SPGIVDcVwEY-00000-00002091-00004607 ***************************************** Life is the water of a natural well. Worse seen over the years on the smooth surface of her features And only on a summer afternoon the sun will sparkle on it, Approaching the beginning of the end... ***************************************** SPGIVDcVwEY-00001-00004607-00005810 I dare to describe the indescribable, Explain the inexplicable, draw the invisible: An oasis that has never been defiled by shoes In illusion appears again... SPGIVDcVwEY-00002-00005810-00007073 Avoiding the pursuit of the new I get poetic hunger Which I satisfy with an old-fashioned, deep-sea dish In search of him, I throw seines to the depths of the waters. SPGIVDcVwEY-00003-00007082-00008197 She did not freeze into ice, But the fishermen in the vicinity did not notice. Albatross flight is criticized for a lifetime He was one of them on the spherical dock. SPGIVDcVwEY-00004-00008197-00009394 Not knowing how to swim from birth, The inhabitants of the ball do not dare to dive to death. Multiplying by zero their beliefs, I continue to drown in the ocean of the inner world like a stone. SPGIVDcVwEY-00005-00009394-00010510 The population gathers manna with the morning dew, Catches quails with hands. Heavenly Albatross was offered a ton Golden calves and silver-plated crowns. SPGIVDcVwEY-00006-00010510-00011716 Raised by strong winds to the zenith, Wings burning in hot weather, For a whole minute, like granite, Flew into an inhospitable environment for birds, such as water. SPGIVDcVwEY-00007-00011716-00012856 In a second of contact with the surface The soul of the albatross broke free. Surpassing me with speed The subject of the holy baby was moving past me to the bottom. SPGIVDcVwEY-00008-00012868-00014016 Twenty-three years continuing the baton I managed to see the oasis from a distance. The time of year is close to summer, Before my eyes the Ancient Greek policy. SPGIVDcVwEY-00009-00014027-00015204 The Emperor was recognized in the baby Clogged to capacity Colosseum, amphitheater. During the intermission, the speaker announced: "A new gladiator is invited to the arena!" SPGIVDcVwEY-00010-00015204-00016328 From the crown of the head to the heels of the legs, Double-edged sword, elliptical shield. The oldest of chains is defective and shackled, There is dead silence around the arena. SPGIVDcVwEY-00011-00016328-00017647 I recognized giants in rivals: They never took swords - they are strong in themselves. The artist does not dare to paint pictures from their nature Characters of spiritual magnitude! SPGIVDcVwEY-00012-00017647-00018808 Conceived by angels and born of daughters, Unsinkable by water, unlike the first people. The authority for them is the ancient serpent More cunning than field animals. SPGIVDcVwEY-00013-00018808-00021093 They feed the newborn in the womb Various vices and milk of sin. They ridicule the baptized in the hole, The soul of the unsaved, aging like a plow! SPGIVDcVwEY-00014-00021142-00023963 CHORUS: Life is the water of a natural well, Worse seen over the years on the smooth surface of her features And only on a summer afternoon the sun will sparkle on it, Approaching the beginning of the end... ******* SR31IWheYeg-00000-00000128-00000368 Step Three: Wave Equation in 3D SR31IWheYeg-00001-00000504-00000903 In the previous step, we saw an example of a three-dimensional wave, so now is a good SR31IWheYeg-00002-00000903-00001552 time to introduce the wave equation in three dimensions. So the example that we consider in SR31IWheYeg-00003-00001552-00002120 the form of plane waves was a very simple wave where the profile of the wave was not changing SR31IWheYeg-00004-00002120-00002752 in time. It was just a plane propagating through three-dimensional space. In that sense it's a very SR31IWheYeg-00005-00002752-00003440 simple wave, but there are more complex waves for sure. So how do we describe such waves? SR31IWheYeg-00006-00003615-00004064 And the answer is with a wave equation like we saw in the first lesson. SR31IWheYeg-00007-00004064-00004816 So in the first lesson, we had the following wave equation where we had psi, our wave function, SR31IWheYeg-00008-00004816-00005280 and we took the second order partial derivative with respect to SR31IWheYeg-00009-00005280-00005992 space, and we said that it's equal to the second order partial derivative with respect to time SR31IWheYeg-00010-00005992-00006512 rescaled by the factor of one over v squared, where v is the phase velocity of the wave, SR31IWheYeg-00011-00006623-00007544 and we said that any solution that satisfied this equation was a valid wave in one dimension. SR31IWheYeg-00012-00007640-00008159 So now, what do we do about three dimensional waves? How does the wave equation look in three SR31IWheYeg-00013-00008159-00008736 dimensions? So again, we're going to use the same approach and say that whenever we have SR31IWheYeg-00014-00008736-00009312 some three-dimensional wave function that satisfies the wave equation, that's a valid SR31IWheYeg-00015-00009312-00009984 wave. The question is, what is this other part? What is the wave equation in three dimensions? SR31IWheYeg-00016-00010184-00010752 So, what do we expect from the wave equation in three dimensions? Well, first of all SR31IWheYeg-00017-00010752-00011640 we expect that the spatial coordinates x, y, and z will enter in a symmetric fashion. So rather than SR31IWheYeg-00018-00011640-00012112 deriving the wave equation in three dimensions from scratch like we did in the one-dimensional SR31IWheYeg-00019-00012112-00012560 case, we're just going to state it and then look at some of its properties and how to use it. SR31IWheYeg-00020-00012736-00013152 So, this is the wave equation in three dimensions. You see, that it's very similar SR31IWheYeg-00021-00013152-00013728 to the one-dimensional case, but now we are considering three dimensions so we need to SR31IWheYeg-00022-00013728-00014247 include these following partial derivatives of second order with respect to y, and with SR31IWheYeg-00023-00014247-00015128 respect to z. And this is in cartesian form, and in particular this left-hand side is very useful, SR31IWheYeg-00024-00015128-00015728 it pops up all the time in physics engineering and mathematics, and therefore this operator here SR31IWheYeg-00025-00015728-00016472 has its own name and it's called the "Laplacian operator". It's denoted by this inverted delta SR31IWheYeg-00026-00016472-00017280 symbol, it's called a "nabla squared" or a "del squared", and it's defined as the following: you SR31IWheYeg-00027-00017280-00017792 have to take the sum of the partial derivatives of second order with respect to x, with respect to y, SR31IWheYeg-00028-00017792-00018320 and with respect to z. So, more concisely, we can write the three-dimensional wave SR31IWheYeg-00029-00018320-00018712 equation in the following form, and we're going to be using this one. SR31IWheYeg-00030-00018928-00019304 So, let's test this wave function on a simple harmonic SR31IWheYeg-00031-00019304-00019816 plane wave just to make sure that we understand that it works. SR31IWheYeg-00032-00019816-00020512 So here's our wave equation in three dimensions, and we derived the form of the plane wave in the SR31IWheYeg-00033-00020512-00021048 previous step, and it's the following here (RHS eq, see pointer). So, let's just substitute it in SR31IWheYeg-00034-00021048-00021600 on the left hand side. We've got the Laplacian operator operating on our wave function SR31IWheYeg-00035-00021744-00022544 like that, and what we get is minus modulus squared times the wave function itself, SR31IWheYeg-00036-00022544-00023008 and on the right hand side we've got one over v squared times the second order partial derivative SR31IWheYeg-00037-00023008-00023624 with respect to time, and we get the following: we have minus omega squared over v squared times SR31IWheYeg-00038-00023624-00024312 the wave function psi. And immediately we can see that in fact, the harmonic plane wave satisfied SR31IWheYeg-00039-00024312-00024952 the wave equation in three dimensions because of the relationship for the phase velocity SR31IWheYeg-00040-00024952-00025424 that we derived in the previous step. The phase velocity v is equal to omega over k. SR31IWheYeg-00041-00025656-00025960 Good! But, what about more general plane waves? SR31IWheYeg-00042-00026120-00026592 For we can see that the wave equation is satisfied for harmonic plane waves because of this nice SR31IWheYeg-00043-00026592-00027160 property that harmonic waves have, that if you either take the sine of kx plus omega t, SR31IWheYeg-00044-00027160-00027752 or you take the exponential form of the sinusoidal plane waves, you always get the following, SR31IWheYeg-00045-00027752-00028464 that if you differentiate it twice with respect to one of the spatial coordinates, you get minus SR31IWheYeg-00046-00028464-00029208 kx squared times the wave function back, and same with respect to time you get minus omega squared. SR31IWheYeg-00047-00029264-00029848 So does that mean that in order to satisfy the weight equation we must have the wave function SR31IWheYeg-00048-00029848-00030664 to be of this form? Of course not, that would be really really a restrictive requirement. So SR31IWheYeg-00049-00030664-00031032 let's see that the wave equation is satisfied for general plane waves. SR31IWheYeg-00050-00031032-00031576 Now, we're not going to assume a particular form for the plane wave, we are just assuming that it SR31IWheYeg-00051-00031576-00032192 is a plane wave. And to describe such a wave, we just say that it's some function f, and we're not SR31IWheYeg-00052-00032192-00032624 specifying what the function is, but the argument is given in this following form (follow pointer), SR31IWheYeg-00053-00032624-00033184 meaning it's a plane wave. So let's substitute it into our three-dimensional wave equation. SR31IWheYeg-00054-00033448-00034104 The only thing that we are assuming is that our wave function f is at least twice differentiable. SR31IWheYeg-00055-00034104-00034904 If it's not then it doesn't automatically satisfy the wave equation. So, what we can do is we can SR31IWheYeg-00056-00034904-00035752 expand the dot product inside the argument for the wave function f, and write it as a new variable u, SR31IWheYeg-00057-00035752-00036144 so this entire thing (see pointer) where we're going to lump into a single variable u. SR31IWheYeg-00058-00036368-00037112 So what we have to do is, we have to transform the Laplacian operator, meaning all of these SR31IWheYeg-00059-00037112-00037680 second order partial derivatives with respect to x, y, z, and t. We have to re-express it in SR31IWheYeg-00060-00037680-00038248 terms of derivative with respect to our new variable u. So all the time we'll be using SR31IWheYeg-00061-00038336-00038880 the chain rule. In particular, if you consider the first term of the Laplacian operator, SR31IWheYeg-00062-00039072-00039600 the second order partial derivative with respect to x, we can write it as follows (follow slide). SR31IWheYeg-00063-00039600-00040320 So now what we have to do is first we need to change the partial derivative with respect to x SR31IWheYeg-00064-00040320-00040784 to be a partial derivative with respect to u, using the chain rule as follows here: SR31IWheYeg-00065-00040840-00041432 du by dx, we know what it is, we can figure it out from the definition of u, that's just kx, SR31IWheYeg-00066-00041496-00042144 and we do this again and again and again until we find the following expression that the second SR31IWheYeg-00067-00042144-00042872 order partial derivative of our wave function psi with respect to x is given as follows, it's kx SR31IWheYeg-00068-00042872-00043584 squared times the second order partial derivative of our wave function f with respect to u. SR31IWheYeg-00069-00043656-00044016 And you can repeat this for the other terms of the laplacian and also for the SR31IWheYeg-00070-00044016-00044504 time derivative in the wave equation, and you can convince yourself on your own that SR31IWheYeg-00071-00044560-00045304 indeed these are the correct partial derivatives. So we put everything back together, and we obtain SR31IWheYeg-00072-00045304-00045832 the following expression here (follow pointer). We are multiplying the parentheses by the second SR31IWheYeg-00073-00045832-00046248 order partial derivative of our wave function with respect to u, and inside the parenthesis SR31IWheYeg-00074-00046248-00046816 we've got this expression, and by now i'm sure you recognize that in fact, k squared is equal SR31IWheYeg-00075-00046816-00047536 to omega squared over v squared, again because of the phase velocity being equal to omega over k. SR31IWheYeg-00076-00047616-00048104 So this shows that plane waves don't need to be sinusoidal, they can be any general form SR31IWheYeg-00077-00048168-00048704 where the wave function is at least twice differentiable, and they satisfy the wave equation SR31IWheYeg-00078-00048704-00049792 in three dimensions. Now in the next step we will consider another three-dimensional example. SUspMD7l0kM-00000-00000206-00000755 "Tell me what it is you would like me to help you with," the man in the three piece suit SUspMD7l0kM-00001-00000755-00001240 with his long, blonde hair tied back into a braided ponytail asked. SUspMD7l0kM-00002-00001240-00001923 "I-I want you to make it so I died instead of her," I stuttered, fighting to hold back SUspMD7l0kM-00003-00001923-00002258 the tears that threatened to stream down my face. SUspMD7l0kM-00004-00002258-00002892 "You do understand the cost of such deals, yes?" SUspMD7l0kM-00005-00002892-00003143 The man questioned in response. SUspMD7l0kM-00006-00003143-00003404 "I-I do. SUspMD7l0kM-00007-00003404-00004189 I understand, and I offer it gladly," I replied, holding my posture straight and with as much SUspMD7l0kM-00008-00004189-00004403 determination as I could muster. SUspMD7l0kM-00009-00004403-00005153 "How about you tell me your story and we go from there," He suggested. SUspMD7l0kM-00010-00005153-00005523 He had a much kinder face than I would have expected. SUspMD7l0kM-00011-00005523-00006050 If I didn't know any better, I would almost think he was reluctant to make the deal. SUspMD7l0kM-00012-00006050-00006517 I was always led to believe that these things were quite simple. SUspMD7l0kM-00013-00006517-00007079 Just sign on the dotted line, give a quick handshake and the world gets rewritten for SUspMD7l0kM-00014-00007079-00007509 a one time, easy payment of one's soul. SUspMD7l0kM-00015-00007509-00007945 This felt more like an interview than a bartering session. SUspMD7l0kM-00016-00007945-00008045 • SUspMD7l0kM-00017-00008045-00008434 One year to the day before this very meeting was when my life ended. SUspMD7l0kM-00018-00008434-00008821 Well, it may as well have ended as far as I'm concerned. SUspMD7l0kM-00019-00008821-00009164 It should have been my life that was lost that night. SUspMD7l0kM-00020-00009164-00009304 She was innocent. SUspMD7l0kM-00021-00009304-00009777 She was a far better person than I could ever even pretend to be. SUspMD7l0kM-00022-00009777-00010017 I was selfish and arrogant. SUspMD7l0kM-00023-00010017-00010600 I never really appreciated her, not nearly as much as she appreciated me, anyway. SUspMD7l0kM-00024-00010600-00011137 She was my heart and I never really understood that until it was ripped out. SUspMD7l0kM-00025-00011137-00011237 • SUspMD7l0kM-00026-00011237-00011832 "Do you believe yourself to be any more selfish or arrogant than anyone else?" SUspMD7l0kM-00027-00011832-00011932 He asked me. SUspMD7l0kM-00028-00011932-00012306 "I do," I replied. SUspMD7l0kM-00029-00012306-00012963 How many other people got the ones they loved killed because of these aspects of their personalities? SUspMD7l0kM-00030-00012963-00013394 Surely this man could see how awful a person I am. SUspMD7l0kM-00031-00013394-00013821 He, more than anyone, should understand that much. SUspMD7l0kM-00032-00013821-00013921 • SUspMD7l0kM-00033-00013921-00014341 I knew she was tired that night, but she agreed to go to the party anyway. SUspMD7l0kM-00034-00014341-00014699 She said she would go because I wanted her to. SUspMD7l0kM-00035-00014699-00015105 Had I been a better man, I would have just offered to stay home. SUspMD7l0kM-00036-00015105-00015443 I would have told her that I knew she wasn't feeling up to it. SUspMD7l0kM-00037-00015443-00015688 They were my friends, not hers. SUspMD7l0kM-00038-00015688-00016011 Sure, anyone who met her, loved her. SUspMD7l0kM-00039-00016011-00016466 I don't think anyone who ever knew her didn't love her even just a little. SUspMD7l0kM-00040-00016466-00016683 She had that effect on people. SUspMD7l0kM-00041-00016683-00017263 She had such a pure and beautiful heart, and she was mine. SUspMD7l0kM-00042-00017263-00017541 She loved me completely. SUspMD7l0kM-00043-00017541-00017849 That's why she agreed to go with me that night. SUspMD7l0kM-00044-00017849-00017993 No guilt trips. SUspMD7l0kM-00045-00017993-00018256 No dragging her feet to get ready. SUspMD7l0kM-00046-00018256-00018666 She wanted me to be happy, even though she was exhausted. SUspMD7l0kM-00047-00018666-00018897 I took advantage of that. SUspMD7l0kM-00048-00018897-00018997 • SUspMD7l0kM-00049-00018997-00019460 "Is it not possible that she wanted to go as much as you did?" SUspMD7l0kM-00050-00019460-00019624 He asked. SUspMD7l0kM-00051-00019624-00020076 Was he really trying to convince me that I shouldn't feel guilty? SUspMD7l0kM-00052-00020076-00020331 This is not how this is supposed to go. SUspMD7l0kM-00053-00020331-00020576 "It was still my idea. SUspMD7l0kM-00054-00020576-00020766 It was still my fault! SUspMD7l0kM-00055-00020766-00020937 It should have been me!" SUspMD7l0kM-00056-00020937-00021110 I insisted. SUspMD7l0kM-00057-00021110-00021561 His unexpected tenderness was almost frustrating me. SUspMD7l0kM-00058-00021561-00021864 Why was he making this so hard!? SUspMD7l0kM-00059-00021864-00021964 • SUspMD7l0kM-00060-00021964-00022295 She smiled and laughed all night, even though she had worked all day. SUspMD7l0kM-00061-00022295-00022573 She told me that I could drink, if I wanted to. SUspMD7l0kM-00062-00022573-00022992 She knew that alcohol would just make her sleepy, so she offered to be my driver for SUspMD7l0kM-00063-00022992-00023092 the night. SUspMD7l0kM-00064-00023092-00023304 She said she wanted me to have fun. SUspMD7l0kM-00065-00023304-00023824 "You've been busting your ass lately, babe," she said, gently running her fingers through SUspMD7l0kM-00066-00023824-00023932 my hair. SUspMD7l0kM-00067-00023932-00024287 "But you're tired," I said. SUspMD7l0kM-00068-00024287-00024637 In all honesty, I wasn't trying to be convincing. SUspMD7l0kM-00069-00024637-00024783 I wanted to drink. SUspMD7l0kM-00070-00024783-00024927 I wanted to relax. SUspMD7l0kM-00071-00024927-00025324 I just came off three straight weeks of work the previous night. SUspMD7l0kM-00072-00025324-00025558 It was my first day off in almost a month. SUspMD7l0kM-00073-00025558-00025763 I had slept in that day, though. SUspMD7l0kM-00074-00025763-00025929 I was rested. SUspMD7l0kM-00075-00025929-00026287 I should have put up more of a fight, but I didn't. SUspMD7l0kM-00076-00026287-00026641 I just went with what I wanted more. SUspMD7l0kM-00077-00026641-00026741 • SUspMD7l0kM-00078-00026741-00027418 "It sounds to me as though she genuinely wanted you to have a good time," he said. SUspMD7l0kM-00079-00027418-00027707 His eyes were wide and sincere. SUspMD7l0kM-00080-00027707-00028145 "She loved you," he concluded. SUspMD7l0kM-00081-00028145-00028522 "She did," I replied. SUspMD7l0kM-00082-00028522-00028810 I could not fight off the tears any longer. SUspMD7l0kM-00083-00028810-00029300 I hung my head feeling shame for the scene I was making in front of him. SUspMD7l0kM-00084-00029300-00029526 I didn't want to show weakness. SUspMD7l0kM-00085-00029526-00029732 Not to this man. SUspMD7l0kM-00086-00029732-00029832 • SUspMD7l0kM-00087-00029832-00030139 She sat at the table in the dining room of my friend's house. SUspMD7l0kM-00088-00030139-00030422 Several of the wives and girlfriends were hanging out there. SUspMD7l0kM-00089-00030422-00030851 They laughed and joked about how drunk us guys were getting. SUspMD7l0kM-00090-00030851-00031225 I know she mainly took a seat because her feet were hurting. SUspMD7l0kM-00091-00031225-00031495 Her nursing job kept her moving a lot. SUspMD7l0kM-00092-00031495-00031845 She pulled a ten hour shift that day too. SUspMD7l0kM-00093-00031845-00032226 Regardless of how beat she was, she still smiled. SUspMD7l0kM-00094-00032226-00032749 I would turn to look at her sitting with the girls, and every time I glanced her way, she SUspMD7l0kM-00095-00032749-00032907 was just smiling at me. SUspMD7l0kM-00096-00032907-00033528 "It's good to see you so relaxed and happy," she told me later that night, brushing her SUspMD7l0kM-00097-00033528-00033790 hand across the side of my face. SUspMD7l0kM-00098-00033790-00034063 Her touch was always so warm. SUspMD7l0kM-00099-00034063-00034163 • SUspMD7l0kM-00100-00034163-00034575 "Do you really think this is what she would want?" SUspMD7l0kM-00101-00034575-00034923 The man asked, continuing his interrogation. SUspMD7l0kM-00102-00034923-00035280 "She didn't have a choice in what happened!" SUspMD7l0kM-00103-00035280-00035437 I replied. SUspMD7l0kM-00104-00035437-00035739 The tears still freely rolled down my face. SUspMD7l0kM-00105-00035739-00036071 Why couldn't he just make the deal already!? SUspMD7l0kM-00106-00036071-00036171 • SUspMD7l0kM-00107-00036171-00036533 It was close to two in the morning when we said our goodbyes and headed home. SUspMD7l0kM-00108-00036533-00037108 My motor functions were heavily weighed down by my inebriation, so she wrapped her arm SUspMD7l0kM-00109-00037108-00037402 around me and guided me to the car. SUspMD7l0kM-00110-00037402-00038003 After she made sure I was buckled in, she kissed me on the forehead and smiled widely. SUspMD7l0kM-00111-00038003-00038209 "You have fun?" SUspMD7l0kM-00112-00038209-00038592 She asked, brushing her hand across my face again. SUspMD7l0kM-00113-00038592-00038890 I nodded and returned a smile. SUspMD7l0kM-00114-00038890-00039076 "Did you?" SUspMD7l0kM-00115-00039076-00039262 I asked. SUspMD7l0kM-00116-00039262-00039809 She just nodded and gave me that half smile that would make my knees weak, even when I SUspMD7l0kM-00117-00039809-00039909 was sober. SUspMD7l0kM-00118-00039909-00040009 • SUspMD7l0kM-00119-00040009-00040218 "Did you believe her?" SUspMD7l0kM-00120-00040218-00040318 He asked. SUspMD7l0kM-00121-00040318-00040558 "She never lied to me. SUspMD7l0kM-00122-00040558-00040697 Not ever!" SUspMD7l0kM-00123-00040697-00040883 I replied. SUspMD7l0kM-00124-00040883-00041330 It was true, well, aside from the normal simple lies we tell each other. SUspMD7l0kM-00125-00041330-00041870 "No I didn't get you that expensive Christmas gift", even though we both know I did. SUspMD7l0kM-00126-00041870-00042251 "Of course that haircut doesn't make your ears stick out," "Yes. SUspMD7l0kM-00127-00042251-00042474 We'll be together forever." SUspMD7l0kM-00128-00042474-00042597 • SUspMD7l0kM-00129-00042597-00043091 The drive back to our home shouldn't have taken long, but I asked her to hit up a drive SUspMD7l0kM-00130-00043091-00043191 through. SUspMD7l0kM-00131-00043191-00043451 My stomach was starting to churn from the alcohol. SUspMD7l0kM-00132-00043451-00043602 She shrugged and said: SUspMD7l0kM-00133-00043602-00044018 "I could use something too," still smiling at me. SUspMD7l0kM-00134-00044018-00044281 We got our food and got back on the road. SUspMD7l0kM-00135-00044281-00044746 My barely functioning hand reached for my large soda in the cup holder. SUspMD7l0kM-00136-00044746-00045256 I inadvertently knocked it out of the indention in the center console and onto the floor at SUspMD7l0kM-00137-00045256-00045362 her feet. SUspMD7l0kM-00138-00045362-00045907 She screamed and laughed when the freezing beverage splashed across her feet. SUspMD7l0kM-00139-00045907-00046524 Somehow, she managed to control the car after yanking her foot off of the accelerator pedal. SUspMD7l0kM-00140-00046524-00046962 She turned the wheel to the side to guide us to the breakdown lane. SUspMD7l0kM-00141-00046962-00047062 • SUspMD7l0kM-00142-00047062-00047777 "You're not the first man to ever tip a drink onto the floor," he professed in defense of SUspMD7l0kM-00143-00047777-00047934 my actions. SUspMD7l0kM-00144-00047934-00048128 Why was he defending me? SUspMD7l0kM-00145-00048128-00048406 Is this really the man I arranged to meet? SUspMD7l0kM-00146-00048406-00048772 I was starting to believe someone is messing with me. SUspMD7l0kM-00147-00048772-00048872 • SUspMD7l0kM-00148-00048872-00049171 She was still laughing while we were parked off to the side of the road. SUspMD7l0kM-00149-00049171-00049647 I pulled a handful of napkins out of the paper bag that had held our food. SUspMD7l0kM-00150-00049647-00049886 "I'm so sorry!" SUspMD7l0kM-00151-00049886-00050205 I insisted, chuckling along with her. SUspMD7l0kM-00152-00050205-00050606 She shook her head and gave me that gorgeous smile again. SUspMD7l0kM-00153-00050606-00051030 "You better be glad I love you," she said with a wink. SUspMD7l0kM-00154-00051030-00051252 "I am glad. SUspMD7l0kM-00155-00051252-00051858 I don't think I could be more glad of anything," I replied. SUspMD7l0kM-00156-00051858-00052094 We just stared at each other for a moment. SUspMD7l0kM-00157-00052094-00052754 I drank her gaze in like the most refreshing drink that could ever pass across my lips. SUspMD7l0kM-00158-00052754-00052979 How could I ever be so lucky? SUspMD7l0kM-00159-00052979-00053549 Even after all these years, I still got butterflies in my stomach when she looked at me like this. SUspMD7l0kM-00160-00053549-00053816 "I love you so mu…" SUspMD7l0kM-00161-00053816-00054540 I tried to say before my words were interrupted by the truck that crashed into our rear. SUspMD7l0kM-00162-00054540-00054640 • SUspMD7l0kM-00163-00054640-00055017 "I'm so sorry," the man said. SUspMD7l0kM-00164-00055017-00055445 He put his hand on mine, which was outstretched on the table. SUspMD7l0kM-00165-00055445-00055891 His skin was warm, and his eyes were glassy. SUspMD7l0kM-00166-00055891-00055991 • SUspMD7l0kM-00167-00055991-00056166 The truck must have been gunning it down the road. SUspMD7l0kM-00168-00056166-00056655 It crumpled our small sedan like an empty potato chip bag. SUspMD7l0kM-00169-00056655-00057236 I watched my beautiful wife smash into the windshield when the driver's seat forced her SUspMD7l0kM-00170-00057236-00057507 forward into the glass. SUspMD7l0kM-00171-00057507-00058405 Time seemed to slow as I watched the smile on her face transition to surprised and shocked SUspMD7l0kM-00172-00058405-00058512 fear. SUspMD7l0kM-00173-00058512-00059090 When she made contact with the window, blood splashed across the glass, instantly filling SUspMD7l0kM-00174-00059090-00059322 the cracks with deep crimson. SUspMD7l0kM-00175-00059322-00060008 The way the headrest from her seat cut into the back of her neck, I knew she would not SUspMD7l0kM-00176-00060008-00060157 survive this. SUspMD7l0kM-00177-00060157-00060894 I felt the car spin and flip while I watched her body slowly twist and contort in ways SUspMD7l0kM-00178-00060894-00061242 that any skeletal structure would not tolerate. SUspMD7l0kM-00179-00061242-00061342 • SUspMD7l0kM-00180-00061342-00061878 "It's not your fault," the man said, still holding his hand on mine. SUspMD7l0kM-00181-00061878-00062148 "How can you say that!" SUspMD7l0kM-00182-00062148-00062494 I shouted, pulling my hand from underneath his. SUspMD7l0kM-00183-00062494-00062717 "It's all my fault! SUspMD7l0kM-00184-00062717-00062871 Her being there! SUspMD7l0kM-00185-00062871-00063035 Her being up so late! SUspMD7l0kM-00186-00063035-00063308 Her pulling over to the side of the road! SUspMD7l0kM-00187-00063308-00063669 Her being dead in my arms!" SUspMD7l0kM-00188-00063669-00064067 I screamed as tears flowed freely. SUspMD7l0kM-00189-00064067-00064453 I was unable to even attempt to fight against them. SUspMD7l0kM-00190-00064453-00064688 The man studied me for a moment. SUspMD7l0kM-00191-00064688-00065324 I couldn't help but feel like he was inwardly mocking my crumbling outer shell while I fought SUspMD7l0kM-00192-00065324-00065475 to compose myself. SUspMD7l0kM-00193-00065475-00066356 "I do not believe I can help you, I'm afraid," he said after a moment of silence. SUspMD7l0kM-00194-00066356-00066491 "What!?" SUspMD7l0kM-00195-00066491-00066862 I asked, anger bubbling over inside me. SUspMD7l0kM-00196-00066862-00067341 I shouldn't have allowed myself to become so irrational, but his behavior through the SUspMD7l0kM-00197-00067341-00067944 entirety of our conversation had bothered me in ways I still can't describe. SUspMD7l0kM-00198-00067944-00068788 "You're not exactly a fit candidate for the arrangements I would normally offer," he replied, SUspMD7l0kM-00199-00068788-00069097 "You see, what you…" SUspMD7l0kM-00200-00069097-00069564 My rage overflowed, interrupting his words without a second thought. SUspMD7l0kM-00201-00069564-00069744 "Are you kidding me!?" SUspMD7l0kM-00202-00069744-00070189 I shouted, standing upright and kicking the chair out from under me. SUspMD7l0kM-00203-00070189-00070774 "I'm offering you my soul on a silver platter, and you're not interested!?" SUspMD7l0kM-00204-00070774-00070879 I exclaimed. SUspMD7l0kM-00205-00070879-00071183 "This is some complete horseshit!" SUspMD7l0kM-00206-00071183-00071530 I belted out, continuing my verbal assault on the man in the finely tailored suit. SUspMD7l0kM-00207-00071530-00072164 "You're upset, and I understand what you're going through," he replied, maintaining his SUspMD7l0kM-00208-00072164-00072293 calm demeanor. SUspMD7l0kM-00209-00072293-00072593 "If you will just sit back…" SUspMD7l0kM-00210-00072593-00073433 "No I will not sit back down," I raged, interrupting him again, "You have the nerve…." SUspMD7l0kM-00211-00073433-00073920 With a simple gesture of his hand, the chair I had knocked to the floor rammed into the SUspMD7l0kM-00212-00073920-00074519 back of my legs, causing me to fall back into a sitting position as it skidded back towards SUspMD7l0kM-00213-00074519-00074636 the table. SUspMD7l0kM-00214-00074636-00075614 "Do not presume that my lack of interest in what you offer grants you permission to unleash SUspMD7l0kM-00215-00075614-00075961 an assault on me, child!" SUspMD7l0kM-00216-00075961-00076606 He said, as his voice grew louder, though not in a similar manner as mine had in giving SUspMD7l0kM-00217-00076606-00076783 way to anger. SUspMD7l0kM-00218-00076783-00077383 It was as if his words echoed as they cascaded into the walls causing the room to feel as SUspMD7l0kM-00219-00077383-00077731 though it were experiencing a sudden earthquake. SUspMD7l0kM-00220-00077731-00078311 His face formed a scowl that showed me a small glimpse behind the facade he wore to this SUspMD7l0kM-00221-00078311-00078411 meeting SUspMD7l0kM-00222-00078411-00079033 "I-I'm sorry," I stuttered, feeling my body tense all over. SUspMD7l0kM-00223-00079033-00079399 "I-I didn't mean to, I mean, I wasn't…." SUspMD7l0kM-00224-00079399-00079910 I tried to form a coherent sentence, but my ability to form anything legible seemed a SUspMD7l0kM-00225-00079910-00080179 bit hard to get to all of a sudden. SUspMD7l0kM-00226-00080179-00080847 "If you will allow me to finish what I was saying," he continued, immediately regaining SUspMD7l0kM-00227-00080847-00080976 his composure. SUspMD7l0kM-00228-00080976-00081308 "I will explain my reasoning." SUspMD7l0kM-00229-00081308-00082124 "O-ok," I replied, suddenly feeling incredibly intimidated by the man who sat across from SUspMD7l0kM-00230-00082124-00082224 me. SUspMD7l0kM-00231-00082224-00082604 He had seemed just a normal person when our conversation began. SUspMD7l0kM-00232-00082604-00083251 I even started to think he was not who I expected to meet, and this was some sort of elaborate SUspMD7l0kM-00233-00083251-00083351 con. SUspMD7l0kM-00234-00083351-00083920 I now had no doubt that I was sitting before the very being I sought out. SUspMD7l0kM-00235-00083920-00084369 A realization that made me feel very small. SUspMD7l0kM-00236-00084369-00085243 "Your soul is pure, you see," he began, though I wasn't sure where he was going with this. SUspMD7l0kM-00237-00085243-00086226 "What you offer, to sacrifice your life for another's, is quite the noble deed," he continued. SUspMD7l0kM-00238-00086226-00086714 "Some would consider this the ultimate sacrifice." SUspMD7l0kM-00239-00086714-00087495 "Such an act would only remove my ability to take possession of that which you offer, SUspMD7l0kM-00240-00087495-00087971 thus negating the very bargain you seek to make." SUspMD7l0kM-00241-00087971-00088689 His words caused the emptiness that had consumed me since I lost my love to return with a stabbing SUspMD7l0kM-00242-00088689-00088850 pain in my heart. SUspMD7l0kM-00243-00088850-00089400 I had given into the hope that I could reverse our roles in the accident that took her away SUspMD7l0kM-00244-00089400-00089851 from me, but that desire had finally proved fruitless. SUspMD7l0kM-00245-00089851-00090558 I slumped in my chair, feeling the weight of my loss begin to overcome me again. SUspMD7l0kM-00246-00090558-00091233 "That being said," the man said, pulling me back out of my brooding thoughts. SUspMD7l0kM-00247-00091233-00092056 "There may be another who can grant you a more satisfactory arrangement." SUspMD7l0kM-00248-00092056-00092493 The man got to his feet and pulled down at the base of his waistcoat. SUspMD7l0kM-00249-00092493-00093131 He reached into one of the small pockets on the side of his vest and pulled out a tarnished, SUspMD7l0kM-00250-00093131-00093757 silver watch that hung from a chain that attached to the button that paralleled the pocket. SUspMD7l0kM-00251-00093757-00094232 He tapped on the glass with his forefinger, and held it up to his ear. SUspMD7l0kM-00252-00094232-00094600 "Would you be willing to take a walk with me?" SUspMD7l0kM-00253-00094600-00094986 He asked, tucking the watch back into his pocket. SUspMD7l0kM-00254-00094986-00095403 "I, well, I mean, where to?" SUspMD7l0kM-00255-00095403-00095836 I stuttered, having no idea where he may guide me. SUspMD7l0kM-00256-00095836-00096445 "Only moments ago you offered your soul on a 'silver platter', was it?" SUspMD7l0kM-00257-00096445-00096774 He asked with a slightly mischievous grin. SUspMD7l0kM-00258-00096774-00097207 I just chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of my head. SUspMD7l0kM-00259-00097207-00098035 "I imagine it's a lot to ask, given my reputation," he said, tilting his head to the left, "But SUspMD7l0kM-00260-00098035-00098507 would you be willing to trust me?" SUspMD7l0kM-00261-00098507-00099149 His expression remained peaceful, and even a bit melancholy, but this was not a man I SUspMD7l0kM-00262-00099149-00099357 would think to trust. SUspMD7l0kM-00263-00099357-00099942 Still, there was something in the way he spoke that made me want to. SUspMD7l0kM-00264-00099942-00100506 "O-ok," I said, standing up and straightening my back. SUspMD7l0kM-00265-00100506-00100766 The man began to walk to the back of the room. SUspMD7l0kM-00266-00100766-00101226 It was a deserted bar in which I met the man that night. SUspMD7l0kM-00267-00101226-00101757 It was one I had passed by many times, but never had the inclination to visit. SUspMD7l0kM-00268-00101757-00102269 It was only when I received the letter in the mail with this very address on it, that SUspMD7l0kM-00269-00102269-00102550 I even remembered it being here. SUspMD7l0kM-00270-00102550-00103118 There was a single door at the back of the building, which I assumed led to a dark alleyway SUspMD7l0kM-00271-00103118-00103360 or even a storage room of sorts. SUspMD7l0kM-00272-00103360-00103975 I would be sorely mistaken on both assumptions when the door was finally pulled open. SUspMD7l0kM-00273-00103975-00104394 There was a payphone mounted to the wall beside the door. SUspMD7l0kM-00274-00104394-00104942 Something I rarely pay attention to anymore, but the man reached for it as we approached SUspMD7l0kM-00275-00104942-00105114 the rear doorway. SUspMD7l0kM-00276-00105114-00105683 He held the phone to his ear, and punched in a series of numbers on the keypad, though SUspMD7l0kM-00277-00105683-00106326 it was far more than seven digits of a phone number, or even the ten if entering an area SUspMD7l0kM-00278-00106326-00106426 code. SUspMD7l0kM-00279-00106426-00106989 His fingertips danced quickly across the keys, and I had no way of telling how many numbers SUspMD7l0kM-00280-00106989-00107547 he had even punched by the time he latched the phone back upon its hanger. SUspMD7l0kM-00281-00107547-00108141 He then turned the doorknob and opened the door to reveal what appeared to be a darkly SUspMD7l0kM-00282-00108141-00108358 lit cavern. SUspMD7l0kM-00283-00108358-00108946 He strolled through without hesitation and stood on the other side looking back at me SUspMD7l0kM-00284-00108946-00109184 with his arms behind his back. SUspMD7l0kM-00285-00109184-00109933 "Do be sure to close the door behind you on your way out," he stated. SUspMD7l0kM-00286-00109933-00110033 • SUspMD7l0kM-00287-00110033-00110585 In the months after she died, I became obsessed with finding any means of changing our fates. SUspMD7l0kM-00288-00110585-00111133 I had wept and prayed every single night since I lost her, though I had never been a man SUspMD7l0kM-00289-00111133-00111233 of faith. SUspMD7l0kM-00290-00111233-00111900 I just grasped at anything, whether reasonable or free from any semblance of reason. SUspMD7l0kM-00291-00111900-00112533 After giving into the fact that seeking assistance from above was entirely pointless, I sought SUspMD7l0kM-00292-00112533-00113262 out far more unsettling methods of reversing my mistakes, even if it would cost me my soul SUspMD7l0kM-00293-00113262-00113607 in return. SUspMD7l0kM-00294-00113607-00113707 • SUspMD7l0kM-00295-00113707-00113821 The cavern was massive. SUspMD7l0kM-00296-00113821-00114386 I could barely even make out the ceiling as it was so high above, and only the torches SUspMD7l0kM-00297-00114386-00114927 that were mounted sporadically across the walls provided any source of light. SUspMD7l0kM-00298-00114927-00115501 The man didn't speak as he strolled ahead of me with his right hand placed in his left SUspMD7l0kM-00299-00115501-00115690 behind his back. SUspMD7l0kM-00300-00115690-00116221 Our footsteps didn't seem to cause any sort of echo, and I could barely even make out SUspMD7l0kM-00301-00116221-00116930 any sounds other than my own breathing as I walked behind my well dressed guide. SUspMD7l0kM-00302-00116930-00117030 • SUspMD7l0kM-00303-00117030-00117570 I was bordering on giving into insanity while I visited everything from libraries to back SUspMD7l0kM-00304-00117570-00118142 alley bookshops searching for supernatural means of switching the fates of my love and SUspMD7l0kM-00305-00118142-00118242 I. SUspMD7l0kM-00306-00118242-00118808 Though I wasn't a believer, I had always held a fondness for tales of the paranormal. SUspMD7l0kM-00307-00118808-00119341 Perhaps it was sheer madness that fueled my search, but my obsession had driven me to SUspMD7l0kM-00308-00119341-00119486 such lengths. SUspMD7l0kM-00309-00119486-00120133 I even sought out anything I could find on how to access the dark web when the strange SUspMD7l0kM-00310-00120133-00120479 email arrived in my inbox. SUspMD7l0kM-00311-00120479-00120579 • SUspMD7l0kM-00312-00120579-00121046 The long walk came to an end and I found myself standing in front of a giant room. SUspMD7l0kM-00313-00121046-00121665 It was circular in its design, and a lone individual sat upon an elegant throne in the SUspMD7l0kM-00314-00121665-00122459 center of the room, surrounded by a seemingly endless configuration of floating hourglasses SUspMD7l0kM-00315-00122459-00122708 of all shapes and sizes. SUspMD7l0kM-00316-00122708-00123277 Some were elegant and lined with delicate filigree, while others were downright plain SUspMD7l0kM-00317-00123277-00123411 and simple. SUspMD7l0kM-00318-00123411-00123990 Some were wide, and some were tall, but there were far too many to even register. SUspMD7l0kM-00319-00123990-00124542 It was as though they filled the entire chamber with the exception of the thin pathway that SUspMD7l0kM-00320-00124542-00124797 led to the sitting man. SUspMD7l0kM-00321-00124797-00124948 He was tall. SUspMD7l0kM-00322-00124948-00125220 Far taller than anyone I had ever seen. SUspMD7l0kM-00323-00125220-00125867 He wore a thick and tattered robe that revealed only his large hands and a pointed, white SUspMD7l0kM-00324-00125867-00126404 beard that hung from under the hood that was covering the upper half of his face. SUspMD7l0kM-00325-00126404-00126755 He seemed indifferent to our arrival at first. SUspMD7l0kM-00326-00126755-00127223 "How are you, my old friend?" SUspMD7l0kM-00327-00127223-00127771 The man bellowed in a voice that sounded deep and ancient. SUspMD7l0kM-00328-00127771-00128058 "I'm well, Janus, and you?" SUspMD7l0kM-00329-00128058-00128296 My guide asked in return. SUspMD7l0kM-00330-00128296-00129184 "I am well, though curious as to what brings you here with such a guest by your side," SUspMD7l0kM-00331-00129184-00129532 the man who was apparently named Janus replied. SUspMD7l0kM-00332-00129532-00130219 "May I speak with you privately, for a moment," the man who led me here asked. SUspMD7l0kM-00333-00130219-00131432 "We would be private were it not for the company you keep," Janus said, "But you may approach." SUspMD7l0kM-00334-00131432-00132115 My guide walked up to the giant man who leaned over to hear what his guest had to say. SUspMD7l0kM-00335-00132115-00132655 I couldn't make out a word that was spoken between the two, but their conversation seemed SUspMD7l0kM-00336-00132655-00133108 heated and bordering on intense. SUspMD7l0kM-00337-00133108-00133208 • SUspMD7l0kM-00338-00133208-00133737 The email came from an unknown address, and it contained nothing more than a single paragraph SUspMD7l0kM-00339-00133737-00133957 that ended with an address. SUspMD7l0kM-00340-00133957-00134065 It read: SUspMD7l0kM-00341-00134065-00134665 "Dear sir or madam, it has come to our attention that you have been in search of making a very SUspMD7l0kM-00342-00134665-00134939 specific manner of arrangement. SUspMD7l0kM-00343-00134939-00135485 Should your conviction to this cause be true, please send a letter to the following address SUspMD7l0kM-00344-00135485-00136174 stating the nature of your request, along with a drop of your blood next to your signature. SUspMD7l0kM-00345-00136174-00136522 Your reply must be handwritten in ink. SUspMD7l0kM-00346-00136522-00136801 Any typed response will be ignored. SUspMD7l0kM-00347-00136801-00137379 Should your request be of interest to us, you will receive instructions by mail. SUspMD7l0kM-00348-00137379-00137646 Thankyou for your interest." SUspMD7l0kM-00349-00137646-00138121 I will not include the address that was listed, but you get the idea. SUspMD7l0kM-00350-00138121-00138666 The fact that this strange message had not been flagged by my spam filter, led me to SUspMD7l0kM-00351-00138666-00139119 entertain the notion that it may indeed be worth a shot. SUspMD7l0kM-00352-00139119-00139724 As I previously stated, I wasn't exactly in my right mind, and I felt I had little left SUspMD7l0kM-00353-00139724-00139863 to lose. SUspMD7l0kM-00354-00139863-00140247 In my reply, I followed the instructions to the best of my ability. SUspMD7l0kM-00355-00140247-00140784 I wrote down my request on a single sheet of paper, and signed my name at the bottom. SUspMD7l0kM-00356-00140784-00141579 I dug a pin into the tip of my finger and allowed a single drop to fall beside my name. SUspMD7l0kM-00357-00141579-00142247 After allowing the drip to dry, I sealed it in an envelope, and sent it to the address. SUspMD7l0kM-00358-00142247-00142591 It took several months for me to receive a reply. SUspMD7l0kM-00359-00142591-00143102 I had already long since given up on it, and resigned myself to a depression from which SUspMD7l0kM-00360-00143102-00143322 I could not escape. SUspMD7l0kM-00361-00143322-00143849 When I opened the envelope to see nothing more than another address along with a time SUspMD7l0kM-00362-00143849-00144441 and date of an apparent appointment written on a single sheet of paper, it took me a moment SUspMD7l0kM-00363-00144441-00144803 to figure out what it was referring to. SUspMD7l0kM-00364-00144803-00144903 • SUspMD7l0kM-00365-00144903-00145744 "That human friend you have been spending time with has made you soft in your old age, SUspMD7l0kM-00366-00145744-00146365 my friend," Janus called out to the man as he walked back towards me. SUspMD7l0kM-00367-00146365-00147247 "Who I spend my time with is not your concern, Janus," the man said without turning back SUspMD7l0kM-00368-00147247-00147653 to look at the towering individual in the tattered robe. SUspMD7l0kM-00369-00147653-00148689 "I would not even consider this were it not for my debt to you," Janus replied smugly. SUspMD7l0kM-00370-00148689-00149708 "Do not presume this will free you from said debt," the man said as he stopped beside me SUspMD7l0kM-00371-00149708-00150060 and spun to look back at Janus. SUspMD7l0kM-00372-00150060-00150691 They waged a silent staring contest for a time, and I began to feel quite uncomfortable SUspMD7l0kM-00373-00150691-00150946 the longer this went on. SUspMD7l0kM-00374-00150946-00151513 "Do not forget that I am older than you, boy!" SUspMD7l0kM-00375-00151513-00151799 Janus said with contempt. SUspMD7l0kM-00376-00151799-00152570 The man beside me only smiled in a slightly mischievous manner as they glared at one another. SUspMD7l0kM-00377-00152570-00153177 After a moment of intense ocular stand off, Janus erupted in laughter, which caused the SUspMD7l0kM-00378-00153177-00153598 man to my left to offer a chuckle in return. SUspMD7l0kM-00379-00153598-00154226 Though my heart was still very heavy, the shared levity between the two brought a smile SUspMD7l0kM-00380-00154226-00154404 to my face. SUspMD7l0kM-00381-00154404-00154953 While they had almost appeared as enemies before, they now carried on like old friends. SUspMD7l0kM-00382-00154953-00155807 "Come on over here, boy," Janus said, waving me forward while still giggling. SUspMD7l0kM-00383-00155807-00156587 "Go on then," the man said, nudging me with his arm while I stood frozen in place. SUspMD7l0kM-00384-00156587-00156875 I paced forwards on trembling legs. SUspMD7l0kM-00385-00156875-00157453 I was completely unsure where this was headed, though the two individuals whose company I SUspMD7l0kM-00386-00157453-00158047 shared, appeared far less intimidating as they smiled at each other. SUspMD7l0kM-00387-00158047-00158709 As I stepped up to the hulking Janus, he laid a giant hand on my back that felt as though SUspMD7l0kM-00388-00158709-00159071 it could easily wrap around my entire body. SUspMD7l0kM-00389-00159071-00159803 "So, this was, what, around one year ago, yes?" SUspMD7l0kM-00390-00159803-00160375 He asked while flipping through a variety of floating hourglasses as though he were SUspMD7l0kM-00391-00160375-00160653 leafing through a phone book. SUspMD7l0kM-00392-00160653-00160900 "Um, y-yes." SUspMD7l0kM-00393-00160900-00161077 I stuttered. SUspMD7l0kM-00394-00161077-00161347 "Mhmm, yes. SUspMD7l0kM-00395-00161347-00162525 This will do," he said as he wrapped a massive hand around a small, simple hourglass. SUspMD7l0kM-00396-00162525-00163199 I looked back at the man who still stood near the entrance with his hands behind his back. SUspMD7l0kM-00397-00163199-00163992 His face was expressionless, but I could swear I saw a slight smile attempt to weave across SUspMD7l0kM-00398-00163992-00164092 it. SUspMD7l0kM-00399-00164092-00164487 "Are you ready, lad?" SUspMD7l0kM-00400-00164487-00165162 Janus asked, gazing down at me with one hand still on my back, and the other clutching SUspMD7l0kM-00401-00165162-00165262 the hourglass. SUspMD7l0kM-00402-00165262-00165845 I looked up at him and back towards the one who had brought me here. SUspMD7l0kM-00403-00165845-00166132 He offered me a single nod. SUspMD7l0kM-00404-00166132-00166357 "Um, y-yes. SUspMD7l0kM-00405-00166357-00167070 I'm ready," I said, though I wasn't entirely sure what I was ready for. SUspMD7l0kM-00406-00167070-00167672 Janus closed his eyes as light bellowed from the hourglass he held. SUspMD7l0kM-00407-00167672-00168514 It shot out and swirled around the room and spun into a giant spiral of quivering energy. SUspMD7l0kM-00408-00168514-00169392 It flew around and around as it wound thinner and thinner until it pierced directly into SUspMD7l0kM-00409-00169392-00169620 my chest. SUspMD7l0kM-00410-00169620-00170012 Pain exploded through every single fiber of my being. SUspMD7l0kM-00411-00170012-00170709 I screamed out in agony as the force threatened to rip me apart from the inside out. SUspMD7l0kM-00412-00170709-00171367 A high pitched screaming sound practically deafened me before I heard a soft voice in SUspMD7l0kM-00413-00171367-00171597 my head. SUspMD7l0kM-00414-00171597-00172009 "Remember," was all it said. SUspMD7l0kM-00415-00172009-00172792 Suddenly, I felt my skin burning as though fire manifested from underneath my epidermis. SUspMD7l0kM-00416-00172792-00173123 I knew that my life was ending. SUspMD7l0kM-00417-00173123-00173298 Was this the plan all along? SUspMD7l0kM-00418-00173298-00173917 Was this the suffering that awaited me in the hell of my own making? SUspMD7l0kM-00419-00173917-00174651 I felt the ground crumble beneath my feet and I was falling into a seemingly endless SUspMD7l0kM-00420-00174651-00174890 expanse. SUspMD7l0kM-00421-00174890-00175786 Darkness took the place of the blinding light as everything around me just faded away. SUspMD7l0kM-00422-00175786-00175886 • SUspMD7l0kM-00423-00175886-00176801 "Just let me take a quick shower and we can get going, babe," she said after walking through SUspMD7l0kM-00424-00176801-00177176 the door, still in her scrubs. SUspMD7l0kM-00425-00177176-00177355 "C-Caroline!?" SUspMD7l0kM-00426-00177355-00177455 I whispered. SUspMD7l0kM-00427-00177455-00177716 "Who else would it be?" SUspMD7l0kM-00428-00177716-00177816 She chuckled. SUspMD7l0kM-00429-00177816-00178430 "You better not have any other ladies coming by when I'm at work," she said sarcastically SUspMD7l0kM-00430-00178430-00178695 before kissing me on the cheek. SUspMD7l0kM-00431-00178695-00179279 The tears burst out of my eyes before I had the chance to take in what was happening. SUspMD7l0kM-00432-00179279-00179817 I jumped to my feet and pulled her into an embrace. SUspMD7l0kM-00433-00179817-00180437 "Hey," she said, backing up slightly, and cupping the side of my face with her hand, SUspMD7l0kM-00434-00180437-00180661 "Are you ok?" SUspMD7l0kM-00435-00180661-00181003 She asked with concern in her eyes. SUspMD7l0kM-00436-00181003-00181930 "Yeah," I replied as tears still spilled freely, "It's been a long day," I said with a beaming SUspMD7l0kM-00437-00181930-00182037 smile. SUspMD7l0kM-00438-00182037-00182253 "You sure?" SUspMD7l0kM-00439-00182253-00182615 She asked, still wearing a worried expression. SUspMD7l0kM-00440-00182615-00182715 "Y-yeah. SUspMD7l0kM-00441-00182715-00182886 Yeah, babe. SUspMD7l0kM-00442-00182886-00183535 I think I just had a really weird dream or something," I smiled back at her and wrapped SUspMD7l0kM-00443-00183535-00183741 my hand around hers. SUspMD7l0kM-00444-00183741-00184380 "Ok then," she said, giving me a sideways and playfully suspicious look. SUspMD7l0kM-00445-00184380-00184900 "Go ahead and get dressed, I'll jump in the shower and we can head out, k?" SUspMD7l0kM-00446-00184900-00185215 She said, pulling her jacket off. SUspMD7l0kM-00447-00185215-00185646 I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to me. SUspMD7l0kM-00448-00185646-00186237 I stared into her beautiful eyes while she still gave me that curious look. SUspMD7l0kM-00449-00186237-00186863 I ran my fingers through her hair while tears still leaked down my face. SUspMD7l0kM-00450-00186863-00187496 I just basked in her presence for a moment, before I suggested: SUspMD7l0kM-00451-00187496-00189148 "How about we just stay home tonight?" SUKez-oH5FM-00000-00000021-00000204 Sales is SUKez-oH5FM-00001-00000204-00000977 Obviously very important in an organization because if you don't sell there's no money coming in and you will go bankrupt SUKez-oH5FM-00002-00001017-00001343 Sooner or later unless there's somebody who gives you money again and again and again SUKez-oH5FM-00003-00001344-00001935 Even though you're not selling something this video today is about how to actually manage your sales pipeline SUKez-oH5FM-00004-00001944-00002237 and what a pipeline is and how you control that and how you SUKez-oH5FM-00005-00002284-00002876 Know all the time what you will have sold at the end of the year. I'm going to explain in this video SUKez-oH5FM-00006-00003595-00004172 Hi, my name is Amina Rao, I'm the founder of Alaina draw the entrepreneurs entrepreneur and I have SUKez-oH5FM-00007-00004255-00004712 founders to become better leaders today's video is about SUKez-oH5FM-00008-00004777-00005231 managing your sales pipeline and that is a very important part of SUKez-oH5FM-00009-00005266-00005639 leadership for entrepreneurs if you don't want to miss any of my SUKez-oH5FM-00010-00005698-00006260 Efforts on leadership for entrepreneurs and how you can grow and manage your business better SUKez-oH5FM-00011-00006292-00006840 click on the button below this video to subscribe to my channel and SUKez-oH5FM-00012-00006913-00007454 Don't forget to switch on the pal to so that you're always informed about new videos SUKez-oH5FM-00013-00007506-00007850 coming in now sales sales is SUKez-oH5FM-00014-00007936-00008729 The first thing that a company has to think about and it's also the most complicated discipline in an organization now SUKez-oH5FM-00015-00008803-00008965 if you SUKez-oH5FM-00016-00008965-00009590 Want to actually know where where you stand with your sales efforts you really know SUKez-oH5FM-00017-00009670-00009870 You really want to know what is still missing? SUKez-oH5FM-00018-00009889-00010593 Where you are going to land at the end of the year in terms of your top line as they say your revenues you need SUKez-oH5FM-00019-00010593-00010940 to build a sales pipeline and the SUKez-oH5FM-00020-00011068-00011651 way to control or to report on this sales pipeline is as SUKez-oH5FM-00021-00011734-00011871 follows SUKez-oH5FM-00022-00011871-00012371 so if you're looking at this here this graph you will always SUKez-oH5FM-00023-00012493-00013130 Orientate yourself towards the year-end target. That is the number that you want to achieve in sales SUKez-oH5FM-00024-00013183-00013712 Towards the end of the year and as actually your benchmark and compared with that SUKez-oH5FM-00025-00013756-00014294 You know every month in your reporting or you must know first of all SUKez-oH5FM-00026-00014331-00014999 What is the part of sales that I have already done? How much is booked for the year? SUKez-oH5FM-00027-00015000-00015200 How much revenue is? SUKez-oH5FM-00028-00015219-00015422 Secured. Yeah if you have SUKez-oH5FM-00029-00015484-00015842 Very simple terms. If you have a product, you know that costs 10 euros SUKez-oH5FM-00030-00015894-00016638 And you've sold 20 of those. Yeah, you have actually booked 200 euros here. Okay SUKez-oH5FM-00031-00016698-00017231 Now the thing is you will now have a list of all SUKez-oH5FM-00032-00017334-00017534 the SUKez-oH5FM-00033-00017614-00018341 Opportunities in your pipeline and a certain percentage value a probability of winning those and SUKez-oH5FM-00034-00018381-00019175 The date when you think you can close the deal and if you have every deal and every deal has a certain value SUKez-oH5FM-00035-00019182-00019778 And a certain percentage then you know the total of that SUKez-oH5FM-00036-00019867-00020120 Is your weighted pipeline? SUKez-oH5FM-00037-00020260-00020600 That's the central part here the weighted pipeline SUKez-oH5FM-00038-00020629-00021210 That is what you still think you can sell the total amount. So let's say that SUKez-oH5FM-00039-00021288-00021488 you have a SUKez-oH5FM-00040-00021657-00021857 Total SUKez-oH5FM-00041-00021948-00022148 Unweighted pipeline of SUKez-oH5FM-00042-00022254-00022697 1000 that you can't still win and the probability is 50% SUKez-oH5FM-00043-00022885-00023141 Then your weighted pipeline is 500 SUKez-oH5FM-00044-00023254-00023454 Now let's say that SUKez-oH5FM-00045-00023523-00023801 Your goal for the year is 1,000 SUKez-oH5FM-00046-00023893-00024323 that means that here actually you have a SUKez-oH5FM-00047-00024397-00024597 gap SUKez-oH5FM-00048-00024609-00025283 Something that you still need to fill with new opportunities here in the pipeline of 300 SUKez-oH5FM-00049-00025366-00025757 Yeah, 200 plus 500 700 300 is 1000 SUKez-oH5FM-00050-00025757-00026351 So that is how you manage your pipeline and the further you go in the year now SUKez-oH5FM-00051-00026352-00026522 Let's say now. We're in January SUKez-oH5FM-00052-00026522-00027059 That would be quite a nice pipeline January with that year and target and that gap you have to start now SUKez-oH5FM-00053-00027100-00027345 to fill this gap so that this SUKez-oH5FM-00054-00027460-00027610 Will go SUKez-oH5FM-00055-00027610-00028002 close to the year and target and the white waited pipeline is SUKez-oH5FM-00056-00028018-00028601 Exactly what you still need to do right until the end of the year. So that's pipeline management for you and SUKez-oH5FM-00057-00028726-00029280 Do it to control your sales if you want to know more about it how to better control yourself SUKez-oH5FM-00058-00029323-00029961 Not just one maybe all to yourself. If you want to control yourself better your business better. You want to be less? SUKez-oH5FM-00059-00030045-00030479 overwhelmed and you want to have more customers and you want to grow safely and SUKez-oH5FM-00060-00030558-00030758 with a great SUKez-oH5FM-00061-00030820-00030933 approach SUKez-oH5FM-00062-00030933-00031133 don't hesitate to SUKez-oH5FM-00063-00031180-00031814 Apply for a private session with me you find the link underneath this video. Just click on it apply for it SUKez-oH5FM-00064-00031814-00031956 I will have a look at it SUKez-oH5FM-00065-00031956-00032258 And if there is a good fit between us, hmm SUKez-oH5FM-00066-00032264-00032903 I will call you and we kind of have a chat and I will help you completely free on a specific SUKez-oH5FM-00067-00032944-00033521 On a specific problem. Please. Be aware. This is no sale session. It's a real consulting session SUKez-oH5FM-00068-00033522-00034239 I'm happy to help you on a specific thing if afterwards you decide to work with me be my guest SUKez-oH5FM-00069-00034254-00034454 I'm more than happy to help you and SUKez-oH5FM-00070-00034570-00034690 You know SUKez-oH5FM-00071-00034690-00035021 And and and and and build the business together really great SUKez-oH5FM-00072-00035022-00035604 So this was our mineirão from Elena drought the entrepreneurs entrepreneur and don't forget SUKez-oH5FM-00073-00035674-00035874 lead yourself SUKIJXssC3y-00000-00000034-00000220 The Northern Territory government SUKIJXssC3y-00001-00000220-00000420 is implementing a range of reforms to SUKIJXssC3y-00002-00000420-00000632 support and grow Territory business SUKIJXssC3y-00003-00000632-00000910 and further strengthen the Buy Local Policy SUKIJXssC3y-00004-00000910-00001146 Today I'm talking with Denys Stedman SUKIJXssC3y-00005-00001146-00001343 the Northern Territory's first SUKIJXssC3y-00006-00001344-00001536 Buy Local Industry Advocate. SUKIJXssC3y-00007-00001592-00001868 Denys has been appointed to provide an independent SUKIJXssC3y-00008-00001868-00002048 advocacy function to government SUKIJXssC3y-00009-00002048-00002222 on behalf of local industry. SUKIJXssC3y-00010-00002222-00002398 He has been charged with ensuring SUKIJXssC3y-00011-00002398-00002694 Territory businesses are provided full, fair, SUKIJXssC3y-00012-00002694-00002858 and reasonable opportunities SUKIJXssC3y-00013-00002858-00003050 to compete for government contracts. SUKIJXssC3y-00014-00003076-00003306 This is the whole basis of the Buy Local Plan. SUKIJXssC3y-00015-00003306-00003479 It's about helping build the Territory SUKIJXssC3y-00016-00003479-00003700 and helping build the future of the Territory SUKIJXssC3y-00017-00003700-00003872 for generations to come. SUKIJXssC3y-00018-00003872-00004094 I really want to help local business SUKIJXssC3y-00019-00004094-00004308 change their mindset to thinking around SUKIJXssC3y-00020-00004308-00004472 "How can I support another local business SUKIJXssC3y-00021-00004472-00004606 to help the growth for the Territory?" SUKIJXssC3y-00022-00004638-00004810 Territory business can get in touch with me SUKIJXssC3y-00023-00004810-00004912 simply to have a chat SUKIJXssC3y-00024-00004912-00005092 I'm more than happy to have a listen to them. SUKIJXssC3y-00025-00005092-00005222 That's a really big part of my role SUKIJXssC3y-00026-00005222-00005406 to listen to what industry is saying SUKIJXssC3y-00027-00005406-00005658 but also if a particular business has a problem SUKIJXssC3y-00028-00005658-00005844 with a government procurement that's going on SUKIJXssC3y-00029-00005844-00006048 I have the ability to go and have a look at what occurred SUKIJXssC3y-00030-00006086-00006308 You can get in touch with Denys by calling SUKIJXssC3y-00031-00006308-00006544 8999 7799 SUKIJXssC3y-00032-00006544-00007072 or you can email BuyLocal.Advocate@nt.gov.au SUKIJXssC3y-00033-00007072-00007300 Further information about the Buy Local Plan SUKIJXssC3y-00034-00007300-00007400 is available at SUKIJXssC3y-00035-00007400-00007895 www.buylocal.nt.gov.au SZmSJEj5JYk-00000-00000000-00000312 in fact it was the release of the manifesto that ultimately led to his SZmSJEj5JYk-00001-00000312-00000750 capture because his brother had recognized that writing style that he SZmSJEj5JYk-00002-00000750-00001488 was using for it and inevitably led to his arrest so I think a lot of people SZmSJEj5JYk-00003-00001488-00001977 what they tend to do is that oh this guy you know he is a terrorist he murdered SZmSJEj5JYk-00004-00001977-00002381 people I don't want anything to do with his ideas automatically they just just SZmSJEj5JYk-00005-00002381-00002955 dismiss his point of view completely and I think that that's a foolish way of SZmSJEj5JYk-00006-00002955-00003548 looking at it I mean obviously he is in a very intelligent person who maybe his SZmSJEj5JYk-00007-00003548-00003942 actions are not something you would ever condone by any means that I know that SZmSJEj5JYk-00008-00003942-00004278 you've said that over and over again I do not condone his actions I'm not in SZmSJEj5JYk-00009-00004278-00004884 favor of how he went about his campaign to spread it and spread his message but SZmSJEj5JYk-00010-00004884-00005325 you do recognize that he was an intellectual that he wasn't that he knew SZmSJEj5JYk-00011-00005325-00005742 what he was talking about he had really well formulated ideas and he put them SZmSJEj5JYk-00012-00005742-00006285 out in and kind of challenged the public to kind of recognize where we're at and SZmSJEj5JYk-00013-00006285-00006843 this moment in human history where it's been a couple hundred years since the SZmSJEj5JYk-00014-00006843-00007443 Industrial Revolution began and things seem like they're moving along at a very SZmSJEj5JYk-00015-00007443-00007809 steady pace but we don't know where we're going we don't know where this is SZmSJEj5JYk-00016-00007809-00008192 going to end up and we seem to be in this lost in this kind of technological SZmSJEj5JYk-00017-00008192-00008775 bubble of delusion you know we can't really seem to get our bearings of where SZmSJEj5JYk-00018-00008775-00009404 we really are in anymore and I think that your work I mean it's unfortunate SZmSJEj5JYk-00019-00009404-00009900 that of course Kaczynski went down the path you did because I mean it's SZmSJEj5JYk-00020-00009900-00010167 kind of an interesting thing to think about if you hadn't had done what he'd SZmSJEj5JYk-00021-00010167-00010872 done I don't know if we would have ever had our understanding of his ideas kind SZmSJEj5JYk-00022-00010872-00011229 of spread the way that they had and but no way is that condoning his behavior SZmSJEj5JYk-00023-00011229-00011657 but but because you did what you did and he basically made a deal saying I will SZmSJEj5JYk-00024-00011657-00012089 stop doing this I will stop sending these bombs if you publish this SZmSJEj5JYk-00025-00012089-00012531 manifesto I've written and unedited you know I want it to be in mainstream SZmSJEj5JYk-00026-00012531-00013028 publications I want people to read this but then you get people like you know SZmSJEj5JYk-00027-00013028-00013362 you of course you don't want to do anything like that but you want to SZmSJEj5JYk-00028-00013362-00013887 sort of bring up really legitimate critiques of Technology and where it's SZmSJEj5JYk-00029-00013887-00014519 leading us. Skrbina: Exactly yeah well yeah you know I mean there's a I mean all SZmSJEj5JYk-00030-00014519-00014879 throughout history there's been a variety of methods that people have used SZmSJEj5JYk-00031-00014879-00015431 to bring their ideas to public attention right and yeah so there's sort of the SZmSJEj5JYk-00032-00015431-00015959 the normal the normal peaceful ones and sort of the less the less normal one SZmSJEj5JYk-00033-00015959-00016457 right right and yeah I mean obviously this is an extreme case right so he's SZmSJEj5JYk-00034-00016457-00016875 taking violent action to get the notoriety required in order to publish SZmSJEj5JYk-00035-00016875-00017531 his ideas and get done widely disseminated he and I think you're right SZmSJEj5JYk-00036-00017531-00017826 you know he's done really nothing if he'd just been a professor in SZmSJEj5JYk-00037-00017826-00018189 mathematics you know at Berkeley where he was and if he just you know typed up SZmSJEj5JYk-00038-00018189-00018753 some nice little anti-tech essay and try to get it published somewhere chances SZmSJEj5JYk-00039-00018753-00019109 are it would not have been published it's not the kind of thing that you know SZmSJEj5JYk-00040-00019109-00019604 Philosophical whatever journals are looking for so probably would not have SZmSJEj5JYk-00041-00019604-00020004 been published if it was accomplished you know but it would have been read by SZmSJEj5JYk-00042-00020004-00020250 10 or 20 people and that would have been it SZmSJEj5JYk-00043-00020250-00020841 yeah so obviously this had a much broader effect taking the route that he SZmSJEj5JYk-00044-00020841-00021348 did I mean it's extreme and and you know nobody condones that but but the fact is SZmSJEj5JYk-00045-00021348-00022026 that it did get the ideas of kind of yeah millions of people that would have SZmSJEj5JYk-00046-00022026-00022544 never been exposed to those ideas and the ideas really are distinct from his SZmSJEj5JYk-00047-00022544-00023063 actions there's there's nothing in the manifesto that talks about those actions SZmSJEj5JYk-00048-00023063-00023412 nothing talks about mail bombs or killing people or nothing there's SZmSJEj5JYk-00049-00023412-00023976 actually no violence at all in the manifesto which was a striking statement SZmSJEj5JYk-00050-00023976-00024431 to me that you know I sort of expected it would be there but it wasn't right SZmSJEj5JYk-00051-00024431-00025100 something that Kaczynski of course is proposing very seriously is that we need SZmSJEj5JYk-00052-00025100-00025722 we need to throw off the we need a revolution in a real sense I mean it's SZmSJEj5JYk-00053-00025722-00026200 an it's nice that we can talk about these things and it's nice that we can SZmSJEj5JYk-00054-00026200-00026727 you know have all these conversations about what it means to kind of overthrow SZmSJEj5JYk-00055-00026727-00027250 technological society and culture but but you know he's actually serious SZmSJEj5JYk-00056-00027250-00027500 and obviously the actions speak to that SZzaEbHZY2E-00000-00000000-00000836 In this section we will learn about the theory of evolution, which is the unifying theory of biology. Just like ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00001-00000836-00001770 the physicist talk about the law of gravity to explain concepts in physics, theory of evolution answers many questions about ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00002-00001770-00001900 the living world. SZzaEbHZY2E-00003-00001944-00003078 Evolution is an ongoing process, there are many mechanisms that describe this theory and explains how species change over time. SZzaEbHZY2E-00004-00003078-00003375 Hence it is a continuous process. SZzaEbHZY2E-00005-00003404-00004384 Earlier in the 19th century, Lamarck proposed the use or disuse of structures during the life's time of an organism ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00006-00004384-00005046 brings about a change in that species, however this mechanism was discredited. SZzaEbHZY2E-00007-00005076-00006300 The actual mechanism for evolution was described by two naturalist Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace independently around the mid ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00008-00006300-00006417 19th century. SZzaEbHZY2E-00009-00006436-00007474 Darwin had traveled to the Amazon rain forest, during his voyage he stopped at several island chains. On these islands, ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00010-00007474-00008275 he observed species of organisms that were clearly similar but yet had distinct differences. SZzaEbHZY2E-00011-00008312-00009309 His famous study involving the Finch species, he observed the series of beak sizes and shapes. He postulated that the ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00012-00009309-00010075 beak shapes were adapted over time to equip the finches to acquire different food sources. SZzaEbHZY2E-00013-00010104-00011263 This mechanism was called as natural selection. Three factors support natural selection. Firstly the characteristic of an organism's can be ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00014-00011263-00012372 inherited secondly more offsprings are produced and are able to survive and thirdly offspring very in regard to their characteristics ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00015-00012372-00012876 and these variations can be passed on to the next generation. SZzaEbHZY2E-00016-00012932-00014093 Numerous papers were proposed by Darwin and Wallace presenting the idea of natural selection in the famous book titled “On ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00017-00014093-00014314 the origin of Species”. SZzaEbHZY2E-00018-00014347-00015120 As seen from the chart on this slide, birds with smaller beak died as less small seeds were available to ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00019-00015120-00015855 eat. This was because of a drought period which parallel the disappearance of small beaked finches. SZzaEbHZY2E-00020-00015880-00017041 The mechanism of evolution can be understood by these four processes. Natural selection, mutation, genetic drift and gene flow. In ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00021-00017041-00017554 the coming slides we will explore each of these concepts. SZzaEbHZY2E-00022-00017580-00018693 Keep in mind natural selection can only take place if there is variation among individuals in a population. SZzaEbHZY2E-00023-00018704-00019865 As we learned earlier genetic diversity results from sexual reproduction and mutation. A change in the DNA, will result in ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00024-00019865-00020163 genetic variation in a species. SZzaEbHZY2E-00025-00020192-00021189 A mutation can sometimes result in producing variation of the species through a natural process. Mutations are constantly happening in ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00026-00021189-00021909 living cells, sometimes these cells survive these mutations and result in more resistant species. SZzaEbHZY2E-00027-00021944-00023140 The overuse of antibiotics has resulted in many such bacterial species. When mutations are carried artificially it is considered to ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00028-00023140-00023434 be an example for biotechnology. SZzaEbHZY2E-00029-00023468-00024439 When a mutation results in survival and the reproduction of an organism it is called as an adaptation. Certain environmental ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00030-00024439-00025427 condition sometimes favor mutation, such as the example of the finches with larger beak sizes survived the drought conditions. SZzaEbHZY2E-00031-00025460-00026534 Some times during evolutions species evolve in different directions from a common point, this is called as divergent evolution. Divergent ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00032-00026534-00027348 evolution is the process of tracking back two or more species to a common ancestor. Here you can see the ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00033-00027348-00027916 same basic anatomy of a flowering plant however they look very different. SZzaEbHZY2E-00034-00027964-00028853 In other cases you see homologous structures, they have similar functions but are derived over time. As you can see ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00035-00028853-00029765 the various limbs of the species are being compared, they have similar function however the limb length itself is very ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00036-00029765-00029843 different. SZzaEbHZY2E-00037-00029888-00030811 This is a result of convergent evolution, when two species that are not related via a recent common ancestor become ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00038-00030811-00031710 more similar. The reason behind convergent evolution is the buildup of adaptations for survival of that species. SZzaEbHZY2E-00039-00031744-00032944 There are many types of evidence for evolution, such analogous structures. Here we see functions are similar but not from ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00040-00032944-00033124 a common ancestor. SZzaEbHZY2E-00041-00033152-00034304 Wings are popular adaptation for many animals, bats, birds, insects all have wings, however a bat is more closely related ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00042-00034304-00035196 to a human than a bird or an insect. Even though all these species have wings and they can fly ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00043-00035196-00035561 they are very different in other ways. SZzaEbHZY2E-00044-00035612-00036769 Another example to help us understand evolution is seen during the Industrial Revolution, where the soot originated from coal would ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00045-00036769-00037018 cover the bark of the trees. SZzaEbHZY2E-00046-00037040-00038299 Dark colored moths were camouflaged and survived being picked by predators. Light colored moths slowly started to lesson in population. SZzaEbHZY2E-00047-00038316-00039343 Now let's explore beyond natural selection and mutation the third kind of mechanism called as genetic drift. SZzaEbHZY2E-00048-00039360-00040375 Genetic drift is the change of the number of characteristics in a population by chance. It is very visible in ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00049-00040375-00041136 small population, when an offspring are randomly selected for the next generation. SZzaEbHZY2E-00050-00041176-00042133 As you can see from the population of rabbits shown in the first generation, only five rabbits reproduced hence the ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00051-00042133-00042536 second generation had less of the white rabbits. SZzaEbHZY2E-00052-00042560-00043619 If only two rabbits reproduced the chance of offsprings to have white rabbit is even lessened. Pretty much the frequency ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00053-00043619-00044242 of offspring corresponds to the frequency of alleles in the population. SZzaEbHZY2E-00054-00044272-00045153 Genetic drift can also be seen as a bottleneck effect, the original population may have a mixture by the survivors ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00055-00045153-00045956 during a situation such as a hurricane or a lava flow may cause a mass killing and only individuals that ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00056-00045956-00046284 survive inhabit or increase the population SZzaEbHZY2E-00057-00046316-00047267 Another important force is gene flow which results from the migration of individuals are gametes. For example the brown bug ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00058-00047267-00048172 shown here has joined a different population of the species and hence introduced a new trait in the green population. SZzaEbHZY2E-00059-00048216-00049128 Now in this section we will explain some of the evidence of evolution. Fossils provide a solid evidence that organisms ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00060-00049128-00049885 from the past are not the same as those found today. The age of the fossil will determine when the ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00061-00049885-00050712 organism was found relative to the present era in the images shown we can track the appearance of the horse ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00062-00050712-00051180 and its predecessor through the climate and the environment. SZzaEbHZY2E-00063-00051236-00052326 Another type of evidence is found in unused structures called as vestigial structures. Consider these as reminiscence of the structure ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00064-00052326-00053236 that once was used for function. Example snakes have pelvic bones but no legs. We humans have appendix, a tissue ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00065-00053236-00054147 that extends from the large interestine but has no function, leaves of cacti and pelvic bones in whales are also ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00066-00054147-00054401 some more vestigial characters. SZzaEbHZY2E-00067-00054455-00055382 Another evidence of evolution as seen in the image here, the Arctic Fox in the bird surviving during winter to ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00068-00055382-00055586 blend with snow and ice. SZzaEbHZY2E-00069-00055616-00056523 Another mechanism of evolution is speciation, the formation of two species from one original species. Here you can see the ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00070-00056523-00057626 northern spotted owl and the Mexican spotted owl inhabiting two different geographical regions with different climates and ecosystem these variation ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00071-00057626-00058466 can lead to differences in the owls and over time speciation will likely occur unless there's a gene flow between ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00072-00058466-00058616 the two populations. SZzaEbHZY2E-00073-00058664-00059619 Notice the genetic variation for beaks in response to natural selections on special food sources available to each kind of ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00074-00059619-00060457 bird the nectar eating birds have finer peaks to dip into flowers to reach the nectar, insect eating birds ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00075-00060457-00061191 have beaks like swords while the fruit and seed eating birds have a thicker and stronger beak. SZzaEbHZY2E-00076-00061255-00062444 Sometimes speciation occurs without the geographic separation such as an error in the sexual reproduction in which the chromosomes do ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00077-00062444-00063533 not get separated properly. It results in multiple copies of the allele, this results in abnormalities in animals and it's ... SZzaEbHZY2E-00078-00063533-00063667 usually lethal. SaHfWrL-p6o-00000-00000114-00000467 In this video, we will review some English language SaHfWrL-p6o-00001-00000470-00000762 color names that are of French origin. SaHfWrL-p6o-00002-00000904-00001278 [MUSIC] SaHfWrL-p6o-00003-00001426-00001696 Ecru is a pale creamy-white color. SaHfWrL-p6o-00004-00001699-00002214 The word originated from the same French word ‘ecru’ meaning ‘unbleached’ SaHfWrL-p6o-00005-00002283-00002523 Mauve is a pale purple color. SaHfWrL-p6o-00006-00002602-00003071 Beige is a pale brown color, usually the color of undyed wool. SaHfWrL-p6o-00007-00003180-00003431 Carmine is a deep bright red color SaHfWrL-p6o-00008-00003434-00003659 taken from the French word ‘carmin’. SaHfWrL-p6o-00009-00003661-00004031 The French word originated from the Arabic word ‘qirmiz’ SaHfWrL-p6o-00010-00004034-00004353 meaning - a red dye obtained from an insect. SaHfWrL-p6o-00011-00004468-00004856 Maroon is a brownish-red or dark reddish-purple color. SaHfWrL-p6o-00012-00004859-00005246 It originated from the French word ‘marron’ meaning ‘chestnut’ SaHfWrL-p6o-00013-00005392-00005688 Blue is the color of the seas and the sky, SaHfWrL-p6o-00014-00005690-00005922 that falls between green and violet. SaHfWrL-p6o-00015-00005925-00006264 It originated from an Old French word ‘bleu’ SaHfWrL-p6o-00016-00006463-00006775 Orange is a reddish yellow color that is also the SaHfWrL-p6o-00017-00006777-00007141 color of a sun-ripened citrus fruit of the same name. SaHfWrL-p6o-00018-00007144-00007454 The word originated from the French word ‘Orenge’, SaHfWrL-p6o-00019-00007456-00007783 which was again taken from the Persian word ‘narang’ SaHfWrL-p6o-00020-00007786-00008100 and the Sanskrit ‘naranga’ which refers to the fruit. SaHfWrL-p6o-00021-00008187-00008424 Violet is a bluish-purple color. SaHfWrL-p6o-00022-00008426-00008875 Violet lies at the opposite end of the visible spectrum from red. SaHfWrL-p6o-00023-00008877-00009245 It originated from the Old French word ‘violette’ SaHfWrL-p6o-00024-00009248-00009613 which was derived from the Latin word ‘viola’ that refers SaHfWrL-p6o-00025-00009616-00009902 to a kind of flowers (violets) which are of the same color. SaHfWrL-p6o-00026-00010128-00010373 Vermillion is a bright red color. SaHfWrL-p6o-00027-00010376-00010776 It is a water-insoluble pigment made from mercuric sulphide. SaHfWrL-p6o-00028-00010778-00011094 The word originated from the French word ‘vermeil’ SaHfWrL-p6o-00029-00011096-00011457 that was derived from the Latin ‘vermis’ meaning ‘insect’ – SaHfWrL-p6o-00030-00011459-00011624 which was used to make the dye. SaHfWrL-p6o-00031-00011728-00012057 Turquoise is a greenish-blue color that also refers to SaHfWrL-p6o-00032-00012060-00012348 a semi-precious stone available in the same color. SaHfWrL-p6o-00033-00012351-00012682 The word originated from the Old French-Turkish word SaHfWrL-p6o-00034-00012684-00012884 ‘turqueise’ meaning ‘stone’. SaHfWrL-p6o-00035-00012953-00013237 Lilac is a pale pinkish-violet color SaHfWrL-p6o-00036-00013239-00013580 that also refers to a shrub with flowers of the same color. SaHfWrL-p6o-00037-00013583-00013938 It originated from the same French word which was in turn SaHfWrL-p6o-00038-00013940-00014279 taken from the Persian ‘lilak/nilak’ meaning ‘bluish’ SaHfWrL-p6o-00039-00014428-00014672 Perse is a dark greyish-blue color. SaHfWrL-p6o-00040-00014674-00015030 It originated from the same Old French word that was derived SaHfWrL-p6o-00041-00015033-00015403 from an Old Persian word ‘parthava’ that refers to a ‘parthian’ SaHfWrL-p6o-00042-00015501-00015695 Scarlet is a bright red color. SaHfWrL-p6o-00043-00015698-00016061 The word originated from the Old French word ‘escarlate’. SaHfWrL-p6o-00044-00016266-00016510 Cerise is a reddish-pink color. SaHfWrL-p6o-00045-00016513-00016880 It originated from the French word for cherry – ‘cerise’ SejMrL0Wmay-00000-00001130-00001598 Hi there! It's Diane, the nursing geek. Welcome back to my channel and welcome SejMrL0Wmay-00001-00001598-00002653 to day 6 of NaNoWriMo! It is a bit after 6, and I mentioned in - well a few hours SejMrL0Wmay-00002-00002653-00003340 ago, so last night's wrap up for days 4 and 5 - that I had a webinar to attend at 6 SejMrL0Wmay-00003-00003340-00005357 o'clock this morning. Well, I woke up shortly after 6, so I just... I had SejMrL0Wmay-00004-00005357-00005704 discovered when I went to check up on it last night that, yes, I did to have a SejMrL0Wmay-00005-00005704-00006251 webinar at 6 a.m. this morning, but it's being recorded. So I can watch it when I SejMrL0Wmay-00006-00006251-00006656 have a little more time, because I do need to watch it. There's stuff I need to SejMrL0Wmay-00007-00006656-00007364 learn from it. It does not have to be this morning. And so, instead I am joining SejMrL0Wmay-00008-00007364-00008689 up with Brooke Passemore and Writing Books with Brooke. I missed the first SejMrL0Wmay-00009-00008689-00009157 sprint. That alarm going off was the end of the first ten minute sprint, but I was SejMrL0Wmay-00010-00009157-00009643 making my tea and getting set up and... cause I woke up a little after 6:00. So I'm SejMrL0Wmay-00011-00009643-00010111 gonna join in the next sprint, and we'll see how much I get done by the end of SejMrL0Wmay-00012-00010111-00010381 this. I'm not sure if I can stay for the whole time. I don't know how long she SejMrL0Wmay-00013-00010381-00010817 runs these, because is the first time I've made it to one, but I'm gonna get as SejMrL0Wmay-00014-00010817-00011368 much writing done as I can and I'll check back in later. Okay, so that was SejMrL0Wmay-00015-00011368-00011911 awesome. Got almost a thousand words. I am now over the ten thousand word mark at SejMrL0Wmay-00016-00011911-00012457 ten thousand two hundred fifteen. Thank you, Brooke! Definitely needed that help SejMrL0Wmay-00017-00012457-00013069 to get the writing to happen this morning. And now I'm running to the SejMrL0Wmay-00018-00013069-00013430 chiropractor and then to work... and somewhere in between there I need to SejMrL0Wmay-00019-00013430-00013922 like put on makeup and do my hair and stuff. But, yeah, it's just gonna be SejMrL0Wmay-00020-00013922-00014210 another one of those running all over the place days and crossing my fingers SejMrL0Wmay-00021-00014210-00014630 that I catch up then because that means I still got about SejMrL0Wmay-00022-00014630-00015101 another 1800 words to catch up to my 2000 word a day goal because then today's SejMrL0Wmay-00023-00015101-00015590 goal would be 12,000. Se'll see how that goes. I'm just gonna be happy to stay SejMrL0Wmay-00024-00015590-00016088 ahead of the NaNo curve at this point. Which I am, officially, because today's SejMrL0Wmay-00025-00016088-00016457 goal for NaNo was ten thousand and two words and I am a couple hundred over SejMrL0Wmay-00026-00016457-00017114 that. So breathing a little sigh of relief here, but still wanting to keep SejMrL0Wmay-00027-00017114-00018137 going. So I didn't get a ton written for day six, but I did manage to stay ahead SejMrL0Wmay-00028-00018137-00018434 of the game. I finished out with ten thousand eight hundred fifty four words, SejMrL0Wmay-00029-00018434-00019166 and now into day seven, I just did a sprint that got me two hundred sixty one SejMrL0Wmay-00030-00019166-00019898 more words. Still keeping moving in the right direction though. Today's a little SejMrL0Wmay-00031-00019898-00020474 more open-ended, although I do have an awful lot to do. It... most of it isn't tied SejMrL0Wmay-00032-00020474-00021083 to specific times, so there might be chances for other short bursts here and SejMrL0Wmay-00033-00021083-00022496 there. So this is how things are looking at the moment. Um, and so now I've more than SejMrL0Wmay-00034-00022496-00023324 well and truly earned the 10k badge that I already had because of that earlier SejMrL0Wmay-00035-00023324-00023909 glitch, but I have yet to get my seven-day badge, which I'm not overly SejMrL0Wmay-00036-00023909-00024467 worried about. It'll probably just take its time to work its way through the SejMrL0Wmay-00037-00024467-00024809 system whatever it is that's... because everybody who's been talking about not SejMrL0Wmay-00038-00024809-00025367 getting badges, they've eventually showed up. So I'm pretty sure this one will show SejMrL0Wmay-00039-00025367-00025970 up soon, probably in part because just about everybody's earning it today so SejMrL0Wmay-00040-00025970-00026348 maybe that section of the server's overloading or something. Who knows? SejMrL0Wmay-00041-00026348-00026743 I should just stop trying to rationalize. SejMrL0Wmay-00042-00026745-00027569 Yeah, so that's where I am at the moment and time to get ready for work. So yay! I SejMrL0Wmay-00043-00027569-00028120 unlocked the seven in a row badge, which says I earned it by updating five SejMrL0Wmay-00044-00028120-00028723 days in a row, but but that's okay! So it's the second time I updated the word SejMrL0Wmay-00045-00028723-00029127 count today. I'm not sure why that made a difference other than its 11 o'clock at SejMrL0Wmay-00046-00029127-00029632 night, so maybe the server is a little calmer now. Um, that actually seems kind SejMrL0Wmay-00047-00029632-00030418 of unlikely, but whatever. Let's go with that. So at least I cracked 12,000. I mean SejMrL0Wmay-00048-00030418-00030808 today's the seventh, so I should have been cracking 14,000 but at quarter of SejMrL0Wmay-00049-00030808-00031174 midnight, I'm going to be happy with twelve thousand three hundred twenty SejMrL0Wmay-00050-00031174-00032254 eight words. I'm just a little bit above the NaNo goal, and honestly the way this SejMrL0Wmay-00051-00032254-00033003 week has been, I'm just gonna hope that I can be a total homebody this weekend and SejMrL0Wmay-00052-00033003-00033922 catch up and get a little more cushion on my words. Yeah, still don't like this SejMrL0Wmay-00053-00033922-00034789 thing. There we go. I like that one better. So, I also still don't really like the SejMrL0Wmay-00054-00034789-00035557 downward trends, but that's okay. Here's the interesting thing though: I wrote SejMrL0Wmay-00055-00035557-00036388 fourteen hundred and seventy four words today and the NaNo website says I needs SejMrL0Wmay-00056-00036388-00037429 another 157. I'm not really sure I understand why, but okay. Now I see... now I SejMrL0Wmay-00057-00037429-00038299 got a percentage there. Oh, it was just delayed. No... you were there and now you are gone. SejMrL0Wmay-00058-00038299-00038752 There we go: 24 percent, so about a quarter of the way done, which is good SejMrL0Wmay-00059-00038752-00039108 for being on day seven. SejMrL0Wmay-00060-00039148-00039996 Yeah not gonna knock it. So, yeah, once again finishing up right at midnight-ish. SejMrL0Wmay-00061-00039996-00040666 I'm not talking about structure or theory or anything else tonight, because SejMrL0Wmay-00062-00040666-00041233 I'm dead. I need to go to sleep. What I am going to throw in is... SejMrL0Wmay-00063-00041233-00042415 I have my new computer finally! I did buy it on Saturday, but Staples didn't have SejMrL0Wmay-00064-00042415-00043518 any in the store near me. There was only one of this model in the whole state, but SejMrL0Wmay-00065-00043518-00044284 it's supposed to be one of the better upgradeable (key word) gaming computers and SejMrL0Wmay-00066-00044284-00045012 for some of the animation-y stuff that I need to be doing for work (plus, I mean, SejMrL0Wmay-00067-00045012-00045433 yeah, okay there's the fun part of doing the... the Minecraft recording but that I SejMrL0Wmay-00068-00045433-00046069 can't I couldn't buy a computer based on that.) However the simulation creation SejMrL0Wmay-00069-00046069-00046636 that I need to do, that I do need a higher powered computer for, and work SejMrL0Wmay-00070-00046636-00047391 isn't gonna buy it for me because they bought me my desktop and that's great SejMrL0Wmay-00071-00047391-00048025 and that can do a lot of things, but when I'm working out and about, I need a SejMrL0Wmay-00072-00048025-00049044 laptop. So Lenovo Flex 6 is what I ended up with, and I have not obviously SejMrL0Wmay-00073-00049044-00049783 taken it out of the box yet, much less set it up or anything, but I have until SejMrL0Wmay-00074-00049783-00050331 whatever time Rent-a-Center closes on Saturday to get this set up make sure SejMrL0Wmay-00075-00050331-00050913 everything's off the rental computer so that that can go back and I can start SejMrL0Wmay-00076-00050913-00051540 working with this. Which is also much lighter weight than the Dell monstrosity SejMrL0Wmay-00077-00051540-00052155 that I've been renting. Which is it's great, it's been getting me by, but it's SejMrL0Wmay-00078-00052155-00053052 really heavy and it needs to go back. Now I'm just babbling cuz I'm exhausted and SejMrL0Wmay-00079-00053052-00053635 excited about my new computer. But exhausted. So I'm just gonna say bye for SejMrL0Wmay-00080-00053635-00054135 now, happy writing, and I hope you have a wonderful day! SeRMmxKEJG0-00000-00000024-00000649 Welcome roleplayers, my name is Mario, and let's learn about Savage Worlds damage, Shaken, SeRMmxKEJG0-00001-00000649-00001500 and Wounds. SeRMmxKEJG0-00002-00001500-00002001 On a successful attack roll, the attacker rolls their damage dice and the total is compared SeRMmxKEJG0-00003-00002001-00002248 against the defender's Toughness. SeRMmxKEJG0-00004-00002248-00002726 If the total does NOT match or exceed the defender's Toughness, then the defender is SeRMmxKEJG0-00005-00002726-00003058 able to withstand the attack and the attack is resolved. SeRMmxKEJG0-00006-00003058-00003619 A quick side note: There is an edge called No Mercy that allows a Wild Card to spend SeRMmxKEJG0-00007-00003619-00003893 a Benny to reroll a damage roll. SeRMmxKEJG0-00008-00003893-00004327 This is the exception, not the rule, but worth mentioning. SeRMmxKEJG0-00009-00004327-00004751 If the defender's Toughness is matched or exceeded, then you need to understand the SeRMmxKEJG0-00010-00004751-00005021 Shaken condition and Wounds. SeRMmxKEJG0-00011-00005021-00005423 While they are related to each other, they are separate from one another. SeRMmxKEJG0-00012-00005423-00005969 For instance, someone can be Shaken but not Wounded, Wounded but not Shaken, or Shaken SeRMmxKEJG0-00013-00005969-00006147 and Wounded. SeRMmxKEJG0-00014-00006147-00006715 A character which is Shaken can only take free actions during their turn. SeRMmxKEJG0-00015-00006715-00007203 However, at the start of their turn, they may make a free Spirit roll with a Target SeRMmxKEJG0-00016-00007203-00007684 Number of 4 to successfully remove the Shaken condition. SeRMmxKEJG0-00017-00007684-00008224 At any time, even after failing that free roll, a character can spend a Benny to immediately SeRMmxKEJG0-00018-00008224-00008613 end the Shaken condition. SeRMmxKEJG0-00019-00008613-00008810 Wounds are much more serious. SeRMmxKEJG0-00020-00008810-00009431 If the character is an Extra, like many NPCs, once it suffers a single Wound it is removed SeRMmxKEJG0-00021-00009431-00009585 from play. SeRMmxKEJG0-00022-00009585-00010078 If the character is a Wild Card, they can suffer a maximum of 3 wounds before they are SeRMmxKEJG0-00023-00010078-00010321 Incapacitated. SeRMmxKEJG0-00024-00010321-00010884 For each Wound a character has, they suffer a penalty to their Pace and to trait tests SeRMmxKEJG0-00025-00010884-00011103 equal to the number of Wounds. SeRMmxKEJG0-00026-00011103-00012009 Thus, if you had 2 Wounds, you would suffer a -2 penalty to your Pace and any trait tests. SeRMmxKEJG0-00027-00012009-00012281 Enough facts, let's see this in action! SeRMmxKEJG0-00028-00012281-00012670 To demonstrate, let's consider a series of attacks against you. SeRMmxKEJG0-00029-00012670-00013335 Your character has a Toughness of 5, so we will compare their damage rolls to a 5. SeRMmxKEJG0-00030-00013335-00013754 If the damage roll matches your Toughness of 5, you become Shaken. SeRMmxKEJG0-00031-00013754-00014391 This is a Success for 0 to 3 damage over the target's Toughness. SeRMmxKEJG0-00032-00014391-00015069 If the damage roll is 4 to 7 points over your Toughness, that would be a Success and a Raise. SeRMmxKEJG0-00033-00015069-00015559 Much like the rest of Savage Worlds, every 4 over the Target Number (your Toughness in SeRMmxKEJG0-00034-00015559-00016016 this case) is a Raise. SeRMmxKEJG0-00035-00016016-00016623 In this roll, 9 minus 5 equals 4, therefore a Success and a Raise. SeRMmxKEJG0-00036-00016623-00016912 Each Raise inflicts a Wound on the target. SeRMmxKEJG0-00037-00016912-00017283 If the target takes a Wound, they also become Shaken. SeRMmxKEJG0-00038-00017283-00017740 If they are already Shaken there is nothing to do; You are either Shaken or not, it is SeRMmxKEJG0-00039-00017740-00018134 not stackable. SeRMmxKEJG0-00040-00018134-00018556 Let's take a look at those same rolls again, but this time let's assume that you are already SeRMmxKEJG0-00041-00018556-00018737 Shaken. SeRMmxKEJG0-00042-00018737-00019182 With this Success roll without a Raise you previously would have become Shaken, but since SeRMmxKEJG0-00043-00019182-00020051 you are already Shaken, you instead take 1 Wound and maintain the Shaken Condition. SeRMmxKEJG0-00044-00020051-00020551 The result is the same if the attack was a Success with a single Raise against a Shaken SeRMmxKEJG0-00045-00020551-00020651 target. SeRMmxKEJG0-00046-00020651-00020973 This attack would cause 1 Wound and the Shaken condition. SeRMmxKEJG0-00047-00020973-00021553 I know, right now you are wondering why the Shaken doesn't become 1 Wound in this example SeRMmxKEJG0-00048-00021553-00021704 as well. SeRMmxKEJG0-00049-00021704-00022223 The rule is that Wounds are only applied by Raises and the only exception to this rule SeRMmxKEJG0-00050-00022223-00023003 is if the target is already Shaken and the roll is only a Success, then it becomes 1 SeRMmxKEJG0-00051-00023003-00023176 Wound. SeRMmxKEJG0-00052-00023176-00023587 As a reminder, at the start of their turn, any character who is Shaken makes a trait SeRMmxKEJG0-00053-00023587-00024029 test, a Spirit roll, for free to remove the condition. SeRMmxKEJG0-00054-00024029-00024584 At any time they can spend a Benny to immediately remove the Shaken condition and if it is their SeRMmxKEJG0-00055-00024584-00024930 turn, they can then take their full turn. SeRMmxKEJG0-00056-00024930-00025435 There is another option for spending Bennies related to damage: Soaking. SeRMmxKEJG0-00057-00025435-00025927 To Soak is to spend a Benny and attempt to reduce the number of Wounds by making a Vigor SeRMmxKEJG0-00058-00025927-00026027 roll. SeRMmxKEJG0-00059-00026027-00026489 A Success and each Raise reduce the Wounds by 1. SeRMmxKEJG0-00060-00026489-00026993 Soak rolls must occur immediately after the damage roll, prior to any further attacks, SeRMmxKEJG0-00061-00026993-00027474 and can only be applied to Wounds from that attack. SeRMmxKEJG0-00062-00027474-00027838 Let's demonstrate the use of Soak through another series of rolls. SeRMmxKEJG0-00063-00027838-00028378 For these examples, you will have both a Spirit and Vigor die of a D6. SeRMmxKEJG0-00064-00028378-00028549 You also have 3 Bennies. SeRMmxKEJG0-00065-00028549-00029033 You are not currently Shaken or Wounded. SeRMmxKEJG0-00066-00029033-00029420 The attacker rolls a 13 versus your Toughness of 5. SeRMmxKEJG0-00067-00029420-00029803 The difference is 8 which is a Success and 2 