. njXo8uBHiPQ-00119-00050414-00050831 That is why we still need them in the 21st century. njXo8uBHiPQ-00120-00050831-00051188 If we do not name white supremacy, njXo8uBHiPQ-00121-00051188-00051387 we cannot destroy it. njXo8uBHiPQ-00122-00051387-00051767 If we do not name it, we cannot get beyond it to what Martin njXo8uBHiPQ-00123-00051767-00052320 called the beloved community and Malcolm called freedom for all njXo8uBHiPQ-00124-00052320-00052552 human beings. njXo8uBHiPQ-00125-00052552-00052849 During the 60s, Dr. King and Malcolm X njXo8uBHiPQ-00126-00052849-00053311 were seen as opposites in the struggle for justice. njXo8uBHiPQ-00127-00053311-00053576 This was far from the truth. njXo8uBHiPQ-00128-00053576-00053822 They were one and the same, cut from the same cloth, njXo8uBHiPQ-00129-00053822-00054227 voicing both the pain and frustration of a people njXo8uBHiPQ-00130-00054227-00054623 under oppressive systems of power." njXo8uBHiPQ-00131-00054623-00054941 As Cone reflects on choosing between Martin getting Malcolm njXo8uBHiPQ-00132-00054941-00055315 in the 1960s, he states, "everyone njXo8uBHiPQ-00133-00055315-00055779 was forced to choose sides, but I could not. njXo8uBHiPQ-00134-00055779-00056303 They, Martin and Malcolm, were like my left and right hands, njXo8uBHiPQ-00135-00056303-00056779 both necessary for the full expression of my humanity njXo8uBHiPQ-00136-00056779-00057288 and for my struggle to find my voice in the black freedom njXo8uBHiPQ-00137-00057288-00057504 movement. njXo8uBHiPQ-00138-00057504-00057880 Two freedom fighters expressing the experiences njXo8uBHiPQ-00139-00057880-00058069 of their people." njXo8uBHiPQ-00140-00058069-00058415 Cone states, "Martin and Malcolm illuminate the two roads njXo8uBHiPQ-00141-00058415-00058751 to freedom that meet in the African-American search njXo8uBHiPQ-00142-00058751-00059257 for identity in the land of their birth." njXo8uBHiPQ-00143-00059257-00059547 The question for us today becomes, njXo8uBHiPQ-00144-00059547-00059854 is racial injustice an issue of the past? njXo8uBHiPQ-00145-00060107-00060452 Fast-forward almost 50 years from the day Dr. King's legacy njXo8uBHiPQ-00146-00060452-00060986 was cut short to 2018. njXo8uBHiPQ-00147-00060986-00061223 We find ourselves now more than ever njXo8uBHiPQ-00148-00061223-00061691 in a cloud of disillusionment, because we in this country njXo8uBHiPQ-00149-00061691-00062108 have somehow convinced ourselves that the issue of race njXo8uBHiPQ-00150-00062108-00062423 is a non-issue because of integration, njXo8uBHiPQ-00151-00062423-00062744 progress, and economic opportunities that njXo8uBHiPQ-00152-00062744-00063257 have become a reality for people of color rather than fantasy. njXo8uBHiPQ-00153-00063257-00063616 Such simplistic categorizations of progress and equality njXo8uBHiPQ-00154-00063616-00063872 in this country are exactly the types njXo8uBHiPQ-00155-00063872-00064172 of arguments that have allowed white supremacist laws njXo8uBHiPQ-00156-00064172-00064592 and tendencies to flourish, only today njXo8uBHiPQ-00157-00064592-00065175 it has matured to new levels and reached new heights. njXo8uBHiPQ-00158-00065175-00065550 Dr. King's legacy in the 21st century njXo8uBHiPQ-00159-00065550-00065987 has been manipulated, co-opted and reconfigured njXo8uBHiPQ-00160-00065987-00066258 to fit a certain narrative. njXo8uBHiPQ-00161-00067029-00067135 Technical issue, sorry. njXo8uBHiPQ-00162-00067473-00067736 Americans choose between the nonviolent prophet who njXo8uBHiPQ-00163-00067736-00068117 believed in the American dream of little black and white boys njXo8uBHiPQ-00164-00068117-00068423 and girls playing together, and the radical preacher njXo8uBHiPQ-00165-00068423-00068921 who named America for what it truly was then and is today-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00166-00068921-00069218 a burning house, whereby King himself njXo8uBHiPQ-00167-00069218-00069563 admitted to Harry Belafonte he and others njXo8uBHiPQ-00168-00069563-00069712 had integrated their own people. njXo8uBHiPQ-00169-00070160-00070481 From within the nation's traditions of law and order, njXo8uBHiPQ-00170-00070481-00070907 white supremacy became legalized, legitimized, njXo8uBHiPQ-00171-00070907-00071096 and normalized. njXo8uBHiPQ-00172-00071096-00071309 It transformed itself over the years njXo8uBHiPQ-00173-00071309-00071573 into laws that perpetuate violence njXo8uBHiPQ-00174-00071573-00071876 upon black and brown bodies, through the policing njXo8uBHiPQ-00175-00071876-00072140 of inner cities, mass incarceration njXo8uBHiPQ-00176-00072140-00072506 of nonviolent offenders, and racial profiling of mainly njXo8uBHiPQ-00177-00072506-00072758 black and brown young men. njXo8uBHiPQ-00178-00072758-00073154 Immigrant communities live in fear from ICE laws and tactics njXo8uBHiPQ-00179-00073154-00073451 that target the innocent, and basic civil rights njXo8uBHiPQ-00180-00073451-00073794 of people in this country are being uprooted. njXo8uBHiPQ-00181-00073794-00074166 The state of this nation is unstable, njXo8uBHiPQ-00182-00074166-00074418 and the image of American democracy and freedom njXo8uBHiPQ-00183-00074418-00074895 remains, 50 years on, a distorted image njXo8uBHiPQ-00184-00074895-00075360 that many in Washington at this very moment njXo8uBHiPQ-00185-00075360-00075472 are fighting to maintain. njXo8uBHiPQ-00186-00075772-00076057 But there is hope. njXo8uBHiPQ-00187-00076057-00076490 In the midst of all the distress, there is hope. njXo8uBHiPQ-00188-00076490-00076688 In my role as a member of the clergy, njXo8uBHiPQ-00189-00076688-00077261 I have oftentimes witnessed older generations of Americans njXo8uBHiPQ-00190-00077261-00077558 denigrate the agency and passionate voices njXo8uBHiPQ-00191-00077558-00077783 of today's young people-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00192-00077783-00078329 or as some might call them, or you, millennials. njXo8uBHiPQ-00193-00078329-00078617 But many of us forget that there was njXo8uBHiPQ-00194-00078617-00078842 a time when even Dr. King was criticized njXo8uBHiPQ-00195-00078842-00079178 for the way he chose to mobilize people of the civil rights njXo8uBHiPQ-00196-00079178-00079391 movement. njXo8uBHiPQ-00197-00079391-00079646 I believe it is the young people of today who njXo8uBHiPQ-00198-00079646-00080068 call our attention to what Dr. King, in an essay about W.E.B. njXo8uBHiPQ-00199-00080068-00080691 Du Bois, describes as "a pathetically ignorant America." njXo8uBHiPQ-00200-00080691-00080932 Their cry for justice is dismissed njXo8uBHiPQ-00201-00080932-00081600 as urban rage, blind passion, and divisive in nature. njXo8uBHiPQ-00202-00081600-00082020 Their protest cries may no longer be "we shall overcome," njXo8uBHiPQ-00203-00082020-00082287 "black power," or "equal rights." njXo8uBHiPQ-00204-00082287-00082694 They are the rally cries of this generation to resist. njXo8uBHiPQ-00205-00082694-00083173 That black lives do matter, and we must all stay woke. njXo8uBHiPQ-00206-00083173-00083539 They call our attention to many of the complex and insidious njXo8uBHiPQ-00207-00083539-00083950 methods that perpetuate violence-- racism, misogyny, njXo8uBHiPQ-00208-00083950-00084303 homophobia, and white dominance. njXo8uBHiPQ-00209-00084303-00084582 As the clergy, the legacy of prophetic witness njXo8uBHiPQ-00210-00084582-00084909 is a profound expression of faith. njXo8uBHiPQ-00211-00084909-00085088 I think this generation as a collective njXo8uBHiPQ-00212-00085088-00085415 embodies Dr. King's radical legacy of what njXo8uBHiPQ-00213-00085415-00085744 West calls prophetic fire. njXo8uBHiPQ-00214-00085744-00086200 Through their activism, protests, art and culture, njXo8uBHiPQ-00215-00086200-00086527 this generation is having to do the difficult work njXo8uBHiPQ-00216-00086527-00086785 of radical activism that I and many others njXo8uBHiPQ-00217-00086785-00087109 believe Dr. King was heading towards before his life was njXo8uBHiPQ-00218-00087109-00087309 cut short. njXo8uBHiPQ-00219-00087309-00087528 This movement of young people are njXo8uBHiPQ-00220-00087528-00087976 putting into practice Angela Davis' definition of radical, njXo8uBHiPQ-00221-00087976-00088391 which is "simply grasping things at the root." njXo8uBHiPQ-00222-00088391-00088690 So my use of the term "woke," or "stay njXo8uBHiPQ-00223-00088690-00088978 woke," here is intentional in that I njXo8uBHiPQ-00224-00088978-00089182 see the socially conscious resistance njXo8uBHiPQ-00225-00089182-00089534 movements like Black Lives Matter, Standing Rock Water njXo8uBHiPQ-00226-00089534-00089819 Protectors, women's movement, climate warriors, njXo8uBHiPQ-00227-00089819-00090181 DACA defenders, and so forth, as a continuum njXo8uBHiPQ-00228-00090181-00090498 of Dr. King's prophetic legacy. njXo8uBHiPQ-00229-00090498-00090717 This generation is doing what Christians njXo8uBHiPQ-00230-00090717-00091089 call bearing the cross. njXo8uBHiPQ-00231-00091089-00091284 They demonstrate what West describes njXo8uBHiPQ-00232-00091284-00091647 as radical love, which is self-denial and the affirmation njXo8uBHiPQ-00233-00091647-00092139 of life, even within the consciousness of impotence. njXo8uBHiPQ-00234-00092139-00092523 I hear in them the voices of Dr. King, Malcolm X, and others njXo8uBHiPQ-00235-00092523-00092847 that sought to dismantle the vises of white supremacy njXo8uBHiPQ-00236-00092847-00093049 in America. njXo8uBHiPQ-00237-00093049-00093451 This generation compels us to face our own ugliness njXo8uBHiPQ-00238-00093451-00093641 for what it is-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00239-00093641-00093899 a nation that has put profit and privilege njXo8uBHiPQ-00240-00093899-00094173 before justice and love. njXo8uBHiPQ-00241-00094173-00094419 This generation challenges us to look njXo8uBHiPQ-00242-00094419-00094788 at the vision of Dr. King-- not in naive or unsophisticated njXo8uBHiPQ-00243-00094788-00095028 ways, rather, as a vision that sought njXo8uBHiPQ-00244-00095028-00095409 to uncover the complexities of racism and greed njXo8uBHiPQ-00245-00095409-00095847 in the context of America as part of a global phenomenon njXo8uBHiPQ-00246-00095847-00096114 of racial and class inequality. njXo8uBHiPQ-00247-00096394-00096766 In his yet-to-be-released book Breaking White Supremacy: njXo8uBHiPQ-00248-00096766-00097141 Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Black Social Gospel, njXo8uBHiPQ-00249-00097141-00097543 Gary Dorian explains, "King soared on the wings njXo8uBHiPQ-00250-00097543-00097980 of a movement that he championed with distinct brilliance. njXo8uBHiPQ-00251-00097980-00098358 He succeeded because he uniquely bridged the disparities njXo8uBHiPQ-00252-00098358-00098667 between black and white church communities, njXo8uBHiPQ-00253-00098667-00099024 between middle-class blacks and white liberals, njXo8uBHiPQ-00254-00099024-00099411 between black nationalists and black conservatives, njXo8uBHiPQ-00255-00099411-00099717 between church communities and the academy, njXo8uBHiPQ-00256-00099717-00100047 and above all, between the Northern and Southern njXo8uBHiPQ-00257-00100047-00100267 civil rights movement. njXo8uBHiPQ-00258-00100267-00100585 King spurned his access to the establishment in order njXo8uBHiPQ-00259-00100585-00100888 to stand with the poor and oppressed, njXo8uBHiPQ-00260-00100888-00101263 struggling against intertwined forms of racial, social, njXo8uBHiPQ-00261-00101263-00101848 economic, cultural, and imperial oppression." njXo8uBHiPQ-00262-00101848-00102355 Friends, this King has long been lost to us. njXo8uBHiPQ-00263-00102355-00102652 However, it is this generation of woke resistors njXo8uBHiPQ-00264-00102652-00102834 who remind us that Martin Luther King, njXo8uBHiPQ-00265-00102834-00103340 Jr. had a revolutionary vision of justice. njXo8uBHiPQ-00266-00103340-00103597 They remind us of the Woke King. njXo8uBHiPQ-00267-00103960-00104551 Why do we need to be woke in the 21st century? njXo8uBHiPQ-00268-00104551-00104806 Following one of Dr. King's great speeches njXo8uBHiPQ-00269-00104806-00105483 in his latter years, we have two Americas. njXo8uBHiPQ-00270-00105483-00105925 The other America and, from a clergy perspective, njXo8uBHiPQ-00271-00105925-00106189 the other Christianity. njXo8uBHiPQ-00272-00106189-00106492 In 1970, English television host and journalist David Frost njXo8uBHiPQ-00273-00106492-00106971 asked James Baldwin, "are you a Christian or a Muslim?" njXo8uBHiPQ-00274-00106971-00107382 Baldwin answered, "no. njXo8uBHiPQ-00275-00107382-00107756 I am trying to become a human." njXo8uBHiPQ-00276-00107756-00107911 Friends, today that is the biggest njXo8uBHiPQ-00277-00107911-00108259 struggle we face as a society, and in particular njXo8uBHiPQ-00278-00108259-00108472 as people of faith. njXo8uBHiPQ-00279-00108472-00108917 There are still groups of people trying to become human beings. njXo8uBHiPQ-00280-00108917-00109241 It has become extremely difficult as of late, njXo8uBHiPQ-00281-00109241-00109625 because fear has taken over our definitions of what njXo8uBHiPQ-00282-00109625-00109822 humanity looks like. njXo8uBHiPQ-00283-00109822-00110014 Our images of humanity have been shaped njXo8uBHiPQ-00284-00110014-00110607 by certain political views under the guise of faith in God. njXo8uBHiPQ-00285-00110607-00110988 In other words, faith has a profound impact njXo8uBHiPQ-00286-00110988-00111417 on the way Americans think about themselves and others. njXo8uBHiPQ-00287-00111417-00111819 And more recently, it has a profound impact on the way njXo8uBHiPQ-00288-00111819-00112066 that we vote. njXo8uBHiPQ-00289-00112066-00112333 In the last two presidential elections, njXo8uBHiPQ-00290-00112333-00112588 Christian identity has had a significant impact njXo8uBHiPQ-00291-00112588-00112829 on these results. njXo8uBHiPQ-00292-00112829-00113059 Barack Obama's sacrificial denouncing njXo8uBHiPQ-00293-00113059-00113453 of Jeremiah Wright, his pastor of 20 years, njXo8uBHiPQ-00294-00113453-00113821 who officiated his wedding and baptized his two daughters, njXo8uBHiPQ-00295-00113821-00114085 opened the White House doors for America's njXo8uBHiPQ-00296-00114085-00114305 first black president. njXo8uBHiPQ-00297-00114305-00114535 By doing so, Obama stayed clear of undermining njXo8uBHiPQ-00298-00114535-00114764 America's founding document-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00299-00114764-00115164 not the Constitution, rather, the Bible. njXo8uBHiPQ-00300-00115164-00115484 Better yet, an accepted interpretation of the Bible njXo8uBHiPQ-00301-00115484-00115811 that upholds American Christian morals and values njXo8uBHiPQ-00302-00115811-00116106 without uprooting the status quo of American politics njXo8uBHiPQ-00303-00116106-00116272 and government. njXo8uBHiPQ-00304-00116272-00116540 In the case of Jeremiah Wright, his message njXo8uBHiPQ-00305-00116540-00116756 did not fit the image of a black man njXo8uBHiPQ-00306-00116756-00117128 that white America, if they were to cast their vote for him, njXo8uBHiPQ-00307-00117128-00117413 could support as President. njXo8uBHiPQ-00308-00117413-00117957 Of course, we all know, that move paid off. njXo8uBHiPQ-00309-00117957-00118218 The Trump campaign was no different. njXo8uBHiPQ-00310-00118218-00118508 Through strategic planning and careful consideration njXo8uBHiPQ-00311-00118508-00118784 for the religious identity of American voters, njXo8uBHiPQ-00312-00118784-00119229 the Trump campaign focused on white Americans. njXo8uBHiPQ-00313-00119229-00119439 Trump rallied white aggression by way njXo8uBHiPQ-00314-00119439-00119800 of their religious identities as Christians. njXo8uBHiPQ-00315-00119800-00120217 More than any other group, white evangelical Christians njXo8uBHiPQ-00316-00120217-00120367 were the key. njXo8uBHiPQ-00317-00120367-00120628 The strategy was simple. njXo8uBHiPQ-00318-00120628-00120995 Uproot the establishment and status quo-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00319-00120995-00121229 or "drain the swamp," as he put it-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00320-00121229-00121544 by peddling fear, especially to his main base njXo8uBHiPQ-00321-00121544-00121834 of white evangelical Christians, who carried him njXo8uBHiPQ-00322-00121834-00122021 all the way to victory in key states, njXo8uBHiPQ-00323-00122021-00122494 with 81% of their ballots cast for him. njXo8uBHiPQ-00324-00122494-00122820 Now, some of you may be asking, why does this matter? njXo8uBHiPQ-00325-00122820-00123233 We are in a political, social, and religious climate njXo8uBHiPQ-00326-00123233-00123613 now where there are investigations going on njXo8uBHiPQ-00327-00123613-00123964 because this predates Trump. njXo8uBHiPQ-00328-00123964-00124441 In reality, Christianity in America has two identities. njXo8uBHiPQ-00329-00124441-00124756 And Dr. King prophetically named these two identities njXo8uBHiPQ-00330-00124756-00125220 from the perspective of the American reality in two-fold. njXo8uBHiPQ-00331-00125220-00125602 "There are literally two Americas," stated King. njXo8uBHiPQ-00332-00125602-00126046 "One America is flowing with the milk of prosperity njXo8uBHiPQ-00333-00126046-00126250 and the honey of equality. njXo8uBHiPQ-00334-00126250-00126454 That America is the habitat of millions njXo8uBHiPQ-00335-00126454-00126697 of people who have food and material njXo8uBHiPQ-00336-00126697-00126936 necessities for their bodies, culture njXo8uBHiPQ-00337-00126936-00127236 and education for their minds, freedom njXo8uBHiPQ-00338-00127236-00127539 and humanity for their spirits. njXo8uBHiPQ-00339-00127539-00127791 That America is made of millions of young people njXo8uBHiPQ-00340-00127791-00128220 who grow up in the sunlight of opportunity. njXo8uBHiPQ-00341-00128220-00128508 But there is another America. njXo8uBHiPQ-00342-00128508-00128871 And that other America has a daily ugliness about it njXo8uBHiPQ-00343-00128871-00129110 that transforms the buoyancy of hope njXo8uBHiPQ-00344-00129110-00129321 into the fatigue of despair." njXo8uBHiPQ-00345-00129782-00130033 People who have experienced oppression njXo8uBHiPQ-00346-00130033-00130558 have perspective on this notion of dual identities. njXo8uBHiPQ-00347-00130558-00131011 I personally am from a post-colonial context myself, njXo8uBHiPQ-00348-00131011-00131273 and I often speak for the rights of indigenous people njXo8uBHiPQ-00349-00131273-00131565 in the Pacific, where I'm from. njXo8uBHiPQ-00350-00131565-00132102 In truth, all indigenous people have a commonality, a shared njXo8uBHiPQ-00351-00132102-00132528 experience, a bond formed out of the depths of deep pain njXo8uBHiPQ-00352-00132528-00133014 and oppression from colonialism. njXo8uBHiPQ-00353-00133014-00133564 On a personal note, for years, I, as in my people, njXo8uBHiPQ-00354-00133564-00134176 were not sure of our beginnings, our words and our traditions. njXo8uBHiPQ-00355-00134176-00134390 We learned from the history books, njXo8uBHiPQ-00356-00134390-00134742 in the language of our colonial oppressors. njXo8uBHiPQ-00357-00134742-00134934 It was the historians that told us njXo8uBHiPQ-00358-00134934-00135291 we were very pleased that Europeans and Americans had njXo8uBHiPQ-00359-00135291-00135438 visited. njXo8uBHiPQ-00360-00135438-00135799 They told us that we begged for their books, clothing, njXo8uBHiPQ-00361-00135799-00135984 that we were more than eager to abandon njXo8uBHiPQ-00362-00135984-00136237 the ways of our ancestors. njXo8uBHiPQ-00363-00136237-00136882 Later I realized historians were a huge part of the colonizing njXo8uBHiPQ-00364-00136882-00137065 horde. njXo8uBHiPQ-00365-00137065-00137371 One group colonized the mind, the other group njXo8uBHiPQ-00366-00137371-00137644 colonized the spirit. njXo8uBHiPQ-00367-00137644-00138041 In matters of the spirit, God was far from innocent. njXo8uBHiPQ-00368-00138041-00138422 The victory of Jehovah over indigenous people, gods, njXo8uBHiPQ-00369-00138422-00138605 and spirits was seen as a victory njXo8uBHiPQ-00370-00138605-00139067 of their God, the Christian God, over the divine conceptions njXo8uBHiPQ-00371-00139067-00139284 of island cultures. njXo8uBHiPQ-00372-00139284-00139653 Local gods were seen as mere natural objects and idols njXo8uBHiPQ-00373-00139653-00139893 that should be destroyed. njXo8uBHiPQ-00374-00139893-00140421 These were the images my ancestors had to live through. njXo8uBHiPQ-00375-00140421-00140715 They wanted us to be ashamed of who we were, njXo8uBHiPQ-00376-00140715-00141217 if not totally erase our former selves from memory. njXo8uBHiPQ-00377-00141217-00141625 Then and only then could the domination of native Pacific njXo8uBHiPQ-00378-00141625-00142117 people be a more effortless colonial project, in comparison njXo8uBHiPQ-00379-00142117-00142731 with bloodier attempts in Africa and the Caribbean. njXo8uBHiPQ-00380-00142731-00142929 I had to choose whether or not I would njXo8uBHiPQ-00381-00142929-00143193 be defined by such experiences. njXo8uBHiPQ-00382-00143193-00143421 I had to decide whether or not this njXo8uBHiPQ-00383-00143421-00143826 was the Christian message that would define my ministry njXo8uBHiPQ-00384-00143826-00144081 and my path in life. njXo8uBHiPQ-00385-00144081-00144444 Through deep discernment and a process of deep reflection, njXo8uBHiPQ-00386-00144444-00144894 I came to see the other Christian message, the one that njXo8uBHiPQ-00387-00144894-00145233 mirrored the teachings of a poor Palestinian Jew njXo8uBHiPQ-00388-00145233-00145541 rather than the policies of empire and government. njXo8uBHiPQ-00389-00145799-00146231 How do we identify true claims of faith from blind faith? njXo8uBHiPQ-00390-00146231-00146411 I think Reverend William Barber, who njXo8uBHiPQ-00391-00146411-00146783 leads the newly revived Poor People's Campaign in America, njXo8uBHiPQ-00392-00146783-00146963 who recently addressed the Christian right, njXo8uBHiPQ-00393-00146963-00147221 or evangelical Christianity, that njXo8uBHiPQ-00394-00147221-00147494 has been so powerful in his home state of North Carolina, njXo8uBHiPQ-00395-00147494-00147767 said it best. njXo8uBHiPQ-00396-00147767-00148135 "We cannot let narrow religious forces hijack our moral njXo8uBHiPQ-00397-00148135-00148317 vocabulary. njXo8uBHiPQ-00398-00148317-00148623 Forces who speak loudly about things God says little njXo8uBHiPQ-00399-00148623-00148896 about, while saying so little about issues njXo8uBHiPQ-00400-00148896-00149340 that are at the heart of all our religious traditions-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00401-00149340-00149782 truth, justice, love and mercy. njXo8uBHiPQ-00402-00149782-00150061 The movement we have witnessed, the movement njXo8uBHiPQ-00403-00150061-00150556 we most need in this country, is a moral movement." njXo8uBHiPQ-00404-00150556-00150859 Reverend Barber's moral movement speaks to a fundamental problem njXo8uBHiPQ-00405-00150859-00150967 in this country. njXo8uBHiPQ-00406-00150967-00151267 We live in a morally bankrupt, impoverished, njXo8uBHiPQ-00407-00151267-00151472 and broken society. njXo8uBHiPQ-00408-00151472-00151828 But what informs our morals in this country, and in most njXo8uBHiPQ-00409-00151828-00152268 countries, in most societies? njXo8uBHiPQ-00410-00152268-00152891 Culture and our God-talk, or theological understandings. njXo8uBHiPQ-00411-00152891-00153420 These things are at the root of our moral sensibilities. njXo8uBHiPQ-00412-00153420-00153600 Now, I'm a theologian. njXo8uBHiPQ-00413-00153600-00154005 And I know in this particular space and context, many of you njXo8uBHiPQ-00414-00154005-00154472 are asking what exactly is theology, right? njXo8uBHiPQ-00415-00154472-00154961 James Cone defines it as "faith seeking understanding." njXo8uBHiPQ-00416-00154961-00155423 It is a lifetime of seeking and loving God with your mind. njXo8uBHiPQ-00417-00155423-00155651 One's theology must determine whether or not njXo8uBHiPQ-00418-00155651-00155879 it is strong enough and deep enough njXo8uBHiPQ-00419-00155879-00156171 to allow for critical reflection. njXo8uBHiPQ-00420-00156171-00156553 It asks, how do we know God? njXo8uBHiPQ-00421-00156553-00156844 In addition, I would add that theology is not njXo8uBHiPQ-00422-00156844-00157285 knowing exactly who God is and having absolute answers. njXo8uBHiPQ-00423-00157285-00157826 Rather, theology is also determining who God is not. njXo8uBHiPQ-00424-00157826-00158114 Christians who are concerned with truth njXo8uBHiPQ-00425-00158114-00158489 need to look at the rhetoric of so-called Christians njXo8uBHiPQ-00426-00158489-00159033 like Trump, Roy Moore, and others. njXo8uBHiPQ-00427-00159033-00159267 It's difficult not to agree with James Cone, who njXo8uBHiPQ-00428-00159267-00159777 says, "whites turn Jesus' gospel of love and liberation njXo8uBHiPQ-00429-00159777-00160099 into a gospel of white supremacy." njXo8uBHiPQ-00430-00160099-00160422 It's troubling what is taking place in this country, njXo8uBHiPQ-00431-00160422-00160688 especially from a Christian perspective. njXo8uBHiPQ-00432-00160688-00160880 The Christian message of love and community njXo8uBHiPQ-00433-00160880-00161096 has been co-opted by those who seek njXo8uBHiPQ-00434-00161096-00161339 to divide this country along racial, class, njXo8uBHiPQ-00435-00161339-00161627 political and economic lines. njXo8uBHiPQ-00436-00161627-00162007 As a Christian theologian, I ask a simple question. njXo8uBHiPQ-00437-00162007-00162265 What similarities are there between the policies njXo8uBHiPQ-00438-00162265-00162719 of this president and the teachings of Jesus? njXo8uBHiPQ-00439-00162719-00163136 I've yet to answer this question as a theologian, clergy, njXo8uBHiPQ-00440-00163136-00163508 and as an American citizen. njXo8uBHiPQ-00441-00163508-00163859 As a Christian, I'm hopeful, though. njXo8uBHiPQ-00442-00163859-00164280 But I'm reminded of Dr. King as he confronted white supremacy njXo8uBHiPQ-00443-00164280-00164724 during the turbulent era of the 50s and 60s. njXo8uBHiPQ-00444-00164724-00164907 Though his vision of a beloved community njXo8uBHiPQ-00445-00164907-00165117 frightened many white conservatives, njXo8uBHiPQ-00446-00165117-00165539 it also challenged liberals and pastors who remained silent. njXo8uBHiPQ-00447-00165539-00165902 In his eulogy at the funerals of the four little girls murdered njXo8uBHiPQ-00448-00165902-00166288 as they attended Sunday school in Birmingham, Alabama, njXo8uBHiPQ-00449-00166288-00166576 Dr. King spoke for them as he called people njXo8uBHiPQ-00450-00166576-00167002 to not merely be concerned with who their murderers were, njXo8uBHiPQ-00451-00167002-00167440 rather, to also be concerned with the system, njXo8uBHiPQ-00452-00167440-00167704 the way of life and the philosophy which njXo8uBHiPQ-00453-00167704-00168012 produced these murderers. njXo8uBHiPQ-00454-00168012-00168434 Dr. King was determined to not have them die in vain, njXo8uBHiPQ-00455-00168434-00169109 for God, as he stated, has a way of wringing good out of evil. njXo8uBHiPQ-00456-00169109-00169313 Unfortunately, in today's society njXo8uBHiPQ-00457-00169313-00169621 we have a lot of bad theology. njXo8uBHiPQ-00458-00169621-00169819 What is bad theology? njXo8uBHiPQ-00459-00169819-00170092 It is any theology or understanding of God njXo8uBHiPQ-00460-00170092-00170488 that produces a philosophy of hate, division, njXo8uBHiPQ-00461-00170488-00170740 and de-humanizes the other. njXo8uBHiPQ-00462-00170740-00170959 Bad theology is a theology that preaches njXo8uBHiPQ-00463-00170959-00171280 love for people and community, but endorses njXo8uBHiPQ-00464-00171280-00171523 those who are adversaries of the rights of others njXo8uBHiPQ-00465-00171523-00171735 to live in peace. njXo8uBHiPQ-00466-00171735-00172032 From the Christian lens, Cone argued njXo8uBHiPQ-00467-00172032-00172365 for the validity of social context, in that there njXo8uBHiPQ-00468-00172365-00172620 can be no separation of our questions njXo8uBHiPQ-00469-00172620-00173156 about Jesus from the concreteness of everyday life. njXo8uBHiPQ-00470-00173156-00173327 Christ in the struggle for freedom njXo8uBHiPQ-00471-00173327-00173643 is not merely a theoretical question, njXo8uBHiPQ-00472-00173643-00173906 but it is practical as well. njXo8uBHiPQ-00473-00173906-00174170 The Christ within history, then, is also njXo8uBHiPQ-00474-00174170-00174467 within the experiences of people today. njXo8uBHiPQ-00475-00174467-00174893 As absurd and confusing those experiences may be, njXo8uBHiPQ-00476-00174893-00175352 I contend that our interest in Jesus' past cannot be separated njXo8uBHiPQ-00477-00175352-00175757 from one's encounter with his presence in our contemporary njXo8uBHiPQ-00478-00175757-00175951 existence. njXo8uBHiPQ-00479-00175951-00176188 The truth of the matter is that any theology that njXo8uBHiPQ-00480-00176188-00176515 is ignorant of the oppression, victimization, njXo8uBHiPQ-00481-00176515-00176938 and alienation of any people is in essence defending it. njXo8uBHiPQ-00482-00177220-00177724 Friends, I have come to just about the end of this rather njXo8uBHiPQ-00483-00177724-00178193 short conversation. njXo8uBHiPQ-00484-00178193-00178676 But my goal today was to break down this image of King njXo8uBHiPQ-00485-00178676-00179105 as a one-dimensional pastor and activist, sanitized and revised njXo8uBHiPQ-00486-00179105-00179357 by American history writers. njXo8uBHiPQ-00487-00179357-00179777 To ask us all to look closer with more focused eyes and ears njXo8uBHiPQ-00488-00179777-00180119 to listen to the voices of today's generation njXo8uBHiPQ-00489-00180119-00180522 so that we may catch snippets of Dr. King. njXo8uBHiPQ-00490-00180522-00180945 Mobilizing them to be freedom fighters in their own ways. njXo8uBHiPQ-00491-00180945-00181254 I wanted us to see America and her religious identity njXo8uBHiPQ-00492-00181254-00181464 through two separate lenses of interpretation njXo8uBHiPQ-00493-00181464-00181728 to gain perspective. njXo8uBHiPQ-00494-00181728-00181905 And my aim was to ask all of us to do njXo8uBHiPQ-00495-00181905-00182307 the difficult work of challenging our own God-talk, njXo8uBHiPQ-00496-00182307-00182508 But also naming religious rhetoric njXo8uBHiPQ-00497-00182508-00182850 that is divisive and dangerous. njXo8uBHiPQ-00498-00182850-00183206 I hope and pray that our time here together has been worth njXo8uBHiPQ-00499-00183206-00183433 it. njXo8uBHiPQ-00500-00183433-00183594 But still, the question remains. njXo8uBHiPQ-00501-00183594-00183807 What does MLK's beloved community njXo8uBHiPQ-00502-00183807-00184277 look like in America 2018? njXo8uBHiPQ-00503-00184277-00184613 I think we as Americans, legal and not, njXo8uBHiPQ-00504-00184613-00185045 white and not, gendered and not, Christian and not, njXo8uBHiPQ-00505-00185045-00185339 need to start with the realization njXo8uBHiPQ-00506-00185339-00185651 that we have yet to fully embrace Dr. King's njXo8uBHiPQ-00507-00185651-00185948 vision of a beloved community. njXo8uBHiPQ-00508-00185948-00186315 But I think we can begin the process by taking advantage njXo8uBHiPQ-00509-00186315-00186618 of the unfortunate circumstances of events njXo8uBHiPQ-00510-00186618-00186969 that we are in these days. njXo8uBHiPQ-00511-00186969-00187326 We can do this by interrogating laws and policies that njXo8uBHiPQ-00512-00187326-00187539 promote violence upon communities njXo8uBHiPQ-00513-00187539-00187896 of color or demonize people because of sexual identity, njXo8uBHiPQ-00514-00187896-00188193 religion, race or legal status. njXo8uBHiPQ-00515-00188193-00188445 It also means interrogating the politicians njXo8uBHiPQ-00516-00188445-00188724 and religious leaders who got us here. njXo8uBHiPQ-00517-00188724-00189081 We can get closer to King's radical notion of community njXo8uBHiPQ-00518-00189081-00189555 by holding those in positions of power accountable to all people njXo8uBHiPQ-00519-00189555-00189847 and not a select few. njXo8uBHiPQ-00520-00189847-00190281 But I would also like for us to remember the religious identity njXo8uBHiPQ-00521-00190281-00190542 of Dr. King. njXo8uBHiPQ-00522-00190542-00191014 Walter Fluker explains, "Martin Luther King, Jr. njXo8uBHiPQ-00523-00191014-00191352 was a Southern black preacher . njXo8uBHiPQ-00524-00191352-00191667 King identified with a Southern tradition, njXo8uBHiPQ-00525-00191667-00192150 but he was able to articulate more than one moral tradition njXo8uBHiPQ-00526-00192150-00192354 in his public presentations." njXo8uBHiPQ-00527-00192611-00193212 In other words, Dr. King was a part of a certain community, njXo8uBHiPQ-00528-00193212-00193476 but he also knew that he was accountable to Christians njXo8uBHiPQ-00529-00193476-00193821 and people in a very global sense. njXo8uBHiPQ-00530-00193821-00194205 I think Dr. Fluker is right as he says, "we Americans seem njXo8uBHiPQ-00531-00194205-00194565 to have difficulty balancing different moral perspectives njXo8uBHiPQ-00532-00194565-00194920 in terms of social transformation. njXo8uBHiPQ-00533-00194920-00195088 I'm seeing more and more a tendency njXo8uBHiPQ-00534-00195088-00195372 toward a monolithic view of faith. njXo8uBHiPQ-00535-00195372-00195729 We have difficulty listening to the stories of others njXo8uBHiPQ-00536-00195729-00195916 with integrity and empathy." njXo8uBHiPQ-00537-00196208-00196589 Envisioning King's legacy in our current social, political, and njXo8uBHiPQ-00538-00196589-00196955 religious climate requires a King-like dedication, friends, njXo8uBHiPQ-00539-00196955-00197141 to justice and love. njXo8uBHiPQ-00540-00197141-00197381 It means not being content with the way things are njXo8uBHiPQ-00541-00197381-00197591 and doing everything possible to bring njXo8uBHiPQ-00542-00197591-00197855 about change and understanding. njXo8uBHiPQ-00543-00197855-00198158 As a theologian, for me this takes place njXo8uBHiPQ-00544-00198158-00198515 in ways that create newness and fresh perspectives that njXo8uBHiPQ-00545-00198515-00198839 give language to a people's pain and suffering njXo8uBHiPQ-00546-00198839-00199091 as well as their joy and freedom. njXo8uBHiPQ-00547-00199091-00199496 King's beloved community in 2018 will bear no resemblance njXo8uBHiPQ-00548-00199496-00199898 to King's vision in the 1960s, but his passion njXo8uBHiPQ-00549-00199898-00200158 for justice, his passion for love njXo8uBHiPQ-00550-00200158-00200384 in the latter years of his life give us njXo8uBHiPQ-00551-00200384-00200835 examples of what that may look like for us today. njXo8uBHiPQ-00552-00200835-00201090 We saw it as he stood in solidarity njXo8uBHiPQ-00553-00201090-00201333 with Appalachian whites in Virginia njXo8uBHiPQ-00554-00201333-00201549 and Mexican farm workers in California njXo8uBHiPQ-00555-00201549-00201873 fighting for better wages and working conditions. njXo8uBHiPQ-00556-00201873-00202053 We saw it through his circle of friends njXo8uBHiPQ-00557-00202053-00202392 as he laid the foundation for inter-religious dialogue njXo8uBHiPQ-00558-00202392-00202824 between Muslims, Buddhists, and Jews like Rabbi Abraham Joshua njXo8uBHiPQ-00559-00202824-00203211 Heschel and we saw it as he took a stance against Vietnam njXo8uBHiPQ-00560-00203211-00203439 despite criticism from white allies njXo8uBHiPQ-00561-00203439-00203782 and his own African-American community. njXo8uBHiPQ-00562-00203782-00204273 There is no doubt in my mind, had he been alive today njXo8uBHiPQ-00563-00204273-00204771 the Woke King would have been known in the literal sense. njXo8uBHiPQ-00564-00204771-00205178 However, the Woke King can inspire and motivate us njXo8uBHiPQ-00565-00205178-00205642 towards freedom, intellectually, theologically, spiritually, njXo8uBHiPQ-00566-00205642-00206111 and culturally, if we allow his legacy to speak to our common njXo8uBHiPQ-00567-00206111-00206705 struggles for justice, love, and reconciliation in 2018 njXo8uBHiPQ-00568-00206705-00206876 and beyond. njXo8uBHiPQ-00569-00206876-00207319 I thank you all for your time and I thank you for joining me njXo8uBHiPQ-00570-00207319-00207438 in this conversation today. njXo8uBHiPQ-00571-00207438-00207727 [APPLAUSE] njXo8uBHiPQ-00572-00208498-00208990 Thank you so much for preaching to us this morning-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00573-00208990-00209065 Amen. njXo8uBHiPQ-00574-00209065-00209276 --the truth. njXo8uBHiPQ-00575-00209276-00209521 You mentioned William Barber's movement, njXo8uBHiPQ-00576-00209521-00209800 that started with Moral Mondays in North Carolina njXo8uBHiPQ-00577-00209800-00210107 and is really galvanizing a lot of momentum njXo8uBHiPQ-00578-00210107-00210282 right now as he's going across the country njXo8uBHiPQ-00579-00210282-00210788 and kind of continuing forward with what MLK was doing njXo8uBHiPQ-00580-00210788-00211194 in terms of bringing people together around intersections njXo8uBHiPQ-00581-00211194-00211344 of oppression. njXo8uBHiPQ-00582-00211344-00211569 And so can you speak to kind of that movement that's njXo8uBHiPQ-00583-00211569-00211686 happening right now? njXo8uBHiPQ-00584-00211686-00212033 I know that in Seattle, tomorrow Barber njXo8uBHiPQ-00585-00212033-00212262 is going to be in Seattle and really introducing people njXo8uBHiPQ-00586-00212262-00212475 to the movement, so if any students want to show up njXo8uBHiPQ-00587-00212475-00212619 there and hear about this. njXo8uBHiPQ-00588-00212619-00213009 But if you could kind of speak to that, that would be great. njXo8uBHiPQ-00589-00213009-00213138 Yeah, sure. njXo8uBHiPQ-00590-00213138-00213366 So just a little bit of background, njXo8uBHiPQ-00591-00213366-00213746 while I was in New York City at Union Theological Seminary, njXo8uBHiPQ-00592-00213746-00214096 William Barber is a visiting professor there. njXo8uBHiPQ-00593-00214096-00214467 And so just about two years ago I njXo8uBHiPQ-00594-00214467-00214923 had, as with many of my colleagues, njXo8uBHiPQ-00595-00214923-00215310 had opportunities to talk and work njXo8uBHiPQ-00596-00215310-00215688 with William Barber and others on campus about the Poor njXo8uBHiPQ-00597-00215688-00215829 People's Campaign. njXo8uBHiPQ-00598-00215829-00216363 So I think the most sort of unique thing about Reverend njXo8uBHiPQ-00599-00216363-00216615 Barber's Poor People's Campaign is njXo8uBHiPQ-00600-00216615-00217119 that it's not a simple movement where things are njXo8uBHiPQ-00601-00217119-00217348 focused on just race, right? njXo8uBHiPQ-00602-00217348-00217611 And so Reverend Barber's movement njXo8uBHiPQ-00603-00217611-00217857 focuses on all economic disparities, njXo8uBHiPQ-00604-00217857-00218277 social disparities, things that people in different classes, njXo8uBHiPQ-00605-00218277-00218548 from different ethnicities, experience. njXo8uBHiPQ-00606-00218548-00218804 And so this coming together of the Poor People's Campaign, njXo8uBHiPQ-00607-00218804-00219288 which is really gaining momentum, especially njXo8uBHiPQ-00608-00219288-00219566 in light of the last year and a half or so, njXo8uBHiPQ-00609-00219566-00220089 is a movement where churches, faith communities, communities njXo8uBHiPQ-00610-00220089-00220460 of color, different inter-religious communities njXo8uBHiPQ-00611-00220460-00221052 of Buddhists and Muslims and people who are also not njXo8uBHiPQ-00612-00221052-00221316 adherents of a particular type of faith njXo8uBHiPQ-00613-00221316-00221811 can come together and gather and sort of be a part of something njXo8uBHiPQ-00614-00221811-00222030 to inspire change. njXo8uBHiPQ-00615-00222030-00222496 They were a huge presence a few months ago njXo8uBHiPQ-00616-00222496-00222711 during the, what is it? njXo8uBHiPQ-00617-00222711-00223046 The Charlottesville white-supremacist njXo8uBHiPQ-00618-00223046-00223160 rallies there. njXo8uBHiPQ-00619-00223160-00223458 And so what's important about Reverend Barber's movement njXo8uBHiPQ-00620-00223458-00223989 is that they plant themselves intentionally in certain spaces njXo8uBHiPQ-00621-00223989-00224289 to show that there is solidarity within these different njXo8uBHiPQ-00622-00224289-00224438 communities. njXo8uBHiPQ-00623-00224438-00224951 It is founded on this very basic notion of us njXo8uBHiPQ-00624-00224951-00225151 getting right morally, right? njXo8uBHiPQ-00625-00225151-00225480 I think Reverend Barber is the one that always repeats this, njXo8uBHiPQ-00626-00225480-00225671 is that we are living in a society that njXo8uBHiPQ-00627-00225671-00225901 is morally bankrupt, right? njXo8uBHiPQ-00628-00225901-00226240 It's that it's as simple as good or bad. njXo8uBHiPQ-00629-00226240-00226384 And these things have become sort njXo8uBHiPQ-00630-00226384-00226860 of a little gray and difficult to discern among average people njXo8uBHiPQ-00631-00226860-00227037 like yourselves, right? njXo8uBHiPQ-00632-00227037-00227498 It's because politics and all of these other sort njXo8uBHiPQ-00633-00227498-00228036 of insidious ways of getting people to think a certain way njXo8uBHiPQ-00634-00228036-00228433 have been a sort of cloud over the way njXo8uBHiPQ-00635-00228433-00228804 that we think as human beings and that we view each other. njXo8uBHiPQ-00636-00228804-00229002 So I think Reverend Barber's movement njXo8uBHiPQ-00637-00229002-00229206 is one that is gaining momentum and I njXo8uBHiPQ-00638-00229206-00229596 think that it's great for us, especially njXo8uBHiPQ-00639-00229596-00230207 in a Trump America in 2018. njXo8uBHiPQ-00640-00230207-00230452 Thank you. njXo8uBHiPQ-00641-00230452-00230598 Thank you for that question. njXo8uBHiPQ-00642-00231530-00231751 Got to press the-- underneath, the press the button njXo8uBHiPQ-00643-00231751-00231801 underneath. njXo8uBHiPQ-00644-00231801-00231910 Press the box. njXo8uBHiPQ-00645-00231910-00232094 Press the box, OK. njXo8uBHiPQ-00646-00232094-00232267 The bottom. njXo8uBHiPQ-00647-00232267-00232365 Oh! njXo8uBHiPQ-00648-00232365-00232611 OK. njXo8uBHiPQ-00649-00232611-00232951 OK, there it is. njXo8uBHiPQ-00650-00232951-00233047 OK. njXo8uBHiPQ-00651-00233047-00233190 Well, my name's Mufasa. njXo8uBHiPQ-00652-00233190-00233507 I'm one of the Black Scholars in the Umoja Program. njXo8uBHiPQ-00653-00233507-00233693 [APPLAUSE, SCATTERED CHEERS] njXo8uBHiPQ-00654-00233926-00234211 I had a question on, you were speaking about a speech njXo8uBHiPQ-00655-00234211-00234386 that Martin Luther King, in the beginning, njXo8uBHiPQ-00656-00234386-00234578 could have gave at his church. njXo8uBHiPQ-00657-00234578-00234788 M And I just really didn't catch that njXo8uBHiPQ-00658-00234788-00234985 and I was kind of wondering if you could speak njXo8uBHiPQ-00659-00234985-00235209 a little bit more on that. njXo8uBHiPQ-00660-00235209-00235267 Yeah. njXo8uBHiPQ-00661-00235267-00235612 Well, this was a speech that was never-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00662-00235612-00235815 it never happened. njXo8uBHiPQ-00663-00235815-00236165 I think it was a day later, or the following week, where njXo8uBHiPQ-00664-00236165-00236332 Dr. King was assassinated. njXo8uBHiPQ-00665-00236332-00236681 But I think the title of the speeches is important for us njXo8uBHiPQ-00666-00236681-00236936 to view this radical Woke King. njXo8uBHiPQ-00667-00236936-00237452 That King was really coming to consciousness njXo8uBHiPQ-00668-00237452-00237902 about what it meant to be a person of color in America. njXo8uBHiPQ-00669-00237902-00238211 Not only a person of color, but to belong njXo8uBHiPQ-00670-00238211-00238606 to a certain economic class in the United States. njXo8uBHiPQ-00671-00238606-00238781 And obviously, the title of that sermon njXo8uBHiPQ-00672-00238781-00239282 was "Why America May Go to Hell." njXo8uBHiPQ-00673-00239282-00239473 And it's important to know that-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00674-00239473-00239690 I mean, I'm sure a lot of you have been hearing this njXo8uBHiPQ-00675-00239690-00239919 throughout the week-- that the latter King njXo8uBHiPQ-00676-00239919-00240113 was very unpopular, right? njXo8uBHiPQ-00677-00240113-00240401 With his own allies, with his own community, njXo8uBHiPQ-00678-00240401-00240863 just because he was starting to sort of connect njXo8uBHiPQ-00679-00240863-00241061 these things to the way-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00680-00241061-00241594 systemically how America has designed and has been designed njXo8uBHiPQ-00681-00241594-00241873 to oppress and marginalize people of color, njXo8uBHiPQ-00682-00241873-00242096 and especially poor whites. njXo8uBHiPQ-00683-00242096-00242426 King was an advocate of the Appalachian whites njXo8uBHiPQ-00684-00242426-00242841 in Virginia in trying to mobilize them also in-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00685-00242841-00243140 their living conditions and getting better wages there. njXo8uBHiPQ-00686-00243140-00243353 But it was definitely a sermon that never happened. njXo8uBHiPQ-00687-00243353-00243715 I would have loved to hear that sermon, to be honest with you. njXo8uBHiPQ-00688-00244675-00244785 Can you hear me? njXo8uBHiPQ-00689-00244785-00244857 Yeah. njXo8uBHiPQ-00690-00244857-00244907 OK. njXo8uBHiPQ-00691-00244907-00245013 My name is Michaela. njXo8uBHiPQ-00692-00245013-00245220 I'm a part of the [INAUDIBLE] as well. njXo8uBHiPQ-00693-00245220-00245436 My question was, in your perspective, njXo8uBHiPQ-00694-00245436-00245834 what do you feel agents of racial injustice njXo8uBHiPQ-00695-00245834-00246211 could do to be more of an ally of the targeted group. njXo8uBHiPQ-00696-00246211-00246938 And what could the targeted group do to be [INAUDIBLE]?? njXo8uBHiPQ-00697-00246938-00247276 Yeah, so that's a good question. njXo8uBHiPQ-00698-00247276-00247396 That's an important question. njXo8uBHiPQ-00699-00247700-00248078 As a pastor, one of the things that I've tried to do njXo8uBHiPQ-00700-00248078-00248480 and embody when I go around preaching nowadays njXo8uBHiPQ-00701-00248480-00248873 is that I'm very intentional in the language that I use, right? njXo8uBHiPQ-00702-00248873-00249257 So racism is racism. njXo8uBHiPQ-00703-00249257-00249946 I think we've been far too long sort of in this space out there njXo8uBHiPQ-00704-00249946-00250396 where it's become difficult for us to say that that's racist, njXo8uBHiPQ-00705-00250396-00250880 or that's misogynistic, or that's homophobic. njXo8uBHiPQ-00706-00250880-00251063 There are so many things that keep us njXo8uBHiPQ-00707-00251063-00251378 from coming to concrete decisions in our lives. njXo8uBHiPQ-00708-00251378-00251644 And for me, for those who are agents, njXo8uBHiPQ-00709-00251644-00252161 if I'm understanding your question, of racial injustice, njXo8uBHiPQ-00710-00252161-00252416 I think there's hope there, because a lot of people njXo8uBHiPQ-00711-00252416-00252787 are misinformed, and it's about re-educating people. njXo8uBHiPQ-00712-00252787-00252929 It's about really getting in there njXo8uBHiPQ-00713-00252929-00253275 and having those conversations with them. njXo8uBHiPQ-00714-00253275-00253717 As Jalissa mentioned, I attend Boston University, njXo8uBHiPQ-00715-00253717-00254257 which is where Dr. King received his PhD while he was there. njXo8uBHiPQ-00716-00254257-00254538 Well, that's very interesting to me, njXo8uBHiPQ-00717-00254538-00254771 is that you have this legacy of Dr. King, njXo8uBHiPQ-00718-00254771-00255039 but it's a predominantly white school. njXo8uBHiPQ-00719-00255039-00255578 And so that's something that was important to me when I said, njXo8uBHiPQ-00720-00255578-00255815 you know, I'm just going to plant myself njXo8uBHiPQ-00721-00255815-00256079 into this white space when I'm in Boston. njXo8uBHiPQ-00722-00256079-00256427 I'll go with my family once in a while, and I'll go to Cambridge njXo8uBHiPQ-00723-00256427-00256829 and visit an all-white congregation. njXo8uBHiPQ-00724-00256829-00257084 So personally, that's what I do is njXo8uBHiPQ-00725-00257084-00257494 I've embraced this ethic of intentionality njXo8uBHiPQ-00726-00257494-00257917 to be in certain places, because I don't believe all whites who njXo8uBHiPQ-00727-00257917-00258113 are uninformed are deplorable. njXo8uBHiPQ-00728-00258113-00258692 I don't believe that people of different religious identities njXo8uBHiPQ-00729-00258692-00259298 are any less important for the fabric of this country njXo8uBHiPQ-00730-00259298-00259473 than Christians are. njXo8uBHiPQ-00731-00259473-00259655 And so these are the things that I've njXo8uBHiPQ-00732-00259655-00259942 been trying to do on my own. njXo8uBHiPQ-00733-00259942-00260136 Obviously, everyone has their way. njXo8uBHiPQ-00734-00260136-00260600 And it's about sometimes putting yourself njXo8uBHiPQ-00735-00260600-00260846 in a zone of discomfort. njXo8uBHiPQ-00736-00260846-00260984 But this is the way that I do it. njXo8uBHiPQ-00737-00260984-00261182 And I do this as an activist, and I do this njXo8uBHiPQ-00738-00261182-00261428 also in my personal time. njXo8uBHiPQ-00739-00261428-00261608 I don't know if that answers your question. njXo8uBHiPQ-00740-00261608-00261703 Thank you. njXo8uBHiPQ-00741-00261987-00262037 OK. njXo8uBHiPQ-00742-00262418-00262728 How do you deal with people who-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00743-00262728-00262942 as a good Christian, how do you deal njXo8uBHiPQ-00744-00262942-00263320 with people who take to heart the exclusionary messages njXo8uBHiPQ-00745-00263320-00263489 from Scripture? njXo8uBHiPQ-00746-00263489-00263876 Because they are there, and it's something njXo8uBHiPQ-00747-00263876-00264214 I always wrestle with when I'm talking with people njXo8uBHiPQ-00748-00264214-00264592 or interacting with people who take those messages to heart. njXo8uBHiPQ-00749-00264592-00264873 How do you respond to that? njXo8uBHiPQ-00750-00264873-00265247 Exclusionary messages-- can you give me some context? njXo8uBHiPQ-00751-00265247-00265655 Things like the messages condemning things njXo8uBHiPQ-00752-00265655-00265945 like homosexuality in the Bible. njXo8uBHiPQ-00753-00265945-00266264 That's what comes to mind most readily. njXo8uBHiPQ-00754-00266264-00266314 OK. njXo8uBHiPQ-00755-00266314-00266486 You're trying to get me in trouble, huh? njXo8uBHiPQ-00756-00266486-00266536 No, no-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00757-00266536-00266736 [LAUGHTER] njXo8uBHiPQ-00758-00266736-00266831 I'm still a pastor. njXo8uBHiPQ-00759-00266831-00267002 I can't get revoked anytime. njXo8uBHiPQ-00760-00267002-00267244 I'm not worried about that. njXo8uBHiPQ-00761-00267244-00267439 I say for people who read sacred texts njXo8uBHiPQ-00762-00267439-00267772 that there's a context to those sacred texts. njXo8uBHiPQ-00763-00267772-00267990 It's just like anything that we read today. njXo8uBHiPQ-00764-00267990-00268231 There is a context to those texts. njXo8uBHiPQ-00765-00268231-00268652 I cannot interpret a text that's written today in 3,000 years njXo8uBHiPQ-00766-00268652-00269062 and for that message to maintain its integrity in the same way njXo8uBHiPQ-00767-00269062-00269152 that we do the Bible. njXo8uBHiPQ-00768-00269428-00269860 The Bible is full of messages and contradictions. njXo8uBHiPQ-00769-00269860-00270148 And this is coming from a theologian. njXo8uBHiPQ-00770-00270148-00270385 But as a theologian, what I try to take out njXo8uBHiPQ-00771-00270385-00270518 of these sacred texts-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00772-00270518-00270826 and I'm sure others do in different religious njXo8uBHiPQ-00773-00270826-00270930 traditions-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00774-00270930-00271369 is I take out the core message. njXo8uBHiPQ-00775-00271369-00271711 That's what maintains the integrity of anything. njXo8uBHiPQ-00776-00271711-00271993 It's the same way that we read into this Constitution njXo8uBHiPQ-00777-00271993-00272161 of the United States. njXo8uBHiPQ-00778-00272161-00272494 We know that that document was not made for half of us njXo8uBHiPQ-00779-00272494-00272623 in this room. njXo8uBHiPQ-00780-00272623-00272923 It was not made to protect the rights of half of us njXo8uBHiPQ-00781-00272923-00273090 in this room. njXo8uBHiPQ-00782-00273090-00273588 But in some way, we have taken this document njXo8uBHiPQ-00783-00273588-00273883 and formed movements around it to make sure njXo8uBHiPQ-00784-00273883-00274416 that this document holds us-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00785-00274416-00274681 this document is held accountable to people of color njXo8uBHiPQ-00786-00274681-00274795 in this country. njXo8uBHiPQ-00787-00274795-00275059 And I would approach the sacred text njXo8uBHiPQ-00788-00275059-00275359 of the biblical scriptures, the Hebrew text and the New njXo8uBHiPQ-00789-00275359-00275673 Testament, in the same way. njXo8uBHiPQ-00790-00275673-00275907 Things look different. njXo8uBHiPQ-00791-00275907-00276235 And I've got to say this, that we njXo8uBHiPQ-00792-00276235-00276550 have been highlighting the legacy of Dr. King njXo8uBHiPQ-00793-00276550-00276688 throughout this whole week. njXo8uBHiPQ-00794-00276688-00276987 But I was talking with my cousin, Pastor Lena Thompson, njXo8uBHiPQ-00795-00276987-00277099 who's also here. njXo8uBHiPQ-00796-00277099-00277925 Many of us are not aware that Dr. King was also misogynistic. njXo8uBHiPQ-00797-00277925-00278332 Dr. King was also homophobic. njXo8uBHiPQ-00798-00278332-00278784 Dr. King was a man of his context njXo8uBHiPQ-00799-00278784-00279137 that focused on a certain movement to make-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00800-00279137-00279456 so he dealt in sort of steps. njXo8uBHiPQ-00801-00279456-00279688 And this is how movements work. njXo8uBHiPQ-00802-00279688-00279970 A lot of women were not allowed to be at the forefront njXo8uBHiPQ-00803-00279970-00280165 of the Civil Rights movement. njXo8uBHiPQ-00804-00280165-00280411 Bayard Rustin, who was a gay man who njXo8uBHiPQ-00805-00280411-00280648 organized the March on Washington, njXo8uBHiPQ-00806-00280648-00281023 was not allowed to take credit officially for that move, njXo8uBHiPQ-00807-00281023-00281359 because it may tarnish the image of the Civil Rights movement njXo8uBHiPQ-00808-00281359-00281596 because of his gayness. njXo8uBHiPQ-00809-00281596-00282151 So we have to really look at reality and deal with history njXo8uBHiPQ-00810-00282151-00282379 as we have it. njXo8uBHiPQ-00811-00282379-00282842 Unfortunately, there are those who revise this history. njXo8uBHiPQ-00812-00282842-00283260 But I ask people to do the same work with the biblical texts njXo8uBHiPQ-00813-00283260-00283439 and in the way that we live today njXo8uBHiPQ-00814-00283439-00283836 and the way that we lift up these powerful figures njXo8uBHiPQ-00815-00283836-00284097 in our history. njXo8uBHiPQ-00816-00284097-00284368 Would you think that religion plays njXo8uBHiPQ-00817-00284368-00284882 a good part in ancient politics, as a theologian? njXo8uBHiPQ-00818-00284882-00285141 In ancient politics? njXo8uBHiPQ-00819-00285141-00285451 Can you define ancient politics, give me some context njXo8uBHiPQ-00820-00285451-00285637 so I can answer your question? njXo8uBHiPQ-00821-00285637-00285863 The way that ancient society used njXo8uBHiPQ-00822-00285863-00286389 to play out in political roles, like the old governments njXo8uBHiPQ-00823-00286389-00286487 and that kind of thing. njXo8uBHiPQ-00824-00286784-00287101 Well, I think we live in the 21st century. njXo8uBHiPQ-00825-00287101-00287544 And with all societies, we progress njXo8uBHiPQ-00826-00287544-00288096 towards laws and legislations and policies and governments njXo8uBHiPQ-00827-00288096-00288396 and systems and frameworks that serve the better njXo8uBHiPQ-00828-00288396-00288772 interests of everyone. njXo8uBHiPQ-00829-00288772-00289113 I don't think that the way we function right now njXo8uBHiPQ-00830-00289113-00289408 is very ancient, according to American history standards. njXo8uBHiPQ-00831-00289408-00289554 It's an ancient way of functioning, njXo8uBHiPQ-00832-00289554-00289917 because it still functions under very oppressive systems-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00833-00289917-00290190 white supremacist systems, privileging certain classes njXo8uBHiPQ-00834-00290190-00290385 of people, you know? njXo8uBHiPQ-00835-00290385-00290937 So I think it's up to people to design a government njXo8uBHiPQ-00836-00290937-00291340 and to make sure that those governments serve them, njXo8uBHiPQ-00837-00291340-00291500 alongside everyone else. njXo8uBHiPQ-00838-00292487-00292715 This is your chance to ask a theologian all your God njXo8uBHiPQ-00839-00292715-00293059 questions before my time's up. njXo8uBHiPQ-00840-00293059-00293301 Hello. njXo8uBHiPQ-00841-00293301-00293592 My name's DiJon. njXo8uBHiPQ-00842-00293592-00294077 My question for you is that-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00843-00294077-00294806 so thinking about back historically how we had two njXo8uBHiPQ-00844-00294806-00295436 separate-- you had black Wall Street and white Wall Street. njXo8uBHiPQ-00845-00295436-00295661 And one of the things that made one njXo8uBHiPQ-00846-00295661-00296045 of the marches and the movements very successful njXo8uBHiPQ-00847-00296045-00296837 