3rLX3cHktQk-00000-00000219-00000667 The next step in “R: An Introduction” and setting up, is about something called 3rLX3cHktQk-00001-00000667-00000784 RStudio. 3rLX3cHktQk-00002-00000784-00001386 Now, this is RStudio and what it is, is a piece of software that you can download in 3rLX3cHktQk-00003-00001386-00001666 addition to R, which you’ve already installed. 3rLX3cHktQk-00004-00001666-00002135 And it’s purpose is really simple, it makes working with R easier. 3rLX3cHktQk-00005-00002135-00002402 Now, there’s a few different ways that it does this. 3rLX3cHktQk-00006-00002402-00002716 #1 is it has consistent commands. 3rLX3cHktQk-00007-00002716-00003204 What’s funny is the different operating systems have slightly different keyboard commands 3rLX3cHktQk-00008-00003204-00003617 for the same operations in R. RStudio fixes that and makes it the same whether you are 3rLX3cHktQk-00009-00003617-00003803 on Mac, Windows or Linux. 3rLX3cHktQk-00010-00003803-00004028 Also, there is a unified interface. 3rLX3cHktQk-00011-00004028-00004650 Instead of having 2, 3 or 17 windows open, you have one window with the information organized. 3rLX3cHktQk-00012-00004650-00005189 It also makes it really easy to navigate with the keyboards and to manage the information 3rLX3cHktQk-00013-00005189-00005714 that you have in R. And let me show you how to do this, but first we have to install it. 3rLX3cHktQk-00014-00005714-00006431 What you’re going to need to do, is go to RStudio’s website which is at RStudio.com. 3rLX3cHktQk-00015-00006431-00006681 From there, click on download RStudio. 3rLX3cHktQk-00016-00006681-00007214 That will bring you to this page or something like it, and you’re going to want to choose 3rLX3cHktQk-00017-00007214-00007467 the desktop version. 3rLX3cHktQk-00018-00007467-00008003 Now, when you get there, you’re going to want to download the free sort of community 3rLX3cHktQk-00019-00008003-00008423 version as opposed to the $1,000.00/yr version. 3rLX3cHktQk-00020-00008423-00009107 And so, click here on the left and then you’re going to come to the list of installers for 3rLX3cHktQk-00021-00009107-00009343 supported platforms, it’s down here on the left. 3rLX3cHktQk-00022-00009343-00009610 This is where you get to choose your operating system. 3rLX3cHktQk-00023-00009610-00009946 Click the top one if you have Windows, the next one if you have Mac, and then we have 3rLX3cHktQk-00024-00009946-00010210 lots of different versions of Linux. 3rLX3cHktQk-00025-00010210-00010549 Whichever one you get, click on it, download it and go through the standard installation 3rLX3cHktQk-00026-00010549-00010649 process. 3rLX3cHktQk-00027-00010649-00011150 Then open it up, and then let me show you what it’s like working in RStudio. 3rLX3cHktQk-00028-00011150-00011742 To do this, open up this file and we’ll see what it’s like in RStudio. 3rLX3cHktQk-00029-00011742-00012207 When you open up RStudio, you get this one window that has several different panes in 3rLX3cHktQk-00030-00012207-00012309 it. 3rLX3cHktQk-00031-00012309-00012709 At the top, we have the script or the source window, and this is where you do your actual 3rLX3cHktQk-00032-00012709-00012814 programming. 3rLX3cHktQk-00033-00012814-00013276 And you’ll see that it looks really similar to what we did in the R application, the colouring 3rLX3cHktQk-00034-00013276-00013688 is a little different but that’s something that you can change in preferences or options. 3rLX3cHktQk-00035-00013688-00014156 The console is down here at the bottom and that’s where you get the text output. 3rLX3cHktQk-00036-00014156-00014656 Over here is the environment that saves the variables if you’re using any, and then 3rLX3cHktQk-00037-00014656-00015100 plots and any other information show up here in the bottom right. 3rLX3cHktQk-00038-00015100-00015437 Now you have the option of rearranging things and changing what’s there as much as you 3rLX3cHktQk-00039-00015437-00015537 want. 3rLX3cHktQk-00040-00015537-00016112 RStudio is a flexible environment and you can resize things by simply dragging the divider 3rLX3cHktQk-00041-00016112-00016313 between the areas. 3rLX3cHktQk-00042-00016313-00016803 So let me show you a quick example using the exact same code that I did in my previous 3rLX3cHktQk-00043-00016803-00017265 examples so you can see how it works in RStudio, as opposed to the regular R app that we used 3rLX3cHktQk-00044-00017265-00017365 first time. 3rLX3cHktQk-00045-00017365-00017929 First, I’m going to load some data, that’s by using the datasets package, I’m going 3rLX3cHktQk-00046-00017929-00018503 to do a command or control and enter to load that one and you can see right here it’s 3rLX3cHktQk-00047-00018503-00018621 from the command. 3rLX3cHktQk-00048-00018621-00019056 Then I’m going to do the quick summary of data I’m going to do head(iris); shows the 3rLX3cHktQk-00049-00019056-00019441 first six lines and then here it is down here. 3rLX3cHktQk-00050-00019441-00019954 And I can make that a little bit bigger if I want. 3rLX3cHktQk-00051-00019954-00020588 Then I can do a summary but just coming back here, clicking command or control enter and 3rLX3cHktQk-00052-00020588-00021011 actually, I’m going to do a keyboard command to make the console bigger now. 3rLX3cHktQk-00053-00021011-00021184 And then we can see all of that. 3rLX3cHktQk-00054-00021184-00021654 I have the same basic descriptive statistics and the same frequencies there and go back 3rLX3cHktQk-00055-00021654-00022429 to how it was before and bring this one down a little and now we can do the plot. 3rLX3cHktQk-00056-00022429-00022755 Now this time, you see it shows up in this window on the side, which is nice it’s not 3rLX3cHktQk-00057-00022755-00022934 a stand alone window. 3rLX3cHktQk-00058-00022934-00023509 Let me make that one bigger, it takes a moment to adjust and there we have the same information 3rLX3cHktQk-00059-00023509-00024039 we had in the R app, but here it’s more organized in a cohesive environment and you 3rLX3cHktQk-00060-00024039-00024484 see I’m using keyboard shortcuts to move around and it makes life really easy for dealing 3rLX3cHktQk-00061-00024484-00024884 with the information that I have in R. 3rLX3cHktQk-00062-00024884-00024987 We are going to do the same clean up. 3rLX3cHktQk-00063-00024987-00025301 I am going to detach the package that I had. 3rLX3cHktQk-00064-00025301-00025773 This is actually a little command to clear the plots and then here in RStudio, I can 3rLX3cHktQk-00065-00025773-00026185 run a funny little command that’ll do the same as doing control L to clear the console 3rLX3cHktQk-00066-00026185-00026337 for me. 3rLX3cHktQk-00067-00026337-00026872 And that is a quick run through on how you can do some basic coding in RStudio, again 3rLX3cHktQk-00068-00026872-00027422 which makes working with R more organized and more efficient and easier to do overall. 3szZluSRg9A-00000-00000000-00000267 First book recommendation: definitely, Mary Shelley Frankenstein 3szZluSRg9A-00001-00000267-00000350 James Joyce 3szZluSRg9A-00002-00000350-00000571 Portrait of theArtist as a Young Man 3szZluSRg9A-00003-00000571-00000670 Finnegan's Wake 3szZluSRg9A-00004-00000670-00000870 I personallylove Shakespeare. 3szZluSRg9A-00005-00000870-00000963 Ernest Hemingway 3szZluSRg9A-00006-00000963-00001079 Goethe's Faust 3szZluSRg9A-00007-00001079-00001165 Sophocles. 3szZluSRg9A-00008-00001165-00001266 Oedipus Rex 3szZluSRg9A-00009-00001266-00001322 Sartre 3szZluSRg9A-00010-00001322-00001411 Rene Descartes 3szZluSRg9A-00011-00001411-00001602 Wedon't talk about Wittgenstein here. 3szZluSRg9A-00012-00001602-00001794 Adam Smith's Wealth of Nation 3szZluSRg9A-00013-00001794-00001871 Rousseau 3szZluSRg9A-00014-00001871-00001939 Locke 3szZluSRg9A-00015-00001939-00002026 Immanuel Kant 3szZluSRg9A-00016-00002026-00002102 David Hume 3szZluSRg9A-00017-00002102-00002192 Fredrich Nietzsche 3szZluSRg9A-00018-00002192-00002266 Jordan Peterson 3thUPLGxpcc-00000-00000025-00000319 Hey and welcome to another video on this channel! 3thUPLGxpcc-00001-00000319-00000788 In today's video we play Rebecca Chambers. We haven't done that yet, so we'll make up for it now. 3thUPLGxpcc-00002-00000788-00001387 Due to the fact that I was sick the last two weeks, this is the first time since then that I'm able to record a video properly. Sorry, but I couldn't record a video earlier, therefore the delay. 3thUPLGxpcc-00003-00001387-00002187 I had cough, fever, shivers, sore throat and much more. It wasn't Covid thankfully, I tested myself 2 times, but it was a very bad flu, though. 3thUPLGxpcc-00004-00002187-00002495 In today's video we play with the following perks: 3thUPLGxpcc-00005-00002495-00003376 Parental Guidance, Low Profile, Prove Thyself and Sprint Burst are the perks we will use. In combination with a yellow medkit and a 25% BP bonus offering. 3thUPLGxpcc-00006-00003376-00003905 Please join my Discord Server, you can find the link down below in the description. And now: enjoy the video! 3thUPLGxpcc-00007-00004031-00004765 Raccoon City Police Department East Wing, nice! At least we got the good version out of the two RPD maps. I don't really like the west wing map to be honest. 3thUPLGxpcc-00008-00004765-00005202 The west wing is pretty messy and I hate to play on it. 3thUPLGxpcc-00009-00005202-00005581 The killer brought Corrupt Intervention and we spawned in the library. 3thUPLGxpcc-00010-00005581-00006081 Meg's ping is a bit suspicious, you see it? 3thUPLGxpcc-00011-00006081-00006428 Does she use a VPN or is she hacking? We don't know. 3thUPLGxpcc-00012-00006428-00006756 Okay, we literally spawned at the side that is completely corrupted. 3thUPLGxpcc-00013-00006756-00006919 Oh shit, it's Ghostface! 3thUPLGxpcc-00014-00006919-00007403 He has the original Ghostface skin, I love that. That looks so cool. 3thUPLGxpcc-00015-00007403-00007689 Damn, that could have been a fast vault... my bad. 3thUPLGxpcc-00016-00007756-00008080 There we have a pallet, but maybe not if he's faster than us. 3thUPLGxpcc-00017-00008080-00008379 God damn, he has stalking add-ons! 3thUPLGxpcc-00018-00008474-00008866 He definitely has stalking add-ons. I have to be really fast now. 3thUPLGxpcc-00019-00008867-00009067 He's right behind me. No! 3thUPLGxpcc-00020-00009128-00009281 Leave me alone! 3thUPLGxpcc-00021-00009281-00009387 Go away! 3thUPLGxpcc-00022-00009387-00009770 No! Oh my god... Jesus Christ. 3thUPLGxpcc-00023-00009770-00010136 He's not picking me up, though. Probably because of this pallet. 3thUPLGxpcc-00024-00010200-00010421 First generator got completed, wow. 3thUPLGxpcc-00025-00010421-00011346 When I was sick for the last few weeks, I played a lot of Resident Evil 8: Village and did some challenges. 3thUPLGxpcc-00026-00011346-00011826 There is only one last achievement I have to get, and then I completed the game entirely and have it on 100%. 3thUPLGxpcc-00027-00011826-00012305 And it's just an achievement for the Mercenaries mode, so not even story related. 3thUPLGxpcc-00028-00012305-00012933 So, it's literally just a just-for-fun achievement that is still missing. After that I will probably continue with Resident Evil 7. 3thUPLGxpcc-00029-00012933-00013343 After that maybe Agony: Unrated, or... 3thUPLGxpcc-00030-00013343-00014201 I don't know, maybe Fairy Tail (2020), Lucius 3, just something that I like. I really want to 100% these games. 3thUPLGxpcc-00031-00014201-00014647 I just have a lot of fun currently to 100% games that I like. 3thUPLGxpcc-00032-00014647-00014821 Yee yee, hey! 3thUPLGxpcc-00033-00014821-00015141 She most likely thinks that I want to bless this totem, but instead I will break it. 3thUPLGxpcc-00034-00015141-00016576 But yes, I would like to display these games on my Steam profile after I got them to 100%. That's the idea behind it. My Steam profile is private, but you can still add me if you want to! My name should be SparklingTwinky, but I'm not 100% sure. 3thUPLGxpcc-00035-00016576-00016791 Maybe I will type the link in the info box. 3thUPLGxpcc-00036-00016791-00016971 Oh shit, there he is again. 3thUPLGxpcc-00037-00016971-00017465 I will walk normally for a bit, just to get my Sprint Burst back. 3thUPLGxpcc-00038-00017465-00017967 I can cleanse this totem real quick. My Sprint Burst is up again too, nice. 3thUPLGxpcc-00039-00018066-00018292 I can't hear him anymore. 3thUPLGxpcc-00040-00018292-00018579 He's crouching. Oh god, that's so uncanny! 3thUPLGxpcc-00041-00018579-00018988 Maybe we can do the generator in the middle? 3thUPLGxpcc-00042-00018988-00019743 Yeah, we won't work on this generator, that's for sure. I will go back to the helicopter generator, it's much safer there I feel like. 3thUPLGxpcc-00043-00019743-00020026 Hey Rebecca! Can I heal you? Thanks! 3thUPLGxpcc-00044-00020027-00020244 2 Rebeccas 1 Medkit... 3thUPLGxpcc-00045-00020244-00020374 Oh god. 3thUPLGxpcc-00046-00020374-00020574 The joke wasn't good, I know. 3thUPLGxpcc-00047-00020595-00021081 I'll stop doing jokes like that. I know, I know. My jokes are trash. 3thUPLGxpcc-00048-00021081-00021221 No, not again! 3thUPLGxpcc-00049-00021300-00021442 Go away! 3thUPLGxpcc-00050-00021442-00021651 Harassment! 3thUPLGxpcc-00051-00021651-00021878 Oh no, she got downed. 3thUPLGxpcc-00052-00021940-00022323 Maybe I can tank a hit? Nah, there is a hook, I can't do anything unfortunately. 3thUPLGxpcc-00053-00022323-00022523 And was that Surge? 3thUPLGxpcc-00054-00022547-00022886 Surge or Pop goes the Weasel. I think it was Surge, though. 3thUPLGxpcc-00055-00022886-00023135 The generator exploded right after she got downed. 3thUPLGxpcc-00056-00023135-00023710 Ohh no, wait, I think it was his add-on! Driver's License. 3thUPLGxpcc-00057-00023785-00024697 This is his new add-on. It makes that when Ghostface stalks someone working on a generator, the generator explodes. 3thUPLGxpcc-00058-00024697-00024962 It takes 20% of a generator. 3thUPLGxpcc-00059-00024963-00025104 Right... 3thUPLGxpcc-00060-00025104-00025718 That explains a lot! I should have touched the gen for a second, but it's whatever. I was a bit braindead to be honest. 3thUPLGxpcc-00061-00025821-00026195 I actually didn't think about it first. But yeah, Ghostface has an add-on like that actually. 3thUPLGxpcc-00062-00026195-00026456 Maybe I should try it out in a video at some point? 3thUPLGxpcc-00063-00026456-00027146 Leave a comment if you want a video about it! 3thUPLGxpcc-00064-00027283-00027589 Maybe I can create a funny build around it. 3thUPLGxpcc-00065-00027589-00028088 A gen-regression build maybe. Or, I don't know, maybe an infinite Ghostface build? (lmao) 3thUPLGxpcc-00066-00028089-00028785 But for now I will work on this generator for a bit, just to get some progress in and maybe get some emblems at the end. 3thUPLGxpcc-00067-00028786-00029336 And maybe I will even escape from this match, but okay, it's still Dead by Daylight. Anything can happen really. 3thUPLGxpcc-00068-00029337-00030404 A few minutes ago I played against a Nemesis, and everything went perfect for us, until two of our teammates made bad decisions and we all died except for one who got the Hatch. 3thUPLGxpcc-00069-00030404-00030518 Amazing. 3thUPLGxpcc-00070-00030518-00030739 Can someone please unhook her? 3thUPLGxpcc-00071-00030833-00031133 She'll reach the second stage in a few seconds. 3thUPLGxpcc-00072-00031133-00031616 Oh my god... why do you leave her hanging on the hook? Oh, because he's camping. 3thUPLGxpcc-00073-00031616-00031792 Low Profile is active now! 3thUPLGxpcc-00074-00031792-00033106 Then I can also introduce the perk for now. Low Profile makes it so that as soon as I'm the last standing Survivor, I don't leave any more Scratch Marks, I don't leave any Pools of Blood. 3thUPLGxpcc-00075-00033107-00033443 And I'm quiet, even if I'm unjured. 3thUPLGxpcc-00076-00033443-00033942 I have to be really careful now. 3thUPLGxpcc-00077-00033942-00034256 I will try to pick her up. 3thUPLGxpcc-00078-00034257-00035880 The good thing is that once I pick her up, I will still have my Low Profile active. So until the 90 seconds expires, I can continue to use Low Profile. 3thUPLGxpcc-00079-00035937-00036048 Hit me. 3thUPLGxpcc-00080-00036076-00036532 Shit. Why did you die on hook now? I think she maybe missed the last skill check... 3thUPLGxpcc-00081-00036627-00036889 Damn, I didn't know that I already got stalked to 99%. 3thUPLGxpcc-00082-00036890-00037063 Thank you, Meg. 3thUPLGxpcc-00083-00037063-00037644 I don't think she meant to bodyblock for me, but okay... still thank you. 3thUPLGxpcc-00084-00037644-00038477 Shit, I don't think I can escape from this area. Maybe if I can distract him with my Low Profile! 3thUPLGxpcc-00085-00038477-00039209 Oh nice, he picked her up. I didn't distract him or something like that I think, but now I can run away at least. Without leaving scratch marks that is! 3thUPLGxpcc-00086-00039259-00039503 There he is. Maybe he heard me because of the crows. 3thUPLGxpcc-00087-00039503-00039703 But... 3thUPLGxpcc-00088-00039794-00040154 30 seconds ish until I'm not exposed anymore. 3thUPLGxpcc-00089-00040154-00040303 There he is. 3thUPLGxpcc-00090-00040303-00040527 Low Profile just expired... sadly. 3thUPLGxpcc-00091-00040585-00040785 But we used it pretty well! 3thUPLGxpcc-00092-00040785-00041632 He's walking down the stairs, I can unhook her now. But we have to leave instantly again, because I'm still one-hit. 3thUPLGxpcc-00093-00041665-00042253 Meg needs to go with me so I can heal her... but for some reason she doesn't want to. 3thUPLGxpcc-00094-00042253-00042640 I will go back to my generator that was... 3thUPLGxpcc-00095-00042640-00043172 ...thanks. That was on 99% I wanted to say. Good, I will try to find a different one then. 3thUPLGxpcc-00096-00043172-00043372 Hey Rebecca, come back! 3thUPLGxpcc-00097-00043506-00043750 Do we even have generators down here? 3thUPLGxpcc-00098-00043750-00044333 I don't think so, right? Only library-side and middle I think. 3thUPLGxpcc-00099-00044333-00044752 But it's hard to work on them if he is patrolling around there all the time. 3thUPLGxpcc-00100-00044753-00045053 This gen is at 10% or less. 3thUPLGxpcc-00101-00045053-00045239 Okay, he does have Surge... good to know. 3thUPLGxpcc-00102-00045239-00045512 It's at 0% now, great. 3thUPLGxpcc-00103-00045571-00046045 Maybe he even has Surge and the Driver's License add-on on top? 3thUPLGxpcc-00104-00046046-00046246 Would be quite interesting! 3thUPLGxpcc-00105-00046246-00046919 Haven't seen this combo in a while. A regression build with this add-on is pretty cool actually. 3thUPLGxpcc-00106-00047352-00047839 Oh oh, he's stalking, I've got to go, I've got to go really fast, preferably up the stairs. 3thUPLGxpcc-00107-00047839-00048569 Maybe he won't catch me then. Because with his add-ons, I'm probably already on 99% again. 3thUPLGxpcc-00108-00048569-00048764 I have to be careful now again. 3thUPLGxpcc-00109-00048765-00048965 Do you think he went upstairs too? 3thUPLGxpcc-00110-00049026-00049160 Yes he did! 3thUPLGxpcc-00111-00049378-00049928 He definitely did. He is really smart, you can tell that he isn't new to the game! 3thUPLGxpcc-00112-00050191-00050391 He missed, awesome. 3thUPLGxpcc-00113-00050478-00050767 Do I get a loop here? The pallet is gone unfortunately. 3thUPLGxpcc-00114-00050768-00051026 Maybe I can do something here? 3thUPLGxpcc-00115-00051027-00051560 No, I can't do anything sadly. But well played by him! 3thUPLGxpcc-00116-00051560-00052155 My mates are working on a generator. I think they thought that he has SH: Pain Resonance. 3thUPLGxpcc-00117-00052155-00052510 I don't know actually, does he have SH: Pain Resonance? 3thUPLGxpcc-00118-00052510-00052865 Nah, I don't think so. The generator got repaired way too fast. 3thUPLGxpcc-00119-00052865-00053313 He's proxy camping because he obviously knows about these guys. 3thUPLGxpcc-00120-00053373-00053555 Thank you, Meg! 3thUPLGxpcc-00121-00053556-00053790 Meghan is such a MVP player. 3thUPLGxpcc-00122-00053790-00054529 We can work on this gen for a bit. If we die, we die. So why not getting some more points in, right? 3thUPLGxpcc-00123-00054529-00054839 All the bloodpoints that I earn currently- 3thUPLGxpcc-00124-00054839-00055304 He's here again. Doesn't he have a home? Doesn't he have any friends? 3thUPLGxpcc-00125-00055304-00057365 But yeah, I do spend all my bloodpoints currently on Sadako. She will be Prestige 17 after a few more matches, and my goal obviously is to get her to Prestige 100. 3thUPLGxpcc-00126-00057366-00057710 Parental Guidance value. Nice! 3thUPLGxpcc-00127-00057710-00058071 So yeah, I think I will get her to P100. 3thUPLGxpcc-00128-00058071-00059259 I don't play DBD that often anymore, because I played it so much over the last weeks and months. I really have to take some small breaks here and there. 3thUPLGxpcc-00129-00059259-00060047 But even though I don't play that much, I still ranked her up by like 4 Prestiges, which is a lot! 3thUPLGxpcc-00130-00060047-00060314 It really shouldn't take that long. 3thUPLGxpcc-00131-00060315-00062488 If I get like 1 Prestige per day, I should be done in 90 or 85 days. If everything goes well that is. Sometimes you obviously don't want to play DBD or you just can't. 3thUPLGxpcc-00132-00062488-00063508 But yeah, that's my goal in this game currently. And after I'm done with Sadako, I will continue with Jane. 3thUPLGxpcc-00133-00063508-00063708 Oh god, from where?! 3thUPLGxpcc-00134-00063708-00063865 *sigh* 3thUPLGxpcc-00135-00063865-00064200 He's playing really good I have to admit. 3thUPLGxpcc-00136-00064200-00064479 It maybe sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm really not. 3thUPLGxpcc-00137-00064479-00064851 Oh of course, this precious generator. What did he do to you? 3thUPLGxpcc-00138-00064851-00065320 This Ghostface was always where you were yourself too. 3thUPLGxpcc-00139-00065320-00065878 He played really, really well. 3thUPLGxpcc-00140-00065878-00066685 That's it for this video. Feel free to leave a like if you enjoyed the video! I was able to introduce Low Profile well, I think! 3thUPLGxpcc-00141-00066685-00067286 Subscribe to this channel and please join my Discord server, link is in the video description. Bye and see you next time! 3utKq_653NY-00000-00000010-00000263 LPTV.ORG/NEWS. 3utKq_653NY-00001-00000263-00000270 LPTV.ORG/NEWS. 3utKq_653NY-00002-00000270-00000410 LPTV.ORG/NEWS. >>> OVER THE PAST TWO WEEKS, SIX 3utKq_653NY-00003-00000410-00000417 LPTV.ORG/NEWS. >>> OVER THE PAST TWO WEEKS, SIX 3utKq_653NY-00004-00000417-00000560 LPTV.ORG/NEWS. >>> OVER THE PAST TWO WEEKS, SIX TRAINEES FROM DIFFERENT 3utKq_653NY-00005-00000560-00000567 >>> OVER THE PAST TWO WEEKS, SIX TRAINEES FROM DIFFERENT 3utKq_653NY-00006-00000567-00000720 >>> OVER THE PAST TWO WEEKS, SIX TRAINEES FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES IN AFRICA HAVE BEEN 3utKq_653NY-00007-00000720-00000727 TRAINEES FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES IN AFRICA HAVE BEEN 3utKq_653NY-00008-00000727-00000850 TRAINEES FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES IN AFRICA HAVE BEEN LEARNING ABOUT SOLAR POWER IN 3utKq_653NY-00009-00000850-00000857 COUNTRIES IN AFRICA HAVE BEEN LEARNING ABOUT SOLAR POWER IN 3utKq_653NY-00010-00000857-00000934 COUNTRIES IN AFRICA HAVE BEEN LEARNING ABOUT SOLAR POWER IN BACKUS. 3utKq_653NY-00011-00000934-00000940 LEARNING ABOUT SOLAR POWER IN BACKUS. 3utKq_653NY-00012-00000940-00001081 LEARNING ABOUT SOLAR POWER IN BACKUS. THE GROUP HAS COME TOGETHER 3utKq_653NY-00013-00001081-00001087 BACKUS. THE GROUP HAS COME TOGETHER 3utKq_653NY-00014-00001087-00001277 BACKUS. THE GROUP HAS COME TOGETHER UNDER SOLAR ENERGY INTERNATIONAL 3utKq_653NY-00015-00001277-00001284 THE GROUP HAS COME TOGETHER UNDER SOLAR ENERGY INTERNATIONAL 3utKq_653NY-00016-00001284-00001498 THE GROUP HAS COME TOGETHER UNDER SOLAR ENERGY INTERNATIONAL TO LEARN ABOUT OFF-GRID SOLAR. 3utKq_653NY-00017-00001498-00001504 UNDER SOLAR ENERGY INTERNATIONAL TO LEARN ABOUT OFF-GRID SOLAR. 3utKq_653NY-00018-00001504-00001628 UNDER SOLAR ENERGY INTERNATIONAL TO LEARN ABOUT OFF-GRID SOLAR. FOR EIGHT HOURS A DAY, THEY ARE 3utKq_653NY-00019-00001628-00001634 TO LEARN ABOUT OFF-GRID SOLAR. FOR EIGHT HOURS A DAY, THEY ARE 3utKq_653NY-00020-00001634-00001801 TO LEARN ABOUT OFF-GRID SOLAR. FOR EIGHT HOURS A DAY, THEY ARE LEARNING THE FUNDAMENTALS AND 3utKq_653NY-00021-00001801-00001808 FOR EIGHT HOURS A DAY, THEY ARE LEARNING THE FUNDAMENTALS AND 3utKq_653NY-00022-00001808-00001925 FOR EIGHT HOURS A DAY, THEY ARE LEARNING THE FUNDAMENTALS AND HOW BATTERIES CONTRIBUTE TO 3utKq_653NY-00023-00001925-00001931 LEARNING THE FUNDAMENTALS AND HOW BATTERIES CONTRIBUTE TO 3utKq_653NY-00024-00001931-00002028 LEARNING THE FUNDAMENTALS AND HOW BATTERIES CONTRIBUTE TO OFF-GRID INSTALLATIONS. 3utKq_653NY-00025-00002028-00002035 HOW BATTERIES CONTRIBUTE TO OFF-GRID INSTALLATIONS. 3utKq_653NY-00026-00002035-00002195 HOW BATTERIES CONTRIBUTE TO OFF-GRID INSTALLATIONS. AFTER THE PROGRAM IS FINISHED, 3utKq_653NY-00027-00002195-00002202 OFF-GRID INSTALLATIONS. AFTER THE PROGRAM IS FINISHED, 3utKq_653NY-00028-00002202-00002342 OFF-GRID INSTALLATIONS. AFTER THE PROGRAM IS FINISHED, THEY WILL RETURN TO THEIR HOME 3utKq_653NY-00029-00002342-00002349 AFTER THE PROGRAM IS FINISHED, THEY WILL RETURN TO THEIR HOME 3utKq_653NY-00030-00002349-00002462 AFTER THE PROGRAM IS FINISHED, THEY WILL RETURN TO THEIR HOME COUNTRIES TO LEAD THE WAY IN A 3utKq_653NY-00031-00002462-00002469 THEY WILL RETURN TO THEIR HOME COUNTRIES TO LEAD THE WAY IN A 3utKq_653NY-00032-00002469-00003023 THEY WILL RETURN TO THEIR HOME COUNTRIES TO LEAD THE WAY IN A FUTURE OF SOLAR POWER. 3utKq_653NY-00033-00003023-00003503 >> I THINK SOLAR OPPORTUNITIES 3utKq_653NY-00034-00003503-00003510 >> I THINK SOLAR OPPORTUNITIES 3utKq_653NY-00035-00003510-00003583 >> I THINK SOLAR OPPORTUNITIES ARE A GREAT OPPORTUNITY 3utKq_653NY-00036-00003583-00003590 >> I THINK SOLAR OPPORTUNITIES ARE A GREAT OPPORTUNITY 3utKq_653NY-00037-00003590-00003736 >> I THINK SOLAR OPPORTUNITIES ARE A GREAT OPPORTUNITY ESPECIALLY IN A SUNNY PLACE LIKE 3utKq_653NY-00038-00003736-00003743 ARE A GREAT OPPORTUNITY ESPECIALLY IN A SUNNY PLACE LIKE 3utKq_653NY-00039-00003743-00003890 ARE A GREAT OPPORTUNITY ESPECIALLY IN A SUNNY PLACE LIKE AFRICA TO BE ABLE TO POWER 3utKq_653NY-00040-00003890-00003897 ESPECIALLY IN A SUNNY PLACE LIKE AFRICA TO BE ABLE TO POWER 3utKq_653NY-00041-00003897-00004104 ESPECIALLY IN A SUNNY PLACE LIKE AFRICA TO BE ABLE TO POWER PLACES LIKE HOSPITALS AND 3utKq_653NY-00042-00004104-00004110 AFRICA TO BE ABLE TO POWER PLACES LIKE HOSPITALS AND 3utKq_653NY-00043-00004110-00004417 AFRICA TO BE ABLE TO POWER PLACES LIKE HOSPITALS AND COMMUNITY CENTERS AND HOMES SO 3utKq_653NY-00044-00004417-00004424 PLACES LIKE HOSPITALS AND COMMUNITY CENTERS AND HOMES SO 3utKq_653NY-00045-00004424-00004637 PLACES LIKE HOSPITALS AND COMMUNITY CENTERS AND HOMES SO PEOPLE CAN HAVE RELIABLE ENERGY 3utKq_653NY-00046-00004637-00004644 COMMUNITY CENTERS AND HOMES SO PEOPLE CAN HAVE RELIABLE ENERGY 3utKq_653NY-00047-00004644-00004718 COMMUNITY CENTERS AND HOMES SO PEOPLE CAN HAVE RELIABLE ENERGY >>Dennis: LOCAL COMMUNITIES AND 3utKq_653NY-00048-00004718-00004724 PEOPLE CAN HAVE RELIABLE ENERGY >>Dennis: LOCAL COMMUNITIES AND 3utKq_653NY-00049-00004724-00004818 PEOPLE CAN HAVE RELIABLE ENERGY >>Dennis: LOCAL COMMUNITIES AND CHURCHES PROVIDED FOOD AND A 3uDW7gTaJTA-00000-00000642-00001129 Hello! I'm Shannon Stewart, a naturalist at Ramsey County's Tamarack Nature 3uDW7gTaJTA-00001-00001129-00001723 Center and we are here today to talk about raptors and what makes a raptor a 3uDW7gTaJTA-00002-00001723-00002329 raptor. So raptors are a specific group of birds, also known as birds of prey, 3uDW7gTaJTA-00003-00002329-00002700 meaning they eat other animals. Now there are other birds that eat other animals. 3uDW7gTaJTA-00004-00002700-00003239 But the thing about raptors is they eat other large animals like rabbits and 3uDW7gTaJTA-00005-00003239-00003901 skunks and squirrels, mice and voles, and things like that. I have here a selection 3uDW7gTaJTA-00006-00003901-00004648 of raptors. We've got a Coopers Hawk, a Great Horned Owl and a Merlin which is a 3uDW7gTaJTA-00007-00004648-00005173 kind of falcon. So you can see raptors come in all shapes and sizes. Other birds 3uDW7gTaJTA-00008-00005173-00005893 in this group of birds include eagles and kites and ospreys. But there is 3uDW7gTaJTA-00009-00005893-00006400 something that they share in common that make them raptors. They are all birds 3uDW7gTaJTA-00010-00006400-00006817 of prey. As I said, they eat other animals and in order to catch other animals they 3uDW7gTaJTA-00011-00006817-00007371 have these really cool grasping feet. So they've got really long toes and these 3uDW7gTaJTA-00012-00007371-00007971 super sharp talons at the ends of their toes that they use to grab on and help 3uDW7gTaJTA-00013-00007971-00008472 kill their prey. So they can grab on they can carry the prey someplace else and 3uDW7gTaJTA-00014-00008472-00009246 then they will be able to eat it. Alright, so very cool grasping feet. 3uDW7gTaJTA-00015-00009246-00009874 Other things that they share in common are these really great hooked beaks. So 3uDW7gTaJTA-00016-00009874-00010395 this is an owl skull but all raptors have this really great hooked beak. 3uDW7gTaJTA-00017-00010395-00010813 Now obviously they don't have teeth because they're birds so they need to 3uDW7gTaJTA-00018-00010813-00011149 swallow things whole. So this hooked beak helps them to rip 3uDW7gTaJTA-00019-00011149-00011502 their prey into smaller pieces so that they can swallow it down.They swallow 3uDW7gTaJTA-00020-00011502-00011988 everything - fur, feathers, bones. It all goes down because they swallow 3uDW7gTaJTA-00021-00011988-00012570 everything but can't digest everything. All raptors also will cast pellets so here are 3uDW7gTaJTA-00022-00012570-00013020 some examples of some different kinds of pellets. Different sized birds 3uDW7gTaJTA-00023-00013020-00013603 cast different kinds of pellets so we've got small ones. We've got big ones. 3uDW7gTaJTA-00024-00013603-00014062 The color depends on what they've eaten but all of the raptors will cast a 3uDW7gTaJTA-00025-00014062-00014544 pellet full of all the things they can't digest. They also have excellent eyesight. 3uDW7gTaJTA-00026-00014544-00015123 Now this is, as I said, an owl skull. Owls have unusual eyes in that they're so 3uDW7gTaJTA-00027-00015123-00015615 large. So these are the eye sockets for this owl skull and you can see how large 3uDW7gTaJTA-00028-00015615-00016295 they are. An owl's eyes are actually heavier than its brain so owls have 3uDW7gTaJTA-00029-00016295-00016747 exceptional eyes to help let in a lot of light when they're hunting at night. You 3uDW7gTaJTA-00030-00016747-00017160 can see that the hawks don't have quite so big of eyes. But the hawks and the 3uDW7gTaJTA-00031-00017160-00017842 falcons also have excellent eyesight. And you can see that one of the 3uDW7gTaJTA-00032-00017842-00018162 differences actually the hawks have their eyes on the side of the head where 3uDW7gTaJTA-00033-00018162-00018579 the owls have them in the front. They all have excellent camouflage for 3uDW7gTaJTA-00034-00018579-00019068 hiding from their prey. Now we do have raptors here at Tamarack Nature Center. 3uDW7gTaJTA-00035-00019068-00019662 There are all sorts of them. We do have a pair of nesting Great Horned Owls that 3uDW7gTaJTA-00036-00019662-00020098 we have seen in the past - have seen their nests. We haven't seen their nests 3uDW7gTaJTA-00037-00020098-00020676 recently but we would like you to come on out and check it out and see if you 3uDW7gTaJTA-00038-00020676-00021025 can find these Great Horned Owls. We typically see them down in the lower 3uDW7gTaJTA-00039-00021025-00021550 sugar bush near the lake. The nesting owls will reuse nests. They usually use 3uDW7gTaJTA-00040-00021550-00021963 an old squirrel nest or an old hawk nest. But they're not actually nesting this 3uDW7gTaJTA-00041-00021963-00022369 time of year. They nest in January and February when they're laying their eggs. 3uDW7gTaJTA-00042-00022369-00022897 And now here we are into April and a lot of the chicks are actually fledging now. 3uDW7gTaJTA-00043-00022897-00023194 And learning to hunt and survive on their own. 3uDW7gTaJTA-00044-00023194-00023751 So it's unlikely that you will see them nesting but you should be able to find 3uDW7gTaJTA-00045-00023751-00024115 where they've been. You might be able to find a roosting tree. What happens is 3uDW7gTaJTA-00046-00024115-00024487 they'll hunt at night and then they'll come back and roost during the day at 3uDW7gTaJTA-00047-00024487-00024931 the top of a tall tree, like a tall oak tree maybe.And as they're digesting 3uDW7gTaJTA-00048-00024931-00025320 their food they will cough up the pellets in whatever tree they like to 3uDW7gTaJTA-00049-00025320-00025764 roost in. And typically they like to roost in kind of the same tree every 3uDW7gTaJTA-00050-00025764-00026139 night. They'll go to the same area so it's quite possible 3uDW7gTaJTA-00051-00026139-00026686 that you will find some of these very large pellets underneath the trees where 3uDW7gTaJTA-00052-00026686-00027094 they roost. And that is how you will know that you have found an owl nesting and 3uDW7gTaJTA-00053-00027094-00027645 roosting tree is looking for these pellets. So come on out to Tamarack, check out our sugar bush... 3uDW7gTaJTA-00054-00027645-00028033 if you sit quietly you may get lucky enough to have the owl 3uDW7gTaJTA-00055-00028033-00028618 fly overhead. You will possibly see some hawks gliding over the prairie. And if 3uDW7gTaJTA-00056-00028618-00029220 you happen to find a nest let us know so we can come check it out. We will 3uDW7gTaJTA-00057-00029220-00029811 have some other videos posted later this week with more raptor news. 3AFg_O3gVnu-00000-00000064-00001024 hey guys it's me bro i want a link and yeah um i first want to give an update that um 3AFg_O3gVnu-00001-00001264-00002400 um geez what is it oh yeah um the update is about um I,m getting um the crew cream the rabbit plush 3AFg_O3gVnu-00002-00002568-00003200 i don't know what which day i'm getting it but please be very patient because we're running 3AFg_O3gVnu-00003-00003200-00003832 low on money to get it so if you do give up the time please just give us the time to 3AFg_O3gVnu-00004-00003928-00004608 time to do it okay so yeah just be patient [__] okay we're not going to order the questions now 3AFg_O3gVnu-00005-00004784-00005264 oh yeah i don't want to do and i want you to do us a big favor and go subscribe 3AFg_O3gVnu-00006-00005464-00006536 to super mario rock 100. and jupiter and soon yeah blackheads and jabonian crazy bowser man 3AFg_O3gVnu-00007-00006728-00007536 and the Marvin show and freddy ferrybear fazbear here you know it's like here celebration 3AFg_O3gVnu-00008-00007752-00008224 so yeah let's go just got to them thank you and enjoyed the video 3AFg_O3gVnu-00009-00008480-00008712 oh yeah and also what's your favorite on chips 3AFg_O3gVnu-00010-00009520-00010208 hey hey um hey um heat link hey boo ella what's up 3AFg_O3gVnu-00011-00010976-00012784 well i had to go somewhere how's your relationship good 3AFg_O3gVnu-00012-00012912-00014184 hey luella remember me i was you black too what is it wait 3AFg_O3gVnu-00013-00014591-00015296 found them hmm i need to put this back into the kitchen where buddha started first 3AFg_O3gVnu-00014-00015296-00015656 off boo since this is on your boyfriend 3AFg_O3gVnu-00015-00015872-00016616 okay don't do my work pick up the glasses and clean up that room it's dirty fine 3AFg_O3gVnu-00016-00016784-00017000 oh yeah just because you guys know um 3AFg_O3gVnu-00017-00017208-00017672 this isn't the this is the past okay before um 3AFg_O3gVnu-00018-00017912-00017960 it's toad 3AFg_O3gVnu-00019-00018176-00018384 yeah i'm gonna clean up this room 3AFg_O3gVnu-00020-00019024-00019816 there's nothing here 3AFg_O3gVnu-00021-00019816-00020192 i don't even know why i don't even know why like it who even does this crap 3AFg_O3gVnu-00022-00020312-00020488 i can't like you two just get over that 3AFg_O3gVnu-00023-00021064-00021184 well 3AFg_O3gVnu-00024-00021368-00022584 it is on time um 3AFg_O3gVnu-00025-00024376-00024736 there we go you just don't want to show them this reveal 3AFg_O3gVnu-00026-00025120-00025384 was this so bad 3AFg_O3gVnu-00027-00026727-00028183 ugh 3AFg_O3gVnu-00028-00029048-00029583 wow 3AFg_O3gVnu-00029-00031752-00031783 there 3AFg_O3gVnu-00030-00032144-00032456 i'm going to clean up really have to 3AFg_O3gVnu-00031-00032456-00032928 check on the whole hat every each room why can't lucky to get off the flat butt 3AFg_O3gVnu-00032-00033136-00033784 jesus sometimes i hate 3AFg_O3gVnu-00033-00034352-00034584 what do you want what do you wanna like to do 3AFg_O3gVnu-00034-00034920-00035608 can you search for me something why now when i could you can see i'm doing something you can 3AFg_O3gVnu-00035-00035608-00036584 see i'm trying to do my own things well i want you to clean up this whole entire living room ah fine 3AFg_O3gVnu-00036-00039256-00039384 yay 3AFg_O3gVnu-00037-00040352-00040784 annoying 3AFg_O3gVnu-00038-00041504-00042184 hi 3AFg_O3gVnu-00039-00043272-00043800 no offense i don't know why i can't lucky to do some stuff on his island 3AFg_O3gVnu-00040-00044072-00044176 i'm not even lying 3AFg_O3gVnu-00041-00044408-00044984 jesus hopefully i can finally get some relaxation soon 3AFg_O3gVnu-00042-00045280-00046384 i literally need it hey buella what pick up that battery in the hangar ah fine 3AFg_O3gVnu-00043-00047832-00048024 there now go and get the other thing 3AFg_O3gVnu-00044-00049768-00050680 now put that thing in the kit in the um kitchen fine oh yeah by the way um boo go find more um 3AFg_O3gVnu-00045-00051496-00051984 keep going 3AFg_O3gVnu-00046-00052855-00053384 one 3AFg_O3gVnu-00047-00054096-00054567 why can't i get you do some of the work it shouldn't be always me doing all everything 3AFg_O3gVnu-00048-00054679-00055400 see oh god no i need to search for this thing to find some cool hangers 3AFg_O3gVnu-00049-00055496-00056296 but for monday when we got that skull no offense it is going to be because he's painting to me ever 3AFg_O3gVnu-00050-00056991-00057584 these 3AFg_O3gVnu-00051-00058976-00059328 huh now put them in the kitchen for a chop chop 3AFg_O3gVnu-00052-00060160-00060360 ah just look at you 3AFg_O3gVnu-00053-00061479-00061784 keep going blue you got one more work to do 3AFg_O3gVnu-00054-00064304-00064584 uh 3AFg_O3gVnu-00055-00064888-00065128 now keep going bro you have way more work to do 3AFg_O3gVnu-00056-00065592-00066368 doing trash with doing this for it was not fun especially the fact that i'm the one who's 3AFg_O3gVnu-00057-00066480-00066616 he's having a horrible time 3AFg_O3gVnu-00058-00067280-00067672 i think i think for once i'm actually gonna have to agree with mario and i'll do this 3AFg_O3gVnu-00059-00068368-00068912 i'm trying to get this done away i can finally do some up some stuff on my own 3AFg_O3gVnu-00060-00069048-00069776 i'm taking all these bottles ugh i swear all the almost everyone in google is 3AFg_O3gVnu-00061-00069776-00070472 incompatible with me well that was looking incompatible but how do i put this nicely 3AFg_O3gVnu-00062-00070688-00070792 like for instance like 3AFg_O3gVnu-00063-00071000-00071288 i know two i know um like 3AFg_O3gVnu-00064-00071416-00071856 who goes it's not a little bit messy but that's fine because that's him 3AFg_O3gVnu-00065-00072416-00072584 ah got it 3AFg_O3gVnu-00066-00072824-00073304 there put the retainers in there buttercups in there 3AFg_O3gVnu-00067-00073848-00074384 god why can't i have a dr i mean 3AFg_O3gVnu-00068-00074752-00074960 the bad part is i'm gonna have more work to do 3AFg_O3gVnu-00069-00075200-00075784 let me just clean the toothbrush 3AFg_O3gVnu-00070-00076784-00077032 hopefully hopefully i'll give more 3AFg_O3gVnu-00071-00077568-00078584 work 3AFg_O3gVnu-00072-00079272-00079984 look look at you is not even bothering 3AFg_O3gVnu-00073-00081144-00081472 oh my god 3AFg_O3gVnu-00074-00081992-00082832 oh my god i can't believe i could get rid of this too 3AFg_O3gVnu-00075-00082832-00083632 i swear almost everyone in bgbt9 crew is [__] compatible with me 3AFg_O3gVnu-00076-00083976-00084112 i'm not saying that the bad thing 3AFg_O3gVnu-00077-00086544-00088384 uh there i've done everything not everything clean up those shoes oh my god 3AFg_O3gVnu-00078-00088552-00089784 oh my god 3AFg_O3gVnu-00079-00091184-00091632 the only people that are not incompatible with the blueprints myself 3AFg_O3gVnu-00080-00092048-00092120 for instance 3AFg_O3gVnu-00081-00092344-00092584 maybe this was right 3AFg_O3gVnu-00082-00093928-00095384 maybe maybe we'll go for the right 3AFg_O3gVnu-00083-00096696-00096888 keep going willa you still have more 3AFg_O3gVnu-00084-00098088-00098184 god 3AFg_O3gVnu-00085-00099192-00099904 what now i could do i'm doing your job you're the true stuff that you want what do you want from me 3AFg_O3gVnu-00086-00100304-00100368 what is this 3AFg_O3gVnu-00087-00100608-00100640 what 3AFg_O3gVnu-00088-00100968-00101752 see that trash pick it up why can't you do it bro i'm the boyfriend you're my girlfriend 3AFg_O3gVnu-00089-00102240-00102376 i wish i had a better boyfriend 3AFg_O3gVnu-00090-00103344-00103783 fine i'll clean up your mouth yeah 3AFg_O3gVnu-00091-00105072-00105183 now clean up this mess 3AFg_O3gVnu-00092-00105535-00105552 and 3AFg_O3gVnu-00093-00105776-00105816 fine 3AFg_O3gVnu-00094-00106064-00106288 the third time this is the 3AFg_O3gVnu-00095-00106520-00106583 clean up this foreign 3AFg_O3gVnu-00096-00106983-00107983 jeez i'm not going to even be i don't want to be rude on him oh he's delivering this no 3AFg_O3gVnu-00097-00110080-00110280 i like it hey 3AFg_O3gVnu-00098-00110416-00112183 hi now buella just go wait what do you mean go away bruella you're pretty much an ugly woman 3AFg_O3gVnu-00099-00113511-00113632 can freaking relax 3AFg_O3gVnu-00100-00114632-00114983 hmm 3AFg_O3gVnu-00101-00115768-00116168 never thought i'd see this um 3AFg_O3gVnu-00102-00116359-00116704 there's a margin up you see them all night 3AFg_O3gVnu-00103-00116968-00117783 chuck isn't down here um 3AFg_O3gVnu-00104-00118104-00118168 wait what's this 3AFg_O3gVnu-00105-00118624-00119183 oh hey trophy hi 3AFg_O3gVnu-00106-00121008-00121200 i can't find boo ghost anywhere 3AFg_O3gVnu-00107-00121583-00121904 gotta admit you're probably doing a little 3AFg_O3gVnu-00108-00122735-00123383 i wish i had a better boyfriend but 3AFg_O3gVnu-00109-00123472-00123568 wait what's this 3AFg_O3gVnu-00110-00124272-00124783 oh it's just a nickel i just want attention 3AFg_O3gVnu-00111-00124983-00125528 it's give me just it's just gonna give me bad luck so that's not lucky anyways 3AFg_O3gVnu-00112-00125856-00126183 i did nothing but 3AFg_O3gVnu-00113-00126759-00127583 relax 3AFg_O3gVnu-00114-00128168-00128983 i'm just sad that my boyfriend broke up with me 3AFg_O3gVnu-00115-00129064-00129359 well i just hope i find a new boyfriend 3AFg_O3gVnu-00116-00129624-00129968 i hope i find a new boyfriend that would actually give me respect 3AFg_O3gVnu-00117-00130024-00130552 kindness friendliness and care if it means he's an idiot 3AFg_O3gVnu-00118-00131416-00131784 oh my god 3AFg_O3gVnu-00119-00133016-00133944 wow wow puella's backstory oh my god 3AFg_O3gVnu-00120-00134472-00134584 buella 3AFg_O3gVnu-00121-00134784-00135496 huh oh link you finally got to talk to me i'm just busy doing the chores for lack of you 3AFg_O3gVnu-00122-00135728-00136224 yeah that sucks anyways um yeah i feel bad for you okay 3AFg_O3gVnu-00123-00136432-00136960 mario told me everything from bucks and i'm pretty sure he's also unhappy with me 3AFg_O3gVnu-00124-00137160-00137424 i mean he feels bad for you not bad guys 3AFg_O3gVnu-00125-00138064-00138208 everything's gonna be okay boo 3AFg_O3gVnu-00126-00138544-00138784 everything's gonna be okay whoever 3AFg_O3gVnu-00127-00140472-00140552 what's going on 3AFg_O3gVnu-00128-00140760-00141584 oh hi toad i broke the wildling hell hey brother hi big 3AFg_O3gVnu-00129-00141984-00142984 i never knew you had a dirt path i feel sorry for you yeah me too mommy told you weren't there 3AFg_O3gVnu-00130-00143088-00143776 well guys i hope you enjoyed the video yeah i already gave up shout outs okay oh yeah 3AFg_O3gVnu-00131-00143776-00144296 and also shout out to somebody anderson yeah i'm shout out to somebody interested in the 3AFg_O3gVnu-00132-00147088-00147440 cool fan master 100 i don't know how to pronounce it 3AFg_O3gVnu-00133-00147440-00147992 anyways that's a lot we have to share and goodbye oh yeah we are awesome 3AFg_O3gVnu-00134-00148320-00148704 and we also hope you celebrate toad sees this 3AFg_O3gVnu-00135-00148928-00149288 just because you guys are wondering this was the past video okay this is the path 3AFg_O3gVnu-00136-00149288-00149592 that was the past okay we were featured in this okay 3AFg_O3gVnu-00137-00149896-00150248 we'll see you all later peace bye 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00000-00000187-00000840 Hello, so I had a request to take a look at an example with how we would use 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00001-00000840-00001329 turtle and still organize all of our code into functions. This is a great 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00002-00001329-00001583 question. Many of our turtle functions aren't 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00003-00001583-00001869 actually going to return anything, they're just going to do a little job for 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00004-00001869-00002490 us. So the first thing we need to do is import turtle, and this can be outside of 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00005-00002490-00002805 a function because it's okay for comments and import statements to be 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00006-00002805-00003246 outside of a function, but everything else should be inside of a function. So 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00007-00003246-00003962 let's say we want a helper function that is going to draw a blue circle for us. So 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00008-00003962-00004877 we can call this def drawBlueCircle, and some of the things we might need to 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00009-00004877-00005432 draw a blue circle is, we might need, you know, the radius that we're going to give 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00010-00005432-00006030 to the turtle function, or to the the draw circle function in order to know 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00011-00006030-00006551 how big the circle is going to be. We also may want to know where we want to 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00012-00006551-00007154 put this. So let's take an x- and y-coordinate as to where the user actually 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00013-00007154-00007758 wants to draw this blue circle. So the first thing we would need to think about 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00014-00007758-00008385 doing is, of course, we need to set a fill color. So we'll do fillcolor("blue"), because 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00015-00008385-00008961 we're going to make blue circles. When we're going to draw a circle, we we need to make 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00016-00008961-00009759 sure that we remember to begin fill, and then we'll actually draw the circle, and 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00017-00009759-00010461 then we're going to end fill. That's how we get the blue circle. But we also want 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00018-00010461-00010974 to make sure that we're going to go where it is we want to go, and we want to 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00019-00010974-00011861 draw our circles in the same way, so let's set our mode, and this is code that 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00020-00011861-00012389 we should probably still put in a function. Let's call it a setup function. 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00021-00012389-00012887 And all that's going to happen when we call this is, you know, we're going to have 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00022-00012887-00013353 some, you know, if we wanted to create a screen, if we wanted to set 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00023-00013353-00013686 a background picture, a background color, those kind of things, we can put that all 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00024-00013686-00014100 in our setup function. So let's go ahead, and we're going to start in standard mode. 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00025-00014100-00014625 And then every time we draw our circle, let's make sure we're at the right 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00026-00014625-00015356 heading. So let's do a set heading, and we'll do 90 degrees. So with standard, 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00027-00015356-00015951 this should be either to the right or up and down. We'll run that and kind of 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00028-00015951-00016509 figure out where that is. So ... but either way, we just want to make sure 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00029-00016509-00016959 that the setting is always the same, the heading that we said is always the same 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00030-00016959-00017310 before we start to draw the circle, so that our circles will all be drawn in the 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00031-00017310-00017873 same way ,just in a different position and at a different size. So after we've 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00032-00017873-00018551 done that, then we can go ahead and let's actually go to the coordinates. So let's 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00033-00018551-00019698 say turtle.penup(), and we're going to go turtle.goto(x, y), so whatever 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00034-00019698-00020151 coordinates we send to this function, we're going to go to those coordinates. Then 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00035-00020151-00020691 we're going to say turtle.pendown(). We should be in the right direction that we 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00036-00020691-00021326 want. We're going to start filling, and then we'll say turtle.circle with the 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00037-00021326-00021897 radius that we're given. So hopefully this will work the way we intend it. 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00038-00021897-00022338 We've got to test it out, though. Wo we've got to make a main function for us to 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00039-00022338-00022938 test it with. And let me just go ahead and set this, and I'm going to make a call 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00040-00022938-00023298 to main at the end, so when the interpreter runs, it's going to import 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00041-00023298-00023793 our turtle libraries, it's going to set up all of these function definitions in 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00042-00023793-00024248 memory, in RAM, and then we're going to actually run the main function. So I'm 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00043-00024248-00024726 going to go ahead and run this. It's telling me I need to save it. So I'll just call 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00044-00024726-00025431 this "turtleFunctions," and I'm just looking for any syntax errors. So the fact 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00045-00025431-00025823 that all of the definitions went through without an error means I don't have any 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00046-00025823-00026159 syntax errors. Now, I could have runtime errors, I could definitely have logic 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00047-00026159-00026544 errors, but at least I know that all the definitions were set up correctly in 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00048-00026544-00026912 memory, so I don't have any obvious syntax errors. So 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00049-00026912-00027381 now let's go ahead and put some code in main, and let's just go ahead and 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00050-00027381-00028074 make a call to our drawBlueCircle function, and I'm going to send it a radius 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00051-00028074-00029067 of maybe 50, and let's go to (20, 20), so we're in the upper right quadrant of 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00052-00029067-00030089 turtle. So this is going to make a call to our ... there we go! To our turtle, so 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00053-00030089-00030989 we went to (20, 20) and then we drew a radius of 50 blue circle and filled it 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00054-00030989-00031482 in. So now we could call this more than once if we wanted to. So we could draw 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00055-00031482-00032304 another blue circle. So let's drawBlueCircle, and let's do this one smaller. 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00056-00032304-00033027 Let's make it a radius of 25, and I'm gonna go to (-100, -100). So 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00057-00033027-00033534 this should take us over to the lower left quadrant where x's and y's are 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00058-00033534-00033966 negative and draw us the blue circle in that. So now we'll have two blue 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00059-00033966-00034418 circles. So, here we go, we've got our first blue circle ... ah, we have a problem. 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00060-00034418-00034968 So drawBlueCircle ... I misspelled it. So you can spell the names of your 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00061-00034968-00035433 functions however you want. You just have to be consistent. So I have a runtime 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00062-00035433-00036372 error here, there we go. And run ... here is our first blue circle, and there is our 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00063-00036372-00036975 second blue circle. So the pen lifted up, moved over at (-100, -100) 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00064-00036975-00037542 and drew us a circle with a radius of 25. So half the size of our larger circle. 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00065-00037542-00038100 And this is a really important point, because you'll notice I don't have any 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00066-00038100-00038649 return values to these functions. My function just performs a job, and many of 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00067-00038649-00039030 the helper functions you write won't necessarily return anything to the user. 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00068-00039030-00039641 It can return stuff to the user, but in Python, you don't have to return a value. 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00069-00039641-00040401 A value does get returned, it's actually called None. So if I printed this, if 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00070-00040401-00040896 I print this function call, because there is no return, it actually returns the 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00071-00040896-00041298 null value called None. And you're going to see that in the shell it's actually 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00072-00041298-00042105 going to print N-o-n-e. So let's run this, here we go, here we're going to draw our 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00073-00042105-00042624 circles, 1, 2. And look, right here it printed None, because the default 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00074-00042624-00043092 return when you don't return anything is just that None keyword which 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00075-00043092-00043758 represents a null value in Python and is the default return value if you don't 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00076-00043758-00044121 actually return anything. Lots of times we'll return things from 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00077-00044121-00044826 our functions, sometimes we won't. I mean, we could just have a function, let's see. 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00078-00044826-00045162 Oh, and we did forget to run our setup here to make sure we were in standard mode. 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00079-00045162-00045636 I'm always in standard mode, so I was anyways, but it's good to call and do 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00080-00045636-00046296 that setup. And here I could also do something like turtle-dot- ... let's see I 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00081-00046296-00047061 need a screen ... screen1 = turtle.Screen(), so I'm going to make myself a screen. 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00082-00047061-00048420 And then let's say screen.bgcolor, and let's make it yellow ... that'd be nice and 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00083-00048420-00048807 bright. We'll see how this works, alright? 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00084-00048807-00049145 But another function we could have written is just some sort of a welcome. 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00085-00049145-00049716 It doesn't take anything, but maybe we just print, you know, "Welcome to the 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00086-00049716-00051176 circle drawing program!" And ...I forgot some quotes here. 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00087-00051176-00051603 And so we can do our setup, and then we can call our welcome. Let's see how 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00088-00051603-00052179 this works for us. Alright, so here we go, you see, it 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00089-00052179-00052572 printed "Welcome to the circle drawing program!" Now we've got a background color 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00090-00052572-00052950 of yellow, and now we've got two blue circles and it's printed out None 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00091-00052950-00053259 because we printed this function call. There's really 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00092-00053259-00053634 no reason to print this function call, because this function's whole purpose is 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00093-00053634-00054138 to draw some circles for us. We could include ... now we could ask the users for 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00094-00054138-00054666 some input. Maybe let them choose where to put a circle and how big they would 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00095-00054666-00055209 like it to be.So we're going to draw two circles for them and then let's see, 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00096-00055209-00056692 let's do, let's call this radius is equal to float(input("Enter a circle radius: ")) and 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00097-00056692-00058129 then we'll say our x1 is equal to float(input("Enter the x coordinate: ")) 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00098-00058129-00058746 I have no idea if that's actually how you spell coordinate, but if I were going to give 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00099-00058746-00059541 this to users, I would look that up. So let's do float, input, and we'll ask for a 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00100-00059541-00060266 y-coordinate from the user. "Enter the y coordinate: " Just have some fun with our 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00101-00060266-00060834 program. And now we're going to go ahead and make another call to drawBlueCircle, 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00102-00060834-00061197 and this time I'm going to be careful to spell it correctly, 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00103-00061197-00061686 and I can send it whatever the user inputted and saved inside of radius. I 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00104-00061686-00062199 can send it the x1 coordinate that the user gave me and the y1 coordinate the 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00105-00062199-00062664 user gave me, and so now my program is more interactive, and it's going to draw the 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00106-00062664-00063080 two circles that I've already given it, and it's going to have a different 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00107-00063080-00063552 circle every time. For the third circle based on what the user is going to input 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00108-00063552-00063960 for us. So here we've got our two circles, it said welcome, and now we're going to 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00109-00063960-00064529 enter a circle radius, so let's do 150. We'll make a really big one, and then 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00110-00064529-00065145 let's make this in the upper left. So that's going to be a negative 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00111-00065145-00065718 x-coordinate let's do -200, and it's going to be a positive y-coordinate 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00112-00065718-00066243 so let's do positive 200 and enter and take a look at our drawing, and there it 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00113-00066243-00066642 is! Our big giant blue circle up in the upper left quadrant. 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00114-00066642-00067299 It's got a radius of 150, and it's at the x coordinate (-200, 200), and we're 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00115-00067299-00067757 having fun here drawing some circles. So we could add some other things. Once we 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00116-00067757-00068091 get to loops, we can put in a loop and let them draw as many circles as they 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00117-00068091-00068312 want to and do some other really cool 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00118-00068312-00068777 stuff. So I hope this helps with, you know, as we're getting into functions kind of 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00119-00068777-00069238 seeing the power and the cool amazing stuff that we can do with functions and 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00120-00069238-00069824 sort of starts to give you a hint at just how powerful this is going to be for 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00121-00069824-00070214 being able to organize our code, and as we're going to get into more complex 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00122-00070214-00070773 programs, we're going to have a much easier time keeping our our programs organized 3D1CnM5zV7Q-00123-00070773-00071423 and being able to modify them and build onto them. So alright, happy programming! 3FWUYjGpYG4-00000-00000003-00000714 Hell students of dynamics this is doctor Dan Baker andtoday we're gonna talk about the final topic in 3FWUYjGpYG4-00001-00000714-00001299 rigid body Newtonian kinetics which is general plane motion we talked about translation we've 3FWUYjGpYG4-00002-00001299-00001791 talked about fixed axis rotation in previous videos and both of those cases essentially had 3FWUYjGpYG4-00003-00001791-00002232 restrictions on our general equations now that we're in general plane motion all restrictions 3FWUYjGpYG4-00004-00002232-00002844 are lifted and so we're left with the equations sum of forces in the acts as a vector is equal 3FWUYjGpYG4-00005-00002844-00003429 to our mass times the acceleration of our centroid. So, a bar as our vector that's going 3FWUYjGpYG4-00006-00003429-00004227 to be in the X direction and then sum of forces in the Y direction is equal to our mass times 3FWUYjGpYG4-00007-00004227-00004875 our centroidal acceleration a bar sub y, there's two of our three equations the third 3FWUYjGpYG4-00008-00004875-00005433 equation of course is our moment equation sum of moments we have an option in this equation either 3FWUYjGpYG4-00009-00005433-00006021 to sum them about the centroid it's asking me my first version of the equation Point G and that's 3FWUYjGpYG4-00010-00006021-00006600 going to equal my moment of inertia about the same centroid writing that as I bar times our 3FWUYjGpYG4-00011-00006600-00007158 angular acceleration alpha or if we choose some point that isn't our centroid we can write this 3FWUYjGpYG4-00012-00007158-00007866 as the sum of our moments about some other point that's called point P this is going to equal my 3FWUYjGpYG4-00013-00007866-00008538 I bar alpha I still need those terms but I get to add in my kinetic moment the kinetic moment as R 3FWUYjGpYG4-00014-00008538-00009477 of my centroid relative to my chosen point crossed with my mass of the body times acceleration of the 3FWUYjGpYG4-00015-00009477-00010053 centroid as a vector. Now if you have multiple components of this acceleration I'm going to 3FWUYjGpYG4-00016-00010053-00010548 squeeze in a little summation out front just relating the fact that there are times you can 3FWUYjGpYG4-00017-00010548-00011127 have two kinetic moment terms just depending on where you pick the location of this point P and 3FWUYjGpYG4-00018-00011127-00011682 also which axis system you use those two things kind of interact so just a couple of points just 3FWUYjGpYG4-00019-00011682-00012483 to hammer home here on general plane motion. If we have a system so point one here I'll draw a 3FWUYjGpYG4-00020-00012483-00012993 diagram and I'll fill in some words and so if we have a system say a fixed axis rotation wheel and 3FWUYjGpYG4-00021-00012993-00013558 let's say that we're given some forces and things go but we need to solve for its acceleration 3FWUYjGpYG4-00022-00013558-00014110 and we'd like to assume or we think that the acceleration of the top part of this no-slip 3FWUYjGpYG4-00023-00014110-00014800 wheel is going to go to the right so if I say this is a sub t, I better make sure that my alpha 3FWUYjGpYG4-00024-00014800-00015544 and that linear acceleration a sub T quote moved together okay that they agree with one another we 3FWUYjGpYG4-00025-00015544-00016135 wouldn't want to draw an unknown alpha in this direction that could break the problem okay so 3FWUYjGpYG4-00026-00016135-00016903 this isn't those cases that if you don't make these to agree with each other then you can't 3FWUYjGpYG4-00027-00016903-00017485 have some issues in getting correct answers now if you wanted to assume that things are going to 3FWUYjGpYG4-00028-00017485-00018061 the left so your tangential acceleration of that top points going left then go ahead and use this 3FWUYjGpYG4-00029-00018061-00018670 alpha that's positive from the right-hand rule okay so either one of these is fine we just can't 3FWUYjGpYG4-00030-00018670-00019252 have our linear accelerations and our angular accelerations in disagreement they need to be 3FWUYjGpYG4-00031-00019252-00019792 harmonious they need to be working together and so to put this into words. We can say that always 3FWUYjGpYG4-00032-00019792-00021442 make sure our tangential acceleration vectors and our alpha vectors agree with each other 3FWUYjGpYG4-00033-00022309-00023146 and one other point to make as we work these problems keep in mind that coordinate systems 3FWUYjGpYG4-00034-00023146-00023587 are a tool to solve problems okay so you're welcome to use honestly 3FWUYjGpYG4-00035-00023587-00024001 infinitely different coordinate systems often we pick a Cartesian horizontal X 3FWUYjGpYG4-00036-00024001-00025672 vertical Y but we want to pick a coordinate system which minimizes 3FWUYjGpYG4-00037-00025672-00027535 two different things, the first thing we want to minimize is our force components and so 3FWUYjGpYG4-00038-00027535-00027937 this is what we tended to do in statics as we take a look at a problem we take a look at 3FWUYjGpYG4-00039-00027937-00028360 the different forces you think hey if I go ahead and rotate my coordinate system I can get rid of 3FWUYjGpYG4-00040-00028360-00028786 some of the components of these various forces and offered kind of count the number of forces 3FWUYjGpYG4-00041-00028786-00029233 the line with one coordinate system versus the other and see where things balanced but keep in 3FWUYjGpYG4-00042-00029233-00029770 mind that in dynamics. Now we also have that right side of the equation all those acceleration terms 3FWUYjGpYG4-00043-00029770-00031252 so we also need to think about minimizing our acceleration components and to be quite honest 3FWUYjGpYG4-00044-00031252-00031795 all things being equal we tend to be a little more comfortable with our force components than 3FWUYjGpYG4-00045-00031795-00032386 our acceleration components and so I tend to go with minimizing my acceleration components in my 3FWUYjGpYG4-00046-00032386-00032908 computations they'll both give you the correct answers overall you're gonna get the exact same 3FWUYjGpYG4-00047-00032908-00033460 values but just thinking about where that work is going to show up thinking about acceleration 3FWUYjGpYG4-00048-00033460-00033886 components and minimizing. We can actually take a look back up here this summation sign out front 3FWUYjGpYG4-00049-00033886-00034420 right wouldn't it be nice if you only had one of these acceleration components versus multiple also 3FWUYjGpYG4-00050-00034420-00035005 looking in our sum of force equations if we can isolate all of our motion and it's linear 3FWUYjGpYG4-00051-00035005-00035665 motion in one single direction then one of these accelerations either X or Y could go to 0. 3FWUYjGpYG4-00052-00035665-00036109 Say you dry your actually system with all of your acceleration linear acceleration going 3FWUYjGpYG4-00053-00036109-00036535 the x-direction then this becomes zero and you get some of force is equal to zero right which 3FWUYjGpYG4-00054-00036535-00037003 is more of a static style equation so we like that so it's really up to you whether you're 3FWUYjGpYG4-00055-00037003-00037405 diminishing work over on the left side of your equation or on the right side super equation 3FWUYjGpYG4-00056-00037405-00037906 but that's essentially what it's talking about here minimizing your force components versus 3FWUYjGpYG4-00057-00037906-00038332 minimizing your acceleration components so that's all really the fundamental notes there 3FWUYjGpYG4-00058-00038332-00038923 are on this topic let's go ahead and jump into the first example so this first example that we 3FWUYjGpYG4-00059-00038923-00039766 have we have a spool and the spool is gonna be suspended by a cord from a rope you can see we 3FWUYjGpYG4-00060-00039766-00040297 have now just to a yo-yo okay we've got a cord up here now we're not raising and lowering our 3FWUYjGpYG4-00061-00040297-00040849 hand we're saying this cord is attached to a non-moving point and this is a compound spool 3FWUYjGpYG4-00062-00040849-00041527 so there's actually kind of a stepped size to it and we have an additional cable pulling up 3FWUYjGpYG4-00063-00041527-00042382 here with 70 Newtons pulling up vertically now the dimensions of this spool we have an inner 3FWUYjGpYG4-00064-00042382-00043132 diameter to the first segment of 0.2 meters and then an outer diameter out here to the outside 3FWUYjGpYG4-00065-00043132-00043885 edge of 0.5 meters okay so 2.2 meters in the inside point five meters on the outside and 3FWUYjGpYG4-00066-00043885-00045232 so the Texas problem says that we have a eight kilogram spool and this spool has a known K sub 3FWUYjGpYG4-00067-00045232-00046504 G of 0.35 meters and do you remember what k sub G means a distance this is our radius of gyration 3FWUYjGpYG4-00068-00046704-00047589 and on a good number of rigid body problems if you have kind of a complex shape a shape 3FWUYjGpYG4-00069-00047589-00048123 that isn't listed on one of the standard tables if we list the radius of gyration 3FWUYjGpYG4-00070-00048123-00048747 we can actually combine that with the mass to then back compute the mass moment of inertia 3FWUYjGpYG4-00071-00048747-00049629 keeping in mind here that our I bar is equal to M times K sub G squared because we also 3FWUYjGpYG4-00072-00049629-00050778 knew that K sub G was equal to the square root of our I bar over the mass so jumping back over 3FWUYjGpYG4-00073-00050778-00052287 the problem statement we have this 8 kilogram spool is pulled upwards by a 70 Newton force 3FWUYjGpYG4-00074-00052287-00054639 we want to find the cable tension and the angular acceleration alpha all right so to get a little 3FWUYjGpYG4-00075-00054639-00055134 bit more into depth on this problem one thing we can observe is that this contact point right 3FWUYjGpYG4-00076-00055134-00055833 here this is going to be the icy Z V of this body just like other pulley systems if we have 3FWUYjGpYG4-00077-00055833-00056376 a cable that's not moving at the top and it's not stretching at this instant it's also not 3FWUYjGpYG4-00078-00056376-00056838 moving at the bottom now everything else in this system would be moving one thing we need to get 3FWUYjGpYG4-00079-00056838-00057264 into in this problem is figure out whether it's spooling up the cable or coming down the cable. 3FWUYjGpYG4-00080-00057264-00057972 In order to think about that let's take a look at a combined free body diagram plus kinetic diagram 3FWUYjGpYG4-00081-00057972-00058548 and we can get away with combining those because we have a single body problem, this is single body 3FWUYjGpYG4-00082-00058548-00059094 in general plane motion so we have a tension pulling over here on the right hand side that's 3FWUYjGpYG4-00083-00059094-00059670 that tension cable tension that we're going to be solving for. We also have the weight force this is 3FWUYjGpYG4-00084-00059670-00060553 a vertical system and so we have eight kilograms times 9.81 so eight times 9.81 or gravitational 3FWUYjGpYG4-00085-00060553-00061576 constant this is going to equal 78.4 Newtons and then we had a 70 3FWUYjGpYG4-00086-00061576-00062275 Newton force which is pulling upward and it's pulling upward on that point two meter radius. 3FWUYjGpYG4-00087-00062275-00063202 Now before we get into our kinetic terms let's ask ourselves the question is alpha positive 3FWUYjGpYG4-00088-00063202-00064336 or negative and of course this is always going to be from the right-hand rule, OK so positive 3FWUYjGpYG4-00089-00064336-00064963 would mean that it was spooling down that core dropping downwards negative would mean that is 3FWUYjGpYG4-00090-00064963-00065482 coming up the cord. So, go ahead and take a look at the forces take a look at the distances and 3FWUYjGpYG4-00091-00065482-00066064 see if you can determine is alpha positive or negative, go ahead and pause the video. 3FWUYjGpYG4-00092-00066683-00067202 Alright so coming back to answer that question keep in mind we have a 17 force pulling upwards 3FWUYjGpYG4-00093-00067202-00067688 78.48 point downwards if you only looked at those two forces you may think 3FWUYjGpYG4-00094-00067688-00068183 that the 78 Newton force is going to dominate and it's going to roll down this court but the two 3FWUYjGpYG4-00095-00068183-00068786 things you haven't included. If you thought that is that we haven't found the value of this tension 3FWUYjGpYG4-00096-00068786-00069335 this value of this tension if it's anything bigger than about nine is going to essentially give us 3FWUYjGpYG4-00097-00069335-00070022 upward forces , upward net forces the otherthing to think about is the moments of each one of 3FWUYjGpYG4-00098-00070022-00070613 these forces. We talked about that there's an Iczv over here acting like an instantaneous point, 3FWUYjGpYG4-00099-00070613-00071276 a fixed axis rotation and so really it's going to be the distance over to each one of these forces 3FWUYjGpYG4-00100-00071276-00071969 a distance here and a distance there multiplied with the force and so we can write that out we 3FWUYjGpYG4-00101-00071969-00072836 can say that the sum of moments about point a and the values of each one of these we have seventy 3FWUYjGpYG4-00102-00072836-00073739 Newtons and that is going upwards a distance of 0.7 meters five plus point two and basically 3FWUYjGpYG4-00103-00073739-00074777 want to compare that to our 78.48 Newton's multiplied times 0.5 and so it turns out 3FWUYjGpYG4-00104-00074777-00075350 that the one here on the left is going to equal 49 Newton meters the one on the right equals 3FWUYjGpYG4-00105-00075350-00076316 39.4 Newton meters so therefore the moment of the 70 Newton dominates and we end up 3FWUYjGpYG4-00106-00076316-00077372 with a negative right hand rule, because the moment from the 70 Newton's is larger and then getting 3FWUYjGpYG4-00107-00077372-00077960 back to that topic of making sure that our alphas are in agreement with our accelerations when we 3FWUYjGpYG4-00108-00077960-00078626 look at this centroidal acceleration here a bar sub y we want to draw that upwards because of 3FWUYjGpYG4-00109-00078626-00079124 alpha is basically spooling this wheel going up the cable then the acceleration of the centroid 3FWUYjGpYG4-00110-00079124-00079979 will also go up. One more step to get a start in this equation before we jump into our Newtonian 3FWUYjGpYG4-00111-00079979-00080600 equations is again here to find our i bar. I roughed out this equation above so i bar is 3FWUYjGpYG4-00112-00080600-00081212 equal to the mass times the radius of gyration about the centroid squared and so we have eight 3FWUYjGpYG4-00113-00081212-00082625 kilograms and our distance is 0.35 squared and that's in meters squared and so this will equal 3FWUYjGpYG4-00114-00082625-00083588 0.98 and this will be in kilograms mass times length squared meter squared. OK! so there's 3FWUYjGpYG4-00115-00083588-00084281 our i bar term now in solving for this problem we have two options two fundamental options we 3FWUYjGpYG4-00116-00084281-00084962 can either some our moments about the centroid Point G or we can sum our moments about this 3FWUYjGpYG4-00117-00084962-00085556 contact point over here point a I'll show you both just to see what the difference is between 3FWUYjGpYG4-00118-00085556-00086198 those two so keep my Freebody diagram visible there so first of all let's go ahead and some 3FWUYjGpYG4-00119-00086198-00087146 moments about G so something moments about G because that's our central a we can say that 3FWUYjGpYG4-00120-00087146-00087872 the sum of moments is a vector about the centroid G is equal just I bar times alpha we don't need to 3FWUYjGpYG4-00121-00087872-00088688 add in a kinetic moment term and so now looking at these this free body diagram we can ignore the 3FWUYjGpYG4-00122-00088688-00089210 effect of this weight force because it's actually traveling right through Point G will only have two 3FWUYjGpYG4-00123-00089210-00089684 terms here a moment from the seventy Newtons and a moment from our unknown tension so from 3FWUYjGpYG4-00124-00089684-00090146 the 70 Newtons we have an R vector going from G over to this line of action going upwards so 3FWUYjGpYG4-00125-00090146-00091112 that'll be negative from the right hand rule so we have a negative 0.2 times 70 Newtons and then we 3FWUYjGpYG4-00126-00091112-00092051 additionally have a 0.5 this is meters over to our unknown force T and so that's all of our moments 3FWUYjGpYG4-00127-00092051-00092729 and this is going to be equal to our mass moment nine eight and that multiplied at times our alpha 3FWUYjGpYG4-00128-00092729-00093308 now this alpha again the sign needs to come from our free body and kinetic diagram and we can see 3FWUYjGpYG4-00129-00093308-00093707 this alpha is negative from the right-hand-rule wrapping your fingertips and direction this arrow 3FWUYjGpYG4-00130-00093707-00094217 tip your thumb should go into the screen and so we need to write this as a negative alpha 3FWUYjGpYG4-00131-00094217-00094877 to make sure that everything all works together and then we can do our second equation sum of 3FWUYjGpYG4-00132-00094877-00095789 forces in this case all the forces are in the y-direction equals mass times a bar sub y now 3FWUYjGpYG4-00133-00095789-00096401 with this equation we have three forces in the Y direction. Let's keep the free body diagram visible 3FWUYjGpYG4-00134-00096401-00097004 we have our tension force which is going up we have our 70 Newton's which is going up and then 3FWUYjGpYG4-00135-00097004-00097679 we have our78.48 whichis going downwards so negative and this is going 3FWUYjGpYG4-00136-00097679-00098402 to equal the value of the mass which is eight times the acceleration of my centroid in the Y 3FWUYjGpYG4-00137-00098402-00099047 direction. Now as you look at these equations it might look a little little scary that we 3FWUYjGpYG4-00138-00099047-00099659 have three unknowns we have T we have alpha we have a sub y okay three different on unknowns 3FWUYjGpYG4-00139-00099659-00100085 and two equations now if you're some your force in the X direction it doesn't tell you anything 3FWUYjGpYG4-00140-00100085-00100757 but because we know that point A is a nice easy V we have one more equation that we can add to the 3FWUYjGpYG4-00141-00100757-00101570 mix that equation is that the acceleration of the centroid in the Y direction is going to be equal 3FWUYjGpYG4-00142-00101570-00102535 to the distance of R of G relative to a times my alpha now this comes from the cross product you 3FWUYjGpYG4-00143-00102535-00103084 can read this in the vector version acceleration bar vector in the Y direction is equal to alpha 3FWUYjGpYG4-00144-00103084-00103733 cross this our G relative. OK! so I'm thinking about that is a scalar term the reason I can think 3FWUYjGpYG4-00145-00103733-00104327 about is the scalar terms I already know from my diagram that I am assuming that the acceleration 3FWUYjGpYG4-00146-00104327-00104726 of the centroid is going upwards okay so I'm gonna stick with that and basically going to end up with 3FWUYjGpYG4-00147-00104726-00105440 a positive value for a sub y but I can come in and say well a bar is actually equal to the distance 3FWUYjGpYG4-00148-00105440-00106250 of 0.5 times alpha and what that does is it gets me down to a two equation two unknown set getting 3FWUYjGpYG4-00149-00106250-00106904 rid of a bar so solving that to equation two unknown set by whatever method you - substitution 3FWUYjGpYG4-00150-00106904-00107555 cancellation whatever works for you we find that alpha is equal to three point two eight and it's 3FWUYjGpYG4-00151-00107555-00108338 in radians per second squared and our tension is equal to twenty one point five eight and that is 3FWUYjGpYG4-00152-00108338-00109097 in Newtons. So, there's our answers for alpha and T now I mentioned that we can look at this one other 3FWUYjGpYG4-00153-00109097-00109499 way and the other way we could look at instead of summing moments about our centroid let's go 3FWUYjGpYG4-00154-00109499-00110018 ahead and sum moments about point A. OK so if something wants about point A the only moments 3FWUYjGpYG4-00155-00110018-00110693 I'll have are going to be do the weight force and this vertical force here of 70 Newtons, so 3FWUYjGpYG4-00156-00110693-00111173 for convenience I went ahead and moved a copy of my Freebody diagram down here lower on the page 3FWUYjGpYG4-00157-00111173-00112049 as we are going to sum our moments about point A, so as we work to some our moments about point A 3FWUYjGpYG4-00158-00112049-00112909 summing moments about point a as a vector it's a non-central point now it is not a point of fixed 3FWUYjGpYG4-00159-00112909-00113579 axis rotation so being not a point for exact rotation we can't shift our moment of inertia over 3FWUYjGpYG4-00160-00113579-00114143 to that location we do need to use the kinetic moment is the safer way to go and so we have I 3FWUYjGpYG4-00161-00114143-00115232 alpha plus I connect moment term which is my r of G relative to A as a vector crossed into my 3FWUYjGpYG4-00162-00115232-00115880 mass times my acceleration of the centroid as a vector. Now there is only one acceleration of 3FWUYjGpYG4-00163-00115880-00116303 the centroid in this case we've isolated all that in the Y direction so that's convenient. 3FWUYjGpYG4-00164-00116303-00116813 We don't have to worry about one of those gonna throw out a summation and we can also draw here 3FWUYjGpYG4-00165-00116813-00117800 our vector so this is my R of G relative to A, it has a distance of 0.5 meters and it's going from 3FWUYjGpYG4-00166-00117800-00118442 right to left so putting values in for this version equation distance once again at 0.5. 3FWUYjGpYG4-00167-00118442-00119255 Also shows up my moment equations so 0.5 meters times the weight of seventy eight point four eight 3FWUYjGpYG4-00168-00119255-00119921 that's in Newtons that one is positive from the right hand rule as we crossed this blue R into 3FWUYjGpYG4-00169-00119921-00120550 this red force coming down and then we also have from a over to the line of action of the seventy 3FWUYjGpYG4-00170-00120550-00121597 so that distance is 0.7 meters times the force of 70 Newtons and that one is going to have a 3FWUYjGpYG4-00171-00121597-00122101 negative sign from the right hand rule so that takes care of everything on the left-hand side 3FWUYjGpYG4-00172-00122101-00122530 of the equation on the right side of the equation. I'm going to drop down to the next line so plenty 3FWUYjGpYG4-00173-00122530-00123232 of room we have our mass moment by the centroid point nine eight that was in kilogram meter 3FWUYjGpYG4-00174-00123232-00123904 squared and then we have our unknown alpha and as we take a look at our kinetic moment term we are 3FWUYjGpYG4-00175-00123904-00124690 going to cross this blue vector my R vector into our acceleration vector of the centroid which is 3FWUYjGpYG4-00176-00124690-00125452 going upwards okay so the blue into the purple gives me a negative kinetic moment so we end up 3FWUYjGpYG4-00177-00125452-00126183 with a negative the value here being the length of zero point five times the mass again is eight 3FWUYjGpYG4-00178-00126183-00127161 kilograms and then we have our acceleration of the centroid a bar sub y all right now I could 3FWUYjGpYG4-00179-00127161-00127798 go ahead and sum my forces in the y-direction I'd actually end up with the exact same equation I did 3FWUYjGpYG4-00180-00127798-00128380 previously noticing that we have two unknowns but that's not really the equation, I need to get rid 3FWUYjGpYG4-00181-00128380-00128752 of one of these unknowns the one that I need to get rid of the unknowns is actually written right 3FWUYjGpYG4-00182-00128752-00129360 up here and the same one we used before so we can do a substitution here again that our centroidal 3FWUYjGpYG4-00183-00129360-00130171 acceleration is equal to 0.5 meters times alpha now we get down to one unknown in this equation 3FWUYjGpYG4-00184-00130171-00131017 and so from this equation we can find that our alpha is equal to three point two eight radians 3FWUYjGpYG4-00185-00131017-00131896 per second squared exact same value had in the previous iteration and you could add in once again 3FWUYjGpYG4-00186-00131896-00132451 it's gonna be the exact same sum of force equation as we had in the previous version to then go ahead 3FWUYjGpYG4-00187-00132451-00133048 and solve for the tension so hopefully that's helpful to see the same problem solved in a couple 3FWUYjGpYG4-00188-00133048-00133559 of different ways essentially just by shifting the point we're summing our moments about when we 3FWUYjGpYG4-00189-00133559-00134162 chose to sum our moments here about point G we in this problem ended up with the exact same number 3FWUYjGpYG4-00190-00134162-00134669 of terms on the left-hand side of our equation if we summer moments about point a we had add in the 3FWUYjGpYG4-00191-00134669-00135146 kinetic moment term but the added benefit there is that we were able to actually solve for alpha from 3FWUYjGpYG4-00192-00135146-00135773 this equation as opposed to needing the equation for summing forces in the y-direction okay so just 3FWUYjGpYG4-00193-00135773-00136358 a couple different paths both getting you to the same point I hope this helped conceptualize this 3FWUYjGpYG4-00194-00136358-00136847 topic. I'll do one more example in a later video, but I hope you're having a great day. 3M3yxtbpEfg-00000-00002280-00002588 Yeah it was important for me my family are happy too because 3M3yxtbpEfg-00001-00002606-00003000 during one month we speak about Kazan together 3M3yxtbpEfg-00002-00003016-00003504 and finally we arrived and excited to start our life in Russia 3M3yxtbpEfg-00003-00003504-00003950 I think it's the problem with visa process you know in 3M3yxtbpEfg-00004-00003950-00004314 France it was so long I make so so many thing Paris and go in my city when I do 3M3yxtbpEfg-00005-00004314-00004668 Paris and go in my city when I do my passport 3M3yxtbpEfg-00006-00004668-00004972 but after one month I'm here 3M3yxtbpEfg-00007-00007109-00007620 Coach Alekno just told he was happy that I was here in the team 3M3yxtbpEfg-00008-00007620-00008000 We speak about the little bitthe club and go training 3M3yxtbpEfg-00009-00013119-00013490 Everybody good with me today because now I think they 3M3yxtbpEfg-00010-00013502-00013791 know the first day is not easy. Everybody speak English 3M3yxtbpEfg-00011-00013802-00014300 son of the coach speak perfectly French so it's perfect for me 3M3yxtbpEfg-00012-00014300-00014612 good to meet the team just Spirik, Spiridonov 3M3yxtbpEfg-00013-00014612-00014918 I don't see him beacuse he is injuried, but I sure 3M3yxtbpEfg-00014-00014928-00015332 he will be my boy 3M3yxtbpEfg-00015-00015904-00016610 -Do you remember some Russian words? - Privet! (Bad word!)))) 3M3yxtbpEfg-00016-00017604-00018394 Welcome! That`s first present from team! Knee pads for good reception! 3M3yxtbpEfg-00017-00019756-00020202 I hope I will be ready very very fast for play 3M3yxtbpEfg-00018-00020202-00020852 I hope so I will see today in training. I hope so we will see 3M3yxtbpEfg-00019-00022104-00022545 I think I play one time here when I was in Tours in France 3M3yxtbpEfg-00020-00022545-00023191 17 years old, seven years ago but now it's a good very good gym beautiful gum 3M3yxtbpEfg-00021-00023191-00023689 and there with lot of histories I was so concentrate with the ball because during 3M3yxtbpEfg-00022-00023689-00024273 one month I don't practice so I don't see the lights and the atmosphere 3M3yxtbpEfg-00023-00024972-00025606 no I feel tired but I'm happy to meet team I'm tired and it's a good day 3M3yxtbpEfg-00024-00025606-00026163 because I'm finally arrived and I meet everybody 3R7bCrrwDDE-00000-00000000-00000200 RYYZN - Descriptions [Official Lyric Video] 3TJ8FF6dABu-00000-00000000-00000200 Spiritual music, gentle, calming, peaceful music, relaxing music, and meditation music 3TJ8FF6dABu-00001-00000200-00000400 SOOTHING AND MEDITATION 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00000-00000884-00001369 Mom places one egg in a pot days later. This is brilliant 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00001-00001655-00001984 If you look connoisseur in search of new and unique gardening tips 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00002-00002000-00002472 Try these obscure ideas to grow a dream backyard paradise in no time 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00003-00002630-00002853 Number one feed it and Agnes 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00004-00002918-00003576 Plants need nutrients to grow big and strong place a whole raw egg into your pot before adding soil as it 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00005-00003646-00004080 Decomposes the egg will serve as natural fertilizer food for your plant 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00006-00004210-00004422 number two seed tapes 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00007-00004526-00004705 Toilet paper is made from trees 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00008-00004705-00005166 So it can only make sense to continue the cycle of life and return it to the plant wall 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00009-00005215-00005538 roll up your lettuce leaf seeds and toilet paper tape a 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00010-00005564-00006054 Guy in on how to create this special treatment can be found online at lady Lee's home 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00011-00006260-00006397 Number three 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00012-00006397-00006597 packing peanut filling 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00013-00006614-00007393 Packing peanuts make great potted plant filler for flowers now you can move those huge plants with ease and save money on soil 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00014-00007442-00007719 Check out more ideas at the reluctant entertainer 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00015-00007983-00008133 Number four 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00016-00008133-00008333 Upcycle that toilet paper wall 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00017-00008382-00008752 Grow a few seedlings inside upcycle two toilet paper rolls 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00018-00008820-00009433 Stephanie at Garden therapy can show you how to plant your starter seeds using this very inexpensive container a 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00019-00009717-00009917 Fort made of force 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00020-00009921-00010234 Keep rabbits and kitty cats out of your garden for the deep trekker 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00021-00010269-00010966 Check out made dreams garden for more info on how this over-the-top yet effective barrier against animal passes works 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00022-00011192-00011451 Number six build a protective wall 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00023-00011513-00011757 Stop invasive plants from taking over your garden 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00024-00011774-00012363 Cut a hole in the bottom of the cheap plastic container your new baby plant comes in and bury it in the ground 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00025-00012398-00013093 The container forms a fantastic protective barrier and also allows the plant to properly root itself in the soil 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00026-00013398-00013664 Number seven seed planning counter 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00027-00013726-00014501 Plan your veggie garden ahead of time the home farmer is a cute DIY calendar tutorial that will remind you when to plant those seeds 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00028-00014741-00014971 Number eight grow roses in 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00029-00015044-00015183 potatoes 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00030-00015183-00015655 This one is certainly different you can grow Rose trimmings inside of a potato 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00031-00015753-00016426 Delmarva survival training is a great tutorial on how to transform loose flour cuttings into a beautiful rose 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00032-00016712-00017043 Try your hand at these clever ways to make gardening super fun 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00033-00017056-00017592 Whether you decide to upcycle toilet paper into seedling tape or make a monthly planting garden 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00034-00017593-00017959 It will definitely be different from the normal way. You're used to gardening 3WSJ_4zpw6Q-00035-00018014-00018606 Have tips of your own add them as comments on this video and don't forget to share it with your friends 3XPEBtZJ84k-00000-00000000-00000298 [AUDIENCE] I liked when you were talking about 'the other four billion.' 3XPEBtZJ84k-00001-00000298-00000566 I have a question about exchanges. 3XPEBtZJ84k-00002-00000566-00001050 In your opinion, what is the best practice [for building] exchanges? 3XPEBtZJ84k-00003-00001050-00001726 Personally I love bitcoin, but I'm not comfortable with these "central banks of bitcoin" that we call exchanges. 3XPEBtZJ84k-00004-00001726-00002604 [ANDREAS] Yeah. This question is about supporting the other four or six billion, depending on how you count. 3XPEBtZJ84k-00005-00002604-00003376 The issue is, exchanges are very centralised and custodial, which means they hold bitcoin for people. 3XPEBtZJ84k-00006-00003376-00004334 That represents a significant risk, not to Bitcoin itself, but certainly for Bitcoin users who can lose money. 3XPEBtZJ84k-00007-00004334-00004650 We don't have too many perfect solutions right now. 3XPEBtZJ84k-00008-00004650-00005520 There are a few small-scale decentralized systems. Bitsquare (now known as Bisq) is one, still in beta. 3XPEBtZJ84k-00009-00005520-00005864 There are some other decentralized systems. 3XPEBtZJ84k-00010-00005864-00007002 LocalBitcoins allows person-to-person [trades] with cash, similar to bitcoin in that it is [easily verifiable]. 3XPEBtZJ84k-00011-00007002-00007520 It doesn't depend on any counterparty. You hold it, you own it, right? 3XPEBtZJ84k-00012-00007520-00008054 Exchanging cash for bitcoin is the most secure way to get bitcoin. 3XPEBtZJ84k-00013-00008054-00008378 Actually, the best way to get bitcoin is not to buy it. 3XPEBtZJ84k-00014-00008378-00008924 The best way to get bitcoin, is to earn it [through] the expenditure of your labor. 3XPEBtZJ84k-00015-00008924-00009444 Dedicate your labor to bitcoin and you achieve two goals at the same time: 3XPEBtZJ84k-00016-00009444-00009826 1) You are earning bitcoin, from the people who can pay you in bitcoin. 3XPEBtZJ84k-00017-00009826-00010592 2) You have removed your labor from the machinery of the state, which was using your labor to build bombs. 3XPEBtZJ84k-00018-00010592-00011494 That's my personal philosophy. Two birds, one stone. I'm in on the good side and out of the bad side. 3bz8H7ErZW0-00000-00000000-00000200 Creating Bill in Tally ERP-9 3baqj5-xBCI-00000-00000050-00000954 [Music] 3baqj5-xBCI-00001-00001004-00001190 >> The bones of the animal 3baqj5-xBCI-00002-00001190-00001405 that is now Brontomerus were discovered 3baqj5-xBCI-00003-00001405-00001792 in a quarry in Utah in the 1990s. 3baqj5-xBCI-00004-00001792-00001978 The bones were recovered and taken back 3baqj5-xBCI-00005-00001978-00002172 to the Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, 3baqj5-xBCI-00006-00002187-00002411 and they sat there for the next five 3baqj5-xBCI-00007-00002411-00002596 or ten years before I first saw them. 3baqj5-xBCI-00008-00002614-00002891 But a colleague of mine, Matt Wedel, had an interest in them 3baqj5-xBCI-00009-00002891-00003076 for awhile and never go around to working on them. 3baqj5-xBCI-00010-00003112-00003415 So when I happened to be over there in 2007 I was with Matt, 3baqj5-xBCI-00011-00003426-00003623 and we took the opportunity then to look 3baqj5-xBCI-00012-00003623-00003830 at the bones really closely and start figuring 3baqj5-xBCI-00013-00003830-00003954 out exactly what this thing was. 3baqj5-xBCI-00014-00004066-00004345 This picture shows us which of the bones we have of the animal, 3baqj5-xBCI-00015-00004345-00004451 and also gives you an idea 3baqj5-xBCI-00016-00004451-00004649 of how big it would have been in life. 3baqj5-xBCI-00017-00004685-00004935 Here we have the hip bone, here the shoulder blade. 3baqj5-xBCI-00018-00004941-00005177 Those are the two most significant bits we have, 3baqj5-xBCI-00019-00005218-00005419 and then these various fragments of ribs 3baqj5-xBCI-00020-00005441-00005568 and the occasional vertebrae. 3baqj5-xBCI-00021-00005677-00005869 This is a photograph of the hip bone, 3baqj5-xBCI-00022-00005869-00006153 which is the most informative of the bones of the new animal. 3baqj5-xBCI-00023-00006205-00006387 Down here at the bottom this is the socket 3baqj5-xBCI-00024-00006392-00006525 where the femur attaches, 3baqj5-xBCI-00025-00006525-00006683 so this is where the leg joins the body. 3baqj5-xBCI-00026-00006769-00007042 And you can see that here at the front sticking out ahead 3baqj5-xBCI-00027-00007042-00007329 of that, is this huge blade of bone where a lot 3baqj5-xBCI-00028-00007329-00007427 of muscle would have attached. 3baqj5-xBCI-00029-00007465-00007635 And let me show you how that compares with a couple 3baqj5-xBCI-00030-00007635-00007799 of animals here at the Grant Museum. 3baqj5-xBCI-00031-00007909-00008077 So here we have the hip of a [inaudible]. 3baqj5-xBCI-00032-00008077-00008361 It's closely related to crocodiles. 3baqj5-xBCI-00033-00008467-00008695 This is the socket where the femur joins the hip, 3baqj5-xBCI-00034-00008750-00008945 and you can see here that this bone here, 3baqj5-xBCI-00035-00008945-00009286 this is the equivalent of the one that we have in Brontomerus, 3baqj5-xBCI-00036-00009318-00009575 has almost no bone coming out here forward ahead 3baqj5-xBCI-00037-00009575-00009891 of that socket; whereas in this baboon, 3baqj5-xBCI-00038-00009916-00010169 this blade of the hip bone is much, much longer. 3baqj5-xBCI-00039-00010182-00010330 You can see it coming out forward here. 3baqj5-xBCI-00040-00010330-00010706 And this gives you a lot of attachment area for muscles here 3baqj5-xBCI-00041-00010706-00010948 that would have run all the way down and attached to the femur, 3baqj5-xBCI-00042-00010948-00011127 and that gives it powerful legs. 3baqj5-xBCI-00043-00011176-00011384 And that's how Brontomerus would have been as well. 3baqj5-xBCI-00044-00011384-00011709 It would have had very powerful legs, muscular thighs, 3baqj5-xBCI-00045-00011743-00011867 and that's why we gave it the name. 3baqj5-xBCI-00046-00011867-00012058 Brontomerus means "thunder thighs." 3baqj5-xBCI-00047-00012268-00012407 One of the things that it could have been used 3baqj5-xBCI-00048-00012407-00012556 for is delivering a powerful kick. 3baqj5-xBCI-00049-00012609-00012913 What's most likely is that that kicking behavior would have 3baqj5-xBCI-00050-00012913-00013124 initially involved as a way for males to compete 3baqj5-xBCI-00051-00013124-00013360 for the attention of females, dominance displays. 3baqj5-xBCI-00052-00013405-00013527 There's every reason to think 3baqj5-xBCI-00053-00013527-00013685 that that kick would have been used as well 3baqj5-xBCI-00054-00013685-00013820 for defense against predators. 3baqj5-xBCI-00055-00013831-00014267 We actually found the remains of at least two individuals 3baqj5-xBCI-00056-00014267-00014574 of Brontomerus of very different sizes, so we like to think 3baqj5-xBCI-00057-00014574-00014774 that there could have been a mother and a child, 3baqj5-xBCI-00058-00014814-00015073 and here we have the mother defending the child 3baqj5-xBCI-00059-00015073-00015436 from a Utahraptor, which is like the raptors in Jurassic Park 3baqj5-xBCI-00060-00015436-00015715 but bigger and scarier. 3baqj5-xBCI-00061-00015715-00015914 Roughly speaking, you can think of the adults as being 3baqj5-xBCI-00062-00015914-00016284 like a very big elephant, and the juvenile as being more 3baqj5-xBCI-00063-00016284-00016447 like the size of a smallish cow. 3baqj5-xBCI-00064-00016447-00016992 There are museums all around the world but are full of specimens 3baqj5-xBCI-00065-00017035-00017296 that there's so much work waiting to be done on them, 3baqj5-xBCI-00066-00017296-00017555 which is why an arm chair paleontologist 3baqj5-xBCI-00067-00017555-00017814 like myself never has to actually go out into the field 3baqj5-xBCI-00068-00017814-00017968 and get my hands dirty. 3baqj5-xBCI-00069-00017968-00018038 I don't have to dig. 3baqj5-xBCI-00070-00018070-00018284 All I need to do is scavenge around museum shelves, 3baqj5-xBCI-00071-00018284-00018397 and there's ever such a lot of work to be done there. 3baqj5-xBCI-00072-00018451-00019114 [Music] 3cPxT8Pt184-00000-00000675-00001036 (Questioner): In the society we live in organized groups, there will continue 3cPxT8Pt184-00001-00001036-00001335 to exist belief systems. that’s so then that means 3cPxT8Pt184-00002-00001335-00001520 there will continue to exist conflicts. 3cPxT8Pt184-00003-00001520-00001833 (Sadhguru): You are saying they will continue to believe? 3cPxT8Pt184-00004-00001833-00001966 Is that what you are saying? 3cPxT8Pt184-00005-00001966-00002140 (Questioner): Yeah, belief systems will continue to exist. 3cPxT8Pt184-00006-00002140-00002518 (Sadhguru): Are you making a prediction for the future? 3cPxT8Pt184-00007-00002518-00002879 (Questioner): Not necessarily it's a prediction. 3cPxT8Pt184-00008-00002879-00003286 (Sadhguru): I think if your intelligence functions, 3cPxT8Pt184-00009-00003286-00003507 if you allow it to function 3cPxT8Pt184-00010-00003507-00004057 your intelligence is incapable of believing anything. Isn't it so? 3cPxT8Pt184-00011-00004057-00004201 Yes or no? 3cPxT8Pt184-00012-00004317-00004452 Yes? 3cPxT8Pt184-00013-00004452-00004708 Your intelligence wants to know; 3cPxT8Pt184-00014-00004708-00005007 it is not ready to believe anything actually 3cPxT8Pt184-00015-00005007-00005247 but you are forsaking your intelligence 3cPxT8Pt184-00016-00005247-00005669 because your fear is so dominant 3cPxT8Pt184-00017-00005669-00005904 you feel comfortable in believing. 3cPxT8Pt184-00018-00005904-00006305 But if you allow your intelligence to take you ahead 3cPxT8Pt184-00019-00006305-00006560 your intelligence doesn’t believe anything, 3cPxT8Pt184-00020-00006560-00006908 it wants to know everything, isn't it? 3cPxT8Pt184-00021-00006908-00006979 Yes? 3cPxT8Pt184-00022-00006979-00007203 Is that the nature of your intelligence? 3cPxT8Pt184-00023-00007203-00007566 So, if you allow your intelligence to function 3cPxT8Pt184-00024-00007566-00007747 then you will see 3cPxT8Pt184-00025-00007747-00007971 all your beliefs will just fall apart 3cPxT8Pt184-00026-00007971-00008237 because you know you don’t know, 3cPxT8Pt184-00027-00008237-00008359 isn't it? 3cPxT8Pt184-00028-00008359-00008635 But it takes a lot of pressure 3cPxT8Pt184-00029-00008635-00008981 to make you admit it (Laughs) 3cPxT8Pt184-00030-00008981-00009364 but actually you know that you don't know, isn't it? 3cPxT8Pt184-00031-00009364-00009524 Do you know? 3cPxT8Pt184-00032-00009524-00009595 Yes. 3cPxT8Pt184-00033-00009595-00009737 Then what's the problem? 3cPxT8Pt184-00034-00009737-00009942 You don’t have to admit it to anybody, 3cPxT8Pt184-00035-00009942-00010132 at least to yourself 3cPxT8Pt184-00036-00010132-00010218 can't you admit 3cPxT8Pt184-00037-00010218-00010396 okay I don't know’? 3cPxT8Pt184-00038-00010396-00010554 If you don't know 3cPxT8Pt184-00039-00010554-00010995 do you see you have to use your intelligence? 3cPxT8Pt184-00040-00010995-00011270 Do you see this? 3cPxT8Pt184-00041-00011270-00011561 See, suppose let's say its pitch dark. 3cPxT8Pt184-00042-00011561-00011805 You don't know how the ground is. 3cPxT8Pt184-00043-00011805-00012046 Do you see how alert you will become, 3cPxT8Pt184-00044-00012046-00012214 every step that you take? 3cPxT8Pt184-00045-00012214-00012336 That’s how it is – 3cPxT8Pt184-00046-00012336-00012667 when you do not know everything becomes bright, 3cPxT8Pt184-00047-00012667-00012876 it is just looking. 3cPxT8Pt184-00048-00012876-00013277 Your intelligence is all hyped up and looking. 3cPxT8Pt184-00049-00013277-00013456 When you assume ‘I know’ 3cPxT8Pt184-00050-00013456-00014021 everything settles down and you go on with your stupid life, isn't it? 3cPxT8Pt184-00051-00014021-00014303 Is it alright if you use your intelligence? 3cPxT8Pt184-00052-00014303-00014529 Do I have your permission? 3cPxT8Pt184-00053-00014529-00014617 Hum? 3cPxT8Pt184-00054-00014617-00014875 Is it okay for you to use your intelligence 3cPxT8Pt184-00055-00014875-00015258 or is it against God? 3cPxT8Pt184-00056-00015258-00015432 It's alright. 3cPxT8Pt184-00057-00015563-00015808 I am asking you 3cPxT8Pt184-00058-00015808-00016137 is it against God if you employ your intelligence 3cPxT8Pt184-00059-00016137-00016326 and live your life? 3cPxT8Pt184-00060-00016326-00016441 No. 3cPxT8Pt184-00061-00016441-00016728 If God was against intelligence 3cPxT8Pt184-00062-00016728-00016981 he wouldn’t have created it, isn't it? 3cPxT8Pt184-00063-00016981-00017419 If the creator was against you functioning intelligently 3cPxT8Pt184-00064-00017419-00017702 it wouldn’t have been given to you, 3cPxT8Pt184-00065-00017702-00017823 isn't it? 3cPxT8Pt184-00066-00017823-00018166 So if you employ your intelligence 3cPxT8Pt184-00067-00018166-00018300 you will see 3cPxT8Pt184-00068-00018300-00018649 your intelligence is not willing to believe anything, 3cPxT8Pt184-00069-00018649-00018855 it is only the fear in you. 3cPxT8Pt184-00070-00018855-00019396 Don’t you ever believe that it is bhakthi. 3cPxT8Pt184-00071-00019396-00019488 No bhakthi, 3cPxT8Pt184-00072-00019488-00019846 just fear which is making you believe things, isn't it? 3cPxT8Pt184-00073-00019846-00020391 That’s why you made it ‘bhaya bhakthi.’ (Laughs) 3cPxT8Pt184-00074-00020391-00020957 There is no bhaya and bhakthi together. 3cPxT8Pt184-00075-00020957-00021161 If bhakthi comes 3cPxT8Pt184-00076-00021161-00021231 I am sorry, 3cPxT8Pt184-00077-00021231-00021460 you know what's bhaya bhakthi? 3cPxT8Pt184-00078-00021460-00021623 Hum yourself no? 3cPxT8Pt184-00079-00021623-00021759 Bhaya means fear, 3cPxT8Pt184-00080-00021759-00021946 bhakthi means devotion. 3cPxT8Pt184-00081-00021946-00022541 See, if devotion comes fear will not exist in you. 3cPxT8Pt184-00082-00022541-00023007 If fear exists that means devotion has not come 3cPxT8Pt184-00083-00023007-00023400 but you made a hybrid. 3cPxT8Pt184-00084-00023400-00023755 You want to have both, bhayabhakthi. 3cPxT8Pt184-00085-00023755-00023956 There is no bhaya bhakthi, 3cPxT8Pt184-00086-00023956-00024145 just bhaya, only fear. 3cPxT8Pt184-00087-00024145-00024451 No fear and devotion cannot exist together, 3cPxT8Pt184-00088-00024451-00024621 please see this. 3e50jbH2934-00000-00002309-00003181 storage and using tip of living and kitchen item 3e50jbH2934-00001-00003873-00004424 I took out all the dehumidifiers in my closet since last fall 3e50jbH2934-00002-00004424-00004840 The moisture accumulates throughout the winter dries up in the sun 3e50jbH2934-00003-00005227-00005579 I put the dehumidifier on the hanger so that it can be hung and dried 3e50jbH2934-00004-00005693-00006290 Housework is a simple spelling. but, It contains a lot of work and a variety of living things 3e50jbH2934-00005-00006290-00006730 Today, l'm going to talk about the storage and utilization of the living. 3e50jbH2934-00006-00007220-00007628 Dry microwave for 2 more minutes 3e50jbH2934-00007-00007935-00008242 It stops once every 30 seconds to dry 3e50jbH2934-00008-00008242-00008669 This dehumidifier can be reused for about two years 3e50jbH2934-00009-00008677-00009106 Most of these dehumidifiers can be microwave-dried 3e50jbH2934-00010-00009306-00009612 Long padded coat is nice and warm, but the length is very troublesome to storage 3e50jbH2934-00011-00009683-00010060 I hang all my out-of-season outerwear on hanger and keep it 3e50jbH2934-00012-00010060-00010640 Long padding folds into 2 compartments and aligns length with other clothes 3e50jbH2934-00013-00011252-00011925 It would be better to hang it in a nonwoven pocket, but I use it like this because I have a lot of hangers 3e50jbH2934-00014-00011925-00012407 If you zip it up, it won't show, so it's neat 3e50jbH2934-00015-00012407-00012607 I don't recommend this method because a thin padded jacket will come off quickly even if you fold it. 3e50jbH2934-00016-00012924-00013595 The dehumidifier is hung between the clothes and then hung on the terrace drying rack to dry 3e50jbH2934-00017-00013942-00014432 I hung a bed pad and blanket cover on a regular hanger 3e50jbH2934-00018-00014432-00015000 If it's heavy, use a double layer of hangers 3e50jbH2934-00019-00015229-00015601 there is a space on the top of the, but it's better for air circulation 3e50jbH2934-00020-00015732-00016135 Make sure you wear a mask when you clean up your blankets. There's a lot more dust than clothes 3e50jbH2934-00021-00016135-00016751 Please hang it between the covers like this 3e50jbH2934-00022-00016751-00017522 Whether it's clothes or blankets, hang it match with the color tone makes it look neat and tidy 3e50jbH2934-00023-00017522-00018051 Depending on how long you hang the bedding, the space below will vary 3e50jbH2934-00024-00018376-00018782 It's hard to organize my blankets and clothes, but I still like our country with four seasons 3e50jbH2934-00025-00018782-00019029 It's fun to experience more 3e50jbH2934-00026-00019347-00019763 My house is big, but the kitchen storage space is really small 3e50jbH2934-00027-00019763-00020187 I don't have a single drawer 3e50jbH2934-00028-00020187-00021342 I had a lot of worries about storage because of the height of the mob, but the more I tried it, the more simple storage and comfortable storage were the answers 3e50jbH2934-00029-00021342-00021648 Of course, I effort not to increase the number dishes and bowls 3e50jbH2934-00030-00022056-00022782 As the years went by, the upper shelf began to bend, and I used the dishes that I really needed 3e50jbH2934-00031-00024782-00025428 A small dish rack is easy to keep the lid on during cooking 3e50jbH2934-00032-00026017-00026643 It's perfect for a thick lid when I wash a frequently used earthen pot 3e50jbH2934-00033-00027000-00027433 There are storage containers right next door 3e50jbH2934-00034-00027660-00027992 The first floor has heavy glass storage containers 3e50jbH2934-00035-00027992-00028408 I put the recycling glass bottle and the detergent bottle together 3e50jbH2934-00036-00028467-00028916 There are plastic storage containers on the second floor 3e50jbH2934-00037-00028916-00029423 I'm storing stainless tea filter and silicone lids for unused plastic 3e50jbH2934-00038-00029423-00029876 Let me show you how to use one by one 3e50jbH2934-00039-00029876-00030279 It's an all-purpose silicon lid that I used to store in a plastic container 3e50jbH2934-00040-00030577-00031475 I bought it to replace plastic wrap in a bowl that I use often, but it doesn't fit at all 3e50jbH2934-00041-00032711-00033924 So when I store a small amount of side dishes or put in a single-use side dish, I use a small glass container more often 3e50jbH2934-00042-00033924-00034839 If I leave the lid open, it's a small side dish bowl size, so I can put it on the table 3e50jbH2934-00043-00035464-00036713 Plastic containers that I'm not going to buy anymore are non-sealed, so I'm using them to store leftover ingredients such as tofu and potatoes 3e50jbH2934-00044-00036713-00037022 put tofu and potatoes in water 3e50jbH2934-00045-00037402-00037783 This is a dishwashing dispenser that many people ask about 3e50jbH2934-00046-00038128-00038604 It's for bathroom use, but it's dangerous because it's glass, so I use it for kitchen use 3e50jbH2934-00047-00038674-00039236 It's made of glass that's thicker than it looks, so make sure to check the size of the holder 3e50jbH2934-00048-00039455-00039791 I have small kitchen item in the cabinet just above the counter 3e50jbH2934-00049-00039791-00040226 The sliding cutting wrap is in basket where I can cut it right away without taking it out 3e50jbH2934-00050-00040226-00040738 It's convenient to have these things in one place 3e50jbH2934-00051-00040864-00041191 Scale, small zipper bag 3e50jbH2934-00052-00041250-00042000 small scissors to open food packaging, rubber band, small tongs 3e50jbH2934-00053-00042514-00043028 Paper foil is good because it can be reused, but every time I cut it, the serrated blade is uncomfortable. 3e50jbH2934-00054-00043028-00043743 To make it easier, I put the cutting knife in the wrap into the paper foil 3e50jbH2934-00055-00043861-00044913 My rap size is small, so It don't match with paper foil, but I think it'll fit to paper foil of people who use long wrap 3e50jbH2934-00056-00045114-00045646 It has the advantage of being able to cut as small as you need without hurting your hand 3e50jbH2934-00057-00046000-00046656 I buy rice at the mart, but if you get it from the countryside, you can fill it with water first and then you can pick it out 3e50jbH2934-00058-00046656-00046946 Dust is floating up fast 3e50jbH2934-00059-00046946-00047279 I use a whisk to avoid getting water on my hands 3e50jbH2934-00060-00047609-00048317 It's good to wash rice with a whisk when I wash it, because it won't break 3e50jbH2934-00061-00049712-00050310 This is Daiso cable clip. There's a double-sided tape on the back 3e50jbH2934-00062-00050550-00050790 Ring for curtain tongs 3e50jbH2934-00063-00050790-00051146 I fixed it tightly with instant glue 3e50jbH2934-00064-00051146-00051558 I don't hang rubber gloves on the kitchen wall because the wall get wet 3e50jbH2934-00065-00051558-00051761 There's a lot to use without buying 3e50jbH2934-00066-00052174-00052823 this bottle needs to be removed to recycle, but it's hard 3e50jbH2934-00067-00052823-00053203 Can you see the inside of the bottle? 