Raises. SeRMmxKEJG0-00068-00029803-00030324 You would take Wounds and be Shaken, but you spend a Benny to try and Soak the Wounds. SeRMmxKEJG0-00069-00030324-00030858 You roll your d6 Vigor and your d6 Wild die, taking the higher result. SeRMmxKEJG0-00070-00030858-00031324 You roll a success which would remove 1 Wound, but you decide to spend another Benny in an SeRMmxKEJG0-00071-00031324-00031863 attempt to Soak both Wounds; you can't do worse than your previous roll. SeRMmxKEJG0-00072-00031863-00032456 You roll again and this time you get a Success and a Raise, removing both Wounds. SeRMmxKEJG0-00073-00032456-00032986 Since you Soaked all of the Wounds you automatically remove the Shaken condition as well. SeRMmxKEJG0-00074-00032986-00033496 You're back to feeling okay, but with 2 less Bennies. SeRMmxKEJG0-00075-00033496-00033693 Let's move forward in time. SeRMmxKEJG0-00076-00033693-00033938 You've taken a Wound and chose not to Soak it. SeRMmxKEJG0-00077-00033938-00034203 You are also currently Shaken. SeRMmxKEJG0-00078-00034203-00034737 That means that you suffer from a -1 penalty to your Pace and all trait tests. SeRMmxKEJG0-00079-00034737-00035371 Another attack against you is a damage roll of 9; a Success and a Raise means 1 Wound. SeRMmxKEJG0-00080-00035371-00035909 You decide to try and Soak the damage, spend your Benny, and your best roll is a 4 on the SeRMmxKEJG0-00081-00035909-00036480 die, but because of your existing 1 Wound, the result is a 3, a failure. SeRMmxKEJG0-00082-00036480-00036988 If that roll was instead 5-8, you would have been able to Soak that Wound and also remove SeRMmxKEJG0-00083-00036988-00037193 the Shaken condition. SeRMmxKEJG0-00084-00037193-00037555 But alas, you now have 2 Wounds. SeRMmxKEJG0-00085-00037555-00038252 One more attack against you is a damage roll of 15; a Success and 2 Raises meaning 2 more SeRMmxKEJG0-00086-00038252-00038352 Wounds. SeRMmxKEJG0-00087-00038352-00038894 Since you have 2 existing Wounds and no Bennies to try and Soak, you have exceeded the maximum SeRMmxKEJG0-00088-00038894-00039376 of 3 Wounds for a Wild Card and you become Incapacitated. SeRMmxKEJG0-00089-00039376-00040062 The player guide has tables and further instructions on how to resolve becoming Incapacitated. SeRMmxKEJG0-00090-00040062-00040702 Congratulations, you now understand Savage Worlds damage, Shaken, and Wounds. Shj1PVxz-nc-00000-00000078-00000178 What Causes a Furnace Circuit Board to Fail? Shj1PVxz-nc-00001-00000178-00000278 – PCB Damage The printed circuit board of a furnace is Shj1PVxz-nc-00002-00000278-00000449 the brains of the whole operation. Shj1PVxz-nc-00003-00000449-00000946 It’s the quarterback calling the shots down on the field of high and low voltage circuitry Shj1PVxz-nc-00004-00000946-00001046 we work on every day. Shj1PVxz-nc-00005-00001046-00001782 A diagnosis of a bad control board is not an uncommon call a couple times a week during Shj1PVxz-nc-00006-00001782-00001927 a busy winter. Shj1PVxz-nc-00007-00001927-00002334 Today we talk about the actual parts on the control board that fail and explore some of Shj1PVxz-nc-00008-00002334-00002502 the most common reasons why. Shj1PVxz-nc-00009-00002502-00003589 That’s what’s coming up this week on Fox Family Heating and Air. Shj1PVxz-nc-00010-00003589-00004024 If this is your first time watching our channel, please click subscribe down below. Shj1PVxz-nc-00011-00004024-00004326 And if you click that little bell next to it, you’ll be notified of all our videos Shj1PVxz-nc-00012-00004326-00004447 as the come out. Shj1PVxz-nc-00013-00004447-00004894 We’ve been getting excellent feedback from our fellow technicians like you who are out Shj1PVxz-nc-00014-00004894-00005140 in the field working on this stuff every day. Shj1PVxz-nc-00015-00005140-00005548 Please feel free to express your opinions about failed control boards and any interesting Shj1PVxz-nc-00016-00005548-00005748 stories you may have about them. Shj1PVxz-nc-00017-00005748-00006186 We’re always trying to learn as HVAC techs, and there’s no better information than the Shj1PVxz-nc-00018-00006186-00006481 lessons you’ve learned and can pass on to us. Shj1PVxz-nc-00019-00006481-00006733 So, what is failing on these boards? Shj1PVxz-nc-00020-00006733-00007243 A slice of silicon 10 years old should be the same composition as a 1-year old board, Shj1PVxz-nc-00021-00007243-00007343 right? Shj1PVxz-nc-00022-00007343-00007443 It seems so. Shj1PVxz-nc-00023-00007443-00007929 Regardless, aging systems do begin to give more problems that the newer ones. Shj1PVxz-nc-00024-00007929-00008350 Printed circuit boards these days are composed of shrunk down relays and switches mounted Shj1PVxz-nc-00025-00008350-00008812 on a rigid green board to orchestrate the sequence of operations that starts up the Shj1PVxz-nc-00026-00008812-00009031 furnace and gives us heat. Shj1PVxz-nc-00027-00009031-00009665 30 and 40-year-old furnaces we see still out in the field have these relays and switches. Shj1PVxz-nc-00028-00009665-00010221 They’re just bigger and sturdier; Because, they’re made from more durable parts. Shj1PVxz-nc-00029-00010221-00010628 Last week we discussed how the smaller control boards get, the weaker the material they are Shj1PVxz-nc-00030-00010628-00010745 made of. Shj1PVxz-nc-00031-00010745-00011234 The material is thinner, the solder connections are smaller, and the relays are made with Shj1PVxz-nc-00032-00011234-00011520 tinier pieces of plastic and metal. Shj1PVxz-nc-00033-00011520-00011906 Our customers might think a control board should last the lifetime of the furnace. Shj1PVxz-nc-00034-00011906-00012227 And I’d say 50% of them do! Shj1PVxz-nc-00035-00012227-00012708 But all parts on the furnace control board have a life expectancy, and many things can Shj1PVxz-nc-00036-00012708-00013178 happen to accelerate the aging process of the parts on that board. Shj1PVxz-nc-00037-00013178-00013551 Assuming there’s power to the board, it should function properly. Shj1PVxz-nc-00038-00013551-00014000 If it’s not, there’s nothing we can do to bring it back to factory specifications. Shj1PVxz-nc-00039-00014000-00014420 You can’t make field solder connections right there on the spot that are going to Shj1PVxz-nc-00040-00014420-00014929 meet any kind of standard the manufacturers set when creating the board. Shj1PVxz-nc-00041-00014929-00015404 Different soldering alloys will clash, resulting in a temporary fix at best. Shj1PVxz-nc-00042-00015404-00015646 Failed Solder Connections That brings me to my first common failure Shj1PVxz-nc-00043-00015646-00015753 on a control board. Shj1PVxz-nc-00044-00015753-00016179 I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked about failed solder connections on the back Shj1PVxz-nc-00045-00016179-00016363 of a control board. Shj1PVxz-nc-00046-00016363-00016956 Molex plugs have stems that are secured to the board and soldered in place to adhere Shj1PVxz-nc-00047-00016956-00017447 to the metallic circuitry that acts like wires do in a house. Shj1PVxz-nc-00048-00017447-00017868 If the wire has a beak in it, that circuit isn’t going to work right? Shj1PVxz-nc-00049-00017868-00018340 When the back side of those Molex plugs develop a crack, it makes a gap between the stem that Shj1PVxz-nc-00050-00018340-00018781 goes through the board to the back side where it meets the circuitry. Shj1PVxz-nc-00051-00018781-00019241 Any fractures in that solder connection are going to start creating intermittent abnormalities. Shj1PVxz-nc-00052-00019241-00019798 There’s a low voltage Molex plug and a high voltage plug that’s going to be a part of Shj1PVxz-nc-00053-00019798-00020087 any furnace control we work on. Shj1PVxz-nc-00054-00020087-00020501 You might ask, “Well, what makes the solder connections fracture like that?” Shj1PVxz-nc-00055-00020501-00020773 Two words, thermal expansion. Shj1PVxz-nc-00056-00020773-00021458 Once the solder is applied and forms, it remains a very rigid metal with very little plasticity. Shj1PVxz-nc-00057-00021458-00021706 Warmth creates expansion. Shj1PVxz-nc-00058-00021706-00022104 And that kind of expansion within the solder joints is going to create a gap between it Shj1PVxz-nc-00059-00022104-00022431 and the stem it’s supposed to be attached to. Shj1PVxz-nc-00060-00022431-00022820 This is going to cause problems with your boards either now or in the future. Shj1PVxz-nc-00061-00022820-00023262 When I see a control board that has fractured solder connections on the back of the board, Shj1PVxz-nc-00062-00023262-00023743 I let the customer know it doesn’t meet factory specs anymore and offer to replace Shj1PVxz-nc-00063-00023743-00024110 it for them so they don’t have problems in the future. Shj1PVxz-nc-00064-00024110-00024740 Relays and switches can stick, burn and pit Just like a contactor on the condenser outside, Shj1PVxz-nc-00065-00024740-00025256 the control board at the furnace has miniature relays which allow certain motors to receive Shj1PVxz-nc-00066-00025256-00025537 the voltage they need to operate. Shj1PVxz-nc-00067-00025537-00026048 And just like the contactor on the condenser, those furnace relays start to pit and burn Shj1PVxz-nc-00068-00026048-00026476 from arcing that occurs across the contacts as they close. Shj1PVxz-nc-00069-00026476-00026995 High temperatures can melt the protective coating on the windings of the coil of a relay, Shj1PVxz-nc-00070-00026995-00027377 which can prevent the contacts from closing in the first place. Shj1PVxz-nc-00071-00027377-00027916 Plastic pieces that the contacts are mounted to can lose stability with ambient heat surrounding Shj1PVxz-nc-00072-00027916-00028106 the relay too. Shj1PVxz-nc-00073-00028106-00028607 This can warp the contacts of the relay causing them to be misaligned and unable to function Shj1PVxz-nc-00074-00028607-00028729 properly. Shj1PVxz-nc-00075-00028729-00029251 When an electro mechanical switch like the ones on our boards are suddenly being used Shj1PVxz-nc-00076-00029251-00029861 after a long period of down time, like the end of one winter to start of the next winter, Shj1PVxz-nc-00077-00029861-00030092 they can become permanently stuck. Shj1PVxz-nc-00078-00030092-00030672 Tapping on the relay can sometimes help, but only delays the inevitable failure of the Shj1PVxz-nc-00079-00030672-00030772 board. Shj1PVxz-nc-00080-00030772-00031291 Over voltage, like in-rush and other voltage spikes create an overheated situation all Shj1PVxz-nc-00081-00031291-00031462 the time. Shj1PVxz-nc-00082-00031462-00031931 Under voltage can prevent the contacts of a relay from staying closed securely. Shj1PVxz-nc-00083-00031931-00032213 And it’s not just the voltage that’s damaging these parts. Shj1PVxz-nc-00084-00032213-00032993 It’s also the current being carried with that voltage which wears out switches prematurely. Shj1PVxz-nc-00085-00032993-00033272 Transistors Transistors are regularly the first part of Shj1PVxz-nc-00086-00033272-00033452 a control board to fail. Shj1PVxz-nc-00087-00033452-00033947 Once again, the damaging heat and energy that hits those transistors due to voltage spikes Shj1PVxz-nc-00088-00033947-00034493 or even a little bit of static electricity can wear out a board prematurely. Shj1PVxz-nc-00089-00034493-00034861 This is going to change the composition of the materials they’re made of. Shj1PVxz-nc-00090-00034861-00035462 Over time, they just give out, preventing the control board from working properly. Shj1PVxz-nc-00091-00035462-00035784 Power surge Asking questions with the homeowner can reveal Shj1PVxz-nc-00092-00035784-00036209 a lot when diving into an HVAC system that isn’t working properly. Shj1PVxz-nc-00093-00036209-00036746 A recent thunderstorm or lightning strikes in the area can send a surge through the house’s Shj1PVxz-nc-00094-00036746-00036908 electrical system. Shj1PVxz-nc-00095-00036908-00037294 That surge might not affect the lights or kitchen appliances in the house. Shj1PVxz-nc-00096-00037294-00037778 They may not even trip the breaker the furnace is on at the main panel. Shj1PVxz-nc-00097-00037778-00038270 But it might take out the transformer before the board, sending a jolt on to that sensitive Shj1PVxz-nc-00098-00038270-00038477 control board. Shj1PVxz-nc-00099-00038477-00038773 Brown outs from the power company are notorious for damaging HVAC equipment. Shj1PVxz-nc-00100-00038773-00039569 A reduction in power that all the sudden comes back on with no warning can damage the protective Shj1PVxz-nc-00101-00039569-00040158 coatings on parts, causing them to fail either now, or even a couple years from now. Shj1PVxz-nc-00102-00040158-00040624 Another power surge a house can experience is a car accident in the area that may have Shj1PVxz-nc-00103-00040624-00040827 taken out a power line. Shj1PVxz-nc-00104-00040827-00041412 As the connections of those high voltage wires attached to the poles rip apart or get stretched, Shj1PVxz-nc-00105-00041412-00042018 the influx of energy and the damage it causes happens instantly. Shj1PVxz-nc-00106-00042018-00042403 Many HVAC parts have been taken out by these three situations, causing anywhere from a Shj1PVxz-nc-00107-00042403-00042833 few thousand dollars worth of damage, to simply blowing a little 3-amp fuse on the control Shj1PVxz-nc-00108-00042833-00042968 board. Shj1PVxz-nc-00109-00042968-00043461 No one should ever underestimate the freakish damage that can occur to an HVAC system when Shj1PVxz-nc-00110-00043461-00043936 power surges happen in or around a house. Shj1PVxz-nc-00111-00043936-00044330 Static Electricity – Careless or unsuspecting technicians who walk Shj1PVxz-nc-00112-00044330-00044818 across a carpeted floor to get to their furnace can build up more voltage on the body than Shj1PVxz-nc-00113-00044818-00044962 it can store. Shj1PVxz-nc-00114-00044962-00045327 As a result, that voltage will need to be transferred to the next piece of metal it Shj1PVxz-nc-00115-00045327-00045494 comes in contact with. Shj1PVxz-nc-00116-00045494-00045842 You don’t want that to be the metal on a control board. Shj1PVxz-nc-00117-00045842-00046385 ESD can even develop after you’ve grounded yourself to the furnace the first time. Shj1PVxz-nc-00118-00046385-00046745 Standing on carpet can create that static very easily. Shj1PVxz-nc-00119-00046745-00047187 The damage is done to the control board terminals when electrostatic discharge hits the board. Shj1PVxz-nc-00120-00047187-00047747 There are very thin insulating layers within the control board’s transistors, relays, Shj1PVxz-nc-00121-00047747-00048106 switches, and solder joints that will break it down. Shj1PVxz-nc-00122-00048106-00048608 What’s even worse is that sometimes that discharge won’t cause damage to the board Shj1PVxz-nc-00123-00048608-00048708 immediately. Shj1PVxz-nc-00124-00048708-00049271 It’ll damage the insulation to such a degree that the device fails sometimes hours or even Shj1PVxz-nc-00125-00049271-00049449 years later. Shj1PVxz-nc-00126-00049449-00049863 A diagnosis of a bad control board is not an uncommon one. Shj1PVxz-nc-00127-00049863-00050283 But it makes me wonder what that board has gone through during its life to have gotten Shj1PVxz-nc-00128-00050283-00050543 to the point where it’s now failed. Shj1PVxz-nc-00129-00050543-00050841 The parts themselves have an expected life span. Shj1PVxz-nc-00130-00050841-00051002 Everyone agrees with that. Shj1PVxz-nc-00131-00051002-00051519 But factors such as thermal expansion, power surges, and static electricity all play a Shj1PVxz-nc-00132-00051519-00051974 big part in the degradation of a control board over time. Shj1PVxz-nc-00133-00051974-00052412 Also, we’ve been getting excellent feedback from our fellow technicians like you who are Shj1PVxz-nc-00134-00052412-00052736 out in the field working on this stuff every day. Shj1PVxz-nc-00135-00052736-00053249 Please feel free to express your opinions down below about failed control boards and Shj1PVxz-nc-00136-00053249-00053545 any interesting stories you may have about them. Shj1PVxz-nc-00137-00053545-00053977 We’re always trying to learn as HVAC techs, and there’s no better information than the Shj1PVxz-nc-00138-00053977-00054358 lessons you’ve learned and can pass on to us. Shj1PVxz-nc-00139-00054358-00054794 If this is your first time watching our channel, please click subscribe down below. Shj1PVxz-nc-00140-00054794-00055093 And if you click that little bell next to it, you’ll be notified of all our videos Shj1PVxz-nc-00141-00055093-00055245 as the come out. Shj1PVxz-nc-00142-00055245-00056835 Thanks so much for watching and we’ll see you on the next video! Sizlk0MJhog-00000-00000056-00000592 hello my name is Andrew Harvey and welcome to my talk "Recalibrating Documentation: Sizlk0MJhog-00001-00000592-00001328 Reflections on 10 years of language documentation in the Tanzanian Rift language documentation Sizlk0MJhog-00002-00001328-00001888 has had a major impact on the trajectory of linguistics since the turn of the century both Sizlk0MJhog-00003-00001888-00002416 in terms of what is considered linguistic data as well as how that data is collected and used Sizlk0MJhog-00004-00002416-00002944 taking my work 10 years of documentation in the Tanzanian Rift Valley area as a case study Sizlk0MJhog-00005-00002944-00003528 this talk reflects on how my practice has been shaped by language documentation discourse Sizlk0MJhog-00006-00003528-00004079 as well as how the local context has shaped how I do language documentation three central Sizlk0MJhog-00007-00004079-00004576 topics to be explored include the effect of a documentary approach on grammatical description Sizlk0MJhog-00008-00004656-00005216 the emergence of literary genres from documentary materials as well as the potential language Sizlk0MJhog-00009-00005216-00005720 documentation has for supporting the narrative sovereignty of marginalized speaker communities Sizlk0MJhog-00010-00005784-00006256 finally the talk will provide some assessment on the futures of language documentation on Sizlk0MJhog-00011-00006256-00006744 the continent and what language documentation in Africa must become to ultimately succeed Sizlk0MJhog-00012-00006800-00007312 at the same time the talk explores what collaboration can look like actively pushing back Sizlk0MJhog-00013-00007312-00007920 against the idea of this work being the top-down pursuit of a lone wolf linguist examples will be Sizlk0MJhog-00014-00007920-00008600 provided as rich audio-visual material throughout drawing on the verbal arts of the Gorwaa Ihanzu Sizlk0MJhog-00015-00008600-00009208 and Hadzabe people as an introductory note this talk itself will be archived with the following Sizlk0MJhog-00016-00009208-00009848 DOI and will be available on YouTube you'll see that throughout this talk most examples will be Sizlk0MJhog-00017-00009848-00010296 provided along with a unique identifying number designed to allow quick access to Sizlk0MJhog-00018-00010296-00010800 the specific recording in which the utterance or speech event takes place this identifier Sizlk0MJhog-00019-00010800-00011304 is composed of two parts: an alphanumeric code to the left of the full stop and number to the right Sizlk0MJhog-00020-00011304-00011872 of the full stop the alphanumeric code to the left of the full stop corresponds to the file Sizlk0MJhog-00021-00011872-00012512 name of the bundle which is the primary unit of organization in the audiovisual archive deposits Sizlk0MJhog-00022-00012608-00013184 and can be accessed by entering it into the search bar within the deposit the number to Sizlk0MJhog-00023-00013184-00013591 the right of the full stop corresponds to the utterance number within the recording Sizlk0MJhog-00024-00013647-00014152 this can be found by looking at the accompanying ELAN file and looking in the phrase segment number Sizlk0MJhog-00025-00014152-00014688 tier or by referring to the numbered utterance in the pdf file in this case the highlighted Sizlk0MJhog-00026-00014688-00015416 utterance in this pdf file would have the following unique identifier first I'd like Sizlk0MJhog-00027-00015416-00016000 to start here visually at the intersection of Nelson Mandela and Julius Nyerere roads Sizlk0MJhog-00028-00016000-00016984 in Dar es Salaam and acoustically with a group of Gorwaa singers sometime in the mid 20th century Sizlk0MJhog-00029-00019416-00019808 this may seem incongruous but the audio we have just listened to Sizlk0MJhog-00030-00019808-00020288 came from a documentation of sorts housed at the old Radio Tanzania Dar es Salaam branch Sizlk0MJhog-00031-00020360-00020768 located right at this intersection it's a collection of recordings of traditional Sizlk0MJhog-00032-00020768-00021272 Tanzanian music made on the request of Tanzania's post-independence president Julius Nyerere Sizlk0MJhog-00033-00021272-00021768 shortly after the country gained its independence from Britain this particular recording again and Sizlk0MJhog-00034-00021768-00022272 again marks important parts of a journey I've been on as a documentary linguist and we'll Sizlk0MJhog-00035-00022272-00022824 return to it or iterations of it throughout this talk this version came without a title Sizlk0MJhog-00036-00022824-00023200 but a Gorwaa singer who I'll introduce a little later in this talk gave me a version of it and Sizlk0MJhog-00037-00023200-00023784 called it <Boloo Geera> a formula often used to begin a story in english we might call it once Sizlk0MJhog-00038-00023784-00024400 upon a time as far as I know it remains one of the earliest extant recordings of the Gorwaa language Sizlk0MJhog-00039-00024560-00025056 of course this was not my first encounter with the importance of recorded materials much of Sizlk0MJhog-00040-00025056-00025616 my formation took place during the documentary turn in linguistics perhaps best characterized Sizlk0MJhog-00041-00025616-00026320 by Himmelmann's 1998 definition of documentary linguistics as radically expanded text collection Sizlk0MJhog-00042-00026424-00027064 I'm very much a product of that text collection impulse a decade and a half after him on 1998 Sizlk0MJhog-00043-00027064-00027632 I had begun my work on Gorwaa a project which continued as a lone wolf style project until Sizlk0MJhog-00044-00027632-00028344 2018 and collected around 208 hours of audio and video recordings with that said in many Sizlk0MJhog-00045-00028344-00028760 ways the Tanzanian context is different from the western context in which language Sizlk0MJhog-00046-00028760-00029360 documentation was conceived including in the way described by Muzale and Rugemalira 2008 Sizlk0MJhog-00047-00029360-00030072 and my approach to documentation has in turn been shaped by these differences in 2018 myself and Sizlk0MJhog-00048-00030072-00030592 members of the Gorwaa speaker community actively began transforming the documentation project Sizlk0MJhog-00049-00030592-00031216 from a lone wolf project leading conducted by me into a community-based project led by Gorwaa Sizlk0MJhog-00050-00031216-00031872 speakers themselves from the time this project began to present around an additional 281 hours Sizlk0MJhog-00051-00031872-00032383 of audio visual materials have been collected and analyzed by these insider researchers Sizlk0MJhog-00052-00032472-00033032 these materials are now openly accessible in the digital Endangered Languages Archive based at SOAS Sizlk0MJhog-00053-00033144-00033544 I helped establish a new project with the Ihanzu speaker community based on the same Sizlk0MJhog-00054-00033544-00034184 insider model in 2019 and since that time insider researchers have collected and analyzed more than Sizlk0MJhog-00055-00034184-00034824 200 hours of Ihanzu audiovisual materials which are again openly accessible at ELAR Sizlk0MJhog-00056-00034960-00035488 in the same year my colleague Richard Griscom and I began another project of this kind together Sizlk0MJhog-00057-00035488-00035904 with the Hadza-speaking community which to present has collected and analyzed more than Sizlk0MJhog-00058-00035904-00036528 200 hours of audio visual material all of which is again openly accessible via ELAR Sizlk0MJhog-00059-00036528-00037072 all of this is to simply situate myself within documentation as a subfield and to provide some Sizlk0MJhog-00060-00037072-00037760 context for the reflections to come returning to my first experiences with documentation that is Sizlk0MJhog-00061-00037760-00038304 leading an outsider documentation of Gorwaa between 2012 and 2018 my initial motivation Sizlk0MJhog-00062-00038304-00038832 to take this approach was that it would lead to a better grammatical description this has been Sizlk0MJhog-00063-00038832-00039296 articulated by linguists in several different venues throughout the years and is related to Sizlk0MJhog-00064-00039296-00039896 the reproducibility crisis in wider scientific circles but has been most clearly argued for Sizlk0MJhog-00065-00039960-00040624 linguistics in Berez-Kroeker et al. 2018 which among other arguments states that if our analysis Sizlk0MJhog-00066-00040624-00041312 can be linked to the data from which they derive then they can be more easily checked verified or Sizlk0MJhog-00067-00041312-00042312 disproven so at its heart this approach is about honouring linguistics as an empirical science the Sizlk0MJhog-00068-00042312-00043032 resulting documentary data however manifests itself in surprising ways patterns emerging Sizlk0MJhog-00069-00043032-00043656 in natural speech that I would never have gone looking for myself say through elicitation take Sizlk0MJhog-00070-00043656-00044144 this example in which Pascal Bu'ú' and his father Bu'ú' Saqwaré are talking about a historically Sizlk0MJhog-00071-00044144-00044848 important tree in Yerotonik village at one point the tree is described as iimi-saaw where iimi Sizlk0MJhog-00072-00044848-00045568 is a noun meaning something like "people" or "mores" and saaw is an adjective meaning "far" Sizlk0MJhog-00073-00045752-00046480 Gorwaa commonly employs this structure with the resulting compounds giving a meaning more or less Sizlk0MJhog-00074-00046480-00047080 idiomatic in nature surprisingly however these patterns do not behave as we would Sizlk0MJhog-00075-00047080-00047688 expect an incorporated noun to behave so take for example the noun-adjective compound slaqwa-hhoo' Sizlk0MJhog-00076-00047688-00048240 where the slaqwa literally means "body" and hhoo' literally means "good" together the form means Sizlk0MJhog-00077-00048240-00048904 something like "fat" or "healthy" here we see the adjective inflecting for the gender and number of Sizlk0MJhog-00078-00048904-00049496 its head the cow and here we see the adjective inflecting for the gender and number of its head Sizlk0MJhog-00079-00049496-00050104 bull the difference that is that the adjective is in a masculine singular form is an important piece Sizlk0MJhog-00080-00050104-00050720 of evidence in that it shows agreement is not with the noun body because body is feminine singular Sizlk0MJhog-00081-00050720-00051288 but actually with the noun bull which is masculine singular all of this is how we would expect an Sizlk0MJhog-00082-00051288-00051855 adjective in Gorwaa to behave however when the head of the adjective is plural in this case Sizlk0MJhog-00083-00051855-00052400 cattle we not only get the adjective part of the compound agreeing for gender and number but Sizlk0MJhog-00084-00052400-00052904 we also have the nominal part of the adjective seemingly inflecting for number instead of the Sizlk0MJhog-00085-00052904-00053632 singular slaqwa we now have the plural slaqoo for a form that in all senses seems to be incorporated Sizlk0MJhog-00086-00053632-00054440 it is typologically surprising to see it available for inflection in this way so in very real ways Sizlk0MJhog-00087-00054440-00055055 once I chose a documentary approach initially for reasons of reproducibility the data the language Sizlk0MJhog-00088-00055055-00055888 began speaking in interesting and unexpected ways this occurs on the level of grammatical structures Sizlk0MJhog-00089-00055888-00056424 but also at the level of speech genres so in addition to a language documentation approach Sizlk0MJhog-00090-00056424-00056952 allowing overlooked grammatical structures to emerge from recordings of natural speech Sizlk0MJhog-00091-00056952-00057544 so too does a language documentation approach lend itself to the inclusion of literary genres Sizlk0MJhog-00092-00057544-00058600 for example it was not long after receiving the original version of our Gorwaa song <Booloo Geera> Sizlk0MJhog-00093-00058600-00058984 that I myself recorded the same song at the house of one of my consultants Sizlk0MJhog-00094-00059472-00059920 it was there that I learned that the song was linked to Gorwaa rain making practices which Sizlk0MJhog-00095-00059920-00060344 themselves are linked to the Bantu-speaking peoples of northern Singida region including Sizlk0MJhog-00096-00060344-00060864 the Ihanzu-speaking people to whom we will now turn for a further example Sizlk0MJhog-00097-00060864-00061472 of how studying the literary genres of the Rift Valley Area reveals the interconnections of its Sizlk0MJhog-00098-00061472-00062576 people so to say that the Ihanzu-speaking people of northern Singida region possess a lively Sizlk0MJhog-00099-00062576-00063279 riddling tradition is an understatement indeed recordings made of the Ihanzu riddling are some Sizlk0MJhog-00100-00063279-00064096 of the most raucous recordings we have made and are great shows of wit and pragmatic virtuosity Sizlk0MJhog-00101-00064352-00064896 less expected is the fact that during riddling the posing and answering of the riddles is Sizlk0MJhog-00102-00064896-00065448 the briefest part of the exchange much more extensive is the bargaining portion that is Sizlk0MJhog-00103-00065448-00066040 when a riddler poses a riddle which the answerer cannot answer the answerer must offer something to Sizlk0MJhog-00104-00066040-00066584 the riddler to buy the answer this may be food or farming implements but more often than not Sizlk0MJhog-00105-00066584-00067152 it is a physical place like a town or village much of the back-and-forth is then the riddler Sizlk0MJhog-00106-00067152-00067760 and the answerer talking about what they know of places their vices and their virtues in this way Sizlk0MJhog-00107-00067760-00068344 riddling is a sort of moral geography lesson in which people exchange what they know of villages Sizlk0MJhog-00108-00068400-00069176 towns and cities throughout the area this is explained as the explicit goal of riddles by Sizlk0MJhog-00109-00069176-00069872 John Kipimo when interviewed by Samweli Isiah and can be seen from the screenshot of conversation Sizlk0MJhog-00110-00069872-00070392 when Samweli asks John why people riddle John answers that the purpose was such that children Sizlk0MJhog-00111-00070392-00071304 here written those people be made to know this place was good and this place was bad indeed Sizlk0MJhog-00112-00071304-00071944 the pedagogical purpose of riddles and riddling is a salient feature across the wider area of central Sizlk0MJhog-00113-00071944-00072544 Tanzania but would not have become apparent had it not been for the collective efforts of the Rift Sizlk0MJhog-00114-00072544-00073176 Valley Network: an active group of academics and local people researching the histories languages Sizlk0MJhog-00115-00073176-00073776 and cultures of the Tanzanian Rift Valley Area a subfield we can playfully call Riftology Sizlk0MJhog-00116-00073856-00074376 this group one I'm very proud to have helped set up and support works on the recognition that the Sizlk0MJhog-00117-00074376-00074920 Rift Valley Area is home to so much diversity and so much complexity that working alone is Sizlk0MJhog-00118-00074920-00075504 essentially futile instead the network operates on principles of collaborative knowledge creation Sizlk0MJhog-00119-00075504-00076160 coming together on topics of interest one of these topics of interest was riddles and during Sizlk0MJhog-00120-00076160-00076672 several months of reading groups presentations and workshop conversations we came to see that Sizlk0MJhog-00121-00076672-00077112 across the groups of the Rift Valley Area riddling was a central pillar Sizlk0MJhog-00122-00077112-00077824 of traditional learning and so I was pleased that when I returned to recordings of Gorwaa riddling Sizlk0MJhog-00123-00077824-00078584 I encountered the same sort of back-and-forth again involving these moral geography lessons Sizlk0MJhog-00124-00078984-00079512 returning to our song <Booloo Geera> the story doesn't end with its modern day renditions Sizlk0MJhog-00125-00079512-00079928 further research has been conducted throughout the Gorwaa-speaking community Sizlk0MJhog-00126-00079928-00080408 about the individuals named in the song about the context in which a song like this would have Sizlk0MJhog-00127-00080408-00080920 been sung and like in this video here about the family of rainmakers named in this song Sizlk0MJhog-00128-00080984-00081488 importantly and as can be seen here most of this research is now being conducted by local members Sizlk0MJhog-00129-00081488-00082416 of the Gorwaa language community in fact virtually all of my language documentation since around 2018 Sizlk0MJhog-00130-00082416-00082960 has been primarily led and conducted by insiders that is people who identify as members of the Sizlk0MJhog-00131-00082960-00083576 speech community they are researching but why conduct language documentation in this way Sizlk0MJhog-00132-00083576-00084176 after all projects of this kind take a great deal of time to plan and develop and require a Sizlk0MJhog-00133-00084176-00084784 considerable amount of mutual trust between insider and outsider actors this assessment Sizlk0MJhog-00134-00084784-00085296 of the Ihanzu and Hadza proposals indicates that it is very clear that reviewers usually Sizlk0MJhog-00135-00085296-00085872 themselves documentary linguists were highly skeptical of the ability to work in this way Sizlk0MJhog-00136-00085872-00086504 with the Hadza- and Ihanzu-speaking communities despite this my colleague Richard Griscom and I Sizlk0MJhog-00137-00086504-00087056 are increasingly seeing data emerging from these projects which suggests that by many measures Sizlk0MJhog-00138-00087056-00087640 making space for insiders to act as agents in documentation results in documentations Sizlk0MJhog-00139-00087640-00088144 which are measurably more comprehensive which we address in detail in the talk shown here Sizlk0MJhog-00140-00088256-00088752 but are also more meaningful to local communities which we address in the talk listed here Sizlk0MJhog-00141-00088936-00089424 for now I'd like to mention one facet of this concept of meaningfulness for local communities Sizlk0MJhog-00142-00089424-00089936 and that is something called narrative sovereignty narrative sovereignty essentially refers to people Sizlk0MJhog-00143-00089936-00090464 being in control of how stories are told about them and when local people are given the tools Sizlk0MJhog-00144-00090464-00091056 they need to document their languages their cultures and their daily lives that control Sizlk0MJhog-00145-00091056-00091664 over how they are represented rests with them here we have been watching recordings that my colleague Sizlk0MJhog-00146-00091664-00092256 Richard Griscom has made of Hadzabe people hunting and of course the Hadzabe are famous Sizlk0MJhog-00147-00092256-00092808 among anthropologists documentary filmmakers and tourists for the fact that a subset of the Sizlk0MJhog-00148-00092808-00093384 community still practiced subsistence hunting and forging and in many ways this is how the Hadzabe Sizlk0MJhog-00149-00093384-00094040 have been represented to the outside world a quote by prominent anthropologist Nicholas Blurton Jones Sizlk0MJhog-00150-00094040-00094648 does a particularly good job of encapsulating this image of the Hadzabe people as an isolated Sizlk0MJhog-00151-00094648-00095328 homogeneous population quote "[throughout the 20th century] day by day Hadza have little to Sizlk0MJhog-00152-00095328-00095952 adapt to but their environment and each other" end quote based on my understanding of the language Sizlk0MJhog-00153-00095952-00096392 I believe this to be untrue both for the 20th century as well as for the many centuries that Sizlk0MJhog-00154-00096392-00097112 preceded it but furthermore when we foster space for narrative sovereignty to develop we also see Sizlk0MJhog-00155-00097112-00097688 that Hadzabe people show us a very different image of themselves than this quote provides as well Sizlk0MJhog-00156-00098112-00098768 consider for example this clip taken by insider researcher Endeko Saymon here not only does the Sizlk0MJhog-00157-00098768-00099440 interviewee Baghayo recount stories of hunting but he also talks at length about the local rainmaker Sizlk0MJhog-00158-00099440-00100128 something that hadn't been documented among the Hadza before as well as the rituals which were Sizlk0MJhog-00159-00100128-00100680 associated with the Hadzabe people visiting her what Baghayo describes is strikingly similar to Sizlk0MJhog-00160-00100680-00101192 practices of Bantu-speaking peoples to the west people with whom the Hadzabe have been Sizlk0MJhog-00161-00101192-00101712 in contact linguistically culturally and historically for a very long time indeed Sizlk0MJhog-00162-00101712-00102216 the Hadzabe people are and have been just as much a part of the Rift Valley Area as Sizlk0MJhog-00163-00102216-00102783 any other group and the picture which emerges when narrative sovereignty develops is rich Sizlk0MJhog-00164-00102783-00103383 in some ways cosmopolitan and most importantly how the Hadzabe people choose to be represented Sizlk0MJhog-00165-00103600-00104135 much of this talk has been spent propounding the virtues of the documentary approach and certainly Sizlk0MJhog-00166-00104135-00104711 there are many a documentary approach presents possibilities for better descriptions better Sizlk0MJhog-00167-00104711-00105248 engagement with literary genres and even better representations of the people with whom we work Sizlk0MJhog-00168-00105304-00105935 I'd like now to conclude by affirming in the most ardent way that no documentation alone Sizlk0MJhog-00169-00105935-00106568 will not save us returning to that original recording of the Gorwaa song <Booloo Geera> Sizlk0MJhog-00170-00106568-00107120 which has taught us so much about the Tanzanian Rift Valley Area this is an image of the hall Sizlk0MJhog-00171-00107120-00107735 closet from where it came it and a treasury of other early recordings of traditional music Sizlk0MJhog-00172-00107735-00108383 remain there year after year in the heat of the Tanzanian coast degrading more and more Sizlk0MJhog-00173-00108383-00109104 with the wet of each passing monsoon season and at its very worst we can see in it the reflection of Sizlk0MJhog-00174-00109104-00109744 the recent disaster at the University of Cape Town Library after the fire just a collection Sizlk0MJhog-00175-00109744-00110440 of undigitized material in peril but that is not what I am afraid of at its best the music archive Sizlk0MJhog-00176-00110440-00111159 as every archive digital or not is only that a repository inanimate disembodied Sizlk0MJhog-00177-00111159-00111720 and removed from the community from which it derives in other words the next great challenge Sizlk0MJhog-00178-00111720-00112272 of language documentarians both insider and outsider will be to bring the archive Sizlk0MJhog-00179-00112272-00112935 back to the speech community to make it relevant to make it valuable and to make it theirs again Sizlk0MJhog-00180-00113048-00113600 I'm optimistic about this project I think about Festo Massani pictured here at left an insider Sizlk0MJhog-00181-00113600-00114104 researcher with the Gorwaa documentation project who will soon be completing his master's degree Sizlk0MJhog-00182-00114104-00114832 on Gorwaa riddles employing archive material some of which he recorded himself or local researchers Sizlk0MJhog-00183-00114832-00115344 Nange Chaka and Angela Sampson traveling for more than an hour into the bush to make sure distant Sizlk0MJhog-00184-00115344-00115920 members of their Hadza-speaking community could still have their voices included in the project Sizlk0MJhog-00185-00116072-00116735 to conclude then I titled this talk recalibrating documentation because as much as a documentary Sizlk0MJhog-00186-00116735-00117335 approach has shaped my understanding of African languages and African linguistics the documentary Sizlk0MJhog-00187-00117335-00117959 approach must to grow and change in response to African language data in African language Sizlk0MJhog-00188-00117959-00118680 contexts I hope through this largely reflexive presentation I have shown some of the ways Sizlk0MJhog-00189-00118680-00119472 in which this recalibration is happening and must continue to happen as well as highlighted the work Sizlk0MJhog-00190-00119472-00120135 and stories of the ones to lead this recalibration the local speakers themselves Sizlk0MJhog-00191-00120464-00121983 thank you and here are my references Sj9S71Uk1wI-00000-00000300-00000900 Oh, way to go, tough guy. Beat him to a pulp. That should make him real chatty. Sj9S71Uk1wI-00001-00000900-00001000 You want some, too? Sj9S71Uk1wI-00002-00001000-00001300 Hey, chill. I want what you want, brother. Sj9S71Uk1wI-00003-00001300-00001500 Oh, yeah? And what's that? Sj9S71Uk1wI-00004-00001500-00002100 Your green - and my dead brother's white lady. Unfortunately, you just silenced our lead. Sj9S71Uk1wI-00005-00002200-00002300 Accidents happen. Get lost. Sj9S71Uk1wI-00006-00002400-00002700 Hey, hey, whoa. No need to go all 'Lone Ranger' on my ass. Sj9S71Uk1wI-00007-00002800-00003400 The way i see it - we two hombres in a strange town. We need to watch each other's back. Sj9S71Uk1wI-00008-00003400-00003600 My back's just fine, brother... Sj9S71Uk1wI-00009-00003600-00003800 You sure about that? Here, take this. Sj9S71Uk1wI-00010-00004000-00004100 Follow me! SjnZRNljGbM-00000-00000313-00000600 Greetings everyone. Welcome to the presentation on SjnZRNljGbM-00001-00000600-00001053 the History of Computer Hardware. My name is Dan McElroy at San José SjnZRNljGbM-00002-00001053-00001547 City College and I am your guide. I will tell you stories here of how SjnZRNljGbM-00003-00001547-00001959 we got to the computers of today. Not only of the boxes and hardware of SjnZRNljGbM-00004-00001959-00002409 years yonder, but even more importantly of the people who are the creators SjnZRNljGbM-00005-00002409-00002861 of these incredible inventions. To be really honest about history, SjnZRNljGbM-00006-00002861-00003336 I had a hard time being inspired by things that happened centuries ago. SjnZRNljGbM-00007-00003336-00003680 Like the story of how Pope Leo the Great saved Rome from being SjnZRNljGbM-00008-00003680-00004162 sacked by Jabba the Hun. Or was it Attila the Hut. SjnZRNljGbM-00009-00004162-00004545 I cared less about memorizing the names of King Henry VIII's wives SjnZRNljGbM-00010-00004545-00004942 and whose heads he had chopped off for not giving him a son. SjnZRNljGbM-00011-00004942-00005303 I took history classes in school because I had to. SjnZRNljGbM-00012-00005303-00005669 Now that I'm older, I have a greater appreciation of history SjnZRNljGbM-00013-00005669-00006203 and have come to really enjoy it. Especially the history of computers. SjnZRNljGbM-00014-00006203-00006602 If you can, you definitely need to visit the Computer History Museum SjnZRNljGbM-00015-00006602-00007011 in Mountain View California. I used to bring my classes there SjnZRNljGbM-00016-00007011-00007314 when I taught on campus. This is a museum that SjnZRNljGbM-00017-00007314-00007713 has done things right. Call or check online for their days SjnZRNljGbM-00018-00007713-00008211 and hours of operation before going. I am here to tell you the stories of SjnZRNljGbM-00019-00008211-00008665 the evolution of computer hardware. I have been personally involved in SjnZRNljGbM-00020-00008665-00009175 many of the things described here or have worked with friends who have. SjnZRNljGbM-00021-00009175-00009547 Many of these stories aren't in the typical textbook but they form SjnZRNljGbM-00022-00009547-00010052 an intricate part of my life. In college, we learned how to use SjnZRNljGbM-00023-00010052-00010413 a slide rule for math calculations and how to build computer SjnZRNljGbM-00024-00010413-00010888 circuits out of vacuum tubes. I've programmed computers with no SjnZRNljGbM-00025-00010888-00011275 disk drive using a Teletype as the input/output console and its paper SjnZRNljGbM-00026-00011275-00011739 tape reader and punch to edit, store, build and install software. SjnZRNljGbM-00027-00011739-00012178 I've worked on multi-million dollar systems and with microcontrollers SjnZRNljGbM-00028-00012178-00012683 that only cost a few dollars. We had to write the entire programs SjnZRNljGbM-00029-00012683-00013081 for some systems because absolutely no software was available. SjnZRNljGbM-00030-00013081-00013570 When I started in computers, there were no PCs, Apple IIs, SjnZRNljGbM-00031-00013570-00013953 cell phones or Internet. There were no commercial jet airplanes, SjnZRNljGbM-00032-00013953-00014526 satellites, color TV, or YouTube. I have seen the abacus in action. SjnZRNljGbM-00033-00014526-00014943 I was totally amazed by the speed of the street vendors in Japan at SjnZRNljGbM-00034-00014943-00015406 how fast they were with the abacus. The abacus has a collection SjnZRNljGbM-00035-00015406-00015758 of rods with beads that can slide up and down on them. SjnZRNljGbM-00036-00015758-00016155 When adding numbers and the top row becomes a 10, then set it back to zero SjnZRNljGbM-00037-00016155-00016858 and carry a 1 to the next column. The first column shows 5+1=6, the SjnZRNljGbM-00038-00016858-00017742 next column is a 3, then 0, 2,5+2=7,1, 5+0=5, 4, 0, 5+3=8 SjnZRNljGbM-00039-00017742-00019053 for a total value of 6,302,715,408. I had to take a 1/2 unit class SjnZRNljGbM-00040-00019053-00019436 in how to use the slide rule. Most of the engineering calculations SjnZRNljGbM-00041-00019436-00019844 for the Apollo program were done using only a slide rule. SjnZRNljGbM-00042-00019844-00020233 When I was in college, a good slide rule cost about $50 SjnZRNljGbM-00043-00020233-00020920 which is about $310 today. The HP-35 was introduced in 1972 at SjnZRNljGbM-00044-00020920-00021756 $395 equivalent to about $2,500 today. It was an instant success. SjnZRNljGbM-00045-00021756-00022092 For another $50 you could purchase a mounting block and bolt SjnZRNljGbM-00046-00022092-00022500 it down to your desk. The TI-30 was introduced four years SjnZRNljGbM-00047-00022500-00023159 later for $25, driving the price down to $100 for the HP-35. SjnZRNljGbM-00048-00023159-00023642 It sold for less than the cost of a professional grade slide rule. SjnZRNljGbM-00049-00023642-00024154 The TI-30 sold an estimated 15million units during its SjnZRNljGbM-00050-00024154-00024854 lifespan from 1976–1983. The scientific calculators were SjnZRNljGbM-00051-00024854-00025220 ten thousand times more accurate than a slide rule, destroying SjnZRNljGbM-00052-00025220-00025629 the business for slide rules. Now you can get a full functioning SjnZRNljGbM-00053-00025629-00026154 scientific calculator as an app on your Android or iPhone making both slide SjnZRNljGbM-00054-00026154-00026816 rule and scientific calculator obsolete. Charles Babbage is credited with inventing SjnZRNljGbM-00055-00026816-00027320 the first mechanical computer, the Difference Engine and is considered by SjnZRNljGbM-00056-00027320-00027841 many people to be "father of the computer". He died before the Difference Engine SjnZRNljGbM-00057-00027841-00028445 construction was completed. While Babbage's machines were mechanical SjnZRNljGbM-00058-00028445-00028914 and unwieldy, their basic architecture was similar to a modern computer. SjnZRNljGbM-00059-00028914-00029410 The data and program memory were separated, operation was instruction-based, SjnZRNljGbM-00060-00029410-00029723 the control unit could make conditional jumps, and the machine SjnZRNljGbM-00061-00029723-00030338 had a separate I/O unit. Commonly referred to as Ada Lovelace, SjnZRNljGbM-00062-00030338-00030895 her full name and title was Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace. SjnZRNljGbM-00063-00030895-00031447 She first met Charles Babbage in June 1833 and invited her to see the SjnZRNljGbM-00064-00031447-00031845 prototype for his difference engine. She was chiefly known for SjnZRNljGbM-00065-00031845-00032316 her work on his machine. She was the first to recognize that SjnZRNljGbM-00066-00032316-00032760 the machine had applications beyond pure calculation, and to have SjnZRNljGbM-00067-00032760-00033195 published the first algorithm. As a result, she is often regarded SjnZRNljGbM-00068-00033195-00033846 as the first computer programmer. In 1801, Joseph-Marie Jacquard SjnZRNljGbM-00069-00033846-00034244 developed a loom in which the pattern being woven was controlled SjnZRNljGbM-00070-00034244-00034546 by punched cards. The series of cards could be SjnZRNljGbM-00071-00034546-00034938 changed without changing the mechanical design of the loom. SjnZRNljGbM-00072-00034938-00035385 This was a landmark point in programmability. SjnZRNljGbM-00073-00035385-00035812 Herman Hollerith's invention of the punched card tabulating machine marks SjnZRNljGbM-00074-00035812-00036343 the beginning of the era of mechanized binary code and semiautomaticdata SjnZRNljGbM-00075-00036343-00036671 processingsystems. Hollerith's punched cards reduced SjnZRNljGbM-00076-00036671-00037230 the time to compute the 1890 census from eight years to six. SjnZRNljGbM-00077-00037230-00037687 Hollerith founded a company that was amalgamated in 1911 with several SjnZRNljGbM-00078-00037687-00038215 other companies to form the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company. SjnZRNljGbM-00079-00038215-00038572 Here is a deck of punched cards held together by a rubber band. SjnZRNljGbM-00080-00038572-00038991 I can see on the top that the person has marked different sections SjnZRNljGbM-00081-00038991-00039328 of the cards with the names of the parts of the program. SjnZRNljGbM-00082-00039328-00039677 The slashed line is there to help put the cards back in order SjnZRNljGbM-00083-00039677-00040230 if the deck was dropped. When we were using decks of cards, SjnZRNljGbM-00084-00040230-00040624 one of the programmers was very artistic and drew a fantastic picture SjnZRNljGbM-00085-00040624-00041109 on the top of the cards. Unfortunately, as the program was updated, SjnZRNljGbM-00086-00041109-00041499 new cards were added into the middle of the deck and messed up his picture. SjnZRNljGbM-00087-00041499-00042044 I could see his mental challenge as to what was more important, his SjnZRNljGbM-00088-00042044-00042786 artwork or fixing the program. Warehouses the size of football fields SjnZRNljGbM-00089-00042786-00043242 ended up being used to store punched cards full of important information. SjnZRNljGbM-00090-00043242-00043688 Good luck finding the piece if you needed to. SjnZRNljGbM-00091-00043688-00044081 Something need to be done to improve this situation. SjnZRNljGbM-00092-00044081-00044607 Eventually, almost everything was done using punched cards. SjnZRNljGbM-00093-00044607-00045168 Census records, inventory control, paychecks, savings bonds and more. SjnZRNljGbM-00094-00045168-00045662 IBM sold or leased the 026 card punch, a card sorter, another machine for SjnZRNljGbM-00095-00045662-00046223 collating two stacks of cards into one stack and another machine the 407 SjnZRNljGbM-00096-00046223-00046774 tabulating machine for computing and printing results from processing the cards. SjnZRNljGbM-00097-00046774-00047372 The collection of these individual machines were called unit record equipment. SjnZRNljGbM-00098-00047372-00047856 While at El Camino College in Torrance, California, we were taught how to SjnZRNljGbM-00099-00047856-00048316 program the 407 by moving wires around on the removable plug boards. SjnZRNljGbM-00100-00048316-00048837 I worked part time at the Post Office and put my paycheck in the 407 SjnZRNljGbM-00101-00048837-00049245 to see what would happen, but I put it in crooked and my paycheck SjnZRNljGbM-00102-00049245-00049855 got damaged but not destroyed. I never did that again. SjnZRNljGbM-00103-00049855-00050190 There were three parallel streams of computer development SjnZRNljGbM-00104-00050190-00050696 in the World War II era. The first stream largely ignored, SjnZRNljGbM-00105-00050696-00051047 and the second stream deliberately kept secret. SjnZRNljGbM-00106-00051047-00051534 The Z3 was a German electromechanical computer designed by Konrad Zuse SjnZRNljGbM-00107-00051534-00052284 in 1935, and completed in 1941. Zuse worked in isolation from other computer SjnZRNljGbM-00108-00052284-00052897 developers and was not aware of the work done in Brittan or America. SjnZRNljGbM-00109-00052897-00053272 Many people consider him as the inventor of the computer. SjnZRNljGbM-00110-00053272-00053751 Zuse asked the German government for funding to replace the relays with fully SjnZRNljGbM-00111-00053751-00054378 electronic switches, but funding was denied duringWorld War II since such development SjnZRNljGbM-00112-00054378-00055058 was deemed "not war-important". The original Z3 was destroyed in a SjnZRNljGbM-00113-00055058-00055675 1943 Allied bombardment of Berlin. As a consequence, almost no one SjnZRNljGbM-00114-00055675-00056255 heard of the Z3 for many years. The Enigma machines were a family SjnZRNljGbM-00115-00056255-00056680 of portable cipher machines with rotor scramblers used by the German SjnZRNljGbM-00116-00056680-00057187 military during World War II. A few captured Enigma machines allowed SjnZRNljGbM-00117-00057187-00057677 the them to be reverse-engineered and the ciphers to be decoded. SjnZRNljGbM-00118-00057677-00058216 Thebombewas anelectro-mechanicaldevice used by the Britishcryptologiststo SjnZRNljGbM-00119-00058216-00058920 help decipher GermanEnigma encrypted secret messages.TheUS NavyandUS SjnZRNljGbM-00120-00058920-00059470 Armylater produced their own machines to the same functional specification, SjnZRNljGbM-00121-00059470-00059845 but engineered differently both from each other and from SjnZRNljGbM-00122-00059845-00060367 Polish and British bombes. Colossus was a set of computers SjnZRNljGbM-00123-00060367-00060770 developed by British codebreakers to help in cryptanalysis. SjnZRNljGbM-00124-00060770-00061321 Colossus used thermionic valves that Americans call vacuum tubes. SjnZRNljGbM-00125-00061321-00061782 Colossus is thus regarded as the world's first programmable, electronic, SjnZRNljGbM-00126-00061782-00062201 digital computer, although it was programmed by switches and plugs SjnZRNljGbM-00127-00062201-00062694 and not by a stored program. The use of these machines allowed the SjnZRNljGbM-00128-00062694-00063179 Allies to obtain a vast amount of high-level military intelligence from SjnZRNljGbM-00129-00063179-00063565 intercepted messages between the German High Command and their army SjnZRNljGbM-00130-00063565-00064178 commands throughout occupied Europe. The existence of the Colossus machines SjnZRNljGbM-00131-00064178-00064741 was kept secret until the mid-1970s. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill SjnZRNljGbM-00132-00064741-00065140 ordered them to be dismantled into such small parts that their SjnZRNljGbM-00133-00065140-00065749 use could not be inferred. Alan Turing was an English mathematician, SjnZRNljGbM-00134-00065749-00066038 computer scientist, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher, SjnZRNljGbM-00135-00066038-00066701 and theoretical biologist. An annual award for computer science SjnZRNljGbM-00136-00066701-00067264 innovation is named after him. His best known achievements in Computer SjnZRNljGbM-00137-00067264-00067750 Science are related to the top secret cryptanalyst breaking of the German codes SjnZRNljGbM-00138-00067750-00068396 during World War II, and for his early contributions to Artificial Intelligence. SjnZRNljGbM-00139-00068396-00068906 It is estimated that his work shortened the war in Europe by more than two years SjnZRNljGbM-00140-00068906-00069578 and saved over 14 million lives. Turing was prosecuted in SjnZRNljGbM-00141-00069578-00070239 1952 for homosexual acts; the Labouchere Amendment of 1885 had SjnZRNljGbM-00142-00070239-00070812 mandated that "gross indecency" was a criminal offence in the United Kingdom. SjnZRNljGbM-00143-00070812-00071351 He accepted chemical castration treatment as an alternative to prison and later SjnZRNljGbM-00144-00071351-00072005 died from cyanide poisoning in 1954. An inquest determined his death as a SjnZRNljGbM-00145-00072005-00072477 suicide, but the known evidence is also consistent with accidental poisoning. SjnZRNljGbM-00146-00072477-00073108 In 2009, following an Internet campaign, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown SjnZRNljGbM-00147-00073108-00073621 made an official public apology on behalf of the British government for SjnZRNljGbM-00148-00073621-00074195 "the appalling way he was treated". Queen Elizabeth II granted Turing SjnZRNljGbM-00149-00074195-00074801 a posthumous pardon in 2013. And The Bank of England has authorized SjnZRNljGbM-00150-00074801-00075404 Alan Turing to be the face of new £50 note which went into circulation SjnZRNljGbM-00151-00075404-00076049 on 23 June 2021, which coincides with his birthday. SjnZRNljGbM-00152-00076049-00076572 John MauchlyandJ. Presper Eckert designed the ENIAC at the University of Pennsylvania. SjnZRNljGbM-00153-00076572-00077109 It was completed in 1945. It was the firstprogrammable,electronic, SjnZRNljGbM-00154-00077109-00077762 general-purposedigital computer.Although ENIAC was designed and primarily used SjnZRNljGbM-00155-00077762-00078224 to calculateartilleryfiring tablesfor theUnited States Army'sBallistic SjnZRNljGbM-00156-00078224-00078709 Research Laboratory, its first program was a study of the feasibility SjnZRNljGbM-00157-00078709-00079160 of athermonuclear weapon. It had a speed on the order of one SjnZRNljGbM-00158-00079160-00079514 thousand times faster than that ofelectro-mechanicalmachines. SjnZRNljGbM-00159-00079514-00080296 The ENIAC calculated a trajectory in 30 seconds that took a human 20 hours SjnZRNljGbM-00160-00080296-00081187 allowing one ENIAC to displace 2,400 humans. According to an interview in 1989 with SjnZRNljGbM-00161-00081187-00081699 Eckert, "We had a tube fail about every two days and we could locate SjnZRNljGbM-00162-00081699-00082392 the problem within 15 minutes."In 1954, the longest continuous period SjnZRNljGbM-00163-00082392-00083245 of operation without a failure was 116 hours, close to five days. SjnZRNljGbM-00164-00083245-00083804 EDSAC was completed at the University of Cambridge in England in 1948. SjnZRNljGbM-00165-00083804-00084327 EDSAC stands for Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator. SjnZRNljGbM-00166-00084327-00084711 Even before the construction was completed for the ENIAC, Mauchly SjnZRNljGbM-00167-00084711-00085094 and Eckert came up with new designs for better computers. SjnZRNljGbM-00168-00085094-00085550 The EDVAC(Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) was one of the SjnZRNljGbM-00169-00085550-00085983 earliest electronic computers and wasbinaryrather thandecimal. SjnZRNljGbM-00170-00085983-00086527 The UNIVAC became a commercial success. UNIVAC Iof 1951 became known for SjnZRNljGbM-00171-00086527-00086826 predicting the outcome of the U.S. presidential election SjnZRNljGbM-00172-00086826-00087188 the following year. This is noteworthy because the computer SjnZRNljGbM-00173-00087188-00087779 predicted an Eisenhower landslide over Adlai Stevenson, whereas the final Gallup SjnZRNljGbM-00174-00087779-00088405 poll had Eisenhower winning the popular vote 51–49 in a close contest. SjnZRNljGbM-00175-00088405-00088778 The prediction leftthe CBS news to believe the computer was in SjnZRNljGbM-00176-00088778-00089082 error, refused to allow the prediction to be read on the air. SjnZRNljGbM-00177-00089082-00089595 [From CBS] So let's go down to Philadelphia and see whether we can get an explation SjnZRNljGbM-00178-00089595-00090020 of what happened to UNIVAC from Mr. Arthur Draper who is the head of the SjnZRNljGbM-00179-00090020-00090549 "New Products Division" of Remington Rand's laboratory for advanced research. SjnZRNljGbM-00180-00090549-00090885 Art, what happened there when we came out with that funny prediction?. SjnZRNljGbM-00181-00090885-00091260 [Art] Well, we had a lot of troubles tonight. SjnZRNljGbM-00182-00091260-00091677 Strangely enough, they were all human and not the machine. SjnZRNljGbM-00183-00091677-00092249 To start a prediction like this, you have to assume certain SjnZRNljGbM-00184-00092249-00092692 facts about past trends. When UNIVAC made its first prediction SjnZRNljGbM-00185-00092692-00093544 with only 3 million votes in, it gave 5 states for Stevenson, 43 for SjnZRNljGbM-00186-00093544-00094032 Eisenhower, 93 electoral votes for Stevenson, 438 for Eisenhower. SjnZRNljGbM-00187-00094032-00094738 We just plain didn't believe it. So we asked UNIVAC to forget SjnZRNljGbM-00188-00094738-00095107 a lot of the trend information that we had put in to it. SjnZRNljGbM-00189-00095107-00095706 Assuming that that was wrong. So UNIVAC worked on a smaller SjnZRNljGbM-00190-00095706-00096234 margin of knowledge. This won't give a wrong answer SjnZRNljGbM-00191-00096234-00096658 but it will throw the odds to the extent that you saw. SjnZRNljGbM-00192-00096658-00097361 As the prediction, more votes came in, the odds came back, it was obviously SjnZRNljGbM-00193-00097361-00097880 evident that we should have nerve enough to believe the machine in the first place. SjnZRNljGbM-00194-00097880-00098294 It was right. We were wrong. Next year we will believe it. SjnZRNljGbM-00195-00098294-00098914 Thomas Watson Sr. originally worked at National Cash Register, also known as NCR. SjnZRNljGbM-00196-00098914-00099402 When I was young, I only saw NCR cash registers in stores. SjnZRNljGbM-00197-00099402-00099925 Although NCR was known especially for treating their employees well, they SjnZRNljGbM-00198-00099925-00100423 weren't as kind to their competition. According to an unauthorized biography SjnZRNljGbM-00199-00100423-00100947 Tom Watson was moved into the dirty-tricks division of NCR where his job was SjnZRNljGbM-00200-00100947-00101473 to run competitors out of business. This had a two-pronged attack. SjnZRNljGbM-00201-00101473-00101871 Clones of competitor's cash registers were built, but built poorly SjnZRNljGbM-00202-00101871-00102400 to give them a bad reputation. Tom's job was to start used cash register SjnZRNljGbM-00203-00102400-00102907 stores and undercut all the other used cash register stores prices SjnZRNljGbM-00204-00102907-00103226 to run them out of business. When that happened, his store SjnZRNljGbM-00205-00103226-00103651 would close and people had to buy new cash registers from NCR. SjnZRNljGbM-00206-00103651-00104173 Also, according to the same biography, Tom went into a tavern for a drink SjnZRNljGbM-00207-00104173-00104608 and left his horse and wagon outside full of cash registers. SjnZRNljGbM-00208-00104608-00105135 Someone stole both his horse and wagon. From that point on, no drinking was SjnZRNljGbM-00209-00105135-00105783 permitted at any company he worked at. NCR got sued for their dirty tricks SjnZRNljGbM-00210-00105783-00106277 and they blamed it all on Tom. It's his fault. It's his fault. SjnZRNljGbM-00211-00106277-00106671 So he got fired and ended up with possible jail time. SjnZRNljGbM-00212-00106671-00107072 He needed a job and was hired by Charles Flint at SjnZRNljGbM-00213-00107072-00107339 Computing-Tabulating-Recording, also known as CTR. SjnZRNljGbM-00214-00107339-00107698 They were willing to hire Tom even though he had jail time SjnZRNljGbM-00215-00107698-00108224 hanging over his head. Somehow he got the jail time dismissed. SjnZRNljGbM-00216-00108224-00108534 It was there that he worked with Herman Hollerith. SjnZRNljGbM-00217-00108534-00108872 You may recall that Hollerith was the punched card guy. SjnZRNljGbM-00218-00108872-00109317 Tom Watson worked his way to becoming president of CTR with a strong SjnZRNljGbM-00219-00109317-00109949 promotion of the punched card business. He wanted a better name for CTR, SjnZRNljGbM-00220-00109949-00110451 even better than the 'National' in NCR and wanted it to convey SjnZRNljGbM-00221-00110451-00111073 more than cash registers. CTR was then renamed International SjnZRNljGbM-00222-00111073-00111476 Business Machines, now IBM. The punched card business thrived SjnZRNljGbM-00223-00111476-00111994 under Tom Watson Sr. IBM joined with Harvard University SjnZRNljGbM-00224-00111994-00112386 in building an electromechanical computer called the Mark-1. SjnZRNljGbM-00225-00112386-00112836 Although it can be called a computer, it was not electronic. SjnZRNljGbM-00226-00112836-00113258 IBM was falling behind companies like UNIVAC which started getting orders SjnZRNljGbM-00227-00113258-00113767 for computers to replace IBM's beloved punched card equipment. SjnZRNljGbM-00228-00113767-00114213 This scared one of the vice presidents, Tom Watson Jr. and SjnZRNljGbM-00229-00114213-00114802 he convinced his dad that IBM needed to get into the real computer business. SjnZRNljGbM-00230-00114802-00115371 The IBM 1401 was designed as a replacement for IBM's punched-card equipment SjnZRNljGbM-00231-00115371-00115973 or as an add-on helper to IBM's larger 7000 series computers. SjnZRNljGbM-00232-00115973-00116441 By the mid-1960's nearly half of the computers in the world SjnZRNljGbM-00233-00116441-00117023 were 1401-type systems. Monthly rental for 1401 configurations SjnZRNljGbM-00234-00117023-00117696 started at $2,500, worth about $22,000 today. SjnZRNljGbM-00235-00117696-00118233 That is for the base model with 1400 bytes of memory. SjnZRNljGbM-00236-00118233-00118789 Consider that the base model for an iPhone is 64 giga bytes of memory SjnZRNljGbM-00237-00118789-00119559 which is about 45 million times more memory than the basic 1401. SjnZRNljGbM-00238-00119559-00120042 IBM also built the 1620. It was nicknamed the CADET which stood SjnZRNljGbM-00239-00120042-00120629 for Can't Add Doesn't Even Try. It was nicknamed this because the hardware SjnZRNljGbM-00240-00120629-00121151 did not have an arithmetic unit but needed to do everything in software. SjnZRNljGbM-00241-00121151-00121555 The computer came with a card reader / punch and a printer. SjnZRNljGbM-00242-00121555-00122071 My first experience in programming was in the SPS language and Fortran SjnZRNljGbM-00243-00122071-00122528 at El Camino College in California. The school was able to get its hands SjnZRNljGbM-00244-00122528-00123229 on a 1620, possibly because it was becoming obsolete by then. SjnZRNljGbM-00245-00123229-00123651 Further development was stopped on the 1401 and 1620 when IBM SjnZRNljGbM-00246-00123651-00124292 decided to build the System 360. This was such a major undertaking for the SjnZRNljGbM-00247-00124292-00124898 company that if this project failed, it would probably bring down the company. SjnZRNljGbM-00248-00124898-00125497 What is special about the System 360 is that it is a family of computers from the SjnZRNljGbM-00249-00125497-00126122 low-end model 20 to high-end model 85. Programs written for the model 20 SjnZRNljGbM-00250-00126122-00126591 could be run on all the other 360s. This meant that customers did SjnZRNljGbM-00251-00126591-00126997 not need to worry about having to rewrite their software when SjnZRNljGbM-00252-00126997-00127609 upgrading to a better machine. The IBM 360 series was microcoded SjnZRNljGbM-00253-00127609-00128017 so that it could recognize different sets of machine instructions. SjnZRNljGbM-00254-00128017-00128610 This was done so that the System 360 could not only use its more advanced set of SjnZRNljGbM-00255-00128610-00129240 instructions, but could also be configured to use the IBM 1401 instruction set. SjnZRNljGbM-00256-00129240-00129811 Since the cost of the software sometimes exceeded the cost of the machine, and SjnZRNljGbM-00257-00129811-00130295 many of the IBM customers had already invested years of software development SjnZRNljGbM-00258-00130295-00130897 in the 1401, they could buy a more powerful System 360 and still run SjnZRNljGbM-00259-00130897-00131636 the programs written for the 1401. When you powered up the 360 SjnZRNljGbM-00260-00131636-00132127 it could be set to either 1401 emulation or standard 360. SjnZRNljGbM-00261-00132127-00132666 The microcode instructions were stored on a floppy disk inside the 360. SjnZRNljGbM-00262-00132666-00133112 It was like if you woke up in the morning and inserted a brain in your SjnZRNljGbM-00263-00133112-00133621 head that spoke French, or inserted a brain that spoke English. SjnZRNljGbM-00264-00133621-00134037 But you couldn't switch back and forth without reinstalling a new brain. SjnZRNljGbM-00265-00134037-00134460 Gene Amdahl was the chief architect of System/360. SjnZRNljGbM-00266-00134460-00135064 He left IBM because he wanted to design a new computer and IBM didn't want to. SjnZRNljGbM-00267-00135064-00135508 So he started Amdahl Corporation which built IBM compatible computers SjnZRNljGbM-00268-00135508-00135983 which successfully penetrated about 25% of the market for the SjnZRNljGbM-00269-00135983-00136450 System 360 type of computers. The large IBM computers at that SjnZRNljGbM-00270-00136450-00136842 time were water cooled which greatly increased their cost. SjnZRNljGbM-00271-00136842-00137194 The Amdahl computer was air cooled by using a large heat SjnZRNljGbM-00272-00137194-00137629 sink tower on each chip. Gene Amdahl needed money to SjnZRNljGbM-00273-00137629-00138019 finance his new company. Not many Americans were interested SjnZRNljGbM-00274-00138019-00138497 in investing in a company that would be competing against IBM. SjnZRNljGbM-00275-00138497-00139062 However the Japanese company Fujitsu invested in Amdahl Corp which is now SjnZRNljGbM-00276-00139062-00139700 a wholly owned subsidiary of Fujitsu. I think Fujitsu was most interested SjnZRNljGbM-00277-00139700-00140150 in the advanced technology that Amdahl Corp would bring them. SjnZRNljGbM-00278-00140150-00140593 I worked at Amdahl for several years on the laser bonder project where SjnZRNljGbM-00279-00140593-00141072 it was used to add wires to the back of the multi-chip boards. SjnZRNljGbM-00280-00141072-00141710 Remember Tom Watson's anti-booze rule for IBM? When Amdahl shipped its first SjnZRNljGbM-00281-00141710-00142254 computer, it was celebrated with champagne. One of the employees got in an argument SjnZRNljGbM-00282-00142254-00142614 with his wife/girlfriend or whatever and kicked her out of the car as it SjnZRNljGbM-00283-00142614-00143082 traveled down Central Expressway. I think there was a lawsuit. SjnZRNljGbM-00284-00143082-00143553 So much for champagne celebrations. The floppy disk was SjnZRNljGbM-00285-00143553-00144063 designed by Alan Shugart. The original floppy disk was 8". SjnZRNljGbM-00286-00144063-00144659 The next version was 5-1/4" and the floppy diskette was 3.5". SjnZRNljGbM-00287-00144659-00145028 Floppy disks were so prevalent with the early computers that even today SjnZRNljGbM-00288-00145028-00145648 an icon of a floppy is used on many applications to save a file. SjnZRNljGbM-00289-00145648-00145916 After he worked at IBM, he went to Memorex. SjnZRNljGbM-00290-00145916-00146294 Later, he started his own company, Shugart Associates and made hard SjnZRNljGbM-00291-00146294-00146783 disks for personal computers. Unfortunately, in order to get funding SjnZRNljGbM-00292-00146783-00147279 to start his company, he ended up giving away most of the equity in the company. SjnZRNljGbM-00293-00147279-00147683 So he started a new company Shugart Technology, but was sued because SjnZRNljGbM-00294-00147683-00148061 it sounded too much like the company named Shugart Associates. SjnZRNljGbM-00295-00148061-00148585 So he changed the name of his new company to Seagate Technology. SjnZRNljGbM-00296-00148585-00149005 Seagate is the English translation of the German Shugart. SjnZRNljGbM-00297-00149005-00149595 He even launched an unsuccessful campaign to elect Ernest, his Bernese SjnZRNljGbM-00298-00149595-00150391 Mountain Dog to Congress. By 1965, IBM dominated the SjnZRNljGbM-00299-00150391-00150830 computer business with over 65% of the business market. SjnZRNljGbM-00300-00150830-00151356 The rest was shared by Burroughs, Univac, NCR, Control Data Corp, General SjnZRNljGbM-00301-00151356-00151810 Electric, RCA and Honeywell. This became known as IBM SjnZRNljGbM-00302-00151810-00152379 and the Seven Dwarfs. In 1969, the United States of America SjnZRNljGbM-00303-00152379-00152925 alleged that IBM violated the Sherman Antitrust Actby monopolizing SjnZRNljGbM-00304-00152925-00153335 or attempting to monopolize the general-purpose electronic digital SjnZRNljGbM-00305-00153335-00153869 computer system market. And alleged that IBM's actions were SjnZRNljGbM-00306-00153869-00154508 directed against leasing companies and plug-compatible peripheral manufacturers. SjnZRNljGbM-00307-00154508-00154982 Shortly after, IBM unbundled its software and services in what many SjnZRNljGbM-00308-00154982-00155364 observers believed was a direct result of the lawsuit, creating a SjnZRNljGbM-00309-00155364-00155878 competitive market for software. In 1982 the Department of Justice SjnZRNljGbM-00310-00155878-00156493 dropped the case as "without merit" When IBM came out with the PC, SjnZRNljGbM-00311-00156493-00156894 they were very careful to show that it was an open architecture system SjnZRNljGbM-00312-00156894-00157382 that anybody could build upon. The Sherman Antitrust Act was passed SjnZRNljGbM-00313-00157382-00157999 to break up the Standard Oil company. It was used again to break up AT&T. SjnZRNljGbM-00314-00157999-00158435 Investigations were also conducted concerning Microsoft and General Motors SjnZRNljGbM-00315-00158435-00159009 and more recently with Apple and Google for their AppStore and GooglePlay stores. SjnZRNljGbM-00316-00159009-00159507 A minicomputer is a much smaller computer than the large mainframe computers SjnZRNljGbM-00317-00159507-00160154 sold by IBM and its competitors. They typically sold for around $25,000 SjnZRNljGbM-00318-00160154-00160769 or about $170,000 in today's money. When Intel developed the 4004 SjnZRNljGbM-00319-00160769-00161407 microprocessor, the term minicomputer referredto the mid-range of computers. SjnZRNljGbM-00320-00161407-00161844 Ken Olson and Harlan Anderson co-founded Digital Equipment Corporation SjnZRNljGbM-00321-00161844-00162309 in 1957, known as DEC, also trademarked as DIGITAL. SjnZRNljGbM-00322-00162309-00162672 DEC built several lines of minicomputers. SjnZRNljGbM-00323-00162672-00163203 The most famous were the PDP-8 and sold over 600,000 PDP-11 and over SjnZRNljGbM-00324-00163203-00163779 400,000 VAX-11 series computers. They ended up for a long time SjnZRNljGbM-00325-00163779-00164307 being the second largest computer manufacturer after IBM. SjnZRNljGbM-00326-00164307-00164828 As computer prices decreased, DEC kept their prices high and eventually were SjnZRNljGbM-00327-00164828-00165460 outsold by IBM PCs and Motorola. Edson de Castro was chief engineer in SjnZRNljGbM-00328-00165460-00165996 charge of the DEC-8 but left with several other DEC employees to found Data General SjnZRNljGbM-00329-00165996-00166478 because it is rumored they were frustrated with DEC's management. SjnZRNljGbM-00330-00166478-00166941 They designed and built the Nova which was much cheaper and faster than the SjnZRNljGbM-00331-00166941-00167686 PDP-8 I didn't spend too much time working with the PDP-11 but I did spend SjnZRNljGbM-00332-00167686-00168203 several years on the Data General Nova. When we first started out, we needed to SjnZRNljGbM-00333-00168203-00168671 flip switches to select a memory address, then start putting in the bootstrap SjnZRNljGbM-00334-00168671-00169164 program by flipping switches to store the data for each memory location. SjnZRNljGbM-00335-00169164-00169679 One day, I read an article about a new computer that didn't have all SjnZRNljGbM-00336-00169679-00170123 the switches on the front panel. I was wondering how they would be able SjnZRNljGbM-00337-00170123-00170626 to even get the computer started. The solution came with a new type SjnZRNljGbM-00338-00170626-00171151 of chip called a ROM for Read-Only-Memory that doesn't lose its data when SjnZRNljGbM-00339-00171151-00171593 the power is turned off. The bootstrap loader, some diagnostic and SjnZRNljGbM-00340-00171593-00172116 basic input/output routines were pre-programmed into the ROM at the factory. SjnZRNljGbM-00341-00172116-00172512 When programmed with these features, it is called the BIOS chip for SjnZRNljGbM-00342-00172512-00173162 Basic Input Output System. Many other large companies decided to SjnZRNljGbM-00343-00173162-00173691 get into the business of building minicomputers such as HP, Varian, IBM, SjnZRNljGbM-00344-00173691-00174372 Texas Instruments, Control Data and others. The Apollo moon lander program required SjnZRNljGbM-00345-00174372-00174927 a computer that was small enough and light enough to fit into the spacecraft. SjnZRNljGbM-00346-00174927-00175292 Computers at that time were big and bulky and some weighed several thousand SjnZRNljGbM-00347-00175292-00175777 pounds, even ones made using transistors instead of tubes. SjnZRNljGbM-00348-00175777-00176240 The Integrated Circuit, also known as an IC, was developed independently SjnZRNljGbM-00349-00176240-00176815 at Texas Instruments and Fairchild. NASA's Apollo Program was the largest SjnZRNljGbM-00350-00176815-00177582 single consumer of integrated circuits between 1961 and 1965. SjnZRNljGbM-00351-00177582-00178044 As the semiconductor companies were able to add more and more transistors to a SjnZRNljGbM-00352-00178044-00178713 single IC, they were finally able to build a full processor on a single chip. SjnZRNljGbM-00353-00178713-00179074 When a single chip contains the microprocessor, memory and some SjnZRNljGbM-00354-00179074-00179665 input/output circuitry it is called a microcontroller. SjnZRNljGbM-00355-00179665-00180088 The first microprocessor was the Intel 4004. SjnZRNljGbM-00356-00180088-00180770 Intel kept improving with the 8080, the 8085, 80186, 80286, 80386, 80486 SjnZRNljGbM-00357-00180770-00181360 and called their 80586 the Pentium to keep other companies from copying SjnZRNljGbM-00358-00181360-00181873 their designs and naming them by the same numbers used by Intel. SjnZRNljGbM-00359-00181873-00182286 Other companies developed microprocessors that were different from Intel's. SjnZRNljGbM-00360-00182286-00183137 The 6502 became the basis for the Apple I and II, the Commodore 64, the Atari 2600 SjnZRNljGbM-00361-00183137-00183773 video game console and many others. The 68000 and later the Power PC were used SjnZRNljGbM-00362-00183773-00184493 for early Apple Macintosh computers. The 8080/8085 and the Z80 by Zilog were SjnZRNljGbM-00363-00184493-00185192 used by the Altair and CP/M systems. IBM made the PC as open architecture SjnZRNljGbM-00364-00185192-00185578 meaning that anybody could add custom boards to the unit. SjnZRNljGbM-00365-00185578-00185932 They figured that by copyrighting the BIOS they could prevent SjnZRNljGbM-00366-00185932-00186387 companies from making clones. They successfully sued and drove out SjnZRNljGbM-00367-00186387-00186867 of business anybody that made a clone and just copied their BIOS chip. SjnZRNljGbM-00368-00186867-00187253 Compaq computer successfully created their own BIOS that performed the SjnZRNljGbM-00369-00187253-00187824 same functions as the IBM-PC. Phoenix and AMI created similar BIOS chips SjnZRNljGbM-00370-00187824-00188310 that they sold to clone manufacturers enabling many companies to compete with SjnZRNljGbM-00371-00188310-00188994 a cheaper version of the IBM-PC. TheXerox Altois the first computer SjnZRNljGbM-00372-00188994-00189488 designed from its inception to support anoperating systembased on agraphical SjnZRNljGbM-00373-00189488-00190208 user interface(GUI).The first machines were introduced in 1973. SjnZRNljGbM-00374-00190208-00190675 The Xerox Alto was hindered by its price of $32,000 or about SjnZRNljGbM-00375-00190675-00191262 $115,000 in today's money. The original mouse was developed SjnZRNljGbM-00376-00191262-00191628 by Doug Englebart. At that time he wondered if it SjnZRNljGbM-00377-00191628-00192309 would even be used for anything. In 1979 Steve Jobs learned of the advanced SjnZRNljGbM-00378-00192309-00192892 work ongraphical user interfaces(GUI) taking place atXerox PARC. SjnZRNljGbM-00379-00192892-00193266 He arranged for Apple engineers to be allowed to visit PARC SjnZRNljGbM-00380-00193266-00193803 to see the systems in action. Apple developed the Lisa computer and SjnZRNljGbM-00381-00193803-00194438 the Macintosh which became the first commercially successful use of a GUI. SjnZRNljGbM-00382-00194438-00194916 Apple needed additional applications to make the Macintosh more useful. SjnZRNljGbM-00383-00194916-00195326 Apple teamed up with Microsoft for Word and the Excel spreadsheet program SjnZRNljGbM-00384-00195326-00195741 and Ashton-Tate the makers of the dBASE data base program. SjnZRNljGbM-00385-00195741-00196160 This effort helped Microsoft develop its own Windows system, SjnZRNljGbM-00386-00196160-00196821 much to the anger of Apple. I could probably go on for hours SjnZRNljGbM-00387-00196821-00197265 about the history of computers. But I need to end sometime. SjnZRNljGbM-00388-00197265-00197834 I am grateful for many of the stories and pictures shared on Wikipedia and again SjnZRNljGbM-00389-00197834-00198257 recommend visiting the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. SjnZRNljGbM-00390-00198257-00198782 Check its schedule of operating hours. They may change based on human viruses SjnZRNljGbM-00391-00198782-00199330 that may be running around. Here is a list of credits for many of SjnZRNljGbM-00392-00199330-00199873 the pictures that appear in the video. If an image is not listed, it is believed SjnZRNljGbM-00393-00199873-00200253 to be in the public domain. Bye. SjnZRNljGbM-00394-00200253-00200385 See you around next time. SjY9OiIChpI-00000-00000070-00000322 Drug policy reform is many things, SjY9OiIChpI-00001-00000322-00000614 but it is foremost a movement for liberty and freedom. SjY9OiIChpI-00002-00000614-00000887 Freedom from oppression, freedom from fear, SjY9OiIChpI-00003-00000887-00001321 freedom from incarceration, freedom from racism, freedom. SjY9OiIChpI-00004-00001321-00001536 That’s what we need to keep in mind SjY9OiIChpI-00005-00001536-00001970 that the core element of freedom is absolutely pivot to who we are. SjY9OiIChpI-00006-00001970-00002304 It is what unites us with all the other human rights movements SjY9OiIChpI-00007-00002304-00002525 that have gone before us and the ones that with which SjY9OiIChpI-00008-00002525-00002717 we are increasingly becoming a part. SjY9OiIChpI-00009-00002737-00003014 More than 1400 people from 71 countries came SjY9OiIChpI-00010-00003014-00003129 to Washington DC SjY9OiIChpI-00011-00003129-00003354 to attend the international Drug Policy Reform Conference SjY9OiIChpI-00012-00003354-00003556 organized by the Drug Policy Alliance. SjY9OiIChpI-00013-00003556-00003808 There are so many vibrant communities SjY9OiIChpI-00014-00003808-00004057 represented at this incredibly colorful meeting, SjY9OiIChpI-00015-00004057-00004268 for example medical marijuana patients, SjY9OiIChpI-00016-00004268-00004535 psychedelic researchers, law enforcement officials SjY9OiIChpI-00017-00004535-00004690 and harm reducers. SjY9OiIChpI-00018-00004690-00004892 There is one goal that unites them all – SjY9OiIChpI-00019-00004892-00005058 to end the global drug war. SjY9OiIChpI-00020-00005058-00005309 The Drugreporter video team came to Washington DC SjY9OiIChpI-00021-00005309-00005546 to learn about the new trends of drug policy reform SjY9OiIChpI-00022-00005546-00005724 in the US and around the world. SjY9OiIChpI-00023-00006231-00006548 I am also a part of the New Jersey United for Marijuana Reform SjY9OiIChpI-00024-00006548-00006913 which is about a year-old coalition in the state of New Jersey SjY9OiIChpI-00025-00006913-00007238 that brings together law enforcement, clergy SjY9OiIChpI-00026-00007238-00007565 civil rights organizations from different communities, SjY9OiIChpI-00027-00007565-00007874 medical folks all to legalize, tax SjY9OiIChpI-00028-00007874-00008079 and regulate marijuana for adults. SjY9OiIChpI-00029-00008079-00008291 MPP was included in the majority of the SjY9OiIChpI-00030-00008291-00008586 medical marijuana programs that we see established now SjY9OiIChpI-00031-00008586-00008850 and we were behind the Colorado initiative SjY9OiIChpI-00032-00008850-00009202 as well as Alaska in bringing legalization to those states SjY9OiIChpI-00033-00009202-00009467 and next year we are looking forward to legalizing SjY9OiIChpI-00034-00009467-00009769 in five more states as well and for the 2016 election. SjY9OiIChpI-00035-00009769-00009983 You know more and more the presidential candidates SjY9OiIChpI-00036-00009983-00010243 are willing –and even republicans– willing to say that SjY9OiIChpI-00037-00010243-00010396 that this needs to be a states’ issue SjY9OiIChpI-00038-00010396-00010630 and so we are looking forward to seeing that kind of reform SjY9OiIChpI-00039-00010630-00010865 at the federal level much sooner than later. SjY9OiIChpI-00040-00010865-00011265 I work with RAMP – Republicans Against Marijuana Prohibition SjY9OiIChpI-00041-00011265-00011683 and we just share a conservative message to republicans SjY9OiIChpI-00042-00011683-00011962 about why ending marijuana prohibition SjY9OiIChpI-00043-00011962-00012190 and making it legal SjY9OiIChpI-00044-00012190-00012661 is consistent with traditional republican values. SjY9OiIChpI-00045-00012661-00012931 Safer communities, personal responsibility, SjY9OiIChpI-00046-00012931-00013292 fiscal responsibility, medical freedom. SjY9OiIChpI-00047-00013292-00013492 What are the experiences so far SjY9OiIChpI-00048-00013492-00013738 with legalization in the state of Washington? SjY9OiIChpI-00049-00013738-00014047 So, you know the really important news, SjY9OiIChpI-00050-00014047-00014429 the headline is that far-far fewer people SjY9OiIChpI-00051-00014429-00014828 are getting arrested or put in jail. SjY9OiIChpI-00052-00014828-00015102 Some things that are encouraging is that SjY9OiIChpI-00053-00015102-00015410 we are not seeing an enormous increase SjY9OiIChpI-00054-00015410-00015783 in the use of marijuana by young people. SjY9OiIChpI-00055-00015783-00016249 We are still not effectively doing marijuana education. SjY9OiIChpI-00056-00016249-00016509 Legalization has so many models SjY9OiIChpI-00057-00016509-00016693 and it can take so many forms. SjY9OiIChpI-00058-00016693-00016912 Do you think that there are any dangers SjY9OiIChpI-00059-00016912-00017074 of choosing the wrong model? SjY9OiIChpI-00060-00017074-00017317 Absolutely, I think what happened in Ohio SjY9OiIChpI-00061-00017317-00017495 or what almost happened in Ohio SjY9OiIChpI-00062-00017495-00017635 would have been a disaster. SjY9OiIChpI-00063-00017635-00017942 To have an oligopoly model written into the state constitution SjY9OiIChpI-00064-00017942-00018215 for ten groups of private investors. SjY9OiIChpI-00065-00018215-00018445 Imagine the developments of the USA SjY9OiIChpI-00066-00018445-00018783 if in the 1700’s or 1600’s the king of England SjY9OiIChpI-00067-00018783-00018979 granted a royal charter to ten families. SjY9OiIChpI-00068-00018979-00019215 Only these families could ever grow tobacco. SjY9OiIChpI-00069-00019215-00019479 Imagine the kind of aristocracy we would have today. SjY9OiIChpI-00070-00019479-00019647 It was the marijuana smokers themselves who said: SjY9OiIChpI-00071-00019647-00019783 we don’t want this model. SjY9OiIChpI-00072-00019783-00019986 And the other states I think the fifty states SjY9OiIChpI-00073-00019986-00020232 are supposed to be laboratories of democracy SjY9OiIChpI-00074-00020232-00020492 and that’s the way the system was designed to function, SjY9OiIChpI-00075-00020492-00020715 that what the federal government ought to allow them to do. SjY9OiIChpI-00076-00020715-00020978 This kind of different models are the best ones people adopt. SjY9OiIChpI-00077-00021492-00021724 I work for 22 too Many organization, SjY9OiIChpI-00078-00021724-00021979 it’s a non-profit organization of raising awareness SjY9OiIChpI-00079-00021979-00022209 on the veteran epidemic suicide. SjY9OiIChpI-00080-00022209-00022562 I served a year in Iraq from 2004 to 2005. SjY9OiIChpI-00081-00022562-00022810 I was in the infantry and I was a mortar man SjY9OiIChpI-00082-00022810-00023310 served on the front line, I had guns shot at me. SjY9OiIChpI-00083-00023310-00023834 The deaths that I saw and have had to put on people SjY9OiIChpI-00084-00023834-00024106 has messed with me a lot mentally. SjY9OiIChpI-00085-00024106-00024254 I’ve got a lot of grief, SjY9OiIChpI-00086-00024254-00024564 I’ve got a lot of inside mental conflict. SjY9OiIChpI-00087-00024564-00024836 How can medical marijuana help people like you? SjY9OiIChpI-00088-00024836-00025081 I’m standing here today, because of it. SjY9OiIChpI-00089-00025081-00025472 If not, if I didn’t have medical access to medical marijuana SjY9OiIChpI-00090-00025472-00025727 I would have probably taken my own life by now. SjY9OiIChpI-00091-00025727-00025998 Medical marijuana helps calm me down. SjY9OiIChpI-00092-00025998-00026312 MAPS has focus on taking MDMA psychotherapy SjY9OiIChpI-00093-00026312-00026502 through the necessary steps to make it SjY9OiIChpI-00094-00026502-00026671 an FDA approved prescription medication. SjY9OiIChpI-00095-00026671-00026899 Meeting people who have gone through the research SjY9OiIChpI-00096-00026899-00027279 is just incredibly inspiring. SjY9OiIChpI-00097-00027279-00027556 Hearing their experience and like seeing the joy SjY9OiIChpI-00098-00027556-00027857 they have in their life and kind of trying to imagine them SjY9OiIChpI-00099-00027857-00028184 in a hard time it’s really reaffirming. SjY9OiIChpI-00100-00028184-00028379 We are here to say ask mum SjY9OiIChpI-00101-00028379-00028644 about the casualties of the drug war. SjY9OiIChpI-00102-00028644-00028915 We call for focus on saving lives SjY9OiIChpI-00103-00028915-00029211 and ending mass incarcerations. SjY9OiIChpI-00104-00029211-00029497 My older son spent 11 years cycling through SjY9OiIChpI-00105-00029497-00029665 the criminal justice system, SjY9OiIChpI-00106-00029665-00029963 because he was arrested for marijuana possession. SjY9OiIChpI-00107-00029963-00030228 My daughter got up on a Saturday morning, SjY9OiIChpI-00108-00030228-00030386 went kayaking with friends SjY9OiIChpI-00109-00030386-00030631 and took half a gram of white powder SjY9OiIChpI-00110-00030631-00030979 that turned out to be ecstasy that was 91% pure SjY9OiIChpI-00111-00030979-00031417 and she collapsed and died three hours later. SjY9OiIChpI-00112-00031417-00031644 We know that drugs are widely available, SjY9OiIChpI-00113-00031644-00031954 there is no minimum age, there’s no need for ID SjY9OiIChpI-00114-00031954-00032144 and there’s no label. SjY9OiIChpI-00115-00032144-00032421 If that had my daughter had a label with SjY9OiIChpI-00116-00032421-00032925 how much ecstasy was in it and dosage and so on SjY9OiIChpI-00117-00032925-00033186 she might still be here. SjY9OiIChpI-00118-00033258-00033519 The government has changed recently in Canada. SjY9OiIChpI-00119-00033519-00033919 What are your expectations about the drug policy changes? SjY9OiIChpI-00120-00033919-00034239 Well I can say that the first day I woke up happy SjY9OiIChpI-00121-00034239-00034412 since the day my daughter died SjY9OiIChpI-00122-00034412-00034562 was the day after the election. SjY9OiIChpI-00123-00034562-00034856 And I woke up to know that we had a majority government, SjY9OiIChpI-00124-00034856-00035086 a government that was ready for change, SjY9OiIChpI-00125-00035086-00035351 a government that would listen to its constituents SjY9OiIChpI-00126-00035351-00035751 and actually put into practice what we’ve been asking for SjY9OiIChpI-00127-00035751-00036041 from the conservative government for many years. SjY9OiIChpI-00128-00036041-00036432 Do you expect that some new supervised injection sites SjY9OiIChpI-00129-00036432-00036603 will be opened in Canada soon? SjY9OiIChpI-00130-00036603-00036963 Absolutely, I think the prime minister now, SjY9OiIChpI-00131-00036963-00037219 when he was running he stood shoulder-to-shoulder SjY9OiIChpI-00132-00037219-00037462 with the mayor of Montreal with very clear SjY9OiIChpI-00133-00037462-00037742 he supported Montreal’s application SjY9OiIChpI-00134-00037742-00037992 for 3 supervised injection sites. SjY9OiIChpI-00135-00037992-00038240 Can you explain what was the ruling SjY9OiIChpI-00136-00038240-00038512 of the Supreme Court in Mexico around marijuana? SjY9OiIChpI-00137-00038512-00038912 A case of four individuals was brought before the court SjY9OiIChpI-00138-00038912-00039225 where they were asking for permission SjY9OiIChpI-00139-00039225-00039633 to grow and consume cannabis for their personal use. SjY9OiIChpI-00140-00039633-00039942 They had requested this as a right SjY9OiIChpI-00141-00039942-00040206 as a human right that’s in our Constitution. SjY9OiIChpI-00142-00040206-00040524 They had asked this of the government they had been denied SjY9OiIChpI-00143-00040524-00040913 and so then they created a legal case SjY9OiIChpI-00144-00040913-00041161 against the government saying that they needed access. SjY9OiIChpI-00145-00041161-00041480 And the court ruled in favor four judges to one SjY9OiIChpI-00146-00041480-00041769 saying that in fact it is part of the SjY9OiIChpI-00147-00041769-00042082 full and free development of the personality SjY9OiIChpI-00148-00042082-00042469 to be able to consume and have substances SjY9OiIChpI-00149-00042469-00042717 as long as they don’t hurt anyone else around them. SjY9OiIChpI-00150-00042717-00043015 This is a mobile supervised injection facility SjY9OiIChpI-00151-00043015-00043278 and the project is called Safe Shape. SjY9OiIChpI-00152-00043278-00043508 We are now starting to reach out and form SjY9OiIChpI-00153-00043508-00043765 what is in essence a national alliance SjY9OiIChpI-00154-00043765-00044083 of harm reduction organizations’ syringe access programs SjY9OiIChpI-00155-00044083-00044454 that are dedicated to realizing the vision SjY9OiIChpI-00156-00044454-00044736 of supervised injection facilities in virtually every SjY9OiIChpI-00157-00044736-00045071 metropolitan area in the US – that is the grand goal. SjY9OiIChpI-00158-00045071-00045429 Dan, this year you are awarded for the wonderful work SjY9OiIChpI-00159-00045429-00045641 you are doing around harm reduction SjY9OiIChpI-00160-00045641-00045998 and overdose prevention congratulations for that. SjY9OiIChpI-00161-00045998-00046411 How do you see the trends around Naloxone? SjY9OiIChpI-00162-00046411-00046676 It’s really a no-brainer when you think about it. SjY9OiIChpI-00163-00046676-00046929 Here is a drug that is a pure antidote, SjY9OiIChpI-00164-00046929-00047218 has no effects of its own and we have SjY9OiIChpI-00165-00047218-00047413 people dying in huge numbers. SjY9OiIChpI-00166-00047413-00047757 Why not make it available to them? Where is the down side? SjY9OiIChpI-00167-00047757-00048157 Naloxone I think because of its simplicity SjY9OiIChpI-00168-00048157-00048609 and in nineteen years it has cut a swath SjY9OiIChpI-00169-00048609-00049009 through the insanity that is the drug war in the US SjY9OiIChpI-00170-00049009-00049214 and that’s been really nice to see. SjY9OiIChpI-00171-00049214-00049468 Can you tell me about the work Vocal is doing SjY9OiIChpI-00172-00049468-00049756 in New York City? What are you focusing on now? SjY9OiIChpI-00173-00049756-00050232 Right now we are working on a homeless campaign SjY9OiIChpI-00174-00050232-00050418 which is our newest campaign. SjY9OiIChpI-00175-00050418-00050723 Just before actually making it to the conference, SjY9OiIChpI-00176-00050723-00051123 we were at the mayor’s event where he announced SjY9OiIChpI-00177-00051123-00051397 about 1500 units that we’re getting back home SjY9OiIChpI-00178-00051397-00051532 of supportive housing. SjY9OiIChpI-00179-00051532-00051783 About a month prior to that we had another victory SjY9OiIChpI-00180-00051783-00052022 which was the Fair Chance Act SjY9OiIChpI-00181-00052022-00052330 where people who are coming home from incarceration SjY9OiIChpI-00182-00052330-00052683 will be able to get a job without discriminated upon. SjY9OiIChpI-00183-00052683-00052981 There’s no other community, that has been disassembled SjY9OiIChpI-00184-00052981-00053256 and harmed in the way the black community SjY9OiIChpI-00185-00053256-00053594 has been harmed by this dirty, stinking drug war. SjY9OiIChpI-00186-00053594-00054027 You wonder why a fourteen year old is out selling cocaine. SjY9OiIChpI-00187-00054027-00054262 Because his mother is working three jobs SjY9OiIChpI-00188-00054262-00054465 and still can’t pay the rent, because minimum wage SjY9OiIChpI-00189-00054465-00054850 is $7.25 an hour and when his father is in jail SjY9OiIChpI-00190-00054850-00055381 on crack charges, because every 28 grams of crack SjY9OiIChpI-00191-00055381-00055595 is a mandatory five years and it takes SjY9OiIChpI-00192-00055595-00055899 500 grams of cocaine to get same amount of time. SjY9OiIChpI-00193-00055899-00056215 But who is gonna have crack? Black people. SjY9OiIChpI-00194-00056215-00056566 We represent a space of a certain level of clarity SjY9OiIChpI-00195-00056566-00056854 around all of the different permutations SjY9OiIChpI-00196-00056854-00057119 that enslavement has taken the form of SjY9OiIChpI-00197-00057119-00057482 so first it was the actual physical chains of enslavement SjY9OiIChpI-00198-00057482-00057932 of being tied and for me policing is the way SjY9OiIChpI-00199-00057932-00058266 in which white America continues to replicate SjY9OiIChpI-00200-00058266-00058616 the cycle of enslavement that reminds itself SjY9OiIChpI-00201-00058616-00058979 of the power relationship on which the society is based. SjY9OiIChpI-00202-00058979-00059350 Everything that happens to us is a precursor SjY9OiIChpI-00203-00059350-00059664 of what is in store for you. So if you don’t understand SjY9OiIChpI-00204-00059664-00060139 that our fight for freedom is your fight for freedom SjY9OiIChpI-00205-00060139-00060501 because one of the burdens of oppressed people SjY9OiIChpI-00206-00060501-00060718 is to be the agent and the catalyst SjY9OiIChpI-00207-00060718-00060939 of the freedom of their oppressors. Sl4UpHhFuby-00000-00002889-00003065 Eyes tracking David. Wow. Sl4UpHhFuby-00001-00003065-00003245 I love you way you are tracking. Sl4UpHhFuby-00002-00003245-00003432 Jamall, waiting on you, cap the marker. Sl4UpHhFuby-00003-00003786-00003889 So read the problem with me Sl4UpHhFuby-00004-00003889-00004305 scholars. Hiyomi takes 57 stickers Sl4UpHhFuby-00005-00004305-00004588 from her collection and divides Sl4UpHhFuby-00006-00004588-00004816 them equally between four of her Sl4UpHhFuby-00007-00004816-00005123 friends. How many stickers Sl4UpHhFuby-00008-00005123-00005196 will each friend receive? Sl4UpHhFuby-00009-00005396-00005633 Hiyomi puts the remaining stickers Sl4UpHhFuby-00010-00005633-00005896 back in her collection. How many Sl4UpHhFuby-00011-00005896-00006413 stickers ________ return to her collection? Sl4UpHhFuby-00012-00006413-00006655 So the strategy that we are going to Sl4UpHhFuby-00013-00006655-00006766 use today is a place value chart. Sl4UpHhFuby-00014-00008526-00008918 So how many tens, so what is the Sl4UpHhFuby-00015-00008918-00009140 whole here scholars? Sl4UpHhFuby-00016-00009140-00009273 Rasean? Sl4UpHhFuby-00017-00009273-00009508 The dividant or the whole in this problem Sl4UpHhFuby-00018-00009508-00009833 is 57. Sl4UpHhFuby-00019-00009833-00010074 So how many tens would we have Sl4UpHhFuby-00020-00010074-00010269 in the tens place? in the place value Sl4UpHhFuby-00021-00010269-00010509 chart? Jeremiah? How many Sl4UpHhFuby-00022-00010509-00010760 tens will we have in the tens place? Sl4UpHhFuby-00023-00010760-00010965 We will have five Sl4UpHhFuby-00024-00010965-00011169 tens in the tens place. Sl4UpHhFuby-00025-00011169-00011244 So five tens in the tens place. Sl4UpHhFuby-00026-00011960-00012114 And how much ones would be in Sl4UpHhFuby-00027-00012114-00012335 the ones place? Alex, how Sl4UpHhFuby-00028-00012335-00012438 many ones would be in the Sl4UpHhFuby-00029-00012438-00012540 ones place? Sl4UpHhFuby-00030-00012540-00013097 It will be seven ones in the Sl4UpHhFuby-00031-00013097-00013228 ones place. Sl4UpHhFuby-00032-00013228-00013329 There will be seven ones in the ones Sl4UpHhFuby-00033-00013329-00013369 place. T1ilu_bcfsA-00000-00000000-00000109 - Good morning, Hank. It's Tuesday. T1ilu_bcfsA-00001-00000109-00000210 - Huhhhhhhhh. T1ilu_bcfsA-00002-00000210-00000420 - Oh, it's some kind of reunion video. T1ilu_bcfsA-00003-00000420-00000597 - Hi. - Okay, this is a very special edition T1ilu_bcfsA-00004-00000597-00000803 of Question Tuesday in which I ask you questions T1ilu_bcfsA-00005-00000803-00001101 that contain the word first. T1ilu_bcfsA-00006-00001101-00001269 - Just like the first comment does. T1ilu_bcfsA-00007-00001269-00001360 - That's actually my first question. T1ilu_bcfsA-00008-00001360-00001518 How do you feel about people writing "first" T1ilu_bcfsA-00009-00001518-00001660 in the comments of YouTube videos? T1ilu_bcfsA-00010-00001660-00001785 - It used to bother me, John. T1ilu_bcfsA-00011-00001785-00001876 - It doesn't bother me. T1ilu_bcfsA-00012-00001876-00002112 In fact, every time I am first-- T1ilu_bcfsA-00013-00002112-00002230 - Yeah, right. T1ilu_bcfsA-00014-00002230-00002339 - I can't stop myself. T1ilu_bcfsA-00015-00002339-00002521 - Right, it used to bother me until I was like, T1ilu_bcfsA-00016-00002521-00002801 until I was first on a video and I was like, (whispers) I have to-- T1ilu_bcfsA-00017-00002801-00002880 I want to do this. T1ilu_bcfsA-00018-00002880-00003010 - Hank, do you remember the first movie T1ilu_bcfsA-00019-00003010-00003100 that made you cry? T1ilu_bcfsA-00020-00003100-00003201 - American Tail. T1ilu_bcfsA-00021-00003217-00003329 - I think it was American Tail. T1ilu_bcfsA-00022-00003329-00003568 Hank, what are your best first aid tips? T1ilu_bcfsA-00023-00003568-00003872 (both laugh) T1ilu_bcfsA-00024-00003872-00004013 - Call a doctor. T1ilu_bcfsA-00025-00004013-00004101 - No! No! T1ilu_bcfsA-00026-00004101-00004268 Apply pressure to the wound! T1ilu_bcfsA-00027-00004268-00004365 - What if there's no wound? T1ilu_bcfsA-00028-00004365-00004485 Just apply pressure. T1ilu_bcfsA-00029-00004485-00004750 - Yeah. (laughs) - Pressure, pressure. T1ilu_bcfsA-00030-00004750-00005018 - That's-- I can confirm that's unpleasant. T1ilu_bcfsA-00031-00005018-00005211 Do not touch the couch under any circumstances. T1ilu_bcfsA-00032-00005211-00005387 (Hank laughs) This is an incredibly delicate setup T1ilu_bcfsA-00033-00005387-00005570 we've got, and it's not particularly straight. T1ilu_bcfsA-00034-00005570-00005797 Hank, what was the first book you fell in love with? T1ilu_bcfsA-00035-00005797-00006025 - Uh, (laughs) Jurassic Park. T1ilu_bcfsA-00036-00006025-00006138 - Really? - Yeah. T1ilu_bcfsA-00037-00006138-00006279 (John grunts in disgust) T1ilu_bcfsA-00038-00006279-00006528 Possibly the sequel. T1ilu_bcfsA-00039-00006528-00006658 - The Lost World? - Yeah. T1ilu_bcfsA-00040-00006658-00006768 - Wow. (Hank laughs) T1ilu_bcfsA-00041-00006768-00006867 Really? T1ilu_bcfsA-00042-00006867-00006984 - I loved it so much. T1ilu_bcfsA-00043-00006984-00007073 - Oh. T1ilu_bcfsA-00044-00007073-00007244 For me, it was Gus is a Bug. T1ilu_bcfsA-00045-00007244-00007437 What was your first broken bone? T1ilu_bcfsA-00046-00007437-00007630 - I think one of these. - Incorrect! T1ilu_bcfsA-00047-00007630-00007747 - Oh you remember? - I do. T1ilu_bcfsA-00048-00007747-00007833 - What was it? T1ilu_bcfsA-00049-00007833-00008005 - You fell out of a tree house, T1ilu_bcfsA-00050-00008005-00008186 and you broke your arm. T1ilu_bcfsA-00051-00008186-00008276 - No, I did not. T1ilu_bcfsA-00052-00008276-00008424 - You did. - I did not. T1ilu_bcfsA-00053-00008424-00008539 -You definitely did. T1ilu_bcfsA-00054-00008539-00008690 - Call Mom. - Okay. T1ilu_bcfsA-00055-00008690-00008860 - Did I ever fall out of a tree, Mom? T1ilu_bcfsA-00056-00008860-00008995 Do you ever remember me breaking a bone-- T1ilu_bcfsA-00057-00008995-00009126 - A tree house! - falling out of a tree? T1ilu_bcfsA-00058-00009126-00009225 - A tree house. T1ilu_bcfsA-00059-00009225-00009374 - [Mom] No. (John groans) T1ilu_bcfsA-00060-00009374-00009524 - [Mom] John fell out of a tree house. T1ilu_bcfsA-00061-00009524-00009647 - Who did? T1ilu_bcfsA-00062-00009703-00009794 - [Mom] John. T1ilu_bcfsA-00063-00009794-00009894 - Oh! T1ilu_bcfsA-00064-00009894-00010054 - You fell out of a tree house? T1ilu_bcfsA-00065-00010054-00010182 - It's a memory of myself. T1ilu_bcfsA-00066-00010182-00010441 (Hank and Mom laugh) T1ilu_bcfsA-00067-00010441-00010598 - Funny how brains work. T1ilu_bcfsA-00068-00010598-00010813 - Hank, what was your first concert? T1ilu_bcfsA-00069-00010813-00011122 - I think it was probably They Might Be Giants. T1ilu_bcfsA-00070-00011122-00011334 - I think it was They Might Be Giants. I remember it. T1ilu_bcfsA-00071-00011334-00011465 You were young. You were like 11. T1ilu_bcfsA-00072-00011465-00011613 - Okay, you were there? - Yeah. T1ilu_bcfsA-00073-00011613-00011809 - My first concert may have been the B-52s T1ilu_bcfsA-00074-00011809-00011949 now that I'm thinking about it. T1ilu_bcfsA-00075-00011949-00012177 - I think the B-52s opened for the Violent-- T1ilu_bcfsA-00076-00012177-00012441 - [Both] The Violent Femmes opened for the B-52s. T1ilu_bcfsA-00077-00012441-00012651 - Hank, do you remember the first time you saw snow fall? T1ilu_bcfsA-00078-00012651-00012812 - I remember the first time I saw snow T1ilu_bcfsA-00079-00012812-00012997 on the ground in Alabama. T1ilu_bcfsA-00080-00012997-00013261 And I was like there it is! It's a thing! T1ilu_bcfsA-00081-00013261-00013401 - The first time I saw snow fall, T1ilu_bcfsA-00082-00013401-00013597 I was fully like 9 or 10 years old, T1ilu_bcfsA-00083-00013597-00013851 and I was astonished, T1ilu_bcfsA-00084-00013851-00014157 because I thought snowflakes were like the ones T1ilu_bcfsA-00085-00014157-00014326 that you make in elementary school-- - Like cut out? T1ilu_bcfsA-00086-00014326-00014504 Yeah. - I thought they were about that big. T1ilu_bcfsA-00087-00014504-00014657 - I thought they were made up. T1ilu_bcfsA-00088-00014657-00014847 (John laughs) I thought they were a made-up idea, T1ilu_bcfsA-00089-00014847-00014946 and then I saw a snowflake, T1ilu_bcfsA-00090-00014946-00015190 and I was like, it's the shape! T1ilu_bcfsA-00091-00015190-00015276 - Yeah. T1ilu_bcfsA-00092-00015276-00015404 I thought that about moonlight. T1ilu_bcfsA-00093-00015404-00015640 I thought that-- - I also thought that about-- T1ilu_bcfsA-00094-00015640-00015910 this is weird, because we live in like street light central, T1ilu_bcfsA-00095-00015910-00016115 and so, like the first time you have a shadow T1ilu_bcfsA-00096-00016115-00016312 cast by the moon, you're like, what? T1ilu_bcfsA-00097-00016312-00016462 What's casting that shadow? T1ilu_bcfsA-00098-00016462-00016636 - I was like, does this mean I'm a werewolf? T1ilu_bcfsA-00099-00016636-00016842 I thought moonlight was like, T1ilu_bcfsA-00100-00016842-00017030 I don't know, like passenger pigeons, T1ilu_bcfsA-00101-00017030-00017332 like something that had a time that had passed. T1ilu_bcfsA-00102-00017332-00017518 (Hank laughs) T1ilu_bcfsA-00103-00017518-00017713 - It was just over somehow? - Yeah. T1ilu_bcfsA-00104-00017713-00017864 Hank, do you remember your first tweet? T1ilu_bcfsA-00105-00017864-00018106 Don't worry, I already wrote it down in case you don't remember. T1ilu_bcfsA-00106-00018106-00018352 - It was probably like, I'm starting up Twitter now, T1ilu_bcfsA-00107-00018352-00018457 let's see how that goes. T1ilu_bcfsA-00108-00018457-00018608 - No, that was my first tweet. (both laugh) T1ilu_bcfsA-00109-00018608-00018827 Your first tweet was in June of 2007 T1ilu_bcfsA-00110-00018827-00019025 back on your Ecogeek handle-- - Oh! T1ilu_bcfsA-00111-00019025-00019277 - and it was, "Writing up some stories for Ecogeek. T1ilu_bcfsA-00112-00019277-00019552 Wondering when Google will buy Twitter." T1ilu_bcfsA-00113-00019552-00019751 - Oh, if only they had. T1ilu_bcfsA-00114-00019751-00020048 - Yeah, I mean it still kind of makes sense. T1ilu_bcfsA-00115-00020048-00020194 - But Google has such a successful T1ilu_bcfsA-00116-00020194-00020402 existing social network in Google+. T1ilu_bcfsA-00117-00020402-00020868 Hank, when was the last time you did something for the first time? T1ilu_bcfsA-00118-00020868-00021161 - It's the first time I've had all of these cells. T1ilu_bcfsA-00119-00021161-00021620 It's the first time that I've probably ever worn this outfit. T1ilu_bcfsA-00120-00021620-00021886 - Do you know the last time you'll do something for the first time? T1ilu_bcfsA-00121-00021886-00022078 - Ai yi yi. - (whispers) Death. T1ilu_bcfsA-00122-00022078-00022274 Okay, Hank, DFTBA. I will see you... T1ilu_bcfsA-00123-00022274-00022361 - Right now. T1ilu_bcfsA-00124-00022361-00022514 - I'll continue to see you. - Yeah. T3fwFhN5A58-00000-00003073-00005055 1. 