dZgGbYrY0C0-00000-00000000-00001650 thank you dZgGbYrY0C0-00001-00002430-00002616 foreign dZgGbYrY0C0-00002-00003984-00004008 foreign dZgGbYrY0C0-00003-00007145-00007386 foreign dbV0L22_AuE-00000-00000123-00000223 Hi! dbV0L22_AuE-00001-00000223-00000725 Today I want to talk to you about "to save" ,thank you Mirela.From what I understanded, dbV0L22_AuE-00002-00000725-00001604 into a plane,if a mother is traveling with her child and there is any danger for the dbV0L22_AuE-00003-00001604-00002293 plane to crush,the oxigen mask is first for the mother and after for the child.When I dbV0L22_AuE-00004-00002293-00003528 found out thins thing I was reflecting at that a lot to understand why and aftre I dbV0L22_AuE-00005-00003528-00004862 seemed to me the first time totaly meaningless because you must save the child but after dbV0L22_AuE-00006-00004862-00005951 I thought that the child cannot save himself without mother so then, first must be saved dbV0L22_AuE-00007-00005951-00006820 the mother.But for me "to save" is to be few hours a day in Delta energy I understanded,the dbV0L22_AuE-00008-00006820-00007650 energy of children and to play with them.Now I am into a park and there are 2 children dbV0L22_AuE-00009-00007650-00008632 about 6 years old over there behind a tree and they imagine that are building a palace,I dbV0L22_AuE-00010-00008632-00009371 don't know...actually they have a toy stick in their hand and are scratching the earth.Is dbV0L22_AuE-00011-00009371-00010611 great to be a child and I think each grown up must save himself being sometimes even dbV0L22_AuE-00012-00010611-00010854 a child .For you what does it mean "to save?" dbV0L22_AuE-00013-00010854-00010879 Bye! dcInZw7jHF0-00000-00000042-00000838 How to get famous 14 unique business ideas for first time entrepreneurs, Hey, you wanna dcInZw7jHF0-00001-00000838-00000938 be famous, right? dcInZw7jHF0-00002-00000938-00001158 Well, at least you want your business to be famous. dcInZw7jHF0-00003-00001158-00001586 I mean, maybe you want yourself to be famous, but the point is there's certain things you dcInZw7jHF0-00004-00001586-00001734 can do in this video. dcInZw7jHF0-00005-00001734-00002277 I'm gonna share with you 14 things that you can do to make yourself famous and make your dcInZw7jHF0-00006-00002277-00002399 business recognizable. dcInZw7jHF0-00007-00002399-00002877 Now, if you're new to the channel, please do me a favor and subscribe hit that subscribe dcInZw7jHF0-00008-00002877-00003128 button down there, turn it from red to gray. dcInZw7jHF0-00009-00003128-00003384 Don't forget to ring the bell, turn it all bell notifications. dcInZw7jHF0-00010-00003384-00003808 So you're notified each and every single time I go live, you're gonna love this video. dcInZw7jHF0-00011-00003808-00003960 I'm telling you, you're gonna love this video. dcInZw7jHF0-00012-00003960-00004148 You wanna stick to the very end. dcInZw7jHF0-00013-00004148-00004526 If you do these 14 things, you're gonna just blow up online. dcInZw7jHF0-00014-00004526-00004678 And that's what you want to do. dcInZw7jHF0-00015-00004678-00004829 If you're an entrepreneur. dcInZw7jHF0-00016-00004829-00005071 Now, every niche is different. dcInZw7jHF0-00017-00005071-00005248 There's always competitors in a niche. dcInZw7jHF0-00018-00005248-00005606 And if there aren't competitors and maybe you shouldn't be in that niche, but there's dcInZw7jHF0-00019-00005606-00005737 always competitors in a niche. dcInZw7jHF0-00020-00005737-00006130 And what you want to do is be able to set yourself apart from everybody else. dcInZw7jHF0-00021-00006130-00006503 And what I wanna show you how to do in this video, you see your competitors out. dcInZw7jHF0-00022-00006503-00006952 There are jocking for this audience and you're jocking for this audience. dcInZw7jHF0-00023-00006952-00007361 And whoever is better at these things is going to get the customer. dcInZw7jHF0-00024-00007361-00007486 So let's jump right into it. dcInZw7jHF0-00025-00007486-00007818 Let's go over some of these things at the end, I'll show you where you can get a free dcInZw7jHF0-00026-00007818-00008056 course, $97 course, absolutely free. dcInZw7jHF0-00027-00008056-00008271 All right, let's jump right into the us. dcInZw7jHF0-00028-00008271-00008620 Number one is be the head chef of the restaurant. dcInZw7jHF0-00029-00008620-00008720 What do I mean by that? dcInZw7jHF0-00030-00008720-00009177 Well, being the head chef of the restaurant means that you are the face of your business. dcInZw7jHF0-00031-00009177-00009277 You're out there. dcInZw7jHF0-00032-00009277-00009377 You're visible. dcInZw7jHF0-00033-00009377-00009496 This is super important. dcInZw7jHF0-00034-00009496-00009939 If you really want to build a connection with your audience, we've seen this happen time dcInZw7jHF0-00035-00009939-00010489 and time again, for many, many years, everything from, um, men's warehouse to Purdue farms, dcInZw7jHF0-00036-00010489-00010675 the dad, and then the son. dcInZw7jHF0-00037-00010675-00011042 And you may or may not know some of these businesses, but they always had the owner dcInZw7jHF0-00038-00011042-00011596 of the business on camera, on video, talking to the audience out there so that they could dcInZw7jHF0-00039-00011596-00011757 make a connection with the audience. dcInZw7jHF0-00040-00011757-00012286 So if you wanna be famous, get on camera first off and be the face of your business. dcInZw7jHF0-00041-00012286-00012686 The thing I would tell you is be involved. dcInZw7jHF0-00042-00012686-00013067 I mean, I, I know there's this allure out there of owning a business and hiring everybody dcInZw7jHF0-00043-00013067-00013167 to do everything. dcInZw7jHF0-00044-00013167-00013594 And you can just sit on some beach and, you know, sip a beer and play on your laptop, dcInZw7jHF0-00045-00013594-00013694 but it just doesn't work. dcInZw7jHF0-00046-00013694-00013794 Okay. dcInZw7jHF0-00047-00013794-00013894 It just doesn't work. dcInZw7jHF0-00048-00013894-00014044 You're gonna have to spend time in your business. dcInZw7jHF0-00049-00014044-00014272 You're gonna have to be involved in the business. dcInZw7jHF0-00050-00014272-00014460 You're gonna have to talk customers. dcInZw7jHF0-00051-00014460-00014656 You're gonna have to talk to your employees. dcInZw7jHF0-00052-00014656-00014819 This is required. dcInZw7jHF0-00053-00014819-00014975 And heck how could you be famous? dcInZw7jHF0-00054-00014975-00015406 How could you be well known if you're never there, number three is learn from your audience. dcInZw7jHF0-00055-00015406-00015777 Oh my gosh, I've learned so much from my audience over the years, what they want, what they dcInZw7jHF0-00056-00015777-00015965 don't want, what they need. dcInZw7jHF0-00057-00015965-00016337 And if you listen to the people, if you listen to the people, now, if there's some fringe dcInZw7jHF0-00058-00016337-00016608 person, you know, that comes up with some crazy idea. dcInZw7jHF0-00059-00016608-00017062 Well, of course you're not gonna listen to them, but if you consistently hear the same dcInZw7jHF0-00060-00017062-00017570 thing over and over again, I want free shipping or, you know, I, I think your product label dcInZw7jHF0-00061-00017570-00018017 is ugly or whatever the, whatever it is, you know, make sure that you listen to them. dcInZw7jHF0-00062-00018017-00018140 They have great input. dcInZw7jHF0-00063-00018140-00018559 These are the people that are buying from you and they're offering their free opinions. dcInZw7jHF0-00064-00018559-00018723 Um, you gotta listen to 'em. dcInZw7jHF0-00065-00018723-00019187 Uh, I know when I do YouTube videos, I always ask people for comments and I'm doing a YouTube dcInZw7jHF0-00066-00019187-00019287 video now. dcInZw7jHF0-00067-00019287-00019545 So by the way, comment below, if you would on this video. dcInZw7jHF0-00068-00019545-00019869 But I always ask people for comments because I wanna know what they're doing. dcInZw7jHF0-00069-00019869-00019981 I wanna know what they're working on. dcInZw7jHF0-00070-00019981-00020195 I wanna know how I can help them. dcInZw7jHF0-00071-00020195-00020326 What questions do they have? dcInZw7jHF0-00072-00020326-00020468 Uh, what videos should I do? dcInZw7jHF0-00073-00020468-00020862 If they have a particular subject, they want me to do a video on I'll actually do that dcInZw7jHF0-00074-00020862-00021054 video because that's what they want. dcInZw7jHF0-00075-00021054-00021167 This is my audience. dcInZw7jHF0-00076-00021167-00021365 You've got to serve your audience. dcInZw7jHF0-00077-00021365-00021755 Number four, of course, you, you knew you were gonna hear this is use social media. dcInZw7jHF0-00078-00021755-00022178 Um, there is a lot of, of media out there now, and it can be overwhelming. dcInZw7jHF0-00079-00022178-00022434 I mean, how many platforms are you gonna be on? dcInZw7jHF0-00080-00022434-00022606 How often are you gonna post and all that? dcInZw7jHF0-00081-00022606-00022959 And I can't tell you what the exact mix is, but I can tell you this. dcInZw7jHF0-00082-00022959-00023059 You've gotta be there. dcInZw7jHF0-00083-00023059-00023604 If you're not on the big ones, like say YouTube, which I'm on right now, or Facebook or Twitter dcInZw7jHF0-00084-00023604-00023704 or Instagram. dcInZw7jHF0-00085-00023704-00023979 If you're not on these platforms, you're gonna get left behind. dcInZw7jHF0-00086-00023979-00024079 Now. dcInZw7jHF0-00087-00024079-00024443 I use a software that actually, when I do a video, it'll post it in three or four different dcInZw7jHF0-00088-00024443-00024543 places. dcInZw7jHF0-00089-00024543-00024687 You can get a software like that. dcInZw7jHF0-00090-00024687-00024793 Um, that's called hoot suite. dcInZw7jHF0-00091-00024793-00024931 So you can check that out if you want. dcInZw7jHF0-00092-00024931-00025362 I'm not an affiliate forum, uh, but that's a good software so that when you create a dcInZw7jHF0-00093-00025362-00025614 piece of content, it'll go out in several different places. dcInZw7jHF0-00094-00025614-00025777 Uh, but you gotta use social media. dcInZw7jHF0-00095-00025777-00026274 It's just part of marketing nowadays, number for five email and email often. dcInZw7jHF0-00096-00026274-00026374 Okay. dcInZw7jHF0-00097-00026374-00026705 Email, I've heard people say email was dead and I've heard, 'em say it this year, last dcInZw7jHF0-00098-00026705-00026949 year, the year before the year before they always say it's dead. dcInZw7jHF0-00099-00026949-00027219 And yet we still make millions of dollars off emails. dcInZw7jHF0-00100-00027219-00027422 I would say email is not dead. dcInZw7jHF0-00101-00027422-00027650 I would say it's gonna be around for a long, long time. dcInZw7jHF0-00102-00027650-00027812 Um, it's the way we communicate. dcInZw7jHF0-00103-00027812-00028397 And most customers say the, that they get from businesses, they would prefer was in dcInZw7jHF0-00104-00028397-00028519 the form of an email. dcInZw7jHF0-00105-00028519-00028708 So I think that's super important too. dcInZw7jHF0-00106-00028708-00028820 You gotta email often. dcInZw7jHF0-00107-00028820-00029238 And when I say email often, that doesn't mean always hammering them with offers, send them dcInZw7jHF0-00108-00029238-00029344 some good information. dcInZw7jHF0-00109-00029344-00029517 You know, if you're like we sell canned meats. dcInZw7jHF0-00110-00029517-00029688 So we may send out recipes. dcInZw7jHF0-00111-00029688-00029938 We may, uh, send out things on how to protect your homes. dcInZw7jHF0-00112-00029938-00030281 Since we know that we're dealing with people who want to be prepared. dcInZw7jHF0-00113-00030281-00030650 So there's all kinds of things we could send out that would be helpful to 'em email and dcInZw7jHF0-00114-00030650-00030798 email often, number six. dcInZw7jHF0-00115-00030798-00031233 I mean, if you wanna be famous, get some press, right, get articles written about you and dcInZw7jHF0-00116-00031233-00031451 you say, well, my, that, that must really be hard to do. dcInZw7jHF0-00117-00031451-00031581 It's really not hard to do. dcInZw7jHF0-00118-00031581-00031995 Uh, I know when I moved my business a couple times, you know, I contacted the newspaper, dcInZw7jHF0-00119-00031995-00032351 uh, and I said, Hey, we're so arrival food company, would you like to write an article dcInZw7jHF0-00120-00032351-00032451 about us? dcInZw7jHF0-00121-00032451-00032551 And they jumped all over it. dcInZw7jHF0-00122-00032551-00032651 Uh, it was appropriate. dcInZw7jHF0-00123-00032651-00032751 It was timely. dcInZw7jHF0-00124-00032751-00032893 It was something that they were interested in. dcInZw7jHF0-00125-00032893-00033462 Um, so I would tell you if you do those articles, uh, and you will, you will get some articles dcInZw7jHF0-00126-00033462-00033562 written about you. dcInZw7jHF0-00127-00033562-00034123 If you contact enough newspapers, enough news agencies, enough places I can guarantee you dcInZw7jHF0-00128-00034123-00034580 are going to some press, uh, and that press can be very important, especially if you wanna dcInZw7jHF0-00129-00034580-00034680 be famous. dcInZw7jHF0-00130-00034680-00035039 Number seven, B unique uniqueness matters so much. dcInZw7jHF0-00131-00035039-00035334 I mean, how many years did we all just shave every day? dcInZw7jHF0-00132-00035334-00035831 And a razor was a razor until dollar shave club came out and they said they were gonna dcInZw7jHF0-00133-00035831-00035997 sell a razor for $1. dcInZw7jHF0-00134-00035997-00036352 Uh, and it really doesn't turn out to be a dollar, by the way, I tried it out and I didn't dcInZw7jHF0-00135-00036352-00036723 like the razor, but that's beside the point he had unique commercials. dcInZw7jHF0-00136-00036723-00036823 They were funny. dcInZw7jHF0-00137-00036823-00036923 They were entertaining. dcInZw7jHF0-00138-00036923-00037399 Um, those spots went viral with what he did because he did something that nobody else dcInZw7jHF0-00139-00037399-00037499 was doing. dcInZw7jHF0-00140-00037499-00037838 And I could tell you, a lot of people picked up on that style now and are doing ads just dcInZw7jHF0-00141-00037838-00038021 like him, but he was unique. dcInZw7jHF0-00142-00038021-00038164 Try to be unique in your niche. dcInZw7jHF0-00143-00038164-00038435 Number eight, you gotta be consistent. dcInZw7jHF0-00144-00038435-00038535 Okay? dcInZw7jHF0-00145-00038535-00038852 You can't decide, well, I'm gonna work on, uh, being famous and I'm gonna work on getting dcInZw7jHF0-00146-00038852-00038969 out there and building my brand. dcInZw7jHF0-00147-00038969-00039141 And I'm gonna do that for six months. dcInZw7jHF0-00148-00039141-00039327 And then I'm gonna lay back for two or three months. dcInZw7jHF0-00149-00039327-00039445 You can't do that. dcInZw7jHF0-00150-00039445-00039613 It has to be a consistent thing. dcInZw7jHF0-00151-00039613-00039793 And I know it's hard to do hard for me. dcInZw7jHF0-00152-00039793-00039949 Uh, I have to do videos. dcInZw7jHF0-00153-00039949-00040049 I have to work on my business. dcInZw7jHF0-00154-00040049-00040326 Um, you know, it's, there's a lot of stuff to do. dcInZw7jHF0-00155-00040326-00040597 Social media, all these different things, but it's gotta be done. dcInZw7jHF0-00156-00040597-00040697 Okay. dcInZw7jHF0-00157-00040697-00040865 If it was easy, everybody would be doing this guys. dcInZw7jHF0-00158-00040865-00041235 Um, if, if somebody's telling you it's easy to build a business, it's easy to build a dcInZw7jHF0-00159-00041235-00041367 brand. dcInZw7jHF0-00160-00041367-00041467 It's not so true. dcInZw7jHF0-00161-00041467-00041567 Okay? dcInZw7jHF0-00162-00041567-00041667 It's not true at all. dcInZw7jHF0-00163-00041667-00041767 It takes some effort. dcInZw7jHF0-00164-00041767-00042303 It, it is not hard as far as the things you have to do, but you gotta be consistent. dcInZw7jHF0-00165-00042303-00042403 Number nine. dcInZw7jHF0-00166-00042403-00042686 And I love this one have awesome customer service. dcInZw7jHF0-00167-00042686-00042815 How is that gonna make you famous? dcInZw7jHF0-00168-00042815-00042953 Well, it works really well. dcInZw7jHF0-00169-00042953-00043053 I'll tell you why. dcInZw7jHF0-00170-00043053-00043572 I know that if I go to, let's say Costco and I buy an item and I don't like it. dcInZw7jHF0-00171-00043572-00043984 Uh, and I wait three weeks or I, I lose the receipts or whatever. dcInZw7jHF0-00172-00043984-00044122 It's not gonna be a problem. dcInZw7jHF0-00173-00044122-00044228 I'm gonna get my money back. dcInZw7jHF0-00174-00044228-00044424 I know I am same thing with Amazon. dcInZw7jHF0-00175-00044424-00044547 You know, they have a window. dcInZw7jHF0-00176-00044547-00044959 I don't know what if it's 30 or 60 days, whatever that window is, but I know I can return just dcInZw7jHF0-00177-00044959-00045224 about anything if, if as a prime member. dcInZw7jHF0-00178-00045224-00045381 So that makes me be a prime member, right? dcInZw7jHF0-00179-00045381-00045789 I pay that extra fee, but I know I don't worry about buying stuff from Amazon. dcInZw7jHF0-00180-00045789-00046166 Matter of fact, I have bought, you know, a shirt or a pair of shoes in two or three different dcInZw7jHF0-00181-00046166-00046266 sizes. dcInZw7jHF0-00182-00046266-00046530 Cause I wasn't sure which one would fit and just send the others back. dcInZw7jHF0-00183-00046530-00046630 You can do that. dcInZw7jHF0-00184-00046630-00046730 Okay. dcInZw7jHF0-00185-00046730-00046830 That is great. dcInZw7jHF0-00186-00046830-00047002 Customer service, love 'em or hate 'em. dcInZw7jHF0-00187-00047002-00047213 They've got great customer service, Costco, Amazon. dcInZw7jHF0-00188-00047213-00047413 And there's some more examples out there. dcInZw7jHF0-00189-00047413-00047513 Of course. dcInZw7jHF0-00190-00047513-00047630 Uh, you can go to fast food. dcInZw7jHF0-00191-00047630-00047956 You look at Chick-fil-A or you look at in and out burgers. dcInZw7jHF0-00192-00047956-00048084 They got it figured out, okay. dcInZw7jHF0-00193-00048084-00048566 They have great customer service, number 10, stand for a charity. dcInZw7jHF0-00194-00048566-00048666 Okay. dcInZw7jHF0-00195-00048666-00048789 This is a great way to get famous. dcInZw7jHF0-00196-00048789-00049131 Once you attach yourself to a charity, and it's funny with charities though, you gotta dcInZw7jHF0-00197-00049131-00049287 talk to 'em in a advance. dcInZw7jHF0-00198-00049287-00049444 You gotta tell 'em what you wanna do. dcInZw7jHF0-00199-00049444-00049544 Some of 'em won't want you. dcInZw7jHF0-00200-00049544-00049858 I found this out the hard way when I wanted to give some money to charities, uh, some dcInZw7jHF0-00201-00049858-00050245 of 'em are really restrict about what you could say and what you could do, but if you dcInZw7jHF0-00202-00050245-00050658 could hook yourself up with a charity, it can get you out there in front of a lot more dcInZw7jHF0-00203-00050658-00050758 people. dcInZw7jHF0-00204-00050758-00051061 Number 11, you're not gonna want to do this, but be controversial. dcInZw7jHF0-00205-00051061-00051161 Okay? dcInZw7jHF0-00206-00051161-00051612 If you've got some strong opinions about something, go ahead and say what those strong opinions dcInZw7jHF0-00207-00051612-00051712 are. dcInZw7jHF0-00208-00051712-00052194 Uh, and the reason being is the people who agree with you will really attach themselves dcInZw7jHF0-00209-00052194-00052294 to you. dcInZw7jHF0-00210-00052294-00052593 The people that disagree with you will really attack you. dcInZw7jHF0-00211-00052593-00052693 Okay? dcInZw7jHF0-00212-00052693-00053024 Now you may not wanna be attacked, but even being attacked sometimes can be helpful because dcInZw7jHF0-00213-00053024-00053185 people are talking about you. dcInZw7jHF0-00214-00053185-00053504 You think of a lot of the celebrities that are always in the news for some of the crazy dcInZw7jHF0-00215-00053504-00053631 things they're doing. dcInZw7jHF0-00216-00053631-00053881 And you know, they say, no, press is bad press. dcInZw7jHF0-00217-00053881-00054334 So getting out in front of the public being controversial can be very helpful to you. dcInZw7jHF0-00218-00054334-00054812 Number 12, if you wanna set yourself apart, you gotta be out of the ordinary. dcInZw7jHF0-00219-00054812-00054912 Okay? dcInZw7jHF0-00220-00054912-00055069 You've gotta be outta the ordinary to set yourself apart. dcInZw7jHF0-00221-00055069-00055200 You've gotta set yourself apart. dcInZw7jHF0-00222-00055200-00055300 Okay. dcInZw7jHF0-00223-00055300-00055508 You, uh, maybe it's your colors, your logo. dcInZw7jHF0-00224-00055508-00055677 Maybe it's what you stand for. dcInZw7jHF0-00225-00055677-00055916 Um, maybe it's what you're working towards. dcInZw7jHF0-00226-00055916-00056376 Maybe it's your goal, but try to stand out, be out of the ordinary. dcInZw7jHF0-00227-00056376-00056773 This is a great way to build a brand and actually get you famous. dcInZw7jHF0-00228-00056773-00057061 Number 13 is not really a direct thing. dcInZw7jHF0-00229-00057061-00057241 It's something that I've just always done. dcInZw7jHF0-00230-00057241-00057597 And I've, I've noticed it's helped me a lot is always learn. dcInZw7jHF0-00231-00057597-00057697 New things. dcInZw7jHF0-00232-00057697-00057797 Always learn new things. dcInZw7jHF0-00233-00057797-00057897 There's always new ways. dcInZw7jHF0-00234-00057897-00058041 Like you're watching this video right now. dcInZw7jHF0-00235-00058041-00058250 There's always new ways to promote your business. dcInZw7jHF0-00236-00058250-00058779 There's always new ways to maybe do email marketing or to do sales pages or do do sales dcInZw7jHF0-00237-00058779-00059004 funnels or ads or whatever it is. dcInZw7jHF0-00238-00059004-00059104 There's always new ways. dcInZw7jHF0-00239-00059104-00059354 And you really gotta stay on top of these things. dcInZw7jHF0-00240-00059354-00059891 Guys, this, this digital market world is not something that you go into and you learn it dcInZw7jHF0-00241-00059891-00059991 once. dcInZw7jHF0-00242-00059991-00060166 And then you go out and you're a digital marketer for the rest of your life. dcInZw7jHF0-00243-00060166-00060266 It doesn't work that way. dcInZw7jHF0-00244-00060266-00060597 It constantly changes platforms, change what works, changes. dcInZw7jHF0-00245-00060597-00060697 All these things change. dcInZw7jHF0-00246-00060697-00060891 You've gotta constantly be learning. dcInZw7jHF0-00247-00060891-00061142 And now we're down to number 14. dcInZw7jHF0-00248-00061142-00061679 The very last one and number 14 is be proactive, not re active. dcInZw7jHF0-00249-00061679-00061889 I see so many businesses. dcInZw7jHF0-00250-00061889-00062394 So many owners of businesses react to what's happening every single day. dcInZw7jHF0-00251-00062394-00062763 Uh, instead of sitting down every day and looking at their business and look at what dcInZw7jHF0-00252-00062763-00063054 happened and say, what are the things that we can change? dcInZw7jHF0-00253-00063054-00063205 What are the things that we can do? dcInZw7jHF0-00254-00063205-00063339 How can we change our emails? dcInZw7jHF0-00255-00063339-00063492 How can we change our ads? dcInZw7jHF0-00256-00063492-00063607 How can we change our website? dcInZw7jHF0-00257-00063607-00064161 You, you know, what can we do to reach a bigger audience, sit down and actually brainstorm. dcInZw7jHF0-00258-00064161-00064360 This is the thing that a lot of people don't do. dcInZw7jHF0-00259-00064360-00064748 They're constantly reacting to their business, but they're never being proactive. dcInZw7jHF0-00260-00064748-00065056 They're never deciding in advance what they wanna do to improve things. dcInZw7jHF0-00261-00065056-00065445 Uh, if they did that, they would become more famous and the brand would blow up more. dcInZw7jHF0-00262-00065445-00065801 Now I told you, in the beginning of this video, I've got a $97 course. dcInZw7jHF0-00263-00065801-00065994 It's below in the description. dcInZw7jHF0-00264-00065994-00066131 All you gotta do is click and learn. dcInZw7jHF0-00265-00066131-00066312 No credit card is required. dcInZw7jHF0-00266-00066312-00066538 Um, that's a pretty good deal, but it won't be there forever. dcInZw7jHF0-00267-00066538-00066774 So you need to get down there and get it right away. dcInZw7jHF0-00268-00066774-00066939 I really appreciate you watching this video. dcInZw7jHF0-00269-00066939-00067222 If you're not a subscriber, please become one. dcInZw7jHF0-00270-00067222-00067569 Click that button down there, turn it from red to gray, that subscribe button. dcInZw7jHF0-00271-00067569-00067852 Don't forget to ring the bell, turn all bell notifications. dcInZw7jHF0-00272-00067852-00068238 So you're notified each and every time I go live, I really appreciate you watching this dcInZw7jHF0-00273-00068238-00068338 video. dcInZw7jHF0-00274-00068338-00068464 If you like, what you hear, gimme a thumbs up. dcInZw7jHF0-00275-00068464-00068660 I really do want to hear your comments. dcInZw7jHF0-00276-00068660-00068876 I respond to as many as I possibly can. dcInZw7jHF0-00277-00068876-00069287 So if you've got questions, uh, if you've got an opinion, uh, if you just wanna say dcInZw7jHF0-00278-00069287-00069539 hi, you could do that in the comments section down there. dcInZw7jHF0-00279-00069539-00071391 Thank you so much for watching this video and I'll see you in the next one. dcRz2RELzi0-00000-00003336-00003496 we're in a fine mess now dcRz2RELzi0-00001-00003744-00004384 uh i'd give anything to trade places that dog we chased yesterday dcRz2RELzi0-00002-00004488-00004976 seems like whenever people get in a hole they begin to get jealous of dogs dcRz2RELzi0-00003-00005296-00005784 i admit that our prospects aren't very cheerful dcRz2RELzi0-00004-00006144-00006695 but how about going back to see if our raft is still there look if we were spotted they'll have dcRz2RELzi0-00005-00006695-00007208 a trap waiting for us when we show up well it's a chance but trying to walk out is as risky today dcRz2RELzi0-00006-00007208-00007952 as it was yesterday we'll scout around the river and make certain then what even if we find a wrath dcRz2RELzi0-00007-00007952-00008400 there even if none of them are laying first and what then we'll have to sit tight until it gets dcRz2RELzi0-00008-00008400-00008896 dark and hope that we don't have a full moon we can sing old songs if we get restless waiting dcRz2RELzi0-00009-00008992-00009608 which man what matters new comes i hate that they're cannibals so even if we get caught dcRz2RELzi0-00010-00009608-00010368 you're pretty safe leave me alone we may be in the woods mcclellan but let's try to remain civilized dcRz2RELzi0-00011-00011064-00011688 yeah i suppose you're right luke anyway there won't be many days left to be civilized in dcRz2RELzi0-00012-00011792-00012784 we stick around these woods much longer dcRz2RELzi0-00013-00014784-00015584 so dcRz2RELzi0-00014-00018720-00019784 shall see us shut up dcRz2RELzi0-00015-00024536-00024816 don't be afraid we're not going to hurt you dcRz2RELzi0-00016-00025016-00025727 she's quite nice don't you think so boys what are we supposed to do with her now i've got a wife at dcRz2RELzi0-00017-00025727-00026368 home i'm afraid she's become our uninvited guest i must say i've had worse casts at better parties dcRz2RELzi0-00018-00026672-00027048 all right coffee all right let's not forget where we are dcRz2RELzi0-00019-00027144-00027504 even though we're lost in the woods let's try to remain civilized dcRz2RELzi0-00020-00027736-00028183 well we can't stay here dcRz2RELzi0-00021-00028456-00029583 should we leave her fish here something funny dcRz2RELzi0-00022-00030312-00030362 you dgq3smED9GA-00000-00000152-00000352 Hello , I am Natasha dgq3smED9GA-00001-00000426-00001140 and I would like to introduce you to the beautiful drawing of Mary Magdalene who arrived today dgq3smED9GA-00002-00001344-00002262 she was made by a spiritual artist from the Netherlands, Tamara dgq3smED9GA-00003-00002322-00002812 is this artist's name and as you see ... dgq3smED9GA-00004-00002980-00003428 brings spiritual art to life dgq3smED9GA-00005-00003778-00004246 she is beautifully made, I have a good feeling about it dgq3smED9GA-00006-00004322-00004638 I feel a lot of peace flowing into myself dgq3smED9GA-00007-00004768-00005948 I tune into her energy, Mary Magdalene, I think everyone knows her ... dgq3smED9GA-00008-00005970-00006814 she was once the beloved of Yeshua, Jesus Christ known to us dgq3smED9GA-00009-00007045-00007468 this drawing feels very alive to me dgq3smED9GA-00010-00007706-00008266 I feel a lot of peace in myself as I keep looking at Her dgq3smED9GA-00011-00008336-00008954 she gives me a lot of peace and tranquility is what I need in myself dgq3smED9GA-00012-00008984-00009822 this beautiful drawing of Mary Magdalene will help me well with this dgq3smED9GA-00013-00009846-00010452 I feel that strongly, I am grateful that she is here dgq3smED9GA-00014-00010528-00010854 and she is of course very welcome dgq3smED9GA-00015-00010936-00011328 I wanted to share this, with love from me di2IOhiTpOo-00000-00000000-00000156 "ePoojaStore" App Available Now di2IOhiTpOo-00001-00000212-00000401 "ePoojaStore" App Available Now di2IOhiTpOo-00002-00000459-00000732 "ePoojaStore" App Available Now di2IOhiTpOo-00003-00000816-00001019 "ePoojaStore" App Available Now di2IOhiTpOo-00004-00001132-00001426 "ePoojaStore" App Available Now di2IOhiTpOo-00005-00001476-00001620 "ePoojaStore" App Available Now dmKncPs3ll0-00000-00000029-00000522 The peace talk between Ethiopian government and tplf leaders continues in South Africa dmKncPs3ll0-00001-00000522-00000821 by African Union mediation. dmKncPs3ll0-00002-00000821-00001242 What is the stance of Ethiopian government on this talk and what are the demands of tplf dmKncPs3ll0-00003-00001242-00001542 leaders raised in this peace talk. dmKncPs3ll0-00004-00001542-00002023 The TPLF people are negotiating an immediate ceasefire. dmKncPs3ll0-00005-00002023-00002598 The Ethiopian government on the other hand The Ethiopian government does not want the dmKncPs3ll0-00006-00002598-00003008 sound of gunfire to be heard in any part of the country. dmKncPs3ll0-00007-00003008-00003482 As Tigray is the main part of Ethiopia, not in Tigray, war does not want to hear the sound dmKncPs3ll0-00008-00003482-00003682 of gunshots. dmKncPs3ll0-00009-00003682-00004104 For this reason, all armed forces outside the government's security structure should dmKncPs3ll0-00010-00004104-00004304 be disarmed. dmKncPs3ll0-00011-00004304-00004705 You should understand that the Ethiopian Defense Forces launched an attack on the Northern dmKncPs3ll0-00012-00004705-00005114 Command in the Tigray region on October 24. dmKncPs3ll0-00013-00005114-00005333 He committed treason. dmKncPs3ll0-00014-00005333-00005594 He has started the war. dmKncPs3ll0-00015-00005594-00006057 If the conflict is to be stopped immediately, the TPLF fighters should lay down their arms dmKncPs3ll0-00016-00006057-00006280 unconditionally. dmKncPs3ll0-00017-00006280-00006748 In the past, we stopped firing and sent aid grain to us, but Tplf used the fuel and food dmKncPs3ll0-00018-00006748-00007229 to recruit militants and launch another round of attacks on Ethiopia. dmKncPs3ll0-00019-00007229-00007720 The Ethiopian Defense Forces are sending aid to the cities they control.ethiopian government dmKncPs3ll0-00020-00007720-00008143 is working to start electricity and banking services. dmKncPs3ll0-00021-00008143-00008675 But if Tplf army disarms, this government effort will not succeed. dmKncPs3ll0-00022-00008675-00009040 There should be only one defense force per country. dmKncPs3ll0-00023-00009040-00009489 The force you call Tigray Defense Force should be disbanded as it is a threat to Ethiopia's dmKncPs3ll0-00024-00009489-00009714 sovereign unity. dmKncPs3ll0-00025-00009714-00010103 The government is admits that Eritrea should leave Ethiopia. dmKncPs3ll0-00026-00010103-00010772 However, it is this terrorist group that is attacking the Eritrean government with missiles. dmKncPs3ll0-00027-00010772-00011214 In the third round of invasion that started in August, TPLF launched a three-front war dmKncPs3ll0-00028-00011214-00011352 in Eritrea. dmKncPs3ll0-00029-00011352-00011715 The community should know that this is not a terrorist group. dmKncPs3ll0-00030-00011715-00012274 TPLF is a threat to the region, not the Ethiopian government. dmKncPs3ll0-00031-00012274-00012500 The peace talks will end tomorrow, Sunday. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00000-00000106-00000503 - HAVING AN EFFECT: NEUROTRANSMITTER CAUSING dnSWKWUA2Lu-00001-00000510-00000944 AN ACTION IN AN EFFECTOR OR CAUSING AN, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00002-00000950-00001468 ANOTHER ACTION POTENTIAL IN A POST SYNAPTIC NEURON. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00003-00001474-00001731 WE HAVE AN EFFECT, BUT HERE'S THE THING. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00004-00001738-00001931 IF YOU JUST DUMP NEUROTRANSMITTER dnSWKWUA2Lu-00005-00001938-00002385 INTO THE SYNAPSE, AND IT STAYED THERE, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00006-00002392-00002799 IT WOULD KEEP ON STIMULATING AN EFFECT dnSWKWUA2Lu-00007-00002806-00003099 AND CAN YOU, LIKE--DOES THAT WORK FOR YOU THAT, DUDE, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00008-00003106-00003326 IF YOU KEEP ON STIMULATING AN EFFECT, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00009-00003333-00003580 YOU HAVE BASICALLY NO CONTROL. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00010-00003586-00003927 THE NERVOUS SYSTEM DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00011-00003933-00004240 SO AS QUICKLY AS AN ACTION POTENTIAL dnSWKWUA2Lu-00012-00004247-00004484 CAN TRAVEL DOWN A NEURON, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00013-00004491-00004978 AND DUMP NEUROTRANSMITTER INTO THE SYNAPSE, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00014-00004984-00005422 IT REMOVES THE NEUROTRANSMITTER JUST AS FAST. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00015-00005428-00005769 THAT WAY, IF I WANT TO SEND THE MESSAGE AGAIN, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00016-00005775-00005949 I'M GOING TO SEND ANOTHER ACTION POTENTIAL dnSWKWUA2Lu-00017-00005955-00006109 AND DUMP MORE NEUROTRANSMITTER. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00018-00006116-00006316 I'M NOT GOING TO END UP WITH LIKE, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00019-00006322-00006499 I'M GOING TO SEND THIS REALLY PRECISE, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00020-00006506-00007027 SPECIFIC MESSAGE GO AND THEN END UP WITH THIS KIND OF OOZY, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00021-00007033-00007303 LIKE WHO KNOWS HOW LONG IT'S GOING TO LAST, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00022-00007310-00007534 HOW LONG IS THE NEUROTRANSMITTER GOING TO HANG OUT dnSWKWUA2Lu-00023-00007540-00007647 IN THAT SYNAPSE. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00024-00007654-00007844 MAYBE 'TIL IT JUST DIFFUSES AWAY, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00025-00007851-00008154 SEE YOU LATER, IT MIGHT TAKE A WHILE. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00026-00008161-00008488 I'M GOING TO SEND THE MESSAGE AND THEN CLEAN UP IMMEDIATELY dnSWKWUA2Lu-00027-00008495-00008765 AFTER SO I CAN SEND ANOTHER MESSAGE. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00028-00008772-00009055 IT ALLOWS FOR MORE PRECISE CONTROL. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00029-00009062-00009312 SO HOW DO WE GET THE NEUROTRANSMITTER OUT OF THERE? dnSWKWUA2Lu-00030-00009319-00009569 WELL THERE'S A COUPLE OF STRATEGIES THAT WE CAN USE. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00031-00009576-00010063 NUMBER ONE, HERE'S OUR JOB, GET RID OF THE NEUROTRANSMITTER. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00032-00010070-00010673 STRATEGY NUMBER ONE RE-ABSORB IT INTO THE PRE-SYNAPTIC NEURON. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00033-00010680-00011284 PRE-SYNAPTIC NEURON. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00034-00011291-00011738 THAT'S A GREAT STRATEGY. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00035-00011744-00012178 THERE ARE LITTLE POSSIBLY RECEPTORS dnSWKWUA2Lu-00036-00012185-00012358 THAT CAN BIND WITH MY NEUROTRANSMITTER dnSWKWUA2Lu-00037-00012365-00012669 AND REVERSE THE PROCESS. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00038-00012675-00012996 DUDE, [INAUDIBLE] THAT WAS ENDOC dnSWKWUA2Lu-00039-00013002-00013243 JUST [INAUDIBLE] THE NEUROTRANSMITTER dnSWKWUA2Lu-00040-00013249-00013843 AND GET IT BACK INTO THAT NEURON, DO, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00041-00013850-00014160 YOU KNOW IF YOU NEED TO PROCESS IT AGAIN OR WHATEVER, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00042-00014167-00014447 BUT YOU CAN ACTUALLY RE-USE IT IF YOU WANT. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00043-00014454-00014838 IT'S ONE WAY TO GET RID OF IT, ANOTHER WAY. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00044-00014844-00015438 REMOVE IT, CHOP IT UP WITH AN ENZYME. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00045-00015445-00015822 DUDE, LET'S THROW SOME PAC MANS IN THERE. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00046-00015829-00016262 HERE COMES PAC MAN, HERE COMES ANOTHER ONE, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00047-00016269-00016673 AND THEY GO [INAUDIBLE] JUST LIKE THAT COMPLETE dnSWKWUA2Lu-00048-00016679-00017006 WITH THOSE SOUND EFFECTS AND THEY [INAUDIBLE] ALL dnSWKWUA2Lu-00049-00017013-00017190 THE NEUROTRANSMITTER AND WHERE DID IT GO? dnSWKWUA2Lu-00050-00017197-00017620 BYE, BYE, NO MORE EFFECT THE NEUROTRANSMITTER IS GONE. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00051-00017627-00018061 AND ALSO THERE'S ONE MORE. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00052-00018068-00018895 OH, THE GLIAL CELLS CAN ACTUALLY CLEAN UP. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00053-00018902-00019309 THE ASTRO SITES THE MICRO GLIAL THEY CAN ACTUALLY COME ALONG dnSWKWUA2Lu-00054-00019315-00019736 AND HELP REMOVE NEUROTRANSMITTER FROM THE SYNAPSE. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00055-00019742-00019936 THAT'S ONE OF THE REASONS WHY, YOU KNOW, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00056-00019943-00020266 WE SAY THE NEURON, THE STAR OF THE SHOW. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00057-00020273-00020513 BUT GLIAL CELLS, WHOA, THERE'S 90% dnSWKWUA2Lu-00058-00020520-00020864 OF ALL OF YOUR NEURAL TISSUE IS MADE UP OF GLIAL CELLS. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00059-00020870-00021064 THEY'RE PROBABLY PRETTY IMPORTANT. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00060-00021071-00021221 AND THE ACT dnSWKWUA2Lu-00061-00021227-00021664 OF REMOVING NEUROTRANSMITTER, THAT'S A REALLY IMPORTANT JOB. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00062-00021671-00021868 SO NOW WE'RE GOING TO TAKE dnSWKWUA2Lu-00063-00021875-00022225 A CLOSER LOOK AT SOME SPECIFIC NEUROTRANSMITTERS, dnSWKWUA2Lu-00064-00022232-00022355 SPECIFIC NEUROTRANSMITTERS dnSWKWUA2Lu-00065-00022362-00022562 THAT WE'RE GOING TO SEE THROUGHOUT THE REST dnSWKWUA2Lu-00066-00022569-00022936 OF THE COURSE ACTING IN SPECIFIC SCENARIOS. dnSWKWUA2Lu-00067-00022942-00023249 SO LET'S START OUT BY LOOKING AT ACETYLCHOLINE. dnYjZ038pBE-00000-00000000-00000194 freedom today I wanted to talk to you dnYjZ038pBE-00001-00000194-00000597 about but what is what is AAAAH its new years dnYjZ038pBE-00002-00000597-00001032 isn't it didn't we just make like a dnYjZ038pBE-00003-00001032-00001299 video about a holiday i am so over this dnYjZ038pBE-00004-00001299-00001746 but i do hope that you in your content dnYjZ038pBE-00005-00001746-00002010 your content strategy i hope that you dnYjZ038pBE-00006-00002010-00002247 have somehow worked in the new year and dnYjZ038pBE-00007-00002247-00002571 you have capitalized on this in some way dnYjZ038pBE-00008-00002571-00002753 because it's something that is shared dnYjZ038pBE-00009-00002753-00003147 globally. There aren't too many global dnYjZ038pBE-00010-00003147-00003369 tentpole events if you don't know what a dnYjZ038pBE-00011-00003369-00003611 tentpole event is i think i might have a dnYjZ038pBE-00012-00003611-00003836 video. There's an i maybe dnYjZ038pBE-00013-00003836-00003975 on-screen talking about what tentpole dnYjZ038pBE-00014-00003975-00004139 videos are that I made a billion freaking dnYjZ038pBE-00015-00004139-00004482 years ago and that should catch you up dnYjZ038pBE-00016-00004482-00004637 now there aren't too many of these i dnYjZ038pBE-00017-00004637-00004830 hope that you have capitalized on this dnYjZ038pBE-00018-00004830-00005268 but that's not what this video's about . I don't know why I'm rambling. dnYjZ038pBE-00019-00005270-00005462 Anyway our dnYjZ038pBE-00020-00005462-00005709 our staff wanted to take a break and say dnYjZ038pBE-00021-00005709-00005943 happy new year dnYjZ038pBE-00022-00005943-00006314 so guys take it away! I'm stef from dnYjZ038pBE-00023-00006314-00006470 Staf Shorts and Happy New Year dnYjZ038pBE-00024-00006470-00006609 Freedom! dnYjZ038pBE-00025-00006609-00006854 happy happy new year freedom family dnYjZ038pBE-00026-00006854-00007715 happy holidays and we wish you a happy new year! dnYjZ038pBE-00027-00007715-00007995 To all of my freedom family wishing you a dnYjZ038pBE-00028-00007995-00008259 happy and prosperous new year with the dnYjZ038pBE-00029-00008259-00008543 hope that you will have many blessings dnYjZ038pBE-00030-00008543-00008679 in the year to come dnYjZ038pBE-00031-00008679-00008897 my name is Perrie McGuire and happy new dnYjZ038pBE-00032-00008897-00009165 year freedom family i hope you guys have dnYjZ038pBE-00033-00009165-00009297 an amazing new year dnYjZ038pBE-00034-00009297-00009483 I'm sure you've got loads of different dnYjZ038pBE-00035-00009483-00009732 plans for your new year and things like dnYjZ038pBE-00036-00009732-00009933 that so yeah I hope you'll have an amazing one guys dnYjZ038pBE-00037-00009933-00010200 from all of us here at the freedom dnYjZ038pBE-00038-00010200-00010503 office happy new year and may you guys have a dnYjZ038pBE-00039-00010503-00010870 wonderful 2017. Happy New Year Freedom! dnYjZ038pBE-00040-00010871-00011146 I wish everyone in the Freedom! family a happy dnYjZ038pBE-00041-00011148-00011223 new year dnYjZ038pBE-00042-00011223-00011442 I wishFreedom! family a happy happy new dnYjZ038pBE-00043-00011442-00011868 year happy new year freedom family dnYjZ038pBE-00044-00011868-00012156 happy new year to everyone from freedom dnYjZ038pBE-00045-00012156-00012435 happy new year freedom! Hi Freedom! dnYjZ038pBE-00046-00012435-00012636 I'm [?] also known as Julius, video dnYjZ038pBE-00047-00012636-00012822 editor for Anthony and I'm wishing you all dnYjZ038pBE-00048-00012822-00012947 a happy new year dnYjZ038pBE-00049-00012947-00013125 Hi Freedom! this is [...] from the dnYjZ038pBE-00050-00013125-00013326 QC team wishing everyone a happy new dnYjZ038pBE-00051-00013326-00013407 year dnYjZ038pBE-00052-00013407-00013844 hello freedom happy new year! dnYjZ038pBE-00053-00013844-00014138 happy new year freedom family so dnYjZ038pBE-00054-00014138-00014363 hopefully you've gotten all of your dnYjZ038pBE-00055-00014363-00014655 various holiday songs out of your head dnYjZ038pBE-00056-00014655-00015027 and now you can be prepared to go back dnYjZ038pBE-00057-00015027-00015360 to work or back to school or back to dnYjZ038pBE-00058-00015360-00015563 whatever it is that you do with your dnYjZ038pBE-00059-00015563-00016032 normal everyday life because it's over dnYjZ038pBE-00060-00016032-00016284 but that's that's not that big of a dnYjZ038pBE-00061-00016284-00016578 deal like you know there's other stuff dnYjZ038pBE-00062-00016578-00016932 around the corner there's all kinds of dnYjZ038pBE-00063-00016932-00017345 holidays and stuff but i do want to take dnYjZ038pBE-00064-00017345-00017532 a moment to say that all of these dnYjZ038pBE-00065-00017532-00017838 holidays that we celebrate this time of dnYjZ038pBE-00066-00017838-00017889 year dnYjZ038pBE-00067-00017889-00018204 the the deeper meaning is dnYjZ038pBE-00068-00018204-00018579 community, family and that's what we are dnYjZ038pBE-00069-00018579-00018810 here at freedom that we are the freedom dnYjZ038pBE-00070-00018810-00019359 family so do take time if you have it to dnYjZ038pBE-00071-00019359-00019647 stop by the forums [], say hi, be a part of dnYjZ038pBE-00072-00019647-00019932 the community, on Twitter don't forget to dnYjZ038pBE-00073-00019932-00020126 use #FreedomFamily anytime you dnYjZ038pBE-00074-00020126-00020400 see something that is youtube or digital dnYjZ038pBE-00075-00020400-00020645 media related share it with the freedom dnYjZ038pBE-00076-00020645-00020865 family so that others can see it or dnYjZ038pBE-00077-00020865-00021090 maybe you just share out your own videos dnYjZ038pBE-00078-00021090-00021323 using #FreedomFamily that way dnYjZ038pBE-00079-00021323-00021476 other people can discover those as well dnYjZ038pBE-00080-00021476-00021623 anyways dnYjZ038pBE-00081-00021623-00021813 till next time don't forget to Like dnYjZ038pBE-00082-00021813-00021975 subscribe and do all those things that dnYjZ038pBE-00083-00021975-00022149 make us love our jobs dnYjZ038pBE-00084-00022149-00022434 also be awesome yourself and amazing to dnYjZ038pBE-00085-00022434-00022536 each other dnYjZ038pBE-00086-00022536-00022786 Bye Freedom Family dnYjZ038pBE-00087-00023194-00023364 thank you for watching another freedom dnYjZ038pBE-00088-00023365-00023527 video if you'd like to connect with us on our dnYjZ038pBE-00089-00023527-00023758 socials be sure to check out dnYjZ038pBE-00090-00023758-00024229 our Facebook, our Twitter, Facebook dnYjZ038pBE-00091-00024229-00024283 groups, dnYjZ038pBE-00092-00024283-00024577 of course our support Twitter, dnYjZ038pBE-00093-00024577-00024790 and of course the forums dnYjZ038pBE-00094-00024790-00025123 whoa i am so going to drop these anyways dnYjZ038pBE-00095-00025123-00025294 thanks for watching dnYjZ038pBE-00096-00025294-00025830 WHOA e6-lPwciZJU-00000-00000008-00000592 G'day there. Managing weeds is unfortunately a part of land ownership. Many weeds are highly e6-lPwciZJU-00001-00000592-00001192 invasive and can quickly overtake land. They can have a devastating impact on agriculture and e6-lPwciZJU-00002-00001192-00001839 ecosystems. They can also cause severe illness in both people and animals. So for better or worse, e6-lPwciZJU-00003-00001839-00002528 you have an obligation to control them under the Biosecurity Act 2015. The good news is that weeds e6-lPwciZJU-00004-00002528-00002992 can be controlled and there are resources available to guide your weed management. Here e6-lPwciZJU-00005-00002992-00003552 are a few quick tips. Have practices in place to prevent weeds from entering your property. These e6-lPwciZJU-00006-00003552-00004047 include having a holding paddock or yard area dedicated to receiving new livestock so that weed e6-lPwciZJU-00007-00004047-00004576 seeds can be eliminated from animals, having a dedicated well-equipped area for washing down and e6-lPwciZJU-00008-00004576-00005120 cleaning vehicles and farm machinery, and knowing where your fodder is coming from and ensuring e6-lPwciZJU-00009-00005120-00005696 that it's weed free. Simple measures can all help stop weed spread. It's important to control weeds e6-lPwciZJU-00010-00005696-00006320 before they seed or spread. After rain and during spring are key times for weed control. It's useful e6-lPwciZJU-00011-00006320-00006776 to get out and have a walk around your place regularly to look for any incursions, particularly e6-lPwciZJU-00012-00006776-00007359 around watercourses and boundaries. Also check out any feed distribution areas or locations where e6-lPwciZJU-00013-00007359-00007928 new stock have been. If you notice any new or suspect species, check the Department of Primary e6-lPwciZJU-00014-00007928-00008536 Industries weedwise app for tips on identification and management, or contact your local authority. e6-lPwciZJU-00015-00008536-00009064 These are usually your local council. Identifying what weeds you have in the paddock is key to an e6-lPwciZJU-00016-00009064-00009600 effective control program. Some control techniques are not appropriate for all weed species, e6-lPwciZJU-00017-00009600-00010088 so you need to know what you're starting with and have a plan. Again check out the New South Wales e6-lPwciZJU-00018-00010088-00010992 DPI website or contact your local authority for control advice. Until next time, cheers. e6b1E2oYOlk-00000-00001021-00002038 [Music] foreign e6b1E2oYOlk-00001-00002038-00002546 [Music] e6b1E2oYOlk-00002-00002546-00003055 [Music] e6b1E2oYOlk-00003-00003055-00003840 car freshener which is from involved one mask I have heard a lot of positive reviews about e6b1E2oYOlk-00004-00003840-00004727 this product so without wasting any time let's see how it goes inside the box it comes with e6b1E2oYOlk-00005-00004727-00005328 like the 3M type so if you want to like a place in the car or dashboard and you guys e6b1E2oYOlk-00006-00005328-00006243 don't have to worry about any uh leakage or any spill uh spill you can simply put it over e6b1E2oYOlk-00007-00006243-00007061 here and yeah like this or I mean or you can also put in in the bottle holder like this e6b1E2oYOlk-00008-00007061-00007850 it's upon you whatever you want to do it see in my case I have a bottle holder so I'll e6b1E2oYOlk-00009-00007850-00008593 probably keeping it in bottle holder so what what I'm gonna do is now I will be opening e6b1E2oYOlk-00010-00008593-00009827 the disc lid and see what inside the Box so yeah I'm gonna open this load so we get the e6b1E2oYOlk-00011-00009827-00010618 thank you card and it's very hard for me to open with one hand and like see here you can e6b1E2oYOlk-00012-00010618-00011475 see it you can see the material is fiber inside the box it's fiber I can already like feel e6b1E2oYOlk-00013-00011475-00012343 the smell the fragrance is very like awful and it's just amazing uh the fragrance is e6b1E2oYOlk-00014-00012343-00012898 highly I recommend for the people who loves a medium strong photograms and won't try something e6b1E2oYOlk-00015-00012898-00012998 like different e6b1E2oYOlk-00016-00012998-00014216 uh I mean so I'm gonna be talking about the price this uh it cost me around like uh 320 e6b1E2oYOlk-00017-00014216-00015022 rupees but I ordered it from Amazon and the December sale was going on and I somewhat e6b1E2oYOlk-00018-00015022-00016357 got around like in 320 rupees and it usually uh stays in like 399 in another month so yeah e6b1E2oYOlk-00019-00016357-00017180 I mean the smell is very very very good vibe it giving uh it gives me some good vibes and e6b1E2oYOlk-00020-00017180-00017681 the freshness it's like only like uh two or three minutes it's e6b1E2oYOlk-00021-00017681-00018080 way too much like uh e6b1E2oYOlk-00022-00018080-00018980 way too much uh it's giving me like a I don't know I mean what to say e6b1E2oYOlk-00023-00018980-00019979 I guess my two smells are getting mixed I'll see I already have a uh hanged a car perfume e6b1E2oYOlk-00024-00019979-00020851 which I got from the dealership when I bought the car so I mean let's see how it goes I'm e6b1E2oYOlk-00025-00020851-00021504 gonna like uh drive around uh I'm gonna drive around like uh some five to ten minutes and e6b1E2oYOlk-00026-00021504-00021929 see yeah what's that e6b1E2oYOlk-00027-00021929-00022754 it's over the time being uh you guys can subscribe to my channel and press the Bell icon so if e6b1E2oYOlk-00028-00022754-00023687 you want to guys uh see the more like this type of content than do follow me on insta e6b1E2oYOlk-00029-00023687-00024480 and do for subscribe my channel and I'm gonna be linking this product Link in my description e6b1E2oYOlk-00030-00024480-00025276 so if you guys want to buy this uh car freshener for your car you can like purchase it from e6b1E2oYOlk-00031-00025276-00026119 my link I'll be mentioning the link in my description and for the time being you guys e6b1E2oYOlk-00032-00026119-00027010 can like uh uh subscribe to my channel because I'm gonna be going for like a long long trips e6b1E2oYOlk-00033-00027010-00028056 and I'm gonna be publishing contents in future Logan soon so e6b1E2oYOlk-00034-00028056-00028945 like uh if you want to buy this product and involve one has like many products like they e6b1E2oYOlk-00035-00028945-00029622 have also have gel based they also have liquid base and they also have fiber basic uh like e6b1E2oYOlk-00036-00029622-00030354 fiber base I'm talking about the mask one and the fragrance are are like a lot of options e6b1E2oYOlk-00037-00030354-00031212 you guys can see it and you can check it out I have used like uh like I don't know what e6b1E2oYOlk-00038-00031212-00031868 to use but I remember my friend has uh that side track one uh in all one side track of e6b1E2oYOlk-00039-00031868-00032627 fragrance so I know it like it feels very like a Charming to me so that's why I ordered e6b1E2oYOlk-00040-00032627-00033319 the musk one which I'm which we are using it right now e6b1E2oYOlk-00041-00033319-00034339 so there are a lot of flag options you get when we talk about in world one so we do have e6b1E2oYOlk-00042-00034339-00035257 like a mask and Cedric and I'm not sure about um other fragrances but you guys can check e6b1E2oYOlk-00043-00035257-00035483 it out e6b1E2oYOlk-00044-00035483-00036404 so till now like uh I can feel it the smell is really very very pleasing so it's gonna e6b1E2oYOlk-00045-00036404-00037203 be like a worth full decision of your life if you go with this one or uh I would suggest e6b1E2oYOlk-00046-00037203-00037862 you to battle with uh the Fiber One the fiber ones are long lasting than jealous e6b1E2oYOlk-00047-00037862-00037904 [Music] esBtRym069u-00000-00000000-00000200 My website. evGsll1eX30-00000-00000218-00000500 France in South Africa evGsll1eX30-00001-00000728-00001142 French Tech : French tech : Focus on start-ups in Cape Town evGsll1eX30-00002-00001514-00001896 Cape Town evGsll1eX30-00003-00002096-00002330 ==William Roos, Head of the Regional Economic Department== evGsll1eX30-00004-00002330-00002590 South Africa's financial centre is the largest financial centre in Africa, evGsll1eX30-00005-00002591-00002782 dominating the whole African continent, evGsll1eX30-00006-00002782-00003089 and is home to investors able to finance evGsll1eX30-00007-00003089-00003352 the growth of big French startups. evGsll1eX30-00008-00003508-00003905 France participates actively in the local Silicon Valley evGsll1eX30-00009-00003906-00004100 in Cape Town. evGsll1eX30-00010-00004100-00004428 ==Véronique Briquet-Laugier, Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Action== evGsll1eX30-00011-00004428-00004770 We have French Tech which is firmly integrated and partner evGsll1eX30-00012-00004770-00005038 of AFRICARENA today. evGsll1eX30-00013-00005096-00005362 ==Christophe Viarnaud, Frech Tech Cape Town Ambassador== evGsll1eX30-00014-00005362-00005618 We've incubated a conference entitled AFRICARENA evGsll1eX30-00015-00005618-00005896 which takes place in Cape Town in November each year. evGsll1eX30-00016-00005896-00006248 The aim of the conference is really to create a platform for cooperation evGsll1eX30-00017-00006248-00006739 between African ecosystems and international ecosystems, evGsll1eX30-00018-00006739-00007098 especially the French ecosystem and that of French Tech. evGsll1eX30-00019-00007129-00007412 We're committed to having a certain number evGsll1eX30-00020-00007412-00007932 of representations from large international groups, especially French ones, evGsll1eX30-00021-00007932-00008208 which propose open innovation challenges evGsll1eX30-00022-00008208-00008561 allowing vectors of deployment evGsll1eX30-00023-00008561-00008902 and development to be found in Africa, with African innovations evGsll1eX30-00024-00008902-00009170 created by African companies and entrepreneurs. evGsll1eX30-00025-00009210-00009640 All of the pitches from the 70 startups which attend from all over Africa evGsll1eX30-00026-00009642-00009851 are broadcast live evGsll1eX30-00027-00009882-00010338 on both the Euroquity platform from BPI and on Facebook Live. evGsll1eX30-00028-00010408-00010636 ==Buhle Goslar, Chief Customer Officer, Jumo== evGsll1eX30-00029-00010636-00010868 We're a financial technology company evGsll1eX30-00030-00010868-00011315 and our platform really is concerned with helping primarily evGsll1eX30-00031-00011315-00011483 micro and small enterprise owners evGsll1eX30-00032-00011483-00011760 access savings, loans and insurance products evGsll1eX30-00033-00011760-00011902 in emerging markets. evGsll1eX30-00034-00011902-00012160 We are currently operating predominantly in Africa, evGsll1eX30-00035-00012162-00012509 in seven markets across Africa, and then Asia. evGsll1eX30-00036-00012580-00012872 ==Siby Diabira, Senior Investment Officer, Proparco== evGsll1eX30-00037-00012872-00013084 Proparco invested recently in Jumo, evGsll1eX30-00038-00013084-00013458 we participated in the last investment raise of Jumo, the fundraising. evGsll1eX30-00039-00013458-00013961 This is really the reflection of what we would like to do in terms of venture capital, evGsll1eX30-00040-00013961-00014334 and in terms of the strategy that Proparco is putting in place evGsll1eX30-00041-00014334-00014710 to support the ecosystem of the startups in Africa. evGsll1eX30-00042-00014782-00015220 That's really being something which I think we've seen over the past couple of months evGsll1eX30-00043-00015220-00015597 and they brought additional connections into different networks, evGsll1eX30-00044-00015597-00015925 which have really helped us to take what was already our mission evGsll1eX30-00045-00015925-00016044 to the next level. evGsll1eX30-00046-00016158-00016542 AFD through our subsidiary Proparco, our private sector arm, evGsll1eX30-00047-00016542-00016920 we articulate a regional strategy for a period of 4-5 years evGsll1eX30-00048-00016920-00017185 in conjunction with our superiors in Paris evGsll1eX30-00049-00017186-00017470 as well as with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs evGsll1eX30-00050-00017470-00017732 ==Ntumba Katabua, Investment officer – Infrastructure portfolio, AFD in South Africa== evGsll1eX30-00051-00017762-00018178 and currently we are focusing on sectors related to the economic transition, evGsll1eX30-00052-00018178-00018569 sectors related to job creation and employment, evGsll1eX30-00053-00018569-00018848 so talking about training, vocational training, youth unemployment evGsll1eX30-00054-00018848-00019014 as well as social housing. evGsll1eX30-00055-00019113-00019232 Investment is needed, evGsll1eX30-00056-00019232-00019501 big groups provide access to markets. evGsll1eX30-00057-00019501-00019829 Investors are there to ensure that startups evGsll1eX30-00058-00019829-00020330 have a launch pad from which to deliver these innovations. evGsll1eX30-00059-00020330-00020506 In the first edition of AFRICARENA, evGsll1eX30-00060-00020506-00020691 we had more than 2 million dollars in deals evGsll1eX30-00061-00020692-00021080 which were immediately 'traceable' to the impact of the conference. evGsll1eX30-00062-00021104-00021362 ==Kerry Petrie, General Manager, Silicone Cape== evGsll1eX30-00063-00021362-00021618 Silicon Cape is an enabler for the ecosystem of startups and entrepreneurs evGsll1eX30-00064-00021632-00021877 working in the tech space in the Border Cape region. evGsll1eX30-00065-00021877-00022096 And a big part of that is partnering with organisations evGsll1eX30-00066-00022096-00022317 like French Tech and events like AFRICARENA evGsll1eX30-00067-00022318-00022642 so that we can grow a pan-African collaborative approach evGsll1eX30-00068-00022642-00022792 to bringing more investment evGsll1eX30-00069-00022792-00022936 and supporting more entrepreneurs across the continent. evGsll1eX30-00071-00022986-00023240 ==Alexis Grosskopf, Chief Operating Officer, Manager of FSAT Labs== evGsll1eX30-00072-00023240-00023522 I manage an incubator, French South African Tech Labs, evGsll1eX30-00073-00023522-00023790 an incubator in the digital sector evGsll1eX30-00074-00023794-00024190 which provides assistance mostly to South African startups but also to French ones evGsll1eX30-00075-00024190-00024422 in developing their activity on the local market. evGsll1eX30-00076-00024422-00024653 We have two programmes, evGsll1eX30-00077-00024653-00024885 an incubation programme and an acceleration programme. evGsll1eX30-00078-00024954-00025153 To be an official French Tech hub, evGsll1eX30-00079-00025153-00025569 there needs to be support from the embassy evGsll1eX30-00080-00025569-00025879 and the 'French-local' international chamber of commerce, evGsll1eX30-00081-00025879-00026168 and there must of course be a cluster of French entrepreneurs. evGsll1eX30-00082-00026168-00026449 We work closely with the French Embassy in South Africa evGsll1eX30-00083-00026452-00026691 and we even have the innovation attaché evGsll1eX30-00084-00026691-00026902 who sits on our board of directors evGsll1eX30-00085-00026902-00027104 and helps us with visibility, evGsll1eX30-00086-00027105-00027368 especially in terms of networking and partnerships. evGsll1eX30-00087-00027506-00027758 So, French Tech is an international community evGsll1eX30-00088-00027758-00027949 of French Tech entrepreneurs evGsll1eX30-00089-00027949-00028292 and VCs and various large technology companies. evGsll1eX30-00090-00028357-00028764 We have French Tech communities all around the world, evGsll1eX30-00091-00028764-00028980 we have one in Cape Town in South Africa, evGsll1eX30-00092-00028980-00029208 which is extremely strong and dynamic evGsll1eX30-00093-00029208-00029457 and so we are trying in our own way to support evGsll1eX30-00094-00029457-00029681 the mandate of Silicon Cape here in South Africa evGsll1eX30-00095-00029681-00030129 by connecting French Tech communities all around the world evGsll1eX30-00096-00030129-00030323 to the Silicon Cape Community evGsll1eX30-00097-00030323-00030681 and I think it's working great and this event is just a demonstration of that. evGsll1eX30-00098-00031004-00031189 One of our main workstreams evGsll1eX30-00099-00031189-00031615 is support for businesses, that's a priority for the government evGsll1eX30-00100-00031615-00031826 to allow them to invest internationally evGsll1eX30-00101-00031864-00032152 and develop exports in the region. evGsll1eX30-00102-00032374-00032654 ==Rodolphe Rosier, CEO, OniriQ== evGsll1eX30-00103-00032654-00032928 OniriQ is a French company created 2 years ago evGsll1eX30-00104-00032928-00033242 with the aim of providing access to energy evGsll1eX30-00105-00033242-00033570 and access to the internet and to digital content evGsll1eX30-00106-00033570-00033846 for African rural populations without access to electricity. evGsll1eX30-00107-00033896-00034164 The reason why we came here to AFRICARENA evGsll1eX30-00108-00034165-00034406 is that we were selected evGsll1eX30-00109-00034407-00034826 during a tour in Dakar in Senegal. evGsll1eX30-00110-00034884-00035229 We pitched 2 months ago to Vinci Energies evGsll1eX30-00111-00035230-00035357 and the Air France teams evGsll1eX30-00112-00035412-00035704 and we were selected for two challenges evGsll1eX30-00113-00035704-00036078 so we came here today to try to establish collaborations evGsll1eX30-00114-00036078-00036227 with these two big groups. evGsll1eX30-00115-00036563-00036939 The country is really aware that one of the ways to reduce unemployment evGsll1eX30-00116-00036939-00037293 is to promote innovation and entrepreneurship. evGsll1eX30-00117-00037364-00037485 Our emphasis is on evGsll1eX30-00118-00037485-00037840 promoting France among South African startups evGsll1eX30-00119-00037840-00038244 and on ensuring that the French Tech hub in Cape Town provides international support evGsll1eX30-00120-00038245-00038658 for startups in France to help them to develop. evGsll1eX30-00121-00038756-00039042 Like, comment, share eEmFyglnZiU-00000-00000000-00000253 welcome to week six of introduction to eEmFyglnZiU-00001-00000000-00000100 linguistics eEmFyglnZiU-00002-00000000-00000266 this week we're going to study semantics eEmFyglnZiU-00003-00000000-00000193 which is the study of meaning eEmFyglnZiU-00004-00000000-00000233 pragmatics, the study of meaning in eEmFyglnZiU-00005-00000000-00000100 context eEmFyglnZiU-00006-00000000-00000266 and we're going to study a little bit of eEmFyglnZiU-00007-00000000-00000260 psycholinguistics, which is the science eEmFyglnZiU-00008-00000000-00000100 of eEmFyglnZiU-00009-00000000-00000240 how the language works in your brain eEmFyglnZiU-00010-00000000-00000266 we're going to start our transition from eEmFyglnZiU-00011-00000000-00000036 syntax to semantics by studying semantic eEmFyglnZiU-00012-00000000-00000036 roles eEmFyglnZiU-00013-00000100-00000420 so before we begin, let's just take a eEmFyglnZiU-00014-00000292-00000508 quick look at where we are now: we've eEmFyglnZiU-00015-00000420-00000716 studied eEmFyglnZiU-00016-00000508-00000852 phonetics and phonology, which deal with eEmFyglnZiU-00017-00000716-00001052 sound; we've studied eEmFyglnZiU-00018-00000852-00001156 morphology, which is the structure of eEmFyglnZiU-00019-00001052-00001428 words eEmFyglnZiU-00020-00001156-00001540 syntax is the structure of phrases and eEmFyglnZiU-00021-00001428-00001804 sentences eEmFyglnZiU-00022-00001540-00001980 we'll start with semantics, which deals eEmFyglnZiU-00023-00001804-00002052 with the meaning of phrases and eEmFyglnZiU-00024-00001980-00002220 sentences eEmFyglnZiU-00025-00002052-00002364 the literal meaning like what does the eEmFyglnZiU-00026-00002220-00002684 word chocolate eEmFyglnZiU-00027-00002364-00002908 mean or what does the word house mean eEmFyglnZiU-00028-00002684-00003076 then we'll study pragmatics, the meaning eEmFyglnZiU-00029-00002908-00003324 in context eEmFyglnZiU-00030-00003076-00003436 but let's transition from syntax to eEmFyglnZiU-00031-00003324-00003732 semantics eEmFyglnZiU-00032-00003436-00004004 by looking at the types of arguments eEmFyglnZiU-00033-00003732-00004204 that you need in a transitive verb eEmFyglnZiU-00034-00004004-00004444 so here we have the sentence ''Santa' eEmFyglnZiU-00035-00004204-00004668 employed 'the reindeer'' eEmFyglnZiU-00036-00004444-00004780 ''Santa'' is the subject of the sentence and eEmFyglnZiU-00037-00004668-00005124 ''the reindeer'' eEmFyglnZiU-00038-00004780-00005348 is the direct object of the sentence eEmFyglnZiU-00039-00005124-00005444 this is... subject and object are eEmFyglnZiU-00040-00005348-00005700 structural eEmFyglnZiU-00041-00005444-00005900 characteristics. we could also describe eEmFyglnZiU-00042-00005700-00006164 these words by the type of... eEmFyglnZiU-00043-00005900-00006212 by the relationship to the action. for eEmFyglnZiU-00044-00006164-00006572 example eEmFyglnZiU-00045-00006212-00006716 ''Santa'' is an agent. an agent is somebody eEmFyglnZiU-00046-00006572-00007028 who performs an action eEmFyglnZiU-00047-00006716-00007332 deliberately. so 'Santa' does eEmFyglnZiU-00048-00007028-00007484 you know, have agency. he deliberately eEmFyglnZiU-00049-00007332-00007660 employs ''the reindeer'.' he has made a eEmFyglnZiU-00050-00007484-00007956 decision to do this eEmFyglnZiU-00051-00007660-00008140 and an agent is someone who deliberately... eEmFyglnZiU-00052-00007956-00008172 deliberately does the action and affects eEmFyglnZiU-00053-00008140-00008372 the eEmFyglnZiU-00054-00008172-00008564 object. there is some change in state in eEmFyglnZiU-00055-00008372-00008780 'the reindeer。' they're unemployed and now eEmFyglnZiU-00056-00008564-00008924 they are employed eEmFyglnZiU-00057-00008780-00009084 so this is an agent and on the other eEmFyglnZiU-00058-00008924-00009324 hand, this one is the patient eEmFyglnZiU-00059-00009084-00009420 of the sentence. this is someone who eEmFyglnZiU-00060-00009324-00009644 suffers eEmFyglnZiU-00061-00009420-00009732 the action, who receives the action of eEmFyglnZiU-00062-00009644-00010356 the verb eEmFyglnZiU-00063-00009732-00010548 who was employed? 'the reindeer' eEmFyglnZiU-00064-00010356-00010796 you‘d think that all subjects are agents eEmFyglnZiU-00065-00010548-00011092 but this might not be the case eEmFyglnZiU-00066-00010796-00011268 let's take a look at these two sentences eEmFyglnZiU-00067-00011092-00011676 'Santa employed the reindeer' eEmFyglnZiU-00068-00011268-00011932 and 'the reindeer died.' so eEmFyglnZiU-00069-00011676-00012092 um... are both of these agents or is one of eEmFyglnZiU-00070-00011932-00012420 them an agent and one of them eEmFyglnZiU-00071-00012092-00012604 a patient? the... eEmFyglnZiU-00072-00012420-00013092 take more to think about it. please pause eEmFyglnZiU-00073-00012604-00013348 the video eEmFyglnZiU-00074-00013092-00013412 so if you think about it, both of these eEmFyglnZiU-00075-00013348-00013580 are the eEmFyglnZiU-00076-00013412-00013740 subjects of the verbs, but they're not eEmFyglnZiU-00077-00013580-00013948 doing the same thing eEmFyglnZiU-00078-00013740-00014116 'Santa' is an agent because he's eEmFyglnZiU-00079-00013948-00014468 deliberately performing the action but eEmFyglnZiU-00080-00014116-00014684 'the reindeer' is more like a patient eEmFyglnZiU-00081-00014468-00014868 what is 'the reindeer' doing? suffering the eEmFyglnZiU-00082-00014684-00015204 fact that they died. they didn't eEmFyglnZiU-00083-00014868-00015436 deliberately die. they didn't decide eEmFyglnZiU-00084-00015204-00015596 to die. it's just something that happened eEmFyglnZiU-00085-00015436-00015788 onto them eEmFyglnZiU-00086-00015596-00015948 so even though these two are eEmFyglnZiU-00087-00015788-00016292 structurally the same, they are eEmFyglnZiU-00088-00015948-00016468 subjects, their meaning is different eEmFyglnZiU-00089-00016292-00016828 one of them is doing an action and one eEmFyglnZiU-00090-00016468-00016828 of them is suffering an action eEmFyglnZiU-00091-00016924-00017340 if you're studying a language like eEmFyglnZiU-00092-00017060-00017548 French and Italian, you'll know that eEmFyglnZiU-00093-00017340-00017724 this makes a difference in how you eEmFyglnZiU-00094-00017548-00017988 structure your language eEmFyglnZiU-00095-00017724-00018164 for example, if we have sentences like eEmFyglnZiU-00096-00017988-00018460 'Santa employed the reindeer' eEmFyglnZiU-00097-00018164-00018748 in French 'le Père Noëlle a employé le renne' eEmFyglnZiU-00098-00018460-00018748 and in Italian 'Babbo Natale ha impiegato la' eEmFyglnZiU-00099-00018924-00019308 these sentences are performed by an eEmFyglnZiU-00100-00019180-00019532 agent eEmFyglnZiU-00101-00019308-00019692 and in French and Italian you need an eEmFyglnZiU-00102-00019532-00019764 auxiliary when you're constructing this eEmFyglnZiU-00103-00019692-00020228 verb eEmFyglnZiU-00104-00019764-00020228 and you have the auxiliary 'avere' or 'avoir' eEmFyglnZiU-00105-00020244-00020636 on the other hand, you can have a eEmFyglnZiU-00106-00020468-00020708 sentence where the patient is the eEmFyglnZiU-00107-00020636-00021148 subject eEmFyglnZiU-00108-00020708-00021508 like in 'the reindeer died' or 'Le renne est mort', 'La renna è eEmFyglnZiU-00109-00021148-00021820 morta.' if your subject is a eEmFyglnZiU-00110-00021508-00022148 patient, your auxiliary is different eEmFyglnZiU-00111-00021820-00022148 your auxiliary is the verb 'être' or 'essere' eEmFyglnZiU-00112-00022220-00022548 so this is the difference that you see eEmFyglnZiU-00113-00022444-00022868 in some languages eEmFyglnZiU-00114-00022548-00023060 if your subject is doing the action eEmFyglnZiU-00115-00022868-00023300 you use certain constructions, but if eEmFyglnZiU-00116-00023060-00023524 your subject is suffering the action eEmFyglnZiU-00117-00023300-00023780 you use a slightly different linguistic eEmFyglnZiU-00118-00023524-00023780 construction eEmFyglnZiU-00119-00023900-00024332 in general we call these thematic roles eEmFyglnZiU-00120-00024188-00024620 or semantic eEmFyglnZiU-00121-00024332-00024716 roles. there's several of them. for eEmFyglnZiU-00122-00024620-00024996 example, an eEmFyglnZiU-00123-00024716-00025108 agent is someone who is a deliberate eEmFyglnZiU-00124-00024996-00025412 doer of the action eEmFyglnZiU-00125-00025108-00025700 someone who deliberately does the verb eEmFyglnZiU-00126-00025412-00025852 like in ‘Anna eats pizza,' she has decided eEmFyglnZiU-00127-00025700-00026044 to eat it eEmFyglnZiU-00128-00025852-00026164 and also by doing so produces an eEmFyglnZiU-00129-00026044-00026380 affectation eEmFyglnZiU-00130-00026164-00026596 on the pizza. there was pizza and now eEmFyglnZiU-00131-00026380-00026908 there's no pizza eEmFyglnZiU-00132-00026596-00027100 the patient is a suffer of an action and eEmFyglnZiU-00133-00026908-00027332 there is a change of state eEmFyglnZiU-00134-00027100-00027484 by virtue of having suffered the action eEmFyglnZiU-00135-00027332-00027644 in 'Anna eats the pizza.' eEmFyglnZiU-00136-00027484-00027804 'the pizza' is the patient because it eEmFyglnZiU-00137-00027644-00028052 suffers the eating and eEmFyglnZiU-00138-00027804-00028180 there's a change in state. there is pizza eEmFyglnZiU-00139-00028052-00028372 and after it's eaten, there's no more eEmFyglnZiU-00140-00028180-00028660 pizza eEmFyglnZiU-00141-00028372-00028844 we also have the role of theme, which is eEmFyglnZiU-00142-00028660-00029148 someone who undergoes an eEmFyglnZiU-00143-00028844-00029188 action or receives it, but there's really eEmFyglnZiU-00144-00029148-00029356 no eEmFyglnZiU-00145-00029188-00029540 change in state. they remain the same eEmFyglnZiU-00146-00029356-00029844 being that they were before eEmFyglnZiU-00147-00029540-00030004 for example, in 'Anna arrives' or 'the eEmFyglnZiU-00148-00029844-00030212 glass is on the table,' eEmFyglnZiU-00149-00030004-00030420 you can see that the action...yeah it eEmFyglnZiU-00150-00030212-00030532 happens to 'Anna' but she remains the same eEmFyglnZiU-00151-00030420-00030772 'Anna' eEmFyglnZiU-00152-00030532-00030860 and then 'the glass is on the table'...'the eEmFyglnZiU-00153-00030772-00031060 glass' is just eEmFyglnZiU-00154-00030860-00031212 there. nothing really is changing about eEmFyglnZiU-00155-00031060-00031516 'the glass' eEmFyglnZiU-00156-00031212-00031724 so we call these themes because the eEmFyglnZiU-00157-00031516-00031860 glass is not deciding to be on the table eEmFyglnZiU-00158-00031724-00032084 this is just a comment eEmFyglnZiU-00159-00031860-00032388 about the state of the glass, a eEmFyglnZiU-00160-00032084-00032604 continuous non-changing state eEmFyglnZiU-00161-00032388-00032764 another role is experiencer which is eEmFyglnZiU-00162-00032604-00033036 someone who receives eEmFyglnZiU-00163-00032764-00033260 sensory or emotional input. for example eEmFyglnZiU-00164-00033036-00033604 'Susan heard the song' eEmFyglnZiU-00165-00033260-00033932 'I cried.' so these eEmFyglnZiU-00166-00033604-00034164 subjects are not choosing to hear eEmFyglnZiU-00167-00033932-00034316 and very frankly they're not choosing to eEmFyglnZiU-00168-00034164-00034452 cry, it's just something that happens to eEmFyglnZiU-00169-00034316-00034724 them because of emotional eEmFyglnZiU-00170-00034452-00034900 emotional or sensory input. again Susan eEmFyglnZiU-00171-00034724-00035268 doesn't choose to hear a song eEmFyglnZiU-00172-00034900-00035420 the song just arrives in her ears eEmFyglnZiU-00173-00035268-00035612 so these are all different types of eEmFyglnZiU-00174-00035420-00035820 subjects depending on eEmFyglnZiU-00175-00035612-00036108 what kind of action...what is the eEmFyglnZiU-00176-00035820-00036292 relationship with the action eEmFyglnZiU-00177-00036108-00036412 let's practice for a little bit. here are eEmFyglnZiU-00178-00036292-00036708 some sentences eEmFyglnZiU-00179-00036412-00036796 and here are some semantic roles. please eEmFyglnZiU-00180-00036708-00037156 take a moment eEmFyglnZiU-00181-00036796-00037380 to label each of the words eEmFyglnZiU-00182-00037156-00037556 each of the constituents with the eEmFyglnZiU-00183-00037380-00038236 correct eEmFyglnZiU-00184-00037556-00038340 semantic role. please pause the video eEmFyglnZiU-00185-00038236-00038540 let's check it out eEmFyglnZiU-00186-00038340-00038700 Anna is an agent because she eEmFyglnZiU-00187-00038540-00038972 deliberately drinks eEmFyglnZiU-00188-00038700-00039172 her coffee. she chooses to put it up to eEmFyglnZiU-00189-00038972-00039436 her mouth and then swallow it eEmFyglnZiU-00190-00039172-00039628 Anna drank. the coffee is a patient eEmFyglnZiU-00191-00039436-00039716 because the coffee suffers the action of eEmFyglnZiU-00192-00039628-00039860 being drunk eEmFyglnZiU-00193-00039716-00040100 and there's a change in state. there was eEmFyglnZiU-00194-00039860-00040404 coffee and now there's no more coffee eEmFyglnZiU-00195-00040100-00040564 in 'Anna arrived at the library,' Anna is eEmFyglnZiU-00196-00040404-00040884 probably a theme eEmFyglnZiU-00197-00040564-00040956 because Anna does receive the action of eEmFyglnZiU-00198-00040884-00041212 arriving eEmFyglnZiU-00199-00040956-00041404 it relates to her, but there's no change eEmFyglnZiU-00200-00041212-00041596 in Anna. she remains the same person now eEmFyglnZiU-00201-00041404-00041816 that she's arrived eEmFyglnZiU-00202-00041596-00041988 in 'Anna saw the children,' Anna is an eEmFyglnZiU-00203-00041816-00042268 experiencer eEmFyglnZiU-00204-00041988-00042340 she sees the children. she doesn't choose eEmFyglnZiU-00205-00042268-00042572 to eEmFyglnZiU-00206-00042340-00042724 have the visual information enter her eEmFyglnZiU-00207-00042572-00042996 eyes eEmFyglnZiU-00208-00042724-00043052 the children here are probably the theme eEmFyglnZiU-00209-00042996-00043364 of the eEmFyglnZiU-00210-00043052-00043556 uh...of this sentence because eEmFyglnZiU-00211-00043364-00043764 they're not really suffering the act of eEmFyglnZiU-00212-00043556-00043988 being seen it's just something that eEmFyglnZiU-00213-00043764-00044156 they...they're receiving the action but eEmFyglnZiU-00214-00043988-00044388 they're not suffering it eEmFyglnZiU-00215-00044156-00044548 and there's no change in them by virtue eEmFyglnZiU-00216-00044388-00044748 of being seen. they remain the same eEmFyglnZiU-00217-00044548-00044924 children. notice that this is very eEmFyglnZiU-00218-00044748-00045180 different from a patient like a coffee eEmFyglnZiU-00219-00044924-00045340 which does change after the action. after eEmFyglnZiU-00220-00045180-00045548 the coffee is drunk, there's no more eEmFyglnZiU-00221-00045340-00045868 coffee eEmFyglnZiU-00222-00045548-00045964 in 'my pet Puffy has died,' this is a eEmFyglnZiU-00223-00045868-00046212 patient eEmFyglnZiU-00224-00045964-00046404 because poor Puffy is receiving the eEmFyglnZiU-00225-00046212-00046732 action of having died eEmFyglnZiU-00226-00046404-00047020 and there's a definite change in state eEmFyglnZiU-00227-00046732-00047132 in the sentence 'Anna ate the donuts,' you eEmFyglnZiU-00228-00047020-00047332 have Anna as an eEmFyglnZiU-00229-00047132-00047540 agent, someone who does the action and eEmFyglnZiU-00230-00047332-00047716 the donuts as the patient eEmFyglnZiU-00231-00047540-00048092 they suffered the action and now there's eEmFyglnZiU-00232-00047716-00048308 no more donuts eEmFyglnZiU-00233-00048092-00048396 let's practice some more. here are more eEmFyglnZiU-00234-00048308-00048580 sentences eEmFyglnZiU-00235-00048396-00048812 please try to label each of those eEmFyglnZiU-00236-00048580-00048876 constituents with the correct semantic eEmFyglnZiU-00237-00048812-00049580 rule eEmFyglnZiU-00238-00048876-00049836 please pause the video eEmFyglnZiU-00239-00049580-00049900 let's check it out. in 'Jenny swims,' Jenny eEmFyglnZiU-00240-00049836-00050116 is probably an eEmFyglnZiU-00241-00049900-00050220 agent because she chooses to swim and eEmFyglnZiU-00242-00050116-00050428 it's an action that she eEmFyglnZiU-00243-00050220-00050644 is...that has agency about that. she's eEmFyglnZiU-00244-00050428-00050924 choosing to perform eEmFyglnZiU-00245-00050644-00051092 'Mary felt happy' is probably an ex...Mary eEmFyglnZiU-00246-00050924-00051332 is probably an experiencer eEmFyglnZiU-00247-00051092-00051444 someone who receives some emotional eEmFyglnZiU-00248-00051332-00051788 information eEmFyglnZiU-00249-00051444-00051932 and then reacts to it because feeling eEmFyglnZiU-00250-00051788-00051980 happy is not necessarily something that eEmFyglnZiU-00251-00051932-00052140 Mary eEmFyglnZiU-00252-00051980-00052364 chooses to do. it's something that might eEmFyglnZiU-00253-00052140-00052652 happen spontaneously eEmFyglnZiU-00254-00052364-00052860 in 'the key sank right to the bottom,' the eEmFyglnZiU-00255-00052652-00053036 keys are probably a theme eEmFyglnZiU-00256-00052860-00053180 this one is more of a gray area. they eEmFyglnZiU-00257-00053036-00053380 might be a theme because eEmFyglnZiU-00258-00053180-00053532 they...they remain the same keys after if eEmFyglnZiU-00259-00053380-00053668 they've sunk um... eEmFyglnZiU-00260-00053532-00053900 they're not changing. they're just in a eEmFyglnZiU-00261-00053668-00054124 different position. one could say that eEmFyglnZiU-00262-00053900-00054356 they're a patient because they suffered eEmFyglnZiU-00263-00054124-00054428 the state of now no longer being in eEmFyglnZiU-00264-00054356-00054596 reach eEmFyglnZiU-00265-00054428-00054756 but the affectation there is truly not eEmFyglnZiU-00266-00054596-00054860 for the keys. it's for you who have lost eEmFyglnZiU-00267-00054756-00055164 the keys eEmFyglnZiU-00268-00054860-00055348 so i'd say these are a theme. in 'the eEmFyglnZiU-00269-00055164-00055628 donuts were eaten by John' eEmFyglnZiU-00270-00055348-00055844 the donuts are a patient because they eEmFyglnZiU-00271-00055628-00056108 suffered the action of being eaten eEmFyglnZiU-00272-00055844-00056180 so even if they are the subject of the eEmFyglnZiU-00273-00056108-00056324 sentence eEmFyglnZiU-00274-00056180-00056540 they're the ones who are actually eEmFyglnZiU-00275-00056324-00056892 suffering the action eEmFyglnZiU-00276-00056540-00057180 so subject is a structural syntactic eEmFyglnZiU-00277-00056892-00057244 description and patient is a description eEmFyglnZiU-00278-00057180-00057428 about its eEmFyglnZiU-00279-00057244-00057604 meaning. we'll call that a semantic eEmFyglnZiU-00280-00057428-00057772 description eEmFyglnZiU-00281-00057604-00057948 John is the one who's eating the donuts eEmFyglnZiU-00282-00057772-00058228 so he is the agent eEmFyglnZiU-00283-00057948-00058404 in 'Maggie pruned the roses,' Maggie is eEmFyglnZiU-00284-00058228-00058564 an agent because she deliberately eEmFyglnZiU-00285-00058404-00058780 goes and prunes the rose. she chooses to eEmFyglnZiU-00286-00058564-00058836 do it and the roses are the patient eEmFyglnZiU-00287-00058780-00059060 because eEmFyglnZiU-00288-00058836-00059404 they've changed state. the...some part of eEmFyglnZiU-00289-00059060-00059604 them has been removed eEmFyglnZiU-00290-00059404-00059732 these are just a few examples of eEmFyglnZiU-00291-00059604-00060036 semantic roles. there's eEmFyglnZiU-00292-00059732-00060268 many of them. here are some examples of eEmFyglnZiU-00293-00060036-00060508 more of them. a beneficiary is someone eEmFyglnZiU-00294-00060268-00060820 who benefits from the action of the verb eEmFyglnZiU-00295-00060508-00061204 like in 'i give cookies to Anna' eEmFyglnZiU-00296-00060820-00061380 or 'i baked Anna a cake.' and the goal eEmFyglnZiU-00297-00061204-00061596 is a location or entity towards where eEmFyglnZiU-00298-00061380-00061956 the action is moving or headed eEmFyglnZiU-00299-00061596-00062260 for example, 'i'm going home' or 'i walk eEmFyglnZiU-00300-00061956-00062380 to school.' there are many other semantic eEmFyglnZiU-00301-00062260-00062692 roles like instrument eEmFyglnZiU-00302-00062380-00062724 source, time, location, etc, but the ones eEmFyglnZiU-00303-00062692-00062852 that eEmFyglnZiU-00304-00062724-00063212 i've been telling you about are sort of eEmFyglnZiU-00305-00062852-00063212 like the basic semantic roles eEmFyglnZiU-00306-00063220-00063860 in summary, sentences not only demand eEmFyglnZiU-00307-00063548-00063948 certain structures, like having a noun eEmFyglnZiU-00308-00063860-00064196 phrase or a eEmFyglnZiU-00309-00063948-00064284 determiner phrase, they also demand that eEmFyglnZiU-00310-00064196-00064596 these structures eEmFyglnZiU-00311-00064284-00064820 mean certain things, that they have the eEmFyglnZiU-00312-00064596-00065052 capacity to exert agency, so they have eEmFyglnZiU-00313-00064820-00065372 the capacity to choose to drink eEmFyglnZiU-00314-00065052-00065628 coffee, for example. in the sentence eEmFyglnZiU-00315-00065372-00065732 'the coffee drank Anna,' this coffee does eEmFyglnZiU-00316-00065628-00065988 not make sense eEmFyglnZiU-00317-00065732-00066044 because the subject, the coffee, does not eEmFyglnZiU-00318-00065988-00066284 have eEmFyglnZiU-00319-00066044-00066364 the agency to perform the action of eEmFyglnZiU-00320-00066284-00066668 drinking eEmFyglnZiU-00321-00066364-00066788 the coffee gonna choose to drink. we're eEmFyglnZiU-00322-00066668-00067028 gonna call these eEmFyglnZiU-00323-00066788-00067124 roles agent, patient and so forth eEmFyglnZiU-00324-00067028-00067396 semantic eEmFyglnZiU-00325-00067124-00067604 roles and in the next video we're going eEmFyglnZiU-00326-00067396-00067860 to study a little bit more about meaning eEmFyglnZiU-00327-00067604-00068052 how do we know that Anna is the type of eEmFyglnZiU-00328-00067860-00068108 being that can deliberately start an eEmFyglnZiU-00329-00068052-00068524 action eEmFyglnZiU-00330-00068108-00068524 and coffee is not eGfrY7o3sQ8-00000-00000160-00000826 Earlier in this course, we discussed linear polarization of electromagnetic radiation, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00001-00000826-00001359 and I demonstrate this at seventy-five megaHertz and at ten gigaHertz. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00002-00001360-00002053 Today, I will concentrate exclusively on the polarization of light, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00003-00002053-00002373 which is at a much higher frequency. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00004-00002373-00002826 The light from the sun or light from light bulbs is not polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00005-00002826-00003059 So I can ask myself the question, now, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00006-00003060-00003390 what does it mean when light is not polarized? eGfrY7o3sQ8-00007-00003390-00003856 Let's think of individual light photons as plane waves, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00008-00003856-00004276 with a well-defined direction of polarization. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00009-00004276-00004663 So each one is linearly polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00010-00004663-00004976 A beam is coming straight out of the blackboard. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00011-00004976-00005456 The first photon arrives, it's linearly polarized in this direction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00012-00005456-00005819 The second photon arrives, linearly polarized in this direction, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00013-00005820-00006103 so the electric field vector is oscillating like that. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00014-00006103-00006676 Another photon, another photon, another photon and another photon. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00015-00006676-00006976 And what you see here, very clearly, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00016-00006976-00007433 that there is no preferred direction when you average over time eGfrY7o3sQ8-00017-00007433-00007806 and that's what we call-- call unpolarized light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00018-00007806-00008319 It was Edwin Land who, in 1938, developed a material eGfrY7o3sQ8-00019-00008320-00008996 that can turn this into linearly polarized light, for which he became very famous, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00020-00008996-00009443 in addition to this demonstration that I showed you last time. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00021-00009443-00009873 If I take one of Edwin Land's sheets, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00022-00009873-00010336 which will turn light into polarization in this direction eGfrY7o3sQ8-00023-00010336-00010976 and I first take one photon, for instance, this one. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00024-00010976-00011503 That one comes in from the blackboard towards you and so here it is. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00025-00011503-00011829 Oscillating the E vector like this, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00026-00011830-00012250 E zero is the maximum value of the electric field strength eGfrY7o3sQ8-00027-00012250-00012566 in that plane electromagnetic wave. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00028-00012566-00013413 And this is the direction of the polarizer that I have through which this photon goes. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00029-00013413-00013839 I can now make a simple calculation, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00030-00013840-00014726 by projecting this E-vector onto the preferred direction of polarization eGfrY7o3sQ8-00031-00014726-00015306 and this new E-vector is now down by the cosine of theta, if this angle is theta, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00032-00015306-00016049 this E-vector is now E-- E zero times the cosine of theta. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00033-00016050-00016476 If you ask me now, whether the light is reduced in intensity, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00034-00016476-00016703 I would have to say, "Yes, of course," eGfrY7o3sQ8-00035-00016703-00017196 because light intensity depends on the pointing vector eGfrY7o3sQ8-00036-00017196-00017713 and the pointing vector is always proportional to E zero squared, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00037-00017713-00018223 because the pointing vector depends on the cross-product between E and B. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00038-00018223-00018699 And if E is reduced, B is also reduced. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00039-00018700-00019073 And so we get a cosine square reduction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00040-00019073-00019403 If, now, I average over all incoming photons-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00041-00019403-00019826 so I take all of these, which represent an unpolarized beam-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00042-00019826-00020236 so I get not only one like so, but I get one like so, and one like so eGfrY7o3sQ8-00043-00020236-00020929 and one like so, and one like so-- then clearly, I have to calculate now, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00044-00020930-00021423 the mean value of cosine square theta. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00045-00021423-00021839 And the mean value of cosine square theta is one-half eGfrY7o3sQ8-00046-00021840-00022290 and so if the intensity of the unpolarized beam, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00047-00022290-00022960 unpolarized light was originally I zero, once it comes through this polarizer eGfrY7o3sQ8-00048-00022960-00023550 that Edwin Land gave me, then I get one-half I zero, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00049-00023550-00023923 but that is now hundred percent polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00050-00023923-00024339 And it is hundred percent polarized in this direction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00051-00024340-00025093 And the one-half is the result of the average value of cosine square theta. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00052-00025093-00025579 If this were the case, it would be an extremely ideal polarizer, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00053-00025580-00026296 we would call this an HN-50 polarizer-- they don't exist, it's only in your head-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00054-00026296-00026889 and the fifty refers to the fact that fifty percent get through polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00055-00026889-00027466 In the optic skits that we hand out today that we will need throughout this course, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00056-00027466-00027763 you don't have HN-50 polarizers, they don't exist. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00057-00027763-00028313 I don't quite know what yours is, I didn't measure it, yours may be an HN-25, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00058-00028313-00029019 or maybe an HN-30, which would then mean that the I zero strength of an unpolarized eGfrY7o3sQ8-00059-00029020-00029633 light of beam would not be half of I zero, but maybe only point two five, or point three. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00060-00029633-00030099 But in any case, the light that will come through your linear polarizers eGfrY7o3sQ8-00061-00030100-00030586 will be very closely two hundred percent polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00062-00030586-00030943 So what I will do now, I will take unpolarized light eGfrY7o3sQ8-00063-00030943-00031543 and I will have this light coming straight out of the blackboard perpendicular to you, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00064-00031543-00032013 with strength I zero and here is one of my polarizers eGfrY7o3sQ8-00065-00032013-00032526 and the light that comes through here is linearly polarized in this direction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00066-00032526-00033116 And so we already know that one-half I zero will come through if it is an ideal polarizer eGfrY7o3sQ8-00067-00033116-00033383 and it is polarized in this direction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00068-00033383-00033969 I take a second sheet, an identical one, I put it also in the plane of the blackboard, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00069-00033970-00034236 but I rotate it over an angle theta. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00070-00034236-00034899 So here is now a second sheet, which has a preferred direction of polarization in-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00071-00034900-00035716 in this direction and the angle is rotated over an angle theta. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00072-00035716-00036093 So between this one and this one is an angle theta. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00073-00036093-00036559 And so you can now immediately tell what the intensity of the light is eGfrY7o3sQ8-00074-00036560-00036796 that comes through this second polarizer. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00075-00036796-00037083 It must, of course, be polarized in this direction, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00076-00037083-00037539 because that is the allowed direction polarization for that second sheet-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00077-00037540-00038093 and the intensity must now be one-half I zero, because that's what comes in eGfrY7o3sQ8-00078-00038093-00038543 and then I have to multiply it by the cosine square of theta. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00079-00038543-00038826 I don't have to average it now over all angles, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00080-00038826-00039276 because there is only one value of theta between this sheet and this sheet, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00081-00039276-00039753 so this is now the new intensity and it's all polarized in this direction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00082-00039753-00040386 And this law, whereby the light intensity is reduced by the factor cosine square theta, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00083-00040386-00040899 is known as Malus' Law. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00084-00040900-00041510 Malus' Law. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00085-00041510-00042530 If theta were thirty degrees, the light intensity here would be one-half I zero eGfrY7o3sQ8-00086-00042530-00043123 times the cosine square of thirty degrees, which is oh point seven five. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00087-00043123-00043869 If theta were zero degrees, that means that this sheet is in the same direction as this one, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00088-00043870-00044423 if everything were ideal, one-half I zero would get through the second sheet. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00089-00044423-00044946 If theta is ninety degrees, then nothing will get through, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00090-00044946-00045253 because the cosine of ninety degrees is zero. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00091-00045253-00045436 We call that crossed polarizers. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00092-00045436-00045926 If you cross them like this, no light will get through. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00093-00045926-00046283 Now, before I demonstrate this, I have to be honest with you, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00094-00046283-00046673 because the idea of reducing the energy of individual photons-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00095-00046673-00047333 by reducing their electric field strength, as I did, is a cheat. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00096-00047333-00047626 A light photon has a well-defined energy eGfrY7o3sQ8-00097-00047626-00048006 which depends uniquely on the frequency of the light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00098-00048006-00048326 Blue light has a higher frequency than red light, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00099-00048326-00048659 so blue light has a higher energy than red light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00100-00048660-00049183 And when you send blue light through a polarizer, the way I did here, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00101-00049183-00049456 it either comes through or it doesn't come through. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00102-00049456-00049776 But if it does come through, it is still blue light, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00103-00049776-00050109 there is no such thing as a reduction in energy. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00104-00050110-00050696 Whereas this reduction, by cosine theta, would imply that the energy goes down eGfrY7o3sQ8-00105-00050696-00050996 and that moo- would imply, then, that there would be a color change, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00106-00050996-00051176 that it would no longer be blue. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00107-00051176-00051396 And that's not the case. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00108-00051396-00051803 If you want to treat this properly, you have to do it in a quantum mechanical way. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00109-00051803-00052289 The interesting thing is that if you use quantum mechanics, you find exactly the same law, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00110-00052290-00052483 you find also Malus' Law. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00111-00052483-00052989 So the law is OK, even though the derivation is not kosher. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00112-00052990-00053483 Now, I want you to get out of your envelope one of your green plates, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00113-00053483-00053789 which is a linear polarizer. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00114-00053790-00054023 This is the kind of plate that you have, you have three in there. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00115-00054023-00054379 Only take one out. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00116-00055029-00055440 These two lights shining on me, unpolarized light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00117-00055440-00055826 So the light that comes to you now is unpolarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00118-00055826-00056239 I'm now going to hold in front of my face this polarizer. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00119-00056240-00056633 So the light that comes through is linearly polarized in this direction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00120-00056633-00056916 And you are going to play the role of the second polarizer. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00121-00056916-00057446 Close one eye, put the polarizer in front of your eye and rotate it. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00122-00057446-00057993 And you will see a huge difference in light intensity. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00123-00057993-00058359 If you cross-polarize with me, then you can't see me. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00124-00058360-00058613 That may make you very happy. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00125-00058613-00059183 But keep in mind, if you can't see me, then I can't see you, either. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00126-00059183-00059449 So rotate it around and convince yourself eGfrY7o3sQ8-00127-00059450-00059916 that this light that reaches you is now, indeed, linearly polarized eGfrY7o3sQ8-00128-00059916-00060183 and when you rotate around your polarimeters-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00129-00060183-00060463 we call them polarimeters, we call them polarizers-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00130-00060463-00060789 you can see me either, or you cannot see me at all, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00131-00060790-00061296 and there is anything and everything in between. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00132-00061296-00061903 Very well. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00133-00061903-00062619 There is a second way that we can produce hundred percent linearly polarized light eGfrY7o3sQ8-00134-00062620-00063170 and we can do that by reflecting unpolarized light off a dielectric. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00135-00063170-00063529 For instance, water or glass. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00136-00063529-00063766 None of this follows from Snell's Law, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00137-00063766-00064049 Snell's Law was two hundred fifty years before Maxwell, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00138-00064050-00064396 polarization wasn't even known in the days of Snell. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00139-00064396-00065096 But Maxwell's equations allow you to properly deal with refraction and reflection, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00140-00065096-00065376 including the polarization. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00141-00065376-00065709 And I will make no attempt to derive this for you in detail, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00142-00065710-00065980 that's really part of 803 if you ever take it, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00143-00065980-00066476 but I will present you with some results so that you can at least appreciate-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00144-00066476-00066896 the far-reaching consequences of the reflection eGfrY7o3sQ8-00145-00066896-00067439 in which we can produce a hundred percent polarized light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00146-00067440-00068323 Suppose I have unpolarized light coming in here, medium one, index of refraction n one, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00147-00068323-00068643 medium two, index of refraction n two. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00148-00068643-00069329 It's coming in at an incident angle of theta one, unpolarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00149-00069330-00069866 Some of it is reflected-- and this angle is also theta one as we discussed earlier-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00150-00069866-00070566 and some of it is refracted into this medium and this angle we'll call theta two. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00151-00070566-00071126 So this light, unpolarized comes in, reflects and refracts. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00152-00071126-00071533 If you want to use Maxwell's equations, at the action, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00153-00071533-00071966 where everything is happening right here at the surface between the two, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00154-00071966-00072333 you will have to decompose the incoming light, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00155-00072333-00072683 the electric field vector in two directions. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00156-00072683-00073193 And one direction is perpendicular to the blackboard, so this is the E-vector eGfrY7o3sQ8-00157-00073193-00073549 and the other direction is in the blackboard. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00158-00073550-00074386 You will have to do the same here and you have to do the same here. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00159-00074386-00074909 And if you look at this decomposition, then notice that both components-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00160-00074910-00075513 this component, as well as this component, is perpendicular to the direction of propagation. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00161-00075513-00075866 That is always a must with traveling electric-- magnetic waves. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00162-00075866-00076023 You see the same here. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00163-00076023-00076459 This component and this are both perpendicular to the reflected beam, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00164-00076460-00077066 this component and this are both perpendicular to the refracted beam. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00165-00077066-00077509 This one, the one perpendicular to the blackboard, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00166-00077510-00078206 we normally give a symbol perpendicular, we call this the incidence plane, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00167-00078206-00078523 the plane through the incident light and the normal to the surface, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00168-00078523-00078906 we call that the incident plane, in this place-- in this case, that is the blackboard. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00169-00078906-00079359 We call this the perpendicular component, and we call this the parallel component. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00170-00079360-00079583 And this is, of course, the incident beam. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00171-00079583-00080083 So this one we call the perpendicular component, this one we call the parallel component eGfrY7o3sQ8-00172-00080083-00080329 and this is now of the refracted beam. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00173-00080330-00080500 This is the parallel component, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00174-00080500-00081103 this is the perpendicular component of the reflected beam. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00175-00081556-00082163 The incident light is not polarized in this sense. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00176-00082163-00082883 So if you average, then there is no preferred direction of the electric field. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00177-00082883-00083433 That means, then, that in this representation, the strength of this component eGfrY7o3sQ8-00178-00083433-00083779 and the strength of this component must be exactly equal, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00179-00083780-00084243 because if one were stronger than the other, then it wouldn't be unpolarized, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00180-00084243-00084549 then there would be, on average, a preferred direction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00181-00084550-00085143 So this component has the same strength as that component for the incoming light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00182-00085143-00085876 What Maxwell's equations now can do for us-- it's a lot of work, but you may see it in 803-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00183-00085876-00086656 it can relate the parallel component in reflection with the parallel component of incidence, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00184-00086656-00087096 the parallel component of refraction with the parallel component of incidence, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00185-00087096-00087413 it gives you two relations, two-- two equations. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00186-00087413-00087816 It can also relate the perpendicular component of reflection eGfrY7o3sQ8-00187-00087816-00088039 with this perpendicular component eGfrY7o3sQ8-00188-00088040-00088406 and the perpendicular component in refraction with this component. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00189-00088406-00089033 So you get four equations. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00190-00089033-00089309 If this light that comes in is unpolarized, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00191-00089310-00089680 the strength of this component is the same as this one. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00192-00089680-00090023 In general, you will see, if you apply these four equations, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00193-00090023-00090236 that that's no longer the case here. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00194-00090236-00090436 They're no longer the same intensity eGfrY7o3sQ8-00195-00090436-00090689 and they're no longer the same intensity here. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00196-00090690-00091630 That means this reflected light and the refracted light has now become partially polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00197-00091630-00092100 I will only give you the relation, one of those four equations. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00198-00092100-00092600 I will only address today the parallel component of the incident beam eGfrY7o3sQ8-00199-00092600-00092980 and the parallel component of the reflected beam. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00200-00092980-00093296 And I don't imagine that any one of you will try to remember that equation. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00201-00093296-00093716 I don't either, I have to look it up every time that I deal with this. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00202-00093716-00094256 So E zero, which always represents, then, the maximum possible value of the electric field, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00203-00094256-00095286 of the parallel component, of the reflected beam, that's the one that I'm after, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00204-00095286-00095686 I'm going to make polarized light by reflecting, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00205-00095686-00096399 is E zero, the parallel component of the incident beam eGfrY7o3sQ8-00206-00096400-00096746 times-- and this depends now on the angle of incidence eGfrY7o3sQ8-00207-00096746-00097079 and on the indices of refraction-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00208-00097080-00097993 is going to be n one times the cosine of theta two minus n two times the cosine of theta one. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00209-00097993-00098449 Believe it or not, all of this follows from Maxwell-- divided by n one eGfrY7o3sQ8-00210-00098450-00099230 times the cosine of theta two plus n two times the cosine of theta one. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00211-00099230-00099760 And if you apply Snell's Law, you can simplify this equation-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00212-00099760-00100110 in this case it will help us-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00213-00100110-00100746 and so you get minus E zero parallel incidence eGfrY7o3sQ8-00214-00100746-00101386 and now you get here the tangent of theta one, minus theta two, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00215-00101386-00101966 divided by the tangent of theta one plus theta two. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00216-00101966-00102179 So these two equations are identical. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00217-00102180-00102556 Though that may not be obvious to you, certainly not obvious to me, either, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00218-00102556-00103436 but if you substitute Snell's Law in here, you can show that these two are the same. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00219-00103436-00103913 Keep in mind if you're ever interested in the intensity of this light, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00220-00103913-00104449 then you must always remember that the pointing vector is proportional to E zero squared, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00221-00104450-00104900 so you always have to square these numbers when you're interested in light intensity. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00222-00104900-00105423 This is just the strength of the E-vector. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00223-00105423-00105789 There is something very special hidden in this equation, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00224-00105790-00106513 and that is, when theta one plus theta two is ninety degrees, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00225-00106513-00106829 then the downstairs here is infinitely large. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00226-00106830-00107526 And so that means that the parallel component in reflection is zero. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00227-00107526-00108176 So E parallel in refection goes to zero. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00228-00108176-00108686 And if that one goes to zero, there is only this one left which is not zero eGfrY7o3sQ8-00229-00108686-00109176 and that means the reflected light is now hundred percent polarized in this direction, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00230-00109176-00109413 because I have killed this component completely. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00231-00109413-00109849 But it only works if this is met, this condition. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00232-00109850-00110320 If this condition is met, that theta one plus theta two is ninety degrees, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00233-00110320-00110563 then it follows from high school math eGfrY7o3sQ8-00234-00110563-00111093 that the sine of theta two is then the cosine of theta one. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00235-00111093-00111226 That's immediately obvious, right? eGfrY7o3sQ8-00236-00111226-00111766 You remember the triangle, theta one plus theta two is ninety degrees, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00237-00111766-00112193 the sine of one angle is the cosine of the other. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00238-00112193-00113226 And if now, I remember Snell's Law, which says that the sine of theta one eGfrY7o3sQ8-00239-00113226-00113863 divided by the sine of theta two, if n two divided by n one, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00240-00113863-00114186 I can replace now, only for this special case, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00241-00114186-00114623 the sine of-- sine theta I can replace by the cosine of theta one. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00242-00114623-00114959 And so I get here, now, the tangent of theta one. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00243-00114959-00115523 And so if this is the tangent of theta one, that is under these conditions, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00244-00115523-00115876 then we have met the condition that I was looking for, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00245-00115876-00116349 that I end up with hundred percent linearly polarized light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00246-00116350-00116806 And so this is the secret to getting hundred percent polarized light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00247-00116806-00117619 And this angle is called the Brewster angle. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00248-00117620-00118276 And so if we, for instance, look at the transition from air to glass, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00249-00118276-00118866 glass has a index of refraction approximately one point five-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00250-00118866-00119416 depends on the kind of glass that you have-- if I go from air to glass, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00251-00119416-00119669 which is what I will do in my demonstration, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00252-00119670-00120076 then the tangent of this angle is n two divided by n one, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00253-00120076-00120479 this is glass, so this is one point five and one is one, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00254-00120480-00120806 then you will find that the Brewster angle, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00255-00120806-00121339 theta Brewster turns out to be about fifty six degrees. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00256-00121340-00121796 I can also make linearly polarized light by going from glass to air, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00257-00121796-00121959 by bouncing it off this way. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00258-00121959-00122346 Then, of course, I have to invert this and then you will get a Brewster angle eGfrY7o3sQ8-00259-00122346-00122563 which is smaller, which is thirty-four degrees. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00260-00122563-00122976 But since I will do it with-- from air to glass, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00261-00122976-00123673 I want you to concentrate on the fifty-six degree angle. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00262-00123673-00124316 The way I'm going to do this demonstration, it's right set up here, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00263-00124316-00124879 we have light, a light beam that strikes a piece of plane parallel glass. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00264-00124880-00125270 That's all it is, there's nothing special about this piece of glass. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00265-00125270-00126163 So the light comes in like so, and here, I have a piece of glass. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00266-00126163-00126576 This is the angle of incidence, theta one. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00267-00126576-00127056 And so it's going to be reflected in this direction whereby this angle is also theta one eGfrY7o3sQ8-00268-00127056-00127449 and something will go in here, that is that angle theta two, which I don't worry about eGfrY7o3sQ8-00269-00127450-00127843 because I want you to see that this can become hundred percent polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00270-00127843-00128176 As this light comes in, it is unpolarized, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00271-00128176-00128509 this component and this component have equal strength, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00272-00128509-00128990 if theta one is fifty-six degrees or somewhere in that vicinity, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00273-00128990-00129243 this light is now hundred percent polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00274-00129243-00129506 And I'm going to project that onto the screen, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00275-00129506-00129886 and I'm going to convince you that it is, indeed, polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00276-00129886-00130193 You cannot use your own polarizers to see that, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00277-00130193-00130756 because the light in this beam is going to be hundred percent polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00278-00130756-00131323 However, once it reflects off the screen, it no longer is, so you cannot use your polarimeter, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00279-00131323-00131706 so I have to use my own polarimeter to show you this. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00280-00131706-00132129 So if you can turn the light off there, off the overhead, thank you very much, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00281-00132130-00132810 I will turn on the-- the light of my light beam, there it is eGfrY7o3sQ8-00282-00132810-00133446 and I'm going to make it very dark for you so that we can see that very well. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00283-00133446-00133829 So the light comes in this direction, hits the glass eGfrY7o3sQ8-00284-00133830-00134190 and the angle of incidence is now about forty-five degrees. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00285-00134190-00134440 I purposely didn't make it fifty-six yet. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00286-00134440-00134896 I have here a large sheat of polarizer, one of Edwin Land's polar-- polarizers eGfrY7o3sQ8-00287-00134896-00135136 and I will rotate that in this beam. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00288-00135136-00135506 You will see that it is partially polarized, not yet hundred percent, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00289-00135506-00135686 but it's already partially polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00290-00135686-00136199 So there is already an imbalance between the perpendicular and the parallel component. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00291-00136200-00136703 So if I hold it in the beam and I rotate it, you will clearly see now eGfrY7o3sQ8-00292-00136703-00137296 that it is much fainter than-- than it is now. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00293-00137296-00137809 And now I will go for the fifty-six angle, fifty-six degree angle, roughly eGfrY7o3sQ8-00294-00137810-00138590 and so now, I rotate my polarizer, and now, notice, I can kill that light completely. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00295-00138590-00138826 Hundred percent linearly polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00296-00138826-00139209 I may not have the angle perfect, but that's OK, you get the idea. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00297-00139210-00139706 It is very close to totally dark. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00298-00139706-00140209 Now you see the light, it's polarized in this direction eGfrY7o3sQ8-00299-00140210-00140496 and now I can kill it. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00300-00140496-00141069 So that's quite a remarkable thing, that if we reflect light off a dielectric, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00301-00141070-00141600 that we can-- at one angle, and one angle only, which is the Brewster angle, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00302-00141600-00142193 that we can turn it into hundred percent linearly polarized light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00303-00142193-00142623 This does not apply to conductors. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00304-00142623-00142973 The behavior of conductors is very different from dielectrics such as-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00305-00142973-00143276 such as water and glass. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00306-00143276-00143469 You can use Maxwell's equations, of course, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00307-00143470-00144110 to study the reflection of electromagnetic waves off metals, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00308-00144110-00144330 but you get a very different result. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00309-00144330-00144836 And so never expect to get linearly polarized light which bounces off metals. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00310-00144836-00145353 I have here, for your pleasure, a metal sphere and I have a glass sphere eGfrY7o3sQ8-00311-00145353-00145856 and if you still have your linear polarizers at hand, uh, you can now, or a little later, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00312-00145856-00146259 just hold them in front of your eyes and rotate them around-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00313-00146260-00146553 of course, you're not seeing light at the Brewster angle, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00314-00146553-00146949 the chances are that some of the light that's reflected off this glass eGfrY7o3sQ8-00315-00146950-00147233 that you can clearly see that it is partially polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00316-00147233-00147626 You can see a difference in light intensity as you rotate it. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00317-00147626-00148249 You're not going to see that off this metal. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00318-00148250-00148920 Now, I come to a third way of polarization. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00319-00148920-00149340 There is a third way that we can make hundred percent linear polarized light eGfrY7o3sQ8-00320-00149340-00149716 by the scattering of unpolarized light eGfrY7o3sQ8-00321-00149716-00150016 and we have to scatter it off very fine particles, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00322-00150016-00150286 much smaller than one tenth of a micron. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00323-00150286-00150583 Dust particles would work very well. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00324-00150583-00150916 Now, the theory of light scattering is extremely complicated, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00325-00150916-00151583 but I will be able to convince you that if I scatter the light over an angle of ninety degrees, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00326-00151583-00151949 so it comes in like this and it scatters over an angle of ninety degrees, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00327-00151950-00152496 that it becomes hundred percent linearly polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00328-00152496-00152803 I will stay on the center board. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00329-00152803-00153176 Suppose I have light coming in like so. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00330-00153176-00153659 And I have one light photon, I concentrate on one to start with, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00331-00153660-00154173 and it happens to be that that light photon is linearly polarized in this direction eGfrY7o3sQ8-00332-00154173-00154539 and so the E-vector is oscillating like this. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00333-00154540-00154793 Later, we're going to add all directions that we want. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00334-00154793-00155016 I just picked one now. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00335-00155016-00155639 And here are my fine dust particles, and these dust particles have electrons eGfrY7o3sQ8-00336-00155640-00156136 and the electric field passes by and these electrons, which are charged, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00337-00156136-00156383 are going to oscillate in this direction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00338-00156383-00156913 They're going to experience an acceleration, which is the force that they experience, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00339-00156913-00157396 divided by their mass and therefore, that is the charge that they have, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00340-00157396-00157713 times the electric field, divided by their mass. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00341-00157713-00158149 And so as this electric field vector, this electric field component, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00342-00158150-00158616 oscillating with frequencies omega, is passing by these electrons, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00343-00158616-00159156 they themselves are going to oscillate with frequency omega eGfrY7o3sQ8-00344-00159156-00159416 and this is the force that they will experience. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00345-00159416-00159653 Uh, this is the acceleration they will experience. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00346-00159653-00160119 Notice that the electrons will experience a way higher acceleration than the protons, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00347-00160120-00160596 because the protons have a mass which is more than 1800 times larger than the electron. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00348-00160596-00161236 So whatever follows, it's really the electrons that do the job and not the protons. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00349-00161236-00161633 So, we have charges that move up and down, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00350-00161633-00161936 and now comes the question which we have discussed earlier, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00351-00161936-00162476 so this is just simply to refresh your memory, if you're here at point P, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00352-00162476-00162869 in what direction will you now see electromagnetic radiation eGfrY7o3sQ8-00353-00162870-00163203 that is produced by charges that are being accelerated? eGfrY7o3sQ8-00354-00163203-00163579 We discussed that earlier and we even had a movie about that. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00355-00163580-00164096 And perhaps you will remember that the electric field, at point P, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00356-00164096-00164399 is now oscillating in this direction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00357-00164400-00164916 A spherical wave goes out, if I accelerate charges here. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00358-00164916-00165579 And the rules about this direction of the electric field are very simple. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00359-00165580-00166303 E is always perpendicular to the direction of propagation, which is the position vector-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00360-00166303-00166589 I call this the position vector r-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00361-00166590-00167406 and the second rule is that a, r and E are in one plane eGfrY7o3sQ8-00362-00167406-00167763 and that happens to be, in this case, the plane of my blackboard. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00363-00167763-00168113 But of course, that doesn't have to be the plane of the blackboard, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00364-00168113-00169059 because I can choose my point P in space here and these rules still apply. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00365-00169060-00169653 The incident photon, which in this case, I picked only one, is completely destroyed. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00366-00169653-00169873 It is absorbed by the dust. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00367-00169873-00170599 And the electrons which are going to radiate, reradiate a photon at exactly the same frequency, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00368-00170600-00170996 because if this is oscillating with angular frequency omega, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00369-00170996-00171369 then the acceleration would be with angular frequency omega eGfrY7o3sQ8-00370-00171370-00171686 and so this E field will have angular frequency omega. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00371-00171686-00172189 So it really is as if the photon comes in and takes off in a different direction, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00372-00172190-00172536 that's why we call this scattering. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00373-00172536-00172949 So the frequency remains the same, but the direction changes. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00374-00172950-00173583 And the probably that that photon will go in this direction or this direction is zero, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00375-00173583-00174009 because you remember that no electromagnetic wave is propagated eGfrY7o3sQ8-00376-00174010-00174203 in the direction of the acceleration, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00377-00174203-00174633 there's a high probability that it goes out in this plane, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00378-00174633-00175199 perpendicular to a and at this angle theta, the probability is a little lower. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00379-00175200-00175486 We discussed that earlier. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00380-00175486-00176036 Now, I'm going to convince you why light that scatters over ninety degrees eGfrY7o3sQ8-00381-00176036-00176396 that comes in like this and then [wssshhht] comes to you, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00382-00176396-00177006 why that is hundred percent linearly polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00383-00177006-00177489 Here is a beam of light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00384-00177490-00177686 And this beam of light is unpolarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00385-00177686-00178143 That means, if I look down on this beam, you have individual photons eGfrY7o3sQ8-00386-00178143-00178559 and I described through those-- maybe a little bit artificially, but I will do that, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00387-00178560-00178786 it was successful with Malus' Law-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00388-00178786-00179163 I describe through them, individual directions of polarization. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00389-00179163-00179899 So each photon, on its own, has a uniquely defined direction of polarization. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00390-00179900-00180440 It is a picture that is not kosher, you really need quantum mechanics to do this right, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00391-00180440-00180876 but on the other hand, the result that you find is probably correct. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00392-00180876-00181343 You will find the same result if you did it in a quantum mechanical way. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00393-00181343-00181906 So here, you have these dust particles and so what is going to happen is, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00394-00181906-00182589 this light comes in and then [wssshht], one may be scattered in this direction [wssshht], eGfrY7o3sQ8-00395-00182590-00182903 another one in this direction, another one in forward direction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00396-00182903-00183583 And you can go in all directions as you please. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00397-00183583-00184006 I'm now going to look in the plane perpendicular to the blackboard, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00398-00184006-00184263 because in the plane perpendicular to the blackboard, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00399-00184263-00184616 every photon that ends up there is at ninety degrees angles. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00400-00184616-00185006 It comes in like this, that is ninety degrees, this is ninety degrees, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00401-00185006-00185229 this is also ninety degrees. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00402-00185230-00185390 And here is that plane. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00403-00185390-00185903 I just draw a circle, but there is nothing special about the circle. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00404-00185903-00186316 And so the photons come now straight to you, perpendicular to the blackboard. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00405-00186316-00186606 That's the picture that I have now in mind. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00406-00186606-00186873 And let's say you were looking here. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00407-00186873-00187193 So you were sitting there, so you have to lift this up, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00408-00187193-00187349 so you're really sitting there. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00409-00187350-00187583 So this is where you are. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00410-00187583-00187826 And let's take one photon that comes in, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00411-00187826-00188159 which happens to be linearly polarized in this direction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00412-00188160-00188470 We pick one photon, but it's unpolarized light eGfrY7o3sQ8-00413-00188470-00188866 because we're going to add so many photons that, on average, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00414-00188866-00189019 there is no preferred direction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00415-00189020-00189226 But I pick one to start with. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00416-00189226-00189786 And now I ask myself the question, if that photon is scattered in your direction, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00417-00189786-00190176 in this direction, how is the E-vector oscillating here? eGfrY7o3sQ8-00418-00190176-00190429 So this is now the position vector r eGfrY7o3sQ8-00419-00190430-00190903 and this is the direction a in which the electrons are going to shake, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00420-00190903-00191249 because the photon comes in, with an E field shaking like this, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00421-00191250-00191533 so the electrons are going to shake like this. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00422-00191533-00191883 And you will immediately conclude that the electric vector here eGfrY7o3sQ8-00423-00191883-00192083 must be oscillating like this. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00424-00192083-00192186 Why? eGfrY7o3sQ8-00425-00192186-00192573 Because it has to be perpendicular to r, which it is eGfrY7o3sQ8-00426-00192573-00192839 and it has to be in the plane of a and r. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00427-00192840-00193193 There's only one solution and then this is the correct solution. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00428-00193193-00193433 Now there is a next photon coming in. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00429-00193433-00193833 And the next photon, I will give it color, just to distinguish the two, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00430-00193833-00194103 happens to be oscillating in this direction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00431-00194103-00194569 And I ask myself the question, if that photon is scattered in your direction, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00432-00194570-00194840 in what direction is the E-field oscillating? eGfrY7o3sQ8-00433-00194840-00195190 And you'll come to exactly the same conclusion, in this direction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00434-00195190-00195266 Why? eGfrY7o3sQ8-00435-00195266-00195633 Because it has to be perpendicular to r, which it is eGfrY7o3sQ8-00436-00195633-00196116 and it has to be in the plane a and r, that's the only solution. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00437-00196116-00196529 A little later, there is another photon that comes in. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00438-00196530-00196930 How is that electric field being observed here? eGfrY7o3sQ8-00439-00196930-00197063 Of course, in this direction. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00440-00197063-00197489 And so, no matter how they come in, unpolarized light, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00441-00197490-00198046 you will always see that if the photon is scattered over ninety degrees, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00442-00198046-00198303 you will always see it polarized in this direction, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00443-00198303-00198763 and therefore, you have created linearly polarized light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00444-00198763-00199156 So if you watch here, that is at ninety degrees angle-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00445-00199156-00199396 or if you watch here at ninety degrees angels-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00446-00199396-00199583 but of course, it's a whole plane-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00447-00199583-00200139 then you end up with hundred percent linearly polarized light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00448-00200140-00200586 If you go through the same exercise, say, at an angle here, of forty five degrees, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00449-00200586-00201189 and you look here, it's only partially polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00450-00201190-00201593 Indeed, if you rotate in front of your eye, polarimeter, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00451-00201593-00201963 you will see clearly light intensity changes. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00452-00201963-00202109 But not hundred percent polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00453-00202110-00202303 You couldn't turn it into darkness. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00454-00202303-00202523 And if you look from above-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00455-00202523-00202793 and you may want to go through that exercise for yourself, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00456-00202793-00203223 you will see that the light remains completely unpolarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00457-00203223-00203596 So it is only the ninety-degree angle that is very special. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00458-00203596-00203989 And that's what I'm going to demonstrate to you. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00459-00203990-00204343 But before I demonstrate this, there is something that I have to tell you, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00460-00204343-00204746 that I cannot hide from you, I wish I could, but I can't. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00461-00204746-00205026 It's not something that is my goal during this lecture, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00462-00205026-00205336 it has nothing to do with polarization. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00463-00205336-00205893 But that's the fact, that the probability, when you scatter light off very small particles, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00464-00205893-00206249 much smaller than one tenth of a micron or so, dust particles, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00465-00206250-00206850 that the probability of scattering is way higher for blue light than it is for red light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00466-00206850-00207153 The shorter the wavelength, the higher the probability. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00467-00207153-00207479 If you ever take 803, you're going to see a derivation of that, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00468-00207480-00207633 a quantitative derivation. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00469-00207633-00208223 Blue light has a ten times higher probability to be scattered than red light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00470-00208223-00208753 And so whenever I'm going to do my scatter experiments on very fine particles, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00471-00208753-00209089 you will see that that light is going to be bluish. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00472-00209090-00209303 You can't miss that. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00473-00209303-00209696 Now, if the particles off which I scatter are larger than a tenth of a micron, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00474-00209696-00210383 say one micron, this effect of color on probability of scattering is highly reduced eGfrY7o3sQ8-00475-00210383-00210683 and if I scatter off very large particles, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00476-00210683-00211033 then there is no dependence any more at all. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00477-00211033-00211613 And in this lies the secret why the sky is blue, I will get back to that later today, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00478-00211613-00212089 the reason why cigarette smoke can be blue, if the smoke particles are very small eGfrY7o3sQ8-00479-00212090-00212363 and it's the reason why clouds are white. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00480-00212363-00212669 Because the sunlight hits the clouds, the light scatters, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00481-00212669-00213246 but the water drops in the clouds are several microns in size and even larger, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00482-00213246-00213959 And so there is no prefered wavelength that scatters and so the clouds look white. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00483-00213960-00214496 And so the first demonstration that I want to do is very much like what you see here. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00484-00214496-00215009 I'm going to send unpolarized light up here, straight up. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00485-00215010-00215423 We have bright spotlights there and the light goes straight up. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00486-00215423-00215829 In here, I'm going to put very small dust particles. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00487-00215830-00216283 And I have decided to do that smoke, simply cigarette smoke. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00488-00216283-00216633 So I'm going to hold cigarette smoke in these beams eGfrY7o3sQ8-00489-00216633-00217009 and the light that will come to you, no matter where you sit, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00490-00217010-00217269 must have scattered closely over ninety degrees, right? eGfrY7o3sQ8-00491-00217269-00217726 It comes up like this, but if you see it, almost for everyone in the audience, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00492-00217726-00217956 ninety degree angle scattering. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00493-00217956-00218539 So with your linear polarizers, you will be able to see that that light is polarized eGfrY7o3sQ8-00494-00218540-00219200 and it's going to be polarized in this direction, which is the direction that I have here. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00495-00219200-00219619 So that's the first thing I'm going to do for this demonstration. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00496-00219619-00220103 So I need cigarettes and I need smoke. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00497-00220103-00220533 As much as I hate this. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00498-00220903-00221806 [laughter] eGfrY7o3sQ8-00499-00222086-00222426 Yuck! eGfrY7o3sQ8-00500-00222426-00222623 OK. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00501-00222623-00223149 That should do. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00502-00223150-00223666 [laughter] eGfrY7o3sQ8-00503-00224250-00224476 OK. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00504-00224476-00224883 So, you need a lot of light and as light comes, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00505-00224883-00225949 presumably from here-- yes, there it is. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00506-00225950-00226383 Ah, ready for this? eGfrY7o3sQ8-00507-00226383-00226819 OK, so have your polarizers ready. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00508-00228090-00228266 I want you to see two things. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00509-00228266-00229059 Number one, that the light is bluish and number two, that it is polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00510-00229060-00229266 Take your time for that. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00511-00229266-00229799 If you don't see it as blue, then the reason for that is that at low-light intensities, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00512-00229800-00230233 your eyes are not very sensitive for color any more. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00513-00230233-00230643 It looks quite bluish to me, though. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00514-00231050-00231423 Now I want to do something in addition. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00515-00231423-00231939 I mentioned that if the particles grow in size, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00516-00231940-00232336 that the scattering is no longer preferred in the blue. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00517-00232336-00232489 And I can demonstrate that. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00518-00232490-00232786 I can kill two birds with one stone. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00519-00232786-00233403 What I can do is I can hold the smoke in my lungs for a while eGfrY7o3sQ8-00520-00233403-00233783 and when I do that, the-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00521-00233783-00234946 the water vapor in my lungs-- will precipitate on these dust particles eGfrY7o3sQ8-00522-00234946-00235226 and they will form small water drops. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00523-00235226-00235849 And when I puff that out, you will see a distinct difference in color between what you see now eGfrY7o3sQ8-00524-00235850-00236443 and the smoke that comes out of my lungs when the particles are ten microns and even larger. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00525-00236443-00236783 You will see, then, that the light is whitish. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00526-00236783-00237263 So this is-- this comes extra, over and above, it comes for free. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00527-00237263-00237816 In order to make you see the difference, shortly before I puff out the smoke in here, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00528-00237816-00238293 I will again show you this smoke as it is now, so you can compare the colors eGfrY7o3sQ8-00529-00238293-00238469 and you will see that there is a difference. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00530-00238469-00238763 Even though this doesn't-- this may not look very bluish to you, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00531-00238763-00238886 for reasons that I mentioned, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00532-00238886-00239233 in darkness, you don't have a very good sensitive for color. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00533-00239233-00239596 So I'm going to hold this smoke now-- as much as I hate it, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00534-00239596-00239913 this is one of the worst demonstrations that I have to do-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00535-00239913-00240456 I hold it in my lungs for a while. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00536-00242073-00242323 [coughing in the audience] eGfrY7o3sQ8-00537-00243140-00243416 I see a huge difference, but I'm very close. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00538-00243416-00244109 The second puff [puh] [pfew] was very white compared to the first one. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00539-00244110-00244750 So we were able to catch two birds with one stone here. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00540-00245550-00245966 The sky is blue because of this phenomenon. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00541-00245966-00246519 Here, you are standing innocently on the Earth. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00542-00246519-00247053 And sunlight is coming in, onto the Earth's atmosphere. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00543-00247053-00247189 The sun is there. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00544-00247190-00247526 Sunlight comes in and the light scatters. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00545-00247526-00247996 And the light that reaches you, that scatters off these extremely fine dust particles eGfrY7o3sQ8-00546-00247996-00248369 and it also scatters off the air molecules themselves. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00547-00248369-00248660 There are thermal fluctuations that go on all the time, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00548-00248660-00249230 which causes density fluctuations in the air and they are sufficient to act as scatterers. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00549-00249230-00249819 And so if light from here comes to you, the chances are that it is blue, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00550-00249819-00250056 because it has a higher probability than red. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00551-00250056-00250273 And this is also likely to be blue. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00552-00250273-00250743 And so when you look at the sky, the sky looks blue, that's the reason, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00553-00250743-00251543 it has to do with this strong preference for color to be scattered when it is blue light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00554-00251543-00251866 If you look in the direction of the sky eGfrY7o3sQ8-00555-00251866-00252296 at an angle of ninety degrees to the direction of the sun, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00556-00252296-00252709 the sky is also linearly polarized for the reasons that we now understand, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00557-00252710-00253003 because there is scattering over ninety degrees. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00558-00253003-00253436 And so when the sun is out there, there is always a whole plane, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00559-00253436-00253869 a great circle in the sky, which is ninety degrees away from the sun. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00560-00253869-00254263 So when you come out with your linear polarizers, as soon as the weather clears, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00561-00254263-00254696 look at the sky, at the blue sky and look ninety degrees away from the sun eGfrY7o3sQ8-00562-00254696-00255016 and you will see that the sky is very strongly polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00563-00255016-00255429 If you look at angles different from ninety degrees, it's partially polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00564-00255430-00255950 But not as strongly polarized as it is at ninety degrees. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00565-00255950-00256386 So this explains, in a very natural way, why the sun, when it rises eGfrY7o3sQ8-00566-00256386-00256723 and why the sun, when it sets, why the sun is red. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00567-00256723-00257166 Because if the sun rises or the sun sets, the sun is near the horizon. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00568-00257166-00257419 So now the sunlight comes in like this. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00569-00257419-00257933 Imagine how much atmosphere it has to travel through, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00570-00257933-00258329 how many scattering particles it will encounter on the way. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00571-00258330-00258616 And so, right here, there is scattering. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00572-00258616-00258959 That is blue light, that is blue light, that is blue light, that is blue light, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00573-00258960-00259186 that has a higher probability, that is blue light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00574-00259186-00259436 So what do you think is left over for you? eGfrY7o3sQ8-00575-00259436-00259616 There isn't very much left over. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00576-00259616-00259966 What is left over, the blue is gone, the green is gone, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00577-00259966-00260296 so if there's anything left over, it is red. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00578-00260296-00260466 And it is that red light that you see. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00579-00260466-00260886 That's why the sun looks red when it sets and it looks red when it rises, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00580-00260886-00261203 the same is true for planets and bright stars and the moon. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00581-00261203-00261536 When they're just above the horizon, they look very reddish. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00582-00261536-00261819 And if there happens to be a cloud here in the sky, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00583-00261819-00262300 well, the cloud will also see that red light, so you get a red cloud. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00584-00262300-00262730 And that's exactly what you see at sunset, all these clouds turn red. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00585-00262730-00263313 And so that is, again, the consequence of the fact that the probability for light scattering eGfrY7o3sQ8-00586-00263313-00263799 of blue light is seven times larger, roughly, than the scattering for red light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00587-00263800-00264386 So it explains both the blue skies and the reason why the sky-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00588-00264386-00264933 why the sunrise and the sunsets are-- are red. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00589-00264933-00265656 I can show you two slides, whereby you do see this phenomenon, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00590-00265656-00266003 that light that scatters to you becomes bluish. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00591-00266003-00266596 We can see it in astronomy and the first slide is a picture of the Pleiades, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00592-00266596-00267349 called the Seven Sisters, very hot stars, they are surrounded by very small, fine dust eGfrY7o3sQ8-00593-00267350-00267893 and the light that reaches you is not only polarized, which you cannot see, of course, on the slide, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00594-00267893-00268063 but it's also bluish. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00595-00268063-00268463 And so let's take a look at that first. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00596-00268463-00268723 So here you see the Pleiades, it's called the Seven Sisters, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00597-00268723-00268913 some people think there are only seven stars in there, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00598-00268913-00269289 but there are hundreds-- and you see here these very bright stars eGfrY7o3sQ8-00599-00269290-00269830 and here you see the dust surrounding these stars and this is distinctly blue. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00600-00269830-00270370 That's the effect, the fact that short wavelengths have a higher probability to be scattered eGfrY7o3sQ8-00601-00270370-00270593 than long wavelengths. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00602-00270593-00270963 So the blue has a higher probability than the red. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00603-00270963-00271353 And the next slide shows you a man on the moon. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00604-00271353-00271786 And this person is walking on the moon, but as he walks on the moon, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00605-00271786-00272119 he produces dust, by just walking, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00606-00272120-00272780 very fine dust particles that come from the soil that he brings up. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00607-00272780-00273373 And what he is doing, he is creating around himself sort of a blue atmosphere, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00608-00273373-00273719 a blue sky, because the sunlight comes from the right eGfrY7o3sQ8-00609-00273720-00274070 and so the light that you see that comes in your direction eGfrY7o3sQ8-00610-00274070-00274210 is being scattered, of course. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00611-00274210-00274383 Because there is no air on the moon, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00612-00274383-00274616 so that can only be the dust that he has produced, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00613-00274616-00274876 and you see that that dust is blue. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00614-00274876-00275146 It would probably also be strongly polarized, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00615-00275146-00275506 because if it changes ninety degrees angle, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00616-00275506-00276123 then, of course, it would also be strongly polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00617-00276370-00276656 Now I want to do a demonstration, the last one, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00618-00276656-00276896 which catches more than two birds with one stone, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00619-00276896-00277126 it's going to kill three. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00620-00277126-00277606 I have here a bucket with thiosulfate. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00621-00277606-00278256 And we have light coming from this side which we s-- shine through that bucket. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00622-00278256-00278569 And we're going to put a little bit of sulfuric acid in there eGfrY7o3sQ8-00623-00278570-00279136 and when we do that, sulfur will precipitate, small particles of sulfur. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00624-00279136-00279573 These small particles of sulfur will become the scatterers eGfrY7o3sQ8-00625-00279573-00279923 and so this light, which is unpolarized white light, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00626-00279923-00280069 will begin to scatter. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00627-00280070-00280286 And you're going to see it. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00628-00280286-00280566 If you're sitting at right angles, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00629-00280566-00280806 then you will see that that light is linearly polarized, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00630-00280806-00280929 you can enjoy that. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00631-00280930-00281520 If you're sitting there, you're not so well off, because then the light is not at ninety degrees. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00632-00281520-00281720 But you will see it partially polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00633-00281720-00282013 If you're sitting there, it's not at ninety degrees either, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00634-00282013-00282219 you will see it partially polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00635-00282220-00282463 But you will also see it blue, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00636-00282463-00282859 because the probability that blue light scattered is higher than red light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00637-00282860-00283173 So you're going to see, slowly in front of your eye, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00638-00283173-00283433 a blue sky is going to develop. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00639-00283433-00283676 It's going to be polarized in the vertical direction eGfrY7o3sQ8-00640-00283676-00283943 for those people who are sitting at right angles, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00641-00283943-00284209 partially polarized for the rest of the audience eGfrY7o3sQ8-00642-00284210-00284530 and then we're going to look at the light that remains eGfrY7o3sQ8-00643-00284530-00284866 after the light had penetrated the atmosphere. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00644-00284866-00285306 After the blue light is slowly exhausted. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00645-00285306-00285449 All right. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00646-00285450-00286113 I will also take a polarizer with me, so I can also show you, then, the polarization. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00647-00286113-00286789 Let me first put that sulfuric acid in. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00648-00286790-00287490 I will do that now, so that I know that I-- OK. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00649-00287490-00288156 So very slowly am I creating, now, my own atmosphere. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00650-00288156-00288659 And I'm going to make it completely dark. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00651-00288660-00289060 And so you see white light, keep an eye on the-- on the bucket, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00652-00289060-00289736 the bucket cannot be seen by all of us so well, depending upon where you sit in the audience, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00653-00289736-00290119 but I can already begin to see that it turned slightly bluish. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00654-00290120-00290296 Of course, I have-- I'm very close. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00655-00290296-00290589 I admit I'm very close, which is very good. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00656-00290590-00291133 It's slightly bluish, more and more sulfur is going to precipitate as time goes on, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00657-00291133-00291329 we have to be a little patient. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00658-00291330-00291516 Oh, boy, it's bluish. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00659-00291516-00291959 I will show you that it's polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00660-00291960-00292193 I will rotate in front of it a polarimeter, and you see, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00661-00292193-00293043 there's a distinct polarization of this light, if it comes out at ninety degrees. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00662-00293043-00293543 More and more sulfur is precipitating and look at the sun-- eGfrY7o3sQ8-00663-00293543-00293746 if you think of this as the sun. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00664-00293746-00294263 The sun is, um, is getting a little yellowish, it's not so white any more. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00665-00294263-00294389 And you wonder why. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00666-00294390-00294696 Well, you should be able to answer that, now. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00667-00294696-00295436 Because the light that is scattered in the atmosphere, I call this the atmosphere, is blue. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00668-00295436-00295716 It has a higher probability than red. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00669-00295716-00296129 And so what is left over in the direction that you see on the screen there eGfrY7o3sQ8-00670-00296130-00296313 is the remaining light. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00671-00296313-00296846 And the more blue leaves and the more green leaves, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00672-00296846-00297166 the redder the sun is going to be. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00673-00297166-00297649 And if we're going to be a little bit more patient and we certainly have the time for that, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00674-00297650-00298253 you're going to see the sun getting pretty, pretty bloody red. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00675-00298253-00298626 So keep an eye on it, also have your linear polarizers eGfrY7o3sQ8-00676-00298626-00299243 and try to see that the light that comes to you from the atmosphere, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00677-00299243-00299659 if you are at ninety degree angles, I will once more do it with my polarizers, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00678-00299660-00299983 that that's strongly polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00679-00299983-00300209 Oh, boy, look at the sun. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00680-00300210-00300500 We're getting close, we're getting close. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00681-00300500-00300563 Whew. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00682-00300563-00301269 Imagine you're now on the beach, very romantic and there is the sun, you're with a friend, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00683-00301270-00301490 you don't have your polari-- well, from now on, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00684-00301490-00301790 you should always have your polarizer with you, of course. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00685-00301790-00302063 You can really impress your friend, believe me. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00686-00302063-00302536 For one thing, you can point out that the sky at ninety-degree angles from the sun eGfrY7o3sQ8-00687-00302536-00302706 is nearly a hundred percent polarized. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00688-00302706-00303036 You can even tell your friend why the sky is blue. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00689-00303036-00303806 And-- and as you experience this romantic sunset, you can also explain why the sun is getting red, eGfrY7o3sQ8-00690-00303806-00304359 because all that blue light and the green light, gets out first eGfrY7o3sQ8-00691-00304360-00304956 and this is, then, what is left over. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00692-00304956-00305406 And the sun is really beautiful now, I already feel these butterflies in my stomach eGfrY7o3sQ8-00693-00305406-00305786 and ants in my pants, this is sunset all right? eGfrY7o3sQ8-00694-00305786-00306103 [laughter] eGfrY7o3sQ8-00695-00306103-00306443 This is very, very nice sunset. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00696-00306443-00306539 Oh, man. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00697-00306540-00306710 What a beautiful sunset. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00698-00306710-00307000 Yes, indeed, indeed! eGfrY7o3sQ8-00699-00307000-00307200 We are approaching sunset! eGfrY7o3sQ8-00700-00307200-00307650 [laughter] eGfrY7o3sQ8-00701-00307650-00307816 OK, see you Wednesday. eGfrY7o3sQ8-00702-00307816-00308229 [applause] eIrIEQicDJM-00000-00000233-00000543 ..but isn't so upsetting when developers are cheating on you? eIrIEQicDJM-00001-00000648-00000789 Just look what they did! eIrIEQicDJM-00002-00000976-00001307 So I have six faces, a perfect cube! eIrIEQicDJM-00003-00001307-00001592 But my cube is actually broken! eIrIEQicDJM-00004-00001680-00001773 You See? eIrIEQicDJM-00005-00001906-00002090 Does this look like cube to you? eIrIEQicDJM-00006-00002183-00002555 And then you get angry, and you want to burn the whole world down!! eIrIEQicDJM-00007-00002555-00002848 But then, there are also developers that are honest, eIrIEQicDJM-00008-00002848-00003160 and their software does exactly what it says it does! eIrIEQicDJM-00009-00003336-00003896 Burn my Windows maybe, but there are more effects on this extension that supports GNOME 42 already! eIrIEQicDJM-00010-00004090-00004277 And if those are not enough? eIrIEQicDJM-00011-00004277-00004634 Burn my Windows can get community plugins with more effects! eIrIEQicDJM-00012-00004718-00004992 Anyhoo, I'm leaving you to watch alone! eIrIEQicDJM-00013-00004992-00005110 Bye-Bye! eIt0PiwnIXE-00000-00000000-00000200 Skip to 6:20 For The Succes eKR26RQ2t8E-00000-00000089-00000386 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE, I'M PETTY OFFICER JONATHAN PANKAU. eKR26RQ2t8E-00001-00000386-00000851 SAILORS ARE AMONG THE MORE THAN 1,200 VOLUNTEERS ANSWERING QUESTIONS FROM YOUR KIDS ABOUT SANTA'S eKR26RQ2t8E-00002-00000851-00000958 LOCATION. eKR26RQ2t8E-00003-00000958-00001423 THE NORTH AMERICAN AEROSPACE DEFENSE COMMAND'S "NORAD TRACKS SANTA" CALL CENTER, ALLOWS CHILDREN eKR26RQ2t8E-00004-00001423-00001805 AROUND THE WORLD TO CALL OR USE COMPUTERS TO TRACK SANTA'S PATH AS HE DELIVERS GIFTS eKR26RQ2t8E-00005-00001805-00001966 ON HIS SLEIGH. eKR26RQ2t8E-00006-00001966-00002269 NORAD HAS BEEN TRACKING SANTA'S FLIGHT FOR MORE THAN 50 YEARS. eKR26RQ2t8E-00007-00002269-00002505 THE CALL CENTER WILL BE FULLY OPERATIONAL AT FIVE A.M. eKR26RQ2t8E-00008-00002505-00002732 DECEMBER 24TH UNTIL FIVE A.M. eKR26RQ2t8E-00009-00002732-00002941 DECEMBER 25TH EASTERN STANDARD TIME. eKR26RQ2t8E-00010-00002941-00003489 KIDS CAN CALL 1-877-HINORAD AND RECEIVE RESPONSES FROM VOLUNTEERS IN EIGHT DIFFERENT LANGUAGES eKR26RQ2t8E-00011-00003489-00003971 OR SEND AN EMAIL AND A NORAD STAFF MEMBER WILL REPLY WITH SANTA'S LAST KNOWN LOCATION. eKR26RQ2t8E-00012-00003971-00005695 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HOW TO TRACK SANTA, VISIT THE OFFICIAL "NORAD TRACKS SANTA" WEBSITE. eKWf72A-klQ-00000-00000100-00000403 The digital world is increasingly shaping the way we live and communicate. eKWf72A-klQ-00001-00000503-00001103 So how can we mobilize online data to enable new ways of reporting, research and advocacy? eKWf72A-klQ-00002-00001203-00001703 How can we utilize online conversations to help us navigate times of crisis and uncertainty? eKWf72A-klQ-00003-00002003-00002603 To answer these very questions, SocialLab and DW Akademie teamed up to develop 'Data for Crisis', eKWf72A-klQ-00004-00002703-00003303 an open-source platform that aims to amplify marginalized voices through data analysis. eKWf72A-klQ-00005-00003503-00004303 A team of researchers, social scientists and data engineers verified large amounts of anonymized data from online conversations. eKWf72A-klQ-00006-00004503-00005203 This allows users to navigate, annotate and download customized and relevant datasets. eKWf72A-klQ-00007-00005303-00005803 Data was collected from classified online conversations in English and Arabic. eKWf72A-klQ-00008-00005903-00006903 Using advanced technologies, topics and emotional responses were analyzed, classified and made accessible through interactive visualizations. eKWf72A-klQ-00009-00007003-00007103 This is just the beginning eKWf72A-klQ-00010-00007203-00008003 Please share any feedback and the stories you discover as more topics, languages and datasets will be added in the future. eO5uNPY2Ef8-00001-00006246-00006330 foreign eO5uNPY2Ef8-00002-00007212-00008226 but where is Dad he is always in that damn bathroom but maybe I can put spikes on his toilet eO5uNPY2Ef8-00003-00008226-00008922 seat for the next time he sits on it hahaha Hey Kayla by any mean do you know where my cell phone eO5uNPY2Ef8-00004-00008922-00009618 is my client recently called me about some big news yes Dad it's upstairs oh thank you Caillou eO5uNPY2Ef8-00005-00009804-00009990 great the coast is clear eO5uNPY2Ef8-00006-00012240-00012768 wait my show is on hey kaylu can you please turn on the news for me there eO5uNPY2Ef8-00007-00012768-00013241 are inflation problems including egg prices increasing dad I don't eO5uNPY2Ef8-00008-00013241-00013872 care about politics you better watch your mouth young man Ugh who cares eO5uNPY2Ef8-00009-00014310-00014832 dad why the hell did you change the channel me and Dora were about to kiss you were in eO5uNPY2Ef8-00010-00014832-00015468 the moment well congratulations you won a prize really what is it a kick in the ass eO5uNPY2Ef8-00011-00015690-00016632 shut up stop complaining your ass is not broken dad did you just say ass oh eO5uNPY2Ef8-00012-00016632-00017082 no no no no no that is about word Rosie please don't say that again eO5uNPY2Ef8-00013-00017082-00017730 ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass no no no no shot High T Rosie eO5uNPY2Ef8-00014-00018402-00018630 that Big Mac was so tasty eO5uNPY2Ef8-00015-00018888-00019224 are coming don't touch my food eO5uNPY2Ef8-00016-00019668-00020148 wow eO5uNPY2Ef8-00017-00020148-00020682 my ass is eO5uNPY2Ef8-00018-00021552-00022332 dad are you okay I am fine Rosie I just got my ass impaled by a toilet seat how well first eO5uNPY2Ef8-00019-00022332-00022992 kailu told me where my phone was while he had a suspicious smirk on his face then later I sat on eO5uNPY2Ef8-00020-00022992-00023622 the toilet seat with spikes that's weird I have one of these spikes and it says something huh eO5uNPY2Ef8-00021-00023814-00025236 Taylor was in so much damn trouble eO5uNPY2Ef8-00022-00025674-00026592 Boris, greatest rapidly increasing from 60 70 pm to 121 BPM is there something wrong eO5uNPY2Ef8-00023-00026592-00027198 yes there is something wrong my son tried to kill me with some spikes please let me out eO5uNPY2Ef8-00024-00027198-00027702 this instant I'm sorry but you can't leave until you feel better I'm already better, eO5uNPY2Ef8-00025-00027702-00028548 asshole that's it I am helping out of the roof my dad is crazy he had too much eO5uNPY2Ef8-00026-00029183-00029886 man I haven't had McDonald's in years I am about to whoop somebody's ass which means surprisingly eQOsbewdfvM-00000-00000328-00000598 Hi everyone. It’s Arang. eQOsbewdfvM-00001-00000598-00001042 The weather’s so good that I turned the camera on early today. eQOsbewdfvM-00002-00001042-00001876 I started off Olive Young 2020 Best Awards recommendations with makeup products. eQOsbewdfvM-00003-00001876-00002253 I wanted to post skincare products straight after that. eQOsbewdfvM-00004-00002253-00002815 but it took longer as I there were some products that I haven’t tried eQOsbewdfvM-00005-00002815-00003358 Also, there were some great products so I wanted to do a more thorough review. eQOsbewdfvM-00006-00003358-00004145 Olive Young Best 2020 Awards items and special sets will be available till 31st of Dec. eQOsbewdfvM-00007-00004145-00004590 You will still have time after watching this video. Tada~! eQOsbewdfvM-00008-00004590-00004909 My shopping bags are fuller than last time eQOsbewdfvM-00009-00004909-00005395 I’m so thorough with skin care so I bought a lot. eQOsbewdfvM-00010-00005395-00006219 Shall we go watch some great products from the 2020 Awards together? Let’s start! eQOsbewdfvM-00011-00006219-00006736 Olive Young announced so many products including toner, lotion, essence, serum, cream, mask, cleanser,suncare and anti-aging eQOsbewdfvM-00012-00006736-00007254 but that’s too much to show you eQOsbewdfvM-00013-00007254-00007988 so I picked the best of the best products from toner, lotion, essence, serum cream, mask and sunscreen. eQOsbewdfvM-00014-00007988-00008629 This is Green Tangerine Vita C Tone Up Pad that was ranked as #2 at Olive Young awards . eQOsbewdfvM-00015-00008629-00009003 What comes up on your mind when you think of Goodal? It’s Green Tangerine, isn’t it? eQOsbewdfvM-00016-00009003-00009455 When they first came out with Green Tangerine serum, that became so popular eQOsbewdfvM-00017-00009455-00009853 so they used the same ingredient to expand the line. eQOsbewdfvM-00018-00009853-00010172 This Tone Up Pad is so popular too. eQOsbewdfvM-00019-00010172-00010787 Of course I tried it too… but I don’t think I’ve never shown it in my video. eQOsbewdfvM-00020-00010787-00011310 Because… if you open the pad, it has a subtle lemon scent. eQOsbewdfvM-00021-00011310-00011699 The color is also lemon, similar to the scent. eQOsbewdfvM-00022-00011699-00012351 I tried it a few times after receiving this product but to me, the size was the problem eQOsbewdfvM-00023-00012351-00012702 This is the Tone Up Pad that I recommend a lot these days. eQOsbewdfvM-00024-00012702-00013736 I want a tone up pad that is saturated in essence and big that easily sticks on to the whole cheek. eQOsbewdfvM-00025-00013736-00014091 The tone up pads that I praise and recommend eQOsbewdfvM-00026-00014091-00014490 gotta come with lots of essence and really, really huge. eQOsbewdfvM-00027-00014490-00015030 Isn’t this small in comparison? eQOsbewdfvM-00028-00015030-00015462 I'm a little bit disappointed in the size and it feels a bit drying. eQOsbewdfvM-00029-00015462-00015866 I like how it makes my skin feel moisturized and smooth. eQOsbewdfvM-00030-00015866-00016369 When it comes to skincare, I check the ingredients very, very thoroughly. eQOsbewdfvM-00031-00016369-00016953 I feel like it contains more vitamin derivatives than pure vitamins. eQOsbewdfvM-00032-00016953-00017554 But apart from that, it’s good for exfoliating or hydrating your skin eQOsbewdfvM-00033-00017554-00017799 Let’s move on to the essence and serum line. eQOsbewdfvM-00034-00017799-00018296 I found a really shocking product, combining everything I found from makeup and skincare. eQOsbewdfvM-00035-00018296-00018554 This is a historical record. eQOsbewdfvM-00036-00018554-00019047 Apparently this has been ranking in#1 for 8 years at Olive Young. eQOsbewdfvM-00037-00019047-00019312 but 8 years. I was so shocked when I saw that record. eQOsbewdfvM-00038-00019312-00019748 This is Isoi Blemish Care Serum, a.k.a Blemish serum eQOsbewdfvM-00039-00019748-00020025 This has been ranking in #1 for 8 years. eQOsbewdfvM-00040-00020025-00020500 This won the first place again at Olive Young. eQOsbewdfvM-00041-00020500-00020984 How can they win not just a couple of times but for 8 years? Wow, that’s so impressive eQOsbewdfvM-00042-00020984-00021836 I did some research and apparently Isoi came out with a special set to celebrate winning the award for 8 years. eQOsbewdfvM-00043-00021836-00022204 They really prepared well this time. Their set is so good. eQOsbewdfvM-00044-00022204-00022808 The Isoi Blemish Serum I use is a mini size. eQOsbewdfvM-00045-00022808-00023279 serum you get in this special set is 70mL! Also, it comes with an essence and a sleeping mask. eQOsbewdfvM-00046-00023279-00023629 That’s great! That’s more than good! eQOsbewdfvM-00047-00023629-00024041 I’ve been using this Isoi serum for the last 2-3 years. eQOsbewdfvM-00048-00024041-00024761 I had a huge break out at the same time last year. My skin was a mess. eQOsbewdfvM-00049-00024761-00025406 I recorded how using this for 10 days quickly calmed my skin down in a video. eQOsbewdfvM-00050-00025406-00026065 This contains Eosungcho and centella extract so it’s great for calming your skin eQOsbewdfvM-00051-00026065-00026574 I had another big breakout from chickenpox. eQOsbewdfvM-00052-00026574-00026925 the only skincare product I used. eQOsbewdfvM-00053-00026925-00027300 My skin was red and I almost couldn’t talk at all eQOsbewdfvM-00054-00027300-00027762 You know I always check the ingredients when I recommend a skincare product, right? eQOsbewdfvM-00055-00027762-00028420 The effect can change dramatically based on the way and frequency they extract an ingredient. eQOsbewdfvM-00056-00028420-00029527 Isoi Bulgarian rose oil isn’t extracted over and over. They only use the first batch of Bulgarian rose oil extract. eQOsbewdfvM-00057-00029527-00030039 Along with Bulgarian rose oil, they use Arbutin which is good for whitening care. eQOsbewdfvM-00058-00030039-00030367 It’s great for whitening care too. eQOsbewdfvM-00059-00030367-00030962 It’s good for calming care and blemish care. It’s a multitasker. eQOsbewdfvM-00060-00030962-00031220 I have extremely sensitive skin eQOsbewdfvM-00061-00031220-00031616 when I get skin trouble, I get a big scar from it. eQOsbewdfvM-00062-00031616-00032268 and that turns into a blemish. Whenever I get a pimple, I’m worried about the blemish. eQOsbewdfvM-00063-00032268-00033154 I recommend it when a calming product doesn't work but whitening product is too harsh for you eQOsbewdfvM-00064-00033154-00033991 You can use it as the first step of skincare. My skin’s so dry inside that I can also use a sleeping mask on top. eQOsbewdfvM-00065-00033991-00034649 It feels great. It sinks in fast and I like the consistency. That’s why I recommend it all the time. eQOsbewdfvM-00066-00034649-00035647 If you get inflammatory acnes all the time, like I showed in my video many times. You will see your skin change within 2-3 days. eQOsbewdfvM-00067-00035647-00036458 If you have really sensitive skin, this set is Arang’s favorite combo pick. I recommend it. eQOsbewdfvM-00068-00036458-00037106 My skin feels so dry inside so I like essence, serum and sleeping mask. eQOsbewdfvM-00069-00037106-00037467 You can find it on their official website. eQOsbewdfvM-00070-00037467-00038007 I checked their official website. You’ll find other deals, benefits and news there. eQOsbewdfvM-00071-00038007-00038439 If you are interested, please check out their website. eQOsbewdfvM-00072-00038439-00038934 For cream, I brought Dr.G Red Blemish Clear Soothing Cream limited edition set. eQOsbewdfvM-00073-00038934-00039493 Oh~! #1~~~Dr.G is ranked in #1. eQOsbewdfvM-00074-00039493-00040482 I’ve never tried it so in order to review, I tried it for 2-3 days and this feels good too. eQOsbewdfvM-00075-00040482-00040883 I recommend that you try it if you haven’t already eQOsbewdfvM-00076-00040883-00041506 This full size of the cream is 70mL but you get another 60mL in this set. eQOsbewdfvM-00077-00041506-00041852 It’s 1+1 but 10% less! eQOsbewdfvM-00078-00041852-00042136 My skin feels very dry inside. eQOsbewdfvM-00079-00042136-00042602 Because it’s called soothing cream, I thought this would be very light weight. eQOsbewdfvM-00080-00042602-00043055 I was like ‘ Huh? Why soothing cream?’ but it’s actually better than I expected. eQOsbewdfvM-00081-00043055-00043466 My skin feels silky and tight after using it. eQOsbewdfvM-00082-00043466-00043867 I used this Dr.G cream for today’s skincare. eQOsbewdfvM-00083-00043867-00044411 The first impression wasn’t bad. I like it better now. eQOsbewdfvM-00084-00044411-00045304 It’s good for morning or day skincare But this would be too drying to be used on its own at night. eQOsbewdfvM-00085-00045304-00045862 I recommend it for combination/ oily skin but if you have very severe inner dryness, eQOsbewdfvM-00086-00045862-00046525 it’d be better to use an extra moisturizing cream on top of other products. eQOsbewdfvM-00087-00046525-00047001 I quite like what you get in this special set. eQOsbewdfvM-00088-00047001-00047615 It’s like you are getting another one but 10% less. It’s not bad.Its good. eQOsbewdfvM-00089-00047615-00047989 The first impression of this cream wasn’t bad. eQOsbewdfvM-00090-00047989-00048482 I’ll try it more and if it’s good, I’ll recommend it in my videos. eQOsbewdfvM-00091-00048482-00048933 This is Abib Gummy Sheet Mask, Eosungcho Sticker. eQOsbewdfvM-00092-00048933-00049345 This was ranked in #3 in 2020 face masks. eQOsbewdfvM-00093-00049345-00050032 #1 was… This Mediheal mask, which is so famous. eQOsbewdfvM-00094-00050032-00050412 I’ve been using it since I was a student. eQOsbewdfvM-00095-00050412-00051256 It’s awkward to review it so I’m going to pass it~ This mask gets a free pass. eQOsbewdfvM-00096-00051256-00051772 #2 was Dream Works I’m The Real Shrek mask. eQOsbewdfvM-00097-00051772-00052054 I use this at home. eQOsbewdfvM-00098-00052054-00052767 I used this much. I don’t know why it’s ranked #2 Oh~ the smell. eQOsbewdfvM-00099-00052767-00053223 This is definitely calming. It’s a popular wash off-mask. eQOsbewdfvM-00100-00053223-00053752 This is super popular as an exfoliating +brightening mask. It’s been more than 6 months since I opened it. eQOsbewdfvM-00101-00053752-00055576 It’s embarrassing. Can you see? I clearly used it once It wasn’t that impressive to me ..I can’t review or recommend it so I’m going to pass this one eQOsbewdfvM-00102-00055576-00056299 I’m recommending Abib as I passed #1 and #2 masks. It naturally led me to #3 mask. eQOsbewdfvM-00103-00056299-00056499 This is #3. This is a gummy mask. eQOsbewdfvM-00104-00056499-00056916 The individual price is quite expensive. It’s about 4,000won per one. eQOsbewdfvM-00105-00056916-00057551 But for the awards set, you get 5 masks for 7,200won. It’s not bad. eQOsbewdfvM-00106-00057551-00057854 It comes down to ... a little bit less than 2,000won. eQOsbewdfvM-00107-00057854-00058397 Hyemin who was on Get It Beauty recommended it so much. eQOsbewdfvM-00108-00058397-00058886 This was on the Get It Beauty blind test. eQOsbewdfvM-00109-00058886-00059448 That’s how I tried it. I gotta check the ingredients to be thorough. eQOsbewdfvM-00110-00059448-00059814 It doesn’t contain too much or Eosungcho extract. eQOsbewdfvM-00111-00059814-00060515 I can feel so much hydration and cooling effect after using it. eQOsbewdfvM-00112-00060515-00061068 The downside is that it absorbs slowly! I’m so sorry for Abib today. eQOsbewdfvM-00113-00061068-00062087 I’m sorry for Abib but it absorbs so slowly. It’s too slow to pat in the excess and do makeup on top eQOsbewdfvM-00114-00062087-00062408 I feel like you will have to do slow makeup with this. eQOsbewdfvM-00115-00062408-00063141 You have to do makeup very slowly. Pat it in to the skin, and pat it in again.. eQOsbewdfvM-00116-00063141-00063702 It still doesn’t sink in completely so I gotta wipe it off to put makeup on top. I recommend it for night care! eQOsbewdfvM-00117-00063702-00064051 but it’s too heavy to be used under the makeup. eQOsbewdfvM-00118-00064051-00064195 But apart from that, eQOsbewdfvM-00119-00064195-00064498 I recommend the sheet. It’s such good quality eQOsbewdfvM-00120-00064498-00064775 Essence is important for face mask eQOsbewdfvM-00121-00064775-00065369 but checking the sheet is a lot more important than checking essence. eQOsbewdfvM-00122-00065369-00065592 This sheet feels luxruious. eQOsbewdfvM-00123-00065592-00066196 It feels so lux. It hugs the skin very tightly Good! Oh~ the sheet isn’t bad. eQOsbewdfvM-00124-00066196-00066583 I definitely give approval on the sheet. eQOsbewdfvM-00125-00066583-00066999 The last recommendation is suncare. eQOsbewdfvM-00126-00066999-00067792 This time. Oh~! Dr G sunscreen won two awards this time. eQOsbewdfvM-00127-00067792-00068330 OMG! Wow, #1 is Green Mild Up Sun and #3 is Brightening Up Sun eQOsbewdfvM-00128-00068330-00069007 I’ve been using it for the last 2-3 years. I still have Brightening Up Sun on my makeup vanity. eQOsbewdfvM-00129-00069007-00069390 I recommend Green Mild as a mild sunscreen and eQOsbewdfvM-00130-00069390-00069934 recommend Brightening Up Sun when you want to pretend no makeup face but brighter. eQOsbewdfvM-00131-00069934-00070585 I used Brightening Up Sun today. It definitely feels very moisturizing. eQOsbewdfvM-00132-00070585-00070997 It doesn’t have white cast. Also, it doesn’t get drier throughout the day. eQOsbewdfvM-00133-00070997-00071829 This Dr.G sunscreen is the easiest one to use. When someone asks me ‘Please order sunscreen from Olive Young’ eQOsbewdfvM-00134-00071829-00072143 Then I would say ‘Dr.G’ eQOsbewdfvM-00135-00072143-00072576 Yes, I knew Dr.G would win the award. eQOsbewdfvM-00136-00072576-00072739 It worked ~ it worked~! eQOsbewdfvM-00137-00072739-00073245 I recommend this for people who are looking for a gentle sunscreen that doesn’t feel harsh eQOsbewdfvM-00138-00073245-00073607 Tada~ That’s all for my favorites. eQOsbewdfvM-00139-00073607-00073775 It’s completely empty inside. eQOsbewdfvM-00140-00073775-00074394 Unlike the makeup video, I wanted to only recommend the ones I actually tried and liked eQOsbewdfvM-00141-00074394-00074691 so I tried very hard to review thoroughly. eQOsbewdfvM-00142-00074691-00075273 I thought about the best product to recommend here eQOsbewdfvM-00143-00075273-00075723 There were so many great items from toner to sunscreen eQOsbewdfvM-00144-00075723-00076624 My real favorite best item is this! Also, I showed this in my videos multiple times eQOsbewdfvM-00145-00076624-00077327 I have so many empty bottles of this at home. That’s how serious I am eQOsbewdfvM-00146-00077327-00077667 I’m so serious. I used this so much eQOsbewdfvM-00147-00077667-00078250 I get skin troubles easily and my skin is very thin but I don’t go to a dermatologist. eQOsbewdfvM-00148-00078250-00078669 I love using Isoi for blemish care. eQOsbewdfvM-00149-00078669-00079126 I recommend it as Arang’s real favorite item eQOsbewdfvM-00150-00079126-00079413 Thank you so much for watching this video taill the end eQOsbewdfvM-00151-00079413-00079710 Have what day? Have an Arang day eQOsbewdfvM-00152-00079710-00080006 Bye eTTZMdk64KI-00000-00000006-00000330 “We know that it’s hard to stay up-to-date on USIP’s latest eTTZMdk64KI-00001-00000330-00000752 publications, so we've challenged our teams to summarize their latest research eTTZMdk64KI-00002-00000752-00001710 in less than a minute. This is Briefly. Since 9/11, the U.S. has eTTZMdk64KI-00003-00001710-00002115 spent nearly six trillion dollars and lost 10,000 lives in the fight against eTTZMdk64KI-00004-00002115-00002603 violent extremism. But overseas, extremist groups kill more people, control more eTTZMdk64KI-00005-00002603-00003218 territory and command more fighters than before 9/11. So Congress asked USIP to eTTZMdk64KI-00006-00003218-00003711 establish a bipartisan panel of experts to develop new strategies to get to the eTTZMdk64KI-00007-00003711-00004284 bottom of what causes violent extremism in fragile states—places plagued by bad eTTZMdk64KI-00008-00004284-00004794 governance, injustice and unaddressed grievances. The Task Force on Extremism eTTZMdk64KI-00009-00004794-00005310 in Fragile States came up with three main recommendations: One, make sure all eTTZMdk64KI-00010-00005310-00005676 parts of our government have a shared understanding of the conditions in which eTTZMdk64KI-00011-00005676-00006237 extremism spreads; two, better coordinate American efforts overseas for the long eTTZMdk64KI-00012-00006237-00006629 game that is required; three, the U.S. can't do this alone— eTTZMdk64KI-00013-00006629-00007263 pool international resources to support partners in fragile states. In short, we eTTZMdk64KI-00014-00007263-00007600 need a policy of prevention. eTTZMdk64KI-00015-00007800-00008871 To learn more about the Task Force on Extremism in Fragile States, visit eYlt37bqGzu-00000-00003429-00003900 Should We Buy? eYlt37bqGzu-00001-00004518-00004785 My name is Sagung Putu Ningsih. eYlt37bqGzu-00002-00004779-00005580 I live in Krambitan, Kelating Village, <i>banjar</i> .... eYlt37bqGzu-00003-00006072-00006427 To make <i>canang</i>, we should first take <i>janur</i> (young coconut leaf) eYlt37bqGzu-00004-00006439-00006756 and then take off the bone leave from it eYlt37bqGzu-00005-00006765-00007199 Then we cut it to <i>canang</i> shape and sew it all together. eYlt37bqGzu-00006-00007779-00008306 If you want to do it in the right way, you need to make the base and put some flowers on it. eYlt37bqGzu-00007-00008311-00009162 There are some kind of flowers you can use for praying, such as plumeria and marigold flowers. eYlt37bqGzu-00008-00009173-00009686 If you want your <i>canang</i> consist a complete filling, it will be better if you put it all by yourself. eYlt37bqGzu-00009-00010675-00011146 On a special day, we can make 50 pieces of <i>canang</i> or more. eYlt37bqGzu-00010-00011158-00011808 But daily we only make 25 to 35 pieces. eYlt37bqGzu-00011-00011832-00012136 The one who make it is my grandmother, I'm just helping her. eYlt37bqGzu-00012-00012838-00013214 In one day, I usually make 300 pieces of <i>canang</i>. eYlt37bqGzu-00013-00013237-00014115 Everyday I sell it to my consumers on 1000 rupiah per 15 pieces. eYlt37bqGzu-00014-00014127-00014585 My consumers are just five people. eYlt37bqGzu-00015-00014780-00015629 Usually, we can found young coconut leave at the market or some stall. eYlt37bqGzu-00016-00015714-00016369 There is only a few people who plant coconut trees. eYlt37bqGzu-00017-00016469-00016940 It's hard to find someone who is willing to climb the coconut tree. eYlt37bqGzu-00018-00016961-00017236 If there's one, we have to pay them. eYlt37bqGzu-00019-00018223-00019014 I've became a tree climber since I was 20 years old. eYlt37bqGzu-00020-00019082-00019900 When someone asked my help to climb the coconut tree, I usually ask for the coconut as the payback. eYlt37bqGzu-00021-00019905-00020219 But on special days, I ask for some leaves. eYlt37bqGzu-00022-00021332-00021736 I was never get paid for my work since the begining. eYlt37bqGzu-00023-00021741-00022593 I personally like to help them without asking for feedback, just like what people always do at <i>yadnya</i> ceremony. eYlt37bqGzu-00024-00023601-00024581 Every morning I wake up, get some breakfast, then go to ricefields. eYlt37bqGzu-00025-00025617-00026210 And since I also have some cows, I have to get some grass at the afternoon to feed them. eYlt37bqGzu-00026-00026957-00027681 If there's still time, I'll came back to the field to make sure the water is doing good. eYlt37bqGzu-00027-00028039-00028948 When the sun is going down, I'll going back home and go to sleep since there's nothing left to do. eYlt37bqGzu-00028-00029877-00030144 It's hard to get the young coconut leaves eYlt37bqGzu-00029-00030152-00030606 because most of the men here are working outside and spend less time at home. eYlt37bqGzu-00030-00031313-00032152 There are at least 3 other people that I take with me and I can only climb 7 trees at once. eYlt37bqGzu-00031-00035017-00035830 I can make <i>canang</i> by my own since I was a first grader in elementary school. eYlt37bqGzu-00032-00035834-00036302 If I had a lot of works to do, I usually buy those <i>canang</i>. eYlt37bqGzu-00033-00037394-00037876 It doesn't keep your time from doing your any other activities. eYlt37bqGzu-00034-00037902-00038868 If there's no climber, we should look for another climber and it spend a lot of time. eYlt37bqGzu-00035-00038990-00039508 It's easier if we buy it because we only need to prepare for the money. eYlt37bqGzu-00036-00039988-00040430 I like it when all the tools to make <i>canang</i> are already there eYlt37bqGzu-00037-00040455-00040775 because we don't have to spend more time to looking for the tools. eYlt37bqGzu-00038-00042340-00042651 It's hard to find coconut tree in Kelating. eYlt37bqGzu-00039-00042660-00042974 But <i>canang</i> is an important element in our praying. eYlt37bqGzu-00040-00043218-00043620 As a Balinese woman, I should have the skill to make <i>canang</i>. eYlt37bqGzu-00041-00045283-00045731 It would be better if we make at least one <i>canang</i> every time we have a spare time. eYlt37bqGzu-00042-00045736-00046186 So we don't lose the skill to make <i>canang</i>. eYlt37bqGzu-00043-00046191-00046667 It would be helpful if we can't found any <i>canang</i> seller. eYs-9N_L8Fk-00000-00000790-00001290 Hello, I'm John Burland and I'm based here at Imperial College eYs-9N_L8Fk-00001-00001290-00001789 and for most of my life I have worked as a geotechnical engineer eYs-9N_L8Fk-00002-00001789-00002190 My work has taken me to many parts of the world eYs-9N_L8Fk-00003-00002190-00002700 and I've been involved in hundreds of fascinating and interesting projects. eYs-9N_L8Fk-00004-00002700-00003100 Perhaps the most famous one that I was privileged to work on eYs-9N_L8Fk-00005-00003100-00003429 was the "leaning tower of pisa" eYs-9N_L8Fk-00006-00003429-00003879 and my job there was to stop it from falling over. eYs-9N_L8Fk-00007-00003879-00004540 Now as we know, civil engineering is all about providing eYs-9N_L8Fk-00008-00004540-00005100 and maintaining the infrastructure that makes civilization possible. eYs-9N_L8Fk-00009-00005100-00005840 And by infrastructure I mean roads, railways, canals, eYs-9N_L8Fk-00010-00005840-00006700 tunnels, damns, airports, bridges. eYs-9N_L8Fk-00011-00006700-00007300 So really geotechnical engineering is a specialization of civil engineering. eYs-9N_L8Fk-00012-00007300-00007930 Now all this civil engineering infrastructures has to rest on the ground. eYs-9N_L8Fk-00013-00007930-00008440 And the next time you are in a tunnel and wondering why it's not falling in, eYs-9N_L8Fk-00014-00008440-00008950 or in a large building and wondering why it's not sinking into the ground. eYs-9N_L8Fk-00015-00008950-00009410 Give thanks to a geotechnical engineer who maybe long forgotten now eYs-9N_L8Fk-00016-00009410-00010180 because it was his responsibility for making sure that those structures are safe. eYs-9N_L8Fk-00017-00010590-00011350 Soil mechanics is that branch of science that studies the mechanical behaviour of soils eYs-9N_L8Fk-00018-00011350-00011920 as they apply to the design of civil engineering structures eYs-9N_L8Fk-00019-00011960-00012730 I'm often struck by the intimate knowledge that a craftsman has of the materials that they have to work with. eYs-9N_L8Fk-00020-00012730-00013400 As geotechnical engineers the principal material that we are working with is the soil. eYs-9N_L8Fk-00021-00013400-00014100 And a good geotechnical engineer requires intimate knowledge of how the soil behaves. eYs-9N_L8Fk-00022-00014100-00015100 This series of videos is intended to help geotechnical engineers really understand their material: soil. egqx5MKL_N4-00000-00000076-00000796 Hi! I'm Lara Nicosia and I'm the librarian for History, Religion and Classics. and African and African-American Studies egqx5MKL_N4-00001-00000796-00000989 at the University of Rochester. egqx5MKL_N4-00002-00000990-00001433 And I want you to be successful with your research. egqx5MKL_N4-00003-00001433-00001629 I can help you in lots of different ways. egqx5MKL_N4-00004-00001630-00001846 I can help you develop your topic. egqx5MKL_N4-00005-00001846-00002176 I can help you come up with creative search strategies, egqx5MKL_N4-00006-00002176-00002423 find credible resources on a topic, egqx5MKL_N4-00007-00002423-00002636 navigate the library’s databases, egqx5MKL_N4-00008-00002636-00002806 format your citations. egqx5MKL_N4-00009-00002806-00003339 Really any question that you have about the library and its services, I can help you. egqx5MKL_N4-00010-00003340-00003576 Now, I know what you’re thinking. egqx5MKL_N4-00011-00003576-00004333 You're thinking "Wow Lara, that sounds amazing! But if I need help, how am I going to know how to find you?" egqx5MKL_N4-00012-00004333-00005093 Well that's super easy too! Just go to the library's homepage and look for the "Get Help" option up at the top. egqx5MKL_N4-00013-00005093-00005486 From there, you'll see a link that says "Find your Outreach Librarian." egqx5MKL_N4-00014-00005486-00005796 I'm easy to find because I'm second on the list. egqx5MKL_N4-00015-00005796-00006379 It's got my email address and phone number and if you click on the link for any of the subjects that I cover, egqx5MKL_N4-00016-00006380-00006909 you'll be taken to a research guide that includes even more ways to get in touch with me. egqx5MKL_N4-00017-00006909-00007436 My favorite is the "Zoom with Lara" feature that let's you quickly put time on my calendar. egqx5MKL_N4-00018-00007436-00008133 Or, you can just go to to get right on my schedule. egqx5MKL_N4-00019-00008133-00008406 So the next time you're looking for sources for a project egqx5MKL_N4-00020-00008406-00008726 or better yet when you're first starting out with your research egqx5MKL_N4-00021-00008726-00008999 please reach out. I'm here for you! ehrEDNkPme4-00001-00000528-00000837 This guy has been admitted today ehrEDNkPme4-00002-00000837-00001063 a boy ehrEDNkPme4-00003-00001094-00001370 with a leg trauma ehrEDNkPme4-00004-00001370-00001494 I don't think there is a bone fracture ehrEDNkPme4-00005-00001494-00001841 maybe he broke his finger ehrEDNkPme4-00006-00001848-00002146 the X-ray will show this ehrEDNkPme4-00007-00002146-00002443 Does it hurt? Put out your paw, will you? ehrEDNkPme4-00008-00002443-00002742 Don't be scared, let me examine your paw ehrEDNkPme4-00009-00002742-00003042 Let me pet you then ehrEDNkPme4-00010-00003042-00003344 Good boy, right, good boy ehrEDNkPme4-00011-00003344-00003564 You want to bite me? I'll just pet you a little ehrEDNkPme4-00012-00003564-00003860 I won't hurt you! Good boy! ehrEDNkPme4-00013-00003860-00004161 Ok, that's it! ehrEDNkPme4-00014-00004161-00004446 Good boy! Don't be scared! ehrEDNkPme4-00015-00004446-00004793 No one's going to hurt you ehrEDNkPme4-00016-00004826-00005152 Good boy, I know your leg hurts now ehrEDNkPme4-00017-00005152-00005439 the leg hurts and the teeth want to bite me ehrEDNkPme4-00018-00005439-00005738 right? ehrEDNkPme4-00019-00005741-00005864 does it hurt? ehrEDNkPme4-00020-00005930-00006170 hey, look what you can do ehrEDNkPme4-00021-00006208-00006515 hey, little nose ehrEDNkPme4-00022-00006515-00006640 ok, ok, don't be scared ehrEDNkPme4-00023-00006758-00006942 now, the leg ehrEDNkPme4-00024-00006991-00007259 what has happened to your leg? ehrEDNkPme4-00025-00007259-00007527 he can stand, he can move it, so it's not broken ehrEDNkPme4-00026-00007527-00007854 but it's been injured and needs treatment ehrEDNkPme4-00027-00007860-00008077 we'll now give you an injection, ok? ehrEDNkPme4-00028-00008113-00008389 here we have a patient who ehrEDNkPme4-00029-00008389-00008695 resists treatment desperately ehrEDNkPme4-00030-00008695-00008997 he does not allow us to examine his legs ehrEDNkPme4-00031-00008997-00009097 and he's trying to bite me ehrEDNkPme4-00032-00009133-00009263 and still, his leg requires treatment ehrEDNkPme4-00033-00009345-00009451 you know your leg needs treatment, don't you? ehrEDNkPme4-00034-00009562-00009851 and so we'll give you an injection ehrEDNkPme4-00035-00009872-00010050 give me the medicine, it's time for some advertising ehrEDNkPme4-00036-00010153-00010253 here we have ehrEDNkPme4-00037-00010330-00010609 Antiseptic Stimulator invented by Dorogov ehrEDNkPme4-00038-00010609-00010911 Series #3, it's very useful ehrEDNkPme4-00039-00010911-00011097 because ehrEDNkPme4-00040-00011178-00011491 it heals wounds and bruises very effectively ehrEDNkPme4-00041-00011491-00011605 it smells terribly ehrEDNkPme4-00042-00011637-00011868 yet, it's very effective ehrEDNkPme4-00043-00011923-00012264 I will now try to fix his muzzle ehrEDNkPme4-00044-00012277-00012383 may I? ehrEDNkPme4-00045-00012507-00012614 ok ehrEDNkPme4-00046-00012676-00012999 I'm now fixing your muzzle ehrEDNkPme4-00047-00013089-00013221 you see? ehrEDNkPme4-00048-00013295-00013598 this is to prevent you from biting ehrEDNkPme4-00049-00013629-00013922 now I press you slightly ehrEDNkPme4-00050-00013974-00014233 towards the corner ehrEDNkPme4-00051-00014255-00014475 but let's give you the injection first ehrEDNkPme4-00052-00014547-00014893 Mihaylovna, we need an injection, I am holding him like this ehrEDNkPme4-00053-00015058-00015397 I'm holding ehrEDNkPme4-00054-00015601-00015741 stop-stop ehrEDNkPme4-00055-00015851-00016068 let's try here then ehrEDNkPme4-00056-00016217-00016317 inject ehrEDNkPme4-00057-00016470-00016737 that's good, ok, relax ehrEDNkPme4-00058-00016778-00017103 and we now need to apply the medicine spray to his leg ehrEDNkPme4-00059-00017124-00017421 how shall we do this? ehrEDNkPme4-00060-00017421-00017761 ok ehrEDNkPme4-00061-00017761-00017893 wait ehrEDNkPme4-00062-00018061-00018314 ok, I hold him ehrEDNkPme4-00063-00018314-00018564 ok, like this, great ehrEDNkPme4-00064-00018564-00018716 you can even take his leg in your hands ehrEDNkPme4-00065-00019057-00019157 good ehrEDNkPme4-00066-00019222-00019514 ok, don't be scared ehrEDNkPme4-00067-00019514-00019728 it's all right, boy, it's all right ehrEDNkPme4-00068-00019776-00019983 relax ehrEDNkPme4-00069-00020155-00020401 done, that's it! ehrEDNkPme4-00070-00020430-00020764 ok, good boy ehrEDNkPme4-00071-00020764-00020969 did you manage to apply the medicine? ehrEDNkPme4-00072-00021036-00021157 ok, wait a minute ehrEDNkPme4-00074-00021512-00021612 all right ehrEDNkPme4-00075-00021612-00021913 don't get mad ehrEDNkPme4-00076-00021913-00022162 try it now ehrEDNkPme4-00081-00023485-00023638 Success? ehrEDNkPme4-00082-00023716-00023826 Great! ehrEDNkPme4-00083-00024918-00025018 that's it ehrEDNkPme4-00084-00025039-00025139 Hey! You stay here ehrEDNkPme4-00085-00025857-00025957 ok ehrEDNkPme4-00086-00025975-00026137 here's another patient ehrEDNkPme4-00087-00026208-00026308 Hello! ehrEDNkPme4-00088-00026508-00026608 How are you doing? ehrEDNkPme4-00089-00026800-00027071 He has three bone fractions ehrEDNkPme4-00090-00027181-00027285 Are you thirsty? ehrEDNkPme4-00091-00027547-00027897 he has a plate in his shoulder ehrEDNkPme4-00092-00027959-00028104 and also those needles here ehrEDNkPme4-00093-00028172-00028462 there's a fraction here, one more fraction there ehrEDNkPme4-00094-00028462-00028719 and also one more in the shoulder zone, right? ehrEDNkPme4-00095-00028908-00029186 yes, good boy, Barbos ehrEDNkPme4-00096-00029268-00029575 our doctor is, indeed, genius ehrEDNkPme4-00097-00029575-00029841 Vadim ehrEDNkPme4-00098-00029886-00030160 or, more appropriately, Vadim Alexandrovich, ehrEDNkPme4-00099-00030160-00030476 is an outstanding doctor ehrEDNkPme4-00100-00030476-00030719 he performs extremely complicated surgery operations ehrEDNkPme4-00101-00030719-00031012 just imagine, 3 bone fractions ehrEDNkPme4-00102-00031012-00031300 and our patient is already able to stand ehrEDNkPme4-00103-00031300-00031603 I don't want to demonstrate it now because he needs rest ehrEDNkPme4-00104-00031647-00031738 but ask Mihaylovna ehrEDNkPme4-00105-00031738-00032051 when she came here to clean the box, the dog was standing on all his four feet ehrEDNkPme4-00106-00032051-00032153 am I right? ehrEDNkPme4-00107-00032185-00032436 yes, right he even made a few steps, ehrEDNkPme4-00108-00032436-00032740 good boy, you'll be able to walk soon ehrEDNkPme4-00109-00032860-00032960 hello! ehrEDNkPme4-00110-00033012-00033293 do you want to go out for a walk? ehrEDNkPme4-00111-00033293-00033393 yeah, you look excited, come here then ehrEDNkPme4-00112-00033432-00033643 come here, little girl ehrEDNkPme4-00113-00033730-00033830 that's it ehrEDNkPme4-00114-00033842-00034170 good girl ehrEDNkPme4-00115-00034177-00034470 come to me ehrEDNkPme4-00116-00034470-00034786 good girl! ehrEDNkPme4-00117-00034786-00034922 yes ehrEDNkPme4-00118-00034973-00035294 you wanted to have a walk, didn't you? ehrEDNkPme4-00119-00035294-00035533 looks like it doesn't hurt anymore ehrEDNkPme4-00120-00035565-00035722 good girl! ehrEDNkPme4-00121-00035761-00035912 good little girl! ehrEDNkPme4-00122-00035973-00036245 yet, we can't remove this collar so far ehrEDNkPme4-00123-00036245-00036548 yes, you are a good girl ehrEDNkPme4-00126-00036804-00036990 this little girl ehrEDNkPme4-00127-00037094-00037384 she had a huge tumor ehrEDNkPme4-00128-00037384-00037725 it was as big as a ball ehrEDNkPme4-00129-00037739-00038047 several kilograms ehrEDNkPme4-00130-00038159-00038460 2 kilos? ehrEDNkPme4-00131-00038468-00038765 even bigger ehrEDNkPme4-00132-00038765-00039067 it was real big ehrEDNkPme4-00133-00039067-00039378 now she feels good ehrEDNkPme4-00134-00039378-00039725 the sutures are dry ehrEDNkPme4-00135-00039777-00040088 yes, everything looks all right ehrEDNkPme4-00136-00040088-00040383 yes, girl, you are doing well ehrEDNkPme4-00137-00040383-00040483 yeah ehrEDNkPme4-00138-00040506-00040804 everything's good, you'll recover soon ehrEDNkPme4-00139-00040804-00040994 do you feel the improvement? ehrEDNkPme4-00140-00041043-00041323 yes, our doctor has done a great job! ehrEDNkPme4-00141-00041323-00041638 yeah, it's itching, I know ehrEDNkPme4-00142-00041638-00041943 her ear is itching, she cannot scratch it because of the collar ehrEDNkPme4-00143-00042022-00042156 oh, hello! ehrEDNkPme4-00144-00042277-00042399 you love your new pillow? ehrEDNkPme4-00145-00042476-00042755 yeah, hello ehrEDNkPme4-00146-00042788-00043032 this is our new patient ehrEDNkPme4-00147-00043068-00043319 a small girl ehrEDNkPme4-00148-00043319-00043618 who's made those drops? ehrEDNkPme4-00149-00043618-00043858 look at her, she's cute ehrEDNkPme4-00150-00043928-00044260 who's so cute? ehrEDNkPme4-00151-00044299-00044625 good girl ehrEDNkPme4-00152-00044627-00044884 she's so playful ehrEDNkPme4-00154-00045182-00045500 good girl ehrEDNkPme4-00155-00045500-00045775 so small, so good ehrEDNkPme4-00156-00045916-00046264 I've put those toys on her pillow ehrEDNkPme4-00157-00046273-00046373 but she's got rid of them ehrEDNkPme4-00159-00046811-00047114 you'll sleep here ehrEDNkPme4-00160-00047514-00047757 ok, you'll find your new home soon ehrEDNkPme4-00161-00047834-00048150 yes, a new home, that's what you need most now ehrEDNkPme4-00162-00048150-00048313 a cozy new home ehrEDNkPme4-00163-00048385-00048667 such a cool little girl ehrEDNkPme4-00164-00048667-00048893 get there ehrEDNkPme4-00165-00048935-00049207 Oh, hello ehrEDNkPme4-00166-00049257-00049672 What's wrong? ehrEDNkPme4-00167-00049804-00049934 His finger might be broken ehrEDNkPme4-00168-00050011-00050280 What's your name? ehrEDNkPme4-00169-00050280-00050565 Won't you bite me? Can I pet you? ehrEDNkPme4-00170-00050565-00050630 Good boy ehrEDNkPme4-00171-00050630-00050874 - his name is Squirrel ehrEDNkPme4-00172-00051020-00051333 As I understand, Squirrel cannot stand on his back legs? ehrEDNkPme4-00173-00051480-00051698 The doctor is coming today ehrEDNkPme4-00174-00051698-00051986 He'll examine you ehrEDNkPme4-00175-00051986-00052128 A mite! Another one! ehrEDNkPme4-00176-00052171-00052464 - His temperature is normal. - Let's hope he has not caught an infection from those mites ehrEDNkPme4-00178-00052644-00052766 here is another one ehrEDNkPme4-00179-00052877-00053051 that's quite a lot of them you've collected ehrEDNkPme4-00180-00053121-00053424 and here are more ehrEDNkPme4-00181-00053434-00053684 and her leg looks injured here ehrEDNkPme4-00182-00053684-00053734 we need to examine it ehrEDNkPme4-00183-00053734-00053863 a scar ehrEDNkPme4-00184-00053998-00054098 ok ehrEDNkPme4-00185-00054341-00054562 we need more light ehrEDNkPme4-00186-00054626-00054726 let me see ehrEDNkPme4-00187-00054746-00054856 what do we have here? ehrEDNkPme4-00188-00055029-00055129 an old trauma ehrEDNkPme4-00189-00055145-00055288 it could have healed ehrEDNkPme4-00190-00055590-00055852 the doctor will examine you, anyway ehrEDNkPme4-00191-00055952-00056200 Squirrel, sweetheart ehrEDNkPme4-00192-00056200-00056324 we need to examine you with an X-ray ehrEDNkPme4-00193-00056479-00056701 to understand why you cannot walk ehrEDNkPme4-00194-00056753-00057002 What do we have here? ehrEDNkPme4-00195-00057106-00057344 Oh, hello, wow! you are a Labrador ehrEDNkPme4-00196-00057402-00057522 Labrador! ehrEDNkPme4-00197-00057640-00057916 And why is your nose so brown? ehrEDNkPme4-00199-00058068-00058373 this is our good boy ehrEDNkPme4-00200-00058373-00058556 he cannot walk with his back legs ehrEDNkPme4-00202-00058945-00059122 show me your ears ehrEDNkPme4-00203-00059195-00059300 all clean ehrEDNkPme4-00204-00059478-00059802 lie down, let me examine you ehrEDNkPme4-00205-00059850-00060153 let me see why you can't walk ehrEDNkPme4-00206-00060184-00060449 no pressure marks here, everything's all right ehrEDNkPme4-00208-00061003-00061120 he even has ehrEDNkPme4-00209-00061261-00061515 an earmark ehrEDNkPme4-00211-00061675-00061838 it looks like he's had a trauma ehrEDNkPme4-00212-00061910-00062126 perhaps a spine injury ehrEDNkPme4-00213-00062312-00062412 it looks like he ehrEDNkPme4-00214-00062509-00062721 cannot feel his legs ehrEDNkPme4-00215-00062772-00063073 the doctor is coming today, he'll examine him ehrEDNkPme4-00216-00063102-00063353 he does not walk ehrEDNkPme4-00217-00063394-00063494 oh, hello! ehrEDNkPme4-00218-00063532-00063749 hello, sweetheart! ehrEDNkPme4-00219-00063834-00064130 how are you today? ehrEDNkPme4-00220-00064130-00064280 have you eaten anything? ehrEDNkPme4-00221-00064345-00064470 good girl! ehrEDNkPme4-00222-00064511-00064712 look, her eye, it has normalized ehrEDNkPme4-00223-00064876-00065142 one eye is missing ehrEDNkPme4-00224-00065142-00065433 the doctor will examine her today ehrEDNkPme4-00225-00065462-00065743 this girl, they have simply thrown her away in a forest ehrEDNkPme4-00226-00065743-00066041 she can see with this eye, that's good ehrEDNkPme4-00227-00066041-00066319 we need to give her eye drops ehrEDNkPme4-00229-00066445-00066764 this little, tiny girl, I don't know her age ehrEDNkPme4-00230-00066764-00067021 let me see ehrEDNkPme4-00231-00067021-00067298 she's not old ehrEDNkPme4-00232-00067298-00067586 or is she? ehrEDNkPme4-00233-00067606-00067896 not that old, I would say ehrEDNkPme4-00234-00067928-00068231 I can't see exactly, I do not want to disturb her with this examination ehrEDNkPme4-00236-00068437-00068537 this tiny creature ehrEDNkPme4-00237-00068634-00068926 has been left in a forest ehrEDNkPme4-00238-00068926-00069244 unless there was a man ehrEDNkPme4-00239-00069244-00069344 whose hobby is ehrEDNkPme4-00240-00069416-00069691 treasure hunting ehrEDNkPme4-00241-00069691-00070041 it's popular now, you know ehrEDNkPme4-00242-00070049-00070341 even more popular than fishing ehrEDNkPme4-00243-00070341-00070639 this man he was searching through the forest ehrEDNkPme4-00244-00070639-00070979 and he discovered this little girl ehrEDNkPme4-00245-00070979-00071252 she was all abandoned ehrEDNkPme4-00246-00071252-00071539 they have just thrown her out ehrEDNkPme4-00248-00071661-00071822 like I say ehrEDNkPme4-00249-00071842-00072164 dogs must have their own angels who protect them ehrEDNkPme4-00250-00072164-00072451 you cannot see this under her hair ehrEDNkPme4-00251-00072451-00072618 but I can feel with my hand ehrEDNkPme4-00252-00072681-00072977 how dramatically skinny she is ehrEDNkPme4-00253-00072977-00073311 I can feel every single bone ehrEDNkPme4-00254-00073311-00073540 we cannot say how long she spent in that forest ehrEDNkPme4-00255-00073540-00073797 she was, most likely, starving there ehrEDNkPme4-00256-00073797-00073920 yes, sweetheart ehrEDNkPme4-00257-00074022-00074331 