is because financially, we could fund our own movement. njXo8uBHiPQ-00848-00296837-00297019 Would that not be in play right now? njXo8uBHiPQ-00849-00297019-00297149 What would be some suggestions? njXo8uBHiPQ-00850-00297149-00297444 Because I think that's the way to bring attention to them is njXo8uBHiPQ-00851-00297444-00298138 is when we stop supporting those things that keep us suppressed. njXo8uBHiPQ-00852-00298138-00298336 So when we stop supporting those things njXo8uBHiPQ-00853-00298336-00298662 and become financially stable on our own as a society, njXo8uBHiPQ-00854-00298662-00298913 as a separate group, I think that's what njXo8uBHiPQ-00855-00298913-00299330 makes them hear the difference and react to those changes. njXo8uBHiPQ-00856-00299330-00299665 So reaching back to that, are there any suggestions njXo8uBHiPQ-00857-00299665-00300073 that you have in regards to how do we become now, njXo8uBHiPQ-00858-00300073-00300789 being a financially stable society in that movement? njXo8uBHiPQ-00859-00300789-00300960 That's an amazing question. njXo8uBHiPQ-00860-00300960-00301449 I would sort of real quickly address that. njXo8uBHiPQ-00861-00301449-00301690 Racism is profitable. njXo8uBHiPQ-00862-00301690-00301904 It's profitable for white supremacy. njXo8uBHiPQ-00863-00301904-00302603 It's profitable to be in control of the certain systems that njXo8uBHiPQ-00864-00302603-00302885 are designed to make sure that you don't economically njXo8uBHiPQ-00865-00302885-00303245 prosper in this country. njXo8uBHiPQ-00866-00303245-00303414 The second part of that, I always say, njXo8uBHiPQ-00867-00303414-00303624 go watch Black Panther. njXo8uBHiPQ-00868-00303624-00303820 Everyone in this room, go watch Black Panther. njXo8uBHiPQ-00869-00303820-00304079 It's about supporting your people. njXo8uBHiPQ-00870-00304079-00304514 It's about me as a Samoan person going into the Black Lives njXo8uBHiPQ-00871-00304514-00304820 Matter movement in New York City and standing in solidarity njXo8uBHiPQ-00872-00304820-00305060 with them, supporting black-owned businesses njXo8uBHiPQ-00873-00305060-00305291 alongside Samoan-owned businesses, njXo8uBHiPQ-00874-00305291-00305560 supporting Asian businesses and clothing companies njXo8uBHiPQ-00875-00305560-00306060 alongside black clothing companies and businesses. njXo8uBHiPQ-00876-00306060-00306540 And this is not to say that this is in any way, njXo8uBHiPQ-00877-00306540-00306781 shape, or form divisive. njXo8uBHiPQ-00878-00306781-00307167 We know that white privilege exists in this country. njXo8uBHiPQ-00879-00307167-00307484 We know that white supremacy is insidious njXo8uBHiPQ-00880-00307484-00307846 and is designed to make sure that we fail. njXo8uBHiPQ-00881-00307846-00308261 So what we've got to do, we've got to pull up the boot straps njXo8uBHiPQ-00882-00308261-00308465 and make sure that we go into those spaces njXo8uBHiPQ-00883-00308465-00308903 and support our people, no matter what differences we njXo8uBHiPQ-00884-00308903-00309218 have with each other. njXo8uBHiPQ-00885-00309218-00309729 The larger and bigger picture is that we prosper. njXo8uBHiPQ-00886-00309729-00310082 And we not only think of times of today, njXo8uBHiPQ-00887-00310082-00310407 but we have to be visionaries like Dr. King was. njXo8uBHiPQ-00888-00310407-00310668 And imagine 50 years from now where njXo8uBHiPQ-00889-00310668-00310848 would the African-American struggle njXo8uBHiPQ-00890-00310848-00311431 be for freedom, and Malcolm X, and W.E.B Du Bois, or Cesar njXo8uBHiPQ-00891-00311431-00311676 Chavez, or Gandhi in India. njXo8uBHiPQ-00892-00311676-00312020 They were visionaries that thought way ahead of their time njXo8uBHiPQ-00893-00312020-00312425 to make sure that people had opportunities and lived njXo8uBHiPQ-00894-00312425-00312626 in an equal society. njXo8uBHiPQ-00895-00312626-00312810 So you're very right on point tonight. njXo8uBHiPQ-00896-00312810-00313075 You actually answered your own question, you know what I mean? njXo8uBHiPQ-00897-00313075-00313306 It's about just supporting each other njXo8uBHiPQ-00898-00313306-00313631 and being there for each other, no matter whether you're njXo8uBHiPQ-00899-00313631-00313944 black, Asian, Asian, or Latino. njXo8uBHiPQ-00900-00313944-00314254 It really is about standing in solidarity with each other, njXo8uBHiPQ-00901-00314254-00314438 as we do when we're out there on the streets njXo8uBHiPQ-00902-00314438-00314596 protesting and demonstrating. njXo8uBHiPQ-00903-00315337-00315732 My man got a lot of questions. njXo8uBHiPQ-00904-00315732-00315782 Go ahead. njXo8uBHiPQ-00905-00316247-00316440 I was asking-- I don't know-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00906-00316440-00316634 I was just trying to pick your head about it. njXo8uBHiPQ-00907-00316634-00316875 Do you think a lot of African Americans are caught njXo8uBHiPQ-00908-00316875-00317348 [INAUDIBLE] because of not being-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00909-00317348-00317594 I don't know how to explain it-- not being comfortable njXo8uBHiPQ-00910-00317594-00318035 with their own culture, I guess, that they kind of assimilate njXo8uBHiPQ-00911-00318035-00318388 to the more dominant Do you think that that usually njXo8uBHiPQ-00912-00318388-00318476 happens a lot more? njXo8uBHiPQ-00913-00318476-00318842 And I was just trying to pick your head about [INAUDIBLE].. njXo8uBHiPQ-00914-00318842-00319005 Well, I'm not going to offer commentary njXo8uBHiPQ-00915-00319005-00319275 about that, because I'm not an African American. njXo8uBHiPQ-00916-00319275-00319733 But I will speak from the Samoan perspective, that njXo8uBHiPQ-00917-00319733-00320039 can give you sort of an idea. njXo8uBHiPQ-00918-00320039-00320387 Assimilation is a huge part-- part of colonialism and part njXo8uBHiPQ-00919-00320387-00320750 of white supremacy is not only exclusion, but it's also-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00920-00320750-00320930 I was speaking with my cousin about this. njXo8uBHiPQ-00921-00320930-00321161 It's also belonging. njXo8uBHiPQ-00922-00321161-00321530 It's also belonging to the dominant racial category. njXo8uBHiPQ-00923-00321530-00322130 It's also belonging to the dominant economic class system. njXo8uBHiPQ-00924-00322130-00322544 And we see this today in our administration. njXo8uBHiPQ-00925-00322544-00322895 We saw this a couple of days ago. njXo8uBHiPQ-00926-00322895-00323048 You have Latino. njXo8uBHiPQ-00927-00323048-00323156 You have black. njXo8uBHiPQ-00928-00323156-00323660 You have also Pacific Islanders who support njXo8uBHiPQ-00929-00323660-00323885 a very divisive administration. njXo8uBHiPQ-00930-00323885-00324059 And it makes you wonder and think njXo8uBHiPQ-00931-00324059-00324392 about what motivates that. njXo8uBHiPQ-00932-00324392-00324707 So you're going to always have those characters njXo8uBHiPQ-00933-00324707-00324866 and those individuals in the struggle. njXo8uBHiPQ-00934-00324866-00325433 But do not let those instances discourage you njXo8uBHiPQ-00935-00325433-00325697 from the larger and bigger picture, which is njXo8uBHiPQ-00936-00325697-00326033 all of your people, everyone. njXo8uBHiPQ-00937-00326033-00326741 So I think this notion of strength in numbers and people njXo8uBHiPQ-00938-00326741-00327173 coming together in solidarity has done well for all of us njXo8uBHiPQ-00939-00327173-00327455 and will continue to serve us in very well purposes njXo8uBHiPQ-00940-00327455-00327670 as we move forward. njXo8uBHiPQ-00941-00327670-00327887 But I won't offer commentary on the African-American njXo8uBHiPQ-00942-00327887-00327999 experience. njXo8uBHiPQ-00943-00327999-00328406 But in my cultural context of Samoan, njXo8uBHiPQ-00944-00328406-00328621 yeah, there's a lot of brown-nosers out there, njXo8uBHiPQ-00945-00328621-00328766 and there's a lot of them out there njXo8uBHiPQ-00946-00328766-00329270 that sort of think that they belong to a certain category njXo8uBHiPQ-00947-00329270-00329483 because they want to belong there, because it means njXo8uBHiPQ-00948-00329483-00329759 a certain status, it means a certain way njXo8uBHiPQ-00949-00329759-00329962 of living in privilege. njXo8uBHiPQ-00950-00329962-00330182 So I don't know if that answers your question. njXo8uBHiPQ-00951-00330182-00330272 Yeah, it does. njXo8uBHiPQ-00952-00330272-00330622 Yeah, thank you. njXo8uBHiPQ-00953-00330622-00330672 Oh, OK. njXo8uBHiPQ-00954-00330672-00330882 My name is Shawa, and I have a question. njXo8uBHiPQ-00955-00330882-00330967 Yes. njXo8uBHiPQ-00956-00330967-00331284 OK, so when I think about symbolism, njXo8uBHiPQ-00957-00331284-00331595 and I think about the Bible, even, like, njXo8uBHiPQ-00958-00331595-00331980 the flag that they use to represent this country, njXo8uBHiPQ-00959-00331980-00332308 and historically, what are associated with those things, njXo8uBHiPQ-00960-00332308-00332683 I think of how many of my people were njXo8uBHiPQ-00961-00332683-00333136 lynched under the representation of that flag, njXo8uBHiPQ-00962-00333136-00333439 who hung from trees, tarred, feathered, njXo8uBHiPQ-00963-00333439-00333730 under the representation and interpretation njXo8uBHiPQ-00964-00333730-00333830 of those scriptures. njXo8uBHiPQ-00965-00333830-00334558 And it makes me wonder how do you reconcile this in your mind njXo8uBHiPQ-00966-00334558-00335303 that you should, I don't know, follow, I guess, like, njXo8uBHiPQ-00967-00335303-00335573 this Christian god or whatever. njXo8uBHiPQ-00968-00335573-00335791 But it's the very same symbol that's njXo8uBHiPQ-00969-00335791-00336007 been used to dehumanize and demean and break njXo8uBHiPQ-00970-00336007-00336266 the spirit of not only my people, but yours as well. njXo8uBHiPQ-00971-00336266-00336476 Right, right. njXo8uBHiPQ-00972-00336476-00336526 Yeah. njXo8uBHiPQ-00973-00336860-00337195 [SIDE CONVERSATION] njXo8uBHiPQ-00974-00337387-00337555 That was a brilliant question. njXo8uBHiPQ-00975-00337929-00338319 Slavery, colonialism, all of these things, njXo8uBHiPQ-00976-00338319-00338568 Christianity has been sort of-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00977-00338885-00339123 Christianity has not been good to my people, njXo8uBHiPQ-00978-00339123-00339392 has not been good to the African-American people, njXo8uBHiPQ-00979-00339392-00339641 has not been good to the Latin American njXo8uBHiPQ-00980-00339641-00339860 experience and the Caribbean. njXo8uBHiPQ-00981-00339860-00340190 It's pretty much been a very destructive force njXo8uBHiPQ-00982-00340190-00340429 in the history of humanity and society. njXo8uBHiPQ-00983-00340696-00341265 But part of the hope in me is sort of the message njXo8uBHiPQ-00984-00341265-00341568 that I take out of this Christian gospel. njXo8uBHiPQ-00985-00341568-00341820 I'm conscious that this message has njXo8uBHiPQ-00986-00341820-00342309 been used, in a certain way, to promote dominion njXo8uBHiPQ-00987-00342309-00342480 and power over certain people. njXo8uBHiPQ-00988-00342808-00342991 I can give you a good example. njXo8uBHiPQ-00989-00342991-00343471 James Cone wrote a book called The Cross and the Lynching njXo8uBHiPQ-00990-00343471-00343716 Tree. njXo8uBHiPQ-00991-00343716-00344484 So for the black American experience, njXo8uBHiPQ-00992-00344484-00344949 this is gospel of pain and suffering njXo8uBHiPQ-00993-00344949-00345306 that leads to liberation and freedom njXo8uBHiPQ-00994-00345306-00345624 and reconciliation was something that njXo8uBHiPQ-00995-00345624-00346418 carried people who underwent slavery throughout three, njXo8uBHiPQ-00996-00346418-00346593 four hundred years. njXo8uBHiPQ-00997-00346593-00347331 So in this very weird and absurd way, the gospel was in terms-- njXo8uBHiPQ-00998-00347331-00347752 as far as the gospel of white people was oppressing them. njXo8uBHiPQ-00999-00347752-00348252 But it was also proving to be this religious faith njXo8uBHiPQ-01000-00348252-00348917 identity that gave them hope in the sacrifice of Jesus njXo8uBHiPQ-01001-00348917-00349128 and the Resurrection. njXo8uBHiPQ-01002-00349128-00349559 So I would say with all religious identities, njXo8uBHiPQ-01003-00349559-00349815 there is a certain way that those texts njXo8uBHiPQ-01004-00349815-00350043 have been designed-- njXo8uBHiPQ-01005-00350043-00350393 there's a certain way that those texts have been interpreted. njXo8uBHiPQ-01006-00350393-00350742 One theologian says that the gospel of Jesus njXo8uBHiPQ-01007-00350742-00350922 stopped being the gospel of Jesus njXo8uBHiPQ-01008-00350922-00351271 when the state endorsed it in the fourth century. njXo8uBHiPQ-01009-00351271-00351494 Once the Roman Empire endorsed it, njXo8uBHiPQ-01010-00351494-00351855 it ceased to be the gospel of Jesus-- njXo8uBHiPQ-01011-00351855-00352323 now dominion and suffering and oppression njXo8uBHiPQ-01012-00352323-00352777 under this guise of the gospel of Jesus because religion njXo8uBHiPQ-01013-00352777-00352974 mobilizes people. njXo8uBHiPQ-01014-00352974-00353451 It brings people together in spaces that politics can't do. njXo8uBHiPQ-01015-00353451-00353850 And once you do that, it sort of becomes njXo8uBHiPQ-01016-00353850-00354408 this tool of governments and colonial powers and slave njXo8uBHiPQ-01017-00354408-00354588 masters. njXo8uBHiPQ-01018-00354588-00354951 So I mean, not to interpret anyone's faith, njXo8uBHiPQ-01019-00354951-00355521 but for me, there is hope even in that very painful history njXo8uBHiPQ-01020-00355521-00355710 of the Christian gospel, because it's njXo8uBHiPQ-01021-00355710-00355996 the history that's painful for me, the way njXo8uBHiPQ-01022-00355996-00356230 that that history has been interpreted, njXo8uBHiPQ-01023-00356230-00356689 the way that that history and the way that those texts became njXo8uBHiPQ-01024-00356689-00356996 very, very oppressive to my people. njXo8uBHiPQ-01025-00356996-00357350 But I like to center on, as I said, njXo8uBHiPQ-01026-00357350-00357783 the core founding principles of Christianity, which njXo8uBHiPQ-01027-00357783-00358092 is love, justice, community, nurturing, njXo8uBHiPQ-01028-00358092-00358525 faith in each other, equality, and things like that. njXo8uBHiPQ-01029-00358525-00358824 I don't know if that answers your question, because I feel njXo8uBHiPQ-01030-00358824-00359235 like it's a very deep question, and 10 or 15 njXo8uBHiPQ-01031-00359235-00359644 minutes of commentary will hardly do it it any justice. njXo8uBHiPQ-01032-00359644-00360101 But I try to focus on what's good in faith. njXo8uBHiPQ-01033-00360101-00360436 [APPLAUSE] o4Fqa9E3dwu-00000-00000337-00000521 There aren't many stars in my life o4Fqa9E3dwu-00001-00000522-00000718 But yours shines the brightest o4Fqa9E3dwu-00002-00000761-00000935 It’s the prettiest colour o4Fqa9E3dwu-00003-00000973-00001151 It has a warm feeling to it o4Fqa9E3dwu-00004-00001182-00001261 I love it o4Fqa9E3dwu-00005-00001295-00001418 I want more of it o4Fqa9E3dwu-00006-00001465-00001655 I can never have enough of it o4Fqa9E3dwu-00007-00001655-00001779 I want it all o4Fqa9E3dwu-00008-00001820-00002020 And that still wouldn’t be enough of it o4Fqa9E3dwu-00009-00002060-00002260 Just how is it so good? o4Fqa9E3dwu-00010-00002296-00002565 Every second with it feels like nothing could be better o4Fqa9E3dwu-00011-00002623-00002823 The best seconds imaginable o4Fqa9E3dwu-00012-00002863-00003063 I’m happy I have this star in my life o4Fqa9E3dwu-00013-00003118-00003243 Every time I look at it o4Fqa9E3dwu-00014-00003243-00003403 I can’t stop smiling o4Fqa9E3dwu-00015-00003543-00003776 Sometimes it’s visibly or audibly crying o4Fqa9E3dwu-00016-00003776-00003987 And it looks to me for comfort o4Fqa9E3dwu-00017-00003987-00004358 We hug and it cries into me while I try my best to make things better o4Fqa9E3dwu-00018-00004358-00004502 And maybe I can’t o4Fqa9E3dwu-00019-00004502-00004648 But I still want to try o4Fqa9E3dwu-00020-00004912-00005052 I love the star o4Fqa9E3dwu-00021-00005052-00005231 And it loves me o4Fqa9E3dwu-00022-00005231-00005416 I want to have it with me forever o55FtTPcJTY-00000-00000080-00000896 over a hundred new people, including nash has just watched my video, and that only took an hour after o55FtTPcJTY-00001-00000896-00001408 i started the promotion on nick dc ivany's new video. no wonder it was doing so well. it only took o55FtTPcJTY-00002-00001408-00001928 about 15 minutes for you to feel the effects. i was also getting over 100 at one point, and it was from o55FtTPcJTY-00003-00001928-00002336 all single video, and that was from the new video i was promoting, and that was four hours ago, by the o55FtTPcJTY-00004-00002336-00003008 way. after you stop posting my links by now, and no wonder my video was about to blow up. there. that is o55FtTPcJTY-00005-00003008-00003704 because the video blew up, and the same happens to my video. see, so i was leaving a set of links. and o55FtTPcJTY-00006-00003784-00004288 that's what happened. also, dash was getting most of its extra views from that one video, o55FtTPcJTY-00007-00004288-00004640 you just suggested videos getting a lot of extra views, and it was getting three or o55FtTPcJTY-00008-00004640-00005272 four views every hour at one point, and now it's time to just one. now, the channel is not the that o55FtTPcJTY-00009-00005272-00006032 same, but my channel right now is getting over 40 views per hour on average. no wonder it's doing so o55FtTPcJTY-00010-00006032-00006472 well because of that video. i hope it's gonna go on trending, and if it does, i'll get more than o55FtTPcJTY-00011-00006472-00007008 4 000 views from that video, and it's going to continue on forever. o5wapjpJ0OY-00000-00000000-00000117 The secret cash flow stream I use everyday o5KgNINRIjM-00000-00000000-00000298 Monika Jaskólska came up with an oryginal idea. o5KgNINRIjM-00001-00000298-00000816 She saw a picture on Tom Hanks' twitter with fiat 126p. o5KgNINRIjM-00002-00000816-00001216 She decided to gift this iconic car to him. o5KgNINRIjM-00003-00001216-00001839 The only car, that was old enough to consider it as antique, was found in Suwałki. o5KgNINRIjM-00004-00001839-00002528 Fiat 126p look quite awful now. But soon it will be renovate o5KgNINRIjM-00005-00002528-00002816 It's going to Bielsk biały where it will be renovated, for about 3 months. o5KgNINRIjM-00006-00002824-00003370 Cause we assume it will take a lot to make this car great again. o5KgNINRIjM-00007-00003370-00003692 Then we will put it on plain to Los Angeles. o5KgNINRIjM-00008-00003692-00003904 This car is adressed to Tom Hanks? o5KgNINRIjM-00009-00003904-00003984 Yes, Exacly. o5KgNINRIjM-00010-00003984-00004160 Does he expect it? o5KgNINRIjM-00011-00004160-00004936 Well i think he is slowly realizing about this suprise, cause the hype about it is becoming huge. o5KgNINRIjM-00012-00004936-00005360 Even western media are showing interest about it. o5KgNINRIjM-00013-00005382-00005600 How did you come with this idea? o5KgNINRIjM-00014-00005600-00006080 Well he took pictures with this car, even expressed his exciment about his new car. o5KgNINRIjM-00015-00006080-00006640 I don't know if he was joking or not, so that's why i wanted to bring the story of the car closer o5KgNINRIjM-00016-00006640-00006944 About how it was made, how much meaningful it is for us, it's iconic for us. o5KgNINRIjM-00017-00006944-00007544 And when he get to know more about it, cause i want to give him book about it, he will fall in love with it, just like us. o5KgNINRIjM-00018-00008544-00008766 Maluch was supposed to be suprise. o5KgNINRIjM-00019-00008766-00009406 But this happening is facing so much emotion it is possible Tom Hanks knows about it already. o5KgNINRIjM-00020-00009406-00010286 Even if rumors won't reach him, New York Time's is already covering an article about it. o5KgNINRIjM-00021-00010288-00010912 It's not only popular in Poland, i recieve lots of calls about it o5KgNINRIjM-00022-00010912-00011568 There won't be any suprise, but i still hope he loves it. o5KgNINRIjM-00023-00011568-00011920 To Monika Jaskólska as she stated herself: o5KgNINRIjM-00024-00011920-00012544 It's not about some blonde girl gifting Tom Hanks with car. o5KgNINRIjM-00025-00012544-00013216 It is a chance to promote Poland, Bielsk Biała where Maluch was produced o5KgNINRIjM-00026-00013216-00013600 and as it appears our city nearby Czarna Hańcza. o5KgNINRIjM-00027-00013600-00014208 Suwalki's Mayor Czesław Renkiewicz took the opportunity to gift Hollywood star some goods. o5KgNINRIjM-00028-00014208-00015168 This will as well work in favour for Bielsk Biała hospital's patients where saved up money will go. o7JEiFehtV8-00000-00000087-00000323 An American success story that's bigger than life. o7JEiFehtV8-00001-00000323-00000783 A fabric that works as tirelessly as the people behind it. o7JEiFehtV8-00002-00000783-00001032 Crypton doesn't sleep so that you can. o7JEiFehtV8-00003-00001032-00001508 No dog, kid, spouse or guest can take us down. o7JEiFehtV8-00004-00001508-00001795 Crypton makes being tough look so good. o7JEiFehtV8-00005-00001795-00002629 See what Crypton is all about today!fabric, unique fabric, water proofing o8MdaEq7ch0-00000-00001496-00001800 A false traditionalist schismatic named Eric Gajewski, o8MdaEq7ch0-00001-00001802-00002012 who goes by the name of TradCatKnight, o8MdaEq7ch0-00002-00002012-00002510 claims to have the “most viewed and followed traditional Catholic apostolate on the internet” o8MdaEq7ch0-00003-00002514-00002784 and over 300,000 followers on Twitter. o8MdaEq7ch0-00004-00002784-00003113 The truth is that Eric is a bad willed liar and fraud. o8MdaEq7ch0-00005-00003114-00003604 This is a website called Seoclerks which allows people to buy, sell and trade fake views, o8MdaEq7ch0-00006-00003608-00003790 followers, likes, etc. o8MdaEq7ch0-00007-00003790-00003985 This is TradCatKnight's account o8MdaEq7ch0-00008-00003985-00004350 and this is a post where he is advertising to buy fake website views. o8MdaEq7ch0-00009-00004353-00004811 He explicitly asks for keywords, uses the same picture of Crusaders o8MdaEq7ch0-00010-00004811-00005157 and a search on Google shows that even after 57 pages o8MdaEq7ch0-00011-00005157-00005345 the same TradCatKnight shows up. o8MdaEq7ch0-00012-00005346-00005590 This is definitely Eric Gajewski's account o8MdaEq7ch0-00013-00005594-00006040 and I believe it is the place where he buys most, if not all, of his fake followers and views. o8MdaEq7ch0-00014-00006040-00006456 He has left comments saying thanks to people he has purchased services from; o8MdaEq7ch0-00015-00006458-00006790 he says “you're the best” to a non-Catholic. o8MdaEq7ch0-00016-00006792-00006945 Eric is a deceiver. o8MdaEq7ch0-00017-00006948-00007269 Eric advertises in the 'want to buy' by section of his account. o8MdaEq7ch0-00018-00007269-00007718 He says he “needs forum posts” and wants Tumblr followers, o8MdaEq7ch0-00019-00007718-00008220 website views, forum members, blog comments, YouTube views, likes and subscribers, o8MdaEq7ch0-00020-00008220-00008558 as well as comments for his blog page and votes for his blog poll. o8MdaEq7ch0-00021-00008558-00008862 People then bid to sell their fake followers to him. o8MdaEq7ch0-00022-00008862-00009424 Eric also advertised in the Services section to write a review recommendation for $5 o8MdaEq7ch0-00023-00009424-00009802 He says he will write a very good review or recommendation for any website, o8MdaEq7ch0-00024-00009802-00010050 blog or article a person has. o8MdaEq7ch0-00025-00010050-00010562 According to this he is not excluding writing a recommendation for a website, blog or article o8MdaEq7ch0-00026-00010562-00011148 that promotes things like contraception, abortion, homosexuality, heresy or even Satanism. o8MdaEq7ch0-00027-00011148-00011512 He says he can even write multiple good reviews under a pen name o8MdaEq7ch0-00028-00011512-00011778 and that he will help them to build credibility. o8MdaEq7ch0-00029-00011779-00012109 He wants to be paid to write lies multiple times over. o8MdaEq7ch0-00030-00012109-00012519 Eric completely destroys his own credibility by offering this service. o8MdaEq7ch0-00031-00012519-00012807 Eric Gajewski recently interviewed Gerald Celente. o8MdaEq7ch0-00032-00012807-00013322 He advertised to buy 20,000 youtube views 21 hours before this clip was filmed. o8MdaEq7ch0-00033-00013322-00013875 Notice that his video of the interview with Celente was also uploaded 21 hours before. o8MdaEq7ch0-00034-00013875-00014188 Eric clearly wanted the fake views for this video. o8MdaEq7ch0-00035-00014188-00014669 YouTube shows that he has 22,393 views after 21 hours. o8MdaEq7ch0-00036-00014669-00014907 This is direct evidence of Eric's deception. o8MdaEq7ch0-00037-00014907-00015362 These clips were filmed at each hour for many of the first thirty-four hours after the video o8MdaEq7ch0-00038-00015362-00015458 was uploaded. o8MdaEq7ch0-00039-00015458-00015724 The view totals were then recorded for each period. o8MdaEq7ch0-00040-00015724-00016047 We can see that there are two ways in which the view totals move; o8MdaEq7ch0-00041-00016047-00016398 one moves more horizontally and the other more vertically. o8MdaEq7ch0-00042-00016399-00016861 Clearly the more vertical sections were the periods when the fake views were being added. o8MdaEq7ch0-00043-00016861-00017465 Eric also advertised for 1,000 likes on the next day, evidently to add to the same video. o8MdaEq7ch0-00044-00017465-00017983 However, after a number of hours the likes for the video we're still only at 37. o8MdaEq7ch0-00045-00017983-00018455 In the next audio clip, Eric explains how he told Gerald Celente that “the video took o8MdaEq7ch0-00046-00018455-00018567 off quite well”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00047-00018567-00019031 Did Eric tell Celente about the 20,000 or so fake views he almost certainly bought for o8MdaEq7ch0-00048-00019031-00019111 this video? o8MdaEq7ch0-00049-00019111-00019650 Probably not because Celente then posted the video on most, if not all, of his social media outlets o8MdaEq7ch0-00050-00019652-00019978 seemingly due to Eric saying it “took off quite well”: o8MdaEq7ch0-00051-00019978-00020236 “...the last few talks that we've given o8MdaEq7ch0-00052-00020236-00020630 with Theodore Shoebat, with Gerald Celente. o8MdaEq7ch0-00053-00020634-00021088 Hopefully we rubbed off on him a little bit with the message of fatima. o8MdaEq7ch0-00054-00021089-00021789 I know I, I followed up with him after, letting him know just how, o8MdaEq7ch0-00055-00021789-00022245 you know the video took off quite well and he actually posted it on, on all his o8MdaEq7ch0-00056-00022245-00022467 social media outlets, o8MdaEq7ch0-00057-00022467-00022646 'least on the ones that I checked.” o8MdaEq7ch0-00058-00022647-00023047 The fact that Eric does not have the most viewed and follow traditional Catholic website o8MdaEq7ch0-00059-00023047-00023475 is easily proven by looking at his blogs popularity on alexa.com. o8MdaEq7ch0-00060-00023475-00023875 Recently Eric advertised to pay fifty dollars to someone to lower his Alexa rank to under o8MdaEq7ch0-00061-00023875-00024048 to under 100,000. o8MdaEq7ch0-00062-00024048-00024556 He included that he is willing to put an advertisement for them on his website for free, for life, o8MdaEq7ch0-00063-00024556-00024752 if they can help him achieve this. o8MdaEq7ch0-00064-00024752-00025036 Not only is Eric an utterly shameless and evil liar, o8MdaEq7ch0-00065-00025036-00025300 but he is paying people to spam and lie on his behalf o8MdaEq7ch0-00066-00025306-00025516 thousands and thousands of times over. o8MdaEq7ch0-00067-00025517-00026014 This is called black hat marketing and it can destroy a person's reputation and business. o8MdaEq7ch0-00068-00026014-00026377 Most importantly, Eric's actions are clearly mortally sinful. o8MdaEq7ch0-00069-00026377-00026617 Eric's ambition is so all-encompassing o8MdaEq7ch0-00070-00026617-00027010 that he apparently wants to create the illusion that he has full spectrum dominance o8MdaEq7ch0-00071-00027018-00027308 over the entire traditional Catholic social media world. o8MdaEq7ch0-00072-00027308-00027433 This is bad enough, o8MdaEq7ch0-00073-00027436-00027852 but consider also that Eric has conducted such advertising business on a Sunday. o8MdaEq7ch0-00074-00027852-00028052 This is also a mortal sin. o8MdaEq7ch0-00075-00028052-00028454 This clip was filmed on Monday the 5th of October at 9:09 a.m. o8MdaEq7ch0-00076-00028454-00028899 When we go to Eric's want-to-buy page and select the advertisement for '10 blog comments' o8MdaEq7ch0-00077-00028899-00029451 we see that he created this ad 17 hours before, which would have been at about 4 p.m. on Sunday. o8MdaEq7ch0-00078-00029451-00030060 Likewise when we go to the want-to-buy section and select the '100,000 real USA website views for $10' o8MdaEq7ch0-00079-00030060-00030498 we see that he created this ad 17 hours before at 4 p.m. on Sunday. o8MdaEq7ch0-00080-00030498-00031074 He also advertise for 100,000 Alexa views at about 4pm on Sunday the 18th of October. o8MdaEq7ch0-00081-00031074-00031594 He repeatedly demanded that they be completed in eight hours and without any exceptions. o8MdaEq7ch0-00082-00031594-00031945 Eric Gajewski even has a bumper sticker with this lie on it. o8MdaEq7ch0-00083-00031945-00032264 Eric should have his Twitter and YouTube accounts suspended o8MdaEq7ch0-00084-00032264-00032730 because he is violating their policies against buying fake followers and views, etc. o8MdaEq7ch0-00085-00032730-00032968 Eric is a thoroughly wicked deceiver. o8MdaEq7ch0-00086-00032968-00033420 Eric recently said that he uses social media to “gain a greater visibility” but he o8MdaEq7ch0-00087-00033420-00033882 did not tell anyone that he is buying the fake views and followers he boasts about. o8MdaEq7ch0-00088-00033882-00034279 The methods he is using are called black hat in the social marketing world because they o8MdaEq7ch0-00089-00034279-00034627 often violate the social media websites' policies. o8MdaEq7ch0-00090-00034627-00034860 Eric's number one marketing pitch is a lie. o8MdaEq7ch0-00091-00034868-00035130 When a gullible person falls for it and donates, o8MdaEq7ch0-00092-00035138-00035550 he then buys more fake followers to increase the impression that he is bigger than he is o8MdaEq7ch0-00093-00035552-00035714 and the cycle continues. o8MdaEq7ch0-00094-00035714-00036198 He probably thinks it's a brilliant idea but he is an abomination in God's sight. o8MdaEq7ch0-00095-00036198-00036694 Interestingly, another website that has almost the exact same layer as Seoclerks is called o8MdaEq7ch0-00096-00036694-00036926 is called monsterbacklinks.com. o8MdaEq7ch0-00097-00036926-00037291 Notice the demonic picture and this is Eric's account. o8MdaEq7ch0-00098-00037291-00037779 The large amount of fake followers, likes, etc. that Eric buys from Seoclerks are often o8MdaEq7ch0-00099-00037779-00038081 are often generated by what's called 'click farms': o8MdaEq7ch0-00100-00038081-00038416 “This morning we look at the growing controversy over 'click farms'. o8MdaEq7ch0-00101-00038416-00038626 They are the companies making millions o8MdaEq7ch0-00102-00038626-00039014 by creating a fake show of support for social media accounts... o8MdaEq7ch0-00103-00039014-00039162 How much for 100,000?... o8MdaEq7ch0-00104-00039163-00039263 Real views? o8MdaEq7ch0-00105-00039263-00039497 I mean real YouTube views... o8MdaEq7ch0-00106-00039497-00039777 I can support you... o8MdaEq7ch0-00107-00039777-00040219 One Thousand, I mean per K... o8MdaEq7ch0-00108-00040219-00040339 Three dollars... o8MdaEq7ch0-00109-00040339-00040497 He has 1000 IDs?... o8MdaEq7ch0-00110-00040497-00040797 He has one thousand IDs, he has one thousand IDs... o8MdaEq7ch0-00111-00040797-00041259 Real accounts we can provide 15,000... 15,000... o8MdaEq7ch0-00112-00041260-00041460 So you have a total of 15,000... o8MdaEq7ch0-00113-00041462-00041656 And Facebook cannot block this?... o8MdaEq7ch0-00114-00041656-00041736 No.” o8MdaEq7ch0-00115-00041736-00042074 Buying fake followers is a common tactic among celebrities: o8MdaEq7ch0-00116-00042074-00042718 “President Obama has 19.5 million fake followers on Twitter according to new research... o8MdaEq7ch0-00117-00042718-00043086 and something strange is going on with Mitt Romney's Twitter account. o8MdaEq7ch0-00118-00043088-00043590 It looks like he added more than a hundred forty thousand followers o8MdaEq7ch0-00119-00043596-00043888 in just two days according to Twitter Counter.” o8MdaEq7ch0-00120-00043888-00044146 This next man sells fake followers: o8MdaEq7ch0-00121-00044146-00044762 “… buying fake is merely a vehicle to get to where you need to go. Do you understand what I'm saying?... o8MdaEq7ch0-00122-00044768-00045150 but you are still breaking the terms of service people sign with Twitter that says o8MdaEq7ch0-00123-00045150-00045456 'no bots, no automation in any circumstances'... o8MdaEq7ch0-00124-00045456-00045832 you risk suspension of your account.” o8MdaEq7ch0-00125-00045832-00046094 Eric Gajewski's Youtube channel is revealing. o8MdaEq7ch0-00126-00046094-00046514 Many of the videos that have large view totals have their statistics hidden. o8MdaEq7ch0-00127-00046514-00046676 However some don't. o8MdaEq7ch0-00128-00046676-00047236 We can see that these videos show an unnatural-looking spike in the daily views statistic. o8MdaEq7ch0-00129-00047236-00047612 This is clear evidence that Eric purchased views for these videos. o8MdaEq7ch0-00130-00047612-00048178 He has advertised that he “needs to buy 15,000 Youtube views and 100 likes for $10,” o8MdaEq7ch0-00131-00048178-00048544 “50,000 Youtube views with 2,000 likes for $20,” o8MdaEq7ch0-00132-00048544-00048858 as well as “1000 subscribers for $25.” o8MdaEq7ch0-00133-00048858-00049332 Eric demands a full refund if these are not completed in five days, o8MdaEq7ch0-00134-00049332-00049632 and he complains that he has had problems with sellers not coming through on the deal. o8MdaEq7ch0-00135-00049632-00049944 He also says he may need them for future orders as well. o8MdaEq7ch0-00136-00049944-00050224 Here he demands the job to be done in five days. o8MdaEq7ch0-00137-00050224-00050524 He threatens to ask for a full refund if they don't. o8MdaEq7ch0-00138-00050524-00050820 He then invites them to join the TradCatKnight team. o8MdaEq7ch0-00139-00050820-00050954 What a disgrace! o8MdaEq7ch0-00140-00050955-00051301 Here Eric says only to respond if they can do the job with no drops, o8MdaEq7ch0-00141-00051304-00051608 and says he will reorder every week if they do it as asked. o8MdaEq7ch0-00142-00051608-00051962 He also threatens to ask for a full refund if they don't supply. o8MdaEq7ch0-00143-00051962-00052332 Eric also purchased Youtube views from a person called, Twitterfire, o8MdaEq7ch0-00144-00052336-00052604 who sells '10,000 views for $6'. o8MdaEq7ch0-00145-00052604-00052886 Eric posted four comments on this person's account o8MdaEq7ch0-00146-00052886-00053332 so it would be reasonable to assume that he purchased at least 40,000 views. o8MdaEq7ch0-00147-00053336-00053729 Keep in mind that the figures cited in this video were true at the time it was made, but that o8MdaEq7ch0-00148-00053729-00053944 but that the numbers are changing daily, o8MdaEq7ch0-00149-00053944-00054286 especially because Eric is so obsessed with increasing the numbers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00150-00054286-00054900 The majority of Eric Gajewski's 35,960 subscribers on YouTube are almost certainly fake. o8MdaEq7ch0-00151-00054905-00055196 Virtually none of them would even claim to care about God, o8MdaEq7ch0-00152-00055196-00055516 Jesus Christ, the Catholic faith or the salvation of souls, o8MdaEq7ch0-00153-00055516-00055979 and the fact that Eric is deceiving people like he is in both a material and a spiritual way o8MdaEq7ch0-00154-00055986-00056246 proves he doesn't care about these things either. o8MdaEq7ch0-00155-00056247-00056700 He even advertised to buy '10,000 Youtube subscribers for $100'. o8MdaEq7ch0-00156-00056705-00056972 Here are some pictures of videos Eric uploaded. o8MdaEq7ch0-00157-00056972-00057278 Notice that many of his videos, even after months, only have a few hundred views or approximately o8MdaEq7ch0-00158-00057278-00057632 only have a few hundred views or approximately 1-2 thousand. o8MdaEq7ch0-00159-00057632-00057962 This view count of a few hundred views or 1-2 thousand o8MdaEq7ch0-00160-00057966-00058416 can be seen on many of his personal programs and videos uploaded some months ago. o8MdaEq7ch0-00161-00058416-00058692 A view count of a few hundred or 1-2 thousand o8MdaEq7ch0-00162-00058694-00059205 is what one would expect for the low-quality, poor content and low popularity of Eric's videos, o8MdaEq7ch0-00163-00059205-00059804 yet in particular cases, even with programs and videos Eric uploaded the same day, week, or month o8MdaEq7ch0-00164-00059804-00060367 the view count skyrockets to tens of thousands of views and sometimes over 100,000. o8MdaEq7ch0-00165-00060369-00060787 In other words, Eric will upload a video that receives only a few hundred views. o8MdaEq7ch0-00166-00060787-00061237 That will be followed a few days later with a video that receives tens of thousands of views. o8MdaEq7ch0-00167-00061237-00061692 That we followed a few days later by one that again only receives a few hundred views, o8MdaEq7ch0-00168-00061692-00062136 and that will be followed a few days later by one that again receives tens of thousands. o8MdaEq7ch0-00169-00062136-00062524 The following view totals were recorded early in October 2015. o8MdaEq7ch0-00170-00062524-00062914 The August 8th, 2014 video has 540 views, o8MdaEq7ch0-00171-00062914-00063524 whereas the video for the 11th has 58,038 views, and the video for the 13th has only 87. o8MdaEq7ch0-00172-00063525-00064195 The August 21st video has 170 views, but the video for the 23rd has 56,013 views, o8MdaEq7ch0-00173-00064195-00064572 and the video for the 26th has only 357. o8MdaEq7ch0-00174-00064572-00065429 On September 11 he uploaded four videos; one has 313, one has 679, and one has 1102. o8MdaEq7ch0-00175-00065429-00065694 That's an average view count of 698, o8MdaEq7ch0-00176-00065694-00066308 so it looks like he bought 20,000 for the fourth one he uploaded which has 20,785. o8MdaEq7ch0-00177-00066308-00066596 The October 29th video has 170. o8MdaEq7ch0-00178-00066596-00067296 On November 2 he uploaded two videos; one has 613 views, while the other has 31,029 views, o8MdaEq7ch0-00179-00067296-00067576 but the video for the 3rd only has 390. o8MdaEq7ch0-00180-00067579-00068360 On February 4 he uploaded two videos; one has 291 views and the other one has 160,996 views. o8MdaEq7ch0-00181-00068362-00069210 The February 22nd video has 1933 views, then the video for the 24th has 213,665 o8MdaEq7ch0-00182-00069210-00069594 but the video for the 26th only has 497. o8MdaEq7ch0-00183-00069594-00070332 The video for the 27th has 20,09 views, but the March 2nd video has 2467. o8MdaEq7ch0-00184-00070332-00071034 On March 3 he uploaded two videos one; has 215 views and the other has 69,911. o8MdaEq7ch0-00185-00071034-00071850 On March 20 he uploaded two videos; one has 1215 views, while the other one has 23,573. o8MdaEq7ch0-00186-00071858-00072690 On March 26 he uploaded another two videos; one has 1052 while the other one has 108,629. o8MdaEq7ch0-00187-00072690-00073118 These are the daily view totals over the last month for Eric Gajewski's Youtube account o8MdaEq7ch0-00188-00073118-00073298 from socialblade.com. o8MdaEq7ch0-00189-00073298-00073833 This website collects its data from the YouTube's API, meaning the same information you see o8MdaEq7ch0-00190-00073833-00074007 on public Youtube channels. o8MdaEq7ch0-00191-00074007-00074471 Eric's channel shows a consistent pattern of total views between 1-2 thousand. o8MdaEq7ch0-00192-00074471-00074743 Seven of the 24 views are in this range. o8MdaEq7ch0-00193-00074743-00075221 However, from the 22nd of September we begin to see spikes in the view totals o8MdaEq7ch0-00194-00075221-00076123 starting with 15,339, then 26,748 18,187 and so on. o8MdaEq7ch0-00195-00076123-00076511 Both the 7th and 13th of October show significant jumps in the view total. o8MdaEq7ch0-00196-00076511-00076977 Eric appears to have bought two blocks of fake views; one of 100,000 views o8MdaEq7ch0-00197-00076977-00077143 and the other of 50,000. o8MdaEq7ch0-00198-00077143-00077804 Eric's fake view totals go all over the place for the 20,000 range to the 40,000 range and o8MdaEq7ch0-00199-00077804-00078226 even into the 100 thousands without any consistency in between. o8MdaEq7ch0-00200-00078226-00078583 The monthly total views for the last year also show that Erich bought a lot of views o8MdaEq7ch0-00201-00078583-00079117 in April and May of 2015, because the surrounding months don't even remotely approach the view o8MdaEq7ch0-00202-00079117-00079630 totals of 635,000 and 571,000. o8MdaEq7ch0-00203-00079630-00080087 We can see this reflected in the daily statistics for the featured video on Eric's channel. o8MdaEq7ch0-00204-00080087-00080447 There are two distinct spikes for the months of April and May. o8MdaEq7ch0-00205-00080447-00080888 The reason for the huge disparity, even among similar types of videos and videos uploaded o8MdaEq7ch0-00206-00080888-00081302 during the same day week or month, is almost certainly that he's paying for the high view o8MdaEq7ch0-00207-00081302-00081531 counts on particular videos. o8MdaEq7ch0-00208-00081531-00081911 The videos with only a few hundred views more accurately reflect the number of people who o8MdaEq7ch0-00209-00081911-00082362 would be interested in his videos, if those few hundred views or even real! o8MdaEq7ch0-00210-00082362-00082823 There isn't a consistency of large viewership because he doesn't have a large viewership. o8MdaEq7ch0-00211-00082823-00083177 In the last few weeks however, there's been more consistency. o8MdaEq7ch0-00212-00083177-00083564 That's almost certainly because Eric has been receiving perhaps a few donations from gullible o8MdaEq7ch0-00213-00083564-00083958 people which enables him to purchase views for all the recent videos. o8MdaEq7ch0-00214-00083958-00084498 With probably very few or almost zero exceptions, he only gets big numbers when he pays for o8MdaEq7ch0-00215-00084498-00084949 them, and then based on his big numbers he constantly asks for more money to pay for o8MdaEq7ch0-00216-00084949-00085049 more big numbers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00217-00085049-00085464 It should be noted of course that the number of views a video receives or the number of o8MdaEq7ch0-00218-00085464-00085901 viewers a person has in general doesn't necessarily indicate whether one is speaking truth or o8MdaEq7ch0-00219-00085901-00086119 producing valuable material. o8MdaEq7ch0-00220-00086119-00086551 There are extremely valuable videos that don't have many views as a result of the bad will o8MdaEq7ch0-00221-00086551-00086951 of men and there are worthless and evil videos and have received millions. o8MdaEq7ch0-00222-00086951-00087276 But Eric Gajewski's claims are fraudulent. o8MdaEq7ch0-00223-00087276-00087674 Moreover, the fact that Gajewski knows that huge percentage of his followers, etc. are o8MdaEq7ch0-00224-00087674-00088113 purchased and fake, yet constantly boasts about them anyway, shows that he's a dishonest o8MdaEq7ch0-00225-00088113-00088314 and insincere person at his core. o8MdaEq7ch0-00226-00088314-00088762 He knows that what he is claiming about himself isn't real but he doesn't care. o8MdaEq7ch0-00227-00088762-00089208 A men of such vanity and impure intentions is ripe for the use by the devil and the devil o8MdaEq7ch0-00228-00089208-00089670 indeed is using him to lead people into the utterly schismatic and heretical positions o8MdaEq7ch0-00229-00089670-00090098 that will be exposing this video, and to build a cult around himself. o8MdaEq7ch0-00230-00090098-00090506 In fact as a review of just some of his fake Twitter followers will soon show, when he o8MdaEq7ch0-00231-00090506-00090956 constantly boasts about his so-called “followers” and his “Eagles”, he is actually boasting o8MdaEq7ch0-00232-00090956-00091458 about people who are not remotely Catholic, who promote filth, pornography and who don't o8MdaEq7ch0-00233-00091458-00091768 even listen to him or know who he is. o8MdaEq7ch0-00234-00091768-00092243 Eric said to a person selling 100,000 fake Twitter followers that he might reorder soon. o8MdaEq7ch0-00235-00092243-00092724 When we look at TradCatKnight's statistics for Twitter followers at twittercounter.com, o8MdaEq7ch0-00236-00092724-00093019 we can see sharp spikes of increase in numbers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00237-00093019-00093451 On April 20, 2015 his followers rose by only 89. o8MdaEq7ch0-00238-00093451-00094032 The following day and up until April 27 they rose by about 7190 each day. o8MdaEq7ch0-00239-00094032-00094783 They went from 52,922 on April 20 to 103,270 on April 27. o8MdaEq7ch0-00240-00094783-00095212 That's an increase of 50,348 followers in seven days. o8MdaEq7ch0-00241-00095212-00095455 That's impossible without buying followers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00242-00095455-00095842 On August 7 there was an increase of 2632. o8MdaEq7ch0-00243-00095842-00096511 The next few days increased by about 11,879 when on August 11 it reached 210,735. o8MdaEq7ch0-00244-00096511-00096948 The next day on August 12 he lost 27 followers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00245-00096948-00097756 That's an increase from 163,222 on August 7 to 210,735 on August 11. o8MdaEq7ch0-00246-00097756-00098148 That's 47,513 new followers in just four days. o8MdaEq7ch0-00247-00098148-00098557 On September 15 there was an increase of only 27 followers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00248-00098557-00099155 The next day there was suddenly 18,987 new followers until September 21 when they were o8MdaEq7ch0-00249-00099155-00099799 13,264 new followers to a total 312,691 followers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00250-00099799-00100601 That's an increase from 210,210 on September 15 to 312,691 September 21. o8MdaEq7ch0-00251-00100601-00101250 That's 102,481 new followers in just six days which is impossible without buying followers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00252-00101250-00101706 Hardly any of Gajewski's fake and purchased followers listen to him or would even be interested o8MdaEq7ch0-00253-00101706-00101893 in the issues he discusses. o8MdaEq7ch0-00254-00101893-00102235 This is easily seen when looking at the types of people who follow him. o8MdaEq7ch0-00255-00102235-00102733 In a blog post which has since removed Eric boasted, “the reality is I have too many o8MdaEq7ch0-00256-00102733-00103340 “celebrities”, notable politicians, government officials, presidential candidates, mainstream o8MdaEq7ch0-00257-00103340-00103970 media types, major actors and actresses, international models, professional athletes to list.... o8MdaEq7ch0-00258-00103970-00104073 following this apostle.” o8MdaEq7ch0-00259-00104073-00104491 No, Eric has too many fake followers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00260-00104491-00104890 Consider that Jesus Christ said that his true followers would be hated by the world, yet o8MdaEq7ch0-00261-00104890-00105122 Eric boasts about his worldly following. o8MdaEq7ch0-00262-00105122-00105508 For example, he has a number of followers that advertise pornography. o8MdaEq7ch0-00263-00105508-00105953 Obviously none of these people would be interested in the Catholic faith, which is not to say o8MdaEq7ch0-00264-00105953-00106249 that Eric teachers or has the Catholic faith, because he doesn't. o8MdaEq7ch0-00265-00106249-00106798 There are also a number of people who advertise for a company that sells fake Twitter followers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00266-00106798-00107208 Twitter's policy is that a blocked person cannot follow you, yet Eric has blocked none o8MdaEq7ch0-00267-00107208-00107353 of these people. o8MdaEq7ch0-00268-00107353-00107828 So far removed from the idea of blocking anyone Eric is paying for these people to follow o8MdaEq7ch0-00269-00107828-00107928 him. o8MdaEq7ch0-00270-00107928-00108227 Eric claimed recently that the reason for such follows on Twitter is due to spammers o8MdaEq7ch0-00271-00108227-00108503 and that his email account was hacked. o8MdaEq7ch0-00272-00108503-00108669 This is absurd nonsense. o8MdaEq7ch0-00273-00108669-00109103 A hacker would not be helping Eric to pump up like a balloon the figures he boasts about. o8MdaEq7ch0-00274-00109103-00109582 Eric is simply a liar and when a liar is discovered that will usually keep lying to try to cover o8MdaEq7ch0-00275-00109582-00110072 their tracks, especially if they've invested a lot of time, energy and money in their lie, o8MdaEq7ch0-00276-00110072-00110232 which Eric appears to have done. o8MdaEq7ch0-00277-00110232-00110674 Also, in the comments section of this same post, he actually used a fake commenter there o8MdaEq7ch0-00278-00110674-00110792 as well. o8MdaEq7ch0-00279-00110792-00111413 This person's account shows 324 Google shares for 'Medical And Healthcare Jobs 4Locum'. o8MdaEq7ch0-00280-00111413-00111925 Just think about the magnitude of deception Eric Gajewski is involved with. o8MdaEq7ch0-00281-00111925-00112234 It is truly diabolical. o8MdaEq7ch0-00282-00112234-00112527 Also Eric himself is following many evil people. o8MdaEq7ch0-00283-00112527-00112938 The pictures shown in this video are merely a small sample of his 300,000 “followers” o8MdaEq7ch0-00284-00112938-00113288 and of the 200,000 he's following. o8MdaEq7ch0-00285-00113288-00113790 Eric is following someone who says 'all opinions are Satan's', two people making the el diablo, o8MdaEq7ch0-00286-00113790-00114006 and someone who says they are evil. o8MdaEq7ch0-00287-00114006-00114158 People who use profanity. o8MdaEq7ch0-00288-00114158-00114650 He follows bikini.com, a lingerie seller and several porn whores. o8MdaEq7ch0-00289-00114650-00115127 He follows a wizard, two witches, a magician and someone who likes Harry Potter. o8MdaEq7ch0-00290-00115127-00115691 Three people who believe in astrology, a “sexuality expert”, some Mormons and a Seventh-day o8MdaEq7ch0-00291-00115691-00116276 Adventist, several Protestant “ministers”, Opus Dei, a supporter of Israel and Hillary o8MdaEq7ch0-00292-00116276-00117029 Clinton, someone who gets tattoos, three homosexuals, seven feminists and a freemason, dancers, o8MdaEq7ch0-00293-00117029-00117554 someone who writes about Beyonce, a Beatles fan, someone who is anti-religion and a person o8MdaEq7ch0-00294-00117554-00117725 who mocks the Mass. o8MdaEq7ch0-00295-00117725-00118196 He also follows at least 18 people who claim to work for Cosmopolitan magazine. o8MdaEq7ch0-00296-00118196-00118359 This magazine is rapidly pro-homosexual. o8MdaEq7ch0-00297-00118359-00118923 Not surprisingly, since Eric has no morals he also follows a number of women who are o8MdaEq7ch0-00298-00118923-00119305 dressed modestly including what appear to be teenagers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00299-00119305-00119618 His Myspace page is even worse in this regard. o8MdaEq7ch0-00300-00119618-00120028 All this is very interesting when one considers Eric's claimed that he has the biggest traditional o8MdaEq7ch0-00301-00120028-00120476 Catholic website in the world and that he seems to believe that he's the “Great Catholic o8MdaEq7ch0-00302-00120476-00120761 Monarch” as will be shown later. o8MdaEq7ch0-00303-00120761-00121226 Eric Gajewski's blog also provides an abundance of evidence to prove his deception. o8MdaEq7ch0-00304-00121226-00121758 Eric has advertised for keyword website views three times; once to buy '10,000 keyword website o8MdaEq7ch0-00305-00121758-00122404 views for $7' another was to buy '5,000 keyword traffic for $5' and the third was to buy '1000 o8MdaEq7ch0-00306-00122404-00122604 keyword website traffic daily'. o8MdaEq7ch0-00307-00122604-00123047 These provide valuable evidence for Gajewski's deception because he uses keywords that one o8MdaEq7ch0-00308-00123047-00123749 would expect him to use: Traditional Catholic, Latin Mass SSPX, Archbishop Lefebvre, SSPX o8MdaEq7ch0-00309-00123749-00124255 Resistance, End Time News, Novus Ordo, Sedevacantist, Vatican 2. o8MdaEq7ch0-00310-00124255-00124951 He has also advertised to buy '100,000 website views for $10', '50 blog comments for $5' o8MdaEq7ch0-00311-00124951-00125289 as well as 500 poll votes for $15. o8MdaEq7ch0-00312-00125289-00125904 This person sells '250,000 website views for $25' and we can see that Eric thank them three o8MdaEq7ch0-00313-00125904-00126452 times so he probably purchased at least 750,000 fake views from them. o8MdaEq7ch0-00314-00126452-00126888 He says here they can use “unknown” or “anonymous” on the blog page, evidently o8MdaEq7ch0-00315-00126888-00127173 so that Eric knows he's getting what he paid for. o8MdaEq7ch0-00316-00127173-00127589 He says it will be a long-term relationship and demands that all 10 comments are completed o8MdaEq7ch0-00317-00127589-00127880 within 24 hours without any exceptions. o8MdaEq7ch0-00318-00127880-00128333 Here he says he is looking for someone who can provide 500 votes for his blog poll. o8MdaEq7ch0-00319-00128333-00128731 He also says he will contact them again in the future if they can do the job. o8MdaEq7ch0-00320-00128731-00129172 He says here that if they can get him 25-50 blog comments within a few days that he can o8MdaEq7ch0-00321-00129172-00129363 use their services daily. o8MdaEq7ch0-00322-00129363-00129765 He even says it is easy money wants to pay them $5. o8MdaEq7ch0-00323-00129765-00130144 Eric is paying people to lie for him and then he goes and lies to the whole world that he o8MdaEq7ch0-00324-00130144-00130481 has the most viewed and follow traditional Catholic website on the internet. o8MdaEq7ch0-00325-00130481-00130639 What an outrage! o8MdaEq7ch0-00326-00130639-00131048 He evidently did business with this person a few times because he thanks them and says o8MdaEq7ch0-00327-00131048-00131330 he's reordering now and says thanks again. o8MdaEq7ch0-00328-00131330-00131872 Here he says that it is easy money again and that he is going to pay them two dollars. o8MdaEq7ch0-00329-00131872-00132202 He complains that many have been late and so he won't reorder them. o8MdaEq7ch0-00330-00132202-00132525 He says he will use them daily if they do a “good job”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00331-00132525-00133021 In addition to asking for donations based on the illusion that he has a large following, o8MdaEq7ch0-00332-00133021-00133380 Eric even asks people to pay him to advertise on his blog. o8MdaEq7ch0-00333-00133380-00133648 He says “Advertise With Us!” o8MdaEq7ch0-00334-00133648-00134058 At the time of making this video Eric a total of thirty eight blog posts. o8MdaEq7ch0-00335-00134058-00134429 Of those, 14 had no comments and 7 had one comment. o8MdaEq7ch0-00336-00134429-00134813 That means that 54% of his blog posts had one or no comments. o8MdaEq7ch0-00337-00134813-00135156 In fact 80% of his blog posts had 5 or less comments. o8MdaEq7ch0-00338-00135156-00135819 There were a total of 305 comments of which 102 or 33-percent were made by Eric Gajewski o8MdaEq7ch0-00339-00135819-00135919 himself. o8MdaEq7ch0-00340-00135919-00136432 Based on my research I believe that at least 49% of the comments were paid for. o8MdaEq7ch0-00341-00136432-00136933 This means that Eric is ultimately responsible for at least 83% of his blog comments. o8MdaEq7ch0-00342-00136933-00137413 Again, this shows there's almost no interest in his blog and that he is obsessed with creating o8MdaEq7ch0-00343-00137413-00137626 an illusion of popularity. o8MdaEq7ch0-00344-00137626-00138016 There is such an abundance of evidence proving that he buys a large number of fake commenters o8MdaEq7ch0-00345-00138016-00138556 that it would take many hours to present it all, so I will only cover the main points. o8MdaEq7ch0-00346-00138556-00138879 Many commenters don't speak English well or make grammatical sense. o8MdaEq7ch0-00347-00138879-00139369 Of course, such people would almost certainly not be reading an article written in English. o8MdaEq7ch0-00348-00139369-00139928 Many comments are from unknown or anonymous people which Eric specifies to do in his advertisement. o8MdaEq7ch0-00349-00139928-00140331 Many comments are short and shallow indicating a lack of real engagement in the issue being o8MdaEq7ch0-00350-00140331-00140724 discussed, and they often appear during a short space of time. o8MdaEq7ch0-00351-00140724-00141141 Many simply say it's a nice site or that a “real blog site”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00352-00141141-00141569 Eric recently advertised by '15 USA blog comments ASAP'. o8MdaEq7ch0-00353-00141569-00141966 He specifically requests that the blog comments are relevant and positive. o8MdaEq7ch0-00354-00141966-00142293 This is obviously so as to mask the fact that they bought