'Sign in' to Analytics.google.com T3fwFhN5A58-00001-00006000-00007638 2. If you have more than 1 site under the account Choose the site you need Tracking ID T3fwFhN5A58-00002-00007973-00008663 3. Click 'Admin' T3fwFhN5A58-00003-00010000-00011024 4. Click 'Tracking info' T3fwFhN5A58-00004-00011490-00012675 5. Click 'Tracking code' and copy the code. T3GCZJHzYzg-00000-00000000-00000200 Áo dài Việt nam siêu mỏng T5AWBwy2cHE-00000-00000661-00001238 AIAS provides the opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research environment - T5AWBwy2cHE-00001-00001238-00001936 - and it facilitates the pursuit of intellectual engagement that transcends any single discipline. T5AWBwy2cHE-00002-00002262-00002579 AIAS provides me with room for reflection. T5AWBwy2cHE-00003-00002649-00003203 More time and space away from modern academic responsibilities - T5AWBwy2cHE-00004-00003224-00003688 - in order to focus successfully on the development of a new method - T5AWBwy2cHE-00005-00003688-00004303 - of identifying illicit antiquities and trafficking networks on an international level. T5AWBwy2cHE-00006-00004630-00005035 The unique opportunity to join AIAS came at a crucial moment in my career. T5AWBwy2cHE-00007-00005139-00005622 AIAS is a great place to engage with like-minded researchers from all over the world. T5AWBwy2cHE-00008-00005654-00005949 And it inspires me in my work as a political scientist. T5AWBwy2cHE-00009-00006190-00006550 AIAS is the ideal place for me to develop as a researcher. T5AWBwy2cHE-00010-00006565-00007083 It really provides the time, space and network where I can develop my individual research profile. T7HM870t9i0-00000-00000000-00000531 Hi, I'm Ronnie with CampusPress and I wanted to take a few minutes to highlight some T7HM870t9i0-00001-00000531-00000888 of the new features and plugins that we've been working hard on recently. T7HM870t9i0-00002-00000888-00001301 You'll notice that the common theme with everything we're discussing today is T7HM870t9i0-00003-00001301-00001802 accessibility. My first paid job on the web was doing grunt work as an T7HM870t9i0-00004-00001802-00002228 undergraduate intern interpreting accessibility scan results of University T7HM870t9i0-00005-00002228-00002777 of Texas websites. That was nearly 20 years ago, and honestly, not much has T7HM870t9i0-00006-00002777-00003254 changed. The same accessibility mistakes that were common then are still common T7HM870t9i0-00007-00003254-00003689 now. And while there are dozens of tools out there to help you evaluate and T7HM870t9i0-00008-00003689-00004230 improve the accessibility of websites, we set out to focus on two key areas: user T7HM870t9i0-00009-00004230-00004776 education, and prevention of problems before they occur. So let's do a quick T7HM870t9i0-00010-00004776-00005235 screen share to take a closer look. Alright, so the first thing I want to T7HM870t9i0-00011-00005235-00005723 show you is our brand new Accessible Content plugin. aso what this does is put T7HM870t9i0-00012-00005723-00006225 an accessibility checker right in the WordPress previewer for pages and posts T7HM870t9i0-00013-00006225-00006681 for those that are creating content. When you're editing your site and you're T7HM870t9i0-00014-00006681-00007073 logged in, you'll see a brand new accessibility review button right at the T7HM870t9i0-00015-00007073-00007695 top. And clicking that will open up the post preview and you'll see various T7HM870t9i0-00016-00007695-00008147 potential issues underlined. For example, right at the top, the first T7HM870t9i0-00017-00008147-00008715 issue it's showing me is that I have more than one h1 tag on this page and T7HM870t9i0-00018-00008715-00009021 that's actually something that you're not supposed to do according to T7HM870t9i0-00019-00009021-00009432 accessibility guidelines. It's telling me that my theme already has an T7HM870t9i0-00020-00009432-00009927 h1 tag and then I added one to the page. If I click 'Next issue' it just takes me T7HM870t9i0-00021-00009927-00010272 down the list of the other potential issues on the page. The next one that T7HM870t9i0-00022-00010272-00010829 shows up is that I skipped heading tags. I have an h2 and then an h4 and I T7HM870t9i0-00023-00010829-00011240 didn't use the h3. Again, that is not following the best practices for T7HM870t9i0-00024-00011240-00011817 accessibility. I have an example link here that is just really short. It's just T7HM870t9i0-00025-00011817-00012078 one word. So this checker pulls that up and T7HM870t9i0-00026-00012078-00012417 suggests that you really need to check to make sure that the link text fully T7HM870t9i0-00027-00012417-00013064 describes where that link takes you. Also on this page I have an image that T7HM870t9i0-00028-00013064-00013350 doesn't have alt text, and have some helpful T7HM870t9i0-00029-00013350-00014010 information on should this image be decorative or not and a link to directly T7HM870t9i0-00030-00014010-00014422 take me to where I can edit the alt text. T7HM870t9i0-00031-00014450-00014934 Here we have a section that has a colored background and the text here T7HM870t9i0-00032-00014934-00015525 that's gray, the contrast ratios are just not enough to meet compliance T7HM870t9i0-00033-00015525-00016038 guidelines. One thing that I like is that the tool here will tell us what T7HM870t9i0-00034-00016038-00017019 the colors being used are and if we click this link it will open up the webAIM compliance checker for contrast ratios and help suggest potential colors T7HM870t9i0-00035-00017019-00017799 that you could use instead. If you upload a video directly to WordPress, we'll check T7HM870t9i0-00036-00017799-00018150 and make sure that that video has captions or subtitles and will flag it T7HM870t9i0-00037-00018150-00018609 if it doesn't. If you add tables, we'll look to make sure that those tables have T7HM870t9i0-00038-00018609-00019185 row headers or at least a summary attribute. And if you upload or link to T7HM870t9i0-00039-00019185-00019593 any PDF files, we'll give you a warning where you need to make sure that that T7HM870t9i0-00040-00019593-00020208 PDF file is compliant as well. So that's a quick overview of the main features of T7HM870t9i0-00041-00020208-00020688 our accessible content plugin. It includes dozens of more checks that I T7HM870t9i0-00042-00020688-00021276 didn't show you here and we'll continue to add more all of the time. The other T7HM870t9i0-00043-00021276-00021693 thing that I wanted to show you is our new Flex theme. That's actually the T7HM870t9i0-00044-00021693-00022125 theme that's used here on this demo site. And a couple of things about the theme. T7HM870t9i0-00045-00022125-00022668 Number one, it uses Gutenberg block editing only, so no additional page T7HM870t9i0-00046-00022668-00023120 builders which keeps it nice and lean and good for performance. And the other is T7HM870t9i0-00047-00023120-00023504 that all the settings and everything that you need to use is right in the T7HM870t9i0-00048-00023504-00023919 standard WordPress customizer. So I'm going to go ahead and open that up and T7HM870t9i0-00049-00023919-00024342 one of the features that I wanted to highlight here is our color contrast T7HM870t9i0-00050-00024342-00024819 tools that are built right into the theme. So anywhere when you're editing T7HM870t9i0-00051-00024819-00025344 colors or changing the colors of part of the theme it's going to react in such a T7HM870t9i0-00052-00025344-00025797 way that it's not going to allow you to use any color combinations that don't T7HM870t9i0-00053-00025797-00026301 meet compliance. So for example, I'm here in the main menu bar at the top and I T7HM870t9i0-00054-00026301-00026688 change it from a dark red to a lighter color. T7HM870t9i0-00055-00026688-00027083 See that the text of the links changes from dark to light as well. That T7HM870t9i0-00056-00027083-00027795 change happens exactly where the minimum contrast ratios occur so that you can T7HM870t9i0-00057-00027795-00028152 kind of choose to see what will look best but you don't have to worry about T7HM870t9i0-00058-00028152-00028563 users going in there and doing something that they really shouldn't do. And this T7HM870t9i0-00059-00028563-00029075 works on more than just the main header, it works on buttons, it works on T7HM870t9i0-00060-00029075-00029562 backgrounds with text overlays, all sorts of different areas where you might T7HM870t9i0-00061-00029562-00030210 change the colors. We have more to share as well from our complete guide to T7HM870t9i0-00062-00030210-00030606 WordPress accessibility and improvements to our renamed accessible calendar T7HM870t9i0-00063-00030606-00031131 plugin - all with links and more details below. Our focus on accessibility will T7HM870t9i0-00064-00031131-00031545 continue, and we look forward to seeing all of the sites created that now with T7HM870t9i0-00065-00031545-00031949 these tools in place even more visitors will be able to successfully navigate. T7HM870t9i0-00066-00031949-00032402 Please get in touch with any suggestions feedback or if you'd like to learn more T7HM870t9i0-00067-00032402-00032840 about how we can help. Thanks. T9-1xI63DVu-00000-00000266-00000454 Thenegative portrayal of hyenas T9-1xI63DVu-00001-00000454-00000601 in The Lion King is what moved T9-1xI63DVu-00002-00000601-00000806 a hyena biologist mad T9RVpGY8nSI-00000-00000000-00000704 Follow along on facebook: @nowthatsjuststupid T9RVpGY8nSI-00001-00002234-00002662 www.nowthatsjuststupid.com T9RVpGY8nSI-00002-00003934-00004670 Get the book on Amazon T9RVpGY8nSI-00003-00007068-00007976 You have to think and feel to heal! TqgFmnUe6v0-00000-00000000-00000050 Samsung UE22H5600 22inch Widescreen Full HD 1080p Slim Smart LED TV wi Deal TqQJZT1Ctby-00000-00000003-00000202 The general term greco-roman TqQJZT1Ctby-00001-00000202-00000710 philosophy or ancient philosophy encompasses several different periods of TqQJZT1Ctby-00002-00000756-00001097 Philosophy of which Hellenistic Philosophy is only one of them. TqQJZT1Ctby-00003-00001150-00001350 If we think about TqQJZT1Ctby-00004-00001396-00001706 the first period from basically the TqQJZT1Ctby-00005-00001825-00001980 7th and TqQJZT1Ctby-00006-00001980-00002140 6th TqQJZT1Ctby-00007-00002140-00002418 Centuries BC, this is a period we call TqQJZT1Ctby-00008-00002563-00002668 archaic. TqQJZT1Ctby-00009-00002668-00003149 Greece historians refer to it as archaic Greece and there are some TqQJZT1Ctby-00010-00003186-00003494 things we call wisdom traditions and that relate to philosophy. TqQJZT1Ctby-00011-00003495-00003936 We actually get a sort of development of philosophical ideas in this period although the term TqQJZT1Ctby-00012-00003976-00004637 Philosophy is not used in this period so we can think of works by people like Homer and Hesiod, who wrote TqQJZT1Ctby-00013-00004687-00005153 didactic epic poems that were used for educational purposes throughout TqQJZT1Ctby-00014-00005196-00005657 antiquity. We can think of those as a kind of wisdom tradition, and then there's the seven sages TqQJZT1Ctby-00015-00005719-00005919 and so forth. People like TqQJZT1Ctby-00016-00005959-00006644 Bailey's politicians, who also had scientific interests and developed a reputation for being wise. TqQJZT1Ctby-00017-00006768-00006943 We also TqQJZT1Ctby-00018-00006943-00007193 get in this period the development of TqQJZT1Ctby-00019-00007323-00007793 what we now call natural philosophy and a much more TqQJZT1Ctby-00020-00007984-00008460 naturalistic approach to wisdom in general instead of it being about TqQJZT1Ctby-00021-00008557-00009065 figuring out what the gods would need to do or something. You start having an investigation of what TqQJZT1Ctby-00022-00009111-00009647 nature is about and we have several people that wrote works in this period and TqQJZT1Ctby-00023-00009747-00009968 it's so early in the TqQJZT1Ctby-00024-00009985-00010682 transition to prose writing that most of these works didn't even have titles of their own and were later just called On TqQJZT1Ctby-00025-00010753-00011382 Nature and that includes people like Anaximander or Parmenides and Pedicles, TqQJZT1Ctby-00026-00011461-00011747 Democritus and so forth. By the way, you don't need to know TqQJZT1Ctby-00027-00011827-00012249 those, you don't need to memorize those names. You don't even know that we need to know how to spell them. TqQJZT1Ctby-00028-00012300-00013091 I will be referring back to some of them to talk about they're influence on Hellenistic ethics. TqQJZT1Ctby-00029-00013096-00013890 But the point is that there's a bunch of people who influenced later philosophy but we don't really consider TqQJZT1Ctby-00030-00013984-00014184 philosophers in there only. TqQJZT1Ctby-00031-00014428-00014780 Now the Classical period of Greek philosophy TqQJZT1Ctby-00032-00014881-00015246 comes after that in the late 5th and TqQJZT1Ctby-00033-00015313-00015840 the 4th century BC. A lot of people TqQJZT1Ctby-00034-00015991-00016208 started off basically with Socrates TqQJZT1Ctby-00035-00016341-00016498 and TqQJZT1Ctby-00036-00016498-00017067 Socrates various pupils, including people like; Antiphanes, Aristippus, and Plato. TqQJZT1Ctby-00037-00017149-00017612 Plato in this era founded a school and an TqQJZT1Ctby-00038-00017650-00018354 institution of philosophy called the Academy which is why we still use the term academics and so forth named after the TqQJZT1Ctby-00039-00018472-00018951 first institution of higher education. Which was an institution designed specifically to teach TqQJZT1Ctby-00040-00019081-00019276 philosophy. TqQJZT1Ctby-00041-00019582-00020048 Plato's pupil, Aristotle, who also later started his own TqQJZT1Ctby-00042-00020119-00020523 school of philosophy (something of a rival to the Academy) but for the first TqQJZT1Ctby-00043-00020596-00020843 about 20 years, he was actually a TqQJZT1Ctby-00044-00020923-00021398 member of Plato's Academy and a pupil of Plato. We have this TqQJZT1Ctby-00045-00021484-00021604 tight-knit TqQJZT1Ctby-00046-00021604-00021870 succession of philosophers in the classic age; TqQJZT1Ctby-00047-00021964-00022721 Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. And they basically define what we think of as the Classical period of philosophy. TqQJZT1Ctby-00048-00022981-00023181 Aristotle lived from TqQJZT1Ctby-00049-00023191-00023502 384 to 322 BC and TqQJZT1Ctby-00050-00023632-00024176 one thing that he was famous for having done, was tutored this young guy named TqQJZT1Ctby-00051-00024214-00024564 Alexander who was not yet Alexander the Great as he was Alexander, TqQJZT1Ctby-00052-00024627-00024857 the punk kid or whatever at this point. TqQJZT1Ctby-00053-00024948-00025679 But he was tutored by this famous pupil of Plato named Aristotle. TqQJZT1Ctby-00054-00025854-00026290 After all of his adventures invading Asia and things like this, TqQJZT1Ctby-00055-00026394-00026599 Alexander the Great died in 323BC. TqQJZT1Ctby-00056-00026724-00027154 His teacher at a young age, in his 30s, his teacher TqQJZT1Ctby-00057-00027222-00027399 Aristotle TqQJZT1Ctby-00058-00027399-00028067 died a year later unconnected with the events of Alexander's death. But historians TqQJZT1Ctby-00059-00028263-00028595 start to designate the Hellenistic period of TqQJZT1Ctby-00060-00028658-00029098 Ancient history as beginning with the death of Alexander. TqQJZT1Ctby-00061-00029099-00029567 And so that sense, Aristotle's death is basically at the same time. TqQJZT1Ctby-00062-00029570-00030044 It's a convenient starting point for thinking about the beginning of Hellenistic philosophy. TqQJZT1Ctby-00063-00030045-00030470 Hellenistic philosophy is post classical philosophy after TqQJZT1Ctby-00064-00030597-00030883 Socrates, Plato and specifically after TqQJZT1Ctby-00065-00030954-00031119 Aristotle. TqQJZT1Ctby-00066-00031119-00031670 So in Hellenistic philosophy, we have figures like Diogenes of Sinope, TqQJZT1Ctby-00067-00031806-00032522 who we will be reading. He was a cynical philosopher and started a school of cynics. We have TqQJZT1Ctby-00068-00032666-00032920 Stoics ceranae x after koreans, TqQJZT1Ctby-00069-00033147-00033616 Various stripes of skeptical philosophers including a later development within TqQJZT1Ctby-00070-00033639-00034427 Plato's Academy where it took a very skeptical direction and then a reaction to that sceptical direction in an even more TqQJZT1Ctby-00071-00034476-00034590 radical direction of Caronian TqQJZT1Ctby-00072-00034590-00035057 Skepticism and lots of complex developments going in different directions. TqQJZT1Ctby-00073-00035277-00035635 Now if you happen to have the TqQJZT1Ctby-00074-00035730-00036263 evaluation form I gave you last time on the back of it, there's something that's actually kind of useful which is TqQJZT1Ctby-00075-00036384-00036584 which gives TqQJZT1Ctby-00076-00036616-00036816 the TqQJZT1Ctby-00077-00036862-00037062 dates and TqQJZT1Ctby-00078-00037075-00037272 arranges in two columns TqQJZT1Ctby-00079-00037272-00037425 the TqQJZT1Ctby-00080-00037425-00037621 Classical Age TqQJZT1Ctby-00081-00037621-00037916 philosophers and then the main schools of TqQJZT1Ctby-00082-00038005-00038205 Hellenistic Philosophy. TqQJZT1Ctby-00083-00038524-00038766 Did anybody not get a copy of that? TqQJZT1Ctby-00084-00041050-00041702 We're looking at the very back of that document and there's a timeline and in the TqQJZT1Ctby-00085-00041887-00042332 upper left corner is Socrates the guy who kicked it all off. TqQJZT1Ctby-00086-00042333-00042641 The guy who drank the hemlock and was so ugly TqQJZT1Ctby-00087-00042641-00043148 and so annoying, that put in such an annoying philosopher that they put him to death, right? TqQJZT1Ctby-00088-00043381-00043796 Two of his pupils across the top line include TqQJZT1Ctby-00089-00043852-00044325 Antiphanes who was a sort of proto cynic TqQJZT1Ctby-00090-00044391-00044852 philosopher who embraced a way of life of poverty, threw all his money away or TqQJZT1Ctby-00091-00044938-00045503 rags and so forth and encouraged us to be tough and not care about material things and so forth. TqQJZT1Ctby-00092-00045519-00046199 He then influenced the development of the cynical school figures like Diogenes of Sinope TqQJZT1Ctby-00093-00046250-00046450 and they eventually TqQJZT1Ctby-00094-00046500-00046739 influenced the founder of the school of TqQJZT1Ctby-00095-00046819-00047019 Stoicism which then was a TqQJZT1Ctby-00096-00047056-00047181 continuous TqQJZT1Ctby-00097-00047181-00047687 school through all periods of later Greek history and Roman history. TqQJZT1Ctby-00098-00047944-00048656 Another pupil of Socrates named Aristippus had a kind of opposite philosophy and TqQJZT1Ctby-00099-00048755-00048904 he was a true hedonist. TqQJZT1Ctby-00100-00048904-00049299 He thought that the whole point of life was just; sex drugs and rock'n'roll. And TqQJZT1Ctby-00101-00049316-00049896 that all the stuff about virtue and embracing the life of poverty and so forth was ridiculous and TqQJZT1Ctby-00102-00049949-00050238 so he started off this TqQJZT1Ctby-00103-00050300-00050593 ethical idea that you should devote your life to pleasure. TqQJZT1Ctby-00104-00050810-00051334 He had an influence on - although the details of his views are totally rejected and TqQJZT1Ctby-00105-00051410-00051673 reworked by another school that adopted a TqQJZT1Ctby-00106-00052001-00052139 Hedonistic TqQJZT1Ctby-00107-00052139-00052737 orientation and that is the garden of Epicurus. So all of the people in that last column TqQJZT1Ctby-00108-00052820-00052961 are TqQJZT1Ctby-00109-00052961-00053338 later figures within the School of Epicureanism. Yeah? (student speak) TqQJZT1Ctby-00110-00054098-00054298 Essentially because his TqQJZT1Ctby-00111-00054332-00054733 writing, and Aristotle. I mean he TqQJZT1Ctby-00112-00054785-00055080 didn't even outlive Aristotle. TqQJZT1Ctby-00113-00055163-00055518 The thing is that it's less of a strict chronological TqQJZT1Ctby-00114-00055640-00055905 distinction and it's more about where his TqQJZT1Ctby-00115-00055964-00056123 influence and ideas TqQJZT1Ctby-00116-00056123-00056596 resonated so they have no resonance whatsoever among any of the classical TqQJZT1Ctby-00117-00056617-00057097 texts that we have from the period but had enormous importance and residents in the TqQJZT1Ctby-00118-00057161-00057320 Hellenistic era. TqQJZT1Ctby-00119-00057320-00057766 But you know in a way, technically he isn't a Hellenistic philosopher. TqQJZT1Ctby-00120-00057779-00058392 We have to read him to understand the developments that happen in Hellenistic philosophy, TqQJZT1Ctby-00121-00058392-00058687 but you know chronologically is that he's a Classical Age TqQJZT1Ctby-00122-00058760-00059406 Philosopher since none of his writings survived. We don't we have to depend on Hellenistic writers TqQJZT1Ctby-00123-00059407-00059914 also wrote about him in order to know anything about him. Whereas for Plato and Aristotle, TqQJZT1Ctby-00124-00059939-00060322 we have enormous corpuses of their of their writings. TqQJZT1Ctby-00125-00060674-00061384 The the first two columns show the development of these schools of Plato, Aristotle, the Academy, and TqQJZT1Ctby-00126-00061436-00061907 the school of Aristotle which in the Helenistic age became known as the Peripatos or TqQJZT1Ctby-00127-00061983-00062183 the Lyceum. TqQJZT1Ctby-00128-00062220-00062980 Again, there is no importance of memorizing these these names or these dates and you could have access to this TqQJZT1Ctby-00129-00062985-00063386 document anytime I was asking about these things. The main thing I want to TqQJZT1Ctby-00130-00063450-00064100 show is just how long there was a continuous period of development of these schools. TqQJZT1Ctby-00131-00064100-00064694 I mean this document is not to scale and it ends in about 180 AD TqQJZT1Ctby-00132-00064926-00065188 with Marcus Aurelius, but you know, that's TqQJZT1Ctby-00133-00065279-00065635 that's about 500 years after the thing TqQJZT1Ctby-00134-00065724-00065922 begins, so TqQJZT1Ctby-00135-00065922-00066182 the period that we're discussing is about a TqQJZT1Ctby-00136-00066267-00066467 four or five hundred period of TqQJZT1Ctby-00137-00066786-00067151 Philosophy. That's another thing about these divisions into Archaic, TqQJZT1Ctby-00138-00067188-00067901 Classical, Hellenistic, and so forth are not equal divisions. They're more thematic about what kind of unities of TqQJZT1Ctby-00139-00067977-00068234 texts and ideas in schools. TqQJZT1Ctby-00140-00068451-00069062 But Plato's Academy, which was founded during his lifetime, TqQJZT1Ctby-00141-00069330-00070088 survived as an institution - as an actual institution - for more than 500 years and was TqQJZT1Ctby-00142-00070119-00070382 closed by the Emperor Justinian who was TqQJZT1Ctby-00143-00070545-00070780 persecuting pagan philosophers. TqQJZT1Ctby-00144-00070908-00071282 Now think about that. This university has been around for 50 years. TqQJZT1Ctby-00145-00071355-00071689 Okay, so take another order of magnitude - TqQJZT1Ctby-00146-00071814-00072344 500 years is how long that institution was around. In a way TqQJZT1Ctby-00147-00072426-00072573 it TqQJZT1Ctby-00148-00072573-00073250 has been revived and the ideas and so forth of it kept going but we're talking about long periods of development. TqQJZT1Ctby-00149-00073260-00073685 Even within these schools, even though they have TqQJZT1Ctby-00150-00073740-00074432 thematic unity and argumentative and textual unities of various kind, they also change and develop over time TqQJZT1Ctby-00151-00074504-00074704 one would expect. TrYzvVxSHfg-00000-00000008-00000303 Hi everybody I'm Phillip Goodman. I'm Sabrina Carstensen. TrYzvVxSHfg-00001-00000303-00000952 And this is the Carson City real estate market report for December 2018. TrYzvVxSHfg-00002-00001545-00001957 Today we're going to take a look at the December 2018 real estate market TrYzvVxSHfg-00003-00001957-00002320 activity for Carson City and we'll compare that to what happened in TrYzvVxSHfg-00004-00002320-00002809 December 2017. Plus we'll take a look at our featured property of the month. So TrYzvVxSHfg-00005-00002809-00003565 Sabrina let's dive right in. We are looking at the December 2018 data on top TrYzvVxSHfg-00006-00003565-00004021 and the December 2017 data here on the bottom. Sabrina TrYzvVxSHfg-00007-00004021-00004705 take it away. Units sold in December 2018 are down 18% from December 2017 TrYzvVxSHfg-00008-00004705-00005248 not a big dip as sales always fall in winter. Median price skyrocketed 28% TrYzvVxSHfg-00009-00005248-00005698 over last year up to $325,000 from TrYzvVxSHfg-00010-00005698-00006229 $253,000. This is partly skewed by the 2018 sales of a $1.5 TrYzvVxSHfg-00011-00006229-00006945 million home and fewer condos under 120,000 being sold in 2017. Percent TrYzvVxSHfg-00012-00006945-00007365 of asked received in 2018 was 97.7% which was TrYzvVxSHfg-00013-00007365-00007981 nearly identical to 2017's 97.8%. We are on our TrYzvVxSHfg-00014-00007981-00008470 website seerenohomesforsale.com and our featured property of the month TrYzvVxSHfg-00015-00008470-00009078 is 1941 Hamilton Ave in Carson City. Sabrina talk to us about this this TrYzvVxSHfg-00016-00009078-00009652 charming split-level home.This turnkey home is split-level. It is close to TrYzvVxSHfg-00017-00009652-00010438 highway 50, 395. It's three beds three baths 1886 square feet. It has RV parking, TrYzvVxSHfg-00018-00010438-00011263 built in 1991 and like I said it is move-in ready. I like the color scheme in TrYzvVxSHfg-00019-00011263-00011625 the kitchen and the skylights too. Skylights really TrYzvVxSHfg-00020-00011625-00012142 add a lot. Floor. Look at these floors. They look in good shape. So there is your look TrYzvVxSHfg-00021-00012142-00012724 at the real estate market activity for Carson City in December of 2018. Sabrina TrYzvVxSHfg-00022-00012724-00013188 what fun family event is coming up in Carson City this month? Well on January TrYzvVxSHfg-00023-00013188-00013591 26 there's gonna be a free family movie night. They are gonna be featuring "The TrYzvVxSHfg-00024-00013591-00013891 Incredibles 2." Juice and popcorn are included at TrYzvVxSHfg-00025-00013891-00014399 the Carson Valley Mall. It is 1313 South Carson Street. For more information about TrYzvVxSHfg-00026-00014399-00014681 the property that we've looked at or any of the numbers that we've discussed TrYzvVxSHfg-00027-00014681-00015131 today you can contact Sabrina at the information you see on your screen now. I TrYzvVxSHfg-00028-00015131-00015466 hope you found this information helpful and that you'll give it a like and share TrYzvVxSHfg-00029-00015466-00015977 it on your social media too. For Sabrina Carstensen for the Nevada Real Estate TrYzvVxSHfg-00030-00015977-00016361 Group at Keller Williams Group One Inc in Reno Nevada I'm Phillip Goodman we'll TrYzvVxSHfg-00031-00016361-00017116 see you next time. Bye! TsFzuHFSGKA-00000-00000016-00000600 Asalaamu Alaikum guys and welcome to a rather sporty and quite an TsFzuHFSGKA-00001-00000600-00000888 inspirational episode of Smile to Jannah. TsFzuHFSGKA-00002-00001536-00002144 So Barcelona player- and let's face it quite frankly one of football's most expensive TsFzuHFSGKA-00003-00002144-00002744 players ever- Antoine Griezmann, has cut ties with sponsor Huawei, TsFzuHFSGKA-00004-00002744-00003344 citing his contribution to the mass persecution of Uyghur Muslims in China. TsFzuHFSGKA-00005-00003344-00003896 His announcement on Instagram came soon after a research company published a paper. TsFzuHFSGKA-00006-00003968-00004848 The company was IPVM and they claimed that Hawawai or Huawei (flipping whatever yeah. Potato/potaato) TsFzuHFSGKA-00007-00004848-00005168 They were surveilling the Uyghur Muslims and TsFzuHFSGKA-00008-00005168-00005712 giving information and data back to the Chinese government, so they could track them. TsFzuHFSGKA-00009-00005712-00006120 That's a very ballsy move yeah... you like what I did there yeah? TsFzuHFSGKA-00010-00006120-00006559 You're not funny. You suck. TsFzuHFSGKA-00011-00006559-00007184 In fact a lot of Muslim countries can take a leaf out of Griezmann's book- or Facebook TsFzuHFSGKA-00012-00007240-00007416 or Instagram post or whatever. TsFzuHFSGKA-00013-00007416-00007672 And let's not forget the first footballer that spoke TsFzuHFSGKA-00014-00007672-00008184 out against China and it was indeed Arsenal's very own Mesut Ozil. TsFzuHFSGKA-00015-00008184-00008568 And when he did, Arsenal turned their back against him TsFzuHFSGKA-00016-00008568-00008936 and then China went full out psycho mode on him yeah. TsFzuHFSGKA-00017-00008936-00009440 They removed him from his games, they refused to show the matches and they TsFzuHFSGKA-00018-00009440-00009968 refused to mention his name during the commentary and they started going nuts. TsFzuHFSGKA-00019-00009968-00010272 But the question is, what will Barcelona do? Will they also TsFzuHFSGKA-00020-00010272-00010528 turn their back on Griezmann like Arsenal did with Ozil? TsFzuHFSGKA-00021-00010528-00010992 But the difference here is Ozil is a Muslim and less higher up in the TsFzuHFSGKA-00022-00010992-00011352 hierarchy than Griezmann, so China's fairly quiet. TsFzuHFSGKA-00023-00011352-00011632 The Chinese foreign ministry said in a statement that they would not be TsFzuHFSGKA-00024-00011632-00012064 commenting further and that Antoine Griezmann was free to do business with whoever he wanted. TsFzuHFSGKA-00025-00012064-00012288 And that takes me on to the next point: Money. TsFzuHFSGKA-00026-00012288-00012704 Money seems to be the deciding factor for a lot of countries. TsFzuHFSGKA-00027-00012704-00013440 Lets put it this way, money trumps peace sometimes. TsFzuHFSGKA-00028-00013440-00013863 We protect Saudi Arabia. Would you say they're rich? (Crowd: Yes) TsFzuHFSGKA-00029-00013863-00014432 A lot of countries are chummy with India despite the barbarism that's taking place in Kashmir. TsFzuHFSGKA-00030-00014432-00014952 I mean you had countries like the UAE which awarded the PM a medal. TsFzuHFSGKA-00031-00014982-00015191 Wait, Astaghfirullah, what's going on? TsFzuHFSGKA-00032-00015191-00015928 This is brand new logic to me. A guy is destroying and decimating Muslims and you award him a medal. TsFzuHFSGKA-00033-00015928-00016168 I mean something's gone wrong there- you know I'm saying. TsFzuHFSGKA-00034-00016168-00016416 And the same chummy behaviour you see with China. TsFzuHFSGKA-00035-00016416-00016744 What's your stance on China's treatment of Uyghur Muslims? TsFzuHFSGKA-00036-00016944-00017120 Frankly I don't know much about that. TsFzuHFSGKA-00037-00017120-00017480 But let's not get it twisted. China's not the only one that's manipulating TsFzuHFSGKA-00038-00017480-00017784 organizations to get data about its population. TsFzuHFSGKA-00039-00017784-00018360 That's right- America also is doing the same when it comes to these big companies that we know of. TsFzuHFSGKA-00040-00018360-00018800 Before I go I also want to touch upon this point that- some people are of the opinion TsFzuHFSGKA-00041-00018800-00019312 that if you speak against China you're speaking in favour of the US or vice versa. TsFzuHFSGKA-00042-00019312-00020008 Regardless, if you speak against China it doesn't change the barbarism that's taking place. TsFzuHFSGKA-00043-00020008-00020216 Whichever camp you fall in, TsFzuHFSGKA-00044-00020216-00020784 the priority should be the well-being of your fellow brothers and sisters. TsFzuHFSGKA-00045-00020784-00021144 I'm going to be honest yeah. I have a lot of appreciation TsFzuHFSGKA-00046-00021144-00021952 for China; maybe because of the Chinese movies andhow we see principles like honour and TsFzuHFSGKA-00047-00021952-00022616 love for family and speaking/fighting against evil with these fancy (you know)... TsFzuHFSGKA-00048-00022616-00023048 Stay out of this old man! Oh you want some too! TsFzuHFSGKA-00049-00024240-00024483 What do Chinese people like to drink? TsFzuHFSGKA-00050-00024745-00025161 Water. Water. TsFzuHFSGKA-00051-00025672-00026416 Now it's time to take that Chinese cinema principles and bring it to life, otherwise china TsFzuHFSGKA-00052-00026416-00026992 is quickly going downhill, because some of the barbaricacts that they're making the Uyghurs do there... TsFzuHFSGKA-00053-00026992-00027456 it's just not compatible with the 21st century; it's not compatible with any century. TsFzuHFSGKA-00054-00027456-00027792 I mean it's very difficult to make videos like this TsFzuHFSGKA-00055-00027792-00028383 and and put these comedic things in there because it's frankly it's just vile yeah. TsFzuHFSGKA-00056-00028383-00028864 It's vile, it's disgusting and it should not be happening full stop. TsFzuHFSGKA-00057-00028864-00029112 May Allah make it easy for our brothers and sisters there, TsFzuHFSGKA-00058-00029112-00029544 may Allah make more people like Griezmann stand up, TsFzuHFSGKA-00059-00029544-00029968 especially these Muslim governments as well that seem to think that they're going to be TsFzuHFSGKA-00060-00029968-00030648 alive forever, they're giving more allegiance and priority to money rather than their religion yeah, TsFzuHFSGKA-00061-00030648-00031127 the one thing that's given them honour and respect that's the thing that they TsFzuHFSGKA-00062-00031127-00031512 are turning their back towards today, and that's why we're in the state that we're in. TsFzuHFSGKA-00063-00031512-00031712 All right guys I'll leave it there, until next time. TsFzuHFSGKA-00064-00031856-00032383 Asalaamu Alaikum. TzjIEvHX_6u-00000-00001729-00001982 Let me give you some good tips TzjIEvHX_6u-00001-00001982-00002258 about how to make a very very good impression! TzjIEvHX_6u-00002-00002358-00002718 First, make sure to make a very funny introduction TzjIEvHX_6u-00003-00002718-00002954 of yourself - and that way you will know TzjIEvHX_6u-00004-00002954-00003120 that the boss will like you. TzjIEvHX_6u-00005-00003168-00003594 Can February March? No, of course - TzjIEvHX_6u-00006-00003594-00003820 but April May! Ha! TzjIEvHX_6u-00007-00003876-00003979 Are you finished? TzjIEvHX_6u-00008-00004047-00004212 No - I'm Danish. TzjIEvHX_6u-00009-00004398-00004741 Second: you must show your interest in the company. TzjIEvHX_6u-00010-00004784-00004954 Then you must go and TzjIEvHX_6u-00011-00004954-00005178 offer all your colleagues your help, TzjIEvHX_6u-00012-00005226-00005543 and that way, they will all like you. TzjIEvHX_6u-00013-00005675-00005982 CAPS' DAD: Hi! I'm the new intern. Can I help you? TzjIEvHX_6u-00014-00006006-00006106 G2 Member: Yeah, okay. TzjIEvHX_6u-00015-00006274-00006324 [PAPER THUDS] TzjIEvHX_6u-00016-00006666-00007081 Third: keep in mind to stay hydrated during the day - TzjIEvHX_6u-00017-00007081-00007373 that way, you will you get focused and TzjIEvHX_6u-00018-00007373-00007664 when you're focused, your body will be happy. TzjIEvHX_6u-00019-00008244-00008556 But the most important tips I can give you is... TzjIEvHX_6u-00020-00008661-00008823 be true to yourself, TzjIEvHX_6u-00021-00008954-00009358 and keep focused on your passion. TzjIEvHX_6u-00022-00009952-00010278 Being in the moment, you will not only find happiness TzjIEvHX_6u-00023-00010278-00010764 in what you are doing, but you will find friends for life! TzjIEvHX_6u-00024-00010814-00011349 (singing) G2phoria, G2phoria, ah ah ah... TAylJ8r5kmE-00000-00000034-00000772 hey thank you for watching arranger Rob channel all let's get started this video is made possible TAylJ8r5kmE-00001-00000772-00001600 by arranger Rob poopy bags available in Amazon right now hi guys Ranger Rob here thought I'd TAylJ8r5kmE-00002-00001600-00002296 tie in with you a little bit as we've gotten a little more settled in here in Central Oregon so TAylJ8r5kmE-00003-00002296-00003226 for those you didn't caught up we just relocated from Arizona's Center Oregon and we just bought TAylJ8r5kmE-00004-00003226-00004099 this five acre place and what was cool about it used to be shuri's mother and father's place we TAylJ8r5kmE-00005-00004099-00004771 had the opportunity to buy it and kind of helped us settle the estate to be able to get their stuff TAylJ8r5kmE-00006-00004771-00005653 out of here in a controlled manner to other family members so it worked out really well why didn't TAylJ8r5kmE-00007-00005653-00006459 we buy a place like this when we were in Central Oregon I'm in Arizona and had a pool and yeah we TAylJ8r5kmE-00008-00006459-00007618 were perfectly happy and no regrets but this came along and you know the world gets more complex and TAylJ8r5kmE-00009-00007618-00008122 it should be but one of the things Sheree and I have been learning a lot about is being more TAylJ8r5kmE-00010-00008122-00009040 self-reliant well we really have started enjoying gardening and prepping and getting organized and TAylJ8r5kmE-00011-00009040-00010018 it really paid off during this ko bid stuff so we bought this place so way back here we're gonna TAylJ8r5kmE-00012-00010018-00010609 actually set up a whole new garden for next spring we're probably going to do a few little high TAylJ8r5kmE-00013-00010609-00011695 towers for tomatoes and the other thing is we've always kept our RV here and because Sheree's folks TAylJ8r5kmE-00014-00011695-00012535 were not real healthy at a time so for the last two and a half years we've kept our RV here and so TAylJ8r5kmE-00015-00012535-00013384 now everything we own is you reunited the biggest problem we got is all our stuff is in boxes and in TAylJ8r5kmE-00016-00013384-00014047 the stuff that's already here we're gonna try to either distribute or take the goodwill or sell-off TAylJ8r5kmE-00017-00014047-00015063 to put into the estate for all the other siblings sorry way confusing but necessary and helpful TAylJ8r5kmE-00018-00015063-00015744 that we're here doing it from a distance was just too hard so some of the things I like about this TAylJ8r5kmE-00019-00015744-00016471 place is sharing I would be able to do much more gardening and we want to get more self-reliant so TAylJ8r5kmE-00020-00016471-00017224 the other positive thing about this property is it has its own well so one of the things I'll do is TAylJ8r5kmE-00021-00017224-00018097 have electrician come in and allowed me to create a circuit where I can get off the grid and power TAylJ8r5kmE-00022-00018097-00019159 the the well by generator case for this lose power and we lose power here if we get all four seasons TAylJ8r5kmE-00023-00019159-00020122 here - so okay get used to that kind of weather the next thing is a we actually went into a co-op TAylJ8r5kmE-00024-00020122-00021259 in a couple of months here on buying a quarter of beef half green half grass-fed and working through TAylJ8r5kmE-00025-00021259-00022102 a meat small meat market so we're gonna stock up and get our own beef and I'll probably do the same TAylJ8r5kmE-00026-00022102-00022684 thing with probably pork - I don't know if what I can do with chicken we'll see maybe I have to TAylJ8r5kmE-00027-00022684-00023458 do my own but anyway next year we'll also have our own chickens just a handful enough to supply TAylJ8r5kmE-00028-00023458-00024187 us with our own eggs why just because the food shortage is gonna be coming there's no way with TAylJ8r5kmE-00029-00024187-00024895 all the shutdowns of them Tyson and all these other meat processing companies and stuff we're TAylJ8r5kmE-00030-00024895-00025693 not be going to be affected and I just want to be more self-reliant as far as water far TAylJ8r5kmE-00031-00025693-00026445 as food being prepared prepping of course having at least but at least six months worth of food TAylJ8r5kmE-00032-00026542-00027102 and materials that we've learned from covet that caught us off guard like paper products and stuff TAylJ8r5kmE-00033-00027102-00027889 who would have thought and I think we're going to see some serious stuff probably Bane next TAylJ8r5kmE-00034-00027889-00028837 year so uh so far Sheree and I have been kind of on our game and been ahead ahead of things and so TAylJ8r5kmE-00035-00028837-00029869 hopefully this next step that we've just done here keeps us ahead of the game too now some of you TAylJ8r5kmE-00036-00029869-00030643 guys might be shaking your head going being kind of paranoid Rob but uh why I tell you when the co TAylJ8r5kmE-00037-00030643-00031651 bid thing came and we were all stocked up already I was pretty happy about that so I felt like I got TAylJ8r5kmE-00038-00031651-00032158 the last laugh finally so one of the things I was going to show you is we do have a bear area right TAylJ8r5kmE-00039-00032158-00032977 here and this is where our Gardens gonna go in so I do have a tractor they bought and we will get TAylJ8r5kmE-00040-00032977-00033811 this cleared out by the early in the winter around January February start planting with Hightower and TAylJ8r5kmE-00041-00033811-00034651 a green room to get or some of our plants started early before we put them out here I can't I tap TAylJ8r5kmE-00042-00034651-00035638 into a watering system right here we're good to go so yeah and eventually this property there's TAylJ8r5kmE-00043-00035638-00036526 five acres but three of us already fence which it got the reasons fenced is it's a a deer fence we TAylJ8r5kmE-00044-00036526-00037192 call it keep the deer out that's the biggest thing I'll give him your Gardens here and so there's a TAylJ8r5kmE-00045-00037192-00037870 lot of property beyond these fences so maybe the only three acres is actually accessible within TAylJ8r5kmE-00046-00037870-00038560 the fence so it's kind of nice lots of privacy all right we're kind of excited about that lots TAylJ8r5kmE-00047-00038560-00039649 of work we do have to put a new roof on the house and we're putting new siting in the house so this TAylJ8r5kmE-00048-00039649-00040678 summer will be house improvements and next early winter will be getting gardens prepared and going TAylJ8r5kmE-00049-00040678-00041524 to able to be more self-sufficient gonna try some new crops like I've never grown corn before and I TAylJ8r5kmE-00050-00041524-00042202 want to do to me a little better job at Tomatoes than they did last this year and of course my TAylJ8r5kmE-00051-00042202-00042655 seasons are a lot different here than Arizona so it's kind of interesting so I thought I'd kind TAylJ8r5kmE-00052-00042655-00043330 of give you a briefing of what you're gonna see for videos you can see a lot of our dogs growing TAylJ8r5kmE-00053-00043330-00044104 up or German Shepherds getting big right here that's Belle and she's loved in this space it's TAylJ8r5kmE-00054-00044104-00044695 so healthy for both dogs I will be doing a lot more prepping as we're getting things set up TAylJ8r5kmE-00055-00044695-00046084 prepping and of course gardening okay look at the size of this dandelion thing here look at this I TAylJ8r5kmE-00056-00046084-00047188 don't think I've ever seen one that big before beautiful so when everything spreads out I'll TAylJ8r5kmE-00057-00047188-00047863 have more great so whatever guys that's what's going on with the Ranger Rob stuff I hope you TAylJ8r5kmE-00058-00047863-00048631 enjoy would do of course we got the radio station and a nice treat so please make sure you watch TAylJ8r5kmE-00059-00048631-00049525 those leave comments please like and subscribe to our videos please donate to the channel if you can TAylJ8r5kmE-00060-00049525-00050533 to help us out and yeah be happy be safe follow our journey here this is a big big big journey TAylJ8r5kmE-00061-00050533-00051541 for us we've got a lot of work and the dorky dog here yeah lots of work big goods for the TAylJ8r5kmE-00062-00051541-00052210 body lots of aches and pains maybe I'll drop a few pounds thought it'd be a good thing and hopefully TAylJ8r5kmE-00063-00052210-00052879 a lot of you folks may be thinking about getting away from the city a little and getting a little TAylJ8r5kmE-00064-00052879-00053445 bit more privacy and being more self-reliant and really what we're all about here so all TAylJ8r5kmE-00065-00053445-00053930 right guys be safe we'll talk to you later bye now thank you very much for watching our video TAylJ8r5kmE-00066-00053930-00054633 please take the time to like subscribe and share our videos all over the whole wide world thanks TF0M9WJTBfU-00000-00000033-00000323 CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS, ADMIRAL JOHN RICHARDSON TF0M9WJTBfU-00001-00000323-00000563 HELD AN ALL HANDS CALL FOR SAILORS AND MARINES ON TF0M9WJTBfU-00002-00000563-00000757 NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY. TF0M9WJTBfU-00003-00000757-00000950 AMONG OTHER THINGS RICHARDSON DISCUSS ED THE TF0M9WJTBfU-00004-00000950-00001217 NEWLY-IMPLEMENTED NAVAL OPERATIONAL SPECIALTY, OR TF0M9WJTBfU-00005-00001217-00001368 N-O-S SYSTEM. TF0M9WJTBfU-00006-00001368-00001805 SAME WITH ADVANCEMENT RIGHT, IF THE MECHANIC TF0M9WJTBfU-00007-00001805-00002055 PATTERN IS FULL AND WE'RE RETAINING A LOT OF TF0M9WJTBfU-00008-00002055-00002462 MECHANICS, YOU CAN ADVANCE AS AN ELECTRICIAN IF WE TF0M9WJTBfU-00009-00002462-00002906 NEED LEADERSHIP IN THE ELECTRICIAN SPECIALTY, OK. TF0M9WJTBfU-00010-00002906-00003353 SO IT PROVIDES YOU A LOT OF FLEXIBILITY TO ONE, TF0M9WJTBfU-00011-00003353-00003580 PURSUE THINGS THAT MAYBE YOU DIDN'T THINK OF WHEN TF0M9WJTBfU-00012-00003580-00003950 YOU FIRST JOINED THE NAVY, JOINED AS A MECHANIC KIND TF0M9WJTBfU-00013-00003950-00004200 OF LOCKED ON THIS ELECTRICIAN THING. TF0M9WJTBfU-00014-00004200-00004424 RICHARDSON EXPRESSED HIS GRATTITUDE TO TROOPS ON TF0M9WJTBfU-00015-00004424-00004711 NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO AS HE SAID GOODBYE. TF0M9WJTBfU-00016-00004771-00004971 BEFORE I PUT MY HEAD DOWN TONIGHT I'LL SAY A PRAYER TF0M9WJTBfU-00017-00004971-00005101 FOR ALL OF YOU GUYS, OK. TF0M9WJTBfU-00018-00005101-00005235 THANKS A LOT. TF0M9WJTBfU-00019-00005235-00005528 REPORTING FROM GUANTANAMO BAY, I'M PETTY OFFICER ED TF0M9WJTBfU-00020-00005528-00005565 THOMPSON. TFj2homDTYu-00000-00000064-00000434 Each other of a good morning you think a morning everybody TFj2homDTYu-00001-00000579-00000779 I'm TFj2homDTYu-00002-00000832-00001032 Good morning everybody TFj2homDTYu-00003-00001111-00001311 Now you gonna get shine TFj2homDTYu-00004-00001500-00001700 Jibber-jabbering all morning gonna get shot TFj2homDTYu-00005-00005869-00006213 He had the more to kiss good morning everybody say good morning TFj2homDTYu-00006-00006392-00006801 So we're up this little guy slept in this morning it was weird TFj2homDTYu-00007-00006950-00007297 Usually I wake up to Gabriel on the pack and play TFj2homDTYu-00008-00007375-00007761 Squeezing my toes cuz mama puts him in the pack of play at the end of the bed while she gets ready TFj2homDTYu-00009-00007861-00008061 but this morning at 7:30 I TFj2homDTYu-00010-00008098-00008325 Jumped up at health I said what where's the boy? TFj2homDTYu-00011-00008396-00008596 She said he's still asleep TFj2homDTYu-00012-00009557-00009757 So we got good sleep last night TFj2homDTYu-00013-00009884-00010063 Today we're kind of racing the cold weather TFj2homDTYu-00014-00010063-00010696 It's been in the you know mid-50s something like that for the last few days or high state or low 60s TFj2homDTYu-00015-00010804-00011328 so we've been able to get out of the house a little bit because when it gets real cold we don't go in walks and TFj2homDTYu-00016-00011329-00011468 things like that so TFj2homDTYu-00017-00011468-00011593 but uh TFj2homDTYu-00018-00011593-00012267 This afternoon is supposed to get real windy and then the temperature starts dropping around like 2 or 3, it's gonna plummet TFj2homDTYu-00019-00012268-00012825 And then it's gonna be down to real colds for the next week or so so we're gonna try to take a walk today TFj2homDTYu-00020-00012911-00013111 Before we don't get to go for a walk TFj2homDTYu-00021-00013361-00013782 For a little while yeah, all right you ready to get our day started TFj2homDTYu-00022-00014182-00014640 Yeah, all right let's go back TFj2homDTYu-00023-00014905-00015419 We have a chance for snow today, buddy he doesn't care TFj2homDTYu-00024-00015856-00016056 Chance for snow TFj2homDTYu-00025-00016669-00016869 Anyway we have a chance for snow TFj2homDTYu-00026-00016879-00017355 So try to get that walk done early a chance for snow at like 3:00 4:00 o'clock this afternoon TFj2homDTYu-00027-00017356-00017994 Which is insane because it's I mean it's not cold out there right now, but like it's it's not warm TFj2homDTYu-00028-00017994-00018194 I won't say it's warm, but it's definitely not cold TFj2homDTYu-00029-00018241-00018663 You know I think it's something right like the 50s, so it's comfortable TFj2homDTYu-00030-00018889-00019089 Anyway chance for snow TFj2homDTYu-00031-00020229-00020795 So this kid is walking all over the place now like for real walking TFj2homDTYu-00032-00021129-00021359 He can walk over and stop and stand TFj2homDTYu-00033-00021481-00021643 carry things TFj2homDTYu-00034-00021643-00021948 Yeah, all right now. I just wanted to be all me TFj2homDTYu-00035-00022267-00022467 He grew up a lot of her Christmas TFj2homDTYu-00036-00023181-00023453 And just like yesterday you started clapping TFj2homDTYu-00037-00024956-00025156 I TFj2homDTYu-00038-00025791-00026152 Don't know if I've told you guys this yet or not, but uh this is the pit TFj2homDTYu-00039-00026298-00026466 as I've TFj2homDTYu-00040-00026466-00026746 As I've called it we transformed, baby jail TFj2homDTYu-00041-00026820-00027400 Into the pit because the baby jail was just too small it wasn't enough room for him to TFj2homDTYu-00042-00027495-00027695 to move around then TFj2homDTYu-00043-00027708-00027908 He would get TFj2homDTYu-00044-00028029-00028229 Staying on your cow he'd get real upset TFj2homDTYu-00045-00028277-00028841 When we put him in it because there was just nowhere for him to go and there were all the toys as you could see TFj2homDTYu-00046-00028926-00029126 So now he's got toy pile over there TFj2homDTYu-00047-00029264-00029810 There's a bunch of toys in there and there was just no real room for him to roam around so we expanded it and we've TFj2homDTYu-00048-00029810-00030010 gotten kind of creative I TFj2homDTYu-00049-00030075-00030361 Just realized that sides not even is not secured TFj2homDTYu-00050-00030504-00030704 typically we we put the TFj2homDTYu-00051-00030726-00031033 Highchair up against the fence over there, so he can't move to that side TFj2homDTYu-00052-00031044-00031489 And then I sit on this side and hold it with my hand TFj2homDTYu-00053-00031620-00032053 Because he's definitely figured out that all he has to do is apply his body weight to it TFj2homDTYu-00054-00032072-00032464 and it'll slide over and then he can crawl out and escape to TFj2homDTYu-00055-00032922-00033122 Smart for his own good TFj2homDTYu-00056-00033156-00033367 So anyway, this is the pit TFj2homDTYu-00057-00033564-00033829 Two babies enter one baby leaves TFj2homDTYu-00058-00034683-00035081 Well he has slept for almost two hours TFj2homDTYu-00059-00035153-00035704 It's it was about nap time when he finished up his bottle and we were gonna go for a walk and everything TFj2homDTYu-00060-00035781-00035972 So I thought okay, I'll just put him down TFj2homDTYu-00061-00035972-00036401 He's only been sleeping for about an hour lately anyway, so he'll sleep for an hour. I'll get him up TFj2homDTYu-00062-00036401-00036703 We'll be able to go for the walk temperatures temperature starts to drop TFj2homDTYu-00063-00036771-00037013 Well, I don't know if you can see TFj2homDTYu-00064-00037137-00037489 How windy it is I don't know all things is very accurate TFj2homDTYu-00065-00037920-00038485 Yeah, I don't think you can tell, but anyway, there's a massive wind gusts have been blowing through here TFj2homDTYu-00066-00038616-00038816 and TFj2homDTYu-00067-00038823-00039337 Earlier like this morning the temperature was 57 now. It's 55. I went outside in the wind chill TFj2homDTYu-00068-00039456-00039785 it's a little cooler than I expected so if TFj2homDTYu-00069-00039864-00040403 He doesn't get up in the next I would say 30 minutes out that temperature is gonna start dropping TFj2homDTYu-00070-00040485-00040801 And we may not get to go for a walk, which is a real bummer TFj2homDTYu-00071-00040935-00041254 Because I don't like to have him cooped up. I don't like to keep him cooped up in the house TFj2homDTYu-00072-00041313-00041567 He doesn't he gets to go out as often as I do TFj2homDTYu-00073-00041595-00041772 And I don't ever get to go out TFj2homDTYu-00074-00041772-00042139 This was also kind of odd and want to be cooped up in the house either. I wanted to get out but TFj2homDTYu-00075-00042267-00042571 I'm hoping he wakes up pretty soon at the same time TFj2homDTYu-00076-00042572-00043151 I wanted to get as much rest as possible because when he's rested he's a much better baby. He's in a much better mood, so TFj2homDTYu-00077-00043290-00043787 But if he gets up in the next 15 20 minutes. We'll say a short walk TFj2homDTYu-00078-00043787-00044291 I don't think we'll be able to go as far as I'd like to go because it's a windy and cat chilly but TFj2homDTYu-00079-00044409-00044761 We'll go for a walk and get him some sunlight for the day TFj2homDTYu-00080-00044762-00045076 And then I think I've gotta run to the grocery store or something like that TFj2homDTYu-00081-00045285-00045485 Look who's up from his nap TFj2homDTYu-00082-00045789-00046487 Hey, buddy hmm hey, buddy hi TFj2homDTYu-00083-00046845-00047240 You woke up just in time it's about to get cold we won't be able to go for a walk TFj2homDTYu-00084-00047240-00047440 You ready to go for a walk, okay? TFj2homDTYu-00085-00047793-00048169 Cheddar your pajamas first lazybones TFj2homDTYu-00086-00048594-00048771 All right TFj2homDTYu-00087-00048771-00049367 Mission success we got out of the house for a minute getting a little bit of Sun but a little bit of Sun there is TFj2homDTYu-00088-00049452-00049652 it's very windy as you can tell by my TFj2homDTYu-00089-00049746-00049940 awesome haircut TFj2homDTYu-00090-00049940-00050140 our hairstyle today TFj2homDTYu-00091-00050200-00050586 So anyway, we're going for a very brief chilly walk TFj2homDTYu-00092-00050624-00050824 You know get back in the house where it's warm TFj2homDTYu-00093-00050824-00051315 And I can feel better about getting Gabriel out of the house for a little while today before it gets cold TFj2homDTYu-00094-00052221-00052478 This gives you an idea how cold how windy it is I don't know TFj2homDTYu-00095-00052776-00053078 Step blowing all over the place my hair's all over the place TFj2homDTYu-00096-00053161-00053289 this guy TFj2homDTYu-00097-00053289-00053485 Had a good time TFj2homDTYu-00098-00053485-00053726 But I think he's cold he cold TFj2homDTYu-00099-00053856-00054119 Yes, you gonna leave. Oh my goodness TFj2homDTYu-00100-00054333-00054536 He may or may not have eaten some leaf TFj2homDTYu-00101-00054804-00055575 So in my efforts to get my son out of the house for a little while I took him out into very cold winds TFj2homDTYu-00102-00055650-00055850 great parenting Jacob a plus TFj2homDTYu-00103-00055926-00056696 Anyway, he I did get to looking at him, and he was covered in little pieces of leaves leaf TFj2homDTYu-00104-00056761-00057075 leaves pieces of leaves pieces of leaves TFj2homDTYu-00105-00057141-00057341 multiple leaves got it and TFj2homDTYu-00106-00057387-00058034 He was holding one as you saw that he so he may or may not have even eaten something leave eating at some leaf TFj2homDTYu-00107-00058075-00058275 That's a complicated word TFj2homDTYu-00108-00058341-00058859 Or my brains frozen anyway. I'm head to the grocery store now Brad tolet paper and baby formula TFj2homDTYu-00109-00058932-00059381 Even though he is transitioning to cow's milk now. We're still getting a little bit of TFj2homDTYu-00110-00059494-00060036 I can just throw him into the cow's milk deep end so need some more that TFj2homDTYu-00111-00060142-00060484 So I'm making my daily trip to the grocery store in the middle of the day TFj2homDTYu-00112-00060517-00060909 Gabriel's hanging out with aunt Susie for a little while and we could take care of that TFj2homDTYu-00113-00061322-00061860 They stopped carrying the baby food a formula I mean TFj2homDTYu-00114-00062119-00062527 Which means we may be transitioning to all cow's milk a lot sooner than we thought TFj2homDTYu-00115-00062723-00063142 Because this is the only place that you can actually buy the stuff you have to order it otherwise TFj2homDTYu-00116-00063266-00063416 that TFj2homDTYu-00117-00063416-00063585 stinks TFj2homDTYu-00118-00063585-00063785 update TFj2homDTYu-00119-00063830-00064030 They do carrion TFj2homDTYu-00120-00064103-00064306 They just moved it to a different place TFj2homDTYu-00121-00064446-00064798 Tricksters so while I was looking for TFj2homDTYu-00122-00064872-00065061 the formula TFj2homDTYu-00123-00065061-00065261 they moved I TFj2homDTYu-00124-00065316-00065573 discovered that they sell organic tampons TFj2homDTYu-00125-00065730-00066245 Organic tampons, I didn't know that was such a thing and I don't know what to do with that information TFj2homDTYu-00126-00066432-00066632 Did you have to be watching this and TFj2homDTYu-00127-00066816-00067325 You're in the market for organic tampons, I know a grocery store that carries it TFj2homDTYu-00128-00067461-00068009 Yeah, I remember when I was doing the speed clean video and talking about not sweeping the leaves out of my garage here TFj2homDTYu-00129-00068124-00068564 They are because they are all coming back. I knew they would flow right back in TFj2homDTYu-00130-00068805-00069005 That tree gonna come down TFj2homDTYu-00131-00069027-00069637 Most these leaves are done, so I'm gonna come down and end up right here, and I get this we come back TFj2homDTYu-00132-00070041-00070757 We're home I'm home we're watching Daniel Tiger and playing with balls TFj2homDTYu-00133-00075683-00076048 Okay Gabriel's down for a nap I'm gonna go out into TFj2homDTYu-00134-00076185-00076598 That crazy and move my potted plants TFj2homDTYu-00135-00076806-00077509 Back into the garage I'd pulled him out because the weather had gotten nice, and it wasn't freezing, but it's supposed to be down TFj2homDTYu-00136-00077586-00078062 30s and 20s for the next week or so so I'm gonna move those in so they don't die TFj2homDTYu-00137-00078871-00079071 Okay, that's done. I TFj2homDTYu-00138-00079120-00079587 Think I'm gonna go in and not come out for the rest of the day or maybe the next few days TFj2homDTYu-00139-00079587-00079787 I don't know. It's pretty cold TFj2homDTYu-00140-00079825-00080105 That wind is ridiculous. I don't think it's that cold TFj2homDTYu-00141-00080185-00080385 But I think the wind just makes it worse TFj2homDTYu-00142-00080437-00080792 Here's something new we've learned Gabriel does not like stacked blocks TFj2homDTYu-00143-00081952-00082152 Why don't you like stacked blocks kid TFj2homDTYu-00144-00082795-00082995 Gabriel says no two stacked boss TFj2homDTYu-00145-00083412-00083612 Yes, this is song TFj2homDTYu-00146-00084022-00084222 That TFj2homDTYu-00147-00085519-00085719 Ah TFj2homDTYu-00148-00087185-00087535 Are you watching yourself you like the show TFj2homDTYu-00149-00089945-00090421 Good blueberry blueberry yogurt TFj2homDTYu-00150-00090707-00090907 Gabriel likes it TFj2homDTYu-00151-00091754-00092137 He likes it or if he just liked being in control of situation TFj2homDTYu-00152-00092471-00093109 Mikey sucks on it could we feed him broccoli yogurt, and he'd be just as happy if he was holding a little pouch TFj2homDTYu-00153-00093851-00094051 Thank you TFj2homDTYu-00154-00094242-00094465 Blueberry I don't think you've had blueberries yeah TFj2homDTYu-00155-00094631-00094831 Well he's not puffing up like one TFj2homDTYu-00156-00094952-00095152 Violet you're turning violet TFj2homDTYu-00157-00095726-00095926 Um is anybody TFj2homDTYu-00158-00096011-00096436 Has anybody done baby sign language was really want to teach it to them like more and stuff TFj2homDTYu-00159-00096436-00096636 I know that I could Google this but TFj2homDTYu-00160-00096656-00096792 Yeah TFj2homDTYu-00161-00096792-00097102 so if you in the comments you have TFj2homDTYu-00162-00097175-00097438 Any links to baby sign language put it in there TFj2homDTYu-00163-00097554-00097879 I'm trying to teach him to give us a thumbs-up TFj2homDTYu-00164-00099048-00099398 We're working on a collab with several of the YouTube TFj2homDTYu-00165-00099516-00099680 channels TFj2homDTYu-00166-00099680-00100096 About a budget meal budget three course budget meal thing TFj2homDTYu-00167-00100167-00100367 That's gonna be TFj2homDTYu-00168-00100394-00100855 Next Friday's and come out where we post the video next Friday, but sneak peek at what we're having TFj2homDTYu-00169-00101117-00101383 Baby food steam it puree TFj2homDTYu-00170-00101450-00102124 Five bucks fees the whole family three courses look. He's having a second way at yogurt now. We're having sweet potato bits TFj2homDTYu-00171-00102239-00102416 That we got TFj2homDTYu-00172-00102416-00102871 You got apples on the menu, and then we're gonna wash it down with some milk TFj2homDTYu-00173-00103064-00103264 Milk was a bad choice. Oh TFj2homDTYu-00174-00103926-00104533 You like sweet potatoes is your favorite huh is that your favorite? Anyway be sure to TFj2homDTYu-00175-00104714-00104914 Check us out next Friday TFj2homDTYu-00176-00104954-00105154 Budget meal we're having baby food TFj2homDTYu-00177-00105549-00106201 It's camera shy my shoulder you push in a spot of mommy's you holder to pushing the button TFj2homDTYu-00178-00106454-00106666 Trying to give our people the TFj2homDTYu-00179-00106751-00106889 ball TFj2homDTYu-00180-00106889-00107290 All right, it's time to go. Tell everybody goodbye say good night. Bye-bye TFj2homDTYu-00181-00107354-00107554 You have a ball on your hand TFj2homDTYu-00182-00107820-00108020 We're closing out the vlog here TFj2homDTYu-00183-00108348-00108901 Talking daddy you talk to okay. They will do it buddy. Tell them tell them what to do TFj2homDTYu-00184-00109367-00109681 Click the like button leave a comment TFj2homDTYu-00185-00110339-00110767 Click like leaves comment be sure to subscribe to our channel TFj2homDTYu-00186-00111029-00111334 Because this is the only place you're gonna get QP real videos TFj2homDTYu-00187-00111573-00111832 Thank y'all for watching. We'll see y'all Monday TFEayv8j-eM-00000-00001803-00001903 >> Hello. TFEayv8j-eM-00001-00001903-00002199 Yes, I have a podcast called snack overflow. TFEayv8j-eM-00002-00002199-00002691 I only have two interests in life and it's food and computers. TFEayv8j-eM-00003-00002691-00003315 So we're going to talk about low res NLP for your everyday life. TFEayv8j-eM-00004-00003315-00003579 Hello. TFEayv8j-eM-00005-00003579-00003910 I hope your lunch was good. TFEayv8j-eM-00006-00003910-00004042 That's good. TFEayv8j-eM-00007-00004042-00004173 I'm Duretti. TFEayv8j-eM-00008-00004173-00004487 You can find me on the Internet, and my handle is my first name. TFEayv8j-eM-00009-00004487-00004739 It's amazing. TFEayv8j-eM-00010-00004739-00004933 Thanks to my parents for such a unique name. TFEayv8j-eM-00011-00004933-00005376 I have my handle -- yeah, my first name on everything but Snapchat there's some teen TFEayv8j-eM-00012-00005376-00005696 who has it. TFEayv8j-eM-00013-00005696-00006311 You can find me hanging out the most on Twitter where I post a lot of jokes and occasionally TFEayv8j-eM-00014-00006311-00006725 a sad computer essay. TFEayv8j-eM-00015-00006725-00007120 And I guess this is a picture of me grinning at a wall. TFEayv8j-eM-00016-00007120-00007695 I work at Slack. TFEayv8j-eM-00017-00007695-00007795 You might be thinking what's Slack? TFEayv8j-eM-00018-00007795-00008050 I don't know what that is. TFEayv8j-eM-00019-00008050-00008801 It's a group messaging app for teams, we have clients for desktop, iOS, Android, and even TFEayv8j-eM-00020-00008801-00009136 Windows phone for the rare Windows phone user. TFEayv8j-eM-00021-00009136-00009618 We have 3 million daily active users. TFEayv8j-eM-00022-00009618-00009931 And about a third of them pay us, which is pretty good I think. TFEayv8j-eM-00023-00009931-00010284 And there's over 600 people that work at Slack. TFEayv8j-eM-00024-00010284-00010878 I've been there a year and a half now, which is an eternity in San Francisco. TFEayv8j-eM-00025-00010878-00011164 Like, a real long time. TFEayv8j-eM-00026-00011164-00011871 And I am a back up engineer on the grows team because of how ironic for how Slack has grown. TFEayv8j-eM-00027-00011871-00012481 My job is getting people signed up for Slack. TFEayv8j-eM-00028-00012481-00012900 Once you're in Slack, how do you use it? TFEayv8j-eM-00029-00012900-00013481 And one of the ways we do that is via slack bot. TFEayv8j-eM-00030-00013481-00013897 So, yes, that means I'm a maintainer of slack bot. TFEayv8j-eM-00031-00013897-00014150 I'm sorry. TFEayv8j-eM-00032-00014150-00014462 And today we are going to talk about NLP. TFEayv8j-eM-00033-00014462-00014827 I don't mean neurolinguistic programming. TFEayv8j-eM-00034-00014827-00015501 Apparently it's a discredited psycho practice, I had no idea. TFEayv8j-eM-00035-00015501-00015765 It's connection of your mind and body. TFEayv8j-eM-00036-00015765-00016548 But I'm actually here to talk about natural language processing. TFEayv8j-eM-00037-00016548-00016973 So we are creating more data than we ever have. TFEayv8j-eM-00038-00016973-00017073 Like Joe said yesterday. TFEayv8j-eM-00039-00017073-00017298 It's kind of bread crumbs in a forest. TFEayv8j-eM-00040-00017298-00017609 Just throwing data everywhere. TFEayv8j-eM-00041-00017609-00018133 And because there's such an overwhelming amount of data, humans can actually process it. TFEayv8j-eM-00042-00018133-00018840 We're not good at scanning through this large datasets, but computers are great at this. TFEayv8j-eM-00043-00018840-00019409 And for our purposes today, we really want to look at, like, tightly scope what we're TFEayv8j-eM-00044-00019409-00019569 going to look at building. TFEayv8j-eM-00045-00019569-00020080 Specifically automating replicatable tasks, which is something computers are really great TFEayv8j-eM-00046-00020080-00020298 at. TFEayv8j-eM-00047-00020298-00020818 And specifically I work at slat, so in the chat interface. TFEayv8j-eM-00048-00020818-00021226 But before I get into talking about what natural language processing is. TFEayv8j-eM-00049-00021226-00021909 I want to delve into the things that I think are important when approaching problem solving. TFEayv8j-eM-00050-00021909-00022315 So there's a lot of jargon that I'm going to kind of go through, and I want you to know TFEayv8j-eM-00051-00022315-00022802 that jargon can blur your comprehension. TFEayv8j-eM-00052-00022802-00023215 Computer science concepts have a lot of jargon, and it's kind of abiceberg where there's a TFEayv8j-eM-00053-00023215-00024261 bit of understanding at the top and then this unreal chasm at the bottom. TFEayv8j-eM-00054-00024261-00024862 So we talked a lot in the last couple of days the idea about resiliency. TFEayv8j-eM-00055-00024862-00024998 Specifically when it comes to our computer systems. TFEayv8j-eM-00056-00024998-00025362 But I want to talk about resiliency as a human trait. TFEayv8j-eM-00057-00025362-00025926 Resilient people don't let failure overcome them. TFEayv8j-eM-00058-00025926-00026408 And instead they see failure as a form of feedback. TFEayv8j-eM-00059-00026408-00026836 And I think programmers have this trade in spades, specifically, like, if you've ever TFEayv8j-eM-00060-00026836-00027302 debugged anything, you know how to be resilient. TFEayv8j-eM-00061-00027302-00027619 And closely related to this is the idea of grit. TFEayv8j-eM-00062-00027619-00028113 And it's the idea of, like, perseverance and passion, and making weaker through these problems TFEayv8j-eM-00063-00028113-00028612 and high achieving individuals tend to have grit in, like, spades. TFEayv8j-eM-00064-00028612-00029054 And that's important because longevity in any industry demands this. TFEayv8j-eM-00065-00029054-00029595 Specifically in software where things change so fast. TFEayv8j-eM-00066-00029595-00030225 So one last thing, this is from Kyle kingsbury guide of close up. TFEayv8j-eM-00067-00030225-00030593 I know this is a no-no, huge wall of text. TFEayv8j-eM-00068-00030593-00030973 So this is generally what we want to look at. TFEayv8j-eM-00069-00030973-00031187 Basically you can program. TFEayv8j-eM-00070-00031187-00031287 You can do math. TFEayv8j-eM-00071-00031287-00031558 It doesn't matter what media or other colleagues say. TFEayv8j-eM-00072-00031558-00031930 You don't have to be a man or white or straight or anything. TFEayv8j-eM-00073-00031930-00032568 As long as you have the right tools, curiosity, passion to do the thing, you can figure this TFEayv8j-eM-00074-00032568-00032668 out. TFEayv8j-eM-00075-00032668-00032768 You can do this. TFEayv8j-eM-00076-00032768-00032873 Everyone can do this. TFEayv8j-eM-00077-00032873-00032973 All right. TFEayv8j-eM-00078-00032973-00033127 Thanks for humoring me. TFEayv8j-eM-00079-00033127-00033445 Now we're going to talk about NLP. TFEayv8j-eM-00080-00033445-00034152 And we're going to talk about what it is generally a very high overview of this space and what TFEayv8j-eM-00081-00034152-00034508 we do day to day. TFEayv8j-eM-00082-00034508-00034990 So what is NLP? TFEayv8j-eM-00083-00034990-00035277 Here is a side of acronyms. TFEayv8j-eM-00084-00035277-00035871 Natural language processing is concerned of the interactions between human language and TFEayv8j-eM-00085-00035871-00035971 computers. TFEayv8j-eM-00086-00035971-00036359 And it does so primarily through algorithms. TFEayv8j-eM-00087-00036359-00036581 And specifically through machine learning algorithms. TFEayv8j-eM-00088-00036581-00037264 Which is the ability for a machine to learn without, like, being specifically programmed TFEayv8j-eM-00089-00037264-00037518 to do specific tasks. TFEayv8j-eM-00090-00037518-00038049 And this is closely related to artificial intelligence, which is when a computer mimics TFEayv8j-eM-00091-00038049-00038783 human cognitive functions like learning and problem solving, and all of this generally TFEayv8j-eM-00092-00038783-00039222 is known as human computer interaction, which is its own field. TFEayv8j-eM-00093-00039222-00039908 And it observes the ways that humans interact with computers and, like, designing technologies TFEayv8j-eM-00094-00039908-00040084 in a way that's, like, fun to use computers. TFEayv8j-eM-00095-00040084-00040581 A way of, like, seeing how humans interact with computers basically. TFEayv8j-eM-00096-00040581-00041253 But for the purpose of this, we're only going to talk about NL. TFEayv8j-eM-00097-00041253-00041825 And I think there's, like, this perception that all of this machine learning and NLP TFEayv8j-eM-00098-00041825-00042421 and AI and neuronetworks is just going to solve the world's problems and it's going TFEayv8j-eM-00099-00042421-00042707 to be amazing, and we'll have these smart devices and learn from our behavior, and it's TFEayv8j-eM-00100-00042707-00043149 going to be totally great. TFEayv8j-eM-00101-00043149-00043249 And I don't know about that. TFEayv8j-eM-00102-00043249-00043630 So this is a still from the 2002 movie minority report, I don't know if anyone has seen it. TFEayv8j-eM-00103-00043630-00043730 Great. TFEayv8j-eM-00104-00043730-00043865 I love this movie. TFEayv8j-eM-00105-00043865-00044600 And it's definitely how I imagine the future to be when, like, AI kind of gets to be a TFEayv8j-eM-00106-00044600-00044775 part of our regular lives. TFEayv8j-eM-00107-00044775-00045145 And actually a lot of the technology from this movie exists today. TFEayv8j-eM-00108-00045145-00045565 Like, the connect, the way the interfaces work. TFEayv8j-eM-00109-00045565-00046277 Or the first time I saw Google Glass, I thought of that retina display, like, that scanning TFEayv8j-eM-00110-00046277-00046424 of your eye. TFEayv8j-eM-00111-00046424-00046735 So, yeah, this is how I think of the future. TFEayv8j-eM-00112-00046735-00047301 But in reality, we're kind of far from that minority report future. TFEayv8j-eM-00113-00047301-00047946 This is a tweet from a Twitter account called Internet of shit. TFEayv8j-eM-00114-00047946-00048728 And it's this particular tweet is about how a researcher found a flaw in a smart plug TFEayv8j-eM-00115-00048728-00049128 and put it in an Amazon review of the plug, and then they pulled the plug. TFEayv8j-eM-00116-00049128-00049651 They're, like, we can't sell this plug anymore because regular humans can't patch their own TFEayv8j-eM-00117-00049651-00049867 devices. TFEayv8j-eM-00118-00049867-00050556 And it's proof that it's easy to, like, imagine this future, but it's hard to execute it. TFEayv8j-eM-00119-00050556-00050788 Anyway that's kind of an aside. TFEayv8j-eM-00120-00050788-00051382 So for a second problems of, like, putting chips in literally everything, we -- there TFEayv8j-eM-00121-00051382-00051811 are, like, really hard problems with natural language processing, specifically when humans TFEayv8j-eM-00122-00051811-00052295 try to understand sentiment versus understanding. TFEayv8j-eM-00123-00052295-00052426 So an example of this is spellcheck. TFEayv8j-eM-00124-00052426-00053061 Spellcheck is a great example of natural language processing that doesn't require sentiment. TFEayv8j-eM-00125-00053061-00053507 You type into your computer, and it's constantly checking against a list of known words, a TFEayv8j-eM-00126-00053507-00053945 dictionary, and checking for any versions of the word. TFEayv8j-eM-00127-00053945-00054502 So you're, like, oh, cool my computer figured out how to spell a thing. TFEayv8j-eM-00128-00054502-00054602 Great. TFEayv8j-eM-00129-00054602-00054704 And the example of NLP is stateless. TFEayv8j-eM-00130-00054704-00055235 It doesn't need to know anything about you to run. TFEayv8j-eM-00131-00055235-00055816 But another example of NLP is when you're calling customer service. TFEayv8j-eM-00132-00055816-00056344 On my way here, I had to call delta to have them change my reservation. TFEayv8j-eM-00133-00056344-00056516 And they were, like, hello. TFEayv8j-eM-00134-00056516-00056654 For English, say English. TFEayv8j-eM-00135-00056654-00056960 And I was, like, get me through this whole tree of stuff. TFEayv8j-eM-00136-00056960-00057227 I don't want to go through this. TFEayv8j-eM-00137-00057227-00057730 But actually voice recognition is one of the hardest problems in AI and natural language TFEayv8j-eM-00138-00057730-00058387 processing because the lack of pauses between words, it's very hard for computers to understand. TFEayv8j-eM-00139-00058387-00059060 And, you know, there's, like, other problems with natural language processing like detecting TFEayv8j-eM-00140-00059060-00059312 human emotion and context. TFEayv8j-eM-00141-00059312-00059667 But luckily humans are amazing at context. TFEayv8j-eM-00142-00059667-00060251 We've got a built in bullshit detector, and we can always tell when something's a little TFEayv8j-eM-00143-00060251-00060351 off. TFEayv8j-eM-00144-00060351-00060872 If you see something that's been Google translated to your native language, it's always ridiculous; TFEayv8j-eM-00145-00060872-00060972 right? TFEayv8j-eM-00146-00060972-00061187 And that's because we're really good at context. TFEayv8j-eM-00147-00061187-00061711 But, you know, it's not all great. TFEayv8j-eM-00148-00061711-00062116 If you recall from Toby's talk yesterday, he kind of talked a little bit about how machine TFEayv8j-eM-00149-00062116-00062773 learning works where you have your machine data and your test data. TFEayv8j-eM-00150-00062773-00063123 So it's the test data is what we use to check our work. TFEayv8j-eM-00151-00063123-00063543 And computers are -- the promise of machine learning and AI and all of this stuff is that TFEayv8j-eM-00152-00063543-00064350 this logic machine would never replicate human biases and that's not necessarily true. TFEayv8j-eM-00153-00064350-00064716 So I don't know if you all remember Tay bot? TFEayv8j-eM-00154-00064716-00065502 Microsoft released this machine learning bot on most social networks in March. TFEayv8j-eM-00155-00065502-00065748 And you could interact with it on the. TFEayv8j-eM-00156-00065748-00066248 Internet, and it was so that Microsoft could understand the young because it wanted to TFEayv8j-eM-00157-00066248-00066745 know how people from, like, 15 to 24 actually talked to the enter because they were, like, TFEayv8j-eM-00158-00066745-00066845 what's happening? TFEayv8j-eM-00159-00066845-00067127 Like, what are teens doing? TFEayv8j-eM-00160-00067127-00067707 And within 24 hours, they had to delete the bot because people had taught it to be racist. TFEayv8j-eM-00161-00067707-00067920 It was terrible. TFEayv8j-eM-00162-00067920-00068357 And it tweeted some really horrific stuff, like, bush did 9/11 and all of these other TFEayv8j-eM-00163-00068357-00068457 things. TFEayv8j-eM-00164-00068457-00068557 It's true. TFEayv8j-eM-00165-00068557-00068816 You can't find it now. TFEayv8j-eM-00166-00068816-00069504 So, like, we've already kind of taught these bots to be terrible, and there are some Princeton TFEayv8j-eM-00167-00069504-00070035 university researchers that are looking into the idea that all the training data that we've TFEayv8j-eM-00168-00070035-00070580 got are feeding into this neuronetworks are in these biases already. TFEayv8j-eM-00169-00070580-00071513 They've done studies and every dataset are human assumptions in me of. TFEayv8j-eM-00170-00071513-00071872 It's great that they're researching it, but we also have to get in front of the fact that TFEayv8j-eM-00171-00071872-00072020 our training data can be garbage. TFEayv8j-eM-00172-00072020-00072327 But it's not all bad. TFEayv8j-eM-00173-00072327-00073008 Watson really did a great job in winning jeopardy. TFEayv8j-eM-00174-00073008-00073630 It did have access to, like, 200 million pages of the Internet structured, and all of Wikipedia, TFEayv8j-eM-00175-00073630-00073730 but that's super fair to, like, humans. TFEayv8j-eM-00176-00073730-00074399 But it wasn't connected to Internet during the game. TFEayv8j-eM-00177-00074399-00075183 Anyway all of this aside, aware going to take some tactics from NLP and human computer interaction TFEayv8j-eM-00178-00075183-00075527 to solve the problems we actually have today. TFEayv8j-eM-00179-00075527-00076338 So before I said, like, oh, there's data everywhere, we're -- there's so much of it. TFEayv8j-eM-00180-00076338-00076879 But in most production systems, there's actually not enough data to having a computer look TFEayv8j-eM-00181-00076879-00077074 over these datasets. TFEayv8j-eM-00182-00077074-00077448 Really not as much as you think there's in terms of needing machine learning to get through TFEayv8j-eM-00183-00077448-00077586 all of your data. TFEayv8j-eM-00184-00077586-00078118 So what we want to do is solve the problems that are close to home. TFEayv8j-eM-00185-00078118-00078291 And the ones that we have today. TFEayv8j-eM-00186-00078291-00078774 So I think a great place to start with all of this is a chat bot to solve a problem that TFEayv8j-eM-00187-00078774-00078991 you have with your actual every day life. TFEayv8j-eM-00188-00078991-00079142 GitHub is fantastic at this. TFEayv8j-eM-00189-00079142-00079561 This is a schematic for their Hugh bot, which is a bot written in CoffeeScript. TFEayv8j-eM-00190-00079561-00080032 I don't know why you would do that, but they did it. TFEayv8j-eM-00191-00080032-00080570 And it does all kinds of things for them like deploying and, you know, jokes and all kinds TFEayv8j-eM-00192-00080570-00080670 of stuff. TFEayv8j-eM-00193-00080670-00080770 Okay. TFEayv8j-eM-00194-00080770-00081262 So -- we kind of talked about NLP at a very, very high level. TFEayv8j-eM-00195-00081262-00081954 We're going to take ideas from NLP and try to apply it to our everyday lives. TFEayv8j-eM-00196-00081954-00082054 Okay. TFEayv8j-eM-00197-00082054-00082256 So I think chat interfaces are excellent. TFEayv8j-eM-00198-00082256-00082669 This is a screenshot of my actual terminal. TFEayv8j-eM-00199-00082669-00083107 And I think that the real interface for the future is going to be like SMS. TFEayv8j-eM-00200-00083107-00083264 Just texting. TFEayv8j-eM-00201-00083264-00083700 And it's going to be, like, you know, hey, do you have this thing for me? TFEayv8j-eM-00202-00083700-00083800 Yeah, sure. TFEayv8j-eM-00203-00083800-00083900 I'm going to text you back. TFEayv8j-eM-00204-00083900-00084000 This is great. TFEayv8j-eM-00205-00084000-00084100 But, you know, I could be bias. TFEayv8j-eM-00206-00084100-00084200 I work at Slack. TFEayv8j-eM-00207-00084200-00084788 I of course think that bots and chat are the way to go. TFEayv8j-eM-00208-00084788-00085375 So if you recall, I told you that I'm one of the maintainers of slack bot. TFEayv8j-eM-00209-00085375-00085973 And we recently shipped a future that I'm going to, like, tell you about in detail about TFEayv8j-eM-00210-00085973-00086374 how to use natural processing. TFEayv8j-eM-00211-00086374-00086962 So that project was you can use slack bot to ask it questions about slack, and it should, TFEayv8j-eM-00212-00086962-00087493 like, respond with, like, here are some things that I know about slack. TFEayv8j-eM-00213-00087493-00088257 So imagine I want to learn how to delete a channel, and I say, hey, how do I delete a TFEayv8j-eM-00214-00088257-00088450 channel? TFEayv8j-eM-00215-00088450-00088732 This is a diagram of the sentence that I just typed. TFEayv8j-eM-00216-00088732-00089147 So it's, like, hey, interinjection, verb, noun, and then -- actually, no, this is the TFEayv8j-eM-00217-00089147-00089427 wrong thing. TFEayv8j-eM-00218-00089427-00089699 This should have said something else. TFEayv8j-eM-00219-00089699-00090005 Quality control is really excellent. TFEayv8j-eM-00220-00090005-00090218 Whatever. TFEayv8j-eM-00221-00090218-00090899 This is the diagram of the sentence that I was going to do before. TFEayv8j-eM-00222-00090899-00091248 Well, this is also a really cool visualization, so I should check this out. TFEayv8j-eM-00223-00091248-00091436 They did totally wrong. TFEayv8j-eM-00224-00091436-00092029 Well, anyway you are going to want to, like, clean the input that it comes in, and I'm TFEayv8j-eM-00225-00092029-00092341 going to show you how to do that with the pseudocode. TFEayv8j-eM-00226-00092341-00092674 So imagine that this is what comes in. TFEayv8j-eM-00227-00092674-00093313 You want to strip that white space at the end, and you want to lower case your information. TFEayv8j-eM-00228-00093313-00093523 Cool. TFEayv8j-eM-00229-00093523-00094148 Use regex if you want to use anything that's alpha nuclear. TFEayv8j-eM-00230-00094148-00094938 There's no comma anymore, there's no question mark anymore, and then you want to token eyes TFEayv8j-eM-00231-00094938-00095038 your strength. TFEayv8j-eM-00232-00095038-00095618 This is fairly straight forward because every word is separated by a space. TFEayv8j-eM-00233-00095618-00096433 This is harder in Japanese or Korean where it's more pictographic. TFEayv8j-eM-00234-00096433-00097424 So we're going to tokennize, we're going to split, cool. TFEayv8j-eM-00235-00097424-00097994 And we want to further take apart the sentence. TFEayv8j-eM-00236-00097994-00098461 So we want to get rid of what's known as a stop word. TFEayv8j-eM-00237-00098461-00099351 The words that are the most common and using function words like is, on, at, and computationally TFEayv8j-eM-00238-00099351-00099745 they're thought of as filler words. TFEayv8j-eM-00239-00099745-00100733 So this is a minimal array of stop words and, are, as, at, in alphabetical order. TFEayv8j-eM-00240-00100733-00100975 And, you know, you can choose whatever you want. TFEayv8j-eM-00241-00100975-00101075 This is what we chose. TFEayv8j-eM-00242-00101075-00101433 You don't have to choose these words. TFEayv8j-eM-00243-00101433-00101926 And then just to add some word loops. TFEayv8j-eM-00244-00101926-00102517 So here you would want to -- we're going to do two loops. TFEayv8j-eM-00245-00102517-00102963 Here you're going to want to a lot of over that first stop word hash and create a new TFEayv8j-eM-00246-00102963-00103358 array that you pop everything into. TFEayv8j-eM-00247-00103358-00104123 And when you look at the array, you see that we've created this hash where every word has TFEayv8j-eM-00248-00104123-00104342 -- is a key value. TFEayv8j-eM-00249-00104342-00104663 So then everyone has a true value. TFEayv8j-eM-00250-00104663-00105101 Which is great because then it will allow us to loop over that array looking at our, TFEayv8j-eM-00251-00105101-00105755 like, array of inputs that we've split up. TFEayv8j-eM-00252-00105755-00105960 Which is good, because it's relatively fast; right? TFEayv8j-eM-00253-00105960-00106215 You can just -- oh, is this true? TFEayv8j-eM-00254-00106215-00106315 Cool. TFEayv8j-eM-00255-00106315-00106415 Put an array. TFEayv8j-eM-00256-00106415-00106884 But this is actually, like, looking for any word that isn't a stop word and putting in TFEayv8j-eM-00257-00106884-00107027 a new array. TFEayv8j-eM-00258-00107027-00107663 So we go from this input, which is how do I delete a channel to just the words delete TFEayv8j-eM-00259-00107663-00108075 and channel, which are the words that we care about. TFEayv8j-eM-00260-00108075-00108490 And we are now going to, like, fuse these words together. TFEayv8j-eM-00261-00108490-00109040 And here's where I tell you that I cheated. TFEayv8j-eM-00262-00109040-00109693 So for this particular project, we had a seed of information that we thought was going to TFEayv8j-eM-00263-00109693-00110056 be interesting, like, people are constantly asking how to delete a channel, people are TFEayv8j-eM-00264-00110056-00110636 commonly asking about how to -- hey, for slack, how to do X or Y. TFEayv8j-eM-00265-00110636-00111723 So we have a database of these potential strings -- potential key words that are of the same, TFEayv8j-eM-00266-00111723-00112179 you know, delete channel kind of -- that's how they're stored in the database. TFEayv8j-eM-00267-00112179-00112439 So then we do have this cool lookup. TFEayv8j-eM-00268-00112439-00112884 And so now we can query the database for our response. TFEayv8j-eM-00269-00112884-00113199 So I'm going out for a database. TFEayv8j-eM-00270-00113199-00113796 And then I'm getting this return, you know, strength that I can now push into for interface. TFEayv8j-eM-00271-00113796-00114370 And now when I say how do I delete a channel? TFEayv8j-eM-00272-00114370-00115092 Immediately slack bot will be, like, this is how you delete a channel. TFEayv8j-eM-00273-00115092-00115234 And we did a lot of this by hand. TFEayv8j-eM-00274-00115234-00115334 You don't have to do that. TFEayv8j-eM-00275-00115334-00115693 There are a bunch of really handy libraries out there. TFEayv8j-eM-00276-00115693-00116460 There's this JS library called superscript, it has a normalizer in it, you can package TFEayv8j-eM-00277-00116460-00116777 it, play with it. TFEayv8j-eM-00278-00116777-00117584 Stanford has a really great set of tokennizers and things that are written in Java and most TFEayv8j-eM-00279-00117584-00117684 major languages. TFEayv8j-eM-00280-00117684-00118270 So German, Spanish, French, all of these things, so it's really great. TFEayv8j-eM-00281-00118270-00118739 And if you're wanting to build something specifically for slack, there's this bot toolkit called TFEayv8j-eM-00282-00118739-00119370 howdy, and it makes it really easy to get started and listening for input and figuring TFEayv8j-eM-00283-00119370-00119643 out how to Parse it and all of that kind of stuff. TFEayv8j-eM-00284-00119643-00119743 All right. TFEayv8j-eM-00285-00119743-00119843 Moving right along. TFEayv8j-eM-00286-00119843-00120710 So if I had to tell you anything, I would say it's important to take ideas from other TFEayv8j-eM-00287-00120710-00120928 disciplines. TFEayv8j-eM-00288-00120928-00121496 And that we can get 80% of what we really want with, like, 20% of the work. TFEayv8j-eM-00289-00121496-00121777 Like, this is a very naīve algorithm. TFEayv8j-eM-00290-00121777-00121890 There's no machine learning. TFEayv8j-eM-00291-00121890-00122511 It's just pulling apart strings and using it to get the information that we want today. TFEayv8j-eM-00292-00122511-00122904 Also, I think that we should fix what annoys us. TFEayv8j-eM-00293-00122904-00123404 Like, this whole project was based in the idea that people literally couldn't figure TFEayv8j-eM-00294-00123404-00123935 out how to do stuff in slack, and we wanted envying them an inproduct way of figuring TFEayv8j-eM-00295-00123935-00124415 out how to help themselves as opposed to say, you know, searching on the Internet or tweeting TFEayv8j-eM-00296-00124415-00124515 or whatever. TFEayv8j-eM-00297-00124515-00124724 It's more powerful to, like, be able to do this stuff for yourself. TFEayv8j-eM-00298-00124724-00124824 Yeah, so now you've got this. TFEayv8j-eM-00299-00124824-00124924 And I'm actually done. TFEayv8j-eM-00300-00124924-00125024 So thanks. TFEayv8j-eM-00301-00125024-00125124 [Applause] Really, really just blew through that. TFEayv8j-eM-00302-00125124-00125224 Hi. TFEayv8j-eM-00303-00125224-00125324 >> Wow. TFEayv8j-eM-00304-00125324-00125424 >> I know I was worried about this. TFEayv8j-eM-00305-00125424-00125524 >> You were quicker than I was expecting. TFEayv8j-eM-00306-00125524-00125624 I apologize. TFEayv8j-eM-00307-00125624-00125724 >> Yeah. TFEayv8j-eM-00308-00125724-00125824 >> Okay. TFEayv8j-eM-00309-00125824-00126021 So please shoot over your questions to #ask FSF. TFEayv8j-eM-00310-00126021-00126576 So my first question is I think it's