you good girl ehrEDNkPme4-00258-00074331-00074608 let me see your eye ehrEDNkPme4-00259-00074759-00074966 good girl ehrEDNkPme4-00260-00075038-00075286 she is very good, very calm ehrEDNkPme4-00261-00075286-00075557 I hope sincerely ehrEDNkPme4-00262-00075557-00075668 that after we provide her ehrEDNkPme4-00263-00075777-00075997 with the necessary treatment ehrEDNkPme4-00264-00075997-00076346 the doctor will decide what kind of treatment is required ehrEDNkPme4-00265-00076379-00076689 it's unclear now whether this eye can be cured ehrEDNkPme4-00266-00076689-00076993 or, maybe, it should be removed ehrEDNkPme4-00267-00076993-00077290 in this case, she might stay blind for the rest of her life ehrEDNkPme4-00268-00077290-00077581 but a tiny Pekinese like this ehrEDNkPme4-00269-00077624-00077909 with a nice temper that she has ehrEDNkPme4-00270-00077909-00078210 seriously, I am sure she should find a new home ehrEDNkPme4-00271-00078210-00078498 because she has a wonderful temper ehrEDNkPme4-00272-00078498-00078806 she's tender and calm ehrEDNkPme4-00273-00078806-00079109 yes, good girl ehrEDNkPme4-00274-00079109-00079327 poor creature was left in the forest ehrEDNkPme4-00275-00079349-00079637 good girl, the doctor will help you ehrEDNkPme4-00276-00079637-00079902 oh, let me help you ehrEDNkPme4-00277-00079902-00080002 yes, like this ehrEDNkPme4-00278-00080044-00080306 she just needs good treatment ehrEDNkPme4-00279-00080306-00080524 she has a beautiful color ehrEDNkPme4-00280-00080702-00080956 such a lovely girl ehrEDNkPme4-00281-00081041-00081144 yes, that's you ehrEDNkPme4-00282-00081179-00081440 ok, that's it, the doctor will examine you today ehrEDNkPme4-00283-00081440-00081673 let's give you the eye drops ehrEDNkPme4-00284-00081828-00082131 the eye drops ehrEDNkPme4-00285-00082131-00082473 don't press too hard ehrEDNkPme4-00286-00082588-00082688 yes, good ehrEDNkPme4-00287-00082737-00082889 that's it ehrEDNkPme4-00288-00083032-00083322 the doctor will examine this eye ehrEDNkPme4-00289-00083322-00083613 good girl, she has had some food already ehrEDNkPme4-00290-00083613-00083725 that's good ehrEDNkPme4-00291-00084100-00084287 this is your box, isn't it? ehrEDNkPme4-00292-00084357-00084667 she likes to sleep here ehrEDNkPme4-00293-00084667-00084767 yes, good ehrEDNkPme4-00294-00084842-00084942 who were those people ehrEDNkPme4-00295-00085105-00085262 who left her? ej1O6TWMuS8-00000-00000135-00000750 One of the challenges that we faced when we brought the teepee on Parliament Hill, ej1O6TWMuS8-00001-00000750-00001350 the ceremonial teepee, on unseeded Algonquin land on Parliament Hill at Kenneth's 150th birthday, ej1O6TWMuS8-00002-00001350-00002532 was that it was mostly youth organizing this action. We were responding to Idle No More's ej1O6TWMuS8-00003-00002532-00003264 call to action, which is a national or organization, grassroot organization, ej1O6TWMuS8-00004-00003264-00004293 that supports indigenous struggles. So we were youth and not a lot of people believed in us so ej1O6TWMuS8-00005-00004293-00005121 we had to hold our own meeting and we did not get any support until people started to arrest ej1O6TWMuS8-00006-00005121-00005685 some people from our group, like people, like there was violence that and in that all the ej1O6TWMuS8-00007-00005685-00006189 media showed up and all the politicians showed up, that's when people started to show support, ej1O6TWMuS8-00008-00006189-00006903 when it becomes big, but that's not the that's not the reason why we did it. We had kind of a vision ej1O6TWMuS8-00009-00006903-00007887 from the start and if you stick to it and try not to be influenced by changes in media attention and ej1O6TWMuS8-00010-00007887-00008694 professor attention or a community like the wider community attention (that) now starts to believe ej1O6TWMuS8-00011-00008694-00009459 in you once you somehow got (the) attention of the wider public sphere then usually it's good because ej1O6TWMuS8-00012-00009459-00010353 you're not going to get such a huge success every time, it depends on so many factors so some ej1O6TWMuS8-00013-00010353-00010824 rallies or direct action that you will organize, almost no people will show up. That happens, ej1O6TWMuS8-00014-00010824-00011574 people don't talk about that, but there's also, it's also part of it. So sometimes you'll do ej1O6TWMuS8-00015-00011574-00012186 something that's really successful and will affect public opinion about something, so that's great, ej1O6TWMuS8-00016-00012186-00012936 but that doesn't mean that it's always going to be like that. And it's important to remember that, ej1O6TWMuS8-00017-00012936-00013902 I think to not get discouraged and to keep going. So yeah, one of the main things and also for older ej1O6TWMuS8-00018-00013902-00014568 like people to believe your youth, when they want to come up with a plan that seems impossible, ej1O6TWMuS8-00019-00014568-00015113 when they want to change, when they are driven to change communities, one of the biggest, ej1O6TWMuS8-00020-00015113-00015678 the most important thing that you can do is to believe (in) them and to offer whatever a ej1O6TWMuS8-00021-00015678-00016638 small support that you can so to not always shut down possibilities of world making really so yeah ejDUVal8EzI-00000-00000280-00000743 I chose to do an apprenticeship because I was deemed a kinaesthetic learner at school, ejDUVal8EzI-00001-00000743-00001096 so I prefer doing all the hands-on subjects and learning with my hands. ejDUVal8EzI-00002-00001097-00001644 It's a great alternative to a full time theory education because you get to come into the workplace, ejDUVal8EzI-00003-00001644-00002051 you can see what you enjoy and don't enjoy, and you can adapt and move around the departments ejDUVal8EzI-00004-00002051-00002217 to suit yourself. ejDUVal8EzI-00005-00002219-00002671 You get to build your personal and technical skills, to be more employable at the end of it. ejDUVal8EzI-00006-00002672-00003286 It would be great to win because it would give recognition to myself and my mentors ejDUVal8EzI-00007-00003288-00003686 and employers, and it would also say a big thank you to my mum and dad for supporting ejDUVal8EzI-00008-00003686-00004156 me and my dad for passing down his skills because they've always told me to make them proud. ek33rG_t1g0-00000-00000000-00000200 -(Lowercase Q sighs angrily) Again with the replacing?! ek33rG_t1g0-00001-00000206-00000286 CUT!!!!!!!!!!!! ek33rG_t1g0-00002-00000300-00000500 Why is Babra Acom in the logo? ek33rG_t1g0-00003-00000637-00000820 -(Babra Acom): Oh, I'm just D's replacement because ek33rG_t1g0-00004-00000826-00001158 he's watching "Law & Order" on NBC right now. ek33rG_t1g0-00005-00001222-00001612 (Theme from "Law & Order" plays) ek33rG_t1g0-00006-00001748-00002050 -(Lowercase D): I love this series that Dante requested me to see! ek33rG_t1g0-00007-00002176-00002409 I wonder how long he's been watching it. ek33rG_t1g0-00008-00002423-00002506 -(Babra Acom): FYI, ek33rG_t1g0-00009-00002516-00002736 I'm also going to be the footage viewer of this movie. ek33rG_t1g0-00010-00002762-00002948 -(Lowercase Q): Oh, ok! ek33rG_t1g0-00011-00002963-00003116 We'll just wait for D to come back, ek33rG_t1g0-00012-00003135-00003335 and then we'll do take 7... ek33rG_t1g0-00013-00003350-00003660 since you're going to be the footage viewer, too. ek9O2a-8Y9g-00000-00000000-00000200 free beat 2021 ek9O2a-8Y9g-00001-00000200-00000400 read description ek9O2a-8Y9g-00002-00000400-00000600 subscribe :D ek9O2a-8Y9g-00003-00000600-00001097 @geraldsouvenir fo4D1vkKB9y-00000-00000176-00000896 thank you a couple things a couple days ago i was talking to a scientist that the fo4D1vkKB9y-00001-00000896-00001416 institute of nordic sciences they study human consciousness and its expansion fo4D1vkKB9y-00002-00001504-00001976 and i related a synchronous experience i had a really profound one fo4D1vkKB9y-00003-00001976-00002720 that involved in a way wayne dyer the late wayne dyer obviously myself a lady that had leprosy fo4D1vkKB9y-00004-00002720-00003376 in the philippines and what certainly sounds like an unmistakable communication from my fo4D1vkKB9y-00005-00003432-00004152 deceased sister just to quickly say it i had lent out six cassettes from wayne dyer fo4D1vkKB9y-00006-00004216-00004944 called real magic when they were returned to me all were rewound except for one cassette fo4D1vkKB9y-00007-00004944-00005488 and at first i thought oh man you think they could at least rewind this you know and then i thought fo4D1vkKB9y-00008-00005488-00006080 well maybe there's a message here for me so i walked over to my fancy cassette player connected fo4D1vkKB9y-00009-00006080-00006831 to my sophisticated music system dropped it in and i said ah this is the side dropped it in and hit fo4D1vkKB9y-00010-00006831-00007552 the play button and what i heard was wayne dyer saying suppose you haven't heard from your sister fo4D1vkKB9y-00011-00007552-00008144 in three years and you're thinking how nice it would be to talk to her and the telephone rings fo4D1vkKB9y-00012-00008200-00008800 i knew what came next it's her calling you so i hit the stop button and i sat on the floor fo4D1vkKB9y-00013-00008800-00009312 and i said well it's been three years since my sister passed i would really love to hear from her fo4D1vkKB9y-00014-00009376-00010200 rewind the tape went to bed there was a letter on my desk that day that arrived from the philippines fo4D1vkKB9y-00015-00010200-00010920 i would send money several times a year to a lady that had leprosy she would always send back to me fo4D1vkKB9y-00016-00010984-00011600 this detailed letter thanking me and saying i bought a pair of sneakers for my daughter this fo4D1vkKB9y-00017-00011600-00012304 and that a detailed list and this had gone on for years and so the first thing i did that morning fo4D1vkKB9y-00018-00012304-00012776 was i opened the letter you know after i had gone to bed saying it sure would be nice to hear from fo4D1vkKB9y-00019-00012776-00013496 my sister the letter began in a voice that was uncharacteristic of hers all capital letters fo4D1vkKB9y-00020-00013496-00014184 and then it went back to its normal mode and it said this is the voice of your everlasting sister fo4D1vkKB9y-00021-00014296-00014640 and i fell off the chair and i couldn't stop sobbing it was that fo4D1vkKB9y-00022-00014696-00015352 profound to me because what happened the night before and i immediately shot an express air fo4D1vkKB9y-00023-00015352-00015936 mail to her why did you say that and the next day there was a volcano that erupted fo4D1vkKB9y-00024-00015936-00016456 in the philippines there was i think three casualties and anna cletto was one of them fo4D1vkKB9y-00025-00016592-00017272 so i never got the answer to that but it haunted me and i talked to this scientist and explained fo4D1vkKB9y-00026-00017272-00017776 that he said it's one of the most dramatic stories of coincidence and you know synchronicity he's fo4D1vkKB9y-00027-00017776-00018240 heard of because it involved time for that letter to come from the philippines so it was there the fo4D1vkKB9y-00028-00018240-00019080 next morning the return of the cassettes and he said kyle's play yeah he said it in quantum fo4D1vkKB9y-00029-00019080-00019648 physics the only explanation we have that even hints that is called entanglement we talked fo4D1vkKB9y-00030-00019648-00020168 about entanglement and that maybe everything's entangled since the big bang i'm wondering what fo4D1vkKB9y-00031-00020168-00020864 your thoughts are on that well we've been talking about it already about the content of the vortex fo4D1vkKB9y-00032-00020864-00021520 and about the knowledge of your inner being slash source energy which are all one and the same fo4D1vkKB9y-00033-00021632-00022272 who always know where you are in any moment in time in relationship to everything you want fo4D1vkKB9y-00034-00022384-00022984 and so that timing that we're talking about is always about your readiness so often fo4D1vkKB9y-00035-00023048-00023592 unconsciously you're getting ready to be ready to be ready to be ready and then these things feel fo4D1vkKB9y-00036-00023592-00024248 like astonishing synchronicity when what happened is you're ready to be ready to be ready to be fo4D1vkKB9y-00037-00024248-00024760 ready to be ready to be ready it's the reason that we want you just for a little while to consider fo4D1vkKB9y-00038-00024760-00025432 that you're not thinking thoughts you're receiving thoughts and that there are those who are in fo4D1vkKB9y-00039-00025432-00025976 vibrational alignment with you who know what you're asking for and who know right where you are fo4D1vkKB9y-00040-00025976-00026656 there is nothing unusual about any of this this is the way it is all supposed to be your inner being fo4D1vkKB9y-00041-00026656-00027072 knows what your requests are that's what esther meant when she said to you fo4D1vkKB9y-00042-00027272-00027664 formulate what you want to talk about or just come in your knowingness of what it is fo4D1vkKB9y-00043-00027664-00028160 and it will be part of the conversation here today she hears it in seminar after seminar fo4D1vkKB9y-00044-00028160-00028832 after seminar after seminar because your inner being knows who you are and what you want and fo4D1vkKB9y-00045-00028832-00029512 where you are in readiness for it and really the most significant part of your question and our fo4D1vkKB9y-00046-00029512-00030264 answer lies in your readiness to receive because the timing of that could have been in an entirely fo4D1vkKB9y-00047-00030264-00030808 different time but it all had to do with your readiness for it you see what we're getting at fo4D1vkKB9y-00048-00030808-00031216 imagine that your inner being is all-knowing as your inner being is fo4D1vkKB9y-00049-00031272-00031720 about you and what's in your heart and what you've lived and even the contrast you've lived and what fo4D1vkKB9y-00050-00031720-00032272 you've evolved to as a result of it what if your inner being knows all that you've become fo4D1vkKB9y-00051-00032272-00033128 what if all of that had already happened what if what you're calling now as you think about fo4D1vkKB9y-00052-00033128-00033704 the past past past and then the present present present what if it's all old news and what if this fo4D1vkKB9y-00053-00033704-00034280 vortex which is present tense by our standard what if everything that you've been asking for fo4D1vkKB9y-00054-00034280-00034920 is present tense what if it's all present what if your friend's desire to communicate with you was fo4D1vkKB9y-00055-00034920-00035472 present tense always and what if your desire to communicate with present tense what if you were fo4D1vkKB9y-00056-00035472-00036016 so connected to your vortex that it was all present tense and then you get into the receiving fo4D1vkKB9y-00057-00036016-00036744 mode where what is present tense can come into your world that you think is present getting fo4D1vkKB9y-00058-00036744-00037456 a little whiff of that what is a manifestation anyway it's a it's an awareness it's a perception fo4D1vkKB9y-00059-00037560-00038144 what is time anyway it's awareness or a perception and so it's a beautiful thing when a group of fo4D1vkKB9y-00060-00038144-00038824 people can come together like you all have and here we are in this room and you think you're fo4D1vkKB9y-00061-00038824-00039432 experiencing and you are this physical environment but there is another environment that you are fo4D1vkKB9y-00062-00039432-00039896 tapped into at the same time which holds everything that you are about everything fo4D1vkKB9y-00063-00039896-00040520 that you want to understand and everything that you want to know and as we visit with you about fo4D1vkKB9y-00064-00040520-00041112 things that at many levels of your being you already know and as we sort of cajole you and kid fo4D1vkKB9y-00065-00041112-00041768 you and play with you and reach you through the things that esther finds words to say that we mean fo4D1vkKB9y-00066-00041768-00042448 as you little by little even in the framework of a morning like this find vibrational alignment with fo4D1vkKB9y-00067-00042448-00043168 who you really are now you're ready for more of that what you want to call divine timing divine fo4D1vkKB9y-00068-00043168-00044008 timing where you're just in the receptive mode everything in your vortex is ready to be received fo4D1vkKB9y-00069-00044008-00044696 by you now there's not this holding pattern ready to be revealed the reveal button is on fo4D1vkKB9y-00070-00044864-00045688 we're all up here reveal reveal it all give it all to him give him all that he can receive all fo4D1vkKB9y-00071-00045688-00046384 that he can receive all that he's vibrationally ready for so sometimes it's helpful for you to fo4D1vkKB9y-00072-00046488-00046968 have a little timing which causes you to receive back some recordings and have a little insight fo4D1vkKB9y-00073-00046968-00047408 that oh look some of them are re-round and some of them aren't and then something that occurs to fo4D1vkKB9y-00074-00047408-00047800 you maybe there's something here for me and then a willingness to follow that because it's strong fo4D1vkKB9y-00075-00047800-00048296 enough to put it in and led through the path of least resistance to the things that you want most fo4D1vkKB9y-00076-00048400-00048928 to a manifestation that you were yearning for and asking for but when yearning is stronger fo4D1vkKB9y-00077-00048928-00049560 than believing you don't have the experience and the universe has the ability to deliver to you fo4D1vkKB9y-00078-00049560-00050264 perfect timing on all things so we're not asking you to get into the revelation mode we're asking fo4D1vkKB9y-00079-00050264-00050744 you to get into the receiving mode and we're not telling you you've got to find perfect timing for fo4D1vkKB9y-00080-00050744-00051279 the revelation because the revelation is always coming it's always a good time by our standards fo4D1vkKB9y-00081-00051279-00051672 it's always a good time for you to receive what you want to call the miracle which we call the fo4D1vkKB9y-00082-00051672-00052016 child's play easiest thing in the whole world to give you anything and everything that you've been fo4D1vkKB9y-00083-00052016-00052512 asking for you just got to be ready for it and if you're not ready for it you're not ready for it fo4D1vkKB9y-00084-00052512-00052928 and we don't mean that you should be ready for it we don't mean that at all we don't mean you fo4D1vkKB9y-00085-00052928-00053367 need to get ready we just mean you don't want to receive things that you're not ready for you know fo4D1vkKB9y-00086-00053367-00053848 what happens when you receive something you're not ready for you freak out or you miss it all fo4D1vkKB9y-00087-00053848-00054344 together so this is a conversation about your readiness thank you and i've got to say this fo4D1vkKB9y-00088-00054344-00055055 five weeks ago i walked into my ophthalmologist for a routine checkup and how are your breasts fo4D1vkKB9y-00089-00055448-00056136 i think they're okay but i think this is really relevant he said that i have an eye disease in fo4D1vkKB9y-00090-00056136-00056896 both eyes and i can spontaneously go blind today or any day or more slowly go blind and fo4D1vkKB9y-00091-00056896-00057624 i've been filled with terror ever since then and i had no known thoughts that would have fo4D1vkKB9y-00092-00057624-00058152 brought about that manifestation ahead of time i thought everything was fine why were you there fo4D1vkKB9y-00093-00058248-00058920 well they're routine checkups just you know a history of glaucoma in the family but it fo4D1vkKB9y-00094-00058920-00059784 wasn't that at all macular degeneration so there's immaculate degeneration in the perceived what is fo4D1vkKB9y-00095-00059840-00060408 and there's continual rejuvenation and renewal and replenishment fo4D1vkKB9y-00096-00060408-00061184 in the vibrational realm so the key is how are you going to keep the terror of the proclamation fo4D1vkKB9y-00097-00061248-00061912 how are you going to keep that inactive enough that you can find vibrational alignment fo4D1vkKB9y-00098-00061912-00062744 with replenishment that's the big question isn't it how can i not be so distracted by what is fo4D1vkKB9y-00099-00062744-00063336 how can i get my cork to float again let go of it it'll float you see we just think fo4D1vkKB9y-00100-00063336-00063872 that this is divine timing in the story that you told us earlier because you told us about fo4D1vkKB9y-00101-00063872-00064448 all these things that just came into place and it works both ways doesn't it things come into fo4D1vkKB9y-00102-00064448-00064984 place to support your desire and things come in place to support your fear things will just fo4D1vkKB9y-00103-00064984-00065504 line up one time several years ago esther's father was in the hospital with a heart thing fo4D1vkKB9y-00104-00065640-00066312 and the doctor had not just asked he had somewhat demanded that everyone in the family be there for fo4D1vkKB9y-00105-00066312-00066848 his conversation and esther and jerry were in their bus driving across new york state fo4D1vkKB9y-00106-00066848-00067240 and they were not going to be able to be there and esther said what about a conference call fo4D1vkKB9y-00107-00067296-00067832 and so they beamed her in as to remember sitting on a picnic bench with a satellite phone fo4D1vkKB9y-00108-00067832-00068312 because there was no cellular reception where they were having this conversation and hearing fo4D1vkKB9y-00109-00068312-00069144 and the doctor admonished his daughters to come to see him immediately because what their father had fo4D1vkKB9y-00110-00069144-00070184 they most likely had to and they should get there right away and esther said you're cutting out fo4D1vkKB9y-00111-00070920-00071584 and then the phone went dead because esther pushed the button fo4D1vkKB9y-00112-00071808-00072560 but he planted a seed of concern so then jerry and esther went about what they fo4D1vkKB9y-00113-00072560-00073072 were doing and eventually because they were driving that big bus around the country and fo4D1vkKB9y-00114-00073072-00073656 eventually made their way back to texas and they were building a new house and in the new house fo4D1vkKB9y-00115-00073656-00074384 jerry always wanted a root cellar he always wanted a place where he could have some roots fo4D1vkKB9y-00116-00074488-00075048 and esther thought that was fine as long as he never asked her to go into the root cellar so fo4D1vkKB9y-00117-00075112-00075648 they had a big tank it was actually a water storage tank placed in the floor of their fo4D1vkKB9y-00118-00075648-00076232 large garage and there was a ladder down into it and jerry just thought that this would be a fine fo4D1vkKB9y-00119-00076232-00076840 place for roots a nice dark place for the garden that he was going to have but since it was in the fo4D1vkKB9y-00120-00076840-00077528 garage you had to be able to drive over it so the root cellar had a really heavy steel lid and so fo4D1vkKB9y-00121-00077528-00077976 he put a two before through it and he said to esther you get that in and i'll get this in and fo4D1vkKB9y-00122-00077976-00078528 we'll just take the lid off of this thing so they did esther lifted the lid they lifted the lid off fo4D1vkKB9y-00123-00078528-00079296 and then in a couple of days esther had sharp pains under her left rib oh my god it's the heart fo4D1vkKB9y-00124-00079456-00080176 it's the heart she went right to what the doctor had encouraged her to worry about and forgot fo4D1vkKB9y-00125-00080176-00080848 completely that she'd lifted a 100 pound lid off of the root cellar didn't even think about maybe fo4D1vkKB9y-00126-00080848-00081472 having pulled loose a little tissue or strained a little muscle never occurred to her because she fo4D1vkKB9y-00127-00081472-00082264 was in that mode and so she suffered and worried and suffered and worried and then realized that fo4D1vkKB9y-00128-00082264-00082920 they had actually been guided to the experience that would produce the evidence that would support fo4D1vkKB9y-00129-00082920-00083480 the theory that had been presented to them because that's what creation is you create your fo4D1vkKB9y-00130-00083480-00084176 own reality wanted or not wanted you see so we would never get in a place of quibbling with the fo4D1vkKB9y-00131-00084176-00084832 medical community or of disagreeing with what they are concluding as they are looking into the now fo4D1vkKB9y-00132-00084928-00085384 and we would never discourage anyone from following the advice of their physicians fo4D1vkKB9y-00133-00085384-00085952 as they are living in the now but at the same time that you are doing whatever you're doing fo4D1vkKB9y-00134-00085952-00086456 at dealing with whatever they're helping you to emphasize that is we for sure if we fo4D1vkKB9y-00135-00086456-00086984 were standing in your physical shoes would be finding the reset button on who we really are f4VR5FnIHRU-00000-00000000-00000200 Ušico ga u glavu | RDR2 TREF #borningame #shorts #tiktok f76hBSHJOpE-00000-00000051-00000400 Ahoy mateys! It's Captain Jason of the f76hBSHJOpE-00001-00000400-00000740 SS Collaborative Mathematics, with Challenge 11: f76hBSHJOpE-00002-00000740-00001370 "The Problem With Pirates". f76hBSHJOpE-00003-00001379-00001693 So, I'm recording this video on September 18 f76hBSHJOpE-00004-00001694-00002051 and tomorrow, September 19, as you may know, f76hBSHJOpE-00005-00002051-00002370 is International Talk Like A Pirate f76hBSHJOpE-00006-00002374-00002734 Day. It's a thing. So, yeah. f76hBSHJOpE-00007-00002739-00003075 I thought we would you a pirate-themed challenge f76hBSHJOpE-00008-00003075-00003438 for number 11, and here it is. Here she blows! f76hBSHJOpE-00009-00003442-00004150 Once upon a time, a band of 11 greedy pirates stole a number of golden coins. f76hBSHJOpE-00010-00004150-00004286 I can't keep this up the whole time. f76hBSHJOpE-00011-00004438-00004950 A band of 11 pirates once stole number in golden coins. And they were greedy pirates. f76hBSHJOpE-00012-00004950-00005460 And when they tried to divide the golden coins up among themselves, one coin f76hBSHJOpE-00013-00005460-00005800 was left over. And, being greedy pirates, f76hBSHJOpE-00014-00005800-00006220 they fought over the last coin, and one of them was thrown overboard f76hBSHJOpE-00015-00006354-00006570 And again they tried f76hBSHJOpE-00016-00006570-00006959 the remaining parents tried to divide up the stash of golden coins, f76hBSHJOpE-00017-00006959-00007350 and again one coin was left over. f76hBSHJOpE-00018-00007350-00007680 And again, they fought, and again a pirate was thrown f76hBSHJOpE-00019-00007680-00008200 overboard. Then, when the remaining pirates tried for a third time f76hBSHJOpE-00020-00008200-00008650 to divide up the stash of golden coins, there were none left over and f76hBSHJOpE-00021-00008650-00009060 every pirate on an equal share. The question is f76hBSHJOpE-00022-00009060-00009492 what's the smallest number of golden coins f76hBSHJOpE-00023-00009492-00009950 that the band of pirates might have stolen? f76hBSHJOpE-00024-00009950-00010280 So -- me hearties! -- if you have a solution to that f76hBSHJOpE-00025-00010280-00010714 problem, if you can determine the smallest number of golden coins that the band f76hBSHJOpE-00026-00010714-00011014 of greedy pirates might have stolen, then I would love to see f76hBSHJOpE-00027-00011014-00011315 some response videos in which you explain f76hBSHJOpE-00028-00011315-00011467 your solution. f76hBSHJOpE-00029-00011504-00011980 Find us online, we're on Facebook and we're on Twitter. f76hBSHJOpE-00030-00011980-00012280 @CollaboMath. And, you can find our website f76hBSHJOpE-00031-00012280-00012894 at f76hBSHJOpE-00032-00013004-00013291 And while you're there you can check out the challenge archive f76hBSHJOpE-00033-00013293-00013649 where Challenge 6 was called "Pieces of Eight". f76hBSHJOpE-00034-00013649-00014110 So if you like the pirate theme, if you're into that, you can have a little more f76hBSHJOpE-00035-00014110-00014476 with Pieces of Eight. So there it is! I look forward to seeing what happens next! f76hBSHJOpE-00036-00014476-00014600 Go out there and have fun, f76hBSHJOpE-00037-00014600-00014769 you scurvy dogs. Arr! f8nOH5eAjou-00000-00000000-00000152 previously on trekking paths f8nOH5eAjou-00001-00000776-00001416 it's really pretty i like the dark i like the snow i like the green a lot of colors a lot of f8nOH5eAjou-00002-00001416-00001960 weather we're getting a full dose of nature today we're trekking pals habiba and alex f8nOH5eAjou-00003-00001960-00002528 and for the last few weeks we have been calling alaska home working from our little tiny airbnb f8nOH5eAjou-00004-00002528-00003128 during the week and hitting the hiking trails during the weekends exploring the last frontier f8nOH5eAjou-00005-00003128-00004384 challenging ourselves learning and appreciating the opportunity to escape the heat of the desert f8nOH5eAjou-00006-00004624-00005048 after an epic hike exploring the land of the shugach national forest f8nOH5eAjou-00007-00005048-00005784 it's time to embark on a new off the beaten path adventure with trekking pal f8nOH5eAjou-00008-00006192-00006600 today we are exploring the 26 extraordinary glaciers of prince f8nOH5eAjou-00009-00006600-00007184 william sound on a day cruise from the bay of whittier ready let's go f8nOH5eAjou-00010-00009440-00009984 the city of whittier is located 60 miles south of anchorage at the head of the passage canal f8nOH5eAjou-00011-00009984-00011384 of alaska and is known for being the gateway to western prince william sound f8nOH5eAjou-00012-00011600-00012104 now in order to get to whittier you will go through the anton anderson memorial tunnel f8nOH5eAjou-00013-00012104-00012600 the longest highway tunnel in north america the tunnel is 2.5 miles long f8nOH5eAjou-00014-00012600-00013128 and opens on the hour until 11 pm every day so you really have to make your plans f8nOH5eAjou-00015-00013128-00014184 accordingly f8nOH5eAjou-00016-00015608-00016984 today we are going for a half day cruise with phillips cruises and tours f8nOH5eAjou-00017-00019648-00020160 we just saw an eagle earlier and there's a second one up there f8nOH5eAjou-00018-00020648-00021128 ohio he's downstairs you met him at the gate back at the bar captain johnny f8nOH5eAjou-00019-00021128-00021312 he's been with us five years chris seven f8nOH5eAjou-00020-00021312-00022584 years f8nOH5eAjou-00021-00026600-00028183 there are a bunch of the sea lions on the two islands there f8nOH5eAjou-00022-00032592-00033112 the 26th glacier day cruise departs from whittier the vessel heads east out passage f8nOH5eAjou-00023-00033112-00033696 canal and north up port 12 on the way to college fjord through the ice-filled waters f8nOH5eAjou-00024-00033696-00034160 up to the front of harvard glacier and if you are as lucky as we were that day f8nOH5eAjou-00025-00034160-00034456 you can see massive chunks of ice calve into the sea f8nOH5eAjou-00026-00034984-00035184 ice flow is just f8nOH5eAjou-00027-00036440-00036968 it's like i said it was like a mile and a quarter across right now i think you said it f8nOH5eAjou-00028-00036968-00037984 goes back like uh 25 miles or something to its uh 30 miles to where it starts f8nOH5eAjou-00029-00038336-00038848 it truly is humbling to experience the magnitude of these glaciers up close and f8nOH5eAjou-00030-00038848-00040784 all i was thinking to myself is how ridiculously minuscule we are in front of the power of nature f8nOH5eAjou-00031-00041104-00041728 from college fjord we stopped at esther passage a scenic area the different animals call home f8nOH5eAjou-00032-00041728-00042344 bald eagles black bears and it's not uncommon to see orca whales or humpback whales sometimes f8nOH5eAjou-00033-00042344-00042960 and of course sea lions harbor seals sea otters and a variety of birds in this narrow passage f8nOH5eAjou-00034-00043160-00043496 on the return trip to whittier was my favorite sighting f8nOH5eAjou-00035-00043496-00043968 the vessel stopped at kitty wake bird rookery just across the bay from whittier f8nOH5eAjou-00036-00043968-00044568 and in this particular spot over 10 000 birds inhabit these rocky cliffs each summer laying f8nOH5eAjou-00037-00044568-00045056 their eggs they fish constantly in front of the rookery and then train the youngsters f8nOH5eAjou-00038-00045056-00045592 all the survival skills and tips necessary before returning to fly south for the f8nOH5eAjou-00039-00045592-00046384 winner f8nOH5eAjou-00040-00047872-00048480 watching the birds work and operate together as a team was not only breathtaking but truly f8nOH5eAjou-00041-00048480-00049184 inspiring f8nOH5eAjou-00042-00049256-00050584 uh f8nOH5eAjou-00043-00052528-00053384 so f8nOH5eAjou-00044-00054400-00055000 thank you thank you guys f8nOH5eAjou-00045-00055448-00055816 great experience wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful f8nOH5eAjou-00046-00056040-00056264 philip tours highly recommended f8nOH5eAjou-00047-00056855-00057312 thank you guys for watching we hope that you enjoyed today's episode and if you did please f8nOH5eAjou-00048-00057312-00057767 give this video a thumbs up and consider subscribing to our channel for weekly vlogs f8nOH5eAjou-00049-00057767-00058264 about hiking and backpacking your trekking pass habiba and alex and we'll see you soon on a new f8nOH5eAjou-00050-00058264-00058984 adventure f8nOH5eAjou-00051-00060224-00060274 you f8LS8cIFVBg-00000-00000000-00000456 Are you searching for the perfect employees for your company or are you a f8LS8cIFVBg-00001-00000456-00000936 Recruiter who is searching the right people for your clients? 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Let's keep it simple. fqwbLEKb9SU-00000-00000164-00000695 Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. fqwbLEKb9SU-00001-00000695-00001424 In many prior martial art videos, I have mentioned that there are many important single movements fqwbLEKb9SU-00002-00001424-00002142 considered fundamental practices in any internal style of martial art. fqwbLEKb9SU-00003-00002142-00002899 I will use three videos, including this one, to introduce some of the important single-movement fqwbLEKb9SU-00004-00002899-00003259 exercises for each internal style. fqwbLEKb9SU-00005-00003259-00003814 Today’s video will focus on Xing Yi's single-movement practice. fqwbLEKb9SU-00006-00003814-00004102 But first, let’s get Hai on Tea. fqwbLEKb9SU-00007-00004102-00004910 Today’s tea is Tai Ping Hou Kui, one of the best green teas in China. fqwbLEKb9SU-00008-00004910-00005400 This tea is produced in the Hou Keng area in fqwbLEKb9SU-00009-00005400-00005867 Huang Shan city of Anhui province, home to fqwbLEKb9SU-00010-00005867-00006175 many other famous teas. fqwbLEKb9SU-00011-00006175-00006615 Let’s take a quick look at this tea. fqwbLEKb9SU-00012-00006615-00006922 You may have noticed the big tea leaf of this fqwbLEKb9SU-00013-00006922-00007056 special tea. fqwbLEKb9SU-00014-00007056-00007895 Normally, a bigger tea leaf will provide a stronger bitter taste since tea chemicals fqwbLEKb9SU-00015-00007895-00008664 such as tea polyphenols are present in higher quantities in bigger leaves that can contribute fqwbLEKb9SU-00016-00008664-00008948 to the bitter taste. fqwbLEKb9SU-00017-00008948-00009718 For example, Pu’Er tea has such a strong bitter flavour that it has to be either naturally fqwbLEKb9SU-00018-00009718-00010242 or artificially fermented to make it suitable to drink. fqwbLEKb9SU-00019-00010242-00010989 Tai Ping Hou Kui leaves are bigger than most Pu’Er tea on account of many factors such fqwbLEKb9SU-00020-00010989-00011775 as tree bush species, soil quality, growing environment and processing method. fqwbLEKb9SU-00021-00011775-00012688 Regardless, Tai Ping Hou Kui is not only free of bitter taste but is also very fresh and fqwbLEKb9SU-00022-00012688-00013472 delicious, which makes Tai Ping Hou Kui one of the top ten teas in China. fqwbLEKb9SU-00023-00013472-00014068 Now, let’s talk about the history of Tai Ping Hou Kui. fqwbLEKb9SU-00024-00014068-00014976 Historically, Tai Ping county was one of the main tea-producing areas in An Hui province. fqwbLEKb9SU-00025-00014976-00015791 At the end of the Qing dynasty, Wang Kuicheng, a famous tea farmer invented a new tea-processing fqwbLEKb9SU-00026-00015791-00016711 method based on a famous local tea, named Jian Cha or Sharp Shape Tea, by choosing one fqwbLEKb9SU-00027-00016711-00017736 bud and one or two leaves as materials, along with modification of the previous Sharp Shape fqwbLEKb9SU-00028-00017736-00018075 Tea processing method. fqwbLEKb9SU-00029-00018075-00018884 Since the best leaves were picked in the Hou Keng area, the word Kui was chosen from the fqwbLEKb9SU-00030-00018884-00019707 second word of Wang Kuicheng, and the word Hou was chosen from the first word of Hou fqwbLEKb9SU-00031-00019707-00020313 Keng, making the tea name Tai Ping Hou Kui ever since. fqwbLEKb9SU-00032-00020313-00021233 By the way, Hou means Monkey and Kui means King, and Tai Ping means Peace, leading some fqwbLEKb9SU-00033-00021233-00021834 people to misperceive Tai Ping Hou Kui as Peaceful Monkey King. fqwbLEKb9SU-00034-00021834-00022205 Actually, this tea has nothing to do with monkeys. fqwbLEKb9SU-00035-00022205-00023072 Hou or Monkey is from the name of that area, so there may be monkeys in that region but fqwbLEKb9SU-00036-00023072-00023515 it has nothing to do with the name of the tea. fqwbLEKb9SU-00037-00023515-00024279 I recommend brewing Tai Ping Hou Kui in a glass cup so that you can appreciate the shape fqwbLEKb9SU-00038-00024279-00024410 of the tea leaves. fqwbLEKb9SU-00039-00024410-00024856 Normally, 3 grams of tea is enough for a cup. fqwbLEKb9SU-00040-00024856-00025638 It is worth noting that the tea leaf stem should point downward and the leaf tip should fqwbLEKb9SU-00041-00025638-00025838 point upward. fqwbLEKb9SU-00042-00025838-00026198 The brewing method for Tai Ping Hou Kui is unique. fqwbLEKb9SU-00043-00026198-00027057 First, fill a quarter of the cup with water at 90 degrees Celsius. fqwbLEKb9SU-00044-00027057-00027745 Next, add the tea leaves and wait for 30 seconds to 1 minute. fqwbLEKb9SU-00045-00027745-00028455 Finally, add water at about 85 degrees Celsius or higher for as long as you wish but at least fqwbLEKb9SU-00046-00028455-00029312 cover the tea leaves for another minute or more, then you can enjoy the first brew. fqwbLEKb9SU-00047-00029312-00029768 Then, add 30 seconds more for subsequent brews. fqwbLEKb9SU-00048-00029768-00030431 Normally, you can only brew it for about 3 infusions each time. fqwbLEKb9SU-00049-00030431-00030980 It’s been really long since I first tried Tai Ping Hou Kui. fqwbLEKb9SU-00050-00030980-00031651 Today, I have only a small bag of Tai Ping Hou Kui given by Laurent Morin, a student fqwbLEKb9SU-00051-00031651-00031849 of mine in Montreal. fqwbLEKb9SU-00052-00031849-00032661 He often lets me brew new teas for him when he’s not sure of the best way to brew them. fqwbLEKb9SU-00053-00032661-00033330 After we drank this tea together, he was impressed by the flavour of this tea, so he recommended fqwbLEKb9SU-00054-00033330-00033520 I talk about it on video. fqwbLEKb9SU-00055-00033520-00034087 So, many thanks to him for this nice gift to all of us. fqwbLEKb9SU-00056-00034087-00034699 Tai Ping Hou Kui provides health benefits typical to green teas. fqwbLEKb9SU-00057-00034699-00035558 Good quality Tai Ping Hou Kui is very expensive and is available in flavours such as orchids, fqwbLEKb9SU-00058-00035558-00035822 among others. fqwbLEKb9SU-00059-00035822-00036241 People drink this tea mainly for its flavour. fqwbLEKb9SU-00060-00036241-00036968 In recent years, Tai Ping Hou Kui production has increased a lot, but the demand is still fqwbLEKb9SU-00061-00036968-00037068 very high. fqwbLEKb9SU-00062-00037068-00037827 So, many tea farmers around Tai Ping county also began producing this tea. fqwbLEKb9SU-00063-00037827-00038508 However, the flavour is different due to the differences caused by growing conditions. fqwbLEKb9SU-00064-00038508-00039427 A quick method to check the authenticity of this tea is that a good tea leaf is very strong fqwbLEKb9SU-00065-00039427-00039652 and solid. fqwbLEKb9SU-00066-00039652-00040068 Even so, it is not that easy to verify unless you are an expert. fqwbLEKb9SU-00067-00040068-00040541 So, purchasing it from a reputable supplier is important. fqwbLEKb9SU-00068-00040541-00042646 This is the tea leaf, the tea leaf is very long, this is the tea decoction. fqwbLEKb9SU-00069-00042646-00043558 Beautiful tea leaves and very delicious and fresh fragrance. fqwbLEKb9SU-00070-00043558-00044230 A great tea is worth tasting for all of us. fqwbLEKb9SU-00071-00044230-00044890 Do let me know about your experience with Tai Ping Hou Kui in the comments. fqwbLEKb9SU-00072-00044890-00045394 Now, let's move on to today’s main topic. fqwbLEKb9SU-00073-00045394-00046056 Topics covered in today’s video include: What is a single movement? fqwbLEKb9SU-00074-00046056-00046883 Why Single Movement practice is important How many types of single movements are in fqwbLEKb9SU-00075-00046883-00047019 Xing Yi? fqwbLEKb9SU-00076-00047019-00047478 How to practice Xing Yi single movement? fqwbLEKb9SU-00077-00047478-00047670 Principles Misperception fqwbLEKb9SU-00078-00047670-00048041 Demonstration Takeaways fqwbLEKb9SU-00079-00048041-00048505 Without any further ado, let’s get started. fqwbLEKb9SU-00080-00048505-00048897 What is a single movement? fqwbLEKb9SU-00081-00048897-00049534 After watching Chinese martial art demonstrations, people are very often under the impression fqwbLEKb9SU-00082-00049534-00050005 that any style has many forms or routines. fqwbLEKb9SU-00083-00050005-00050713 And it is even more interesting to see that many beginners perceive the level of a teacher fqwbLEKb9SU-00084-00050713-00051114 based on how many routines the teacher knows. fqwbLEKb9SU-00085-00051114-00051876 Very often, the development of a style may also be judged based on how many routines fqwbLEKb9SU-00086-00051876-00052014 it has. fqwbLEKb9SU-00087-00052014-00052983 While all of these impressions may be reasonable, even intuitive at first glance, if we analyze fqwbLEKb9SU-00088-00052983-00053522 these perspectives in detail, they are just wrong. fqwbLEKb9SU-00089-00053522-00053924 This is what I would like to explain further in this video. fqwbLEKb9SU-00090-00053924-00054679 But first, let’s define what a single movement is in the internal styles of martial art. fqwbLEKb9SU-00091-00054679-00055530 Briefly speaking, a single movement is just one or more basic movements that carry specific fqwbLEKb9SU-00092-00055530-00055882 martial functions for training purposes. fqwbLEKb9SU-00093-00055882-00056527 Compared to a single movement, a routine should have multiple movements. fqwbLEKb9SU-00094-00056527-00057355 In other words, a single movement can be considered a building block of a martial art routine. fqwbLEKb9SU-00095-00057355-00058058 A single movement can also be a form in itself or a part of a form. fqwbLEKb9SU-00096-00058058-00058880 Usually, a routine has more movements than a form; a form has more movements than a single fqwbLEKb9SU-00097-00058880-00058980 movement. fqwbLEKb9SU-00098-00058980-00059845 If a form is very short or just consists of a few movements, it can also be considered fqwbLEKb9SU-00099-00059845-00060301 a single movement under some circumstances. fqwbLEKb9SU-00100-00060301-00061135 For example, I always call the five-element practices in Xing Yi, five small forms. fqwbLEKb9SU-00101-00061135-00061723 Each five-element form consists of a few simple movements. fqwbLEKb9SU-00102-00061723-00062208 Another example is Chen-style Tai Chi’s first routine or Yi Lu. fqwbLEKb9SU-00103-00062208-00063172 There are 83 forms in the first routine, and each small form consists of a few single movements. fqwbLEKb9SU-00104-00063172-00063832 So, Single movement is the building block of a style’s practice. fqwbLEKb9SU-00105-00063832-00064704 To a serious martial artist, focusing on single-movement practice is the key to reaching a more advanced fqwbLEKb9SU-00106-00064704-00064804 level. fqwbLEKb9SU-00107-00064804-00065242 Then, why is single-movement practice important? fqwbLEKb9SU-00108-00065242-00066155 We need to first look into history which brings us to the next topic. fqwbLEKb9SU-00109-00066155-00066880 Importance of Single Movement Practice Before answering this question, let me ask fqwbLEKb9SU-00110-00066880-00067697 you another question: What came first with regard to bare-hand training: single movements fqwbLEKb9SU-00111-00067697-00067963 or routines? fqwbLEKb9SU-00112-00067963-00068586 The answer is very obvious: of course, the single-movement practice came first. fqwbLEKb9SU-00113-00068586-00069227 The ancient military training documents do not contain any long routines. fqwbLEKb9SU-00114-00069227-00070018 Instead, there are lots of single movements and some short forms which are actually very fqwbLEKb9SU-00115-00070018-00070480 short compared to the short routines we know today. fqwbLEKb9SU-00116-00070480-00071377 So, martial art practice originally focused on single-movement practice, NOT routines. fqwbLEKb9SU-00117-00071377-00072062 The reason is very simple: In ancient times, it was impossible to teach a military soldier fqwbLEKb9SU-00118-00072062-00072662 a martial routine as we know and practice nowadays. fqwbLEKb9SU-00119-00072662-00073298 Military soldiers back in the old days mainly underwent weapons training along with some fqwbLEKb9SU-00120-00073298-00073538 basic barehand training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00121-00073538-00074339 Bare hand training only became increasingly popular in the last 700 years, starting around fqwbLEKb9SU-00122-00074339-00074600 the Ming dynasty. fqwbLEKb9SU-00123-00074600-00075277 Bare hand training became especially popular in civilian training, in addition to military fqwbLEKb9SU-00124-00075277-00075398 training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00125-00075398-00076295 But still, martial art training, both military and civilian, had been focused on simple movements fqwbLEKb9SU-00126-00076295-00077199 or short-form training, and not at all on long routines, for a very long period of time. fqwbLEKb9SU-00127-00077199-00077972 Routines or combinations of forms came much later, roughly around the end of the Ming fqwbLEKb9SU-00128-00077972-00078072 dynasty. fqwbLEKb9SU-00129-00078072-00078739 Later, in the Qing dynasty, about 400 years ago, with the further development of martial fqwbLEKb9SU-00130-00078739-00079604 art practice, routines became longer and longer, indicating the development of Chinese martial fqwbLEKb9SU-00131-00079604-00079983 art practice in terms of routine development. fqwbLEKb9SU-00132-00079983-00080887 Bear in mind, I’m only focusing on the development of the traditional martial art routine practice, fqwbLEKb9SU-00133-00080887-00081472 and not considering the contemporary Wushu practice. fqwbLEKb9SU-00134-00081472-00082083 Having looked at the historical background of single-movement practice and its main use fqwbLEKb9SU-00135-00082083-00082922 in military and early-stage civilian training, let’s now study the importance of single-movement fqwbLEKb9SU-00136-00082922-00083291 training from a technical perspective. fqwbLEKb9SU-00137-00083291-00083963 Single-movement training for an ancient military soldier was an effective and efficient way fqwbLEKb9SU-00138-00083963-00084433 to gain the necessary battle skills. fqwbLEKb9SU-00139-00084433-00085139 Likewise, single-movement training is also a critical step for a martial artist to reach fqwbLEKb9SU-00140-00085139-00085319 an advanced level. fqwbLEKb9SU-00141-00085319-00085598 Let me explain. fqwbLEKb9SU-00142-00085598-00086260 To understand it better, I’d like to introduce a popular martial art term, Chai Shou. fqwbLEKb9SU-00143-00086260-00087066 Chai means “to Break Down”, and Shou means “Hand”, which stands for “martial technique”. fqwbLEKb9SU-00144-00087066-00087825 Put together, Chai Shou means a step in martial art training in which a teacher breaks the fqwbLEKb9SU-00145-00087825-00088705 routine down to every single movement and explains the application of every single movement, fqwbLEKb9SU-00146-00088705-00089543 which, according to the traditional standard, is a critical step for any serious student. fqwbLEKb9SU-00147-00089543-00090467 Sometimes, people also call it Chai Quan since Quan means fist, which has the same meaning fqwbLEKb9SU-00148-00090467-00090719 as Hand, or Shou. fqwbLEKb9SU-00149-00090719-00091550 In Tianjin, we used to call it Chai Shou in the old days but nowadays, Chai Shou and Chai fqwbLEKb9SU-00150-00091550-00092052 Quan are both used depending on the region. fqwbLEKb9SU-00151-00092052-00092758 Having understood what Chai Shou is, it’s obvious to see that the result of Chai Shou, fqwbLEKb9SU-00152-00092758-00093360 or understanding the martial meaning of a single movement, is the only way to master fqwbLEKb9SU-00153-00093360-00093595 the martial skills for self-defence. fqwbLEKb9SU-00154-00093595-00094467 In other words, a single movement is the carrier of any martial art routine meant for use in fqwbLEKb9SU-00155-00094467-00094719 a self-defence situation. fqwbLEKb9SU-00156-00094719-00095461 Also, it is almost impossible to practice martial applications by applying a routine fqwbLEKb9SU-00157-00095461-00096081 as-is, without any change, with a training partner. fqwbLEKb9SU-00158-00096081-00096817 Routines must be broken down into single movements and then practiced with a training partner fqwbLEKb9SU-00159-00096817-00097681 in order to internalize the skills carried by every single movement of the routine or fqwbLEKb9SU-00160-00097681-00097781 form. fqwbLEKb9SU-00161-00097781-00098538 So, training with a partner requires someone to work on training a single movement repeatedly fqwbLEKb9SU-00162-00098538-00098844 before reaching an ideal level. fqwbLEKb9SU-00163-00098844-00099482 Also, it requires understanding what single movement should be practiced. fqwbLEKb9SU-00164-00099482-00100099 So, how many types of single movements exist in Xing Yi? fqwbLEKb9SU-00165-00100099-00100662 That brings us to the next topic. fqwbLEKb9SU-00166-00100662-00101341 Types of Single Movements in Xing Yi Before going any further, I’d like to let fqwbLEKb9SU-00167-00101341-00102036 you know that the categorization method that I am using here can also be applied to Tai fqwbLEKb9SU-00168-00102036-00102728 Chi and Ba Gua, which will be introduced in the next two videos. fqwbLEKb9SU-00169-00102728-00103461 Speaking from training and teaching experience, I categorize Xing Yi single movements into fqwbLEKb9SU-00170-00103461-00103932 three categories based on their training functions. fqwbLEKb9SU-00171-00103932-00104790 Those are (1) flexibility and body conditioning training, (2) martial power training, and fqwbLEKb9SU-00172-00104790-00105078 (3) martial technique training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00173-00105078-00105435 Let me elaborate on them one by one. fqwbLEKb9SU-00174-00105435-00105967 First category: flexibility and body conditioning training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00175-00105967-00106708 There are many single movements traditionally used for body conditioning training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00176-00106708-00107526 Some movements are aimed to improve body flexibility, some movements help improve physical endurance fqwbLEKb9SU-00177-00107526-00107689 and so on. fqwbLEKb9SU-00178-00107689-00108281 This type of single-movement training can be found in almost any style of martial art fqwbLEKb9SU-00179-00108281-00108940 and very often, they share the same practices with each other. fqwbLEKb9SU-00180-00108940-00109744 However, Xing Yi practice really emphasizes the achievement of martial flexibility through fqwbLEKb9SU-00181-00109744-00110653 a natural approach instead of a forced stretching approach, the latter being applied in many fqwbLEKb9SU-00182-00110653-00110796 other styles. fqwbLEKb9SU-00183-00110796-00111401 For example, Li Cunyi, one of the most important Xing Yi masters in history, introduced in fqwbLEKb9SU-00184-00111401-00112129 writing, the natural stretching approach of Xing Yi. fqwbLEKb9SU-00185-00112129-00112402 Second category: martial power training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00186-00112402-00112898 Xing Yi is a style famous for its martial power. fqwbLEKb9SU-00187-00112898-00113828 To reach this objective, some movements were taken from 5-element fists with some modifications, fqwbLEKb9SU-00188-00113828-00114450 some other traditional xing yi single movements aimed at training different types of martial fqwbLEKb9SU-00189-00114450-00115072 powers which are beyond what the five elements offered, and so on. fqwbLEKb9SU-00190-00115072-00115740 This category is a key aspect of the three categories in terms of Xing Yi power development fqwbLEKb9SU-00191-00115740-00116592 since as I mentioned before that Xing Yi is a power-releasing or Fa Jin-based style, without fqwbLEKb9SU-00192-00116592-00117229 a powerful martial Fajin, then it won't be considered Xing Yi at all. fqwbLEKb9SU-00193-00117229-00117653 This has always been the traditional standard and should be respected. fqwbLEKb9SU-00194-00117653-00118325 Or else, it will be a violation of the traditional standard of training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00195-00118325-00119025 There are many specific practices for this category which are beyond the scope of this fqwbLEKb9SU-00196-00119025-00119125 video. fqwbLEKb9SU-00197-00119125-00119757 By the way, I have actually introduced many such movements in prior videos. fqwbLEKb9SU-00198-00119757-00120429 Please check out the demonstration section of my prior videos and you can practice the fqwbLEKb9SU-00199-00120429-00120903 movements by yourself based on those demonstrations. fqwbLEKb9SU-00200-00120903-00121349 Third category: martial technique training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00201-00121349-00122029 It is worth noting that the procedure of Xing Yi training is to practice Fajin or power fqwbLEKb9SU-00202-00122029-00122679 release first and then move on to its martial techniques. fqwbLEKb9SU-00203-00122679-00123128 Of course, they can both be developed simultaneously. fqwbLEKb9SU-00204-00123128-00123890 But at each stage, different practices will be focused on more than other parts, which fqwbLEKb9SU-00205-00123890-00124631 is why in general, Xing Yi trains martial power first and then martial techniques. fqwbLEKb9SU-00206-00124631-00125502 So, basically, the single movements for this category are taken from 12 animal forms since fqwbLEKb9SU-00207-00125502-00126224 the 12 animal forms were created aiming for martial application purposes. fqwbLEKb9SU-00208-00126224-00126966 In the old days, each animal form had a few single movement practices in order to gain fqwbLEKb9SU-00209-00126966-00127700 different martial skills since each animal form represented different martial functions. fqwbLEKb9SU-00210-00127700-00128525 Also, each martial technique may require different types of the flexibility of different body fqwbLEKb9SU-00211-00128525-00129297 parts and different types of body strength may be needed in order to practice the 12 fqwbLEKb9SU-00212-00129297-00129664 sets of martial techniques correctly. fqwbLEKb9SU-00213-00129664-00130414 Furthermore, the different martial applications require different types of martial power, fqwbLEKb9SU-00214-00130414-00131098 which is normally a combination of skills gained through the second category. fqwbLEKb9SU-00215-00131098-00131941 Martial technique without martial power will be useless, and martial power without a related fqwbLEKb9SU-00216-00131941-00132526 technique will place the practitioner in a disadvantageous position. fqwbLEKb9SU-00217-00132526-00133212 So, the integration of skills gained in all three categories of single-movement practice fqwbLEKb9SU-00218-00133212-00133707 is the key to reaching an advanced level of training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00219-00133707-00134340 So, I recommend you understand the differences between each category of practice, figure fqwbLEKb9SU-00220-00134340-00135091 out which part is the most important to you and stick with it until you master it before fqwbLEKb9SU-00221-00135091-00135380 switching to another category. fqwbLEKb9SU-00222-00135380-00136020 Please pay attention to all three categories and practice them all and with time, you will fqwbLEKb9SU-00223-00136020-00136479 see your obvious progress. fqwbLEKb9SU-00224-00136479-00136910 How to Practice Xing Yi Single Movements? fqwbLEKb9SU-00225-00136910-00137699 After understanding the source of single movements used in Xing Yi, a practitioner has to figure fqwbLEKb9SU-00226-00137699-00138307 out what types of practices are more suitable to each individual’s situation. fqwbLEKb9SU-00227-00138307-00139096 For example, a practitioner with a weak back should ideally focus on single movements for fqwbLEKb9SU-00228-00139096-00139227 training the back. fqwbLEKb9SU-00229-00139227-00139977 Of course, identifying the focus areas for a practitioner is best done by a qualified fqwbLEKb9SU-00230-00139977-00140444 teacher with a lot of teaching experience. fqwbLEKb9SU-00231-00140444-00141235 High-quality practice is just not possible without high-quality teaching and training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00232-00141235-00141890 In the process of training, the practitioner and the teacher also have to be cautious to fqwbLEKb9SU-00233-00141890-00142619 avoid inappropriate training that would otherwise lead to unnecessary injuries. fqwbLEKb9SU-00234-00142619-00143434 Also, for any single movement practice, especially those that involve high speed and intensive fqwbLEKb9SU-00235-00143434-00144209 power release, a practitioner should follow the “step by step” principle: first, get fqwbLEKb9SU-00236-00144209-00145037 the movement precisely, then add speed, and eventually, both martial power and martial fqwbLEKb9SU-00237-00145037-00145442 technique will be naturally achieved. fqwbLEKb9SU-00238-00145442-00146089 It is also important to know that it is not necessary to train for a very long time for fqwbLEKb9SU-00239-00146089-00146270 each session. fqwbLEKb9SU-00240-00146270-00146979 Speaking from experience, even a 15-minute intensive training session can do wonders fqwbLEKb9SU-00241-00146979-00147204 for your practice. fqwbLEKb9SU-00242-00147204-00148071 Prolonged incorrect training may create some injuries that will eventually hinder progress. fqwbLEKb9SU-00243-00148071-00148514 It is very important and I hope you remember it. fqwbLEKb9SU-00244-00148514-00149240 Again, you should always train different single movements chosen from each of the three categories fqwbLEKb9SU-00245-00149240-00150170 so that your overall practice will be improved instead of overemphasizing any of them. fqwbLEKb9SU-00246-00150170-00150886 Neglecting one category practice will, in fact, slow down the progress of the other fqwbLEKb9SU-00247-00150886-00151069 categories as well. fqwbLEKb9SU-00248-00151069-00151896 So, try them together each time but only focus on a few movements in each training session. fqwbLEKb9SU-00249-00151896-00152710 In other words, the balance between the quantity and quality of each single movement training fqwbLEKb9SU-00250-00152710-00152995 is the key to great training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00251-00152995-00153833 Before moving to the next section, I’d like to remind you that in any martial art practice, fqwbLEKb9SU-00252-00153833-00154542 you should train yourself with purpose and understand the function and benefits offered fqwbLEKb9SU-00253-00154542-00155079 by single movements chosen from the three categories. fqwbLEKb9SU-00254-00155079-00155520 That is very important for making tangible progress in training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00255-00155520-00156186 So, what are some important principles of Xing Yi’s single-movement practice? fqwbLEKb9SU-00256-00156186-00156753 That brings us to the next topic. fqwbLEKb9SU-00257-00156753-00157472 Principles of Xing Yi Single Movements Understanding some important principles can fqwbLEKb9SU-00258-00157472-00158057 help practitioners deepen their understanding of this topic. fqwbLEKb9SU-00259-00158057-00158846 Let’s recall the three categories of single movements according to their functions: 1. fqwbLEKb9SU-00260-00158846-00159215 Flexibility and body conditioning, 2. fqwbLEKb9SU-00261-00159215-00159421 Martial power and 3. fqwbLEKb9SU-00262-00159421-00159680 Martial technique. fqwbLEKb9SU-00263-00159680-00160388 I created a proverb to be used as a principle for Xing Yi single movement training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00264-00160388-00161452 The proverb is: Chen Jin Ba Gu Yao Man Lian, Lian Xi Fa Li Yao Kuai Lian, Gong Fang Ji fqwbLEKb9SU-00265-00161452-00161692 Shu Yao Jing Zhun。 fqwbLEKb9SU-00266-00161692-00162461 Translation: Slow movement training for flexibility and body conditioning, fast movement fqwbLEKb9SU-00267-00162461-00163233 training for martial power, clean and precise movement training for martial technique. fqwbLEKb9SU-00268-00163233-00163420 End translation. fqwbLEKb9SU-00269-00163420-00163699 Let me explain. fqwbLEKb9SU-00270-00163699-00164442 First, for flexibility and body conditioning, the movement should be slower; We all know fqwbLEKb9SU-00271-00164442-00165276 that slower movements are very effective compared to faster ones, to get a good stretch in the fqwbLEKb9SU-00272-00165276-00165462 body. fqwbLEKb9SU-00273-00165462-00166260 This approach can not only prevent unnecessary injury but can also provide long-lasting stretching fqwbLEKb9SU-00274-00166260-00166491 effects. fqwbLEKb9SU-00275-00166491-00167436 In Xing Yi practice, there are many opening-and-closing movements that involve body structure expansion. fqwbLEKb9SU-00276-00167436-00167953 To reach the optimal result, slower motion is better. fqwbLEKb9SU-00277-00167953-00168392 With time, you will achieve natural flexibility. fqwbLEKb9SU-00278-00168392-00169315 So, you should slow down your movements when you are working on flexibility and body conditioning. fqwbLEKb9SU-00279-00169315-00169987 Second, for martial power, the movement should be fast. fqwbLEKb9SU-00280-00169987-00170848 Body power training without high speed will effectively be just a stretching or body conditioning fqwbLEKb9SU-00281-00170848-00171049 exercise. fqwbLEKb9SU-00282-00171049-00171499 Martial power cannot be practiced without high speed either. fqwbLEKb9SU-00283-00171499-00172201 So, being able to execute a movement at a high speed is the prerequisite for Xing Yi fqwbLEKb9SU-00284-00172201-00172355 power training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00285-00172355-00172914 Speed is the key differentiator between the first and second categories of movements. fqwbLEKb9SU-00286-00172914-00173679 Of course, you have to practice any high-speed movement step by step, as I have mentioned fqwbLEKb9SU-00287-00173679-00173962 in the previous section. fqwbLEKb9SU-00288-00173962-00174680 Third, for martial technique, the movement should be clean and precise. fqwbLEKb9SU-00289-00174680-00175304 The words clean and precise in Chinese martial art practice have specific meanings. fqwbLEKb9SU-00290-00175304-00175972 Clean in Chinese is Gan Jing and Precise in Chinese is Zhun Que. fqwbLEKb9SU-00291-00175972-00176696 Being clean in martial art practice means that movement is done without missing or losing fqwbLEKb9SU-00292-00176696-00177432 any details; while Precise means movement can reflect its intended martial objective fqwbLEKb9SU-00293-00177432-00177710 or martial function. fqwbLEKb9SU-00294-00177710-00178426 These two words are used to describe one practice that meets the training standard. fqwbLEKb9SU-00295-00178426-00179194 So, being clean and precise is the guiding principle of martial technique training, which, fqwbLEKb9SU-00296-00179194-00179647 of course, requires a lot of training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00297-00179647-00180129 In the interest of time, I will cover more principles in future videos. fqwbLEKb9SU-00298-00180129-00180848 Now, let me clarify a commonly occurring misperception. fqwbLEKb9SU-00299-00180848-00181311 Misperception Single-movement practice, even though a critical fqwbLEKb9SU-00300-00181311-00181961 step in the internal style of martial art training, has been widely neglected in the fqwbLEKb9SU-00301-00181961-00182765 community in both China and the West, which is one of the major reasons for so many martial fqwbLEKb9SU-00302-00182765-00183166 artists not having the correct Xing Yi power. fqwbLEKb9SU-00303-00183166-00183974 Lacking specific knowledge is one reason, which along with some other reasons, especially fqwbLEKb9SU-00304-00183974-00184439 misperceptions, are the root cause of this issue as well. fqwbLEKb9SU-00305-00184439-00185187 For example, a common misperception is: “A Xing Yi routine contains all the necessary fqwbLEKb9SU-00306-00185187-00185861 techniques, so as long as I practice the routine, I would get the self-defence skills”. fqwbLEKb9SU-00307-00185861-00186139 Let me debunk this now. fqwbLEKb9SU-00308-00186139-00186651 Yes, routines are created for practice purposes. fqwbLEKb9SU-00309-00186651-00187396 However, please do not forget that the major reason for a routine is to help a practitioner fqwbLEKb9SU-00310-00187396-00187846 memorize each movement in said routine. fqwbLEKb9SU-00311-00187846-00188650 Also, and very often, many routines were created for demonstration, especially those routines fqwbLEKb9SU-00312-00188650-00189092 created in the last 50 years. fqwbLEKb9SU-00313-00189092-00189921 I have to say that any routine practice would be useless without analyzing its martial function, fqwbLEKb9SU-00314-00189921-00190512 which is the source and foundation for the practice of Single movement. fqwbLEKb9SU-00315-00190512-00191388 As explained in the first section, a single movement is the carrier of martial function, fqwbLEKb9SU-00316-00191388-00191570 not the routine. fqwbLEKb9SU-00317-00191570-00192252 The benefit of working on Chai Shou or Breaking down martial techniques is the most important fqwbLEKb9SU-00318-00192252-00192995 step for any practitioner to gain self-defence ability and single-movement practice is the fqwbLEKb9SU-00319-00192995-00193207 path toward it. fqwbLEKb9SU-00320-00193207-00194070 So, only practicing routines and imagining that routine practice will provide many martial fqwbLEKb9SU-00321-00194070-00194338 benefits is just wrong. fqwbLEKb9SU-00322-00194338-00195321 So, please work on single movements, and you will notice progress in a very short time. fqwbLEKb9SU-00323-00195321-00195873 Now, let’s move on to the demonstration section. fqwbLEKb9SU-00324-00195873-00196332 Demonstration In today’s video, I will demonstrate a Xing fqwbLEKb9SU-00325-00196332-00196567 Yi single-movement exercise. fqwbLEKb9SU-00326-00196567-00197142 This movement is used to train the splitting force and elbow strike. fqwbLEKb9SU-00327-00197142-00197811 It is from Swallow form. fqwbLEKb9SU-00328-00197811-00199962 Takeaways What is a single movement? fqwbLEKb9SU-00329-00199962-00200567 Single Movement is the building block of forms and routines in martial art training. fqwbLEKb9SU-00330-00200567-00201247 Every single movement in traditional styles has specific martial functions. fqwbLEKb9SU-00331-00201247-00201634 Why is Single Movement practice important? fqwbLEKb9SU-00332-00201634-00202295 Historically, single-movement practice is the foundation of form and routine practice. fqwbLEKb9SU-00333-00202295-00203169 Technically, single-movement carries its martial functions applied in a self-defence situation. fqwbLEKb9SU-00334-00203169-00203653 How many types of single movements are present in Xing Yi? fqwbLEKb9SU-00335-00203653-00204457 I classified Xing Yi single movement practices into 3 categories for (1) flexibility and fqwbLEKb9SU-00336-00204457-00204557 body conditioning. fqwbLEKb9SU-00337-00204557-00205425 (2) Xing Yi power development and (3) to develop of specific martial techniques. fqwbLEKb9SU-00338-00205425-00205892 How to practice single movements in Xing Yi? fqwbLEKb9SU-00339-00205892-00206479 You should always train different single movements chosen from each of the three categories so fqwbLEKb9SU-00340-00206479-00207350 that your overall practice will be improved instead of overemphasizing any of them. fqwbLEKb9SU-00341-00207350-00208138 Principle of single movements in Xing Yi I created a proverb to serve as an important fqwbLEKb9SU-00342-00208138-00208817 Principle to practice the three categories of Xing Yi single movements: Chen Jin Ba Gu fqwbLEKb9SU-00343-00208817-00209588 Yao Man Lian, Lian Xi Fa Li Yao Kuai Lian, Gong Fang Ji Shu Yao Jing Zhun.Translation:Slow fqwbLEKb9SU-00344-00209588-00210296 movement for flexibility and body conditioning, fast movement for martial power, clean and fqwbLEKb9SU-00345-00210296-00210723 precise movement for martial technique. fqwbLEKb9SU-00346-00210723-00211011 End translation. fqwbLEKb9SU-00347-00211011-00211411 Misperception A very common misperception is that a Xing fqwbLEKb9SU-00348-00211411-00212048 Yi routine contains all the necessary techniques, so as long as I practice the routine, I would fqwbLEKb9SU-00349-00212048-00212302 get the self-defence skills. fqwbLEKb9SU-00350-00212302-00212573 Remember this is a misperception. fqwbLEKb9SU-00351-00212573-00213244 You need to break down the routine practice into single movements and understand and train fqwbLEKb9SU-00352-00213244-00213732 them individually to achieve self-defence skills. fqwbLEKb9SU-00353-00213732-00214390 Make sure to check out the Demonstration section to get a better idea of Xing Yi single-movement fqwbLEKb9SU-00354-00214390-00214490 practice. fqwbLEKb9SU-00355-00214490-00214596 That concludes today’s video. fqwbLEKb9SU-00356-00214596-00215129 Thank you for watching, see you next time and enjoy your practice. frv0CK48Stc-00000-00000951-00001208 Hello ! 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We will show you now. frv0CK48Stc-00016-00005299-00005594 To start with Zotero, you need first frv0CK48Stc-00017-00005594-00005902 to download the software on frv0CK48Stc-00018-00005902-00006189 Once on the website, click on frv0CK48Stc-00019-00006189-00006422 the red button "Download". frv0CK48Stc-00020-00006467-00006770 Zotero will identify your browser and your frv0CK48Stc-00021-00006770-00006993 operating system. frv0CK48Stc-00022-00006993-00007167 Download frv0CK48Stc-00023-00007179-00007480 the software : Zotero 5.0 for Windows frv0CK48Stc-00024-00007480-00007580 download. frv0CK48Stc-00025-00007607-00007851 Follow the instructions. frv0CK48Stc-00026-00008529-00008805 Eventually, you'll get the app on frv0CK48Stc-00027-00008805-00009092 your desktop. Then install frv0CK48Stc-00028-00009092-00009383 the connector. Zotero frv0CK48Stc-00029-00009383-00009630 identifies the browser you're frv0CK48Stc-00030-00009630-00009923 using, here it's Firefox. frv0CK48Stc-00031-00009923-00010213 It is also available on frv0CK48Stc-00032-00010213-00010470 Chrome, Safari and Edge. frv0CK48Stc-00033-00010572-00010787 Once installed you can frv0CK48Stc-00034-00010787-00011049 start your document research, for instance, frv0CK48Stc-00035-00011049-00011317 on the Sudoc catalogue to look for frv0CK48Stc-00036-00011317-00011619 book references. Type your frv0CK48Stc-00037-00011619-00011875 first research : "spatial frv0CK48Stc-00038-00012051-00012175 conquest". frv0CK48Stc-00039-00012249-00012478 Here you go, once you did your request frv0CK48Stc-00040-00012478-00012750 you find a list of references. frv0CK48Stc-00041-00012750-00013031 Choose the best for your topic. frv0CK48Stc-00042-00013031-00013131 This one, for instance. frv0CK48Stc-00043-00013196-00013528 If it's interesting, you click on frv0CK48Stc-00044-00013528-00013796 this icon to save it, frv0CK48Stc-00045-00013796-00013977 on your browser on the top right. frv0CK48Stc-00046-00014060-00014350 The reference is uploaded frv0CK48Stc-00047-00014350-00014657 immediately on your Zotero. frv0CK48Stc-00048-00014657-00014906 Once your references are uploaded frv0CK48Stc-00049-00014906-00015151 on Zotero, make sure these frv0CK48Stc-00050-00015151-00015693 informations are correct : the title, the author, etc. If necessary, frv0CK48Stc-00051-00015693-00016022 modify the information. frv0CK48Stc-00052-00016044-00016284 Now that you have frv0CK48Stc-00053-00016315-00016608 a collection of references on your Zotero, you frv0CK48Stc-00054-00016608-00016864 can use them in your dissertation. frv0CK48Stc-00055-00016864-00017126 Install the plug-in linked frv0CK48Stc-00056-00017226-00017494 to Zotero. Go in Zotero, frv0CK48Stc-00057-00017494-00017802 click on "edition", "preferences", frv0CK48Stc-00058-00017802-00018103 click on "citer" and then frv0CK48Stc-00059-00018209-00018464 "traitement de texte" and install frv0CK48Stc-00060-00018464-00018671 the Microsoft plug-in. frv0CK48Stc-00061-00018833-00019091 Voilà. When you have your references frv0CK48Stc-00062-00019091-00019395 on Zotero you can frv0CK48Stc-00063-00019395-00019637 start writing your dissertation frv0CK48Stc-00064-00019637-00019913 and start using frv0CK48Stc-00065-00019913-00020206 your references as footnotes frv0CK48Stc-00066-00020206-00020509 with the Zotero tab, then click on frv0CK48Stc-00067-00020509-00020799 "add/edit citation". frv0CK48Stc-00068-00020848-00021137 The first time, you will have to choose frv0CK48Stc-00069-00021137-00021440 the citation style, frv0CK48Stc-00070-00021440-00021592 IEE for instance. frv0CK48Stc-00071-00021714-00021982 look for the references you need in your frv0CK48Stc-00072-00021982-00022229 Zotero collection. frv0CK48Stc-00073-00022229-00022441 Let's take this article. frv0CK48Stc-00074-00022693-00023009 At the end of my dissertation, I can frv0CK48Stc-00075-00023009-00023233 create frv0CK48Stc-00076-00023233-00023505 my bibliography. frv0CK48Stc-00077-00023505-00023820 I click on "add/edit bibliography". frv0CK48Stc-00078-00023899-00024153 To conclude, Zotero helps you frv0CK48Stc-00079-00024153-00024445 creating footnotes and to frv0CK48Stc-00080-00024445-00024768 create your biblography. frv0CK48Stc-00081-00024779-00025093 Of course, Zotero is not magical. You still need frv0CK48Stc-00082-00025093-00025408 to check that the information are correct. frv0CK48Stc-00083-00025408-00025703 You can always change your reference, so don't hesitate to frv0CK48Stc-00084-00025703-00025929 change things. frv0CK48Stc-00085-00026030-00026282 See you later for other adventures ! ftB_Qkmcx2g-00000-00000016-00000384 the emojis associated with the title ftB_Qkmcx2g-00001-00000239-00000568 might suggest to you the type of ftB_Qkmcx2g-00002-00000384-00000808 affected software ftB_Qkmcx2g-00003-00000568-00000967 the vulnerability is an integer overflow ftB_Qkmcx2g-00004-00000808-00001240 in the secure real-time critical ftB_Qkmcx2g-00005-00000967-00001463 implementation in whatsapp ftB_Qkmcx2g-00006-00001240-00001760 the the vulnerability was discovered in ftB_Qkmcx2g-00007-00001463-00001919 the wild for spiral spyware delivery ftB_Qkmcx2g-00008-00001760-00002088 there are unclear statements regarding ftB_Qkmcx2g-00009-00001919-00002384 the idea that it was attempted to be ftB_Qkmcx2g-00010-00002088-00002608 used to exploit a lawyer in the wild ftB_Qkmcx2g-00011-00002384-00002759 senior researchers at citizen lab said ftB_Qkmcx2g-00012-00002608-00002919 that the attack could ftB_Qkmcx2g-00013-00002759-00003192 the attack had failed and there is a ftB_Qkmcx2g-00014-00002919-00003352 strong suspicion that the victim's phone ftB_Qkmcx2g-00015-00003192-00003520 was targeted ftB_Qkmcx2g-00016-00003352-00003688 they also claimed to believe that the ftB_Qkmcx2g-00017-00003520-00003847 white that the measures whatsapp had put ftB_Qkmcx2g-00018-00003688-00003976 in place in the last several days ftB_Qkmcx2g-00019-00003847-00004192 prevented the attacks from being ftB_Qkmcx2g-00020-00003976-00004455 successful ftB_Qkmcx2g-00021-00004192-00004832 the zero day was allegedly leveraged to ftB_Qkmcx2g-00022-00004455-00005160 deploy NSO's pegasus software as spyware ftB_Qkmcx2g-00023-00004832-00005160 on victim devices ftB_Qkmcx2g-00024-00005184-00005639 more clarity and information was ftB_Qkmcx2g-00025-00005360-00005864 released in october 2019 when whatsapp ftB_Qkmcx2g-00026-00005639-00005960 attributed the attacks to nsa group and ftB_Qkmcx2g-00027-00005864-00006160 filed ftB_Qkmcx2g-00028-00005960-00006423 claims and lawsuits referenced in five ftB_Qkmcx2g-00029-00006160-00006656 and six references five and six ftB_Qkmcx2g-00030-00006423-00006800 well you must know what white sap is but ftB_Qkmcx2g-00031-00006656-00006984 if you don't whatsapp is a text and ftB_Qkmcx2g-00032-00006800-00007231 voice mobile app that was acquired by ftB_Qkmcx2g-00033-00006984-00007495 facebook the voice capability is ftB_Qkmcx2g-00034-00007231-00007728 achieved via voice over IP voice over ftB_Qkmcx2g-00035-00007495-00008111 ips achieve vr protocols running on top ftB_Qkmcx2g-00036-00007728-00008288 of IP like rtp control protocol we're ftB_Qkmcx2g-00037-00008111-00008528 gonna do this in sort of a reverse ftB_Qkmcx2g-00038-00008288-00008720 manner starting with the fix ftB_Qkmcx2g-00039-00008528-00008888 and then we go back in detail to try to ftB_Qkmcx2g-00040-00008720-00009072 understand what was the vulnerability ftB_Qkmcx2g-00041-00008888-00009304 here keep in mind that multiple ftB_Qkmcx2g-00042-00009072-00009552 vulnerabilities were likely passed for ftB_Qkmcx2g-00043-00009304-00009807 this particular zero-day attack and ftB_Qkmcx2g-00044-00009552-00009968 given that the detailed information the ftB_Qkmcx2g-00045-00009807-00010256 details or information regarding this ftB_Qkmcx2g-00046-00009968-00010447 vulnerability scanty we don't have much ftB_Qkmcx2g-00047-00010256-00010704 context around the code snippets that ftB_Qkmcx2g-00048-00010447-00010943 will be shown ftB_Qkmcx2g-00049-00010704-00011160 this is the first snippet from ftB_Qkmcx2g-00050-00010943-00011368 checkpoint research and it basically ftB_Qkmcx2g-00051-00011160-00011632 points out that there was an added size ftB_Qkmcx2g-00052-00011368-00011839 check in one of the major rhtcp handler ftB_Qkmcx2g-00053-00011632-00012143 functions I'd like to like take this ftB_Qkmcx2g-00054-00011839-00012304 opportunity to shout out to citizen lab ftB_Qkmcx2g-00055-00012143-00012543 checkpoint research and Google project ftB_Qkmcx2g-00056-00012304-00012704 zero and every other research firm or ftB_Qkmcx2g-00057-00012543-00012887 researcher that took a look at this ftB_Qkmcx2g-00058-00012704-00013208 vulnerability when it was ftB_Qkmcx2g-00059-00012887-00013208 still fresh of the news ftB_Qkmcx2g-00060-00013304-00013623 as mentioned earlier we do not have ftB_Qkmcx2g-00061-00013504-00013863 surrounding ftB_Qkmcx2g-00062-00013623-00014056 code or studio code to show much more ftB_Qkmcx2g-00063-00013863-00014256 context around this ftB_Qkmcx2g-00064-00014056-00014456 and we didn't think it was what going to ftB_Qkmcx2g-00065-00014256-00014736 get ftB_Qkmcx2g-00066-00014456-00014919 so once again um showing another patch ftB_Qkmcx2g-00067-00014736-00015119 the highlighted segment showing that ftB_Qkmcx2g-00068-00014919-00015376 there was a length argument was verified ftB_Qkmcx2g-00069-00015119-00015780 against a maximum value of ftB_Qkmcx2g-00070-00015376-00015780 hex five C eight ftB_Qkmcx2g-00071-00015800-00016359 and this is the second size check so ftB_Qkmcx2g-00072-00015968-00016359 we're still looking at the past code ftB_Qkmcx2g-00073-00016640-00017192 we can also see that the verification ftB_Qkmcx2g-00074-00016823-00017416 occurred before memcpy call presumably ftB_Qkmcx2g-00075-00017192-00017687 this could hints a hip overflow in the ftB_Qkmcx2g-00076-00017416-00017920 old code if it had unsanitized ACID ftB_Qkmcx2g-00077-00017687-00017920 length ftB_Qkmcx2g-00078-00018072-00018608 this is the second snippet which ftB_Qkmcx2g-00079-00018240-00018880 basically uh illustrates that some part ftB_Qkmcx2g-00080-00018608-00019144 of the code was removed um for further ftB_Qkmcx2g-00081-00018880-00019344 information refer to the reference at ftB_Qkmcx2g-00082-00019144-00019559 the bottom left corner of the of the ftB_Qkmcx2g-00083-00019344-00019856 slide but essentially what we observe ftB_Qkmcx2g-00084-00019559-00020136 here is that there is an a size ftB_Qkmcx2g-00085-00019856-00020384 parameter a size variable and this ftB_Qkmcx2g-00086-00020136-00020584 variable is validated ftB_Qkmcx2g-00087-00020384-00020815 to be of certain size ftB_Qkmcx2g-00088-00020584-00021023 if the size is not complete so if this ftB_Qkmcx2g-00089-00020815-00021351 if the condition fails then not enough ftB_Qkmcx2g-00090-00021023-00021615 space for for buffer bus packet of lens ftB_Qkmcx2g-00091-00021351-00021776 packets error or log will be reading ftB_Qkmcx2g-00092-00021615-00022064 however ftB_Qkmcx2g-00093-00021776-00022304 from the mathematical calculation it is ftB_Qkmcx2g-00094-00022064-00022600 possible that an integer overflow or ftB_Qkmcx2g-00095-00022304-00022920 underflow could cause the validation to ftB_Qkmcx2g-00096-00022600-00023223 be bypassed leading to a size being used ftB_Qkmcx2g-00097-00022920-00023568 incorrectly in the subsequent code as a ftB_Qkmcx2g-00098-00023223-00023568 memcpy size parameter ftB_Qkmcx2g-00099-00023920-00024423 so once again we check out the the ftB_Qkmcx2g-00100-00024104-00024592 unpatched code uh to what's ftB_Qkmcx2g-00101-00024423-00024856 basically in this snippet we see that ftB_Qkmcx2g-00102-00024592-00025159 the size parameter is ftB_Qkmcx2g-00103-00024856-00025584 first enters in as a signed integer and ftB_Qkmcx2g-00104-00025159-00025584 then eventually navigates its way down ftB_Qkmcx2g-00105-00025679-00026175 to a parameter pass to memcpy which ftB_Qkmcx2g-00106-00025935-00026256 expects an unsigned integer ftB_Qkmcx2g-00107-00026175-00026408 um ftB_Qkmcx2g-00108-00026256-00026624 but then we can see that there is no ftB_Qkmcx2g-00109-00026408-00026736 validation whatsoever performed on the ftB_Qkmcx2g-00110-00026624-00026991 size ftB_Qkmcx2g-00111-00026736-00027400 length variable but as as our highlight ftB_Qkmcx2g-00112-00026991-00027400 shows it is indeed attacker controlled ftB_Qkmcx2g-00113-00027568-00028047 and then we can see then the updated fix ftB_Qkmcx2g-00114-00027775-00028347 that the size was then validated against ftB_Qkmcx2g-00115-00028047-00028347 0x5 0x5ca ftB_Qkmcx2g-00116-00028768-00029280 just showing the fix then and comparison ftB_Qkmcx2g-00117-00029008-00029536 side by side from the different sources ftB_Qkmcx2g-00118-00029280-00029816 we can see the added packet length food ftB_Qkmcx2g-00119-00029536-00030152 validation and the validation just prior ftB_Qkmcx2g-00120-00029816-00030152 to the memcpy operation ftB_Qkmcx2g-00121-00030216-00030544 once again I did point out earlier that ftB_Qkmcx2g-00122-00030400-00030712 some of the details surrounding this ftB_Qkmcx2g-00123-00030544-00030944 particular vulnerability are a little ftB_Qkmcx2g-00124-00030712-00031088 bit unknown and scarce but if you're ftB_Qkmcx2g-00125-00030944-00031295 interested in additional readings and ftB_Qkmcx2g-00126-00031088-00031656 references uh feel free to check out the ftB_Qkmcx2g-00127-00031295-00031919 research by checkpoint zipperium and i ftB_Qkmcx2g-00128-00031656-00032160 believe maddie stone did put out a ftB_Qkmcx2g-00129-00031919-00032383 a video recording from one of the ftB_Qkmcx2g-00130-00032160-00032463 conferences um ftB_Qkmcx2g-00131-00032383-00032632 these ftB_Qkmcx2g-00132-00032463-00033072 these different research teams attempts ftB_Qkmcx2g-00133-00032632-00033072 to explore this vulnerability further ftMa1oAX_i0-00000-00000358-00000645 - How do we protect ourselves from coronavirus? ftMa1oAX_i0-00001-00000750-00000927 There are several things to think about ftMa1oAX_i0-00002-00000927-00001115 in protecting ourselves. ftMa1oAX_i0-00003-00001115-00001254 One important fact is that ftMa1oAX_i0-00004-00001254-00001427 people can be infected with the virus ftMa1oAX_i0-00005-00001427-00001556 and not get sick ftMa1oAX_i0-00006-00001556-00001769 but still spread the virus to others. ftMa1oAX_i0-00007-00001878-00002092 The most important way to protect ourselves ftMa1oAX_i0-00008-00002092-00002326 is to stay far away from others, ftMa1oAX_i0-00009-00002326-00002554 at least two meters or six feet. ftMa1oAX_i0-00010-00002645-00002821 This is because tiny droplets ftMa1oAX_i0-00011-00002821-00003063 come out of our nose and mouth when we talk ftMa1oAX_i0-00012-00003063-00003267 and even when we just breathe, ftMa1oAX_i0-00013-00003267-00003522 and when another person inhales these droplets, ftMa1oAX_i0-00014-00003522-00003830 they will become infected if we have the coronavirus. ftMa1oAX_i0-00015-00003922-00004040 Another important measure ftMa1oAX_i0-00016-00004040-00004304 is to wear a mask or a scarf ftMa1oAX_i0-00017-00004304-00004518 over our nose and mouth. ftMa1oAX_i0-00018-00004518-00004771 This will help us inhale less of the droplets ftMa1oAX_i0-00019-00004771-00004973 that contain the virus. ftMa1oAX_i0-00020-00004973-00005159 Once the scarf or mask is wet, ftMa1oAX_i0-00021-00005159-00005303 it's not useful anymore. ftMa1oAX_i0-00022-00005447-00005626 Wearing sunglasses or glasses ftMa1oAX_i0-00023-00005626-00005885 to protect our eyes from droplets is useful. ftMa1oAX_i0-00024-00005991-00006242 We should wash our hands with soap and water ftMa1oAX_i0-00025-00006242-00006553 or disinfect our hands with 70% alcohol ftMa1oAX_i0-00026-00006553-00006777 before we put on our scarf or mask ftMa1oAX_i0-00027-00006777-00006966 and after we take it off. ftMa1oAX_i0-00028-00006966-00007161 This is because we might have the virus ftMa1oAX_i0-00029-00007161-00007287 on our hands. ftMa1oAX_i0-00030-00007287-00007429 So we don't wanna touch our face ftMa1oAX_i0-00031-00007429-00007627 as we put on the scarf. ftMa1oAX_i0-00032-00007627-00007848 When we take it off, there might be virus on the scarf ftMa1oAX_i0-00033-00007848-00008147 that we don't want to spread with our hands. ftMa1oAX_i0-00034-00008147-00008363 When our mask or scarf is moist or wet, ftMa1oAX_i0-00035-00008363-00008603 we can place it in a dry spot ftMa1oAX_i0-00036-00008603-00008738 where we don't touch it ftMa1oAX_i0-00037-00008738-00009022 and after a week, the virus that could be on it ftMa1oAX_i0-00038-00009022-00009182 will be dead. ftMa1oAX_i0-00039-00009182-00009469 Or we can wash it with plenty of detergent right away. ftMa1oAX_i0-00040-00009590-00009796 Because we can be inhaling droplets ftMa1oAX_i0-00041-00009796-00010059 containing the virus from another person, ftMa1oAX_i0-00042-00010059-00010193 it's best not to go out ftMa1oAX_i0-00043-00010193-00010401 where we might come close to someone else ftMa1oAX_i0-00044-00010401-00010612 and inhale their droplets. ftMa1oAX_i0-00045-00010612-00010845 If we are outside and two meters away ftMa1oAX_i0-00046-00010845-00011132 from any other people at all times, ftMa1oAX_i0-00047-00011132-00011385 and if we wear a scarf or mask, ftMa1oAX_i0-00048-00011385-00011622 being outside can be good for us. ftMa1oAX_i0-00049-00011622-00011882 But if we can't avoid being close to other people ftMa1oAX_i0-00050-00011882-00011994 on the street, ftMa1oAX_i0-00051-00011994-00012154 it's best to stay inside. ftMa1oAX_i0-00052-00012304-00012477 To avoid introducing the virus ftMa1oAX_i0-00053-00012477-00012711 into our eyes, nose or mouth, ftMa1oAX_i0-00054-00012711-00012963 we can try not to touch our face. ftMa1oAX_i0-00055-00012963-00013253 We should avoid sharing food or drink. ftMa1oAX_i0-00056-00013253-00013427 We should wash our hands frequently ftMa1oAX_i0-00057-00013427-00013542 with soap and water. ftMa1oAX_i0-00058-00013634-00013882 If we soap twice, we will be washing ftMa1oAX_i0-00059-00013882-00014082 for the 20 seconds that are recommended. ftMa1oAX_i0-00060-00014169-00014286 Soap and water is best ftMa1oAX_i0-00061-00014286-00014538 but hand sanitizer with 70% alcohol ftMa1oAX_i0-00062-00014538-00014763 also works to some extent. ftMa1oAX_i0-00063-00014763-00014876 We should try to avoid ftMa1oAX_i0-00064-00014876-00015143 touching our eyes, nose, or mouth. ftMa1oAX_i0-00065-00015143-00015297 We can stay away from places ftMa1oAX_i0-00066-00015297-00015569 where others will cough or sneeze on us. ftMa1oAX_i0-00067-00015569-00015776 To protect others from becoming infected ftMa1oAX_i0-00068-00015776-00015963 with the virus we may have, ftMa1oAX_i0-00069-00015963-00016141 a cold or flu virus, ftMa1oAX_i0-00070-00016141-00016372 we should cough or sneeze into our elbow, ftMa1oAX_i0-00071-00016372-00016547 not our hands. ftMa1oAX_i0-00072-00016547-00016847 We should throw away used tissues right away. ftMa1oAX_i0-00073-00016847-00017118 We should wash our hands a lot. ftMa1oAX_i0-00074-00017118-00017246 Wearing a scarf or mask ftMa1oAX_i0-00075-00017246-00017502 can protect other people to some extent ftMa1oAX_i0-00076-00017502-00017678 from our droplets that we exhale ftMa1oAX_i0-00077-00017678-00017887 as we talk or breathe. ftMa1oAX_i0-00078-00017887-00018032 If we don't become infected, ftMa1oAX_i0-00079-00018032-00018344 we don't spread the virus to those we love. ftMa1oAX_i0-00080-00018344-00018552 Protecting ourselves is the best way ftMa1oAX_i0-00081-00018552-00018686 to protect others. ftMa1oAX_i0-00082-00018785-00018969 It feels strange but right now ftMa1oAX_i0-00083-00018969-00019181 staying far away from someone ftMa1oAX_i0-00084-00019181-00019401 is the best way to show we love them. fvYED1_t7zg-00000-00003397-00003473 SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! f__-uBImzaY-00000-00001430-00001587 X: >:DDDDDDDDDDD f__-uBImzaY-00001-00003570-00003659 >:DDDD f__-uBImzaY-00002-00005624-00005713 RAAAAAAAAAAAH! f__-uBImzaY-00003-00008283-00008483 WHY YOU LITTLE-! f__-uBImzaY-00004-00012479-00012577 ARRRRRRRRGH! f__-uBImzaY-00005-00013847-00013928 XDDD f__-uBImzaY-00006-00015258-00015563 JUST DIEEE! fARBX5LGy8U-00000-00000062-00001106 Scott Bintz here. Principles to Fortune is launching tonight on Amazon. fARBX5LGy8U-00001-00001128-00002039 So we're gonna do something cool... fARBX5LGy8U-00002-00002039-00002744 We have a motorcycle and some super fans fARBX5LGy8U-00003-00002758-00003820 Sometimes you just gotta make do with what you got. fARBX5LGy8U-00004-00004980-00005496 Launching on Amazon!! fARBX5LGy8U-00005-00005496-00005998 Music by Jon Wayne and The Pain fBFoaDwKQMM-00000-00000142-00000384 Martin Kovac: Thank you for coming to Slovakia. fBFoaDwKQMM-00001-00000384-00000896 Martin Kovac: fBFoaDwKQMM-00002-00000896-00001352 It's wonderful and I'm very happy (Sounds like – that?)... with your campaign. fBFoaDwKQMM-00003-00001352-00002072 Sadhguru: One problem that Europe could face as years go by now is, with the rising temperatures, fBFoaDwKQMM-00004-00002072-00002464 what was coming in the form of snow may start coming in the form of rain, fBFoaDwKQMM-00005-00002464-00003064 which could be very damaging, for which the necessary vegetation covers must come up. fBFoaDwKQMM-00006-00003064-00003304 Martin Kovac: We will use more of organic material fBFoaDwKQMM-00007-00003304-00003972 and if we will add spaces for storing rainwater in the landscape, we'll improve the situation. fBFoaDwKQMM-00008-00003972-00004353 Sadhguru: It's music for me, you talking me (Martin Kovac laughs). fBFoaDwKQMM-00009-00004353-00005276 Martin Kovac: Thank you, sir. (Overlapping conversation) Thank you. fBFoaDwKQMM-00010-00005277-00005393 Sadhguru: Thank you. fCxGaZbIsb4-00000-00000099-00000450 For this demo, I picked kind of a best case example fCxGaZbIsb4-00001-00000450-00000873 for recognition because this text is not stylized fCxGaZbIsb4-00002-00000873-00001096 and it's pretty clearly distinguishable from fCxGaZbIsb4-00003-00001096-00001501 the white background of the envelope. fCxGaZbIsb4-00004-00001501-00001930 This is the continuous preview mode, so what you see in the upper left corner is a preview of fCxGaZbIsb4-00005-00001930-00002214 what the OCR engine is recognizing fCxGaZbIsb4-00006-00002214-00002780 as I move the viewfinder around the screen. fCxGaZbIsb4-00007-00002780-00002886 The trick, fCxGaZbIsb4-00008-00002886-00003135 if you want to translate something, fCxGaZbIsb4-00009-00003135-00003488 is to put the box around what you want to translate fCxGaZbIsb4-00010-00003488-00003751 and then hold the camera steady, fCxGaZbIsb4-00011-00003751-00004020 and make sure the focus engages so that you get fCxGaZbIsb4-00012-00004020-00004195 what you want to translate fCxGaZbIsb4-00013-00004195-00004377 in the upper left corner of the screen. fCxGaZbIsb4-00014-00004377-00004654 Once you've got that, press the shutter button fCxGaZbIsb4-00015-00004654-00004785 and then it will start the translation. fG73CFG-WA8-00000-00000506-00000909 The marshmallow experiment is this, they put a bunch of four or five year-olds in a fG73CFG-WA8-00001-00000909-00001529 room. They placed in front of them a plate and one marshmallow, and they said fG73CFG-WA8-00002-00001529-00002157 that you have two choices, you can have this marshmallow now and enjoy, or fG73CFG-WA8-00003-00002157-00002643 I'll be back in 15 minutes and if I see that one marshmallow is still there I'll give fG73CFG-WA8-00004-00002643-00003607 you two marshmallows. Four-five year olds. and the person leaves the room. The reports say fG73CFG-WA8-00005-00003607-00004239 that there are individuals who within three seconds devour the marshmallow. There are fG73CFG-WA8-00006-00004239-00004671 other individuals who physically were fighting themselves to not eat the fG73CFG-WA8-00007-00004671-00005292 marshmallow. Some would close their eyes some would turn their back against fG73CFG-WA8-00008-00005292-00005760 the marshmallow,. Some would hide under the table with a marshmallow was one, somebody would fG73CFG-WA8-00009-00005760-00006021 pick up the marshmallow and stroke it like it was an animal or fG73CFG-WA8-00010-00006021-00006461 something. Okay someone pulled their hair their fG73CFG-WA8-00011-00006461-00006945 little pigtails so the walk back and forth anything and everything to do with fG73CFG-WA8-00012-00006945-00007308 the fact that I don't want to eat this marshmallow, I know there's another one fG73CFG-WA8-00013-00007308-00007608 coming. They say two-thirds of the fG73CFG-WA8-00014-00007608-00008048 children deferred and were able to eat two marshmallows the one-third of them fG73CFG-WA8-00015-00008048-00008610 couldn't handle for 15 minutes. The experiment says that we followed these fG73CFG-WA8-00016-00008610-00009068 four-year-olds until they were 15 16 17 year-olds and we find that those fG73CFG-WA8-00017-00009068-00009540 individuals who deferred the gratification of the marshmallow to have fG73CFG-WA8-00018-00009540-00010047 two of them, were individuals were more patient, had more resolve, had more fG73CFG-WA8-00019-00010047-00010850 willpower, had more self-recognition, were able to go through less divorces, they fG73CFG-WA8-00020-00010850-00011222 were successful in the higher SAT scores, all these things were there fG73CFG-WA8-00021-00011222-00011680 because they were able to train themselves to defer their gratification. fG73CFG-WA8-00022-00011680-00012142 Now the problem lies, not the problem. the CHALLENGE lies in the fact that we were fG73CFG-WA8-00023-00012142-00012362 created to be haste individuals: fG73CFG-WA8-00024-00012362-00012891 [Quran 21:37] Man is created of haste.. fG73CFG-WA8-00025-00012891-00013096 [Quran 17:11] and man is ever hasty. fG73CFG-WA8-00026-00013118-00013406 Man was created to be a haste individual. fG73CFG-WA8-00027-00013406-00013722 What should be happening at the age of 15 and 9, what fG73CFG-WA8-00028-00013722-00014137 should be happening? is that the intellect comes in and says, ""Guys! guys! guys! look you fG73CFG-WA8-00029-00014137-00014808 guys are this guys since day number one, I'm now here I'm gonna run things fG73CFG-WA8-00030-00014934-00015456 I am gonna run things and I'm going to lead the entire group. So if you fG73CFG-WA8-00031-00015457-00015802 have shahwa (desires), you have anger if you want something if you don't like something fG73CFG-WA8-00032-00015802-00016240 you gotta come to me, knock on my door, ask me for permission I'll tell you yes fG73CFG-WA8-00033-00016240-00016609 you're allowed to like this thing, you're allowed to not like this thing. That's fG73CFG-WA8-00034-00016609-00017113 what should be happening. The reality is not happening. Our desires get bigger and bigger fG73CFG-WA8-00035-00017113-00017401 and bigger because we keep feeding this monster inside of us. fG73CFG-WA8-00036-00017401-00017833 Every time the desire says jump, we say yes certainly keep jumping up and down fG73CFG-WA8-00037-00017833-00018252 like buffoons. I desire gets bigger and bigger and bigger and we wonder why our fG73CFG-WA8-00038-00018252-00018660 desire just isn't getting full. The more we figure the bigger it gets fG73CFG-WA8-00039-00018660-00018876 and our intellect bechaara (like a poor man) is somewhere fG73CFG-WA8-00040-00018876-00019014 in the corner saying guys remember me? fG73CFG-WA8-00041-00019014-00019356 remember me? I am the intellect. I'm the guy that supposed to you know tell you what fG73CFG-WA8-00042-00019357-00019618 you should be like, and what you shouldn't be like. He's been trampled and fG73CFG-WA8-00043-00019618-00020035 pushed to the corner, because dude (the intellect) you've just arrived I've fG73CFG-WA8-00044-00020035-00020617 been here since for past 15 years, you're a rookie man. I'm a 15-year veteran. You fG73CFG-WA8-00045-00020617-00020980 don't tell me what to do. Alright I get on the plane, you get 20 minutes a fG73CFG-WA8-00046-00020980-00021343 game, I get 48 minutes (of basketball). That's how it goes in sports right? Same idea you can't come fG73CFG-WA8-00047-00021343-00021580 in as rookie and tell me, okay but you sit at the bench fG73CFG-WA8-00048-00021580-00022023 I'll take your role. No you wont. I've been here, this is my playground, this is my hood fG73CFG-WA8-00049-00022023-00022516 you can't call me or tell me what to do. Go off. fG73CFG-WA8-00050-00022516-00022756 And this battle begins at 15 fG73CFG-WA8-00051-00022756-00023239 and 9 and it's a serious battle man, oh my goodness! Several times a day this fG73CFG-WA8-00052-00023239-00023836 battle ensues. And the very very special youth are those who weakened their fG73CFG-WA8-00053-00023836-00024279 desires and who strengthened their intellect. And the very very special one to the fG73CFG-WA8-00054-00024279-00024711 ones who actually allow their uptill and their intellect and their reasoning to fG73CFG-WA8-00055-00024711-00025103 govern their desires and their anger and their creativity fG73CFG-WA8-00056-00025103-00025287 And to do that fG73CFG-WA8-00057-00025287-00025651 surrounded and this society is even more difficult. fG73CFG-WA8-00058-00025651-00026110 For it to be possible. fG73CFG-WA8-00059-00026110-00026345 That's why the ulema of akhlaq tell us that one of fG73CFG-WA8-00060-00026345-00026852 the areas that you can certainly gain this idea of deferred gratification is fG73CFG-WA8-00061-00026852-00027474 to weaken your desires. You don't always need to say yes to your desires guys. If fG73CFG-WA8-00062-00027474-00027807 you're desires saying, look I want this, I want to eat this food, I want to buy this fG73CFG-WA8-00063-00027807-00028170 purse, I'm gonna buy these shoes, I'm gonna love this person, I'm gonna marry fG73CFG-WA8-00064-00028170-00028691 this person, and all of that is bad news for you, god forbid we said, No! You know fG73CFG-WA8-00065-00028691-00029463 what, I don't want that. But this society will tell you to make your NAFS your god. fG73CFG-WA8-00066-00029463-00029979 Whatever you Nafs says you do it. No one has any right to tell you that you fG73CFG-WA8-00067-00029979-00030327 can't love this person. You can't marry this person. fG73CFG-WA8-00068-00030327-00030689 Your parents are begging you, your communities beg you, the aalim is begging, fG73CFG-WA8-00069-00030689-00031080 Look man she's bad news for you bro, don't marry her. Don't get fooled by fG73CFG-WA8-00070-00031080-00031547 his blue eyes, his blue eyes will become green one second, It'll become black in fG73CFG-WA8-00071-00031548-00031945 one second, look at his taqwa and piety. fG73CFG-WA8-00072-00032586-00032796 That's what is going on right now. fG73CFG-WA8-00073-00032796-00033180 Until we get this thing desire which is out of control and when that fG73CFG-WA8-00074-00033180-00033693 happens, when that happens when desire is out of control we become habitual fG73CFG-WA8-00075-00033693-00034241 sinners. The same sin we do over and over and over again to the point can you fG73CFG-WA8-00076-00034241-00034653 imagine, to the point where we're doing the sin in the middle of the sin were fG73CFG-WA8-00077-00034653-00034982 telling ourselves we shouldn't be doing this. fG73CFG-WA8-00078-00035068-00035600 And we do it. Right until the end and afterwards we kick ourselves, we bang fG73CFG-WA8-00079-00035600-00035988 ourselves, you slap ourselves, What's wrong with you. You shouldn't be doing fG73CFG-WA8-00080-00035988-00036416 this. We beg Allah, Astagfirullahi Waátoob ilayh, that's it I'm fG73CFG-WA8-00081-00036416-00036827 done. Wallah! Wallahi! Wallhi I am done, no more God, no more god, You wake fG73CFG-WA8-00082-00036827-00037232 up in the morning, BAM. That sin, it happens fG73CFG-WA8-00083-00037232-00037346 again and you kill yourself fG73CFG-WA8-00084-00037346-00037749 again, because your desires are out of control, you no longer control your fG73CFG-WA8-00085-00037749-00038156 desires, its like walking up the mountain and the donkeys on your back and you're fG73CFG-WA8-00086-00038156-00038574 going up the mountains. You know man the donkey was made to carry you off the fG73CFG-WA8-00087-00038574-00039002 mountain, not the other way around. You have this load of desires on your fG73CFG-WA8-00088-00039002-00039222 shoulder walking around. fNbbYKuTq9o-00000-00000522-00001182 yeah I thought empathy I've got I've got them scars I've been fNbbYKuTq9o-00001-00001607-00002004 I've lost somebody really close to me I've been fNbbYKuTq9o-00002-00002004-00002352 in Secure units I've been in most types of mental hospital fNbbYKuTq9o-00003-00003090-00003479 I've experienced different treatments um fNbbYKuTq9o-00004-00004068-00004296 was uh fNbbYKuTq9o-00005-00004992-00005832 we support the liquid caution whatever that's um experience fNbbYKuTq9o-00006-00005904-00006918 a lot of a lot of to life expenses that people who are in hospital or either faced or might be fNbbYKuTq9o-00007-00006918-00007962 facing so you relate to them as well just hope you're going to help us towards a better future fO5Y4rdtrz0-00000-00000352-00000813 Hello Oto Kano here with a hat because I have a ginormous fO5Y4rdtrz0-00001-00001138-00001619 And I thought it's better to make this video then not make this video so here I am with a hat fO5Y4rdtrz0-00002-00001672-00002424 Today, I thought I would make a starving artist tag that's going around YouTube does that seem like a lot of fun to do fO5Y4rdtrz0-00003-00002448-00002817 So without further ado here we go question 1 fO5Y4rdtrz0-00004-00002830-00003108 What is your favorite experience as an artist? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00005-00003142-00003806 I would have to say that it's this right here right now you me talking fO5Y4rdtrz0-00006-00003807-00004370 Well me talking to you and also getting to talk down below, so I'm painfully painfully fO5Y4rdtrz0-00007-00004446-00004582 painfully fO5Y4rdtrz0-00008-00004582-00005061 Introverted, but I'm 38 and this year. I just decided. I'm gonna start fighting fO5Y4rdtrz0-00009-00005157-00005357 being an introvert fO5Y4rdtrz0-00010-00005362-00005603 So we get brought up in this society fO5Y4rdtrz0-00011-00005644-00006135 Being told that introversion is really really bad and detrimental and almost treated like an illness fO5Y4rdtrz0-00012-00006135-00006486 And we all should be extroverts or make up friends and stuff fO5Y4rdtrz0-00013-00006559-00007320 500 friends on your friends list on Facebook and stuff, and I spent 30 at least 30 years of that 38 years fO5Y4rdtrz0-00014-00007404-00008018 trying to get myself to be that way and beating myself up for not being that way and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00015-00008095-00008565 I just decided you know what what happens if at least just one year I fO5Y4rdtrz0-00016-00008728-00009416 Stopped beating myself up about being an introvert and just embrace it what would my life look like and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00017-00009507-00009743 One of the things was I stopped fO5Y4rdtrz0-00018-00009796-00010446 Doing like really weird marketing's that there you get taught on marketing courses that felt really wrong to me fO5Y4rdtrz0-00019-00010446-00010841 I've never felt comfortable in just hey look. I'm a aa fO5Y4rdtrz0-00020-00010936-00011387 it just feels icky to me and so I let go of all that and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00021-00011503-00011671 What that did was? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00022-00011671-00012005 create a breathing space for me to actually go ah fO5Y4rdtrz0-00023-00012061-00012548 okay, what actually goes with my nature and my answer to that was YouTube and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00024-00012603-00012703 sharing fO5Y4rdtrz0-00025-00012703-00013472 Stuff I've learned about art and stuff. I'm learning about at the time, and then I love sharing that information and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00026-00013531-00014066 So I would say that without art. I wouldn't have had anything to fO5Y4rdtrz0-00027-00014284-00014828 Share with you guys that was a really long way of answering that first question this is gonna be original fO5Y4rdtrz0-00028-00015025-00015236 Question number two what's your least favorite? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00029-00015301-00015612 Experience as an artist I don't have a Mystics fO5Y4rdtrz0-00030-00015676-00015989 Favorite experience what I can talk about is fO5Y4rdtrz0-00031-00016075-00016275 becoming an artist and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00032-00016318-00016782 Running an art business has been the hardest thing I've ever done in my life fO5Y4rdtrz0-00033-00016782-00017210 And I have a PhD that was easy compared to this stuff, so fO5Y4rdtrz0-00034-00017373-00017573 It's but I wouldn't call it fO5Y4rdtrz0-00035-00017629-00018195 My least favorite experience because I've enjoyed it every single moment of it, and I've learned so much fO5Y4rdtrz0-00036-00018195-00018581 and then I really thrive on learning new things and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00037-00018667-00018939 Problem-solving so for me. It's definitely not my least fO5Y4rdtrz0-00038-00018991-00019595 Favorite experience, it's just like wow it's it's been a huge learning curve fO5Y4rdtrz0-00039-00019642-00020198 It's definitely been my favorite thing. I've done with my life so question number three fO5Y4rdtrz0-00040-00020198-00020669 What are your dreams and goals for your art? Can I be practical? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00041-00020734-00021197 Think I know YouTube supposed to be like inspirational stuff, but honestly my cool fO5Y4rdtrz0-00042-00021226-00021645 huh is to be able to earn a full time living, but I fO5Y4rdtrz0-00043-00021697-00022448 Don't need accolades and awards. I just want to be able to find a system in which I can just keep on doing this fO5Y4rdtrz0-00044-00022519-00022733 Perpetually and just enjoy it fO5Y4rdtrz0-00045-00022807-00023048 What's your favorite medium, and why? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00046-00023113-00023284 definitely watercolors fO5Y4rdtrz0-00047-00023284-00023400 followed by acrylics fO5Y4rdtrz0-00048-00023400-00024005 I think the only ones I won't do is anything was a strong smell this in my best friend in my eyes just fO5Y4rdtrz0-00049-00024178-00024554 Masking like I've been seen wearing this quite a lot because any fO5Y4rdtrz0-00050-00024648-00024847 solvent based stuff fO5Y4rdtrz0-00051-00024847-00025455 Even just using alcohol in making effects on watercolor I have to wear this fO5Y4rdtrz0-00052-00025483-00025703 I'm so so sensitive fO5Y4rdtrz0-00053-00025756-00025956 I got very sick fO5Y4rdtrz0-00054-00026066-00026401 Taking I don't know if you guys have night nurse in your country fO5Y4rdtrz0-00055-00026401-00026748 but in the UK we have a medication called night nurse we cold and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00056-00026807-00027234 We didn't realize it had like I think about 18 percent our God fO5Y4rdtrz0-00057-00027332-00027549 So there was me coffee malanga fO5Y4rdtrz0-00058-00027551-00027783 I'm dying so out of desperation fO5Y4rdtrz0-00059-00027808-00028426 My husband gets me these things. We please try this because it really helped me I did and like 10 minutes later fO5Y4rdtrz0-00060-00028426-00028626 I was just like fO5Y4rdtrz0-00061-00028679-00029199 Collapsed on the floor couldn't even get out because the alcohol got to me before the Minich fO5Y4rdtrz0-00062-00029297-00029592 And I was being variable fO5Y4rdtrz0-00063-00029695-00029970 So I have to be really careful with solvent fO5Y4rdtrz0-00064-00029970-00030651 So I wouldn't have you would never see me using like oh really getting into sovereign face things fO5Y4rdtrz0-00065-00030652-00031032 So there's a lot of art that I can't do that. I would really love to like fO5Y4rdtrz0-00066-00031091-00031288 Encaustic art is definitely one of those things fO5Y4rdtrz0-00067-00031288-00031551 I would love to because I love the Schleck fO5Y4rdtrz0-00068-00031583-00032155 The the burning of Schleck effect there you get but there's no way I could work with that so it's quite sad fO5Y4rdtrz0-00069-00032155-00032324 But no my favorite fO5Y4rdtrz0-00070-00032324-00032524 Medium is definitely fO5Y4rdtrz0-00071-00032570-00032702 watercolors and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00072-00032702-00033040 I just it's fascinating and I love it to pieces fO5Y4rdtrz0-00073-00033100-00033414 hey, what inspired you to do art and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00074-00033482-00033684 Why do you love it? I think there's two different fO5Y4rdtrz0-00075-00033743-00034510 Questions are answered separately the first is what inspired you to do art, so I haven't led the stereotypical oh fO5Y4rdtrz0-00076-00034586-00035020 I've drawn on my life, and I went to high school fO5Y4rdtrz0-00077-00035020-00035229 And I have a master's in finance fO5Y4rdtrz0-00078-00035272-00035916 And I've always knew I was gonna become an artist no completely opposite until I was 36 fO5Y4rdtrz0-00079-00035916-00036504 I had no idea. I was gonna become an artist at all I spent all my adult life pursuing a fO5Y4rdtrz0-00080-00036563-00037074 Academic career in computer science, and I yeah like I drew it as a kid fO5Y4rdtrz0-00081-00037075-00037675 and then you know the the world gets to you and you stop drawing and you start learning algebra instead and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00082-00037733-00037933 You yes? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00083-00037955-00038709 The typical story of how you don't become an out so how I did actually somehow end up becoming an artist fO5Y4rdtrz0-00084-00038740-00039540 was my husband I decided that it was time for me for us to travel so we saved up all our money and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00085-00039686-00040341 Saved up enough to travel the world for I say technically three years, but year and half of that was spent in Japan fO5Y4rdtrz0-00086-00040427-00040878 The other year half was spent on the road traveling fO5Y4rdtrz0-00087-00040949-00041502 across the world and what ended up happening was every city we when fO5Y4rdtrz0-00088-00041614-00042282 All we will do is will go to art shows and art galleries and art museum we say with all this money fO5Y4rdtrz0-00089-00042370-00043140 for years I mean we planned the biggest chance to go wherever we want and we keep ending up in our shows I fO5Y4rdtrz0-00090-00043333-00043533 Think I like fO5Y4rdtrz0-00091-00043591-00043759 Like just fO5Y4rdtrz0-00092-00043759-00044088 Tick tick tiny bit, so I so okay? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00093-00044099-00044730 Well, I'll give it a go, but it wasn't like he wasn't mainly through fO5Y4rdtrz0-00094-00044794-00045378 My encouragement, I think the people around me was more encouraging that I was about making art fO5Y4rdtrz0-00095-00045378-00046113 So that's how I actually go into art. I think the second part to that question, which is why you'd love, art. I love color fO5Y4rdtrz0-00096-00046309-00046890 In case you ever noticed every color monster so being able to spend all day just playing around with Skylar is fO5Y4rdtrz0-00097-00046943-00047143 beauty fun for me and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00098-00047152-00047352 also, I have bipolar and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00099-00047431-00047688 Bipolar has like this manic phase and depressions fO5Y4rdtrz0-00100-00047688-00048282 And I have not yet found something else besides our that I can actually do fO5Y4rdtrz0-00101-00048358-00049080 Regardless of where my bipolar is a lot of stuff. I can't do if I'm manic or if I'm depressed and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00102-00049156-00049911 This is the only thing that sync'd agree with my body and with my the way my bipolar is so that it can kind of fO5Y4rdtrz0-00103-00049945-00050125 coexist with each other fO5Y4rdtrz0-00104-00050125-00050823 So yeah, that is to me. That is a sign that our is for me a six fO5Y4rdtrz0-00105-00050914-00051405 What's the favorite piece of art you've ever had made and why is it special? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00106-00051502-00051963 Watercolor wise I think it has to be this. I'm not shipping is it because of the reflection fO5Y4rdtrz0-00107-00052057-00052488 yeah, there's a lot of reflection, but that is one big piece of fO5Y4rdtrz0-00108-00052607-00053148 About a one-size watercolor painting of the see that I did with masking tape fO5Y4rdtrz0-00109-00053198-00053674 no with masking fluid the biggest art influences van Gogh I fO5Y4rdtrz0-00110-00053767-00054210 Have been to many cities to cry in front of a banker fO5Y4rdtrz0-00111-00054211-00054858 I don't know what it is about his paintings, but when I stand on in front of a real painting of s fO5Y4rdtrz0-00112-00054858-00055230 I cry I'm clearly not in fashion, but I love fO5Y4rdtrz0-00113-00055316-00055894 Alexander McQueen, and I love one of his quotes when he was talking about fO5Y4rdtrz0-00114-00055976-00056689 how he went into Givenchy as their new creative designer and he started cutting cutting up clothes and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00115-00056758-00057414 Everyone was like horrified that he was cutting up these expensive pieces of clothes with just the pair of scissors was no plan at all fO5Y4rdtrz0-00116-00057439-00058182 And he went don't worry. It's just clothes, and I he loves that like I trained think I was just like fO5Y4rdtrz0-00117-00058262-00059055 When bloom they world-changing paradigm-shifting thing happened when I heard that and I had now have the same attitude fO5Y4rdtrz0-00118-00059167-00059800 Towards our or I tried to which is like either. It's just paper that I'm messing around fO5Y4rdtrz0-00119-00059800-00060463 It's just paint that I'm mucking around with it's just a painting. I did it's no biggie and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00120-00060541-00060990 that has lifted so much weight off my shoulders, so he's like my fO5Y4rdtrz0-00121-00061141-00061341 Spirit anymore in my art fO5Y4rdtrz0-00122-00061400-00061746 Just for that simple ad shows don't worry. It's just clothes fO5Y4rdtrz0-00123-00061804-00062295 Ego ruler for his lines and distortions. I love that Art Nouveau fO5Y4rdtrz0-00124-00062314-00062841 I love the I've always loved the curve you get from Art Nouveau fO5Y4rdtrz0-00125-00062863-00063307 I think shedding from Hades saves the day was talking about fO5Y4rdtrz0-00126-00063332-00063780 The nouveau furniture room in oh say I've been there. It's amazing fO5Y4rdtrz0-00127-00063814-00064554 I actually stood in there and the closing time when there when we were living in Paris for a month I fO5Y4rdtrz0-00128-00064604-00065239 Went to the Orsay many many times and just drooled over everything because amazing amazing amazing fO5Y4rdtrz0-00129-00065339-00065706 Happened to have a van Gogh exhibition at the same time. Oh my god like fO5Y4rdtrz0-00130-00065770-00066120 like it was out in terms of Scottish artist Jalloh mo and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00131-00066275-00066942 Scot nurse miss they are both Scottish landscape artists, and they use really bright colors fO5Y4rdtrz0-00132-00066943-00067227 And I just yeah, I love their style fO5Y4rdtrz0-00133-00067265-00068062 what did you learn from being a full-time artist that I can take on so much more then I saw either could and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00134-00068252-00068836 Like when I finished my PhD I thought wow that is like the peak of my life, and I learned so much and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00135-00068891-00069552 Just like you know when we're eighteen then we know we think we know everything well having her up business was like okay fO5Y4rdtrz0-00136-00069553-00069743 No, that was like fO5Y4rdtrz0-00137-00069743-00070035 down here compared to what I'm doing right now and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00138-00070124-00070345 It's interesting because I saw a baby's life fO5Y4rdtrz0-00139-00070345-00070881 And I think I thought people would think running our business is easier than doing a patient fO5Y4rdtrz0-00140-00070882-00071245 but now it's read not not only am I Leonard cray all right, I'm fO5Y4rdtrz0-00141-00071306-00071739 learning to become an artist which is slightly different because I fO5Y4rdtrz0-00142-00071780-00072309 feel like being a full-time artist is a different, ballgame to being a fO5Y4rdtrz0-00143-00072410-00072596 part-time or hobby fO5Y4rdtrz0-00144-00072596-00072997 Artist, and that's not to say it one's better than the other or anything like that fO5Y4rdtrz0-00145-00072997-00073488 It's just different, and then you also have to take care of the business side you have to learn about fO5Y4rdtrz0-00146-00073550-00073827 Websites and which is peas best fO5Y4rdtrz0-00147-00074003-00074283 Spoilers there are non. Just go to Squarespace fO5Y4rdtrz0-00148-00074314-00074668 We're not sponsored by them, but go to Squarespace anyway fO5Y4rdtrz0-00149-00074687-00074904 We transfer to them like a month ago fO5Y4rdtrz0-00150-00074935-00075720 And it's been the best thing it has lifted so much Hedrick overhead and marketing and copywriting and packaging and shipping fO5Y4rdtrz0-00151-00075788-00075988 customs and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00152-00076010-00076350 taxes and lowers and so I fO5Y4rdtrz0-00153-00076484-00076966 Have definitely learned that I can take on more fO5Y4rdtrz0-00154-00077087-00077451 Range like a bigger range of stuff than I thought I ever could before fO5Y4rdtrz0-00155-00077504-00077964 So that's been a really really good lesson for what do your family and friends? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00156-00078017-00078234 Think about you being an artist fO5Y4rdtrz0-00157-00078380-00078718 99% of the times I think my friends and my family fO5Y4rdtrz0-00158-00078779-00079006 believed in me and believed in my fO5Y4rdtrz0-00159-00079058-00079200 Support my huh? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00160-00079200-00079358 way more fO5Y4rdtrz0-00161-00079358-00079639 p90 it was a surprise just fO5Y4rdtrz0-00162-00079800-00080000 How supportive and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00163-00080045-00080449 How far my family and friends would go? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00164-00080538-00081085 To support me in this journey, and I have been touched and been fO5Y4rdtrz0-00165-00081144-00081391 Deeply grateful for their generosity fO5Y4rdtrz0-00166-00081444-00081597 my mother fO5Y4rdtrz0-00167-00081597-00082355 She has been the biggest surprise because I saw she was gonna hate it because she has always pushed me to have academic career fO5Y4rdtrz0-00168-00082461-00082820 achieve high in academia, and that's all that matters and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00169-00082889-00083437 I became an artist she's like I've been waiting for you to become our artist. I was like well fO5Y4rdtrz0-00170-00084219-00084470 Like like you know better San Marco in fO5Y4rdtrz0-00171-00084537-00085123 236 Isaac, I just spent 36 years trying like academia stuff so that you be head pleased with me fO5Y4rdtrz0-00172-00085126-00085326 And now you tell me you've been waiting oh fO5Y4rdtrz0-00173-00085452-00085635 Yeah fO5Y4rdtrz0-00174-00085635-00086174 So she was way more supportive of me becoming an artist then I wrapped myself fO5Y4rdtrz0-00175-00086220-00086605 at the time my husband has been amazing he has been a fO5Y4rdtrz0-00176-00086679-00086879 critical part of this whole fO5Y4rdtrz0-00177-00087002-00087135 Shebang fO5Y4rdtrz0-00178-00087135-00087467 from traveling the world with me to go and see the art and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00179-00087555-00087827 helping me in every single aspect of fO5Y4rdtrz0-00180-00087951-00088258 my art business, and you know I have friends who have fO5Y4rdtrz0-00181-00088368-00089122 Just insanely kindly put together our parties at their homes for me to be able to show fO5Y4rdtrz0-00182-00089160-00089864 Art and sell my art to their friends like which has been like wow you do have for me fO5Y4rdtrz0-00183-00089957-00090538 Hagar I was just so touched so I am really really fortunate and I fO5Y4rdtrz0-00184-00090630-00091201 Feel like my friends and family knew how's it going to become an artist I should become an artist big fO5Y4rdtrz0-00185-00091404-00091604 Definitely more fO5Y4rdtrz0-00186-00091650-00091820 than I did and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00187-00091820-00092524 I kind of feel all the time that my friends our family believed in my heart more than do on a daily basis fO5Y4rdtrz0-00188-00092634-00093220 So I'm very very fortunate in that so thank you to my family and friends who have been fO5Y4rdtrz0-00189-00093240-00093913 Wonderful to me a question number 10 was becoming an artist your childhood dream. If not what is fO5Y4rdtrz0-00190-00094613-00094836 So as I said earlier in the video fO5Y4rdtrz0-00191-00094934-00095517 No, not at all. Not until I was 36 so I was a late starter so fO5Y4rdtrz0-00192-00095582-00096360 becoming an artist was never a saying that even came onto my radar of life career choices at all and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00193-00096536-00096730 So the question of what is well well fO5Y4rdtrz0-00194-00096730-00097258 I always had a creative side in my life, and I've always had a scientific side in my life fO5Y4rdtrz0-00195-00097258-00097747 And I've always needed both to be happy and healthy fO5Y4rdtrz0-00196-00097810-00098009 But I've always taken fO5Y4rdtrz0-00197-00098009-00098691 The academic side or the scientific side as my career path and the creative side as a hobby fO5Y4rdtrz0-00198-00098741-00099306 So my first like career dream was to become a tactical lighting designer fO5Y4rdtrz0-00199-00099404-00099922 I've with through a quirk of sequence of events I somehow managed to get myself fO5Y4rdtrz0-00200-00099974-00100163 into sexual fO5Y4rdtrz0-00201-00100163-00100268 lighting fO5Y4rdtrz0-00202-00100268-00100704 At school, and I was lucky enough to go to National Youth Theater fO5Y4rdtrz0-00203-00100705-00101107 And there was a chance for me to go to the Royal Academy of Dramatic fO5Y4rdtrz0-00204-00101129-00101404 Arts to do lighting because that's time they were looking for a fO5Y4rdtrz0-00205-00101477-00101796 Student who's into lighting that could speak Japanese fO5Y4rdtrz0-00206-00101797-00102382 But that didn't pan out because my parents wanted a more academic life for me fO5Y4rdtrz0-00207-00102382-00102684 and I could totally understand why they did that because I think fO5Y4rdtrz0-00208-00102800-00102985 When you're 15? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00209-00102985-00103441 Your parents really do want you'd have as much security as possible fO5Y4rdtrz0-00210-00103493-00103908 Rather than the unpredictable world of theatre and in a way fO5Y4rdtrz0-00211-00103908-00104520 I'm really grateful that they did because I don't think I would have enjoyed a lifetime in the theatre fO5Y4rdtrz0-00212-00104555-00104826 so that was my first one and then fO5Y4rdtrz0-00213-00104906-00105195 Apollo 13 came and then I wanted to work for NASA fO5Y4rdtrz0-00214-00105196-00105700 I knew I couldn't be a astronaut because I wasn't physically fit, but I was like yes fO5Y4rdtrz0-00215-00105700-00106129 I'm gonna work for NASA and so I went to uni UCL in London fO5Y4rdtrz0-00216-00106129-00106756 Which is University College London to play neuroscience, and then my grandmother died like a week into my? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00217-00106880-00107547 First year and because she mostly raised me. I just fell apart and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00218-00107639-00108411 yeah, I basically left that course, and then I started in computer science and I fO5Y4rdtrz0-00219-00108535-00108807 Actually got stuck there for many many fO5Y4rdtrz0-00220-00108941-00109545 Through my bachelor's my masters and my PhD and then I became and question number 11 fO5Y4rdtrz0-00221-00109625-00110235 What advice can you give to people who want to be more artistic or creative follow? What you love? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00222-00110324-00110428 like fO5Y4rdtrz0-00223-00110428-00110637 if you love certain colors fO5Y4rdtrz0-00224-00110638-00111291 And it's not just like the commonly accepted color for a tree. Just use it anyway fO5Y4rdtrz0-00225-00111291-00111954 That's your style and I find that the eternal question of how can I find my style is just about following? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00226-00111954-00112236 What you like and what you want? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00227-00112303-00112596 instead or whatever now says there should be and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00228-00112700-00113268 So just becoming more honest about oh like this. Oh, I don't like this fO5Y4rdtrz0-00229-00113333-00113910 Regardless of what it might cost in terms of relationships around you. It's really important fO5Y4rdtrz0-00230-00113910-00114315 If you want to become creative because the creative journey is all about that is fO5Y4rdtrz0-00231-00114401-00114517 like fO5Y4rdtrz0-00232-00114517-00114870 Connecting with what interests you and the first step to that is fO5Y4rdtrz0-00233-00114983-00115183 becoming more honest and more fO5Y4rdtrz0-00234-00115250-00116016 Vocalising about oh. I like this ooh. I don't like that question number 12 were you supported to pursue art as a child fO5Y4rdtrz0-00235-00116092-00116520 Yes, and no like both my parents were really fO5Y4rdtrz0-00236-00116608-00117234 Creative but in a oppressed way, so I was encouraged to fO5Y4rdtrz0-00237-00117314-00118090 draw, but I was also pressured to do well like if you're gonna draw you gonna do a while and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00238-00118153-00118437 If you're gonna not draw you're gonna not draw well fO5Y4rdtrz0-00239-00118642-00119298 I would always say that my mother is the biggest inspiration and a bigger supporter for me becoming creative fO5Y4rdtrz0-00240-00119299-00119568 Haha, she was also the biggest fO5Y4rdtrz0-00241-00119663-00120066 Block like emotional block to me getting there in the first place fO5Y4rdtrz0-00242-00120083-00120540 That's kind of like the parents think they want to support you, but they want security for you fO5Y4rdtrz0-00243-00120616-00120885 and it's a hard job, and I had my fO5Y4rdtrz0-00244-00120968-00121512 Parents for taking on that job because no matter what you do you're gonna mess up anyway fO5Y4rdtrz0-00245-00121583-00122176 and it's just you know a thankless task for many many years until they finally grow up and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00246-00122216-00122724 Actually be grateful for everything you've done so parents you're amazing you keep doing what you're doing fO5Y4rdtrz0-00247-00122798-00123553 Question number 13. Do you make money off your art? Yes, I do I have a online shop link down below fO5Y4rdtrz0-00248-00123553-00123856 I'm also going to be reopening my Etsy shop fO5Y4rdtrz0-00249-00123983-00124183 Hopefully in the next week of summer fO5Y4rdtrz0-00250-00124202-00124792 which is going to be more towards art gear and our supply that is a fO5Y4rdtrz0-00251-00124958-00125677 Bit of a secret at the moment I've been eternally grateful for the fact that I have always managed to sell some of my art fO5Y4rdtrz0-00252-00125753-00125953 Not like a full time living fO5Y4rdtrz0-00253-00125959-00126711 But I have certainly sold at least like a thing a painting or a necklace or a something fO5Y4rdtrz0-00254-00126758-00126991 In most months since I started fO5Y4rdtrz0-00255-00127058-00127344 Being an artist which is really fO5Y4rdtrz0-00256-00127408-00127589 really lucky and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00257-00127589-00128085 That is entirely through the support of my family and friends fO5Y4rdtrz0-00258-00128132-00128821 who have bought these pieces from me and for people who have found me on social media and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00259-00128852-00129606 Have generously bought pieces from me, so thank you to you guys. I exist as an artist entirely because fO5Y4rdtrz0-00260-00129701-00129878 people have fO5Y4rdtrz0-00261-00129878-00130569 Really kindly believed in me from the beginning, so thank you. Thank you so much you guys because everything I love you question number 14 fO5Y4rdtrz0-00262-00130643-00130843 What do you want to improve on? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00263-00130889-00131262 Aspire to be with your future art keep fO5Y4rdtrz0-00264-00131408-00131608 going fO5Y4rdtrz0-00265-00131744-00132235 Keep painting messy because I am on a self-taught journey, I'm fO5Y4rdtrz0-00266-00132290-00132807 Quiet you know I'm on a year and a half, and so I'm really at the beginning of my journey fO5Y4rdtrz0-00267-00132851-00133131 So I just want to keep going. I just wanna keep learning fO5Y4rdtrz0-00268-00133132-00133762 I just want to keep taking courses and learning different styles and learning new facts and tricks and techniques fO5Y4rdtrz0-00269-00133886-00134356 Applying it to my art because it's great fun to see how like each course I do fO5Y4rdtrz0-00270-00134436-00134738 affects and influences my painting style fO5Y4rdtrz0-00271-00134775-00135451 What feeling do you try to express in your art if I had to pick a theme in my art? I think? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00272-00135507-00135707 somehow know like fO5Y4rdtrz0-00273-00135752-00135878 consciously fO5Y4rdtrz0-00274-00135878-00136630 But it always is nothing about how my Bible is feeling or how I feel about having backwards. It's always around fO5Y4rdtrz0-00275-00136707-00137305 Mental health because my phone isn't my only mental health condition quite often like if I'm feeling manic fO5Y4rdtrz0-00276-00137305-00137505 I have to get that manic energy out fO5Y4rdtrz0-00277-00137651-00138196 Out of my head and onto the paper, and if I'm feeling depressed that sadness fO5Y4rdtrz0-00278-00138197-00138848 I try to paint that out of me so that it's no longer in my body and this is why I say that uh fO5Y4rdtrz0-00279-00138848-00139627 It's been the best thing for my bipolar and for my life is because it's it has now given me a way to direct fO5Y4rdtrz0-00280-00139683-00139906 the very self-destructive fO5Y4rdtrz0-00281-00140058-00140163 Life-destroying fO5Y4rdtrz0-00282-00140163-00140596 Energies of mania and depression and put it somewhere else fO5Y4rdtrz0-00283-00140651-00141109 That is not destructive or at least not destructive to my life fO5Y4rdtrz0-00284-00141132-00141901 you know I might destroy paper or painting whatever, but it's no longer destroying my life in an active way and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00285-00142052-00142251 Instead I am fO5Y4rdtrz0-00286-00142251-00142434 creating something fO5Y4rdtrz0-00287-00142434-00142649 From the energy so that I don't fO5Y4rdtrz0-00288-00142691-00143455 Suffer it as much so I think if I had to pick some thing then that is what I'm trying to express when I'm painting fO5Y4rdtrz0-00289-00143499-00144109 What is your favorite thing to paint and why two things one is abstracted because I love fO5Y4rdtrz0-00290-00144147-00144928 playing with colors and just seeing what colors will do with each other when they meet and and and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00291-00145016-00145438 Create new colors and shapes and stuff so abstract is definitely fO5Y4rdtrz0-00292-00145604-00146278 My favorite thing to paint my second favorite is flowers and that is purely because my mom loves flowers and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00293-00146361-00146692 When I don't paint flowers she sorts out, and you know as a daughter fO5Y4rdtrz0-00294-00146692-00147207 I just want to make her happy, and she she loves it when I paint flowers and what? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00295-00147389-00147744 Adult-child don't want to you know make their elderly parents fO5Y4rdtrz0-00296-00147809-00148542 Happy by just doing simple things like that so yeah Flowers is definitely my second choice question number 17 fO5Y4rdtrz0-00297-00148544-00149076 What is the strangest thing you've painted? I don't think I have fun I fO5Y4rdtrz0-00298-00149186-00149662 Mean like some people find abstract strange and how to understand fO5Y4rdtrz0-00299-00149662-00150039 But like I haven't particularly painted anything that is fO5Y4rdtrz0-00300-00150122-00150463 strange just because I don't paint anything figurative and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00301-00150557-00151014 Like with a thing and stuff like that so now. I haven't paid anything that strange fO5Y4rdtrz0-00302-00151015-00151618 I mean have you ever been hung up after you started the Commission, and how did you handle it? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00303-00151652-00152236 No because on the whole I did not take commissions, so if you want the Commission. I paint it from me. Thank you fO5Y4rdtrz0-00304-00152236-00152899 I'm very very touched you want me to do that, but I cannot take that on for the single reason that I am fO5Y4rdtrz0-00305-00152960-00153627 awful I've been told what to do like I cannot work with in someone else's framework, and I'm fO5Y4rdtrz0-00306-00153704-00154330 Definitely a lone wolf in the way. I work which is probably why I have a gigantic wolf tattoo on my back fO5Y4rdtrz0-00307-00154391-00154867 Maybe there was a subconscious thing mm-hmm so basically you don't get hung up fO5Y4rdtrz0-00308-00154904-00155668 From commissions for doing take any Commission's, I'm sorry not very useful answer nominating. Do you admit that paint smells good? No? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00309-00155789-00156048 Mostly because I can't handle solvent smells fO5Y4rdtrz0-00310-00156113-00156555 So thankfully watercolor as I said before doesn't smell neither do acrylic fO5Y4rdtrz0-00311-00156556-00157087 I struggle with like furnishes for chronic and stuff, which is one of the reasons why I moved on to watercolor fO5Y4rdtrz0-00312-00157106-00157842 But I cannot handle solvents as I said before and oils and things so I don't think they smell good fO5Y4rdtrz0-00313-00157886-00158307 At all what would you tell your younger self Wow okay? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00314-00158308-00158848 That's like. We just like be talking about the surface things and discussions just went down deep I fO5Y4rdtrz0-00315-00158936-00159351 Would say that don't see not fitting in as a detriment fO5Y4rdtrz0-00316-00159431-00159915 and not be afraid of standing out because I've led a life of fO5Y4rdtrz0-00317-00160016-00160216 not fitting in fO5Y4rdtrz0-00318-00160250-00160450 even when I was in Japan and I fO5Y4rdtrz0-00319-00160553-00161041 Really really didn't fit in into the Japanese culture because I've always been different fO5Y4rdtrz0-00320-00161046-00161569 And I can't conform to things and I won't conform to rules and expectations fO5Y4rdtrz0-00321-00161646-00162172 Which the Japanese culture really struggles with and will reject? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00322-00162221-00162478 Immediately if you are refusing to fit in fO5Y4rdtrz0-00323-00162539-00162736 So I didn't fit in there fO5Y4rdtrz0-00324-00162736-00163342 And then I went to boarding school over in UK and as much as there was nothing fO5Y4rdtrz0-00325-00163373-00163621 Racially bad or anything like that at all fO5Y4rdtrz0-00326-00163679-00164083 My friends were lovely I was always wet that I was different from them fO5Y4rdtrz0-00327-00164083-00164341 You know like just small things like the makeup teacher fO5Y4rdtrz0-00328-00164341-00164809 You read on Seventeen magazine just didn't go with you because they were no fO5Y4rdtrz0-00329-00164837-00165529 Catered to your skin tone and features and things in that subtle way, so I was very conscientious that I don't fO5Y4rdtrz0-00330-00165594-00165773 fit in fO5Y4rdtrz0-00331-00165773-00166201 But then as soon as I started embracing who I really am fO5Y4rdtrz0-00332-00166274-00166436 life got easier fO5Y4rdtrz0-00333-00166436-00166957 When I was trying to fit in I was forcing myself to do things that I found fO5Y4rdtrz0-00334-00166979-00167731 Difficult to do rather than to do things that was easy for me to do and my creative coach always say do what's easy fO5Y4rdtrz0-00335-00167735-00168292 For you and that for me was a really scary step because I was like well if it's easy for me fO5Y4rdtrz0-00336-00168292-00169000 It's easy for everyone else right we all think that apparently and no it is not just because it's easy for you fO5Y4rdtrz0-00337-00169028-00169184 Doesn't mean it's not fO5Y4rdtrz0-00338-00169184-00169384 special right and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00339-00169427-00169756 The way to bring you uniqueness out is by doing fO5Y4rdtrz0-00340-00169883-00170167 What comes easy to you because what comes easy to you? fO5Y4rdtrz0-00341-00170192-00170713 Is what's really hard for somebody else and as soon as I started embracing that I found art fO5Y4rdtrz0-00342-00170774-00171136 my friends and family was super supportive and fO5Y4rdtrz0-00343-00171260-00171437 My life just kind of blossomed fO5Y4rdtrz0-00344-00171437-00172099 So don't be afraid of standing out don't be afraid of embracing who you are and don't fO5Y4rdtrz0-00345-00172146-00172780 worry, they don't fit in this was definitely as candid as have ever been on this channel so far I fO5Y4rdtrz0-00346-00172833-00173335 Hope what you found out about me was interesting for you if you have any questions fO5Y4rdtrz0-00347-00173342-00173662 please ask away down in the comments below cuz I fO5Y4rdtrz0-00348-00173708-00174212 Chatting about creative life and stuff like that and I know you guys do too. Thank you for watching this video fO5Y4rdtrz0-00349-00174212-00174808 Please like share and we can chat down in the comments below, and I'll see you in the next video fOAK9XZpVoE-00000-00000071-00000335 Eryn: Previously on SuperIdols! RPG: fOAK9XZpVoE-00001-00000335-00000832 Valerie: Uhh, oh, you heard about the, you know, the Idol Club? fOAK9XZpVoE-00002-00000832-00001136 Synthia: Yeah, I saw the flyer. I’m interested in checking it out. fOAK9XZpVoE-00003-00001136-00001514 Angie: I’m holding a clipboard. Who knows where I got it? But I have it now. fOAK9XZpVoE-00004-00001514-00001607 [Quick Whoosh Sound Effect] fOAK9XZpVoE-00005-00001607-00002011 Amberlee: If you can find the real meeting spot, that totally must mean you’re serious fOAK9XZpVoE-00006-00002011-00002249 about this and are ready to commit to the club! fOAK9XZpVoE-00007-00002249-00002688 Angie: I’m not happy with this either, but this is our first class. I’m not sure how fOAK9XZpVoE-00008-00002688-00003030 much practicing you were expecting us to do. fOAK9XZpVoE-00009-00003030-00003632 Diana: It’s so hard to win these competitions. I’ve been looking forward to this for a fOAK9XZpVoE-00010-00003632-00003732 long time. fOAK9XZpVoE-00011-00003732-00003840 Angie: We all have. fOAK9XZpVoE-00012-00003840-00004160 Mr. Pollock: Oh, hey, uh, Synthia, right? Miss Knight? fOAK9XZpVoE-00013-00004160-00004260 Synthia: Yes. fOAK9XZpVoE-00014-00004260-00004673 Mr. Pollock: Your aunt stopped by earlier. I think she’s waiting for you outside. fOAK9XZpVoE-00015-00004673-00005444 Eryn: And what you see is basically just a photo of the school with sky above, and there’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00016-00005444-00005816 a big yellow arrow pointing to the roof. fOAK9XZpVoE-00017-00005816-00008320 [Opening Theme Song Plays (Adventurous Techno Music)] fOAK9XZpVoE-00018-00008320-00008814 Michelle: So I’ll just put all the pieces together and kind of leave it on the counter fOAK9XZpVoE-00019-00008814-00008942 so everyone can take a look. fOAK9XZpVoE-00020-00008942-00009218 Angie: Oh, it’s on the roof. fOAK9XZpVoE-00021-00009218-00009602 Emily: I guess that makes sense. There’s lots of space up there. We could practice fOAK9XZpVoE-00022-00009602-00009839 in the sunshine and it would be so good! Oh my god! fOAK9XZpVoE-00023-00009839-00010149 Eryn: And Emily seems very excited at the idea of practicing on the roof. fOAK9XZpVoE-00024-00010149-00010586 Dana: As soon as she says, you know, "in the sunshine", Valerie’s like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00025-00010586-00010743 Valerie: Ughhh. fOAK9XZpVoE-00026-00010743-00011073 Dana: An extra, extra tired sigh. fOAK9XZpVoE-00027-00011073-00011315 Eryn: You're going to have to invest in a parasol. fOAK9XZpVoE-00028-00011315-00011572 Michelle: I guess it’s not February, huh? fOAK9XZpVoE-00029-00011572-00012354 Eryn: So yes, anyways, you have your map and you can follow it if you want. And Diana’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00030-00012354-00012546 just murmuring to herself, like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00031-00012546-00012888 Diana: This is so stupid, this is so stupid. Why are we doing this? fOAK9XZpVoE-00032-00012888-00013236 Angie: Uh, Synthia, do you need to talk to your aunt before we go? fOAK9XZpVoE-00033-00013236-00013655 Synthia: Yes, I should probably go talk to her real quick, and then we can head up there, fOAK9XZpVoE-00034-00013655-00014013 if you like. If you guys don’t mind waiting. Or I can just catch up. fOAK9XZpVoE-00035-00014013-00014253 Angie: Um, let’s go up there together. fOAK9XZpVoE-00036-00014253-00014787 Eryn: Alright, so I’m going to take control just a little bit here. Synthia, you’re fOAK9XZpVoE-00037-00014787-00015221 going to head sort of towards the front – you’re near the front of the building anyways because fOAK9XZpVoE-00038-00015221-00015606 you’re at the office, so you just head out the front doors. You know where your aunt fOAK9XZpVoE-00039-00015606-00016154 wants to meet you. There’s an area where cars can part in front of the school. It’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00040-00016154-00016764 a little off to the side, there’s a little collection of trees nearby that you can conveniently fOAK9XZpVoE-00041-00016764-00017449 sort of stand behind if need be. And, sure enough, you see an old station wagon outside fOAK9XZpVoE-00042-00017449-00018406 and an older woman, maybe in her, like, early 50s, tight curled graying hair. And she smiles fOAK9XZpVoE-00043-00018406-00018822 very wide and waves at you and gets out of the car to meet you. fOAK9XZpVoE-00044-00018822-00019035 Michelle: Okay so I’ll walk over. fOAK9XZpVoE-00045-00019035-00019384 Eryn: So you all see Synthia walk off. fOAK9XZpVoE-00046-00019384-00019550 Michelle: Just get some fresh air. fOAK9XZpVoE-00047-00019550-00020142 Eryn: [laughs] What are you all doing while she’s doing this? Do you want to be good fOAK9XZpVoE-00048-00020142-00020543 and stay put or does anybody want to try and get closer and listen in? fOAK9XZpVoE-00049-00020543-00021522 Tea: Can I, like, look over and make, uh, pointed eye contact with Valerie and be, like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00050-00021522-00021780 Angie: I have to go to the bathroom... fOAK9XZpVoE-00051-00021780-00021968 Tea: And then I just leave? fOAK9XZpVoE-00052-00021968-00022060 Eryn: Sure. fOAK9XZpVoE-00053-00022060-00022228 [All laugh] fOAK9XZpVoE-00054-00022228-00022760 Dana: As soon as Angie says that I, without breaking eye contact, say, fOAK9XZpVoE-00055-00022760-00022954 Valerie: Yeah, me too. fOAK9XZpVoE-00056-00022954-00023202 Eryn: Diana joins in with you as well, like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00057-00023202-00023635 Diana: Um, I think you’re right. We should just go freshen up for a moment. fOAK9XZpVoE-00058-00023635-00023951 Eryn: And she knows what you all are on about. fOAK9XZpVoE-00059-00023951-00024223 Michelle: And then you walk outside of the school. fOAK9XZpVoE-00060-00024224-00024460 [All laugh] fOAK9XZpVoE-00061-00024460-00025009 Eryn: So you all, like, Scooby Doo-style, like, creep towards the cluster of trees and fOAK9XZpVoE-00062-00025009-00025186 try not to be seen. fOAK9XZpVoE-00063-00025186-00025608 Tea: Do we do that thing where we all, like, peek around a corner and it’s all our heads fOAK9XZpVoE-00064-00025608-00025756 on top of each other? fOAK9XZpVoE-00065-00025756-00025895 Dana: Yes. Please. fOAK9XZpVoE-00066-00025895-00026399 Eryn: I’m going to say there’s a little, like, I don't know, an electrical shed near fOAK9XZpVoE-00067-00026400-00026892 the front of the school that you can all hide behind as well, just so we can get that shot. fOAK9XZpVoE-00068-00026892-00027952 All right, so: Synthia, you are meeting with your... your aunt, whose name I will say is, um, Theresa. fOAK9XZpVoE-00069-00027952-00028568 Who I definitely didn't just name right now. So Aunt Theresa waves at you and goes, fOAK9XZpVoE-00070-00028568-00028724 Aunt Theresa: Hey honey. fOAK9XZpVoE-00071-00028724-00029162 Eryn: Very, very, very wide smile. Like teeth, pearly whites showing. fOAK9XZpVoE-00072-00029162-00029494 Aunt Theresa: How was your day at school, honey? fOAK9XZpVoE-00073-00029494-00030256 Synthia: Hi Aunt Theresa. Um, I’m just signing up for the Idol Club right now, like you... fOAK9XZpVoE-00074-00030256-00030868 suggested to me. So, uh, we have our first meeting up on the roof. Is there anything fOAK9XZpVoE-00075-00030868-00031000 that I should know about? fOAK9XZpVoE-00076-00031000-00031643 Eryn: And a flash of concern crosses her face, um, and she – she looks left, she looks fOAK9XZpVoE-00077-00031643-00032311 right. Y'all pull your heads back behind the shed and she doesn’t see anybody watching fOAK9XZpVoE-00078-00032311-00032947 or listening. She pulls you in a little closer towards where the trees are and leans in and fOAK9XZpVoE-00079-00032947-00033047 whispers, fOAK9XZpVoE-00080-00033047-00033447 Aunt Theresa: Are – are you sure that’s the safest place? There’s lots of people fOAK9XZpVoE-00081-00033447-00033810 that use drone cameras to watch people. Are you sure that’s the safest place you could fOAK9XZpVoE-00082-00033810-00034296 be practicing? Is there any way could get them to move to another location? fOAK9XZpVoE-00083-00034296-00034548 Synthia: Well we haven’t met the president yet. We, uh... fOAK9XZpVoE-00084-00034548-00034646 Aunt Theresa: What? fOAK9XZpVoE-00085-00034646-00034878 Synthia: ...are about to go meet them. So I’ll talk with them about that. fOAK9XZpVoE-00086-00034878-00035196 Aunt Theresa: That seems like a very unprofessional way to run a club. fOAK9XZpVoE-00087-00035196-00035444 Synthia: I’ll let them know. fOAK9XZpVoE-00088-00035444-00036043 Aunt Theresa: But yes, wherever you need to practice, it needs to be either inside or somewhere fOAK9XZpVoE-00089-00036043-00036491 where it’s harder for prying eyes to get at you. You know how important it is. It’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00090-00036492-00036924 bad enough that we have to meet like this out here. Like, who knows who could be listen— fOAK9XZpVoE-00091-00036924-00037119 Synthia: Yes, I understand. fOAK9XZpVoE-00092-00037119-00037499 Aunt Theresa: Alright, I just wanted to make sure everything is going according to plan fOAK9XZpVoE-00093-00037499-00037955 and that you’re still okay. You’re still on board? fOAK9XZpVoE-00094-00037955-00038113 Synthia: Everything’s okay. fOAK9XZpVoE-00095-00038113-00038246 Eryn: And she sort of frowns. fOAK9XZpVoE-00096-00038246-00038559 Aunt Theresa: You don’t seem very enthusiastic about that. fOAK9XZpVoE-00097-00038560-00038772 Synthia: I’m just a bit hungry. fOAK9XZpVoE-00098-00038772-00039252 Aunt Theresa: Well, yes, it is important to keep up your nutrition levels. fOAK9XZpVoE-00099-00039252-00039719 Eryn: She still gives you a bit of a suspicious look. She knows that you’re not super psyched fOAK9XZpVoE-00100-00039720-00040248 about this, but she knows better than to push at this point. fOAK9XZpVoE-00101-00040248-00040816 Aunt Theresa: Alright, well, as long as everything is still going okay and nobody’s asked any fOAK9XZpVoE-00102-00040818-00041291 probing questions so far? You’ve been able to keep people at bay? fOAK9XZpVoE-00103-00041291-00041705 Synthia: I haven’t really met too many people yet. I mean, we’re just starting out the fOAK9XZpVoE-00104-00041705-00041937 school year. So, I’ll keep you posted. fOAK9XZpVoE-00105-00041937-00042455 Aunt Theresa: Yes. The fewer people you can get involved with, the best, I think. The fOAK9XZpVoE-00106-00042455-00042983 Idol Club is necessary so, of course, you need to get in with them as best you can. fOAK9XZpVoE-00107-00042983-00043366 But any excess friendships, keep those to a minimum. fOAK9XZpVoE-00108-00043366-00043709 Eryn: Um, actually, this feels like a label shift. I’m going to quickly look at your fOAK9XZpVoE-00109-00043709-00043868 labels and see what makes sense here. fOAK9XZpVoE-00110-00043868-00043968 Dana: Ooo... fOAK9XZpVoE-00111-00043968-00044274 Eryn: It feels like she’s trying to tell you who you are and how the world works, so fOAK9XZpVoE-00112-00044274-00044647 let me just see here. So I’m going to say because she’s trying to tell you to keep fOAK9XZpVoE-00113-00044647-00045300 your social life to a minimum and keep focused on what your mission is, she’s trying to fOAK9XZpVoE-00114-00045300-00045662 lower your Mundane and raise your Superior. Are you going to accept that or do you want fOAK9XZpVoE-00115-00045662-00045765 to reject that? fOAK9XZpVoE-00116-00045765-00046040 Michelle: I think I’ll just go with it at this point. fOAK9XZpVoE-00117-00046040-00046664 Eryn: Okay, so you can change that on your character sheet. Your Mundane would be -1 fOAK9XZpVoE-00118-00046665-00046853 and your Superior would be +2. fOAK9XZpVoE-00119-00046853-00047469 Michelle: Yes. Yeah, I think at this point I’m just trying to keep them happy and go fOAK9XZpVoE-00120-00047469-00047599 along with things. fOAK9XZpVoE-00121-00047599-00048140 Eryn: So she leaves you sort of on that note. She gives you a nod and gives you one last, fOAK9XZpVoE-00122-00048140-00048271 if everybody’s nearby, fOAK9XZpVoE-00123-00048271-00048781 Aunt Theresa: Okay, well, make sure that you come home soon, sweetie. See me sometime. fOAK9XZpVoE-00124-00048781-00049218 I just wanted to make sure everything is going okay at school, and I’m glad that it is. fOAK9XZpVoE-00125-00049218-00049405 So, good luck out there, kiddo! fOAK9XZpVoE-00126-00049405-00049608 Eryn: She gives you a very awkward thumbs up. fOAK9XZpVoE-00127-00049608-00049708 Synthia: Thanks Aunt Theresa. fOAK9XZpVoE-00128-00049708-00050100 Michelle: I give her an awkward smile and a thumbs up. fOAK9XZpVoE-00129-00050100-00050634 Eryn: And she gets back in the station wagon and drives off. So Synthia is probably going fOAK9XZpVoE-00130-00050636-00051000 to start heading back to the school. So y'all probably want to hustle. fOAK9XZpVoE-00131-00051000-00051212 Tea: Yeah, I absolutely hustle. fOAK9XZpVoE-00132-00051212-00051632 Eryn: I’m going to say, uh, Michelle, why don’t you roll Assess the Situation to see fOAK9XZpVoE-00133-00051634-00052087 if you notice anything’s afoot. Is that – is that the right move, Dana? Sorry I’m fOAK9XZpVoE-00134-00052087-00052341 probably going to ask you a couple things as we go. fOAK9XZpVoE-00135-00052341-00052508 Dana: That’s fine. Yeah, I think that works. fOAK9XZpVoE-00136-00052508-00052584 Eryn: Okay. fOAK9XZpVoE-00137-00052584-00052716 Michelle: Watch out, ohhh! fOAK9XZpVoE-00138-00052716-00052832 Eryn: Ooo. fOAK9XZpVoE-00139-00052832-00053223 Michelle: Kapow. 14, just underneath the Kapow. fOAK9XZpVoE-00140-00053223-00053990 Eryn: So you’re not fooled for a second. You see this group of, like, five other girls fOAK9XZpVoE-00141-00053990-00054472 rushing like they weren’t just hiding behind the electrical shed. fOAK9XZpVoE-00142-00054472-00054724 What do you do with that information? fOAK9XZpVoE-00143-00054724-00055139 I know that’s not one off the list of questions, but there isn’t really fOAK9XZpVoE-00144-00055139-00055451 another mechanical way to do, like, a perception check. fOAK9XZpVoE-00145-00055451-00056090 Michelle: I’m panicking a little bit inside and I’m wondering what they heard. fOAK9XZpVoE-00146-00056090-00056467 I guess I’ll just follow them in and kind of see what happens. fOAK9XZpVoE-00147-00056467-00057158 Eryn: [laughs] And because your rolled so well, I am going to give you a +1, it would fOAK9XZpVoE-00148-00057158-00057780 be when acting on answers normally, but I'm going to say it’s a +1 if you’re faced fOAK9XZpVoE-00149-00057780-00058085 with any confrontations with this from the others. fOAK9XZpVoE-00150-00058085-00058185 Michelle: Okay. fOAK9XZpVoE-00151-00058185-00058688 Tea: Just to reiterate, out of that conversation, what did we hear? Because I know there were fOAK9XZpVoE-00152-00058688-00059339 parts when her aunt was whispering to her. But I just wanted to know if everything else fOAK9XZpVoE-00153-00059339-00059842 was just lay low, blah blah blah, we all heard that? fOAK9XZpVoE-00154-00059842-00060392 Eryn: You didn’t hear all of it very clearly, but you definitely heard, like, whispers of fOAK9XZpVoE-00155-00060392-00061079 words like, “Don’t engage unless necessary” or “Stay low” or “Drone security” fOAK9XZpVoE-00156-00061079-00061220 that kind of thing. fOAK9XZpVoE-00157-00061220-00061424 Tea: Okay thanks. Drone security? fOAK9XZpVoE-00158-00061424-00061755 Eryn: Yeah she was talking about like she was afraid of drone cameras flying overhead fOAK9XZpVoE-00159-00061755-00061935 on the roof and seeing people. fOAK9XZpVoE-00160-00061935-00062675 Tea: Yeah, no I just meant, like, I feel, like, Angie would not get what they mean by fOAK9XZpVoE-00161-00062675-00063189 drone security. Like who cares? In this school? fOAK9XZpVoE-00162-00063189-00063796 Eryn: So you all book it back to the front atrium area, where the office is, like you fOAK9XZpVoE-00163-00063796-00064334 weren’t just doing what you were doing. Synthia makes her way back in behind you. fOAK9XZpVoE-00164-00064334-00064996 Tea: I think I would first be trying to look totally natural, which isn’t that natural fOAK9XZpVoE-00165-00064996-00065751 at all. A really obvious lean on the desk or something. Like, I’ve totally been standing fOAK9XZpVoE-00166-00065751-00065924 here the whole time! fOAK9XZpVoE-00167-00065924-00066024 [Eryn laughs] fOAK9XZpVoE-00168-00066024-00066561 Dana: Yeah, Valerie has her phone out. She’s just staring at her phone. Her phone screen fOAK9XZpVoE-00169-00066561-00066772 is not on if one looks closely. fOAK9XZpVoE-00170-00066772-00067188 Eryn: Emily looks, like, extremely nervous. Like, she’s visibly shaking. Like, "we did fOAK9XZpVoE-00171-00067188-00067288 a bad thing..." fOAK9XZpVoE-00172-00067288-00067394 [Dana laughs] fOAK9XZpVoE-00173-00067394-00067854 Eryn: Diana’s playing it cool pretty well. Like she has a fairly neutral expression most fOAK9XZpVoE-00174-00067854-00068220 of the time anyway. And then, Karen says, fOAK9XZpVoE-00175-00068220-00068412 Karen: So what was that? fOAK9XZpVoE-00176-00068412-00068808 Michelle: Okay. Are there any teachers around or is just us. fOAK9XZpVoE-00177-00068808-00069252 Eryn: There’s no teachers in the atrium. There’s just the office nearby. But it is fOAK9XZpVoE-00178-00069253-00069745 an atrium, it’s fairly echoey, so you could be heard from further away if you’re staying fOAK9XZpVoE-00179-00069745-00069855 in here. fOAK9XZpVoE-00180-00069855-00070403 Michelle: Okay. Can I herd everyone into a room somewhere real quick? fOAK9XZpVoE-00181-00070403-00070766 Eryn: Sure, let me just see what’s nearby. There is a trophy room right off to your right fOAK9XZpVoE-00182-00070766-00071105 where there probably wouldn’t be anyone because there are very few trophies in there. fOAK9XZpVoE-00183-00071105-00071214 Michelle: Alright. So I’ll say, fOAK9XZpVoE-00184-00071214-00071459 Synthia: Everyone, let’s go talk in the trophy room real quick. fOAK9XZpVoE-00185-00071459-00071667 Angie: Sure, it’s not like there’s any trophies in there. fOAK9XZpVoE-00186-00071667-00071767 Valerie: Yeah, okay. fOAK9XZpVoE-00187-00071767-00072198 Eryn: And it is afterschool, so there’s not anyone monitoring that room very closely. fOAK9XZpVoE-00188-00072198-00072599 So you all can head in there and just sort of shut the door behind you. Be fairly confident fOAK9XZpVoE-00189-00072599-00072817 there’s no one here listening. fOAK9XZpVoE-00190-00072817-00073055 Synthia: So what did everyone hear? fOAK9XZpVoE-00191-00073055-00073384 Angie: Uhm, some stuff about drone security? fOAK9XZpVoE-00192-00073384-00073544 Synthia: Was that it? fOAK9XZpVoE-00193-00073544-00074107 Diana: Um, and stuff about you avoiding people and getting in with us? fOAK9XZpVoE-00194-00074107-00074372 Eryn: Diana looks very suspicious at you. fOAK9XZpVoE-00195-00074372-00074629 Tea: I also look equally suspicious. fOAK9XZpVoE-00196-00074629-00074844 Dana: I kind of shrug and say, fOAK9XZpVoE-00197-00074844-00075315 Valerie: I mean we’re all just here to, you know, be idols, right? I mean, that’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00198-00075315-00075883 what we’re here to do, right? Is to do the job and, like, be successful. fOAK9XZpVoE-00199-00075884-00076372 Angie: [gasps] Oh my god! Are you a secret celebrity? fOAK9XZpVoE-00200-00076372-00076572 [Game Show Music Plays] Angie: Are there cameras in here right now? fOAK9XZpVoE-00201-00076573-00076673 [Eryn chuckles] fOAK9XZpVoE-00202-00076673-00076773 Synthia: There are not cameras. fOAK9XZpVoE-00203-00076773-00077138 Tea: And then I start looking around and waving. fOAK9XZpVoE-00204-00077138-00077409 Michelle: I don't know how I should react to this. fOAK9XZpVoE-00205-00077409-00078026 Eryn: Well I guess I’ll as you a question. Do you want to reveal anything right now to them, fOAK9XZpVoE-00206-00078026-00078348 or do you want to give them a complete fabrication? fOAK9XZpVoE-00207-00078348-00078924 Michelle: I don’t really know them at all right now, so I probably shouldn’t say anything. fOAK9XZpVoE-00208-00078924-00079664 Synthia: Okay, well you know how aunts are. She’s really into her Netflix shows. fOAK9XZpVoE-00209-00079664-00080128 Angie: Oh, I get it. She’s just really paranoid, right? fOAK9XZpVoE-00210-00080128-00080312 Synthia: She’s a bit eccentric. fOAK9XZpVoE-00211-00080312-00080424 Angie: Totally get it. fOAK9XZpVoE-00212-00080424-00080532 Valerie: Mm-hm. fOAK9XZpVoE-00213-00080532-00080732 Angie: I had a maid like that once. fOAK9XZpVoE-00214-00080732-00081472 Dana: Valerie definitely shoots her a look like "A maid? Really?" fOAK9XZpVoE-00215-00081472-00081833 Eryn: Diana give you the same look, the "A maid? Really?" Look. fOAK9XZpVoE-00216-00081833-00082207 Synthia: I’m just nervously looking to the side and hoping everyone bought it. fOAK9XZpVoE-00217-00082207-00082452 Eryn: Karen stares off into spaces and goes, fOAK9XZpVoE-00218-00082452-00082686 Karen: Hm, maids are cute. fOAK9XZpVoE-00219-00082686-00082786 Valerie: Yeah. fOAK9XZpVoE-00220-00082786-00082886 Synthia: Okay. fOAK9XZpVoE-00221-00082886-00083604 Eryn: So you give them this BS story about your aunt's Netflix shows. And how much would fOAK9XZpVoE-00222-00083604-00084197 you say everyone’s going to buy this story for now? Actually, here’s a perfect opportunity fOAK9XZpVoE-00223-00084197-00084544 to Pierce the Mask. Would anybody like to Pierce Synthia’s Mask? fOAK9XZpVoE-00224-00084544-00085388 Tea: I’m going to say Evangeline buys it just from her, um, past of already feeling fOAK9XZpVoE-00225-00085388-00086097 like she was, um, better and above most of the small-town folks. So for her, it was totally fOAK9XZpVoE-00226-00086097-00086573 believable that Synthia has a paranoid aunt. So she’s not suspicious at all. She’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00227-00086573-00086790 all like, "Oh yes, that makes sense." fOAK9XZpVoE-00228-00086790-00086890 Eryn: She’s legit. fOAK9XZpVoE-00229-00086890-00087055 Tea: Yeah. Say no more! fOAK9XZpVoE-00230-00087055-00087657 Dana: I think Valerie is going to try to Pierce the Mask just because I think it would be fOAK9XZpVoE-00231-00087657-00088341 interesting and also because, you know, she does have a “secret celebrity” persona. fOAK9XZpVoE-00232-00088341-00088856 So she’s like, "I don’t think that’s going on here." So let’s see. fOAK9XZpVoE-00233-00088856-00088940 Eryn: Okay. fOAK9XZpVoE-00234-00088940-00089168 Dana: That is a partial success. So, 7. fOAK9XZpVoE-00235-00089168-00089647 Eryn: Okay. So, for Pierce the Mask, you’re basically trying to see a person’s true fOAK9XZpVoE-00236-00089647-00090205 intentions with this move. So you got a 7 with your +Mundane and a -1 from Synthia on fOAK9XZpVoE-00237-00090205-00090710 it. Um, and on a 7-9, you get to ask one of the following questions: what are you really fOAK9XZpVoE-00238-00090710-00091148 planning? What do you want me to do? What do you intend to do? How could I get your fOAK9XZpVoE-00239-00091148-00091560 character to blank? Or how could I gain influence over you? fOAK9XZpVoE-00240-00091560-00091755 Michelle: Do I have to answer honestly? fOAK9XZpVoE-00241-00091755-00091859 Eryn: Yes. fOAK9XZpVoE-00242-00091859-00092447 Dana: Yes. So What I’m trying to figure out is what do you intend to do? But all I’m fOAK9XZpVoE-00243-00092447-00093093 really trying to figure out is if you are actually trying to join the Idol Club to be fOAK9XZpVoE-00244-00093093-00093665 a successful idol or make the group successful, or if you have some motive that would actually fOAK9XZpVoE-00245-00093665-00093940 interfere with the group. fOAK9XZpVoE-00246-00093940-00094404 Michelle: I want to join the Idol Club and be successful. fOAK9XZpVoE-00247-00094404-00094916 Dana: Alright, then I kind of relax. Because I'm like, "Whatever your secrets are your fOAK9XZpVoE-00248-00094916-00095195 secrets as long as we’re on the same page." fOAK9XZpVoE-00249-00095195-00095801 Eryn: Yeah, Valerie, you give kind of a once over to Synthia and study her body language fOAK9XZpVoE-00250-00095801-00096502 and decide that she seems like she’s being honest. Maybe she doesn’t want to tell everything fOAK9XZpVoE-00251-00096502-00096840 right now, but she seems like she genuinely does want to be a part of the club. fOAK9XZpVoE-00252-00096840-00097016 Michelle: I’m going to try and change the subject. fOAK9XZpVoE-00253-00097017-00097285 Synthia: Hey, should we go to the roof and meet the president? fOAK9XZpVoE-00254-00097285-00097388 Angie: Oh yeah! fOAK9XZpVoE-00255-00097388-00097452 Valerie: Yeah. fOAK9XZpVoE-00256-00097452-00097508 Eryn: Emily goes, fOAK9XZpVoE-00257-00097508-00097699 Emily: Yay! I’m excited. fOAK9XZpVoE-00258-00097699-00097835 Eryn: And Karen goes, fOAK9XZpVoE-00259-00097835-00097935 Karen: Woohoo. fOAK9XZpVoE-00260-00097935-00098035 Michelle: I’m relieved. fOAK9XZpVoE-00261-00098035-00098139 Eryn: And Diana says, fOAK9XZpVoE-00262-00098139-00098589 Diana: Ugh, yeah let’s just get this over with. I am going to give this president a fOAK9XZpVoE-00263-00098589-00098751 piece of my mind when we get up there. fOAK9XZpVoE-00264-00098751-00098851 Angie: I’ll leave it to you. fOAK9XZpVoE-00265-00098851-00098951 Eryn: Alright, so... fOAK9XZpVoE-00266-00098951-00099051 Tea: And then up we go. fOAK9XZpVoE-00267-00099051-00099384 Eryn: You head to the roof. I’m just going to say there’s an access way somewhere nearby. fOAK9XZpVoE-00268-00099384-00099725 It doesn’t really matter. So you make your way up there. There’s not much up here other fOAK9XZpVoE-00269-00099725-00100271 than the structure that houses the stairway entrance. But there’s not much else up here. fOAK9XZpVoE-00270-00100271-00100748 There’s no one up here in fact. Um, and I’ll give you this one for free, just because fOAK9XZpVoE-00271-00100748-00101201 I want to keep this moving along. As you look around for anything that might indicate something, fOAK9XZpVoE-00272-00101201-00101756 one of you spots on the back of the door that you just came through one more piece of paper fOAK9XZpVoE-00273-00101756-00101901 with handwriting on it. fOAK9XZpVoE-00274-00101901-00102027 [Dana laughs] fOAK9XZpVoE-00275-00102027-00102153 Angie: Ugh! fOAK9XZpVoE-00276-00102153-00102279 Valerie: Ugh. fOAK9XZpVoE-00277-00102279-00102885 Dana: I grab the paper and I’m just going to read it out loud as I read it. fOAK9XZpVoE-00278-00102885-00103280 Eryn: Sure. As you grab it, Diana just, like, shouts to the heavens, fOAK9XZpVoE-00279-00103280-00103476 Diana: Are you fucking serious? fOAK9XZpVoE-00280-00103477-00104000 Dana: Like, I’m too tired to try to be, uh, conniving or secretive at this point. fOAK9XZpVoE-00281-00104000-00104208 Eryn: So, the paper reads: fOAK9XZpVoE-00282-00104208-00104392 [Jaunty Music Begins] fOAK9XZpVoE-00283-00104392-00104988 Double surprise!! Bet you thought it would be cool if club meetings were on the roof right? fOAK9XZpVoE-00284-00104988-00105735 I wish!!! Buuuuut school policy says we can’t be up here for long periods of time. fOAK9XZpVoE-00285-00105735-00106352 Boo. So the real location is actually in an extra special super-secret place. You are fOAK9XZpVoE-00286-00106352-00106952 so close! Just one more puzzle left to solve. On the back is your final clue. fOAK9XZpVoE-00287-00106952-00107376 Again, best of luck Idol Hopefuls! See you real, real soon. fOAK9XZpVoE-00288-00107376-00107848 ~Amberlee S. Fort McNally Idol Club President. fOAK9XZpVoE-00289-00107848-00107980 Angie: Seriously? fOAK9XZpVoE-00290-00107980-00108208 Eryn: She wants to make sure you’re really committed. fOAK9XZpVoE-00291-00108208-00108316 Valerie: Ugh... Let's... fOAK9XZpVoE-00292-00108316-00108556 Synthia: What do you want to bet it’s the room we started out in? fOAK9XZpVoE-00293-00108556-00108664 Valerie: Oh my god. fOAK9XZpVoE-00294-00108664-00109023 Tea: [laughs] Maybe just go there first. fOAK9XZpVoE-00295-00109023-00109517 Eryn: So there’s one more clue on the back of the page. You flip it over and it says: fOAK9XZpVoE-00296-00109517-00110260 Oh no! We forgot one of the most important parts of being an Idol!!! What is it? If you fOAK9XZpVoE-00297-00110260-00110724 think you know, head to the part of the school that you think represents it better than anything fOAK9XZpVoE-00298-00110724-00110824 else. fOAK9XZpVoE-00299-00110824-00110978 Synthia: Music? fOAK9XZpVoE-00300-00110978-00111413 Valerie: I mean, I already went to the auditorium. Oh, you mean, like, the music room? fOAK9XZpVoE-00301-00111413-00111841 Angie: Music doesn’t seem to be the one that we actually touched on yet for the themes. fOAK9XZpVoE-00302-00111841-00112038 Does that make sense to everyone? fOAK9XZpVoE-00303-00112038-00112138 Synthia: Yes. fOAK9XZpVoE-00304-00112138-00112238 Valerie: Yeah. Yeah, alright. fOAK9XZpVoE-00305-00112240-00112388 Eryn: Everyone nods in agreement. fOAK9XZpVoE-00306-00112388-00112483 Tea: Room 264... fOAK9XZpVoE-00307-00112483-00112715 Eryn: Alright, let’s fast travel to room 264. fOAK9XZpVoE-00308-00112715-00113038 Tea: I’m relieved we’re not practicing on the roof. fOAK9XZpVoE-00309-00113038-00113525 Eryn: So y'all take your time to get there. But you get there just as a woman with a brown fOAK9XZpVoE-00310-00113525-00114240 pixie haircut, kind of a shorter lady, maybe about like 5’, is just starting to walk fOAK9XZpVoE-00311-00114240-00114649 out of the room. She’s just got some stuff in her arms like she’s just packed some fOAK9XZpVoE-00312-00114649-00115279 stuff up. Um, and she sees you approach. And people who have been to this school already fOAK9XZpVoE-00313-00115279-00115604 would know that this is Ms. Doyle, the music teacher. And she goes, fOAK9XZpVoE-00314-00115604-00116248 Ms. Doyle: Oh, hey. Oh I was think- thank goodness. I was thinking y'all would never show up. fOAK9XZpVoE-00315-00116248-00116552 Angie: Yeah, gosh. Here we are! fOAK9XZpVoE-00316-00116552-00116848 Ms. Doyle: Oh thank goodness, I did have to get home at some point. Ugh. fOAK9XZpVoE-00317-00116848-00117022 Synthia: I wonder what took us so long. fOAK9XZpVoE-00318-00117022-00117658 Ms. Doyle: I know that Amberlee can be a lot sometimes, but this seemed like a fun activity fOAK9XZpVoE-00319-00117658-00118167 for you all for your first day, so I gave her some leeway on it. fOAK9XZpVoE-00320-00118167-00118786 Valerie: Can we just—is she really in there? Or just tell us if it’s going to be another clue. fOAK9XZpVoE-00321-00118786-00118886 Ms. Doyle: No... fOAK9XZpVoE-00322-00118886-00119322 Eryn: Ms. Doyle knows that you’re probably exasperated at this point. She says, fOAK9XZpVoE-00323-00119322-00119862 Ms. Doyle: No, I’m just here to point you to the actual, real location. Because a responsible fOAK9XZpVoE-00324-00119862-00120524 adult should know where you all are meeting. Your actual club meeting location for the fOAK9XZpVoE-00325-00120524-00121438 year, and I am your teacher supervisor for your club activities, is room 283, Conference Room C. fOAK9XZpVoE-00326-00121438-00121670 Eryn: Which is just down the room from the music room. fOAK9XZpVoE-00327-00121670-00121904 Valerie: [sighs] Okay. Thank you. Thank you. fOAK9XZpVoE-00328-00121904-00122528 Ms. Doyle: Yes, I apologize if this took longer than you anticipated. But I do hope that you fOAK9XZpVoE-00329-00122528-00123095 all had a fun bonding exercise with this at least. And I hope to get to know all of you fOAK9XZpVoE-00330-00123095-00123262 throughout the rest of the year. fOAK9XZpVoE-00331-00123262-00123799 Angie: Okay, thank you! Guess we’ll just go to Conference Room C. fOAK9XZpVoE-00332-00123799-00124160 Eryn: Diana doesn’t say anything, but she’s got her arms crossed and she’s very clearly fOAK9XZpVoE-00333-00124160-00124286 just, like, seething. fOAK9XZpVoE-00334-00124286-00124806 Tea: Anyway, I start marching over there and I am stomping. It's a shock that my fOAK9XZpVoE-00335-00124806-00124888 heels aren't wrecking the floor. fOAK9XZpVoE-00336-00124888-00125044 Eryn: And that you’re not breaking one. fOAK9XZpVoE-00337-00125044-00125737 Tea: [laughs] Yeah, sorry, stomping in a way that would not damage my shoes, let’s be real. fOAK9XZpVoE-00338-00125737-00126624 Dana: Valerie is also following angrily. But if Angie is, you know, obviously, visibly fOAK9XZpVoE-00339-00126624-00127069 upset then Valerie has to be doing the opposite. fOAK9XZpVoE-00340-00127069-00127353 [Eryn, Tea and Michelle laugh] fOAK9XZpVoE-00341-00127353-00128007 Eryn: Of course, it just makes sense. So you all, in various levels of stomping, make your fOAK9XZpVoE-00342-00128007-00128554 way down to room 283. It’s a disused kind of conference room. There’s a couple of fOAK9XZpVoE-00343-00128554-00129005 conference rooms next to it that the staff and students tend to use, but more often, fOAK9XZpVoE-00344-00129005-00129644 this is kind of the redheaded stepchild of the conference room area, I guess. And you fOAK9XZpVoE-00345-00129644-00130075 can see that chairs and desks and whatnot have sort of been moved off to the side of fOAK9XZpVoE-00346-00130075-00130589 the room so there is space in the middle of the room where practice can happen. And in fOAK9XZpVoE-00347-00130589-00131385 this room, you see very chipper looking girl. She’s a shorter girl. She has, sort of, fOAK9XZpVoE-00348-00131385-00131927 natural orange hair done up in, like, fluffy pigtails. Kind of like Harley Quinn pigtails. fOAK9XZpVoE-00349-00131927-00132490 She’s got round glasses. She’s dressed in a lot of, like, pink and florals and kind fOAK9XZpVoE-00350-00132490-00133153 of just simple jewelry. And she looks overjoyed to see all of you. She goes, fOAK9XZpVoE-00351-00133153-00133852 Amberlee: Hi! Oh my god, you all made it! Oh that’s so good! Oh, I’m so relieved. fOAK9XZpVoE-00352-00133852-00134501 I was beginning to think that you wouldn’t find me! But you did and now I know you have fOAK9XZpVoE-00353-00134501-00134975 the commitment to take over this club from me. I’m so happy! Ahh! fOAK9XZpVoE-00354-00134975-00135416 Eryn: And she goes over to, like, try to basically shake all of your hands, like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00355-00135416-00135716 Amberlee: Hello! Hello! My name’s Amberlee. It’s nice to meet everybody. fOAK9XZpVoE-00356-00135716-00136036 What are all your names? fOAK9XZpVoE-00357-00136036-00136132 Angie: I’m Angie. fOAK9XZpVoE-00358-00136132-00136232 Amberlee: It’s nice to meet you Angie! fOAK9XZpVoE-00359-00136232-00136368 Valerie: Valerie, Valerie Pearce. fOAK9XZpVoE-00360-00136368-00136792 Amberlee: Valerie, oh you’re so – oh you’re so cool! Oh my god! I can’t. fOAK9XZpVoE-00361-00136792-00137024 Angie: Yeah she’s cool I guess. fOAK9XZpVoE-00362-00137024-00137192 Valerie: Ugh, yeah, yeah I am. fOAK9XZpVoE-00363-00137192-00137750 Eryn: And then she says hi to Emily and to – uh, she tries to say hi to Diana, but fOAK9XZpVoE-00364-00137750-00138438 she, like, jerks her hand away like "No, I’m not doing this." And Karen, she actually says. fOAK9XZpVoE-00365-00138438-00138874 Amberlee: Oh Karen, it’s so nice to see you again! You’re back for another year fOAK9XZpVoE-00366-00138874-00139472 I see. Oh that’s great! We always need your infectious cheerleading spirit! fOAK9XZpVoE-00367-00139472-00139980 Eryn: And Karen gives her, like, a slow thumbs up. She pulls Karen kind of next to her and says, fOAK9XZpVoE-00368-00139980-00140578 Amberlee: Everybody, this is Karen! She’s a veteran member of the Idol Club! I sent fOAK9XZpVoE-00369-00140578-00141039 her to meet all of you to make sure that if you somehow didn’t work all this out, she’d fOAK9XZpVoE-00370-00141040-00141312 be able to lead you to the right place. fOAK9XZpVoE-00371-00141312-00141873 Angie: [sighs] You knew where the practice room was this whole time? fOAK9XZpVoE-00372-00141873-00142072 Eryn: Karen shrugs. fOAK9XZpVoE-00373-00142072-00142328 Karen: It was more fun this way. fOAK9XZpVoE-00374-00142328-00142885 Valerie: [sighs] Whatever. We got here. Are we actually going to do any practice? fOAK9XZpVoE-00375-00142885-00143274 Amberlee: That would be ideal. I know we don’t have much time left. But I figured today would fOAK9XZpVoE-00376-00143274-00143833 be more about bonding and about getting you all to do your first exercise together, which fOAK9XZpVoE-00377-00143833-00144045 I so important for bringing the team together— fOAK9XZpVoE-00378-00144045-00144764 Eryn: And in the middle of all this, Diana just puts her foot down and she has had enough fOAK9XZpVoE-00379-00144764-00145117 at this point. She clenches a fist and says, fOAK9XZpVoE-00380-00145117-00145899 Diana: Do you know—do you have any idea how much time you’ve wasted? We—you just fOAK9XZpVoE-00381-00145899-00146264 said! We don’t have any time! We could have been – we could have been warming up. We fOAK9XZpVoE-00382-00146264-00146737 could have been picking songs to cover. We could have been brainstorming routine ideas. fOAK9XZpVoE-00383-00146737-00147340 Anything useful instead of you having us run around the school doing sweet fuck-all! fOAK9XZpVoE-00384-00147340-00147552 Eryn: And Amberlee just shrugs and goes, fOAK9XZpVoE-00385-00147552-00147960 Amberlee: I don't know. This seemed like a pretty good warm-up to me. You all look like fOAK9XZpVoE-00386-00147961-00148133 you worked up a pretty good sweat. fOAK9XZpVoE-00387-00148133-00148320 Angie: Angie just looks unimpressed. fOAK9XZpVoE-00388-00148320-00148555 Eryn: Diana continues then, she says, fOAK9XZpVoE-00389-00148555-00149179 Diana: Well what good is all of that if we can’t work on our performance skills? We need to fOAK9XZpVoE-00390-00149179-00149741 be working on our techniques from day one. I was saying to these – to all of you earlier fOAK9XZpVoE-00391-00149741-00150372 how competitive the interhigh circuit is. It’s not a joke. Oh wait, I forgot, that’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00392-00150372-00151013 fitting 'cause your club is a fucking joke, isn’t it? McNally has never won anything fOAK9XZpVoE-00393-00151013-00151426 in any live competitions. God, can’t imagine why that might be. fOAK9XZpVoE-00394-00151426-00151966 Valerie: Maybe they should enter the puzzle competition instead, since that’s apparently fOAK9XZpVoE-00395-00151966-00152086 what the club is for. fOAK9XZpVoE-00396-00152086-00152587 Eryn: And Amberlee actually laughs at that. Like, she knows that, like, this isn’t the fOAK9XZpVoE-00397-00152587-00153197 most serious Idol Club out there, but she does enjoy a good bit of fun. fOAK9XZpVoE-00398-00153197-00153691 Amberlee: I don't know, man, I don't know what to tell you. Like, I’m not really a fOAK9XZpVoE-00399-00153691-00154240 fan of the big, super serious, "oh we have to be super perfect" approach to idoldom. fOAK9XZpVoE-00400-00154240-00154680 Like, what’s the point of winning competitions if no one’s having fun. Isn’t that was fOAK9XZpVoE-00401-00154680-00154912 idols are supposed to be about? fOAK9XZpVoE-00402-00154912-00155323 Angie: Uh, did you say someone was going to take over being president of the club? fOAK9XZpVoE-00403-00155323-00155803 Amberlee: Um yeah, yeah! I was hoping that through all of this, you all might have worked fOAK9XZpVoE-00404-00155803-00156428 out, like, who you think might be a good leader. I’m not even – I graduated. I’m going fOAK9XZpVoE-00405-00156428-00156852 on to college. I just wanted to make sure that whoever was taking over for me was someone fOAK9XZpVoE-00406-00156852-00156992 who was really dedicated. fOAK9XZpVoE-00407-00156992-00157340 Valerie: You – you're not even–? Ugh, you don’t – fOAK9XZpVoE-00408-00157340-00157524 [sigh] She doesn’t even go here. fOAK9XZpVoE-00409-00157524-00157808 Eryn: [laughs] I’m so glad someone took the bait. fOAK9XZpVoE-00410-00157808-00157964 [Tea laughs] fOAK9XZpVoE-00411-00157964-00158236 Michelle: I was going to say it if no one else did. fOAK9XZpVoE-00412-00158236-00158660 Angie: Well, I think I would be a really good president, soooo... fOAK9XZpVoE-00413-00158660-00158838 Eryn: And at that, Diana says, fOAK9XZpVoE-00414-00158838-00159353 Diana: Oh you, the one who tried to fake her way into being president? Yeah that puts a lot of fOAK9XZpVoE-00415-00159353-00159648 confidence in your abilities as a leader. fOAK9XZpVoE-00416-00159648-00160266 Valerie: I mean, I found, like, half the clues just on my own, so I don't feel like I— fOAK9XZpVoE-00417-00160266-00160610 Diana: If anybody’s going to be the leader, I feel like it should be me. Like, I’ve fOAK9XZpVoE-00418-00160610-00161171 been telling you all from the start, we need to start practicing right now. I can – I’ve fOAK9XZpVoE-00419-00161171-00161555 studied this stuff. I can set us up a schedule. We can get some routine ideas going, we can fOAK9XZpVoE-00420-00161555-00161895 start practicing even, if we have a little time. fOAK9XZpVoE-00421-00161895-00162178 Synthia: You don’t seem able to handle stress very well. fOAK9XZpVoE-00422-00162178-00162422 Diana: I am handling it very well!! fOAK9XZpVoE-00423-00162422-00162655 Angie: ...You seem a little tense. fOAK9XZpVoE-00424-00162655-00163252 Eryn: And Amberlee is looking at all of this and looking a little uncomfortable, like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00425-00163252-00163736 Amberlee: Yeah, like, I just said. I wanted to make sure whoever’s going to take over fOAK9XZpVoE-00426-00163736-00164473 would be, like dedicated. But, like, you seem a little, like, unable to handle things right now. fOAK9XZpVoE-00427-00164473-00164734 Dana: Uh, actually, can I do something terrible? fOAK9XZpVoE-00428-00164734-00164834 Eryn: Yes, please do. fOAK9XZpVoE-00429-00164834-00165516 Dana: Uh, I would like to basically try to Provoke Diana into just, like, not joining the club. fOAK9XZpVoE-00430-00165516-00165632 Eryn: Yes! fOAK9XZpVoE-00431-00165632-00166244 Valerie: I mean, it sounds like you don’t even need this club. You’ve got everything fOAK9XZpVoE-00432-00166245-00166353 figured out for yourself. fOAK9XZpVoE-00433-00166353-00166971 Eryn: [laughs] Alright, I love this. Definitely please roll for this. So you provoke someone susceptible fOAK9XZpVoE-00434-00166971-00167332 to your words. Say what you’re trying to get them to do. And roll +Superior. fOAK9XZpVoE-00435-00167332-00167752 Dana: And I’m going to do my favorite thing, which is roll my worst stat. fOAK9XZpVoE-00436-00167752-00167922 [Eryn and Tea laugh] fOAK9XZpVoE-00437-00167922-00168048 Eryn: Oh dear! fOAK9XZpVoE-00438-00168048-00168200 Tea: Oh no! fOAK9XZpVoE-00439-00168200-00168330 Eryn: Oh no! fOAK9XZpVoE-00440-00168330-00168582 Dana: That’s a two, which is an abject failure. fOAK9XZpVoE-00441-00168582-00169125 Eryn: But you get to mark potential. So that’s a step towards leveling up, maybe. fOAK9XZpVoE-00442-00169125-00169242 Dana: Mm-hm. fOAK9XZpVoE-00443-00169242-00169874 Eryn: So on a miss – is there even an option for a miss? fOAK9XZpVoE-00444-00169874-00170662 Dana: Basically whenever one of us rolls a miss on a move, you get to make whatever GM fOAK9XZpVoE-00445-00170662-00170999 move you want, as mean or as hard as you want. fOAK9XZpVoE-00446-00170999-00171253 Tea: Yeah, it’s up to you. fOAK9XZpVoE-00447-00171253-00171650 Eryn: All right... Okay, I think I have something. So, why don’t you say what you’re going fOAK9XZpVoE-00448-00171650-00171935 to say to Diana, first? And I’ll tell you how she reacts. fOAK9XZpVoE-00449-00171935-00172491 Valerie: I - I don't know, it seems like you have everything figured out. It seems like fOAK9XZpVoE-00450-00172491-00173041 you don’t really even need to be a part of this club, since you’ve got it all figured fOAK9XZpVoE-00451-00173041-00173141 out for yourself. fOAK9XZpVoE-00452-00173141-00173692 Diana: Well, I would prefer to have everybody here on the same page with me. Because what’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00453-00173692-00174173 worse than being an idol in a group that doesn’t know what they’re doing? Being a solo idol fOAK9XZpVoE-00454-00174173-00174841 because the crowds are sick of that. So I’m going to take over this club, by force if need be. fOAK9XZpVoE-00455-00174841-00175453 Eryn: And what the consequence of this is going to be is actually, um, Diana’s going to transform. fOAK9XZpVoE-00456-00175453-00175553 Dana: Ooh. fOAK9XZpVoE-00457-00175553-00176060 Eryn: And she is going to—uh, she transforms. Before she had kind of, like, dark hair and fOAK9XZpVoE-00458-00176060-00176574 a ponytail and just kind of, like, an oversized sweater and jeans. When she transforms, she fOAK9XZpVoE-00459-00176574-00177289 becomes almost an androgynous figure with a blue, kind of almost, like, Ramona Flowers type hairstyle. fOAK9XZpVoE-00460-00177289-00177389 Dana: Hm, mm-hm. fOAK9XZpVoE-00461-00177389-00177489 Tea: Mm-hm. fOAK9XZpVoE-00462-00177489-00177935 Eryn: And she’s wearing a white outfit that looks kind of like a ranger outfit from D&D fOAK9XZpVoE-00463-00177935-00178629 edged with silver and has a lot of, like, crescent moon and star insignia all over it. fOAK9XZpVoE-00464-00178629-00179617 So she transforms and she raises an arm and forms a glowing white bow in her hands. And fOAK9XZpVoE-00465-00179617-00180207 she pulls out of a quiver on her back what looks like a silver arrow tipped with a microphone fOAK9XZpVoE-00466-00180208-00180732 head instead of a point, and she’s aiming it at Amberlee. fOAK9XZpVoE-00467-00180732-00181184 Diana: Now, what was that about who you were going to hand the club over to? fOAK9XZpVoE-00468-00181184-00181461 Dana: I’m going to transform in response to this. fOAK9XZpVoE-00469-00181461-00181828 Eryn: Alright, so, since this is the first time y'all are doing this, I’m going to fOAK9XZpVoE-00470-00181828-00182306 explain this for the audience, because even if you know Masks you don’t know this. This fOAK9XZpVoE-00471-00182306-00182639 is a homebrew move that we’ve added for this campaign. It’s called... fOAK9XZpVoE-00472-00182639-00182929 Dana: Yes, I like this homebrew move a lot. fOAK9XZpVoE-00473-00182929-00183437 Eryn: It’s called Transformation Sequence. And this is a dice-less move, so you don’t fOAK9XZpVoE-00474-00183437-00184046 have to roll for this. It’s when you begin your transformation, you say what it looks fOAK9XZpVoE-00475-00184046-00184670 like and what drives you to enter your empowered form. You gain access to all of your powers fOAK9XZpVoE-00476-00184670-00185159 and you get to shift any two of your labels, one up and one down. You cannot transform fOAK9XZpVoE-00477-00185159-00185638 if you have four or more conditions marked. And while transformed, add the following option fOAK9XZpVoE-00478-00185638-00186275 to the 7-9 choices on the “Take a Powerful Blow” basic move, and that option is: lose fOAK9XZpVoE-00479-00186275-00186722 sync with your powers, you transform back to your regular form. The GM shifts any two fOAK9XZpVoE-00480-00186722-00187193 of your labels. And you cannot transform again until you either clear two conditions or a fOAK9XZpVoE-00481-00187193-00187910 new scene starts. So basically the way we’ve set up this SuperIdols campaign is it’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00482-00187910-00188420 not a typical superhero story where everybody has their superpowers all the time. It’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00483-00188420-00189019 a magical idol, magical girl situation where you only get your powers if you transform fOAK9XZpVoE-00484-00189019-00189617 to your magical idol form first, and this is how you get that. So, Valerie, why don’t fOAK9XZpVoE-00485-00189617-00189936 you tell us what your transformation looks like? fOAK9XZpVoE-00486-00189936-00190704 [Gothic Rock Music Plays] fOAK9XZpVoE-00487-00190704-00191324 Dana: So Valerie plants her feet apart and raises her right arm above her, making a grasping fOAK9XZpVoE-00488-00191324-00191927 motion and a purple saber appears in her hand. She brings it down in front of her, and it fOAK9XZpVoE-00489-00191927-00192672 looks like a tear cutting through cloth or a curtain and black and white ribbons pour fOAK9XZpVoE-00490-00192672-00193355 out of that tear in space and wrap around her and sort of cover her body and then slide fOAK9XZpVoE-00491-00193355-00194072 down and they sort of turn from undifferentiated ribbons into an elaborate gothic lolita outfit fOAK9XZpVoE-00492-00194072-00194778 with frilly sort of black dress with white trim and frills underneath. And as her face fOAK9XZpVoE-00493-00194778-00195523 is revealed, her skin is more pale and sort of porcelain doll-like, and her hair grows fOAK9XZpVoE-00494-00195523-00196311 from her short bob down to her mid-back. And as it completes, a few more ribbons come from fOAK9XZpVoE-00495-00196311-00196870 this sort of tear in space she's created, and purple ribbons come out and sort of tie fOAK9XZpVoE-00496-00196870-00197480 around her waist and tie her hair, accenting the outfit. fOAK9XZpVoE-00497-00197480-00198268 Eryn: Ahhhhh, this is so good. Alrighty. And which two of your labels are you going to shift? fOAK9XZpVoE-00498-00198268-00198719 Dana: I’m actually going to shift my Savior up and my Freak down. fOAK9XZpVoE-00499-00198720-00199256 Eryn: Ohh, interesting. Well, of course, I guess I get your intention in this encounter for sure. fOAK9XZpVoE-00500-00199256-00199344 Dana: Mm-hm. fOAK9XZpVoE-00501-00199344-00199972 Eryn: Alrighty, is anybody else going to follow suit, or do you have other ideas in mind? fOAK9XZpVoE-00502-00199972-00200280 Michelle: I’m going to stay out of it, because I don’t want to be the president. fOAK9XZpVoE-00503-00200280-00200540 [Eryn and Dana laugh] fOAK9XZpVoE-00504-00200540-00200632 Dana: Fair. fOAK9XZpVoE-00505-00200632-00201235 Eryn: And at this point like, Emily has been very unsure about herself for this whole thing fOAK9XZpVoE-00506-00201235-00201628 and she’s very scared. And at this point she’s going to yell, fOAK9XZpVoE-00507-00201628-00202092 Emily: Um, uh, you know, I wasn’t super into the whole idol thing to begin with anyway. fOAK9XZpVoE-00508-00202092-00202232 Um, bye! fOAK9XZpVoE-00509-00202232-00202332 Eryn: And she leaves. fOAK9XZpVoE-00510-00202332-00202532 Dana: [chuckles] Aw. fOAK9XZpVoE-00511-00202532-00202687 Tea: Uh, yeah, I’m going to transform. fOAK9XZpVoE-00512-00202687-00202937 Eryn: Alright, so what does your transformation look like? fOAK9XZpVoE-00513-00202937-00203232 [Mysterious Techno Music Plays] fOAK9XZpVoE-00514-00203232-00203695 Tea: I feel like it’s actually one of those things where it happens really quickly. Like fOAK9XZpVoE-00515-00203695-00204522 she has the fireworks going on, and they kind of just pop, and then she’s in her outfit, fOAK9XZpVoE-00516-00204522-00205136 essentially. I see her, she goes down and she punches the ground, and then, you know, fOAK9XZpVoE-00517-00205136-00205692 everything splinters out. And then it’s like fireworks. And then it’s just her in fOAK9XZpVoE-00518-00205692-00206298 her outfit. Which, she’s essentially wearing a snapback hat with her ponytail through the, fOAK9XZpVoE-00519-00206298-00206732 you know, the little hole in the back. And, uh, the beak is kind of down. And then she’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00520-00206732-00207623 got a kind of bomber jacket on with a tank top crop top. And then leggings and kind of fOAK9XZpVoE-00521-00207623-00208223 sports runner sneakers. But the sports runner sneakers are really, really sparkly. But it’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00522-00208223-00208876 pretty much designed for being really good with movement and stuff like that. And she’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00523-00208876-00209650 wearing gloves. Just... just gloves. And really fierce makeup that just appeared there. So, fOAK9XZpVoE-00524-00209650-00210419 like, red lipstick and, like, really dark shadow makeup and stuff like that. Yeah, but fOAK9XZpVoE-00525-00210419-00210856 she wasn’t going to, like, sit out of this particular battle. fOAK9XZpVoE-00526-00210856-00211444 Eryn: Awesome. And I should clarify, like, whereas most people's transformations for fOAK9XZpVoE-00527-00211444-00211996 these sorts of things make them look somewhat different from how they look in their mundane fOAK9XZpVoE-00528-00211996-00212679 form, like Dana described for hers, your alternate form isn’t that different from your mundane fOAK9XZpVoE-00529-00212679-00212908 form other than the fact that you look, like, much flashier. fOAK9XZpVoE-00530-00212908-00213638 Tea: Exactly. And that’s what she wants. She wants the whole both sides of it, no secret fOAK9XZpVoE-00531-00213638-00213742 identities for her. fOAK9XZpVoE-00532-00213742-00214121 Eryn: Right. It’s not uncommon for that to be the case, but most people's alternate fOAK9XZpVoE-00533-00214121-00214419 form looks a little different, I just wanted to make sure that it was clear that yours fOAK9XZpVoE-00534-00214419-00214635 was outside the norm there. fOAK9XZpVoE-00535-00214635-00214735 Tea: Yeah. fOAK9XZpVoE-00536-00214735-00215207 Eryn: Alright. So the two of you transformed. Synthia, you’re hanging back a little bit, fOAK9XZpVoE-00537-00215207-00215578 sort of trying to make sure you know what’s going on, I guess, and not get involved if fOAK9XZpVoE-00538-00215578-00216161 you don’t need to. Um, Karen sidles up sort of beside you, and she pulls out, like, a fOAK9XZpVoE-00539-00216161-00216508 bag of popcorn. You’re not sure where she got it. And she passes you one, like, she fOAK9XZpVoE-00540-00216508-00216656 offers it to you. fOAK9XZpVoE-00541-00216656-00216819 Michelle: I’ll take some popcorn. fOAK9XZpVoE-00542-00216819-00216932 [Eryn laughs] fOAK9XZpVoE-00543-00216932-00217142 Michelle: I’ve always liked Karen. fOAK9XZpVoE-00544-00217142-00217334 [All laugh] fOAK9XZpVoE-00545-00217334-00217607 Tea: You’re both, like, the chill ones of the group. fOAK9XZpVoE-00546-00217607-00217754 [Eryn and Tea laugh] fOAK9XZpVoE-00547-00217754-00218379 Eryn: So yes, Diana has her arrow pointed at Amberlee and Amberlee’s got her hands fOAK9XZpVoE-00548-00218379-00218783 up in front of her like "Woah now, we can talk this out." So what are y’all going fOAK9XZpVoE-00549-00218783-00218900 to do about this? fOAK9XZpVoE-00550-00218900-00219221 Dana: I’m going to try to Defend Amberlee. fOAK9XZpVoE-00551-00219221-00219706 Eryn: Alrighty. Oh yes, sorry to interrupt you, Tea, I forgot to ask you which labels fOAK9XZpVoE-00552-00219706-00219840 you were shifting. fOAK9XZpVoE-00553-00219840-00220535 Tea: Oh, um, I guess it would be Superior and uh... I’m going to do Mundane. fOAK9XZpVoE-00554-00220535-00220635 Eryn: Alrighty. fOAK9XZpVoE-00555-00220635-00221080 Tea: So that puts me at a -2 for Mundane and a +3 for Superior. fOAK9XZpVoE-00556-00221080-00221741 Eryn: Sounds good, for this situation at least, anyway. Alright, so yeah, sorry to interrupt fOAK9XZpVoE-00557-00221741-00222034 you there. So Valerie can roll to Defend at this point. fOAK9XZpVoE-00558-00222034-00222694 Dana: And what I’m actually doing, or attempting to do, is create a, like—so I have this, fOAK9XZpVoE-00559-00222694-00223259 um, sort of energy construct sword in my right hand. And I’m going to raise my left hand fOAK9XZpVoE-00560-00223259-00223778 and try to raise a wall between the two of them, between Diana and Amberlee. fOAK9XZpVoE-00561-00223778-00224158 Eryn: Alrighty, so when you defend someone or something from an immediate threat, roll plus fOAK9XZpVoE-00562-00224158-00224583 Savior. So roll them beautiful bones... Very nice. fOAK9XZpVoE-00563-00224583-00224683 Tea: Nice. fOAK9XZpVoE-00564-00224683-00225225 Eryn: So you got an 11 on that. On a 10+, you keep them safe, you get your wall up, fOAK9XZpVoE-00565-00225225-00225744 and you get to choose one from either add a Team to the pool, take influence over someone fOAK9XZpVoE-00566-00225744-00225998 you protect, or clear a condition. fOAK9XZpVoE-00567-00225998-00226227 Dana: That’s interesting. I think... fOAK9XZpVoE-00568-00226227-00226685 Eryn: And I’m going to—you have zero team, so you could add a single team to the pool. fOAK9XZpVoE-00569-00226685-00227267 Dana: I think the obvious thing would be to take influence over Amberlee, but at this fOAK9XZpVoE-00570-00227267-00227967 moment, Valerie’s concern of, like "Hey, this is escalating way too much" is genuine, fOAK9XZpVoE-00571-00227967-00228165 so I’m going to add a Team to the pool. fOAK9XZpVoE-00572-00228165-00228317 Eryn: Alright, that sounds good. fOAK9XZpVoE-00573-00228317-00228766 Dana: This is not actually Valerie going like, "Hey, I'm going to impress the old head", fOAK9XZpVoE-00574-00228766-00229133 this is thinking, like, "Hey, no, this is—we need to put a stop to this." fOAK9XZpVoE-00575-00229133-00229656 Eryn: That makes sense. And just to clarify for anyone listening or playing, I don't know fOAK9XZpVoE-00576-00229656-00230210 how much you know about Team, it’s basically just a collective pool of points that you fOAK9XZpVoE-00577-00230210-00230876 can pull from to add a bonus to your teammates' rolls if you’re able to. So, say, if someone fOAK9XZpVoE-00578-00230876-00231623 rolls, I don't know, a 6 on a move and they’re going to fail, but you’re with your teammates, fOAK9XZpVoE-00579-00231623-00232104 one of your teammates can add a Team point and make that roll a 7 instead, and they can fOAK9XZpVoE-00580-00232104-00232527 explain how they’re helping you to do that. Alright, so anyways, you have successfully fOAK9XZpVoE-00581-00232527-00233341 put a up a glowing purple wall between Diana and Amberlee. And Diana is like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00582-00233341-00233791 Diana: [scoffs] Well you have powers at least, I’ll give you that. That’s more than I fOAK9XZpVoE-00583-00233791-00234244 can say for some people entering the whole idol thing. I don't know about these losers fOAK9XZpVoE-00584-00234244-00234344 over here. fOAK9XZpVoE-00585-00234344-00234777 Eryn: She jerks her thumb back over to Synthia and Karen. And Karen waves. fOAK9XZpVoE-00586-00234777-00235291 ViVi: Okay, well let’s just calm down and discuss this. There’s no need to start pointing fOAK9XZpVoE-00587-00235291-00235402 weapons at people. fOAK9XZpVoE-00588-00235402-00235717 Dana: I say, pointing my energy sword at her. fOAK9XZpVoE-00589-00235717-00236258 Diana: I don't know about that, I feel like if we want to decide who’s going to lead fOAK9XZpVoE-00590-00236258-00236880 this fucking club, then somebody needs to show some gumption. And this—the powers fOAK9XZpVoE-00591-00236880-00237427 side of superidol-dom is part of idoldom. Like, if you can’t defend yourself in a fOAK9XZpVoE-00592-00237427-00237973 fight like this, whether it’s, like, a real fight or just a concert, then what are you fOAK9XZpVoE-00593-00237973-00238085 even doing here? fOAK9XZpVoE-00594-00238085-00238301 Tea: Um, I’d like to do a move. fOAK9XZpVoE-00595-00238301-00238401 Eryn: Oh sure. fOAK9XZpVoE-00596-00238401-00238551 Tea: Yeah. I’d like to Provoke someone. fOAK9XZpVoE-00597-00238551-00238927 Eryn: Sure. Alrighty, so you can roll your Superior on that. fOAK9XZpVoE-00598-00238927-00239033 Tea: Okay. fOAK9XZpVoE-00599-00239033-00239373 Eryn: You guys are rolling hot today except the one miss that we got! fOAK9XZpVoE-00600-00239373-00239473 Tea: Wow. fOAK9XZpVoE-00601-00239473-00239573 Eryn: That is a 15. fOAK9XZpVoE-00602-00239573-00240026 Dana: That is the maximum roll without, like, a +1 from somewhere else. fOAK9XZpVoE-00603-00240026-00240713 Tea: Yep, that’s it. Um, I want her to drop the bow. That’s my intention to get her fOAK9XZpVoE-00604-00240713-00241056 to drop the bow and to concede, in a way. fOAK9XZpVoE-00605-00241056-00241383 Eryn: Okay, well she’s going to do that for sure, because part of the 10+ is they fOAK9XZpVoE-00606-00241383-00241653 do what you want. So what are you going to do to get her to drop the bow? fOAK9XZpVoE-00607-00241653-00241953 Tea: Um, I’m just going to launch some fireworks. fOAK9XZpVoE-00608-00241953-00242053 Eryn: Sounds good. fOAK9XZpVoE-00609-00242053-00242448 Tea: Like, I think she’s looking at, now, Violence Violet, ViVi. fOAK9XZpVoE-00610-00242448-00242553 Dana: Mm-hm. fOAK9XZpVoE-00611-00242553-00243248 Tea: And, um, I use this moment to try and shock her into dropping the bow. Because I fOAK9XZpVoE-00612-00243248-00243680 also acknowledge that’s the immediate danger and, you know, hurting each other isn’t fOAK9XZpVoE-00613-00243680-00244214 going to solve any of this. And yeah, that’s my intention is just to get her to drop the fOAK9XZpVoE-00614-00244214-00244314 bow. fOAK9XZpVoE-00615-00244314-00244423 Eryn: I think that makes sense. fOAK9XZpVoE-00616-00244423-00245007 Tea: Yeah. And she literally just does some flashy fireworks. Enough to be like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00617-00245007-00245201 Bane Raven: Drop it, now! fOAK9XZpVoE-00618-00245201-00245791 Tea: And I think, like, uh, I guess everybody else doesn’t know, yet, but the fireworks fOAK9XZpVoE-00619-00245791-00246407 are a visual effect. They aren’t really dangerous in any way. So she probably aims fOAK9XZpVoE-00620-00246407-00246876 them in a way to, like, be around her hands as they’re holding the bow to get her to fOAK9XZpVoE-00621-00246876-00246976 drop the bow. fOAK9XZpVoE-00622-00246976-00247365 Eryn: Right. Like, they’re basically Jubilee sparks is how we’ve thought about them. fOAK9XZpVoE-00623-00247365-00247702 Tea: Exactly. Exactly. Yeah, like, really mostly theatrical. fOAK9XZpVoE-00624-00247702-00248294 Eryn: Basically just a fist of sparklers. But I think that works to a tee. She’s focused fOAK9XZpVoE-00625-00248294-00248932 on this exchange with ViVi, so she’s not seeing your approach. You rush in there and fOAK9XZpVoE-00626-00248932-00249411 sort of grab the energy bow, which is surprisingly cool to the touch. fOAK9XZpVoE-00627-00249411-00249511 Tea: Yeah. fOAK9XZpVoE-00628-00249512-00249962 Eryn: And you fire off a flash of sparks and that surprises Diana who goes, fOAK9XZpVoE-00629-00249962-00250042 Diana: Ah! fOAK9XZpVoE-00630-00250042-00250646 Eryn: And lets go of both the bow and the arrow. Actually, as she drops the bow, it fOAK9XZpVoE-00631-00250646-00251098 just sort of dissipates and the arrow clatters to the floor. And she goes like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00632-00251098-00251230 Diana: God dammit. fOAK9XZpVoE-00633-00251231-00251728 Eryn: She tries to scramble to get the arrow off the floor, but it’s kind of, like, awkwardly fOAK9XZpVoE-00634-00251728-00252190 weighted, so she, like, doesn’t quite get it at first. Especially because she’s got fOAK9XZpVoE-00635-00252190-00252430 all that flowing cloth she has to, like, move around in. fOAK9XZpVoE-00636-00252430-00252591 [Tea and Dana chuckle] fOAK9XZpVoE-00637-00252591-00252827 Eryn: She’s trying to be cool. fOAK9XZpVoE-00638-00252827-00253223 Tea: Yeah I’m going to be very practical. Very practical nylon for the most part. fOAK9XZpVoE-00639-00253223-00253964 Eryn: This is very much like an Edna Mode no capes thing. So yeah, she’s fumbling fOAK9XZpVoE-00640-00253964-00254442 there. And she sort of is feeling a little embarrassed and goes like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00641-00254442-00254992 Diana: Ugh! You don’t understand. It’s got – ugh! I’ve got to do this. They’re fOAK9XZpVoE-00642-00254992-00255194 going to – if I don’t–! fOAK9XZpVoE-00643-00255194-00255511 Eryn: And she stops because she realized she’s starting to say too much. fOAK9XZpVoE-00644-00255512-00255798 Bane Raven: They’re going to what? fOAK9XZpVoE-00645-00255798-00255973 Diana: None of your f—None of your business! fOAK9XZpVoE-00646-00255973-00256433 Eryn: And she tries to grab the arrow and just, like, smack you in the face with it because she’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00647-00256433-00256533 not thinking right now. fOAK9XZpVoE-00648-00256533-00256794 Tea: Yeah, can I just kick the arrow out of the way? fOAK9XZpVoE-00649-00256794-00257411 Eryn: Sure. So this sounds like Directly Engage a Threat. Because when you’re defending fOAK9XZpVoE-00650-00257411-00257752 yourself you’re just Directly Engaging a Threat, you’re not defending someone else. fOAK9XZpVoE-00651-00257752-00257816 Tea: Okay. fOAK9XZpVoE-00652-00257816-00257900 Dana: Mm-hm. fOAK9XZpVoE-00653-00257900-00258080 Eryn: So you get to roll Danger on that. fOAK9XZpVoE-00654-00258080-00258578 Tea: Roll Danger. Hmm. Let’s see if my good luck stays. [laughs] Could be worse, 9. fOAK9XZpVoE-00655-00258578-00259032 Eryn: Alright. Does anybody want to use the Team point, or do you want to save it for now? fOAK9XZpVoE-00656-00259032-00259306 Dana: Uh, yeah. I’ll use that Team point. fOAK9XZpVoE-00657-00259306-00259826 Eryn: Awesome so I can bump that up to a 10. So that means you get to pick two off of the fOAK9XZpVoE-00658-00259826-00260391 following list. You can resist or avoid their blows, take something from them, create an fOAK9XZpVoE-00659-00260391-00260869 opportunity for your allies, or impress, surprise, or frighten the opposition. fOAK9XZpVoE-00660-00260869-00261669 Tea: Um, so the first one is going to be take something from them. And, um, I’m going fOAK9XZpVoE-00661-00261669-00261940 to create an opportunity for my allies. fOAK9XZpVoE-00662-00261940-00262331 Eryn: Okay. That’s interesting because you didn’t choose resist or avoid their blows. fOAK9XZpVoE-00663-00262331-00262562 Okay, so what are you taking from them? fOAK9XZpVoE-00664-00262562-00263040 Tea: Well I thought she was just, the way I saw it was she was bending down to grab fOAK9XZpVoE-00665-00263040-00263367 it, and I just wanted to kick it out of the way. fOAK9XZpVoE-00666-00263367-00263467 Eryn: Oh okay. fOAK9XZpVoE-00667-00263467-00263965 Tea: Yeah, I thought she was just reaching down to grab something, or grabbing the arrow, fOAK9XZpVoE-00668-00263965-00264096 and I was just going to kick the arrow away. fOAK9XZpVoE-00669-00264096-00264341 Eryn: Oh okay, no, the way I had described it, sorry if I wasn’t clear about this, fOAK9XZpVoE-00670-00264341-00264793 she had already grabbed the arrow and she was, like, swinging it towards your face, fOAK9XZpVoE-00671-00264793-00264909 like, the mic end first. fOAK9XZpVoE-00672-00264909-00265097 Tea: Oh! Yeah, well yes, then I would resist the blow. fOAK9XZpVoE-00673-00265097-00265467 Eryn: Sorry yes, if that clarifies the situation you might want to do that. fOAK9XZpVoE-00674-00265467-00265877 Tea: Yeah, it does, it does yeah. I would resist or avoid the blows and I would take fOAK9XZpVoE-00675-00265877-00265977 the arrow from her. fOAK9XZpVoE-00676-00265977-00266515 Eryn: Alright, that sounds very fair. And ViVi what are you doing to help her achieve this? fOAK9XZpVoE-00677-00266515-00267343 Dana: I think as Diana is reaching for the arrow, it just glows purple for a moment and fOAK9XZpVoE-00678-00267343-00267652 jitters away from her hand. fOAK9XZpVoE-00679-00267652-00267784 Eryn: Ooh, nice. fOAK9XZpVoE-00680-00267784-00268304 Dana: So I try to grab it telekinesis and maybe don’t quite succeed but move it out fOAK9XZpVoE-00681-00268304-00268404 of the way. fOAK9XZpVoE-00682-00268404-00268673 Eryn: Oh yeah, that’s a very small use of telekinesis so there’s no need for you to fOAK9XZpVoE-00683-00268673-00268906 do anything extra for that, that just works. fOAK9XZpVoE-00684-00268906-00269006 Dana: Mm-hm. fOAK9XZpVoE-00685-00269006-00269469 Eryn: Alright. So yes, you manage to avoid her hitting you and you grab the arrow from fOAK9XZpVoE-00686-00269469-00270004 her. And she’s clearly, like, this is not going how she planned. She was already, like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00687-00270004-00270469 more worked up than she wanted to be when she started whatever she was doing right now. fOAK9XZpVoE-00688-00270469-00271123 So she’s not having a great time, like, maintaining her façade of superiority here. fOAK9XZpVoE-00689-00271123-00271514 She’s just – she’s kind of breathing hard and she says, fOAK9XZpVoE-00690-00271514-00272216 Diana: Ugh, this was all such a bad idea to start with. I really shouldn’t have even bothered. Ughh... fOAK9XZpVoE-00691-00272216-00272852 ViVi: Alright. Well, hold on. If there’s something, like, seriously wrong here maybe fOAK9XZpVoE-00692-00272852-00273313 we can help. I mean it sounds like – it sounds like you’re in some trouble. Some fOAK9XZpVoE-00693-00273313-00273733 of us maybe have trouble of our own, but we can try to help, okay? fOAK9XZpVoE-00694-00273733-00274126 Eryn: And at this point Amberlee tries to come around the wall as well and is like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00695-00274126-00274497 Amberlee: Yeah, like, I know that you’re upset. But, like, yeah, it sounds like there’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00696-00274497-00274880 something wrong. Is there anything we can – I’m sorry to say I didn’t think you’d fOAK9XZpVoE-00697-00274880-00275339 be a great president for this club, but I don’t think that means we can’t be friends fOAK9XZpVoE-00698-00275339-00275546 or help you. fOAK9XZpVoE-00699-00275546-00275849 Bane Raven: Um, Amber? You don’t even go here. fOAK9XZpVoE-00700-00275849-00276362 Amberlee: I like to think I know a thing or two about running an Idol Club at least. fOAK9XZpVoE-00701-00276362-00276666 Bane Raven: ...Yeah just maybe get behind the wall right now and let us figure this out. fOAK9XZpVoE-00702-00276666-00276861 Amberlee: Alright. Alright. fOAK9XZpVoE-00703-00276861-00276961 [Dana chuckles] fOAK9XZpVoE-00704-00276962-00277144 Eryn: She moves back behind the wall fOAK9XZpVoE-00705-00277144-00277304 Amberlee: [somewhat muffled] By the way your outfits rock! fOAK9XZpVoE-00706-00277304-00277480 Eryn: She yells from behind the wall. fOAK9XZpVoE-00707-00277480-00277759 Tea: I do a little toss of my ponytail and I say, fOAK9XZpVoE-00708-00277759-00277859 Bane Raven: Thanks! fOAK9XZpVoE-00709-00277859-00277986 Tea: And then I put my hands on my hips. fOAK9XZpVoE-00710-00277986-00278134 Amberlee: What are your idol names? fOAK9XZpVoE-00711-00278134-00278382 Bane Raven: Amber, not right now! fOAK9XZpVoE-00712-00278382-00278586 Diana: See, this is exactly what I’m talking about. fOAK9XZpVoE-00713-00278586-00278880 Eryn: Diana says, like, exasperated. fOAK9XZpVoE-00714-00278880-00279261 Diana: See, she has no idea what she’s doing. Like, this is a dangerous situation that I fOAK9XZpVoE-00715-00279261-00279809 am admittedly pushing upon you, but she does not know how to act when under pressure. fOAK9XZpVoE-00716-00279809-00280498 Dana: Quick question. So there’s like, actual protections in place to protect our identities fOAK9XZpVoE-00717-00280498-00280820 as part of this club. Like, this is something we would know going in. fOAK9XZpVoE-00718-00280820-00281282 Eryn: Yeah, like the fact the room was on the flyer to begin with should have been a fOAK9XZpVoE-00719-00281282-00281747 tip off because no body’s supposed to know where teen idols practice. fOAK9XZpVoE-00720-00281747-00282514 Dana: Okay. Then, uh, then ViVi, like, leans around to look around the wall that she created and says, fOAK9XZpVoE-00721-00282514-00282990 ViVi: Uh, it’s Violence Violet. I don't know, I’m pretty new to the scene, so... fOAK9XZpVoE-00722-00282990-00283131 Uh, ViVi for short. fOAK9XZpVoE-00723-00283131-00283591 Amberlee: Oh my god, I think saw something about that in, like, the idol forums? People fOAK9XZpVoE-00724-00283591-00283778 have been talking about you a bit! fOAK9XZpVoE-00725-00283778-00284394 ViVi: Yeah, yeah. You know, I’m trying -- well, okay maybe she’s right. This isn’t the time. fOAK9XZpVoE-00726-00284394-00284554 Diana: It really isn’t! fOAK9XZpVoE-00727-00284554-00284906 Eryn: At this point she, like, tries to get another arrow out of her quiver and she tries fOAK9XZpVoE-00728-00284907-00285011 to reform her bow. fOAK9XZpVoE-00729-00285011-00285432 Bane Raven: Uh, ViVi, we’re in the middle of something here. Bane Raven, by the way. fOAK9XZpVoE-00730-00285432-00285611 Tea: I just do, like, a little finger wave. fOAK9XZpVoE-00731-00285611-00286014 Bane Raven: Um, stop that. Stop that, whatever you’re doing with the bow. We’re having fOAK9XZpVoE-00732-00286014-00286284 a conversation. You put that down. fOAK9XZpVoE-00733-00286284-00286998 Eryn: While all this is going on, Synthia, Karen kind of gives you a look. You guys are fOAK9XZpVoE-00734-00286998-00287546 kind of situated behind all of this. You can see Diana’s back as she’s just yelling fOAK9XZpVoE-00735-00287546-00288300 at everybody. And she pulls out, like, a slingshot. Like an old school slingshot, the kind you fOAK9XZpVoE-00736-00288300-00288811 would see in a Saturday morning cartoon. And she sort of just nods her head in that direction fOAK9XZpVoE-00737-00288812-00289002 and gives you the slingshot. fOAK9XZpVoE-00738-00289002-00289190 Michelle: I’ll take it and I’ll ask her, fOAK9XZpVoE-00739-00289190-00289432 Synthia: Is this a regular occurrence? fOAK9XZpVoE-00740-00289432-00289812 Karen: Mm, it happens. Rivalries and such. fOAK9XZpVoE-00741-00289812-00290420 Michelle: Alright, I’ll take some popcorn and I'll slingshot it over at the group. fOAK9XZpVoE-00742-00290420-00291120 Eryn: This doesn’t need a move. You fling some popcorn over and, are you going to say fOAK9XZpVoE-00743-00291120-00291431 anything with it as well, or are you just trying to, like, distract them? fOAK9XZpVoE-00744-00291431-00291531 Michelle: Um, I’ll say, fOAK9XZpVoE-00745-00291531-00291697 Synthia: Are you guys almost done over there? fOAK9XZpVoE-00746-00291697-00292239 Eryn: And Diana has kind of gotten her bow together at this point, and she’s still fOAK9XZpVoE-00747-00292239-00292438 very much on edge. And she’s like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00748-00292438-00292566 Diana: No! No we are not done! fOAK9XZpVoE-00749-00292566-00292758 Eryn: And now she’s pointing the arrow at you. fOAK9XZpVoE-00750-00292758-00293002 Bane Raven: Why are you doing this? fOAK9XZpVoE-00751-00293002-00293551 Diana: Because this was all supposed to be so easy! It was just supposed to be – fOAK9XZpVoE-00752-00293552-00294122 I was supposed to come in, I was supposed to join the club, become the president and... fOAK9XZpVoE-00753-00294122-00294224 stuff! fOAK9XZpVoE-00754-00294224-00294336 Ughh... fOAK9XZpVoE-00755-00294336-00294614 Synthia: If you want to be the president, maybe you should be nice to people. fOAK9XZpVoE-00756-00294614-00295113 Diana: Niceness doesn’t get you anywhere in this racket. Skill does. fOAK9XZpVoE-00757-00295113-00295694 Bane Raven: That is not true. When you have an idol group, it takes group chemistry. We fOAK9XZpVoE-00758-00295694-00296186 have to work as a unit. It is not all just about you being mean to us and ordering us fOAK9XZpVoE-00759-00296186-00296538 around. We’re supposed to be in this together. fOAK9XZpVoE-00760-00296538-00296722 Diana: Well that’s not how they do it at McArthur. fOAK9XZpVoE-00761-00296722-00296988 Bane Raven: I don’t give a shit about McArthur! fOAK9XZpVoE-00762-00296988-00297289 Eryn: Actually, I’m going to give you an opportunity to Pierce her Mask here, because fOAK9XZpVoE-00763-00297289-00297456 she just let something slip. fOAK9XZpVoE-00764-00297456-00297736 Tea: Okay, yeah, uhhhh... fOAK9XZpVoE-00765-00297736-00297866 Ohhh. [laughs] fOAK9XZpVoE-00766-00297866-00297950 Eryn: Oh no. fOAK9XZpVoE-00767-00297950-00298064 Tea: Mundane! fOAK9XZpVoE-00768-00298064-00298154 Eryn: Yeah. fOAK9XZpVoE-00769-00298154-00298402 Tea: [laughs] Uhh... It’s an 8! fOAK9XZpVoE-00770-00298402-00298492 Eryn: 8’s not bad. fOAK9XZpVoE-00771-00298492-00298580 Tea: Yeah, it’s not bad. fOAK9XZpVoE-00772-00298580-00298911 Eryn: It’s still a partial success, which means you get to ask one off the Pierce the fOAK9XZpVoE-00773-00298911-00299361 Mask list. It’s, what are you really planning, what do you want to do, what do you intend fOAK9XZpVoE-00774-00299361-00299846 to you, how could I get your character to blank, or how could I gain influence over you. fOAK9XZpVoE-00775-00299846-00300083 Tea: Okay, I’m going to ask, fOAK9XZpVoE-00776-00300084-00300296 Bane Raven: McArthur? What are you really planning? fOAK9XZpVoE-00777-00300296-00300434 Diana: It’s-- God it-- fOAK9XZpVoE-00778-00300434-00300932 Ughhhh god, there’s no point anymore. Fine. Guys, I don’t go here either. fOAK9XZpVoE-00779-00300932-00301595 I... [sigh] I was supposed to come in here and become the president of your stupid little fOAK9XZpVoE-00780-00301595-00301978 club so that I could dismantle it from the inside. fOAK9XZpVoE-00781-00301978-00302230 Bane Raven: Why are you so worried about our club? fOAK9XZpVoE-00782-00302230-00302800 Diana: I really shouldn’t be, to be honest. Like, you guys have never won anything. Like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00783-00302800-00303616 under this character’s leadership, nothing has ever happened. But the leader of the McArthur fOAK9XZpVoE-00784-00303616-00304303 club is very paranoid and, rightly so. Like, you really need to be able to make sure you’re fOAK9XZpVoE-00785-00304303-00304875 on top of all of your competition. And the sooner we can take out one of our rivals before fOAK9XZpVoE-00786-00304875-00305126 the competition starts, the better. fOAK9XZpVoE-00787-00305126-00305698 ViVi: Yeah, this seems like way too much effort for you to go through. fOAK9XZpVoE-00788-00305698-00306000 Diana: ...It kind of does, doesn’t it? fOAK9XZpVoE-00789-00306000-00306488 Eryn: And her shoulders kind of slump. And she does start to lower the arrow at this point. fOAK9XZpVoE-00790-00306488-00306749 Michelle: ...I eat some more popcorn. fOAK9XZpVoE-00791-00306749-00306891 [All laugh] fOAK9XZpVoE-00792-00306891-00307480 Eryn: Karen smiles and takes a handful as well. And, also, she, like, raises the popcorn fOAK9XZpVoE-00793-00307480-00308093 bag and offers it to Diana as well. Diana hesitates and then walks over and grabs some. fOAK9XZpVoE-00794-00308093-00308632 Diana: [sighs] I – I didn’t... [popcorn crunches] They said that this was worth doing. fOAK9XZpVoE-00795-00308632-00309128 It really – this has just been such a frustrating couple of days overall. I... fOAK9XZpVoE-00796-00309128-00309510 [sigh] C-can – let’s just be done with this. fOAK9XZpVoE-00797-00309510-00309974 You – you know what I’m up to. I know that I’m not going to fOAK9XZpVoE-00798-00309974-00310464 be successful at this point. Let’s just be done with it. I’ll go. Fine. fOAK9XZpVoE-00799-00310464-00310812 Dana: I’m going to, uh... ViVi walks over and says, fOAK9XZpVoE-00800-00310812-00311846 ViVi: [sighs] Look, this whole plan was... really, really stupid. But I know it’s hard to get fOAK9XZpVoE-00801-00311846-00312564 ahead. Maybe, just, like, stop wasting your time on elaborate schemes and just, you know, fOAK9XZpVoE-00802-00312564-00312834 focus on trying to be a better idol? fOAK9XZpVoE-00803-00312834-00313176 Diana: Ugh, that’s what I was trying to tell our club president! Like, I wasn’t fOAK9XZpVoE-00804-00313176-00313652 lying when I was telling you that we should be focusing on practice and honing our skills. fOAK9XZpVoE-00805-00313652-00314210 Like, I didn’t want to be here. I just wanted to practice and get better. But they insisted, fOAK9XZpVoE-00806-00314210-00314732 like, it’s important that you make sure that you take care of the competition. fOAK9XZpVoE-00807-00314732-00315584 ViVi: Yeah, just do all the stuff you said. Just, you know, do your practice, and your fOAK9XZpVoE-00808-00315584-00315945 songs. And just fuckin' tell her to get over it. fOAK9XZpVoE-00809-00315945-00316549 Diana: I wish it were that easy. She’s so... controlling. I don’t know if I can do that fOAK9XZpVoE-00810-00316549-00316956 without really upsetting her. Like, the fact that I didn’t do this, she’s already going fOAK9XZpVoE-00811-00316956-00317172 to be super upset. fOAK9XZpVoE-00812-00317172-00317896 Bane Raven: Well you could just... infiltrate over there and dismantle it from the inside. fOAK9XZpVoE-00813-00317896-00318425 In other words, maybe you just need to... perform a coup and make somebody else president. fOAK9XZpVoE-00814-00318425-00318977 Diana: Hmm. I mean, if I do—if I play my cards right, maybe... oh... fOAK9XZpVoE-00815-00318977-00319684 Eryn: And you can see, like, the meme with the math equations going in front of her face. fOAK9XZpVoE-00816-00319684-00320158 Actually, you can literally physically see that. It’s, like, glowing energy in front of her face. fOAK9XZpVoE-00817-00320158-00320258 [Dana and Tea laugh] fOAK9XZpVoE-00818-00320258-00320539 Eryn: It’s the same energy that her bow is formed out of. fOAK9XZpVoE-00819-00320539-00320794 Dana: I’m going to say, fOAK9XZpVoE-00820-00320794-00321306 ViVi: Honestly, it sounds like you’re way more serious about this than you president is. fOAK9XZpVoE-00821-00321306-00321624 Dana: And I’m actually going to try to Comfort or Support Diana. fOAK9XZpVoE-00822-00321624-00322038 Eryn: Aww! So when you comfort or support someone, you get to roll Mundane. And on a fOAK9XZpVoE-00823-00322038-00322176 hit, they’ll hear you. fOAK9XZpVoE-00824-00322176-00322546 Dana: My Mundane is zero, but I suspect that’s the highest in the group at this point. fOAK9XZpVoE-00825-00322546-00322858 Tea: Yes, yeah. [laughs] fOAK9XZpVoE-00826-00322858-00322942 Eryn and Tea: Ooh... fOAK9XZpVoE-00827-00322942-00323146 Eryn: And you used up your team point earlier. fOAK9XZpVoE-00828-00323146-00323242 Dana: Yes. fOAK9XZpVoE-00829-00323242-00323964 Eryn: Okay, so unfortunately no, you won’t. You won’t hear her. Um... fOAK9XZpVoE-00830-00323964-00324468 Dana: I will say, a thing that sometimes comes up in Powered by the Apocalypse games is a fOAK9XZpVoE-00831-00324468-00325030 miss doesn’t mean that I failed. It could also mean that I succeed and that’s bad. fOAK9XZpVoE-00832-00325030-00325454 Eryn: True. Hmm... Okay, yeah. I think I’m going to go with what you said. I’m going fOAK9XZpVoE-00833-00325454-00325913 to say she – she seems like she hears you. She’s sort of nodding in agreement like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00834-00325913-00326380 Diana: I think – I think you’re right. I think I need to do something. Like, I’m fOAK9XZpVoE-00835-00326380-00326990 not on board with what our club president is doing. And I guess you’re right, like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00836-00326990-00327558 I do seem, like, a little stressed right now. Maybe if I work on that and manage it maybe, fOAK9XZpVoE-00837-00327558-00328074 maybe I could do a better job of getting in power over there. Yeah. I think that’s what fOAK9XZpVoE-00838-00328074-00328514 I’m going to do-- You know what? Thank you. I think I will – I think I will do that. fOAK9XZpVoE-00839-00328514-00328840 Eryn: And she sort of, she actually sort of smirks a little bit, and I’m going to have fOAK9XZpVoE-00840-00328840-00329420 you mark Afraid, because you're not sure what she means by that, but it doesn’t seem good. fOAK9XZpVoE-00841-00329420-00329552 Dana: Perfect. fOAK9XZpVoE-00842-00329552-00329931 Eryn: But yeah, at this point I think the situation is winding down. People can detransform fOAK9XZpVoE-00843-00329931-00330495 now if they want. Diana’s going to detransform. Um, there is actually a Detransform move that fOAK9XZpVoE-00844-00330495-00330595 we can do as well. fOAK9XZpVoE-00845-00330595-00331307 Tea: I’m going to say after Diana detransforms, I’ll wait a few moments, and then, you know, fOAK9XZpVoE-00846-00331307-00331740 when it seems like she really has calmed down, I’ll just do the same. fOAK9XZpVoE-00847-00331740-00332002 Dana: I will as well, after Diana does. fOAK9XZpVoE-00848-00332002-00332494 Eryn: Okay. So when you two Detransform, this is a formal move, you transform back to your fOAK9XZpVoE-00849-00332494-00333076 regular form, you lose access to your powers while you’re in your regular form, and the fOAK9XZpVoE-00850-00333076-00333533 GM may shift any two of your labels. This is basically my way of making sure that you fOAK9XZpVoE-00851-00333533-00334051 don’t, like, you know, mold your characters and Min/Max them through the transformation move. fOAK9XZpVoE-00852-00334051-00334151 Dana: Mm-hm. fOAK9XZpVoE-00853-00334151-00334365 Eryn: So I’m probably just going to, if I can remember what you changed, just change fOAK9XZpVoE-00854-00334365-00334800 your labels back to what they were before. There we go. I’ve changed those back for fOAK9XZpVoE-00855-00334800-00335369 you. Okay. So you all just kind of hang out in the room for a bit. And, like, obviously fOAK9XZpVoE-00856-00335369-00335756 no practice is going to get done today, but maybe that’s okay for today. You really fOAK9XZpVoE-00857-00335756-00336056 did have a great team bonding exercise. fOAK9XZpVoE-00858-00336056-00336148 Dana: Yeah. fOAK9XZpVoE-00859-00336148-00336604 Eryn: So you all sit around, you share the popcorn bag with Karen. Like, you play with fOAK9XZpVoE-00860-00336604-00336926 the slingshot. You fling some popcorn around in the air, you make a mess of the room. But fOAK9XZpVoE-00861-00336926-00337140 you know that you can clean it up after, so it’s fine. fOAK9XZpVoE-00862-00337140-00337842 Dana: Uh, yeah. At this point Valerie is definitely too tired to keep up the "too cool to interact" fOAK9XZpVoE-00863-00337842-00338519 act. And is just, like, at the level of tired where you actually are more relaxed because fOAK9XZpVoE-00864-00338519-00339052 it’s too much effort to be on guard all the time. fOAK9XZpVoE-00865-00339052-00339709 Tea: Yeah, and it’s one of those things where it could have gone really bad, and it fOAK9XZpVoE-00866-00339710-00340186 didn’t. So I think for Angie, she just feels a bit relieved... fOAK9XZpVoE-00867-00340186-00340274 Dana: Yeah. fOAK9XZpVoE-00868-00340274-00340360 Tea: And is like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00869-00340360-00340920 Angie: Let’s just worry about the president question another time. [laughs] fOAK9XZpVoE-00870-00340920-00341133 Eryn: And Karen shrugs and is like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00871-00341134-00341300 Karen: I could do it. fOAK9XZpVoE-00872-00341300-00341430 Angie: Wait, what? fOAK9XZpVoE-00873-00341430-00341668 Karen: I’ve been around. I could be president. fOAK9XZpVoE-00874-00341668-00342002 Synthia: It does sound like Karen has a lot of experience. fOAK9XZpVoE-00875-00342002-00342424 Valerie: I mean, you just kind of watched while that was going down. That wasn’t really fOAK9XZpVoE-00876-00342424-00342592 leadership, I would say. fOAK9XZpVoE-00877-00342592-00342920 Karen: Well that’s what I do. I’m your cheerleader. fOAK9XZpVoE-00878-00342920-00343034 Eryn: And then Amberlee chimes in, fOAK9XZpVoE-00879-00343034-00343556 Amberlee: Yeah, this is literally what she does. She’s been here for, like, the last fOAK9XZpVoE-00880-00343556-00344336 three years that I’ve been here. Maybe four years? And she is our "wota" I guess. fOAK9XZpVoE-00881-00344336-00344791 Eryn: And to anybody who doesn’t know what that term means, that’s an idol fandom term fOAK9XZpVoE-00882-00344791-00345372 for basically an obsessive cheerleader. They do all the, like, complicated stuff with light fOAK9XZpVoE-00883-00345372-00345577 sticks that you see at idol concerts and whatnot. fOAK9XZpVoE-00884-00345577-00345677 Dana: Ah. fOAK9XZpVoE-00885-00345677-00346193 Eryn: And Karen raises a hand up like she’s got a light stick in her hand, but there’s fOAK9XZpVoE-00886-00346193-00346381 nothing there. And she goes, fOAK9XZpVoE-00887-00346381-00346575 Karen: Go team. fOAK9XZpVoE-00888-00346575-00347149 Angie: Okay. Well it was Valerie and I that deescalated the situation. fOAK9XZpVoE-00889-00347149-00347249 Valerie: Mm-hm. fOAK9XZpVoE-00890-00347249-00347836 Angie: But maybe we don’t need a president. Maybe we’re just fine figuring out all the fOAK9XZpVoE-00891-00347836-00347950 shots as a group. fOAK9XZpVoE-00892-00347950-00348176 Eryn: And Amberlee smiles and says, fOAK9XZpVoE-00893-00348176-00348606 Amberlee: You know what? I think that sounds really good. Like, I love this collective fOAK9XZpVoE-00894-00348606-00349010 spirit that you all are building. That sounds really encouraging to me. That’s kind of fOAK9XZpVoE-00895-00349010-00349300 what I wanted to see from the group coming up under m— fOAK9XZpVoE-00896-00349300-00349474 Angie: Okay, anyway, yeah Valerie, what do you think? fOAK9XZpVoE-00897-00349474-00349614 [Eryn laughs] fOAK9XZpVoE-00898-00349614-00350132 Dana: Uh, I kind of look Angie up and down a little incredulously and say, fOAK9XZpVoE-00899-00350132-00350460 Valerie: Uh, yeah. I think that makes sense. You know, we did fine. fOAK9XZpVoE-00900-00350460-00350573 Eryn: Karen shrugs. fOAK9XZpVoE-00901-00350573-00350760 Karen: No president sounds good. fOAK9XZpVoE-00902-00350760-00351032 Eryn: And Synthia, what do you have to say to that? fOAK9XZpVoE-00903-00351032-00351732 Michelle: I don’t have anything to say. It’s been an experience and I’ve taken fOAK9XZpVoE-00904-00351732-00352214 it all in. I’m not super convinced that we don’t need a president, but I’m going fOAK9XZpVoE-00905-00352214-00352326 to see what happens. fOAK9XZpVoE-00906-00352326-00352426 Eryn: Amberlee says, fOAK9XZpVoE-00907-00352426-00352824 Amberlee: Oh yeah, you do need to at least put a name in the president’s spot on the fOAK9XZpVoE-00908-00352824-00353228 club formation form at the office, but it doesn’t have to be the person you actually fOAK9XZpVoE-00909-00353228-00353335 listen to, like... fOAK9XZpVoE-00910-00353335-00353734 Valerie: Oh, uh, you know Angie, why don’t you just put your name there then. You know, fOAK9XZpVoE-00911-00353734-00353925 it will be fine. We don’t – we don’t... fOAK9XZpVoE-00912-00353925-00354225 Amberlee: It just needs to be someone the teacher can contact if you all get in trouble fOAK9XZpVoE-00913-00354225-00354325 or something. fOAK9XZpVoE-00914-00354325-00354663 Valerie: Yeah. Like you said, we don’t need to listen to her or anything. It can just fOAK9XZpVoE-00915-00354663-00355025 be, you know, your name on the sheet. Then everyone’s happy, right? fOAK9XZpVoE-00916-00355025-00355472 Angie: I mean, yeah, I can put my name on there, sure. And then if anything comes up, fOAK9XZpVoE-00917-00355472-00355776 I’ll... tell everyone. fOAK9XZpVoE-00918-00355776-00356001 Eryn: And Amberlee smiles very wide like, fOAK9XZpVoE-00919-00356001-00356504 Amberlee: Ohhhh I’m so excited for all of you! This is going to be beautiful. I’m fOAK9XZpVoE-00920-00356504-00356971 going to leave you all to your own devices at this point because I really should go fOAK9XZpVoE-00921-00356971-00357425 I think. You’re right, I don’t go here. But I really wanted to make sure fOAK9XZpVoE-00922-00357426-00357890 I sent everyone off into the new year right at least. So I hope for the best for all of you. fOAK9XZpVoE-00923-00357890-00357960 Synthia: Thank you. fOAK9XZpVoE-00924-00357960-00358024 Angie: Thanks~ fOAK9XZpVoE-00925-00358024-00358116 Valerie: Thanks. fOAK9XZpVoE-00926-00358116-00358800 Eryn: And here she pulls out of her, like, very cute, like, anime Sanrio purse, um, she fOAK9XZpVoE-00927-00358800-00359714 pulls out a set of, like, pink glittery business cards that have her name, her cell number, fOAK9XZpVoE-00928-00359714-00360391 both her real name which is Amberlee Sonnenfeld and also her idol name which is Solara, uh, fOAK9XZpVoE-00929-00360391-00360750 so you have a way to contact her if you need her for anything. fOAK9XZpVoE-00930-00360750-00360918 Tea: Okay. I guess I’ll take her card. fOAK9XZpVoE-00931-00360918-00361078 Dana: Yep. I will too. fOAK9XZpVoE-00932-00361078-00361425 Michelle: I will take a card. I’m just writing down her info here. fOAK9XZpVoE-00933-00361425-00362014 Eryn: Alright. So Amberlee waves you all goodbye and wishes you well and that basically just fOAK9XZpVoE-00934-00362014-00362622 leaves the three of you and Karen are the Fort McNally School Idol Club. fOAK9XZpVoE-00935-00362622-00362740 Michelle: Hooray. fOAK9XZpVoE-00936-00362740-00363216 Eryn: And Karen puts her hand in the middle like you’re going to do a group thing. fOAK9XZpVoE-00937-00363216-00363396 Tea: Yeah I put my hand in there. fOAK9XZpVoE-00938-00363396-00363618 Michelle: I’ll put my hand it. fOAK9XZpVoE-00939-00363618-00363742 [Valerie sighs] fOAK9XZpVoE-00940-00363742-00363956 Dana: And then I’ll put my hand in. fOAK9XZpVoE-00941-00363956-00364386 Tea: I feel like we all look up at Valerie and just wait for her. fOAK9XZpVoE-00942-00364386-00364636 [All laugh] fOAK9XZpVoE-00943-00364636-00364782 Eryn: Alright. And Karen says, fOAK9XZpVoE-00944-00364782-00365032 Karen: Fort McNally Idoooolllls. fOAK9XZpVoE-00945-00365032-00365148 Eryn: And slowly raises her hand up. fOAK9XZpVoE-00946-00365148-00365220 Angie: Yay. fOAK9XZpVoE-00947-00365220-00365354 Valerie: Yay. fOAK9XZpVoE-00948-00365354-00365452 [Michelle laughs] fOAK9XZpVoE-00949-00365452-00365684 Angie: I think we need to work on the cheer. fOAK9XZpVoE-00950-00365684-00365980 Valerie: Well we’re not a cheer club, so... fOAK9XZpVoE-00951-00365980-00366488 Angie: It doesn’t sound, like, I don’t get excited by hearing that. Like, when we’re fOAK9XZpVoE-00952-00366488-00366902 going to do a performance, we need to come up with a better chant. fOAK9XZpVoE-00953-00366902-00367066 Synthia: Yeah, we’ll work on the chant. fOAK9XZpVoE-00954-00367066-00367192 Karen: I thought it was pretty good. fOAK9XZpVoE-00955-00367192-00367386 Angie: It’s a work in progress. fOAK9XZpVoE-00956-00367386-00367833 Eryn: And that’s where we’re leaving things. We pull out back through the window as you fOAK9XZpVoE-00957-00367834-00368634 discuss what you may or may not do for team cheers in the future. But yes, we have – fOAK9XZpVoE-00958-00368634-00368924 We have our Idol Club formed, yay! fOAK9XZpVoE-00959-00368924-00369018 Tea: Wa-hay! fOAK9XZpVoE-00960-00369018-00369106 Dana: Yay! fOAK9XZpVoE-00961-00369106-00369272 Michelle: Yay, we did it! fOAK9XZpVoE-00962-00369272-00369404 Dana: Genuine yay. fOAK9XZpVoE-00963-00369404-00369598 [All laugh] fOAK9XZpVoE-00964-00369598-00370442 Eryn: And also, uh, as a stinger, we’re going to pan back over to Aunt Theresa. fOAK9XZpVoE-00965-00370442-00370852 [Mysterious music fades in] And you can see her on a very, like, official-looking fOAK9XZpVoE-00966-00370852-00371080 black cell phone talking to someone. And says, fOAK9XZpVoE-00967-00371080-00371570 Aunt Theresa: Yes, yes we confirmed that she is joining the Idol Club as expected. Yes. fOAK9XZpVoE-00968-00371570-00372211 No... yes, we confirmed the room. Yep. They did have an encounter, but it seems that her fOAK9XZpVoE-00969-00372211-00372724 new associates have taken care of it. They do seem to have some powers of their own that fOAK9XZpVoE-00970-00372724-00373504 may be worth taking into consideration. Alright. Yes. Yes C-SHARP will be keeping an eye on fOAK9XZpVoE-00971-00373504-00374020 the situation very closely... Alright. Goodbye. fOAK9XZpVoE-00972-00374020-00374679 Eryn: And as that scene fades out, we get one last continuation of a character introduction fOAK9XZpVoE-00973-00374680-00374980 started earlier... fOAK9XZpVoE-00974-00374980-00375646 Michelle: So Synthia is actually a top-secret government agent from a military background. fOAK9XZpVoE-00975-00375646-00376157 One of her grandparents is a decorated army veteran, and her parents are both high-ranking fOAK9XZpVoE-00976-00376157-00376705 military officials. Her parents encouraged her to get involved in the military from a fOAK9XZpVoE-00977-00376705-00377358 very young age, especially once the government started recruiting superidols for various projects. fOAK9XZpVoE-00978-00377358-00377911 As she grew into her rebellious teens, she wanted to be an idol. But she wanted to do fOAK9XZpVoE-00979-00377911-00378483 it on her own terms. So for a while, she pursued her own dreams of stardom, building up an fOAK9XZpVoE-00980-00378483-00378936 image of herself as an 80’s glam rock diva called Symphoria. fOAK9XZpVoE-00981-00378936-00379543 However, before she could gain much traction, her powers awakened. And unfortunately for fOAK9XZpVoE-00982-00379543-00380082 Synthia, the powers only made the military even more interested in her. The superhuman fOAK9XZpVoE-00983-00380082-00380786 branch of the military, C-SHARP (or: Canadian Super-Human Activity Response and Planning), fOAK9XZpVoE-00984-00380786-00381375 was awed by Synthia’s unique abilities. As well, their internal algorithms suggested fOAK9XZpVoE-00985-00381375-00382056 that she had the potential to become one of the strongest superpowered people on the planet. fOAK9XZpVoE-00986-00382056-00382585 So, under intense pressure from her parents, Synthia agreed to join C-SHARP and train with fOAK9XZpVoE-00987-00382585-00382741 them to hone her powers. fOAK9XZpVoE-00988-00382741-00383274 Now, after having trained with them for some time, Synthia is more used to her role in fOAK9XZpVoE-00989-00383274-00383926 C-SHARP, but still not psyched about it. She kind of dreads what might happen if she continues fOAK9XZpVoE-00990-00383926-00384502 down the path but stays in line out of a sense of duty to her parents—and the faint hope fOAK9XZpVoE-00991-00384502-00384899 that maybe she can become the idol she wants to be. fOAK9XZpVoE-00992-00384899-00385394 At this stage in her training, the branch has just relocated her to Fort McNally High. fOAK9XZpVoE-00993-00385394-00385706 A school this small and out of the way? fOAK9XZpVoE-00994-00385706-00386236 It’s the perfect place to hide such a powerful Soldier from prying enemy eyes. fOAK9XZpVoE-00995-00386236-00386780 [Music slowly fades out] fOAK9XZpVoE-00996-00386780-00387238 Eryn: Hey there everyone, Eryn here! I'm just coming in from the editing bay here to say fOAK9XZpVoE-00997-00387238-00387724 thank you so much for listening to the first two episodes of SuperIdols! RPG. We've all fOAK9XZpVoE-00998-00387724-00388361 been planning this for a very long time now, since at least December of 2019, and I'm so fOAK9XZpVoE-00999-00388361-00388808 glad we're finally getting to premiere the show now. There are just a couple things I fOAK9XZpVoE-01000-00388808-00389193 want to go over here before the end of the episode, so please stick around for a few fOAK9XZpVoE-01001-00389193-00389410 more minutes if you have time. fOAK9XZpVoE-01002-00389410-00389850 First I want to give a quick disclaimer: I am very much still a baby GM when it comes fOAK9XZpVoE-01003-00389850-00390423 to Masks, and I'm still getting a handle on all the rules. I know for these first couple fOAK9XZpVoE-01004-00390423-00390952 episodes, I for instance leaned a bit too heavy on Assess the Situation at first and fOAK9XZpVoE-01005-00390952-00391418 didn't use it correctly in every instance, so that's something that'll hopefully be ironed fOAK9XZpVoE-01006-00391418-00391960 out in future sessions. I think one of the Provokes in this episode was also slightly fOAK9XZpVoE-01007-00391960-00392440 incorrect — that's supposed to be more of a move to use your words to press someone's fOAK9XZpVoE-01008-00392440-00392982 buttons, not to physically surprise them. Most of us on the podcast are new to playing fOAK9XZpVoE-01009-00392982-00393501 the game, so please forgive us if we occasionally get something wrong, and let us know when fOAK9XZpVoE-01010-00393501-00394099 we've messed up so we can do better in the future. That should all improve as episodes progress. fOAK9XZpVoE-01011-00394099-00394570 Second: these first two episodes covered our first session, which was recorded in early fOAK9XZpVoE-01012-00394570-00395199 February 2020. This was of course before all the coronavirus stuff really kicked into high fOAK9XZpVoE-01013-00395199-00395733 gear in March, and it was also before the big wave of police brutality protests and fOAK9XZpVoE-01014-00395733-00396489 Black Lives Matter activism that started in late May, so... Yeah, none of us really had fOAK9XZpVoE-01015-00396489-00397210 any idea just how turbulent a year this would end up being. So just to clarify regarding fOAK9XZpVoE-01016-00397210-00397863 the fiction of this story since it does take place in the year 2020: SuperIdols! RPG takes fOAK9XZpVoE-01017-00397863-00398478 place in an alternate universe where there was no coronavirus pandemic in 2020, but the fOAK9XZpVoE-01018-00398478-00399033 Black Lives Matter protests did still happen. It is not my place to make up too much speculative fOAK9XZpVoE-01019-00399033-00399481 fiction about that since I do not want to diminish the efforts of the real, living, fOAK9XZpVoE-01020-00399481-00399909 breathing people who are fighting out there for a better world right now. But by that fOAK9XZpVoE-01021-00399909-00400393 same token, I don't want to erase that from the timeline either, because that likewise fOAK9XZpVoE-01022-00400393-00400651 sweeps those efforts under the rug. fOAK9XZpVoE-01023-00400652-00401258 Given that, I think it needs to be stated clearly: the official stance of SuperIdols! RPG fOAK9XZpVoE-01024-00401258-00401775 is that Black Lives Matter, All Cops Are Bastards, and law enforcement will never be fOAK9XZpVoE-01025-00401775-00402508 glorified on this show. Even if #BlackLivesMatter has stopped trending by the time you listen fOAK9XZpVoE-01026-00402508-00403033 to this, I urge everyone to continue donating in support of racial justice and signal boosting fOAK9XZpVoE-01027-00403033-00403573 Black voices and art however you can. One very relevant Black artist I can mention that fOAK9XZpVoE-01028-00403573-00404139 you should definitely go check out is Onsta, who is the title card artist for Mahou Profile fOAK9XZpVoE-01029-00404139-00404590 and also did our lovely SuperIdols character portraits! fOAK9XZpVoE-01030-00404590-00404974 You can find her work over at, fOAK9XZpVoE-01031-00404974-00405891 or on Twitter @OnstaMonsta. She is always a super joy to work with and brings so much fOAK9XZpVoE-01032-00405891-00406354 life to every piece she makes, highly recommend going and commissioning her if you can, if fOAK9XZpVoE-01033-00406354-00406892 she's got slots open. She's just a bundle of joy in this world, oh my god. fOAK9XZpVoE-01034-00406892-00407588 Also, I am aware that so far we are yet another white bread RPG podcast. And while that will fOAK9XZpVoE-01035-00407588-00408075 start to improve beginning with episode 4, there's still a lot more we can do to increase fOAK9XZpVoE-01036-00408075-00408524 the amount of diverse talent that we feature on the show. I plan to start having guest fOAK9XZpVoE-01037-00408524-00409084 players on the show once we get into stuff like rival idol groups and the CING Star Tournament, fOAK9XZpVoE-01038-00409084-00409675 or even just random encounters with supervillains and the like. I am also very open to expanding fOAK9XZpVoE-01039-00409675-00410202 the rotating cast with more regular members over time as the story evolves. So if you fOAK9XZpVoE-01040-00410202-00410648 are a POC — especially if you are Black or Indigenous —we would love to have you fOAK9XZpVoE-01041-00410648-00411093 on the show to play with us and to promote your work. Heck, I'll promote your work just fOAK9XZpVoE-01042-00411093-00411521 'cause, even if you don't want to play with us. So, please reach out to me on Twitter fOAK9XZpVoE-01043-00411521-00411935 @eryncerise if you want to participate in the show in some way or have a promo that fOAK9XZpVoE-01044-00411935-00412110 you'd like us to share. fOAK9XZpVoE-01045-00412110-00412571 In any case, thank you so much again for listening. Definitely be sure to leave us a comment on fOAK9XZpVoE-01046-00412571-00413160 YouTube or a review on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser or wherever else if you can. That sort of fOAK9XZpVoE-01047-00413160-00413668 word of mouth is especially helpful for podcasts since they're a lot less viral than, say, fOAK9XZpVoE-01048-00413668-00414208 a video or a social media post. Also if you like the show and want to support it with fOAK9XZpVoE-01049-00414208-00414833 your dollars, you can donate to us on Patreon! I have my ErynCerise Patreon set up now so fOAK9XZpVoE-01050-00414833-00415327 that you can choose a tier based on the project you want to support, so you can go there and fOAK9XZpVoE-01051-00415327-00415758 pledge whatever amount you want to support for SuperIdols, and you'll know that that fOAK9XZpVoE-01052-00415758-00416275 donation will go towards stuff like commissioning art for the show, transcripts, domain costs, fOAK9XZpVoE-01053-00416275-00416467 and all that good stuff. fOAK9XZpVoE-01054-00416467-00416985 All right, that is all from me. Our regular release schedule for SuperIdols is going to fOAK9XZpVoE-01055-00416985-00417546 be one episode every three weeks, so I'm very much looking forward to bringing you our third fOAK9XZpVoE-01056-00417546-00418179 episode in three weeks' time! I'll leave you all to regular outro Eryn now, have a wonderful fOAK9XZpVoE-01057-00418179-00418638 day or night, wherever you are, and g'bye~! fOAK9XZpVoE-01058-00418638-00419751 [Ending Theme Song Plays (Upbeat Rock Music)] fOAK9XZpVoE-01059-00419751-00420382 Thank you so much for listening to SuperIdols RPG. Our cast for today was Dana Lexa as Valerie fOAK9XZpVoE-01060-00420382-00421233 Pearce, Theawinde as Evangeline Blake, Michelle as Synthia Knight, and ErynCerise as the GM. fOAK9XZpVoE-01061-00421233-00421740 This campaign is played using Masks: A New Generation, written by Brendan Conway and fOAK9XZpVoE-01062-00421740-00422417 published by Magpie Games, with custom moves by ErynCerise and Zak P. Our opening theme fOAK9XZpVoE-01063-00422417-00423166 is "Le Chevalier Noir (Instrumental)" by Cyborgjeff and is used under license from Jamendo Music. fOAK9XZpVoE-01064-00423166-00423763 Our ending theme is "Born to Drive Me Crazy (Instrumental)" by Lance Conrad. This song fOAK9XZpVoE-01065-00423763-00424378 and all other music for this episode are royalty free tracks under license from, fOAK9XZpVoE-01066-00424378-00424935 with the exception of "Gothic Dark", a Creative Commons track by Peritune. fOAK9XZpVoE-01067-00424935-00425404 If you liked this episode, please consider liking and commenting on the YouTube upload, fOAK9XZpVoE-01068-00425404-00425950 or leaving us a review on your podcasting platform of choice. Thank you again for listening, fOAK9XZpVoE-01069-00425950-00426288 stay well, and goodbye until next time. fOAK9XZpVoE-01070-00426288-00427168 [Music slowly fades out] fOAK9XZpVoE-01071-00427168-00427606 Tea: It's actually, I guess, not to her liking very—[soft booming sound] Sorry I just hit fOAK9XZpVoE-01072-00427607-00427707 my mic, oops. fOAK9XZpVoE-01073-00427707-00427807 Eryn: That's okay. fOAK9XZpVoE-01074-00427807-00428014 Tea: I'm a gesture'er when I talk. fOAK9XZpVoE-01075-00428014-00428124 Eryn: It's okay, I am too. fOAK9XZpVoE-01076-00428124-00428282 Tea: I have to avoid—[laughs] fOAK9XZpVoE-01077-00428282-00428510 Eryn: What do you mean they can't see me moving my hands on a podcast? fOAK9XZpVoE-01078-00428510-00428597 [Dana laughs] fOAK9XZpVoE-01079-00428597-00428750 Tea: [laughs] It's very important! fPni4uTlSfI-00000-00000000-00000248 That's a question that people always ask me is "how do you come up with ideas in many fPni4uTlSfI-00001-00000248-00000760 different areas?" And so, I'm always trying to think of the problem. And so most people don't fPni4uTlSfI-00002-00000760-00001112 think of the problem. Like you go to Starbucks and you think there's no problem, this company's worth fPni4uTlSfI-00003-00001112-00001584 80 billion. But if you think a little bit further, people go to... Starbucks or any other place and fPni4uTlSfI-00004-00001584-00001912 either they say, you know, "wasn't that great, and I'm paying five dollars for something where the fPni4uTlSfI-00005-00001912-00002432 ingredients cost 50 cents," so that's actually a problem. I've gone through exercises myself, fPni4uTlSfI-00006-00002432-00003200 of looking at all the vendors, my credit card statements–the 200 things I purchased, and the top fPni4uTlSfI-00007-00003200-00003720 40 vendors of my company. Let's say DoubleClick. And I go through and think two things: fPni4uTlSfI-00008-00003720-00004376 did I–do I like the product? Do we like the price? So, Lamborghini–I don't have one but if you have fPni4uTlSfI-00009-00004376-00004888 one you probably tell me "I love the product, it's an incredible car, it's pretty expensive, but, fPni4uTlSfI-00010-00004888-00005408 like, okay." Once in a while I–like 12 years ago, looked through and we spent a lot of money fPni4uTlSfI-00011-00005408-00005904 for an Oracle Database, like a lot more than any other piece of software, and we hate the product. fPni4uTlSfI-00012-00006016-00006488 That–we're done. There is an opportunity there. And so, I'm always looking for that. I'm just fPni4uTlSfI-00013-00006488-00006880 looking for things–look, I'll give you a weird example right now: you've read in the press–and fPni4uTlSfI-00014-00006944-00007280 we're doing a start-up on this–read in the press that in the United States, fPni4uTlSfI-00015-00007280-00007840 especially in poor areas, especially in, in underrepresented minority areas, uh, uh, fPni4uTlSfI-00016-00007840-00008480 childbirth is a real problem. Right, our numbers, our success rate for children is so much lower fPni4uTlSfI-00017-00008480-00008928 than every single developed country in the world. Right, so most people are like "yeah that sucks." fPni4uTlSfI-00018-00008984-00009488 Well, that's an opportunity. We're actually going to start a prenatal care business that fPni4uTlSfI-00019-00009488-00009832 will be in poor areas, because I think we can figure out a better way to do it than they're fPni4uTlSfI-00020-00009832-00010304 doing it right now. I haven't proven that yet, but we've just hired a CEO two weeks ago, and so fPni4uTlSfI-00021-00010304-00010688 she's gonna start soon and we're gonna go after that. So that is a problem. So I'm looking after fPni4uTlSfI-00022-00010744-00011272 a problem, a big market, I'd like to think that if someone did solve this problem that they can do, fPni4uTlSfI-00023-00011272-00011616 you know, hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue, and then fPni4uTlSfI-00024-00011616-00012328 can, do–final thing is, do I have a product vision that I can create a better product? So fPni4uTlSfI-00025-00012328-00012752 Zola, I was like, "I can create a better product than the Bloomingdale's registry because I can't fPni4uTlSfI-00026-00012752-00013216 even buy Knicks tickets for you, I can't buy cash for you, I can't get yoga classes for fPni4uTlSfI-00027-00013216-00013584 you even though you love yoga and that's what you want, and yet they don't sell any of those fPni4uTlSfI-00028-00013584-00014125 things. So I solved that problem, Zola will do 250 million in revenue next year, it's doing great. fQmOfjKmCYU-00000-00000568-00001376 today we will discuss how we can pronounce the first chapter of the Quran and how we can fQmOfjKmCYU-00001-00001376-00001968 read it and how we can remember the letters so first of all I would like to say that fQmOfjKmCYU-00002-00002056-00002704 the best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it to fQmOfjKmCYU-00003-00002704-00003584 others so let's start uh the first chapter and basic chapter of Quran from the first page so fQmOfjKmCYU-00004-00003704-00004448 so, first of all, we have to know the name of the chapter so the first chapter name is fQmOfjKmCYU-00005-00004696-00005576 so uh you have to do practice okay so because practice makes mena perfect so if you want to make fQmOfjKmCYU-00006-00005576-00006423 yourself perfect so you should practice so, first of all, uh we have to know the chapter name is fQmOfjKmCYU-00007-00006640-00007008 and now we have to know what that means fQmOfjKmCYU-00008-00007304-00008008 means the individual letters the first chapter fQmOfjKmCYU-00009-00008200-00009312 means individual letters why this is individual letters because we have to read letter by letter fQmOfjKmCYU-00010-00009424-00009824 like individually so that's why it's called individual fQmOfjKmCYU-00011-00010760-00011592 okay so we do have the first letter alif so, first of all, we have to know how we can fQmOfjKmCYU-00012-00011648-00012272 pronounce the alif it's very simple it's you just have to say I live fQmOfjKmCYU-00013-00012272-00013312 don't scratch it don't make extra noise excess sound just say alif okay so the next letter is ba fQmOfjKmCYU-00014-00013456-00014184 so now we have to know how we can pronounce the ba it's it's fQmOfjKmCYU-00015-00014432-00015208 so like, first of all, you have to say make smile on your face like little makes my smile on your fQmOfjKmCYU-00016-00015208-00016176 face and say bye okay it's not heavy it's the light soft sound we have to clear soft sound fQmOfjKmCYU-00017-00016304-00017136 like this and with smile okay no stretch too much so the next letter is fQmOfjKmCYU-00018-00017344-00018144 so you have to say don't say though it's totally wrong so you have to create a little fQmOfjKmCYU-00019-00018144-00018904 smile on your face and say that with a smile so the last word we have fQmOfjKmCYU-00020-00019160-00019912 so all you can process like same like previous letters this one so you have to say fQmOfjKmCYU-00021-00020144-00021472 with smile slide also very soft leather okay now we have to recognize the shape of this letters fQmOfjKmCYU-00022-00021544-00022368 okay so, first of all, we have Alex so how we can recognize when you like when you see the letter fQmOfjKmCYU-00023-00022368-00022904 okay all letters so how you will recognize yeah this is elephant this is the bar and this is stop fQmOfjKmCYU-00024-00023000-00023736 simple is that as you can see here alif you know has like state sheet you know and if alif fQmOfjKmCYU-00025-00023736-00024544 is straight so alif is straight you can say yeah stick shape or whatever you want and if fQmOfjKmCYU-00026-00024624-00025240 you know look like stick like the straight line so you will recognize yeah oh yeah this is alif, fQmOfjKmCYU-00027-00025320-00025704 okay so we do have the next letter and next letter is fQmOfjKmCYU-00028-00026048-00027239 wrong say ba so how we can recognize the ba so bar, first of all, you have to know the shape fQmOfjKmCYU-00029-00027239-00028639 okay so first corner second guard right and left bar has two corners right left and one dot at the fQmOfjKmCYU-00030-00028639-00029383 bottom side okay so remember this thing bar has two corner shapes and one dot at the bottom side fQmOfjKmCYU-00031-00029512-00030264 as you can see here two corner shapes one dot at the bottom side so you will be recognized fQmOfjKmCYU-00032-00030264-00030616 easy yeah but has one dot at the bottom side in two corner shapes fQmOfjKmCYU-00033-00030720-00031736 so you will recognize it's very okay so the next is ah so how we can recognize that fQmOfjKmCYU-00034-00031895-00033224 the same like ba but little bit change okay so has also two corners shape right and left corner, okay fQmOfjKmCYU-00035-00033304-00034288 so that has two dots at a top and that pops up as you can see why is one down the bottom but fQmOfjKmCYU-00036-00034400-00035088 has two dots at the top side so it's easy you know you can recognize yeah that has to order the fQmOfjKmCYU-00037-00035160-00036112 top side same like wow but the bar has one dot and the bottom side okay so don't say oh it's fQmOfjKmCYU-00038-00036296-00037320 my poi is wrong okay so we do have the next and last letter is fQmOfjKmCYU-00039-00037608-00038232 it's also very polite so it's also very soft easy light leather okay so fQmOfjKmCYU-00040-00038288-00039264 you have to say yo you have to recognize the sound so how we will recognize the sound fQmOfjKmCYU-00041-00039448-00040736 is same like previous two letters okay and also has right corner left corner three dot at the fQmOfjKmCYU-00042-00040808-00041904 top as you can see three-dot at the top side left sorry right left right corner and left corner and fQmOfjKmCYU-00043-00041904-00042728 three dots and the top side so you will recognize yeah that has three-dot at the top so yeah fQmOfjKmCYU-00044-00042896-00043696 i would like to say uh please do support thumbs up comment below and don't forget to share this video fQmOfjKmCYU-00045-00043752-00044592 uh because uh we need your support uh so if you wanna see more informative videos like that please fQmOfjKmCYU-00046-00044592-00045336 follow my page like comment and share with your friends see you in the next video fQVeo0ABpHg-00000-00000000-00000200 Epic Cinematic Gaming Cyberpunk No Copyright Music | FREE DOWNLOAD fSdaDcK0U5Q-00000-00001440-00001833 I might very likely have not been your civically-engaged type, fSdaDcK0U5Q-00001-00001833-00002265 if you were to look at my heritage. But, I had certain fSdaDcK0U5Q-00002-00002265-00002828 early influences that I think helped foster that, including fSdaDcK0U5Q-00003-00002828-00003282 people like my scout masters and people like that who fSdaDcK0U5Q-00004-00003282-00003609 actually just got me into the situation where I realized fSdaDcK0U5Q-00005-00003609-00003863 there was something I cared about, which happened to be, fSdaDcK0U5Q-00006-00003863-00004328 in the first instance, Ross Lake, a lake on the Skagit River fSdaDcK0U5Q-00007-00004328-00004733 that powers the Seattle hydro-dam. And, we had been fSdaDcK0U5Q-00008-00004733-00005003 canoeing up there a bunch, then Seattle City Light fSdaDcK0U5Q-00009-00005003-00005399 was going to raise it to make more power - 110 ft. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00010-00005399-00005869 And it would flood things that I knew about, like fSdaDcK0U5Q-00011-00005869-00006251 Devil's Creek Canyon and Skyler Falls, and big cedars fSdaDcK0U5Q-00012-00006251-00006646 up Beaver Creek. And I was upset about that, but I fSdaDcK0U5Q-00013-00006646-00007052 had no idea that there was something I might do. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00014-00007052-00007689 But, one of my high school bandmates was aware fSdaDcK0U5Q-00015-00007689-00007946 of things, and said, "Well, there's going to be a city council fSdaDcK0U5Q-00016-00007946-00008362 hearing, why don't you go testify at it if you care so much fSdaDcK0U5Q-00017-00008362-00008668 about it." He was very supportive of the idea. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00018-00008668-00008869 And so, I actually did. And I found myself up in front of fSdaDcK0U5Q-00019-00008869-00009394 a big room full of adults - a dweeby little high schooler - fSdaDcK0U5Q-00020-00009394-00009840 and read my statement, and that seemed like that was that. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00021-00009840-00010196 But it got me involved and realizing that there's a whole fSdaDcK0U5Q-00022-00010196-00010581 process out there of people who are civically engaged; fSdaDcK0U5Q-00023-00010581-00010845 collective decisions are being made - Seattle City Lights fSdaDcK0U5Q-00024-00010845-00011255 and Public Utility. It wasn't what stopped the dam fSdaDcK0U5Q-00025-00011255-00011728 from being raised, but it no doubt had some kind of effect. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00026-00011728-00012506 So, later on in my life, I found myself at UW. I thought I fSdaDcK0U5Q-00027-00012506-00012738 wanted to do something outdoors, so I went into the fSdaDcK0U5Q-00028-00012738-00013248 Geology program there. And that was good, but while fSdaDcK0U5Q-00029-00013248-00013543 I was doing geology I learned about this place called fSdaDcK0U5Q-00030-00013543-00013866 Huxley College up at Western. I learned about that from fSdaDcK0U5Q-00031-00013866-00014522 a climbing friend. And, so I decided, "Well, I better learn about that." fSdaDcK0U5Q-00032-00014522-00014979 It sounded interesting. So, I ended up transferring to Western fSdaDcK0U5Q-00033-00014979-00015352 and the students were from all over the country. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00034-00015352-00015656 Better than 40% of Huxley students at that time were from fSdaDcK0U5Q-00035-00015656-00016041 other parts of the country. And many of them brought a deep fSdaDcK0U5Q-00036-00016041-00016567 level of civic engagement. So, we got actively involved in fSdaDcK0U5Q-00037-00016567-00016837 influencing environmental decisions and reading fSdaDcK0U5Q-00038-00016837-00017064 environmental impact statements, and writing letters fSdaDcK0U5Q-00039-00017064-00017815 and all sorts of things like that. So, then, also one of my fSdaDcK0U5Q-00040-00017815-00018347 professors, Ruth Weiner, set up an internship for me fSdaDcK0U5Q-00041-00018347-00018696 in Washington, D.C. So, I went to Washington, D.C. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00042-00018696-00018990 thinking maybe this would be the thing for me. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00043-00018990-00019243 Might as well check it out at the highest level. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00044-00019243-00019499 So, I had a summer working with the legislative office fSdaDcK0U5Q-00045-00019499-00020092 there and discovered that actually, it was great, but fSdaDcK0U5Q-00046-00020092-00020588 it was not exactly my type of work. It was not personal fSdaDcK0U5Q-00047-00020588-00020933 enough. After my experience in Washington, D.C. I decided fSdaDcK0U5Q-00048-00020933-00021318 that maybe education was the way that I would fSdaDcK0U5Q-00049-00021318-00021813 feel more personally engaged with people and maybe fSdaDcK0U5Q-00050-00021813-00022076 have a more longer-lasting impact than the fSdaDcK0U5Q-00051-00022076-00022522 next election cycle and things like that. So, that's some fSdaDcK0U5Q-00052-00022522-00022941 of what led me here. Another important influence fSdaDcK0U5Q-00053-00022941-00023320 on my civic engagement has been my experience fSdaDcK0U5Q-00054-00023320-00023878 of living in co-op housing with other students, primarily. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00055-00023878-00024354 All those experiences of working together both outside fSdaDcK0U5Q-00056-00024354-00024722 of class and, I'd have to say, in class, too, as a student fSdaDcK0U5Q-00057-00024722-00025004 both undergraduate and graduate I realized that other fSdaDcK0U5Q-00058-00025004-00025291 students were one of the best things to learn from. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00059-00025291-00025864 We would divide up the work and study up on it together fSdaDcK0U5Q-00060-00025864-00026098 and then teach each other the stuff we'd learned. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00061-00026098-00026675 My own understanding of our abilities to accomplish fSdaDcK0U5Q-00062-00026675-00027166 things together goes back to both this broad civic engagement fSdaDcK0U5Q-00063-00027166-00027441 but also the civic engagement that you have with fSdaDcK0U5Q-00064-00027441-00027616 a small group of people who are managing fSdaDcK0U5Q-00065-00027616-00027915 their own affairs, making decisions, having conflicts, fSdaDcK0U5Q-00066-00027915-00028259 working them out, having fun, eating together, working fSdaDcK0U5Q-00067-00028259-00028600 together, and building community. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00068-00029225-00029716 So, I think I've brought those influences into my teaching fSdaDcK0U5Q-00069-00029716-00030273 in various ways. My impression is that I teach different classes fSdaDcK0U5Q-00070-00030273-00030632 fairly differently. It's quite likely my students think I'm fSdaDcK0U5Q-00071-00030632-00031194 probably pretty much the same wherever I am. In any case, fSdaDcK0U5Q-00072-00031194-00031564 for example, I used to teach the large introductory GUR fSdaDcK0U5Q-00073-00031564-00032096 class, and it's a social science perspective on environmental fSdaDcK0U5Q-00074-00032096-00032513 studies. And in that class, I would have guest speakers fSdaDcK0U5Q-00075-00032513-00033113 come in. I would ask students to analyze persuasive fSdaDcK0U5Q-00076-00033113-00033668 messages on the side of an environmental issue that fSdaDcK0U5Q-00077-00033668-00034149 they agreed with, and break down how they were fSdaDcK0U5Q-00078-00034149-00034743 being persuaded. So, as much as possible, try to connect fSdaDcK0U5Q-00079-00034743-00035146 what is being taught in class to the outside world, fSdaDcK0U5Q-00080-00035146-00035866 to real people, real issues, real places. In other classes, fSdaDcK0U5Q-00081-00035866-00036340 I've approached bringing that civic engagement into fSdaDcK0U5Q-00082-00036340-00036637 the class in much more thorough-going ways. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00083-00036637-00036972 I'll assign students in groups to research an issue, fSdaDcK0U5Q-00084-00036972-00037287 report back to the class on it. In the environmental fSdaDcK0U5Q-00085-00037287-00037685 education class that I teach at the introductory level, fSdaDcK0U5Q-00086-00037685-00038001 many of the students are from other disciplines and fSdaDcK0U5Q-00087-00038001-00038347 don't have a background in environmental issues and fSdaDcK0U5Q-00088-00038347-00038599 environmental science, so I get the students to teach fSdaDcK0U5Q-00089-00038599-00038939 each other through investigating the issues, reporting fSdaDcK0U5Q-00090-00038939-00039211 on the natural science factors as well as all the social fSdaDcK0U5Q-00091-00039211-00039855 positions of the different actors and the issue and then fSdaDcK0U5Q-00092-00039855-00040206 the different kinds of solutions that are proposed fSdaDcK0U5Q-00093-00040206-00040559 and give their assessment of what they think should fSdaDcK0U5Q-00094-00040559-00040943 be done after they've looked at it thoroughly. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00095-00040943-00041231 So, they're teaching each other about this stuff that fSdaDcK0U5Q-00096-00041231-00041565 I could just lecture them about, but they learn it much fSdaDcK0U5Q-00097-00041565-00041857 better if they have to learn it. And I know they've got fSdaDcK0U5Q-00098-00041857-00042092 one that they've really studied and I quite like that fSdaDcK0U5Q-00099-00042092-00042274 they've learned from each other, too. fSdaDcK0U5Q-00100-00042274-00042300 Subtitles by the community fSJUA-XkHAo-00000-00000591-00000999 Unpacking and interrogating the question will make sure you've considered the whole question fSJUA-XkHAo-00001-00000999-00001105 and looked at all the possibilities. fSJUA-XkHAo-00002-00001105-00001426 Now it's time to hunt for more clues. fSJUA-XkHAo-00003-00001426-00001801 In particular it's a good idea to think about what the person marking your assignment will fSJUA-XkHAo-00004-00001801-00001901 be looking for. fSJUA-XkHAo-00005-00001901-00002397 Be on the lookout for clues from the assignment description, paying particular attention to fSJUA-XkHAo-00006-00002397-00002761 details like: Is there a list of the assessment criteria? fSJUA-XkHAo-00007-00002761-00003110 Is there a breakdown of marks, especially Or are there sub-sections worth different fSJUA-XkHAo-00008-00003110-00003210 percentages? fSJUA-XkHAo-00009-00003210-00003592 Are there any specific formatting or presentation requirements? fSJUA-XkHAo-00010-00003592-00003870 Have they specified a referencing style you should use? fSJUA-XkHAo-00011-00003870-00004105 And, lastly, what's the word limit? fSJUA-XkHAo-00012-00004105-00004498 This is an important: The general rule is to make sure you keep within 10% of the word fSJUA-XkHAo-00013-00004498-00004598 limit. fSJUA-XkHAo-00014-00004598-00004928 Too little, or too many words, could end up costing you marks. fSJUA-XkHAo-00015-00004928-00005342 Finally, after analysing the question, if there's anything you're unsure of, ask your fSJUA-XkHAo-00016-00005342-00005673 lecturer and tutor for more details. fSJUA-XkHAo-00017-00005673-00006041 Making sure you know all the requirements for your assignment and sticking to the guidelines, fSJUA-XkHAo-00018-00006041-00006458 like keeping to the word limit and using the correct referencing style and format, will fSJUA-XkHAo-00019-00006458-00006736 ensure that you don't lose marks needlessly. fSJUA-XkHAo-00020-00006736-00007152 Doing some detective work before you start writing will make sure you get the best marks fSJUA-XkHAo-00021-00007152-00007213 you can. fXyCxja51cE-00000-00000054-00000678 I noticed somebody else visit on my website earlier today, and this happened because I fXyCxja51cE-00001-00000678-00001632 stopped it when I was at 102. and then it became 105, meaning at least one other person must have fXyCxja51cE-00002-00001632-00002184 visited my website, and sent a request if it was the only page they ever visited. fXyCxja51cE-00003-00002244-00003150 if that wasn't the case, then there must have been at least one other page to visit. fYSMx46v9P0-00000-00000172-00000561 So let's take a look, a strange look, at a river. fYSMx46v9P0-00001-00000561-00000900 This is going along the river towards the sea. fYSMx46v9P0-00002-00000900-00001126 And this river happens to have trees that fYSMx46v9P0-00003-00001126-00001312 grow up on the riverbank. fYSMx46v9P0-00004-00001312-00001662 So you can get an idea how we're looking at this. fYSMx46v9P0-00005-00001662-00002086 And what we want to do is ask what happens when we build a fYSMx46v9P0-00006-00002086-00002296 dam on this river? fYSMx46v9P0-00007-00002296-00002737 And we're concerned about the future of a couple of houses fYSMx46v9P0-00008-00002737-00003124 that used to be along the river, one just below the dam fYSMx46v9P0-00009-00003124-00003604 right down here, and the other one up above the dam up here, fYSMx46v9P0-00010-00003604-00003802 sitting along the riverbank. fYSMx46v9P0-00011-00003802-00004137 Well, they build the dam, and the dam fills with water, and fYSMx46v9P0-00012-00004137-00004412 it doesn't quite take out the house up above. fYSMx46v9P0-00013-00004412-00004618 But the river's carrying mud. fYSMx46v9P0-00014-00004618-00004760 It's carrying sediment. fYSMx46v9P0-00015-00004760-00005177 And the sediment starts to deposit out into the lake to fYSMx46v9P0-00016-00005177-00005282 fill it with a delta. fYSMx46v9P0-00017-00005282-00005644 Now, rivers have to go downhill. fYSMx46v9P0-00018-00005644-00005991 So as the lake is replaced with the mud, if the river fYSMx46v9P0-00019-00005991-00006309 were to hit a perfectly flat spot like this, you know what fYSMx46v9P0-00020-00006309-00006368 it has to do. fYSMx46v9P0-00021-00006368-00006733 It has to build up so that it's headed downhill. fYSMx46v9P0-00022-00006733-00007208 And so as the river builds the delta out into the lake to fYSMx46v9P0-00023-00007208-00007643 fill the lake, why, you have to bury the house, and that fYSMx46v9P0-00024-00007643-00007888 makes the person who lives there mad. fYSMx46v9P0-00025-00007888-00008184 Now, at the other side, it's even more interesting. fYSMx46v9P0-00026-00008184-00008476 There's no floods anymore, so the river loses the ability to fYSMx46v9P0-00027-00008476-00008694 carry gimongous rocks, which might make fYSMx46v9P0-00028-00008694-00008839 the homeowner happy. fYSMx46v9P0-00029-00008839-00009168 But the water coming out from the dam is clean. fYSMx46v9P0-00030-00009168-00009260 It has no sediment in it. fYSMx46v9P0-00031-00009260-00009768 And if there's sand below the dam, why, the water will start fYSMx46v9P0-00032-00009768-00010050 washing that sand away. fYSMx46v9P0-00033-00010050-00010287 And that will do a number of things. fYSMx46v9P0-00034-00010287-00010603 Your house, now, rather than sitting there right next to fYSMx46v9P0-00035-00010603-00010703 the riverbank-- fYSMx46v9P0-00036-00010703-00010982 you'll look out some morning and you're ready to fall into fYSMx46v9P0-00037-00010982-00011169 a giant hole that's been cut. fYSMx46v9P0-00038-00011169-00011630 And you get out there and you fall in and then you say, oh, no, fYSMx46v9P0-00039-00011630-00011773 and you're very unhappy. fYSMx46v9P0-00040-00011773-00012120 You are not nearly as unhappy as the salmon that are trying fYSMx46v9P0-00041-00012120-00012463 to come upstream, because as you may know, salmon like to fYSMx46v9P0-00042-00012463-00012862 get really amorous around sand and gravel bars. fYSMx46v9P0-00043-00012862-00013283 And if the river has washed away the sand, then you can't fYSMx46v9P0-00044-00013283-00013538 have fun with your honey and then leave your fYSMx46v9P0-00045-00013538-00013679 eggs there to do well. fYSMx46v9P0-00046-00013679-00014077 And so you have a big loss in salmon, as well as getting fYSMx46v9P0-00047-00014077-00014218 people's houses unhappy. fYSMx46v9P0-00048-00014218-00014552 And so putting a dam on a river makes a big difference. faH0BgG1yo8-00000-00000000-00001903 ‌ fc4n0FiJNsy-00000-00001440-00001833 I might very likely have not been your civically-engaged type, fc4n0FiJNsy-00001-00001833-00002265 if you were to look at my heritage. But, I had certain fc4n0FiJNsy-00002-00002265-00002828 early influences that I think helped foster that, including fc4n0FiJNsy-00003-00002828-00003282 people like my scout masters and people like that who fc4n0FiJNsy-00004-00003282-00003609 actually just got me into the situation where I realized fc4n0FiJNsy-00005-00003609-00003863 there was something I cared about, which happened to be, fc4n0FiJNsy-00006-00003863-00004328 in the first instance, Ross Lake, a lake on the Skagit River fc4n0FiJNsy-00007-00004328-00004733 that powers the Seattle hydro-dam. And, we had been fc4n0FiJNsy-00008-00004733-00005003 canoeing up there a bunch, then Seattle City Light fc4n0FiJNsy-00009-00005003-00005399 was going to raise it to make more power - 110 ft. fc4n0FiJNsy-00010-00005399-00005869 And it would flood things that I knew about, like fc4n0FiJNsy-00011-00005869-00006251 Devil's Creek Canyon and Skyler Falls, and big cedars fc4n0FiJNsy-00012-00006251-00006646 up Beaver Creek. And I was upset about that, but I fc4n0FiJNsy-00013-00006646-00007052 had no idea that there was something I might do. fc4n0FiJNsy-00014-00007052-00007689 But, one of my high school bandmates was aware fc4n0FiJNsy-00015-00007689-00007946 of things, and said, "Well, there's going to be a city council fc4n0FiJNsy-00016-00007946-00008362 hearing, why don't you go testify at it if you care so much fc4n0FiJNsy-00017-00008362-00008668 about it." He was very supportive of the idea. fc4n0FiJNsy-00018-00008668-00008869 And so, I actually did. And I found myself up in front of fc4n0FiJNsy-00019-00008869-00009394 a big room full of adults - a dweeby little high schooler - fc4n0FiJNsy-00020-00009394-00009840 and read my statement, and that seemed like that was that. fc4n0FiJNsy-00021-00009840-00010196 But it got me involved and realizing that there's a whole fc4n0FiJNsy-00022-00010196-00010581 process out there of people who are civically engaged; fc4n0FiJNsy-00023-00010581-00010845 collective decisions are being made - Seattle City Lights fc4n0FiJNsy-00024-00010845-00011255 and Public Utility. It wasn't what stopped the dam fc4n0FiJNsy-00025-00011255-00011728 from being raised, but it no doubt had some kind of effect. fc4n0FiJNsy-00026-00011728-00012506 So, later on in my life, I found myself at UW. I thought I fc4n0FiJNsy-00027-00012506-00012738 wanted to do something outdoors, so I went into the fc4n0FiJNsy-00028-00012738-00013248 Geology program there. And that was good, but while fc4n0FiJNsy-00029-00013248-00013543 I was doing geology I learned about this place called fc4n0FiJNsy-00030-00013543-00013866 Huxley College up at Western. I learned about that from fc4n0FiJNsy-00031-00013866-00014522 a climbing friend. And, so I decided, "Well, I better learn about that." fc4n0FiJNsy-00032-00014522-00014979 It sounded interesting. So, I ended up transferring to Western fc4n0FiJNsy-00033-00014979-00015352 and the students were from all over the country. fc4n0FiJNsy-00034-00015352-00015656 Better than 40% of Huxley students at that time were from fc4n0FiJNsy-00035-00015656-00016041 other parts of the country. And many of them brought a deep fc4n0FiJNsy-00036-00016041-00016567 level of civic engagement. So, we got actively involved in fc4n0FiJNsy-00037-00016567-00016837 influencing environmental decisions and reading fc4n0FiJNsy-00038-00016837-00017064 environmental impact statements, and writing letters fc4n0FiJNsy-00039-00017064-00017815 and all sorts of things like that. So, then, also one of my fc4n0FiJNsy-00040-00017815-00018347 professors, Ruth Weiner, set up an internship for me fc4n0FiJNsy-00041-00018347-00018696 in Washington, D.C. So, I went to Washington, D.C. fc4n0FiJNsy-00042-00018696-00018990 thinking maybe this would be the thing for me. fc4n0FiJNsy-00043-00018990-00019243 Might as well check it out at the highest level. fc4n0FiJNsy-00044-00019243-00019499 So, I had a summer working with the legislative office fc4n0FiJNsy-00045-00019499-00020092 there and discovered that actually, it was great, but fc4n0FiJNsy-00046-00020092-00020588 it was not exactly my type of work. It was not personal fc4n0FiJNsy-00047-00020588-00020933 enough. After my experience in Washington, D.C. I decided fc4n0FiJNsy-00048-00020933-00021318 that maybe education was the way that I would fc4n0FiJNsy-00049-00021318-00021813 feel more personally engaged with people and maybe fc4n0FiJNsy-00050-00021813-00022076 have a more longer-lasting impact than the fc4n0FiJNsy-00051-00022076-00022522 next election cycle and things like that. So, that's some fc4n0FiJNsy-00052-00022522-00022941 of what led me here. Another important influence fc4n0FiJNsy-00053-00022941-00023320 on my civic engagement has been my experience fc4n0FiJNsy-00054-00023320-00023878 of living in co-op housing with other students, primarily. fc4n0FiJNsy-00055-00023878-00024354 All those experiences of working together both outside fc4n0FiJNsy-00056-00024354-00024722 of class and, I'd have to say, in class, too, as a student fc4n0FiJNsy-00057-00024722-00025004 both undergraduate and graduate I realized that other fc4n0FiJNsy-00058-00025004-00025291 students were one of the best things to learn from. fc4n0FiJNsy-00059-00025291-00025864 We would divide up the work and study up on it together fc4n0FiJNsy-00060-00025864-00026098 and then teach each other the stuff we'd learned. fc4n0FiJNsy-00061-00026098-00026675 My own understanding of our abilities to accomplish fc4n0FiJNsy-00062-00026675-00027166 things together goes back to both this broad civic engagement fc4n0FiJNsy-00063-00027166-00027441 but also the civic engagement that you have with fc4n0FiJNsy-00064-00027441-00027616 a small group of people who are managing fc4n0FiJNsy-00065-00027616-00027915 their own affairs, making decisions, having conflicts, fc4n0FiJNsy-00066-00027915-00028259 working them out, having fun, eating together, working fc4n0FiJNsy-00067-00028259-00028600 together, and building community. fc4n0FiJNsy-00068-00029225-00029716 So, I think I've brought those influences into my teaching fc4n0FiJNsy-00069-00029716-00030273 in various ways. My impression is that I teach different classes fc4n0FiJNsy-00070-00030273-00030632 fairly differently. It's quite likely my students think I'm fc4n0FiJNsy-00071-00030632-00031194 probably pretty much the same wherever I am. In any case, fc4n0FiJNsy-00072-00031194-00031564 for example, I used to teach the large introductory GUR fc4n0FiJNsy-00073-00031564-00032096 class, and it's a social science perspective on environmental fc4n0FiJNsy-00074-00032096-00032513 studies. And in that class, I would have guest speakers fc4n0FiJNsy-00075-00032513-00033113 come in. I would ask students to analyze persuasive fc4n0FiJNsy-00076-00033113-00033668 messages on the side of an environmental issue that fc4n0FiJNsy-00077-00033668-00034149 they agreed with, and break down how they were fc4n0FiJNsy-00078-00034149-00034743 being persuaded. So, as much as possible, try to connect fc4n0FiJNsy-00079-00034743-00035146 what is being taught in class to the outside world, fc4n0FiJNsy-00080-00035146-00035866 to real people, real issues, real places. In other classes, fc4n0FiJNsy-00081-00035866-00036340 I've approached bringing that civic engagement into fc4n0FiJNsy-00082-00036340-00036637 the class in much more thorough-going ways. fc4n0FiJNsy-00083-00036637-00036972 I'll assign students in groups to research an issue, fc4n0FiJNsy-00084-00036972-00037287 report back to the class on it. In the environmental fc4n0FiJNsy-00085-00037287-00037685 education class that I teach at the introductory level, fc4n0FiJNsy-00086-00037685-00038001 many of the students are from other disciplines and fc4n0FiJNsy-00087-00038001-00038347 don't have a background in environmental issues and fc4n0FiJNsy-00088-00038347-00038599 environmental science, so I get the students to teach fc4n0FiJNsy-00089-00038599-00038939 each other through investigating the issues, reporting fc4n0FiJNsy-00090-00038939-00039211 on the natural science factors as well as all the social fc4n0FiJNsy-00091-00039211-00039855 positions of the different actors and the issue and then fc4n0FiJNsy-00092-00039855-00040206 the different kinds of solutions that are proposed fc4n0FiJNsy-00093-00040206-00040559 and give their assessment of what they think should fc4n0FiJNsy-00094-00040559-00040943 be done after they've looked at it thoroughly. fc4n0FiJNsy-00095-00040943-00041231 So, they're teaching each other about this stuff that fc4n0FiJNsy-00096-00041231-00041565 I could just lecture them about, but they learn it much fc4n0FiJNsy-00097-00041565-00041857 better if they have to learn it. And I know they've got fc4n0FiJNsy-00098-00041857-00042092 one that they've really studied and I quite like that fc4n0FiJNsy-00099-00042092-00042274 they've learned from each other, too. fc4n0FiJNsy-00100-00042274-00042300 Subtitles by the community fgvi2lMkIKI-00000-00000000-00000616 What do I love most about the Feather Razor? fgvi2lMkIKI-00001-00000616-00001226 Well, I was introduced to the Feather Razor way back in the '80s. fgvi2lMkIKI-00002-00001226-00002291 And that tool, when they brought that tool out, it was like the state of the art in razors. fgvi2lMkIKI-00003-00002291-00003009 At that time, I was using a Tondel, which was designed for razor cutting, but it had fgvi2lMkIKI-00004-00003009-00003172 a disposable blade. fgvi2lMkIKI-00005-00003172-00003404 And so the blade was always sharp. fgvi2lMkIKI-00006-00003404-00004118 But when they came out with this tool, it has the similarity of the old fashioned razor fgvi2lMkIKI-00007-00004118-00005034 but with the blade it's the blade that's in the razor. fgvi2lMkIKI-00008-00005034-00005756 If you look at the Feather Razor, it's the blades that make this. fgvi2lMkIKI-00009-00005756-00006248 This is just the tool that holds this blade. fgvi2lMkIKI-00010-00006248-00006540 And this blade here, we have several blades. fgvi2lMkIKI-00011-00006540-00006898 We have a blade that's the old workhorse, the pro. fgvi2lMkIKI-00012-00006898-00007118 And then we have a blade that's for sensitive skin. fgvi2lMkIKI-00013-00007118-00007365 And we have a razor for the sensitive skin. fgvi2lMkIKI-00014-00007365-00007909 And then we have a razor that's for intermediate type of skin. fgvi2lMkIKI-00015-00007909-00008243 And then you have one that's for sensitive skin. fgvi2lMkIKI-00016-00008243-00008453 So it's the tool. fgvi2lMkIKI-00017-00008453-00009169 It's a tool that's capable of holding several types of blades, and it's the blade that does fgvi2lMkIKI-00018-00009169-00009304 the work. fgvi2lMkIKI-00019-00009304-00009670 The sharp blade, easy to work. fgvi2lMkIKI-00020-00009670-00009795 That's what you want. fgvi2lMkIKI-00021-00009795-00009996 You need it, the sharp blade. fgvi2lMkIKI-00022-00009996-00010549 And the Feather is the one that you can work with because, like I said, it's able to hold fgvi2lMkIKI-00023-00010549-00010795 all those different blades. fgvi2lMkIKI-00024-00010795-00011425 This is by far one of the best razors ever produced, and I think it's a beauty. fgvi2lMkIKI-00025-00011425-00012360 It's like the top of the line of anything that you'd want to use in tools. fgvi2lMkIKI-00026-00012360-00012777 I mean, like I say, I've had one tool that I've had for 22 years. fgvi2lMkIKI-00027-00012777-00012961 I still use it today. fgvi2lMkIKI-00028-00012961-00013340 And this is a better razor in design wise. fgvi2lMkIKI-00029-00013340-00013854 It's a better razor in design because the older one that I had for 22 years has a flat fgvi2lMkIKI-00030-00013854-00013954 nose on it. fgvi2lMkIKI-00031-00013954-00014259 This one has a different type of nose, as you can see. fgvi2lMkIKI-00032-00014259-00014529 This is flat and then this has a little curve into it. fgvi2lMkIKI-00033-00014529-00014756 Why was that technology put in there? fgvi2lMkIKI-00034-00014756-00014984 Because you can get closer when you're shaving. fgvi2lMkIKI-00035-00014984-00015575 Say, a guy has a mustache or a beard, you're able to get closer into here versus this one fgvi2lMkIKI-00036-00015575-00015675 here. fgvi2lMkIKI-00037-00015675-00015775 See how it hits my nose? fgvi2lMkIKI-00038-00015775-00016115 You can't get in as close, so it was a little harder to get in there. fgvi2lMkIKI-00039-00016115-00016533 But with this particular blade, you can get in there and you can get closer. fgvi2lMkIKI-00040-00016533-00017393 So, the technology that goes into these blades, these tools that they put out, they're phenomenal. fgvi2lMkIKI-00041-00017393-00017710 So that's why I love this razor. fgvi2lMkIKI-00042-00017710-00018129 It is the tool, one of the best tools I've ever bought in my life. fm5Kv9cqj30-00000-00000000-00000050 LG 32LB580V 32inch Widescreen 1080p Full HD WiFi Smart TV with Freevie Top fm6BUymWru4-00000-00000000-00000480 so that if the millennial knows that you care more about them you have the betterment for fm6BUymWru4-00001-00000480-00000953 them you have the better plans for them and you have a true heart for them then they'll want to fm6BUymWru4-00002-00000953-00001248 stay around a little bit longer because if I know that you care about me Dean Lindsey fm6BUymWru4-00003-00001248-00001632 if I know Jeremy Jones cares about me then of course I'm going to come to business at sunrise fm6BUymWru4-00004-00002558-00002658 [Music] fm6BUymWru4-00005-00002658-00002766 thank you fm6BUymWru4-00006-00003036-00003365 I want everybody just to take a second let's just let's just do a temperature check fm6BUymWru4-00007-00003492-00004002 and I want you just about a show of hands just raise your hand if you've ever had a terrible day fm6BUymWru4-00008-00004308-00004620 okay I'm glad we can be honest I feel comfortable now I'm glad we can be honest fm6BUymWru4-00009-00004752-00005010 because for me one day I just came into work fm6BUymWru4-00010-00005238-00005892 and I don't know this wasn't a regular day had a long weekend because I chose to have one of course fm6BUymWru4-00011-00006042-00006420 came into work and I had this manager she wasn't she wasn't a regular manager fm6BUymWru4-00012-00006420-00006936 by any stretch she was that manager that was always on on 10. she's like Jonathan fm6BUymWru4-00013-00007104-00007566 said hi Marlene she said how are you doing how was your weekend what did you do fm6BUymWru4-00014-00007686-00008070 I said it was okay I didn't I didn't do anything special I just hung out with a few friends fm6BUymWru4-00015-00008214-00008652 we went out did a few things she said well Jonathan well how about this fm6BUymWru4-00016-00008730-00009228 she said I'm gonna go in the back and I'm gonna do a few different tasks after just complete fm6BUymWru4-00017-00009288-00010032 and then when I come out in about five minutes I want your attitude to change can we do that I said fm6BUymWru4-00018-00010188-00010944 sure Marlene because during this time I had a really tough job I had a really really tough job fm6BUymWru4-00019-00011070-00011196 because I worked high in retail fm6BUymWru4-00020-00011388-00011916 so I had just a few tasks that I was in charge of doing one was folding jeans fm6BUymWru4-00021-00012066-00012702 putting them on a Shelf folding jeans will and then putting them on the show it was stressful fm6BUymWru4-00022-00012792-00013152 it was really it was stressful and I don't know why but fm6BUymWru4-00023-00013416-00014130 I was Fed Up it got to the point where it wasn't fun anymore in about a year and a half before this fm6BUymWru4-00024-00014219-00014556 I really desired to have this job this is the job that I wanted more than anything fm6BUymWru4-00025-00014754-00015197 but then that day something shifted and then when Marlene came back out the back room fm6BUymWru4-00026-00015252-00016038 she said Jonathan I I just don't get it she said you always find something to complain about fm6BUymWru4-00027-00016313-00016722 she said if it's not you coming in to work extra hours that you asked for fm6BUymWru4-00028-00016890-00017466 or if it's just me asking you to do a specific task like going to Greek customers then you fm6BUymWru4-00029-00017466-00018078 always have an attitude can you help me understand because right now I'm just really not not getting fm6BUymWru4-00030-00018078-00018696 it and as Dean said I typically speak and work with Millennials going to colleges universities fm6BUymWru4-00031-00018798-00019128 and one thing that's often said about Millennials I'm sure you all know that fm6BUymWru4-00032-00019128-00019704 Millennials are ungrateful Millennials are entitled there's a lit there's a fm6BUymWru4-00033-00019704-00020310 laundry list of other things that they say about quote-unquote millennials however as fm6BUymWru4-00034-00020310-00020988 I began to look over my own story then I began to realize that I'm that guy or I was that guy fm6BUymWru4-00035-00021144-00021600 but getting this place Marlene who was my manager at the time she provided one of the best gifts fm6BUymWru4-00036-00021600-00022002 that I didn't even know I necessarily needed at the time because I thought my attitude was fine fm6BUymWru4-00037-00022074-00023004 I thought it was okay but she really challenged me to take a moment and to be thankful that's fm6BUymWru4-00038-00023004-00023442 why it's the first chapter in my book I started with being thankful because understanding that fm6BUymWru4-00039-00023442-00023922 when we allow ourselves to be in a position in a posture to be thankful for everything that we have fm6BUymWru4-00040-00024066-00024564 when we wake up in the morning we reflect we write down maybe one maybe two maybe three items that we fm6BUymWru4-00041-00024564-00025308 can focus in on and really just gear our energy towards then that sets the climate for the rest fm6BUymWru4-00042-00025308-00025932 of our day that allows us ultimately to begin to be able to share that light with other people fm6BUymWru4-00043-00026052-00026454 then I vowed from that day after I came back Marlene came back from vacation fm6BUymWru4-00044-00026574-00027192 she was on 12 now fresh off vacation she had all this energy I said God please sit in the fm6BUymWru4-00045-00027192-00027966 corner somewhere please just stay over there away from me just plea but during this time I fm6BUymWru4-00046-00027966-00028433 understood why she was able to be so joyful and so happy because she had the ability to be thankful fm6BUymWru4-00047-00028608-00029208 and from then I vowed to now live a life to pursue positivity to help people see what it looks like fm6BUymWru4-00048-00029208-00029856 to be optimistic because when we do these things this is when we now allow ourselves to encourage fm6BUymWru4-00049-00029856-00030395 other people in our daily actions I'm not saying life doesn't get hard because life life hits us fm6BUymWru4-00050-00030395-00031026 all sometimes I'm sure many of us did not want to wake up this morning I'm sure you didn't but fm6BUymWru4-00051-00031026-00031458 on those days that's when we have to find that little that little sliver of light that little fm6BUymWru4-00052-00031458-00032016 thing to be grateful for and then that gives us encouragement to just push throughout our day fm6BUymWru4-00053-00032148-00032556 we're happy to have the job that we have as opposed to complaining about it fm6BUymWru4-00054-00032639-00033138 we're happy to have the family of the spouses that we have instead of saying she always nags me fm6BUymWru4-00055-00033216-00033672 I don't know why I married this woman she always nags me she's always on my case instead fm6BUymWru4-00056-00033672-00034086 of being instead of saying thank you for always checking up on me making sure I have the keys fm6BUymWru4-00057-00034140-00034482 thank you honey for making sure that I have my phone thank you for just fm6BUymWru4-00058-00034482-00034770 double checking making sure that I ate because you know sometimes I might not eat fm6BUymWru4-00059-00034902-00035526 because we get busy as entrepreneurs business owners I know you know Dr John and that was one of fm6BUymWru4-00060-00035526-00036042 the things I'm I'm eternally grateful and indebted to her for but even on top of that do you all have fm6BUymWru4-00061-00036042-00036582 a have like one of those core beliefs that you have in your mind that a parent left with you fm6BUymWru4-00062-00036636-00036990 like even even over time what would be one that you have that a parent left with you fm6BUymWru4-00063-00037194-00037314 you're not allowed to make money fm6BUymWru4-00064-00037524-00037680 making money is a bad thing okay fm6BUymWru4-00065-00037830-00038448 that's good I know you have I know you have with those books I know you had because there fm6BUymWru4-00066-00038448-00038874 was there was a few core beliefs my parents taught me and just as you all know some stick fm6BUymWru4-00067-00038982-00039588 some they kind of roll off your back like water just like ducks just just rolls off your back fm6BUymWru4-00068-00039726-00040116 but my parents would teach me wash the dishes when you come home because this way fm6BUymWru4-00069-00040194-00040728 when you get off work you have to worry about cleaning the kitchen many of us I'm sure went fm6BUymWru4-00070-00040728-00041154 to college and we've seen a sink full of dishes with our roommates and we're like why can't you fm6BUymWru4-00071-00041154-00041862 just clean the dishes another one my parents told me son just take time and straighten your bed fm6BUymWru4-00072-00042072-00042528 now I don't know about you but this morning I was it was it was a real battle for me to fm6BUymWru4-00073-00042528-00042948 straighten my bed all the way I pulled the I pulled the main cover over but the the under fm6BUymWru4-00074-00042948-00043578 sheets I really I don't really worry about those I said you know what that's 50 50. fm6BUymWru4-00075-00043578-00043932 but there was one thing that my my mom and my dad always made sure fm6BUymWru4-00076-00044028-00044736 that I understood made sure that my brother understood was cultivating a heart of service fm6BUymWru4-00077-00044940-00045456 giving more than you take always making sure those around you are good and making fm6BUymWru4-00078-00045456-00045780 sure that they're accounted for making sure that they have everything that they need fm6BUymWru4-00079-00046080-00046632 and when I say A Heart of service you might first think that well fm6BUymWru4-00080-00046686-00047268 What specifically is he talking about I'll make it a little more plain being a giver fm6BUymWru4-00081-00047544-00047952 and I specifically say being a giver and I'm not even talking about money because I fm6BUymWru4-00082-00047952-00048372 know that's the first thing somebody said wait nope you're not getting in my pocket not today fm6BUymWru4-00083-00048492-00049050 not next week but when I say being a giver I'm talking about giving what you can afford to give fm6BUymWru4-00084-00049272-00049596 for some of you in the room you might have a little bit more time than you have money fm6BUymWru4-00085-00049692-00050106 so it might look like taking a day out of your week to go volunteer downtown at the stewpot fm6BUymWru4-00086-00050196-00050550 getting to know the people who are in your community in Dallas who you might not interact fm6BUymWru4-00087-00050550-00051162 with anywhere else it might be taking a moment giving a friend a listening ear fm6BUymWru4-00088-00051372-00051828 because you know that that they've been facing some challenges in their life fm6BUymWru4-00089-00051936-00052248 you've seen that they've been affected Maybe by getting laid off from work fm6BUymWru4-00090-00052332-00052686 somebody who maybe still hasn't found a way to get back on their feet fm6BUymWru4-00091-00052764-00053304 based on what happened in Houston or many other areas because tragedy is all around us fm6BUymWru4-00092-00053544-00053928 but taking the time just to give somebody what you can afford to give a compliment fm6BUymWru4-00093-00054072-00054840 doesn't cost anything a hug you might not want to touch somebody but hey you can give somebody a hug fm6BUymWru4-00094-00054954-00055350 or maybe even just taking somebody taking a moment giving somebody an encouraging word fm6BUymWru4-00095-00055476-00056076 because you know just as a lot of individuals are in here CEOs business owners entrepreneurs fm6BUymWru4-00096-00056196-00056567 life gets tough when you start looking at that bottom line some days and you say you know what fm6BUymWru4-00097-00056646-00057029 if somebody could just just give me a little encouragement because a lot of you all here fm6BUymWru4-00098-00057029-00057504 are at the top of the food chain and then you're almost at a place where people just assume that fm6BUymWru4-00099-00057504-00057929 you have it all together they assume that you don't need an encouraging word they assume that fm6BUymWru4-00100-00057929-00058482 you don't need to be uplifted because they say you know what I see D Lindsay every time fm6BUymWru4-00101-00058482-00058896 I look on the computer screen he's always on the stage he doesn't need my encouragement he's fine fm6BUymWru4-00102-00059100-00059232 he doesn't need my encouragement fm6BUymWru4-00103-00060098-00060198 [Laughter] fm6BUymWru4-00104-00060198-00060786 so being a giver is the second thing I want to just challenge us to take time and see because fm6BUymWru4-00105-00060912-00061272 I didn't want to wake up when I was younger my mom would say son you want fm6BUymWru4-00106-00061272-00061908 to wake up and want to go volunteer at the no Mom son do you want to take a moment fm6BUymWru4-00107-00062010-00062405 and just give fruit baskets to the nursing home no Mom fm6BUymWru4-00108-00062652-00063162 but still my mother and my father religiously went out constantly giving back constantly fm6BUymWru4-00109-00063162-00063666 giving back and now that bug has finally bit me so now I'm more conscious everywhere I fm6BUymWru4-00110-00063666-00064140 go I always like to give more value than I try to take in any situation fm6BUymWru4-00111-00064229-00064626 that's even why every time I sell a book now every time I sell a book I donate one fm6BUymWru4-00112-00064716-00065082 because I do some work with the young man in Texas Juvenile Justice department so every time fm6BUymWru4-00113-00065082-00065538 I sell a book I donate one to a young man I Mentor just so that they can have books fm6BUymWru4-00114-00065718-00066276 but we already talked about taking a moment and being thankful because we all have something to fm6BUymWru4-00115-00066276-00066666 be thankful for would you all agree we all have something to be thankful for fm6BUymWru4-00116-00066744-00067134 something just make sure we can be real to make sure we can be honest fm6BUymWru4-00117-00067290-00067530 and in addition to that would you say we all have something to give fm6BUymWru4-00118-00067638-00068046 somebody has we all have something to give you might want to give me your watch fm6BUymWru4-00119-00068220-00068616 you might not know and that's fine please later later not in front of everybody later fm6BUymWru4-00120-00068616-00069288 we'll talk about that later and then the last thing I just want to just charge us to do fm6BUymWru4-00121-00069378-00069792 understand that we're here in this in this beautiful venue with the mood lighting fm6BUymWru4-00122-00069918-00070248 it's very romantic Jeremy y'all did a great job it's very romantic fm6BUymWru4-00123-00070620-00070854 and looking at each and every one of fm6BUymWru4-00124-00070854-00071088 you influential individuals in here in your own respect fm6BUymWru4-00125-00071166-00071568 as everybody went around and introduced themselves and shared specifically what it is that they do fm6BUymWru4-00126-00071664-00072090 what they're probably at a master at because I know Simone she's a master when it comes to social fm6BUymWru4-00127-00072090-00072714 media her graphics unbelievable the quality of the product that she puts out phenomenal fm6BUymWru4-00128-00072984-00073476 but I want to charge us today to take a moment and make sure we connect with somebody in this room fm6BUymWru4-00129-00073584-00074202 because if will you work for college football playoff but you see somebody that you know fm6BUymWru4-00130-00074202-00074832 you can add value to and you vow just to not say anything what value are you adding at all fm6BUymWru4-00131-00074976-00075492 none and the reason I want to charge it so strongly is because I was I was fm6BUymWru4-00132-00075492-00076008 guilty social media Millennials we love social media it's easy to get behind a computer screen fm6BUymWru4-00133-00076182-00076662 I see you Dean Lindsay but I'm not going to say anything I'll just connect with you on LinkedIn fm6BUymWru4-00134-00076872-00077136 I see you Mr bus but I'm not going to say anything fm6BUymWru4-00135-00077202-00077748 I'll just follow you on Instagram I'll send you a tweet you'll get back to me faster if I tweet you fm6BUymWru4-00136-00077976-00078564 and being that person having a Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Snapchat all of them fm6BUymWru4-00137-00078678-00079026 I love to connect with each of you on all of them I have no problem doing that we definitely fm6BUymWru4-00138-00079026-00079614 can do that but outside of that I was in a cocoon nothing came in nothing went out fm6BUymWru4-00139-00079794-00080112 until I realized that I had to be a social butterfly fm6BUymWru4-00140-00080250-00080718 how to diversify my relationships I realized the more people I meet the more people I add fm6BUymWru4-00141-00080718-00081216 to my network I can add more value to other people around me for instance Reginald Titus fm6BUymWru4-00142-00081216-00081726 here before us videographer extraordinaire every time I go anywhere I always make sure fm6BUymWru4-00143-00081726-00082116 I introduce Reginald because I know he can add value to somebody's product I fm6BUymWru4-00144-00082116-00082680 know he can add value to whatever somebody's doing executive producer of a film amazing fm6BUymWru4-00145-00082914-00083346 so I want you to not let today pass by without getting the opportunity to connect with somebody fm6BUymWru4-00146-00083346-00083886 else in this room adding value to somebody else because it's not always about what's in it for me fm6BUymWru4-00147-00084048-00084486 it should be focusing on the we over the me because ultimately that's how we all win fm6BUymWru4-00148-00084612-00084954 that's how we all win allow yourself to be a social butterfly fm6BUymWru4-00149-00085164-00085740 Dean as you always have a Heart for Service you've shown me also really what that looks like fm6BUymWru4-00150-00085926-00086400 Darren you as well just seeing how you all love to celebrate people and Jeremy how you fm6BUymWru4-00151-00086400-00087006 create an environment for all of us to come together and to allow this to be conceived fm6BUymWru4-00152-00087168-00087408 so I just want to challenge us today to be thankful fm6BUymWru4-00153-00087534-00088122 to be a giver and most importantly be a social butterfly diversify relationships fm6BUymWru4-00154-00088442-00089220 [Applause] well done good sir well done all right I would like to ask some questions I'm going to fm6BUymWru4-00155-00089220-00089598 assume these questions are kind of coming from the audience because I know we have some leaders who fm6BUymWru4-00156-00089598-00090150 are not Millennials and everything you just said up there is a choice an individual has to make how fm6BUymWru4-00157-00090150-00090996 do we help Millennials that maybe we are leading uh develop gratitude develop a service heart to be fm6BUymWru4-00158-00090996-00091530 more giving I'm assuming that that would be traits that you uh that you are hoping that Millennials fm6BUymWru4-00159-00091530-00092106 will choose to have how do we as Leaders encourage that definitely um one area I know that's that's fm6BUymWru4-00160-00092106-00092670 really pivotal is getting to know that individual getting to know that Millennial getting to know fm6BUymWru4-00161-00092670-00093096 whoever it is might work for you and then when you get to know them on a deeper level then you fm6BUymWru4-00162-00093096-00093504 can see where their heart lies and so does that also reconnect more challenging to get fm6BUymWru4-00163-00094110-00094470 is that a new something that we need to be more conscious of because the concept of fm6BUymWru4-00164-00094470-00094890 getting to know somebody in a general sense is it just that we're so busy that we're not really fm6BUymWru4-00165-00094890-00095694 tapping into how Millennials what their their what their process is for um choosing Behavior fm6BUymWru4-00166-00095694-00096120 well I'll take a step back first and say that we have to understand that we're different fm6BUymWru4-00167-00096174-00096726 you know Gen X Millennials Baby Boomers we're there are differences but through those fm6BUymWru4-00168-00096726-00097272 differences I think that each one of us kind of have holes and I think the other Generations are fm6BUymWru4-00169-00097272-00097848 ultimately like the Ooze that can help connect us throughout those holes so understanding that first fm6BUymWru4-00170-00097848-00098316 like I said identifying where the individual's heart lies where their passion is and if I find fm6BUymWru4-00171-00098316-00098772 out what you're passionate about where you want to give back then I can create an opportunity for fm6BUymWru4-00172-00098772-00099186 you to give back there if I find out that you want to be a leader you want some you want the fm6BUymWru4-00173-00099186-00099732 opportunity for expansion within the company then create little opportunities for you to take lead fm6BUymWru4-00174-00099732-00100308 but still allow me to have you on on a leash but still give you some ownership within that fm6BUymWru4-00175-00100308-00100710 like that okay so you're so so don't make here's what we're doing as a company we're giving to this fm6BUymWru4-00176-00100710-00101286 organization but rather finding out what it's what the individuals what they're passionate about and fm6BUymWru4-00177-00101286-00101964 then helping them um given that Arena which then they can feel the benefits of and then want to do fm6BUymWru4-00178-00101964-00102396 it more and which also gains them more commitment to the organization more commitment to the fm6BUymWru4-00179-00102396-00102876 organization and also surveys actually show that if the millennial knows that you care more about fm6BUymWru4-00180-00102876-00103374 them you have the betterment for them yeah you have the better plans for them and you have a true fm6BUymWru4-00181-00103374-00103733 heart for them then they'll want to stay around a little bit longer because if I know that you fm6BUymWru4-00182-00103733-00104094 care about me Dean Lindsey if I know Jeremy Jones cares about me then of course I'm going to come fm6BUymWru4-00183-00104094-00104838 to business at Sunrise I do care of course so that so I mean that's so I mean I think that's really a fm6BUymWru4-00184-00104838-00105270 big piece getting to know the individual letting them know that you genuinely care about them and fm6BUymWru4-00185-00105270-00106002 then that that allows us to ultimately open that door so it's so it's patience persistence it's fm6BUymWru4-00186-00106002-00106638 like guidance it's helping them see that we really are on their side yes I would say that and just fm6BUymWru4-00187-00106638-00107202 because let's call let's call Millennials a plant right Let's do let's call Millennials a plant and fm6BUymWru4-00188-00107202-00107592 what what's one thing we know plants need they need they need soil they need water and they fm6BUymWru4-00189-00107592-00108150 need sun and these are essential for them to grow but if we invest those things into this plant we fm6BUymWru4-00190-00108150-00108714 know it'll Bloom to its fullest potential and if you if you're a CEO if you're you know the owner fm6BUymWru4-00191-00108714-00109092 of your company Etc and you want the company to grow to its fullest potential you want to fm6BUymWru4-00192-00109092-00109535 maximize everybody within our organization so therefore you want to what should I not do as fm6BUymWru4-00193-00109722-00110256 what's a no no micromanaging I don't know some people might like to hear things multiple times fm6BUymWru4-00194-00110256-00110724 but I'm like I'm a millennial clearly and I work with my I work with my dad me and him fm6BUymWru4-00195-00110724-00111072 work together and I've had to let him know that I know you'd like to hear things multiple times fm6BUymWru4-00196-00111180-00111792 I don't know yeah just no microman as a leader I don't want to micromanage okay I also don't feel fm6BUymWru4-00197-00111792-00112182 like they got it all straight I don't feel like they got it I don't know what so what do I need fm6BUymWru4-00198-00112182-00112680 to do to not micromanage but at the same time me feel as a leader that they got it that they're fm6BUymWru4-00199-00112680-00113106 going to be able to handle what I need them to do once again going back first making sure that you fm6BUymWru4-00200-00113106-00113550 understand and you know like you know how this individual operates and how they work because fm6BUymWru4-00201-00113550-00114054 some people might need to be micromanaged some people might need that or educated fully and then fm6BUymWru4-00202-00114054-00114450 and then and then make sure that they're educated fully and fully equipped with everything they need fm6BUymWru4-00203-00114509-00115158 and then maybe check in or hey here's his checkpoint let's let's touch base here I fm6BUymWru4-00204-00115158-00115668 know there's this big project but let's check base let's check back right here in a couple of weeks fm6BUymWru4-00205-00115668-00116172 see where you are there are going to be some times so it's not just here I'm going to come check on fm6BUymWru4-00206-00116172-00116676 you but actually giving them some type of uh of a timing every every Saturday or every Friday or fm6BUymWru4-00207-00116676-00117108 every whatever the timeline is When You Reach This Plateau let me know that type of thing definitely fm6BUymWru4-00208-00117108-00117528 definitely because that way because that way you further create the relationship because there's fm6BUymWru4-00209-00117528-00117906 more visibility more face time you get to talk with one another sit down with one another the fm6BUymWru4-00210-00117906-00118452 relationships built then you can tell that oh they really do care about me and then also as fm6BUymWru4-00211-00118452-00118806 you're checking up progress nobody likes to be the one sitting in the meeting like okay well fm6BUymWru4-00212-00118890-00119346 Dean what are the reports you're like oh I don't I don't have the reports and if if they know that fm6BUymWru4-00213-00119346-00119874 there's that level of ownership then ultimately they'll step up to the challenge they'll step up fm6BUymWru4-00214-00119874-00120246 to the challenge yes of course I can't speak for it that's phenomenal question of course fm6BUymWru4-00215-00120246-00120720 I can't speak for on behalf of all Millennials but I can say I feel that the reward system is fm6BUymWru4-00216-00120720-00121200 a little bit different because I've often heard this generation labeled as the generation of the fm6BUymWru4-00217-00121200-00121770 participation trophy because just for showing up people often say that oh Millennials expect fm6BUymWru4-00218-00121770-00122309 this and expect that and we give them a paycheck so why aren't they happy with that I would say fm6BUymWru4-00219-00122309-00122952 find a developing a system that's incentivized based on once again what that individual likes fm6BUymWru4-00220-00122952-00123480 if you know that this individual has aspirations to be a CEO then allow them areas of opportunity fm6BUymWru4-00221-00123480-00124056 to show ownership over projects over tasks and then potentially they can be elevated through fm6BUymWru4-00222-00124056-00124746 through that manner or I mean if if they enjoy being paid a little extra I mean or maybe maybe fm6BUymWru4-00223-00124746-00125172 buying partnering with the House of Blues and purchasing a couple memberships and saying you fm6BUymWru4-00224-00125172-00125652 know what I I know you I know you enjoy I know you enjoy going out hanging out I saw your eyes fm6BUymWru4-00225-00125652-00126233 why would you not purchase some memberships you fm6BUymWru4-00226-00126233-00126611 know with with the Foundation Room come to the House of Blues Channel fm6BUymWru4-00227-00126833-00127290 so so so first I would say getting to know the individual seeing you know seeing where that fm6BUymWru4-00228-00127290-00127758 passion lies and then as you get to know them then you'll be able to see what they like what fm6BUymWru4-00229-00127758-00128214 they don't like maybe treating them to a dinner treat them to a lunch or even maybe providing fm6BUymWru4-00230-00128214-00128688 mentorship because that's something that we can't that's something that we can't we can't Mentor fm6BUymWru4-00231-00128688-00129102 ourselves we can but then we might go in the same Circle if I if I get with a friend who's same age fm6BUymWru4-00232-00129102-00129528 as me we're going to go around the same Circle but if there's somebody who's older than me and I know fm6BUymWru4-00233-00129528-00129966 they have wisdom I know they have Insight then providing some of your time and getting to know fm6BUymWru4-00234-00129966-00130385 what they want what they desire and then creating incentivized systems I think would be beneficial fm6BUymWru4-00235-00130385-00130900 we got to wrap it up ladies and gentlemen Jonathan Jones thank you good sir thank you [Music] fm6BUymWru4-00236-00131076-00131862 all right fmON1mvLiHy-00000-00000115-00000334 What’s the Deep Web? fmON1mvLiHy-00001-00000334-00000547 And why the library? fmON1mvLiHy-00002-00000547-00001028 Brought to you by CSUSB’s John M. Pfau Library fmON1mvLiHy-00003-00001028-00001561 You’ve probably heard your professors say that you need to use the library for your fmON1mvLiHy-00004-00001561-00001764 research projects and papers. fmON1mvLiHy-00005-00001764-00002018 But have you ever stopped to ask why? fmON1mvLiHy-00006-00002018-00002508 There’s plenty of information out there on the web – we all use Google to find directions fmON1mvLiHy-00007-00002508-00003044 to the nearest restaurant or music venue, so why can’t we use that for our research fmON1mvLiHy-00008-00003044-00003147 as well? fmON1mvLiHy-00009-00003147-00003679 You see, often the types of resources our professors want us to use – like scholarly fmON1mvLiHy-00010-00003679-00004198 articles and books – cannot be found using popular search engines like Google. fmON1mvLiHy-00011-00004198-00004735 This is because the content that search engines retrieve – like e-mail, Facebook, driving fmON1mvLiHy-00012-00004735-00005303 directions, recipes, and blogs – represents only a small fraction of all the information fmON1mvLiHy-00013-00005303-00005469 that’s out there. fmON1mvLiHy-00014-00005469-00005934 We call this the open web because well, it’s free and openly available for anyone with fmON1mvLiHy-00015-00005934-00006319 Internet access. fmON1mvLiHy-00016-00006319-00006837 The rest of the information out there – including most of the scholarly materials you are expected fmON1mvLiHy-00017-00006837-00007181 to use in college – live in what we call the deep web. fmON1mvLiHy-00018-00007181-00007601 There’s a lot down there, but it’s not free and open. fmON1mvLiHy-00019-00007601-00008094 Because scholarly information is more socially valued than, say, your grandmother’s status fmON1mvLiHy-00020-00008094-00008875 updates, it costs money and is thus limited to those who can afford to access it. fmON1mvLiHy-00021-00008875-00009392 At this point you might be thinking, okay, but what does any of this have to do with fmON1mvLiHy-00022-00009392-00009500 the library? fmON1mvLiHy-00023-00009500-00010091 Well, because universities and colleges know that you need access to information in the fmON1mvLiHy-00024-00010091-00010481 deep web, the library typically purchases it for you. fmON1mvLiHy-00025-00010481-00010933 Just as libraries have long purchased books for people to borrow at little or no cost, fmON1mvLiHy-00026-00010933-00011491 we also purchase subscriptions to databases that give us access to the deep web. fmON1mvLiHy-00027-00011491-00012127 So, while you are in college and paying tuition, you are one of few who has access to this fmON1mvLiHy-00028-00012127-00012329 highly valued information. fmON1mvLiHy-00029-00012329-00012746 Others who aren’t in college or who cannot afford to independently purchase information fmON1mvLiHy-00030-00012746-00012994 aren’t so lucky. fmON1mvLiHy-00031-00012994-00013476 The next time a professor asks that you use library resources, you’ll now know why. fmON1mvLiHy-00032-00013476-00014321 What they’re saying is that they want you to dive into the deep web. fmS8nV73yRQ-00000-00000000-00000200 Eric Deray - Astronaut (MYRIDIN Remix) g326UJ0yx0E-00000-00000014-00000683 Hi, today I'm going to talk about one way I teach social studies to my g326UJ0yx0E-00001-00000683-00001508 kindergarten students. I'm going to work on a citizenship lesson, and our topic would g326UJ0yx0E-00002-00001508-00002124 be, how can I be a good citizen? So, you can either do this on a chalk board, or a g326UJ0yx0E-00003-00002124-00002706 large piece of paper is preferable, or a large dry erase board. And at the top I g326UJ0yx0E-00004-00002706-00003132 have, how can I be a good citizen written down. And what we're going to work on is g326UJ0yx0E-00005-00003132-00003812 make, generating a list of ideas about what a good citizen does. Okay, and so, g326UJ0yx0E-00006-00003812-00004278 some of the questions I talk, have with my students are, I'll ask the question g326UJ0yx0E-00007-00004278-00004641 what is a good citizen? And I'll kind of define it for them. g326UJ0yx0E-00008-00004641-00005057 And then we talk about some things that they do. So, what does a good citizen do? g326UJ0yx0E-00009-00005057-00005562 I also ask and talk about how they help our communities? Why they are important g326UJ0yx0E-00010-00005562-00006141 to our communities? And, how they make us better? All of this is helping to promote g326UJ0yx0E-00011-00006141-00006570 oral language development, and what we're going to do is, we're going to save the g326UJ0yx0E-00012-00006570-00006965 list that we generate to do a writing activity that goes along with it. And g326UJ0yx0E-00013-00006965-00007409 this will also connect to some classroom behavior management activities as well. g326UJ0yx0E-00014-00007409-00008165 So, what we do is we're going to make a list, and I've started one here that you g326UJ0yx0E-00015-00008165-00008733 can look at. We write it up on the board, how can I be a good citizen? And then, g326UJ0yx0E-00016-00008733-00009086 we're having the discussion with the kids, and we're making, adding things to g326UJ0yx0E-00017-00009086-00009711 our lists. Like I can follow rules. I can follow the laws. I can make good choices. g326UJ0yx0E-00018-00009711-00010361 I can work hard, and I can help others. So, after you have that discussion, the kids g326UJ0yx0E-00019-00010361-00010920 can do a drawing of something that they can do to be a good citizen. How they can g326UJ0yx0E-00020-00010920-00011372 help promote their community? And so, this is just a little example. We have the g326UJ0yx0E-00021-00011372-00011993 title, "How to be a good citizen," and we start it with "I can," and this child drew, g326UJ0yx0E-00022-00011993-00012579 made a drawing about planting some flowers, and that's how she helps their g326UJ0yx0E-00023-00012579-00013070 community, and that's how she's being a good citizen. So, after the kids do their g326UJ0yx0E-00024-00013070-00013600 drawings an important part is to have them share. So, you can have them g326UJ0yx0E-00025-00013600-00013981 either share with a partner, or share to the whole group and talk about what it is g326UJ0yx0E-00026-00013981-00014566 they're doing to be a good citizen. The next thing that you can do is you can g326UJ0yx0E-00027-00014566-00015106 help connect this to your classroom management and behavior plans for your g326UJ0yx0E-00028-00015106-00015685 students. So, this is one list, this is another list, and if you keep your list g326UJ0yx0E-00029-00015685-00016279 posted in your classroom or in the area that you're teaching, it's a good g326UJ0yx0E-00030-00016279-00016879 reference point for them. So, if they're perhaps not being good listeners or not g326UJ0yx0E-00031-00016879-00017353 making good choices you can ask them can you tell me if you are being a good g326UJ0yx0E-00032-00017353-00017701 citizen? Are you working on being a good citizen? What can you do to be a good g326UJ0yx0E-00033-00017701-00018058 citizen? Can you make a different choice so that you can be a good citizen in our g326UJ0yx0E-00034-00018058-00018517 classroom. So, those are a couple of things I do, to teach citizenship in my g326UJ0yx0E-00035-00018517-00018822 classroom. Thank you. g4YNF7ht32g-00000-00010177-00010377 Helen I told you're not playing anymore g4YNF7ht32g-00001-00012684-00012889 We'll catch you unawares g4YNF7ht32g-00002-00013008-00013624 How did you get up there? I've been here all the time. Couldn't find me. Good you I told you stop playing ages ago g4YNF7ht32g-00003-00013643-00014119 Oh, come on Terry. It's your turn to hide now. Let's get back now mom's just home for dinner g4YNF7ht32g-00004-00014193-00014393 - you gave g4YNF7ht32g-00005-00014418-00015101 Me wet yours. Didn't you you can have a bit of mine if you like. Do you want some No Oh Terry, don't go g4YNF7ht32g-00006-00015101-00015503 It's your turn to hide. Come on Rocha Beck ready still g4YNF7ht32g-00007-00015558-00015758 You're always weird g4YNF7ht32g-00008-00016119-00016414 I loud are they sounded like thunder? g4YNF7ht32g-00009-00017181-00017396 Shall we know the cave quick? g4YNF7ht32g-00010-00018243-00018490 We'll get back a smoothie goes off showing ya g4YNF7ht32g-00011-00018558-00019174 Bout two stops in this niche. Of course, it will it's what they call a freak storm fanny all that rain g4YNF7ht32g-00012-00019194-00019451 I'm not very wet. We're safe in here. I g4YNF7ht32g-00013-00019818-00020540 I think it's going off now. Let's get home. Shall we? I'm hungry Terry. I expect mama be wondering where we are. Oh g4YNF7ht32g-00014-00020640-00020879 I just go see if it's stopped chai g4YNF7ht32g-00015-00021537-00021737 There's someone in here g4YNF7ht32g-00016-00024012-00024763 That was closer, I don't mind so much now I can see where we're going. How do you sort of light, isn't it? g4YNF7ht32g-00017-00024954-00025154 What we're saying g4YNF7ht32g-00018-00027768-00028022 It's all right, there's nobody here. It's g4YNF7ht32g-00019-00028473-00028804 All right seem nothing g4YNF7ht32g-00020-00029127-00029800 Do you think you're up to we're just trying to find out what the sounds were so it wasn't you then? No g4YNF7ht32g-00021-00029850-00030407 Sounded like somebody calling for help. So yeah, well, they can't be far off been in it before of you g4YNF7ht32g-00022-00030427-00030829 I know these caves like the back of my hand good. Yupi shows the way out g4YNF7ht32g-00023-00030939-00031216 When we found her it is making all this noise. Oh g4YNF7ht32g-00024-00031362-00031562 Not scared are you know? g4YNF7ht32g-00025-00031767-00031967 There does again g4YNF7ht32g-00026-00032195-00032888 Come on Julie round here. Yes. My name is Terry. This is my sister Helen. Hi, I'm Phil Church g4YNF7ht32g-00027-00032904-00033355 Enjoy your hide-and-seek. So it was you was it making noises in the bushes? g4YNF7ht32g-00028-00033356-00033745 Of course Joy's go around scaring people only sometimes g4YNF7ht32g-00029-00034200-00034873 You know these hey Phil have you ever seen if kind of Latin for its phosphorescence from the Micra in the stoned g4YNF7ht32g-00030-00034953-00035151 phosphorescence g4YNF7ht32g-00031-00035151-00035440 What about that sudden Raymond and thunder lightning? g4YNF7ht32g-00032-00035522-00036130 The storm was in the stratosphere too high for us to see clear air turbulence caused the Thunder simple g4YNF7ht32g-00033-00036174-00036935 What's called you go to their crossford? Why are they all like you up there Why What Oh clever intelligence sort of g4YNF7ht32g-00034-00037005-00037205 know g4YNF7ht32g-00035-00037233-00037433 What g4YNF7ht32g-00036-00037704-00037904 This is where it came from, isn't it? g4YNF7ht32g-00037-00042041-00042439 Where are you Oh God you see me g4YNF7ht32g-00038-00042689-00042889 Are you hurt Oh g4YNF7ht32g-00039-00043052-00043180 Children g4YNF7ht32g-00040-00043180-00043834 I get children need a block and tackle need a flippin crazy equipment. You'll never get him out g4YNF7ht32g-00041-00043908-00044543 Does it hurt weighs about two tons near a three? We'll have to get help. Can I get you anything? g4YNF7ht32g-00042-00044663-00044863 Need a leader of some sort g4YNF7ht32g-00043-00045131-00045616 Do something whoa sponge I'll scuffle pole or planning children. Oh g4YNF7ht32g-00044-00045671-00046096 My efforts the energy the power I can ill afford to waste g4YNF7ht32g-00045-00046155-00046355 And I get children g4YNF7ht32g-00046-00046490-00046686 What others I g4YNF7ht32g-00047-00046686-00047224 Heard any voices no, no, no. No, I need help. We'll do what we can we can get help g4YNF7ht32g-00048-00047252-00047599 No, there's no time for that now. Have you been in here long? Oh g4YNF7ht32g-00049-00047663-00047947 Yes ever so long g4YNF7ht32g-00050-00048036-00048514 And now I am to die here trapped in told stone. I g4YNF7ht32g-00051-00048618-00048850 Rusco one of the Most High God g4YNF7ht32g-00052-00048965-00049642 You cannot comprehend the power. I had expended to someone you here to help me only to find that you are children g4YNF7ht32g-00053-00049703-00049903 And useless to me g4YNF7ht32g-00054-00049919-00050027 Why? g4YNF7ht32g-00055-00050027-00050227 because g4YNF7ht32g-00056-00050330-00050530 Well g4YNF7ht32g-00057-00050537-00050914 You're so keen we can better try g4YNF7ht32g-00058-00051089-00051289 First release me from this prison g4YNF7ht32g-00059-00051336-00051869 how can me without equipment the only equipment you'll need is the power that lies within you that's g4YNF7ht32g-00060-00051920-00052204 Impossible my being here is impossible. Is it not? g4YNF7ht32g-00061-00052415-00052951 What do you want us to do right first put your hands on the stone all of you fingers touching g4YNF7ht32g-00062-00053229-00053429 Concentrate on the stone g4YNF7ht32g-00063-00053483-00053683 think of nothing else g4YNF7ht32g-00064-00053814-00054014 Think of the stone g4YNF7ht32g-00065-00054141-00054341 Lifting g4YNF7ht32g-00066-00054375-00054586 Listing from my body g4YNF7ht32g-00067-00054816-00055177 One of you is not concentrating you buy think of the stone g4YNF7ht32g-00068-00055284-00055504 Think of it rising into the air g4YNF7ht32g-00069-00055620-00055820 pink g4YNF7ht32g-00070-00058224-00058507 Yeah, you see we did it g4YNF7ht32g-00071-00058590-00058816 Look we did it. Yes g4YNF7ht32g-00072-00058899-00059227 with my help you did it, but how yeah how g4YNF7ht32g-00073-00059370-00059912 United and believing three children have sufficient power what kind of power g4YNF7ht32g-00074-00059997-00060641 The power that makes rain and thunder and lightning in a clear sky the kind that likes these caves for you g4YNF7ht32g-00075-00060678-00060878 So it's not clear air turbulence g4YNF7ht32g-00076-00060936-00061187 No phosphorescence. It could have been g4YNF7ht32g-00077-00061359-00061488 Why g4YNF7ht32g-00078-00061488-00061691 Why did you bring us here? I? g4YNF7ht32g-00079-00061770-00061899 Needed help g4YNF7ht32g-00080-00061899-00062110 Now I see it can be your help g4YNF7ht32g-00081-00062163-00062941 With all your power you need us to help you at this moment. My powers are confined to this prison and the inner time g4YNF7ht32g-00082-00063029-00063784 Stetic stagnant time time that corrodes me breaks my spirit and will to live I do not want to die here g4YNF7ht32g-00083-00063858-00064144 Without the nightís I shall perish. Hey g4YNF7ht32g-00084-00064580-00064780 How do you understand g4YNF7ht32g-00085-00065016-00065216 You really mean you're g4YNF7ht32g-00086-00065480-00066031 Let's get out now, wait a minute Terry no, you must not leave see what I can do even now g4YNF7ht32g-00087-00068497-00068772 It's not real waiting your help g4YNF7ht32g-00088-00068929-00069129 We can get out g4YNF7ht32g-00089-00069214-00069443 Come on Terry I g4YNF7ht32g-00090-00069610-00069995 Can't it's solid as you can walk through it I g4YNF7ht32g-00091-00070105-00070548 Can't I tell you I can't you can walk through it you g4YNF7ht32g-00092-00071923-00072123 Waste your time g4YNF7ht32g-00093-00073923-00074471 She's just gone back Helen I'm going to help him somebody's got to g4YNF7ht32g-00094-00075246-00075475 Did you see her g4YNF7ht32g-00095-00075672-00076231 Laughing that woman she was horrible that was Benoit g4YNF7ht32g-00096-00076302-00076513 The one who put me here to die. Oh g4YNF7ht32g-00097-00076620-00076820 No my enemy g4YNF7ht32g-00098-00076881-00077092 She who keeps the night as from me g4YNF7ht32g-00099-00077160-00077696 Without the nightís. I am nothing - it is the means to free me from this prison g4YNF7ht32g-00100-00077784-00078112 Help me help me find it will help you g4YNF7ht32g-00101-00078189-00078491 Do you all wish to help me No, yes g4YNF7ht32g-00102-00078642-00078834 If you will g4YNF7ht32g-00103-00078834-00078999 Help you do what? g4YNF7ht32g-00104-00078999-00079149 Tell us what you want g4YNF7ht32g-00105-00079149-00079859 Then we'll decide think as children of wizardry and sorcery and then you'll be almost there. What's this thing? g4YNF7ht32g-00106-00079859-00080386 You want us to help you find that's some sort of power source, isn't it energy or something? No, I g4YNF7ht32g-00107-00080514-00080714 am the source g4YNF7ht32g-00108-00080739-00080928 by will g4YNF7ht32g-00109-00080928-00081196 The nidus is the mirror of my will g4YNF7ht32g-00110-00081306-00081506 Reflecting it outwards across the stars g4YNF7ht32g-00111-00081627-00082084 With it. I am home with it. I could astound you with my powers g4YNF7ht32g-00112-00082248-00082546 Now if you could help me get it back g4YNF7ht32g-00113-00082632-00082815 You want the nidus? g4YNF7ht32g-00114-00082815-00083362 So that you can have more power. Yes child for good or for evil g4YNF7ht32g-00115-00083370-00083956 I may use my powers in a way that is not evil. Does that equal good or I? g4YNF7ht32g-00116-00084012-00084425 May use them