3e50jbH2934-00068-00053203-00053948 These spaghetti sauce bottles are glued together, so if you soak them in water, they fall off easily 3e50jbH2934-00069-00054204-00054461 Scrape the label with a nylon-pan scraper 3e50jbH2934-00070-00054461-00054770 If you use a sponge, the stickers get tangled up, so you can only work more 3e50jbH2934-00071-00054770-00055244 potato knife, carrot knife, pan scraper 3e50jbH2934-00072-00055244-00055924 These small tools are easy to take it out in a glass container without a lid 3e50jbH2934-00073-00056525-00057055 If it's not a full-glued label, remove a sticker with baking soda and oil (kitchen detergent) 3e50jbH2934-00074-00059164-00059469 Vegetables like chili peppers that are kept standing use empty bottles 3e50jbH2934-00075-00059469-00060000 Reuse paper foil when it is open and close 3e50jbH2934-00076-00060164-00060376 sugar susceptible to moisture 3e50jbH2934-00077-00060376-00060968 It's easy to use because it doesn't harden when you put in a moisture remover 3e50jbH2934-00078-00061690-00062434 If you wrap the lid, it tears easily when you open and close it, 3e50jbH2934-00079-00062510-00062880 but paper foil makes it reusable and easy to open the lid 3e50jbH2934-00080-00063393-00063906 a few strawberries left 3e50jbH2934-00081-00063906-00064264 Add plenty of sugar, please 3e50jbH2934-00082-00065729-00066252 There are two ways to ferment it in the refrigerator instead of boiling it, and to boil it and cool it down. 3e50jbH2934-00083-00066252-00066761 I love the sweet smell of strawberries 3e50jbH2934-00084-00066867-00067434 Cool it down and put it in a glass 3e50jbH2934-00085-00067434-00067875 Put the small pieces of strawberries 3e50jbH2934-00086-00068078-00068776 I'll leave it in half, put it in container, and eat it tomorrow 3e50jbH2934-00087-00069759-00070589 I'd like milk and whipped cream, please 3e50jbH2934-00088-00070589-00071110 It tastes much better with whipped cream 3eWm9z5slzk-00000-00000000-00000211 (TVicton ep89. The one with a built body) 3eWm9z5slzk-00001-00000464-00000570 You can't see it? 3eWm9z5slzk-00002-00000635-00000760 It doesn't show? 3eWm9z5slzk-00003-00000941-00001156 Gosh, it shows so well Look at this 3eWm9z5slzk-00004-00001409-00001652 I said it as TMI on V LIVE too 3eWm9z5slzk-00005-00001652-00001887 I'm more built than you expect 3eWm9z5slzk-00006-00001887-00002123 (Chan has an extraordinary built) 3eWm9z5slzk-00007-00002172-00002375 Which part will you show today? 3eWm9z5slzk-00008-00002375-00002581 Gosh, you can't do that 3eWm9z5slzk-00009-00002581-00002703 Hanse should show it all 3eWm9z5slzk-00010-00002703-00002829 Last time on Inkigayo, you showed this part 3eWm9z5slzk-00011-00002829-00003035 Right, the left side This time, the right heart 3eWm9z5slzk-00012-00003035-00003161 To celebrate the last broadcast 3eWm9z5slzk-00013-00003161-00003247 Like this, like this 3eWm9z5slzk-00014-00003344-00003634 I have a new tattoo on my right chest 3eWm9z5slzk-00015-00003798-00004019 I'm thinking about when to show it 3eWm9z5slzk-00016-00004102-00004351 But already 3eWm9z5slzk-00017-00004351-00004744 fans were so curious about it at the fan signing event, so I showed it a little 3eWm9z5slzk-00018-00004810-00004898 (Discretely) 3eWm9z5slzk-00019-00004929-00005095 V 3eWm9z5slzk-00020-00005095-00005253 It's not a letter V, but it's V-shaped 3eWm9z5slzk-00021-00005342-00005610 (Slowly) 3eWm9z5slzk-00022-00005610-00005782 Oh, no. Just to there 3eWm9z5slzk-00023-00005782-00005944 I'll show you next time 3h27bWcbdKy-00000-00000792-00000927 Since 2019 3h27bWcbdKy-00001-00000927-00001284 The Wiener Konzerthaus, one of the leading concert halls in Austria, 3h27bWcbdKy-00002-00001324-00001672 has been organizing summer music workshops for up to 80 participants. 3h27bWcbdKy-00003-00001716-00002208 The program is supervised by professional music educators and is free of charge. 3j6p58PsZBg-00000-00000401-00000717 Okay, this is the maquette 3j6p58PsZBg-00001-00000717-00000886 for a sculpture recently completed 3j6p58PsZBg-00002-00000975-00001223 for the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. 3j6p58PsZBg-00003-00001223-00001362 And the Royal Academy said that I'm allowed 3j6p58PsZBg-00004-00001362-00001782 to put a certain number of pieces in to the exhibition. 3j6p58PsZBg-00005-00001782-00002090 And I had a couple of quite large blocks 3j6p58PsZBg-00006-00002090-00002460 of Egyptian alabaster sitting here, maybe for five years, 3j6p58PsZBg-00007-00002460-00002878 of Egyptian alabaster sitting here, maybe for five years, 3j6p58PsZBg-00008-00002878-00003261 and I decided that that was what I was going to work on 3j6p58PsZBg-00009-00003363-00003502 for the exhibition. 3j6p58PsZBg-00010-00003502-00003886 And I had an idea about the simplicity with Cycladic figures 3j6p58PsZBg-00011-00003886-00004330 for some of the minimalism, almost, of how little one needs 3j6p58PsZBg-00012-00004330-00004664 to do to stone to make it figurative. 3j6p58PsZBg-00013-00004664-00005078 A part of my project for the last 25 to 30 years, 3j6p58PsZBg-00014-00005078-00005419 really has been to see how I can handle 3j6p58PsZBg-00015-00005419-00005769 or work with the figure in the same kind of way 3j6p58PsZBg-00016-00005769-00006201 that I work surface before, and narrative later. 3j6p58PsZBg-00017-00006201-00006514 And specifically the idea of how little one needs 3j6p58PsZBg-00018-00006514-00007014 to do to something to make a figure. 3j6p58PsZBg-00019-00007022-00007362 The Cycladic figures from about 2500 to 3000 BC, I suppose, 3j6p58PsZBg-00020-00007680-00007922 are often triangular figures, 3j6p58PsZBg-00021-00007922-00008262 with very, very little in terms of identifying marks. 3j6p58PsZBg-00022-00008262-00008460 But just enough to suggest head, 3j6p58PsZBg-00023-00008460-00008819 just enough to suggest the sexuality of whichever figure, 3j6p58PsZBg-00024-00008819-00008959 just enough to suggest arms. 3j6p58PsZBg-00025-00009219-00009426 And here is actually a true maquette, 3j6p58PsZBg-00026-00009426-00009924 because this piece here was a piece that I made 3j6p58PsZBg-00027-00009924-00010372 of the two pieces that were once joined together, 3j6p58PsZBg-00028-00010372-00010779 as were the two big sculptures which are one meter, 90. 3j6p58PsZBg-00029-00010779-00011020 So they're of six foot six high, 3j6p58PsZBg-00030-00011020-00011489 and they were cut and opened out to evidence 3j6p58PsZBg-00031-00011489-00011774 the matching nature of the fingerprints 3j6p58PsZBg-00032-00011877-00012243 of the two halves of the sculpture. 3j6p58PsZBg-00033-00012243-00012328 So you can see 3j6p58PsZBg-00034-00012483-00012955 that we have mirror here of these shapes in the sculpture. 3j6p58PsZBg-00035-00013185-00013609 So they're called Cycladic Gemini, so they're twins. 3j6p58PsZBg-00036-00013609-00013904 And twins are a theme that I've been working on 3j6p58PsZBg-00037-00013904-00014211 for some time now in different types of stone. 3j6p58PsZBg-00038-00014211-00014601 And, particularly in Hammamat Breccia, 3j6p58PsZBg-00039-00014601-00014791 which is highly marked and striated, 3j6p58PsZBg-00040-00014791-00015018 and occasionally dramatic enough 3j6p58PsZBg-00041-00015018-00015379 to really make a double whammy out of the way 3j6p58PsZBg-00042-00015379-00015678 that the pages of the stone have been unfolded 3j6p58PsZBg-00043-00015678-00016042 to create a story of the stone's making. 3j6p58PsZBg-00044-00016181-00016416 And I suppose increasingly from, you know, 3j6p58PsZBg-00045-00016416-00016757 whether it was Romulus or Remus, or Castor and Pollux, 3j6p58PsZBg-00046-00016757-00017029 even the idea of Adam and Eve, 3j6p58PsZBg-00047-00017170-00017649 can be drawn into the idea of twins or twinning. 3j6p58PsZBg-00048-00017649-00018140 And so having made this piece originally, 3j6p58PsZBg-00049-00018140-00018371 I then, because of time constraints, 3j6p58PsZBg-00050-00018371-00018763 proceeded to make the big sculpture using this as a model. 3j6p58PsZBg-00051-00018763-00019185 And then when the sculpture was sent off to London 3j6p58PsZBg-00052-00019185-00019453 for the exhibition, I was able to come back and complete, 3j6p58PsZBg-00053-00019453-00019783 if you like, the pairing of these two pieces 3j6p58PsZBg-00054-00019783-00020017 and finding another base of this particular type 3j6p58PsZBg-00055-00020017-00020158 of Egyptian alabaster. 3j6p58PsZBg-00056-00020158-00020544 Egyptian alabaster is not like the gypsum 3j6p58PsZBg-00057-00020544-00020934 of English alabaster which was used in Medieval period 3j6p58PsZBg-00058-00020934-00021434 for making many tomb sculptures, and used in Italy, 3j6p58PsZBg-00059-00021443-00021656 a different form of white alabaster 3j6p58PsZBg-00060-00021656-00022032 which was also used for decorative purposes, predominantly, 3j6p58PsZBg-00061-00022032-00022436 but I think also some sculptural examples exist. 3j6p58PsZBg-00062-00022635-00022901 But this is often referred to as calcite. 3j6p58PsZBg-00063-00022901-00023268 It's also referred to as a travertine 3j6p58PsZBg-00064-00023268-00023556 because of the kind of recesses 3j6p58PsZBg-00065-00023556-00023835 or the kind of organic matter that stopped these things 3j6p58PsZBg-00066-00023835-00023958 from being joined together. 3j6p58PsZBg-00067-00023958-00024301 My own feeling is, that with this particular material, 3j6p58PsZBg-00068-00024301-00024481 there hasn't been any organic matter in here. 3j6p58PsZBg-00069-00024481-00024779 The evidence of the material that's often found 3j6p58PsZBg-00070-00024779-00025204 in the holes and in the sculpture in London, 3j6p58PsZBg-00071-00025204-00025467 and in this piece here, this sample, 3j6p58PsZBg-00072-00025559-00025830 you can see the kind of sand, 3j6p58PsZBg-00073-00025830-00026021 this is a kind of desert sand, 3j6p58PsZBg-00074-00026021-00026521 or a sea sand, which is so deep in some recesses. 3j6p58PsZBg-00075-00026537-00026741 And sometimes it's all sort of thick enough 3j6p58PsZBg-00076-00026741-00026964 to almost be like clay. 3j6p58PsZBg-00077-00026964-00027408 So you do have this kind of a curious coloring 3j6p58PsZBg-00078-00027408-00027683 which occurs within the recesses 3j6p58PsZBg-00079-00027683-00028094 of these open types of alabaster. 3j6p58PsZBg-00080-00028250-00028562 So there's Egyptian alabaster, and Cycladese, if you like, 3j6p58PsZBg-00081-00028652-00029133 run off from Egypt and I suppose carry certain ideas 3j6p58PsZBg-00082-00029133-00029356 of the development of sculpture 3j6p58PsZBg-00083-00029356-00029728 from the sort of monolithic dimensionality 3j6p58PsZBg-00084-00029903-00030300 of a Pharaoh seen from the front, seen from the side, 3j6p58PsZBg-00085-00030300-00030660 and carved in a way that I've worked in India, as well, 3j6p58PsZBg-00086-00030660-00031005 with basalt, this kind of frontal approach to sculpture. 3j6p58PsZBg-00087-00031160-00031314 And you have the Cycladic things, 3j6p58PsZBg-00088-00031314-00031583 which are often contemporary 3j6p58PsZBg-00089-00031583-00031819 with very early Egyptian sculpture. 3j6p58PsZBg-00090-00031819-00031987 But also you get the kind of transition 3j6p58PsZBg-00091-00031987-00032445 from there through to Greece with the Kouros or Kouroi. 3j6p58PsZBg-00092-00032445-00032768 Which also begin to show a kind of a movement 3j6p58PsZBg-00093-00032867-00033104 for the first time, from these rather more static, 3j6p58PsZBg-00094-00033104-00033604 sort of statuesque, sort of flat, non-dynamic pieces. 3j6p58PsZBg-00095-00033745-00034245 But profoundly rich with an amazing tactility 3j6p58PsZBg-00096-00034444-00034623 and primary-ness. 3j6p58PsZBg-00097-00034804-00035048 Also sculptural expression. 3j6p58PsZBg-00098-00035048-00035223 Just gonna come around to show 3j6p58PsZBg-00099-00035327-00035677 the wonderful texture on the rear here, too. 3j6p58PsZBg-00100-00035677-00035834 This is interesting, as well, 3j6p58PsZBg-00101-00035834-00036184 because in a highly marked stone, although you have here 3j6p58PsZBg-00102-00036184-00036385 at the interface where the stone has been cut, 3j6p58PsZBg-00103-00036385-00036684 you have the mirroring, but you can see here that you have 3j6p58PsZBg-00104-00036684-00037143 a totally different kind of figuration on the back here, 3j6p58PsZBg-00105-00037143-00037253 and on the back here. 3j6p58PsZBg-00106-00037253-00037520 Which has very, very little relationship through, 3j6p58PsZBg-00107-00037520-00037750 although you might say that these shapes 3j6p58PsZBg-00108-00037750-00037990 have a little bit of relationship to each other. 3j6p58PsZBg-00109-00038074-00038304 But the kind of structure of the material 3j6p58PsZBg-00110-00038304-00038566 this is very much more kind of pure, 3j6p58PsZBg-00111-00038566-00038893 unmarked, sort of solid alabaster, 3j6p58PsZBg-00112-00038893-00039393 and here it sort of shows a kind of a transitional form 3j6p58PsZBg-00113-00039460-00039819 of the material as it changes from being highly marked 3j6p58PsZBg-00114-00039819-00040111 to being rather more consistent. 3j6p58PsZBg-00115-00040220-00040485 And here I'm still playing around with an idea, 3j6p58PsZBg-00116-00040485-00040945 perhaps, of hair and the line becoming, 3j6p58PsZBg-00117-00040945-00041306 which is often the case, you'll see, like, the legs. 3j6p58PsZBg-00118-00041306-00041645 The separation of the legs in Cycladic works. 3j6p58PsZBg-00119-00041645-00042013 I might still develop this line on both pieces 3j6p58PsZBg-00120-00042140-00042629 to make the sort of dedication to the Cycladic forms. 3j6p58PsZBg-00121-00042862-00043105 Just like Peregrine, Sentinel, 3j6p58PsZBg-00122-00043204-00043603 and Dreadnought from our last module, 3j6p58PsZBg-00123-00043603-00044032 I wanted to bring in Stephen Cox discussing his own work 3j6p58PsZBg-00124-00044032-00044481 before discussing it in a little bit more detail myself. 3j6p58PsZBg-00125-00044481-00044818 And in the interview that you just saw 3j6p58PsZBg-00126-00044818-00045318 with Stephen talking about this work, Gemini, 3j6p58PsZBg-00127-00045388-00045778 he's talking about the working model for the piece, 3j6p58PsZBg-00128-00045778-00045940 and that's what you see here. 3j6p58PsZBg-00129-00045940-00046440 This is a scale model, in the material he planned to use, 3j6p58PsZBg-00130-00046475-00046800 of the finished work of Gemini. 3j6p58PsZBg-00131-00046800-00047236 But this is not the actual work itself. 3j6p58PsZBg-00132-00047236-00047584 This is a sort of a mock-up, 3j6p58PsZBg-00133-00047584-00047961 a much smaller version of that same sculpture. 3j6p58PsZBg-00134-00047961-00048461 And I want you to recall that he talks about the importance 3j6p58PsZBg-00135-00048513-00048996 of the fact that both of these come from the same stone, 3j6p58PsZBg-00136-00048996-00049443 and that the fronts really sort of belong together. 3j6p58PsZBg-00137-00049443-00049819 On the left I'm showing you kind of a 3/4 view 3j6p58PsZBg-00138-00049819-00050178 of the front of the pieces, and then on the right 3j6p58PsZBg-00139-00050178-00050432 I'm showing you a closer view of the backs. 3j6p58PsZBg-00140-00050432-00050929 And you can see that the backs really diverge a great deal 3j6p58PsZBg-00141-00050929-00051429 in these two sculptures, in the maquette or model version. 3j6p58PsZBg-00142-00051483-00051983 Here's another closer view of that maquette of Gemini, 3j6p58PsZBg-00143-00051998-00052492 which is of course a reference to the twins, 3j6p58PsZBg-00144-00052492-00052992 and I think you can appreciate just how monumental 3j6p58PsZBg-00145-00053050-00053385 these relatively small models appear. 3j6p58PsZBg-00146-00053385-00053885 And I think that's because of the extreme solidity of them 3j6p58PsZBg-00147-00053896-00054396 and the real attention to treating the stone as stone, 3j6p58PsZBg-00148-00054428-00054919 and appreciating the patterning in that stone. 3j6p58PsZBg-00149-00054919-00055290 You can see here how, for example, 3j6p58PsZBg-00150-00055290-00055659 some holes and pitting in this alabaster, 3j6p58PsZBg-00151-00055659-00056159 this is Egyptian alabaster, have become kind of like mouths 3j6p58PsZBg-00152-00056262-00056696 in the sort of head portion of these two figures. 3j6p58PsZBg-00153-00056696-00057196 And then we have these chests with protruding nipples 3j6p58PsZBg-00154-00057377-00057560 on either one, 3j6p58PsZBg-00155-00057670-00058114 and that also seems to refer 3j6p58PsZBg-00156-00058114-00058424 to some of the patterning in the stone. 3j6p58PsZBg-00157-00058424-00058810 And remember with Peregrine, Sentinel, 3j6p58PsZBg-00158-00058810-00058940 and also with Dreadnought, 3j6p58PsZBg-00159-00059059-00059559 Stephen is working in conversation with his materials. 3j6p58PsZBg-00160-00059574-00060074 He's responding to what he finds as he sculpts, as he works. 3j6p58PsZBg-00161-00060271-00060771 Here's our last look at the maquette or model for Gemini, 3j6p58PsZBg-00162-00060829-00061272 and you can see some of the differentiation between 3j6p58PsZBg-00163-00061272-00061625 sort of the breasts or nipples on these figures. 3j6p58PsZBg-00164-00061625-00062022 You can see some of Stephen's pencil marks here, 3j6p58PsZBg-00165-00062022-00062338 and maybe get a slightly better appreciation 3j6p58PsZBg-00166-00062338-00062661 for the surface that he's working with, 3j6p58PsZBg-00167-00062661-00062976 and also the way that he's treating it. 3j6p58PsZBg-00168-00062976-00063169 He's roughing out these forms 3j6p58PsZBg-00169-00063169-00063476 and not making them perfectly smooth 3j6p58PsZBg-00170-00063476-00063766 the way that we're going to see 3j6p58PsZBg-00171-00063766-00064132 in the finished works on display in the Royal Academy. 3j6p58PsZBg-00172-00064252-00064746 Now we're looking at the finished large-scale version 3j6p58PsZBg-00173-00064746-00064970 of Stephen Cox's Gemini. 3j6p58PsZBg-00174-00065062-00065562 This is, like the maquette, made out of Egyptian alabaster, 3j6p58PsZBg-00175-00065786-00066029 and I think that you can see here 3j6p58PsZBg-00176-00066029-00066267 maybe a little bit more clearly, 3j6p58PsZBg-00177-00066267-00066767 that we have a male figure and a female figure. 3j6p58PsZBg-00178-00066801-00067102 You can tell that if you look at about midpoint 3j6p58PsZBg-00179-00067102-00067512 on both of them, on the right, the figure has something 3j6p58PsZBg-00180-00067512-00067929 that projects at roughly where the groin would be, 3j6p58PsZBg-00181-00067929-00068429 and on the left we have a hollow area at that same point 3j6p58PsZBg-00182-00068470-00068722 on the sort of female figure. 3j6p58PsZBg-00183-00068860-00069360 You can also see how the chests on both of them 3j6p58PsZBg-00184-00069547-00069774 have similar markings on them, 3j6p58PsZBg-00185-00069774-00070203 and you can see how Stephen took this area 3j6p58PsZBg-00186-00070505-00070833 of where the stone had kind of broken down 3j6p58PsZBg-00187-00070833-00071185 and decayed a little bit and discolored, 3j6p58PsZBg-00188-00071185-00071685 and really made that into a feature on the breast 3j6p58PsZBg-00189-00071700-00071968 of each one of these figures, 3j6p58PsZBg-00190-00071968-00072154 kind of turning that area 3j6p58PsZBg-00191-00072154-00072504 into almost sort of like a breastplate or something. 3j6p58PsZBg-00192-00072705-00073151 Just like with the maquette, these two enormous figures, 3j6p58PsZBg-00193-00073151-00073536 which are over five feet high, 3j6p58PsZBg-00194-00073536-00073782 as I recall from when I was in the gallery, 3j6p58PsZBg-00195-00073956-00074367 they are carved from the exact same block. 3j6p58PsZBg-00196-00074367-00074835 And if you take a look at the patterning on this front side 3j6p58PsZBg-00197-00074835-00075212 of the two figures, it's roughly, 3j6p58PsZBg-00198-00075212-00075624 you can tell that they were sort of split down 3j6p58PsZBg-00199-00075624-00076124 from the same area, so they almost mirror each other 3j6p58PsZBg-00200-00076150-00076510 in their patterns, and this is quite deliberate. 3j6p58PsZBg-00201-00076510-00076967 And it's wonderful the way that they seem to kind of respond 3j6p58PsZBg-00202-00076967-00077335 to each other in terms of the patterning 3j6p58PsZBg-00203-00077335-00077676 in this Egyptian alabaster. 3j6p58PsZBg-00204-00077676-00078017 Here on the left we're looking at the rear 3j6p58PsZBg-00205-00078017-00078509 of the two figures, and on the right you're seeing 3j6p58PsZBg-00206-00078509-00078918 the full front of one of them kind of in 3/4 view, 3j6p58PsZBg-00207-00078918-00079286 and then just a sliver of the other. 3j6p58PsZBg-00208-00079286-00079786 And I think, again, you can see just how Stephen 3j6p58PsZBg-00209-00079830-00080139 is taking advantage of the intricacy 3j6p58PsZBg-00210-00080139-00080511 and the amazing patterns in that alabaster. 3j6p58PsZBg-00211-00080511-00080950 This is a sculpture that is as much about the alabaster 3j6p58PsZBg-00212-00080950-00081351 as it is Stephen shaping that alabaster. 3j6p58PsZBg-00213-00081351-00081807 And I think you can clearly see that sort of conversation 3j6p58PsZBg-00214-00081807-00082240 that he is engaged in with his materials, 3j6p58PsZBg-00215-00082240-00082740 and also his interest in kind of exploring the patterns 3j6p58PsZBg-00216-00082948-00083448 and the ways that these two figures respond to each other 3j6p58PsZBg-00217-00083485-00083825 since they are coming from the same block. 3j6p58PsZBg-00218-00083825-00084116 You should notice that, as on the maquette, 3j6p58PsZBg-00219-00084116-00084444 the backs of these two figures are quite different, 3j6p58PsZBg-00220-00084444-00084900 while the fronts have a lot more similarities 3j6p58PsZBg-00221-00084900-00085051 in their patterns. 3j6p58PsZBg-00222-00085236-00085634 Now we're looking at a closer view of the figure 3j6p58PsZBg-00223-00085634-00085953 that I called the male figure earlier, 3j6p58PsZBg-00224-00085953-00086453 and you can see again just the wonderful way 3j6p58PsZBg-00225-00086550-00087050 in which Stephen is utilizing what would be considered 3j6p58PsZBg-00226-00087086-00087381 sort of imperfections in this stone. 3j6p58PsZBg-00227-00087381-00087881 Areas where the stone has been worn away by weathering, 3j6p58PsZBg-00228-00087967-00088467 by oxidation, and so on, and really turning these 3j6p58PsZBg-00229-00088601-00089101 into features of the stone rather than imperfections. 3j6p58PsZBg-00230-00089302-00089733 It shows a real response to these materials 3j6p58PsZBg-00231-00089823-00090256 that I think is characteristic of all of his work. 3j6p58PsZBg-00232-00090357-00090845 Here's our last slide, and I just want you to notice again 3j6p58PsZBg-00233-00090845-00091217 how different the backs of these two figures are. 3j6p58PsZBg-00234-00091305-00091620 I mean, they're both absolutely gorgeous, 3j6p58PsZBg-00235-00091620-00092105 and you can see kind of the way that the patterns 3j6p58PsZBg-00236-00092105-00092605 flesh out on both sides for these figures. 3j6p58PsZBg-00237-00092616-00093001 It's really fascinating to look at these works, 3j6p58PsZBg-00238-00093001-00093363 and also to compare them to that maquette, 3j6p58PsZBg-00239-00093363-00093863 because the maquette, as complex as it is, 3j6p58PsZBg-00240-00093999-00094499 you don't get all of the same large patterning 3j6p58PsZBg-00241-00094545-00095020 that you do here in this nearly life-sized example 3j6p58PsZBg-00242-00095020-00095520 of Gemini, and it truly is a magnificent work. 3j6p58PsZBg-00243-00095530-00095776 I wonder, and this is something that I probably 3j6p58PsZBg-00244-00095776-00096210 should have asked him when I was at his studio 3j6p58PsZBg-00245-00096210-00096586 in the Ludlow area, but I find myself wondering 3j6p58PsZBg-00246-00096586-00097012 if he would be willing to have something like this 3j6p58PsZBg-00247-00097012-00097218 be placed out in the elements, 3j6p58PsZBg-00248-00097218-00097718 because I think that weathering and, of course, 3j6p58PsZBg-00249-00097790-00098175 if it were in a city with acid rain and things like that, 3j6p58PsZBg-00250-00098175-00098675 would affect these two figures in very different ways, 3j6p58PsZBg-00251-00098858-00099323 and so they would sort of change and morph over time. 3j6p58PsZBg-00252-00099501-00099756 That's probably something that's never going to happen. 3j6p58PsZBg-00253-00099756-00100116 I would imagine these would be purchased by a collector 3j6p58PsZBg-00254-00100116-00100616 or a museum, and housed indoors away from harm's way, 3j6p58PsZBg-00255-00100652-00101048 particularly given the fact that alabaster 3j6p58PsZBg-00256-00101048-00101548 can be somewhat fragile when exposed to things like acid. 3j6p58PsZBg-00257-00101597-00102016 So it's just a notion of mine. 3j6p58PsZBg-00258-00102186-00102474 But I hope that you enjoyed this work 3j6p58PsZBg-00259-00102558-00103027 and that you appreciate just how fortunate we are 3j6p58PsZBg-00260-00103027-00103527 to have someone working in these very rare materials today. 3jJoogAq40A-00000-00000664-00001076 Sadhguru: In poetry, things are said in a certain way. 3jJoogAq40A-00001-00001076-00001816 That you should not just read the line, you must read both the gaps before and after the line. 3jJoogAq40A-00002-00001816-00002352 Because most of the meaning is in the gaps always in a poetry, it’s not just in the words. 3jJoogAq40A-00003-00002352-00002790 Not prose, to tell you this is it. 3jJoogAq40A-00004-00002790-00003270 Idea of writing poetry is to exercise your mind and your heart. 3jJoogAq40A-00005-00003270-00005648 To feel the meaning, not just to understand the meaning from the words that I’ve said. 3jJoogAq40A-00006-00005648-00006022 Namaskaram to everyone wherever you are! 3jJoogAq40A-00007-00006022-00007092 The unstructured nature of my mind naturally finds succor in the ways of poetry, because 3jJoogAq40A-00008-00007092-00008030 the nature of what was happening in my mind as a child, as a youth, could never find logical, 3jJoogAq40A-00009-00008030-00008980 proper prose kind of expression. Because my mind was so unstructured and completely untrained 3jJoogAq40A-00010-00008980-00009456 (Laughs) or refused to be trained, whichever way you want to see it. 3jJoogAq40A-00011-00009456-00010064 Because of this poetry became so much a part of my life probably most of the poems that 3jJoogAq40A-00012-00010064-00010818 I ever wrote have never been seen by anyone or read by anyone, because I wrote it in a 3jJoogAq40A-00013-00010818-00011496 whole bunch of small sheets of paper all over the place. 3jJoogAq40A-00014-00011496-00012196 And I think once in a small fire accident had happened where my car got burnt. 3jJoogAq40A-00015-00012196-00012702 I think over four-hundred poems got burnt with that. 3jJoogAq40A-00016-00012702-00013984 So probably only not probably... only what I have written in the last maybe…since we moved to the yoga center. 3jJoogAq40A-00017-00013984-00014622 In the last twenty years, probably that’s all the poems that we have. 3jJoogAq40A-00018-00014622-00015590 Maybe a few of them… the past ones I could recollect if I could, but generally it’s all that’s written. 3jJoogAq40A-00019-00015590-00016169 Here we are at eleven degrees north in southern India. 3jJoogAq40A-00020-00016170-00017374 This is an ideal weather for coffee and there are areas of South India which were mountains of coffee. 3jJoogAq40A-00021-00017374-00017502 I mean, they grow coffee here. 3jJoogAq40A-00022-00017502-00018572 During my youth I spent a lot of time in Coorg and these mountains are covered with coffee. 3jJoogAq40A-00023-00018572-00019108 This is coffee country. 3jJoogAq40A-00024-00019108-00020016 In another couple of months, sometime in February… January and February, the coffee goes into blossom. 3jJoogAq40A-00025-00020016-00020808 When the coffee plants grow into full blossom, the whole mountain will turn partially white 3jJoogAq40A-00026-00020808-00021384 because of white flowers, jasmine-like flowers. 3jJoogAq40A-00027-00021384-00022058 And though the beans are invigorating, the fragrance of the coffee blossom 3jJoogAq40A-00028-00022058-00022416 is absolutely intoxicating and enthralling. 3jJoogAq40A-00029-00022416-00023086 It’s very difficult to explain or articulate this experience. 3jJoogAq40A-00030-00023086-00024088 Many times I’ve felt it and a few years ago I took a few people who I wanted to know this and experience this. 3jJoogAq40A-00031-00024088-00024958 And being there in a coffee mountain or coffee estate as they are known, 3jJoogAq40A-00032-00024958-00025516 it was inevitable I had to pen something about coffee. 3jJoogAq40A-00033-00025516-00026688 Tamil Nadu now, though not much coffee is grown here in Tamil Nadu, except in Erkard which is close to Salem. 3jJoogAq40A-00034-00026688-00027527 The Tamil people are coffee drinkers. They wake up to the day not because of the sun, 3jJoogAq40A-00035-00027527-00028276 mostly because of the coffee. And they kind of mastered the concoction probably 3jJoogAq40A-00036-00028276-00028860 the Tamil Nadu’s filtered coffee stands out compared to anything in the world. 3jJoogAq40A-00037-00028860-00029442 They evolved a system of getting the best out of the coffee beans. 3jJoogAq40A-00038-00029442-00029874 Even if you give them very low grade coffee, they will produce great coffee (Laughs). 3jJoogAq40A-00039-00029874-00030627 Here is a… “An ode to coffee.” 3jJoogAq40A-00040-00030627-00031462 As the seed does not reveal the shape of the tree, the innocence of the infant face 3jJoogAq40A-00041-00031462-00031927 does not reveal the sage or the sorcerer to come. 3jJoogAq40A-00042-00031927-00032580 The white beauty of a blossom with the fragrance to rival the majestic jasmine, 3jJoogAq40A-00043-00032580-00033116 does not reveal the enslaving insane concoction of your beans. 3jJoogAq40A-00044-00033116-00033800 Half the world has surrendered to you, the other half are either ignorant of your magic 3jJoogAq40A-00045-00033800-00034300 or have turned ascetic and refused to succumb to you. 3jJoogAq40A-00046-00034300-00035016 Of all man’s ingenuity in extracting pleasure and nourishment from the mother earth’s breast, 3jJoogAq40A-00047-00035016-00035776 you stand out to be the one to inspire a fierce faith of unquenchable sort. 3jJoogAq40A-00048-00035776-00036436 You have overshadowed the lord of light. You have overshadowed the lord of light. 3jJoogAq40A-00049-00036436-00037446 As for the faithful, daybreak means you, not the sun. 3jJoogAq40A-00050-00037446-00038508 If the fragrance of coffee has opened you up then here we are to read a few of the poems 3jJoogAq40A-00051-00038508-00039422 that I’ve penned in the last few years and idea and reason behind this is… 3jJoogAq40A-00052-00039422-00040216 In our effort to make the presentation of spiritual process 3jJoogAq40A-00053-00040216-00040728 into an absolutely scientific an a logical process, 3jJoogAq40A-00054-00040728-00041432 that spiritual process should not defy logic but should be rooted in logic, 3jJoogAq40A-00055-00041432-00042506 which is a difficult feat because the very nature of the experience does not fit into the framework of logic. 3jJoogAq40A-00056-00042506-00043138 But I think very successfully we have managed to find a logical expression 3jJoogAq40A-00057-00043138-00043746 to a completely magical experience of life. 3jJoogAq40A-00058-00043746-00044736 Poetry is an in-between land between logic and magic. 3jJoogAq40A-00059-00044736-00045416 A terrain which allows you to explore… 3jJoogAq40A-00060-00045416-00046668 Make meaning of the magical but still being able to have some kind of footing in the logic. 3jJoogAq40A-00061-00046668-00047448 Here’s another one. This is called “a firefly.” 3jJoogAq40A-00062-00047448-00048262 I remember I was around nine years of age, when I… with my family I travelled to a 3jJoogAq40A-00063-00048262-00048710 place called Subramanya in Karnataka. 3jJoogAq40A-00064-00048710-00049614 A fabulous place which I visited many more times later with finding much more meaning in this place. 3jJoogAq40A-00065-00049614-00050728 This is a place where Lord Subramanya or Karthikeya or Armuga as he is known here in Tamil Nadu or Muruga. 3jJoogAq40A-00066-00050728-00051334 For the last time he washed his bloody sword and walked up the mountain. 3jJoogAq40A-00067-00051334-00052522 This is a place where he meditated and bathed in the river and walked up the mountain to shed his body. 3jJoogAq40A-00068-00052522-00053492 When I was there we were staying in a small place and it was not as it is today. It was a very remote place. 3jJoogAq40A-00069-00053492-00053882 A little difficult to get there in those days. 3jJoogAq40A-00070-00053882-00054784 In the night around eight o’clock, the power went off and I looked out of the window, a huge tree full of fireflies. 3jJoogAq40A-00071-00054784-00055316 The whole tree was lit up with fireflies. I’ve never seen anything like that. 3jJoogAq40A-00072-00055316-00056105 The scene of this big tree with fireflies is so deeply etched in my mind, 3jJoogAq40A-00073-00056105-00056498 it keeps coming back to me many, many times. 3jJoogAq40A-00074-00056498-00057524 And when we first moved into the ashram here around twenty years ago, and those times 3jJoogAq40A-00075-00057524-00058186 evenings usually we didn’t have light because the power would go off. 3jJoogAq40A-00076-00058186-00059334 Then when we were here we started noticing fireflies and suddenly these magical beings flying all over. 3jJoogAq40A-00077-00059334-00060129 So, writing something about fireflies became very natural. 3jJoogAq40A-00078-00060129-00061378 Earlier probably my poetry found a big spurt when I decided to move into a… a remote place. 3jJoogAq40A-00079-00061378-00062328 My farm was very remote from the city and I lived there alone for days and sometimes 3jJoogAq40A-00080-00062328-00062852 weeks on end without any contact with outside human beings. 3jJoogAq40A-00081-00062852-00063590 At this time, I started writing poetry about pebbles, grasshoppers, blades of grass, 3jJoogAq40A-00082-00063590-00064366 just about anything and I found each one of them was substantial subject to write about. 3jJoogAq40A-00083-00064366-00065264 Unfortunately none of those things are with us today. So here’s a little poem on fireflies. 3jJoogAq40A-00084-00065264-00065920 In the moonless night, the firefly emboldens itself to flight… 3jJoogAq40A-00085-00065920-00066512 In the moonless night, the firefly emboldens itself to flight. 3jJoogAq40A-00086-00066512-00067132 The brooding darkness mocks the spirited flight of the fly delight… 3jJoogAq40A-00087-00067132-00067784 The brooding darkness mocks the spirited flight of fly delight. 3jJoogAq40A-00088-00067784-00068420 The limitless darkness could swallow this miniscule attempt of light… 3jJoogAq40A-00089-00068420-00069038 The limitless darkness could swallow this miniscule attempt of light. 3jJoogAq40A-00090-00069038-00069838 The skeptics’ cantankerous laughter swept the inner spaces within me to ask… 3jJoogAq40A-00091-00069838-00070506 The skeptics’ cantankerous laughter swept the inner spaces within me to ask, 3jJoogAq40A-00092-00070506-00070940 Can a firefly light the world? 3jJoogAq40A-00093-00070940-00071242 Can a firefly light the world? 3jJoogAq40A-00094-00071242-00071536 Yes firefly, Am I? 3jJoogAq40A-00095-00071536-00072146 If life summers have warmed you, if your inner spaces have charmed you, 3jJoogAq40A-00096-00072146-00072504 I could set you afire and the world too. 3jJoogAq40A-00097-00072504-00073025 If life summers have warmed you, if your inner spaces have charmed you, 3jJoogAq40A-00098-00073026-00073908 I could set you afire and the world too. 3jJoogAq40A-00099-00073908-00075048 During the Anaadi program, in United States at III Tennessee, ninety days 3jJoogAq40A-00100-00075048-00075382 I got to see lot of people gathered. 3jJoogAq40A-00101-00075382-00076188 A while lot of people did a wonderful effort to raise their sadhana to a different pitch 3jJoogAq40A-00102-00076188-00077416 and we explored dimensions which are not just unusual, much more than that. 3jJoogAq40A-00103-00077416-00078560 And we happened to be at a time when there was guru pournima. 3jJoogAq40A-00104-00078560-00080034 The most dominant factor of my life has been my guru and nothing else. 3jJoogAq40A-00105-00080034-00081130 Even today in my mind… more than in mind, literally in every crevice in my body, 3jJoogAq40A-00106-00081130-00082054 every pulsation in my system and my very energy has… 3jJoogAq40A-00107-00082054-00082684 It’s just his presence which is the most dominant within me. 3jJoogAq40A-00108-00082684-00083888 To keep it this way has been easy for me because I don’t have a mind of my own (Laughs). 3jJoogAq40A-00109-00083888-00084818 Because… Probably because of this, 3jJoogAq40A-00110-00084818-00085504 just about everything reverberates which is not me but 3jJoogAq40A-00111-00085504-00086174 way beyond me, way bigger than me. 3jJoogAq40A-00112-00086174-00088284 I did not see my guru as a man who touched me, though his touch brought me to the level of experience highest 3jJoogAq40A-00113-00088284-00089150 and a revelation of life and beyond. 3jJoogAq40A-00114-00089150-00090930 The… The old structure within me somewhere would not accept it, in the sense unless it came 3jJoogAq40A-00115-00090930-00091616 from Adiyogi, unless it came from Shiva himself, is not real. 3jJoogAq40A-00117-00095224-00096454 I don’t know if this was his act that he turned himself this way, or that’s how he really was at that time. 3jJoogAq40A-00118-00096454-00097770 But today and ever since, this has left me in a place where 3jJoogAq40A-00119-00097770-00098976 I don’t have to make any attempt to know anything. Whatever I need to know he and he are there (Laughs). 3jJoogAq40A-00120-00098976-00099858 So, it’s just there all the time. So on this guru pournami, about 3jJoogAq40A-00121-00099858-00100966 these five little poems tumbled out of me within a matter of five to ten minutes. 3jJoogAq40A-00122-00100966-00101952 I’m not a great crafter of words. 3jJoogAq40A-00123-00101952-00103211 It is just that without any kind of mastery over any particular language, 3jJoogAq40A-00124-00103211-00104342 through the grace I managed to find some expression to what’s happening or near to that. 3jJoogAq40A-00125-00104342-00105824 Here are five small poems which were part of the guru pournima day. All of them are titled as “My master.” 3jJoogAq40A-00126-00105824-00106478 Brooding, squinting, staring, I could not hit the mark… 3jJoogAq40A-00127-00106478-00107144 Brooding, squinting, staring, I could not hit the mark. 3jJoogAq40A-00128-00107144-00107914 He walks in like a wanton monarch… He walks in like a wanton monarch, 3jJoogAq40A-00129-00107914-00108748 With a crooked stick and makes his mark… With a crooked stick and makes his mark. 3jJoogAq40A-00130-00108748-00109209 This is a second one again titled as “My master.” 3jJoogAq40A-00131-00109209-00109985 Lost. Lost to life and death. Both I did but moved me not. 3jJoogAq40A-00132-00109985-00110856 Lost. Lost to life and death. Both I did but moved me not. 3jJoogAq40A-00133-00110856-00111496 A man who walks with a stick comes to me, the able-bodied one. 3jJoogAq40A-00134-00111496-00112240 A man who walks with a stick comes to me, the able-bodied one. 3jJoogAq40A-00135-00112240-00113135 Having seen birth and death and all that life can bequeath, still sitting dumb-stuck. 3jJoogAq40A-00136-00113135-00114150 Having seen birth and death and all that life can bequeath, still sitting dumb-stuck. 3jJoogAq40A-00137-00114150-00114796 Here comes the man with a stick to have me struck with his lightening stick. 3jJoogAq40A-00138-00114796-00116988 Here comes the man with a stick to have me struck with his lightening stick. 3jJoogAq40A-00139-00116988-00117378 Here’s a third one. 3jJoogAq40A-00140-00117378-00118346 I let the whole world go by of spiritual and material, of land and sky. 3jJoogAq40A-00141-00118346-00119268 I let the whole world go by of spiritual and material, of land and sky. 3jJoogAq40A-00142-00119268-00119842 I searched in the mother’s womb and in the lover’s bosom, 3jJoogAq40A-00143-00119842-00120426 I searched in the mother’s womb and in the lover’s bosom, 3jJoogAq40A-00144-00120426-00121172 But such a one I did not find, till I crawled to him like a worm. 3jJoogAq40A-00145-00121172-00122433 But such a one I did not find… 3jJoogAq40A-00146-00122433-00123728 But such a one I did not find, till I crawled to him like a worm. 3jJoogAq40A-00147-00123728-00124368 This is the next one - four. 3jJoogAq40A-00148-00124368-00125022 What can the poor Guru do? All I have done is do and do. 3jJoogAq40A-00149-00125022-00127835 What can a poor Guru do? As all…all I have done. 3jJoogAq40A-00150-00127835-00128626 What can a poor Guru do? All I have done is do and do. 3jJoogAq40A-00151-00128626-00129580 After seeing all that is there to see, he comes to teach me how to be. 3jJoogAq40A-00152-00129580-00131126 After seeing all that is there to see, he comes to teach me how to be. 3jJoogAq40A-00153-00131126-00131944 This is the last of those five. 3jJoogAq40A-00154-00131944-00132304 The breath… 3jJoogAq40A-00155-00132304-00132830 The breath that passes out will not come back. 3jJoogAq40A-00156-00132830-00133296 The breath that passes out will not come back. 3jJoogAq40A-00157-00133296-00134018 The guru who touched and left me, left me not and need not come back. 3jJoogAq40A-00159-00137104-00138476 As once awareness gains the needed sharpness or keenness, when this begins to happen, 3jJoogAq40A-00160-00138476-00139356 one of the first things that naturally comes into play is the breath. 3jJoogAq40A-00161-00139356-00140714 It’s amazing how most human beings live without being aware of the breath, which is… 3jJoogAq40A-00162-00140714-00141502 which is a certain level of mechanical action in the body which is constant and continuous. 3jJoogAq40A-00163-00141502-00142174 It’s truly amazing how so many people can live without being conscious of it. 3jJoogAq40A-00164-00142174-00143044 But once awareness begins to gain a certain sharpness or keenness, this is the first thing 3jJoogAq40A-00165-00143044-00143374 that becomes an amazing process. And no wonder 3jJoogAq40A-00166-00143374-00144142 breath-watching as it’s known today is probably the practiced form of meditation. 3jJoogAq40A-00167-00144142-00145100 It is so basic and simple but it comes so easy and naturally to people 3jJoogAq40A-00168-00145100-00146208 that it does not need any preparation. If one becomes a little conscious, naturally breath will be in awareness. 3jJoogAq40A-00169-00146208-00146970 Probably this happened to me when I was six-seven years’ of age when I started just enjoying 3jJoogAq40A-00170-00146971-00147830 the breath, the moment of my little chest and belly, those days is how the stomach and 3jJoogAq40A-00171-00147830-00148620 the chest moved in rhythm constantly. I must have spent hours and hours just noticing that. 3jJoogAq40A-00172-00148620-00150098 It kept me interested and engaged. It’s much later that I even …even the idea of meditation entered my life but 3jJoogAq40A-00173-00150098-00151158 just the simple rhythm that’s going on endlessly and you cannot ignore if you are a bit conscious. 3jJoogAq40A-00174-00151158-00152368 So here is a poem, for the breath – The beauty of the breath and the possibility of the breath. 3jJoogAq40A-00175-00152368-00153030 This is titled as “divine hand.” 3jJoogAq40A-00176-00153030-00154112 As I see the seemingly perpetual play of breath, As I see the seemingly perpetual play of breath, 3jJoogAq40A-00177-00154112-00155044 The breath, the maker of my body and the taker of my being when the timely moment comes. 3jJoogAq40A-00178-00155044-00155850 The breath, the maker of my body and the taker of my being when the timely moment comes. 3jJoogAq40A-00179-00155850-00156948 This ceaseless play of the unseen hand of the divine. This ceaseless play of the unseen hand of the divine. 3jJoogAq40A-00180-00156948-00157580 Me firmly held the hand and the maker could not escape. 3jJoogAq40A-00181-00157580-00158968 Me firmly held the hand and the maker could not escape. 3jJoogAq40A-00182-00158968-00159640 There is a… I’m sure most of you have heard this chant which… 3jJoogAq40A-00183-00159640-00160452 The Bhaja Govindam chant where we talking about how Nischala Tattvam jivan muktihi. 3jJoogAq40A-00184-00160452-00161376 What this means is if there is an unwavering attention, towards something. It doesn’t matter what the thing is. 3jJoogAq40A-00185-00161376-00162540 if there is an unwavering attention, towards something, then the liberation, the possibility 3jJoogAq40A-00186-00162540-00163034 of freedom cannot be denied to that one. 3jJoogAq40A-00187-00163034-00164204 Or in other words the essential problem of human situation is a certain lack of attention. 3jJoogAq40A-00188-00164204-00165012 If the necessary attention is there, if the keenness of attention and the intensity of attention 3jJoogAq40A-00189-00165012-00165866 is substantial you can just about open any door in this universe. 3jJoogAq40A-00190-00165866-00166518 How keen is your attention or how intense…how much energy behind your attention, 3jJoogAq40A-00191-00166518-00167162 this is all that determines this. In this context, breath is a beautiful device. 3jJoogAq40A-00192-00167162-00167964 Because it is constantly on as long as we are alive, as long as we are embodied. 3jJoogAq40A-00193-00167964-00168856 Breath is on and it’s inevitable that you have to notice it. 3jJoogAq40A-00194-00168856-00169790 Probably most people notice it only when their body goes into a spasm of excessive breath. 3jJoogAq40A-00195-00169790-00170188 Normal breath most people are missing it. 3jJoogAq40A-00196-00170188-00170950 This is not because they are not breathing (Laughs), this is because they have a serious attention issue. 3jJoogAq40A-00197-00170950-00171752 These days people are even carrying their attention deficiencies like some kind of a qualification. 3jJoogAq40A-00198-00171752-00172514 Just bringing this attention back into our lives and particularly into the life of our children, 3jJoogAq40A-00199-00172514-00173358 is most important because ultimately whether it’s spiritual or material, 3jJoogAq40A-00200-00173358-00174250 the world yields to you only to the extent you are willing to pay attention to it. So that was about the breath. 3jJoogAq40A-00201-00174250-00175368 One poem from America titled as “America.” This was in the year 2000. 3jJoogAq40A-00202-00175368-00176188 This particular day is so vivid to me like it’s happening right now. 3jJoogAq40A-00203-00176188-00177270 About three of us, we were kind of camped out in a small place on the Central hill lake in Tennessee. 3jJoogAq40A-00204-00177270-00178430 Central hill lake is a reservoir. The lake has a shore line of over seven hundred miles. 3jJoogAq40A-00205-00178430-00179022 If you take a boat out you can just get lost for days and not find your way back (Laughs). 3jJoogAq40A-00206-00179022-00179766 So there was a beautiful place which one of our meditators owned at that time and 3jJoogAq40A-00207-00179766-00180018 very graciously they offered it to us. 3jJoogAq40A-00208-00180018-00180752 And we were working on something, so we went and stayed there for a few days. 3jJoogAq40A-00209-00180752-00182526 Around the… this fabulous home there was some real tall trees, wild, untouched forest area. 3jJoogAq40A-00210-00182526-00183768 And alone I ventured off into these steep slopes and I was just struck by what I saw there. 3jJoogAq40A-00211-00183768-00184890 And this poem is a consequence of that. It’s titled as “America.” 3jJoogAq40A-00212-00184890-00185464 The brooding darkness of these woods fed upon the native blood, 3jJoogAq40A-00213-00185464-00186304 in the twisted tangle of the fallen wood, the spirit of the fallen Indian stood. 3jJoogAq40A-00214-00186304-00186836 The brooding darkness of these woods fed upon the native blood, 3jJoogAq40A-00215-00186836-00187484 in the twisted tangle of the fallen wood, the spirit of the fallen Indian stood. 3jJoogAq40A-00216-00187484-00188312 O’ brothers! Your identity a mistake. Those who oceans crossed did make. 3jJoogAq40A-00217-00188312-00188920 The greed for gold and land laid waste the spirit of wisdom and grace. 3jJoogAq40A-00218-00188920-00189752 O’ brothers! Your identity a mistake. Those who oceans crossed did make. 3jJoogAq40A-00219-00189752-00190540 The greed for gold and land laid waste the spirit of wisdom and grace. 3jJoogAq40A-00220-00190540-00191400 The children of those who by murder did take are taintless of their forefathers’ mistake. 3jJoogAq40A-00221-00191400-00192262 But those who lived fed upon the milk of courage and pride stand as spirit of defeat and shame. 3jJoogAq40A-00222-00192262-00193068 The children of those who by murder did take are taintless of their forefathers’ mistake. 3jJoogAq40A-00223-00193068-00193880 But those who lived fed upon the milk of courage and pride stand as spirit of defeat and shame. 3jJoogAq40A-00224-00193881-00194578 O’ the murdered and the murderers, embrace me. Let me set your spirits to rest. 3jJoogAq40A-00225-00194578-00195494 O’ the murdered and the murderers, embrace me. Let me set your spirits to rest. 3jJoogAq40A-00226-00195494-00196672 This poem is a consequence of a man who’d… stood still probably for over three-hundred or four-hundred years. 3jJoogAq40A-00227-00196672-00197894 Someone who was trusted… the one who has a certain position of being a chief or whatever. 3jJoogAq40A-00228-00197894-00199404 Someone whose duty and bond to another who was of some significance safe and well. 3jJoogAq40A-00229-00199404-00200358 And that which was entrusted to you, you could not fulfill and failed in keeping 3jJoogAq40A-00230-00200358-00200740 what was most precious to you alive. 3jJoogAq40A-00231-00200740-00201908 He just stood there in shame and remorse which cannot be expressed in words. 3jJoogAq40A-00232-00201908-00203312 He just stood there forever. The man died. The body fell and became a part of the earth around him. 3jJoogAq40A-00233-00203312-00204118 But a frozen spirit just stood there for centuries. 3jJoogAq40A-00234-00204118-00205244 When I walked down these mountains, when I walked down this steep slope and here he was still standing 3jJoogAq40A-00235-00205244-00206986 and probably… probably it’s one of the most painful moments I have experienced in my life. 3jJoogAq40A-00236-00206986-00208932 I have learnt to always transform pain into a possibility. Since then I did many things in the region. 3jJoogAq40A-00237-00208932-00210178 And of course one of the things is to set up the III or the Isha Institute of Inner Sciences on the trail of tears. 3jJoogAq40A-00238-00210178-00210850 Historically, this is a region which has seen tremendous amount of pain. 3jJoogAq40A-00239-00210850-00211126 It is known as the “Trail of tears.” 3jJoogAq40A-00240-00211126-00212102 A whole tribe was made to walk from east of Mississippi river, to what is presently Oklahoma. 3jJoogAq40A-00241-00212102-00212923 The adults along with their children and elderly had to walk. And when they walked, the old people died. 3jJoogAq40A-00242-00212923-00213592 The Native Americans are so particular about preserving their dead and the spaces for the dead, 3jJoogAq40A-00243-00213592-00214102 so they could not leave them. They carried their bodies and walked. 3jJoogAq40A-00244-00214102-00214836 The bodies rotted but they carried rotting bodies and walked and walked. 3jJoogAq40A-00245-00214836-00215836 So this is known as the “Trail of tears” which is where we set up our Isha center. 3jJoogAq40A-00246-00215836-00216650 And those who have been there for the last seven, eight years since we stepped on the land, 3jJoogAq40A-00247-00216650-00217288 they can clearly, clearly feel what we have done to the space in terms of its energy. 3jJoogAq40A-00248-00217288-00217969 How brooding and painful it used to be, just to enter that space and today how it is. 3jJoogAq40A-00249-00217969-00218900 Well, still many more things to be done. I’m in a little bit of hurry top set up the Adiyogi temple. 3jJoogAq40A-00250-00218900-00220402 Because once we have a powerful consecrated space it will take on charge of it's own 3jJoogAq40A-00251-00220402-00220942 so that's about America. 3jJoogAq40A-00252-00220942-00221482 Here’s a poem is titled as “The Untouchable.” 3jJoogAq40A-00253-00221482-00223146 Probably, this is one of the few poems, which is kind of a hybrid, of a poem that wrote 3jJoogAq40A-00254-00223146-00223683 when I was eighteen or nineteen years of age. None of the others have remained. 3jJoogAq40A-00255-00223683-00224473 They all… As I said earlier, they all got burnt in an accident. 3jJoogAq40A-00256-00224473-00225262 This is not exactly what I had written at that time, but I think… 3jJoogAq40A-00257-00225262-00226266 Yes (Laughs), I think at least sixty percent or seventy percent of this is the original poem, rest I’ve added. So, 3jJoogAq40A-00258-00226266-00227586 I think this was one of the first poems written here after we moved in here in 1994. 3jJoogAq40A-00259-00227586-00228178 There is a land that is beyond right and wrong. 3jJoogAq40A-00260-00228178-00229036 When you get to that land and lie there, humans will live for bread and toil to be what they are not. 3jJoogAq40A-00261-00229036-00229500 Will strive to hide their jealousy with mocking talk 3jJoogAq40A-00262-00229500-00230088 and the gods will descend to be in the company they wish to be. 3jJoogAq40A-00263-00230088-00230510 Once you have reached that land, beyond right and wrong. 3jJoogAq40A-00264-00230510-00231123 You never have to worry about making a mistake or going wrong. 3jJoogAq40A-00265-00231123-00231510 Once you have reached that land, beyond right and wrong. 3jJoogAq40A-00266-00231510-00232494 You never have to worry about making a mistake or going wrong. 3jJoogAq40A-00267-00232494-00233640 The ethos of Eastern cultures… The fundamental ethos of Eastern cultures 3jJoogAq40A-00268-00233640-00234554 is a watered down version of individual enlightenment. 3jJoogAq40A-00269-00234554-00235802 This culture which we refer to as “Bharat Varsha” essentially is a complex, chaotic, concoction 3jJoogAq40A-00270-00235802-00237430 of multiple influences of enlightened beings. When these beings came, they did not teach morality. 3jJoogAq40A-00271-00237430-00238523 They did not teach values or ethics. But they taught them away a possibility 3jJoogAq40A-00272-00238523-00239242 because one’s way was never the same as other’s. (Laughs) 3jJoogAq40A-00273-00239242-00240069 Someone asked me, “Sadhguru, J. Krishnamurti was a master of his intellect, Rajneesh 3jJoogAq40A-00274-00240069-00241102 was a master of controversy, what are you?” I said, “I am a master of chaos” (Laughs)! 3jJoogAq40A-00275-00241102-00241773 I know how to harness chaos. 3jJoogAq40A-00276-00241773-00242450 I can make a chaotic situation culminate into something fantastic. 3jJoogAq40A-00277-00242450-00243892 So every master had his own way and all of this melted pretty well into the culture. 3jJoogAq40A-00278-00243892-00245046 You will see except today’s “English educated India.” 3jJoogAq40A-00279-00245046-00246421 If you go to the rural masses, you will see if you go a place, a…a Kumbh mela is a fantastic display of this. 3jJoogAq40A-00280-00246421-00247771 If you go to let’s say Kumbh mela, a classic event on the planet, one like no other. 3jJoogAq40A-00281-00247771-00249086 Every kind of path, the weird and the wise all perfectly fitting into each other. 3jJoogAq40A-00282-00249086-00250082 Nothing contradicts anything. Everything is absolutely different from the other. 3jJoogAq40A-00283-00250082-00250780 But nothing contradicts anything, everything fits in perfectly well. 3jJoogAq40A-00284-00250780-00251614 This is not something that a thinking mind, a logically correct mind, 3jJoogAq40A-00285-00251614-00252119 particularly a western mind could understand. “How do all these people fit together?” 3jJoogAq40A-00286-00252119-00253450 This is because there is no right and wrong. The question is only about has it worked for you or not. 3jJoogAq40A-00287-00253450-00254223 If it has worked to evolve you into a higher state of being, it doesn’t matter 3jJoogAq40A-00288-00254223-00254736 whether it’s right for me or not, whether it agrees with me or not. 3jJoogAq40A-00289-00254736-00255280 If it doesn’t agree with me, there’s always another way for me. 3jJoogAq40A-00290-00255280-00256262 So this is a fantastic outcome of generations and generations of enlightened beings. 3jJoogAq40A-00291-00256262-00257194 Each one of them unhindered by what the previous one had said. 3jJoogAq40A-00292-00257194-00258394 Explored his own way, expounded his own path, never in conflict with the one before him or the ones before him. 3jJoogAq40A-00293-00258394-00259871 So this is a nature of exploration. That it’s not about right and wrong. It’s about just making it happen. 3jJoogAq40A-00294-00259871-00260688 Is the white flower the most beautiful one or the red flower the most beautiful one? 3jJoogAq40A-00295-00260688-00261196 Such questions don’t arise out here. 3jJoogAq40A-00296-00261196-00261817 Such questions have come from cultures, which are steeped in morality 3jJoogAq40A-00297-00261817-00262432 as to something has to be good and something has to be bad. 3jJoogAq40A-00298-00262432-00263266 In this state of making something right and making something wrong, 3jJoogAq40A-00299-00263266-00264422 there is no way a spiritual process can happen because essentially spiritual process means “All-inclusiveness.” 3jJoogAq40A-00300-00264422-00265026 If you cannot embrace everything the way it is. 3jJoogAq40A-00301-00265026-00265977 If you have to accept some and reject some, then there will be no spiritual process. You will only have morality. 3jJoogAq40A-00302-00265978-00266174 No spirituality. 3jJoogAq40A-00303-00266174-00267322 This reminds me of a fantastic story, a situation rather, which happened in Bahubali’s life. 3jJoogAq40A-00304-00267322-00268204 Myself and Bahubali, for a few years had a great affair (Laughs). 3jJoogAq40A-00305-00268204-00269030 There is a place called “Gomatagiri” which is a little over twenty-five kilometers from Mysore city. 3jJoogAq40A-00306-00269030-00269623 There is a eighteen foot tall statue of “Gomata” standing naked on top of a rock. 3jJoogAq40A-00307-00269624-00270546 I think it’s eleven hundred year old statue which was lost with over-growth of forest 3jJoogAq40A-00308-00270546-00271716 and only about probably somewhere in late sixties, it was rediscovered. 3jJoogAq40A-00309-00271716-00272968 The man who rediscovered it, a simple stone cutter, an illiterate person went there to take a stone 3jJoogAq40A-00310-00272968-00273896 which was appropriate for making whatever forms that he was making it of usually some deity. 3jJoogAq40A-00311-00273896-00274762 And he discovered this statue, which is on top of a small hill or a bunch of rocks which 3jJoogAq40A-00312-00274762-00275748 are around hundred-and-twenty-feet tall. And on top of it an eighteen-foot statue of Bahubali. 3jJoogAq40A-00313-00275748-00276724 I met this old man. He was in his seventies, still cutting stone and doing physical work. 3jJoogAq40A-00314-00276724-00278086 And when I spoke to him, a completely unschooled, illiterate person, he (laughs) was such an amazing guy. 3jJoogAq40A-00315-00278086-00279192 Just having found this Gomateshwara, his whole life was transformed. He became a great devotee. 3jJoogAq40A-00316-00279192-00280462 A simple stone cutter turned into a fantastic devotee and I met him probably 83’ or 84’when I was there. 3jJoogAq40A-00317-00280462-00281164 And I conducted a few programs and spent a certain amount of time in Gomatagiri. 3jJoogAq40A-00318-00281164-00282016 There are n number of things I can say of this place because so many things happened there. 3jJoogAq40A-00319-00282016-00283276 This was a time after 1982, my own experiences had blossomed and that I was trying to find articulation 3jJoogAq40A-00320-00283276-00284786 to what was happening within me. It was a very crucial time where Gomateshwara came into my life 3jJoogAq40A-00321-00284786-00285924 and as I said we had a great affair. So there is a wonderful situation in Gomata’s life. 3jJoogAq40A-00322-00285924-00287122 He and his brother fought many battles, together initially. Later on they fought against each other. 3jJoogAq40A-00323-00287122-00287992 After having a blood bath, after having slaughtered thousands of people, one day Bahubali or Gomata realized 3jJoogAq40A-00324-00287992-00288962 what is the point of all this blood shed? And he went and stood in penance. 3jJoogAq40A-00325-00288962-00289720 Naked, just there You will always see the statue of Gomateshwara standing naked with 3jJoogAq40A-00326-00289720-00290878 vines going up his leg or his body to show that he stood there for a very long time. 3jJoogAq40A-00327-00290878-00291476 And he stood there for over fourteen years. 3jJoogAq40A-00328-00291476-00292018 Everything that he could do with himself, in terms of purifying himself, 3jJoogAq40A-00329-00292018-00292730 he had done. But still he could not attain. 3jJoogAq40A-00330-00292730-00294358 When a yogi came by, a sage of great attainment came by, Gomata looked at him 3jJoogAq40A-00331-00294358-00295942 and just one tear drop slipped out of his eyes. This one tear drop was a question mark. “What is it? 3jJoogAq40A-00332-00295942-00296610 I’ve done everything that I can do. What is holding me back?” That’s a question. An un-uttered question. 3jJoogAq40A-00333-00296610-00297694 Just a tear drop to ask this question to the yogi. What is holding me back? I’ve done everything that I know. 3jJoogAq40A-00334-00297694-00298730 Then the yogi said, “You have brought a false sense of humility into you. 3jJoogAq40A-00335-00298730-00299522 You are a king but now you are willing to bow down to a beggar on the street. 3jJoogAq40A-00336-00299522-00299874 You are willing to bow down to any creature on the planet. 3jJoogAq40A-00337-00299874-00300228 You are willing to bow down to an inanimate rock. 3jJoogAq40A-00338-00300228-00300644 You have made yourself like this. It’s wonderful. 3jJoogAq40A-00339-00300644-00301392 But I see you are incapable of bowing down to your brother with whom you have a fight. 3jJoogAq40A-00340-00301392-00302182 It is this falseness of humility which is holding you back.” 3jJoogAq40A-00341-00302182-00303310 This was the moment of attainment for Bahubali. Within himself, he did bow down to his brother and he attained. 3jJoogAq40A-00342-00303310-00303832 This is a very beautiful story because this is how human beings are held back. 3jJoogAq40A-00343-00303832-00304940 It’s not some great things, one little thing that you can’t clear from your karmic space that holds you back. 3jJoogAq40A-00344-00304940-00305412 Is this not unfair? How many things I did, one thing holds me back? 3jJoogAq40A-00345-00305412-00306188 Right now, if your little finger gets stuck to this pillar, “I’ve freed my whole body 3jJoogAq40A-00346-00306188-00306778 but my little finger is stuck, can I go somewhere?” I cannot go somewhere. 3jJoogAq40A-00347-00306778-00308552 That’s how it is. So, some of the poems that I penned in Gomatagiri are not with us anymore. They are gone. 3jJoogAq40A-00348-00308552-00309770 So this “Untouchable” poem which we just read I think I have three versions of this. 3jJoogAq40A-00349-00309770-00310894 The first one and the second one are not with us anymore. This is the third one - the third version. 3jJoogAq40A-00350-00310894-00311854 Right now the whole country is abuzz with women’s issues. I think long overdue. 3jJoogAq40A-00351-00311854-00313284 But a land, a culture that celebrates the feminine as the divine unfortunately has not fixed 3jJoogAq40A-00352-00313284-00314770 quite a bit of itself as to how they should be or how they should conduct the feminine in the human form. 3jJoogAq40A-00353-00314770-00315424 This poem is titled as “The Woman.” 3jJoogAq40A-00354-00315424-00316054 These…Okay, I must tell you the back ground. 3jJoogAq40A-00355-00316054-00317128 Probably this was the last ladies’ BSP I handled. This was in the Spanda Hall. 3jJoogAq40A-00356-00317128-00317962 And there were over three- hundred-and-seventy or three-hundred-and-eighty ladies. 3jJoogAq40A-00357-00317962-00318824 And it was a moment when I saw them all melting and merging into each other. 3jJoogAq40A-00358-00318824-00319638 The fabulous energy that they created there, Bhava Spandana was in full swing. 3jJoogAq40A-00359-00319638-00320928 When the process was on, I just scribbled this poem on a small pad which was next to me, “Woman.” 3jJoogAq40A-00360-00320928-00321480 These creatures of the moon, in such delicious swoon. 3jJoogAq40A-00361-00321480-00322150 The sun in me not the only boon to these creatures of the moon. 3jJoogAq40A-00362-00322150-00322700 These creatures of the moon, in such delicious swoon. 3jJoogAq40A-00363-00322700-00323326 The sun and me not the only boon to these creatures of the moon. 3jJoogAq40A-00364-00323326-00324190 Daily death a must for the sun, to be kept and nourished in the pregnancy of the moon. 3jJoogAq40A-00365-00324190-00324770 It is her gracious reflection that sees him through the night. 3jJoogAq40A-00366-00324770-00325650 Daily death a must for the sun, to be kept nourished in the pregnancy of the moon. 3jJoogAq40A-00367-00325650-00326284 It is her gracious reflection that sees him through the night. 3jJoogAq40A-00368-00326284-00327110 Sun, the source of all known creation is but born in the coolness of the moon. 3jJoogAq40A-00369-00327110-00327782 The creator placed such trust in this unreasonable madness of the moon, 3jJoogAq40A-00370-00327782-00328322 bestowed the womb to bear and the feeding breast. 3jJoogAq40A-00371-00328322-00329032 Sun, the source of all known creation is but born in the coolness of the moon. 3jJoogAq40A-00372-00329032-00329708 The creator placed such trust in this unreasonable madness of the moon, 3jJoogAq40A-00373-00329708-00330320 bestowed the womb to bear and the feeding breast. 3jJoogAq40A-00374-00330320-00330810 May she flower and bloom too soon. 3jJoogAq40A-00375-00330810-00331666 Only then there can be worthwhile harvest, when the world knows the nourishment of this womb. 3jJoogAq40A-00376-00331666-00332278 In celebration will exist these creatures of the moon. 3jJoogAq40A-00377-00332278-00332684 May she flower and bloom too soon. 3jJoogAq40A-00378-00332684-00333532 Only then there can be worthwhile harvest, when the world knows the nourishment of this womb. 3jJoogAq40A-00379-00333532-00334422 In celebration will exist these creatures of the moon. 3jJoogAq40A-00380-00334422-00335006 I think we’ll leave the poems there. If you have questions, this is the time to look at it. 3jJoogAq40A-00381-00335006-00335688 You talked about moments when we as humans have moments of clarity and moments of confusion. 3jJoogAq40A-00382-00335688-00336246 Since I’ve started my sadhana, and as I go through my spiritual path, 3jJoogAq40A-00383-00336246-00336690 I had moments of very intense experience. 3jJoogAq40A-00384-00336690-00337300 Sometimes I feel that everything is very clear but at the same time I’ve moments of utter 3jJoogAq40A-00385-00337300-00337702 confusion where I’m not able to understand what’s going on around me. 3jJoogAq40A-00386-00337702-00338404 In a way these things I see, I’m not able to articulate in a very logical way, what 3jJoogAq40A-00387-00338404-00338878 is happening to me and what do I do about it. 3jJoogAq40A-00388-00338878-00339816 Sadhguru: You are having a very human experience on this planet (Laughs). 3jJoogAq40A-00389-00339816-00341174 The problem with the human being is human beings are given an intellect to foray and explore so many things 3jJoogAq40A-00390-00341174-00341734 which are not at their domain. 3jJoogAq40A-00391-00341734-00342886 A fish just remains in its water space, a tiger in its forest, everybody remains within their terrain. 3jJoogAq40A-00392-00342886-00343826 It’s only the human being who wants to explore and foray into everything that… that 3jJoogAq40A-00393-00343826-00344193 we can see or we cannot see actually. 3jJoogAq40A-00394-00344193-00344884 We not only foray into things that we can see, we also foray and try to foray into things that we cannot see. 3jJoogAq40A-00395-00344884-00345504 We want to go into space, we want to look at the microscopic stuff. 3jJoogAq40A-00396-00345504-00346114 We want to not just enjoy the outward, we want to know the inner dimension of who we are. 3jJoogAq40A-00397-00346114-00346544 So, these are adventures of the human mind. 3jJoogAq40A-00398-00346544-00347505 When you make these adventures…When you try any adventure that means you do not know 3jJoogAq40A-00399-00347506-00348302 the result or the consequence of your action. That’s what an adventure is. 3jJoogAq40A-00400-00348302-00348892 If you successfully finish an adventure, you will be known as an adventurer 3jJoogAq40A-00401-00348892-00349298 or you will be known as a hero in the world. 3jJoogAq40A-00402-00349298-00350010 If you are not successful in your adventure, you will be dismissed off as a fool 3jJoogAq40A-00403-00350010-00350788 who did not have the sense to stay away from what you should stay away from. 3jJoogAq40A-00404-00350788-00351900 So the essence of our adventure or how adventure will be perceived simply depends upon the 3jJoogAq40A-00405-00351900-00352206 success rate that you have. 3jJoogAq40A-00406-00352206-00352992 So naturally when you foray into dimensions either physically, psychologically, emotionally, 3jJoogAq40A-00407-00352992-00353716 whichever way, a certain amount of confoundedness is there. 3jJoogAq40A-00408-00353716-00354557 But this confoundedness is coming because you are constantly falling back on your intellect 3jJoogAq40A-00409-00354558-00355066 to give you a logical interpretation of everything. 3jJoogAq40A-00410-00355066-00355784 Confusion essentially comes because you already have conclusions about something. 3jJoogAq40A-00411-00355784-00356696 If you have no conclusion about anything there will be no confusion either. 3jJoogAq40A-00412-00356696-00357582 The fundamental process of any spiritual path, particular what I have been transmitting to 3jJoogAq40A-00413-00357582-00358390 all of you or all spiritual paths, why… is that you don’t make conclusions. 3jJoogAq40A-00414-00358390-00359081 Because if you make conclusions in one space, when you move to another space, the same conclusion 3jJoogAq40A-00415-00359082-00359794 which gave you comfort and confidence, will cause enormous amount of confusion. 3jJoogAq40A-00416-00359794-00360712 So the idea is to just perceive, to live, to experience, not to conclude. 3jJoogAq40A-00417-00360712-00361929 Because conclusions or accumulations, they’re of no relevance to experience that which is alive and now. 3jJoogAq40A-00418-00361930-00362530 So, one needs to understand confusion is a product of conclusions. 3jJoogAq40A-00419-00362530-00363358 This is something that you have to train yourself with that you do not make any conclusions about anything. 3jJoogAq40A-00420-00363358-00363708 How do I live without making conclusions? 3jJoogAq40A-00421-00363708-00364290 There is a difference between making a momentary judgment as to how to act in a particular 3jJoogAq40A-00422-00364290-00364678 moment and making a conclusion about it. 3jJoogAq40A-00423-00364678-00365432 This moment when you are in a certain mode of activity, you may deal with somebody or 3jJoogAq40A-00424-00365432-00365868 something in a particular way according to your judgment of that moment. 3jJoogAq40A-00425-00365868-00366570 That moment’s judgment need not carry with you as a conclusion or as an accumulated knowledge 3jJoogAq40A-00426-00366570-00367018 that you carry to the next moment or to the next day or wherever. 3jJoogAq40A-00427-00367018-00367632 Or in other words, you do not carry your past into the future. 3jJoogAq40A-00428-00367632-00368280 The moment you do this, confusion is a natural product of these type of conclusions that 3jJoogAq40A-00429-00368280-00368456 you continuously drawing. 3jJoogAq40A-00430-00368456-00369272 So particularly on the spiritual path if you beginning to experience things, there should be no conclusions. 3jJoogAq40A-00431-00369272-00369960 No conclusions at all. If there are no conclusions, there will be confusion. 3klEOW2MJqY-00000-00000430-00000693 Days’ sales in receivables is a very important ratio 3klEOW2MJqY-00001-00000693-00000976 because it tells how many days, on average, 3klEOW2MJqY-00002-00000976-00001206 it takes to collect from customers. 3klEOW2MJqY-00003-00001206-00001593 It is really a variant of the Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio, 3klEOW2MJqY-00004-00001593-00002046 although more widely used than A/R Turnover Ratio. 3klEOW2MJqY-00005-00002046-00002276 It also has a few other common names 3klEOW2MJqY-00006-00002276-00002646 like “day’s sales outstanding” or DSO, 3klEOW2MJqY-00007-00002646-00003113 or “average collection period” (or ACP). 3klEOW2MJqY-00008-00003113-00003529 Days’ Sales in Receivable is a measure of efficiency. 3klEOW2MJqY-00009-00003529-00004143 The formula to calculate Days’ Sales in Receivable has two parts. 3klEOW2MJqY-00010-00004143-00004466 Often students stop after the first part. 3klEOW2MJqY-00011-00004466-00004666 Please don’t do that. 3klEOW2MJqY-00012-00004666-00005190 The first part is Net Sales Revenue divided by 365 days, 3klEOW2MJqY-00013-00005190-00005560 if you are calculating this using annual data. 3klEOW2MJqY-00014-00005560-00006013 This gives us the average one-day’s sales. 3klEOW2MJqY-00015-00006013-00006523 The second part is taking average net accounts receivable 3klEOW2MJqY-00016-00006523-00007046 and dividing it by the average one day’s sales calculated in part 1. 3klEOW2MJqY-00017-00007046-00007476 This gives us the days’ sales in receivables. 3klEOW2MJqY-00019-00007696-00007873 I’ve highlighted Net Sales Revenue. 3klEOW2MJqY-00020-00007873-00008363 We’re going to use that information to determine the average one day’s sales. 3klEOW2MJqY-00021-00008363-00008536 Additionally, we need some information 3klEOW2MJqY-00022-00008536-00008773 from the current assets section of the Balance Sheet. 3klEOW2MJqY-00023-00008773-00009296 I’ve highlighted two years’ worth of net accounts receivable balances. 3klEOW2MJqY-00024-00009296-00010096 For 2016, part 1 gives us average one day’s sales of $257.53. 3klEOW2MJqY-00025-00010096-00010383 In part 2 we divide the average net A/R 3klEOW2MJqY-00026-00010383-00010843 by the one day’s sales to get 3.3 days. 3klEOW2MJqY-00027-00010843-00011270 On average, we collect our accounts receivable every 3.3 days. 3klEOW2MJqY-00028-00011270-00011516 Which is a little too good to be true. 3klEOW2MJqY-00029-00011516-00011810 This is probably a business that has a lot of cash sales 3klEOW2MJqY-00030-00011810-00012046 rather than sales on account. 3klEOW2MJqY-00031-00012046-00012580 Regardless, we would look to compare the results to our credit terms, 3klEOW2MJqY-00032-00012580-00012766 let’s say 30 days, 3klEOW2MJqY-00033-00012766-00013200 and see if the company is doing better or worse at collecting, 3klEOW2MJqY-00034-00013200-00013333 than terms. 468wExdVR4A-00000-00001213-00001604 Hi, my name is Camille DeAngelis, and in case we haven't met yet, 468wExdVR4A-00001-00001604-00002073 I am a novelist, a travel writer, and the author of two books on creativity and 468wExdVR4A-00002-00002073-00002433 personal growth. This one is Life Without Envy: Ego 468wExdVR4A-00003-00002433-00002936 Management for Creative People, and when it came out in 2016, my friend Neil made 468wExdVR4A-00004-00002936-00003486 a really good point. He said, "This book is for artists who already have a 468wExdVR4A-00005-00003486-00004011 rock-solid belief in themselves. What about those writers and other artists 468wExdVR4A-00006-00004011-00004310 who are still feeling unsure of themselves? 468wExdVR4A-00007-00004310-00004764 Can you write something more foundational?" So I started writing a 468wExdVR4A-00008-00004764-00005153 follow-up book, and while I was happy with the material I was coming up with, I 468wExdVR4A-00009-00005153-00005648 felt like there was an even better format for it. What I love about online 468wExdVR4A-00010-00005648-00006212 workshops is the sense of immediacy. It's pre-recorded, and yet it feels like we're 468wExdVR4A-00011-00006212-00006858 keeping an appointment. Using audio and video, I am sharing 20 years of practical 468wExdVR4A-00012-00006858-00007347 experience as a working writer, and hopefully you are able to implement what 468wExdVR4A-00013-00007347-00007736 you're learning right away. This workshop is for you if you're just getting 468wExdVR4A-00014-00007736-00008232 started in your creative practice; or if someone or something has shaken your 468wExdVR4A-00015-00008232-00008709 belief in your ability, and you could use some help restoring it; or some days you 468wExdVR4A-00016-00008709-00009086 don't know if you have any belief in yourself, and you're so ready to change 468wExdVR4A-00017-00009086-00009575 that. It's also for you if you're hungry for candid talk of how our self-worth 468wExdVR4A-00018-00009575-00009984 and emotional well-being affect our creativity, and you're ready and willing 468wExdVR4A-00019-00009984-00010467 to make time to explore the strategies and resources I offer; and if you're 468wExdVR4A-00020-00010467-00010884 tired of obsessing over your faults and would rather focus on becoming more of 468wExdVR4A-00021-00010884-00011429 who you already are. On the other hand, this workshop is not for you if you 468wExdVR4A-00022-00011429-00011796 already feel like you're living out your creative potential (and if that's the 468wExdVR4A-00023-00011796-00012327 case I am delighted for you); if you don't enjoy self-reflective journal exercises, 468wExdVR4A-00024-00012327-00012756 or if you're fully committed to the narrative you or others have constructed 468wExdVR4A-00025-00012756-00013184 around your life. That's a bit of tough love for you, but unfortunately I see 468wExdVR4A-00026-00013184-00013550 a lot of this. You can listen to the audio pep talks 468wExdVR4A-00027-00013550-00014015 and complete the exercises over a quiet contemplative weekend, with the potential 468wExdVR4A-00028-00014015-00014344 for returning to the material on occasion and digging even deeper. And 468wExdVR4A-00029-00014344-00014780 while this workshop is intended primarily for writers, it'll be useful 468wExdVR4A-00030-00014780-00015169 for artists of all stripes. So if all this sounds right up your alley, then 468wExdVR4A-00031-00015169-00015559 click on the link below to watch the introductory video. I've tried to keep 468wExdVR4A-00032-00015559-00016028 the cost of this class low to make it as accessible as possible while still 468wExdVR4A-00033-00016028-00016451 compensating myself for all the work and experience I've put into it. If you have 468wExdVR4A-00034-00016451-00016831 any questions, leave them in the comments below, or you can always ping me on 468wExdVR4A-00035-00016831-00017270 social media. Thank you so much for watching, and I will hopefully see you in 468wExdVR4A-00036-00017270-00018025 Provisional Confidence! 47z6uJs6i_0-00000-00000000-00000527 This video is going to introduce the six basic trigonometric functions: sine, 47z6uJs6i_0-00001-00000527-00000986 cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, and cotangent. And we'll talk about how those 47z6uJs6i_0-00002-00000986-00001388 are defined using the opposite and adjacent sides of a right triangle. Let's 47z6uJs6i_0-00003-00001388-00001818 talk about a general right triangle. We can tell it's a right triangle because 47z6uJs6i_0-00004-00001818-00002250 in one of the angles there is a box. That means it's a 90 degree angle, so it's a 47z6uJs6i_0-00005-00002250-00002759 right triangle. And we're going to look at one particular angle -- one of the acute 47z6uJs6i_0-00006-00002759-00003246 angles -- and that will be what we've labeled X. And it's X and it's in degrees. 47z6uJs6i_0-00007-00003246-00003755 We used the little degree symbol there. Again, the side opposite the 90-degree 47z6uJs6i_0-00008-00003755-00004254 angle is the hypotenuse. That is the longest side of the triangle. But what we're 47z6uJs6i_0-00009-00004254-00004730 now going to talk about is a general way of talking about all of these sides in 47z6uJs6i_0-00010-00004730-00005307 relation to this angle X. The side that is opposite this angle X is called the 47z6uJs6i_0-00011-00005307-00006018 opposite side. The side that touches -- is a part of this angle X -- is called the 47z6uJs6i_0-00012-00006018-00006642 adjacent side. So we now have the hypotenuse, the side opposite X, and the 47z6uJs6i_0-00013-00006642-00007203 side adjacent to this angle X. What happens if we look at the other acute 47z6uJs6i_0-00014-00007203-00007940 angle in this triangle? Notice I've moved my X from the first angle to the second 47z6uJs6i_0-00015-00007940-00008543 acute angle. Well, the hypotenuse is still the same. The hypotenuse is still the 47z6uJs6i_0-00016-00008543-00009140 longest side -- the side opposite the 90-degree angle. But now my opposite leg, 47z6uJs6i_0-00017-00009140-00009828 which is still across from my new angle X, is what we used to be the adjacent 47z6uJs6i_0-00018-00009828-00010565 side, and the adjacent side of this new angle X is now the longer leg. So the 47z6uJs6i_0-00019-00010565-00011082 opposite and the adjacent side depend on which angle we're looking at -- which acute 47z6uJs6i_0-00020-00011082-00011540 angle we're looking at. The hypotenuse, as I said, is always the same as always the 47z6uJs6i_0-00021-00011540-00012135 longest side, and it's always the one opposite the 90-degree angle. So why have 47z6uJs6i_0-00022-00012135-00012539 we bothered talking about opposite sides and adjacent sides and the hypotenuse? 47z6uJs6i_0-00023-00012539-00013064 Well, we're going to use these sides -- these three sides -- and put them in ratios 47z6uJs6i_0-00024-00013064-00013360 and that is going to describe our trigonometric 47z6uJs6i_0-00025-00013360-00013816 ratios that we'll be using. Here's my triangle. Again, I've moved X back down 47z6uJs6i_0-00026-00013816-00014446 to the lower acute angle, and I have my side opposite, my side adjacent, and my 47z6uJs6i_0-00027-00014446-00015229 hypotenuse. These are the six different ways I can organize these three sides 47z6uJs6i_0-00028-00015229-00015694 into ratios. I have an opposite over hypotenuse, I have an adjacent over 47z6uJs6i_0-00029-00015694-00016261 hypotenuse, and an opposite over adjacent. I can also put the reciprocal of these 47z6uJs6i_0-00030-00016261-00016798 and write the hypotenuse over opposite, hypotenuse over adjacent, and adjacent 47z6uJs6i_0-00031-00016798-00017293 over opposite. This just happens to correspond to our six trigonometric 47z6uJs6i_0-00032-00017293-00018121 ratios. Sine of X, sine of an angle X, is defined as the opposite side over the 47z6uJs6i_0-00033-00018121-00018801 hypotenuse. Cosine of an angle is defined as the adjacent over the hypotenuse. 47z6uJs6i_0-00034-00018801-00019408 Tangent of this angle is the opposite over the adjacent side. We also have 47z6uJs6i_0-00035-00019408-00019933 three additional trigonometric functions. We have the cosecant of X and that's 47z6uJs6i_0-00036-00019933-00020298 equal to the reciprocal of sine X, if you notice. We'll hear more about that later, 47z6uJs6i_0-00037-00020298-00021007 but that's defined as the hypotenuse over the opposite. The secant of X is 47z6uJs6i_0-00038-00021007-00021547 equal to the hypotenuse over the adjacent side, and cotangent of X is 47z6uJs6i_0-00039-00021547-00022093 equal to the adjacent side over the opposite side. And that's how the six 47z6uJs6i_0-00040-00022093-00022491 basic trigonometric functions are defined. We have sine, cosine, tangent, 47z6uJs6i_0-00041-00022491-00022899 cosecant, secant, and cotangent. 48oCE1w1rT4-00000-00000000-00000350 Charly Kayle - 96.5 KOIT 48oCE1w1rT4-00001-00000400-00000750 Editor-In-Chief of San Francisco Chronicle Audrey Cooper 48oCE1w1rT4-00002-00000800-00001050 We're in her office at the Chronicle now. 48oCE1w1rT4-00003-00001100-00001500 Ironically, I'm "thanking her" for being at her job. 48oCE1w1rT4-00004-00004100-00004400 She's a good sport. 48oCE1w1rT4-00005-00004450-00004800 www.SFChronicle.com 4qM15ZTBbOM-00000-00000008-00001256 Robin bears a strong resemblance to Robin from Batman: The Animated Series with the same color as Flash Sentry's hair and skin and Justforkix's costume from Asterix and the Vikings. 4qM15ZTBbOM-00001-00001256-00002684 Barbara bears a strong resemblance to Barbara Gordon from Batman: The Animated Series with the same color as Twilight Sparkle's hair and skin, bat's ears, and Belle's yellow dress and gloves. 4qM15ZTBbOM-00002-00002684-00003460 Kenai is a Shiba Inu dog that bears a strong resemblance to Scooby-Doo with Goofy's teeth. 4qM15ZTBbOM-00003-00003460-00004800 Koda bears a strong resemblance to Jacob Two-Two and now has grown a big, strong, and powerful teenage man who looks like Shaggy Rogers, and has trained himself as a Z fighter. 4qM15ZTBbOM-00004-00004800-00005838 Nori bears a strong resemblance to Pingu from Pingu in the City, Yoshi from the TV animated series, Super Mario World, and Sonic the Hedgehog. 4qM15ZTBbOM-00005-00005838-00006420 Sydney bears a strong resemblance to Robby the Seal and Knuckles the Echidna. 4qM15ZTBbOM-00006-00006420-00006926 Blue Eagle bears a strong resemblance to Blue Falcon from Scoob. 4qM15ZTBbOM-00007-00006926-00007440 Discord bears a strong resemblance to Dynomutt, Dog Wonder from Scoob. 4qM15ZTBbOM-00008-00007440-00008088 Olaf the two-headed turkey was based on an enormous turkey from Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00000-00001785-00001998 Hey guys, Shalva with Life is NOYOKE. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00001-00002018-00002679 We are talking about the Certified Reconditioned Next Gen Vitamix. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00002-00002699-00003040 You might also know it as the 7500. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00003-00003060-00003740 The Creation's Elite the Pro 300 or the Professional Series 300. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00004-00003760-00003981 It's got a lot of names. What it is is this machine. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00005-00004001-00004341 It comes in black. It comes in red. And it comes in white. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00006-00004361-00005079 The easiest way to think about this is it's the exact same machine as the Pro 750. It just doesn't have the presets. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00007-00005099-00005778 The Pro 750 is one of our favorite machines by far. So it's a really really good machine. It's got a few features. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00008-00005798-00006453 It's got on / off switch, a variable one through ten speed, and then a pulse feature. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00009-00006473-00006880 The pulse feature really helps when you're trying to control the texture of your blend 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00010-00006880-00007080 if you're making a salsa or a soup. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00011-00007170-00007442 I use the pulse feature when we're making our lentil chili 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00012-00007442-00007642 because I want to make sure that there's still some lentils there. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00013-00007836-00008228 And then it also has this extra safety feature on the side here. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00014-00008246-00008310 That's what it comes with. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00015-00008330-00008768 It's got the 64-ounce Low-Profile container. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00016-00008788-00009468 And a cord! It needs that heavy duty cord because it has a two point two horsepower motor. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00017-00009488-00009618 I don't really know what that means. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00018-00009638-00009910 I just know that that means it's powerful 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00019-00009910-00010442 and it's the same motor that you're going to see in any of the newer models with more features. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00020-00010484-00010942 It's the exact same guts inside as some of those newer models with all the features 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00021-00010942-00011142 which means that this model can do everything any other Vitamix can do. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00022-00011486-00011722 It can mean hot soup. It can make hummus. It can make nut butters. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00023-00011741-00011837 It can make frozen desserts. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00024-00011857-00012276 It can make your smoothies, your juices, your dressings, all of that. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00025-00012296-00012880 You just have to make sure that you're doing the minimum batch size because it is that wider container. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00026-00012880-00013080 You have to make sure that you're blending enough of something to get the true blend. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00027-00013506-00013732 But this thing can make anything you want it to make. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00028-00013752-00014274 The other thing that comes with is a five-year warranty. Vitamix is known for their really good warranties. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00029-00014274-00014474 If anything should ever go wrong for five years they'll ship it back and forth no questions asked. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00030-00014991-00015318 It should last much much longer than five years as long as you take care of it. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00031-00015336-00015834 So one of the ways to take care of it is to clean it after you use it. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00032-00015834-00016094 This is one of the easiest kitchen appliances to clean. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00033-00016094-00016438 All you drop some soap, some water, turn it up to high for a few seconds. Dump it out in the sink. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00034-00016540-00016678 So what comes in the box? 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00035-00016698-00016859 Oh, I can't reach it any of that stuff. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00036-00016879-00016994 What comes in the box? 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00037-00017014-00017671 So you're gonna get in the box the motor base: Red, white, or black. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00038-00017691-00018196 The 64-ounce Low-Profile container, the tamper which is what sets Vitamix apart, in general. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00039-00018216-00018544 You can really control your blends. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00040-00018544-00018744 I think it's so hard to make a frozen dessert without a tamper. It's the best tool ever. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00041-00018928-00019200 Owner's manual that has all of your warranty information in it. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00042-00019218-00019663 You get a DVD if you still have somewhere to play a DVD, you can use that. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00043-00019683-00019900 And you get a legit cookbook. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00044-00019920-00020380 Really nice cookbook here; some beautiful pictures included. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00045-00020380-00020966 And then you also get your Vitamix Certified Reconditioned little pamphlet. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00046-00021024-00021350 It explains what a Certified Reconditioned model is. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00047-00021369-00021881 So what Certified Reconditioned means is that this machine is like new. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00048-00021900-00022316 They're just the best deal you'll hear from anyone that's ever bought a Certified Reconditioned Vitamix 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00049-00022316-00022806 that they're so glad that they did, that they saved a ton of money, and there's just no downside to getting one. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00050-00022884-00023466 If you're looking to add some accessories to this it is compatible with the 48-ounce container. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00051-00023466-00024164 Also the 32-ounce both the wet and the dry, and the Personal Cup Adapter. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00052-00024202-00024624 So that's where you can blend up a 20-ounce smoothie, 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00053-00024624-00024942 throw a lid on it and go so you can have that blend-and-go compatibility. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00054-00025068-00025464 There's something that I want to mention and it's that Vitamix's are not known for being quiet. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00055-00025464-00025664 They have a 2.2 horsepower motor and then they're not going to be quiet. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00056-00025988-00026786 This particular model is not the loudest. But it's also not the quietest it's somewhere in between. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00057-00026805-00027466 Ok so who is this Certified Reconditioned Next Generation model made for? 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00058-00027486-00027964 It's made for people who like minimalism that don't need all the extra bells and whistles. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00059-00027984-00028159 It's made for someone that's looking for a deal. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00060-00028179-00028861 This is the exact same blend quality as any other fancy Vitamix with light up screens and digital all programs. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00061-00028881-00029416 It blends the same exact way. So if you're looking for a deal this is an excellent pick. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00062-00029436-00029845 It's also for people that like basic done right. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00063-00029865-00030472 The history of Vitamix, you've seen a faceplate like this: On/off, variable speeds, pulse. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00064-00030492-00030775 There's a reason that that stuck around for so long. It works. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00065-00030795-00031381 If you do end up getting this model. We would love to know. Please use our website to notify us. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00066-00031401-00031898 That's a really good way for us to know that we got your referral credit, which thank you. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00067-00031918-00032180 But also we want to make sure that you're taking care of. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00068-00032200-00032636 So if you notify us that you picked this machine we will send you our ebook and make sure 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00069-00032636-00032836 that we can answer any questions that you might have. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00070-00032976-00033252 So if you like videos like this give us a thumbs up. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00071-00033274-00033486 Ask us any questions you might have in the comments. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00072-00033486-00033906 Subscribe to our channel if you haven't already we make videos like this, plus recipes, 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00073-00033906-00034224 how to use your actual machine, and we'll see in the next video. 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00074-00034308-00034476 If you guys want to stick around, we're going to make some green juice in here, 4z0ODW8Ksx0-00075-00034514-00034812 so stick around and watch the magic happen. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00000-00000008-00000656 September 8th was my last day at Google, after 13 years of working for this company. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00001-00000656-00001112 In this video, I'd like to explain why I left and what's next for me. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00002-00001112-00001440 Wait. 13 years? 4-AEHtbfkl0-00003-00001496-00002064 Yeah, I started in 2008 as employee number four in Google Czech Republic, 4-AEHtbfkl0-00004-00002136-00002984 and this was a long time ago. It was before Android and it was before Chrome, the browser. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00005-00003279-00003672 People here in the Czech Republic, where I'm currently making this video from, 4-AEHtbfkl0-00006-00003768-00003904 they didn't know Google. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00007-00003904-00004504 Maybe like 15 percent of people would know what Google is and those people would think, 4-AEHtbfkl0-00008-00004504-00004632 "oh, it's this obscure, 4-AEHtbfkl0-00009-00004768-00005248 you know, power-user kind of search engine". So, yeah, it was a different time. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00010-00005248-00006104 I tried so many things at Google. I started as a technical guy in sales. I did events. I 4-AEHtbfkl0-00011-00006176-00006808 built internal tools. I was producing apps. I was speaking at conferences. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00012-00006864-00007280 So many conferences! (Which was great.) 4-AEHtbfkl0-00013-00007280-00007864 I was also mentoring startups, and so many other things that I don't even remember. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00014-00007864-00008360 This will sound incredibly cheesy (as the rest of the video I guess) but 4-AEHtbfkl0-00015-00008496-00009128 I am actually proud of my work at Google. From the very beginning, for 13 years, 4-AEHtbfkl0-00016-00009128-00009768 I spent my time at Google teaching people about transformative technologies. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00017-00009832-00010336 Things like... I started with Analytics and AdWords and Website Optimizer, 4-AEHtbfkl0-00018-00010336-00010712 and I ended up with Flutter and Dart. And all those things, 4-AEHtbfkl0-00019-00010776-00011424 for the people who were listening, they could completely transform their careers. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00020-00011424-00011840 And there was hundreds of thousands of people that 4-AEHtbfkl0-00021-00011840-00012352 watched my videos, or attended conferences where I talked, or anything like that. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00022-00012352-00013072 So, yeah, I guess I am proud of my work at Google. So why do I quit, right? Why quit now? 4-AEHtbfkl0-00023-00013336-00013576 Look, I kind of wish I had something 4-AEHtbfkl0-00024-00013640-00014319 cool to say here, like, some great reason or some juicy internal struggle or something like this. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00025-00014319-00014944 But the actual reasons are actually boring. It boils down to being able to 4-AEHtbfkl0-00026-00015024-00015416 live the life that I want to live, close to my family. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00027-00015472-00016096 And because I'm now back in the Czech Republic, where I'm from, where all of my family is 4-AEHtbfkl0-00028-00016096-00016720 basically. I can talk about this for ages but probably not in a public YouTube video. So, 4-AEHtbfkl0-00029-00016720-00017352 if you and I ever have coffee together, I'm happy to discuss. But not here. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00030-00017352-00017752 What I wanted to say, and why basically... the reason why I'm making this video, is: 4-AEHtbfkl0-00031-00017752-00018456 I don't want anyone to think that this is about, "oh, you know, Filip is 4-AEHtbfkl0-00032-00018456-00019280 disappointed with Flutter 2.5", or whatever. No. It's really just personal choice. It's 4-AEHtbfkl0-00033-00019280-00019752 not a statement about anything. There's no drama, unfortunately. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00034-00019752-00020552 I still love Flutter. I think it's a fantastically productive app development environment. I will be 4-AEHtbfkl0-00035-00020552-00021184 using it for the foreseeable future. I love Dart. I think it's a fantastic, balanced, 4-AEHtbfkl0-00036-00021296-00021952 boring language that just gets out of your way and lets you be productive. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00037-00021952-00022832 I could... Also — I can't believe I almost didn't mention it — but the community is still... feels 4-AEHtbfkl0-00038-00022888-00023696 like a tightly knit community of people who are humble and nice to each other and welcoming. And 4-AEHtbfkl0-00039-00023696-00024568 that's such a big part of why I like Flutter and why I want to still be a big part of it. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00040-00024568-00025232 Also, 13 years is a lot. It is a lot, even though i wasn't bored at all 4-AEHtbfkl0-00041-00025232-00025712 during that time. At some point you have to say, like, "hey, it's enough." 4-AEHtbfkl0-00042-00025712-00025976 Which brings me to what do I do now. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00043-00026295-00026632 I hope it's clear by now that this is not a career move. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00044-00026688-00027032 I don't have any immediate plans as to employment, 4-AEHtbfkl0-00045-00027032-00027856 right. But that doesn't mean that I will just be sitting idly and doing nothing. I do still want to 4-AEHtbfkl0-00046-00027912-00028527 continue explaining complex things to smart people. Which is kind of what I've been doing for 4-AEHtbfkl0-00047-00028527-00029152 the past 15 years. Even before Google i was doing this. And I think there's definitely things to be 4-AEHtbfkl0-00048-00029208-00029856 taught about performance in Flutter, how to make your apps fast, about design and Flutter... 4-AEHtbfkl0-00049-00029856-00030432 I'm going to do that even though I'm not going to be paid by Google to do that anymore. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00050-00030432-00031088 I also have my Self-Improving Developer project, which is more tuned towards, like, not just 4-AEHtbfkl0-00051-00031088-00031695 Flutter but in general. If you're a self-taught developer, things that you might not know because 4-AEHtbfkl0-00052-00031695-00032264 you missed the kind of the computer science education, and that you might want to know. And 4-AEHtbfkl0-00053-00032352-00032824 that's just like, right now, it's a book but maybe it's going to be something else. I don't know yet. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00054-00032824-00033312 And, of course, I have my game / book thing. Knights of San Francisco. And 4-AEHtbfkl0-00055-00033312-00033856 egamebook and stuff like this. Which I released in May, to great acclaim, 4-AEHtbfkl0-00056-00033856-00034368 but I didn't really do anything about it since then because I was busy with 4-AEHtbfkl0-00057-00034368-00034856 a bunch of other stuff. And i hope that I'll be able to come back to it and maybe 4-AEHtbfkl0-00058-00034856-00035352 create a sequel and stuff like this. So, stay tuned if you're into that as well. 4-AEHtbfkl0-00059-00035352-00036224 In other words, I'll be busy, both with family and with work, and I'm fortunate enough to be able to 4-AEHtbfkl0-00060-00036224-00036760 shift the focus a little bit towards family. But I'm not retiring or anything, so... 4-AEHtbfkl0-00061-00036816-00037432 I'll see you around. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00000-00001736-00002520 Hello, I'm Brian Ferrill. Welcome to PACE I T's session on client side network setup part two. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00001-00002558-00003132 Today, we're going to be discussing how to establish various network connections, 4A9JqJvJCDM-00002-00003132-00003702 proxy settings, and then we'll finish with Remote Desktop. With that, let's go ahead 4A9JqJvJCDM-00003-00003702-00004247 and begin this session. Let's begin by discussing how to establish 4A9JqJvJCDM-00004-00004247-00004869 various types of network connections. The first network connection we're going to discuss 4A9JqJvJCDM-00005-00004869-00005626 is the dial-up connection. Old school. Now, dial-up requires a modem and an Internet service 4A9JqJvJCDM-00006-00005626-00006294 provider that will accept a dial-up connection. How do you set one up? Select Network and 4A9JqJvJCDM-00007-00006294-00006812 Sharing Center from the Control Panel. Select Set up a new connection or network. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00008-00006823-00007556 Then, enter the information provided by the ISP. That's the phone number to use, your username, 4A9JqJvJCDM-00009-00007556-00008376 password, etc. Then you get to choose to either allow or disallow other people to use your network connection. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00010-00008392-00008678 Select Create, and you're done. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00011-00008824-00009480 Now let's discuss VPN. VPN is a virtual private network. This allows for a private connection 4A9JqJvJCDM-00012-00009481-00010269 over a public network. It creates an encrypted tunnel between the PC and the VPN server or firewall. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00013-00010272-00010838 How do you set one up? Select Network and Sharing Center from the Control Panel. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00014-00010838-00011542 Select Set up a new connection or network. Select Connect to a workplace. Select Use 4A9JqJvJCDM-00015-00011542-00012346 my Internet connection VPN. Enter the IP address of the VPN server. Then you need to enter 4A9JqJvJCDM-00016-00012346-00013144 the proper username and password, and a domain, if required. Select Connect. The computer 4A9JqJvJCDM-00017-00013144-00013906 will cycle through all of its available tunneling protocols until it and the VPN server agree 4A9JqJvJCDM-00018-00013906-00014313 upon which one to use. Then, you have your connection. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00019-00014382-00015149 Now, let's discuss wireless network connections. Wireless networks require wireless capability, 4A9JqJvJCDM-00020-00015149-00015812 so you need to have a wireless adapter-at the minimum-for your PC, and a compatible 4A9JqJvJCDM-00021-00015812-00016510 wireless access point, a WAP. If you really want to add functionality, you need an Internet connection. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00022-00016536-00017135 How do you set one up? The first thing is, you need to know your service set 4A9JqJvJCDM-00023-00017135-00017906 identifier, your SSID. That is the wireless network's name. Then, you should know the 4A9JqJvJCDM-00024-00017906-00018718 type of security used. Is it WEP? I sure hope not. How about WPA? Again a fail. It should 4A9JqJvJCDM-00025-00018718-00019622 be at least WPA2, or 802.1X. But, you still need to know which security protocols are in play. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00026-00019646-00020328 Then, you click Start. Select Connect To from the Start menu. Select the wireless 4A9JqJvJCDM-00027-00020328-00021009 network you wish to join. Then you select Connect. You enter the proper credentials 4A9JqJvJCDM-00028-00021009-00021651 at the prompt and select OKAY. Now you're connected to a wireless network. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00029-00021651-00022490 Now, a wired connection requires a network interface card, a NIC. Actually they all do. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00030-00022490-00023301 You also need the proper type of cabling, CAT-5, CAT-5E, is it CAT-6?, etc. You also 4A9JqJvJCDM-00031-00023301-00023905 need a way to connect to the network, which would be a hub at the minimum. It would be 4A9JqJvJCDM-00032-00023905-00024698 preferred that you use a switch or a router, or both. Now let's discuss setup. In most 4A9JqJvJCDM-00033-00024698-00025363 cases, the setup for a wired network is fairly automatic, as access to a functioning switchport 4A9JqJvJCDM-00034-00025363-00026145 is deemed sufficient authorization to use the network. Setup of both wired and wireless 4A9JqJvJCDM-00035-00026145-00026970 networks often use DHCP, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, to configure the proper IP addresses. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00036-00027089-00027782 Let's move on to proxy settings. Before we can discuss the proxy settings, we need to 4A9JqJvJCDM-00037-00027783-00028602 discuss proxy servers. These enable a network to use caching and filtering on the network. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00038-00028602-00029394 Caching conserves bandwidth, because it saves frequently requested Web pages in its cache. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00039-00029394-00030149 And it provides filtering, because it will restrict access to Web pages. An added benefit 4A9JqJvJCDM-00040-00030149-00030749 to using a proxy server is that the end user is hidden, shielded, from the Internet. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00041-00030749-00031607 They're never seen, only the proxy server is seen. With that taken care of, let's discuss proxy settings. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00042-00031648-00032377 Most client side proxy settings are established by the browser. So, how do 4A9JqJvJCDM-00043-00032378-00032940 you set one up? Select Internet options from the Control Panel. Click the Connections tab, 4A9JqJvJCDM-00044-00032940-00033647 and then go down to the LAN settings button. Check the box that says Use a proxy server 4A9JqJvJCDM-00045-00033647-00034312 for your LAN. Enter the IP address and the port for the proxy server. It is possible 4A9JqJvJCDM-00046-00034312-00034937 to bypass a proxy server for the local network traffic. Then, you click OKAY, and you've 4A9JqJvJCDM-00047-00034937-00035543 established the proxy setting. Now, let's move on to Remote Desktop. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00048-00035596-00036270 Allowing Remote Desktop access means that you can access your PC from almost anywhere that you have 4A9JqJvJCDM-00049-00036271-00036868 an Internet connection. Remote Desktop can be a powerful tool in your arsenal, but it 4A9JqJvJCDM-00050-00036868-00037641 also creates a vulnerability in the network. Remote Desktop settings need to be allowed 4A9JqJvJCDM-00051-00037641-00038322 before the Remote Desktop can be enabled. By default, Windows Firewall blocks access 4A9JqJvJCDM-00052-00038322-00038959 to the Remote Desktop feature. How do you set it up? Well, first off, you go to System 4A9JqJvJCDM-00053-00038959-00039522 from the Control Panel. Then you select Remote Settings. Select the radio button that sets 4A9JqJvJCDM-00054-00039522-00040183 the remote connection level that is desired. Then, you click Apply. Then you go to the 4A9JqJvJCDM-00055-00040183-00040951 Windows Firewall from the Control Panel. Select Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00056-00040978-00041503 Check the box for Remote Desktop, and then check the box for the type of network 4A9JqJvJCDM-00057-00041503-00042037 profile that you're allowing. Is it private or public? That one's not recommended. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00058-00042046-00042666 Click OKAY. You have now created access to your Remote Desktop. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00059-00042676-00043366 That concludes this session on client side network setup part two. We discussed how to 4A9JqJvJCDM-00060-00043366-00044047 establish various types of network connections, we discussed how you establish proxy settings, 4A9JqJvJCDM-00061-00044047-00044541 so you can use a proxy server, and we finished with Remote Desktop. 4A9JqJvJCDM-00062-00044576-00045260 On behalf of PACE I T, thank you for viewing this and I'm sure we'll do some more soon. 4BarRrhC4-Q-00000-00000366-00000662 Ever wondered how to use askUWA? 4BarRrhC4-Q-00001-00000704-00000968 If you're a student at UWA it's full of answers to many of your questions. 4BarRrhC4-Q-00002-00001088-00001688 First, go to the homepage. Then choose which category you fall under: 4BarRrhC4-Q-00003-00001792-00002248 current students, future students, community, or UWA staff. 4BarRrhC4-Q-00004-00002618-00003102 Next, in the search box at the top, type in keywords or a phrase which matches your question 4BarRrhC4-Q-00005-00003116-00003447 and find the answers to your queries. 4BarRrhC4-Q-00006-00003452-00003956 I work part time, so I'm interested in finding out when the exam timetable will be available. 4BarRrhC4-Q-00007-00004304-00004608 The first entry answers my question. 4BarRrhC4-Q-00008-00004756-00005180 Let's say that I'm interested in the types of trees on campus. 4BarRrhC4-Q-00009-00005292-00005828 If you search but nothing comes up, you can email your question to the friendly askUWA team. 4BarRrhC4-Q-00010-00005842-00006386 Just go to the ‘Email us’ button, log in with your Pheme details, and send your query through. 4BarRrhC4-Q-00011-00006402-00006778 You’ll receive a receipt number and a confirmation email. 4BarRrhC4-Q-00012-00006844-00007286 Your question will usually be answered within two university working days. 4BarRrhC4-Q-00013-00007838-00008280 New questions are regularly entered into the database so keep coming back to see what’s available. 4BarRrhC4-Q-00014-00008352-00008598 and the most important ones will be on the right. 4BarRrhC4-Q-00015-00008712-00009160 When in doubt, askUWA: Answers Online Anytime. 4EqmUGAfTcY-00000-00000088-00000440 FACTS is an acronym we created at Niagara College to help you 4EqmUGAfTcY-00001-00000440-00000824 remember the evaluation criteria we have discussed in this tutorial. 4EqmUGAfTcY-00002-00000960-00001296 F stands for Find: What words did you search with? 4EqmUGAfTcY-00003-00001360-00001792 How did you find this information? A website? Library database? Social media? 4EqmUGAfTcY-00004-00001896-00002240 What biases may exist from the source of this information? 4EqmUGAfTcY-00005-00002472-00003192 A is for Action: What is the purpose of this piece? To educate? To entertain? To sell? 4EqmUGAfTcY-00006-00003368-00003768 Is there an agenda in the work, i.e., is the author or creator 4EqmUGAfTcY-00007-00003768-00004384 promoting an idea or action? Who is the intended audience? 4EqmUGAfTcY-00008-00004496-00005032 C stands for credible. Who wrote the piece? What are their qualifications? 4EqmUGAfTcY-00009-00005104-00005784 Who benefits from the research or study? Who is missing from the conversation? 4EqmUGAfTcY-00010-00005912-00006536 T is for timeline. When was the piece written? Has the information been updated recently? 4EqmUGAfTcY-00011-00006640-00006968 Where does it fit into the scholarly conversation of the topic? 4EqmUGAfTcY-00012-00007144-00007568 And finally, S is for sources. How is the idea supported? 4EqmUGAfTcY-00013-00007656-00007864 What reliable references are used? 4EqmUGAfTcY-00014-00008008-00008248 Remember to think of the big picture; 4EqmUGAfTcY-00015-00008248-00008760 you are trying to decide whether or not something is reliable. FACTS is a quick 4EqmUGAfTcY-00016-00008760-00009456 way to bring key questions to mind when you are performing an evaluation on information. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00000-00000052-00000287 Hello , and welcome to Bay College's video lectures 4EHgWJkvCjo-00001-00000287-00000541 for Math 095, Basic Algebra. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00002-00000541-00000876 In this video we're going to look at sections 11.7, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00003-00000876-00001440 which also incorporates 7.6a, the first part of 7.6. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00004-00001440-00001723 Now the first thing we're going to review is adding fractions. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00005-00001723-00001942 We know how to add fractions. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00006-00001942-00002214 If we add fractions with a common denominator, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00007-00002214-00002622 we can just add the numerators over that denominator. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00008-00002622-00002856 But there are going to be times, especially when working 4EHgWJkvCjo-00009-00002856-00003206 with polynomials, where we have some division, essentially just 4EHgWJkvCjo-00010-00003206-00003265 fractions. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00011-00003265-00003508 When we have polynomials with fractions, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00012-00003508-00003721 we call these rational expressions, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00013-00003721-00004040 where we have, maybe, an x in a denominator. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00014-00004040-00004336 So sometimes we'll have to implore a tool where 4EHgWJkvCjo-00015-00004336-00004630 we take something like this, and we actually split it up. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00016-00004630-00004826 We work it backwards. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00017-00004826-00005268 So if I can write a common denominator for one of them, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00018-00005268-00006121 I can also split it up back to its different terms. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00019-00006121-00006426 This term plus that term is this single term. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00020-00006426-00006592 And we can work it backwards to get 4EHgWJkvCjo-00021-00006592-00006753 the same thing we started with. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00022-00006753-00007130 Well, here, if we're looking at a polynomial with division, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00023-00007130-00007545 rational expressions, we just have maybe some polynomial 4EHgWJkvCjo-00024-00007545-00007640 in the denominator. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00025-00007640-00007815 And here we have a monomial. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00026-00007815-00008102 So this is monomial division. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00027-00008102-00008390 Well, what we see here is very similar to this. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00028-00008390-00008572 We want to break it up. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00029-00008572-00008803 So what I can say is, each of these terms 4EHgWJkvCjo-00030-00008803-00009059 is divided by 5x squared. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00031-00009059-00009486 If we think about it when we had a distribution, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00032-00009486-00009683 we multiplied it to each term. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00033-00009683-00009904 Well, this is a form of distribution, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00034-00009904-00010063 except it's not multiplication. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00035-00010063-00010272 We're dividing each term. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00036-00010272-00010728 So I can split this up to be, the first term has 4EHgWJkvCjo-00037-00010728-00011130 to be divided by my denominator. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00038-00011130-00011471 And the next term, this negative 5x 4EHgWJkvCjo-00039-00011471-00011739 squared, so negative 5x squared, has 4EHgWJkvCjo-00040-00011739-00012237 to be divided by this denominator. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00041-00012237-00012579 And then the last term, that positive 10x, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00042-00012579-00012824 has to be divided by x squared. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00043-00012824-00013041 So to divide by a monomial, we can just 4EHgWJkvCjo-00044-00013041-00013335 break it up to each term and simplify 4EHgWJkvCjo-00045-00013335-00013563 using our rules of exponents and all the rules 4EHgWJkvCjo-00046-00013563-00013736 that we've learned before. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00047-00013736-00014029 15 over 5 is 3. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00048-00014029-00014369 x cubed over x squared is x. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00049-00014369-00014694 Here I have minus 5x squared over 5x squared. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00050-00014694-00014906 Well, anything divided by itself is 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00051-00014906-00015116 If we can recognize that, that's a shortcut. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00052-00015116-00015341 Or we could just reduce it one piece at a time. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00053-00015341-00015491 5 over 5 is 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00054-00015491-00015694 x squared over x squared is 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00055-00015694-00016080 1 times 1 is 1, a negative 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00056-00016080-00016570 And then here if we reduce this well, 10 over 5 is 2. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00057-00016570-00016954 And x over x squared, well, if we just 4EHgWJkvCjo-00058-00016954-00017208 cancel one of the x's, we could think of it that way, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00059-00017208-00017421 there'd still be an x in the denominator. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00060-00017421-00017708 Or if we use our rules of exponents, 1 minus 2 4EHgWJkvCjo-00061-00017708-00017843 would be a negative 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00062-00017843-00018118 Well, that negative tells me I need its reciprocal. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00063-00018118-00018344 Put it in the denominator. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00064-00018344-00018461 2 over x. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00065-00018461-00018792 So if we reduce that, 1x remains in the denominator. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00066-00018792-00019180 So I did the division of this simply by splitting it up 4EHgWJkvCjo-00067-00019180-00019260 by its terms. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00068-00019260-00019837 Dividing by a monomial results in 3x minus 1 plus 2 over x. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00069-00019837-00020160 So let's look at one more example. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00070-00020160-00020757 Here we have 4y squared plus 12x squared y squared minus 4xy. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00071-00020757-00021237 And I want to divide all of that by minus 4xy. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00072-00021237-00021674 Now, I could rewrite it with each term over this. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00073-00021674-00021863 But, as a shortcut, I'm just going 4EHgWJkvCjo-00074-00021863-00022208 to simplify these terms individually. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00075-00022208-00022450 It's kind of skipping a step and hopefully you 4EHgWJkvCjo-00076-00022450-00022613 understand the process. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00077-00022613-00022981 So the first term, 4 over a negative 4, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00078-00022981-00023106 is going to be a negative 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00079-00023106-00023357 And I'm not going to write the one, just the negative sign. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00080-00023357-00023636 A y squared on top with a y on the bottom 4EHgWJkvCjo-00081-00023636-00023998 would reduce to just a single y. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00082-00023998-00024269 But there's still that x in the denominator. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00083-00024269-00024512 It didn't cancel in that term. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00084-00024512-00024627 So that's the first term. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00085-00024627-00024840 I've dealt with it. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00086-00024840-00025177 The next term, I say well, 12 divided by negative 4 4EHgWJkvCjo-00087-00025177-00025349 is negative 3. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00088-00025629-00025862 And then I move on to the x's. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00089-00025862-00026231 x squared over x, quotient rule 2 minus 1 is just 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00090-00026231-00026410 I have one x remaining. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00091-00026410-00026625 Or I reduce this by 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00092-00026625-00026963 Same thing with the y. y squared with a y, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00093-00026963-00027149 it would simplify to just y. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00094-00027149-00027335 Now notice nothing in the denominator. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00095-00027335-00027674 That's very similar to the last example we looked at. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00096-00027674-00027919 And here we have negative 4 over negative 4. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00097-00027919-00028143 Well, that's a positive 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00098-00028143-00028405 x over x reduces to 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00099-00028405-00028670 y over y reduces to 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00100-00028670-00028922 So 1 times 1 times 1 is 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00101-00028922-00029147 Just because they're the same terms, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00102-00029147-00029347 we can't think of them as just canceling. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00103-00029347-00029611 We have to think of them as reducing to 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00104-00029611-00030101 And you see we get negative y over x minus 3xy plus 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00105-00030101-00030298 And I didn't show much work here. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00106-00030298-00030510 But hopefully you conceptually understand that. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00107-00030510-00030826 Otherwise you can write this over that, and simplify it. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00108-00030826-00031035 This over that, and simplify it. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00109-00031035-00031275 This over that, and simplify it. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00110-00031275-00031638 So with practice, you'll be able to do it just like that. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00111-00031638-00031773 All right. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00112-00031773-00031852 Let's move on. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00113-00031852-00032187 We're going to review long division because sometimes it's 4EHgWJkvCjo-00114-00032187-00032461 a tool that we need to divide polynomials. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00115-00032461-00032754 They're not always going to be divided by a monomial. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00116-00032754-00033175 Sometimes it might be a binomial or something larger. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00117-00033175-00033481 So if we look at this, we're just going to review division. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00118-00033481-00033901 When I want to divide a number by a divisor, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00119-00033901-00034071 the first thing I look at is, what do I 4EHgWJkvCjo-00120-00034071-00034424 have to do this to get it as close to this spot right 4EHgWJkvCjo-00121-00034424-00034597 here, the leading term. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00122-00034597-00034889 Well, it doesn't go into the leading term. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00123-00034889-00035143 So I have to incorporate this term here, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00124-00035143-00035450 or this place I should say, the tens place. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00125-00035450-00035744 What times 6 would get me as close as possible to this 4EHgWJkvCjo-00126-00035744-00035901 without going over? 4EHgWJkvCjo-00127-00035901-00036668 Well, I know 30 is a multiple of 6, which would be 5. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00128-00036668-00037001 So I go 5 times 6 is 30. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00129-00037001-00037204 Then I find the difference. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00130-00037204-00037391 The difference is going to be 4. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00131-00037391-00037494 4 Minus 0. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00132-00037494-00037661 3 minus 3. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00133-00037661-00038068 Now when I get to here, I bring down the next term. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00134-00038068-00038369 What can I multiply by 6 to get as close 4EHgWJkvCjo-00135-00038369-00038574 to this value as possible? 4EHgWJkvCjo-00136-00038574-00038893 Well, I know that 7 times 6 would be 42. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00137-00038893-00039165 But 6 times 8 would be 48. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00138-00039165-00039300 48 is too much. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00139-00039300-00039460 I can't go past this. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00140-00039460-00039828 So it's 7 times 6. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00141-00039828-00040131 7 times 6 is going to give me that 42. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00142-00040131-00040272 I didn't go over. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00143-00040272-00040634 And then when I find the difference, 6 minus 2 is 4. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00144-00040634-00040879 There's nothing left to bring down. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00145-00040879-00041060 So this is a remainder. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00146-00041060-00041282 Now when we do polynomial division, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00147-00041282-00041450 we're not going to use decimals here. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00148-00041450-00041575 We're going to use remainders. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00149-00041575-00041736 So let's use this remainder. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00150-00041736-00042064 This would be 4 over the divisor, right. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00151-00042064-00042262 Our remainder over the divisor. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00152-00042262-00042732 4 over 6 would reduce to 2/3. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00153-00042732-00042873 So we have a remainder. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00154-00042873-00043447 57 and 2/3 is the quotient of this division. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00155-00043447-00043555 All right. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00156-00043555-00043996 Let's see how that applies to division of polynomials 4EHgWJkvCjo-00157-00043996-00044256 when we're dividing by a binomial. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00158-00044256-00044675 Now we have x cubed plus 8 divided by x plus 2. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00159-00044675-00045021 When we rewrite this, we have to have our polynomials 4EHgWJkvCjo-00160-00045021-00045375 in standard form, which means descending order. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00161-00045375-00045821 But each power, or each degree, of the term 4EHgWJkvCjo-00162-00045821-00046216 has to have a placeholder, just like we had the hundreds 4EHgWJkvCjo-00163-00046216-00046521 place, the tens place, and the ones place. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00164-00046521-00046700 They have to have a placeholder. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00165-00046700-00046925 So my first term is x cubed. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00166-00046925-00047143 I don't have any x squared. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00167-00047143-00047350 So I write it in there as a placeholder. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00168-00047350-00047589 I don't have any single x terms. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00169-00047589-00047740 So there are 0 of them. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00170-00047740-00047885 And then I have my constant. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00171-00047885-00048147 So it's in descending order. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00172-00048147-00048476 And if I write it-- my divisor, x plus 2, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00173-00048476-00048676 is going to divide into this-- I treat 4EHgWJkvCjo-00174-00048676-00048930 it just like long division at this point. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00175-00048930-00049458 What would I have to multiply x by to get x cubed? 4EHgWJkvCjo-00176-00049458-00049652 It would be x squared. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00177-00049652-00049928 So the reason why I needed this placeholder 4EHgWJkvCjo-00178-00049928-00050230 is because I have to line up my values. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00179-00050230-00050546 If we look back at this, this was the tens place, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00180-00050546-00050796 my first digit went into the tens place. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00181-00050796-00050991 It was 57. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00182-00050991-00051285 Well, my first term is the x squared. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00183-00051285-00051489 It has to go in the x squared place. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00184-00051489-00051750 And that's why we needed those placeholders. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00185-00051750-00051965 So let's back up for a moment. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00186-00051965-00052172 What did I have to multiply by x to get 4EHgWJkvCjo-00187-00052172-00052404 it as close to x cubed as possible? 4EHgWJkvCjo-00188-00052404-00052603 I have to multiply it by x squared. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00189-00052603-00052929 And now, just like we did 5 times 6 to get that 30, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00190-00052929-00053286 we're going to do x squared times this quantity. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00191-00053286-00053722 And we're going to put it here. x squared times x is x cubed. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00192-00053722-00054201 And x squared times 2 is 2x squared. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00193-00054201-00054590 Now just like we found this value, we then subtracted it. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00194-00054590-00054786 And this is where we have to be careful 4EHgWJkvCjo-00195-00054786-00054980 because we don't want to make a sign error. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00196-00054980-00055192 I am subtracting that whole quantity 4EHgWJkvCjo-00197-00055192-00055511 just like I subtracted that whole quantity. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00198-00055511-00055815 So I have to distribute this negative. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00199-00055815-00056142 So it's x cubed minus x cubed. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00200-00056142-00056466 And a good sign that you did it correctly is, this term 4EHgWJkvCjo-00201-00056466-00056711 will always be 0. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00202-00056711-00056917 It will always cancel out. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00203-00056917-00057171 So x cubed minus x cubed is 0. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00204-00057171-00057819 0x's squared minus 2x's squared is negative 2x's squared. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00205-00057819-00058173 Now just like we did before, we brought down the next digit. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00206-00058173-00058462 Well, here we're bringing down the next term. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00207-00058462-00058704 And then I look at this value just like I did here. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00208-00058704-00059008 What do I have to multiply by 6 to get 46? 4EHgWJkvCjo-00209-00059008-00059263 Well, what do I have to multiply by x 4EHgWJkvCjo-00210-00059263-00059549 to get negative 2x squared? 4EHgWJkvCjo-00211-00059549-00059949 Well, I have to multiply by negative 2x. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00212-00059949-00060325 Negative 2x times x would give me that negative 2x squared. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00213-00060325-00060459 Then I do that distribution. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00214-00060459-00060858 Negative 2x times x is negative 2x squared. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00215-00060858-00061290 Negative 2x times 2 is negative 4x. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00216-00061290-00061691 Now just like before, I have to subtract that value. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00217-00061691-00061882 And you can see we got lots of negatives. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00218-00061882-00062036 So we want to be careful. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00219-00062036-00062182 If I think about it this way, I can 4EHgWJkvCjo-00220-00062182-00062579 distribute it, which is going to change those signs. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00221-00062579-00062891 Now I don't have to worry about it because I distributed it. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00222-00062891-00063439 Negative 2x squared plus 2x squared, no more 2x's squared. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00223-00063439-00063620 It's 0, 0x's squared. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00224-00063620-00063954 This term should always cancel out. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00225-00063954-00064450 And then I have 0x's plus 4x's is 4x's. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00226-00064450-00064623 Now we have one last term. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00227-00064623-00064840 We bring that down. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00228-00064840-00065184 So you see, we're bringing our terms down after each step. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00229-00065184-00065339 And then I look at this and say, what 4EHgWJkvCjo-00230-00065339-00065684 do I have to multiply by x to get 4x? 4EHgWJkvCjo-00231-00065684-00066111 Well, if I multiply by 4, 4 times x will give me that 4x. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00232-00066111-00066262 Now I can do that distribution. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00233-00066262-00066531 4 times x is 4x. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00234-00066531-00066900 4 times 2 is 8. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00235-00066900-00067066 Now that's a good sign. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00236-00067066-00067514 If I find their difference, 4x minus 4x no more, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00237-00067514-00067682 this term always cancels. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00238-00067682-00068106 But this term, 8 minus 8 is also 0. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00239-00068106-00068272 There's nothing left to bring down. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00240-00068272-00068458 But this value is 0. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00241-00068458-00068711 That tells me that there is no remainder. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00242-00068711-00069187 This polynomial was evenly divisible by that polynomial. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00243-00069187-00069384 No remainder. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00244-00069384-00069434 All right. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00245-00069434-00069962 So, I have this example here, 6x cubed plus x squared plus 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00246-00069962-00070336 And hopefully we recognize there's a placeholder missing. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00247-00070336-00070600 And we also have a placeholder missing here. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00248-00070600-00070795 Both of them have to have their placeholders. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00249-00070795-00071205 This would be x squared 0x's minus 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00250-00071205-00071417 So x squared plus 0x's minus 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00251-00071417-00071647 I want you to try this one yourself. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00252-00071647-00071783 Get that practice. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00253-00071783-00071975 Make sure you have your placeholders. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00254-00071975-00072134 And do that division. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00255-00072134-00072417 If you need to refer back to that. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00256-00072417-00072473 All right. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00257-00072473-00072892 For this one, we're going to do a different method. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00258-00072892-00073174 We're going to use something called synthetic division. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00259-00073174-00073542 Now the only time we can use synthetic division is when 4EHgWJkvCjo-00260-00073542-00074196 our divisor is of the form x minus some number c. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00261-00074196-00074574 Now since it's x minus the number, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00262-00074574-00074805 that tells me the opposite of the number. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00263-00074805-00075210 Well, when I look in here and I see x minus 3, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00264-00075210-00075487 it says the opposite of 3. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00265-00075487-00075689 Well, what's the opposite of 3? 4EHgWJkvCjo-00266-00075689-00075756 Negative 3. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00267-00075756-00075877 And that's what I have there. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00268-00075877-00076261 So this says x and the opposite of the number I see. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00269-00076261-00076425 I see a negative 3. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00270-00076425-00076631 Its opposite is 3. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00271-00076631-00076869 So that's one thing you want to look for. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00272-00076869-00077520 Is this binomial a first degree and a constant? 4EHgWJkvCjo-00273-00077520-00077769 x minus a number. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00274-00077769-00078003 And then you take the opposite of what you see in there. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00275-00078003-00078358 If this was x plus 3, I'd write a negative 3 here. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00276-00078358-00078483 Take the opposite. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00277-00078483-00078769 And I'll explain in a moment why we do that. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00278-00078769-00078982 Now to do synthetic division. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00279-00078982-00079140 And synthetic division just says, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00280-00079140-00079353 you know it's kind of a shortcut method. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00281-00079353-00079681 We just look at this and take the coefficients 4EHgWJkvCjo-00282-00079681-00079828 in descending order. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00283-00079828-00079991 The coefficient of the cubed term 4EHgWJkvCjo-00284-00079991-00080331 is 1, of the squared term is negative 4, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00285-00080331-00080982 of the first power term is two, and the constant is negative 5. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00286-00080982-00081322 That is just the set up for synthetic division. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00287-00081322-00081636 To do synthetic division, you essentially 4EHgWJkvCjo-00288-00081636-00082005 bring down the first coefficient, 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00289-00082005-00082159 And then you multiply. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00290-00082159-00082470 3 times 1 is 3. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00291-00082470-00082909 So I'll just draw some arrows, 3 times that value. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00292-00082909-00083146 We're multiplying. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00293-00083146-00083292 We put the value up here. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00294-00083292-00083455 And then we add them. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00295-00083455-00083641 Negative 4 plus 3. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00296-00083641-00083804 Now the reason why we're adding is 4EHgWJkvCjo-00297-00083804-00084028 because we already changed the sign. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00298-00084028-00084325 When we did division before we always subtracted. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00299-00084325-00084683 Well now, because we already changed the sign, we can add. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00300-00084683-00084949 Less chance of making a sign error. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00301-00084949-00085266 So negative 4 and 3 is a negative 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00302-00085266-00085526 And now I multiply again, just like I did here. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00303-00085526-00085743 3 times negative 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00304-00085743-00085879 Negative 3. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00305-00085879-00085989 And then I add these. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00306-00085989-00086346 2 plus a negative 3 is a negative 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00307-00086346-00086509 And then I multiply again. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00308-00086509-00086869 3 times negative 1 is negative 3. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00309-00086869-00087018 And I add these. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00310-00087018-00087397 Negative 5 plus a negative 3 is a negative 8. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00311-00087397-00087696 There's nothing left to bring down. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00312-00087696-00088036 This tells me, because it's not zero, the last term, it wasn't 4EHgWJkvCjo-00313-00088036-00088406 evenly divisible, which means I'll have a remainder. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00314-00088406-00088598 Now, what are my x values here? 4EHgWJkvCjo-00315-00088598-00088844 If I'm supposed to be making a polynomial, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00316-00088844-00089073 I need to have these x values. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00317-00089073-00089390 Well, let's just for a moment take the leading terms. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00318-00089390-00089814 I took a term of third degree, x cubed, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00319-00089814-00090222 and I divided it by a term of first degree, x. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00320-00090222-00090586 x cubed over x would reduce to x squared. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00321-00090586-00090761 This is my leading term. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00322-00090761-00090886 So I can just put it in there. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00323-00090886-00091330 1x squared minus x, because it's in descending 4EHgWJkvCjo-00324-00091330-00091766 order, minus 1-- our constant-- minus this value. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00325-00091766-00091979 Well, this value is the remainder. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00326-00091979-00092229 And when we've seen in our example of normal division, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00327-00092229-00092493 when we have a remainder we place it 4EHgWJkvCjo-00328-00092493-00093042 over our divisor, which was x minus 3. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00329-00093042-00093249 So let's rewrite what we have here. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00330-00093249-00094173 We have x squared minus an x minus 1 minus 8 over x minus 3. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00331-00094173-00094476 This is our solution. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00332-00094476-00094754 Now the first time you season synthetic division 4EHgWJkvCjo-00333-00094754-00094970 or do synthetic division it might 4EHgWJkvCjo-00334-00094970-00095419 be a little scary in that it's something new. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00335-00095419-00095732 So we're going to do another example. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00336-00095732-00095893 But don't be intimidated by it. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00337-00095893-00096231 With some practice you'll see, hopefully you'll see, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00338-00096231-00096519 there's less chance of making sign errors because we're not 4EHgWJkvCjo-00339-00096519-00096889 subtracting several quantities all at once. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00340-00096889-00097028 Let's look at this example here. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00341-00097028-00097238 We'll do synthetic division one more time. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00342-00097238-00097495 And then I'll give you an example to try on your own. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00343-00097495-00098010 Here we have x cubed plus 1 divided by x plus 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00344-00098010-00098390 Is this of the form x minus c? 4EHgWJkvCjo-00345-00098390-00098916 Well, x minus what number would give me x plus 1? , 4EHgWJkvCjo-00346-00098916-00099171 Well this tells me I have to take the opposite 4EHgWJkvCjo-00347-00099171-00099271 of what's in there. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00348-00099271-00099871 x minus a negative 1 would simplify to x plus 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00349-00099871-00100130 It's always the opposite of what you see in there because it's 4EHgWJkvCjo-00350-00100130-00100351 of the form x minus c. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00351-00100351-00100569 So, I know my C value. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00352-00100569-00100888 And now I can say, OK, what are my coefficients? 4EHgWJkvCjo-00353-00100888-00101209 Just like in normal polynomial division, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00354-00101209-00101394 we have to have placeholders. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00355-00101394-00101521 x cubed plus 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00356-00101521-00101641 Well, where's my x squared? 4EHgWJkvCjo-00357-00101641-00101752 Where's my x? 4EHgWJkvCjo-00358-00101752-00101896 I have to have a placeholder. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00359-00101896-00102237 So my coefficient of the leading term is 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00360-00102237-00102459 There are no x squares. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00361-00102459-00102625 There are no x's. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00362-00102625-00102966 But there is a constant. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00363-00102966-00103267 Now if I do this synthetic division, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00364-00103267-00103535 I just always bring down the first term. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00365-00103535-00103848 And then I multiply, negative 1 times 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00366-00103848-00103933 Negative 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00367-00103933-00104026 Combine. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00368-00104026-00104325 0 and negative 1 is negative 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00369-00104325-00104419 Multiply. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00370-00104419-00104704 Negative 1 times negative 1 is a positive 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00371-00104704-00104957 0 and 1 is 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00372-00104957-00105271 Negative 1 times 1 is negative 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00373-00105271-00105521 1 minus 1 is 0. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00374-00105521-00105651 That's a great sign. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00375-00105651-00105935 That means that this is evenly divisible. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00376-00105935-00106186 There is a no remainder. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00377-00106186-00106357 So what I can do is I can think about it. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00378-00106357-00106781 I took x cubed and I divided it by an x term. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00379-00106781-00107088 This would reduce to x squared. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00380-00107088-00107311 That is my leading term. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00381-00107311-00107866 x squared minus 1x plus my constant of 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00382-00107866-00108233 Now all these coefficients of 1 aren't necessary. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00383-00108233-00108388 So I just rewrite it. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00384-00108388-00108581 No remainder. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00385-00108581-00108874 I got myself a trinomial, here. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00386-00108874-00108958 All right. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00387-00108958-00109145 So what I want you to do is, I want 4EHgWJkvCjo-00388-00109145-00109523 you attempt synthetic division using 3x 4EHgWJkvCjo-00389-00109523-00109970 squared plus x minus 2 being divided by x plus 1. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00390-00109970-00110403 Now, just like we had x plus 1 there, what is your c value? 4EHgWJkvCjo-00391-00110403-00110794 Remember when you see it of this form, x and a number, 4EHgWJkvCjo-00392-00110794-00111082 always take the opposite of that number. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00393-00111082-00111295 So try this one for yourself. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00394-00111295-00111739 This has been Section 11.7, which incorporates 7.68. 4EHgWJkvCjo-00395-00111739-00111942 Thank you for watching. 4J9ekAohNvo-00000-00000779-00000947 Hello, my name is Andrew Gorman. 4J9ekAohNvo-00001-00000947-00001299 I'm a Hydro Tech at the Indianapolis USGS Water Science Center. 4J9ekAohNvo-00002-00001299-00001661 I'd like to take a few minutes to talk about the general process of documenting an estimated 4J9ekAohNvo-00003-00001661-00001873 discharge measurement in SWAMI. 4J9ekAohNvo-00004-00001873-00002395 The Discharge Measurement page can be found on the Site Visit Tasks page in SWAMI. 4J9ekAohNvo-00005-00002395-00002600 This is the Discharge Measurement page. 4J9ekAohNvo-00006-00002600-00002957 Once here select the New Channel button to begin the process of entering an estimated 4J9ekAohNvo-00007-00002957-00003193 discharge. 4J9ekAohNvo-00008-00003193-00003511 Selecting New Channel opens the Channel Information page. 4J9ekAohNvo-00009-00003511-00003950 Begin by entering a channel name. 4J9ekAohNvo-00010-00003950-00004729 Since this is an estimated discharge measurement, select Estimated from the Qm Method drop down. 4J9ekAohNvo-00011-00004729-00005181 Selecting Estimated will result in the Deployment Method defaulting to Other. 4J9ekAohNvo-00012-00005181-00005744 The Velocity Method drop down menu offers two options; Estimated or Unspecified. 4J9ekAohNvo-00013-00005744-00006271 If a velocity was measured to derive the estimated discharge select Unspecified, otherwise select 4J9ekAohNvo-00014-00006271-00006706 estimated. 4J9ekAohNvo-00015-00006706-00007148 Documenting how the estimate was made must be done in the measurement summary remarks 4J9ekAohNvo-00016-00007148-00007331 and will be covered a little later. 4J9ekAohNvo-00017-00007331-00007834 Finally, enter the estimated discharge. 4J9ekAohNvo-00018-00007834-00008353 Selecting Done will open the Channel Summary page where measurement location, channel conditions 4J9ekAohNvo-00019-00008353-00008604 and velocity characteristics are documented. 4J9ekAohNvo-00020-00008604-00009914 The drop down menus on these pages, facilitate documenting this information. 4J9ekAohNvo-00021-00009914-00010207 Selecting Done will return to the Discharge Measurement page where another channel can 4J9ekAohNvo-00022-00010207-00010635 be added to the measurement, or if done, the gage height information can be entered to 4J9ekAohNvo-00023-00010635-00011292 compare the estimated discharge to the rated discharge. 4J9ekAohNvo-00024-00011292-00011715 If another channel is added, follow the appropriate steps for that channels method. 4J9ekAohNvo-00025-00011715-00012189 For example, you may make an ADCP measurement that also has small amount of flow that can't 4J9ekAohNvo-00026-00012189-00012311 be measured. 4J9ekAohNvo-00027-00012311-00012908 The unmeasured can be entered as an estimated channel and the ADCP as another channel. 4J9ekAohNvo-00028-00012908-00013513 In this case we do not have any more channels, the estimated discharge plots ... (4.6) percent 4J9ekAohNvo-00029-00013513-00014184 from the base rating and the same from the shifted Q. Selecting Done will open the Measurement 4J9ekAohNvo-00030-00014184-00014522 Summary page. 4J9ekAohNvo-00031-00014522-00014720 Start by entering a measurement number. 4J9ekAohNvo-00032-00014720-00015123 If the current measurement number is unknown, select auto sequence and the measurement will 4J9ekAohNvo-00033-00015123-00015351 be assigned a number in SiteVisit. 4J9ekAohNvo-00034-00015351-00015979 Next rate the measurement then note whether the measurement was made under base flow conditions. 4J9ekAohNvo-00035-00015979-00016668 Finally, fill out the gage height information and populate the start and end time of the 4J9ekAohNvo-00036-00016668-00017543 measurement. 4J9ekAohNvo-00037-00017543-00017937 Any notes you may want to document about the measurement such as how the velocity was measured 4J9ekAohNvo-00038-00017937-00018876 can be entered in the Remarks field. 4J9ekAohNvo-00039-00018876-00019193 Selecting Done will open to the Discharge Measurements page where another discharge 4J9ekAohNvo-00040-00019193-00019368 measurement can be added. 4J9ekAohNvo-00041-00019368-00019731 If finished, selecting Done will return to the Site Visit Tasks page. 4J9ekAohNvo-00042-00019731-00020201 If you have any questions on the process of documenting an estimated discharge measurement 4J9ekAohNvo-00043-00020201-00020663 in SWAMI, please contact the SWAMI help group at the email address shown or visit the FCIS 4J9ekAohNvo-00044-00020663-00020813 webpage at the address shown. 4KPqjumiSv4-00000-00000202-00000529 As your starting to work with R and you're getting basic statistics, you may find you 4KPqjumiSv4-00001-00000529-00000905 want a little more information then the base summary function gives you. 4KPqjumiSv4-00002-00000905-00001147 In that case, you can use something called describe(). 4KPqjumiSv4-00003-00001147-00001610 And its purpose is really easy: it gets more detail. 4KPqjumiSv4-00004-00001610-00002039 Now, this is not included in R's base functionality. 4KPqjumiSv4-00005-00002039-00002273 Instead, this comes from a contributed package. 4KPqjumiSv4-00006-00002273-00002806 It comes from the psych package and when you run describe() from psych, this is what you're 4KPqjumiSv4-00007-00002806-00002906 going to get. 4KPqjumiSv4-00008-00002906-00003593 you'll get n that's the sample size, the mean, the standard deviation, the median, the 10% 4KPqjumiSv4-00009-00003593-00004285 trimmed mean, the Median Absolute Deviation, the minimum/maximum values, the range. 4KPqjumiSv4-00010-00004285-00004564 Skewness and kurtosis and Standard Errors. 4KPqjumiSv4-00011-00004564-00004789 Now, don't forget. 4KPqjumiSv4-00012-00004789-00005187 You still want to do this after you do your graphical summaries. 4KPqjumiSv4-00013-00005187-00005790 Pictures first, numbers later, but let's see how this works in R. Simply open up this script, 4KPqjumiSv4-00014-00005790-00006226 and we'll run through it step by step. 4KPqjumiSv4-00015-00006226-00006564 When you open up R, the first thing we are going to need to do is we are going to need 4KPqjumiSv4-00016-00006564-00006786 to install the package. 4KPqjumiSv4-00017-00006786-00007306 Now, I'm actually going to go through my default installation of packages because I am going 4KPqjumiSv4-00018-00007306-00007445 to use one of these pacman. 4KPqjumiSv4-00019-00007445-00007612 And that just makes things a little bit easier. 4KPqjumiSv4-00020-00007612-00007986 So, we're going to load all of these packages, and this assumes of course that you have pacman 4KPqjumiSv4-00021-00007986-00008120 installed already. 4KPqjumiSv4-00022-00008120-00008701 We're going to get the datasets and then we'll load our Iris data. 4KPqjumiSv4-00023-00008701-00009082 We've done that lots of times before. 4KPqjumiSv4-00024-00009082-00009393 Sepal and Petal length and width, and the species. 4KPqjumiSv4-00025-00009393-00009770 But now, we're going to do something a little different. 4KPqjumiSv4-00026-00009770-00010353 We're going to load a package, I'm using ‘p_load’ from the pacman package, that's why I loaded 4KPqjumiSv4-00027-00010353-00010684 it already and this will download it if you don't have it already. 4KPqjumiSv4-00028-00010684-00011089 It might take a moment and it downloads a few dependencies, generally other packages 4KPqjumiSv4-00029-00011089-00011260 that need to come along with it. 4KPqjumiSv4-00030-00011260-00011799 Now, if you want to get some help on it, you can do ‘p’, anytime you have p and then 4KPqjumiSv4-00031-00011799-00012143 underscore, that's something from pacman, p_help(psych). 4KPqjumiSv4-00032-00012143-00012529 Now when you do that, it's going to open up a web browser and it's going to get the pdf 4KPqjumiSv4-00033-00012529-00012629 help. 4KPqjumiSv4-00034-00012629-00012846 I've got it open already, because it's really big. 4KPqjumiSv4-00035-00012846-00013706 In fact, it's 367 pages here of documentation about the functions in psych. 4KPqjumiSv4-00036-00013706-00014062 Obviously, we're not going to do the whole thing here. 4KPqjumiSv4-00037-00014062-00014659 What we are going to do is we can look at some of it in the R viewer. 4KPqjumiSv4-00038-00014659-00015026 If you simply add this argument here. 4KPqjumiSv4-00039-00015026-00015419 web equals f for false; you can spell out the word false as long as you do it in all 4KPqjumiSv4-00040-00015419-00015619 caps. 4KPqjumiSv4-00041-00015619-00016160 Then it opens up here on the right and here is, actually this is a web browser, this is 4KPqjumiSv4-00042-00016160-00016366 a web page we are looking at. 4KPqjumiSv4-00043-00016366-00016758 And each of these you can click on and get any information about the individual bits 4KPqjumiSv4-00044-00016758-00016894 and pieces. 4KPqjumiSv4-00045-00016894-00017284 Now, let's use describe that comes from this package. 4KPqjumiSv4-00046-00017284-00017681 It's for quantitative variables only, so you don't want to use it for categories. 4KPqjumiSv4-00047-00017681-00018298 What we're going to do here, is we're going to pick one quantitative variable right now 4KPqjumiSv4-00048-00018298-00018717 and that is iris and then sepal length. 4KPqjumiSv4-00049-00018717-00018972 When we run that one, here's what we get. 4KPqjumiSv4-00050-00018972-00019395 Now we get a list here, a line. 4KPqjumiSv4-00051-00019395-00019829 The first number, the one simply indicates the row number, we only have one row so that's 4KPqjumiSv4-00052-00019829-00020053 what we have anyhow. 4KPqjumiSv4-00053-00020053-00020690 And it gives us the N of 150, the mean of 5.84, the standard deviation, the median. 4KPqjumiSv4-00054-00020690-00021126 So on and so forth, out to the standard error there at the end. 4KPqjumiSv4-00055-00021126-00021361 Now, that's for one quantitative variable. 4KPqjumiSv4-00056-00021361-00021768 If you want to do more than that, especially if you want to do an entire data frame, just 4KPqjumiSv4-00057-00021768-00022083 give the name of the data frame in ‘describe’. 4KPqjumiSv4-00058-00022083-00022183 So here we go. 4KPqjumiSv4-00059-00022183-00022809 describe(iris) and I'm going to zoom in on that one, because now we have a lot of stuff. 4KPqjumiSv4-00060-00022809-00023351 Now it lists all the variables down the side, sepal length and it gives the variables numbers 4KPqjumiSv4-00061-00023351-00023780 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and it gives us the information for each one of them. 4KPqjumiSv4-00062-00023780-00024295 Please note, it's given us numerical information for species but it shouldn't be doing that 4KPqjumiSv4-00063-00024295-00024473 because that's a categorical variable. 4KPqjumiSv4-00064-00024473-00024625 So you can ignore that last line. 4KPqjumiSv4-00065-00024625-00024840 That's why it put in the asterisk right there. 4KPqjumiSv4-00066-00024840-00025348 Otherwise, this gives you more detailed information, including things like the standard deviation 4KPqjumiSv4-00067-00025348-00025775 and the skewness that you might need to get a more complete picture of what you have in 4KPqjumiSv4-00068-00025775-00025875 your data. 4KPqjumiSv4-00069-00025875-00026014 I use describe a lot. 4KPqjumiSv4-00070-00026014-00026399 It's a great way to compliment histograms and other charts like box plots.To give you 4KPqjumiSv4-00071-00026399-00026769 a more precise image of your data and prepare you for your other analyses. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00000-00000396-00001399 So temperature changes because energy is transferred into an object or out of an object and the 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00001-00001399-00002134 transfer of energy from high temperature to low temperature is referred to as a heat flow. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00002-00002134-00003116 Now, heat flow stops when the temperatures are equal and there are various ways that 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00003-00003116-00003694 heat can flow different channels. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00004-00003694-00004048 The simplest type of heat flow is conduction. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00005-00004048-00004925 So, conduction is the exchange of energy that occurs by direct contact of two things that 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00006-00004925-00005094 have different temperatures. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00007-00005094-00006208 So, I'm standing on the floor in bare feet then the floor is cooler than my feet, and 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00008-00006208-00006920 so there's heat flow out of my foot and into the floor. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00009-00006920-00007593 Now, some materials are good thermal conductors, which means that heat flows quickly. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00010-00007593-00008621 So when I'm standing on a tile floor, the heat leaves my foot rather quickly, and for 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00011-00008621-00009131 this reason the tile feels like it’s cold. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00012-00009131-00009817 On the other hand if I'm standing on a carpet, the carpet is an insulator and so the heat 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00013-00009817-00010531 flow is rather slow and for that reason the carpet feels warmer. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00014-00010531-00011032 Even though if I took a thermometer and measured the temperature of the tile floor and the 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00015-00011032-00011574 temperature of the carpet, they would both be at room temperature, which tells you that 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00016-00011574-00012556 your sense of hot and cold is in reality a sense of how fast you’re losing heat or 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00017-00012556-00013005 gaining heat when you're feeling that the temperature is hot. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00018-00013005-00013284 Let’s look at a little demonstration. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00019-00013284-00014050 I’m gonna wrap a dollar bill tightly around the copper pipe and apply a blowtorch. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00020-00014050-00014844 There we go that’s good. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00021-00014844-00016013 So, so you see that the money was not burned because copper is a very good heat conductor. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00022-00016013-00016748 So, the energy which was being delivered by that high temperature flame, very quickly 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00023-00016748-00017240 passed out of the paper and into the copper. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00024-00017240-00017870 So, if you could feel that copper pipe it was starting to get hot in my hand. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00025-00017870-00018573 Now, paper is a heat insulator like wood, but in this case because it's such a thin 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00026-00018573-00019546 layer and it's in tight contact with the pipe, the heat travels very easily from the paper 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00027-00019546-00020228 into the pipe and the pipe conducts the heat very quickly. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00028-00020228-00021042 Now, conduction, you can think of all sorts of examples of conduction in cooking. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00029-00021042-00021838 So, if you open the oven and the oven is hot, you can put your hand in the oven even though 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00030-00021838-00022643 it’s a very high temperature, the air is an insulator and so the heat in the air travels 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00031-00022643-00023020 rather slowly into your hand. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00032-00023020-00023765 On the other hand, the metal pan which has been sitting in the hot oven. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00033-00023765-00024245 If you touch that with your bare hands, you are going to be burned because metals are 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00034-00024245-00024348 good conductors. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00035-00024348-00024923 And so it's going to very quickly transfer a lot of energy into your hand. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00036-00024923-00025747 So, in order to safely remove a metal pan from a hot oven, you use a cloth since cloth 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00037-00025747-00026009 is a good insulator. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00038-00026009-00026644 Now, the second type of heat flow is convection. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00039-00026644-00027670 So, convection is when energy is carried by a fluid simply by the buoyant motion. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00040-00027670-00028547 So this buoyancy occurs since you heat up a fluid, it tends to lower its density, if 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00041-00028547-00029070 it's lighter then it acquires buoyancy and it rises. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00042-00029070-00029766 So we know that hot air will rise and we can see that if you look at the shadow of a candle 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00043-00029766-00030572 you see this perturbation in the shadow which is hot air as it’s rising from the top of 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00044-00030572-00030794 the candle. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00045-00030794-00031240 We can also see this heat directly. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00046-00031240-00031981 So you see, you look carefully you see the shadow in that candle, but now if I take a 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00047-00031981-00032794 little piece of paper and I put it on the side, not much happens because all the energy 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00048-00032794-00033815 is rising straight up, but if I put the piece of paper above the candle, well it starts 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00049-00033815-00034813 heating up and starts to be scorched by that very hot current of air that’s rising from 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00050-00034813-00034913 the candle. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00051-00034913-00035186 Now, here’s another demonstration. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00052-00035186-00035612 I have a large tube with a metal screen on one end. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00053-00035612-00036260 And so here's the tube, there’s the metal screen. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00054-00036260-00037452 And we place the tube over the Bunsen burner so we’re heating up that the stream and 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00055-00037452-00037727 so the screen inside the tube is getting very hot. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00056-00037727-00039016 We’re gonna remove the tube. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00057-00039016-00039711 And you heard how it plays like an organ pipe. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00058-00039711-00040483 [Organ pipe] 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00059-00040483-00041740 Now, the analysis of that is that when I remove the tube from the flame, hot air rises from 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00060-00041740-00042109 that mesh screen inside the tube. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00061-00042109-00043137 And so I basically am blowing like it was an organ pipe, the tube vibrates with natural 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00062-00043137-00043519 frequency and that depends on the length of the pipe. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00063-00043519-00044297 So, a long tube plays a fairly low note and by having a large diameter of the tube it 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00064-00044297-00044462 plays a rather loud. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00065-00044462-00045140 Now, let’s look at another demonstration involving buoyancy. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00066-00045140-00045446 So here I have this candle. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00067-00045446-00046509 So the candle is sitting at the bottom of this tube, and I take out the partition. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00068-00046509-00047609 Now you notice that the candle that was flickering before is now actually going out. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00069-00047609-00047755 Just went out. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00070-00047755-00048784 So, what happens here is when the partition is in the tube, hot air rises on one side 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00071-00048784-00049594 and that allows fresh air to come in from the other side and that maintains the combustion 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00072-00049594-00050368 of the candle, and the partition separates those two currents of air. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00073-00050368-00051383 Now, if we remove the partition, then-the cold air trying to come down and the hot air 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00074-00051383-00052090 trying to get out interfere with each other and they form some turbulence and that actually 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00075-00052090-00052427 disrupts the convection. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00076-00052427-00053059 So you see there's there’s certain convection patterns that are set up. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00077-00053059-00053816 In this case, the partition allows that inflow and outflow pattern to develop, but in that 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00078-00053816-00054721 narrow long tube-without the partition, it disrupts the pattern. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00079-00054721-00055352 So, this is related to the form of a mushroom cloud. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00080-00055352-00056559 So as a very large mass of hot air is rising, it tends to form this mushroom type of shape, 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00081-00056559-00057526 you have fresh air drawn in along the stem as the hot air is rising and then if this 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00082-00057526-00058569 this rising motion is fast enough it has formed these vortex rings inside of the cloud. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00083-00058569-00059226 Now, the third type of heat flow is radiation. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00084-00059226-00059679 Now, don't confuse this with radioactivity. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00085-00059679-00060615 Radiation is simply light that carries energy and so any type of light say from a burning 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00086-00060615-00061505 fire, just that if you stand near a fireplace it feels warm because it has a lot of mostly 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00087-00061505-00062039 infrared radiation that comes from the fire. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00088-00062039-00062940 In fact it’s this heat flow is reflected by these fire proximity suits. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00089-00062940-00063558 So you have something which is silvered so that it reflects a way that that energy which 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00090-00063558-00063858 is in the form of light. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00091-00063858-00065154 So, in terms of using radiation to heat something up one extreme example is something like a 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00092-00065154-00065937 heat ray and that was a weapon that was introduced in science fiction by H.G. Wells in the War 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00093-00065937-00066109 of the Worlds. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00094-00066109-00067025 And this is-you know although when H.G. Wells introduced it, lasers didn't exist, but nowadays 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00095-00067025-00067673 lasers are rather similar to what H.G. Wells imagined in his time. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00096-00067673-00068505 Now, not as common, but sometimes in science fiction you find the inverse of that which 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00097-00068505-00069444 would be a freeze ray, something that instead of having a heat flow delivering energy, somehow 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00098-00069444-00070370 removes energy from an object, and right now we have no technology that has would be of 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00099-00070370-00070649 the form of a freeze ray. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00100-00070649-00071394 The only thing you can do that mimics this is to spray something which is very cold, 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00101-00071394-00072080 but that's just simply throwing something cold onto something and lowering its temperature 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00102-00072080-00072250 that way. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00103-00072250-00073119 Now, getting back to radiation, at say of room temperature or body temperature, there 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00104-00073119-00073631 is a weak amount of radiation which is emitted. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00105-00073631-00074382 Our eyes are not sensitive to that radiation which is mostly in the infrared, but if you 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00106-00074382-00074672 have special cameras you can detect that. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00107-00074672-00075566 So, you see here is a camera that has heat vision and it can basically see in the dark, 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00108-00075566-00075827 it doesn't need visible light to see. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00109-00075827-00076753 It the light emitted by the people is enough to for the camera to see them. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00110-00076753-00077493 And in fact this was used in an interesting way in the movie Predator, where they had 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00111-00077493-00077995 normal view and heat vision filmed at the same time. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00112-00077995-00078323 Let’s see a little bit about the making of Predator. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00113-00078323-00078558 To doing the heat vision that uses to see. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00114-00078558-00079308 So just that the eyes doesn’t see heat which is a kind of a disorienting image, we are 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00115-00079308-00080006 shooting regular color film of the background and also heat image all at the same time, 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00116-00080006-00080248 and then combine them together later optically. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00117-00080248-00080835 So, in order to do that both cameras have to see from the same perspective, which we 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00118-00080835-00080957 accomplished with the beam-splitter. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00119-00080957-00081518 So that the audience knows what they’re looking at and at the same time seeing very 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00120-00081518-00082291 startling and spooky image of what the predator sees. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00121-00082291-00082562 And in this photo you see what beam splitter looks like. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00122-00082562-00083362 If I have a laser shining into the beam splitter, it splits the beam into two parts, one going 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00123-00083362-00083711 through the block and one reflected to the side. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00124-00083711-00084528 So this case there would be camera on one side and another camera heat vision camera 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00125-00084528-00085032 on the other side, and they would both be seeing the same view. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00126-00085032-00086001 Now, you don't need a special camera to detect infrared. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00127-00086001-00086697 Most digital cameras are sensitive in the infrared and so you can demonstrate this to 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00128-00086697-00087059 yourself using a remote control. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00129-00087059-00087979 So take a remote control and if you look at it with your eye you don't see anything, but 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00130-00087979-00088550 if you look at the remote control through your digital camera, say on your cell phone, 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00131-00088550-00088974 you'll see that it is actually flashing light. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00132-00088974-00089855 So this is light which is invisible to the human eye, but digital cameras are sensitive 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00133-00089855-00090032 in that range. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00134-00090032-00091408 So, in summary…. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00135-00091408-00093657 And finally…. 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00136-00093657-00094821 So these are all ways of carrying energy and taking that energy from something that's hot 4Ns8Qj1K0I4-00137-00094821-00095072 and moving it someplace that’s cold. 4Rhm1ZGXnC0-00000-00000000-00000158 What will my dog ​​like best? 4Rhm1ZGXnC0-00001-00000158-00000333 Fish or meat? 4Rhm1ZGXnC0-00002-00001629-00001791 Fish or meat? 4Rhm1ZGXnC0-00003-00001833-00001995 Set ... 4Rhm1ZGXnC0-00004-00002029-00002241 Already! 4Rhm1ZGXnC0-00005-00002329-00002616 Oh! How much food! 4Rhm1ZGXnC0-00006-00005437-00005695 Quiet Dasha, what are you going to choke on! 4Rhm1ZGXnC0-00007-00008450-00008575 There's no more? 4Rhm1ZGXnC0-00008-00008741-00009125 Well it seems that Dasha does not care about meat or fish haha 4Rhm1ZGXnC0-00009-00009158-00009279 What a glutton! 4Rhm1ZGXnC0-00010-00009433-00009650 Are you sure there are no more? :( 4U8pj77O7eE-00000-00000730-00001110 Hey guys, thanks for coming back. I hope you had a pleasant break 4U8pj77O7eE-00001-00001362-00001854 I'll just ask the guys behind to close the doors please and of course if anyone is left out, 4U8pj77O7eE-00002-00001938-00002478 they can come in. Next up is Allison from Nvidia. Unfortunately she was at the last 4U8pj77O7eE-00003-00002478-00003024 minute prevented from joining us on stage but thanks to our friends from production Pool. It 4U8pj77O7eE-00004-00003024-00003810 will be as if she was here. Alison, take it up. Thank you. Thanks for the show. And thanks 4U8pj77O7eE-00005-00003810-00004470 for tuning in. So yeah, the metaverse web conferencing. Let's get started. 4U8pj77O7eE-00006-00004794-00005478 So firstly, I've been saying this for months. So to get everybody onto the same page, 4U8pj77O7eE-00007-00005478-00006168 and NVIDIA started out making graphics chips for gaming, and it's still a massive part of 4U8pj77O7eE-00008-00006168-00006942 our business. So we've uniquely positioned this full circle we're seeing today with stimulation 4U8pj77O7eE-00009-00006942-00007464 with digital twinning and virtual worlds and they are the same thing. 4U8pj77O7eE-00010-00007770-00008826 This is a drawing by my son Ben when he was 13 and back then he was a massive, 4U8pj77O7eE-00011-00008826-00009570 huge fan of Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed. Now the original game of Assassin's Creed took over three 4U8pj77O7eE-00012-00009570-00010434 years to develop. So I want to be clear from the start on the development time that it takes 4U8pj77O7eE-00013-00010434-00011094 to create complex virtual worlds and you know these kinds of World Games are world-altering, 4U8pj77O7eE-00014-00011160-00011970 but also physically accurate virtual worlds. There is a huge amount of development going on 4U8pj77O7eE-00015-00011970-00012744 in Virtual Physics. So rigid body simulation, soft body, virtual cameras, self-calibration 4U8pj77O7eE-00016-00012744-00013440 of those cameras, tracking force fields or what's called sign distance field collision 4U8pj77O7eE-00017-00013440-00014280 detection. And it's all very important aspects of intricate simulation. And that precision is 4U8pj77O7eE-00018-00014280-00014916 absolutely required for industrial twins with artificial intelligence rendering the course 4U8pj77O7eE-00019-00014916-00015654 but real-time synchronization with all of the processes in a given environment, including us. 4U8pj77O7eE-00020-00015960-00016596 Certainly, we are approaching human-scale complexity but don't confuse that with 4U8pj77O7eE-00021-00016596-00017286 human-scale intelligence. We're seeing vast growth in for example, on the right the growth 4U8pj77O7eE-00022-00017286-00017934 in complexity and ability of natural language processing, especially now with Transformers 100 4U8pj77O7eE-00023-00017934-00018744 trillion parameter models. Now compare that to our own brain. As 125 trillion synapses. 4U8pj77O7eE-00024-00019092-00019860 We can train an AI system today to learn almost anything, capability and speed of progress of AI 4U8pj77O7eE-00025-00019860-00020700 is astonishing as our generative models so the capability for neural graphics, creating objects 4U8pj77O7eE-00026-00020700-00021414 for scenes for simulations with AI diffusion models, where you simply type a description, 4U8pj77O7eE-00027-00021414-00022170 and the model creates its own vision of what it believes that image should look like. But 4U8pj77O7eE-00028-00022170-00022998 as I said, don't confuse this with intelligence. On the left is a drawing biker job done in 1885 4U8pj77O7eE-00029-00022998-00023832 of the dog's neural olfactory system. So it's smelling ability, right? The Salk Institute, 4U8pj77O7eE-00030-00023832-00024642 this is 2016 work, where they reconstructed brain tissue in the hippocampus to study the sizes of 4U8pj77O7eE-00031-00024642-00025206 our synapses and the work showed that we have far greater capacity to store information than 4U8pj77O7eE-00032-00025206-00025932 previously thought. And although we understand a lot about neuroscience today, we are nowhere near 4U8pj77O7eE-00033-00025932-00026718 being able to simulate human-level intelligence. But that does not mean we don't have some pretty 4U8pj77O7eE-00034-00026718-00027492 spectacular capabilities already, including Metaverse and using the metaverse to design to 4U8pj77O7eE-00035-00027492-00028242 prototype to increase efficiency, and almost zero cost while lowering carbon footprint 4U8pj77O7eE-00036-00028344-00029033 and video we always strive to be sustainable. Our two initiatives ultimately combine a powerful 4U8pj77O7eE-00037-00029033-00029742 AI supercomputer with state-of-the-art software, allowing fast iterative modeling for climate and 4U8pj77O7eE-00038-00029742-00030468 extreme weather signs and showing the course via physically accurate high fidelity and ultra-high 4U8pj77O7eE-00039-00030468-00031188 resolution replica of continuously predicting events at a global, regional and local scale. 4U8pj77O7eE-00040-00031266-00031739 So assisting with mitigation and adaptation strategies for climate change, 4U8pj77O7eE-00041-00031739-00032310 while all that computing is taking place, we must also ensure it's using the least 4U8pj77O7eE-00042-00032310-00032760 amount of energy to get the results we need. So we're lowering the footprint in 4U8pj77O7eE-00043-00032760-00033468 data centers with liquid-cooled GPUs and highly efficient mathematics. work also with Siemens, 4U8pj77O7eE-00044-00033468-00034452 for example, enables anyone to build real-time, full design reality, AI accelerated digital twins, 4U8pj77O7eE-00045-00034452-00035100 which will ultimately bring vastly improved operational efficiency and productivity everywhere 4U8pj77O7eE-00046-00035268-00036162 with our latest silicon Popper, also bringing this a bit floating point precision. This is 4U8pj77O7eE-00047-00036162-00036786 joint work from ourselves and Intel having the carbon footprint of training AI systems, 4U8pj77O7eE-00048-00036786-00037398 also reducing memory usage, and especially with transformer networks. And it's natively 4U8pj77O7eE-00049-00037398-00038370 implemented in Hooper. As Hopper is more widely adopted, the carbon footprint lowers even more. 4U8pj77O7eE-00050-00038460-00039174 Even in games where AI is actually revolutionizing character intelligence gang learns with you while 4U8pj77O7eE-00051-00039174-00039798 you play you're feeding AI system, which is creating customized and personal content on 4U8pj77O7eE-00052-00039798-00040518 a moment-to-moment basis to truly intelligent NPCs learning Thai repertoires of emotions, 4U8pj77O7eE-00053-00040518-00041274 gestures and conversations and make playing the game more enjoyable. So we're helping 4U8pj77O7eE-00054-00041274-00042252 enable the social and industrial virtual reality of AI connected. All Connected 3d extensions of 4U8pj77O7eE-00055-00042252-00042858 our physical world, physically accurate, obeying the laws of physics indistinguishable from the 4U8pj77O7eE-00056-00042858-00043650 real world at the mathematical level, the visual level. In fact, we designed our HQ in Santa Clara, 4U8pj77O7eE-00057-00043650-00044088 California virtually, and many of our internal systems for security 4U8pj77O7eE-00058-00044088-00044892 Id even parking are synced with the virtual HQ Endeavour on the left and origin number, right. 4U8pj77O7eE-00059-00045012-00045792 So physically, accurate, perfectly synchronized AI everywhere, able to connect to everywhere. 4U8pj77O7eE-00060-00045876-00046632 And that's our offering. We call it Omniverse. It's available in the cloud or run on-premise 4U8pj77O7eE-00061-00046632-00047490 hardware, what we call the x-ray tracing capable GPUs Omniverse is actually purpose-built for 4U8pj77O7eE-00062-00047490-00048144 designing, wishing and experiencing Metaverse, applications anywhere. We also have a fully 4U8pj77O7eE-00063-00048144-00048510 managed service. That's currently in early access. If you want to try it out. 4U8pj77O7eE-00064-00048714-00049332 This is a VX and we're set up for all scales. Obviously, we're building Earth to so we can 4U8pj77O7eE-00065-00049332-00050382 provide OBS systems capable of a wide wide range of Visual Computing workloads. For example, here 4U8pj77O7eE-00066-00050382-00051228 is with DK asset, which is showing the layering required to simulate extreme weather events. 4U8pj77O7eE-00067-00051474-00052176 I believe this is somewhere in the Maldives and looking at the creation of monsoon, 4U8pj77O7eE-00068-00052248-00053040 they're able to pull in all of the various parameters and variables, processes, ocean land, 4U8pj77O7eE-00069-00053160-00053808 etc. and combine them to be able to not only visualize but also compute history 4U8pj77O7eE-00070-00053808-00054354 extreme weather events and prediction of extreme weather events. 4U8pj77O7eE-00071-00054690-00055614 Days to the internet is built on HTML Omniverse built on USD watching movies today that apart real 4U8pj77O7eE-00072-00055614-00056364 world camera and part CGI, and USD or universal scene description allows layers upon layers of 4U8pj77O7eE-00073-00056364-00057012 creation, editing, querying, rendering, simulation and collaboration of course, and it's actually 4U8pj77O7eE-00074-00057012-00057750 Pixar as original internal tech to describe sim data. It's a runtime system, that combines a bunch 4U8pj77O7eE-00075-00057750-00058662 of assets and aggregates them into a composed view, stage layers, and our latest graphics 4U8pj77O7eE-00076-00058662-00059412 chip. Ada Ada Lovelace is there to provide a huge leap in processing and energy efficiency 4U8pj77O7eE-00077-00059526-00060324 along with all of our software, which is provided freely by SDKs and libraries accelerating every 4U8pj77O7eE-00078-00060324-00061014 step of your workflow across a vast array of applications whether you're deploying on our 4U8pj77O7eE-00079-00061014-00061836 credit cards, I've embedded GPUs or PC, laptops or workstations right up to supercomputers, 4U8pj77O7eE-00080-00061836-00062358 or on any of the cloud providers. It's all the same architecture and there isn't an application 4U8pj77O7eE-00081-00062358-00063155 really that we haven't worked on. Why bother? Why use Omniverse at all? 4U8pj77O7eE-00082-00063336-00063755 Firstly, because of something called domain randomization, and this is very 4U8pj77O7eE-00083-00063755-00064620 important to make artificial intelligence systems really intelligent, and just slide 4U8pj77O7eE-00084-00064800-00065441 make it really robust to our changing dynamic world. And this is hugely important, but changing 4U8pj77O7eE-00085-00065441-00066126 the variations of the virtual world is child's play. Simple as setting your game environment and 4U8pj77O7eE-00086-00066126-00066696 while it's randomly varying scenes, it's providing the system with synthetic data, automatically 4U8pj77O7eE-00087-00066696-00067344 spawning 1000s of scenes in milliseconds, and providing masses of training data for your system. 4U8pj77O7eE-00088-00067560-00068118 Let's you bootstrap. lets you use the data generated during simulation before any data was 4U8pj77O7eE-00089-00068118-00068724 available even in the real world. And seen changes happen frequently in the industry in assembly 4U8pj77O7eE-00090-00068724-00069606 lines being reconfigured or reshelving. stocking shelves, shelves, and stores bootstrapping with 4U8pj77O7eE-00091-00069606-00070308 synthetic data ensures the AI system stays robust, appearance-wise, but also with the 4U8pj77O7eE-00092-00070308-00070848 domain itself. For example, a self-driving car or a delivery robot dealing with different types 4U8pj77O7eE-00093-00070848-00071406 of objects in the scene or driving in different countries, you know, on the left or on the right, 4U8pj77O7eE-00094-00071514-00072090 and Omniverse has an automatic tool that generates busy physically accurate 3d data for 4U8pj77O7eE-00095-00072090-00072954 you accelerate the training platforms, expanding your dataset for the long tail where events and 4U8pj77O7eE-00096-00072954-00073722 also precisely annotating labor to goes once you can generate synthetic data is now a big 4U8pj77O7eE-00097-00073722-00074352 step to generating entire synthetic worlds. We're currently working on terrain generation in general 4U8pj77O7eE-00098-00074352-00074946 world authoring, especially for self-driving, autonomous vehicles, cars, robots, and more. 4U8pj77O7eE-00099-00075048-00075576 Combining the real world with the virtual to construct the scenes, road networks, and all 4U8pj77O7eE-00100-00075576-00076500 of the props. The second reason to use only this is because it is just code. 4U8pj77O7eE-00101-00076566-00077304 Virtual worlds are just code which means that you can pull in all other kinds of code, including 4U8pj77O7eE-00102-00077304-00078042 artificial intelligence into that virtual arena, like voice commands NLP, and then into an infinite 4U8pj77O7eE-00103-00078042-00078768 amount of creativity and ultimately, complexity. Conversational AI behaviors and procedural 4U8pj77O7eE-00104-00078768-00079596 animations differential rendering getting closer and closer to reality, but also interactive. 4U8pj77O7eE-00105-00079596-00080382 Avatars chatbots so it's fully synthesized but with text-to-speech with facial animation with 4U8pj77O7eE-00106-00080382-00081030 hand and arm movements and subtle head and body motion. And of course, we all have our expertise 4U8pj77O7eE-00107-00081228-00081684 on materials and more chances to touch, like the leather jacket looking like leather, 4U8pj77O7eE-00108-00081684-00082458 as well as all the correct lighting and the correct shading. It's actually a highly complex 4U8pj77O7eE-00109-00082458-00083052 workflow. But we've already written it for you to go online to get much more information. 4U8pj77O7eE-00110-00083178-00083916 And Riva, is our speech SDK is fully customizable, so text to speech, automatic speech recognition, 4U8pj77O7eE-00111-00083916-00084444 translation, search, and much much more. And it's readily available now. 4U8pj77O7eE-00112-00084600-00085092 It's also simple to pull in all other kinds of components to we've already written and 4U8pj77O7eE-00113-00085092-00085704 free provide tools that automatically speed up training, and improve and optimize your neural 4U8pj77O7eE-00114-00085704-00086316 network, your trained AI systems, they want as fast as possible, as efficiently as possible. 4U8pj77O7eE-00115-00086316-00086934 Whether you're deploying them, wherever you're deploying them whenever you deploy them to whoever 4U8pj77O7eE-00116-00086934-00087522 needs to use it, especially if that's millions of users, which is actually what we do best 4U8pj77O7eE-00117-00087630-00088272 or tools for 3d surface reconstruction. So you're computing point clouds for seen representation. 4U8pj77O7eE-00118-00088272-00088812 And the most efficient this code is already written for you. Just go to those links there. 4U8pj77O7eE-00119-00088812-00089508 I'll put a copy of these slides in probably on Twitter, but also helping you exploit spatial 4U8pj77O7eE-00120-00089508-00090078 sparsity in 3d. virtual spaces so that you can represent the real world efficiently 4U8pj77O7eE-00121-00090282-00090942 or design the ultimate robot. This frown offers an autonomous robot and its full production facility 4U8pj77O7eE-00122-00090942-00091650 sin is not a photograph, and the link there leads to much more info in the recent GTC keynote where 4U8pj77O7eE-00123-00091650-00092400 it was highlighted. Robotics you need our embedded hardware. This is the HDX oran dev kit that allows 4U8pj77O7eE-00124-00092400-00093078 you to also emulate its all the variants and x and nano. And so you prototype on the dev kit 4U8pj77O7eE-00125-00093078-00093672 and you go to market with the module but it's all backed up by a huge ecosystem of software 4U8pj77O7eE-00126-00093672-00094362 that we call jet. The actual Jetson community is supported entirely online so you can go to that 4U8pj77O7eE-00127-00094362-00095058 link for everything you need. But to train those virtual robots you need the power of reinforcement 4U8pj77O7eE-00128-00095058-00095640 learning and the power of the virtual world to allow training 1000s of agents in parallel. 4U8pj77O7eE-00129-00095640-00096390 Here you've got individual agents are achieving rewards or imitating human motion capture each 4U8pj77O7eE-00130-00096390-00097038 other learning to jump and land by activating motors in their joints while they appear to be 4U8pj77O7eE-00131-00097038-00097518 doing the same thing. Each is actually running a separate policy. And you can see that by the 4U8pj77O7eE-00132-00097518-00098082 little outlier at the back. He's slightly off by a few seconds compared to the other 4U8pj77O7eE-00133-00098460-00099180 two. It's clear here the power of virtual worlds and both domain randomization and training in 4U8pj77O7eE-00134-00099180-00100698 parallel and ultimately deployment to because that's the point down to specific behavior scripts 4U8pj77O7eE-00135-00100698-00101214 attached to it so that they behave as they should in the real world. All the while you're generating 4U8pj77O7eE-00136-00101214-00101886 both agent behavior metadata, and synthetic data for use in training. We also publish 4U8pj77O7eE-00137-00101886-00102546 vast amounts of assets already written for you things like racks for virtual warehouses and 4U8pj77O7eE-00138-00102546-00103416 chairs and tables already written for you can go online for that deployment on Mars. This is JPL. 4U8pj77O7eE-00139-00103416-00104256 Mars has been a testbed back in 2006. Today, Athena uses our embedded GPUs for testing the 4U8pj77O7eE-00140-00104256-00104790 autonomy of the rovers which ultimately led to Mars and in the years to the moon. 4U8pj77O7eE-00141-00104933-00105504 In fact, my focus at Nvidia is actually deployments in space. Things like navigation 4U8pj77O7eE-00142-00105504-00106194 and planning PN T position, nap, and timing. A fast line of sight to the Dark Side of the Moon, 4U8pj77O7eE-00143-00106194-00106811 and lots lots more are embedded GPUs that have actually been in orbit for many years already. 4U8pj77O7eE-00144-00107058-00107766 This is an image from the 2020 FTL Frontier Development Lab Moon challenge where we're 4U8pj77O7eE-00145-00107766-00108354 rendering the radians field around the fall steam created which is near the moon's south pole, which 4U8pj77O7eE-00146-00108354-00108924 is permanently in shadow. So thanks to real-time ray casting, we can now illuminate any greater. 4U8pj77O7eE-00147-00109092-00109818 Back on Earth, we can simulate entire cities do go online for the full demo in the GTC keynote with 4U8pj77O7eE-00148-00109818-00110478 heavy AI and charter they're using Omniverse to create digital twins of the four and 5g networks 4U8pj77O7eE-00149-00110478-00111228 at Metro and nationwide scales, and combining multibillion point LIDAR scans with satellite 4U8pj77O7eE-00150-00111228-00111948 imagery, buildings, trees, and net RF propagation model to simulate the network's performance in 4U8pj77O7eE-00151-00111948-00113016 real-time. Both will allow us to predict extreme weather and other important climate impacts for 4U8pj77O7eE-00152-00113016-00113700 better-informed decisions, so we can be prepared for the difficulties ahead in virtual reality 4U8pj77O7eE-00153-00113700-00114432 in the metaverse capability for hundreds of subsystem digital twins, predicting floods, 4U8pj77O7eE-00154-00114432-00115170 fires, agricultural output, water availability, and all the trustworthy results will be profound. 4U8pj77O7eE-00155-00115308-00115950 And that's because of software. We've learned that speed changes everything. GPUs enable us to 4U8pj77O7eE-00156-00115950-00116544 convert data into lightning-fast inference models that we can interact with in real-time. A whole 4U8pj77O7eE-00157-00116544-00117192 cast the links there, for example, generate a global 10-day forecast in a fraction of a second 4U8pj77O7eE-00158-00117192-00118224 on a single GPU, that's 45,000 times faster, using 12,000 times less energy than today's models, 4U8pj77O7eE-00159-00118224-00118926 state of the art model. So you have interactivity, you can explore new scenarios within minutes, 4U8pj77O7eE-00160-00118926-00119568 not weeks, and coupled together models in a vast number of different new ways. 4U8pj77O7eE-00161-00119670-00120282 But for DTE digital twins of Earth, you will need all of these components to achieve this 4U8pj77O7eE-00162-00120282-00120858 and we're working on it all right now. I'm happy to answer any questions on this. It's a huge topic 4U8pj77O7eE-00163-00120858-00121554 just in itself to actually a massive international effort between video and the research community. 4U8pj77O7eE-00164-00121674-00122250 But at the same time, we also focus on deploying real-world systems like self-driving cars. This 4U8pj77O7eE-00165-00122250-00122718 is one of our fleet garages and HQ, but our virtual cars and given millions and 4U8pj77O7eE-00166-00122718-00123485 millions of miles in sin in the metaverse in virtual reality, this is mission-critical AI 4U8pj77O7eE-00167-00123485-00124061 where human lives are at stake. So we have to give the cars the most experience that 4U8pj77O7eE-00168-00124061-00124704 they possibly can. You simply can't do that in the real world alone. But it also must be 4U8pj77O7eE-00169-00124704-00125496 built with safety first. So both adhering to and shaping safety standards for autonomous vehicles. 4U8pj77O7eE-00170-00125735-00126102 You can actually go online for much more detail on video drive. 4U8pj77O7eE-00171-00126180-00126900 But this is actually mostly a rioting stack. But you can get our safety report for example, online. 4U8pj77O7eE-00172-00127020-00127524 There are actually a ton of resources out there to help you on your journey. into 4U8pj77O7eE-00173-00127524-00128046 using Omniverse. And there are many different tutorials please get involved. Even if you're 4U8pj77O7eE-00174-00128046-00128622 just an interesting game. You already have the skills to get involved in helping society 4U8pj77O7eE-00175-00128622-00129264 to prototype at almost zero cost to bring an efficient, optimal design to the world. 4U8pj77O7eE-00176-00129504-00129570 Just 4U8pj77O7eE-00177-00130038-00130752 wrapping up, all of our software is uploaded to this repo. You can access it anytime for free. 4U8pj77O7eE-00178-00130961-00131406 And please sign up to our dev zone. It's our way of keeping in touch with you and keeping 4U8pj77O7eE-00179-00131406-00131820 you up to date with everything that we're doing. Because it's again, it's all free. 4U8pj77O7eE-00180-00131916-00132348 If you are a startup using our platform using either our software or hardware, 4U8pj77O7eE-00181-00132348-00133056 make sure you join in the section so that we can better support you, including links to VC 4U8pj77O7eE-00182-00133332-00134226 and please test Omniverse you can either download the free individual version and run it on RTX 4U8pj77O7eE-00183-00134364-00135108 deskside desktop or you can go online via on LaunchPad setups that are around the globe and 4U8pj77O7eE-00184-00135108-00135780 actually test out most of the scales actually we have very large OVS systems that you can 4U8pj77O7eE-00185-00135780-00136398 test with. Here are some recommended talks for deeper dives. And that's all available 4U8pj77O7eE-00186-00136398-00137214 for free on the GTC website which was held last month. September for the keynote was only 20. 4U8pj77O7eE-00187-00137412-00137904 So please go to that and I care much for listening. If there are any questions, let me know 4UOsD9m72gy-00000-00001378-00001598 Samuel : this Chogath is so disgusting 4UOsD9m72gy-00001-00001968-00002034 Mikey : Hey! 4UOsD9m72gy-00002-00002152-00002222 Mikey : censored 4UOsD9m72gy-00003-00002258-00002466 Jack : nice 4UOsD9m72gy-00004-00002576-00002638 Samuel : report this sona 4UOsD9m72gy-00005-00002638-00002724 Samuel : report this retarded sona 4UOsD9m72gy-00006-00002796-00002932 Samuel : confirm report this sona 4UOsD9m72gy-00007-00003194-00003276 Mikey : censored 4UOsD9m72gy-00008-00003358-00003450 Mikey : MY FLASH!!! 4UOsD9m72gy-00009-00003590-00003702 Jack : What? You flashed just now? 4UOsD9m72gy-00010-00003747-00003800 Mikey : YES!!! 4UOsD9m72gy-00011-00003926-00004072 XiiaoMeii : tactical flashed and sona was like 4UOsD9m72gy-00012-00004100-00004280 XiiaoMeii : "sorry mate I took it" 4UOsD9m72gy-00013-00004354-00004636 Mikey : this support isn't assisting me to get kill 4UOsD9m72gy-00014-00005394-00005532 XiiaoMeii : oh get rekt tho yeahh~ 4UOsD9m72gy-00015-00005558-00005652 Mikey : WHY?! 4UOsD9m72gy-00016-00005684-00005792 MIkey : what's that Q (sona) for?? 4UOsD9m72gy-00017-00005800-00005922 Jack : i don't know 4UOsD9m72gy-00018-00006058-00006204 XiiaoMeii : Urgot ganked me twice already 4UOsD9m72gy-00019-00006278-00006396 Mikey : I don't care what's happening to Urgot 4UOsD9m72gy-00020-00006416-00006595 Mikey : I just wanted to know what's happening to sona right now 4UOsD9m72gy-00021-00007278-00007338 Mikey : WHAT'S THAT?! 4UOsD9m72gy-00022-00007409-00007509 MIkey : MY SIEGE MINION!!! 4UOsD9m72gy-00023-00007686-00007752 Jack : wow 4 person 4UOsD9m72gy-00024-00007756-00007881 Mikey : you owe me 4 meals now 4UOsD9m72gy-00025-00007904-00007958 Jack : how come?? 4UOsD9m72gy-00026-00007973-00008036 Jack : who said that?? 4UOsD9m72gy-00027-00008052-00008298 Mikey : I'm a kind person, I'll have double "maggie goreng" every meal only 4UOsD9m72gy-00028-00008348-00008462 Jack : damn you 4UOsD9m72gy-00029-00008566-00008682 Jack : I'm coming 4UOsD9m72gy-00030-00008796-00009048 Mikey : I'd advice you to be aware, he'll come can KS only 4UOsD9m72gy-00031-00009552-00009646 Samuel : Oi! 4UOsD9m72gy-00032-00009660-00009810 Samuel : give the kill to Kayn please 4UOsD9m72gy-00033-00009816-00009940 Samuel : why'd you take it, stupid 4UOsD9m72gy-00034-00009944-00010156 Samuel : 1 normal hit left only and you still want to take it Mikey : that's what I told you 4UOsD9m72gy-00035-00010190-00010296 Jack : I don't know 4UOsD9m72gy-00036-00010392-00010522 XiiaoMeii : their jungler gank me lots of times already 4UOsD9m72gy-00037-00010522-00010636 Jack : this isn't their jungler? 4UOsD9m72gy-00038-00010674-00010806 XiiaoMeii : no Jack : I thought is their jungler 4UOsD9m72gy-00039-00010806-00010956 Jack : this isn't jungler? I thought is their jungler 4UOsD9m72gy-00040-00010970-00011030 XiiaoMeii : this one (riven) is a jungler Mikey : do you have ultimate? sona have ultimate? 4UOsD9m72gy-00041-00011050-00011218 XiiaoMeii : came lots of times already MIkey : do you have ultimate? 4UOsD9m72gy-00042-00011724-00011802 Mikey : WHAT'S THAT? 4UOsD9m72gy-00043-00011822-00011968 Mikey : WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? 4UOsD9m72gy-00044-00012016-00012082 Mikey : WHAT THE 4UOsD9m72gy-00045-00012232-00012346 Samuel : Jack 4UOsD9m72gy-00046-00012388-00012610 Samuel : You are too over KS-ing as a supporter 4UOsD9m72gy-00047-00012756-00013024 Mikey : (sigh) my score is like getting a lottery 4UOsD9m72gy-00048-00013024-00013316 Mikey : this sona is like a lottery to me 4UOsD9m72gy-00049-00013330-00013430 Jack : Hey! 4UOsD9m72gy-00050-00013486-00013666 MIkey : what is this 9 kills about? 4UOsD9m72gy-00051-00013716-00013796 Mikey : you're 9/4 Jack : who's 9? 4UOsD9m72gy-00052-00013840-00013890 Mikey : YOU! 4UOsD9m72gy-00053-00014218-00014374 Samuel : still confident to ask 4UOsD9m72gy-00054-00014436-00014486 Mikey : yeah 4UOsD9m72gy-00055-00014558-00014760 Jack : because fizz also 9 kills what 4UOsD9m72gy-00056-00014774-00014932 Samuel : hey you're a supporter and I'm a mid 4UOsD9m72gy-00057-00015032-00015241 Samuel : Jack you damn confidence saying that ya 4UOsD9m72gy-00058-00015888-00016213 XiiaoMeii : although we had team fight I only get one assist 4UOsD9m72gy-00059-00016213-00016352 Samuel : I'm coming over 4UOsD9m72gy-00060-00016842-00017010 XiiaoMeii : no kill for me :( 4UOsD9m72gy-00061-00017494-00017632 Mikey : why only I get stunned? 4UOsD9m72gy-00062-00018174-00018244 Jack : wow 4UOsD9m72gy-00063-00018410-00018498 Jack : “Golden Body" 4UOsD9m72gy-00064-00018504-00018602 Jack : he bough zhonya 4UOsD9m72gy-00065-00018626-00018836 XiiaoMeii : he have two "Golden Body" 4UOsD9m72gy-00066-00018870-00019048 Jack : with two "Golden Body" but still useless 4UOsD9m72gy-00067-00019236-00019450 Mikey : can you guys please help me drag the riven? 4UOsD9m72gy-00068-00019480-00019608 Jack : can we are doing it 4UOsD9m72gy-00069-00019646-00019726 Samuel : i'm going top 4UOsD9m72gy-00070-00020194-00020342 Mikey : AREN'T YOU GUYS DRAGGING RIVEN? 4UOsD9m72gy-00071-00020448-00020736 XiiaoMeii : no, we couldn't drag her, she wanted to find you 4UOsD9m72gy-00072-00020908-00021098 Jack : she came for you specifically, what can we do? 4UOsD9m72gy-00073-00021138-00021268 XiiaoMeii : it isn't our fault 4UOsD9m72gy-00074-00021376-00021612 Mikey : get shot by the turret and she will eventually come for you 4UOsD9m72gy-00075-00021874-00021974 Mikey : WA THIS IS PAIN 4UOsD9m72gy-00076-00022268-00022372 MIkey : HELP!! 4UOsD9m72gy-00077-00022468-00022568 MIkey : HELP!!!! 4UOsD9m72gy-00078-00022664-00022764 Mikey : HELP ME PLEASE!!! 4UOsD9m72gy-00079-00022902-00023152 MIkey : this Chogath Samuel : just noticed they are going to die 4UOsD9m72gy-00080-00023382-00023742 Mikey : as a kind ADC player Samuel : LET SONA DIE 4UOsD9m72gy-00081-00023912-00024012 Samuel : of course run away (ADC) 4UOsD9m72gy-00082-00024352-00024542 Mikey : I want to repay injury with kindness 4UOsD9m72gy-00083-00024558-00024662 MIkey : I REPAY WITH KINDNESS 4UOsD9m72gy-00084-00024662-00024718 MIkey : YOU TOOK MY CS !!! 4UOsD9m72gy-00085-00025008-00025216 Samuel : that's why you shouldn't save him 4UOsD9m72gy-00086-00025230-00025364 XiiaoMeii : he's about to collapse 4UOsD9m72gy-00087-00025639-00025794 Jack : both of you are so brave 4UOsD9m72gy-00088-00025824-00025886 Mikey : get off please 4UOsD9m72gy-00089-00025936-00026086 Jack : both of you are so bold 4UOsD9m72gy-00090-00026098-00026539 Mikey : having this support, I should be more brave 4UOsD9m72gy-00091-00026912-00027112 MIkey : IF NOT BRAVE ENOUGH CAN'T GET THE KILL 4UOsD9m72gy-00092-00027392-00027570 MIkey : MY SUPPORTER GOT 10 KILLS!!! 4UOsD9m72gy-00093-00027642-00027750 MIkey : WHAT'S GOING ON!!! 4UOsD9m72gy-00094-00027933-00028102 MIkey : GO TANK DRAGON STUPID 4UOsD9m72gy-00095-00028162-00028262 MIkey : YOU WANT ME TO TANK IT?! 4UOsD9m72gy-00096-00028542-00028724 Samuel : that riven tail me again 4UOsD9m72gy-00097-00028810-00029054 XiiaoMeii : haha yeah just now I also get chased by her 4UOsD9m72gy-00098-00029074-00029227 Mikey : this Sona wanted me to tank it 4UOsD9m72gy-00099-00029292-00029386 MIkey : FELT SAD 4UOsD9m72gy-00100-00029782-00029832 MIkey : JACK 4UOsD9m72gy-00101-00030092-00030148 Mikey : JACK 4UOsD9m72gy-00102-00030177-00030292 MIkey : FEEL APPRECIATE HAVING YOU, JACK 4UOsD9m72gy-00103-00030314-00030483 Jack : you're welcome 4UOsD9m72gy-00104-00030524-00030824 Mikey : you guys try to delay them, I'll try to steal the turret 4UOsD9m72gy-00105-00030826-00030956 Jack : this is what I should do :D 4UOsD9m72gy-00106-00030998-00031060 Mikey : YEA 4UOsD9m72gy-00107-00031070-00031242 Mikey : NOW YOU FINALLY KNOW IT RIGHT?! 4UOsD9m72gy-00108-00031394-00031620 MIkey : HOW LONG HAD THIS GAME BEEN GOING ON? 4UOsD9m72gy-00109-00031632-00031714 MIkey : HOW LONG ALREADY THIS GAME 4UOsD9m72gy-00110-00031976-00032086 XiiaoMeii : oh he flashed 4UOsD9m72gy-00111-00033148-00033294 Jack : I finally died :D 4UOsD9m72gy-00112-00033456-00033610 Mikey : FINALLY DEAD?? 4UOsD9m72gy-00113-00033856-00033974 Mikey : DAMN CONFIDENT TO SAY IT 4UOsD9m72gy-00114-00033992-00034116 Jack : I delayed them already 4UOsD9m72gy-00115-00034170-00034370 Jack : if Sona get pentakill in the team fight 4UOsD9m72gy-00116-00034402-00034510 Mikey : I'LL FLIP MY COMPUTER RIGHT AWAY 4UOsD9m72gy-00117-00034558-00034682 Samuel : just report 4UOsD9m72gy-00118-00034710-00034774 XiiaoMeii : wait if like this 4UOsD9m72gy-00119-00034778-00034850 XiiaoMeii : FAST GO AND GET PENTAKILL 4UOsD9m72gy-00120-00034852-00035000 XiiaoMeii : I WANT TO SEE HIM FLIPPING HIS COMPUTER 4UOsD9m72gy-00121-00035116-00035192 Mikey : oh actually can 4UOsD9m72gy-00122-00035276-00035376 Mikey : you guys actually can 4UOsD9m72gy-00123-00035474-00035658 XiiaoMeii : woah replaced Sona 4UOsD9m72gy-00124-00035718-00035818 Mikey : why? 4UOsD9m72gy-00125-00035840-00036068 XiiaoMeii : wow Sona Fizz : Sona 4UOsD9m72gy-00126-00036082-00036170 Samuel : WHY YOU DON'T SAVE TEEMO 4UOsD9m72gy-00127-00036212-00036354 XiiaoMeii : I REPLACED SONA 4UOsD9m72gy-00128-00036358-00036546 Jack : I don't know anything 4UOsD9m72gy-00129-00036632-00036778 XiiaoMeii : I can't imagine i replace him 4UOsD9m72gy-00130-00037016-00037122 Mikey : who got S? 4UOsD9m72gy-00131-00037338-00037664 Samuel : who got S? anyone got S? MF : SONA !!! 4UOsD9m72gy-00132-00037756-00038034 XiiaoMeii : sona get S, not bad not bad Fizz : curse this Sona 4UOsD9m72gy-00133-00038214-00038546 Jack : my problem? Fizz : stupid Sona, KS KING 4UOsD9m72gy-00134-00038678-00038790 Mikey : Samuel 4UOsD9m72gy-00135-00038926-00039206 Mikey : do you know what is in my mind right now? 4UOsD9m72gy-00136-00039210-00039374 Samuel : what is it? 4UOsD9m72gy-00137-00039468-00039720 Mikey : this supporter is better than the last supporter 4UOsD9m72gy-00138-00039720-00040026 Mikey : he didn't steal my cs and my kill too 4UOsD9m72gy-00139-00040252-00040328 Mikey : right? 4UOsD9m72gy-00140-00040348-00040732 Jack : damn at least we won right? 4YLx7Klhddc-00000-00000003-00000338 hi my name is Forrest Carter I'm going to be your instructor this term and we're 4YLx7Klhddc-00001-00000338-00000813 going be working extensively in MyOpenMath so I wanted to put together a quick 4YLx7Klhddc-00002-00000813-00001188 video to show you how to register as a new student and enroll in our course. 4YLx7Klhddc-00003-00001188-00001659 If you already have a MyOpenMath account you can skip to the end of this video 4YLx7Klhddc-00004-00001659-00002193 and i'll show you how to enroll in a course once you've logged in right here 4YLx7Klhddc-00005-00002193-00002673 using your username and password. So you're a new student and you haven't 4YLx7Klhddc-00006-00002673-00003021 gotten in myopenmath account before so let's register as a new student. We're 4YLx7Klhddc-00007-00003021-00003342 just gonna click this link right here and you'll need to fill out this page. 4YLx7Klhddc-00008-00003342-00003755 You'll enter your username create anything you'd like and any password 4YLx7Klhddc-00009-00003755-00004194 you'd like. However it's important that you use the same first and last name as 4YLx7Klhddc-00010-00004194-00004839 you're registered on MyClackamas. That way i can easily correlate you with your 4YLx7Klhddc-00011-00004839-00005355 student records. Enter your e-mail address you can choose to select this or 4YLx7Klhddc-00012-00005355-00005889 not select this we won't be using messaging through myopenmath 4YLx7Klhddc-00013-00005889-00006305 so there's no harm in keeping it click. You'll need to agree to the Terms 4YLx7Klhddc-00014-00006305-00006656 of Use you can click right here if you'd like to read those Terms of Use and then 4YLx7Klhddc-00015-00006656-00006965 down here is where you're going to specify that you want to enroll in our 4YLx7Klhddc-00016-00006965-00007347 course so as part of the email that I sent you with a link to this video I 4YLx7Klhddc-00017-00007347-00007695 included the course ID and the enrollment key the enrollment key will 4YLx7Klhddc-00018-00007695-00008133 always be Carter with a capital C but you'll need a specific ID for our course 4YLx7Klhddc-00019-00008133-00008639 you're taking this term so enter that information here and then click Sign Up 4YLx7Klhddc-00020-00008639-00009047 all right now they even rolled in our course you should have this is your 4YLx7Klhddc-00021-00009047-00009534 primary login screen and right over here you'll see any classes you're taking the 4YLx7Klhddc-00022-00009534-00009903 course that I'm enrolled in as part of this video doesn't start yet so I can't 4YLx7Klhddc-00023-00009903-00010265 click on it but here in a moment I'll show you what to expect once you've been 4YLx7Klhddc-00024-00010265-00010697 able to click on the course for those of you who already had my open math 4YLx7Klhddc-00025-00010697-00011082 accounts this is where you're going to click in order to enroll in a new class 4YLx7Klhddc-00026-00011082-00011463 you're basically taken to that same window where you enter the course ID 4YLx7Klhddc-00027-00011463-00011882 that was given to you as part of the email you sent and the enrollment key 4YLx7Klhddc-00028-00011882-00012381 Carter with a capital C and once you click sign up you'll see a screen just 4YLx7Klhddc-00029-00012381-00012795 like this where you can click on the course that you're registered in once 4YLx7Klhddc-00030-00012795-00013064 the course becomes active you can click on it and you should 4YLx7Klhddc-00031-00013064-00013520 be brought to a screen that looks just like this there's a couple of key things 4YLx7Klhddc-00032-00013520-00013970 to note typically when you log in the first time you'll see something like 4YLx7Klhddc-00033-00013970-00014297 this it's important to realize that this doesn't mean that these are empty 4YLx7Klhddc-00034-00014297-00014751 necessarily although some of them certainly are but there's a little arrow 4YLx7Klhddc-00035-00014751-00015150 here to the left of each module you can think of this as a folder and when you 4YLx7Klhddc-00036-00015150-00015618 click on that we brought to something like this and then below you'll see each 4YLx7Klhddc-00037-00015618-00016062 of our weeks now these are currently empty and they will populate as the term 4YLx7Klhddc-00038-00016062-00016512 goes on the basically the day of class all the information for that day's 4YLx7Klhddc-00039-00016512-00016882 material will come in here so you'll be able to see that for now take some time 4YLx7Klhddc-00040-00016882-00017415 read over the course syllabus here's some key points from the syllabus and 4YLx7Klhddc-00041-00017415-00017868 then down here are some videos that you can watch to help you understand better 4YLx7Klhddc-00042-00017868-00018240 how to use myopenmath keep in mind that these videos were borrowed from other 4YLx7Klhddc-00043-00018240-00018675 instructors and so nothing in these videos is intended to supersede the 4YLx7Klhddc-00044-00018675-00019065 policies laid out in our course syllabus but they're there for informational 4YLx7Klhddc-00045-00019065-00019592 purposes only and to help you better understand how to use myopenmath 4ZAdStkLlKg-00000-00000485-00001153 Good morning, mr, master, maestro or simply 4ZAdStkLlKg-00001-00001153-00001253 or 4ZAdStkLlKg-00002-00001253-00002107 simply David, yes David, why not David, David Lynch? 4ZAdStkLlKg-00003-00002107-00002607 It's September 6th, 2022 and it's a Tuesday. 4ZAdStkLlKg-00004-00002607-00003657 Here in Naples a clear afternoon, in this moment are 13:20 p.m., very still right now, 4ZAdStkLlKg-00005-00003657-00004026 80.6 fahrenheit 27 celsius and this means that it's that day really, really, really, 4ZAdStkLlKg-00006-00004026-00004126 really 4ZAdStkLlKg-00007-00004126-00004504 hot like in these days and in this period, not like the hell of over two months ago with 4ZAdStkLlKg-00008-00004504-00004938 98.6 fahrenheit in the afternoon but I think we're really closest to it. 4ZAdStkLlKg-00009-00004938-00005060 Even if being September 4ZAdStkLlKg-00010-00005060-00006042 the degrees are 5-6 degrees than the standard of few days ago until the end of August. 4ZAdStkLlKg-00011-00006042-00006631 Well, it starts to get less hot, the more we go on the better for me. 4ZAdStkLlKg-00012-00006631-00007788 It has been too hot so far. 4ZAdStkLlKg-00013-00007788-00008200 Being already afternoon I think that the temperature 4ZAdStkLlKg-00014-00008200-00009359 is this I just said a moment ago, 80.6 fahrenheit 27 celsius, but the really important thing 4ZAdStkLlKg-00015-00009359-00010592 with this atmosphere is that today we have, today we have those beautiful blue skies and 4ZAdStkLlKg-00016-00010592-00010828 golden sunshine all along the way. 4ZAdStkLlKg-00017-00010828-00011425 All along the way obviously here other 4-5 hours as you know in comparison above all 4ZAdStkLlKg-00018-00011425-00011525 with 4ZAdStkLlKg-00019-00011525-00012305 the American friends because we have a completely different schedule or hours. 4ZAdStkLlKg-00020-00012305-00012722 Well, so said this: 4ZAdStkLlKg-00021-00012722-00013338 so from the mythical window with the orange, red, blue, green water courtain and its green 4ZAdStkLlKg-00022-00013338-00013438 roller shooter, 4ZAdStkLlKg-00023-00013438-00014152 not visible and in fact here in the shot today, 4ZAdStkLlKg-00024-00014152-00015562 and finally from my mythical keyboard Yamaha DGX640 YPG, YPG-625 4ZAdStkLlKg-00025-00015962-00016663 have a great day him, all the people who follow the channel and the weathers, also to my 4ZAdStkLlKg-00026-00016663-00017544 brother and finally I hope you all have a great breakfast. 4ZAdStkLlKg-00027-00018545-00019142 I'll see you tomorrow 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00000-00000008-00000239 Hi travellers, I'm Anne's daughter Lileko. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00001-00000239-00000476 Oh I can't believe this has happened. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00002-00000476-00000703 But it was within the 100 days. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00003-00000761-00001254 But even with the lifetime warranty, these are the pictures that I sent Away luggage. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00004-00001354-00001540 To say oh my wheels. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00005-00001583-00001806 And they sent new ones. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00006-00001849-00002618 Because I'm in New Zealand at the moment I actually had to get them to post them to a friend in Australia who very nicely reposted them. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00007-00002618-00003040 It is quite simple, 10 steps. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00008-00003171-00003357 Comes in the packaging. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00009-00003357-00003849 And I only asked for two but for some reason they sent me four. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00010-00003849-00004515 And that's how I received them because New Zealand is not a country they mail to currently. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00011-00004976-00005416 Because I travel I had to enlist the help of my uncle, because I do not own 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00012-00005416-00005676 tools this is just not something I have. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00013-00005707-00006356 And he was so great and just did it for me, oh I'm so lucky! 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00014-00008208-00008688 If you like this video please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing as I post new videos 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00015-00008688-00009261 every week giving tips and strategies that may help enhance your travel experiences. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00016-00010584-00011073 I do hope this never happens to you, but Away was amazing. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00017-00011073-00011728 I just sent those pictures and it was with the airline it was my flight from Auckland to Christchurch 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00018-00011784-00012096 where these wheels were smashed. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00019-00012096-00012413 And they were very nice and sent to me new ones. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00020-00012413-00012512 Which is included in 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00021-00012568-00012740 the lifetime warranty. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00022-00012740-00013196 It was very efficient in terms of their postage to when my friend received it. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00023-00013196-00013443 It's so great to have an extra set of wheels. 4ZEiCv9Kl_c-00024-00015116-00015478 Sure it's a bit dusty, wonder when it's gonna get used again. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00000-00002405-00003000 [CAR ACCELERATING THEN SLOW MOTION] 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00001-00003360-00003843 [NORMAL CAR ACCELERATING RESUMES] 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00002-00011335-00012044 There, we have made a road trip in New Mexico! 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00003-00012044-00012614 We're staying in Santa Fe, 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00004-00012614-00013091 that is a capital city of New Mexico State. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00005-00013091-00013520 You know we explored in New Mexico and I find it amazing. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00006-00013520-00013822 It is my first time being in this state. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00007-00013822-00014124 We only see the natures, 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00008-00014124-00014722 unlike museums, stores due to COVID-19, unfortunately. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00009-00014722-00015185 Just the nature and it's amazing. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00010-00015185-00015961 New Mexico is also called "The Land of Enchantment". 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00011-00015961-00016399 That is the meaning of beautiful land. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00012-00016399-00016785 The soil on the plains is mostly red. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00013-00016785-00017683 We have travelled along Interstate 40 and the historical U.S. Route 66. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00014-00017683-00018079 You know this is a famous route. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00015-00018079-00018621 We're staying in Santa Fe 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00016-00018621-00019061 and then we will be travelling to the north of New Mexico on way to Utah. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00017-00019061-00019753 OK, let's talk about American Sign Language for this state. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00018-00019753-00020571 Be aware that if we're referring to the state of New Mexico, we sign like this. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00019-00020571-00020858 It's a fingerspelling of "NM". 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00020-00020858-00021492 It's not "New Mexico" as in freshly and brand new country of Mexico. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00021-00021492-00021811 If you sign this way for "Mexico", you're referring to the country. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00022-00021811-00022263 For the state of New Mexico, you do this "NM". 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00023-00022263-00022533 The letters "NM" are based on the state's abbreviation. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00024-00022533-00022771 You follow this to distinguish the difference. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00025-00022771-00023120 Some people accidentally use the other sign for the state which is not encouraged. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00026-00023120-00023355 That's the sign, "NM". Allright? 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00027-00023355-00023543 Ya get it? 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00028-00023543-00023738 Thank you. 4ab0Tc4pKbI-00029-00027907-00028407 [CAR ACCELERATING] 4eVIFMRviz0-00000-00000016-00000105 - All right, here we are, 4eVIFMRviz0-00001-00000105-00000538 our last class in this series entitled 4eVIFMRviz0-00002-00000538-00000903 "Understanding & Obeying the 10 Commandments." 4eVIFMRviz0-00003-00000903-00001219 We're going to do commandment number 10, 4eVIFMRviz0-00004-00001219-00001473 this is lesson 12 of that series. 4eVIFMRviz0-00005-00001473-00001732 And the title of this lesson is 4eVIFMRviz0-00006-00001732-00002146 "The Desire for What Is Forbidden." 4eVIFMRviz0-00007-00002146-00002646 So, the best source of good deeds are good desires. 4eVIFMRviz0-00008-00002784-00003155 And so the 10th commandment deals with man's desires 4eVIFMRviz0-00009-00003155-00003495 and how they determine the type of life he will experience. 4eVIFMRviz0-00010-00003495-00003776 So let's read commandment number 10 4eVIFMRviz0-00011-00003776-00004113 that's in Exodus chapter 20, verse 17. 4eVIFMRviz0-00012-00004113-00004296 The commandment states, 4eVIFMRviz0-00013-00004296-00004552 "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. 4eVIFMRviz0-00014-00004552-00004749 "You shall not cover your neighbor's wife 4eVIFMRviz0-00015-00004749-00004992 "or his male servant or his female servant 4eVIFMRviz0-00016-00004992-00005161 "or his ox or his donkey 4eVIFMRviz0-00017-00005161-00005619 "or anything that belongs to your neighbor." 4eVIFMRviz0-00018-00005619-00005838 Now the word covet, 4eVIFMRviz0-00019-00005838-00006263 the word covet means enthusiastic desire, 4eVIFMRviz0-00020-00006263-00006609 and by itself it's neither good nor bad. 4eVIFMRviz0-00021-00006609-00007043 Our enthusiastic desire becomes the sin of coveting 4eVIFMRviz0-00022-00007043-00007518 when we desire something or someone that is not permitted 4eVIFMRviz0-00023-00007518-00007906 or something that is gained unjustly. 4eVIFMRviz0-00024-00007906-00008286 For example, David, the psalmist and king of Israel, 4eVIFMRviz0-00025-00008286-00008601 who desired a woman not permitted to him 4eVIFMRviz0-00026-00008601-00008972 because she was married to someone else. 4eVIFMRviz0-00027-00008972-00009217 Of course, it's okay to desire a woman, 4eVIFMRviz0-00028-00009217-00009354 but not if you're married 4eVIFMRviz0-00029-00009354-00009795 or if that woman is married to someone else. 4eVIFMRviz0-00030-00009795-00010197 So we see that David did not control this desire 4eVIFMRviz0-00031-00010197-00010453 and it led him to adultery and murder 4eVIFMRviz0-00032-00010453-00010652 and deception of the nation 4eVIFMRviz0-00033-00010652-00011130 and the terrible, terrible consequences afterwards. 4eVIFMRviz0-00034-00011246-00011485 Of course, his first sin was not adultery. 4eVIFMRviz0-00035-00011485-00011655 This was his second sin. 4eVIFMRviz0-00036-00011655-00011932 Now his first sin was covetousness, 4eVIFMRviz0-00037-00011932-00012317 the desire for something or someone that is forbidden. 4eVIFMRviz0-00038-00012317-00012739 And, in his case, his desire for Uriah's wife. 4eVIFMRviz0-00039-00012901-00013401 And so the core of evil in the sin of covetousness 4eVIFMRviz0-00040-00013404-00013618 is selfishness. 4eVIFMRviz0-00041-00013618-00013899 This is what separates a normal and healthy 4eVIFMRviz0-00042-00013899-00014069 desire for something 4eVIFMRviz0-00043-00014069-00014310 from the sin of coveting. 4eVIFMRviz0-00044-00014310-00014480 Let's read Psalm, 4eVIFMRviz0-00045-00014572-00015072 excuse me, Proverbs, rather, 21, verse 25 and 26. 4eVIFMRviz0-00046-00015096-00015292 The writer says, 4eVIFMRviz0-00047-00015292-00015669 "The desire of the sluggard puts him to death, 4eVIFMRviz0-00048-00015669-00015930 "for his hands refuse to work. 4eVIFMRviz0-00049-00015930-00016141 "All day long he is craving, 4eVIFMRviz0-00050-00016141-00016526 "while the righteous gives and does not hold back." 4eVIFMRviz0-00051-00016526-00016792 And here the writer describes 4eVIFMRviz0-00052-00016792-00017058 the opposite virtue of covetousness, 4eVIFMRviz0-00053-00017058-00017192 which is generosity. 4eVIFMRviz0-00054-00017192-00017275 You know, when he says, 4eVIFMRviz0-00055-00017275-00017527 "And the righteous gives and does not hold back." 4eVIFMRviz0-00056-00017527-00018027 It's an empty desire, the bottomless yearning of the lazy, 4eVIFMRviz0-00057-00018114-00018481 the selfish desire of the immature, 4eVIFMRviz0-00058-00018481-00018847 these are the elements that create coveting. 4eVIFMRviz0-00059-00018847-00019347 A covetous person desires to gain without effort, 4eVIFMRviz0-00060-00019360-00019679 or to gain merely to spend on self 4eVIFMRviz0-00061-00019679-00019889 without any thought of serving others 4eVIFMRviz0-00062-00019889-00020069 or glorifying God. 4eVIFMRviz0-00063-00020069-00020382 For example, the person who covets your success 4eVIFMRviz0-00064-00020382-00020591 usually wants it for free 4eVIFMRviz0-00065-00020591-00020911 and for his own gratification only. 4eVIFMRviz0-00066-00020911-00021205 Now remember, God forbids things 4eVIFMRviz0-00067-00021205-00021450 because they are destructive to us. 4eVIFMRviz0-00068-00021450-00021744 Covetousness is specifically destructive 4eVIFMRviz0-00069-00021744-00021929 for several reasons. 4eVIFMRviz0-00070-00021929-00022236 First of all, it destroys our relationship 4eVIFMRviz0-00071-00022236-00022372 with other people. 4eVIFMRviz0-00072-00022466-00022966 Individually, as individuals, we suffer when we covet 4eVIFMRviz0-00073-00023029-00023414 because coveting leads us to judge everything in life 4eVIFMRviz0-00074-00023414-00023750 from the perspective of how it will affect us 4eVIFMRviz0-00075-00023750-00024065 or how it will benefit us only. 4eVIFMRviz0-00076-00024065-00024419 Covetous people always ask the same questions 4eVIFMRviz0-00077-00024419-00024579 when they're considering something 4eVIFMRviz0-00078-00024579-00024731 or when they desire something. 4eVIFMRviz0-00079-00024731-00024928 How will it profit me? 4eVIFMRviz0-00080-00024928-00025208 Or how will this give me enjoyment? 4eVIFMRviz0-00081-00025208-00025595 Or how can I make this last for myself? 4eVIFMRviz0-00082-00025595-00025881 Instead of asking the important questions, like, 4eVIFMRviz0-00083-00025881-00026086 how will this affect other people? 4eVIFMRviz0-00084-00026086-00026385 Or how will this build up those that I love? 4eVIFMRviz0-00085-00026385-00026639 Or how will this serve God? 4eVIFMRviz0-00086-00026639-00027031 This ego-centric thinking creates isolation 4eVIFMRviz0-00087-00027031-00027433 because it blinds a person to the needs of other people 4eVIFMRviz0-00088-00027433-00027761 and it leads an individual to lose human contact 4eVIFMRviz0-00089-00027761-00028188 which in turn develops into loneliness and depression, 4eVIFMRviz0-00090-00028188-00028538 disorientation, and eventually into despair. 4eVIFMRviz0-00091-00028637-00029002 Covetousness also affects us collectively. 4eVIFMRviz0-00092-00029002-00029502 Greedy people as a group engender hatred for themselves. 4eVIFMRviz0-00093-00029568-00029750 Individuals or nations 4eVIFMRviz0-00094-00029750-00030085 who because of their unconscious covetousness 4eVIFMRviz0-00095-00030085-00030383 amass supplies of essential products 4eVIFMRviz0-00096-00030383-00030674 to artificially keep prices high 4eVIFMRviz0-00097-00030674-00030881 and cause hardship on other groups, 4eVIFMRviz0-00098-00030881-00031381 they create a hatred and strife in society, in the world. 4eVIFMRviz0-00099-00031388-00031695 This is one reason there are famines and wars 4eVIFMRviz0-00100-00031695-00032097 and strikes and social unrest. 4eVIFMRviz0-00101-00032097-00032452 If there were less covetousness among nations 4eVIFMRviz0-00102-00032452-00032633 and true generosity, 4eVIFMRviz0-00103-00032633-00032782 there would be less hatred 4eVIFMRviz0-00104-00032782-00033142 and consequently less war, less death. 4eVIFMRviz0-00105-00033142-00033417 Aside from alienating us from others 4eVIFMRviz0-00106-00033417-00033687 individually and collectively, 4eVIFMRviz0-00107-00033687-00034187 covetousness also destroys our relationship with God. 4eVIFMRviz0-00108-00034224-00034482 You know, God tells man in his Word 4eVIFMRviz0-00109-00034482-00034898 that if man keeps God as his first priority in life, 4eVIFMRviz0-00110-00034898-00035155 man will have peace and salvation. 4eVIFMRviz0-00111-00035155-00035393 Jesus talks about that on the Sermon on the Mount 4eVIFMRviz0-00112-00035393-00035653 in Matthew chapters five and six. 4eVIFMRviz0-00113-00035653-00035922 When we sin through covetousness, 4eVIFMRviz0-00114-00035922-00036283 we replace God with our own desires. 4eVIFMRviz0-00115-00036283-00036623 Our own desires become our priority. 4eVIFMRviz0-00116-00036623-00037033 This is why Paul refers to covetousness as idolatry 4eVIFMRviz0-00117-00037033-00037248 in Ephesians chapter five, verse five, 4eVIFMRviz0-00118-00037248-00037533 and in Colossians chapter three, verse five. 4eVIFMRviz0-00119-00037533-00037647 Why idolatry? 4eVIFMRviz0-00120-00037647-00037963 Because we've removed God as our first priority 4eVIFMRviz0-00121-00037963-00038186 and we've made our personal desires 4eVIFMRviz0-00122-00038186-00038427 and the gratification of those desires 4eVIFMRviz0-00123-00038427-00038568 as our first priority. 4eVIFMRviz0-00124-00038568-00038904 In other words, our desires become our god, 4eVIFMRviz0-00125-00038904-00039184 and thus become idolatry. 4eVIFMRviz0-00126-00039184-00039418 When our desire for things, 4eVIFMRviz0-00127-00039418-00039737 whether they are forbidden or simply selfish, 4eVIFMRviz0-00128-00039737-00039910 when our desire for things 4eVIFMRviz0-00129-00039910-00040327 replaces our desire to God and to others, 4eVIFMRviz0-00130-00040327-00040677 we lose the reward of joy and satisfaction 4eVIFMRviz0-00131-00040677-00041038 that comes from serving the Lord with our time 4eVIFMRviz0-00132-00041038-00041282 and our goods and our money. 4eVIFMRviz0-00133-00041282-00041697 Those who do not make the Lord and his service a priority 4eVIFMRviz0-00134-00041697-00042073 begin a vicious downward cycle. 4eVIFMRviz0-00135-00042073-00042360 The less they serve, the less they give. 4eVIFMRviz0-00136-00042360-00042710 The less they serve and give, the less they rejoice. 4eVIFMRviz0-00137-00042710-00042971 The less they rejoice and receive from God, 4eVIFMRviz0-00138-00042971-00043073 the less they believe. 4eVIFMRviz0-00139-00043073-00043286 And the less they believe, well, 4eVIFMRviz0-00140-00043286-00043472 the less they serve and give, 4eVIFMRviz0-00141-00043472-00043753 and the cycle goes onward and onward. 4eVIFMRviz0-00142-00043753-00043953 You know you're in this cycle 4eVIFMRviz0-00143-00043953-00044349 because you do more complaining than rejoicing. 4eVIFMRviz0-00144-00044349-00044745 You do more doubting and depression than service. 4eVIFMRviz0-00145-00044745-00045008 More of the world and its activities 4eVIFMRviz0-00146-00045008-00045320 than the kingdom and its influence. 4eVIFMRviz0-00147-00045320-00045627 In the end, we don't know what we want. 4eVIFMRviz0-00148-00045627-00045957 We just want but we're never satisfied. 4eVIFMRviz0-00149-00045957-00046457 This is the end result of covetousness, empty materialism. 4eVIFMRviz0-00150-00046487-00046768 Now how do we obey this command? 4eVIFMRviz0-00151-00046768-00047081 The command is stated in a negative form, 4eVIFMRviz0-00152-00047081-00047356 but there are positive ways to honor it 4eVIFMRviz0-00153-00047356-00047654 and to avoid the trap of covetousness. 4eVIFMRviz0-00154-00047654-00048132 For example, we need to trust in God for everything. 4eVIFMRviz0-00155-00048132-00048393 In Matthew chapter six, verse 31, 4eVIFMRviz0-00156-00048393-00048650 Jesus says, "Do not worry then, saying, 4eVIFMRviz0-00157-00048650-00048883 "what will we eat, or what will we drink, 4eVIFMRviz0-00158-00048883-00049122 "or what will we wear for clothing? 4eVIFMRviz0-00159-00049122-00049478 "For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things, 4eVIFMRviz0-00160-00049478-00049691 "for your heavenly Father knows 4eVIFMRviz0-00161-00049691-00050010 "that you need all of these things." 4eVIFMRviz0-00162-00050010-00050318 In other words, don't just trust in God, 4eVIFMRviz0-00163-00050318-00050538 but trust that God himself 4eVIFMRviz0-00164-00050538-00050987 both knows what you really need in every area of your life 4eVIFMRviz0-00165-00050987-00051295 and he is able to provide it. 4eVIFMRviz0-00166-00051295-00051567 Trust that God knows your needs 4eVIFMRviz0-00167-00051567-00051991 and will fulfill them in his way and in his time. 4eVIFMRviz0-00168-00052104-00052192 Secondly. 4eVIFMRviz0-00169-00052387-00052677 Keep your priorities straight, so important. 4eVIFMRviz0-00170-00052677-00052866 Keep your priorities straight. 4eVIFMRviz0-00171-00052866-00053348 In the same passage in Matthew 6, verse 33, 4eVIFMRviz0-00172-00053348-00053554 Jesus continues and says, 4eVIFMRviz0-00173-00053554-00053970 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, 4eVIFMRviz0-00174-00053970-00054371 "and all these things will be added to you." 4eVIFMRviz0-00175-00054371-00054814 See, our job in this world as Christians every day 4eVIFMRviz0-00176-00054814-00055186 is to understand how we are to serve God 4eVIFMRviz0-00177-00055186-00055379 and his kingdom first 4eVIFMRviz0-00178-00055379-00055680 with our talents and with our time. 4eVIFMRviz0-00179-00055680-00056037 God promises that when this is our first priority, 4eVIFMRviz0-00180-00056037-00056321 he himself will provide what we need, 4eVIFMRviz0-00181-00056321-00056696 whether it's materially or emotionally or spiritually. 4eVIFMRviz0-00182-00056696-00056984 All these things that we need to live in this world, 4eVIFMRviz0-00183-00056984-00057426 he will provide them if we focus on putting him first 4eVIFMRviz0-00184-00057426-00057571 in our lives. 4eVIFMRviz0-00185-00057571-00058001 When we turn this around and we try to serve our needs first 4eVIFMRviz0-00186-00058001-00058170 instead of our God, 4eVIFMRviz0-00187-00058170-00058376 we're never satisfied. 4eVIFMRviz0-00188-00058376-00058460 Why? 4eVIFMRviz0-00189-00058460-00058710 Well, we never seem to acquire enough 4eVIFMRviz0-00190-00058710-00058995 to satisfy our desire for more. 4eVIFMRviz0-00191-00058995-00059332 Now the reason for this is that the feeling of satisfaction 4eVIFMRviz0-00192-00059332-00059483 that we crave 4eVIFMRviz0-00193-00059483-00059908 is actually a gift given to us freely by God 4eVIFMRviz0-00194-00059908-00060085 when we seek him first, 4eVIFMRviz0-00195-00060085-00060585 and not the result of amassing wealth or amassing goods. 4eVIFMRviz0-00196-00060613-00060980 The writer of Ecclesiastes says as much when he says, 4eVIFMRviz0-00197-00060980-00061238 "I know that there is nothing better for them," 4eVIFMRviz0-00198-00061238-00061505 meaning men, mankind, 4eVIFMRviz0-00199-00061505-00061983 "than to rejoice and to do good in one's lifetime." 4eVIFMRviz0-00200-00061983-00062201 This is why satisfaction in life 4eVIFMRviz0-00201-00062201-00062541 comes from keeping God and his service first, 4eVIFMRviz0-00202-00062541-00062785 and this satisfaction and contentment 4eVIFMRviz0-00203-00062785-00063245 protects us from the trap and the cycle of covetousness. 4eVIFMRviz0-00204-00063245-00063541 You know, in covetousness, we're always seeking 4eVIFMRviz0-00205-00063541-00063714 to feel satisfied, 4eVIFMRviz0-00206-00063714-00064114 to feel that idea of safety and satisfaction, 4eVIFMRviz0-00207-00064114-00064380 and we think that amassing more or getting more 4eVIFMRviz0-00208-00064380-00064548 of whatever it is 4eVIFMRviz0-00209-00064548-00064660 is going to do that. 4eVIFMRviz0-00210-00064660-00065001 When in reality the feeling of satisfaction 4eVIFMRviz0-00211-00065001-00065501 is a gift given to us by God when we make him a priority. 4eVIFMRviz0-00212-00065792-00066146 And then, thirdly, how do we obey this command? 4eVIFMRviz0-00213-00066146-00066432 Trust in God for everything, maintain our priorities. 4eVIFMRviz0-00214-00066432-00066824 Number three, be content today. 4eVIFMRviz0-00215-00066824-00067066 Be content today. 4eVIFMRviz0-00216-00067066-00067217 Two passages of Scripture. 4eVIFMRviz0-00217-00067217-00067477 First one, I Timothy 6:6. 4eVIFMRviz0-00218-00067477-00067977 Paul says, "But godliness actually is a means of great gain 4eVIFMRviz0-00219-00067986-00068275 "when accompanied by contentment." 4eVIFMRviz0-00220-00068275-00068691 And then, in another passage, in Hebrews 13:5 and six, 4eVIFMRviz0-00221-00068691-00068954 the writer says, "Make sure that your character 4eVIFMRviz0-00222-00068954-00069188 "is free from the love of money, 4eVIFMRviz0-00223-00069188-00069477 "being content with what you have. 4eVIFMRviz0-00224-00069477-00069662 "For he himself has said, 4eVIFMRviz0-00225-00069662-00070079 "'I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,' 4eVIFMRviz0-00226-00070079-00070298 "so that we confidently say, 4eVIFMRviz0-00227-00070298-00070628 "the Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. 4eVIFMRviz0-00228-00070628-00070929 "What will man do to me?" 4eVIFMRviz0-00229-00070929-00071342 So learn to be full with today's blessings. 4eVIFMRviz0-00230-00071342-00071601 Now this doesn't condone laziness. 4eVIFMRviz0-00231-00071601-00071852 It doesn't glorify poverty. 4eVIFMRviz0-00232-00071852-00072158 There's no nobility in poverty. 4eVIFMRviz0-00233-00072158-00072526 A person can strive to improve, to succeed. 4eVIFMRviz0-00234-00072526-00072817 But in order to avoid the trap of covetousness, 4eVIFMRviz0-00235-00072817-00073042 that same person must also learn 4eVIFMRviz0-00236-00073042-00073457 to be satisfied where he finds himself today. 4eVIFMRviz0-00237-00073457-00073748 You know, some people will only be happy and satisfied 4eVIFMRviz0-00238-00073748-00073851 in the future. 4eVIFMRviz0-00239-00073851-00074151 When this happens, when I finish this, then I'll be happy. 4eVIFMRviz0-00240-00074151-00074309 And then, well, I'll finish college, 4eVIFMRviz0-00241-00074309-00074453 and then I'll really feel satisfied. 4eVIFMRviz0-00242-00074453-00074641 No, then we're finally married, 4eVIFMRviz0-00243-00074641-00074886 when we finally own our own home. 4eVIFMRviz0-00244-00075049-00075193 It never ends. 4eVIFMRviz0-00245-00075193-00075508 They're always happy but only in the future, 4eVIFMRviz0-00246-00075508-00075682 no matter what they have today. 4eVIFMRviz0-00247-00075682-00075827 Well, when you think like this, 4eVIFMRviz0-00248-00075827-00076160 this guarantees that you'll never be happy. 4eVIFMRviz0-00249-00076160-00076422 If you can't be happy today with what you have, 4eVIFMRviz0-00250-00076422-00076636 you'll never be able to be happy 4eVIFMRviz0-00251-00076636-00076870 with what you'll have tomorrow. 4eVIFMRviz0-00252-00076870-00077187 I can be content today because I know 4eVIFMRviz0-00253-00077187-00077451 that this is what God has provided today 4eVIFMRviz0-00254-00077451-00077864 and I trust that he'll provide for tomorrow. 4eVIFMRviz0-00255-00077864-00078221 Not to be thankful, to have endless desire 4eVIFMRviz0-00256-00078221-00078479 is to reject what God has provided 4eVIFMRviz0-00257-00078479-00078877 in exchange for what we covet. 4eVIFMRviz0-00258-00078877-00079284 And so coveting is the uncontrolled desire 4eVIFMRviz0-00259-00079284-00079435 for forbidden things 4eVIFMRviz0-00260-00079435-00079741 or the uncontrolled desire to acquire. 4eVIFMRviz0-00261-00079741-00079925 What we call greed. 4eVIFMRviz0-00262-00079925-00080236 This sin is dangerous because it separates us 4eVIFMRviz0-00263-00080236-00080489 and it isolates us from others. 4eVIFMRviz0-00264-00080489-00080810 This is why greedy people usually are lonely people. 4eVIFMRviz0-00265-00080810-00081236 And it makes us servants of our needs and desires 4eVIFMRviz0-00266-00081236-00081515 instead of servants of God. 4eVIFMRviz0-00267-00081515-00081792 We can avoid this sin by remembering, 4eVIFMRviz0-00268-00081792-00082150 one, trust God to provide what you need. 4eVIFMRviz0-00269-00082150-00082619 Two, keep God first in service, not needs. 4eVIFMRviz0-00270-00082619-00082972 And three, thank God for what you have now. 4eVIFMRviz0-00271-00082972-00083179 Not what you're going to have tomorrow, 4eVIFMRviz0-00272-00083179-00083381 thank him and learn to be thankful 4eVIFMRviz0-00273-00083381-00083814 for what you have, whatever that is, great or small, today. 4eVIFMRviz0-00274-00083814-00084249 You know, as Christians, this sin is truly, 4eVIFMRviz0-00275-00084249-00084431 it's a foolish one, 4eVIFMRviz0-00276-00084431-00084786 because God takes care of all of our earthly needs 4eVIFMRviz0-00277-00084786-00085209 so we can pursue our relationship with him in peace. 4eVIFMRviz0-00278-00085209-00085476 And he gives us freely the two things 4eVIFMRviz0-00279-00085476-00085752 that no effort on earth could ever buy, 4eVIFMRviz0-00280-00085752-00086252 and that is forgiveness and eternal life in Jesus Christ. 4eVIFMRviz0-00281-00086377-00086877 So, if we keep our hearts fixed on these treasures, 4eVIFMRviz0-00282-00086988-00087285 there can never be anything in this world 4eVIFMRviz0-00283-00087285-00087604 that can draw us away from the love of God 4eVIFMRviz0-00284-00087604-00088103 that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 4eVIFMRviz0-00285-00088103-00088359 Well, that's the end of our very short 4eVIFMRviz0-00286-00088359-00088782 and compressed series on the 10 Commandments. 4eVIFMRviz0-00287-00088782-00089136 Thank you for participating in this small group study. 4eVIFMRviz0-00288-00089136-00089353 And if you wait just a moment 4eVIFMRviz0-00289-00089353-00089538 I'll be giving you the questions 4eVIFMRviz0-00290-00089538-00089804 that you can use in your small group discussion. 4eVIFMRviz0-00291-00089804-00089999 God bless you, we'll see you next time. 4eVIFMRviz0-00292-00090208-00090371 Question number one. 4eVIFMRviz0-00293-00090371-00090795 As a child, what thing do you remember wanting the most? 4eVIFMRviz0-00294-00091167-00091306 Question number two. 4eVIFMRviz0-00295-00091306-00091607 As an adult, what thing or situation 4eVIFMRviz0-00296-00091607-00091861 do you desire more than any other? 4eVIFMRviz0-00297-00092219-00092389 Question number three. 4eVIFMRviz0-00298-00092389-00092796 Why do you think your desire has not yet been fulfilled? 4eVIFMRviz0-00299-00093110-00093265 Question number four. 4eVIFMRviz0-00300-00093265-00093493 Who do you think is most responsible 4eVIFMRviz0-00301-00093493-00093724 for getting what you want? 4eVIFMRviz0-00302-00093724-00093807 Why? 4eVIFMRviz0-00303-00094069-00094226 Question number five. 4eVIFMRviz0-00304-00094226-00094593 Can you picture yourself not desiring anything? 4eVIFMRviz0-00305-00094593-00094800 What does this picture look like? 4fd8eSwN05I-00000-00000476-00000830 Days’ payables outstanding measures how many days, on average, 4fd8eSwN05I-00001-00000830-00001080 it takes to payoff accounts payables. 4fd8eSwN05I-00002-00001080-00001383 It is sometimes called the DPO. 4fd8eSwN05I-00003-00001383-00001816 Days’ payable outstanding is a measure of efficiency. 4fd8eSwN05I-00004-00001816-00002280 The formula to calculate days’ payable outstanding has two parts. 4fd8eSwN05I-00005-00002280-00002736 The first part is COGS divided by 365 days, 4fd8eSwN05I-00006-00002736-00003050 if you are calculating this using annual data. 4fd8eSwN05I-00007-00003050-00003526 This gives us the average one day’s COGS. 4fd8eSwN05I-00008-00003526-00003863 The second part is taking Average Accounts Payable 4fd8eSwN05I-00009-00003863-00004496 and dividing it by the average one day’s COGS calculated in part 1. 4fd8eSwN05I-00010-00004496-00004866 This gives us the days’ payable outstanding. 4fd8eSwN05I-00011-00004866-00005123 Here is an Income Statement from a sample company. 4fd8eSwN05I-00012-00005123-00005433 I’ve highlighted COGS and we’ll use that information 4fd8eSwN05I-00013-00005433-00005780 to determine the average one day’s COGS. 4fd8eSwN05I-00014-00005780-00005953 Additionally, we need some information 4fd8eSwN05I-00015-00005953-00006296 from the current liabilities section of the Balance Sheet. 4fd8eSwN05I-00016-00006296-00006750 I’ve highlighted two years’ worth of accounts payable balances. 4fd8eSwN05I-00017-00006750-00007493 For 2016, part 1 gives us an average one day’s COGS of $150.68. 4fd8eSwN05I-00018-00007493-00007920 In part 2 we divide the average A/P 4fd8eSwN05I-00019-00007920-00008413 by the one day’s COGS to get 20.9 days. 4fd8eSwN05I-00020-00008413-00008923 On average, we are paying off Accounts Payable about every 20.9 days. 4fd8eSwN05I-00021-00008923-00009330 Generally, companies would want Days’ Sales in Receivables 4fd8eSwN05I-00022-00009330-00009600 to be less than days’ payables outstanding, 4fd8eSwN05I-00023-00009600-00009870 or a cash shortage could occur. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00000-00000120-00000528 NEWLYWED couple Amy Roloff and Chris Marek are starting their new life together 4fg9P2sUJBA-00001-00000528-00001168 as husband and wife in her beautiful $589k home - which comes complete with a waterfall pond. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00002-00001168-00001632 The Little People, Big World stars got hitched in a fairytale wedding ceremony at Amy’s ex 4fg9P2sUJBA-00003-00001632-00001992 Matt Roloff’s family farm in Helvetia, Oregon last month. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00004-00001992-00002288 But the happy couple had already been living together at Amy’s home 4fg9P2sUJBA-00005-00002288-00002984 since Chris, 59, sold his bachelor pad and moved in last December. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00006-00004240-00004728 Amy, 56, originally bought the four bed, four bath home in May 2018 after moving off the Roloff 4fg9P2sUJBA-00007-00004728-00005000 family farm following her divorce from Matt. LIGHT AND BRIGHT 4fg9P2sUJBA-00008-00005000-00005640 The 3,767 square foot property in Hillsboro, Oregon, boasts a formal dining room which opens 4fg9P2sUJBA-00009-00005640-00006152 to a living room with surround sound system. Its “light and bright” kitchen features a built-in 4fg9P2sUJBA-00010-00006152-00006648 double oven, island and huge pantry to cover all of passionate foodie Amy’s cooking needs. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00011-00006704-00007200 Meanwhile, the master bedroom suite includes a large walk-in closet, double sinks and a jetted 4fg9P2sUJBA-00012-00007200-00007656 tub, with three more bedrooms upstairs. The property also has a covered porch in the 4fg9P2sUJBA-00013-00007656-00008112 back with a waterfall pond which was described by realtors as “perfect for entertaining”. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00014-00008184-00008776 Mom-of-four Amy and Chris got engaged in September 2019 on their three-year dating anniversary. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00015-00008776-00009064 The happy couple exchanged their wedding vows in front of around 4fg9P2sUJBA-00016-00009064-00009608 150 friends and family on August 28. It is the first time Chris has been married, 4fg9P2sUJBA-00017-00009608-00010200 while Amy was famously wed to ex Matt for nearly 30 years before they divorced in 2016. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00018-00010200-00010600 A source exclusively revealed to The Sun that a beaming "Amy was walked down 4fg9P2sUJBA-00019-00010600-00011096 the aisle by her father Gordon Knight.” The insider added: ”The wedding officiant 4fg9P2sUJBA-00020-00011096-00011456 handed her four or five pages for the vows that she read to Chris. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00021-00011456-00011880 "She stood on a step stool and wore a traditional white strapped wedding dress with a veil. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00022-00011880-00012040 HAPPY TEARS "Chris wiped a tear 4fg9P2sUJBA-00023-00012040-00012496 from his right eye while the preacher spoke and ahead of reading one page with his own vows. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00024-00012496-00012936 "The happy couple kissed after reading their vows and then again after exchanging rings." 4fg9P2sUJBA-00025-00013000-00013360 Amy's kids and their partners were in attendance at the wedding ceremony, 4fg9P2sUJBA-00026-00013360-00013896 including Jeremy and Audrey, Zach and Tori, Jacob and Isabel - and Molly and Joel. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00027-00013896-00014304 But Amy’s ex Matt, 59, and his girlfriend Caryn Chandler, 53, 4fg9P2sUJBA-00028-00014304-00014672 were not present and stayed with friends while the wedding took place on his farm. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00029-00014672-00014872 HONEYMOON PLANS Speaking the day after, Chris 4fg9P2sUJBA-00030-00014872-00015344 told The Sun of the couple’s honeymoon plans. He said: "We’re just going to do a local night 4fg9P2sUJBA-00031-00015344-00015672 here and maybe Hawaii later. “This has been a lot of work but 4fg9P2sUJBA-00032-00015672-00016032 we’ll go to Hawaii for a week. We’re not really sure which island yet. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00033-00016032-00016432 “I’ve been once before to Kauai but Amy has been over there several times so 4fg9P2sUJBA-00034-00016432-00016920 she’s going be the program director.” Meanwhile, Amy’s ex Matt recently shared 4fg9P2sUJBA-00035-00016920-00017408 pictures of him and partner Caryn holding her newborn grandson Liam for the first time. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00036-00017408-00017880 Taking to Instagram, the TV star shared an adorable photo holding Liam in his arms as 4fg9P2sUJBA-00037-00017880-00018280 he donned a face mask for the visit. The second photo captured Caryn looking 4fg9P2sUJBA-00038-00018280-00018648 every inch the proud grandma as she cuddled the little one close. 4fg9P2sUJBA-00039-00018648-00019048 Captioning the photos, Matt wrote: "Hanging out with adorable new baby 4fg9P2sUJBA-00040-00019048-00019432 Liam… @carynchandler1 new grandson. "What a precious little gift from God!” 4fDixZ0YRvY-00000-00000000-00000441 Talking with the fabulous Loani Anderson and I we've just been chatting a little 4fDixZ0YRvY-00001-00000441-00000969 bit earlier and but I'm fascinated because you're telling me that in your 4fDixZ0YRvY-00002-00000969-00001692 town in Mexico which is called something young salty in south tio workplace 4fDixZ0YRvY-00003-00001692-00002252 harassment is just not a thing that's correct and part of it is because 4fDixZ0YRvY-00004-00002252-00003121 you're because of the culture of northern Mexican women that's correct 4fDixZ0YRvY-00005-00003121-00003795 well during the revolution time here in Mexico there was something known as the 4fDixZ0YRvY-00006-00003795-00004293 Adelitas and now the Lita's were the women who followed their men into the 4fDixZ0YRvY-00007-00004293-00004853 revolution well the men died because they were the first ones and in the line 4fDixZ0YRvY-00008-00004853-00005217 of fire so they took over they carried rifles 4fDixZ0YRvY-00009-00005217-00005669 and you can see in a lot of stereotypical Mexican images and 4fDixZ0YRvY-00010-00005669-00006192 photographs of women with the cartridges and the rifles in my hand so in the 4fDixZ0YRvY-00011-00006192-00006786 northern part of Mexico that sheet the personality women in the northern part 4fDixZ0YRvY-00012-00006786-00007450 of Mexico are very outspoken dare I say loudmouth do a lot of bad words and 4fDixZ0YRvY-00013-00007450-00007984 there's this tendency that if somebody says something inappropriate or or 4fDixZ0YRvY-00014-00007984-00008535 something that's just out of the the context of the conversation they will 4fDixZ0YRvY-00015-00008535-00009096 actually push the guy you know like stop it and physically push them in and it's 4fDixZ0YRvY-00016-00009096-00009654 something that the men here in northern Mexico are used to but aren't the men in 4fDixZ0YRvY-00017-00009654-00010281 northern Mexico still physically larger than the women oh definitely definitely 4fDixZ0YRvY-00018-00010281-00010940 in it and in Mexico we still have the the issue of the macho but I have a 4fDixZ0YRvY-00019-00010940-00011636 cousin who calls this the in the macho that depends on the mother 4fDixZ0YRvY-00020-00011636-00012318 so women represent the mother image so her mother says stop it the guy will 4fDixZ0YRvY-00021-00012318-00012647 stop it so there's a tendency I guess for the 4fDixZ0YRvY-00022-00012647-00013309 younger girls to to adopt the image of being the the mother and the guys 4fDixZ0YRvY-00023-00013309-00013933 life so they're very tolerant especially when they're when they're couples of 4fDixZ0YRvY-00024-00013933-00014350 course some women will go overboard and there's there's quite a few cases of 4fDixZ0YRvY-00025-00014350-00014869 abuse in this area great hour you mean the men are tolerant of being pushed 4fDixZ0YRvY-00026-00014869-00015508 around by women yes even though the men are bigger and more physically powerful 4fDixZ0YRvY-00027-00015508-00015912 than women the culture is such that they just they don't men don't hit women 4fDixZ0YRvY-00028-00015912-00016701 there's not violence against women very very few cases of it but then there's 4fDixZ0YRvY-00029-00016701-00017218 always a backup system the friends the mother there's a lot of respect for 4fDixZ0YRvY-00030-00017218-00017950 women so the you also said that there's a culture of women protecting women or 4fDixZ0YRvY-00031-00017950-00018700 surrounding a man who is talking to a single law woman yes that's correct we 4fDixZ0YRvY-00032-00018700-00019279 we normally go out in groups of women when we're single so if we go to a bar 4fDixZ0YRvY-00033-00019279-00019825 or to a dance club if a guy approaches one of our girlfriends our instinct or 4fDixZ0YRvY-00034-00019825-00020293 our tendency is to surround both of them and start talking to the guy so if the 4fDixZ0YRvY-00035-00020293-00020878 guy has ill intentions he'll normally walk away but if he's relaxed he just 4fDixZ0YRvY-00036-00020878-00021250 wants to have a wonderful conversation then he starts talking to the whole 4fDixZ0YRvY-00037-00021250-00021943 group and then the rest of us slowly leave them alone Maibaum but let me just 4fDixZ0YRvY-00038-00021943-00022476 ask this there's no feminist movement in northern Mexico you say are you saying 4fDixZ0YRvY-00039-00022476-00023026 okay there's a feminist movement from a perspective of those women who are 4fDixZ0YRvY-00040-00023026-00023716 abused but as in an everyday fight for the quality of salaries that doesn't 4fDixZ0YRvY-00041-00023716-00024213 happen salaries are very level between men and women and it's not something 4fDixZ0YRvY-00042-00024213-00024741 that we talk about it's not that I'm a woman and I'm powerful I could say that 4fDixZ0YRvY-00043-00024741-00025206 maybe in northern Mexico it's given I'm not saying that they're not cases of 4fDixZ0YRvY-00044-00025206-00025764 abuse I'm not saying that you know bad things don't happen but in a majority 4fDixZ0YRvY-00045-00025764-00026449 women in northern Mexico are very assertive very knowledgable of their 4fDixZ0YRvY-00046-00026449-00027013 power unfortunately some go over the limits of course well you 4fDixZ0YRvY-00047-00027013-00027664 said also that there's is I think you say there's at least as much abuse of 4fDixZ0YRvY-00048-00027664-00028249 men by women as vice versa yes that's correct that's correct and 4fDixZ0YRvY-00049-00028249-00028785 how yeah how does that have that occur what does it look like what is the 4fDixZ0YRvY-00050-00028785-00029274 domestic abuse of a man by his wife his woman look like what does it look like 4fDixZ0YRvY-00051-00029274-00029743 okay with that with the coming in of large industries into the northern part 4fDixZ0YRvY-00052-00029743-00030283 of Mexico the automotive industry comes the idea that what they're where there's 4fDixZ0YRvY-00053-00030283-00030712 more money there's more power so since women are now working in the automotive 4fDixZ0YRvY-00054-00030712-00031198 industry it's not the traditional stay-at-home mom anymore women are 4fDixZ0YRvY-00055-00031198-00031780 feeling empowered because they have this economical bad tribute or they have a 4fDixZ0YRvY-00056-00031780-00032158 lot of money now so they can control situations and of course another thing 4fDixZ0YRvY-00057-00032158-00032500 that was brought in the difference to the United States is the other motive 4fDixZ0YRvY-00058-00032500-00033100 industry there you work eight hours and here it's ten to twelve hours per day so 4fDixZ0YRvY-00059-00033100-00033826 mom comes home she's tired maybe the husband came in an hour to before and he 4fDixZ0YRvY-00060-00033826-00034237 hasn't done anything concerning the house of the kids and she will get 4fDixZ0YRvY-00061-00034237-00034816 aggressive she will attack him she will diminish him emotionally which we know 4fDixZ0YRvY-00062-00034816-00035617 is the first step to what would be the word to destroying somebody first it's 4fDixZ0YRvY-00063-00035617-00036019 verbal you're not good enough you don't bring enough money home and it slowly 4fDixZ0YRvY-00064-00036019-00036738 grows and grows and unfortunately I did have a case where she actually hit him 4fDixZ0YRvY-00065-00036738-00037313 and the guys don't like get violent and drunk and violent and smack their wives 4fDixZ0YRvY-00066-00037313-00037913 around for diminishing I'm not saying it doesn't have been always but the the 4fDixZ0YRvY-00067-00037913-00038543 machismo everybody thinks that my cheese more is men go about feeding women and 4fDixZ0YRvY-00068-00038543-00039185 stepping over them machismo has this thing that you can talk evil about any 4fDixZ0YRvY-00069-00039185-00039647 woman don't talk about my mother so the macho is always hooked on to his 4fDixZ0YRvY-00070-00039647-00040193 mother image and if a woman is tricky enough I'm not gonna say smart because I 4fDixZ0YRvY-00071-00040193-00040616 don't I don't agree with this kind of behavior but if the woman is smart 4fDixZ0YRvY-00072-00040616-00041143 enough to emulate this mother the image she can a way to get away with anything 4fDixZ0YRvY-00073-00041143-00041759 so really we're really talking about at least in northern Mexico there's just a 4fDixZ0YRvY-00074-00041759-00042709 completely different culture boys and girls are raised with a completely alien 4fDixZ0YRvY-00075-00042709-00043250 that the sense of the roles of men and women than what we are used to here so 4fDixZ0YRvY-00076-00043250-00043591 do you are you familiar do people here watch like American television do they 4fDixZ0YRvY-00077-00043591-00044003 know about the meet you movement up here do they know what's going on in the US 4fDixZ0YRvY-00078-00044003-00044437 and Cavanagh and Trump and all the grabbing of ghent they know about that 4fDixZ0YRvY-00079-00044437-00044963 yes and so what and so what do they think about what a women in Mexico the 4fDixZ0YRvY-00080-00044963-00045320 women do your clients are your therapist and you talk to people who have issues 4fDixZ0YRvY-00081-00045320-00045764 but you have girlfriends and women's friends so what do they think about the 4fDixZ0YRvY-00082-00045764-00046283 situation between men and women up in the north I had one girlfriend say well 4fDixZ0YRvY-00083-00046283-00046547 all the women in America should come down for a couple of weeks and we'll 4fDixZ0YRvY-00084-00046547-00047540 teach them well okay our beloved friend LuAnn Anderson your YouTube channel in 4fDixZ0YRvY-00085-00047540-00048026 Telugu TV is on will businesses we'll put a link to it right here on this one 4fDixZ0YRvY-00086-00048026-00048524 and of course you are our beloved friend and fellow follower of the great one 4fDixZ0YRvY-00087-00048524-00048881 pick professor Peggy mans at the University of Chicago if you and I will 4fDixZ0YRvY-00088-00048881-00049586 be seeing each other in just a few weeks in San Diego yes in the Society for 4fDixZ0YRvY-00089-00049586-00050002 Neuroscience well buddy thank you very much for an amazing conversation 4fDixZ0YRvY-00090-00050002-00050647 mind blown thank you 5oMYbRVBv6M-00000-00000848-00001816 black men do not want a wife a girlfriend a fiancee or a boo or a bay black men want a version 5oMYbRVBv6M-00001-00001816-00002376 of their mother that they can have sex with whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa they want something 5oMYbRVBv6M-00002-00002712-00002984 before you explain yourself little honey 5oMYbRVBv6M-00003-00003200-00004000 okay maybe not little honey uh some heavy sideburns kind of mustache 5oMYbRVBv6M-00004-00004112-00005040 anyway before you explain yourself um that was weird that's wrong that's weird and that's wrong 5oMYbRVBv6M-00005-00005192-00005992 because there's more black men traveling to brazil finding my honey honey little wife and wifey need 5oMYbRVBv6M-00006-00005992-00006640 more to deal with they're better to deal with than american black woman now that's gonna be found for 5oMYbRVBv6M-00007-00006640-00007144 people to hear and they're gonna be like you wrong for that we gonna need to no i might have to hit 5oMYbRVBv6M-00008-00007144-00007848 no whoa i don't like the video no more i know you probably disliked the video already instead 5oMYbRVBv6M-00009-00007848-00008584 of just liking it understanding that this is true facts you can't hate the truth is the truth 5oMYbRVBv6M-00010-00008744-00009568 it literally is black men are looking towards other women too i mean look there's more mixed 5oMYbRVBv6M-00011-00009568-00010208 kids now than they were back then i'm not trying to give any like i'm not trying to put anything 5oMYbRVBv6M-00012-00010208-00010880 out there but what she said was kind of come on man look at this statistically now check 5oMYbRVBv6M-00013-00010984-00011584 black men black women are getting married after about the same rate you know what i mean 5oMYbRVBv6M-00014-00011584-00012024 like they're black men and black women are marrying each other on a good you know to me on a 5oMYbRVBv6M-00015-00012024-00012784 high rate so i'm not knocking that that's not what i'm talking about but that weird shit she said 5oMYbRVBv6M-00016-00013047-00013544 oh no i don't know about it try to deal with their childish antics somebody that doesn't 5oMYbRVBv6M-00017-00013544-00013904 take accountability for their actions and responsibilities or the behaviors 5oMYbRVBv6M-00018-00013904-00014424 that contribute to toxic things they want somebody to cook their meals wash their laundry 5oMYbRVBv6M-00019-00014480-00014880 clean their bed sheets not hold them accountable for anything let them impregnate and have as many 5oMYbRVBv6M-00020-00014880-00015440 kids as they want to all while living under your roof rent free but still want to claim to be the 5oMYbRVBv6M-00021-00015504-00015847 man of the house and how he should be treated like a king 5oMYbRVBv6M-00022-00015991-00016592 for one you need to shave that damn mustache for two of them sideburns is killing you right now 5oMYbRVBv6M-00023-00016656-00017160 for one your mask and for three i'm sorry for three i had to apologize for that one because my 5oMYbRVBv6M-00024-00017160-00017816 numbers got off i'm just all over the place right now because you just oh shit check this out three 5oMYbRVBv6M-00025-00017944-00018864 your masculinity is on a level of 55 000 like literally and uh for 5oMYbRVBv6M-00026-00019096-00019488 the women who deal with that are more likely to deal with that 5oMYbRVBv6M-00027-00019488-00019904 is another race a woman because black women aren't raised to do that 5oMYbRVBv6M-00028-00020208-00020856 let me know how many black women are down to do some shit like that the level the level the the 5oMYbRVBv6M-00029-00020856-00021552 the level of black women the level of the maturity in the kitchen it's not that mature the level of 5oMYbRVBv6M-00030-00021552-00022136 maturity on washing clothes and taking care of the house is not that mature why because we got more 5oMYbRVBv6M-00031-00022136-00022696 of them wearing about getting dressed more of them worrying about coming out to a dirty harvest show 5oMYbRVBv6M-00032-00022936-00023192 and that's the difference at least i'm gonna give you the truth 5oMYbRVBv6M-00033-00023264-00023408 at least i'm gonna tell you straight up 5oMYbRVBv6M-00034-00023672-00024496 like that's that's facts that's facts this is not targeted towards hating people i'm just filtering 5oMYbRVBv6M-00035-00024496-00025168 out this bullshit that she just putting out there that's foul man that's how you know she's selling 5oMYbRVBv6M-00036-00025168-00025768 the same type of agenda how you gonna just really do that that's not even come on man 5oMYbRVBv6M-00037-00025832-00026608 this is foul it's not even real comment below if you think i'm tripping because that's not true 5oMYbRVBv6M-00038-00026608-00027232 if you still think black men are looking towards black women to be their mothers 5oMYbRVBv6M-00039-00027352-00027912 to cook clean shop all that shit that a wife would actually do she's talking about 5oMYbRVBv6M-00040-00027912-00028552 wife duties how could you be mad at wife duties if that show if that's your husband 5oMYbRVBv6M-00041-00028712-00029336 fucking wife duties cook clean all this other shit now that all that childish shit 5oMYbRVBv6M-00042-00029400-00030112 i don't i don't agree that's some fuck boys here but the other part while cook clean wash clothes 5oMYbRVBv6M-00043-00030232-00030704 deal with this deal with this blaster blaster we gotta deal with your antics we gotta deal 5oMYbRVBv6M-00044-00030704-00031495 with your fucking uh monthly issues we don't get no flag for that oh it's it's a difference 5oMYbRVBv6M-00045-00031495-00032152 so this is female empowerment right here this is masculine femininity right here that's what that 5oMYbRVBv6M-00046-00032152-00033496 is oh i'm wrong though fuck outta here man comment below if you thought i was wrong 506DoqB73kg-00000-00001383-00001693 well, it is Comic Con weekend where 506DoqB73kg-00001-00001693-00002161 everybody loves to show their art 506DoqB73kg-00002-00002161-00002302 we do artwork from fan art 506DoqB73kg-00003-00002302-00002625 to just individuals pieces whatever 506DoqB73kg-00004-00002625-00002827 people would want and come out to 506DoqB73kg-00005-00002827-00003027 showcase the art I've been here all 506DoqB73kg-00006-00003027-00003232 weekend but she came to come see what 506DoqB73kg-00007-00003232-00003297 it's all about 506DoqB73kg-00008-00003297-00003553 It's beautiful it's full of culture there's 506DoqB73kg-00009-00003553-00003742 people from all different walks of life 506DoqB73kg-00010-00003742-00004000 you can come here and truly be yourself 506DoqB73kg-00011-00004000-00004369 and just have an amazing time! The one 506DoqB73kg-00012-00004369-00004542 thing I can say is it's a great place to 506DoqB73kg-00013-00004542-00004780 come as far as positivity...The Uber 506DoqB73kg-00014-00004780-00004971 drivers, the people here, the customers 506DoqB73kg-00015-00004971-00005194 even the other vendors, people running 506DoqB73kg-00016-00005194-00005403 the facility...everybody's been really 506DoqB73kg-00017-00005403-00005610 positive, really polite and I've had a really 506DoqB73kg-00018-00005610-00005812 good time. I'm here for the con but I do 506DoqB73kg-00019-00005812-00005998 love the cit, it has a special place in 506DoqB73kg-00020-00005998-00006228 my heart. I love St. Louis because I love 506DoqB73kg-00021-00006228-00006430 its architecture. I love all the old 506DoqB73kg-00022-00006430-00006664 repurposed buildings. Oh..they can't miss 506DoqB73kg-00023-00006664-00006829 out on those Cardinals games! I love the 506DoqB73kg-00024-00006829-00007022 stadium, I love the atmosphere and 506DoqB73kg-00025-00007022-00007184 the positive vibe of the city. 506DoqB73kg-00026-00007184-00007328 Live Long and Prosper 506DoqB73kg-00027-00007328-00007583 (elven flute music) 52kS9--HV2U-00000-00000762-00001088 okay 52kS9--HV2U-00001-00001088-00001788 impatient people use those numbers are happy to have to take a look pretty 52kS9--HV2U-00002-00001930-00002310 extradition agreement going to be exercise 52kS9--HV2U-00003-00002310-00002778 i don't know her exercise i mean sitting there in for 52kS9--HV2U-00004-00002778-00003150 worldwide below him are 52kS9--HV2U-00005-00003150-00003306 fixed 52kS9--HV2U-00006-00003306-00003479 fan 52kS9--HV2U-00007-00003479-00003776 how can you get a lot less or not 52kS9--HV2U-00008-00003776-00004317 for of all on don't try to get this sunday 52kS9--HV2U-00009-00004317-00004561 we don't yet know right 52kS9--HV2U-00010-00004561-00005090 lol i want to i a right at all of them try the actors including wall we get it 52kS9--HV2U-00011-00005090-00005354 is on-site b 52kS9--HV2U-00012-00005354-00005791 i'm makin sixteen-bit going sixty four-bit obvious in the master teach in 52kS9--HV2U-00013-00005791-00005893 the army 52kS9--HV2U-00014-00005893-00006370 learning how to count you go from seven to five to ten 52kS9--HV2U-00015-00006370-00006818 acknowledgement parking portly you can't predict that your honor i understand 52kS9--HV2U-00016-00006818-00007173 that 52kS9--HV2U-00017-00007173-00007326 that's a totally different way 52kS9--HV2U-00018-00007326-00007848 event that they had in the senate one of my darling 52kS9--HV2U-00019-00007848-00008306 tradition and even sixty did is not is not compatible city kansas city public 52kS9--HV2U-00020-00008306-00008462 out 52kS9--HV2U-00021-00008462-00008588 territory 52kS9--HV2U-00022-00008588-00008809 uh... another sixteen-bit 52kS9--HV2U-00023-00008809-00009274 today is not have any way to reach sixty four-bit i mean that there's no way 52kS9--HV2U-00024-00009274-00009445 that's going to happen 52kS9--HV2U-00025-00009445-00009860 but sixty four-bit silvery sixteen-bit 52kS9--HV2U-00026-00009860-00010095 tickets just okay 52kS9--HV2U-00027-00010095-00010616 all all to enter physically dharmesh patel n_b_c_'s network to get without 52kS9--HV2U-00028-00010616-00011316 proper without proper alchi basically 52kS9--HV2U-00029-00011332-00011579 so 52kS9--HV2U-00030-00011579-00011754 i_d_ run thirty two-bit 52kS9--HV2U-00031-00011754-00012039 policies for a bit to read succinctly 52kS9--HV2U-00032-00012039-00012569 you're on sixteen dash sixty four-bit currency exchanges theory 52kS9--HV2U-00033-00012569-00012766 but i think really 52kS9--HV2U-00034-00012766-00013027 but i thought you said running six to be there 52kS9--HV2U-00035-00013027-00013379 on my thirty bromide sixty-four is impossible 52kS9--HV2U-00036-00013379-00013573 but 52kS9--HV2U-00037-00013573-00014167 have granted e explicitly democratic architecture 52kS9--HV2U-00038-00014167-00014554 she'd organ transplant 52kS9--HV2U-00039-00014554-00014904 but i think that architecture's should already be in the army 52kS9--HV2U-00040-00014904-00015598 it not he engine and policemen 52kS9--HV2U-00041-00015598-00015800 this is a florida is like 52kS9--HV2U-00042-00015800-00016343 partner on the sixteen th is with can bring review for 52kS9--HV2U-00043-00016343-00016601 so let me say there are six habits 52kS9--HV2U-00044-00016601-00017078 in sixty-four theaters 52kS9--HV2U-00045-00017078-00017551 uh... 52kS9--HV2U-00046-00017551-00017812 d 52kS9--HV2U-00047-00017812-00017993 in 52kS9--HV2U-00048-00017993-00018693 program compatibility it's not clear 52kS9--HV2U-00049-00018703-00019252 malik bernie me e_t_ back there 52kS9--HV2U-00050-00019252-00019779 but but i can't talk enough about that somebody thought that women on learning 52kS9--HV2U-00051-00019779-00020133 style color summit easier that way 52kS9--HV2U-00052-00020133-00020833 and effort 52kS9--HV2U-00053-00020888-00021204 shows that they just won't work it's textbook 52kS9--HV2U-00054-00021204-00021733 so counting sixty-four at the state sixteen right 52kS9--HV2U-00055-00021733-00022308 sixty to do it 52kS9--HV2U-00056-00022308-00022941 we're sixty-four he'd sexy first 52kS9--HV2U-00057-00022941-00023088 therefore it 52kS9--HV2U-00058-00023088-00023380 instability programs 52kS9--HV2U-00059-00023380-00023597 uh... excitement peter 52kS9--HV2U-00060-00023597-00023997 there can be a little bit of sixteen-bit weekend with that because whether it is 52kS9--HV2U-00061-00023997-00024269 because you have a dot you know a command prompt attention sixteen-bit 52kS9--HV2U-00062-00024269-00024457 county probably right there 52kS9--HV2U-00063-00024457-00024962 blankets the program technical print sixteen-bit program two channels 52kS9--HV2U-00064-00024962-00025329 trooper brian and sixty four-bit windows environment you've got to have a 52kS9--HV2U-00065-00025329-00025708 sixty-day it be emulator recognize anywhere 52kS9--HV2U-00066-00025708-00026023 uh... care what sixteen times for 52kS9--HV2U-00067-00026023-00026302 sixty-four title served at best 52kS9--HV2U-00068-00026302-00026667 if became too much about the levees numbers and numbers knowledge bullshit 52kS9--HV2U-00069-00026667-00026777 all day long 52kS9--HV2U-00070-00026777-00026937 on that long 52kS9--HV2U-00071-00026937-00027252 of your blog ext-align trade back 52kS9--HV2U-00072-00027252-00027513 it echoing it's just not fair 52kS9--HV2U-00073-00027513-00027731 saari saying i can run 52kS9--HV2U-00074-00027731-00028111 four sixteen bit amount sixty four-bit computer 52kS9--HV2U-00075-00028111-00028811 no a well 52kS9--HV2U-00076-00030797-00031439 uh... 52kS9--HV2U-00077-00031439-00031658 okay so what what started to 52kS9--HV2U-00078-00031658-00031778 times too 52kS9--HV2U-00079-00031778-00032371 sixty pat wright and impact 52kS9--HV2U-00080-00032371-00032628 pretend not to sixty four 52kS9--HV2U-00081-00032628-00032935 thirty-two divided by two sixteen 52kS9--HV2U-00082-00032935-00033059 sottm run 52kS9--HV2U-00083-00033059-00033244 accurate 52kS9--HV2U-00084-00033244-00033725 and 52kS9--HV2U-00085-00033725-00034187 safety 52kS9--HV2U-00086-00034187-00034491 it's good for you because they'll that work for it 52kS9--HV2U-00087-00034491-00035149 doesn't sound right nah six before his library 52kS9--HV2U-00088-00035149-00035720 on it 52kS9--HV2U-00089-00035720-00036003 on the picket sixty-four you can put 52kS9--HV2U-00090-00036003-00036703 four sixteen at four sixteen fit programs as well yeltsin 52kS9--HV2U-00091-00037200-00037568 and 52kS9--HV2U-00092-00037568-00038153 cake in here 52kS9--HV2U-00093-00038153-00038853 if sixty sixty sixty or 52kS9--HV2U-00094-00038884-00039101 textual kitchen 52kS9--HV2U-00095-00039101-00039531 cricket corrections freaky 52kS9--HV2U-00096-00039531-00039941 that we're not talking about the colors and and all that crap now will talk 52kS9--HV2U-00097-00039941-00040283 about that soon like like coatings and 52kS9--HV2U-00098-00040283-00040462 sixty for it 52kS9--HV2U-00099-00040462-00040843 u_n_ sixteen we're not talk about that at this week's talks about a hundred 52kS9--HV2U-00100-00040843-00041156 twenty equipment and and and and 52kS9--HV2U-00101-00041156-00041610 what for 52kS9--HV2U-00102-00041610-00042046 group self self 52kS9--HV2U-00103-00042046-00042278 equal 52kS9--HV2U-00104-00042278-00042786 and on august sixteen bits you want on that 52kS9--HV2U-00105-00042786-00043016 to decide 52kS9--HV2U-00106-00043016-00043441 are being stamper you're just not getting the pointcast network expect 52kS9--HV2U-00107-00043441-00044141 expedition entrenched interest rates and work expects and pat are 52kS9--HV2U-00108-00044283-00044558 if they're going to be a bit action 52kS9--HV2U-00109-00044558-00044928 but if you can't run thirty min sixty-four wanted to run sixty 52kS9--HV2U-00110-00044928-00045199 thirty-two on sixty four 52kS9--HV2U-00111-00045199-00045383 and it's not true to their 52kS9--HV2U-00112-00045383-00045727 missing people 52kS9--HV2U-00113-00045727-00045828 juries 52kS9--HV2U-00114-00045828-00046281 did sixty four 52kS9--HV2U-00115-00046281-00046369 aitchison 52kS9--HV2U-00116-00046369-00046749 compatibility around thirty programs no problem 52kS9--HV2U-00117-00046749-00047058 handshake 52kS9--HV2U-00118-00047058-00047508 irish t_v_ thirty you beat me purchased within sixty days 52kS9--HV2U-00119-00047508-00047870 in sixteen thirty two victims people will be it 52kS9--HV2U-00120-00047870-00048455 independent act external park sixty four-bit basically 52kS9--HV2U-00121-00048455-00048993 the sixteen-bit with vincent burglars around like nineteen ninety-five series 52kS9--HV2U-00122-00048993-00049456 that at that time zone right down down down down as you can get the was the 52kS9--HV2U-00123-00049456-00049790 board and what not to or something estate 52kS9--HV2U-00124-00049790-00050122 it is still kind of a decent may twenty three with smtp thirty two thirty 52kS9--HV2U-00125-00050122-00050587 two-bit word distorted but there is with 52kS9--HV2U-00126-00050587-00050881 ninety-six one thirty 52kS9--HV2U-00127-00050881-00051252 uh... passionately about 52kS9--HV2U-00128-00051252-00051485 therefore 52kS9--HV2U-00129-00051485-00051951 i think that my computer compatibility although it's ninety five 52kS9--HV2U-00130-00051951-00052064 on me 52kS9--HV2U-00131-00052064-00052413 should there be any sixteen-bit video 52kS9--HV2U-00132-00052413-00052611 ticketno which he's 52kS9--HV2U-00133-00052611-00053203 k and or track you can run dance program sixty day program tom window ninety five 52kS9--HV2U-00134-00053203-00053903 the best businessman excel the only entire operating system with charged 52kS9--HV2U-00135-00053999-00054413 awesome style 52kS9--HV2U-00136-00054413-00054873 a book about computers any compatibility that of ninety five 52kS9--HV2U-00137-00054873-00055078 that isleye ct 52kS9--HV2U-00138-00055078-00055221 then road 52kS9--HV2U-00139-00055221-00055577 thirty three of the running sixteen-bit 52kS9--HV2U-00140-00055577-00056063 no 52kS9--HV2U-00141-00056063-00056347 private ownership you just can't 52kS9--HV2U-00142-00056347-00056648 but why not 52kS9--HV2U-00143-00056648-00056789 eve anti-semitic 52kS9--HV2U-00144-00056789-00057273 fifty thousand times are already microsoft did not include sixteen-bit 52kS9--HV2U-00145-00057273-00057794 program compatibility and they're sixty four-bit copies of windows 52kS9--HV2U-00146-00057794-00058494 or not dot lighting up that ever thought about a minute 52kS9--HV2U-00147-00058514-00058991 we cannot 52kS9--HV2U-00148-00058991-00059437 yall yeah let's talk about his legs computer everywhere 52kS9--HV2U-00149-00059437-00059625 can happen and actually here 52kS9--HV2U-00150-00059625-00059854 yahoo 52kS9--HV2U-00151-00059854-00060283 buchanan guys in storage 52kS9--HV2U-00152-00060283-00060716 with your motion preceding 52kS9--HV2U-00153-00060716-00060791 its own 52kS9--HV2U-00154-00060791-00061314 lyrics however to pinpoint it 52kS9--HV2U-00155-00061314-00061666 can clinton dismissed ethnic group or not champion 52kS9--HV2U-00156-00061666-00062308 itself in political it's important story except for a way it's the same thing 52kS9--HV2U-00157-00062308-00062940 on my god your characterization or if your spirit or it may be met 52kS9--HV2U-00158-00062940-00063059 at that 52kS9--HV2U-00159-00063059-00063759 ifor ap mandates and when i thought that when those always in that 52kS9--HV2U-00160-00063804-00064222 that's 52kS9--HV2U-00161-00064222-00064422 trotsky 52kS9--HV2U-00162-00064422-00064888 sana macintosh together sixty four-bit digimon sixteen-bit 52kS9--HV2U-00163-00064888-00065436 i don't know i don't want to talk about and some other news intact 52kS9--HV2U-00164-00065436-00065731 it whether that 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and then we heard 52kS9--HV2U-00199-00080143-00080525 but there doesn't make sense of thirty twos in sixty four twenty 52kS9--HV2U-00200-00080525-00080934 asphyxiated difficulty and some programming for expedition it just makes 52kS9--HV2U-00201-00080934-00081164 it just worked 52kS9--HV2U-00202-00081164-00081521 will what what did you just do it 52kS9--HV2U-00203-00081521-00081980 digested broke engage one twenty six people including this quote 52kS9--HV2U-00204-00081980-00082592 support is needed most introduced expert 52kS9--HV2U-00205-00082592-00082930 lol i headed for a picnic game 52kS9--HV2U-00206-00082930-00083003 induced 52kS9--HV2U-00207-00083003-00083359 he she is quiet 52kS9--HV2U-00208-00083359-00083564 well i think we should just do it 52kS9--HV2U-00209-00083564-00083859 to make it work 52kS9--HV2U-00210-00083859-00084332 fucked hard 52kS9--HV2U-00211-00084332-00084595 i think we can 52kS9--HV2U-00212-00084595-00084819 uh... okay 52kS9--HV2U-00213-00084819-00084993 going on 52kS9--HV2U-00214-00084993-00085326 creatures to walk that way 52kS9--HV2U-00215-00085326-00085710 but black can apricot 52kS9--HV2U-00216-00085710-00086128 k character 52kS9--HV2U-00217-00086128-00086367 always use it just doesn't make sense 52kS9--HV2U-00218-00086367-00086816 had 52kS9--HV2U-00219-00086816-00087317 right sixteen-bit on thirty two-bit on sixty four-bit that make sense 52kS9--HV2U-00220-00087317-00087710 it makes you today has been at work 52kS9--HV2U-00221-00087710-00088177 the suggestion to make changes at me actually works 52kS9--HV2U-00222-00088177-00088877 but what i think makes more sense that what you said that 52kS9--HV2U-00223-00089346-00089623 demanded more change that would actually kill his trip 54o0EaggDBk-00000-00000056-00000728 did you know that luke davidson is number one on trending right now? and i was able to promote it 54o0EaggDBk-00001-00000728-00001336 there. it's so amazing that i was able to do it, although i really wish i saved all of my 54o0EaggDBk-00002-00001336-00002136 links there. oh yeah. it's the first time i came early for these videos. it never happened before. 54oB3fBLDUE-00000-00000016-00000632 Brand, brand, brand is, has been and always 54oB3fBLDUE-00001-00000632-00000927 will be the most important thing in marketing, 54oB3fBLDUE-00002-00000927-00001592 no matter who tells you different. 54oB3fBLDUE-00003-00001648-00001752 Hey, everyone, today we're going to be 54oB3fBLDUE-00004-00001752-00002096 talking about marketing trends of 2022. 54oB3fBLDUE-00005-00002160-00002296 Yes, we're going to be talking about the trends 54oB3fBLDUE-00006-00002296-00002496 that are happening this year and what to expect. 54oB3fBLDUE-00007-00002496-00002712 But most of these trends are going to be happening 54oB3fBLDUE-00008-00002712-00003056 over the next five years to a decade or more. 54oB3fBLDUE-00009-00003056-00003288 So they're going to be very important for you and 54oB3fBLDUE-00010-00003288-00003584 your business and your brand to grow into the future. 54oB3fBLDUE-00011-00003584-00003824 Now, I'm not the only one talking about marketing trends 54oB3fBLDUE-00012-00003824-00004200 by any means, but I'm going to attempt to talk 54oB3fBLDUE-00013-00004200-00004488 about some of this in a really unbiased way. 54oB3fBLDUE-00014-00004560-00004856 I own a marketing agency focusing on Ecommerce 54oB3fBLDUE-00015-00004856-00005232 consulting company that focuses on fractional, chief marketing 54oB3fBLDUE-00016-00005232-00005560 officer and chief revenue officer, Type services, and 54oB3fBLDUE-00017-00005560-00005936 an AR VR technology company. 54oB3fBLDUE-00018-00005936-00006184 So I'm really paying attention to a lot of these 54oB3fBLDUE-00019-00006184-00006328 trends and a lot of the things that are going 54oB3fBLDUE-00020-00006328-00006752 to help grow brands over the next several decades, really. 54oB3fBLDUE-00021-00006752-00007176 So I'm looking not only at this year but 54oB3fBLDUE-00022-00007176-00007344 also over the next five years to a decade. 54oB3fBLDUE-00023-00007344-00007423 So a lot of these things are 54oB3fBLDUE-00024-00007423-00007608 going to be tried and true. 54oB3fBLDUE-00025-00007608-00007888 And the first thing, the most important thing is what 54oB3fBLDUE-00026-00007888-00008200 I started this video with, and that is brand. 54oB3fBLDUE-00027-00008200-00008592 It's the nonsexy nonancer that a lot of 54oB3fBLDUE-00028-00008592-00008824 people kind of want to look past. 54oB3fBLDUE-00029-00008824-00009208 And that's the fact that brand what people feel, 54oB3fBLDUE-00030-00009208-00009648 think, see, hear from your business is what will 54oB3fBLDUE-00031-00009648-00009952 ultimately determine whether they make a purchase from you 54oB3fBLDUE-00032-00009952-00010216 or not, whether they recommend you or not. 54oB3fBLDUE-00033-00010216-00010296 So a lot of the things I'm 54oB3fBLDUE-00034-00010296-00010600 going to talk about go into brand. 54oB3fBLDUE-00035-00010600-00010816 But the very first thing that you need to do 54oB3fBLDUE-00036-00010880-00011224 when thinking about making a marketing plan, whether it's a 54oB3fBLDUE-00037-00011224-00011456 three month, a six month, a twelve month, a five 54oB3fBLDUE-00038-00011456-00011824 year marketing plan, is how do we effectively build our 54oB3fBLDUE-00039-00011824-00012144 brand into exactly what we want? Right. 54oB3fBLDUE-00040-00012144-00012504 So you need to identify what do we want to stand for? 54oB3fBLDUE-00041-00012504-00012656 What do we want people to think 54oB3fBLDUE-00042-00012656-00012896 of when they think of us? 54oB3fBLDUE-00043-00012968-00013240 So if you think of a few big brands out there. 54oB3fBLDUE-00044-00013240-00013447 Right, like, let's look at Patagonia. 54oB3fBLDUE-00045-00013447-00013704 So Patagonia is something that I referenced 54oB3fBLDUE-00046-00013776-00014152 in the article version of this video, 54oB3fBLDUE-00047-00014152-00014304 Marketing Trends over on my website. 54oB3fBLDUE-00048-00014304-00014768 But Patagonia has always stood for saving the planet. 54oB3fBLDUE-00049-00014768-00014816 Right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00050-00014816-00015080 They're not going to grow their massive business, which 54oB3fBLDUE-00051-00015080-00015472 is massive now at the expense of the planet. 54oB3fBLDUE-00052-00015472-00015712 So all of the decisions that they make with their 54oB3fBLDUE-00053-00015712-00016144 employees, with their products, with their partners, with everybody is 54oB3fBLDUE-00054-00016144-00016488 all related to can we make a better planet? 54oB3fBLDUE-00055-00016488-00016720 Can we make a big brand and products that 54oB3fBLDUE-00056-00016720-00017040 still go towards or help saving our planet? 54oB3fBLDUE-00057-00017096-00017224 That's their brand. 54oB3fBLDUE-00058-00017224-00017472 And that has served them very well because all 54oB3fBLDUE-00059-00017472-00017808 the way back to 1973 when they started all 54oB3fBLDUE-00060-00017808-00018168 the way up until now, they've attracted people who 54oB3fBLDUE-00061-00018296-00018536 also want to respect the Earth. 54oB3fBLDUE-00062-00018536-00018880 Also want to vote for 54oB3fBLDUE-00063-00018880-00019584 ecofriendly climate change reversal purchases. 54oB3fBLDUE-00064-00019584-00019608 Right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00065-00019608-00019784 So that's who they attract. 54oB3fBLDUE-00066-00019784-00019880 And it's done very well. 54oB3fBLDUE-00067-00019880-00020288 Especially fast forward till today where our whole world 54oB3fBLDUE-00068-00020288-00020608 is very eco friendly, very climate change focused. 54oB3fBLDUE-00069-00020608-00020912 So they're making purchasing decisions based on that. 54oB3fBLDUE-00070-00020912-00021136 Patagonia is a great example of a 54oB3fBLDUE-00071-00021136-00021368 company who knew what they stood for. 54oB3fBLDUE-00072-00021368-00021544 They knew what brand they needed to make 54oB3fBLDUE-00073-00021544-00021744 and wanted to make, and they have stuck 54oB3fBLDUE-00074-00021744-00022152 to it over the course of time. Right. Amazon. 54oB3fBLDUE-00075-00022152-00022504 That's another really good example of an amazing brand. 54oB3fBLDUE-00076-00022504-00022952 They have always and currently do and probably 54oB3fBLDUE-00077-00022952-00023256 will continue to always look at the consumer 54oB3fBLDUE-00078-00023256-00023520 first, regardless of their vendors who are selling 54oB3fBLDUE-00079-00023520-00023680 on their platform or the brands that are 54oB3fBLDUE-00080-00023680-00023944 selling on their platform or anybody else, their 54oB3fBLDUE-00081-00023944-00024352 investors, the stockholders, even beyond all of them, 54oB3fBLDUE-00082-00024352-00024576 they look at their customer first, the consumer. 54oB3fBLDUE-00083-00024576-00024840 What can we do to give them exactly 54oB3fBLDUE-00084-00024840-00025304 what they want with very few barriers at 54oB3fBLDUE-00085-00025304-00025600 the lowest possible price to make them happy? 54oB3fBLDUE-00086-00025600-00025744 Hence the little smiley face. Right. 54oB3fBLDUE-00087-00025832-00026256 Everything they do is to make the consumer happy. 54oB3fBLDUE-00088-00026256-00026632 Two day shipping, lowest cost free returns. 54oB3fBLDUE-00089-00026632-00026783 Sometimes you go to return something 54oB3fBLDUE-00090-00026783-00026864 and they say, you know what? 54oB3fBLDUE-00091-00026864-00027064 Just keep it like everything they do. 54oB3fBLDUE-00092-00027064-00027232 So that is their entire brand. Right. 54oB3fBLDUE-00093-00027232-00027495 So brand will always be the most important thing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00094-00027495-00027632 And I'm spending a lot of time talking about 54oB3fBLDUE-00095-00027632-00027888 this at the beginning of this video because I 54oB3fBLDUE-00096-00027888-00028256 believe it will literally make or break your business 54oB3fBLDUE-00097-00028256-00028536 if you don't focus on your brand, things like 54oB3fBLDUE-00098-00028536-00028664 making sure it's a good product. 54oB3fBLDUE-00099-00028664-00028824 Customer service is amazing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00100-00028824-00029032 The messaging is something that's 54oB3fBLDUE-00101-00029032-00029152 very valuable to people. 54oB3fBLDUE-00102-00029248-00029560 Your marketing is not advertising as 54oB3fBLDUE-00103-00029560-00029704 much as it is adding value. 54oB3fBLDUE-00104-00029704-00029936 All of these things go into the brand. 54oB3fBLDUE-00105-00029936-00030168 If you're not focusing on that, you're losing 54oB3fBLDUE-00106-00030168-00030392 opportunities and you may be beat by your 54oB3fBLDUE-00107-00030392-00030560 competitors that are focusing on brand. 54oB3fBLDUE-00108-00030616-00030960 So that is number one of the marketing non trends of 54oB3fBLDUE-00109-00030960-00031432 2022 is make sure that you focus on the brand. 54oB3fBLDUE-00110-00031432-00031880 What do you want people to feel, hear, see when 54oB3fBLDUE-00111-00031880-00032160 they see a product of yours or your logo or 54oB3fBLDUE-00112-00032160-00032439 a store of yours or whatever it is? Okay. 54oB3fBLDUE-00113-00032439-00032527 The second thing we're going to 54oB3fBLDUE-00114-00032527-00032720 be looking at is personalized marketing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00115-00032720-00032984 This is a big one because it's changing rapidly. 54oB3fBLDUE-00116-00033072-00033392 Third party cookies are going away as we know it. 54oB3fBLDUE-00117-00033392-00033632 I think Google announced by 2023 they're going to 54oB3fBLDUE-00118-00033632-00033912 be getting rid of third party cookies, which are 54oB3fBLDUE-00119-00034072-00034304 little trackers that follow you around the Internet. 54oB3fBLDUE-00120-00034304-00034592 It's the reason that you see an ad. 54oB3fBLDUE-00121-00034592-00034776 When you look at a pair of shoes on Amazon, 54oB3fBLDUE-00122-00034776-00035016 you'll see a pair of shoes everywhere you go around 54oB3fBLDUE-00123-00035016-00035560 the Internet and ad platforms and ad networks and advertisers 54oB3fBLDUE-00124-00035560-00035840 and media companies and everybody's collecting all these cookies on 54oB3fBLDUE-00125-00035840-00036080 you to track whoever you go around the Internet, from 54oB3fBLDUE-00126-00036080-00036248 your phone to your computer to your iPad. 54oB3fBLDUE-00127-00036328-00036408 They're going away. 54oB3fBLDUE-00128-00036512-00036632 But what is not going away. 54oB3fBLDUE-00129-00036632-00036752 Our first party cookies. 54oB3fBLDUE-00130-00036752-00037240 First party cookies are the behavior tracking that happens 54oB3fBLDUE-00131-00037240-00037552 when you go to a particular site, right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00132-00037552-00037696 So it used to be that you would go 54oB3fBLDUE-00133-00037696-00037904 to a website and you would look at something. 54oB3fBLDUE-00134-00037904-00038056 You'd look at a product or you'd add it 54oB3fBLDUE-00135-00038056-00038216 to your cart or whatever it might be. 54oB3fBLDUE-00136-00038280-00038592 And then there would be third party technology 54oB3fBLDUE-00137-00038656-00039008 that's plugged into that website that tracks that. 54oB3fBLDUE-00138-00039008-00039232 It could be Facebook pixels, it could be Google 54oB3fBLDUE-00139-00039232-00039600 pixels, it could be other ad platform pixels. 54oB3fBLDUE-00140-00039600-00039840 It would track you and it would say, you know what? 54oB3fBLDUE-00141-00039840-00040008 They looked at this picture and this 54oB3fBLDUE-00142-00040008-00040152 thing and this thing and this thing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00143-00040152-00040280 And then we'd save that data. 54oB3fBLDUE-00144-00040280-00040504 And then you'd move on to another website 54oB3fBLDUE-00145-00040504-00040648 and you'd do a bunch of things. 54oB3fBLDUE-00146-00040648-00040848 You'd fill out forms and it would collect all of 54oB3fBLDUE-00147-00040848-00041072 this data and put it together into a bundle. 54oB3fBLDUE-00148-00041072-00041392 And then it would sell it, give it away. 54oB3fBLDUE-00149-00041392-00041512 Not give it away, but it would 54oB3fBLDUE-00150-00041512-00041648 distribute it to all the platforms. 54oB3fBLDUE-00151-00041648-00041944 So everybody has information on you used 54oB3fBLDUE-00152-00041944-00042304 to target you specifically with advertising very 54oB3fBLDUE-00153-00042304-00042600 intrusive into your personal habits. 54oB3fBLDUE-00154-00042672-00042968 Those cookies are going away, and they're being replaced 54oB3fBLDUE-00155-00042968-00043216 by first party cookies, which now means you go 54oB3fBLDUE-00156-00043216-00043520 to a website and that website, that brand, that 54oB3fBLDUE-00157-00043520-00044000 business can track things like your purchasing habits of 54oB3fBLDUE-00158-00044000-00044328 their products, where you go on the website. 54oB3fBLDUE-00159-00044416-00044672 If you enter in your information, your name, 54oB3fBLDUE-00160-00044672-00044904 your email address, your credit card, things like 54oB3fBLDUE-00161-00044904-00045312 that, it may save that information, but it's 54oB3fBLDUE-00162-00045312-00045568 intended to make your buying experience better. 54oB3fBLDUE-00163-00045568-00045808 And they won't turn around and sell that 54oB3fBLDUE-00164-00045808-00046136 to other ad networks or other companies, right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00165-00046136-00046280 So it's first party. 54oB3fBLDUE-00166-00046280-00046472 It's like if you walked into my store 54oB3fBLDUE-00167-00046472-00046648 and I said, hey, what's your name? 54oB3fBLDUE-00168-00046736-00046816 Where do you live? 54oB3fBLDUE-00169-00046872-00047000 What products are you interested in? 54oB3fBLDUE-00170-00047000-00047208 And you tell me, then I will save 54oB3fBLDUE-00171-00047208-00047376 that information so that the next time you 54oB3fBLDUE-00172-00047376-00047664 come in, hey, John, you like shoes, right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00173-00047664-00047720 Size ten. 54oB3fBLDUE-00174-00047792-00047920 So it's giving you more 54oB3fBLDUE-00175-00047920-00048080 of that personalized experience. 54oB3fBLDUE-00176-00048080-00048272 And this is where personalized marketing is going 54oB3fBLDUE-00177-00048272-00048632 to come in big in 2022 and beyond. 54oB3fBLDUE-00178-00048632-00049048 So brands and businesses need to start paying attention 54oB3fBLDUE-00179-00049048-00049296 to their current customers, and they need to start 54oB3fBLDUE-00180-00049296-00049624 paying attention to what they like and their interests 54oB3fBLDUE-00181-00049624-00050176 and their behaviors and save that data internally in 54oB3fBLDUE-00182-00050176-00050424 an effort to provide a better customer experience. 54oB3fBLDUE-00183-00050424-00050696 Learn about your audience, your current customers, and then 54oB3fBLDUE-00184-00050696-00050960 use that to develop your content in your marketing 54oB3fBLDUE-00185-00051104-00051312 in the future to try to attract new people. 54oB3fBLDUE-00186-00051312-00051496 Another way that this will change is it 54oB3fBLDUE-00187-00051496-00051720 will allow you to use your current website 54oB3fBLDUE-00188-00051720-00051879 to try to collect user data. 54oB3fBLDUE-00189-00051879-00052272 So you might want to amp up your requesting people to 54oB3fBLDUE-00190-00052272-00052704 sign up for your text messaging or your email or ask 54oB3fBLDUE-00191-00052704-00053079 them via live chat if they'd like to get more information. 54oB3fBLDUE-00192-00053079-00053279 So you're trying to kind of funnel them in 54oB3fBLDUE-00193-00053279-00053616 and ask them to engage with you, right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00194-00053616-00053752 When they visit your website. 54oB3fBLDUE-00195-00053816-00053984 But this is the same thing for 54oB3fBLDUE-00196-00053984-00054240 all other websites or platforms, right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00197-00054240-00054600 So company like Instagram, Facebook, Meta, they're still going 54oB3fBLDUE-00198-00054600-00054888 to collect data from the people that are using 54oB3fBLDUE-00199-00054888-00055184 their platforms, but they're going to be limited as 54oB3fBLDUE-00200-00055184-00055479 to where that information can go, selling that to 54oB3fBLDUE-00201-00055479-00055872 other parties or other people or other platforms. 54oB3fBLDUE-00202-00055944-00056272 Media companies like The New York Times or Washington Post 54oB3fBLDUE-00203-00056272-00056552 or Wall Street Journal, when you go onto their digital 54oB3fBLDUE-00204-00056552-00056840 websites, they will collect their own data on you and 54oB3fBLDUE-00205-00056840-00057152 use it internally to make your experience better. 54oB3fBLDUE-00206-00057152-00057567 But they won't sell it to other people and it 54oB3fBLDUE-00207-00057567-00057912 won't get kind of shared amongst other ad networks. 54oB3fBLDUE-00208-00057912-00057944 Right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00209-00057944-00058167 So the data that is being collected on you 54oB3fBLDUE-00210-00058167-00058416 is, number one, not going to be intrusive. 54oB3fBLDUE-00211-00058416-00058720 They're not collecting financial data unless you 54oB3fBLDUE-00212-00058720-00058840 give it to them as you fill 54oB3fBLDUE-00213-00058840-00058967 out a survey or something like that. 54oB3fBLDUE-00214-00058967-00059288 But they're not tracking you with a little tag 54oB3fBLDUE-00215-00059288-00059520 on your shoulder that's watching everything that you're doing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00216-00059591-00059984 What they're doing is bundling this information together 54oB3fBLDUE-00217-00060064-00060344 anonymously so that it can say, hey, our 54oB3fBLDUE-00218-00060344-00060696 customers are generally clicking on this page. 54oB3fBLDUE-00219-00060696-00060832 This is how they're interacting and it 54oB3fBLDUE-00220-00060832-00060984 can make decisions based on that. 54oB3fBLDUE-00221-00060984-00061152 Now, this is still early. 54oB3fBLDUE-00222-00061152-00061279 Cookies haven't been banned. 54oB3fBLDUE-00223-00061279-00061455 Third party cookies haven't been banned yet. 54oB3fBLDUE-00224-00061455-00061832 So it'll be interesting to see how the 54oB3fBLDUE-00225-00061832-00062167 marketing industry shifts when we lose this ability. 54oB3fBLDUE-00226-00062167-00062455 But one of the bigger things that's going to happen is 54oB3fBLDUE-00227-00062455-00062896 that the targeting isn't going to be so micro specific. 54oB3fBLDUE-00228-00062952-00063152 It's not going to be based on you made 54oB3fBLDUE-00229-00063152-00063464 a purchase three days ago that costs this much. 54oB3fBLDUE-00230-00063464-00063696 And so we're going to show you ads based on that. 54oB3fBLDUE-00231-00063696-00063848 It's not going to be that detailed. 54oB3fBLDUE-00232-00063848-00064120 It's going to be general on who you are and 54oB3fBLDUE-00233-00064120-00064479 the demographic and the bucket that you fit into, which 54oB3fBLDUE-00234-00064479-00064736 honestly is going to be better because it will allow 54oB3fBLDUE-00235-00064736-00065040 the best brands to win the advertising game, the ones 54oB3fBLDUE-00236-00065040-00065288 that have the best content, the best messages. 54oB3fBLDUE-00237-00065352-00065600 It's essentially going to bring us back to what 54oB3fBLDUE-00238-00065600-00065944 TV started out as, which is, hey, here's generally 54oB3fBLDUE-00239-00065944-00066160 the type of people that watch our TV show, 54oB3fBLDUE-00240-00066216-00066528 and here's generally the message that we want to 54oB3fBLDUE-00241-00066528-00066752 send to them that is impactful. 54oB3fBLDUE-00242-00066752-00066912 And we've done our research on our current 54oB3fBLDUE-00243-00066912-00067080 customers to know this is a good message. 54oB3fBLDUE-00244-00067080-00067480 And so then we're going to put it out there and 54oB3fBLDUE-00245-00067480-00067680 we're going to let the chips fall where they may and 54oB3fBLDUE-00246-00067680-00067976 the customers come through that respond best to this. 54oB3fBLDUE-00247-00067976-00068184 A lot of advertisers are thinking this 54oB3fBLDUE-00248-00068184-00068360 is going to crush their business. 54oB3fBLDUE-00249-00068360-00068880 But honestly, if you look at the data, this micro 54oB3fBLDUE-00250-00068880-00069176 detailed targeting that we've been doing over the past five 54oB3fBLDUE-00251-00069176-00069496 or ten years doesn't actually give a huge advantage. 54oB3fBLDUE-00252-00069496-00069656 In fact, it annoys people. 54oB3fBLDUE-00253-00069720-00070048 It annoys people more than it brings them in. 54oB3fBLDUE-00254-00070048-00070616 So by losing this niche, super detailed targeting, we're 54oB3fBLDUE-00255-00070616-00070960 not going to actually see if you're an Advertiser 54oB3fBLDUE-00256-00070960-00071208 that all you do all day long is turn 54oB3fBLDUE-00257-00071208-00071592 on and off ads and you hyper target people. 54oB3fBLDUE-00258-00071592-00071728 You're actually not going to see 54oB3fBLDUE-00259-00071728-00071872 that much of a difference. 54oB3fBLDUE-00260-00071872-00071968 In most cases. 54oB3fBLDUE-00261-00071968-00072072 Of course, there's somebody out there 54oB3fBLDUE-00262-00072072-00072152 that's going to prove me wrong. 54oB3fBLDUE-00263-00072152-00072320 But in most cases, you're not going 54oB3fBLDUE-00264-00072320-00072520 to see that much of a difference. 54oB3fBLDUE-00265-00072520-00072848 As long as you focus on the creative, the content, 54oB3fBLDUE-00266-00072952-00073320 and you focus on collecting data about who is your 54oB3fBLDUE-00267-00073320-00073680 best customer, who's the audience that you can target, that 54oB3fBLDUE-00268-00073800-00074096 is most likely to find value in your product or 54oB3fBLDUE-00269-00074096-00074480 service and then target based on demographic. Right. 54oB3fBLDUE-00270-00074480-00074712 So personalized marketing is going to 54oB3fBLDUE-00271-00074808-00074960 change in a big way. 54oB3fBLDUE-00272-00074960-00075328 And as far as a marketing trend of 2022, we're 54oB3fBLDUE-00273-00075328-00075664 already seeing brands adapt to this, trying to put more 54oB3fBLDUE-00274-00075664-00076072 into content marketing, bringing people in organically, and then giving 54oB3fBLDUE-00275-00076072-00076528 them personalized experiences based on the decisions that they make 54oB3fBLDUE-00276-00076528-00076672 and the questions that you ask. 54oB3fBLDUE-00277-00076728-00076848 You can see this when you go to 54oB3fBLDUE-00278-00076848-00077064 websites and they ask you to fill out 54oB3fBLDUE-00279-00077064-00077272 a few questions to make your experience better. 54oB3fBLDUE-00280-00077352-00077616 Sometimes a live chat is the way to do that. 54oB3fBLDUE-00281-00077784-00078104 I believe it's one of the better ways because it 54oB3fBLDUE-00282-00078104-00078280 can pop up right when they get to a website. 54oB3fBLDUE-00283-00078280-00078488 And as long as you ask a really good, valuable 54oB3fBLDUE-00284-00078488-00078728 question that brings them in, you can get a lot 54oB3fBLDUE-00285-00078728-00078944 of the information that you need to give them a 54oB3fBLDUE-00286-00078944-00079176 great experience right in that live chat. 54oB3fBLDUE-00287-00079232-00079320 And then if you get them as a 54oB3fBLDUE-00288-00079320-00079576 customer, it's even better because now you can 54oB3fBLDUE-00289-00079576-00079728 say, hey, here's your last purchase. 54oB3fBLDUE-00290-00079728-00079848 Do you want this? 54oB3fBLDUE-00291-00079848-00079960 You can recommend them. 54oB3fBLDUE-00292-00079960-00080208 Things you can upsell, you can cross sell, 54oB3fBLDUE-00293-00080208-00080352 you can do all that kind of stuff. 54oB3fBLDUE-00294-00080352-00080528 So personalized marketing is going to be big. 54oB3fBLDUE-00295-00080584-00080816 Next, let's talk about voice marketing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00296-00080904-00080976 Alexa. 54oB3fBLDUE-00297-00081064-00081216 Siri, I don't want to say it too 54oB3fBLDUE-00298-00081216-00081424 loud because then it'll all pop up, right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00299-00081424-00081520 Google assistant. 54oB3fBLDUE-00300-00081616-00081856 All of these voice assistants are 54oB3fBLDUE-00301-00081856-00082032 now in our lives everywhere. 54oB3fBLDUE-00302-00082032-00082216 We all use them, or most of us use them 54oB3fBLDUE-00303-00082216-00082368 to listen to music or whatever it might be. 54oB3fBLDUE-00304-00082424-00082760 And it's integrating into more and more things you can. 54oB3fBLDUE-00305-00082760-00083016 Now it's integrated into our cars, into our 54oB3fBLDUE-00306-00083016-00083480 alarm systems, into our technology, into our lights. 54oB3fBLDUE-00307-00083480-00083840 So as this becomes more and more adopted by 54oB3fBLDUE-00308-00083904-00084488 our population, it will allow marketers, it will allow 54oB3fBLDUE-00309-00084488-00085040 brands to serve their customers who are requesting their 54oB3fBLDUE-00310-00085040-00085328 products or services over these voice assistants. 54oB3fBLDUE-00311-00085328-00085424 I'll give you an example. 54oB3fBLDUE-00312-00085504-00085744 So we're in the day and age now where everyone 54oB3fBLDUE-00313-00085744-00086032 has an Amazon Echo device or something like that. 54oB3fBLDUE-00314-00086032-00086424 And so we're commanding every day, hey, Alexa, 54oB3fBLDUE-00315-00086424-00086784 play this music or hey, reorder me some 54oB3fBLDUE-00316-00086784-00087000 toilet paper, things like that, right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00317-00087000-00087196 And so it's going to be even more integrated, such 54oB3fBLDUE-00318-00087196-00087504 to the point where we're going to say, Alexa, find 54oB3fBLDUE-00319-00087504-00087936 me the closest restaurant to my zip code, 1300. 54oB3fBLDUE-00320-00088144-00088288 That's an extra zero, I think. 54oB3fBLDUE-00321-00088456-00088792 And make sure they offer sushi 54oB3fBLDUE-00322-00088792-00089000 or hibachi or something like that. 54oB3fBLDUE-00323-00089000-00089160 That's going to be a request that we make. 54oB3fBLDUE-00324-00089160-00089280 It's going to be normal for us 54oB3fBLDUE-00325-00089280-00089424 just to talk to our assistant. 54oB3fBLDUE-00326-00089480-00089928 And so then that assistant, its technology, its algorithm 54oB3fBLDUE-00327-00089928-00090328 will take that long request, that's the key. 54oB3fBLDUE-00328-00090328-00090576 Long the long tail request. 54oB3fBLDUE-00329-00090576-00090720 And it will go out and try to 54oB3fBLDUE-00330-00090720-00090944 find the best answer across the Internet. 54oB3fBLDUE-00331-00090944-00091168 It's going to pull from search engines, it's going 54oB3fBLDUE-00332-00091168-00091472 to pull from social media, it's going to pull 54oB3fBLDUE-00333-00091472-00091720 from directories, it's going to pull from websites. 54oB3fBLDUE-00334-00091720-00091896 And it will kind of say, here's what I 54oB3fBLDUE-00335-00091896-00092120 found, and it will display it to you. 54oB3fBLDUE-00336-00092120-00092312 Now, it depends on the type of platform. 54oB3fBLDUE-00337-00092312-00092744 If we're talking about Amazon's Echo, it's all voice. 54oB3fBLDUE-00338-00092800-00092824 Okay. 54oB3fBLDUE-00339-00092888-00093080 It does have capability to integrate into 54oB3fBLDUE-00340-00093080-00093192 your phones and things like that. 54oB3fBLDUE-00341-00093192-00093376 So it could pull up a web page. 54oB3fBLDUE-00342-00093376-00093656 But generally, Alexa is going to give you an answer. 54oB3fBLDUE-00343-00093728-00093768 Okay. 54oB3fBLDUE-00344-00093768-00093920 Hey, find me the closest restaurant. 54oB3fBLDUE-00345-00093920-00094080 She'll say, here's what I found. 54oB3fBLDUE-00346-00094080-00094296 This restaurant, this restaurant, this restaurant. 54oB3fBLDUE-00347-00094296-00094584 Would you like me to call to make a reservation? Yes. 54oB3fBLDUE-00348-00094584-00094816 It will ring to your phone and you 54oB3fBLDUE-00349-00094816-00094976 pick up the phone and make a reservation. 54oB3fBLDUE-00350-00095032-00095552 Okay, so that's how that would work with Siri, on Apple 54oB3fBLDUE-00351-00095552-00095856 phones, it will actually pull it up on your phone. 54oB3fBLDUE-00352-00095856-00096224 So you could say, hey, Siri, find me X, Y, and Z. 54oB3fBLDUE-00353-00096288-00096480 And it will pull it up and 54oB3fBLDUE-00354-00096480-00096648 she'll say, here's what I found. 54oB3fBLDUE-00355-00096648-00096848 And it'll pull up on your phone and then 54oB3fBLDUE-00356-00096848-00097040 you can interact with it on your phone. Right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00357-00097040-00097360 Google Assistant would be both, because if you have an 54oB3fBLDUE-00358-00097360-00097560 Android phone, it will pull it up on your phone. 54oB3fBLDUE-00359-00097560-00097784 If you have a Google Assistant at your house, then 54oB3fBLDUE-00360-00097784-00098024 it will just talk to you and say, here's what 54oB3fBLDUE-00361-00098024-00098216 I found, and it will read it off. 54oB3fBLDUE-00362-00098216-00098496 But as consumers make these requests more 54oB3fBLDUE-00363-00098560-00098752 and more, the technology will advance. 54oB3fBLDUE-00364-00098816-00099080 Brands need to prepare themselves for that. 54oB3fBLDUE-00365-00099080-00099304 So you as a brand need to know how all of 54oB3fBLDUE-00366-00099304-00099576 that work and the workflow, because you need to make sure 54oB3fBLDUE-00367-00099576-00099808 your Google listings are filled out to a T. 54oB3fBLDUE-00368-00099808-00099976 All the information is in your Google 54oB3fBLDUE-00369-00099976-00100256 My business listing, because if you're local, 54oB3fBLDUE-00370-00100344-00100584 that's what these assistants will pull information 54oB3fBLDUE-00371-00100584-00100808 from and make recommendations based on. 54oB3fBLDUE-00372-00100880-00101088 So all the same things that go into 54oB3fBLDUE-00373-00101088-00101296 SEO and search engine optimization are going to 54oB3fBLDUE-00374-00101296-00101664 be very important for voice search as well. 54oB3fBLDUE-00375-00101736-00101984 In addition, you can step that game up 54oB3fBLDUE-00376-00102040-00102424 with Amazon's products because you can build skills. 54oB3fBLDUE-00377-00102424-00103135 Skills are apps, voice assistant apps that tell that device, 54oB3fBLDUE-00378-00103135-00103528 Amazon's Echo what to recommend or what to do. 54oB3fBLDUE-00379-00103528-00103752 So think of it like an app for voice. 54oB3fBLDUE-00380-00103752-00104048 Best example of this is Starbucks. 54oB3fBLDUE-00381-00104048-00104416 You can literally go to your Amazon Echo 54oB3fBLDUE-00382-00104416-00104776 and say, Alexa, order me some Starbucks. 54oB3fBLDUE-00383-00104776-00104848 I want to pick it up in 54oB3fBLDUE-00384-00104848-00105024 ten minutes or something like that. Right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00385-00105104-00105535 And the skill, which is in Amazon, will say, 54oB3fBLDUE-00386-00105535-00105808 great, if you haven't set it up yet. 54oB3fBLDUE-00387-00105808-00106072 It'll say Go to your Alexa app and set 54oB3fBLDUE-00388-00106072-00106359 up the skill if you've already set it up. 54oB3fBLDUE-00389-00106359-00106583 Meaning if you just signed on and put in your information, 54oB3fBLDUE-00390-00106672-00106952 then it will already be integrated to the Starbucks app and 54oB3fBLDUE-00391-00106952-00107080 it will go ahead and order it for you. 54oB3fBLDUE-00392-00107176-00107272 You can even reorder. 54oB3fBLDUE-00393-00107272-00107456 So if you've been ordering things with Starbucks 54oB3fBLDUE-00394-00107456-00107616 a long time, you can say Alexa, order 54oB3fBLDUE-00395-00107616-00107904 me reorder my favorite drink, and it'll say, 54oB3fBLDUE-00396-00107904-00108040 Great, I just reordered it for you. 54oB3fBLDUE-00397-00108040-00108152 It'll be ready in ten minutes. 54oB3fBLDUE-00398-00108248-00108368 It's amazing, right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00399-00108368-00108544 So you either need to look into making sure 54oB3fBLDUE-00400-00108544-00109224 that your SEO is really fine tuned because all 54oB3fBLDUE-00401-00109224-00109496 of the voice apps will pull from this. 54oB3fBLDUE-00402-00109568-00109848 And if you want to take a step above that, then you 54oB3fBLDUE-00403-00109848-00110216 want to look into creating your own skills, which will tell the 54oB3fBLDUE-00404-00110216-00110735 voice apps what to do and get your brand out there in 54oB3fBLDUE-00405-00110735-00111040 a way that a lot of other brands haven't done yet. 54oB3fBLDUE-00406-00111040-00111232 So voice assistants are going to be huge. 54oB3fBLDUE-00407-00111232-00111424 Voice marketing is going to be huge. 54oB3fBLDUE-00408-00111424-00111511 It already is. 54oB3fBLDUE-00409-00111511-00111704 But it's something your brand needs to pay attention to 54oB3fBLDUE-00410-00111704-00112144 if you want to stay up to speed with consumers. 54oB3fBLDUE-00411-00112144-00112383 Next, let's talk augmented reality. 54oB3fBLDUE-00412-00112383-00112783 So full disclosure, I'm a partner in an augmented 54oB3fBLDUE-00413-00112783-00113216 reality virtual reality technology company, and we help museums 54oB3fBLDUE-00414-00113216-00113616 and organizations and brands create these sort of AR 54oB3fBLDUE-00415-00113616-00113983 experiences, whether it's somebody walking into a Museum holding 54oB3fBLDUE-00416-00113983-00114144 up their phone and clicking on a painting, and 54oB3fBLDUE-00417-00114144-00114272 then the painting talks to them. 54oB3fBLDUE-00418-00114328-00114680 Or you go to a website and want to see 54oB3fBLDUE-00419-00114680-00115040 what a product looks like, and you can grab it 54oB3fBLDUE-00420-00115040-00115335 digitally and then show it hold your phone up to 54oB3fBLDUE-00421-00115335-00115559 the house, the wall or something like that, and then 54oB3fBLDUE-00422-00115559-00115800 see what that product looks like in your home. 54oB3fBLDUE-00423-00115856-00116008 Companies like Amazon and Lowe's 54oB3fBLDUE-00424-00116008-00116104 are already doing this. 54oB3fBLDUE-00425-00116168-00116968 But it's a super interesting and ever evolving technology 54oB3fBLDUE-00426-00117024-00117288 that probably if you sell a product you're going 54oB3fBLDUE-00427-00117288-00117488 to be using in the future at some point 54oB3fBLDUE-00428-00117488-00117776 because consumers are going to expect it, right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00429-00117776-00117935 They're going to expect that, hey, if I'm going to 54oB3fBLDUE-00430-00117935-00118256 buy this couch or these earrings or this watch or 54oB3fBLDUE-00431-00118256-00118432 shirt or whatever it is, I want to see what 54oB3fBLDUE-00432-00118432-00118680 it looks like on me before I actually purchase it. 54oB3fBLDUE-00433-00118744-00119111 So pay attention to what software companies and what 54oB3fBLDUE-00434-00119111-00119440 apps out there are able to be integrated into 54oB3fBLDUE-00435-00119440-00119720 your website to allow you to show your product 54oB3fBLDUE-00436-00119720-00119952 to consumers before they actually purchase it. 54oB3fBLDUE-00437-00119952-00120104 This is going to be highly valuable 54oB3fBLDUE-00438-00120104-00120280 because it's going to reduce the returns. 54oB3fBLDUE-00439-00120352-00120528 If people get to see what it looks and 54oB3fBLDUE-00440-00120528-00120735 feels like before they buy it, they're going to 54oB3fBLDUE-00441-00120735-00121080 make a decision based on an experience they already 54oB3fBLDUE-00442-00121080-00121296 had, even if it's a digital experience. Right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00443-00121296-00121776 So it should reduce the return rate, which 54oB3fBLDUE-00444-00121776-00121959 is going to be great for your brand. 54oB3fBLDUE-00445-00121959-00122200 In addition, it will help you sell more because 54oB3fBLDUE-00446-00122200-00122480 you can make a recommendation and say, hey, we 54oB3fBLDUE-00447-00122480-00122624 just came out with this new T shirt. 54oB3fBLDUE-00448-00122624-00122768 Do you want to try it on digitally? 54oB3fBLDUE-00449-00122768-00122856 Maybe it's a good fit. 54oB3fBLDUE-00450-00122911-00123008 Somebody tries it on, they're like, 54oB3fBLDUE-00451-00123008-00123208 wow, I really like this. Tries it on. 54oB3fBLDUE-00452-00123208-00123432 Meaning, like, maybe they upload a picture or they 54oB3fBLDUE-00453-00123432-00123608 take a selfie where they can see what they 54oB3fBLDUE-00454-00123608-00123896 look like with the shirt on and they might 54oB3fBLDUE-00455-00123896-00124040 like it and they might purchase it. 54oB3fBLDUE-00456-00124040-00124328 Whereas before, they might have just looked at it on somebody 54oB3fBLDUE-00457-00124328-00124592 else and said, I don't really like that, but they wouldn't 54oB3fBLDUE-00458-00124592-00124888 know if it looked good on them until now. 54oB3fBLDUE-00459-00124888-00125200 So augmented reality will help you sell more products 54oB3fBLDUE-00460-00125200-00125520 and it will, in theory, help you reduce the 54oB3fBLDUE-00461-00125520-00125864 amount of returns that your ecommerce brand has. 54oB3fBLDUE-00462-00125864-00126008 Next is social media. 54oB3fBLDUE-00463-00126008-00126383 Social media has been around for about 15 years 54oB3fBLDUE-00464-00126383-00126688 in a real way now, a real way where 54oB3fBLDUE-00465-00126688-00127024 businesses have used it and it's become commonplace, right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00466-00127024-00127111 It's not a different thing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00467-00127111-00127232 It's not the internet, and then 54oB3fBLDUE-00468-00127232-00127480 social media, it's just the internet. 54oB3fBLDUE-00469-00127480-00127735 Now, social media is just part of what we do. 54oB3fBLDUE-00470-00127735-00128032 It's part of our everyday lives, but it's still 54oB3fBLDUE-00471-00128032-00128256 growing and it's still becoming more and more important. 54oB3fBLDUE-00472-00128344-00128583 There's a common evolution that is happening with 54oB3fBLDUE-00473-00128583-00128816 social media platforms, and it will probably continue 54oB3fBLDUE-00474-00128816-00129104 to happen for the foreseeable future. 54oB3fBLDUE-00475-00129104-00129383 A social media platform comes up, let's say Facebook. 54oB3fBLDUE-00476-00129440-00129616 The younger generation is like, oh, I 54oB3fBLDUE-00477-00129616-00129735 want to go on this new thing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00478-00129792-00129904 They go on this new thing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00479-00129904-00130135 They socialize, they use it, they use the shit 54oB3fBLDUE-00480-00130135-00130383 out of it, and it becomes really popular. 54oB3fBLDUE-00481-00130440-00130688 When the younger generation does it, the older generation is 54oB3fBLDUE-00482-00130688-00130864 like, Wait a minute, what's this thing all about? 54oB3fBLDUE-00483-00130864-00131064 Then they go over and they start using it 54oB3fBLDUE-00484-00131064-00131336 and they start asking their kids and their peers 54oB3fBLDUE-00485-00131336-00131648 and everything, and they feel cool because they're on 54oB3fBLDUE-00486-00131648-00131944 this new platform and it's fun. So they use it. 54oB3fBLDUE-00487-00131944-00132152 The younger generation is like, Man, I don't like 54oB3fBLDUE-00488-00132152-00132504 all these older people coming in here and commenting 54oB3fBLDUE-00489-00132504-00132888 on my stuff and shitting on it and hate 54oB3fBLDUE-00490-00132888-00133024 speech and whatever it might be, right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00491-00133024-00133184 Like, whatever the bad thing is that they 54oB3fBLDUE-00492-00133288-00133680 think, then they move over to another platform. Okay? 54oB3fBLDUE-00493-00133680-00133816 By the way, I say the hate speech thing 54oB3fBLDUE-00494-00133816-00134016 because Twitter has had a real problem with that. 54oB3fBLDUE-00495-00134016-00134240 Facebook's had a real problem with that, and 54oB3fBLDUE-00496-00134240-00134432 younger generation is just sick of it. 54oB3fBLDUE-00497-00134432-00134608 So what happens? 54oB3fBLDUE-00498-00134608-00134728 They move on to the next platform. 54oB3fBLDUE-00499-00134728-00135016 So they move from Facebook to Instagram. 54oB3fBLDUE-00500-00135096-00135280 Instagram is cooler, it's better, 54oB3fBLDUE-00501-00135280-00135400 it's visual, it's fun. 54oB3fBLDUE-00502-00135400-00135512 Then they do that, right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00503-00135592-00135744 Then the same thing happens. 54oB3fBLDUE-00504-00135744-00135960 The older generation moves over to Instagram and they 54oB3fBLDUE-00505-00135960-00136176 start using it, and the younger generation is like, 54oB3fBLDUE-00506-00136176-00136368 I don't like to do this, by the way. 54oB3fBLDUE-00507-00136368-00136640 I missed one important component, and that is when 54oB3fBLDUE-00508-00136640-00136872 that happens, when the younger generation and the older 54oB3fBLDUE-00509-00136872-00137232 generation is both using a platform, advertisers are all 54oB3fBLDUE-00510-00137232-00137456 over it, and then you get an influx of 54oB3fBLDUE-00511-00137456-00137872 ads and marketing and it gets spammy. Right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00512-00137872-00138104 And that's another reason why that migration happens. 54oB3fBLDUE-00513-00138104-00138288 So now they're over to Instagram, now 54oB3fBLDUE-00514-00138288-00138552 they use Instagram and they're super happy, 54oB3fBLDUE-00515-00138552-00138664 and everything is going great. 54oB3fBLDUE-00516-00138664-00138776 And the same thing happens. 54oB3fBLDUE-00517-00138776-00138952 Older generation comes over, 54oB3fBLDUE-00518-00138952-00139112 advertisers come with them. 54oB3fBLDUE-00519-00139112-00139232 The younger generation is like, I 54oB3fBLDUE-00520-00139232-00139440 got to get away from this. And then they move on. 54oB3fBLDUE-00521-00139440-00139728 They go to Snapchat, they go to TikTok. Okay? 54oB3fBLDUE-00522-00139728-00139992 Then they are over to TikTok, and here we are. 54oB3fBLDUE-00523-00139992-00140120 The same thing is happening. 54oB3fBLDUE-00524-00140120-00140304 The older generation is going on Tik Tok 54oB3fBLDUE-00525-00140400-00140664 advertisers and marketers are going over there. 54oB3fBLDUE-00526-00140664-00140784 They're like, this is where all 54oB3fBLDUE-00527-00140784-00140864 the people are hanging out. 54oB3fBLDUE-00528-00140864-00140992 We're going to target them. 54oB3fBLDUE-00529-00140992-00141128 They start to do that. 54oB3fBLDUE-00530-00141128-00141508 And then the younger generation or niche, niche 54oB3fBLDUE-00531-00141576-00141928 populations, audiences then go to more private. 54oB3fBLDUE-00532-00141928-00142304 And so they're not really leaving TikTok right now. 54oB3fBLDUE-00533-00142304-00142704 But we're seeing platforms like Discord, which 54oB3fBLDUE-00534-00142704-00143056 is private chats and communities growing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00535-00143056-00143272 We still see Facebook groups is huge. 54oB3fBLDUE-00536-00143328-00143432 Facebook groups are huge. 54oB3fBLDUE-00537-00143432-00143568 It's because they can be private. 54oB3fBLDUE-00538-00143568-00143760 So even though people have migrated away from 54oB3fBLDUE-00539-00143760-00144192 Facebook, they're still using Facebook groups to interact. 54oB3fBLDUE-00540-00144192-00144248 Right. 54oB3fBLDUE-00541-00144248-00144512 This evolution will keep happening. 54oB3fBLDUE-00542-00144512-00144856 And so if we go back to my original point, 54oB3fBLDUE-00543-00144856-00145224 which is brand is King, Queen, it's the whole thing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00544-00145328-00145624 If you can deploy your brand on any platform 54oB3fBLDUE-00545-00145680-00145984 the same way, you shouldn't have to change. 54oB3fBLDUE-00546-00145984-00146168 So whether you're on Facebook, you're on Twitter, 54oB3fBLDUE-00547-00146168-00146376 you're on Instagram, you're on TikTok, you're on 54oB3fBLDUE-00548-00146376-00146624 Discord, you're on Snapchat, wherever it might be. 54oB3fBLDUE-00549-00146624-00146824 They all have their differences and limitations. 54oB3fBLDUE-00550-00146880-00147072 But if you're communicating your brand in an 54oB3fBLDUE-00551-00147072-00147344 effective way, you can move around from platform 54oB3fBLDUE-00552-00147344-00147624 to platform and shift focus depending on what's 54oB3fBLDUE-00553-00147624-00147760 new and relevant at the time. 54oB3fBLDUE-00554-00147872-00148064 But the point of this is the 54oB3fBLDUE-00555-00148064-00148216 social media will not go away. 54oB3fBLDUE-00556-00148280-00148432 The younger generation will use it. 54oB3fBLDUE-00557-00148432-00148696 The older generation will use it, even 54oB3fBLDUE-00558-00148696-00148856 though it might be different platforms. 54oB3fBLDUE-00559-00148856-00149080 And so if you are not on it in 54oB3fBLDUE-00560-00149080-00149440 a significant way, you're losing revenue, quite frankly. 54oB3fBLDUE-00561-00149496-00149640 So the best thing you can do is understand 54oB3fBLDUE-00562-00149640-00149856 what your mission is, what your brand is. 54oB3fBLDUE-00563-00149856-00150328 Create pictures, copy and videos and put them out 54oB3fBLDUE-00564-00150328-00150680 on the platforms and let the algorithms decide whether 54oB3fBLDUE-00565-00150680-00151048 it's good for a certain audience or not. 54oB3fBLDUE-00566-00151048-00151176 That's the best thing you can do. 54oB3fBLDUE-00567-00151176-00151408 And you can do it with a cell phone. 54oB3fBLDUE-00568-00151408-00151800 If you're one man or woman show, you can do it 54oB3fBLDUE-00569-00151800-00152176 with high end cameras if you have a 100 person company. 54oB3fBLDUE-00570-00152176-00152240 Right. 54oB3fBLDUE-00571-00152240-00152384 But social media is not going 54oB3fBLDUE-00572-00152384-00152528 away and it's still a trend. 54oB3fBLDUE-00573-00152528-00152720 Next trend is something that we've been seeing 54oB3fBLDUE-00574-00152720-00152952 for a while, and that is mobile marketing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00575-00152952-00153400 It is becoming more important as more and 54oB3fBLDUE-00576-00153400-00153680 more people and countries, especially globally, if you're 54oB3fBLDUE-00577-00153680-00154080 targeting globally, are moving away from buying things 54oB3fBLDUE-00578-00154080-00154424 and utilizing desktops on a regular basis. Right. 54oB3fBLDUE-00579-00154504-00154784 In general, right now, especially in first 54oB3fBLDUE-00580-00154784-00155200 world countries, people use the desktop environment 54oB3fBLDUE-00581-00155200-00155448 to work or do like projects. 54oB3fBLDUE-00582-00155536-00155816 They use their phones to do everything else. 54oB3fBLDUE-00583-00155888-00156152 So if you're marketing to a consumer, you 54oB3fBLDUE-00584-00156152-00156568 should always just build everything for a phone. 54oB3fBLDUE-00585-00156568-00156944 And then after you've built it for the phone, go back 54oB3fBLDUE-00586-00156944-00157360 and see how does it look, feel, sound on a computer? 54oB3fBLDUE-00587-00157360-00157488 That's the best way you can do it. 54oB3fBLDUE-00588-00157544-00157752 You don't really have to worry about websites, 54oB3fBLDUE-00589-00157752-00158256 because most themes, most platforms, they know this. 54oB3fBLDUE-00590-00158256-00158576 They're designing their products and trying to build a 54oB3fBLDUE-00591-00158576-00158800 user experience that works great on a mobile phone. 54oB3fBLDUE-00592-00158856-00158992 But there are still things that you need 54oB3fBLDUE-00593-00158992-00159232 to pay attention to on your website. 54oB3fBLDUE-00594-00159232-00159408 If you're custom coding stuff, you need to 54oB3fBLDUE-00595-00159408-00159568 make sure that the text fits in the 54oB3fBLDUE-00596-00159568-00159720 box that it's supposed to be in. 54oB3fBLDUE-00597-00159720-00159888 You need to make sure that the spacing 54oB3fBLDUE-00598-00159888-00160160 is right and there's not giant gaps of 54oB3fBLDUE-00599-00160160-00160344 content as you're scrolling down a website. 54oB3fBLDUE-00600-00160344-00160632 We've all seen it, and it seems so simple. 54oB3fBLDUE-00601-00160632-00160824 But oftentimes we just want to get our website 54oB3fBLDUE-00602-00160824-00160952 up and move on to the next thing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00603-00160952-00161088 Or we want to get our content out 54oB3fBLDUE-00604-00161088-00161208 there and move on to the next thing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00605-00161264-00161384 So a few tips I want to give 54oB3fBLDUE-00606-00161384-00161616 you when you're creating content, you're creating a 54oB3fBLDUE-00607-00161616-00161992 website, you're creating a platform for consumers. 54oB3fBLDUE-00608-00161992-00162248 For a mobile device, stick to just a few 54oB3fBLDUE-00609-00162248-00162480 colors, whatever the content is you're creating to stick 54oB3fBLDUE-00610-00162480-00162712 to just two or three colors, Max. 54oB3fBLDUE-00611-00162712-00162984 Anything more and you're going to be getting confusing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00612-00162984-00163232 Generally, write as little amount of copy 54oB3fBLDUE-00613-00163232-00163504 as possible in most circumstances, unless it's 54oB3fBLDUE-00614-00163504-00163712 an article or a blog post. Right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00615-00163712-00163928 So get whatever you're trying to get across 54oB3fBLDUE-00616-00163928-00164328 in one sentence, two sentences, three sentences, Max. 54oB3fBLDUE-00617-00164400-00164472 Okay? 54oB3fBLDUE-00618-00164472-00164664 Make sure your images are not busy. 54oB3fBLDUE-00619-00164664-00164808 Make sure they're clean. Clear. 54oB3fBLDUE-00620-00164936-00165008 Very simple. 54oB3fBLDUE-00621-00165120-00165488 Make sure your videos are shot in a 54oB3fBLDUE-00622-00165488-00165896 way that can be utilized in portrait mode, 54oB3fBLDUE-00623-00165896-00166096 which is like vertical up and down, right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00624-00166096-00166600 Because as we watch videos like this, a video that's 54oB3fBLDUE-00625-00166600-00166784 filmed this way is going to be much smaller. 54oB3fBLDUE-00626-00166848-00167040 So you want to make sure that you're 54oB3fBLDUE-00627-00167040-00167448 just creating content or creating your website so 54oB3fBLDUE-00628-00167448-00167712 that it's as simple as possible. 54oB3fBLDUE-00629-00167712-00168080 It gets your message across as simple as possible. 54oB3fBLDUE-00630-00168080-00168208 So that's one of my tips. 54oB3fBLDUE-00631-00168208-00168456 The second tip is that a lot 54oB3fBLDUE-00632-00168456-00168656 of this is based on locations. Okay? 54oB3fBLDUE-00633-00168656-00168760 So when you search in Google, 54oB3fBLDUE-00634-00168760-00168856 it's based on your location. 54oB3fBLDUE-00635-00168856-00168960 When you search on YouTube, 54oB3fBLDUE-00636-00168960-00169072 it's based on your location. 54oB3fBLDUE-00637-00169160-00169520 It's going to recommend if you use Siri and you 54oB3fBLDUE-00638-00169520-00169744 ask her for something, it's based on your location. 54oB3fBLDUE-00639-00169800-00170016 So you need to make sure that 54oB3fBLDUE-00640-00170016-00170208 your business is primed for that. 54oB3fBLDUE-00641-00170208-00170392 Understand who your audience is. 54oB3fBLDUE-00642-00170392-00170600 Are you attracting people that are traveling? 54oB3fBLDUE-00643-00170600-00170904 Are you attracting people that live where they're 54oB3fBLDUE-00644-00170904-00171120 searching and what are they going to see 54oB3fBLDUE-00645-00171120-00171344 when they're searching for whatever it is? Right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00646-00171344-00171592 So a lot of this goes back to SEO, 54oB3fBLDUE-00647-00171592-00171952 but just know that if you have your information 54oB3fBLDUE-00648-00171952-00172256 in there in your listing, Google my business listings. 54oB3fBLDUE-00649-00172256-00172480 If you have your information into your 54oB3fBLDUE-00650-00172480-00172808 social media profiles, your location, where your 54oB3fBLDUE-00651-00172808-00173040 headquarters are, or who your customers are. 54oB3fBLDUE-00652-00173112-00173304 If you have this information in there, it makes it 54oB3fBLDUE-00653-00173304-00173648 easier for people to find you on their mobile device. 54oB3fBLDUE-00654-00173648-00173824 So create content that is simple. 54oB3fBLDUE-00655-00173880-00174072 Get your message across easy and make 54oB3fBLDUE-00656-00174072-00174344 sure you understand that location is big. 54oB3fBLDUE-00657-00174344-00174544 Even if you're a global company, even if you're 54oB3fBLDUE-00658-00174544-00174808 a national company, you need to have your directories, 54oB3fBLDUE-00659-00174808-00175056 your listings and everything set up properly so that 54oB3fBLDUE-00660-00175056-00175464 when somebody searches on their phone, when they're traveling, 54oB3fBLDUE-00661-00175520-00175800 they see your restaurant, they see your law firm, 54oB3fBLDUE-00662-00175800-00176288 they see your shoe store or company first. Right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00663-00176288-00176528 So mobile marketing is going to continue to be 54oB3fBLDUE-00664-00176528-00176808 big and it's something that you need to think 54oB3fBLDUE-00665-00176808-00177080 about when creating content and building your marketing plan. 54oB3fBLDUE-00666-00177080-00177272 Next, marketing automation. 