really cool what you've done with the slack bot, TFEayv8j-eM-00311-00126576-00127341 but what other use cases do you see taking on this NLP stuff, like, now? TFEayv8j-eM-00312-00127341-00127880 >> Things like, you know, if you're a project manager, and you want to know what your team's TFEayv8j-eM-00313-00127880-00127980 up to. TFEayv8j-eM-00314-00127980-00128384 You can say via a bot or chat interface, tell me what my team is doing. TFEayv8j-eM-00315-00128384-00128872 And it could query each person in the team and then give a roll up of the project manager. TFEayv8j-eM-00316-00128872-00129309 Which is good because you can be mad at the bot and not the bot asking you so that you're TFEayv8j-eM-00317-00129309-00129697 not as friction at work. TFEayv8j-eM-00318-00129697-00130449 Another thing deploying your website, you can do that through that kind of stuff just TFEayv8j-eM-00319-00130449-00130628 things like that. TFEayv8j-eM-00320-00130628-00130728 >> Okay. TFEayv8j-eM-00321-00130728-00130958 And then there's -- there's loads of questions flying in now. TFEayv8j-eM-00322-00130958-00131293 I think you kind of surprised everyone. TFEayv8j-eM-00323-00131293-00131763 There's another -- so this -- I'm interested in this. TFEayv8j-eM-00324-00131763-00132190 Where else do you use NLP at Slack? TFEayv8j-eM-00325-00132190-00132424 >> Not as much places as you would think. TFEayv8j-eM-00326-00132424-00132970 It's very -- we're, like, just beginning to look at actual machine learning. TFEayv8j-eM-00327-00132970-00133568 This is, like, the only instance in the product today. TFEayv8j-eM-00328-00133568-00133876 >> How do you deal with synonyms? TFEayv8j-eM-00329-00133876-00134171 >> That's a good question. TFEayv8j-eM-00330-00134171-00134650 We have been trying to get a sense of, like, what people are actually typing into this TFEayv8j-eM-00331-00134650-00135304 interface so that we can manually train what we look for, which is pretty terrible. TFEayv8j-eM-00332-00135304-00135839 We also haven't started doing stemming yet, which is, like, you know, deletes, deleting TFEayv8j-eM-00333-00135839-00136118 -- they all have the same core word, at least in English. TFEayv8j-eM-00334-00136118-00136838 So we haven't yet put the time into doing that grammatically either. TFEayv8j-eM-00335-00136838-00136963 >> Okay. TFEayv8j-eM-00336-00136963-00137420 And then there's a question, is there -- do you have any example code that you can share TFEayv8j-eM-00337-00137420-00137622 for low res NLP? TFEayv8j-eM-00338-00137622-00137978 >> It's all proprietary. TFEayv8j-eM-00339-00137978-00138200 >> So the answer is "no." TFEayv8j-eM-00340-00138200-00138300 >> Yeah. TFEayv8j-eM-00341-00138300-00138400 Sorry. TFEayv8j-eM-00342-00138400-00138682 I signed many NDA. TFEayv8j-eM-00343-00138682-00139239 >> So how do deep learning methods apply on NLP? TFEayv8j-eM-00344-00139239-00139422 How are these things related? TFEayv8j-eM-00345-00139422-00139914 >> In terms of, like -- that's all that it said? TFEayv8j-eM-00346-00139914-00140064 >> I don't know. TFEayv8j-eM-00347-00140064-00140834 >> Well, I mean you can imagine that if you were to do, like, a series of deep learning TFEayv8j-eM-00348-00140834-00141639 on, like, say, like, the slack message data, you could unearth a lot of stuff about people's TFEayv8j-eM-00349-00141639-00142189 patterns, people's work patterns, and how people get things done and seasonnity when TFEayv8j-eM-00350-00142189-00142450 people are using slack. TFEayv8j-eM-00351-00142450-00142878 But we haven't even scratched the service on that. TFEayv8j-eM-00352-00142878-00143356 >> There a lot to do with machine learning and AI world. TFEayv8j-eM-00353-00143356-00143456 >> Yeah. TFEayv8j-eM-00354-00143456-00143556 >> All right. TFEayv8j-eM-00355-00143556-00143736 Well, thank you so much. TFEayv8j-eM-00356-00143736-00143845 >> Yeah. TFEayv8j-eM-00357-00143845-00144057 >> Just a round of applause for Duretti, introduction to NLP. TFEayv8j-eM-00358-00144057-00144113 >> Thank you. THdou9nDKvY-00000-00000000-00000300 Welcome to Woa Doodles!!! THdou9nDKvY-00001-00000300-00000500 Hope this video relaxes you THdou9nDKvY-00002-00008050-00008500 Please like, share and subscribe to enjoy many interesting videos of Doodles TV! THz6mN02TY4-00000-00000567-00001190 New York based fashion photographer Alexi Lubomirski is also a Polish prince THz6mN02TY4-00001-00001307-00001879 He said: 'I cannot help but smile when I look at the photos that we took of them' THz6mN02TY4-00002-00001996-00002624 The father-of-two, who was born in the UK, was a protégé of Mario Testino THz6mN02TY4-00003-00002741-00003322 Alexi is famed for his portraits of Hollywood's leading women including Beyonce THz6mN02TY4-00004-00003440-00004310 Harry and Meghan chose New York based fashion photographer Alexi Lubomirski who is famed for his portraits of Hollywood's leading women. THz6mN02TY4-00005-00004427-00005662 The father-of-two, who was born in the UK, was a protégé of Mario Testino who was beloved by Harry's mother Princess Diana and photographed William and Kate when they got engaged in 2010. THz6mN02TY4-00006-00005779-00008175 Alexi is also firm favorite with celebrities, and has shot cover stars such as Julianne Moore, Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore, Beyoncé, Charlize Theron, Gwyneth Paltrow, Natalie Portman, Jennifer Lopez, Selma Hayek, Katy Perry, Sarah Jessica Parker, Jennifer Aniston, Emilia Clarke, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman and Scarlett Johansson. THz6mN02TY4-00007-00008292-00009481 The star photographer is also a prince of the Polish House of Lubomirski, whose royal lineage stretches back 500 years on his father's side and gives him the title: 'His Serene Highness'. THz6mN02TY4-00008-00009598-00010816 Alexi said today: 'It was an incredible honour to be asked to document this wonderful event, but also a great privilege to be invited to share and be a witness to this young couple's love for one another THz6mN02TY4-00009-00010933-00011609 I cannot help but smile when I look at the photos that we took of them, such was their happiness together' THz6mN02TY4-00010-00011726-00013076 Meghan chose a couture gown by British label Ralph & Russo to pose in her husband-to-be's arms on the steps of Frogmore House, which is understood to have cost an eye-watering £46,650 THz6mN02TY4-00011-00013193-00014344 For a second, close-up photo of the couple embracing, Meghan is wearing a cream jumper understood to by Victoria Beckham, in a huge coup for the Spice Girl turned fashion designer. THz6mN02TY4-00012-00014461-00015331 Apparently also keen to support British brands for the special shoot, Prince Harry chose a coat by Burberry for their black and white picture THz6mN02TY4-00013-00015447-00016366 The intimate photos of Harry and Meghan were apparently taken in the past week as he posted a photograph of himself at Heathrow Airport on Tuesday THz6mN02TY4-00014-00016483-00017430 The couple were photographed at Frogmore House in the grounds of Windsor Castle, where they will marry at St George's Chapel on May 19 next year. THz6mN02TY4-00015-00017547-00018722 Last month the couple said they had chosen Windsor because it was a 'very special place' for the prince, and said that he and Meghan had regularly spent time there together during their 16-month romance. THz6mN02TY4-00016-00018839-00019721 It appears they again chose the 'beautiful grounds' of the Queen's Berkshire residence for the new photographs, released today to mark their engagement THz6mN02TY4-00017-00019838-00020881 He was introduced to star photographer Mario Testino and joined him in Paris as his assistant for four years and has worked regularly for Vogue and Harpers Bazaar THz6mN02TY4-00018-00020998-00022170 He has also published books including 'Princely advice for a happy life' - a tribute to his two sons - and 'diverse beauty' about models not usually used in fashion magazines and campaigns. THz6mN02TY4-00019-00022287-00023243 All proceeds from his books are donated to the charity Concern Worldwide - which fights world poverty - of which Alexi is an ambassador TIoni_HENoM-00000-00000000-00000200 NAGUSOOBIIR HADAAD NAGUCUSBTAHAY TIZW4fCKCbo-00000-00000000-00000300 Translated by: Dr. Said Dabas: Whatsapp +966-505676708 Sdabas1947@gmail.com TIZW4fCKCbo-00001-00000300-00000700 Let's today complete the scientific study that we started… TIZW4fCKCbo-00002-00000700-00001100 Ponder on the way that the Glorious Qur'an dealt with this subject and how it warns of it. TIZW4fCKCbo-00003-00001100-00001800 There are a lot of studies that have shown significant damage to intercourse in the menstrual period. TIZW4fCKCbo-00004-00001800-00002600 This study is performed by "Applied Health Research And Evaluation" TIZW4fCKCbo-00005-00002600-00003200 This center is in the USA TIZW4fCKCbo-00006-00003200-00003500 The center proved through this study that TIZW4fCKCbo-00007-00003500-00004000 The menstrual cycle is a critical period for women TIZW4fCKCbo-00008-00004000-00004500 The husband must refrain from intercourse during this period TIZW4fCKCbo-00009-00004500-00005300 The scientific studies have shown that this period contributes to the spread of infectious sexual diseases. TIZW4fCKCbo-00010-00005300-00006000 It can cause many problems and infections and could harm both men and women through the spread of some harmful bacteria and some viruses especially HIV TIZW4fCKCbo-00011-00006000-00007600 Another study proved that intercourse during the menstrual period has many harms, including causing infertility in women TIZW4fCKCbo-00012-00007600-00007900 Well, if this is what science determines … TIZW4fCKCbo-00013-00007900-00008200 Then, let's read what the Allah the Almighty stated in the Glorious Qur'an: TIZW4fCKCbo-00014-00008300-00009000 222. And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so stay away from women during menstruation. [AlBaqarah: 222] TIZW4fCKCbo-00015-00009000-00009700 And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the manner Allah has directed you.” [AlBaqarah: 222] TIZW4fCKCbo-00016-00009700-00010200 Allah loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” [AlBaqarah: 222] TIZW4fCKCbo-00017-00010200-00011400 By Allah! This verse testifies for the truthfulness of the Message of Islam, the Truthfulness of the Glorious Qur'an and the Truthfulness of our beloved Prophet Mohammed PBUH. TNe6pM7oYIo-00000-00000000-00000200 Flying cotton candy TNe6pM7oYIo-00001-00000200-00000400 Street Food TpA7oqlMRFo-00000-00001591-00001853 Wanna keep a dry roof over your heads, literally. TpA7oqlMRFo-00001-00001853-00002051 When you need a reliable roofing solution. TpA7oqlMRFo-00002-00002051-00002317 Our experienced team of professionals are ready TpA7oqlMRFo-00003-00002317-00002461 to solve your needs. TpA7oqlMRFo-00004-00002461-00002729 No job is to big or to small. TpA7oqlMRFo-00005-00002729-00003196 Our experienced craftsman have years of experienced on all sorts of buildings. TpA7oqlMRFo-00006-00003196-00003496 We are confident you will be completely satisfied. TpA7oqlMRFo-00007-00003496-00003646 Don't delay and contact us today! TpA7oqlMRFo-00008-00003646-00003972 Tile Roofing Los Angeles CA Hey there thanks for watching our video to TpA7oqlMRFo-00009-00003972-00004248 get more fresh content regularly, the subscribe TpA7oqlMRFo-00010-00004248-00004364 button below. TpA7oqlMRFo-00011-00004364-00004850 And then also, like us on Facebook and engage with us through social media by clicking these TpA7oqlMRFo-00012-00004850-00004996 icons that are popping up. TOmIzrigu78-00000-00000120-00000400 What I'm going to cover next is just some of the particulars TOmIzrigu78-00001-00000400-00000984 on specifics of this assay that was developed with a lot of collaborators. TOmIzrigu78-00002-00000984-00001320 And at very first, I want to acknowledge these individuals on this screen here. TOmIzrigu78-00003-00001320-00001504 First and foremost, Dr. Jar-How Lee TOmIzrigu78-00004-00001504-00001672 who's now part of a new research center TOmIzrigu78-00005-00001672-00002072 called the Terasaki Innovation Center privately funded enterprise TOmIzrigu78-00006-00002072-00002240 and his collaborators at One Lambda TOmIzrigu78-00007-00002240-00002504 Thoa Nong, Remi Shah, Peter Brescia TOmIzrigu78-00008-00002504-00002680 who did a lot of the actual testing, TOmIzrigu78-00009-00002736-00003104 Dr. Tina Meng who helped develop some of the antigens that were on the assay, TOmIzrigu78-00010-00003104-00003344 and lastly Ms. Shilpee Biswas from Emory who did TOmIzrigu78-00011-00003344-00003615 a lot of the running of the assays here at Emory for us. TOmIzrigu78-00012-00003615-00003720 Thanks to all these people. TOmIzrigu78-00013-00003815-00003976 So let's talk a little bit about the TOmIzrigu78-00014-00003976-00004328 LabScreen™ COVID Plus Assay features and benefits of this particular assay. TOmIzrigu78-00015-00004328-00004640 It's a very rapid assay - about two to three hours start to finish. TOmIzrigu78-00016-00004728-00004960 It's multiplexed as how he was alluding to, TOmIzrigu78-00017-00004960-00005472 where it can look simultaneously for antibody reactivity against the five major SARS-CoV TOmIzrigu78-00018-00005536-00005656 protein constructs TOmIzrigu78-00019-00005656-00006032 as well as four common cold viruses plus MERS and SARS TOmIzrigu78-00020-00006032-00006176 all at the same time in one assay. TOmIzrigu78-00021-00006232-00006332 The assay is simple to run, TOmIzrigu78-00022-00006332-00006784 and the methodology is almost exactly identical to the other single energy beat assays TOmIzrigu78-00023-00006784-00007184 and phenotype beat assays that are run in the lab screen product on Luminex platform. TOmIzrigu78-00024-00007256-00007520 Currently the assay is designed only for IgG, TOmIzrigu78-00025-00007520-00007808 but we have the flexibility to look at IgM, IgA TOmIzrigu78-00026-00007808-00008144 and even IgG subtype classes here are all on the table TOmIzrigu78-00027-00008144-00008448 for the future development for this particular assay; TOmIzrigu78-00028-00008448-00008928 how it is alluding to a lot of additional goals to achieve here. TOmIzrigu78-00029-00008928-00009192 It's semi-quantitative - how it was alluding to TOmIzrigu78-00030-00009192-00009464 most of all the other assays give predominantly yes, no answer, TOmIzrigu78-00031-00009464-00009688 we're actually getting MFI values for each protein, TOmIzrigu78-00032-00009688-00009944 and we're not sure, but there may be some real value TOmIzrigu78-00033-00009944-00010368 in quantifying the differences between the responses and the MFI values of TOmIzrigu78-00034-00010368-00010720 each specific entity antibody response against the proteins. TOmIzrigu78-00035-00010808-00011040 It's expandable. We can add additional targets. TOmIzrigu78-00036-00011040-00011224 I believe Dr. will talk about a few things. TOmIzrigu78-00037-00011224-00011392 How I mentioned some of the ORF proteins, TOmIzrigu78-00038-00011392-00011616 there are other things we could run at the same time TOmIzrigu78-00039-00011616-00011872 that might be of interest to the clinicians. TOmIzrigu78-00040-00011928-00012368 It's currently been optimized for both the LABScan™ 200 and the 3D, TOmIzrigu78-00041-00012368-00012704 and of course, it's applicable to transplant candidates and recipients, TOmIzrigu78-00042-00012704-00012880 and we'll show you some data from both of those. TOmIzrigu78-00043-00012968-00013184 How I already covered this slide pretty much detail, TOmIzrigu78-00044-00013184-00013416 I'll just only focus on one aspect here. TOmIzrigu78-00045-00013416-00013663 What we're focusing on this assay here are TOmIzrigu78-00046-00013663-00014144 these structural proteins, the spike and the nucleocapsid. TOmIzrigu78-00047-00014144-00014472 Some of the other assays, the lateral flow of the lysis may use TOmIzrigu78-00048-00014472-00014728 the envelope protein or the membrane protein on a few of those. TOmIzrigu78-00049-00014728-00015024 Most of them use either spike or the nucleocapsid protein TOmIzrigu78-00050-00015024-00015240 as their targets and so does this assay here. TOmIzrigu78-00051-00015344-00015816 So in this assay, we focus on targets of the nuclear capsid and the spike proteins. TOmIzrigu78-00052-00015816-00016240 A little cartoon here shows the spike on the surface of the nucleocapsid inside the cell. TOmIzrigu78-00053-00016240-00016536 This is the construct of the current test. TOmIzrigu78-00054-00016536-00016752 There are 13 beads, couple of controls. TOmIzrigu78-00055-00016808-00017224 There are five target virus proteins for the COVID virus here. TOmIzrigu78-00056-00017288-00017656 And those target viruses are focusing on the spike protein, TOmIzrigu78-00057-00017656-00018056 which is made up of three main elements that we'll talk about here. TOmIzrigu78-00058-00018056-00018424 The S2 Domain, the S1 Domain is how we talked about before. TOmIzrigu78-00059-00018424-00018920 The Receptor Binding Domain all are separate constructs on individual beads TOmIzrigu78-00060-00018920-00019096 as you can see over here on the right. TOmIzrigu78-00061-00019096-00019320 And this is to show you the protein sequence overlap TOmIzrigu78-00062-00019320-00019496 of what these different constructs cover. TOmIzrigu78-00063-00019496-00019712 The full spike covering S1 and S2, TOmIzrigu78-00064-00019712-00019784 the S1 Domain, TOmIzrigu78-00065-00019848-00020032 the Receptor Binding Domain, TOmIzrigu78-00066-00020032-00020344 and the S2 Domain and the nucleocapsid, of course, on the other slide. TOmIzrigu78-00067-00020344-00020640 The genome is way out here on the genome for this. TOmIzrigu78-00068-00020640-00021112 And lastly, we have these four common cold viruses TOmIzrigu78-00069-00021112-00021448 plus MERS and SARS also on the beads to look at TOmIzrigu78-00070-00021448-00021704 as additional controls and as, possibly, additional information TOmIzrigu78-00071-00021704-00022056 about the immune response of individuals with these viral infections. TOmIzrigu78-00072-00022184-00022368 So let's talk briefly about the assay. TOmIzrigu78-00073-00022368-00022760 As I said, it's a pretty rapid assay - about two to three hours in time. TOmIzrigu78-00074-00022760-00023088 It's almost identical to the current single antigen beat assay TOmIzrigu78-00075-00023088-00023288 adding serum with five microliters of beads, TOmIzrigu78-00076-00023288-00023424 incubating, washing, TOmIzrigu78-00077-00023424-00023688 adding Anti-Hu-IgG-Pe, washing TOmIzrigu78-00078-00023688-00023872 and then running on the Luminex machine. TOmIzrigu78-00079-00023872-00024192 The only difference to this assay is we have a sample prep step TOmIzrigu78-00080-00024192-00024376 where we're recommending a one to ten dilution TOmIzrigu78-00081-00024376-00024632 and addition of EDTA prior to do the sample. TOmIzrigu78-00082-00024632-00025072 This has helped optimize signal to noise ratio on this assay very nicely, TOmIzrigu78-00083-00025072-00025248 and in case Dr. Liwski is adding, TOmIzrigu78-00084-00025248-00025480 no we have not done a raw method for this yet, TOmIzrigu78-00085-00025480-00025656 but I'm sure that's on the table for us to do TOmIzrigu78-00086-00025656-00026112 a rapid optimized b adaptation of this particular assay. TOmIzrigu78-00087-00026112-00026416 And currently, the analysis is done manually, TOmIzrigu78-00088-00026416-00026608 although I'm told that within a week or two, TOmIzrigu78-00089-00026608-00026856 there will actually be an addition to the Fusion™ Software TOmIzrigu78-00090-00026856-00027120 that will be able to analyze this data in Fusion™ Software, TOmIzrigu78-00091-00027120-00027400 but the data I'm going to show you is all done manually just in Excel. TOmIzrigu78-00092-00027536-00027808 So as part of the development and validation for this assay, TOmIzrigu78-00093-00027808-00028024 we'll talk about four different aspects here. TOmIzrigu78-00094-00028024-00028320 Some things we did to verify antigen expression on the beads, TOmIzrigu78-00095-00028320-00028695 we looked at some pre-COVID Sera 96 samples, TOmIzrigu78-00096-00028695-00029104 we used confirmed COVID-19 positive patients 42 samples there TOmIzrigu78-00097-00029104-00029527 and then we also looked at candidates on the waitlist post-COVID time frame, TOmIzrigu78-00098-00029527-00029760 and we had 51 samples that we looked at in that context. TOmIzrigu78-00099-00029848-00030520 Here is a slide depicting polyclonal rabbit antisera against various SARS and MERS proteins TOmIzrigu78-00100-00030520-00030936 and just documenting the expression of the correct antigen on the bead surface. TOmIzrigu78-00101-00030936-00031432 So for example, this is a polyclonal antibody against the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid. TOmIzrigu78-00102-00031432-00031824 You can see there's no reactivity against the Spike S1, S2, RBD TOmIzrigu78-00103-00031824-00032104 and reactivity is all against the nucleocapsid. TOmIzrigu78-00104-00032104-00032688 An antibody against the S1 region reacts with the full Spike, the S1 and the RBD region, TOmIzrigu78-00105-00032688-00033040 an antibody against S2 reacts with the full Spike, S2, etc... TOmIzrigu78-00106-00033112-00033352 And it's not surprising because of sequence homology TOmIzrigu78-00107-00033352-00033552 between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS, TOmIzrigu78-00108-00033552-00033784 that we do have some reactivity with SARS antibodies TOmIzrigu78-00109-00033864-00034032 against the spike protein TOmIzrigu78-00110-00034032-00034272 and SARS antibodies against the nucleocapsid. TOmIzrigu78-00111-00034272-00034520 But importantly, antibodies against MERS TOmIzrigu78-00112-00034520-00034752 and antibodies against this one cold virus down here TOmIzrigu78-00113-00034752-00034872 do not react with our beads. TOmIzrigu78-00114-00034872-00035248 So we feel we've got pretty good specificity pretty much for the SARS-CoV-2 TOmIzrigu78-00115-00035248-00035424 with maybe a little cross reactivity of SARS. TOmIzrigu78-00116-00035424-00035656 Unfortunately, there are not very many cases of SARS TOmIzrigu78-00117-00035656-00035960 circulating around in the planet at this point in time. TOmIzrigu78-00118-00036128-00036480 We next took 96 samples of candidates on the waitlist TOmIzrigu78-00119-00036480-00036912 back from October of 2018, so clearly a pre-COVID time frame, TOmIzrigu78-00120-00036912-00037152 and we looked at their five major proteins here. TOmIzrigu78-00121-00037152-00037312 And as you can see, they have pretty much TOmIzrigu78-00122-00037312-00037536 low backgrounds on all of these bead constructs. TOmIzrigu78-00123-00037536-00037792 Here are a little bit of extra noise with the S1 Spike, TOmIzrigu78-00124-00037792-00038120 but this is what we use to establish our negative control background TOmIzrigu78-00125-00038208-00038448 cutoffs for each of these individual proteins. TOmIzrigu78-00126-00038552-00038936 In a similar fashion, we ran those same pre-COVID patients TOmIzrigu78-00127-00038936-00039208 against the proteins for the common viruses. TOmIzrigu78-00128-00039208-00039408 You can see very nicely most people TOmIzrigu78-00129-00039408-00039712 had good viral titers against the common cold virus, TOmIzrigu78-00130-00039712-00039984 a few of these other cold cross reactivity and really, TOmIzrigu78-00131-00039984-00040256 no one had any reactivity against SARS and MERS, TOmIzrigu78-00132-00040256-00040648 as we wouldn't expect that to be present here in Georgia at any time. TOmIzrigu78-00133-00040648-00040840 But very nicely showing the power of this assay TOmIzrigu78-00134-00040840-00041064 for discriminating between different types of antibodies. TOmIzrigu78-00135-00041240-00041696 We then took a cohort of 42 confirmed COVID positive patients TOmIzrigu78-00136-00041696-00042000 and ran them on the antibodies and the antigens, TOmIzrigu78-00137-00042000-00042328 and as you can see here, we've got some nice reactivity across the Full Spike, TOmIzrigu78-00138-00042328-00042696 the S1, S2, the RBD and the nucleocapsid. TOmIzrigu78-00139-00042696-00043000 Now I could probably spend a good half hour discussing this slide, TOmIzrigu78-00140-00043000-00043160 but I'm not going to do that today. TOmIzrigu78-00141-00043160-00043544 But suffice it to say that one of the powers that we believe the powers of this assay TOmIzrigu78-00142-00043544-00043960 is looking at the heterogeneity of the responses between individuals. TOmIzrigu78-00143-00043960-00044400 As you can see here for example, P5 has a nice response to the Full Spike. TOmIzrigu78-00144-00044400-00044520 And if we dissect that out, TOmIzrigu78-00145-00044520-00044880 we find that most of that response is to the S1 portion of the Spike, TOmIzrigu78-00146-00044880-00045056 and the person does not have a lot of reactivity TOmIzrigu78-00147-00045056-00045336 to the Receptor Binding Domain nor the S2 TOmIzrigu78-00148-00045336-00045536 and they have a little bit to the nucleocapsid. TOmIzrigu78-00149-00045536-00045832 So this might be an individual that you might theorize TOmIzrigu78-00150-00045832-00046056 would not be a very good responder against the virus TOmIzrigu78-00151-00046056-00046504 because they may not have good receptor neutral binding viral neutralizing capability. TOmIzrigu78-00152-00046504-00046776 We don't know that, but these are some speculations. TOmIzrigu78-00153-00046776-00046992 And you can just look at the heterogeneity cross here, TOmIzrigu78-00154-00046992-00047248 and that's something that's really not been investigated TOmIzrigu78-00155-00047248-00047440 because as Howie has said earlier, TOmIzrigu78-00156-00047440-00047640 most assays are pick your favorite antigen, TOmIzrigu78-00157-00047640-00047800 and it's a yes or no response - TOmIzrigu78-00158-00047800-00048072 not being able to multiplex this and dissect out TOmIzrigu78-00159-00048072-00048408 an immune response and either individually at a time point TOmIzrigu78-00160-00048408-00048576 or over time in individuals. TOmIzrigu78-00161-00048656-00048992 And kind of just to highlight the power of the heterogeneity, TOmIzrigu78-00162-00049056-00049440 here's a graph where I have shown max or cumulative MFI TOmIzrigu78-00163-00049440-00049592 for each individual patient. TOmIzrigu78-00164-00049592-00050008 And all the different colors represent the MFI proportional contribution TOmIzrigu78-00165-00050008-00050256 of that particular antigen to the individual's TOmIzrigu78-00166-00050256-00050504 total MFI response in these cases. TOmIzrigu78-00167-00050504-00050656 And as you can see, it's all over the board. TOmIzrigu78-00168-00050656-00050832 All different kinds of responsivenesses. TOmIzrigu78-00169-00050832-00051520 Here we have person P9 who made Nucleocapsid and Full Spike, some Nucleocapsid, very little RBD. TOmIzrigu78-00170-00051520-00051728 These people here have very little RBD, TOmIzrigu78-00171-00051728-00051991 and we're hopeful that some of this information and TOmIzrigu78-00172-00051991-00052288 dissecting the response out might lead to a better understanding TOmIzrigu78-00173-00052288-00052688 of how disease does or doesn't progress in different individuals. TOmIzrigu78-00174-00052688-00052976 And clearly an added advantage of doing a multiplex assay TOmIzrigu78-00175-00052976-00053279 and trying to understand the pathogenicity, TOmIzrigu78-00176-00053279-00053544 the pathology and the genesis of this particular disease. TOmIzrigu78-00177-00053704-00054167 We then looked at a cohort of 51 samples that were taken in May of 2020 TOmIzrigu78-00178-00054167-00054512 in Georgia, that was clearly a post-COVID spike period. TOmIzrigu78-00179-00054512-00054855 And what we see very nicely is, majority of these samples were all negative. TOmIzrigu78-00180-00054855-00055448 We have two positive samples here: Patient 14 and Patient 51. TOmIzrigu78-00181-00055448-00056048 And by the way, these samples were all confirmed at Stanford using their RBD specific assay. TOmIzrigu78-00182-00056048-00056360 We did have one patient here that looked like an apparent false positive. TOmIzrigu78-00183-00056360-00056560 We'll talk about him in just a second here. TOmIzrigu78-00184-00056560-00056952 But it was nice to see the release two positives in our cohort from May. TOmIzrigu78-00185-00056952-00057296 We then had historic sera on these two individuals, TOmIzrigu78-00186-00057296-00057655 and we went back and retested samples back to pre-COVID time, TOmIzrigu78-00187-00057655-00058040 so this is October of 19 and November of 19 for both of these. TOmIzrigu78-00188-00058040-00058360 And you can see quite nicely, for Patient 14 here as example, TOmIzrigu78-00189-00058360-00058496 they were completely negative, TOmIzrigu78-00190-00058496-00058688 and then became affected sometime between TOmIzrigu78-00191-00058688-00058864 beginning of April and beginning of May TOmIzrigu78-00192-00058864-00058967 when they became positive TOmIzrigu78-00193-00058967-00059224 and maintain their positivity into July. TOmIzrigu78-00194-00059224-00059455 And for Sample 51 here, very nicely negative TOmIzrigu78-00195-00059455-00059688 until sometime between March and the beginning of April, TOmIzrigu78-00196-00059688-00059936 when they became positive and their antibody titer went up, TOmIzrigu78-00197-00059936-00060255 and as of July, they still have a pretty good antibody titer TOmIzrigu78-00198-00060255-00060440 against most of the different proteins. TOmIzrigu78-00199-00060440-00060824 Very nice way of tracking the genesis of infection of these individuals here. TOmIzrigu78-00200-00060896-00061128 And lastly, we took a closer look at our Sample 8, TOmIzrigu78-00201-00061128-00061328 our one potential false positive, TOmIzrigu78-00202-00061328-00061640 which gave us a very high MFI to the Full Spike protein, TOmIzrigu78-00203-00061640-00061784 which was really unexpected. TOmIzrigu78-00204-00061840-00062272 However, when we looked at the S1, the S2 and the RBD, TOmIzrigu78-00205-00062272-00062536 which if you remember all components of the Full Spike, TOmIzrigu78-00206-00062536-00062640 these are all negative, TOmIzrigu78-00207-00062640-00062832 and this correlated with the Stanford assay, TOmIzrigu78-00208-00062832-00063191 which also tagged this individual as being negative by an RBD assay. TOmIzrigu78-00209-00063191-00063416 We're not sure what this reactivity is due to, TOmIzrigu78-00210-00063416-00063744 it was 1 out of 144 samples that we ran. TOmIzrigu78-00211-00063744-00064055 Has to do probably likely some cross-reactive epitope we don't understand. TOmIzrigu78-00212-00064055-00064304 We're in additional investigations, TOmIzrigu78-00213-00064304-00064616 but from our mind, this multiplex assay would help TOmIzrigu78-00214-00064704-00064920 determine that this would be a false positive. TOmIzrigu78-00215-00064920-00065200 Example: if you ran only an acid that was a spike only, TOmIzrigu78-00216-00065200-00065391 you would have deemed this person as positive. TOmIzrigu78-00217-00065391-00065616 When really, it doesn't make sense that they would be positive TOmIzrigu78-00218-00065616-00066064 to the Spike, negative to S1, S2 and RBD as well. TOmIzrigu78-00219-00066064-00066320 So we think that, again, the power of the multiplexing for helping TOmIzrigu78-00220-00066320-00066536 dissecting out immune response and even helping TOmIzrigu78-00221-00066536-00066832 determine a true positive from a false positive response. TOmIzrigu78-00222-00066984-00067312 So lastly, I'll show you the statistics from our assay. TOmIzrigu78-00223-00067312-00067792 We have a sensitivity with 144 samples here of 100% sensitivity, TOmIzrigu78-00224-00067792-00068320 specificity of 99.3%, positive predictive value of 90.7% TOmIzrigu78-00225-00068384-00068648 and that's using an incidence of 6.3%. TOmIzrigu78-00226-00068648-00068904 And this was taken just the other day from the CDC website, TOmIzrigu78-00227-00068904-00069168 which is the average overall incidence of COVID TOmIzrigu78-00228-00069168-00069552 in the United States at this point in time to 6.3% of the population. TOmIzrigu78-00229-00069552-00069728 And using that 6.3% incidence, TOmIzrigu78-00230-00069728-00069920 we get a negative predictive value of 100% TOmIzrigu78-00231-00069984-00070528 and an overall accuracy rate, assuming a 6.3% incidence, of 99.4%, TOmIzrigu78-00232-00070528-00070696 which we think is very, very good or as good TOmIzrigu78-00233-00070696-00071536 as any of the other assays that are out there on the market today. TR_hBlmmwIQ-00000-00002276-00002568 When the economic crisis struck Europe... TR_hBlmmwIQ-00001-00002575-00002942 we looked for the mechanisms that turn countries... TR_hBlmmwIQ-00002-00002945-00003125 into debt colonies. TR_hBlmmwIQ-00003-00003408-00003869 In my opinion eurozone is not viable. TR_hBlmmwIQ-00004-00004482-00004837 We saw technocrats taking the office of elected prime ministers... TR_hBlmmwIQ-00005-00004843-00005149 in order to fire sale pubic property. TR_hBlmmwIQ-00006-00006527-00006954 We watched enterpreneurs and politicians flirting with fascism TR_hBlmmwIQ-00007-00006959-00007251 to safeguard the dominant financial system. TR_hBlmmwIQ-00008-00008769-00009194 And now the time has come to look for the perpetrators... TR_hBlmmwIQ-00009-00009199-00009436 of an economic coup d'etat TSFuNh1SUFI-00000-00000168-00000903 We met and we loved it has become a lasting memory TSFuNh1SUFI-00001-00000916-00001366 a quite good romantic melodrama a fine ending TSFuNh1SUFI-00002-00001372-00001739 That will do I loved you TSFuNh1SUFI-00003-00001739-00002200 Love scenario that we created TSFuNh1SUFI-00004-00002208-00002554 now the lights are off TSFuNh1SUFI-00005-00002604-00003010 and if we turn over the last page TSFuNh1SUFI-00006-00003016-00003440 we quietly come to an end (the curtains brought down) TSFuNh1SUFI-00007-00003444-00003850 Ay it’s not okay going through break-up TSFuNh1SUFI-00008-00003854-00004278 the fact that there is no tomorrow for us TSFuNh1SUFI-00009-00004284-00004710 although it hurts, it would’ve gotten worse if our relationship dragged on TSFuNh1SUFI-00010-00004716-00005056 I loved you and you love me back and so that will do TSFuNh1SUFI-00011-00005106-00005872 Memories that will occasionally come to mind in my life TSFuNh1SUFI-00012-00005872-00006670 and in those memories if you are there, that is enough TSFuNh1SUFI-00013-00006678-00007080 We met and we loved TSFuNh1SUFI-00014-00007081-00007445 it has become a lasting memory TSFuNh1SUFI-00015-00007445-00007690 a quite good romantic melodrama TSFuNh1SUFI-00016-00007692-00007912 a fine ending TSFuNh1SUFI-00017-00007912-00008246 That will do I loved you TSFuNh1SUFI-00018-00008246-00008710 Love scenario that we created TSFuNh1SUFI-00019-00008710-00009090 now the lights are off TSFuNh1SUFI-00020-00009094-00009520 and if we turn over the last page TSFuNh1SUFI-00021-00009524-00009930 we quietly come to an end (the curtains brought down) TSFuNh1SUFI-00022-00009938-00010350 the tingly feeling between my rib bones TSFuNh1SUFI-00023-00010358-00010730 the look in your eyes which remind me that I am being loved TSFuNh1SUFI-00024-00010734-00011222 I learned a lot from you and filled my emptyhalf TSFuNh1SUFI-00025-00011222-00011610 you were too precious to be remembered asa person in the past TSFuNh1SUFI-00026-00011610-00012360 Memories that will occasionally come to mind in my life TSFuNh1SUFI-00027-00012360-00013169 and in those memories if you are there, that is enough TSFuNh1SUFI-00028-00013176-00013569 We met and we loved TSFuNh1SUFI-00029-00013572-00013950 it has become a lasting memory TSFuNh1SUFI-00030-00013956-00014200 a quite good romantic melodrama TSFuNh1SUFI-00031-00014208-00014430 a fine ending TSFuNh1SUFI-00032-00014430-00014800 That will do I loved you TSFuNh1SUFI-00033-00014854-00015569 I miss you already, but I will try not to miss you TSFuNh1SUFI-00034-00015624-00016390 One piece of film I will remember you as warm spring TSFuNh1SUFI-00035-00016390-00016850 Love scenario that we created TSFuNh1SUFI-00036-00016850-00017262 now the lights are off TSFuNh1SUFI-00037-00017262-00017658 and if we turn over the last page TSFuNh1SUFI-00038-00017658-00018064 we quietly come to an end (the curtains brought down) TSFuNh1SUFI-00039-00018158-00018570 We’ve been hurt TSFuNh1SUFI-00040-00018570-00018968 had been ridiculously jealous TSFuNh1SUFI-00041-00018968-00019380 been madly in love TSFuNh1SUFI-00042-00019380-00019664 and that is enough TSFuNh1SUFI-00043-00019702-00020116 We loved When we met TSFuNh1SUFI-00044-00020116-00020260 That will do TSFuNh1SUFI-00045-00020260-00020360 I loved you TUg_Pe0waW8-00000-00000828-00001118 [FLAMENCO ♫♫♫] TUg_Pe0waW8-00001-00005352-00005931 We're going to see botanical garden in Spain. TUg_Pe0waW8-00002-00005931-00006356 We are going to see different plants that we don't see in other places. TUg_Pe0waW8-00003-00009727-00009985 These are interesting. TUg_Pe0waW8-00004-00011773-00012160 Humidity is typically very high here TUg_Pe0waW8-00005-00012160-00012636 but they have cactus here, there are lots of them. TUg_Pe0waW8-00006-00029619-00030347 For this area, it says "dry area of America"... TUg_Pe0waW8-00007-00030347-00030821 It seems that they were imported from the desert in the United States TUg_Pe0waW8-00008-00030821-00031185 such as Nevada, Utah, Arizona, TUg_Pe0waW8-00009-00031185-00031408 or the like in the area. TUg_Pe0waW8-00010-00031408-00031611 That's interesting. TUg_Pe0waW8-00011-00035244-00035508 The frilly shape is interesting. TUg_Pe0waW8-00012-00054092-00054380 ORGANIC VEGETABLE GARDEN TUg_Pe0waW8-00013-00056768-00057177 These are the garden to grow vegetables. TUg_Pe0waW8-00014-00064365-00064580 DO NOT ENTER TUg_Pe0waW8-00015-00066535-00066755 MEDITERRANEAN GARDEN TUg_Pe0waW8-00016-00070893-00071072 STEVEN: The last photo is awesome. TUg_Pe0waW8-00017-00076602-00076907 PALM TREE TUg_Pe0waW8-00018-00080084-00080457 BAMBOO TUg_Pe0waW8-00019-00081854-00082224 That's a lot of bamboos. TUg_Pe0waW8-00020-00082224-00082469 Hey, a lot of bamboos here. TUg_Pe0waW8-00021-00087908-00088126 POND TUg_Pe0waW8-00022-00090439-00090829 MEDITERRANEAN ARBORETUM TUg_Pe0waW8-00023-00100096-00100603 Wow... Botanical garden right by the sea... TUg_Pe0waW8-00024-00100603-00100873 Ooh, it's so beautiful. TUg_Pe0waW8-00025-00109965-00110280 MALLEE (AUSTRALIA) TUg_Pe0waW8-00026-00116698-00116916 STEVEN: There we go! TUg_Pe0waW8-00027-00121783-00121964 COASTAL SCRUB TUg_Pe0waW8-00028-00124736-00125128 Living like Roman era... TUg_Pe0waW8-00029-00149239-00149483 [FLAMENCO ♫♫♫] TWJIwfTm504-00000-00000110-00000390 SEPTEMBER IS NAVY SUICIDE PREVENTION MONTH AND THE TWJIwfTm504-00001-00000390-00000680 21ST CENTURY SAILOR OFFICE IS LAUNCHING A YEAR-LONG TWJIwfTm504-00002-00000680-00000817 ENGAGEMENT ACROSS THE NAVY. TWJIwfTm504-00003-00000817-00001047 THIS NEW MESSAGE, "ONE SMALL ACT", TWJIwfTm504-00004-00001047-00001281 ENCOURAGES SAILORS TO SUPPORT THEIR SHIPMATES TWJIwfTm504-00005-00001281-00001381 EVERYDAY: TWJIwfTm504-00006-00001468-00001748 "ALTHOUGH WE RECOGNIZE THAT SEPTEMBER IS SUICIDE TWJIwfTm504-00007-00001748-00002025 PREVENTION MONTH, OUR EFFORTS ARE ONGOING. TWJIwfTm504-00008-00002025-00002415 IT'S NOT JUST SOMTHING THAT WE DO ONE DAY IN A TWJIwfTm504-00009-00002415-00002906 MONTH, IT'S NAVY-WIDE AND SEPTEMBER WE USE AS A WAY TWJIwfTm504-00010-00002906-00003259 TO JUST RE-ENERGIZE OUR EFFORTS ACROSS THE FLEET. TWJIwfTm504-00011-00003259-00003633 PROVIDE MESSAGES, TOOLS AND STRATEGIES TO HELP TWJIwfTm504-00012-00003633-00003933 SAILORS CONNECT WITH SAILORS AND REALIZE THAT TWJIwfTm504-00013-00003933-00004110 IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE. TWJIwfTm504-00014-00004110-00004254 ONE SMALL ACT AT A TIME." TWJIwfTm504-00015-00004320-00004581 FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THEIR WEBSITE AND REMEMBER TWJIwfTm504-00016-00004581-00004791 ONE SMALL ACT CAN SAVE A LIFE! Tczni1V27Nc-00000-00000012-00000329 To switch quickly between open applications, hit "command" + "tab". Tczni1V27Nc-00001-00000329-00000593 Hold the "command" key and tap the "tab" key to navigate. Tczni1V27Nc-00002-00000593-00000679 Let go to open. TjdT7FpPTsY-00000-00000675-00000800 Aarav Bhai Ka Power Tj50ivV91v8-00000-00000114-00000534 https://www.jamendo.com/album/2043/lounge-cafe-tunis-intellectuel Tky7yw3jXeI-00000-00000000-00000162 March is Women's History Month. Tky7yw3jXeI-00001-00000168-00000351 What does women's history mean to me? Tky7yw3jXeI-00002-00000384-00000501 I'm gonna talk about that coming up. Tky7yw3jXeI-00003-00001083-00001479 When you think about women's history, you have to think about the people Tky7yw3jXeI-00004-00001479-00001887 that have influenced you in your career that just happen to be women. Tky7yw3jXeI-00005-00001902-00002415 You know, for me it's like someone like, Mary Shelly, who was the Tky7yw3jXeI-00006-00002415-00002955 pioneer, the creator of what is known as Modern Day Science fiction, or Ida B. Tky7yw3jXeI-00007-00002955-00003476 Wells, who is a huge proponent through her active editorials and Tky7yw3jXeI-00008-00003476-00003888 journalism to really bring light on the plight of African Tky7yw3jXeI-00009-00003888-00004449 Americans in her situations through the travels that she had. Tky7yw3jXeI-00010-00004512-00004908 Or thinking about the filmmakers that I've always looked up to, like Tky7yw3jXeI-00011-00004908-00005351 Amy Heckerling and most recently, like Chloe Zhao and Greta Gerwig. Tky7yw3jXeI-00012-00005380-00005815 But another one hits most close to home are both of my grandmothers, Tky7yw3jXeI-00013-00005869-00006043 both my mom and my dad's side. Tky7yw3jXeI-00014-00006061-00006723 They had a huge impact on me, both entrepreneurial and community based. Tky7yw3jXeI-00015-00006742-00007089 I mean, my grandmother on my mom's side, we always referred Tky7yw3jXeI-00016-00007089-00007197 to her as Grandma Gokee. Tky7yw3jXeI-00017-00007216-00007780 She was somebody I saw for a little while who owned her own place. Tky7yw3jXeI-00018-00007847-00008320 Owned a popular place, a coffee shop that was open from 5:00 AM till 2:00 PM Tky7yw3jXeI-00019-00008368-00008749 and before she had some health issues. Tky7yw3jXeI-00020-00008764-00009034 It was, like I said, that was what she did day in, day out. Tky7yw3jXeI-00021-00009089-00009412 My mom grew up in that coffee shop and, and so on. Tky7yw3jXeI-00022-00009421-00009871 She was the closest thing I had to an entrepreneur at that point, even though Tky7yw3jXeI-00023-00009872-00010113 she had to close when I was very young. Tky7yw3jXeI-00024-00010126-00010207 But I remember it. Tky7yw3jXeI-00025-00010213-00010591 I remember going in there and that was very, very formative for me. Tky7yw3jXeI-00026-00010633-00010764 And my dad's mom, Tky7yw3jXeI-00027-00010822-00011024 we referred to her as Grandma Schmidt. Tky7yw3jXeI-00028-00011045-00011372 She was like one of those Renaissance people that they talk about. Tky7yw3jXeI-00029-00011372-00011600 There wasn't something that she couldn't do. Tky7yw3jXeI-00030-00011600-00011692 She was a painter. Tky7yw3jXeI-00031-00011696-00012371 She sewed, she, she was a teacher of both science and English, so arts and sciences Tky7yw3jXeI-00032-00012377-00012686 as well as, she was just always helpful. Tky7yw3jXeI-00033-00012703-00012812 She was a good baker. Tky7yw3jXeI-00034-00012818-00013247 She was an amazing, amazing woman that, in fact, I don't Tky7yw3jXeI-00035-00013247-00013385 know anybody else and this is... Tky7yw3jXeI-00036-00013443-00013743 Something that I can toot my own horn at, is that I don't know anybody Tky7yw3jXeI-00037-00013743-00014204 else's grandma who was in Life Magazine when Life Magazine was still around. Tky7yw3jXeI-00038-00014222-00014634 I remember that article they had, and what it was about, was about her Tky7yw3jXeI-00039-00014685-00015207 teaching senior citizens how to use a computer back in the early eighties. Tky7yw3jXeI-00040-00015241-00015498 This is when this thing, this article came out. Tky7yw3jXeI-00041-00015522-00016064 So just looking back at, who has influenced me, both personally Tky7yw3jXeI-00042-00016107-00016564 and professionally as well as the folks that I'm around all Tky7yw3jXeI-00043-00016564-00016779 the time, seeing who they are. Tky7yw3jXeI-00044-00016819-00017231 And where they stand, such as I've already highlighted this month, Melina Tky7yw3jXeI-00045-00017231-00017821 Brann and Lysne Tait, who you know, made history by helping push forward Tky7yw3jXeI-00046-00017842-00018073 legislation to fight period poverty. Tky7yw3jXeI-00047-00018094-00018595 And there's a ton of organizations and businesses I've been involved with and Tky7yw3jXeI-00048-00018595-00019114 people that I have been working with that has really have really influenced me. Tky7yw3jXeI-00049-00019114-00019641 And they've all been either women led, women organized, or women founded. Tky7yw3jXeI-00050-00019671-00020142 And it's just amazing that I have this opportunity to work with such wonderful Tky7yw3jXeI-00051-00020142-00020643 people in those regards or have been really influenced in a lot of the Tky7yw3jXeI-00052-00020643-00021360 decisions that I've made or know that I can lean on those folks for the guidance Tky7yw3jXeI-00053-00021360-00021504 that they've given me to this point. Tky7yw3jXeI-00054-00021504-00022067 So that's what women's history means to me, both the historical sense as well Tky7yw3jXeI-00055-00022067-00022439 as the present, which informs my future. Tky7yw3jXeI-00056-00022451-00022790 In a nutshell, that's what Women's History Month means to Tky7yw3jXeI-00057-00022790-00022964 us here at UnoDeuce Multimedia. Tky7yw3jXeI-00058-00022982-00023354 And as you can tell, we really look for those stories because there's Tky7yw3jXeI-00059-00023354-00023489 always another story to tell. Tky7yw3jXeI-00060-00023540-00023852 Subscribe to us on YouTube, like us on the social media, follow Tky7yw3jXeI-00061-00023852-00023984 us through our email newsletter. Tky7yw3jXeI-00062-00023990-00024053 See you next time. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00000-00001006-00001406 We have strolled with huge steps through the history of communication science TmIZ9fbcG1g-00001-00001406-00001639 starting in the sixth century BC, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00002-00001639-00001773 through Antiquity, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00003-00001773-00001936 the Middle Ages TmIZ9fbcG1g-00004-00001936-00002093 the Renaissance TmIZ9fbcG1g-00005-00002093-00002329 and into Early Modern times. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00006-00002330-00002773 The nineteenth century is often seen as the starting point of modern times TmIZ9fbcG1g-00007-00002773-00003429 and characterized by industrialization, the rise of nationalism, birth of political parties, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00008-00003429-00003973 birth of socialism and subsequent emancipation of the masses. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00009-00003973-00004639 The rise of the media as a social-political and financial power is closely connected to this. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00010-00004640-00005246 The media were able to influence, make people rich and form or break communities. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00011-00005246-00005586 Let’s briefly go over nineteenth century thought on this. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00012-00005586-00006016 First of all we should recognize that despite the power and influence of mass media TmIZ9fbcG1g-00013-00006016-00006586 in former times, all of this increased substantially in the nineteenth century. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00014-00006586-00006843 Since much more people were able to read and write, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00015-00006843-00007213 the potential audience for print media grew enormously. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00016-00007213-00007619 At the same time, new print technologies and methods for making paper TmIZ9fbcG1g-00017-00007620-00008100 made it easier and cheaper to produce books, pamphlets, magazines and newspapers. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00018-00008100-00008646 Simply put, it became more profitable to cater to the tastes of a mass audience TmIZ9fbcG1g-00019-00008646-00009173 and therefore literature specifically designed for popular tastes was booming. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00020-00009173-00009463 Special magazines for women, books for children, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00021-00009463-00009696 newspapers for members of a political party, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00022-00009696-00010039 pamphlets aiming at villagers in one specific village: TmIZ9fbcG1g-00023-00010040-00010406 it was all becoming part of daily reality. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00024-00010406-00010693 Most noticeably was the transition from pamphlets TmIZ9fbcG1g-00025-00010693-00011016 as the primary print medium for news and debate, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00026-00011016-00011256 to newspapers. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00027-00011256-00011633 Although they had existed for a long time, it was only in the nineteenth century TmIZ9fbcG1g-00028-00011633-00011946 that newspapers started to cater to a popular audience, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00029-00011946-00012299 hence becoming a true mass medium. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00030-00012300-00012786 The new newspaper followed the journalistic format set out by press barons TmIZ9fbcG1g-00031-00012786-00013163 like William Stead, Joseph Pulitzer and Randolph Hearst TmIZ9fbcG1g-00032-00013163-00013556 in which the news had to be interesting and attention gaining. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00033-00013556-00013926 New genres like the reportage, cartoon, illustration TmIZ9fbcG1g-00034-00013926-00014303 and later the photo, the column, featured article and interview TmIZ9fbcG1g-00035-00014303-00014513 were quickly adopted throughout the world. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00036-00014513-00014793 Financing of the paper also changed: TmIZ9fbcG1g-00037-00014793-00015209 the old newspaper was often dependent on payment from the government, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00038-00015210-00015456 for which they promised to publish announcements. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00039-00015456-00015919 The new newspaper wanted a large audience since they got heir money from sales TmIZ9fbcG1g-00040-00015919-00016113 and advertisements revenue. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00041-00016113-00016626 It was less dependent and therefore often more critical of the government TmIZ9fbcG1g-00042-00016626-00017023 and did its best to entertain, opiniate and inform on all matters, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00043-00017023-00017179 not only political. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00044-00017180-00017646 Crime, agriculture, sports, theater, music, household appliances, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00045-00017646-00018236 they were now all part of the weekly – and when the appearance rate increased - daily news. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00046-00018236-00018403 Because of these changes, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00047-00018403-00018573 more media, new audience groups TmIZ9fbcG1g-00048-00018573-00018893 and new technologies that made printing easier and cheaper, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00049-00018893-00019329 the media landscape became an economic force to be reckoned with. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00050-00019330-00019723 But also politically the importance of mass communication increased TmIZ9fbcG1g-00051-00019723-00020039 and the attitude of politicians changed. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00052-00020040-00020523 In the previous section I explained that scholars started to argue for rulers TmIZ9fbcG1g-00053-00020523-00020986 to be more attentive to public opinion and the power of mass communication. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00054-00020986-00021336 At first the idea behind this was purely pragmatic. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00055-00021336-00021653 But later, it was connected to the Enlightened democratic ideal TmIZ9fbcG1g-00056-00021653-00022143 that governments are for the people, and therefore should listen to the people. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00057-00022143-00022386 New political theories proposed that the government TmIZ9fbcG1g-00058-00022386-00022799 was in some sense made up of representatives of the people. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00059-00022800-00023093 Mass media were not only a way to influence those people, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00060-00023093-00023306 but also a reflection of public opinion, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00061-00023306-00023646 and a check on the misuse of power by the government TmIZ9fbcG1g-00062-00023646-00023929 It’s important to note that scholarly thought TmIZ9fbcG1g-00063-00023930-00024070 had now evolved to the point TmIZ9fbcG1g-00064-00024070-00024476 that all the different channels of mass communication were now collectively labeled TmIZ9fbcG1g-00065-00024476-00024786 as being part of one political institute. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00066-00024786-00025356 In the nineteenth century this institute began to be referred to as ‘The Fourth Estate’. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00067-00025356-00025626 A term coined by Edmund Burke. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00068-00025626-00026089 Media as ‘The Fourth Estate’ are instrumental for any nation, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00069-00026089-00026476 because they function firstly as a channel between government and people, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00070-00026476-00026759 secondly as a barometer of public opinion, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00071-00026760-00027130 and thirdly as a check on the use of power by rulers. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00072-00027130-00027696 The lesson that it paid to listen to your citizens was driven home quite dramatically TmIZ9fbcG1g-00073-00027696-00027983 with the French Revolution in 1789 TmIZ9fbcG1g-00074-00027983-00028523 when the masses rose and executed king Louis XVI and many French nobles. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00075-00028523-00028766 We can only imagine the shock that went through Europe TmIZ9fbcG1g-00076-00028766-00028979 as this set a dangerous precedent. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00077-00028980-00029360 We’ll not go in to the historical ramifications of the French Revolution. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00078-00029360-00029630 But it’s enough to note that the subsequent nineteenth century TmIZ9fbcG1g-00079-00029630-00030073 saw many concessions toward democratic ideals in most European countries. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00080-00030073-00030553 The attitude towards mass communication changed as well. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00081-00030553-00031069 The idea grew that media had a political power to be either feared or harnessed. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00082-00031070-00031226 Before the nineteenth century, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00083-00031226-00031706 legislation in many countries had been aimed at controlling the media landscape, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00084-00031706-00031966 punishing authors that criticized the government, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00085-00031966-00032529 banning pamphlets, books or newspapers that were deemed politically or religiously subversive. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00086-00032530-00032890 However, these measures proved unsuccessful TmIZ9fbcG1g-00087-00032890-00033183 as forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest TmIZ9fbcG1g-00088-00033183-00033709 and authors were able to move and get their work printed in other countries relatively easy. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00089-00033710-00033980 The Dutch Republic for example was for many a place TmIZ9fbcG1g-00090-00033980-00034226 where basically everything could be published, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00091-00034226-00034653 as long as you kept friendly towards the city’s government ofcourse. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00092-00034653-00034806 In the nineteenth century TmIZ9fbcG1g-00093-00034806-00035169 most countries changed their stance towards media governance. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00094-00035170-00035563 They actually adopted ‘The Fourth Estate’ principle in their legislation TmIZ9fbcG1g-00095-00035563-00036006 when they explicitly promised freedom of the press in their constitutions. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00096-00036006-00036343 Journalists at the same time gained higher status, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00097-00036343-00036713 receiving for instance special clearance to be at government meetings. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00098-00036713-00037159 Politicians started to make more and more use of the powers of the Fourth Estate TmIZ9fbcG1g-00099-00037160-00037430 instead of trying to suppress it. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00100-00037430-00037863 Political campaigns were now becoming media scripted events. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00101-00037863-00038233 Important politicians also had close ties with newspapers. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00102-00038233-00038566 Often as editor-in-chief or financial backer. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00103-00038566-00038823 At the end of the nineteenth century, TmIZ9fbcG1g-00104-00038823-00038989 the mass media were widely acknowledged TmIZ9fbcG1g-00105-00038990-00039393 as an economically, politically and socially powerful institute. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00106-00039393-00039646 Scholarly thought now recognized mass communication TmIZ9fbcG1g-00107-00039646-00039939 as an integral part of our society. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00108-00039940-00040290 The stage was set for the further development of scientific thought TmIZ9fbcG1g-00109-00040290-00040520 on communication in the twentieth century. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00110-00040520-00040706 We’ll talk about that topic next week. TmIZ9fbcG1g-00111-00040706-00040876 I hope to see you then. Uoj4PTrEClQ-00000-00000022-00000172 She Didn't Deserve any of this! U0ggHQYZaGc-00000-00000000-00000384 I don't wanna see you again U2phi9NjYvk-00000-00000135-00000571 So today we are going to be learning about the phrasal verb: be on. U2phi9NjYvk-00001-00000571-00001117 I am going to tell you about the meaning and then we are going to revise it and then we U2phi9NjYvk-00002-00001117-00001250 are going to test it. U2phi9NjYvk-00003-00001250-00001734 So there are two meanings. U2phi9NjYvk-00004-00001734-00002696 The first meaning is to do with watching something, seeing something, being shown something... U2phi9NjYvk-00005-00002696-00003714 So, for example, what is on television? U2phi9NjYvk-00006-00003714-00004323 At the moment nothing is on television. U2phi9NjYvk-00007-00004323-00004665 Or say you are at the cinema. U2phi9NjYvk-00008-00004665-00005007 What is on at the cinema? U2phi9NjYvk-00009-00005007-00005549 Or what will be on at the cinema? U2phi9NjYvk-00010-00005549-00006272 Second meaning refers to something or will happen. U2phi9NjYvk-00011-00006272-00006508 Some kind of event. U2phi9NjYvk-00012-00006508-00006884 So say you are at a party. U2phi9NjYvk-00013-00006884-00007031 Right? U2phi9NjYvk-00014-00007031-00007500 You could say: is the party on? U2phi9NjYvk-00015-00007500-00007763 Is the party happening now? U2phi9NjYvk-00016-00007763-00008088 Or in the future. U2phi9NjYvk-00017-00008088-00008400 You could say. U2phi9NjYvk-00018-00008400-00008659 Will the party be on later? U2phi9NjYvk-00019-00008659-00009249 Yes, that party will be on later. U2phi9NjYvk-00020-00009249-00009634 Let's revise this phrasal verb. U2phi9NjYvk-00021-00009634-00010010 This phrasal verb: be on. U2phi9NjYvk-00022-00010010-00010571 (see screen) U2phi9NjYvk-00023-00010571-00011064 Right now for the important part. U2phi9NjYvk-00024-00011064-00011400 The test! U2phi9NjYvk-00025-00011400-00011725 Right so I want you to answer me. U2phi9NjYvk-00026-00011725-00012418 What is on television? U2phi9NjYvk-00027-00012418-00013436 Holby City is on television or the medical drama is on television. U2phi9NjYvk-00028-00013436-00013537 Next one. U2phi9NjYvk-00029-00013537-00013643 Answer me. U2phi9NjYvk-00030-00013643-00013925 Is the concert on? U2phi9NjYvk-00031-00013925-00014913 Yes, yes, the concert is on. U2phi9NjYvk-00032-00014913-00015336 That was my video on the phrasal verb: be on. U2phi9NjYvk-00033-00015336-00015441 Hope you enjoyed it. U2phi9NjYvk-00034-00015441-00015891 For more English videos: subscribe to Charles Wood English Teacher. U2phi9NjYvk-00035-00015891-00016012 Have a great day! U2RvDBgqQ1A-00000-00000006-00000593 Hi travellers, I'm Anne's daughter, Lileko, in this video I'm showing you inside at my apartment here in Ningbo. U2RvDBgqQ1A-00001-00000594-00001038 I moved within the same company just to a new province, new city. U2RvDBgqQ1A-00002-00001078-00001602 Yes, I did increase in sizing! However, the livable space is U2RvDBgqQ1A-00003-00001686-00002231 actually much smaller than my previous apartment. Please check out that video if you haven't seen it. U2RvDBgqQ1A-00004-00002824-00003572 Also aside from the electricity not working when I moved in there was no duvet on the bed. It was just a sheet. U2RvDBgqQ1A-00005-00003625-00004034 So I had to go with the admin person to buy a duvet. U2RvDBgqQ1A-00006-00004098-00004559 I don't know what to do with the box. I just haven't been bothered to take it downstairs, but that's why it's still sitting there. U2RvDBgqQ1A-00007-00004639-00004839 Because there was no duvet. U2RvDBgqQ1A-00008-00004939-00005378 Those purple sheets are my sheets that I bought from home. U2RvDBgqQ1A-00009-00005512-00005712 but oh U2RvDBgqQ1A-00010-00005767-00005898 because that's the thing. U2RvDBgqQ1A-00011-00006021-00006452 Unless you're going to an Ikea don't know where else I found and there probably is on Taobao. U2RvDBgqQ1A-00012-00006661-00007022 A place to buy fitted sheets, but they just have flat sheets here and U2RvDBgqQ1A-00013-00007104-00007475 that's a problem for me because I am useless and roll and wriggle and. U2RvDBgqQ1A-00014-00009257-00009702 Be sure to check out my video of my welcome pack here. U2RvDBgqQ1A-00015-00013956-00014354 There is also a balcony here which one cannot get to. U2RvDBgqQ1A-00016-00014575-00014801 So I have no idea how that rubbish is there. U5B_0tOEccu-00000-00000068-00000500 Hi. Dr. Johnson Steigelman here. U5B_0tOEccu-00001-00000500-00000834 This is the analog part of the acceleration U5B_0tOEccu-00002-00000834-00001221 due to gravity lab. So, I've got what's called a ticker-tape timer here. U5B_0tOEccu-00003-00001221-00001938 The ticker-tape timer is basically a little clapper. It will tap about 40 times per U5B_0tOEccu-00004-00001938-00002585 second at a rate of 40 Hertz. It will make small dots on a strip of white tape U5B_0tOEccu-00005-00002585-00003099 that I have here. What I'm going to do is give you a picture of the first U5B_0tOEccu-00006-00003099-00003717 part of the tape and then I'm going to give you the the rest below in an U5B_0tOEccu-00007-00003717-00004496 actual data file so you can work from that. Once I hook this in and let it U5B_0tOEccu-00008-00004496-00005189 drop the ticker tape timer makes dots every 1/40th of a second or actually it U5B_0tOEccu-00009-00005189-00005828 makes it 40 times per second on there. U5B_0tOEccu-00010-00005828-00006201 So it's actually a rate of 40 Hertz in there. U5B_0tOEccu-00011-00006201-00006815 So you need to figure out how much time there is between dots for that. U5B_0tOEccu-00012-00006815-00007563 Okay, so we're going to hook this up, let her drop, and then the lab handout will have U5B_0tOEccu-00013-00007563-00008064 some information on about how you are supposed to fit this data. So when I turn U5B_0tOEccu-00014-00008064-00008552 this on, you can hear the tapper going. U5B_0tOEccu-00015-00008758-00009400 And you can see this happens fairly quickly. U5B_0tOEccu-00016-00009400-00010006 As I take a look you probably won't U5B_0tOEccu-00017-00010406-00011526 be able to see it that there are the dots. Okay as I said, the analysis or the U5B_0tOEccu-00018-00011526-00012364 method for the analysis is in the write-up. Good luck. Have fun. U8iX2yFo6Xc-00000-00000000-00000200 Thorn pierced heart U8iX2yFo6Xc-00001-00000200-00000400 Street food U92mB417ZKM-00000-00000048-00000816 oh no, you just logged into netflix, and that is not good. just walk in, and now you will see everyone U92mB417ZKM-00001-00000816-00001352 like on the old tv. that's not good, i really didn't want you to watch netflix, and that's U92mB417ZKM-00002-00001352-00001768 the first time you're ever gonna see it on this tv. i have not seen that before. U92mB417ZKM-00003-00001896-00002232 what the? and it looks like this, by the way. U94USv7AhEM-00000-00001088-00001210 Good evening everybody. U94USv7AhEM-00001-00001210-00001667 I’m still Larry Mason, former college professor for eight years and a computer system administrator U94USv7AhEM-00002-00001667-00001817 for 30 years. U94USv7AhEM-00003-00001817-00002229 I am continuously very obligated to Michael Shanklin and all those who help him bring U94USv7AhEM-00004-00002229-00002481 you the Voluntary Virtues Network. U94USv7AhEM-00005-00002481-00002772 Without his generosity you would not be hearing my voice. U94USv7AhEM-00006-00002772-00003259 I enjoy lecturing as much as any professor but it will be more fun when we move to live U94USv7AhEM-00007-00003259-00003625 shows, so my listeners can ask questions and correct my errors. U94USv7AhEM-00008-00003625-00004009 However we must make do with these pre-recorded lectures for now. U94USv7AhEM-00009-00004009-00004454 This speech is the twenty-first in the “Invisible Hand” series of talks, all of which involve U94USv7AhEM-00010-00004454-00004608 money in one way or another. U94USv7AhEM-00011-00004608-00005051 “Invisible Hand” is also the name of the novel which I hope this series of talks will U94USv7AhEM-00012-00005051-00005388 inspire you to read, if you have not already done so. U94USv7AhEM-00013-00005388-00005790 Reading or listening to it will cost you only time, since it is freely available on the U94USv7AhEM-00014-00005790-00006258 internet in both text and MP3 formats at NOPOMSTUFF.INFO. U94USv7AhEM-00015-00006258-00006769 Or, if you’re willing to spend a buck on Amazon, you can download the novel to your U94USv7AhEM-00016-00006769-00006869 Kindle. U94USv7AhEM-00017-00006869-00006984 End of commercial message. U94USv7AhEM-00018-00006984-00007278 Tonight’s main theme is about justice. U94USv7AhEM-00019-00007278-00007656 As background for this presentation I will provide a brief summary of the conclusions U94USv7AhEM-00020-00007656-00008130 of the first presentation in this “Invisible Hand” series which examined the physical U94USv7AhEM-00021-00008130-00008589 object nature of our money and some of the unfortunate consequences of that nature. U94USv7AhEM-00022-00008589-00009042 I will be concise so if you have already seen one or more of the earlier presentations don’t U94USv7AhEM-00023-00009042-00009300 worry, this review won’t take long. U94USv7AhEM-00024-00009300-00009860 All money in history (and pre-history) has been considered to be or to represent physical U94USv7AhEM-00025-00009860-00010250 objects such as a basket of grain, a cow, a coin, or a paper bill. U94USv7AhEM-00026-00010250-00010688 Today most money is in computer accounts and though it zips around the world from account U94USv7AhEM-00027-00010688-00011142 to account at almost the speed of light, it still is treated as if it were a physical U94USv7AhEM-00028-00011142-00011309 object of some sort. U94USv7AhEM-00029-00011309-00011790 Because we treat money as if it were a physical object, anything which is true of physical U94USv7AhEM-00030-00011790-00012136 objects in general will also be true of money. U94USv7AhEM-00031-00012136-00012599 This obvious point is ignored by economists and others who talk and write about money U94USv7AhEM-00032-00012599-00013004 even though it is the most important truth about money. U94USv7AhEM-00033-00013004-00013392 The importance of the physical object nature of money cannot be overstated. U94USv7AhEM-00034-00013392-00013871 What follows are some of the consequences of that physical object nature. U94USv7AhEM-00035-00013871-00014371 First, money is like other physical objects in that it can be taken from its owner against U94USv7AhEM-00036-00014371-00014995 that owner’s will; by force, fraud, or stealth and it can also be lost or destroyed. U94USv7AhEM-00037-00014995-00015442 This means that you need to suspect almost everyone of trying to get your money by fair U94USv7AhEM-00038-00015442-00015587 means or foul. U94USv7AhEM-00039-00015587-00016162 Second, money must be amoral because all inanimate physical objects are amoral. U94USv7AhEM-00040-00016162-00016667 Even animals are amoral, in that they have neither an ethical sense nor morality, especially U94USv7AhEM-00041-00016667-00016914 when they are used as commodity money. U94USv7AhEM-00042-00016914-00017330 You can use your physical object money for anything, good or bad. U94USv7AhEM-00043-00017330-00017864 Third, the money supply is independent of the supply of goods and services for sale U94USv7AhEM-00044-00017864-00018416 because the supply of one physical object is independent of the supply of other objects. U94USv7AhEM-00045-00018416-00019093 Fourth, money falsely simulates a zero-sum game in monetary transactions because the U94USv7AhEM-00046-00019093-00019587 money gained by one party must be lost by some other party or parties. U94USv7AhEM-00047-00019587-00020014 Money makes us think that other people can gain money at our expense and that we can U94USv7AhEM-00048-00020014-00020268 only gain money at their expense. U94USv7AhEM-00049-00020268-00020820 It makes us treat others as if they were competitors, rivals, opponents, or even enemies. U94USv7AhEM-00050-00020820-00021339 Fifth, money is almost impossible for a society or nation to control. U94USv7AhEM-00051-00021339-00021879 In every nation that attempts to limit, regulate, or tax trade a black market comes to exist; U94USv7AhEM-00052-00021879-00022210 and organized crime flourishes in all nations. U94USv7AhEM-00053-00022210-00022707 Sixth, money transactions are two-party interactions. U94USv7AhEM-00054-00022707-00023139 Two-party interaction is inherently unstable because if one party gets an advantage in U94USv7AhEM-00055-00023139-00023652 power such as having more money, the stronger party can use that power to gain still more U94USv7AhEM-00056-00023652-00023773 advantages. U94USv7AhEM-00057-00023773-00024043 This is particularly true of money. U94USv7AhEM-00058-00024043-00024394 The old saying “them as has, gets” is true. U94USv7AhEM-00059-00024394-00024743 Possession of money does make getting more money quite a lot easier. U94USv7AhEM-00060-00024743-00025254 Naturally, the weaker party in such two-party interaction will eventually want to end the U94USv7AhEM-00061-00025254-00025379 interaction. U94USv7AhEM-00062-00025379-00025609 Thus the relationship is unstable. U94USv7AhEM-00063-00025609-00026199 Keeping that review in mind, let’s consider several ways of looking at justice. U94USv7AhEM-00064-00026199-00026681 When we turn to Wikipedia, as is our usual practice, we find that there is no particular U94USv7AhEM-00065-00026681-00027204 definition of justice and that justice can be considered in a variety of contexts. U94USv7AhEM-00066-00027204-00027544 In this lecture we will take up justice in the legal context. U94USv7AhEM-00067-00027544-00027888 We will ignore poetic justice and special justice. U94USv7AhEM-00068-00027888-00028400 In the context of the law, justice includes such things as equality before the law and U94USv7AhEM-00069-00028400-00028500 sentencing. U94USv7AhEM-00070-00028500-00028702 We’ll begin with equality before the law. U94USv7AhEM-00071-00028702-00029335 I really like the Wikipedia quote (in this context) from Anatole France, who in 1894 U94USv7AhEM-00072-00029335-00030021 said, QUOTE “In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under U94USv7AhEM-00073-00030021-00030353 bridges, beg in the streets, and steal loaves of bread." U94USv7AhEM-00074-00030353-00030511 UNQUOTE. U94USv7AhEM-00075-00030511-00031052 As one might easily infer, that’s an equality which benefits the rich and harms the poor. U94USv7AhEM-00076-00031052-00031646 As one might also infer, the rich are the ones who make the laws of almost every nation. U94USv7AhEM-00077-00031646-00032133 Given that fact, one might conclude that the law itself as it is currently constituted U94USv7AhEM-00078-00032133-00032689 in almost every nation is inherently unfair and is unjust as a consequence. U94USv7AhEM-00079-00032689-00033180 It appears to be a basic human understanding that unequal treatment of persons is unfair. U94USv7AhEM-00080-00033180-00033510 Even little babies react to unfair events. U94USv7AhEM-00081-00033510-00033901 Therefore I will make the assumption that the members of my listening audience also U94USv7AhEM-00082-00033901-00034262 consider unequal treatment of persons to be unfair and unjust. U94USv7AhEM-00083-00034262-00034593 How do the rich manage to control the law? U94USv7AhEM-00084-00034593-00035057 They do so by directly creating the law themselves, as in the Senate of Rome – or in the top U94USv7AhEM-00085-00035057-00035318 levels of totalitarian governments. U94USv7AhEM-00086-00035318-00035801 If that means is closed to them, the fallback position is to bribe in some way those who U94USv7AhEM-00087-00035801-00035945 do make the law. U94USv7AhEM-00088-00035945-00036362 The U.S., for example, allows contributions to the election campaigns of candidates for U94USv7AhEM-00089-00036362-00036550 governmental office. U94USv7AhEM-00090-00036550-00037004 In general one might be hard-pressed to make a good case that equality before the law is U94USv7AhEM-00091-00037004-00037264 normal in nations around the world. U94USv7AhEM-00092-00037264-00037684 When we look at the odds that one will be accused of a crime if one is rich or if one U94USv7AhEM-00093-00037684-00038255 is poor we must conclude either that the poor commit far more crimes than the rich or that U94USv7AhEM-00094-00038255-00038692 the police are far more willing to charge a citizen with a crime if that citizen has U94USv7AhEM-00095-00038692-00038841 no wealth. U94USv7AhEM-00096-00038841-00039304 This suggests that regardless of how the law is written, in practice – in the real world U94USv7AhEM-00097-00039304-00039663 – people are not equal before the law. U94USv7AhEM-00098-00039663-00040088 Once one is brought to court to face charges, the inequality between rich and poor becomes U94USv7AhEM-00099-00040088-00040285 a gaping chasm. U94USv7AhEM-00100-00040285-00040695 Wealthy defendants can hire detectives and expert witnesses to gather and present evidence U94USv7AhEM-00101-00040695-00040877 supporting their innocence. U94USv7AhEM-00102-00040877-00041381 The poor have no such resources, and must rely on the police – who have a vested interest U94USv7AhEM-00103-00041381-00041791 in their being convicted – for all evidence relating to the case. U94USv7AhEM-00104-00041791-00042292 The wealthy hire highly-skilled and successful attorneys to represent them. U94USv7AhEM-00105-00042292-00042798 These experts in arguing the defendant’s case are adept at swaying juries, and at making U94USv7AhEM-00106-00042798-00043155 their clients appear innocent even when they’re not. U94USv7AhEM-00107-00043155-00043659 The poor must depend on public defenders, which tend to be far less skilled and horrendously U94USv7AhEM-00108-00043659-00043783 overworked. U94USv7AhEM-00109-00043783-00044188 The time these counselors have available to spend on each individual case is extremely U94USv7AhEM-00110-00044188-00044595 limited, and they don’t have much incentive beyond their conscience to motivate them to U94USv7AhEM-00111-00044595-00045037 represent their hapless client to the best of their abilities. U94USv7AhEM-00112-00045037-00045235 Next we consider sentencing. U94USv7AhEM-00113-00045235-00045548 Having attained a conviction the court turns to sentencing. U94USv7AhEM-00114-00045548-00045906 Wikipedia describes quite a number of theories of sentencing. U94USv7AhEM-00115-00045906-00046750 They include retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, incapacitation, reparation, and denunciation. U94USv7AhEM-00116-00046750-00047187 Retribution is making the guilty suffer to get revenge for someone or for the state. U94USv7AhEM-00117-00047187-00047589 Deterrence is intended to persuade the guilty party and others who might be tempted to do U94USv7AhEM-00118-00047589-00047939 so, to not commit such a crime in the future. U94USv7AhEM-00119-00047939-00048342 Rehabilitation changes the guilty party’s way of thinking to prevent future criminal U94USv7AhEM-00120-00048342-00048470 acts. U94USv7AhEM-00121-00048470-00048969 Incapacitation renders the criminal unable to commit the crime again. U94USv7AhEM-00122-00048969-00049360 Reparation involves compensating the victim or the state with money. U94USv7AhEM-00123-00049360-00049815 Finally, denunciation is a strong statement of the state’s or the society’s moral U94USv7AhEM-00124-00049815-00050108 outrage at such an immoral crime. U94USv7AhEM-00125-00050108-00050511 In practice, there is quite a lot of retribution or revenge in sentences. U94USv7AhEM-00126-00050511-00050968 Politicians like to be seen as tough on crime, and harsh sentences sound good in the campaign U94USv7AhEM-00127-00050968-00051108 sound bites. U94USv7AhEM-00128-00051108-00051545 Of course those long jail terms and those death penalties are very expensive to the U94USv7AhEM-00129-00051545-00052061 government and the tax payers – both in terms of the incarceration expense of buildings, U94USv7AhEM-00130-00052061-00052533 guards, supplies, and administration – but also in terms of disrupted families being U94USv7AhEM-00131-00052533-00052731 denied income and parenting. U94USv7AhEM-00132-00052731-00053214 There are social and economic consequences outside the prison for every person inside U94USv7AhEM-00133-00053214-00053378 the prison. U94USv7AhEM-00134-00053378-00053697 Retribution exacts a high price on everyone. U94USv7AhEM-00135-00053697-00054014 Deterrence seems more myth than actual fact. U94USv7AhEM-00136-00054014-00054419 Sending people to jail in the War on Drugs does not seem to have reduced illegal drug U94USv7AhEM-00137-00054419-00054880 use or sales or their popularity with citizens, young or old. U94USv7AhEM-00138-00054880-00055493 Rehabilitation sounds like a nice idea but we don’t actually accomplish that very often. U94USv7AhEM-00139-00055493-00055968 If you put someone back into the same set of circumstances as before it would be shocking U94USv7AhEM-00140-00055968-00056418 if they did not produce the same set of criminal behaviors as before. U94USv7AhEM-00141-00056418-00056777 Incapacitation definitely works in the case of executions. U94USv7AhEM-00142-00056777-00057029 Dead criminals cannot commit new crimes. U94USv7AhEM-00143-00057029-00057498 Also, while a person is locked in a cell, there are any number of crimes that are simply U94USv7AhEM-00144-00057498-00057608 unavailable. U94USv7AhEM-00145-00057608-00058050 The use of prisons does render some people unable to commit further criminal acts of U94USv7AhEM-00146-00058050-00058204 certain types. U94USv7AhEM-00147-00058204-00058529 But it’s quite an expensive solution. U94USv7AhEM-00148-00058529-00058900 Reparation actually does benefit the victims of some crime to some degree. U94USv7AhEM-00149-00058900-00059389 Typically the reparation is provided in money, although it might be carried out through community U94USv7AhEM-00150-00059389-00059633 service or some other action. U94USv7AhEM-00151-00059633-00060122 Reparation is far less expensive to the taxpayers than any of the other punishments/sentences. U94USv7AhEM-00152-00060122-00060547 It also has a much greater chance of having all parties concerned come out of it in the U94USv7AhEM-00153-00060547-00060919 end with a sense that justice was done. U94USv7AhEM-00154-00060919-00061426 Denunciation sounds good but it’s hard to find any actual benefits from such sentences. U94USv7AhEM-00155-00061426-00061847 At this point I would like to read an excerpt from the novel “Invisible Hand” which U94USv7AhEM-00156-00061847-00062317 shows how a non-POM economy might handle a court and sentencing. U94USv7AhEM-00157-00062317-00062552 This is from Chapter 27. U94USv7AhEM-00158-00062552-00062971 “Later that morning, the cellmates were taken upstairs to the courtroom. U94USv7AhEM-00159-00062971-00063270 The judge sat at her bench near an empty jury box. U94USv7AhEM-00160-00063270-00063630 There were no spectators so far as Niall could see except a couple of idlers near the back U94USv7AhEM-00161-00063630-00063751 of the room. U94USv7AhEM-00162-00063751-00063932 Whiskey Pete was first. U94USv7AhEM-00163-00063932-00064289 The arresting officer told the judge that Pete had been found on his back in an alley U94USv7AhEM-00164-00064289-00064454 behind a restaurant. U94USv7AhEM-00165-00064454-00064925 Upon investigation it was found that he was “stinking drunk” and unable to walk. U94USv7AhEM-00166-00064925-00065353 The officer had taken Pete to the clinic where he was checked and found to be only drunk. U94USv7AhEM-00167-00065353-00065772 Later the officer had returned and talked to Pete to attempt to ascertain who had given U94USv7AhEM-00168-00065772-00065896 him the alcohol. U94USv7AhEM-00169-00065896-00066252 No bottles had been found near Pete that could not be attributed to those thrown away by U94USv7AhEM-00170-00066252-00066382 the restaurant. U94USv7AhEM-00171-00066382-00066748 The officer had already been to the restaurant to remind the workers there to completely U94USv7AhEM-00172-00066748-00067125 empty all bottles that contained alcohol before throwing them away. U94USv7AhEM-00173-00067125-00067337 They claimed to have done so last night. U94USv7AhEM-00174-00067337-00067812 Pete would not or could not account for the source of the alcohol he had drunk. U94USv7AhEM-00175-00067812-00068245 The judge commended the officer for his conduct on the case, then turned to Pete. U94USv7AhEM-00176-00068245-00068591 “Pete, why will you not go home when you have a bottle? U94USv7AhEM-00177-00068591-00068885 You know that you could die of exposure out on the streets. U94USv7AhEM-00178-00068885-00069103 You could also be hit by a car. U94USv7AhEM-00179-00069103-00069479 Now I am going to excuse the officer here for disturbing your rest in the alley since U94USv7AhEM-00180-00069479-00069813 it was clear that you were not able to take care of yourself. U94USv7AhEM-00181-00069813-00070100 If you press charges against him I will rule against you. U94USv7AhEM-00182-00070100-00070285 Do you need help to get home?” U94USv7AhEM-00183-00070285-00070407 “No, your honor. U94USv7AhEM-00184-00070407-00070588 I can walk just fine now. U94USv7AhEM-00185-00070588-00070688 Thank you.” U94USv7AhEM-00186-00070688-00070919 Pete responded and turned away to go. U94USv7AhEM-00187-00070919-00071050 Niall was astonished. U94USv7AhEM-00188-00071050-00071331 It seemed that the policeman was the one on trial. U94USv7AhEM-00189-00071331-00071737 Pete had been in jail and the arresting officer was the one who had to justify his actions U94USv7AhEM-00190-00071737-00071982 in dragging a drunk off the streets. U94USv7AhEM-00191-00071982-00072286 What kind of crazy court system did they have out here? U94USv7AhEM-00192-00072286-00072586 Jean was the next brought before the judge. U94USv7AhEM-00193-00072586-00072876 The arresting officer again stated what he had done. U94USv7AhEM-00194-00072876-00073357 “Your honor, I was on second shift and making my rounds when I got a call about a trespasser U94USv7AhEM-00195-00073357-00073562 at 432 Winstead. U94USv7AhEM-00196-00073562-00073934 The complainant asserted that he owned the house at that address, and that someone was U94USv7AhEM-00197-00073934-00074088 in the house without permission. U94USv7AhEM-00198-00074088-00074546 I confirmed the identity of the complainant and that he did indeed own the property at U94USv7AhEM-00199-00074546-00074668 432 Winstead. U94USv7AhEM-00200-00074668-00074915 The complainant accompanied me to the property. U94USv7AhEM-00201-00074915-00075363 We entered the residence and found Mr. Jean Baudin apparently preparing for bed. U94USv7AhEM-00202-00075363-00075659 He expressed outrage and told us to leave the property immediately. U94USv7AhEM-00203-00075659-00075919 He asserted that the house was his. U94USv7AhEM-00204-00075919-00076281 I activated the computer in the living room and pointed out to him that it confirmed the U94USv7AhEM-00205-00076281-00076536 complainant as the owner of the residence. U94USv7AhEM-00206-00076536-00077034 Mr. Baudin continued to assert that the house was his and refused to vacate the premises. U94USv7AhEM-00207-00077034-00077506 The owner asked me to remove Mr. Baudin, since Mr. Baudin was adamant about remaining. U94USv7AhEM-00208-00077506-00077959 I therefore exercised force to remove Mr. Baudin from the premises. U94USv7AhEM-00209-00077959-00078236 “Upon reaching the street, I released Mr. Baudin. U94USv7AhEM-00210-00078236-00078613 The owner had brought Mr. Baudin’s suitcase and clothing to the street. U94USv7AhEM-00211-00078613-00079020 Mr. Baudin then packed his clothing and some toiletries in his suitcase and headed for U94USv7AhEM-00212-00079020-00079155 the house again. U94USv7AhEM-00213-00079155-00079579 It was apparent to me that unless physically restrained, Mr. Baudin intended to continue U94USv7AhEM-00214-00079579-00079755 to trespass. U94USv7AhEM-00215-00079755-00080127 Therefore I brought him to jail to await the opening of court this morning.” U94USv7AhEM-00216-00080127-00080502 The judge turned to Jean and inquired if the officer had correctly described the events U94USv7AhEM-00217-00080502-00080622 of the preceding evening. U94USv7AhEM-00218-00080622-00080948 “Pretty much, your honor,” Jean replied.” U94USv7AhEM-00219-00080948-00081322 But I want to assure you that there was nobody living in the house when I got there. U94USv7AhEM-00220-00081322-00081815 It was empty and there was no food or clothes or even trash in the trash bins. U94USv7AhEM-00221-00081815-00082052 Nobody was living there and I had every right to move in. U94USv7AhEM-00222-00082052-00082236 I was not bothering anybody. U94USv7AhEM-00223-00082236-00082396 He had no right to have me evicted. U94USv7AhEM-00224-00082396-00082643 I don’t have any money and I needed a house. U94USv7AhEM-00225-00082643-00082799 This house was empty so I took it.” U94USv7AhEM-00226-00082799-00083366 “Mr. Baudin, the house was owned, and still is owned by Mr. Kitrell. U94USv7AhEM-00227-00083366-00083520 That house is his property. U94USv7AhEM-00228-00083520-00083848 He may leave the house empty if he so chooses. U94USv7AhEM-00229-00083848-00084271 You have no right to use Mr. Kitrell’s property without his consent. U94USv7AhEM-00230-00084271-00084822 In fact, you attempted to use Mr. Kitrell’s property over his objections, expressed directly U94USv7AhEM-00231-00084822-00085182 to you upon the premises in the presence of a witness. U94USv7AhEM-00232-00085182-00085609 Despite being lawfully removed from the premises, you attempted to return to those premises U94USv7AhEM-00233-00085609-00085952 over the expressed objections of Mr. Kitrell. U94USv7AhEM-00234-00085952-00086352 Therefore it is clear that the officer acted within his duty in arresting you and bringing U94USv7AhEM-00235-00086352-00086485 you to jail. U94USv7AhEM-00236-00086485-00086935 You had given every indication of intent to repeat your offense if given the opportunity.” U94USv7AhEM-00237-00086935-00087172 “You mean, was I going back into my house?” U94USv7AhEM-00238-00087172-00087272 Jean burst in. U94USv7AhEM-00239-00087272-00087405 “You’re darn right I was! U94USv7AhEM-00240-00087405-00087556 I got a right to have a place to live. U94USv7AhEM-00241-00087556-00087693 It’s right there in the Ten Rules. U94USv7AhEM-00242-00087693-00088083 It says ‘Necessities are free to all as needed’ and I sure needed a place to spend U94USv7AhEM-00243-00088083-00088183 the night. U94USv7AhEM-00244-00088183-00088311 Besides, I was there first. U94USv7AhEM-00245-00088311-00088517 There was nobody there when I got there.” U94USv7AhEM-00246-00088517-00088839 The judge finally rapped her gavel to end Jean’s advocacy. U94USv7AhEM-00247-00088839-00089228 “Mr. Baudin, you will be silent for a moment and listen to me. U94USv7AhEM-00248-00089228-00089603 The Ten Rules describe the money we use and what it is able to buy. U94USv7AhEM-00249-00089603-00090002 That rule, ‘Necessities are free to all as needed’ means that money is not able U94USv7AhEM-00250-00090002-00090134 to buy necessities. U94USv7AhEM-00251-00090134-00090642 It means that if no one gives you a necessity you have no right to take that necessity. U94USv7AhEM-00252-00090642-00091156 If someone does give you a necessity for whatever reason and that necessity provides you some U94USv7AhEM-00253-00091156-00091560 benefit, then the person who gave it to you will be paid by a payer if their actions result U94USv7AhEM-00254-00091560-00091793 in a net benefit for that pay period. U94USv7AhEM-00255-00091793-00092291 There is no requirement on any individual to provide you with any particular item or U94USv7AhEM-00256-00092291-00092391 service. U94USv7AhEM-00257-00092391-00092791 If someone gives you bread, or a shirt, or allows you to use a building of theirs... U94USv7AhEM-00258-00092791-00093012 it is because they willingly did so. U94USv7AhEM-00259-00093012-00093517 There is no requirement that anyone give you anything unless their actions have prevented U94USv7AhEM-00260-00093517-00093828 you from being able to gain access to necessities. U94USv7AhEM-00261-00093828-00094130 For example, your arresting officer placed you in jail. U94USv7AhEM-00262-00094130-00094576 This was done by the use of force, for you did not go willingly to jail. U94USv7AhEM-00263-00094576-00095014 Having placed you in jail, he was then required to provide you with necessities for your health U94USv7AhEM-00264-00095014-00095262 and well-being while you were so confined. U94USv7AhEM-00265-00095262-00095499 I believe that you were provided with breakfast this morning?” U94USv7AhEM-00266-00095499-00095723 “Yes, your honor,” Jean admitted. U94USv7AhEM-00267-00095723-00095978 “Then the officer did his duty toward you. U94USv7AhEM-00268-00095978-00096322 So far as I can see the officer did his duty in every respect. U94USv7AhEM-00269-00096322-00096726 He released you once you were no longer on Mr. Kitrell’s property the first time and U94USv7AhEM-00270-00096726-00097204 it was only when you insisted on returning to that property that he resorted to bringing U94USv7AhEM-00271-00097204-00097304 you to jail. U94USv7AhEM-00272-00097304-00097774 He brought you to this court at the first opportunity so that your case could be adjudicated. U94USv7AhEM-00273-00097774-00098196 The owner and the arresting officer were both acting well within their rights and duties.” U94USv7AhEM-00274-00098196-00098511 “But your honor, there was nobody in the house. U94USv7AhEM-00275-00098511-00098705 It wasn’t doing anybody any good. U94USv7AhEM-00276-00098705-00098878 And I needed a place to live. U94USv7AhEM-00277-00098878-00099244 It isn’t fair that he should have an extra house when I need a house and have none.” U94USv7AhEM-00278-00099244-00099504 Jean was obviously quite convinced. U94USv7AhEM-00279-00099504-00100030 “Mr. Baudin,” the judge said, “it is clear to me that you either do not understand U94USv7AhEM-00280-00100030-00100304 or do not wish to admit your guilt in this matter. U94USv7AhEM-00281-00100304-00100763 Therefore, I must ask you whether you will accept my judgment or prefer another court.” U94USv7AhEM-00282-00100763-00101211 “I don’t understand, your honor,” Jean replied, apparently uncertain for the first U94USv7AhEM-00283-00101211-00101334 time that day. U94USv7AhEM-00284-00101334-00101792 “The officer brought you to this court because he was the one who had to defend his actions U94USv7AhEM-00285-00101792-00102040 in using force to arrest you. U94USv7AhEM-00286-00102040-00102378 Unless he could show that you were going to continue to use force or were not able to U94USv7AhEM-00287-00102378-00102689 care for yourself, then you would be released immediately. U94USv7AhEM-00288-00102689-00103178 In your case, your persistence in returning to the property of Mr. Kitrell indicated that U94USv7AhEM-00289-00103178-00103629 the officer had to use force to prevent your using force toward Mr. Kitrell in using his U94USv7AhEM-00290-00103629-00103764 property without consent.” U94USv7AhEM-00291-00103764-00104299 “But you are guilty, it would appear, of a crime against Mr. Kitrell. U94USv7AhEM-00292-00104299-00104777 Therefore, as the defendant, you have the opportunity to choose a court in which your U94USv7AhEM-00293-00104777-00104918 case will be tried. U94USv7AhEM-00294-00104918-00105407 That is, we will attempt to find a court that both you and Mr. Kitrell agree upon as appropriate U94USv7AhEM-00295-00105407-00105577 and hold the case there. U94USv7AhEM-00296-00105577-00105995 Mr. Kitrell has indicated his willingness to have my court try the case. U94USv7AhEM-00297-00105995-00106423 Now I am asking if you also are willing to have my court try the case. U94USv7AhEM-00298-00106423-00106613 If you agree, we can proceed. U94USv7AhEM-00299-00106613-00107054 If you do not agree, then you may select from the available courts in this jurisdiction. U94USv7AhEM-00300-00107054-00107340 “Do you agree to have your case tried in this court?” U94USv7AhEM-00301-00107340-00107500 the judge repeated the question. U94USv7AhEM-00302-00107500-00107600 “I guess so.” U94USv7AhEM-00303-00107600-00107743 Jean was uncertain still. U94USv7AhEM-00304-00107743-00108080 “Do you wish to have an attorney represent you in this matter?” U94USv7AhEM-00305-00108080-00108183 the judge asked. U94USv7AhEM-00306-00108183-00108332 “Yes, your honor, I do.” U94USv7AhEM-00307-00108332-00108496 Jean now was certain. U94USv7AhEM-00308-00108496-00108861 “You may leave the courtroom to obtain the services of an attorney. U94USv7AhEM-00309-00108861-00109018 Please return within one hour. U94USv7AhEM-00310-00109018-00109304 There is a terminal just outside the door that you can use. U94USv7AhEM-00311-00109304-00109733 Bailiff, please escort Mr. Baudin to the terminal and see that he is able to use it to get an U94USv7AhEM-00312-00109733-00109833 attorney.” U94USv7AhEM-00313-00109833-00110065 Niall’s case was the last of the three. U94USv7AhEM-00314-00110065-00110378 He accompanied the arresting officer to the bench to stand before the judge. U94USv7AhEM-00315-00110378-00110830 “Your honor, I was working the second shift on patrol when I got a call from Mau’s bar U94USv7AhEM-00316-00110830-00111078 on 7th Street about a disturbance. U94USv7AhEM-00317-00111078-00111450 When I arrived, I found the accused being restrained by two other men. U94USv7AhEM-00318-00111450-00111812 The bartender was behind the bar where there was a considerable amount of broken glassware U94USv7AhEM-00319-00111812-00112077 and bottles on the counter behind him. U94USv7AhEM-00320-00112077-00112505 The bartender was also still bleeding from the nose and lip and had some cuts on his U94USv7AhEM-00321-00112505-00112734 back and head from the broken glass. U94USv7AhEM-00322-00112734-00113243 The patrons of the bar asserted that the accused, one Niall Davitt Campbell of Los Alamos, had U94USv7AhEM-00323-00113243-00113654 struck the bartender in the face with his fist one blow, which had caused all the visible U94USv7AhEM-00324-00113654-00113962 damage to the property of the bar and to the bartender’s person.” U94USv7AhEM-00325-00113962-00114362 “Mr. Campbell was unsteady in his walking and slurred in his speech. U94USv7AhEM-00326-00114362-00114713 The two men holding him had also obviously been drinking but said that they had each U94USv7AhEM-00327-00114713-00114926 had several drinks at several bars. U94USv7AhEM-00328-00114926-00115311 They asserted that Mr. Campbell had been angered when the bartender had refused to sell him U94USv7AhEM-00329-00115311-00115689 further drinks and had punched the bartender once on the face. U94USv7AhEM-00330-00115689-00116089 Mr. Campbell said, ‘That will teach him to refuse me a drink.’ U94USv7AhEM-00331-00116089-00116322 and did not deny having struck the blow. U94USv7AhEM-00332-00116322-00116772 When asked if the bartender had made any move to strike Mr. Campbell, all witnesses agreed U94USv7AhEM-00333-00116772-00117212 that far from having struck Mr. Campbell or having tried to strike Mr. Campbell, the bartender U94USv7AhEM-00334-00117212-00117571 appeared completely surprised when Mr. Campbell struck him. U94USv7AhEM-00335-00117571-00117923 Being thus unprepared for the blow, he had lost his balance and fallen backward into U94USv7AhEM-00336-00117923-00118023 the glassware.” U94USv7AhEM-00337-00118023-00118472 “Inasmuch as there was considerable evidence that Mr. Campbell had inflicted intentional U94USv7AhEM-00338-00118472-00118991 bodily injury upon the bartender, and given Mr. Campbell’s continuing belligerent attitude, U94USv7AhEM-00339-00118991-00119411 I brought Mr. Campbell to jail pending the opening of court this morning.” U94USv7AhEM-00340-00119411-00119816 The judge turned to Niall, “Do you wish to correct or amend in any way the testimony U94USv7AhEM-00341-00119816-00119947 of the arresting officer?” U94USv7AhEM-00342-00119947-00120101 “No ma’am. U94USv7AhEM-00343-00120101-00120568 So far as I can remember the officer was completely correct to bring me to jail and used no undue U94USv7AhEM-00344-00120568-00120668 force,” Niall said. U94USv7AhEM-00345-00120668-00121103 The judge turned back to the officer and asked, “Does the bartender wish to prefer charges U94USv7AhEM-00346-00121103-00121240 against Mr. Campbell?” U94USv7AhEM-00347-00121240-00121342 “No, your honor. U94USv7AhEM-00348-00121342-00121464 I don’t believe so. U94USv7AhEM-00349-00121464-00121689 I think Ricardo is more embarrassed than anything.” U94USv7AhEM-00350-00121689-00122268 “You will go contact Ricardo and make quite sure, officially, that he is not pressing U94USv7AhEM-00351-00122268-00122368 charges. U94USv7AhEM-00352-00122368-00122537 I want all the specifics recorded so there is no doubt.” U94USv7AhEM-00353-00122537-00122701 “Yes, your honor. U94USv7AhEM-00354-00122701-00123118 I would have gotten them last night, but Ricardo needed to get his cuts seen to at the clinic.” U94USv7AhEM-00355-00123118-00123309 The officer hurried out of the room. U94USv7AhEM-00356-00123309-00123742 “Now then, Mr. Campbell, you understand that you are in a very serious situation here U94USv7AhEM-00357-00123742-00124025 whether Ricardo presses charges or not. U94USv7AhEM-00358-00124025-00124328 You have admitted to striking someone who was not threatening you. U94USv7AhEM-00359-00124328-00124743 You did enough damage to him by that attack that he needed medical attention. U94USv7AhEM-00360-00124743-00125029 You also caused some damages to the property in the bar. U94USv7AhEM-00361-00125029-00125280 Let us dispose of the little matters first. U94USv7AhEM-00362-00125280-00125569 Are you prepared to buy all the destroyed property in the bar?” U94USv7AhEM-00363-00125569-00126017 Niall did a rough calculation and said,” I believe that I have enough money and I am U94USv7AhEM-00364-00126017-00126386 quite willing to buy everything I broke in the bar, especially if someone will dispose U94USv7AhEM-00365-00126386-00126555 of it properly for me.” U94USv7AhEM-00366-00126555-00126655 The judge smiled. U94USv7AhEM-00367-00126655-00127029 “In that case, let’s get that done while the officer checks with Ricardo about those U94USv7AhEM-00368-00127029-00127129 charges. U94USv7AhEM-00369-00127129-00127229 Bailiff, a terminal, please.” U94USv7AhEM-00370-00127229-00127583 The bailiff brought out a tablet computer and set it on the judge’s bench. U94USv7AhEM-00371-00127583-00127975 “Contact Mau’s Bar and ask to speak to the owner of the broken glassware and bottles.” U94USv7AhEM-00372-00127975-00128400 In a few moments the voice of someone on the terminal responded, “Yes, your honor?” U94USv7AhEM-00373-00128400-00128799 “I understand that there were significant damages to your property behind the bar last U94USv7AhEM-00374-00128799-00129129 night due to the actions of one Niall Campbell in assaulting your bartender. U94USv7AhEM-00375-00129129-00129235 Is that correct?” U94USv7AhEM-00376-00129235-00129380 “Yes, your Honor, it is.” U94USv7AhEM-00377-00129380-00129742 “Do you have a total cost of the damages to the luxury items destroyed?” U94USv7AhEM-00378-00129742-00129871 “Yes, your Honor. U94USv7AhEM-00379-00129871-00130004 We were expecting your call. U94USv7AhEM-00380-00130004-00130537 We’ve calculated that the damages come to $638.44 and have so informed the accounts U94USv7AhEM-00381-00130537-00130735 computer, complete with scans of the damage.” U94USv7AhEM-00382-00130735-00131167 “Mr. Campbell, do you agree to buy the items you damaged in the amount of $638.44?” U94USv7AhEM-00383-00131167-00131915 Niall intoned, “Your honor I wish to buy the items so described at the price of $638.44. U94USv7AhEM-00384-00131915-00132044 Please debit my account accordingly.” U94USv7AhEM-00385-00132044-00132498 After the usual confirmations from the computer and the bar’s agreeing to dispose of the U94USv7AhEM-00386-00132498-00132662 broken materials, the judge resumed. U94USv7AhEM-00387-00132662-00132854 “Why did you strike the bartender?” U94USv7AhEM-00388-00132854-00133179 “Your honor, I believe it was a combination of things. U94USv7AhEM-00389-00133179-00133407 First and most important, I’d had too much to drink. U94USv7AhEM-00390-00133407-00133768 Had I not been drunk, I don’t believe I would have struck him for such a minor matter. U94USv7AhEM-00391-00133768-00134241 Second, I was embarrassed because my friends were laughing at me over something silly. U94USv7AhEM-00392-00134241-00134557 Finally, he was refusing to sell me any more drinks. U94USv7AhEM-00393-00134557-00134966 Naturally I took this as criticism of my behavior in having drunk so much. U94USv7AhEM-00394-00134966-00135229 I struck out at him simply because of my mental state. U94USv7AhEM-00395-00135229-00135630 Though this may explain my action, I do not think it in any way excuses it.” U94USv7AhEM-00396-00135630-00135767 “I see. U94USv7AhEM-00397-00135767-00136244 I hope you understand, Mr. Campbell that we cannot allow, we cannot tolerate one person U94USv7AhEM-00398-00136244-00136609 physically attacking another person except to defend himself or his property.” U94USv7AhEM-00399-00136609-00136810 “I do understand that, your honor. U94USv7AhEM-00400-00136810-00136980 I would not have it any other way.” U94USv7AhEM-00401-00136980-00137480 “I am glad to hear that because if you accept this court you may find my judgment harsh. U94USv7AhEM-00402-00137480-00137627 Are you willing to accept this court?” U94USv7AhEM-00403-00137627-00137739 “Yes, ma’am. U94USv7AhEM-00404-00137739-00138023 I am prepared to accept this court’s judgment without reservation.” U94USv7AhEM-00405-00138023-00138391 “Do you wish to have the representation of an attorney?” U94USv7AhEM-00406-00138391-00138642 “Your honor, I am guilty of unprovoked assault. U94USv7AhEM-00407-00138642-00139035 I have observed your judgments and feel yours will be just in my case. U94USv7AhEM-00408-00139035-00139363 Unless you advise me otherwise, I will forgo an attorney in this case.” U94USv7AhEM-00409-00139363-00139463 “Very well. U94USv7AhEM-00410-00139463-00139910 Mr. Campbell, yours is a particularly serious case for several reasons. U94USv7AhEM-00411-00139910-00140299 First and most obviously, you have inflicted bodily harm on a fellow citizen working to U94USv7AhEM-00412-00140299-00140631 serve you and you did so without provocation. U94USv7AhEM-00413-00140631-00140928 That alone warrants a strong response from this bench. U94USv7AhEM-00414-00140928-00141336 Secondly, you have revealed a weakness with respect to alcohol that makes the offense U94USv7AhEM-00415-00141336-00141498 even worse. U94USv7AhEM-00416-00141498-00141707 Alcohol is readily available in this community. U94USv7AhEM-00417-00141707-00142074 There is no reasonable way that you can be prevented from acquiring alcohol, as a case U94USv7AhEM-00418-00142074-00142387 earlier this morning made abundantly clear. U94USv7AhEM-00419-00142387-00142785 Your weakness, therefore, can be expected to result in further such attacks on your U94USv7AhEM-00420-00142785-00142972 fellow citizens. U94USv7AhEM-00421-00142972-00143623 Finally, the sheer irrationality of the action, its lack of warning signs for the bartender, U94USv7AhEM-00422-00143623-00143951 indicates that there is some other factor that is putting you under considerable stress U94USv7AhEM-00423-00143951-00144139 at what may be a subconscious level.” U94USv7AhEM-00424-00144139-00144667 “Therefore, Mr. Campbell, these are the alternatives I will present to you.” U94USv7AhEM-00425-00144667-00144883 “Your first alternative is banishment. U94USv7AhEM-00426-00144883-00145191 You will take yourself from this community and never return. U94USv7AhEM-00427-00145191-00145597 Your reputation will include your actions and a warning from this bench about your unpredictable U94USv7AhEM-00428-00145597-00145711 violence. U94USv7AhEM-00429-00145711-00145889 Few would want to risk working with you. U94USv7AhEM-00430-00145889-00146407 If you return, you will be considered a dangerous outlaw and any citizen may reasonably expect U94USv7AhEM-00431-00146407-00146652 to be attacked by you at any moment. U94USv7AhEM-00432-00146652-00147112 Therefore, your mere physical presence will be considered as a threat to attack.” U94USv7AhEM-00433-00147112-00147494 “Your second alternative is to wear a collar that will introduce into your blood stream U94USv7AhEM-00434-00147494-00147904 a chemical tranquilizer whenever your emotional State becomes excited. U94USv7AhEM-00435-00147904-00148280 This will prevent you from having any strong emotion, whether good or bad. U94USv7AhEM-00436-00148280-00148750 It is only half a life but it will protect others from your irrational attacks.” U94USv7AhEM-00437-00148750-00148964 By this time Niall was in a cold sweat. U94USv7AhEM-00438-00148964-00149330 His decision to trust this judge appeared to have been completely wrong. U94USv7AhEM-00439-00149330-00149826 His expectations concerning the sentence had been perhaps a 30-day jail term at the worst. U94USv7AhEM-00440-00149826-00150303 But she was talking about lifetime sentences and all for one stupid, heedless punch. U94USv7AhEM-00441-00150303-00150655 “Your third alternative is as follows. U94USv7AhEM-00442-00150655-00151000 You will give up drinking altogether for the rest of your life. U94USv7AhEM-00443-00151000-00151371 Now I realize and understand that there is no way we can monitor your behavior in this U94USv7AhEM-00444-00151371-00151471 regard. U94USv7AhEM-00445-00151471-00151787 If you choose to go back on your word in this matter, you will be able to drink and we may U94USv7AhEM-00446-00151787-00151940 not find out. U94USv7AhEM-00447-00151940-00152326 But we will add a prohibition on buying alcoholic beverages to your account. U94USv7AhEM-00448-00152326-00152606 This should alert any who would otherwise sell you alcohol.” U94USv7AhEM-00449-00152606-00153016 “You will also attend Payer School for a full term of instruction, beginning as soon U94USv7AhEM-00450-00153016-00153509 as a replacement can be found for you at your workplace, or one week, whichever is sooner. U94USv7AhEM-00451-00153509-00153916 At Payer School you will be under observation and you will have opportunities to drink and U94USv7AhEM-00452-00153916-00154043 to lose your temper. U94USv7AhEM-00453-00154043-00154511 Should you do either, you will default to the first alternative above of banishment. U94USv7AhEM-00454-00154511-00154871 In the event you successfully complete the course of instruction at Payer School and U94USv7AhEM-00455-00154871-00155328 I get good reports on your behavior there, I will remove all restrictions from your account U94USv7AhEM-00456-00155328-00155605 and your record will be cleared in all public records. U94USv7AhEM-00457-00155605-00156075 Of course, should you later appear in court, the judge will have your complete record available.” U94USv7AhEM-00458-00156075-00156502 “Your honor, the third alternative, Payer School, seems to me the most attractive but U94USv7AhEM-00459-00156502-00156696 I don’t know what Payer School is.” U94USv7AhEM-00460-00156696-00157140 “Payer School is a school that persons who wish to become Payers are advised to attend U94USv7AhEM-00461-00157140-00157379 before actually becoming Payers. U94USv7AhEM-00462-00157379-00157769 Attending this school is not required for prospective Payers because any mentally competent U94USv7AhEM-00463-00157769-00158029 adult is acceptable as a Payer. U94USv7AhEM-00464-00158029-00158478 You will not be required to become a Payer even if you complete Payer School successfully.” U94USv7AhEM-00465-00158478-00158894 “You should also understand that you will not be financially compensated for any work U94USv7AhEM-00466-00158894-00159063 you do while in Payer School. U94USv7AhEM-00467-00159063-00159555 Therefore, in effect, by taking this option you lose the opportunity to earn money while U94USv7AhEM-00468-00159555-00159670 in school. U94USv7AhEM-00469-00159670-00160043 Naturally, work you did before entering the school will continue to be considered for U94USv7AhEM-00470-00160043-00160356 payment and your account may grow while you are there.” U94USv7AhEM-00471-00160356-00160880 “While in Payer School, you will not be allowed to have luxuries nor to spend money. U94USv7AhEM-00472-00160880-00161350 You may not give luxuries to others who are also attending Payer School. U94USv7AhEM-00473-00161350-00161693 They may have some other restrictions but I believe those are the main ones.” U94USv7AhEM-00474-00161693-00162034 “Your honor, I believe those restrictions are quite acceptable to me. U94USv7AhEM-00475-00162034-00162505 I would like to accept your third alternative as my sentence,” Niall said and bowed his U94USv7AhEM-00476-00162505-00162648 head to the judge. U94USv7AhEM-00477-00162648-00163136 That’s just an example of how a courtroom might function with a non-POM economy. U94USv7AhEM-00478-00163136-00163572 You will note that the judge is not forced to ignore justice and has the flexibility U94USv7AhEM-00479-00163572-00163791 to do what’s best given the situation. Uq596bwZss0-00000-00003116-00003515 Roadside blocks have been freed and tanks move to the depth [of the district] Uq596bwZss0-00001-00003515-00003915 helping infantry to finish off the surrounded adversary. Uq596bwZss0-00002-00004616-00005016 Vehicles go where their firepower is in need. Uq596bwZss0-00003-00012116-00012316 Tanks go in different directions. Uq596bwZss0-00004-00012316-00012616 Each one acts on its direction Uq596bwZss0-00005-00012616-00012916 covering each other's back in the mean time. Uq596bwZss0-00006-00017016-00017316 Reinforcements for assault groups have arrived. Uq596bwZss0-00007-00023916-00024316 It is required to evacuate the wounded across a lane raked with fire Uq596bwZss0-00008-00024316-00024616 and tank covers them with itself. Uq596bwZss0-00009-00033116-00033516 Fresh units arrive one after another. Uq596bwZss0-00010-00042216-00042416 The attacking infantry needs help Uq596bwZss0-00011-00042416-00042716 to destroy enemy's fortified positions. Uq596bwZss0-00012-00050116-00050516 One tank moves out to help infantry with fire, another one covers it. Uq596bwZss0-00013-00053416-00053716 Officer corrects the crew actions. Uq596bwZss0-00014-00056416-00056716 - "Go, forward and to the right! See, I'm in front of you!" Uq596bwZss0-00015-00057216-00057516 - "Forward! Aim lower! Fire!" Uq596bwZss0-00016-00057716-00058116 - "A bit closer! I'm next to your gun barrel" Uq596bwZss0-00017-00060516-00060716 - "Fire lower! Aim a bit lower!" Uq596bwZss0-00018-00062916-00063216 - "Look to the right, here I am!" Uq596bwZss0-00019-00063716-00064016 - "Everyone to the left and in front are enemies!" Uq596bwZss0-00020-00064716-00065016 - "Don't rush forward! Stand still!" Uq596bwZss0-00021-00067716-00068016 - "Are you all right?" Uq596bwZss0-00022-00068716-00069116 Assault groups attack and correct tank fire constantly. Uq596bwZss0-00023-00070416-00070616 - "Enough! Back, back!" Uq596bwZss0-00024-00070716-00071116 Information about terrorist group having been destroyed Uq596bwZss0-00025-00071116-00071416 has arrived from those attacking at last. Uq596bwZss0-00026-00071416-00071616 Blocks are cleaned up completely. Uq596bwZss0-00027-00074416-00074616 The fight is over. Uq596bwZss0-00028-00074816-00075116 There will be other fights but not today. Uq596bwZss0-00029-00091116-00091516 Mission is complete in spite of a hard fight and losses taken. Uq596bwZss0-00030-00091616-00091916 There's no better word for soldiers than "Victory!" Uq596bwZss0-00031-00093916-00094616 Vasily Pavlov, Andrey Filatov, Igor Nadyrshin, Victor Kuznetsov. ANNA-News. Syria. UyISiBy6pTc-00000-00000465-00000565 Vishal art 3D rangoli UyISiBy6pTc-00001-00000794-00000894 Latest 3D rangoli U_9UUQ-MZog-00000-00000000-00000146 >> You know Visual Studio Toolbox, U_9UUQ-MZog-00001-00000146-00000260 it's all fun and games. U_9UUQ-MZog-00002-00000260-00000408 We always have fun. Today, we're going to U_9UUQ-MZog-00003-00000408-00000568 see with Visual Studio in Unity. U_9UUQ-MZog-00004-00000568-00000877 That you can build games like this. U_9UUQ-MZog-00005-00001406-00001721 Hi, welcome to Visual Studio Toolbox. I'm your host U_9UUQ-MZog-00006-00001721-00001861 Robert Greene, and joining me today is U_9UUQ-MZog-00007-00001861-00002027 Arturo Núñez. Hey Arturo. U_9UUQ-MZog-00008-00002027-00002146 >> Hey Robert, how are you? U_9UUQ-MZog-00009-00002146-00002320 >> Good. Arturo works with Unity, U_9UUQ-MZog-00010-00002320-00002462 and so we're going to talk today U_9UUQ-MZog-00011-00002462-00002599 a little bit about gaming. U_9UUQ-MZog-00012-00002599-00002672 >> Yes. U_9UUQ-MZog-00013-00002672-00002893 >> Unity and Visual Studio have U_9UUQ-MZog-00014-00002893-00003141 gotten along very well together for quite some time. U_9UUQ-MZog-00015-00003141-00003265 It only gets better. U_9UUQ-MZog-00016-00003265-00003313 >> Yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00017-00003313-00003442 >> So, you're going to show us some of U_9UUQ-MZog-00018-00003442-00003688 the new things in the latest version in Unity, U_9UUQ-MZog-00019-00003688-00003859 latest version Visual Studio, U_9UUQ-MZog-00020-00003859-00004084 you're going to turn me into a game writer in U_9UUQ-MZog-00021-00004084-00004348 less than 20 minutes. This is going to be awesome. U_9UUQ-MZog-00022-00004348-00004525 >> Possible, yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00023-00004525-00004573 >> Cool. U_9UUQ-MZog-00024-00004573-00004671 >> Yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00025-00004671-00005087 >> So, let me talk to you about Unity first. U_9UUQ-MZog-00026-00005087-00005116 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00027-00005116-00005407 >> So, of the audience who doesn't know what Unity is. U_9UUQ-MZog-00028-00005407-00005672 Unity, it started as a game engine. U_9UUQ-MZog-00029-00005672-00005887 But now, we call it a creation engine. U_9UUQ-MZog-00030-00005887-00006136 Basically, you can create games but you can U_9UUQ-MZog-00031-00006136-00006450 also create interactive applications for VR, U_9UUQ-MZog-00032-00006450-00006603 AR in 3D, 2D. U_9UUQ-MZog-00033-00006603-00006786 >> Right. >> So, that's what we are doing. U_9UUQ-MZog-00034-00006786-00006979 >> So, if you do HoloLens, there's Unity. U_9UUQ-MZog-00035-00006979-00007173 If you do mixed reality there's Unity. U_9UUQ-MZog-00036-00007173-00007523 >> Right. So, we support 30 plus platforms. U_9UUQ-MZog-00037-00007523-00007693 So, basically, if you want to U_9UUQ-MZog-00038-00007693-00008073 deploy your project to any platform that's out there, U_9UUQ-MZog-00039-00008073-00008195 you can with Unity. U_9UUQ-MZog-00040-00008195-00008257 >> Yeah. >> Cool. U_9UUQ-MZog-00041-00008257-00008725 >> Yeah. So, the tool is pretty easy to use. U_9UUQ-MZog-00042-00008725-00008912 So, if you're an artist, you can grab Unity, U_9UUQ-MZog-00043-00008912-00009190 you can create something cool without having to program. U_9UUQ-MZog-00044-00009190-00009355 If you're a programmer, you have U_9UUQ-MZog-00045-00009355-00009595 complete control over what you want to do. U_9UUQ-MZog-00046-00009595-00009750 Like, if you want to program the graphics, U_9UUQ-MZog-00047-00009750-00009838 you can do that. U_9UUQ-MZog-00048-00009838-00010066 If you want to program the behavior of U_9UUQ-MZog-00049-00010066-00010326 your characters or the things that's there, U_9UUQ-MZog-00050-00010326-00010558 you can absolutely do that using C#. U_9UUQ-MZog-00051-00010558-00010678 >> Right. >> As a language we support. U_9UUQ-MZog-00052-00010678-00010862 >> So, you create the graphics, U_9UUQ-MZog-00053-00010862-00011057 the UI if you will in Unity. U_9UUQ-MZog-00054-00011057-00011079 >> Yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00055-00011079-00011417 >> Which has its own IDE, and then in Visual Studio, U_9UUQ-MZog-00056-00011417-00011557 you do the scripting. U_9UUQ-MZog-00057-00011557-00011579 >> Right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00058-00011579-00011782 >> You can do in C# and other languages U_9UUQ-MZog-00059-00011782-00012091 to actually control what happens. U_9UUQ-MZog-00060-00012091-00012293 >> Right. So, Unity takes care of U_9UUQ-MZog-00061-00012293-00012527 everything like the rendering, U_9UUQ-MZog-00062-00012527-00012780 the audio, all of those things for you. U_9UUQ-MZog-00063-00012780-00012916 So, you just need to focus U_9UUQ-MZog-00064-00012916-00013186 on the behavior specific for your project. U_9UUQ-MZog-00065-00013186-00013319 >> Okay. >> That's how it works. U_9UUQ-MZog-00066-00013319-00013543 It's C#, we support other languages U_9UUQ-MZog-00067-00013543-00013853 but the best experience is, it's using C#. U_9UUQ-MZog-00068-00013853-00013886 >> Right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00069-00013886-00014154 >> Yeah, that's what Unity is. U_9UUQ-MZog-00070-00014154-00014423 Yeah. So, let me show you. U_9UUQ-MZog-00071-00014423-00014525 >> All right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00072-00014525-00014687 >> A demo using Unity. U_9UUQ-MZog-00073-00014687-00015016 So, this example is called AngryBots, U_9UUQ-MZog-00074-00015016-00015272 something like six years ago, U_9UUQ-MZog-00075-00015272-00015450 at the same demo, now with U_9UUQ-MZog-00076-00015450-00015651 the new newest features of Unity, U_9UUQ-MZog-00077-00015651-00015878 we're showing the same project U_9UUQ-MZog-00078-00015878-00016128 but with a newest graphics addition. U_9UUQ-MZog-00079-00016128-00016178 >> Okay,. U_9UUQ-MZog-00080-00016178-00016309 >> This is how Unity works. U_9UUQ-MZog-00081-00016309-00016459 It's an editor, it's software, U_9UUQ-MZog-00082-00016459-00016636 so you can basically drag U_9UUQ-MZog-00083-00016636-00016818 and drop stuff into your project. U_9UUQ-MZog-00084-00016818-00016996 So, in this case, I created U_9UUQ-MZog-00085-00016996-00017302 these spider robot in another program. U_9UUQ-MZog-00086-00017302-00017479 These are 3D models, the textures U_9UUQ-MZog-00087-00017479-00017624 were made in another program. U_9UUQ-MZog-00088-00017624-00017830 I bring those into Unity, U_9UUQ-MZog-00089-00017830-00018185 and I simply can position them whenever, whatever I want. U_9UUQ-MZog-00090-00018185-00018482 >> So, you need to have this type of graphics capability? U_9UUQ-MZog-00091-00018482-00018782 I need to be able to draw floors and robots? U_9UUQ-MZog-00092-00018782-00018928 >> That's a good question. U_9UUQ-MZog-00093-00018928-00019159 Usually, you can you if U_9UUQ-MZog-00094-00019159-00019387 you have the ability to make them. U_9UUQ-MZog-00095-00019387-00019663 However, we have something called the Asset Store. U_9UUQ-MZog-00096-00019663-00019711 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00097-00019711-00019876 >> So basically, if you just want to focus on U_9UUQ-MZog-00098-00019876-00020056 the coding part, you can go there, U_9UUQ-MZog-00099-00020056-00020205 grab some stuff that it's premade, U_9UUQ-MZog-00100-00020205-00020345 some animations are premade, U_9UUQ-MZog-00101-00020345-00020549 and just use them for your project. U_9UUQ-MZog-00102-00020549-00020789 >> Right, and then you can edit those if you want to? U_9UUQ-MZog-00103-00020789-00020957 >> Yeah, absolutely. U_9UUQ-MZog-00104-00020957-00021013 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00105-00021013-00021252 >> If you like this spider but you want another color. U_9UUQ-MZog-00106-00021252-00021263 >> Right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00107-00021263-00021477 >> Or are you trying to make some more changes,. U_9UUQ-MZog-00108-00021477-00021539 >> More legs or fewer legs. U_9UUQ-MZog-00109-00021539-00021691 >> Right, that's possible. U_9UUQ-MZog-00110-00021691-00021711 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00111-00021711-00021866 >> So, that's how you create your- U_9UUQ-MZog-00112-00021866-00021907 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00113-00021907-00022096 >> - world. You can have U_9UUQ-MZog-00114-00022096-00022324 a 2D or 3D project U_9UUQ-MZog-00115-00022324-00022591 and the only thing you have to do is simply, U_9UUQ-MZog-00116-00022591-00022798 click "Play" to start the simulation of U_9UUQ-MZog-00117-00022798-00023100 your project and you can start playing right away. U_9UUQ-MZog-00118-00023100-00023110 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00119-00023110-00023441 >> So, Unity also takes care of all the input. U_9UUQ-MZog-00120-00023441-00023770 So, if you're playing on a PC or an Xbox One, U_9UUQ-MZog-00121-00023770-00023993 or whatever Unity will translate that input U_9UUQ-MZog-00122-00023993-00024276 into whatever you were working on. U_9UUQ-MZog-00123-00024276-00024490 So, it's a really simple game, U_9UUQ-MZog-00124-00024490-00024757 a shooter, that space marine. U_9UUQ-MZog-00125-00024757-00024931 We have a lot of tools inside U_9UUQ-MZog-00126-00024931-00025093 Unity to create these things. U_9UUQ-MZog-00127-00025093-00025276 However, the powerful thing U_9UUQ-MZog-00128-00025276-00025483 here is that you, as a programmer, U_9UUQ-MZog-00129-00025483-00025651 can add behavior on U_9UUQ-MZog-00130-00025651-00025837 top of everything that Unity offers you, U_9UUQ-MZog-00131-00025837-00026102 either on the runtime or on the editor. U_9UUQ-MZog-00132-00026102-00026239 Unity is fully extensible. U_9UUQ-MZog-00133-00026239-00026356 So, if there is something U_9UUQ-MZog-00134-00026356-00026510 that Unity doesn't have right now, U_9UUQ-MZog-00135-00026510-00026787 you could go there and extend the Unity Editor. U_9UUQ-MZog-00136-00026787-00027133 So, yeah that's in a nutshell what Unity is. U_9UUQ-MZog-00137-00027133-00027417 >> So, the creatures that U_9UUQ-MZog-00138-00027417-00027595 bought the space marine U_9UUQ-MZog-00139-00027595-00027787 that comes with some built-in behaviors, U_9UUQ-MZog-00140-00027787-00027969 like the ability to go forwards and backwards, U_9UUQ-MZog-00141-00027969-00028177 and left and right and jump, et cetera? U_9UUQ-MZog-00142-00028177-00028239 >> Yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00143-00028239-00028444 >> Then, you program additional stuff? U_9UUQ-MZog-00144-00028444-00028677 >> Right. So, some U_9UUQ-MZog-00145-00028677-00028927 of these objects already come with built-in behavior. U_9UUQ-MZog-00146-00028927-00029062 >> Okay. >> So, if you want to start U_9UUQ-MZog-00147-00029062-00029302 prototyping or doing some of those things, U_9UUQ-MZog-00148-00029302-00029449 we offer you a collection of U_9UUQ-MZog-00149-00029449-00029632 assets that you can simply drag and drop, U_9UUQ-MZog-00150-00029632-00029752 and start having something U_9UUQ-MZog-00151-00029752-00029892 like a camera that moves around. U_9UUQ-MZog-00152-00029892-00029912 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00153-00029912-00030030 >> Or a character that walks around. U_9UUQ-MZog-00154-00030030-00030323 But as you progress during your development, U_9UUQ-MZog-00155-00030323-00030481 maybe you want to code the specifics U_9UUQ-MZog-00156-00030481-00030726 for that project you want. U_9UUQ-MZog-00157-00030726-00030763 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00158-00030763-00030845 >> That's where. U_9UUQ-MZog-00159-00030845-00031083 >> Because I think that if you're just starting out, U_9UUQ-MZog-00160-00031083-00031355 you'd want to reuse stuff that's already made. U_9UUQ-MZog-00161-00031355-00031395 >> Yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00162-00031395-00031560 >> You get the feel for how it works. U_9UUQ-MZog-00163-00031560-00031594 >> Yes. U_9UUQ-MZog-00164-00031594-00031952 >> Then, get better and better in terms of creating U_9UUQ-MZog-00165-00031952-00032428 your own assets, et cetera. U_9UUQ-MZog-00166-00032428-00032695 >> Right. So, yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00167-00032695-00032903 That's the idea that used to get, U_9UUQ-MZog-00168-00032903-00033119 started using Unity real quick. U_9UUQ-MZog-00169-00033119-00033259 But if you are an advanced user, U_9UUQ-MZog-00170-00033259-00033477 you can do whatever you want. U_9UUQ-MZog-00171-00033477-00033531 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00172-00033531-00033687 >> Yeah, that's it. U_9UUQ-MZog-00173-00033687-00034085 So, this is the editor of Unity U_9UUQ-MZog-00174-00034085-00034570 and the best idea ID for editing your C# code, U_9UUQ-MZog-00175-00034570-00034870 and I'm saying these truly, it's Visual Studio. U_9UUQ-MZog-00176-00034870-00034892 >> Yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00177-00034892-00035158 >> I've been using Visual Studio for forever. U_9UUQ-MZog-00178-00035158-00035738 Every time, we are working closely with Microsoft, U_9UUQ-MZog-00179-00035738-00035942 so the experience gets better and better. U_9UUQ-MZog-00180-00035942-00035992 >> All right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00181-00035992-00036338 >> So, now, we have the ability to U_9UUQ-MZog-00182-00036338-00036513 debug your Unity projects U_9UUQ-MZog-00183-00036513-00036713 in Visual Studio and the workflow, U_9UUQ-MZog-00184-00036713-00036905 it's so clean, it's so fast. U_9UUQ-MZog-00185-00036905-00037131 That's one of the things that I'm super excited. U_9UUQ-MZog-00186-00037131-00037183 >> Cool. U_9UUQ-MZog-00187-00037183-00037846 >> So, yeah. This is a basic C# script for Unity. U_9UUQ-MZog-00188-00037846-00038027 Basically, if you want to respond U_9UUQ-MZog-00189-00038027-00038206 to Unity's built-in messages, U_9UUQ-MZog-00190-00038206-00038397 you need to extend MonoBehavior class. U_9UUQ-MZog-00191-00038397-00038437 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00192-00038437-00038631 >> But you already know C#, U_9UUQ-MZog-00193-00038631-00038834 I will say, you are like on the other side. U_9UUQ-MZog-00194-00038834-00038999 >> Right. >> You already know most of U_9UUQ-MZog-00195-00038999-00039197 the things you need to do to start. U_9UUQ-MZog-00196-00039197-00039361 >> So, it brings up an interesting question. U_9UUQ-MZog-00197-00039361-00039573 Unity is on the Mono runtime. U_9UUQ-MZog-00198-00039573-00039944 >> Yes. >> Right? So, what version of C#, U_9UUQ-MZog-00199-00039944-00040124 what version or equivalent U_9UUQ-MZog-00200-00040124-00040380 version of .NET if I come in here? U_9UUQ-MZog-00201-00040380-00040687 >> Yeah. >> How much of what I'm used to, U_9UUQ-MZog-00202-00040687-00040941 would I be able to actually run inside here? U_9UUQ-MZog-00203-00040941-00041144 >> Right. So, we're revamping that. U_9UUQ-MZog-00204-00041144-00041389 A couple of years ago, we were still U_9UUQ-MZog-00205-00041389-00041647 using old versions of C# and Mono. U_9UUQ-MZog-00206-00041647-00042150 Right now, we offer support for the equivalent of 4.2. U_9UUQ-MZog-00207-00042150-00042259 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00208-00042259-00042496 >> 4.X runtime. U_9UUQ-MZog-00209-00042496-00042804 C#, currently we support C# 6. U_9UUQ-MZog-00210-00042804-00042833 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00211-00042833-00043055 >> But with the newest version of Unity, U_9UUQ-MZog-00212-00043055-00043278 we're going to support C# 7 feature. U_9UUQ-MZog-00213-00043278-00043497 >> Okay,. >> So, we're trying to get there U_9UUQ-MZog-00214-00043497-00043831 to provide the latest tools that are out there. U_9UUQ-MZog-00215-00043831-00043945 >> Right. >> Yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00216-00043945-00044078 >> Then, that gives you the ability not U_9UUQ-MZog-00217-00044078-00044271 only to do basic C#, U_9UUQ-MZog-00218-00044271-00044502 but call into various frameworks stuff, U_9UUQ-MZog-00219-00044502-00044630 talk to Azure if you want to U_9UUQ-MZog-00220-00044630-00045052 store information up on the cloud or whatever. U_9UUQ-MZog-00221-00045052-00045255 >> Yeah. >> Because it's.NET. U_9UUQ-MZog-00222-00045255-00045291 >> Yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00223-00045291-00045327 >> Right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00224-00045327-00045442 >> Absolutely. U_9UUQ-MZog-00225-00045442-00045495 >> Cool. U_9UUQ-MZog-00226-00045495-00045948 >> So, yeah. That's something that you can absolutely do. U_9UUQ-MZog-00227-00045948-00046213 Also on the performance side, U_9UUQ-MZog-00228-00046213-00046462 now with these upgrades of the runtimes, U_9UUQ-MZog-00229-00046462-00046722 recurring performance boosts, U_9UUQ-MZog-00230-00046722-00047064 also some bugs have been fixed now. U_9UUQ-MZog-00231-00047064-00047302 >> Yeah. >> So, it's pretty. U_9UUQ-MZog-00232-00047302-00047367 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00233-00047367-00047509 >> Yeah. So, yeah, U_9UUQ-MZog-00234-00047509-00047662 I just want to show you. U_9UUQ-MZog-00235-00047662-00047678 >> Yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00236-00047678-00048007 >> A couple of things of how the workflow works. U_9UUQ-MZog-00237-00048007-00048131 If you are using Visual Studio and U_9UUQ-MZog-00238-00048131-00048278 Unity, so for instance, U_9UUQ-MZog-00239-00048278-00048481 as you have seen here, U_9UUQ-MZog-00240-00048481-00048734 Unity comes with a project window. U_9UUQ-MZog-00241-00048734-00048765 >> Right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00242-00048765-00048881 >> So, this part of window U_9UUQ-MZog-00243-00048881-00049057 has all the assets in your project. U_9UUQ-MZog-00244-00049057-00049596 So, from textures, sounds, scripts, videos, everything. U_9UUQ-MZog-00245-00049596-00049805 If you're a programmer, you might not U_9UUQ-MZog-00246-00049805-00050000 necessarily care about these assets. U_9UUQ-MZog-00247-00050000-00050106 You just want the code, U_9UUQ-MZog-00248-00050106-00050597 you just want to have the scripts somewhere at hand. U_9UUQ-MZog-00249-00050597-00050790 So, with Visual Studio, U_9UUQ-MZog-00250-00050790-00050961 if you go to "View" window, U_9UUQ-MZog-00251-00050961-00051188 there is a new "Unity Project Explorer", U_9UUQ-MZog-00252-00051188-00051386 and this tool allows you just U_9UUQ-MZog-00253-00051386-00051579 to see the scripts in your project. U_9UUQ-MZog-00254-00051579-00051607 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00255-00051607-00051851 >> So, if I'm just focusing on programming right now, U_9UUQ-MZog-00256-00051851-00052121 I don't need to worry about clicking other assets U_9UUQ-MZog-00257-00052121-00052403 that I don't care about. U_9UUQ-MZog-00258-00052403-00052556 Another cool thing, and this is U_9UUQ-MZog-00259-00052556-00052756 if you know already C# but U_9UUQ-MZog-00260-00052756-00052877 you don't necessarily know U_9UUQ-MZog-00261-00052877-00053116 the specifics of the Unity API. U_9UUQ-MZog-00262-00053116-00053189 >> Right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00263-00053189-00053492 >> You can go to the documentation, do things like that. U_9UUQ-MZog-00264-00053492-00053953 But if you just want to to get up to speed with this, U_9UUQ-MZog-00265-00053953-00054226 there's an awesome feature. U_9UUQ-MZog-00266-00054226-00054474 >> Then, I see the screwdriver. U_9UUQ-MZog-00267-00054474-00054732 There, you see your full support for Roslyn. U_9UUQ-MZog-00268-00054732-00054996 >> Yeah. So, yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00269-00054996-00055233 >> Or at least, much support. U_9UUQ-MZog-00270-00055233-00055440 >> Yeah. So, yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00271-00055440-00055456 >> All right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00272-00055456-00055783 >> So, there's an option if you click "Ctrl+Shift+M", U_9UUQ-MZog-00273-00055783-00056145 the Implement Unity Messages option appears. U_9UUQ-MZog-00274-00056145-00056566 So, all the messages you can see here U_9UUQ-MZog-00275-00056566-00057004 are messages that any MonoBehavior U_9UUQ-MZog-00276-00057004-00057109 can be seen from the engine. U_9UUQ-MZog-00277-00057109-00057314 So, every time you click "Play", U_9UUQ-MZog-00278-00057314-00057496 Unity calls start on U_9UUQ-MZog-00279-00057496-00057638 all the objects that are on the scene. U_9UUQ-MZog-00280-00057638-00057888 So yeah, sometimes, we have a lot of them. U_9UUQ-MZog-00281-00057888-00057905 >>Yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00282-00057905-00058067 >> So, maybe you don't know all of them, U_9UUQ-MZog-00283-00058067-00058316 this feature, it's pretty useful. U_9UUQ-MZog-00284-00058316-00058502 So, in case I want to say, U_9UUQ-MZog-00285-00058502-00058778 "I'm pleased Visual Studio." U_9UUQ-MZog-00286-00058778-00059480 Define sorry- The "On Trigger" enter message, right? U_9UUQ-MZog-00287-00059480-00059688 If I want to listen to U_9UUQ-MZog-00288-00059688-00059945 whenever two objects collide with each other, U_9UUQ-MZog-00289-00059945-00060139 then Unity is going to notify me. U_9UUQ-MZog-00290-00060139-00060301 Okay, something collided here. U_9UUQ-MZog-00291-00060301-00060564 I didn't have to go to a browser to search U_9UUQ-MZog-00292-00060564-00060839 how it's their correct signature for this method, U_9UUQ-MZog-00293-00060839-00061044 so it's pretty quick. U_9UUQ-MZog-00294-00061044-00061385 I also want to show you how easy it is to debug. U_9UUQ-MZog-00295-00061385-00061837 This is very important because in U_9UUQ-MZog-00296-00061837-00062309 the previous IDE Unity used or what's it shipping with; U_9UUQ-MZog-00297-00062309-00062525 it was hard to do the bombing. U_9UUQ-MZog-00298-00062525-00062742 So, developers ended up just U_9UUQ-MZog-00299-00062742-00063072 printing everything to the console. U_9UUQ-MZog-00300-00063072-00063295 It's difficult to do that. U_9UUQ-MZog-00301-00063295-00063553 That's not the best tool to that. U_9UUQ-MZog-00302-00063553-00063754 Within Visual Studio, you can U_9UUQ-MZog-00303-00063754-00064115 simply add your breakpoints, U_9UUQ-MZog-00304-00064115-00064454 as you do if you already know how to use Visual Studio. U_9UUQ-MZog-00305-00064454-00064735 In this case, this breakpoint will be called U_9UUQ-MZog-00306-00064735-00065034 every time I shoot a projectile. U_9UUQ-MZog-00307-00065034-00065100 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00308-00065100-00065509 >> Within Unity, I can simply "Attach to Unity and Play". U_9UUQ-MZog-00309-00065509-00065693 So, I don't need to be switching U_9UUQ-MZog-00310-00065693-00066023 between Unity and Visual Studio so I can simply say, U_9UUQ-MZog-00311-00066023-00066254 Visual Studio, launch Unity, U_9UUQ-MZog-00312-00066254-00066442 while you connect to that process. U_9UUQ-MZog-00313-00066442-00066747 So, I can now start U_9UUQ-MZog-00314-00066747-00067475 debugging my project here. U_9UUQ-MZog-00315-00067475-00067751 So, as soon as I shoot, U_9UUQ-MZog-00316-00067862-00068136 Visual Studio captures that event, U_9UUQ-MZog-00317-00068136-00068586 and I can inspect as you already do in Visual Studio. U_9UUQ-MZog-00318-00068586-00068670 >> Very cool. U_9UUQ-MZog-00319-00068670-00068938 >> Yeah, it's pretty cool tools for developers. U_9UUQ-MZog-00320-00068938-00069166 Also important because Unity U_9UUQ-MZog-00321-00069166-00069410 is now used by the other industries. U_9UUQ-MZog-00322-00069410-00069837 People making interactive applications, so yeah, U_9UUQ-MZog-00323-00069837-00069984 most people are new to U_9UUQ-MZog-00324-00069984-00070267 programming so having these tools at hand, U_9UUQ-MZog-00325-00070267-00070572 Visual studio is very important for us. U_9UUQ-MZog-00326-00070572-00070769 >> So, new to programming. U_9UUQ-MZog-00327-00070769-00071198 What if you've been doing .NET for a while, C#, U_9UUQ-MZog-00328-00071198-00071452 web apps, line of business apps, U_9UUQ-MZog-00329-00071452-00071648 and now you want to try it here at gaming? U_9UUQ-MZog-00330-00071648-00071862 >> Yes. >> So, the part where you write U_9UUQ-MZog-00331-00071862-00072214 C# code in Visual Studio is pretty familiar. U_9UUQ-MZog-00332-00072214-00072431 You can go to U_9UUQ-MZog-00333-00072431-00072706 the asset store and get a bunch of assets, but U_9UUQ-MZog-00334-00072706-00072926 how hard is it for somebody U_9UUQ-MZog-00335-00072926-00073180 that's just used to writing regular line of U_9UUQ-MZog-00336-00073180-00073410 business apps to come over and U_9UUQ-MZog-00337-00073410-00073750 learn the world of gaming and- U_9UUQ-MZog-00338-00073750-00073946 >> Right, and the graphics and things like that. U_9UUQ-MZog-00339-00073946-00074037 >> -and graphics? U_9UUQ-MZog-00340-00074037-00074212 >> Yeah. So, there are a lot of U_9UUQ-MZog-00341-00074212-00074492 resources on the web on how to learn U_9UUQ-MZog-00342-00074492-00074626 using Unity either by U_9UUQ-MZog-00343-00074626-00075012 the community but we also have official documentation. U_9UUQ-MZog-00344-00075012-00075372 I think it's fun to work on these, U_9UUQ-MZog-00345-00075372-00075657 because if you are trying to follow a tutorial, U_9UUQ-MZog-00346-00075657-00075807 you're making a game, right? U_9UUQ-MZog-00347-00075807-00075851 >> Right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00348-00075851-00076067 >> So, you get excited about shooting a star, U_9UUQ-MZog-00349-00076067-00076279 about collecting points and things like that. U_9UUQ-MZog-00350-00076279-00076541 So, there's a lot of documentation on that. U_9UUQ-MZog-00351-00076541-00076977 One thing I always recommend people on doing is at U_9UUQ-MZog-00352-00076977-00077463 least knowing the basics of graphics or math. U_9UUQ-MZog-00353-00077463-00077705 It's not required, but I U_9UUQ-MZog-00354-00077705-00077966 think you can have more fun if you do. U_9UUQ-MZog-00355-00077966-00078211 >> Right. Yeah. Well, you have U_9UUQ-MZog-00356-00078211-00078434 to understand the underlying platform. U_9UUQ-MZog-00357-00078434-00078689 Like if you say alarms, U_9UUQ-MZog-00358-00078689-00078934 use Xamarin and write mobile apps, U_9UUQ-MZog-00359-00078934-00079090 because Xamarin is just C#. U_9UUQ-MZog-00360-00079090-00079161 >> Right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00361-00079161-00079397 >> You get over there and the code you write is similar, U_9UUQ-MZog-00362-00079397-00079552 but if you don't really understand U_9UUQ-MZog-00363-00079552-00079851 the iOS runtime or the Android runtime, U_9UUQ-MZog-00364-00079851-00080123 how great an app can you write? U_9UUQ-MZog-00365-00080123-00080304 If you come over into Unity and you U_9UUQ-MZog-00366-00080304-00080480 know C# and you know a few things we don't U_9UUQ-MZog-00367-00080480-00080962 really understand what that engine is doing, U_9UUQ-MZog-00368-00080962-00081101 how great a game can you write? U_9UUQ-MZog-00369-00081101-00081322 So, you do ultimately U_9UUQ-MZog-00370-00081322-00081595 need to get pretty good at that kind of stuff. U_9UUQ-MZog-00371-00081595-00081779 >> Yeah, absolutely. Another thing that is- U_9UUQ-MZog-00372-00081779-00081912 >> But you don't want to have to wait to U_9UUQ-MZog-00373-00081912-00082077 master that before you can U_9UUQ-MZog-00374-00082077-00082240 create your first game where somebody runs U_9UUQ-MZog-00375-00082240-00082421 backwards and forwards and jumps, right? U_9UUQ-MZog-00376-00082421-00082548 >> Yeah. So, yeah, U_9UUQ-MZog-00377-00082548-00082699 definitely you do need to know U_9UUQ-MZog-00378-00082699-00082907 the underlying platform you're running, U_9UUQ-MZog-00379-00082907-00083076 the hardware you're running because U_9UUQ-MZog-00380-00083076-00083356 you're writing a mobile game. U_9UUQ-MZog-00381-00083356-00083616 But it's too process intensive, U_9UUQ-MZog-00382-00083616-00083758 it's going to drain the battery U_9UUQ-MZog-00383-00083758-00083867 in a couple of minutes, right? U_9UUQ-MZog-00384-00083867-00084178 So, you don't want that experience for your user. U_9UUQ-MZog-00385-00084178-00084519 One thing that Unity already takes care of is U_9UUQ-MZog-00386-00084519-00084773 trying to write the optimized code U_9UUQ-MZog-00387-00084773-00084930 for each platform towards port two. U_9UUQ-MZog-00388-00084930-00085129 However, you still need to know, U_9UUQ-MZog-00389-00085129-00085477 as you said, the underlying platform you're targeting. U_9UUQ-MZog-00390-00085477-00085608 >> So, how does that part work? U_9UUQ-MZog-00391-00085608-00085959 You want this game to run on PCs, on Macs, U_9UUQ-MZog-00392-00085959-00086664 on various phones, obviously the code behind is the same- U_9UUQ-MZog-00393-00086664-00086695 >> Yes. U_9UUQ-MZog-00394-00086695-00087071 >> -any has the ability to compile into those platforms, U_9UUQ-MZog-00395-00087071-00087326 but you have to do the UI differently? U_9UUQ-MZog-00396-00087326-00087748 >> That's an interesting question. You don't. U_9UUQ-MZog-00397-00087748-00087983 We provide you tools, U_9UUQ-MZog-00398-00087983-00088181 you define your UI, U_9UUQ-MZog-00399-00088181-00088433 for instance, in a certain way, U_9UUQ-MZog-00400-00088433-00088661 and then Unity will take care of scaling, U_9UUQ-MZog-00401-00088661-00088830 and managing all those things. U_9UUQ-MZog-00402-00088830-00089060 As you said the code that you write is the same, U_9UUQ-MZog-00403-00089060-00089203 Unity will take care of compiling U_9UUQ-MZog-00404-00089203-00089464 to the specific platform. U_9UUQ-MZog-00405-00089464-00089658 The only thing you need to do basically U_9UUQ-MZog-00406-00089658-00089857 most of the time is just tell Unity; U_9UUQ-MZog-00407-00089857-00090234 Okay, I want you to build two Xbox One, for instance. U_9UUQ-MZog-00408-00090234-00090267 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00409-00090267-00090683 >> In this case, I don't have the component loaded. U_9UUQ-MZog-00410-00090683-00090926 I need to go to the Internet and install it, okay? U_9UUQ-MZog-00411-00090926-00090960 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00412-00090960-00091196 >> But it's super simple to do that. U_9UUQ-MZog-00413-00091196-00091604 >> Okay. Cool. Then you U_9UUQ-MZog-00414-00091604-00091751 may decide that your game is too U_9UUQ-MZog-00415-00091751-00092018 busy for smaller form factor- U_9UUQ-MZog-00416-00092018-00092029 Yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00417-00092029-00092223 >> -and then you might have to adjust it that U_9UUQ-MZog-00418-00092223-00092429 way if the scaling doesn't take care of it for you. U_9UUQ-MZog-00419-00092429-00092703 >> Yeah. Another thing is given U_9UUQ-MZog-00420-00092703-00092876 the hardware differences between U_9UUQ-MZog-00421-00092876-00093048 devices like if I'm burning here, U_9UUQ-MZog-00422-00093048-00093200 I might not care about U_9UUQ-MZog-00423-00093200-00093694 my computer draining the battery because I can plug in, U_9UUQ-MZog-00424-00093694-00094021 but if I'm on the cell phone, I am. So- U_9UUQ-MZog-00425-00094021-00094056 >> Sure. U_9UUQ-MZog-00426-00094056-00094527 >> -yeah, you need to take care of those things. U_9UUQ-MZog-00427-00094603-00094938 There are a lot of other components that U_9UUQ-MZog-00428-00094938-00095194 you can understand if you want, U_9UUQ-MZog-00429-00095194-00095313 if you're interested into that, U_9UUQ-MZog-00430-00095313-00095552 but some of the other things you don't have to. U_9UUQ-MZog-00431-00095552-00095746 You just want to have a lighting source, U_9UUQ-MZog-00432-00095746-00095998 you put a light there, it will work, U_9UUQ-MZog-00433-00095998-00096253 and you don't have to worry about that. So, yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00434-00096253-00096377 >> Cool. U_9UUQ-MZog-00435-00096517-00097049 >> So, you can grab Unity for free, if you're starting. U_9UUQ-MZog-00436-00097049-00097373 There is a personal edition if you want to try it out. U_9UUQ-MZog-00437-00097373-00097774 Everything is unlocked, meaning that you can do whatever, U_9UUQ-MZog-00438-00097774-00098163 that engine is not locked with any features for U_9UUQ-MZog-00439-00098163-00098365 pro customers or anything U_9UUQ-MZog-00440-00098365-00098590 so that you can just play around with that. U_9UUQ-MZog-00441-00098590-00098898 Also, I know the audience it's interested U_9UUQ-MZog-00442-00098898-00099198 in like open source platforms, U_9UUQ-MZog-00443-00099198-00099316 or open source projects. U_9UUQ-MZog-00444-00099316-00099611 Unity itself is not open source. U_9UUQ-MZog-00445-00099611-00100142 However, we are opening many of Unity's components. U_9UUQ-MZog-00446-00100142-00100297 So, the UI is open source, U_9UUQ-MZog-00447-00100297-00100484 the networking is open source, U_9UUQ-MZog-00448-00100484-00100706 many of Uniti's components are open source. U_9UUQ-MZog-00449-00100706-00100741 >> Cool. U_9UUQ-MZog-00450-00100741-00100849 >> You can collaborate, you can U_9UUQ-MZog-00451-00100849-00101127 receive what's underlying the platform. U_9UUQ-MZog-00452-00101127-00101172 >> Right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00453-00101172-00101261 >> That's possible. U_9UUQ-MZog-00454-00101261-00101491 >> If you wanted to you could use U_9UUQ-MZog-00455-00101491-00101606 Visual Studio Code to do U_9UUQ-MZog-00456-00101606-00101775 the scripting as well, obviously? U_9UUQ-MZog-00457-00101775-00101853 >> Yeah, you could. U_9UUQ-MZog-00458-00101853-00102341 >> You just don't get the nice tie in from IDE to IDE. U_9UUQ-MZog-00459-00102341-00102727 >> Right. So, yeah. Those are our C# scripts, so- U_9UUQ-MZog-00460-00102727-00102777 >> Right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00461-00102777-00102917 >> -you can edit them anywhere. U_9UUQ-MZog-00462-00102917-00102989 >> Okay, cool. U_9UUQ-MZog-00463-00102989-00103333 >> But If you want to have all the speed of development. U_9UUQ-MZog-00464-00103333-00103380 >> Right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00465-00103380-00103789 >> That's it. Unity is available on Mac for- U_9UUQ-MZog-00466-00103789-00103824 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00467-00103824-00103978 >> -for authoring. So, if you U_9UUQ-MZog-00468-00103978-00104217 have Visual Studio on the Mac, U_9UUQ-MZog-00469-00104217-00104333 the experience is going to be the same. U_9UUQ-MZog-00470-00104333-00104483 >> Okay. So, Visual Studio for Mac U_9UUQ-MZog-00471-00104483-00104652 also ties in just as nice. U_9UUQ-MZog-00472-00104652-00104808 >> Yeah, it works great. U_9UUQ-MZog-00473-00104808-00105007 So, it's important because U_9UUQ-MZog-00474-00105007-00105232 before if you were developing on PC and then U_9UUQ-MZog-00475-00105232-00105454 you had to switch to U_9UUQ-MZog-00476-00105454-00105713 Mac to do iOS development or something, U_9UUQ-MZog-00477-00105713-00105916 you had to switch your environment, U_9UUQ-MZog-00478-00105916-00106091 but now you can have U_9UUQ-MZog-00479-00106091-00106451 the same stuff running on both platforms. U_9UUQ-MZog-00480-00106451-00106510 >> Awesome. U_9UUQ-MZog-00481-00106510-00106853 >> Yeah. So, also we're U_9UUQ-MZog-00482-00106853-00107286 announcing this partnership with Unity and Visual Studio. U_9UUQ-MZog-00483-00107286-00107509 There's going to be a bundle out there, U_9UUQ-MZog-00484-00107509-00107781 so you can save a couple of U_9UUQ-MZog-00485-00107781-00108171 $100 if you get Unity and Visual Studio. U_9UUQ-MZog-00486-00108171-00108275 >> Okay. So, if you already have U_9UUQ-MZog-00487-00108275-00108417 Visual Studio you can just get U_9UUQ-MZog-00488-00108417-00108630 Unity user for free U_9UUQ-MZog-00489-00108630-00108826 and then at some point you have to pay, U_9UUQ-MZog-00490-00108826-00109099 probably if you're now selling games and whatnot, U_9UUQ-MZog-00491-00109099-00109207 I would imagine, right? U_9UUQ-MZog-00492-00109207-00109386 >> Yeah. Well, so, our licensing U_9UUQ-MZog-00493-00109386-00109660 it's pretty good I think. U_9UUQ-MZog-00494-00109660-00109927 You don't have to pay us anything if you make U_9UUQ-MZog-00495-00109927-00110234 less than $100,000 per year. U_9UUQ-MZog-00496-00110234-00110323 >> Oh, okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00497-00110323-00110552 >> You can even make money out of your projects, U_9UUQ-MZog-00498-00110552-00110657 you don't have to pay after U_9UUQ-MZog-00499-00110657-00110920 you passed that amount, you have to- U_9UUQ-MZog-00500-00110920-00111026 >> We get to the point where I'm U_9UUQ-MZog-00501-00111026-00111179 making six figures on a game, U_9UUQ-MZog-00502-00111179-00111300 I'm probably pretty happy to pay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00503-00111300-00111478 >> Yeah. >> I think it's fair. U_9UUQ-MZog-00504-00111478-00111572 >> Yeah, correct. U_9UUQ-MZog-00505-00111572-00111784 >> No danger of that happening any time soon. U_9UUQ-MZog-00506-00111784-00112167 >> Yeah, we don't charge royalties. U_9UUQ-MZog-00507-00112167-00112332 >> Okay. >> So, if you become U_9UUQ-MZog-00508-00112332-00112623 a super millionaire out of Unity of your game, U_9UUQ-MZog-00509-00112623-00112772 you just pay your license- U_9UUQ-MZog-00510-00112772-00112794 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00511-00112794-00112968 >> -and you don't have to pay us every now and then. U_9UUQ-MZog-00512-00112968-00113125 >> Okay. >> I think it's important. U_9UUQ-MZog-00513-00113125-00113285 >> And then the bundle is the ability to buy U_9UUQ-MZog-00514-00113285-00113508 Visual Studio and Unity? U_9UUQ-MZog-00515-00113508-00113571 >> Yes. U_9UUQ-MZog-00516-00113571-00113627 >> Okay. U_9UUQ-MZog-00517-00113627-00113918 >> That's the bundle. That's what you save. U_9UUQ-MZog-00518-00113918-00114035 >> Cool. All right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00519-00114035-00114210 So we'll have links to that in the show notes. U_9UUQ-MZog-00520-00114210-00114353 We'll put some links to U_9UUQ-MZog-00521-00114353-00114611 some tutorials and some getting started. U_9UUQ-MZog-00522-00114611-00114857 Earlier today, you did some getting started videos U_9UUQ-MZog-00523-00114857-00115110 is really good stuff on the Unity website, U_9UUQ-MZog-00524-00115110-00115341 for how you might get started doing this. U_9UUQ-MZog-00525-00115341-00115579 Like anything, start small. U_9UUQ-MZog-00526-00115579-00115620 >> Right. U_9UUQ-MZog-00527-00115620-00115953 >> Do something simple and then learn bit by bit. U_9UUQ-MZog-00528-00115953-00116099 But there's a lot of fun and- U_9UUQ-MZog-00529-00116099-00116238 >> It is. It is a lot of fun. U_9UUQ-MZog-00530-00116238-00116547 >> It can be a nice change of pace from writing, U_9UUQ-MZog-00531-00116547-00116790 the same old desktop and web apps. U_9UUQ-MZog-00532-00116790-00117049 >> Yeah, definitely. It's a fun world. U_9UUQ-MZog-00533-00117049-00117111 >> Cool. U_9UUQ-MZog-00534-00117111-00117146 >> Yeah. U_9UUQ-MZog-00535-00117146-00117275 >> Thanks for coming and showing that to us. U_9UUQ-MZog-00536-00117275-00117370 >> Thank you very much. U_9UUQ-MZog-00537-00117370-00117487 >> All right. Hope enjoyed that, U_9UUQ-MZog-00538-00117487-00117857 and we will see you next time on Visual Studio Toolbox. UA2NPtj8ocQ-00000-00000524-00001194 Good morning and a beautiful day to you how are you doing today? It's another UA2NPtj8ocQ-00001-00001194-00001450 beautiful day in India UA2NPtj8ocQ-00002-00001450-00002001 The sun is up the sky is blue not a cloud in sight and UA2NPtj8ocQ-00003-00002001-00002200 I've got most of the beach to myself UA2NPtj8ocQ-00004-00004004-00004560 This beach is one of the first beaches in Goa to become popular thanks to the UA2NPtj8ocQ-00005-00004560-00005010 hippie culture that discovered and then descended on this area in the 60s and UA2NPtj8ocQ-00006-00005010-00005457 the 70s and although it has changed through the years it is still a favorite UA2NPtj8ocQ-00007-00005457-00005885 place for people who want a little bit of a taste of that hippie lifestyle UA2NPtj8ocQ-00008-00005885-00006300 Backpackers on a budget, the people looking for a cool place to hang up on UA2NPtj8ocQ-00009-00006300-00006631 hang around for a while and find a home from home. UA2NPtj8ocQ-00010-00006631-00007077 It's not your typical sandy beach there's some rocky outcrops between UA2NPtj8ocQ-00011-00007077-00007545 little bay's of sand giving it a sort of a more intimate feel instead of one big UA2NPtj8ocQ-00012-00007545-00008146 long stretch of beache it's lots of little bays and there are plenty of shacks, bars, UA2NPtj8ocQ-00013-00008146-00008528 restaurants and cafes along the beach offering a great selection to choose UA2NPtj8ocQ-00014-00008528-00008990 from so you'll find somewhere to eat and have a drink and of course the sun beds and UA2NPtj8ocQ-00015-00008990-00009336 the sun brollies spill out onto the beach so you can toast yourself to your heart UA2NPtj8ocQ-00016-00009336-00009715 content or chill under a brollie with a cold drink like I do UA2NPtj8ocQ-00017-00009715-00010281 Accommodation includes simple huts, guest houses, resorts and even private villas UA2NPtj8ocQ-00018-00010281-00010620 you can rent but there is a lot more sort of mid to budget end UA2NPtj8ocQ-00019-00010620-00011090 accommodation just behind the beach here so it's quite a nice option to keep the UA2NPtj8ocQ-00020-00011090-00011593 budget down, you should find something to suit your style here on Anjuna Beach. UA2NPtj8ocQ-00021-00011594-00012062 So let's show you around this beautiful little beach UG_KjZf3ekA-00000-00000000-00000200 No captions I'm really sorry, I'm trying to work on it... UGB8M17W7nA-00000-00000014-00000100 Guess what I got in the mail. UGB8M17W7nA-00001-00000134-00000229 What? Guess. UGB8M17W7nA-00002-00000229-00000448 Another Vitamix. UGB8M17W7nA-00003-00000542-00000608 Close. UGB8M17W7nA-00004-00000684-00000774 Yay! Close. UGB8M17W7nA-00005-00000778-00000911 Guess again. Oh, that Aer Disc thing? UGB8M17W7nA-00006-00000953-00001003 Yeah. UGB8M17W7nA-00007-00001024-00001102 I don't know what it is. UGB8M17W7nA-00008-00001112-00001308 I have no idea what that is either. Should we figure it out? UGB8M17W7nA-00009-00001380-00001530 Let's open it! Aright! UGB8M17W7nA-00010-00003396-00003556 You got that Aer Container book. UGB8M17W7nA-00011-00003742-00003988 Do you want to look through it and figure out some cool things to make? UGB8M17W7nA-00012-00004000-00004146 No, I want to eat my lunch. UGB8M17W7nA-00013-00004178-00004278 Why? UGB8M17W7nA-00014-00004408-00004484 Hi Ezzie. UGB8M17W7nA-00015-00004520-00004658 What did we make for lunch? UGB8M17W7nA-00016-00004720-00004844 Must-go stir-fry. UGB8M17W7nA-00017-00004878-00005096 Yum. Must-go stir-fry. UGB8M17W7nA-00018-00005180-00005476 OK we got muddling for mojitos. UGB8M17W7nA-00019-00005556-00005694 Do you know that every bartender UGB8M17W7nA-00020-00005710-00005810 hates making mojitos, UGB8M17W7nA-00021-00005810-00005988 so they just say "we're out of mint." UGB8M17W7nA-00022-00006136-00006186 Wow. UGB8M17W7nA-00023-00006334-00006562 It's a lot of steps. But, I guess... UGB8M17W7nA-00024-00006578-00006778 I would order five mojitos at the pool UGB8M17W7nA-00025-00006794-00006952 if it was unlimited. UGB8M17W7nA-00026-00006978-00007130 I just love mojitos so much. UGB8M17W7nA-00027-00007144-00007316 Strawberry lemonade. UGB8M17W7nA-00028-00007316-00007516 Yum. UGB8M17W7nA-00029-00007573-00007772 Emulsify hollandaise sauce. UGB8M17W7nA-00030-00007830-00008084 We make a good hollandaise sauce. UGB8M17W7nA-00031-00008360-00008572 Tomato basil vinaigrette. UGB8M17W7nA-00032-00008572-00008772 So a salad dressing. UGB8M17W7nA-00033-00008888-00008968 Garlic aioli. UGB8M17W7nA-00034-00008976-00009294 These are the things I think about when you say emulsify. UGB8M17W7nA-00035-00009354-00009404 Foam. UGB8M17W7nA-00036-00009580-00009706 Chilled chai latte UGB8M17W7nA-00037-00009710-00009814 with foam on top. Yum. UGB8M17W7nA-00038-00009826-00010084 Is it milk foam? Yeah, of course. UGB8M17W7nA-00039-00010100-00010224 Maybe cashew milk? UGB8M17W7nA-00040-00010224-00010344 Cashew milk does okay. UGB8M17W7nA-00041-00010344-00010492 Coconut milk I heard does okay. UGB8M17W7nA-00042-00010718-00010782 Hot chocolate. UGB8M17W7nA-00043-00010986-00011124 The marshmallows or the hot chocolate? UGB8M17W7nA-00044-00011156-00011380 Because that picture looks delicious. UGB8M17W7nA-00045-00011432-00011526 Pisco sour? UGB8M17W7nA-00046-00011526-00011630 Yum. Pisco. UGB8M17W7nA-00047-00011710-00011804 What's pisco? UGB8M17W7nA-00048-00011860-00012088 It's like an old-fashioned drink that's suddenly back in. UGB8M17W7nA-00049-00012164-00012262 It's popular again. UGB8M17W7nA-00050-00012328-00012462 A bachelorette party drink. UGB8M17W7nA-00051-00012504-00012734 You could, like, it gets icy cold, too. UGB8M17W7nA-00052-00012768-00012900 (Baby excited scream) UGB8M17W7nA-00053-00012940-00013054 And then whipped cream. UGB8M17W7nA-00054-00013191-00013476 What are we gonna make? Everything is made with milk. UGB8M17W7nA-00055-00013588-00013662 (Dissapointed baby scream). UGB8M17W7nA-00056-00013684-00013786 Aquafaba whip! UGB8M17W7nA-00057-00013832-00013906 Okay. UGB8M17W7nA-00058-00013954-00014040 And then, UGB8M17W7nA-00059-00014072-00014388 blackberry panacada. UGB8M17W7nA-00060-00014438-00014572 More heavy cream. UGB8M17W7nA-00061-00014632-00014806 This is like a heavy cream machine. UGB8M17W7nA-00062-00014890-00015108 Ice cream Brandy Alexander. UGB8M17W7nA-00063-00015182-00015347 Sounds kinda nice. UGB8M17W7nA-00064-00015390-00015476 So it's a lot of cocktails. UGB8M17W7nA-00065-00015541-00015597 So what are we gonna make. UGB8M17W7nA-00066-00015619-00015734 We'll make one cocktail. UGB8M17W7nA-00067-00015816-00015997 Hang on. A dressing. We'll do one of the four. UGB8M17W7nA-00068-00016019-00016102 All four. UGB8M17W7nA-00069-00016134-00016216 We'll muddle something. UGB8M17W7nA-00070-00016332-00016516 Emulsify. We'll emulsify something. UGB8M17W7nA-00071-00016564-00016692 Whip. We'll... UGB8M17W7nA-00072-00016692-00016830 We'll foam something. UGB8M17W7nA-00073-00016830-00016894 And then whip. UGB8M17W7nA-00074-00016894-00017000 And then whip. UGB8M17W7nA-00075-00017000-00017200 Whip it. UGB8M17W7nA-00076-00017200-00017462 Whip it. Whip it good. (singing "whip it"). UGB8M17W7nA-00077-00021626-00021712 No sleep? UGB8M17W7nA-00078-00021738-00021938 No, screw that. No nap. UGB8M17W7nA-00079-00021958-00022054 I want to walk. UGB8M17W7nA-00080-00022148-00022248 I want to see the world UGB8M17W7nA-00081-00022402-00022509 from your shoulders. UGB8M17W7nA-00082-00022582-00022676 Don't drop the baby. UGB8M17W7nA-00083-00022678-00022746 Drop the camera. UGB8M17W7nA-00084-00022854-00022934 OK. Deal. UGB8M17W7nA-00085-00022962-00023048 (baby crying) UGB8M17W7nA-00086-00023084-00023228 (singing "You are my sunshine") UGB8M17W7nA-00087-00023228-00023428 (shushing baby) UGB8M17W7nA-00088-00025280-00025442 Well the goal today was to UGB8M17W7nA-00089-00025484-00025622 show off that Aer Container UGB8M17W7nA-00090-00025622-00025762 and do everything with it. UGB8M17W7nA-00091-00025762-00025944 But it's time to go make dinner. UGB8M17W7nA-00092-00026022-00026165 So that's your cue UGB8M17W7nA-00093-00026210-00026483 to go make dinner with your family. UGLz7aaOeBI-00000-00000642-00001248 JUST IN: Entire DNC About To Be Demolished After Secret Audio Leaks – They Have EVERYTHING! UGLz7aaOeBI-00001-00001248-00001671 The progressive left is up to shady business as usual, as yet another government ethics UGLz7aaOeBI-00002-00001671-00002143 watchdog group filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) due to UGLz7aaOeBI-00003-00002143-00002496 potential violations to campaign finance laws. UGLz7aaOeBI-00004-00002496-00002922 The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust or FACT filed their complaint with the UGLz7aaOeBI-00005-00002922-00003344 FEC on Tuesday after audio from a secretly recorded conversation revealed the Democratic UGLz7aaOeBI-00006-00003344-00003790 Congressional Campaign Committee tipped the scales in favor of their preferred candidate. UGLz7aaOeBI-00007-00003790-00004292 As a result of their attempts to fix the election results, they may have violated campaign finance UGLz7aaOeBI-00008-00004292-00004485 laws in the process. UGLz7aaOeBI-00009-00004485-00004978 The secret recording of the conversation between House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer and Levi Tillemann, UGLz7aaOeBI-00010-00004978-00005529 a Democrat candidate for the 6thCongressional District in Colorado, was made last December. UGLz7aaOeBI-00011-00005529-00005949 The audio became public knowledge after the Intercept published it in April 2018 after UGLz7aaOeBI-00012-00005949-00006150 obtaining Tillemann’s consent. UGLz7aaOeBI-00013-00006150-00006672 Tillemann requested some names and private information be edited out prior to its release. UGLz7aaOeBI-00014-00006672-00007134 The complaint alleges – “The DCCC reportedly picked Crow as its preferred candidate to UGLz7aaOeBI-00015-00007134-00007717 win the 2018 Colorado House primary race and took action to assist its favored candidate. UGLz7aaOeBI-00016-00007717-00008107 According to a recorded conversation between Democratic leader House Minority Whip Steny UGLz7aaOeBI-00017-00008107-00008609 Hoyer and another primary candidate, the DCCC supported Crow and requested the opposing UGLz7aaOeBI-00018-00008609-00009059 candidate “leave the race multiple times and make way for Crow.”6 Other candidates UGLz7aaOeBI-00019-00009059-00009525 also reported that the DCCC did not provide them with the same resources it provided to UGLz7aaOeBI-00020-00009525-00009625 Crow. UGLz7aaOeBI-00021-00009625-00010031 One stated that the DCCC gave ‘polling data . . . to Crow. UGLz7aaOeBI-00022-00010031-00010435 They made other resources available to Crow that they did not make available to me, such UGLz7aaOeBI-00023-00010435-00010817 as email lists for fundraising purposes.'” UGLz7aaOeBI-00024-00010817-00011253 The Washington Free Beacon reports on the audio recording, “Hoyer makes plain to Tillemann UGLz7aaOeBI-00025-00011253-00011629 in the recording that some higher-ups in the Democratic party preferred Army veteran and UGLz7aaOeBI-00026-00011629-00011878 corporate lawyer Jason Crow be the party’s nominee in the district. UGLz7aaOeBI-00027-00011878-00012428 The Intercept’s story on the audio included a quote from David Aarestad, who by that time UGLz7aaOeBI-00028-00012428-00012620 had dropped out of the same race. UGLz7aaOeBI-00029-00012620-00013168 ‘But, they [the DCCC] made polling data available to Crow that they did not make available UGLz7aaOeBI-00030-00013168-00013400 to me,’ Aarestad was quoted as saying. UGLz7aaOeBI-00031-00013400-00013841 ‘They made other resources available to Crow that they did not make available to me, UGLz7aaOeBI-00032-00013841-00014145 such as email lists for fundraising purposes.’ UGLz7aaOeBI-00033-00014145-00014543 FACT wrote in its complaint that the polling data and email lists were in-kind contributions UGLz7aaOeBI-00034-00014543-00014876 that appear not to have been reported, but should have been. UGLz7aaOeBI-00035-00014876-00015311 ‘Candidate reporting requirements exist to prevent corruption and ensure transparency UGLz7aaOeBI-00036-00015311-00015811 in our elections, which is something the DCCC showed a blatant disregard for in this case,’ UGLz7aaOeBI-00037-00015811-00016197 Kendra Arnold, FACT’s executive director, said in a statement. UGLz7aaOeBI-00038-00016197-00016634 ‘What’s equally disturbing is that this type of Machiavellian behavior has been endorsed UGLz7aaOeBI-00039-00016634-00016946 by House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi,’ Arnold added.” UGLz7aaOeBI-00040-00016946-00017424 The 6th district of Colorado is one of the most competitive and hotly contested house UGLz7aaOeBI-00041-00017424-00017587 races in the country. UGLz7aaOeBI-00042-00017587-00018087 The seat is currently held by Republican Mike Coffman, a former Marine, and state treasurer UGLz7aaOeBI-00043-00018087-00018326 who is now serving his fifth term. UGLz7aaOeBI-00044-00018326-00018806 Coffman has managed to defeat formidable Democratic opponents in his last two elections, one of UGLz7aaOeBI-00045-00018806-00019191 which was the former speaker of the Colorado house and another was the president of the UGLz7aaOeBI-00046-00019191-00019348 state senate. UGLz7aaOeBI-00047-00019348-00019775 FACT alleges that the key component of the allegations is determining a monetary value UGLz7aaOeBI-00048-00019775-00020129 of the email lists and polling in actual hard dollars and cents. UGLz7aaOeBI-00049-00020129-00020565 The complaint argues “based upon the industry standard, the value of the polling information UGLz7aaOeBI-00050-00020565-00021118 and mailing lists likely exceeded the $5,000 limit on in-kind contributions.” UGLz7aaOeBI-00051-00021118-00021500 Hoyer speaks frankly about Crow status as the preferred candidate in the audio recording UGLz7aaOeBI-00052-00021500-00021706 according to the Intercept’s transcript – UGLz7aaOeBI-00053-00021706-00022034 “‘Yeah, I’m for Crow,’ Hoyer explained. UGLz7aaOeBI-00054-00022034-00022354 ‘I am for Crow because a judgment was made very early on. UGLz7aaOeBI-00055-00022354-00022506 I didn’t know Crow. UGLz7aaOeBI-00056-00022506-00022767 I didn’t participate in the decision. UGLz7aaOeBI-00057-00022767-00023250 But a decision was made early on by the Colorado delegation,’ he said, referencing the three UGLz7aaOeBI-00058-00023250-00023487 House Democrats elected from Colorado. UGLz7aaOeBI-00059-00023487-00024020 ‘So your position is, a decision was made very early on before voters had a say, and UGLz7aaOeBI-00060-00024020-00024492 that’s fine because the DCCC knows better than the voters of the 6th Congressional District, UGLz7aaOeBI-00061-00024492-00024895 and we should line up behind that candidate,’ asked Tillemann during the conversation. UGLz7aaOeBI-00062-00024895-00025345 ‘That’s certainly a consequence of our decision,’ responded Hoyer.” UGLz7aaOeBI-00063-00025345-00025756 This playing of favorites by the Democratic party has prompted massive outcry even from UGLz7aaOeBI-00064-00025756-00026231 leftist factions as this appears to be a growing pattern harkening back to the Democratic primary UGLz7aaOeBI-00065-00026231-00026783 and revelations that Bernie Sanders had more votes than Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential UGLz7aaOeBI-00066-00026783-00026883 election. UGLz7aaOeBI-00067-00026883-00027247 Yet Hillary was given the nomination because she was the preferred candidate of the Democratic UGLz7aaOeBI-00068-00027247-00027347 party. UGLz7aaOeBI-00069-00027347-00027733 The release of the audio of the conversation prompted reporters to question House Minority UGLz7aaOeBI-00070-00027733-00028152 Leader Nancy Pelosi on the issue and sparked an outcry from more progressive wings of the UGLz7aaOeBI-00071-00028152-00028420 party about the DCCC playing favorites. UGLz7aaOeBI-00072-00028420-00028817 “In terms of candidates and campaigns I don’t see anything inappropriate in what UGLz7aaOeBI-00073-00028817-00029256 Mr. Hoyer was engaged in—a conversation about the realities of life in the race as UGLz7aaOeBI-00074-00029256-00029618 to who can make the general election,” she told reporters. UGLz7aaOeBI-00075-00029618-00030052 Both Tillemann and Crow met sufficient requirements to be on the primary ballot. UGLz7aaOeBI-00076-00030052-00031452 Voting runs for the majority of June and concludes on June 26. ULX0oOnxT04-00001-00001010-00001092 Good morning ULX0oOnxT04-00002-00001092-00001240 Now the time is 6.30 AM. ULX0oOnxT04-00004-00001308-00001494 There is one place in Kottayam/Idukki district, Urumbikkara ULX0oOnxT04-00005-00001632-00001904 On the way there, we could see some waterfalls. ULX0oOnxT04-00006-00002352-00002632 If I reach there in the morning itself, I could catch some good visuals. ULX0oOnxT04-00007-00002902-00003102 Let's see how it is. ULX0oOnxT04-00008-00003494-00003694 To reach Urumbikkara, we need to arrive at Mundakayam first. ULX0oOnxT04-00009-00004772-00005146 From there to take a left to Yendayar/Elamkad road and travel around 7 KM. ULX0oOnxT04-00010-00005248-00005522 After reaching Kootikkal, take a right to Vembily road. ULX0oOnxT04-00011-00005958-00006252 And this road is not suitable for standard vehicles, choose an offroad one. UNcXuxKoYbA-00000-00000003-00000333 hello you are watching tulipswift today is Monday and I'm actually making a video UNcXuxKoYbA-00001-00000333-00000629 Wow. who knew. okay. I'm back. hi. roots?? I don't know.. I UNcXuxKoYbA-00002-00000629-00000963 don't have any. I don't know what you're talking about. I just thought of this UNcXuxKoYbA-00003-00000963-00001254 right now and I'm gonna just tell you what I'm listening to and do some lip UNcXuxKoYbA-00004-00001254-00001569 syncs because those are fun and I hope this is short I'm gonna tell you some of UNcXuxKoYbA-00005-00001569-00001826 the songs I've been listening to UNcXuxKoYbA-00006-00001826-00002420 [mister glassman... he's really soft spoken you never notice glass unless it's broken] UNcXuxKoYbA-00007-00002434-00002773 okay the first one I'm gonna do is scotty sire I've been listening to like all the UNcXuxKoYbA-00008-00002773-00003082 Scotty sires and like one day I'm gonna have all the raps down and then I can do UNcXuxKoYbA-00009-00003082-00003482 like a proper lip sync but sad song I listen to like a few times a day just UNcXuxKoYbA-00010-00003482-00003824 because it makes me feel happy, that doesn't make sense but you'll understand. UNcXuxKoYbA-00011-00003868-00004206 [Alright there's something truly Magnificent about being sad and that is that Everyone can be sad] UNcXuxKoYbA-00012-00004218-00004470 [some people are sad sometimes Other people are sad all the time] UNcXuxKoYbA-00013-00004480-00004820 [And this is just a song about being sad Whoopdie-doo, let's get to it, haha] UNcXuxKoYbA-00014-00004820-00005148 [I've got a problem, I'm always so sad The littlest things get me pissed off or mad] UNcXuxKoYbA-00015-00005148-00005452 [My life's pretty good, no I don't have it bad So it's hard to explain all these feelings I have] UNcXuxKoYbA-00016-00005452-00006078 [If you're really sad Everything just turns out wrong] UNcXuxKoYbA-00017-00006078-00006472 so as always I'm listening religiously to sleeping with sirens and like they UNcXuxKoYbA-00018-00006472-00006989 don't have any new music right now but I just downloaded madness like over the UNcXuxKoYbA-00019-00006989-00007481 summer and so now I'm hooked on madness UNcXuxKoYbA-00020-00007481-00008290 [Would you save me a spark? (Oh-Whoa) We'll start a fire that shines a light in the dark] UNcXuxKoYbA-00021-00008290-00008546 [strike a match, make it last] UNcXuxKoYbA-00022-00008546-00008930 okay I'm like really into Flint Eastwood and I've been since last year so this is UNcXuxKoYbA-00023-00008930-00009024 monster UNcXuxKoYbA-00024-00009024-00009300 [There's a monster in my room] UNcXuxKoYbA-00025-00009498-00009728 [Can't get away from you] UNcXuxKoYbA-00026-00009938-00010160 [No matter what I say] UNcXuxKoYbA-00027-00010160-00010602 [gonna make it through the night. alright! alright!] UNcXuxKoYbA-00028-00010614-00010980 [He was the best of times, the worst of crimes] UNcXuxKoYbA-00029-00010980-00011380 [X marks the spot, where we fell apart He poisoned the well, I was lyin' to myself] UNcXuxKoYbA-00030-00011380-00011870 [I knew it from the first Old Fashioned, we were cursed We never had a shotgun shot in the dark] UNcXuxKoYbA-00031-00011870-00012112 [You were drivin' the getaway car] UNcXuxKoYbA-00032-00012112-00012490 so that's the music I've been listening to I just-- let's talk about audiobooks-- so UNcXuxKoYbA-00033-00012490-00012922 I just finished the hate u give by Angie Thomas finally I know 2018 where's UNcXuxKoYbA-00034-00012922-00013358 she been? so the hate u give is a great audiobook I've heard that narrator so many UNcXuxKoYbA-00035-00013358-00013928 times-- so many times? well I know I heard her in the Sun is also a star I feel UNcXuxKoYbA-00036-00013928-00014279 like there was one other book I've been listening to a lot of podcasts you might UNcXuxKoYbA-00037-00014279-00014735 know follow me Twitter i religiously listen to dear Hank and John "let's just UNcXuxKoYbA-00038-00014735-00015155 uh let's remember to yell at Clara every once in a while during this podcast." "oh UNcXuxKoYbA-00039-00015155-00015500 MY GOD IT'S BURNING!" "I think... I think probably she's good right now" UNcXuxKoYbA-00040-00015500-00015983 I've also since then been listening to delete this with Hank and Katherine "no UNcXuxKoYbA-00041-00015983-00016834 no no no" (laughter) "it's so good though!" [oops I tweeted at Trump] UNcXuxKoYbA-00042-00016834-00017219 there are some great things I learned from all those people Hank and UNcXuxKoYbA-00043-00017219-00017633 John there is an episode of whilewhile while back they were talking about how UNcXuxKoYbA-00044-00017633-00017951 if you really loved a book when you finished it and you wanted to give it UNcXuxKoYbA-00045-00017951-00018470 five stars how like over time it's like the negative reviews or the things you UNcXuxKoYbA-00046-00018470-00018890 heard like make you want to give it a lower rating that that's not like honest? UNcXuxKoYbA-00047-00018890-00019229 because when you read it you loved it and you shouldn't go back on your UNcXuxKoYbA-00048-00019229-00019732 ratings especially if you're lowering it? so Delete This is a podcast all about UNcXuxKoYbA-00049-00019732-00020159 Twitter so I love it. they talk a lot about like social justice on Twitter and UNcXuxKoYbA-00050-00020159-00020603 yeah! and just how to engage in like positive parts of Twitter and how-- I UNcXuxKoYbA-00051-00020603-00020951 really I was under the impression that like everyone was in the obligation to UNcXuxKoYbA-00052-00020951-00021323 tweet politically all the time and if you didn't like retweet something then UNcXuxKoYbA-00053-00021323-00021910 you're ignorant like? that's really not what it's about! and Twitter can be so UNcXuxKoYbA-00054-00021910-00022270 toxic so Hank and Katherine are always talking about they're trying to be on UNcXuxKoYbA-00055-00022270-00022841 Twitter less and they're trying not to like @ people - just like speak their UNcXuxKoYbA-00056-00022841-00023435 own truth and be listeners to the world I'm not saying it very well but I feel UNcXuxKoYbA-00057-00023435-00023860 like if you listen to a few episodes to delete this you might... I mean it really UNcXuxKoYbA-00058-00023860-00024220 changed my point of view completely because - just think of like Twitter is UNcXuxKoYbA-00059-00024220-00024610 not like the number one place to go to like call people out I mean I think what UNcXuxKoYbA-00060-00024610-00024962 to ask yourself is are you trying to like make a difference? or are you just UNcXuxKoYbA-00061-00024962-00025241 creating content? YouTube will do something wrong UNcXuxKoYbA-00062-00025241-00025541 for like one second and then everyone will just be like yelling at them like UNcXuxKoYbA-00063-00025541-00025973 try and make content like trying to get the most retweets like UGH it makes-- it UNcXuxKoYbA-00064-00025973-00026324 drives me crazy they'll be like @ YouTube I hate this platform!11!!!!1 they got UNcXuxKoYbA-00065-00026324-00026735 rid of a subscription box!11!!!!1! like no they didn't! So I've been-- I do listen to a lot of UNcXuxKoYbA-00066-00026735-00027143 ASMR now and I was kind of joking about it and my other videos because I watched UNcXuxKoYbA-00067-00027143-00027617 it like ironically but then I found a few youtubers or ASMRtists that like UNcXuxKoYbA-00068-00027617-00027964 I was really attached to and they just make such great things and I've been UNcXuxKoYbA-00069-00027964-00028199 watching them regularly and then I've been watching more and I just keep UNcXuxKoYbA-00070-00028199-00028466 branching out and finding some great channels so my favorite channels... are like UNcXuxKoYbA-00071-00028466-00028730 literally the best people on YouTube right now UNcXuxKoYbA-00072-00028730-00029377 Gibi ASMR... "My name is Gibi. welcome back to my channel." UNcXuxKoYbA-00073-00029377-00029501 like is really technically UNcXuxKoYbA-00074-00029501-00029912 great with her stuff and she has great ideas and she posts like really UNcXuxKoYbA-00075-00029912-00030125 regularly I think it's like two or three times a week UNcXuxKoYbA-00076-00030125-00030480 another great ASMRtist is gwengwiz UNcXuxKoYbA-00077-00030480-00030616 "I hope you're well!" UNcXuxKoYbA-00078-00030661-00031327 "today i have my makeup collection video that you guys requested" she's amazing at like UNcXuxKoYbA-00079-00031327-00031763 makeup, Beauty, clothes, fashion, and she has like such a sweet voice so I do really UNcXuxKoYbA-00080-00031763-00032295 like gwengwiz. just the past few weeks I've really gotten into ASMR glow she's UNcXuxKoYbA-00081-00032295-00032744 "hey! It's ASMR glow" UNcXuxKoYbA-00082-00032745-00033158 she's so creative if you don't like ASMR I totally understand but if you check out UNcXuxKoYbA-00083-00033158-00033479 these YouTube channels I swear to god they're the coolest people ever I UNcXuxKoYbA-00084-00033479-00033923 feel so calm when I watch ASMR and I just feel like I'm in a meadow like I UNcXuxKoYbA-00085-00033923-00034289 love it so much like I literally have never gotten tingles like I just do it UNcXuxKoYbA-00086-00034289-00034541 for the relaxation that's all I have for this video UNcXuxKoYbA-00087-00034541-00035030 I moved my bed so now it's facing this way I hope you're doing okay I'm here UNcXuxKoYbA-00088-00035030-00035459 for you! I'm on Twitter all the time! thank you so much for watching I love UNcXuxKoYbA-00089-00035459-00035746 you. bye! UphywjPALsI-00000-00000000-00000417 Do you have upper body fat you want to get rid of but you end up only doing lower body workouts? UphywjPALsI-00001-00000417-00000747 For those of you who find upper body workouts boring! UphywjPALsI-00002-00000747-00000992 Try ‘this’ workout for 3 minutes a day! UphywjPALsI-00003-00000992-00001231 Guaranteed fat loss in your armpits and back! UphywjPALsI-00004-00001231-00001491 It’ll tone your arms without making them bulky! UphywjPALsI-00005-00001491-00001815 It’ll improve forward head posture and provide balance in your spine! UphywjPALsI-00006-00001815-00002228 Take Care of Your Body UphywjPALsI-00007-00002273-00002701 Hello, this is Jiny from Jiny Diet V^_^V UphywjPALsI-00008-00002701-00002841 Hello~! UphywjPALsI-00009-00002841-00003309 It’s important to balance out our body from the left and right as well as the front and back UphywjPALsI-00010-00003309-00003698 But the upper body and lower body balance is also important! UphywjPALsI-00011-00003698-00004264 Especially females who workout frequently tend to have weaker upper body muscles compared to their lower body UphywjPALsI-00012-00004264-00004879 The more you do lower body workouts with the absence of upper body workouts, it’ll only make you continue to do lower body workouts UphywjPALsI-00013-00004879-00005652 Simply put, if you do lower body workouts a lot more and you’re not seeing any additional results anymore UphywjPALsI-00014-00005652-00006137 This means that you are in need of upper body workouts, especially one that can stabilize your body UphywjPALsI-00015-00006137-00006873 So in today’s episode of ‘Take Care Of Your Body’, we will be doing the tabletop position, which is my most recommended upper body stability workout UphywjPALsI-00016-00006873-00007590 The tabletop position is a widely used position in home training and other mat workouts UphywjPALsI-00017-00007590-00008259 Especially for those of you who have weak wrists or trapezius muscles UphywjPALsI-00018-00008259-00008585 I hope you can learn to do a proper tabletop position! UphywjPALsI-00019-00008585-00009042 The more accurate your posture is, it’ll improve the effects on your other workouts! UphywjPALsI-00020-00009042-00009275 Let’s get straight into it! UphywjPALsI-00021-00009275-00009419 Let’s go! UphywjPALsI-00022-00009419-00010081 Place your wrists below your shoulders, knees below your pelvis and mimic a table from the side view UphywjPALsI-00023-00010081-00010557 Place your wrists shoulder width apart and your knees slightly less than shoulder width UphywjPALsI-00024-00010557-00011214 Spread out your fingers and make sure to press down on your entire hand without any spaces UphywjPALsI-00025-00011214-00011501 This will help anchor your upper body safely UphywjPALsI-00026-00011501-00012143 If you have weak wrists and it hurts to do this, make sure that you aren’t putting the weight on your wrists UphywjPALsI-00027-00012143-00012647 Distribute the weight into the inner part of your hands so that the weight will be equalized all throughout your hand UphywjPALsI-00028-00012647-00013505 As for your feet, make sure you are pressing against your knees, legs, ankles and tops of your feet against the mat UphywjPALsI-00029-00013505-00014225 Those of you with stiff ankles might not be able to place your ankles against the mat and it could feel stiff UphywjPALsI-00030-00014225-00014851 This is due to the stiffness so just press against the mat to the point it doesn’t bother you UphywjPALsI-00031-00014851-00015370 Instead, try to stretch out your feet against the mat from time to time UphywjPALsI-00032-00015370-00015795 Now, we’ll get into the main posture which I will explain in 3 steps UphywjPALsI-00033-00015795-00015995 First step is to ‘Sort’ UphywjPALsI-00034-00015995-00016668 From the side view, make sure your body is linear from your ear, shoulder and pelvis UphywjPALsI-00035-00016668-00017030 At first you might wonder if you’re doing this correctly or not UphywjPALsI-00036-00017030-00017694 Check with a mirror or by recording your posture through a video UphywjPALsI-00037-00017694-00018159 If you don’t have a mirror or a smartphone, get help to put a foam roller behind you UphywjPALsI-00038-00018159-00019070 Place the foam roller behind your back to ensure a linear position across your back UphywjPALsI-00039-00019070-00019299 Step 2 is to use the serratus anterior muscle UphywjPALsI-00040-00019299-00019736 The serratus anterior muscle is around this area in our body UphywjPALsI-00041-00019736-00020495 Try to pull this muscle towards your butt from each side and we will stay in this position UphywjPALsI-00042-00020495-00021032 If you have weak muscles in this area, it’ll be hard to find the proper sensation UphywjPALsI-00043-00021032-00021518 You just need to invest some time to awaken these weak muscles UphywjPALsI-00044-00021518-00021875 Set yourself up in place and contract your muscles UphywjPALsI-00045-00021961-00022757 If this is difficult, just imagine you are contracting this side of your body towards the back for 5 seconds UphywjPALsI-00046-00022807-00022879 5 UphywjPALsI-00047-00022949-00023051 4 UphywjPALsI-00048-00023108-00023209 3 UphywjPALsI-00049-00023274-00023501 2 - As time goes by, continue to assert more strength UphywjPALsI-00050-00023501-00023578 1 UphywjPALsI-00051-00023621-00023947 Without letting go of this strength, we’ll go into step 3 UphywjPALsI-00052-00023947-00024152 Retract and Protract UphywjPALsI-00053-00024152-00024386 It sounds technical but it’s really simple UphywjPALsI-00054-00024386-00024903 Lower your upper body as you bring your shoulder blades closer together UphywjPALsI-00055-00024903-00025323 Then move your body upwards and let your shoulder blades move further apart UphywjPALsI-00056-00025323-00025987 The important part here is to maintain the strength in your serratus anterior muscles as you come down UphywjPALsI-00057-00025987-00026461 And you must maintain it as you bring your body back up as well UphywjPALsI-00058-00026461-00026878 If you don’t maintain this strength, not only is this an improper way UphywjPALsI-00059-00026878-00027293 This could begin to travel upwards to your trapezius muscles UphywjPALsI-00060-00027293-00027777 And without maintaining the strength when you move upwards, this could create a curve in your back UphywjPALsI-00061-00027777-00028239 We don’t need large movements but accurate movements UphywjPALsI-00062-00028239-00028873 After sorting your linear line, find the strength in your serratus anterior muscles, breathe in and on your exhale UphywjPALsI-00063-00028957-00029074 Lower your upper body UphywjPALsI-00064-00029169-00029606 Breathe in and on your exhale, raise your upper body UphywjPALsI-00065-00029729-00029978 You just need to practice this move UphywjPALsI-00066-00029978-00030178 Let’s practice this together 3 times UphywjPALsI-00067-00030178-00030500 Inhale as you awaken the muscles in your serratus anterior muscles UphywjPALsI-00068-00030500-00031022 Focus on maintaining this strength as you lower your upper body UphywjPALsI-00069-00031157-00031584 Then breathe again and find the strength in your muscles UphywjPALsI-00070-00031584-00031990 Exhale as you focus on maintaining this strength UphywjPALsI-00071-00032202-00032545 Don’t raise your body to the point it curves but just to the point you can maintain the strength in your muscles UphywjPALsI-00072-00032577-00032781 Two more times, breathe in UphywjPALsI-00073-00032932-00033163 Exhale as you lower UphywjPALsI-00074-00033188-00033390 Your shoulder blades should be closer together UphywjPALsI-00075-00033553-00033705 Breathe in from here UphywjPALsI-00076-00033788-00033982 Exhale as you raise yourself UphywjPALsI-00077-00034357-00034684 Last one, breathe in as you recharge UphywjPALsI-00078-00034684-00034884 Hold your core as you lower yourself UphywjPALsI-00079-00035141-00035398 Breathe in from here as you stay in this position UphywjPALsI-00080-00035428-00035645 Exhale as you raise yourself UphywjPALsI-00081-00035807-00036094 This is the move! It’s quite simple, right? UphywjPALsI-00082-00036094-00036618 You can do this for as long as you like until you feel that it is enough UphywjPALsI-00083-00036618-00037123 Think of the tabletop position as finding the rhythm in your shoulders UphywjPALsI-00084-00037123-00037412 Think of it as training your muscles in this area! UphywjPALsI-00085-00037412-00037711 For those of you who are tired of tabletop positions UphywjPALsI-00086-00037711-00038231 In the same tabletop position, curl your toes and raise your body UphywjPALsI-00087-00038231-00038625 With your muscles engaged, by slightly raising your knees UphywjPALsI-00088-00038733-00039027 This will increase the level of the workout to stabilize your shoulders UphywjPALsI-00089-00039027-00039467 If you do this correctly, you’ll feel your armpits and its surroundings shaking UphywjPALsI-00090-00039467-00040086 If you’re particularly stressed with this area, it’ll be great if you could try the hovering knees as well UphywjPALsI-00091-00040086-00040602 In addition, you can also raise and lower yourself with your knees raised UphywjPALsI-00092-00040602-00040889 Don’t raise your knees too much but just slightly UphywjPALsI-00093-00040889-00041352 If you have a weak upper body, your body might tilt backwards like this UphywjPALsI-00094-00041352-00041791 Make sure your wrists are below your shoulders, so inhale as you lower yourself UphywjPALsI-00095-00041876-00042162 Then exhale as you raise yourself UphywjPALsI-00096-00042197-00042504 It’ll be great if you could practice this move together as well UphywjPALsI-00097-00042986-00043208 That’s it! How was it? UphywjPALsI-00098-00043208-00043646 It’ll be great if you could invest 3 minutes of your time in your day to do this move! UphywjPALsI-00099-00043646-00044007 I also presented various levels of the tabletop position UphywjPALsI-00100-00044007-00044733 The main recommended method of use is to breathe slowly in the regular tabletop position for 10 times UphywjPALsI-00101-00044733-00045306 Then raise and lower your upper body 10 times UphywjPALsI-00102-00045306-00045955 Then raise your knees slightly as you raise yourself and breathe for 10 times UphywjPALsI-00103-00045955-00046419 Then with your knees raised, raise and lower yourself for 10 times UphywjPALsI-00104-00046419-00046663 I recommend this to be used as one set UphywjPALsI-00105-00046663-00047170 It’s best if you could do it all at once but if you have weaker muscles, it’s fine to rest while you do so UphywjPALsI-00106-00047170-00047769 At first, you might not have stable shoulders so for those of you who find the knees raised position to be difficult UphywjPALsI-00107-00047769-00048339 It’s also enough to practice and move within the knees on mat tabletop position! UphywjPALsI-00108-00048339-00048710 Thank you for watching today’s video! UphywjPALsI-00109-00048710-00049564 We will be taking a break for uploading content on ‘Take Care of Your Body’ which has been uploaded on the 4th Monday of every month UphywjPALsI-00110-00049567-00049974 I will see you again with another fun video next time! UphywjPALsI-00111-00049974-00050408 Thank you for watching Season 1 of ‘Take Care of Your Body’! UphywjPALsI-00112-00050408-00050955 It’s better to learn one exercise properly than to learn multiple difficult exercises! UphywjPALsI-00113-00050955-00051301 Let’s take care of our bodies by learning it the correct and healthy way :) UphywjPALsI-00114-00051301-00051459 Bye~! UO27U2U_kh0-00000-00000008-00000376 Hi, my name is Alexandra and I'm a bibliophile. UO27U2U_kh0-00001-00000376-00000720 Welcome back to A Lovely Jaunt where we read better not more. UO27U2U_kh0-00002-00000720-00001048 Today we are talking about Jane Austen's most popular novel, UO27U2U_kh0-00003-00001048-00001424 Pride and Prejudice. You know I've read this novel maybe UO27U2U_kh0-00004-00001424-00001839 six or seven times, and every time i pick it up to reread it I always think, UO27U2U_kh0-00005-00001839-00002264 "There's no way. I'm finally gonna get tired of this book. There's no way it's UO27U2U_kh0-00006-00002264-00002519 gonna be as delightful as the last time I read UO27U2U_kh0-00007-00002519-00002888 it." But it always is and I never get tired of it. UO27U2U_kh0-00008-00002888-00003239 Today I want to kind of start off by talking about the way in which we UO27U2U_kh0-00009-00003239-00003792 judge and perceive mrs bennett now yes we are supposed to laugh at her yes she UO27U2U_kh0-00010-00003792-00004207 is ridiculous her sort of imagined pains and UO27U2U_kh0-00011-00004207-00004512 sufferings the way she sort of puts herself up as a UO27U2U_kh0-00012-00004512-00004736 victim within her own family and a victim UO27U2U_kh0-00013-00004736-00005071 of circumstance it's all ridiculous that she's UO27U2U_kh0-00014-00005071-00005655 absolutely embarrassing sort of like the face palm level like mom can you just UO27U2U_kh0-00015-00005655-00006023 stop kind of embarrassing absolutely true but UO27U2U_kh0-00016-00006023-00006384 i kind of wanted to take a look and look at the motivations that are underlying UO27U2U_kh0-00017-00006384-00006720 these embarrassing and fatiguing behaviors UO27U2U_kh0-00018-00006720-00007015 because i think that she really is trying to take care of her UO27U2U_kh0-00019-00007015-00007408 daughters and while we have a much more favorable UO27U2U_kh0-00020-00007408-00007752 view of mr bennett probably because he favors lizzie like UO27U2U_kh0-00021-00007752-00008288 we do and for many of the same reasons he really is a blameable father the text UO27U2U_kh0-00022-00008288-00008584 is clear that he could have done more to put more money away for his UO27U2U_kh0-00023-00008584-00009000 daughters but he failed to do so meanwhile his teasing from the start UO27U2U_kh0-00024-00009000-00009440 about not visiting mr bingley is really quite cruel to mrs UO27U2U_kh0-00025-00009440-00009743 bennett who has valid concerns about the future of her family UO27U2U_kh0-00026-00009743-00010104 and though he jokingly points out that most of her concerns rely on the fact UO27U2U_kh0-00027-00010104-00010447 that he would have to die first that's also a reasonable assumption UO27U2U_kh0-00028-00010447-00010936 given probably what was their age gap at the same time obviously mr collins is UO27U2U_kh0-00029-00010936-00011247 odious and ridiculous and his explicitly UO27U2U_kh0-00030-00011247-00011728 outlined notions of his inevitable success for in his suit for elizabeth UO27U2U_kh0-00031-00011728-00012136 really don't make it better but they aren't true UO27U2U_kh0-00032-00012136-00012575 you just really shouldn't say them out loud lizzy would do well to marry him it UO27U2U_kh0-00033-00012575-00012919 would mean security not just for herself but for her whole family UO27U2U_kh0-00034-00012919-00013287 by relieving them of the entail problem which is UO27U2U_kh0-00035-00013287-00013663 set out from the first as a very central conflict of the book UO27U2U_kh0-00036-00013663-00014044 um if you think about a sort of that the story story is about UO27U2U_kh0-00037-00014044-00014352 elizabeth it's definitely about that but it's UO27U2U_kh0-00038-00014352-00014816 also about elizabeth finding security and that's why the book's tension is UO27U2U_kh0-00039-00014816-00015295 heightened doubly or triply with her rejection of mr collins first because it UO27U2U_kh0-00040-00015295-00015631 denies the security that the book sort of sets out to solve UO27U2U_kh0-00041-00015631-00015976 and second because it hands the security over to sort of like UO27U2U_kh0-00042-00015976-00016464 their frenemy the lucas family and third though much less compelling in its UO27U2U_kh0-00043-00016464-00016800 emotional power is it puts yet more conflict between UO27U2U_kh0-00044-00016800-00017112 elizabeth and her mother and when mrs bennett accuses UO27U2U_kh0-00045-00017112-00017431 elizabeth being selfish she has ground like this is UO27U2U_kh0-00046-00017431-00017784 not a small thing for the family to be fearful about UO27U2U_kh0-00047-00017784-00018264 if the daughters don't marry well which is a real possibility for them UO27U2U_kh0-00048-00018264-00018776 and she sort of chooses not to take this opportunity that's put before them even UO27U2U_kh0-00049-00018776-00019015 though mr collins is absolutely ridiculous UO27U2U_kh0-00050-00019015-00019336 it really keeps their family in a very vulnerable position UO27U2U_kh0-00051-00019336-00019712 because if their father dies how quickly would they have to UO27U2U_kh0-00052-00019712-00020128 get lodgings have to start working and i think you know in our modern conception UO27U2U_kh0-00053-00020128-00020440 it's like oh that's not a big deal like i go to work every day but it really UO27U2U_kh0-00054-00020440-00020728 puts these women without male protection in this UO27U2U_kh0-00055-00020728-00021151 society in a very vulnerable place if you want to kind of compare it you can UO27U2U_kh0-00056-00021151-00021472 think about gosh i forgot in persuasion when anna UO27U2U_kh0-00057-00021472-00021959 elliott visits her friend in bath and her husband it UO27U2U_kh0-00058-00021959-00022279 like basically wasted all of her money and then he died recently and so now UO27U2U_kh0-00059-00022279-00022631 she's this widow and impecunious situations she UO27U2U_kh0-00060-00022631-00023048 lives in this bad neighborhood she the most she can do is get some like UO27U2U_kh0-00061-00023048-00023487 sewing work and some embroidery work to help support herself you know that's UO27U2U_kh0-00062-00023487-00023864 kind of the bleak future that the bennett sisters would be looking forward UO27U2U_kh0-00063-00023864-00024295 to without some other form of security to come in so mrs UO27U2U_kh0-00064-00024295-00024631 bennett's concerns are valid they're very valid elizabeth's UO27U2U_kh0-00065-00024631-00024951 choice means that mrs bennett and the girls are going to have to continue to UO27U2U_kh0-00066-00024951-00025215 sort of live on the edge of a knife hoping that UO27U2U_kh0-00067-00025215-00025688 mr bennett doesn't die before someone can get some kind of security UO27U2U_kh0-00068-00025688-00025895 and to go back to my previous video i mean UO27U2U_kh0-00069-00025895-00026295 like that's the scenario for the sense and sensibility girls right UO27U2U_kh0-00070-00026295-00026560 for the dashwood family but it's even worse because they UO27U2U_kh0-00071-00026560-00026944 have even less money to their name than the dashwoods do UO27U2U_kh0-00072-00026944-00027432 and they also don't have a half brother however useless john dashwood is UO27U2U_kh0-00073-00027432-00027880 to sort of stand up for them and find them a suitable place to live and blah UO27U2U_kh0-00074-00027880-00028319 blah so taken in a prudential night as jane UO27U2U_kh0-00075-00028319-00028760 and charlotte would urge us to do we can really understand mr collins's UO27U2U_kh0-00076-00028760-00029216 proposal as quite acceptable even given his UO27U2U_kh0-00077-00029216-00029760 horrendously unpleasant personality just odious just absolutely odious UO27U2U_kh0-00078-00029760-00030183 