comments. o8MdaEq7ch0-00355-00142293-00142739 It also appears that Eric tells his true followers to repeat the comment they post. o8MdaEq7ch0-00356-00142739-00143039 He probably does this to make the number of comments appear larger. o8MdaEq7ch0-00357-00143039-00143560 One of the strangest comments was from someone advertising sandstone with 27 links to the o8MdaEq7ch0-00358-00143560-00143716 same website. o8MdaEq7ch0-00359-00143716-00144172 Of course, Eric does not delete what most people would consider to be spam because he's o8MdaEq7ch0-00360-00144172-00144353 paying them to spam him. o8MdaEq7ch0-00361-00144353-00144921 They will also strange or evil things showing they are not interested in Catholicism. o8MdaEq7ch0-00362-00144921-00145336 Two people say that the TradCatKnight picture is beautiful, that the commenting list is o8MdaEq7ch0-00363-00145336-00145487 very useful. o8MdaEq7ch0-00364-00145487-00145994 One comment was from the Distance Education Institute in Gurgaon which is in India. o8MdaEq7ch0-00365-00145994-00146443 Someone didn't know where to send a fake comment about Planet X. Someone had an immodest picture o8MdaEq7ch0-00366-00146443-00146622 and blasphemed. o8MdaEq7ch0-00367-00146622-00147060 Someone who has two accounts said Eric's site helped them to increase their page rank in o8MdaEq7ch0-00368-00147060-00147180 Google. o8MdaEq7ch0-00369-00147180-00147477 Someone else posted almost the exact same comment. o8MdaEq7ch0-00370-00147477-00147670 'Great listing' said someone else. o8MdaEq7ch0-00371-00147670-00147911 All these sings happen. o8MdaEq7ch0-00372-00147911-00148344 Eric wrote once they try to be the “walmart of the traditional Catholic world”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00373-00148344-00148708 The insincerity of Gajewski is plain for all to see. o8MdaEq7ch0-00374-00148708-00149258 Eric evidently ordered 2200 fake Google+ followers because he says here that he is reordering o8MdaEq7ch0-00375-00149258-00149362 now. o8MdaEq7ch0-00376-00149362-00149838 Many of his commenters have no activity on their Google+ page indicating that they probably o8MdaEq7ch0-00377-00149838-00150050 have hundreds of accounts. o8MdaEq7ch0-00378-00150050-00150559 Many of them have in their circle 'Peggies Bookkeeping and Tax Service' or 'Carrot Stix'. o8MdaEq7ch0-00379-00150559-00150817 This one even advertises pot. o8MdaEq7ch0-00380-00150817-00151344 One person actually named himself 'Seo Clerk' and several of them advertise Seoclerks on o8MdaEq7ch0-00381-00151344-00151482 their Google page. o8MdaEq7ch0-00382-00151482-00151868 We can see a pattern emerge when looking at their activity on Google+. o8MdaEq7ch0-00383-00151868-00152090 They promote businesses. o8MdaEq7ch0-00384-00152090-00152325 They promote the sale of fake followers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00385-00152325-00152646 They will comment on the same videos and on the same day. o8MdaEq7ch0-00386-00152646-00152860 They will repeat the same comments. o8MdaEq7ch0-00387-00152860-00153098 This person repeated their comment four times. o8MdaEq7ch0-00388-00153098-00153480 They will make it a point to say they subscribed and/or liked the video. o8MdaEq7ch0-00389-00153480-00153703 They comment in several different languages. o8MdaEq7ch0-00390-00153703-00153976 They make excessively “positive” comments. o8MdaEq7ch0-00391-00153976-00154307 They will sometimes have more than one account. o8MdaEq7ch0-00392-00154307-00154599 They will also comment on immoral videos. o8MdaEq7ch0-00393-00154599-00154896 Another called someone a “promo God”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00394-00154896-00155088 Sometimes they will blaspheme. o8MdaEq7ch0-00395-00155088-00155508 Someone else even responded to one fake comment with “nice fake comment”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00396-00155508-00155939 These patterns can be observed so frequently that they can easily be explained if we assume o8MdaEq7ch0-00397-00155939-00156182 that they are doing a job that they're being paid for. o8MdaEq7ch0-00398-00156182-00156548 It is also possible that they deliberately make it obvious and they're fake followers o8MdaEq7ch0-00399-00156548-00157034 so that their client, in this case Eric Gajewski, will know they are getting what they paid o8MdaEq7ch0-00400-00157034-00157134 for. o8MdaEq7ch0-00401-00157134-00157556 The fact that most of Eric's blog commenters are paid and fake is reinforced by the fact o8MdaEq7ch0-00402-00157556-00158280 that several of the commenters are from Dhaka, Bangladesh, a notorious place for click farms: o8MdaEq7ch0-00403-00158280-00158828 “… the internet is full of people offering to cheat your social media stats. o8MdaEq7ch0-00404-00158828-00159463 So where in the world are brands buying their fake fans. o8MdaEq7ch0-00405-00159463-00159786 One location comes up again and again. o8MdaEq7ch0-00406-00159786-00160200 Dhaka in Bangladesh.” o8MdaEq7ch0-00407-00160200-00160622 Eric Gajewksi has advertised to pay for people to sign up to his forum and make '3 posts o8MdaEq7ch0-00408-00160622-00161263 for $1', to buy '250 forum members $10' and '15 forum post daily for $1'. o8MdaEq7ch0-00409-00161263-00161686 Here Eric says it is easy money when he is willing to give $1. o8MdaEq7ch0-00410-00161686-00161984 He says it is a “fun forum with a lot of topics”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00411-00161984-00162335 As we will see, there is nothing fun about Eric's forum. o8MdaEq7ch0-00412-00162335-00162515 The forum itself is a joke. o8MdaEq7ch0-00413-00162515-00162885 Here he says he will reorder if they do a “good job”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00414-00162885-00163279 He even says he will recommend them if they do a “quote really good job”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00415-00163279-00163443 This is mortally sinful. o8MdaEq7ch0-00416-00163443-00163775 He would recommend lying non-Catholics to go and lie for someone else. o8MdaEq7ch0-00417-00163775-00164022 It is evil beyond description. o8MdaEq7ch0-00418-00164022-00164332 Here he says his one dollar is easy money again. o8MdaEq7ch0-00419-00164332-00164938 He asks if they are ready to “joint TradCatKnight” and says he will be using them daily and that o8MdaEq7ch0-00420-00164938-00165185 is a long term business proposition. o8MdaEq7ch0-00421-00165185-00165523 This picture was taken on Sunday the 4th of October. o8MdaEq7ch0-00422-00165523-00165943 Notice that he only has 115 “forum members”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00423-00165943-00166301 This picture was taken only four days later on October 8. o8MdaEq7ch0-00424-00166301-00166653 Eric suddenly has 1183 members. o8MdaEq7ch0-00425-00166653-00166925 That's impossible without buying followers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00426-00166925-00167154 This was filmed on October 9. o8MdaEq7ch0-00427-00167154-00167550 Here is an advertisement for '1000 forum members at $50'. o8MdaEq7ch0-00428-00167550-00168035 Just below it we see Eric thank the person and says he will reorder in the not-so-distant o8MdaEq7ch0-00429-00168035-00168135 future. o8MdaEq7ch0-00430-00168135-00168448 We can also see that he thanked them only two days ago. o8MdaEq7ch0-00431-00168448-00168916 This means that the 1000 or so new forum members were bought from this person named, spiderwave. o8MdaEq7ch0-00432-00168916-00169574 There are a total of 1218 threads on his forum but only 1389 posts. o8MdaEq7ch0-00433-00169574-00170137 This means that at most there are only 171 replies to the original post in the thread o8MdaEq7ch0-00434-00170137-00170412 and many of those would be from Eric himself. o8MdaEq7ch0-00435-00170412-00170827 That's at least 86% of the threads that have been completely ignored. o8MdaEq7ch0-00436-00170827-00171478 Also only 62 of the 1218 threads that I counted were started by people other than Erica Gajewski. o8MdaEq7ch0-00437-00171478-00171860 That's 95% of the threads that were started by Eric. o8MdaEq7ch0-00438-00171860-00172241 Look at all the zeros in the reply column and notice that Eric is almost always the o8MdaEq7ch0-00439-00172241-00172559 last to comment in each thread. o8MdaEq7ch0-00440-00172559-00173185 There are clearly faked threads being started as well. o8MdaEq7ch0-00441-00173185-00173622 This person started twelve threads, many of them advertising how to earn money as a click o8MdaEq7ch0-00442-00173622-00173722 farmer. o8MdaEq7ch0-00443-00173722-00174133 This thread even advertises the sale of fake Facebook likes. o8MdaEq7ch0-00444-00174133-00174589 One section has two people advertising the same website, while another person advertises o8MdaEq7ch0-00445-00174589-00174958 a website on how to increase testosterone. o8MdaEq7ch0-00446-00174958-00175450 Eric also boasted about his fake popularity on another forum not owned by him. o8MdaEq7ch0-00447-00175450-00175849 In this forum he criticized them for having only 2700 followers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00448-00175849-00176435 That's actually 22 times more than what he had before he bought his 1000 new fake followers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00449-00176435-00177110 He even boasted “TradCatKnight literally had 2700 followers after the first HOUR 10,000 o8MdaEq7ch0-00450-00177110-00177391 after the first day”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00451-00177391-00177692 Obviously he got those “followers” because he bought them. o8MdaEq7ch0-00452-00177692-00178414 He says, “anyone with only a couple thousand people following are not to be taken seriously.” o8MdaEq7ch0-00453-00178414-00178973 Eric only has 1183 on his forum and almost all of them are bought so he's condemned out o8MdaEq7ch0-00454-00178973-00179115 of his own mouth. o8MdaEq7ch0-00455-00179115-00179574 He then continued to berrate and criticize others based entirely on his artificially o8MdaEq7ch0-00456-00179574-00179842 inflated figures which he knows are fake. o8MdaEq7ch0-00457-00179842-00180301 He also challenges people to call him, insulting them by saying they are fruitcake, chicken, o8MdaEq7ch0-00458-00180301-00180792 a little girl, cowardly little boys, can't take the heat and says he would slap them o8MdaEq7ch0-00459-00180792-00180984 around like a little girl. o8MdaEq7ch0-00460-00180984-00181408 Eric sounds like a raging demon rather than a follower of Jesus Christ. o8MdaEq7ch0-00461-00181408-00181918 A prime characteristic of Eric Gajewski is that he constantly asked for donations. o8MdaEq7ch0-00462-00181918-00182530 On his blog, his Facebook page, Tumblr page, Twitter account, forum and YouTube accounts, o8MdaEq7ch0-00463-00182530-00182848 he makes it a priority to ask for donations. o8MdaEq7ch0-00464-00182848-00183380 Notice that the donation button on his blog is directly above the website views counter. o8MdaEq7ch0-00465-00183380-00183799 Eric is probably laughing to himself that a lot of the money he gets from donations o8MdaEq7ch0-00466-00183799-00184231 go straight back into the fake number of websites views he buys from Seoclerk. o8MdaEq7ch0-00467-00184231-00184587 Eric has a pinned tweet at the top of his tweets asking for a donation. o8MdaEq7ch0-00468-00184587-00185063 He also tweets a request for a donation almost every day, along with the lie that he has o8MdaEq7ch0-00469-00185063-00185341 the most viewed traditional Catholic page worldwide. o8MdaEq7ch0-00470-00185341-00185915 He also has a pinned post at the top of his Facebook page which asks for donations. o8MdaEq7ch0-00471-00185915-00186437 Notice the absurd line that he made up to ask for money “we go and grow as your charity o8MdaEq7ch0-00472-00186437-00186647 flows”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00473-00186647-00187060 Eric probably thinks it is a stroke of genius that this slogan sums up his method of funneling o8MdaEq7ch0-00474-00187060-00187391 donation money into fake followers and views. o8MdaEq7ch0-00475-00187391-00187783 Another source of revenue Erica has dreamed up is selling t-shirts for $30. o8MdaEq7ch0-00476-00187783-00188255 He has ten t-shirt designs, one sweater and three bumper stickers. o8MdaEq7ch0-00477-00188255-00188639 These are all merely methods of fundraising that contribute to artificially inflating o8MdaEq7ch0-00478-00188639-00188835 his popularity. o8MdaEq7ch0-00479-00188835-00189104 Notice his emphasis on a “Order of the Eagle”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00480-00189104-00189284 More on that soon. o8MdaEq7ch0-00481-00189284-00189745 Eric might be like into a policeman who shoots those who call for help or a fireman who lights o8MdaEq7ch0-00482-00189745-00189984 fires instead of putting them out. o8MdaEq7ch0-00483-00189984-00190260 Eric does not have the Catholic faith though he pretends to. o8MdaEq7ch0-00484-00190260-00190727 He does not have the biggest website though he pretends to, and he is paying people to o8MdaEq7ch0-00485-00190727-00191189 lie hundreds of thousands of times though he would almost certainly deny it. o8MdaEq7ch0-00486-00191189-00191392 However, that's not all. o8MdaEq7ch0-00487-00191392-00191673 Eric is trying to build himself up as a cult figure. o8MdaEq7ch0-00488-00191673-00191975 He almost certainly believes that he is the Great Catholic Monarch. o8MdaEq7ch0-00489-00191975-00192263 To my knowledge he has never denied it. o8MdaEq7ch0-00490-00192263-00192726 Eric has the name TradCatKnight in this picture on his blog which links to this page about o8MdaEq7ch0-00491-00192726-00192827 the Monarch. o8MdaEq7ch0-00492-00192827-00193194 He has invented his own fake Order called the “Order of the Eagle”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00493-00193194-00193439 His wordpress page is dedicated to this. o8MdaEq7ch0-00494-00193439-00193880 However, consider that Eric builds himself up to be a heroic figure but there is not o8MdaEq7ch0-00495-00193880-00194309 one picture of himself online in connection with the TradCatKnight name. o8MdaEq7ch0-00496-00194309-00194752 One would think that he would want his “Eagles” to at least know what their leader looks like. o8MdaEq7ch0-00497-00194752-00195246 Eric is constantly inviting people to join a “new crusade” and he uses a Crusaders o8MdaEq7ch0-00498-00195246-00195447 picture all over the place. o8MdaEq7ch0-00499-00195447-00195974 He even says to invite your family and friends as if he were inviting them to a picnic. o8MdaEq7ch0-00500-00195974-00196150 Eric's crusade is another fake. o8MdaEq7ch0-00501-00196150-00196553 It actually defrauds and deceives people and leads them to hell. o8MdaEq7ch0-00502-00196553-00196798 Eric is also militant in his delusions. o8MdaEq7ch0-00503-00196798-00197110 He says a new “Catholic military order” is coming. o8MdaEq7ch0-00504-00197110-00197515 Eric claims in this next clip that he will “give the commands one day: “... so I'm o8MdaEq7ch0-00505-00197515-00197802 making this very clear right now on behalf of our Lord. o8MdaEq7ch0-00506-00197802-00198552 What our Lord has me to do – again I'm saying this in all humility and all charity, okay o8MdaEq7ch0-00507-00198552-00198945 – eventually what we he will have me to do is to give the commands. o8MdaEq7ch0-00508-00198945-00199096 I don't take the commands. o8MdaEq7ch0-00509-00199096-00199253 I don't take the orders. o8MdaEq7ch0-00510-00199253-00199861 I'm giving them; and at a certain point people will understand that authority that has been o8MdaEq7ch0-00511-00199861-00199961 given. o8MdaEq7ch0-00512-00199961-00200121 People might not see it now...” o8MdaEq7ch0-00513-00200121-00200768 He calls his followers “Eagles”: “... you know if we don't have the intent of perfection, o8MdaEq7ch0-00514-00200768-00201183 again that's the 'pfff', one of the foundations of being an Eagle. o8MdaEq7ch0-00515-00201183-00201534 You know there will be many people who say 'well I don't want to be an eagle because o8MdaEq7ch0-00516-00201534-00201694 I want to, you know, fight Islam.' o8MdaEq7ch0-00517-00201694-00201794 No! o8MdaEq7ch0-00518-00201794-00201993 No no no no no!” o8MdaEq7ch0-00519-00201993-00202542 In this next clip, Eric says that as a “eagle” people will have to give up their body. o8MdaEq7ch0-00520-00202542-00203042 He wants people to be willing to die for his cause: “... you love your body too much, o8MdaEq7ch0-00521-00203042-00203166 you love your health too much. o8MdaEq7ch0-00522-00203166-00203680 You know, as a Catholic you you know, and more specifically as an eagle, you have to o8MdaEq7ch0-00523-00203680-00203999 be willing to give up your body for our Lord.” o8MdaEq7ch0-00524-00203999-00204468 In this next clip he claims he will be announcing a “restoration to the world”: “... where o8MdaEq7ch0-00525-00204468-00204910 as Catholics we are counter-revolutionaries, we're not revolutionaries. o8MdaEq7ch0-00526-00204910-00205825 We truly should be monarchists and working towards that great day of restoration of which o8MdaEq7ch0-00527-00205825-00206102 i will publicly announce to the world.” o8MdaEq7ch0-00528-00206102-00206505 Next he refers to the “businessman in himself”: “... what's next on the assignment? o8MdaEq7ch0-00529-00206505-00206946 Much like a soldier would look down at his assignments for the day; I need to do this o8MdaEq7ch0-00530-00206946-00207299 this this this and this and perhaps this is a little bit of the businessman and me but o8MdaEq7ch0-00531-00207299-00207809 I'm very goal orientated for the day, you know I have things I need to do and I go right o8MdaEq7ch0-00532-00207809-00208088 down the list check 'em off bang bang bang bang bang. o8MdaEq7ch0-00533-00208088-00208188 Ok?” o8MdaEq7ch0-00534-00208188-00208684 Gajewski's ramblings show that he is a deluded and possessed tool of Satan. o8MdaEq7ch0-00535-00208684-00209182 His soul is morally, doctrinally and spiritually bankrupt and through his pride and sin he o8MdaEq7ch0-00536-00209182-00209387 is enslaved to the Devil. o8MdaEq7ch0-00537-00209387-00209804 For Eric Gajewski it's about the glory of himself rather than of God. o8MdaEq7ch0-00538-00209804-00210194 Eric Gajewski was exposed in the excellent video made by Brother Peter Dimond of Most o8MdaEq7ch0-00539-00210194-00210898 Holy Family Monastery, 'The Truth About the SSPX, SSPX-MC, And Similar Groups': “Another o8MdaEq7ch0-00540-00210898-00211398 example of the demonic effects of such a false position is found in the absurd utterances o8MdaEq7ch0-00541-00211398-00211634 of a supporter of the SSPX-MC group. o8MdaEq7ch0-00542-00211634-00212200 In a Youtube video this individual articulated a position that's very close to that of the o8MdaEq7ch0-00543-00212200-00212358 SSPX-MC. o8MdaEq7ch0-00544-00212358-00212789 In other words he rejects the true position that the Chair of St. Peter is vacant and o8MdaEq7ch0-00545-00212789-00213348 stubbornly holds instead that the post Vatican II claimants are valid Popes, yet he simultaneously o8MdaEq7ch0-00546-00213348-00213641 declares that his “Popes” are not Catholic. o8MdaEq7ch0-00547-00213641-00213866 That their “Church” is not Catholic. o8MdaEq7ch0-00548-00213866-00214283 That his “popes” are separated from the Catholic Church yet still lead it. o8MdaEq7ch0-00549-00214283-00214671 That they have the power of the Magisterium but people must not follow their Magisterial o8MdaEq7ch0-00550-00214671-00214792 teaching. o8MdaEq7ch0-00551-00214792-00215300 That they and their “Bishops” have jurisdiction and that sedevacantists are supposedly wrong o8MdaEq7ch0-00552-00215300-00215806 for holding that they don't have any jurisdiction, yet one must not commune with those quote o8MdaEq7ch0-00553-00215806-00216217 “Popes” or “Bishops” who according to him have jurisdiction. o8MdaEq7ch0-00554-00216217-00216617 It's just totally schismatic and heretical theological trash. o8MdaEq7ch0-00555-00216617-00217028 He stated: “okay so it's not possible at this point to be following all these errors o8MdaEq7ch0-00556-00217028-00217494 and heresies, we can't follow the current Magisterium as is, right? o8MdaEq7ch0-00557-00217494-00218029 And we're talking about the authentic because that is where all these errors and heresies o8MdaEq7ch0-00558-00218029-00218129 are.” o8MdaEq7ch0-00559-00218129-00218719 He also stated: “yeah we hold and maintain these Popes not to be Catholics, we hold them o8MdaEq7ch0-00560-00218719-00218982 to maintain that they are teaching heresies.” o8MdaEq7ch0-00561-00218982-00219458 He also stated: “Archbishop Lefebvre speaks because the Conciliar Church is not the Catholic o8MdaEq7ch0-00562-00219458-00219685 Church, objectively speaking. o8MdaEq7ch0-00563-00219685-00219836 Everyone follow that? o8MdaEq7ch0-00564-00219836-00220338 The Catholic Church now resides in a remnant, objectively speaking, which is outside that o8MdaEq7ch0-00565-00220338-00220438 mainstream. o8MdaEq7ch0-00566-00220438-00220628 They have separated themselves from the Church. o8MdaEq7ch0-00567-00220628-00220861 They are modernists, they are not Catholics.” o8MdaEq7ch0-00568-00220861-00221379 He also stated: “so really the arguments between hardline traditionalists and sedevacantists o8MdaEq7ch0-00569-00221379-00222016 is the sense of jurisdiction, you know, we recognize that they still have jurisdiction o8MdaEq7ch0-00570-00222016-00222240 against the errors of sedevacantism.” o8MdaEq7ch0-00571-00222240-00222701 He also stated: “those individuals who are attending the Vatican II new churches they o8MdaEq7ch0-00572-00222701-00222953 are not Catholics, they are modernists. o8MdaEq7ch0-00573-00222953-00223292 So here's another demonstration of people you need to avoid. o8MdaEq7ch0-00574-00223292-00223716 If you want to lose your soul go ahead and start communing with the Pittsburgh Diocese o8MdaEq7ch0-00575-00223716-00224306 because assuredly you will definitely lose the faith and/or if you have not already, o8MdaEq7ch0-00576-00224306-00224536 quite potentially lose your soul.” o8MdaEq7ch0-00577-00224536-00224998 Such diabolical nonsense mocks and denies Catholic teaching in many ways. o8MdaEq7ch0-00578-00224998-00225429 It rejects Catholic dogma on the unity of faith in the Church, on the unity of communion o8MdaEq7ch0-00579-00225429-00225823 in the Church, on the infallibility of the Magisterium, on the church's immunity from o8MdaEq7ch0-00580-00225823-00225980 error, etc. o8MdaEq7ch0-00581-00225980-00226431 It's textbook schism, for he says that people must not commune with the “Bishop” and o8MdaEq7ch0-00582-00226431-00226924 the “Pope” he simultaneously says have jurisdiction and authority. o8MdaEq7ch0-00583-00226924-00227442 That position of course also rejects the dogma that where Peter is there is the true church, o8MdaEq7ch0-00584-00227442-00227923 as it holds that where Peter is there is a false and non-Catholic church which one must o8MdaEq7ch0-00585-00227923-00228166 reject and be separate from. o8MdaEq7ch0-00586-00228166-00228544 Someone who obstinately adheres to such a position as the aforementioned individual o8MdaEq7ch0-00587-00228544-00228992 does is certainly not a Catholic but definitely a heritic and a o8MdaEq7ch0-00588-00228992-00229350 schismatic with no faith in Catholic teaching at all. o8MdaEq7ch0-00589-00229350-00229542 Eric Gajewski is a spiritual fraud. o8MdaEq7ch0-00590-00229542-00230016 He claims to reject the mainstream SSPX and those who attended their masses, yet he praises o8MdaEq7ch0-00591-00230016-00230502 Nicholas Gruner who is more compromised and modernist than the SSPX itself. o8MdaEq7ch0-00592-00230502-00231007 He also accepts the invalid new “rite of ordination” but he rejects the “canonizations” o8MdaEq7ch0-00593-00231007-00231204 of the Vatican II Antipopes. o8MdaEq7ch0-00594-00231204-00231796 This is absurd for if the new right is valid and so the “canonizations” by the Antipopes o8MdaEq7ch0-00595-00231796-00232283 because both the “ordinations” and the “canonizations” are derived from the same o8MdaEq7ch0-00596-00232283-00232510 authority, the Vatican II sect. o8MdaEq7ch0-00597-00232510-00232867 Eric believes that it is heresy to reject “baptism of desire”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00598-00232867-00233355 Like all baptism of desire heretics he rejects the mountain of Magisterial teaching proving o8MdaEq7ch0-00599-00233355-00233746 the absolute necessity of the Sacrament of Baptism for salvation. o8MdaEq7ch0-00600-00233746-00234065 He also believes in the heresy of “invincible ignorance”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00601-00234065-00234515 He says that someone can be saved if he has the Catholic faith in a “hidden and unknown o8MdaEq7ch0-00602-00234515-00234615 way”. o8MdaEq7ch0-00603-00234615-00234767 This is absurd heresy. o8MdaEq7ch0-00604-00234767-00235085 No one can have the Catholic faith in a hidden and unknown way. o8MdaEq7ch0-00605-00235085-00235596 To have the Catholic faith must also profess the Catholic faith in the external form. o8MdaEq7ch0-00606-00235596-00235967 He says that we cannot be positive that Luther and all the rest of the enemies of mankind o8MdaEq7ch0-00607-00235967-00236088 are in hell. o8MdaEq7ch0-00608-00236088-00236282 This is also absurd heresy. o8MdaEq7ch0-00609-00236282-00236596 The Council of Florence declared that all those who die outside the Catholic Church o8MdaEq7ch0-00610-00236596-00236748 go to Hell. o8MdaEq7ch0-00611-00236748-00237003 Eric Gajewski is a disgraceful apostate. o8MdaEq7ch0-00612-00237003-00237519 See the video, The Best Argument Against “Baptism of Desire,” and the book, Outside the Catholic o8MdaEq7ch0-00613-00237519-00237779 Church There is Absolutely No Salvation. o8MdaEq7ch0-00614-00237779-00238173 To financially support Eric Gajewski is obviously a mortal sin. o8MdaEq7ch0-00615-00238173-00238354 He should be totally shunned and avoided. o8MdaEq7ch0-00616-00238354-00238866 There is absolutely no justification for him lying to, deceiving and defrauding others, o8MdaEq7ch0-00617-00238866-00239361 as well as building himself up as a cult figure by putting himself in the place of God: “And o8MdaEq7ch0-00618-00239361-00239855 whosoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled, and he that shall humble himself shall be o8MdaEq7ch0-00619-00239855-00240014 exalted” - Matthew 23:12. o8MdaEq7ch0-00620-00240014-00240538 “For What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his o8MdaEq7ch0-00621-00240538-00240638 soul?” o8MdaEq7ch0-00622-00240638-00240738 - Mark 8:36. o8MdaEq7ch0-00623-00240738-00241471 Sadly, Eric Gajewski is a false Christ, a false prophet, a false shepherd and a schismatic o8MdaEq7ch0-00624-00241471-00241632 and a heretic. o8MdaEq7ch0-00625-00241632-00242074 He treats souls this if they are a business commodity rather than immortal and made in o8MdaEq7ch0-00626-00242074-00242229 the image of God. o8MdaEq7ch0-00627-00242229-00242621 For the best information on the Traditional Catholic Faith how modern Rome has lost the o8MdaEq7ch0-00628-00242621-00243746 Catholic Faith, please go to vaticancatholic.com. oruQFBBrOGu-00000-00003265-00003515 Square was cut and it was? oruQFBBrOGu-00001-00003515-00003672 Poked full of holes. oruQFBBrOGu-00002-00003672-00003781 Mrs. Bennardo needs a friend to oruQFBBrOGu-00003-00003781-00004119 help me poke it full of holes. oruQFBBrOGu-00004-00004119-00004504 Let's see, Janelle. oruQFBBrOGu-00005-00004705-00004855 Where's my Janelle? Janelle, would oruQFBBrOGu-00006-00004855-00005185 you come up and help Mrs. Bennardo? oruQFBBrOGu-00007-00005185-00005386 Okay. The square, oruQFBBrOGu-00008-00005386-00005636 turn and face your friends, oruQFBBrOGu-00009-00005636-00005736 okay, oruQFBBrOGu-00010-00005736-00005850 Can you show everybody how to do this? oruQFBBrOGu-00011-00006230-00006308 That's nice. Do it again. oruQFBBrOGu-00012-00006526-00006834 Just squeeze it nice and hard. oruQFBBrOGu-00013-00006834-00006934 And sometimes, boys and girls, oruQFBBrOGu-00014-00006934-00007206 sometimes my friends use two hands. oruQFBBrOGu-00015-00007206-00007375 Can we show two hands too? oruQFBBrOGu-00016-00007375-00007464 Can you do it with two hands? oruQFBBrOGu-00017-00007464-00007683 Use two hands and watch, do one more. oruQFBBrOGu-00018-00007984-00008129 Very nice, thank you. oruQFBBrOGu-00019-00008129-00008454 Janelle, what did you do to the paper? oruQFBBrOGu-00020-00008454-00008585 Poked it with holes. oruQFBBrOGu-00021-00008585-00008660 Very good, thank you. oruQFBBrOGu-00022-00009102-00009348 Let's see. oruQFBBrOGu-00023-00009348-00009416 Our next page, oruQFBBrOGu-00024-00009416-00009501 now what? That's right. oruQFBBrOGu-00025-00009896-00010030 On Tuesday oruQFBBrOGu-00026-00010030-00010307 the square was torn into? oruQFBBrOGu-00027-00010307-00010396 Pieces. oruQFBBrOGu-00028-00010396-00010633 Into scraps, into pieces. oruQFBBrOGu-00029-00010633-00010825 So on Tuesday oruQFBBrOGu-00030-00010825-00011056 the poor square oruQFBBrOGu-00031-00011056-00011226 was torn oruQFBBrOGu-00032-00011226-00011424 into pieces. oruQFBBrOGu-00033-00011424-00011602 So one of our jobs today is to oruQFBBrOGu-00034-00011602-00011798 tear the square into pieces. oruQFBBrOGu-00035-00012105-00012207 Let's see what happens next. oruQFBBrOGu-00036-00012790-00012919 On Wednesday oruQFBBrOGu-00037-00012919-00013118 the square was shredded oruQFBBrOGu-00038-00013118-00013300 into strips. oruQFBBrOGu-00039-00013300-00013463 Mrs. Bennardo needs a friend to oruQFBBrOGu-00040-00013463-00013646 help me shred it into strips. oruQFBBrOGu-00041-00013903-00014035 Let's see, oruQFBBrOGu-00042-00014035-00014288 Jorge, can you come up and oruQFBBrOGu-00043-00014288-00014480 help show us how to shred oruQFBBrOGu-00044-00014480-00014590 the square? Turn and face your oruQFBBrOGu-00045-00014590-00014811 friends so they can see. oruQFBBrOGu-00046-00014811-00014894 Ready? oruQFBBrOGu-00047-00015699-00016090 Do one more. oruQFBBrOGu-00048-00016090-00016297 Jorge, how did you oruQFBBrOGu-00049-00016297-00016447 change that square? oruQFBBrOGu-00050-00016447-00016527 What are you doing to the square? oruQFBBrOGu-00051-00016674-00016793 Crumbling it. oruQFBBrOGu-00052-00016793-00017015 Are you crumbling it? oruQFBBrOGu-00053-00017015-00017209 Look up here, look at our word. oruQFBBrOGu-00054-00017209-00017442 You are going to shred the square. oruQFBBrOGu-00055-00017442-00017531 Can you say I'm going to shred the oruQFBBrOGu-00056-00017531-00017581 square? oruQFBBrOGu-00057-00017581-00017678 Shred it. orJVRPjvyS0-00000-00003808-00004078 What do you see? orJVRPjvyS0-00001-00004324-00004762 I see trees presling in the wind. orJVRPjvyS0-00002-00005104-00005676 Is it daytime or night? It´s daytime and the winds are very violent orJVRPjvyS0-00003-00006052-00006252 Tell me more orJVRPjvyS0-00004-00007114-00007566 I keep looking up at the sky. What´s up in the sky? orJVRPjvyS0-00005-00007952-00008152 It´s... orJVRPjvyS0-00006-00008397-00008597 clouds, but then orJVRPjvyS0-00007-00008932-00009240 around circle the sky and then orJVRPjvyS0-00008-00009319-00009519 the clouds orJVRPjvyS0-00009-00009529-00009729 are forming orJVRPjvyS0-00010-00009760-00009955 around this orJVRPjvyS0-00011-00009955-00010314 piece of the sky that I can see orJVRPjvyS0-00012-00010890-00011574 This is forming near you? Yeah. So what happens? orJVRPjvyS0-00013-00012592-00013036 What happens with this sky and the winds? orJVRPjvyS0-00014-00015180-00015899 Oh, I feel like I´m supposed to receive something. Mm-hmm. Let's find out what it is orJVRPjvyS0-00015-00016381-00016932 Go to that spot where you're receiving something. What do you receive? orJVRPjvyS0-00016-00017418-00017768 Energy. Energy, Mm-hmm. orJVRPjvyS0-00017-00018394-00018628 How does that energy feel? orJVRPjvyS0-00018-00019182-00019612 Overwhelming. uh-huh, what happens to you? orJVRPjvyS0-00019-00020870-00021070 It's too much orJVRPjvyS0-00020-00021382-00021840 Feels like my body's convulsing orJVRPjvyS0-00021-00023204-00023404 Tell me more orJVRPjvyS0-00022-00023784-00024138 I don't feel too good. Mm-Hmm orJVRPjvyS0-00023-00024254-00024546 You can watch this as an observer orJVRPjvyS0-00024-00024596-00024862 You don't have to be in the body to watch it orJVRPjvyS0-00025-00024910-00025110 Tell me what happens now. orJVRPjvyS0-00026-00025408-00025939 I just go back to the house holding my stomach orJVRPjvyS0-00027-00027264-00027516 I´m looking for my friends orJVRPjvyS0-00028-00028203-00028403 What happens next? orJVRPjvyS0-00029-00028932-00029132 What did that energy do to you? orJVRPjvyS0-00030-00029494-00029938 It changed me. Mm-Hmm. Tell me how it changed you orJVRPjvyS0-00031-00030874-00031306 It´s like I downloaded some information that I do not want to receive. orJVRPjvyS0-00032-00032110-00032395 But it had to be me. Mm-hmm orJVRPjvyS0-00033-00032539-00032798 What was the information about? orJVRPjvyS0-00034-00032896-00033270 Dark Times. Dark Times, Mm-Hmm orJVRPjvyS0-00035-00033487-00033687 Tell me more orJVRPjvyS0-00036-00034369-00034575 Let's access that information now orJVRPjvyS0-00037-00034777-00034977 Allow yourself to access orJVRPjvyS0-00038-00035128-00035840 That entire download, to be able to receive it and interpret it correctly orJVRPjvyS0-00039-00035996-00036196 find a comfortable place orJVRPjvyS0-00040-00036520-00036766 and allow the words to come out orJVRPjvyS0-00041-00037096-00037384 beginning where this download came from orJVRPjvyS0-00042-00038128-00038372 somewhere off the universe orJVRPjvyS0-00043-00039372-00039572 Why were you chosen? orJVRPjvyS0-00044-00040874-00041162 Because I'm able to hold it orJVRPjvyS0-00045-00041284-00041556 able to hold it hold orJVRPjvyS0-00046-00041692-00042008 to hold coldness and calmness orJVRPjvyS0-00047-00042140-00042340 in my body orJVRPjvyS0-00048-00042874-00043408 So let's find out what that download said, what is the message? orJVRPjvyS0-00049-00045970-00046464 I´m having a hard time deciphering it. Mm-Hmm allow it to flow orJVRPjvyS0-00050-00046612-00046812 Aaron will be with you orJVRPjvyS0-00051-00047076-00047732 Keeping you calm and allowing you to let go of any expectations orJVRPjvyS0-00052-00048148-00048910 Allow the information to flow. Open up the vault of information orJVRPjvyS0-00053-00049948-00050137 if you want to orJVRPjvyS0-00054-00050137-00050366 You can even allow those orJVRPjvyS0-00055-00050434-00050634 That were giving the messages orJVRPjvyS0-00056-00050694-00050894 to help you orJVRPjvyS0-00057-00050988-00051188 connect with them orJVRPjvyS0-00058-00051346-00051788 And allow them to speak the message for you orJVRPjvyS0-00059-00052320-00052690 May I connect with those that downloaded the information? orJVRPjvyS0-00060-00052816-00053016 Yeah. Thank you orJVRPjvyS0-00061-00053116-00053316 Would you please orJVRPjvyS0-00062-00053332-00053724 tell me what this message was, that was downloaded to her? orJVRPjvyS0-00063-00054534-00055314 She has a very specific mission to carry. Yes, uh-huh orJVRPjvyS0-00064-00055757-00055957 Go ahead orJVRPjvyS0-00065-00057616-00058044 missions to bring people together orJVRPjvyS0-00066-00058205-00058867 Her mission is to bring people together? Yes. What kind of people all people? All people. orJVRPjvyS0-00067-00059824-00060098 What else is in that message? orJVRPjvyS0-00068-00060774-00061454 Even though there are dark times ahead orJVRPjvyS0-00069-00062287-00063009 People must overcome their fears. orJVRPjvyS0-00070-00063454-00063992 and embrace love orJVRPjvyS0-00071-00064970-00065455 throughout all the Chaos orJVRPjvyS0-00072-00066948-00067506 Put their differences aside orJVRPjvyS0-00073-00068004-00068662 to overcome this darkness orJVRPjvyS0-00074-00068990-00069558 Must work together orJVRPjvyS0-00075-00070228-00070586 Can you tell me about these dark times ahead? orJVRPjvyS0-00076-00070692-00071416 Are these spiritual, emotional, physical Earth changes? Can you be more specific? orJVRPjvyS0-00077-00071490-00071734 They're all the above orJVRPjvyS0-00078-00072070-00072324 Who's causing these dark times? orJVRPjvyS0-00079-00072588-00073092 Negative forces. Where are these negative forces? orJVRPjvyS0-00080-00073482-00073812 throughout different parts of the Universe orJVRPjvyS0-00081-00074636-00075052 Why do they want to disturb this planet? orJVRPjvyS0-00082-00075296-00075826 This planet has a lot of good to offer and orJVRPjvyS0-00083-00075988-00076654 The energy that it holds is useful to allow these orJVRPjvyS0-00084-00076910-00077110 Dark Forces to orJVRPjvyS0-00085-00077428-00077868 Survive. Hmm. What do they need to survive? orJVRPjvyS0-00086-00078238-00078854 The energy of thought. Any particular type of energy? orJVRPjvyS0-00087-00079492-00079732 mainly Fear orJVRPjvyS0-00088-00079982-00080374 So what happens when people have fearful thoughts? orJVRPjvyS0-00089-00080666-00081094 They feed these forces. In what way? orJVRPjvyS0-00090-00081236-00082530 giving them more power to influence the Earth and its creations. uh-huh orJVRPjvyS0-00091-00082834-00083142 Does that affect the actual Earth? orJVRPjvyS0-00092-00083213-00083342 Gaia? orJVRPjvyS0-00093-00083342-00083542 Yes, Nature? orJVRPjvyS0-00094-00083552-00083744 Yes. uh-huh orJVRPjvyS0-00095-00083744-00084092 How does it affect Nature, in particular? orJVRPjvyS0-00096-00084238-00084474 It sucks it dry orJVRPjvyS0-00097-00084700-00084900 How is it doing now? orJVRPjvyS0-00098-00085046-00085569 She's steady. She's working on balance. Mm-hmm orJVRPjvyS0-00099-00086006-00086558 What about it's animals, the beasts of the Earth? How are they doing? orJVRPjvyS0-00100-00086752-00087060 They're working with the flow of her orJVRPjvyS0-00101-00087346-00087582 Are they assisting the humans? orJVRPjvyS0-00102-00087806-00088256 In some ways. How do they help? orJVRPjvyS0-00103-00088830-00089576 by example of the flow of Nature and energy orJVRPjvyS0-00104-00089848-00090296 In this day and age, can you tell me how the humans orJVRPjvyS0-00105-00090352-00090784 Are doing as far as this feeding these forces? orJVRPjvyS0-00106-00091324-00091782 Most humans function in fear orJVRPjvyS0-00107-00092042-00092340 Is this is something natural in humans? orJVRPjvyS0-00108-00092568-00092888 Only if they embrace it. Okay. orJVRPjvyS0-00109-00093250-00093450 How can we change that? orJVRPjvyS0-00110-00093714-00094284 Opening their hearts towards love. Practicing love orJVRPjvyS0-00111-00094656-00095500 When you talk about love, can you explain how we can love one another? orJVRPjvyS0-00112-00095664-00096070 Through acceptance and open heart orJVRPjvyS0-00113-00096650-00096990 But as humans, we see many things that are happening orJVRPjvyS0-00114-00097036-00097300 Many things that are shown to us in the media orJVRPjvyS0-00115-00097328-00097770 Things that we hear of atrocities around the world orJVRPjvyS0-00116-00097840-00098744 How can we protect ourselves and not live in this fear when you see so many things happening around the world? orJVRPjvyS0-00117-00098906-00099414 to be aware of it, but to not feed it to orJVRPjvyS0-00118-00099794-00099994 be able orJVRPjvyS0-00119-00100460-00100660 to overcome orJVRPjvyS0-00120-00100928-00101794 Like getting grounded with Earth and respecting her. What's the best way to ground with Earth? orJVRPjvyS0-00121-00101996-00102232 there are many ways orJVRPjvyS0-00122-00102658-00102858 the way orJVRPjvyS0-00123-00102988-00103435 we use Energy on the planet orJVRPjvyS0-00124-00103570-00104302 going to more natural resource orJVRPjvyS0-00125-00104720-00105068 Is this something that we can do as individuals? orJVRPjvyS0-00126-00105188-00105566 Yes. Any advice on that? orJVRPjvyS0-00127-00106146-00106814 cars you use, with gas and fossil fuels orJVRPjvyS0-00128-00107080-00107280 Stop using them orJVRPjvyS0-00129-00107515-00107715 The way we consume orJVRPjvyS0-00130-00107845-00108045 the foods that orJVRPjvyS0-00131-00108151-00108351 we consume orJVRPjvyS0-00132-00108486-00108686 and the orJVRPjvyS0-00133-00108724-00108924 wastefulness orJVRPjvyS0-00134-00109096-00109354 What should we be eating? orJVRPjvyS0-00135-00109466-00110094 Foods grown from Plants, naturally grown orJVRPjvyS0-00136-00110532-00111030 What about those of us who eat animal products? orJVRPjvyS0-00137-00111404-00112661 It's okay to eat animals, if you respect their lives and don't abuse them orJVRPjvyS0-00138-00112883-00113246 There are some of us on the planet orJVRPjvyS0-00139-00113574-00114156 who rely on animals food Source or based upon location orJVRPjvyS0-00140-00114366-00114838 but most people eat of animals orJVRPjvyS0-00141-00114992-00115333 excessively and unnecessarily orJVRPjvyS0-00142-00116085-00116483 So can you tell me more about these dark forces? orJVRPjvyS0-00143-00116548-00116956 I've been told that, at this time, there is a lifting orJVRPjvyS0-00144-00117014-00117382 a change of vibration on the Earth that orJVRPjvyS0-00145-00117430-00117628 That is true. orJVRPjvyS0-00146-00117628-00117954 I've been told that there is a New Earth orJVRPjvyS0-00147-00118172-00118518 Yes. Can you explain this to me? orJVRPjvyS0-00148-00119092-00119533 The Earth is ascending inevitably orJVRPjvyS0-00149-00119704-00119904 and orJVRPjvyS0-00150-00119985-00120292 She will carry on orJVRPjvyS0-00151-00120422-00120685 with her ascension orJVRPjvyS0-00152-00120764-00121402 And those who vibrate to that, will carry on with her orJVRPjvyS0-00153-00121609-00122211 onto this new Earth. Is this New Earth a physical Earth? orJVRPjvyS0-00154-00122354-00122549 not orJVRPjvyS0-00155-00122549-00122824 in the way one might think orJVRPjvyS0-00156-00122998-00123272 It´s more of an energy orJVRPjvyS0-00157-00123502-00123702 It's more orJVRPjvyS0-00158-00123870-00124209 a shift in energy orJVRPjvyS0-00159-00124452-00124885 And when she shifts, will everything shift with her, that's on Earth? orJVRPjvyS0-00160-00124924-00125322 everything in her frequency orJVRPjvyS0-00161-00125472-00125672 So I would think that orJVRPjvyS0-00162-00125718-00126466 I was wondering what would happen to all of those that are not in her frequency. What would happen to them? orJVRPjvyS0-00163-00126526-00126726 They will orJVRPjvyS0-00164-00126739-00126939 be left behind orJVRPjvyS0-00165-00127158-00127358 in a sense that orJVRPjvyS0-00166-00127414-00127582 they will orJVRPjvyS0-00167-00127582-00127782 continue to carry on orJVRPjvyS0-00168-00127804-00128088 in their Dimension. Mm-hmm orJVRPjvyS0-00169-00128182-00129116 So if I were one of those that was not vibrating at the same frequency as Mother Earth, and she ascended orJVRPjvyS0-00170-00129152-00129498 What would they notice? orJVRPjvyS0-00171-00129761-00130666 I don't think that they would notice. Would they still see the same people that ascended with the New Earth? orJVRPjvyS0-00172-00130944-00131168 I believe so orJVRPjvyS0-00173-00131272-00132082 And the ones on the New Earth, would they still be able to be with the ones that stayed behind in the old Earth? orJVRPjvyS0-00174-00132160-00132416 In a way, yes. Okay orJVRPjvyS0-00175-00132444-00133084 It's a little difficult for one who lives in this dimension to understand orJVRPjvyS0-00176-00133156-00133548 How one can ascend and the other part not? orJVRPjvyS0-00177-00134414-00135236 It's all in each individual´s power orJVRPjvyS0-00178-00135460-00135962 each individual's choice. orJVRPjvyS0-00179-00136078-00136720 So if you made a choice to ascend with Mother Earth and her frequency orJVRPjvyS0-00180-00136762-00137464 and wanted all of the ugliness to disappear in your world, would it? orJVRPjvyS0-00181-00137584-00137966 Yes, on an energy frequency. Okay orJVRPjvyS0-00182-00138014-00138556 Does this is New Earth look any different than the Earth were on now? orJVRPjvyS0-00183-00138608-00139280 It's a lot more beautiful. Okay. More vibrant orJVRPjvyS0-00184-00139406-00139856 Would we have the same type of things that we have now? orJVRPjvyS0-00185-00139958-00140392 In regards to? For example cars, houses orJVRPjvyS0-00186-00140480-00141634 Yes, but you will have adapted to using more natural resources orJVRPjvyS0-00187-00141656-00141796 Okay orJVRPjvyS0-00188-00141848-00142218 Is this ascension already beginning? orJVRPjvyS0-00189-00142218-00142794 Yes. So how would we know that we're in that New Earth? orJVRPjvyS0-00190-00143002-00143202 some may know orJVRPjvyS0-00191-00143258-00143458 some may not orJVRPjvyS0-00192-00143582-00143896 but you would have a orJVRPjvyS0-00193-00144040-00144444 pretty good understanding based upon orJVRPjvyS0-00194-00144562-00145046 your positive energy, that you orJVRPjvyS0-00195-00145234-00145434 excrete orJVRPjvyS0-00196-00145552-00145794 Out into the Universe orJVRPjvyS0-00197-00146196-00146424 Can you tell me more about... orJVRPjvyS0-00198-00146468-00147318 Now that we've talked about the New Earth, how we can help others to protect them from these dark forces? orJVRPjvyS0-00199-00147578-00147948 Guarding against any emotions orJVRPjvyS0-00200-00148116-00148316 fear drawn orJVRPjvyS0-00201-00148412-00148648 Any negative thought orJVRPjvyS0-00202-00149006-00149292 Any negative action orJVRPjvyS0-00203-00150146-00150916 to embrace all the positivity in the universe orJVRPjvyS0-00204-00151334-00152276 Why has it been allowed for all of these dark forces to affect us, if this planet is known as a free will planet? orJVRPjvyS0-00205-00152454-00152758 Because that is how most grow. orJVRPjvyS0-00206-00152990-00153342 By the contrast? Yes. orJVRPjvyS0-00207-00153464-00154228 So we can actually be living in contrast, but not embracing what we don't want? orJVRPjvyS0-00208-00154272-00154472 correct orJVRPjvyS0-00209-00154530-00155224 So is there a name for this energy that we feed? These forces? orJVRPjvyS0-00210-00155603-00155803 The negative force orJVRPjvyS0-00211-00156110-00156310 It's just that. Okay orJVRPjvyS0-00212-00156448-00156834 We just need to be guarded of it? Yes. Okay. orJVRPjvyS0-00213-00156956-00157508 These dark forces, are they physical on our planet? orJVRPjvyS0-00214-00157604-00158028 Have they taken form? Yes they have. orJVRPjvyS0-00215-00158028-00158464 Would we be able to recognize them if we saw them? orJVRPjvyS0-00216-00158522-00159174 Maybe not immediately from visualization orJVRPjvyS0-00217-00159338-00160150 But you'll notice based upon the imprint they leave on the Earth. orJVRPjvyS0-00218-00160460-00160914 Can you tell me more about that imprint? What that would mean? orJVRPjvyS0-00219-00161132-00162222 Imprint that does not allow things, or life, to be at their most vibrant orJVRPjvyS0-00220-00162562-00163312 Do these negative forces, that we have now, do they even know who they are? Some do. orJVRPjvyS0-00221-00163496-00164058 Are others just born with these forces already with them? orJVRPjvyS0-00222-00164222-00164422 It depends orJVRPjvyS0-00223-00164865-00165015 I come across orJVRPjvyS0-00224-00165015-00165165 many orJVRPjvyS0-00225-00165165-00165365 entities in my sessions orJVRPjvyS0-00226-00165410-00165876 That seem to be of the dark side, of the dark forces orJVRPjvyS0-00227-00165930-00166230 and when I remind them of orJVRPjvyS0-00228-00166274-00166474 the light within them orJVRPjvyS0-00229-00166569-00166780 They remember who they are orJVRPjvyS0-00230-00166914-00167810 And they release the negativity. Is this something that is possible on a larger scale? orJVRPjvyS0-00231-00167858-00168348 Yes. How can we affect more and more these entities? orJVRPjvyS0-00232-00168356-00168556 without having to orJVRPjvyS0-00233-00168558-00168699 pick orJVRPjvyS0-00234-00168699-00168899 each one out? orJVRPjvyS0-00235-00168950-00169516 Seems like with a tweezer. So a hypnosis session, how can we affect more of them? orJVRPjvyS0-00236-00169720-00170124 I´m not understanding the question. orJVRPjvyS0-00237-00170166-00170706 During my hypnosis sessions with clients, I find some of these dark forces orJVRPjvyS0-00238-00170758-00171394 and we encapsulate them in light and love and send them back to the source orJVRPjvyS0-00239-00171476-00171754 How can we find more of these orJVRPjvyS0-00240-00171802-00172222 without having to go to each client and finding them orJVRPjvyS0-00241-00172290-00172544 affecting them, how can we do it in a orJVRPjvyS0-00242-00172623-00172823 larger scale orJVRPjvyS0-00243-00172833-00173033 to help humanity? orJVRPjvyS0-00244-00173184-00173906 How can we join forces as humans and bring more light into this darkness? orJVRPjvyS0-00245-00173972-00174368 Global meditation is the way orJVRPjvyS0-00246-00174894-00175394 seeing the light in one another and orJVRPjvyS0-00247-00175452-00175732 acknowledging that light orJVRPjvyS0-00248-00175802-00176062 expressing that light orJVRPjvyS0-00249-00176278-00176506 Trusting the light orJVRPjvyS0-00250-00177056-00177554 So we really need to embrace everyone with light? orJVRPjvyS0-00251-00177602-00177756 yes. orJVRPjvyS0-00252-00177790-00178310 and as we do that as a whole, it changes things? orJVRPjvyS0-00253-00178344-00178544 Yes orJVRPjvyS0-00254-00178914-00179212 Is there any other message that orJVRPjvyS0-00255-00179234-00179518 You wanted to give her about this? orJVRPjvyS0-00256-00179540-00179902 What else was in that message for her? orJVRPjvyS0-00257-00181040-00181332 She must spread this message amongst orJVRPjvyS0-00258-00181512-00182052 humanity and those who she's in contact with orJVRPjvyS0-00259-00182846-00183046 But she doesn't know how orJVRPjvyS0-00260-00183366-00183704 Was that her mission? Yes orJVRPjvyS0-00261-00183976-00184176 No, Aaron told me orJVRPjvyS0-00262-00184246-00184920 Her guide, that she would be going to a life that was traumatic for her orJVRPjvyS0-00263-00184948-00185312 is this message traumatic for her? orJVRPjvyS0-00264-00185548-00186248 At this time, that's how she views it. How can we change that for her? orJVRPjvyS0-00265-00186300-00186786 How can we release that fear that she has about this message? orJVRPjvyS0-00266-00187134-00187334 Trust orJVRPjvyS0-00267-00187387-00187587 her ability orJVRPjvyS0-00268-00187632-00188106 And to trust that she is protected orJVRPjvyS0-00269-00188358-00189118 And that she has support. Who is supporting her? Guides. orJVRPjvyS0-00270-00189786-00190098 Do you think she'll buy that? orJVRPjvyS0-00271-00190330-00190706 I´m unsure if this time she will. orJVRPjvyS0-00272-00190946-00191790 Well it seems to me that you brought her here for the ability to spread this message through me orJVRPjvyS0-00273-00192104-00192506 Was that an alternate plan? Yes. orJVRPjvyS0-00274-00192806-00193490 What else would you like to tell humanity at this time, to help us all? orJVRPjvyS0-00275-00193912-00194636 You must know, you must remember where you come from orJVRPjvyS0-00276-00194812-00195012 who you are orJVRPjvyS0-00277-00195164-00195364 and your power orJVRPjvyS0-00278-00195962-00196228 For it is only through this orJVRPjvyS0-00279-00196442-00196642 remembrance orJVRPjvyS0-00280-00196713-00196913 and orJVRPjvyS0-00281-00196926-00197126 applying orJVRPjvyS0-00282-00197154-00197354 this knowing orJVRPjvyS0-00283-00197648-00197922 that we can make the change orJVRPjvyS0-00284-00198080-00198280 for Mother Gaia orJVRPjvyS0-00285-00198474-00198752 and through all of the universe orJVRPjvyS0-00286-00198966-00199232 you´re powerful beings orJVRPjvyS0-00287-00199544-00199744 Gods in amnesia orJVRPjvyS0-00288-00200008-00200274 You all have a unique purpose orJVRPjvyS0-00289-00200484-00200884 for the higher good of all Life orJVRPjvyS0-00290-00201980-00202786 Thank you very much. You´re welcome. May I connect with her higher self now? orJVRPjvyS0-00291-00203260-00203828 Yes. Thank you, you´ve given her a very powerful message orJVRPjvyS0-00292-00204558-00204940 Can we continue with her questions? orJVRPjvyS0-00293-00204986-00205436 Do you feel that she can handle any more today? orJVRPjvyS0-00294-00205836-00206036 you may try orJVRPjvyS0-00295-00206036-00206466 How do you see her? Is she in a good state? orJVRPjvyS0-00296-00206512-00206816 She feels very vulnerable orJVRPjvyS0-00297-00206866-00207066 right now orJVRPjvyS0-00298-00207208-00207408 and anxious orJVRPjvyS0-00299-00207810-00208576 She questions her own abilities and her power orJVRPjvyS0-00300-00208788-00209086 but she's so far orJVRPjvyS0-00301-00209252-00209544 Disconnected from it orJVRPjvyS0-00302-00209898-00210671 She must learn how to reconnect. That was one of her questions. How can she reconnect? orJVRPjvyS0-00303-00211104-00211488 Embracing all that is good and orJVRPjvyS0-00304-00211682-00212580 Accepting who she is without guilt or shame. orJVRPjvyS0-00305-00212850-00213050 in the now orJVRPjvyS0-00306-00213504-00213717 and to let go of orJVRPjvyS0-00307-00213878-00214078 expectations orJVRPjvyS0-00308-00214121-00214571 And holding on to things which don't serve her. orJVRPjvyS0-00309-00214650-00215256 Is there anything else that you think that I could have asked that I didn't ask today? orJVRPjvyS0-00310-00215958-00216628 She needs to come back. Very good, wide awake now feeling wonderful all over orJVRPjvyS0-00311-00217032-00217606 Wow, it's all I could say. How long do you think that you were on this journey? orJVRPjvyS0-00312-00217706-00217906 um orJVRPjvyS0-00313-00217992-00218175 Maybe... orJVRPjvyS0-00314-00218175-00218798 How does it feel? Don't think, feel. About an hour and a half? Try two and a half hours orJVRPjvyS0-00315-00218810-00218971 Really? orJVRPjvyS0-00316-00219019-00219752 Wow. So, I know that it was really challenging for you to get in to this. Yeah orJVRPjvyS0-00317-00219810-00220278 But when you did, you really were there orJVRPjvyS0-00318-00220602-00220878 What do you remember of it? orJVRPjvyS0-00319-00221054-00221382 I remember a lot, I think orJVRPjvyS0-00320-00221486-00221780 You seem to have been very deep in some places orJVRPjvyS0-00321-00221832-00222352 Yeah, yeah, do you remember the message that you got Mm-hmm? orJVRPjvyS0-00322-00222523-00222771 about love and orJVRPjvyS0-00323-00222990-00223617 and how, you know, these Dark Forces can be orJVRPjvyS0-00324-00224000-00224610 They don't really have any real power, other than the power we give them orJVRPjvyS0-00325-00224669-00225056 It was a really powerful message! Yeah orJVRPjvyS0-00326-00225096-00225296 yeah, and orJVRPjvyS0-00327-00225458-00226178 so long as we embrace love and really practice it and apply it to our daily lives and orJVRPjvyS0-00328-00226194-00226596 To our encounters with other people, throughout humanity orJVRPjvyS0-00329-00226632-00226934 we should be protected orJVRPjvyS0-00330-00226942-00227132 and the Earth orJVRPjvyS0-00331-00227280-00227550 can be protected and orJVRPjvyS0-00332-00227690-00227890 It was amazing orJVRPjvyS0-00333-00228030-00228556 Is something that you want to share? We can share the part that's most relevant to everyone orJVRPjvyS0-00334-00228608-00229223 I don't think we need to share the whole thing. Yeah, but that part was very powerful. yeah, I think so orJVRPjvyS0-00335-00229232-00229510 It was a long message, and I think orJVRPjvyS0-00336-00229544-00229776 they gave a lot of answers. yeah. orJVRPjvyS0-00337-00229810-00230590 When you were in that state, did you feel that it was coming from one or more energies? orJVRPjvyS0-00338-00230632-00231084 as they were conveying that message to you, how did it feel? orJVRPjvyS0-00339-00231196-00231794 I felt like maybe multiple. Yeah, that's what it felt like to me. orJVRPjvyS0-00340-00231794-00232246 Didn´t it feel like it was a team effort? is yeah much of them. orJVRPjvyS0-00341-00232416-00232852 Yeah, like a race of...I don´t know. Like a group of them. Yeah orJVRPjvyS0-00342-00232878-00233146 That's what it felt like to me, when I was listening orJVRPjvyS0-00343-00233146-00233890 It wasn´t like it was your guide, and it seems like as soon as you found your spirit guide, things really took off orJVRPjvyS0-00344-00233988-00234446 it was great, so let me disconnect you okay, and orJVRPjvyS0-00345-00234862-00235406 Yeah, so here. We are in Miami, Florida. We just had orJVRPjvyS0-00346-00235651-00236090 Wow at a session. So where are you from I'm originally from San Diego orJVRPjvyS0-00347-00236098-00236645 but I came from Atlanta [to] New Year drove all the way from Atlanta to be here and orJVRPjvyS0-00348-00236721-00237356 So what do you think about this session? [I] think it was great. I think there was a lot that orJVRPjvyS0-00349-00237432-00237632 was covered um orJVRPjvyS0-00350-00237763-00238532 Yeah, I guess I'm still trying to process some limit yeah. Yeah, yeah as you were going through it orJVRPjvyS0-00351-00238532-00239039 I mean did [you] feel that you were here there? What glad I feel I? orJVRPjvyS0-00352-00239125-00239325 felt like I was orJVRPjvyS0-00353-00239329-00239529 like orJVRPjvyS0-00354-00239539-00239739 working on orJVRPjvyS0-00355-00240028-00240386 Accepting me being here, but at the same time China's young there orJVRPjvyS0-00356-00240589-00240775 Well, it was it was orJVRPjvyS0-00357-00240775-00241172 Honestly it was rough going in the beginning. Yeah, all right. Yeah, [no], that's hard orJVRPjvyS0-00358-00241173-00241373 It's not gonna be in the video [cuz] it was just orJVRPjvyS0-00359-00241426-00241617 Yeah orJVRPjvyS0-00360-00241617-00241973 I'm going to talk a long time. You know at the bathroom and everything orJVRPjvyS0-00361-00242050-00242250 