in a way that is not good. Does that equal evil? I g4YNF7ht32g-00117-00084480-00084815 Find it almost impossible to explain two minds that run on Rails g4YNF7ht32g-00118-00084879-00085084 the concept of the noetic state g4YNF7ht32g-00119-00085119-00085751 Where fundamental realities run backwards sideways and downwards from the unsteady basis of what you call truth g4YNF7ht32g-00120-00085751-00086114 I suggest you do not question. What you think of is my morality g4YNF7ht32g-00121-00086181-00086615 Let us rather concern ourselves with the task you are about to perform g4YNF7ht32g-00122-00086724-00086983 Where is the how do we find it? g4YNF7ht32g-00123-00087231-00087707 You must travel from this place how far g4YNF7ht32g-00124-00087927-00088204 In one way you need travel no further than this Kevin g4YNF7ht32g-00125-00088272-00088667 In another you will travel further than you ever have before g4YNF7ht32g-00126-00088785-00088985 What do you mean? g4YNF7ht32g-00127-00089473-00089673 I am still awake. I g4YNF7ht32g-00128-00089738-00089938 Need your concentration once again g4YNF7ht32g-00129-00090006-00090299 All your strengths. What do we think about this time? g4YNF7ht32g-00130-00090430-00090987 Paths just pause what kind the part? g4YNF7ht32g-00131-00091120-00091320 of my mind g4YNF7ht32g-00132-00091762-00092045 Do you see them? g4YNF7ht32g-00133-00092449-00092801 Do you see them? g4YNF7ht32g-00134-00096474-00096638 It's a maze g4YNF7ht32g-00135-00096638-00097228 Or set for you know it as many things it has survived as a memory in the human race from the beginning g4YNF7ht32g-00136-00097286-00098026 Those primitives who first encountered it scratched the pattern onto cave walls as if the image itself could bestow powers upon them g4YNF7ht32g-00137-00098051-00098317 later, it was a place to bury the dead a g4YNF7ht32g-00138-00098375-00098977 Timeless place or so. They thought then a garden novelty. The me is the serpentine in the labyrinth g4YNF7ht32g-00139-00099038-00099382 To me it is a simple means of transport g4YNF7ht32g-00140-00099467-00099617 transport g4YNF7ht32g-00141-00099617-00100180 Step into it. It's like a game. You'll find the paths that take you home. I g4YNF7ht32g-00142-00100382-00100834 Don't want to know me don't you find the nidus use your own power to get it back? g4YNF7ht32g-00143-00100837-00101044 I need your powers all three of you together g4YNF7ht32g-00144-00101120-00101395 Step into the labyrinth. You must know let us out g4YNF7ht32g-00145-00101786-00102178 Where is it? I just can't get through a force field. It's a force field g4YNF7ht32g-00146-00102255-00102466 gobbledygook call it what you will g4YNF7ht32g-00147-00102554-00102919 What powers I have left. I need to concentrate in the labyrinth g4YNF7ht32g-00148-00103028-00103360 Do not resist me. Help me retrieve the nidus g4YNF7ht32g-00149-00103749-00103949 Afraid g4YNF7ht32g-00150-00104010-00104427 So Bella was right I waste my time with children g4YNF7ht32g-00151-00104605-00104805 Very well, you may go if you wish g4YNF7ht32g-00152-00104932-00105212 Leave you are free to go g4YNF7ht32g-00153-00105498-00105698 It's gone g4YNF7ht32g-00154-00105911-00106076 What should we do? g4YNF7ht32g-00155-00106076-00106648 This is not because of you. He said he'd die and you believed him didn't you? I think it's true. I g4YNF7ht32g-00156-00106703-00107248 Saw Bello the one who's trying to kill him. He will die look at him g4YNF7ht32g-00157-00107360-00107644 Well, Terry, what should we do? I don't know g4YNF7ht32g-00158-00107820-00108325 He hasn't actually harmed us has he not actually yet no, I say we help him g4YNF7ht32g-00159-00108325-00108538 You seem to think we have a choice you with us? g4YNF7ht32g-00160-00108689-00108889 Suppose so g4YNF7ht32g-00161-00109430-00109630 Rothko g4YNF7ht32g-00162-00109766-00110113 We've decided to help help oh g4YNF7ht32g-00163-00110342-00110542 Sure g4YNF7ht32g-00164-00110567-00110989 All of you quite sure tell us what you want us to do g4YNF7ht32g-00165-00111399-00111868 The nidus is somewhere in the past you must find it g4YNF7ht32g-00166-00111980-00112180 It was stolen from me in the past g4YNF7ht32g-00167-00112233-00112428 You must travel in us g4YNF7ht32g-00168-00112428-00112892 Without me I am too frail to endure the forces of the labyrinth g4YNF7ht32g-00169-00112985-00113303 The paths will take you to whichever time I choose g4YNF7ht32g-00170-00113388-00113588 The only limit being that of my own g4YNF7ht32g-00171-00113673-00113873 ever shortening existence g4YNF7ht32g-00172-00114063-00114740 Find the nidus bring it to me, what does the nidus look like? It has no settled form g4YNF7ht32g-00173-00114830-00114965 to each person g4YNF7ht32g-00174-00114965-00115471 It is something different but most important it can only be seen in reflection g4YNF7ht32g-00175-00115503-00116044 In a mirror in water a crystal then it will shine. Brightly g4YNF7ht32g-00176-00116045-00116554 I don't believe it that defies the law of physics. How can it laws? g4YNF7ht32g-00177-00116633-00116990 Have I not told you are outside your laws no longer in that realm g4YNF7ht32g-00178-00117039-00117503 The nidus can only be seen if reflected it is a simple fact g4YNF7ht32g-00179-00117560-00117934 You accept that if you say sir, do you believe it? g4YNF7ht32g-00180-00117996-00118196 Yes g4YNF7ht32g-00181-00118586-00118916 Do you believe g4YNF7ht32g-00182-00119285-00119485 Yes g4YNF7ht32g-00183-00119816-00120016 Yes g4YNF7ht32g-00184-00120089-00120289 Yes, very well g4YNF7ht32g-00185-00120365-00120565 But take care g4YNF7ht32g-00186-00120626-00120801 There would be danger g4YNF7ht32g-00187-00120801-00121084 There is another like me Bella or the one who wants me dead g4YNF7ht32g-00188-00121130-00121531 It was she who caused me to lose the nidus and imprison me here. That's woman g4YNF7ht32g-00189-00121532-00121858 I saw she's horrible super low has an eye this g4YNF7ht32g-00190-00121883-00122302 No, the night is his mine their law cannot possess it until I am dead g4YNF7ht32g-00191-00122333-00122785 she can only deny it to me and to you of course how g4YNF7ht32g-00192-00122879-00123412 By pushing it on through time, but you can stop her together g4YNF7ht32g-00193-00123413-00123985 you have the power when you find the nidus form a circle around it and link hands and then g4YNF7ht32g-00194-00124074-00124274 think of my eyes g4YNF7ht32g-00195-00124409-00124609 Think of my g4YNF7ht32g-00196-00124800-00125488 What if we need you help I will be there you must find me you said you couldn't travel through the labyrinth. Goodbye g4YNF7ht32g-00197-00125489-00125698 good thinking, but you see I g4YNF7ht32g-00198-00125765-00126007 Have lived in the time as you will visit g4YNF7ht32g-00199-00126092-00126195 lived g4YNF7ht32g-00200-00126195-00126910 Who are you where will meet you you must find me? I will not know you until you call my name g4YNF7ht32g-00201-00126975-00127175 Then I can help you now come g4YNF7ht32g-00202-00127313-00127789 Well anything more you will not wish to be conspicuous where you are going g4YNF7ht32g-00203-00127961-00128161 Come on g4YNF7ht32g-00204-00128694-00129091 Now follow my instructions take this path g4YNF7ht32g-00205-00130629-00130960 Now sharp right go on that's it g4YNF7ht32g-00206-00131517-00131717 Good luck g4YNF7ht32g-00207-00136924-00137507 We're out just got these things. He looks a breeze we must be near the entrance g4YNF7ht32g-00208-00137635-00138201 Do you recognize anything? What do you mean? You said you knew these cows up the back of your hand, you know where we are g4YNF7ht32g-00209-00138252-00138453 No, not if you've traveled in time g4YNF7ht32g-00210-00138454-00139106 Or you don't believe that do you why not if you've been fronting like that just now by the whole world is splitting apart g4YNF7ht32g-00211-00139147-00139485 We've just been to a tempo spatial matrix rubbish g4YNF7ht32g-00212-00139509-00140037 Just like the business with the light in the tunnel and the storm. He made all that out. Okay, so you're scared, right? g4YNF7ht32g-00213-00140068-00140266 Yes, stop it you two g4YNF7ht32g-00214-00140266-00140466 Let's try and find out where we are g4YNF7ht32g-00215-00141538-00141816 Let's try the door, but the breeze was coming from here g4YNF7ht32g-00216-00141988-00142532 No, let's follow the tunnel horn. No, what's the matter you scared aren't you? Come on? g4YNF7ht32g-00217-00145199-00145307 Beautiful g4YNF7ht32g-00218-00145307-00145774 Creepy you still think we're not in the past then I suppose you're gonna touch you know what these things are g4YNF7ht32g-00219-00145774-00146019 I think I do Japanese, aren't they? g4YNF7ht32g-00220-00146035-00146815 Not these what then I read somewhere that the Druids of ancient Britain used things like these as talisman charms to keep weight evil spirits g4YNF7ht32g-00221-00146840-00147055 What time do you reckon we're in there? Mr. Brain? g4YNF7ht32g-00222-00147055-00147813 No, I couldn't say for certain that makes a change anywhere between 500 BC and 500 AD. Oh great. Look g4YNF7ht32g-00223-00148436-00149007 Which of you is e which one g9CCQ7P_kQE-00000-00000697-00000898 The Americans and Aussies have g9CCQ7P_kQE-00001-00000898-00001057 a storied history of fighting alongside g9CCQ7P_kQE-00002-00001057-00001265 each other ever since World War I. g9CCQ7P_kQE-00003-00001265-00001551 And right from the start we integrate g9CCQ7P_kQE-00004-00001551-00001794 and operate on a much higher level. g9CCQ7P_kQE-00005-00004356-00004652 - Exercise Koolendong is a multilateral live fire exercise g9CCQ7P_kQE-00006-00004652-00005052 in the combined arms setting involving the US Marine Corps, g9CCQ7P_kQE-00007-00005052-00005277 the Australians, and the French Armed Forces. g9CCQ7P_kQE-00008-00005842-00006202 - We have about 2,500 Marines here in Darwin, g9CCQ7P_kQE-00009-00006202-00006463 and we've brought about 750 to 800 of them g9CCQ7P_kQE-00010-00006463-00006826 out to Mount Bundy to do a culminating exercise. g9CCQ7P_kQE-00011-00007980-00008143 Being a rifleman and being sacked g9CCQ7P_kQE-00012-00008143-00008546 by seeing what we have in the present for someone g9CCQ7P_kQE-00013-00008546-00008753 that we probably won't ever meet. g9CCQ7P_kQE-00014-00009820-00009903 We keep this together, g9CCQ7P_kQE-00015-00009903-00010121 it closes the bond that we have. g9CCQ7P_kQE-00016-00011017-00011234 - [Soldier] It's more than just being out on the range. gzms6XmhxcY-00000-00004206-00005614 Indigenous Faith Day is celebrated every year in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh on December 1 to safeguard and promote all indigenous faiths across the state. gzms6XmhxcY-00001-00005668-00006467 The day honors the unique identities of the people of the beautiful and lush North-Eastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. gzms6XmhxcY-00002-00008016-00008548 To preserve the diverse traditional faith and practices of the various tribal communities, gzms6XmhxcY-00003-00010217-00010909 the day is often celebrated with pomp and merriment as the rapidly-modernizing state tries to keep its traditions and customs alive. g-04I4-oNfc-00000-00000000-00000200 New book g__qTvKIJWE-00000-00000050-00000248 Welcome to Frequency TV Channel. g__qTvKIJWE-00001-00000310-00000501 I Thank You, And Hope You Continue Your Support. g__qTvKIJWE-00002-00000548-00000656 We love to review electronic products. g__qTvKIJWE-00003-00000700-00000856 Thats why We prodive honest and clear reviews. g__qTvKIJWE-00004-00000900-00001042 You are free to ask anything you want. g__qTvKIJWE-00005-00001100-00001400 Information is so important for all cultures. g__qTvKIJWE-00006-00001440-00001682 We will be happy to answer any questions you may have on our services. gB0UGQbi1Po-00000-00000000-00000200 Brownie, the dog that protects against colds, which is rich in vitamins and calcium "Carop Dog Cake" gB0UGQbi1Po-00001-00000200-00000616 [Material] 2 cups of peanuts, 2 half-guns, 6T of caropauer, 7T-10T of water, 1T of honey, 100g of boiled sweet potatoes gB0UGQbi1Po-00002-00000616-00000874 1. First bland peanut on Lequip Blender BS7 gB0UGQbi1Po-00003-00000874-00001510 2. Blend using instantaneous operation (blend the particles in such a way that they cannot be seen) gB0UGQbi1Po-00004-00001528-00002152 3.Place parchment paper on a loaf pan, press dough down, and dry it in a food dryer for 40 degrees, 9-12 hours gB0UGQbi1Po-00005-00002152-00002640 Put it in a pretty bowl and it's done!! gB9PoDbONx0-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video gB9PoDbONx0-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view gB9PoDbONx0-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. gB9PoDbONx0-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much gCjpcxyzWCk-00000-00000000-00000450 Tiger Woods, the king of golf, has won 15 major championships. gCjpcxyzWCk-00001-00000450-00000710 Major hunter Brooks Kepka, gCjpcxyzWCk-00002-00000710-00001096 The one used by Ricky Fowler, a fashionista in the field. gCjpcxyzWCk-00003-00001096-00001403 Scotty Cameron putters are common. gCjpcxyzWCk-00004-00001403-00001736 The model name contains "Newport". gCjpcxyzWCk-00005-00001736-00002133 There are many different types of Scotty Cameron putter models. gCjpcxyzWCk-00006-00002133-00002486 Today, Son Heung-min of the blade putter community, gCjpcxyzWCk-00007-00002486-00002763 Let me introduce the Newport putter. gCjpcxyzWCk-00008-00004260-00004480 Nice to meet you. This is Dogg Golf. gCjpcxyzWCk-00009-00004480-00004930 Today we're going to talk about the Scotty Cameron Newport putter. gCjpcxyzWCk-00010-00004930-00005263 About the history that you might find boring, gCjpcxyzWCk-00011-00005263-00005580 I'll make it very simple. gCjpcxyzWCk-00012-00005580-00005996 In 1995, putter producer Scotty Cameron, gCjpcxyzWCk-00013-00005996-00006370 It's named after California, where I grew up as a child. gCjpcxyzWCk-00014-00006370-00006720 We've released seven classic series. gCjpcxyzWCk-00015-00006720-00007050 One of them is the "Newport" putter. gCjpcxyzWCk-00016-00007050-00007406 Since then, we've been making constant changes. gCjpcxyzWCk-00017-00007406-00007816 The latest model in 2020, Special Select Series, gCjpcxyzWCk-00018-00007816-00008456 Newport, Newport 2, Newport 2.5. gCjpcxyzWCk-00019-00008456-00008763 These three models are the current flagship models. gCjpcxyzWCk-00020-00008763-00009423 For your information, Terylium T22 Newport, Newport 3, released in the past. gCjpcxyzWCk-00021-00009423-00009996 Other models include Newport 2 Notchback, Newport Mallet, etc. gCjpcxyzWCk-00022-00009996-00010320 As of 2021, Scotty Cameron putter's... gCjpcxyzWCk-00023-00010320-00010700 주력 라인은 Special Select, Phantom X gCjpcxyzWCk-00024-00010700-00010970 There are two main lines. gCjpcxyzWCk-00025-00010970-00011353 Usually every two years, a new Select series is released. gCjpcxyzWCk-00026-00011353-00011816 We won't be able to meet the new Newport model until next year. gCjpcxyzWCk-00027-00011816-00012286 The latest model, the 2020 Newport Series, features the most significant features. gCjpcxyzWCk-00028-00012286-00012586 It's the tungsten weight. gCjpcxyzWCk-00029-00012586-00013106 You can apply this tungsten weight scale to widen the Sweet Spot. gCjpcxyzWCk-00030-00013106-00013510 Improves stability for all distances to the hall. gCjpcxyzWCk-00031-00013510-00013986 The performance and batting feel are adjusted precisely. gCjpcxyzWCk-00032-00013986-00014440 The second is the application of 303 stainless steel. gCjpcxyzWCk-00033-00014440-00014726 Same material as 2018 model gCjpcxyzWCk-00034-00014726-00015250 Designed for consistent batting sounds and a smooth batting feel. gCjpcxyzWCk-00035-00015250-00015796 The third is to apply the 'Special Select Pistolini Plus' grip. gCjpcxyzWCk-00036-00015796-00016136 I improved my batting skills and performance. gCjpcxyzWCk-00037-00016136-00016493 Finally, we'll apply the 'Soft Tri-Sole' design. gCjpcxyzWCk-00038-00016493-00016946 It reflects the feedback of the tour players. gCjpcxyzWCk-00039-00016946-00017443 The three sides of the brush at the bottom of the head are gently angled. gCjpcxyzWCk-00040-00017443-00017666 When I put the putter on the green, gCjpcxyzWCk-00041-00017666-00017960 It makes you feel comfortable. gCjpcxyzWCk-00042-00017960-00018413 Especially when putting, it's easy to concentrate when you're comfortable. gCjpcxyzWCk-00043-00018413-00018780 This feature deserves a really high score. gCjpcxyzWCk-00044-00018780-00019193 Let me tell you about the differences between Newport models. gCjpcxyzWCk-00045-00019193-00019500 2020 Special Select 라인에는 gCjpcxyzWCk-00046-00019500-00020163 Newport, Newport 2, Newport 2.5. gCjpcxyzWCk-00047-00020163-00020356 First, if you look at the specs, gCjpcxyzWCk-00048-00020356-00020846 Loft, the angles are the same, 3.5 and 70 degrees. gCjpcxyzWCk-00049-00020846-00021206 The shape of the neck and the Toe Flow and Offset are different. gCjpcxyzWCk-00050-00021206-00021526 Newport and Newport 2 are flaming nets. gCjpcxyzWCk-00051-00021526-00021960 Newport 2.5는 Small Slant 넥 입니다. gCjpcxyzWCk-00052-00021960-00022330 Toe Flow는 Newport 와 Newport 2는 Medium, gCjpcxyzWCk-00053-00022330-00022690 Newport 2.5는 Near Maximum 인데, gCjpcxyzWCk-00054-00022690-00023180 The putting stroke is square to square (straight track) Minimum Toe Flow, gCjpcxyzWCk-00055-00023180-00023530 Round arcing is called Maximum Toe Flow. gCjpcxyzWCk-00056-00023530-00023830 Medium Toe Flow is medium. gCjpcxyzWCk-00057-00023830-00024370 You can choose the putter considering your putting stroke type. gCjpcxyzWCk-00058-00024370-00024930 Offset is a figure indicating how far the shaft and putter face are. gCjpcxyzWCk-00059-00024930-00025250 Newport, Newport 2는 Full Shaft, gCjpcxyzWCk-00060-00025250-00025676 Newport 2.5 is 3/4 Shaft. gCjpcxyzWCk-00061-00025676-00025936 Do you see this subtle difference? gCjpcxyzWCk-00062-00025936-00026233 The Full Shaft is from the face of the putter face. gCjpcxyzWCk-00063-00026233-00026523 It's about the diameter of the shaft. gCjpcxyzWCk-00064-00026523-00027126 The 3/4 shaft is literally 3/4 shaft diameter away. gCjpcxyzWCk-00065-00027126-00027570 Next we will look at the putter head design. gCjpcxyzWCk-00066-00027570-00027876 Newport는 전통적인 Original Design인 gCjpcxyzWCk-00067-00027876-00028186 I'm sticking to an Ancer-style design. gCjpcxyzWCk-00068-00028186-00028423 Just to tell you a little bit about the old days, gCjpcxyzWCk-00069-00028423-00028653 Newport putter's birth story is... gCjpcxyzWCk-00070-00028653-00029073 Thanks to the great success of the old Ping Ancer putter. gCjpcxyzWCk-00071-00029073-00029523 Mr. Scotty Cameron is going to add a little more complement to the Ancer design putter. gCjpcxyzWCk-00072-00029523-00029739 We launched Newport. gCjpcxyzWCk-00073-00029739-00030173 Tiger Woods also used Ancer Putter when he was a junior. gCjpcxyzWCk-00074-00030173-00030660 Newport 2 and Newport 2.5 are slightly angled. gCjpcxyzWCk-00075-00030660-00030986 Designed with a modern design. gCjpcxyzWCk-00076-00030986-00031263 Personally, this looks prettier. gCjpcxyzWCk-00077-00031263-00031666 The Newport putter, the flagship model of the Scotty Cameron putter, is the gCjpcxyzWCk-00078-00031666-00032026 I always get the public's choice and attention. gCjpcxyzWCk-00079-00032026-00032463 The new Newport putter, which is expected to be released in 2022, is expected to be released gCjpcxyzWCk-00080-00032463-00032833 I'm already looking forward to it. gCjpcxyzWCk-00081-00032833-00033206 This has been Dog Golf. Thank you. gGX_WmS15d0-00000-00000165-00000537 Whether you need to cite a source or find a piece of information, gGX_WmS15d0-00001-00000537-00000915 , it can be difficult to identify the source type you're working with. gGX_WmS15d0-00002-00000915-00001386 This tutorial will help you determine if a piece of information is from a book, gGX_WmS15d0-00003-00001386-00002086 periodical, or a website. Let's first look at books which include both gGX_WmS15d0-00004-00002103-00002182 printed gGX_WmS15d0-00005-00002182-00002548 an electronic versions. gGX_WmS15d0-00006-00002548-00002852 Books have many unique identifying markers. gGX_WmS15d0-00007-00002852-00003279 Books that are collections of essays or other works will gGX_WmS15d0-00008-00003279-00003430 often have an editor rather than an author. gGX_WmS15d0-00009-00003430-00003887 Books that have changed and been reprinted will have an edition number. gGX_WmS15d0-00010-00003887-00004209 The most important clue that the information type gGX_WmS15d0-00011-00004209-00004510 is a book is the inclusion of a publishing city gGX_WmS15d0-00012-00004510-00004929 and publisher. Electronic books, gGX_WmS15d0-00013-00004929-00005435 or ebooks for short, will often contain publishing information as well. gGX_WmS15d0-00014-00005435-00005912 In addition, there usually is a notation that identifies it as an electronic gGX_WmS15d0-00015-00005912-00006001 source. gGX_WmS15d0-00016-00006001-00006523 This can take the form of a web address, a format type like Kindle or PDF, gGX_WmS15d0-00017-00006523-00007009 or even just the word "Web" in the citation. gGX_WmS15d0-00018-00007009-00007418 Periodicals include works that are published in regular intervals like gGX_WmS15d0-00019-00007418-00007770 academic journals, magazines, or newspapers. gGX_WmS15d0-00020-00007770-00008275 Academic journals will typically contain an article title gGX_WmS15d0-00021-00008275-00008622 followed by the name of the original source. Nearly gGX_WmS15d0-00022-00008622-00008962 all academic journals will have a volume and issue number. gGX_WmS15d0-00023-00008962-00009299 Many academic journals are retrieved from scholarly gGX_WmS15d0-00024-00009299-00009761 article databases. However, some academic journals that are published exclusively gGX_WmS15d0-00025-00009761-00010030 online may have a web address. gGX_WmS15d0-00026-00010030-00010720 Unlike academic journals, magazines may use a full date of publication including year, gGX_WmS15d0-00027-00010720-00011420 month, and day. Some magazines have volume and issue numbers like academic journals. gGX_WmS15d0-00028-00011496-00011871 Newspapers will usually include a full date of publication. gGX_WmS15d0-00029-00011871-00012201 If the newspaper was published more than once in a day, gGX_WmS15d0-00030-00012201-00012707 it could also have an edition notation. Page numbers in printed newspapers are gGX_WmS15d0-00031-00012707-00012787 unique gGX_WmS15d0-00032-00012787-00013129 in that they often include a letter indicating a section gGX_WmS15d0-00033-00013129-00013660 followed by a number. Web sources can include gGX_WmS15d0-00034-00013660-00013987 full websites or individual web pages. gGX_WmS15d0-00035-00013987-00014435 The biggest clue that your source is a website gGX_WmS15d0-00036-00014435-00014769 or web page is the presence of a web address link. gGX_WmS15d0-00037-00014769-00015241 Also, many sites do not have a specific person as an author. gGX_WmS15d0-00038-00015241-00015715 Instead, a corporate or organizational author will be listed. gGX_WmS15d0-00039-00015715-00016236 Web pages usually contain the title of an individual page gGX_WmS15d0-00040-00016236-00016627 followed by the name of the entire website. If a link to the page gGX_WmS15d0-00041-00016627-00017000 page is not present, the term "Web" may appear in a citation. gKr8SZtq1cc-00000-00000400-00001000 Hello friends. On behalf of CDEEP, IIT Bombay, I welcome you to this Spoken Tutorial. gKr8SZtq1cc-00001-00001100-00001800 This tutorial will explain the basics of how to edit a video using Windows Movie Maker. gKr8SZtq1cc-00002-00001900-00003000 Windows Movie Maker, a component of Microsoft Windows, is an editing software that is available for all the latest Windows versions – Me, XP or Vista gKr8SZtq1cc-00003-00003100-00004100 If you do not have it on your PC, you can download it free of cost from the site gKr8SZtq1cc-00004-00004200-00004600 You will need a headset or speakers in order to listen to the audio of the movie clip. gKr8SZtq1cc-00005-00004700-00005100 Double-click on the Windows Movie Maker icon to run the program. gKr8SZtq1cc-00006-00005200-00005600 This will open an empty movie project on your screen. gKr8SZtq1cc-00007-00005700-00005900 Right at the top you will see the Main Menu. gKr8SZtq1cc-00008-00006000-00006400 It contains many options which we will see in detail as we go along. gKr8SZtq1cc-00009-00006500-00007600 On the screen, you will see a Movie Tasks panel on the left hand side, a Collection panel in the middle and a Display panel on the right hand side. gKr8SZtq1cc-00010-00007700-00008200 If this is your first time using Windows Movie Maker, the Collection panel will be empty. gKr8SZtq1cc-00011-00008300-00009100 All the video clips, audio narrations and music files required for the project, when imported, will be displayed in the Collection panel. gKr8SZtq1cc-00012-00009200-00010100 If you have used the program before, the video and audio clips that were previously imported will appear in your Collection panel. gKr8SZtq1cc-00013-00010200-00011100 Select all the clips in the Collection panel by pressing CRTL+A. Right-click on any clip and choose the Delete option. gKr8SZtq1cc-00014-00011200-00011800 Now that you have an empty movie project on your screen, you can import the files you require into Windows Movie Maker. gKr8SZtq1cc-00015-00011900-00012800 The Movie Tasks panel has several options – the main ones being Capture Video, Edit Movie and Finish Movie. gKr8SZtq1cc-00016-00012900-00013800 There is another option called the Movie Making Tips. Under Capture Video, you will see the option Import Video. gKr8SZtq1cc-00017-00013900-00014900 Click on it. Alternately, you can click on File in the Main Menu and choose the Import into Collections sub-option. gKr8SZtq1cc-00018-00015000-00015800 Both choices will open the Import File Dialog box. Here you can choose the video that you want to edit by specifying the path and the filename. gKr8SZtq1cc-00019-00015900-00017200 I will choose this video and click on the Import button. The selected video is being imported into the Collection panel. gKr8SZtq1cc-00020-00017300-00017700 If the video is too large, then Windows Movie Maker will automatically split it into smaller clips. gKr8SZtq1cc-00021-00017800-00019100 Select all of them by pressing CTRL+A. Now right-click on any clip and choose Add to Timeline sub-option. gKr8SZtq1cc-00022-00019200-00019600 The clips will get added to the Timeline here in the order they appear in the Collection panel. gKr8SZtq1cc-00023-00019700-00020900 If you want, you can also add the clips to the Timeline one by one, by dragging the clip and dropping it on the Timeline. Let me put this back. gKr8SZtq1cc-00024-00021000-00021800 Vista users kindly note that Windows Movie Maker played in Windows Vista will not split the video into smaller clips. gKr8SZtq1cc-00025-00021900-00022800 It will be visible as a single clip in the collection panel. So again, right-click on the video clip and choose Add to Timeline option. gKr8SZtq1cc-00026-00022900-00023300 This will add the entire video to the Timeline in a single clip. gKr8SZtq1cc-00027-00023400-00023900 Notice the small blue rectangle at the top of the Timeline. This is called the frame-head. gKr8SZtq1cc-00028-00024000-00024800 It shows the current position of the video on the Timeline. By default, it is at the beginning of the Timeline. gKr8SZtq1cc-00029-00024900-00025800 Click on the first clip. The first frame or the beginning of the video will now be visible in the Display panel here. gKr8SZtq1cc-00030-00025900-00026900 When the video is being played, it will be visible in the Display panel. You will notice that there are VCR controls at the bottom of the Display panel. gKr8SZtq1cc-00031-00027000-00027700 Before I explain them, let me move the frame head here. gKr8SZtq1cc-00032-00027800-00028500 The first button is to Play or Pause. When in the Play mode, the frame head moves forward. gKr8SZtq1cc-00033-00028600-00029000 When in the Pause mode, the frame head remains at the current position. gKr8SZtq1cc-00034-00029100-00029400 The second button is to Stop the playback. gKr8SZtq1cc-00035-00029500-00030200 When clicked the playback will stop but the frame head will go to the beginning of the Timeline. gKr8SZtq1cc-00036-00030300-00031400 Let me move the frame head here. The third button is to Rewind one clip at a time. gKr8SZtq1cc-00037-00031500-00032000 Notice that the frame head moves backward one clip at a time. gKr8SZtq1cc-00038-00032100-00032400 The sixth button is to Fast Forward one clip at a time gKr8SZtq1cc-00039-00032500-00033100 Notice that the frame head moves forward one clip at a time. gKr8SZtq1cc-00040-00033200-00033900 The fourth and fifth buttons are to Rewind and Fast Forward one frame at a time. gKr8SZtq1cc-00041-00034000-00034800 Notice that the frame head is moving one frame at a time. gKr8SZtq1cc-00042-00034900-00036000 Now this button here is called the Split button. It splits the clip into two clips at the current position - both the video and the audio clips. gKr8SZtq1cc-00043-00036100-00036700 Let me demonstrate this. I will move the frame-head here and click on the Split button. gKr8SZtq1cc-00044-00036800-00037700 Notice that the clip is now split into 2 clips at the current position. This is a powerful editing tool. gKr8SZtq1cc-00045-00037800-00038100 Now, let me explain the layout of the Timeline. gKr8SZtq1cc-00046-00038200-00039400 The Timeline is split into three categories – Video, Audio/Music, and Title Overlay. Click on the plus-button next to Video. gKr8SZtq1cc-00047-00039500-00040300 This will expand the Video timeline and display the audio timeline therein. This is useful for dubbing purposes. gKr8SZtq1cc-00048-00040400-00041000 I have already explained about dubbing in another tutorial. You may want to watch it. gKr8SZtq1cc-00049-00041100-00041700 I will collapse the Video Timeline now by clicking on the minus button next to Video. gKr8SZtq1cc-00050-00041800-00042500 Above the timeline there are several icons that could help during the editing. gKr8SZtq1cc-00051-00042600-00043400 The Zoom In button stretches the Video Timeline so that each frame of the video can be edited. gKr8SZtq1cc-00052-00043500-00044300 The Zoom Out button collapses the Video Timeline so that you can view the whole video on the Timeline. gKr8SZtq1cc-00053-00044400-00044500 This button is the Rewind Timeline button. gKr8SZtq1cc-00054-00044600-00045100 Whenever you press it, the frame head will move to the beginning of your video. gKr8SZtq1cc-00055-00045200-00045900 This is the Play Timeline button. Clicking on it will play the video in the display panel. gKr8SZtq1cc-00056-00046000-00046500 This Play button behaves exactly like the VCR control Play button. gKr8SZtq1cc-00057-00046600-00047600 For more information on the various features of Windows Movie Maker, the Moving Making Tips option in the Movie Tasks panel can be explored. gKr8SZtq1cc-00058-00047700-00048800 Now that I have explained the basic layout of the Windows Movie Maker screen, let’s come back to the Timeline and learn how to add or remove portions from a video. gKr8SZtq1cc-00059-00048900-00050400 I will zoom in here. Once you have imported the video, play it from start to finish and make a note of the portions that you want to edit. gKr8SZtq1cc-00060-00050500-00050900 I want to remove a few seconds of video from here. gKr8SZtq1cc-00061-00051000-00051500 So I will move the frame head here and play the clip. gKr8SZtq1cc-00062-00051600-00052100 I will pause the playback here because this is the beginning of the part that I want to delete. gKr8SZtq1cc-00063-00052200-00052500 Now I will click on the Split button. gKr8SZtq1cc-00064-00052600-00052900 Notice that the clip is now split at this position. gKr8SZtq1cc-00065-00053000-00053600 I will resume the playback and again pause at the end of the part that I want to delete. gKr8SZtq1cc-00066-00053700-00054300 Click on the Split button again. Notice that the clip is again split at this position. gKr8SZtq1cc-00067-00054400-00055400 I’ll just move it back so you can see. Now I will select the clip by clicking on it and press the Delete on the keyboard. gKr8SZtq1cc-00068-00055500-00056100 Notice that the next clip moves forward and joins the end of the previous clip. gKr8SZtq1cc-00069-00056200-00056600 Movie Maker does this on its own so that there is continuity in the video. gKr8SZtq1cc-00070-00056700-00057400 Always remember that whenever you delete a portion of a clip both the video as well as the audio gets deleted. gKr8SZtq1cc-00071-00057500-00057800 In this way, one can delete portions from a video. gKr8SZtq1cc-00072-00057900-00058300 Now I will demonstrate how to add an extra clip to an existing video. gKr8SZtq1cc-00073-00058400-00058800 I have a small clip that I would like to include into my video. gKr8SZtq1cc-00074-00058900-00059400 So, I will import it into the Collection panel by clicking on Import Video. gKr8SZtq1cc-00075-00059500-00060200 This is the file that I want to import so I will select it and click on the Import button. gKr8SZtq1cc-00076-00060300-00060700 The clip is now being imported into the Collection panel. gKr8SZtq1cc-00077-00060800-00061100 The clip now appears in the Collection panel. gKr8SZtq1cc-00078-00061200-00061800 I will choose the clip by clicking on it and drag it to the position that I want it to appear on the Timeline. gKr8SZtq1cc-00079-00061900-00062600 I will release the mouse button and my clip is added at the current position. gKr8SZtq1cc-00080-00062700-00063500 Please note that you can add a new clip at the beginning or at the end of another clip on the Timeline and not in between. gKr8SZtq1cc-00081-00063600-00064300 If you want to add in between then you will have to split the clip which is on the Timeline and add the new clip there. gKr8SZtq1cc-00082-00064400-00065100 In this way, one can add portions to a video. This procedure can be used to combine two or more videos. gKr8SZtq1cc-00083-00065200-00066000 Another feature that I would like to demonstrate is how one can extend the length of a clip or a portion of a clip. gKr8SZtq1cc-00084-00066100-00066300 This feature is particularly useful while dubbing. gKr8SZtq1cc-00085-00066400-00067200 Sometimes the language in which one is dubbing may need more words to explain the same thing said in the original language of the video. gKr8SZtq1cc-00086-00067300-00068000 At such times, one may need to extend the time of the video clip to synchronize with the audio. gKr8SZtq1cc-00087-00068100-00068800 Select the portion of the video that you want to extend by following the procedure explained above about deleting portions. gKr8SZtq1cc-00088-00068900-00071500 I will demonstrate this. I will move the frame-head here - Split the video here – Play and pause – Split the video again - Select the clipped part – Right-click and select Copy - Move the frame head to the position where I want to paste it – Right-click and select Paste. gKr8SZtq1cc-00089-00071600-00072700 Alternately, you can press CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste. In this manner, I have extended the clip by the required number of seconds. gKr8SZtq1cc-00090-00072800-00073700 It is always better to extend a clip to a longer duration and then cut off the portion that you do not require at the end of editing. gKr8SZtq1cc-00091-00073800-00074600 Ideally choose a portion without mouse movement otherwise there will be a repetition of the mouse movement in the pasted clip as well. gKr8SZtq1cc-00092-00074700-00074800 This could lead to confusion for the viewer. gKr8SZtq1cc-00093-00074900-00075700 So, that is something we need to keep in mind when we copy and paste to extend the video. gKr8SZtq1cc-00094-00075800-00076200 This covers the basic editing features of Windows Movie Maker. gKr8SZtq1cc-00095-00076300-00076800 So, use these features of Windows Movie Maker to edit your video. gKr8SZtq1cc-00096-00076900-00077600 As mentioned earlier, you may want to watch the tutorial on How to Dub a video from one language into another. gKr8SZtq1cc-00097-00077700-00079200 Once you are conversant with basic editing and dubbing, you may want to watch yet another tutorial on how to add some cool video effects and transitions, titles or credits and audio or music to your video. gKr8SZtq1cc-00098-00079300-00081100 Viewers may also want to refer to our site This site contains all information related to the making, editing, dubbing of spoken tutorials for all operating systems. gKr8SZtq1cc-00099-00081200-00081700 Hope you find this information helpful. This is Nancy from CDEEP, IIT Bombay signing off. Good-bye and thank you for watching. gKXMglozCjM-00000-00000227-00001261 okay welcome to the camp gKXMglozCjM-00001-00003077-00003417 we're going camping we don't know whereu we're going but we'll find out gKXMglozCjM-00002-00003417-00003836 We're just getting lost ourselves welcome gKXMglozCjM-00003-00004534-00005674 I'm getting lost let me run after them Tshangu where are you? getting lost gKXMglozCjM-00004-00005674-00005830 the camp gKXMglozCjM-00005-00005830-00006523 so I'm insured away gQwm5wew8oo-00000-00000000-00000200 Relaxing music with a Beautiful Sea Sunset is the best music for meditation, relaxation and sleep gThVqbqkN34-00000-00000020-00000580 By now we should have an okay understanding of Finite State Automata, gThVqbqkN34-00001-00000580-00001160 what they’re used for and how to read them. Let’s try to create our own. gThVqbqkN34-00002-00001160-00001739 First up, we need to define what we want this automaton to achieve. gThVqbqkN34-00003-00001739-00001920 Let’s go with this: gThVqbqkN34-00004-00001920-00002980 This automaton is to accept any string of ‘A’s and ‘B’s that has no more than two ‘B’s in a row. gThVqbqkN34-00005-00002980-00003720 Okay, we have our definition, now let’s break it up to understand what it means: gThVqbqkN34-00006-00003720-00004000 “Any string of ‘A’s and ‘B’s.” gThVqbqkN34-00007-00004000-00004840 This tells us that in our alphabet we have two transition types, ‘A’ and ‘B’. gThVqbqkN34-00008-00004840-00005520 “Accept… no more than two ‘B’s in a row.” This tells us that our language, gThVqbqkN34-00009-00005520-00006540 or the set of strings our automaton will accept, is all strings with at most zero, one or two ‘B’s in a row. gThVqbqkN34-00010-00006540-00006780 So let’s begin our diagram. gThVqbqkN34-00011-00006780-00007359 A good starting point is the start state, a circle with an arrow into it. gThVqbqkN34-00012-00007359-00007640 Let’s call this state '0'. gThVqbqkN34-00013-00007640-00007940 That’s great, what else can we do? gThVqbqkN34-00014-00007940-00008520 Well, let’s look at what we expect to happen if we give the automaton nothing. gThVqbqkN34-00015-00008520-00008940 A string containing zero ‘A’s and zero ‘B’s. gThVqbqkN34-00016-00008940-00009560 That may seem a bit odd but an empty string, denoted as epsilon or sometimes lambda, gThVqbqkN34-00017-00009560-00010000 is very useful for understanding how our automaton works. gThVqbqkN34-00018-00010000-00010640 So, we put in nothing. There are at most zero ‘B’s in a row in our string. gThVqbqkN34-00019-00010640-00011220 Zero ‘B’s is obviously fewer than three ‘B’s, so the string is accepted. gThVqbqkN34-00020-00011220-00011680 This means that our first state is also an accepting state. gThVqbqkN34-00021-00011680-00012000 Let’s give it another circle to show this. gVDfbc2HrqY-00000-00000300-00000650 요즘 유튜브 보면 부자들이 유튜버가 돼서 gVDfbc2HrqY-00001-00000653-00000857 가난한 자들을 가르치죠. gVDfbc2HrqY-00002-00000860-00001049 "가난한 자들은 이렇게 생각해요." gVDfbc2HrqY-00003-00001051-00001264 "부자는 이렇게 생각해요." gVDfbc2HrqY-00004-00001267-00001445 그런 부분도 일부 있겠지만 gVDfbc2HrqY-00005-00001447-00001728 솔직히 부모 잘 만나서, 운 좋아서 gVDfbc2HrqY-00006-00001731-00001932 그 자리 간 사람 태반이거든요. gVDfbc2HrqY-00007-00001934-00002158 이런 애들이 가르칩니다. gVDfbc2HrqY-00008-00002161-00002438 그래서 오히려 가르치는 걸로 또 돈을 벌죠. gVDfbc2HrqY-00009-00002440-00002628 이런 데 속지 마시고. gVDfbc2HrqY-00010-00002630-00002951 그런 애들이 어설픈 인과론을 주장해서 gVDfbc2HrqY-00011-00002954-00003350 가난한 이들은 마인드가 잘못돼서 가난한 거다. 인과다. gVDfbc2HrqY-00012-00003352-00003774 내세나 과거 숙세(전생)를 끌어들인 것도 아니고 gVDfbc2HrqY-00013-00003776-00004021 그냥 당대에 너희가 잘못해서, gVDfbc2HrqY-00014-00004023-00004392 받은 조건이 불공평한 거, 이런 거 다 무시하고요. gVDfbc2HrqY-00015-00004394-00004798 가난한 자의 책임으로 돌리려는 그런 많은 주장들, gVDfbc2HrqY-00016-00004801-00005321 이런 것도 좀 가려보세요. 이것도 엉터리 인과법이죠. gVDfbc2HrqY-00017-00005323-00005519 자기가 운이 좋아서 된 거를 gVDfbc2HrqY-00018-00005522-00005749 내가 잘나서 된 줄 알고 분석을 하니까 gVDfbc2HrqY-00019-00005751-00005954 잘못된 분석이 나오잖아요? gVDfbc2HrqY-00020-00005957-00006313 그 분석을 가지고 또 그 사람이 또 성공자니까 gVDfbc2HrqY-00021-00006315-00006447 말을 듣고 싶어 한단 말이에요. gVDfbc2HrqY-00022-00006450-00006679 "어떻게 그 자리에 가셨나요?" gVDfbc2HrqY-00023-00006682-00006983 "운이 좋았어요. 죄송합니다." 이럴 수는 없잖아요. gVDfbc2HrqY-00024-00006986-00007172 뭔가 떠든단 말이에요. gVDfbc2HrqY-00025-00007175-00007509 어설픈, 이상한 구루들이 나오는 거예요. gVDfbc2HrqY-00026-00007512-00007743 되지도 않은, 그대로 해가지고는 gVDfbc2HrqY-00027-00007745-00008047 오히려 그 사람한테 돈만 갖다 바치는 gVDfbc2HrqY-00028-00008050-00008418 그런 멘토링을 또 들어야 하고, 막 이런. gVDfbc2HrqY-00029-00008421-00008652 그것도 악순환인 것 같아요. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00000-00000035-00000273 Section 10.2 Series. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00001-00000320-00000724 So now suppose we're interested in the sum of the first n terms. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00002-00000766-00001240 So a series is a sum So rather than listing out the terms, gZ7dtiMDXOY-00003-00001240-00001599 we're going to go ahead and add the terms. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00004-00001607-00002086 And we're going to have this new thing called Sigma. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00005-00002086-00002332 It represents a sum. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00006-00002355-00002778 It's telling us to plug in K first k equals 1 first gZ7dtiMDXOY-00007-00002778-00003064 and then go up to n. So let's just do some examples gZ7dtiMDXOY-00008-00003064-00003203 to understand this notation. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00009-00003203-00003767 So the first example says find the sum from 1 from k, gZ7dtiMDXOY-00010-00003767-00004014 equals 1 to 4 where the terms are K. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00011-00004062-00004662 So it just means we're going to plug in the first four terms. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00012-00004724-00005347 I stopped it for because the some tells me to stop at four gZ7dtiMDXOY-00013-00005377-00005720 and so my first term is K and we plug in 1. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00014-00005729-00006240 So my first term is 1, my second term is 2 3 4 gZ7dtiMDXOY-00015-00006276-00006539 so that's how we would write out that some if we wanted gZ7dtiMDXOY-00016-00006539-00006695 to find the sum, we could add them gZ7dtiMDXOY-00017-00006732-00006893 but we're just practicing writing it out. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00018-00006978-00007449 So the next one, same idea except we're going gZ7dtiMDXOY-00019-00007449-00007724 to do 10 terms telling us to start with one. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00020-00007788-00008141 Find the sum of 2 K minus 1. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00021-00008207-00008408 So I'm going to start writing out some terms. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00022-00008408-00008601 You're going to be a little bit more patient on this one. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00023-00008638-00009034 So my first term would be 2 times 1, minus 1. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00024-00009144-00009437 My second term would be 2 times 2, minus 1. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00025-00009437-00009850 So we're just plugging in I'm going to do this up to ten gZ7dtiMDXOY-00026-00009850-00010190 and then we'll simplify 2 times. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00027-00010202-00010500 3 minus 1 plus 2 times 4. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00028-00010500-00010901 Minus 1. It's a little long. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00029-00010901-00011429 So I do 10 times, 2 times 5, minus 1/2 times 6, minus one. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00030-00011445-00011661 If you feel like you could finish this, pause the video gZ7dtiMDXOY-00031-00011661-00011924 and give this a try 2 times. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00032-00011933-00012547 7 minus 1/2 times 8, minus 1/2 times 9 minus 1 gZ7dtiMDXOY-00033-00012547-00012901 and then my 10th term would be 2 times 10 minus 1. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00034-00012956-00013146 10 tells us where to stop. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00035-00013233-00013612 So this is my some I'm going to at least simplify these, gZ7dtiMDXOY-00036-00013619-00013763 but we don't need to add it up. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00037-00013763-00014030 We're just practicing again understanding the notation gZ7dtiMDXOY-00038-00014197-00014523 So just simplify each individual term. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00039-00014533-00014869 So 2 times 1, minus 1 would be 1. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00040-00014918-00015291 Plus 3/4 minus one. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00041-00015420-00015638 Six, minus one would be five. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00042-00015824-00016103 Eight minus one would be seven and you might be starting gZ7dtiMDXOY-00043-00016103-00016367 to notice a pattern, but if not, that's totally fine. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00044-00016367-00016731 Also, We get 10 - 1, which is 9. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00045-00016731-00016865 12 - 1 is 11. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00046-00016871-00018217 13. 16 minus 170 or 15 18, minus 1 is 17 gZ7dtiMDXOY-00047-00018217-00019024 and then my last term would be 20 minus 1 or 19. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00048-00019057-00019490 So that would be the sum So, the symbol, gZ7dtiMDXOY-00049-00019490-00019832 this new symbol is just telling us to add up the terms. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00050-00019894-00020183 Alright, let's try another one. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00051-00020268-00020601 So let's write this next one in summation notation. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00052-00020744-00021040 So summation notation is writing it with this symbol, gZ7dtiMDXOY-00053-00021107-00021304 so let's maybe write it as a fraction gZ7dtiMDXOY-00054-00021335-00021567 in the maybe we can try to rewrite it. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00055-00021598-00022051 So we have nine out of ten would be 9/10. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00056-00022135-00022322 .09 would be nine 100. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00057-00022329-00022724 So that's nine out of a hundred nine out of a thousand gZ7dtiMDXOY-00058-00022724-00023052 and then plus nine out of ten thousand. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00059-00023187-00023347 One, two, three, oops. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00060-00023400-00024015 Yeah. We're just adding a zero every time. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00061-00024125-00024362 So we have nine tenths 909, thousands, gZ7dtiMDXOY-00062-00024362-00024511 and then nine ten thousandths. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00063-00024560-00024750 So we're going to try the summation notation gZ7dtiMDXOY-00064-00024861-00025368 So we're going to some, we're going to start with k equals 1. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00065-00025368-00025811 I use K 4 Series and then Enver sequences the letters, gZ7dtiMDXOY-00066-00025811-00025905 pretty arbitrary though. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00067-00025916-00026076 You could use any letter. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00068-00026094-00026415 I notice there's one, two, three, four terms. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00069-00026418-00026545 So we're going to stop at four. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00070-00026598-00027016 And then we're going to try to write this as a formula. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00071-00027059-00027673 So it looks like I have 9 over 10 plus 9 over 10 squared plus 9 gZ7dtiMDXOY-00072-00027673-00028014 over 10 cubed plus 9 over 10 to the 4th. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00073-00028074-00028584 So, I think my series would be 9 over 10 to the K power. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00074-00028697-00028932 So this would be one, two, three, four, gZ7dtiMDXOY-00075-00028932-00029160 and that would be summation notation. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00076-00029230-00029895 Cool. So, let's do some properties gZ7dtiMDXOY-00077-00029895-00030056 and we'll try some more examples. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00078-00030093-00030278 So some things we can do with series. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00079-00030333-00031345 If we have a constant we can Factor the constant out. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00080-00031363-00031637 So constant means it has nothing to do with K. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00081-00031673-00031915 So in this example, above nine is a constant gZ7dtiMDXOY-00082-00031915-00032102 and so I could have taken the night out. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00083-00032244-00032838 Ten is not a constant because it involves k. So that's what gZ7dtiMDXOY-00084-00032838-00033053 that rule is telling me that would represent the same thing. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00085-00033059-00033671 If I add a constant forever it's just n times that constant. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00086-00033695-00033902 So an example could be if you were doing gZ7dtiMDXOY-00087-00033902-00034394 like two plus two plus two plus two and times gZ7dtiMDXOY-00088-00034425-00034640 because there's n of them. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00089-00034749-00035378 My series is going up to n. Then it would just be n times 2 gZ7dtiMDXOY-00090-00035378-00035534 or 2 N, right? gZ7dtiMDXOY-00091-00035534-00035647 Whatever that end point is. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00092-00035724-00035878 That's how many times you're adding that number gZ7dtiMDXOY-00093-00035878-00036230 and then you can also split them up by adding and subtracting. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00094-00036263-00036409 So if you have addition or subtraction, gZ7dtiMDXOY-00095-00036409-00036573 you can split them up into two Series. gZ7dtiMDXOY-00096-00036638-00036953 This only works for adding and subtracting not multiplying gZ7dtiMDXOY-00097-00036953-00037318 or dividing so sometimes that's useful to split it up. gdA0PZ1horQ-00000-00000000-00000266 NepentheZ: guy who kicks me off on fifa, like why gdA0PZ1horQ-00001-00000270-00000376 Bateson: Why you angry? gdA0PZ1horQ-00002-00000422-00000600 RELAX BATESON!!! gdA0PZ1horQ-00003-00000702-00000824 ??? ghVw5UR2PZu-00000-00000042-00000533 hello everyone hope you are all doing great today we are going to talk about ghVw5UR2PZu-00001-00000533-00001100 why we store fuel in wings. let's get start ghVw5UR2PZu-00002-00001118-00001598 first of all let's talk about fuel a little bit ghVw5UR2PZu-00003-00001598-00002036 aviation fuel is an important aspect as it accounts to the aircraft's ghVw5UR2PZu-00004-00002036-00002505 performance during lift or takeoff and also contributes to the additional ghVw5UR2PZu-00005-00002505-00002909 weight of the aircraft that changes throughout the flight course of the ghVw5UR2PZu-00006-00002909-00003569 airplane for these reasons it is essential to pay attention to the ghVw5UR2PZu-00007-00003569-00004218 storage of the fuel in aircraft. since history fuel tanks have been installed in ghVw5UR2PZu-00008-00004218-00004898 various regions of the aircraft body to get maximum efficiency. Nose, main body ghVw5UR2PZu-00009-00004898-00005641 wings and so on ghVw5UR2PZu-00010-00005641-00006598 here you are a bonus information. Do you know that the Airbus 380 - 800 the largest ghVw5UR2PZu-00011-00006598-00007375 passenger jet liner has the capacity to hold a total of 258 tons of fuel ghVw5UR2PZu-00012-00007375-00008140 and it has no Center tank so most of the fuel in the that Airbus type is stored ghVw5UR2PZu-00013-00008140-00009281 in wings. and now let's find out why we store fuel in wings. first one is space ghVw5UR2PZu-00014-00009281-00009842 utilization. due to being hollow wing has a lot of unused space under aerofoil ghVw5UR2PZu-00015-00009842-00010315 apart from mechanical and electronic components that make up the ghVw5UR2PZu-00016-00010315-00010765 structure of the wings there remains free space for storage of fuel ghVw5UR2PZu-00017-00010765-00011470 there are many structure supports and the wing is long and thin so only a liquid can be ghVw5UR2PZu-00018-00011470-00011944 stored there in any useful amount ghVw5UR2PZu-00019-00012025-00012897 and number two preventing flutter of wings aircraft wings are susceptible to ghVw5UR2PZu-00020-00012897-00013494 flutter during flight conditions due to various force and moments developed on ghVw5UR2PZu-00021-00013494-00014029 the wings. flutter is random vibration of the aircraft wings because of the ghVw5UR2PZu-00022-00014029-00014896 airflow over it. Flutter over larger magnitudes is so dangerous that it can ghVw5UR2PZu-00023-00014896-00015513 even result in total failure or collapse of the wing. when these wings are used as ghVw5UR2PZu-00024-00015513-00016090 fuel tanks, the weight of the fuel helps reducing the flutter by providing ghVw5UR2PZu-00025-00016090-00016849 rigidity to the wings. flutter over larger magnitude is so dangerous that it ghVw5UR2PZu-00026-00016849-00017512 can even result in total failure or collapse of the Wing. when these wings are ghVw5UR2PZu-00027-00017512-00018180 used as fuel tanks, the weight of the fuel helps reducing the flutter by providing ghVw5UR2PZu-00028-00018180-00018987 rigidity to the wing. ghVw5UR2PZu-00029-00019295-00019976 number 3. to control the position of the center of gravity. center of gravity ghVw5UR2PZu-00030-00019976-00020521 is an important factor that affects the flight dynamics and control ghVw5UR2PZu-00031-00020521-00021084 incorporating the wings with fuel tanks keep the center of gravity more or less ghVw5UR2PZu-00032-00021084-00021688 in the desired position. if the tanks are at the nose or tail of the aircraft ghVw5UR2PZu-00033-00021688-00022190 there will be a large change of momentum during flight because of the fuel ghVw5UR2PZu-00034-00022190-00022695 consumption. the longitudinal center of gravity is important for an aircraft ghVw5UR2PZu-00035-00022695-00023285 stability and control and any large variation in its position is not desired ghVw5UR2PZu-00036-00023285-00023937 for the flying aircraft. as a matter to counter to this phenomenon, the fuel is ghVw5UR2PZu-00037-00023937-00024534 first consumed from center tank and then the wing tanks ghVw5UR2PZu-00038-00024534-00025231 number 4, to increase payload capacity put in the fuel in the wings also means ghVw5UR2PZu-00039-00025231-00025795 that you can put more passengers or cargo into the airplane without making ghVw5UR2PZu-00040-00025795-00026624 it any larger ghVw5UR2PZu-00041-00026624-00027491 number 5. fuel counters the stress Fuel acts as a counter stress for the ghVw5UR2PZu-00042-00027491-00027936 wings shortly after takeoff then the great stress of the aircraft mass acts ghVw5UR2PZu-00043-00027936-00028356 on them This prevents a large change in the ghVw5UR2PZu-00044-00028356-00029150 wing diheral angle. This affect is so great that on the Boeing 747 queen of ghVw5UR2PZu-00045-00029150-00029720 the skies that if only the center tank was filled ,I mean leaving the wing tanks ghVw5UR2PZu-00046-00029720-00030783 empty and the plane will take off, the wings would simply snap. due to this ghVw5UR2PZu-00047-00030783-00031088 reason fuel is first consumed from the center ghVw5UR2PZu-00048-00031088-00031752 tank and then the wing tanks. conversely during refueling the wing tanks are ghVw5UR2PZu-00049-00031752-00032518 filled initially and then the center tanks ghVw5UR2PZu-00050-00032549-00033341 and the last one is safety. it is much safer to store the fuel in the wings away ghVw5UR2PZu-00051-00033341-00033998 from the fuselage where passengers are seated or the payload is stored in case ghVw5UR2PZu-00052-00033998-00035748 of emergencies ghbOalrx4Wo-00000-00000000-00000543 chapter 5 z-scores location of scores in ghbOalrx4Wo-00001-00000543-00000915 standardized distribution part for this ghbOalrx4Wo-00002-00000915-00001167 sound part of the lecture we're going to ghbOalrx4Wo-00003-00001167-00001484 focus on how we can use these scores as ghbOalrx4Wo-00004-00001484-00001719 a way of applying influential statistics ghbOalrx4Wo-00005-00001719-00001994 so again inferential statistics refers ghbOalrx4Wo-00006-00001994-00002193 to the process of using sample ghbOalrx4Wo-00007-00002193-00002457 statistics or sample data to draw ghbOalrx4Wo-00008-00002457-00002799 conclusions about a population so up ghbOalrx4Wo-00009-00002799-00003048 until now we have been focusing on the ghbOalrx4Wo-00010-00003048-00003266 use of Z scores applicable to ghbOalrx4Wo-00011-00003266-00003546 populations but the same can be used for ghbOalrx4Wo-00012-00003546-00003825 samples and and in doing so we will be ghbOalrx4Wo-00013-00003825-00004055 able to engage in inferential statistics ghbOalrx4Wo-00014-00004055-00004377 so populations and most common context ghbOalrx4Wo-00015-00004377-00004584 for computing these chords for example ghbOalrx4Wo-00016-00004584-00005001 looking at computing a feast for of ghbOalrx4Wo-00017-00005001-00005346 someone's IQ and will enable us to ghbOalrx4Wo-00018-00005346-00005766 express that person like you in relation ghbOalrx4Wo-00019-00005766-00006144 to the leaves of all like you scored so ghbOalrx4Wo-00020-00006144-00006450 you may sometime in your life hear ghbOalrx4Wo-00021-00006450-00006698 someone say that you are three standard ghbOalrx4Wo-00022-00006698-00007022 deviation units which implies that ghbOalrx4Wo-00023-00007022-00007284 you're very different from the norm from ghbOalrx4Wo-00024-00007284-00007518 the average of whatever it has the ghbOalrx4Wo-00025-00007518-00007725 characteristic is that you're talking ghbOalrx4Wo-00026-00007725-00008202 about so we can apply all that we will ghbOalrx4Wo-00027-00008202-00008393 learn this far in relationship ghbOalrx4Wo-00028-00008393-00008685 population you use it to understand the ghbOalrx4Wo-00029-00008685-00008934 implications of d scores when applied to ghbOalrx4Wo-00030-00008934-00009246 example so it is possible to compute ghbOalrx4Wo-00031-00009246-00009440 these core samples in fact I've already ghbOalrx4Wo-00032-00009440-00009753 presented the equation them to do so in ghbOalrx4Wo-00033-00009753-00010043 the previous lecture so for example z is ghbOalrx4Wo-00034-00010043-00010710 equal to X minus m / s so again the the ghbOalrx4Wo-00035-00010710-00010989 structure is the same and the variables ghbOalrx4Wo-00036-00010989-00011181 are represented or the same that the ghbOalrx4Wo-00037-00011181-00011334 notation is different because we're ghbOalrx4Wo-00038-00011334-00011654 using the sample vs at population and ghbOalrx4Wo-00039-00011654-00011993 also if you want to convert x as these ghbOalrx4Wo-00040-00011993-00012342 go back into x value equation is x is ghbOalrx4Wo-00041-00012342-00012614 equal to the mean of the sample plus the ghbOalrx4Wo-00042-00012614-00012944 product of the z-score x the standard ghbOalrx4Wo-00043-00012944-00013088 deviation ghbOalrx4Wo-00044-00013088-00013307 look into said structure is the same ghbOalrx4Wo-00045-00013307-00013553 this notation that's different when we ghbOalrx4Wo-00046-00013553-00014015 are using be scored for example so again ghbOalrx4Wo-00047-00014015-00014255 the purpose of e score is to indicate ghbOalrx4Wo-00048-00014255-00014465 the exact location of the score in ghbOalrx4Wo-00049-00014465-00014681 relation to the need to indicate the ghbOalrx4Wo-00050-00014681-00014876 relative position of score in a sample ghbOalrx4Wo-00051-00014876-00015113 and indicates the distance from the ghbOalrx4Wo-00052-00015113-00015413 sample meet again the sign tells us if ghbOalrx4Wo-00053-00015413-00015641 we're above or below the mean in the ghbOalrx4Wo-00054-00015641-00015838 value indicates how many standard ghbOalrx4Wo-00055-00015838-00016184 deviation units that particular score is ghbOalrx4Wo-00056-00016184-00016304 from the mean ghbOalrx4Wo-00057-00016304-00016529 now this one we are strictly talking ghbOalrx4Wo-00058-00016529-00016751 about scores in relation to the mean ghbOalrx4Wo-00059-00016751-00017030 that we're going to move towards this ghbOalrx4Wo-00060-00017030-00017285 idea of samples compared to the ghbOalrx4Wo-00061-00017285-00017606 population mean when we get into chapter ghbOalrx4Wo-00062-00017606-00017963 7 and the reason for that is because we ghbOalrx4Wo-00063-00017963-00018377 wouldn't conduct good research using ghbOalrx4Wo-00064-00018377-00018602 just one data point we need a collection ghbOalrx4Wo-00065-00018602-00018812 of data points so that we can draw ghbOalrx4Wo-00066-00018812-00019067 conclusions about a population but we're ghbOalrx4Wo-00067-00019067-00019235 going to learn about that step-by-step ghbOalrx4Wo-00068-00019235-00019448 by first looking at scores and then ghbOalrx4Wo-00069-00019448-00019667 using that information and applying it ghbOalrx4Wo-00070-00019667-00019940 to converting sample averages in disease ghbOalrx4Wo-00071-00019940-00020342 cord so examples assemble distribution ghbOalrx4Wo-00072-00020342-00020588 can be transformed into these courts and ghbOalrx4Wo-00073-00020588-00020690 again the shape of the distribution ghbOalrx4Wo-00074-00020690-00021080 remains the same and we have the same ghbOalrx4Wo-00075-00021080-00021431 mean and standard deviation for fords ghbOalrx4Wo-00076-00021431-00021716 and assets again if it were were ghbOalrx4Wo-00077-00021716-00021926 converting all X values of the sample ghbOalrx4Wo-00078-00021926-00022283 into these scores then the mean of the ghbOalrx4Wo-00079-00022283-00022439 distribution is still zero the ghbOalrx4Wo-00080-00022439-00022703 innovation is still equal to one so ghbOalrx4Wo-00081-00022703-00022967 looking ahead to inferential statistics ghbOalrx4Wo-00082-00022967-00023207 the interpretation research results ghbOalrx4Wo-00083-00023207-00023513 depend on determining if the sample is ghbOalrx4Wo-00084-00023513-00023717 noticeably different than the population ghbOalrx4Wo-00085-00023717-00024017 again at the treated sample so we'll ghbOalrx4Wo-00086-00024017-00024317 have instances where we may be comparing ghbOalrx4Wo-00087-00024317-00024611 a sample to a population if we're lucky ghbOalrx4Wo-00088-00024611-00024782 enough to have population parameters ghbOalrx4Wo-00089-00024782-00025094 available to us or we may be comparing ghbOalrx4Wo-00090-00025094-00025262 samples to samples ghbOalrx4Wo-00091-00025262-00025463 no one sample is represented with ghbOalrx4Wo-00092-00025463-00025735 untreated population and one sample is ghbOalrx4Wo-00093-00025735-00026057 exposed to the treatment which stems ghbOalrx4Wo-00094-00026057-00026279 from the manipulation of the independent ghbOalrx4Wo-00095-00026279-00026311 very ghbOalrx4Wo-00096-00026311-00026575 both the ones that treatment is ghbOalrx4Wo-00097-00026575-00026844 administered and we are able to to make ghbOalrx4Wo-00098-00026844-00027225 comparisons we want to know is is the ghbOalrx4Wo-00099-00027225-00027475 group that received treatment noticeably ghbOalrx4Wo-00100-00027475-00027733 different so we need to define what we ghbOalrx4Wo-00101-00027733-00027925 mean by noticeably different one ghbOalrx4Wo-00102-00027925-00028095 technique for defining noticeably ghbOalrx4Wo-00103-00028095-00028356 different is to give you scores and ghbOalrx4Wo-00104-00028356-00028918 we've seen in our text this idea of one ghbOalrx4Wo-00105-00028918-00029190 standard deviation unit above and below ghbOalrx4Wo-00106-00029190-00029553 that represents the majority of scores ghbOalrx4Wo-00107-00029553-00029758 seventy percent of course they're going ghbOalrx4Wo-00108-00029758-00029980 to fall within that region and again ghbOalrx4Wo-00109-00029980-00030205 based on understanding the frequency ghbOalrx4Wo-00110-00030205-00030420 that makes sense the highest percentage ghbOalrx4Wo-00111-00030420-00030783 of scores are occurring around the mean ghbOalrx4Wo-00112-00030783-00031008 that most scores are similar to the mean ghbOalrx4Wo-00113-00031008-00031350 a normal distribution and we know that ghbOalrx4Wo-00114-00031350-00031839 we can go out three and energy vacation ghbOalrx4Wo-00115-00031839-00032131 unit above and below the mean to capture ghbOalrx4Wo-00116-00032131-00032421 the majority on for almost all the ghbOalrx4Wo-00117-00032421-00032721 scores we would capture approximately ghbOalrx4Wo-00118-00032721-00032919 ninety nine percent of all scores three ghbOalrx4Wo-00119-00032919-00033187 standard deviation units out but we tend ghbOalrx4Wo-00120-00033187-00033490 to think anything that beyond a z-score ghbOalrx4Wo-00121-00033490-00033909 of two beyond the first two is ghbOalrx4Wo-00122-00033909-00034330 expressing something that's different ghbOalrx4Wo-00123-00034330-00034521 from the mean that it's noticeably ghbOalrx4Wo-00124-00034521-00034705 different that it no longer falls in ghbOalrx4Wo-00125-00034705-00035019 that common region and we as researchers ghbOalrx4Wo-00126-00035019-00035250 have to determine is the difference that ghbOalrx4Wo-00127-00035250-00035575 we see due to chance sampling error or ghbOalrx4Wo-00128-00035575-00035775 is it due to the fact that the treatment ghbOalrx4Wo-00129-00035775-00036000 was effective and we'll learn how to ghbOalrx4Wo-00130-00036000-00036252 statistically make that determination ghbOalrx4Wo-00131-00036252-00036594 but for now we understand it noticeably ghbOalrx4Wo-00132-00036594-00036925 different implies to standard deviation ghbOalrx4Wo-00133-00036925-00037093 two or more standard deviation units ghbOalrx4Wo-00134-00037093-00037456 away from the lead again if something is ghbOalrx4Wo-00135-00037456-00037618 close to the mean it means it's similar ghbOalrx4Wo-00136-00037618-00037846 to mean if it DNT mean that ghbOalrx4Wo-00137-00037846-00038100 indicating that it's different from the ghbOalrx4Wo-00138-00038100-00038236 mean ghbOalrx4Wo-00139-00038236-00038481 so here's a visual of what we are going ghbOalrx4Wo-00140-00038481-00038772 to engaging or what we can apply don't ghbOalrx4Wo-00141-00038772-00039211 we engage in research so we usually ghbOalrx4Wo-00142-00039211-00039418 hypothesize about some original ghbOalrx4Wo-00143-00039418-00039738 population without treatment then we ghbOalrx4Wo-00144-00039738-00040056 select begin this is denoted by end the ghbOalrx4Wo-00145-00040056-00040275 population size and then we take a ghbOalrx4Wo-00146-00040275-00040656 sample a smaller subset preferably ghbOalrx4Wo-00147-00040656-00040861 representative of the population into ghbOalrx4Wo-00148-00040861-00041163 smaller inside the proportions and all ghbOalrx4Wo-00149-00041163-00041290 the characteristics that are ghbOalrx4Wo-00150-00041290-00041530 demonstrating population are simply in a ghbOalrx4Wo-00151-00041530-00041925 smaller ratio then they appear in the ghbOalrx4Wo-00152-00041925-00042222 largest population to assist small many ghbOalrx4Wo-00153-00042222-00042433 population birthday so we have our ghbOalrx4Wo-00154-00042433-00042712 sample we expose the sample to treatment ghbOalrx4Wo-00155-00042712-00042946 and then and then we analyze that ghbOalrx4Wo-00156-00042946-00043321 treatment and 1i one method of research ghbOalrx4Wo-00157-00043321-00043731 says that when we compare compare ghbOalrx4Wo-00158-00043731-00045031 treated sample to untreated population ghbOalrx4Wo-00159-00045031-00045390 and we'll learn about this when we get ghbOalrx4Wo-00160-00045390-00045813 in as dsport cast and this requires that ghbOalrx4Wo-00161-00045813-00046003 we have population parameters so we have ghbOalrx4Wo-00162-00046003-00046191 to have the information about the ghbOalrx4Wo-00163-00046191-00046387 population to do this kind of comparison ghbOalrx4Wo-00164-00046387-00046665 but here we took a subset of the sample ghbOalrx4Wo-00165-00046665-00047013 of the population and use the sample to ghbOalrx4Wo-00166-00047013-00047161 expose it to treatment and then we're ghbOalrx4Wo-00167-00047161-00047475 going to compare is the end result in ghbOalrx4Wo-00168-00047475-00047659 our leads to mean that we're comparing ghbOalrx4Wo-00169-00047659-00048019 the average score of the treated ghbOalrx4Wo-00170-00048019-00048225 population comparison people population ghbOalrx4Wo-00171-00048225-00048363 parameter than you ghbOalrx4Wo-00172-00048363-00048522 the average of the country's population ghbOalrx4Wo-00173-00048522-00048784 and then we decide you know it is ghbOalrx4Wo-00174-00048784-00048958 noticeably different are they different ghbOalrx4Wo-00175-00048958-00049240 and to determine that we would calculate ghbOalrx4Wo-00176-00049240-00049606 the score of that sample means and see ghbOalrx4Wo-00177-00049606-00049890 if it indeed is beyond the standard ghbOalrx4Wo-00178-00049890-00050244 deviation units from the population mean ghbOalrx4Wo-00179-00050244-00050611 and the little precursor to what will be ghbOalrx4Wo-00180-00050611-00050980 setting later is this idea that if we ghbOalrx4Wo-00181-00050980-00051062 don't have time ghbOalrx4Wo-00182-00051062-00051271 station parameters available we would ghbOalrx4Wo-00183-00051271-00051761 take a sample and that would be the ghbOalrx4Wo-00184-00051761-00052787 untreated sample so again if we don't ghbOalrx4Wo-00185-00052787-00052964 have population parameters we can just ghbOalrx4Wo-00186-00052964-00053336 take a sample that is then being as the ghbOalrx4Wo-00187-00053336-00053615 untreated sample and then then we take a ghbOalrx4Wo-00188-00053615-00053771 sample so notice that we have two ghbOalrx4Wo-00189-00053771-00053966 samples that are being compared to ghbOalrx4Wo-00190-00053966-00054323 another when we treat one sample then ghbOalrx4Wo-00191-00054323-00054569 it's a comparison of this group point ghbOalrx4Wo-00192-00054569-00055448 compared to this group and so again one ghbOalrx4Wo-00193-00055448-00055855 sample is serving as a representation of ghbOalrx4Wo-00194-00055855-00056090 the untreated populations and the other ghbOalrx4Wo-00195-00056090-00056279 sample receives treatment so then we ghbOalrx4Wo-00196-00056279-00056507 compare that to to see if there is a ghbOalrx4Wo-00197-00056507-00056741 difference between the two groups so ghbOalrx4Wo-00198-00056741-00056933 either different methods by which we can ghbOalrx4Wo-00199-00056933-00057287 draw comparisons again in most cases ghbOalrx4Wo-00200-00057287-00057440 we're not going to have access to ghbOalrx4Wo-00201-00057440-00057635 population parameters and most ghbOalrx4Wo-00202-00057635-00058019 statistical tests we will find or use a ghbOalrx4Wo-00203-00058019-00058460 sample to mimic or serve the place at ghbOalrx4Wo-00204-00058460-00058739 the population and then we treat the ghbOalrx4Wo-00205-00058739-00058949 other sample so that we can draw ghbOalrx4Wo-00206-00058949-00059179 comparisons to see if the manipulation ghbOalrx4Wo-00207-00059179-00059324 of the independent variable was ghbOalrx4Wo-00208-00059324-00059501 effective ghbOalrx4Wo-00209-00059501-00060098 so let's put this to work for us and in ghbOalrx4Wo-00210-00060098-00060367 chapter 5 of their example ghbOalrx4Wo-00211-00060367-00060836 5.11 and it outlines this research of ghbOalrx4Wo-00212-00060836-00061316 testing a growth hormone on breath so we ghbOalrx4Wo-00213-00061316-00061654 have a population of adult rats and ghbOalrx4Wo-00214-00061654-00062002 we're told that the average weight of ghbOalrx4Wo-00215-00062002-00062377 the untreated population of brands is ghbOalrx4Wo-00216-00062377-00062888 equal to 400 grams so that's the average ghbOalrx4Wo-00217-00062888-00063326 weight of a normal rat lab rat and and ghbOalrx4Wo-00218-00063326-00063701 we want to determine is a growth hormone ghbOalrx4Wo-00219-00063701-00064091 has an effect on the weight of these ghbOalrx4Wo-00220-00064091-00064177 rats ghbOalrx4Wo-00221-00064177-00064450 and them and get an additional piece of ghbOalrx4Wo-00222-00064450-00064604 information that were given is that the ghbOalrx4Wo-00223-00064604-00064867 standard deviation is equal to 20 grams ghbOalrx4Wo-00224-00064867-00065194 so again by definition that says that ghbOalrx4Wo-00225-00065194-00065549 the majority of of adult wrapped way for ghbOalrx4Wo-00226-00065549-00065972 Instagram but there's variation in that ghbOalrx4Wo-00227-00065972-00066317 way to and on average see drab deviate ghbOalrx4Wo-00228-00066317-00066724 from this average of 400 on average by ghbOalrx4Wo-00229-00066724-00067213 200 grand 320 grams so again we're ghbOalrx4Wo-00230-00067213-00067582 understanding that from the center here ghbOalrx4Wo-00231-00067582-00067991 and if we were to go out 20 grams that ghbOalrx4Wo-00232-00067991-00068512 puts us and a score of 420 night because ghbOalrx4Wo-00233-00068512-00068630 we would take one standard deviation ghbOalrx4Wo-00234-00068630-00068885 units equal to 20 points added to the ghbOalrx4Wo-00235-00068885-00069127 mean and we understand that that's equal ghbOalrx4Wo-00236-00069127-00069664 to 4 20 and also on the negative side or ghbOalrx4Wo-00237-00069664-00069905 the values below the knee you that ghbOalrx4Wo-00238-00069905-00070426 places add a week of three 8380 grams so ghbOalrx4Wo-00239-00070426-00070651 again the majority or seventy percent of ghbOalrx4Wo-00240-00070651-00070823 adult rats are going to weigh between ghbOalrx4Wo-00241-00070823-00071350 380 grams all the way to 420 grams so ghbOalrx4Wo-00242-00071350-00071912 that's where most of adult rats ghbOalrx4Wo-00243-00071912-00072137 wait so that's the range normal range ghbOalrx4Wo-00244-00072137-00072404 again the majority at 400 grams that ghbOalrx4Wo-00245-00072404-00072601 there's some deviation within that ghbOalrx4Wo-00246-00072601-00072905 deviation William personally seventy ghbOalrx4Wo-00247-00072905-00073205 percent of rats weighing between 300 ghbOalrx4Wo-00248-00073205-00073480 needing 420 grams ghbOalrx4Wo-00249-00073480-00073850 ok so next what these researchers did ghbOalrx4Wo-00250-00073850-00074314 would take 11 rat at birth and begin ghbOalrx4Wo-00251-00074314-00074527 injecting it with this growth hormone ghbOalrx4Wo-00252-00074527-00075001 and once it reached adulthood then that ghbOalrx4Wo-00253-00075001-00075268 rat with Wade and to determine if the ghbOalrx4Wo-00254-00075268-00075548 growth hormone was effective ghbOalrx4Wo-00255-00075548-00075905 so we administer the growth hormone 21 ghbOalrx4Wo-00256-00075905-00076180 that and in the end their adult weight ghbOalrx4Wo-00257-00076180-00076787 is hundred 418 grams and before i go any ghbOalrx4Wo-00258-00076787-00077066 further what I want to do is is you this ghbOalrx4Wo-00259-00077066-00077257 isn't mantle of ghbOalrx4Wo-00260-00077257-00077518 demonstrating with the research and the ghbOalrx4Wo-00261-00077518-00077749 null hypothesis would be as allows ghbOalrx4Wo-00262-00077749-00077897 identifying the independent dependent ghbOalrx4Wo-00263-00077897-00078260 variable so here I've identified with ghbOalrx4Wo-00264-00078260-00078481 the null hypothesis that they began that ghbOalrx4Wo-00265-00078481-00078829 notation for the knowledge 870 the ghbOalrx4Wo-00266-00078829-00079033 growth hormone has an effect on growth ghbOalrx4Wo-00267-00079033-00079480 or we could say wait my bro sets denoted ghbOalrx4Wo-00268-00079480-00079766 by weight if you want to be and more ghbOalrx4Wo-00269-00079766-00080192 specific so the growth is in relation to ghbOalrx4Wo-00270-00080192-00080431 the week except we're measuring in the ghbOalrx4Wo-00271-00080431-00080764 end and the research hypothesis states ghbOalrx4Wo-00272-00080764-00081043 that begin the notation is H said one ghbOalrx4Wo-00273-00081043-00081250 the growth hormone does have an effect ghbOalrx4Wo-00274-00081250-00081475 on weight so in the normally says ghbOalrx4Wo-00275-00081475-00081716 nothing's happening does not have an ghbOalrx4Wo-00276-00081716-00081931 effect and the research is saying ghbOalrx4Wo-00277-00081931-00082120 something is happening it does have an ghbOalrx4Wo-00278-00082120-00082267 effect and note the difference between ghbOalrx4Wo-00279-00082267-00082570 the Jew the independent variable is the ghbOalrx4Wo-00280-00082570-00082726 thing that were manipulating to the ghbOalrx4Wo-00281-00082726-00082837 growth hormone ghbOalrx4Wo-00282-00082837-00083158 so we're going to administer that 21 rap ghbOalrx4Wo-00283-00083158-00083329 normally we'd administer it to a sample ghbOalrx4Wo-00284-00083329-00083533 that this is just an illustration of how ghbOalrx4Wo-00285-00083533-00083786 we convert one x value into addy score ghbOalrx4Wo-00286-00083786-00084041 to determine if this is noticeably ghbOalrx4Wo-00287-00084041-00084343 different and the dependent variable is ghbOalrx4Wo-00288-00084343-00084475 the weight that's what we're going to ghbOalrx4Wo-00289-00084475-00084779 measure in the end so again here that ghbOalrx4Wo-00290-00084779-00085006 pain graph illustrating mean in the ghbOalrx4Wo-00291-00085006-00085363 center so get the meaning of this adult ghbOalrx4Wo-00292-00085363-00085777 rats is 400 grams and we had a standard ghbOalrx4Wo-00293-00085777-00086135 deviation equal to 20 grams and we ghbOalrx4Wo-00294-00086135-00086470 indicated that we took one red and birds ghbOalrx4Wo-00295-00086470-00086662 and administer this growth hormone and ghbOalrx4Wo-00296-00086662-00086998 adulthood when we don't have it weighed ghbOalrx4Wo-00297-00086998-00087463 400 18 grams so we're going to use this ghbOalrx4Wo-00298-00087463-00087704 value determine if this is noticeably ghbOalrx4Wo-00299-00087704-00087925 different meaning was the independent ghbOalrx4Wo-00300-00087925-00088166 variable to growth hormones effective ghbOalrx4Wo-00301-00088166-00088663 and significantly increasing weight so ghbOalrx4Wo-00302-00088663-00088945 we would convert that to these four so ghbOalrx4Wo-00303-00088945-00089476 we take X minus mu and / or standard ghbOalrx4Wo-00304-00089476-00089950 deviation and r is equal to 4 18 18 ghbOalrx4Wo-00305-00089950-00090238 grams minus the average of fourteen 400 ghbOalrx4Wo-00306-00090238-00090475 grams over 20 grams ghbOalrx4Wo-00307-00090475-00090763 so are your cane our calculators for ghbOalrx4Wo-00308-00090763-00091450 18-4 hundred that's equal to 18 / 20 rd ghbOalrx4Wo-00309-00091450-00091777 store is equal to point nine so in other ghbOalrx4Wo-00310-00091777-00092263 words an x value of 400 18.9 standard ghbOalrx4Wo-00311-00092263-00092479 deviation units about the need ghbOalrx4Wo-00312-00092479-00092641 it's a little less than one standard ghbOalrx4Wo-00313-00092641-00092878 deviation unit again i indicated that ghbOalrx4Wo-00314-00092878-00093295 this area constitute seventy percent of ghbOalrx4Wo-00315-00093295-00093748 adult rats wait so it's look it's within ghbOalrx4Wo-00316-00093748-00094012 that common range we would consider this ghbOalrx4Wo-00317-00094012-00094294 to be not very noticeably different that ghbOalrx4Wo-00318-00094294-00094492 it's it's still within that range of ghbOalrx4Wo-00319-00094492-00094966 being represented by this average weight ghbOalrx4Wo-00320-00094966-00095545 of 487 mouse evidence to say that this ghbOalrx4Wo-00321-00095545-00095815 growth hormone had a significant asset ghbOalrx4Wo-00322-00095815-00096187 on weight that once this growth hormone ghbOalrx4Wo-00323-00096187-00096481 was administered the end result was ghbOalrx4Wo-00324-00096481-00096865 really no different than the average and ghbOalrx4Wo-00325-00096865-00097168 the difference that we obtained a 418 ghbOalrx4Wo-00326-00097168-00097579 grams is just simply due to chance and ghbOalrx4Wo-00327-00097579-00097864 that perhaps the genetic makeup of this ghbOalrx4Wo-00328-00097864-00098143 rat to begin with tended to be a little ghbOalrx4Wo-00329-00098143-00098371 bit larger than the than the norm than ghbOalrx4Wo-00330-00098371-00098646 the average ghbOalrx4Wo-00331-00101562-00101841 in the mix scenario and I politics there ghbOalrx4Wo-00332-00101841-00102083 was a bit of a pause there and the next ghbOalrx4Wo-00333-00102083-00102453 scenario relates to around again taken ghbOalrx4Wo-00334-00102453-00102747 at birth and and given this growth ghbOalrx4Wo-00335-00102747-00103029 hormone and in the end when that rat ghbOalrx4Wo-00336-00103029-00103607 reaches adulthood it weighs 450 grams so ghbOalrx4Wo-00337-00103607-00103835 you can be two different scenarios and ghbOalrx4Wo-00338-00103835-00104193 just conducting research on them ghbOalrx4Wo-00339-00104193-00104432 1r at a time and now they're saying this ghbOalrx4Wo-00340-00104432-00104772 particular rat now weigh 450 grams so ghbOalrx4Wo-00341-00104772-00104916 again we want to find out is that ghbOalrx4Wo-00342-00104916-00105126 noticeably different from the norm we ghbOalrx4Wo-00343-00105126-00105659 convert that score into a z-score to be ghbOalrx4Wo-00344-00105659-00106010 equal to X minus mu over standard ghbOalrx4Wo-00345-00106010-00106266 deviation is equal to four hundred and ghbOalrx4Wo-00346-00106266-00106947 fifty- 400 / 27 our calculators for 15-4 ghbOalrx4Wo-00347-00106947-00107384 hundred gives us 50 / 2010 we get a beef ghbOalrx4Wo-00348-00107384-00107904 or equal to two points I'd so wait a 450 ghbOalrx4Wo-00349-00107904-00108252 grams is 2.5 two-and-a-half standard ghbOalrx4Wo-00350-00108252-00108633 deviation units from the mean of this ghbOalrx4Wo-00351-00108633-00109136 distribution to 12 and then a half for ghbOalrx4Wo-00352-00109136-00109433 450 is two-and-a-half standard deviation ghbOalrx4Wo-00353-00109433-00109685 units above and again we had indicated ghbOalrx4Wo-00354-00109685-00110022 that the idea of noticeably different is ghbOalrx4Wo-00355-00110022-00110415 defined by values that are beyond to ghbOalrx4Wo-00356-00110415-00110601 standard deviation units to this fold ghbOalrx4Wo-00357-00110601-00110796 into that what we would refer to as ghbOalrx4Wo-00358-00110796-00111110 extreme or noticeably different and this ghbOalrx4Wo-00359-00111110-00111465 is giving this evidence to indicate we ghbOalrx4Wo-00360-00111465-00111710 have support for the research hypothesis ghbOalrx4Wo-00361-00111710-00111933 that research hypothesis indicates that ghbOalrx4Wo-00362-00111933-00112113 that growth hormone will have an effect ghbOalrx4Wo-00363-00112113-00112416 on weight and because of the because the ghbOalrx4Wo-00364-00112416-00112590 weight of this particular rat was ghbOalrx4Wo-00365-00112590-00112872 significantly higher than the norm ghbOalrx4Wo-00366-00112872-00113205 outside of that common region then we ghbOalrx4Wo-00367-00113205-00113565 would have support for that what whether ghbOalrx4Wo-00368-00113565-00113805 we reject the null hypothesis is ghbOalrx4Wo-00369-00113805-00114117 contingent upon conducting this featured ghbOalrx4Wo-00370-00114117-00114399 on a sample we wouldn't draw these ghbOalrx4Wo-00371-00114399-00114666 conclusions by using one data point ghbOalrx4Wo-00372-00114666-00114975 that this is just a demonstration how we ghbOalrx4Wo-00373-00114975-00115287 would convert an x value in 2d scored ghbOalrx4Wo-00374-00115287-00115467 you again understand the idea of ghbOalrx4Wo-00375-00115467-00115683 noticeably different in inferential ghbOalrx4Wo-00376-00115683-00115858 statistics we're going to actually use ghbOalrx4Wo-00377-00115858-00116088 that collection of X values a sample ghbOalrx4Wo-00378-00116088-00116334 right we would normally take a sample ghbOalrx4Wo-00379-00116334-00116637 let's say 50 rats and administer this ghbOalrx4Wo-00380-00116637-00116841 whole growth hormone and then measure ghbOalrx4Wo-00381-00116841-00117090 the average of the weight of those who ghbOalrx4Wo-00382-00117090-00117307 received the treatment and compare it to ghbOalrx4Wo-00383-00117307-00117558 the untreated population same process ghbOalrx4Wo-00384-00117558-00117769 that again in this case we're just ghbOalrx4Wo-00385-00117769-00118104 working with X values but again this ghbOalrx4Wo-00386-00118104-00118350 particular rat shows that it's very ghbOalrx4Wo-00387-00118350-00118590 different in weight compared to the norm ghbOalrx4Wo-00388-00118590-00118767 and so we have some support for this ghbOalrx4Wo-00389-00118767-00118953 idea that the growth homeland was ghbOalrx4Wo-00390-00118953-00119221 effective opposed to the other rabbit ghbOalrx4Wo-00391-00119221-00119499 only way to have 418 grams after ghbOalrx4Wo-00392-00119499-00119760 receiving treatments so this is the ghbOalrx4Wo-00393-00119760-00120094 faces of inferential statistics again at ghbOalrx4Wo-00394-00120094-00120285 this point we're just using X values ghbOalrx4Wo-00395-00120285-00120682 that contactor 7 will be using samples ghbOalrx4Wo-00396-00120682-00120963 to all these conclusions and these ghbOalrx4Wo-00397-00120963-00121207 comparisons and it's all be grounded ghbOalrx4Wo-00398-00121207-00121507 idea probability what is the chance that ghbOalrx4Wo-00399-00121507-00122040 we would select a sample of untreated ghbOalrx4Wo-00400-00122040-00122490 rats and they wait on average 450 grams ghbOalrx4Wo-00401-00122490-00122773 the likelihood that a sample of ghbOalrx4Wo-00402-00122773-00123121 untreated rats weighing 450 grams it's ghbOalrx4Wo-00403-00123121-00123244 pretty unlikely ghbOalrx4Wo-00404-00123244-00123567 so again given the distribution of ghbOalrx4Wo-00405-00123567-00123927 weight here and we see the tail tapering ghbOalrx4Wo-00406-00123927-00124158 off will be here that the frequency is ghbOalrx4Wo-00407-00124158-00124374 indicating there are very few reps that ghbOalrx4Wo-00408-00124374-00124708 weigh 450 grams so the likelihood of ghbOalrx4Wo-00409-00124708-00125025 selecting a sample of untreated rats ghbOalrx4Wo-00410-00125025-00125442 weighing on average 450 grams is very ghbOalrx4Wo-00411-00125442-00125637 unprofitable very unlikely ghbOalrx4Wo-00412-00125637-00125811 therefore we would have great two ghbOalrx4Wo-00413-00125811-00126172 portraits idea that the research the ghbOalrx4Wo-00414-00126172-00126402 growth hormone was effective ghbOalrx4Wo-00415-00126402-00126598 so that's where we're moving with these ghbOalrx4Wo-00416-00126598-00126997 ideas of the score indicating distance ghbOalrx4Wo-00417-00126997-00127224 standardized distance from the mean that ghbOalrx4Wo-00418-00127224-00127542 we can compare it to determine if the ghbOalrx4Wo-00419-00127542-00127795 independent variable manipulation of the ghbOalrx4Wo-00420-00127795-00127885 independent ghbOalrx4Wo-00421-00127885-00128429 has shown some effect in the learning ghbOalrx4Wo-00422-00128429-00128624 check and this is similar to the example ghbOalrx4Wo-00423-00128624-00128894 I gave you of marion after and there's ghbOalrx4Wo-00424-00128894-00129275 statistics exam one scores so you will ghbOalrx4Wo-00425-00129275-00129491 be given the text questions to assess ghbOalrx4Wo-00426-00129491-00129709 your understanding and of converting ghbOalrx4Wo-00427-00129709-00130199 unlike distributions onto one common ghbOalrx4Wo-00428-00130199-00130391 distribution that the distribution to ghbOalrx4Wo-00429-00130391-00130676 meet Sarah comparison so last week ghbOalrx4Wo-00430-00130676-00130907 Andy's had exams in chemistry and ghbOalrx4Wo-00431-00130907-00131132 spanish on the chemistry exam the mean ghbOalrx4Wo-00432-00131132-00131348 was 30 and the standardization equal ghbOalrx4Wo-00433-00131348-00131714 decide and Andy scored a 45 on his ghbOalrx4Wo-00434-00131714-00131990 spanish exam the mean was 16 with a ghbOalrx4Wo-00435-00131990-00132374 generation of six and Andy scored 65 on ghbOalrx4Wo-00436-00132374-00132659 that exam for which class should and ghbOalrx4Wo-00437-00132659-00132851 expect a better grade in other words ghbOalrx4Wo-00438-00132851-00132989 which exam ghbOalrx4Wo-00439-00132989-00133388 did he perform on better and what we ghbOalrx4Wo-00440-00133388-00133559 need to do is search recognize that ghbOalrx4Wo-00441-00133559-00133688 these are two distinctly different ghbOalrx4Wo-00442-00133688-00133930 distributions because of the fact that ghbOalrx4Wo-00443-00133930-00134092 they have different averages and ghbOalrx4Wo-00444-00134092-00134266 different standard deviation to ghbOalrx4Wo-00445-00134266-00134507 comparing them at face value the score ghbOalrx4Wo-00446-00134507-00134852 45 compared to score 65 is inappropriate ghbOalrx4Wo-00447-00134852-00135128 and comparing apples to oranges that we ghbOalrx4Wo-00448-00135128-00135430 need to convert them into the scores for ghbOalrx4Wo-00449-00135430-00135638 us to make a fair comparison ghbOalrx4Wo-00450-00135638-00135803 so we're going to convert the first ghbOalrx4Wo-00451-00135803-00136166 score the chemistry tasks so z is equal ghbOalrx4Wo-00452-00136166-00136607 to X minus nu over standard deviation z ghbOalrx4Wo-00453-00136607-00137357 is equal to 32 gb 45-38 / this ghbOalrx4Wo-00454-00137357-00137840 innovation of five so we get a score of ghbOalrx4Wo-00455-00137840-00138419 will value for 25-30 15 / 5 and we get ghbOalrx4Wo-00456-00138419-00138857 three so in comparison to his peers he ghbOalrx4Wo-00457-00138857-00139079 did quite well in this idea of ghbOalrx4Wo-00458-00139079-00139436 noticeably different if we plot this out ghbOalrx4Wo-00459-00139436-00139922 we can have the mean of the exam equal ghbOalrx4Wo-00460-00139922-00140414 to 30 integration equal to five and his ghbOalrx4Wo-00461-00140414-00141134 score of 45 is 1230 ghbOalrx4Wo-00462-00141134-00141446 deviation you didn't come to me positive ghbOalrx4Wo-00463-00141446-00141632 3 standard deviation units above the ghbOalrx4Wo-00464-00141632-00141863 mean which is significant and showing ghbOalrx4Wo-00465-00141863-00142136 that he did much better than when he did ghbOalrx4Wo-00466-00142136-00142304 much better than it appears in that ghbOalrx4Wo-00467-00142304-00142601 particular class let's consider the ghbOalrx4Wo-00468-00142601-00142808 other distribution and the other ghbOalrx4Wo-00469-00142808-00143087 discourses is equal to X minus mu ghbOalrx4Wo-00470-00143087-00143390 divided by standard deviation is equal ghbOalrx4Wo-00471-00143390-00143744 to his spanish test score with 60 fine ghbOalrx4Wo-00472-00143744-00144302 and the average was 16 and he done this ghbOalrx4Wo-00473-00144302-00144656 and innovation is equal to six so we ghbOalrx4Wo-00474-00144656-00146045 have 65 minus 16 gives us find / 6 and ghbOalrx4Wo-00475-00146045-00146648 we get a proportion points83 will learn ghbOalrx4Wo-00476-00146648-00146750 that them ghbOalrx4Wo-00477-00146750-00147041 Oh for these scores are reported to try ghbOalrx4Wo-00478-00147041-00147287 the decimal the hundreds place it will ghbOalrx4Wo-00479-00147287-00147512 learn to use around the appropriate ghbOalrx4Wo-00480-00147512-00148007 rounding rules to cut off rd scores and ghbOalrx4Wo-00481-00148007-00148286 again this is indicating that you can ghbOalrx4Wo-00482-00148286-00148628 pretty much as the norm down to spanish ghbOalrx4Wo-00483-00148628-00148853 advance for did not deviate ghbOalrx4Wo-00484-00148853-00149090 significantly from the man so we have a ghbOalrx4Wo-00485-00149090-00149504 norm demonstrated by a score of 60 that ghbOalrx4Wo-00486-00149504-00149873 was the average score and innovation is ghbOalrx4Wo-00487-00149873-00150206 equal to 60 one standard deviation units ghbOalrx4Wo-00488-00150206-00150761 persistent 66 and you score of 65 was ghbOalrx4Wo-00489-00150761-00151274 right about here scored 65 so it's ghbOalrx4Wo-00490-00151274-00151589 equivalent to a z-score of points83 so ghbOalrx4Wo-00491-00151589-00151793 again showing that it's not noticeably ghbOalrx4Wo-00492-00151793-00152108 defense found very close to the average ghbOalrx4Wo-00493-00152108-00152627 score so we would conclude that he would ghbOalrx4Wo-00494-00152627-00152837 expect a better grade or just on this ghbOalrx4Wo-00495-00152837-00153119 particular exam he did much better on ghbOalrx4Wo-00496-00153119-00153350 his chemistry test because he scored ghbOalrx4Wo-00497-00153350-00153620 three conditions above the mean ghbOalrx4Wo-00498-00153620-00153902 so again this example helps to ghbOalrx4Wo-00499-00153902-00154109 illustrate how we take to this and more ghbOalrx4Wo-00500-00154109-00154318 distributions place Emily ghbOalrx4Wo-00501-00154318-00154546 one distribution the distribution so ghbOalrx4Wo-00502-00154546-00154735 that we can draw their comparison ghbOalrx4Wo-00503-00154735-00155212 between the two so in the original ghbOalrx4Wo-00504-00155212-00155551 distribution for chemistry here and ghbOalrx4Wo-00505-00155551-00155839 spanish here are converted to the ghbOalrx4Wo-00506-00155839-00156112 distribution and now we were able to ghbOalrx4Wo-00507-00156112-00156370 meet their comparison once we converted ghbOalrx4Wo-00508-00156370-00156661 both raw scores into these scores to ghbOalrx4Wo-00509-00156661-00157531 sort of 312 can for a score of point 83 ghbOalrx4Wo-00510-00157531-00157996 with for spanish so again we placed in ghbOalrx4Wo-00511-00157996-00158392 on one common distributions and we can ghbOalrx4Wo-00512-00158392-00158587 see the one that further from the mean ghbOalrx4Wo-00513-00158587-00158800 on the positive side with denote a ghbOalrx4Wo-00514-00158800-00159097 higher score so again taking apples and ghbOalrx4Wo-00515-00159097-00159295 oranges converting them two pairs one ghbOalrx4Wo-00516-00159295-00159529 common distribution so we can make your ghbOalrx4Wo-00517-00159529-00159805 comparisons of two dissimilar original ghbOalrx4Wo-00518-00159805-00160159 distribution into x value comes from ghbOalrx4Wo-00519-00160159-00160579 distinctly different distributions this ghbOalrx4Wo-00520-00160579-00160840 list with this learning check reinforces ghbOalrx4Wo-00521-00160840-00161164 the concepts that we've been presented ghbOalrx4Wo-00522-00161164-00161473 in this chapter to transform the entire ghbOalrx4Wo-00523-00161473-00161671 distribution of scores into these ghbOalrx4Wo-00524-00161671-00161839 squares will not change the shape of the ghbOalrx4Wo-00525-00161839-00161944 distribution ghbOalrx4Wo-00526-00161944-00162193 this is true we completely disgusted ghbOalrx4Wo-00527-00162193-00162412 when we were converting forwards in a ghbOalrx4Wo-00528-00162412-00162772 population and the same characteristic ghbOalrx4Wo-00529-00162772-00163030 is applicable when we transformed scores ghbOalrx4Wo-00530-00163030-00163177 in a sample to the shape of the ghbOalrx4Wo-00531-00163177-00163441 distribution remains the same again that ghbOalrx4Wo-00532-00163441-00163717 the score is simply a new label for that ghbOalrx4Wo-00533-00163717-00164032 original xcor to the location does not ghbOalrx4Wo-00534-00164032-00164281 change its now simply expressed in ghbOalrx4Wo-00535-00164281-00164494 standard deviation units above or below ghbOalrx4Wo-00536-00164494-00164758 the mean opposed to raw score on ghbOalrx4Wo-00537-00164758-00165079 difference above or below the mean the ghbOalrx4Wo-00538-00165079-00165334 next 12 rafal to the sample 10 scores is ghbOalrx4Wo-00539-00165334-00165535 transformed into the score there will be ghbOalrx4Wo-00540-00165535-00165829 five positive Z scores inside- these ghbOalrx4Wo-00541-00165829-00166105 chords and this is in general is false ghbOalrx4Wo-00542-00166105-00166426 it could be possible but we wouldn't ghbOalrx4Wo-00543-00166426-00166687 expect I'm an even distribution of ghbOalrx4Wo-00544-00166687-00166963 scores the button below the need the ghbOalrx4Wo-00545-00166963-00167149 number of scores and button below the ghbOalrx4Wo-00546-00167149-00167438 mean will be exactly the same ghbOalrx4Wo-00547-00167438-00167708 in relation to the original distribution ghbOalrx4Wo-00548-00167708-00168107 so we may have eight scores above the ghbOalrx4Wo-00549-00168107-00168365 mean and two scores below again it's ghbOalrx4Wo-00550-00168365-00168530 depending on what the original ghbOalrx4Wo-00551-00168530-00168770 distribution looks like so we we should ghbOalrx4Wo-00552-00168770-00169013 not expect an even distribution for the ghbOalrx4Wo-00553-00169013-00169268 above and below the mean of a population ghbOalrx4Wo-00554-00169268-00169754 or sample distribution of scores and ghbOalrx4Wo-00555-00169754-00170048 that concludes the lecture for chapter 5 ghbOalrx4Wo-00556-00170048-00170447 and all of this information will help us ghbOalrx4Wo-00557-00170447-00170588 better understand the concept of ghbOalrx4Wo-00558-00170588-00170804 probability which will be presented in ghbOalrx4Wo-00559-00170804-00171251 chapter 6 and be inevitable or essential ghbOalrx4Wo-00560-00171251-00171440 excuse me essential in understanding ghbOalrx4Wo-00561-00171440-00171716 chapter 7 moon we discuss the ghbOalrx4Wo-00562-00171716-00171971 distribution of sample weeds of the self ghbOalrx4Wo-00563-00171971-00172361 introduction to what what we're going to ghbOalrx4Wo-00564-00172361-00172583 be exposed to in Chapter seven when we ghbOalrx4Wo-00565-00172583-00172754 start to really engage into the ghbOalrx4Wo-00566-00172754-00173107 inferential statistics gj0wjWlbV44-00000-00000526-00001002 Run Designer gj0wjWlbV44-00001-00001011-00001572 Create and Open Dashboard gj0wjWlbV44-00002-00001596-00001848 Click Preview to Show Report gj0wjWlbV44-00003-00001873-00002704 Each Item of Dashboard Have Full Screen and Save Buttons gj0wjWlbV44-00004-00002722-00003220 But You Can Disable or Enable These Buttons for Dashboard Item gj0wjWlbV44-00005-00003247-00003458 Select Item and Click Browse Button of Layout Property gj0wjWlbV44-00006-00003470-00003808 Uncheck Full Screen to Disable This Button for Current Item gj0wjWlbV44-00008-00006920-00008530 Check Full Screen and Save to Enable These Buttons for Current Item h32BWMOt9V4-00000-00000785-00001403 THE ARLEIGH BURKE CLASS GUIDED MISSILE DESTROYER USS OSCAR AUSTIN DDG SEVENTY NINE RETURNED h32BWMOt9V4-00001-00001403-00001854 TO NAVAL STATION NORFOLK FEBRUARY SEVENTEENTH AFTER A SEVEN MONTH DEPLOYMENT. h32BWMOt9V4-00002-00001854-00002334 "DURING THIS DEPLOYMENT WE HAD OVER A HUNDRED SAILORS QUALIFY ENLISTED SURFACE WARFARE SPECIALIST, h32BWMOt9V4-00003-00002334-00003180 I HAD TWENTY FIVE ADVANCEMENTS, ABOUT NINETY SAILORS TOOK PART IN DIFFERENT COMRELS THROUGHOUT h32BWMOt9V4-00004-00003180-00003592 ITALY, SEYCHELLES AND MARISHA HELPING OTHER COMMUNITIES." h32BWMOt9V4-00005-00003592-00004147 OSCAR AUSTIN PROVIDED MARITIME SECURITY AND A U.S. NAVY PRESENCE TO THE SIXTH FLEET AREA h32BWMOt9V4-00006-00004147-00004519 OF RESPONSIBILITY BEFORE THE CREW RETURNED TO THEIR FAMILIES h32BWMOt9V4-00007-00004519-00004889 REPORTING FROM NAVAL STATION NORFOLK I'M PETTY OFFICER SABRINA FINE h4Q8op79qPM-00000-00000053-00000558 Certain scholars have argued that the Celtic Druids of the West and the Hindu Brahmins h4Q8op79qPM-00001-00000558-00001196 of the East were survivors of an ancient Indo-European priesthood. h4Q8op79qPM-00002-00001196-00001529 Who were the Druids? h4Q8op79qPM-00003-00001529-00002330 Put simply, the Druids were a privileged class that played a religious, legal, ceremonial, h4Q8op79qPM-00004-00002330-00002748 and educational role in ancient Celtic civilization. h4Q8op79qPM-00005-00002748-00003355 They were also philosophers, and were said to have ancient knowledge about the natural h4Q8op79qPM-00006-00003355-00003594 world, and the gods. h4Q8op79qPM-00007-00003594-00004133 The earliest record of the Druids comes from the 3rd century BC, but they are thought to h4Q8op79qPM-00008-00004133-00004301 be much older than this. h4Q8op79qPM-00009-00004301-00004930 In relation to the word Druid, it may come from an old Celtic word meaning “knower h4Q8op79qPM-00010-00004930-00005039 of the oak tree.” h4Q8op79qPM-00011-00005039-00005760 To become a Druid, it was not uncommon to spend 20 years in training, with Julius Caesar h4Q8op79qPM-00012-00005760-00006298 writing in his time that the Druids were often educated in Britain. h4Q8op79qPM-00013-00006298-00007002 The Druids enjoyed many advantages in Celtic society, including being “exempt from military h4Q8op79qPM-00014-00007002-00007552 service” and not paying takes like other citizens did (Caesar 1982: 140). h4Q8op79qPM-00015-00007552-00008132 Furthermore, the Druids tightly guarded the secrets of their order, preferring to speak h4Q8op79qPM-00016-00008132-00008527 and memorize their knowledge rather than write it. h4Q8op79qPM-00017-00008527-00009188 On occasion when they did have to write however, they apparently used the Greek alphabet. h4Q8op79qPM-00018-00009188-00009735 Famously, there were known to practice animal and human sacrifice. h4Q8op79qPM-00019-00009735-00010536 The potential remains of a Druid sacrifice were uncovered in Cheshire, England, in 1984, h4Q8op79qPM-00020-00010536-00010761 called the Lindow Man. h4Q8op79qPM-00021-00010761-00011439 Additionally, the Druids organized and officiated many Celtic seasonal festivals, which were h4Q8op79qPM-00022-00011439-00011945 usually inspired by important dates in the lunar-solar calendar. h4Q8op79qPM-00023-00011945-00012309 Were the Druids Connected to India? h4Q8op79qPM-00024-00012309-00012855 Certain scholars have argued that the Celtic Druids of the West and the Hindu Brahmins h4Q8op79qPM-00025-00012855-00013406 of the East were survivors of an ancient Indo-European priesthood. h4Q8op79qPM-00026-00013406-00014362 One scholar who argued that the Druids and the Brahmins were connected was Thomas Maurice, h4Q8op79qPM-00027-00014362-00014462 an oriental scholar and historian. h4Q8op79qPM-00028-00014462-00015250 In an 1801 volume of his book, Indian antiquities, he argues that a group of Brahmins once settled h4Q8op79qPM-00029-00015250-00015847 in the “high northern latitudes” of the Caucus region, then mingled with the Scythians h4Q8op79qPM-00030-00015847-00016531 of central Asia, before migrating west to eventually reach Gaul and the British Isles, h4Q8op79qPM-00031-00016531-00016822 mingling with the Celtic Druids. h4Q8op79qPM-00032-00016822-00017542 Amongst other similarities, Maurice writes that the “Druids, like the Brahmins, constituted h4Q8op79qPM-00033-00017542-00018354 the first order of nobility, were the hereditary counsellors of the King, and the sole educators h4Q8op79qPM-00034-00018354-00018490 of youth.” h4Q8op79qPM-00035-00018490-00019056 Whether the Druids and the Brahmins were ever connected is difficult to say, but it is still h4Q8op79qPM-00036-00019056-00019573 an interesting thought. h4Q8op79qPM-00037-00019573-00020108 The Fall of the Druids Ancient druidism declined in influence due h4Q8op79qPM-00038-00020108-00020825 to various factors, including due to the decline of the power of Celtic civilization as a whole. h4Q8op79qPM-00039-00020825-00021473 The Romans suppressed the Druids for instance, beginning with the reign of the Augustus in h4Q8op79qPM-00040-00021473-00022154 27 BC, as Rome feared the level of power they had in Celtic society. h4Q8op79qPM-00041-00022154-00022929 In 60 AD, the Druids joined a rebellion against the Roman forces on the island of Mona (modern-day h4Q8op79qPM-00042-00022929-00023640 Anglesey) in Wales, however the rebellion was suppressed by the Romans. h4Q8op79qPM-00043-00023640-00024250 Ancient Druidism continued up until around the 8th century AD, when it was gradually h4Q8op79qPM-00044-00024250-00024583 replaced by Christianity. h4Q8op79qPM-00045-00024583-00025099 Druidism did have a later revival, yet how connected this practice was to the ancient h4Q8op79qPM-00046-00025099-00025243 ways is debated. h4Q8op79qPM-00047-00025243-00026029 Pliny the Elder, the Roman author and philosopher, said that the Druids valued mistletoe, as h4Q8op79qPM-00048-00026029-00026799 they believed that it could cure infertility and serve as an antidote to poisons. h4Q8op79qPM-00049-00026799-00027452 Unfortunately, due to the Druids dislike of writing, much of their traditions and knowledge h4Q8op79qPM-00050-00027452-00027999 has been lost, and most of what is left is from biased Roman sources. h5l6MywajhQ-00000-00000059-00000247 Good evening , everyone. h5l6MywajhQ-00001-00000247-00000496 I'm Scott Molony, I'll be your instructor for this course. h5l6MywajhQ-00002-00000496-00001059 We'll get to syllabi in a moment, but before we begin in earnest, I want to take a moment h5l6MywajhQ-00003-00001059-00001499 to ask a fundamental question: Why are we here? h5l6MywajhQ-00004-00001499-00001702 (beat) Besides the obvious. h5l6MywajhQ-00005-00001702-00002288 Now, like all professors, I'd like to imagine that there are a few of you who are excited h5l6MywajhQ-00006-00002288-00002409 to take this course. h5l6MywajhQ-00007-00002409-00002898 Now, many of you will swiftly disabuse me of that particular fantasy, and so I imagine h5l6MywajhQ-00008-00002898-00003211 most of you will need some convincing. h5l6MywajhQ-00009-00003211-00003453 I hope you'll indulge me to try. h5l6MywajhQ-00010-00003453-00004081 Now, as I see it, aside from my fellow nerds, there are broadly 3 objections that you may h5l6MywajhQ-00011-00004081-00004296 have to taking a Theology class. h5l6MywajhQ-00012-00004296-00004526 Let me answer them one at a time. h5l6MywajhQ-00013-00004526-00005226 The first objection goes something like this: "Religion is utter nonsense. h5l6MywajhQ-00014-00005226-00005736 It's held me and my country back, its doctrines are nothing more than a retrograde and atavistic h5l6MywajhQ-00015-00005736-00005980 impulse of our reptilian brains. h5l6MywajhQ-00016-00005980-00006547 You, Mr. Molony, are a fool to have studied this, and this entire course is a waste of h5l6MywajhQ-00017-00006547-00006647 time. h5l6MywajhQ-00018-00006647-00006747 " h5l6MywajhQ-00019-00006747-00007454 I should first reply, that, to quote a famous American politician, "That hurts my feelings." h5l6MywajhQ-00020-00007454-00008086 More seriously, though, even if you share none of my convictions there is one point h5l6MywajhQ-00021-00008086-00008335 we should both agree on. h5l6MywajhQ-00022-00008335-00009021 Alongside economics, politics, and law, one of the most potent forces in any society is h5l6MywajhQ-00023-00009021-00009121 religion. h5l6MywajhQ-00024-00009121-00009652 From domestic politics here in the Philippines, to tensions between two of the largest Muslim h5l6MywajhQ-00025-00009652-00010307 states on earth, to some truly terrifying people vying to lead my own country, there h5l6MywajhQ-00026-00010307-00010840 are some phenomena that simply don't make sense unless you understand them in a religious h5l6MywajhQ-00027-00010840-00010940 context. h5l6MywajhQ-00028-00010940-00011561 You may find no wisdom whatsoever in religion -- you may join with Nietzche in proclaiming h5l6MywajhQ-00029-00011561-00011943 that God is dead -- and that we have killed Him. h5l6MywajhQ-00030-00011943-00012524 But unless you understand Religion on its own terms, you cannot understand an enormous h5l6MywajhQ-00031-00012524-00012811 number of things which go on in the world around you. h5l6MywajhQ-00032-00012811-00013211 Atenistas, you will be the future leaders of your country. h5l6MywajhQ-00033-00013211-00013924 It is vital you understand religion to lead it. h5l6MywajhQ-00034-00013924-00014368 Now, a second objection to a theology class takes the opposite tack. h5l6MywajhQ-00035-00014368-00014783 I'm sure some of you would say something like this: h5l6MywajhQ-00036-00014783-00015575 "Mr. Molony, I've grown up in one of the most devoutly religious countries on the planet. h5l6MywajhQ-00037-00015575-00015983 I've attended Catholic school since I could crawl. h5l6MywajhQ-00038-00015983-00016465 Religion classes have always been part of my education, and I've been duly confirmed. h5l6MywajhQ-00039-00016465-00016939 I know all my prayers, and can recite the catechism with the best of them. h5l6MywajhQ-00040-00016939-00017623 With respect, Mr. Molony, what could you possibly teach me that I haven't already heard?" h5l6MywajhQ-00041-00017623-00018145 To this, I must first commend you for paying attention for over twelve years of Catholic h5l6MywajhQ-00042-00018145-00018315 education. h5l6MywajhQ-00043-00018315-00018884 I was publicly educated; doubtless Catholic education was more difficult. h5l6MywajhQ-00044-00018884-00019290 But there is a crucial difference between this course and your Catholic education until h5l6MywajhQ-00045-00019290-00019390 now. h5l6MywajhQ-00046-00019390-00020536 You've been prepared to become part of a religious community -- something like a parish, or a h5l6MywajhQ-00047-00020536-00021232 congregation, or even a local mosque. h5l6MywajhQ-00048-00021232-00021631 Each of those communities has different ways of worshipping, and you've probably learned h5l6MywajhQ-00049-00021631-00022007 how to be a participating member of that community. h5l6MywajhQ-00050-00022007-00022592 That's great -- but that's not what we're doing in this classroom. h5l6MywajhQ-00051-00022592-00023184 This class is designed both to impart facts -- who St. Augustine was, say, and why he h5l6MywajhQ-00052-00023184-00023501 loathed a British monk named Pelagius. h5l6MywajhQ-00053-00023501-00024162 But this course is also going to teach you skills -- how to reflect critically on St. h5l6MywajhQ-00054-00024162-00024854 Augustine, and whether he or St. Thomas, say, has a more authentic articulation of Grace. h5l6MywajhQ-00055-00024854-00025267 Our subjects for examination will the single most-scrutinized text in the entirety of human h5l6MywajhQ-00056-00025267-00025818 history, and an intellectual and spiritual tradition spanning two millennia, which builds h5l6MywajhQ-00057-00025818-00026088 upon