then like let's jump to mr darcy's first proposal UO27U2U_kh0-00079-00030183-00030568 again the worst proposal on the face of the planet to UO27U2U_kh0-00080-00030568-00030888 like outline all of the reasons that someone UO27U2U_kh0-00081-00030888-00031424 who you're trying to get to marry you is awful and wrong and worse than you UO27U2U_kh0-00082-00031424-00031760 not the best strategy for a persuasive speech UO27U2U_kh0-00083-00031760-00032063 but again if we kind of look at the context outline if we look at the social UO27U2U_kh0-00084-00032063-00032503 and economic context of its society and culture it is a profound UO27U2U_kh0-00085-00032503-00032752 step for lizzie to deny him i mean it's just UO27U2U_kh0-00086-00032752-00033224 crazy it's absolutely unexpected now and again don't get me wrong i love UO27U2U_kh0-00087-00033224-00033752 these classic elizabeth smackdowns i absolutely love that every refusal UO27U2U_kh0-00088-00033752-00034096 both refusals that she does i love her unwillingness to compromise UO27U2U_kh0-00089-00034096-00034408 to follow her strong inner convictions and it works out for UO27U2U_kh0-00090-00034408-00034744 her in the end because this is a romance novel we get a happy ending UO27U2U_kh0-00091-00034744-00035416 and as a reader we never really despair of a happy ending for UO27U2U_kh0-00092-00035416-00035728 elizabeth because we know what genre we're working in we UO27U2U_kh0-00093-00035728-00036160 and we enjoy indulging in that fantasy but you know if we're kind of thinking UO27U2U_kh0-00094-00036160-00036584 about it in its sort of like historical context these are really really UO27U2U_kh0-00095-00036584-00037008 dangerous decisions that she's making i think it's that partially that UO27U2U_kh0-00096-00037008-00037424 austin's writing right is so masterful that we UO27U2U_kh0-00097-00037424-00037896 believe the fantasy so readily all right now i want to switch gears here and talk UO27U2U_kh0-00098-00037896-00038336 a little bit about the way in which austin's ethical views sort of UO27U2U_kh0-00099-00038336-00038631 get fleshed out through her novels austin UO27U2U_kh0-00100-00038631-00038991 frequently circles around the sort of like pragmatic view of ethics when it UO27U2U_kh0-00101-00038991-00039256 comes to marriage and the marriage market UO27U2U_kh0-00102-00039256-00039656 it's a tough line to tow and it's perhaps best parsed out UO27U2U_kh0-00103-00039656-00040080 in lindsay's confusing reaction to charlotte's engagement to collins on the UO27U2U_kh0-00104-00040080-00040503 one hand for security and mercenary reasons and UO27U2U_kh0-00105-00040503-00041031 wickham's pursuit of miss king for security and mercenary reasons that UO27U2U_kh0-00106-00041031-00041368 these two events happen so close to each other in the narrative UO27U2U_kh0-00107-00041368-00041896 is to highlight the contradiction in her thinking elizabeth thinks so very UO27U2U_kh0-00108-00041896-00042408 poorly of mr collins who yes is very annoying but he's not evil and UO27U2U_kh0-00109-00042408-00042856 elizabeth thinks rather highly of mr wickham who obviously has deceived her UO27U2U_kh0-00110-00042856-00043216 but and later in the novel turns out to be quite evil UO27U2U_kh0-00111-00043216-00043816 and here we see elizabeth elizabeth's is parsed out but it also speaks to the UO27U2U_kh0-00112-00043816-00044272 confusing framework of what is good to do on the marriage UO27U2U_kh0-00113-00044272-00044712 question that austin at least likes toying with and again she UO27U2U_kh0-00114-00044712-00045000 seems very slippery on this subject i think UO27U2U_kh0-00115-00045000-00045344 this is actually a discussion that is best continued with UO27U2U_kh0-00116-00045344-00045591 persuasion but a lot of times it just seems to be UO27U2U_kh0-00117-00045591-00045952 that a good marriage is a marriage that turns out to have been good UO27U2U_kh0-00118-00045952-00046263 and there's no way to know from the beginning another key UO27U2U_kh0-00119-00046263-00046752 idea to note is that elizabeth falls in love with darcy after visiting pemberley UO27U2U_kh0-00120-00046752-00047296 this is partially because darcy having been chastised by her refusal really UO27U2U_kh0-00121-00047296-00047608 takes her criticisms to heart that's an important UO27U2U_kh0-00122-00047608-00047975 lesson there men and he behaves differently but this is UO27U2U_kh0-00123-00047975-00048384 also again working in a long tradition of the strong connection between the UO27U2U_kh0-00124-00048384-00048656 land and the land owner i've talked about it with regard to UO27U2U_kh0-00125-00048656-00049016 arthurian tales with regard to shakespeare with regard to wives and UO27U2U_kh0-00126-00049016-00049375 daughters and here it is again it is a very strong UO27U2U_kh0-00127-00049375-00049568 thing and theme in british literature in UO27U2U_kh0-00128-00049568-00049959 particular so in seeing the proper and honorable way in UO27U2U_kh0-00129-00049959-00050359 which darcy runs pemberley she gets a new insight into his UO27U2U_kh0-00130-00050359-00050663 character it's not about his wealth being on display UO27U2U_kh0-00131-00050663-00051000 don't perceive it as being materialistic it's not UO27U2U_kh0-00132-00051000-00051376 it's just about it's about the way that the servants feel about him UO27U2U_kh0-00133-00051376-00051815 it's about the way that he treats his land with respect to its natural beauty UO27U2U_kh0-00134-00051815-00052200 this is where again even like the romantic interest in landscaping in UO27U2U_kh0-00135-00052200-00052520 minimal and natural way sort of becomes relevant UO27U2U_kh0-00136-00052520-00052824 it's about their idea of the sublime being represented in the natural UO27U2U_kh0-00137-00052824-00053144 landscape all of these things are sort of classic UO27U2U_kh0-00138-00053144-00053432 romantic ideals but they're still being embodied in the UO27U2U_kh0-00139-00053432-00053855 land and the land represents darcy having the proper ideals and UO27U2U_kh0-00140-00053855-00054191 having proper behavior and for the last topic for today i UO27U2U_kh0-00141-00054191-00054583 wanted to talk about the nouveau riche there's a big shift in the economy UO27U2U_kh0-00142-00054583-00054991 happening and this is something that seems to be a point of discomfort often UO27U2U_kh0-00143-00054991-00055344 at the same time that the novel supports traditional values UO27U2U_kh0-00144-00055344-00055704 i.e lydia running off with a much older man never getting married to him and UO27U2U_kh0-00145-00055704-00055976 living for him for weeks at a time in london UO27U2U_kh0-00146-00055976-00056327 if the narrative roundly condensed that type of behavior UO27U2U_kh0-00147-00056327-00056791 at the same time the stuffy old katherine de berg with her sickly UO27U2U_kh0-00148-00056791-00057127 daughter represents the end of the old guard UO27U2U_kh0-00149-00057127-00057560 at the same time stuffy and old lady catherine de berg with her sickly UO27U2U_kh0-00150-00057560-00058000 daughter represents the end of an old guard right UO27U2U_kh0-00151-00058000-00058376 and darcy the next generation younger sort of bridges the gap between old UO27U2U_kh0-00152-00058376-00058704 money and new money which names here are actually very UO27U2U_kh0-00153-00058704-00059224 important darcy and de berg are french names um this UO27U2U_kh0-00154-00059224-00059464 basically should be indicating to the reader that UO27U2U_kh0-00155-00059464-00059816 these families can trace their roots back to the norman b UO27U2U_kh0-00156-00059816-00060424 invasion in 1000 a.d like 1066 is the battle of hastings right so that UO27U2U_kh0-00157-00060424-00060872 is a really old family line but darcy hangs out with bingley a UO27U2U_kh0-00158-00060872-00061232 decidedly not french name that is further supported by UO27U2U_kh0-00159-00061232-00061479 the text explicitly saying that emily's father UO27U2U_kh0-00160-00061479-00061832 worked for his wealth they don't have a family seat right UO27U2U_kh0-00161-00061832-00062160 bingley would be the first to buy an estate for his family UO27U2U_kh0-00162-00062160-00062536 and then on top of that there's this sly little text at the end of the book which UO27U2U_kh0-00163-00062536-00062960 you may not have noticed but darcy and elizabeth continue to be UO27U2U_kh0-00164-00062960-00063536 particularly close to the gardeners also the nouveau riche so what we see UO27U2U_kh0-00165-00063536-00064079 here is that darcy is rejecting the old guard rejecting the catherine de berg UO27U2U_kh0-00166-00064079-00064479 sort of framework for interacting with the world UO27U2U_kh0-00167-00064479-00064839 and accepting this new increasingly wealthy sort of UO27U2U_kh0-00168-00064839-00065239 middle-class families whether it be the bingley's or the gardeners who are UO27U2U_kh0-00169-00065239-00065600 coming from this trade and i think that sort of UO27U2U_kh0-00170-00065600-00066064 speaks to a certain progressivism in austin's text so much like i talked UO27U2U_kh0-00171-00066064-00066495 about in sense and sensibility there's a real slipperiness to UO27U2U_kh0-00172-00066495-00066807 understanding whether or not austin is a traditionalist or whether UO27U2U_kh0-00173-00066807-00067112 she's progressive and she's really quite a blend of both UO27U2U_kh0-00174-00067112-00067448 as you parse out each issue in the text and UO27U2U_kh0-00175-00067448-00067800 i think that's what adds to her complexity and the delight of reading UO27U2U_kh0-00176-00067800-00068288 her and rereading her and re-rating her and re-reading her in UO27U2U_kh0-00177-00068288-00068600 the end this is just and i shouldn't say just UO27U2U_kh0-00178-00068600-00068983 it's not merely but it is a fantastic incarnation of the UO27U2U_kh0-00179-00068983-00069424 archetypal romance which is basically the subduing of the UO27U2U_kh0-00180-00069424-00069856 beastly male if you will so yes elizabeth has to grow a bit generally UO27U2U_kh0-00181-00069856-00070120 she is quite perspicacious that she should UO27U2U_kh0-00182-00070120-00070392 take pride in her ability to judge people UO27U2U_kh0-00183-00070392-00070768 seems natural because for the most part she really is quite able to UO27U2U_kh0-00184-00070768-00071263 be a good judge of character that she was deceived by UO27U2U_kh0-00185-00071263-00071607 wickham that she was prejudiced against darcy UO27U2U_kh0-00186-00071607-00072063 is you know a mistake but it's not really a character flaw that she has UO27U2U_kh0-00187-00072063-00072376 and in fact you know darcy doesn't present himself in the best light either UO27U2U_kh0-00188-00072376-00072783 so that she should judge him poorly is not entirely her fault UO27U2U_kh0-00189-00072783-00073120 elizabeth needs to add maybe just a little bit of humility to her character UO27U2U_kh0-00190-00073120-00073416 but mostly she just has to change her opinion UO27U2U_kh0-00191-00073416-00073872 darcy has to change his whole approach to all of his ethics and the way that he UO27U2U_kh0-00192-00073872-00074207 embodies them in the world and the way that he treats other people UO27U2U_kh0-00193-00074207-00074551 for him to sort of like earn and be worthy of someone UO27U2U_kh0-00194-00074551-00075032 like elizabeth so this is the structure of beauty and the beast UO27U2U_kh0-00195-00075032-00075407 elizabeth tames her beast if you will the beast never really loses his power UO27U2U_kh0-00196-00075407-00075807 or strength he just becomes more tolerable i suppose UO27U2U_kh0-00197-00075807-00076192 and that is what i have for you today i'd love to hear your thoughts UO27U2U_kh0-00198-00076192-00076536 and observations on this wonderful book in the comments down below UO27U2U_kh0-00199-00076536-00076839 until next time i'm alexandra and i'm still UO27U2U_kh0-00200-00076839-00077383 a bibliophile UO27U2U_kh0-00201-00077800-00078007 you UO8SvwHGdzU-00000-00000424-00000877 sup welcome to kiss hair don't care if you have a subscribe subscribe right now UO8SvwHGdzU-00001-00000877-00001428 subscribe I'm watching I'm watching you mmhmm UO8SvwHGdzU-00002-00001854-00002260 Um I'm Sorsha Luchembe, I am a mother's daughter and you're UO8SvwHGdzU-00003-00002278-00002780 going to be reaching my roots because as you can tell it's grown out you know UO8SvwHGdzU-00004-00002780-00003702 pretty far so here we go okay so here we go ok, so fun fact before we start my mom didn't have UO8SvwHGdzU-00005-00003702-00004302 any gloves right and I was recently sick and she was so so we went to the ER you UO8SvwHGdzU-00006-00004302-00004527 know to go get checked out because you know that's what you do wanna hear do UO8SvwHGdzU-00007-00004527-00005174 not feeling good anyways so my mom has no gloves and I stole gloves from the UO8SvwHGdzU-00008-00005175-00006014 doctor's office and they came in handy today boom bodda a boom boom pow okay so UO8SvwHGdzU-00009-00006014-00006360 what you will be needing is you need this thing I am so sorry because I do UO8SvwHGdzU-00010-00006360-00006825 not know the terminology so this little pick comb brush thing and a bowl that UO8SvwHGdzU-00011-00006825-00007206 kind of looks like this or the key in a bowl that you know works best for you UO8SvwHGdzU-00012-00007206-00007679 now you also need a pick home because you need to be able to part your hair UO8SvwHGdzU-00013-00007679-00008322 easily so you don't get bleach in the wrong places so you're going to get two UO8SvwHGdzU-00014-00008322-00009045 scoops of this and then you're going to get four scoops of this every one you UO8SvwHGdzU-00015-00009045-00009779 take of the powder is you double it from the to this right okay and you're gonna UO8SvwHGdzU-00016-00009780-00010400 mix it in here you're gonna use this brush to mix it at the bowl and then yes UO8SvwHGdzU-00017-00012863-00013750 Music UO8SvwHGdzU-00018-00014381-00015116 hey guys the finished look this is what it looks like now and I'm gonna wait 45 UO8SvwHGdzU-00019-00015116-00015611 minutes to go take a shower because you know gotta burn a little more get ready UO8SvwHGdzU-00020-00015611-00016090 for hell I feel like I look like a who UO8SvwHGdzU-00021-00016090-00016290 do you hear that noise UO8SvwHGdzU-00022-00016584-00017594 that's my dog whining in the background right away It burns awww UO8SvwHGdzU-00023-00017608-00018050 so now that we're looking like you know we just poured mustard on top of our head now we got a UO8SvwHGdzU-00024-00018050-00018278 lightning cuz we don't want to be mustard ahead forever UO8SvwHGdzU-00025-00018278-00018800 that's not that's not what we're going for it so got get rid of all this orange UO8SvwHGdzU-00026-00018800-00019391 right okay so you're gonna use 20 volume you're gonna get your little friend and UO8SvwHGdzU-00027-00019391-00020141 you'll get two scoops of this and then this is the other friend and you're gonna UO8SvwHGdzU-00028-00020141-00020810 get one scoop of this right here okay to get rid of that cuz mustard head eight UO8SvwHGdzU-00029-00020810-00021295 happening do you get me UO8SvwHGdzU-00030-00022411-00023222 how's it looking guys it's not purple purple turning purple okay well yeah my UO8SvwHGdzU-00031-00023222-00023699 head is burning this is it and then after this I'm gonna go hop in the UO8SvwHGdzU-00032-00023699-00023950 shower again and what I see the end result UO8SvwHGdzU-00033-00023964-00024242 Just remember pain is beauty UO8SvwHGdzU-00034-00024242-00024834 Just ramemerw adaaa (mocking) Is what my mom said UO8SvwHGdzU-00035-00024900-00025682 Music UO8SvwHGdzU-00036-00026674-00027224 hey guys so this is what it looks like afterwards and we are bleached we are UO8SvwHGdzU-00037-00027224-00027827 died and we're damaged BDD liked it comment wear it subscribe UO8SvwHGdzU-00038-00027827-00028216 it all things you can do with it UO8SvwHGdzU-00039-00028500-00028839 Byeeeeeeya UPMBy9ppMp8-00000-00011043-00011743 hey bitch this danny cannon speaking, i aint dead like all these rap game dudes was saying. real shit thought, i'm done with this rap shit. i feel i made history in the game and changed some lives along the way, and my music can stand by itself as proof. this is the last time i'm going to be able to speak with you, some it'll be time for me to float on to a better place. you'll be fine i know you can get through this life. you're beautiful and weird, and i love you. me, you, love forever. -d.c. forever. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00000-00000017-00000564 If everyone could take their seats, we will start up again. Are the three of you going UTB-g1uUp2Q-00001-00000564-00000961 to scan the whole time? You look like you are ready to be shot over there. We are doing UTB-g1uUp2Q-00002-00000961-00001501 these one at a time. The two people who are speaking don't have to stand, but we are now UTB-g1uUp2Q-00003-00001501-00001995 going to shift gears a bit. Panel three is on disruptive technology in the day-to-day UTB-g1uUp2Q-00004-00001995-00002942 loose. The first speaker is Jeff talking about challenges of the changing genomic landscape, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00005-00002942-00003949 advances in sequencing technology. Thank you, Eric. Many of you have walked around UTB-g1uUp2Q-00006-00003949-00004514 in laboratories and you know that laboratories have benches and water bottles and if you UTB-g1uUp2Q-00007-00004514-00005039 interest -- instruments scattered around. In contrast, the laboratories that sequence UTB-g1uUp2Q-00008-00005039-00005569 the human genome for the project tend to look more like factories like this where you will UTB-g1uUp2Q-00009-00005569-00006242 see rows and rows of seeing good thing machines. This is what it looks like when the human UTB-g1uUp2Q-00010-00006242-00006828 genome project was being completed. During the time the genome project was done, the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00011-00006828-00007423 cost of sequencing came down quite considerably. This is the result of several things, technology UTB-g1uUp2Q-00012-00007423-00008073 improvements, automation, and economies of scale. We noticed that it was taking about UTB-g1uUp2Q-00013-00008073-00008883 10 years to reduce costs. At the time that the human genome project -- was a earache UTB-g1uUp2Q-00014-00008883-00009797 or Francis said, it costs about 400 million or so dollars. If you had done it again at UTB-g1uUp2Q-00015-00009797-00010750 that last moment, it would have cost about $50 million in about 2003. As you know, what UTB-g1uUp2Q-00016-00010750-00011203 we are here -- part of what we are talking about today is the subsequent technology developments UTB-g1uUp2Q-00017-00011203-00011961 that have brought those costs down considerably, which now seems like second nature, but during UTB-g1uUp2Q-00018-00011961-00012345 the planning process -- actually, I guess no one has actually mentioned the planning UTB-g1uUp2Q-00019-00012345-00012926 process. Eric will talk about the planets process that we are embarked on right now, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00020-00012926-00013809 but the last time we did that was in 2002. People asked whether there might be technologically UTB-g1uUp2Q-00021-00013809-00014615 difficulties. There it seems so far off. If they could be achieved, it would revolutionize UTB-g1uUp2Q-00022-00014615-00015140 biomedical research and clinical practice. One of the several ideas that was listed there UTB-g1uUp2Q-00023-00015140-00015632 was, do you think it might be possible to develop technologies with which the sequencing UTB-g1uUp2Q-00024-00015632-00016368 [ indiscernible ] $4000 or less? Fast-forward to today. We are not there yet, but we are UTB-g1uUp2Q-00025-00016368-00016959 actually getting reasonably close. This slide just represents one of the reasons we got UTB-g1uUp2Q-00026-00016959-00017798 there. That is not the whole workflow to doing sequencing has changed dramatically. So, the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00027-00017798-00018239 process by which we sequence human genomes involves not only the sequencing machines UTB-g1uUp2Q-00028-00018239-00018965 but lots of robots, large machines, upstream of the sequencing machines. Handling every UTB-g1uUp2Q-00029-00018965-00019568 single sample in a separate test tube. In contrast, today we can make a library of a UTB-g1uUp2Q-00030-00019568-00020456 whole genome in one test tube and apply that to the sequencing device. Second, what we UTB-g1uUp2Q-00031-00020456-00021087 call a run. That is running the machine once on a bunch of samples. You could only analyze UTB-g1uUp2Q-00032-00021087-00022051 a sample at a time. Now the machines analyze something on the order of 100 million samples UTB-g1uUp2Q-00033-00022051-00022737 per run. They take about a week or two where as they used to take an hour or two, but even UTB-g1uUp2Q-00034-00022737-00023315 so, the multiplication -- the multiplier there is very dramatic. The process is simplified. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00035-00023315-00024056 So, what does it look like? This is today's sequencing machine look at. There is a microscope UTB-g1uUp2Q-00036-00024056-00024627 in there, essentially. They see the little dots. Each dot is a feature that originated UTB-g1uUp2Q-00037-00024627-00025326 from a small fragment of the human genome. But the machine is watching is as time progresses UTB-g1uUp2Q-00038-00025326-00025908 over minutes or hours, it is looking at the change in color of each of those features. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00039-00025908-00026662 Just to give you an idea of the scale here, 100 microns in the lower left is about the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00040-00026662-00027253 size of a human hair. That is how many features you are looking at. Of course, the slide extends UTB-g1uUp2Q-00041-00027253-00027706 vertically a considerable distance. That is the number of different sequencing reactions UTB-g1uUp2Q-00042-00027706-00028883 that you are looking at in the size of a human hair. So, I launched a program to advance UTB-g1uUp2Q-00043-00028883-00029400 this technology development. I won't really talk about that program in this talk, but UTB-g1uUp2Q-00044-00029400-00030250 you have some reasons about in the materials that Larry thank you links to. So, some of UTB-g1uUp2Q-00045-00030250-00030912 the outcome of that is the series of commercial machines that have been released starting UTB-g1uUp2Q-00046-00030912-00031600 in 2005. Many of these machines have been upgraded now and new machines keep coming UTB-g1uUp2Q-00047-00031600-00032189 out every year to produce these torrents of sequence data that you have been seeing. I UTB-g1uUp2Q-00048-00032189-00032806 am not going to go through this slide in detail. The point here is to say that there are quite UTB-g1uUp2Q-00049-00032806-00033296 a number of machines that are out there now doing sequencing. They have considerably different UTB-g1uUp2Q-00050-00033296-00033966 features. That is good for any number of reasons. That is the quality of data you get from different UTB-g1uUp2Q-00051-00033966-00034444 machines. Different machines are good for different experiments. Perhaps most importantly, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00052-00034444-00035284 there is competition. That is really valuable for accelerating the pace of technology improvements UTB-g1uUp2Q-00053-00035284-00036274 and accelerating the pace of cost decreased. Another advantage of these machines over the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00054-00036274-00036628 machines that were used for the sequencing of the human genome is they can do a number UTB-g1uUp2Q-00055-00036628-00037130 of different kinds of experiments. They do the experiments in different ways. Again, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00056-00037130-00037631 I don't have time to go through that in detail today, but a number of the kinds of experiments UTB-g1uUp2Q-00057-00037631-00038428 that were used for -- that were done by micro arrays are done on sequencing machines today. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00058-00038428-00039102 They give us more quantitative data than we could get on the micro overlays. These are UTB-g1uUp2Q-00059-00039102-00039628 very versatile machines. To give you an idea of the kind of technology advances, I have UTB-g1uUp2Q-00060-00039628-00040381 prepared the slides. If in 2003 you calculated what it took to sequence the human genome, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00061-00040381-00041050 you can run through the details here, but the bottom line is with the technology, it UTB-g1uUp2Q-00062-00041050-00041690 would take about three months with 100 machines to sequence the human genome. I do that calculation UTB-g1uUp2Q-00063-00041690-00042306 in 2007, so that is shortly after the first few next-generation machines came out. It UTB-g1uUp2Q-00064-00042306-00042847 would take about the same time, three or four months, but instead of 100 machines, one machine. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00065-00042847-00043731 Late last year, the same calculation now down to less than one month with one machine. Projected UTB-g1uUp2Q-00066-00043731-00044256 by the end of this year, one week with one machine. But you saw all those little features. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00067-00044256-00044872 You can now pack so many of those genomic fragments on one machine that in one week UTB-g1uUp2Q-00068-00044872-00045799 on one machine, you will sequence to genomes. So, the numbers are just stunning. I had to UTB-g1uUp2Q-00069-00045799-00046193 comply with the prediction that someone was going to show the slide again, so there it UTB-g1uUp2Q-00070-00046193-00046978 is. This was updated for another year. The costs have come down considerably. Where are UTB-g1uUp2Q-00071-00046978-00047861 we going? We are not done. The technologies we have in place now are producing vast quantities UTB-g1uUp2Q-00072-00047861-00048446 of reasonably high quality data, but there are a number of challenges to using them. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00073-00048446-00048812 Several of which you will hear about in the next couple of talks, but we are not done UTB-g1uUp2Q-00074-00048812-00049306 with technology development. There are new machines and new approaches on the horizon. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00075-00049306-00050136 Some of them eliminate the microscopy and eliminate the custom reagents. This is a company UTB-g1uUp2Q-00076-00050136-00050861 that announced earlier this year the availability of its machines. This is instead of using UTB-g1uUp2Q-00077-00050861-00051391 fluorescence, which most of the other machines use, this simply detects the chemical change, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00078-00051391-00052130 the change in pH, the ion concentration. The earlier ones have one and a half million pH UTB-g1uUp2Q-00079-00052130-00052741 on the little chip. It is this big. It's a little computer chip. It would be a purely UTB-g1uUp2Q-00080-00052741-00053335 electronic read out. Other approaches, there is an approach that uses what some people UTB-g1uUp2Q-00081-00053335-00053822 call free running [ indiscernible ] being developed by two different companies. Both UTB-g1uUp2Q-00082-00053822-00054587 of them use nanotechnology as a key feature in enabling the visualization of the sequencing UTB-g1uUp2Q-00083-00054587-00055266 process. Again, because of time, I cannot go through how the technology works. The bottom UTB-g1uUp2Q-00084-00055266-00056035 line is that this technology cannot only read off the sequence data because the trace on UTB-g1uUp2Q-00085-00056035-00056755 the bottom shows, but very importantly considering what you just heard in its last session, it UTB-g1uUp2Q-00086-00056755-00057430 can directly read from genomic DNA models without doing all the chemical conversions UTB-g1uUp2Q-00087-00057430-00057825 that and he talked about that they have to do today. They are quite expensive. It can UTB-g1uUp2Q-00088-00057825-00058776 directly read from genomic sequence. Where is the pointer? There it is. This is a big UTB-g1uUp2Q-00089-00058776-00059454 advantage if this technology end up working extremely cost effectively and at very high UTB-g1uUp2Q-00090-00059454-00060320 accuracy. The other thing that these technologies will probably offer is very long life. A technology UTB-g1uUp2Q-00091-00060320-00061022 the first time gave approximately 800 based read links. Most technologies today get somewhere UTB-g1uUp2Q-00092-00061022-00061616 between 100 and 300 or 400 based links. This is a big deal when you are looking for some UTB-g1uUp2Q-00093-00061616-00062264 of these other kinds of variations in genome, such as [ indiscernible ]. It is very hard UTB-g1uUp2Q-00094-00062264-00062777 to get with sort -- short reach. If you get long, it you can put them together much more UTB-g1uUp2Q-00095-00062777-00063837 easily. Finally, what a number of people are working UTB-g1uUp2Q-00096-00063837-00064520 on sequencing technology. The idea here is that you will put a DNA molecule through a UTB-g1uUp2Q-00097-00064520-00065520 small hole that is the dynamic of a molecule. If it works, if you flow ions through the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00098-00065520-00066114 channel and the DNA is going through the channel, the different bases in the DNA will disrupt UTB-g1uUp2Q-00099-00066114-00066786 the ion flow differentially so you would be able to read a versus G. versus E. with a UTB-g1uUp2Q-00100-00066786-00067431 purely electronic signal. Again, the advantages here -- let me just show you this and I will UTB-g1uUp2Q-00101-00067431-00068061 talk about advantages. Once again, people that have shown you cannot only read off individual UTB-g1uUp2Q-00102-00068061-00068773 but also methylated bases using its technology. Once again, no conversions. You could do these UTB-g1uUp2Q-00103-00068773-00069486 measures directly isolated from cells. Potentially on very long molecules. There is a long list UTB-g1uUp2Q-00104-00069486-00070173 here of advantages if this technology works. Long reads, working directly from genomic UTB-g1uUp2Q-00105-00070173-00070573 DNA. It is not destructive, so you could go back and read the sample over and over again. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00106-00070573-00071372 This would simplify a number of experiments, for example microbiology sequencing. If this UTB-g1uUp2Q-00107-00071372-00072463 works for a DNA, it should also work for our DNA -- are and eight. -- RNA. It would be UTB-g1uUp2Q-00108-00072463-00073022 a fully electronic method, which means you would be able to use small handheld devices. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00109-00073022-00073856 They should be deployable in other than large sequencing centers. This is a tremendous interest UTB-g1uUp2Q-00110-00073856-00074556 not only to the genome sequencing community but to several other communities like homeland UTB-g1uUp2Q-00111-00074556-00075287 security, for example. For monitoring emerging infectious diseases or potentially bioengineered UTB-g1uUp2Q-00112-00075287-00076138 disease agents. I will wrap up with this last slide to say if this approach works, how long UTB-g1uUp2Q-00113-00076138-00076673 would it take to sequence genomes? With a small array, an array of just a thousand nano UTB-g1uUp2Q-00114-00076673-00077454 ports, if you could do this, you could make many more. It would take much less than a UTB-g1uUp2Q-00115-00077454-00078975 day. Perhaps just a couple hours to sequence a genome. Okay. Our second speaker is -- this UTB-g1uUp2Q-00116-00078975-00080363 next one down? -- Vivien Bonazzi who will speak on data deluge and analysis. I think UTB-g1uUp2Q-00117-00080363-00081873 just give you some numbers, but I want to give you some context here, especially the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00118-00081873-00082476 old sequencing methods, which are really not that old, generate about 30 megabytes per UTB-g1uUp2Q-00119-00082476-00083102 run. I am just using averages here. But when you look at the new data volume, Jeff also UTB-g1uUp2Q-00120-00083102-00083510 had a slide that cover these numbers. Depending on how you do these experiments, you can see UTB-g1uUp2Q-00121-00083510-00084229 just from the numbers, the volume is tenfold, 100 come even greater. As these new technologies UTB-g1uUp2Q-00122-00084229-00084757 and third-generation technologies come out, I'm not entirely sure what the data volumes UTB-g1uUp2Q-00123-00084757-00085107 are going to be, but we know they are in the [ indiscernible ] ranges. That creates a UTB-g1uUp2Q-00124-00085107-00085810 huge problem. Or they give you an example here. Most of what we have talked about, and UTB-g1uUp2Q-00125-00085810-00086411 I assume we talked about it this morning, describes race [ indiscernible ]. It is not UTB-g1uUp2Q-00126-00086411-00087042 a one-to-one ratio here. The ratio is one to 20. These numbers change depending on what UTB-g1uUp2Q-00127-00087042-00087569 you actually store and based on the technology we have. I would like to. out that a base UTB-g1uUp2Q-00128-00087569-00088073 is not a bite. You have to think about what it is you want to store. If it is one to 20 UTB-g1uUp2Q-00129-00088073-00088620 or greater ratio, the problem is, when you store it, you have a a lot more to store. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00130-00088620-00089375 What is the cost to store this? This has implications for data centers and how you store it and UTB-g1uUp2Q-00131-00089375-00089949 what you store. For the computational challenges, remember, informatics is a combination of UTB-g1uUp2Q-00132-00089949-00090586 biology and computing. You have to match those two fields. Clearly, you are going to have UTB-g1uUp2Q-00133-00090586-00091105 an infrastructure that needs to be able to handle this type of data. In the past, as UTB-g1uUp2Q-00134-00091105-00091650 I showed you before, when you have stuff coming out of this Cap, most biologists who had training UTB-g1uUp2Q-00135-00091650-00092133 like myself can usually write programs. As you start generating data come you need to UTB-g1uUp2Q-00136-00092133-00092756 bring in folks with IT backgrounds and software engineers. Just to summarize some of the computational UTB-g1uUp2Q-00137-00092756-00093191 challenges to support this kind of work is the data storage. As I mentioned, with the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00138-00093191-00093767 volume of data, it is going to impact the storage. Secondly, when you want to do something UTB-g1uUp2Q-00139-00093767-00094256 with that data, it will impact the type of analysis you want. The CPU would have an impact UTB-g1uUp2Q-00140-00094256-00094824 here as well. It would not be able to run this on Excel and your desktop. You can try, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00141-00094824-00095316 but it will die. The next thing here is we need to develop new hardware for this kind UTB-g1uUp2Q-00142-00095316-00095713 of work and also software. I will explain a little bit about those but we need different UTB-g1uUp2Q-00143-00095713-00096258 kinds of architecture for this data analysis. When you talk about volumes of data, I know UTB-g1uUp2Q-00144-00096258-00097192 you have spoken about this in a previous talk. A lot of these next-generation sequencing UTB-g1uUp2Q-00145-00097192-00097654 machines are going to be covered and placed in labs that generally didn't do this in the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00146-00097654-00098232 past, which means you have large sequencing centers. But you've got to think about the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00147-00098232-00098826 smaller labs doing this as well. Now you have a large, Jane Norman is sequencing centers UTB-g1uUp2Q-00148-00098826-00099404 and many smaller groups who are now going to have one or two machines in place. I think UTB-g1uUp2Q-00149-00099404-00099757 one of the things that just said was about 70% of the machines [ indiscernible ] con UTB-g1uUp2Q-00150-00099757-00100614 is that right? Think about that. That is now going to impact the amount of data. When you UTB-g1uUp2Q-00151-00100614-00100991 want to do something with that data, you've got to move that data around. That means it UTB-g1uUp2Q-00152-00100991-00101788 is going to impact the way you can transfer data. If you have a lot of data, most of you UTB-g1uUp2Q-00153-00101788-00103110 who read use the Internet realize it can be slow oftentimes. At the same time, we have UTB-g1uUp2Q-00154-00103110-00103641 [ indiscernible ] to put in file. Why? They are actually increasing the pipes, but it UTB-g1uUp2Q-00155-00103641-00104226 takes time to do that. What is the impact of doing this on this kind of work? Last but UTB-g1uUp2Q-00156-00104226-00104859 not least is data security. Obviously, as we move data around, particularly dealing UTB-g1uUp2Q-00157-00104859-00105348 with human subjects data, how do we protect that? This is really strong about how we make UTB-g1uUp2Q-00158-00105348-00105929 sure to generate this data, we are very careful about not releasing it without such policies. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00159-00105929-00106751 Here is our challenge. We've got to list data. We are a assuming we have looked at some of UTB-g1uUp2Q-00160-00106751-00107225 the infrastructure pieces. In the past as I mentioned on the top slide here, you can UTB-g1uUp2Q-00161-00107225-00107759 drink from a water tap, but if you tried doing it from a fire hose, you are not going to UTB-g1uUp2Q-00162-00107759-00108503 have a lot of success. If we look at the analysis challenges of assuming that we are working UTB-g1uUp2Q-00163-00108503-00108944 on our infrastructure challenges, we have to look at developing new tools. We've got UTB-g1uUp2Q-00164-00108944-00109403 to have not just more data but the ability to compare complete genomes against each other UTB-g1uUp2Q-00165-00109403-00109889 is just something we've got to do. This new type of analysis we can do, we need to be UTB-g1uUp2Q-00166-00109889-00110442 able to do that. We need to respect her old tools important for doing analysis. For example, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00167-00110442-00111063 [ indiscernible ] energy in finding tool. Both kinds of things need to be [ indiscernible UTB-g1uUp2Q-00168-00111063-00111822 ]. They don't necessarily run on the system in terms of the infrastructure or they don't UTB-g1uUp2Q-00169-00111822-00112503 work because the sequences are very short. They are very short reads. We also need to UTB-g1uUp2Q-00170-00112503-00113066 optimize a lot of these tools to work on the new platforms. The other thing is I think UTB-g1uUp2Q-00171-00113066-00113576 we need to have improved visualization methods. As we generate all of this data, computers UTB-g1uUp2Q-00172-00113576-00114234 are going to die and we visually want to see things in graphs. We also have to think, and UTB-g1uUp2Q-00173-00114234-00114810 I will bring this point home again. As we generate data, think about [ indiscernible UTB-g1uUp2Q-00174-00114810-00115363 ] that don't have high [ indiscernible ]. They need to be able to crunch this data, see it UTB-g1uUp2Q-00175-00115363-00115815 efficiently. We need to realize we are no longer catering to those geeks, which I include UTB-g1uUp2Q-00176-00115815-00116633 myself, to people that can actually use this. But to say the same point again. Robust tools. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00177-00116633-00117318 Making those tools robust often when we write these tools, it doesn't transport while two UTB-g1uUp2Q-00178-00117318-00118032 different systems. We need to make them robust particularly for the non- [ indiscernible UTB-g1uUp2Q-00179-00118032-00118426 ] specialists. Data integration is also really important. We have all this volume and data UTB-g1uUp2Q-00180-00118426-00119134 and we want to analyze it. We need to think about integrating it with other data types. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00181-00119134-00119619 For example, we've talked a lot about genomic data. Clearly, functional information is extremely UTB-g1uUp2Q-00182-00119619-00120322 important. Integrating that will be key to looking at function alongside. Included in UTB-g1uUp2Q-00183-00120322-00121109 that, obviously, is a lot of image data, out. As we add this image data is quite large. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00184-00121109-00121652 You have to think about the compression. You also need to think about that kind of data UTB-g1uUp2Q-00185-00121652-00122070 as very valuable in terms of visualizing what you can see from genomes. How do you integrate UTB-g1uUp2Q-00186-00122070-00122935 those two pieces? I won't go into a lot of detail, but another piece is the [ indiscernible UTB-g1uUp2Q-00187-00122935-00123334 ]. Often it is related to some sort of experiment you are actually doing. You want to be able UTB-g1uUp2Q-00188-00123334-00123843 to capture the information about that particular experiment. For example, the run, run length. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00189-00123843-00124616 Any of the experimental information. You also want to link it to potentially clinical information. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00190-00124616-00125449 For example, we have had the micro Piatt -- micro [ indiscernible ]. It is all related to human UTB-g1uUp2Q-00191-00125449-00125805 and you want to link that information back. You've got your sequence information and you UTB-g1uUp2Q-00192-00125805-00126274 want to take it back to the actual patient itself. Think about what that data is. It UTB-g1uUp2Q-00193-00126274-00127257 thinks of data volume, how you store it, clinical information that you need to protect. You UTB-g1uUp2Q-00194-00127257-00127719 need to think about these pretty carefully. Last but not least, as we generate this data, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00195-00127719-00128278 when you have a lot of data, you need to think about standards. If you don't, we will have UTB-g1uUp2Q-00196-00128278-00128725 to disable. We have certainly had examples of that. It would be [ indiscernible ] in UTB-g1uUp2Q-00197-00128725-00129459 honestly. What are we looking at in terms of solutions? I am not claiming that we've UTB-g1uUp2Q-00198-00129459-00130181 solved it, but we are thinking about it. This is data reduction. There are bits of [ indiscernible UTB-g1uUp2Q-00199-00130181-00130883 ]. There is just bits of data. There is discussions that relate to, do we keep the derived data? UTB-g1uUp2Q-00200-00130883-00131428 For example, do we keep the assemblies? We don't keep the world sequences. We keep enough UTB-g1uUp2Q-00201-00131428-00132287 [ indiscernible ]? We don't have to keep all of those terabytes of data. Do we keep UTB-g1uUp2Q-00202-00132287-00133177 the genes listed? Do we believe the assembly is correct? As these new technologies come UTB-g1uUp2Q-00203-00133177-00133621 about and they become cheaper, you have to remember you can resequenced something rather UTB-g1uUp2Q-00204-00133621-00134496 than storing it. It might be good to generate the base pairs and throw away the rest. If UTB-g1uUp2Q-00205-00134496-00135101 you make a mistake, you can sequence [ indiscernible ]. What I forgot to mention before, everyone UTB-g1uUp2Q-00206-00135101-00135692 had these lovely slides that talk about reduction costs. I'd like to remind you that the cost UTB-g1uUp2Q-00207-00135692-00136226 of storing something is actually no more expensive than it is to actually sequence it. That is UTB-g1uUp2Q-00208-00136226-00136680 part of the problem. The twofold issue here is it costs more to store it and you have UTB-g1uUp2Q-00209-00136680-00137228 a lot more of it. It is becoming much more of bottleneck than it did in the past. For UTB-g1uUp2Q-00210-00137228-00137738 reasons I described before, we need to address those. A couple additional things is we need UTB-g1uUp2Q-00211-00137738-00138280 to actively involve the community in our discussions. We have done that. In this case, both the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00212-00138280-00138777 biological community as well as the computing community. We have had two workshops recently. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00213-00138777-00139563 There are some folks I've talked to recently. One was the informatics [ indiscernible ] which UTB-g1uUp2Q-00214-00139563-00140201 talks to the community about the analysis needs, the kinds of things we need to solve. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00215-00140201-00140996 It sits that particular workshop into the overall NHGRI planning purpose, which I believe UTB-g1uUp2Q-00216-00140996-00141913 Eric has been talking about. Also, the cloud computing workshop, which I will explain a UTB-g1uUp2Q-00217-00141913-00142449 little bit. And the last piece here is education. That is, we need to be able to train people UTB-g1uUp2Q-00218-00142449-00142912 in the use of these tools can't train more people to actually develop these tools and UTB-g1uUp2Q-00219-00142912-00143858 be able to integrate those pieces. And the last slide. In terms of the solution, informatics UTB-g1uUp2Q-00220-00143858-00144357 is both biology and computing. The top of this slide is really that integration piece. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00221-00144357-00144693 I didn't speak much about it today, but one of the possible solutions we could look at UTB-g1uUp2Q-00222-00144693-00145341 is a way of storing and managing and doing the analysis of this data. I haven't gone UTB-g1uUp2Q-00223-00145341-00145773 into it today because we just don't have that kind of time. Those of you that use the cloud UTB-g1uUp2Q-00224-00145773-00146595 example, a lot of people are using it because of the ability to store large amounts of data. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00225-00146595-00147126 You can actually do computers within the cloud which speeds a lot of things up. The key here UTB-g1uUp2Q-00226-00147126-00147524 is we really need to integrate and think about how we want to do it. I am going to finish UTB-g1uUp2Q-00227-00147524-00148160 with this last slide. This is how I feel a lot of the time. It really highlights the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00228-00148160-00148627 problems I see in terms of biology and computing. The only data volume issues that we have issues UTB-g1uUp2Q-00229-00148627-00149150 that we can't talk to each other very easily. Quite frequent the I am asked about the database. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00230-00149150-00149684 Yes, I tell them, what color do you want? We need to speak about how we communicate UTB-g1uUp2Q-00231-00149684-00150165 with each other. Even if we solve these problems in terms of analysis and infrastructure, we UTB-g1uUp2Q-00232-00150165-00150492 need to solve the problem of communication. I guess that's part of the reason for being UTB-g1uUp2Q-00233-00150492-00151610 here today. Thank you. [ applause ] Okay. And our last speaker in his panel is Jim Mullikin UTB-g1uUp2Q-00234-00151610-00153646 who will give us a view from the sequencing Center director. I have no slides. I was asked UTB-g1uUp2Q-00235-00153646-00154319 to give this talk at an accelerated pace just like sequencing is running right now, since UTB-g1uUp2Q-00236-00154319-00154501 we are just before lunch. I will try to get through what I was going to talk about today UTB-g1uUp2Q-00237-00154501-00155678 in a little west time than I'd planned. Previous speakers introduced already both what is coming UTB-g1uUp2Q-00238-00155678-00156242 in the technology world and maybe what the solutions are, but I am running a sequencing UTB-g1uUp2Q-00239-00156242-00157015 Center now that Eric ran up until just December of last year, which he initiated back in 1997. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00240-00157015-00157536 When he started up a sequencing center back then through cooperative agreements through UTB-g1uUp2Q-00241-00157536-00158146 all of the institutes because he really felt that having a sequencing Center was important, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00242-00158146-00158999 he established the NI age intramural sequencing Center. He was able to hire six people and UTB-g1uUp2Q-00243-00158999-00160125 purchase at the time six of the latest sequencing machines. Things have come a long ways since UTB-g1uUp2Q-00244-00160125-00160766 then. We now have a budget of $7 million a year. We have 42 people on our staff. It is UTB-g1uUp2Q-00245-00160766-00161510 a wide range of expertise. A lot of robotic information. The laboratory we have is about UTB-g1uUp2Q-00246-00161510-00162209 5000 square feet in size. With the rest of the space, another 5000 square feet or so UTB-g1uUp2Q-00247-00162209-00163361 set up for doing all the analysis and storage of data. Prior to the introduction of the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00248-00163361-00163962 sequencing technologies, we were operating at a level of about 7 million sequencing reads UTB-g1uUp2Q-00249-00163962-00164466 per year, which is quite a nice pace for medium scale sequencing Center at which we have. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00250-00164466-00165632 We were working on projects like you for today. [ indiscernible ]. How has this dealt with UTB-g1uUp2Q-00251-00165632-00166111 the latest round of disruptive sequencing technologies that have been introduced? -- and UTB-g1uUp2Q-00252-00166111-00166997 the associated daily data used. First of all, we do keep our eyes open. We know what is UTB-g1uUp2Q-00253-00166997-00167605 coming in the technology field and try to be prepared for it. We also work closely with UTB-g1uUp2Q-00254-00167605-00168161 other sequencing centers, letter centers, like the Brody Institute and the Washington UTB-g1uUp2Q-00255-00168161-00168778 University genome sequencing Center. They have enough capacity to really try out the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00256-00168778-00169414 latest technologies at the very early stages. So, we do take a somewhat cautious approach. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00257-00169414-00170104 We listened from them and then once we have an idea of what will be the best type of technology UTB-g1uUp2Q-00258-00170104-00170760 to bring in, we will bring it in any R. and D. type environment. [ indiscernible ] do UTB-g1uUp2Q-00259-00170760-00171346 that with one of the machines, what was then called the sequencing machine is now owned UTB-g1uUp2Q-00260-00171346-00172511 by Lumina. About a year ago after it had been there for a about a year, we realized it was UTB-g1uUp2Q-00261-00172511-00173319 time to move it to production. It was transitioned into production very quickly. We now have UTB-g1uUp2Q-00262-00173319-00174351 two kinds of sequencing machines. One is the fourth by a four and the one other is the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00263-00174351-00175351 to ask. -- 454. That is five orders of magnitude more than in 1997. We have come a long way. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00264-00175351-00176514 It has caused some stress. It has caused a lot of strains but we are also quite excited UTB-g1uUp2Q-00265-00176514-00177026 about having this new technology. Just to give you an idea, the lab had to learn new UTB-g1uUp2Q-00266-00177026-00177513 protocols. Technicians learn how to operate the machines. The sample tracking system had UTB-g1uUp2Q-00267-00177513-00178271 to be reprogrammed. The number and diversity of kinds of projects expanded, data transfer UTB-g1uUp2Q-00268-00178271-00179159 rates changed dramatically. The software development team was stretched to its limits at times UTB-g1uUp2Q-00269-00179159-00179662 trying to keep up with not only processing the data that was relentlessly pouring through UTB-g1uUp2Q-00270-00179662-00180085 because these machines were online but we also had to adapt every month or every two UTB-g1uUp2Q-00271-00180085-00180716 months to a new software update from the sequencing technologies to release new data with those UTB-g1uUp2Q-00272-00180716-00181703 machines. It causes great stress, but I must say it is great potential as well. Be intramural UTB-g1uUp2Q-00273-00181703-00182527 program is invested in a lot of the expansion of the sequencing machines and related infrastructure. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00274-00182527-00183311 Now we can support various types of data in our processing so we are working with [ indiscernible UTB-g1uUp2Q-00275-00183311-00184354 ] type experiments from investigator driven projects like chips seek experiments. It investigates UTB-g1uUp2Q-00276-00184354-00184784 interaction between the proteins and DNA in a cell. [ indiscernible ] sequencing looks UTB-g1uUp2Q-00277-00184784-00185467 at Dean's in the nucleus of the cell and medical sequencing that looks at changes in the DNA UTB-g1uUp2Q-00278-00185467-00186596 that are associated with an individual's cause of disease. We have a mix of projects at the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00279-00186596-00187131 sequencing Center. We have a large scale projects like the human microbiota project and diagnose UTB-g1uUp2Q-00280-00187131-00187506 disease program and [ indiscernible ] which you will hear more about later today. It is UTB-g1uUp2Q-00281-00187506-00188184 great to have in a production environment, because that gives us kind of a buffer of UTB-g1uUp2Q-00282-00188184-00189046 a whole bunch of samples to keep processing as we move forward. Also, it accepts into UTB-g1uUp2Q-00283-00189046-00189825 the sequencing center dozens of smaller projects that will range in size from one to two samples UTB-g1uUp2Q-00284-00189825-00190629 up to tens of samples. Over the last two years, we have been bringing in these kinds of projects, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00285-00190629-00191242 the small-scale projects, at about one or two per week. It is an incredible rate of UTB-g1uUp2Q-00286-00191242-00191858 induction of these projects. We talked to each of the investigators to figure out what UTB-g1uUp2Q-00287-00191858-00192721 they want to do and implement an optimal sequencing type approach for their research. To give UTB-g1uUp2Q-00288-00192721-00193251 you an idea, we have already had 20 of the smaller scale projects completed. We have UTB-g1uUp2Q-00289-00193251-00193802 another 33 of those active in our pipeline. Another 14 are waiting on delivery of samples. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00290-00193802-00194511 One of the issues with receiving samples, especially human samples, is that they have UTB-g1uUp2Q-00291-00194511-00194935 to be consented properly before we can apply some of the sequencing technologies we're UTB-g1uUp2Q-00292-00194935-00195603 using. For example, [ indiscernible ]. They need to go back and review their protocols UTB-g1uUp2Q-00293-00195603-00196414 to see if it is okay to have a simple sequenced. If not, they need to go back and get it re- UTB-g1uUp2Q-00294-00196414-00196896 consented. Once we do have them and we run them through the sequencing pipelines, we UTB-g1uUp2Q-00295-00196896-00197464 can give them variation information very quickly within just a few months of delivery of the UTB-g1uUp2Q-00296-00197464-00198641 samples. Having had the next 10 sequencing in production and applying it to various projects, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00297-00198641-00199665 some of the first publications are starting [ inaudible ] through. One is titled sequencing UTB-g1uUp2Q-00298-00199665-00200554 of axons. It causes a syndromic form of [ indiscernible ]. Senior author on that paper. That is just UTB-g1uUp2Q-00299-00200554-00201080 the tip of the iceberg. There are many more projects coming through that are transitioning UTB-g1uUp2Q-00300-00201080-00201972 into the clinical -- well, we have been in the clinical focus. Now with the sequencing, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00301-00201972-00202622 we can really push that forward even faster. And at a scale that the individual investigator UTB-g1uUp2Q-00302-00202622-00203172 can come to us with a few samples and with their own budget have been sequenced and [ indiscernible UTB-g1uUp2Q-00303-00203172-00204065 ]. It has opened a whole new world. Even though it has been a preacher Moss was transitioned, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00304-00204065-00204610 it has been well worth the effort. I think a lot of good science is underway. We will UTB-g1uUp2Q-00305-00204610-00205221 continue to have that underway. I see people haven't stopped coming to us for samples and UTB-g1uUp2Q-00306-00205221-00205761 more projects. It is an exciting time. We love what we are doing. It has been stressful UTB-g1uUp2Q-00307-00205761-00207054 at times. [ indiscernible ] will be even more exciting I guess. Okay. This UTB-g1uUp2Q-00308-00207054-00207960 panel is now open for questions. Everybody getting hungry? One of the issues I raised UTB-g1uUp2Q-00309-00207960-00208581 -- I'm not sure it is a question, but maybe anybody can comment on this. I think it might UTB-g1uUp2Q-00310-00208581-00209261 be of interest to the audience. Major technology advances are -- and of course you have heard UTB-g1uUp2Q-00311-00209261-00210246 about this. It's possible to change. It is not just true for big centers. You could imagine UTB-g1uUp2Q-00312-00210246-00210708 that what is going on now with the sequencing technologies is that like every six months UTB-g1uUp2Q-00313-00210708-00211319 another instrument becomes available. For individual investigators, that is a huge commitment UTB-g1uUp2Q-00314-00211319-00211828 for them to purchase one of these instruments. The are constantly wondering, should we make UTB-g1uUp2Q-00315-00211828-00212431 a major investment in buying 10 of these machines? There is also just hundreds of individual UTB-g1uUp2Q-00316-00212431-00212880 investigators trying to decide, should I buy this instrument or wait six months and buy UTB-g1uUp2Q-00317-00212880-00213542 the next one? It is not just the price of buying the instrument. It is the personnel UTB-g1uUp2Q-00318-00213542-00214089 investment in getting that instrument to work well in the laboratory. Of course, the computational UTB-g1uUp2Q-00319-00214089-00214588 challenges that Vivian spoke of. Every instrument, the output is different. It has different UTB-g1uUp2Q-00320-00214588-00215350 nuances. It is a blessing in a curse. Technologies are revolutionary in their nature but they UTB-g1uUp2Q-00321-00215350-00216086 come with it some hard decisions, especially when money is tight. That's a lot of money UTB-g1uUp2Q-00322-00216086-00216717 to raise if it is going to be an outdated machine in the year. There is a lot of nuances UTB-g1uUp2Q-00323-00216717-00217301 associated with that that shouldn't be underestimated. I don't know if anyone wants to comment, but UTB-g1uUp2Q-00324-00217301-00217700 I was just making that observation. I guess it is a question of which problem you want UTB-g1uUp2Q-00325-00217700-00218428 to have. Right, right. It is so different than what the situation was for a long time. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00326-00218428-00218954 Throughout the project really for a few years beyond, we all couldn't believe we were still UTB-g1uUp2Q-00327-00218954-00219603 doing the classic germination sequencing. We couldn't believe we were dealing with basically UTB-g1uUp2Q-00328-00219603-00220184 one company, maybe two. At least everything was very standard and very stable and we got UTB-g1uUp2Q-00329-00220184-00220658 the price down incrementally, but then you have to be careful what you wish for because UTB-g1uUp2Q-00330-00220658-00221004 now you have the other extreme where there are so many different things that you can't UTB-g1uUp2Q-00331-00221004-00221790 figure out where to put your money down. Sort of related question. I am wondering if NIH UTB-g1uUp2Q-00332-00221790-00222364 and, in fact, the federal government is making plans for resources to be able to analyze UTB-g1uUp2Q-00333-00222364-00223350 all this data. Having myself being tested and having thousands of genomic traits imitated, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00334-00223350-00223836 I have no idea what to do with that because analytic tools don't really exist. Is there UTB-g1uUp2Q-00335-00223836-00224344 another phase here that is being anticipated and planned for? Absolutely. I was going to UTB-g1uUp2Q-00336-00224344-00224873 make some comments. Vivian set it up a little. I was going to make some comment about that UTB-g1uUp2Q-00337-00224873-00225998 at the very end. Without a question, data production is not limited now. Computational UTB-g1uUp2Q-00338-00225998-00226821 biology is becoming just the traditional challenges becoming a bottleneck. It is being discussed UTB-g1uUp2Q-00339-00226821-00227805 extensively at NIH. It is good -- it is getting considerable amount of discussion. Not only UTB-g1uUp2Q-00340-00227805-00228484 at NIH but the whole industry growing up around it. [ indiscernible ] in Boston this past UTB-g1uUp2Q-00341-00228484-00229042 week. Venture capitalists are interested. A lot of different kinds of companies with UTB-g1uUp2Q-00342-00229042-00229971 different models. Actually, it will go hand in hand. The collection of the data with human UTB-g1uUp2Q-00343-00229971-00230613 genome sequences with phenotype data and medical records Will Drive the research to add meaning UTB-g1uUp2Q-00344-00230613-00231829 to the individuals to the interpretation but also how to represent that to consumer independent UTB-g1uUp2Q-00345-00231829-00232334 of the medical profession and how to represent it to the medical profession so that they UTB-g1uUp2Q-00346-00232334-00232914 cannot have to be absolute experts in every condition in all the inns and outs of human UTB-g1uUp2Q-00347-00232914-00233354 genetics, but could trick these data much the same way they treat many of the other UTB-g1uUp2Q-00348-00233354-00234105 biochemical tests you have when you go into a clinic and be able to sort out, what do UTB-g1uUp2Q-00349-00234105-00234739 I do with this information with this patient? If I heard you're right, your question was, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00350-00234739-00235419 what is NIH doing? Well, are there resources? In other words, is there planning? Let me UTB-g1uUp2Q-00351-00235419-00236152 talk to you a little bit about that, and to lead off from what Eric was saying. A lot UTB-g1uUp2Q-00352-00236152-00236776 of institutes [ indiscernible ] institutionally, but we have seen this issue across so many UTB-g1uUp2Q-00353-00236776-00237380 different institutes. In fact, when I did my meeting, we had 15 people from different UTB-g1uUp2Q-00354-00237380-00237841 institutes coming in because I knew they had the same problem. One of the things that I UTB-g1uUp2Q-00355-00237841-00238504 am taking a hold of is looking at what does the cloud provide for us to do this kind of UTB-g1uUp2Q-00356-00238504-00239141 analysis? In conjunction with that, the Center for information technology, which is basically UTB-g1uUp2Q-00357-00239141-00239952 the nuts and bolts of the computing, I have been in discussions with them as well. They UTB-g1uUp2Q-00358-00239952-00240526 provide the nuts and bolts for us to do that. Working with different institutes and coming UTB-g1uUp2Q-00359-00240526-00241073 together to educate on how we can match our forces is one of the discussions. The second UTB-g1uUp2Q-00360-00241073-00241585 one is working with IT to figure out how we do it. For example, they recognize there may UTB-g1uUp2Q-00361-00241585-00242125 be a need for having a cloud within its context. The reason for that is the volume of data UTB-g1uUp2Q-00362-00242125-00242639 in the security issue as well. The third piece to that puzzle is that just started exploring UTB-g1uUp2Q-00363-00242639-00243266 some work with third parties, both commercial and epidemic in terms of how we do that. They UTB-g1uUp2Q-00364-00243266-00243846 are very interested in working with us. Those are the three areas that couple what NIH is UTB-g1uUp2Q-00365-00243846-00244392 doing. Just to extend what Jeff said, when you have your cloud computing meeting, Jeff UTB-g1uUp2Q-00366-00244392-00244967 was saying that private industry [ indiscernible ] but with some of the participants? Google UTB-g1uUp2Q-00367-00244967-00245684 was very interested and Amazon and Microsoft. They all showed up, right? Yep. 10 years ago UTB-g1uUp2Q-00368-00245684-00246361 they would yawn and say, not interested. Now they are coming. The other thing is we have UTB-g1uUp2Q-00369-00246361-00246998 a national labs. They do a lot of computing. They are very interested in this as well. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00370-00246998-00247498 I think we've said this before where we are now becoming interesting to these communities, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00371-00247498-00248305 because that data wasn't statistically large or complicated enough. I was happy to see UTB-g1uUp2Q-00372-00248305-00249098 on your slide that you are mentioning environmental scanning and other areas that need to be integrated. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00373-00249098-00250059 Absolutely. I think we need to not be [ indiscernible ]. One more question before lunch. I am always UTB-g1uUp2Q-00374-00250059-00250398 Rosenbaum. Just to get back to your comment about the individual sequencing centers facing UTB-g1uUp2Q-00375-00250398-00250782 these challenges. What sort of efforts are there so that perhaps there is more consolidation? UTB-g1uUp2Q-00376-00250782-00251398 I know that [ indiscernible ] offers sequencing from other institutions, but it is challenging UTB-g1uUp2Q-00377-00251398-00252181 scheduling. How might that be able to be arranged so that could be more productive and less UTB-g1uUp2Q-00378-00252181-00252913 effort for individual sites? Anybody want to take that? [ indiscernible ] I think are UTB-g1uUp2Q-00379-00252913-00253532 organizing that, but is that limiting what options there are in the future so this could UTB-g1uUp2Q-00380-00253532-00254391 be done more collectively? Is Adam still here? Jeff, do you want to -- Well, there is a lot UTB-g1uUp2Q-00381-00254391-00255083 of debate whether consolidation into a few large centers is the best way to go versus UTB-g1uUp2Q-00382-00255083-00255663 trying to disseminate. We are supporting both approaches. A lot of people don't want to UTB-g1uUp2Q-00383-00255663-00256167 have to wait for large centers to be able to do the production. Actually, you can also UTB-g1uUp2Q-00384-00256167-00256927 -- most of -- many of the companies, many sequencing companies and other companies, UTB-g1uUp2Q-00385-00256927-00257627 run sequencing services. If you all want to step a sequence, you can just send your sample UTB-g1uUp2Q-00386-00257627-00258442 and get it back in a matter of a few weeks. All the models are being supported. We don't UTB-g1uUp2Q-00387-00258442-00259157 want to sort of converge on a single model, because we think that would be too constraining. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00388-00259157-00259644 Part of the value of these instruments is that at some level, you don't have to have UTB-g1uUp2Q-00389-00259644-00260191 as large an infrastructure to do a significant sequencing project as you had to even three UTB-g1uUp2Q-00390-00260191-00260859 or four years ago, but there are some costs. Another thing to add there is I had your question UTB-g1uUp2Q-00391-00260859-00261613 about how we work with these other institutes. Many projects, a lot of these older sequencing UTB-g1uUp2Q-00392-00261613-00262672 centers -- [ indiscernible ] they are all working on these projects. Our experience UTB-g1uUp2Q-00393-00262672-00263174 is that they have to work together more closely because when you are generating base pairs UTB-g1uUp2Q-00394-00263174-00263996 from a particular project, it is not related to a chromosome. All the base pairs are going UTB-g1uUp2Q-00395-00263996-00264925 to a part. We have to analyze it. That is one thing. The other thing is I have an example UTB-g1uUp2Q-00396-00264925-00265506 with Washington University St. Louis. They are getting a lot of people coming to them UTB-g1uUp2Q-00397-00265506-00266066 saying, I want to work on smaller projects. They are working with these guys. They are UTB-g1uUp2Q-00398-00266066-00266764 sharing their knowledge and telling us a little about it. I think as Jeff said, each one of UTB-g1uUp2Q-00399-00266764-00267388 the different institutes is doing this as well. It happens on couple levels. Okay. I UTB-g1uUp2Q-00400-00267388-00268267 want to think this panel for their talk. [ applause ] It is lunchtime, but we need to keep moving UTB-g1uUp2Q-00401-00268267-00268698 on the schedule. Right outside these doors are some box lunches. You are all welcome UTB-g1uUp2Q-00402-00268698-00269259 to grab lunch, bring it back to your place. We are going to start up in about 10 minutes. UTB-g1uUp2Q-00403-00269259-00269496 While you are eating, our lunch speaker will be sharing. UXwyFLGZ3uE-00000-00000026-00000527 in fluid mechanics pressure has no direction but it may not be the same UXwyFLGZ3uE-00001-00000527-00000992 everywhere and in fact if the flow is at all interesting typically you will have UXwyFLGZ3uE-00002-00000992-00001619 pressure differences occurring in space and in time as the flow is UXwyFLGZ3uE-00003-00001619-00002175 occurring so the question I'd like us to study right now is this this if I give UXwyFLGZ3uE-00004-00002175-00002781 you USB key on this USB key would have the pressure at each point in space and UXwyFLGZ3uE-00005-00002781-00003459 time so a big table with XYZ coordinates every time the local pressure then how UXwyFLGZ3uE-00006-00003459-00003984 would you compute the net effect of pressure the direction in which pressure UXwyFLGZ3uE-00007-00003984-00004578 is pushing the fluid everywhere in space yes how would you compute the net effect UXwyFLGZ3uE-00008-00004578-00005282 of pressure to do this we have to consider not a single point but a single UXwyFLGZ3uE-00009-00005282-00005850 small volume inside the fluid and what we take is a cube an infinitely UXwyFLGZ3uE-00010-00005850-00006722 small but still finite volume cube and this cube has six sides and on each of UXwyFLGZ3uE-00011-00006722-00007286 those six sides you will have one value of pressure so we have six different UXwyFLGZ3uE-00012-00007286-00007914 pressure values if you now consider volumes inside the flow fluid then you UXwyFLGZ3uE-00013-00007914-00008427 need to consider for each of those little volumes six different values of pressure UXwyFLGZ3uE-00014-00008427-00008904 one on each side okay well six different values what you UXwyFLGZ3uE-00015-00008904-00009474 do you ultimately want just one direction what you do with this six UXwyFLGZ3uE-00016-00009474-00009893 different values you take pairs of them and I'm going to take a pair in the X UXwyFLGZ3uE-00017-00009893-00010284 direction looking at the pressure on that side and the pressure on this side UXwyFLGZ3uE-00018-00010284-00010653 you need to take a pair in the Y direction with a pressure on this side UXwyFLGZ3uE-00019-00010653-00011175 and the pressure on that side and take then take a pair on the vertical UXwyFLGZ3uE-00020-00011175-00011556 direction with pressure on top and pressure on the bottom and each of those UXwyFLGZ3uE-00021-00011556-00012057 pairs is going to be evaluated so that you can compute how much the pressure is UXwyFLGZ3uE-00022-00012057-00012408 pushing upwards how much is pressing sideways and UXwyFLGZ3uE-00023-00012408-00013025 it’s pushing forward so what we want to compute ultimately is a difference of UXwyFLGZ3uE-00024-00013025-00013538 pressure in the x-direction the difference in Y and a difference in Z UXwyFLGZ3uE-00025-00013538-00014115 so this is a key concept I would like you to remember in a fluid pressure is a UXwyFLGZ3uE-00026-00014115-00014691 one dimensional scalar field yes but the effect of pressure is a three UXwyFLGZ3uE-00027-00014691-00015347 dimensional field it is a general direction with an intensity which describes by how UXwyFLGZ3uE-00028-00015347-00015983 much pressure is pushing and in which direction yes it's a 3d vector field UXwyFLGZ3uE-00029-00015983-00016749 how do we compute this field let's have a look if we look at the Z direction let's UXwyFLGZ3uE-00030-00016749-00017307 take a look at a other actual 3d cube a really advanced teacher would have UXwyFLGZ3uE-00031-00017307-00017910 definitely an animation where the 3d cube perhaps a holographic or a 3d UXwyFLGZ3uE-00032-00017910-00018318 animation on the video but I just have a stupid cardboard box it serves my UXwyFLGZ3uE-00033-00018318-00018702 purpose pretty well so we have a cube like this and what we're looking at is UXwyFLGZ3uE-00034-00018702-00019191 side number one if I can find it here this this is side number one and on the UXwyFLGZ3uE-00035-00019191-00019797 side of side number one I have here side number six which is there and on UXwyFLGZ3uE-00036-00019797-00020259 the other side I have side number three now what we're looking at is the z UXwyFLGZ3uE-00037-00020259-00020645 direction so the direction like this now we want to compute by how much pressure UXwyFLGZ3uE-00038-00020645-00021201 is pushing in the Z direction for this I want to compute the force on that UXwyFLGZ3uE-00039-00021201-00022122 side minus the force on this but to do that I will take the area and the area UXwyFLGZ3uE-00040-00022122-00022758 turns out to be here DX by dy yes this area I multiplied by the pressure UXwyFLGZ3uE-00041-00022758-00023370 applying on 3 this s dy DX multiplied by P3 and to this I UXwyFLGZ3uE-00042-00023370-00024060 subtract the pressure exerting on the other side which is here the same thing DX dy but UXwyFLGZ3uE-00043-00024060-00024708 this time with a pressure P6 from side six and this is the net force in UXwyFLGZ3uE-00044-00024708-00025341 this direction in the Z lateral direction yes and there's a trick that UXwyFLGZ3uE-00045-00025341-00025770 we play and take a look at what changes in these two slides here what I UXwyFLGZ3uE-00046-00025770-00026400 did is that I said P 3 minus P 6 I'm going to express it as the change in Z UXwyFLGZ3uE-00047-00026400-00027051 of pressure multiplied by DZ in other words I take the gradient of pressure in UXwyFLGZ3uE-00048-00027051-00027612 the Z direction how much pressure is changing with respect to this Z UXwyFLGZ3uE-00049-00027612-00028149 direction here and I multiply this by this space that is separating those two UXwyFLGZ3uE-00050-00028149-00028824 sides which is in this case dZ here and this is a trick that's pretty UXwyFLGZ3uE-00051-00028824-00029406 nice because it allows me to group data together and we have dy DX and DZ here UXwyFLGZ3uE-00052-00029406-00029889 and if I group them together and I get DV which is the volume of the cube and UXwyFLGZ3uE-00053-00029889-00030372 then I get the net force due to pressure in the Z direction here it is the volume UXwyFLGZ3uE-00054-00030372-00031034 of the cube multiplied by minus the gradient of pressure in the Z direction UXwyFLGZ3uE-00055-00031034-00031572 the derivative of p with respect to Z yes you may be asking yourself why there UXwyFLGZ3uE-00056-00031572-00032130 is a minus there this is because this derivative here will UXwyFLGZ3uE-00057-00032130-00032619 be positive when pressure increases and high pressure here and the low UXwyFLGZ3uE-00058-00032619-00033027 pressure there means the force will be in the opposite direction so force is UXwyFLGZ3uE-00059-00033027-00033575 always towards a low pressure and this is the reason why we have a minus here UXwyFLGZ3uE-00060-00033575-00034155 so we've done pressure in the Z direction yes and now we do the same UXwyFLGZ3uE-00061-00034155-00034701 thing for the XY directions so that every time we got the volume of the cube UXwyFLGZ3uE-00062-00034701-00035265 multiplied by the change of pressure with respect to the direction with which UXwyFLGZ3uE-00063-00035265-00035724 I'm interested okay so let's sum this up now into one nice UXwyFLGZ3uE-00064-00035724-00036282 vector value we say the net force due to pressure on the cube this is the sum of UXwyFLGZ3uE-00065-00036282-00036744 three components the components X the component Y and the component Z and UXwyFLGZ3uE-00066-00036744-00037311 each of those I can write as a function of the gradient of pressure in their UXwyFLGZ3uE-00067-00037311-00037791 local direction so it looks like a pretty cumbersome equation which is a UXwyFLGZ3uE-00068-00037791-00038226 bit annoying to write you can group terms together but you still get UXwyFLGZ3uE-00069-00038226-00038883 something that is not super pretty and typically engineers when they have UXwyFLGZ3uE-00070-00038883-00039341 to write this many times over they get tired pretty soon and the first thing UXwyFLGZ3uE-00071-00039341-00039987 that they come up with is "there's got to be a better way to write this" and of UXwyFLGZ3uE-00072-00039987-00040497 course there is and this brings us to the cool new tool called the gradient UXwyFLGZ3uE-00073-00040497-00041265 operator the gradient operator is defined as so it is an operator it does not mean UXwyFLGZ3uE-00074-00041265-00041865 anything by itself it's something that you wait to be able to… UXwyFLGZ3uE-00075-00041865-00042488 that you are waiting to be able to apply to a scalar field the gradient operator if UXwyFLGZ3uE-00076-00042488-00043113 you apply to a scalar field it will take in the x-direction so multiply by the I UXwyFLGZ3uE-00077-00043113-00043662 unit vector it will take the change in X of that thing in the Y direction it will UXwyFLGZ3uE-00078-00043662-00044009 take the change in Y of that thing and in the Z direction it will take the UXwyFLGZ3uE-00079-00044009-00044613 change in Z of that thing so it's just waiting to be applied now it shows UXwyFLGZ3uE-00080-00044613-00045261 in which direction and by how much the thing that you're applying it to is UXwyFLGZ3uE-00081-00045261-00045924 getting larger okay so if you have a field of values around you and you are at UXwyFLGZ3uE-00082-00045924-00046446 one value there and you want to see the direction in which the highest value UXwyFLGZ3uE-00083-00046446-00047325 around you is then the gradient of that field of values will tell you that so now UXwyFLGZ3uE-00084-00047325-00047877 that we have this we take the force due to pressure this was the long and painful UXwyFLGZ3uE-00085-00047877-00048290 and ugly equation that we wrote before and we replace this by look at this UXwyFLGZ3uE-00086-00048290-00048991 tsack! the gradient of pressure this is super cool this is very very very nice UXwyFLGZ3uE-00087-00048991-00049928 so this is what we we come up to in the end if I give you on a USB key a field of UXwyFLGZ3uE-00088-00049928-00050652 values for each point in space X Y Z there is one value of pressure if I give UXwyFLGZ3uE-00089-00050652-00051171 you this and based on that you want to compute in which direction the fluid is UXwyFLGZ3uE-00090-00051171-00051736 being pushed by pressure so this is now a field of vectors UXwyFLGZ3uE-00091-00051736-00052530 for each XYZ position you have an arrow which points in some UXwyFLGZ3uE-00092-00052530-00052920 direction with some length so we have three dimensions if you want to compute UXwyFLGZ3uE-00093-00052920-00053572 this you want to take minus the gradient of pressure and this will give you the UXwyFLGZ3uE-00094-00053572-00054117 amount of force per unit volume that is applying inside the fluid due to UXwyFLGZ3uE-00095-00054117-00054479 pressure. So here we are. UYdVP-E96SQ-00000-00000000-00000602 Hello friends, welcome to the fourth or fifth war of season number UYdVP-E96SQ-00001-00000602-00001245 22 and this time that I did not see we faced aeg weaves in this alliance there is a UYdVP-E96SQ-00002-00001245-00001821 follower of mine who also makes videos on youtube the cap whatsapp pro and this one UYdVP-E96SQ-00003-00001821-00002156 well we knew it was going to be a UYdVP-E96SQ-00004-00002156-00002621 difficult alliance because last season they were fighting for third UYdVP-E96SQ-00005-00002621-00003373 place in the standings ok but this one, we did not face each other UYdVP-E96SQ-00006-00003373-00003782 last season I think against them only not if they are like this, well this is UYdVP-E96SQ-00007-00003782-00004108 the first time that we We faced them, we knew that it was going to be an UYdVP-E96SQ-00008-00004108-00004604 extremely difficult war because they gave few casualties so obviously we UYdVP-E96SQ-00009-00004604-00004951 also had to give very few casualties too if we obviously wanted to UYdVP-E96SQ-00010-00004951-00005305 win this war and as they realized in the first fight, UYdVP-E96SQ-00011-00005305-00005896 section 1 was my turn. I gave that animal I had no problem we put it long fast UYdVP-E96SQ-00012-00005896-00006353 and in speed for 2 the fight of Conway because it is simple it is UYdVP-E96SQ-00013-00006353-00006775 practically nothing more to evade and that's it and then for this fight against the supreme UYdVP-E96SQ-00014-00006775-00007123 sorceress I had activated what is the regeneration enhancer in case the UYdVP-E96SQ-00015-00007123-00007642 flies and as you saw there, that supreme hat gave me no problem and UYdVP-E96SQ-00016-00007642-00008236 now back with him sasquatch in use a kuyt I could have used UYdVP-E96SQ-00017-00008236-00008715 boy as in this node while you make more UYdVP-E96SQ-00018-00008715-00009085 blows the enemy is gaining furies I said no better let's go to safety with UYdVP-E96SQ-00019-00009085-00009718 way I only have to make him evade to avoid stop and take him like this with UYdVP-E96SQ-00020-00009718-00010207 wake and I have no problem that is how it happened is an UYdVP-E96SQ-00021-00010207-00010681 incredibly long fight because as good as time UYdVP-E96SQ-00022-00010681-00011332 it is beginning to deteriorate in damage so to speak because since there are six UYdVP-E96SQ-00023-00011332-00011956 stars then as if the end I took me like half minutes almost down to UYdVP-E96SQ-00024-00011956-00012284 it this sasquatch and I did not give any UYdVP-E96SQ-00025-00012284-00012820 problems now let 's turn to the mini boss of section 1 I had to give it in this UYdVP-E96SQ-00026-00012820-00013358 node of power alternation I think that it robs you to put an aperitif something like UYdVP-E96SQ-00027-00013358-00013838 that it robs you of the advantages that you activate and the s turns into power UYdVP-E96SQ-00028-00013838-00014330 then what I had planned to do here get the maximum possible destructible UYdVP-E96SQ-00029-00014330-00014995 charges before this mode so that I can later elude UYdVP-E96SQ-00030-00014995-00015434 the powers in one of the mode and not rob me of power even though that is UYdVP-E96SQ-00031-00015434-00015854 why I'm not even trying to evade the first power that is easy in fact UYdVP-E96SQ-00032-00015854-00016372 so much I was not lying down so much I was screwing up this fight friends that at the UYdVP-E96SQ-00033-00016372-00016937 moment of trying to avoid they saw it leads me to hit the mode and I said well UYdVP-E96SQ-00034-00016937-00017471 nothing happens actually the damage of the special 1 of mode that is very low UYdVP-E96SQ-00035-00017471-00017890 of what you have to worry when you fight against mode that is so much of the UYdVP-E96SQ-00036-00017890-00018452 hook that applies disadvantages to you as special 3 also and special 2 UYdVP-E96SQ-00037-00018452-00018863 then from stress to 1 nothing else reverts regeneration as long UYdVP-E96SQ-00038-00018863-00019400 as you do not have disadvantages that are not harmful, no, you should not worry about UYdVP-E96SQ-00039-00019400-00019742 it reversing regeneration, nothing more is to worry about its automatic UYdVP-E96SQ-00040-00019742-00020108 block, they saw that in one or another equation, it did block me I use UYdVP-E96SQ-00041-00020108-00020609 automatic mode and at this point, friends, I already decided to start avoiding UYdVP-E96SQ-00042-00020609-00021032 the specials 1 because they already had enough charges of destructible until UYdVP-E96SQ-00043-00021032-00021467 now 17 there was no way for me to activate the indestructible in UYdVP-E96SQ-00044-00021467-00022079 which case I didn't think I had Some special and well, it is not falling very very fast UYdVP-E96SQ-00045-00022079-00022466 anymore, it could have used in this fight also what guys UYdVP-E96SQ-00046-00022466-00022943 I could have used it I decided not to make it decide to the safe UYdVP-E96SQ-00047-00022943-00023426 sincerely I am going is a beast for the fighters who benefit from the stubbornness UYdVP-E96SQ-00048-00023426-00023891 node and well now move on to the section number two friends I had to UYdVP-E96SQ-00049-00023891-00024305 give fantastic mister obviously would give him UYdVP-E96SQ-00050-00024305-00024767 with quick because this fantastic mister is very good to put it UYdVP-E96SQ-00051-00024767-00025073 is one of the best nodes where they can place my be fantastic UYdVP-E96SQ-00052-00025073-00025706 because of the interaction that he has with the local node because when this new one UYdVP-E96SQ-00053-00025706-00026270 works so when you use power, forgiveness when disadvantages are UYdVP-E96SQ-00054-00026270-00026843 applied to you, you become a block talk to the enemy Gain an advantage of imb what UYdVP-E96SQ-00055-00026843-00027308 he talks about when he applies three disadvantages to you ok then the special one UYdVP-E96SQ-00056-00027308-00027818 of the fantastic coach will always always apply between 2 to 3 disadvantages that UYdVP-E96SQ-00057-00027818-00028376 means that well it will become a block speak and apart if you the Monday UYdVP-E96SQ-00058-00028376-00028892 becomes indestructible because of the global stubborn node then you would have UYdVP-E96SQ-00059-00028892-00029225 to take hits yes or yes to get rid of the indestructible and I UYdVP-E96SQ-00060-00029225-00029618 could not go health that is why my fantastic self is very good in this node and UYdVP-E96SQ-00061-00029618-00029975 one of the few counter is that it can be lowered the fantastic mister in this UYdVP-E96SQ-00062-00029975-00030572 node without any problem is that even though I screwed up, I died well, I didn't die UYdVP-E96SQ-00063-00030572-00030994 on a trip, he took me to hit because I screwed up the UYdVP-E96SQ-00064-00030994-00031387 truth, he fights very badly in this land, in fact, I do not feel that it has been very good UYdVP-E96SQ-00065-00031387-00031795 my participation one or another fight that the truth was very good like that of the UYdVP-E96SQ-00066-00031795-00032244 supreme sorceress that of this warlock against this soap was UYdVP-E96SQ-00067-00032244-00032793 exquisite friends I loved this fight because I did not let him use practically UYdVP-E96SQ-00068-00032793-00033294 any power I think in all this war i think i use a special 2 i just UYdVP-E96SQ-00069-00033294-00033798 dont remember good yes i know i got in my second power i dont have UYdVP-E96SQ-00070-00033798-00034257 to worry about the plasma charges it is good the same in this node because UYdVP-E96SQ-00071-00034257-00034617 if i apply three plasma disadvantages it becomes and lockable I don't have to UYdVP-E96SQ-00072-00034617-00035022 worry about the global node because it doesn't benefit from that node UYdVP-E96SQ-00073-00035022-00035388 but I still have to be very careful because if they become lockable UYdVP-E96SQ-00074-00035388-00035772 because I can't block attacks I can't control the fight so much and possible UYdVP-E96SQ-00075-00035772-00036261 nothing else second power 2 that I do and we already have him almost dead and if in the end he did UYdVP-E96SQ-00076-00036261-00036840 not make me any special and he died in a matter of 53 seconds I create friends and well UYdVP-E96SQ-00077-00036840-00037272 it was actually very easy my partner the blitz had already gone down to the UYdVP-E96SQ-00078-00037272-00037644 I that you have already seen I told you yesterday in the live show that it was probably my UYdVP-E96SQ-00079-00037644-00038121 turn, he ended up taking it down and now let's move on to another quake fight UYdVP-E96SQ-00080-00038121-00038699 that I had to get down to this hold buster or boster in this no two UYdVP-E96SQ-00081-00038699-00039434 in fact at node 250 it is very good Eno is a very good defender in fact almost every UYdVP-E96SQ-00082-00039434-00040016 alliance in which he is especially top alliances will place a hold UYdVP-E96SQ-00083-00040016-00040586 booster here because the best booster works in such a way that when he toulalan UYdVP-E96SQ-00084-00040586-00041150 u the disadvantages in this node to hold booster he gains a copy of power UYdVP-E96SQ-00085-00041150-00041474 Apart from the fact that when it reduces the precision of the ability, UYdVP-E96SQ-00086-00041474-00041954 the skills of the hold booster itself are something like this, because it is applied to high voltage and UYdVP-E96SQ-00087-00041954-00042407 then it does not allow them to activate advantages depending on the well it reduces the precision UYdVP-E96SQ-00088-00042407-00042815 of skills depending on the armor that he is getting UYdVP-E96SQ-00089-00042815-00043388 throughout the fight then it is very good for him yet however there are two UYdVP-E96SQ-00090-00043388-00043715 counters two points that are very good against him UYdVP-E96SQ-00091-00043715-00044120 one way that I prefer to use quite a quake on this node and UYdVP-E96SQ-00092-00044120-00044510 the other guillotine apart which is also a fighter who benefits from the UYdVP-E96SQ-00093-00044510-00045062 global node then once dead this hall poster it was not my turn to give this the sun UYdVP-E96SQ-00094-00045062-00045485 blood son it was not my turn to give it it was my turn to give my partner last UYdVP-E96SQ-00095-00045485-00045794 that in fact he had already woken up I was already waiting for them to move UYdVP-E96SQ-00096-00045794-00046343 because I had to hit the boss, I didn't have to hit him but I said ok pp you know how to UYdVP-E96SQ-00097-00046343-00046766 avoid the special 1 dense without any problem it is very simple UYdVP-E96SQ-00098-00046766-00047465 I learned to allude to what happened on the spot 6.4 where her boss descended with baby UYdVP-E96SQ-00099-00047465-00047987 fight that is, what a horrible gathering of power then I said well, I don't know if I could UYdVP-E96SQ-00100-00047987-00048359 kill her there that I won't be able to kill here that it's much easier the only thing I UYdVP-E96SQ-00101-00048359-00048866 have to worry about is special 1 and about I did not duplicate the same special I UYdVP-E96SQ-00102-00048866-00049427 twice if they noticed and first I was a special 2 and they gave me a number of 2 UYdVP-E96SQ-00103-00049427-00049865 there yes I repeat the same special by force I have to UYdVP-E96SQ-00104-00049865-00050422 hook Elsa so that I do not lose 50% of all my life UYdVP-E96SQ-00105-00050422-00050996 ok so I did not want to risk I decided to get my third power bar so UYdVP-E96SQ-00106-00050996-00051449 that the same power would not be repeated it is UYdVP-E96SQ-00107-00051449-00052129 similar to the one on the board of act 6.2 then well that is what I did apart UYdVP-E96SQ-00108-00052129-00052529 here the dial was going to drain powers from me I was going to cure a certain percentage heh back I was UYdVP-E96SQ-00109-00052529-00052946 actually cured my whole life back I had lost 6 percent in the UYdVP-E96SQ-00110-00052946-00053489 fight and I said oh look what the hell I'm going to finish the fight with 100% much better and well, UYdVP-E96SQ-00111-00053489-00053897 some small interceptions every time I have a chance one UYdVP-E96SQ-00112-00053897-00054485 opening and well I also liked this fight and now I do throw special one UYdVP-E96SQ-00113-00054485-00054794 because I said I think this is enough for the rise to die and UYdVP-E96SQ-00114-00054794-00055340 boom it ended up dying from the high voltage that I applied with special 1 UYdVP-E96SQ-00115-00055340-00055879 and now let's go to another his boss that this one if it was my turn to give this one UYdVP-E96SQ-00116-00055879-00056435 in love in this new one and if you look closely friends I have no active suicides, do not UYdVP-E96SQ-00117-00056435-00056765 change master's degrees at all in this war even though it was an UYdVP-E96SQ-00118-00056765-00057338 important war in which obviously We should not give casualties or give the least UYdVP-E96SQ-00119-00057338-00057791 amount of casualties possible because that one was in the first place above UYdVP-E96SQ-00120-00057791-00058175 us for three casualties only ok so we had to take care of the casualties UYdVP-E96SQ-00121-00058175-00058796 for that but in the end I said actually these fights are easy they will not UYdVP-E96SQ-00122-00058796-00059155 giving no problem does not empower me at all in fact nothing more activity UYdVP-E96SQ-00123-00059155-00059690 enhancer of fury of 15 minutes that 10% that practically gives you the UYdVP-E96SQ-00124-00059690-00060524 new crystals of solitaire and well I worry little because if you look closely UYdVP-E96SQ-00125-00060524-00061097 I am not giving many blows critics that is due to the number 254 aspects UYdVP-E96SQ-00126-00061097-00061823 of evolution every time you leave that the enemy is generating power bars they UYdVP-E96SQ-00127-00061823-00062315 get power and thus they receive the same armor I create something like this the jokes UYdVP-E96SQ-00128-00062315-00062894 that over time your blows will no longer be so strong As they were at the beginning UYdVP-E96SQ-00129-00062894-00063292 of the fight, if you look closely, I am doing blows of less than 1000, my UYdVP-E96SQ-00130-00063292-00063800 special 2000 blows were very low, the critical index of warlock in itself UYdVP-E96SQ-00131-00063800-00064081 is not that high but when it does special UYdVP-E96SQ-00132-00064081-00064663 damage it is severe in the end I ended up going down I love without any problem and UYdVP-E96SQ-00133-00064663-00065281 now yes friends the boss fight let me tell you that good to start UYdVP-E96SQ-00134-00065281-00066028 I was empowered similar to the previous war and if in this fight friends I ended up UYdVP-E96SQ-00135-00066028-00066625 dying the first loss of This season I did n't UYdVP-E96SQ-00136-00066625-00067078 make a lot of mistakes, it was a poor fight on my part because to begin with UYdVP-E96SQ-00137-00067078-00067561 that is the first mistake of getting the 15 charges and not getting a power UYdVP-E96SQ-00138-00067561-00067999 bar, you saw that lately that has been happening to me, I'm not doing it UYdVP-E96SQ-00139-00067999-00068458 well. that but nevertheless he controlled well here until the fight UYdVP-E96SQ-00140-00068458-00068851 until he gets a power bar however these small mistakes UYdVP-E96SQ-00141-00068851-00069406 should not be making what I am not being so aggressive and aside UYdVP-E96SQ-00142-00069406-00069898 another mistake that I made that in fact I made the same in the last war But in the UYdVP-E96SQ-00143-00069898-00070396 past war and I managed to get down to the mole the first time it is that I do not activate the UYdVP-E96SQ-00144-00070396-00071107 mastery of res or nate resonance I think it is in Spanish I do not activate it and UYdVP-E96SQ-00145-00071107-00071632 sincerely after making the comparisons in the mole fights that UYdVP-E96SQ-00146-00071632-00072286 I have had previously I have not had any problems and the fights I had UYdVP-E96SQ-00147-00072286-00072871 in these last two wars and let me tell you that if it is necessary to activate that UYdVP-E96SQ-00148-00072871-00073315 mastery if I do not want to have problems in future wars I will not Activate friends UYdVP-E96SQ-00149-00073315-00073819 because honestly the war was already more than won and I said good pp if in the UYdVP-E96SQ-00150-00073819-00074374 previous war you got down to the mole without that mastery and with power- ups just UYdVP-E96SQ-00151-00074374-00074896 as weak as in this war I don't think I have any farts so here that UYdVP-E96SQ-00152-00074896-00075424 was the mistake that unfortunately the master was making him super super passive UYdVP-E96SQ-00153-00075424-00075985 friends he did not want to and releasing powers kept me cornered for UYdVP-E96SQ-00154-00075985-00076411 a lot of time throughout the fight and in fact so many times I had to UYdVP-E96SQ-00155-00076411-00076861 show off that they see the mole had already gained its load of indestructible and I said tchin UYdVP-E96SQ-00156-00076861-00077404 tchin tchin or that I already have 55% of life I will see if I can do everything possible to UYdVP-E96SQ-00157-00077404-00078019 remove those loads of rock to be able to make everything go well for my benefit I UYdVP-E96SQ-00158-00078019-00078367 got a little nervous they saw I pull the special 1 and it did not even come to UYdVP-E96SQ-00159-00078367-00078781 attack me so he wasted a disadvantage so everything was UYdVP-E96SQ-00160-00078781-00079147 accumulating friends accumulating from the beginning he was not fighting well he UYdVP-E96SQ-00161-00079147-00079696 was deconcentrated he had lost a lot of fight at the beginning of the person UYdVP-E96SQ-00162-00079696-00080212 ba All my life at the beginning of the fight I was already receiving enough blows in UYdVP-E96SQ-00163-00080212-00080716 defense and since I had 60 furies I was not super powered there have been times that UYdVP-E96SQ-00164-00080716-00081151 I have 20 power in the void and obviously without suicides and right now I have UYdVP-E96SQ-00165-00081151-00081841 17 here even so I could have lowered it I say it I could have lowered it but I played very UYdVP-E96SQ-00166-00081841-00082195 badly so the fact of having played badly that UYdVP-E96SQ-00167-00082195-00082945 also the ají de la mole was not in my favor resulted in me dying in this UYdVP-E96SQ-00168-00082945-00083462 fight friends because you see how they are behaving passively no UYdVP-E96SQ-00169-00083462-00083888 He is using powers when I want to when I hit the mole he is not UYdVP-E96SQ-00170-00083888-00084287 doing it they saw he is attacking me every time he has a chance without powers without UYdVP-E96SQ-00171-00084287-00084737 using powers so without verón or in other words there is a point that almost UYdVP-E96SQ-00172-00084737-00085213 corner me and they saw or know They have seen a combo and there he combined his special while UYdVP-E96SQ-00173-00085213-00085754 he made me defenseless, it is rare that the enemy does that, however it is UYdVP-E96SQ-00174-00085754-00086294 common for them to do it sometimes and this time it happened like that, so chin I can no longer UYdVP-E96SQ-00175-00086294-00086699 do absolut Amente nothing I can not hit him in defense I tried to evade him UYdVP-E96SQ-00176-00086699-00087236 or quake to see if he threw me special I did not throw him because I could not UYdVP-E96SQ-00177-00087236-00087623 attack him because he already had his 15 loads of rocks and he was attacking him he got UYdVP-E96SQ-00178-00087623-00088108 unstoppable and he was dead then the point came in the who cornered me could not UYdVP-E96SQ-00179-00088108-00088406 do anything I tried to save the fight as much as I could UYdVP-E96SQ-00180-00088406-00089025 but I no longer did not succeed because we ended up finishing it down my UYdVP-E96SQ-00181-00089025-00089556 partner had his soul with a guillotine a big mistake on my