but but once we orJVRPjvyS0-00362-00242278-00242909 Once we got into that life where it shaped to the almost it almost seemed to me a little spaceship or tornado orJVRPjvyS0-00363-00242998-00243531 Was weird like what clouds are it started writing and I first thought orJVRPjvyS0-00364-00243531-00244211 Oh, maybe maybe it's like the tornado. [it's] gonna a little violent winds. Yes. I like the [street] like them orJVRPjvyS0-00365-00244211-00244769 Yeah, the tree leaves like blowing really hard, but then it seemed like something [hits] you. Yeah like something orJVRPjvyS0-00366-00244848-00245396 Like yeah they even though my lightning strike right like like all these clouds yeah orJVRPjvyS0-00367-00245396-00246051 All these clouds and then just in the center it was open sky, so do you feel that was some sort of a tea? orJVRPjvyS0-00368-00246108-00246617 Yeah, I got a I do and it was like oh yeah, then you got sick and [then] orJVRPjvyS0-00369-00246721-00246921 downloaded orJVRPjvyS0-00370-00246936-00247683 Let's decipher. What was it so that is what was good part? Yeah, what's that started with like yeah, definite that was cool? orJVRPjvyS0-00371-00247739-00247841 so orJVRPjvyS0-00372-00247841-00248235 Now that you've been to this it you really waited a long time looking food orJVRPjvyS0-00373-00248251-00248709 I think you should have been here a while ago guys in her right hand orJVRPjvyS0-00374-00248767-00249306 Couldn't calm down and now you made it. I finally made after five months of scheduled in july orJVRPjvyS0-00375-00249551-00250287 And then you are so booked up that your first opening was like in october and then norm at the weather. Yeah, it's nice orJVRPjvyS0-00376-00250294-00250986 It's you arm. Yeah, it's really good to go back up to cooler one. Yeah, it's cold up there. I'm not trying really nice orJVRPjvyS0-00377-00251044-00251586 Looking forward to this one. It's nice. Yeah, we get to go to the beach okay everything orJVRPjvyS0-00378-00251728-00251928 Parties recommend this to other people here orJVRPjvyS0-00379-00252010-00252579 So if you want a session with me, you know where to go Elba [Weinman] comm book a session orJVRPjvyS0-00380-00252579-00253035 It's very easy, and we could see each other yeah orJVRPjvyS0-00381-00253204-00253404 Hey, you have orJVRPjvyS0-00382-00254989-00255189 you orLxQIOqpxU-00000-00000004-00001941 Did you know...The risk of dying from fires in homes without smoke alarms is twice as high orLxQIOqpxU-00001-00001941-00002182 as in homes that have working smoke alarms? orLxQIOqpxU-00002-00002182-00002599 Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors can alert you to a fire or poisonous carbon monoxide orLxQIOqpxU-00003-00002599-00002882 in your home and give you valuable escape time. orLxQIOqpxU-00004-00002882-00003130 These alarms save lives and prevent injuries. orLxQIOqpxU-00005-00003130-00003277 That's a fact. orLxQIOqpxU-00006-00003277-00003722 So it is critical that your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms always be in good working order. orLxQIOqpxU-00007-00003722-00004006 Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms should be tested once a month orLxQIOqpxU-00008-00004006-00004240 and the batteries should be replaced once a year. orLxQIOqpxU-00009-00004240-00004655 (Use the old batteries in other electronics that are not essential to safety.) orLxQIOqpxU-00010-00004655-00005218 Many people replace their smoke and carbon monoxide alarm batteries on time change Sunday. orLxQIOqpxU-00011-00005218-00005678 Time change Sunday may also be a good time to remember to practice your fire escape plan. orLxQIOqpxU-00012-00005678-00005828 Children are especially vulnerable in house fires orLxQIOqpxU-00013-00005828-00006039 so every family should develop a fire escape plan and practice it orLxQIOqpxU-00014-00006039-00007063 at least twice a year, with the entire household. otDq_pfT3PQ-00000-00000816-00001120 hi folks Robin here in today's film i'm going to be showing you otDq_pfT3PQ-00001-00001120-00001655 the Pentland Way so the walk begins in the small hamlet of Dunsyre and it otDq_pfT3PQ-00002-00001655-00002264 works its way up north to just outside edinburgh at Swanston otDq_pfT3PQ-00003-00002376-00002832 well as you can see there's a nice rolling countryside out here otDq_pfT3PQ-00004-00002832-00003423 and the first few kilometers are on this farm road this will eventually peter out otDq_pfT3PQ-00005-00003423-00003800 into a farm track and then we'll see what else it brings otDq_pfT3PQ-00006-00003800-00004328 along the way i'm with my friend david this weekend otDq_pfT3PQ-00007-00004328-00004839 so what we've done is we've got two cars i met him in swanston otDq_pfT3PQ-00008-00004839-00005296 we've came down to dunsair and my car started to walk otDq_pfT3PQ-00009-00005296-00005616 there's not much parking in Dunsyre so if you do the same otDq_pfT3PQ-00010-00005616-00006071 just watch where you park if you don't have the luxury of two cars you can also otDq_pfT3PQ-00011-00006071-00006287 um otDq_pfT3PQ-00012-00006296-00006688 this weekend here it's a skinny little run if you didn't have the locks you otDq_pfT3PQ-00013-00006688-00006984 have two cars you can use the Stagecoach bus service otDq_pfT3PQ-00014-00006984-00007431 it's the 101 and you would get the bus to Dolphinton otDq_pfT3PQ-00015-00007431-00007768 and from there you've got two/three mile walk to Dunsyre otDq_pfT3PQ-00016-00007768-00008784 right so there is some waymarks and this is what they look like otDq_pfT3PQ-00017-00009296-00009840 right this is quite interesting there's obviously been a lot of rain recently otDq_pfT3PQ-00018-00009888-00010296 now there's a reassign post there otDq_pfT3PQ-00019-00010520-00010832 hopefully there's a bridge around this otDq_pfT3PQ-00020-00011284-00011584 corner otDq_pfT3PQ-00021-00011615-00012288 that is not pee i promise you that is a little river we just crossed a otDq_pfT3PQ-00022-00012288-00012728 moment ago i think i'm slightly spoiled by the otDq_pfT3PQ-00023-00012728-00013152 crisp clear highland water that's going to test the photo a mile otDq_pfT3PQ-00024-00013152-00013584 and a half under the belt so far otDq_pfT3PQ-00025-00013928-00014423 cheers here goes otDq_pfT3PQ-00026-00014808-00015080 tastes like beer otDq_pfT3PQ-00027-00015168-00017184 cloves are going to be honking okay did you smell a bonfire otDq_pfT3PQ-00028-00017680-00018031 alrighty we just reached this little pond and we're debating if we go to the otDq_pfT3PQ-00029-00018031-00018351 right or to the left and our map would suggest otDq_pfT3PQ-00030-00018351-00018768 to the left so that was the baby shall go otDq_pfT3PQ-00031-00018823-00019295 was here all right otDq_pfT3PQ-00032-00019336-00020304 hey yeah stopping that there is mandic hill otDq_pfT3PQ-00033-00020344-00020664 up to that tree line there you've got slippery knot mount and there's a otDq_pfT3PQ-00034-00020664-00022719 reservoir just on the other side of that otDq_pfT3PQ-00035-00023192-00023551 rob mountain equipment otDq_pfT3PQ-00036-00023672-00024184 there's montaigne otDq_pfT3PQ-00037-00026375-00027056 oh i feel bad now following us otDq_pfT3PQ-00038-00027200-00027832 where do you do the peterland way coming to peel me come on otDq_pfT3PQ-00039-00027832-00028383 come on otDq_pfT3PQ-00040-00029327-00029719 right so the way it takes us through this golf course otDq_pfT3PQ-00041-00029719-00030080 and then we'll end up in west london we can probably buy some supplies if you otDq_pfT3PQ-00042-00030080-00030560 want to grab a b or whatnot otDq_pfT3PQ-00043-00030560-00030944 or find a nice pitch in the golf course only joking otDq_pfT3PQ-00044-00030944-00031391 i never said that right we just came to the junction here at the end of the golf otDq_pfT3PQ-00045-00031391-00031760 course west london is down that way but the otDq_pfT3PQ-00046-00031760-00032208 route takes us uphill this way you're not on this road otDq_pfT3PQ-00047-00032208-00032463 for very long we want to turn to the right here otDq_pfT3PQ-00048-00032463-00032760 towards calips otDq_pfT3PQ-00049-00033024-00033375 so this here is the line water otDq_pfT3PQ-00050-00033760-00034160 and we'll say we've got an uphill section coming up otDq_pfT3PQ-00051-00034656-00035263 now that would be a nice place to be charlie makes me escape all right folks otDq_pfT3PQ-00052-00035263-00035856 um you just reached the the busy a702 otDq_pfT3PQ-00053-00035896-00036568 car locks is literally just down there it's decision time at six o'clock and otDq_pfT3PQ-00054-00036568-00036936 we're not sure we were gonna pitch up yet otDq_pfT3PQ-00055-00037088-00037528 we would be lying if we said we weren't tempted for going in for a pint otDq_pfT3PQ-00056-00037528-00038008 but it came back is six and i really want to get pitched within the next hour otDq_pfT3PQ-00057-00038008-00038240 or so otDq_pfT3PQ-00058-00038247-00038575 oh fancy pinkney otDq_pfT3PQ-00059-00038703-00039496 just one one for the road maybe even be open all right it's otDq_pfT3PQ-00060-00040296-00040984 excuse me cheers otDq_pfT3PQ-00061-00041047-00041391 seriously when was the last time you used a phone box let me know in the otDq_pfT3PQ-00062-00041391-00041888 comments below for me it was 2012 otDq_pfT3PQ-00063-00041888-00042503 an inch in the dance actually we're going to top up now get otDq_pfT3PQ-00064-00042503-00042903 some fresh water because that doesn't look pity no it's otDq_pfT3PQ-00065-00042903-00043344 fresh as i actually might change it fish is a otDq_pfT3PQ-00066-00043484-00043903 fresh that wasn't too bad we break off here otDq_pfT3PQ-00067-00043903-00044184 get off this road otDq_pfT3PQ-00068-00044247-00044568 so you're looking out for the nine mile burn sign there otDq_pfT3PQ-00069-00044568-00044888 right we're getting a little bit closer to nine mile burn and we're going to try otDq_pfT3PQ-00070-00044888-00045312 and find some of the pitch around there otDq_pfT3PQ-00071-00045391-00046912 so i'll bring you back then all right that's pitched finally otDq_pfT3PQ-00072-00046912-00047384 let's say literally eight o'clock and i am starving otDq_pfT3PQ-00073-00047384-00047903 so i'm gonna get my tea on shortly the good guys at waifu sent me some more otDq_pfT3PQ-00074-00047903-00048184 of these though so i'm gonna get some quick calories and otDq_pfT3PQ-00075-00048184-00048487 put it in there just now otDq_pfT3PQ-00076-00048503-00049384 because these are brilliant for that oh otDq_pfT3PQ-00077-00051832-00052271 just died too much tension on the pulley let's go boy era otDq_pfT3PQ-00078-00052271-00052655 we'll patch it up another palace in there otDq_pfT3PQ-00079-00052655-00053536 hi plenty space plenty vegetable space two doors as well yep not bad yep otDq_pfT3PQ-00080-00053536-00054095 well i was just nodding off there and the wind and the rains picked up that otDq_pfT3PQ-00081-00054095-00054383 wasn't forecast otDq_pfT3PQ-00082-00054479-00054832 well i'm going to try and get some sleep fully otDq_pfT3PQ-00083-00054832-00055208 season the morning good night otDq_pfT3PQ-00084-00055608-00056376 oh good morning campers morning campers it's a six o'clock otDq_pfT3PQ-00085-00056376-00056832 and after that wind and rain disappeared last night otDq_pfT3PQ-00086-00056832-00057151 i pretty much dozed off it was a good sleep otDq_pfT3PQ-00087-00057151-00057624 it was wild at one point though and that wasn't in the forecast otDq_pfT3PQ-00088-00057624-00059183 right what i'll do is i'll open up the tent and show you outside otDq_pfT3PQ-00089-00059712-00060200 that's the stove on and for breakfast i've got otDq_pfT3PQ-00090-00060200-00060904 my usual porridge in a bag and i've got a cold brew coffee from otDq_pfT3PQ-00091-00060904-00061288 waifu so it's 500 calories plus my porridge otDq_pfT3PQ-00092-00061288-00061927 that'll keep me going this morning right other than two flat bits of grass leave otDq_pfT3PQ-00093-00061927-00062439 no trace as always and now we're gonna otDq_pfT3PQ-00094-00062439-00063288 go down there that gate and then back onto the root otDq_pfT3PQ-00095-00063288-00064607 some of these styles are a bit sloppy with the weight otDq_pfT3PQ-00096-00064607-00065079 so this one here is where we're headed that's west kipp otDq_pfT3PQ-00097-00065079-00067088 we've got scold law here otDq_pfT3PQ-00098-00067088-00067880 all right folks this is the top of otDq_pfT3PQ-00099-00067880-00068344 westkip hill you can probably tell them a little bit of otDq_pfT3PQ-00100-00068432-00068983 cracking a little summit this one otDq_pfT3PQ-00101-00069639-00070080 right below on the summit of east cap otDq_pfT3PQ-00102-00070112-00070600 next up scold law highest in the otDq_pfT3PQ-00103-00071483-00071783 pitlings otDq_pfT3PQ-00104-00072600-00072951 all right so skald law is just up there we're just going to stop for a quick otDq_pfT3PQ-00105-00072951-00074583 breather on the bike otDq_pfT3PQ-00106-00074592-00075863 glasses on the summer of school the highest point in the petland house otDq_pfT3PQ-00107-00075863-00076200 i had a really good wild camp here three days otDq_pfT3PQ-00108-00076200-00076792 before lockdown literally just down there was a cracker otDq_pfT3PQ-00109-00076792-00077439 seems like a long time ago now though so the next target is this one here otDq_pfT3PQ-00110-00077439-00077824 and that is karnathi hill otDq_pfT3PQ-00111-00077880-00079144 and after that is turnhouse hill all right folks this is carnival otDq_pfT3PQ-00112-00079344-00080183 cracking views otDq_pfT3PQ-00113-00080472-00081024 we just had a big tea and a bit of a breather at the coal there otDq_pfT3PQ-00114-00081024-00081583 we're just gonna head up turn house hill now otDq_pfT3PQ-00115-00081856-00082272 nice so the route skirts past this little minor top here otDq_pfT3PQ-00116-00082272-00082695 and it heads down towards floristan and then we sort of otDq_pfT3PQ-00117-00082695-00083056 dog leg back on ourselves otDq_pfT3PQ-00118-00083072-00083592 and we'll start heading up castle hill low otDq_pfT3PQ-00119-00083600-00083912 i know there's something i like about this but otDq_pfT3PQ-00120-00083912-00084383 i think it's a windswept trees otDq_pfT3PQ-00121-00087072-00087607 so we came all the way down here and this is where we'll dog leg let's otDq_pfT3PQ-00122-00087607-00088127 turn back and go this way that was the first otDq_pfT3PQ-00123-00088127-00088712 decent source of water we've found pretty much since actually before otDq_pfT3PQ-00124-00088712-00089032 setting up camp last night so if you're doing this route make sure otDq_pfT3PQ-00125-00089032-00089463 you collect enough water around nine mile burn because you don't otDq_pfT3PQ-00126-00089463-00089976 find much once you're on the ridge line there and otDq_pfT3PQ-00127-00089976-00090392 i pretty much drank about a liter there so i otDq_pfT3PQ-00128-00090392-00090839 definitely small error there not taking enough water otDq_pfT3PQ-00129-00091080-00092783 there's a wee buffy for you the roof's starting to cave in there otDq_pfT3PQ-00130-00092800-00093224 all right so we're on the tarmac for less than a kilometer otDq_pfT3PQ-00131-00093224-00093807 and there'll be a path leading off to our right just a little bit further up otDq_pfT3PQ-00132-00093883-00094183 here otDq_pfT3PQ-00133-00094224-00095727 that's our turn off here here we go otDq_pfT3PQ-00134-00096175-00096624 great so the hard work begins again i tell you what if the firing range is otDq_pfT3PQ-00135-00096624-00097048 closed watch out for the flags or the lights otDq_pfT3PQ-00136-00097048-00097224 but if you just head up there there's a wee otDq_pfT3PQ-00137-00097224-00097863 flat spot and you got a really nice view down over the reservoir and it's otDq_pfT3PQ-00138-00097863-00098256 absolutely one of the best views in the paintlands otDq_pfT3PQ-00139-00098256-00098600 so you'll see what i mean about the view otDq_pfT3PQ-00140-00098880-00099192 you can literally see our whole route this morning later in front of us all otDq_pfT3PQ-00141-00099192-00099656 the way along so this path contours around castle law otDq_pfT3PQ-00142-00099656-00100000 hill and then we get into the other side and otDq_pfT3PQ-00143-00100000-00100568 it's our last objective of the day is the pool up to alarm your hill and otDq_pfT3PQ-00144-00100568-00101183 then from there we drop down to swanston village otDq_pfT3PQ-00145-00101951-00102319 so that's alan muir hill right in front of us otDq_pfT3PQ-00146-00102319-00102943 looks ages away but finding place only one and a half kilometers as crow flies otDq_pfT3PQ-00147-00102943-00103279 of course this is one of the more buggy sections otDq_pfT3PQ-00148-00103279-00103624 i've encountered it's 12 o'clock and we've been going since what was just otDq_pfT3PQ-00149-00103624-00104095 after seven i have seven we set off this morning some cat food otDq_pfT3PQ-00150-00104095-00105383 for dinner otDq_pfT3PQ-00151-00105600-00106783 of the day let's do this i'll bring you back at the summit otDq_pfT3PQ-00152-00107632-00108183 hey po otDq_pfT3PQ-00153-00108920-00109255 all right so we're going down that away there otDq_pfT3PQ-00154-00109255-00109728 this path isn't always as wet as this just you know an awful lot of rainfall otDq_pfT3PQ-00155-00109728-00110064 recently this tree here that's only came down in otDq_pfT3PQ-00156-00110064-00110359 the last couple of years otDq_pfT3PQ-00157-00110583-00111040 this is a little quaint conservation village of swanston otDq_pfT3PQ-00158-00111040-00111376 lovely thatched roofs and all that otDq_pfT3PQ-00159-00111464-00111840 she advertising for loving gas as well otDq_pfT3PQ-00160-00112024-00112472 sauce we've done it just david cheers mate otDq_pfT3PQ-00161-00112472-00112783 that was great absolutely fantastic really enjoyed that if you've got any otDq_pfT3PQ-00162-00112783-00113208 questions for them down in the comments section below otherwise otDq_pfT3PQ-00163-00113208-00113608 we'll see in the next one cheers otNFtygQ0PI-00000-00000716-00000884 Heya What shall i do next? oudA6Nq6iYY-00000-00000064-00000676 1 Potato, 1/4 Onion, 1 Crabflavorfishball, 1Ham, Mayonnaise 2, 1/2T Lemon Juice, 1/2 T Sugar, Salt oudA6Nq6iYY-00001-00000844-00001068 Let me make cube potato mixed salad. oudA6Nq6iYY-00002-00001655-00002080 Diced potato. oudA6Nq6iYY-00003-00002586-00002912 Boil potatoes first. 8~10min oudA6Nq6iYY-00004-00003506-00003878 Prepared ham. You can also add vegetables. oudA6Nq6iYY-00005-00004276-00004712 Chop onion for salad dressing. oudA6Nq6iYY-00006-00004774-00005020 Make dressing. oudA6Nq6iYY-00007-00005088-00005612 Mayonnaise 2, 1/2T Lemon Juice, 1/2 T Sugar, Salt, 1.5 T Copped onion oudA6Nq6iYY-00008-00005738-00006010 Mix oudA6Nq6iYY-00009-00006412-00006586 Mix~ oudA6Nq6iYY-00010-00006723-00007254 Cool the hot potatoes. oudA6Nq6iYY-00011-00007568-00007818 MiX and done oudA6Nq6iYY-00012-00008760-00009036 Doesn't it look delicious? oudA6Nq6iYY-00013-00009468-00009764 It's good to eat with crackers. oudA6Nq6iYY-00014-00010726-00010978 Together oyDNrMltZ7y-00000-00000006-00000256 if someone asks me what my simple pleasure is oyDNrMltZ7y-00001-00000256-00000353 when I am alone oyDNrMltZ7y-00002-00000366-00000586 I would say just to go out oyDNrMltZ7y-00003-00000586-00000796 take a walk, get my favorite drink oyDNrMltZ7y-00004-00000796-00000999 at my regular neighborhood coffee shop oyDNrMltZ7y-00005-00001006-00001173 look up, and breathe oyDNrMltZ7y-00006-00001203-00001446 it works every, single, time ozVfIgDHMLg-00000-00000000-00000380 Bonjour à tous, c'est petit tour de magie. ozVfIgDHMLg-00001-00000380-00000784 aujourd'hui, je vous présente un tour avec une barette , une allumettes, tout ce ozVfIgDHMLg-00002-00000784-00000912 que vous voulez ozVfIgDHMLg-00003-00001031-00001346 pour impressioner vos amis ozVfIgDHMLg-00004-00001346-00001907 regardez bien, j'ai une barrette dans la main et je vais la faire disparaitre ozVfIgDHMLg-00005-00001907-00002288 attention, je vais la faire réapparaitre ozVfIgDHMLg-00006-00002288-00002501 alors explication ozVfIgDHMLg-00007-00002501-00002700 vous aurez besoin ozVfIgDHMLg-00008-00002700-00002956 de colle ozVfIgDHMLg-00009-00003147-00003429 ou d'une barrette ozVfIgDHMLg-00010-00003429-00003656 alors après c'est tout simple ozVfIgDHMLg-00011-00003817-00003951 vous mettez ozVfIgDHMLg-00012-00003951-00004479 un tout petit peux de colle sur votre dos ozVfIgDHMLg-00013-00004479-00004882 voila,ça suffit ozVfIgDHMLg-00014-00004882-00005534 vous prenez la barrette n'importe quel côté et vous mettez ozVfIgDHMLg-00015-00005534-00005659 ici et vous y coller ozVfIgDHMLg-00016-00005659-00005824 là vous voyez, ca tient ozVfIgDHMLg-00017-00005824-00006071 après ce que vous faites à vos copains ozVfIgDHMLg-00018-00006071-00006386 c'est ça ozVfIgDHMLg-00019-00006386-00006650 vous lui montré de face ozVfIgDHMLg-00020-00006650-00006741 et en fait ozVfIgDHMLg-00021-00006741-00006893 vous lâchez ozVfIgDHMLg-00022-00006893-00007113 et vous retournez votre pouce ozVfIgDHMLg-00023-00007113-00007284 ce qui fait qu'il est caché ozVfIgDHMLg-00024-00007284-00007525 là derrière votre pouce ozVfIgDHMLg-00025-00007525-00007797 regardez ozVfIgDHMLg-00026-00007797-00008252 on vas le faire tout doucement ozVfIgDHMLg-00027-00008252-00008548 et puis je pourrais faire apparaître après le baisser le pouce en même ozVfIgDHMLg-00028-00008548-00008688 temps du doigt ozVfIgDHMLg-00029-00008688-00009109 alors voila, c'était petit tour de magie pour ma première vidéo ozVfIgDHMLg-00030-00009109-00009304 sur les tours de magie ozVfIgDHMLg-00031-00009304-00009542 alors abonnez-vous à ma chaîne et mettez un petit j'aime o-mAjCLCUpU-00000-00000496-00001056 By Dr. O hear what a chapter 13 on the trace minerals to cover the water so vitamins and o-mAjCLCUpU-00001-00001056-00001552 the facts of the vitamins and the major minerals and are moving on to the treatment member trace o-mAjCLCUpU-00002-00001552-00002176 minerals are as important as the major minerals using a lot less of them and are a lot less o-mAjCLCUpU-00003-00002176-00002616 stored in your body. So we are talking about milligrams feel some low milligram numbers below o-mAjCLCUpU-00004-00002616-00003128 hundred milligrams and were even talking about micrograms in some situations, trace minerals, o-mAjCLCUpU-00005-00003128-00003720 it's talking about the amount that you need not their quality or their importance. Okay, o-mAjCLCUpU-00006-00003720-00004176 let's go and dive in with the icebreaker. Many of us are familiar with major vitamins minerals o-mAjCLCUpU-00007-00004176-00004656 are you familiar with trace minerals which can you name and where do we get trace minerals from so o-mAjCLCUpU-00008-00004744-00005144 I don't know which ones you can name, but the one night when I think me think of the trace o-mAjCLCUpU-00009-00005144-00005672 minerals. Most people know that we need iron and many people know need iodine the collect o-mAjCLCUpU-00010-00005672-00006064 iodized salt Creighton I'm selenium is my favorite one from the list, but the o-mAjCLCUpU-00011-00006136-00006456 semester how many you can them now but hopefully the end of this hour, you will o-mAjCLCUpU-00012-00006456-00006920 build any more of them. Where we get minerals from we get them from the same place we get o-mAjCLCUpU-00013-00006920-00007280 our trace minerals. We get up in the same place to get all minerals which is from the soil right so o-mAjCLCUpU-00014-00007352-00007880 remember that of the elements and acrylic table which is what your minerals are were made in o-mAjCLCUpU-00015-00007880-00008688 Stardust at some point and that's what our planets made up, and we extract minerals from soil, rocks, o-mAjCLCUpU-00016-00008688-00009216 water these types of things and that's where this idea contaminants comes into play too so if you're o-mAjCLCUpU-00017-00009216-00009608 if you're getting mineral which Bridgewater you're probably getting some of the minerals you want, o-mAjCLCUpU-00018-00009608-00009992 but you're probably getting some of the ones that you don't want to look at things like lead o-mAjCLCUpU-00019-00009992-00010544 and cadmium in these types of things at the end of the chapter. I saw learning objectives number one o-mAjCLCUpU-00020-00010544-00011048 summarize the key factors unique to the trace minerals by number to identify the main roles, o-mAjCLCUpU-00021-00011048-00011504 deficiency symptoms and food sources for each of the essential trace minerals which be iron, o-mAjCLCUpU-00022-00011504-00012229 zinc, iodine, selenium, copper, manganese chloride, chromium, molybdenum soul will live o-mAjCLCUpU-00023-00012229-00012640 to see there's a few that will spend way more time on than other similar ones with us, fly through o-mAjCLCUpU-00024-00012640-00013136 because are easy to find and were not worried about toxicity or deficiency, etc. and then o-mAjCLCUpU-00025-00013136-00013640 describe how contaminant minerals disrupt body processes and impaired nutrition status. So what, o-mAjCLCUpU-00026-00013640-00014208 what's the problem with getting a little bit a lead or cadmium with your calcium. For example, o-mAjCLCUpU-00027-00014208-00014808 a right to do this the trace minerals. A quick overview so that trace mineral contents of foods. o-mAjCLCUpU-00028-00014808-00015288 The support point vary with soil and water composition and food processing so we know o-mAjCLCUpU-00029-00015288-00015760 that food processing can can remove nutrients including trace minerals, but the soil and water o-mAjCLCUpU-00030-00015760-00016232 composition is a very big deal for example we talk about selenium. I will tell you that the o-mAjCLCUpU-00031-00016232-00016792 best food source of selenium is Brazil nuts, but that's just not any resume that there's nothing's o-mAjCLCUpU-00032-00016792-00017352 magical about Brazil nuts. They have to be grown in selenium rich soil so Brazil nuts o-mAjCLCUpU-00033-00017352-00017896 from Brazil. I know have a lot of selenium, but I don't know if the Brazil months grown o-mAjCLCUpU-00034-00017896-00018432 somewhere else else else. If that's true, so it's the which the soil composition of selenium o-mAjCLCUpU-00035-00018432-00019008 that causes those Brazil months to have a lot of selenium to the water that are using with plants, o-mAjCLCUpU-00036-00019008-00019536 the soil, the plants are growing and that's what's going to determine the mineral composition of o-mAjCLCUpU-00037-00019536-00020016 other examples that will talk about a actually a slim deficiency called teach on disease and that o-mAjCLCUpU-00038-00020016-00020456 comes from matter what they're eating. It comes from living in a region in China where there's o-mAjCLCUpU-00039-00020456-00020880 just not enough selenium in the soil. So even if you grow things there. There won't. There's o-mAjCLCUpU-00040-00020880-00021440 not enough selenium to pull from. So we have we have issues that are right so deficiencies can o-mAjCLCUpU-00041-00021440-00021848 affect people of all ages and may be difficult to recognize some we just don't even really know o-mAjCLCUpU-00042-00021848-00022456 enough about them yet to know what to look for the toxicities with the trace minerals. That's not o-mAjCLCUpU-00043-00022456-00022992 regular by the FDA in the same way that it is with other nutrients to hear we see just a comparison o-mAjCLCUpU-00044-00022992-00023568 with some of these nutrients of the RDA or the AI. Remember, if if you'd if you can't set an RDA o-mAjCLCUpU-00045-00023568-00024024 than you then you make your best guess her educated guess which is which be the AI. o-mAjCLCUpU-00046-00024024-00024624 So comparing the RDA or the AI and the tolerable upper intake level the UL for selected trace o-mAjCLCUpU-00047-00024624-00025136 minerals and you'll see that some of that the first bar the top bar is the RDA for for young o-mAjCLCUpU-00048-00025136-00025848 adults of the green bar is the UL compared with the men's RDA and the gorgeous yellowish bar. The o-mAjCLCUpU-00049-00025848-00026416 UL compared to women's RDA self. Usually there's little bit of wiggle room there o-mAjCLCUpU-00050-00026416-00026946 between the of the floor in the ceiling right this idea of adequacy in mock moderation so there o-mAjCLCUpU-00051-00026946-00027568 is so it did that them the minimum dose you need is quite a ways off from the maximum dose but not o-mAjCLCUpU-00052-00027568-00028008 huge numbers you notice that most the time. There is a ton of wiggle room. So what that means is but o-mAjCLCUpU-00053-00028008-00028576 but normal people eating normal typical diets will not have to worry about these upper intake levels. o-mAjCLCUpU-00054-00028576-00029000 This is where you get concerns what if you're starting to supplement in your tenure taking just o-mAjCLCUpU-00055-00029000-00029536 too high a dose of these types of things I like for example out on just some people, some of zinc, o-mAjCLCUpU-00056-00029536-00030000 especially during cold and flu season. I don't have any problem with that II take sink when o-mAjCLCUpU-00057-00030000-00030376 if I feel like I'm getting sick or someone of been around has been sick, but only good for a o-mAjCLCUpU-00058-00030376-00030920 few days at a time when you are using when using these them super physiological doses. These higher o-mAjCLCUpU-00059-00030920-00031495 doses of nutrients. I recommend keeping the time. Pretty short. Try to get try to get the benefit o-mAjCLCUpU-00060-00031495-00032056 of a higher dose of something when you think it's necessary but don't do that forever. I o-mAjCLCUpU-00061-00032272-00032744 interaction so nutrient interactions trace mineral interactions that they they are o-mAjCLCUpU-00062-00032744-00033216 common and well coordinated to meet the bow they need so that just means that again were were not o-mAjCLCUpU-00063-00033216-00033656 supposed to be consuming individual nutrients are supposed to be consuming foods and you will see o-mAjCLCUpU-00064-00033656-00034256 that there that there are interactions in the food that we eat that that tries to normalize o-mAjCLCUpU-00065-00034256-00034712 mineral levels and then also you'll see that your gut is a really good job of deciding o-mAjCLCUpU-00066-00034712-00035280 how much to absorb something other to actually transport those minerals into the bloodstream or o-mAjCLCUpU-00067-00035280-00035752 kick them out in your fecal material. It's it's a pretty cool system. If you for being honest o-mAjCLCUpU-00068-00035816-00036296 but these interactions can sometimes lead to nutrient imbalances to be getting way o-mAjCLCUpU-00069-00036296-00036704 if you if you have a diet that's way too high. In one mineral. For example, o-mAjCLCUpU-00070-00036704-00037128 it can impair the absorption and use of others will select a relationship between o-mAjCLCUpU-00071-00037128-00037760 zinc and copper in these types of things I to an excess of one cause the deficiency in another but o-mAjCLCUpU-00072-00037760-00038240 going back to your major minerals like calcium and magnesium compete for absorption, so a high do a o-mAjCLCUpU-00073-00038240-00038792 high calcium diet can impact magnesium status a high magnesium diet can impact calcium status. o-mAjCLCUpU-00074-00038920-00039352 These nutrients, not just not cause just causing deficiencies, but they can interfere with how o-mAjCLCUpU-00075-00039352-00039784 they work and you'll see that's it. That's a big problem with lead rights a lead can cannot o-mAjCLCUpU-00076-00039784-00040208 base to take the place of other minerals in and that's a very bad thing. Contaminant minerals and o-mAjCLCUpU-00077-00040208-00040752 toxic reactions let the biggest will talk about their lead in a lead-based paint door on lead o-mAjCLCUpU-00078-00040752-00041192 in water and these are these are serious issues that you thankfully there's been a lot of progress o-mAjCLCUpU-00079-00041192-00041800 removing lead from gas and paint in these types of things, but I was still a long ways to go. Okay, o-mAjCLCUpU-00080-00041800-00042192 then we have what are called the nonessential trace minerals which you'll find in your body and o-mAjCLCUpU-00081-00042192-00042664 you will find in foods, but that we just don't know what they what they need. What what they o-mAjCLCUpU-00082-00042664-00043288 with a do or if there necessary such things like nickel silicone, vanadium, cobalt, and boron. o-mAjCLCUpU-00083-00043560-00043928 Let's go through the trace minerals. So the first one at Wheeling is deftly the most important one o-mAjCLCUpU-00084-00043928-00044480 is iron and that's because iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency on the planet o-mAjCLCUpU-00085-00044480-00044968 will talk about why an iron has lots and lots of important functions cc. There are two types of o-mAjCLCUpU-00086-00044968-00045576 iron here entrapment documents. Here are there two types of iron we have Ferris and ferric iron so I o-mAjCLCUpU-00087-00045576-00046136 don't care about their their chemical formulas, but to embarrass Ironwood it would be a 2+ and o-mAjCLCUpU-00088-00046136-00046760 ferric would be a 3+ but the key is Ferris iron is found in animal products and is more bioavailable o-mAjCLCUpU-00089-00046760-00047248 meeting you will you will digest and absorb more of it than ferric iron that is found in o-mAjCLCUpU-00090-00047248-00047824 implant B sources. Basically it's a will will focus more on the terms team and nonheme iron o-mAjCLCUpU-00091-00047896-00048384 rights. Iron is a cofactor to enzymes involved in oxidation reduction reactions. Remember o-mAjCLCUpU-00092-00048384-00049016 those terms for metabolism more when you when you oxidize something peel electrons off of it. When o-mAjCLCUpU-00093-00049016-00049432 you redo something is when you add or transfer electrons to it so so anytime there's this o-mAjCLCUpU-00094-00049432-00050024 movement of electrons than irons involved iron is involved in the electron transport chain to make o-mAjCLCUpU-00095-00050024-00050664 ATP which member ATP year adenosine triphosphate is the energy currency their cells use so clearly o-mAjCLCUpU-00096-00050664-00051152 important, but the main reason we talk about iron is his last point here, lead, iron to make o-mAjCLCUpU-00097-00051152-00051784 hemoglobin and myoglobin to hemoglobin is about 96% of the protein that's in your red blood cells, o-mAjCLCUpU-00098-00051784-00052328 so I think of hemoglobin almost like a wedding a wedding band on with a with her called. I don't o-mAjCLCUpU-00099-00052328-00052767 know much about juries but both of but the thing that holds that the setting that holds the diamond o-mAjCLCUpU-00100-00052767-00053296 on hemoglobin is designed to hold iron and and that iron is what gives hemoglobin its affinity o-mAjCLCUpU-00101-00053296-00053920 for oxygen to hemoglobin is its quaternary structure to review is for different subunits that o-mAjCLCUpU-00102-00053920-00054455 make up hemoglobin that carry oxygen are carry iron that carries oxygen or transports oxygen o-mAjCLCUpU-00103-00054455-00054991 myoglobin will be like a single one of them. So myoglobin is almost like the the hemoglobin in o-mAjCLCUpU-00104-00054991-00055544 your muscle cells so your your your slow twitch fibers or postural muscles. They have a lot more o-mAjCLCUpU-00105-00055544-00056120 myoglobin so that's that's why they can their bill for endurance I so iron is very important for o-mAjCLCUpU-00106-00056120-00056632 hemoglobin and myoglobin which are the protein in red blood cells and muscle cells like it just set o-mAjCLCUpU-00107-00056784-00057272 I more iron is absorbed when stores are empty so one of the cool things about mineral absorption o-mAjCLCUpU-00108-00057272-00057824 is your is your body is really good at this, the more you need to nutrient the. The more that you o-mAjCLCUpU-00109-00057824-00058248 will of will be absorbed in your bloodstream and the less you need your body tries to protect you o-mAjCLCUpU-00110-00058248-00058752 by limiting absorption so that is a very important point will look what happens at the level the gut o-mAjCLCUpU-00111-00058752-00059248 in just a moment. When I show you an image but a fair 10 into some terminology here ferreting is o-mAjCLCUpU-00112-00059248-00059840 an iron storage protein and an iso but iron as it as you consume it at as it's digested. It's o-mAjCLCUpU-00113-00059840-00060376 actually absorbed into intestinal cells, where it stored and then it if the iron is needed, o-mAjCLCUpU-00114-00060376-00061040 it gets passed into the bloodstream. If it's not needed will every 3 to 5 days your intestinal o-mAjCLCUpU-00115-00061040-00061479 cells are sloughed off and they will be sloughed off with those minerals if not needed. So it's o-mAjCLCUpU-00116-00061479-00061944 a protective mechanism if you absorbed all the iron you ate, we would be in deep, deep trouble. o-mAjCLCUpU-00117-00061944-00062400 So it's great that your body has the systems to to minimize absorption. Iron is something o-mAjCLCUpU-00118-00062400-00062864 that pathogenic bacteria are always looking for so we we want to make sure we have enough iron, o-mAjCLCUpU-00119-00062864-00063440 but the last thing you want to do is have ample iron around more than we need that can can cause o-mAjCLCUpU-00120-00063528-00064055 bacteria to flourish microbes to flourish so iron is stored in those mucosal cells and if it's o-mAjCLCUpU-00121-00064055-00064764 needed that it's gonna be passed to the transport protein on transferrin amongst others, so that is o-mAjCLCUpU-00122-00064764-00065216 transparent is the storage protein which releases that transfer protein if iron is not needed. The o-mAjCLCUpU-00123-00065216-00065768 cells are to be sloughed off like I just mentioned in fecal material that happens on a constant o-mAjCLCUpU-00124-00065768-00066288 basis. Your intestinal cells are constantly being replaced and that's that's why that's it's really o-mAjCLCUpU-00125-00066288-00066760 one of his protective mechanisms rights. Let's let this a really good picture. So we take iron o-mAjCLCUpU-00126-00066760-00067184 from our food like it. Looking at that plate, we'd see there be some heme iron in the meat o-mAjCLCUpU-00127-00067184-00067696 as well as nonheme iron. There be non-here, not Humira and that is a broccoli and the broccoli o-mAjCLCUpU-00128-00067696-00068192 us the iron. Our food is taken up by the mucosal cells in the intestine and they o-mAjCLCUpU-00129-00068192-00068744 store that iron as what's called mucosal spirit in which a storage protein if your body needs o-mAjCLCUpU-00130-00068744-00069336 the iron that mucosal ferritin releases it to mucosal transferrin which the transport protein o-mAjCLCUpU-00131-00069336-00069824 which then releases it to an actual transferrin in the bloodstream and now it's being transported to o-mAjCLCUpU-00132-00069824-00070336 your bloodstream to go where it's needed. If that iron was not needed in the iron is never absorbed. o-mAjCLCUpU-00133-00070336-00070792 It's excreted when the when the intestinal cells are sloughed off into the into the intestine o-mAjCLCUpU-00134-00070792-00071232 and carried out in fecal material that excess iron goes with the same thing with other o-mAjCLCUpU-00135-00071232-00071784 nutrients critical of other other minerals are so heme versus nonheme iron very important terms o-mAjCLCUpU-00136-00071856-00072384 sees it, so heme iron think animal products nonheme iron think plant products cc here. o-mAjCLCUpU-00137-00072384-00073024 About 40% of the iron and meat, fish and poultry is bound into heme the heme version. The other 60% o-mAjCLCUpU-00138-00073024-00073488 is nonheme so there is nonheme iron in in animal products to but notice that were looking at meat, o-mAjCLCUpU-00139-00073488-00073800 fish and poultry were not were not talking about all animal products here o-mAjCLCUpU-00140-00073872-00074416 of all the iron in foods from plants is nonheme iron so heme iron you see here is absorbed better, o-mAjCLCUpU-00141-00074416-00074968 so heme accounts for only 10% of the average daily iron intake but is absorbed up to o-mAjCLCUpU-00142-00074968-00075456 25% nonheme iron. It is the majority of the iron are going to be consuming o-mAjCLCUpU-00143-00075456-00076064 today but it's absorb less. About 17% so heme iron is more bioavailable than nonheme iron o-mAjCLCUpU-00144-00076248-00076528 and we have a couple more little facts about that to something called me factor o-mAjCLCUpU-00145-00076528-00077184 will talk about just a moment. Let's match these first two composite you try yourself o-mAjCLCUpU-00146-00077360-00077896 to founded plant and animal foods is nonheme iron because of them are not all animal are not o-mAjCLCUpU-00147-00077896-00078376 all the iron in animal foods is heme but see find it both heme iron has the highest o-mAjCLCUpU-00148-00078376-00079064 bioavailability heme iron is found in animal foods. Hume iron is 25% absorbed nonheme iron o-mAjCLCUpU-00149-00079064-00079648 17% absorbed influenced by dietary factors. That's to be nonheme iron will look at some of them like o-mAjCLCUpU-00150-00079648-00080056 like fiber fibers. A big one and then another will mention just a moment thought the screen o-mAjCLCUpU-00151-00080056-00080568 and then nonheme iron, vitamin C actually improves its absorption. So if you're trying to get o-mAjCLCUpU-00152-00080568-00081096 more iron into your bloodstream because of anemia or low iron stores than vitamin C will increase o-mAjCLCUpU-00153-00081096-00081584 absorption if you're not if you have a condition like hemochromatosis where you have too much iron o-mAjCLCUpU-00154-00081584-00082264 than you would want to avoid vitamin C or minimize your vitamin C intake to minimize iron absorption. o-mAjCLCUpU-00155-00082264-00082784 So this is a good or bad thing depending on what your iron status is like right so animal products o-mAjCLCUpU-00156-00082784-00083368 also contain a peptide which is that you call me factor or me factor peptide that enhances nonheme o-mAjCLCUpU-00157-00083368-00083816 iron absorption from other foods, even in the same meal that that's a big deal to basically o-mAjCLCUpU-00158-00083816-00084432 if you eat that steak and that and that broccoli the meat factor that was in them in that steak o-mAjCLCUpU-00159-00084432-00085072 would actually increase the absorption of the nonheme iron in the broccoli are some sugars and o-mAjCLCUpU-00160-00085072-00085608 acids also can enhance non-heme iron absorption summit just a big deal to dietary acid stomach o-mAjCLCUpU-00161-00085608-00086048 acid acid is needed to properly digest foods to get at the iron in the first place. o-mAjCLCUpU-00162-00086216-00086656 I factors that inhibit iron absorption's will go to this the limit let listen left-hand side. So o-mAjCLCUpU-00163-00086656-00087224 the longer list of let's see, let's start with I I… Dorothy Logan blood cells at the bottom o-mAjCLCUpU-00164-00087304-00087728 iron containing hemoglobin in red blood cells is doing its job caring it's oxygen o-mAjCLCUpU-00165-00087728-00088208 some of that some of those some of that iron will be lost it with bleeding. So whether it's a G.I. o-mAjCLCUpU-00166-00088208-00088568 bleeding, or any kind of bleeding but dumb of menstrual bleeding is is is one of the main o-mAjCLCUpU-00167-00088568-00089248 reasons that you'll see that women of reproductive years need more iron than than someone that isn't o-mAjCLCUpU-00168-00089248-00089704 menstruating that and that's a really important point is the menstruation is the key, not the age o-mAjCLCUpU-00169-00089704-00090392 rights of if you're not menstruating that does impact your iron needs. I then I use o-mAjCLCUpU-00170-00090392-00090768 here when the red blood cells after hundred and 20 days when a red blood cell needs to be o-mAjCLCUpU-00171-00090768-00091336 based recycle the liver and spleen will dismantle red blood cells package the iron into transferrin o-mAjCLCUpU-00172-00091336-00091852 that transport protein and stores excess iron them in ferritin and on the on heme humor, o-mAjCLCUpU-00173-00091852-00092424 etc. but ferritin is the key member transferrin is the iron transporter ferritin is iron storage. o-mAjCLCUpU-00174-00092480-00092912 There are some losses via sweat skin in urine. So we are we. We have that's why even someone o-mAjCLCUpU-00175-00092912-00093472 it's not bleeding. I cannot menstruation female or male or whatever you will you do have iron o-mAjCLCUpU-00176-00093472-00093952 needs because you can't trap and keep all of its own. It's going to be lost by the transparency to o-mAjCLCUpU-00177-00093952-00094456 carry the iron in the blood will be delivered to to the myoglobin of your muscle cells. Plus o-mAjCLCUpU-00178-00094456-00094920 taken your bone marrow to make more hemoglobin to making red blood cells number back to beginning o-mAjCLCUpU-00179-00094920-00095360 what are some things that inhibit iron absorption phytates which are found in legumes, o-mAjCLCUpU-00180-00095360-00095944 rice, whole-grain, so phytates and oxalate's are examples of anti-nutrients their their compounds o-mAjCLCUpU-00181-00095944-00096488 found in plant products that impair the absorption of nutrients. If you're eating plenty of in this o-mAjCLCUpU-00182-00096488-00097072 is this is the reason that nonheme iron in plant foods is less bioavailable are one of them, o-mAjCLCUpU-00183-00097152-00097624 but tough to some to keep in mind of the proteins that are found in soybeans and nuts can also o-mAjCLCUpU-00184-00097624-00098048 inhibit iron absorption see you again. You're seeing a strike against plant-based foods for o-mAjCLCUpU-00185-00098048-00098544 freight as your primary source of iron, calcium, which is found in milks of dairy products also o-mAjCLCUpU-00186-00098544-00099064 are going to inhibit some of the iron absorption and that's way. Go back to the poultry, fish and o-mAjCLCUpU-00187-00099064-00099672 and meat were being the best sources that's in the called polyphenols. These are antioxidants they're o-mAjCLCUpU-00188-00099672-00100208 not there. Not bad, but they do they do inhibit absorption of iron there found in things like tea, o-mAjCLCUpU-00189-00100208-00100800 coffee and red wine and tannins been exams on like this. So these things do impair absorption so is o-mAjCLCUpU-00190-00100800-00101176 this mean if it mean if you're if you're trying to impair absorption then you would want to have o-mAjCLCUpU-00191-00101176-00101648 tea and coffee and the septa things with your iron containing meals. If your iron deficient, o-mAjCLCUpU-00192-00101648-00102256 then you may want to limit your consumption of these types of things while you are consuming. o-mAjCLCUpU-00193-00102256-00102944 I iron deficiency. So I Artie mentioned this earlier. The most common nutrient deficiency o-mAjCLCUpU-00194-00102944-00103544 worldwide main main reasons being that meal think about the number over there about 8 o-mAjCLCUpU-00195-00103544-00103968 billion of us getting close to a billion of us on the planet now and lots of people for o-mAjCLCUpU-00196-00104135-00104600 cost, availability, cultural, religious reasons. Don't consume animal products which are going to o-mAjCLCUpU-00197-00104600-00105168 be your best source of iron and then then bleeding any. So think about him someone that has parasitic o-mAjCLCUpU-00198-00105168-00105720 infections, the cause of bleeding in the G.I. tract or menstruation female so you're losing your o-mAjCLCUpU-00199-00105720-00106335 losing iron in ways which way you don't lose other nutrients and there may be primary deficiency just o-mAjCLCUpU-00200-00106335-00106872 because you're not consuming enough of it. I to even small blood losses can cause deficiency, o-mAjCLCUpU-00201-00106872-00107280 which is why you'll see that that the needs for iron for a menstruation female is more o-mAjCLCUpU-00202-00107280-00107935 than double that of a male deficiency develops in stages because remember, we have you have a stored o-mAjCLCUpU-00203-00107935-00108472 form of iron you have iron being transported and iron being used so you won't see a deficiency o-mAjCLCUpU-00204-00108472-00109064 at the level of the iron being used in tell those other depots have been impacted so iron with iron o-mAjCLCUpU-00205-00109064-00109535 storms. It is so serum parroted levels will drop first is that stored iron if you don't have enough o-mAjCLCUpU-00206-00109535-00109959 iron and you get rid of your stores first and that's when you see your iron stores start to drop o-mAjCLCUpU-00207-00110056-00110544 and then after that you'd see a decrease in the transport iron transference of ferritin levels o-mAjCLCUpU-00208-00110544-00111072 drop first, then transferrin levels. If you're out of stored iron and out of this transported iron. o-mAjCLCUpU-00209-00111072-00111520 Then you don't have the iron needed to make red blood cells and you see your hemoglobin levels o-mAjCLCUpU-00210-00111520-00111983 go down and hematocrit levels go down as well, which is hematocrit is a measure of the percent o-mAjCLCUpU-00211-00112135-00112720 and that's when you would see iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia so your iron stores are o-mAjCLCUpU-00212-00112720-00113192 gone you'll see low hemoglobin levels. Symptoms of anemia they may base the means without air self. o-mAjCLCUpU-00213-00113248-00113648 If you eat you you if you have let him show a picture of the church would look like o-mAjCLCUpU-00214-00113648-00113992 if you have iron deficiency anemia you're going to have the red blood cells are to be o-mAjCLCUpU-00215-00113992-00114496 too small. That's called micro-Citic anemia and also going to pay be pale because they're not o-mAjCLCUpU-00216-00114496-00115008 there not carrying as much iron making them hypo chronic low red blood cells. This won't function o-mAjCLCUpU-00217-00115008-00115344 as well as the normal red blood cells which you can you can read there you can see on the o-mAjCLCUpU-00218-00115344-00115968 left-hand side how red blood cells develop without iron. It is not the knocking work properly so you o-mAjCLCUpU-00219-00115968-00116424 can have your not to be carrying as much oxygen and that's can lead to a mental and physical o-mAjCLCUpU-00220-00116424-00117000 issues so PCs with symptoms here. Behavioral symptoms energy metabolism is impaired. Oxygen o-mAjCLCUpU-00221-00117000-00117600 is needed for all ATP production so are not all of glycolysis is an anaerobic process that you can o-mAjCLCUpU-00222-00117600-00118416 make to ATP without oxygen we need oxygen to make the total HPD you can get from glucose which is 36 o-mAjCLCUpU-00223-00118416-00118896 to energy metabolism would definitely be impaired. Neurotransmitter synthesis would be altered so o-mAjCLCUpU-00224-00118896-00119408 that can lead to some mental issues as well. Reduced work capacity and mental productivity in o-mAjCLCUpU-00225-00119408-00119856 just running low on fuel your brain is extremely metabolically active and needs a ton of oxygen o-mAjCLCUpU-00226-00119944-00120376 motivational problems. Again, you're you're tired for very good reason is the making of your iron o-mAjCLCUpU-00227-00120376-00120935 deficient is based you like. Imagine going from you on here in FCC level to Denver or something. o-mAjCLCUpU-00228-00120935-00121368 You're not can feel great. You have a headache you to be tired because there's less air up there. o-mAjCLCUpU-00229-00121368-00121840 It's called the mile high city for reason so that that will be like what you would feel like at sea o-mAjCLCUpU-00230-00121840-00122432 level because you're not your ability transport oxygen is diminished. Pike up so when you create o-mAjCLCUpU-00231-00122432-00122928 a pipe that is the creating and consumption of nonfood substances so someone is craving nonfood o-mAjCLCUpU-00232-00122928-00123544 substances like dirt or clay that that is often believed to be linked to a mineral deficiency. o-mAjCLCUpU-00233-00123792-00124320 I know on the flipside iron deficiency is very common, but iron overload of the most common o-mAjCLCUpU-00234-00124320-00124800 genetic condition in the United States is called hereditary hemochromatosis, which is an iron o-mAjCLCUpU-00235-00124800-00125320 storage disorder where you store way too much iron and this can this can damage the liver and do all o-mAjCLCUpU-00236-00125320-00125728 sorts of things with livers that the big concern because this that you can reach toxic levels o-mAjCLCUpU-00237-00125728-00126456 of iron there, but is the most common genetic condition. The US again saw signs of really free o-mAjCLCUpU-00238-00126456-00127008 radical damage and lid and liver, liver damage be the big ones look for your transferrin transferrin o-mAjCLCUpU-00239-00127008-00127408 is saturated your ferritin levels are are are really high because you're storing too much o-mAjCLCUpU-00240-00127408-00128008 iron and the and that that this be a problem. So how would you treat it. Interestingly, the best o-mAjCLCUpU-00241-00128008-00128480 treatment that I know of is just donating blood. So I you know, I know that people that have really o-mAjCLCUpU-00242-00128480-00128911 severe hemochromatosis instead of being able to give blood every few months. They give blood every o-mAjCLCUpU-00243-00128911-00129311 week and I don't think back to use the blood like a blood bank of the use of but that's I'm not sure o-mAjCLCUpU-00244-00129383-00129872 I've been told in the past they don't, but depth so Matthew imagine getting blood every week. Every o-mAjCLCUpU-00245-00129872-00130344 time you get blood you have to dip into these iron stores so giving blood is a phenomenal treatment o-mAjCLCUpU-00246-00130344-00130808 and then from dietary standpoint you'd want to go on a low iron diet and also a diet o-mAjCLCUpU-00247-00130808-00131296 that is avoid some excess you would want to get security but that avoids excess vitamin C because o-mAjCLCUpU-00248-00131296-00131904 of how it impacts our seat want to decrease the observe the the consumption and digestion and o-mAjCLCUpU-00249-00131904-00132568 absorption of iron and get rid of iron through them donating blood are that's hemochromatosis o-mAjCLCUpU-00250-00132728-00132992 iron and chronic diseases. There is a solution using ones here. o-mAjCLCUpU-00251-00133072-00133424 Heart disease is been linked to excess iron because of free radical damage and I think this o-mAjCLCUpU-00252-00133424-00133816 is that this is really important point to note, I don't forget I'm not saying this with certainty, o-mAjCLCUpU-00253-00134064-00134656 but so up women of reproductive age demonstrate have lower risks of heart o-mAjCLCUpU-00254-00134656-00135192 disease than men matched for the same age so you could make an argument now course, o-mAjCLCUpU-00255-00135192-00135720 the US agenda and the other cortical female sex hormones could be cardioprotective, o-mAjCLCUpU-00256-00135720-00136304 but you can make an argument that the fact that a woman is keeping her iron stores lower by o-mAjCLCUpU-00257-00136304-00136864 menstruating could be the reason that women have lower heart disease risk than men until menopause o-mAjCLCUpU-00258-00136864-00137392 rates of this is where so after after menopause you start to see changes and the risks of dying of o-mAjCLCUpU-00259-00137392-00138008 heart disease start to cut a match between the bid and or equalize. So until menopause. Women have a o-mAjCLCUpU-00260-00138008-00138464 women have something that or some combination of things. The protection of heart disease after o-mAjCLCUpU-00261-00138464-00139072 menopause. Things start to change. So could it be a it could be the fact that after your last mental o-mAjCLCUpU-00262-00139072-00139576 cycle. You would not be storing more iron that could be. It is probably a combination but I also o-mAjCLCUpU-00263-00139576-00140016 the and I think that the changes in sex hormones are are certainly changing disease risk and 1/3 o-mAjCLCUpU-00264-00140016-00140640 one is after menopause. Females generally start to increase the amount of abdominal or central o-mAjCLCUpU-00265-00140640-00141144 obesity or adiposity that they have which would increase the amount of visceral fat, which is the o-mAjCLCUpU-00266-00141144-00141656 stuff that's really dangerous other inflammatory etc. so I don't but iron might have and without. o-mAjCLCUpU-00267-00141728-00142104 That's why generally of some if I'm counseling someone is not medical advice from looking at o-mAjCLCUpU-00268-00142104-00142800 my own home blood blood levels of my what I want to be in the low to moderate range of normal when o-mAjCLCUpU-00269-00142800-00143216 it comes to iron. I don't want to be on the high level of normal. I like to be in that, o-mAjCLCUpU-00270-00143216-00143888 in the middle or the lower end when it comes to my iron status not deficient at all but just I don't o-mAjCLCUpU-00271-00143888-00144448 need the tank top all the way off because excess iron doesn't can lead to free radical production o-mAjCLCUpU-00272-00144448-00144944 that some that may increase risk of heart disease on symptom of cancer not as much evidence here but o-mAjCLCUpU-00273-00144944-00145456 but still is, why don't I don't recommend having too much iron and lessers a reason to I guess o-mAjCLCUpU-00274-00145624-00146016 so. Iron poisoning is Megan, and