another tradition at least a millennium older. h5l6MywajhQ-00058-00026088-00026902 One of my colleagues in graduate study did an entire masters thesis on a single word h5l6MywajhQ-00059-00026902-00027119 in the Hebrew Bible. h5l6MywajhQ-00060-00027119-00027573 Rest assured, friends, this rabbit hole runs deep. h5l6MywajhQ-00061-00027573-00028043 Finally, a third group of you are probably asking something different. h5l6MywajhQ-00062-00028043-00028701 You're probably saying, "Mr. Molony, I'm not really sure what I believe. h5l6MywajhQ-00063-00028701-00029295 There are really big questions I'm struggling with -- Who am I? h5l6MywajhQ-00064-00029295-00029439 What should I do with my life? h5l6MywajhQ-00065-00029439-00029863 Does religion have any role in my life at all? h5l6MywajhQ-00066-00029863-00030323 I might be interested in what you have to say, but if this is going to devolve into h5l6MywajhQ-00067-00030323-00031124 a thrice-weekly sermon about how the Church (or, even worse, you) are always right in h5l6MywajhQ-00068-00031124-00031618 every situation, then please forgive me if there are an abnormal number of days that h5l6MywajhQ-00069-00031618-00031718 I'm home sick." h5l6MywajhQ-00070-00031718-00032110 To those of you who say this I can only say: Welcome. h5l6MywajhQ-00071-00032110-00032533 I should make it clear here that this course is not designed to incline you toward one h5l6MywajhQ-00072-00032533-00032663 creed or another. h5l6MywajhQ-00073-00032663-00033443 I am not here to make you agree with anyone, least of all me. h5l6MywajhQ-00074-00033443-00034004 While I hope you treat even what I tell you with appropriate skepticism, I'm going to h5l6MywajhQ-00075-00034004-00034367 try to mark my own opinions and judgements very clearly. h5l6MywajhQ-00076-00034367-00035415 Let me be clear: Theology is not a "soft" discipline -- there are wrong answers -- ones h5l6MywajhQ-00077-00035415-00035946 which are lazy, glib, or inhumane. h5l6MywajhQ-00078-00035946-00036715 But Theology often does have room for multiple correct answers from people of good will. h5l6MywajhQ-00079-00036715-00037530 Neither I nor any of your other theology instructors will penalize you for your faith tradition, h5l6MywajhQ-00080-00037530-00037706 stance, or lack thereof. h5l6MywajhQ-00081-00037706-00038379 We will, however, challenge you to put your beliefs and convictions under a rigorous microscope. h5l6MywajhQ-00082-00038379-00038946 If philosophers echo Socrates, who said that the unexamined life is not worth living, then h5l6MywajhQ-00083-00038946-00039721 theologians recall St. Anselm of Canterbury who called Theology Fides Quarens Intellectum h5l6MywajhQ-00084-00039721-00040100 -- faith seeking understanding. h5l6MywajhQ-00085-00040100-00040546 My goal, at the end of this class, is that you will have given time to introspection, h5l6MywajhQ-00086-00040546-00041080 and are able to reaffirm those beliefs which have stood up to such scrutiny, and abandon h5l6MywajhQ-00087-00041080-00041231 those which do not. h5l6MywajhQ-00088-00041231-00041794 One of the major facets of Jesuit Education, as articulated by St. Ignatius himself, is h5l6MywajhQ-00089-00041794-00042233 Cura Personalis -- care of the whole person. h5l6MywajhQ-00090-00042233-00042699 The thrust of a liberal arts education is broader than merely job skills. h5l6MywajhQ-00091-00042699-00043481 Education is meant to leave you a qualitatively better person when you leave Ateneo. h5l6MywajhQ-00092-00043481-00043983 I hope you'll take the opportunity this class affords you to be that better person. h5l6MywajhQ-00093-00043983-00044125 Thank you. h71ny21Iny0-00000-00000003-00000330 Welcome back to the channel. Today I'm going to share with you a plugin that h71ny21Iny0-00001-00000330-00000809 I've found that is quite interesting, and it's the WordPress customizer UI plug-in h71ny21Iny0-00002-00000809-00001215 written out by Chris Perko, and I'm going to show you a couple of things that it h71ny21Iny0-00003-00001215-00001566 makes really easy in terms of development, and that is web h71ny21Iny0-00004-00001566-00002085 development. So if you go to any of your themes inside your WordPress or Classic h71ny21Iny0-00005-00002085-00002508 Press, and you go to the theme and you choose to customize it, you'll see that h71ny21Iny0-00006-00002508-00002925 in the customizer we have a couple of things that allow you to change things h71ny21Iny0-00007-00002925-00003417 quite easily. So if I decide to take this out you will see that down here on h71ny21Iny0-00008-00003417-00003951 my site I'm making some really big changes, so I can take that out easily, I h71ny21Iny0-00009-00003951-00004532 can even change the title of my site to that, I can add of course a logo if I h71ny21Iny0-00010-00004532-00005001 need to, I can change the background colors and the theme colors, I can add a h71ny21Iny0-00011-00005001-00005591 new menu, and I can even change other settings inside, let's say if I was using h71ny21Iny0-00012-00005591-00006260 Woocommerce or Classic commerce, it's very easy for me. Now creating more of these simple h71ny21Iny0-00013-00006260-00006795 tools that will allow your site manager to make it easy for them to change is h71ny21Iny0-00014-00006795-00007233 quite an appeal task. For example if i wanted you to just change this h71ny21Iny0-00015-00007233-00007709 bottom part, in most cases in the footer we have a copyright and copyright h71ny21Iny0-00016-00007709-00008147 statement and a couple of things but that's hard to change, you have to go h71ny21Iny0-00017-00008147-00008667 inside the code and actually physically change it. Now as a designer, I think this h71ny21Iny0-00018-00008667-00009104 is the tool that literally leverages everything. So I'm just going h71ny21Iny0-00019-00009104-00009557 to.. I'll leave this link inside the description so that you can download it h71ny21Iny0-00020-00009557-00010029 and try it out, so I'll download this as a zip and that is automatically h71ny21Iny0-00021-00010029-00010500 downloaded. I'll go back in my back end and then go to plugins to add a new h71ny21Iny0-00022-00010500-00011010 plug-in, and then now go to upload it, choose browse, and then I'll quickly go to h71ny21Iny0-00023-00011010-00011414 downloads have it there, install then activate the plug-in. h71ny21Iny0-00024-00011414-00011928 So on installing this we realize we have an error. So in order for this plug-in to h71ny21Iny0-00025-00011928-00012293 work right now as we were trying to install we see that we h71ny21Iny0-00026-00012293-00012842 actually had an error here, that is because we did not install composer, and h71ny21Iny0-00027-00012842-00013350 we're supposed to run composer on the plug-in itself. So if h71ny21Iny0-00028-00013350-00013779 you don't have composer you just need to go to, and then h71ny21Iny0-00029-00013779-00014334 download it and install it. There are very clear instructions on how to do this, and h71ny21Iny0-00030-00014334-00014891 then you can be able to quickly get up and running. So I'm just going to run h71ny21Iny0-00031-00014891-00015444 composer on this particular plugin, I've dropped it in here inside my editor, and h71ny21Iny0-00032-00015444-00015944 then I'm going to use the terminal in there, and I'm going to run composer install. h71ny21Iny0-00033-00015944-00016530 And then composer will install all the required dependencies, and how it h71ny21Iny0-00034-00016530-00016973 knows what dependencies to install is that it uses this composer.json file, h71ny21Iny0-00035-00016973-00017466 and you'll see that there isn't so much for it to install apart from the auto load h71ny21Iny0-00036-00017466-00018111 that comes from PHP. So let's go in and install our plugin. So I'll come back h71ny21Iny0-00037-00018111-00018770 here, and then I'll activate our customizer user interface, and now it is h71ny21Iny0-00038-00018770-00019370 working. So on install you'll see that it actually has an admin section here, so h71ny21Iny0-00039-00019370-00019860 let's visit our admin section, and you'll see that it asks you to add particular h71ny21Iny0-00040-00019860-00020490 section titles that you want. Now I'll explain what the sections are as we use h71ny21Iny0-00041-00020490-00020826 them. So I'm going to have a section which I'm going to call the footer, and h71ny21Iny0-00042-00020826-00021273 then I'm going to create the section with a click of the button, and inside that it's h71ny21Iny0-00043-00021273-00021819 going to ask me for control. Now for the control inside my footer I'm going to h71ny21Iny0-00044-00021819-00022332 say I want to add credits, or I will say the footer credits and I'll use an h71ny21Iny0-00045-00022332-00022848 underscore, either I'll use one word without a space or I'll use an h71ny21Iny0-00046-00022848-00023426 underscore, you can clearly see that's what is shared in the placeholder field as h71ny21Iny0-00047-00023426-00023898 you put it, so either you have one word or you use an underscore, I'll leave this h71ny21Iny0-00048-00023898-00024507 as one word with a pascal-case, and then I'm going to just add the label footer h71ny21Iny0-00049-00024507-00025101 credits, or I'll just make it credits for us to quickly identify that. It will be a h71ny21Iny0-00050-00025101-00025664 type of text, or it can be any of these other pieces of information. So it can be h71ny21Iny0-00051-00025664-00026120 a text, I'll leave it as a text, and then I'll not give it a default value, or h71ny21Iny0-00052-00026120-00026660 I'll say let's have copyright in here. So all I need to do next is just h71ny21Iny0-00053-00026660-00027152 click create new control, and we have it. So we have our ID of footer credits h71ny21Iny0-00054-00027152-00027683 here, we have the label of credits and we have the text in there. Let's go back to h71ny21Iny0-00055-00027683-00028091 our customizer to see what has actually happened. So I'll open this h71ny21Iny0-00056-00028091-00028586 up in a new tab, and you're going to see that inside here we have a footer h71ny21Iny0-00057-00028586-00029170 section that has showed up right here. Inside the footer we have our credits h71ny21Iny0-00058-00029170-00029813 which we can change going on from here. So how do we use this inside our theme? h71ny21Iny0-00059-00029813-00030452 Currently I'm using the 2017 theme, and as a developer I'm going to just insert h71ny21Iny0-00060-00030452-00030992 one piece of code that will allow my website user to reuse this over and over h71ny21Iny0-00061-00030992-00031457 with ease. So first things first is I'm also going to go back to my editor, and h71ny21Iny0-00062-00031457-00031994 I'm going to import my theme, so I'll go to WP content, go to the themes, and h71ny21Iny0-00063-00031994-00032588 I'm going to get my 2017. So after importing my 2017 in here, I'm going to h71ny21Iny0-00064-00032588-00033110 go to the footer section, and we'll see that we have just a couple of things in h71ny21Iny0-00065-00033110-00033802 here inside our footer section. So the part that I really want to affect is h71ny21Iny0-00066-00033802-00034280 probably right here at the end of the footer. We have the footer here and we h71ny21Iny0-00067-00034280-00034748 have this showing up, or we can add it just after the wrap. Under the wrap I'm h71ny21Iny0-00068-00034748-00035297 going to add the new div that I'm going to give the class of credit, and then inside h71ny21Iny0-00069-00035297-00035978 here is where we write our PHP, to allow us to use that particular customizer item, so h71ny21Iny0-00070-00035978-00036521 I'll write PHP here. Now it would have been really nice to have in the h71ny21Iny0-00071-00036521-00037022 documentation here on how to use that particular customizer piece, but I'm h71ny21Iny0-00072-00037022-00037840 going to just quickly look it out and say, how to use customizer WordPress h71ny21Iny0-00073-00037840-00038348 programmatically. So there are a number of pieces that can help us figure that h71ny21Iny0-00074-00038348-00038792 out, but I'm just going to go to the Codex of WordPress, and in here you'll h71ny21Iny0-00075-00038792-00039218 see they talk about the setting, the section, and the control. Now h71ny21Iny0-00076-00039218-00039638 what we're going to be looking for is actually how we throw this on the front h71ny21Iny0-00077-00039638-00040034 end, and we just need this simple piece of h71ny21Iny0-00078-00040034-00040613 code right here. So you get the theme mode, and then you add the ID of that theme h71ny21Iny0-00079-00040613-00041099 mode. So that's what we're going to pick and we're going to throw on our front h71ny21Iny0-00080-00041099-00041741 end. So after creating all of this, let's explain this on the front end and what h71ny21Iny0-00081-00041741-00042554 it means. The footer section here is what we have as this showing up here, and if h71ny21Iny0-00082-00042554-00043097 we go into the control, the control is the little piece that we have here, so we h71ny21Iny0-00083-00043097-00043670 have the credits, and we have the field that adds content here. So inside this h71ny21Iny0-00084-00043670-00044288 same footer I can add a new control and I'm going to say, let's call this the year, count h71ny21Iny0-00085-00044288-00044996 year for this, number, and then output a default value and say maybe this is 2020 h71ny21Iny0-00086-00044996-00045626 and create a control, that is all done for us here, so if we come back and reload, h71ny21Iny0-00087-00045626-00046063 we're going go into our footer section, and you'll see that now we have h71ny21Iny0-00088-00046063-00046672 two pieces of content here, so we have the 2020, we have also our credits which h71ny21Iny0-00089-00046672-00047228 is a field. So we can add as many fields using the different control types that h71ny21Iny0-00090-00047228-00047861 we have here, we can have an email, drop down pages, radio, select buttons, color h71ny21Iny0-00091-00047861-00048350 pickers, images and uploads. So we have the standard pieces and we have the h71ny21Iny0-00092-00048350-00048841 media pieces showing up here, and all these can be inside either the same h71ny21Iny0-00093-00048841-00049430 section or we can choose to add another section. So if we were doing maybe a one h71ny21Iny0-00094-00049430-00049984 page site, this would be quite easy for us to structure everything here to allow h71ny21Iny0-00095-00049984-00050615 users just get all their content from here, and edit it on the fly right on the h71ny21Iny0-00096-00050615-00051161 front page. So let's see how we can actually add our footer and our year into h71ny21Iny0-00097-00051161-00051715 our section here at the bottom. So we're going to go to our editor, and we shall h71ny21Iny0-00098-00051715-00052342 open up our 2017 theme inside our editor, and then I'll go to the footer, and h71ny21Iny0-00099-00052342-00052858 inside the footer I am going to look at this particular file and go for the div h71ny21Iny0-00100-00052858-00053357 at the end, and I'm going to create a new div which I'll give a class h71ny21Iny0-00101-00053357-00053852 of credits, I'll give it a class of credits, and then inside here I'm going h71ny21Iny0-00102-00053852-00054470 to start writing some PHP that will allow me to echo the particular piece h71ny21Iny0-00103-00054470-00054863 of information we've added. So the first thing that I'm going to do is I'm going h71ny21Iny0-00104-00054863-00055291 to check if we actually have that particular piece of information filled h71ny21Iny0-00105-00055291-00055979 in. So we'll say if get_theme, and we're going to go for mod, now that's h71ny21Iny0-00106-00055979-00056525 a function of WordPress, and it has either you have to feed in the name, the h71ny21Iny0-00107-00056525-00057067 name is equivalent to the ID of what we filled in you here, so for example I'm going h71ny21Iny0-00108-00057067-00057473 to use the footer credits here, I'm going to come back and I'm going to change h71ny21Iny0-00109-00057473-00058154 this and put it inside single brackets, and then we have a default here which h71ny21Iny0-00110-00058154-00058922 I'll leave as blank. So I'll leave this as blank and say, if this actually exists, h71ny21Iny0-00111-00058922-00059708 if it is true, then we shall echo out the particular pieces, so we shall echo, and h71ny21Iny0-00112-00059708-00060203 then we shall just duplicate this theme mod itself, and then we shall h71ny21Iny0-00113-00060203-00060776 echo the footer credits, and terminate this with a semicolon. So once we've h71ny21Iny0-00114-00060776-00061577 done that, let's see what happens here at the front end. So I'll reload this and h71ny21Iny0-00115-00061577-00062045 scroll all the way down, and we'll see that we have our copyright showing up h71ny21Iny0-00116-00062045-00062510 right here. So all that is left is for me to just style it up, so I can actually h71ny21Iny0-00117-00062510-00062927 just come here in theme customizer, run to credits, h71ny21Iny0-00118-00062927-00063719 that's our class, and then I'm just going to say, let this be a display of block or h71ny21Iny0-00119-00063719-00064385 flex or whatever that makes it easy for you, we'll text align and say this is in h71ny21Iny0-00120-00064385-00064954 the center, I'll put a semicolon here to make our code valid, it's in the center h71ny21Iny0-00121-00064954-00065266 and you'll see it right here, and then all I'm going to do is add some padding h71ny21Iny0-00122-00065266-00065870 and I'll say, the top and bottom should be 10 pixels, and then the sides should h71ny21Iny0-00123-00065870-00066407 be 0. So once I, we can look at that and see that it's actually working out h71ny21Iny0-00124-00066407-00066676 fine. So maybe I can just add 40 pixels and 0 h71ny21Iny0-00125-00066676-00067270 to allow this to fly off the bottom, and make this 0. So we have our h71ny21Iny0-00126-00067270-00067756 copyright actually showing up right here, and we can publish this. So we can also h71ny21Iny0-00127-00067756-00068269 choose to actually concatenate the two footer credits, and also can choose to h71ny21Iny0-00128-00068269-00068875 get the year itself if we concatenate them. So I'll copy this, concatenate using h71ny21Iny0-00129-00068875-00069427 spaces and single quotes, so I'll add period here, put a space in here, h71ny21Iny0-00130-00069427-00070126 another period, and then of course paste this, and then I'll choose the yea count, which h71ny21Iny0-00131-00070126-00070570 was the other ID that we have. So I'll have this, come back to our front page h71ny21Iny0-00132-00070570-00070960 reload this, scroll down and you'll see we have our copyright h71ny21Iny0-00133-00070960-00071464 year 2020 there. And we can always just, if this was given to the end user they h71ny21Iny0-00134-00071464-00071884 can always just come and change this to 2021, and you'll see that it automatically h71ny21Iny0-00135-00071884-00072343 changes when they do. So there's no need for the client to call you anymore to h71ny21Iny0-00136-00072343-00072910 make this possible for you to do. You can easily get this and remove this, just say h71ny21Iny0-00137-00072910-00073459 let's have just, because we limited the if statement to having the footer h71ny21Iny0-00138-00073459-00073984 credits with the theme mod, if we took this out then we can have both of them h71ny21Iny0-00139-00073984-00074560 showing up, I can even decide to just flip this around, cut this and paste this h71ny21Iny0-00140-00074560-00075313 here, and then we can eventually just publish and see how that looks for us on h71ny21Iny0-00141-00075313-00075778 the front end. So we reload this, come scroll down, we have that, and we can h71ny21Iny0-00142-00075778-00076360 always just add a footer and say copyright, and then just do our name, h71ny21Iny0-00143-00076360-00077005 business name website. So our client can do this easily for h71ny21Iny0-00144-00077005-00077446 themselves, and they can have the content fresh out of the box. So I really think h71ny21Iny0-00145-00077446-00078013 this was the missing piece inside WordPress, this plugin is going to do h71ny21Iny0-00146-00078013-00078439 really really really well, and it's so easy to use. So you can even edit the h71ny21Iny0-00147-00078439-00078976 section and say, I don't call it footer anymore, I want to call it footer copyrights, h71ny21Iny0-00148-00078976-00079705 save changes, come back to the front end, publish to sort of reload, reload this h71ny21Iny0-00149-00079705-00080017 and you'll see that it changes here quickly, our information h71ny21Iny0-00150-00080017-00080467 is still showing up nothing has changed, but everything here is actually h71ny21Iny0-00151-00080467-00080962 working out well, we can choose to delete this, and everything will still be fine. h71ny21Iny0-00152-00080962-00081457 So this is the missing link, I really enjoyed using this tool, and I'm going to h71ny21Iny0-00153-00081457-00081949 use it to do fully fledged out site in the near future. So please go try it out. h71ny21Iny0-00154-00081949-00082543 I hope soon it will be in version one and ready on the WordPress repo. So check h71ny21Iny0-00155-00082543-00083068 it out and let Chris know how you're enjoying the tool and let him know h71ny21Iny0-00156-00083068-00083494 how you're using it, let him know what you would like to see in there added. h71ny21Iny0-00157-00083494-00084043 Experiment on it, try it out and enjoy it. So thank you for watching and enjoy h71ny21Iny0-00158-00084043-00084302 your coding. h9K2M2-jqMI-00000-00000024-00000295 The story of radiation is long and colourful. h9K2M2-jqMI-00001-00000295-00000910 As we grow up we are told the story of Chernobyl, believing that radiation is a monster that h9K2M2-jqMI-00002-00000910-00001050 kills without remorse. h9K2M2-jqMI-00003-00001050-00001723 When Greenpeace tells us more than 200,000 people died due to Chernobyl, we think - ‘that h9K2M2-jqMI-00004-00001723-00001863 sounds about right’. h9K2M2-jqMI-00005-00001863-00002278 But the UN’s World Health Organisation says differently. h9K2M2-jqMI-00006-00002278-00002742 Fewer than 50 people have died as a result of Chernobyl, h9K2M2-jqMI-00007-00002742-00002939 most of whom rescue workers. h9K2M2-jqMI-00008-00002939-00003540 The worst case projection is that an additional 4000 death might arise in the future. h9K2M2-jqMI-00009-00003540-00004020 To put this in context, about 20% of us will one day die from cancer. h9K2M2-jqMI-00010-00004020-00004582 An additional 4000 deaths would represent less than one tenth of a % an increase in h9K2M2-jqMI-00011-00004582-00004736 cancer due to Chernobyl. h9K2M2-jqMI-00012-00004736-00005226 Quite a difference from the 200 000 deaths that Greenpeace is saying. h9K2M2-jqMI-00013-00005226-00005786 These accidents have allowed anti-nuclear power groups to promote their ideologies and h9K2M2-jqMI-00014-00005786-00006175 build narratives of fear around nuclear power. h9K2M2-jqMI-00015-00006175-00006681 This has come at a great cost - human lives. h9K2M2-jqMI-00016-00006681-00007481 Tens of thousands of people were evacuated by the authorities and they were subsequently branded as ‘untouchables’. h9K2M2-jqMI-00017-00007481-00007909 Suicide and alcoholism is rife within this population h9K2M2-jqMI-00018-00007909-00008084 But let’s take a step back. h9K2M2-jqMI-00019-00008084-00008235 What is radiation? h9K2M2-jqMI-00020-00008235-00008384 Imagine this. h9K2M2-jqMI-00021-00008384-00008521 This is a strand of DNA. h9K2M2-jqMI-00022-00008521-00009175 In order for cancer and other damage to occur, the strand needs to be completely cut in two. h9K2M2-jqMI-00023-00009175-00009659 The larger and faster your ammunition, the more likely you are to hit the DNA. h9K2M2-jqMI-00024-00009659-00010189 β- radiation could be thought of as a pingpong ball - really small and unlikely to do much h9K2M2-jqMI-00025-00010189-00010289 damage. h9K2M2-jqMI-00026-00010289-00010811 α-particles, on the other hand, is like shooting a cannon ball at the DNA - much more likely h9K2M2-jqMI-00027-00010811-00010911 to cut the DNA in half. h9K2M2-jqMI-00028-00010911-00011382 But it takes more than a single break of DNA for cancer to appear. h9K2M2-jqMI-00029-00011382-00012059 You need your cells to misrepair a large number of breaks, without the cell killing itself h9K2M2-jqMI-00030-00012059-00012253 for cancer to develop. h9K2M2-jqMI-00031-00012253-00012738 High doses of large particle radiation with high energy, increases the likelihood of h9K2M2-jqMI-00032-00012738-00013234 these breaks, which in turn increases the risk of bad repairs. h9K2M2-jqMI-00033-00013234-00013807 Our regulations are based on a theory that asserts that radiation is always dangerous, h9K2M2-jqMI-00034-00013807-00013966 regardless of dose. h9K2M2-jqMI-00035-00013966-00014232 This is the Linear No-Threshold model. h9K2M2-jqMI-00036-00014232-00014872 Scientific studies have concluded that below roughly 100 mSv, there is no increased risk h9K2M2-jqMI-00037-00014872-00014994 for cancer. h9K2M2-jqMI-00038-00014994-00015361 In NYC, the annual background radiation is about 0.9 mSv/y. h9K2M2-jqMI-00039-00015361-00015888 In Colorado, it is even higher at 4mSv/y. h9K2M2-jqMI-00040-00015888-00016941 If we accept LNT, we should see a significant increase in cancer in Colorado, as compared to NYC. h9K2M2-jqMI-00041-00016941-00017705 In Ramsar, Iran, it is almost 300 times higher than in NYC, but there is no evidence of a cancer h9K2M2-jqMI-00042-00017705-00017805 epidemic. h9K2M2-jqMI-00043-00017805-00018331 If we visit the playground at Pripyat, the city a few miles from the Chernobyl reactor, h9K2M2-jqMI-00044-00018331-00018818 the radiation levels would be no higher than say, southern Sweden. h9K2M2-jqMI-00045-00018818-00019095 So much for a nuclear desert. h9K2M2-jqMI-00046-00019095-00019570 When flying, we are exposed to higher levels of radiation, due to the thin air absorbing h9K2M2-jqMI-00047-00019570-00019759 less cosmic radiation. h9K2M2-jqMI-00048-00019759-00020238 Flying from London to New York is roughly the equivalent of getting a chest x-ray. h9K2M2-jqMI-00049-00020238-00020788 If radiation is as dangerous as they say, why aren’t flight crews coming down with h9K2M2-jqMI-00050-00020788-00020912 cancer? h9K2M2-jqMI-00051-00020912-00021263 We need to challenge our preconceptions about radiation. h9K2M2-jqMI-00052-00021263-00021632 Every second, 5000 potassium atoms decay in our bones. h9K2M2-jqMI-00053-00021632-00022279 At the same time, you are barraged by radiation from the very earth we tread, not to mention h9K2M2-jqMI-00054-00022279-00022577 the constant bombardment from space. h9K2M2-jqMI-00055-00022577-00022920 Radiation is everywhere, and completely natural. h9K2M2-jqMI-00056-00022920-00023116 Radiation can also be used as a tool. h9K2M2-jqMI-00057-00023116-00023712 It has revolutionised medicine, allowing doctors to detect illness and injuries that otherwise h9K2M2-jqMI-00058-00023712-00023888 could have been fatal. h9K2M2-jqMI-00059-00023888-00024399 By irradiating food, lives can be saved from food-borne illnesses. h9K2M2-jqMI-00060-00024399-00025097 And radiation is like sunshine - small doses are healthy, whilst large doses can be very harmful. h9K2M2-jqMI-00061-00025097-00025734 Nuclear power has been demonised because of radiation, however the risks have been severely h9K2M2-jqMI-00062-00025734-00025834 overstated. h9K2M2-jqMI-00063-00025834-00026605 The radiation emissions from a nuclear power plant, even in worst-case scenarios, are very h9K2M2-jqMI-00064-00026605-00026743 low. h9K2M2-jqMI-00065-00026743-00027512 Radiophobia has caused immense, and unnecessary suffering, and continues to do so. h9K2M2-jqMI-00066-00027512-00027893 Therefore, we must be prepared to conquer our fears of radiation. hrhyGKPtMwo-00000-00000076-00000553 I present the budget for 2023-2024. hrhyGKPtMwo-00001-00000836-00001006 This is the first budget hrhyGKPtMwo-00002-00001006-00001303 in Amrit kaal. hrhyGKPtMwo-00003-00001590-00001710 This budget hopes hrhyGKPtMwo-00004-00001710-00001926 to build on the foundation hrhyGKPtMwo-00005-00001963-00002246 laid in the previous budget hrhyGKPtMwo-00006-00002246-00002603 and the blueprint drawn for India@100. hrhyGKPtMwo-00007-00002696-00002796 We envision hrhyGKPtMwo-00008-00002796-00003150 a prosperous and inclusive India in which hrhyGKPtMwo-00009-00003186-00003479 the fruits of development hrhyGKPtMwo-00010-00003479-00003710 will reach all sections and citizens, hrhyGKPtMwo-00011-00003743-00004106 especially our youth, women, farmers, hrhyGKPtMwo-00012-00004140-00004260 OBCs, hrhyGKPtMwo-00013-00004260-00004506 Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. hrhyGKPtMwo-00014-00004666-00004946 In the 74th year of independence, hrhyGKPtMwo-00015-00005026-00005183 the world has recognized hrhyGKPtMwo-00016-00005183-00005720 the Indian economy as a bright star. hrhyGKPtMwo-00017-00005720-00006036 Our current year, economic growth hrhyGKPtMwo-00018-00006036-00006270 is estimated to be at 7%. hrhyGKPtMwo-00019-00006366-00006590 It is notable that this is the highest hrhyGKPtMwo-00020-00006590-00006973 among all the major economies. hrhyGKPtMwo-00021-00007006-00007350 This is in spite of the massive slowdown hrhyGKPtMwo-00022-00007350-00007736 globally caused by COVID 19 and a war. hrhyGKPtMwo-00023-00007806-00007906 The Indian economy hrhyGKPtMwo-00024-00007906-00008120 is therefore on the right track hrhyGKPtMwo-00025-00008156-00008416 and despite a time of challenges, hrhyGKPtMwo-00026-00008480-00008730 heading towards a bright future. hrhyGKPtMwo-00027-00008890-00009096 Today, as Indians stand hrhyGKPtMwo-00028-00009120-00009416 with their head held high and hrhyGKPtMwo-00029-00009500-00009566 and the world hrhyGKPtMwo-00030-00009566-00009750 appreciates India's achievements hrhyGKPtMwo-00031-00009750-00009886 and successes, hrhyGKPtMwo-00032-00009886-00010096 we are sure that elders hrhyGKPtMwo-00033-00010120-00010223 who had fought for hrhyGKPtMwo-00034-00010223-00010380 India's independence, hrhyGKPtMwo-00035-00010380-00010633 will with joy, bless us hrhyGKPtMwo-00036-00010736-00011233 in our endeavors, moving forward as well. hrhyGKPtMwo-00037-00011270-00011576 Our focus on wide-ranging reforms hrhyGKPtMwo-00038-00011700-00012000 and sound policies, implemented hrhyGKPtMwo-00039-00012000-00012186 through Sabka Prayas hrhyGKPtMwo-00040-00012186-00012486 resulting in Jan Bhagidari hrhyGKPtMwo-00041-00012486-00012746 and targeted support to those in need, hrhyGKPtMwo-00042-00012806-00013083 helped us perform well in trying times. hrhyGKPtMwo-00043-00013133-00013393 India is rising global profile hrhyGKPtMwo-00044-00013416-00013726 is because of the several accomplishments hrhyGKPtMwo-00045-00013773-00013926 unique world class hrhyGKPtMwo-00046-00013926-00014163 digital public infrastructure. hrhyGKPtMwo-00047-00014166-00014526 Example Aadhaar, Co-Win and UPI. hrhyGKPtMwo-00048-00014583-00014773 COVID vaccination drive hrhyGKPtMwo-00049-00014773-00015006 in unparalleled scale and speed. hrhyGKPtMwo-00050-00015090-00015336 Proactive role in frontier areas hrhyGKPtMwo-00051-00015336-00015496 such as achieving hrhyGKPtMwo-00052-00015496-00015830 the climate related goals, mission life hrhyGKPtMwo-00053-00015860-00016106 and national hydrogen mission. hrhyGKPtMwo-00054-00016256-00016460 During the COVID 19 pandemic. hrhyGKPtMwo-00055-00016503-00016860 We ensured that no one goes to bed hungry hrhyGKPtMwo-00056-00016910-00017206 with a scheme to supply free foodgrains hrhyGKPtMwo-00057-00017270-00017746 to over 80 crore persons for 28 months. hrhyGKPtMwo-00058-00017850-00018000 Continuing our commitment hrhyGKPtMwo-00059-00018000-00018336 to ensure food and nutritional security, hrhyGKPtMwo-00060-00018390-00018743 we are implementing from 1st January 2023 hrhyGKPtMwo-00061-00018790-00019040 a scheme to supply free Foodgrain hrhyGKPtMwo-00062-00019066-00019473 to all Antyodaya and priority households hrhyGKPtMwo-00063-00019520-00019836 for the next one year hrhyGKPtMwo-00064-00019840-00020063 under PM Garib Kalyan hrhyGKPtMwo-00065-00020063-00020220 Anna Yojana (PMGKAY). hrhyGKPtMwo-00066-00020220-00020446 The entire expenditure, hrhyGKPtMwo-00067-00020496-00020786 the entire expenditure of about 2 hrhyGKPtMwo-00068-00020786-00020893 lakh crore hrhyGKPtMwo-00069-00020893-00021146 will be borne by the central government. hrhyGKPtMwo-00070-00021456-00021756 In these times of global challenges, hrhyGKPtMwo-00071-00021790-00022106 the G20 Presidency gives us hrhyGKPtMwo-00072-00022110-00022290 a unique opportunity hrhyGKPtMwo-00073-00022290-00022390 to strengthen hrhyGKPtMwo-00074-00022390-00022703 India's role in the world economic order, hrhyGKPtMwo-00075-00022826-00022943 with the theme hrhyGKPtMwo-00076-00022943-00023040 of ‘Vasudhaiva hrhyGKPtMwo-00077-00023040-00023106 Kutumbakam’, hrhyGKPtMwo-00078-00023106-00023446 we are steering an ambitious, people hrhyGKPtMwo-00079-00023446-00023616 centric agenda hrhyGKPtMwo-00080-00023616-00023853 to address global challenges hrhyGKPtMwo-00081-00023853-00024193 and to facilitate sustainable economic hrhyGKPtMwo-00082-00024193-00024473 development. hrhyGKPtMwo-00083-00024513-00024853 The government's efforts since 2014 hrhyGKPtMwo-00084-00024910-00025196 have ensured for all citizens hrhyGKPtMwo-00085-00025223-00025413 a better quality of life hrhyGKPtMwo-00086-00025413-00025716 and life of dignity. hrhyGKPtMwo-00087-00025716-00025923 The per capita income has more hrhyGKPtMwo-00088-00025923-00026360 than doubled to 1.97 lakh rupees. hrhyGKPtMwo-00089-00026493-00026703 In these 9 years, hrhyGKPtMwo-00090-00026703-00027080 the Indian economy has increased in size hrhyGKPtMwo-00091-00027080-00027389 from being 10th to 5th largest hrhyGKPtMwo-00092-00027389-00027643 in the world. hrhyGKPtMwo-00093-00027880-00028120 We have significantly improved hrhyGKPtMwo-00094-00028133-00028306 our position hrhyGKPtMwo-00095-00028306-00028560 as well as a well-governed hrhyGKPtMwo-00096-00028560-00028739 and innovative country hrhyGKPtMwo-00097-00028739-00028956 with a conducive environment hrhyGKPtMwo-00098-00028986-00029243 for business as reflected hrhyGKPtMwo-00099-00029273-00029489 in several global indices. hrhyGKPtMwo-00100-00029556-00029783 We have made a significant progress hrhyGKPtMwo-00101-00029803-00030143 in many sustainable development goals. hrhyGKPtMwo-00102-00030313-00030539 The economy has become a lot hrhyGKPtMwo-00103-00030539-00030703 more formalized, hrhyGKPtMwo-00104-00030703-00031003 as reflected in the EPFO membership hrhyGKPtMwo-00105-00031039-00031289 more than doubling to 27 crore hrhyGKPtMwo-00106-00031333-00031683 and rupees 7400 crore hrhyGKPtMwo-00107-00031720-00032236 digital payments of 126 lakh crore rupees hrhyGKPtMwo-00108-00032263-00032613 through UPI in 2022. hrhyGKPtMwo-00109-00032816-00032990 The efficient implementation hrhyGKPtMwo-00110-00032990-00033143 of many schemes hrhyGKPtMwo-00111-00033143-00033293 with universal isolation hrhyGKPtMwo-00112-00033293-00033370 of targeted hrhyGKPtMwo-00113-00033370-00033473 benefits hrhyGKPtMwo-00114-00033473-00033723 has resulted in inclusive development. hrhyGKPtMwo-00115-00033793-00034000 Some of the schemes are hrhyGKPtMwo-00116-00034000-00034290 11.7 crore household hrhyGKPtMwo-00117-00034326-00034616 toilets under Swachh Bharat Mission, hrhyGKPtMwo-00118-00034616-00034770 which has achieved hrhyGKPtMwo-00119-00034813-00035266 9.6 crore LPG connections under Ujjawala, hrhyGKPtMwo-00120-00035473-00035726 220 crore COVID hrhyGKPtMwo-00121-00035726-00036073 vaccination of 102 crore people hrhyGKPtMwo-00122-00036150-00036493 persons, 47.8 crore hrhyGKPtMwo-00123-00036493-00036743 PM Jan Dhan bank accounts, hrhyGKPtMwo-00124-00036980-00037053 insurance hrhyGKPtMwo-00125-00037053-00037333 cover for 44.6 crore persons. hrhyGKPtMwo-00126-00037356-00037576 Underpinning PM Suraksha Bima hrhyGKPtMwo-00127-00037600-00038073 and PM Jeevan Jyoti Yojana, and cCash hrhyGKPtMwo-00128-00038123-00038333 transfer of 2.2 lakh hrhyGKPtMwo-00129-00038670-00038770 crore hrhyGKPtMwo-00130-00038793-00039126 to over 11.4 crore farmers hrhyGKPtMwo-00131-00039140-00039523 under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi. hrhyGKPtMwo-00132-00039646-00039896 Our vision for the Amrit Kaal include hrhyGKPtMwo-00133-00039946-00040216 technology driven and knowledge hrhyGKPtMwo-00134-00040216-00040560 based economy with strong public finances hrhyGKPtMwo-00135-00040593-00040803 and a robust financial sector. hrhyGKPtMwo-00136-00040870-00041163 To achieve this, Jan Bhagidari hrhyGKPtMwo-00137-00041193-00041310 through Sabka Saath hrhyGKPtMwo-00138-00041310-00041516 Sabka Prayas is essential. hrhyGKPtMwo-00139-00041516-00041820 The economic agenda hrhyGKPtMwo-00140-00041820-00041980 for achieving this vision hrhyGKPtMwo-00141-00041980-00042236 focuses on three things. hrhyGKPtMwo-00142-00042236-00042330 First, hrhyGKPtMwo-00143-00042330-00042536 facilitating ample opportunity hrhyGKPtMwo-00144-00042553-00042743 for citizens, hrhyGKPtMwo-00145-00042750-00043020 especially the youth, hrhyGKPtMwo-00146-00043056-00043316 to fulfill their aspirations. hrhyGKPtMwo-00147-00043373-00043520 Second, providing hrhyGKPtMwo-00148-00043520-00043683 strong impetus hrhyGKPtMwo-00149-00043683-00043890 to growth and job creation. hrhyGKPtMwo-00150-00043950-00044256 And third, strengthening macro hrhyGKPtMwo-00151-00044256-00044580 economic stability. hrhyGKPtMwo-00152-00044790-00044866 To service hrhyGKPtMwo-00153-00044866-00045016 these focus areas hrhyGKPtMwo-00154-00045016-00045260 in our journey to India@100. hrhyGKPtMwo-00155-00045326-00045433 We believe hrhyGKPtMwo-00156-00045433-00045680 that the following four opportunities hrhyGKPtMwo-00157-00045710-00046053 can be transformative during Amrit Kaal. hrhyGKPtMwo-00158-00046200-00046470 Economic empowerment of women hrhyGKPtMwo-00159-00046573-00046826 Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana hrhyGKPtMwo-00160-00046853-00047076 National Rural Livelihood Mission hrhyGKPtMwo-00161-00047266-00047583 has achieved remarkable success hrhyGKPtMwo-00162-00047583-00047790 by mobilizing rural women hrhyGKPtMwo-00163-00047790-00048070 into 8 to 1 lakh self-help groups. hrhyGKPtMwo-00164-00048143-00048430 We will enable these groups to reach hrhyGKPtMwo-00165-00048430-00048590 the next stage hrhyGKPtMwo-00166-00048590-00048786 of economic empowerment hrhyGKPtMwo-00167-00048786-00048886 through formation hrhyGKPtMwo-00168-00048886-00049113 of large producer enterprises hrhyGKPtMwo-00169-00049166-00049346 or collectives hrhyGKPtMwo-00170-00049403-00049653 with each having several hrhyGKPtMwo-00171-00049653-00049830 thousand members hrhyGKPtMwo-00172-00049830-00050073 and managed professionally. hrhyGKPtMwo-00173-00050073-00050166 They will be helped hrhyGKPtMwo-00174-00050166-00050366 with the raw material supply hrhyGKPtMwo-00175-00050366-00050563 and for better design, quality, hrhyGKPtMwo-00176-00050563-00050790 branding and marketing of their products. hrhyGKPtMwo-00177-00050850-00051073 Through supporting these policies, hrhyGKPtMwo-00178-00051073-00051140 they will be hrhyGKPtMwo-00179-00051140-00051356 enabled to scale up their operations hrhyGKPtMwo-00180-00051393-00051636 to serve the large consumer markets. hrhyGKPtMwo-00181-00051673-00051800 As has been the case hrhyGKPtMwo-00182-00051800-00051976 with several startups hrhyGKPtMwo-00183-00051976-00052186 growing into unicorns. hrhyGKPtMwo-00184-00052323-00052700 PM VIshwakarma KAushal Samman hrhyGKPtMwo-00185-00052700-00053023 (PM VIKAS), hrhyGKPtMwo-00186-00053103-00053276 for centuries, hrhyGKPtMwo-00187-00053276-00053590 traditional artisans and craftspeople hrhyGKPtMwo-00188-00053640-00053920 who work with their hands using tools hrhyGKPtMwo-00189-00053970-00054173 have brought renown for India. hrhyGKPtMwo-00190-00054226-00054350 They are generally referred hrhyGKPtMwo-00191-00054350-00054553 to as Vishwakarma. hrhyGKPtMwo-00192-00054553-00054720 The art and the handicraft hrhyGKPtMwo-00193-00054720-00054860 created by them hrhyGKPtMwo-00194-00054860-00055050 represents the true spirit hrhyGKPtMwo-00195-00055050-00055276 of Atmanirbhar Bharat. hrhyGKPtMwo-00196-00055276-00055440 For the first time, hrhyGKPtMwo-00197-00055440-00055643 a package of assistance hrhyGKPtMwo-00198-00055643-00055916 for them has been conceptualized. hrhyGKPtMwo-00199-00055960-00056213 The new scheme will enable them hrhyGKPtMwo-00200-00056243-00056520 to improve the quality, scale hrhyGKPtMwo-00201-00056556-00056760 and reach of their products, hrhyGKPtMwo-00202-00056760-00056903 integrating them hrhyGKPtMwo-00203-00056903-00057126 with the MSME value chain. hrhyGKPtMwo-00204-00057186-00057383 The components of this scheme hrhyGKPtMwo-00205-00057383-00057656 will include not only financial support, hrhyGKPtMwo-00206-00057679-00057873 but also access to advance hrhyGKPtMwo-00207-00057873-00058023 skill training. hrhyGKPtMwo-00208-00058023-00058279 Knowledge of modern digital techniques hrhyGKPtMwo-00209-00058326-00058670 and efficient green technologies, brand hrhyGKPtMwo-00210-00058670-00058763 promotion, hrhyGKPtMwo-00211-00058763-00059010 linkage with local and global markets, hrhyGKPtMwo-00212-00059063-00059563 digital payments and Social Security. hrhyGKPtMwo-00213-00059579-00059716 This will greatly benefit hrhyGKPtMwo-00214-00059716-00059810 the scheduled castes, hrhyGKPtMwo-00215-00059810-00059996 scheduled tribes, OBC, hrhyGKPtMwo-00216-00059996-00060120 women and people hrhyGKPtMwo-00217-00060120-00060523 belonging to the weaker sections. hrhyGKPtMwo-00218-00060640-00060779 Tourism. hrhyGKPtMwo-00219-00060779-00061050 The country offers immense attraction hrhyGKPtMwo-00220-00061076-00061333 for domestic as well as foreign tourists. hrhyGKPtMwo-00221-00061406-00061563 There is a large potential hrhyGKPtMwo-00222-00061563-00061740 to be tapped and tourism. hrhyGKPtMwo-00223-00061740-00061983 The sector holds huge opportunities hrhyGKPtMwo-00224-00062010-00062246 for jobs and entrepreneurship for youth hrhyGKPtMwo-00225-00062250-00062406 in particular. hrhyGKPtMwo-00226-00062406-00062526 Promotion of tourism hrhyGKPtMwo-00227-00062526-00062746 will be taken up on mission mode, hrhyGKPtMwo-00228-00062779-00063023 with active participation of states, hrhyGKPtMwo-00229-00063056-00063273 convergence of government programs hrhyGKPtMwo-00230-00063296-00063506 and public private partnership. hrhyGKPtMwo-00231-00063720-00063920 Green Growth. hrhyGKPtMwo-00232-00063960-00064153 We are implementing many programs hrhyGKPtMwo-00233-00064153-00064206 for green hrhyGKPtMwo-00234-00064206-00064546 fuel, green energy, green farming, hrhyGKPtMwo-00235-00064583-00064726 green mobility, hrhyGKPtMwo-00236-00064726-00065010 green buildings and green equipment hrhyGKPtMwo-00237-00065040-00065343 and policies for efficient use of energy hrhyGKPtMwo-00238-00065366-00065616 across various economic sectors. hrhyGKPtMwo-00239-00065670-00065873 These green growth efforts hrhyGKPtMwo-00240-00065873-00066040 help in reducing carbon hrhyGKPtMwo-00241-00066040-00066230 intensity of the economy hrhyGKPtMwo-00242-00066230-00066480 and provides for large scale green hrhyGKPtMwo-00243-00066496-00066823 job opportunities. hrhyGKPtMwo-00244-00067273-00067526 Priorities of this Budget. hrhyGKPtMwo-00245-00067526-00067643 The budget adopts hrhyGKPtMwo-00246-00067643-00067866 the following seven priorities. hrhyGKPtMwo-00247-00067936-00068156 They complement each other hrhyGKPtMwo-00248-00068176-00068383 and act as the ‘Saptarishi’ hrhyGKPtMwo-00249-00068406-00068780 guiding us through the Amrit Kaal. hrhyGKPtMwo-00250-00068780-00069043 Inclusive development, hrhyGKPtMwo-00251-00069043-00069273 Reaching the last mile, hrhyGKPtMwo-00252-00069273-00069540 Infrastructure and investment, hrhyGKPtMwo-00253-00069540-00069890 unleashing the potential, green growth, hrhyGKPtMwo-00254-00069966-00070383 youth power and financial sector. hrhyGKPtMwo-00255-00070500-00070580 I now speak hrhyGKPtMwo-00256-00070580-00070656 on the priority hrhyGKPtMwo-00257-00070656-00070866 number one in inclusive development hrhyGKPtMwo-00258-00070960-00071023 the government's hrhyGKPtMwo-00259-00071023-00071280 philosophy of Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas hrhyGKPtMwo-00260-00071320-00071606 has facilitated inclusive development hrhyGKPtMwo-00261-00071606-00071790 covering in specific hrhyGKPtMwo-00262-00071790-00072163 farmers, women, youth, BBCs, hrhyGKPtMwo-00263-00072186-00072283 scheduled castes, hrhyGKPtMwo-00264-00072283-00072536 scheduled tribes, divyangjan hrhyGKPtMwo-00265-00072573-00072800 and economically weaker sections hrhyGKPtMwo-00266-00072846-00072993 and overall priority hrhyGKPtMwo-00267-00072993-00073130 for the underprivileged. hrhyGKPtMwo-00268-00073130-00073543 vanchiton ko variyata. hrhyGKPtMwo-00269-00073673-00073950 There has also been a sustained focus hrhyGKPtMwo-00270-00073983-00074046 on Jammu hrhyGKPtMwo-00271-00074046-00074390 Kashmir, Ladakh and the North-East. hrhyGKPtMwo-00272-00074440-00075096 This budget builds on those efforts. hrhyGKPtMwo-00273-00075096-00075196 Digital, public hrhyGKPtMwo-00274-00075196-00075496 infrastructure for agriculture, hrhyGKPtMwo-00275-00075496-00075590 digital public hrhyGKPtMwo-00276-00075590-00075750 infrastructure for agriculture hrhyGKPtMwo-00277-00075750-00075986 will be built as an open source, hrhyGKPtMwo-00278-00076053-00076383 open standard and interoperable public hrhyGKPtMwo-00279-00076383-00076456 good. hrhyGKPtMwo-00280-00076486-00076710 This will enable inclusive, hrhyGKPtMwo-00281-00076740-00077006 farmer centric solutions through hrhyGKPtMwo-00282-00077026-00077153 relevant information hrhyGKPtMwo-00283-00077153-00077440 services for crop planning and health, hrhyGKPtMwo-00284-00077473-00077716 improved access to farm inputs, hrhyGKPtMwo-00285-00077760-00078000 credit and insurance, help hrhyGKPtMwo-00286-00078026-00078350 for crop estimation, market intelligence hrhyGKPtMwo-00287-00078410-00078636 and support for growth of agritech, hrhyGKPtMwo-00288-00078636-00078833 industry and startups hrhyGKPtMwo-00289-00079340-00079556 and agricultural hrhyGKPtMwo-00290-00079666-00079890 Accelerator Fund hrhyGKPtMwo-00291-00079890-00080176 and Agriculture Accelerator Fund hrhyGKPtMwo-00292-00080176-00080496 will be set up to encourage agri startups hrhyGKPtMwo-00293-00080760-00081003 by young entrepreneurs in rural areas. hrhyGKPtMwo-00294-00081006-00081246 The fund will aim at bringing innovative hrhyGKPtMwo-00295-00081246-00081316 and affordable hrhyGKPtMwo-00296-00081316-00081423 solutions hrhyGKPtMwo-00297-00081423-00081673 for challenges faced by farmers. hrhyGKPtMwo-00298-00081756-00082036 It will also bring in modern technologies hrhyGKPtMwo-00299-00082080-00082320 to transform agricultural practices, hrhyGKPtMwo-00300-00082356-00082793 increase productivity and profitability, hrhyGKPtMwo-00301-00082793-00082953 to enhance the productivity hrhyGKPtMwo-00302-00082953-00083160 of extra long staple cotton. hrhyGKPtMwo-00303-00083220-00083426 We will adopt a cluster based hrhyGKPtMwo-00304-00083453-00083530 and value hrhyGKPtMwo-00305-00083530-00083666 chain approach hrhyGKPtMwo-00306-00083666-00083913 through public private partnerships(PPP). hrhyGKPtMwo-00307-00083913-00084113 This will mean hrhyGKPtMwo-00308-00084120-00084423 collaboration between farmers, state hrhyGKPtMwo-00309-00084456-00084720 and industry for inputs, supplies, hrhyGKPtMwo-00310-00084743-00085243 extension services and market linkages. hrhyGKPtMwo-00311-00085290-00085453 We will launch an Atmanirbhar hrhyGKPtMwo-00312-00085453-00085676 Clean Plant program hrhyGKPtMwo-00313-00085676-00085936 to boost availability of disease free hrhyGKPtMwo-00314-00086070-00086336 quality planting material hrhyGKPtMwo-00315-00086336-00086633 for high value horticultural crops hrhyGKPtMwo-00316-00086670-00087133 after an outlay of 2200 crores. hrhyGKPtMwo-00317-00087256-00087513 Global hub for Millets hrhyGKPtMwo-00318-00087513-00087703 Millets which are ‘Shree Anna’ hrhyGKPtMwo-00319-00087823-00087890 India is hrhyGKPtMwo-00320-00087890-00088476 the forefront. hrhyGKPtMwo-00321-00088476-00088523 India hrhyGKPtMwo-00322-00088523-00088656 is at the forefront hrhyGKPtMwo-00323-00088656-00088896 of popularizing Millets, hrhyGKPtMwo-00324-00088896-00089030 whose consumption hrhyGKPtMwo-00325-00089030-00089200 further nutrition furthers hrhyGKPtMwo-00326-00089200-00089440 nutrition, food security hrhyGKPtMwo-00327-00089490-00089683 and welfare of farmers. hrhyGKPtMwo-00328-00089683-00089986 Said the honorable prime Minister. hrhyGKPtMwo-00329-00089986-00090273 We are the largest producer and second hrhyGKPtMwo-00330-00090273-00090533 largest exporter of ‘Shree hrhyGKPtMwo-00331-00090533-00090823 Anna’ in the world. hrhyGKPtMwo-00332-00091090-00091343 We grow several types of ‘Shree Anna’, hrhyGKPtMwo-00333-00091390-00091566 such as Shree Anna jowar, Shree hrhyGKPtMwo-00334-00091566-00091640 Anna ragi, Shree Anna hrhyGKPtMwo-00335-00091640-00091706 bajra, Shree Anna kuttu, hrhyGKPtMwo-00336-00091706-00091953 ramdana, kangni, kutki, kodo, cheena, hrhyGKPtMwo-00337-00091953-00093073 and sama. hrhyGKPtMwo-00338-00093346-00093573 These have a number of health benefits hrhyGKPtMwo-00339-00093676-00093866 and have been an integral part hrhyGKPtMwo-00340-00093866-00094096 of our food for centuries. hrhyGKPtMwo-00341-00094096-00094320 I acknowledge with pride hrhyGKPtMwo-00342-00094320-00094673 the huge service done by small farmers hrhyGKPtMwo-00343-00094716-00094820 in contributing hrhyGKPtMwo-00344-00094820-00095040 to the health of fellow citizens hrhyGKPtMwo-00345-00095040-00095263 by growing these ‘Shree Anna’ hrhyGKPtMwo-00346-00095610-00095783 now to make India hrhyGKPtMwo-00347-00095783-00095993 a global hub for Shree Anna. hrhyGKPtMwo-00348-00096040-00096150 The Indian Institute hrhyGKPtMwo-00349-00096150-00096286 of Military Research. hrhyGKPtMwo-00350-00096286-00096480 Ideally, Indian Institute of the Shree hrhyGKPtMwo-00351-00096480-00096810 Anna Research Hyderabad will be supported hrhyGKPtMwo-00352-00096830-00097006 as the Center of Excellence hrhyGKPtMwo-00353-00097006-00097280 and for sharing best practices. hrhyGKPtMwo-00354-00097306-00097530 Research and technologies hrhyGKPtMwo-00355-00097546-00097903 at the international level. hrhyGKPtMwo-00356-00097926-00098073 The agricultural credit hrhyGKPtMwo-00357-00098073-00098166 target hrhyGKPtMwo-00358-00098166-00098433 will be increased to 20 lakh crores, hrhyGKPtMwo-00359-00098466-00098640 with focus hrhyGKPtMwo-00360-00098640-00098990 on animal husbandry, dairy and fisheries. hrhyGKPtMwo-00361-00099146-00099186 We will hrhyGKPtMwo-00362-00099186-00099530 launch a new sub scheme for off hrhyGKPtMwo-00363-00099533-00099760 PM Matsya Sampada Yojana, hrhyGKPtMwo-00364-00099760-00099946 which is an existing scheme, hrhyGKPtMwo-00365-00099946-00100193 but will launch a new subsidy hrhyGKPtMwo-00366-00100193-00100530 with targeted investment of 6000 crores hrhyGKPtMwo-00367-00100530-00100806 to further enable hrhyGKPtMwo-00368-00100810-00101003 activities of fishermen, hrhyGKPtMwo-00369-00101003-00101130 fish vendors hrhyGKPtMwo-00370-00101130-00101340 and micro and small enterprises, hrhyGKPtMwo-00371-00101423-00101640 improve value chain efficiencies hrhyGKPtMwo-00372-00101666-00101953 and expand the market hrhyGKPtMwo-00373-00102120-00102206 for farmers, hrhyGKPtMwo-00374-00102206-00102430 especially small and marginal farmers hrhyGKPtMwo-00375-00102473-00102746 and other marginalized sections. hrhyGKPtMwo-00376-00102746-00102983 The government is promoting cooperative hrhyGKPtMwo-00377-00102983-00103213 based economic development model. hrhyGKPtMwo-00378-00103323-00103616 A new Ministry of Cooperation was formed hrhyGKPtMwo-00379-00103653-00103756 with a mandate hrhyGKPtMwo-00380-00103756-00104059 to realize the vision of‘Sahakar hrhyGKPtMwo-00381-00104059-00104386 Se Samriddhi’. hrhyGKPtMwo-00382-00104386-00104703 To realize this vision. hrhyGKPtMwo-00383-00104756-00104993 The Government has already initiated hrhyGKPtMwo-00384-00104993-00105356 computerization of 63,000 hrhyGKPtMwo-00385-00105356-00105636 primary agricultural credit societies hrhyGKPtMwo-00386-00105683-00106109 with an investment of, hrhyGKPtMwo-00387-00106130-00106430 2516 crores. hrhyGKPtMwo-00388-00106480-00106580 In consultation hrhyGKPtMwo-00389-00106580-00106846 with all the stakeholders and the states hrhyGKPtMwo-00390-00106913-00107170 model bye-laws for PACS hrhyGKPtMwo-00391-00107236-00107393 were formulated, hrhyGKPtMwo-00392-00107393-00107500 enabling them to hrhyGKPtMwo-00393-00107500-00107736 become multipurpose PACS. hrhyGKPtMwo-00394-00107886-00107973 A National hrhyGKPtMwo-00395-00107973-00108286 Cooperative Database is being prepared hrhyGKPtMwo-00396-00108323-00108430 for countrywide hrhyGKPtMwo-00397-00108430-00108656 mapping of cooperative societies. hrhyGKPtMwo-00398-00108746-00108920 With this backdrop, hrhyGKPtMwo-00399-00108920-00109063 we will implement a plan hrhyGKPtMwo-00400-00109063-00109403 to set up massive, decentralized hrhyGKPtMwo-00401-00109430-00109783 storage capacity. hrhyGKPtMwo-00402-00110196-00110380 This will help farmers hrhyGKPtMwo-00403-00110380-00110556 store their produce hrhyGKPtMwo-00404-00110556-00110806 and realize remunerative prices hrhyGKPtMwo-00405-00110836-00111059 to sale at appropriate times. hrhyGKPtMwo-00406-00111120-00111296 The government will also facilitate hrhyGKPtMwo-00407-00111296-00111450 setting up of a large number hrhyGKPtMwo-00408-00111450-00111559 of multipurpose hrhyGKPtMwo-00409-00111559-00111809 cooperative societies, primary hrhyGKPtMwo-00410-00111840-00112016 fishery societies hrhyGKPtMwo-00411-00112016-00112243 and dairy cooperative societies hrhyGKPtMwo-00412-00112273-00112583 in uncovered panchayat and villages. hrhyGKPtMwo-00413-00112609-00113753 In the next five years, health, education hrhyGKPtMwo-00414-00113753-00113890 and skilling, hrhyGKPtMwo-00415-00113890-00114190 a mission to eliminate sickle cell anemia hrhyGKPtMwo-00416-00114250-00114556 by 2047, will be launched. hrhyGKPtMwo-00417-00114626-00114890 It will entail awareness creation, hrhyGKPtMwo-00418-00114920-00115226 universal screening of 7 crore people hrhyGKPtMwo-00419-00115253-00115520 in the age group of 0 to 40 years hrhyGKPtMwo-00420-00115830-00116053 in affected tribal areas, hrhyGKPtMwo-00421-00116086-00116183 and counseling hrhyGKPtMwo-00422-00116183-00116370 through collaborative efforts hrhyGKPtMwo-00423-00116370-00116550 of central ministries hrhyGKPtMwo-00424-00116550-00116823 and state governments. hrhyGKPtMwo-00425-00116866-00117226 Facilities in select ICMR Labs. hrhyGKPtMwo-00426-00117300-00117590 Indian Council for Medical Research Labs hrhyGKPtMwo-00427-00117630-00117850 will be made available for research hrhyGKPtMwo-00428-00117890-00117976 by public hrhyGKPtMwo-00429-00117976-00118140 and private medical college hrhyGKPtMwo-00430-00118140-00118540 faculty and private sector R&D teams hrhyGKPtMwo-00431-00118576-00118913 for encouraging collaborative research hrhyGKPtMwo-00432-00118933-00119293 and innovation. hrhyGKPtMwo-00433-00119293-00119473 A new pharma program. hrhyGKPtMwo-00434-00119473-00119676 A new program to promote hrhyGKPtMwo-00435-00119740-00119903 research and innovation hrhyGKPtMwo-00436-00119903-00120070 in pharmaceuticals hrhyGKPtMwo-00437-00120070-00120173 will be taken up hrhyGKPtMwo-00438-00120173-00120420 through centers of excellence. hrhyGKPtMwo-00439-00120420-00120686 We shall also encourage industry hrhyGKPtMwo-00440-00120686-00120853 to invest in research hrhyGKPtMwo-00441-00120853-00121050 and development in specific hrhyGKPtMwo-00442-00121050-00121200 priority areas. hrhyGKPtMwo-00443-00121423-00121680 Dedicated multi-disciplinary courses hrhyGKPtMwo-00444-00121720-00121900 for medical devices hrhyGKPtMwo-00445-00121900-00122040 will be supported hrhyGKPtMwo-00446-00122040-00122283 in existing institutions hrhyGKPtMwo-00447-00122283-00122433 to ensure availability hrhyGKPtMwo-00448-00122433-00122826 of skilled manpower for futuristic hrhyGKPtMwo-00449-00122863-00123043 medical technologies, hrhyGKPtMwo-00450-00123043-00123553 high end manufacturing and research. hrhyGKPtMwo-00451-00123609-00123813 Teachers Training. hrhyGKPtMwo-00452-00123816-00124046 Teachers training will be re-envisioned hrhyGKPtMwo-00453-00124066-00124390 through innovative pedagogy curriculum hrhyGKPtMwo-00454-00124390-00124593 transaction, continuous hrhyGKPtMwo-00455-00124593-00124800 professional development, hrhyGKPtMwo-00456-00124800-00125230 dipstick surveys, and ICT implementation. hrhyGKPtMwo-00457-00125303-00125563 The District Institute of Education hrhyGKPtMwo-00458-00125563-00125670 and Training hrhyGKPtMwo-00459-00125670-00125953 will be developed as vibrant institutes hrhyGKPtMwo-00460-00125953-00126343 of excellence for this purpose. hrhyGKPtMwo-00461-00126720-00126900 National Digital Library hrhyGKPtMwo-00462-00126900-00127200 for Children and Adolescents. hrhyGKPtMwo-00463-00127200-00127283 And National. hrhyGKPtMwo-00464-00127283-00127380 Digital Library hrhyGKPtMwo-00465-00127380-00127566 for Children and Adolescents hrhyGKPtMwo-00466-00127566-00127736 will be set up hrhyGKPtMwo-00467-00127740-00127866 for facilitating hrhyGKPtMwo-00468-00127866-00128063 availability of quality books hrhyGKPtMwo-00469-00128063-00128336 across geographies, languages and genres hrhyGKPtMwo-00470-00128373-00128513 and levels hrhyGKPtMwo-00471-00128513-00128820 and device agnostic accessibility. hrhyGKPtMwo-00472-00128880-00129056 States will be encouraged to set up hrhyGKPtMwo-00473-00129056-00129313 physical libraries for them at panchayats hrhyGKPtMwo-00474-00129313-00129436 and what levels hrhyGKPtMwo-00475-00129436-00129643 and provide infrastructure hrhyGKPtMwo-00476-00129900-00130109 for accessing the National hrhyGKPtMwo-00477-00130109-00130359 Digital Library resources. hrhyGKPtMwo-00478-00130533-00130683 Additionally, hrhyGKPtMwo-00479-00130683-00130903 to build a culture of reading hrhyGKPtMwo-00480-00130903-00131100 and to make up for pandemic time hrhyGKPtMwo-00481-00131100-00131266 learning loss, hrhyGKPtMwo-00482-00131266-00131456 the national Book Trust, hrhyGKPtMwo-00483-00131456-00131640 the children's book Trust hrhyGKPtMwo-00484-00131640-00131756 and other sources hrhyGKPtMwo-00485-00131756-00131946 will be encouraged to provide hrhyGKPtMwo-00486-00131946-00132290 and replenish non curricular titles hrhyGKPtMwo-00487-00132330-00132643 in regional languages and in English hrhyGKPtMwo-00488-00132736-00133123 to these physical libraries. hrhyGKPtMwo-00489-00133123-00133303 In collaboration hrhyGKPtMwo-00490-00133303-00133570 with NGOs that work in literacy hrhyGKPtMwo-00491-00133620-00133870 will also be a part of this initiative hrhyGKPtMwo-00492-00133936-00134040 to inculcate hrhyGKPtMwo-00493-00134166-00134370 financial literacy. hrhyGKPtMwo-00494-00134370-00134583 Financial sector regulators hrhyGKPtMwo-00495-00134616-00134803 and organizations hrhyGKPtMwo-00496-00134803-00134940 will be encouraged hrhyGKPtMwo-00497-00134940-00135056 to provide hrhyGKPtMwo-00498-00135056-00135300 age appropriate reading material hrhyGKPtMwo-00499-00135330-00135673 to these libraries. hrhyGKPtMwo-00500-00135763-00135980 i move to Priority 2 hrhyGKPtMwo-00501-00135980-00136230 reaching the last Mile. hrhyGKPtMwo-00502-00136230-00136440 Prime Minister Vajpayee's government hrhyGKPtMwo-00503-00136526-00136813 had formed the ministry of Tribal Affairs hrhyGKPtMwo-00504-00136890-00137033 and the Department hrhyGKPtMwo-00505-00137033-00137253 of Development of Northeast Region hrhyGKPtMwo-00506-00137680-00137866 to provide a sharper focus hrhyGKPtMwo-00507-00137866-00137946 to the objective hrhyGKPtMwo-00508-00137946-00138180 of reaching the last mile. hrhyGKPtMwo-00509-00138180-00138306 Our government hrhyGKPtMwo-00510-00138306-00138560 has formed the ministries of youth hrhyGKPtMwo-00511-00138613-00138990 fisheries, animal husbandry and dairying, hrhyGKPtMwo-00512-00139023-00139273 skill development, jail safety hrhyGKPtMwo-00513-00139303-00139633 and co-operation. hrhyGKPtMwo-00514-00139863-00140000 Building on the success hrhyGKPtMwo-00515-00140000-00140216 of the Aspirational Districts program. hrhyGKPtMwo-00516-00140293-00140546 The Government has recently launched hrhyGKPtMwo-00517-00140580-00140810 the Aspirational Blocks program, hrhyGKPtMwo-00518-00140860-00141306 covering 500 blocks for saturation hrhyGKPtMwo-00519-00141336-00141626 of essential government services across hrhyGKPtMwo-00520-00141630-00141796 multiple domains hrhyGKPtMwo-00521-00141796-00141936 such as health, hrhyGKPtMwo-00522-00141936-00142043 nutrition, hrhyGKPtMwo-00523-00142043-00142376 education, agriculture, water resources, hrhyGKPtMwo-00524-00142400-00142686 financial inclusion, skill development hrhyGKPtMwo-00525-00142706-00143060 and basic infrastructure. hrhyGKPtMwo-00526-00143060-00143260 Manya Speaker Sir hrhyGKPtMwo-00527-00143260-00143596 Pradhan Mantri PVTG, which is hrhyGKPtMwo-00528-00143723-00143986 primitive, vulnerable tribal groups. hrhyGKPtMwo-00529-00144023-00144266 Development mission is being launched hrhyGKPtMwo-00530-00144753-00144903 to improve socio hrhyGKPtMwo-00531-00144903-00145036 economic conditions hrhyGKPtMwo-00532-00145036-00145246 of the particularly vulnerable hrhyGKPtMwo-00533-00145246-00145426 tribal groups. hrhyGKPtMwo-00534-00145426-00145770 The PVTG as we refer them to Pradhan hrhyGKPtMwo-00535-00145770-00145893 Mantri PVTG hrhyGKPtMwo-00536-00145893-00146100 Development Mission will be launched. hrhyGKPtMwo-00537-00146153-00146516 This will saturate PVTG families hrhyGKPtMwo-00538-00146560-00146906 and habitations with basic facilities hrhyGKPtMwo-00539-00146933-00147130 such as safe housing, hrhyGKPtMwo-00540-00147130-00147236 clean drinking hrhyGKPtMwo-00541-00147236-00147626 water and sanitation, improved access to hrhyGKPtMwo-00542-00147626-00147746 education, health, hrhyGKPtMwo-00543-00147746-00148056 nutrition, road and telecom connectivity hrhyGKPtMwo-00544-00148080-00148343 and sustainable livelihood opportunities hrhyGKPtMwo-00545-00148380-00148460 and amount of hrhyGKPtMwo-00546-00148460-00148836 15,000 crores will be made available hrhyGKPtMwo-00547-00148913-00149126 to implement the mission hrhyGKPtMwo-00548-00149126-00149340 in the next three years. hrhyGKPtMwo-00549-00149340-00149550 Under the Development Action Plan hrhyGKPtMwo-00550-00149560-00149890 for the scheduled tribes hrhyGKPtMwo-00551-00149980-00150270 Eklavya model residential schools hrhyGKPtMwo-00552-00150366-00150523 in the next three years hrhyGKPtMwo-00553-00150523-00150866 center will recruit 38,800 hrhyGKPtMwo-00554-00150866-00150996 teachers hrhyGKPtMwo-00555-00151180-00151380 and support staff hrhyGKPtMwo-00556-00151380-00151660 for the 740 Eklavya hrhyGKPtMwo-00557-00151660-00151890 modern residential schools, hrhyGKPtMwo-00558-00151890-00152223 which are serving 3.5 lakh tribal hrhyGKPtMwo-00559-00152223-00152373 students hrhyGKPtMwo-00560-00153323-00153400 in the drought hrhyGKPtMwo-00561-00153400-00153660 prone central regions of Karnataka. hrhyGKPtMwo-00562-00153720-00154110 Central assistance of 5300 crore hrhyGKPtMwo-00563-00154110-00154406 will be given to Upper Bhadra. hrhyGKPtMwo-00564-00154406-00154460 project hrhyGKPtMwo-00565-00154696-00154730 to hrhyGKPtMwo-00566-00154983-00155100 provide. hrhyGKPtMwo-00567-00155100-00155356 Sustainable micro irrigation hrhyGKPtMwo-00568-00155356-00155500 and filling up hrhyGKPtMwo-00569-00155500-00155803 of service tanks for drinking water. hrhyGKPtMwo-00570-00155803-00156153 PM Awas Yojana . hrhyGKPtMwo-00571-00156193-00156406 The outlay for PM Awas hrhyGKPtMwo-00572-00156406-00156933 Yojana is being enhanced by 66% to over hrhyGKPtMwo-00573-00156970-00157620 79,000 crores, Bharat hrhyGKPtMwo-00574-00157626-00157856 shared repository of inscriptions hrhyGKPtMwo-00575-00157860-00157943 will be set up hrhyGKPtMwo-00576-00157943-00158173 in a digital epigraph museum hrhyGKPtMwo-00577-00158173-00158440 with digitization of one lakh hrhyGKPtMwo-00578-00158466-00158643 ancient inscriptions. hrhyGKPtMwo-00579-00158643-00159043 In the first stage, Support hrhyGKPtMwo-00580-00159043-00159320 for poor prisoners, hrhyGKPtMwo-00581-00159350-00159476 for poor hrhyGKPtMwo-00582-00159633-00159853 persons who are in prisons hrhyGKPtMwo-00583-00159900-00159980 and unable hrhyGKPtMwo-00584-00159980-00160313 to afford the penalty or the bail amount hrhyGKPtMwo-00585-00160383-00160456 required. hrhyGKPtMwo-00586-00160456-00160873 Financial support will be provided. hrhyGKPtMwo-00587-00161193-00161296 Priority number hrhyGKPtMwo-00588-00161296-00161536 three Infrastructure and investment hrhyGKPtMwo-00589-00161673-00161850 investments in infrastructure hrhyGKPtMwo-00590-00161850-00161976 and productive capacity hrhyGKPtMwo-00591-00161976-00162293 have a large multiplier impact on hrhyGKPtMwo-00592-00162293-00162426 growth and employment hrhyGKPtMwo-00593-00162426-00162666 after the subdued period of the pandemic. hrhyGKPtMwo-00594-00162703-00162933 Private investments are growing again. hrhyGKPtMwo-00595-00162933-00163126 The budget takes the lead once again hrhyGKPtMwo-00596-00163126-00163253 to ramp up the virtuous hrhyGKPtMwo-00597-00163253-00163570 cycle of investment and job creation. hrhyGKPtMwo-00598-00163650-00163740 Honorable Speaker hrhyGKPtMwo-00599-00163740-00164010 Sir, the capital investment outlay hrhyGKPtMwo-00600-00164056-00164290 is being increased steeply hrhyGKPtMwo-00601-00164340-00164556 for the third year in a row hrhyGKPtMwo-00602-00164620-00164983 by 33% to 10 lakh close, hrhyGKPtMwo-00603-00165093-00165280 which would be hrhyGKPtMwo-00604-00166726-00166803 which would be hrhyGKPtMwo-00605-00166803-00167130 3.3% of GDP. hrhyGKPtMwo-00606-00167236-00167500 This will almost be three times hrhyGKPtMwo-00607-00167500-00168583 the outlay made in 2000 1920. hrhyGKPtMwo-00608-00169143-00169283 This substantial hrhyGKPtMwo-00609-00169283-00169533 increase in recent years hrhyGKPtMwo-00610-00169590-00169736 is central to the government's hrhyGKPtMwo-00611-00169736-00170030 efforts to enhance growth, potential hrhyGKPtMwo-00612-00170070-00170313 and job creation crowding, hrhyGKPtMwo-00613-00170383-00170486 private investments hrhyGKPtMwo-00614-00170486-00170680 and provide a cushion against global hrhyGKPtMwo-00615-00170680-00170806 headwinds. hrhyGKPtMwo-00616-00170820-00170983 The direct capital investment hrhyGKPtMwo-00617-00170983-00171083 by the center hrhyGKPtMwo-00618-00171083-00171296 is complemented by the provision made hrhyGKPtMwo-00619-00171300-00171440 for creation of hrhyGKPtMwo-00620-00171440-00171540 capital assets hrhyGKPtMwo-00621-00171540-00171740 through grants and aid to state. hrhyGKPtMwo-00622-00171740-00171853 The effective capital hrhyGKPtMwo-00623-00171853-00172190 expenditure of the center is budgeted hrhyGKPtMwo-00624-00172190-00172490 at 13.7 lakh crore rupees, hrhyGKPtMwo-00625-00172490-00172940 which will be for 4.5% of GDP hrhyGKPtMwo-00626-00173090-00173296 support to state governments hrhyGKPtMwo-00627-00173296-00173550 for capital investment. hrhyGKPtMwo-00628-00173550-00173820 I have decided to continue the 50 year hrhyGKPtMwo-00629-00173820-00173906 interest free hrhyGKPtMwo-00630-00173906-00174080 loan to state governments hrhyGKPtMwo-00631-00174080-00174300 for one more year hrhyGKPtMwo-00632-00174300-00174583 to spur investment in infrastructure hrhyGKPtMwo-00633-00174633-00174856 and to incentivize them hrhyGKPtMwo-00634-00174856-00175090 for complementary policy actions hrhyGKPtMwo-00635-00175136-00175493 with a significantly enhanced outlay of hrhyGKPtMwo-00636-00175493-00175933 1.3 lakh crores. hrhyGKPtMwo-00637-00176063-00176130 The newly hrhyGKPtMwo-00638-00176130-00176286 established Infrastructure hrhyGKPtMwo-00639-00176286-00176493 Finance Secretariat hrhyGKPtMwo-00640-00176493-00176726 will assist all stakeholders hrhyGKPtMwo-00641-00176760-00176936 for more private investment hrhyGKPtMwo-00642-00176936-00177250 in infrastructure, including railways, hrhyGKPtMwo-00643-00177276-00177520 roads, urban infrastructure and power, hrhyGKPtMwo-00644-00177556-00177720 which are predominantly depend hrhyGKPtMwo-00645-00177720-00177933 on public resources. hrhyGKPtMwo-00646-00177933-00178080 The harmonize master hrhyGKPtMwo-00647-00178080-00178256 list of infrastructure hrhyGKPtMwo-00648-00178256-00178526 will be reviewed by an expert committee hrhyGKPtMwo-00649-00178560-00178806 for recommending the Classification hrhyGKPtMwo-00650-00178833-00178980 and financing hrhyGKPtMwo-00651-00178980-00179260 Framework suitable for Amrit Kaal. hrhyGKPtMwo-00652-00179406-00179606 a capital outlay. hrhyGKPtMwo-00653-00179606-00179733 I am talking about railways hrhyGKPtMwo-00654-00179733-00179913 now, so honorable speaker. hrhyGKPtMwo-00655-00179913-00180366 Railways, a capital outlay of 2.40 hrhyGKPtMwo-00656-00180366-00180516 lakh crores hrhyGKPtMwo-00657-00180516-00180876 has been provided for the railways. hrhyGKPtMwo-00658-00181216-00181330 This is the highest hrhyGKPtMwo-00659-00181330-00181620 ever outlay about this. hrhyGKPtMwo-00660-00181653-00181690 Sorry, hrhyGKPtMwo-00661-00181690-00181896 this highest ever outlay hrhyGKPtMwo-00662-00181896-00182073 is about nine times hrhyGKPtMwo-00663-00182073-00182503 the outlay made in 2013-2014. hrhyGKPtMwo-00664-00182753-00182916 100 critical hrhyGKPtMwo-00665-00182916-00183120 transport infrastructure projects hrhyGKPtMwo-00666-00183163-00183243 for Northeast hrhyGKPtMwo-00667-00183243-00183396 and First Mile connectivity hrhyGKPtMwo-00668-00183396-00183713 for probe, ports, coal, steel, fertilizer hrhyGKPtMwo-00669-00183713-00183786 and Foodgrains hrhyGKPtMwo-00670-00183786-00183996 sectors have been identified. hrhyGKPtMwo-00671-00184026-00184216 They will be taken up on priority hrhyGKPtMwo-00672-00184216-00184526 with investment of 75,000 crores, hrhyGKPtMwo-00673-00184573-00184870 including 15,000 crore from private hrhyGKPtMwo-00674-00184870-00185186 sources. hrhyGKPtMwo-00675-00185186-00185533 50 additional airports, heliports, hrhyGKPtMwo-00676-00185566-00185750 water, airdromes hrhyGKPtMwo-00677-00185750-00185830 and advanced hrhyGKPtMwo-00678-00185830-00186073 landing grounds will be revived hrhyGKPtMwo-00679-00186073-00186423 for improving regional air connectivity hrhyGKPtMwo-00680-00186613-00186630 and hrhyGKPtMwo-00681-00186936-00187163 sustainable cities hrhyGKPtMwo-00682-00187213-00187370 for tomorrow. hrhyGKPtMwo-00683-00188060-00188283 States and cities hrhyGKPtMwo-00684-00188283-00188446 well and resources, hrhyGKPtMwo-00685-00188446-00188550 adequate resources hrhyGKPtMwo-00686-00188550-00188593 for urban hrhyGKPtMwo-00687-00188593-00188793 infrastructure, transport, hrhyGKPtMwo-00688-00188793-00189003 the transit oriented development, hrhyGKPtMwo-00689-00189003-00189290 enhanced availability and affordability hrhyGKPtMwo-00690-00189313-00189593 of urban land and opportunities for all hrhyGKPtMwo-00691-00189743-00189983 through property tax, governance, reforms hrhyGKPtMwo-00692-00189983-00190306 and ring fencing user charges on urban hrhyGKPtMwo-00693-00190306-00190503 infrastructure, cities hrhyGKPtMwo-00694-00190503-00190666 will be incentivized hrhyGKPtMwo-00695-00190666-00190786 to improve the credit hrhyGKPtMwo-00696-00190786-00191056 worthiness for municipal bonds. hrhyGKPtMwo-00697-00191190-00191530 Like the RIDF, hrhyGKPtMwo-00698-00191530-00191800 an urban infrastructure development fund hrhyGKPtMwo-00699-00191866-00191990 will be established hrhyGKPtMwo-00700-00191990-00192133 through use of priority hrhyGKPtMwo-00701-00192133-00192383 sector lending shortfall. hrhyGKPtMwo-00702-00192383-00192513 This will be managed hrhyGKPtMwo-00703-00192513-00192720 by the National Housing Bank hrhyGKPtMwo-00704-00192720-00192970 and will be used by public agencies hrhyGKPtMwo-00705-00193016-00193080 to create hrhyGKPtMwo-00706-00193080-00193190 urban infrastructure hrhyGKPtMwo-00707-00193190-00193410 in Tier two and Tier three cities. hrhyGKPtMwo-00708-00193470-00193640 States will be encouraged hrhyGKPtMwo-00709-00193640-00193846 to leverage resources hrhyGKPtMwo-00710-00193846-00194013 from the grants of the 15th hrhyGKPtMwo-00711-00194013-00194156 Finance Commission, hrhyGKPtMwo-00712-00194156-00194466 as well as existing schemes to adopt hrhyGKPtMwo-00713-00194476-00194783 appropriate usage charges while accessing hrhyGKPtMwo-00714-00194800-00194910 the UIDF. hrhyGKPtMwo-00715-00195103-00195396 We expect to make it available hrhyGKPtMwo-00716-00195396-00195760 to make available 10,000 crore rupees hrhyGKPtMwo-00717-00195793-00196183 per annum for this purpose. hrhyGKPtMwo-00718-00196356-00196673 All cities and towns will be enabled hrhyGKPtMwo-00719-00196700-00197046 for 100% mechanical desludging hrhyGKPtMwo-00720-00197046-00197346 of septic tanks and sewers hrhyGKPtMwo-00721-00197390-00197633 to transition from manhole hrhyGKPtMwo-00722-00197660-00198043 to machine-hole mode. hrhyGKPtMwo-00723-00198500-00198710 Enhanced focus hrhyGKPtMwo-00724-00198710-00198820 will be provided hrhyGKPtMwo-00725-00198820-00199063 for scientific management of dry hrhyGKPtMwo-00726-00199090-00199350 and wet waste. hrhyGKPtMwo-00727-00199350-00199553 Honorable Speaker Sir, hrhyGKPtMwo-00728-00199553-00199810 our Prime Minister had said good hrhyGKPtMwo-00729-00199810-00199876 governance hrhyGKPtMwo-00730-00199876-00200103 is the key to a nation's progress. hrhyGKPtMwo-00731-00200203-00200380 Our government is committed hrhyGKPtMwo-00732-00200380-00200580 to providing a transparent hrhyGKPtMwo-00733-00200580-00200886 and accountable administration hrhyGKPtMwo-00734-00200940-00201096 which works for the betterment hrhyGKPtMwo-00735-00201096-00201493 and welfare of common citizens. hrhyGKPtMwo-00736-00201600-00201800 Mission Karmayogi. hrhyGKPtMwo-00737-00201800-00202140 Under Mission Karmayogi, Center States hrhyGKPtMwo-00738-00202140-00202353 and the Union Territories are making hrhyGKPtMwo-00739-00202353-00202526 and implementing hrhyGKPtMwo-00740-00202526-00202700 capacity building plans hrhyGKPtMwo-00741-00202700-00202906 for civil servants. hrhyGKPtMwo-00742-00202906-00203093 The government has also launched hrhyGKPtMwo-00743-00203093-00203426 an integrated online training platform. hrhyGKPtMwo-00744-00203460-00203690 IiGOT Karmayogi, hrhyGKPtMwo-00745-00203690-00203820 to provide continuous hrhyGKPtMwo-00746-00203820-00204030 learning opportunities hrhyGKPtMwo-00747-00204030-00204253 for lakhs of government employees hrhyGKPtMwo-00748-00204300-00204516 to upgrade their skills hrhyGKPtMwo-00749-00204516-00205083 and facilitate people centric approach. hrhyGKPtMwo-00750-00205083-00205453 Sir for enhancing ease of doing business. hrhyGKPtMwo-00751-00205490-00205850 More than 39,000 compliances, hrhyGKPtMwo-00752-00205916-00206226 more than 39,000 compliances hrhyGKPtMwo-00753-00206260-00206469 have been introduced, hrhyGKPtMwo-00754-00206469-00206853 and more than 3400 legal provisions hrhyGKPtMwo-00755-00206880-00207503 have been decriminalized. hrhyGKPtMwo-00756-00207503-00207856 So furthering the trust based governance. hrhyGKPtMwo-00757-00207860-00208216 We have introduced the jan Vishwas Bill hrhyGKPtMwo-00758-00208273-00208536 to amend 42 central acts. hrhyGKPtMwo-00759-00208603-00208880 This Budget proposes a series of measures hrhyGKPtMwo-00760-00208930-00209193 to unleash the potential of our economy. hrhyGKPtMwo-00761-00209319-00209410 Centers of hrhyGKPtMwo-00762-00209410-00209676 excellence for Artificial Intelligence. hrhyGKPtMwo-00763-00209740-00210043 For realizing the vision of hrhyGKPtMwo-00764-00210043-00210293 make AI in India hrhyGKPtMwo-00765-00210340-00210630 and make AI work for India. hrhyGKPtMwo-00766-00210669-00210856 Three centers of Excellence hrhyGKPtMwo-00767-00210856-00211146 for Artificial Intelligence will be hrhyGKPtMwo-00768-00211146-00211436 set up in top educational institutions. hrhyGKPtMwo-00769-00211483-00211669 Leading industry players hrhyGKPtMwo-00770-00211669-00211786 will partner hrhyGKPtMwo-00771-00211786-00211986 in conducting interdisciplinary hrhyGKPtMwo-00772-00212033-00212360 research, develop cutting edge hrhyGKPtMwo-00773-00212403-00212640 applications and scalable hrhyGKPtMwo-00774-00212666-00212810 problem solutions hrhyGKPtMwo-00775-00212810-00212890 in the areas hrhyGKPtMwo-00776-00212890-00213063 of agriculture, health hrhyGKPtMwo-00777-00213063-00213283 and sustainable cities. hrhyGKPtMwo-00778-00213283-00213523 This will galvanize an effective hrhyGKPtMwo-00779-00213550-00213906 AI ecosystem and nurture quality human hrhyGKPtMwo-00780-00213906-00214143 resources in the field. hrhyGKPtMwo-00781-00214300-00214546 National Data Governance Policy hrhyGKPtMwo-00782-00214616-00214846 to unleash innovation and research hrhyGKPtMwo-00783-00214846-00215123 by startups and academia. hrhyGKPtMwo-00784-00215176-00215340 A national governance hrhyGKPtMwo-00785-00215340-00215456 data governance hrhyGKPtMwo-00786-00215456-00215833 policy will be brought out. hrhyGKPtMwo-00787-00215993-00216156 This will enable access hrhyGKPtMwo-00788-00216156-00216360 to anonymized data. hrhyGKPtMwo-00789-00216533-00216856 The KYC process will be simplified, hrhyGKPtMwo-00790-00216856-00217113 adopting a risk based instant hrhyGKPtMwo-00791-00217136-00217436 instead of one size fits all approach. hrhyGKPtMwo-00792-00217466-00217736 The financial sector regulators will also hrhyGKPtMwo-00793-00217736-00217806 be encouraged hrhyGKPtMwo-00794-00217806-00217880 to have hrhyGKPtMwo-00795-00217880-00218050 a KYC system hrhyGKPtMwo-00796-00218050-00218150 fully amenable hrhyGKPtMwo-00797-00218150-00218533 to meet the needs of Digital India, hrhyGKPtMwo-00798-00218533-00218703 a one stop solution hrhyGKPtMwo-00799-00218703-00219030 for identity and address updating hrhyGKPtMwo-00800-00219110-00219380 a one stop solution for reconciliation hrhyGKPtMwo-00801-00219400-00219710 and updating of identity and address hrhyGKPtMwo-00802-00219710-00219819 of individuals hrhyGKPtMwo-00803-00219819-00219956 maintained by various hrhyGKPtMwo-00804-00219956-00220086 government agencies. hrhyGKPtMwo-00805-00220086-00220366 Regulators and regulated entities hrhyGKPtMwo-00806-00220386-00220666 will be established using digilocker, hrhyGKPtMwo-00807-00220740-00220946 digilocker service and Aadhaar hrhyGKPtMwo-00808-00220983-00221196 as foundational identity hrhyGKPtMwo-00809-00221316-00221363 speak hrhyGKPtMwo-00810-00221363-00221633 sir, common business identifier hrhyGKPtMwo-00811-00221696-00221950 for the business establishments hrhyGKPtMwo-00812-00222010-00222123 required to have hrhyGKPtMwo-00813-00222123-00222360 a permanent account number. hrhyGKPtMwo-00814-00222360-00222543 The PAN will be used hrhyGKPtMwo-00815-00222543-00222750 as the common identifier hrhyGKPtMwo-00816-00222750-00222956 for all digital systems hrhyGKPtMwo-00817-00222976-00223393 of specified government agencies. hrhyGKPtMwo-00818-00223566-00223776 This will bring ease of doing business hrhyGKPtMwo-00819-00223803-00223946 and it will be facilitated hrhyGKPtMwo-00820-00223946-00224146 through a legal mandate hrhyGKPtMwo-00821-00224300-00224550 for obviate the need for separate hrhyGKPtMwo-00822-00224580-00224843 submission of same information hrhyGKPtMwo-00823-00225043-00225280 to different government agencies. hrhyGKPtMwo-00824-00225280-00225526 A system of unified filing hrhyGKPtMwo-00825-00225526-00225753 process will be set up. hrhyGKPtMwo-00826-00225840-00226053 Such filing of information hrhyGKPtMwo-00827-00226053-00226290 or written in simplified forms hrhyGKPtMwo-00828-00226319-00226500 on a common portal hrhyGKPtMwo-00829-00226500-00226740 will be shared with other agencies hrhyGKPtMwo-00830-00226766-00227013 as per the filers choice. hrhyGKPtMwo-00831-00227186-00227353 Vivad se Vishwas hrhyGKPtMwo-00832-00227353-00227663 I – Relief for MSMEs. hrhyGKPtMwo-00833-00227753-00228086 In cases of failure by Msmes hrhyGKPtMwo-00834-00228169-00228366 to execute contracts hrhyGKPtMwo-00835-00228366-00228600 during the COVID period. hrhyGKPtMwo-00836-00228600-00228910 95% of the full featured amount hrhyGKPtMwo-00837-00228966-00229323 relating to the bid performance security hrhyGKPtMwo-00838-00229363-00229540 will be returned to them hrhyGKPtMwo-00839-00229540-00229666 by government hrhyGKPtMwo-00840-00229666-00229923 and government undertakings. hrhyGKPtMwo-00841-00230153-00230386 This will provide. hrhyGKPtMwo-00842-00230400-00230669 This will provide relief to the msmes. hrhyGKPtMwo-00843-00230840-00231063 Vivad se Vishwas hrhyGKPtMwo-00844-00231063-00231436 II – Settling Contractual Disputes. hrhyGKPtMwo-00845-00231436-00231640 To settle contractual hrhyGKPtMwo-00846-00231640-00231776 disputes of government hrhyGKPtMwo-00847-00231776-00231990 and government undertakings hrhyGKPtMwo-00848-00231990-00232276 wherein arbitral award is under challenge hrhyGKPtMwo-00849-00232276-00232396 in a court. hrhyGKPtMwo-00850-00232396-00232603 A voluntary settlement scheme hrhyGKPtMwo-00851-00232603-00232793 with standardize hrhyGKPtMwo-00852-00232793-00233013 terms will be introduced. hrhyGKPtMwo-00853-00233013-00233123 This will be done hrhyGKPtMwo-00854-00233123-00233380 by offering graded settlement terms hrhyGKPtMwo-00855-00233413-00233569 depending on pendency hrhyGKPtMwo-00856-00233569-00233913 level of the dispute. hrhyGKPtMwo-00857-00233986-00234266 The stage support mission of NITI Aayog hrhyGKPtMwo-00858-00234306-00234460 will be continued hrhyGKPtMwo-00859-00234460-00234603 for three years hrhyGKPtMwo-00860-00234603-00234773 for our collective efforts hrhyGKPtMwo-00861-00234773-00235150 towards national priority peace hrhyGKPtMwo-00862-00235163-00235423 result based financing hrhyGKPtMwo-00863-00235423-00235719 to better allocate scarce resources hrhyGKPtMwo-00864-00235760-00236010 for competing development needs. hrhyGKPtMwo-00865-00236046-00236300 The financing of select schemes hrhyGKPtMwo-00866-00236340-00236630 will be changed on a pilot basis hrhyGKPtMwo-00867-00236660-00236983 from input based to result based. hrhyGKPtMwo-00868-00237113-00237226 E-Courts hrhyGKPtMwo-00869-00237250-00237490 for efficient administration of justice. hrhyGKPtMwo-00870-00237543-00237780 Phase three of courts projects hrhyGKPtMwo-00871-00237826-00238143 will phase three of the E Courts Project hrhyGKPtMwo-00872-00238186-00238300 will be launched with hrhyGKPtMwo-00873-00238300-00238753 an all clear of 7000 crores. hrhyGKPtMwo-00874-00239000-00239143 FinTech services in hrhyGKPtMwo-00875-00239143-00239186 India hrhyGKPtMwo-00876-00239186-00239319 have been facilitated hrhyGKPtMwo-00877-00239319-00239543 by our digital public infrastructure, hrhyGKPtMwo-00878-00239569-00239866 including Aadhaar, PM Jan Dhan hrhyGKPtMwo-00879-00239866-00240150 Yojana, Video KYC, hrhyGKPtMwo-00880-00240193-00240446 India Stack and UPI hrhyGKPtMwo-00881-00240523-00240600 to enable hrhyGKPtMwo-00882-00240600-00240810 more fintech innovative services. hrhyGKPtMwo-00883-00240853-00240993 The scope of documents hrhyGKPtMwo-00884-00240993-00241346 available in Digilocker for expanded hrhyGKPtMwo-00885-00241540-00241723 and entity digilocker hrhyGKPtMwo-00886-00241723-00241996 will be set up for the use by Msmes hrhyGKPtMwo-00887-00242026-00242180 large businesses hrhyGKPtMwo-00888-00242180-00242416 and also charitable trusts. hrhyGKPtMwo-00889-00242416-00242550 This will be towards hrhyGKPtMwo-00890-00242550-00242843 storing and sharing documents online hrhyGKPtMwo-00891-00242936-00243186 securely whenever needed hrhyGKPtMwo-00892-00243216-00243380 with various authorities, hrhyGKPtMwo-00893-00243380-00243500 regulators, banks hrhyGKPtMwo-00894-00243500-00243783 and other business entities. hrhyGKPtMwo-00895-00243783-00244210 5G Services 100 labs hrhyGKPtMwo-00896-00244246-00244440 for developing applications hrhyGKPtMwo-00897-00244440-00244763 using 5G services will be set up hrhyGKPtMwo-00898-00244763-00245126 in engineering institutions hrhyGKPtMwo-00899-00245660-00245880 to realize the hrhyGKPtMwo-00900-00245886-00246053 new range of opportunities. hrhyGKPtMwo-00901-00246053-00246336 Business models and employment potential. hrhyGKPtMwo-00902-00246386-00246600 The labs will cover, among others, hrhyGKPtMwo-00903-00246656-00246893 applications such as smart classrooms, hrhyGKPtMwo-00904-00246930-00247076 precision farming, hrhyGKPtMwo-00905-00247076-00247200 intelligent transport hrhyGKPtMwo-00906-00247200-00247483 systems and healthcare applications. hrhyGKPtMwo-00907-00247573-00247853 Lab Grown Diamonds. hrhyGKPtMwo-00908-00247853-00248156 Lab Grown Diamonds is a technical hrhyGKPtMwo-00909-00248183-00248473 and innovation driven emerging sector hrhyGKPtMwo-00910-00248526-00248756 with high employment potential. hrhyGKPtMwo-00911-00248843-00249150 These environment friendly diamonds, hrhyGKPtMwo-00912-00249150-00249453 which have optically and chemically hrhyGKPtMwo-00913-00249473-00249823 the same properties as natural diamonds, hrhyGKPtMwo-00914-00249900-00249986 to encourage hrhyGKPtMwo-00915-00249986-00250210 indigenous production of (LGD) hrhyGKPtMwo-00916-00250233-00250543 The lab grown diamond seeds and machines hrhyGKPtMwo-00917-00250583-00250813 and to reduce import dependency. hrhyGKPtMwo-00918-00250846-00251026 And research and development hrhyGKPtMwo-00919-00251026-00251306 grant will be provided to one of the IITs hrhyGKPtMwo-00920-00251343-00251473 for five years hrhyGKPtMwo-00921-00251830-00252036 to reduce the cost of production. hrhyGKPtMwo-00922-00252083-00252173 A proposal hrhyGKPtMwo-00923-00252173-00252546 to review the custom duty on LGD seeds hrhyGKPtMwo-00924-00252546-00252660 will be indicated hrhyGKPtMwo-00925-00252660-00252863 in Part B of the speech. hrhyGKPtMwo-00926-00253003-00253163 I come to the fifth priority. hrhyGKPtMwo-00927-00253163-00253466 Honorable Speaker Sir Green Group hrhyGKPtMwo-00928-00253466-00253546 Honorable Prime hrhyGKPtMwo-00929-00253546-00253810 Minister has given a vision for life, hrhyGKPtMwo-00930-00253873-00254110 on lifestyle, for environment, hrhyGKPtMwo-00931-00254163-00254243 to spur hrhyGKPtMwo-00932-00254243-00254316 a movement hrhyGKPtMwo-00933-00254316-00254600 of environmentally conscious lifestyle. hrhyGKPtMwo-00934-00254653-00254876 India is moving forward firmly hrhyGKPtMwo-00935-00254896-00255003 for the panchamrit hrhyGKPtMwo-00936-00255003-00255443 and net zero carbon emission by 2070 hrhyGKPtMwo-00937-00255473-00255676 to usher in green, industrial hrhyGKPtMwo-00938-00255676-00255893 and economic transition. hrhyGKPtMwo-00939-00255893-00256223 This budget builds on our focus on hrhyGKPtMwo-00940-00256223-00256483 green growth. hrhyGKPtMwo-00941-00256763-00256846 The recently hrhyGKPtMwo-00942-00256846-00257130 launched National Green Hydrogen Mission hrhyGKPtMwo-00943-00257190-00257546 with an outlay of 19,700 crores, hrhyGKPtMwo-00944-00257619-00257886 will facilitate transition of the economy hrhyGKPtMwo-00945-00257919-00258206 to low carbon intensity, reduce hrhyGKPtMwo-00946-00258250-00258510 in dependance on fossil fuel imports, hrhyGKPtMwo-00947-00258536-00258693 and make the country assume hrhyGKPtMwo-00948-00258693-00258900 technology and market leadership hrhyGKPtMwo-00949-00258900-00259130 in this Sunrise sector. hrhyGKPtMwo-00950-00259130-00259333 Our target is to reach hrhyGKPtMwo-00951-00259333-00259600 an annual production of 5 hrhyGKPtMwo-00952-00259636-00259953 MMT by 2030. hrhyGKPtMwo-00953-00260133-00260319 Energy Transition. hrhyGKPtMwo-00954-00260319-00260766 This budget provides for 35,000 crores hrhyGKPtMwo-00955-00260766-00260976 for priority capital investment hrhyGKPtMwo-00956-00261100-00261330 towards energy transition hrhyGKPtMwo-00957-00261330-00261543 and net zero objectives hrhyGKPtMwo-00958-00261580-00261743 and energy security hrhyGKPtMwo-00959-00261743-00262066 by Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas hrhyGKPtMwo-00960-00262276-00262553 to steer the economy hrhyGKPtMwo-00961-00262590-00262860 to steer the economy on sustainable hrhyGKPtMwo-00962-00262890-00263040 development path. hrhyGKPtMwo-00963-00263040-00263346 Battery energy storage hrhyGKPtMwo-00964-00263346-00263790 with capacity of 4000 MWP hrhyGKPtMwo-00965-00263790-00264110 which will be supported with viability hrhyGKPtMwo-00966-00264110-00264183 Gap Funding. hrhyGKPtMwo-00967-00264183-00264600 A detailed framework for PUMPED storage hrhyGKPtMwo-00968-00264600-00264940 projects will also be formulated. hrhyGKPtMwo-00969-00265033-00265266 Renewable energy Evacuation hrhyGKPtMwo-00970-00265346-00265583 The Inter-state Transmission System hrhyGKPtMwo-00971-00265626-00265940 for evacuation and grid integration hrhyGKPtMwo-00972-00265960-00266170 of 13 gigawatt hrhyGKPtMwo-00973-00266170-00266383 renewable energy from Ladakh hrhyGKPtMwo-00974-00266416-00266540 will be constructed hrhyGKPtMwo-00975-00266540-00266926 with the investment of 20,700 crore, hrhyGKPtMwo-00976-00266980-00267406 including central support of 8300 crores. hrhyGKPtMwo-00977-00267570-00267770 Green Credit Program hrhyGKPtMwo-00978-00267770-00267986 for encouraging behavioral change. hrhyGKPtMwo-00979-00268016-00268163 A Green Credit program hrhyGKPtMwo-00980-00268163-00268253 will be notified hrhyGKPtMwo-00981-00268253-00268453 under the Environment Protection Act. hrhyGKPtMwo-00982-00268530-00268773 This will incentivize environmentally hrhyGKPtMwo-00983-00268796-00269093 sustainable and responsive actions hrhyGKPtMwo-00984-00269093-00269273 by companies, individuals and hrhyGKPtMwo-00985-00269273-00269363 local bodies hrhyGKPtMwo-00986-00269520-00269776 and help mobilize additional resources hrhyGKPtMwo-00987-00269796-00270060 for such activities. hrhyGKPtMwo-00988-00270220-00270586 PM program for restoration awareness, hrhyGKPtMwo-00989-00270593-00270913 nourishment and amelioration of Mother hrhyGKPtMwo-00990-00270920-00270990 Earth. hrhyGKPtMwo-00991-00270990-00271263 PM-PRANAM will be launched hrhyGKPtMwo-00992-00271333-00271560 to incentivize States hrhyGKPtMwo-00993-00271560-00271833 and Union Territories to promote hrhyGKPtMwo-00994-00271886-00272240 alternate of fertilizers and balanced hrhyGKPtMwo-00995-00272240-00272666 use of chemical fertilizers. hrhyGKPtMwo-00996-00272666-00272916 GOBARdhan scheme. hrhyGKPtMwo-00997-00272916-00273150 500 new waste hrhyGKPtMwo-00998-00273150-00273406 to wealth plants under GOBARdhan hrhyGKPtMwo-00999-00273466-00273773 galvanizing organic bio hrhyGKPtMwo-01000-00273773-00274096 agro resources and Dhan GOBARdhan scheme hrhyGKPtMwo-01001-00274133-00274246 will be established hrhyGKPtMwo-01002-00274246-00274533 for promoting circular economy. hrhyGKPtMwo-01003-00274573-00274883 These will include 200 compressed hrhyGKPtMwo-01004-00274883-00275060 bio gas plants, hrhyGKPtMwo-01005-00275060-00275410 including 75 plants in urban areas hrhyGKPtMwo-01006-00275453-00275596 and 300 hrhyGKPtMwo-01007-00275606-00275873 community of cluster based plants. hrhyGKPtMwo-01008-00275890-00276116 At look at a total investment hrhyGKPtMwo-01009-00276116-00276463 of 10,000 crores. hrhyGKPtMwo-01010-00276573-00276776 I will refer to this in part B. hrhyGKPtMwo-01011-00276776-00276910 Also in due hrhyGKPtMwo-01012-00276910-00277246 course, a 5 percent CBG mandate hrhyGKPtMwo-01013-00277296-00277590 will be introduced for all organizations hrhyGKPtMwo-01014-00277620-00277936 marketing natural and bio gas hrhyGKPtMwo-01015-00277980-00278170 for connection of biomass hrhyGKPtMwo-01016-00278170-00278403 and distribution of bio manure. hrhyGKPtMwo-01017-00278420-00278626 Appropriate fiscal support hrhyGKPtMwo-01018-00278626-00278796 will also be provided. hrhyGKPtMwo-01019-00278796-00278976 Bhartiya Prakritik hrhyGKPtMwo-01020-00278976-00279420 Kheti Bio-Input Resource Centres . hrhyGKPtMwo-01021-00279420-00279630 Over the next three years hrhyGKPtMwo-01022-00279630-00279943 we will facilitate one crore farmers hrhyGKPtMwo-01023-00279990-00280323 to adopt natural farming. hrhyGKPtMwo-01024-00280650-00280730 For this hrhyGKPtMwo-01025-00280730-00280833 Honorable Speaker hrhyGKPtMwo-01026-00280833-00281186 10,000 bio input resource centers hrhyGKPtMwo-01027-00281283-00281566 will be set up, creating a national level hrhyGKPtMwo-01028-00281596-00281840 distributed micro fertilizer hrhyGKPtMwo-01029-00281863-00282146 and pesticide manufacturing network. hrhyGKPtMwo-01030-00282260-00282600 MISHTI hrhyGKPtMwo-01031-00282930-00283153 Building on. hrhyGKPtMwo-01032-00283173-00283570 Building on success in afforestation. hrhyGKPtMwo-01033-00283666-00283770 Mangrove hrhyGKPtMwo-01034-00283770-00284066 initiative for shoreline habitats hrhyGKPtMwo-01035-00284090-00284380 and tangible incomes. hrhyGKPtMwo-01036-00284380-00284520 MISHTI hrhyGKPtMwo-01037-00284520-00284783 will be taken up for mangrove plantation hrhyGKPtMwo-01038-00284783-00284960 along the coastline hrhyGKPtMwo-01039-00284960-00285193 and on salt pan lands. hrhyGKPtMwo-01040-00285193-00285520 Whereever feasible through convergence hrhyGKPtMwo-01041-00285540-00285903 between MGNREGS, CAMPA Fund hrhyGKPtMwo-01042-00285926-00286273 and other sources. hrhyGKPtMwo-01043-00286273-00286476 Amrit Dharohar hrhyGKPtMwo-01044-00286476-00286750 wetlands are vital ecosystems hrhyGKPtMwo-01045-00286780-00287030 which sustain biological diversity. hrhyGKPtMwo-01046-00287103-00287230 In his latest hrhyGKPtMwo-01047-00287230-00287393 Mann Ki baat, hrhyGKPtMwo-01048-00287393-00287703 the Prime Minister said, Now, I quote hrhyGKPtMwo-01049-00287756-00288150 know the total number of Ramsar sites in hrhyGKPtMwo-01050-00288150-00288510 our country has increased to 75, hrhyGKPtMwo-01051-00288570-00288996 whereas before 2014 there were only 26 hrhyGKPtMwo-01052-00289023-00289603 unquote. hrhyGKPtMwo-01053-00289726-00289930 Local communities hrhyGKPtMwo-01054-00289930-00290020 have always hrhyGKPtMwo-01055-00290020-00290130 been at the forefront hrhyGKPtMwo-01056-00290130-00290423 of conservation efforts. hrhyGKPtMwo-01057-00290423-00290593 The government will promote their hrhyGKPtMwo-01058-00290593-00290830 unique conservation values hrhyGKPtMwo-01059-00290830-00291046 through Amrit Dharohar, hrhyGKPtMwo-01060-00291046-00291373 a scheme that will be implemented over hrhyGKPtMwo-01061-00291393-00291573 the next three years hrhyGKPtMwo-01062-00291573-00291846 to increase optimal use of wetlands hrhyGKPtMwo-01063-00291893-00292266 and enhance biodiversity, carbon stock, hrhyGKPtMwo-01064-00292320-00292536 eco tourism opportunities hrhyGKPtMwo-01065-00292536-00292673 and income generation hrhyGKPtMwo-01066-00292673-00293023 for local communities. hrhyGKPtMwo-01067-00293130-00293340 Coastal Shipping. hrhyGKPtMwo-01068-00293340-00293526 Coastal shipping will be promoted hrhyGKPtMwo-01069-00293526-00293696 as energy efficient and low hrhyGKPtMwo-01070-00293696-00293876 cost mode of transport, hrhyGKPtMwo-01071-00293876-00294136 both for passengers and freight through hrhyGKPtMwo-01072-00294136-00294390 ppp mode with viability gap funding. hrhyGKPtMwo-01073-00294460-00294676 Vehicle Replacement. hrhyGKPtMwo-01074-00294676-00294900 Vehicle replacement is an important hrhyGKPtMwo-01075-00294900-00295036 continuing policy, hrhyGKPtMwo-01076-00295036-00295326 replacing the old political Sorry hrhyGKPtMwo-01077-00295540-00295816 i know. hrhyGKPtMwo-01078-00295816-00296136 replacing. hrhyGKPtMwo-01079-00296136-00296426 Absolutely. Thank you. hrhyGKPtMwo-01080-00296426-00296706 Replacing old polluting vehicles hrhyGKPtMwo-01081-00296856-00297126 may be applicable right? hrhyGKPtMwo-01082-00297126-00297423 Replacing old polluting vehicles hrhyGKPtMwo-01083-00297500-00297646 is an important part hrhyGKPtMwo-01084-00297646-00297883 of greening our economy. hrhyGKPtMwo-01085-00297883-00298060 In furtherance of the vehicle hrhyGKPtMwo-01086-00298060-00298196 scrapping policy hrhyGKPtMwo-01087-00298196-00298460 mentioned in Budget 2021-2022 hrhyGKPtMwo-01088-00298500-00298760 I have allocated adequate funds hrhyGKPtMwo-01089-00298800-00298980 to scrap all the vehicles hrhyGKPtMwo-01090-00298980-00299160 of the central government. hrhyGKPtMwo-01091-00299160-00299366 States will also be supported hrhyGKPtMwo-01092-00299390-00299783 in replacing old vehicles and old state hrhyGKPtMwo-01093-00299783-00300106 ambulances. hrhyGKPtMwo-01094-00300300-00300420 Honorable Speaker Sir, hrhyGKPtMwo-01095-00300420-00300683 I move to prioritize six youth power hrhyGKPtMwo-01096-00300786-00301076 to empower our youth and help the ‘Amrit hrhyGKPtMwo-01097-00301096-00301380 Peedhi’ realize their dreams. hrhyGKPtMwo-01098-00301416-00301540 We have formulated hrhyGKPtMwo-01099-00301540-00301740 the national education policy, hrhyGKPtMwo-01100-00301740-00301946 which is very wide in its scope. hrhyGKPtMwo-01101-00301946-00302236 But one of the things is also to focus on hrhyGKPtMwo-01102-00302236-00302370 Skilling, adopted hrhyGKPtMwo-01103-00302370-00302490 economic policies hrhyGKPtMwo-01104-00302490-00302750 that facilitate job creation at scale, hrhyGKPtMwo-01105-00302773-00302890 and have supported hrhyGKPtMwo-01106-00302890-00303060 business opportunities. hrhyGKPtMwo-01107-00303166-00303213 Pradhan hrhyGKPtMwo-01108-00303213-00303530 Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana. hrhyGKPtMwo-01109-00303530-00303740 Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas hrhyGKPtMwo-01110-00303740-00303970 Yojana 4.0 will be launched hrhyGKPtMwo-01111-00304010-00304303 to skill lakhs of youth within the next hrhyGKPtMwo-01112-00304303-00304620 three years. hrhyGKPtMwo-01113-00304620-00304813 On job training, hrhyGKPtMwo-01114-00304813-00305103 industry partnership and alignment hrhyGKPtMwo-01115-00305103-00305223 of courses hrhyGKPtMwo-01116-00305223-00305406 with needs of industry hrhyGKPtMwo-01117-00305406-00305586 will be emphasized. hrhyGKPtMwo-01118-00305586-00305730 The scheme will also cover hrhyGKPtMwo-01119-00305730-00305833 New Age courses hrhyGKPtMwo-01120-00305833-00306230 for Industry 4.0 like coding AI, hrhyGKPtMwo-01121-00306260-00306556 robotics, mechatronics, IOT, hrhyGKPtMwo-01122-00306606-00307016 3D printing, drones and other soft skills hrhyGKPtMwo-01123-00307130-00307226 to skill youth hrhyGKPtMwo-01124-00307226-00307443 for international opportunities. hrhyGKPtMwo-01125-00307490-00307593 30 Skill hrhyGKPtMwo-01126-00307593-00307643 India hrhyGKPtMwo-01127-00307643-00307803 International centers hrhyGKPtMwo-01128-00307803-00308323 will be set up across different states. hrhyGKPtMwo-01129-00308376-00308596 The digital ecosystem for Skilling hrhyGKPtMwo-01130-00308636-00308906 will be further expanded with the launch hrhyGKPtMwo-01131-00308910-00309193 of a Unified Skill India digital platform hrhyGKPtMwo-01132-00309243-00309583 for, enabling demand based hrhyGKPtMwo-01133-00309583-00309750 formal skilling hrhyGKPtMwo-01134-00309750-00310043 linking with employers, including MSMEs, hrhyGKPtMwo-01135-00310093-00310260 and facilitating hrhyGKPtMwo-01136-00310260-00310560 access to entrepreneurship schemes hrhyGKPtMwo-01137-00310686-00310953 to provide stipend support hrhyGKPtMwo-01138-00310953-00311320 to 47 lakh youths in three years. hrhyGKPtMwo-01139-00311356-00311520 Direct benefit transfer hrhyGKPtMwo-01140-00311520-00311876 under a Pan-India National Apprenticeship hrhyGKPtMwo-01141-00311900-00312273 Promotion Scheme will be rolled out. hrhyGKPtMwo-01142-00312386-00312570 Tourism Honorable hrhyGKPtMwo-01143-00312570-00312673 Speaker sir hrhyGKPtMwo-01144-00312673-00312796 with an integrated hrhyGKPtMwo-01145-00312796-00312980 and innovative approach. hrhyGKPtMwo-01146-00312980-00313216 At least 50 destinations hrhyGKPtMwo-01147-00313243-00313496 will be selected through challenge mode. hrhyGKPtMwo-01148-00313590-00313843 In addition. hrhyGKPtMwo-01149-00314020-00314163 In addition to aspects hrhyGKPtMwo-01150-00314163-00314376 such as physical connectivity, hrhyGKPtMwo-01151-00314430-00314740 virtual connectivity, tourist guides, hrhyGKPtMwo-01152-00314776-00314980 high for food, street hrhyGKPtMwo-01153-00315006-00315220 and tourist security, hrhyGKPtMwo-01154-00315220-00315436 all the relevant aspects hrhyGKPtMwo-01155-00315436-00315576 would be made available hrhyGKPtMwo-01156-00315576-00315900 on an app to enhance tourist experience. hrhyGKPtMwo-01157-00315963-00316250 Every destination would be developed hrhyGKPtMwo-01158-00316290-00316516 as a complete package. hrhyGKPtMwo-01159-00316516-00316736 The focus of development of tourism hrhyGKPtMwo-01160-00316763-00317063 would be on domestic as well as foreign hrhyGKPtMwo-01161-00317063-00317313 tourists. hrhyGKPtMwo-01162-00318070-00318196 Sector specific hrhyGKPtMwo-01163-00318196-00318303 skilling hrhyGKPtMwo-01164-00318316-00318440 and entrepreneurship hrhyGKPtMwo-01165-00318440-00318760 development will be dovetailed to achieve hrhyGKPtMwo-01166-00318770-00319003 the objectives of the ‘Dekho hrhyGKPtMwo-01167-00319003-00319203 Apna Desh’ initiative. hrhyGKPtMwo-01168-00319323-00319503 This was launched as an appeal hrhyGKPtMwo-01169-00319503-00319590 by the Honorable Prime hrhyGKPtMwo-01170-00319590-00319823 Minister to the middle class hrhyGKPtMwo-01171-00319823-00319996 to prefer domestic tourism hrhyGKPtMwo-01172-00319996-00320216 over international tourism. hrhyGKPtMwo-01173-00320296-00320456 The integrated development hrhyGKPtMwo-01174-00320456-00320676 of theme based tourist circuits. hrhyGKPtMwo-01175-00320676-00320806 The Swadesh hrhyGKPtMwo-01176-00320806-00321063 darshan scheme was also launched hrhyGKPtMwo-01177-00321113-00321333 under the vibrant villagers program. hrhyGKPtMwo-01178-00321376-00321546 Tourism, infrastructure hrhyGKPtMwo-01179-00321546-00321830 and amenities will be facilitated in hrhyGKPtMwo-01180-00321830-00322123 border villages. hrhyGKPtMwo-01181-00322173-00322290 Unity Mall hrhyGKPtMwo-01182-00322446-00322596 states will be encouraged hrhyGKPtMwo-01183-00322596-00322716 to set up hrhyGKPtMwo-01184-00322716-00323023 a unity mall in the state capital hrhyGKPtMwo-01185-00323073-00323303 or most prominent tourism center hrhyGKPtMwo-01186-00323340-00323653 or the financial capital for promotion hrhyGKPtMwo-01187-00323653-00323780 and sale of their hrhyGKPtMwo-01188-00323780-00324143 one district, one product hrhyGKPtMwo-01189-00324143-00324376 and GI products hrhyGKPtMwo-01190-00324376-00324583 and other handicraft products, hrhyGKPtMwo-01191-00324646-00324983 and for providing space for such products hrhyGKPtMwo-01192-00325010-00325236 of all other states as well. hrhyGKPtMwo-01193-00325363-00325620 Sir priority number seven. hrhyGKPtMwo-01194-00325620-00325710 Financial sector. hrhyGKPtMwo-01195-00325710-00325983 Our reforms in the financial sector hrhyGKPtMwo-01196-00325983-00326053 and innovative hrhyGKPtMwo-01197-00326053-00326200 use of technology hrhyGKPtMwo-01198-00326200-00326490 have led to financial inclusion hrhyGKPtMwo-01199-00326490-00326580 at scale hrhyGKPtMwo-01200-00326580-00326790 better and faster service delivery, hrhyGKPtMwo-01201-00326820-00326916 ease of access hrhyGKPtMwo-01202-00326916-00327000 to credit hrhyGKPtMwo-01203-00327000-00327240 and participation in financial markets. hrhyGKPtMwo-01204-00327283-00327410 This budget proposes hrhyGKPtMwo-01205-00327410-00327613 to further these measures. hrhyGKPtMwo-01206-00327613-00327933 Credit Guarantee for Msmes. hrhyGKPtMwo-01207-00327953-00328073 Last year hrhyGKPtMwo-01208-00328073-00328280 I proposed revamping of the credit hrhyGKPtMwo-01209-00328280-00328543 guarantee scheme for the MSMEs. hrhyGKPtMwo-01210-00328543-00328820 I am happy to announce hrhyGKPtMwo-01211-00328830-00328990 that the revamped scheme hrhyGKPtMwo-01212-00328990-00329376 will take effect from 1st April 2023 hrhyGKPtMwo-01213-00329420-00329756 through infusion of 9000 crores in the hrhyGKPtMwo-01214-00329873-00329956 corpus. hrhyGKPtMwo-01215-00330326-00330483 This will enable hrhyGKPtMwo-01216-00330483-00330636 additional collateral hrhyGKPtMwo-01217-00330636-00330870 free guaranteed credit hrhyGKPtMwo-01218-00330870-00331156 of two lakh crores of rupees. hrhyGKPtMwo-01219-00331236-00331443 Further, the cost of credit hrhyGKPtMwo-01220-00331443-00331873 will be reduced by about 1%. hrhyGKPtMwo-01221-00331920-00332123 A national financial information hrhyGKPtMwo-01222-00332123-00332346 registry will be set up to serve hrhyGKPtMwo-01223-00332403-00332566 as a central repository hrhyGKPtMwo-01224-00332566-00332780 of financial and ancillary information. hrhyGKPtMwo-01225-00332843-00332973 This will facilitate hrhyGKPtMwo-01226-00332973-00333146 efficient flow of credit, hrhyGKPtMwo-01227-00333146-00333223 promote hrhyGKPtMwo-01228-00333223-00333376 financial inclusion hrhyGKPtMwo-01229-00333376-00333613 and foster financial stability. hrhyGKPtMwo-01230-00333613-00333830 A new legislative framework hrhyGKPtMwo-01231-00333830-00333960 will govern this credit hrhyGKPtMwo-01232-00333960-00334120 public infrastructure hrhyGKPtMwo-01233-00334120-00334280 and will be designed hrhyGKPtMwo-01234-00334280-00334643 in consultation with the RBI. hrhyGKPtMwo-01235-00334643-00334860 To meet the needs of Amrit Kaal hrhyGKPtMwo-01236-00334860-00335136 and to facilitate optimum regulation hrhyGKPtMwo-01237-00335153-00335330 in the financial sector. hrhyGKPtMwo-01238-00335330-00335493 Public consultation hrhyGKPtMwo-01239-00335493-00335823 as necessary and feasible will be brought hrhyGKPtMwo-01240-00335823-00336116 to the process of regulation, making hrhyGKPtMwo-01241-00336153-00336506 and issuing subsidiary directions hrhyGKPtMwo-01242-00336563-00336763 to simplify, to ease hrhyGKPtMwo-01243-00336780-00336986 and to reduce cost of compliance. hrhyGKPtMwo-01244-00337016-00337113 Financial sector hrhyGKPtMwo-01245-00337113-00337326 regulators will be requested hrhyGKPtMwo-01246-00337326-00337590 to carry out a comprehensive review hrhyGKPtMwo-01247-00337653-00337886 of existing regulation. hrhyGKPtMwo-01248-00337886-00337970 For this, hrhyGKPtMwo-01249-00337970-00338123 they will consider suggestions hrhyGKPtMwo-01250-00338123-00338460 from public and regulated entities. hrhyGKPtMwo-01251-00338503-00338846 Time limits to decide the application hrhyGKPtMwo-01252-00338850-00338946 under various hrhyGKPtMwo-01253-00338946-00339200 regulations will also be laid down. hrhyGKPtMwo-01254-00339270-00339440 Honorable Speaker Sir, hrhyGKPtMwo-01255-00339440-00339706 to enhance business activities in GIFT hrhyGKPtMwo-01256-00339723-00340003 IFC, the following measures hrhyGKPtMwo-01257-00340026-00340110 will be taken. hrhyGKPtMwo-01258-00340283-00340573 Delegating powers under the SEZ Act hrhyGKPtMwo-01259-00340573-00340966 to IFSCA to avoid dual regulation. hrhyGKPtMwo-01260-00341043-00341366 Setting up a single window I-T system hrhyGKPtMwo-01261-00341406-00341520 for registration hrhyGKPtMwo-01262-00341520-00341586 and approval hrhyGKPtMwo-01263-00341586-00342030 from IFSCA, SEZ authorities, GSTN, hrhyGKPtMwo-01264-00342066-00342480 RBI, SEBI and IRDAI. hrhyGKPtMwo-01265-00342540-00342766 Permitting Acquisition hrhyGKPtMwo-01266-00342766-00342986 Permitting Acquisition Financing hrhyGKPtMwo-01267-00343020-00343383 by IFSC Banking Unit of Foreign Banks hrhyGKPtMwo-01268-00343436-00343726 establishing a subsidiary of EXIM hrhyGKPtMwo-01269-00343726-00343990 Bank for Trade Refinancing. hrhyGKPtMwo-01270-00344150-00344293 Amending IFSCA hrhyGKPtMwo-01271-00344293-00344483 Act for statutory provisions hrhyGKPtMwo-01272-00344483-00344660 for arbitration. hrhyGKPtMwo-01273-00344660-00344916 Ancillary services and avoiding hrhyGKPtMwo-01274-00344916-00345063 dual regulation hrhyGKPtMwo-01275-00345063-00345240 under the SEZ Act hrhyGKPtMwo-01276-00345240-00345460 and recognizing offshore hrhyGKPtMwo-01277-00345480-00345680 derivative instruments hrhyGKPtMwo-01278-00345680-00345993 as valid contracts. hrhyGKPtMwo-01279-00345993-00346226 Honorable Speaker Sir, hrhyGKPtMwo-01280-00346226-00346423 Data Embassy hrhyGKPtMwo-01281-00346423-00346510 for countries hrhyGKPtMwo-01282-00346510-00346756 looking for digital continuity solutions, hrhyGKPtMwo-01283-00346816-00346913 we will hrhyGKPtMwo-01284-00346916-00347193 facilitate setting up of their data. hrhyGKPtMwo-01285-00347193-00347440 Embassies in GIFT IFSC hrhyGKPtMwo-01286-00348273-00348420 improving governance hrhyGKPtMwo-01287-00348420-00348686 and investor protection in banking sector hrhyGKPtMwo-01288-00348776-00349020 to improve bank governance hrhyGKPtMwo-01289-00349020-00349253 and enhance investor protection. hrhyGKPtMwo-01290-00349300-00349516 Certain amendments hrhyGKPtMwo-01291-00349516-00349760 to the Banking Regulation Act, hrhyGKPtMwo-01292-00349760-00349996 the Bank Banking Companies Act hrhyGKPtMwo-01293-00350023-00350256 and the Reserve Bank of India Act hrhyGKPtMwo-01294-00350280-00350400 are being proposed. hrhyGKPtMwo-01295-00350570-00350863 Capacity building in securities market. hrhyGKPtMwo-01296-00350916-00351010 Honorable hrhyGKPtMwo-01297-00351010-00351210 Speaker Sir, to build capacity hrhyGKPtMwo-01298-00351230-00351373 of functionaries hrhyGKPtMwo-01299-00351373-00351476 and professionals hrhyGKPtMwo-01300-00351476-00351656 in the securities market. hrhyGKPtMwo-01301-00351656-00351893 SEBI will be empowered to develop, hrhyGKPtMwo-01302-00351916-00352103 regulate, maintain hrhyGKPtMwo-01303-00352103-00352306 and enforce norms and standards hrhyGKPtMwo-01304-00352333-00352443 for education hrhyGKPtMwo-01305-00352443-00352570 in the National Institute hrhyGKPtMwo-01306-00352570-00352760 of Securities Markets hrhyGKPtMwo-01307-00352760-00352873 and to recognize hrhyGKPtMwo-01308-00352873-00353013 award of degrees, hrhyGKPtMwo-01309-00353013-00353413 diplomas and certificates. hrhyGKPtMwo-01310-00353520-00353703 A central data processing. hrhyGKPtMwo-01311-00353703-00353953 A central processing center, hrhyGKPtMwo-01312-00353953-00354170 a central processing center hrhyGKPtMwo-01313-00354196-00354416 will be set up for faster response hrhyGKPtMwo-01314-00354420-00354540 to companies hrhyGKPtMwo-01315-00354540-00354696 through centralized hrhyGKPtMwo-01316-00354696-00354980 handling of various forms filed hrhyGKPtMwo-01317-00355010-00355160 with field offices hrhyGKPtMwo-01318-00355160-00355383 under the Companies Act. hrhyGKPtMwo-01319-00355483-00355706 Reclaiming of shares and dividends hrhyGKPtMwo-01320-00355750-00355903 for investors hrhyGKPtMwo-01321-00355903-00356116 to reclaim unclaimed shares hrhyGKPtMwo-01322-00356150-00356336 and unpaid dividends hrhyGKPtMwo-01323-00356336-00356466 from the Investor