54oB3fBLDUE-00667-00177272-00177544 Marketing automation is going to change my job. 54oB3fBLDUE-00668-00177544-00177672 It's going to change your job. 54oB3fBLDUE-00669-00177672-00178024 It's going to make everything so much easier. 54oB3fBLDUE-00670-00178024-00178360 And that is everything from ad buying to 54oB3fBLDUE-00671-00178416-00178808 sending emails to building websites to writing copy. 54oB3fBLDUE-00672-00178936-00179120 All of the blog posts that I do for my 54oB3fBLDUE-00673-00179120-00179576 website, I would say are 50% written by artificial intelligence. 54oB3fBLDUE-00674-00179680-00179824 It's a platform that I use. 54oB3fBLDUE-00675-00179824-00180072 It's called Jasper AI. 54oB3fBLDUE-00676-00180072-00180248 We'll put a link up some of 54oB3fBLDUE-00677-00180248-00180504 the resources in the description below. 54oB3fBLDUE-00678-00180504-00180744 But Jasper, what you do is you write in the 54oB3fBLDUE-00679-00180744-00180920 keywords, you write in the topic that you want to 54oB3fBLDUE-00680-00180920-00181312 write about and you click the button and it will 54oB3fBLDUE-00681-00181312-00181584 write some paragraphs for you or some sentences. 54oB3fBLDUE-00682-00181584-00181808 You read those, you see if they're good and 54oB3fBLDUE-00683-00181808-00182000 if it's good and you want to write a 54oB3fBLDUE-00684-00182000-00182192 little comment, you can type in manually. 54oB3fBLDUE-00685-00182192-00182512 If you want to keep the AI program writing, you 54oB3fBLDUE-00686-00182512-00182728 click the button again and it will write some more. 54oB3fBLDUE-00687-00182728-00183008 You check that, you go back and make some edits. 54oB3fBLDUE-00688-00183088-00183272 It's literally pulling all this information 54oB3fBLDUE-00689-00183272-00183456 from what you've already written. 54oB3fBLDUE-00690-00183456-00183688 And the Internet Google, right? 54oB3fBLDUE-00691-00183688-00183984 So it's pulling all this information in and writing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00692-00183984-00184152 So instead of you physically having to go 54oB3fBLDUE-00693-00184152-00184384 do research, think of the words and write 54oB3fBLDUE-00694-00184384-00184600 them, it's just doing that for you automatically. 54oB3fBLDUE-00695-00184664-00184832 And then what I do is I go through and I 54oB3fBLDUE-00696-00184832-00185128 put my own voice to it and I add some jokes 54oB3fBLDUE-00697-00185128-00185304 in and I do that and then I hit the button 54oB3fBLDUE-00698-00185304-00185520 again and it will learn from those jokes I put in. 54oB3fBLDUE-00699-00185584-00185736 This is just one example of how 54oB3fBLDUE-00700-00185736-00185968 things are becoming easier and more convenient. 54oB3fBLDUE-00701-00185968-00186136 And technology is helping us do that. 54oB3fBLDUE-00702-00186192-00186496 There's programmatic ad buying, which decides what ads to 54oB3fBLDUE-00703-00186496-00186728 show, who and where and when for you. 54oB3fBLDUE-00704-00186856-00187024 Now, it has its limitations and you do have to 54oB3fBLDUE-00705-00187024-00187288 pay attention, but that's been around for a little while. 54oB3fBLDUE-00706-00187288-00187600 There are companies like HubSpot which allow you to sort 54oB3fBLDUE-00707-00187600-00187880 of automate a lot of the pipelines of your CRM. 54oB3fBLDUE-00708-00187880-00188048 There are companies like MailChimp which will 54oB3fBLDUE-00709-00188048-00188256 allow you to send out emails automatically 54oB3fBLDUE-00710-00188256-00188448 based on triggers and actions. 54oB3fBLDUE-00711-00188448-00188624 So marketing automation is going 54oB3fBLDUE-00712-00188624-00188792 to make your job easier. 54oB3fBLDUE-00713-00188792-00188944 But there's one caveat. 54oB3fBLDUE-00714-00188944-00189080 There's a big setup. 54oB3fBLDUE-00715-00189080-00189304 So you really have to know all of these platforms 54oB3fBLDUE-00716-00189304-00189624 and how to set them up so that their algorithms 54oB3fBLDUE-00717-00189624-00189896 can do the job you need them to do. All right. 54oB3fBLDUE-00718-00189896-00190200 So that work will really never go away, or 54oB3fBLDUE-00719-00190200-00190368 it's not going to go away for a while. 54oB3fBLDUE-00720-00190368-00190536 So make sure you have somebody who understands 54oB3fBLDUE-00721-00190536-00190768 marketing automation to set it up properly, and 54oB3fBLDUE-00722-00190768-00191056 then the rest will be much easier. 54oB3fBLDUE-00723-00191056-00191152 The next one we're going to talk 54oB3fBLDUE-00724-00191152-00191344 about and look at is content marketing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00725-00191344-00191728 Content marketing is it's one of the things that's 54oB3fBLDUE-00726-00191728-00192000 going to set the best brands of the future, 54oB3fBLDUE-00727-00192000-00192424 aside from the brands that not many people remember. 54oB3fBLDUE-00728-00192424-00192760 And that's content because the Internet is so busy, 54oB3fBLDUE-00729-00192760-00193000 the only brands that are going to show through 54oB3fBLDUE-00730-00193000-00193208 that don't exist today as some of the biggest 54oB3fBLDUE-00731-00193208-00193408 brands already are the ones that are putting out 54oB3fBLDUE-00732-00193408-00193584 content that people relate to. 54oB3fBLDUE-00733-00193656-00193800 And so there are two types of 54oB3fBLDUE-00734-00193800-00193944 content a company can put out. 54oB3fBLDUE-00735-00194024-00194264 There's content that is presented 54oB3fBLDUE-00736-00194264-00194392 from the brand's perspective. 54oB3fBLDUE-00737-00194472-00194768 So the brand's customers, the brand influencers, 54oB3fBLDUE-00738-00194768-00195008 the brand themselves are putting out content. 54oB3fBLDUE-00739-00195112-00195272 And then there's personal content that can 54oB3fBLDUE-00740-00195272-00195680 come from the employees, the influencers, the 54oB3fBLDUE-00741-00195680-00195864 CEO or the founder of that company. 54oB3fBLDUE-00742-00195920-00196216 And people engaged in two ways. 54oB3fBLDUE-00743-00196216-00196336 I'm a big fan of personal 54oB3fBLDUE-00744-00196336-00196544 content because people trust people. 54oB3fBLDUE-00745-00196544-00196712 So I put out content like this. 54oB3fBLDUE-00746-00196712-00196952 Even though I have three businesses which some of you 54oB3fBLDUE-00747-00196952-00197216 may be interested in, you may look into my profile 54oB3fBLDUE-00748-00197216-00197712 and find them valuable at some point, rather than our 54oB3fBLDUE-00749-00197712-00198032 company is putting out a lot of content because people 54oB3fBLDUE-00750-00198032-00198312 know if a company puts out content, generally their goal 54oB3fBLDUE-00751-00198312-00198488 is to sell you on something. 54oB3fBLDUE-00752-00198488-00198808 If a person puts out content, if they 54oB3fBLDUE-00753-00198808-00199024 do it well, they're trying to add value. 54oB3fBLDUE-00754-00199024-00199224 They're trying to be helpful. Right. 54oB3fBLDUE-00755-00199224-00199496 So content marketing is not hard. 54oB3fBLDUE-00756-00199496-00199816 Put out videos, pictures and text that is 54oB3fBLDUE-00757-00199816-00200104 valuable to your audience, rinse and repeat and 54oB3fBLDUE-00758-00200104-00200424 put as many places as possible that's it. 54oB3fBLDUE-00759-00200424-00200664 The algorithms of these platforms will do the 54oB3fBLDUE-00760-00200664-00200840 rest, and it will tell you whether it's 54oB3fBLDUE-00761-00200840-00201096 valuable or not based on the engagement. 54oB3fBLDUE-00762-00201096-00201192 If you're not getting a good 54oB3fBLDUE-00763-00201192-00201464 engagement, it's probably not great content. 54oB3fBLDUE-00764-00201464-00201832 So you can shift, rinse and repeat and that's it. 54oB3fBLDUE-00765-00201832-00202192 Put out content as a personal brand if you are 54oB3fBLDUE-00766-00202192-00202728 a founder or a leader, and then use a content 54oB3fBLDUE-00767-00202728-00203064 recycling model, which is basically taking those long form pieces 54oB3fBLDUE-00768-00203064-00203312 of content and then break them up into micro pieces 54oB3fBLDUE-00769-00203312-00203672 of content, short videos, short little clips, little graphics, and 54oB3fBLDUE-00770-00203672-00203944 then you're using one major piece of content to put 54oB3fBLDUE-00771-00203944-00204200 out 30, 40, 50 pieces of content. 54oB3fBLDUE-00772-00204256-00204600 And then your company can then go and share that right. 54oB3fBLDUE-00773-00204600-00204840 So the CEO can put out a video. 54oB3fBLDUE-00774-00204840-00205104 It can be broken up into five different small videos. 54oB3fBLDUE-00775-00205104-00205352 The CEO can put that out on their LinkedIn, on their 54oB3fBLDUE-00776-00205352-00205704 Instagram, on their Twitter and then the company can go and 54oB3fBLDUE-00777-00205704-00206071 share it or they can post it directly to their feed 54oB3fBLDUE-00778-00206071-00206312 saying, check out these wise words from our CEO. 54oB3fBLDUE-00779-00206376-00206504 That's one of the best ways to do 54oB3fBLDUE-00780-00206504-00206728 content marketing, in my opinion, in the future. 54oB3fBLDUE-00781-00206728-00206896 It's also one of the easiest ways. 54oB3fBLDUE-00782-00206896-00207096 Okay, the last thing we're going to talk about for 54oB3fBLDUE-00783-00207096-00207519 a marketing trend for 2022 and beyond Is marketing ethics. 54oB3fBLDUE-00784-00207519-00207840 Marketing ethics are really big, Especially 54oB3fBLDUE-00785-00207840-00208000 after the pandemic Where everybody has 54oB3fBLDUE-00786-00208000-00208352 rethought everything and it's quite simple. 54oB3fBLDUE-00787-00208352-00208623 People want to do business with companies that are 54oB3fBLDUE-00788-00208623-00208919 doing good or trying to do good, okay? 54oB3fBLDUE-00789-00208919-00209223 They don't want to do business with companies that are unethical 54oB3fBLDUE-00790-00209223-00209512 or not trying to help our world in some way. 54oB3fBLDUE-00791-00209623-00209816 As I said earlier in this 54oB3fBLDUE-00792-00209816-00210000 video, One example is Patagonia. 54oB3fBLDUE-00793-00210000-00210328 Patagonia has always been dedicated to fighting climate change 54oB3fBLDUE-00794-00210328-00210680 and making our world a better place and their 54oB3fBLDUE-00795-00210680-00210864 brand is built based on that and people are 54oB3fBLDUE-00796-00210864-00211080 attracted to that because they're ethical. 54oB3fBLDUE-00797-00211144-00211344 So you need to make sure that you're paying 54oB3fBLDUE-00798-00211344-00211623 attention to just being a good company the same 54oB3fBLDUE-00799-00211623-00211800 way you would be a good person. 54oB3fBLDUE-00800-00211800-00212104 Be empathetic with your audience, try to help 54oB3fBLDUE-00801-00212104-00212344 the Earth if you can be eco friendly 54oB3fBLDUE-00802-00212344-00212608 or net zero emissions or whatever it is. 54oB3fBLDUE-00803-00212608-00212904 If you can go that way, if you can do a 54oB3fBLDUE-00804-00212904-00213336 little bit to help that people respect will respect you. 54oB3fBLDUE-00805-00213336-00213528 If you can give back to your audience or 54oB3fBLDUE-00806-00213528-00213767 give back to your community, People will respect you. 54oB3fBLDUE-00807-00213767-00214000 If you can hire ethically and give 54oB3fBLDUE-00808-00214000-00214264 equal opportunities, like really give them, don't 54oB3fBLDUE-00809-00214264-00214416 just say you're going to give them. 54oB3fBLDUE-00810-00214416-00214600 People will respect you, okay? 54oB3fBLDUE-00811-00214600-00214856 If you don't do these things, Especially Gen 54oB3fBLDUE-00812-00214856-00215152 Z and younger will lose respect for you 54oB3fBLDUE-00813-00215152-00215296 and you're going to lose customers. 54oB3fBLDUE-00814-00215296-00215512 So marketing ethics is going to be huge. 54oB3fBLDUE-00815-00215512-00215752 Just do the right thing and you'll be all right. 54oB3fBLDUE-00816-00215752-00215864 That's it, everybody. 54oB3fBLDUE-00817-00215864-00216144 Those are the biggest marketing trends for 2022. 54oB3fBLDUE-00818-00216232-00216416 Definitely some things that I'm focused on. 54oB3fBLDUE-00819-00216471-00216792 My team and teams and I are all focused on these 54oB3fBLDUE-00820-00216792-00217184 things Because they are here already and they are growing. 54oB3fBLDUE-00821-00217240-00217423 And if you want this information in 54oB3fBLDUE-00822-00217423-00217623 more detail, Head over to my website. 54oB3fBLDUE-00823-00217623-00218080 Jtimmerman.com you can read the full tutorial article that 54oB3fBLDUE-00824-00218080-00218352 I wrote and share it with your team. 54oB3fBLDUE-00825-00218352-00218608 Hopefully it's helpful for you. Thanks for watching. 54oB3fBLDUE-00826-00218608-00218888 Don't forget to subscribe if you want more ecommerce and 54oB3fBLDUE-00827-00218888-00219152 AR in business and marketing and sales advice, I'm going 54oB3fBLDUE-00828-00219152-00219408 to be talking about it in all these videos. 54oB3fBLDUE-00829-00219408-00219984 Until next time, see you later. Thanks for watching. 55Zm33uyslM-00000-00000016-00000716 We ended the last video with the idea that we can use biomolecules in our foods (or stored in our bodies)— 55Zm33uyslM-00001-00000756-00001266 carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins—as energy sources to make ATP. 55Zm33uyslM-00002-00001354-00001984 Let’s use glucose as an example. Examine the picture of glucose in the lower left corner of this picture. 55Zm33uyslM-00003-00002056-00002580 What is energetic about that glucose molecule that we use in the production of ATP? 55Zm33uyslM-00004-00002786-00003270 We take high-energy electrons from C-C and C-H bonds. 55Zm33uyslM-00005-00003270-00003797 In terms of cellular energy, we can think of carbohydrates and lipids and proteins 55Zm33uyslM-00006-00003797-00004664 as simply sacs of electrons. Every time we break a C-C or C-H bond, we liberate energy that we can use, 55Zm33uyslM-00007-00004664-00005000 mainly through the harvesting of those high-energy electrons. 55Zm33uyslM-00008-00005180-00005768 The first metabolic pathway, in the process of glucose catabolism, is Glycolysis. 55Zm33uyslM-00009-00005782-00006556 That word literally means, “glucose splitting” (glycol- refers to glucose; lysis means to split). 55Zm33uyslM-00010-00006604-00007220 The overall process of Glycolysis involves the splitting of the 6-carbon glucose molecule 55Zm33uyslM-00011-00007220-00007644 to produce two three-carbon products (both called pyruvate). 55Zm33uyslM-00012-00007718-00008104 Glycolysis is shown, in really brief view here. 55Zm33uyslM-00013-00008322-00009018 This is a more detailed view of glycolysis. It is a metabolic pathway involving 10 different enzymes. 55Zm33uyslM-00014-00009018-00009474 I don’t care that you know the details of the process. So the briefer view is good enough. 55Zm33uyslM-00015-00009552-00009988 We start with a glucose molecule, which is shown as a six-carbon ring 55Zm33uyslM-00016-00010010-00010402 (I also added one more bit of detail, the red oxygen atom). 55Zm33uyslM-00017-00010466-00011106 In the first half of glycolysis, the glucose molecule is split into two three-carbon compounds 55Zm33uyslM-00018-00011106-00011508 (called glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate—I don’t care if you know that name). 55Zm33uyslM-00019-00011804-00012276 Notice that these first steps require 2ATPs to be broken down to 2 ADPs. 55Zm33uyslM-00020-00012292-00012498 Why is this necessary? 55Zm33uyslM-00021-00012652-00013132 If you said that the catabolism of 2ATPs provides the activation energy 55Zm33uyslM-00022-00013132-00013602 to get the stable glucose molecule to start reacting, that’s a REALLY good answer. 55Zm33uyslM-00023-00013630-00014062 Ultimately, the cell will be producing as many ATPs as possible, 55Zm33uyslM-00024-00014062-00014441 but it has to spend some in the beginning to gain more in the end. 55Zm33uyslM-00025-00014594-00014862 When the glucose molecule is split, 55Zm33uyslM-00026-00014908-00015372 a C-O bond is broken (at the top of the glucose molecule in our picture) 55Zm33uyslM-00027-00015374-00016106 and a C-C bond is broken (indicated by the green arrow at the bottom of the glucose molecule in our picture). 55Zm33uyslM-00028-00016163-00016570 The C-C bond is a pair of high-energy electrons. 55Zm33uyslM-00029-00016590-00017022 When that bond is broken, that liberates energy that ultimately 55Zm33uyslM-00030-00017022-00017724 (after several chemical reactions) produces 4ATP and 2NADH. 55Zm33uyslM-00031-00017804-00018360 The 4ATP can be used, immediately, for any energetic needs the cell has. 55Zm33uyslM-00032-00018450-00018850 Since the cell used two ATPs at the beginning of the process, 55Zm33uyslM-00033-00018852-00019534 we can say that there is a Net ATP production of 4-2 = 2ATP. 55Zm33uyslM-00034-00019666-00020248 The NADH molecules carry high-energy electrons taken from the glucose molecule. 55Zm33uyslM-00035-00020322-00020852 NADH is like an electron taxi. It picks up high-energy electrons 55Zm33uyslM-00036-00020852-00021296 and shuttles them to another part of the cell where those electrons are used. 55Zm33uyslM-00037-00021358-00022142 We’ll see NADH (and its empty version, NAD+) again, as we move along to other metabolic pathways. 55Zm33uyslM-00038-00022258-00022964 Let’s summarize glycolysis. First, all of the steps of glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. 55Zm33uyslM-00039-00022984-00023420 This is true for prokaryotes and it is true for eukaryotes. 55Zm33uyslM-00040-00023472-00023822 Now let’s summarize the molecular products of Glycolysis: 55Zm33uyslM-00041-00024118-00024726 no carbon dioxides are produced, 2 NADH, no FADH2 (we’ll see these later), and a net of 2ATP. 55Zm33uyslM-00042-00024782-00025060 As we go through the rest of the metabolic pathways, 55Zm33uyslM-00043-00025060-00025444 we’ll add to this table so that we can compare among them in the end. 562d4dkMhs8-00000-00000003-00000351 In this video we're going to go through some actual applications of our 562d4dkMhs8-00001-00000351-00000842 trigonometric functions. We'll solve for unknown distances, and use both angle of 562d4dkMhs8-00002-00000842-00001325 elevation, and angle of depression. Say for instance I needed to know the 562d4dkMhs8-00003-00001325-00001928 distance between point A and point B, but there was unfortunately a forest in the 562d4dkMhs8-00004-00001928-00002376 way, and I couldn't get an accurate measurement, but I could get an accurate 562d4dkMhs8-00005-00002376-00003017 distance from point A to point C, and that's about 1002 feet. I can 562d4dkMhs8-00006-00003017-00003572 also measure the angle from point C, from point A to point B, and I've measured 562d4dkMhs8-00007-00003572-00004152 that to be 58 degrees. Well, what trig function uses an angle, 562d4dkMhs8-00008-00004152-00004893 and it's adjacent side, and the opposite side? Well, we're going to be using 562d4dkMhs8-00009-00004893-00005339 tangent. Tangent of an angle is equal to the opposite side, divided by the 562d4dkMhs8-00010-00005339-00005919 adjacent side. So we know that we have the tangent of 58 degrees, and that's 562d4dkMhs8-00011-00005919-00006419 equal to, well we're not sure what our opposite side is, but our adjacent side 562d4dkMhs8-00012-00006419-00006854 is 1002, and I don't like using question marks let's use x, let's 562d4dkMhs8-00013-00006854-00007401 have that be our unknown. If I cross multiply, I find that value of x is equal 562d4dkMhs8-00014-00007401-00007929 to 1002 times tangent of 58 degrees. Well we're going to need to use our 562d4dkMhs8-00015-00007929-00008415 calculator for that since 58 degrees is not one of our special angles, so let's 562d4dkMhs8-00016-00008415-00008835 pull up our calculator. I'm going to first of all, make sure my calculator is 562d4dkMhs8-00017-00008835-00009303 in degree mode, because I'm dealing with degrees. So I'm putting in degree mode 562d4dkMhs8-00018-00009303-00009821 I'll quit out of there and now I'll simply type in 1002 times 562d4dkMhs8-00019-00009821-00011008 tangent of 58, and we find the answer to be 1603.5352, approximately, 562d4dkMhs8-00020-00011008-00011199 or if we round to the nearest foot, we 562d4dkMhs8-00021-00011199-00011802 have 1604 feet. Let's look at another example. Say I 562d4dkMhs8-00022-00011802-00012365 had a tower, and I wanted to connect a wire, from point A to the top of the 562d4dkMhs8-00023-00012365-00012944 tower at point B, and I wanted to know how much wire I would need. I know that 562d4dkMhs8-00024-00012944-00013316 the point a is 15 feet away from the base of the tower 562d4dkMhs8-00025-00013316-00014081 and the angle of elevation, that is the angle from the ground up to the point B, 562d4dkMhs8-00026-00014081-00014934 is 79 degrees. So what trig function, will I use if I have an angle, and an adjacent 562d4dkMhs8-00027-00014934-00015576 side, and the hypotenuse? Well that will be my cosine, because cosine of an angle 562d4dkMhs8-00028-00015576-00016073 theta is equal to the adjacent side over the hypotenuse, and in this case, I have 562d4dkMhs8-00029-00016073-00016770 the cosine of 79 degrees, is equal to my adjacent side 15, divided by x, the 562d4dkMhs8-00030-00016770-00017357 hypotenuse. If I cross multiply I get x times cosine of 79 degrees is equal to 562d4dkMhs8-00031-00017357-00018090 15, or x is equal to 15 divided by cosine of 79 degrees. And I'm assuming at this 562d4dkMhs8-00032-00018090-00018431 point, that you're comfortable enough with your calculator that you don't need 562d4dkMhs8-00033-00018431-00018837 to have me demonstrate it any more, and if we type that into our calculator, 562d4dkMhs8-00034-00018837-00019256 assuming we're in the correct mode we need to be in degree mode, we'll get an 562d4dkMhs8-00035-00019256-00020162 answer of 78.61 feet. And here's a final example. This one deals 562d4dkMhs8-00036-00020162-00020679 with a boat and a lighthouse. I want to know how far away the boat is from the 562d4dkMhs8-00037-00020679-00021070 lighthouse, if the lighthouse is 120 foot tall, 562d4dkMhs8-00038-00021070-00021500 and the angle of depression to the boat is 15 degrees. 562d4dkMhs8-00039-00021500-00021998 Well, I know my unknown, is the distance from the boat to the base of the 562d4dkMhs8-00040-00021998-00022445 lighthouse that I'm going to call x. And I can see that the height of the 562d4dkMhs8-00041-00022445-00022982 lighthouse is 120 degrees. I can complete a triangle, I can complete a right 562d4dkMhs8-00042-00022982-00023625 triangle, but I'm not quite sure where that angle of depression of 15 degrees 562d4dkMhs8-00043-00023625-00024313 goes. Well an angle of depression, is equal to the angle formed by the horizon 562d4dkMhs8-00044-00024313-00024884 down to a point, in this case if we were on top of the lighthouse we'd be looking 562d4dkMhs8-00045-00024884-00025418 straight ahead and we would go down 15 degrees, to line up and to see the boat. 562d4dkMhs8-00046-00025418-00025985 Well the trouble is that 15 degrees isn't in our right triangle, except we've 562d4dkMhs8-00047-00025985-00026477 now learned about complementary angles and if I know that the angle of 562d4dkMhs8-00048-00026477-00027070 depression is 15 degrees, then that angle inside my triangle, has to be 90 degrees 562d4dkMhs8-00049-00027070-00027889 minus 15 degrees, or 75 degrees. Once I have that, I realize I have an angle of 562d4dkMhs8-00050-00027889-00028444 75 degrees, and I have an opposite that I want to know and I have an adjacent, and 562d4dkMhs8-00051-00028444-00029027 like our first example we're going to be using tangent, so tangent of 75 degrees, 562d4dkMhs8-00052-00029027-00029537 not our angle depression of 15 degrees, but it's complement, tangent of 562d4dkMhs8-00053-00029537-00030181 75 degrees is equal to that opposite side x divided by 120. Again plugging 562d4dkMhs8-00054-00030181-00030668 that into our calculator, we get that the distance of the boat, from the bottom of 562d4dkMhs8-00055-00030668-00031288 the lighthouse being 448 feet. And now we've shown some actual real-life 562d4dkMhs8-00056-00031288-00031750 applications of trigonometric functions, where we've had unknown distances, and 562d4dkMhs8-00057-00031750-00032350 where we're dealing with angles of elevation and angles of depression. 579QFeSqD6c-00000-00000900-00001132 Ni hao. We learned previously that ... 579QFeSqD6c-00001-00001132-00001437 the word binary simply means "composed of two ... 579QFeSqD6c-00002-00001437-00001693 things." This seems like it presents a ... 579QFeSqD6c-00003-00001693-00001974 problem when we try to use binary numbers, 579QFeSqD6c-00004-00001974-00002182 which are made up of just 0 and 1. 579QFeSqD6c-00005-00002182-00002447 For example, how can I count the fingers ... 579QFeSqD6c-00006-00002447-00002760 on my hand if I'm not allowed to use the number 5? 579QFeSqD6c-00007-00002760-00002984 In this video, we will explore the ... 579QFeSqD6c-00008-00002984-00003313 connections between binary numbers and our more ... 579QFeSqD6c-00009-00003313-00003529 commonly used decimal numbers, 579QFeSqD6c-00010-00003529-00003922 which will actually establish a pattern that can be used to ... 579QFeSqD6c-00011-00003922-00004203 interpret any other number bases as well. 579QFeSqD6c-00012-00004204-00004523 Look at this picture. How many apples do you ... 579QFeSqD6c-00013-00004523-00004639 see? Verbally, 579QFeSqD6c-00014-00004639-00004861 we can say that the number is 6. 579QFeSqD6c-00015-00004861-00005207 There are 6 apples. But how would you write that ... 579QFeSqD6c-00016-00005207-00005483 number? If you are like most American ... 579QFeSqD6c-00017-00005483-00005820 schoolchildren, you have been trained using ... 579QFeSqD6c-00018-00005820-00006247 base-10 Arabic numerals, so you would write it like this. 579QFeSqD6c-00019-00006247-00006576 There are many other ways you could write it, 579QFeSqD6c-00020-00006576-00006860 however. It is necessary to establish ... 579QFeSqD6c-00021-00006860-00007215 both the numeral and base systems you are using. 579QFeSqD6c-00022-00007552-00007878 The number is 6. This is the true quantity or ... 579QFeSqD6c-00023-00007878-00008113 idea. The numeral is the symbol ... 579QFeSqD6c-00024-00008113-00008512 used to express that number. Other examples of how we ... 579QFeSqD6c-00025-00008512-00008865 could write down the idea of six are shown here. 579QFeSqD6c-00026-00008865-00009237 Around the world, different people in different ... 579QFeSqD6c-00027-00009237-00009636 cultures have found it important to record numbers, 579QFeSqD6c-00028-00009636-00010052 and they have used different sets of lines and dots to do ... 579QFeSqD6c-00029-00010052-00010279 so. The number six is still the ... 579QFeSqD6c-00030-00010279-00010587 same; only he written form is different. 579QFeSqD6c-00031-00010588-00010845 But that is not the end of the story. 579QFeSqD6c-00032-00010845-00011217 The base of the numeral also needs to established. 579QFeSqD6c-00033-00011217-00011500 In most cultures throughout history, 579QFeSqD6c-00034-00011500-00011864 the base has been 10, which is likely due to humans ... 579QFeSqD6c-00035-00011864-00012032 having 10 fingers. So, 579QFeSqD6c-00036-00012032-00012316 in common talk, assuming a base of 10 is ... 579QFeSqD6c-00037-00012316-00012626 typically safe to do. But that is not a safe ... 579QFeSqD6c-00038-00012626-00013052 assumption when discussing computers or digital codes. 579QFeSqD6c-00039-00013052-00013344 A couple other common bases are 2 and 16. 579QFeSqD6c-00040-00013344-00013734 Here we see different ways of representing that same ... 579QFeSqD6c-00041-00013734-00013982 number six, using various bases. 579QFeSqD6c-00042-00013982-00014257 Obviously, there is a big difference ... 579QFeSqD6c-00043-00014257-00014496 between 6 apples and 110 apples, 579QFeSqD6c-00044-00014496-00014824 so be sure to establish the base clearly when ... 579QFeSqD6c-00045-00014824-00015179 communicating with either a human or a machine. 579QFeSqD6c-00046-00015180-00015471 So what does the base actually mean? 579QFeSqD6c-00047-00015471-00015928 Let's define it by examining the common decimal system. 579QFeSqD6c-00048-00015928-00016191 The prefix in the word "decimal" 579QFeSqD6c-00049-00016191-00016414 is "deci-", which means 10. 579QFeSqD6c-00050-00016414-00016657 So, the decimal system and the ... 579QFeSqD6c-00051-00016657-00016939 base-10 system are the same thing. 579QFeSqD6c-00052-00016939-00017308 Base 10 means that there are 10 unique digits, 579QFeSqD6c-00053-00017308-00017707 which go from 0 through 9. What is the first digit? 579QFeSqD6c-00054-00017707-00018038 Don't say "1"--that is a common mistake. 579QFeSqD6c-00055-00018038-00018475 The first digit is 0, and the last or largest digit is 9. 579QFeSqD6c-00056-00018476-00018897 Because the largest digit is 9, a strategy must be employed ... 579QFeSqD6c-00057-00018897-00019154 to represent numbers larger than 9. 579QFeSqD6c-00058-00019154-00019533 This is where the concept of digit position comes in. 579QFeSqD6c-00059-00019533-00019876 The various weights associated with each digit ... 579QFeSqD6c-00060-00019876-00020134 position are shown in this diagram. 579QFeSqD6c-00061-00020134-00020366 Notice this point in the middle. 579QFeSqD6c-00062-00020366-00020650 You probably know it as a decimal point, 579QFeSqD6c-00063-00020650-00020942 which is true, but technically only when ... 579QFeSqD6c-00064-00020942-00021311 using a decimal system. The more general term which ... 579QFeSqD6c-00065-00021311-00021655 can be applied to all bases is the "radix point." 579QFeSqD6c-00066-00021656-00022178 The digit immediately to the left of the radix point gets ... 579QFeSqD6c-00067-00022178-00022567 multiplied by 1, or in other words does not ... 579QFeSqD6c-00068-00022567-00022678 change. So, 579QFeSqD6c-00069-00022678-00023000 a 7 written here is just a regular 7. 579QFeSqD6c-00070-00023000-00023311 But if a 7 is written one slot over, 579QFeSqD6c-00071-00023311-00023756 it gets multiplied by 10, and so represents a 70. 579QFeSqD6c-00072-00023756-00024278 One position further to the left gets multiplied by 100, 579QFeSqD6c-00073-00024278-00024578 so a 7 there would represent 700. 579QFeSqD6c-00074-00024578-00025045 We can see this weighting scheme contained in this ... 579QFeSqD6c-00075-00025045-00025367 simple example. The number 5-3-8, 579QFeSqD6c-00076-00025367-00025778 in a decimal system, means 5*100 + 3*10 + 8*1, 579QFeSqD6c-00077-00025778-00026067 or five hundred thirty-eight. 579QFeSqD6c-00078-00026139-00026459 The whole pattern is summarized by these ... 579QFeSqD6c-00079-00026459-00026732 powers. Each digit position is 10x ... 579QFeSqD6c-00080-00026732-00027070 larger than the position just to its right. 579QFeSqD6c-00081-00027070-00027503 And this pattern continues forever both to the left and ... 579QFeSqD6c-00082-00027503-00027898 the right of the radix point. So why do we call this a ... 579QFeSqD6c-00083-00027898-00028227 base-10 system? Because the base of these ... 579QFeSqD6c-00084-00028227-00028509 powers is 10. Why must that base be 10 ... 579QFeSqD6c-00085-00028509-00028895 (rather than 8 or 55)? Because there are 10 unique ... 579QFeSqD6c-00086-00028895-00029224 digits available. The largest digit is 9, 579QFeSqD6c-00087-00029224-00029647 which means that the number 10 requires use of the next ... 579QFeSqD6c-00088-00029647-00029779 digit position. 579QFeSqD6c-00089-00029883-00030349 Those two reasons explain how we can interpret binary, 579QFeSqD6c-00090-00030349-00030531 or base-2, numerals. 579QFeSqD6c-00091-00030531-00030864 In binary, there are two unique digits, 579QFeSqD6c-00092-00030864-00031107 0 and 1. We call these "bits", 579QFeSqD6c-00093-00031107-00031461 which is a shortening of "binary digits." 579QFeSqD6c-00094-00031461-00031734 The highest bit available is a 1, 579QFeSqD6c-00095-00031734-00032199 which means that a value of 2 requires use of the next bit ... 579QFeSqD6c-00096-00032199-00032482 position to the left. Therefore, 579QFeSqD6c-00097-00032482-00032755 the base of all these powers is 2. 579QFeSqD6c-00098-00032876-00033348 But the only change in this digit weighting scheme is that ... 579QFeSqD6c-00099-00033348-00033604 base. The exponents follow the ... 579QFeSqD6c-00100-00033604-00033939 exact same pattern as we saw for decimal. 579QFeSqD6c-00101-00033939-00034401 The position just to the left of the radix point carries a ... 579QFeSqD6c-00102-00034401-00034726 weight of 2^0. Each position to the left ... 579QFeSqD6c-00103-00034726-00035159 increases the exponent by 1. Each position the right ... 579QFeSqD6c-00104-00035159-00035395 decreases the exponent by 1. 579QFeSqD6c-00105-00035472-00035829 Let's cement our understanding with a couple ... 579QFeSqD6c-00106-00035829-00036149 of questions. You should pause the video ... 579QFeSqD6c-00107-00036149-00036592 after I ask each question and write down an answer before ... 579QFeSqD6c-00108-00036592-00036677 resuming. First question: 579QFeSqD6c-00109-00036677-00037176 What is the largest value you can express with 4 decimal digits? 579QFeSqD6c-00110-00037308-00037561 The answer is 9999 (base 10). 579QFeSqD6c-00111-00037561-00037973 To answer this, you first identify the largest ... 579QFeSqD6c-00112-00037973-00038459 digit available (which is 9) and repeat that for all the ... 579QFeSqD6c-00113-00038459-00038681 digits being used. Thus, 579QFeSqD6c-00114-00038681-00038966 9999. This happens to also equal ... 579QFeSqD6c-00115-00038966-00039262 10^4 - 1. Take note of this pattern ... 579QFeSqD6c-00116-00039262-00039747 because you can apply it to any base or number of digits. 579QFeSqD6c-00117-00039747-00040223 The base of this power is the base of the numerals being ... 579QFeSqD6c-00118-00040223-00040508 used. The exponent is the number ... 579QFeSqD6c-00119-00040508-00040941 of digits being used. You then compute that power ... 579QFeSqD6c-00120-00040941-00041258 and subtract 1 to obtain the result. 579QFeSqD6c-00121-00041258-00041691 Now apply both of those approaches to this second ... 579QFeSqD6c-00122-00041691-00041944 question: What is the largest value you ... 579QFeSqD6c-00123-00041944-00042367 can express with 4 bits? Note that the word "bit" 579QFeSqD6c-00124-00042367-00042652 implies this is a binary system. 579QFeSqD6c-00125-00042748-00043033 The answer is 1-1-1-1 (base 2). 579QFeSqD6c-00126-00043033-00043560 The largest bit avaiable is 1, and you repeat that 4 times. 579QFeSqD6c-00127-00043560-00044043 This is also equal to 2^4 - 1 (remember the 2 is the base ... 579QFeSqD6c-00128-00044043-00044449 being used and the 4 is the number of digits). 579QFeSqD6c-00129-00044449-00044910 Notice how carefully I read the answer as 1-1-1-1, 579QFeSqD6c-00130-00044910-00045350 rather than one-thousand one-hundred eleven. 579QFeSqD6c-00131-00045350-00045833 That last verbal phrasing implies a decimal system. 579QFeSqD6c-00132-00045833-00046316 1-1-1-1 in binary is actually a much smaller number, 579QFeSqD6c-00133-00046316-00046744 just 15 in decimal. Now for the final question, 579QFeSqD6c-00134-00046744-00047216 which lets you extend these same ideas to a new base: 579QFeSqD6c-00135-00047216-00047787 What is the largest value you can express with 4 base-8 digits? 579QFeSqD6c-00136-00048076-00048407 The answer is 7-7-7 (base 8). Again, 579QFeSqD6c-00137-00048407-00048926 you take the largest digit (7) and repeat it the number of ... 579QFeSqD6c-00138-00048926-00049390 digits being used (3). This is also equal to 8^3 - 1. 579QFeSqD6c-00139-00049390-00049877 I hope you can see how this pattern could be applied to ... 579QFeSqD6c-00140-00049877-00050263 any base system with any number of digits. 579QFeSqD6c-00141-00050264-00050675 On the previous slide, I used a notation that I should ... 579QFeSqD6c-00142-00050675-00050918 clarify. The base of the number ... 579QFeSqD6c-00143-00050918-00051357 being written is expressed by a subscript following the ... 579QFeSqD6c-00144-00051357-00051553 number. In this example, 579QFeSqD6c-00145-00051553-00051974 we see thirteen (base 10) is equal to 1-1-0-1 (base 2). 579QFeSqD6c-00146-00051974-00052254 Indicating that base is important, 579QFeSqD6c-00147-00052254-00052506 right? If I left off both of these ... 579QFeSqD6c-00148-00052506-00052842 subscripts, it would read thirteen equals ... 579QFeSqD6c-00149-00052842-00053095 one-thousand one-hundred one, 579QFeSqD6c-00150-00053095-00053319 which obviously is not true. 579QFeSqD6c-00151-00053320-00053595 If you see a number written without a base, 579QFeSqD6c-00152-00053595-00053901 it is usually safe to assume that the base is 10, 579QFeSqD6c-00153-00053901-00054247 since that is the common system used in our language. 579QFeSqD6c-00154-00054247-00054491 However, that is not always the case. 579QFeSqD6c-00155-00054491-00054821 It is important to clarify what base is being used, 579QFeSqD6c-00156-00054821-00055174 whether you are the sender or receiver of the message. 579QFeSqD6c-00157-00055174-00055347 And, as another reminder, 579QFeSqD6c-00158-00055347-00055567 when you hear the word "decimal," 579QFeSqD6c-00159-00055567-00055803 it means the same thing as "base 10." 579QFeSqD6c-00160-00055803-00056015 When you hear the word "binary," 579QFeSqD6c-00161-00056015-00056243 it means the same thing as "base 2." 579QFeSqD6c-00162-00056244-00056718 So how can we apply the binary numeral system to ... 579QFeSqD6c-00163-00056718-00057204 interpret a number? Let's look at this example. 579QFeSqD6c-00164-00057204-00057593 We see 101. The best way to work through ... 579QFeSqD6c-00165-00057593-00058116 this is right-to-left. The numeral at the far right ... 579QFeSqD6c-00166-00058116-00058395 carries a weight of 2^0. So, 579QFeSqD6c-00167-00058395-00058748 down here, we write the numeral (1) ... 579QFeSqD6c-00168-00058748-00059368 multiplied by its weight (2^0). The middle numeral carries a ... 579QFeSqD6c-00169-00059368-00059757 weight of 2^1, so the middle product is ... 579QFeSqD6c-00170-00059757-00059915 0*2^1. Lastly, 579QFeSqD6c-00171-00059915-00060291 this numeral carries a weight of 2^2, 579QFeSqD6c-00172-00060291-00060583 so the left product is 1*2^2. 579QFeSqD6c-00173-00060664-00061051 Interpreting this in decimal, the products become 4, 579QFeSqD6c-00174-00061051-00061111 0, and 1, 579QFeSqD6c-00175-00061111-00061369 and all of those are added together, 579QFeSqD6c-00176-00061369-00061592 which yields a final value of 5. 579QFeSqD6c-00177-00061592-00061997 Notice how this pattern here is identical to what we saw a ... 579QFeSqD6c-00178-00061997-00062272 few slides prior for decimal weights. 579QFeSqD6c-00179-00062272-00062650 It just feels strange to most people when they are not ... 579QFeSqD6c-00180-00062650-00063003 viewing the world through their decimal lenses. 579QFeSqD6c-00181-00063004-00063281 This slide here shows the powers of 2, 579QFeSqD6c-00182-00063281-00063532 ranging from 2^-10 through 2^10. 579QFeSqD6c-00183-00063532-00063881 You are not required to memorize these tables. 579QFeSqD6c-00184-00063881-00064222 You can always reference these tables later, 579QFeSqD6c-00185-00064222-00064660 or simply use your calculator to figure out the value of any ... 579QFeSqD6c-00186-00064660-00064857 of these powers. However, 579QFeSqD6c-00187-00064857-00065234 I do recommend memorizing most of this left table, 579QFeSqD6c-00188-00065234-00065565 from 2^0 through 2^8. You will be using these ... 579QFeSqD6c-00189-00065565-00065923 numbers frequently, and having them memorized ... 579QFeSqD6c-00190-00065923-00066183 will save you time moving forward. 579QFeSqD6c-00191-00066184-00066546 At this point, I have most of the positive ... 579QFeSqD6c-00192-00066546-00067016 exponents memorized, but every so often I just can't ... 579QFeSqD6c-00193-00067016-00067315 remember 2^6. In that situation, 579QFeSqD6c-00194-00067315-00067784 I fall back on the simple pattern that each next power ... 579QFeSqD6c-00195-00067784-00068115 is twice as large as the one before it. 579QFeSqD6c-00196-00068115-00068371 So, when I struggle with 2^6, 579QFeSqD6c-00197-00068371-00068851 I recall that 2^5 equals 32 and then double 32 to get 64. 579QFeSqD6c-00198-00068968-00069404 Combining the ideas discussed so far, 579QFeSqD6c-00199-00069404-00069977 this table shows how to count from decimal 0 to 15 in ... 579QFeSqD6c-00200-00069977-00070222 binary, using 4 bits. 579QFeSqD6c-00201-00070222-00070809 We can verify any of these values by applying the bit ... 579QFeSqD6c-00202-00070809-00071177 position weights. For example, 579QFeSqD6c-00203-00071177-00071627 here is 0111. This represents 2^0 + 2^1 + ... 579QFeSqD6c-00204-00071627-00071790 2^2, or 1+2+4, 579QFeSqD6c-00205-00071790-00072063 which equals decimal 7. 579QFeSqD6c-00206-00072064-00072529 Given this information, how many bits are required to ... 579QFeSqD6c-00207-00072529-00072891 count to 15? It's clear from the table that ... 579QFeSqD6c-00208-00072891-00073326 we need at least 4 bits. We certainly could use more ... 579QFeSqD6c-00209-00073326-00073688 bits than that, but those extra bits would ... 579QFeSqD6c-00210-00073688-00074091 just be leading 0's. How many bits are required ... 579QFeSqD6c-00211-00074091-00074267 to count to 16? Well, 579QFeSqD6c-00212-00074267-00074671 15 is the absolute max number we can reach with 4 ... 579QFeSqD6c-00213-00074671-00074950 bits, so we would need a fifth bit ... 579QFeSqD6c-00214-00074950-00075147 to express 16. In fact, 579QFeSqD6c-00215-00075147-00075519 16 would be written in binary as 1-0-0-0-0. 579QFeSqD6c-00216-00075600-00075899 In general, this formula tells us the ... 579QFeSqD6c-00217-00075899-00076304 largest decimal number we can express with a given ... 579QFeSqD6c-00218-00076304-00076526 amount of bits. With 4 bits, 579QFeSqD6c-00219-00076526-00076989 n=4 and this formula shows that 15 is the largest possible ... 579QFeSqD6c-00220-00076989-00077153 number. With 5 bits, 579QFeSqD6c-00221-00077153-00077481 n=5 and we see that we could count up to 31. 579QFeSqD6c-00222-00077481-00077665 And, one more example, 579QFeSqD6c-00223-00077665-00078031 with 8 bits we could count up to 255 (side note: 579QFeSqD6c-00224-00078031-00078388 this whole discussion is assuming unsigned ... 579QFeSqD6c-00225-00078388-00078871 binary--we'll discuss negative values in a later lesson). 579QFeSqD6c-00226-00078872-00079163 Two important terms are defined here. 579QFeSqD6c-00227-00079163-00079526 In a binary number, the most significant bit (or ... 579QFeSqD6c-00228-00079526-00079963 MSB) is the leftmost bit. It is called "most significant" 579QFeSqD6c-00229-00079963-00080263 because it carries the largest weight. 579QFeSqD6c-00230-00080263-00080590 Conversely, the least significant bit (or ... 579QFeSqD6c-00231-00080590-00080818 LSB) is the rightmost bit. So, 579QFeSqD6c-00232-00080818-00081181 when you see those abbreviations in the future, 579QFeSqD6c-00233-00081181-00081563 you should know on which side of the number to look. 579QFeSqD6c-00234-00081564-00081977 Pause the video for a few seconds and see if you can ... 579QFeSqD6c-00235-00081977-00082482 identify any patterns in these binary sequences...The big ... 579QFeSqD6c-00236-00082482-00082926 pattern to notice is the alternating 0's and 1's with ... 579QFeSqD6c-00237-00082926-00083300 doubling periodicity. What does that mean? 579QFeSqD6c-00238-00083300-00083704 Look at the LSB on the right. Notice how it goes 0, 579QFeSqD6c-00239-00083704-00083744 1, 0, 579QFeSqD6c-00240-00083744-00084148 1 all the way down the table. In the next bit over, 579QFeSqD6c-00241-00084148-00084602 we see the same pattern of alternating between 0's and ... 579QFeSqD6c-00242-00084602-00084855 1's, but at a lower frequency. 579QFeSqD6c-00243-00084855-00085057 Here, there are two 0's, 579QFeSqD6c-00244-00085057-00085299 then two 1's all the way down. 579QFeSqD6c-00245-00085356-00085748 In the next column over, again we see the same ... 579QFeSqD6c-00246-00085748-00086046 pattern, but now it remains on the ... 579QFeSqD6c-00247-00086046-00086417 same bit value for four rows. And finally, 579QFeSqD6c-00248-00086417-00086736 with the MSB, we see a 0 for eight rows ... 579QFeSqD6c-00249-00086736-00087023 before flipping over to 1's. So, 579QFeSqD6c-00250-00087023-00087532 in every column there is an alternating pattern of 0's and ... 579QFeSqD6c-00251-00087532-00087809 1's, and as we move to the left it ... 579QFeSqD6c-00252-00087809-00088148 switches every one row, then two rows, 579QFeSqD6c-00253-00088148-00088435 then four rows, then eight rows. 579QFeSqD6c-00254-00088484-00088771 I hope you get some enjoyment out of searching ... 579QFeSqD6c-00255-00088771-00089021 for patterns. Much of digital design is ... 579QFeSqD6c-00256-00089021-00089408 identifying patterns like this and taking advantage of them ... 579QFeSqD6c-00257-00089408-00089612 to help design a useful circuit. 579QFeSqD6c-00258-00089612-00089968 I would dive into details here, but that big statement is ... 579QFeSqD6c-00259-00089968-00090271 really what the rest of this course is all about. 5t3_97yg5M4-00000-00000240-00000390 We love wood. 5t3_97yg5M4-00001-00000390-00000730 And we love what we make out of it: At our sites in Neumarkt, 5t3_97yg5M4-00002-00000739-00001190 Gütersloh and Leutkirch, we manufacture particleboard. That is: 5t3_97yg5M4-00003-00001190-00001760 Sustainable wood-based materials – mainly for furniture construction and interior fittings, 5t3_97yg5M4-00004-00001760-00002258 the packaging industry, storage technology and – last but not least –ecological house building. 5t3_97yg5M4-00005-00002258-00002732 Particleboard is not only environmentally-friendly. It also 5t3_97yg5M4-00006-00002732-00003350 possesses a high load-bearing capacity. Some grades even resist moisture. And fire. 5t3_97yg5M4-00007-00003350-00003750 However, all of this requires specialist know-how. 5t3_97yg5M4-00008-00003750-00004450 Finding innovative solutions, working with utmost care and: With respect for nature. 5t3_97yg5M4-00009-00004450-00004636 As Pfleiderer does. 5t3_97yg5M4-00010-00004650-00005044 Because all our actions are geared towards sustainability. 5t3_97yg5M4-00011-00005044-00005384 Starting with the purchase of our raw materials. 5t3_97yg5M4-00012-00005494-00006030 For our production we only use woods from sustainably managed forests. 5t3_97yg5M4-00013-00006030-00006500 Very often from certified forests. And grown at a short distance from our plants. 5t3_97yg5M4-00014-00006773-00007329 We also use recycled wood, if it is untreated and free of pollutants. 5t3_97yg5M4-00015-00007329-00007931 In our own power plants, so called cogeneration plants, we generate CO2-neutral energy 5t3_97yg5M4-00016-00007931-00008446 using biomass and recycled wood that cannot be reused. 5t3_97yg5M4-00017-00008893-00009367 Depending on the plant, we receive up to 3,000 tons of wood alone 5t3_97yg5M4-00018-00009367-00009853 for our production process. Often directly in the form of sawdust. 5t3_97yg5M4-00019-00009853-00010205 Sawmill residues, wood chips and logs are treated: 5t3_97yg5M4-00020-00010205-00010748 A flaker is used for crushing long wood. And a knife ring flaker is used for wood chips. 5t3_97yg5M4-00021-00010838-00011340 At 180 degrees Celsius the chips are then dried in a drum dryer: 5t3_97yg5M4-00022-00011340-00011696 In a screening device the chips are sorted for size. 5t3_97yg5M4-00023-00011696-00012032 Chips that exceed the required size are rejected. 5t3_97yg5M4-00024-00012032-00012452 Metal, impurities and minerals are also rejected. 5t3_97yg5M4-00025-00012452-00013002 Cleaned and sorted for size, the chips then go into the "continuous production line". 5t3_97yg5M4-00026-00013002-00013246 Here particleboard is churned out: 5t3_97yg5M4-00027-00013246-00014046 High-quality glues serve as bonding agents. Depending on the type of board, different glue mixtures and dosages are used. 5t3_97yg5M4-00028-00014046-00014504 Soaked with glue, the chips are spread on the press belt. 5t3_97yg5M4-00029-00014504-00014806 The first layer is fine chips for the lower face. 5t3_97yg5M4-00030-00014806-00015091 Then come more coarse chips for the medium layer. 5t3_97yg5M4-00031-00015091-00015496 And finally again fine chips for the upper face layer. 5t3_97yg5M4-00032-00015496-00016310 Altogether, they form the so-called particle mat, which under pressure and heat is transformed into a load-bearing panel. 5t3_97yg5M4-00033-00016310-00016692 At the end of the line an Inline saw cuts the panels to size. 5t3_97yg5M4-00034-00016692-00017290 At this moment they still have a temperature of up 250 degrees. 5t3_97yg5M4-00035-00017290-00017714 To let the panels cool down, they are then fed into the star cooler. 5t3_97yg5M4-00036-00017714-00018278 From there they are conveyed - via the stacking machine – to the conditioning storage. 5t3_97yg5M4-00037-00018278-00018616 The panels are left to condition for 24 hours. 5t3_97yg5M4-00038-00018616-00019064 Cooled down to storage temperature, they are now ready for fine sanding. 5t3_97yg5M4-00039-00019127-00019505 In the sanding line the panels are sanded to the desired thickness 5t3_97yg5M4-00040-00019614-00019960 giving them a totally even surface on both sides. 5t3_97yg5M4-00041-00020114-00020492 This is not only important for the finishing process. 5t3_97yg5M4-00042-00020492-00021050 Absolute surface evenness is a requirement we also make on our raw particleboard. 5t3_97yg5M4-00043-00021050-00021832 This is directly checked at our sanding line using state-of-the-art technology and our decades-long experience. 5t3_97yg5M4-00044-00021832-00022379 With butt edges or tongued and grooved, our raw particleboard is manufactured 5t3_97yg5M4-00045-00022379-00022970 for easy and precise installation last but not least, precision is also required 5t3_97yg5M4-00046-00022970-00023610 at the cut-to-size saw. In some plants we even provide cut-to-size formats up to a size 5t3_97yg5M4-00047-00023610-00024188 of 18 by 20 centimeters. A fully automatic packaging line makes the 5t3_97yg5M4-00048-00024188-00024663 panels ready for dispatch. From there they are either immediately sent to 5t3_97yg5M4-00049-00024663-00025138 our coating plant where they are finished with numerous decors and textures. 5t3_97yg5M4-00050-00025138-00025642 Or they go directly to our clients. That is industry and trade companies 5t3_97yg5M4-00051-00025642-00025839 as well as our dealers all over Europe. 5t3_97yg5M4-00052-00025839-00026089 Because they also love wood. 5t3_97yg5M4-00053-00026089-00026450 And they love what Pfleiderer makes out of it! 5vM1B7clU_A-00000-00000001-00000105 (male narrator) In this video, 5vM1B7clU_A-00001-00000105-00000301 we will look at how 5vM1B7clU_A-00002-00000301-00000601 we can multiply complex numbers containing the i term. 5vM1B7clU_A-00003-00000601-00000807 We remember that i, in general, 5vM1B7clU_A-00004-00000807-00001200 works just like any other variables. 5vM1B7clU_A-00005-00001307-00001503 There is one small exception 5vM1B7clU_A-00006-00001503-00001707 that we need to remember as we simplify 5vM1B7clU_A-00007-00001707-00002203 is that i squared always equals -1. 5vM1B7clU_A-00008-00002203-00002501 Anytime we have an i squared in our answer, 5vM1B7clU_A-00009-00002501-00002700 we'll simplify the i squared term 5vM1B7clU_A-00010-00002700-00003003 by making it into a -1 factor. 5vM1B7clU_A-00011-00003200-00003407 Let's take a look at some examples. 5vM1B7clU_A-00012-00003407-00003707 In this problem, we're multiplying this together. 5vM1B7clU_A-00013-00003707-00004007 If this was -3x times 6x, 5vM1B7clU_A-00014-00004007-00004403 we would multiply the numbers and then the variables. 5vM1B7clU_A-00015-00004403-00004508 Let's do that: 5vM1B7clU_A-00016-00004508-00005205 -3 times 6 is -18, and i times i is i squared. 5vM1B7clU_A-00017-00005205-00005408 The only time i is really different 5vM1B7clU_A-00018-00005408-00005705 is when we have this i squared factor. 5vM1B7clU_A-00019-00005705-00006309 We can treat this i squared factor as a factor of -1. 5vM1B7clU_A-00020-00006309-00007108 This is really -18 times -1, which is now +18. 5vM1B7clU_A-00021-00007407-00007701 Let's take a look at another example 5vM1B7clU_A-00022-00007701-00008001 where we multiply using i. 5vM1B7clU_A-00023-00008001-00008406 Remembering that i squared is equal to -1. 5vM1B7clU_A-00024-00008709-00008906 In this problem, 5vM1B7clU_A-00025-00008906-00009205 we've got something in front of parentheses. 5vM1B7clU_A-00026-00009205-00009400 We've seen this before. 5vM1B7clU_A-00027-00009400-00009606 We know it means we must distribute: 5vM1B7clU_A-00028-00009606-00010608 2i times 5 is 10i, and 2i times -2i is -4i squared. 5vM1B7clU_A-00029-00010608-00010809 Again, we see an i squared, 5vM1B7clU_A-00030-00010809-00011304 and we know that i squared is really a factor of -1. 5vM1B7clU_A-00031-00011304-00011901 What this really says is we're multiplying -4 times -1, 5vM1B7clU_A-00032-00011901-00012301 so we have 10i plus 4. 5vM1B7clU_A-00033-00012408-00012701 You may notice that the i squared 5vM1B7clU_A-00034-00012701-00012908 ends up ultimately changing the sign 5vM1B7clU_A-00035-00012908-00013304 on the term it's attached as a factor. 5vM1B7clU_A-00036-00013304-00013508 We can use this as a shortcut 5vM1B7clU_A-00037-00013508-00013900 when we're multiplying i's together. 5vM1B7clU_A-00038-00013900-00014105 Just as before with 2 binomials, 5vM1B7clU_A-00039-00014105-00014500 we can multiply them together using FOIL: 5vM1B7clU_A-00040-00014500-00015300 4 times 2 is 8, and 4 times -5i is -20i; 5vM1B7clU_A-00041-00015300-00016704 -3i times 2 is -6i; and -3i times -5i is +15i squared. 5vM1B7clU_A-00042-00016704-00016901 Notice the i squared, though, 5vM1B7clU_A-00043-00016901-00017306 will change the positive into a negative. 5vM1B7clU_A-00044-00017606-00017806 Looking at that in slow motion, 5vM1B7clU_A-00045-00017806-00018208 we had 15i squared... +15i squared, 5vM1B7clU_A-00046-00018208-00018606 and the i squared was a factor of -1; 5vM1B7clU_A-00047-00018606-00019003 positive times a negative gave us the negative. 5vM1B7clU_A-00048-00019205-00019409 Now, we can combine like terms: 5vM1B7clU_A-00049-00019409-00020503 8 minus 15 is -7; -20i minus 6i is -26i, 5vM1B7clU_A-00050-00020503-00020703 and we have our solution. 5vM1B7clU_A-00051-00020900-00021104 Let's take a look at one more problem 5vM1B7clU_A-00052-00021104-00021409 where we multiply using i. 5vM1B7clU_A-00053-00021409-00021708 In this problem, we're squaring a binomial. 5vM1B7clU_A-00054-00021708-00022205 Recall this has three parts to the final answer. 5vM1B7clU_A-00055-00022205-00022709 First, we square the first term: 3 squared is 9. 5vM1B7clU_A-00056-00022709-00023105 Then, we multiply them together twice: 5vM1B7clU_A-00057-00023105-00024103 3 times 2i is 6i, and another 6i is +12i. 5vM1B7clU_A-00058-00024103-00024403 Finally, we square the last term: 5vM1B7clU_A-00059-00024403-00025100 2 squared is 4; i squared will be a -1. 5vM1B7clU_A-00060-00025100-00025700 The i squared changes the +4 into a -4. 5vM1B7clU_A-00061-00025700-00026100 Now, all that's left to do is combine like terms: 5vM1B7clU_A-00062-00026100-00026605 9 minus 4 is 5, plus 12i. 5vM1B7clU_A-00063-00026605-00027005 And this becomes our final solution. 5vM1B7clU_A-00064-00027005-00027308 Recalling that i works just like any other variable, 5vM1B7clU_A-00065-00027308-00027706 with the only exception that i squared equals -1, 5vM1B7clU_A-00066-00027706-00028202 we're able to effectively multiply complex numbers 5vM1B7clU_A-00067-00028202-00028507 just like any other expression before. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00000-00000059-00000211 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00001-00000211-00000476 نحمده و نصلي على رسوله الكريم أما بعد 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00002-00000476-00000595 Continuing with the Hadith 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00003-00000595-00000825 تُعْرَضُ الفتن على القلوب 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00004-00000961-00001209 We can figuratively translate it as 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00005-00001209-00001409 satanic media, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00006-00001460-00001680 through television screens, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00007-00001707-00002099 plasma screens, cellphones, computers etc, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00008-00002219-00002494 via the Internet social media 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00009-00002704-00002950 will bombard your heart 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00010-00002976-00003209 directly infront of you. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00011-00003360-00003997 فأيُّ قلبٍ أُشْرِبَها نُكِتَتْ فيه نكتةٌ سوداء 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00012-00004116-00004334 The Riwaayat is saying, any heart 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00013-00004416-00004489 that 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00014-00004550-00004936 is ready to be impregnated with this concept, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00015-00005006-00005331 any heart that entertains this 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00016-00005379-00005531 intoxication, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00017-00005614-00005697 any heart 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00018-00005755-00005931 that welcomes this, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00019-00006051-00006270 Ulama explain: That if you look at the dictionary 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00020-00006270-00006374 أُشْرِبَ 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00021-00006392-00006552 means to permeate, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00022-00006570-00006781 to dominate, to become infused. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00023-00006825-00007097 So any heart that entertains 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00024-00007120-00007323 all these avenues 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00025-00007452-00007731 then those avenues will become 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00026-00007734-00007926 infused in their heart. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00027-00008003-00008180 Mufassireen explain, Imaam Qurtubi 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00028-00008180-00008457 وأشربوا في قلوبهم العجل 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00029-00008515-00008657 The Bani Israeel, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00030-00008657-00008777 when they worshipped the cow, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00031-00008777-00009017 they allowed their hearts to drink, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00032-00009072-00009320 meaning to become consumed 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00033-00009342-00009504 to be overtaken. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00034-00009504-00009704 أي حب العجل 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00035-00009734-00010097 That eventually they loved that action. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00036-00010131-00010366 So any heart that allows this to happen, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00037-00010443-00010660 they will start loving it 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00038-00010678-00010955 and thronging it, and thriving for it. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00039-00011020-00011168 Imaam Qurtubi mentions also: 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00040-00011224-00011379 شرب دون الأكل 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00041-00011444-00011779 They mentioned water and not food 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00042-00011814-00012192 because water reaches all places it permeates, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00043-00012273-00012518 no matter where water is it goes through it makes 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00044-00012552-00012718 makes a way to get into it 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00045-00012774-00013016 and the movement of water is fast, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00046-00013057-00013294 like this if you allow 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00047-00013307-00013619 these forms of Baatil to permeate you, what will happen? 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00048-00013647-00013894 نُكِتَت فيه نكتةٌ سوداء 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00049-00013937-00014094 A black spot 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00050-00014129-00014451 darkness will start enveloping this heart. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00051-00014486-00014928 وأيُّ قلب أنكرها نكتت فيه نكتة بيضاء 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00052-00015001-00015203 and whoever 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00053-00015203-00015416 stays far away from it, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00054-00015449-00015577 abandons it, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00055-00015594-00015785 keeps his distance from these 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00056-00015822-00015900 means, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00057-00015976-00016187 then a white 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00058-00016213-00016528 spot is placed on his heart. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00059-00016563-00016841 حتى تصير على قلبين 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00060-00016864-00017009 There are two 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00061-00017009-00017249 types of persons that will come out of this. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00062-00017332-00017651 One is, where his heart is white, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00063-00017689-00018017 على أبيض مثل الصفا 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00064-00018102-00018420 Like a white stone. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00065-00018438-00018649 Ulama have explain: What is Safaa? 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00066-00018673-00018945 هو الحجر اللامس 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00067-00019043-00019408 هو الحجر الأملس الذي لا يعلق به شيء 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00068-00019478-00019569 It is that 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00069-00019638-00020036 stone that is very slippery or 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00070-00020084-00020188 it's smooth. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00071-00020225-00020459 So nothing bonds onto it. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00072-00020547-00020865 So like how a stone that is very smooth, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00073-00020992-00021134 dirt cannot 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00074-00021252-00021513 stick on to it likewise the hearts 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00075-00021590-00021921 that abandon this type of Fitnah. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00076-00022008-00022612 فلا تضره فتنةٌ ما دامت السموات والأرض 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00077-00022636-00022779 No Fitnah, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00078-00022790-00022979 whether it's the present Fitnah 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00079-00023008-00023235 or possibly the Fitnahs of Dajjaal 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00080-00023246-00023435 will not infect 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00081-00023435-00023635 this persons heart. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00082-00023673-00023825 والآخر 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00083-00023838-00024000 The second category: 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00084-00024083-00024526 أسود مُرْبَادًّا؛كالكوز مُجَخِّيًا 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00085-00024667-00024904 and the other one is like the same 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00086-00024904-00025080 container, stone but 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00087-00025080-00025393 now it is enveloped it is covered, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00088-00025419-00025677 it is overwhelmed by blackness. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00089-00025700-00026006 You cannot see any whiteness in it. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00090-00026088-00026312 like an inverted cup, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00091-00026480-00026662 and the quality of this inverted cup, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00092-00026662-00026931 لا يعرف معروفًا 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00093-00026950-00027227 This person is so much in darkness, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00094-00027262-00027583 they cannot identify what's good for them. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00095-00027588-00027724 So when you speak to them 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00096-00027742-00027899 and you tell them, this is wrong, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00097-00027905-00028027 this is harmful, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00098-00028027-00028195 this will destroy your life, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00099-00028211-00028366 it doesn't make sense to them. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00100-00028388-00028608 ولا ينكر منكرًا 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00101-00028673-00028958 and whatever is evil they cannot differentiate. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00102-00029001-00029312 So whether a person is grabbing a flame of fire 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00103-00029312-00029512 and he is destroying himself 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00104-00029532-00029811 or he is putting his hand in the mouth of a serpent. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00105-00029843-00030024 He cannot distinguish it. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00106-00030156-00030289 مُجَخِّيًا 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00107-00030289-00030489 Ulama explain and inverted cup 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00108-00030489-00030733 theres 2 qualities, one is 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00109-00030747-00030966 when a cup is inverted, you cannot 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00110-00030966-00031105 put anything inside it 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00111-00031123-00031395 likewise these peoples hearts are sealed 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00112-00031427-00031614 sealed from Hidayat 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00113-00031691-00031814 secondly is 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00114-00031827-00032088 that cup that is filled with the Noor of Allah 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00115-00032108-00032333 the Noor of Imaan 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00116-00032333-00032464 when you invert it 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00117-00032464-00032704 all the water that's inside, the Noor 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00118-00032731-00032865 will be lost 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00119-00032894-00033096 now that heart will be 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00120-00033096-00033296 void of Imaan 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00121-00033296-00033462 and probably 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00122-00033491-00033598 possibly 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00123-00033598-00033849 at risk of losing their Imaan 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00124-00033872-00034233 إلّا مَا أُشْرِبَ مِنْ هَوَاهُ 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00125-00034233-00034462 except a person 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00126-00034497-00034745 who now his ambition 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00127-00034756-00034897 his desire 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00128-00034897-00035140 his focus is only his passion 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00129-00035166-00035294 and his fancies 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00130-00035326-00035540 and that what he is living for 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00131-00035569-00035851 his life, is only this here 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00132-00035904-00036062 So if we look at it today 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00133-00036152-00036313 through these avenues 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00134-00036324-00036606 it is like an injection from Shaytaan 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00135-00036649-00036888 four avenues will govern the heart 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00136-00036904-00037112 what we see, what we hear 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00137-00037112-00037339 what we speak, what we think 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00138-00037358-00037612 when a person is glued to these screens 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00139-00037644-00037812 then his eye is glued 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00140-00037812-00038096 his ears are glued, his mind is glued 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00141-00038096-00038230 and his tongue also 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00142-00038230-00038355 whether it's music 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00143-00038355-00038472 whether it's the words 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00144-00038472-00038641 whether it's the idols 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00145-00038673-00038897 and why is (تصوير) Pictures 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00146-00038910-00039070 Haraam in Islaam 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00147-00039070-00039409 why don't angels come in the house where there is (تصوير) Pictures 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00148-00039409-00039723 because this is how Shaytaan took people to Shirk 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00149-00039766-00040001 its is a beginning of Shirk 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00150-00040104-00040297 So the Farishtas stay far 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00151-00040297-00040564 even from a house that doesn't have Shirk 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00152-00040596-00040814 but a house that has pictures 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00153-00040840-00041041 The Farishtas say we will boycott 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00154-00041041-00041241 these houses as well 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00155-00041264-00041588 and the coming of Dajjaal 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00156-00041611-00041747 is the great 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00157-00041761-00041947 idol that is going to come 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00158-00041961-00042147 So initially you have to put this 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00159-00042147-00042310 small idols in the heart 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00160-00042337-00042528 before you inject them 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00161-00042539-00042662 with the big idols 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00162-00042694-00042875 Baatil through this 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00163-00042875-00043096 wants to control your mind 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00164-00043139-00043280 slowly, slowly 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00165-00043300-00043492 when the mind is in control 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00166-00043500-00043731 then your heart is in control 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00167-00043753-00043854 secondly 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00168-00043854-00044164 the result is to strip a person of their Hayaa 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00169-00044224-00044548 Imagine a person that is watching pornography 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00170-00044697-00044848 he is seeing 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00171-00044862-00045113 people committing Zina 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00172-00045136-00045313 where Allah's Athaab 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00173-00045313-00045424 stones 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00174-00045424-00045803 rocks, boulders from the sky should fall on that locality 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00175-00045828-00046052 people are committing incest 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00176-00046070-00046296 people are committing Sodomy 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00177-00046320-00046481 this viewer 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00178-00046494-00046681 is taking pleasure 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00179-00046713-00046856 on Ma'siyat (disobedience) 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00180-00046884-00047123 on the disobedience of Allah 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00181-00047139-00047323 he is enjoying it 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00182-00047345-00047513 when Nabi (ﷺ) said: 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00183-00047628-00047704 that 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00184-00047824-00048009 when you passed the places 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00185-00048009-00048209 of evil and sin, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00186-00048209-00048409 then run away from those places 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00187-00048424-00048721 where Allah's Athaab came run away from those places, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00188-00048745-00048958 be crying and in tears 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00189-00048971-00049081 when you see 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00190-00049081-00049360 Allah's Athaab come to any town 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00191-00049360-00049662 or locality, you should be running away from that 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00192-00049662-00049784 crying. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00193-00049800-00049942 In those times, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00194-00049942-00050123 there was one Firawn, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00195-00050123-00050307 there was one Qaroon, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00196-00050307-00050470 money is my God, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00197-00050470-00050617 I am god, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00198-00050617-00050787 my power is god, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00199-00050787-00051059 إنا أرسلنا عاد و ثمود 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00200-00051059-00051289 Allah (ﷻ) said all these people, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00201-00051316-00051507 who declared that they were gods 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00202-00051507-00051628 and they had power 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00203-00051628-00051902 إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ صَيْحَةً 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00204-00051916-00052141 إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ حَاصِبًا 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00205-00052141-00052395 إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ رِيحًا صَرْصَرًا 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00206-00052420-00052728 In those times there was one god, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00207-00052748-00053035 one Fitnah in one area 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00208-00053060-00053288 and Allah's Athaab came. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00209-00053288-00053614 Can we imagine in todays time, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00210-00053614-00053792 theres thousands of Firawns, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00211-00053804-00053958 thousands of Hamaan's, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00212-00053982-00054191 thousands of A'ad and Thamud, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00213-00054200-00054391 thousands of قَوم لُوط 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00214-00054405-00054616 and not only in one place 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00215-00054627-00054913 but combined places on earth. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00216-00054960-00055141 Can we imagine, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00217-00055154-00055435 what Athaab should have come to the Ummah. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00218-00055435-00055638 Moulana Yusuf (رحمة الله عليه) used to say: 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00219-00055655-00056028 It is only the Dua of Nabi (ﷺ), 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00220-00056059-00056345 when Ijtimai Athaab, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00221-00056360-00056667 a colossal Athaab will come from the heavens, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00222-00056688-00056955 which will wipe out my entire Ummah. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00223-00056955-00057388 He said: it is the Dua of Nabi (ﷺ) 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00224-00057411-00057678 that is blocking this Athaab 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00225-00057678-00057841 to descend on the Ummah. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00226-00057860-00058107 So to remove this Hayaa 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00227-00058130-00058500 and modesty where we never ever thought of 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00228-00058513-00059028 Muslim, swingers group, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00229-00059059-00059198 Muslim 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00230-00059198-00059464 groups that are promoting 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00231-00059464-00059688 homosexuality and lesbianism, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00232-00059700-00060024 could never have been fathomed and pondered. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00233-00060073-00060310 These have become common in one area. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00234-00060326-00060420 Couples get together 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00235-00060420-00060662 and they exchange keys and they go to their houses. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00236-00060684-00060862 One lady said: "I got married, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00237-00060862-00061028 6 month later, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00238-00061028-00061283 my husband told me we going for an occasion. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00239-00061296-00061504 We arrived at a nice house, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00240-00061532-00061723 I recognised the people there. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00241-00061729-00061846 There were many young people, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00242-00061846-00062062 elderly people from my neighbourhood, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00243-00062080-00062288 we enjoyed the meals 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00244-00062321-00062529 and after the meals slowly 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00245-00062537-00062776 a music in the background was played 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00246-00062829-00062992 then various couples 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00247-00062992-00063110 started dancing 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00248-00063145-00063340 and strolling around 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00249-00063379-00063611 and I noticed 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00250-00063652-00064008 that some men would latch on other men's wives 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00251-00064102-00064326 and the husband 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00252-00064326-00064574 now would take the other person's wife." 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00253-00064596-00064835 She said: "I thought so I was hallucinating, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00254-00064857-00064979 is it possible 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00255-00064992-00065110 that couples are doing this. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00256-00065110-00065310 I was feeling very uneasy." 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00257-00065336-00065504 My husband came to me and said: 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00258-00065504-00065683 "Why don't you speak to my friend 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00259-00065705-00065928 and why don't you go for a stroll with him 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00260-00065956-00066128 and later on we will meet up 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00261-00066155-00066404 and I noticed people going to different rooms, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00262-00066420-00066652 I was stunned and baffled 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00263-00066668-00066945 and this reality came on me like a ton of bricks, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00264-00066963-00067182 my husband became upset with me, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00265-00067182-00067334 he shoved me and pushed me 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00266-00067334-00067457 in the direction of his friend, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00267-00067478-00067620 this was too much for me. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00268-00067630-00067780 I ran to the car, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00269-00067814-00067942 My husband came to the car 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00270-00067942-00068070 and drove me home. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00271-00068097-00068332 He was very, very upset with me. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00272-00068345-00068576 He locked me in the house for 3 days, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00273-00068592-00068795 abused me, assaulted me, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00274-00068820-00069070 told me how I had shamed him 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00275-00069164-00069315 infront of his friends." 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00276-00069347-00069494 She said: I pretended 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00277-00069507-00069806 that I would agree and next time I would go 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00278-00069816-00069958 and comply, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00279-00069984-00070204 the day he opened the door, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00280-00070227-00070420 I never went back 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00281-00070430-00070590 again to this beast." 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00282-00070627-00070932 This is the condition of the Muslim Ummah 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00283-00070945-00071132 and the situations that are out there. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00284-00071156-00071400 So this will create Be Haya'i 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00285-00071419-00071566 and immodesty. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00286-00071592-00071734 Let us just look at television 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00287-00071734-00071905 and the statistics that are out there, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00288-00071921-00072161 are just statistics which 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00289-00072161-00072312 we know about 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00290-00072312-00072558 otherwise, more than that الله أعلم. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00291-00072598-00072857 The average child 2 - 5 years old, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00292-00072857-00073142 watches TV, for 32 hours a week, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00293-00073206-00073457 6 - 11 years old, 28 hours. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00294-00073457-00073633 Two thirds of households 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00295-00073651-00073825 watch TV during meals. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00296-00073825-00074011 53% of households 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00297-00074067-00074246 have no rules about television. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00298-00074246-00074406 The kids are busy on it all the time. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00299-00074406-00074606 51% of households, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00300-00074648-00074921 the TV is on most of the time. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00301-00074944-00075188 Advertisers target our small 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00302-00075203-00075440 innocent children, a child, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00303-00075480-00075675 a small youngster sees an average of 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00304-00075675-00075910 2000 beer and wine ads 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00305-00075931-00076067 in an average year. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00306-00076092-00076315 Kids see their favourite characters 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00307-00076315-00076584 smoking, drinking, involved in sexual situation 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00308-00076584-00076702 and risky behaviours 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00309-00076718-00076993 and that is as if it is legitimizing that 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00310-00077024-00077176 and average American child will see 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00311-00077176-00077344 200 thousand violent acts, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00312-00077361-00077571 16 000 murders 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00313-00077571-00077721 by the age of 18. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00314-00077758-00077993 2/3rds of all programming contains violence, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00315-00078011-00078179 programmes designed for children, more often 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00316-00078179-00078384 contain violence than adult TV. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00317-00078398-00078640 Most violent acts go unpunished on TV. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00318-00078652-00078806 Which are accompanied by humour, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00319-00078806-00078987 like we see the cartoons etc, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00320-00079012-00079187 many shows glamourise 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00321-00079206-00079456 violence, they show it like a glamour. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00322-00079488-00079612 The number of sex scenes on TV 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00323-00079612-00079814 has nearly doubled since 1998, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00324-00079814-00080115 with 70% of the top 20 most watch shows 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00325-00080150-00080315 by teens include this. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00326-00080347-00080484 This is normal TV. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00327-00080508-00080680 IF we looking at Youtube and other avenues, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00328-00080680-00080801 the numbers are unlimited, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00329-00080814-00080968 just the number of videos watched 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00330-00080968-00081168 per day on Youtube is, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00331-00081168-00081300 5 billion, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00332-00081312-00081532 there are 31 million 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00333-00081532-00081676 Youtube channels. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00334-00081724-00081910 According to the American survey, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00335-00081929-00082100 The average American watches, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00336-00082100-00082300 4 hours of TV a day, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00337-00082323-00082576 in a 65 year life 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00338-00082632-00082891 that person would have spent 9 years 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00339-00082891-00083091 of their life infront of the TV. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00340-00083108-00083326 Can we imagine what propaganda 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00341-00083352-00083558 and what mind control 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00342-00083580-00083713 just for family life, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00343-00083747-00083872 the percentage of a household 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00344-00083872-00084120 that possess atleast one TV is 99%. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00345-00084144-00084392 other houses 99%, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00346-00084414-00084691 2,2 TV's per household, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00347-00084716-00084918 many 66% 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00348-00084918-00085179 have more than 3 TV sets. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00349-00085244-00085462 Number of hours per TV in an average home is, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00350-00085462-00085662 6 hours 47 minutes. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00351-00085699-00085862 They watching television, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00352-00085889-00086057 everyday, number of hours 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00353-00086057-00086326 annually in America 250 billion. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00354-00086342-00086558 The value of time assume on an average watch, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00355-00086590-00087076 5 dollars per hour is 1,25 trillion dollars. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00356-00087187-00087323 The average Americans that 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00357-00087323-00087536 paid for TV is 56%. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00358-00087536-00087627 Now the status 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00359-00087644-00087816 and data has increased. The percentage 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00360-00087816-00088088 of Americans to say they watch TV too much is 49%, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00361-00088102-00088328 with regards to children approximate number of 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00362-00088371-00088528 effects on children, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00363-00088528-00088704 4000 (minutes) 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00364-00088736-00088955 per week, minutes 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00365-00088974-00089155 are involved in television. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00366-00089201-00089331 The number of minutes per week 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00367-00089331-00089499 that an average child watches television is, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00368-00089499-00089699 1 680. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00369-00089776-00089998 The percentage of parents that would like to limit their children, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00370-00089998-00090281 watching TV, 73% but they don't do that. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00371-00090369-00090592 The percentage of 4 - 6 years. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00372-00090595-00090806 The numbers are staggering. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00373-00090827-00090907 The average 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00374-00090918-00091163 American Youth spends 9 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00375-00091369-00091652 hundred hours in school 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00376-00091724-00092198 but 1500 hours watching TV, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00377-00092304-00092588 by the time every child finishes elementary school, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00378-00092588-00092952 8000 number of violent acts have been seen 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00379-00092982-00093240 and by the age of 18, 200 thousand. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00380-00093272-00093584 The percentage of Americans who believe TV violence helps 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00381-00093596-00093920 in real life mayhem people still believe 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00382-00093953-00094120 that it's going to help you in a situation 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00383-00094120-00094320 because you know how to handle a situation. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00384-00094438-00094654 The number of 30 second TV commercials seen, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00385-00094656-00094900 in a year by an average child is 20 thousand. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00386-00094902-00095099 Number of TV commercials seen by an average person, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00387-00095115-00095374 by the age of 65, is 2 million. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00388-00095497-00095865 The amount of spending on TV advertisements 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00389-00095865-00096097 has jumped from 19 350 billion, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00390-00096097-00096336 to a staggered number as we speak,. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00391-00096364-00096536 Forget that! Immodesty, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00392-00096568-00096724 the youngest known child 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00393-00096724-00096984 to have given birth, was 5 years 7 months. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00394-00097014-00097368 Every year an estimated of<b> age 15 - 19 years</b> 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00395-00097368-00097513 get pregnant. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00396-00097536-00097801 12 million of them give birth. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00397-00097820-00098198 777 000 birth occurs to adolescent girls, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00398-00098198-00098344 younger than 15 years. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00399-00098360-00098601 3/10 teen American girls will get pregnant, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00400-00098601-00098814 atleast once before the age of 20. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00401-00098952-00099118 The amount 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00402-00099150-00099432 and studies, these figures 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00403-00099529-00099756 forget that the immodesty means, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00404-00099756-00099956 people are no more getting married anymore, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00405-00100104-00100288 with fewer teens entering into marriage, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00406-00100288-00100480 the proportion of birth to unmarried teens 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00407-00100480-00100622 has increased dramatically. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00408-00100654-00101184 29% in 1970 to 89% in 2014. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00409-00101211-00101428 People are not getting married anymore. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00410-00101571-00101817 According to a survey adults age 20 - 59, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00411-00101817-00102091 woman have an average of 4 sex partners 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00412-00102092-00102312 during their lifetime while men have 7. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00413-00102348-00102571 immodesty has become common 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00414-00102644-00102852 Studies have revealed that children lose 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00415-00102865-00103006 their virginity at a very young age. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00416-00103006-00103150 Experts say, the average age of puberty, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00417-00103150-00103345 going down from 9 - 10 years, for girls, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00418-00103345-00103505 10 - 11 years for boys 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00419-00103536-00103810 means at the age of 9 - 11. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00420-00103828-00103986 People are losing 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00421-00103986-00104211 their modesty and their shame 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00422-00104313-00104524 and worse than that is the pornography 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00423-00104524-00104724 industry which is enormous, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00424-00104724-00105016 which is a 17 billion dollar industry. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00425-00105129-00105377 25% of search engine requests 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00426-00105377-00105540 are related to this. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00427-00105540-00105790 40 million Americans they regularly visited porn sights. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00428-00105808-00106159 70% of men, 18 - 24 visit a porn site at least once a month. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00429-00106200-00106368 The average age of first exposure 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00430-00106368-00106524 to pornography, is 11. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00431-00106524-00106724 That's average age, means from a child 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00432-00106733-00106993 of 6, 7, 8 and 9 are exposed to this 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00433-00107107-00107217 and 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00434-00107217-00107478 this will impact their life later on. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00435-00107497-00107732 84% of people between 18 - 49 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00436-00107732-00107932 have watch pornography films, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00437-00107932-00108235 every second 28 000 users are watching porn. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00438-00108265-00108508 3000 dollars are spent 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00439-00108508-00108750 on pornography, on the Internet every second. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00440-00108760-00108969 272 people are typing the word 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00441-00108969-00109169 adult on the search, every second. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00442-00109192-00109369 1 in 5 mobile sites, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00443-00109388-00109611 searches every second for pornography. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00444-00109632-00110016 37 pornographic videos are created in the U.S everyday. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00445-00110038-00110333 2,5 billion emails containing porn are sent everyday. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00446-00110350-00110635 68 million search queries leading to pornography. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00447-00110656-00110907 116 000 queries, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00448-00110939-00111172 about 200 thousand Americans are classified as 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00449-00111172-00111434 porn addicts. 40 million Americans visit porn sites. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00450-00111473-00111735 35% of knowledge in downloads are related to pornography. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00451-00111735-00112070 34% Internet users experience unwanted exposure. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00452-00112104-00112307 According to a survey, 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00453-00112353-00112569 47% of family state 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00454-00112586-00112835 that they have a pornographic problem in their family 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00455-00112876-00113176 and increase in fidelity to 300%. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00456-00113200-00113552 40% of people identified as addicts 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00457-00113576-00113814 lose their spouses. 58% suffer 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00458-00113814-00114094 financial loses. 33% lose their jobs. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00459-00114107-00114520 68% of divorce cases. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00460-00114559-00114685 1 in 5 youth passes. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00461-00114685-00114830 1/7 senior passes. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00462-00114830-00115034 That's 50 000 U.S church leaders 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00463-00115059-00115348 are hooked on pornography. The statistics we can study it 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00464-00115364-00115723 are innumerable the numbers are staggered. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00465-00115740-00115952 let us make Taubah to Allah (ﷻ). 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00466-00115952-00116152 Turn to Allah, we make Dua to Allah (ﷻ) 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00467-00116171-00116440 to give us the reality and protect us from all this Fitnahs. 5wk0tpdJ0NE-00468-00116452-00116769 و آخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين 5xGyLaxX9B0-00000-00000253-00000353 Hello. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00001-00000353-00000761 This is Maryanne Burgos and I'd like to welcome you to the course. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00002-00000761-00001526 The time between semesters, I usually spend updating things and sometimes adding new mow 5xGyLaxX9B0-00003-00001526-00001732 and that's what I am doing right now. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00004-00001732-00002310 This is the middle of the summer, but I'm very anxious to have the end of the summer 5xGyLaxX9B0-00005-00002310-00002862 arrive so that I can begin the course and make contact with all of you. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00006-00002862-00003364 I would like to make first of all some general comments about course: 5xGyLaxX9B0-00007-00003364-00004276 * First, the purpose of the course is twofold: the 1st to have you connect with like-minded 5xGyLaxX9B0-00008-00004276-00004992 professionals in your field so that you will always have other people to rely on and to 5xGyLaxX9B0-00009-00004992-00005214 share information with. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00010-00005214-00005791 It's impossible for any one person to stay up to date on everything, but by belonging 5xGyLaxX9B0-00011-00005791-00006399 to or connecting with the correct groups or other professionals, you will always be able 5xGyLaxX9B0-00012-00006399-00006579 to stay up to date. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00013-00006579-00007297 * The 2nd purpose of this course is to have you experience many free, Internet tools that 5xGyLaxX9B0-00014-00007297-00007675 you can use in your classroom. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00015-00007675-00008259 * I would like to mention here that late work will receive 1/2 credit. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00016-00008259-00008828 So be sure you have things done on time. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00017-00008828-00009510 However, if you attempt to do something, but you've made some small or understandable error, 5xGyLaxX9B0-00018-00009510-00009972 I will give you feedback telling you what to correct, and you can still receive full 5xGyLaxX9B0-00019-00009972-00010443 credit for that part of the mod. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00020-00010443-00010764 Syllabus * It's very important to remember that the 5xGyLaxX9B0-00021-00010764-00011057 links in syllabus are clickable. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00022-00011057-00011157 So.. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00023-00011157-00011621 I know many of you will print out the syllabus, and that's fine, but when you want to go to 5xGyLaxX9B0-00024-00011621-00012819 the websites that are important in the syllabus, you have to look at the online version of 5xGyLaxX9B0-00025-00012819-00013762 the syllabus and click on the blue underlined words that will take you to the links that 5xGyLaxX9B0-00026-00013762-00013862 you need. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00027-00013862-00014216 Tools * Regarding tools, we will only be using free, 5xGyLaxX9B0-00028-00014216-00014316 online tools. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00029-00014316-00014869 Although a few of these types of tools are available in UBLearns (Blackboard), I've chosen 5xGyLaxX9B0-00030-00014869-00016116 to have you use tools that are freely available outside of Blackboard, so that you will always 5xGyLaxX9B0-00031-00016116-00016851 have access to them in the future. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00032-00016851-00017451 You may find that you want to use different tools in the future, but these tools will 5xGyLaxX9B0-00033-00017451-00018095 give you a good start on how some of these free, online tools that are available to you 5xGyLaxX9B0-00034-00018095-00018608 ... how they work and what you may want to do with them. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00035-00018608-00019434 * Regarding tech tools, remember that all of these tools can do amazing things, but 5xGyLaxX9B0-00036-00019434-00019875 it is important to keep in mind your own learning or teaching objectives. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00037-00019875-00020036 What is the thing you want to accomplish? 5xGyLaxX9B0-00038-00020036-00021020 Will these tools help you accomplish that or can you do it just as well without the 5xGyLaxX9B0-00039-00021020-00021120 tools? 5xGyLaxX9B0-00040-00021120-00021785 Only use them if they really help you reach your goal more quickly than not using them. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00041-00021785-00022530 * I love people to work ahead because every semester I change various things in the course 5xGyLaxX9B0-00042-00022530-00023051 and so sometimes I forget to make small changes in the syllabus There are bound to be some 5xGyLaxX9B0-00043-00023051-00023290 glitches in the syllabus to keep everything up to date. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00044-00023290-00023706 So if you work ahead that will be helpful to me and helpful to you because you don't 5xGyLaxX9B0-00045-00023706-00023909 have to worry about it that week. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00046-00023909-00024451 If you work ahead you can help me find any things that need to be fixed before everyone 5xGyLaxX9B0-00047-00024451-00024988 else gets to those particular parts of the mod. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00048-00024988-00025667 * One Final Thought is that I want you to member something that many of you already 5xGyLaxX9B0-00049-00025667-00025881 know and that is that this course is for you. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00050-00025881-00026160 It's not for me. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00051-00026160-00027094 So use the time you spend to learn things that you need to learn and to work on the 5xGyLaxX9B0-00052-00027094-00027518 tools that will be of the most use to you. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00053-00027518-00028069 And I think that that way you will empower yourself for the future. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00054-00028069-00028183 This is Maryanne Burgos. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00055-00028183-00028369 I'm located in Germantown, MD. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00056-00028369-00028519 not Buffalo New York. 5xGyLaxX9B0-00057-00028519-00029002 I'm looking forward to hearing from all of you in the next semester. 