that that free radical damage and lots of other things. This is o-mAjCLCUpU-00275-00146016-00146608 this a big deal holiday like when I was a kid feel this is why you see concerns about when I concerns o-mAjCLCUpU-00276-00146608-00147176 but we have concerns yet childproof Things like Vitamins and Stuff. The One That the the Biggest o-mAjCLCUpU-00277-00147176-00147624 Concern Would Be Would Be Iron Poisoning When I Was a Kid Action Unity in My Stomach Pumped o-mAjCLCUpU-00278-00147624-00148160 Because I Got Hold of a Bottle of Flintstone Vitamins and Consumed All of Them. So, for Guilt, o-mAjCLCUpU-00279-00148160-00148664 but That the Extra Vitamin C the Extra B Vitamins. They Would Evolve and Pass Right through Me. The o-mAjCLCUpU-00280-00148664-00149144 Other Ones. Not a Big Deal but the Biggest Concern Was Removing That Excess Iron from My System o-mAjCLCUpU-00281-00149240-00149912 I to the until Recommendation Seriously. Men 8 Mg a Day. Women of Reproductive Age Need 18 Mg a o-mAjCLCUpU-00282-00149912-00150400 Day. So If You're If You're Pregnant or Capable of Becoming Pregnant or Menstruating Your Iron Needs o-mAjCLCUpU-00283-00150400-00150888 Are Going to Be Increased Now Course, If You Have Very Heavy Menstrual Flow Maybe Need More Very o-mAjCLCUpU-00284-00150888-00151272 Light Menstrual Flow. Maybe the Lesson These These Are These Agreement Recommend Is to Start from. o-mAjCLCUpU-00285-00151272-00151840 But You Have To Play Play with Those Things That I Let Me See What I Have Here for My Mother, Melissa o-mAjCLCUpU-00286-00151840-00152392 Been Using for This Unit so Iron Is a Nutrient of Concern for Young Children, Pregnant Women o-mAjCLCUpU-00287-00152392-00152784 and Women Capable of Becoming Pregnant's Those the People That Would Have the Increased Need for Iron o-mAjCLCUpU-00288-00152858-00153320 Is Needed for Energy Production Growth and Development Immune Function. Red Blood Cell o-mAjCLCUpU-00289-00153320-00154016 Formation Reproduction and Wound Healing 18 Mg a Day for for Those Groups, Food Sources, o-mAjCLCUpU-00290-00154016-00154816 Beans and Peas, Dark Green Vegetables Meets Poultry Prunes and Prune Juice, Raisins, Seafood, o-mAjCLCUpU-00291-00154816-00155280 Whole-Grain, Enriched and Fortified Cereals and Breads Which Bite Her, but Those Words o-mAjCLCUpU-00292-00155280-00155888 Have Have yet of Leaf Enriched Versus Fortified so When the Foods Been Enriched. You're Basically o-mAjCLCUpU-00293-00155888-00156392 Putting Nutrients Back That Were Lost during Processing. When Foods Foods Being Fortified o-mAjCLCUpU-00294-00156392-00156936 Your Adding Nutrients That Weren't There to Begin with, At Least Not in Those Levels Are As Well so o-mAjCLCUpU-00295-00156936-00157408 I Have Here for Iron. You Can Look at the List of All the Food Sources They Give Look at Keep Canned o-mAjCLCUpU-00296-00157408-00157952 Clams Read There and Also the Clams Are off the Chart in Lots of Nutrients See the Beef o-mAjCLCUpU-00297-00157952-00158416 Liver There As Well so Iron Necessary for Proper Hemoglobin Function As Part of Your Metabolic o-mAjCLCUpU-00298-00158416-00158960 Electron Carriers Talk about That Iron Is What Gives Hemoglobin Molecules Their Venue for Oxygen. o-mAjCLCUpU-00299-00158960-00159536 The Two Kinds of Iron or Human Nonheme Iron Came from Animal Products Is Is More Bioavailable. o-mAjCLCUpU-00300-00159536-00159944 It Is Important to Have Adequate Stomach Acid to Digest and Absorb Iron. So As We Get Older o-mAjCLCUpU-00301-00160008-00160440 That Can Impact Her Iron Needs Because We A Lot Of People Lose Stomach Acid with Age o-mAjCLCUpU-00302-00160576-00161064 Iron along with the Many Other Minerals Are Sensitive to Anti-Nutrients like the Phytates You o-mAjCLCUpU-00303-00161064-00161648 Mentioned Earlier Best Food Sources Beef Liver, Oysters, Clams, Red Meat and Nuts for Speaking of o-mAjCLCUpU-00304-00161648-00162296 Clams Know You Know There There Are People That Believe That You If You If Your Beacon You Know o-mAjCLCUpU-00305-00162296-00162928 Consume Animal Products. Clams Are Kind of like on the Dividing Line Are They Are the Animals Right o-mAjCLCUpU-00306-00162928-00163480 There. As Far As I Know They're Not Sent Tent so There Are People to Make an Argument That Clams o-mAjCLCUpU-00307-00163600-00164096 Would Fall More in the Category of Nonanimal so It Might Be a Kind of Food to Look into o-mAjCLCUpU-00308-00164096-00164464 If You're Looking for Really Nutrient Dense Food, but You Do Not Consume Animal Products. o-mAjCLCUpU-00309-00164464-00165296 Something to Consider. We Have Zinc so Zinc Supports the Work of Hundreds of Proteins o-mAjCLCUpU-00310-00165368-00165920 Stabilizes Cell Membrane Stabilizes DNA Both Obviously Huge Huge Deals Important for Immune o-mAjCLCUpU-00311-00165920-00166472 Function at Best Buy Will Focus on the Most Growth and Development As Well As Inc. Things Needed for o-mAjCLCUpU-00312-00166472-00166992 Sperm, Health, Etc. the Syllabus Is Needed for the Synthesis, Storage and Release of Insulin o-mAjCLCUpU-00313-00167074-00167656 Support and Blood Clotting Is Needed for Thyroid Hormone Function and It It It Can Impact Learning o-mAjCLCUpU-00314-00167656-00168208 Performance and Behavior Don't Get Enough of It so I Gave a Presentation about Malnutrition the Brain o-mAjCLCUpU-00315-00168208-00168592 a Couple Years Ago and Now Some Surprise Me. I Knew There Are Lots of Nutrients like Iodine That o-mAjCLCUpU-00316-00168592-00169104 Week That I Knew Would Be Talking about but Zinc Absolutely Can Impact Learning Performance and o-mAjCLCUpU-00317-00169104-00169504 If You're If You Don't Get Enough Zinc during Critical Times and Development, You May Not Build o-mAjCLCUpU-00318-00169504-00170028 Undo so That Damage, but in Function to Deliver for Me. Like the First When I Think of Zinc That o-mAjCLCUpU-00319-00170028-00170552 Stefan the First Thing I Think of II Do You Know Will Talk about It. Shortening the Duration of o-mAjCLCUpU-00320-00170552-00170960 Cold Things like That but Zinc Is in Something That We Here at the House We Call the Cocktail o-mAjCLCUpU-00321-00170960-00171512 Where If We Refill Getting Sick or Someone Is Sick That We Increase of We Increase Our Intake o-mAjCLCUpU-00322-00171512-00171936 of of Zinc and I'll Take Generally Every 2 to 3 Hours. Take a Small I Would Take a Small Dose of o-mAjCLCUpU-00323-00171936-00172536 It in That Medical Devices Will Be My Family Did Wally Also Increase Her Intake of Vitamin A and D o-mAjCLCUpU-00324-00172536-00173072 and Vitamin C As Well As the Amino Acid Lysine, Which Appears to Have Antiviral Properties Us, o-mAjCLCUpU-00325-00173072-00173648 We Call the Cocktail around Here All Right to Zinc Absorption. The Rate Varies Depending on o-mAjCLCUpU-00326-00173648-00174104 the Amount Consumed like Again. The More the More You Need, the More You'll Absorb o-mAjCLCUpU-00327-00174104-00174584 the More It's Available or the Less You Need the Less Will Be Absorbed at a Kid to Be Used o-mAjCLCUpU-00328-00174584-00175024 or Retained Intestinal Cells like We Saw with Iron and Then and It Can Be Recycled through o-mAjCLCUpU-00329-00175024-00175528 the through the Small Intestine Also through the Pancreas of Talked about Antero Had a Pat Hepatic o-mAjCLCUpU-00330-00175528-00176040 Circulation before and Terra Pancreatic Sick Circulation Impacts Think That's Because Zinc o-mAjCLCUpU-00331-00176040-00176504 Is Needed to Make Digestive Enzymes Which Are Then Squirt into the Intestines. Let's Look at That You o-mAjCLCUpU-00332-00176504-00177048 Take the Zinc from Your Food. The Mucosal Cells in the Intestine Will Store the Excess Glee Zinc o-mAjCLCUpU-00333-00177048-00177648 in What's Called the Tallow Finding and Then If the Zinc Is Needed. It Will Be Released into the o-mAjCLCUpU-00334-00177648-00178120 Transporters in Your Body and Your Blood Which Are Albumin and Transparent Album of Being the o-mAjCLCUpU-00335-00178120-00178584 Big One There and Transported throughout Your Body to the Pancreas Where the Pancreas Were o-mAjCLCUpU-00336-00178584-00179144 Using to Make Digestive Enzymes and Squirt in the Gut so It Can Select to Get the Backing of the Gut o-mAjCLCUpU-00337-00179144-00179552 and If Needed Will Be Reabsorbed. That's the and Terra Pancreatic Circulation. o-mAjCLCUpU-00338-00179552-00179976 If Your Body Does Not Need to Zinc Than It Just Stays in Those Intestinal Cells Remember Every o-mAjCLCUpU-00339-00179976-00180576 3 to 5 Days. That's Those Cells Are Sloughed off and Those of Excess Minerals Will Be Lost. o-mAjCLCUpU-00340-00180768-00181264 I Think Transport and Deficiency in the Blood Is Mentioned It's Carried by Albumin, Which Is That o-mAjCLCUpU-00341-00181264-00181648 Which Is a Critically Important Transporting Your Blood. It's Called a Plasma Protein o-mAjCLCUpU-00342-00181648-00182128 and Transparent Deficiency Is Widespread in the Developing World and You and You I Think o-mAjCLCUpU-00343-00182128-00182536 You'll See Why When You Look at the the Best Food Sources. Again, It's Going to Be Things o-mAjCLCUpU-00344-00182536-00182976 like Red Meat and Organ Meats and Seafood, and and Those Are Not Consumed in Many Parts the o-mAjCLCUpU-00345-00182976-00183544 World Police Not Enough. The Mid-Middle Eastern Diets Inhibit Zinc Absorption Just Has To Do with o-mAjCLCUpU-00346-00183544-00184016 Other Nutrients That around As Well As Well As Anti-Nutrients to the Effects of Zinc Deficiency o-mAjCLCUpU-00347-00184016-00184472 Growth Retardation, so Slow Slowing the Growth Process Impaired Immune Response. I Don't Know o-mAjCLCUpU-00348-00184472-00185064 How Much but but a Significant Amount and Simple Nervous Damages That Simple Nervous System Damage o-mAjCLCUpU-00349-00185064-00185648 If the It Deficiency Is Is Large Enough, but Growth, Development, Immune Response, Those of o-mAjCLCUpU-00350-00185648-00186312 the Key Ones for Me so Zinc Toxicity Can We Get Too Much Think Course Beginning It Was Raining to o-mAjCLCUpU-00351-00186312-00186776 This Is What I Mentioned Earlier about How Getting Too Much of One Mineral Might Impact Others. o-mAjCLCUpU-00352-00186776-00187288 If You Have Very High Zinc Diet Will Impact Copper Metabolism and You'll See That We Do Need Copper. o-mAjCLCUpU-00353-00187424-00187936 This Is What I Was Saying Earlier Was Augmentation like If I If I Submit with Zinc in a Bottle. Zinc o-mAjCLCUpU-00354-00187936-00188448 Is an Elastic Couple Years of Because If I Submit with Think I'm Doing It for Two or Three Days o-mAjCLCUpU-00355-00188448-00188856 Just to Try to Prop My Immune System up Was Fighting Something off and Then I Go Back down o-mAjCLCUpU-00356-00188856-00189472 to Normal Dietary Patterns. I so Zinc Is Found in Protein Rich Foods You See Here Shellfish o-mAjCLCUpU-00357-00189472-00189984 Meets Poultry, Milk and Cheese and Then I Can See Why Some Diets Would Be Would Be Deficient. o-mAjCLCUpU-00358-00190152-00190584 See What I Have Here from the from the FDA Page o-mAjCLCUpU-00359-00190992-00191824 to Organize the End of Last Month I Zinc Needs 50 Mg a Day, Functions Growth and Development Immune o-mAjCLCUpU-00360-00191824-00192368 Function. Nervous System Function, Protein Information, Reproduction, Taste and Smell o-mAjCLCUpU-00361-00192368-00192848 in Wound Healing to Food Sources. I Mentioned That the Best Ones There Than Beans and Peas, o-mAjCLCUpU-00362-00192848-00193448 Beef, Dairy Products, Fortified Cereals, Nuts, Poultry See Foods like Clams, Crabs, o-mAjCLCUpU-00363-00193448-00194080 Lobsters, and Oysters, and Whole Grains from That I Is Have a Little Bit Here. Its Primary o-mAjCLCUpU-00364-00194080-00194488 Roles in Gene Expressions. That's Why It's in Important Reproductive Health As Well As Immunity o-mAjCLCUpU-00365-00194640-00194992 Not Getting Enough Zinc Plays a Definite Role in Increased Infections Mean o-mAjCLCUpU-00366-00195056-00195872 One Study Found That Just by Reaching Normal Zinc Levels You Can Reduce Pneumonia by 30, 32% o-mAjCLCUpU-00367-00195872-00196288 and I Would Take It to the Bank Is Only a Single Study, but Interesting That Harry Told You the o-mAjCLCUpU-00368-00196288-00196888 Best Food Sources Are Animal-based Red Meat, Organ Meats and Seafood, so You Do See Something o-mAjCLCUpU-00369-00196888-00197280 Else Augmentation Programs. If You're Not Can Consume These Types of Foods in the Diet and o-mAjCLCUpU-00370-00197280-00197672 Supplementation Is Important and May Shorten the Duration of the Common Cold Which Is Why o-mAjCLCUpU-00371-00197672-00198120 I Use It Just to Hedge My Bets If I'm Trying to, like I Mentioned before Prop My Immune System up o-mAjCLCUpU-00372-00198176-00198536 Ice. You Can Go Ahead and Look at This List of Foods You See It More Seafood There on the List, o-mAjCLCUpU-00373-00198536-00198984 Though from a Nutrient Density Standpoint It If You Were Building a Diet Food Pyramid Whatever o-mAjCLCUpU-00374-00198984-00199456 You're Building a Diet Based on Nutrient Density to Be the Most Nutrient Dense One.to o-mAjCLCUpU-00375-00199456-00199880 Meets at Science, but the of the Most Nutrient Dense Woods in the Planet Are Organ Meats and o-mAjCLCUpU-00376-00199880-00200368 Number Two Output Seafood. If Your Category Does Large Groups. I Would Put Organ Meats and Then o-mAjCLCUpU-00377-00200368-00200824 Seafood and Then I Put Other Animal Products and Vegetables and Things like That below That o-mAjCLCUpU-00378-00201056-00201528 Right Iodine Cytokines and an Important One of Many Because We Need to Make Thyroid Hormone o-mAjCLCUpU-00379-00201528-00201920 Thyroid Hormones May Not Made Out Of the Amino Acid Tyrosine o-mAjCLCUpU-00380-00201920-00202528 Plus the Mineral Iodine Such Iodide by the Time We Use It, but to Isolate Called Iodine to the G.I. o-mAjCLCUpU-00381-00202528-00203120 Tract Converts Iodine That's in Your Food into What's Called Iodide and Iodized Was over the Body o-mAjCLCUpU-00382-00203120-00203640 and Then You'll See That You You Do Have Your Thyroid Hormones Are Called T-3 or in T4 Which o-mAjCLCUpU-00383-00203640-00204424 Is T-3 Is Triiodothyronine and T4 Is Thyroxine to the T3 and T4 Tells You How Many Iodide's the Rock o-mAjCLCUpU-00384-00204424-00205000 T4 Has Four There's an Enzyme That Can Lock That Forth Iodine off Making It a T-3 o-mAjCLCUpU-00385-00205000-00205440 so T4 Is Almost like a Storage Form Thyroid Hormone. It's the Most Numerous in Your Body, o-mAjCLCUpU-00386-00205440-00206040 by Far, but T-3 Is More Metabolically Active so Iodine's Key Function Is That It's Part of Thyroid o-mAjCLCUpU-00387-00206040-00206600 Hormone Which You See Here Is Very Busy Regulates Body Temperature, Metabolic Rate Production Growth o-mAjCLCUpU-00388-00206600-00207056 Blood Cell Production Nerve and Muscle Function with Think about Normally Think of Metabolism, o-mAjCLCUpU-00389-00207056-00207616 but Thyroid Hormone-based Signals to the Body That You Have Enough Energy to Do Things like o-mAjCLCUpU-00390-00207616-00208000 Grow and Reproduce so Thyroid Hormone Is Way More Important Than Than You May Think o-mAjCLCUpU-00391-00208167-00208712 I Iodine Deficiencies of the It. You Know I Iodine Deficiency Is a Globally the Most Common o-mAjCLCUpU-00392-00208712-00209280 Cause of Hypothyroidism or Low Thyroid Hormone Levels Is Item Deficiency Not True in the United o-mAjCLCUpU-00393-00209280-00209919 States Because We Bite. We've Iodized Sultans with Fortified Foods but but Globally It Is in o-mAjCLCUpU-00394-00209919-00210440 the US. The Most Common Cause of Hypothyroidism Is an Autoimmune Condition Called Hashimoto's o-mAjCLCUpU-00395-00210440-00211023 Thyroiditis, but Item Deficiency Can Still Be a Big Deal Here Because You Know As You See We o-mAjCLCUpU-00396-00211023-00211600 Iodized Salt Because Goiter's Were a Big Problem in the US A Few Decades Ago, and I Did Deficiency o-mAjCLCUpU-00397-00211600-00212119 Was Very Common to Hide a Salt but Then We Told People Stop Using Salt Because of Disease with o-mAjCLCUpU-00398-00212184-00212600 the Average American Eats Consumes Too Much Sodium so We Made. I Chose the Perfect Food o-mAjCLCUpU-00399-00212656-00213176 to Fortified If We Were in until People Stop Using It but to Then Listened, I Guess so That's That's o-mAjCLCUpU-00400-00213176-00213784 the Good News but Dump It Is. So If You Are If You Are on a Low Salt Diet. It Will Impact the o-mAjCLCUpU-00401-00213784-00214232 Amount of Iodine Your Diet and There's Also over the Last Few Years You Seen This Real Push for o-mAjCLCUpU-00402-00214464-00214928 Things like Sea Salts Right like We Get the Celtic Sea Salt That Was Sun-Dried on the o-mAjCLCUpU-00403-00214928-00215376 Beaches of France or Something Right My Life I Was a My Salt Is a Better Life Than Me, but of o-mAjCLCUpU-00404-00215488-00216016 Sea Salts of Those Has Assaulted Do Not Have Their Not Fortified with Iron Usual Iodine Site Usually o-mAjCLCUpU-00405-00216016-00216488 Some Mark but Just Be Careful When You When You When You Buy Salt Re: Re: Buying Iodized o-mAjCLCUpU-00406-00216488-00216904 or Non-Ionized Sulcus of the Will. Don't like the Iodized Version, but for Baking and Such. o-mAjCLCUpU-00407-00216904-00217367 And If You're Buying Sea Salts Is Remember Lesson Specifically Tells You That Iodine's Been Added. o-mAjCLCUpU-00408-00217367-00217719 There Will Be Very Much There. I Actually Don't Have Enough Thyroid Hormone o-mAjCLCUpU-00409-00217792-00218240 or Iodine. We Will Have No Thyroid Hormone Your Body Response Responds by Releasing Something o-mAjCLCUpU-00410-00218240-00218680 Called Thyroid Stealing Hormone to Increase Site and Uptake Thyroid Cementing Hormone It o-mAjCLCUpU-00411-00218680-00219176 Comes to Treatment, so You Go the Doctor and Right and Deficient, They Would See Low Thyroid Hormone o-mAjCLCUpU-00412-00219176-00219744 Levels High Thyroid Stealing Hormone Levels Your Body Is Trying to Get It to Find the Iodine It o-mAjCLCUpU-00413-00219744-00220256 Needs to Make Thyroid Hormone a Goiter so Give a Continue Deficiency Can Lead to a Goiter That the o-mAjCLCUpU-00414-00220256-00220719 Swelling of the Thyroid Gland Best Your Thyroid Gland Will up Regulate and and and That It Will Be o-mAjCLCUpU-00415-00220719-00221256 Inflamed but Also Be Growing up to Its It's Trying As Hard As He Can to Make Thyroid Hormone. It o-mAjCLCUpU-00416-00221256-00221808 Just Doesn't Have the Building Blocks to Do's so Cretin Is Him till during Item Deficiency during o-mAjCLCUpU-00417-00221808-00222264 Pregnancy Is a Serious Serious Problem Legacy Here and Item Deficiency during Pregnancy Leads o-mAjCLCUpU-00418-00222264-00222808 to Irreversible Physical and Mental Retardation. So the Brain Will Be Smaller. There Will Be o-mAjCLCUpU-00419-00222808-00223336 Accompanying Issues. There Will Be Physical Growth As Well so Super Super Important That o-mAjCLCUpU-00420-00223448-00224040 Women They Can Become Pregnant Have Enough Iodine Globally Want One Analysis That I Saw Showed That o-mAjCLCUpU-00421-00224104-00224856 This Is a Big Problem That If Every Woman on the Planet That Ever Became Pregnant at Had Enough o-mAjCLCUpU-00422-00224856-00225336 Iodine in Their Diet That the Average Human's IQ Would Be up Would Be Five Points Higher o-mAjCLCUpU-00423-00225336-00225760 Because of the Impact Cretin Is so II Don't Know If It Is an Interesting Way to Look at It, o-mAjCLCUpU-00424-00225760-00226200 but Super Super Important. So Iodine Is Important for Everyone Because Impact on Thyroid Hormone, o-mAjCLCUpU-00425-00226200-00226544 but Critically Important Important during Pregnancy, Growth and Development, o-mAjCLCUpU-00426-00226712-00227280 Iodine, Toxicity and Sources so Look at That Toxicity Does Interfere with Thyroid o-mAjCLCUpU-00427-00227280-00227623 Function and Enlarges That This One of the Weird Things about Nutrient Toxicities, o-mAjCLCUpU-00428-00227623-00228088 They Often Mimic Deficiencies As a Deficiency Would Interfere with Thyroid Function and Large o-mAjCLCUpU-00429-00228088-00228776 Thyroid so Glitters in Infants Getting Getting Too Much Iodine Let's Look at Our Recommendations Here o-mAjCLCUpU-00430-00228776-00229448 and Are so Source Easy Seafood and Iodized Salt. This AFSCME of the Most the Most Common o-mAjCLCUpU-00431-00229448-00229856 Way That the Typical American Would Get Would Get Item Would Be from Would Be from the Salt, o-mAjCLCUpU-00432-00230023-00230432 It's Gotta Keep That in Mind, Because If You're Not If You're Not Using Either a Salt and That's o-mAjCLCUpU-00433-00230432-00230976 Not True. It's Not Inherently Insults Been Added. Iodine Needed for Growth in This from the FDA Site o-mAjCLCUpU-00434-00230976-00231416 Needed from Growth and Development Metabolism, Reproduction, Thyroid Hormone Production Needs o-mAjCLCUpU-00435-00231416-00232096 Hundred 50 µg a Day Found in Breads and Cereals It to the Fortified Dairy Products, Iodized Salt, o-mAjCLCUpU-00436-00232096-00232584 Potatoes, Seafood, Seaweed and Turkey so You Can Get in a You Get from Seaweed in These Types o-mAjCLCUpU-00437-00232584-00233240 of Things, but to a Typical Person with Typical Diet Doesn't Assume A Lot Of These These Products o-mAjCLCUpU-00438-00233488-00234096 Currently Find Mine a Minute Is Talking a Minute a Cycle of That Assault in Your Iodine Necessary o-mAjCLCUpU-00439-00234096-00234608 for the Election of Thyroid Hormone Important for Growth and Regulate Metabolism Sell That o-mAjCLCUpU-00440-00234608-00235271 Best Sources Are Saltwater Fish. Sea Vegetables and Iodized Salt Efficiencies Are Common in Diets o-mAjCLCUpU-00441-00235271-00235808 Limit Salt Intake Perceived It If You If You're If You Cut Your Salt Taking Half and That Night I Saw o-mAjCLCUpU-00442-00235808-00236223 Was Your Main Source of Iodine Then You Would Be Consuming Less Iodine Something to Consider o-mAjCLCUpU-00443-00236223-00236623 If You're on a Very Low Salt Diet or You Don't Use Iodized Salt to Make Sure You're Getting o-mAjCLCUpU-00444-00236623-00237098 Sunday's Other Foods in Your Diet or Else You Don't Check Check Your Intake Using My Fitness o-mAjCLCUpU-00445-00237098-00237440 Pal or Cronometer If You're Not Getting Enough Then Maybe You Should Supplement o-mAjCLCUpU-00446-00237576-00238071 See Item Interesting Because Goiter Very Said That, and Kelp Supplementation Is a o-mAjCLCUpU-00447-00238071-00238384 Good Idea for Many People. Or You Can Consume Seaweed and Consume Couples, o-mAjCLCUpU-00448-00238384-00239023 Things but Them Some to Consider. I Selenium's I Mentioned This Being One of My Favorites o-mAjCLCUpU-00449-00239112-00239544 Selenium As a Substitute for Sulfur and Some Amino Acid so We Get so Selenium Can Be Found in o-mAjCLCUpU-00450-00239544-00240152 Methionine Sistine Insist Nine, the Amino Acids so It's It's It's a Very Powerful Antioxidant. o-mAjCLCUpU-00451-00240208-00240696 It's It's to Me It's That It's the Most Powerful Intracellular Antioxidant. We Have Meaning It's It o-mAjCLCUpU-00452-00240696-00241160 the Most Powerful Antioxidant, or Its Its Role Is in the Good of Them Prox a System o-mAjCLCUpU-00453-00241160-00241592 Which Is the Most, Most Powerful Intracellular Antioxidant System We Have, o-mAjCLCUpU-00454-00241592-00242104 so Glutathione Proxies Very Good at Neutralizing Free Radicals Need Selenium to Do Its Job. o-mAjCLCUpU-00455-00242232-00242632 So the Enzymes Also Activator and Activate Thyroid Hormones of Selenium Intake Is o-mAjCLCUpU-00456-00242632-00243096 Is Is Linked to Thyroid Function. So Where It's Found in the Soil. I Mentioned That Earlier o-mAjCLCUpU-00457-00243096-00243471 Rights of This Length That the Selenium in the Soil Is the Only the Only Way to Be Get into o-mAjCLCUpU-00458-00243471-00244064 Our Plants or the Animals That Eat Those Plants, so It's on Soil Meets Milk, Eggs in Brazil Nuts, o-mAjCLCUpU-00459-00244064-00244592 Not Just Soil like like That You Gloss on Them Fish That Came from the Leaching of the of the o-mAjCLCUpU-00460-00244592-00245264 Rocks and Stuff That Are in in the Oceans and There's a Soil or to so Soil Meets Milk Eggs in o-mAjCLCUpU-00461-00245264-00245719 Brazil Nuts, but Remember the Brazil Nuts Need to Be Grown in Brazil or Grown in Other Places That o-mAjCLCUpU-00462-00245719-00246248 Have A Lot Of Selenium in Soil. We Just up Just a Handful of Vigilant Today If If There Grown o-mAjCLCUpU-00463-00246248-00246728 and Slimmer Soil Would Be Enough to Meet Your Needs so Much. Do We Need the Recommendations o-mAjCLCUpU-00464-00246728-00247408 of the RDA Is Set to Make Sure We Can Maximize Our Glutathione Proxies Activity. So Where Does That o-mAjCLCUpU-00465-00247408-00247984 Put Us so Selenium from the FDA Site Antioxidant Immune Function, Reproduction, Thyroid Function o-mAjCLCUpU-00466-00248048-00248576 Needs 70 µg of the Day. II Generally Shoe for Little More but Begin That Member the Art. The o-mAjCLCUpU-00467-00248576-00249104 Art the RDA Is the Floor. The Bare Minimum Hundred 52 µg a Day of Something Than Arnie o-mAjCLCUpU-00468-00249256-00250008 Eggs Enriched Posten Rice Meets Nuts like Brazil Nuts and Seeds, Poultry, Seafood, and Whole Grains o-mAjCLCUpU-00469-00250119-00250592 and What I Have on My Document of Best Food Sources Brazil Nuts Again from Brazil, o-mAjCLCUpU-00470-00250592-00251136 Organ Meats, Seafood, Grass Fed Beef a Crucial Part of the the Glutathione Proxies Enzyme System o-mAjCLCUpU-00471-00251136-00251632 Which Is Not Only an Accident and Antioxidant System, but Also a Detoxification System so Super o-mAjCLCUpU-00472-00251632-00252144 Important Stuff. I Member I Used To Do. I Was a Spokesperson for Some Cancer Organization Years o-mAjCLCUpU-00473-00252144-00252567 and Years Ago before Became a Teacher and One of the Things We Talked about. They Have Me Going TV o-mAjCLCUpU-00474-00252567-00253008 and Talk and Talk about Selenium Content in Food and How Selenium Had Been Linked to Decreased o-mAjCLCUpU-00475-00253008-00253456 Cancer Risk, but Them That the Supplementation Research since Then Were Talking a Long Time Ago o-mAjCLCUpU-00476-00253512-00253848 Has Not Has Not Panned out but Make Sure Getting Enough of It in Your Diet. Make o-mAjCLCUpU-00477-00253848-00254488 Sure Getting Enough to Attempt to Meet Your Needs Is Very Important. It Also Plays a Role o-mAjCLCUpU-00478-00254488-00254880 in the nor Production of Thyroid Hormone and Testosterone. Something I Have Mentioned before, o-mAjCLCUpU-00479-00254992-00255488 Slimming Deficiency and Toxicity to the Deficiency Would Come from Living in Parts of the o-mAjCLCUpU-00480-00255488-00255976 World Where the Soil Doesn't Have Selenium That Would Be so Parts of China Will Be a Good Example o-mAjCLCUpU-00481-00255976-00256496 K Sean Disease That Leads to At Least Heart Disease. I Cancer It May Be a Protective Factor, o-mAjCLCUpU-00482-00256496-00256967 but It's One of Those Things Where We Found out That Selenium Is Important That Detoxification o-mAjCLCUpU-00483-00256967-00257464 As Antioxidant. We Thought Hey Lets Us Crank the Levels up and and and No Will Get Cancer o-mAjCLCUpU-00484-00257567-00258048 Hasn't Worked Right You Have To Make Sure You Get Enough of It Maybe Often Optimized Intake Not Not o-mAjCLCUpU-00485-00258048-00258536 Barely Meeting the RDA but Am Submitting with High Doses Just Really Hasn't Panned out yet. o-mAjCLCUpU-00486-00258632-00258976 Toxicity Can Lead to Some Bone Issues, No Things to but Pretty Pretty Rare o-mAjCLCUpU-00487-00259128-00259496 Aycock Nerves in Our Current Rent Run to the Rest of These Relatively Quickly, o-mAjCLCUpU-00488-00259567-00260104 so Copper Is It Transporting Balance Depends on a System of Proteins, Based on Needs. Again, o-mAjCLCUpU-00489-00260167-00260664 Roles in the Body. It's a Constituent of Lots of Enzymes That Reactions That Consume Oxygen o-mAjCLCUpU-00490-00260664-00261152 or Oxygen Radicals Which Are Which Is What Your Basic Powers Your Metabolism Copper Needed for o-mAjCLCUpU-00491-00261152-00261680 Iron Metabolism. We Talked about How Iron. Iron Levels Can Can Impact Copper Metabolism o-mAjCLCUpU-00492-00261744-00262232 Defense against Oxidative Damage. So, Which Would Be What Free Radicals Do so Something o-mAjCLCUpU-00493-00262232-00262944 on Their Copper Deficiency. Student of Possibly Linked to Cardiovascular Disease. Not Sure yet o-mAjCLCUpU-00494-00263016-00263480 US Dies to Find Adequate Intakes or Does Not Super Worried about It Unless You're Supplementing You o-mAjCLCUpU-00495-00263480-00264016 Shouldn't. You Shouldn't Be Reaching Any Toxicity Levels. There Are Some Genetic Conditions Though o-mAjCLCUpU-00496-00264016-00264520 That Affect Copper Status to See Menke's Disease and Wilson's Disease of Wilson's Disease Leads o-mAjCLCUpU-00497-00264520-00264968 to This Interesting Get the Google It Leads This Interesting Copper Storage That Occurs in o-mAjCLCUpU-00498-00264968-00265464 the Eye like This Golden Ring in the Eye That's That's Kind of Neat. But the Barring of Genetic o-mAjCLCUpU-00499-00265464-00266184 Conditions. We Don't Have Any Huge Concerns Here to See If I Vending Us to Add to Copper Is an o-mAjCLCUpU-00500-00266184-00266768 Antioxidant Needed for Bone Formation for Collagen Connective Tissue Formation Similar Vibrancy of o-mAjCLCUpU-00501-00266832-00267488 Energy Production Iron Metabolism Nervous System Function You Need 2 Mg a Day Found in Chocolate, o-mAjCLCUpU-00502-00267488-00268256 Cocoa, Crustaceans, Shellfish, Lentils, Nuts and Seeds Organ Meats like Liver and Whole Grains o-mAjCLCUpU-00503-00268472-00269216 Think I Have Anything Else to Really Add Their Thoughts. I Guess a Little Bit of Copper Has o-mAjCLCUpU-00504-00269216-00269664 Many Role throughout the Body, but Is Rarely Seen As the Key Piece That Could Use That o-mAjCLCUpU-00505-00269664-00270040 Mention like How It's 00 That Something That Zinc Does Is on the Buttons He Does, Etc. X o-mAjCLCUpU-00506-00270168-00270736 Excess Zinc Intake Can Lead to a Copper Deficiency Mentioned Earlier, Organ Meats Are Are a Great o-mAjCLCUpU-00507-00270736-00271296 Source but Other Meats and Seafoods Also Good Amounts. We Talked about Tom Wilson's Disease o-mAjCLCUpU-00508-00271296-00271744 Being a Top Copper Toxicity so You Dues That Yellow or Orange Ring around the Eye but Also o-mAjCLCUpU-00509-00271744-00272424 It Causes Liver Issues That the Copper Storage Can Damage the Liver I Copper Sources, Legumes, Whole o-mAjCLCUpU-00510-00272424-00272960 Grains, Nuts, Shellfish Seeds and Water Delivered to Copper Plumbing. If You Happen to Have My o-mAjCLCUpU-00511-00273088-00273664 Manganese so Is Mainly Stored in Your Bones. Like Most Other Minerals and Metabolic Act o-mAjCLCUpU-00512-00273664-00274224 Organs Its Rules in the Body Cofactor for Enzymes and Facilitate Metabolism. You See Why It's a It's o-mAjCLCUpU-00513-00274224-00274776 an Important Bone Formation but the Conversion of Pyruvate to a TCA or Krebs Cycle Compounds o-mAjCLCUpU-00514-00274776-00275288 What Is Needed Right There in Your Aerobic Respiration Pathways, Manganese Deficiency o-mAjCLCUpU-00515-00275288-00276048 and Toxicity so We Don't Need Very Much of It. What Is the Number. There Manganese and You o-mAjCLCUpU-00516-00276048-00276656 2 Mg a Day Can Pretty Easy to Find Needed in Carbohydrate, Protein, and Cholesterol Metabolism o-mAjCLCUpU-00517-00276656-00277184 Cartilage and Bone Formation and Wound Healing. So Where Can We Find It Is Here on the Slides As o-mAjCLCUpU-00518-00277184-00277736 Green Products, but Beings Nuts, Pineapple, Spinach, Sweet Potatoes, and Whole Grains o-mAjCLCUpU-00519-00277808-00278376 Are Good Ones Toxicity Really Only Occurs If You're Getting It from There's Too Much of It o-mAjCLCUpU-00520-00278376-00278968 in the Environment. It's about All There Is There. I to Fluoride and Spend A Few Minutes on This Here o-mAjCLCUpU-00521-00279056-00279536 so Fluoride Is and Was Famous for Being Found in Your Bones, but Especially in Your Teeth o-mAjCLCUpU-00522-00279592-00280080 so That It Forms Something Called Floor Appetite Similar to Calcium Hydroxyapatite, Which Is What o-mAjCLCUpU-00523-00280080-00280560 Your Body Does with Calcium to Make Your Bones and Teeth Stronger but Has Been Deficiency Has o-mAjCLCUpU-00524-00280560-00281040 Been Linked to Dental Caries or Cavities. So It's the Prime the Primary Source of Fluoride o-mAjCLCUpU-00525-00281040-00281688 Would Be Drinking Water. But If Using Things like Calling in a Reverse Osmosis or a Bottle Water o-mAjCLCUpU-00526-00281688-00282232 They Are Knocking Him Fluoride Seek and Find Other Places but Dump That That's the Private It's It's o-mAjCLCUpU-00527-00282232-00282608 Been Added. Now That the Huge Majority of People Don't Live Somewhere in the Planet o-mAjCLCUpU-00528-00282608-00283104 Where the Four Eggs Are in the Water Is Usually Added Rightly a Fluoridated Water. What I Would o-mAjCLCUpU-00529-00283104-00283600 Say Here Is It's Okay like We Use Culligan and Where We Don't Worry about It All in. My Wife o-mAjCLCUpU-00530-00283600-00284144 Has Perfect Teeth Make Minima Kids Have Normal Teeth Have One Kid That's Never Had a Cavity o-mAjCLCUpU-00531-00284144-00284624 so Here's We Do Fluoride in a Huge Report Came on Thousand Eight That Really Talked about This o-mAjCLCUpU-00532-00284744-00285384 That That the Majority of the Benefit of Getting Fluoride Is Is Is a Topical so the Eye up so I o-mAjCLCUpU-00533-00285384-00285936 Don't. I'm Not Concerned about Not Having Fluoride in My Drinking Water, but Because of That We up. o-mAjCLCUpU-00534-00285936-00286296 We All Would Be Used Fluoridated Dental Products Right Fluoride Fluoride Toothpaste, but Also He o-mAjCLCUpU-00535-00286296-00286816 Fluoride Rinse so Me and My Family. Weekly Is a Fluoride Rinse Twice a Day to Busy Weird Were o-mAjCLCUpU-00536-00286816-00287312 Making Sure the Fluoride Is Getting Where It's Needed There on the Teeth and without an Answer. o-mAjCLCUpU-00537-00287312-00287784 Most of It Comes from. So I Would like to Joke and You Jokingly Say That I Don't Drink Sunscreen o-mAjCLCUpU-00538-00287784-00288240 Right I Apply Sunscreen Topically. That's Were It Helps Me Same Thing. The Fluoride II Know I o-mAjCLCUpU-00539-00288240-00288752 Don't Worry about Not Drinking It Because We Apply It Topically Multiple Times A Day. o-mAjCLCUpU-00540-00288864-00289328 Toxicity of Fluoride Which Is Which Is a Common Side Effect of Fluoride in Drinking Water about o-mAjCLCUpU-00541-00289328-00289984 10% Kids Can Develop Fluorosis Which Causes the Them That This This Issue with the Teeth. o-mAjCLCUpU-00542-00290088-00290416 I Chrome in My Current One Interesting to Say about This but Dump so Chromium's Role o-mAjCLCUpU-00543-00290416-00290832 in the Body Participates in Carbohydrate Little Metabolism, but the Key Thing Is Right There. It o-mAjCLCUpU-00544-00290832-00291448 Helps Maintain Glucose Homeostasis. So a Diabetes like Condition, Hyperglycemia, High Blood Sugar o-mAjCLCUpU-00545-00291448-00292000 May Result of Chromium Is Lacking Why We Talk about This Because When People Saw That Study o-mAjCLCUpU-00546-00292000-00292448 Showed That Not Having Enough Chromium Cause Blood Sugar to Go up. Now All Of A Sudden Chromium Is o-mAjCLCUpU-00547-00292448-00292936 in Every but Weight Loss Product You Find Ray Go to GNC Go to a Health Food Store Look at Look at o-mAjCLCUpU-00548-00292936-00293280 the Weight Loss Section and You Can See Lots of Things That Chromium. Here's the Problem. o-mAjCLCUpU-00549-00293336-00293816 If You Have a Chromium Deficiency Your Blood Sugar Will Be High. If You Treat That Deficiency Your o-mAjCLCUpU-00550-00293816-00294296 Blood Sugar Will Come down Taking More of It Doesn't Doesn't Do Anything Right Doesn't Help o-mAjCLCUpU-00551-00294296-00294784 Lower Your Blood Sugar Anymore. This Is, One of Those Kind of Scams and Nutrition Were They When o-mAjCLCUpU-00552-00294784-00295400 They Took a Kernel of Truth about Our Chromium Deficiency Is Bad but Excess High Doses of It o-mAjCLCUpU-00553-00295400-00296000 Aren't Aren't Doing Anything so Make Sure You Get Enough Chromium and That's It on to Sources or an o-mAjCLCUpU-00554-00296000-00296592 Unrefined Grain Grains under Fine Foods Are Easy. Liver Brewers Yeast Whole Grains so Minimum of o-mAjCLCUpU-00555-00296680-00297352 Where Else to Be Whole Grains Be a More Common One for Most People but the Find It. Here's a Chromium o-mAjCLCUpU-00556-00297352-00297880 Needed for Insulin Function Protein Carb Fat Metabolism You Hundred 20 µg a Day's Mixer Getting o-mAjCLCUpU-00557-00297880-00298496 Map of Getting Getting Five Times As Do Many Good Broccoli Fruits like Apples and Bananas Grapes and o-mAjCLCUpU-00558-00298496-00299144 Orange Juice Meets Spices like Garlic and Basil, Turkey, and Whole Grains. That's from the FDA Site o-mAjCLCUpU-00559-00299264-00299656 on My Little Section That I Did on Chromium. I'm Sure I Just Talked about the Supplementation Thing o-mAjCLCUpU-00560-00299712-00300192 Needed for Insulin Trick to Transport Glucose into Your Cells Treating a Deficiency Will Help with o-mAjCLCUpU-00561-00300192-00300736 Blood Sugar Regulation, but Supplementation Is Rarely Needed in Many Foods but Onions, Tomatoes o-mAjCLCUpU-00562-00300736-00301424 and Potatoes Are Good Sources, Molybdenum. I like Saying This One, but Not A Lot to Say about o-mAjCLCUpU-00563-00301424-00301920 It. The It Is Important and What Are Known As a Class of Enzymes Called the Tallow Enzymes Dieter o-mAjCLCUpU-00564-00301920-00302424 Deficiencies Are Unknown, so We Need It but but It's Pretty Easy to Find in Don't Need Tons of It. o-mAjCLCUpU-00565-00302520-00302992 Legumes, Breads, Green Products, Leafy Green Vegetables, Milk and Liver and o-mAjCLCUpU-00566-00302992-00303568 Then Toxicity Is Rare Was the FDA Want to Know Aluminum Needed for Enzyme Production o-mAjCLCUpU-00567-00303568-00304288 Needs 75 µg a Day from Beans and Peas, Nuts, and Whole Grain's and on Having on My List about o-mAjCLCUpU-00568-00304408-00304784 Rights of Those Are the Actual Trace Minerals in and Talk about an Hour Talking about the Things o-mAjCLCUpU-00569-00304784-00305362 That Get in the Way the Contaminant Minerals so Contaminant Minerals up to Minerals Urgently Found o-mAjCLCUpU-00570-00305362-00305832 Are Found in the Rocks in the Water in the Soil the Same Place We Find of the Minerals You Need, o-mAjCLCUpU-00571-00305832-00306400 but They Impair the Body's Growth, Work Capacity, and General Health Is to Be the Heavy Metals That o-mAjCLCUpU-00572-00306400-00306968 That Contaminate Nicer Foods, but That but Water. They Also Contaminate Supplements like with like. o-mAjCLCUpU-00573-00306968-00307528 I like with Calcium Summons for Example, You Can Find Toxic Levels of Cadmium in in o-mAjCLCUpU-00574-00307528-00307960 Calcium Supplements. He Also Make Sure You Trust Where You Getting Any Nutritional Supplements o-mAjCLCUpU-00575-00307960-00308304 Led the Big One Let His Indestructible Meaning It's Gonna Be with Us Forever. o-mAjCLCUpU-00576-00308384-00308824 It Displaces Nutrient Minerals for Metabolic Sites. This Is What What Leads to the Damage o-mAjCLCUpU-00577-00308824-00309208 Children with Iron Deficiency Are Especially Vulnerable to Lead This Is Weighing on the Lead o-mAjCLCUpU-00578-00309208-00309600 That Was Being Spewed in the Environment, and This Is Why We Switched from Leaded to Unleaded o-mAjCLCUpU-00579-00309600-00310144 Gas. This Is Why Paint No Longer Has Led in It. But These Issues They Absolutely Still, o-mAjCLCUpU-00580-00310200-00310632 They Still Are a Serious Problem. We Have a Discussion or Talk about That There Often Case the o-mAjCLCUpU-00581-00310632-00311128 Minerals Such As Lead, Being Found in Older Homes. What Are the Effects of Lead in Paint and Water o-mAjCLCUpU-00582-00311128-00311512 Can You Think of Any Examples Where This Is Become an Issue for a Community so Let o-mAjCLCUpU-00583-00311512-00311976 Paint Used Have Lead in It and Then That When They Open the Old Paint Peels and Chips off o-mAjCLCUpU-00584-00311976-00312392 and Children Are Exposed to Those Chips Maybe Eating Those Paint Chips. That's How They Get o-mAjCLCUpU-00585-00312392-00313072 Lead and Lead in Pipes Would Lead to Lead in the Water so There's a Hot Meal to Link It Here. The o-mAjCLCUpU-00586-00313072-00313480 Video Officer in the Course, but There's a Video I like to Discard YouTube and Type in Little Things o-mAjCLCUpU-00587-00313480-00313952 Matter. It's a Relatively Old Video, but It's from a Center Canadian Health Organization. I'll o-mAjCLCUpU-00588-00313952-00314512 Love It Does a Great Job of Showing How How Exposure Things like Lead Impact Brain Development o-mAjCLCUpU-00589-00314512-00315072 Impact IQ Impact These Types of Issues. So I Recommend Trying to Find That There Can Even o-mAjCLCUpU-00590-00315072-00315496 Exampls Item Will Be Probably All Heard of This One, but Many Older Homes Have Lead in the Paint, o-mAjCLCUpU-00591-00315496-00315952 Which Can Be Problematic When the Paint Peels and Is Ingested Especially for Young Children. I and I o-mAjCLCUpU-00592-00315952-00316384 Know Why I Don't Eat Paint Chips so the People That Are Most Likely the Paint Chips Are Also o-mAjCLCUpU-00593-00316384-00316904 Small, Meaning That They're Getting a Really High Dose of Lead Umbrella to Buy Size and There Also o-mAjCLCUpU-00594-00316904-00317432 Still Developing Right My Brain Is Is Wasting Away No Longer Developing. I Think That during o-mAjCLCUpU-00595-00317432-00317944 Key Times in Development. These Things Are to Be Even More Impactful for the past Several Years, o-mAjCLCUpU-00596-00317944-00318376 the Flint Michigan Community Has Experienced Toxic Levels of Lead in Their Drinking Water o-mAjCLCUpU-00597-00318376-00318816 Is Routinely on National News As It Should Be and Serves As a Discussion Point on the Dangers of Let o-mAjCLCUpU-00598-00318816-00319384 Soak Lead Exposure Will Impact Brain Involvement Will Impact IQ so You Check out the Video o-mAjCLCUpU-00599-00319488-00319944 Are Right and That Is That Not Lesson Is over. She Have We Have. We Met Our Goals, o-mAjCLCUpU-00600-00319944-00320352 Summarize Key Factors Need to Trace Minerals Yep Identify the Main Roles, o-mAjCLCUpU-00601-00320352-00320712 Deficiency Symptoms and Food Sources for Each of the Essential Trace Minerals, o-mAjCLCUpU-00602-00320712-00321408 Iron and Zinc Iodine, Selenium, Copper, Manganese Chloride, Chromium and Molybdenum. Yep, and o-mAjCLCUpU-00603-00321408-00321856 Describe How Contaminant Minerals to Stop Disrupt Body Processes and Impaired Nutritional Status, o-mAjCLCUpU-00604-00321856-00322432 Especially Let Absolutely Okay Were Done Talking Vitamins and Minerals and Organ to Move into o-mAjCLCUpU-00605-00322432-00322848 a Section on like Physical Activity and Nutrition to Lifespan and Global o-mAjCLCUpU-00606-00322848-00323584 Nutrition As We As We near the End. Hope This Helps. As Always Have Wonderful Day Be Blessed o_0iGnluI70-00000-00000001-00000403 ♪ MUSIC ♪ o_0iGnluI70-00001-00001243-00001646 UBALDO GONZALEZ: This video will show you how to create a o_0iGnluI70-00002-00001648-00002051 numeric data entry and also a display. o_0iGnluI70-00003-00002053-00002455 Which, the display will show, in numerical value o_0iGnluI70-00004-00002457-00002860 what the water level is. Whether it is two inches... three inches o_0iGnluI70-00005-00002862-00003263 four inches... or five and so forth. The o_0iGnluI70-00006-00003265-00003667 keypad entry or the data entry o_0iGnluI70-00007-00003669-00004071 will basically allow us to control when the valve o_0iGnluI70-00008-00004072-00004475 opens or closes. So, if the valve o_0iGnluI70-00009-00004477-00004879 If the water level is at, say, two inches and I want it to be at o_0iGnluI70-00010-00004881-00005282 four inches. I can punch in four inches and the valve will o_0iGnluI70-00011-00005284-00005685 open back up to show to allow water to run in o_0iGnluI70-00012-00005687-00006089 the tank and this as the tank fills up to four inches o_0iGnluI70-00013-00006091-00006493 the valve will close. First you go to objects o_0iGnluI70-00014-00006495-00006894 and this o_0iGnluI70-00015-00006895-00007298 time we want a numeric entry o_0iGnluI70-00016-00007300-00007702 We want to do keypad enable o_0iGnluI70-00017-00008108-00008510 Double-click and I want to go o_0iGnluI70-00018-00008512-00008914 right here where it says write o_0iGnluI70-00019-00008916-00009318 tag. Do not do notification handshake or display just do o_0iGnluI70-00020-00009320-00009722 write tag only. This is my o_0iGnluI70-00021-00009724-00010125 set point. Which I want to enter my set point o_0iGnluI70-00022-00010127-00010529 and the highest number I'm going to do is 1050 or o_0iGnluI70-00023-00010531-00010932 one thousand fifty, which is only four digits. o_0iGnluI70-00024-00010934-00011335 Click edit tag and everything is already set o_0iGnluI70-00025-00011337-00011739 I do not want the operator to enter anything higher than o_0iGnluI70-00026-00011741-00012139 1050. If it does, it will fault the o_0iGnluI70-00027-00012141-00012542 PLC, so we want to limit the data right here. o_0iGnluI70-00028-00012544-00012946 Click "ok" and that's already set up. o_0iGnluI70-00029-00012947-00013352 I can come back over here. Format o_0iGnluI70-00030-00013354-00013756 background color and also o_0iGnluI70-00031-00013758-00014157 my text, so click this enter text o_0iGnluI70-00032-00014159-00014563 and do format again, background color. o_0iGnluI70-00033-00014565-00014966 And so forth. Next I want to do my o_0iGnluI70-00034-00014969-00015371 display. So, I'm going to move this over here o_0iGnluI70-00035-00015372-00015775 and this is going to display the water level in numerical o_0iGnluI70-00036-00015777-00016176 value. Go to objects o_0iGnluI70-00037-00016178-00016576 and go to numeric data display and drop it right here o_0iGnluI70-00038-00016578-00016981 Double-click and change it to o_0iGnluI70-00039-00016983-00017384 four, because the highest it's ever going to display is 1050. o_0iGnluI70-00040-00017386-00017788 Read tag, this is going to be o_0iGnluI70-00041-00017790-00018191 Should be water level o_0iGnluI70-00042-00018193-00018596 or actually, I'm going to call it a display, because water level represented o_0iGnluI70-00043-00018598-00019000 the bar graph. This one is going to be the display o_0iGnluI70-00044-00019002-00019406 right here. Click "ok." o_0iGnluI70-00045-00019408-00019809 And again, I want to change my background colors for my o_0iGnluI70-00046-00019811-00020214 text and background color, I want to leave it in black o_0iGnluI70-00047-00020216-00020619 and there we go. If you notice o_0iGnluI70-00048-00020621-00021023 how my open and closed changed on my here... I'm going to go back here o_0iGnluI70-00049-00021025-00021428 and click text o_0iGnluI70-00050-00021430-00021831 and I'm going to space it out again o_0iGnluI70-00051-00021833-00022235 or backspace. There we go. o_0iGnluI70-00052-00022237-00022640 Now, we have a little bit better showing here. o_0iGnluI70-00053-00022642-00023044 Ok, and that takes care o_0iGnluI70-00054-00023046-00023448 of this video. The next video will show o_0iGnluI70-00055-00023450-00023853 you how to do text boxes, which is going to label all of these o_0iGnluI70-00056-00023855-00024256 objects. o_0iGnluI70-00057-00024258-00024656 ♪ MUSIC ♪ oBHz2NyHyyu-00000-00001098-00001397 A long time ago I had read in the newspaper oBHz2NyHyyu-00001-00001397-00001795 that ThyssenKrupp was planning a test tower more than 200 meters high oBHz2NyHyyu-00002-00001795-00002092 somewhere here in Rottweil, so I thought it was an April Fool's. oBHz2NyHyyu-00003-00002092-00002304 That can't be here in this rural area. oBHz2NyHyyu-00004-00002405-00002672 246 meters high oBHz2NyHyyu-00005-00002687-00002910 20 meters diameter oBHz2NyHyyu-00006-00002925-00003242 12 elevator shafts oBHz2NyHyyu-00007-00003267-00003540 Germany's highest viewing platform oBHz2NyHyyu-00008-00003552-00003752 TK Elevator Testtower oBHz2NyHyyu-00009-00004000-00004227 I am Holger Hinz, oBHz2NyHyyu-00010-00004227-00004428 I was responsible for this project oBHz2NyHyyu-00011-00004428-00004804 as overall project manager for the Werner Sobek company oBHz2NyHyyu-00012-00004804-00005166 and I'm pleased to guide you through the tower today, oBHz2NyHyyu-00013-00005166-00005385 we'll also take a look behind the scenes. oBHz2NyHyyu-00014-00005516-00005966 Let's take a ride up to the visitors’ viewing platform. oBHz2NyHyyu-00015-00005966-00006389 From 0 to 232 meters, you can see the membrane from inside oBHz2NyHyyu-00016-00006389-00006680 with different degrees of opening. oBHz2NyHyyu-00017-00006680-00007031 The tower becomes more and more transparent the higher we get. oBHz2NyHyyu-00018-00007556-00007950 And after a few seconds we are already at the top. oBHz2NyHyyu-00019-00007976-00008201 Always impressive. oBHz2NyHyyu-00020-00008672-00009053 So, now we're here on the visitors’ viewing platform at 232 meters. oBHz2NyHyyu-00021-00009053-00009344 Germany's highest viewing platform. oBHz2NyHyyu-00022-00009500-00009984 Looks amazing. The sea of clouds here. oBHz2NyHyyu-00023-00010309-00010539 I've never seen it like this before. oBHz2NyHyyu-00024-00010692-00011013 Of course, we tried to support this by engineering oBHz2NyHyyu-00025-00011013-00011342 the structure so as to maximize the transparency. oBHz2NyHyyu-00026-00011342-00011654 Despite the high wind loads, it turned out quite well. oBHz2NyHyyu-00027-00011934-00012129 Of course, it always brings back memories oBHz2NyHyyu-00028-00012129-00012442 of the beginning of all the planning, but also of the construction. oBHz2NyHyyu-00029-00012500-00012985 And that was of course an extremely intense time, oBHz2NyHyyu-00030-00013023-00013431 because within three quarters of a year oBHz2NyHyyu-00031-00013431-00013776 we had to plan the tower to the extent oBHz2NyHyyu-00032-00013776-00014158 that the foundations and tower shafts could be concreted, oBHz2NyHyyu-00033-00014158-00014629 which were then raised relatively quickly oBHz2NyHyyu-00034-00014629-00015007 within four months. oBHz2NyHyyu-00035-00015616-00015958 The tower consists of a simple vertical tube. oBHz2NyHyyu-00036-00015958-00016255 We chose very thin walls oBHz2NyHyyu-00037-00016255-00016791 because lightweight construction and material savings also play a role in high-rise building construction. oBHz2NyHyyu-00038-00016791-00016942 We pushed the limits here. oBHz2NyHyyu-00039-00016942-00017170 For the first 110 meters oBHz2NyHyyu-00040-00017170-00017474 we chose a wall thickness of 40 centimeters oBHz2NyHyyu-00041-00017474-00017770 and then changed to 25 centimeters. oBHz2NyHyyu-00042-00017829-00018292 So only this thickness of the tower shaft holds all the concrete. oBHz2NyHyyu-00043-00018411-00018826 The tower itself is wrapped in this remarkable facade. oBHz2NyHyyu-00044-00018826-00019145 It consists of a fiberglass membrane. oBHz2NyHyyu-00045-00019145-00019447 This is often used in stadium construction. oBHz2NyHyyu-00046-00019560-00019830 The membrane has several aspects: oBHz2NyHyyu-00047-00019830-00020398 First, the membrane protects the tower from temperature effects and solar radiation oBHz2NyHyyu-00048-00020398-00020898 and finally, the membrane and the entire construction oBHz2NyHyyu-00049-00020907-00021136 improve the wind characteristics of the tower. oBHz2NyHyyu-00050-00021357-00021642 The facade itself is attached to a steel structure oBHz2NyHyyu-00051-00021642-00021838 which spirals around the tower. oBHz2NyHyyu-00052-00021838-00022051 This arrangement creates a shape oBHz2NyHyyu-00053-00022051-00022720 comparable to the scruton spiral effect. oBHz2NyHyyu-00054-00022720-00023107 One knows this from chimneys in industrial areas, for example. oBHz2NyHyyu-00055-00023107-00023377 Chimneys are very often susceptible to vibrations because they are very slim. oBHz2NyHyyu-00056-00023377-00023878 So very often, thin plates are welded around the outside. oBHz2NyHyyu-00057-00023878-00024298 These improve the transverse vibration behaviour of such towers. oBHz2NyHyyu-00058-00024298-00024625 And this effect is what we have achieved here too, oBHz2NyHyyu-00059-00024625-00024910 so that the wind loads on the tower are reduced. oBHz2NyHyyu-00060-00025124-00025382 Well, the tower has been completed for quite some time now, oBHz2NyHyyu-00061-00025382-00025877 but down there you can still see a remnant of the assembly. oBHz2NyHyyu-00062-00025877-00026500 This ring went up the tower vertically on three cogwheels, oBHz2NyHyyu-00063-00026570-00026827 so one had access to the facade, oBHz2NyHyyu-00064-00026827-00027125 could store the membrane rolls on this platform oBHz2NyHyyu-00065-00027125-00027289 and then install them directly. oBHz2NyHyyu-00066-00027555-00027934 So, let's take a look inside a typical room of a test tower. oBHz2NyHyyu-00067-00027934-00028152 An elevator shaft. oBHz2NyHyyu-00068-00029033-00029196 This is specifically a shaft oBHz2NyHyyu-00069-00029196-00029581 in which brake tests are carried out. oBHz2NyHyyu-00070-00029727-00029992 You must be free of giddiness to look down there. oBHz2NyHyyu-00071-00030180-00030553 But here we actually don't look all the way down. oBHz2NyHyyu-00072-00030553-00030748 There is something hanging on about... what height is that? oBHz2NyHyyu-00073-00031063-00031229 Actually, we only look down 110 meters. oBHz2NyHyyu-00074-00031500-00031813 We also had an exciting discussion with the client. oBHz2NyHyyu-00075-00031813-00031975 At some meeting, oBHz2NyHyyu-00076-00031975-00032269 the owner told us in passing that from time to time oBHz2NyHyyu-00077-00032269-00032587 during brake tests, which are carried out here, oBHz2NyHyyu-00078-00032587-00032980 such a brake test can also go wrong. oBHz2NyHyyu-00079-00032980-00033353 He said: then a weight of 40 tons oBHz2NyHyyu-00080-00033353-00033746 falls from a height of 120 meters, for example, oBHz2NyHyyu-00081-00033746-00034034 and hits the floor slab. oBHz2NyHyyu-00082-00034121-00034597 And that, of course, is an engineering task that we don't encounter every day. oBHz2NyHyyu-00083-00034690-00034990 Finally, an additional construction was installed, oBHz2NyHyyu-00084-00034990-00035359 made of various steel pipes which are stacked on top of each other, oBHz2NyHyyu-00085-00035359-00035797 which then convert a large part of the energy through deformation oBHz2NyHyyu-00086-00035797-00036154 and thus dampen the impact. oBHz2NyHyyu-00087-00036644-00036866 Let's move on to another room here in the test tower. oBHz2NyHyyu-00088-00036866-00037166 A somewhat untypical room, not found anywhere else, oBHz2NyHyyu-00089-00037166-00037598 which contains the vibration damper in the form of a pendulum. oBHz2NyHyyu-00090-00037796-00038000 The tower with its height of 240 meters oBHz2NyHyyu-00091-00038000-00038186 is exposed to enormous wind forces. oBHz2NyHyyu-00092-00038186-00038423 And when the tower starts to oscillate and to move oBHz2NyHyyu-00093-00038423-00038671 at a certain frequency, oBHz2NyHyyu-00094-00038671-00038915 this pendulum will counteract it. oBHz2NyHyyu-00095-00038915-00039437 This prevents the tower from getting a dangerous natural frequency. oBHz2NyHyyu-00096-00039713-00040097 When we were sitting at one of the meetings with the owner, oBHz2NyHyyu-00097-00040097-00040301 he told us oBHz2NyHyyu-00098-00040301-00040835 that he operates a very small test tower in England oBHz2NyHyyu-00099-00040835-00041318 and that the engineers often sit there for days waiting oBHz2NyHyyu-00100-00041318-00041705 for the wind to blow enough to move the building a little bit oBHz2NyHyyu-00101-00041705-00042065 so that the elevators can then be tested oBHz2NyHyyu-00102-00042065-00042272 under wind stress. oBHz2NyHyyu-00103-00042416-00042621 In the course of that, he came up with the idea: oBHz2NyHyyu-00104-00042621-00042864 If we now install a large pendulum here oBHz2NyHyyu-00105-00042864-00043148 then we could also set it in motion on purpose. oBHz2NyHyyu-00106-00043148-00043418 Then his engineers wouldn't have to wait for the wind to blow, oBHz2NyHyyu-00107-00043418-00043653 but can set the tower in motion at the push of a button. oBHz2NyHyyu-00108-00043710-00044003 That's what we were actually able to do oBHz2NyHyyu-00109-00044003-00044175 with the help of linear motors oBHz2NyHyyu-00110-00044175-00044399 which we fixed here underneath the pendulum oBHz2NyHyyu-00111-00044612-00045030 And so, this building is the first and only building in the world oBHz2NyHyyu-00112-00045030-00045447 that can be deliberately and intentionally set into oscillation. oBRegQQiYtI-00000-00000436-00000650 Welcome to the 2nd Libertarian Minute! oBRegQQiYtI-00001-00000726-00000852 A wise man once said that oBRegQQiYtI-00003-00001370-00001688 To demonstrate that this false conviction applies even today in 21st century, oBRegQQiYtI-00004-00001723-00002108 it is enough to consider the fact that we look at freedom superficially through freedom of movement. oBRegQQiYtI-00005-00002202-00002444 However, freedom is much more than that. oBRegQQiYtI-00006-00002550-00002804 Freedom is the right to enjoy the fruits of our labor. oBRegQQiYtI-00007-00002850-00003184 If the State takes half of what we create, are we really free? oBRegQQiYtI-00008-00003242-00003472 If you had 100 sheep and the government took away half of them, oBRegQQiYtI-00009-00003524-00003740 