hrhyGKPtMwo-01324-00356466-00356700 Education and Protection Fund. hrhyGKPtMwo-01325-00356700-00357063 Authority with ease from the Investor hrhyGKPtMwo-01326-00357063-00357240 Education and Protection Fund. hrhyGKPtMwo-01327-00357240-00357406 Authority with these, hrhyGKPtMwo-01328-00357406-00357510 an integrated hrhyGKPtMwo-01329-00357510-00357760 I-T portal will be established. hrhyGKPtMwo-01330-00357836-00358076 Digital payments continue to find wide hrhyGKPtMwo-01331-00358076-00358343 acceptance in 2022, hrhyGKPtMwo-01332-00358390-00358740 they show an increase of 76% hrhyGKPtMwo-01333-00358740-00358856 in transactions hrhyGKPtMwo-01334-00358980-00359283 and 91% in value. hrhyGKPtMwo-01335-00359396-00359573 Fiscal support hrhyGKPtMwo-01336-00359573-00359816 for this digital public infrastructure hrhyGKPtMwo-01337-00359850-00360426 will continue in 2023-2024. hrhyGKPtMwo-01338-00360426-00360836 Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Mahila Samman hrhyGKPtMwo-01339-00360836-00360950 Bachat Patra hrhyGKPtMwo-01340-00361273-00361573 for commemorating Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav hrhyGKPtMwo-01341-00361646-00362020 one time new small savings scheme hrhyGKPtMwo-01342-00362083-00362296 Mahila Samman Savings Patra hrhyGKPtMwo-01343-00362323-00362523 or Saving Certificate. hrhyGKPtMwo-01344-00362523-00362763 Mahila Samman Savings Certificate hrhyGKPtMwo-01345-00362790-00362953 will be made available hrhyGKPtMwo-01346-00362953-00363650 for a two year period up to March 2025. hrhyGKPtMwo-01347-00363650-00363923 This will offer deposit facility hrhyGKPtMwo-01348-00363923-00364150 up to two lakh in the name of a woman hrhyGKPtMwo-01349-00364190-00364526 or girls for a tenor of two years hrhyGKPtMwo-01350-00364546-00364853 at fixed interest rate of 7.5% hrhyGKPtMwo-01351-00364870-00365316 with partial withdrawn option. hrhyGKPtMwo-01352-00365443-00365640 senior citizens. hrhyGKPtMwo-01353-00365640-00365796 The maximum deposit hrhyGKPtMwo-01354-00365796-00365946 limit for senior citizens hrhyGKPtMwo-01355-00365946-00366120 savings scheme hrhyGKPtMwo-01356-00366120-00366393 will be enhanced from 15 lakh to 30 hrhyGKPtMwo-01357-00366393-00366840 lakhs of rupees. hrhyGKPtMwo-01358-00366840-00366933 The maximum hrhyGKPtMwo-01359-00366933-00367033 deposit limit hrhyGKPtMwo-01360-00367033-00367276 for monthly income account scheme hrhyGKPtMwo-01361-00367326-00367720 will be enhanced from 4.5 lakh to 9 lakh hrhyGKPtMwo-01362-00367746-00367876 for single account hrhyGKPtMwo-01363-00368183-00368446 and from 9 lakh to 15 lakh hrhyGKPtMwo-01364-00368466-00368773 for joint account. hrhyGKPtMwo-01365-00368993-00369080 Honorable Speaker hrhyGKPtMwo-01366-00369080-00369400 Sir Fiscal Management hrhyGKPtMwo-01367-00369400-00369776 50 years interest free loan to states. hrhyGKPtMwo-01368-00369776-00370050 The entire 50 year loan to states hrhyGKPtMwo-01369-00370080-00370386 has to be spent on capital expenditure hrhyGKPtMwo-01370-00370410-00370683 within 2020 324. hrhyGKPtMwo-01371-00370720-00370853 Most of this hrhyGKPtMwo-01372-00370853-00371083 will be at the discretion of the states, hrhyGKPtMwo-01373-00371146-00371510 but a part will be conditional on states hrhyGKPtMwo-01374-00371510-00371716 increasing their actual hrhyGKPtMwo-01375-00371716-00371953 capital expenditure. hrhyGKPtMwo-01376-00371953-00372096 Parts of the outlay hrhyGKPtMwo-01377-00372096-00372276 will also be linked to hrhyGKPtMwo-01378-00372276-00372613 or allocated for the following purposes. hrhyGKPtMwo-01379-00372663-00372933 Scrap all government vehicles, hrhyGKPtMwo-01380-00372996-00373253 urban planning reforms and actions. hrhyGKPtMwo-01381-00373310-00373590 Financing reforms in urban local bodies hrhyGKPtMwo-01382-00373590-00373766 to make them creditworthy hrhyGKPtMwo-01383-00373766-00373973 for municipal bonds, hrhyGKPtMwo-01384-00373973-00374180 housing for police personnel, hrhyGKPtMwo-01385-00374180-00374476 about or as part of the police station, hrhyGKPtMwo-01386-00374540-00374866 constructing unity malls, children hrhyGKPtMwo-01387-00374866-00375070 and adolescent libraries hrhyGKPtMwo-01388-00375070-00375313 and digital infrastructure hrhyGKPtMwo-01389-00375313-00375603 and state share of capital expenditure hrhyGKPtMwo-01390-00375630-00376026 of central schemes. hrhyGKPtMwo-01391-00376026-00376163 Honorable Speaker The hrhyGKPtMwo-01392-00376266-00376556 fiscal deficit of states. hrhyGKPtMwo-01393-00376556-00376780 States will be allowed a fiscal hrhyGKPtMwo-01394-00376780-00377180 deficit of 3.5% of GSDP, of hrhyGKPtMwo-01395-00377180-00377486 which 0.5% will be tied hrhyGKPtMwo-01396-00377490-00377790 to power sector reforms hrhyGKPtMwo-01397-00377790-00378016 revised estimates hrhyGKPtMwo-01398-00378016-00378270 2022 to 2023. hrhyGKPtMwo-01399-00378360-00378443 The revised hrhyGKPtMwo-01400-00378443-00378603 estimate, honorable speaker hrhyGKPtMwo-01401-00378603-00378856 Sir, of the total receipts hrhyGKPtMwo-01402-00378856-00379226 other than borrowing, is 24.3 hrhyGKPtMwo-01403-00379226-00379516 lakh crores, of which the net hrhyGKPtMwo-01404-00379590-00379990 tax receipts are 20.9 lakh crops. hrhyGKPtMwo-01405-00380060-00380130 The revised hrhyGKPtMwo-01406-00380130-00380520 estimate of the total expenditure is 41.9 hrhyGKPtMwo-01407-00380520-00380683 lakh crores of rupees, hrhyGKPtMwo-01408-00380683-00380913 of which the capital hrhyGKPtMwo-01409-00380913-00381143 is about 7.3 lakh crores hrhyGKPtMwo-01410-00381213-00381276 The revised hrhyGKPtMwo-01411-00381276-00381510 estimate of the fiscal deficit hrhyGKPtMwo-01412-00381510-00381856 is 6.4% of GDP. hrhyGKPtMwo-01413-00381883-00382106 Adhering to the budget estimate, hrhyGKPtMwo-01414-00382230-00382260 sir. hrhyGKPtMwo-01415-00382270-00382540 Budget estimates of 2023-2024 hrhyGKPtMwo-01416-00382610-00382863 coming to 2023-2024. hrhyGKPtMwo-01417-00382900-00383183 The total receipts other than borrowings hrhyGKPtMwo-01418-00383223-00383400 and the total expenditure hrhyGKPtMwo-01419-00383400-00383740 are estimated at 27.2 lakh crore hrhyGKPtMwo-01420-00383790-00384203 and 45 lakh crores respectively. hrhyGKPtMwo-01421-00384240-00384386 The net tax receipts hrhyGKPtMwo-01422-00384386-00384783 are estimated at 23.3 lakh crores. hrhyGKPtMwo-01423-00384900-00385073 The fiscal deficit is hrhyGKPtMwo-01424-00385073-00385380 estimated to be 5.9% hrhyGKPtMwo-01425-00385380-00385663 of the GDP. hrhyGKPtMwo-01426-00385800-00386100 In my budget speech for 2021-2022, hrhyGKPtMwo-01427-00386126-00386363 I had announced that we plan to continue hrhyGKPtMwo-01428-00386363-00386410 the path hrhyGKPtMwo-01429-00386410-00386716 of fiscal consolidation, reaching fiscal hrhyGKPtMwo-01430-00386716-00387263 deficit of below 4.5% by 2025-2026, hrhyGKPtMwo-01431-00387286-00387503 with a fairly steady decline hrhyGKPtMwo-01432-00387526-00387683 over the period. hrhyGKPtMwo-01433-00387683-00387900 We have adhered to the path hrhyGKPtMwo-01434-00387900-00388163 and I reiterate my intention hrhyGKPtMwo-01435-00388186-00388513 to bring the fiscal deficit below 4.5% hrhyGKPtMwo-01436-00388536-00388870 of GDP by 2025-2026 hrhyGKPtMwo-01437-00389190-00389273 to finance hrhyGKPtMwo-01438-00389273-00389586 the fiscal deficit in 2023-2024. hrhyGKPtMwo-01439-00389626-00389820 The net market borrowings hrhyGKPtMwo-01440-00389820-00390123 from dated securities are estimated hrhyGKPtMwo-01441-00390123-00390403 at 11.8 lakh crores. hrhyGKPtMwo-01442-00390456-00390526 The balance hrhyGKPtMwo-01443-00390526-00390586 financing hrhyGKPtMwo-01444-00390586-00390870 is expected to come from small savings hrhyGKPtMwo-01445-00390906-00391060 and other sources. hrhyGKPtMwo-01446-00391060-00391380 The gross market borrowings are estimated hrhyGKPtMwo-01447-00391380-00391653 at 15.43 lakh crores of rupees. hrhyGKPtMwo-01448-00391810-00392043 Honorable Speaker Sir, I now move to hrhyGKPtMwo-01449-00392043-00392193 Part B hrhyGKPtMwo-01450-00393066-00393373 indirect taxes. hrhyGKPtMwo-01451-00393403-00393480 My indirect hrhyGKPtMwo-01452-00393480-00393583 tax proposals hrhyGKPtMwo-01453-00393583-00393843 will aim to promote exports, hrhyGKPtMwo-01454-00393843-00394086 boost domestic manufacturing, hrhyGKPtMwo-01455-00394086-00394230 enhance domestic value hrhyGKPtMwo-01456-00394230-00394310 addition, hrhyGKPtMwo-01457-00394310-00394590 encourage green energy and mobility. hrhyGKPtMwo-01458-00394676-00394966 A simplified tax structure with fewer hrhyGKPtMwo-01459-00394966-00395280 tax rates helps in reducing compliance hrhyGKPtMwo-01460-00395280-00395523 burden and improving tax administration. hrhyGKPtMwo-01461-00395580-00395743 I propose to reduce the number hrhyGKPtMwo-01462-00395743-00396026 of basic customs duty rates on goods hrhyGKPtMwo-01463-00396060-00396266 other than textiles and agriculture. hrhyGKPtMwo-01464-00396290-00396513 From 21 to 13. hrhyGKPtMwo-01465-00396570-00396680 As a result, hrhyGKPtMwo-01466-00396680-00396803 there are minor changes hrhyGKPtMwo-01467-00396803-00397013 in the basic customs duties, hrhyGKPtMwo-01468-00397013-00397290 cesses and surcharges on some items, hrhyGKPtMwo-01469-00397290-00397383 including toys, hrhyGKPtMwo-01470-00397383-00397613 bicycle, automobiles and naphtha hrhyGKPtMwo-01471-00397706-00397880 green mobility. hrhyGKPtMwo-01472-00397880-00398110 To avoid cascading of taxes hrhyGKPtMwo-01473-00398146-00398396 on blended, compressed natural gas, hrhyGKPtMwo-01474-00398436-00398770 I propose to exempt excise duty on GST hrhyGKPtMwo-01475-00398770-00399100 paid Compressed bio gas contained in it. hrhyGKPtMwo-01476-00399180-00399296 To further provide hrhyGKPtMwo-01477-00399296-00399540 impetus to green mobility, hrhyGKPtMwo-01478-00399540-00399653 customs duty hrhyGKPtMwo-01479-00399653-00399770 exemptions hrhyGKPtMwo-01480-00399770-00399883 is being extended hrhyGKPtMwo-01481-00399883-00400183 to import of capital goods and machinery hrhyGKPtMwo-01482-00400183-00400396 required for manufacture of lithium hrhyGKPtMwo-01483-00400396-00400553 ion cells hrhyGKPtMwo-01484-00400553-00400640 for batteries hrhyGKPtMwo-01485-00400640-00401053 used in electrical vehicles as well. hrhyGKPtMwo-01486-00401133-00401280 Electronics, hrhyGKPtMwo-01487-00401280-00401473 as a result of various initiatives hrhyGKPtMwo-01488-00401473-00401626 of the government, include. hrhyGKPtMwo-01489-00401626-00401720 Increased the Phased hrhyGKPtMwo-01490-00401720-00401850 manufacturing program. hrhyGKPtMwo-01491-00401850-00402066 Mobile phone production in India hrhyGKPtMwo-01492-00402093-00402483 has increased from 5.8 crore units valued hrhyGKPtMwo-01493-00402606-00402840 at about 18,900 crore hrhyGKPtMwo-01494-00402840-00403216 in 2014-2015 to 31 crore units hrhyGKPtMwo-01495-00403246-00403550 valued at 2 lakh 75,000 crore hrhyGKPtMwo-01496-00403573-00403880 in the last financial year. hrhyGKPtMwo-01497-00403880-00404113 To further deepen value addition hrhyGKPtMwo-01498-00404113-00404313 in manufacturing of mobile phones, hrhyGKPtMwo-01499-00404800-00404950 I propose to provide relief hrhyGKPtMwo-01500-00404950-00405083 and customs duty hrhyGKPtMwo-01501-00405083-00405420 on import of certain parts and inputs hrhyGKPtMwo-01502-00405443-00405600 like camera lens hrhyGKPtMwo-01503-00405600-00405686 and continue hrhyGKPtMwo-01504-00405686-00405836 the concessional duty hrhyGKPtMwo-01505-00405836-00406093 on lithium ion cells for batteries hrhyGKPtMwo-01506-00406110-00406423 for another year. hrhyGKPtMwo-01507-00406480-00406610 Similarly, hrhyGKPtMwo-01508-00406610-00406716 to promote hrhyGKPtMwo-01509-00406716-00406816 value, addition hrhyGKPtMwo-01510-00406816-00407036 and manufacture of televisions, hrhyGKPtMwo-01511-00407036-00407253 I propose to reduce the basic customs hrhyGKPtMwo-01512-00407253-00407600 duty on parts of open cells of TV hrhyGKPtMwo-01513-00407600-00407820 panels to 2.5%. hrhyGKPtMwo-01514-00407920-00408140 Electrical to rectify hrhyGKPtMwo-01515-00408140-00408466 Inversion of duty. hrhyGKPtMwo-01516-00408466-00408690 To rectify Inversion of duty structure. hrhyGKPtMwo-01517-00408726-00408893 And encourage manufacturing hrhyGKPtMwo-01518-00408893-00409083 of electric kitchen chimneys. hrhyGKPtMwo-01519-00409083-00409313 The basic custom duty on electric hrhyGKPtMwo-01520-00409393-00409523 kitchen chimney hrhyGKPtMwo-01521-00409523-00409953 is being increased from 7.5% to 15%. hrhyGKPtMwo-01522-00409980-00410193 And that on heat coils hrhyGKPtMwo-01523-00410193-00410430 for these is proposed to be reduced hrhyGKPtMwo-01524-00410450-00410666 from 20% to 15%. hrhyGKPtMwo-01525-00410750-00410910 Chemicals and petrochemicals hrhyGKPtMwo-01526-00411033-00411260 denatured ethyl hrhyGKPtMwo-01527-00411260-00411580 alcohol is used in chemical industry. hrhyGKPtMwo-01528-00411616-00411853 I propose to exempt basic customs hrhyGKPtMwo-01529-00411853-00411993 duty on it. hrhyGKPtMwo-01530-00411993-00412170 This will also support ethanol hrhyGKPtMwo-01531-00412170-00412300 blending program hrhyGKPtMwo-01532-00412300-00412500 and facilitate our endeavor hrhyGKPtMwo-01533-00412500-00412680 for energy transition. hrhyGKPtMwo-01534-00412680-00413003 Basic customs duty is also being reduced hrhyGKPtMwo-01535-00413033-00413300 on acid grade ffluorspar hrhyGKPtMwo-01536-00413339-00413660 from 5% to 2.5%. hrhyGKPtMwo-01537-00413693-00413933 To make the domestic fluorochemicals hrhyGKPtMwo-01538-00413936-00414110 industry competitive. hrhyGKPtMwo-01539-00414110-00414263 Further, the basic customs hrhyGKPtMwo-01540-00414263-00414456 duty crude glycerin hrhyGKPtMwo-01541-00414456-00414516 for use hrhyGKPtMwo-01542-00414516-00414910 and manufacture of epicholorhydrin hrhyGKPtMwo-01543-00414950-00415360 is proposed to be reduced from 7.5% hrhyGKPtMwo-01544-00415410-00415850 to 2.5%. hrhyGKPtMwo-01545-00416306-00416533 Marine products hrhyGKPtMwo-01546-00416556-00416823 in the last financial year, Marine hrhyGKPtMwo-01547-00416823-00417030 products recorded the highest export hrhyGKPtMwo-01548-00417030-00417246 growth, benefiting farmers hrhyGKPtMwo-01549-00417246-00417450 in the coastal states of the country hrhyGKPtMwo-01550-00417450-00417543 to further enhance hrhyGKPtMwo-01551-00417543-00417680 the export competitiveness hrhyGKPtMwo-01552-00417680-00417926 of marine, particularly shrimps. hrhyGKPtMwo-01553-00417996-00418153 duty is being reduced hrhyGKPtMwo-01554-00418153-00418216 on key hrhyGKPtMwo-01555-00418216-00418326 inputs for hrhyGKPtMwo-01556-00418326-00418633 domestic manufacture of shrimp feed. hrhyGKPtMwo-01557-00418633-00418830 India has a global leader, as I said hrhyGKPtMwo-01558-00418830-00418993 in part A, in cutting hrhyGKPtMwo-01559-00418993-00419053 and polishing hrhyGKPtMwo-01560-00419053-00419153 of natural diamonds, hrhyGKPtMwo-01561-00419153-00419313 contributing about three fourths hrhyGKPtMwo-01562-00419313-00419546 of the global turnover by value. hrhyGKPtMwo-01563-00419586-00419743 With the depletion of deposits hrhyGKPtMwo-01564-00419743-00419880 of natural diamonds, hrhyGKPtMwo-01565-00419880-00419993 the industry is moving hrhyGKPtMwo-01566-00419993-00420193 towards lab grown diamonds hrhyGKPtMwo-01567-00420193-00420380 and it holds huge promise hrhyGKPtMwo-01568-00420380-00420510 to seize this opportunity. hrhyGKPtMwo-01569-00420510-00420710 I propose to reduce the basic customs hrhyGKPtMwo-01570-00420710-00421266 duty on seeds used in their manufacture. hrhyGKPtMwo-01571-00421266-00421456 Have customs duties on hrhyGKPtMwo-01572-00421556-00421703 dore and hrhyGKPtMwo-01573-00421703-00421789 bars of hrhyGKPtMwo-01574-00421789-00421893 gold and platinum hrhyGKPtMwo-01575-00421893-00422106 were increased earlier this fiscal. hrhyGKPtMwo-01576-00422106-00422313 I propose to increase the duties of hrhyGKPtMwo-01577-00422320-00422436 on articles hrhyGKPtMwo-01578-00422436-00422586 made therefrom hrhyGKPtMwo-01579-00422586-00422823 to enhance the duty to friendship. hrhyGKPtMwo-01580-00422823-00423023 I also propose to increase hrhyGKPtMwo-01581-00423023-00423086 the import hrhyGKPtMwo-01582-00423086-00423476 duty on silver dore, bars and articles hrhyGKPtMwo-01583-00423493-00423576 to align them hrhyGKPtMwo-01584-00423576-00423893 with that on gold and platinum hrhyGKPtMwo-01585-00423893-00424063 to facilitate availability hrhyGKPtMwo-01586-00424063-00424266 of raw materials hrhyGKPtMwo-01587-00424280-00424439 for the steel sector. hrhyGKPtMwo-01588-00424439-00424643 Exemptions from basic customs hrhyGKPtMwo-01589-00424643-00424810 duty on raw materials hrhyGKPtMwo-01590-00424810-00425186 for manufacture of CRGO steel, ferrous hrhyGKPtMwo-01591-00425186-00425260 scrap hrhyGKPtMwo-01592-00425260-00425526 and nickel cathode is being continued. hrhyGKPtMwo-01593-00425580-00425793 Similarly, the concessional BCD hrhyGKPtMwo-01594-00425846-00426100 of 2.5% on copper scrap hrhyGKPtMwo-01595-00426123-00426333 is also being continued to ensure hrhyGKPtMwo-01596-00426360-00426563 the availability of raw materials hrhyGKPtMwo-01597-00426563-00426770 for secondary copper producers hrhyGKPtMwo-01598-00426770-00426970 who are mainly in their MSME sectors hrhyGKPtMwo-01599-00427066-00427293 compounded rubber. hrhyGKPtMwo-01600-00427293-00427536 The basic customs duty rate on compounded hrhyGKPtMwo-01601-00427536-00427920 rubber is being increased from 10% to 25% hrhyGKPtMwo-01602-00427920-00428260 or 30 KG whichever lower at par hrhyGKPtMwo-01603-00428260-00428446 with that of natural rubber hrhyGKPtMwo-01604-00428446-00428600 other than latex. hrhyGKPtMwo-01605-00428600-00428830 To curb circumvention of duty. hrhyGKPtMwo-01606-00428939-00429060 Cigarets hrhyGKPtMwo-01607-00429060-00429320 national calamity contingent duty hrhyGKPtMwo-01608-00429336-00429560 on specified cigarets hrhyGKPtMwo-01609-00429560-00429816 was last revised three years ago. hrhyGKPtMwo-01610-00429836-00430020 This is proposed to be revised upwards hrhyGKPtMwo-01611-00430020-00430233 by about 16%. hrhyGKPtMwo-01612-00430233-00430483 Direct taxes. hrhyGKPtMwo-01613-00430520-00430773 I now come to my direct tax proposals. hrhyGKPtMwo-01614-00430786-00431089 Honorable Speaker These proposals aim hrhyGKPtMwo-01615-00431089-00431243 to maintain continuity hrhyGKPtMwo-01616-00431243-00431430 and stability of taxation hrhyGKPtMwo-01617-00431430-00431686 further simplify and rationalize hrhyGKPtMwo-01618-00431706-00431853 various provisions hrhyGKPtMwo-01619-00431853-00432060 to reduce the compliance burden. hrhyGKPtMwo-01620-00432060-00432283 Promote entrepreneurial spirit, hrhyGKPtMwo-01621-00432306-00432560 and provide tax relief to citizens. hrhyGKPtMwo-01622-00432603-00432716 It has been constant hrhyGKPtMwo-01623-00432716-00432770 endeavor hrhyGKPtMwo-01624-00432770-00432956 of the income tax department hrhyGKPtMwo-01625-00432956-00433176 to improve taxpayer services hrhyGKPtMwo-01626-00433176-00433473 by making compliance easy and smooth. hrhyGKPtMwo-01627-00433520-00433823 Our taxpayers portal received a maximum hrhyGKPtMwo-01628-00433823-00434196 of 72 lakh returns in a day, processed hrhyGKPtMwo-01629-00434196-00434563 more than 6.5 crore returns this year. hrhyGKPtMwo-01630-00434730-00434893 Average processing period hrhyGKPtMwo-01631-00434893-00435096 reduced from 93 days hrhyGKPtMwo-01632-00435096-00435236 financial year 2013-14 hrhyGKPtMwo-01633-00435236-00435510 to 16 days only now hrhyGKPtMwo-01634-00435670-00435923 and 45% of hrhyGKPtMwo-01635-00435926-00435983 the returns hrhyGKPtMwo-01636-00435983-00436243 were processed within 24 hours. hrhyGKPtMwo-01637-00436333-00436576 We intend to to further improve this hrhyGKPtMwo-01638-00436646-00436800 roll out the next generation hrhyGKPtMwo-01639-00436800-00436983 common I-T return form hrhyGKPtMwo-01640-00436983-00437156 for taxpayers convenience hrhyGKPtMwo-01641-00437156-00437346 and also plan to strengthen hrhyGKPtMwo-01642-00437346-00437550 the grievance redressal mechanism. hrhyGKPtMwo-01643-00437693-00437783 Msmes and hrhyGKPtMwo-01644-00437783-00437946 professionals hrhyGKPtMwo-01645-00437946-00438086 and Msmes are growth hrhyGKPtMwo-01646-00438086-00438246 engines of our economy. hrhyGKPtMwo-01647-00438246-00438520 Micro-enterprises with turnover up hrhyGKPtMwo-01648-00438520-00438736 to two crore of rupees hrhyGKPtMwo-01649-00438736-00438900 and certain professionals hrhyGKPtMwo-01650-00438900-00439239 with turnover of up to 50 lakh rupees hrhyGKPtMwo-01651-00439283-00439380 can avail hrhyGKPtMwo-01652-00439380-00439616 the benefit of presumptive taxation. hrhyGKPtMwo-01653-00439670-00439843 I propose to provide hrhyGKPtMwo-01654-00439843-00440150 enhanced limits of 3 crore hrhyGKPtMwo-01655-00440170-00440580 and 75 lakh respectively to the taxpayers hrhyGKPtMwo-01656-00440663-00441043 whose cash receipts are no more than 5%, hrhyGKPtMwo-01657-00441106-00441476 whose cash receipts are no more than 5%. hrhyGKPtMwo-01658-00441516-00441623 Moreover, hrhyGKPtMwo-01659-00441623-00441793 to support Msmes hrhyGKPtMwo-01660-00441793-00442023 in timely receipt of payments. hrhyGKPtMwo-01661-00442023-00442263 I propose to allow a deduction hrhyGKPtMwo-01662-00442263-00442550 for expenditure incurred on payments hrhyGKPtMwo-01663-00442589-00442860 made to them only when payment hrhyGKPtMwo-01664-00442860-00443253 is actually made. hrhyGKPtMwo-01665-00443253-00443526 cooperation. hrhyGKPtMwo-01666-00443526-00443776 Cooperation is a value to be cherished. hrhyGKPtMwo-01667-00443776-00443950 In realizing our Prime Minister's hrhyGKPtMwo-01668-00443950-00444150 goal of Sahkar se Samriddhi hrhyGKPtMwo-01669-00444196-00444343 and his resolve hrhyGKPtMwo-01670-00444343-00444539 to connect the spirit of cooperation hrhyGKPtMwo-01671-00444539-00444643 with the spirit of Amirt hrhyGKPtMwo-01672-00444643-00444796 kaal In addition hrhyGKPtMwo-01673-00444796-00444873 to the measures hrhyGKPtMwo-01674-00444873-00444973 proposed in part hrhyGKPtMwo-01675-00444973-00445230 A, I have a slew of proposals hrhyGKPtMwo-01676-00445253-00445456 for the cooperation sector. hrhyGKPtMwo-01677-00445530-00445763 First, new cooperatives hrhyGKPtMwo-01678-00445786-00446033 that commence manufacturing activities hrhyGKPtMwo-01679-00446073-00446370 till 2024 31st March hrhyGKPtMwo-01680-00446403-00446613 shall get the benefit of a lower hrhyGKPtMwo-01681-00446613-00446846 tax rate of 15%, hrhyGKPtMwo-01682-00446889-00447089 as is presently available hrhyGKPtMwo-01683-00447089-00447493 to manufacturing companies. hrhyGKPtMwo-01684-00447513-00447773 Secondly, I propose to provide hrhyGKPtMwo-01685-00447806-00448060 an opportunity to sugar cooperatives hrhyGKPtMwo-01686-00448093-00448163 to claim hrhyGKPtMwo-01687-00448163-00448496 payments made to sugarcane farmers. hrhyGKPtMwo-01688-00448539-00448820 For the period prior to assessment hrhyGKPtMwo-01689-00448820-00449233 year 2016-17 as expenditure. hrhyGKPtMwo-01690-00449280-00449476 this is expected to provide them hrhyGKPtMwo-01691-00449476-00450013 relief of almost 10,000 crores. hrhyGKPtMwo-01692-00450180-00450436 Thirdly, I am providing a hrhyGKPtMwo-01693-00450460-00450783 higher limit of two lakh per member hrhyGKPtMwo-01694-00450806-00451113 for cash deposits to loans and cash hrhyGKPtMwo-01695-00451139-00451223 by primary hrhyGKPtMwo-01696-00451223-00451433 agricultural cooperative societies hrhyGKPtMwo-01697-00451456-00451643 and primary agriculture. hrhyGKPtMwo-01698-00451643-00451936 Primary Cooperative Agriculture and rural hrhyGKPtMwo-01699-00451986-00452196 banks. I repeat that. hrhyGKPtMwo-01700-00452260-00452463 Thirdly, I am providing a higher hrhyGKPtMwo-01701-00452463-00452700 limit of two lakh per member hrhyGKPtMwo-01702-00452723-00453013 for cash deposits to and loans hrhyGKPtMwo-01703-00453013-00453096 in cash hrhyGKPtMwo-01704-00453096-00453186 by primary hrhyGKPtMwo-01705-00453186-00453356 agricultural cooperative societies hrhyGKPtMwo-01706-00453356-00453603 and primary cooperative agricultural hrhyGKPtMwo-01707-00453630-00453830 and rural development banks. hrhyGKPtMwo-01708-00453830-00454150 Similarly, a higher limit of three crore hrhyGKPtMwo-01709-00454150-00454306 for TDS on cash hrhyGKPtMwo-01710-00454306-00454516 withdrawn is being provided hrhyGKPtMwo-01711-00454516-00454723 to cooperative societies. hrhyGKPtMwo-01712-00454723-00454873 Startups hrhyGKPtMwo-01713-00455680-00455863 on entrepreneurship hrhyGKPtMwo-01714-00455863-00455993 is vital for our country's hrhyGKPtMwo-01715-00455993-00456136 economic development. hrhyGKPtMwo-01716-00456136-00456196 We have taken hrhyGKPtMwo-01717-00456196-00456353 a number of measures for startups hrhyGKPtMwo-01718-00456353-00456543 and they have borne results. hrhyGKPtMwo-01719-00456543-00456820 India is now the third largest ecosystem hrhyGKPtMwo-01720-00456853-00456936 for startups hrhyGKPtMwo-01721-00456936-00457103 globally and ranks hrhyGKPtMwo-01722-00457103-00457300 second in innovation quality hrhyGKPtMwo-01723-00457300-00457516 among middle income countries. hrhyGKPtMwo-01724-00457516-00457589 I propose hrhyGKPtMwo-01725-00457589-00457780 to extend the date of incorporation hrhyGKPtMwo-01726-00457780-00458063 for income tax benefits to startups hrhyGKPtMwo-01727-00458093-00458583 from 31-3-2023 to 31-3-2024. hrhyGKPtMwo-01728-00458630-00458739 I further propose hrhyGKPtMwo-01729-00458739-00458823 to provide hrhyGKPtMwo-01730-00458823-00459106 the benefit of carry forward of losses on hrhyGKPtMwo-01731-00459196-00459433 change of shareholding of startups hrhyGKPtMwo-01732-00459473-00459723 from seven years of incorporation hrhyGKPtMwo-01733-00459743-00459839 to ten years hrhyGKPtMwo-01734-00460496-00460630 to reduce the pendency hrhyGKPtMwo-01735-00460630-00460853 of appeals at Commission level. hrhyGKPtMwo-01736-00460853-00460920 I propose hrhyGKPtMwo-01737-00460920-00461189 to deploy about 100 Joint Commissioners hrhyGKPtMwo-01738-00461226-00461480 for disposal of small appeals. hrhyGKPtMwo-01739-00461530-00461700 We should also be more selective hrhyGKPtMwo-01740-00461700-00461850 in taking up cases hrhyGKPtMwo-01741-00461850-00462150 for scrutiny of Returns already hrhyGKPtMwo-01742-00462150-00462463 received this year. hrhyGKPtMwo-01743-00462500-00462723 Better targeting of tax concessions hrhyGKPtMwo-01744-00462780-00463006 for better targeting of tax concessions hrhyGKPtMwo-01745-00463006-00463120 and exemptions. hrhyGKPtMwo-01746-00463120-00463333 I propose to cap deduction hrhyGKPtMwo-01747-00463333-00463586 from capital gains on investment hrhyGKPtMwo-01748-00463610-00463916 in residential house under section 54 hrhyGKPtMwo-01749-00463920-00464210 and section 54F to ten crores hrhyGKPtMwo-01750-00464260-00464476 and of the proposal with similar intent hrhyGKPtMwo-01751-00464503-00464606 to limit income hrhyGKPtMwo-01752-00464606-00464746 tax exemption hrhyGKPtMwo-01753-00464746-00465026 from proceeds of insurance policies hrhyGKPtMwo-01754-00465046-00465353 with very high value. hrhyGKPtMwo-01755-00465353-00465620 Rationalization Honorable Speaker hrhyGKPtMwo-01756-00465623-00465889 So there are a number of proposals hrhyGKPtMwo-01757-00465889-00466046 relating to rationalization hrhyGKPtMwo-01758-00466046-00466193 and simplification. hrhyGKPtMwo-01759-00466193-00466433 Income of authorities, boards hrhyGKPtMwo-01760-00466460-00466580 and commissions hrhyGKPtMwo-01761-00466580-00466920 set up by statutes of union or state hrhyGKPtMwo-01762-00466956-00467176 for the purpose of housing, hrhyGKPtMwo-01763-00467176-00467406 development of cities, towns hrhyGKPtMwo-01764-00467433-00467550 and villages, hrhyGKPtMwo-01765-00467550-00467810 and regulating or regulating hrhyGKPtMwo-01766-00467810-00468116 and developing and activity or matter hrhyGKPtMwo-01767-00468139-00468303 is proposed to be exempted hrhyGKPtMwo-01768-00468303-00468426 from income tax. hrhyGKPtMwo-01769-00468426-00468506 Other hrhyGKPtMwo-01770-00468543-00468853 major measures in this direction are hrhyGKPtMwo-01771-00468960-00469039 removing the hrhyGKPtMwo-01772-00469039-00469336 minimum threshold of 10,000 for TDS hrhyGKPtMwo-01773-00469366-00469543 and clarifying taxability hrhyGKPtMwo-01774-00469543-00469800 relating to online gaming. hrhyGKPtMwo-01775-00469866-00470086 Not treating conversion of gold hrhyGKPtMwo-01776-00470110-00470333 into electronic gold receipts hrhyGKPtMwo-01777-00470363-00470670 and vice versa as capital gains. hrhyGKPtMwo-01778-00470730-00471000 Reducing the TDS rate from 30% hrhyGKPtMwo-01779-00471000-00471383 to 20% on taxable portion of EPF hrhyGKPtMwo-01780-00471423-00471903 withdrawals in non-PAN cases and taxation hrhyGKPtMwo-01781-00471903-00472293 on income for market linked debentures. hrhyGKPtMwo-01782-00472436-00472650 Other major proposals in the Finance Bill hrhyGKPtMwo-01783-00472650-00472816 relate to the following hrhyGKPtMwo-01784-00472816-00472983 extension of period of tax hrhyGKPtMwo-01785-00472983-00473260 benefits to funds relocating to IFC hrhyGKPtMwo-01786-00473280-00473546 Gift City till 31-3-2025. hrhyGKPtMwo-01787-00473646-00473923 Decriminalization under Section 276 hrhyGKPtMwo-01788-00473953-00474243 of the Income Tax Act, allowing carry hrhyGKPtMwo-01789-00474243-00474420 forward of losses hrhyGKPtMwo-01790-00474420-00474646 on strategy disinvestment, hrhyGKPtMwo-01791-00474646-00475050 including that of IDBI Bank and providing hrhyGKPtMwo-01792-00475103-00475330 EEE status hrhyGKPtMwo-01793-00475370-00475693 to Agniveer Fund. hrhyGKPtMwo-01794-00475693-00476623 Personal Income Tax. hrhyGKPtMwo-01795-00476996-00477083 Now I come to hrhyGKPtMwo-01796-00477083-00477433 what everyone is waiting for. hrhyGKPtMwo-01797-00477486-00477716 Personal income tax. hrhyGKPtMwo-01798-00477716-00477939 I have five major announcements to make hrhyGKPtMwo-01799-00477939-00478096 in this regard. hrhyGKPtMwo-01800-00478103-00478373 These primarily benefit a hard hrhyGKPtMwo-01801-00478373-00478693 working middle class. hrhyGKPtMwo-01802-00478710-00478910 The first one concern concerns hrhyGKPtMwo-01803-00478933-00478993 the rebate. hrhyGKPtMwo-01804-00479089-00479263 Currently, those with hrhyGKPtMwo-01805-00479263-00479416 income up to five lakh hrhyGKPtMwo-01806-00479416-00479643 do not pay any tax. hrhyGKPtMwo-01807-00479643-00479846 Do not pay any income tax hrhyGKPtMwo-01808-00479870-00480143 in both old and new regimes. hrhyGKPtMwo-01809-00480213-00480513 I propose to increase the rebate limit hrhyGKPtMwo-01810-00480513-00480810 to seven lakhs. hrhyGKPtMwo-01811-00483000-00483060 I hrhyGKPtMwo-01812-00483236-00483356 propose hrhyGKPtMwo-01813-00483780-00484003 to increase the rebate limit hrhyGKPtMwo-01814-00484003-00484320 to seven lakh in the new tax regime. hrhyGKPtMwo-01815-00484446-00484703 Thus, persons in the new tax regime hrhyGKPtMwo-01816-00484736-00484870 with income up to seven hrhyGKPtMwo-01817-00484870-00485166 lakhs will not have to pay any tax hrhyGKPtMwo-01818-00485166-00485256 at all. hrhyGKPtMwo-01819-00485339-00485516 The second proposal relates hrhyGKPtMwo-01820-00485516-00485730 to middle class individuals hrhyGKPtMwo-01821-00485730-00485970 I had introduced in the year 2020 hrhyGKPtMwo-01822-00486003-00486220 the new personal income tax regime hrhyGKPtMwo-01823-00486266-00486689 with six income slabs starting from 2.5. hrhyGKPtMwo-01824-00486726-00486936 I propose to change the tax structure hrhyGKPtMwo-01825-00486936-00487050 in this regime hrhyGKPtMwo-01826-00487050-00487343 by reducing the number of slabs to five hrhyGKPtMwo-01827-00487373-00487603 and increasing the tax exemption hrhyGKPtMwo-01828-00487603-00487813 limit to three less. hrhyGKPtMwo-01829-00487813-00487970 The new tax rates are hrhyGKPtMwo-01830-00488239-00488410 0 to 3 lakh. hrhyGKPtMwo-01831-00488410-00488766 Nearly 3 to 6 lakh 5%. hrhyGKPtMwo-01832-00488850-00489139 6 to 9 lakh 10%. hrhyGKPtMwo-01833-00489139-00489403 9 to 12 lakh 15%. hrhyGKPtMwo-01834-00489460-00489696 12 to 15 lakh 20% hrhyGKPtMwo-01835-00489730-00490053 and above 15 lacs 30%. hrhyGKPtMwo-01836-00490103-00490336 This will provide major relief hrhyGKPtMwo-01837-00490353-00490600 to all taxpayers in the new regime hrhyGKPtMwo-01838-00490663-00490850 and individual hrhyGKPtMwo-01839-00491023-00491120 and individual hrhyGKPtMwo-01840-00491120-00491313 with an annual income of nine hrhyGKPtMwo-01841-00491313-00491523 lacs will be required hrhyGKPtMwo-01842-00491523-00491789 to pay only ₹45,000. hrhyGKPtMwo-01843-00491850-00492213 This is only 5% of his or her income. hrhyGKPtMwo-01844-00492303-00492660 It is a reduction of 25% on what he or hrhyGKPtMwo-01845-00492660-00492853 she is required to pay. hrhyGKPtMwo-01846-00492853-00493143 Now that is 60,000. hrhyGKPtMwo-01847-00493143-00493306 So in the place of 60,000, hrhyGKPtMwo-01848-00493306-00493486 it is now only 45,000. hrhyGKPtMwo-01849-00493486-00493589 Similarly, hrhyGKPtMwo-01850-00493589-00493923 an individual with an income of ₹15 hrhyGKPtMwo-01851-00493953-00494310 would be required to pay only 1.5 lakh hrhyGKPtMwo-01852-00494343-00494683 or 10% of his income or her income. hrhyGKPtMwo-01853-00494716-00494903 A reduction of 20% hrhyGKPtMwo-01854-00494903-00495210 from the existing liability of one lakh hrhyGKPtMwo-01855-00495210-00495643 ₹87,500. hrhyGKPtMwo-01856-00495739-00495810 My third hrhyGKPtMwo-01857-00495810-00496116 proposal is for the salaried class hrhyGKPtMwo-01858-00496173-00496320 and the pensioners, hrhyGKPtMwo-01859-00496320-00496626 including family pensioners for whom hrhyGKPtMwo-01860-00496636-00496730 I propose hrhyGKPtMwo-01861-00496730-00496903 to extend the benefit hrhyGKPtMwo-01862-00496903-00497100 of standard deduction hrhyGKPtMwo-01863-00497100-00497333 to the new tax regime. hrhyGKPtMwo-01864-00497333-00497656 Each salaried person with an income of hrhyGKPtMwo-01865-00497656-00498030 15.5 lakh rupees or more hrhyGKPtMwo-01866-00498060-00498793 will thus stand to benefit by ₹52,500. hrhyGKPtMwo-01867-00498803-00498900 My fourth hrhyGKPtMwo-01868-00498900-00499176 announcement in personal income tax hrhyGKPtMwo-01869-00499200-00499436 is regarding the highest tax rate, hrhyGKPtMwo-01870-00499493-00499863 which in our country is 42.4%. hrhyGKPtMwo-01871-00499913-00500116 This is among the highest in the world. hrhyGKPtMwo-01872-00500166-00500239 I propose hrhyGKPtMwo-01873-00500239-00500446 to reduce the highest surcharge. hrhyGKPtMwo-01874-00500563-00500853 I propose to reduce the highest hrhyGKPtMwo-01875-00500853-00501346 surcharge rate from 37% to 25% hrhyGKPtMwo-01876-00501373-00502180 in the new tax regime. hrhyGKPtMwo-01877-00502180-00502410 This would result. hrhyGKPtMwo-01878-00502410-00502523 This would result hrhyGKPtMwo-01879-00502523-00502739 in reduction of the maximum. hrhyGKPtMwo-01880-00502823-00503063 This would result in the reduction hrhyGKPtMwo-01881-00503063-00503393 of the maximum tax rate to 39%. hrhyGKPtMwo-01882-00503503-00503716 Lastly, the limit hrhyGKPtMwo-01883-00503716-00503826 three lakh rupees hrhyGKPtMwo-01884-00503826-00504013 for tax exemption hrhyGKPtMwo-01885-00504013-00504330 on leave and cash payment on retirement hrhyGKPtMwo-01886-00504330-00504670 of non government salaried employees was. hrhyGKPtMwo-01887-00504670-00504926 Last fixed in the year 2002, hrhyGKPtMwo-01888-00505016-00505156 when the highest basic hrhyGKPtMwo-01889-00505156-00505200 pay in hrhyGKPtMwo-01890-00505200-00505533 the government was only ₹30,000 per month hrhyGKPtMwo-01891-00505603-00505750 in with the increase hrhyGKPtMwo-01892-00505750-00505910 in the government salaries. hrhyGKPtMwo-01893-00505910-00506110 I am proposing to increase this hrhyGKPtMwo-01894-00506110-00506533 limit to 25 lakh rupees. hrhyGKPtMwo-01895-00506900-00507156 We are also making hrhyGKPtMwo-01896-00507180-00507430 we are also making the new income tax hrhyGKPtMwo-01897-00507430-00507703 regime as the default tax regime. hrhyGKPtMwo-01898-00507783-00508020 However, citizens will continue hrhyGKPtMwo-01899-00508020-00508146 to have the option hrhyGKPtMwo-01900-00508146-00508286 to avail the benefit hrhyGKPtMwo-01901-00508286-00508496 of the old tax regime. hrhyGKPtMwo-01902-00508496-00508620 Apart from these, hrhyGKPtMwo-01903-00508620-00508803 I am also making some other changes hrhyGKPtMwo-01904-00508803-00508986 as given in the annexure. hrhyGKPtMwo-01905-00508986-00509293 As a result of these proposals, hrhyGKPtMwo-01906-00509293-00509550 revenue of about 38,000 hrhyGKPtMwo-01907-00509550-00509639 crore hrhyGKPtMwo-01908-00510070-00510243 to 37,000 crore hrhyGKPtMwo-01909-00510243-00510453 in direct taxes and rupees hrhyGKPtMwo-01910-00510453-00510630 1000 crore in indirect hrhyGKPtMwo-01911-00510630-00510843 taxes will be foregone on, hrhyGKPtMwo-01912-00510843-00510930 while revenue hrhyGKPtMwo-01913-00510930-00511093 of about 3000 crore hrhyGKPtMwo-01914-00511093-00511316 will be additionally mobilized. hrhyGKPtMwo-01915-00511316-00511600 Thus, the total revenue foregone is about hrhyGKPtMwo-01916-00511600-00511860 35,000 crores. hrhyGKPtMwo-01917-00511989-00512266 Honorable Speaker Sir, with these words, hrhyGKPtMwo-01918-00512316-00512739 commend the Budget to this hrhyGKPtMwo-01919-00512739-00513056 august hrhyGKPtMwo-01920-00513056-00513370 House. hxmhc-fqsKA-00000-00000648-00000992 Aanii, Beth LaPensée here, Anishinaabe Métis, and hxmhc-fqsKA-00001-00000992-00001471 Irish designer of Thunderbird Strike a lightning searing side scroller where hxmhc-fqsKA-00002-00001471-00001832 you play as a Thunderbird striking lightning down at big giant mining hxmhc-fqsKA-00003-00001832-00002072 trucks hxmhc-fqsKA-00004-00002216-00002864 and most recently When Rivers Were Trails a point-and-click Indigenous spin on hxmhc-fqsKA-00005-00002864-00004032 Oregon Trail with contributions from 30 Indigenous writers hxmhc-fqsKA-00006-00004032-00004400 on behalf of Indigenous Game Devs thank you for joining in hxmhc-fqsKA-00007-00004400-00004760 on Night of the Indigenous Devs a vital step hxmhc-fqsKA-00008-00004760-00005064 for self-determined Indigenous games brought to you hxmhc-fqsKA-00009-00005064-00005408 by imagineNATIVE and Achimostawinan Games. hxmhc-fqsKA-00010-00005408-00005728 Indigenous Game Devs is a community for hxmhc-fqsKA-00011-00005728-00006239 Indigenous game developers from aspiring to established where we showcase our hxmhc-fqsKA-00012-00006239-00006440 work and share resources. hxmhc-fqsKA-00013-00006440-00006968 If you're indigenous and interested in or involved in making games hxmhc-fqsKA-00014-00006968-00007423 connect with us at hxmhc-fqsKA-00015-00007423-00008784 Miigwech and enjoy the show! hxmhc-fqsKA-00016-00012464-00012514 Tansi! Meagan Byrne nisikasan. Apihtawikosisân, Hamilton, Ontario nuchiin. hxmhc-fqsKA-00017-00012514-00013480 Hi everyone I'm Megan Byrne and I am Apihtawikosisân or Métis from hxmhc-fqsKA-00018-00013480-00013776 Ontario and I was born and raised in Hamilton, Ontario. hxmhc-fqsKA-00019-00013776-00014119 i would like to welcome you to Night of the Indigenous Devs hxmhc-fqsKA-00020-00014119-00014576 I am speaking to you as the owner and lead game designer of hxmhc-fqsKA-00021-00014576-00015112 Achimostawinan Games an Indigenous owned a majority Indigenous staff hxmhc-fqsKA-00022-00015112-00015380 indie game studio out of Ontario. hxmhc-fqsKA-00023-00015380-00015704 we are so excited that you could come tonight hxmhc-fqsKA-00024-00015704-00016031 I am overwhelmed at the support and the joy hxmhc-fqsKA-00025-00016031-00016431 people have gotten out of Night of the Indigenous Devs last year when we were hxmhc-fqsKA-00026-00016431-00016884 at the Bell TIFF the TIFF Bell Lightbox as part of hxmhc-fqsKA-00027-00016884-00017248 imagineNATIVE and again we're part of imagineNATIVE this year but online hxmhc-fqsKA-00028-00017248-00017712 and thank you for joining us wherever across the world that you may be hxmhc-fqsKA-00029-00017712-00018431 in whichever tour territory or traditional lands that you rest on. hxmhc-fqsKA-00030-00018431-00019064 As a game designer and an Indigenous person it has always been a struggle to speak hxmhc-fqsKA-00031-00019064-00019504 truthfully about what I want to speak about in video games hxmhc-fqsKA-00032-00019504-00020144 too often are we told that we have to present our Indigeneity in video games in a hxmhc-fqsKA-00033-00020144-00020487 particular way and when I was with ImagineNATIVE last hxmhc-fqsKA-00034-00020487-00020759 year and developed Night of the Indigenous Devs hxmhc-fqsKA-00035-00020759-00021144 I wanted to create a space where Indigenous people could just be hxmhc-fqsKA-00036-00021144-00021608 game devs and just show their stories the way they want to show their stories hxmhc-fqsKA-00037-00021608-00021928 without having to perform their Indigeneity without having to be hxmhc-fqsKA-00038-00021928-00022487 grounded in history, without having to be educational to anyone else this is just hxmhc-fqsKA-00039-00022487-00023008 about supporting Indigenous game devs in the way that they want to be seen and hxmhc-fqsKA-00040-00023008-00023400 so i'm so excited that this year we're offering these five hxmhc-fqsKA-00041-00023400-00024015 amazing projects by these five amazing creatives and groups from across canada hxmhc-fqsKA-00042-00024015-00024600 and the world as Beth said as part of the Indigenous hxmhc-fqsKA-00043-00024600-00024968 Game Dev group we're starting to create spaces beyond hxmhc-fqsKA-00044-00024968-00025272 just Night of the Indigenous Devs where throughout the year hxmhc-fqsKA-00045-00025272-00025656 we can be supportive and be that space for Indigenous game devs hxmhc-fqsKA-00046-00025656-00026056 to speak the way they want to speak and talk about games and hxmhc-fqsKA-00047-00026056-00026424 show games the way they want to show these games hxmhc-fqsKA-00048-00026424-00026912 and so if you are Indigenous if you enjoy video games and making video games hxmhc-fqsKA-00049-00026912-00027232 or if you enjoy making tabletop games or role-playing hxmhc-fqsKA-00050-00027232-00027619 games definitely come and check it out on hxmhc-fqsKA-00051-00027619-00027971 and ask to join our discord hxmhc-fqsKA-00052-00027971-00028432 and so I say thank you to you for joining us I say thank you hxmhc-fqsKA-00053-00028432-00028816 to all of our creatives for being a part of this event I say thank you to hxmhc-fqsKA-00054-00028816-00029375 imagineNATIVE for being our host and supporting Indigenous developers and hxmhc-fqsKA-00055-00029375-00029888 media creators from across the world and in all the forms of screen based hxmhc-fqsKA-00056-00029888-00030424 media that we want to be seen on and play with and a big big miigwetch hxmhc-fqsKA-00057-00030424-00030969 to East Side Games for being our lead sponsor of this event hxmhc-fqsKA-00058-00030969-00032583 so without further ado let's play these games hxmhc-fqsKA-00059-00036447-00036968 Hi my name is Shandiin Yazzie Woodward I'm an art director on Button City hxmhc-fqsKA-00060-00036968-00037267 and a co-founder of my studio Subliminal. hxmhc-fqsKA-00061-00037267-00037944 so Button City is a narrative adventure game. it's a cute colorful low poly game hxmhc-fqsKA-00062-00037944-00038200 about a fox and his friends are trying to save hxmhc-fqsKA-00063-00038200-00038428 their local arcade from being shut down. hxmhc-fqsKA-00064-00038428-00038576 It's a game about friendship and community. hxmhc-fqsKA-00065-00038576-00038912 There's some light puzzling, there's some hxmhc-fqsKA-00066-00038912-00039440 arcade games. It's about a lot of kid culture in there hxmhc-fqsKA-00067-00039440-00040128 and just embracing a love for arcades nostalgia and hxmhc-fqsKA-00068-00040128-00040440 growing up and saving the things that are important. hxmhc-fqsKA-00069-00040440-00040888 So Button City started off as a original concept of mine about hxmhc-fqsKA-00070-00040888-00041256 three years ago. I had just started learning 3D modeling. hxmhc-fqsKA-00071-00041256-00041608 I was kind of just messing around in Blender hxmhc-fqsKA-00072-00041608-00042208 I was making low poly characters and one of the first projects that I made hxmhc-fqsKA-00073-00042208-00042591 was a little fox on a on an island with a house and people hxmhc-fqsKA-00074-00042591-00043080 really started enjoying that and it kind of hxmhc-fqsKA-00075-00043119-00043552 took off and the fox ended up becoming like our main hxmhc-fqsKA-00076-00043552-00043808 character. He always started off as like a cute little hxmhc-fqsKA-00077-00043808-00044408 little shy boy. I was originally drawn to hxmhc-fqsKA-00078-00044408-00044952 low poly for it's simplicity, the aesthetic hxmhc-fqsKA-00079-00044952-00045256 I use a limited color palette in the game. hxmhc-fqsKA-00080-00045256-00045656 There are probably about like 64 colors maybe a few more. hxmhc-fqsKA-00081-00045656-00046096 and we don't have any light sources so hxmhc-fqsKA-00082-00046096-00046512 all of the placement of the shadows and the colors are deliberately hxmhc-fqsKA-00083-00046512-00046848 laid out on the 3d models. So it's an interesting hybrid. hxmhc-fqsKA-00084-00046848-00047224 I came from a 2D art background hxmhc-fqsKA-00085-00047224-00047719 I used a lot of like vector illustration and it kind of felt like hxmhc-fqsKA-00086-00047719-00048080 making vector art in three by using low poly. hxmhc-fqsKA-00087-00048080-00048975 I got to focus on building this game out with very simple deliberate shapes but hxmhc-fqsKA-00088-00048975-00049319 a lot of the the pieces, they're very like funky hxmhc-fqsKA-00089-00049319-00049712 and they don't have a lot of detail but the goal was to hxmhc-fqsKA-00090-00049712-00050208 create kind of a visual rhythm by taking a lot of smaller objects and hxmhc-fqsKA-00091-00050208-00050440 really setting them into a world that felt lived in. hxmhc-fqsKA-00092-00050440-00051119 So having a limited palette combined with having this hxmhc-fqsKA-00093-00051119-00051864 low poly, very minimalistic approach to the building out art and characters hxmhc-fqsKA-00094-00051864-00052336 in the worlds, it was very challenging and fun hxmhc-fqsKA-00095-00052336-00052791 at the same time I had to be very considerate about what colors work hxmhc-fqsKA-00096-00052791-00053239 together, how to build simple objects out of hxmhc-fqsKA-00097-00053239-00053591 the fewest shapes and edges and points possible. hxmhc-fqsKA-00098-00053591-00054488 For most cylinders, like a little coffee cup, it would have five sides hxmhc-fqsKA-00099-00054488-00055024 and it was really fun I'm incredibly excited and thankful to hxmhc-fqsKA-00100-00055024-00055408 be part of this community of Indigenous game developers. hxmhc-fqsKA-00101-00055408-00055960 It really is an amazing community and I'm so happy that I could lend my hxmhc-fqsKA-00102-00055960-00056279 voice to this and I hope you all enjoy Button City hxmhc-fqsKA-00103-00057483-00057783 Thank you hxmhc-fqsKA-00104-00074230-00074580 Tansi Osawa piyesis nitisihikason, Maskwacis oci niya hxmhc-fqsKA-00105-00074680-00075200 My name is Keara Lightning, I am from Samson Cree Nation. hxmhc-fqsKA-00106-00075200-00075520 I am a graduate student at the University of Alberta hxmhc-fqsKA-00107-00075520-00076183 and I am the writer and designer for the game Mîkiwâm. hxmhc-fqsKA-00108-00076280-00076807 Tansi, I am Caeleigh Lightning and I'm also from Samson Cree Nation. hxmhc-fqsKA-00109-00076807-00077327 I'm currently attending my fourth year of Indigenous hxmhc-fqsKA-00110-00077327-00077656 environmental studies at Trent University hxmhc-fqsKA-00111-00077656-00078272 and I'm the artist for Mîkiwâm. hxmhc-fqsKA-00112-00078448-00078839 How did we develop this gameplay? hxmhc-fqsKA-00113-00078904-00079576 Our whole, I guess, passion for this came from hxmhc-fqsKA-00114-00079576-00080039 going to imagineNATIVE just randomly last year hxmhc-fqsKA-00115-00080039-00080400 for the first time and seeing all the cool creators there hxmhc-fqsKA-00116-00080400-00080727 and going to Night of the Indigenous Devs hxmhc-fqsKA-00117-00080727-00081088 and for drinks afterwards with everyone was like really hxmhc-fqsKA-00118-00081088-00081472 what got the ball rolling for us. Just inspired us so much hxmhc-fqsKA-00119-00081472-00081824 and that night we said to each other hxmhc-fqsKA-00120-00081824-00082232 we've gotta do something and get it in next year hxmhc-fqsKA-00121-00082736-00083112 we didn't really start trying to make anything until hxmhc-fqsKA-00122-00083112-00083663 just before like the submission time like we kept saying we're going to hxmhc-fqsKA-00123-00083672-00084032 but we were talking about like designs all year but we like floated a hxmhc-fqsKA-00124-00084032-00084360 whole bunch of different types of games that we might do like all hxmhc-fqsKA-00125-00084360-00084736 kind of visual novels because uh we love visual novels and we always hxmhc-fqsKA-00126-00084736-00085295 play them together but you're a 2D hxmhc-fqsKA-00127-00085295-00085912 artist and I write and love visual novels so I hxmhc-fqsKA-00128-00085912-00086176 thought i really want to try to write one hxmhc-fqsKA-00129-00086176-00086776 and so we just had to figure out like the right software and stuff to use hxmhc-fqsKA-00130-00086776-00087136 um and then kind of the tea making mechanic took a bit to hxmhc-fqsKA-00131-00087136-00087616 really get to. hxmhc-fqsKA-00132-00087639-00088304 And that was kind of that was inspired by a few of my hxmhc-fqsKA-00133-00088304-00088768 favorite visual novel games like more than visual novel games like Valhalla hxmhc-fqsKA-00134-00088768-00089192 Cyberpunk Bartender especially because I loved the idea that hxmhc-fqsKA-00135-00089192-00089927 instead of influencing the storyline through your like choice of dialogue you would hxmhc-fqsKA-00136-00089927-00090312 influence the storyline through what drinks you choose to serve to hxmhc-fqsKA-00137-00090312-00090816 somebody so I wanted to kind of like Indigenize that mechanic by making it hxmhc-fqsKA-00138-00090816-00091576 tea and I love to learn about plants and about herbalism so hxmhc-fqsKA-00139-00091576-00092295 we designed that whole thing around like actual hxmhc-fqsKA-00140-00092295-00092768 plants and the ways that they're sorted into elements in some hxmhc-fqsKA-00141-00092768-00093016 traditions hxmhc-fqsKA-00142-00093256-00093512 and we've always wanted to make something together I just remembered hxmhc-fqsKA-00143-00093512-00093736 that hxmhc-fqsKA-00144-00093848-00094216 for like years we have always been saying we should make something together hxmhc-fqsKA-00145-00094216-00094456 since you're the writer and i'm the artist hxmhc-fqsKA-00146-00094456-00094839 and I remember we wanted to make a graphic novel hxmhc-fqsKA-00147-00094839-00095392 or like a show or a cartoon or something and then I don't know why we never hxmhc-fqsKA-00148-00095392-00096000 thought until now. And we played them all the time hxmhc-fqsKA-00149-00096224-00096583 and I play a lot of like little ones that are hxmhc-fqsKA-00150-00096583-00096816 just made by people independently but hxmhc-fqsKA-00151-00096816-00097248 I don't know it never occurred to me that we could do that hxmhc-fqsKA-00152-00097288-00097624 but it was a lot of work though. hxmhc-fqsKA-00153-00097936-00098624 What else so Mîkiwâm is kind of set in a fantasy Indigenous hxmhc-fqsKA-00154-00098624-00098912 alternate world hxmhc-fqsKA-00155-00098968-00099536 and that was because we really wanted to have freedom to like hxmhc-fqsKA-00156-00099536-00099927 explore with our imaginations. A storyline hxmhc-fqsKA-00157-00099927-00100360 that deals with things that are real and personal hxmhc-fqsKA-00158-00100360-00100768 but to not feel like tethered tending to represent hxmhc-fqsKA-00159-00100768-00101351 specific people or specific places or specific traditions hxmhc-fqsKA-00160-00101824-00102511 and then should I say the part of like there's a lot of pressure on Indigenous hxmhc-fqsKA-00161-00102511-00102952 artists to like create stuff within hxmhc-fqsKA-00162-00102952-00103328 this bubble that people think it should look like and to make sure you're hxmhc-fqsKA-00163-00103328-00103807 always representing things accurately and hxmhc-fqsKA-00164-00103807-00104200 stuff like that. So we really wanted to kind of get out of that to just be able hxmhc-fqsKA-00165-00104200-00104616 to do what we want in this universe hxmhc-fqsKA-00166-00104920-00105320 and I think it's really it's really legit that we do have a lot to consider hxmhc-fqsKA-00167-00105320-00105640 and so I did consider those things but like representation hxmhc-fqsKA-00168-00105640-00106159 but I it's so important to be able to express ourselves hxmhc-fqsKA-00169-00106159-00106608 without like having those spaces to actually just like express hxmhc-fqsKA-00170-00106608-00106935 ourselves and feel that freedom hxmhc-fqsKA-00171-00107320-00107735 and that like just like any other people we can have imaginations that are not hxmhc-fqsKA-00172-00107735-00108320 just tethered to the past or to what we've been taught hxmhc-fqsKA-00173-00108791-00109583 what else did we not talk about hxmhc-fqsKA-00174-00109864-00110255 oh the importance of having it look nice hxmhc-fqsKA-00175-00110255-00110967 and having the nice music and the nice not setting but like hxmhc-fqsKA-00176-00110967-00111352 and not vibe but like you know hxmhc-fqsKA-00177-00111367-00111879 Vibe is a good word I think. Vibe. Good vibes hxmhc-fqsKA-00178-00111959-00112383 Yeah for it to be relaxing to play. hxmhc-fqsKA-00179-00112391-00113024 Yeah and for everything to be cohesive with like all of the interface hxmhc-fqsKA-00180-00113024-00113783 and the color scheme and all of that hxmhc-fqsKA-00181-00114048-00114383 yeah one of my favorite things about visual novels is how kind of relaxing hxmhc-fqsKA-00182-00114383-00114616 they are hxmhc-fqsKA-00183-00114672-00115008 to me they're just so immersive and especially hxmhc-fqsKA-00184-00115008-00115335 some of them like when they have good music and good looks and just hxmhc-fqsKA-00185-00115335-00116048 like a vibe, but it's relaxing and so we wanted to be hxmhc-fqsKA-00186-00116048-00116583 something that would just make people feel good hxmhc-fqsKA-00187-00117103-00117983 and like maybe ignite the imagination of other people too. hxmhc-fqsKA-00188-00118128-00118648 And we've really built way more of a story than hxmhc-fqsKA-00189-00118648-00118991 is captured in this little bit partly because hxmhc-fqsKA-00190-00118991-00119320 learning how to use all the tools and getting all that set up took hxmhc-fqsKA-00191-00119320-00119735 so much time and effort but there is way more to the story about hxmhc-fqsKA-00192-00119735-00120391 Kokum and about more characters that we have made but haven't been put in yet hxmhc-fqsKA-00193-00120391-00122183 that will be coming at some point hxmhc-fqsKA-00194-00123391-00123735 I don't know where I'm going hxmhc-fqsKA-00195-00123783-00124408 Hey remember when we were kids? I remember that game we used to play you hxmhc-fqsKA-00196-00124408-00124983 sucked. Count to ten hey? hxmhc-fqsKA-00197-00126167-00126815 Hey are you asleep? What are you doing? Haven't you heard? No one knows where hxmhc-fqsKA-00198-00126815-00127248 Victor is he left our program after Liam passed hxmhc-fqsKA-00199-00127248-00127479 you've got to check out where he was staying hxmhc-fqsKA-00200-00127479-00127944 see if you can find out where he went we don't want him to end up on the hxmhc-fqsKA-00201-00127944-00128608 streets you know how talented he is well what are you waiting for hurry up hxmhc-fqsKA-00202-00128883-00129400 Hi I'm Lee Anne Ireland and I'm the executive hxmhc-fqsKA-00203-00129400-00129744 director at the Urban Society for Aboriginal Youth or USAY. hxmhc-fqsKA-00204-00129744-00130152 and I am the writer and producer on Finding Victor hxmhc-fqsKA-00205-00130152-00130591 which is a virtual reality escape room that we created hxmhc-fqsKA-00206-00130591-00131296 in 2019 Finding Victor is was created because we were trying hxmhc-fqsKA-00207-00131296-00131720 to come up with ways to support youth that hxmhc-fqsKA-00208-00131720-00132088 were at risk of homelessness and to have conversations about reaching hxmhc-fqsKA-00209-00132088-00132367 out for supports and accessing services that were hxmhc-fqsKA-00210-00132367-00132584 available to them and that was like a really hxmhc-fqsKA-00211-00132584-00132976 important part of this game was to encourage youth to hxmhc-fqsKA-00212-00132976-00133344 access resources solve problems and build skills hxmhc-fqsKA-00213-00133344-00133760 unlike other VR creators we're a charity so we work hxmhc-fqsKA-00214-00133760-00134144 to create supports and games and resources hxmhc-fqsKA-00215-00134144-00134520 that are educational and support social justice hxmhc-fqsKA-00216-00134520-00134920 issues and change and that's a really big component of what Finding Victor is hxmhc-fqsKA-00217-00134920-00135296 all about initially Finding Victor was actually a hxmhc-fqsKA-00218-00135296-00135632 real life escape room. We did a pop-up hxmhc-fqsKA-00219-00135632-00136240 event in 2017 where we had over 100 Indigenous kids hxmhc-fqsKA-00220-00136240-00136591 come from various schools throughout Calgary and they hxmhc-fqsKA-00221-00136591-00137015 solved clues and puzzles and interacted with hxmhc-fqsKA-00222-00137015-00137360 each other and teams to solve puzzles and find hxmhc-fqsKA-00223-00137360-00137824 the story about Victor and that was really inspiring to us and we wanted to hxmhc-fqsKA-00224-00137824-00138264 offer that experience to others through hxmhc-fqsKA-00225-00138264-00138552 virtual reality. hxmhc-fqsKA-00226-00138684-00139336 The story of Victor is about a young man who loses his best hxmhc-fqsKA-00227-00139336-00139784 friend Liam to suicide and he is struggling with hxmhc-fqsKA-00228-00139784-00140232 depression and loss and hxmhc-fqsKA-00229-00140232-00140560 he's in child welfare which is a very common issue among hxmhc-fqsKA-00230-00140560-00141128 the kids that we serve and he's just feeling disconnected and hopeless. hxmhc-fqsKA-00231-00141128-00141591 And that's where you as the player in finding Victor start you're a friend of hxmhc-fqsKA-00232-00141591-00141936 Victor's. you wake up you get a phone call from a hxmhc-fqsKA-00233-00141936-00142527 youth worker asking you to help find Victor and you start hxmhc-fqsKA-00234-00142527-00143224 with this party house where he's gone to kind of couch surf and get away from hxmhc-fqsKA-00235-00143224-00143584 his foster family and you have to solve some clues you hxmhc-fqsKA-00236-00143584-00143927 learn that Victor's an artist and he's kind of struggling to hxmhc-fqsKA-00237-00143927-00144384 find himself and that his friend has been lost we hxmhc-fqsKA-00238-00144384-00144688 also show a letter from child welfare we show hxmhc-fqsKA-00239-00144688-00144960 a letter and a picture of his grandmother from hxmhc-fqsKA-00240-00144960-00145336 residential schools. And we try to bring in this legacy of hxmhc-fqsKA-00241-00145336-00145824 intergenerational trauma and you know the ideas of hardship hxmhc-fqsKA-00242-00145824-00146208 that cause homelessness and kind of these build these connections between hxmhc-fqsKA-00243-00146208-00146736 why someone might end up homeless. And then you follow Victor escaping hxmhc-fqsKA-00244-00146736-00146991 that situation and ending up on the streets hxmhc-fqsKA-00245-00146991-00147440 where he creates his artwork and he gets a pamphlet and some hxmhc-fqsKA-00246-00147440-00147760 information learning about some programs that he can utilize hxmhc-fqsKA-00247-00147760-00148288 his artwork in a in a more positive way. hxmhc-fqsKA-00248-00148288-00148815 And then you find Victor in a youth center so he's actually hxmhc-fqsKA-00249-00148815-00149255 accessed some of those supports. He's got a locker he's created a mural hxmhc-fqsKA-00250-00149255-00149624 and then he's successfully been housed and so we really wanted to show that hxmhc-fqsKA-00251-00149624-00150048 transition from you know getting into trouble doing hxmhc-fqsKA-00252-00150048-00150336 some sort of, interacting negatively, dealing with some hxmhc-fqsKA-00253-00150336-00150696 trauma and then making that kind of journey towards hxmhc-fqsKA-00254-00150696-00151079 successful housing finding yourself and being hxmhc-fqsKA-00255-00151079-00151584 more connected to your culture. And I think we successfully achieved hxmhc-fqsKA-00256-00151584-00152127 that through kind of these internal dialogues that were recorded hxmhc-fqsKA-00257-00152127-00152327 by an actor named Telly James. hxmhc-fqsKA-00258-00152327-00152744 he recorded these internal dialogues of Victor hxmhc-fqsKA-00259-00152744-00153215 and the struggles that he was having and then we were able to have Stacey DaSalvia hxmhc-fqsKA-00260-00153215-00153608 who's another actress in the city, act as the youth worker to hxmhc-fqsKA-00261-00153608-00153991 develop the hint and clue system and this is encouraging hxmhc-fqsKA-00262-00153991-00154376 the player to move along and know what's next hxmhc-fqsKA-00263-00154376-00154832 for them and and kind of lead them down their journey a little bit. hxmhc-fqsKA-00264-00154832-00155264 I think something that's really interesting is that we named it Finding hxmhc-fqsKA-00265-00155264-00155552 Victor because we wanted to have that kind of hxmhc-fqsKA-00266-00155552-00155904 nod to Smoke Signals and that you know "Hey Victor" hxmhc-fqsKA-00267-00155904-00156264 which most Indigenous people kind of reference when they're talking about hxmhc-fqsKA-00268-00156264-00156712 movies that are really important to our community and our people. hxmhc-fqsKA-00269-00156712-00157472 You know, the inspiration for this was hxmhc-fqsKA-00270-00157472-00157960 a lot of Indigenous using our programs are kind of these graffiti aerosol hxmhc-fqsKA-00271-00157960-00158391 artists and they're young and they're finding themselves and they're hxmhc-fqsKA-00272-00158391-00158784 dealing with some struggles that no young person should have to deal with hxmhc-fqsKA-00273-00158784-00159088 and once they kind of embrace art and hxmhc-fqsKA-00274-00159088-00159527 expression and find their voice they become you hxmhc-fqsKA-00275-00159527-00159815 know leaders and change makers in our community. hxmhc-fqsKA-00276-00159815-00160312 And so we kind of wanted to follow that through line with this project which hxmhc-fqsKA-00277-00160312-00160767 I think we did quite successfully it was really important to us to include hxmhc-fqsKA-00278-00160767-00161408 musicians and artists so we had an hxmhc-fqsKA-00279-00161408-00161840 graffiti artist come in and use King Spray and Tilt Brush hxmhc-fqsKA-00280-00161840-00162215 to create the murals and artwork you see throughout the game hxmhc-fqsKA-00281-00162215-00162536 and so including like a strong Indigenous artist hxmhc-fqsKA-00282-00162536-00162840 in that and having that kind of persona hxmhc-fqsKA-00283-00162840-00163296 I think was really really effective in the inclusion of lots of Indigenous hxmhc-fqsKA-00284-00163296-00163552 people through a layered approach to the game hxmhc-fqsKA-00285-00163552-00164144 and then we also sought out musicians so each level and the introduction and hxmhc-fqsKA-00286-00164144-00164464 end both have different Indigenous hxmhc-fqsKA-00287-00164464-00164855 musicians that have provided their music to hxmhc-fqsKA-00288-00164855-00165464 Finding Victor which is super cool. Overall, the game has been super hxmhc-fqsKA-00289-00165464-00165832 successful we've demonstrated it to tons of people hxmhc-fqsKA-00290-00165832-00166064 and you know the feedback has been hxmhc-fqsKA-00291-00166064-00166576 overwhelmingly positive which is great. You know we really liked this kind of hxmhc-fqsKA-00292-00166576-00166984 comic book style and this not overly Indigenous hxmhc-fqsKA-00293-00166984-00167367 traditional piece that we've kind of done in the hxmhc-fqsKA-00294-00167367-00167712 past and that's been appealing to a lot of hxmhc-fqsKA-00295-00167712-00168048 young Indigenous people who maybe aren't as connected with their tradition or hxmhc-fqsKA-00296-00168048-00168464 culture as we'd like but that's been really hxmhc-fqsKA-00297-00168464-00168736 appealing to them and it's been really interesting hxmhc-fqsKA-00298-00168736-00169039 overall I loved working on Finding Victor. I love hxmhc-fqsKA-00299-00169039-00169776 the kind of style and the kind the urban feeling that it has and I think that hxmhc-fqsKA-00300-00169776-00170176 it offers a lot of really interesting learnings and it's really just a fun hxmhc-fqsKA-00301-00170176-00170727 game it's fun to solve puzzles and to um kind of have that fun hxmhc-fqsKA-00302-00170727-00171176 progression through the different levels I think that we integrated those fun hxmhc-fqsKA-00303-00171176-00171439 aspects with the learning aspects really well hxmhc-fqsKA-00304-00171439-00171808 and I hope that people that are playing it really enjoy hxmhc-fqsKA-00305-00171808-00172080 finding the journey and Finding Victor. hxmhc-fqsKA-00306-00172080-00172584 He's got a locker at you say now go find him. hxmhc-fqsKA-00307-00175455-00175896 You didn't know that you know how much candy I bankrolled from these machines hxmhc-fqsKA-00308-00175896-00176152 when I was a kid. hxmhc-fqsKA-00309-00178064-00178400 I'm not sure what victor's locker combination would be hxmhc-fqsKA-00310-00178400-00180240 play some basketball get your mind off it then figure it out. hxmhc-fqsKA-00311-00180632-00181232 The Illuminati. The Illuminati created us. They wanted to build a god with their hxmhc-fqsKA-00312-00181232-00181459 own hands and instead they created us. hxmhc-fqsKA-00313-00181459-00181896 Just because I'm made of silicone and aluminum I must be doing something wrong? hxmhc-fqsKA-00314-00181896-00182212 That's machine stereotype that is. hxmhc-fqsKA-00315-00182212-00182408 That's reality that is. hxmhc-fqsKA-00316-00182408-00183000 Machines are second-class citizens humans are sentient persons by default hxmhc-fqsKA-00317-00183000-00183287 ma'am they have personhood by heredity hxmhc-fqsKA-00318-00183287-00183568 There are thousands upon thousands of overqualified slum dwellers hxmhc-fqsKA-00319-00183660-00183952 Aloha, everyone I'm Chris Miller also hxmhc-fqsKA-00320-00183952-00184408 known as Silver spook a Native Hawaiian activist or protector hxmhc-fqsKA-00321-00184408-00184760 of mauna kea here in hawaii and an indie game developer hxmhc-fqsKA-00322-00184760-00185191 and also the creator of neofeud neofeud is a cyberpunk adventure game where a hxmhc-fqsKA-00323-00185191-00185567 cyborg social worker an ex-convict sentient robot and a hxmhc-fqsKA-00324-00185567-00186000 socialist princess take on a cabal of neo-feudal trillionaire ceo hxmhc-fqsKA-00325-00186000-00186327 slash kings who live in floating golden palaces hxmhc-fqsKA-00326-00186327-00186864 above endless polluted terrestrial slum i often describe my work not as science hxmhc-fqsKA-00327-00186864-00187248 fiction but as stylized journalism with futuristic hxmhc-fqsKA-00328-00187248-00187648 characteristics the art stories and gameplay of neofeud hxmhc-fqsKA-00329-00187648-00188096 are a direct reflection of my upbringing and experiences as a native hawaiian hxmhc-fqsKA-00330-00188096-00188455 stem teacher for the underserved youth of honolulu's hxmhc-fqsKA-00331-00188455-00188751 inner city teaching robotics programming and hxmhc-fqsKA-00332-00188751-00189288 sustainability is an often difficult stressful and even kafka-esque endeavor hxmhc-fqsKA-00333-00189288-00189655 being in one of the richest most beautiful places on earth yet dealing hxmhc-fqsKA-00334-00189655-00189912 with families with working parents who are living out hxmhc-fqsKA-00335-00189912-00190327 of a van or sleeping on the street it's hard trying to keep kids out of hxmhc-fqsKA-00336-00190327-00190679 gangs off of drugs and on a path towards better opportunities hxmhc-fqsKA-00337-00190679-00191055 such as the ones that i had growing up in a slum area of paradise while going hxmhc-fqsKA-00338-00191055-00191455 to an upscale private school hawaii is known for its hxmhc-fqsKA-00339-00191455-00191800 postcard corona commercial scenery but it is not hxmhc-fqsKA-00340-00191800-00192088 all fun and sun for everyone who actually lives hxmhc-fqsKA-00341-00192088-00192567 here i grew up a native hawaiian on the not so nice side of the coconut trees hxmhc-fqsKA-00342-00192567-00192976 where the tour buses avoid my parents and parents parents have hxmhc-fqsKA-00343-00192976-00193424 lived in poverty stricken area of kalihi palama hxmhc-fqsKA-00344-00193424-00193815 cleaning for teaching the kids of or dancing fake plastic hula hxmhc-fqsKA-00345-00193815-00194303 for the profit of mostly white and foreign millionaire and billionaires hxmhc-fqsKA-00346-00194303-00194648 of hawaii i am a third generation neo-fetal hxmhc-fqsKA-00347-00194648-00195064 surf my friends in the neighborhood lived 20 to a house hxmhc-fqsKA-00348-00195064-00195432 surviving on ramen and spam from food stamps hxmhc-fqsKA-00349-00195432-00195832 just dirt poor on weekends we would run through the forest bare foot hxmhc-fqsKA-00350-00195832-00196224 playing games like rock war which involves whipping rocks at each other hxmhc-fqsKA-00351-00196224-00196608 and trying not to get bloodied they were wild kids but we had good hxmhc-fqsKA-00352-00196608-00196864 times building tree houses and cannonballing into hxmhc-fqsKA-00353-00196864-00197303 tin roof a big pond in the back of the valley but then on monday my siblings hxmhc-fqsKA-00354-00197303-00197688 and i would all pile into a cheap old toyota corolla and dad would shuttle us hxmhc-fqsKA-00355-00197688-00197984 off to an elite college prep school that he hxmhc-fqsKA-00356-00197984-00198336 could only afford because he taught there and we got free tuition hxmhc-fqsKA-00357-00198336-00198727 which is currently nineteen thousand dollars a year k to 12. hxmhc-fqsKA-00358-00198727-00199176 uh punahou obama's school is right in the area and is currently thirty hxmhc-fqsKA-00359-00199176-00199527 thousand dollars a year at this school everyone didn't have hxmhc-fqsKA-00360-00199527-00199855 holes in their shoes they came to school in mercedes and limos hxmhc-fqsKA-00361-00199855-00200272 and dodge ball was illegal to avoid lawsuits hxmhc-fqsKA-00362-00200272-00200664 i was an overweight brown hawaiian kid from the ghetto amongst a lot of wealthy hxmhc-fqsKA-00363-00200664-00201112 fairer skinned whites and asians and as you might imagine i was singled out hxmhc-fqsKA-00364-00201112-00201608 along class and racial lines in gibsonian cyberpunk terms it was like hxmhc-fqsKA-00365-00201608-00201936 waking up in the sprawl and going to school in the villa straight light and hxmhc-fqsKA-00366-00201936-00202288 then returning home to the sewer every night with just a few hxmhc-fqsKA-00367-00202288-00202696 coloring books about ancient hawaiians who are gone now the hxmhc-fqsKA-00368-00202696-00203024 message i got from school from tv and movies was basically hxmhc-fqsKA-00369-00203024-00203360 i'm an american but not quite wrong color hxmhc-fqsKA-00370-00203360-00203679 maybe i'm three-fifths of an american the public schools hxmhc-fqsKA-00371-00203679-00204151 teach even less hawaiian language itself was illegal to speak in hawaii until hxmhc-fqsKA-00372-00204151-00204727 1986 and in 2018 a professor from maui kalikow was arrested for speaking hxmhc-fqsKA-00373-00204727-00205144 hawaiian in a courtroom despite hawaiian technically being an official language hxmhc-fqsKA-00374-00205144-00205511 here the only words that the business and imperial interest wants you to know hxmhc-fqsKA-00375-00205511-00205887 here is aloha and mahalo aloha here's a lay for you as hxmhc-fqsKA-00376-00205887-00206239 you get off of your air-conditioned plane with a fake hawaiian woman on the hxmhc-fqsKA-00377-00206239-00206504 side of it owned by a white man in a mansion with a hxmhc-fqsKA-00378-00206504-00207015 gaudy golden bird of paradise gate who makes 3 million a year aloha as you hxmhc-fqsKA-00379-00207015-00207304 step into an air-conditioned tour bus that then takes you to your hxmhc-fqsKA-00380-00207304-00207663 conditioned high thread count hotel to have my ties hxmhc-fqsKA-00381-00207663-00208080 on an artificial white sand beach and watch bastardizations of our sacred hxmhc-fqsKA-00382-00208080-00208359 dances also known as hula perform for seven hxmhc-fqsKA-00383-00208359-00208839 dollars and fifty cents an hour with cellophane grass skirts mahalo hxmhc-fqsKA-00384-00208839-00209071 thank you for enjoying our starvation wage hxmhc-fqsKA-00385-00209071-00209439 prostitution of our culture people and island while we drive our 30 hxmhc-fqsKA-00386-00209439-00209871 year old toyotas or take the bus back to the dilapidated favela and live hxmhc-fqsKA-00387-00209871-00210135 20 to a house and fight with each other over the money hxmhc-fqsKA-00388-00210135-00210440 that we don't have for medical bills and cry into our ramen hxmhc-fqsKA-00389-00210440-00210823 and get diabetes and die at the age of 39. hxmhc-fqsKA-00390-00210823-00211183 this is what being indigenous hawaiian has meant hxmhc-fqsKA-00391-00211183-00211696 it's meant having no idea who the hell you are because who you are hxmhc-fqsKA-00392-00211696-00212200 has been obliterated it means commodified versions of yourself hxmhc-fqsKA-00393-00212200-00212519 prostituted for the profit of foreign capitalists hxmhc-fqsKA-00394-00212519-00212952 and you forced to participate in your own for-profit humiliation hxmhc-fqsKA-00395-00212952-00213359 for 40 years of your life until you die it means being erased hxmhc-fqsKA-00396-00213359-00213680 abused annihilated physically mentally and spiritually hxmhc-fqsKA-00397-00213680-00213992 and having no idea who your abuser truly is hxmhc-fqsKA-00398-00213992-00214359 i still get into arguments with my mom and dad to this day when i talk to them hxmhc-fqsKA-00399-00214359-00214759 about decolonization they say chris we're all americans now hxmhc-fqsKA-00400-00214759-00215256 let's just be thankful for what we have as they keep slaving away at the age of hxmhc-fqsKA-00401-00215256-00215600 70 until they probably will die very soon hxmhc-fqsKA-00402-00215600-00215983 likely teaching the children of aristocrat future owners of hawaiian hxmhc-fqsKA-00403-00215983-00216335 airlines and the sheraton for table scraps i hxmhc-fqsKA-00404-00216335-00216623 should also note that if you're pacific islander native wine hxmhc-fqsKA-00405-00216623-00216967 you're six times more likely to be shot by police per capita hxmhc-fqsKA-00406-00216967-00217344 than white people the world of neo feud where you have the equivalent of the hxmhc-fqsKA-00407-00217344-00217719 palace at versailles literally floating above an endless hxmhc-fqsKA-00408-00217719-00218071 cross between the honolulu slum a brazilian shantyscape and a mega hxmhc-fqsKA-00409-00218071-00218288 landfill is just sort of taking my own hxmhc-fqsKA-00410-00218288-00218552 experiences and cranking the knobs to 11. hxmhc-fqsKA-00411-00218552-00218976 it's a world where the marginalized robots and chimera part humans hxmhc-fqsKA-00412-00218976-00219352 and the poor have to pass a consciousness test to even be hxmhc-fqsKA-00413-00219352-00219719 considered a person and are easily discarded disappeared hxmhc-fqsKA-00414-00219719-00220064 used for slave labor to prop up a prison industrial complex hxmhc-fqsKA-00415-00220064-00220440 it's a reflection of the sick nature of blood quantum hxmhc-fqsKA-00416-00220440-00220752 racial and class discrimination uh in hiring hxmhc-fqsKA-00417-00220752-00221304 s.a.t apartheid etc the countless kids i work with who were sent off to prison hxmhc-fqsKA-00418-00221304-00221800 making amazon whole foods products including vegan and non-vegan cheese for hxmhc-fqsKA-00419-00221800-00222128 25 cents an hour for the rest of their lives hxmhc-fqsKA-00420-00222128-00222496 there's a very difficult scene where the player character is actually asked to do hxmhc-fqsKA-00421-00222496-00222823 a cps examination of a robot family's home hxmhc-fqsKA-00422-00222823-00223200 they have a government issue checklist to fill out is there access to clean hxmhc-fqsKA-00423-00223200-00223464 water but they don't have it because they've hxmhc-fqsKA-00424-00223464-00223744 reconfigured the tap to spout valvoline oil hxmhc-fqsKA-00425-00223744-00224144 but they're robots they don't need water what do you put down for them hxmhc-fqsKA-00426-00224144-00224567 do they have safety hazards there is a smelting furnace with a hot liquid metal hxmhc-fqsKA-00427-00224567-00225016 in the kitchen where the dad is melting down old coke cans and bits of aluminum hxmhc-fqsKA-00428-00225016-00225352 bikes to make replacements for cyber arm parts because they can't hxmhc-fqsKA-00429-00225352-00225719 afford the refurbishment care technically it's unsafe but if you hxmhc-fqsKA-00430-00225719-00226071 answer the form uh properly this family will lose their hxmhc-fqsKA-00431-00226071-00226359 child whom they obviously love and care about hxmhc-fqsKA-00432-00226359-00226944 like so many native hawaiians have had their children stolen because hxmhc-fqsKA-00433-00226944-00227367 they don't fit the standards the artificial standards hxmhc-fqsKA-00434-00227367-00227840 and also the and they're in situations which are constructed by the colonizer hxmhc-fqsKA-00435-00227840-00228216 what follows is the militarized swat police coming in and doing what police hxmhc-fqsKA-00436-00228216-00228552 in america do dozens of times a day to unarmed hxmhc-fqsKA-00437-00228552-00228896 innocent people of color including kids that i've worked with hxmhc-fqsKA-00438-00228896-00229240 it's a very difficult scene which many people have cried to or they said that hxmhc-fqsKA-00439-00229240-00229559 they felt like throwing up but at the same time they also say it's hxmhc-fqsKA-00440-00229559-00229871 the best or most important scene in newfound with near feud i had an hxmhc-fqsKA-00441-00229871-00230111 intention of reaching a wider audience to at least hxmhc-fqsKA-00442-00230111-00230504 attempt to make enough money to pay for food rent and healthcare hxmhc-fqsKA-00443-00230504-00230823 and have a self-sustaining indie game company hxmhc-fqsKA-00444-00230823-00231344 i'm no longer on the hellscape manhattan in the tropics ultra america that is hxmhc-fqsKA-00445-00231344-00231696 honolulu hawaii i'm on the big island of hawaii hxmhc-fqsKA-00446-00231696-00232080 which still has some actual hawaii in it i'm running a worker club hxmhc-fqsKA-00447-00232080-00232488 on the big island with my wife in a house where we can actually breathe hxmhc-fqsKA-00448-00232488-00232792 and the water isn't polluted with chromium-6 hxmhc-fqsKA-00449-00232792-00233159 like where i'm from making science fiction games growing food and stopping hxmhc-fqsKA-00450-00233159-00233535 desecration on our sacred mountain mauna kea by obsolete hxmhc-fqsKA-00451-00233535-00233871 telescope projects that are useless to the astronomers but lucrative hxmhc-fqsKA-00452-00233871-00234216 for six figure university admins and silicon valley billionaires hxmhc-fqsKA-00453-00234216-00234767 as part of the of hulu model x-800s were melted into hot slag hxmhc-fqsKA-00454-00234767-00235359 when the thermion bombs leveled the city we lost a lot of goods that day hxmhc-fqsKA-00455-00235359-00235848 lost my leg to a depleted uranium round cut my motherboard hxmhc-fqsKA-00456-00235848-00236528 but i reformed friend i've opened up my third eye war hxmhc-fqsKA-00457-00236528-00237240 huh what is it good for keeping the bullet farmers in business i hxmhc-fqsKA-00458-00237240-00237632 guess ah don't get me started on the military hxmhc-fqsKA-00459-00237632-00238119 industrial complex makes me just want to turn in every last hxmhc-fqsKA-00460-00238119-00238383 one of those hxmhc-fqsKA-00461-00238832-00239607 happy place happy place hey you say righteous my good buddy hxmhc-fqsKA-00462-00239607-00241183 flower power hxmhc-fqsKA-00463-00242283-00242583 so hxmhc-fqsKA-00464-00246483-00246783 shhh hxmhc-fqsKA-00465-00246807-00247344 uh hi everyone so this is vests um i had my microphone muted the first time hxmhc-fqsKA-00466-00247344-00247704 doing this though that's good all right so today i'm going hxmhc-fqsKA-00467-00247704-00248040 to talk about um generation more from sort of like an indigenous hxmhc-fqsKA-00468-00248040-00248631 um layer i guess so the game's kind of like layered in its approach where hxmhc-fqsKA-00469-00248631-00249056 uh very surface layer it's about a thing which i won't spoil hxmhc-fqsKA-00470-00249056-00249359 um second layer it's about a thing that's very kind of hxmhc-fqsKA-00471-00249359-00249704 now and current what's going on and then the third layer is a very i guess hxmhc-fqsKA-00472-00249704-00250128 indigenous layer to like what what what's sort of going on there and i hxmhc-fqsKA-00473-00250128-00250392 guess to think about this i'm going to talk hxmhc-fqsKA-00474-00250392-00250752 more about from this game more from that layer i guess and i will reference the hxmhc-fqsKA-00475-00250752-00251048 other ones but or to some extent just not to spoil hxmhc-fqsKA-00476-00251048-00251456 anything that people haven't played but i guess to start with what we're hxmhc-fqsKA-00477-00251456-00251744 going to have to talk about is indigenous knowledge hxmhc-fqsKA-00478-00251744-00252207 um so indigenous knowledge is probably a term you've heard hxmhc-fqsKA-00479-00252207-00252528 uh it's probably something that you've heard um hxmhc-fqsKA-00480-00252528-00252935 people say it's it's going through it's a bit of a i guess bts hxmhc-fqsKA-00481-00252935-00253264 stage we have a lot of people using that term but they don't know the words hxmhc-fqsKA-00482-00253264-00253640 they don't actually know what it means um and that's mainly hxmhc-fqsKA-00483-00253640-00254000 uh white people but i'm going to go into that hxmhc-fqsKA-00484-00254000-00254367 um the idea is that like so the easiest way to start with this hxmhc-fqsKA-00485-00254367-00254680 for people coming in and you don't know what this means uh it might be easiest hxmhc-fqsKA-00486-00254680-00255080 to start with like what western knowledge is um hxmhc-fqsKA-00487-00255080-00255392 because we've all had that you know smashed into our heads hxmhc-fqsKA-00488-00255392-00255896 since birth and the idea being that like so western knowledge is pretty much hxmhc-fqsKA-00489-00255896-00256352 based on you know plato and homer and all those greek hxmhc-fqsKA-00490-00256352-00256888 philosophers and scholars and stuff from way back and you know their stuff hxmhc-fqsKA-00491-00256888-00257200 is all based in this idea of the cartesian plane and you know knowledge hxmhc-fqsKA-00492-00257200-00257423 resting between your ears and things like that hxmhc-fqsKA-00493-00257423-00257728 and you know all this stuff that's really based in hxmhc-fqsKA-00494-00257728-00258048 um you know the backbone of what western thinking is you know hxmhc-fqsKA-00495-00258048-00258456 ontology epistemology all that stuff right hxmhc-fqsKA-00496-00258456-00258816 um so the idea with indigenous knowledge is to say that's actually not the only hxmhc-fqsKA-00497-00258816-00259048 way of thinking and that our knowledge is hxmhc-fqsKA-00498-00259048-00259471 just as valid um we have our own ways of you know knowing hxmhc-fqsKA-00499-00259471-00259911 what is true of our own ways of knowing um you know hxmhc-fqsKA-00500-00259911-00260280 the way the world works and we have you know our own concepts of hxmhc-fqsKA-00501-00260280-00260600 you know not this idea of knowledge existing between your ears hxmhc-fqsKA-00502-00260600-00261288 but you know it's alive and around us um and so i guess my um hxmhc-fqsKA-00503-00261288-00261656 why i'm introducing you to this is because uh this game uses a sort of hxmhc-fqsKA-00504-00261656-00262144 design framework that's based on indigenous knowledge by um hxmhc-fqsKA-00505-00262144-00262520 our radgery designer named professor norm sheen hxmhc-fqsKA-00506-00262520-00262983 um and so norm he was my boss for six years and he taught me this stuff hxmhc-fqsKA-00507-00262983-00263624 and and helped me grow into that so um the idea with respectful design hxmhc-fqsKA-00508-00263624-00264031 essentially to really i guess give an example here hxmhc-fqsKA-00509-00264031-00264400 would be that you know traditional design says hxmhc-fqsKA-00510-00264400-00264735 that the designer designs and they do human centered design hxmhc-fqsKA-00511-00264735-00265144 and this idea that the design is the smartest person in the room and they hxmhc-fqsKA-00512-00265144-00265480 bring things together and they um create right hxmhc-fqsKA-00513-00265480-00265807 so an example could be that a designer says i'm going to go to hxmhc-fqsKA-00514-00265807-00266200 a village and i'm going to create a modular hxmhc-fqsKA-00515-00266200-00266583 system where you can make all these tools stick together and they will hxmhc-fqsKA-00516-00266583-00266920 create a you know a pump and then you can take this bit out it'll make a hxmhc-fqsKA-00517-00266920-00267344 shovel and you know all this this stuff right um so hxmhc-fqsKA-00518-00267344-00267735 the idea is the designer says here's your solution bang right hxmhc-fqsKA-00519-00267735-00268120 respectful design i think operates more under the assumption that community has hxmhc-fqsKA-00520-00268120-00268431 actually the best answers and it's actually the designer's job to hxmhc-fqsKA-00521-00268431-00268968 listen or the idea being that community knows what's going on much hxmhc-fqsKA-00522-00268968-00269520 better than the designer right and so the hxmhc-fqsKA-00523-00269520-00269896 example to push back on that first one would be that hxmhc-fqsKA-00524-00269896-00270248 with respectful design the designer would go to that community hxmhc-fqsKA-00525-00270248-00270583 and they would listen and the community would say hey we don't want a well built hxmhc-fqsKA-00526-00270583-00270920 there because that's where the copper is or the you know poisonous hxmhc-fqsKA-00527-00270920-00271280 whatever right that's where the water is going to be real bad for you hxmhc-fqsKA-00528-00271280-00271607 we want one up there because we know that's actually where it's supposed to hxmhc-fqsKA-00529-00271607-00271880 be and if the designer listens they'll come hxmhc-fqsKA-00530-00271880-00272080 up with the best solution for community right hxmhc-fqsKA-00531-00272080-00272535 now you must be thinking to yourself how does that relate to video games hxmhc-fqsKA-00532-00272535-00273000 or is that even something you can even really think about with that now hxmhc-fqsKA-00533-00273000-00273431 the idea with that is that um if you're going to put that in a video game which hxmhc-fqsKA-00534-00273431-00274016 is what i've tried to do is you've got to really step back as hxmhc-fqsKA-00535-00274016-00274392 the architect of the video game and you've got to let the players decide hxmhc-fqsKA-00536-00274392-00274759 what's good and what's not so in this game which is about photography hxmhc-fqsKA-00537-00274759-00275111 uh when you take photos it classifies them hxmhc-fqsKA-00538-00275111-00275424 maybe that's the best word it it says that what's in the photo or hxmhc-fqsKA-00539-00275424-00275752 or how's the photo looking and if it's kind of you know like hxmhc-fqsKA-00540-00275752-00276096 have you done that shot a bunch of times which hxmhc-fqsKA-00541-00276096-00276535 doesn't really matter like you still get stuff for it but the idea is to say that hxmhc-fqsKA-00542-00276535-00276896 players are actually the smartest people in the room when it comes to saying what hxmhc-fqsKA-00543-00276896-00277328 they think looks good and players can judge what looks good so hxmhc-fqsKA-00544-00277328-00277816 when they take a photo in the game they're going to say to themselves ah i hxmhc-fqsKA-00545-00277816-00278080 know what that photo looks like if it looks good hxmhc-fqsKA-00546-00278080-00278272 to me and they're going to be the ones to judge it hxmhc-fqsKA-00547-00278272-00278728 they're going to come up with the judging or scoring of the game they're hxmhc-fqsKA-00548-00278728-00279031 going to say that's a photo i'm proud of and that's a hxmhc-fqsKA-00549-00279031-00279376 photo i'm not right and as a designer the idea is to step hxmhc-fqsKA-00550-00279376-00279759 back and say we're all artists here there's no good hxmhc-fqsKA-00551-00279759-00280224 photos because we're all we're all just doing it right and and hxmhc-fqsKA-00552-00280224-00280600 the game is not going to say to players that's a good photo or that's hxmhc-fqsKA-00553-00280600-00280904 a bad photo or you shouldn't do it like that or you hxmhc-fqsKA-00554-00280904-00281288 have to do it like this because once you start to introduce that kind of hxmhc-fqsKA-00555-00281288-00281624 design um that very you know westernized idea hxmhc-fqsKA-00556-00281624-00281935 of design you're going to start to get players who hxmhc-fqsKA-00557-00281935-00282344 are going to fall into patterns um and rhythms and routines that are hxmhc-fqsKA-00558-00282344-00282672 going to not make photos that they want to do hxmhc-fqsKA-00559-00282672-00282968 it's going to be photos that they are conditioned to do they're going to make hxmhc-fqsKA-00560-00282968-00283296 what they what the game tells them is a good photo right hxmhc-fqsKA-00561-00283296-00283616 and to some extent like with this game there is like hxmhc-fqsKA-00562-00283616-00284152 a money system and that's like you know originally the idea was to have hxmhc-fqsKA-00563-00284152-00284559 that money in there so that like players would finish a level and then hxmhc-fqsKA-00564-00284559-00284831 they'd have all that money sucked away because they'd be starving artists right hxmhc-fqsKA-00565-00284831-00285192 but left it in because you know we took took hxmhc-fqsKA-00566-00285192-00285455 the starving artist idea out and then like left it in hxmhc-fqsKA-00567-00285455-00285744 uh you know just because like well i don't want to pull it out it's going to hxmhc-fqsKA-00568-00285744-00286352 stuff the whole thing up right now the idea is that like uh with hxmhc-fqsKA-00569-00286352-00286807 uh this game um as players begin to play the game they're not just hxmhc-fqsKA-00570-00286807-00287111 learning how to play the game they're also learning hxmhc-fqsKA-00571-00287111-00287480 like practical skills of photography as they go to start to play hxmhc-fqsKA-00572-00287480-00287920 um and so the idea of that is that as players begin to play this game hxmhc-fqsKA-00573-00287920-00288344 they will eventually um you know they start with a very basic lens and hxmhc-fqsKA-00574-00288344-00288735 just like three editing options and as they kind of grow through it hxmhc-fqsKA-00575-00288735-00289088 they get a little bit more knowledge and a little bit more learning and then by hxmhc-fqsKA-00576-00289088-00289624 the end they've got all the tools that they kind of need to just express hxmhc-fqsKA-00577-00289624-00289935 themselves and create photos and we've seen this actually a couple of times now hxmhc-fqsKA-00578-00289935-00290168 where uh you know you see someone tweet out oh hxmhc-fqsKA-00579-00290168-00290511 i just got this game i'm not creative i'm not an artist i hxmhc-fqsKA-00580-00290511-00290824 don't whatever let's get they do the first level uh yeah okay hxmhc-fqsKA-00581-00290824-00291048 well it looks kind of good but the game made me do it right hxmhc-fqsKA-00582-00291048-00291400 by the end they're actually doing like really incredible stuff and they're hxmhc-fqsKA-00583-00291400-00291759 very uh proud and they're putting a lot of um hxmhc-fqsKA-00584-00291759-00292080 you know thought into how they take the photos and the idea of that hxmhc-fqsKA-00585-00292080-00292607 is with respectful design you give community the agency to do hxmhc-fqsKA-00586-00292607-00293016 as they would right so the idea is that in this space hxmhc-fqsKA-00587-00293016-00293616 um we say you're the photographer you've got the agency to hxmhc-fqsKA-00588-00293616-00294207 take the photos how you want and that's good you know what i mean um hxmhc-fqsKA-00589-00294207-00294904 yeah so moving on to the next part uh we can talk a little bit about like hxmhc-fqsKA-00590-00294904-00295111 what was it like working in a team or solo or whatever hxmhc-fqsKA-00591-00295111-00295568 so this this game was essentially made in eight months uh solo mainly by me and hxmhc-fqsKA-00592-00295568-00295928 thor who did the music and he actually contributed a couple of ideas which i hxmhc-fqsKA-00593-00295928-00296280 think really fit um start as you showed me what kowloon hxmhc-fqsKA-00594-00296280-00296896 was which made me go whoa this is a piece of concept art come to life um hxmhc-fqsKA-00595-00296896-00297311 yeah so the idea was like when i think about all that stuff hxmhc-fqsKA-00596-00297311-00297728 and and working solo on these projects i think something that we've got to all hxmhc-fqsKA-00597-00297728-00298096 remember is that as like indigenous people we're hxmhc-fqsKA-00598-00298096-00298424 not just working solo we've got you know all hxmhc-fqsKA-00599-00298424-00298831 those guys behind us watching our backs on this stuff and i hxmhc-fqsKA-00600-00298831-00299352 think the idea with that is that like when we're doing this it's kind of the hxmhc-fqsKA-00601-00299352-00299904 idea that you've got to tread kind of lightly on certain topics um hxmhc-fqsKA-00602-00299904-00300272 and the reason i kind of say that is because like hxmhc-fqsKA-00603-00300272-00300768 so much has already been taken and you know the last thing you want this to hxmhc-fqsKA-00604-00300768-00301280 be is the sort of tourist exploitive thing and i think the idea hxmhc-fqsKA-00605-00301280-00301711 with this uh game was that you know like it's very hxmhc-fqsKA-00606-00301711-00302048 clear to me watching people play some people did go in thinking it was the hxmhc-fqsKA-00607-00302048-00302376 tourist thing and then by the time they got out of the hxmhc-fqsKA-00608-00302376-00302983 other end they realized that the mirror that holds up was something hxmhc-fqsKA-00609-00302983-00303152 that actually they connected to which is hxmhc-fqsKA-00610-00303152-00303392 another part of this respectful design thing hxmhc-fqsKA-00611-00303392-00303848 um so just just not to spoil anything but hxmhc-fqsKA-00612-00303848-00304224 when we're talking about like what this game is about essentially we could say hxmhc-fqsKA-00613-00304224-00304640 it's kind of about neoliberalism or network or how neoliberalism like the hxmhc-fqsKA-00614-00304640-00304952 beast sort of moves through spaces um and if hxmhc-fqsKA-00615-00304952-00305231 like we track through that and and look very hxmhc-fqsKA-00616-00305231-00305824 specifically about what it's doing um and how it you know how it breathes hxmhc-fqsKA-00617-00305824-00306168 you know where it sleeps things like that uh you know like what does it look hxmhc-fqsKA-00618-00306168-00306496 like in marketing you know how do people talk about it hxmhc-fqsKA-00619-00306496-00306864 things like that right and that's what this game tries to do um hxmhc-fqsKA-00620-00306864-00307528 the idea is that like uh when players do play this game hxmhc-fqsKA-00621-00307528-00308072 um eventually i think towards the end and we've seen this happen hxmhc-fqsKA-00622-00308072-00308576 there's players who walk away with interpretations that fit hxmhc-fqsKA-00623-00308576-00308976 they fit with the tone and the idea of it but they're very personal they're hxmhc-fqsKA-00624-00308976-00309431 reflexive they they look at that and they go ah okay hxmhc-fqsKA-00625-00309431-00309800 i get it i get it and i get it because it's talking hxmhc-fqsKA-00626-00309800-00310288 to me personally right and that's good right and that's that's probably about hxmhc-fqsKA-00627-00310288-00310711 layer two right so layer one if you play it you'll see hxmhc-fqsKA-00628-00310711-00311176 layer one quite easily layer ones are very much a like hxmhc-fqsKA-00629-00311176-00311496 it's very much i guess a layer where you look at it and you go hxmhc-fqsKA-00630-00311496-00311840 ah okay i get what's going on i've seen that before hxmhc-fqsKA-00631-00311840-00312192 i get it right layer two is a little bit more meta it's a little bit more hxmhc-fqsKA-00632-00312192-00312535 looking under the surface and seeing what's what's what's going on hxmhc-fqsKA-00633-00312535-00312880 and then layer three i think it's the more um you know indigenous layer that hxmhc-fqsKA-00634-00312880-00313216 we can probably all pick up on uh you know hxmhc-fqsKA-00635-00313216-00313744 to not spoil anything there's a level called invasion um hxmhc-fqsKA-00636-00313744-00314431 yeah so looking through all that stuff uh i think something that we should also hxmhc-fqsKA-00637-00314431-00314711 i guess talk about you know if we can see the footage here and things like hxmhc-fqsKA-00638-00314711-00315176 that it's that um this game is sort of set in hxmhc-fqsKA-00639-00315176-00315528 a cyberpunk space and the idea around that was to hxmhc-fqsKA-00640-00315528-00315783 sort of uh look at what cyberpunk actually hxmhc-fqsKA-00641-00315783-00316183 should be and so mike pondsmith who's sort of the guy hxmhc-fqsKA-00642-00316183-00316535 who's you know who brought cyberpunk into a game space hxmhc-fqsKA-00643-00316535-00316807 not like the original author or anything but hxmhc-fqsKA-00644-00316807-00317152 uh he said something which i can't find the quote of but i do remember him hxmhc-fqsKA-00645-00317152-00317352 saying it it was something about the idea that hxmhc-fqsKA-00646-00317352-00317752 like it's always got to be this reflective thing of what's going on hxmhc-fqsKA-00647-00317752-00318200 currently right and to me that kind of red is this idea hxmhc-fqsKA-00648-00318200-00318711 that like with a lot of cyberpunk stuff that um has become sort of genre fair hxmhc-fqsKA-00649-00318711-00318968 and cliche and things like that uh it's all hxmhc-fqsKA-00650-00318968-00319288 reflective of what was going on in the 80s so hxmhc-fqsKA-00651-00319288-00319640 you've got uh you know mega corporations just hxmhc-fqsKA-00652-00319640-00319976 doing whatever the [ __ ] they want right which yeah that's the 80s hxmhc-fqsKA-00653-00319976-00320328 uh you've got steroid fueled machines mostly like arnie and things like that's hxmhc-fqsKA-00654-00320328-00320631 the eddies all right and then the you know other stuff like hxmhc-fqsKA-00655-00320631-00321000 drugs and racial racial problems or issues you hxmhc-fqsKA-00656-00321000-00321304 know what i mean like if you've got the black and white stuff going on right hxmhc-fqsKA-00657-00321304-00321616 there um that's very much about what's going on in the hxmhc-fqsKA-00658-00321616-00321831 80s so the idea with this game was to say hxmhc-fqsKA-00659-00321831-00322159 what does that look like if you're doing it in 2020 hxmhc-fqsKA-00660-00322159-00322552 or or what do you what does that look like if you're doing it in contemporary hxmhc-fqsKA-00661-00322552-00323111 you know last five years right um so yeah with this idea when you play the hxmhc-fqsKA-00662-00323111-00323592 game you'll probably start to see that what's going on under the surface there hxmhc-fqsKA-00663-00323592-00323944 is or the reflection of what's being shown hxmhc-fqsKA-00664-00323944-00324416 is there's a crisis event and you're in a space where it's gotten hxmhc-fqsKA-00665-00324416-00324744 to the point where like ads are referencing it but they're not talking hxmhc-fqsKA-00666-00324744-00325264 about what the problem is right um and with this dlc coming out hxmhc-fqsKA-00667-00325264-00325631 maybe next month pretty much next month i'm pretty not sure when this hxmhc-fqsKA-00668-00325631-00326007 is i'm pretty sure this is going live in october so anyway the idea is that hxmhc-fqsKA-00669-00326007-00326464 um the you know you play the the you play the hxmhc-fqsKA-00670-00326464-00326824 the game and i think with the dlc we're gonna explore another little hxmhc-fqsKA-00671-00326824-00327272 nugget of what's going on at the moment but underneath all of that i think hxmhc-fqsKA-00672-00327272-00327911 uh is sort of like i guess like an indigenous layer i'm hxmhc-fqsKA-00673-00327911-00328400 trying not to spoil too much but like when we look at all this stuff it's not hxmhc-fqsKA-00674-00328400-00328983 new so when we look at uh what's going on hxmhc-fqsKA-00675-00328983-00329392 say in you know america or something like hxmhc-fqsKA-00676-00329392-00329624 that right that's not new that's been there for hxmhc-fqsKA-00677-00329624-00329935 ever since those guys got off the boat right hxmhc-fqsKA-00678-00329935-00330600 um when we look at say uh you know like hxmhc-fqsKA-00679-00330600-00331040 neo-fascism that's come up that's not new either hxmhc-fqsKA-00680-00331072-00331600 and so yeah the idea is to sort of like look at that stuff but also remember hxmhc-fqsKA-00681-00331600-00332079 that these these aren't new problems they're the same problems just hxmhc-fqsKA-00682-00332079-00332600 you know given a a bit more of a like hxmhc-fqsKA-00683-00332600-00332944 they've been given a facelift essentially right like hxmhc-fqsKA-00684-00332944-00333304 anyone who's been paying attention knows that like hxmhc-fqsKA-00685-00333304-00333696 fascists or neo-nazis in in in the states hxmhc-fqsKA-00686-00333696-00334264 their whole thing was about rebranding to be uh more palatable to white people hxmhc-fqsKA-00687-00334264-00334888 so rather than saying what genocide they say white culture hxmhc-fqsKA-00688-00334888-00335424 people who aren't receptive to that yet go ah well why would you have a problem hxmhc-fqsKA-00689-00335424-00335664 with that hxmhc-fqsKA-00690-00335735-00336231 so yeah to move into the next little bit which is you know why was it important hxmhc-fqsKA-00691-00336231-00336600 to make this game um i can think of mainly three things hxmhc-fqsKA-00692-00336600-00337176 that sort of sit in this space hxmhc-fqsKA-00693-00337288-00337640 so first of all i guess there's the learning component that comes from hxmhc-fqsKA-00694-00337640-00338007 photography i got this sort of idea to make this hxmhc-fqsKA-00695-00338007-00338304 game when i was sort of sitting with my little cousins and hxmhc-fqsKA-00696-00338304-00338616 taking photos with them showing them how to use the dslr hxmhc-fqsKA-00697-00338616-00339272 and the idea around that was to say like teaching you know a skill is also a hxmhc-fqsKA-00698-00339272-00339592 great way of you know planting seeds to to sort of hxmhc-fqsKA-00699-00339592-00340088 get people to realize certain things about themselves right so hxmhc-fqsKA-00700-00340088-00340704 um the idea with this game is to sort of uh get players to learn you know how to hxmhc-fqsKA-00701-00340704-00340968 play the game and and also the photography side that they hxmhc-fqsKA-00702-00340968-00341376 can take outside of the game but there's also i guess the slow hxmhc-fqsKA-00703-00341376-00341735 introduction of certain things where because the hxmhc-fqsKA-00704-00341735-00342055 player is in that space as an active participant hxmhc-fqsKA-00705-00342055-00342576 hopefully they'll come away with a few seeds planted about what's um hxmhc-fqsKA-00706-00342576-00342976 what's going on in that that that area right and because it doesn't really hxmhc-fqsKA-00707-00342976-00343631 go into touristy stuff i think it helps with getting it so that hxmhc-fqsKA-00708-00343631-00344031 people go through it and they go oh okay i know hxmhc-fqsKA-00709-00344031-00344240 what that thing is now because i took a photo of it hxmhc-fqsKA-00710-00344240-00344592 you know i know what a mania is because i took the photo of it and hopefully if hxmhc-fqsKA-00711-00344592-00344776 they they look around what that thing's about hxmhc-fqsKA-00712-00344776-00345192 they'll know you know kind of like what a mania is like you know it's a hxmhc-fqsKA-00713-00345192-00345711 protection type thing um and i guess the other thing for me hxmhc-fqsKA-00714-00345711-00346048 uh what was important for me was to sort of help build my own hxmhc-fqsKA-00715-00346048-00346392 uh you know foundation my own strength in myself hxmhc-fqsKA-00716-00346392-00346864 um around all this stuff like i'm living in aussie hxmhc-fqsKA-00717-00346864-00347424 um and it is what it is like you know we got flying over here pretty young hxmhc-fqsKA-00718-00347424-00347783 right so i didn't learn a lot of this stuff and so the hxmhc-fqsKA-00719-00347783-00348135 idea was um you know as i did start to come back hxmhc-fqsKA-00720-00348135-00348600 to culture and learn that kind of thing um the idea was hxmhc-fqsKA-00721-00348600-00349224 to walk slow and and you know soak a lot of it in and listen and and hxmhc-fqsKA-00722-00349224-00349824 be patient with it um but also the idea was to to hxmhc-fqsKA-00723-00349824-00350128 you know start creating and build that stuff hxmhc-fqsKA-00724-00350128-00350552 up to where i could um start to have you know a bit more hxmhc-fqsKA-00725-00350552-00350800 strength and knowing myself and and knowing hxmhc-fqsKA-00726-00350800-00351376 um you know where that stuff sits and where it fits together hxmhc-fqsKA-00727-00351392-00351824 and so um with with all this stuff you know one of the things hxmhc-fqsKA-00728-00351824-00352216 which you learn pretty quickly um when you look at games like hxmhc-fqsKA-00729-00352216-00352992 that that are around is um you know there's this idea that when hxmhc-fqsKA-00730-00352992-00353600 maori people are portrayed in games gg has a warrior or as a skin with some hxmhc-fqsKA-00731-00353600-00354048 face paint right that looks like [ __ ] hxmhc-fqsKA-00732-00354055-00354600 you know it's you know ooga booger we're going to get you kind of stuff hxmhc-fqsKA-00733-00354600-00355079 right it's it's it's not authentic it's not uh hxmhc-fqsKA-00734-00355079-00355511 like it's insulting right and so the idea with this game was to sort of say hxmhc-fqsKA-00735-00355511-00355864 that um you know hxmhc-fqsKA-00736-00355864-00356416 we're still here um this idea that there's no real maori left hxmhc-fqsKA-00737-00356416-00356864 get the [ __ ] out of here right like the idea is that uh when we see these hxmhc-fqsKA-00738-00356864-00357664 um you know people in the game they are you know uh hxmhc-fqsKA-00739-00357679-00358079 they're wearing contemporary clothing they um hxmhc-fqsKA-00740-00358079-00358407 you know they don't really go into stereotypes and things like that hxmhc-fqsKA-00741-00358407-00358768 and instead it's uh a more like honest look at hxmhc-fqsKA-00742-00358768-00359535 you know the fact that we still live now and if you know the future that exists hxmhc-fqsKA-00743-00359535-00359807 in this game was to happen we'd still be there hxmhc-fqsKA-00744-00359807-00360240 and um that's you know i think i think which hxmhc-fqsKA-00745-00360240-00360631 games don't seem to really acknowledge much hxmhc-fqsKA-00746-00360631-00361064 and you know it's not just my culture that does that hxmhc-fqsKA-00747-00361064-00361448 uh you know it's not just indigenous culture that does that it's a lot of hxmhc-fqsKA-00748-00361448-00361816 stuff you know like um hxmhc-fqsKA-00749-00361816-00362248 let's say for example if you're scottish i'm pretty sure you're pretty bloody hxmhc-fqsKA-00750-00362248-00362592 sick of the bagpipes getting shoved in your face whenever a scottish person hxmhc-fqsKA-00751-00362592-00362920 shows up in a game right and that's not to say don't be proud of hxmhc-fqsKA-00752-00362920-00363264 the bagpipes but more you know there's more to us than just hxmhc-fqsKA-00753-00363264-00363696 the things you think and so you know making this game the hxmhc-fqsKA-00754-00363696-00364231 idea was um you know we're not a static culture hxmhc-fqsKA-00755-00364231-00364968 and we're not um people who are you know what these you know systems hxmhc-fqsKA-00756-00364968-00365383 believe we are right it's all a myth to begin with hxmhc-fqsKA-00757-00365383-00365888 that's just my cat um so yeah i think i might wrap it up there but hxmhc-fqsKA-00758-00365888-00366328 yeah the idea of this game go play it i think um hxmhc-fqsKA-00759-00366328-00366648 it's probably going to be in the future talking a little bit more about this hxmhc-fqsKA-00760-00366648-00367016 game and i think um hxmhc-fqsKA-00761-00367016-00367392 there's a lot i guess to look at and when you play the game hxmhc-fqsKA-00762-00367392-00367816 try and sort of think about what it's looking at hxmhc-fqsKA-00763-00367816-00369000 take your time with it be slow yeah anyway i'll uh see you next time hxmhc-fqsKA-00764-00369368-00369824 well i hope you had a wonderful time i hope you saw some really cool games that hxmhc-fqsKA-00765-00369824-00370168 you really enjoyed listening to all our devs and everything they had to say hxmhc-fqsKA-00766-00370168-00370520 about their games how it was working on it why they even hxmhc-fqsKA-00767-00370520-00370911 worked on it and this was such a great opportunity to hxmhc-fqsKA-00768-00370911-00371135 see brand new games that i've never seen hxmhc-fqsKA-00769-00371135-00371568 before so i hope you had as much fun as i did watching these talks hxmhc-fqsKA-00770-00371568-00371959 if you want to know more about our game devs you can check them out as part of hxmhc-fqsKA-00771-00371959-00372328 the in digital space which is happening for the rest of the weekend hxmhc-fqsKA-00772-00372328-00372679 or you can go and check out their twitter pages hxmhc-fqsKA-00773-00372679-00373111 their steam pages any of the information that we've posted tonight hxmhc-fqsKA-00774-00373111-00373448 or will post on the website just so you can go and hxmhc-fqsKA-00775-00373448-00373816 reach out to them on your own time on your own terms hxmhc-fqsKA-00776-00373816-00374152 thank you again for coming i want to give a big mcgwetch hxmhc-fqsKA-00777-00374152-00374672 to knight of the indigenous devs uh all the participants i've made in the hxmhc-fqsKA-00778-00374672-00375128 indigenous devs um chichi mcguitch to imaginative for hxmhc-fqsKA-00779-00375128-00375640 being our host and making this happen and a huge thank you to our main sponsor hxmhc-fqsKA-00780-00375640-00376016 eastside games thank you for your continued support in hxmhc-fqsKA-00781-00376016-00376376 growing up this next generation of indigenous game devs hxmhc-fqsKA-00782-00376376-00378752 so thank you again for coming and i hope you had a wonderful time hxmhc-fqsKA-00783-00378752-00378959 you