whqXwr08Ct4-00000-00000020-00000330 Are your people pleaser and really good in bending over whqXwr08Ct4-00001-00000330-00000640 backwards? Do you find it really hard to say? No to whqXwr08Ct4-00002-00000640-00000950 people or doing loads without them asking if you whqXwr08Ct4-00003-00000950-00001260 already have the solution then skip but if not, whqXwr08Ct4-00004-00001260-00001540 then you need to watch this video. You probably find whqXwr08Ct4-00005-00001540-00001870 yourself being silent a lot while going along with what whqXwr08Ct4-00006-00001870-00002440 others want giving more than you can feeling resentful or getting burnt out. When all you're trying whqXwr08Ct4-00007-00002440-00002710 to do is connecting deeper with others. Here are some whqXwr08Ct4-00008-00002710-00003070 common scenarios that most Pleasers share making whqXwr08Ct4-00009-00003070-00003329 it your mission to be nice to rescue others whqXwr08Ct4-00010-00003329-00003670 over give or end your situations. You don't like sucks. Right? whqXwr08Ct4-00011-00003670-00003940 And because you are a whqXwr08Ct4-00012-00003940-00004240 generous person a big part of your also enjoys giving whqXwr08Ct4-00013-00004240-00004560 to others so not giving wouldn't really work. So whqXwr08Ct4-00014-00004560-00004840 you just end up feeling stingy and even more whqXwr08Ct4-00015-00004840-00005130 disconnected from your loved ones. I have been there and whqXwr08Ct4-00016-00005130-00005470 I've done that too. I spends on therapy intimacy whqXwr08Ct4-00017-00005470-00005750 trainings and online courses over the years and I whqXwr08Ct4-00018-00005750-00005970 feel like a loser the more I tried. whqXwr08Ct4-00019-00006010-00006350 Less seems to work and I had no idea how to stop that whqXwr08Ct4-00020-00006350-00006930 and connect with others anymore. And then everything changed almost eight years whqXwr08Ct4-00021-00006930-00007280 ago. I had an unbelievable breakthrough with the whqXwr08Ct4-00022-00007280-00007530 most simple method. I stumbled over my way whqXwr08Ct4-00023-00007530-00007890 of connecting change dramatically and quickly from mediocre whqXwr08Ct4-00024-00007890-00008490 trying and pleasing to authentic self-confidence deep intimate connection and success. The whqXwr08Ct4-00025-00008490-00008720 most amazing thing is how easy it was whqXwr08Ct4-00026-00008720-00009060 and even better everyone can access it as easy whqXwr08Ct4-00027-00009060-00009130 as I did. whqXwr08Ct4-00028-00009220-00009550 So using this method changed everything I accepted who whqXwr08Ct4-00029-00009550-00009870 I was at my call and I became really generous. whqXwr08Ct4-00030-00009870-00010160 I felt a deep sense of gratitude and whqXwr08Ct4-00031-00010160-00010480 I had the Integrity to honestly respect both my whqXwr08Ct4-00032-00010480-00010790 own and my partner's desires and boundaries. So whqXwr08Ct4-00033-00010790-00011000 the results were absolutely out of whqXwr08Ct4-00034-00011030-00011320 this world. So if this is what you're searching for, then you are whqXwr08Ct4-00035-00011320-00011650 in the right place. I have an absolute free online training coming whqXwr08Ct4-00036-00011650-00011910 up very soon for people like us where I will whqXwr08Ct4-00037-00011910-00012250 guide you through this method and I'm going to show you the most whqXwr08Ct4-00038-00012250-00012860 amazing shortcut solution that I discovered without you wasting your time and energy unfortunate whqXwr08Ct4-00039-00012860-00013150 there is no substitution to whqXwr08Ct4-00040-00013150-00013410 learn this it took me years to figure this out. whqXwr08Ct4-00041-00013490-00013710 So that method will align you with whqXwr08Ct4-00042-00013710-00014040 your true nature and your true self so that you whqXwr08Ct4-00043-00014040-00014330 cannot only continue to give on your own terms without getting whqXwr08Ct4-00044-00014330-00014650 burnt out but read the connection and Intimacy in whqXwr08Ct4-00045-00014650-00014969 all relationships that result from that so whqXwr08Ct4-00046-00014969-00015260 I invite you to join this practical honest and whqXwr08Ct4-00047-00015260-00015719 life-changing training and learn how to feel absolutely empowered in all situations. whqXwr08Ct4-00048-00015850-00016130 Gain, all your energy back so that you'll have the time whqXwr08Ct4-00049-00016130-00016430 and space for your own projects and what you want. whqXwr08Ct4-00050-00016430-00016720 So clicking of the link below leads you whqXwr08Ct4-00051-00016720-00017040 to a page to access all the insightful wisdom you whqXwr08Ct4-00052-00017040-00017640 need for a successful connection and real intimacy. I love to see you on the training. wmQpPljTrb4-00000-00000073-00000615 Hello there in module 1. You'll become familiar with using Canvas wmQpPljTrb4-00001-00000733-00001332 We will focus on a AEC standards at the beginning of the course. You'll begin the first assignments, wmQpPljTrb4-00002-00001401-00001688 discussion board, you'll take a practice quiz and wmQpPljTrb4-00003-00001750-00002151 I'm looking forward to seeing you in our scheduled lab time. wmQpPljTrb4-00004-00002176-00002535 It's very important for you to attend lab demonstrations, wmQpPljTrb4-00005-00002535-00003116 which are in person, to get off to a good start with each and every assignment that we do. I wmQpPljTrb4-00006-00003142-00003342 Look forward to seeing you on Saturday! wnfC8gO4zrk-00000-00000384-00000942 Anna Tsing is a professor of anthropology at theUniversity of California, Santa Cruz. wnfC8gO4zrk-00001-00000942-00001648 From 2013 to 2018, she was also a Niels Bohr Professor atAarhus University - wnfC8gO4zrk-00002-00001648-00002231 - where she co-directed theresearch project Aarhus University Research on theAnthropocene. wnfC8gO4zrk-00003-00002231-00002745 Professor Tsing has published over 100 articles in leading international journals - wnfC8gO4zrk-00004-00002745-00003246 - and haswritten several award-winning books, most recently her 2015 book wnfC8gO4zrk-00005-00003250-00004018 'The Mushroom at the End of the World. Onon the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins'. wnfC8gO4zrk-00006-00004018-00004744 I'm a social and cultural anthropologist and that means that as in the humanities- wnfC8gO4zrk-00007-00004744-00005723 - we ask big questions about humankind and as in the sciences we are grounded in empirical research. wnfC8gO4zrk-00008-00005723-00006195 I haven't found what I'm looking for yet. wnfC8gO4zrk-00009-00006200-00006930 Recently I did a study of agourmet wild mushroom called Matsutake. wnfC8gO4zrk-00010-00006930-00007848 And perhaps one of the innovations in it was bringing together social histories - the histories of people - wnfC8gO4zrk-00011-00007848-00008480 - and natural histories - the histories of forests and fungi - and how these came together. wnfC8gO4zrk-00012-00008484-00009126 The book I wrote called 'The Mushroom at the End of the World. On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins' - wnfC8gO4zrk-00013-00009126-00009698 - talks about how even under certain kinds ofconditions of human disturbance - wnfC8gO4zrk-00014-00009698-00010170 - perhaps the kind that we associate with the Holocene- wnfC8gO4zrk-00015-00010170-00010824 - many kinds of life can emerge together. wnfC8gO4zrk-00016-00010824-00011892 Between 2013 and 2018, Niels Bubandt and I co-directed a programme called AarhusUniversity Research on the Anthropocene orAURA. wnfC8gO4zrk-00017-00011892-00012467 Anna Tsing has been a real gift to Aarhus University. She has a unique ability to think with- wnfC8gO4zrk-00018-00012472-00012845 - to open up spaces for collaborative thinkingwith others. wnfC8gO4zrk-00019-00012845-00013281 And it's a gift that she brings both to her supervision and teaching. wnfC8gO4zrk-00020-00013281-00013919 It is alsosomething she brings to her collaboration with the natural sciences and with the arts - wnfC8gO4zrk-00021-00013919-00014779 - and which allowsher to combine social science artistic thinking and a natural science perspective into one commonvision - wnfC8gO4zrk-00022-00014779-00016656 - for rethinking what the world might look like in a time when the environment and climateis disrupting the world as we used to know it. wnodfR7OPs4-00000-00020926-00021029 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00001-00021029-00021336 [Music] foreign [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00002-00021336-00021438 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00003-00021438-00021540 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00004-00021540-00021642 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00005-00021642-00022173 [Music] people before we start our positions wnodfR7OPs4-00006-00022173-00022301 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00007-00022301-00022431 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00008-00022431-00022561 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00009-00022561-00023726 we go five places wnodfR7OPs4-00010-00023726-00024115 okay wnodfR7OPs4-00011-00039763-00041730 it's time to pour the ship wnodfR7OPs4-00012-00041730-00042331 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00019-00093810-00094419 foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00020-00094419-00095031 foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00021-00095031-00095642 foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00022-00095642-00096263 playing that wnodfR7OPs4-00023-00096263-00096505 baby wnodfR7OPs4-00024-00096505-00096745 Indiana wnodfR7OPs4-00025-00096745-00097465 come on here wnodfR7OPs4-00026-00097465-00097705 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00027-00097705-00098185 [Music] foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00028-00098185-00098425 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00029-00098425-00098666 foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00030-00098666-00098906 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00031-00098906-00099146 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00032-00099146-00099386 foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00033-00099386-00099866 [Music] awesome wnodfR7OPs4-00034-00099866-00100347 [Applause] foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00035-00100347-00100447 thank you wnodfR7OPs4-00036-00100447-00100681 foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00037-00100681-00100983 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00038-00100983-00101285 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00039-00101285-00101587 foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00040-00101587-00101889 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00041-00101889-00102191 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00042-00102191-00102492 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00044-00106420-00106722 foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00045-00106722-00107024 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00046-00107024-00107629 thank you wnodfR7OPs4-00047-00107629-00107729 two-story building wnodfR7OPs4-00048-00107729-00107829 thank you wnodfR7OPs4-00049-00107829-00108391 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00050-00108391-00109959 watch the eggs we're going to show you uh secrets wnodfR7OPs4-00051-00109959-00110129 okay so this is secret Lagoon wnodfR7OPs4-00052-00110129-00112898 it's a very small entrance wnodfR7OPs4-00053-00112898-00114128 that's only the way out foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00054-00114128-00114336 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00055-00114336-00114545 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00056-00114545-00114979 now we're gonna head to the beach where's the beach wnodfR7OPs4-00057-00114979-00116585 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00058-00116585-00118192 foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00059-00118192-00119800 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00060-00119800-00121408 available wnodfR7OPs4-00061-00121408-00122464 okay just we just finished