can you say for yourself that you are a free man? oBRegQQiYtI-00010-00003796-00004230 I am not free because I cannot refuse to participate in financing government social programs, oBRegQQiYtI-00011-00004248-00004590 regardless of the fact that I use higher quality alternatives provided by the marketplace. oBRegQQiYtI-00012-00004696-00005044 Imagine for a moment that this is 1 square meter of agricultural land, oBRegQQiYtI-00013-00005104-00005412 which sits adjacent to 1 square meter of land designated for urban development. oBRegQQiYtI-00014-00005472-00005984 Land for urban development is 50 to 100 times more expensive than agriculture land. oBRegQQiYtI-00015-00006038-00006412 You are not free, because a bureaucratic construction permit for the land oBRegQQiYtI-00016-00006431-00006954 on which you want to make your home can make it 50 to 100 times more expensive. oBRegQQiYtI-00017-00007076-00007398 I am not free because as a consumer I don't have access to free market, oBRegQQiYtI-00018-00007434-00007616 because of regulation of production and trade, oBRegQQiYtI-00019-00007658-00007806 because of consumption tax, oBRegQQiYtI-00020-00007830-00008031 because of subsidizing of domestic producers, oBRegQQiYtI-00021-00008045-00008308 and because of import tarriffs on foreign goods. oBRegQQiYtI-00022-00008454-00009010 I am not free because my entrepreneurial appetites in starting a business and creating valuable goods and services are squashed oBRegQQiYtI-00023-00009028-00009330 with senseless regulations and theft through taxation. oBRegQQiYtI-00024-00009452-00009802 Being free means having the ability to enter into an employment exclusively through contract terms oBRegQQiYtI-00025-00009826-00010300 set and agreed between an employer and a worker, but not through arbitrary labor laws mandated by the State. oBRegQQiYtI-00026-00010368-00011034 We are not free because we live in a society where misplaced emotions of envy and intolerance oBRegQQiYtI-00027-00011076-00011710 are political capital for legalized plunder in the name of equality and forceful exercise of acceptable behavior. oBRegQQiYtI-00028-00011790-00012210 So long as others continue to be generous with my money, I will not be free. oBRegQQiYtI-00029-00012232-00012562 If you want to help others, do it with your own money and your own time, oBRegQQiYtI-00030-00012582-00012862 and leave money of others and government budget alone. oBRegQQiYtI-00031-00012924-00013378 Being free means living under the rule of law with purpose of protecting the individual, oBRegQQiYtI-00032-00013402-00013680 and which applies equally to government officials and to citizens. oBRegQQiYtI-00033-00013719-00014226 Are we indeed free if the 'rule by law' serves the rulers for their own protection from the law oBRegQQiYtI-00034-00014241-00014504 and for achieving their own personal interests? oBRegQQiYtI-00035-00014613-00015513 Society in which destiny of an individual is determined by democratic will of majority delegated to elected politicians is not free. oBRegQQiYtI-00036-00015584-00015944 No matter how nice it may sound, democracy is not freedom. oBRegQQiYtI-00037-00016088-00016484 Valuing of individual freedom in an individual's mind usually starts with the realization that oBRegQQiYtI-00038-00016494-00016750 that which he receives from government in exchange for giving up his freedom is worth less oBRegQQiYtI-00039-00016758-00017164 that that what he could have and would be able to achieve on his own if he were free. oBRegQQiYtI-00040-00017210-00017700 For a man accustomed to living from his own work, quest for freedom can easily turn into a lifelong goal, oBRegQQiYtI-00041-00017742-00018318 provided that he is introduced to and learns about the possibilities and benefits of a libertarian free society. oBRegQQiYtI-00042-00018398-00018718 Find out more about that in the next Libertarian Minute. oCe4dVdRWto-00000-00000024-00000622 I'm just finishing up my undergrad at UWM in mechanical engineering. I was captain on oCe4dVdRWto-00001-00000622-00001094 the UWM Swim Team for two years. I got involved in the GAIT lab because I was interested in oCe4dVdRWto-00002-00001094-00001523 bio-mechanics and in swimming I was always interested in how I could be more efficient oCe4dVdRWto-00003-00001523-00002102 in the water. So that lead me into my research of how the human body moves on the ladder. oCe4dVdRWto-00004-00002102-00002500 to try and make it safer. There' s a lot of injuries with ladders so we're trying to reduce oCe4dVdRWto-00005-00002500-00003000 the injury rate and by making ladder climbing safer. It's important to look into ladder oCe4dVdRWto-00006-00003000-00003509 system fails because ladder injuries are really high and severe. So we want to find what climbing oCe4dVdRWto-00007-00003509-00004065 biomechanics increase recovery and what we can do to reduce the slipping. These cameras oCe4dVdRWto-00008-00004065-00004685 are motion capture cameras so we have little reflective markers that we place on our participants oCe4dVdRWto-00009-00004685-00005356 that come into do our study. The first ladder we studied ladder slips so the ladder would enduce oCe4dVdRWto-00010-00005356-00005996 the slip and then we would look into how we can fix certain foot placement and stepping. oCe4dVdRWto-00011-00005996-00006458 And then the second ladder we try to improve recovery and we looked into glove condition by oCe4dVdRWto-00012-00006458-00006864 high friction and low friction gloves. And then we had people climb this ladder and oCe4dVdRWto-00013-00006864-00007298 when they didn't know it was coming, one of the wrungs would drop out and it would cause oCe4dVdRWto-00014-00007298-00007835 them to fall , but they were safe in our safety harness . And then were looking into if the gloves oCe4dVdRWto-00015-00007835-00008236 really have an improvement or not and also what other climbing biomechanics you can do oCe4dVdRWto-00016-00008236-00008621 to improve recovery. My name is Erika Pliner and I'm a Milwaukee Engineer! oLhrkKtu5EY-00000-00000002-00000284 Singapore's Peace Carvin Five detachment oLhrkKtu5EY-00001-00000286-00000660 came together to welcome a new command chief among their ranks. oLhrkKtu5EY-00002-00000664-00001284 Military Expert 4 Tan Eng Ann bids his final farewell the Buccaneers. oLhrkKtu5EY-00003-00001284-00001870 It's indeed a great honor and privilege to serve with Peace Carvin Five and the Buccaneers. oLhrkKtu5EY-00004-00001870-00002204 ME-3 Gene Tan is no stranger to the Buccaneers oLhrkKtu5EY-00005-00002204-00002468 I wish him all the best and with his vast experience oLhrkKtu5EY-00006-00002468-00002814 I'm sure Gene is able to take the squadrons to a greater height. oLhrkKtu5EY-00007-00002814-00003134 After receiving the symbol of appointment, oLhrkKtu5EY-00008-00003134-00003814 the 428th Fighter Squadron's new chief, Military Expert 3 Tan Thiam Chye Gene, oLhrkKtu5EY-00009-00003814-00004300 grasps the flag of his homeland and takes the Oath of Appointment. oLhrkKtu5EY-00010-00004300-00004908 Prior to my appointment as command chief, I was the initial setup crew for Peace Carvin Five back in 2008. oLhrkKtu5EY-00011-00004918-00005486 I will continue to strengthen the relationship between USAF and RSAF, as well as the community in Mountain Home. oLhrkKtu5EY-00012-00005492-00005798 I will ensure that the standards and the safety of our personnel are not compromised oLhrkKtu5EY-00013-00005798-00006044 while we continue to hone and sharpen our skills. oLhrkKtu5EY-00014-00006052-00006288 Ceremony Announcer: "Military Expert 3 Gene Tan." oLhrkKtu5EY-00015-00006292-00006544 Reporting from Mountain Home Air Force Base, oLhrkKtu5EY-00016-00007026-00007234 Airman First Class Hailey Bivens. optc3skeLgU-00000-00000000-00000314 Hello dear friends optc3skeLgU-00001-00000335-00000547 Welcome again, I am Wafa Alshamy optc3skeLgU-00002-00000547-00000958 In this video, we will learn how to Price our drawings optc3skeLgU-00003-00001021-00001476 And I want to tell you that I will be a member of the parliament "people" optc3skeLgU-00004-00001496-00001985 for the constituency of the Gulf Cooperation Council and Yemen for the second round optc3skeLgU-00005-00002005-00002297 So i won't be available next month optc3skeLgU-00006-00002436-00003022 And because I am posting some of my drawings on Instagram optc3skeLgU-00007-00003042-00003287 A lot of people asked me how do I price my drawings optc3skeLgU-00008-00003354-00004353 So through this video, I will try to teach you how to price your drawings for writers or publishers optc3skeLgU-00009-00004364-00005111 I won't talk about private requests as it depends on the type of service you provide optc3skeLgU-00010-00005153-00005644 I hope you find the answers you are looking for. Let's start optc3skeLgU-00011-00006299-00006497 Drawing....learning...Development optc3skeLgU-00012-00006582-00006843 1-The first way is to price your work hours optc3skeLgU-00013-00006895-00007336 you are drawing a book, and it takes you 5 hours to finish a page optc3skeLgU-00014-00007392-00007727 For example your price is 10 SR per hour optc3skeLgU-00015-00007796-00008260 So the page will cost you 50 SR optc3skeLgU-00016-00008280-00009227 This way will guarantee that you earn a payment that is sufficient for your work hour optc3skeLgU-00017-00009247-00009815 work hours equal Submitted effort and the difficulty of the drawing optc3skeLgU-00018-00009904-00011137 imagine that you are working at a company, and receiving payment according to your work hour Don't under estimate yourselves optc3skeLgU-00019-00011211-00011450 2-The second way, by setting the page size optc3skeLgU-00020-00011511-00012299 as I taught you in my previous video "How to draw kids stories" how to set the drawing page optc3skeLgU-00021-00012344-00012903 We have a spread page, a whole page for the story, and we have a divided page optc3skeLgU-00022-00012974-00013832 you will price your drawing according to the page size, whether it is spread or a single page optc3skeLgU-00023-00013852-00014154 a whole page or a single page optc3skeLgU-00024-00014205-00015359 so try to decide this stuff before you start work, in order not to make an unrequited effort optc3skeLgU-00025-00015446-00015851 3-The third point is the living standard in the country you live in optc3skeLgU-00026-00015954-00016452 standard of living determines a lot of stuff especially pricing optc3skeLgU-00027-00016472-00017186 as you can't underestimate yourself especially if you need to pay your obligations such as school fees optc3skeLgU-00028-00017186-00017689 rent or any other expenses optc3skeLgU-00029-00017689-00018647 So if the expenses or the standard of life are high, this is reflected greatly in the prices optc3skeLgU-00030-00018647-00019098 your price may be expensive comparing with another person in another country optc3skeLgU-00031-00019098-00019806 such as India, Lebanon, or any other international, Arabian, or gulf country optc3skeLgU-00032-00019826-00021227 Try to study your standard of living in your country, so you can decide whether raise or lower your drawings prices optc3skeLgU-00033-00021247-00022234 So that you can be self-sufficient and the work be more profitable than being a burden on you optc3skeLgU-00034-00022329-00022888 Of course, there are some important stuff you have to know optc3skeLgU-00035-00023008-00023473 there are things that make the client agree to the price you offer from the beginning optc3skeLgU-00036-00023494-00023673 first, your service featuers optc3skeLgU-00037-00023693-00024516 you were able to market your service well, in a way that convinced the customer to buy them with the decided price optc3skeLgU-00038-00024541-00025086 if your marketing was not good enough to convince him optc3skeLgU-00039-00025086-00026467 he will try bargaining to lower the price, to make your service characterized at least by its lower price for him comparing to the market optc3skeLgU-00040-00026514-00027230 so, in this case, you won't be only a painter, but also a company, a project manager, and a marketer optc3skeLgU-00041-00027260-00028039 There is another thing that affects pricing and convinces the customer of your price optc3skeLgU-00042-00028039-00028466 it is your fame in your field or your excellence in it optc3skeLgU-00043-00028501-00029610 if you were famous or excellent in this field, this will be a convincible reason for this price you offer for the writer or the publisher optc3skeLgU-00044-00029610-00030547 and as a painter, you show him that you are able to deliver a value optc3skeLgU-00045-00030681-00031057 after you agree on the work, it is time for the contract optc3skeLgU-00046-00031057-00031608 usually the publisher is responsible about preparing the contract optc3skeLgU-00047-00031623-00032461 but you can discuss some of its points and try to adjust them to suits you optc3skeLgU-00048-00032461-00033077 and make everything clear for you to guarantee your rights optc3skeLgU-00049-00033077-00034642 for the contract with the writer, it is preferred for you to make the contract and add the desired conditions and agreements for you and for the client optc3skeLgU-00050-00034642-00035897 so you can guarantee the rights of both of you and not to become a victim to fraud by some bad clients or writers optc3skeLgU-00051-00035897-00036351 and to be more official and professional optc3skeLgU-00052-00036555-00037746 last, I hope you never met bad clients or be a victim of fraud and always have a good and profitable experience optc3skeLgU-00053-00037818-00038817 I hope you enjoyed this video, and if you have any questions send it to me through comments or my Instagram account optc3skeLgU-00054-00038817-00039116 See you next month optc3skeLgU-00055-00039159-00039336 Please don't forget to subscribe,like and share optc3skeLgU-00056-00039399-00039617 Goodbye oO_zH7MZyVY-00000-00000024-00000438 Today I'll be showing you a sured way to get your phone back if it's been lost or stolen. oO_zH7MZyVY-00001-00000438-00000994 Very quickly here are the equipment I used to make this video possible: The Canon T3i oO_zH7MZyVY-00002-00000994-00001700 with the Tokina lens, Yeti pro microphone, Acer aspire r7 laptop, 32 gigabyte SD card, oO_zH7MZyVY-00003-00001700-00002120 the Samsung Galaxy note 5, and the Samsung wireless fast charging stand. oO_zH7MZyVY-00004-00002120-00002498 You can find the links to any of these item down in the videos description below. oO_zH7MZyVY-00005-00002498-00002598 Let's get started. oO_zH7MZyVY-00006-00002598-00002989 Go into your Android devices settings by pulling down the notification tab and hitting the oO_zH7MZyVY-00007-00002989-00003119 gear icon. oO_zH7MZyVY-00008-00003119-00003347 Next locate and tap the lock and security tab. oO_zH7MZyVY-00009-00003347-00003611 You will see an option labeled find my phone. oO_zH7MZyVY-00010-00003611-00003863 From there it'll ask you to sign into your Samsung account. oO_zH7MZyVY-00011-00003863-00004319 If you don't have one, then I recommend creating one asap. oO_zH7MZyVY-00012-00004319-00004592 Once signed in, you will see three key features. oO_zH7MZyVY-00013-00004592-00004965 Remote controls - allows you to control your device anywhere using your Google account oO_zH7MZyVY-00014-00004965-00005240 ( I'll talk more about that in the video) oO_zH7MZyVY-00015-00005240-00005583 Google location service gives you a more accurate location. oO_zH7MZyVY-00016-00005583-00005992 Basically the exact address where your phones located, and sim card change alert, which oO_zH7MZyVY-00017-00005992-00006182 does exactly what the name implies. oO_zH7MZyVY-00018-00006182-00006642 It'll notify you via Gmail or find my mobile that your sim card has been replaced. oO_zH7MZyVY-00019-00006642-00006789 Now let's use this scenario. oO_zH7MZyVY-00020-00006789-00007164 You sparked a conversation with a cute guy or girl behind the service counter at your oO_zH7MZyVY-00021-00007164-00007276 local Starbucks. oO_zH7MZyVY-00022-00007276-00007717 You got so lost in the convo that when it came time to leave, you forget to grab the oO_zH7MZyVY-00023-00007717-00007834 phone off the counter top. oO_zH7MZyVY-00024-00007834-00008233 Five minutes goes by when you realized this, but by this time it's long gone. oO_zH7MZyVY-00025-00008233-00008714 I know because a friend of mine actually stole your phone. oO_zH7MZyVY-00026-00008714-00008814 Don't panic! oO_zH7MZyVY-00027-00008814-00008953 Here's what you do. oO_zH7MZyVY-00028-00008953-00009447 Locate a device with Internet access on it or ask to use someone's phone if possible. oO_zH7MZyVY-00029-00009447-00009864 Next open up an internet browsing app and type in "find my phone". oO_zH7MZyVY-00030-00009864-00010242 Click on the first link you see. oO_zH7MZyVY-00031-00010242-00010559 It'll ask you to sign into your Samsung account. oO_zH7MZyVY-00032-00010559-00010792 Now this is where the magic happens. oO_zH7MZyVY-00033-00010792-00011285 Because you've enabled Google location service, you'll get an accurate ping of the exact location oO_zH7MZyVY-00034-00011285-00013441 of your phone. oO_zH7MZyVY-00035-00013441-00013763 Go over to the lock my device and Samsung pay. oO_zH7MZyVY-00036-00013763-00013879 Click it. oO_zH7MZyVY-00037-00013879-00014253 You'll be presented with this popup that reads "When you select "Lock" to protect your device, oO_zH7MZyVY-00038-00014253-00014697 all the features as shown below, including Samsung pay will be locked". oO_zH7MZyVY-00039-00014697-00015056 Hit lock It'll lock your phone with a pin if you haven't oO_zH7MZyVY-00040-00015056-00015393 already, lock Samsung pay, and lock power off. oO_zH7MZyVY-00041-00015393-00015726 What I'm interested in is the third feature. oO_zH7MZyVY-00042-00015726-00016126 If you can act fast enough, you can actually prevent the thieve from turning off the phone. oO_zH7MZyVY-00043-00016126-00016471 Lock power off prevents the theft from being able to power off your device via the power oO_zH7MZyVY-00044-00016471-00016793 button, giving you more than enough time to track it. oO_zH7MZyVY-00045-00016793-00017154 The only downside to this feature is that the person who has your phone can easily remove oO_zH7MZyVY-00046-00017154-00017607 your sim card if clever, or if the phone has a removable battery, they can simply remove oO_zH7MZyVY-00047-00017607-00018276 the battery to power it off that way. oO_zH7MZyVY-00048-00018276-00018534 It's all about how fast you can react to the situation at hand. oO_zH7MZyVY-00049-00018534-00018928 By the way, not every thief thinks the way I do in terms of disabling the phone from oO_zH7MZyVY-00050-00018928-00019374 being tracked, like removing the sim card, but taking out the battery is a pretty common oO_zH7MZyVY-00051-00019374-00019474 to method. oO_zH7MZyVY-00052-00019474-00020220 I encourage you to do this before you regret it. oO_zH7MZyVY-00053-00020220-00020775 Take care guys! oO_zH7MZyVY-00054-00020775-00021330 Plan, Analyze, execute. oO_zH7MZyVY-00055-00021330-00021515 Peace! oUYa2tTKVkA-00000-00000730-00000770 MINNESOTA TO SUPERIOR, oUYa2tTKVkA-00001-00000770-00000777 MINNESOTA TO SUPERIOR, oUYa2tTKVkA-00002-00000777-00000824 MINNESOTA TO SUPERIOR, WISCONSIN. oUYa2tTKVkA-00003-00000824-00000830 MINNESOTA TO SUPERIOR, WISCONSIN. oUYa2tTKVkA-00004-00000830-00000934 MINNESOTA TO SUPERIOR, WISCONSIN. ENVIRONMENTAL AND TRAVEL GROUPS oUYa2tTKVkA-00005-00000934-00000940 WISCONSIN. ENVIRONMENTAL AND TRAVEL GROUPS oUYa2tTKVkA-00006-00000940-00001167 WISCONSIN. ENVIRONMENTAL AND TRAVEL GROUPS OPPOSE THE PROJECT. oUYa2tTKVkA-00007-00001167-00001174 ENVIRONMENTAL AND TRAVEL GROUPS OPPOSE THE PROJECT. oUYa2tTKVkA-00008-00001174-00001261 ENVIRONMENTAL AND TRAVEL GROUPS OPPOSE THE PROJECT. >> DENNIS: THE MINNESOTA HOUSE oUYa2tTKVkA-00009-00001261-00001267 OPPOSE THE PROJECT. >> DENNIS: THE MINNESOTA HOUSE oUYa2tTKVkA-00010-00001267-00001538 OPPOSE THE PROJECT. >> DENNIS: THE MINNESOTA HOUSE HAS APPROVED A $3.2 BILLION oUYa2tTKVkA-00011-00001538-00001544 >> DENNIS: THE MINNESOTA HOUSE HAS APPROVED A $3.2 BILLION oUYa2tTKVkA-00012-00001544-00001698 >> DENNIS: THE MINNESOTA HOUSE HAS APPROVED A $3.2 BILLION EDUCATION BILL THAT WOULD FREEZE oUYa2tTKVkA-00013-00001698-00001705 HAS APPROVED A $3.2 BILLION EDUCATION BILL THAT WOULD FREEZE oUYa2tTKVkA-00014-00001705-00001788 HAS APPROVED A $3.2 BILLION EDUCATION BILL THAT WOULD FREEZE TUITION NEXT YEAR FOR THE oUYa2tTKVkA-00015-00001788-00001795 EDUCATION BILL THAT WOULD FREEZE TUITION NEXT YEAR FOR THE oUYa2tTKVkA-00016-00001795-00001948 EDUCATION BILL THAT WOULD FREEZE TUITION NEXT YEAR FOR THE STATE'S TWO-YEAR AND TECHNICAL oUYa2tTKVkA-00017-00001948-00001955 TUITION NEXT YEAR FOR THE STATE'S TWO-YEAR AND TECHNICAL oUYa2tTKVkA-00018-00001955-00002108 TUITION NEXT YEAR FOR THE STATE'S TWO-YEAR AND TECHNICAL COLLEGES BUT WILL LIKELY RAISE oUYa2tTKVkA-00019-00002108-00002115 STATE'S TWO-YEAR AND TECHNICAL COLLEGES BUT WILL LIKELY RAISE oUYa2tTKVkA-00020-00002115-00002242 STATE'S TWO-YEAR AND TECHNICAL COLLEGES BUT WILL LIKELY RAISE IT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF oUYa2tTKVkA-00021-00002242-00002248 COLLEGES BUT WILL LIKELY RAISE IT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF oUYa2tTKVkA-00022-00002248-00002285 COLLEGES BUT WILL LIKELY RAISE IT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. oUYa2tTKVkA-00023-00002285-00002292 IT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. oUYa2tTKVkA-00024-00002292-00002515 IT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. THE BILL PASSED TUESDAY IN THE oUYa2tTKVkA-00025-00002515-00002522 MINNESOTA. THE BILL PASSED TUESDAY IN THE oUYa2tTKVkA-00026-00002522-00002649 MINNESOTA. THE BILL PASSED TUESDAY IN THE REPUBLICAN-CONTROLLED HOUSE, oUYa2tTKVkA-00027-00002649-00002655 THE BILL PASSED TUESDAY IN THE REPUBLICAN-CONTROLLED HOUSE, oUYa2tTKVkA-00028-00002655-00002782 THE BILL PASSED TUESDAY IN THE REPUBLICAN-CONTROLLED HOUSE, MOSTLY ALONG PARTY LINES BY A oUYa2tTKVkA-00029-00002782-00002789 REPUBLICAN-CONTROLLED HOUSE, MOSTLY ALONG PARTY LINES BY A oUYa2tTKVkA-00030-00002789-00002949 REPUBLICAN-CONTROLLED HOUSE, MOSTLY ALONG PARTY LINES BY A VOTE OF 77 TO 53. oUYa2tTKVkA-00031-00002949-00002956 MOSTLY ALONG PARTY LINES BY A VOTE OF 77 TO 53. oUYa2tTKVkA-00032-00002956-00003116 MOSTLY ALONG PARTY LINES BY A VOTE OF 77 TO 53. REPUBLICANS SAY THEIR BILL HELPS oUYa2tTKVkA-00033-00003116-00003123 VOTE OF 77 TO 53. REPUBLICANS SAY THEIR BILL HELPS oUYa2tTKVkA-00034-00003123-00003266 VOTE OF 77 TO 53. REPUBLICANS SAY THEIR BILL HELPS STUDENTS WITH RISING EDUCATIONAL oUYa2tTKVkA-00035-00003266-00003273 REPUBLICANS SAY THEIR BILL HELPS STUDENTS WITH RISING EDUCATIONAL oUYa2tTKVkA-00036-00003273-00003443 REPUBLICANS SAY THEIR BILL HELPS STUDENTS WITH RISING EDUCATIONAL COSTS THROUGH FUNDING STUDENT oUYa2tTKVkA-00037-00003443-00003450 STUDENTS WITH RISING EDUCATIONAL COSTS THROUGH FUNDING STUDENT oUYa2tTKVkA-00038-00003450-00003893 STUDENTS WITH RISING EDUCATIONAL COSTS THROUGH FUNDING STUDENT DEBT COUNSELING AND A LONE -- oUYa2tTKVkA-00039-00003893-00003900 COSTS THROUGH FUNDING STUDENT DEBT COUNSELING AND A LONE -- oUYa2tTKVkA-00040-00003900-00004090 COSTS THROUGH FUNDING STUDENT DEBT COUNSELING AND A LONE -- LOAN FORGIVENESS PROGRAM FOR oUYa2tTKVkA-00041-00004090-00004097 DEBT COUNSELING AND A LONE -- LOAN FORGIVENESS PROGRAM FOR oUYa2tTKVkA-00042-00004097-00004210 DEBT COUNSELING AND A LONE -- LOAN FORGIVENESS PROGRAM FOR AGRICULTURAL, AVIATION AND oUYa2tTKVkA-00043-00004210-00004217 LOAN FORGIVENESS PROGRAM FOR AGRICULTURAL, AVIATION AND oUYa2tTKVkA-00044-00004217-00004314 LOAN FORGIVENESS PROGRAM FOR AGRICULTURAL, AVIATION AND TEACHING JOBS. oUYa2tTKVkA-00045-00004314-00004320 AGRICULTURAL, AVIATION AND TEACHING JOBS. oUYa2tTKVkA-00046-00004320-00004467 AGRICULTURAL, AVIATION AND TEACHING JOBS. SOME DEMOCRATS SAY THE BILL oUYa2tTKVkA-00047-00004467-00004474 TEACHING JOBS. SOME DEMOCRATS SAY THE BILL oUYa2tTKVkA-00048-00004474-00004611 TEACHING JOBS. SOME DEMOCRATS SAY THE BILL FALLS SHORT OF SCHOOLS' NEEDS oUYa2tTKVkA-00049-00004611-00004617 SOME DEMOCRATS SAY THE BILL FALLS SHORT OF SCHOOLS' NEEDS oUYa2tTKVkA-00050-00004617-00004811 SOME DEMOCRATS SAY THE BILL FALLS SHORT OF SCHOOLS' NEEDS AND FAILS TO ADDRESS HIGH DEBT oUYa2tTKVkA-00051-00004811-00004818 FALLS SHORT OF SCHOOLS' NEEDS AND FAILS TO ADDRESS HIGH DEBT oUYa2tTKVkA-00052-00004818-00004884 FALLS SHORT OF SCHOOLS' NEEDS AND FAILS TO ADDRESS HIGH DEBT LOADS. oUYa2tTKVkA-00053-00004884-00004891 AND FAILS TO ADDRESS HIGH DEBT LOADS. oUYa2tTKVkA-00054-00004891-00004991 AND FAILS TO ADDRESS HIGH DEBT LOADS. GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON IS SURE TO oUYa2tTKVkA-00055-00004991-00004998 LOADS. GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON IS SURE TO oUYa2tTKVkA-00056-00004998-00005098 LOADS. GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON IS SURE TO FIGHT AGAINST SOME OF THE oUYa2tTKVkA-00057-00005098-00005105 GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON IS SURE TO FIGHT AGAINST SOME OF THE oUYa2tTKVkA-00058-00005105-00005248 GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON IS SURE TO FIGHT AGAINST SOME OF THE PROVISIONS, LIKE FUNDING FOR THE oUYa2tTKVkA-00059-00005248-00005255 FIGHT AGAINST SOME OF THE PROVISIONS, LIKE FUNDING FOR THE oUYa2tTKVkA-00060-00005255-00005325 FIGHT AGAINST SOME OF THE PROVISIONS, LIKE FUNDING FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, WHERE oVrRA5iejDI-00000-00000350-00000658 Are you looking for skis but don’t know where to start? oVrRA5iejDI-00001-00000658-00000864 We can imagine that really well, oVrRA5iejDI-00002-00000864-00001120 as there are a lot of different types of skis. oVrRA5iejDI-00003-00001120-00001356 In our assortment, we have five types of skis. oVrRA5iejDI-00004-00001356-00001639 There’s the allround ski, the slalom ski and the race ski. oVrRA5iejDI-00005-00001639-00001860 Those are real slope skis. oVrRA5iejDI-00006-00001860-00002160 We also have freeride skis, which are meant for off-slope skiing. oVrRA5iejDI-00007-00002160-00002454 We also have a type of skis that´s in between. oVrRA5iejDI-00008-00002454-00002842 That´s the all mountain ski, which can be used on the slopes as well as off the slopes. oVrRA5iejDI-00009-00002842-00003194 In this video we will shortly explain the characteristics of each type, oVrRA5iejDI-00010-00003194-00003524 what they are used for and which type of skis is best for you. oVrRA5iejDI-00011-00003560-00003770 We will start with the allround skis. oVrRA5iejDI-00012-00003770-00003954 They can be used on all slopes. oVrRA5iejDI-00013-00003954-00004180 They are suitable for beginners and advanced skiers, oVrRA5iejDI-00014-00004180-00004478 and a characteristic for this ski is its so called ´forgiveness attitude´. oVrRA5iejDI-00015-00004478-00004814 The skis are easily to turn and controllable. oVrRA5iejDI-00016-00004814-00005268 The recommended length for this type of ski is between the chest and the nose. oVrRA5iejDI-00017-00005432-00005614 Now we´ll continue with the slalom skis. oVrRA5iejDI-00018-00005614-00005914 Slalom skis are suitable for experiences skiers, oVrRA5iejDI-00019-00005914-00006222 so a level between advances and experts. oVrRA5iejDI-00020-00006222-00006520 A characteristic fort his type of ski is that it´s easy to turn and oVrRA5iejDI-00021-00006520-00006792 its high stability and good edge grip, oVrRA5iejDI-00022-00006792-00007040 Even with high speed and short curves. oVrRA5iejDI-00023-00007040-00007316 The recommended length is approximately shoulder height. oVrRA5iejDI-00024-00007486-00007594 The race ski oVrRA5iejDI-00025-00007594-00007994 can be used for advanced skiers who have control and know the necessary techniques. oVrRA5iejDI-00026-00007994-00008274 Therefore the niveau is experts and professionals. oVrRA5iejDI-00027-00008274-00008592 Characteristic for these skis is that they are ideal for high speed oVrRA5iejDI-00028-00008592-00008746 and long curves. oVrRA5iejDI-00029-00008746-00009038 They are extremely stable, even with high speed, oVrRA5iejDI-00030-00009038-00009482 and they have the perfect edge grip with medium and longe curves on harder slopes. oVrRA5iejDI-00031-00009506-00009942 A disadvantage of these skis is that it is difficult tot to short curves. oVrRA5iejDI-00032-00009992-00010426 The recommended length is between shoulder height and your own body length oVrRA5iejDI-00033-00010634-00010786 The all mountain ski oVrRA5iejDI-00034-00010786-00011298 This type of ski is suitable for any type of skier depending on the width, oVrRA5iejDI-00035-00011298-00011470 and therefore can be used by all niveaus. oVrRA5iejDI-00036-00011538-00011788 Characteristic for this type of ski is that they are really versatile oVrRA5iejDI-00037-00011788-00012212 with features for prepared slopes, as well as off slope skiing. oVrRA5iejDI-00038-00012212-00012522 The recommended length is your own body length. oVrRA5iejDI-00039-00012632-00012776 The freeride skis oVrRA5iejDI-00040-00012776-00013052 This type of ski is usually used for off slope skiing. oVrRA5iejDI-00041-00013052-00013230 It can also be used on the slopes, oVrRA5iejDI-00042-00013230-00013441 but that isn’t ideal. oVrRA5iejDI-00043-00013441-00013772 Its niveau is recommended for advanced, experts and professionals, oVrRA5iejDI-00044-00013772-00014056 but on the slopes only for experts and professionals. oVrRA5iejDI-00045-00014078-00014528 Characteristic for these skis is that they are really wide for more boost. oVrRA5iejDI-00046-00014528-00014922 On the slopes they have less edge grip than other slope skis. oVrRA5iejDI-00047-00014922-00015313 The recommended length is the body length or even longer. oVrRA5iejDI-00048-00015434-00015902 In this overview you can see all characteristics for every ski type. oVrRA5iejDI-00049-00015902-00016388 We hope you can work with this, and if you have more questions you can always contact us. ob7UIt6or50-00000-00000448-00000853 The new epic system supports a number of clinical activities. ob7UIt6or50-00001-00000853-00001482 It starts off with registration, so all of the information about the patient; scheduling, ob7UIt6or50-00002-00001482-00002067 us booking the patient into an appointment at Women's College Hospital and then all of ob7UIt6or50-00003-00002067-00002521 the clinical documentation that's required to complete a health record. ob7UIt6or50-00004-00002521-00003254 So a patient's history, their medications, any concerning issues that they are having- ob7UIt6or50-00005-00003254-00003707 everything that a record- a regular paper record- would do, we put in the electronic ob7UIt6or50-00006-00003707-00003807 system. ob7UIt6or50-00007-00003807-00004248 The intention of the system was to appeal to an ambulatory population. ob7UIt6or50-00008-00004248-00004884 So Women's College Hospital is an ambulatory hospital in that we don't have beds. ob7UIt6or50-00009-00004884-00005472 So although we do have, in some areas, our patients stay overnight, our length of stay ob7UIt6or50-00010-00005472-00005785 is to be less than 18 ours. ob7UIt6or50-00011-00005785-00006360 So the ambulatory experience for patients is about having multiple different providers ob7UIt6or50-00012-00006360-00006954 in a very short period of time provide the care that they need. ob7UIt6or50-00013-00006954-00007625 So the system, as a result, needed to be very responsive in that documentation needs to ob7UIt6or50-00014-00007625-00008093 occur in the moment- so not after an encounter but during an encounter. ob7UIt6or50-00015-00008093-00008516 It needs to be able to communicate to the other health providers on the team. ob7UIt6or50-00016-00008516-00009071 The aEPR is revolutionizing the healthcare of women in number of ways. ob7UIt6or50-00017-00009071-00009668 First of all we all know that providing information to multiple providers every time we see them ob7UIt6or50-00018-00009668-00009920 can be at times exhausting. ob7UIt6or50-00019-00009920-00010556 The electronic health record allows you to give your history once, your information once, ob7UIt6or50-00020-00010556-00011035 so all of the healthcare providers on your healthcare team have access to that information ob7UIt6or50-00021-00011035-00011142 and you're not repeating it. ocTAejIcyhU-00000-00000001-00000105 (male narrator) In this video, ocTAejIcyhU-00001-00000105-00000307 we will look at factoring trinomials, ocTAejIcyhU-00002-00000307-00000707 in this special case, where a is equal to 1. ocTAejIcyhU-00003-00000707-00000902 In other words, ocTAejIcyhU-00004-00000902-00001304 there will be no number in front of the x squared. ocTAejIcyhU-00005-00001304-00001504 Technically, it would be a 1 ocTAejIcyhU-00006-00001504-00001900 if there is a 1 in front of the x squared. ocTAejIcyhU-00007-00001900-00002309 The AC method gives us the factors directly, ocTAejIcyhU-00008-00002309-00002607 without nearly as much guess and check. ocTAejIcyhU-00009-00003001-00003509 For example, on the problem, x squared minus 2x, minus 8, ocTAejIcyhU-00010-00003509-00003903 notice we have no number-- or technically a 1-- ocTAejIcyhU-00011-00003903-00004300 as the coefficient in front of the x squared. ocTAejIcyhU-00012-00004300-00004809 Using the AC method, we would be multiplying to 1 times -8, ocTAejIcyhU-00013-00004809-00005309 which is -8, and adding to -2. ocTAejIcyhU-00014-00005309-00005702 We can see this is possible with 4 and 2, ocTAejIcyhU-00015-00005702-00005904 if the 4 is negative. ocTAejIcyhU-00016-00006302-00006805 Making our factors, the only way to get x squared is x times x, ocTAejIcyhU-00017-00006805-00007101 and because these are both the same... ocTAejIcyhU-00018-00007204-00007607 simply just x-- x times -4... ocTAejIcyhU-00019-00007807-00008301 and x times +2 will give us the numbers we want. ocTAejIcyhU-00020-00008408-00008701 Notice, we could simply stick ocTAejIcyhU-00021-00008701-00009501 the -4 into the factor and the +2 into the factor. ocTAejIcyhU-00022-00009501-00010100 This nice shortcut only works when there is a 1, or no number, ocTAejIcyhU-00023-00010100-00010404 as a coefficient of the x squared. ocTAejIcyhU-00024-00010404-00010607 Let's take a look at another example ocTAejIcyhU-00025-00010607-00010901 where we can use this nice shortcut ocTAejIcyhU-00026-00010901-00011109 to reach our factor a bit quicker. ocTAejIcyhU-00027-00011401-00011705 In this problem, again, we notice there is no number-- ocTAejIcyhU-00028-00011705-00012200 or a 1--as a coefficient in front of the x squared. ocTAejIcyhU-00029-00012200-00012407 This means when we use the AC method, ocTAejIcyhU-00030-00012407-00012902 the pair of numbers we find will give us the factors: ocTAejIcyhU-00031-00013104-00013701 a times c, 1 times -8, is -8. ocTAejIcyhU-00032-00013701-00013908 And we want to add to 7. ocTAejIcyhU-00033-00014107-00014409 We see this is possible with 8 and 1, ocTAejIcyhU-00034-00014409-00014800 if the 1 is negative. ocTAejIcyhU-00035-00014800-00015008 We can now quickly build our factors ocTAejIcyhU-00036-00015008-00015309 just filling in the variables. ocTAejIcyhU-00037-00015309-00016205 We use x and a +8 and x and the -1 from the end. ocTAejIcyhU-00038-00016205-00016402 However, we must be careful ocTAejIcyhU-00039-00016402-00016605 that all the variables are accounted for. ocTAejIcyhU-00040-00016605-00016907 We want to end up with a y squared at the end, ocTAejIcyhU-00041-00016907-00017304 which means we also need to have y's in our factors: ocTAejIcyhU-00042-00017304-00017604 8y and -1y. ocTAejIcyhU-00043-00017604-00018101 As usual, if we don't truly need the 1 in front of the y, ocTAejIcyhU-00044-00018101-00018601 then we can leave that factor as simply x minus y at the end, ocTAejIcyhU-00045-00018601-00018902 with x plus 8y as our other factor. ocTAejIcyhU-00046-00019008-00019404 Again, this shortcut is nice, but it only works ocTAejIcyhU-00047-00019404-00019806 if we have a 1 in front of the x squared. odiVgiIZgV0-00000-00000003-00000362 So right now we're standing in this parking lot. This Kmart behind me has odiVgiIZgV0-00001-00000362-00000905 been empty for about six years. There's a new plan to essentially demolish this odiVgiIZgV0-00002-00000905-00001458 structure raze this entire parking lot and actually build four out parcels with odiVgiIZgV0-00003-00001458-00001869 about 30,000 square feet of retail space. This is going to include a new odiVgiIZgV0-00004-00001869-00002232 McDonald's. The old McDonald's is still open here but as you can see sort of the odiVgiIZgV0-00005-00002232-00002643 rest of this shopping center has shut down along with the Kmart and plans have been odiVgiIZgV0-00006-00002643-00002907 filed with the st. Johns Water Management District. odiVgiIZgV0-00007-00002907-00003318 We're told permitting is going to start for this as well. Ground could odiVgiIZgV0-00008-00003318-00003639 break later this summer if not during the fall but I'm sure in the next odiVgiIZgV0-00009-00003639-00004068 probably six to twelve months we'll see some form of construction here at the odiVgiIZgV0-00010-00004068-00004262 site. We're told that it could be some more odiVgiIZgV0-00011-00004262-00004871 restaurants, obviously some more retail as well but no names at this point. of9pMk3Cz6o-00000-00000010-00000180 NOT INTERFERE WITH GRAND RAPID'' of9pMk3Cz6o-00001-00000180-00000186 NOT INTERFERE WITH GRAND RAPID'' of9pMk3Cz6o-00002-00000186-00000266 NOT INTERFERE WITH GRAND RAPID'' MARCH FOR SCIENCE, WHICH ALSO of9pMk3Cz6o-00003-00000266-00000273 NOT INTERFERE WITH GRAND RAPID'' MARCH FOR SCIENCE, WHICH ALSO of9pMk3Cz6o-00004-00000273-00000667 NOT INTERFERE WITH GRAND RAPID'' MARCH FOR SCIENCE, WHICH ALSO TOOK PLACE ON SATURDAY. of9pMk3Cz6o-00005-00000667-00000673 MARCH FOR SCIENCE, WHICH ALSO TOOK PLACE ON SATURDAY. of9pMk3Cz6o-00006-00000673-00000867 MARCH FOR SCIENCE, WHICH ALSO TOOK PLACE ON SATURDAY. WHILE MOST OF US DO SPRING of9pMk3Cz6o-00007-00000867-00000874 TOOK PLACE ON SATURDAY. WHILE MOST OF US DO SPRING of9pMk3Cz6o-00008-00000874-00001091 TOOK PLACE ON SATURDAY. WHILE MOST OF US DO SPRING CLEANING AT OUR HOMES, PLACES of9pMk3Cz6o-00009-00001091-00001097 WHILE MOST OF US DO SPRING CLEANING AT OUR HOMES, PLACES of9pMk3Cz6o-00010-00001097-00001164 WHILE MOST OF US DO SPRING CLEANING AT OUR HOMES, PLACES LIKE CAMP CONFIDENCE IN BRAINERD of9pMk3Cz6o-00011-00001164-00001171 CLEANING AT OUR HOMES, PLACES LIKE CAMP CONFIDENCE IN BRAINERD of9pMk3Cz6o-00012-00001171-00001538 CLEANING AT OUR HOMES, PLACES LIKE CAMP CONFIDENCE IN BRAINERD NEED SOME EXTRA HANDS TO HELP of9pMk3Cz6o-00013-00001538-00001544 LIKE CAMP CONFIDENCE IN BRAINERD NEED SOME EXTRA HANDS TO HELP of9pMk3Cz6o-00014-00001544-00001591 LIKE CAMP CONFIDENCE IN BRAINERD NEED SOME EXTRA HANDS TO HELP GET THE JOB DONE. of9pMk3Cz6o-00015-00001591-00001598 NEED SOME EXTRA HANDS TO HELP GET THE JOB DONE. of9pMk3Cz6o-00016-00001598-00001664 NEED SOME EXTRA HANDS TO HELP GET THE JOB DONE. OUR JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US HOW of9pMk3Cz6o-00017-00001664-00001671 GET THE JOB DONE. OUR JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US HOW of9pMk3Cz6o-00018-00001671-00001728 GET THE JOB DONE. OUR JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US HOW ONE COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP of9pMk3Cz6o-00019-00001728-00001735 OUR JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US HOW ONE COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP of9pMk3Cz6o-00020-00001735-00001801 OUR JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US HOW ONE COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP ORGANIZATION IS HELPING GET THE of9pMk3Cz6o-00021-00001801-00001808 ONE COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP ORGANIZATION IS HELPING GET THE of9pMk3Cz6o-00022-00001808-00002278 ONE COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP ORGANIZATION IS HELPING GET THE CAMP READY FOR SUMMER. of9pMk3Cz6o-00023-00002278-00002285 ORGANIZATION IS HELPING GET THE CAMP READY FOR SUMMER. of9pMk3Cz6o-00024-00002285-00002569 ORGANIZATION IS HELPING GET THE CAMP READY FOR SUMMER. >> THE SOUND OF BUZZ SAWS BEING of9pMk3Cz6o-00025-00002569-00002575 CAMP READY FOR SUMMER. >> THE SOUND OF BUZZ SAWS BEING of9pMk3Cz6o-00026-00002575-00002699 CAMP READY FOR SUMMER. >> THE SOUND OF BUZZ SAWS BEING HEARD THROUGHOUT BRAINERD. of9pMk3Cz6o-00027-00002699-00002706 >> THE SOUND OF BUZZ SAWS BEING HEARD THROUGHOUT BRAINERD. of9pMk3Cz6o-00028-00002706-00002912 >> THE SOUND OF BUZZ SAWS BEING HEARD THROUGHOUT BRAINERD. THE LARGE AREA TO COVER, of9pMk3Cz6o-00029-00002912-00002919 HEARD THROUGHOUT BRAINERD. THE LARGE AREA TO COVER, of9pMk3Cz6o-00030-00002919-00003099 HEARD THROUGHOUT BRAINERD. THE LARGE AREA TO COVER, NONPROFITS LIKE CAMP CONFIDENCE of9pMk3Cz6o-00031-00003099-00003106 THE LARGE AREA TO COVER, NONPROFITS LIKE CAMP CONFIDENCE of9pMk3Cz6o-00032-00003106-00003309 THE LARGE AREA TO COVER, NONPROFITS LIKE CAMP CONFIDENCE RELY ON THE SUPPORT OF COMMUNITY of9pMk3Cz6o-00033-00003309-00003316 NONPROFITS LIKE CAMP CONFIDENCE RELY ON THE SUPPORT OF COMMUNITY of9pMk3Cz6o-00034-00003316-00003410 NONPROFITS LIKE CAMP CONFIDENCE RELY ON THE SUPPORT OF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS AND VOLUNTEERS TO of9pMk3Cz6o-00035-00003410-00003416 RELY ON THE SUPPORT OF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS AND VOLUNTEERS TO of9pMk3Cz6o-00036-00003416-00003650 RELY ON THE SUPPORT OF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS AND VOLUNTEERS TO GET THE CAMP READY FOR ITS of9pMk3Cz6o-00037-00003650-00003656 ORGANIZATIONS AND VOLUNTEERS TO GET THE CAMP READY FOR ITS of9pMk3Cz6o-00038-00003656-00003686 ORGANIZATIONS AND VOLUNTEERS TO GET THE CAMP READY FOR ITS CAMPERS. of9pMk3Cz6o-00039-00003686-00003693 GET THE CAMP READY FOR ITS CAMPERS. of9pMk3Cz6o-00040-00003693-00003810 GET THE CAMP READY FOR ITS CAMPERS. >> IT'S A NONPROFIT of9pMk3Cz6o-00041-00003810-00003817 CAMPERS. >> IT'S A NONPROFIT of9pMk3Cz6o-00042-00003817-00003983 CAMPERS. >> IT'S A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION, AND WE ALWAYS RELY of9pMk3Cz6o-00043-00003983-00003990 >> IT'S A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION, AND WE ALWAYS RELY of9pMk3Cz6o-00044-00003990-00004240 >> IT'S A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION, AND WE ALWAYS RELY ON VOLUNTEERISM AND CHARITABLE of9pMk3Cz6o-00045-00004240-00004247 ORGANIZATION, AND WE ALWAYS RELY ON VOLUNTEERISM AND CHARITABLE of9pMk3Cz6o-00046-00004247-00004274 ORGANIZATION, AND WE ALWAYS RELY ON VOLUNTEERISM AND CHARITABLE SUPPORT. of9pMk3Cz6o-00047-00004274-00004280 ON VOLUNTEERISM AND CHARITABLE SUPPORT. of9pMk3Cz6o-00048-00004280-00004447 ON VOLUNTEERISM AND CHARITABLE SUPPORT. THE JAYCEES HAVE BEEN of9pMk3Cz6o-00049-00004447-00004454 SUPPORT. THE JAYCEES HAVE BEEN of9pMk3Cz6o-00050-00004454-00004534 SUPPORT. THE JAYCEES HAVE BEEN LONGSTANDING PARTNERS AND of9pMk3Cz6o-00051-00004534-00004541 THE JAYCEES HAVE BEEN LONGSTANDING PARTNERS AND of9pMk3Cz6o-00052-00004541-00004667 THE JAYCEES HAVE BEEN LONGSTANDING PARTNERS AND SUPPORTERS OF OUR PROGRAMS of9pMk3Cz6o-00053-00004667-00004674 LONGSTANDING PARTNERS AND SUPPORTERS OF OUR PROGRAMS of9pMk3Cz6o-00054-00004674-00004901 LONGSTANDING PARTNERS AND SUPPORTERS OF OUR PROGRAMS BECAUSE WE SERVE A LOT OF PEOPLE of9pMk3Cz6o-00055-00004901-00004908 SUPPORTERS OF OUR PROGRAMS BECAUSE WE SERVE A LOT OF PEOPLE of9pMk3Cz6o-00056-00004908-00005118 SUPPORTERS OF OUR PROGRAMS BECAUSE WE SERVE A LOT OF PEOPLE FROM VARIOUS JAYCEE COMMUNITIESw of9pMk3Cz6o-00057-00005118-00005315 BECAUSE WE SERVE A LOT OF PEOPLE FROM VARIOUS JAYCEE COMMUNITIESw of9pMk3Cz6o-00058-00005131-00005191 #evÑJ#ñLú3QMmG9ICEE COMMUNITIESw of9pMk3Cz6o-00059-00005191-00005492 #evÑJ#ñLú3QMmG9ICEE COMMUNITIESw of9pMk3Cz6o-00060-00005205-00005315 z $é9IKk0ßíV]ky/■ñE COMMUNITIESw of9pMk3Cz6o-00061-00005315-00005658 z $é9IKk0ßíV]ky/■ñE COMMUNITIESw of9pMk3Cz6o-00062-00005321-00005492 MINNESOTA MAKE AN EFFORT EARLY of9pMk3Cz6o-00063-00005492-00005498 MINNESOTA MAKE AN EFFORT EARLY of9pMk3Cz6o-00064-00005498-00005658 MINNESOTA MAKE AN EFFORT EARLY SPRING TO GET THE CAMP UP AND of9pMk3Cz6o-00065-00005658-00005665 MINNESOTA MAKE AN EFFORT EARLY SPRING TO GET THE CAMP UP AND of9pMk3Cz6o-00066-00005665-00005735 MINNESOTA MAKE AN EFFORT EARLY SPRING TO GET THE CAMP UP AND RUNNING FOR THE SUMMER. of9pMk3Cz6o-00067-00005735-00005742 SPRING TO GET THE CAMP UP AND RUNNING FOR THE SUMMER. of9pMk3Cz6o-00068-00005742-00005972 SPRING TO GET THE CAMP UP AND RUNNING FOR THE SUMMER. IT'S A PARTNERSHIP THAT HAS A of9pMk3Cz6o-00069-00005972-00005979 RUNNING FOR THE SUMMER. IT'S A PARTNERSHIP THAT HAS A of9pMk3Cz6o-00070-00005979-00006096 RUNNING FOR THE SUMMER. IT'S A PARTNERSHIP THAT HAS A LONG HISTORY. of9pMk3Cz6o-00071-00006096-00006102 IT'S A PARTNERSHIP THAT HAS A LONG HISTORY. of9pMk3Cz6o-00072-00006102-00006299 IT'S A PARTNERSHIP THAT HAS A LONG HISTORY. >> THIS IS ONE OF OUR PRIORITY of9pMk3Cz6o-00073-00006299-00006306 LONG HISTORY. >> THIS IS ONE OF OUR PRIORITY of9pMk3Cz6o-00074-00006306-00006436 LONG HISTORY. >> THIS IS ONE OF OUR PRIORITY PROJECTS, AND WE PARTNERED WITH of9pMk3Cz6o-00075-00006436-00006443 >> THIS IS ONE OF OUR PRIORITY PROJECTS, AND WE PARTNERED WITH of9pMk3Cz6o-00076-00006443-00006609 >> THIS IS ONE OF OUR PRIORITY PROJECTS, AND WE PARTNERED WITH THEM BECAUSE IT'S WHAT WE DO. of9pMk3Cz6o-00077-00006609-00006616 PROJECTS, AND WE PARTNERED WITH THEM BECAUSE IT'S WHAT WE DO. of9pMk3Cz6o-00078-00006616-00006776 PROJECTS, AND WE PARTNERED WITH THEM BECAUSE IT'S WHAT WE DO. WE HELP CLEAN UP AND GET THINGS of9pMk3Cz6o-00079-00006776-00006783 THEM BECAUSE IT'S WHAT WE DO. WE HELP CLEAN UP AND GET THINGS of9pMk3Cz6o-00080-00006783-00006960 THEM BECAUSE IT'S WHAT WE DO. WE HELP CLEAN UP AND GET THINGS READY FOR COMMUNITIES. of9pMk3Cz6o-00081-00006960-00006966 WE HELP CLEAN UP AND GET THINGS READY FOR COMMUNITIES. of9pMk3Cz6o-00082-00006966-00007180 WE HELP CLEAN UP AND GET THINGS READY FOR COMMUNITIES. >> MINNESOTA JAYCEES PUT IN of9pMk3Cz6o-00083-00007180-00007187 READY FOR COMMUNITIES. >> MINNESOTA JAYCEES PUT IN of9pMk3Cz6o-00084-00007187-00007313 READY FOR COMMUNITIES. >> MINNESOTA JAYCEES PUT IN RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PUTTING IN of9pMk3Cz6o-00085-00007313-00007320 >> MINNESOTA JAYCEES PUT IN RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PUTTING IN of9pMk3Cz6o-00086-00007320-00007670 >> MINNESOTA JAYCEES PUT IN RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PUTTING IN DOCKS, PREPPING BOATS, AND WOOD of9pMk3Cz6o-00087-00007670-00007677 RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PUTTING IN DOCKS, PREPPING BOATS, AND WOOD of9pMk3Cz6o-00088-00007677-00007707 RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PUTTING IN DOCKS, PREPPING BOATS, AND WOOD CHIPPING. of9pMk3Cz6o-00089-00007707-00007714 DOCKS, PREPPING BOATS, AND WOOD CHIPPING. of9pMk3Cz6o-00090-00007714-00007841 DOCKS, PREPPING BOATS, AND WOOD CHIPPING. MINNESOTA JAYCEES ARE DOING ALL of9pMk3Cz6o-00091-00007841-00007847 CHIPPING. MINNESOTA JAYCEES ARE DOING ALL of9pMk3Cz6o-00092-00007847-00008014 CHIPPING. MINNESOTA JAYCEES ARE DOING ALL KINDS OF DIFFERENT TASKS, of9pMk3Cz6o-00093-00008014-00008021 MINNESOTA JAYCEES ARE DOING ALL KINDS OF DIFFERENT TASKS, of9pMk3Cz6o-00094-00008021-00008218 MINNESOTA JAYCEES ARE DOING ALL KINDS OF DIFFERENT TASKS, EVERYTHING FROM GETTING THE NEW of9pMk3Cz6o-00095-00008218-00008224 KINDS OF DIFFERENT TASKS, EVERYTHING FROM GETTING THE NEW of9pMk3Cz6o-00096-00008224-00008344 KINDS OF DIFFERENT TASKS, EVERYTHING FROM GETTING THE NEW RECREATIONAL FUEL READY TO of9pMk3Cz6o-00097-00008344-00008351 EVERYTHING FROM GETTING THE NEW RECREATIONAL FUEL READY TO of9pMk3Cz6o-00098-00008351-00008651 EVERYTHING FROM GETTING THE NEW RECREATIONAL FUEL READY TO BUILDING A HUMAN FUSE BALL of9pMk3Cz6o-00099-00008651-00008658 RECREATIONAL FUEL READY TO BUILDING A HUMAN FUSE BALL of9pMk3Cz6o-00100-00008658-00008738 RECREATIONAL FUEL READY TO BUILDING A HUMAN FUSE BALL COURT. of9pMk3Cz6o-00101-00008738-00008745 BUILDING A HUMAN FUSE BALL COURT. of9pMk3Cz6o-00102-00008745-00008928 BUILDING A HUMAN FUSE BALL COURT. HAVING A COMMUNITY PROJECT LIKE of9pMk3Cz6o-00103-00008928-00008935 COURT. HAVING A COMMUNITY PROJECT LIKE of9pMk3Cz6o-00104-00008935-00009272 COURT. HAVING A COMMUNITY PROJECT LIKE CAMP CLEANUP HELPS ENERGIZE AND of9pMk3Cz6o-00105-00009272-00009279 HAVING A COMMUNITY PROJECT LIKE CAMP CLEANUP HELPS ENERGIZE AND of9pMk3Cz6o-00106-00009279-00009406 HAVING A COMMUNITY PROJECT LIKE CAMP CLEANUP HELPS ENERGIZE AND EMPOWER THE LOCAL CHAPTERS. of9pMk3Cz6o-00107-00009406-00009412 CAMP CLEANUP HELPS ENERGIZE AND EMPOWER THE LOCAL CHAPTERS. of9pMk3Cz6o-00108-00009412-00009592 CAMP CLEANUP HELPS ENERGIZE AND EMPOWER THE LOCAL CHAPTERS. >> YOU ARE ON SO MANY PROJECTS of9pMk3Cz6o-00109-00009592-00009599 EMPOWER THE LOCAL CHAPTERS. >> YOU ARE ON SO MANY PROJECTS of9pMk3Cz6o-00110-00009599-00009682 EMPOWER THE LOCAL CHAPTERS. >> YOU ARE ON SO MANY PROJECTS IN YOUR COMMUNITY. of9pMk3Cz6o-00111-00009682-00009689 >> YOU ARE ON SO MANY PROJECTS IN YOUR COMMUNITY. of9pMk3Cz6o-00112-00009689-00009889 >> YOU ARE ON SO MANY PROJECTS IN YOUR COMMUNITY. YOU NEED THAT STRENGTH FROM of9pMk3Cz6o-00113-00009889-00009896 IN YOUR COMMUNITY. YOU NEED THAT STRENGTH FROM of9pMk3Cz6o-00114-00009896-00010136 IN YOUR COMMUNITY. YOU NEED THAT STRENGTH FROM OTHER CHAPTERS ACROSS THE STATE of9pMk3Cz6o-00115-00010136-00010143 YOU NEED THAT STRENGTH FROM OTHER CHAPTERS ACROSS THE STATE of9pMk3Cz6o-00116-00010143-00010303 YOU NEED THAT STRENGTH FROM OTHER CHAPTERS ACROSS THE STATE TO REENERGIZE YOU AND MOVE of9pMk3Cz6o-00117-00010303-00010310 OTHER CHAPTERS ACROSS THE STATE TO REENERGIZE YOU AND MOVE of9pMk3Cz6o-00118-00010310-00010470 OTHER CHAPTERS ACROSS THE STATE TO REENERGIZE YOU AND MOVE FORWARD AND KEEP GOING. of9pMk3Cz6o-00119-00010470-00010477 TO REENERGIZE YOU AND MOVE FORWARD AND KEEP GOING. of9pMk3Cz6o-00120-00010477-00010563 TO REENERGIZE YOU AND MOVE FORWARD AND KEEP GOING. >> WHILE PROJECTS LIKE THIS of9pMk3Cz6o-00121-00010563-00010570 FORWARD AND KEEP GOING. >> WHILE PROJECTS LIKE THIS of9pMk3Cz6o-00122-00010570-00010840 FORWARD AND KEEP GOING. >> WHILE PROJECTS LIKE THIS REQUIRE A LOT OF HARD WORK, IT'S of9pMk3Cz6o-00123-00010840-00010847 >> WHILE PROJECTS LIKE THIS REQUIRE A LOT OF HARD WORK, IT'S of9pMk3Cz6o-00124-00010847-00011007 >> WHILE PROJECTS LIKE THIS REQUIRE A LOT OF HARD WORK, IT'S TO INVITE OTHERS TO JOIN THE of9pMk3Cz6o-00125-00011007-00011014 REQUIRE A LOT OF HARD WORK, IT'S TO INVITE OTHERS TO JOIN THE of9pMk3Cz6o-00126-00011014-00011111 REQUIRE A LOT OF HARD WORK, IT'S TO INVITE OTHERS TO JOIN THE ORGANIZATION AND GIVING BACK TO of9pMk3Cz6o-00127-00011111-00011117 TO INVITE OTHERS TO JOIN THE ORGANIZATION AND GIVING BACK TO of9pMk3Cz6o-00128-00011117-00011241 TO INVITE OTHERS TO JOIN THE ORGANIZATION AND GIVING BACK TO NOT ONLY THE LOCAL COMMUNITIES of9pMk3Cz6o-00129-00011241-00011247 ORGANIZATION AND GIVING BACK TO NOT ONLY THE LOCAL COMMUNITIES of9pMk3Cz6o-00130-00011247-00011644 ORGANIZATION AND GIVING BACK TO NOT ONLY THE LOCAL COMMUNITIES BUT TO THE STATE AS WELL. of9pMk3Cz6o-00131-00011644-00011651 NOT ONLY THE LOCAL COMMUNITIES BUT TO THE STATE AS WELL. of9pMk3Cz6o-00132-00011651-00011868 NOT ONLY THE LOCAL COMMUNITIES BUT TO THE STATE AS WELL. >> I FEEL PEOPLE ARE PASSIONATE of9pMk3Cz6o-00133-00011868-00011875 BUT TO THE STATE AS WELL. >> I FEEL PEOPLE ARE PASSIONATE of9pMk3Cz6o-00134-00011875-00012305 BUT TO THE STATE AS WELL. >> I FEEL PEOPLE ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT HELPING OTHER PEOPLE AND of9pMk3Cz6o-00135-00012305-00012312 >> I FEEL PEOPLE ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT HELPING OTHER PEOPLE AND of9pMk3Cz6o-00136-00012312-00012505 >> I FEEL PEOPLE ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT HELPING OTHER PEOPLE AND IT'S ABOUT SHOWING PASSION AND of9pMk3Cz6o-00137-00012505-00012512 ABOUT HELPING OTHER PEOPLE AND IT'S ABOUT SHOWING PASSION AND of9pMk3Cz6o-00138-00012512-00012609 ABOUT HELPING OTHER PEOPLE AND IT'S ABOUT SHOWING PASSION AND COMMITMENT TO OTHER PEOPLE IN of9pMk3Cz6o-00139-00012609-00012615 IT'S ABOUT SHOWING PASSION AND COMMITMENT TO OTHER PEOPLE IN of9pMk3Cz6o-00140-00012615-00012742 IT'S ABOUT SHOWING PASSION AND COMMITMENT TO OTHER PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY. of9pMk3Cz6o-00141-00012742-00012749 COMMITMENT TO OTHER PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY. of9pMk3Cz6o-00142-00012749-00012966 COMMITMENT TO OTHER PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY. WITH A FULL WEEKEND OF WORK of9pMk3Cz6o-00143-00012966-00012972 THE COMMUNITY. WITH A FULL WEEKEND OF WORK of9pMk3Cz6o-00144-00012972-00013129 THE COMMUNITY. WITH A FULL WEEKEND OF WORK COMPLETED BY THE JAYCEES, THEY of9pMk3Cz6o-00145-00013129-00013136 WITH A FULL WEEKEND OF WORK COMPLETED BY THE JAYCEES, THEY of9pMk3Cz6o-00146-00013136-00013273 WITH A FULL WEEKEND OF WORK COMPLETED BY THE JAYCEES, THEY INVITE OTHER GROUPS AND of9pMk3Cz6o-00147-00013273-00013279 COMPLETED BY THE JAYCEES, THEY INVITE OTHER GROUPS AND of9pMk3Cz6o-00148-00013279-00013433 COMPLETED BY THE JAYCEES, THEY INVITE OTHER GROUPS AND INDIVIDUALS TO VOLUNTEER NOT of9pMk3Cz6o-00149-00013433-00013440 INVITE OTHER GROUPS AND INDIVIDUALS TO VOLUNTEER NOT of9pMk3Cz6o-00150-00013440-00013550 INVITE OTHER GROUPS AND INDIVIDUALS TO VOLUNTEER NOT ONLY TO CONTINUE PREPPING THE of9pMk3Cz6o-00151-00013550-00013556 INDIVIDUALS TO VOLUNTEER NOT ONLY TO CONTINUE PREPPING THE of9pMk3Cz6o-00152-00013556-00013670 INDIVIDUALS TO VOLUNTEER NOT ONLY TO CONTINUE PREPPING THE CAMP BUT VOLUNTEER THROUGHOUT of9pMk3Cz6o-00153-00013670-00013676 ONLY TO CONTINUE PREPPING THE CAMP BUT VOLUNTEER THROUGHOUT of9pMk3Cz6o-00154-00013676-00013723 ONLY TO CONTINUE PREPPING THE CAMP BUT VOLUNTEER THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. of9pMk3Cz6o-00155-00013723-00013730 CAMP BUT VOLUNTEER THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. of9pMk3Cz6o-00156-00013730-00013933 CAMP BUT VOLUNTEER THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. IN BRAINERD, JOSH PETERSON, of9pMk3Cz6o-00157-00013933-00013940 THE YEAR. IN BRAINERD, JOSH PETERSON, of9pMk3Cz6o-00158-00013940-00014457 THE YEAR. IN BRAINERD, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. og6gEclm08c-00000-00000370-00001054 Welcome to another edition of Anglican Unscripted, Episode 584. I'm Kevin Kallsen og6gEclm08c-00001-00001054-00001652 I'm George Conger. I'm Gavin Ashenden, and this is the 17th of March which means og6gEclm08c-00002-00001652-00002060 the day we remember the amazing St. Patrick og6gEclm08c-00003-00003178-00003736 Don't laugh before the show starts. I wasn't sure whether to make George's joke for him og6gEclm08c-00004-00003736-00004346 It's usually better in his mouth. No, no, it's fine. We are professionals og6gEclm08c-00005-00004346-00004850 We laugh when we need to. No problem. So first of all and we want to offer congratulations. og6gEclm08c-00006-00004850-00005261 You have survived the pandemic up until now. You got to watch og6gEclm08c-00007-00005261-00005850 Episode 583, where we talked about the pandemic in depth with an expert. og6gEclm08c-00008-00005850-00006330 If you haven't watched it yet, you should probably watch that before you watch this one. og6gEclm08c-00009-00006330-00006634 I talked to a Jim Hearn from California og6gEclm08c-00010-00006634-00007270 he's an ACNA priest, a lawyer, and has a doctorate and wrote his doctorate og6gEclm08c-00011-00007270-00008213 thesis in the ethics of pandemics. It's a good talk. So before we get too far in og6gEclm08c-00012-00008213-00008750 today's episode, please like this episode. If you get a chance, subscribe to this episode og6gEclm08c-00013-00008750-00009017 If you want to share this episode, and I'll tell you right now og6gEclm08c-00014-00009017-00009650 you don't want to share this episode. Copy the hyperlink, send in an email to your friends and family og6gEclm08c-00015-00009650-00009956 If you have not commented yet wait till the end of the episode og6gEclm08c-00016-00009956-00010420 Unless you want to be the first to comment, then you can run over to the comments og6gEclm08c-00017-00010420-00010859 But you guys are just amazing viewers. We read all your comments. og6gEclm08c-00018-00010859-00011300 We talk about your comments, and it really helps the show continue on. og6gEclm08c-00019-00011300-00011965 You guys are very knowledgeable audience in so many different ways and I was able to reach og6gEclm08c-00020-00011965-00012482 out to Jim Hearn because a viewer pointed me to him og6gEclm08c-00021-00012482-00013150 to talk about pandemics, so thank you so much for all that. og6gEclm08c-00022-00013150-00013619 It's hard to do an intro for this show because we're gonna be talking about some difficult topics og6gEclm08c-00023-00013619-00013950 topics that are gonna be anxiety-driven. We don't want to do that. og6gEclm08c-00024-00013950-00014413 We don't want to bring any more fear into your lives. There's a lot happening internationally og6gEclm08c-00025-00014413-00015004 and nationally, and in your own diocese, and in your own churches right now og6gEclm08c-00026-00015004-00015269 