part the UYdVP-E96SQ-00182-00089556-00090072 truth plus the fight for the next few wars sincerely better I'm going to UYdVP-E96SQ-00183-00090072-00090711 put the resonance mastery and I'm going to try as no boss not to save so many UYdVP-E96SQ-00184-00090711-00091343 resources and obviously the death that I had did not harm the result at all UYdVP-E96SQ-00185-00091343-00091791 because we had already won in fact we had only two deaths Of UYdVP-E96SQ-00186-00091791-00092439 which the two were from the same group, that is, from group 1 and the third death UYdVP-E96SQ-00187-00092439-00092907 because it was the mania so in the end we ended up dying three times in the UYdVP-E96SQ-00188-00092907-00093601 agents 14 times and yes, friends who believe and believe UYdVP-E96SQ-00189-00093601-00094306 it We continue to get in envipe number 200 this war UYdVP-E96SQ-00190-00094306-00094870 became the embi number 200 my history will be engraved in my UYdVP-E96SQ-00191-00094870-00095452 history and since 200 steps on me, 200 steps on me throughout all this UYdVP-E96SQ-00192-00095452-00096211 time playing in competitive alliances always playing in high degrees then UYdVP-E96SQ-00193-00096211-00096814 I already have the valuable number 200 of mp I am already the second in my alliance the first UYdVP-E96SQ-00194-00096814-00097468 place has it right now the master has I think 210 215 in vip and from there I follow UYdVP-E96SQ-00195-00097468-00097999 and well third place if the code that has 185 if not I'm wrong, it's UYdVP-E96SQ-00196-00097999-00098680 getting close to 200 too, so friends, this was all on my part, you already UYdVP-E96SQ-00197-00098680-00099037 know that if you liked this video, you can leave your like to subscribe if you haven't UYdVP-E96SQ-00198-00099037-00099337 subscribed and activate the youtube bell to let you know every time there is UYdVP-E96SQ-00199-00099337-00099792 a upload video and then say friends UYdVP-E96SQ-00200-00099793-00100387 we started the first season low in the fourth war I think UYdVP-E96SQ-00201-00100387-00100981 efe efe efe and friends before we forget what they believe since I had UYdVP-E96SQ-00202-00100981-00101373 forgotten no no no here are the greetings friends well UYdVP-E96SQ-00203-00101373-00102083 if we see let's see ok UYdVP-E96SQ-00204-00102149-00102698 sab at a hello says hello in the following video pp I am your follower from UYdVP-E96SQ-00205-00102698-00103265 guatemala greetings for you sabbath 182 and for all guatemala also for all UYdVP-E96SQ-00206-00103265-00103744 those who see me spanish speakers UYdVP-E96SQ-00207-00103744-00104279 greetings and maris true says i want my greetings greetings for you too maryse UYdVP-E96SQ-00208-00104279-00104564 thank you very much greetings helios for you again UYdVP-E96SQ-00209-00104564-00105053 greetings to my alliance of those who sobisch so it is greetings to you and all the alliance UYdVP-E96SQ-00210-00105053-00105497 that sobisch that I am also there in that alliance and I think we will probably UYdVP-E96SQ-00211-00105497-00106097 get platinum 4 this season we will see for now we will January 1 UYdVP-E96SQ-00212-00106097-00106636 but if we continue 94 place says again a hello for anti lucar UYdVP-E96SQ-00213-00106636-00107083 if coccyx says I also want my greeting and my ticket to queso villa you know UYdVP-E96SQ-00214-00107083-00107402 that the tickets for the cheese alliance saw well you have to wait to UYdVP-E96SQ-00215-00107402-00107873 check it with the gap to see if there is space and well if a hello for you also if UYdVP-E96SQ-00216-00107873-00108422 kocsis big valencia says greet me pp and miami alliance god eater eternal UYdVP-E96SQ-00217-00108422-00108689 greetings for you and for all your alliance pro UYdVP-E96SQ-00218-00108689-00109277 for following us metal 266 sa luditos for all the members of queso be hashtag UYdVP-E96SQ-00219-00109277-00109582 move button UYdVP-E96SQ-00220-00109715-00110255 health for you metal and again health for I'm score picks says UYdVP-E96SQ-00221-00110255-00110930 hello to you score picks in game 632 says it's more if I go out on youtube campaban UYdVP-E96SQ-00222-00110930-00111283 will get offers on cyber weekend because you I want to take it out, it will take it out UYdVP-E96SQ-00223-00111283-00111899 regardless, so then health for you in game 94 place again UYdVP-E96SQ-00224-00111899-00112331 asked for another greeting says thank you place for teaching me everything I know about the game ha ha UYdVP-E96SQ-00225-00112331-00112913 ha ha ha greetings place the chest for luis m nice UYdVP-E96SQ-00226-00112913-00113375 nice nice those are and mods that we have in it in our tweets platform UYdVP-E96SQ-00227-00113375-00113734 that if they don't know we do it in streaming every day from 6 UYdVP-E96SQ-00228-00113734-00114344 to 8 and well greetings to you too louis health also for weapon x says that is UYdVP-E96SQ-00229-00114344-00114704 great in is the best Mr. Pepe Thank you very much blog although and modules UYdVP-E96SQ-00230-00114704-00115192 disappointments pollán and their war memorials no way then UYdVP-E96SQ-00231-00115192-00115820 health for you weapon and those were the greetings in this war friends you already know UYdVP-E96SQ-00232-00115820-00116431 that it is good I already said about the greetings subscribe us v emos in the next UYdVP-E96SQ-00233-00116431-00117078 video has a lot of dancing and we return to normal UZSGNTYBglI-00000-00001773-00002230 Hi everyone! I'm MUKPPO~^^ UZSGNTYBglI-00001-00002230-00002758 please subscribe and click the likes button ♥ UZSGNTYBglI-00002-00002758-00003264 I'll try to eat 'jelly' today. UZSGNTYBglI-00003-00003510-00003908 This is pork belly. UZSGNTYBglI-00004-00004196-00004836 It looked so real that I was embarrassed at first. UZSGNTYBglI-00005-00004836-00005290 What do you think? UZSGNTYBglI-00006-00005386-00005936 Doesn't it really seem like you're eating raw meat? Haha UZSGNTYBglI-00007-00006134-00006548 It tastes like strawberry. UZSGNTYBglI-00008-00007442-00008136 I thought it would be hard and tasteless, but I was surprised because it was better than I thought. UZSGNTYBglI-00009-00009066-00009530 Have you tried it? UZSGNTYBglI-00010-00012856-00013419 I think I can feel the stickiness of the jelly well. UZSGNTYBglI-00011-00015668-00015978 Kohakuto UZSGNTYBglI-00012-00015982-00016182 strawberry flavor UZSGNTYBglI-00013-00016286-00016924 Of course, the sound is the best among kohakutoga jelly. UZSGNTYBglI-00014-00017298-00017790 How can it be so crispy? UZSGNTYBglI-00015-00020656-00020856 orange flavor UZSGNTYBglI-00016-00022378-00022766 It's soft inside. UZSGNTYBglI-00017-00026533-00026733 lemon flavour UZSGNTYBglI-00018-00030602-00031038 I like the lemon flavor because it tastes fresh. UZSGNTYBglI-00019-00031495-00031695 melon flavour UZSGNTYBglI-00020-00033416-00033922 I think melon tastes the best. UZSGNTYBglI-00021-00037012-00037506 I couldn't taste the soda. UZSGNTYBglI-00022-00040404-00041472 Even the small jelly tastes different in different colors, but the kohakuto was so sweet that I couldn't tell what it tasted like...Hahaha UZSGNTYBglI-00023-00054326-00054816 super sour nutty jelly UZSGNTYBglI-00024-00056655-00057338 The crunch sounds good, but it was too sour!Hahaha UZSGNTYBglI-00025-00063588-00064204 I ate well today! Thank you for watching my video^^ Ud7avniBPcg-00000-00000800-00001898 "True" by Spandau Ballet (Original live) "videolink" is posted below in the mentioning's Ud7avniBPcg-00001-00002098-00002999 These videos are meant to be watched while "HIGH" and/or "STONED" wearing ear pods or headset, Lol. Uec9iXe8l-0-00000-00000463-00001144 hello welcome to my presentation i'm jorah burusson i am going to present my phd research Uec9iXe8l-0-00001-00001232-00001592 entitled multiculturalism physical activity and public space Uec9iXe8l-0-00002-00001720-00002400 with the subtitle place making in a super diverse neighborhood through physical active activity and Uec9iXe8l-0-00003-00002464-00003176 so i'm a phd candidate at victoria university and recently started as a research fellow in public in Uec9iXe8l-0-00004-00003176-00003992 health policy at the metro institutes as well i'm three months away from submitting my final draft Uec9iXe8l-0-00005-00003992-00004384 so this is really the final stages of this project Uec9iXe8l-0-00006-00004832-00005472 before i dive into the research i would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land Uec9iXe8l-0-00007-00005528-00006208 on which this research took place and the lands on which i'm working currently i'm Uec9iXe8l-0-00008-00006208-00006800 living on it currently and the lands on which i produce and will present this presentation Uec9iXe8l-0-00009-00006800-00007231 so i pay my respect to the ancestors elders and families of the vulnerable and wearing Uec9iXe8l-0-00010-00007231-00007912 peoples of the cooling nation and this land is also known as the city of americanum Uec9iXe8l-0-00011-00007912-00008584 marine refers to marine vernon which means i can hear a wrinkled possum Uec9iXe8l-0-00012-00008816-00009416 all right so while looking at physical activity and multiculturalism Uec9iXe8l-0-00013-00009504-00010080 enhancing physical activity is a topic of concern for researchers policymakers urban planners alike Uec9iXe8l-0-00014-00010144-00010792 and accessibility to physical activity spaces is distributed unequally among australia's population Uec9iXe8l-0-00015-00010960-00011560 australian-born non-indigenous people overall have better health and are more physically active Uec9iXe8l-0-00016-00011560-00012168 compared to people who are against bias indigenous or first-year adventure or born overseas or called Uec9iXe8l-0-00017-00012360-00013047 culturally and then linguistically diverse people and i'm looking here at healthy Uec9iXe8l-0-00018-00013047-00013832 behaviors in a multicultural society with multiculturalism referring not just only to Uec9iXe8l-0-00019-00013832-00014432 ethnocultural diversities but to the broader society of which minorities are part of Uec9iXe8l-0-00020-00014488-00015288 and to refer to the processes of inclusion and exclusion so within a multicultural society how Uec9iXe8l-0-00021-00015288-00015976 is health and courage and what forms of behavior physical activity that supports physical that Uec9iXe8l-0-00022-00015976-00016696 supports very healthy living are available both in policy terms and in terms of lived experiences Uec9iXe8l-0-00023-00016840-00017600 so for the purpose of this research i look at physical activity in semi-public spaces who Uec9iXe8l-0-00024-00017600-00018208 has access to public spaces how are the spaces shared and which power relations are at play Uec9iXe8l-0-00025-00018368-00018808 so previous studies have suggested ethnic minorities are inclined to Uec9iXe8l-0-00026-00018808-00019472 use parks or public spaces or public parks are used differently among different groups Uec9iXe8l-0-00027-00019648-00020344 in building on this leonie sandra in 2003 writes that planning for ethnic cultural cities is one of Uec9iXe8l-0-00028-00020344-00021200 the main challenges in 21st century urban planning of public spaces if different cultures use public Uec9iXe8l-0-00029-00021200-00021896 and recreational spaces differently the new or different kinds of public spaces may need to be Uec9iXe8l-0-00030-00021896-00022608 designed and it's also relevant to look at physical activity as a socially constructed Uec9iXe8l-0-00031-00022608-00023312 and changing sites so-called informal sports or physical activities that are organized outside the Uec9iXe8l-0-00032-00023312-00024040 main traditional competitions are on the rise this includes for example pick up basketball Uec9iXe8l-0-00033-00024040-00024736 individual running but also cycling skateboarding the list goes on this is at it is at these sites Uec9iXe8l-0-00034-00024736-00025504 that local ties are established and belonging to multicultural city can be fostered so the question Uec9iXe8l-0-00035-00025504-00026376 emerging from this is how do residents of diverse cultural backgrounds use semi-public spaces Uec9iXe8l-0-00036-00026376-00027088 for physical activity in the city of meridian and how do users engage in local place making Uec9iXe8l-0-00037-00027536-00028192 so among the ethnically difference backgrounds the long divided anglo-saxon or the majority Uec9iXe8l-0-00038-00028192-00028720 population which is of course an ethnicity to raise an ethnicity Uec9iXe8l-0-00039-00028824-00029416 this question is very much in line with the overall concern of this conference fostering Uec9iXe8l-0-00040-00029416-00029976 solidarity and more specifically creating inclusive cultures and healthy communities Uec9iXe8l-0-00041-00030208-00030992 okay i will briefly take you through the theoretical framework of my thesis which starts Uec9iXe8l-0-00042-00030992-00031808 with place making so place making is as much a theoretical concept as it is a spatial movement Uec9iXe8l-0-00043-00031864-00032712 as a conceptual tool i will draw on hungry henry levers famous work production of space place Uec9iXe8l-0-00044-00032712-00033384 making conceptual frameworks having common the centrality of people and the human experiences Uec9iXe8l-0-00045-00033384-00034168 for the design of ideal places this complex process is conceptualized or can be conceptualized Uec9iXe8l-0-00046-00034168-00034944 in the spatial trials with special practices referring to how people how do people move around Uec9iXe8l-0-00047-00035088-00035416 a particular area and interact with the building environments Uec9iXe8l-0-00048-00035608-00036224 with the second being representations of space how do scientists urban planners politicians Uec9iXe8l-0-00049-00036224-00036824 represent space we are multicultural we are intercultural our examples Uec9iXe8l-0-00050-00036992-00037424 and representational space refers to how our spaces actually lived Uec9iXe8l-0-00051-00037536-00038168 and if everyone warns us that physical space is not neutral power dynamics are always Uec9iXe8l-0-00052-00038168-00038856 prevalent this has the effects of setting up research spaces within social space Uec9iXe8l-0-00053-00038856-00039280 this means that not all spaces are open to anyone at all times Uec9iXe8l-0-00054-00039376-00040112 some spaces are closed or open or available to use and thus for you produce parallel social space Uec9iXe8l-0-00055-00040192-00040808 the question of course is how this works within the use of public space or physical activity Uec9iXe8l-0-00056-00040808-00041472 within a multicultural society and as a movement placemaking was a response to the modernist Uec9iXe8l-0-00057-00041472-00042144 design and architecture for public space community groups outside and in collaboration with academia Uec9iXe8l-0-00058-00042144-00042888 use placemaking as a hands-on approach to create tangible change it is understood as a way to Uec9iXe8l-0-00059-00042888-00043328 improve neighborhoods cities or regions and it inspires people Uec9iXe8l-0-00060-00043328-00043952 to collectively reimagine and reinvent public space as the heart of every community Uec9iXe8l-0-00061-00044264-00044520 so the production of locality happens in the Uec9iXe8l-0-00062-00044520-00045144 context of globalization international migration and unequal mobility patterns Uec9iXe8l-0-00063-00045504-00045984 this is the second section of the theoretical framework urban geography Uec9iXe8l-0-00064-00046112-00046680 so how can we make sense of the production of the day-to-day dynamics at a local level within the Uec9iXe8l-0-00065-00046680-00047312 macro global shifts what does place making look like in a suburban multicultural neighborhood Uec9iXe8l-0-00066-00047392-00048000 this is where urban geography comes in so a quick note on the neighborhood as a Uec9iXe8l-0-00067-00048000-00048512 conceptual methodological tool it is practical allows for comparison between neighborhoods Uec9iXe8l-0-00068-00048512-00049152 but it's also a spatial construct gm jack hitting adds that the reading of territories Uec9iXe8l-0-00069-00049152-00049824 at a geographical scale replicates masculinist heteronormative and colonial perspectives Uec9iXe8l-0-00070-00049824-00050632 on face making and may conceal other skills of territories are operationalized particularly among Uec9iXe8l-0-00071-00050632-00051424 minority bodies so everyday multiculturalism as a research concept to study the lifts day-to-day Uec9iXe8l-0-00072-00051424-00052055 diversity is developed within this discipline so whereas multiculturalism could be approached Uec9iXe8l-0-00073-00052055-00052624 as an observable reflection of given diversity a way to study everyday living with diversity Uec9iXe8l-0-00074-00052624-00053184 it is also about managing populations some scholars describe it as just another way of Uec9iXe8l-0-00075-00053184-00053760 integrating newcomers and maintaining the hegemony through acceptance and tolerating the other Uec9iXe8l-0-00076-00053840-00054320 the different ways of multiculturalism are reflected in federal and local policy Uec9iXe8l-0-00077-00054320-00055024 and should be considered as part of studying urban geography in fact going back to leoni center Uec9iXe8l-0-00078-00055128-00055352 in concluding a forward of a special issue Uec9iXe8l-0-00079-00055455-00056112 on ethnocultural diversity and planning there are unresolved theoretical issues in regards to Uec9iXe8l-0-00080-00056112-00056888 multiculturalism and planning in racialized liberal democracies in including australia Uec9iXe8l-0-00081-00057032-00057808 so going continuing with physical activity how do these unresolved theoretical issues Uec9iXe8l-0-00082-00057808-00058320 in multiculturalism and planning play out in the context of physical activity physical Uec9iXe8l-0-00083-00058320-00058808 activity should be understood as a socially constructed science not just as decide to find Uec9iXe8l-0-00084-00058808-00059376 broader societal issues but also where norms and values are actively created there are a few racing Uec9iXe8l-0-00085-00059376-00060024 examples of how mult everyday multiculturalism plays out within the sports context but remain Uec9iXe8l-0-00086-00060024-00060848 limited in scope there i've written a few examples on the slide here and i will Uec9iXe8l-0-00087-00061112-00061504 leave this here and continue with the methods keeping an eye on the time Uec9iXe8l-0-00088-00061648-00061991 so for the methodology there we go Uec9iXe8l-0-00089-00062208-00062872 i collected participatory research data mainly um participated in four sites Uec9iXe8l-0-00090-00062928-00063464 within the marijuana city council or the city of maryland with the maryland city council Uec9iXe8l-0-00091-00063672-00064112 being very supportive in this research and acted as gatekeepers to provide Uec9iXe8l-0-00092-00064112-00064672 access to quite a few fieldwork sites at the institutional level which was Uec9iXe8l-0-00093-00064672-00065167 followed up by process of introduction and informed consent at the local level Uec9iXe8l-0-00094-00065384-00066000 i gathered around 30 interviews and i wore many different hats during this Uec9iXe8l-0-00095-00066072-00066760 three years that i have been engaging in my phd so i'm a resident of the neighborhood Uec9iXe8l-0-00096-00066760-00067432 a researcher some of my soccer teammates were in classes i taught at the victoria university Uec9iXe8l-0-00097-00067432-00068128 but also i'm a migrant myself finding a way to make this place home and engage in place making Uec9iXe8l-0-00098-00068472-00069392 okay so this offers an overview of the four chapters this is really a snapshot of the data Uec9iXe8l-0-00099-00069480-00070184 i described four spaces of placemaking sport sport club migrant settlement program community Uec9iXe8l-0-00100-00070184-00070800 center and public parks so how is place making performed differently at these places in relation Uec9iXe8l-0-00101-00070800-00072000 to diversity and multiculturalism i will have a look at all four sides briefly so starting with Uec9iXe8l-0-00102-00072000-00072592 the soccer club this represents the traditional sporting sites it's a female-only soccer club Uec9iXe8l-0-00103-00072592-00073184 and traditional sports club has a physical media have physical meeting space Uec9iXe8l-0-00104-00073256-00073944 so pavilions or clubhouses and a ground prepared for particular sporting activities facilitate Uec9iXe8l-0-00105-00073944-00074568 club members to meet and play this results in a unique use of big sections of urban space Uec9iXe8l-0-00106-00074672-00075152 as time passes by new houses trees food paths food pots and Uec9iXe8l-0-00107-00075464-00076216 are built around it around the clubhouse and residence needs a demographic change in a sense Uec9iXe8l-0-00108-00076288-00076992 the traditional sporting clubs are solid as a rock when a ground is closed for development work or Uec9iXe8l-0-00109-00076992-00077840 after a rainy period teams have to make their own places and book other venues or fields which often Uec9iXe8l-0-00110-00077976-00078704 is a very bureaucratic process that requires a particular knowledge to navigate so the club Uec9iXe8l-0-00111-00078704-00079408 is situated in a gentrifying neighborhoods earlier this year the most sold house type Uec9iXe8l-0-00112-00079512-00080848 in total 64 properties was a three-bedroom house with a median price of 770 thousands sorry 770 Uec9iXe8l-0-00113-00080848-00081472 000 so it's mainly young families moving into this Uec9iXe8l-0-00114-00081472-00081880 area looking for multiple bedrooms and families that have money to spend Uec9iXe8l-0-00115-00082264-00082792 a committee member explains this broader gentrifying development in Uec9iXe8l-0-00116-00082792-00083232 the neighborhood affects our club this is the quotes currently the members are Uec9iXe8l-0-00117-00083232-00083704 dominantly wide and more middle-class and high-income families join the club Uec9iXe8l-0-00118-00084032-00084288 and thus changing the demographics Uec9iXe8l-0-00119-00084936-00085512 okay if we move on to the migrant settlement program looking at the sporting landscape in Uec9iXe8l-0-00120-00085512-00086008 connection to super diversity and how local residents established a connection to place Uec9iXe8l-0-00121-00086008-00086520 migrant settlement services are critical to include this chapter this causes settlement Uec9iXe8l-0-00122-00086520-00087136 through sports programs for newly arrived migrants in line with the broader discussion Uec9iXe8l-0-00123-00087136-00087696 on migrant integration or settlements critical questions should be asked how settlement through Uec9iXe8l-0-00124-00087696-00088280 sport is programmed monitored and evaluated it promotes questions such as integration into what Uec9iXe8l-0-00125-00088368-00089200 what is australian culture and what is the culture newcomers need to be integrated into Uec9iXe8l-0-00126-00089272-00090016 and who designs this integration is it a one-way progress process or a two-way process so in this Uec9iXe8l-0-00127-00090016-00090664 chapter i describe place-making through concept of liminal space the concept of liminality originates Uec9iXe8l-0-00128-00090664-00091400 in the study of rite of passage and could refer to a third place or a moment of transit whereas where Uec9iXe8l-0-00129-00091400-00092112 space and time cross to produce complex figures of difference in identity past and presence Uec9iXe8l-0-00130-00092112-00092912 inside and outside inclusion and exclusion liminal space temporal temporal geographic and Uec9iXe8l-0-00131-00093280-00094120 geographical spaces that are neither the old northern new worlds the sports settlement Uec9iXe8l-0-00132-00094120-00094744 program is exactly this it's a transit period a space where they are taught what it's like Uec9iXe8l-0-00133-00094744-00095416 to live in australia new era of migrants may relate to the state of liminality in which they Uec9iXe8l-0-00134-00095416-00095920 are faced with the challenge to negotiate bold and new individuals and collective identities Uec9iXe8l-0-00135-00095992-00096576 where identity is in in flux and where traditional systems of knowledge are challenged and come Uec9iXe8l-0-00136-00096576-00097384 together so place making in this sense is highly dependent on institutional instagram integrating Uec9iXe8l-0-00137-00097472-00098184 frameworks so let's have a look at the community centers in this chapter i discuss Uec9iXe8l-0-00138-00098344-00099048 another set of demographics and mainly elderly local residents i participated in women's walking Uec9iXe8l-0-00139-00099048-00099856 group how do they engage in place making so community centers as democratic public space Uec9iXe8l-0-00140-00099936-00100472 and have been have long been associated with their traditional function of mediating a Uec9iXe8l-0-00141-00100472-00101104 relationship between a state and civil society this is associated with community development Uec9iXe8l-0-00142-00101104-00101680 and this is particularly the case for nuclear migrants and citizens in becoming to build on Uec9iXe8l-0-00143-00101680-00102368 the liminality concepts six community centers are located in the city of maryland and over Uec9iXe8l-0-00144-00102368-00103024 free or low cost activities from walking groups to indoor lombo to craft groups and computer classes Uec9iXe8l-0-00145-00103176-00103728 so i describe place making through walking in this chapter through the themes of walking routes and Uec9iXe8l-0-00146-00103728-00104296 routines connection with nature and sharing space they are showing the pedestrian space Uec9iXe8l-0-00147-00104528-00104904 the connection with nature theme brings out memories of Uec9iXe8l-0-00148-00104904-00105432 geographical distant places where walkers with migration backgrounds were born Uec9iXe8l-0-00149-00105511-00105928 for example lemon trees or peppercorn trees along the walking routes Uec9iXe8l-0-00150-00106016-00106616 connects memories with the here and now and foster a specific kind of belonging to place Uec9iXe8l-0-00151-00107040-00107592 in a forthcoming article this connection to place and fostering healthy living Uec9iXe8l-0-00152-00107592-00108744 is further explored okay public parks finally um the fourth chapter so how is public space used Uec9iXe8l-0-00153-00108744-00109424 for pickup games in public parks i illustrate this type of place making by looking at a bangladeshi Uec9iXe8l-0-00154-00109424-00110128 multicultural pickup soccer team and croatian virginia players very different activities Uec9iXe8l-0-00155-00110128-00110872 but both using the public green space in a highly visible manner they are audible visible and both Uec9iXe8l-0-00156-00110872-00111648 engage in a process that connects them connects them and the social group to a place within Uec9iXe8l-0-00157-00112016-00112440 compared to owning a space like traditional sports clubs Uec9iXe8l-0-00158-00112440-00113008 they do establish a feeling of ownership and responsibility over that space Uec9iXe8l-0-00159-00113311-00113583 and the use of space is subjected to free negotiation Uec9iXe8l-0-00160-00113711-00114464 not present in other spaces this supports previous research on the hidden multiculture Uec9iXe8l-0-00161-00114544-00115359 at parks that may if sufficiently scaled up inform and foster urban spaces more inclusive Uec9iXe8l-0-00162-00115359-00116135 civility williamson's um williamson argues so pick-up games are described in the literature Uec9iXe8l-0-00163-00116135-00116824 as particularly relevant for ethnic cultural minorities as described by wise and aquino Uec9iXe8l-0-00164-00117608-00118535 a few concluding remarks so what we see here is what this research is showing is Uec9iXe8l-0-00165-00118535-00119144 that there are so many diverse ways of place making the first forms of physical activities Uec9iXe8l-0-00166-00119144-00119608 the first ways in which ethnic cultures are expressed through sports participation Uec9iXe8l-0-00167-00119744-00120152 or in which the sporting context provides a social context to meet Uec9iXe8l-0-00168-00120456-00121224 and the first ways of using urban public spaces as i mentioned earlier different groups of people Uec9iXe8l-0-00169-00121224-00122096 use public space in different ways and within a multicultural society the question is how these Uec9iXe8l-0-00170-00122224-00123048 different groups have not just access to public space but also the policy making behind it and Uec9iXe8l-0-00171-00123048-00123680 this is what we see in this is what then leads to the implications for urban planning Uec9iXe8l-0-00172-00123735-00124368 is that traditional sports remain a standard in the management of physical activity Uec9iXe8l-0-00173-00124464-00125296 there is this sense of ownership of space that is very um a prevalence within sports clubs Uec9iXe8l-0-00174-00125624-00126224 and different meaning two days is is given within the more informal space where Uec9iXe8l-0-00175-00126368-00127264 the public sparks are used and then are being left again so this representation of diversity in urban Uec9iXe8l-0-00176-00127264-00128024 planning for health and physical activity is so incredibly important to foster healthy communities Uec9iXe8l-0-00177-00128376-00128983 this is a list with references thank you so much Uec9iXe8l-0-00178-00129320-00129328 you UhExJnK841Q-00000-00000072-00000471 Welcome back! UhExJnK841Q-00001-00000471-00001101 In this video I want to show you how to sell a Put Vertical in tastyworks. UhExJnK841Q-00002-00001101-00001678 So we're looking at a chart of SPY, and let's say that your assumption is that you thought UhExJnK841Q-00003-00001678-00002232 that SPY was going to go higher, it was going to continue on and continue to go higher. UhExJnK841Q-00004-00002232-00002882 So you wanted to put on a bullish position and you decided that a short put vertical UhExJnK841Q-00005-00002882-00003082 was the spread that you wanted to trade. UhExJnK841Q-00006-00003082-00003676 All you've got to do is go to the trade tab and you'll see the option chains populate UhExJnK841Q-00007-00003676-00003835 when you're in the table mode. UhExJnK841Q-00008-00003835-00004203 We always want to stay in the monthly option cycles, they're the most liquid, and just UhExJnK841Q-00009-00004203-00004953 for consistency they are annotated by the bolder white, and you can see the weekly and UhExJnK841Q-00010-00004953-00005328 quarterlies have a note next to them with a W or a Q. UhExJnK841Q-00011-00005328-00005894 So the monthly cycle with between thirty and sixty days where we like to put the trades UhExJnK841Q-00012-00005894-00006477 on, you can see the April 20th in this case have 38 days to expiration. UhExJnK841Q-00013-00006477-00006847 Simply open those up and it brings up the option chain. UhExJnK841Q-00014-00006847-00007270 So then what we're going to do is we want to sell a put vertical. UhExJnK841Q-00015-00007270-00007650 So a couple of different ways to do that, you can piece it together by simply clicking UhExJnK841Q-00016-00007650-00007845 on the bid in the ask. UhExJnK841Q-00017-00007845-00008300 Remember on the put side these are the in the money options below this line, and these UhExJnK841Q-00018-00008300-00008647 are the out of the money options above this line. UhExJnK841Q-00019-00008647-00009171 So when we're selling a put vertical we typically like to start out of the money. UhExJnK841Q-00020-00009171-00009908 So let's say we looked at the 275 strike and we simply wanted to sell the 275 and then UhExJnK841Q-00021-00009908-00010228 we wanted to buy strikes five points away. UhExJnK841Q-00022-00010228-00010678 So we'd look at the 270 and then we'd click on the ask to buy it. UhExJnK841Q-00023-00010678-00011428 The red outline always indicates your selling, also says S and then the green outline represents UhExJnK841Q-00024-00011428-00011666 buying or B1. UhExJnK841Q-00025-00011666-00012214 So we've got a five point wide put vertical and then you can look down at your statistics UhExJnK841Q-00026-00012214-00012966 to see that you're probability of profit is 59%, probability of making 50% is 82%. UhExJnK841Q-00027-00012966-00013370 You can see your delta, which is positive, obviously this is a bullish trade. UhExJnK841Q-00028-00013370-00013994 We want the stock to go up, you can see your theta, max profit and max loss for the trade. UhExJnK841Q-00029-00013994-00014206 So you've got everything right there. UhExJnK841Q-00030-00014206-00014693 The other way to do this if we clear that out is to use your strategy drop down. UhExJnK841Q-00031-00014693-00015285 So we want a short but we want to click on this to change us to put and vertical. UhExJnK841Q-00032-00015285-00015756 So then you just simply click go, and it will populate on your screen. UhExJnK841Q-00033-00015756-00016456 Now it automatically goes to the next strike right out of the money so we need to adjust UhExJnK841Q-00034-00016456-00016556 these. UhExJnK841Q-00035-00016556-00017095 So let's keep that at 276, and let's drag this one, just simply click and drag to the UhExJnK841Q-00036-00017095-00017195 271. UhExJnK841Q-00037-00017195-00017568 Actually we had 275, 270 so we can just drag those around. UhExJnK841Q-00038-00017568-00017797 And there it is, it's that easy. UhExJnK841Q-00039-00017797-00018156 You can see the statistics down below are exactly the same. UhExJnK841Q-00040-00018156-00018668 Now you can go ahead and review and send that directly to the broker to get filled or if UhExJnK841Q-00041-00018668-00018842 you're like me I'm a visual trader. UhExJnK841Q-00042-00018842-00019388 I want to look at the curve mode, and then click on the analysis and that will give you UhExJnK841Q-00043-00019388-00019720 the visual perspective of the trade. UhExJnK841Q-00044-00019720-00020229 So you can see here as you scroll along the green area up in the flag, you can see your UhExJnK841Q-00045-00020229-00020683 profit, loss and expiration which is the same as your max profit. UhExJnK841Q-00046-00020683-00021211 Then as you scroll along to the red you can see your PNL and expiration which is obviously UhExJnK841Q-00047-00021211-00021311 negative. UhExJnK841Q-00048-00021311-00021522 That's when you'd start to lose money on the trade. UhExJnK841Q-00049-00021522-00022095 So you've got everything right here, all the statistics are still down here below. UhExJnK841Q-00050-00022095-00022562 If you decide you want to change your strikes you don't have to go back to the table view, UhExJnK841Q-00051-00022562-00023118 you can actually just click and drag on these tiles right here, and that will adjust your UhExJnK841Q-00052-00023118-00023728 potential profit, potential loss, give you an idea of your probabilities, and you can UhExJnK841Q-00053-00023728-00024477 just simply click and drag those from there until you get the desired PNL and risk reward UhExJnK841Q-00054-00024477-00024748 that you're looking for on the trade. UhExJnK841Q-00055-00024748-00025163 Once you're done and ready to go, simply hit review and send, send that in to the broker UhExJnK841Q-00056-00025163-00025423 to get filled and you're all set. UhExJnK841Q-00057-00025423-00025960 Hope that was helpful in showing you how to trade a short put vertical in Tastyworks. UhExJnK841Q-00058-00025960-00026029 See you in the next lesson. UhK6Acprs8u-00000-00000727-00000978 I think that the Occupy movement UhK6Acprs8u-00001-00000978-00001650 is the beginning of a new kind of consciousness. UhK6Acprs8u-00002-00001718-00002523 There is a difference in the way a large number of people, even in Western societies, live UhK6Acprs8u-00003-00002523-00003340 as compared with a small percentage of elite decision makers, UhK6Acprs8u-00004-00003353-00004070 controllers of the vast amount of wealth in this country. UhK6Acprs8u-00005-00004070-00004567 In the world! And I think that people are thinking about it. UhK6Acprs8u-00006-00004567-00005813 And, I like the decentralized approach that they have. UhK6Acprs8u-00007-00005813-00006413 I think, I think they're the beginning of what will be a revolution. UhK6Acprs8u-00008-00006413-00006933 They're the seeds of potential revolution. UhK6Acprs8u-00009-00006933-00007621 And I think people are thinking about it, people are figuring out ways to UhK6Acprs8u-00010-00007621-00008528 mobilize, to make change. And it may be the leaderless revolution, UhK6Acprs8u-00011-00008528-00009533 and I think it's necessary because when there is one charismatic leader they're co-opted. UhK6Acprs8u-00012-00009533-00010154 Enough with personalities. There has to be a critical consciousness. UhK6Acprs8u-00013-00010153-00010615 Or, a number of people who think for themselves. UhK6Acprs8u-00014-00010614-00011352 And, think in peaceful ways how we can affect change UhK6Acprs8u-00015-00011351-00012122 that is consistent with respecting the value of all human life. UhK6Acprs8u-00016-00012117-00013103 And I'm supportive of Occupy movements, the development of an authentic UhK6Acprs8u-00017-00013103-00013897 public voice that expresses the outrage and anger as a result of UhK6Acprs8u-00018-00013897-00014866 lack of opportunity, well being and freedoms and liberties and welfares that UhK6Acprs8u-00019-00014866-00015302 we have a right to. That our human dignity demands. UhK6Acprs8u-00020-00015301-00016166 We need Occupy. We need to continue to support them and help them in whatever way that we can UhK6Acprs8u-00021-00016165-00016346 and be a part of it. Un5g0IETsiE-00000-00000560-00001048 hi guys chinababak with you i'm a full-time online marketer business coach and traffic vendor and Un5g0IETsiE-00001-00001048-00001704 in this video i will share with you my automation tool my strategy that i use to get absolutely free Un5g0IETsiE-00002-00001704-00002984 buyers leads from facebook to my list and also to my facebook group so let's dive in Un5g0IETsiE-00003-00003208-00004384 so Un5g0IETsiE-00004-00004776-00005136 okay first of all i will show you that it works okay so take a look Un5g0IETsiE-00005-00005232-00005880 the idea of this is that i'm sending messages but i use special system i use automation i Un5g0IETsiE-00006-00005880-00006536 use l messenger pro automation tool to send these messages and to do it in a very clever way okay so Un5g0IETsiE-00007-00006536-00007000 you will find your link down below in the description to join my l messenger pro team Un5g0IETsiE-00008-00007000-00007520 and also get access to free training area to see how i did it okay how i use it but Un5g0IETsiE-00009-00007520-00008184 let me show you in action how it works in action but first i will uh reply to these people okay Un5g0IETsiE-00010-00008184-00008824 as you can see i have special menu here and again this is menu just from the eldest job pro Un5g0IETsiE-00011-00008824-00009360 so what i did i created these pre-written messages not to type everyone the same [__] Un5g0IETsiE-00012-00009456-00010048 to send the message to each and every one guy okay so see cool use this link to join my group and Un5g0IETsiE-00013-00010048-00010632 read the banned post okay and get free access to automation tool i used to make 1k plus per Un5g0IETsiE-00014-00010632-00011400 week online and i give him my link okay so this is very interesting thing because not only they will Un5g0IETsiE-00015-00011400-00012008 join my passive income uh blueprint with ginaback facebook group which will give me opportunity to Un5g0IETsiE-00016-00012064-00012704 uh give to give them more information to start working with them to do like these facebook Un5g0IETsiE-00017-00012704-00013640 lives every everyone and then okay same here with me linda came again they allow me to send Un5g0IETsiE-00018-00013640-00014272 them this information how cool is that and again it will not take a lot of time for me Un5g0IETsiE-00019-00014640-00015696 that's it okay now how i did it so first of all i created a special um tab here to add some groups Un5g0IETsiE-00020-00015768-00016608 which i actually want to send my uh messages to okay first of all these are the groups where Un5g0IETsiE-00021-00016720-00017288 which includes people who bought some product for uh teaching them affiliate marketing or Un5g0IETsiE-00022-00017288-00017768 giving them opportunity to use some software for affiliate marketing or making money online Un5g0IETsiE-00023-00017872-00018616 or network marketing something like that so inside of this group for example we have 484 members Un5g0IETsiE-00024-00018616-00019224 and all i need to do to uh start getting uh let's say lease as you can see free leads and Un5g0IETsiE-00025-00019224-00019872 again guys this is all buyers these people can just get inside of this group in only one case Un5g0IETsiE-00026-00019872-00020432 when they bought the product which means that they are buyers and they are not freebie seekers okay Un5g0IETsiE-00027-00020496-00020880 so all i need to do i just choose the tag you can create the tag for Un5g0IETsiE-00028-00020880-00021424 each and every group but i just use my my friend request stack okay so and i will Un5g0IETsiE-00029-00021424-00021952 just send this to a couple of people so just to show you how it works okay so again the system Un5g0IETsiE-00030-00021952-00022648 works perfectly no problem with facebook but you just need to use it like in a correct way Un5g0IETsiE-00031-00022704-00023272 so now now i can talk to you about any scene because this system this uh this actually um Un5g0IETsiE-00032-00023448-00024048 automation tool which is called l messenger pro will do the work for me so as you can see i do Un5g0IETsiE-00033-00024048-00024976 this like every day and i have like 10 15 up to 20 leads but guys per day but this is buyers Un5g0IETsiE-00034-00024976-00025672 these are buyers you don't need too many people to like to make a sale you just need one guy Un5g0IETsiE-00035-00025736-00026320 to make a high ticket sale per day you just need one guy who's really interested okay so as you Un5g0IETsiE-00036-00026320-00026895 can see what's happened so happening they assist them just looking for the people who have mutual Un5g0IETsiE-00037-00026895-00027536 uh friends mutual interest and mutual friends with me okay this was one of the filters i use and this Un5g0IETsiE-00038-00027536-00028176 is also very important for facebook okay because facebook says that okay gina sends messages by the Un5g0IETsiE-00039-00028176-00028680 way there is a slightly different messages so it's also on autopilot the rotation of the messages is Un5g0IETsiE-00040-00028680-00029400 on autopilot inside of the l messenger pro tag okay so again in my trading i show you how to do Un5g0IETsiE-00041-00029400-00029952 it just want you to join my team and messenger pro team and we will start working together if Un5g0IETsiE-00042-00029952-00030512 you will need to create help my help to create the tag the message for your business i will help you Un5g0IETsiE-00043-00030568-00031327 definitely 100 okay so see i sent another the the messenger process sending another message Un5g0IETsiE-00044-00031383-00032008 and after it's sent casey another message sees the same but slightly different another message Un5g0IETsiE-00045-00032008-00032992 and after that it stops that's it that's it okay so guys i actually um invite you to uh Un5g0IETsiE-00046-00032992-00033568 join my team to use this strategy because again this is the fastest way how you can Un5g0IETsiE-00047-00033664-00034136 how you can actually start getting traction okay start getting traffic and everything Un5g0IETsiE-00048-00034232-00034952 so let's check the group this is my facebook group where i want them to join and see i have Un5g0IETsiE-00049-00034952-00035696 a couple of painting posts from people i have three members requests here and as you can see Un5g0IETsiE-00050-00035696-00036256 some of them will even give me their email so for example so melinda is ready to give me their Un5g0IETsiE-00051-00036256-00036880 her email so i will not only improve her hair approve her hair to join okay but Un5g0IETsiE-00052-00037056-00037592 i already had a conversation with her i also have conversation with harley Un5g0IETsiE-00053-00037592-00038480 and see i have like two new emails and two buyers inside of my facebook group now and it took me Un5g0IETsiE-00054-00038480-00039136 like less than five minutes how cool is that here again if you like the idea to join my messenger Un5g0IETsiE-00055-00039136-00039856 pro team and get this amazing automation tool for facebook marketing okay just find your link down Un5g0IETsiE-00056-00039856-00040784 below in the description or get in touch with me and i will help you on your way talk to you soon Un5g0IETsiE-00057-00041744-00041752 you UnSoWMH5QAo-00000-00005192-00005768 In the shallow darkness just before the crack of dawn, we gathered in the warm UnSoWMH5QAo-00001-00005768-00006152 Singaporean twilight air, outside of Harbour Front station UnSoWMH5QAo-00002-00006680-00007023 We stood at the head of a trail that would lead us through UnSoWMH5QAo-00003-00007023-00008584 about 10 kilometers of hills, forests and parks. The southern ridges trail. UnSoWMH5QAo-00004-00009640-00010304 The trail took us up a continuous series of stairs cutting through the still dark forest. UnSoWMH5QAo-00005-00011088-00012784 Without warning the trail lights went off, but the soft glow of dawn had already begun taking over. UnSoWMH5QAo-00006-00015176-00016984 We were now atop a hill, where an open garden afforded us some nice views. UnSoWMH5QAo-00007-00019592-00019784 Mt Faber. UnSoWMH5QAo-00008-00020192-00021184 Not much of a mountain at 94 meters, but good enough for some nice breezy overlooks of the city. UnSoWMH5QAo-00009-00023000-00023984 We watched the rising sun fill Singapore with warm light. UnSoWMH5QAo-00010-00030200-00030983 "It's like this is the harbor side that is the hdb side." UnSoWMH5QAo-00011-00031088-00031520 After taking in the city it is time to head downhill. UnSoWMH5QAo-00012-00031688-00031960 "You sure this's the way? it looks like a dead end to me" UnSoWMH5QAo-00013-00031960-00032256 "You donut noe de wae" "Oh there is a down [path] okay fine. UnSoWMH5QAo-00014-00032256-00033784 "You win this time Frank" UnSoWMH5QAo-00015-00034112-00035184 Our next major landmark was the Henderson Waves UnSoWMH5QAo-00016-00036324-00036424 So UnSoWMH5QAo-00017-00036424-00037216 it's a pun UnSoWMH5QAo-00018-00037216-00037600 The Henderson Waves bridge, with its unique design, UnSoWMH5QAo-00019-00037664-00037984 is the highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore. UnSoWMH5QAo-00020-00038056-00039384 Even with the maintenance work in progress it was an impressive edifice. UnSoWMH5QAo-00021-00044368-00044984 The path continues through patches of gardens and woods. UnSoWMH5QAo-00022-00058704-00059424 The raised footpath continued on, snaking through the hillside forests, before finally ending at the UnSoWMH5QAo-00023-00059424-00060128 main road: revealing another landmark. From here we could either take a bus UnSoWMH5QAo-00024-00060128-00060512 or walk alongside a busy road to get to the next trailhead. UnSoWMH5QAo-00025-00060600-00061072 After a bit of bickering, we decided to take the short-ish walk. UnSoWMH5QAo-00026-00061384-00061784 "950 meters!? well okay..." UnSoWMH5QAo-00027-00063944-00064655 So we took a stroll in the familiar cityscape, crossing over from Alexandra bridge UnSoWMH5QAo-00028-00064655-00065312 to Labrador Park station, adjacent to which is the start of the Berlayer Creek mangrove trail. UnSoWMH5QAo-00029-00065520-00065984 After a brief break, we were off into the wetlands. UnSoWMH5QAo-00030-00070624-00071584 The waters, initially brown with mud, gradually turned a clearer emerald. UnSoWMH5QAo-00031-00072304-00072984 Looking down i spotted a Needlefish, lazily drifting just beneath the surface. UnSoWMH5QAo-00032-00074080-00074648 Squirrel sightings are common even in Singapore: but rarely in such numbers. UnSoWMH5QAo-00033-00074904-00075784 The mangrove rang with their calls, intertwining with the song of birds. UnSoWMH5QAo-00034-00076464-00077184 As i neared the sea, the waters began to pulse with its rhythm. UnSoWMH5QAo-00035-00079392-00079648 "As expected the heat is really starting to come in now. UnSoWMH5QAo-00036-00079728-00080136 But this is the last leg so, we're gonna tough it out" UnSoWMH5QAo-00037-00080280-00081384 In the distance we can see cable cars streaming to and from Sentosa island. UnSoWMH5QAo-00038-00087312-00087624 "This looks like the way out. Do you think this is the way out?" UnSoWMH5QAo-00039-00087624-00087984 "You guys know the way? Are you saying that you know the way?" UnSoWMH5QAo-00040-00087984-00088072 "Do you kno de wae" UnSoWMH5QAo-00041-00088360-00088640 We entered the forested ruins of an old fort, UnSoWMH5QAo-00042-00088720-00089784 where the trail took us through several colonial era military sites. UnSoWMH5QAo-00043-00089784-00090232 It turned out that we had missed a portion of the nature reserve, but UnSoWMH5QAo-00044-00090232-00090776 sometimes perhaps life is about taking what you have, instead of worrying about what you missed. UnSoWMH5QAo-00045-00091152-00091856 It's been a fun day out with friends. In a world still paralyzed by a virulent pandemic, we UnSoWMH5QAo-00046-00091912-00092584 will take what little piece of adventure we can - and with gratitude. UnSoWMH5QAo-00047-00093896-00094152 "i haven't been this glad to see escalators in a long time" UnSoWMH5QAo-00048-00094440-00094672 "エスカレーター! verygud!" VoGCX2dbdUY-00001-00077040-00078338 here because tiny little mangoes have appeared in the trees. Ah... (Laughs) VoGCX2dbdUY-00002-00079720-00082000 There was a time in India, twenty five – thirty years ago along with the crop of mangoes came VoGCX2dbdUY-00003-00082000-00083248 severe gastroenteritis spreading across rural India, variety of reasons. There would be deaths, VoGCX2dbdUY-00004-00083248-00084058 lots of them. There would be struggles of various kinds. We have overcome that. VoGCX2dbdUY-00005-00084058-00085012 Now, it doesn't happen anymore, you can enjoy the mangoes. Tch... I think it's more than twenty VoGCX2dbdUY-00006-00085012-00086732 years that I've been here during a mango season. (Laughs) There was a time during the mango season, VoGCX2dbdUY-00007-00086732-00087710 I would be on a mango diet, pure mango... (Laughter). Thanks to the Chinese, once again VoGCX2dbdUY-00008-00087710-00088634 there is a possibility (Laughter). Because this is the time always I travel out because spring time VoGCX2dbdUY-00009-00088634-00089685 is when our schedules are tight in United States, but this time we're staying here (Applause). VoGCX2dbdUY-00010-00089685-00091196 There are times where inaction becomes more significant than action. This is a time like VoGCX2dbdUY-00011-00091196-00092534 that. The less you do, the better (Few laugh). So, in terms of work, in terms of travel, especially, VoGCX2dbdUY-00012-00092534-00093854 it's best that we all control our travel a little bit. Not little bit, all the way, because, well, VoGCX2dbdUY-00013-00093854-00094766 we have seen many contagious diseases. India has been going through bouts of malaria and now VoGCX2dbdUY-00014-00094766-00095720 dengue, chikungunya. In all these, the carriers were mosquitoes, so we always thought we must VoGCX2dbdUY-00015-00095720-00096344 exterminate the mosquitoes and we took measures to see that they cannot breed, not a little pool VoGCX2dbdUY-00016-00096344-00097001 of water is there anywhere in the ashram, and the municipalities and ci... ci... city VoGCX2dbdUY-00017-00097001-00098258 administrations all of them going on a war-footing to kill the mosquito but in the present situation VoGCX2dbdUY-00018-00098258-00100104 we are the carriers (Laughter) – so, we cannot kill, so we must lie low. Yes. This is the time to VoGCX2dbdUY-00019-00100104-00101016 sit back, look at our lives, reflect, strategize the trajectory of what we want our life to be, VoGCX2dbdUY-00020-00101016-00102213 above all to realize the fragile nature of our existence. Most human beings don't VoGCX2dbdUY-00021-00102213-00103119 understand this on a day-to-day basis. Our life is very fragile – a virus can kill us. VoGCX2dbdUY-00022-00103119-00103929 Don't believe what is appearing on your phone screens that big hob-knobby ball, with VoGCX2dbdUY-00023-00103929-00104984 multicoloured ball. It doesn't come like a cricket ball, it's microscopic. So, the adversary that we VoGCX2dbdUY-00024-00104984-00105570 are facing is invisible, that's what make them so dangerous. If they were all coming here, this big VoGCX2dbdUY-00025-00105570-00106080 cricket balls, we would have taken a cricket bat... bat and smashed them. They're invisible VoGCX2dbdUY-00026-00106080-00107142 adversaries. For whatever reason it's happened, that's not the point. This is a time where we need VoGCX2dbdUY-00027-00107142-00108086 to understand, because we are the carriers, if it is going from one person to another, one person VoGCX2dbdUY-00028-00108086-00108686 to another, if one person is missing there it will not go to the next person – that's what it means. VoGCX2dbdUY-00029-00108686-00110246 So, for all of us who generally, those who are Inner Engineering Ishangas who travel extensively, VoGCX2dbdUY-00030-00110246-00111296 we've grounded all of them, including myself (Laughter). Many used to complain VoGCX2dbdUY-00031-00111296-00112295 about travel (Laughter). Now they must enjoy just being here and I 'm sure many VoGCX2dbdUY-00032-00112295-00113030 of you complain about your work. Now you must learn how to be without much to do. VoGCX2dbdUY-00033-00113030-00114683 And above all, those who had no time to do yoga (Laughter), here it is (Laughs). Well, VoGCX2dbdUY-00034-00114683-00115205 you couldn't close your eyes and meditate because you're busy, busy, busy. Here you are, VoGCX2dbdUY-00035-00115205-00115766 this is the time to close your eyes and sit. "But Sadhguru, even if I close my eyes only VoGCX2dbdUY-00036-00115766-00116369 the virus are coming" (Laughter). No, you cannot see the virus, so it cannot come in VoGCX2dbdUY-00037-00116369-00117061 your dream. Hello? You have not seen one, so it should not come, you're making up things. VoGCX2dbdUY-00038-00117061-00118036 This is very important. This is the time, it's a reality check for all of us. The fragile life that VoGCX2dbdUY-00039-00118036-00119327 we are, have we kind of organized ourselves to understand and live here and knowing how fragile VoGCX2dbdUY-00040-00119327-00120283 and how, you know, transient our life is, have we planned for a life like that? Or are we an eternal VoGCX2dbdUY-00041-00120283-00121121 life, a make-believe world of your own that you think you're here forever? It is time at least VoGCX2dbdUY-00042-00121121-00121820 now you don't create make-believe things in your mind. This is a reality check as to who we are. VoGCX2dbdUY-00043-00121820-00122865 Let's make use of this. If you could not enlighten yourself by yourself, at least use the virus VoGCX2dbdUY-00044-00122865-00123741 (Laughter). Yes (Laughs), because it's making you realize – just like that somebody sneezed VoGCX2dbdUY-00045-00123741-00124984 and you died (Laughter). It's a good lesson, it's a good reminder I'm saying. This is not a time VoGCX2dbdUY-00046-00124984-00125921 to be panicky, but we need to be precautious. So, we are taking every possible step that we VoGCX2dbdUY-00047-00125921-00126656 can practically take in the ashram. All of you should cooperate and be part of it, hmm? Hello? VoGCX2dbdUY-00048-00126656-00126833 Participants: Yes. Sadhguru: Every one of you. VoGCX2dbdUY-00049-00126833-00126989 Participants: Yes. Sadhguru: If you see VoGCX2dbdUY-00050-00126989-00127754 anybody even a bit, little down, immediately you must report them and take them somewhere VoGCX2dbdUY-00051-00127754-00128267 where they can be checked. Anyway, we're checking every one of you every three days from now on, VoGCX2dbdUY-00052-00128267-00128918 okay? Morning sadhana everybody should come, and we will check you up because this is important. VoGCX2dbdUY-00053-00128918-00129243 We want to go through this successfully, how about you (Crowd cheering affirmatively) VoGCX2dbdUY-00054-00129243-00130190 (Applause)? Successfully and gracefully, this is very important. As a nation, we are making VoGCX2dbdUY-00055-00130190-00131042 a tremendous effort, what India is doing right now is incredible. For the kind of population VoGCX2dbdUY-00056-00131042-00131648 that we are, it's an incredible effort. Nations across the world are appreciating what India is VoGCX2dbdUY-00057-00131648-00132839 doing. Today we have tried to make the strategy of preparation and prevention, not just to the nation VoGCX2dbdUY-00058-00132839-00133403 but to all the nations which share border with us. Today the Prime Minister is addressing them, VoGCX2dbdUY-00059-00133403-00134183 sometime... I think it's going on right now. All these efforts are not simple, this is going to VoGCX2dbdUY-00060-00134183-00135320 cost us enormously. Yes. This is going to hit us enormously – in terms of economic terms, people, VoGCX2dbdUY-00061-00135320-00136067 businesses, the nation and the world is going to suffer an enormous economic... is going to VoGCX2dbdUY-00062-00136067-00136784 take an enormous economic hit, no question about that. But right now, the focus is on VoGCX2dbdUY-00063-00136784-00137717 staying alive. Hmm? Tch... for staying alive you just have to be little missing in action. VoGCX2dbdUY-00064-00137717-00138911 This happened. Shankaran Pillai was at his office. And during the lunchtime, VoGCX2dbdUY-00065-00138911-00140060 everybody was talking their problems at home. So Shankaran Pillai said, "Every evening, VoGCX2dbdUY-00066-00140060-00141455 my wife picks up my shoes and carries it in her own hands. They said, "Wow! that's amazing. You VoGCX2dbdUY-00067-00141455-00142034 have such a wife? Every day when you go home, she will take your shoes and carry it?" "No, VoGCX2dbdUY-00068-00142034-00142973 no, when I want to leave the house (Laughter), she takes away the shoes, not when I come back." VoGCX2dbdUY-00069-00143180-00144212 Doesn't matter which way. Ahh... you need to keep your traveling shoes a little bit off. You VoGCX2dbdUY-00070-00144212-00144890 need to be... your friendships, your closeness to people, all this... you must be missing for VoGCX2dbdUY-00071-00144890-00145520 some time. Tch... The love should be nurtured in your heart, need not be expressed for some VoGCX2dbdUY-00072-00145520-00146588 time (Laughter). Yes? Now there are... there is a cost to this, there's an enormous cost to this, VoGCX2dbdUY-00073-00146588-00147164 but any cost is better than being dead. Hello? Participants: Yes, yes. VoGCX2dbdUY-00074-00147164-00148046 Sadhguru: Any cost is better than being dead. So, ensure that yourself and nobody around you should VoGCX2dbdUY-00075-00148046-00148607 fall a victim to this. This is a commitment with which you must live till this is over. VoGCX2dbdUY-00076-00148607-00149183 Neither you nor anybody around you should put to this risk, you have to take care of this. VoGCX2dbdUY-00077-00149183-00150380 Because the adversary is invisible... (Audience member coughs) (Laughter). Who is that? Who is VoGCX2dbdUY-00078-00150380-00151019 the coughing person (Laughter)? Hello? No really, I'm telling you, who's the coughing VoGCX2dbdUY-00079-00151019-00151739 person? Let him sit out, that's what you need to do. This is exactly what I'm telling you. Hello? VoGCX2dbdUY-00080-00151739-00152819 Just sit out separately. It's okay, you don't have to go away. This is what you need to do. VoGCX2dbdUY-00081-00152819-00153749 Now, this is not discrimination, this is just sense. Those who are sensible will survive VoGCX2dbdUY-00082-00153749-00154931 these situations. Those who are senseless, they will be brave and dead (Laughter). So, VoGCX2dbdUY-00083-00154931-00156104 if somebody Uff..., you must pay very intense attention to them (Laughter). Wait for thirty VoGCX2dbdUY-00084-00156104-00156626 seconds and see are they going to cough once again (Laughter). If they cough the second VoGCX2dbdUY-00085-00156626-00157298 time, you must, "Come (Gestures)... please, please come" (Laughter). And we are setting up VoGCX2dbdUY-00086-00157298-00157892 stations everywhere. Take them there, let them be checked up, this what you need to do. Okay? VoGCX2dbdUY-00087-00157892-00159194 Well, a missionary, who was on his mission of saving souls in Africa, was captured by a tribe. VoGCX2dbdUY-00088-00159194-00160259 And, witchdoctor was looking at him up and down. The missionary asked, "Why are you looking at me VoGCX2dbdUY-00089-00160259-00161697 so intensely?" The witchdoctor said, "Well, I'm the food inspector here" (Laughter). Hmm? You VoGCX2dbdUY-00090-00161697-00162630 must pay that kind of attention (Laughter). Okay? Uff means you must pay attention to them, another VoGCX2dbdUY-00091-00162630-00163299 thirty seconds if they do one more uff, they must go for a checkup. Please take care of this, okay? VoGCX2dbdUY-00092-00163299-00163608 Participants: Yes. Sadhguru: All other requirements, VoGCX2dbdUY-00093-00163608-00164715 we'll put it out and for everybody else who are connected with us right now on the web, VoGCX2dbdUY-00094-00164715-00165735 keep yourself minimum. Don't... this is not the time to travel the world (Laughs). And the VoGCX2dbdUY-00095-00165735-00166347 simplest thing you can do is if you stay away from everybody, as many of you are so busy, you could VoGCX2dbdUY-00096-00166347-00167031 not meditate, do Shambhavi, this is the time, tch (Laughter). And we can also instruct you, VoGCX2dbdUY-00097-00167031-00167664 in the next few days, how to do long meditations, so that the time that you have, you can use it VoGCX2dbdUY-00098-00167664-00168525 to build yourself up, because it doesn't matter what life throws at us, what we make out of it is VoGCX2dbdUY-00099-00168525-00169158 ours – what life throws at us we cannot decide, what we make out of it is hundred percent ours. VoGCX2dbdUY-00100-00169158-00170001 So right now, for some reason, nature is throwing some deadly virus at us. Tch, let's make the best VoGCX2dbdUY-00101-00170001-00170688 out of it. It's not going to be there forever – it will go. We don't know whether the summer VoGCX2dbdUY-00102-00170688-00171156 will kill it, the mangoes will kill it, or it will die by itself, we don't know, VoGCX2dbdUY-00103-00171156-00171993 but it will not last forever. In the meantime, ah... because it's an invisible enemy, we just bow VoGCX2dbdUY-00104-00171993-00172749 our heads down and just sit around for some time, hmm? Let it pass. If it was a big giant, we would VoGCX2dbdUY-00105-00172749-00173556 have fought it. Right now, the only way is to... because they need us for transportation, we don't VoGCX2dbdUY-00106-00173556-00174363 provide the transportation, that's all we need to do. Okay? You must take this commitment. You will VoGCX2dbdUY-00107-00174363-00174915 ensure that you will not be the carrier to give it to another human being – if it comes to you, VoGCX2dbdUY-00108-00174915-00175397 it must stop with you. Hmm? Take care of this? Participants: Yes. VoGCX2dbdUY-00109-00175397-00176166 Sadhguru: So, that's about it. There is no need to cause too much panic about it. There VoGCX2dbdUY-00110-00176166-00176658 is a differences... there is a difference being... between being precautious and VoGCX2dbdUY-00111-00176658-00177228 panicky – panicky means you'll do all the wrong things, precautious means you do the right things, VoGCX2dbdUY-00112-00177228-00177922 that's the important aspect of this. So, here we are. Any questions please? VoGCX2dbdUY-00113-00177922-00179377 Participant: Namaskaram Sadhguru. I've read many of your books, and I've learned a lot. I've also VoGCX2dbdUY-00114-00179377-00180028 been touched deeply by kriyas and Hatha Yoga. I was wondering why is it that you don't teach VoGCX2dbdUY-00115-00180028-00180559 kriyas and Hatha Yoga through books, wouldn't that reach more people? Thank you (Laughter). VoGCX2dbdUY-00116-00180559-00182179 Sadhguru: Yoga is not something that you teach. Yoga is something that you transmit. VoGCX2dbdUY-00117-00182179-00183250 A book cannot do transmission. A book can give you information and inspiration. So, VoGCX2dbdUY-00118-00183250-00183937 we are writing books to inspire people to take to yoga, not to instruct people into yoga or transmit VoGCX2dbdUY-00119-00183937-00184795 yoga through the book. Well, as there are many, many forms of yoga, there is also one form of yoga VoGCX2dbdUY-00120-00184795-00185680 called book yoga (Laughter) – that is people want to learn yoga through books. Well, if you don't VoGCX2dbdUY-00121-00185680-00186610 have any trouble with... in your life, even if the virus did not show interest in you, you must pick VoGCX2dbdUY-00122-00186610-00187666 up a yoga book and try to practice yoga with the book. There are so many books wanting to VoGCX2dbdUY-00123-00187666-00188338 teach yoga to people. Fortunately, people who buy these books, generally they flip through, VoGCX2dbdUY-00124-00188338-00188827 they don't read through. If they read through, they don't practice. If they practice, VoGCX2dbdUY-00125-00188827-00189478 within the first three to five days they will give it up. But there are a few people who will take VoGCX2dbdUY-00126-00189478-00190609 this up seriously and do it. There are thousands of cases or many more who have caused immense VoGCX2dbdUY-00127-00190609-00191350 damage to themselves by doing book yoga. Because when you do yoga through the book, you won't start VoGCX2dbdUY-00128-00191350-00191824 with the basics. Whatever they're saying is the highest practice, that's where you start because, VoGCX2dbdUY-00129-00191824-00192616 of course, you're eligible (Laughter), because you can read. Well, I forget which year... VoGCX2dbdUY-00130-00192616-00193368 Participants: 1986. Sadhguru: Hmm? VoGCX2dbdUY-00131-00193368-00193373 Participants: 1986. Sadhguru: Eighty six? Oh. VoGCX2dbdUY-00132-00193373-00193812 Participants: Yes (Laughter). Sadhguru: Som… some of them VoGCX2dbdUY-00133-00193812-00194652 might have been cases (Laughter). Why is that man moving like that? VoGCX2dbdUY-00134-00194652-00195235 Hello? You trying to spread the virus (Laughter)? Sit down somewhere. Hmm? VoGCX2dbdUY-00135-00195235-00195771 Participants: He has a flight to catch. Sadhguru: Oh, then you must fly (Laughter). VoGCX2dbdUY-00136-00196454-00197171 I thought you're trying to do relay, virus relay (Laughter). VoGCX2dbdUY-00137-00197171-00198608 So, in 1986, when they made a survey in the NIMHANS Institute in Bangalore. NIMHANS Institute VoGCX2dbdUY-00138-00198608-00199514 is a premier neurosciences institution or it's a mental asylum on one level – not really an asylum, VoGCX2dbdUY-00139-00199514-00200603 a hospital more. Eight percent of the in-patients that year were improper yoga cases. There are VoGCX2dbdUY-00140-00200603-00201227 thousands of ways for you to drive yourself mad. There are... if you want, I can tell you how VoGCX2dbdUY-00141-00201227-00201938 many ways you can do it. Or maybe you yourself are an expert. But eight percent of the people VoGCX2dbdUY-00142-00201938-00202979 choose yoga as their path to ma... madness. That's incredible. What should be an ultimate solution to VoGCX2dbdUY-00143-00202979-00203873 your life becomes the pathway to madness. This is simply because without preparatory steps, without VoGCX2dbdUY-00144-00203873-00204710 any transmission, just picking up odd instructions and trying to do something. Fortunately, VoGCX2dbdUY-00145-00204710-00205277 most of them don't practice after some time. Those who take it seriously will pay a very VoGCX2dbdUY-00146-00205277-00206423 huge price. It is... I know I will invite a lot of flak for this but that's not new to me (Laughter). VoGCX2dbdUY-00147-00206423-00207881 So, let me say this, in a way, teaching intricate yoga or yogic processes, which are inward-directed VoGCX2dbdUY-00148-00207881-00208771 processes, through a book is a crime. It's a crime. It is like, there are some people... you VoGCX2dbdUY-00149-00208771-00209348 know, some time ago it was there, now it's been removed. There are some people who have access VoGCX2dbdUY-00150-00209348-00210273 to scientific information, and at a time just about... before this... probably before 2003 or VoGCX2dbdUY-00151-00210273-00211194 2004 at that time, there was clear instructions as to how to make a nuclear bomb, on the web. On the VoGCX2dbdUY-00152-00211194-00211848 internet, you could get everything as to how to make a nuclear bomb. Only problem was assimilating VoGCX2dbdUY-00153-00211848-00212490 the material. But if you had access to material, every bit of information, how to make a nuclear VoGCX2dbdUY-00154-00212490-00213173 bomb was all there. Now they've removed because... whatever the security situations are such. VoGCX2dbdUY-00155-00213173-00214056 So, using knowledge in this manner is not a responsible thing, it's a crime. First of all, VoGCX2dbdUY-00156-00214056-00214662 nuclear bomb is anyway a crime. Unfortunately, it is needed because somebody else has it, VoGCX2dbdUY-00157-00214662-00215096 you're nervous about it, so you have it. Because you have it, somebody else has it; VoGCX2dbdUY-00158-00215096-00215694 because they have it, somebody else has it. Well, this is an unfortunate reality in the world, but VoGCX2dbdUY-00159-00215694-00216444 putting it out on the net, how to make a nuclear bomb is definitely a crime, isn't it? In a way, VoGCX2dbdUY-00160-00216444-00216998 yoga is much more than nuclear science when it comes to you as a individual person, VoGCX2dbdUY-00161-00216998-00217596 because this can make something else happen within you. It can transform a VoGCX2dbdUY-00162-00217596-00218259 human being into another possibility, if it's mishandled it can also destroy a human being. VoGCX2dbdUY-00163-00218259-00219023 So, when it comes to transmission, it's made in such a way, even if thousands of people are VoGCX2dbdUY-00164-00219023-00219623 in the same hall, not everybody will receive the same thing. You can... you can check the VoGCX2dbdUY-00165-00219623-00220128 experiences of people, not everybody will receive the same thing, even if all of them are sitting VoGCX2dbdUY-00166-00220128-00220796 in the same session, because that is how it is transmitted, each according to their own their VoGCX2dbdUY-00167-00220796-00221321 own, you know, receptivity that they have. That's the way it should be. So that is the VoGCX2dbdUY-00168-00221321-00221913 nature of transmission, subjective transmission, but putting all that in a book and thinking it's VoGCX2dbdUY-00169-00221913-00222546 going to work, no. This book is definitely written by somebody who has no experience of any kind, VoGCX2dbdUY-00170-00222546-00223096 because they've read something somewhere, and they put it here. Anybody who has experienced the VoGCX2dbdUY-00171-00223096-00224135 potency of what it is, will never do that – ever. So please don't do book yoga... but please buy VoGCX2dbdUY-00172-00224135-00225179 the Death Book (Applause) (Laughs). This is the first time I am adv... advertising for a VoGCX2dbdUY-00173-00225179-00225800 book (Laughter). Because all the other books had a choice – whether you can read it or not read it, VoGCX2dbdUY-00174-00225800-00226715 this one... (Laughter) this is for all those who shall die (Laughter). We will leave the VoGCX2dbdUY-00175-00226715-00227360 immortal ones; the rest must read. Please put out lots of books out in the ashram so VoGCX2dbdUY-00176-00227360-00228689 that people can pick it up and read (Laughs) (Applause). So, don't do book yoga (Laughter). VoGCX2dbdUY-00177-00228689-00230114 What you call as life is packed between two dimensions, called birth and death. If you do VoGCX2dbdUY-00178-00230114-00231146 not... If you do not hold the two ends of life properly, life will spill out of your hands, VoGCX2dbdUY-00179-00231146-00231791 it won't be in your hands. This is why death. Birth happened without your permission. VoGCX2dbdUY-00180-00231791-00233153 Participant: Namaskaram Sadhguru. Sadhguru you talk about... Sadhguru you talk about VoGCX2dbdUY-00181-00233153-00233740 collective karma. For example, tribes and clans that suffer certain things together. Sadhguru, VoGCX2dbdUY-00182-00233740-00233750 this corona virus that is going on right now, is it like a... Is it a example of collective VoGCX2dbdUY-00183-00233750-00236075 karma for us as like a (Laughter) global society? Sadhguru: Well, if we behave irresponsibly – five VoGCX2dbdUY-00184-00236075-00236771 people here behave irresponsibly, everybody will suffer, isn't it? Hmm? Collective karma VoGCX2dbdUY-00185-00236771-00237623 or no? Somebody does something, everybody suffers. Please sit down. But about tribes and clans what VoGCX2dbdUY-00186-00237623-00238907 we've talked about, the kula, as it's called in India, is... has a genetic connection. Virus is VoGCX2dbdUY-00187-00238907-00239558 an infection – irrespective of your genetics, it may get anybody. Okay? This is a different kind of VoGCX2dbdUY-00188-00239558-00240482 collective karma. Suppose a 1000 years ago, in the Wuhan city if some deadly virus came, we wouldn't VoGCX2dbdUY-00189-00240482-00240780 know, and it wouldn't come here. Yes or no? Participants: Yes. VoGCX2dbdUY-00190-00240780-00240989 Sadhguru: Tch now we have a collective karma of travel (Laughter) and trade, hmm? We have VoGCX2dbdUY-00191-00240989-00242419 a collective karma of trade and travel. So, what happened somewhere... probably Wuhan is some 4000 VoGCX2dbdUY-00192-00242419-00243128 and odd miles from here. But virus that come there, you can't stop it, it goes everywhere. VoGCX2dbdUY-00193-00243128-00243994 Is this our collective karma or no? Definitely it is, but not in the context of kula. Because that VoGCX2dbdUY-00194-00243994-00244757 happens because of genetic reasons. If ten people here suffer, the rest of the tribe somewhere else, VoGCX2dbdUY-00195-00244757-00245513 they will also suffer because of genetic connections, that's of a different nature. That VoGCX2dbdUY-00196-00245513-00246500 is prarabhda playing out in a collective manner but this is... right now, the virus is global VoGCX2dbdUY-00197-00246500-00247487 karma. Everybody has to pay a price for it, let's pay the price gracefully, but let it not be life. VoGCX2dbdUY-00198-00247487-00248261 Other kinds of price we all have to pay, there's no choice about it. Whether you have it, you don't VoGCX2dbdUY-00199-00248261-00248846 have it, everybody has to pay a price in terms of restricting our lives, losing money, losing VoGCX2dbdUY-00200-00248846-00249441 opportunities, many, many things. Only thing is make sure it's not life that we're losing. Hmm? VoGCX2dbdUY-00201-00249441-00250923 Participant: Namaskaram Sadhguru. There is a question for you from South VoGCX2dbdUY-00202-00250923-00251742 African cricketer, Kagiso Rabada. Sadhguru: Oh, what's his name? VoGCX2dbdUY-00203-00251742-00252301 Participant: Kagiso Rabada, he is a fast bowler. Sadhguru: Yeah, he is called something? KV? VoGCX2dbdUY-00204-00252301-00252952 Participant: KG. Sadhguru: KG. Okay. VoGCX2dbdUY-00205-00252952-00253489 Kagiso Rabada: Hey Sadhguru. My question is, so many times in society you are often told VoGCX2dbdUY-00206-00253489-00254319 what should make you happy. And in a way, we are followers. I wanted to find out your opinion on VoGCX2dbdUY-00207-00254319-00255094 what should make a person essentially happy? So, what is it... what does it mean to be truly happy? VoGCX2dbdUY-00208-00255094-00256603 Sadhguru: Namaskaram KG. Ah... I'm sorry to tell you that my April trip to South Africa VoGCX2dbdUY-00209-00256603-00257721 has been postponed, riding on the virus. So, you know the situation, but about happiness – I VoGCX2dbdUY-00210-00257721-00258646 was just telling them, this is mango season in India and maybe in some parts of Africa VoGCX2dbdUY-00211-00258646-00259791 also but you can't compare Indian mango to anything, tch (Laughter) (Applause). Well, VoGCX2dbdUY-00212-00259791-00260625 now when we go near a mango tree, this is a time when all the young boys and girls are looking, VoGCX2dbdUY-00213-00260625-00261366 parrots are also here, they're all looking up for the mangoes. This is the direction we're looking, VoGCX2dbdUY-00214-00261366-00262335 because that's where sweetness is. Suppose you go under the mango tree and start digging, is there VoGCX2dbdUY-00215-00262335-00263082 any chance of you ever eating a mango, I'm asking, is it possible? So, what we need to understand is VoGCX2dbdUY-00216-00263082-00263970 human experience is caused from within us. No matter what, joy or misery, agony or ecstasy, VoGCX2dbdUY-00217-00263970-00264921 pain or pleasure, is caused from within us. But we are trying to fix the world so that we are happy. VoGCX2dbdUY-00218-00264921-00266163 See we thought we are fixing it, just a silly virus – our whole lives go into an upheaval! VoGCX2dbdUY-00219-00266163-00267336 So, right now all our programs canceled... and much financial loss all over the place because we VoGCX2dbdUY-00220-00267336-00268254 booked major event spaces. And so much has been done, volunteers have worked everywhere. Now, VoGCX2dbdUY-00221-00268254-00268914 it's just up in the air, we cannot even say when we will do it. This is the time VoGCX2dbdUY-00222-00268914-00269409 we get into depression (Laughter). Because everybody says, if things don't happen the VoGCX2dbdUY-00223-00269409-00270045 way you think they should happen, you must be miserable. Nothing in the world will ever VoGCX2dbdUY-00224-00270045-00270903 happen hundred percent your way. This one person must happen your way, one-hundred percent. If VoGCX2dbdUY-00225-00270903-00271485 this one happened hundred percent your way, would you keep yourself blissful or miserable, VoGCX2dbdUY-00226-00271485-00272241 that's all the question is. I know what's your choice. You're asking this question because, VoGCX2dbdUY-00227-00272346-00272937 as you said, people say this will make you happy, that will make you happy, fix this, VoGCX2dbdUY-00228-00272937-00273627 fix that, fix that, fix everything. Still it will not happen because you're trying VoGCX2dbdUY-00229-00273627-00274254 to dig mangoes from the roots. That's not where it comes, it comes up there. VoGCX2dbdUY-00230-00274254-00275115 So, what is within you, if you search for it outside, it's going to be an endless search. This VoGCX2dbdUY-00231-00275115-00276066 is why we're talking about Inner Engineering. You fix this one, being joyful is assured. Rest of the VoGCX2dbdUY-00232-00276066-00276750 life we have to do to the best of our ability. No two human beings can do outside life to the same VoGCX2dbdUY-00233-00276750-00277653 extent. It's never possible. No two human beings can ever do it the same way when it comes to the VoGCX2dbdUY-00234-00277653-00278523 world. But if you are joyful, you will do your best and that's all that matters. In this life VoGCX2dbdUY-00235-00278523-00279270 are you're doing your best in every possible way? You can only do that if you are happy and VoGCX2dbdUY-00236-00279270-00279942 joyful by your own nature. If your happiness depends upon what is happening around you, VoGCX2dbdUY-00237-00279942-00280545 whether you get a wicket or not – you were just about to play Australia, is it? Hmm? Got canceled VoGCX2dbdUY-00238-00280545-00281230 eh (Laughter)? Where they about to play Australia, the South African team? Hmm? VoGCX2dbdUY-00239-00281230-00281433 Participant: India. Sadhguru: Oh, they're VoGCX2dbdUY-00240-00281433-00282189 playing India (Laughter). Now I can't even wish you luck (Laughter) (Applause). VoGCX2dbdUY-00241-00282189-00283830 Now, you can bowl and play the game to your best only when your physical body and your VoGCX2dbdUY-00242-00283830-00284862 intelligence cooperates with you. It doesn't take any scientific understanding. If you make VoGCX2dbdUY-00243-00284862-00285594 a sensible evaluation of yourself, you can clearly see that your body and your brains VoGCX2dbdUY-00244-00285594-00286107 cooperate best only when your experience of life is pleasant, which is what you're calling VoGCX2dbdUY-00245-00286107-00286728 as happiness. Happiness is not some quantity. It's just that you're feeling very pleasant, VoGCX2dbdUY-00246-00286728-00287469 so you say, "I am happy." Your pleasantness should be determined by what's happening within you, VoGCX2dbdUY-00247-00287469-00288102 not by what's happening around you. This is not difficult to fix, you see people VoGCX2dbdUY-00248-00288102-00288741 who are miserable are... so many different ways. All kinds of people who can't laugh, VoGCX2dbdUY-00249-00288741-00289224 who can't sing, who can't dance, who can't do nothing sensible. They have a drink and VoGCX2dbdUY-00250-00289224-00290028 suddenly (Gestures)... so I'm saying, chemistry can change one's experience. VoGCX2dbdUY-00251-00290028-00290598 This (referring to human system) being the most complex chemical factory, we can teach you how VoGCX2dbdUY-00252-00290598-00291636 to be a great manager of this factory, so that you're always absolutely blissed out. Now your VoGCX2dbdUY-00253-00291636-00292158 body and brains will function at your best. Depending upon what sort of work you're doing, VoGCX2dbdUY-00254-00292158-00293070 how much success you find, depends who you're playing the game with. Now you're playing with VoGCX2dbdUY-00255-00293070-00293703 India, canceled, but if you did, then whichever way you bowl, some of them VoGCX2dbdUY-00256-00293703-00294438 hit it out of the boundary. Tch... the boys have become like that these days. There was VoGCX2dbdUY-00257-00294438-00295284 a time in five days if once the ball crossed the boundary, without pitching I mean, if it's a six, VoGCX2dbdUY-00258-00295284-00295992 oh... the whole country celebrated. Now in five minutes if there is no six everybody's getting VoGCX2dbdUY-00259-00295992-00296787 frustrated, "What's happening here" (Laughter). So things have changed, bowlers get batt... battered, VoGCX2dbdUY-00260-00296787-00297315 but at the same time, because they are trying to go so fast, bowlers also have VoGCX2dbdUY-00261-00297315-00298068 a good time. Tch... Because the pace is so high. So, your happiness should not depend on how many VoGCX2dbdUY-00262-00298068-00299013 Indian batsmen get out, I don't like that (Laughter). Your happiness should be that VoGCX2dbdUY-00263-00299013-00299658 you're just happy, because of that you're doing the best possible bowling that you can do. KG all VoGCX2dbdUY-00264-00299658-00300546 the best for you (Laughs) (Applause). Oh... it is a dangerous thing, talking to a South VoGCX2dbdUY-00265-00300546-00301458 African player now (Laughter). Anybody please (Laughter)? Okay. VoGCX2dbdUY-00266-00301458-00302043 Participant: Namaskaram Sadhguru, Umm... I come from Russia, and I hear that you are coming VoGCX2dbdUY-00267-00302043-00302703 in Russia in June for Inner Engineering completion for the first time... Yeah. VoGCX2dbdUY-00268-00302703-00303444 Sadhguru: Wait, wait, wait. Let me... he is... Participant: I am also excited about this. But VoGCX2dbdUY-00269-00303444-00304119 our country is now going through difficult times right now. The economy, coronavirus, some other VoGCX2dbdUY-00270-00304119-00304848 crazy things. So, people are now in panic and busy with their survival. They are confused, VoGCX2dbdUY-00271-00304848-00305511 is it the right time to start working on one's inner well-being or is it the time to focus on VoGCX2dbdUY-00272-00305511-00306045 survival? So, what would you like to tell to all the Russian-speaking people who are watching you VoGCX2dbdUY-00273-00306045-00306759 now? Thank you (Sadhguru Laughs) (Applause). Sadhguru: Now... Namaskaram to all the VoGCX2dbdUY-00274-00306759-00307500 Russians, no bear hugs, no slapping your shoulders. Hello? Namaskaram. Safe, hmm? VoGCX2dbdUY-00275-00307636-00308647 We've been doing this for a long time (Laughs). About... now everything is a question mark. VoGCX2dbdUY-00276-00308647-00309352 Whether I'm coming to Russia or not also is a question mark. We don't know yet. As of now, VoGCX2dbdUY-00277-00309352-00310165 schedules have been called off only till 15th of April. But we just don't know how this will pan VoGCX2dbdUY-00278-00310165-00311329 out. Ah... many scientific projections talk about various levels of cycle for the virus and how it VoGCX2dbdUY-00279-00311329-00312103 plays out. If we go by that, we're not sure if we will... it will settle before 15th of April, VoGCX2dbdUY-00280-00312103-00313078 or will we get tired of this virus caution and just go about our business, at a cost of VoGCX2dbdUY-00281-00313078-00313897 course (Laughs), I don't know. But we will go by the directive that is there among all the nations. VoGCX2dbdUY-00282-00313897-00314731 So we don't know what Russia will say by... June is it? I'm supposed to come there in June? June. VoGCX2dbdUY-00283-00314731-00315439 Most probably it should be clear by then, hopefully. But about is this the time when VoGCX2dbdUY-00284-00315439-00316258 there are struggles in the nation, is this the time to turn inward and tend to myself? Tell me, VoGCX2dbdUY-00285-00316258-00317305 when is your balance, your intelligence and your competence is of utmost value? When life is in VoGCX2dbdUY-00286-00317305-00318433 crisis it's of utmost value. In some way if life around us is in crisis, then your intelligence, VoGCX2dbdUY-00287-00318433-00319312 your physical health, your sense of balance, your wisdom, everything becomes a premium. When VoGCX2dbdUY-00288-00319312-00320095 everything around you is going well, you can be a silly fool and still manage. When things VoGCX2dbdUY-00289-00320095-00321203 were good, well, you know, now we are looking for alcohol to wash our hands, we're not getting it VoGCX2dbdUY-00290-00321203-00322088 because you guys drank up everything (Laughter). We're looking around in the country. We need VoGCX2dbdUY-00291-00322088-00323126 alcohol to wash hands for everybody who comes here, but they say Russians drank it (Laughter). VoGCX2dbdUY-00292-00323126-00324110 This happened in a... All the Russians are you watching (for) me? It's just a joke, VoGCX2dbdUY-00293-00324110-00324875 okay? I'm sure you can take one. I don't know if you understand a joke before six in the evening VoGCX2dbdUY-00294-00324875-00326435 (Laughter/Applause). But I trust you, because this happened. An efficiency evaluation person VoGCX2dbdUY-00295-00326435-00327248 in a Russian factory arrived in the morning, and they were just randomly checking. So, VoGCX2dbdUY-00296-00327248-00327797 he called one of the workers and asked him, he was operating a machine. VoGCX2dbdUY-00297-00327797-00328583 He said, "If you have one shot of vodka, would you be able to operate this machine?" VoGCX2dbdUY-00298-00328583-00329135 He said "I guess so." "Suppose you had two, VoGCX2dbdUY-00299-00329135-00329624 would you be able to operate this machine?" "Well, I think so." VoGCX2dbdUY-00300-00329624-00330230 "If you had three, would you be able to operate this machine?" VoGCX2dbdUY-00301-00330230-00330926 "I think I can possibly. I'm quite confident about that." VoGCX2dbdUY-00302-00330926-00331580 "If you had five shots of vodka, could you, ma... operate this machine?" VoGCX2dbdUY-00303-00331580-00333095 "Well amn't I doing it” (Laughter/Applause)? So, this is the time when things were good, VoGCX2dbdUY-00304-00333095-00333791 you are doing something else. Especially if there is a crisis in the nation, this is the time every VoGCX2dbdUY-00305-00333791-00334451 citizen in that country should use their bodies, their brains, their wisdom, and above all to be VoGCX2dbdUY-00306-00334451-00335228 balanced and ride through the crisis. This is most important, all the Russians, Ahh... If the virus VoGCX2dbdUY-00307-00335228-00335801 allows, I will be there (Laughs) (Applause). People usually say God willing, but I'm saying VoGCX2dbdUY-00308-00335801-00336842 if virus willing, I'm coming (Laughter). I am coming, virus willing, sounds good hmm? (Laughs). VoGCX2dbdUY-00309-00336842-00337956 Participant: Namaskaram Sadhguru. Sadhguru: Aey... She's holding VoGCX2dbdUY-00310-00337956-00338580 back a cough (Laughter). Participant: I just... As VoGCX2dbdUY-00311-00338580-00339390 the song goes "Lakhon salaam," and I want to say "Thank you." On behalf of myself and everybody VoGCX2dbdUY-00312-00339390-00339750 here "Thank you, for everything ____ (Unclear)." Sadhguru: Hey what, you got elected ah (Laughter)? VoGCX2dbdUY-00313-00339750-00341280 Participant: Sadhguru, I wanted to ask you something vague, so I apologize. But, VoGCX2dbdUY-00314-00341280-00342471 what do I need to know right now (Laughter)? Sadhguru: You must know that you must sit VoGCX2dbdUY-00315-00342471-00343859 down right now (Laughter) (Applause). And you must know that mangoes are up VoGCX2dbdUY-00316-00343859-00344438 in the tree (Laughter), not in the ground. And you must know you must VoGCX2dbdUY-00317-00344438-00344873 not open your mouth so big and laugh, you must hold like this (Gestures) "ha, VoGCX2dbdUY-00318-00344873-00345404 ha, ha," you must laugh. You cannot laugh like this (Gestures), because laughter is as bad as VoGCX2dbdUY-00319-00345404-00346038 cough Tch... Hello? I am telling you. These are the things you must know for today (Laughter). VoGCX2dbdUY-00320-00346038-00347477 Participant: Namaskaram Sadhguruji (Laughter), I want to ask you that, I see, you know, when you VoGCX2dbdUY-00321-00347477-00348212 work and you do so much for everyone, I want to know why you are... other people also I know who VoGCX2dbdUY-00322-00348212-00348884 are, you know, like much needed in the world, why do they get so much opposition, why do... why is VoGCX2dbdUY-00323-00348884-00349574 this... this group of people and a significant and I see whether it's you or, you know, like I said, VoGCX2dbdUY-00324-00349574-00350171 people who will always witted for and they think that they need. And a significant part of your VoGCX2dbdUY-00325-00350171-00351134 energies goes to clarify or address those concerns or doubts, and that way what do you intend VoGCX2dbdUY-00326-00351134-00351674 to do... it suffers so much more, especially for people who have no doubt about, you know, VoGCX2dbdUY-00327-00351674-00352382 what you are here for and what they can get from you. So why is it that there is this huge very VoGCX2dbdUY-00328-00352382-00353489 powerful section of people who's always opposing. Sadhguru: Mhmm... Don't go by the noise that they VoGCX2dbdUY-00329-00353489-00354816 make on the Twitter. They're making so much noise on the Twitter means mmm... it is little birdie, VoGCX2dbdUY-00330-00354816-00355866 you know. Because they have no footprint on the ground, they have no substance. All they have is VoGCX2dbdUY-00331-00355866-00356940 full time on social media platforms, particularly Twitter. Here we have left tweeting to the VoGCX2dbdUY-00332-00356940-00358059 birds (Laughter). Because they must tweet. So, we should not overestimate them. But at the same VoGCX2dbdUY-00333-00358059-00360111 time, can we ignore them? No. Well, you must know this, Gautama was poisoned three times, the last VoGCX2dbdUY-00334-00360111-00360993 time it killed him. The third time it killed him. Well, you know Jesus was nailed. You know VoGCX2dbdUY-00335-00360993-00361944 a Mansur was stoned to death. You know a Socrates was poisoned. This has been the history VoGCX2dbdUY-00336-00361944-00363021 of humanity but at least they're only tweeting against us (Laughter). Because that means they're VoGCX2dbdUY-00337-00363021-00363888 not as powerful as the enemies of the past. They have been defanged in many ways. They VoGCX2dbdUY-00338-00363888-00364965 can only write rubbish and obscenity about you. Because my chest did not swell up when VoGCX2dbdUY-00339-00364965-00365646 somebody praised me; when somebody abuses me, I don't shrivel up. It makes no difference. VoGCX2dbdUY-00340-00365646-00366720 At the same time, I think the organization has become alert and agile because of these VoGCX2dbdUY-00341-00366720-00367157 people. Otherwise, a lot of them would be sleepwalking, now everybody is alert. VoGCX2dbdUY-00342-00367157-00367823 See how the virus has made everybody super alert and conscious of everything that they do. Just VoGCX2dbdUY-00343-00367823-00368342 like that, this kind of virus also, this is also one kind of virus, they're only wanting VoGCX2dbdUY-00344-00368342-00369464 to go viral (Laughter/Applause). Because they don't do anything of substance in their life, VoGCX2dbdUY-00345-00369464-00370217 their only joy is for a few minutes in the day they went viral somewhere, VoGCX2dbdUY-00346-00370217-00371087 about something, because they said something shocking or obscene or utter lie which shocked VoGCX2dbdUY-00347-00371087-00371957 people and it went viral, doesn't matter. All I'm saying is, my only concern is this VoGCX2dbdUY-00348-00371957-00372728 that today for the first time in the history of humanity we have tools with which we can reach VoGCX2dbdUY-00349-00372728-00373802 the entire human population. Tch... I want you to imagine when a Gautam Buddha came or even when VoGCX2dbdUY-00350-00373802-00374789 Adiyogi came, how many people could they talk to? They walked from village to village, village VoGCX2dbdUY-00351-00374789-00375770 to village, village to village, to talk to five people, ten people... that's all. I'm telling you, VoGCX2dbdUY-00352-00375770-00376712 I was at the Mahatma Gandhi's Sabarmati Ashram, I was always so intrigued by this Salt Satyagraha, VoGCX2dbdUY-00353-00376712-00377627 you know, what a brilliant idea. Just salt, just going and picking up a fistful of salt, VoGCX2dbdUY-00354-00377627-00378407 changed the whole national movement in a certain direction, which lead to various things which VoGCX2dbdUY-00355-00378407-00379304 are now history. I asked them at the ashram "How many people walked with him?" Though I VoGCX2dbdUY-00356-00379304-00379850 lived in this country and I'm reasonably okay with history. In spite of that, I did not know, VoGCX2dbdUY-00357-00379850-00380353 I thought thousands of people must have walked. When I asked them, they said, "Seventy-two VoGCX2dbdUY-00358-00380353-00381013 people walked with him." Can you believe it? Seventy-two people? With seventy-two people VoGCX2dbdUY-00359-00381013-00382117 he changed the trajectory of India's freedom struggle, seventy-two people (Applause). We VoGCX2dbdUY-00360-00382117-00382919 have millions of people; we can change the trajectory of how humanity lives (Applause). VoGCX2dbdUY-00361-00382919-00383830 So, this is the very first time, many great beings have come, but they were VoGCX2dbdUY-00362-00383830-00384424 hugely handicapped without any technology to speak to the world. They had to go physically VoGCX2dbdUY-00363-00384424-00385360 go from place to place. Who they are, they may be big today in the human consciousness that VoGCX2dbdUY-00364-00385360-00385981 has happened over hundreds of years or thousands of years? During their time, most people of that VoGCX2dbdUY-00365-00385981-00386866 time who lived on this planet, were not even aware such people existed. When Adiyogi walked, VoGCX2dbdUY-00366-00386866-00387736 do you think anybody knew? Such a great being? When a Krishna was fighting wars up there, VoGCX2dbdUY-00367-00387790-00388612 in Uttar Pradesh, you think South Indian people even knew about it? When Gautam Buddha walked, VoGCX2dbdUY-00368-00388612-00389281 you think anybody knew about it? Much later. When a Jesus was there you think anybody in America VoGCX2dbdUY-00369-00389281-00389722 or South America or Australia – now everywhere there are churches – did anybody know about it? VoGCX2dbdUY-00370-00389722-00390676 Hardly twelve people, all right? In that, one of them freaked (Laughter). That way we cannot VoGCX2dbdUY-00371-00390676-00391904 complain, we're doing too well (Applause). Never before it's been this good. Hello? VoGCX2dbdUY-00372-00391904-00392573 Never before it's been this good. What are we complaining about a few? They have no employment, VoGCX2dbdUY-00373-00392573-00393527 so they're (Laughter)…, they're self employed in abuse. It's okay. Ah... But they're not just VoGCX2dbdUY-00374-00393527-00394100 leaving it at abuse, they're trying to hit wherever it hurts most. Not me, they can't VoGCX2dbdUY-00375-00394100-00395018 hurt me. They'll hurt the work at various places but it's okay. I think if we keep the throttle VoGCX2dbdUY-00376-00395018-00396167 on, ah, these kinds of things will fall off. We just need to keep the throttle, on, on, on. If our VoGCX2dbdUY-00377-00396167-00396956 commitment to create human well-being as we are committed, if we remain strong in our commitment, VoGCX2dbdUY-00378-00396956-00397378 these things will not only fill of... fall off, they will be here also tomorrow (Applause). VoGCX2dbdUY-00379-00397378-00398846 I'm... I'm telling you in Tamil Nadu, in late 90s, certain sections of media who started campaigns VoGCX2dbdUY-00380-00398846-00399506 against us – our struggle started because we tried to stop a few things that were happening in the VoGCX2dbdUY-00381-00399506-00400214 forests. Why we are always accused of damaging the forest is, because those who were hunting, VoGCX2dbdUY-00382-00400214-00400802 those who were poaching, those who were cutting sandalwood trees – we made efforts to stop them, VoGCX2dbdUY-00383-00400802-00401330 so they turned it against us, and said, "These people are just cutting the forests” (Laughs). And VoGCX2dbdUY-00384-00401330-00401918 even now it sticks, maybe a small percentage of population still believes that we could have done VoGCX2dbdUY-00385-00401918-00402488 it. They keep commenting here and there, they say "Oh, he cut all the forests, now he is planting VoGCX2dbdUY-00386-00402488-00403346 trees." Because we stopped them, because they were having a free run... when we came and established VoGCX2dbdUY-00387-00403346-00403901 ourselves here, we became a big sore point for them. We were the big trouble, because this VoGCX2dbdUY-00388-00403901-00404450 was the only road available for them to go into the jungle and do whatever they were doing. So, VoGCX2dbdUY-00389-00404450-00404999 they are not able to eat venison, they're not able to eat buffalo meat. They don't... are not VoGCX2dbdUY-00390-00404999-00405785 able to hunt, they're not able to tch, wild war, tch, they're missing all that. And, of course, VoGCX2dbdUY-00391-00405785-00406406 the sandalwood, and those who were clearing trees and cultivating marijuana up there, all of them we VoGCX2dbdUY-00392-00406406-00407177 stopped. Because of that, twenty-five years later, still it is going on – that we have destroyed VoGCX2dbdUY-00393-00407177-00407909 thousands of acres of forest. Well you ask any forest official who's working in the area – is VoGCX2dbdUY-00394-00407909-00408593 forest doing better because of us or worse because of us? You can just ask anybody. And you can ask VoGCX2dbdUY-00395-00408593-00409031 any village person out here. People who have lived here for long enough they know everything VoGCX2dbdUY-00396-00409031-00409499 has become safe and secure because of us. So, because of that they're going on about VoGCX2dbdUY-00397-00409499-00410267 that. Everything that you can accuse a man of – a man can do and cannot do, they accuse. These days, VoGCX2dbdUY-00398-00410267-00410792 they're also trying to give a commentary on my quotes and my talks and everything, VoGCX2dbdUY-00399-00410792-00411743 how stupid I am, and (Laughs), that is good. This is a good angle they've taken, I'm very VoGCX2dbdUY-00400-00411743-00412400 much excited about this angle (Laughter), because some of them are writing, “He's a nincompoop, VoGCX2dbdUY-00401-00412400-00412934 he's a nitwit.” This is good for me. Very good for me, you don't understand how, VoGCX2dbdUY-00402-00412934-00413797 because there is a certain thing to