snorkeling and we're gonna rest for a while inside wnodfR7OPs4-00062-00122464-00122908 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00063-00122908-00123353 foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00064-00123353-00123798 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00065-00123798-00124241 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00066-00124241-00124686 remember wnodfR7OPs4-00067-00124686-00125132 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00068-00125132-00125576 charcoal wnodfR7OPs4-00069-00125576-00128244 okay [Music] let's stay here [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00070-00128244-00128344 foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00071-00128344-00128795 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00072-00128795-00129339 foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00073-00129339-00129883 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00074-00129883-00130427 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00075-00130427-00130970 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00076-00130970-00132058 [Music] foreign wnodfR7OPs4-00077-00132058-00132602 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00078-00132602-00133145 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00079-00133145-00134233 thank you wnodfR7OPs4-00081-00149377-00150052 just left our boat our tour just finished and now we're headed back to our hotel and wnodfR7OPs4-00082-00150052-00151164 off we go so we're walking on this floating platform on our way back wnodfR7OPs4-00083-00151164-00153051 and we're back home after our trip kind of your rest wnodfR7OPs4-00084-00153051-00154064 yeah [Music] thank you wnodfR7OPs4-00085-00154064-00154317 [Music] wnodfR7OPs4-00086-00154317-00154824 hello nothing wnodfR7OPs4-00087-00154824-00155077 [Music] x0jDxPyBVZ4-00000-00000536-00000708 Washing ashore on beaches, x0jDxPyBVZ4-00001-00000740-00001056 floating on the surface or piling up on the sea floor, x0jDxPyBVZ4-00002-00001104-00001232 the ocean is now filled x0jDxPyBVZ4-00003-00001260-00001552 with 5 trillion pieces of plastic debris, x0jDxPyBVZ4-00004-00001600-00001972 the equivalent of 269,000 tons of rubbish. x0jDxPyBVZ4-00005-00002064-00002252 Much of it accumulates within gyres, x0jDxPyBVZ4-00006-00002284-00002436 formed by ocean currents. x0jDxPyBVZ4-00007-00002504-00002576 The largest, x0jDxPyBVZ4-00008-00002608-00002784 “the Great Pacific garbage patch”, x0jDxPyBVZ4-00009-00002812-00003056 is located between Japan and the United States x0jDxPyBVZ4-00010-00003104-00003500 and could measure up to 3.43 million km2, x0jDxPyBVZ4-00011-00003547-00003728 6 times the size of France. x0jDxPyBVZ4-00012-00003832-00004180 All this 100% human-generated rubbish, x0jDxPyBVZ4-00013-00004224-00004500 of which 80% comes from inland sources, x0jDxPyBVZ4-00014-00004536-00004676 endangers marine life. x0jDxPyBVZ4-00015-00004760-00004812 Each year, x0jDxPyBVZ4-00016-00004860-00005204 8 billion plastic bags are discarded into the environment. x0jDxPyBVZ4-00017-00005228-00005612 690 marine species are directly threatened by this pollution. x0jDxPyBVZ4-00018-00005668-00005752 Every year, x0jDxPyBVZ4-00019-00005788-00006148 1 million birds and 100,000 marine mammals x0jDxPyBVZ4-00020-00006164-00006260 die from it. x0jDxPyBVZ4-00021-00006356-00006631 80% of litter collected by Surfrider x0jDxPyBVZ4-00022-00006648-00006892 from beaches, lakes and rivers x0jDxPyBVZ4-00023-00006908-00007152 is for single use like plastic bottles, x0jDxPyBVZ4-00024-00007184-00007520 cotton buds, plastic bags and cigarette butts. x0jDxPyBVZ4-00025-00007588-00007728 Let’s change our habits x0jDxPyBVZ4-00026-00007752-00007920 to protect the ocean. x0FtibXCzMM-00000-00000000-00000200 2 Bananas x0FtibXCzMM-00001-00000230-00000513 50g Chocolate Chip 100g Rolled Oats x0FtibXCzMM-00002-00000639-00000934 100g rolled oats x0FtibXCzMM-00003-00002411-00002842 Mash The Bananas With A Fork x0FtibXCzMM-00004-00004884-00005527 Add The Chocolate x0FtibXCzMM-00005-00005973-00006583 Chips First Add 50g Rolled Oats x0FtibXCzMM-00006-00006739-00007455 Mix Everything x0FtibXCzMM-00007-00008092-00008702 Then Add The 50g Rolled Oats Which remains x0FtibXCzMM-00008-00010429-00010841 Cover your baking sheet with parchment paper x0FtibXCzMM-00009-00010879-00011107 Take a cookie cutter (not mandatory) x0FtibXCzMM-00010-00011225-00011515 Flatten the dough in the cookie cutter x0FtibXCzMM-00011-00015148-00015783 Put in the oven for between 15-20 minutes at 200°C x0FtibXCzMM-00012-00015940-00016385 Take them out of the oven once they are soft Well x0FtibXCzMM-00013-00016418-00016902 golden Let cool so that they harden a little x0FtibXCzMM-00014-00017043-00017958 Good tasting x0FtibXCzMM-00015-00018125-00018678 Put a thumbs up, Like my video to support me. Thank you all x1Y_p6-yEo0-00000-00000000-00000212 Today we are on the land... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00001-00000212-00000409 ...where we plan to build our cow sanctuary. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00002-00000409-00000708 The tree stump that I'm sitting on alone... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00003-00000708-00001027 ...must've been home to thousands of animals... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00004-00001027-00001284 ...while it was still standing. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00005-00001284-00001519 But the person who owned this land before us... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00006-00001519-00001704 ...cleared this area with a JCB... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00007-00001704-00001856 ...felling all the trees... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00008-00001856-00002061 ...making it barren like a desert. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00009-00002061-00002246 So while building our cow sanctuary here... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00010-00002246-00002541 ...we will plant as many trees as possible. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00011-00002541-00002755 I anyway believe in planting trees. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00012-00002755-00003000 Also, while I was interviewing Mrs. Maneka Gandhi yesterday... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00013-00003000-00003379 ...she too said that one of the best ways to protect animals... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00014-00003379-00003643 ...is planting trees everyday. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00015-00003643-00003932 Anyway, I'll give you previous week's updates now. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00016-00003932-00004181 The angry bull we had rescued... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00017-00004181-00004361 ...from Trembla, with much difficulty... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00018-00004361-00004540 ...the one with the huge horns, if you remember... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00019-00004540-00004704 ...we could not save him. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00020-00004704-00004883 We had told you earlier that... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00021-00004883-00005065 ...his surgery is out of our hands. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00022-00005065-00005307 And before the government vet could arrive... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00023-00005307-00005477 ...the bull had already passed away. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00024-00005477-00005632 He had lost a lot of blood and... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00025-00005632-00005880 ...we knew his chances were slim to begin with. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00026-00005880-00006144 Two weeks ago, I told you about Chumbak... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00027-00006144-00006296 ...whose leg was swollen. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00028-00006296-00006423 Until the swelling went away... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00029-00006423-00006728 ...we couldn't diagnose whether her leg would need an amputation. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00030-00006728-00006888 Her swelling has subsided now. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00031-00006888-00007108 Thankfully, she does not have a fracture... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00032-00007108-00007323 ...so we don't need to amputate her leg. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00033-00007323-00007564 Amputation is a major surgery. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00034-00007564-00007884 Kangana, who had a healed fracture on her hind leg... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00035-00007884-00008028 ...her leg had to be amputated. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00036-00008028-00008348 After the surgery, she has stopped eating and drinking. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00037-00008348-00008636 She has become very weak, and we have put her on fluids. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00038-00008636-00008784 Another rescue, whose leg had... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00039-00008784-00008968 ...to be amputated was Daisy. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00040-00008968-00009184 If you remember, Daisy's leg had gotten stuck... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00041-00009184-00009392 ...for a long time in a pig trap. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00042-00009392-00009536 Although we had removed the pig trap... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00043-00009536-00009804 ...we had to amputate her leg. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00044-00009804-00010136 Her health has been deteriorating since. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00045-00010136-00010292 Realistically speaking... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00046-00010292-00010544 ...she has very slim chances of survival. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00047-00010544-00010852 3 out of these 4 updates were sad... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00048-00010852-00011156 ...and I still have to give you 2 more such updates. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00049-00011156-00011464 But I am not sad... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00050-00011464-00011708 ...because although I have no control... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00051-00011708-00011896 ...over sad circumstances... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00052-00011896-00012076 ...what I can control somewhat is... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00053-00012076-00012344 ...whether these circumstances make me sad. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00054-00012344-00012576 Somewhere, I believe that society... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00055-00012576-00012684 ...wants us to be sad in these situations... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00056-00012684-00012868 ...so they can console us. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00057-00012868-00013168 But I need understanding rather than consolation. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00058-00013168-00013408 And I hope that you understand... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00059-00013408-00013600 ...that when we are sad... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00060-00013600-00013784 ...whatever we are capable of doing... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00061-00013784-00013972 ...we are able to do less. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00062-00013972-00014388 Now, Amit Kumar ji from Ichi called us regarding a puppy... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00063-00014388-00014680 ...but the clinic had closed when he called. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00064-00014680-00014872 We went to get him the next day. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00065-00014872-00015052 He has a spinal fracture... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00066-00015052-00015247 ...and he is currently on cage rest. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00067-00015247-00015528 Only after observing him for a few days, we will... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00068-00015528-00015776 ...be able to tell if he will ever walk again. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00069-00015776-00016044 Divyansh ji from Jwali has gotten a cow here... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00070-00016044-00016308 ...whose horn broke off 2.5 months back. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00071-00016308-00016448 He was treating her himself... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00072-00016448-00016624 ...but he had to go out of station... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00073-00016624-00016780 ...and when he returned... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00074-00016780-00017004 ...the infection in the wound... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00075-00017004-00017188 ...had developed into a tumor. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00076-00017188-00017432 He found out about us through Kewal Thakur ji... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00077-00017432-00017660 ...who is the same gentleman who sent Maharaj to us. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00078-00017660-00017928 Divyansh ji has now got the cow here. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00079-00017928-00018088 But she is anemic... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00080-00018088-00018360 ...and her tumor cannot be removed for now. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00081-00018360-00018716 Dr. Ankit thinks this cow too has slim chances. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00082-00018716-00019068 Speaking of Maharaj, a small update... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00083-00019068-00019216 ...is that his hoof had grown so much... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00084-00019216-00019376 ...that he was unable to walk properly. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00085-00019376-00019652 So we have trimmed his hoof. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00086-00019652-00019964 See, we are surrounded by sad beings... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00087-00019964-00020244 ...like this cow, whom we might not be able to save... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00088-00020244-00020504 ...or the small puppy, who may never walk again. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00089-00020504-00020652 People ask, how despite this... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00090-00020652-00021064 ...I am mostly happy. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00091-00021064-00021332 I say that by sharing the sadness of such animals... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00092-00021332-00021548 ...we reduce it... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00093-00021548-00021756 ...and that makes me happy. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00094-00021756-00021948 Moving on... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00095-00021948-00022304 Susheel Kumar ji from Basnoor saw an abandoned dog. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00096-00022304-00022604 She had an infection in her uterus. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00097-00022604-00022832 He brought her home... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00098-00022832-00022964 ...and called us. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00099-00022964-00023220 We are treating her at his house. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00100-00023220-00023564 After she gets better, we will sterilize her... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00101-00023564-00023812 ...and she will be adopted by Susheel ji. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00102-00023812-00024172 Anshul Chaudhary ji from Ladwara called us regarding a dog... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00103-00024172-00024436 ...who appeared to have broken his front leg. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00104-00024436-00024744 On checking him, we found that his leg... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00105-00024744-00024884 ...had been broken a long time back... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00106-00024884-00025068 ...and now his fracture has healed. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00107-00025068-00025424 Once his wound heals completely, we will release him back in Ladwara. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00108-00025424-00025724 Anshul ji says that many of the villagers... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00109-00025724-00025932 ...have gotten very attached to this dog... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00110-00025932-00026304 ...and want to collectively take care of him. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00111-00026304-00026532 When something like this happens... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00112-00026532-00026644 ...you get a great feeling! x1Y_p6-yEo0-00113-00026644-00026820 Like yeah! Desi Log Desi Dog! (Local people adopt local dogs) x1Y_p6-yEo0-00114-00026820-00027027 Now I have a friend in McLeod Ganj... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00115-00027027-00027195 ...who helps stray dogs there. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00116-00027195-00027548 A lot of foreign tourists go there... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00117-00027548-00027872 ...and through them, she gets a lot of dogs adopted. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00118-00027872-00028060 This is a wonderful thing. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00119-00028060-00028352 But just like neem, turmeric, meditation and yoga... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00120-00028352-00028672 ...before the foreigners take credit for desi dogs as well... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00121-00028672-00028888 ...we have to popularize #DesiLogDesiDog. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00122-00028888-00029088 So if you have adopted a desi dog... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00123-00029088-00029344 ...please post their pictures and tag... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00124-00029344-00029632 ...#DesiLogDesiDog. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00125-00029632-00030060 Anyway, Pradeep Singh ji from Kangra called us regarding a puppy... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00126-00030060-00030388 ...whose skin from his front leg got peeled due to a road accident. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00127-00030388-00030644 His injury is very severe... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00128-00030644-00030952 ...so please pray for his speedy recovery... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00129-00030952-00031220 ...and also suggest a nice name for him. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00130-00031220-00031504 Right now, we have more animals than we can accommodate. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00131-00031504-00031839 Some cows and bulls who need to be inside the cow-shed... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00132-00031839-00032076 ...are being treated in the open verandah. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00133-00032076-00032420 Fortunately, Shikha Nagpal ji got curtains made and donated to us... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00134-00032420-00032780 ...which protects the verandah from the cold and wind. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00135-00032780-00033060 5 animals have almost healed completely... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00136-00033060-00033228 ...and will soon be released. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00137-00033228-00033596 Now, when I say soon, I mean 3-4 weeks. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00138-00033596-00033992 Ballerino and Manjula were sent to Palampur for a re-check... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00139-00033992-00034344 ...and after their X-Ray was done, we found that we can release them after 3 weeks. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00140-00034344-00034620 Tansen who was sent here by Taniya ji from Nagrota... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00141-00034620-00034832 ...who had a dislocated shoulder... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00142-00034832-00035068 ...had his sling removed finally yesterday. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00143-00035068-00035332 Now he is able to bear some weight on it. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00144-00035332-00035580 He is still on painkillers and calcium supplements. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00145-00035580-00035828 Once he heals completely in 2-3 weeks... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00146-00035828-00036084 ...we will release him back to Taniya ji. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00147-00036084-00036252 Batman and Binni Singh... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00148-00036252-00036460 ...have both been neutered... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00149-00036460-00036724 ...and if they don't get adopted while they are recovering... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00150-00036724-00036980 ...we will have to release them as well. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00151-00036980-00037156 Now, because of this restriction on space... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00152-00037156-00037516 ...a calf whose horn broke off in a road accident in Shahpur... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00153-00037516-00037652 ...we were unable to bring him here. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00154-00037652-00037872 Neetu ji had called us for him... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00155-00037872-00038012 ...but we don't have any space. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00156-00038012-00038388 She is treating him herself, with the help of a local vet. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00157-00038388-00038680 If I could, I would take in all such calves... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00158-00038680-00038972 ...or the millions of calves from the dairy industry... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00159-00038972-00039208 ...who are abandoned after being born... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00160-00039208-00039344 ...and get them here. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00161-00039344-00039672 But this problem, like all other problems, will only change... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00162-00039672-00039892 ...when the mentality of people changes. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00163-00039892-00040104 Take this cow for example. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00164-00040104-00040292 9 months ago in Chadi... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00165-00040292-00040388 ...she got burnt. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00166-00040388-00040552 She is someone's domesticated cow... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00167-00040552-00040732 ...who did not have enough money... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00168-00040732-00040900 ...to treat her. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00169-00040900-00041120 So, we have been regularly treating her there. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00170-00041120-00041372 She has healed to a large extent... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00171-00041372-00041524 ...but for the last 9 months... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00172-00041524-00041760 ...she is getting weaker by the day. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00173-00041760-00042028 And this is because, even in this condition... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00174-00042028-00042300 ...they did not stop milking her. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00175-00042300-00042544 See, to help animals, mostly... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00176-00042544-00042856 ...people who are sensitive, come forward. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00177-00042856-00043036 And when sensitive people... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00178-00043036-00043432 ...hear about such things, they start feeling depressed. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00179-00043432-00043880 Feeling depressed and being clinically depressed are two very different things. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00180-00043880-00044276 Feeling depressed is mostly in our own hands. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00181-00044276-00044636 If you focus entirely on finding solutions... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00182-00044636-00044892 ...because once you understand the problem... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00183-00044892-00045248 ...there is no point thinking about it again and again. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00184-00045248-00045688 However, clinical depression can be triggered by something... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00185-00045688-00045836 ...or by nothing at all. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00186-00045836-00046196 Just like how a clear sky suddenly turns cloudy. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00187-00046196-00046548 And to a large extent, by taking medicines... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00188-00046548-00046844 ...therapy, meditation or yoga... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00189-00046844-00046996 ...clinical depression can be managed... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00190-00046996-00047240 ...but it is not entirely in your hands. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00191-00047240-00047680 More than anything, you need the support of your family members... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00192-00047680-00047916 ...which is not easy to come by, in India. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00193-00047916-00048148 Here, many times, we are told that... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00194-00048148-00048264 ...this is nothing and... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00195-00048264-00048404 ...we re just being dramatic. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00196-00048404-00048592 Apart from people, I feel.... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00197-00048592-00048904 ...that even animals suffer from clinical depression. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00198-00048904-00049096 Let's talk about Akhrot... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00199-00049096-00049316 ...who was a neglected pet. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00200-00049316-00049576 He is being treated here for a skin infection. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00201-00049576-00049940 Most dogs who get treated here for skin infection... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00202-00049940-00050104 ...as their skin improves... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00203-00050104-00050308 ...their temperament improves as well. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00204-00050308-00050608 They start opening up and mingling with others. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00205-00050608-00050924 But Akhrot, even though his skin is getting better... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00206-00050924-00051140 ...he is completely shut down. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00207-00051140-00051296 When we are depressed, we feel... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00208-00051296-00051579 ...like we are in a deep and dark abyss... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00209-00051579-00051740 ...from which there is no escape. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00210-00051740-00052020 But speaking from personal experience, I can tell you... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00211-00052020-00052320 ...that being depressed is like being inside a tunnel... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00212-00052320-00052736 ...from where you will emerge one day or the other. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00213-00052736-00052920 Whether times are good or bad... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00214-00052920-00053020 ...they always pass. x1Y_p6-yEo0-00215-00053020-00053128 So remember... x1Y_p6-yEo0-00216-00053128-00053324 ...this too shall pass. x5UvC-FpPc0-00000-00000103-00000259 - Hi, my name's Peter. x5UvC-FpPc0-00001-00000259-00000543 I'm from tech2 and I'm here at the Perth Home Show. x5UvC-FpPc0-00002-00000543-00000997 Here at tech2 we deal with all sorts of smart technologies. x5UvC-FpPc0-00003-00000997-00001287 In this stand is based around the Google system. x5UvC-FpPc0-00004-00001287-00001511 This is a Google Home Hub. x5UvC-FpPc0-00005-00001511-00001744 It allows you to talk to various smart devices, x5UvC-FpPc0-00006-00001744-00001830 around your home, x5UvC-FpPc0-00007-00001830-00002087 using just your voice or the app. x5UvC-FpPc0-00008-00002087-00002354 For example this Sensibo air conditioner controller. x5UvC-FpPc0-00009-00002475-00002558 Let me show you. x5UvC-FpPc0-00010-00002646-00002916 Okay Google, turn on the aircon. x5UvC-FpPc0-00011-00003332-00003415 - [Electronic Voice] You got it. x5UvC-FpPc0-00012-00003415-00003542 Turning the aircon on. x5UvC-FpPc0-00013-00003542-00003631 - [Mark] As you can see, x5UvC-FpPc0-00014-00003631-00003917 the Sensibo will send a signal to the air conditioner, x5UvC-FpPc0-00015-00003917-00004061 and turn it on automatically. x5UvC-FpPc0-00016-00004167-00004442 So at tech2 we don't just instal these products, x5UvC-FpPc0-00017-00004442-00004679 we've also got a smart home assessment product. x5UvC-FpPc0-00018-00004872-00005110 Basically we'll come in to your house, x5UvC-FpPc0-00019-00005110-00005213 have a look at the different things, x5UvC-FpPc0-00020-00005213-00005318 that you've got in your home, x5UvC-FpPc0-00021-00005318-00005638 and figure out a smart solution which is best for you. x5UvC-FpPc0-00022-00005638-00005741 Now while we're here, x5UvC-FpPc0-00023-00005741-00006027 a few other smart technologies that we've got. x5UvC-FpPc0-00024-00006027-00006206 Automated down lights. x5UvC-FpPc0-00025-00006206-00006577 Okay Google, turn off the down lights. x5UvC-FpPc0-00026-00006761-00006941 - [Electronic Voice] Okay, turning the down off. x5UvC-FpPc0-00027-00007234-00007405 - As well as a smart plug, x5UvC-FpPc0-00028-00007405-00007695 so smart plugs allow you to control, x5UvC-FpPc0-00029-00007695-00007884 your general devices around your home. x5UvC-FpPc0-00030-00007884-00008148 Like a fan or an espresso machine. x5UvC-FpPc0-00031-00008245-00008563 Okay Google, turn on the fan. x5UvC-FpPc0-00032-00008895-00009005 - [Electronic Voice] You got it, turning the fan on. x5UvC-FpPc0-00033-00009005-00009205 - [Mark] And Google will automatically, x5UvC-FpPc0-00034-00009205-00009395 turn power on to your device. x5UvC-FpPc0-00035-00009395-00009676 This is all controlled using just a simple, x5UvC-FpPc0-00036-00009676-00009936 small smart plug, which plugs into your wall socket. x5UvC-FpPc0-00037-00010293-00010449 So as you can see, x5UvC-FpPc0-00038-00010449-00010684 we've got all sorts of solutions for smart homes. x5UvC-FpPc0-00039-00010684-00010800 If you're interested in more, x5UvC-FpPc0-00040-00010800-00011038 come on down to stand H33 and have a chat to us. x5UvC-FpPc0-00041-00011038-00011163 We'd like to talk to you. x9_9LScdDq0-00000-00000555-00001021 hello students today we will discuss about presentation on learning and x9_9LScdDq0-00001-00001021-00001630 assessment system of school education is going through significant changes now x9_9LScdDq0-00002-00001630-00002105 the focus is on the teaching rather it has shifted on learning in a learning x9_9LScdDq0-00003-00002105-00002626 center system it is believed that any normal child can attain high level of x9_9LScdDq0-00004-00002626-00003218 achievement if he or she is providing facilitating conditions for learning to x9_9LScdDq0-00005-00003218-00003661 attain this objective the traditional computation based examination doesn't x9_9LScdDq0-00006-00003661-00004445 help instead each evaluation assessment practices are to be adopted in which the x9_9LScdDq0-00007-00004445-00005075 standards for success are made explicit and all students are expected to reach x9_9LScdDq0-00008-00005075-00005666 those standards in such evaluation the grading system does not grade the x9_9LScdDq0-00009-00005666-00006448 students rather grades performances there are no grade A students but there x9_9LScdDq0-00010-00006448-00007109 are only grade A performances and the teacher must teach and access in ways x9_9LScdDq0-00011-00007109-00007798 that motivate our students to succeed but then the changing beliefs and x9_9LScdDq0-00012-00007798-00008500 processes of learning assessment assessment what is assessment assessment x9_9LScdDq0-00013-00008500-00009047 is a word that comes from the Latin word acid our meaning to sit with in x9_9LScdDq0-00014-00009047-00009620 assessment one should sit with the learner this implies it is something we x9_9LScdDq0-00015-00009620-00010316 do with and for students and not to the students assessment is the systematic x9_9LScdDq0-00016-00010316-00010934 basis for making instances about the Learning and Development of students it x9_9LScdDq0-00017-00010934-00011503 is the process of defining selecting designing collecting analyzing x9_9LScdDq0-00018-00011503-00011989 interpreting and using information to increase students learning and x9_9LScdDq0-00019-00011989-00012725 development from these definitions will learn about assessment that assessment x9_9LScdDq0-00020-00012725-00013301 is a human activity assessment involves interaction which aims at seeking to x9_9LScdDq0-00021-00013301-00013813 understand but the largers have achieved assessment can be formal or x9_9LScdDq0-00022-00013813-00014399 in formal assessment baby descriptive rather than judgment in nature its trawl x9_9LScdDq0-00023-00014399-00014690 is to increase students learning and development x9_9LScdDq0-00024-00014690-00015176 it helps learners to diagnose their problems and to improve the quality of x9_9LScdDq0-00025-00015176-00015686 their subsequent learning now we can say that assessment is the engine which x9_9LScdDq0-00026-00015686-00016565 drives students learning assessment assist learning it helps focus effort on x9_9LScdDq0-00027-00016565-00017018 the implementing strategies to facilitate learning both inside and x9_9LScdDq0-00028-00017018-00017588 outside the classroom assessment in the cracked istic of assessment assessment x9_9LScdDq0-00029-00017588-00018290 says congruent with instructions is based on authentic tasks use a wide x9_9LScdDq0-00030-00018290-00018898 range of tools and methods assessment is based on criteria that students know and x9_9LScdDq0-00031-00018898-00019463 understand assessment is