by the time you're watching this, you know some people who are sick and og6gEclm08c-00027-00015269-00015819 you don't know if it's from the pandemic or it's seasonal pollen or if it's a cold or a flu og6gEclm08c-00028-00015819-00016322 because you know it's just that not enough testing out there yet and og6gEclm08c-00029-00016322-00016846 we're in that fear stage. I am a practicing hypochondriac when I have a cough og6gEclm08c-00030-00016846-00017397 It's cancer. that's just the way I am and there's a lot of people out there og6gEclm08c-00031-00017397-00018209 like me who suspect the worst with very little evidence and you are in my prayers og6gEclm08c-00032-00018209-00018723 we arrived at the show with a lot to talk about because how does a church og6gEclm08c-00033-00018723-00019188 deal with a pandemic we're going to talk about the pandemic and how it affects og6gEclm08c-00034-00019188-00019631 our churches on a local level and on a national level and we'll talk a little og6gEclm08c-00035-00019631-00020153 bit about how it affects the perceptions of Roman Catholics and Protestants og6gEclm08c-00036-00020153-00020667 towards the end of the program, kind of our understanding of the mass or og6gEclm08c-00037-00020667-00021141 understanding the Eucharist this is actually our second taping because we og6gEclm08c-00038-00021141-00021414 had a technical difficulty but everything was a great chance to og6gEclm08c-00039-00021414-00022173 start over, so let's talk on the international level about what the provinces are doing og6gEclm08c-00040-00022173-00023050 around the world to prepare and help their citizens and parishioners og6gEclm08c-00041-00023050-00023562 Church of England is obviously going to be in the limelight because Archbishop of Canterbury og6gEclm08c-00042-00023562-00023934 Justin Welby usually has an opinion on these types of things and og6gEclm08c-00043-00023934-00024350 puts out a press release. Gavin, did he put out a press release and what did it say? og6gEclm08c-00044-00024350-00025643 He put out two. The first one, if I can summarize without a pure heart og6gEclm08c-00045-00025643-00026130 the first one really said wash your hands and be nice og6gEclm08c-00046-00026130-00026513 and there's nothing wrong with that you do need to wash your hands, you do need to be nice og6gEclm08c-00047-00026513-00027107 anyone who saw those Australian housewives fighting over toilet paper knows og6gEclm08c-00048-00027107-00027950 any help to be nice is welcome but the trouble is it- if I can advertise for a moment, og6gEclm08c-00049-00027950-00028338 I've just done a- I think one of the most important podcasts og6gEclm08c-00050-00028338-00028804 of my life with the exception of Anglican unscripted, of course. Of course og6gEclm08c-00051-00028804-00029801 How many others have you done? One I think, for the spectator, which is a og6gEclm08c-00052-00029801-00030350 right-wing magazine, political magazine, and has a podcast called Holy Smoke og6gEclm08c-00053-00030350-00030619 and the reason I did it was because the og6gEclm08c-00054-00030619-00031523 the journalist was so underwhelmed by by the spiritual leadership of Justin Welby og6gEclm08c-00055-00031523-00031994 with the advice to wash your hands and be nice that he thought that some kind of og6gEclm08c-00056-00031994-00032260 comment was required on the leadership of the Episcopate in general og6gEclm08c-00057-00032260-00033167 Crisis like this, so the first thing is I think how do Christians talk og6gEclm08c-00058-00033167-00033662 about death in a culture where people will do anything not to talk og6gEclm08c-00059-00033662-00034094 about death. The first thing we have to talk about, I think, is that og6gEclm08c-00060-00034094-00034560 the church is being faced at the moment with a challenge, does it believe in life after death og6gEclm08c-00061-00034560-00034712 And does it believe in the supernatural og6gEclm08c-00062-00034712-00035214 There's a better- other words for supernatural. Miraculous, metaphysical, archnatural og6gEclm08c-00063-00035214-00035702 You know, the other dimension, but at the moment we live in a secular og6gEclm08c-00064-00035702-00036197 society which is terrified by death and believes in science and is stuck waiting og6gEclm08c-00065-00036197-00036833 for a- quite rightly- waiting and hoping for some kind of antidote now either the og6gEclm08c-00066-00036833-00037226 church says we were joking all this time. We never really believed in life after death og6gEclm08c-00067-00037226-00037694 And we don't believe in miracles so let's wash our hands and be nice or og6gEclm08c-00068-00037694-00038060 it says we do believe in other things and this is a very good moment to bring og6gEclm08c-00069-00038060-00038500 them into play. We might talk about what those things are, how we say it. og6gEclm08c-00070-00038500-00038861 So that was the first thing that the Church of England did and the next thing it did og6gEclm08c-00071-00038861-00039254 was to close all its churches for worship. People are saying well they can og6gEclm08c-00072-00039254-00039710 be kept open, so people can go in and light a candle and og6gEclm08c-00073-00039710-00040457 that's true, though the fear and anxiety about germs lasting three days on plastic og6gEclm08c-00074-00040457-00040979 means I think that a lot of people who don't carry around hampers of hand og6gEclm08c-00075-00040979-00041513 sanitizer with them are not going to want to take those kind of risks but we'll see og6gEclm08c-00076-00041513-00041846 Who knows? They should certainly have the opportunity. Churches should og6gEclm08c-00077-00041846-00042136 certainly be open for incense and prayer. og6gEclm08c-00078-00042136-00043230 In North America I was reading a Canadian bishop who was able to meld racism with dealing with this coronavirus. og6gEclm08c-00079-00043230-00043649 George, and I guess around the world different provinces are og6gEclm08c-00080-00043649-00044113 dealing with how to deal with the coronavirus differently. og6gEclm08c-00081-00044113-00044609 Yes well we have the arch nanny of Canterbury giving the play nicely advice og6gEclm08c-00082-00044609-00045266 And I have to defend him. It was unobjectionable but it wasn't really the sort of thing that og6gEclm08c-00083-00045266-00045874 makes you stand up for Jesus. It just was, as I say, "Nanny's advice." og6gEclm08c-00084-00045874-00046230 Fascinating looking at how it's all being done around the world og6gEclm08c-00085-00046230-00047010 In West Africa and Nigeria, the Archbishop of Nigeria, Nicholas Okoh has asked that the common cup be suspended og6gEclm08c-00086-00047010-00047488 As has the new Archbishop of Uganda and the Archbishop of Kenya og6gEclm08c-00087-00047488-00047894 Not ordering, but recommending most earnestly that it be suspended. og6gEclm08c-00088-00047894-00048468 Trinidad, the Diocese of Trinidad has suspended all worship services. og6gEclm08c-00089-00048468-00048800 Diocese of Sabah on the island of Borneo has suspended all worship services. og6gEclm08c-00090-00048800-00049304 Then their diocese like my diocese Central Florida og6gEclm08c-00091-00049304-00049926 and to my north Florida, where the bishops have taken no action and left it to individual parishes og6gEclm08c-00092-00049926-00050850 so we're seeing Canada has shut down. Australia is shutting down. Europe is shut down og6gEclm08c-00093-00050850-00051331 South America is a mixed bag.the Caribbean is shutting down. og6gEclm08c-00094-00051331-00051950 Africa is- well with Africa actually, with their experience of Ebola and other communicable diseases og6gEclm08c-00095-00051950-00052480 They actually have protocols in place that they're used to this sort of thing so they don't take og6gEclm08c-00096-00052480-00052907 the extreme steps that we do because we're unused to these sorts of affairs og6gEclm08c-00097-00052907-00053473 What you were referring to in Canada, Kevin was the primate of the og6gEclm08c-00098-00053473-00053990 Anglican Church of Canada and her name just went out of my head, it'll come back. og6gEclm08c-00099-00053990-00054671 Linda Nicholls. Linda Nicholls released a statement saying that we need in our og6gEclm08c-00100-00054671-00055171 approach to fighting the corona virus or og6gEclm08c-00101-00055249-00055513 repent of the sins of racism and xenophobia, og6gEclm08c-00102-00055513-00056337 and that racism and xenophobia are our tools in first-line defense against the coronavirus and og6gEclm08c-00103-00056337-00056695 I have to say I wasn't disappointed to hear that because it was such a og6gEclm08c-00104-00056695-00057063 caricature of what a Canadian Anglican bishop would say og6gEclm08c-00105-00057063-00057595 You know the old joke about the New York Times about the New York Times front page. World ends tomorrow. og6gEclm08c-00106-00057595-00058269 Women and minorities hurt most. Yeah. It's- you know, coronavirus raging through Canada. og6gEclm08c-00107-00058269-00058817 Prime minister's wife infected. Racism and xenophobia are our weapons to fight back og6gEclm08c-00108-00058817-00059236 Not hand-washing but racism and consciousness training og6gEclm08c-00109-00059236-00059665 and hiring political diversity consultants that will be the answer so og6gEclm08c-00110-00059665-00060151 But by and large the church is taking the unprecedented step and this og6gEclm08c-00111-00060151-00060943 really is unprecedented of suspending the Roman Catholic Church in Italy the og6gEclm08c-00112-00060943-00061700 the many of- some of the Orthodox churches. The cops are mixed bag here og6gEclm08c-00113-00061700-00062496 are suspending public worship or they're restricting. They're introducing hygiene protocols og6gEclm08c-00114-00062496-00063013 that change business as usual and then again we have the arch- og6gEclm08c-00115-00063013-00063331 Well here's the difference. We have the Archbishop of Cyprus which is its own og6gEclm08c-00116-00063331-00064008 Orthodox Church, putting in protocols. Basically ending a common cup og6gEclm08c-00117-00064008-00064383 Then we have the Archbishop of Athens who is the Greek Orthodox Archbishop for Greece og6gEclm08c-00118-00064383-00065029 saying that a Greek Orthodox communion is the only true Communion and therefore og6gEclm08c-00119-00065029-00065356 since it's the true body of blood of Jesus Christ it can't carry any germs og6gEclm08c-00120-00065356-00065776 now there's a little theory about you know what are the accidents versus the og6gEclm08c-00121-00065776-00066262 real presence all this and that of the world so but so the Archbishop of Athens og6gEclm08c-00122-00066262-00066572 saying yes it's perfectly fine for the Catholics not to give out communion og6gEclm08c-00123-00066572-00067024 because it's not real anyway but you'll come to a Greek Orthodox Communion and og6gEclm08c-00124-00067024-00067279 you'll have real true communion and you won't get sick og6gEclm08c-00125-00067279-00067846 so we're seeing mosques are closing. Goodra Juarez yeah I think that's the word. og6gEclm08c-00126-00067846-00068316 Hindu temples are closing. Sikh temples are closing. Mecca closed. Synagogues are closing og6gEclm08c-00127-00068316-00069270 In Israel for example, I thought this was cute Israel has put in a no gatherings of more than ten people so og6gEclm08c-00128-00069270-00069657 this bride just had a wedding scheduled for this weekend, past weekend and og6gEclm08c-00129-00069657-00070048 there's certain institutions that are exempt grocery stores are permitted to og6gEclm08c-00130-00070048-00070411 have more than 10 people so this bride brought the bridal party to a grocery store og6gEclm08c-00131-00070411-00070880 and they were married in the produce aisle. Produce. The only way she could get all her friends to come to the wedding og6gEclm08c-00132-00070880-00071722 well that's- you know that's genius as well so that's the international level that's how this og6gEclm08c-00133-00071722-00072373 world is operating with a pandemic let's talk about our own experiences in our og6gEclm08c-00134-00072373-00072988 diocese the priest was allowed to do what they wanted to do was so in my og6gEclm08c-00135-00072988-00073539 church we had morning prayer that was live streamed over the Internet og6gEclm08c-00136-00073539-00074250 We didn't have Holy Eucharist. We didn't fast. The priest got into the front of the church. og6gEclm08c-00137-00074250-00074854 And did morning prayer, did his sermon and I've never had a better og6gEclm08c-00138-00074854-00075408 attended live stream because the whole church was watching the live stream and they og6gEclm08c-00139-00075408-00075898 wanted to participate in this live. Nobody said oh no there's Eucharist og6gEclm08c-00140-00075898-00076375 and you know the horror because i think a lot of people have that knowledge that og6gEclm08c-00141-00076375-00076951 you know in the 1920s the 1910s Eucharist was not a normal service og6gEclm08c-00142-00076951-00077368 within the Anglican Church here in America. It was mostly morning prayers og6gEclm08c-00143-00077368-00077899 and then once a month you would have a Holy Eucharist. I guess that was still og6gEclm08c-00144-00077899-00078409 something present in the minds because there was not a big freak out about the Holy Eucharist. og6gEclm08c-00145-00078409-00078736 Even here in the Roman Catholic Church where they decided to og6gEclm08c-00146-00078736-00079156 suspend that, not a lot of people were freaked out that there wasn't gonna be og6gEclm08c-00147-00079156-00079600 Eucharist available or a daily Mass available but that's a different og6gEclm08c-00148-00079600-00080200 reaction around the world what is your experience with locally in your area, George? og6gEclm08c-00149-00080200-00080887 Well we met on Sunday and I was- On Friday the wardens and I met to put og6gEclm08c-00150-00080887-00081447 out protocols and basically was focused on food handling, how we would have og6gEclm08c-00151-00081447-00081880 Institute of more hygienic practices, gloves and whatnot og6gEclm08c-00152-00081880-00082425 packaged foods for coffee hour and Lenten suppers and things like that og6gEclm08c-00153-00082425-00082994 and on Saturday morning the news kept evolving and I heard some of President Trump's statements og6gEclm08c-00154-00082994-00083416 and so on the way to church for our Saturday night service I og6gEclm08c-00155-00083416-00084135 started ABC liquors and I bought a hundred fifty disposable shot glasses og6gEclm08c-00156-00084135-00084708 and actually the clerk was quite amused because here was a man dressed in his og6gEclm08c-00157-00084708-00085216 collar but that we were most going to have a great party that night og6gEclm08c-00158-00085216-00085850 and so on Saturday and then at our services on Sunday morning we distributed individual cups og6gEclm08c-00159-00085850-00086308 now we're not Methodists, Lutherans, why we had to figure out how to do this og6gEclm08c-00160-00086308-00086644 and I was worried because I normally would need og6gEclm08c-00161-00086644-00087166 three hundred cups this time of year they only had 150 but we were down over og6gEclm08c-00162-00087166-00087720 60% in turnout. People just stayed away and some of- It was rather silly og6gEclm08c-00163-00087720-00088063 After the eight o'clock service, I had about a dozen cups left over and og6gEclm08c-00164-00088063-00088533 Normally you finished and consumed all the wine and it just wasn't that genteel og6gEclm08c-00165-00088533-00089033 for me to stand up at the altar and who shot after shot a little cups of wine og6gEclm08c-00166-00089033-00089678 well by the time we got out of church the President had issued directive og6gEclm08c-00167-00089678-00090198 No more gatherings over 50, and we met with the wardens and staff Monday morning and og6gEclm08c-00168-00090198-00090892 we have closed down for two weeks. I'm going to film more daily offices I'm og6gEclm08c-00169-00090892-00091481 going to film our confirmation classes in our Lenten series I'm going to film og6gEclm08c-00170-00091481-00092125 Eucharists, the office is open but and we've instituted the same protocols that og6gEclm08c-00171-00092125-00092751 we do during hurricanes of basically teams of volunteers calling people and og6gEclm08c-00172-00092751-00093400 we're encouraging people to stay in because the zone of mortality we are a og6gEclm08c-00173-00093400-00093955 congregation who could be wiped out if we were in northern Italy with the og6gEclm08c-00174-00093955-00094691 the demographic risk factors so for me this was I have to say more emotionally og6gEclm08c-00175-00094691-00095138 and theologically difficult because worship and I wouldn't put it so much in og6gEclm08c-00176-00095138-00095513 the terms of the sacrament but public worship with with fellow Christians is og6gEclm08c-00177-00095513-00096458 an essential part of my identity as a person and to do something that just was og6gEclm08c-00178-00096458-00097104 so out of- so I'm- so this of course the technical how do we do this right og6gEclm08c-00179-00097104-00097730 how do I not make it look- Phony. Phony but at the same time when two or og6gEclm08c-00180-00097730-00098048 three are gathered together does that include over the Internet og6gEclm08c-00181-00098048-00099056 and I don't know the answer to that so I had to balance prudence with my own if you will og6gEclm08c-00182-00099056-00099431 gut and emotional instincts. The emotional instincts were to carry on but og6gEclm08c-00183-00099431-00099881 the gut but the prudence and one of my deacons is director of emergency og6gEclm08c-00184-00099881-00100361 services for our County and he was quite clear this you know I was all gloved up og6gEclm08c-00185-00100361-00101017 on Saturday and Sunday morning, I was very good, I went and I bought purple og6gEclm08c-00186-00101017-00101486 disposable gloves so that it all matched my stole and everything so it can be og6gEclm08c-00187-00101486-00101810 Eucharistically appropriate according to the seasons with your disposable og6gEclm08c-00188-00101810-00102818 gloves and I'm not joking I actually did that but was that you know even the og6gEclm08c-00189-00102818-00103154 person and you may not catch anything but the person you touch after the og6gEclm08c-00190-00103154-00103500 person whom you've just touched you're passing the disease from person A to person B og6gEclm08c-00191-00103500-00104161 You're fine but by not observing strict hygienic protocols so og6gEclm08c-00192-00104161-00104461 it was only by the third service of the fourth service of the weekend that I og6gEclm08c-00193-00104461-00104957 finally figured out how to do it right and his point on Monday morning was that og6gEclm08c-00194-00104957-00105488 you know we're just playing at hygiene and that what the national leaders are og6gEclm08c-00195-00105488-00106040 telling us what the CDC is telling us is that we can't risk playing and I bowed og6gEclm08c-00196-00106040-00106691 to the prudence. Now am I happy about it? No I hate this. I would rather have og6gEclm08c-00197-00106691-00107158 anything else be true but at my own mind I came to there was the og6gEclm08c-00198-00107158-00107833 understanding that I had a duty to my people that was paramount to my own og6gEclm08c-00199-00107833-00108192 sense of what was appropriate. og6gEclm08c-00200-00108192-00108770 Now ,Gavin, what your experiences with the Roman Catholic Mass in England? og6gEclm08c-00201-00108770-00109192 well I first want to say that I agree with every word that George has said og6gEclm08c-00202-00109192-00109350 and I think what he's done is admirable og6gEclm08c-00203-00109350-00110274 and except he had a mass and I had a Lord's Supper but apart from that. og6gEclm08c-00204-00110274-00110557 Tomato To-mah-to, well you know og6gEclm08c-00205-00110770-00111620 so I think everything depends, I think on one's theological and one's world view og6gEclm08c-00206-00111620-00111929 The difficulty is I've come to a point in life where I believe in the mass in a og6gEclm08c-00207-00111929-00112382 particular way. I know I never did, I haven't done so I don't require anybody og6gEclm08c-00208-00112382-00112763 else to but on the other hand the way I've come to believe in it seems to me og6gEclm08c-00209-00112763-00113164 to be the way the church has always believed in it. og6gEclm08c-00210-00113164-00113594 Irenaeus of Lyons talks about the mass as being the the medicine in immortality og6gEclm08c-00211-00113594-00113852 and he doesn't seem to be using it as a metaphor og6gEclm08c-00212-00113852-00114509 and what we have throughout the church's history is a sense of whatever is going on og6gEclm08c-00213-00114509-00114800 in the mass it's something more og6gEclm08c-00214-00114800-00115301 much more than representative. Something very tangible. It took me a while to og6gEclm08c-00215-00115301-00115694 catch up with what the church has done and believed I went to a og6gEclm08c-00216-00115694-00116219 church in Lanciano in Italy about 10 years ago and there was a host that bled og6gEclm08c-00217-00116219-00116513 for the first time in in the eighth century and I said what's all that about og6gEclm08c-00218-00116513-00116897 that just looks like a crusty old relic, you saying it bleeds once a year this is og6gEclm08c-00219-00116897-00117634 surely this is superstition but about 10 years ago they they analyzed og6gEclm08c-00220-00117634-00118097 the bleeding host because they had started doing this with og6gEclm08c-00221-00118097-00118667 Eucharistic miracle in Buenos Aires in 1994 and what they found in the og6gEclm08c-00222-00118667-00119132 laboratory was this host which was you know a normal piece of ecclesiastical og6gEclm08c-00223-00119132-00119434 cardboard dropped on the floor which the priest hadn't eaten because he had og6gEclm08c-00224-00119434-00119828 accumulated too much dust and he'd put it into a cup of water, it started to og6gEclm08c-00225-00119828-00120293 bleed and in Buenos Aires they left it in a cup sealed Cup three years and then og6gEclm08c-00226-00120293-00120859 analyzed it and the lab said the lab reports are that it had white blood og6gEclm08c-00227-00120859-00121274 cells and the tissue was of the human heart now part of me said "Ew!" og6gEclm08c-00228-00121274-00121523 Wait a moment this is this is much too close to cannibalism og6gEclm08c-00229-00121523-00121880 I don't like this and if I was constructing a theology of the Eucharist og6gEclm08c-00230-00121880-00122405 I wouldn't build in white blood cells and I wouldn't do it but on the other og6gEclm08c-00231-00122405-00122750 hand that's what the science said. So one of the reasons I became a Catholic in og6gEclm08c-00232-00122750-00123203 time was that having spent ten years reading about the Eucharistic miracles og6gEclm08c-00233-00123203-00123640 and thinking about them and looking at the way in which in the last 400 years og6gEclm08c-00234-00123640-00124100 Anglicanism and Protestantism has has reduced what the church believed to og6gEclm08c-00235-00124100-00124500 something more consistent with our scientific worldview og6gEclm08c-00236-00124500-00125059 Perfectly proper given how we look at the world in you know philosophical context og6gEclm08c-00237-00125059-00125672 which is positivism and scientific context which is empiricism og6gEclm08c-00238-00125672-00126155 you only believe what you can measure except this really strange thing is og6gEclm08c-00239-00126155-00126572 suddenly science has bounced back and says okay let's measure what happened in og6gEclm08c-00240-00126572-00127364 the mass and we suddenly find a miracle. Now consequently for me the prospect og6gEclm08c-00241-00127364-00127979 of suspending this miracle because there are physical dangers attached to it og6gEclm08c-00242-00127979-00128432 brings in a conflict of worldviews and so I have to choose at that point which og6gEclm08c-00243-00128432-00129026 worldview I want to give myself to. Do I want to give myself being here for og6gEclm08c-00244-00129026-00129752 another 5, 10, 15 years of slowly decaying health as I crumble or do I want to feed og6gEclm08c-00245-00129752-00130205 my soul every Sunday on the living Christ and I think I'm not willing to og6gEclm08c-00246-00130205-00130665 compromise feeding my soul on the living Christ even if it means I have to die next week og6gEclm08c-00247-00130665-00130984 What would happen if I died next week? Well I should have been og6gEclm08c-00248-00130984-00131477 preparing for that every day of my life and well since I've tried to and og6gEclm08c-00249-00131477-00131905 I've realized with a shock that the coronavirus has made me realize it's a og6gEclm08c-00250-00131905-00132311 bit like George's hygiene. I've been playing a little bit of preparing for og6gEclm08c-00251-00132311-00132800 death and suddenly this makes it all the more real and one of the things that I og6gEclm08c-00252-00132800-00133160 think quite strongly is that the church has two things it should be expert at og6gEclm08c-00253-00133160-00133739 one is facing death and the other is a supernatural and for both those reasons og6gEclm08c-00254-00133739-00134362 celebrating the Eucharist on Sunday suggests a willingness to face physical death og6gEclm08c-00255-00134362-00134700 and a willingness to commit ourselves to the work of the Holy Spirit og6gEclm08c-00256-00134700-00135156 in the Eucharist that I want to sign up to Looking back in the past I could- og6gEclm08c-00257-00135156-00135546 I'm thinking of ways where has this argument happened before that makes us means that og6gEclm08c-00258-00135546-00135939 we shouldn't argue about the Eucharist because arguing about mass is sterile og6gEclm08c-00259-00135939-00136386 and I was thinking about the years of persecution when because I'm hoping og6gEclm08c-00260-00136386-00136716 George in a moment will use the perfectly proper argument about not og6gEclm08c-00261-00136716-00137034 putting the Lord to the test because that applied in the years of persecution too og6gEclm08c-00262-00137034-00137568 You didn't have to go to the lions. There were things you could say and og6gEclm08c-00263-00137568-00137988 could do to buy yourself some more valuable time if you were committed to og6gEclm08c-00264-00137988-00138345 the community or family but many Christians said no we will go to the og6gEclm08c-00265-00138345-00138900 Lions. This is this is too important; this is our vocation. This is what Jesus is asking of us og6gEclm08c-00266-00138900-00139401 and we will die this week because we want to go to heaven and og6gEclm08c-00267-00139401-00139785 we want to be true to him and in a sense I think that the way in which we og6gEclm08c-00268-00139785-00140265 celebrate the mass is partly related to that, not to commit suicide og6gEclm08c-00269-00140265-00140748 not to capture a pandemic unnecessarily, not to be careless as George is quite og6gEclm08c-00270-00140748-00141098 rightly said with other people's lives. That's absolutely essential og6gEclm08c-00271-00141098-00141680 But if you believe what the church has believed since Irenaeus of Lyon then I don't see og6gEclm08c-00272-00141681-00142113 how you can close the doors and stop Mass and as George quite rightly said og6gEclm08c-00273-00142113-00142527 that did happen in Rome and fortunately they they changed their mind because og6gEclm08c-00274-00142527-00142936 I think they were too ashamed of what they were doing. og6gEclm08c-00275-00142936-00143744 George, I mean the defense is "don't tempt." og6gEclm08c-00276-00143744-00144141 Well I don't share Gavin's worldview in theology. Sure og6gEclm08c-00277-00144141-00144618 So it's as I said it's rather sterile to say no you're wrong and here's why og6gEclm08c-00278-00144618-00145260 because Gavin speaks from a respectable school of thought. I do not share that school of thought og6gEclm08c-00279-00145360-00146024 And well you know, to be honest, I don't as well. Although I highly respect it. og6gEclm08c-00280-00146024-00146554 Yeah yeah, I would come down on real presence. og6gEclm08c-00281-00146554-00147168 and the I've known Anglican missionaries who were Pentecostals who served in Chile in the 70s who would og6gEclm08c-00282-00147168-00147567 tell me about prayer services where they were praying for God's anointing and og6gEclm08c-00283-00147567-00148299 these Indians from the hinterland would open their mouths and the cavern be filled with gold. og6gEclm08c-00284-00148299-00148724 I remember those. Come to the sign of the Cross. og6gEclm08c-00285-00148724-00149250 One of them was a bishop, David Pytches who went back to- I mean who was went back to England og6gEclm08c-00286-00149250-00149528 Was a very prominent leader of the new wine movement og6gEclm08c-00287-00149528-00150302 I don't doubt his sincerity maybe it's because I've worked part time as a og6gEclm08c-00288-00150302-00150656 journalist for 25 years but there's so many frauds and charlatans out there and og6gEclm08c-00289-00150656-00151277 there's so many people who want this to be true that they'll help it along and I og6gEclm08c-00290-00151277-00151679 so I'm not going to comment because I don't know the specifics of any of the og6gEclm08c-00291-00151679-00152054 instances the Gavin is mentioned and it would just be churlish of me to say og6gEclm08c-00292-00152054-00152531 No. You're not. Yes it is. because I don't know but from a- This discussion isn't about that og6gEclm08c-00293-00152531-00152890 you know we're not here to discuss that but I want to discuss- og6gEclm08c-00294-00152890-00153644 But my perspective is and it also comes from a worldview which is that you don't test og6gEclm08c-00295-00153644-00154250 the Lord. You don't- there's a tendency in some Protestant churches to do faith budgeting og6gEclm08c-00296-00154254-00154522 In other words so we've only had a hundred thousand and income next og6gEclm08c-00297-00154523-00154847 year but we're doing such great work we're going to spend a hundred and fifty og6gEclm08c-00298-00154847-00155219 thousand and God is gonna make up the fifty thousand dollar difference because og6gEclm08c-00299-00155219-00155666 we're really being faithful to the Lord. You see that time and again in immature Christians. og6gEclm08c-00300-00155666-00156197 And in and you see in the Episcopal Church and I'm sure you og6gEclm08c-00301-00156197-00156587 see it most every sort of denomination. People who are new in the faith and og6gEclm08c-00302-00156587-00157067 believe that the earnestness to their prayers is going to be translated into og6gEclm08c-00303-00157067-00157628 the blessings of the Lord not saying that this is a form of the prosperity og6gEclm08c-00304-00157628-00158248 gospel but it smacks to me the objections I have to Christian Science og6gEclm08c-00305-00158248-00158950 The objections I have to Jehovah's Witnesses not receiving blood transfusions og6gEclm08c-00306-00158960-00159345 That the gifts of science somehow antithetical to God. I don't believe are true. og6gEclm08c-00307-00159345-00159629 Now I'm not saying- I'm not speaking to any og6gEclm08c-00308-00159629-00160283 instances Gavin has spoken to but in my particular case if I had my druthers I og6gEclm08c-00309-00160283-00161102 would continue on because but I have to ask myself is that pride is that og6gEclm08c-00310-00161102-00161559 basically saying to God. Lord I want you to bless me and this church og6gEclm08c-00311-00161559-00162234 keep us safe and I'm not gonna get sick I'm healthy. I'm not in the danger zone og6gEclm08c-00312-00162234-00162855 but if I were to wear my gloves and place a Eucharistic host on og6gEclm08c-00313-00162855-00163215 somebody's tongue we have people who want me to do that in our church and I og6gEclm08c-00314-00163215-00163623 do that I won't be affected if they have the coronavirus but the next person og6gEclm08c-00315-00163623-00164156 whose host I put on their tongue because I've come in contact with mucus membrane og6gEclm08c-00316-00164164-00164670 I will pass it from them to them from A to B, omitting me so the og6gEclm08c-00317-00164670-00165114 issue comes down to where does my loyalty lie. To being true to my own og6gEclm08c-00318-00165114-00165909 desires or to being faithful to the people whom God has called me to serve og6gEclm08c-00319-00165909-00166517 do I have to be right or do I have to be faithful and I don't think the two are og6gEclm08c-00320-00166517-00167085 the same thing. So I'm not going head-to-head with Gavin but what I'm og6gEclm08c-00321-00167085-00167549 trying to say is from the perspective I come from which is a more memorialist og6gEclm08c-00322-00167549-00168177 spiritualize pseudo Zwingli and not completely Zwingli and but- I was going to say, I don't think so. og6gEclm08c-00323-00168177-00168924 You know, but it doesn't make any- For for those, if you will, hardline Protestants og6gEclm08c-00324-00168924-00169262 who said we must carry on no matter what og6gEclm08c-00325-00169262-00169676 To me that's pride speaking. That's not theology. og6gEclm08c-00326-00169676-00169938 Well now to be completely frank og6gEclm08c-00327-00169938-00170412 if I had Gavin's understanding of the Eucharist and I believe that I would be og6gEclm08c-00328-00170412-00170826 on Gavin's side here. Of course we're going to have it every Sunday. You know don't be silly og6gEclm08c-00329-00170826-00171186 I don't have Gavin's understanding in my og6gEclm08c-00330-00171186-00171588 life of the Eucharist it's a little different. You know I'm more of a real og6gEclm08c-00331-00171588-00172230 presence and I will do it as often as we meet together. As God has called us to do og6gEclm08c-00332-00172230-00172667 so it's just it's a different understanding and this is what we watch og6gEclm08c-00333-00172667-00173178 the church deal with and I don't mind that this is, you know, a struggle og6gEclm08c-00334-00173178-00173532 within the church because it's part of our identity. We should struggle with og6gEclm08c-00335-00173532-00173994 you know questions like this you know because we celebrate and we worship and og6gEclm08c-00336-00173994-00174672 we offer the church and God in Christ as an alternative to the culture og6gEclm08c-00337-00174672-00175005 which right now is full of fear. og6gEclm08c-00338-00175006-00175404 For me I think that the argument that Gavin could make that could flip me og6gEclm08c-00339-00175404-00175588 was to take it to the Bible- back to the Bible og6gEclm08c-00340-00175588-00176210 And Jesus's words of institution. In the upper room you know, This is my body This is my blood og6gEclm08c-00341-00176210-00176478 Take. Eat. Do this in remembrance of me og6gEclm08c-00342-00176478-00177024 I don't remember Jesus saying if everybody is feeling okay. That's right og6gEclm08c-00343-00177024-00177676 In other words if I heard- if from me I could be- the tradition argument og6gEclm08c-00344-00177676-00178128 because this goes back to Irenaeus cuts no ice with me. og6gEclm08c-00345-00178128-00178574 I mean I find it mildly interesting I'm an antic- og6gEclm08c-00346-00178574-00178962 An obscurantist, I was gonna say antiquarian but I like obscure useless knowledge og6gEclm08c-00347-00179752-00180320 But if you can take it back to a scriptural reference that can be og6gEclm08c-00348-00180320-00180752 explained, and pulled forward, and balanced with the rest of Scripture og6gEclm08c-00349-00180753-00181303 Then I would be persuaded but again I'm not because I've not seen those arguments og6gEclm08c-00350-00181303-00181892 Okay but if I can briefly respond. John 5 of course does that and og6gEclm08c-00351-00181892-00182295 Thank you for making my case for me. In the words of institution and that is og6gEclm08c-00352-00182295-00182714 how the church always understood it and and then there's a bit that where Jesus is dead og6gEclm08c-00353-00182714-00183033 Don't be afraid of those who kill the body but can't hurt the soul og6gEclm08c-00354-00183033-00183528 and that includes viruses as well as political leaders in the end I think it's og6gEclm08c-00355-00183528-00184003 a matter of perception and vocation. If I was George, believing what George og6gEclm08c-00356-00184003-00184804 believes which is perfectly honorable I would behave in the honorable way George behaves. og6gEclm08c-00357-00184804-00185682 This is so cool. For most of my life I shared Kevin's very balanced position. og6gEclm08c-00358-00185688-00186140 I'm slightly embarrassed to find myself og6gEclm08c-00359-00186140-00186670 and I'm being linked a little too closely by George with Jehovah's Witnesses og6gEclm08c-00360-00186670-00187350 and others but I think- Christian Scientist- but I understand what you're saying og6gEclm08c-00361-00187350-00187703 because you know when the devil perverts things, he takes what og6gEclm08c-00362-00187703-00188013 is real and he gives it an extra twist out of shape og6gEclm08c-00363-00188013-00188337 so the people who are really crazy are going to look quite real like they're og6gEclm08c-00364-00188337-00188697 going to have a certain amount in common with us it's just they've twisted it too og6gEclm08c-00365-00188697-00189351 far and I think in the end we have to be faithful to Jesus of whatever stage of og6gEclm08c-00366-00189351-00189800 the road we're on. I mean the church the church had this big problem over persecution og6gEclm08c-00367-00189814-00190022 you know Augustine's day and it led to og6gEclm08c-00368-00190022-00190437 the Donatist Crisis when a number of people said we we weren't ready to give og6gEclm08c-00369-00190437-00190728 up our lives you know we had responsibilities og6gEclm08c-00370-00190728-00191172 It wasn't the moment, all kinds of honourable reasons you know og6gEclm08c-00371-00191172-00191766 Why should I give the Romans of the satisfaction of killing me for no particular reason. Absolutely og6gEclm08c-00372-00191766-00192134 You know, completely understood and I think in the end og6gEclm08c-00373-00192134-00192708 How do we deal with our differences we say well what we're called to do is to be true to og6gEclm08c-00374-00192708-00193312 Jesus from where he's brought us in our journey an that's as simple as that og6gEclm08c-00375-00193312-00193746 and having done that I can say to George. Please do make sure og6gEclm08c-00376-00193746-00194091 those hygienic gloves are the right liturgical color. It'd be awful if they weren't og6gEclm08c-00377-00194091-00194494 and George can say to me if you're in a position when you're taking the hosts on the tongue og6gEclm08c-00378-00194494-00194784 Don't touch the tongue because he's right og6gEclm08c-00379-00194784-00195172 Well they don't touch the tongue so you don't come into contact with the mucus membrane og6gEclm08c-00380-00195172-00195501 because that would be selfish and the traditionalist bishops are og6gEclm08c-00381-00195501-00196056 saying please take it in the hand and here's what you do with your hand to do it og6gEclm08c-00382-00196056-00196656 So what, we should help each other avoid stupid mistakes. I agree and og6gEclm08c-00383-00196656-00196928 then perhaps this is an opportunity for calibration og6gEclm08c-00384-00196928-00197426 The whole of the rest of our society is looking at itself it's going to have to learn something about death og6gEclm08c-00385-00197426-00197784 I think this is a moment for evangelism. I think Christians should say og6gEclm08c-00386-00197784-00198042 We're not afraid of dying. We're gonna be with Jesus. og6gEclm08c-00387-00198042-00198752 We'll take precautions but bring it on This is you know, this is life and death and new life og6gEclm08c-00388-00198752-00199006 The history of the 20th century is so instructive in how we understand these things og6gEclm08c-00389-00199006-00199404 Some of you may know I used to write I wrote for The og6gEclm08c-00390-00199404-00199767 Jerusalem Post for about five or six years and therefore I knew a lot of Jewish people og6gEclm08c-00391-00199767-00200199 writing for The Jerusalem Post and I came to know an editor quite well whose og6gEclm08c-00392-00200199-00201207 father survived the Polocaust. He was Polish. The man's father had been brought up by cats. og6gEclm08c-00393-00201207-00201584 Really? Now? He had been brought up in a og6gEclm08c-00394-00201584-00202091 shtetl in a Hasidic community and he was one of these boys who left the og6gEclm08c-00395-00202091-00202550 village and left his faith and one of the things this and he survived the war og6gEclm08c-00396-00202550-00202991 by being a partisan in the woods and one of the things he said was that when the og6gEclm08c-00397-00202991-00203381 Nazis came, he went to his father's village, his father was the rabbi and he og6gEclm08c-00398-00203381-00203654 said to his father you know "father we must flee" because og6gEclm08c-00399-00203654-00203975 here's what the Nazis have been doing in Germany all these years they're going to og6gEclm08c-00400-00203975-00204527 do it to us too and the father's response was well this is the sign that og6gEclm08c-00401-00204527-00204996 the Messiah is coming because things are so horrible we should celebrate and og6gEclm08c-00402-00204996-00205826 rejoice because this is you know the mark of the end times well the son og6gEclm08c-00403-00205826-00206162 didn't believe it he hid in the woods he survived the war, every member of his og6gEclm08c-00404-00206162-00206663 family was killed and I'm not trying to equate Gavin's worldview with the og6gEclm08c-00405-00206663-00207446 Hasidic rabbi in 1939 but there's but there's a tendency I don't og6gEclm08c-00406-00207446-00207860 want to say romanticize but there's a but I see it as a tendency to test God og6gEclm08c-00407-00207860-00208654 that by my faithfulness I should be saved when the reality, it's not always the case og6gEclm08c-00408-00208654-00209012 Now what I want to circle back to something else and we talked about og6gEclm08c-00409-00209012-00209458 the Archbishop of Canterbury's response which was- which I dub being the Arch Nanny of Canterbury og6gEclm08c-00410-00209458-00210256 One of the residual effects of this og6gEclm08c-00411-00210256-00210851 cancellation culture that we're now in is the former Archbishop of Canterbury og6gEclm08c-00412-00210851-00211196 Lord Carey was going to come spend a week with us next month. He was going to og6gEclm08c-00413-00211196-00211853 spend April 20 to 27th. Baptisms, Confirmations. We had all sorts of og6gEclm08c-00414-00211853-00212589 It was going to be a big show. And he's in his mid-80s and as of Friday we were still going to go og6gEclm08c-00415-00212589-00213173 forward then President Trump closed the borders and then Prime Minister Johnson og6gEclm08c-00416-00213173-00213942 said everybody over 75 stay at home and so we corresponded yesterday and the og6gEclm08c-00417-00213942-00214298 Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey wrote to me saying I can't come og6gEclm08c-00418-00214298-00214711 for all these reasons he said but George, I want you to go forward because og6gEclm08c-00419-00214711-00215153 this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ og6gEclm08c-00420-00215153-00215746 People are scared. People don't know where to turn and we need now to stand og6gEclm08c-00421-00215746-00216448 and speak and carry forward the gospel. This if I were- right if I were- og6gEclm08c-00422-00216448-00217186 If I were Justin Welby speechwriter, George Carey's s little missive to me should have og6gEclm08c-00423-00217186-00217823 been what appeared in the Daily Mail not this not this hand-washing gargle rinsed og6gEclm08c-00424-00217823-00218218 spit stuff that Justin Welby was giving og6gEclm08c-00425-00218218-00218594 Well in many terms people see this og6gEclm08c-00426-00218594-00219089 and this is when I read Justin Welby's statement. I'm like thrown back to og6gEclm08c-00427-00219089-00219602 the movie Apollo 13 where the guys at the chalkboard saying this is how we got og6gEclm08c-00428-00219602-00220079 to do it. This is how we're gonna save the astronauts from certain death og6gEclm08c-00429-00220079-00220556 and there's one little engineers that I think was like this is horrible we need to og6gEclm08c-00430-00220556-00221196 back up now. They're gonna die anyway and we just can't do it. We don't have the gumption og6gEclm08c-00431-00221196-00221678 and the the leader of NASA says no, this is going to be NASA's finest moment og6gEclm08c-00432-00221678-00222242 and this should be the church's finest moment. We should be og6gEclm08c-00433-00222242-00222817 representing Christ. We should be coming against fear, coming against anxiety og6gEclm08c-00434-00222817-00223817 coming against doubt. We know what happens after you die. We know and we og6gEclm08c-00435-00223817-00224417 have the faith to present it to you and I don't see that coming from the churches og6gEclm08c-00436-00224417-00224891 This should be the finest moment. This is when the church and its og6gEclm08c-00437-00224891-00225666 people should taste like salt and be the light on this dark earth. og6gEclm08c-00438-00225666-00226321 Gavin's friend, Damien Thompson, had a tweet yesterday where he said there are thousands of og6gEclm08c-00439-00226321-00226805 fantastic Anglican and Catholic priests are doing the right things right now but og6gEclm08c-00440-00226805-00227165 there's not I'm paraphrasing not a single Anglican or Roman Catholic bishop og6gEclm08c-00441-00227165-00227691 in Britain who is measuring up to their clergy so when you say the church's og6gEclm08c-00442-00227691-00228321 falling short I would say the church leadership is falling short og6gEclm08c-00443-00228321-00229200 And that's my default as a journalist is when I speak of the church, oftentimes I'm referring to leadership. og6gEclm08c-00444-00229200-00229464 AnglicanTV exists because of poor Anglican leadership og6gEclm08c-00445-00229464-00230184 So that that's my default. This is Tuesday, we have another five og6gEclm08c-00446-00230184-00230871 days right now the number of infected according to the John Hopkins graph is og6gEclm08c-00447-00230871-00231480 200,000 it's clearly going to jump to 400 and then double to 800 and then a og6gEclm08c-00448-00231480-00232319 million people be infected. Please don't let that be your fear. Let this be your og6gEclm08c-00449-00232319-00232892 opportunity to express your faith. Right now there's people in your neighborhood og6gEclm08c-00450-00232892-00233484 and in your church who are afraid, who can't go grocery shopping because they og6gEclm08c-00451-00233484-00234012 think they'll get a disease. It's our opportunity to help shop for them og6gEclm08c-00452-00234012-00234494 It's our opportunity to serve the people who are most at risk from this disease og6gEclm08c-00453-00234494-00235011 This is a place where the church should shine. We have opportunities to pray for people og6gEclm08c-00454-00235011-00235619 and to start praying for the the people who we find our ill. You're going to know og6gEclm08c-00455-00235619-00236055 by the end of the week three or four people close to you who are ill og6gEclm08c-00456-00236055-00236567 Not seriously sick, not in the hospital. That's a less of this demographic but og6gEclm08c-00457-00236567-00237066 This is a chance to offer them encouragement through your faith og6gEclm08c-00458-00237066-00237458 May I drop it down from this high note to a more mundane note? og6gEclm08c-00459-00237458-00238236 Gavin, your ear is closer to the ground in Britain, we speculated last week about the og6gEclm08c-00460-00238236-00238821 Lambeth conference, a gathering of men and some women in their mid to late 60s og6gEclm08c-00461-00238821-00239277 on a university campus drawn from all over the world. Do you think the og6gEclm08c-00462-00239277-00239723 government will or the University of Canterbury at Kent - Canterbury will og6gEclm08c-00463-00239723-00240169 tolerate this? What do you think's going to happen. Have you heard anything? og6gEclm08c-00464-00240169-00240492 I haven't heard anything but as Kevin said things are moving very fast og6gEclm08c-00465-00240492-00240773 There isn't any way at all it's gonna happen og6gEclm08c-00466-00240773-00241053 It'll be canceled. Yeah I think so. Because people are talking- og6gEclm08c-00467-00241053-00241557 they're talking, not only about the next situation lasting so the periods of time og6gEclm08c-00468-00241557-00242123 are everyone isolates for two weeks. This situation of not meeting in public is og6gEclm08c-00469-00242123-00242559 going to last for three months. Twelve weeks, that takes us close enough og6gEclm08c-00470-00242559-00243133 It's not going to have been managed by then. There won't be an antidote they think for eighteen months. og6gEclm08c-00471-00243133-00243462 The latest is a very good paper written by Imperial College og6gEclm08c-00472-00243462-00244002 which I've been reading which suggests that we have better get used- for the og6gEclm08c-00473-00244002-00244476 situation we're in to last for some time. Eighteen months really. I can't- og6gEclm08c-00474-00244476-00244703 There will be no Lambeth conference. og6gEclm08c-00475-00244703-00245246 Scientifically and sociologically and politically impossible for the gathering like that could take place og6gEclm08c-00476-00245246-00245728 even if the airlines were in a position to ship people from A to B which they're not anymore og6gEclm08c-00477-00245728-00246062 When we had our meeting yesterday, og6gEclm08c-00478-00246063-00246630 We also went through the financial repercussions. My church is okay, we can og6gEclm08c-00479-00246630-00247152 survive a shut down, which we're estimating we're going to see og6gEclm08c-00480-00247152-00247713 a sharp drop in giving, during that during the closure mmm I would say most og6gEclm08c-00481-00247713-00248267 Episcopal churches except for those that are well endowed or who are healthy og6gEclm08c-00482-00248267-00249040 They live paycheck to paycheck and I think we're going to see a culling of marginal parishes og6gEclm08c-00483-00249048-00249546 and if the income dries up I think the Church of England is even more og6gEclm08c-00484-00249546-00249981 precarious financial situation and the bishops, if they're gonna- if the bishops og6gEclm08c-00485-00249981-00250383 don't have the time or the income, are not gonna have the time or the income or og6gEclm08c-00486-00250383-00250994 the inclination to talk climate change and mosquito nets when their backs are og6gEclm08c-00487-00250994-00251217 against the wall financially in three months. og6gEclm08c-00488-00251217-00251717 Then it's gonna be worse than that, George, we're going to have a very large worldwide economic recession og6gEclm08c-00489-00251717-00252210 this time the banks won't go bust, but in terms of the economic health and og6gEclm08c-00490-00252210-00252762 in societies we live in. we're going to go through a purgative period shortly og6gEclm08c-00491-00252762-00253281 so it won't just be travel agents and Airlines a lot of people are I think can defined og6gEclm08c-00492-00253281-00253584 the next 18 months really very difficult. og6gEclm08c-00493-00253584-00254586 oh yeah go through the list tourist, hotels, cruise lines, Airlines, big restaurants. We have restaurants all og6gEclm08c-00494-00254586-00255021 up and down Milford here who will not be able to sustain their rent by just og6gEclm08c-00495-00255021-00255810 having takeout. There's going to be a big repercussions economically around the world and this og6gEclm08c-00496-00255810-00256152 is prosperous New England. I can't imagine what's gonna be like in other og6gEclm08c-00497-00256152-00256712 places which aren't even close to prosperous. What our rents can be like in San Francisco in two months? og6gEclm08c-00498-00256712-00256996 That's going to crash so. og6gEclm08c-00499-00256996-00258086 And you know Florida this is- this March, April, May we derive half of our income from the calendar year og6gEclm08c-00500-00258086-00258705 because it's the height of the season we're about we're shutting down og6gEclm08c-00501-00258705-00258972 right now, it's like Disney World shutting down right now og6gEclm08c-00502-00258972-00259407 It is catastrophic financially. The beaches is in Fort Lauderdale and Daytona Beach og6gEclm08c-00503-00259407-00259935 are free from college students you can walk around and not step in throw up og6gEclm08c-00504-00259935-00260310 and not be molested by drunken nineteen-year-olds which is probably og6gEclm08c-00505-00260310-00260938 nice but at the same time the economy is taking a tank. One of the things I did I felt like og6gEclm08c-00506-00260938-00261405 Mr. Chamber of Commerce I said friends if you've got the money start now og6gEclm08c-00507-00261405-00261831 Getting your car fixed or having your patio screen fixed. In other ways spend og6gEclm08c-00508-00261831-00262335 money locally to keep our small businesses in operations because if we og6gEclm08c-00509-00262335-00262842 if we sit on the cash that we do have we're going to shut down the economy so og6gEclm08c-00510-00262842-00263436 much faster so if you can join the pump yourself don't just wait for the government do it og6gEclm08c-00511-00263436-00263790 Yeah. Jill and I made a list of the restaurants we're going to og6gEclm08c-00512-00263790-00264313 dine out at or do takeout at every night this week. There's just so many nice og6gEclm08c-00513-00264313-00264699 places we don't want to close and we made a list. Okay Tuesday we're gonna og6gEclm08c-00514-00264699-00265167 have Bonfire. Thursday we'll have Seabreeze. You know we even like Chipotle og6gEclm08c-00515-00265167-00265629 so you know yeah Wednesday's Chipotle. Chick-fil-a is Friday og6gEclm08c-00516-00265629-00265998 I don't know Friday feast. I don't think they have fish. Well we're gonna have og6gEclm08c-00517-00265998-00266340 to suffer by not having fish on Friday in Lent but that's something we're og6gEclm08c-00518-00266340-00266985 going to take for the team you know this pandemic is not just financial it's not og6gEclm08c-00519-00266985-00267574 just a mental thing it's it's something that's spiritual as well og6gEclm08c-00520-00267574-00268054 and I've always said the church has the answer. It's time that the church has a og6gEclm08c-00521-00268054-00268510 wonderful chance here to step up well Gavin I'm very fearful for the og6gEclm08c-00522-00268510-00268840 Scottish whiskey industry because Episcopalians and the Northeast have og6gEclm08c-00523-00268840-00269320 been told to stay at home and basically that they'll put the distilleries out to og6gEclm08c-00524-00269320-00269620 business in a month if they stop consuming og6gEclm08c-00525-00269620-00270066 Pennsylvania closed liquor stores. og6gEclm08c-00526-00270066-00270568 Pennsylvania closed liquor stores? Well there's always futures. og6gEclm08c-00527-00270568-00271315 Our secular society is having its bluff called. Death and disaster are stalking us and og6gEclm08c-00528-00271315-00271784 one of the things that we can do as Christians is help people face their despair og6gEclm08c-00529-00271784-00272298 and their hopelessness and and and experience the risen Christ who's og6gEclm08c-00530-00272299-00272806 preparing them for eternal life. This is a practice run. We're getting ready for og6gEclm08c-00531-00272806-00273301 eternal life and then you know when when the ground underneath us gives way here og6gEclm08c-00532-00273301-00273886 The ground around our house grows even stronger; people will want to hear that og6gEclm08c-00533-00273886-00274630 They'll be more ready to hear it now than they were when they were just planning their annual holiday og6gEclm08c-00534-00274630-00275010 As the mortality increases and people see how og6gEclm08c-00535-00275010-00275431 they can't control this. If this is outside of their control they're going og6gEclm08c-00536-00275431-00275860 to look for other answers and we have one. og6gEclm08c-00537-00275860-00276122 I'm Kevin Kallsen. I'm George Conger og6gEclm08c-00538-00276123-00276510 I'm Gavin Ashenden and enjoying the practice run and holy conversation og6gEclm08c-00539-00276510-00276935 you've been listening to episode 584 of Anglican Unscripted. og6gEclm08c-00540-00276935-00278065 St. Patrick, we need a bit of your chutzpah, your courage, and your prayers. Pray for us and let's pray for one another ogb5yj1uzDu-00000-00002280-00002559 ystar gaming 420 ohM3S17BXHo-00000-00000000-00000206 Thank you, Robbie. The bike is yours. ohM3S17BXHo-00001-00000220-00000336 - Yay. - Congrats. ohM3S17BXHo-00002-00000350-00000460 You're going to look really snazzy- ohM3S17BXHo-00003-00000473-00000580 [honking] ohM3S17BXHo-00004-00000593-00000690 - What the-?! - Uh-oh! Jump! ohM3S17BXHo-00005-00000703-00000837 [screaming] ohM3S17BXHo-00006-00001191-00001331 [groaning] ohM3S17BXHo-00007-00001444-00001644 You, uh, shouldn't park your bike there. ohM3S17BXHo-00008-00001658-00001805 Wha- I should- ohM3S17BXHo-00009-00001818-00001998 Maybe you should watch where you're going. ohM3S17BXHo-00010-00002012-00002168 Maybe you'd better watch that mouth. ohM3S17BXHo-00011-00002182-00002275 Who are you? ohM3S17BXHo-00012-00002288-00002405 My name is Helen. ohM3S17BXHo-00013-00002472-00002722 