5zEXzZL837M-00000-00000440-00000915 hey there folks Gary Bradley from Creative Frontiers here and in this video we're 5zEXzZL837M-00001-00000915-00001263 gonna take a look at how we can create a neon glowing sign inside of Adobe 5zEXzZL837M-00002-00001263-00001743 Illustrator so let's dive in and take a look now the bulk of this work is going 5zEXzZL837M-00003-00001743-00002243 to be done to these objects and what we've got here essentially is by the 5zEXzZL837M-00004-00002243-00002625 text that I've turned to outlines or it is stuff that I've drawn from scratch 5zEXzZL837M-00005-00002625-00003039 with the pen tool and the ring region around the background well that started 5zEXzZL837M-00006-00003039-00003497 out life as an ellipse and I cut it in various places because of the unique 5zEXzZL837M-00007-00003497-00003939 nature of this piece of artwork by kind of custom-built a lot of this but in 5zEXzZL837M-00008-00003939-00004401 terms of applying glowing effects you can apply them to anything inside of 5zEXzZL837M-00009-00004401-00004814 Illustrator you can even apply them to editable text if you wish to but I have 5zEXzZL837M-00010-00004814-00005307 created custom shapes in here that's why we're not working with editable text so 5zEXzZL837M-00011-00005307-00005664 in order to get under way I'll select my large object here which is grouped 5zEXzZL837M-00012-00005664-00006264 together and then go to the window menu and open up the appearance panel you 5zEXzZL837M-00013-00006264-00006829 will notice that in here the appearance panel categorizes or characterizes 5zEXzZL837M-00014-00006829-00007275 exactly what's been applied to the object so this has only a stroke 5zEXzZL837M-00015-00007275-00007842 appearance of quite a large 32-point stroke and and you can left click on an 5zEXzZL837M-00016-00007842-00008229 individual parent you can modify it from here as well so the prints panel is a 5zEXzZL837M-00017-00008229-00008697 really great central hub inside of Illustrator from here I will then go 5zEXzZL837M-00018-00008697-00009122 down to the bottom with just the stroke appearance targeted for edits click on 5zEXzZL837M-00019-00009122-00009690 effects go down to stylize and then from here choose feather 5zEXzZL837M-00020-00009690-00010095 now why feather might you be asking so if I turn on the preview checkbox we'll 5zEXzZL837M-00021-00010095-00010446 see kind of what feather does and if I increase the volume there to say six 5zEXzZL837M-00022-00010446-00010839 millimeters at which of the units in my document this really is what feather 5zEXzZL837M-00023-00010839-00011315 does it softens things so we will get a slightly more translucent look and it 5zEXzZL837M-00024-00011315-00011882 will fade things out around the edges if we're gonna create a really good kind of 5zEXzZL837M-00025-00011882-00012306 getting towards the realms of accurate neon glowing effect we want to get the 5zEXzZL837M-00026-00012306-00012722 glowing effect around the characters and the shapes in here absolutely but we 5zEXzZL837M-00027-00012722-00013327 want to also achieve a lovely pink star to the lighting effect and feather will 5zEXzZL837M-00028-00013327-00013732 help us do that it will soften the edges the stroke so from here if I just set a 5zEXzZL837M-00029-00013732-00014353 more appropriate stroke size of 1.75 sorry the radius size in there and then 5zEXzZL837M-00030-00014353-00014854 from here I can click okay so we get little bit of softening that now is only 5zEXzZL837M-00031-00014854-00015244 applied to the stroke appearance and from here then we need to keep stacking 5zEXzZL837M-00032-00015244-00015703 and building up and intensifying this look so to do that I can go down to the 5zEXzZL837M-00033-00015703-00016153 bottom of the appearance panel this icon as you probably aware now usually create 5zEXzZL837M-00034-00016153-00016561 something new but in the appearance panel it duplicates the existing 5zEXzZL837M-00035-00016561-00016939 appearance in there that's targeted so if I click on that it will create a copy 5zEXzZL837M-00036-00016939-00017383 of my original stroke the original one is at the bottom the newly duplicated 5zEXzZL837M-00037-00017383-00017971 one appears higher up and therefore in terms of an appearance if I change the 5zEXzZL837M-00038-00017971-00018493 stroke color to a lighter red you'll notice that it hides the original one 5zEXzZL837M-00039-00018493-00018963 because it's lower down and it's therefore on the object itself behind 5zEXzZL837M-00040-00018963-00019651 but if I change the stroke weight reduce this by say a quarter to say 24 points 5zEXzZL837M-00041-00019651-00020185 if I just tap up when you get to 24 points we have the beginnings of seeing 5zEXzZL837M-00042-00020185-00020632 that the larger darker red one in the background and we've now added another 5zEXzZL837M-00043-00020632-00020926 stroke on top of that and in front of the object itself 5zEXzZL837M-00044-00020926-00021442 it also has if I expand the toggle the feather applied to this new one as well 5zEXzZL837M-00045-00021442-00021793 that I duplicated so that's already built in that's all good I can collapse 5zEXzZL837M-00046-00021793-00022255 this and then create one third and final stroke appearance on the same object so 5zEXzZL837M-00047-00022255-00022657 go down to the bottom duplicate the second one notice in nearly the stroke 5zEXzZL837M-00048-00022657-00023005 weight set to 24 points like the second one is our first of all changed the 5zEXzZL837M-00049-00023005-00023527 stroke color to a light neon red color in there oh it's just a light red color 5zEXzZL837M-00050-00023527-00023895 but perfectly honest that I've called neon and then from the stroke way again 5zEXzZL837M-00051-00023895-00024385 I will juice this even further and I'll set this to 16 points so we've got 16 24 5zEXzZL837M-00052-00024385-00024795 and 32 points in there I'm just kind of staggered the size then very 5zEXzZL837M-00053-00024795-00025264 purposefully and kind of consistently as well by keep dropping them back in and 5zEXzZL837M-00054-00025264-00025883 certainly at percentages so now a kerosene the makings of a nice intense 5zEXzZL837M-00055-00025883-00026386 glowing effect to finish this off we need to actually add the glow as well 5zEXzZL837M-00056-00026386-00026852 all we have at the moment are multiples drugs with a soft edge now to apply this 5zEXzZL837M-00057-00026852-00027227 to the whole object and not just one of the individual strokes after left click 5zEXzZL837M-00058-00027227-00027699 on compound at the top go down to the bottom click on effects go to stylize 5zEXzZL837M-00059-00027699-00028308 and then choose outer glow from here and it gives me the options available I'll 5zEXzZL837M-00060-00028308-00028727 turn on the preview checkbox in there but we don't really see a particularly 5zEXzZL837M-00061-00028727-00029100 handy glow that's because here at the moment the actual glow color is set to 5zEXzZL837M-00062-00029100-00029580 black so if I click on that you could just pick up any color that you want to 5zEXzZL837M-00063-00029580-00029985 from the color picker but I actually want to use one of my neon Reds so if I 5zEXzZL837M-00064-00029985-00030495 click on color swatches in there and then choose neon one click OK we now 5zEXzZL837M-00065-00030495-00031005 start to see some of that glow showing through now in terms of the opacity well 5zEXzZL837M-00066-00031005-00031443 I want to set this quite low so I'm gonna say it's 20% but I do want to set 5zEXzZL837M-00067-00031443-00031818 the blur very high in there so I'm gonna set that to four millimeters hit the tab 5zEXzZL837M-00068-00031818-00032295 key to update that and then we'll start to see the makings of a larger but less 5zEXzZL837M-00069-00032295-00032955 intense glow around the outside when I've done that I'll click OK it adds it 5zEXzZL837M-00070-00032955-00033311 right down to the bottom again I can left-click on the original outer glow 5zEXzZL837M-00071-00033311-00033792 duplicate that one and add a new one always added above the original click on 5zEXzZL837M-00072-00033792-00034161 that one to make it active left click on it sir properties there to jump back to 5zEXzZL837M-00073-00034161-00034713 the dialog box and from here now we're going to intensify this appearance so 5zEXzZL837M-00074-00034713-00035124 I'm going to increase up to 50% opacity when I click in the next field down I'm 5zEXzZL837M-00075-00035124-00035811 going to changed this one to 1.75 so as we increase and as we add each outer 5zEXzZL837M-00076-00035811-00036368 glow we want to make it smaller and more impactful and then if I turn a preview 5zEXzZL837M-00077-00036368-00036858 we start to see that appearance building up in there so I'll click OK and we'll 5zEXzZL837M-00078-00036858-00037281 final third one duplicate it in there that appears higher up left click on 5zEXzZL837M-00079-00037281-00037647 that one click on the hyperlink to go back to the panel and then the options 5zEXzZL837M-00080-00037647-00038022 turn on preview I'm going to leave the opacity in here set to the same as what 5zEXzZL837M-00081-00038022-00038546 it is now but I am going to change the blur to be a very very low amount so not 5zEXzZL837M-00082-00038546-00039030 0.35 in there that I experimented with in advance if I hit the tab key they 5zEXzZL837M-00083-00039030-00039471 will then see that update only so now get around these characters a lovely 5zEXzZL837M-00084-00039471-00039859 general glow but by adding multiple strokes and more 5zEXzZL837M-00085-00039859-00040352 or outer glows we really get that nice tight pinkie kind of glow around them I 5zEXzZL837M-00086-00040352-00040933 click okay and that essentially finishes the glowing appearance now if I want to 5zEXzZL837M-00087-00040933-00041308 use that somewhere else the best thing probably is to go to the window menu go 5zEXzZL837M-00088-00041308-00041875 down the list to graphic Styles where I can capture this appearance so if I left 5zEXzZL837M-00089-00041875-00042241 click on compound path in here just to make sure I've got all of the object 5zEXzZL837M-00090-00042241-00042739 active or appearances then I'll go to this icon here click on new graphic 5zEXzZL837M-00091-00042739-00043168 style it adds it into the list gives it just a generic name of graphic style in 5zEXzZL837M-00092-00043168-00043381 there notice that I've already added a couple 5zEXzZL837M-00093-00043381-00043963 in there already so I come from now go to this object and the rings around the 5zEXzZL837M-00094-00043963-00044419 outside and I already have a graphic star 3 in there as its imaginative we 5zEXzZL837M-00095-00044419-00044890 called to add an orange glow I can click on the shapes for the characters at the 5zEXzZL837M-00096-00044890-00045386 top and at the bottom they have kind of a light blue I can go to graphics tile 5zEXzZL837M-00097-00045386-00045892 for and apply those in there as well so you can see how once you've done the 5zEXzZL837M-00098-00045892-00046276 hard work in the appearance panel and made that effect you can capture it and 5zEXzZL837M-00099-00046276-00046618 apply it anywhere else in the existing documents and that's how we create a 5zEXzZL837M-00100-00046618-00047005 neon glowing sign inside of Adobe Illustrator thanks for watching folks if 5zEXzZL837M-00101-00047005-00047386 you've enjoyed the video and found it handy please give it a thumbs up don't 5zEXzZL837M-00102-00047386-00047689 forget you can go click on the subscribe button to see more content in the future 5zEXzZL837M-00103-00047689-00048244 and if you don't want to miss a single Adobe techniques video then you can 5zEXzZL837M-00104-00048244-00048574 click on the alerts button and every time a new video is posted you'll be 5zEXzZL837M-00105-00048574-00050043 notified until next time farewell friends 5-b9ATCMhy4-00000-00000065-00000265 Free music downloading 5-b9ATCMhy4-00001-00000265-00002493 Subscribe now please 5-b9ATCMhy4-00002-00002493-00002540 supporting 5_MagXReSC0-00000-00000600-00000897 Once we have defined the core rules for our system, 5_MagXReSC0-00001-00000900-00001246 we should be able to communicate them to our users. 5_MagXReSC0-00002-00001300-00001589 We can do this externally to the gamification 5_MagXReSC0-00003-00001592-00001797 system… or integrated within it. 5_MagXReSC0-00004-00001800-00001900 For example, 5_MagXReSC0-00005-00002000-00002197 a few years ago some of the most complex games 5_MagXReSC0-00006-00002200-00002386 involved extensive manuals. 5_MagXReSC0-00007-00002400-00002597 They were useful to clarify game rules, 5_MagXReSC0-00008-00002600-00002797 and they also included a number of other elements 5_MagXReSC0-00009-00002800-00003020 such as posters or short stories 5_MagXReSC0-00010-00003100-00003393 to increase immersion within the gameworld. 5_MagXReSC0-00011-00003500-00003897 Today we try to make rules and user interfaces as intuitive as possible, 5_MagXReSC0-00012-00003900-00004110 avoiding external elements. 5_MagXReSC0-00013-00004110-00004457 Integrating them within the core of the game system. 5_MagXReSC0-00014-00004480-00004686 This way immersion is eased 5_MagXReSC0-00015-00004690-00005096 and first contact with the gamification desing is assured 5_MagXReSC0-00016-00005100-00005266 by playing the tutorial. 5_MagXReSC0-00017-00005300-00005597 Surprisingly, many gamification systems lack adequate tutorials, 5_MagXReSC0-00018-00005600-00005900 and convey rules by using training sessions, 5_MagXReSC0-00019-00006200-00006397 dossiers or, worse, leaving them 5_MagXReSC0-00020-00006400-00006597 to the common sense of the user. 5_MagXReSC0-00021-00006600-00006897 These are designs that I don’t encourage to do because, 5_MagXReSC0-00022-00006900-00007066 as you have already see, 5_MagXReSC0-00023-00007070-00007297 learning the basics is a critical part of any system. 5_MagXReSC0-00024-00007300-00007597 Tutorials will also work as a demo of our system, 5_MagXReSC0-00025-00007600-00007997 and by finishing them our users are going to have a good insight 5_MagXReSC0-00026-00008000-00008140 on the rules, goals, 5_MagXReSC0-00027-00008200-00008397 and the overall aesthetic, among other things. 5_MagXReSC0-00028-00008400-00008597 In short, they will have info to know 5_MagXReSC0-00029-00008600-00008980 what kind of challenges they will face within the design 5_MagXReSC0-00030-00009000-00009293 and if they’re going to have fun with them. 5_MagXReSC0-00031-00009400-00009693 This is the design challenge of this video: 5_MagXReSC0-00032-00009800-00009997 How will you communicate to your potential users 5_MagXReSC0-00033-00010000-00010280 "what's this gamification project about”? 5_MagXReSC0-00034-00010300-00010597 When buying or designing your gamification solution, 5_MagXReSC0-00035-00010600-00010797 analyze this chain of components: 5_MagXReSC0-00036-00010800-00010960 Goals - Rules – tutorial 5_MagXReSC0-00037-00011300-00011486 If they are solidly aligned, 5_MagXReSC0-00038-00011500-00011697 we can move to the next design phase: 5_MagXReSC0-00039-00011700-00012093 Transforming rules into interesting and meaningful quests. 5_MagXReSC0-00040-00012300-00012466 Enjoy the design process! 5_MagXReSC0-00041-00012700-00013026 Can you find the continuity error in this video? 5HgmmlgLaRg-00000-00000567-00001359 hey everyone today i'm trying out a new e-bike the lanka laser xt 750 5HgmmlgLaRg-00001-00001487-00002463 it's got a 400 watts motor weights about 21 kilos volts and can carry 180 kilos 5HgmmlgLaRg-00002-00002583-00003231 as always for me you know the best way to reveal something isn't to look at 5HgmmlgLaRg-00003-00003231-00003751 the specs but to try out in the real world so let's hit the road and see how it does 5HgmmlgLaRg-00004-00003847-00005407 and uh if you're interested in this e-bike there's a link in the description 5HgmmlgLaRg-00005-00007319-00008207 do 5HgmmlgLaRg-00006-00010239-00011007 so 5HgmmlgLaRg-00007-00013007-00013807 do 5HgmmlgLaRg-00008-00023247-00023951 okay first off this thing is much too large for me the recommended minimum height for 5HgmmlgLaRg-00009-00023951-00024511 a rider is 165 centimeters i'm 160 or about five for free 5HgmmlgLaRg-00010-00024567-00025047 you can see in the video it's a little bit of a struggle for me to walk and push it 5HgmmlgLaRg-00011-00025047-00025671 around and the brake levers don't quite fit my hands i'd agree with the instructions that 5HgmmlgLaRg-00012-00025671-00026479 you should be at least 165 centimeters and in my opinion you should wait at least 70 kilos 5HgmmlgLaRg-00013-00026479-00027319 or 154 pounds if you want to be able to handle this comfortably with 180 kilos or almost 400 5HgmmlgLaRg-00014-00027319-00027919 pound weight capacity this is definitely a bike suitable for larger riders and their belongings 5HgmmlgLaRg-00015-00028039-00028735 pros and cons cons it's got a key and a remote control the key lets you to unlock the battery 5HgmmlgLaRg-00016-00028735-00029479 to remove it or charge it every time you do that you need to use the remote to activate and unlock 5HgmmlgLaRg-00017-00029479-00030151 the buy again so the little alarm doesn't go off i've been using the bike a week and it 5HgmmlgLaRg-00018-00030151-00031055 still surprises me it's really counter intuitive the bike has a power inject no power object so if 5HgmmlgLaRg-00019-00031055-00031783 you want to keep your phone and other electronics charged you are going to have to splice the cables 5HgmmlgLaRg-00020-00031855-00032639 the acceleration in assist mode is not quite as smooth as on a high-end e-bike not bad but 5HgmmlgLaRg-00021-00032639-00033423 you noticed it pros as you may have noticed i have very little padding on my rear end so 5HgmmlgLaRg-00022-00033423-00034111 i really appreciate the front and rear suspensions on the bike our roads is are in good shape 5HgmmlgLaRg-00023-00034111-00034743 here in shenzhen but we do have a lot of speed bumps it's a bike not a scooter form factor it 5HgmmlgLaRg-00024-00034743-00035407 has their own pros and cons on the scooter i can dress up or wear heels but if there's a problem 5HgmmlgLaRg-00025-00035407-00036023 with it you have to push that scooter all the way home for neighborhood errands i like the bike 5HgmmlgLaRg-00026-00036135-00036919 i can get a little bit of exercise but not so much i'm exhausted or i can just use the throttle and 5HgmmlgLaRg-00027-00036919-00037503 not paddle at all if i'm feeling lazy if i go really far or there's something urgent 5HgmmlgLaRg-00028-00037503-00038263 at home or factory i have to go attend to this bike folds up and can go in the back of a taxi for 5HgmmlgLaRg-00029-00038263-00038959 personal electric vehicles e-bike is my favorite form factor buys a good solid reliable legacy tech 5HgmmlgLaRg-00030-00038959-00039639 motors just improve on that this model works very well on its own as a bicycle the paddling 5HgmmlgLaRg-00031-00039639-00040263 and gear changes are smooth i've used it without any power at all it's not a chore 5HgmmlgLaRg-00032-00040263-00040975 or anything that said it is built like a tank in the west evites like this are often associated 5HgmmlgLaRg-00033-00040975-00041751 with commuting in china they are often used by delivery people 12 hours a day and those men and 5HgmmlgLaRg-00034-00041751-00042471 women are hard on their equipment by default our e-bikes like this are built for commercial use 5HgmmlgLaRg-00035-00042471-00042887 if you're just paddling down the road to your office and back once a day 5HgmmlgLaRg-00036-00042951-00043911 this is probably overkill other pros the 400 watt motor is very strong i've had friends up to 100 5HgmmlgLaRg-00037-00043911-00044607 kilos with 10 kilos of cargo tried it out they could go up hills and stuff with no issue once 5HgmmlgLaRg-00038-00044607-00045183 you figure how to turn it on the controls are very intuitive and won't distract you from steering 5HgmmlgLaRg-00039-00045679-00046119 build quality is excellent nothing looks cheap nothing makes noises 5HgmmlgLaRg-00040-00046207-00047079 final worth it the lanco lace xt 750 is an excellent medium price range e-bike powerful 5HgmmlgLaRg-00041-00047079-00047831 built-to-last and a very usable bicycle on its own simply put though it's for larger stronger people 5HgmmlgLaRg-00042-00047831-00048511 who anticipate having carrying some cargo packages groceries that kind of thing 5HgmmlgLaRg-00043-00048511-00049343 i think an average size man or larger or stronger than average woman is the best rider for this bike 5HgmmlgLaRg-00044-00049343-00049895 if you are like me and below average size and strength it's really quite challenging 5HgmmlgLaRg-00045-00049895-00050431 it's easy to use once you get past the somewhat counter intuitive directions 5HgmmlgLaRg-00046-00050495-00051223 and it's good for getting around town with the carriers i've already mentioned i can definitely 5HgmmlgLaRg-00047-00051223-00051975 recommend it okay that's it for today would you like to see more e-bike reviews more by trips 5HgmmlgLaRg-00048-00051975-00052727 around shenzhen let me know in the comments until next time remember if i can do it anyone can do it 5HwKoyKmhkU-00000-00000683-00000942 It is my honor to introduce our speaker for today, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00001-00000942-00001142 who is Ms. Cecile Hansen. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00002-00001142-00001415 She is a descendant of the family of Chief Si'ahl. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00003-00001415-00001661 She has served as an advocate and elected chair for-- sorry 5HwKoyKmhkU-00004-00001661-00001995 for taking my glasses on and off-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00005-00001995-00002387 the elected chair for the Duwamish Tribe since 1975, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00006-00002387-00002637 where she recently got involved because her brother 5HwKoyKmhkU-00007-00002637-00002832 was arrested for fishing on the Duwamish River. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00008-00003055-00003193 Correct? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00009-00003193-00003377 I've got lots of stories about that. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00010-00003377-00003448 Awesome. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00011-00003448-00003615 So I won't say anything else about that, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00012-00003615-00003830 because she has lots of stories about it. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00013-00003830-00004365 Over the past 40 years, she has led the struggle 5HwKoyKmhkU-00014-00004365-00004670 of the Duwamish to correct the injustices facing them, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00015-00004670-00004858 including the loss of their traditional land. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00016-00004858-00005223 You all know the Duwamish lands-- where we're 5HwKoyKmhkU-00017-00005223-00005663 at right now was Duwamish land. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00018-00005663-00005786 All of Seattle. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00019-00005786-00005845 Duwamish land. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00020-00005845-00005987 Most of King County. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00021-00005987-00006248 is Duwamish land. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00022-00006248-00006748 The loss of their fishing rights on to the Duwamish River 5HwKoyKmhkU-00023-00006748-00007009 and maybe most significantly challenging the Federal 5HwKoyKmhkU-00024-00007009-00007348 Government's refusal to recognize them 5HwKoyKmhkU-00025-00007348-00007620 as a legitimate historic tribe. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00026-00007620-00008095 So we're very honored to have Ms. Hansen here with us today 5HwKoyKmhkU-00027-00008095-00008296 to learn from her wisdom and her 40 5HwKoyKmhkU-00028-00008296-00008474 years of struggle for justice. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00029-00008474-00008704 So let's give her a warm Highline welcome. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00030-00008704-00009443 [APPLAUSE] 5HwKoyKmhkU-00031-00009443-00009756 Well, thank you for the warm reception I'm getting today. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00032-00010092-00010443 I'm here to speak on the behalf of the Duwamish tribe. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00033-00010443-00010614 And if you never remember anything, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00034-00010614-00010969 remember that Duwamish means the "People of the Inside." 5HwKoyKmhkU-00035-00010969-00011188 That's what Duwamish means. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00036-00011188-00011413 So you get-- if you don't remember everything I 5HwKoyKmhkU-00037-00011413-00011635 share within the next hour or so, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00038-00011635-00011926 Duwamish means the "Peopled of the Inside." 5HwKoyKmhkU-00039-00011926-00012385 But I'll tell you more of why they're inside. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00040-00012385-00012653 As I get started, I'm so delighted to be 5HwKoyKmhkU-00041-00012653-00013121 able to share what I have known in the last 40 years, or 41 5HwKoyKmhkU-00042-00013121-00013355 years, regarding Duwamish. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00043-00013355-00013547 One of the things that I have been told, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00044-00013547-00014024 and I tell my tribal council, we have sovereignty. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00045-00014024-00014360 And I'm going to share about sovereignty with you they say 5HwKoyKmhkU-00046-00014360-00014732 that every tribal nation possesses a right to a land 5HwKoyKmhkU-00047-00014732-00015152 base, possessions, and control unquestionable and honored 5HwKoyKmhkU-00048-00015152-00015747 by other nations to exist without fear, but with freedom, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00049-00015747-00016146 self-governance, the ability and authority to make decisions 5HwKoyKmhkU-00050-00016146-00016489 regarding all matters concerning the tribe, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00051-00016489-00016746 without the approval or agreement of others-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00052-00016746-00016951 and I'm meaning the federal government. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00053-00016951-00017185 But I'll get into that, OK? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00054-00017185-00017467 You know, those people back in DC, OK? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00055-00017467-00017776 This includes the ways and methods of decision-making, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00056-00017776-00018107 social and political and other areas of life. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00057-00018107-00018670 It can-- an economic base and resources, the control, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00058-00018670-00018964 and use, and development of resources, business, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00059-00018964-00019336 and industries, in the tribe will choose it, wherever 5HwKoyKmhkU-00060-00019336-00019715 the tribe chooses to reside. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00061-00019715-00020191 This includes resources and support to tribal way of life, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00062-00020191-00020417 includes a practice of spiritual ways. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00063-00020858-00021114 A distinct language and historical and cultural 5HwKoyKmhkU-00064-00021114-00021275 identity-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00065-00021275-00021718 and the tribe's defined and described in its history, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00066-00021718-00021960 including the impact of historical experience 5HwKoyKmhkU-00067-00021960-00022662 and racism, tribal culture worldview and traditions. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00068-00022662-00023067 Now, when I started out in-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00069-00023067-00023941 when I started out many years ago, I said to my-- no, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00070-00023941-00024088 I want to go back, OK? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00071-00024088-00024278 This is about losing-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00072-00024278-00024710 I'm going to get better go back to 1974. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00073-00024710-00025018 Yes, '74. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00074-00025018-00025425 I was just a stay-at-home mom, raising three daughters. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00075-00025425-00025841 We-- my husband had served in the service. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00076-00025841-00026001 And we bought a home in-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00077-00026001-00026299 which was Riverton Heights. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00078-00026299-00026464 It is now Tukwila. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00079-00026464-00026652 So we bought a home there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00080-00026652-00026845 So I'm just a stay-at-home-- my husband 5HwKoyKmhkU-00081-00026845-00027025 said you don't have to work. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00082-00027025-00027258 He went to work for the port of Seattle. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00083-00027258-00027406 And I just had to run the home. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00084-00027406-00027570 We bought a home. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00085-00027570-00027808 The kids went to school. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00086-00027808-00027931 And I just stayed at home. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00087-00027931-00028264 And I loved to cook, and garden, and all that good stuff. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00088-00028264-00028827 And my brother, my dear brother, who was fishing-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00089-00028827-00029044 that was his livelihood, to fish. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00090-00029044-00029205 And he was fishing in Duwamish River. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00091-00029205-00029489 Anybody know where the Duwamish River is? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00092-00029489-00029558 OK. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00093-00029558-00029677 Good. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00094-00029677-00029795 OK. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00095-00029795-00030089 That was his livelihood to support his family. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00096-00030089-00030548 He was married to a lady in Auburn. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00097-00030548-00031076 And so my cousins and my brother fish in the Duwamish River. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00098-00031076-00031364 Well, when they were fishing there in the '70s, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00099-00031364-00031708 the Department of Fisheries guys would stop him, and said, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00100-00031708-00032081 you can't fish, and told my brother, you can't fish here. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00101-00032081-00032318 And my brother said, I'm Duwamish. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00102-00032318-00032666 So they'd cite him, give them a ticket. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00103-00032666-00032954 And he would-- before he could see that guy coming, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00104-00032954-00033302 he was smart enough to throw his fish up in the bank. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00105-00033302-00033536 You know, hide them, so he could come back and get them, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00106-00033536-00033752 because to sell them, so he could 5HwKoyKmhkU-00107-00033752-00033986 have some money for his family. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00108-00033986-00034163 So he did that for a long time. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00109-00034163-00034481 And this one particular day, he showed up at my house, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00110-00034481-00034739 and he was just upset. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00111-00034739-00034918 We talked, and he calmed down. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00112-00034918-00035243 And on this particular day, he said to me, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00113-00035243-00035574 you know, you've got to get involved. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00114-00035574-00035779 I should do what? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00115-00035779-00035900 Because he just got a ticket. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00116-00035900-00036252 And he said, well, just go to a few meetings. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00117-00036252-00036539 Now this is 1974. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00118-00036539-00037034 And having not been involved in tribal business or anything, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00119-00037034-00037295 so I started going to-- we started meeting with 5HwKoyKmhkU-00120-00037295-00037998 the Department of Fisheries, meeting with other leaders, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00121-00037998-00038494 and then the former chair of the Duwamish tribe-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00122-00038494-00038655 his name was Willard Bill-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00123-00038655-00038920 would come to find out he was not only Duwamish, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00124-00038920-00039187 but he was Muckleshoot Ooh! 5HwKoyKmhkU-00125-00039187-00039331 That's where he's from. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00126-00039331-00039618 And I'll bring up about the Muckleshoot later. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00127-00039618-00040021 Anyway, so we start going to a lot of meetings. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00128-00040021-00040348 And then this is 1974, when the next thing-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00129-00040348-00040702 the following year, meeting with the former chair, who 5HwKoyKmhkU-00130-00040702-00040907 said he was going to resign. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00131-00040907-00041173 He wanted to go on to university and teach, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00132-00041173-00041356 because he was a teacher. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00133-00041356-00041789 I said, well, OK, so he handed me the chairmanship 5HwKoyKmhkU-00134-00041789-00042016 in an interim basis. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00135-00042016-00042280 And the following year, they had a meeting, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00136-00042280-00042440 and I was elected chair. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00137-00042440-00042706 Well, I don't-- what does that mean? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00138-00042706-00042905 So I said, oh my gosh! 5HwKoyKmhkU-00139-00042905-00043102 I'm a chairman of a tribe, but I don't 5HwKoyKmhkU-00140-00043102-00043222 know what I'm supposed to do. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00141-00043222-00043398 But I didn't tell nobody that. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00142-00043398-00043640 I didn't tell anybody that I didn't know what I was doing. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00143-00043640-00044035 But what I happened to find out was amazing if you-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00144-00044035-00044290 and this is what I learned-- so my brother said00 he's always 5HwKoyKmhkU-00145-00044290-00044437 telling me what to do, and he said, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00146-00044437-00044728 you have to go join Small Tribes of Western Washington. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00147-00044728-00045067 That is the organization where there was 30, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00148-00045067-00045199 40 tribes are joined. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00149-00045199-00045472 And there were small tribes up north 5HwKoyKmhkU-00150-00045472-00045985 that joined this organization to help them to do politically-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00151-00045985-00046336 and resources to help them, because they were small tribes. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00152-00046336-00046447 So I go-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00153-00046447-00046675 I joined STOWW. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00154-00046675-00046823 That's what they called it. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00155-00046823-00047127 And I thought to myself, you walk in there 5HwKoyKmhkU-00156-00047127-00047340 with the presence of do you know what you're doing? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00157-00047340-00047533 See, nobody knows what you're doing. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00158-00047533-00047679 They're not going to say, well, she 5HwKoyKmhkU-00159-00047679-00047804 doesn't know what she's doing. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00160-00047804-00048138 So I started going to these meetings. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00161-00048138-00048534 And But I thought the best way I'm going to learn anything-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00162-00048534-00048688 and it is good advice-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00163-00048688-00048946 just be quiet and listen, because I 5HwKoyKmhkU-00164-00048946-00049209 was with other tribes, who had been involved many years. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00165-00049209-00049372 And I thought, well, listening to them, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00166-00049372-00049600 I'll try to figure out what I'm supposed 5HwKoyKmhkU-00167-00049600-00050005 to be doing for my tribe, which is the Duwamish. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00168-00050005-00050452 I learned a lot, because these tribes that were involved in it 5HwKoyKmhkU-00169-00050452-00050902 still came from Oregon-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00170-00050902-00051277 at one time I was amazed to join this organization. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00171-00051277-00051619 But anyway there were marvelous leaders and delegates 5HwKoyKmhkU-00172-00051619-00051962 that came to join STOWW. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00173-00051962-00052265 And what I learned-- as I said, I listened, so-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00174-00052265-00052725 and then they created this organization 5HwKoyKmhkU-00175-00052725-00053034 for some non-reservations. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00176-00053034-00053337 In the meanwhile, getting back to the fishing thing, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00177-00053337-00053678 I said, oh my gosh! 5HwKoyKmhkU-00178-00053678-00053870 I'm going to-- and then we started dealing 5HwKoyKmhkU-00179-00053870-00053986 with the lack of fishing. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00180-00053986-00054482 What happened was-- is that we lost our right to fish. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00181-00054482-00054880 Does anybody know what the Judge Boldt case was? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00182-00054880-00054976 Few, a few of you know. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00183-00054976-00055432 Well, what happened was when we lost our right to fish, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00184-00055432-00055632 we went to court. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00185-00055632-00055921 In other words, other tribes that I was working with-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00186-00055921-00056473 and I'll name them here, if I can find a list here . 5HwKoyKmhkU-00187-00056473-00056749 The list of these tribes that I started 5HwKoyKmhkU-00188-00056749-00057708 working with was the Samish tribe, Snoqualmie, Snohomish, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00189-00057708-00057942 Steilacoom-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00190-00057942-00058109 let me see. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00191-00058109-00058417 Did I say the [INAUDIBLE] tribe, down south? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00192-00058417-00058589 The Chinook. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00193-00058589-00058937 It was about 70 tribes that I start working with. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00194-00058937-00059378 And we were all fighting for resources and fishing rights. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00195-00059378-00059720 In the meanwhile, what happened was, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00196-00059720-00060316 because we were fighting for fishing rights, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00197-00060316-00060572 we lost the right to fish. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00198-00060572-00060883 So what we decided to do, well, we'll 5HwKoyKmhkU-00199-00060883-00061272 just go tell the government who we are. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00200-00061272-00061822 In the meanwhile, they created this itinerary or these rules 5HwKoyKmhkU-00201-00061822-00062073 on how to prove who you are. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00202-00062073-00062388 I say today, after 40 some years, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00203-00062388-00062814 no person on the face of earth has to go prove who they are. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00204-00062814-00063026 I don't care where you come from. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00205-00063026-00063141 And I spoke-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00206-00063141-00063557 I just did a speech this last week-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00207-00063557-00063800 I don't care where you come from-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00208-00063800-00064214 Chinese, black, Indian people. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00209-00064214-00064763 I mean we have a ballpark of different people 5HwKoyKmhkU-00210-00064763-00064952 who now reside here. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00211-00064952-00065408 And why is it that Native Americans of the United States 5HwKoyKmhkU-00212-00065408-00065546 have to prove who they are? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00213-00065546-00065864 Oh, well, that's we did, because we wanted our fishing 5HwKoyKmhkU-00214-00065864-00066086 rights in the Duwamish River. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00215-00066086-00066635 So we started-- well, we got the rules 5HwKoyKmhkU-00216-00066635-00066998 from the Department of Interior, or the BIA, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00217-00066998-00067175 the Bureau of Indian Affairs. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00218-00067175-00067388 And they sent these criteria that we 5HwKoyKmhkU-00219-00067388-00067511 had to prove who we are. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00220-00068024-00068251 This is what we had to do. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00221-00068251-00068651 We started out in 1976 '77. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00222-00068651-00069041 We hired-- we had people, our elders, came out. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00223-00069041-00069458 They shared their stories about history a long time ago. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00224-00069458-00069674 We got historians that knew something 5HwKoyKmhkU-00225-00069674-00069974 about the city of Seattle. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00226-00069974-00070431 And they-- but this is what we had to do. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00227-00070431-00070776 This is really mind-boggling what they told us we had to do. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00228-00070776-00071007 So I'll name a few of things. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00229-00071007-00071241 The tribe has a distinct community 5HwKoyKmhkU-00230-00071241-00071472 since historical times. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00231-00071472-00071793 Tribal leaders have held continuous political authority 5HwKoyKmhkU-00232-00071793-00072141 over these members and since historical times. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00233-00072141-00072636 The tribe must have existing criteria for tribal membership. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00234-00072636-00073071 Tribal members must descend from the historical Indian tribe. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00235-00073071-00073275 Many tribal members must not already 5HwKoyKmhkU-00236-00073275-00073599 claim memberships in other federal recognized tribes. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00237-00073599-00073861 Well, I always think we always were recognized, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00238-00073861-00074181 and to lose our fishing rights-- which we did-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00239-00074181-00074365 meant we weren't recognized anymore. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00240-00074365-00074644 And we couldn't fish in the Duwamish River. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00241-00074999-00075331 It is the most endearing-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00242-00075331-00075605 not endearing-- disgusting process 5HwKoyKmhkU-00243-00075605-00075998 to prove who you are, because we worked 5HwKoyKmhkU-00244-00075998-00076646 from the '70s up to the '80s probably 10, 15 years, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00245-00076646-00077020 writing these petitions to prove who we are. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00246-00077020-00077278 And it was my-- and I just remembered myself-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00247-00077278-00077693 I said, oh, we'll just go get this petition prepared. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00248-00077693-00077900 We'll present it to the federal government. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00249-00077900-00078175 And we will get recognized in three years. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00250-00078563-00078679 Guess what happened? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00251-00078679-00078854 Well, I'm going to tell you what happened. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00252-00079181-00079610 OK, we started out in '76 or '77 our petition. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00253-00079610-00079862 We got a negative determination, which 5HwKoyKmhkU-00254-00079862-00079994 I don't know what that means. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00255-00079994-00080201 I have yet to find out what-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00256-00080201-00080477 why they sent this memo saying, well, you 5HwKoyKmhkU-00257-00080477-00080695 have a negative determination. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00258-00080695-00080753 OK. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00259-00080753-00081410 '76, '77-- in 2001, we get-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00260-00081410-00081562 I get a phone call. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00261-00081562-00081839 And the administration of the Clinton administration 5HwKoyKmhkU-00262-00081839-00082024 at my office. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00263-00082024-00082528 It was 6 o'clock in the evening, 9 o'clock back in DC, saying, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00264-00082528-00082787 we have decided to recognize you. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00265-00082787-00082907 Well, we get all excited. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00266-00082907-00083144 But that doesn't mean we got fishing rights. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00267-00083144-00083508 What we got-- we got, you know, that we 5HwKoyKmhkU-00268-00083508-00083712 were going to be recognized. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00269-00083712-00083792 So we're all upset. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00270-00083792-00084124 On Monday, I don't know where that memo is. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00271-00084124-00084267 We got this sick-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00272-00084267-00084637 it looked like it somebody dumped it in a puddle, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00273-00084637-00084850 and sent it to us. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00274-00084850-00085165 They put a delay. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00275-00085165-00085357 Or they took it away from us that Monday, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00276-00085357-00085573 and said everything's on hold. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00277-00085573-00086113 So that was 2001, and that year they took away the recognition 5HwKoyKmhkU-00278-00086113-00086424 that they gave us at that time. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00279-00086424-00087099 So today, from 2001, we're on appeal of that decision. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00280-00087099-00087489 But I'd like to tell you that, as I move around 5HwKoyKmhkU-00281-00087489-00087857 in different areas, that I'm saying, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00282-00087857-00088431 who has the right to not recognize the people of Chief 5HwKoyKmhkU-00283-00088431-00088665 Seattle, who-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00284-00088665-00088830 and I'll tell you about that-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00285-00088830-00089187 who was a friendly man in the 80s, and welcomed 5HwKoyKmhkU-00286-00089187-00089622 all the settlers to come in to the historical city. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00287-00089622-00090230 What we did was, when Governor Stevens showed up. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00288-00090230-00090421 They promised us many things. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00289-00090421-00090882 So our chief and our sub-chiefs, they signed a treaty. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00290-00090882-00091204 And this treaty, which guaranteed fishing rights-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00291-00091204-00091354 I'm back to the fishing rights-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00292-00091354-00091504 guaran-- hunting and fishing rights. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00293-00091504-00091768 Can you find an elk and a deer in and around here? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00294-00091768-00091990 Anybody seen one lately? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00295-00091990-00092218 Anybody go hunting for elk or deer? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00296-00092218-00092760 Well, we were supposed to retain our hunting and fishing rights. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00297-00092760-00092902 Gone. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00298-00092902-00093091 But anyway, we signed a treaty. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00299-00093091-00093445 And this treaty said, well, we promise you lots 5HwKoyKmhkU-00300-00093445-00093601 of money, even a pot of gold. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00301-00093601-00093800 I don't know what that means, because I've never 5HwKoyKmhkU-00302-00093800-00094030 seen this pot of gold that the federal government is 5HwKoyKmhkU-00303-00094030-00094171 going to hand us. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00304-00094171-00094619 So our chiefs and our sub-chiefs, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00305-00094619-00095256 they agree to this treaty, Point Elliott Treaty of 1855, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00306-00095256-00095682 and we signed up 54,000 acres, which is Seattle. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00307-00095682-00096075 This takes in this territory here, way up to north 5HwKoyKmhkU-00308-00096075-00096369 by the Lynwood and down south here-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00309-00096369-00096681 I think the border is like Des Moines or somewhere. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00310-00096681-00097014 And then the other side of Lake Washington-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00311-00097014-00097254 you don't want to infringe on this [INAUDIBLE] 5HwKoyKmhkU-00312-00097254-00097560 people, because they're on the other side, OK? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00313-00097560-00098187 And so we gave up 54,000 acres, guaranteed 5HwKoyKmhkU-00314-00098187-00098447 fishing and hunting, and promising 5HwKoyKmhkU-00315-00098447-00099378 education and medical, housing, a reservation. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00316-00099378-00099749 You all see a reservation for the Duwamish tribe? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00317-00099749-00099987 No. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00318-00099987-00100254 But I must say, I have to bring it up now to the present, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00319-00100254-00100737 because what we were able to do when 5HwKoyKmhkU-00320-00100737-00101043 we were waiting for this appeal on our recognition-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00321-00101043-00101250 a man and his wife approached me. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00322-00101250-00101508 And he said to me, he said, Cecile, he said, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00323-00101508-00101744 I would like to get you some land. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00324-00101744-00101950 I said, what? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00325-00101950-00102206 Because we had tried to find our own headquarters. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00326-00102206-00102523 We didn't have-- see, our elders a long time ago, they 5HwKoyKmhkU-00327-00102523-00102834 held their meetings and get-togethers in private homes. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00328-00102834-00103284 We're talking in the early 19-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00329-00103284-00103426 like the 18-- after the treaties-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00330-00103426-00103799 1855, and our people are leaders, and then after 1hat, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00331-00103799-00104050 1900s, where they were meeting in houses. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00332-00104050-00104208 So they never had a little place where 5HwKoyKmhkU-00333-00104208-00104396 they could call their own. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00334-00104396-00104789 So I decided, when I got with the chair, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00335-00104789-00104914 I said, we need our own place. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00336-00104914-00105214 So we had an office in Renton. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00337-00105214-00105338 We had an office in Byron. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00338-00105598-00105735 But every time-- and then we were 5HwKoyKmhkU-00339-00105735-00105979 going to have our own headquarters at Fort Dent. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00340-00105979-00106208 You know where Fort Dent is-- it's a beautiful park. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00341-00106208-00106328 Everybody know where that is? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00342-00106328-00106408 Fort Dent? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00343-00106408-00106578 What? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00344-00106578-00106628 Thank you. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00345-00106628-00106886 They know. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00346-00106886-00107258 Fort Dent-- that's where they play all kinds of sports. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00347-00107258-00107425 It's by the river there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00348-00107425-00107741 And it's just-- if you know where south center is-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00349-00107741-00107858 know where south center is? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00350-00107858-00108149 Well, just go around a corner, and there it is, over there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00351-00108149-00108350 Well, we had an architect that was going 5HwKoyKmhkU-00352-00108350-00108590 to build us a headquarters. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00353-00108590-00108911 And when we got-- we were going through this process-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00354-00108911-00109080 one of my tribal members-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00355-00109080-00109251 and the lady that worked for me-- we were 5HwKoyKmhkU-00356-00109251-00109379 going through this process. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00357-00109379-00109451 It was weeks. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00358-00109451-00109652 And we were going to meetings. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00359-00109652-00110116 The next thing I know, we were meeting with the lawyers. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00360-00110116-00110275 We have a lawyer. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00361-00110275-00110557 And the lawyers said to us, well, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00362-00110557-00110851 even if you were to have this headquarters there, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00363-00110851-00111004 you'll never own it. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00364-00111004-00111166 I said the deal is over. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00365-00111166-00111604 If we build a complex, which is our headquarters, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00366-00111604-00111793 we want the place to be ours. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00367-00111793-00111946 Well, it happened-- what happened-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00368-00111946-00112468 what the deal was is that that park belonged to the city. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00369-00112468-00112830 And they would not give the land to us. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00370-00112830-00112939 But that's OK. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00371-00112939-00113121 Now getting back to old George-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00372-00113121-00113341 George is my friend, who said, I'm 5HwKoyKmhkU-00373-00113341-00113475 going to help you get some land. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00374-00113475-00113676 Well, we-- I was kind of disappointed. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00375-00113676-00113909 But I didn't want to display-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00376-00113909-00114216 his offer-- I said, OK. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00377-00114216-00114750 He not only found us a little piece of land, 2/3 of an acre, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00378-00114750-00115080 he put the first $10,000 down. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00379-00115080-00115257 Now that's a friend. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00380-00115257-00115752 So we just geared up, and we start raising money-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00381-00115752-00116326 2/3 of an acre next to the Duwamish River. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00382-00116326-00116416 That was great. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00383-00116416-00116806 Now I say to wit, and you could take this wisdom, if you want. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00384-00116806-00116920 If you want to believe me. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00385-00116920-00117220 There is no coincidence of the two places 5HwKoyKmhkU-00386-00117220-00117373 we tried to find our headquarters 5HwKoyKmhkU-00387-00117373-00117810 we end up by the river, by historical villages, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00388-00117810-00117976 right across the street. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00389-00117976-00118410 So we raised the money, paid for the land-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00390-00118410-00118893 I think that 2/3 of an acre was over $250,000. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00391-00118893-00119217 Remember, we gave up 54,000 acres. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00392-00119217-00119457 We didn't get a little rez, but we got now, I 5HwKoyKmhkU-00393-00119457-00119786 like to say, 2/3 of an acre. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00394-00119786-00119933 And that's great. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00395-00119933-00120418 Well, we-- I have a friend who is an architect. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00396-00120418-00120669 He's a member of the Blackfeet. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00397-00120669-00121034 He was a local person who lived here. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00398-00121034-00121308 He designed our longhouse. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00399-00121308-00121663 And we raised the money for that. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00400-00121663-00121891 It took us about five or six years, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00401-00121891-00122194 because we don't get no money from the federal government. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00402-00122194-00122413 And we were able to raise over $3 million 5HwKoyKmhkU-00403-00122413-00122692 to build our longhouse. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00404-00122692-00123076 So we now have our own longhouse and our cultural center 5HwKoyKmhkU-00405-00123076-00123190 on the Duwamish-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00406-00123190-00123355 next to the Duwamish River. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00407-00123355-00123595 And then we have people who advocate 5HwKoyKmhkU-00408-00123595-00124069 to clean up the Duwamish River, because it's polluted. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00409-00124069-00124389 And I want to let you know who is able to fish in that river-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00410-00124389-00124608 today it's the Muckleshoots. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00411-00124608-00124975 Now the Muckleshoots have a beautiful reservation, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00412-00124975-00125281 lots of casinos, bingo halls, and dat-da-da-da-da. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00413-00125281-00125759 Da But they never signed a treaty. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00414-00125759-00125967 Never signed a treaty. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00415-00125967-00126209 So I have a little-- it's my hidden agenda 5HwKoyKmhkU-00416-00126209-00126444 to just be a little irritated that they're 5HwKoyKmhkU-00417-00126444-00126873 able to fish in the Duwamish River, and we're not! 5HwKoyKmhkU-00418-00126873-00127034 Excuse me. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00419-00127034-00127200 I hit my microphone. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00420-00127200-00127393 But that's the deal. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00421-00127393-00128324 So-- and-- one thing about political stuff, I was told-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00422-00128324-00128717 and I don't even have to even reach out to what's going on, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00423-00128717-00128876 because people will call. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00424-00128876-00128999 We got this message-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00425-00128999-00129515 the reason that we're not able to get recognition 5HwKoyKmhkU-00426-00129515-00129674 is that there's tribes that don't 5HwKoyKmhkU-00427-00129674-00129908 want us to have recognition. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00428-00129908-00130031 And you know why? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00429-00130031-00130142 I'll tell you. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00430-00130142-00130296 They think we want to build a casino. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00431-00130586-00130709 And I said, yeah, we do. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00432-00130709-00130830 I'm going to tell you where-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00433-00130830-00131223 I'm joking, because I'm always joking-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00434-00131223-00131464 I said, we want a casino in the middle of Elliott 5HwKoyKmhkU-00435-00131464-00131964 Bay, a beautiful ship. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00436-00131964-00132420 And the ferry's going to move over. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00437-00132420-00132672 But I think that's wonderful, because I remember when 5HwKoyKmhkU-00438-00132672-00133107 the Puyallups had their-- they had a casino-- it was kind of-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00439-00133107-00133269 before they even had it-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00440-00133269-00133451 big giant casinos all over the place. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00441-00133451-00133614 They had one that was kind of set back, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00442-00133614-00134013 but it was a big ship that they brought from somewhere. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00443-00134013-00134272 And their casino-- it was a beautiful place. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00444-00134272-00134418 But the thing that really irritates 5HwKoyKmhkU-00445-00134418-00135102 me is that to oppose us was because we want a casino. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00446-00135102-00135517 Never in my involvement in 40 years did my council vote-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00447-00135517-00135747 well, the reason we want recognition is we 5HwKoyKmhkU-00448-00135747-00135924 want a casino. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00449-00135924-00136158 But my daughter, who works in the office, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00450-00136158-00136456 said, you know, Mom, if we ever got 5HwKoyKmhkU-00451-00136456-00136968 acknowledged, we have the right, because we've got sovereignty. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00452-00136968-00137226 And we can have a casino. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00453-00137226-00137601 But I always applaud these beautiful tribes 5HwKoyKmhkU-00454-00137601-00137876 all over the place who have casinos. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00455-00137876-00138081 If they're doing good for their people, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00456-00138081-00138267 I find nothing wrong with that. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00457-00138267-00138605 But if they're not cleaning up the drugs, and the suicide, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00458-00138605-00138844 and everything else that have gone back, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00459-00138844-00139369 then I do not applaud them in any shape or form. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00460-00139369-00139570 And you can get upset with me. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00461-00139570-00139914 But that's how I feel, because you can do good with your money 5HwKoyKmhkU-00462-00139914-00140086 if you're making a lot of it. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00463-00140086-00140396 And they have a lot of casinos. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00464-00140396-00140536 I mean look at the Puyallups. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00465-00140536-00140878 Now I'm going to get back to the tribes who oppose us-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00466-00140878-00141273 Muckleshoot, Puyallup-- they don't have anything-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00467-00141273-00141501 the Puyallup tribe-- they don't have anything, right? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00468-00141501-00141606 But they oppose us. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00469-00141862-00142025 What's the other tribe? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00470-00142025-00142136 Oh. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00471-00142136-00142437 We share the same chief, the Suquamish. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00472-00142437-00142736 I'm part Suquamish. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00473-00142736-00143066 And their leader said, we can't support the Duwamish. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00474-00143066-00143451 But I don't know if he's Snoqualmie or-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00475-00143451-00143708 I mean I don't know if he's Suquamish or what is he-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00476-00143708-00143929 but he opposes us. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00477-00143929-00144266 And it's the reason that we might get a casino. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00478-00144266-00144439 The other tribe is-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00479-00144439-00144677 there's three tribes-- four tribes-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00480-00144677-00145204 oh, Snoqualmie-- not Nisqually, they support us-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00481-00145204-00145397 well, I forgot that one. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00482-00145397-00145586 But there's these tribes that oppose us 5HwKoyKmhkU-00483-00145586-00145722 because we want a casino. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00484-00145722-00146141 That's ridiculous, because we do so much 5HwKoyKmhkU-00485-00146141-00146487 better than these tribes who do have casinos. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00486-00146487-00146639 And like I said, I applaud them. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00487-00146639-00146798 But if they're not good and doing good 5HwKoyKmhkU-00488-00146798-00147245 for their families or their resources to help other tribes, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00489-00147245-00147508 then forget it. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00490-00147508-00147631 But I don't forget it. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00491-00147631-00147975 But I don't forget that, but anyway-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00492-00148506-00149112 The tribes that were fighting for recognition at that time 5HwKoyKmhkU-00493-00149112-00149514 was the Samish, Snoqualmie, the Steilacoom-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00494-00149514-00149801 anybody know where the Steilacoom is? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00495-00149801-00150123 They're still surviving. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00496-00150123-00150422 The Snohomish, which is up north-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00497-00150422-00150675 well, they said, oh, they just went to the Tulalip. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00498-00150675-00150975 Oh, that's the other tribe-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00499-00150975-00151519 Tulalip, Muckleshoot, Puyallup and Suquamish. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00500-00151519-00151821 And I don't want you to tell anybody, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00501-00151821-00151956 but I was born in Tulalip. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00502-00152239-00152506 Well, you know, you don't choose your parents. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00503-00152506-00152709 Do you choose your parents? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00504-00152709-00152818 No, no, no. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00505-00152818-00153184 But that was-- oh, they had an Indian hospital there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00506-00153184-00153451 And that's where the moms went to have their babies. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00507-00153451-00153731 And my sister and I were born in Tulalip. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00508-00153731-00154048 Well, the Tulalip people, who never signed a treaty, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00509-00154048-00154507 oppose the Duwamish tribe on fishing and acknowledgment. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00510-00154507-00154682 I don't get it. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00511-00154682-00155086 I mean, I came back from DC one time, and they said, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00512-00155086-00155482 well, somebody back in-- was at this big meeting, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00513-00155482-00155947 and he said, go back, and ask the tribes why they oppose you. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00514-00155947-00156261 And so we all went-- there was a bunch 5HwKoyKmhkU-00515-00156261-00156406 of us tribes-- we went to Tulalip 5HwKoyKmhkU-00516-00156406-00156709 and met in their community center. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00517-00156709-00156942 And they said, well-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00518-00156942-00157246 they said it was because of fishing. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00519-00157246-00157371 Well, I don't understand that. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00520-00157371-00157531 It didn't make sense what they said. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00521-00157531-00157776 But you know, when people testify-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00522-00157776-00158460 or they try to, you know, lie or fudge the truth, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00523-00158460-00158604 they'll say anything. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00524-00158604-00158751 But it was the fishing. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00525-00158751-00158970 But then on the other hand, I think 5HwKoyKmhkU-00526-00158970-00159132 that the tribes in the Puget Sound 5HwKoyKmhkU-00527-00159132-00159420 should be advocating and restoring the fishing, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00528-00159420-00159633 because I hear so many stories that we're 5HwKoyKmhkU-00529-00159633-00159908 losing our fishing and our whales, and all that stuff. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00530-00159908-00160164 Not that we eat whale, do we? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00531-00160164-00160320 None of us eat whales. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00532-00160320-00161013 But anyway, that's really sad that these four tribes 5HwKoyKmhkU-00533-00161013-00161146 have to oppose the Duwamish. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00534-00161403-00161604 And it's because of the money. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00535-00161604-00161950 Well, I speak out, I said I think it's greed, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00536-00161950-00162182 but don't they have enough money? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00537-00162182-00162448 And I was just talking to this lady there about Muckleshoot. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00538-00162448-00162670 Well, that's the reason I am not really 5HwKoyKmhkU-00539-00162670-00162959 in love with the Muckleshoot leadership, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00540-00162959-00163499 because my brother married a gal from Auburn, and you know what? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00541-00163499-00163859 She was Muckleshoot. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00542-00163859-00164124 But I love my sister-in-law. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00543-00164124-00164712 But anyway-- and then my three nephews and my niece, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00544-00164712-00164838 they're Muckleshoot. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00545-00164838-00165138 But they are very outspoken as supporting 5HwKoyKmhkU-00546-00165138-00165297 their poor old aunt, who has been 5HwKoyKmhkU-00547-00165297-00165607 trying to correct the justice. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00548-00165607-00166020 But that was the reason I don't hate these people. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00549-00166020-00166236 But I don't understand their theory, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00550-00166236-00166647 because it is the casino and money, which is unfortunate. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00551-00166647-00167133 Anyway, the other tribe would be Jamestown S'Klallam. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00552-00167133-00167322 You know where that is? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00553-00167322-00167592 It's-- that's way over there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00554-00167592-00167844 Well, you have to go north, but you have to go that way. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00555-00167844-00168417 And they call it [INAUDIBLE] It's really 5HwKoyKmhkU-00556-00168417-00168923 amazing that the political warfare 5HwKoyKmhkU-00557-00168923-00169400 that we go through in trying to correct the injustice that 5HwKoyKmhkU-00558-00169400-00169799 has been dealt, not only to our tribe but other tribes. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00559-00169799-00169964 Now what happened here-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00560-00170270-00170549 when I was running around with all these tribes, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00561-00170549-00170849 going back to DC, and testifying and going 5HwKoyKmhkU-00562-00170849-00171407 to different native organizations, where 5HwKoyKmhkU-00563-00171407-00171557 we advocate for each other. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00564-00171853-00172041 And then the next thing, the press knows. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00565-00172041-00172315 See, some of these tribes get recognized-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00566-00172315-00172806 the Samish tribe, Snoqualmie-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00567-00172806-00173049 oh, one time I was at a tribal meeting-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00568-00173049-00173272 I'll tell you this story. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00569-00173272-00173615 And he said, I have to talk to you Cecile. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00570-00173615-00173965 And this is the chairman of the Samish tribe-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00571-00173965-00174229 because we're asking for support of all these tribes 5HwKoyKmhkU-00572-00174229-00174460 to support us on our acknowledging process. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00573-00174460-00174640 He said, the reason I can't-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00574-00174640-00175155 the reason I can't support you, Cecile, is our machines are-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00575-00175155-00175344 they got-- they don't have a casino, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00576-00175344-00175485 but they've got machines-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00577-00175485-00175755 so we can't speak up, because they'll take the machines away 5HwKoyKmhkU-00578-00175755-00175833 from us. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00579-00175833-00176208 I suppose the machines were down in Muckleshoot or whatever. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00580-00176208-00176658 And I thought, well, that's not very nice. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00581-00176658-00177166 I mean he's got casino machines, but he said, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00582-00177166-00177309 I can't speak up for you. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00583-00177309-00177798 So he turned his back on me So the Snoqualmies-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00584-00177798-00177962 they're doing quite well. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00585-00177962-00178083 Anybody went to their casino? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00586-00178487-00178537 OK. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00587-00178995-00179112 It's OK. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00588-00179112-00179340 It's OK. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00589-00179340-00179469 It's OK. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00590-00179469-00179757 No, I've been up there, because the meter is up there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00591-00179757-00179835 We went up there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00592-00179835-00180213 We had a birthday party for one of my-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00593-00180213-00180702 we had lunch up there in their beautiful casino there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00594-00180702-00180853 But, yeah, I've been there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00595-00180853-00181110 And the Casino people are my friends. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00596-00181110-00181302 But they're busy. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00597-00181302-00181521 They're busy trying to make a casino, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00598-00181521-00181746 and they're trying to run that beautiful city. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00599-00181746-00181847 It's really wonderful. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00600-00181847-00182067 If you ever get a chance, not to gamble, go up there, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00601-00182067-00182184 and have lunch. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00602-00182184-00182400 I mean, I'm telling you, It's really, really nice. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00603-00182400-00182685 And even though she went there-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00604-00182685-00182847 I think-- is she the only one that-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00605-00182847-00183053 did you go up there, too? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00606-00183053-00183103 Yeah. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00607-00183103-00183185 It's very nice. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00608-00183185-00183235 Yeah. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00609-00183488-00183930 Jamestown S'Klallam-- now the chairman of that tribe-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00610-00183930-00184410 he's been there, and he said, I support the Duwamish, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00611-00184410-00184719 but they don't advocate for us. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00612-00184719-00184875 I think the point I'm trying to say 5HwKoyKmhkU-00613-00184875-00185346 that, politically, these people have a lot of ammunition-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00614-00185346-00185590 that they can speak up on behalf of the tribe who 5HwKoyKmhkU-00615-00185590-00185955 is suffering the injustices of being not recognized. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00616-00185955-00186450 Anyway the Cowlitz-- the Cowlitz tribe-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00617-00186450-00186736 and on my father's side, he's part Cowlitz. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00618-00186736-00187110 And those people got recognized, and I guess 5HwKoyKmhkU-00619-00187110-00187241 are building a casino, too. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00620-00187241-00187350 I haven't been down there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00621-00187350-00187593 But I used to see those people, when 5HwKoyKmhkU-00622-00187593-00187853 they came to our STOWW meeting. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00623-00187853-00188207 Well, that's OK. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00624-00188207-00188486 But I guess the point I'm trying to make here 5HwKoyKmhkU-00625-00188486-00188963 is that they got recognized, and then they went like this. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00626-00188963-00189129 And they turned their back on people 5HwKoyKmhkU-00627-00189129-00189303 who are still struggling. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00628-00189303-00189555 And I'm telling you who is still struggling is this-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00629-00189555-00190240 Snohomish, the Steilacoom, Duwamish, Chinook. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00630-00190240-00190411 And there's another thing I would suggest 5HwKoyKmhkU-00631-00190411-00190744 to you that says a lot-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00632-00190744-00191116 has anybody seen "The Promised Land"? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00633-00191116-00191201 OK. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00634-00191201-00191492 I think you better get the film and show it, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00635-00191492-00191884 because it's about Duwamish and Chinook 5HwKoyKmhkU-00636-00191884-00192086 struggle on recognition. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00637-00192086-00192484 The Chinook tribe got recognized before we 5HwKoyKmhkU-00638-00192484-00192842 did, was invited to the White House, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00639-00192842-00193233 had lunch with all those dignitaries, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00640-00193233-00193584 and they were delighted. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00641-00193584-00193821 The chairman and his wife were walking downtown 5HwKoyKmhkU-00642-00193821-00194109 after the luncheon, and somebody called him on the phone 5HwKoyKmhkU-00643-00194109-00194503 and said, we're taking away your recognition. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00644-00194503-00194633 So they took their recognition. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00645-00194633-00194810 So they're struggling, just like we 5HwKoyKmhkU-00646-00194810-00195231 are, to get their acknowledgment back. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00647-00195231-00195674 The Chinook and this film, "The Promised Land"-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00648-00195674-00195926 I'm not sure about the title, but it's 5HwKoyKmhkU-00649-00195926-00196403 about these two tribes trying to seek acknowledgment. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00650-00196403-00196743 And so anyway, and then I just heard this week 5HwKoyKmhkU-00651-00196743-00197094 that this film has been shown all over the place. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00652-00197094-00197445 But now I hear that they're working on this film 5HwKoyKmhkU-00653-00197445-00197831 going back to the Smithsonian, which is in DC. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00654-00198151-00198316 So to get the money to [INAUDIBLE].. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00655-00198316-00198586 I don't know if I want to go back to DC. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00656-00198586-00198736 But you know where I went? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00657-00198736-00198928 This is really marvelous. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00658-00198928-00199228 They've shown "The Promised Land" in Hollywood. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00659-00199228-00199567 I said, OK, we're going. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00660-00199567-00200017 So they took the film to Hollywood. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00661-00200017-00200239 A bunch of us flew down to Hollywood, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00662-00200239-00200419 because I'd never been there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00663-00200419-00200536 And we stayed there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00664-00200536-00200646 And they showed the film. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00665-00200646-00200858 We flew in on Sunday. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00666-00200858-00201067 They showed the film that night, and we flew home. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00667-00201067-00201322 But I can say I've been to Hollywood. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00668-00201322-00201607 And it was quite nice, because what had happened, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00669-00201607-00201997 it was being shown by a Native American festival, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00670-00201997-00202445 and they won a little award for being shown down in Hollywood. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00671-00202445-00202562 So I thought, hooray! 5HwKoyKmhkU-00672-00202562-00202678 Hooray! 5HwKoyKmhkU-00673-00202678-00202963 Now it's marvelous that they're working 5HwKoyKmhkU-00674-00202963-00203272 on it-- that the Smithsonian wants to see this film. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00675-00203272-00203431 And I just want to suggest that if you 5HwKoyKmhkU-00676-00203431-00203911 want to see the struggle of people acknowledgment-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00677-00203911-00204244 "The Promised Land"-- and I don't know where 5HwKoyKmhkU-00678-00204244-00204365 you're going to get the film. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00679-00204365-00204506 But maybe you can call my office, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00680-00204506-00204697 and somebody knows where you can get the film, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00681-00204697-00204963 so that you could show it maybe to some of your classes. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00682-00204963-00205479 And it's about the struggle of these two tribes. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00683-00205479-00205740 Anyway I was going to throw that at the end of my speech, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00684-00205740-00206055 but I got called away. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00685-00206055-00206404 Because, you know, I don't like me in it. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00686-00206404-00206661 But there's a lot of marvelous people 5HwKoyKmhkU-00687-00206661-00207075 that they're interviewing on the acknowledgment recognition. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00688-00207075-00207423 And I think that you might have a little bit of understanding 5HwKoyKmhkU-00689-00207423-00207719 of the speakers, speaking from the Chinook, their people-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00690-00207719-00208053 the people that talk about it, and people from our tribe, too. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00691-00208417-00208623 Anyway, let me see. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00692-00208623-00208931 What else did I want to share with you? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00693-00209346-00209625 One thing that we're doing today, because we have to, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00694-00209625-00209919 is without acknowledgement, we don't get no federal money 5HwKoyKmhkU-00695-00209919-00210269 from the DC authorities. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00696-00210269-00210714 And we're now in the midst of-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00697-00210714-00210973 especially when it's 2018-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00698-00210973-00211167 where we're trying to raise the money 5HwKoyKmhkU-00699-00211167-00211323 to maintain our longhouse. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00700-00211323-00211704 And has anybody been to our longhouse? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00701-00211704-00211866 Wonderful. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00702-00211866-00212016 Well, you ought to come on Saturday. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00703-00212016-00212128 We're having an open house. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00704-00212128-00212565 It will be our 9th or 10th anniversary of being open. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00705-00212565-00212694 So show up. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00706-00212694-00213000 And my daughter said, Mom, you should bake some cookies. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00707-00213000-00213108 I said OK. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00708-00213108-00213330 I might bake some cookies. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00709-00213330-00213596 But all it is is an open house. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00710-00213596-00213879 And one other thing-- oh, good thing I brought it up-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00711-00213879-00214185 one of the things I think at noon or 2 o'clock, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00712-00214185-00214430 they're going to show "The Promised Land." 5HwKoyKmhkU-00713-00214430-00214604 It's about two hours. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00714-00214604-00214928 So just drop by, and just say that you 5HwKoyKmhkU-00715-00214928-00215146 came to see the longhouse. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00716-00215146-00215276 And it is open house. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00717-00215276-00215558 And there's not going to be anything, you know-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00718-00215558-00215645 a heavy schedule. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00719-00215645-00215767 It's just come in. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00720-00215767-00215988 And "The Promised Land" is going to be showing. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00721-00215988-00216339 We're going to serve a little coffee, tea, and whatever. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00722-00216339-00216476 And come join us. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00723-00216476-00216571 You don't have to stay. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00724-00216571-00216894 Just drop by, sign your name, and leave some money. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00725-00217350-00217475 No, I'm just teasing. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00726-00217769-00218069 Well, because we have to maintain our longhouse. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00727-00218069-00218373 Everything costs money. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00728-00218373-00218848 And another terrible thing had happened before Christmas. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00729-00218848-00219100 Evidently, because we were so busy-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00730-00219100-00219517 I'm busy-- my only job is to advocate on this acknowledgment 5HwKoyKmhkU-00731-00219517-00219744 and recognition process. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00732-00219744-00220042 Now you know that when something goes wrong, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00733-00220042-00220225 something goes wrong. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00734-00220225-00220671 Well, our electricity and our heating went off. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00735-00220671-00220855 Our refrigerator quit. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00736-00220855-00220978 We didn't have no light. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00737-00220978-00221269 I mean anything that was going to happen quit. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00738-00221269-00221452 And then one of our tribal members, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00739-00221452-00221662 which I question their intelligence, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00740-00221662-00221946 had a wedding on a day there was no heating, no lights. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00741-00222429-00222830 But she wanted to have her wedding there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00742-00222830-00223117 And they said that-- they were joking around later-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00743-00223117-00223430 they said if I showed up, I was going to kick everybody out. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00744-00223430-00223544 I did call back. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00745-00223544-00223790 I said, there is no heating, there is no lights, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00746-00223790-00224081 and you're having a wedding in the longhouse? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00747-00224081-00224306 And so they kind of hurried along, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00748-00224306-00224551 because they knew that if I came down there, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00749-00224551-00224709 I was going to kick everybody out. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00750-00224709-00225155 The reason being-- well, no, you can't do that, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00751-00225155-00225448 because we might get in trouble. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00752-00225448-00225806 But I felt bad that she wanted to have her wedding there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00753-00225806-00226021 And so she had her wedding. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00754-00226021-00226112 And it was dark. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00755-00226112-00226385 And they were trying to pick up their stuff, and get out. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00756-00226385-00226929 And, you know, well, a month ago, it was dark at 4 o'clock. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00757-00226929-00227117 So they were still there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00758-00227117-00227390 I'm telling you, the intelligence of these people, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00759-00227390-00227633 but I hope that-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00760-00227633-00227954 I'm hoping that she's happy now that she's married, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00761-00227954-00228167 and that she was married in the longhouse. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00762-00228167-00228421 And I'll just encourage you that we have lights now. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00763-00228421-00228534 And we have heat. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00764-00228534-00228796 And come on over. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00765-00228796-00228928 Yeah. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00766-00228928-00229326 Anyway-- so anyway, we're actively always raising money. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00767-00229326-00229517 And I am amazed. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00768-00229517-00229773 If I'm there-- because I only work part time. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00769-00229773-00230165 I come in there and try to take care of business for the tribe. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00770-00230165-00230480 And I'm amazed when I come out in the lobby, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00771-00230480-00230917 there's people that come from all over the United States 5HwKoyKmhkU-00772-00230917-00231119 and all over the world. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00773-00231119-00231332 I can't believe it, and I said, how do you find it? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00774-00231332-00231557 They said that they catch a cab. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00775-00231557-00231716 Or they come from an airport. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00776-00231716-00231959 Or they're coming back, and they're going to wherever, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00777-00231959-00232133 but they had to come here. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00778-00232133-00232529 And I'm always so happy that they come and find us. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00779-00232529-00233030 So there is no excuse to come to our longhouse 5HwKoyKmhkU-00780-00233030-00233417 on Saturday to say hello, because I can't believe it. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00781-00233417-00233642 So they hear about us. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00782-00233642-00233858 And I just applaud these wonderful people, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00783-00233858-00234073 who travel all over the world, and then 5HwKoyKmhkU-00784-00234073-00234271 come over to us by the Duwamish River, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00785-00234271-00234496 to our cultural center to visit us-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00786-00234496-00234880 and not because they're curious. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00787-00234880-00235146 And I find that the European people 5HwKoyKmhkU-00788-00235146-00235405 are more curious about the history of the United States 5HwKoyKmhkU-00789-00235405-00235563 than we are. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00790-00235563-00235896 And we should be a little better than them. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00791-00235896-00235994 But we're not. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00792-00235994-00236289 But I think isn't it amazing that they 5HwKoyKmhkU-00793-00236289-00236442 care about the history of the United 5HwKoyKmhkU-00794-00236442-00236625 States and the native people. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00795-00236625-00236766 And they do. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00796-00236766-00237141 And anyway-- but like I said, we're 5HwKoyKmhkU-00797-00237141-00237409 always trying to raise money. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00798-00237409-00238003 And we've-- well, one of our people left. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00799-00238003-00238246 And so we're raising money, because we need more staff 5HwKoyKmhkU-00800-00238246-00238363 people. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00801-00238363-00238576 We have a lot of wonderful volunteers 5HwKoyKmhkU-00802-00238576-00238714 that come and help us. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00803-00238714-00238940 And I was just told we have a lot of volunteers 5HwKoyKmhkU-00804-00238940-00239067 that are coming on Saturday. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00805-00239067-00239433 But actually the volunteers that are 5HwKoyKmhkU-00806-00239433-00239710 going to come on Saturday, on our open house, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00807-00239710-00239965 they really are not going to be doing too much, because we're 5HwKoyKmhkU-00808-00239965-00240166 not cooking, unless they want to serve 5HwKoyKmhkU-00809-00240166-00240391 a tray of cookies or something. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00810-00240391-00240715 And make sure there's enough coffee, and tea, and juice. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00811-00240715-00240883 I think we should have some punch, too. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00812-00240883-00241156 But I'm just encouraging you guys to drop by. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00813-00241156-00241306 If you've never been in a longhouse, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00814-00241306-00241828 you've got to come, and join us for the day. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00815-00241828-00242140 Let me see now. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00816-00242140-00242400 And as I always say to everybody that-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00817-00242668-00243210 that even though people don't think we exist, and somebody 5HwKoyKmhkU-00818-00243210-00243492 needs to find this out, because you guys are going to college, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00819-00243492-00243882 because I read just the other day that the federal government 5HwKoyKmhkU-00820-00243882-00244287 does not honor any treaty in the United States. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00821-00244287-00244635 So the Point Elliott Treaty of 1855 is not honored. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00822-00244635-00244728 All right. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00823-00244728-00244877 Some get the benefits. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00824-00244877-00244965 Some are recognized. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00825-00244965-00245313 But I'm telling you, if we were the first signers of the Point 5HwKoyKmhkU-00826-00245313-00245604 Elliott Treaty in 1855, and then we lost everything. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00827-00245604-00245826 And they really got resources after us, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00828-00245826-00246010 there's something wrong. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00829-00246010-00246194 So-- but they said the Point Elliott treaty, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00830-00246194-00246503 and I called the Department of Justice 5HwKoyKmhkU-00831-00246503-00246887 to see how come nobody is realizing 5HwKoyKmhkU-00832-00246887-00247178 that we do have a treaty? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00833-00247178-00247679 And why isn't our tribe being fully recognized 5HwKoyKmhkU-00834-00247679-00248098 by the federal government, by giving up so much? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00835-00248098-00248248 And it's not fair. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00836-00248248-00248701 But not fair is not fair, I guess. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00837-00248701-00248925 But I'm telling you, as I always tell it, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00838-00248925-00249109 we're still here, because our people are not 5HwKoyKmhkU-00839-00249109-00249286 sitting on a reservation. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00840-00249286-00249487 But they're all over the place. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00841-00249487-00249798 And we're pretty close to 600 people. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00842-00249798-00250366 Well, and when my brother was fishing, and my cousin 5HwKoyKmhkU-00843-00250366-00250555 and a lot of people in the tribe went fishing 5HwKoyKmhkU-00844-00250555-00250762 in the Duwamish River-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00845-00250762-00250990 my brother joined the Suquamish tribe, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00846-00250990-00251107 because he could fish there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00847-00251107-00251504 And we got the descendancy, because my grandma is-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00848-00251504-00251740 and Chief Si'ahl was buried over there-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00849-00251740-00252117 and my grandma-- so we're part Suquamish, too-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00850-00252117-00252669 that they can fish in the waters. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00851-00252669-00253221 And that's good, because we-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00852-00253221-00253339 well, I encourage it. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00853-00253339-00253483 In fact, I encourage it. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00854-00253483-00253915 If you could sign up with another tribe, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00855-00253915-00254137 and join them for fishing rights, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00856-00254137-00254500 then go, because they'd like to send-- you know, they said, oh, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00857-00254500-00254692 everybody left Duwamish tribe. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00858-00254692-00254788 No. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00859-00254788-00255208 The point I'm trying to tell you is the Duwamish are still here. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00860-00255208-00255419 We're still here. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00861-00255419-00255689 But I'm writing my book. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00862-00255689-00255979 I've been writing my book for 40 years. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00863-00255979-00256507 I would like to complete my book for the Duwamish tribe, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00864-00256507-00256739 and then just give us back our acknowledgement, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00865-00256739-00257002 so that I can retire to finish my book. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00866-00257002-00257413 I was trying to-- it's about this big stuff that I wrote. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00867-00257413-00257713 But you have to put it in book form. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00868-00257713-00258192 So anyway-- and then I can sell the book, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00869-00258192-00258496 get a little bit of the pot, and give the rest to the tribe. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00870-00258496-00258925 Anyway, I've tried to kind of involve 5HwKoyKmhkU-00871-00258925-00259369 part of or our whole tribe. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00872-00259369-00259687 But Duwamish means the "people of the inside," 5HwKoyKmhkU-00873-00259687-00259880 and we're still here. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00874-00259880-00260027 And that's it. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00875-00260027-00260619 [APPLAUSE] 5HwKoyKmhkU-00876-00261559-00261844 Hello, and thank you for being here, and sharing with us 5HwKoyKmhkU-00877-00261844-00262042 all of these beautiful experiences 5HwKoyKmhkU-00878-00262042-00262437 that you have, but also the ones that they are not good. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00879-00262437-00262625 I would like to know, you mentioned something 5HwKoyKmhkU-00880-00262625-00262802 about education. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00881-00262802-00263153 What part of the deal, of the trial 5HwKoyKmhkU-00882-00263153-00263554 they respect about education for your people? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00883-00263554-00263954 And what would you like to see more for your children 5HwKoyKmhkU-00884-00263954-00264153 about education? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00885-00264153-00264339 Education is very important. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00886-00264339-00264689 Well, I just told this story to our lovely lady over here. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00887-00264689-00264972 Education is very important. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00888-00264972-00265258 My mother, who is living on Queen Anne, came to me. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00889-00265258-00265421 And she said, I'm going back to school. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00890-00265421-00265698 Mom was 50 years old. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00891-00265698-00265983 So she went to Seattle U, and she got a deg-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00892-00265983-00266327 she was studying medicine, because she liked nursing. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00893-00266327-00266483 And then they left. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00894-00266483-00266672 My folks left, and went to the Bay Area 5HwKoyKmhkU-00895-00266672-00267071 to Hayward, California-- that's south of Oakland. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00896-00267071-00267314 Mother got two degrees-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00897-00267314-00267489 two degrees. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00898-00267489-00267872 So I say to you, education is really important. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00899-00267872-00268102 And I told my mother one time, when she was up there, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00900-00268102-00268244 I said, I want to become a lawyer. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00901-00268244-00268423 And she looked at me with that pained look. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00902-00268423-00268625 Well, then what are you doing? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00903-00268625-00269006 In other words, I could have went to school 5HwKoyKmhkU-00904-00269006-00269165 and became a lawyer. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00905-00269165-00269447 But I was truly involved and committed 5HwKoyKmhkU-00906-00269447-00269883 and loving the injustice that has been dealt to the Duwamish 5HwKoyKmhkU-00907-00269883-00269933 tribe. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00908-00269933-00270145 And that's where what my commitment was. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00909-00270145-00270495 So-- and I love lawyers. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00910-00270495-00270605 They help you. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00911-00270605-00270778 Yes? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00912-00270778-00270845 I was wondering. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00913-00270845-00271382 You said that in order for DC government to recognize tribes, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00914-00271382-00271727 that members can't be from more than one tribe. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00915-00271727-00271943 But you also mentioned that some of your members 5HwKoyKmhkU-00916-00271943-00272231 from multiple tribes are members of other tribes, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00917-00272231-00272429 too, like your chief from the Snoqualmie tribe 5HwKoyKmhkU-00918-00272429-00272645 was also technically Duwamish, too. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00919-00272645-00272966 But they recognized him as a tribe, but not you. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00920-00272966-00273269 So how exactly do you get around that, even though they're not 5HwKoyKmhkU-00921-00273269-00273322 supposed to. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00922-00273585-00274161 I'm not quite sure how I can answer that. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00923-00274161-00274872 I mean, I claim to be Chinook on my dad's side. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00924-00274872-00275211 I'm part Cowlitz, Suquamish, Snoqualmie, Snohomish-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00925-00275493-00275874 but my commitment is the Duwamish tribe. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00926-00275874-00276246 So I'm not sure I'm answering-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00927-00276246-00276393 tell me again. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00928-00276393-00277023 I'm wondering if DC says that one of the ways that tribes 5HwKoyKmhkU-00929-00277023-00277242 get recognition is that they can't 5HwKoyKmhkU-00930-00277242-00277574 be members of other tribes. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00931-00277574-00277923 But tribal members, they are members of other tribes, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00932-00277923-00278256 like you just said, that you're a member of multiple tribes. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00933-00278256-00278335 How does that-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00934-00278335-00278460 Well, I got the descendancy. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00935-00278460-00278523 I'm not a-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00936-00278523-00278767 I'm not the member of these other tribes. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00937-00278767-00278979 But I am what I am. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00938-00278979-00279120 I've got the descending-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00939-00279120-00279369 from both my mom and my dad, which 5HwKoyKmhkU-00940-00279369-00279765 is the Cowlitz and the Chinook on father's side. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00941-00279765-00280074 And then my mother's side is Snoqualmie, Suquamish-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00942-00280074-00280236 I was telling my daughter-- she's-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00943-00280236-00280290 my gosh! 5HwKoyKmhkU-00944-00280290-00280381 There's a whole bunch! 5HwKoyKmhkU-00945-00280381-00280524 I said, but that's what we are. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00946-00280524-00280896 We have the descendancy from these different tribes. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00947-00280896-00281337 But this old saying, you cannot be with another recognized 5HwKoyKmhkU-00948-00281337-00281689 tribe, because I don't know. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00949-00281689-00281901 Why don't you get on the phone and call back to DC? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00950-00281901-00281964 I will do that. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00951-00281964-00282014 Thank you. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00952-00284092-00284404 Well, I understand we have this wonderful website. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00953-00284404-00284943 And there's also DTS@QuestOffice.net or drop it 5HwKoyKmhkU-00954-00284943-00285056 by, and give it in my hand. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00955-00285056-00285323 I don't care. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00956-00285323-00285569 I always have to turn it over to somebody else. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00957-00285569-00285681 It's amazing. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00958-00285681-00285869 I'll tell you what happened before Christmas. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00959-00285869-00286101 That's a good question. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00960-00286101-00286346 Just this letter-- they're always handing me my mail. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00961-00286346-00286811 And it was-- I opened it up, and it was a check for $5,000. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00962-00286811-00287015 And they didn't want to-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00963-00287015-00287250 they didn't want to tell who they were. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00964-00287250-00287300 I loved it. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00965-00287300-00287433 I don't know who that person is. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00966-00287433-00287532 But they do. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00967-00287532-00287732 We get a lot of donations before Christmas. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00968-00287732-00288023 I'm glad that we have Christmas once a year, because people 5HwKoyKmhkU-00969-00288023-00288404 get generous, and help, and not only help me, but help 5HwKoyKmhkU-00970-00288404-00288564 everybody that needs help. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00971-00288564-00288614 Yeah. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00972-00289864-00289915 What now? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00973-00290233-00290377 Oh, you know what? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00974-00290377-00290593 You know what? 5HwKoyKmhkU-00975-00290593-00290935 We had to hire somebody to come in-- somebody who was very 5HwKoyKmhkU-00976-00290935-00291214 ignorant, because he fooled around with two panels, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00977-00291214-00291372 and didn't know what he was doing-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00978-00291372-00291487 cost us a lot of money. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00979-00291487-00291658 And then we brought this other person in, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00980-00291658-00291886 and they fixed everything. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00981-00291886-00292055 So-- but it cost us a lot of money. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00982-00292055-00292447 But then on the other hand, we were so blessed 5HwKoyKmhkU-00983-00292447-00292852 with people donating money, so we didn't go in the hole. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00984-00292852-00293086 And then there's another thing, though, I want you 5HwKoyKmhkU-00985-00293086-00293374 to know about, and you can-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00986-00293374-00293545 good thing you asked that question. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00987-00293545-00293922 I should have worn that t-shirt, or you can get one on Saturday. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00988-00293922-00294309 It's called "Pay Rent to the Duwamish"-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00989-00294309-00294596 and what it is it was created by not us. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00990-00294596-00294774 It was created by these volunteers 5HwKoyKmhkU-00991-00294774-00295203 to help the Duwamish tribe to maintain our base. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00992-00295203-00295652 And so the last figure I heard at our last meeting-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00993-00295652-00295804 it's for two months-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-00994-00295804-00296007 they've raised $17,000. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00995-00296007-00296226 It's probably more. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00996-00296226-00296394 But it's called "Pay Rent," and you're 5HwKoyKmhkU-00997-00296394-00296610 paying rent to the Duwamish tribe, 5HwKoyKmhkU-00998-00296610-00296838 because you're on our land. 5HwKoyKmhkU-00999-00296838-00296955 All of you. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01000-00296955-00297285 Well, I don't know where you live, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01001-00297285-00297765 but if you give up 54,000 acres, you're probably on the fringe, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01002-00297765-00297869 you know what I mean? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01003-00297869-00297957 Isn't that something? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01004-00297957-00298301 I love these volunteers who have created that. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01005-00298301-00298456 Then they were even being questioned, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01006-00298456-00298563 why are you doing this? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01007-00298563-00299019 And then they said, well, Duwamish gave up 54,000 acres. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01008-00299019-00299196 We should pay rent. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01009-00299196-00299439 And I love these volunteers. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01010-00299439-00299700 I think they're wonderful for creating that, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01011-00299700-00299886 because I never would have thought of that. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01012-00299886-00300054 So does that help you? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01013-00300054-00300148 Great. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01014-00300148-00300226 Anybody else? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01015-00300551-00300977 Just want to say thank you again for coming and sharing, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01016-00300977-00301123 and allowing us to be on your land, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01017-00301123-00301441 although I know it's not voluntary. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01018-00301441-00301717 I'm interested-- the Duwamish are kind of in this-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01019-00301717-00302143 aren't there similar situations with a lot of other tribes 5HwKoyKmhkU-01020-00302143-00302485 around the country, whose land is under big cities? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01021-00302485-00302701 And that there's an endemic problem 5HwKoyKmhkU-01022-00302701-00302983 around the country with recognition of urban tribes, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01023-00302983-00303307 I assume, because if there's recognition of that, then 5HwKoyKmhkU-01024-00303307-00303814 that would show the incredible amount that's 5HwKoyKmhkU-01025-00303814-00304010 owed to those tribes. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01026-00304010-00304252 Is it true that-- like I thought I heard, but I don't know 5HwKoyKmhkU-01027-00304252-00304669 if it's true that there's no tribes around the country, who 5HwKoyKmhkU-01028-00304669-00305089 have lands that cities have been built 5HwKoyKmhkU-01029-00305089-00305275 on that have got recognition. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01030-00305275-00305641 And I assume it's because it would 5HwKoyKmhkU-01031-00305641-00305968 be a very expensive recognition if it went through or whatever. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01032-00305968-00306166 Is that true or is that-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01033-00306166-00306419 Is that true? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01034-00306419-00306866 Are there any cities that have recognized the-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01035-00306866-00306986 All across the country. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01036-00306986-00307036 Really? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01037-00307036-00307086 OK. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01038-00307086-00307493 Yeah, because there was nobody here before they started 5HwKoyKmhkU-01039-00307493-00307846 arriving on the East Coast. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01040-00307846-00308251 And the thing that really is troubling 5HwKoyKmhkU-01041-00308251-00308542 is that they forget that there were Native Americans here 5HwKoyKmhkU-01042-00308542-00308680 first. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01043-00308680-00308938 And they pushed them out, and shoved them 5HwKoyKmhkU-01044-00308938-00309031 and everything else. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01045-00309031-00309256 And take over their land and forget 5HwKoyKmhkU-01046-00309256-00309581 that they had to land first. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01047-00309581-00309799 And so I hope that answers the questions, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01048-00309799-00310146 be that we're not the only native group that 5HwKoyKmhkU-01049-00310146-00310762 suffers that injustice of being pushed, and being on our land. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01050-00310762-00311121 I don't care where you go. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01051-00311121-00311358 I guess what I mean is that injustice is especially 5HwKoyKmhkU-01052-00311358-00311432 shared-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01053-00311432-00311682 it's kind of the same situation with other tribes, who 5HwKoyKmhkU-01054-00311682-00311928 have cities on their land, because I've heard, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01055-00311928-00312231 like, the tribes have got recognition-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01056-00312231-00312423 like you're talking about with the Muckleshoot 5HwKoyKmhkU-01057-00312423-00312698 and the Skokomish are ones that are kind of outside 5HwKoyKmhkU-01058-00312698-00312822 of the cities, right? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01059-00312822-00313164 But it's tribes that have land that there are cities 5HwKoyKmhkU-01060-00313164-00313303 on top of that always have-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01061-00313303-00313470 is it true that they always have trouble 5HwKoyKmhkU-01062-00313470-00313818 with getting that official recognition status? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01063-00313818-00313905 I'm sure they do. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01064-00313905-00314217 I mean, in fact, I just heard last week-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01065-00314217-00314499 I've got to get on or ask somebody to help that 5HwKoyKmhkU-01066-00314499-00314745 [INAUDIBLE] and they said that they just-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01067-00314745-00315072 three tribes last week got recognition. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01068-00315072-00315303 Now I don't understand-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01069-00315303-00315579 I mean, I hate even calling our law firm to ask them 5HwKoyKmhkU-01070-00315579-00315798 about where is the process of her appeal, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01071-00315798-00316012 because I get the same answer. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01072-00316012-00316263 And that makes me frustrated and sad. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01073-00316263-00316485 So I don't want to be sad. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01074-00316485-00316722 So I don't call a lawyer, because I 5HwKoyKmhkU-01075-00316722-00317058 don't want to hear the same jazz that, OK, it's still 5HwKoyKmhkU-01076-00317058-00317227 sitting back there in DC. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01077-00317227-00317775 But it's always my hope that the outcry of people, who live here 5HwKoyKmhkU-01078-00317775-00318176 in Seattle, say it's about time that the Duwamish gets 5HwKoyKmhkU-01079-00318176-00318570 their recognition, because, you know, one thing I say today I'm 5HwKoyKmhkU-01080-00318570-00318780 saying I don't see the other tribes trying 5HwKoyKmhkU-01081-00318780-00318921 to help the homeless people. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01082-00318921-00319263 And I say, if our tribe was recognized, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01083-00319263-00319401 that would be one of the things-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01084-00319401-00319555 that we can help the homeless people, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01085-00319555-00319908 because it's disgusting to see these poor people up 5HwKoyKmhkU-01086-00319908-00320335 in the woods in their little camps and stuff. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01087-00320335-00320538 And even though the new mayor came in, and said 5HwKoyKmhkU-01088-00320538-00320727 she was going to deal with it-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01089-00320727-00321135 I know she's only been on about six weeks, but come on. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01090-00321135-00321527 It's time to deal with the homeless people these days. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01091-00321527-00321716 I mean, they're there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01092-00321716-00321917 And so I'll just say acknowledgment 5HwKoyKmhkU-01093-00321917-00322163 with the Duwamish tribe, because we're homeless. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01094-00322163-00322574 I mean we own 2/3 of an acre, but, you know, it's not-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01095-00322574-00322722 that's our rez. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01096-00322722-00322886 Well, it's our land. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01097-00322886-00323100 But anyway, that's the point. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01098-00323100-00323150 Yes? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01099-00325954-00326482 Honey, I'm going to tell you a little story I have been back 5HwKoyKmhkU-01100-00326482-00326899 in DC, knocking on our legislators here on this. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01101-00326899-00327254 And they totally ignore us, and you know why they ignore us? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01102-00327254-00327387 This is true. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01103-00327387-00327673 Why are they ignoring the Duwamish tribe, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01104-00327673-00327850 when they're being paid by tribes 5HwKoyKmhkU-01105-00327850-00328096 who got the money to be quiet? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01106-00328096-00328234 You see what I'm saying? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01107-00328234-00328702 This is what's happening, because I've been in Murray's 5HwKoyKmhkU-01108-00328702-00329048 office, Jewel James-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01109-00329048-00329169 I mean, or was that her name? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01110-00329169-00329255 Jewel James? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01111-00329255-00329343 Oh, maybe-- No. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01112-00329343-00329463 Sally Jewell. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01113-00329463-00329766 Sally Jewell was with the Department of the Interior, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01114-00329766-00330042 lived over in West Seattle, she could 5HwKoyKmhkU-01115-00330042-00330332 have called the President of the United States and said, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01116-00330332-00330705 it's about time the Duwamish settled the appeal. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01117-00330705-00330969 And she totally ignored us. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01118-00330969-00331290 She's now retired now, because we have a new President. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01119-00331290-00331461 And our new President doesn't like 5HwKoyKmhkU-01120-00331461-00331786 indigenous people, which I think it takes in Indian people. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01121-00332113-00332322 So it's really sad. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01122-00332322-00332672 But these legislators-- and McDermott-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01123-00332672-00332863 does anybody remember McDermott? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01124-00332863-00333273 He was with-- yeah. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01125-00333273-00333798 He introduced about three bills to recognize our tribe. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01126-00333798-00334246 But he started it, but he didn't do any lobbying back in DC. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01127-00334246-00334373 You can put a bill in there. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01128-00334373-00334660 But if you don't do anything, it's just going to sit there, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01129-00334660-00334813 and it dies. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01130-00334813-00335033 And he made the commitment. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01131-00335033-00335650 But the two ladies that represent our territory totally 5HwKoyKmhkU-01132-00335650-00335806 ignore us. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01133-00335806-00336142 And, like, I've been back in dc, in their offices, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01134-00336142-00336289 meeting with their people-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01135-00336289-00336397 nothing. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01136-00336397-00336644 Yes, ma'am. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01137-00336644-00336694 Huh? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01138-00343133-00343448 Well, Marie? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01139-00343448-00343598 And I can't remember the other lady. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01140-00343598-00343835 She's got-- huh? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01141-00343835-00343910 Yeah, that one. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01142-00344252-00345069 Did you hear-- well, see, I don't 5HwKoyKmhkU-01143-00345069-00345444 know why they get re-elected, because they don't take care 5HwKoyKmhkU-01144-00345444-00345677 of really serious problems. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01145-00347452-00347843 Or move on-- or retire-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01146-00347843-00348027 Well, I don't have any respect-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01147-00348027-00348269 I don't have any respect for these two ladies, 5HwKoyKmhkU-01148-00348269-00348677 because I have knocked on their doors, wrote them letters-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01149-00348677-00348986 other people have wrote letters to these two. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01150-00348986-00349186 It's a big zero. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01151-00349186-00349236 Yup. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01152-00350538-00350884 Well, you sign a petition, and send it back 5HwKoyKmhkU-01153-00350884-00351097 to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and ask 5HwKoyKmhkU-01154-00351097-00351484 why is the appeal sitting on somebody's desk? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01155-00351484-00351698 That's all. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01156-00351698-00351838 The Bureau of Indian Affairs. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01157-00351838-00352033 I don't think if you send it to the President-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01158-00352033-00352255 he's got enough troubles on his desk. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01159-00352255-00352305 Yeah. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01160-00353512-00353762 What'd she say, hon? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01161-00353762-00353873 Oh, yeah. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01162-00353873-00353933 Yeah. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01163-00353933-00354023 No, I agree. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01164-00354023-00354124 I agree. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01165-00354124-00354195 Yeah. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01166-00354195-00354257 Yes, dear. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01167-00355479-00355819 Why don't you pose that question to us-- 5HwKoyKmhkU-01168-00355819-00355912 to the office. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01169-00355912-00356272 You want a printout of what's going on? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01170-00356272-00356398 Well, we should create one. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01171-00356398-00356773 I think we do have one somewhere, regarding 5HwKoyKmhkU-01172-00356773-00356965 this whole-- well, here's one. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01173-00356965-00357304 Listen, this says the government official 5HwKoyKmhkU-01174-00357304-00357694 has lied to the Duwamish people for more than a century. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01175-00357694-00357972 It's time for the deceit to end. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01176-00357972-00358102 You should have a copy of this. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01177-00358475-00358580 Yeah. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01178-00358580-00358635 This is good. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01179-00358635-00359073 This was-- I was interviewed, and it's 5HwKoyKmhkU-01180-00359073-00359506 pretty well to the point of everything, I think. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01181-00359887-00359937 Yeah. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01182-00359937-00360145 I thought that I said, oh, this is a good article. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01183-00362432-00362668 Any questions? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01184-00362668-00362735 Well, thank you. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01185-00362735-00362879 I think you know everything. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01186-00362879-00362993 What does Duwamish mean? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01187-00363371-00363421 What? 5HwKoyKmhkU-01188-00363672-00363754 That's it! 5HwKoyKmhkU-01189-00363754-00363817 You get an A. 5HwKoyKmhkU-01190-00363817-00364272 [LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE] 5HS9FfBBUYU-00000-00000072-00000568 can i really get another channel page? i'm not serious. it's happened by mistake, because 5HS9FfBBUYU-00001-00000568-00001104 whenever the like button is clicked, there is a small chance that they might click on the channel 5HS9FfBBUYU-00002-00001104-00001560 page because it's too close to the like button, so i think something has to be done about that, too, 5HS9FfBBUYU-00003-00001560-00001976 but i have no choice, so i don't like this. i'm probably going to hit my eyes after this. 5I6G7bk73bg-00000-00000050-00000558 [ Music ] 5I6G7bk73bg-00001-00000608-00000843 >> We live in a complex, interconnected 5I6G7bk73bg-00002-00000843-00001092 and ever-changing world, full of people 5I6G7bk73bg-00003-00001092-00001290 who each have their own unique identity, 5I6G7bk73bg-00004-00001297-00001447 experience and perspective. 5I6G7bk73bg-00005-00001495-00001786 Classroom resources should reflect the rich variety 5I6G7bk73bg-00006-00001786-00001890 of the world's people. 5I6G7bk73bg-00007-00001912-00002287 So, Learning A-Z created meaningful conversation sets 5I6G7bk73bg-00008-00002299-00002728 to engage children with diverse perspectives, stories, cultures, 5I6G7bk73bg-00009-00002759-00002946 identities and experiences. 5I6G7bk73bg-00010-00002946-00003348 With sets available at grade bands K to 1, 2 to 3, 5I6G7bk73bg-00011-00003348-00003746 and 4 to 5, each age-appropriate topic is easy to build 5I6G7bk73bg-00012-00003746-00004151 into your ELA, Social Studies or SEL curriculum. 5I6G7bk73bg-00013-00004151-00004516 The tools in these resource sets help you create an inclusive 5I6G7bk73bg-00014-00004533-00004786 classroom where students feel they can bring their 5I6G7bk73bg-00015-00004799-00004931 whole selves. 5I6G7bk73bg-00016-00004931-00005232 You'll be equipped and ready to facilitate impactful, 5I6G7bk73bg-00017-00005246-00005609 respectful discussion on topics relevant to today's culture. 5I6G7bk73bg-00018-00005643-00005857 Helpful support within an overview, 5I6G7bk73bg-00019-00005901-00006145 social-emotional learning guides, teacher toolkit, 5I6G7bk73bg-00020-00006145-00006399 and caregiver toolkit will give you 5I6G7bk73bg-00021-00006399-00006614 and your student's families the information needed 5I6G7bk73bg-00022-00006636-00006701 to get started. 5I6G7bk73bg-00023-00006777-00007035 Use the overview to see the topics at a glance 5I6G7bk73bg-00024-00007051-00007391 and to gain a rich understanding of how the supporting tools 5I6G7bk73bg-00025-00007391-00007522 and resources work together. 5I6G7bk73bg-00026-00007582-00007752 Reference the tips and strategies 5I6G7bk73bg-00027-00007752-00007942 in our social-emotional learning guide, 5I6G7bk73bg-00028-00007942-00008283 to help students recognize and understand their emotions, 5I6G7bk73bg-00029-00008304-00008493 behaviors, and values. 5I6G7bk73bg-00030-00008493-00008834 Integrating CASEL's five SEL competencies 5I6G7bk73bg-00031-00008834-00009043 into your curriculum enables students 5I6G7bk73bg-00032-00009051-00009312 to connect their real world experiences 5I6G7bk73bg-00033-00009312-00009599 with classroom learning, improving academic success 5I6G7bk73bg-00034-00009599-00009750 and classroom attitudes. 5I6G7bk73bg-00035-00009750-00010019 You'll also enhance your own personal 5I6G7bk73bg-00036-00010019-00010322 and professional development, while finding practical tips 5I6G7bk73bg-00037-00010322-00010579 on how to tackle challenging discussion topics 5I6G7bk73bg-00038-00010583-00010693 in your classroom. 5I6G7bk73bg-00039-00010693-00010936 And you'll learn how to be prepared for a variety 5I6G7bk73bg-00040-00010936-00011187 of potential student reactions to these topics. 5I6G7bk73bg-00041-00011198-00011372 Use the teacher toolkit 5I6G7bk73bg-00042-00011376-00011567 to challenge your own unconscious bias 5I6G7bk73bg-00043-00011598-00011818 and evaluate your classroom practices. 5I6G7bk73bg-00044-00011866-00012213 You'll find tips to help you choose culturally relevant texts 5I6G7bk73bg-00045-00012213-00012408 and guidance on having respectful 5I6G7bk73bg-00046-00012411-00012561 and robust discussions. 5I6G7bk73bg-00047-00012622-00012809 Use the teacher discussion guidelines 5I6G7bk73bg-00048-00012809-00013029 to help you facilitate conversations. 5I6G7bk73bg-00049-00013041-00013330 And then share the student version to support primary 5I6G7bk73bg-00050-00013330-00013527 and intermediate students. 5I6G7bk73bg-00051-00013527-00013796 Feel confident that your classroom is inclusive, 5I6G7bk73bg-00052-00013831-00014167 representative and engaging for all students. 5I6G7bk73bg-00053-00014167-00014387 Send the caregiver toolkit home with students 5I6G7bk73bg-00054-00014392-00014730 to empower learning and inspire meaningful conversations 5I6G7bk73bg-00055-00014730-00014905 with parents and caregivers. 5I6G7bk73bg-00056-00014918-00015222 This supportive resource comes in multiple languages 5I6G7bk73bg-00057-00015254-00015619 and explains to parents and primary caregivers what SEL 5I6G7bk73bg-00058-00015625-00015954 and cultural responsiveness are, along with the resources 5I6G7bk73bg-00059-00015960-00016260 and topics students are exploring in the classroom. 5I6G7bk73bg-00060-00016353-00016725 The lesson guide contains all the information you need 5I6G7bk73bg-00061-00016725-00017042 to guide your students through an exploration of each topic. 5I6G7bk73bg-00062-00017049-00017377 You'll find a driving question to focus instruction, 5I6G7bk73bg-00063-00017396-00017680 learning objectives, tips for talking about the topic 5I6G7bk73bg-00064-00017680-00017993 with students, and adaptable instructional sequence 5I6G7bk73bg-00065-00017993-00018248 and suggested discussion questions for each resource. 5I6G7bk73bg-00066-00018258-00018570 Keep students engaged in and out of the classroom 5I6G7bk73bg-00067-00018570-00018819 with a multitude of useful resources. 5I6G7bk73bg-00068-00018823-00019341 The supplemental activity set contains three activities 5I6G7bk73bg-00069-00019348-00019691 for further familiarity and understanding of the topic. 5I6G7bk73bg-00070-00019717-00019962 Watch the videos and re-read the texts, 5I6G7bk73bg-00071-00019962-00020252 to ensure a deep understanding of the text 5I6G7bk73bg-00072-00020252-00020433 and different perspectives on each topic. 5I6G7bk73bg-00073-00020494-00020713 Bring the learning and conversations together 5I6G7bk73bg-00074-00020713-00020877 by using the discussion cards 5I6G7bk73bg-00075-00020907-00021176 and answering the driving question together as a class. 5I6G7bk73bg-00076-00021264-00021550 Meaningful conversation sets offer inclusive, 5I6G7bk73bg-00077-00021609-00021933 culturally relevant unbiased resources that you 5I6G7bk73bg-00078-00021933-00022167 and your students will be talking and thinking 5I6G7bk73bg-00079-00022173-00022311 about for a long time. 5I6G7bk73bg-00080-00022371-00022597 Dive in today and get the conversation started. 5J5pAho6dl4-00000-00000191-00000530 Hello Facebook family! My people! 5J5pAho6dl4-00001-00000537-00001026 Okay, tonight we're talking to Kim if I can get this right 5J5pAho6dl4-00002-00001030-00001344 and if not I'm gonna have to start this all over again try to figure that out, again. 5J5pAho6dl4-00003-00001488-00001680 But we are talking to Kim 5J5pAho6dl4-00004-00001777-00001913 today!! 5J5pAho6dl4-00005-00001957-00002298 Here she is! Kim!! Are you here? 5J5pAho6dl4-00006-00002384-00002540 Bring them on camera! 5J5pAho6dl4-00007-00002695-00003163 Kim, where are you? I'm looking for you Kim. 5J5pAho6dl4-00008-00003266-00003473 There you are, hey honeybunny! 5J5pAho6dl4-00009-00003829-00003956 Hi! how are you doing? 5J5pAho6dl4-00010-00004051-00004162 [Kim] Wonderful! 5J5pAho6dl4-00011-00004318-00004546 [Kim] Good to see you, you look beautiful as always 5J5pAho6dl4-00012-00004592-00004848 Thank you so do you my love 5J5pAho6dl4-00013-00004919-00005017 [Kim] Thank you 5J5pAho6dl4-00014-00005128-00005452 Okay, so I'm gonna do a little bit of an intro 5J5pAho6dl4-00015-00005486-00005972 so that people know what's going on although I'm sure everybody visiting my post 5J5pAho6dl4-00016-00005980-00006281 for the past week about what the topic is tonight. 5J5pAho6dl4-00017-00006318-00006855 So Monday night, eight thirty Facebook live we are talking to singles 5J5pAho6dl4-00018-00006898-00007258 and tonight we're gonna tell you how to get over a break up. 5J5pAho6dl4-00019-00007262-00007556 Jeremy! Good to see you. Alan, good to see you! 5J5pAho6dl4-00020-00007566-00008188 I used to work with Alan, we had the funniest group at Dairy fruits way back in the day. 5J5pAho6dl4-00021-00008382-00008583 Kim has... 5J5pAho6dl4-00022-00008749-00008982 Let me see if I can do this different. Alright! 5J5pAho6dl4-00023-00008991-00009102 I'm gonna stand right here. 5J5pAho6dl4-00024-00009138-00009246 I'm stand right here. 5J5pAho6dl4-00025-00009330-00009921 Kim has had the hellish hellish kind of break up you can possible have 5J5pAho6dl4-00026-00009956-00010495 the worst heartbreak-- Hey, nice to see you Liza Kennedy! 5J5pAho6dl4-00027-00010632-00010700 [Kim] Hi Liza! 5J5pAho6dl4-00028-00010807-00011247 Kim? was it not like just a horrible, horrible heartbreak? 5J5pAho6dl4-00029-00011348-00011578 [Kim] Oh Gosh, it was just gut wrenching 5J5pAho6dl4-00030-00011622-00012088 [Kim] Really, really difficult at that time and just looking back I'm like 5J5pAho6dl4-00031-00012124-00012428 [Kim] Wow and just how far I've come since then, it's been amazing. 5J5pAho6dl4-00032-00012678-00012845 Tell us your story, what happened? 5J5pAho6dl4-00033-00013003-00013370 [Kim] Well, I met who I thought was the love of my life 5J5pAho6dl4-00034-00013459-00013834 [Kim] I met him through a friend of mine who we actually lost connection 5J5pAho6dl4-00035-00013924-00014204 [Kim] through high school, we had a bit of a break there in our friendship 5J5pAho6dl4-00036-00014218-00014562 [Kim] but when I met her-- met up with her it was out for dinner 5J5pAho6dl4-00037-00014578-00015078 [Kim] with a friend of mine and she was there with her boyfriend 5J5pAho6dl4-00038-00015211-00015533 [Kim] there was a gentleman with her I didn't know who he was 5J5pAho6dl4-00039-00015540-00015979 [Kim] but I was attracted to him; he was this big, tall automechanic 5J5pAho6dl4-00040-00016080-00016395 [Kim] So I learned after we began speaking and he just-- 5J5pAho6dl4-00041-00016445-00016755 [Kim] He really took my attention, I was very interested in him. 5J5pAho6dl4-00042-00016877-00017478 [Kim] After so long talking that evenning he eventually asked me out for a date 5J5pAho6dl4-00043-00017542-00017844 [Kim] and so we went out and hit it off real well 5J5pAho6dl4-00044-00017883-00018430 [Kim] and began dating; and for so long it felt like it was the perfect relationship 5J5pAho6dl4-00045-00018468-00019110 [Kim] because him and I and this other couple we were, like, together this group of best friends 5J5pAho6dl4-00046-00019145-00019479 [Kim] and, you know, it was a safe place for me at that time. 5J5pAho6dl4-00047-00019540-00019958 [Kim] in the beginning and things just kinda started going south a little bit 5J5pAho6dl4-00048-00019933-00020523 [Kim] that being I was confused by the relationship when I became more intimate 5J5pAho6dl4-00049-00020545-00020873 [Kim] and more close with my boyfriend at the time 5J5pAho6dl4-00050-00020895-00021258 [Kim] he had a-- so the girlfriend, the girlfriend? Sorry 5J5pAho6dl4-00051-00021322-00021526 [Kim] I'm trying not to mention names here, it's very difficult. 5J5pAho6dl4-00052-00021766-00021871 [Kim] the female friend 5J5pAho6dl4-00053-00021971-00022446 [Kim] She was, like, just very active with my boyfriend. 5J5pAho6dl4-00054-00022493-00022846 [Kim] So it was something that I thought 'Okay, like, this is kinda 5J5pAho6dl4-00055-00022895-00023285 [Kim] you know, red flag should I be worrying? is this okay?' 5J5pAho6dl4-00056-00023308-00023613 [Kim] And whenever I questioned the relationship that they had 5J5pAho6dl4-00057-00023667-00024000 [Kim] it was always 'Oh no I love you, you're the only one 5J5pAho6dl4-00058-00024063-00024292 [Kim] why would I be interested in her? We're just friends' 5J5pAho6dl4-00059-00024306-00024668 [Kim] and I believed him at that point, but then it turned out to be 5J5pAho6dl4-00060-00024834-00025159 [Kim] time where he would leave the dinner table and stuff like that 5J5pAho6dl4-00061-00025173-00025664 [Kim] to go and help her and when she was upset he would go to her aid 5J5pAho6dl4-00062-00025686-00026106 [Kim] and he'd be there consoling her and to me that was just a little bit uncomfortable 5J5pAho6dl4-00063-00026110-00026475 [Kim] but, again, I'm the one with the problem this is normal 5J5pAho6dl4-00064-00026482-00026661 [Kim] is what I told myself at that point. 5J5pAho6dl4-00065-00026864-00027203 [Kim] So long story short, things kinda kept going in that direction 5J5pAho6dl4-00066-00027223-00027609 [Kim] I was ver jealous of their relationship because it was 5J5pAho6dl4-00067-00027630-00028106 [Kim] just something I didn't understand, I was never with a gentleman 5J5pAho6dl4-00068-00028113-00028458 [Kim] who had ever been with-- had friends that were females 5J5pAho6dl4-00069-00028496-00028893 [Kim] and that were so close, so to me that was just, you know, I was 5J5pAho6dl4-00070-00028991-00029205 [Kim] pretty... like it was just-- how do I explain it? 5J5pAho6dl4-00071-00029408-00029676 You were-- I mean, I know what you were doing 5J5pAho6dl4-00072-00029692-00030112 because I know that a lot of us do it and I did it myself. 5J5pAho6dl4-00073-00030248-00030870 It's-- you deceive yourself, really. Like you kind of talk yourself out of your 5J5pAho6dl4-00074-00030914-00031326 intuition in a way, like we know when we're being pushed aside, 5J5pAho6dl4-00075-00031331-00031761 we know when we're not number one, we know when somebody is acting 5J5pAho6dl4-00076-00031860-00032420 kind of innapropiately but it's not so overboard 5J5pAho6dl4-00077-00032437-00032772 and really am I just overreacting? 5J5pAho6dl4-00078-00032831-00033344 and we have those feelings but then we go 'but I really wanna be with this person' 5J5pAho6dl4-00079-00033350-00033531 I really wanna spend the rest of my life with them' 5J5pAho6dl4-00080-00033760-00034118 How can I see this in a different way so that it's not bothering me 5J5pAho6dl4-00081-00034132-00034538 so that I can hopefully stay with this person the rest of my life 5J5pAho6dl4-00082-00034579-00035054 because maybe if I bring this up maybe I really just I'm crazy and overreacting 5J5pAho6dl4-00083-00035065-00035278 and not really seeing things for how they are. 5J5pAho6dl4-00084-00035387-00035834 [Kim] Yeah, that's totally how I felt. Like, I believed that I was overreacting 5J5pAho6dl4-00085-00035843-00036180 [Kim] at their relationship, which other people commented on 5J5pAho6dl4-00086-00036190-00036471 [Kim] other people said 'isn't that a little uncomfortable for you? 5J5pAho6dl4-00087-00036478-00036882 [Kim] like the way that they hug each other, they way that they 5J5pAho6dl4-00088-00036946-00037286 [Kim] you know, how are always with each other? like, isn't that uncomfortable for you?' 5J5pAho6dl4-00089-00037291-00037660 [Kim] and I said I didn't really know any different because from the moment we started dating 5J5pAho6dl4-00090-00037673-00038225 [Kim] that's the way it was, it was always the couple and it was me and him 5J5pAho6dl4-00091-00038230-00039648 [Kim] and we had a lot of time together, we did 5J5pAho6dl4-00092-00038668-00038956 [Kim] and when we were together we were a pair 5J5pAho6dl4-00093-00038967-00039400 [Kim] When we were together I just noticed that there was a lot of different dynamics 5J5pAho6dl4-00094-00039408-00039760 [Kim] so like he would be much more inmature 5J5pAho6dl4-00095-00039871-00040207 [Kim] with her, goofing around that kind of thing 5J5pAho6dl4-00096-00040221-00040530 [Kim] and it just wasn't him, like it my eyes it just wasn't him 5J5pAho6dl4-00097-00040567-00040830 [Kim] I believed that he was this, he was that and what are you doing this 5J5pAho6dl4-00098-00040834-00041002 [Kim] this is gonna be our future together. 5J5pAho6dl4-00099-00041144-00041447 [Kim] You know, we were talking about and we had this thing we would always say 5J5pAho6dl4-00100-00041446-00041690 [Kim] white picket fence that's what was our insider 5J5pAho6dl4-00101-00041724-00042035 [Kim] So whenever we were having a fight we'd say white picket fence 5J5pAho6dl4-00102-00042040-00042247 [Kim] because that's what we pictured our life together 5J5pAho6dl4-00103-00042277-00042772 [Kim] was that it would be living out in the country someday, him having his autoshop 5J5pAho6dl4-00104-00042811-00043202 [Kim] me, you know, I don't know what I'd be doing, cooking and cleaning I guess? 5J5pAho6dl4-00105-00043275-00043686 [Kim] But that's where we picture our life together and I was happy, I really was. 5J5pAho6dl4-00106-00043809-00044168 [Kim] And then, so that's why what came as a major devastation to me 5J5pAho6dl4-00107-00044232-00044595 [Kim] was when he just broke up with me out of the blue. 5J5pAho6dl4-00108-00044640-00045057 [Kim] So he came to see me and he said 'I'm coming after work' 5J5pAho6dl4-00109-00045091-00045467 [Kim] so I got all doll'd up thinking that maybe we were going out for supper or something 5J5pAho6dl4-00110-00045477-00045875 [Kim] and he just broke up with me and I'm like 'what the heck, this doesn't make sense'. 5J5pAho6dl4-00111-00045916-00046298 [Kim] We were in a good place, that weekend we talked and, you know, everything was good 5J5pAho6dl4-00112-00046428-00046690 [Kim] but what had happened he just said that he just 5J5pAho6dl4-00113-00046753-00046935 [Kim] didn't have those feelings for me anymore 5J5pAho6dl4-00114-00046940-00047244 [Kim] and I was just shocked because his words were much different 5J5pAho6dl4-00115-00047269-00047587 [Kim] and that's what I perceived, I believed that what he was telling me 5J5pAho6dl4-00116-00047674-00048021 [Kim] was the truth, that he loved me that he wanted to have future with me 5J5pAho6dl4-00117-00048070-00048406 [Kim] and everything, so I was like 'there's something... 5J5pAho6dl4-00118-00048427-00048640 [Kim] it felt like there was something more to the story than that. 5J5pAho6dl4-00119-00048935-00049291 [Kim] It was very difficult for our group relationship because of course 5J5pAho6dl4-00120-00049310-00049585 [Kim] when we broke up it was like what happens to the group? 5J5pAho6dl4-00121-00049628-00049796 [Kim] It was always the two couples. 5J5pAho6dl4-00122-00049995-00050192 Who gets custody of the friends? 5J5pAho6dl4-00123-00050293-00050397 [Kim] What's that sorry? 5J5pAho6dl4-00124-00050474-00050687 Who gets custody of the friends? 5J5pAho6dl4-00125-00050776-00050953 [Kim] Exactly, exactly 5J5pAho6dl4-00126-00051079-00051383 [Kim] When it happened I was just super devastated 5J5pAho6dl4-00127-00051390-00051597 [Kim] and of course the first person that I reached out to 5J5pAho6dl4-00128-00051643-00051875 [Kim] was my best girlfriend, who was a part of that group 5J5pAho6dl4-00129-00051880-00052086 [Kim] and I'm like 'what happened? Did you talk to him? 5J5pAho6dl4-00130-00052090-00052554 [Kim] like why did he do this? I don't understand' and she kept consoling me 5J5pAho6dl4-00131-00052600-00052988 [Kim] and telling me 'Just give him some time, I know he still loves you 5J5pAho6dl4-00132-00053057-00053292 [Kim] everything is gonna be okay, he just needs space'. 5J5pAho6dl4-00133-00053324-00053487 [Kim] So I waited, and I waited. 5J5pAho6dl4-00134-00053560-00053931 [Kim] Two months passed, I waited; and she was still there 5J5pAho6dl4-00135-00053942-00054377 [Kim] we got together at my appartment, we watched what was it? the... 5J5pAho6dl4-00136-00054435-00054769 [Kim] Oh! the Gilmore girls. Gilmore girls? When they came out with the new 5J5pAho6dl4-00137-00054837-00055234 [Kim] season that we spent six seven hours hanging out together. 5J5pAho6dl4-00138-00055553-00055669 [Kim] Shortly thereafter 5J5pAho6dl4-00139-00055761-00056257 [Kim] I go on my iPad from work and I hadn't been on the iPad for a long time 5J5pAho6dl4-00140-00056341-00056611 [Kim] so I log in and 'Oh! She send me a message!' 5J5pAho6dl4-00141-00056664-00056960 [Kim] So I open up the message, well it wasn't a message to me 5J5pAho6dl4-00142-00057017-00057302 [Kim] It was a message that she sent to him which was 5J5pAho6dl4-00143-00057371-00057879 [Kim] quite-- that my ex-best friend at this time sent to my ex-boyfriend 5J5pAho6dl4-00144-00057908-00058203 [Kim] and it was just very graphic, it was very detailed 5J5pAho6dl4-00145-00058240-00058660 [Kim] I knew that it was something I probably shouldn't be viewing but again 5J5pAho6dl4-00146-00058711-00058871 [Kim] He had logged onto my iPad 5J5pAho6dl4-00147-00058953-00059325 [Kim] I had it saved, I thought it was my account so that's why I was watching 5J5pAho6dl4-00148-00059374-00059628 [Kim] and long story short I was devastated 5J5pAho6dl4-00149-00059661-00059920 [Kim] I knew then and there validated what happened 5J5pAho6dl4-00150-00060034-00060344 [Kim] and I looked back. Of course, it was open and I looked back and I saw 5J5pAho6dl4-00151-00060425-00060861 [Kim] for months it had happened that they were communicating innapropiately together 5J5pAho6dl4-00152-00060893-00061256 [Kim] and she has my best friend, he was my boyfriend. 5J5pAho6dl4-00153-00061344-00061451 [Kim] I was right all along. 5J5pAho6dl4-00154-00061516-00061902 [Kim] That's kinda how the story went, that's where the major dagger went in the heartbreak 5J5pAho6dl4-00155-00061977-00062187 [Kim] and it was very hard at that point. 5J5pAho6dl4-00156-00062410-00062567 [Kim] That's kinda my story in a nutshell. 5J5pAho6dl4-00157-00062697-00062774 [Kim] at that point. 5J5pAho6dl4-00158-00062887-00063126 So you go through the break up 5J5pAho6dl4-00159-00063193-00063483 you know, you're told to give him some space 5J5pAho6dl4-00160-00063561-00063885 let me clarify this, by the person who's actually spending time with him? 5J5pAho6dl4-00161-00064037-00064116 [Kim] Yes 5J5pAho6dl4-00162-00064138-00064701 Yeah, so it's like double daggers going on here because you're being deceived by two people 5J5pAho6dl4-00163-00064841-00064992 You're being kept in the dark 5J5pAho6dl4-00164-00065052-00065649 and you're still holding on only to find out that the people that you trusted the most 5J5pAho6dl4-00165-00065656-00065877 were the ones that were playing around behind your back. 5J5pAho6dl4-00166-00066405-00066683 [Kim] They were my friends and it's sad, and I do admit it, 5J5pAho6dl4-00167-00066708-00066992 [Kim] it was hard because I was so close with them 5J5pAho6dl4-00168-00067002-00067278 [Kim] that there were many friends in my life that I kind of 5J5pAho6dl4-00169-00067283-00067568 [Kim] put the breaks on hanging out with them because 5J5pAho6dl4-00170-00067614-00067800 [Kim] they were so available so when it was like 5J5pAho6dl4-00171-00067810-00068095 [Kim] 'Oh, let's go to car races' we would go with them 5J5pAho6dl4-00172-00068147-00068348 [Kim] I have to go to the movies, we drive in and go with them 5J5pAho6dl4-00173-00068364-00068836 [Kim] So it was just, while I was with him they were really our only two close friends 5J5pAho6dl4-00174-00069037-00069593 [Kim] when this happened I had no friends, I was totally on my own 5J5pAho6dl4-00175-00069613-00069961 [Kim] and that was a feeling I hadn't had, I don't think I've ever felt that feeling 5J5pAho6dl4-00176-00069998-00070213 [Kim] Of being alone and nowhere to go. 5J5pAho6dl4-00177-00070265-00070335 Right 5J5pAho6dl4-00178-00070416-00070947 So tell me what happened to you emotionally after this last devastation, 5J5pAho6dl4-00179-00070952-00071310 after finding out that while you were giving him space 5J5pAho6dl4-00180-00071326-00071507 they were playing house. 5J5pAho6dl4-00181-00071683-00072281 [Kim] I was-- I felt betrayed, I trusted her, I would go to her, I'd tell her 5J5pAho6dl4-00182-00072323-00072656 [Kim] how I was feeling, how broken I was inside, how much I loved him 5J5pAho6dl4-00183-00072663-00073022 [Kim] and I wanted to just be back with him like that was our future together 5J5pAho6dl4-00184-00073040-00073343 [Kim] so I was-- when I found out that they were together 5J5pAho6dl4-00185-00073351-00073657 [Kim] and they've been together for a long time I was angry 5J5pAho6dl4-00186-00073797-00074117 [Kim] and I'm not an angry person for many of you who know me, you know 5J5pAho6dl4-00187-00074172-00074427 [Kim] I'm probably one of the most bubbly people that you'll meet 5J5pAho6dl4-00188-00074473-00074851 [Kim] but at that point my whole character was just gone 5J5pAho6dl4-00189-00074902-00075062 [Kim] it was taken from me at that point. 5J5pAho6dl4-00190-00075217-00075699 [Kim] I didn't know where to turn and I'm going to say there was probably a good 5J5pAho6dl4-00191-00075866-00076309 [Kim] month and a half two months before I meet you Chantal is where I just felt lost. 5J5pAho6dl4-00192-00076725-00076836 So you felt alone. 5J5pAho6dl4-00193-00076973-00077300 You felt sad, you felt grief. 5J5pAho6dl4-00194-00077640-00077860 [Kim] Absolutely. All of the above 5J5pAho6dl4-00195-00077932-00078138 Stress? Anxiety? 5J5pAho6dl4-00196-00078219-00078535 [Kim] Stress, anxiety, anxiety-insomnia, 5J5pAho6dl4-00197-00078719-00079039 [Kim] you name it, like I just felt like there was no way I could go on 5J5pAho6dl4-00198-00079067-00079322 [Kim] feeling the way I was feeling at that point because 5J5pAho6dl4-00199-00079411-00079960 [Kim] yeah, even thinking-- looking back that was a very, very dark, sad time for me. 5J5pAho6dl4-00200-00080012-00080364 [Kim] because it also like I was so connected with his family 5J5pAho6dl4-00201-00080378-00080549 [Kim] I loved his family, I mean 5J5pAho6dl4-00202-00080751-00081158 [Kim] I pictured myself being a part of that family I felt like I already was 5J5pAho6dl4-00203-00081221-00081585 [Kim] So, just when the ties were cut that way 5J5pAho6dl4-00204-00081649-00081771 [Kim] it was very hard on me. 5J5pAho6dl4-00205-00081962-00082137 [Kim] and I do still have a 5J5pAho6dl4-00206-00082222-00082475 [Kim] have some friends through that relationship yet 5J5pAho6dl4-00207-00082612-00083063 [Kim] that, you know, like I see his family around and it's civil 5J5pAho6dl4-00208-00083070-00083138 [Kim] It's not anything negative. 5J5pAho6dl4-00209-00083417-00083541 [Kim] It's difficult 5J5pAho6dl4-00210-00083604-00084061 I'm laughing at the story in the chicken restaurant. 5J5pAho6dl4-00211-00084325-00084402 [Kim] Oh! Yes! 5J5pAho6dl4-00212-00084603-00084772 Let me just kinda say it for you. 5J5pAho6dl4-00213-00084819-00084983 There's been a few run-ins. 5J5pAho6dl4-00214-00085058-00085203 [Kim] Yes, there's been a couple run-ins. 5J5pAho6dl4-00215-00085583-00085806 I remember when you and I started talking 5J5pAho6dl4-00216-00085953-00086225 some of the difficulty that you were having was over this run-ins 5J5pAho6dl4-00217-00086261-00086486 because the town that you're in is fairly small. 5J5pAho6dl4-00218-00086502-00086786 You're running into people that he knows at work 5J5pAho6dl4-00219-00086823-00087287 you know, when you're out grabbing food, it was just so in your face 5J5pAho6dl4-00220-00087330-00087738 and you went from having a lot of anxiety 5J5pAho6dl4-00221-00087802-00088084 during these interactions to 5J5pAho6dl4-00222-00088160-00088474 you know, being the one that was like 'meh' 5J5pAho6dl4-00223-00088497-00088705 while they're still kind of 5J5pAho6dl4-00224-00088755-00088981 feeling nervous about like 'Oh my God, it's Kim!' 5J5pAho6dl4-00225-00089092-00089484 [Kim] Yeah, there's no anxiety anymore. 5J5pAho6dl4-00226-00089490-00089729 [Kim] Like I have and I drove past-- Like in the beginning 5J5pAho6dl4-00227-00089737-00090060 [Kim] I would reroute on my, like, heading anywhere 5J5pAho6dl4-00228-00090070-00090405 [Kim] he lived kinda heading out of town, I would take the furthest 5J5pAho6dl4-00229-00090449-00090804 [Kim] road, if I was heading to I would take a different route, I would 5J5pAho6dl4-00230-00090862-00091409 [Kim] not past his work and now I'm like who am I hiding from, I didn't do anything wrong here. 5J5pAho6dl4-00231-00091612-00092024 [Kim] Yeah, no, I drove past. I've seen him in public, you know? 5J5pAho6dl4-00232-00092191-00092496 [Kim] It happens, but it doesn't bother me 5J5pAho6dl4-00233-00092578-00092730 [Kim] anymore because I have dealt with it. 5J5pAho6dl4-00234-00092851-00093081 So tell us how you went from 5J5pAho6dl4-00235-00093300-00093762 again, just to kind of put an emphasis on how you were feeling after this 5J5pAho6dl4-00236-00094013-00094316 I remember we talked at some point about you losing your hair 5J5pAho6dl4-00237-00094446-00094754 Was it around that time or was it before that? 5J5pAho6dl4-00238-00094901-00095183 [Kim] that was kind off something I was going through for a while 5J5pAho6dl4-00239-00095210-00095441 [Kim] I think it got worse with the stress and that kind of thing 5J5pAho6dl4-00240-00095476-00095715 [Kim] got worse but yeah, I lost 5J5pAho6dl4-00241-00095841-00096030 [Kim] more like I more lost sleep 5J5pAho6dl4-00242-00096106-00096515 [Kim] than hair at that point, the hair thing was a little bit earlier unfortunately. 5J5pAho6dl4-00243-00096557-00096671 [Kim] It's growing back now. 5J5pAho6dl4-00244-00096907-00097246 By the way I've got Kim doing what I do, which is like 5J5pAho6dl4-00245-00097268-00097798 Indian herbs for coloring, like I do hen and indigo 5J5pAho6dl4-00246-00097804-00098180 because you put the indigo on the hen and it turns dark, she's doing pure henna. 5J5pAho6dl4-00247-00098333-00098887 And watching with amla powder which is like an Indian berry, so awesome. 5J5pAho6dl4-00248-00098890-00099149 Anyway, that's something completely different. 5J5pAho6dl4-00249-00099181-00099373 So, you were 5J5pAho6dl4-00250-00099531-00099624 down in the dumps. 5J5pAho6dl4-00251-00099833-00099904 Devastated 5J5pAho6dl4-00252-00100115-00100447 you know, not sleeping well, feeling stressed, anxious. 5J5pAho6dl4-00253-00100525-00100912 How did you come out of that? What was your journey from there 5J5pAho6dl4-00254-00100939-00101305 like grieving this relationship, angry 5J5pAho6dl4-00255-00101345-00101747 to where you are today, which seems really happy. 5J5pAho6dl4-00256-00101920-00102418 [Kim] I think the first month or two, I wouldn't go out 5J5pAho6dl4-00257-00102428-00102691 [Kim] I went to work came home and that was it. 5J5pAho6dl4-00258-00102725-00103120 [Kim] Didn't really get out have fun, socialize and I'm a really social person. 5J5pAho6dl4-00259-00103235-00103490 [Kim] So I think in the beginning, it wasn't until... 5J5pAho6dl4-00260-00103576-00103895 [Kim] Well, actually what happened was I would also have 5J5pAho6dl4-00261-00103904-00105140 [Kim] I kinda started butting heads, I butt heads with my mom, 5J5pAho6dl4-00262-00104151-00104454 [Kim] I butt heads with my friends because I had so much anger 5J5pAho6dl4-00263-00104469-00104742 [Kim] and frustration and I didn't know who to direct it at 5J5pAho6dl4-00264-00104762-00104951 [Kim] nor did I know how to release it at that time. 5J5pAho6dl4-00265-00104998-00105478 [Kim] So, my relationships weren't great and I remember my mom calling me 5J5pAho6dl4-00266-00105535-00105890 [Kim] and she said, and this is actually after we hadn't been talking 5J5pAho6dl4-00267-00105900-00106196 [Kim] I'm gonna say for like a week or two, so I was shocked to get this call 5J5pAho6dl4-00268-00106234-00106584 [Kim] but it was the thing that changed everything for me and this call was that 5J5pAho6dl4-00269-00106631-00106972 [Kim] she and my aunt had visited the Total Women show 5J5pAho6dl4-00270-00106989-00107217 [Kim] which I hadn't hear anything about before 5J5pAho6dl4-00271-00107249-00107392 [Kim] and I very happy that I did go 5J5pAho6dl4-00272-00107458-00107796 [Kim] because it was a day-- it was really the first day that 5J5pAho6dl4-00273-00107802-00108140 [Kim] really send me walking with a couple steps in the right direction 5J5pAho6dl4-00274-00108150-00108456 [Kim] and I'm gonna say instead of a couple steps more like a couple jumps 5J5pAho6dl4-00275-00108502-00109009 [Kim] because I had gone and I'd spend the day by myself and 5J5pAho6dl4-00276-00109015-00109394 [Kim] just kinda visiting these booths that were all geared towards women 5J5pAho6dl4-00277-00109446-00109691 [Kim] it was-- there was all kinds of different-- 5J5pAho6dl4-00278-00109889-00110203 [Kim] what was it? Like, just health and wellness and 5J5pAho6dl4-00279-00110214-00110459 [Kim] just stuff to make you feel great and special and pretty 5J5pAho6dl4-00280-00110432-00111702 [Kim] Well that was the first time I had ever heard of her. Who is she? 5J5pAho6dl4-00281-00110543-00110954 [Kim] It was probably before lunch when I decided to walk over 5J5pAho6dl4-00282-00111046-00111397 [Kim] just a booth that said 'Canada's dating coach, Chantal Heide' 5J5pAho6dl4-00283-00111827-00112268 [Kim] That was the first time I heard of her and I was just drawn into the booth 5J5pAho6dl4-00284-00112273-00112296 [Kim] and drawn to the books and 5J5pAho6dl4-00285-00112596-00112689 [Kim] no more assholes 5J5pAho6dl4-00286-00112694-00112760 OH MY GOD! 5J5pAho6dl4-00287-00113040-00113377 [Kim] So, my mom actually, so backing up a couple steps 5J5pAho6dl4-00288-00113383-00113731 [Kim] my mom told me about the total women show and how she had met you 5J5pAho6dl4-00289-00113747-00113956 [Kim] and she told you a bit of my story 5J5pAho6dl4-00290-00113996-00114285 [Kim] and you recommended this book 5J5pAho6dl4-00291-00114315-00114451 [Kim] as well as 'Come Back Queen' 5J5pAho6dl4-00292-00114503-00114897 [Kim] and so she picked out some books and I picked up some books the next day. 5J5pAho6dl4-00293-00115000-00115268 [Kim] When I came to your booth she would head out like I-- 5J5pAho6dl4-00294-00115318-00115661 [Kim] I think you were already on stage and the lady that was working in your booth 5J5pAho6dl4-00295-00115719-00115825 [Kim] said 'Go listen to her!' 5J5pAho6dl4-00296-00115870-00116123 [Kim] So I went over and I sat and I-- 5J5pAho6dl4-00297-00116147-00116414 [Kim] at first I felt uncomfortable because I'm like 5J5pAho6dl4-00298-00116434-00116675 [Kim] 'Okay, I'm here alone' you know? I was picking on myself 5J5pAho6dl4-00299-00116680-00116903 [Kim] because I hadn't learn what you taught me yet 5J5pAho6dl4-00300-00117005-00117345 [Kim] but I was beating myself up like 'Oh God I'm here all by myself', 5J5pAho6dl4-00301-00117489-00117921 [Kim] but your talk was very engaging and yes Lisa! you need this book! 5J5pAho6dl4-00302-00117930-00118019 [Kim] It's amazing. 5J5pAho6dl4-00303-00118373-00118557 Oh my god, I didn't even see 5J5pAho6dl4-00304-00118725-00119205 Katie 'So proud of you Kim, you have gone through so much keep smiling love!' Oh yeah! 5J5pAho6dl4-00305-00119259-00119337 [Kim] Love you Katie 5J5pAho6dl4-00306-00119406-00119671 Dennis 'yes I need that book' yeah 5J5pAho6dl4-00307-00119693-00119844 Let me tell you, Katie, 5J5pAho6dl4-00308-00119891-00120349 I saw her in that crowd and it was like 5J5pAho6dl4-00309-00120407-00120840 you know when you see somebody from across the room and there's nobody else in that room 5J5pAho6dl4-00310-00120857-00121264 because they just, there's something about them, and it just shines so bright? 5J5pAho6dl4-00311-00121307-00121625 I saw Kim and I was like 'Oh my God this girl is amazing' 5J5pAho6dl4-00312-00121631-00121983 because she really stood out in the crowd, she was full on there 5J5pAho6dl4-00313-00122004-00122206 like full on there, full on enjoying it 5J5pAho6dl4-00314-00122274-00122812 And like feeling the vibe and, you know, Kim says 5J5pAho6dl4-00315-00122825-00123282 that she's come so far but the person you're seeing today 5J5pAho6dl4-00316-00123292-00123672 is the person that I saw from the moment I layed eyes on her. 5J5pAho6dl4-00317-00123720-00124249 I saw straight into her soul and I saw this person that you're seeing today 5J5pAho6dl4-00318-00124282-00124771 and she hasn't changed for me, she hasn't changed from that person. 5J5pAho6dl4-00319-00124971-00125423 In my experience, like, my experience she's just had moments where 5J5pAho6dl4-00320-00125433-00125622 I call them kitty in the tree moments 5J5pAho6dl4-00321-00125677-00126036 where the cat gets stuck up in the tree and you gotta get the ladder 5J5pAho6dl4-00322-00126052-00126357 gotta help the cat back down like I'm the fireman 5J5pAho6dl4-00323-00126405-00126530 Oh my God look at the cat! 5J5pAho6dl4-00325-00126900-00127086 That's who she's always been 5J5pAho6dl4-00326-00127093-00127436 and it has just under those layers that she was feeling 5J5pAho6dl4-00327-00127443-00127661 But, anyways go on Kim. 5J5pAho6dl4-00328-00127775-00128158 [Kim] Yeah, oh gosh where was I? You didn't tell me I needed tissue 5J5pAho6dl4-00329-00128347-00128779 You came to my booth and stephanie said 'go! she's on stage right now!' 5J5pAho6dl4-00330-00128811-00129067 You get to the crowd, you're having a good time 5J5pAho6dl4-00331-00129186-00129609 [Kim] I just-- I really let loose and had fun and that was the first time 5J5pAho6dl4-00332-00129618-00130025 [Kim] that I had fun since this happened and I was dancing! 5J5pAho6dl4-00333-00130030-00130554 [Kim] I was, like, smiling and laughing and crying and just releasing tension. 5J5pAho6dl4-00334-00130559-00130816 [Kim] Yeah uptown funk! you name it 5J5pAho6dl4-00335-00130886-00131246 [Kim] I had so much fun and I just felt like this-- 5J5pAho6dl4-00336-00131255-00131549 [Kim] Like you opened the door for me and welcomed me in 5J5pAho6dl4-00337-00131582-00131864 [Kim] and like the past is history. 5J5pAho6dl4-00338-00131933-00132415 [Kim] And I truly feel like I just-- I felt so much like welcomed in 5J5pAho6dl4-00339-00132932-00133281 [Kim] in a direction where I never thought I could find on my own. 5J5pAho6dl4-00340-00133306-00133535 [Kim] And it wasn't until I sat down and read 5J5pAho6dl4-00341-00133584-00133771 [Kim] I think I read the Come Back Queen first 5J5pAho6dl4-00342-00133784-00133972 [Kim] which was amazing, I learned so much 5J5pAho6dl4-00343-00134044-00134335 [Kim] about, like, purging the relationship and you mention that 5J5pAho6dl4-00344-00134340-00134653 [Kim] in No More Assholes also about purging your relationship, purging your ex, 5J5pAho6dl4-00345-00134665-00134925 [Kim] getting rid of things that remind you of him 5J5pAho6dl4-00346-00135023-00135303 [Kim] and that in itself was very therapeutic for me. 5J5pAho6dl4-00347-00135334-00135643 [Kim] That was a huge step, it did take a bit to accomplish that 5J5pAho6dl4-00348-00135661-00135850 [Kim] but I felt amazing after that happened. 5J5pAho6dl4-00349-00135895-00136124 [Kim] That's kind of with what I started when I met you 5J5pAho6dl4-00350-00136162-00136601 [Kim] when we started to build a relationship on your books and your 5J5pAho6dl4-00351-00136754-00137099 [Kim] I feel like you kind of help me, you took my hand and led me through 5J5pAho6dl4-00352-00137132-00137610 [Kim] so many different situations and just gave me a different perspective. 5J5pAho6dl4-00353-00137758-00138073 [Kim] So the books are amazing, I made a little couple of notes here. 5J5pAho6dl4-00354-00138162-00138524 [Kim] I learned about self love and loving kindness and 5J5pAho6dl4-00355-00138577-00138862 [Kim] how to meditate, that was one thing I wasn't familiar with, 5J5pAho6dl4-00356-00138876-00139116 [Kim] but it's something that is amazing and it's helped me 5J5pAho6dl4-00357-00139120-00139542 [Kim] and Katie, you can tell them! I tell everybody 'Meditate, meditate, meditate, meditate' 5J5pAho6dl4-00358-00139726-00140113 [Kim] It's something that's really helped me and it's helping my friends, too. 5J5pAho6dl4-00359-00140120-00140486 [Kim] Some of my friends, they've got on board and started meditating 5J5pAho6dl4-00360-00140500-00141047 [Kim] and just listening to your channel, your meditate with me channel in YouTube 5J5pAho6dl4-00361-00141123-00141286 [Kim] Katie says 'she does' yeah, yeah. 5J5pAho6dl4-00362-00141298-00141697 Let's meditate, guys! It's called let's meditate it's in my YouTube channel. 5J5pAho6dl4-00363-00141717-00142025 If you go to YouTube and type in Chantal Heide, you're gonna find my channel, 5J5pAho6dl4-00364-00142030-00142425 click on the 'Lets meditate' playlist, I've got tons of tracks in there. 5J5pAho6dl4-00365-00142455-00142760 I actually have a friend Rich Pendlebury who-- 5J5pAho6dl4-00366-00142774-00143066 I gotta bring him on one day because his story is so incredible. 5J5pAho6dl4-00367-00143096-00143393 This was my very first boyfriend when I was ten years old. 5J5pAho6dl4-00368-00143417-00143702 I spend two summers at my cousin's, he was my first kiss 5J5pAho6dl4-00369-00143770-00144136 and went home, I wrote him a letter, I didn't hear anything from him. 5J5pAho6dl4-00370-00144192-00144786 And that was it, until here I am, forty-five, and we run into each other again 5J5pAho6dl4-00371-00144797-00145205 and now he's making music for us to meditate to and 5J5pAho6dl4-00372-00145210-00145733 it is the most phenomenal meditation music I have ever listened to, it is incredible. 5J5pAho6dl4-00373-00146006-00146156 [Kim] I am, it's awesome. 5J5pAho6dl4-00374-00146240-00146670 [Kim] Yeah, the meditation has been of huge help, also like just releasing 5J5pAho6dl4-00375-00146680-00146909 [Kim] and releasing anger and releasing frustration 5J5pAho6dl4-00376-00146942-00147364 [Kim] and just talking to myself better, like better self talk. 5J5pAho6dl4-00377-00147418-00147668 [Kim] One thing that really resonates with me is 5J5pAho6dl4-00378-00147668-00147941 [Kim] just talking to yourself in your best friend voice. 5J5pAho6dl4-00379-00147974-00148447 [Kim] And for so long I always told myself, you know, you're not worthy 5J5pAho6dl4-00380-00148477-00148644 [Kim] you're ugly, you're this and you're that. 5J5pAho6dl4-00381-00148654-00148878 [Kim] and I'm like 'Would you tell your best friend that?' 5J5pAho6dl4-00382-00148885-00149334 [Kim] Would you tell them that you're all these terrible things? No. 5J5pAho6dl4-00383-00149267-00149589 [Kim] So I started changing myself, talk my mirror work 5J5pAho6dl4-00384-00149596-00149876 [Kim] I wake up in the morning and say 'you're gonna have an awesome day' 5J5pAho6dl4-00385-00149919-00150100 [Kim] and 'Look how far you've come' 5J5pAho6dl4-00386-00150233-00150469 [Kim] Just-- I started saying yes, finally. 5J5pAho6dl4-00387-00150521-00150979 [Kim] People would ask me out and I'd find every reason in the world not to go out and now-- 5J5pAho6dl4-00388-00151206-00151513 [Kim] just-- to some degree I say yes to so many different things 5J5pAho6dl4-00389-00151525-00151824 [Kim] and just trying new things and experimenting. 5J5pAho6dl4-00390-00152175-00152464 [Kim] Going out of my comfort zone like an awesome band that I love 5J5pAho6dl4-00391-00152501-00152826 [Kim] they welcomed me up on the stage to sing a song and at first I'm like 5J5pAho6dl4-00392-00152874-00153263 [Kim] 'No. No, no, no, no' I got up there, I didn't even think about it 5J5pAho6dl4-00393-00153282-00153402 [Kim] and I had so much fun. 5J5pAho6dl4-00394-00153561-00153924 [Kim] Stuff like that. Oh and also, another thing is 5J5pAho6dl4-00395-00154045-00154455 [Kim] finding out who am I, and at the beginning it's all like 'Okay, who am I? 5J5pAho6dl4-00396-00154473-00154930 [Kim] 'I am a... I'm a good cook! I'm a good activity coordinator. 5J5pAho6dl4-00397-00154964-00155143 [Kim] Like this is difficult!' Well... 5J5pAho6dl4-00398-00155284-00155475 [Kim] a hundred and forty-five 5J5pAho6dl4-00399-00155514-00155605 [Kim] do you remember this Chantal? 5J5pAho6dl4-00400-00155675-00155728 Yes! 5J5pAho6dl4-00401-00156030-00156459 Ladies, everybody, like if you're 5J5pAho6dl4-00402-00156601-00156958 if you're not feeling good enough is because you're not seeing yourself well enough. 5J5pAho6dl4-00403-00156964-00157141 You are not giving yourself enough recognition 5J5pAho6dl4-00404-00157244-00157454 Liza Kennedy, yes you are! 5J5pAho6dl4-00405-00157480-00158046 And one thing that I have people do is write fifty, five Oh 5J5pAho6dl4-00406-00158083-00158350 'I am...' statements that are all positive 5J5pAho6dl4-00407-00158384-00158683 and, you know, that push, that-- 5J5pAho6dl4-00408-00158765-00159267 That really thinking, digging deep to get to fifty is what is going to rewire 5J5pAho6dl4-00409-00159272-00159860 your brain to recognize your brain fully, because when you elevate yourself 5J5pAho6dl4-00410-00159907-00160195 nobody can take advantage of you, nobody can bring you down 5J5pAho6dl4-00411-00160202-00160573 because you're in control and that is incredi-- Oh maggie is here! 5J5pAho6dl4-00412-00160644-00160781 That's so awesome 5J5pAho6dl4-00413-00160923-00161262 Hey Maggie. Let me see if I can make her a little bed, hold on one second. 5J5pAho6dl4-00414-00161304-00161584 Maggie come here baby. Come here, come. 5J5pAho6dl4-00415-00161699-00161967 Let's see what we can do here. Okay, maggie on your bed. 5J5pAho6dl4-00416-00162788-00163087 She just wants to hang out, I'm just making sure she's getting chill. 5J5pAho6dl4-00417-00163245-00163318 There we go. 5J5pAho6dl4-00418-00163549-00163626 Where is she? 5J5pAho6dl4-00419-00163734-00163823 Here you can see her 5J5pAho6dl4-00420-00163917-00164360 That's Maggie, she my rescue poodle, she's my guard dog 5J5pAho6dl4-00421-00164373-00164777 Jennifer 'This is awesome, find yourself girl be your awesome self' 5J5pAho6dl4-00422-00164783-00165012 Someone is going... Greek? 5J5pAho6dl4-00423-00165124-00165256 Someone in the chat is going Greek. 5J5pAho6dl4-00424-00165394-00165664 I love you because you're actually fabulous 5J5pAho6dl4-00425-00165705-00165904 I'm sure she's talking to you Kimberly 5J5pAho6dl4-00426-00166033-00166185 Thank you Jennifer! 5J5pAho6dl4-00427-00166429-00167109 Like, Kimberly is this incredible, beautiful soul and I love spending time with her 5J5pAho6dl4-00428-00167160-00167472 because she's so emotionally rewarding 5J5pAho6dl4-00429-00167750-00168202 We all hit ups and downs and she had a lot of downs when she was coming out of this 5J5pAho6dl4-00430-00168210-00168565 because getting yourself through something like this 5J5pAho6dl4-00431-00168573-00168887 is kinda like looking at the _ Johns graph, right? 5J5pAho6dl4-00432-00168933-00169286 Like you up and then it goes down and it goes up and it goes down it goes up 5J5pAho6dl4-00433-00169308-00169588 but as long as you keep doing the work and I could always tell 5J5pAho6dl4-00434-00169594-00170054 when you were not meditating because, you know, I might check in 5J5pAho6dl4-00435-00170066-00170309 because you might feel like you were down or you might-- 5J5pAho6dl4-00436-00170315-00170445 Yeah Katie! 5J5pAho6dl4-00437-00170494-00170960 You know? But when we'd get in contact when you were having one of those down times 5J5pAho6dl4-00438-00171015-00171340 and now as the words were spilling out on my screen 5J5pAho6dl4-00439-00171384-00171768 I'm thinking 'she's not meditating because she's in a really bad place right not' 5J5pAho6dl4-00440-00171785-00172038 and she stopped shrinking her amygdala 5J5pAho6dl4-00441-00172072-00172529 and now she's in a fight or flight mode and that's why she's freaking out right now. 5J5pAho6dl4-00442-00172542-00172643 Kitty is up in the tree! 5J5pAho6dl4-00443-00172700-00172830 Gotta get the kitty down 5J5pAho6dl4-00444-00172853-00173384 Jennifer Parson says 'oh someone is gonna love you because you're freaking awesome' right? 5J5pAho6dl4-00445-00173559-00173779 [Kim] Thank you Jennifer! that's so sweet. 5J5pAho6dl4-00446-00173852-00174243 So your 'I am' you're, like, over a hundred and forty now. 5J5pAho6dl4-00447-00174329-00174691 [Kim] A hundred and forty-five! Yeah, and I just sat down with it 5J5pAho6dl4-00448-00174710-00175118 [Kim] and that's not the only thing I did, I also did... 5J5pAho6dl4-00449-00175144-00175480 [Kim] I started with that because that was a huge-- and I think everybody should do this 5J5pAho6dl4-00450-00175510-00176039 [Kim] Folks, do this. Get a paper, write down 'Who am I?' and not just the 5J5pAho6dl4-00451-00176095-00176319 [Kim] 'I'm a good cook, I'm a good cleaner' 5J5pAho6dl4-00452-00176357-00176771 [Kim] What is it? Like I can read a couple like 'I'm nice, I'm caring, I'm passionate' 5J5pAho6dl4-00453-00176790-00177212 [Kim] 'I'm thoughtful, energized, I'm loyal, I'm strong and I'm loving. 5J5pAho6dl4-00454-00177230-00177603 [Kim] like that is just a couple of examples of the list. 5J5pAho6dl4-00455-00177681-00177903 [Kim] And there's quite a few on there, 5J5pAho6dl4-00456-00177949-00178243 [Kim] Because we do have to give ourselves a little pat in the back, that's for sure. 5J5pAho6dl4-00457-00178556-00178946 Hundred percent. Hundred percent. If you cannot acknowlegde yourself 5J5pAho6dl4-00458-00178998-00179407 If you can't pat your own back then you would be one of those people that 5J5pAho6dl4-00459-00179415-00179703 everytime somebody compliments you're gonna reject it 5J5pAho6dl4-00460-00179882-00180488 So, really, this I am exercise is about elevating yourself so that when somebody comes along 5J5pAho6dl4-00461-00180544-00180897 and wants you to be in an elevated position which is man. 5J5pAho6dl4-00462-00180907-00181260 A man is a generous long term thinker who wants a woman he can 5J5pAho6dl4-00463-00181274-00181675 lift and appreciate versus a guy, who's a selfish short term thinker 5J5pAho6dl4-00464-00181680-00182128 who wants a woman he can kinda more control so that he can get his way when he wants it. 5J5pAho6dl4-00465-00182298-00182773 You know, when that man comes along and he's like 'you're amazing, you're beautiful, 5J5pAho6dl4-00466-00182783-00183031 you're so kind you're so generous, you´re so wonderful. 5J5pAho6dl4-00467-00183081-00183177 You're gonna be like 5J5pAho6dl4-00468-00183282-00183641 'thank you, thank you for seeing that inside of me' 5J5pAho6dl4-00469-00183700-00183898 I do, I look in the mirror and I see that 5J5pAho6dl4-00470-00183903-00184194 and I appreciate having another human being in front of me 5J5pAho6dl4-00471-00184227-00184599 that's sees the depths of my soul as well as I do. 5J5pAho6dl4-00472-00184819-00184885 [Kim] Definitely 5J5pAho6dl4-00473-00184940-00185505 [Kim] and another thing I did was I made a list of 'why does a good man want to be with me?' 5J5pAho6dl4-00474-00185534-00185944 [Kim] and I wrote what it's important to me 5J5pAho6dl4-00475-00186022-00186376 [Kim] why would they wanna be with me? and, again, that's talking yourself up 5J5pAho6dl4-00476-00186428-00186516 [Kim] instead of down. 5J5pAho6dl4-00477-00186694-00187075 [Kim] And just focusing on your positive traits that are appealing, that you know are 5J5pAho6dl4-00478-00187092-00187233 [Kim] and that you've worked towards 5J5pAho6dl4-00479-00187265-00187600 [Kim] and that's definitely something that I found myself because 5J5pAho6dl4-00480-00187628-00187731 [Kim] ask me to do this 5J5pAho6dl4-00481-00187957-00188245 [Kim] two years ago and I'd say-- because this year has been amazing 5J5pAho6dl4-00482-00188269-00188377 [Kim] I'm not gonna say this year 5J5pAho6dl4-00483-00188432-00188890 [Kim] two years ago and what I would have said would have been completely different 5J5pAho6dl4-00484-00189038-00189283 [Kim] So yeah and the last time I did was also 5J5pAho6dl4-00485-00189313-00189602 [Kim] because it also important with what 'I want in a man' 5J5pAho6dl4-00486-00189630-00189898 [Kim] and maybe you wanna touch on that Chantal? 5J5pAho6dl4-00487-00189946-00190148 Oh, absolutely, yes. Yeah. 5J5pAho6dl4-00488-00190320-00190394 [Kim] Awesome. 5J5pAho6dl4-00489-00190571-00190966 [Kim] That's kind of the main gist of it, and also just like laughter 5J5pAho6dl4-00490-00190981-00191337 [Kim] and dancing and just living life to the fullest. 5J5pAho6dl4-00491-00191368-00191861 [Kim] and having fun and just making new friends, making connections, 5J5pAho6dl4-00492-00191896-00192268 [Kim] trying new things and, yeah, just living life. 5J5pAho6dl4-00493-00192369-00192449 [Kim] to the fullest. 5J5pAho6dl4-00494-00192726-00192958 Let's give some advice to women right now 5J5pAho6dl4-00495-00193050-00193421 and we've given them some tips for pulling themselves up. 5J5pAho6dl4-00496-00193544-00194158 When that dow jones chart you gonna go up and then your gonna hit it down 5J5pAho6dl4-00497-00194283-00194620 What do you to pull yourself? Like you've been doing some work 5J5pAho6dl4-00498-00194684-00195140 and you're thinking 'wow this is great' and then you kinda hit another low. 5J5pAho6dl4-00499-00195200-00195665 What was your remedy for getting yourself out of that low sooner rather than later? 5J5pAho6dl4-00500-00195822-00196168 [Kim] I think the main key, i guess I've preached this a couple of times I'm sure 5J5pAho6dl4-00501-00196210-00196611 [Kim] of course for me was meditation and it was just because I'd find 5J5pAho6dl4-00502-00196634-00197108 [Kim] that when you meditate you take that focus off that fight or flight response 5J5pAho6dl4-00503-00197113-00197514 [Kim] and you put it on loving, kindness, respect and 5J5pAho6dl4-00504-00197534-00197885 [Kim] Just building yourself back up again and that's where-- like I would just 5J5pAho6dl4-00505-00197894-00198091 [Kim] be like 'Okay I'm feeling angry right now' 5J5pAho6dl4-00506-00198158-00198370 [Kim] 'I'm gonna sit down and I'm gonna meditate' and 5J5pAho6dl4-00507-00198390-00198867 [Kim] at first it would be difficult to take my mind from that stressful experience 5J5pAho6dl4-00508-00198902-00199288 [Kim] and put it towards me and bringing myself inwards. 5J5pAho6dl4-00509-00199346-00199652 [Kim] and when I finally figured out how to do that that's what really helped me. 5J5pAho6dl4-00510-00199681-00200233 [Kim] So, the meditation part and, you know, as you say we sometimes cycle 5J5pAho6dl4-00511-00200245-00200608 [Kim] We go backwards a bit but I find when I cycle sometimes I don't go back 5J5pAho6dl4-00512-00200613-00200746 [Kim] near as far as I used to. 5J5pAho6dl4-00513-00200782-00201256 [Kim] So when we fall it's not near as bad and it's something that I can maintain 5J5pAho6dl4-00514-00201261-00201466 [Kim] because I've started to build a framework 5J5pAho6dl4-00515-00201570-00201926 [Kim] like a foundation that doesn't have any cracks anymore 5J5pAho6dl4-00516-00201946-00202107 [Kim] and it's feeling stronger. 5J5pAho6dl4-00517-00202277-00202773 [Kim] Yeah I think probably meditation and, again, talking myself through it 5J5pAho6dl4-00518-00202854-00203142 [Kim] I just live with myself and a cat right now, she maybe think I'm crazy 5J5pAho6dl4-00519-00203150-00203319 [Kim] I think I'm doing a good job. 5J5pAho6dl4-00520-00203489-00203724 You're not a crazy cat lady, it's all good. 5J5pAho6dl4-00521-00203757-00203846 [Kim] No no! 5J5pAho6dl4-00522-00204084-00204321 So, you know, like, I observe your life 5J5pAho6dl4-00523-00204392-00205033 and I love how you just embodied this 'single and fabulous' lifestyle 5J5pAho6dl4-00524-00205052-00205409 like single is definitely not a disease with you. 5J5pAho6dl4-00525-00205614-00205860 [Kim] I never thought it could be this good before I met you 5J5pAho6dl4-00526-00205872-00206237 [Kim] like I just-- and you've showed me like go for walks, 5J5pAho6dl4-00527-00206253-00206602 [Kim] meditate, find what you love, find your passion, 5J5pAho6dl4-00528-00206684-00207160 [Kim] like that's truly truly helped me and I'm just doing so much for myself 5J5pAho6dl4-00529-00207181-00207564 [Kim] I don't even think when I'm out somewhere doing something by myself 5J5pAho6dl4-00530-00207606-00207946 [Kim] I think it's more-- it's difficult for other people to see me by myself 5J5pAho6dl4-00531-00207993-00208236 [Kim] but I have no issue with that. For example 5J5pAho6dl4-00532-00208323-00208743 [Kim] this is funny; today was my day off and I decided I'd take myself out for lunch 5J5pAho6dl4-00533-00208763-00209362 [Kim] and I just went out to a local cafe and the waiter came over and he gave me 5J5pAho6dl4-00534-00209430-00209783 [Kim] he gave me the menu and I picked what I wanted 5J5pAho6dl4-00535-00209840-00210111 [Kim] and he said 'do you wanna keep it so you have something to read?' 5J5pAho6dl4-00536-00210185-00210356 [Kim] he thought I was gonna be lonely. 5J5pAho6dl4-00537-00210575-00210889 [Kim] and I'm like 'I'm quite okay with my own thoughts, thank you though.' 5J5pAho6dl4-00538-00210996-00211361 [Kim] and I think other people are possibly uncomfortable 5J5pAho6dl4-00539-00211421-00211884 [Kim] seeing you alone, but I love going out, I go out to the movies by myself 5J5pAho6dl4-00540-00211903-00212112 [Kim] I go-- I even took myself bowling. 5J5pAho6dl4-00541-00212197-00212247 What?! 5J5pAho6dl4-00542-00212250-00212509 [Kim] I always win, that's a good thing. I know I know! 5J5pAho6dl4-00543-00212758-00213133 [Kim] But yeah, no, truly I've just embrace it and I'm happy and 5J5pAho6dl4-00544-00213204-00213635 [Kim] you know, I just feel powerful and strong and confident 5J5pAho6dl4-00545-00213643-00213954 [Kim] and, you know, like I don't-- people are like 'Oh yeah, like, 5J5pAho6dl4-00546-00213974-00214324 [Kim] you're preaching all these books, but you don't have a man yet' 5J5pAho6dl4-00547-00214330-00214684 [Kim] and I'm like 'he's coming, I'm-- I'll be ready for him when he comes' 5J5pAho6dl4-00548-00214947-00215216 [Kim] It's a big process, it's a big step to be where I am 5J5pAho6dl4-00549-00215228-00215542 [Kim] It's just, after what happened, I was so low 5J5pAho6dl4-00550-00215570-00215838 [Kim] that I needed this time to build myself back up again. 5J5pAho6dl4-00551-00215895-00215954 [Kim] and I have. 5J5pAho6dl4-00552-00216147-00216286 I'm so proud of you. 5J5pAho6dl4-00553-00216602-00217018 Can you feel it right now? Like I'm feeling so much love and pride for you 5J5pAho6dl4-00554-00217102-00217606 You have absolutely come far from the person you told me you were 5J5pAho6dl4-00555-00217610-00217788 not the person I first saw. 5J5pAho6dl4-00556-00217852-00218157 But you've come far from the kitty in the three 5J5pAho6dl4-00557-00218277-00218684 You've come far you know, from, like, your power 5J5pAho6dl4-00558-00218704-00219386 your confidence has grown so much and I'm super, super, super proud of you. 5J5pAho6dl4-00559-00219445-00219827 And I can't wait to see what's next in the story of Kimberly. 5J5pAho6dl4-00560-00220006-00220137 [Kim] I'm excited too! 5J5pAho6dl4-00561-00220252-00220353 So let me ask you this: 5J5pAho6dl4-00562-00220422-00220529 What's your favorite book? 5J5pAho6dl4-00563-00220630-00220728 [Kim] Oh, gosh. 5J5pAho6dl4-00564-00220974-00221108 [Kim] I love all of them 5J5pAho6dl4-00565-00221281-00221768 [Kim] It's hard to pick just one because, like, for different phases of my life, right? 5J5pAho6dl4-00566-00221853-00222245 [Kim] For example I reread this 'No More Assholes' 5J5pAho6dl4-00567-00222292-00222598 [Kim] Like today again, I finished it. 5J5pAho6dl4-00568-00222683-00223009 [Kim] I probably have read it like six or seven times now and I just 5J5pAho6dl4-00569-00223069-00223163 [Kim] I love the content 5J5pAho6dl4-00570-00223222-00223544 [Kim] Oh goodness, I think right now probably 'Say yes to goodness' 5J5pAho6dl4-00571-00223555-00223737 [Kim] is something that's really resonanting with me 5J5pAho6dl4-00572-00223820-00223918 [Kim] Say yes to goodness 5J5pAho6dl4-00573-00224018-00224244 [Kim] but I do keep going back to 'No more assholes' 5J5pAho6dl4-00574-00224370-00224469 I like that you said-- 5J5pAho6dl4-00575-00224727-00224886 You said one time that every time you read it 5J5pAho6dl4-00576-00224909-00225184 you're like 'Oh I used to be there but I'm not anymore' 5J5pAho6dl4-00577-00225195-00225505 so it kinda shows you how you've made progress too in a way. 5J5pAho6dl4-00578-00225594-00225958 [Kim] Yeah, like, I haven't-- One book that I haven't picked up for a while 5J5pAho6dl4-00579-00225956-00226222 [Kim] because I don't feel I need it anymore like I did at the time 5J5pAho6dl4-00580-00226255-00226547 [Kim] was the 'Come Back Queen' and I needed it at that point, 5J5pAho6dl4-00581-00226552-00227002 [Kim] but now I'm like 'that was me' I loved the book, it's a great book 5J5pAho6dl4-00582-00227012-00227210 [Kim] but that's not where I'm at right now so 5J5pAho6dl4-00583-00227233-00227494 [Kim] I keep refreshing myself with no more assholes 5J5pAho6dl4-00584-00227662-00228135 [Kim] but I also feel like, yes 'say yes to goodness' is the one that's really helped me too 5J5pAho6dl4-00585-00228207-00228567 [Kim] 'fake love-- fake love need not apply' that's been helpful also 5J5pAho6dl4-00586-00228817-00229194 [Kim] I can't pick my favorite! This is difficult, we'll say my favorite of the day 5J5pAho6dl4-00587-00229240-00229603 [Kim] is 'No more assholes' because I had a great time with it today 5J5pAho6dl4-00588-00229630-00229890 You're so cute. You're so adorable. 5J5pAho6dl4-00589-00229988-00230084 Alright. Well 5J5pAho6dl4-00590-00230129-00230210 Okay, Kim 5J5pAho6dl4-00591-00230329-00230396 Thank you. 5J5pAho6dl4-00592-00230512-00231685 and how good you feel. 5J5pAho6dl4-00593-00230551-00230815 Thank you, I think we talked a lot today 5J5pAho6dl4-00594-00230823-00231070 I think' there's gonna be a lot of women that are gonna learn 5J5pAho6dl4-00595-00231096-00231504 from what you've gone through and how much you've elevated yourself 5J5pAho6dl4-00596-00231816-00231883 I love you. 5J5pAho6dl4-00597-00232038-00232121 [Kim] I love YOU. 5J5pAho6dl4-00598-00232180-00232362 Yeah. You're a good woman. 5J5pAho6dl4-00599-00232619-00232904 [Kim] Thanks Chantal. Thank you for everything, it's been amazing and 5J5pAho6dl4-00600-00232959-00233233 [Kim] you know, if anybody can learn something today I'd just say 5J5pAho6dl4-00601-00233253-00233603 [Kim] go to Amazon, pick up these books or if you're in Stratford talk to me 5J5pAho6dl4-00602-00233855-00234181 [Kim] I'm not getting paid, I'm just saying this is so helpful. 5J5pAho6dl4-00603-00234236-00234573 [Kim] and I just-- It's amazing, it's really helped me and I just... 5J5pAho6dl4-00604-00234575-00234866 [Kim] I would not be where I am today without Chantal and 5J5pAho6dl4-00605-00234886-00235097 [Kim] I really hope that there's somebody listening today that 5J5pAho6dl4-00606-00235109-00235322 [Kim] will reach out to us, because 5J5pAho6dl4-00607-00235422-00235670 [Kim] she's amazing and she can certainly help you. 5J5pAho6dl4-00608-00235712-00235799 [Kim] You're never alone. 5J5pAho6dl4-00609-00235908-00235981 Never alone. 5J5pAho6dl4-00610-00236018-00236403 True. I'm always here for my women, if there is one thing that I love 5J5pAho6dl4-00611-00236461-00236919 is love and it's-- I fully believe in butterfly effects 5J5pAho6dl4-00612-00236976-00237383 I really feel like we infect each other 5J5pAho6dl4-00613-00237396-00237773 and I've infected you with what's inside of me, 5J5pAho6dl4-00614-00237806-00238212 you're infecting people around you and it's gonna go on and on and on 5J5pAho6dl4-00615-00238251-00238479 and girlfriend we're start a revolution. 5J5pAho6dl4-00616-00238734-00238836 [Kim] We definitely are. 5J5pAho6dl4-00617-00238875-00238923 [Kim] I can feel it! 5J5pAho6dl4-00618-00238930-00239290 Lisa Kennedy says 'This is us!' Thank you for sharing, Kim! 5J5pAho6dl4-00619-00239315-00239533 [Kim] Thank you Lisa. 5J5pAho6dl4-00620-00239667-00239864 [Kim] Lisa's amazing activity manager 5J5pAho6dl4-00621-00240027-00240212 OH, is that-- yeah, nice. 5J5pAho6dl4-00622-00240458-00240551 Alright, so... 5J5pAho6dl4-00623-00240707-00241180 You all can find my stuff on my websites Canadasdatingcoach.com 5J5pAho6dl4-00624-00241213-00241712 lovemaker.love I've got a ton of info attach to this. 5J5pAho6dl4-00625-00241742-00241932 Share this video, guys, like-- 5J5pAho6dl4-00626-00242014-00242472 let's lift each other up, lets get some power going, let's get some happy women 5J5pAho6dl4-00627-00242498-00242899 creating happy men, having happy families with happy kids, 5J5pAho6dl4-00628-00242904-00243119 who are gonna have their own happy relationships 5J5pAho6dl4-00629-00243159-00244723 and we're gonna make a huge snowball effect of amazing love! 5J5pAho6dl4-00630-00243746-00244042 I love you guys so much, we're gonna sign off now. 5J5pAho6dl4-00631-00244092-00244311 Thank you Kim, I'll talk to you soon. 5J5pAho6dl4-00632-00244401-00244600 [Kim] Thank you! Bye everybody! 5J5pAho6dl4-00633-00244672-00244735 Bye! 5p7_0TayovA-00000-00000065-00000340 we are Julien Brian and Alexander 5p7_0TayovA-00001-00000340-00000775 And with the bio bazaar we will revolutionize the way genetically modified 5p7_0TayovA-00002-00000775-00000863 organisms 5p7_0TayovA-00003-00000863-00001307 are shared in the scientific community we start with the Drosophila fruit fly 5p7_0TayovA-00004-00001307-00001600 Sharing system: www.drososhare.net 5p7_0TayovA-00005-00001600-00001898 I've got my PhD in biology in 2006 5p7_0TayovA-00006-00001898-00002320 and have been working on the neurobiology of the fruit fly ever since. 5p7_0TayovA-00007-00002320-00002706 Like about 20,000 other scientists 5p7_0TayovA-00008-00002706-00003076 around the world, I used transgenic flies in my experiments. 5p7_0TayovA-00010-00003200-00003729 Those flies can be obtained from fellow scientists who built them. 5p7_0TayovA-00011-00003729-00004237 During my career, I came across the same problem again and again 5p7_0TayovA-00012-00004237-00004577 Obtaining flies is time consuming if at all possible 5p7_0TayovA-00013-00004577-00005000 I had a colleague who looked for specific fly stock for months 5p7_0TayovA-00014-00005000-00005284 Personnally, I had to cancel some experiments 5p7_0TayovA-00015-00005284-00005601 because I could not find the flies I needed. 5p7_0TayovA-00016-00005601-00005902 On average, a successful transaction 5p7_0TayovA-00017-00005902-00006228 is about one day work. By enabling a fast 5p7_0TayovA-00018-00006228-00006665 and automated lab sharing, the Bio Bazaar will bring this time down 5p7_0TayovA-00019-00006665-00007047 to 30 minutes. Our first product, "Drososhare", 5p7_0TayovA-00020-00007047-00007509 will already save about 400,000 hours of work per year 5p7_0TayovA-00021-00007509-00007858 this corresponds to one hundred fifty (150) Scientists 5p7_0TayovA-00022-00007858-00008484 working full time. This is more than the size of the world Institute where I graduated ! 5p7_0TayovA-00023-00008484-00008940 How we will do that ? Quite simple: we gather fly stock list from biologists, 5p7_0TayovA-00024-00008940-00009267 and when asked for a specific fly 5p7_0TayovA-00025-00009267-00009710 we can forward their request to the best sharing partner 5p7_0TayovA-00026-00009710-00009945 and by taking a fee on each transaction, 5p7_0TayovA-00027-00009945-00010170 drososhare will be sustainable. 5p7_0TayovA-00028-00010170-00010729 The list upload is functional. We now need your support to bring drososhare to completion 5p7_0TayovA-00029-00010729-00011182 and develop the system for fly query, sharing automation, 5p7_0TayovA-00030-00011182-00011610 and billing. Drososhare income will enable 5p7_0TayovA-00031-00011610-00012142 further development, allowing us to apply this principle to other model organisms 5p7_0TayovA-00032-00012142-00012500 savings the work of biologists working with mice 5p7_0TayovA-00033-00012500-00012864 Plants, fungis, fishes, worms and so on 5p7_0TayovA-00034-00012864-00013169 this is only the start. 5p7_0TayovA-00035-00013169-00013726 With the BioBazaar, we will bring web tools into the lab. 5p7_0TayovA-00036-00013726-00014118 Support us, let's together speed up Science discovery 5p7_0TayovA-00037-00014118-00014566 In addition to the great feeling of helping science and society 5p7_0TayovA-00038-00014566-00014884 you get a chance to win a week end in Crete, 5p7_0TayovA-00039-00014884-00015237 where I will introduce one of you to the crazy 5p7_0TayovA-00040-00015237-00015541 little world of Drosophila neurobiology. 5p7_0TayovA-00041-00015541-00015690 Thank you 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00000-00000024-00000632 welcome to monet cafe i'm artist susan jenkins join me in this lesson as we explore beginner 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00001-00000632-00001224 products and tips for soft pastel painting now you're going to get a lot even if you're not a 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00002-00001224-00001744 beginner to pastel painting i'm going to share a lot of products that i think are affordable great 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00003-00001744-00002256 for beginners but i was amazed at a lot of these products these are ones i had not used before 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00004-00002256-00002880 so you're going to get the low down and a lot of practical tips for painting on surfaces that are 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00005-00002880-00003688 affordable diy creating your own pastel surfaces and lots more so come join the painting fun and 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00006-00003688-00004280 very soon i will have the actual tutorials from some of these paintings so enjoy get ready get 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00007-00004280-00004840 your popcorn here we go if you would go ahead and like this video go ahead and subscribe if 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00008-00004840-00005288 you haven't already and if you hit the little bell next to the subscribe button you'll be notified of 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00009-00005288-00005872 any future videos i post this free video tutorial is brought to you because of the faithful support 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00010-00005872-00006392 from my patrons on my patreon page for five dollars a month you can support this channel 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00011-00006392-00007231 and you get extra content hello artistic friends on youtube fans and followers i'm excited to 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00012-00007231-00007720 talk about some new products that i think are going to be so great for the beginner artist 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00013-00007720-00008224 and i love these products so no matter what your level i think you're going to be excited 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00014-00008224-00008816 about some of my new product discoveries i'm always looking though for inexpensive ways 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00015-00008816-00009400 to paint with soft pastels because it can get really pricey well any painting medium really 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00016-00009400-00009960 but where we spend our most money uh where i believe you should spend your most money with 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00017-00009960-00010624 soft pastel painting is in the actual soft pastels themselves you really can't beat the quality 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00018-00010624-00011400 of a good soft pastel and having a lot of pigment versus binder which is so common with cheap sets 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00019-00011400-00011888 there's a lot of binder a lot of filler if you want to think of it that way so i first i'm going 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00020-00011888-00012344 to talk about some pastels i've discovered then i'm going to talk about some new papers that i've 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00021-00012344-00013000 discovered that are all very affordable and i'm going to be sharing some of my paintings with you 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00022-00013000-00013512 and my techniques for protecting them so you're going to get a whole lot in these next few videos 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00023-00013512-00014088 first let me talk about these pastels now i have yet to do an actual pastel painting with these 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00024-00014088-00014584 but i can already tell that i love them a lot of my patrons on my patreon page have said they've 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00025-00014584-00015216 tried well not a lot a few have said they've tried these and they were very impressed okay so i'm 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00026-00015216-00015912 going to tell you the price here this is a 40 set of pastels i love the size they're not they're not 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00027-00015912-00016416 called half sticks but they're just kind of nice a nice size i'll show them to in a second and um i 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00028-00016416-00017048 love the fact that they don't have labels that's just so awesome but 40 colors of these pastels 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00029-00017104-00017872 is 44. on amazon and the company contacted me to see if i wanted to do a review and i always 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00030-00017872-00018472 say yes to a pastel review and i'm always very honest about them too if i think it's going to be 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00031-00018472-00018856 enough of a negative review on something i just probably won't share it because i don't want to 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00032-00018856-00019256 make the company feel bad but with these i can tell i'm already excited so let's just 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00033-00019256-00019848 do kind of a little product reveal here the packaging is amazing it's called paul rubins 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00034-00019848-00020360 but they do have some um asian lettering here it's really pretty i love this gold leaf uh 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00035-00020432-00021016 graphic here so artists soft pastels and i love also too they have 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00036-00021200-00021920 a nice little brochure in here that has also little instructions for use i have never seen this 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00037-00021920-00022560 in a set of soft pastels i mean they may have links or things online but this has some really 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00038-00022560-00023320 neat little pastel instructions for use two pages of it actually and also it has a color chart oh my 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00039-00023320-00023952 goodness i have recently been talking to some of my uh friends and patrons on my patreon page about 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00040-00023952-00024536 how certain sets they might have their colors listed but they don't have them in the order 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00041-00024536-00025120 so you can't know where they go now this is awesome right here i love that they have this 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00042-00025120-00025920 and also too here's what's even better i love love love it when a pastel art pastel company 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00043-00025920-00026560 will include a color chart meaning a chart that you can fill in yourself a blank one 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00044-00026560-00027239 so what it is is these numbers correspond with exactly where these pastels are now why would 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00045-00027239-00027888 we need that well it's basically because if you go by the color that's printed on this little 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00046-00027888-00028327 printout they don't they never look the same you know we're dealing with a printer 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00047-00028327-00028760 we're dealing with um you know sometimes just lighting things look different when you look at 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00048-00028760-00029344 it on paper versus the actual so if you run out of a pastel and you don't remember which one it was 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00049-00029344-00029864 you may not be able to find it from here um the color may not and you don't have the color anymore 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00050-00029864-00030488 so this is what's so awesome about this chart here is that you literally you don't have to rely on a 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00051-00030488-00031192 printout you take your actual pastels and you go in here and you make a mark on every spot here 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00052-00031192-00031656 it also helps you to rearrange them in the right order if you want to keep them as a set 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00053-00031656-00032120 i've been keeping a lot of my pastels as set so all right i've already uh let's pretend i didn't 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00054-00032120-00032936 show it voila it's so awesome i love the vibrancy of these colors now i could pretty much instantly 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00055-00032936-00033480 tell just when i opened the box that i was impressed because i could see the color vibrancy 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00056-00033560-00034152 and i do something whenever i open a box of pastels i do something i call it the finger test 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00057-00034152-00034824 and i literally just take a clean finger and i rub it across one of the pastels to see how much 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00058-00034824-00035272 color actually comes off on my finger so you can already see we've got some 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00059-00035272-00035912 gorgeous luscious colors in here but this red is literally just singing to me so let's take 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00060-00035912-00036528 a take a look at that i'm just going to rub my finger across are you ready oh my goodness that 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00061-00036528-00037256 is such smooth and bright bold application of color outstanding oh my goodness that means 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00062-00037320-00038096 that the manufacturer of this pastel used almost all color with very little binder it's the 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00063-00038096-00038824 ingredient that keeps them holding together as a stick and the reason soft pastels um the ones 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00064-00038824-00039424 that are super super soft the ones that are super super colorful the reason they fall apart kind of 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00065-00039424-00040080 easily sometimes is because they are almost all pure color now different products are used for all 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00066-00040080-00040520 the different colors you know they get i'd like to research that where do they get that red from 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00067-00040520-00040984 is it from the dirt the side of a mountain you know i mean that's interesting but all the colors 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00068-00040984-00041552 come from different elements i should say so sometimes they're not as bold or bright as others 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00069-00041552-00042224 but this blue for example is just really oh my goodness gracious um i really like this blue right 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00070-00042224-00042744 here that is such a pretty blue see that i already rubbed the red off my finger so i'm very impressed 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00071-00042800-00043768 with their um amount of color now what i really was curious about was their layout of color here 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00072-00043768-00044216 and i was just kind of examining i often like to look at the rhyme or the reason 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00073-00044216-00044984 behind the layout of a box of pastels and i can already see they have a lot of nice neutrals 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00074-00045056-00045528 look at all these beautiful i love this as a neutral color i have one that i use very similar 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00075-00045528-00046296 to this it's almost like a dull neutral lavender and gray lavender and it is great for neutralizing 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00076-00046352-00046904 elements in a painting they have a lot of nice darks they have a lot of nice 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00077-00046904-00047576 earthy colors look at all these earthy colors oranges another one of course i love this red 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00078-00047648-00048120 but look at the reds they have that lean towards a cooler red sometimes it's hard to find cooler reds 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00079-00048120-00048800 they lean a little bit towards pink look at these reds oh my goodness and um almost a little salmony 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00080-00048800-00049408 color especially and this one's kind of peachy color and this one too here's two other cool reds 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00081-00049408-00050064 this one's a really really nice darker red and this one oh my gosh i just love that color so 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00082-00050064-00050544 those are really nice they have some nice light values love this light blue like i said i love 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00083-00050544-00051080 this pink that would make a nice sky i love this light blue that leans a little warm a 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00084-00051080-00051640 little warm blue and um oh this nice neutral blue here too look how gorgeous these are 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00085-00051640-00052336 but again look at all the neutrals neutrals browns um do you notice uh something that's kind of 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00086-00052336-00053072 missing in this set well it's common uh for a lot of sets a lot of sets don't have purples i don't 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00087-00053072-00053655 know why i love purple but this set doesn't have any other than this um it does have some 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00088-00053655-00054272 nice blues we've got this nice uh warm blue this would be great in a sky oh this pretty bright blue 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00089-00054272-00054967 in a sky upper part of the sky this gorgeous blue for water or distant mountains i mean that's just 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00090-00054967-00055455 absolutely beautiful so again a lot of interesting colors now i contacted the company 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00091-00055455-00056344 one of my patrons asked me if they have other pastel colors and they do have a 36 set now i 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00092-00056344-00056879 i already contacted them they're sending it to me i think they were out of stock and i'm gonna 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00093-00056879-00057367 hopefully be getting that soon i did not ask them if it's all different colors than these i kind of 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00094-00057367-00057872 hope it is because i liked some of the colors that i saw on this box top look how bright those are so 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00095-00057872-00058432 anyway that's a little bit about the set i'm going to be doing a painting demo with just this set i 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00096-00058432-00058984 always find it fun to challenge myself and paint from just one set oh i just spit on my pastel 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00097-00059072-00060104 they are water friendly um so anyway i am excited only 44. on amazon wow and um i'm hoping to really 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00098-00060104-00060864 work with this company and see about getting more colors all right so that is a very affordable 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00099-00060864-00061576 product we are going to be seeing a painting soon and as far as papers go i recently wanted 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00100-00061576-00062288 to try out a new uh paper well it was new to me i don't know how long this has been out it's called 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00101-00062288-00063048 canson now canson makes a paper they call it a pastel paper it's called canson mittons and it's 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00102-00063048-00063640 a it's a french word i used to always say it wrong and it's it's really just a pastel paper it's not 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00103-00063640-00064232 sanded we often as pastel artists like a uh grit like a hardware store sandpaper we 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00104-00064232-00064904 can get all these layers your colors show up more bold um but the canson mutants paper is 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00105-00064967-00065616 um it's not sanded it's just textured and on one side it's a little more bumpy than the other side 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00106-00065616-00065984 and i've done plenty of videos where i show you can paint with pastels on those surfaces 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00107-00066072-00066616 they also have another paper canson made that's kind of their version of a sanded surface it's 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00108-00066616-00067192 called canson touch and it's a little bit sanded and it's nice it's not as sanded as a lot of 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00109-00067192-00067824 the other ones it's a little more affordable but canson touch so we've got canson me taunts canson 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00110-00067824-00068776 touch and now we've got this canson xl it's called sand grain there's two colors in it there's gray 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00111-00068776-00069576 and natural it also comes in two different sizes i think the other one's more of a wide size um but 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00112-00069576-00070408 the price of these again yay the price is awesome this pad these two pads each of them was 21. 