collaborative process involving students it focus on x9_9LScdDq0-00032-00019463-00020182 what students have learned and can do it is an outgoing and continuous process x9_9LScdDq0-00033-00020182-00020714 assessment process in assessment process firstly we decide our aims then x9_9LScdDq0-00034-00020714-00021431 according to aims we decide actions actions decides what part of learning x9_9LScdDq0-00035-00021431-00022169 material we should assess and the result of assessment is adjustment importance x9_9LScdDq0-00036-00022169-00022739 of assessment why we assessment is important to find out what the students x9_9LScdDq0-00037-00022739-00023273 know that is knowledge to find out what the students can do and how well they x9_9LScdDq0-00038-00023273-00023867 can do it to find out how students go about the task of doing their work to x9_9LScdDq0-00039-00023867-00024434 find out how students feel about their work but a student assessment for x9_9LScdDq0-00040-00024434-00024938 student assessment for is to help us design and modify programs to better x9_9LScdDq0-00041-00024938-00025444 promote learning and student success to provide common definitions and x9_9LScdDq0-00042-00025444-00025964 benchmarks for student abilities that will enable us to act more coherently x9_9LScdDq0-00043-00025964-00026501 and effectively to promote student learning to provide feedback guidance x9_9LScdDq0-00044-00026501-00027163 and monitoring to students so as to help them better plan and execute their edge x9_9LScdDq0-00045-00027163-00027640 occasional programs to provide an improved feedback about strength x9_9LScdDq0-00046-00027640-00028374 learning to support faculty in their work what can be assessed we can assess x9_9LScdDq0-00047-00028374-00028846 students learning characteristics instruments learning characteristics we x9_9LScdDq0-00048-00028846-00029389 assess ability or differences learning styles and in student motivational x9_9LScdDq0-00049-00029389-00029936 characteristics we assess their interest their self-efficacy their goal x9_9LScdDq0-00050-00029936-00030475 orientation and in learning the content knowledge ability to apply content x9_9LScdDq0-00051-00030475-00030950 knowledge their skills their dispositions and attitudes their x9_9LScdDq0-00052-00030950-00031762 performances functions of assessment first one is diagnostic it tells us what x9_9LScdDq0-00053-00031762-00032318 the students need to learn formative tells us how well the student is doing x9_9LScdDq0-00054-00032318-00033008 as work progress summative tell us how well the student did at the end of a x9_9LScdDq0-00055-00033008-00033665 unit or task type of assessment assessment for learning that is called x9_9LScdDq0-00056-00033665-00034277 formative assessment it informs students and teachers second one is assessment as x9_9LScdDq0-00057-00034277-00034796 learning it relates to students metacognition that is their own x9_9LScdDq0-00058-00034796-00035215 creativity third one is assessment of learning that x9_9LScdDq0-00059-00035215-00035869 is summative final official assessment that is evolution of students by x9_9LScdDq0-00060-00035869-00036487 teacher's assessment for learning what is assessment for learning assessment x9_9LScdDq0-00061-00036487-00037052 for learning is more commonly known as formative and diagnostic assessments x9_9LScdDq0-00062-00037052-00037633 assessments for learning is the use of a task or an activity for the purpose of x9_9LScdDq0-00063-00037633-00038252 determining student progress during a unit or block of instruction teachers x9_9LScdDq0-00064-00038252-00038869 are now afforded the chance to adjust classroom instruction based upon the x9_9LScdDq0-00065-00038869-00039391 needs of the students similarly strengths are provided valuable feedback x9_9LScdDq0-00066-00039391-00040049 on their own learning let us consider this situation mr. Rohan while helping x9_9LScdDq0-00067-00040049-00040509 the students of class fourth in adding and subtracting fractions x9_9LScdDq0-00068-00040509-00041109 observed that several students are not able to complete the addition of two x9_9LScdDq0-00069-00041109-00041741 improper fractions he gave a small test with questions from x9_9LScdDq0-00070-00041741-00042413 addition of proper fractions one item of addition of two similar fractions three x9_9LScdDq0-00071-00042413-00043053 item from addition of proper and improper fractions and four items from x9_9LScdDq0-00072-00043053-00043674 addition of improper fractions he analyzed the responses of eise to dn't x9_9LScdDq0-00073-00043674-00044313 and found that nearly 45 group of students were not clear in adding proper x9_9LScdDq0-00074-00044313-00044901 with improper fractions which was affecting their performance in adding to x9_9LScdDq0-00075-00044901-00045506 improper fractions he therefore focused on developing the understanding of x9_9LScdDq0-00076-00045506-00046149 improper fractions and their addition with proper fractions after which he x9_9LScdDq0-00077-00046149-00046974 proceeded to teach the addition of two improper fractions in this situation mr. x9_9LScdDq0-00078-00046974-00047288 Rohan was assessing the performance of students x9_9LScdDq0-00079-00047288-00047862 well the teaching-learning process was going on he used the results of x9_9LScdDq0-00080-00047862-00048333 assessment for the improvement of learning and his own teaching process x9_9LScdDq0-00081-00048333-00048930 this is a kind of formative assessment and is called assessment for learning x9_9LScdDq0-00082-00048930-00049428 now assessment for learning is what it is the interaction and dialogue between x9_9LScdDq0-00083-00049428-00050003 teacher and pupils help students understand what they need to do next in x9_9LScdDq0-00084-00050003-00050562 order to improve thoughtful improvement rather than getting it right the first x9_9LScdDq0-00085-00050562-00050966 time now objectives of assessment for x9_9LScdDq0-00086-00050966-00051777 learning to make every child know how he or she is doing understand what he or x9_9LScdDq0-00087-00051777-00052377 she needs to do to improve and how to get there the child's gets what he or x9_9LScdDq0-00088-00052377-00052923 she needs to be motivated to become an active learner to continuously improve x9_9LScdDq0-00089-00052923-00053589 his or her learning second to equip every teacher to make well-founded x9_9LScdDq0-00090-00053589-00054138 judgments about students attainment understand the concepts and principles x9_9LScdDq0-00091-00054138-00054675 of progression and know how to use their assessment results to plan for x9_9LScdDq0-00092-00054675-00055182 improvement of learning of each student particularly of those who are not x9_9LScdDq0-00093-00055182-00055737 fulfilling their potential phases of assessment for learning assessment for x9_9LScdDq0-00094-00055737-00056301 learning comprises of two phases first one is initial or diagnostic assessment x9_9LScdDq0-00095-00056301-00056801 and the second one is formative assessment diagnostic assessment is x9_9LScdDq0-00096-00056801-00057384 diagnostic assessment is assessment made before the learning of a unit commences x9_9LScdDq0-00097-00057384-00057941 in order to determine what a student does and doesn't know about a topic this x9_9LScdDq0-00098-00057941-00058398 form assessment helps us to identify various students are in their learning x9_9LScdDq0-00099-00058398-00059019 and what course of action appropriate to the learning levels of the students are x9_9LScdDq0-00100-00059019-00059661 needed to be taken for continuing or improving their learning for example if x9_9LScdDq0-00101-00059661-00060177 you are planning to teach the different states of India in class 6 you need to x9_9LScdDq0-00102-00060177-00060666 know whether the students are very conversant in using the Atlas if you x9_9LScdDq0-00103-00060666-00061170 find most of the students in the class know how to use an Atlas you can engage x9_9LScdDq0-00104-00061170-00061766 majority of class in working on an application of using Atlas while you can x9_9LScdDq0-00105-00061766-00062535 work with a small group on how to use an Atlas second one is formative assessment x9_9LScdDq0-00106-00062535-00063060 formative assessment is an assessment to which you can gather data during the x9_9LScdDq0-00107-00063060-00063641 learning process when the class progress through a unit of a study to determine a x9_9LScdDq0-00108-00063641-00064248 student's knowledge and skills including learning gaps you can see the results of x9_9LScdDq0-00109-00064248-00064761 formative assessment to guide learning and make timely change in your teaching x9_9LScdDq0-00110-00064761-00065354 strategy to suit the needs of your students considering the example of x9_9LScdDq0-00111-00065354-00065877 using Atlas you can provide feedback about the work the students have x9_9LScdDq0-00112-00065877-00066521 completed using the Atlas and provide ideas for adjusting rethinking and x9_9LScdDq0-00113-00066521-00067068 articulated their learning characteristics of assessment for x9_9LScdDq0-00114-00067068-00067369 learning now we'll discuss about the practice x9_9LScdDq0-00115-00067369-00067914 tricks of assessment for learning it is responsive to all learners by x9_9LScdDq0-00116-00067914-00068512 identifying areas of strength and need of each and every student it is x9_9LScdDq0-00117-00068512-00069036 descriptive in nature and is not judgmental and hence not evaluative x9_9LScdDq0-00118-00069036-00069600 through the use of high-quality feedback it informs students about what they have x9_9LScdDq0-00119-00069600-00070273 done well where they have had difficulty and what they need to do differently to x9_9LScdDq0-00120-00070273-00070906 improve their work since the learner has to be provided feedback in order to x9_9LScdDq0-00121-00070906-00071391 improve the ongoing process of learning the assessment is frequent and x9_9LScdDq0-00122-00071391-00072081 continuous in the learning process it causes students to reflect upon their x9_9LScdDq0-00123-00072081-00072688 work and learning and take specific actions to improve them it expects x9_9LScdDq0-00124-00072688-00073281 students to make error and directs them to examine these errors in order to x9_9LScdDq0-00125-00073281-00073830 improve their learning it involves students in structured self and peer x9_9LScdDq0-00126-00073830-00074443 examination of their work it is plant and used in ways that it provides x9_9LScdDq0-00127-00074443-00074976 support to sustain students learning so that ultimately they can demonstrate x9_9LScdDq0-00128-00074976-00075564 improved performance in the assessment of learning that will be used for x9_9LScdDq0-00129-00075564-00076232 grading and reporting purposes principles of assessment for learning x9_9LScdDq0-00130-00076232-00076906 the u.k assessment reform group in 1999 identifies the big five principles of x9_9LScdDq0-00131-00076906-00077467 assessment for learning which are first the provision of effective feedback to x9_9LScdDq0-00132-00077467-00078016 students the active involvement of students in their own learning adjusting x9_9LScdDq0-00133-00078016-00078788 teaching to make account of the results of assessment approaches and methods of x9_9LScdDq0-00134-00078788-00079447 assessment for learning there are mainly four approaches of carrying out first x9_9LScdDq0-00135-00079447-00079966 one is teacher assessment that is using a wide range of methods like written or x9_9LScdDq0-00136-00079966-00080513 verbal testing interactions with students assignments of the vision of x9_9LScdDq0-00137-00080513-00081167 and activities etc second one learners self-assessment that is self reflection x9_9LScdDq0-00138-00081167-00081767 on all performance and on others judgments third one is peer assessment x9_9LScdDq0-00139-00081767-00082142 which deals with assessment of classmates on the response and x9_9LScdDq0-00140-00082142-00082676 performance of the learner and the last one is computer-based assessment using x9_9LScdDq0-00141-00082676-00083354 specially designed software assessment for learning in the classroom the seven x9_9LScdDq0-00142-00083354-00083963 strategies of assessment for learning first where