I'm the new principal of Hollywood Arts. ohM3S17BXHo-00014-00002889-00003042 Did ya hear that?! ohM3S17BXHo-00015-00003056-00003346 Excuse me. I hate to interrupt, but I'm gonna do it anyway. ohM3S17BXHo-00016-00003510-00003767 Hello, children, Sikowitz. ohM3S17BXHo-00017-00003786-00003910 Helen. ohM3S17BXHo-00018-00004000-00004120 Well, I'm just stopping ohM3S17BXHo-00019-00004134-00004260 by all the classrooms to say hello. ohM3S17BXHo-00020-00004274-00004434 You know, introduced myself personally, ohM3S17BXHo-00021-00004447-00004564 you know, get a feel for the vibe of the school. ohM3S17BXHo-00022-00004584-00004754 Uh, is that child sucking on a binky? ohM3S17BXHo-00023-00004868-00005175 I was just teaching the kids about subtext, ohM3S17BXHo-00024-00005195-00005301 in terms of acting. ohM3S17BXHo-00025-00005315-00005428 Oh, well, carry on then. ohM3S17BXHo-00026-00005442-00005658 I'll see you all at the re-auditions. ohM3S17BXHo-00027-00005705-00005815 Wait, what? ohM3S17BXHo-00028-00005835-00005969 What do you mean re-auditions? ohM3S17BXHo-00029-00005982-00006092 To stay in this school ohM3S17BXHo-00030-00006106-00006246 Next week you got perform a scene, ohM3S17BXHo-00031-00006259-00006423 sing a song, do a dance, bang a drum, tickle a banjo. ohM3S17BXHo-00032-00006436-00006659 I don't care, just show me some talent. ohM3S17BXHo-00033-00006790-00006900 Wait, so you mean like, ohM3S17BXHo-00034-00006943-00007143 I sing a song for you, and if you like it, ohM3S17BXHo-00035-00007156-00007307 I get to stay at Hollywood Arts? ohM3S17BXHo-00036-00007320-00007574 Mm-hmm, and if I don't bye-bye. ohM3S17BXHo-00037-00007724-00007851 ♪ Hey-ey-ey ♪ ohM3S17BXHo-00038-00007864-00008291 ♪ We're gonna make it shine ♪ ohM3S17BXHo-00039-00008304-00008451 ♪ Yeah-eh-eh ♪ ohM3S17BXHo-00040-00008465-00008808 ♪ We're gonna make it shine Shine, shine ♪ ohM3S17BXHo-00041-00008822-00009502 [cheering, applause] ohM3S17BXHo-00042-00009516-00009813 - Well? - D- Did you like it? ohM3S17BXHo-00043-00009906-00010036 Next! ohM3S17BXHo-00044-00010236-00010440 And again. Shake. ohM3S17BXHo-00045-00010467-00010663 - It's your school. - Answer it. ohM3S17BXHo-00046-00010810-00011084 Hello. Uh-huh. ohM3S17BXHo-00047-00011214-00011478 What? But- Shh. ohM3S17BXHo-00048-00011681-00011821 Thank you for calling. ohM3S17BXHo-00049-00011905-00012028 [sighing] ohM3S17BXHo-00050-00012042-00012242 I told Trina to rehearse for her audition. ohM3S17BXHo-00051-00012255-00012412 I told her that our new principal ohM3S17BXHo-00052-00012425-00012535 is really tough, but she just didn't. ohM3S17BXHo-00053-00012549-00012826 Trina passed her audition. ohM3S17BXHo-00054-00012912-00013016 She's in? ohM3S17BXHo-00055-00013029-00013156 You didn't. ohM3S17BXHo-00056-00013193-00013376 They're kicking me out of Hollywood Arts? ohM3S17BXHo-00057-00013390-00013620 I am so sorry, baby. ohM3S17BXHo-00058-00013713-00013833 I don't get it. ohM3S17BXHo-00059-00013847-00013980 They can't just kick Tori out of school. ohM3S17BXHo-00060-00014003-00014124 Yeah, they can. ohM3S17BXHo-00061-00014137-00014457 Okay, well, I'm going home now. Forever. ohM3S17BXHo-00062-00014471-00014741 No. You're not leaving this school. ohM3S17BXHo-00063-00014754-00014911 Wait. What do you mean she's not leaving? ohM3S17BXHo-00064-00014924-00015121 I mean, we're all gonna talk to Helen about this right now. ohM3S17BXHo-00065-00015151-00015331 - Yeah, let's. - Yeah, let's do that. ohM3S17BXHo-00066-00015702-00015812 Hey. ohM3S17BXHo-00067-00015869-00016019 Did you all want something? ohM3S17BXHo-00068-00016182-00016282 [chuckles] ohM3S17BXHo-00069-00016296-00016396 We don't think Tori should be kicked ohM3S17BXHo-00070-00016409-00016489 out of this school. ohM3S17BXHo-00071-00016503-00016666 Uh, Tori? ohM3S17BXHo-00072-00016679-00016793 Vega. ohM3S17BXHo-00073-00016816-00017033 Oh, yeah, Tori Vega. ohM3S17BXHo-00074-00017046-00017163 My notes here say she was kicked out ohM3S17BXHo-00075-00017177-00017390 because she's untalented and irritating. ohM3S17BXHo-00076-00017464-00017614 Excuse me, but a lot of people think ohM3S17BXHo-00077-00017627-00017747 that I am talented. ohM3S17BXHo-00078-00017761-00018034 You? Oh, you are and pretty as a pickle. ohM3S17BXHo-00079-00018178-00018445 Now, why are you children asking me about Tori Vega? ohM3S17BXHo-00080-00018481-00018605 I'm Tori Vega. ohM3S17BXHo-00081-00018648-00019062 No, no, no, no. This... is Tori Vega. ohM3S17BXHo-00082-00019329-00019492 Don don don. ohM3S17BXHo-00083-00019582-00019763 Look, I'm sorry. ohM3S17BXHo-00084-00019776-00019906 I'll call Trina myself and give her- ohM3S17BXHo-00085-00019919-00020093 No, no, no, please don't. ohM3S17BXHo-00086-00020213-00020340 I'll tell her. ohM3S17BXHo-00087-00020353-00020894 And, um... you know... um... sometimes... ohM3S17BXHo-00088-00020964-00021471 when life hands you lemons... you, uh, you- ohM3S17BXHo-00089-00021484-00021591 - Tori. ohM3S17BXHo-00090-00021604-00021741 What? ohM3S17BXHo-00091-00021878-00022058 I know what you're trying to say. ohM3S17BXHo-00092-00022092-00022195 You do? ohM3S17BXHo-00093-00022208-00022318 You're embarrassed that you got kicked out ohM3S17BXHo-00094-00022332-00022522 of Hollywood Arts. ohM3S17BXHo-00095-00022665-00022786 Oh. ohM3S17BXHo-00096-00022949-00023209 Look, Helen gets to school at 6:30 every morning. ohM3S17BXHo-00097-00023226-00023423 I'll come up with some reason to get Trina to school ohM3S17BXHo-00098-00023436-00023576 right before Helen shows up. ohM3S17BXHo-00099-00023590-00023777 You're gonna be dressed as a robber with a ski mask. ohM3S17BXHo-00100-00023790-00024027 So, when Helen walks into school, you attack her. ohM3S17BXHo-00101-00024040-00024274 - Why? - Cause, Trina's taking karate, ohM3S17BXHo-00102-00024287-00024461 so when she sees Helen being attacked, ohM3S17BXHo-00103-00024474-00024724 Trina will jump in, beat you up, and then Helen will be grateful ohM3S17BXHo-00104-00024737-00024854 and let Trina stay at Hollywood Arts. ohM3S17BXHo-00105-00024868-00025148 - Help me! - Get away from her! ohM3S17BXHo-00106-00025525-00025675 Ow! Ow! ohM3S17BXHo-00107-00025688-00025882 Hold him still so I can whack 'em! ohM3S17BXHo-00108-00025895-00026106 What's going on?! Hey. ohM3S17BXHo-00109-00026119-00026289 [groaning] ohM3S17BXHo-00110-00026302-00026416 What happened? ohM3S17BXHo-00111-00026493-00026826 This- this- this hooligan came and tried to bushwhack me. ohM3S17BXHo-00112-00026840-00026990 Oh, wow. ohM3S17BXHo-00113-00027003-00027203 I mean, what are the odds of a masked- ohM3S17BXHo-00114-00027217-00027370 It's a good thing ohM3S17BXHo-00115-00027383-00027550 that Trina was here to protect you. ohM3S17BXHo-00116-00027570-00027944 Oh, heck yeah. Thank you, baby. I owe you one. ohM3S17BXHo-00117-00027957-00028204 Yeah, like maybe you want to reconsider ohM3S17BXHo-00118-00028218-00028418 a decision you made about someone being kicked out ohM3S17BXHo-00119-00028431-00028571 of Hollywood Arts. ohM3S17BXHo-00120-00028618-00028752 Oh. ohM3S17BXHo-00121-00028935-00029179 Mm-hmm. You right. Trina, you can- ohM3S17BXHo-00122-00029192-00029352 So I can keep going to school here? ohM3S17BXHo-00123-00029365-00029489 You, yeah. I thought you wanted me to tell Trina- ohM3S17BXHo-00124-00029502-00029789 Yay. We both get to stay at Hollywood Arts. ohM3S17BXHo-00125-00029802-00029949 Come on, Trina, let's go get some cream of wheat. ohM3S17BXHo-00126-00029963-00030093 I thought you hated cream of wheat. ohM3S17BXHo-00127-00030106-00030233 Now I love it. This way. ohM3S17BXHo-00128-00030296-00030547 [sighing] I thought crazy Steve was crazy. ohM3S17BXHo-00129-00030660-00030850 All right, I better call the police to come get- ohM3S17BXHo-00130-00030920-00031054 All right, then. oiUyWn6cG6U-00000-00001174-00001366 says oiUyWn6cG6U-00001-00001366-00001754 Like the introduction set a project it kind of has two different oiUyWn6cG6U-00002-00001827-00002093 hats or maybe even three different hats that oiUyWn6cG6U-00003-00002178-00002462 Sometimes you'll hear in the presentation or what we're doing it oiUyWn6cG6U-00004-00002497-00002976 We may put on my on once in a while and and one of them would be as an economic oiUyWn6cG6U-00005-00003009-00003527 Development director when I returned home from college. I'm actually consulting [meteorologist] oiUyWn6cG6U-00006-00003579-00004152 return back to the community to start that business working with local ag Producers and oiUyWn6cG6U-00007-00004204-00004559 [I] had parents that were ill at the time and oiUyWn6cG6U-00008-00004675-00005075 six siblings in the family to help the family transition the family farm oiUyWn6cG6U-00009-00005148-00005348 it is a oiUyWn6cG6U-00010-00005448-00006146 1200 it's to two sections, and then we have another half section located not next to the original two homesteads oiUyWn6cG6U-00011-00006244-00006444 But it is not oiUyWn6cG6U-00012-00006454-00006836 What we're seeing in today's forum says size and scale oiUyWn6cG6U-00013-00006889-00007133 which you would you know needed to be a oiUyWn6cG6U-00014-00007186-00007661 successful commodity operation so in this fifth generation oiUyWn6cG6U-00015-00007695-00008090 Transfer to my generation. I was part of my family's oiUyWn6cG6U-00016-00008170-00008356 Will that this? oiUyWn6cG6U-00017-00008356-00008840 operation could become viable for at least multiple of the six of us oiUyWn6cG6U-00018-00008902-00009465 five of us live [in] the community all working professional jobs outside of the family farm and oiUyWn6cG6U-00019-00009550-00009742 looking for a way to oiUyWn6cG6U-00020-00009742-00010100 Move in that direction obviously with my background in meteorology and climatology oiUyWn6cG6U-00021-00010246-00010751 Sustainable farming was something that is in my career realm part of the reason oiUyWn6cG6U-00022-00010752-00011250 I moved back from Kansas City to the home Community was to be one oiUyWn6cG6U-00023-00011289-00012014 Open spaces because of the farm watch my nieces and nephews grow up, but also to apply my college degree oiUyWn6cG6U-00024-00012160-00012678 Microclimate is very much part of what is in part of sustainable farming oiUyWn6cG6U-00025-00012798-00012969 permaculture oiUyWn6cG6U-00026-00012969-00013189 Xeriscaping things like that can all be applied oiUyWn6cG6U-00027-00013291-00013550 22 these sustainable to both techniques, but oiUyWn6cG6U-00028-00013653-00013909 Northwest Kansas and Commodity ag world oiUyWn6cG6U-00029-00013973-00014683 This this is you know, we're talking [10-15] years ago when I'm we made this decision and started this work oiUyWn6cG6U-00030-00014781-00014928 it was oiUyWn6cG6U-00031-00014928-00015605 the Odd duck the oddball the crazy idea at the time well times are changing and oiUyWn6cG6U-00032-00015716-00016355 I'm proud [to] be here this presentation and give a little background, so you got the economic development oiUyWn6cG6U-00033-00016422-00017063 director hat there the local farm hat and then my role as the vice president of oiUyWn6cG6U-00034-00017139-00017319 consumers of the coop oiUyWn6cG6U-00035-00017319-00017466 is oiUyWn6cG6U-00036-00017466-00017666 a co-Op of oiUyWn6cG6U-00037-00017772-00018358 Originally Northwest Kansas Farmers it now has expanded to 50 farms in three states. That's that oiUyWn6cG6U-00038-00018423-00018736 Tri-State area in the Corner like we said this was a oiUyWn6cG6U-00039-00018845-00019510 Out-Of-the-box idea 10-15 years ago, so these farms had to go to the Denver market oiUyWn6cG6U-00040-00019575-00020182 For our market. It was not local we didn't have lots of farmers markets there the economy out there oiUyWn6cG6U-00041-00020367-00020897 Is not conducive for direct selling cells of meat? oiUyWn6cG6U-00042-00021110-00021508 so a little background about the coop to start this off kind of set the stage for oiUyWn6cG6U-00043-00021620-00021955 The farms as they grow into the coop and become part of the process oiUyWn6cG6U-00044-00022050-00022218 It's a producer oiUyWn6cG6U-00045-00022218-00022817 So actually [this] came into the economic development office when I served as the economic development director the first three or four years oiUyWn6cG6U-00046-00022817-00023083 I moved home as a part-time job to supplement the weather oiUyWn6cG6U-00047-00023204-00023602 It was Rocky Mountain Farmers Union ogallala commons oiUyWn6cG6U-00048-00023726-00024376 Organization that was working on some youth returned home initiatives with the hometown competitiveness model in oiUyWn6cG6U-00049-00024447-00025057 Northwest Kansas this concept formed based off of the Oklahoma food Co-Op which was oiUyWn6cG6U-00050-00025101-00025732 Getting some notoriety and success in the late 90s and early 2000s, so it is a like oiUyWn6cG6U-00051-00025737-00026464 Oklahoma Producer and consumer member co-op you pay one hundred dollars to join the coop and you could do volunteerism oiUyWn6cG6U-00052-00026545-00026745 Part of the coop is a buying member oiUyWn6cG6U-00053-00026822-00027324 in particularly we started in the denver area with about 30 customers and then oiUyWn6cG6U-00054-00027416-00027616 producers are also a member and oiUyWn6cG6U-00055-00027716-00027839 Same thing oiUyWn6cG6U-00056-00027839-00028512 $100 become a producer member it is by law tend to be bored controlled by the producers oiUyWn6cG6U-00057-00028547-00028720 So that is how it? oiUyWn6cG6U-00058-00028720-00029379 Maintains a producer controlled co-op, so by the board structure it is oiUyWn6cG6U-00059-00029450-00029839 Driven by the consumer or by the Producer oiUyWn6cG6U-00060-00029989-00030621 No, so my role of vice president consumers is to develop new markets and strategic planning oiUyWn6cG6U-00061-00030689-00030889 as the coop Grows oiUyWn6cG6U-00062-00030932-00031218 Began as the online Farmers market modeled after, Oklahoma oiUyWn6cG6U-00063-00031283-00031527 direct sales the customers an online ordering system oiUyWn6cG6U-00064-00031622-00032058 they order from whatever form they want whichever item and then we oiUyWn6cG6U-00065-00032126-00032358 distribute it drop it off in oiUyWn6cG6U-00066-00032486-00033084 Trucks and trailers return back to the to the home originating site which is in Northwest, Kansas oiUyWn6cG6U-00067-00033164-00033861 We're now are transitioning to a regional food hub and aggregator for the first mile aggregator to the producer our oiUyWn6cG6U-00068-00033911-00034665 Drop-off points and delivery sites in Denver are the last mile to the consumer. We are picking up some oiUyWn6cG6U-00069-00034754-00035436 first mile back that comes back to Northwest Kansas you can talk about that a little bit later that is developing some back Haul and oiUyWn6cG6U-00070-00035492-00036052 Part of the Northwest Kansas food work that is doing programs oiUyWn6cG6U-00071-00036128-00036448 On more work to start on the food justice side oiUyWn6cG6U-00072-00036542-00036822 markets, but eventually maybe helping grocery stores oiUyWn6cG6U-00073-00036823-00037417 And other farmers market with some of their supply issues in the community as they get up and going oiUyWn6cG6U-00074-00037535-00037836 We got [to] one thought right now. We got 1,000 products oiUyWn6cG6U-00075-00037837-00038491 We go two times per month to the direct sales during the season during the winter month. It's one time a month oiUyWn6cG6U-00076-00038546-00038835 actually [on] that direct sales size side oiUyWn6cG6U-00077-00038924-00039290 November is the number one month. We just did oiUyWn6cG6U-00078-00039384-00039942 Are over a hundred orders yesterday and because of thanksgiving and our turkeys oiUyWn6cG6U-00079-00040030-00040356 mission and values our producer consumers you oiUyWn6cG6U-00080-00040438-00040671 uniting an interest of locally grown food oiUyWn6cG6U-00081-00040733-00041217 to all we want to be in virally sustainable and economically viable and socially just and oiUyWn6cG6U-00082-00041266-00042018 Cultivate the farmer consumer relationships this last name is the number one core value and the original board of directors oiUyWn6cG6U-00083-00042040-00042501 Which were all pretty much Northwest, Kansas Producers or in that tri-state area oiUyWn6cG6U-00084-00042544-00043320 we did have some consumer members from Denver, but they were in part of organizations that had that same mission it is to oiUyWn6cG6U-00085-00043411-00043611 revitalize our rural communities oiUyWn6cG6U-00086-00043687-00044430 If more rural communities in this sustainable farming that makes is not part of that development piece oiUyWn6cG6U-00087-00044527-00044895 It is critical to the survival of the community so that is oiUyWn6cG6U-00088-00044980-00045432 naturally ingrained in our environment where our production and producers are and oiUyWn6cG6U-00089-00045514-00046086 Still the number one or driving mission of the coop? oiUyWn6cG6U-00090-00046144-00046461 this map kind of shows you the oiUyWn6cG6U-00091-00046576-00046848 Infrastructure of the [Co-Op] our customer base oiUyWn6cG6U-00092-00046924-00047113 obviously is a Denver our oiUyWn6cG6U-00093-00047113-00047835 Sorting location hub is right here in the middle and then our aggregation hub where the product kind of comes up oiUyWn6cG6U-00094-00047836-00048061 We have a truck that comes here oiUyWn6cG6U-00095-00048061-00048747 And we've got a truck that comes up from the Nebraska producers up here comes down and we need to oiUyWn6cG6U-00096-00048844-00049251 Aggregate here the orders get Sorted and then dropped off in oiUyWn6cG6U-00097-00049306-00049887 21 pickup Hubs back to these clusters of people on this map oiUyWn6cG6U-00098-00049887-00050229 It's showing the disaggregation distribution and processing infrastructure oiUyWn6cG6U-00099-00050302-00050970 Every one of these blue sites are one of those pick up hubs the yellow sites are our collection aggregation oiUyWn6cG6U-00100-00051127-00051789 Centers were say 12 farms in this area come in collect here and the collection collects and goes down oiUyWn6cG6U-00101-00051814-00052413 The interstate in same way here. It collects and collects and then eventually gets there oiUyWn6cG6U-00102-00052466-00052656 That's what we call aggregation oiUyWn6cG6U-00103-00052656-00052856 These blue you are actually a distribution oiUyWn6cG6U-00104-00052867-00053592 So when the trailers here to shoot we leave at seven in the morning get here about noon distribute it goes out oiUyWn6cG6U-00105-00053641-00053837 trailers get back here oiUyWn6cG6U-00106-00053837-00054037 7 p.m. On oiUyWn6cG6U-00107-00054089-00054709 Thursdays, and then these blue routes is run on a Friday and then our weekly route runs out of Bennett on oiUyWn6cG6U-00108-00054779-00055077 Fridays to the restaurants and stores downtown in Denver oiUyWn6cG6U-00109-00055148-00055498 these these things are critical here these are your usb a oiUyWn6cG6U-00110-00055591-00056091 Processing facilities, so that's what makes the clusters or where the farms are? oiUyWn6cG6U-00111-00056204-00056348 Kansas oiUyWn6cG6U-00112-00056348-00056728 Initially had more processing so it made more sense oiUyWn6cG6U-00113-00056795-00056963 Why we had? oiUyWn6cG6U-00114-00056963-00057613 Forums already doing this a little bit and the capacity to start out here, and this was such a void oiUyWn6cG6U-00115-00057754-00058339 Colorado Kansas has the state in usda inspection since we are moving across state lines oiUyWn6cG6U-00116-00058339-00058686 We [have] to have the usda so these are all usda oiUyWn6cG6U-00117-00058784-00059241 there's a combination of mobile processing and fixed facilities in here and oiUyWn6cG6U-00118-00059357-00059793 Then you get to Colorado, and you kind of see what's happening [here] oiUyWn6cG6U-00119-00059894-00060508 They've lost a lot. It's bigger people have tried. They don't have a state inspection system oiUyWn6cG6U-00120-00060563-00060855 So it's created a lot [of] boyd around that oiUyWn6cG6U-00121-00060955-00061058 processing oiUyWn6cG6U-00122-00061058-00061621 So basically like I said [we've] got a core. Group here. We're developing that this is an uP-and-coming group oiUyWn6cG6U-00123-00061621-00061966 there's some lot of specialty crop production going on there and then oiUyWn6cG6U-00124-00062054-00062240 [this] Colorado oiUyWn6cG6U-00125-00062240-00062856 So it's basically from Bennett, Colorado the Coral Springs another group of farmers that [are] oiUyWn6cG6U-00126-00062921-00063579 Late [you] know that they're smaller type farms, but again. They're still main markets or coming in there oiUyWn6cG6U-00127-00063579-00064066 We do have a co-op down here a partner Co-op on the ark Valley oiUyWn6cG6U-00128-00064151-00064380 one in the Salida area of Colorado oiUyWn6cG6U-00129-00064440-00065168 And one in south lacks that comes in here collects into the system eventually caught [connects] [and] Bennett and can oiUyWn6cG6U-00130-00065221-00065504 Backhaul and move up and down this area oiUyWn6cG6U-00131-00065560-00065807 We've got a market setting here of six oiUyWn6cG6U-00132-00065953-00066153 million people oiUyWn6cG6U-00133-00066469-00066631 the food Hub oiUyWn6cG6U-00134-00066631-00066702 definition here oiUyWn6cG6U-00135-00066702-00067440 This is what the usDa defines the food hub that is where the coop is moving more in Direction? oiUyWn6cG6U-00136-00067447-00067844 we're very unique because when you think of a food hub you usually think of the oiUyWn6cG6U-00137-00067939-00068044 Urban oiUyWn6cG6U-00138-00068044-00068772 Definition which you've you know Philadelphia east coast Sacramento portland out here in this high plains region are oiUyWn6cG6U-00139-00068803-00068941 our oiUyWn6cG6U-00140-00068941-00069611 Population Center is Denver the high price of land and this distribution and lack of processing oiUyWn6cG6U-00141-00069612-00070041 that's a whole different landscape out there when we talk a hub, so oiUyWn6cG6U-00142-00070078-00070755 Us a definition is manages aggregation distribution and marketing of source identified local and regional oiUyWn6cG6U-00143-00070867-00071067 product and oiUyWn6cG6U-00144-00071068-00071357 These are the markets that typically a food hub? oiUyWn6cG6U-00145-00071473-00071933 Works in again, we had to start retail because we're very very small farms oiUyWn6cG6U-00146-00071995-00072435 They had to become sustainable learn grow learn the rules and regulations oiUyWn6cG6U-00147-00072511-00072839 As we go, we're just starting to enter into some of those oiUyWn6cG6U-00148-00072901-00073148 volume retail thing and then eventually oiUyWn6cG6U-00149-00073204-00073559 The big demand is going to come from these food hubs is how do we? oiUyWn6cG6U-00150-00073615-00074043 Service the institutional markets the interest in the market is there this oiUyWn6cG6U-00151-00074125-00074355 distribution and processing and oiUyWn6cG6U-00152-00074425-00074916 System is in place local food system has lots of gaps in it in this part of the country oiUyWn6cG6U-00153-00074983-00075486 the key thing [to] take from this here is this 5 to 10 anchor producers of oiUyWn6cG6U-00154-00075565-00075754 uSD statistics oiUyWn6cG6U-00155-00075754-00076508 say [that] it takes 600 k 2 1,000,000 to sustainably run the food hub function of a oiUyWn6cG6U-00156-00076624-00077298 What we're doing with the food co-op and history shows that takes seven left to 11 years to get there oiUyWn6cG6U-00157-00077527-00077707 Times are changing oiUyWn6cG6U-00158-00077707-00078322 a window of opportunity the market demand things are pressurizing it there they think that's now three to seven and oiUyWn6cG6U-00159-00078374-00078610 that in our particular case since the oiUyWn6cG6U-00160-00078668-00079072 Distance we're working within the area. We're probably more closer to the oiUyWn6cG6U-00161-00079154-00079354 Million-Plus before oiUyWn6cG6U-00162-00079463-00079663 It works for the food Co-op oiUyWn6cG6U-00163-00079724-00080206 The aggregation part you hear that term. What is it just to give you a little bit of an idea? oiUyWn6cG6U-00164-00080429-00080788 It's the the meat of the coat the coop of what we do oiUyWn6cG6U-00165-00080843-00081147 We do the like my position was to oiUyWn6cG6U-00166-00081185-00081799 Connection relationships and creating the market opportunity then we source the product from the farms oiUyWn6cG6U-00167-00081842-00082468 Links that production with [the] needs we've identified in the market and there the logistics to get it there oiUyWn6cG6U-00168-00082468-00082897 That's the drop site the label the tracking the pickup delivered storage and distribution oiUyWn6cG6U-00169-00082919-00083626 And the more important thing is we keep that value chain from the producer to the end consumer it oiUyWn6cG6U-00170-00083657-00084447 Is the know your farmer it's the I wonder where comes from I want to know if my producer is organic and the website? oiUyWn6cG6U-00171-00084488-00085110 allows that to be listed individually by the farm the farm controls the prices we have a oiUyWn6cG6U-00172-00085148-00085873 percentage it is on the consumer side of ten percent and the producer side of 15 and oiUyWn6cG6U-00173-00085952-00086278 We try to average around that twenty percent oiUyWn6cG6U-00174-00086405-00086531 Margin oiUyWn6cG6U-00175-00086531-00086693 similar to other oiUyWn6cG6U-00176-00086693-00086953 food industry type businesses, so there's a oiUyWn6cG6U-00177-00087008-00087247 Low-Margin intense infrastructure oiUyWn6cG6U-00178-00087299-00087934 type business, but we keep that value chain to stay in the local food or oiUyWn6cG6U-00179-00088061-00088187 sustainable oiUyWn6cG6U-00180-00088187-00088310 business Model oiUyWn6cG6U-00181-00088310-00088864 This is the history the coop the sales only thing. I want to hear this was the direct sales oiUyWn6cG6U-00182-00088949-00089566 Side of the coop is producers learn and grow we saw a little bit of a jump here that year I oiUyWn6cG6U-00183-00089666-00089783 basically oiUyWn6cG6U-00184-00089783-00090174 some of this change in here to here was due to some website [and] oiUyWn6cG6U-00185-00090263-00090564 Internal interchanges, and then here you're noticing oiUyWn6cG6U-00186-00090656-00090856 that volume oiUyWn6cG6U-00187-00090913-00091057 side oiUyWn6cG6U-00188-00091057-00091257 taking effect it's oiUyWn6cG6U-00189-00091268-00091872 Changing the dynamics of the coop. We're nearing this we are in tweenage stage now where we're still oiUyWn6cG6U-00190-00091927-00092487 Volunteer Board we've got a few part-time positions, but now we got to oiUyWn6cG6U-00191-00092561-00093199 Start [making] serious changes as far as you know what we're going to do is a co-op oiUyWn6cG6U-00192-00093254-00093454 to be sustainable oiUyWn6cG6U-00193-00093481-00093993 this this you know, so obviously being a producer in the coop and oiUyWn6cG6U-00194-00094085-00094395 The presentation Topic here is poultry oiUyWn6cG6U-00195-00094517-00095038 we we had you know some meat our limiting factor on the meat is the oiUyWn6cG6U-00196-00095060-00095500 Processing so we have been had to form an entity oiUyWn6cG6U-00197-00095575-00095729 to oiUyWn6cG6U-00198-00095729-00095929 to raise chickens oiUyWn6cG6U-00199-00095993-00096294 Process them and then enter them into this market demand oiUyWn6cG6U-00200-00096376-00096870 You've heard the other farms in this conference talk about poultry. That's the oiUyWn6cG6U-00201-00097001-00097201 money the Interest oiUyWn6cG6U-00202-00097229-00097573 Opportunity you heard the processing issues coming up oiUyWn6cG6U-00203-00097637-00097869 to solve that but when [we] did our oiUyWn6cG6U-00204-00098054-00098820 Expansion plan studies has said the capacity you know the [ability] for all these forms to do some both reproduction oiUyWn6cG6U-00205-00098863-00099351 Enter into the system and go to Denver is probably the leader or the first oiUyWn6cG6U-00206-00099437-00100209 entity our first product to become an anchor product in the system follow that with specialty crops because that's oiUyWn6cG6U-00207-00100241-00100291 sexy oiUyWn6cG6U-00208-00100291-00100687 And that's the highest demand thing if you can grow the specialty crop Producers oiUyWn6cG6U-00209-00100726-00101421 Work on that at the same time and then work on this processing and start building up meats and grains and some of the other oiUyWn6cG6U-00210-00101522-00101800 items that can go into the system to build the food Hub oiUyWn6cG6U-00211-00102005-00102270 so here's our history with high plains poultry or oiUyWn6cG6U-00212-00102556-00103271 Our first poultry farmers were several of them. I think there might have been of the twelve at least 52 oiUyWn6cG6U-00213-00103413-00104118 half of them had poultry on the farm felling at the local farmers market eggs or trying to go into schools and that so oiUyWn6cG6U-00214-00104140-00104640 so we we had these small orders going to denver in two thousand eight and ten oiUyWn6cG6U-00215-00104878-00105303 that kept dot system kept on going and then in 2011 or oiUyWn6cG6U-00216-00105376-00105726 Like hey Here's some opportunity, so the poultry farmer started growing oiUyWn6cG6U-00217-00105757-00106488 I'm at that time we had to go to McPherson, Kansas so we can imagine what was going on. We dad, Colorado farmers oiUyWn6cG6U-00218-00106558-00107060 Picking up chickens all the way back to McPherson you drop them off have to go back home oiUyWn6cG6U-00219-00107068-00107591 And then send another vehicle it will pick them up and come back and very cost oiUyWn6cG6U-00220-00107665-00107830 inefficient oiUyWn6cG6U-00221-00107830-00108065 and then one of the producers in oiUyWn6cG6U-00222-00108226-00108426 atwood at Rollins County area oiUyWn6cG6U-00223-00108493-00108929 Decided well, we're going to go ahead and vest. We want to grill is a beef producer oiUyWn6cG6U-00224-00108991-00109307 Expanding the poultry side of the meat business skills. We're going to oiUyWn6cG6U-00225-00109359-00109516 do oiUyWn6cG6U-00226-00109516-00110280 Poultry bought the processing equipment to basically do it on the farm, but we had to do at Usda. So they oiUyWn6cG6U-00227-00110392-00110575 because of a ostrich oiUyWn6cG6U-00228-00110575-00111090 License at the local processing plant allowed them to have the ability to do poultry in the facility oiUyWn6cG6U-00229-00111135-00111419 so basically the farmer rented the kill room and oiUyWn6cG6U-00230-00111481-00111734 The date on One day a month or whenever oiUyWn6cG6U-00231-00111796-00112404 Heat when they weren't killing they use that room to process the poultry in oiUyWn6cG6U-00232-00112471-00112671 scale and start oiUyWn6cG6U-00233-00112771-00113046 Moving more poultry to the system oiUyWn6cG6U-00234-00113184-00113904 2012 we did that expansion plan and said you got the infrastructure there go for it with the eggs and the meat oiUyWn6cG6U-00235-00113983-00114765 that's what you guys need or with the coop should start poking its tension and then the group of Farmers and oiUyWn6cG6U-00236-00114823-00115548 214 said we got to figure out a way to do our processing because we're in the local [guys] way and oiUyWn6cG6U-00237-00115608-00116036 We're tired of going to the person so we did the servant oiUyWn6cG6U-00238-00116077-00116466 The rest of this presentation will go into the process of what we did during the grand oiUyWn6cG6U-00239-00116583-00117136 2015 we ended up deciding to construct an mPU which is part of the share grant process oiUyWn6cG6U-00240-00117152-00117412 and then as you saw in the oiUyWn6cG6U-00241-00117474-00117674 Growth of the coop oiUyWn6cG6U-00242-00117689-00118027 Most of that growth or about twenty eight percent of it oiUyWn6cG6U-00243-00118107-00118555 Is the meat and the eggs the rest is were not we're able to do weekly oiUyWn6cG6U-00244-00118555-00119185 we do have some beef going into that system and some of the specialty crops, so there is a oiUyWn6cG6U-00245-00119240-00119494 Small percentage of that growth that is oiUyWn6cG6U-00246-00119547-00120016 Opening the ways for those other forms now to to grow their markets as well oiUyWn6cG6U-00247-00120113-00120487 So our cell project this was our performance targets and objectives oiUyWn6cG6U-00248-00120570-00121309 We won the organized first as to make [start-up] an operating [costs] of a at that time we were lookin oiUyWn6cG6U-00249-00121338-00121500 We're still thinking oiUyWn6cG6U-00250-00121500-00122191 Fixed will this thing be mobile. We still built it as a mobile, but it's really fixed oiUyWn6cG6U-00251-00122271-00122501 At this point Determine the feasibility oiUyWn6cG6U-00252-00122633-00122986 Find the site do the permitting that's required both locally oiUyWn6cG6U-00253-00123063-00123721 state and Usda Federal equipment purchasing and fabrication implementation start up and oiUyWn6cG6U-00254-00123798-00124081 develop a plan to enter that co-op oiUyWn6cG6U-00255-00124176-00124376 Market opportunities oiUyWn6cG6U-00256-00124458-00124658 This is the outcomes and impacts oiUyWn6cG6U-00257-00124727-00125272 as you can see we got the plant up and running an october of 2015 and oiUyWn6cG6U-00258-00125342-00125539 The coop that was the first year oiUyWn6cG6U-00259-00125539-00126178 We were able to really deliver through the winter with it with it with a product item so we did oiUyWn6cG6U-00260-00126209-00126508 600 chickens and 23 turkeys at Thanksgiving oiUyWn6cG6U-00261-00126563-00126740 this year oiUyWn6cG6U-00262-00126740-00126940 This year we are I? oiUyWn6cG6U-00263-00127052-00127633 You know I think this is this was a close estimate to where we're at the end of the year and we just did our oiUyWn6cG6U-00264-00127650-00127848 turkeys oiUyWn6cG6U-00265-00127848-00127985 so again oiUyWn6cG6U-00266-00127985-00128494 It's an estimated total and this is our projection and feasibility is where oiUyWn6cG6U-00267-00128526-00128890 We thought the processing plant would end up in 2019 oiUyWn6cG6U-00268-00128946-00129444 totally years of utilizing the crews and what can be done in the oiUyWn6cG6U-00269-00129529-00129696 That we built oiUyWn6cG6U-00270-00129696-00130048 Our revenues. This was for me right here oiUyWn6cG6U-00271-00130091-00130597 This is what you saw in that graph for 2016 that tWenty-five percent of that oiUyWn6cG6U-00272-00130658-00131002 400,000 and this is what this would do in oiUyWn6cG6U-00273-00131060-00131228 2019 oiUyWn6cG6U-00274-00131228-00131791 And then as far as the farms go right here, it was two farms right here oiUyWn6cG6U-00275-00131852-00132187 Three or four and then here we could be up to 12 oiUyWn6cG6U-00276-00132338-00132515 working in this oiUyWn6cG6U-00277-00132515-00133276 Facility Argh our other outcomes and impacts we wanted to increase jobs obviously because the aquino development oiUyWn6cG6U-00278-00133335-00133535 2016 [with] Family [part-time] labor oiUyWn6cG6U-00279-00133572-00134101 this year we have paid for 28 part-time workers operating to oiUyWn6cG6U-00280-00134162-00134431 32 days processing One day packaging and oiUyWn6cG6U-00281-00134501-00134746 Then we have this projection oiUyWn6cG6U-00282-00134820-00135020 for 20 19 oiUyWn6cG6U-00283-00135212-00135727 Again, I brought this back up to really highlight that oiUyWn6cG6U-00284-00135992-00136228 $100,000 increase in the coop sales oiUyWn6cG6U-00285-00136289-00136831 sitting here for an anchor producer if we can get for three more of those a a oiUyWn6cG6U-00286-00136910-00137110 Hydroponic vegetables facility oiUyWn6cG6U-00287-00137160-00137761 Something else creating that same volume we're on our [way] to being a sustainable viable food Hub oiUyWn6cG6U-00288-00138077-00138277 ok back to the mPU oiUyWn6cG6U-00289-00138369-00138569 Here we started out our oiUyWn6cG6U-00290-00138633-00138833 Accomplishments were formed an entity oiUyWn6cG6U-00291-00138858-00139411 for four farms to be able to invest in to thee we didn't take other than the oiUyWn6cG6U-00292-00139514-00140041 Funding [that] we had in the sera grant we actually pulled an lLc to invest with four florins oiUyWn6cG6U-00293-00140129-00140644 We had to start up business plans a fabrication budget did the financing? oiUyWn6cG6U-00294-00140729-00140977 Within our original sir Grant I think we had oiUyWn6cG6U-00295-00141060-00141553 15,000 of it going to the infrastructure and equipment and fabrication class and oiUyWn6cG6U-00296-00141744-00141944 and then the rest was oiUyWn6cG6U-00297-00142026-00142417 equity investment from each of the farms the feasibility oiUyWn6cG6U-00298-00142650-00142906 Obviously our current situations weren't feasible oiUyWn6cG6U-00299-00142952-00143392 This is was where we still kind of at and this has to do? oiUyWn6cG6U-00300-00143392-00143848 I was we decided to go mobile by looking at we toured oiUyWn6cG6U-00301-00143925-00144053 I oiUyWn6cG6U-00302-00144053-00144253 went to Ballman's oiUyWn6cG6U-00303-00144309-00144725 Anita's and watch what they're fixed facility dead we went to kallikrates oiUyWn6cG6U-00304-00144783-00145400 In st.. Francis beef processing plant and we went to toss, New Mexico and saw where they had a oiUyWn6cG6U-00305-00145512-00146191 Mobile unit that was fixed and doing all kinds of life stocky and headlamp eggs oiUyWn6cG6U-00306-00146264-00146608 One day they had some bolt you know they were doing everything in toss oiUyWn6cG6U-00307-00146874-00147401 Site location travel available labor took all that into consideration oiUyWn6cG6U-00308-00147513-00148078 When [we] did our economics on it from the McPherson stuff? We were saving three dollars per bird? oiUyWn6cG6U-00309-00148188-00148423 thought with those numbers of oiUyWn6cG6U-00310-00148514-00148768 showed up there, we figured this unit will break even oiUyWn6cG6U-00311-00148877-00149320 operational costs sometime next year around the 12,000 to oiUyWn6cG6U-00312-00149424-00149624 15,000 chicken oiUyWn6cG6U-00313-00149670-00150098 Per Year Mark, and we started out think we're at oiUyWn6cG6U-00314-00150162-00150389 450 for processing of a bird oiUyWn6cG6U-00315-00150452-00150886 If you're cutting that it's another cutting them up into parts another Dollar 25 oiUyWn6cG6U-00316-00150975-00151228 Give you kind of an iDea what the costs are? oiUyWn6cG6U-00317-00151338-00151870 Yes, it was probably the biggest variable we thought we were going to do this in three or four [months] and be up and running oiUyWn6cG6U-00318-00151914-00152323 Last june, we didn't start till October last year, so it oiUyWn6cG6U-00319-00152457-00152696 Took us 14 months to do that oiUyWn6cG6U-00320-00152816-00153196 And this was probably the biggest reason for that. We did have some oiUyWn6cG6U-00321-00153288-00153426 since we oiUyWn6cG6U-00322-00153426-00153626 Farmers built, it ourselves oiUyWn6cG6U-00323-00153708-00154313 Particularly the lead of one of the farmers who was looking at doing this anyway on their own oiUyWn6cG6U-00324-00154574-00155311 So we with there was some time to fit into our personal farming schedules. It created some time at the biggest laws oiUyWn6cG6U-00325-00155366-00155523 the hoops oiUyWn6cG6U-00326-00155523-00156311 to get usda stay all these food safety regulatory issues in line and understanding them and oiUyWn6cG6U-00327-00156384-00157153 Knowing what we're doing. I don't want anybody to get the notion that the uSDa is against or all the things you hear that oiUyWn6cG6U-00328-00157153-00157882 Why you can't do this they want to work with you? It's just do to them and they aren't staffed and oiUyWn6cG6U-00329-00157955-00158332 You're dealing with regions and moving employees for like our oiUyWn6cG6U-00330-00158399-00158629 FfFFs is had to come from Arkansas oiUyWn6cG6U-00331-00158711-00159049 Our everyday inspector that has to be on site oiUyWn6cG6U-00332-00159108-00159550 Had to be trained because he's never seen poultry his life, beginning, Kansas oiUyWn6cG6U-00333-00159551-00160162 So it's all that took time to put it together and then everybody is receptive at usDa oiUyWn6cG6U-00334-00160162-00160603 we want to learn how to do this because this is an opportunity for everyone ah oiUyWn6cG6U-00335-00161129-00161356 That is food safety oiUyWn6cG6U-00336-00161421-00161621 inspection something this is oiUyWn6cG6U-00337-00161678-00162022 Hazard Critical access point plant you know the oiUyWn6cG6U-00338-00162074-00162871 within the plant every food state point critical point where Bacteria could develop on the chicken you have a check and oiUyWn6cG6U-00339-00162905-00163105 the process in place oiUyWn6cG6U-00340-00163163-00163576 Standard safe operating procedures, so that's your plan to oiUyWn6cG6U-00341-00163644-00164036 all the way through from the cage into the plucker and oiUyWn6cG6U-00342-00164169-00164444 All your processes or keep the mice out of the facility oiUyWn6cG6U-00343-00164552-00164848 Clean bathrooms you name it that's in there oiUyWn6cG6U-00344-00164973-00165589 and you know there's we've had to take our one of our farmers you know took the training and oiUyWn6cG6U-00345-00165657-00165920 Did a lot of this work? You know internally? oiUyWn6cG6U-00346-00166032-00166330 feel a lot to to that process their oiUyWn6cG6U-00347-00166430-00166630 scale up plan oiUyWn6cG6U-00348-00166632-00167079 This is basically what we're with that and then number showed you 500 oiUyWn6cG6U-00349-00167358-00167488 as oiUyWn6cG6U-00350-00167488-00167744 We speak we can capacity to go to that oiUyWn6cG6U-00351-00167824-00168254 a hunter a shift does because of this a oiUyWn6cG6U-00352-00168409-00168598 shift of oiUyWn6cG6U-00353-00168598-00169058 Five to seven think we got seven people on the ship can do. They're really good oiUyWn6cG6U-00354-00169084-00169730 They're getting up here around this number in three hours. That's about how many birds we process and oiUyWn6cG6U-00355-00169834-00170034 Since we are chill them oiUyWn6cG6U-00356-00170122-00170673 These are going into the air chiller, and you have to have them down to 40 degrees in three hours and then oiUyWn6cG6U-00357-00170755-00170899 afternoon inspector oiUyWn6cG6U-00358-00170899-00171329 Houses 8 hour a day and so that's about all you can do in a shift oiUyWn6cG6U-00359-00171373-00171600 You can run two shifts have two inspectors oiUyWn6cG6U-00360-00171604-00172209 You could go two more days a week and bring in another inspector, but that's down the road oiUyWn6cG6U-00361-00172261-00172384 we oiUyWn6cG6U-00362-00172384-00172829 That will take time might it be a new might have to be a second inspector oiUyWn6cG6U-00363-00172963-00173495 so those are some things that let that either slow the growth or oiUyWn6cG6U-00364-00173722-00174194 Put you in this plan and again that break even in 2017 oiUyWn6cG6U-00365-00174304-00175056 Okay, here's our design. We ended up. We purchased a reefer trailer and oiUyWn6cG6U-00366-00175138-00175297 then oiUyWn6cG6U-00367-00175297-00175497 That you saw the picture oiUyWn6cG6U-00368-00175519-00175940 Here we actually this process. There's a our local vet oiUyWn6cG6U-00369-00176002-00176176 offices here and oiUyWn6cG6U-00370-00176176-00176439 This is just north of that would about two miles oiUyWn6cG6U-00371-00176515-00176826 This is his circular drive. He's got pins back there oiUyWn6cG6U-00372-00176826-00177419 We we operate we rent this from the local vet and then we're processing our cars park here oiUyWn6cG6U-00373-00177420-00177813 And we load the chickens in the back from the back end oiUyWn6cG6U-00374-00177907-00178137 so they come in this back in right here is the oiUyWn6cG6U-00375-00178222-00178626 Inspectors area he's got a restroom a locker a desk oiUyWn6cG6U-00376-00178792-00179505 Clothing there the chickens load on that back side they come in we use killing cones oiUyWn6cG6U-00377-00179524-00179724 Here's our plucker. We have oiUyWn6cG6U-00378-00179740-00179940 one person here oiUyWn6cG6U-00379-00179974-00180506 two people working in here, and then we hand through oiUyWn6cG6U-00380-00180563-00180790 Here to the eviscerating area oiUyWn6cG6U-00381-00180872-00181034 we have oiUyWn6cG6U-00382-00181034-00181756 You know the inspector stands over here and the chickens. We got you know the legs and oiUyWn6cG6U-00383-00181820-00182018 cutting running and then oiUyWn6cG6U-00384-00182018-00182218 checking the feathers, so you got a lot of oiUyWn6cG6U-00385-00182255-00182694 checking here and to get that bird into [the] air chiller, so oiUyWn6cG6U-00386-00182795-00183358 That's how it runs through there. I'm again. We're doing about 150 and three hours oiUyWn6cG6U-00387-00183527-00183918 The Air chill here generally, they will break for lunch oiUyWn6cG6U-00388-00184031-00184695 come back, and then they can either start packaging or generally we let them sit overnight and oiUyWn6cG6U-00389-00184760-00185319 Start doing it the next day these this market that all of these chickens are going to is oiUyWn6cG6U-00390-00185399-00185731 Fresh meat going back to Denver restaurants right now oiUyWn6cG6U-00391-00185795-00186073 We and they want free oiUyWn6cG6U-00392-00186137-00186798 Eggs, two-and-a-Half to three-and-a-half pounders because then they split them in half and they about two meals out of them oiUyWn6cG6U-00393-00186935-00187504 Anything that's smaller or bigger. We freeze it and that goes into our local sales oiUyWn6cG6U-00394-00187634-00187834 rate Markets oiUyWn6cG6U-00395-00187880-00188262 benefits convenient and efficient cost-effective oiUyWn6cG6U-00396-00188390-00188728 easier to access and the USDa inspected facility oiUyWn6cG6U-00397-00189056-00189729 The challenges probably asking how much it costs to do this I talked about the construction time oiUyWn6cG6U-00398-00189875-00190075 When you're doing it ourselves oiUyWn6cG6U-00399-00190094-00190444 the regulatory processes and then the funding oiUyWn6cG6U-00400-00190472-00191104 We thought when we do our original budget it would be around fifty thousand dollars it ended up being 75 oiUyWn6cG6U-00401-00191147-00191347 And while that we we did oiUyWn6cG6U-00402-00191369-00191626 calculate a value on time and oiUyWn6cG6U-00403-00191822-00192511 Where we are so that kind of gives you an idea if you were to go buy this already prepared and not to go through oiUyWn6cG6U-00404-00192548-00193068 That trailer on Cornerstone. I think I saw of that size was about a hundred and Thirty oiUyWn6cG6U-00405-00193139-00193566 thousand dollars for all the equipment, so it does save some oiUyWn6cG6U-00406-00193927-00194065 regulatory oiUyWn6cG6U-00407-00194065-00194415 young and [imma] [for] [us] the other reason we we oiUyWn6cG6U-00408-00194483-00195129 Kind of do believe that at some point it may grow to where we possibly need a fixed facility particularly oiUyWn6cG6U-00409-00195376-00195672 Where may be different that we're covering a lot of areas? oiUyWn6cG6U-00410-00195672-00196167 So maybe it's doing multi species in that those are so unanswerable at the time oiUyWn6cG6U-00411-00196192-00196536 We just wanted to focus on the chicken and then we go this thing could move oiUyWn6cG6U-00412-00196585-00197106 To another group of producers once it got full and week then we could work on that, so oiUyWn6cG6U-00413-00197215-00197733 More of the general plan is it will probably move across the state line to one of the other? oiUyWn6cG6U-00414-00197809-00198114 clusters of Producers whether it's up in the Nebraska Panhandle oiUyWn6cG6U-00415-00198127-00198651 We're down there close to Colorado go through the same process with the permitting regulatory oiUyWn6cG6U-00416-00198691-00199065 let's say that would take because we don't want to shut down now, so oiUyWn6cG6U-00417-00199145-00199558 Once that process kicks in have the other thing up and running oiUyWn6cG6U-00418-00199609-00199950 So that one can move and do that type of transition oiUyWn6cG6U-00419-00200041-00200607 So that's that's was a lot of them when we say mobile. It's not going from farm to farm oiUyWn6cG6U-00420-00200680-00201246 mobile to us was to cross those state lines and do this whole process over again and and oiUyWn6cG6U-00421-00201296-00201504 Go from there are farms are more mobile oiUyWn6cG6U-00422-00201504-00202161 I think to do the farm to farm would be wiser for us to get a do a hob oiUyWn6cG6U-00423-00202249-00203025 facility that does aggregation collection and by a sprinter vehicle to go to farms or a trade trailer there live and oiUyWn6cG6U-00424-00203122-00203592 Sprinter for vegetables and go pick stuff up and that but that's part of your oiUyWn6cG6U-00425-00203647-00203925 You know if you're doing a food hub things to consider oiUyWn6cG6U-00426-00204187-00204597 So I mean those are you know yet sand the questions on [on] those? oiUyWn6cG6U-00427-00204832-00205104 again, then you know our publications Outreach, we oiUyWn6cG6U-00428-00205165-00205419 Have a healthy communities initiative in Northwest oiUyWn6cG6U-00429-00205419-00205848 Kansas so they chose to do food as their initiative and oiUyWn6cG6U-00430-00205871-00206586 They sent all their technical assistant people from Eastern Kansas and lawyers from Minneapolis and all that out oiUyWn6cG6U-00431-00206681-00206928 Watching tour this when we were processing one day oiUyWn6cG6U-00432-00207013-00207246 So it's being assimilated oiUyWn6cG6U-00433-00207298-00207966 Through those types healthy communities communities if you're from there's 20 of them in Kansas oiUyWn6cG6U-00434-00207977-00208449 They have a pretty good idea what's going on out there and would connect with us oiUyWn6cG6U-00435-00208513-00208713 the USDa Employees themselves oiUyWn6cG6U-00436-00208823-00209385 Are talking in and you know they like I said are probably receptive of seeing oiUyWn6cG6U-00437-00209440-00209652 more poultry in Kansas oiUyWn6cG6U-00438-00209750-00210253 And working working with farmers to do more of it oiUyWn6cG6U-00439-00210334-00210726 our high plains food co-op annual meeting this meeting and oiUyWn6cG6U-00440-00210844-00211129 Other other meetings are part of our outreach oiUyWn6cG6U-00441-00211273-00211855 Future recommendations from us [the] crew or co-op it worked on this project oiUyWn6cG6U-00442-00212180-00212739 work with your policy councils in your states and usda if you get the pull to go to Washington and oiUyWn6cG6U-00443-00212794-00213039 Start with the secretary down or so now oiUyWn6cG6U-00444-00213101-00213454 Let's talk about streamlining this and planning a little bit ahead oiUyWn6cG6U-00445-00213481-00213924 So so the next people don't have to take so long oiUyWn6cG6U-00446-00213998-00214330 Or another state and coordination somehow there oiUyWn6cG6U-00447-00214456-00214809 Be honest with the startup funding requirements again oiUyWn6cG6U-00448-00214834-00215283 It's not a huge investment to do one of the smaller scale oiUyWn6cG6U-00449-00215335-00215535 but oiUyWn6cG6U-00450-00215557-00215750 You know be with any project? oiUyWn6cG6U-00451-00215750-00216456 You know bigger some a contingency on that and then be conservative with the market in the customers oiUyWn6cG6U-00452-00216456-00216702 there's only poultry farming isn't easy and oiUyWn6cG6U-00453-00216800-00217548 So so be realistic saan what you can actually deliver and don't over promise the customer that you're going to have oiUyWn6cG6U-00454-00217715-00218380 fresh chickens for 20 restaurants when you can only really just work with one to start so that oiUyWn6cG6U-00455-00218465-00218842 2014 we actually with those 600 and what we're already doing oiUyWn6cG6U-00456-00218932-00219132 piloted with five oiUyWn6cG6U-00457-00219151-00219508 And then this year we [have] about 25 oiUyWn6cG6U-00458-00219614-00219814 customers in this oiUyWn6cG6U-00459-00219890-00220082 market, so oiUyWn6cG6U-00460-00220082-00220344 That's that's probably my biggest want oiUyWn6cG6U-00461-00220406-00221025 people if you're going to go into the scale up dane and try to go from Direct Farmers market and that oiUyWn6cG6U-00462-00221075-00221688 Really communicate that with your customer. They'll they'll understand if bad weather comes and oiUyWn6cG6U-00463-00221765-00222226 Delivery doesn't get out [their] chickens all die that. Maybe for two weeks oiUyWn6cG6U-00464-00222226-00222741 They wanted to pull off the menu as long as they know you communicate that with them oiUyWn6cG6U-00465-00222788-00223311 The other thing we've learned if you do this, and there's entities out there that say they're doing this oiUyWn6cG6U-00466-00223421-00223621 Compete against you on the pricing oiUyWn6cG6U-00467-00223655-00223902 They are raising their chickens in Arkansas oiUyWn6cG6U-00468-00223903-00224281 Or Iowa and locally processing them in your market oiUyWn6cG6U-00469-00224327-00224953 Selling them as local and the quality is not there, and those customers will come back so don't lower your price oiUyWn6cG6U-00470-00225059-00225590 That would be my other recommendations is compete in [your] market and understand your customer oiUyWn6cG6U-00471-00226098-00226296 Yeah oiUyWn6cG6U-00472-00226296-00226575 Now like I said our ours is right now fixed oiUyWn6cG6U-00473-00226633-00227198 And and when we're if we're going to we you know if you pull up stair and look at the other oiUyWn6cG6U-00474-00227266-00227525 projects across the country some of them are oiUyWn6cG6U-00475-00227605-00227867 You know but but then they don't like us oiUyWn6cG6U-00476-00227867-00228578 We have that state line thing that brings the uSda in a lot of those other ones in Vermont and those are our oiUyWn6cG6U-00477-00228592-00229076 State and a run by university of that and they do go farm to farm the farm oiUyWn6cG6U-00478-00229129-00229329 so oiUyWn6cG6U-00479-00229726-00230235 The state state ones are depending on the state if it's approved and they don't oiUyWn6cG6U-00480-00230335-00231020 The state inspected sometimes the state inspection there is no specter. It's just approved and then it can do it but oiUyWn6cG6U-00481-00231096-00231296 Kansas and oiUyWn6cG6U-00482-00231342-00231686 You know where were we got an inspection system that? oiUyWn6cG6U-00483-00231766-00232544 Were usda. So it doesn't matter, but if we were to do a mobile in Kansas. We'd have to operate under those guidelines and oiUyWn6cG6U-00484-00232741-00232992 probably not have to have the oiUyWn6cG6U-00485-00233059-00233223 inspector there each time oiUyWn6cG6U-00486-00233223-00233976 Through the birds so it could save you you weren't going the usDa route, but then in Kansas you have to oiUyWn6cG6U-00487-00234151-00234422 Limit if you get you got 20 usd, Arkansas oiUyWn6cG6U-00488-00234423-00235212 You can't as a farm market both ways and if you would choose the Kansas side your form is limited to 20,000 oiUyWn6cG6U-00489-00235309-00235509 Or do you? oiUyWn6cG6U-00490-00235752-00235905 your lie oiUyWn6cG6U-00491-00235905-00236034 Yeah oiUyWn6cG6U-00492-00236034-00236534 but that's kind of how I understand it from our regional guy that they would like [they] do with your oiUyWn6cG6U-00493-00236592-00236792 mate license, they oiUyWn6cG6U-00494-00236796-00236996 Show up Randomly oiUyWn6cG6U-00495-00237027-00237503 Walked once or twice a year so okay. Thank you. I'm wondering oiUyWn6cG6U-00496-00237558-00237719 if you did oiUyWn6cG6U-00497-00237719-00238441 the figures on how the cost of making this mobile facility would compare to the cost of doing a traditional station silly a oiUyWn6cG6U-00498-00238479-00238638 traditional oiUyWn6cG6U-00499-00238638-00238838 we now oiUyWn6cG6U-00500-00238863-00239626 We have now all meet facility. I know the last one we toured in Colorado that oiUyWn6cG6U-00501-00239771-00240148 Had the poultice [islands] of the cream of the crop oiUyWn6cG6U-00502-00240210-00240536 was 1.3 million if you were just to put up a oiUyWn6cG6U-00503-00240579-00241082 Shed go through the process with the drainage and that you would probably be very oiUyWn6cG6U-00504-00241134-00241334 Close to this same [thing] oiUyWn6cG6U-00505-00241469-00241669 Without you know that would be oiUyWn6cG6U-00506-00241728-00242144 Bait, I mean any expansion if you did something on the farm oiUyWn6cG6U-00507-00242223-00243023 You can probably anticipate around that same cost. I was doing your numbers on the chickens for six hundred chickens figures out about oiUyWn6cG6U-00508-00243144-00243541 1333 a chicken yep, yup that year. That's probably why we're selling them for oiUyWn6cG6U-00509-00243617-00243850 1225 those three and a half pounders oiUyWn6cG6U-00510-00243851-00244583 And then when you raise your production up to what was 8,000 and just rough figures come out to about oiUyWn6cG6U-00511-00244619-00245272 1250 a chicken or something I was just yes the numbers of Kenya. So how much is your oiUyWn6cG6U-00512-00245439-00245827 your transportation costs on fifteen percent for oiUyWn6cG6U-00513-00246017-00246217 accounting marketing oiUyWn6cG6U-00514-00246240-00246850 Packaging and the transportation you add 15 about seven percent for the transportation oiUyWn6cG6U-00515-00246894-00247094 78 223 for your oiUyWn6cG6U-00516-00247155-00247642 Internal stuff and then the other percent goes back into the coop oiUyWn6cG6U-00517-00247752-00247952 if the structures oiUyWn6cG6U-00518-00247967-00248377 It's 350 per pound and the farm is taking back oiUyWn6cG6U-00519-00248519-00248977 About three bucks. It's like 60 minus sixty cents to 90 something like that oiUyWn6cG6U-00520-00249329-00249529 per pound