it. It's good, these accusations of forest and killing elephants, VoGCX2dbdUY-00403-00413797-00414275 all these they have stopped because it's not flying, all government agencies have put out what VoGCX2dbdUY-00404-00414275-00414875 is the information, so they know they can't go on saying that, now they're stopping that and talking VoGCX2dbdUY-00405-00414875-00415499 about how foolish and stupid I am. That's a good advertisement for me (Laughter). That's very good. VoGCX2dbdUY-00406-00415499-00416384 So, at the same time, we should not, you know, like virus – virus is okay, we don't want it VoGCX2dbdUY-00407-00416384-00417022 to get into our nostrils. So, we must keep them little away, that we should always take VoGCX2dbdUY-00408-00417022-00417772 care. There's no problem, about that we should take care of that. It... Certain amount of energy VoGCX2dbdUY-00409-00417772-00418262 and time is expended on this unfortunately. But what to do, that's part of living in the world. VoGCX2dbdUY-00410-00418262-00419453 There was a great Kannada Sage called Basava. He said, "(Speaks in Kannada VoGCX2dbdUY-00411-00419453-00420413 – not transcribed)." That is, "You build a home in the forest, and then you're afraid VoGCX2dbdUY-00412-00420413-00421106 of wild animals, what are you? You make a home in the marketplace and you're afraid of noises, VoGCX2dbdUY-00413-00421106-00421667 so what's wrong with you? You live in a town and you're afraid of other people's comments, so what VoGCX2dbdUY-00414-00421667-00422689 are you?" We know, this is expected (Applause). At least this you must appreciate, all these people VoGCX2dbdUY-00415-00422689-00423188 who are giving commentaries and how stupid we are – they're avidly listening to us, one day VoGCX2dbdUY-00416-00423188-00424392 it will transform them (Applause/Cheering). So, they are listening, this is nice. They're VoGCX2dbdUY-00417-00424392-00424929 reading every quote of mine, and they're trying to find what's wrong with my quote (Laughter). Every VoGCX2dbdUY-00418-00424929-00425385 talk they want to give commentary. I have confidence that one day... one day it will... VoGCX2dbdUY-00419-00425385-00425394 they will... it will transform them for sure. If it could transform you (Laughter/Applause). Oh, VoGCX2dbdUY-00420-00425394-00425404 oh, oh, we should close in another five – ten minutes because Divya Darshanam is there, please. VoGCX2dbdUY-00421-00425404-00425410 Participant: Namaskaram Sadhguru. Sadhguru: Where are you? VoGCX2dbdUY-00422-00425410-00425419 Participant: Just here. Sadhguru, I was volunteering for Inner Engineering program, and we VoGCX2dbdUY-00423-00425419-00425429 were looking forward to you coming to Mumbai. But unfortunately, it has been postponed. Beside me VoGCX2dbdUY-00424-00425429-00425439 and other volunteers, it's mainly the participants who are feeling bad for this. So, is there any VoGCX2dbdUY-00426-00431541-00432267 must be missing in action. Don't be the carrier. Tch... Tch... till then... We will come. We'll VoGCX2dbdUY-00427-00432267-00432888 come to Mumbai anyway. All the places that we had fixed and promised, anyway we will make it up. Now VoGCX2dbdUY-00428-00432888-00433362 what we had to do in four to five months, we'll have to do it in two to three months probably, VoGCX2dbdUY-00429-00433362-00433866 but we will do it. We'll keep that commitment, subject to availability of halls and everything VoGCX2dbdUY-00430-00433866-00434439 else. But till then if you are a super hungry seeker, you already been through the Inner VoGCX2dbdUY-00431-00434439-00435132 Engineering online, please download the app and there is Isha Kriya, start doing Isha Kriya, it VoGCX2dbdUY-00432-00435132-00435700 will be a fantastic preparation for the Shambhavi. We are coming for you (Laughs) (Applause). VoGCX2dbdUY-00433-00435700-00437554 Participant: Namaskaram Sadhguru. My question is about milk, that milk is coming from the cows, VoGCX2dbdUY-00434-00437554-00437845 which is a very torturous way... Sadhguru: How old are you? VoGCX2dbdUY-00435-00437845-00438283 Participant: I am thirty-two. Sadhguru: Oh... too late for VoGCX2dbdUY-00436-00438283-00438344 milk drinking (Laughter). Participant: Sadhguru, VoGCX2dbdUY-00437-00438344-00439405 I didn't understand (Laughter). Sadhguru: Then you can drink VoGCX2dbdUY-00438-00439405-00440187 milk (Laughter/Applause). VoGCX2dbdUY-00439-00440187-00441726 Participant: So the cows are getting tortured just to get the milk from them and it's about their VoGCX2dbdUY-00440-00441726-00442392 reproductive system and we are dependent on the milk which should be given to the... her children, VoGCX2dbdUY-00441-00442392-00442977 and this has been happening since ages, and also in the yogic system and in the temples, VoGCX2dbdUY-00442-00442977-00443694 the milk is getting used for diyas and also for the Lingas, so I'm not sure how good it VoGCX2dbdUY-00443-00443693-00444054 is. I sometimes I feel very bad about it. Sadhguru: I don't know where you saw diyas VoGCX2dbdUY-00444-00444054-00444446 burning with milk (Laughter). Anyway... Participant: Made from the ghee, VoGCX2dbdUY-00445-00444446-00444855 ghee is made from the milk... Sadhguru: So, it's better to slaughter them, VoGCX2dbdUY-00446-00444855-00444987 not torture them, right? Participant: Well, VoGCX2dbdUY-00447-00444987-00445779 it's better to leave them the way they want to. Sadhguru: Oh, that will not happen. The only VoGCX2dbdUY-00448-00445779-00446295 other option is slaughter them. So, we think it's better to milk them rather than slaughter VoGCX2dbdUY-00449-00446295-00447264 them (Applause). We think it's better to put them to work than to slaughter them. This is my VoGCX2dbdUY-00450-00447264-00448167 understanding of cruelty... if your understanding of cruelty is, milking the cow is very cruel, VoGCX2dbdUY-00451-00448167-00448929 so we will kill the cow and eat it up. That's exactly what will happen. Whatever VoGCX2dbdUY-00452-00448929-00449592 your intentions are, that is exactly what will happen. Yes or no? That's all that will happen. VoGCX2dbdUY-00453-00449592-00450363 So, if you think that is more humane, just to slaughter them and eat them up. That's not my VoGCX2dbdUY-00454-00450363-00451022 understanding of cruelty. My understanding of cruelty and compassion is, first thing is right to VoGCX2dbdUY-00455-00451022-00451704 life. There is cruelty everywhere. You were sent to school, it's a bloody cruel place (Laughter) VoGCX2dbdUY-00456-00451821-00452735 (Applause). Yes, it's very cruel on a child. But can you leave the children on the street VoGCX2dbdUY-00457-00452735-00453384 and say "Don't go to school." We have to put them through that cruelty because otherwise they will VoGCX2dbdUY-00458-00453384-00454305 go and kill each other on the street. Yes? So many negative things will happen in their life. They VoGCX2dbdUY-00459-00454305-00454926 will become... poverty will take over. Crime will take over. Other kinds of things will take over. VoGCX2dbdUY-00460-00454926-00455577 So, it's better put them through twelve, fifteen years of cruelty to avoid a lifelong suffering. VoGCX2dbdUY-00461-00455577-00456501 Yes or no? We know certain things are cruel, but we still do it, because the alternative is worse. VoGCX2dbdUY-00462-00456501-00457338 First and foremost thing for every life is right to life. After that whether it should be milked or VoGCX2dbdUY-00463-00457338-00457752 not, whether it should be worked or not. I'm sure the next thing is the bulls are drawing VoGCX2dbdUY-00464-00457752-00458295 the cart. Some people are coming, activists are coming and saying they're doing very cruel... VoGCX2dbdUY-00465-00458295-00458988 these bulls are being treated very cruel, they're drawing the cart. Flat ground, put ball-bearings, VoGCX2dbdUY-00466-00458988-00459543 easy, brakes and everything so that it's not very hard on him but he needs to work. If he VoGCX2dbdUY-00467-00459543-00460227 doesn't work, we will just keep him and you will feed him? Such a thing won't work. So, VoGCX2dbdUY-00468-00460227-00460878 we will leave him. Where will he go? Straight to the slaughterhouse, straight, because they VoGCX2dbdUY-00469-00460878-00461562 want him to go quick before he loses his muscle. That's what will happen to him. We want him to VoGCX2dbdUY-00470-00461562-00462276 live. That's why we're making him work. If it's a male, we make him work that way. If it's a female, VoGCX2dbdUY-00471-00462276-00462996 we milk her, it's good. Otherwise, you will not give them any chance to live, anything that's VoGCX2dbdUY-00472-00462996-00463512 not useful to human societies – have we allowed them to live? Are we in that kind of condition? VoGCX2dbdUY-00473-00463512-00464157 Are you in that state of compa... compassion that things which are not useful to you, VoGCX2dbdUY-00474-00464157-00464655 every day you will feed it with your money and keep it alive? Are you in that state VoGCX2dbdUY-00475-00464655-00465197 of compassion, I'm asking you? If you are like that, fantastic, I would bow down at your feet, VoGCX2dbdUY-00476-00465197-00465746 okay – if you were like that. You are not like that, I know. This is... (Laughter) VoGCX2dbdUY-00477-00465746-00466543 I know you're not like that. I know who I'm dealing with (Laughter). So, VoGCX2dbdUY-00478-00466543-00467114 this kind of rub... rubbish keeps coming up. This misplaced compassion, without knowing VoGCX2dbdUY-00479-00467114-00467756 the realities of how the world works, somebody is complaining about this. If the dogs are tied up, VoGCX2dbdUY-00480-00467756-00468371 they say, "Cruelty to the dogs," and suddenly they would write blogs about us. Okay, if I let them VoGCX2dbdUY-00481-00468371-00468902 loose... this happened, where this happened? In Bangalore one case happened, in Madurai or VoGCX2dbdUY-00482-00468902-00469403 some place another happened. Packs of dogs, they attacked school-going children and ate them up; VoGCX2dbdUY-00483-00469403-00470171 because dog is a carnivorous animal – if they are there in packs, they will get their instincts VoGCX2dbdUY-00484-00470171-00470818 back. Only when they are separate individual, they don't have that sense, but if ten, fifteen of VoGCX2dbdUY-00485-00470818-00471281 them are together and roaming around, when they see a child below four feet of height, VoGCX2dbdUY-00486-00471281-00472109 they will go for him. So, school-going children were attacked and eaten up. Now what do you do? VoGCX2dbdUY-00487-00472109-00472988 Now municipality comes and just culls all of them. Isn't it better that they are tied? Hello? We'll VoGCX2dbdUY-00488-00472988-00473366 leave them when nobody is there, when people are there, we tie them up or put them in a VoGCX2dbdUY-00489-00473366-00474172 box. Otherwise, the only way is to cull them, you will say "We put him to sleep." Generally, VoGCX2dbdUY-00490-00474172-00474979 people say "We put him to sleep." No, you just killed him. Hello? You just killed him and you VoGCX2dbdUY-00491-00474980-00475580 want to satisfy yourself, "I put him to sleep, sent him to heaven," whatever nonsense. Why don't VoGCX2dbdUY-00492-00475580-00476249 we send you also (Laughter). This may sound cruel and absurd but I want you to know this, VoGCX2dbdUY-00493-00476249-00477035 every other life values its life as much as you value yours. Even an ant doesn't want to VoGCX2dbdUY-00494-00477035-00477824 die. Yes or no? You think an ant is wanting to die because it's a small life. No, even an ant VoGCX2dbdUY-00495-00477824-00478512 is... sees its life is as precious as yours. So if you don't milk the cow, it will go straight to the VoGCX2dbdUY-00496-00478512-00478956 slaughterhouse. That's where it's going. That's where they're all going. Those who don't have VoGCX2dbdUY-00497-00478956-00479336 milk, those who don't have the ability to work, that's where they're going. So... (Applause). VoGCX2dbdUY-00498-00479336-00481254 Participant: Namaskaram Sadhguru. Thank you for everything. My name is Ragheshwara. VoGCX2dbdUY-00499-00481322-00482013 I just completed my PhD from Stanford last year, and I came for Sadhanapada, VoGCX2dbdUY-00500-00482013-00482793 and I also have the fortune of doing Samyama with you. Thank you once again. Ah... so, VoGCX2dbdUY-00501-00482793-00483516 during Samyama, you said, people who are naturally sensitive, they tend to VoGCX2dbdUY-00502-00483516-00484431 be fragile. So, this has been kind of true my whole life (Sadhguru laughs). So, for example, VoGCX2dbdUY-00503-00484431-00485088 even now if somebody touches my back or my left side, I feel like punching them. VoGCX2dbdUY-00504-00485088-00486084 Sadhguru: Oh, very sensitive you are... (Laughter) Participant: Ah... that's the instinct VoGCX2dbdUY-00505-00486084-00486300 but I control it... Sadhguru: Okay (Laughter). VoGCX2dbdUY-00506-00486300-00487031 Participant: ...because of ten years of Inner Engineering I, tch, tch, tch. So anyway, VoGCX2dbdUY-00507-00487031-00487850 not just that, when it comes to smells, foods, electromagnetic radiation, etc., so this limits VoGCX2dbdUY-00508-00487850-00488582 my ability to function in the world. So, I was wondering if there is any Sadhana that I can VoGCX2dbdUY-00509-00488582-00489353 do or people like me, so that they're not just sensitive, they're also strong like Hanuman. He VoGCX2dbdUY-00510-00489353-00489778 was very sensitive (Laughter), but he could take one-fourth of the Lankan armies single-handed. VoGCX2dbdUY-00511-00489778-00490289 Sadhguru: Oh (Laughter). Participant: So, they said he had the VoGCX2dbdUY-00512-00490289-00490564 blessings of Shiva, so I'm also seeking the same (Laughter/Applause). VoGCX2dbdUY-00513-00490564-00492329 Sadhguru: Sensitivity, (Laughs) should be... you must be life-sensitive. People VoGCX2dbdUY-00514-00492329-00493130 become ego-sensitive. Physical body becomes sensitive – no, you must become life-sensitive. VoGCX2dbdUY-00515-00493130-00493682 If you become life-sensitive, how would you think of punching this guy in the VoGCX2dbdUY-00516-00493682-00494333 face? Hmm? If you became life-sensitive such a thing would never occur to you. VoGCX2dbdUY-00517-00494333-00495392 Now, body has become weak, not sensitive – weak. Right now, you see you're all right, VoGCX2dbdUY-00518-00495392-00496238 I'm saying any of you. I am not talking about the PhD guy (Laughter). If you are right now, VoGCX2dbdUY-00519-00496238-00496847 you're all right... But let's say, this is not the time to say this, let us say you are having VoGCX2dbdUY-00520-00496847-00497593 a flu and feeling little like that. Not corona, before (Laughter). Pre-corona flu you had. Feeling VoGCX2dbdUY-00521-00497593-00498257 like this. Somebody as much as touches you; you feel Ohhh.... Yes or no? Tch… when you are well, VoGCX2dbdUY-00522-00498257-00498899 it's okay, you can rub shoulders with people. When you're unwell, everything matters, small, VoGCX2dbdUY-00523-00498899-00499481 small things. This happens to you not only physically, even when you're mentally suffering VoGCX2dbdUY-00524-00499481-00500306 with something, smallest things set you off. So do not understand... understand that as VoGCX2dbdUY-00525-00500306-00501185 sensitivity, that is weakness. When you're weak you become fragile. That fragility is different. VoGCX2dbdUY-00526-00501185-00501860 Sensitivity, which makes your body fragile is different – fragile not in terms of weakness, VoGCX2dbdUY-00527-00501860-00502496 like Hanuman (Laughter). No, no I don't want to talk about Hanuman in South India, VoGCX2dbdUY-00528-00502495-00502963 you should not talk about him, because we have a lot of issues with him being who he VoGCX2dbdUY-00529-00502964-00504043 is (Laughs). A Tamil man – you made a lot of misinterpretations about him. We don't like VoGCX2dbdUY-00530-00504043-00505003 it. So, let's leave it there, let's not get into one... (Laughs) historical problems that we have. VoGCX2dbdUY-00531-00505004-00506078 But sensitivity should be of life-sensitivity. If you sit here, your life reverberates with VoGCX2dbdUY-00532-00506078-00506756 everything, with those crickets which are going craank, with the bird which is sleeping, VoGCX2dbdUY-00533-00506756-00507188 with people who are sitting here, even a little tiny insect that's crawling, VoGCX2dbdUY-00534-00507187-00507847 your life reverberates with all that. Now, your sensitivity becomes a means to VoGCX2dbdUY-00535-00507847-00508759 know. Right now, your sensitivity will push you into a corner in the world. Yes, it will push VoGCX2dbdUY-00536-00508760-00509351 you into a corner where you cannot do anything after some time. Your sensitivity should be an VoGCX2dbdUY-00537-00509351-00510160 empowerment to life. If you become life-sensitive, sensitivity becomes the means to absorb and know VoGCX2dbdUY-00538-00510160-00510988 everything. Right now, this sensitivity will create allergy for life. More and more, you VoGCX2dbdUY-00539-00510989-00511664 will not be able to bear with people around you. Everything irritates you. This is not sensitivity. VoGCX2dbdUY-00540-00511664-00512312 This is irritation, agitation. This comes out of a certain level of weakness in the system. VoGCX2dbdUY-00541-00512312-00512882 So, if you want to become like a Hanuman, I have a Sadhana for you. If you're here VoGCX2dbdUY-00542-00512882-00513656 for long enough, slowly we'll make the tail grow (Laughter). I think we should close, VoGCX2dbdUY-00543-00513656-00514163 there is a... there's Divya Darshanam today. We need to get there. Okay, VoGCX2dbdUY-00544-00516514-00516618 eight o'clock. V26rfnhjYNy-00000-00000000-00000456 Contact : roulettewin0@gmail.com Skype : live:23f9826dec46b6de V7-mR6zwksk-00000-00000853-00001300 KAEMPF: When we look at the Google search results made by people around the world, we V7-mR6zwksk-00001-00001300-00002023 can see that even though we all might search for the same keyword, the results are different. V7-mR6zwksk-00002-00002023-00002251 And this difference is not coincidental. V7-mR6zwksk-00003-00002251-00002584 It’s produced by algorithms. V7-mR6zwksk-00004-00002586-00003338 Algorithms are complex codes that largely determine how information is flowing online V7-mR6zwksk-00005-00003339-00003696 and that decides what information appears on our screens. V7-mR6zwksk-00006-00003696-00004483 Google, for instance, uses 57 different signals to generate personally tailored information, V7-mR6zwksk-00007-00004483-00005098 ranging from our geolocation, the type of device and browser we are using, to our digital V7-mR6zwksk-00008-00005098-00005322 footprint and browsing history. V7-mR6zwksk-00009-00005368-00005726 JARVIS: If you go to Google and make a search, and your neighbour makes a search and your neighbour V7-mR6zwksk-00010-00005728-00006212 makes a search, they will be different because google understands your context. V7-mR6zwksk-00011-00006216-00006584 They understand where you searched before, what you’ve looked for before, it learns V7-mR6zwksk-00012-00006584-00006684 about you. V7-mR6zwksk-00013-00006684-00006958 It understands where you are, what time of day it is. V7-mR6zwksk-00014-00006958-00007265 Whether you are Google or Facebook, they tend to call this signals. V7-mR6zwksk-00015-00007265-00007679 And the truth is that Google and Facebook are in the signal generation business. V7-mR6zwksk-00016-00007679-00008202 That’s why Google has telephones because it’s a great signal generator. V7-mR6zwksk-00017-00008202-00008589 It knows where you are, where you’re going, what you’ve done in the past and it can V7-mR6zwksk-00018-00008589-00008826 then try and anticipate your needs. V7-mR6zwksk-00019-00008826-00009424 So when you make a simply request for a search on Google, you’re not just searching some V7-mR6zwksk-00020-00009424-00009844 neutral body of knowledge through a neutral algorithm. V7-mR6zwksk-00021-00009844-00010127 Instead, Google is your agent. V7-mR6zwksk-00022-00010127-00010434 And based on what it knows about you, based on the signals it has gathered about you in V7-mR6zwksk-00023-00010434-00010885 the past, it’s gonna try to give you the best possible answer it can. V7-mR6zwksk-00024-00010885-00011388 Indeed, even before you ask for search, Google will try to anticipate your needs. V7-mR6zwksk-00025-00011388-00011988 So now if you use a smartphone, if you use an android phone with Google Assistant, it’ll V7-mR6zwksk-00026-00011988-00012515 be telling you that you have an appointment coming up, it’ll be telling you your plane V7-mR6zwksk-00027-00012515-00012814 reservation and what you should be doing about that and how long before you should leave V7-mR6zwksk-00028-00012814-00012922 to get to the airport. V7-mR6zwksk-00029-00012922-00013378 These are the beginnings of Google anticipating and thinking for you. V7-mR6zwksk-00030-00013378-00013647 KAEMPF: Think about what that means. V7-mR6zwksk-00031-00013647-00014056 It means that there is no more neutral internet. V7-mR6zwksk-00032-00014056-00014698 The processes through which information arrives on our screens and enters into our minds are V7-mR6zwksk-00033-00014698-00015351 far less ‘all-viewing’, multifaceted, and diverse than we tend to think. V7-mR6zwksk-00034-00015351-00015945 Asked by a journalist about the algorithmic logic of the Facebook newsfeed, Mark Zuckerberg V7-mR6zwksk-00035-00015945-00016576 answered that ‘A squirrel dying in front of your house may be more relevant to your V7-mR6zwksk-00036-00016576-00017068 interests right now than people dying in Africa.’ V7-mR6zwksk-00037-00017068-00017755 What this means is that we have moved into a world where digital new media shows us things V7-mR6zwksk-00038-00017755-00018653 that it thinks we want to see but not necessarily what we think we want or need to see. V7-mR6zwksk-00039-00018653-00019410 As Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, said, ‘It will be very hard for people to watch or consume V7-mR6zwksk-00040-00019410-00019951 something that has not in some sense been tailored for them’. V7-mR6zwksk-00041-00019951-00020645 In other words, the algorithmic nature of digital new media platforms generates a filter V7-mR6zwksk-00042-00020645-00021576 bubble, where we as media consumers no longer decide what enters into screens and what is edited out. V7-mR6zwksk-00043-00021640-00022321 With regards to world politics and war, this algorithmic logic of gatekeeping revolts against V7-mR6zwksk-00044-00022321-00023002 the idea of a balanced viewing because the technology itself – unbeknownst to most V7-mR6zwksk-00045-00023002-00023637 of us users – generates the information that the system itself thinks best fits our V7-mR6zwksk-00046-00023637-00023890 political interests. V7-mR6zwksk-00047-00023890-00024680 We no longer decide what is relevant, important, uncomfortable or challenging to our worldview. V7-mR6zwksk-00048-00024680-00025390 Instead, with algorithms increasingly deciding what we get to see, and perhaps more importantly, V7-mR6zwksk-00049-00025390-00026110 what we do not get to see, digital technology has moved us further away rather than closer V7-mR6zwksk-00050-00026110-00026812 to the idea that we are exposed towards a multitude and diversity of views about world politics. V9iz-o55_mg-00000-00000600-00001789 X Factor star Olly Murs is said to have enjoyed a secret romance withMelanie Sykes for almost a year. V9iz-o55_mg-00001-00001939-00003445 But it seems the rumoured relationship is over for good, after the singer, 33, reportedly joined a dating app to find his perfect companion. V9iz-o55_mg-00002-00003595-00005223 According toThe Sun, the Troublemaker star joined app Raya in hopes of finding a girlfriend, but was forced to undergo the approval of a panel before being given access to it. V9iz-o55_mg-00003-00005373-00006655 It's believed the app, which is a favourite for celebrities, only allows those who have a large social media following to use it. V9iz-o55_mg-00004-00006805-00008008 The paper reports that Olly's page has a black and white photo of himself alongside a link to his official page. V9iz-o55_mg-00005-00008158-00010160 OK! Online has contacted a representative for Olly Murs for comment. The claims come after reports that Olly 'couldn't take his eyes off' Love Island's Amber Davies following her split from boyfriend Kem Cetinay. V9iz-o55_mg-00006-00010310-00012118 Witnesses have claimed that sparks flew between the pair when they recognised each other at a posh establishment in the city, with Love Island fan Olly's jaw dropping at the site of the sexy star on her night out. V9iz-o55_mg-00007-00012268-00014150 A source told The Sun: 'Olly knew exactly who Amber was, as he had watched Love Island while the show was on during the summer. She was wearing a very sexy outfit that evening and Olly certainly took notice.' V9iz-o55_mg-00008-00014300-00015950 The insider the genetically blessed pair then flirted outrageously over direct message on , with Olly, 33, continuing to text the 21 year old star from his table. V9iz-o55_mg-00009-00016100-00017190 'They started sending each other messages on after they realised they were both at the same restaurant. V9iz-o55_mg-00010-00017340-00018385 'Amber couldn't believe she was receiving messages from one of the UK's biggest pop stars.' VqF3TFTT9ZY-00000-00000637-00000729 wasn't there VqF3TFTT9ZY-00001-00000729-00001190 and as it is the stuff that's been adult that hasn't been faced VqF3TFTT9ZY-00002-00001190-00001889 travelers manny and for yellow buoy and follow up more hectic schedule but VqF3TFTT9ZY-00003-00002413-00002898 you haven't gotten to know sometimes because he has the story is that VqF3TFTT9ZY-00004-00002898-00003098 defuse mom has for them VqF3TFTT9ZY-00005-00003098-00003317 in the morning go distinctive VqF3TFTT9ZY-00006-00003317-00003460 that lets cranes so VqF3TFTT9ZY-00007-00003460-00003663 sakte hain VqF3TFTT9ZY-00008-00003663-00003886 demonstrated the use of this VqF3TFTT9ZY-00009-00003886-00004200 and at least that she was in that case it doesn't win the senate VqF3TFTT9ZY-00010-00004200-00004617 maybe because it does it really hard but you have to be some of the intended to VqF3TFTT9ZY-00011-00004617-00004669 be a bit VqF3TFTT9ZY-00012-00004669-00004908 this test centers and VqF3TFTT9ZY-00013-00004908-00005106 thursday december VqF3TFTT9ZY-00014-00005106-00005395 sometimes you happy because you know that they have yet been VqF3TFTT9ZY-00015-00005395-00005765 calling them and if there's anything i want my VqF3TFTT9ZY-00016-00005765-00005969 reasonably VqF3TFTT9ZY-00017-00005969-00006239 news like care someone having babies VqF3TFTT9ZY-00018-00006239-00006405 doesn't make it to you VqF3TFTT9ZY-00019-00006405-00006634 police insist that you see them VqF3TFTT9ZY-00020-00006634-00006767 yet u VqF3TFTT9ZY-00021-00006767-00007186 they like it stops abruptly about the man i ever saw something about the man VqF3TFTT9ZY-00022-00007186-00007331 died a while now VqF3TFTT9ZY-00023-00007331-00007812 development bank let me know dividend and handle estan Vr4ieFE3whE-00000-00000002-00000602 What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase living under an umbrella? Vr4ieFE3whE-00001-00000602-00000869 The umbrella has traditionally been used Vr4ieFE3whE-00002-00000869-00001200 as a symbol of protection safety and security Vr4ieFE3whE-00003-00001200-00001590 However the story I'm going to share with you about living under an umbrella Vr4ieFE3whE-00004-00001590-00001807 has a different meaning. Vr4ieFE3whE-00005-00001807-00002498 There's a mother in Vanuatu living with her children outside her village under an umbrella Vr4ieFE3whE-00006-00002498-00002759 this is not because of poverty Vr4ieFE3whE-00007-00002760-00003176 but because that mother has a child with disability Vr4ieFE3whE-00008-00003176-00003647 The people in her village believed that when the child is born with a disability Vr4ieFE3whE-00009-00003658-00004366 is a curse who will bring bad luck to the entire village. Vr4ieFE3whE-00010-00004366-00004710 As a consequence the mother and her child banished from the village Vr4ieFE3whE-00011-00004720-00005282 they have no protection and no shelter beyond a single umbrella. Vr4ieFE3whE-00012-00005282-00005830 15 % of the global population live with disability Vr4ieFE3whE-00013-00005830-00006328 in Australia one in five people lives with disability. Vr4ieFE3whE-00014-00006328-00006898 Discrimination against people with disability is still happening all over the world and Vr4ieFE3whE-00015-00006898-00007083 the United Nation reported Vr4ieFE3whE-00016-00007083-00007658 that women with disability are particularly vulnerable to abuse. Vr4ieFE3whE-00017-00007658-00007912 This must change! Vr4ieFE3whE-00018-00007922-00008544 we need to rise awareness and take action to learn about disability and inclusion. Vr4ieFE3whE-00019-00008564-00009029 My name is Angela Angela Li, I run a study program Vr4ieFE3whE-00020-00009030-00009620 called Enabled Futures for Australian students to learn about disability and ageing Vr4ieFE3whE-00021-00009620-00009920 and gain experience overseas Vr4ieFE3whE-00022-00009920-00010216 I would like to share a bit about disability with you Vr4ieFE3whE-00023-00010216-00010638 Have you heard of the social model of disability? Vr4ieFE3whE-00024-00010638-00011354 This is one of the four models of disability: they are: the medical model, the charity model Vr4ieFE3whE-00025-00011354-00011762 the social model and the Human Rights model. Vr4ieFE3whE-00026-00011766-00012392 The medical model of disability focus on a person's physical body as the problem Vr4ieFE3whE-00027-00012406-00012894 In other words, it states that disability is a disease. Vr4ieFE3whE-00028-00012894-00013402 For example, one of the Enabled Futures Program program facilitator Huy. Vr4ieFE3whE-00029-00013408-00013968 (Huy) uses a wheelchair and recently Huy was at the Adelaide Airport Vr4ieFE3whE-00030-00013968-00014510 a stranger approached him and asked:" what is wrong with you? Vr4ieFE3whE-00031-00014510-00014938 can you take medicine or have a surgery to walk again ?" Vr4ieFE3whE-00032-00014938-00015656 This person didn't understand that a person lives with an impairment is not sick Vr4ieFE3whE-00033-00015656-00016119 now let's consider the charity model was another story from Huy. Vr4ieFE3whE-00034-00016119-00016570 Huy was shopping in Canberra one day with his family. Vr4ieFE3whE-00035-00016570-00017012 A person came to him and dropped two dollars on his wheelchair Vr4ieFE3whE-00036-00017012-00017296 and left without saying your a word. Vr4ieFE3whE-00037-00017296-00017654 This is a typical example of the charity model thinking. Vr4ieFE3whE-00038-00017668-00018110 When someone sees a person with disability they think: Vr4ieFE3whE-00039-00018110-00018552 "oh the poor thing, I'll give him two dollars and make his day." Vr4ieFE3whE-00040-00018552-00018914 What actually did just ruined his day. Vr4ieFE3whE-00041-00019020-00019420 The issue of the charity model is that Vr4ieFE3whE-00042-00019422-00020304 it devalues people with disability and views them as people incapable of having a good life Vr4ieFE3whE-00043-00020304-00021068 just waiting for pity from others. People have the perspective because they have things sympathy Vr4ieFE3whE-00044-00021068-00021418 other than empathy for people with disability Vr4ieFE3whE-00045-00021419-00021981 We are trying to change the way we think about disability from the medical Vr4ieFE3whE-00046-00021981-00022554 and charity models to the social model of disability. Vr4ieFE3whE-00047-00022554-00023162 The social model of disability doesn't see a person as disabled but that is the environment Vr4ieFE3whE-00048-00023163-00023928 around them that disabled a person. Take Huy for an example, if a building has stairs it is Vr4ieFE3whE-00049-00023928-00024440 not accessible for him and he cannot get into that building Vr4ieFE3whE-00050-00024440-00025094 but this is not his problem when we provide ramps and elevators to Vr4ieFE3whE-00051-00025095-00025556 make the building accessible for him and other people with similar needs Vr4ieFE3whE-00052-00025556-00026068 immediately there's no longer a disability Vr4ieFE3whE-00053-00026068-00026738 when there's a barrier and we remove it there might still be impairment but not a disability Vr4ieFE3whE-00054-00026738-00027287 The social model of disability focused on the physical and social barriers that Vr4ieFE3whE-00055-00027287-00027661 disabled a person with an impairment. Vr4ieFE3whE-00056-00027661-00028124 It is about inclusion and empathy not sympathy. Vr4ieFE3whE-00057-00028124-00028858 Aassistive device or technology are integral to the social model of disability Vr4ieFE3whE-00058-00028864-00029433 An assistive device is something used to remove the barrier in the environment Vr4ieFE3whE-00059-00029433-00029782 making it accessible for everyone with special needs Vr4ieFE3whE-00060-00029782-00030030 so they can live life independently Vr4ieFE3whE-00061-00030030-00030450 common examples are wheelchairs and elevators Vr4ieFE3whE-00062-00030450-00031026 A pair of glasses is an assist device so common to our day-to-day life Vr4ieFE3whE-00063-00031026-00031520 that they have been moved from a medical device to a fashion statement Vr4ieFE3whE-00064-00031520-00032014 the fourth model is called human-rights model of disability Vr4ieFE3whE-00065-00032014-00032382 this view is that everyone has equal rights Vr4ieFE3whE-00066-00032382-00032996 to education work and enjoyment of life including people with disabilities Vr4ieFE3whE-00067-00032996-00033516 in order to achieve this we need to view the social perspective Vr4ieFE3whE-00068-00033516-00033942 as we acknowledge and remove the barriers Vr4ieFE3whE-00069-00033992-00034518 We had students like you who came to the program and made a difference Vr4ieFE3whE-00070-00034518-00034790 such as a student RyanTilley. Vr4ieFE3whE-00071-00034790-00035292 Ryan was studying industrial design and engineering a RMIT Vr4ieFE3whE-00072-00035292-00035680 when he joined the enable futures program in 2016 Vr4ieFE3whE-00073-00035680-00036238 during the study tour Ryan and other students visit a number of locations in Singapore Vr4ieFE3whE-00074-00036238-00037000 including special education schools, the Singapore Paralympic team and Enabled Village Vr4ieFE3whE-00075-00037000-00037210 he learned about disability and ageing Vr4ieFE3whE-00076-00037210-00037922 identify the problems in the environments and saw advanced assist technology and designs. Vr4ieFE3whE-00077-00037922-00038394 inspired by the trip and working with our facilitator Huy after the tour. Vr4ieFE3whE-00078-00038394-00038722 Young changemaker Ryan has now developed Vr4ieFE3whE-00079-00038724-00039131 Gecko Traxx, a portable and affordable accessory for Vr4ieFE3whE-00080-00039132-00039598 manual wheelchair users to access the beach and other off road areas Vr4ieFE3whE-00081-00039698-00040018 Ryan has recently won the Good Design award Vr4ieFE3whE-00082-00040022-00040356 and was recently featured on national TV Vr4ieFE3whE-00083-00040356-00040682 for his great contribution to the disability sector Vr4ieFE3whE-00084-00040772-00041208 I would like to invite you, a young student from Australia to take Vr4ieFE3whE-00085-00041208-00041669 action today and make the future of Australia and the world a better place Vr4ieFE3whE-00086-00041669-00042002 for people with disability Vr4ieFE3whE-00087-00042002-00042344 make the future with Enabled Futures Vr4ieFE3whE-00088-00042344-00042468 thank you Vufv3rE-9iQ-00000-00000078-00000289 Hello! Today is Monday, Vufv3rE-9iQ-00001-00000289-00000531 so I'll tell you three jokes! Vufv3rE-9iQ-00002-00000531-00000840 Today, I'm telling you COVID-19 jokes. Vufv3rE-9iQ-00003-00000877-00001191 A newsworthy subject! First joke: Vufv3rE-9iQ-00004-00001286-00001517 Since COVID-19, I feel Vufv3rE-9iQ-00005-00001517-00001760 like I'm sixteen again Vufv3rE-9iQ-00006-00001760-00001954 because my hair is long, Vufv3rE-9iQ-00007-00001954-00002159 gas is cheap, Vufv3rE-9iQ-00008-00002159-00002344 and I'm not allowed to go out. Vufv3rE-9iQ-00009-00002488-00002729 So... Second joke: Vufv3rE-9iQ-00010-00002896-00003229 After 25 days of lockdown, Vufv3rE-9iQ-00011-00003229-00003658 my blood type is now A-peritif. Vufv3rE-9iQ-00012-00003819-00003983 Okay. And the third joke: Vufv3rE-9iQ-00013-00004081-00004236 Someone told me... Vufv3rE-9iQ-00014-00004236-00004497 Someone told me a joke about COVID-19, Vufv3rE-9iQ-00015-00004497-00004672 but I had a mask on, Vufv3rE-9iQ-00016-00004672-00004815 so I didn't get it. Vufv3rE-9iQ-00017-00004949-00005204 So now, I'll just explain the jokes a little Vufv3rE-9iQ-00018-00005204-00005382 in case they weren't clear. Vufv3rE-9iQ-00019-00005400-00005533 First joke: Vufv3rE-9iQ-00020-00005533-00005785 I feel like I'm sixteen again, so... Vufv3rE-9iQ-00021-00005821-00006165 Because gas prices have gone down, Vufv3rE-9iQ-00022-00006165-00006435 we can't go to the hairdresser so our hair is long, Vufv3rE-9iQ-00023-00006435-00006676 and because of lockdowns we're not allowed to go out. Vufv3rE-9iQ-00024-00006676-00006876 It's a joke that's been doing the rounds. Vufv3rE-9iQ-00025-00006907-00007035 The second one: Vufv3rE-9iQ-00026-00007035-00007400 blood types can be A positive, A negative, Vufv3rE-9iQ-00027-00007400-00007554 and here, it's A-peritif. Vufv3rE-9iQ-00028-00007554-00007685 So it's just a play on words. Vufv3rE-9iQ-00029-00007713-00007974 And the third joke is, uh... Vufv3rE-9iQ-00030-00007974-00008162 The Quebec word "pogner" Vufv3rE-9iQ-00031-00008162-00008315 can mean "to catch," Vufv3rE-9iQ-00032-00008315-00008471 but here it means "to understand." Vufv3rE-9iQ-00033-00008471-00008617 So "j'ai pas pogné la joke," Vufv3rE-9iQ-00034-00008617-00008816 it means "I didn't understand the joke." Vufv3rE-9iQ-00035-00008834-00009004 So, I wore a mask, Vufv3rE-9iQ-00036-00009004-00009200 so I didn't understand the joke. Vufv3rE-9iQ-00037-00009214-00009386 I didn't get the joke. Vufv3rE-9iQ-00038-00009465-00009564 Bye! Have a nice Monday! VvPgKnsT8kE-00000-00000000-00000429 Which character (from Mitchells vs. the Machines) do you relate to, and why? VvPgKnsT8kE-00001-00000460-00000558 Jeff Rowe: Oh, Aaron. VvPgKnsT8kE-00002-00000587-00000787 I understand obsession (laughing) VvPgKnsT8kE-00003-00000787-00000987 in a similar way to Aaron VvPgKnsT8kE-00004-00001027-00001126 Mitchell Family on Three! VvPgKnsT8kE-00005-00001126-00001326 Mitchell Family! Oh. No. Sorry, you said-- VvPgKnsT8kE-00006-00001326-00001446 Two! Sorry, sorry. You have to go up. VvPgKnsT8kE-00007-00001446-00001646 One! Mitchell Family! (not in unison) VvPgKnsT8kE-00008-00001646-00001846 Phil Lord: I consider myself kind of a Monchi. VvPgKnsT8kE-00009-00001853-00002008 (laughing) VvPgKnsT8kE-00010-00002008-00002058 (fly buzzing) VvPgKnsT8kE-00011-00002058-00002213 Because I have, you know, VvPgKnsT8kE-00012-00002217-00002400 bugged out eyes and weird teeth VvPgKnsT8kE-00013-00002405-00002605 Rowe: I've always thought that about you. VvPgKnsT8kE-00014-00002605-00002805 Lord: Thank you. (laughing) VzQUH8Midfk-00000-00000016-00000787 and you better believe that I'm reacting to the new album if it comes out so just saying VzQUH8Midfk-00001-00000787-00001104 that VzQUH8Midfk-00002-00001104-00001421 [Music] VzQUH8Midfk-00003-00001421-00002227 [Music] hi guys Yuri here again welcome to YB plays music today is something kind of VzQUH8Midfk-00004-00002227-00002866 a different video this is more like a news update on a band and it's about Nightwish VzQUH8Midfk-00005-00002866-00003339 I saw a notification on my phone regarding this and I'm going to read it because it's VzQUH8Midfk-00006-00003339-00003946 about their new album so I'm very interested I haven't read this article but I'm gonna VzQUH8Midfk-00007-00003946-00004532 read it and give my thoughts on it and uh let's see what the conclusions are from this VzQUH8Midfk-00008-00004532-00005021 it has been a while since I've reacted to one from uh from Nightwish and I haven't seen VzQUH8Midfk-00009-00005021-00005664 them yet live uh with the new bassists that replaced Marco but if I'm not mistaking at VzQUH8Midfk-00010-00005664-00006349 the same bassist as winterson but let's read it so to almost holopina reveals major surprises VzQUH8Midfk-00011-00006349-00007045 on next night wish album admits he thought the band were finished when basis Marco hidala VzQUH8Midfk-00012-00007045-00007739 left and I can kind of see that because Marco played big a role in the band and it's very VzQUH8Midfk-00013-00007739-00008505 hard to find a value replacement I think for Marco but yeah so a couple of major surprises VzQUH8Midfk-00014-00008505-00009043 and nightwish's next album I'm very curious first of all guys I have reacted to the whole VzQUH8Midfk-00015-00009043-00009586 album of human nature and you better believe that I'm reacting to the new album if it comes VzQUH8Midfk-00016-00009586-00010379 out so just saying that let's continue nightwish's next album will be final part in a Trilogy VzQUH8Midfk-00017-00010379-00011025 okay I didn't know it was a final part in the trilogy so was the first part of the trilogy VzQUH8Midfk-00018-00011025-00011568 endless forms most beautiful is that the first part of the trilogy according to keyboard VzQUH8Midfk-00019-00011568-00012179 player Thomas holopanin night wishes Thomas holopinen has revealed that the band's next VzQUH8Midfk-00020-00012179-00012975 album will contain some major surprises speaking exclusively to metal Hammer the keyboard player VzQUH8Midfk-00021-00012975-00013702 says that the follow-up to 2020's human nature would complete a Trilogy that began in 2015's VzQUH8Midfk-00022-00013702-00014259 endless forms most beautiful okay so I'm correct I didn't know it was part of a Trilogy actually VzQUH8Midfk-00023-00014259-00014891 I immediately knew after getting that album endless forms most beautiful done that I don't VzQUH8Midfk-00024-00014891-00015636 know how that sentence makes sense but whatever okay we have to do more songs about this because VzQUH8Midfk-00025-00015636-00016247 there's so much more to explore and tell the world we're not done with this he says and VzQUH8Midfk-00026-00016247-00016847 the same thing happened after human nature we're still not done so let's do one more VzQUH8Midfk-00027-00016847-00017553 at least one more so it's not that surprising to me that human nature was kind of a follow-up VzQUH8Midfk-00028-00017553-00018214 to endless forms most beautiful because I saw a lot of references there uh a lot of VzQUH8Midfk-00029-00018214-00018865 a lot of crossover subjects I would say in a way the next album is the third party of VzQUH8Midfk-00030-00018865-00019509 a Trilogy party is the third part of a Trilogy which started with endless forms and then VzQUH8Midfk-00031-00019509-00020115 human nature there are some major surprises there again but it feels like a natural continuation VzQUH8Midfk-00032-00020115-00020856 to human nature okay I'm pretty curious uh then whilst volopane remains cagey as what VzQUH8Midfk-00033-00020856-00021484 these surprises would involve he revealed that the band have already demoed the new VzQUH8Midfk-00034-00021484-00021990 album okay so they made already their demos for the new album that's exciting the wonderful VzQUH8Midfk-00035-00021990-00022793 thing is that we have had the demo done since last spring so it's been done for six months VzQUH8Midfk-00036-00022793-00023365 now we really have all the time in the world to go through it all and we have had such VzQUH8Midfk-00037-00023365-00023951 a great time with the band just listening to the demo in our hotel rooms me singing VzQUH8Midfk-00038-00023951-00024712 the lyrics and the Melodies to floor Janssen she's recording them all and then she's seeing VzQUH8Midfk-00039-00024712-00025479 them and throwing ideas to each other okay well if you talk about human nature that was VzQUH8Midfk-00040-00025479-00026295 five years after endless forms most beautiful uh beautiful most wonderful what is it most VzQUH8Midfk-00041-00026295-00027019 beautiful I think doesn't matter five years after that so are they going to release this VzQUH8Midfk-00042-00027019-00027795 in 2025 I think it's going to come out sooner than that they probably are taking a little VzQUH8Midfk-00043-00027795-00028593 less time than for human nature I don't know for sure but that's what I think um okay he VzQUH8Midfk-00044-00028593-00029188 also added that he thought Nightwish was finished when bassist Marco hetala left the band in VzQUH8Midfk-00045-00029188-00030037 January 2021 um citing depression and disillusionment with the music industry yeah that's a sad VzQUH8Midfk-00046-00030037-00030556 story that was devastating says holopiden we knew about his problems but it still was VzQUH8Midfk-00047-00030556-00031186 a huge shock to us all I think for me as well like that that came so all of a sudden uh VzQUH8Midfk-00048-00031186-00031969 when I run when I read about that I was like they're kidding but they obviously were not VzQUH8Midfk-00049-00031969-00032550 kidding so for about 48 hours I was convinced that that was the end of the band I remember VzQUH8Midfk-00050-00032550-00033391 calling impu like can you believe what happened again we left you think this is the end yeah VzQUH8Midfk-00051-00033391-00034067 then some time passed our management called me saying I think about it again you have VzQUH8Midfk-00052-00034067-00034922 had 26 years of quite the ride you want to end like that and I was like that's a really VzQUH8Midfk-00053-00034922-00035686 good point if we go out let's go out and stylish I mean we have survived bad things in the VzQUH8Midfk-00054-00035686-00036200 past as well so maybe we can survive this as well that's a good point indeed like there VzQUH8Midfk-00055-00036200-00036971 have been a couple of major changes in Nightwish uh regarding the front singer and how much VzQUH8Midfk-00056-00036971-00037756 of a change can you have in a band uh that's that's probably the most uh noticeable change VzQUH8Midfk-00057-00037756-00038581 is the singer uh luckily of course uh to almost never quit because he's the main songwriter VzQUH8Midfk-00058-00038581-00039366 um if if he would squid that would probably be the end of Nightwish in my opinion I think VzQUH8Midfk-00059-00039366-00039938 so tell me what you guys think about that but just that's just what I think uh then VzQUH8Midfk-00060-00039938-00040483 a few weeks later things started to look a bit more bright I felt yeah let's try it once VzQUH8Midfk-00061-00040483-00041213 more then Yuka came along oh so the new bass player is called Yuka I was thinking like VzQUH8Midfk-00062-00041213-00041777 their ex-drummer their previous drummer former drummer Yuka uh but no it's the bass player VzQUH8Midfk-00063-00041777-00042433 okay the stars have been out of line so many times it's nice to have them aligned now Nightwish VzQUH8Midfk-00064-00042433-00042984 singer Flora Janssen recently revealed that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer VzQUH8Midfk-00065-00042984-00043558 she subsequently underwent surgery and had since said she is now cancer free oh I didn't VzQUH8Midfk-00066-00043558-00044137 know about that that's good news uh because I knew she had she was diagnosed with cancer VzQUH8Midfk-00067-00044137-00044546 but I didn't know she was cancer-free right now that's that's very good news makes sense VzQUH8Midfk-00068-00044546-00045124 though because aren't they doing their Europe tour right now I think so um so that's it VzQUH8Midfk-00069-00045124-00045712 when it comes to this article right okay very interesting I'm definitely gonna uh make another VzQUH8Midfk-00070-00045712-00046494 video If there is more news on this new album coming um because if you watched my videos VzQUH8Midfk-00071-00046494-00047138 on Nightwish you know that's my favorite band and um I'm very excited to to hear more of VzQUH8Midfk-00072-00047138-00047777 them and I'm very glad that they chose this path to continue and not end it because Marco VzQUH8Midfk-00073-00047777-00048566 quit it uh even though we know it's a huge uh laws that they've encountered because of VzQUH8Midfk-00074-00048566-00049496 that but I'm sure uh knowing them that they can pull off some great things so I'm very VzQUH8Midfk-00075-00049496-00050072 excited to see what this will bring guys I hope you enjoyed my reaction to this article VzQUH8Midfk-00076-00050072-00050774 that's the first actually if you want me to react to more of these kind of uh articles VzQUH8Midfk-00077-00050774-00051340 or news updates about some music artists singers and such you can let me know in the comment VzQUH8Midfk-00078-00051340-00051809 section down below also guys we're approaching 50k Subs on the channel so if you want to VzQUH8Midfk-00079-00051809-00052607 support me please subscribe to the channel I also plan on starting a patreon for uh for VzQUH8Midfk-00080-00052607-00053302 musicals movies regarding musicians and and bands and such documentaries but I think I VzQUH8Midfk-00081-00053302-00053892 will start that when we hit 50k I think that's a nice starting point that would be probably VzQUH8Midfk-00082-00053892-00054491 somewhere in the beginning of 2023 uh a nice startup for the year so guys I hope you enjoyed VzQUH8Midfk-00083-00054491-00054846 this video thank you so much for watching don't forget subscribe like and share the VzQUH8Midfk-00084-00054846-00055330 video also don't forget to check out some of my reaction videos I also have music videos VzQUH8Midfk-00085-00055330-00055692 and tutorials for you guys to check out so thank you very much and see you guys next VzQUH8Midfk-00086-00055692-00055792 time bye VzQUH8Midfk-00087-00055792-00058560 [Music] thank you [Music] I saw a notification on my um but if I'm not mistaking but if I'm VzQUH8Midfk-00088-00058560-00059707 not but if I'm not mistaken it's on a Mitzi thought that Matt um then um the the album VzQUH8Midfk-00089-00059707-00060438 of Greatest Show on Earth uh what's the album called again it's called um to the 2020 and VzQUH8Midfk-00090-00060438-00061394 speaking exclusive speaking ex while holopina well I if you for about 48 for about florianson VzQUH8Midfk-00091-00061394-00062463 recently revealed the the subsequent underwent she's subsequently um I'm trying um so if VzQUH8Midfk-00092-00062463-00062849 you want to support that will be probably just the beginning out VDduEOWSy2Q-00000-00000000-00000200 Vjetrenjače na putu prema Splitu 🌬️ VFCfv5THO90-00000-00000064-00000864 Although our celebration this morning happens in this small parish in Calasiao VFCfv5THO90-00001-00000968-00001592 in Pangasinan in the Philippines, we know in faith that what we are doing VFCfv5THO90-00002-00001752-00002400 also brings blessings to Vietnam. It also brings blessings to the sisters VFCfv5THO90-00003-00002520-00003112 all over the world, in many different parts of the world. This also brings blessings to VFCfv5THO90-00004-00003112-00003879 the entire cosmos because the Eucharist has power to change the entire cosmos. VFCfv5THO90-00005-00004120-00004736 The reason why we have gathered this morning is not that Sister Kim and Sister Vika VFCfv5THO90-00006-00004800-00005304 wants to make want to make their profession in the religious life. No. VFCfv5THO90-00007-00005536-00006224 Our reason for coming here is the same reason why Sister Kim and Sister Vika are here. VFCfv5THO90-00008-00006328-00006408 It is the Lord. VFCfv5THO90-00009-00006600-00006992 In this Eucharist, the Lord will say to us – Yes. VFCfv5THO90-00010-00007152-00007728 In this Eucharist, the Lord will promise us - I will be with you until the end of time. VFCfv5THO90-00011-00007823-00008336 In this Eucharist, the Lord says to us - I love you. You are mine. VFCfv5THO90-00012-00008512-00008904 What we celebrate this morning is the “yes” of the Lord. VFCfv5THO90-00013-00008968-00009688 That perfect loving “yes” of God to an imperfect sinful world. VFCfv5THO90-00014-00009848-00010024 Sister Kim and Sister Vika VFCfv5THO90-00015-00010104-00010880 come to the Lord recognizing that they are sinners… that they have been touched by sin, VFCfv5THO90-00016-00010976-00011688 and yet even if they are touched by sin, as we all of us are, they say to the Lord – VFCfv5THO90-00017-00011688-00012536 Lord, help me to love you. I am weak. I am wretched. I am blackened by sin but VFCfv5THO90-00018-00012536-00013384 I trust. Lord in your love and sister Kim and Sister Vika will say to the Lord – Yes. VFCfv5THO90-00019-00013584-00014184 That is why we are here. We want to hear you say your “yes” to the Lord. VFCfv5THO90-00020-00014288-00014928 According to the rules of the congregation and according to canon law, you are making VFCfv5THO90-00021-00014928-00016056 temporary vows. Temporary vows meaning to say - subject to time… subject to tempos… subject to VFCfv5THO90-00022-00016056-00017136 the passage of time. But that is from our human perspective because God is timeless. You cannot VFCfv5THO90-00023-00017136-00017984 say to God, I commit for one year or I commit for five years or even I commit for 10 or 15 years. VFCfv5THO90-00024-00017984-00018800 No. Because God does not know time. Time is a creation of humanity. Time as creation of VFCfv5THO90-00025-00018800-00019656 humankind but with God from the very beginning His love for you… His commitment to you VFCfv5THO90-00026-00019656-00020800 has always been timeless. Even before time began and after time has ended, he will still love you. VFCfv5THO90-00027-00020944-00021304 That is the marvel of our celebration this morning. VFCfv5THO90-00028-00021480-00022112 But as you say “yes” to the Lord, you will also imply a “no”. VFCfv5THO90-00029-00022280-00022640 Your yes also means renunciation. VFCfv5THO90-00030-00022768-00023656 Your yes also means saying no to a future family… to future children you can call your own. VFCfv5THO90-00031-00023768-00024400 You are saying no to Vietnam. You are saying no to your family but you are also saying no VFCfv5THO90-00032-00024400-00025168 to the Philippines because your eye, your heart, your mind is now focused on the Lord VFCfv5THO90-00033-00025264-00025824 and everything that will stand between you and the Lord, you must be able to say “no”. VFCfv5THO90-00034-00025983-00026776 No longer, no more because I have committed myself to him. You are VFCfv5THO90-00035-00026776-00027448 going to say no because it is only in saying no that you can prove your fidelity to your yes. VFCfv5THO90-00036-00027560-00028432 You cannot say to the Lord and say yes to sin. You cannot say yes to the Lord and yet say yes VFCfv5THO90-00037-00028432-00029008 to your personal ambitions and desires. You cannot say yes to the Lord and say yes VFCfv5THO90-00038-00029008-00029583 to prosperity and wealth. You cannot say yes to the Lord and say yes to the enemy of the Lord. VFCfv5THO90-00039-00029752-00030439 In every yes there is a corresponding no and you are able to prove your VFCfv5THO90-00040-00030560-00031648 loving yes by your courageous and consistent no. But believe me, dear sisters, I am older than you VFCfv5THO90-00041-00031768-00032327 and I have stayed in this ministry, in the church longer than you. Believe me, VFCfv5THO90-00042-00032327-00033240 dear sisters. Believe me, there will come a time when your yes and no will get confused. There will VFCfv5THO90-00043-00033240-00034104 come a time when your yes will be very dry. There will come a time when your no will be very limp VFCfv5THO90-00044-00034248-00035184 and cold. There will come a time when you would be tempted to ask - Was September 8, 2021 a mistake? VFCfv5THO90-00045-00035360-00035864 There will come a time when you think your superior is stupid and you are wise. VFCfv5THO90-00046-00035968-00036368 There will come a time when you will think that the sacrifices are not worth it VFCfv5THO90-00047-00036448-00037024 and you deserve some comfort and convenience. There will come a time when instead of the VFCfv5THO90-00048-00037024-00037416 community, you will look outside the community for friendship. VFCfv5THO90-00049-00037496-00038096 It will come. There will come a time when you will look at the video of this event VFCfv5THO90-00050-00038096-00038464 and you will start to cry not because of joy but because of pain. VFCfv5THO90-00051-00038640-00039304 There will come a time when you will start to ask questions like - Can I start all over again? This VFCfv5THO90-00052-00039304-00040128 is too dry. This is too heavy and the cross is too much. When the time comes, my dear sisters, VFCfv5THO90-00053-00040272-00040896 when you're tempted to quit, please come over. We can talk together. VFCfv5THO90-00054-00041120-00041400 And we can talk to God together. VFCfv5THO90-00055-00041528-00042240 And we together will entrust your dryness, your crisis, your darkness to the mercy of God. VFCfv5THO90-00056-00042424-00042768 That is it, my dear sisters. The mercy of God. VFCfv5THO90-00057-00042896-00043224 And only by His mercy…can you be faithful. VFCfv5THO90-00058-00043352-00043960 Only by His mercy…can you be beautiful. Only by His mercy…can you be good. VFCfv5THO90-00059-00044064-00044648 Only by His mercy…can we be holy. And only by His mercy, can you VFCfv5THO90-00060-00044648-00045120 live up to this commitment. Three words my dear sisters. VFCfv5THO90-00061-00045296-00045416 Your beautiful yes. VFCfv5THO90-00062-00045600-00046232 Your courageous no. And in the crisis, the mercy of the Lord. VFCfv5THO90-00063-00046368-00046920 May God have mercy on you. May God look kindly on you. VFCfv5THO90-00064-00047104-00047784 By the mercy of the Lord and by the mercy of the church, you are now members of this congregation. VFCfv5THO90-00065-00047976-00048368 And for the mercy of the Lord and for the mercy of the church, VFCfv5THO90-00066-00048464-00049184 stay on and let people see you and see the mercy of God aglow in your life. VFRb7DCew8Y-00000-00001701-00002598 Bring a small pot of water to a boil VFRb7DCew8Y-00001-00002598-00003303 Place your raw almonds into the boiling water VFRb7DCew8Y-00002-00003883-00004375 Drain the almonds immediately in a colander or strainer VFRb7DCew8Y-00003-00005076-00006802 Use your fingers to gently squeeze the almonds and loosen the skin from them.Once you remove the skins, let the almonds dry off completely VFRb7DCew8Y-00004-00007503-00008900 Roast 1 kg of corn meal ( i divide the quantity on 2 pots ) you can do this process in the oven VFRb7DCew8Y-00005-00015703-00017096 Roast 1.5 kg of sorghum flour ( i divide the quantity on 2 pots ) you can do this process in the oven VFRb7DCew8Y-00006-00020303-00021000 roast 1 kg sesame seeds until light brown VFRb7DCew8Y-00007-00025400-00025900 40 g black sesame VFRb7DCew8Y-00008-00026001-00026501 100 g fennel seeds VFRb7DCew8Y-00009-00027702-00028149 140 g dry melon seeds VFRb7DCew8Y-00010-00028403-00028903 200 g flax-seeds VFRb7DCew8Y-00011-00030401-00030901 350 g lotus seeds ( phol makhana ) VFRb7DCew8Y-00012-00032002-00033600 fry blanched almonds in clarified butter ( healthy fat ) VFRb7DCew8Y-00013-00039301-00041003 crash all seeds half part as powder , other half as paste ( crash until it release its natural oil) VFRb7DCew8Y-00014-00042600-00043201 almond oil VFRb7DCew8Y-00015-00057603-00058304 blend the fried almonds VFRb7DCew8Y-00016-00058500-00058800 leave little almonds for topping VFRb7DCew8Y-00017-00061703-00062408 15 g to 20 g Arabic gum ( gon gadira ) VFRb7DCew8Y-00018-00063100-00064001 a pinch of mastic gum crashed VFRb7DCew8Y-00019-00065302-00066003 2.5 tsp cinnamon powder VFRb7DCew8Y-00020-00067000-00067600 Salt as per taste ( approx 2 tsp ) VFRb7DCew8Y-00021-00068101-00068501 pinch of crashed nutmeg VFRb7DCew8Y-00022-00068501-00069202 220 g raisins as a sweetener VFRb7DCew8Y-00023-00071700-00072801 200 g Jaggery ( or as per taste if you like it more sweet then add by adjusting with the other sweeteners ) VFRb7DCew8Y-00024-00073802-00074503 melt the jaggery, off the flame and then add 50 to 100g honey VFRb7DCew8Y-00025-00080601-00081202 mix the blended seeds and nuts VFRb7DCew8Y-00026-00086603-00087203 mix the roasted corn meal and sorghum flour VFRb7DCew8Y-00027-00092500-00094002 use a big bowl or a big pot to mix all the nuts seeds and the roasted flours VFRb7DCew8Y-00028-00094002-00095003 here i was trying to adjust this quantity in these 2 pots but it was difficult to manage all , then i went up to bring the big bowl, its makes it very easy and space full to move your hands and have a good mix VFRb7DCew8Y-00029-00099503-00100104 add the mixture of melted jaggery and honey VFRb7DCew8Y-00030-00103503-00104204 the left over of clarified butter from frying VFRb7DCew8Y-00031-00107603-00109200 olive oil as required iadd the fats (olive oil , and clarified butter ) slowly and after mixing all check if necessary to add more VFRb7DCew8Y-00032-00114401-00115502 add the honey and the melted jaggery to sweeten your Sellou, if you like to, you can skip this ingredient and get enough of healthy fat without sweetener VFRb7DCew8Y-00033-00115502-00116203 for me this is the best mixture and consistency , i prefer Sellou not to dry not to wet. VFRb7DCew8Y-00034-00116203-00116403 make this recipe and let us know how it turn , its really a delight sweet full of nutrition VFRb7DCew8Y-00035-00130000-00130501 Enjoy VJ0ha5zTFTM-00000-00000069-00000400 Seating arrangement is very important in every classroom. VJ0ha5zTFTM-00001-00000400-00000772 Some teachers choose to let their kids decide where they want to sit. VJ0ha5zTFTM-00002-00000772-00001136 And that doesn't always work out, because we get relationships with other friends in VJ0ha5zTFTM-00003-00001136-00001660 the classroom, and we can have disruptive behavior, it can lead to not being able to VJ0ha5zTFTM-00004-00001660-00001769 focus correctly. VJ0ha5zTFTM-00005-00001769-00002178 So, in my classroom in early childhood, I choose were they sit. VJ0ha5zTFTM-00006-00002178-00002568 On my carpet, I have letters around a pond. VJ0ha5zTFTM-00007-00002568-00003079 And at the beginning of the year, I have them stand around and I chose were they sit I usually VJ0ha5zTFTM-00008-00003079-00003665 try to sit them boy girl boy girl this kind of helps with the behavior issues and academics VJ0ha5zTFTM-00009-00003665-00004353 as well in my seating for snack or for work I also sit them boy girl boy girl. VJ0ha5zTFTM-00010-00004353-00005157 Now this helps them to get relationships with new friends and to form kind of a family unit. VJ0ha5zTFTM-00011-00005157-00005406 I do switch their seats once a month. VJ0ha5zTFTM-00012-00005406-00005824 So, it's kind of that celebration of a brand-new month so you get a brand-new seat, a brand-new VJ0ha5zTFTM-00013-00005824-00006204 position to sit and new neighbors on each side. VJ0ha5zTFTM-00014-00006204-00006800 when I do have them, when I chose their new places to sit I have them introduce their VJ0ha5zTFTM-00015-00006800-00007256 selves again to the neighbor on the left the neighbor on the right and then have them promise VJ0ha5zTFTM-00016-00007256-00007684 that they will take care of each other as they sit together for the next month. VJ0ha5zTFTM-00017-00007684-00008233 This really helps them to focus on the learning and they can sit with whoever want at lunch VJ0ha5zTFTM-00018-00008233-00008657 or they can play with who they want at recess but as the teacher I chose where they sit VJ0ha5zTFTM-00019-00008657-00008818 to help them to be there best. VJNp_48zGQu-00000-00000561-00001287 Probably the most memorable occasion prior to the merger was was the time of VJNp_48zGQu-00001-00001287-00001718 the decision in Louisville to go ahead with the formation of this church. We VJNp_48zGQu-00002-00001718-00002460 were there the LCA was in Cleveland and the ALC was in San Diego and then VJNp_48zGQu-00003-00002460-00002955 at the Convention were coordinated in such a way that that we were in VJNp_48zGQu-00004-00002955-00003411 telephone conversation and Martin Marty was announcing the outcome of the votes VJNp_48zGQu-00005-00003411-00003978 and we had the the vote from from Cleveland and a ELC had voted VJNp_48zGQu-00006-00003978-00004725 unanimously in favor of merger. Then the the vote was announced in Louisville VJNp_48zGQu-00007-00004725-00005240 by Bishop Crumly and it was overwhelmingly in favor of merger. And VJNp_48zGQu-00008-00005240-00006062 then we waited for a report from from San Diego and something went wrong with VJNp_48zGQu-00009-00006062-00006927 the telephone connection and so the entire assembly was was almost in limbo VJNp_48zGQu-00010-00006927-00007206 wondering what was that vote going to be because there were VJNp_48zGQu-00011-00007206-00007686 questions about whether the ALC would get the two thirds vote needed. Well VJNp_48zGQu-00012-00007686-00008190 finally it came through and Dr. Preus announced that the ALC had voted by more VJNp_48zGQu-00013-00008190-00008781 than 90 percent and pandemonium that broke loose in Cleveland what VJNp_48zGQu-00014-00008781-00009381 was was unimaginable and for Kareem and me especially because she grew up in the VJNp_48zGQu-00015-00009381-00010017 ALC I grew up in the LC a prior to that longest annum and she was in the visitor VJNp_48zGQu-00016-00010017-00010608 section and she was so elated that she she started moving toward me and I VJNp_48zGQu-00017-00010608-00011064 started moving toward her and we embrace and it was as though in the very VJNp_48zGQu-00018-00011064-00011703 personal way it was a microcosm of the joy of these three churches saying we VJNp_48zGQu-00019-00011703-00012342 are going to be one Church and then when I got elected to the Commission for a VJNp_48zGQu-00020-00012342-00012779 new Lutheran Church that gave me an opportunity to be on the inside of those VJNp_48zGQu-00021-00012779-00013337 years of formation and I always have given thanks especially when I was VJNp_48zGQu-00022-00013337-00013803 elected presiding bishop for the experience of going through that process VJNp_48zGQu-00023-00013803-00014253 and watching it unfold there was a hope that that we could coordinate the work VJNp_48zGQu-00024-00014253-00014637 that we were doing bishops would not be Criss crossing the territory of another VJNp_48zGQu-00025-00014637-00015147 Bishop to visit congregations there was a sense that now we could work more VJNp_48zGQu-00026-00015147-00015516 efficiently as a church wide organization across the country VJNp_48zGQu-00027-00015516-00015978 there was also the hope that being one church we could relate more effectively VJNp_48zGQu-00028-00015978-00016313 to the global church through the Lutheran World Federation we wouldn't be VJNp_48zGQu-00029-00016313-00016869 sending three representatives but only one and speak as a representative of VJNp_48zGQu-00030-00016869-00017505 that one church there was also the hope that that possibly we could stimulate VJNp_48zGQu-00031-00017505-00018066 greater growth by being one Church developed more new missions and put VJNp_48zGQu-00032-00018066-00018783 ourselves in a better position for it for for doing that and I think the other VJNp_48zGQu-00033-00018783-00019647 hope was that at the congregational level churches that had been part of one VJNp_48zGQu-00034-00019647-00020070 and then the other and then even a third church body and feeling somewhat VJNp_48zGQu-00035-00020070-00020469 alienated from one another because of that would now feel that okay we're in VJNp_48zGQu-00036-00020469-00020943 the same family and we really belong together those were the kind of hopes VJNp_48zGQu-00037-00020943-00021428 that that I think all of us had at that time probably the biggest challenge that VJNp_48zGQu-00038-00021428-00022254 materialized was the financial picture if the C&L see made a major mistake it VJNp_48zGQu-00039-00022254-00022809 had to be in anticipating much more income that actually came in and we were VJNp_48zGQu-00040-00022809-00023376 forewarned by people like allow shalour who said even though Lutheran's may VJNp_48zGQu-00041-00023376-00023697 think they're different from others you're going to experience some VJNp_48zGQu-00042-00023697-00024098 shortfall when when when the organization comes together because that VJNp_48zGQu-00043-00024098-00024600 just happens he said it's like there's an accident that happened on the highway VJNp_48zGQu-00044-00024600-00024960 and everybody puts their foot on the brake just a little bit so when you have VJNp_48zGQu-00045-00024960-00025293 a merger everybody's feeling well this is a new VJNp_48zGQu-00046-00025293-00025748 day there's some upheaval here and so there's some caution waiting to see what VJNp_48zGQu-00047-00025748-00026289 this church is going to be like well we came to the church wide assembler to the VJNp_48zGQu-00048-00026289-00026676 Constitution convention rather in Columbus with a high degree of VJNp_48zGQu-00049-00026676-00027047 enthusiasm were acting new leadership right we're going VJNp_48zGQu-00050-00027047-00027538 to have a new office building in Chicago that there were there was enormous VJNp_48zGQu-00051-00027538-00028112 enthusiasm and the best estimate of income that we could expect was 108 VJNp_48zGQu-00052-00028112-00028744 million dollars and the assembly got so excited about this merger that they said VJNp_48zGQu-00053-00028744-00029111 let's go for a hundred and twelve million and no known leader had been VJNp_48zGQu-00054-00029111-00029503 elected at that time and I'm sitting there thinking to myself you know this VJNp_48zGQu-00055-00029503-00030155 is enthusiasm that's gone wild and in retrospect and others have said the same VJNp_48zGQu-00056-00030155-00030577 thing we would have been much better had we planned more cautiously and VJNp_48zGQu-00057-00030577-00031049 established a budget that was much more reasonable one that we probably could VJNp_48zGQu-00058-00031049-00031544 have met and then built on that what happened as a result of that decision VJNp_48zGQu-00059-00031544-00032144 was that it almost gave a picture of failing and and not not measuring up to VJNp_48zGQu-00060-00032144-00032614 what we had thought we could be I think that was a major mistake VJNp_48zGQu-00061-00032614-00033646 I'd have to say in retrospect that the the decision of the of the CLC to to VJNp_48zGQu-00062-00033646-00034171 give no special consideration to people who had served on predecessor Church VJNp_48zGQu-00063-00034171-00034969 staffs but rather to to have the ground absolutely equal may have been a mistake VJNp_48zGQu-00064-00034969-00035509 I think we lost a lot of very good talent a lot of good experience by doing VJNp_48zGQu-00065-00035509-00035941 that and the result was that even though the people that were selected were by VJNp_48zGQu-00066-00035941-00036502 and large wonderful excellent people everyone has that start up time that you VJNp_48zGQu-00067-00036502-00037081 have to deal with and that to me was a somewhat of a crippling effect on the VJNp_48zGQu-00068-00037081-00038025 early life of the church possibly a third area where I think that the CLC VJNp_48zGQu-00069-00038025-00038752 made a mistake was that we we thought that there should be smaller sinners VJNp_48zGQu-00070-00038752-00039305 with the bishop able to visit congregations more directly than had VJNp_48zGQu-00071-00039305-00039931 been the case in some of the predecessor church centers and districts and VJNp_48zGQu-00072-00039931-00040543 I was on the side of those who felt that that maybe that would be cumbersome to VJNp_48zGQu-00073-00040543-00041193 have so many sentence and it wasn't long after the the formation of the church VJNp_48zGQu-00074-00041193-00041740 third or fourth year when I began to even speak to bishops and others about VJNp_48zGQu-00075-00041740-00042262 the possibility of cutting down the number of sinners and now I think that VJNp_48zGQu-00076-00042262-00042541 maybe one of the issues we're going to have to face in the future VJNp_48zGQu-00077-00042541-00043312 as we as we look realistically at had what we were able to do but then let me VJNp_48zGQu-00078-00043312-00043880 back up and say that that as a whole I think that the C&L ceded to the very VJNp_48zGQu-00079-00043880-00044483 good job there were extremely effective people on the C&L see I've singled out VJNp_48zGQu-00080-00044483-00045233 probably a dozen of them that I think were admirably well suited for that VJNp_48zGQu-00081-00045233-00045631 important position and even two or three without whom I don't think there would VJNp_48zGQu-00082-00045631-00046306 have been a merger so seeing else he did his job I think he did it well maybe VJNp_48zGQu-00083-00046306-00047174 made a few mistakes mistakes were made probably one of the initial ones that I VJNp_48zGQu-00084-00047174-00047958 made was to take an ecumenical journey very shortly after the church was born VJNp_48zGQu-00085-00047958-00048593 the the folks working with the Killman ISM were very eager to let this new VJNp_48zGQu-00086-00048593-00049268 church be known to significant places around the world the Vatican Eastern VJNp_48zGQu-00087-00049268-00050014 Orthodox Church the Anglicans the Archbishop of Canterbury and so on and I VJNp_48zGQu-00088-00050014-00050395 had mixed feelings about that but I agreed that all right it is important to VJNp_48zGQu-00089-00050395-00050826 give an early signals so I I did take that trip and it was very heavily VJNp_48zGQu-00090-00050826-00051478 publicized covered Lutheran magazine and so on and what I thought was a wise VJNp_48zGQu-00091-00051478-00051850 thing turned out to be very unwise because somehow it gave the impression VJNp_48zGQu-00092-00051850-00052279 even though there's only a very small part of my time to gave the impression VJNp_48zGQu-00093-00052279-00052841 that this was the number one priority for this new presiding bishop and even VJNp_48zGQu-00094-00052841-00053497 though it is very important it would it was misunderstood and I had VJNp_48zGQu-00095-00053497-00053991 to do some some very hard work to to make certain that people understood that VJNp_48zGQu-00096-00053991-00054514 that it was not the number one priority like serving this church and and in VJNp_48zGQu-00097-00054514-00055026 helping pastors and encouraging congregational leadership was that was VJNp_48zGQu-00098-00055026-00055500 the number one thing that that I wanted to do VJNp_48zGQu-00099-00055592-00056307 probably another area were where I might have gone back now and looked at it VJNp_48zGQu-00100-00056307-00057187 differently was was in the whole question of how the leadership of the of VJNp_48zGQu-00101-00057187-00057925 the various units of the church were selected that had to be done in large VJNp_48zGQu-00102-00057925-00058442 part prior to the coming together of the ELCA so that by the time I was elected VJNp_48zGQu-00103-00058442-00059011 all of those positions had been area down narrow down to one or two VJNp_48zGQu-00104-00059011-00059442 candidates and I was saying retrospect I wish I put the brakes on that whole VJNp_48zGQu-00105-00059442-00060183 process if I could have so like so that it might have joined in that search and VJNp_48zGQu-00106-00060183-00060594 I think in in two or three areas that the church would have been much stronger VJNp_48zGQu-00107-00060594-00061207 had we been more patient in the way we we got off and going was a couple of VJNp_48zGQu-00108-00061207-00061654 areas were in retrospect I'd have to say you know I wish that we had done things VJNp_48zGQu-00109-00061654-00062419 a bit differently or that I had maybe been able to be more integral to the VJNp_48zGQu-00110-00062419-00063210 process I have to say that and I say this with a lot of a lot of sadness VJNp_48zGQu-00111-00063210-00063882 Michael because when I would go out and and be among folks in the church that VJNp_48zGQu-00112-00063882-00064554 there was a great appreciation for leadership but there was also an element VJNp_48zGQu-00113-00064554-00065335 of suspicion those people at Higgins Road I would often hear Higgins Road and VJNp_48zGQu-00114-00065335-00065889 I often somewhat jokingly said that I think in the minds of some people they VJNp_48zGQu-00115-00065889-00066325 think that there are there must be a gathering in Chicago every morning of 40 VJNp_48zGQu-00116-00066325-00066560 to 50 people and the agenda item for that day VJNp_48zGQu-00117-00066560-00067145 is how can we irritate the church today and and I usually got a laugh from that VJNp_48zGQu-00118-00067145-00067661 but it's very serious too because there is that perception and it pained me VJNp_48zGQu-00119-00067661-00068036 because I knew these people who were working for us I knew that they were VJNp_48zGQu-00120-00068036-00068414 going to second in the third mile yes of course there were some weak links in VJNp_48zGQu-00121-00068414-00068921 that chain but but but for the most part and overwhelmingly these were people who VJNp_48zGQu-00122-00068921-00069437 loved the Lord who loved the church and gave themselves unselfishly to make sure VJNp_48zGQu-00123-00069437-00069929 we could be the best possible church so that was a painful thing well I just VJNp_48zGQu-00124-00069929-00070358 kept trying and trying to help people understand that we were there to serve VJNp_48zGQu-00125-00070358-00070850 them and and not to be served by them and that we wanted this church to be the VJNp_48zGQu-00126-00070850-00071477 very best that it could possibly be in the in the structure of the ELCA the VJNp_48zGQu-00127-00071477-00071855 Conference of Bishops of course is is somewhat independent VJNp_48zGQu-00128-00071855-00072325 they have their own chairperson their own officers and they they cannot take VJNp_48zGQu-00129-00072325-00072893 legislative action but when they make a recommendation it carries enormous VJNp_48zGQu-00130-00072893-00073442 weight and the reason is because we know that nothing that the church does is VJNp_48zGQu-00131-00073442-00073933 going to go very far unless you have at least a strong majority of the Sonata VJNp_48zGQu-00132-00073933-00074474 chol bishops who are who are with you and working for you I made a mistake VJNp_48zGQu-00133-00074474-00075148 theory in that I think I was too VJNp_48zGQu-00134-00075157-00075770 inclined to sit in the back row and sort of let this group act independently and VJNp_48zGQu-00135-00075770-00076265 in in the retrospect I wish I had done what my successor did and that was to VJNp_48zGQu-00136-00076265-00076843 sit at the front with the leadership so that there will be that symbolic VJNp_48zGQu-00137-00076930-00077627 impression that we are in this in partnership that that I would do over VJNp_48zGQu-00138-00077627-00078293 again but in terms of the bishops as a whole I found them to be good brothers VJNp_48zGQu-00139-00078293-00078887 and sisters in the faith and in the work of the church and treasure treasure VJNp_48zGQu-00140-00078887-00079204 though those friendships when we come together now I mean it's VJNp_48zGQu-00141-00079204-00079933 it's family time a wonderful experience one of the things I envisioned before I VJNp_48zGQu-00142-00079933-00080527 was elected in the speech that I made at the constituting convention was a church VJNp_48zGQu-00143-00080527-00081208 with greater diversity we we are in a culture where it is changing very VJNp_48zGQu-00144-00081208-00082003 rapidly and we we were and continued to be overwhelmingly a white middle-class VJNp_48zGQu-00145-00082003-00082642 church so when I see now that many new missions are being organized in VJNp_48zGQu-00146-00082642-00083302 communities of diversity I find myself saying this is exactly the direction VJNp_48zGQu-00147-00083302-00083743 this church ought to be going now in that that is there's a price to be paid VJNp_48zGQu-00148-00083743-00084277 for that because the the growth in some of those missions is not dramatic in VJNp_48zGQu-00149-00084277-00084826 fact it may be rather slow but we we simply must go into those places I VJNp_48zGQu-00150-00084826-00085345 believe plant to seed establish worshiping communities and then pray VJNp_48zGQu-00151-00085345-00085921 that they can grow and expand to me that that's a very strong hope and go back to VJNp_48zGQu-00152-00085921-00086374 to the primary emphasis on word and sacrament that to be of angelical is to VJNp_48zGQu-00153-00086374-00087256 focus on the centrality of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior that we come into VJNp_48zGQu-00154-00087256-00087730 communion with him by baptism were buried with Christ by baptism into his VJNp_48zGQu-00155-00087730-00087946 death raised with him in his resurrection VJNp_48zGQu-00156-00087946-00088411 so baptism is at the core of what it means to be of angelical and then VJNp_48zGQu-00157-00088411-00089089 building on that it means to proclaim that good news of evangelical freedom in VJNp_48zGQu-00158-00089089-00089418 Christ that the good news sets people free VJNp_48zGQu-00159-00089418-00089866 last Friday my wife and I had a marvelous conversation with a gentleman VJNp_48zGQu-00160-00089866-00090391 whose who was completely overwhelmed with problems in his life and it was a VJNp_48zGQu-00161-00090391-00091033 great joy for us to to share the message with him and in VJNp_48zGQu-00162-00091033-00091519 and watch the reaction that God accepts him and his family just as they are and VJNp_48zGQu-00163-00091519-00091916 loves them just as they are and sets them free that's the heart of what we've VJNp_48zGQu-00164-00091916-00092476 got to do to be of angelical Christ is saying no barriers no walls no offences VJNp_48zGQu-00165-00092476-00092918 everyone is welcome in this community where we're so happy to belong to a VJNp_48zGQu-00166-00092918-00093652 church that that says on its bulletin cover every Sunday morning everyone is VJNp_48zGQu-00167-00093652-00094039 welcome here and to mention people of racial background people of different VJNp_48zGQu-00168-00094039-00094600 sexual orientation people of different economic status that's that's that gives VJNp_48zGQu-00169-00094600-00095044 me a thrill to sit down there and say we're saying to this community wherever VJNp_48zGQu-00170-00095044-00095612 you are whatever your place in life you are welcome in this place and and that VJNp_48zGQu-00171-00095612-00096127 this of course represents a dramatic transformation for this person whose VJNp_48zGQu-00172-00096127-00096605 first 30 years were spent in the church where we not only thought of ourselves VJNp_48zGQu-00173-00096605-00097324 as Lutheran but Swedish Lutheran's and and and then to be ushered first of all VJNp_48zGQu-00174-00097324-00097975 into the LCA which was a new day and then into the ELCA where now we have VJNp_48zGQu-00175-00097975-00098544 these these multiple families of faith when I when I read about the numbers of VJNp_48zGQu-00176-00098544-00099122 languages that are spoken in the metropolitan New York sentence for VJNp_48zGQu-00177-00099122-00099712 example Bishop Rimbaud talks about that it boggles my mind that that we are we VJNp_48zGQu-00178-00099712-00100168 are that multicultural but that's the hope for the future people identify with VJNp_48zGQu-00179-00100168-00100604 the church primarily through that local congregation which is very good very VJNp_48zGQu-00180-00100604-00101204 positive pastors have to work very hard at connecting people to the other VJNp_48zGQu-00181-00101204-00101680 expressions of the church and helping them realize that we need them if we're VJNp_48zGQu-00182-00101680-00102142 going to be effective locally that that we need sister congregations doing VJNp_48zGQu-00183-00102142-00102793 mission for us in this Senate and above all we need the ELCA in terms of our VJNp_48zGQu-00184-00102793-00103180 national mission and then the global mission through the through the lutheran VJNp_48zGQu-00185-00103180-00103850 federation that that hard as it is we just have to keep at this and at this VJNp_48zGQu-00186-00103850-00104227 and and I have to say that it's it's a great VJNp_48zGQu-00187-00104227-00104701 grief to me when I come into a congregation where pastors and lay VJNp_48zGQu-00188-00104701-00105516 leaders have not have not done have done almost nothing to give people this VJNp_48zGQu-00189-00105516-00105895 vision and then to go to the next congregation where you see that people VJNp_48zGQu-00190-00105895-00106408 are very much alive and aware of what's going on through their sin to the end to VJNp_48zGQu-00191-00106408-00107119 the church wide organization and as I look back if there's anything that that VJNp_48zGQu-00192-00107119-00107641 I did and initiated that I think has been a great blessing to the church as VJNp_48zGQu-00193-00107641-00108009 much as anything else it was the companion Center program it VJNp_48zGQu-00194-00108009-00108684 was my vision early on it's somehow we've got to connect people in our Synod VJNp_48zGQu-00195-00108684-00109150 and local congregations with the rest of the world and so I thought to myself how VJNp_48zGQu-00196-00109150-00109635 would it be if every sinner had a companion Church someplace around the VJNp_48zGQu-00197-00109635-00110229 world and I am if this was part of our mission 90 emphases early on and I gave VJNp_48zGQu-00198-00110229-00110725 the idea to the division for global mission and thanks to Mark Thompson and VJNp_48zGQu-00199-00110725-00111255 Bonnie Jensen and folks like that they took the idea they ran with it and now I VJNp_48zGQu-00200-00111255-00111751 go to Synod assemblies for example and I'll see there is a visiting delegation VJNp_48zGQu-00201-00111751-00112207 from South Africa or or from Hong Kong or what-have-you and people are saying VJNp_48zGQu-00202-00112207-00112659 isn't this a wonderful thing to be doing I sit there I don't care that they don't VJNp_48zGQu-00203-00112659-00113083 they don't know that I was the one who initiated the idea it's happening and VJNp_48zGQu-00204-00113083-00113638 it's really connecting us and then of course to to connect with with people VJNp_48zGQu-00205-00113638-00114064 who are making the return visits and going to places all over the globe and VJNp_48zGQu-00206-00114064-00114499 coming back with these important stories of how we are to relate to them and VJNp_48zGQu-00207-00114499-00115059 that's where interdependence really really comes down to the nitty-gritty I VJNp_48zGQu-00208-00115059-00115552 mean that's when you really understand how important it is to link First VJNp_48zGQu-00209-00115552-00116140 Lutheran Church here with a congregation or people in Africa or or Eastern Europe VJNp_48zGQu-00210-00116140-00116683 or what have you if I can use the analogy of giving I've been a lifelong VJNp_48zGQu-00211-00116683-00117286 advocate of the tithe that people should share at least 10% of what VJNp_48zGQu-00212-00117286-00117623 has given them and the reason for doing so is not that you may not need that VJNp_48zGQu-00213-00117623-00118151 money yourself but it connects you with the world and I feel the same way about VJNp_48zGQu-00214-00118151-00118751 congregations that that if if as you say you circle the wagons and begin to VJNp_48zGQu-00215-00118751-00119258 protect yourself then it's counterproductive and eventually you VJNp_48zGQu-00216-00119258-00119729 become so ingrown that you you just collapse you you you have to have a VJNp_48zGQu-00217-00119729-00120280 vision just as I have to have a vision a congregation has to have a vision of how VJNp_48zGQu-00218-00120280-00120824 they can be connected with that entire world out there that was a big VJNp_48zGQu-00219-00120824-00121541 motivation for me when early in the church we were asking the question I was VJNp_48zGQu-00220-00121541-00121979 asking the question 10,000 congregation how am I going to connect with them and VJNp_48zGQu-00221-00121979-00122690 I had the idea why don't I try a video series and see if if that can't be a way VJNp_48zGQu-00222-00122690-00123355 of relating to people in these local congregations so I dreamed up the the VJNp_48zGQu-00223-00123355-00123974 the the video which we call what does it mean to be a Christian and we we had six VJNp_48zGQu-00224-00123974-00124457 segments in it including you know how do we look at scripture what about the VJNp_48zGQu-00225-00124457-00124942 centrality of Christ and the Trinity how does the church engage in social VJNp_48zGQu-00226-00124942-00125780 ministry education so on and the up the upshot of that effort was was very VJNp_48zGQu-00227-00125780-00126389 heartwarming because pastors were looking for some way to relate to the VJNp_48zGQu-00228-00126389-00126947 this new church and in that video series was used in the vast majority of VJNp_48zGQu-00229-00126947-00127445 congregations across the ELCA and it was very pleasing for me when I VJNp_48zGQu-00230-00127445-00127826 would come to a Senate assembly people would come up Dean's to me and say you VJNp_48zGQu-00231-00127826-00128236 know because of those those videos you provides we feel like we kind of know VJNp_48zGQu-00232-00128236-00129257 you now that was not a personal agenda for me a bishop is a symbol and you're VJNp_48zGQu-00233-00129257-00129815 in office for a while the symbol is gone and then you're gone with it but while VJNp_48zGQu-00234-00129815-00130283 you're in office you are a symbol and if you as a VJNp_48zGQu-00235-00130283-00130838 can represent what this church is supposed to be through your teaching and VJNp_48zGQu-00236-00130838-00131213 your preaching then I think you were doing what the bishop needs to do and VJNp_48zGQu-00237-00131213-00131717 and that was my passion early on obviously I've taught Lutheran Church VJNp_48zGQu-00238-00131717-00132297 history and you you have every every form of organization you can possibly VJNp_48zGQu-00239-00132297-00132826 think of if you look back through the years some are very very VJNp_48zGQu-00240-00132826-00133221 congregationally oriented I went to a college that was part of the Lutheran VJNp_48zGQu-00241-00133221-00133763 Free Church and they were fiercely congregational in their organization on VJNp_48zGQu-00242-00133763-00134213 the other hand you have the old Buffalo Center which was very very much centered VJNp_48zGQu-00243-00134213-00134705 in the bishop and the leadership I think we have the right blend because this VJNp_48zGQu-00244-00134705-00135191 this lifts up the importance of the congregation it connects them over a VJNp_48zGQu-00245-00135191-00135636 relatively small region with other congregations and yet we keep saying VJNp_48zGQu-00246-00135636-00136211 it's important for us to be together in mission as an entire Church body I so it VJNp_48zGQu-00247-00136211-00136604 may need to be tweaked a bit now and then but I like the idea and we need to VJNp_48zGQu-00248-00136604-00137411 work at it I am proud of a church my card which is courageous enough to take VJNp_48zGQu-00249-00137411-00138155 on controversial issues issues that we know will be divisive to one degree or VJNp_48zGQu-00250-00138155-00138561 another and yet willing to wrestle with them rather than turn our backs on them VJNp_48zGQu-00251-00138561-00139226 when we dealt with abortion for example we knew that that the divergence of VJNp_48zGQu-00252-00139226-00139967 opinion in the ELC was was enormous and yet we worked extremely hard and brought VJNp_48zGQu-00253-00139967-00140354 together a statement on abortion which has been a model for other churches as VJNp_48zGQu-00254-00140354-00141086 well sexuality has been an issue for us from from day one in 1989 there were 13 VJNp_48zGQu-00255-00141086-00141645 synod that said we need a study on sexuality and family life and and we VJNp_48zGQu-00256-00141645-00142149 shuddered in Chicago because we were so young at that time and I kept thinking VJNp_48zGQu-00257-00142149-00142778 this is too soon for us to get into this and in many ways it was and yet the VJNp_48zGQu-00258-00142778-00143516 church kept on people kept calling for a study of this matter and some VJNp_48zGQu-00259-00143516-00144056 decision-making and it took years for us to do it but but I mean I'm immensely VJNp_48zGQu-00260-00144056-00144530 proud of a church that has had the courage to address controversial issues VJNp_48zGQu-00261-00144530-00145214 because through them the race could be included here too through them we we VJNp_48zGQu-00262-00145214-00145622 send a message to people out in the world of the kind of church we are and VJNp_48zGQu-00263-00145622-00146012 the kind of folks who are welcome to come and be part of this worshiping VJNp_48zGQu-00264-00146012-00146600 community the essence of being Lutheran is to believe and to let the world know VJNp_48zGQu-00265-00146600-00147398 that in the midst of our brokenness God comes to us in mercy and love and sets VJNp_48zGQu-00266-00147398-00147770 us free through the cross and that brings us right back to Word and VJNp_48zGQu-00267-00147770-00148385 sacrament because that's what it's all about and there will be issues that will VJNp_48zGQu-00268-00148385-00149018 come along periodically I said to a group in California a couple of weeks VJNp_48zGQu-00269-00149018-00149390 ago what would you think if I told you here in Southern California that there's VJNp_48zGQu-00270-00149390-00149837 never going to be an earthquake here again well they just broke on laughter I VJNp_48zGQu-00271-00149837-00150263 mean that's fully I said well that's the way the church is we stick to the basics VJNp_48zGQu-00272-00150263-00150575 but periodically there are going to be issues that are going to be like VJNp_48zGQu-00273-00150575-00151156 earthquakes some will be minor some will be major but we hang on to our identity VJNp_48zGQu-00274-00151156-00151784 justified by grace through faith and willing to look at the difficult issues VJNp_48zGQu-00275-00151784-00152291 of life I think that's what it means to be a good solid healthy Lutheran Church VJNp_48zGQu-00276-00152291-00152921 I feel the critical issue is how do we how do we use the Bible and I remind VJNp_48zGQu-00277-00152921-00153553 people that we live in a culture where religious fundamentalism has VJNp_48zGQu-00278-00153553-00154003 hi hand today and the Tennessee among the fundamentalist is to see the Bible VJNp_48zGQu-00279-00154003-00154405 sort of as a straight line with in Reverse along that line of equal value VJNp_48zGQu-00280-00154405-00154907 so you pick out a verse here her first year verse here and it's valuable as any VJNp_48zGQu-00281-00154907-00155471 other verse so you go to Leviticus and you equate that with what Jesus said or VJNp_48zGQu-00282-00155471-00156037 John 3:16 that's not the Lutheran way the Lutheran way is is to see the VJNp_48zGQu-00283-00156037-00156691 scripture in terms of a circle and that circle is the Canon of the Bible the 66 VJNp_48zGQu-00284-00156691-00157438 books of the Bible but as inheritors of Luther's understanding not every book of VJNp_48zGQu-00285-00157438-00157888 the Bible or every verses of equal value he moved some of them way out to the VJNp_48zGQu-00286-00157888-00158686 edge and said you know the this this this is not central for us at the center VJNp_48zGQu-00287-00158686-00159289 of Scripture is that it points to Jesus Christ as our only hope and then Jesus VJNp_48zGQu-00288-00159289-00159545 Christ is Lord the Savior of the whole world VJNp_48zGQu-00289-00159545-00160147 and so we judge issues according to how they relate to that Center for that VJNp_48zGQu-00290-00160147-00160741 reason the church has to change its mind from time to time even Luther thought VJNp_48zGQu-00291-00160741-00161350 that the world had to be flat he was sure of that and as we were as we know VJNp_48zGQu-00292-00161350-00161909 the roman catholic church condemned some of its why scientists for insisting that VJNp_48zGQu-00293-00161909-00162509 the Sun not the earth was the center of this universe well we had to change our VJNp_48zGQu-00294-00162509-00163003 mind and so we're changing our mind constantly we went through a time when VJNp_48zGQu-00295-00163003-00163513 when we thought women should not be ordained if you had asked me when I was VJNp_48zGQu-00296-00163513-00163934 ordained in 1958 you think women should be ordained I would have said no I don't VJNp_48zGQu-00297-00163934-00164389 think so and why not I would have said for the same reasons Missouri and Roma VJNp_48zGQu-00298-00164389-00164890 Cathy Orthodox resisted today and that is that that Jesus didn't choose any VJNp_48zGQu-00299-00164890-00165359 disciples who were women and we've had all these centuries of tradition without VJNp_48zGQu-00300-00165359-00165707 women we don't need them now I would have said that at that time you to say VJNp_48zGQu-00301-00165707-00166232 guess what your wife's gonna be a pastor someday what if left I would have fallen VJNp_48zGQu-00302-00166232-00166635 over laughing I had to live through that and VJNp_48zGQu-00303-00166635-00166964 and and when the church began to look at this issue VJNp_48zGQu-00304-00166964-00167438 it's a faithful pastor I said okay I'm gonna look at this and I studied the VJNp_48zGQu-00305-00167438-00167852 scripture passages and the materials that were being made available to the VJNp_48zGQu-00306-00167852-00168641 church and I said you know I was wrong about this I think that that Jesus and VJNp_48zGQu-00307-00168641-00169146 his message and the total message of the gospel and the role of women in society VJNp_48zGQu-00308-00169146-00169698 today the education that they have and the opportunities they have to to hone VJNp_48zGQu-00309-00169698-00170274 their skills there's no good reason to keep them out and so I was very early on VJNp_48zGQu-00310-00170274-00171096 in supporting the ordination of women in our in our predecessor churches and I've VJNp_48zGQu-00311-00171096-00171771 often said had we not made that decision we would have a shortage of pastors in VJNp_48zGQu-00312-00171771-00172112 our church today that would be like the shortage of priests in the Roman VJNp_48zGQu-00313-00172112-00172710 Catholic Church it was an absolutely important and time many times when I'm VJNp_48zGQu-00314-00172710-00173199 awake at night if I can't go back to sleep I just let my mind roll VJNp_48zGQu-00315-00173199-00173653 prayerfully over the church I don't know so many bishops anymore but I still I VJNp_48zGQu-00316-00173653-00174087 still even pray for a sin and where I don't know the bishop because I know VJNp_48zGQu-00317-00174087-00174551 that the role that that you folks play is absolutely critical to the vitality VJNp_48zGQu-00318-00174551-00174996 of the church and and of course we pray for our pastors here in our local VJNp_48zGQu-00319-00174996-00175862 congregation my hope is that we would be a praying church and especially lifting VJNp_48zGQu-00320-00175862-00176279 up and supporting in prayer those who are our leaders and having been in that VJNp_48zGQu-00321-00176279-00176726 place I can't tell you how much I appreciate it when people would say to VJNp_48zGQu-00322-00176726-00177389 me Bishop we're praying for you what a what a sense of of encouragement and and VJNp_48zGQu-00323-00177389-00177807 stability that gave to me during my ministry just to know that there are VJNp_48zGQu-00324-00177807-00178497 people out there who are praying for you on a regular basis and then my hope is VJNp_48zGQu-00325-00178497-00178872 that even though it is painful for us as it is right now VJNp_48zGQu-00326-00178872-00179417 in the life of our church that that we keep on having the courage to push the VJNp_48zGQu-00327-00179417-00179877 edges of diversity and and to make sure that the world knows that in VJNp_48zGQu-00328-00179877-00180357 this church you are welcome because here we have the treasure of the gospel the VJNp_48zGQu-00329-00180357-00180893 good news of Jesus that's my vision that we would be a church so deeply and VJNp_48zGQu-00330-00180893-00181413 confidently rooted in the gospel of God's grace that we are free to give VJNp_48zGQu-00331-00181413-00181961 ourselves joyfully in witness and service