am I going x9_9LScdDq0-00143-00083963-00084665 that is firstly provide students with a clear and understandable vision of that x9_9LScdDq0-00144-00084665-00085652 learning target second use examples and models of strong and weak vark third x9_9LScdDq0-00145-00085652-00086516 strategy includes in where am I now that is offer regular descriptive feedback x9_9LScdDq0-00146-00086516-00087299 and teach students to self access and set goals and the next category deal x9_9LScdDq0-00147-00087299-00087992 with how can I close the gap that is design lessons to focus on one learning x9_9LScdDq0-00148-00087992-00088655 target or aspect of quality at a time and teach students focused revision and x9_9LScdDq0-00149-00088655-00089321 gauge students in self-reflection and let them keep track of and share their x9_9LScdDq0-00150-00089321-00089993 learning feedback on assessment for learning the main purpose of an x9_9LScdDq0-00151-00089993-00090353 assessment for learning is to provide feedback to both the teachers and x9_9LScdDq0-00152-00090353-00090806 student regarding the students progress towards achieving the learning x9_9LScdDq0-00153-00090806-00091352 objectives this feedback should be used by the teacher to revise and develop x9_9LScdDq0-00154-00091352-00091879 further instruction giving constructive feedback that is verbal and written is a x9_9LScdDq0-00155-00091879-00092390 vital aspect of assessment for learning while providing feedback to students x9_9LScdDq0-00156-00092390-00092984 following points need to be taken care of while giving written feedback respond x9_9LScdDq0-00157-00092984-00093527 to the content and the message in the writing first don't focus only on x9_9LScdDq0-00158-00093527-00094290 surface errors such as spelling or punch don't jump straight to the errors Bray's x9_9LScdDq0-00159-00094290-00094956 first be specific indicate what action the students should take in relation to x9_9LScdDq0-00160-00094956-00095589 weakness that have been marked encourage the student to make corrections don't x9_9LScdDq0-00161-00095589-00096179 simply write the correct answers Spelling's and so on x9_9LScdDq0-00162-00096179-00096894 when giving verbal feedback stressed the positive always gives specific feedback x9_9LScdDq0-00163-00096894-00097482 on what a student has done value celebrate what's been achieved and be x9_9LScdDq0-00164-00097482-00098073 clear about exactly what needs to improve next and how use prompts such as x9_9LScdDq0-00165-00098073-00098691 would you like to say more about that focus on things that each student can x9_9LScdDq0-00166-00098691-00099441 change and avoid overloading them with too much feedback at once for effective x9_9LScdDq0-00167-00099441-00099975 feedback given either verbally or in writing to student performances you need x9_9LScdDq0-00168-00099975-00100437 to take care of the following points first one is provide the feedback x9_9LScdDq0-00169-00100437-00101102 without any delay otherwise the feedback may lose its relevance use accurate x9_9LScdDq0-00170-00101102-00101684 descriptive statements instead of marks with a will to help students develop x9_9LScdDq0-00171-00101684-00102216 independent learning habits include student statements of strengths and x9_9LScdDq0-00172-00102216-00102864 weaknesses of a student and guide on how to improve provide one or two learning x9_9LScdDq0-00173-00102864-00103623 goals or targets which can be achieved by the students as next steps now the x9_9LScdDq0-00174-00103623-00104193 second is assessment as learning assessment as learning focuses on x9_9LScdDq0-00175-00104193-00104793 students and emphasizes assessment as a process of metacognition that is x9_9LScdDq0-00176-00104793-00105300 knowledge of one's own thought process for students assessment as learning x9_9LScdDq0-00177-00105300-00105870 emerges from the idea that learning is not just a matter of transferring ideas x9_9LScdDq0-00178-00105870-00106508 from someone who is knowledge to someone who is not but is an active process of x9_9LScdDq0-00179-00106508-00107117 cognitive restructuring that occurs when individuals interact with new ideas x9_9LScdDq0-00180-00107117-00107464 whether this view of learning strengths are the x9_9LScdDq0-00181-00107464-00108165 critical connectors between assessment and learning for students to be actively x9_9LScdDq0-00182-00108165-00108615 engaged in creating their own understanding they must learn to be x9_9LScdDq0-00183-00108615-00109203 critical Assessors who make sense of information related to prior knowledge x9_9LScdDq0-00184-00109203-00109839 and use it for new learning this is the regulatory process in metacognition that x9_9LScdDq0-00185-00109839-00110403 is strands become that at personally monitoring but they are learning and use x9_9LScdDq0-00186-00110403-00111076 but they discover from the monitoring to make adjustments adaptations and even x9_9LScdDq0-00187-00111076-00111776 major changes in their thinking definitions of assessment as learning x9_9LScdDq0-00188-00111776-00112209 assessment as learning is based on the conviction that the strengths are x9_9LScdDq0-00189-00112209-00112827 capable of being adaptable flexible and independent in their learning and x9_9LScdDq0-00190-00112827-00113430 decision making let us consider the situation missa Anantha is student of x9_9LScdDq0-00191-00113430-00114009 glass 7th was collecting all his work in a portfolio for presenting it for x9_9LScdDq0-00192-00114009-00114501 assessment by teacher and his classmates while assembling and arranging the work x9_9LScdDq0-00193-00114501-00115109 in a proper order he tried to list the indicators of the portfolio assessment x9_9LScdDq0-00194-00115109-00115635 he was thoughtful of how to arrange this material so they had to attract the x9_9LScdDq0-00195-00115635-00116184 attention of the teacher and classmates who would assess his portfolio he came x9_9LScdDq0-00196-00116184-00116511 up with the plan he developed a storyline and prepared x9_9LScdDq0-00197-00116511-00117117 some additional posters depicting the storyline and within it he arraigned the x9_9LScdDq0-00198-00117117-00117630 product in such a way that the observer following the storyline could neither x9_9LScdDq0-00199-00117630-00118297 afford to miss any work of miss Ananta nor could consider any material to be x9_9LScdDq0-00200-00118297-00118948 irrelevant in the total collection let us reflect what miss Anantha was doing x9_9LScdDq0-00201-00118948-00119299 first he was trying to arrange the correction of his products for x9_9LScdDq0-00202-00119299-00119892 assessment he listed the pointers of assessment that his learning outcomes he x9_9LScdDq0-00203-00119892-00120363 developed some new materials he thought as required for assessment he tried to x9_9LScdDq0-00204-00120363-00120991 arrange but found the products too quite in concurrent he thought to have a x9_9LScdDq0-00205-00120991-00121516 way for a meaningful arrangement and he stuck upon a storyline and then x9_9LScdDq0-00206-00121516-00122027 completed the arrangement all the while anetha was preparing for an assessment x9_9LScdDq0-00207-00122027-00122696 event and at the same time he was assessing himself and his materials that x9_9LScdDq0-00208-00122696-00123275 is their adequacy their relevance and meaningfulness so far as learning x9_9LScdDq0-00209-00123275-00123926 outcomes that is indicators of assessment var concern assessment as x9_9LScdDq0-00210-00123926-00124463 learning provides a variety of opportunities for the student to reflect x9_9LScdDq0-00211-00124463-00125140 on his or her learning through the process of metacognition this can be x9_9LScdDq0-00212-00125140-00125650 facilitated through brainstorming group discussion collaborative learning x9_9LScdDq0-00213-00125650-00126371 situations and through the peer and self-assessment self-assessment helps x9_9LScdDq0-00214-00126371-00126940 students to reflect on their own learning identify their strengths and x9_9LScdDq0-00215-00126940-00127582 areas where they need to improve using clear criteria related to the x9_9LScdDq0-00216-00127582-00128333 expectations and achievement levels set goals and identify next step for x9_9LScdDq0-00217-00128333-00129139 learning develop skills in metacognition they become independent self-directed x9_9LScdDq0-00218-00129139-00129794 students select work for their portfolios that represent their progress x9_9LScdDq0-00219-00129794-00130673 and best efforts over time now second one is peer assessment in which way it x9_9LScdDq0-00220-00130673-00131138 helps to consolidate their learning through dialogue and interaction with x9_9LScdDq0-00221-00131138-00131696 their peers learn how to give and receive constructive explicit feedback x9_9LScdDq0-00222-00131696-00132427 based on clear criteria practice the concept and skills explicitly modeled x9_9LScdDq0-00223-00132427-00133138 and taught through activities or tasks and the third one is assessment of x9_9LScdDq0-00224-00133138-00133607 learning and what is assessment of learning is assessment of learning is x9_9LScdDq0-00225-00133607-00134174 the use of a task or an activity to measure decode and report on a x9_9LScdDq0-00226-00134174-00134599 student's level of achievement in regards to specific learning x9_9LScdDq0-00227-00134599-00135301 expectations these are often known as submitted assessments assessment of x9_9LScdDq0-00228-00135301-00135804 learning is which enables students to demonstrate what they know and can do x9_9LScdDq0-00229-00135804-00136255 describes the extent to which a student has achieved the learning goals x9_9LScdDq0-00230-00136255-00136840 including the standards uses teacher judgments about student achievement at a x9_9LScdDq0-00231-00136840-00137389 point in time assessment is spotted by examples or evidence of student learning x9_9LScdDq0-00232-00137389-00137905 it ensures consistent teacher judgment through modernization processes and is x9_9LScdDq0-00233-00137905-00138478 used to plan future learning goals in guiding principles assessment of x9_9LScdDq0-00234-00138478-00138872 learning is an integral part of the teaching learning process as we know x9_9LScdDq0-00235-00138872-00139421 assessment is a tool which should match the performance objectives the result of x9_9LScdDq0-00236-00139421-00139921 assessment must be feedback to the learners in assessing learning teacher x9_9LScdDq0-00237-00139921-00140452 must consider learners learning style and multiple intelligences and so must x9_9LScdDq0-00238-00140452-00141055 come up with variety of ways of assessing learning emphasized on self x9_9LScdDq0-00239-00141055-00141551 assessment assessment of learning should never be used as punishment or as a x9_9LScdDq0-00240-00141551-00142063 disciplinary measure the salt of learning assessment must be communicated x9_9LScdDq0-00241-00142063-00142678 regularly and clearly to parents emphasized on real-world application x9_9LScdDq0-00242-00142678-00143348 that favours realistic performances over out-of-context drill items to contribute x9_9LScdDq0-00243-00143348-00143711 to the building of the culture of success in the school x9_9LScdDq0-00244-00143711-00144188 it is pedagogically sound that in our assessment techniques we give some x9_9LScdDq0-00245-00144188-00144836 positive feedback along with not so good ones what is the difference between x9_9LScdDq0-00246-00144836-00145301 assessment of learning that is summative assessment and assessment for learning x9_9LScdDq0-00247-00145301-00145949 which is formative assessment when the cook taste the soup that is formative x9_9LScdDq0-00248-00145949-00146297 assessment and when the customer tastes the soup x9_9LScdDq0-00249-00146297-00146921 this is summative assessment according to the base of primary user assessment x9_9LScdDq0-00250-00146921-00147250 of learning is used by policy makers Prague x9_9LScdDq0-00251-00147250-00147717 planners and supervisors where the assessment for learning is used by x9_9LScdDq0-00252-00147717-00148380 students teachers and parents teachers role in assessment of learning is to x9_9LScdDq0-00253-00148380-00149032 follow test administration procedures use results to help student