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00113-00070408-00071120 so 21 for this one 21 for this one and it has 40 sheets now that is unheard of in the pastel paper 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00114-00071120-00071920 world um so i was obviously very curious is this a really a sanded surface well i'm going to show you 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00115-00072016-00072368 a little bit about what the sur i'm going to just show you in this one and then i'm going to i'll 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00116-00072368-00072984 show you this one i've actually done more artwork in that one so this surface is called sand grain 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00117-00073048-00073808 i love this nice gray color to this and it's not grit okay i'm just going to let you know it's not 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00118-00073808-00074656 like a sanded grit like we have with uart fisher what i use a lot um sennelier la carte pastel card 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00119-00074656-00075232 um gosh there's so many sanded surfaces uh pastel matte doesn't really have a grit but it allows for 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00120-00075232-00076016 a lot of layers but it has a sand texture to it okay it's not the actual grit many of you know i 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00121-00076016-00076536 make my own texture by using a product called clear gesso and i'm going to show you that in 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00122-00076536-00077160 the other notebook so i wanted to experiment first on just the sand grain texture that 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00123-00077160-00077736 they have here so without adding any additional product other than just a soft pastel painting 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00124-00077736-00078544 so with this i did this painting actually with just one set of pastels i'm going to have to 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00125-00078544-00079224 go back and look at the video to see which pastels i used for this set i mean for this 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00126-00079224-00080224 um i can't remember but anyway so i completed this painting just directly on the sand grain surface 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00127-00080224-00080816 and as you can see you can create you know a pretty decent pastel painting one thing i do 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00128-00080816-00081624 love about working on surfaces that are not really gritty and sanded is you have to be a bit more 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00129-00081624-00082304 strategic and learn to have more efficient strokes not wasting strokes i find my work is more fresh 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00130-00082304-00082800 when i work on unsanded paper because i'm not relying on the ability to have a lot of 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00131-00082800-00083424 layers and so i actually really like working on surfaces that aren't overly sanded like this one 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00132-00083424-00083952 or aren't sanded at all i should say like this one just a sand grain i do like the sand grain 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00133-00083952-00084560 i would buy this all day long over the canson mutants the one that's just kind of a textured 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00134-00084560-00085224 paper i like this one much better so again the price is right i also take i love to just make 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00135-00085224-00085736 little pastel journals like this a lot of people ask me where do you buy those pads that have the 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00136-00085736-00086312 the paper protection uh between them this is just tracing paper well i don't i make them myself 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00137-00086312-00086968 so i just get a piece of tracing paper let me find it i i just buy whatever's cheap um it is 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00138-00086968-00087528 acid free so your work will be protected and this i got from dick blick and i just 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00139-00087528-00088032 taped it down and cut it to size to fit that so then you can have all of your paintings 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00140-00088032-00088736 all protected in your notebook i think that's really fun um so let me talk about this other pad 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00141-00088736-00089376 that is the natural grain and let me also talk about the method that i'm using for this book 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00142-00089376-00089912 that book you just saw i will probably only paint on the pages i won't add any additional product 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00143-00089912-00090632 but with this one i decided what my husband and i were going on a trip and i wanted to get some 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00144-00090752-00091232 surface ready real quickly and i thought having just a notebook to take when you're traveling 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00145-00091232-00091640 is really great rather than taking all these different pastel papers so while he 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00146-00091640-00092048 was getting in the shower getting ready to go i was in here in the studio frantically 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00147-00092128-00092552 prepping some of these pages i thought what i would do i've painted on a lot of them so i'll 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00148-00092552-00093112 try to show you some of the pages that i just created that has a painting and i did videotape 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00149-00093112-00093600 a lot of these okay i'm going to show you this one i decided to just tone because this one's 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00150-00093600-00094176 natural color it's kind of creamy like you are paper or fisher i decided to just tone it with 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00151-00094176-00094664 pastel i'm going to show you a video on this okay you just take a color of pastel put it 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00152-00094664-00095320 on your paper and you liquefy it with water or alcohol and a big brush i used a foam brush then 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00153-00095320-00095880 i went in and added did i do it to this one yet i don't think so no um i went and added i did to 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00154-00096080-00096816 this one yes i went in and added clear gesso let me make sure this way yeah i can tell this 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00155-00096816-00097400 one has the gesso clear gesso is a product that i have talked about for years and how to make your 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00156-00097400-00098120 own pastel surface very affordable diy homemade pastel surface literally you can get watercolor 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00157-00098120-00098720 paper you can use this paper use any paper i say that's a little lighter in its background 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00158-00098792-00099440 and you can tone it you can actually do a little base pastel painting and then wet it strategically 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00159-00099440-00100040 then when it dries like i let this yellow dry after i liquefied it with the foam brush then 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00160-00100040-00100808 i put on my clear gesso let me grab it so clear gesso is just like this amazing product 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00161-00100808-00101240 for me anyway making my own surfaces because it has a little bit of grit 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00162-00101240-00101880 a little bit of sand to it i don't know why but it's got a little texture to it and it also is 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00163-00101880-00102544 clear so that if you do an under painting of sorts and you go and you you put this on it you coat it 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00164-00102624-00103080 it's going to allow your underpainting to show through it goes on a little cloudy at first 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00165-00103135-00103872 and then once it dries you can see through to what you created so the reason you get well there's two 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00166-00103872-00104368 reasons you want to get the clear gesso rather than regular gesso many artists have heard of 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00167-00104368-00105208 regular gesso it's what a lot of artists use to prep their canvas surfaces and it's not clear 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00168-00105208-00105832 so if you used it's white if you use this to give some texture on this it's going to cover up all of 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00169-00105832-00106480 the yellow and this doesn't have any grit somebody told me that it did recently we're going to do a 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00170-00106480-00107096 little test right here right here right now if oh yeah yeah yeah okay so let me see it's white 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00171-00107096-00107688 um i don't feel any grit in that so i don't know now i gotta go wash my hands well maybe not 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00172-00107911-00108735 all right so that is the reason that you want to use the clear gesso versus the regular gesso 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00173-00108735-00109456 and just use a big wide brush or a foam brush now it's going to curl a little bit okay even this one 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00174-00109456-00109983 after i finished it it's a it's got a little curl to it so what i did is i just created a 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00175-00109983-00110583 whole lot of different um colors and then i put my you can hear that you can hear that grit the 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00176-00110583-00111240 clear gesso is on that and i just let that inspire me to create all kinds of different paintings so 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00177-00111296-00112008 i created the first one is just a field of flowers i made a purple background and i created 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00178-00112008-00112888 this field of flowers so um real loose and i let that purple of the background show through and i 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00179-00112888-00113400 just think it just vibrates with color i love that again i used my little uh tracing paper 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00180-00113488-00114359 to cover up the pages and that's one i didn't do that's one i didn't do and this is one that 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00181-00114359-00114808 i did while i was out on that trip with my husband i was talking about this one had a 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00182-00114808-00115511 pink background and i took a reference image and just gave my own interpretation to it and i was 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00183-00115511-00116056 kind of on a wildflower kick like i am so often and my daughter-in-law said why don't you try 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00184-00116056-00116511 something we ran across one of these pages that had i'm not going to show you the painting yet 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00185-00116511-00117056 it had this green that i toned it and i've i've done some videos where i showed yes you can do 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00186-00117056-00117568 a green underpainting even with a green landscape but she said that looks like it would be something 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00187-00117568-00118135 underwater so i found this reference image of a coral reef with some fish under water now i didn't 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00188-00118135-00118752 get time to finish it i wanted to give the fish a little bit more detail but you can see how fun it 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00189-00118752-00119328 is to create your own surfaces with all these different colors and i think it inspires you 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00190-00119328-00119872 to get creative and to break out of your comfort zones so i'm going to be doing a lot more of these 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00191-00119872-00120456 but i just want to share with you these surfaces before i share the tutorial so you'll kind of know 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00192-00120456-00120992 what i'm talking about and i in the video when i share the the actual paintings i can say hey refer 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00193-00120992-00121720 back to this video so you can see what i'm talking about and now also too i thought i would go ahead 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00194-00121720-00122288 and show you some of my well one thing i want to show you is back to the paul reuben's pastels 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00195-00122288-00122783 um this was another set of soft pastels somebody recommended that i try i actually just bought 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00196-00122783-00123328 this one off of amazon and i was skeptical i was actually skeptical of this set because of 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00197-00123328-00123832 the price when a price is too low i can almost assure you there's going to be a lot of binder 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00198-00123832-00124311 and very little color so i was like i don't know i'll check these out again so pleasantly surprised 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00199-00124311-00125111 can't wait to paint with them but this set is a 36 color set made by gondola soft pastels and 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00200-00125111-00125600 nothing against these pastels i'm just comparing prices here i did like the nice little wooden box 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00201-00125656-00126368 okay it was very nice the packaging was great and um when i opened it up they also have a 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00202-00126368-00127080 really nice um little brochure but it is in another language so that makes it a little 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00203-00127080-00127592 difficult but that's okay i know god bless them for you know shipping things to the united states 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00204-00127592-00128104 that's awesome it also has a color guide okay a color chart for you to fill out love that 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00205-00128104-00128680 love love love that i like the nice little sizes just like with these um these are even smaller 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00206-00128680-00129359 okay so they're really small and there's only 36 of them and they're not in the nice little sponge 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00207-00129359-00130104 holders like these okay but they were secure none of them were broken um but this set of 36 is 47 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00208-00130208-00131080 again versus this set of 40 that's less money than 44 with really rich gorgeous color again nothing 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00209-00131080-00131728 against this little set but i could instantly tell it had less um color to binder ratio let's 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00210-00131728-00132128 just find i'll just do this blue one right here i'll just take it out because it's little 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00211-00132128-00132704 okay so i'm going to do let me find my pinky i'm just going to rub across do you see that 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00212-00132704-00133192 how there's hardly any color on it there's a lot of binder now again nothing against these pastels 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00213-00133192-00133752 these are a little bit more similar to a rembrandt pastel they're kind of a medium hardness and they 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00214-00133752-00134408 have their purpose and i actually did do a little quick painting oh i just i can't say it was a 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00215-00134408-00134864 painting i was just um i got them in the mail and i couldn't wait to try them out so i literally i 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00216-00134864-00135496 was cooking dinner and i just laid an apple and a lemon down and uh tried to uh paint with them so i 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00217-00135496-00136208 did a little study um and i also like this i mean this is just a craft pad okay but if you want some 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00218-00136208-00136888 quick cheap little paper to do studies on um it says recommended for temporary drawings 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00219-00136888-00137440 it's probably not acid free but if you just want to practice um i was like kind of craft 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00220-00137440-00137968 paper anyway so this was my little practice with these and you know look they worked pretty good um 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00221-00138024-00138624 but uh did i do that color there yeah see the color color comes off really pretty good when 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00222-00138624-00139024 you work on this kind of paper though you cannot get a lot of layering let me just attempt that 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00223-00139024-00139536 right here real quick we'll put a darker down you see that color's not bad darker down this 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00224-00139536-00140184 is how i usually do like if i'm doing a poppy flower i get a combination of colors going and um 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00225-00140240-00140856 let's get a dark center in here we'll get a little hint of a dark center i can already tell the um 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00226-00140920-00141320 it's not layering as good i'll get a little bit of this real it has some nice darks in it too 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00227-00141320-00141952 i like that dark blue and then i gradually kind of lighten things up or warm them up um 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00228-00141952-00142328 let me lighten it up with a little pink here this pink let's say the sun's just 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00229-00142488-00143120 catching on some of these areas right here where the where the petals are kind of reaching out 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00230-00143120-00143696 it's not layering see how little layering you get with that um so anyway that's just a quick 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00231-00143696-00144496 idea of how these work and again very um similar to a rembrandt pastel which is great so that's 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00232-00144496-00145312 another little set that's affordable and um and has its its own purposes so anyway there are so 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00233-00145312-00145872 many different ways you can get started with soft pastels and not spend an arm and a leg 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00234-00146000-00146664 i also want to show you real quick how i do the same thing with these black canson 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00235-00146752-00147392 drawing pads i like working on black surfaces with this one i had done some lessons uh let 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00236-00147392-00148056 me find one in here and i i adhere my paper differently i like i experimented i like having 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00237-00148056-00148672 the papers uh the tracing paper protection on the opposite side so i don't have to fiddle 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00238-00148672-00149360 with lifting it you see how i taped it back here um same thing here just tape it to the back side 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00239-00149360-00149816 and i use black tape because i just wanted it to have a nice presentation this is one where i 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00240-00149816-00150424 i didn't do it that way i need to tape this side down so they make nice little sketch journals i'm 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00241-00150424-00150888 not going to take the time to show you too much of these so it's it's fun and it's a neat way 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00242-00150888-00151560 that you can just have a little pastel journal um and take them on traveling take them to go 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00243-00151616-00152248 and then you can also use them to store not just to paint on the pages but to store 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00244-00152248-00152880 other pastel paintings so this is a larger one that i actually take some of my paintings that i 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00245-00152936-00153312 i'm just kind of want to store them i don't want to put them in the plastic bags just yet 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00246-00153368-00154032 and um this one was kind of fun i actually experimented with using a stencil um with pastel 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00247-00154032-00154920 painting it was fun i gotta make a video on that um palm tree so anyway these pads have a lot of um 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00248-00154920-00155440 function for you as an artist i love them and also too this was a painting i did where i 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00249-00155440-00155960 used a fixative i still haven't made this video everybody ask about fixatives watch this would 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00250-00155960-00156480 you do this with a pastel painting let me get the pastel off my hand okay wait this hands cleaner 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00251-00156640-00157024 do you ever do that use your shirt all right watch this okay you can 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00252-00157024-00157320 see my hand other than the pastels i've done here i'll do my hand part 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00253-00157496-00158024 nothing that is um it's called spectrafix let me see if that's what it's called 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00254-00158104-00158832 it's a product called spectrafix and it's a fixative that i experimented with on this painting 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00255-00158832-00159336 and a few other ones and it did work pretty good but hold off on experimenting with it i mean 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00256-00159336-00159872 unless you just want to try until i make the video because i have some suggestions on how to use it 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00257-00159952-00160648 but anyway so it's a great way to store your artwork and a great way to save money if you 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00258-00160648-00161368 want to actually paint on the pages so i hope you guys learned a lot from this and i am going to be 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00259-00161368-00162032 uh oh this was from a patreon lesson i am going to be actually doing uploading some of the paintings 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00260-00162032-00162752 that i've already done and giving you guys my tips and my feedback on some of these products 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00261-00162752-00163408 so anyway guys thank you all thank you subscribers if you liked this video give it a thumbs up give 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00262-00163408-00164024 me a comment many of you said you liked this raw footage i can i don't have to edit it as much 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00263-00164024-00164712 i leave in my ums and and all of my things that don't go right in the video so thank you guys for 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00264-00164712-00165256 your comments and uh leave me a comment i love to hear what you have to say become a patron if you'd 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00265-00165256-00165864 like to keep this monet cafe train going it's what allows me to keep the free videos coming like this 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00266-00165864-00166368 one on monet cafe it's only five dollars a month to become a patron and you get extra 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00267-00166368-00166816 goodies you get to submit your work in a homework album sometimes we have these critique sessions 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00268-00166816-00168184 where i give you suggestions so it's a lot of fun alright guys god bless and happy painting 5Ru9wA4iJvy-00269-00169400-00169408 you 5RHg_8ndoiA-00000-00000100-00000600 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Installation of Scilab on Windows operating system. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00001-00000700-00001200 I will Install Scilab version 5.2 on windows operating system. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00002-00001300-00001900 This procedure is applicable to all versions of Scilab and other versions of windows operating system. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00003-00002000-00002400 You can download scilab from the scilab.org website. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00004-00002500-00003000 Go to the Products select download and click. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00005-00003100-00004000 Scroll down click on scilab 5.2 under the windows section . 5RHg_8ndoiA-00006-00004100-00004400 This will open a dialog to download the exe file. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00007-00004500-00004900 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Click "Finish" 5RHg_8ndoiA-00033-00017100-00017900 This will Launch Scilab 5.2 on your computer. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00034-00018000-00018200 I will close this. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00035-00018300-00018700 We have several other spoken tutorial on Scilab at this time. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00036-00018800-00019100 These are listed below. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00037-00019200-00019700 Scilab Effort in India is co-ordinated through the website scilab.in 5RHg_8ndoiA-00038-00019800-00020000 There are some interesting projects going on. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00039-00020100-00020700 One of them is the Textbook project that codes worked out examples of standard textbooks using scilab. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00040-00020800-00021400 The links project allows users to link known scilab documents and to rank them. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00041-00021500-00021700 We also help organize Scilab Workshops. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00042-00021800-00022300 We have two mailing lists, one for announce and one for discuss. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00043-00022400-00022600 We invite your participation in all 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5RHg_8ndoiA-00056-00026800-00027200 To dub the audio in Indian Languages using the script. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00057-00027300-00027500 To review and give your feedback on all of the above. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00058-00027600-00028100 We welcome you to conduct workshops using these spoken tutorials. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00059-00028200-00028600 We also invite you to conduct efficacy studies on Spoken tutorials. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00060-00028700-00029400 We are also looking for experts who can give technology support for audio, video, automatic translation, etc. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00061-00029500-00029700 We have funding for all these activities 5RHg_8ndoiA-00062-00029800-00030600 Spoken Tutorials are part of the Talk to a Teacher project, supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD government of India. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00063-00030700-00031000 More information on this Mission is available at the following link 5RHg_8ndoiA-00064-00031100-00031200 Thanks for joining us. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00065-00031300-00031500 This is Anuradha Amrutkar signing off. 5RHg_8ndoiA-00066-00031600-00032100 Goodbye. 5WB7Nfc98vM-00000-00000160-00000272 inspected 5WB7Nfc98vM-00001-00000552-00001616 is this the final game 5WB7Nfc98vM-00002-00001616-00002023 oh it's not don't search the hell am i tripping 5WB7Nfc98vM-00003-00002352-00002560 i guess not running back 5WB7Nfc98vM-00004-00002816-00003112 oh it didn't say exact time did they let me check this 5WB7Nfc98vM-00005-00003960-00004096 i got you better so hard 5WB7Nfc98vM-00006-00004304-00005000 yeah yeah hey sound players yeah yeah oh my god i was like 5WB7Nfc98vM-00007-00005288-00005784 i actually thought i was the end and i was like oh 5WB7Nfc98vM-00008-00006895-00007184 foreign 5WB7Nfc98vM-00009-00008040-00008584 oh 5WB7Nfc98vM-00010-00011032-00011384 yes 5WB7Nfc98vM-00011-00012568-00012784 more people left 5WB7Nfc98vM-00012-00013688-00014184 [ __ ] off 5WB7Nfc98vM-00013-00016776-00016984 and stuff like that 5WB7Nfc98vM-00014-00018104-00018384 so i've done that 5WB7Nfc98vM-00015-00020664-00021184 oh 5WB7Nfc98vM-00016-00022488-00022584 infected 5WB7Nfc98vM-00017-00022864-00023984 on a potato 5WB7Nfc98vM-00018-00025336-00026208 yeah people keep believing can you hear me yeah news zombies fiction 5WB7Nfc98vM-00019-00026512-00026783 what's happening 5WB7Nfc98vM-00020-00029216-00029583 oh 5WB7Nfc98vM-00021-00029927-00030983 oh 5WB7Nfc98vM-00022-00031936-00032383 round over 5WB7Nfc98vM-00023-00034680-00035184 wait 5WB7Nfc98vM-00024-00035712-00036584 don't tell me no one's gonna get infected come on i'm human after like two games in a row 5WB7Nfc98vM-00025-00036784-00036824 boom 5WB7Nfc98vM-00026-00037448-00037984 that's not my boy 5WB7Nfc98vM-00027-00038144-00038408 that [ __ ] sucks you knew where i was huh 5WB7Nfc98vM-00028-00038640-00038936 almost died double kill 5WB7Nfc98vM-00029-00040136-00040784 shotgun spree 5WB7Nfc98vM-00030-00041944-00042184 janitor triple kill 5WB7Nfc98vM-00031-00043200-00043584 double kill it lagged it lagged 5WB7Nfc98vM-00032-00043768-00044984 it [ __ ] lagged man affected game over then look how low you were on the leaderboard what's 5WB7Nfc98vM-00033-00045408-00046384 those guys are a bunch of [ __ ] news 5WB7Nfc98vM-00034-00046896-00047144 uh 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00000-00000269-00001482 I’m here with James with Santiam Organics. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00001-00001482-00001827 James, can you tell me a little bit about your company and a little bit about your products? 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00002-00001827-00002230 We’re based out of Oregon and we’re a mycorrhizal manufacturer. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00003-00002230-00002763 What we provide for this industry is an endomycorrhizal product only, so we have the Myco-Fusion Green 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00004-00002763-00002863 150. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00005-00002863-00003246 It’s an endomycorrhizzae-only product specific to fast-growing annuals. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00006-00003246-00003510 The way we manufacture our product is natural and organic. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00007-00003510-00003971 It seems to be a lot more effective as a product when it’s applied to the root zone. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00008-00003971-00004392 Some to take note: when you’re using a pre-inoculum endomycorrhizzae, you’re going to want to 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00009-00004392-00004492 dust the roots. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00010-00004492-00004942 A lot of people put in the planting hole, do other things with it, which is okay, but 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00011-00004942-00005464 once again we want to dust the roots with a pre-inoculum, so we have endomycorrhizal 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00012-00005464-00005942 products specifically to fast-growing annuals that gets dusted to the root zone. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00013-00005942-00006042 Okay. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00014-00006042-00006458 Soluble product for the gardeners that are already in the ground or are even planted, 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00015-00006458-00006856 so we have a soluble product mixed with water, water in for those who still want to inoculate 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00016-00006856-00007056 but maybe didn’t get to on transplant day. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00017-00007056-00007156 Okay. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00018-00007156-00007340 We have the Myco-Fusion Rhizo-Charge. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00019-00007340-00007478 This is our transplant tool. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00020-00007478-00007654 This goes into the planting hole. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00021-00007654-00007897 So this product here, we dust to the roots. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00022-00007897-00008033 This goes in the transplant hole. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00023-00008033-00008472 You set your root ball on top of it, back fill, tuck in your plant. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00024-00008472-00008623 This is a micro-mycorrhizae super food. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00025-00008623-00009071 It’s also a plant food, other organisms for the plant; good overall plant response, 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00026-00009071-00009209 zero transplant shock. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00027-00009209-00009607 We’re trying to help out plants settle in, get growing sooner than later. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00028-00009607-00009863 No transplant shock is really what we’re after here. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00029-00009863-00009963 Great. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00030-00009963-00010063 We have the Bio-Jolt. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00031-00010063-00010579 This is our soluble product that is intended to be watered in every 10 and 14 days. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00032-00010579-00010752 Some people will call it a composts. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00033-00010752-00011120 We just like to call it overall biological inoculant for the medium. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00034-00011120-00011371 There’s a little bit of plant nutrient here as well. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00035-00011371-00011481 So upload. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00036-00011481-00012148 We get a really good plant response, overall benefit to the soil, more soil organisms, 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00037-00012148-00012592 replenishing the army, getting better flavors and yields out of this product as well. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00038-00012592-00013110 We typically recommend on transplant day, it’s a three-part system, so we have a dusting 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00039-00013110-00013537 of the roots into the transplant hole and then the water in. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00040-00013537-00013637 Excellent. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00041-00013637-00014030 Maintenance program will be the Bio-Jolt every 10 to 14 days throughout the crop cycle. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00042-00014030-00014213 James, thank you so much for your time. 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00043-00014213-00014366 Where can we find your products? 5Z-lOSAfAG8-00044-00014366-00014678 You can find it at hydroselect.com or leftcoastwholesale.com. 5d83cUQLK7k-00000-00000000-00000200 JUNGLE HOTEL 5eaHumvDGbE-00000-00000101-00000813 Hey guys, I'm looking for some marketing beasts. I cannot find any here so maybe 5eaHumvDGbE-00001-00000813-00001415 the better spot is gonna be PPCEE. See you in less than 2 weeks. 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00000-00077344-00077880 Good afternoon everyone and a very warm welcome to the presentation of the report of the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00001-00077880-00078368 Media Freedom Rapid Response mission on the Safety of Journalists here in The Netherlands. 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00002-00078456-00078936 This press conference will be done in english because the mission was conducted by an 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00003-00078936-00079504 international coalition and we also have an international audience mainly online. 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00004-00079712-00080568 media freedom rapid response is a consortium of six european media and press freedom organizations 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00005-00080712-00081424 i will all name them so we start with the european center for press and media freedom the european 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00006-00081424-00082128 feder federation of journalists article 19 international press institute the osafertorio 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00007-00082184-00082824 balcony et cocozo trans europa italian italian and free press unlimited 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00008-00083008-00083728 the media freedom rapid response is funded by the european commission and its objective is to give 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00009-00083728-00084464 legal and practical support to journalists in the member countries and candidate countries of the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00010-00084464-00085360 union the consortium monitors press freedom in these countries and undertakes also advocacy to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00011-00085448-00085816 strive for more and better press freedom and the safety of journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00012-00086072-00086640 the mfr already conducted several missions in other countries so the netherlands is 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00013-00086640-00087160 not the first other countries where the mission was taking place was 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00014-00087160-00088088 poland slovenia hungary italy and serbia so now you might ask why the netherlands 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00015-00088232-00088720 because the netherlands of course has a very good reputation when it comes to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00016-00088720-00089328 the safety of journalists it is known as a front fighter for press freedom 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00017-00089528-00089912 and internationally it stands for a safe haven for journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00018-00090112-00090864 and a well-known new initiative called peschweiler which is actually an agreement between the dutch 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00019-00090864-00091560 association of journalists the dutch social society of editors in chief and on the other 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00020-00091560-00092112 side the police and the public prosecution has also a very good name internationally 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00021-00092376-00092680 so why then a mission here in the netherlands 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00022-00092816-00093576 because sadly despite being a front fighter for press freedom here in the netherlands we also face 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00023-00093904-00094712 increasingly violations and a hostile climate against journalists we all remember the decision 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00024-00094712-00095384 of the dutch public broadcaster to remove the logos from their transportation vehicles right 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00025-00095448-00096248 to actually protect their employees and of course we remember the horrible murder 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00026-00096248-00097040 on the dutch crime journalist peter alfrese on broad daylight but we also see an increasingly 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00027-00097040-00097568 violation against journalists during demonstrations even peaceful demonstrations 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00028-00097856-00098880 pearsweller also monitors a lot of these alerts and in 2021 they filed 270 alerts 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00029-00099056-00100000 intimidation violation harassment all against journalists that number was in 2020 only 121 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00030-00100104-00100736 so there's a steep increase and the question is of course why why is the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00031-00100736-00101240 safety of journalists here in the netherlands declining in practice because on paper 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00032-00101344-00102192 we have such a strong safety mechanism like pearce failure to find that answer that was 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00033-00102192-00102952 the reason why we free present limited initiated this fact-finding mission in the netherlands 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00034-00102952-00103383 we did that in a very close consultation with the dutch association of journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00035-00103535-00104168 and as soon as we announced this we got a lot of reactions there's a huge interest for this 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00036-00104392-00104944 for this particular mission we interviewed a wide range of stakeholders varying from of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00037-00104944-00105688 course journalists and editors in chiefs but also policymakers a member of parliament and of course 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00038-00105688-00106448 the coordinator of persvela and the results of the investigation are to be found in this report which 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00039-00106504-00107183 will be presented in just a couple of minutes and the report is named spotlight on safety 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00040-00107183-00107616 advancing protection for journalists amidst rising threats here in the netherlands 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00041-00107768-00108296 the report the main results of the report will be presented by laurence hutting from 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00042-00108296-00109064 the european center of press and media freedom and christian of three person limited and after 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00043-00109064-00109711 their presentation there will be two panels who will go into the recommendations of the report 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00044-00109711-00110400 one will look into the prevention and strategies with a specific gender lens and the other panel 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00045-00110400-00111016 will go into the protection of journalists i hope that you have a very interesting afternoon 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00046-00111016-00112183 and i wish you all the best and laurence can i give you the floor thank you very much 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00047-00112288-00112992 thank you ritz um and thank you all for being here to start with a real thank you because i 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00048-00112992-00113496 think the fact that we are here today with such a wide range of actors ranging from 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00049-00113496-00114056 the policy makers politicians to of course the journalistic community editors in chief but also 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00050-00114056-00114640 law enforcement and academic experts is really something that should not be taken for granted 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00051-00114640-00115024 especially when looking at what is happening in russia today for instance where journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00052-00115024-00115544 are increa like of course there's there is no journalism left um a meeting that we are 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00053-00115544-00116135 having today would be absolutely impossible and that's an understatement i think so to start with 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00054-00116135-00116759 uh thank you for showing up today and to for um showing your support for the safety of journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00055-00116759-00117432 in the netherlands in this regard i think the netherlands is clearly a very safe haven 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00056-00117496-00118208 for journalists that being said let us now zoom into um the the safety of journalists in 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00057-00118208-00118832 the netherlands so at the center of um the dutch policy regarding safety of journalists is perfect 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00058-00118832-00119248 or in english press safe i think for the audience here in the room this is already 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00059-00119248-00119808 quite known but we also have an international audience online so just to briefly explain 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00060-00119904-00120264 perspective is a safety mechanism including several protocols 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00061-00120376-00121024 national action plans and guidelines and it was established in 2019 by the national police as it 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00062-00121024-00121608 said the dutch journalists union the association of editors in chief and the public prosecution 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00063-00121608-00122208 office and it is co-funded by several ministries of the dutch government so in that regard 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00064-00122264-00122896 perspective is a very unique safety mechanism that's also internationally often praised 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00065-00123016-00123528 so to begin with in our report what we found is that the symbolic value of perspective is 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00066-00123528-00124224 very high so an example is the perspire hotline where journalists who are faced with harassment 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00067-00124224-00124872 intimidation violence and other forms of press freedom violations can file a report and this 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00068-00124872-00125504 gives a very clear signal to society that no press freedom violation violation should ever 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00069-00125504-00125952 be accepted in the netherlands and also that this is not part of the job of journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00070-00126128-00126608 but this hotline also means that data are collected at a central point 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00071-00126608-00127040 and that press freedom violations in the netherlands are now being monitored consistently 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00072-00127111-00127704 so this has shown an increase in the past year for instance um of threats against journalists and we 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00073-00127704-00128208 see that this has clearly led to more awareness on the policy level and in that sense we conclude in 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00074-00128208-00128752 our report that perspire has really strengthened the voice of journalists towards the authorities 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00075-00128864-00129368 but of course perfect also leads to more practical improvements of safety of journalists on the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00076-00129368-00129840 ground so in the mission in the meetings that we had as part of the mission what came forward very 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00077-00129840-00130376 often was the example of the safety trainings that are offered by perspective so these are basically 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00078-00130376-00130944 trainings offered to reporters journalists but also photographers and also offered to freelancers 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00079-00130944-00131544 for free to basically prepare them for the potential violence that they may face while 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00080-00131544-00132048 reporting for instance on demonstrations so it is a way to make them more resilient and to teach 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00081-00132048-00132664 them coping strategies and this in our mission really came forward as one of the um well it's 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00082-00132664-00133112 very appreciate very much appreciated by the journalistic community and also serves as an 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00083-00133112-00133800 example for other um countries we think but at the same time we're of course not here today just to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00084-00133800-00134488 praise pearce fail but we also need to zoom out a bit and look at room for improvement of course in 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00085-00134488-00134944 the dutch generally in the dutch policy regarding safety of journalists and we're also here today 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00086-00134944-00135656 to provide some recommendations um and despite the perspective efforts we cannot ignore the fact that 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00087-00135656-00136200 ezra also said threats and aggression against journalists are and remain on the rise in the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00088-00136200-00136872 netherlands so this in fact has led us to believe that prosecuting the aggressors of journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00089-00136872-00137456 and at the same time improving coping strategies of journalists to deal with harassment that they 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00090-00137456-00138112 face is just simply not enough so to remain an international pioneer the netherlands really need 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00091-00138112-00138592 to do more about preventing these threats against journalists and the netherlands need to do more 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00092-00138592-00139184 in order to address the root causes underlying such threats and such aggression so first is will 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00093-00139184-00139728 we think require more investigation more research into the motives that people hold like why do 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00094-00139728-00140304 people harass journalists why do people think it is okay to um to throw to throw eggs at reporters 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00095-00140304-00140776 at demonstrations what are the underlying root causes and i think following from that 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00096-00140936-00141384 policy is needed to improve the position of journalists in the dutch society and to really 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00097-00141384-00141864 strengthen their role and also the perception of the role of journalists as a fourth pillar 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00098-00141920-00142696 in our democracy so in that's why we recommend to the dutch authorities in particular the ministry 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00099-00142696-00143216 of education culture and justice to explore this option further and we hope that today the first 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00100-00143216-00143984 panel of today will be a first um exploration of that recommendation but first lawrence will 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00101-00143984-00144704 share a bit more thanks khushi so i'll address uh four further key action points that came out of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00102-00144704-00145344 our fact-finding they are uh firstly about gender secondly the need for uh advancing tailor-made 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00103-00145344-00145928 protection options uh to tackle threats uh coming from organized crime the third one is 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00104-00145928-00146592 about policing protests and lastly also the need to preserve and expand the capacity of pexfelish 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00105-00146704-00147128 so the first action point concerns the need for specific policies that will improve the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00106-00147128-00147648 safety of women journalists throughout the mission we heard the from our interlocutors 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00107-00147648-00148144 that women journalists face specific types of threats and are also more frequently 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00108-00148144-00148728 subjected to attacks in specific contexts online context being an important one here 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00109-00148848-00149424 the netherlands in other words is no exception to european and global trends in in this regard 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00110-00149520-00150048 at the same time establishing the scope and the intensity of the problem here in the netherlands 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00111-00150048-00150672 proved proof challenging as there is currently no systematic systemic monitoring mechanism that 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00112-00150672-00151296 tracks this gendered and gender-based violence and harassment we're concerned about this blind spot 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00113-00151424-00152064 first because there is a blind spot and that that's a problem in se but also because of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00114-00152064-00152608 the impact or the implication that having this blind spot has in on the development of policies 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00115-00152720-00153288 creating solutions that work after all really requires a precise understanding of the problem 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00116-00153376-00153904 and so that's why one of our recommendations is that monitoring of attacks and harassment of women 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00117-00153904-00154456 journalists specifically should be strengthened one possible solution could be to integrate 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00118-00154456-00155104 this into pex felix alert mechanism which at the moment does not collect data about the gender of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00119-00155104-00155784 the affected journalist the second action point concerns the need to accelerate the development 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00120-00155784-00156232 of tailor-made protection for journalists who face threats coming from organized crime 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00121-00156392-00156848 we heard during the mission that the threat from the underworld must be taken more seriously 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00122-00156928-00157560 and that the current approach is too naive the word kindergarten or childish came up repeatedly 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00123-00157560-00158152 during during our interviews at the same time it's clear that not all journalists who face 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00124-00158272-00158912 the same or similar threats um either require or want the same format and the same type of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00125-00158912-00159528 protection um so there needs to be a move away from a cookie cutter approach into something that 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00126-00159528-00160192 is tailored and fits each journalist's individual situation in any case whatever the shape that this 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00127-00160192-00160848 protection then takes it must allow a reporter to continue working which especially for for crime 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00128-00160848-00161512 journalists a key point here is the protection of their sources as they are in contact with people 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00129-00161512-00162032 who may not be too keen on that meeting being joined by a police officer as well for example 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00130-00162176-00162656 thirdly i wanted to briefly address the interaction between reporters and police during 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00131-00162656-00163408 protests many journalists told us that in recent years tension has increased this is despite a 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00132-00163408-00164056 very high willingness for cooperation between the various actors but nevertheless there remains a 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00133-00164056-00164768 need to ensure a better understanding of the role of the press during demonstrations at the moment 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00134-00164768-00165472 our understanding is that a lack of capacity seems to be part of the explanation of the problem this 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00135-00165472-00166200 increased understanding then should also translate into changes to operational procedures with a 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00136-00166200-00166840 view to minimizing interference and obstruction of reporting during during demonstrations this all to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00137-00166840-00167408 include among other things um improvement of the practice around the recognition of the press card 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00138-00167552-00168016 lastly the the final action point i wanted to raise before handing it over to to our 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00139-00168016-00168640 panelists is the capacity of beijing with this mechanism the netherlands has really created 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00140-00168640-00169352 a rare gem of best practice if you look at the european context and so now it's important 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00141-00169352-00169976 to keep this european leadership as fuchs also mentioned so with that in mind the media freedom 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00142-00169976-00170576 rapid response recommends further investment in in this mechanism and in its resources 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00143-00170696-00171200 this should include the full financing of the mechanism in the post-subsidy era 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00144-00171328-00172016 and also an expansion of its human capital its human resources so that the mechanism can respond 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00145-00172016-00172544 on the one hand to the the increase in threats that are currently within its scope 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00146-00172544-00173240 but also can broaden that scope to include for example a gender lens or to invest more 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00147-00173240-00173824 in prevention um i'll keep it at this and hand it over to our moderator 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00148-00174656-00175440 hi everyone good afternoon um so it is now time to uh dive a little deeper into some of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00149-00175440-00176000 the recommendations that we just heard um and we will do that through two panels as 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00150-00176000-00176576 ruth briefly mentioned um the first panel will focus on prevention strategies of women 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00151-00176576-00177144 journalists and the second panel will focus on the safety of journalists during demonstrations and in 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00152-00177144-00177736 the context of organized crime my name is flores schultz north and i will be moderating both panels 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00153-00177736-00178256 um i'd like to invite the first panel up on stage ingrid and rowan 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00154-00178576-00179400 while you're walking up i will briefly introduce who i have with with me here on stage 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00155-00179400-00180168 introducing each other rohan blight program maker for cairo ncrv and founder of the glow up welcome 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00156-00180240-00180800 um and england michonne dutch member of parliament of the v day party and spokesperson on justice and 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00157-00180800-00181432 security we had a third panelist who unfortunately was sick today from the ministry of education 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00158-00181432-00181776 but i'm certain that we will have enough valuable insights with these two panelists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00159-00181776-00182432 today um so welcome i have some questions for us to start off the discussion and after that 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00160-00182432-00182904 at the end of this panel there will be room for questions from the audience uh so i'd like to ask 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00161-00182904-00183464 you to save your questions till the end please uh and for those watching uh through livestream 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00162-00183464-00183912 you can post your questions in the chat and we will um get to those at the end as well 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00163-00184032-00184432 uh rowan let's start with you uh one of the findings from the report 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00164-00184432-00185032 is that women journalists in the netherlands face more online more threats and violence than 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00165-00185032-00185752 their male colleagues especially online you are a female journalist do you agree is this something 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00166-00185752-00186400 that you experience as well um i wholeheartedly agree the thing is that it always was a feeling 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00167-00186400-00186984 or i heard my other female colleagues talk about it talk about the threats that they receive um 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00168-00187064-00187736 but i um i'm glad that we're now getting to the step that we are going to collect data to back 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00169-00187736-00188160 that feeling up so i wholeheartedly agree that we as female journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00170-00188224-00188824 have a very hard time doing our jobs because we get critiqued for not only doing our jobs 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00171-00188824-00189424 but also for who we are or where we are from so it's um it gets very personal very easily yeah 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00172-00189480-00189976 yeah i can understand that uh that you that it's good to know you didn't just imagine it yeah um 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00173-00190032-00190400 what are the i'm just gonna have one follow-up question for you what are the effects of this 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00174-00190400-00190944 violence in your work do you self-censor for example or how do you how does it affect your 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00175-00190944-00191744 day-to-day work um for me for example i um back in 2017 have received a lot of threats for um 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00176-00191808-00192360 something very like i thought it was very fun and light light-hearted um but for me personally when 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00177-00192360-00193104 i received those threats and all those messages um i really uh thought about the possibility of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00178-00193104-00193616 possibly leaving this job and do something else or not be on the forefront as much or 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00179-00193688-00194280 not tell the stories that i'm uh used to tell um so that's that was it for me that's a huge effect 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00180-00194344-00195072 for a journalist of course um ingrid a question for you so next to specific recommendations on 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00181-00195072-00195752 safety of women journalists prevention was also a big theme in the report that needed improvement in 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00182-00195752-00196400 the netherlands and we know that the fever day puts a quite strong emphasis on prosecution and 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00183-00196400-00197200 stronger punishment what is the vision of the veda in terms of prevention yeah well i uh 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00184-00197200-00197816 thank you and thank you for having me here it's a very interesting afternoon and a good initiative 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00185-00197816-00198448 and i think that prevention and the pres the prosecution has to be is both sides on one metal 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00186-00198448-00199272 so you can't only focus on prevention without sort of keeping the door closed so we did a lot 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00187-00199272-00200176 of initiatives like there's one initiative called doxing that's a new law which which tries to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00188-00200304-00201008 sort of copes with threatening on the internet so like if you example see your name or you see your 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00189-00201008-00201856 your address it can be very threatening to put it online but of course prevention in my point of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00190-00201856-00202552 view is starts with sort of drawing the line even in parliament where i am if you see my colleagues 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00191-00202640-00203328 talking about mainstream media or their sort of encouraging people who 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00192-00203440-00203928 who are not dealing with the law we got here and i think it's very important as a member of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00193-00203928-00204680 parliament that you stand up and you you speak speak out for our journalists and that's what we 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00194-00204680-00205328 do as a favorite day yeah um yeah drawing the line and and pinpointing what it is that we're dealing 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00195-00205328-00206016 with is super important of course do you link that to some sort of education uh programs in terms of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00196-00206016-00206864 prevention well for me journalism is is a very important uh pillar on the whole the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00197-00206864-00207567 whole house we built in holland on our democracy and a rule of law so in that way yes of course 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00198-00207567-00208384 it is education we got like uh it's very important to uh sort of yeah sort of um 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00199-00208536-00209023 be careful with the institutions we have and i think journalism is a very important sort of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00200-00209023-00209600 institution in the whole house of democracy in the whole house of rule of law that we got here 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00201-00209600-00210256 in this country and yeah in that way it's of course it starts with education yes definitely 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00202-00210256-00210728 and uh just to stay with you for one follow-up question uh specifically because we're talking 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00203-00210728-00211352 about women journalists here um do you have uh policy or policy ideas to better protect 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00204-00211352-00212064 women journalists specifically actually no no that's i heard this uh uh today in this report 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00205-00212064-00212648 and it's very important to set the agenda and i to hear it from you and as a female politician 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00206-00212712-00213576 i think um yeah we i think we got some uh same experiences um so i think it's very 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00207-00213688-00214319 very important to set the agenda and to see what's especially needed for female journalists i 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00208-00214319-00214952 i even think that there are not so so many female journalists are there oh well no there are lots of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00209-00214952-00215448 female journalists a women journalist yes yes there are and um that's why i also think that 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00210-00215448-00216216 in that respect that we really need to monitor the data and we really need to um um count and 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00211-00216216-00216664 not count the women out because that's what uh what we've been doing for a long time um 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00212-00216719-00217423 and also not count their experiences out as well yeah yeah that's definitely true and i think now 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00213-00217423-00217967 that there's so much attention on like being a woman and the gender-based aspect of violence 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00214-00217967-00218456 as you say politicians and journalists are quite close to each other they're both in the spotlight 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00215-00218456-00219200 both quite vulnerable um so it's it's yeah it's good to address that group um as such um rowan you 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00216-00219200-00219600 are hearing just now in the recommendations by christian lawrence and right now in this 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00217-00219600-00220304 conversation quite some recommendations and ideas about you and your work um 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00218-00220448-00220648 hearing this do you think this will help or 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00219-00220760-00221552 um yes of course no no i really do think um um the four points that were already made do help 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00220-00221552-00222344 um and i do hope that um we can stick to it and that it will we can keep it top of mind as well 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00221-00222504-00223136 and my thing really is to uh to monitor the data to have some data to have something to grasp 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00222-00223136-00223864 uh to inform policies to inform inform research further research i mean um so i hope i agree with 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00223-00223864-00224408 what has already been said yeah a lack of data is uh is of course a huge issue so it's good that 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00224-00224408-00225248 that's a recommendation um in the report um ingrid to ask you a follow-up question um what do you 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00225-00225248-00225728 think is the responsibility of other stakeholders so we're talking about journalists here um but as 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00226-00225728-00226216 you said you have the doxing law um and platforms are involved there newsrooms are involved they 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00227-00226216-00226736 probably have a duty of care for their journalists where does the responsibility lie towards other 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00228-00226736-00227328 stakeholders do you feel like like others other stuff so other so the platforms um what do you 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00229-00227328-00227928 feel that platforms for example should uh okay do you feel they have a responsibility in this regard 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00230-00227928-00228471 well i think it's i think it's a common responsibility because we this problem is is 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00231-00228584-00229040 much bigger than you can cope alone on this journalist uh the community of journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00232-00229040-00229648 cannot scope cannot do it alone so i think it's that's why perspire they stood up 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00233-00229648-00230288 that's why uh members of parliaments and also of course the ministries they sort of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00234-00230352-00230952 want to cooperate with pearce failure and they want to uh yeah they want they want to fund it 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00235-00231032-00231623 and i think uh that's a very good initiative because then there you see uh problems in a hall 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00236-00231623-00232352 so not like like divided but the whole problem uh and i think it's very important that uh perfect 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00237-00232432-00233176 that's one one of the action uh as well that person will continue and and uh will 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00238-00233176-00234176 maybe increase also their um their um attention for example for female journalism because that's 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00239-00234176-00234719 the beginning of the discussion and the discussion then starts not only in parliament but also just 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00240-00234719-00235312 in society and on the ministries like what do we think is normal what is needed to protect 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00241-00235312-00235792 our journalists and that can be like as a member of parliament it's always about well 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00242-00235792-00236448 sort of measures to protect them for example the funding we do it with perspective funding 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00243-00236592-00237336 so every student is who has not an employer can can follow courses or they can have a 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00244-00237336-00237752 red button to protect themselves so that's like small measures to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00245-00237871-00238423 make their work in a safer environment but it's like so much more so i think it's very 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00246-00238423-00239128 important to um to cooperate and to do it together with every stakeholder because i 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00247-00239128-00239671 think in society and in parliament and on the ministries everybody agrees that we have to be 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00248-00239671-00240328 very careful and we have to stand up for our journalists so in that way there's not 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00249-00240328-00241071 much uh difference of understanding yeah no i i i hear you and we need a multi-stakeholder approach 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00250-00241071-00241512 that's what i'm hearing in your answer definitely um i'm seeing some questions coming through the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00251-00241512-00242152 chat which is a nice bridge for a question to you rowan um journalism journalists themselves 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00252-00242152-00242719 of course are also stakeholder here so what do you think is the role of journalism or a journalist 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00253-00242719-00243367 itself to protect specifically women journalists in this case it's uh they have a very big role to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00254-00243512-00244119 have this infrastructure or a safety net available for their own journalists that 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00255-00244296-00244928 might have some harassment issues issues coming towards them for example when i faced 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00256-00245040-00245719 my sort of harassments back in uh back in 2017. it was very hard for me to um find 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00257-00245719-00246416 uh the right path within the company to see who could help me who could support me um the main 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00258-00246416-00246976 reaction that i got from colleagues was it's part of the job that's just that's just what happens 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00259-00246976-00247480 um and that wasn't enough for me so what happened afterwards for me was that i joined the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00260-00247480-00248160 uh association of journalists um so that was what i did but i think that uh the the the public 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00261-00248160-00248880 broadcasting system that we have um that there are lots of steps available for example um in other 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00262-00248880-00249496 countries all uh there they also have examples ready um for what you can do to support your 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00263-00249576-00250112 journalists i think a safety net in the form of even asking how are you how is 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00264-00250112-00250696 this affecting you that's a small step that you could even undertake but there are lots of other 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00265-00250696-00251264 things that um they can do and i think it's very important to realize as a broadcaster for example 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00266-00251264-00251832 i'm using my own example um to realize the role that you have in supporting your own journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00267-00251832-00252512 and i i hope that um with everything that's uh happening right now that the realization um 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00268-00252623-00253096 is is is there right now that's what i hope yeah yeah so this attitude of it's part of the job yeah 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00269-00253096-00253688 of course a deeper rooted um issue it's a more systemic issue that we need a culture change in 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00270-00253688-00254223 some way to view positions of journalists just one follow-up question about this network that 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00271-00254223-00254767 you're talking about do you feel um supported enough by existing networks or do you feel 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00272-00254823-00255560 that there really is an area of improvement there uh for a whole new network to be set up um i think 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00273-00255560-00256384 there is room for um um uh how do you say that for um an extra network you could say i think our 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00274-00256384-00257016 approach has been very broad in the netherlands it has been very um we can help journalists as a 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00275-00257016-00257712 whole but um as we already heard before we really need some gender-based studies and a gender-based 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00276-00257712-00258464 approach for women a journalist in this example because they get a different type of threats than 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00277-00258464-00259200 male journalists get so i really think that if i think of my own examples if i think of the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00278-00259200-00259752 friends i have that work in journalism the approach that we need is um very different 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00279-00259752-00260271 towards us than towards men and yeah i think um there's a whole lot of work to do in that 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00280-00260328-00260744 aspect yeah recognizing these attacks as gender-based there's a huge gender 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00281-00260744-00261344 component because the attacks are often same as politicians sexual um misogynistic and it really 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00282-00261344-00262056 needs to be um recognized as such uh did you want to respond just now after that i'm gonna look to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00283-00262056-00262656 the audience if there are any questions uh left i think i think it's of course it's important to um 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00284-00262712-00263440 uh to to tell about it in your own company and you have your your boss you have an employer but there 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00285-00263440-00264080 are a lot of journalists freelancers and they are on their own so i think for that specific 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00286-00264080-00264784 group than perspective but also like every every police every region police region got his own 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00287-00264880-00265560 single point of contact especially for journalists who are threatened who are dealing with harassment 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00288-00265560-00266376 so i think yeah even for the freelance journalism they can feel more sort of in isolation and 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00289-00266376-00267224 more alone even uh people working in in in an um yeah in an uh yeah company yeah 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00290-00267224-00267752 public closed caster definitely yeah this group of freelancers as extra vulnerable to these attacks 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00291-00267840-00268296 um i'm looking at the time and looking into the audience are there any questions here 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00292-00268376-00269264 from this group no um then i think in terms of time it goes very fast uh we're going to need to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00293-00269264-00269944 round off unless one of you has a last remark to uh i think one last thing that i really want to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00294-00269944-00270696 point out is that um for in gender-based violence in politics in media in whatever i think it's also 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00295-00270696-00271360 very important in legislation legislation i mean that the correct training is available as well for 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00296-00271360-00271920 officers for lawyers for example because what we see in gender-based violence and as 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00297-00271920-00272432 a whole is that it's very hard sometimes for women to step up and to say what's happening 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00298-00272432-00273024 um so i would also suggest looking at that yes strong point to end this panel with i think 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00299-00273112-00273712 thank you both so much for uh joining us today here um thank you and i'd like to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00300-00273792-00274584 invite the second panel up but perhaps first a round of applause for this uh panel thank you 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00301-00274648-00275472 the second panel um while you walk up here i will introduce you um so in the second panel we will 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00302-00275472-00276256 focus on another major theme in the report um the safety of journalists during demonstrations and in 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00303-00276256-00276840 the context of organized crime and with us here today we have starting on my right your left uh 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00304-00276840-00277448 paul fix investigative crime journalist for parole we have thomas bruning general secretary from the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00305-00277448-00278032 dutch association of journalists and we have bae de may head of operations at the dutch police 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00306-00278088-00278840 welcome thank you for being here uh paul i'll start with you um so the murder of peter de frisc 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00307-00278896-00279432 sparked a nationwide discussion on the safety of journalists and more specifically on 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00308-00279432-00280160 personal protection of journalists and one of the recommendations in the report was this tailor-made 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00309-00280160-00280736 personal protection and given your experience with personal protection uh what is your view on this 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00310-00280984-00281816 because the protection being tailor-made is is the most important uh the whole complex of protection 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00311-00281816-00282456 i've been they planned to kill me in 2017 and i've been in the best protection we have in holland 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00312-00282576-00283096 the the royal diplomatic security service dean's colleague look at the valking 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00313-00283184-00283584 that's top of the bill so i've we lived in a safe house my girlfriend and i 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00314-00283584-00284296 and i was with them and they protected me all uh to all the places at all the place where we went 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00315-00284296-00285008 but if it's if you get one step lower or aside whether whatever you would call it it's got to be 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00316-00285264-00285968 more critical because if you my tailor-made package was 100 percent 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00317-00285968-00286824 the way i wanted to have it because uh my uh the person uh i i dealt with i spoke with 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00318-00286888-00287576 always the same person we were uh absolutely um we shared those 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00319-00287656-00288608 uh and uh that is a big issue in some other parts of uh the netherlands and it's a big issue that uh 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00320-00288680-00289648 um as the higher you you get into uh uh to the hague um the the distance is is uh um too wide 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00321-00289648-00290336 it's too long you need you need someone uh really close to you uh so i live in amsterdam i i really 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00322-00290336-00290960 needed someone in amsterdam uh who i could talk to who i can go to where i can meet whenever i 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00323-00290960-00291624 want and once i need to go from amsterdam to the hague uh to for example ncfa 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00324-00291768-00292352 the contra terror organization who gets involved that this is too long you you are not on speaking 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00325-00292352-00292848 terms with the same persons uh the whole day the whole week and that's very important so sorry just 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00326-00292848-00293504 to clarify for those who are not very into this matter um you you mean the higher in the hague 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00327-00293504-00294136 uh so the higher up in hierarchy for example at the nctv yes and you had good personal protection 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00328-00294136-00294632 because of the proximity short distance yeah proximity okay and why did you get this personal 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00329-00294632-00295600 protection and uh what made your case special one specific crime group uh wants to kill me uh 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00330-00295600-00296192 and it was the the information was very specific um and if i uh wouldn't have been in protection 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00331-00296192-00296856 i wouldn't have lived uh so yeah that was very specific uh my colleague silva hovel working 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00332-00296856-00297352 for the telegraph as everybody does he's in the same kind of protection from uh december 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00333-00297352-00298256 2017 up until now we have lawyers in the same kind of protection unfortunately and we have uh 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00334-00298384-00299064 and judges being secured that way so that's the new reality we need to face and i don't 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00335-00299064-00299840 want anybody to say it's not dutch way it's the dutch threat it's a threat for us in holland as 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00336-00299840-00300488 well it's not italy it's us yeah it's it's the reality uh it's our reality um one quick 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00337-00300488-00301088 follow-up question before i move on to uh the next paladin panelist um personal protection of course 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00338-00301088-00301600 uh requires a careful balance between journalistic freedoms on the one hand and safety on the other 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00339-00301600-00302216 hand um which is always kind of the clash right so how do you think this balance is best protected 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00340-00302360-00302928 in my personal story it was the only group i could not meet uh easily was the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00341-00302928-00303416 criminals themselves because the security service wouldn't bring me to them because 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00342-00303568-00304160 but i needed a call probably but i still need them as sources i need to to be able to speak 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00343-00304160-00304736 to everybody so that that was yeah that we had worked to i was the first journalist in holland 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00344-00304736-00305488 uh in this protective program so we were pioneers in uh and we found out i can't tell how but we 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00345-00305488-00306296 we we finally finally found a way to do it but um in general um the um royal and diplomatic 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00346-00306296-00306968 security service made it possible for me to meet whoever i want to meet you have the privacy 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00347-00306968-00307752 you have no your agenda needs to be on their side four days before so you have no um it's 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00348-00308152-00308752 it's not an easy way of living but they made me uh they made it possible for me to do my job 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00349-00308752-00309416 good yeah so um it seems really seems there is an added value uh to this tailor-made uh protection 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00350-00309416-00310176 as you say it's crucial yeah yeah um thank you uh thomas i have a question for you um perspire 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00351-00310176-00310728 of which you are on the steering committee um is the mechanism in the netherlands when it comes to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00352-00310728-00311384 the safety of journalists and the demand is high at the same time the ministry has uh announced 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00353-00311384-00312120 that it will stop its funding per 2024 if i'm correct uh so a more general question um for you 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00354-00312120-00312496 what does the future of perspective look like where do you see pierce felix in five years 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00355-00312656-00313152 well i'm happy with this meeting and i'm also happy with the well this sort of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00356-00313152-00314016 positive european audit of what we're doing with pierce failure until now and but to be honest 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00357-00314104-00314952 the fact the point you're making is giving us some sort of worry because as we experience until now 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00358-00315120-00315744 it's crucial at one hand that the sector itself the media companies the public broadcaster and 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00359-00315808-00316576 the commercial broadcasters are uh are joining uh forces also in a financial we're giving 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00360-00316576-00317200 financial means to support perspective but we also experience that it's really necessary 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00361-00317200-00317856 to have a public support as well and what we emphasized the last few years and 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00362-00317856-00318456 happily the the members of parliament and the ministers uh supported this as well is we said if 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00363-00318456-00319112 you want to do a project like this you need a sort of structural base otherwise it becomes a project 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00364-00319112-00319744 and you have to send away the people involved with it after three years or two years and 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00365-00319744-00320120 you get this whole system again and our experiences with other types of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00366-00320224-00320832 uh well let's say things that the media party should do together like the ethical council 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00367-00320992-00321768 has given us reason to not only be positive about the support the serious 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00368-00321864-00322440 financial support from the from the sector itself so until now i especially the public 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00369-00322440-00322912 broadcasters showed that they want to invest but it's also a little bit 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00370-00322992-00323496 uh due to the fact that one of the other members of the steering committee of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00371-00323744-00324160 in the room here and who has good connections to the to the public broadcaster but we 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00372-00324160-00324792 experienced for instance that the the the media companies uh let's say more the publishing side 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00373-00324872-00325664 have showed some uh uh you well we had to convince them really about this project and i think we need 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00374-00325664-00326448 to sort of join forces to to continue this project because it won't go away from itself yeah so 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00375-00326448-00327008 uh yeah so you can rely on some sort of support from the sector itself that's good to hear um and 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00376-00327008-00327608 we can expect perspective to not vanish in five years if all goes well um i do have a question 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00377-00327608-00328184 so you you're talking about this financial support from the sector um from the sector itself do you 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00378-00328184-00328592 think and this is a question that also came in by the way uh do you think there is a role 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00379-00328592-00329032 or responsibility for journalists themselves in terms of their own in terms of their own 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00380-00329032-00329664 safety and if so what do you think that is well definitely and one of the things i thought would 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00381-00329664-00330288 could also be a recommendation would be the the this let's say unstable position of freelance 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00382-00330288-00331016 journalist here in holland here because i think and i've said it here in the parliament as well 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00383-00331096-00331800 in earlier meetings that i uh that to be a professional journalist you have to have the means 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00384-00331872-00332288 also yourself to protect yourself and what one of the outcomes what we see and i think 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00385-00332288-00332784 it was mentioned in the report as well is that for instance photojournalists or freelance journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00386-00332872-00333568 they although they get offered these trainings for free and these trainings usually would cost five 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00387-00333568-00334256 six hundred euros a day they still would uh cancel in the last moment because they say okay we can 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00388-00334256-00334928 earn 300 euros today so we won't do it because we need the money and this is only one example 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00389-00334928-00335432 and one of the others is of course that that usually freelancers aren't able to hire 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00390-00335432-00336016 a special place to work so they're working from out of their house with me which makes 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00391-00336016-00336528 them also more vulnerable and and the same goes for let's say the bulletproof vest or or 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00392-00336688-00337192 other sources of protection it's quite worrisome if you have to think about these things 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00393-00337192-00337968 yeah and at the same time being a professional and and unless last week we were in in another uh 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00394-00337968-00338424 we were at the court because and and we also mentioned this problem because 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00395-00338512-00339168 for instance photo photographers they work not on an hourly base for media companies but they work 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00396-00339168-00340000 on the basis of giving giving them for a profoto they get paid for photo but if you go to some 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00397-00340000-00340640 dense demonstration or some you know places where you in fact you have to invest first 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00398-00340640-00341248 you know to be safe you have to place your car uh not directly on the demonstration you have to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00399-00341328-00341784 it would be much more better not to bring your camera directly you know so you can connect with 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00400-00341784-00342416 the people and see how your position is but if you get paid by photo it's not easy to make this 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00401-00342416-00342856 decision because you have to do it in your own time so yeah thank you thank you i'm hearing 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00402-00342856-00343448 i'm hearing this these struggles or these issues around freelance journalists but i want to ask you 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00403-00343448-00343936 a question but i want to give paul one chance to react uh to the freelance issue if you like 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00404-00344232-00344936 i've been uh stressed in this point uh for for years now uh because um i work for a big 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00405-00344936-00345816 publishing company uh so uh from my cars were were paid uh very well with without hesitate but uh my 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00406-00345816-00346512 work colleagues who work freelance they sometimes need to think twice or uh or longer if they are 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00407-00346512-00347560 gonna put one or another story out because with the risk of being harassed or even killed or 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00408-00347816-00348576 accused in court and need to pay a lawyer and this chilling effect is a big big danger to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00409-00348576-00349080 the freedom of press yeah yeah this uh it is a vulnerable group what we heard in the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00410-00349080-00349776 first panel and now uh it's reiterated again um to uh include you in the conversation now 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00411-00349776-00350352 um one of the recommendations in the report is uh that there's more need for police capacity 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00412-00350472-00350880 and what do you think is needed to better implement the perspective protocol 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00413-00350880-00351584 within the police yeah every problem in the world the answer is more police 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00414-00351984-00352752 so but i i think we're always short on budget and policemen of course but i think it's a very 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00415-00352752-00353440 serious problem that we have here on our hands and i think the report and also this conversation 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00416-00353440-00354192 uh that realized the police that we have to do more than than we do now i think peshwa is 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00417-00354192-00354984 a very good start because we all in in this room realize uh and we experience all uh these attacks 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00418-00354984-00355864 uh it's it's indeed uh a fact of life now there's science uh members of parliament journalists and 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00419-00355864-00356512 also policemen they are attacked in their work and it's not acceptable so i think the most important 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00420-00356512-00357232 statement that we have to make here is uh society should not accept this and of course we are as a 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00421-00357232-00357896 police the last resort but we are not a solution to every problem and i think in paschfield 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00422-00357896-00358456 there is an understanding that journalists first have to protect themselves the companies are 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00423-00358456-00359096 responsible and there is a last resort and that's the police and i think it's very important as as 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00424-00359272-00359800 as a nation a democratic nation that we support journalists to do their work i 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00425-00359800-00360552 think it's very important and for that case we not only more police capacity but we have to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00426-00360656-00361536 give priority to this matter so we cannot do investigation do all the crimes that there are 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00427-00361536-00362080 but this is a specific group and we have to give priority so i think that is important yeah no 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00428-00362080-00362720 i hear you and i agree um i do hear the need for prevention measures as well in your answer um just 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00429-00362720-00363336 to zoom in on one more practical um uh approach which we were just discussing is tailor-made 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00430-00363336-00364000 protection from a police point of view um do you expect to put this in practice more um is that 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00431-00364000-00364648 feasible this recommendation from the uh from the report yeah i think it's good to uh to talk about 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00432-00364648-00365312 it and we have this uh a single point of contact in every region my colleague bim honaut is also 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00433-00365312-00365896 here and he talk uh on the frequently based with the journalists so what do you experiences what 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00434-00365896-00366536 are the specific problems and i think uh in the one region it's it's another case because uh 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00435-00366536-00367416 paul um yeah he's on the top level of threatening but we're happy that in the netherlands luckily 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00436-00367416-00368016 most journalists don't experience that kind of threat so it's important not only that 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00437-00368016-00368536 single point of contact in the network but it's also important that when you call the police 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00438-00368904-00369296 one you feel protected or yeah that every policeman 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00439-00369368-00370000 will act not only one person in the region but every policeman when you call the police they 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00440-00370000-00370608 act on a good way and they give priority do you do you feel there's an urgency within the police to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00441-00370608-00371072 uh that understands the role of journalists in society do you feel there's enough understanding 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00442-00371072-00371576 in the police to uh i think it can be better it's growing but it can be better 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00443-00371576-00372080 okay okay thank you i agree on that there are still police stations where it's hard to uh yeah 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00444-00372080-00372344 to tell your story yeah not my story because that's 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00445-00372456-00373072 not a spectrum but the story of uh colleagues a colleague being harassed uh online and uh 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00446-00373152-00373792 uh trying to discuss it and being sent away then of course we call percever and uh and we'll we'll 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00447-00373792-00374392 find our way yeah but it should be more uh in the roots of the police yeah do you feel perspective 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00448-00374392-00375032 is is a a platform where there which is serves as the basis for this dialogue or do you feel that 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00449-00375032-00375624 there needs to be more invested in strengthening this dialogue between journalists and the police 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00450-00375752-00376480 i think better i'm looking at any of you too is a good brand so we have to uh to keep that up 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00451-00376536-00377216 not only for a few years years as a project but on long term so that's important but we have 65 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00452-00377216-00378088 000 policemen so we have to do more about the awareness that journalists are threatened yeah 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00453-00378088-00378600 yeah but i think that the person can be a good basis for for having these 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00454-00378600-00379136 uh contacts that these and when it be because what you're explaining of course they're not gonna and 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00455-00379208-00379848 i can understand it i mean when you have 60 000 people working at the at the organization you 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00456-00379848-00380336 can't expect them all to be informed in the right way and that's the reason that these single points 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00457-00380336-00381104 of contact are so important so you can directly go to the the better level to address the case 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00458-00381104-00381592 when something goes wrong and what we saw last year is also because we have to with the steering 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00459-00381592-00382224 committee we are well every three minutes three months or something we're checking on the on the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00460-00382328-00383400 also on the data what we get in uh as as problems and also the the reports at the police 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00461-00383400-00384216 and what we saw last year which is good is that there were almost as much reports at the police as 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00462-00384216-00385032 there were at perfect which means that the the police found have placed it in the right basket 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00463-00385216-00385816 yeah so they recognize it as journalists going to uh to the police station so this is one of 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00464-00385816-00386336 the things that comes out that is positive well i mean yeah it underlines that that 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00465-00386336-00386824 perspective of course is a best practice in the international context for a good reason 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00466-00386824-00387176 um it's good we have the space in the netherlands uh looking at the time 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00467-00387176-00387432 i'm gonna look into the audience if there are any questions here 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00468-00387656-00388304 no i see one coming in online which is a follow-up question to all of you um 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00469-00388304-00388800 the netherlands serves as a good practice when advising other states on their measures to improve 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00470-00388800-00389384 the safety of journalists what recommend what recommendation would you give based on perspective 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00471-00389608-00390032 so the way i hear that question is if other countries want to implement perspective yeah yeah 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00472-00390032-00390744 well what i did because we have also we're in good good contact with our european affiliates and and 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00473-00390744-00391384 also for instance belgium was so inspired by what we're doing right here that they'll already uh 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00474-00391512-00392240 made the step to to put perfectly dot be online so so there's just starting it 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00475-00392240-00392824 but what i advised them was you first have to start with a good research among the journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00476-00392824-00393440 themselves because what we did so for several years and every six years or something we went to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00477-00393440-00394128 our members and we said we checked on them but the the the big difference was uh when breneckmeyer 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00478-00394128-00394912 and other character in back in 2019 really did a good research and then it was really put high on 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00479-00394912-00395424 the agenda also politically so so i think if you want to start somewhere you really have to have a 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00480-00395424-00396040 real good research because you also make clear to your to them to the journalists themselves 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00481-00396104-00396704 that they as rowan said before that you should not take it for granted or something but you should 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00482-00396704-00397176 uh speak out about it and then you should do something about it and you should 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00483-00397176-00397912 involve your editors-in-chief and your the management in this so i think training research 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00484-00397968-00398360 and getting the the the the managers involved is very important 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00485-00398472-00399112 alongside with the police and yeah good thing i think awareness is crucial uh awareness 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00486-00399280-00399832 and the horrible fact that uh peter edwards has been killed last summer uh the horrible fact that 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00487-00399888-00400440 uh marty [ __ ] crime blogger has been killed and the lawyer of crown witness and the brother of the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00488-00400440-00400984 crown witness and the newsrooms of the telegraph and panorama have been attacked those horrible 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00489-00400984-00401768 facts make make sure that for one to three months it's on top of everybody's minds and then 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00490-00401768-00402424 it fades away yeah and that's uh that should not happen and if i may stay make one more statement 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00491-00402528-00403160 the courtrooms the extra secured courtrooms are uh very well protected but not for journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00492-00403216-00404136 outside and not for lawyers of uh lawyers who need to go there um and we tried to stress this for a 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00493-00404136-00404808 long time and now we we got 10 email addresses of the 10 courts if we have any questions we can 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00494-00404808-00405472 email that's not the solution for this no and is i'm going to look at is that something you want to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00495-00405472-00406160 uh react to um this need for this it's not the problem please no that's a introduction yeah 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00496-00406160-00406744 that's my statement uh the first thing is that uh hands off uh the journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00497-00406824-00407568 we must uh uh influence the public opinion you don't uh attack journalists and then comes uh 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00498-00407568-00408296 the police yeah at the end and the populist politicians should stop poisoning the debate 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00499-00408296-00408856 uh yeah the atmosphere this is of course the need what's in the report as well about this uh 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00500-00408856-00409280 prevention and this need for a culture shift to recognize the role of journalists in society 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00501-00409368-00410032 um i have one last question um and then i think we have to round off because i'm not seeing any 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00502-00410032-00410664 hands in the uh in the audience um we've spoken about different measures to protect journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00503-00410664-00411152 but what is the first priority now to improve the safety of journalists according to prime 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00504-00411224-00411935 crime reporters journalists unions and the police perspective so everyone their own perspective uh 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00505-00411935-00412376 basically what's the first priority in terms of protecting journalists 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00506-00412376-00413184 at the moment tailor-made um okay discussions yeah tailor-made yeah i think solutions yeah 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00507-00413304-00413839 yeah i think at the moment where we are right now i think we have to look at the prevention 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00508-00413839-00414304 and and we're looking for it at the report that was promised already for this 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00509-00414304-00415016 spring by the way they say and uh in your report i read that it's being postponed to 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00510-00415016-00415552 next year or something it's quite worrisome that because we also have to look at what can we do 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00511-00415552-00416104 with prevention what can we what is the intention of people who are attacking journalists and what 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00512-00416104-00416808 can we do ourselves so i i hope there's somebody from the ministry of of justice here present and 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00513-00416808-00417400 we want to emphasize that this the this research should be available earlier than next year yeah 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00514-00417456-00418200 thank you and pay it last remark yeah for me uh uh aside of what has been said i think the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00515-00418200-00418720 network building that's important so that we know each other and we can frequently talk about the 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00516-00418720-00419343 experiences yeah good thank you with these last three concrete uh recommendations i think that's 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00517-00419343-00419992 a good endnote for this panel um i'd like to thank you all very much for joining us here today and 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00518-00419992-00420688 everyone here in the room as well thank you for being here um if there are no further questions i 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00519-00420688-00421584 i would like to round off and invite everyone for a drink at the bar after this thank you 5iL-hHI3kZ8-00520-00426480-00426488 you