reach GPS x9_9LScdDq0-00254-00149032-00149545 and in assessment for learning the role of teacher is to inform students of x9_9LScdDq0-00255-00149545-00150328 targets modify instructions and involves torrents in assessment students role in x9_9LScdDq0-00256-00150328-00151053 assessment of learning is to study to meet standards take the best strive for x9_9LScdDq0-00257-00151053-00151605 the highest score possible and avoid failure and an assessment for learning x9_9LScdDq0-00258-00151605-00152146 the role of student is trying to understand that target act on classroom x9_9LScdDq0-00259-00152146-00152851 assessment to improve encourage success let us sum up and the assessment of x9_9LScdDq0-00260-00152851-00153340 learning is determined students background knowledge and skills the x9_9LScdDq0-00261-00153340-00153796 district student progress in understanding what is assessment as x9_9LScdDq0-00262-00153796-00154219 learning assessment as learning in which the student reflection result of x9_9LScdDq0-00263-00154219-00154723 assessment chart his or her own progress and plans next step to improve x9_9LScdDq0-00264-00154723-00155304 performance builds metacognition as it involves the student in setting x9_9LScdDq0-00265-00155304-00155935 and monitoring on learning goals and the last one is assessment of learning which x9_9LScdDq0-00266-00155935-00156649 purpose is being summative it measures students attainment of standards thank x9_9LScdDq0-00267-00156649-00156873 you xqBLt8w3bay-00000-00000314-00000926 so a friend asked me if I could make a video while I was painting so I thought xqBLt8w3bay-00001-00000926-00002783 that I'd have a go. What I wanted to do this evening – so I prepared my paper –I'm using this stuff here. xqBLt8w3bay-00002-00002783-00003650 Which is pretty much all of the paper I've used has been this. I'll be continuing with the xqBLt8w3bay-00003-00003650-00004542 acrylic abstract stuff I've been doing most recently. I often work with several at the same xqBLt8w3bay-00004-00004542-00005273 time partly that's about being stingy and not wanting to waste paint. The things in the xqBLt8w3bay-00005-00005273-00005753 most recent set of paintings that I particularly liked were in the most xqBLt8w3bay-00006-00005753-00006360 recent one there's a really nice pattern it's like –I found –as I tried to paint xqBLt8w3bay-00007-00006360-00007161 down with the big Japanese spatula but it was little bit of cleanup here and then xqBLt8w3bay-00008-00007161-00007595 it broke up into lots of spaces there xqBLt8w3bay-00009-00007873-00008361 so let's try and do that again try get a bit more control over how that happens xqBLt8w3bay-00010-00008361-00009125 see if I can again get those interestingly shaped white paper spaces xqBLt8w3bay-00011-00009125-00009786 for them I also really liked on the very first one of this set that I did I have xqBLt8w3bay-00012-00009786-00010436 the line here and really to get darker smooth willing to be unblinking pieces xqBLt8w3bay-00013-00010436-00010752 of color over here and here sort of no separation xqBLt8w3bay-00014-00010752-00011261 I found between the dark and the light and I'd like to try and do some of that xqBLt8w3bay-00015-00011261-00011796 less so fewer clouds all together and less meeting together I'm at least xqBLt8w3bay-00016-00011796-00012461 there's a basis and then something else I given the most recent one was when I xqBLt8w3bay-00017-00012461-00012947 had put just a few marks on the paper mostly bits I really liked and so I xqBLt8w3bay-00018-00012947-00013183 decided to try and focus on like highlight xqBLt8w3bay-00019-00013183-00013644 those bits in the paint that went on after that trying to keep them these xqBLt8w3bay-00020-00013644-00014269 some burst actions on the paper rather than what has often happened to me it xqBLt8w3bay-00021-00014269-00015801 ends up completely covering on the which I find I end up somewhere so xqBLt8w3bay-00023-00030693-00032244 we're just black or brown getting green white some green in that black xqBLt8w3bay-00024-00034137-00035952 yeah okay I'll take that soon and I have a very soft spot for this young yellow xqBLt8w3bay-00025-00035952-00037353 stick some of that on the paper so I'm going to try it first of all being all xqBLt8w3bay-00026-00037353-00037894 quite thickly and then trying to pull away and leave those nice white marks xqBLt8w3bay-00027-00037894-00038881 gaps Oh still a bit too broken off but I mean quite not quite at the caps I'm xqBLt8w3bay-00028-00038881-00039205 getting there squeezed down but I wish my yellow xqBLt8w3bay-00029-00039205-00039874 that's my hair like not quite work yellow didn't really come through my xqBLt8w3bay-00030-00039874-00040388 restricting I'm squeezing down there if people yell that was was gonna get this xqBLt8w3bay-00031-00040388-00040869 spatula on paper is probably I guess it's hidden in there isn't it xqBLt8w3bay-00032-00040869-00041534 underneath this blue so they made it by like the spaces I've got there but xqBLt8w3bay-00033-00041534-00042569 really what I was looking for was hoping to come here and have yeah more smaller xqBLt8w3bay-00034-00042569-00043402 irregularly shaped gaps I'm going to pull that bit off there's no place to xqBLt8w3bay-00035-00043402-00044052 paint and always I'll have an avocado on just slide I like the streets there and xqBLt8w3bay-00036-00044052-00044465 it wasn't really what I was aiming for here strike xqBLt8w3bay-00037-00045005-00045749 there's quite hard to get the smear okay getting some interesting claps again I xqBLt8w3bay-00038-00045749-00046778 sure where they come from what does it makes us happy now I find that that was xqBLt8w3bay-00039-00046778-00047768 more what I was looking for guess it's that I just have the paint applied with xqBLt8w3bay-00040-00047768-00048293 different thickness on different parts of the edge and I guess I also press xqBLt8w3bay-00041-00048293-00049186 more in some places than others just mix this up a bit I'm going to try again xqBLt8w3bay-00042-00050731-00051190 pushing down into the middle here I hope xqBLt8w3bay-00043-00051649-00052489 you're way off it okay I get ya perhaps not again xqBLt8w3bay-00044-00052489-00053240 what I was looking for but replicating the ones I like so much room almost xqBLt8w3bay-00045-00053240-00053911 recent painting but I mean obviously doing this Stallone on time xqBLt8w3bay-00046-00053911-00054955 so dude I mean they're all really rather different hunt they the impact that they xqBLt8w3bay-00047-00054955-00055472 give kind of curious to see if I can get it simple yellow if I scrape there but I xqBLt8w3bay-00048-00055472-00056585 guess I'll be scraping off both the blue and yellow probably I mean I think each xqBLt8w3bay-00049-00056585-00057301 of them is interesting enough on its own at the moment so I will let them dry and xqBLt8w3bay-00050-00057301-00057845 then come back to them tomorrow and have a think about what I want to do is the xqBLt8w3bay-00051-00057845-00058382 next part of me bleep up me because I've got paint on here but also I'm kind of xqBLt8w3bay-00052-00058382-00059207 tinted question why but I think I'd like to put some horizontal streaks on this xqBLt8w3bay-00053-00059207-00059819 one to see how that overlapping no because I'm actually a judge that right xqBLt8w3bay-00054-00059819-00061226 there it brings out the tones from the rest of the painting try and push down a xqBLt8w3bay-00055-00061226-00061528 little bit more on this part xqBLt8w3bay-00057-00068587-00069243 one we put down I'm gonna drag that into the black xqBLt8w3bay-00058-00070611-00071116 am I happy for it to be so this is going to begin with a round head rather than xqBLt8w3bay-00059-00071116-00071662 the flat ones that i have here and i've been using recently it's beyond us quite xqBLt8w3bay-00060-00071662-00072235 like but maybe it's nice to have the contrast by having a round headed streak xqBLt8w3bay-00061-00072235-00072601 yeah let's do that I think it's okay which is such opposed xqBLt8w3bay-00062-00072601-00073423 yeah looks things up like that way these are pretty different no these are the xqBLt8w3bay-00063-00073423-00074116 kinds of shapes I was looking forward so actually not quite I do that yeah all xqBLt8w3bay-00064-00074116-00074655 right I'm gonna stop there we'll come back to xtnvPjCxWAk-00000-00000000-00001280 RiceGum what do you doing man what is up everybody this is Chris from the xtnvPjCxWAk-00001-00001280-00001692 rewired so where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if xtnvPjCxWAk-00002-00001692-00001989 you're new to my channel my channel is all about mental health and what I like xtnvPjCxWAk-00003-00001989-00002343 to do is pull different topics from the YouTube community to try to teach you xtnvPjCxWAk-00004-00002343-00002678 how to improve your mental and emotional well-being so if you're getting that xtnvPjCxWAk-00005-00002678-00002967 kind of stuff make sure you subscribe and bring that boat of occasional Bell xtnvPjCxWAk-00006-00002967-00003473 and if you don't you should do do you want to know what you should do you xtnvPjCxWAk-00007-00003473-00003921 should go follow me on instagram at the rewired soul because all I'm trying to xtnvPjCxWAk-00008-00003921-00004482 do going into 2019 is hit 10,000 followers so I can get that beautiful xtnvPjCxWAk-00009-00004482-00004971 swipe up feature in my stories that's it come follow me over there for some extra xtnvPjCxWAk-00010-00004971-00005382 mental health goodness and I take amazing pictures like these to show you xtnvPjCxWAk-00011-00005382-00006035 my gorgeous cats alright yeah we're going to talk about rice gum today we're xtnvPjCxWAk-00012-00006035-00006602 gonna be talking about his channel I'm not gonna be diving into like rice gum xtnvPjCxWAk-00013-00006602-00007113 controversies as him as a person if you want that scoop go watch the idubbbz content cop xtnvPjCxWAk-00014-00007113-00007536 there's all that stuff but yeah I don't think ricegum is a good role model or xtnvPjCxWAk-00015-00007536-00008045 anything like that but I was actually a spider right not right to record this xtnvPjCxWAk-00016-00008045-00008478 video talk about wise cub from one of my new favorite channels it's not even a xtnvPjCxWAk-00017-00008478-00008910 new channel but the channel is Christopher Tom so this dude has been xtnvPjCxWAk-00018-00008910-00009399 following me for a little while on YouTube and he's talked to me on Twitter xtnvPjCxWAk-00019-00009399-00009825 and he's a good dude and we've chatted a little bit and I just now this morning xtnvPjCxWAk-00020-00009825-00010161 went over to his channel I saw her binge watching his stuff and xtnvPjCxWAk-00021-00010161-00010572 oh my god I'm gonna link his channel down below and up at the info card go xtnvPjCxWAk-00022-00010572-00011238 check his channel out like this this kid this kid is legit one of my favorite xtnvPjCxWAk-00023-00011238-00011561 commentators now like one of my favorites like I was watching it and xtnvPjCxWAk-00024-00011561-00012078 it's like a blend between like YouTube commentary or even like internet culture xtnvPjCxWAk-00025-00012078-00012609 commentary and like psych IRL like I get that kind of vibe this kid is only 18 xtnvPjCxWAk-00026-00012609-00012891 years old and like his understanding of the xtnvPjCxWAk-00027-00012891-00013378 brain and psychology and the mind and things going on in society like it was xtnvPjCxWAk-00028-00013378-00013695 blowing me away so I was talking to him this morning hopefully he'll come over xtnvPjCxWAk-00029-00013695-00014073 and do a collab with me but you guys like he's only at 9000 subscribers xtnvPjCxWAk-00030-00014073-00014527 and like my one of my other goals aside from growing my Instagram in 2019 is to xtnvPjCxWAk-00031-00014527-00015013 help this kid blow up like he is phenomenal and super super smart for his xtnvPjCxWAk-00032-00015013-00015588 age so go check out Christopher Tom all right this morning I was just kids xtnvPjCxWAk-00033-00015588-00015876 watching you stuff and I watch this video on ricegum like I don't really xtnvPjCxWAk-00034-00015876-00016320 care about rice following his stuff but there was a part in Christopher Tom's xtnvPjCxWAk-00035-00016320-00016704 video that really stuck out to me and I'll show you a clip right now and xtnvPjCxWAk-00036-00016704-00017044 although some youtubers aren't able to change things up rice comes audience was xtnvPjCxWAk-00037-00017044-00017406 actually pretty receptive to the changes his overall viewership wasn't really xtnvPjCxWAk-00038-00017406-00017734 affected by this change however his relationship with his fans xtnvPjCxWAk-00039-00017734-00019632 eventually began to deteriorate he would start to upload at a slower rate now xtnvPjCxWAk-00040-00019632-00020053 this in and of itself isn't so bad what made this situation so bad for him was xtnvPjCxWAk-00041-00020053-00020431 that he would often make promises to his subscribers like daily uploads and he xtnvPjCxWAk-00042-00020431-00020890 would continuously break these promises again and again hey guys I feel like xtnvPjCxWAk-00043-00020890-00021292 every week we talk I give you guys more of a reason to hate me I have a lot of xtnvPjCxWAk-00044-00021292-00021703 supporters and I have a lot of haters but slowly my supporters are turning xtnvPjCxWAk-00045-00021703-00022135 into haters lengths it's a combination of lack of content broken promises and xtnvPjCxWAk-00046-00022135-00022513 just being inconsistent is honestly all my fault you guys deserve a lot better xtnvPjCxWAk-00047-00022513-00022932 but he still continued to slack on his upload schedule so yeah the first topic xtnvPjCxWAk-00048-00022932-00023506 I want to talk about is like having false promises and little to no xtnvPjCxWAk-00049-00023506-00023923 accountability and all you some of my experience like you guys we cause so xtnvPjCxWAk-00050-00023923-00024310 much of our own problems and we don't understand like you guys I try to take xtnvPjCxWAk-00051-00024310-00024720 these YouTube figures and try to help you understand how you're doing this xtnvPjCxWAk-00052-00024720-00025192 stuff in your own life this is me like I hate to admit it but ricegum and myself xtnvPjCxWAk-00053-00025192-00025540 had this in common so those of you who don't know me if you're new to my xtnvPjCxWAk-00054-00025540-00025745 channel I'm the recovering drug addict an alcoholic xtnvPjCxWAk-00055-00025745-00026138 all right I have six and a half years clean from drugs and alcohol I haven't xtnvPjCxWAk-00056-00026138-00026481 touched a single substance but what I learned when I got clean and sober was xtnvPjCxWAk-00057-00026481-00026858 it wasn't just that people didn't like me because of my addiction they've left xtnvPjCxWAk-00058-00026858-00027219 me because I was just irresponsible you couldn't hold me accountable for xtnvPjCxWAk-00059-00027219-00027663 anything like this is one of the reasons why I talk about accountability so so so xtnvPjCxWAk-00060-00027663-00028091 much like I was write them I I knew I was screwing up I always knew I was xtnvPjCxWAk-00061-00028091-00028362 screwing up whether it was with my family with my girlfriend with my xtnvPjCxWAk-00062-00028362-00028697 friends with work right I would keep messing up over and over xtnvPjCxWAk-00063-00028697-00029066 and over and I would apologize I would keep coming back and apologize and think xtnvPjCxWAk-00064-00029066-00029631 was I was so sincere about my my apology I felt awful I felt awful about I'm like xtnvPjCxWAk-00065-00029631-00029939 you know what I'm gonna change I'm gonna try to stop doing this I'm I'm gonna xtnvPjCxWAk-00066-00029939-00030330 work really hard at it but I didn't I didn't I kept doing the same exact xtnvPjCxWAk-00067-00030330-00030744 behaviors and what Christopher Thomas pointing out is how rice gum became xtnvPjCxWAk-00068-00030744-00031163 inconsistent with his content and it kept coming back and apologizing for it xtnvPjCxWAk-00069-00031163-00031544 and whether he was sincere or not I don't need to be the judge of it but we xtnvPjCxWAk-00070-00031544-00031908 could know what really happened to white gum by seeing these false promises and xtnvPjCxWAk-00071-00031908-00032395 that Christopher Tom pointed out his fans even noticed that too like you guys xtnvPjCxWAk-00072-00032395-00032799 here if any of you are aspiring youtubers let me tell you one of the xtnvPjCxWAk-00073-00032799-00033228 first lessons I learned when I jumped on this platform when I first started my xtnvPjCxWAk-00074-00033228-00033603 youtube channel I started looking around at other mental health channels and xtnvPjCxWAk-00075-00033603-00034013 their addiction channels and seeing who was doing good who wasn't doing great or xtnvPjCxWAk-00076-00034013-00034461 who stopped growing or whatever was the best lesson that I learned when I xtnvPjCxWAk-00077-00034461-00034875 started researching this was all I had to do is just outlast everybody because xtnvPjCxWAk-00078-00034875-00035375 so many people drop off so many people lack consistency I knew I knew for a xtnvPjCxWAk-00079-00035375-00035834 fact that if I could be consistent on this platform I would grow and I'm gonna xtnvPjCxWAk-00080-00035834-00036197 talk more about that in a minute but like that's all you have to do you xtnvPjCxWAk-00081-00036197-00036519 have to be more consistent than the next guy like other people try to tell you xtnvPjCxWAk-00082-00036519-00036849 like oh you can't grow on YouTube or you can't grow on social media or you can't xtnvPjCxWAk-00083-00036849-00037188 do that so you can't do that all you got to do is be better all you got to do is xtnvPjCxWAk-00084-00037188-00037581 be better by being consistent like my editing isn't all that great I do very xtnvPjCxWAk-00085-00037581-00037950 minimal editing in fact this video that you're watching right now there is very xtnvPjCxWAk-00086-00037950-00038409 little editing in this entire video I used like one clip and that's about all xtnvPjCxWAk-00087-00038409-00038863 I'm gonna do but my consistency is on point right xtnvPjCxWAk-00088-00038863-00039133 and this is something that's huge especially when you're on a platform xtnvPjCxWAk-00089-00039133-00039649 like this and you're building a fan base like I'm not going to name names but xtnvPjCxWAk-00090-00039649-00039958 like there is a mental health youtuber out there xtnvPjCxWAk-00091-00039958-00040363 who was one of the first ones that I found and I absolutely fell in love with xtnvPjCxWAk-00092-00040363-00040819 their channel it was so helpful the information was great just so amazing xtnvPjCxWAk-00093-00040819-00041341 and as I started to take YouTube seriously they stopped posting videos xtnvPjCxWAk-00094-00041341-00041671 now granted they were dealing with their own kind of mental health struggles but xtnvPjCxWAk-00095-00041671-00041956 as a mental health youtuber that's one of the reasons we got to keep this thing xtnvPjCxWAk-00096-00041956-00042367 in check like same thing as a father I gotta keep my mental health in check so xtnvPjCxWAk-00097-00042367-00042715 I can be a good father but when we're mental health youtubers it gives us even xtnvPjCxWAk-00098-00042715-00043255 more of a reason to make sure our mental health is in a good place but anyways xtnvPjCxWAk-00099-00043255-00043765 this youtuber made a couple comebacks disappeared and yeah it bums me out like xtnvPjCxWAk-00100-00043765-00044143 it really bums me out but you guys this is why people like xtnvPjCxWAk-00101-00044143-00044686 rice cup are losing subscribers like you'll see you'll see some youtubers who xtnvPjCxWAk-00102-00044686-00045223 do this when they when they become less consistent they actually lose a lot of xtnvPjCxWAk-00103-00045223-00045757 subscribers when they post and his here's my theory on this is that people xtnvPjCxWAk-00104-00045757-00046123 forgot they were subscribed to this person because they haven't posted in so xtnvPjCxWAk-00105-00046123-00046555 long no in that post people get upset they're like what what is this like I'm xtnvPjCxWAk-00106-00046555-00046912 not gonna stay subscribed to you if you're posting so inconsistently and xtnvPjCxWAk-00107-00046912-00047254 they unsubscribe right and that's something that Christopher Tom pointed xtnvPjCxWAk-00108-00047254-00047623 out with rice gums number is that they're starting to dip so he's made xtnvPjCxWAk-00109-00047623-00048031 these false promises and these apologies that he doesn't follow through with so xtnvPjCxWAk-00110-00048031-00048337 the number one thing I want you to take away from my video if you're somebody xtnvPjCxWAk-00111-00048337-00048736 who apologizes all the time the promise this change of ways actions speak louder xtnvPjCxWAk-00112-00048736-00049237 than words alright like I have clients who came to me all the time like oh my xtnvPjCxWAk-00113-00049237-00049561 family still doesn't trust me oh why don't people forgive me oh this the xtnvPjCxWAk-00114-00049561-00049951 other right and it's because actions speak louder than words xtnvPjCxWAk-00115-00049951-00050473 alright apologies don't mean jack squat unless you're doing something about it I xtnvPjCxWAk-00116-00050473-00050830 have somebody DM me the other day about their relationship they're in a xtnvPjCxWAk-00117-00050830-00051151 relationship with somebody with borderline personality disorder and they xtnvPjCxWAk-00118-00051151-00051384 were telling me about you know how difficult it is but they're trying to xtnvPjCxWAk-00119-00051384-00051952 work on it and this person told me that their partner is trying xtnvPjCxWAk-00120-00051952-00052279 to get better and I'm like what do you mean by trying right because I hear a xtnvPjCxWAk-00121-00052279-00052541 lot of people when they're saying they're trying to work on their mental xtnvPjCxWAk-00122-00052541-00052813 health they're not doing anything they're just saying they are like what xtnvPjCxWAk-00123-00052813-00053167 does this mean what is trying me are you going to therapy right are you xtnvPjCxWAk-00124-00053167-00053539 meditating are you journaling are you taking medications are you talking to xtnvPjCxWAk-00125-00053539-00053782 your doctor are you seeing a psychologist a psychiatrist xtnvPjCxWAk-00126-00053782-00054145 have you joined a support group like that's trying to me a lot of people say xtnvPjCxWAk-00127-00054145-00054469 I'm trying but they're not really doing anything so I want all of you to xtnvPjCxWAk-00128-00054469-00054931 remember your actions speak louder than words the second topic I want to talk xtnvPjCxWAk-00129-00054931-00055402 about is something that Tristan and I talk a lot about and like I'm thinking xtnvPjCxWAk-00130-00055402-00055750 about making a video on this I just don't know how to tie it in to mental xtnvPjCxWAk-00131-00055750-00056077 health but now's a good time to just kind of bring it up and I'm not gonna xtnvPjCxWAk-00132-00056077-00056680 name names again but like twisting twisting is absolutely blown away at the xtnvPjCxWAk-00133-00056680-00057181 amount of videos I put out because I'm pretty much daily I do two videos a day xtnvPjCxWAk-00134-00057181-00057662 most days right and Tristan's like what are these other youtubers doing who are xtnvPjCxWAk-00135-00057662-00058087 posted like once a week who do this full-time and I can't help but ask xtnvPjCxWAk-00136-00058087-00058424 myself the same question now don't get me wrong I know a lot of them you know xtnvPjCxWAk-00137-00058424-00058949 they tour or they travel or whatever but how many youtubers do you know who post xtnvPjCxWAk-00138-00058949-00059443 one video a week or even one video a month and this is a full-time job right xtnvPjCxWAk-00139-00059443-00059926 rice comes a great example I bro what are you doing with the rest of your time xtnvPjCxWAk-00140-00059926-00060335 like what are you doing like people ask me all the time or they say Chris I wish xtnvPjCxWAk-00141-00060335-00060749 I had your energy I wish I had your work ethic no the only thing is and I need to xtnvPjCxWAk-00142-00060749-00061138 make videos about time management or maybe I'll send it out in my email blast xtnvPjCxWAk-00143-00061138-00061417 by the way sign up for my email list is free it's down in the description xtnvPjCxWAk-00144-00061417-00061942 anyways like the only reason I'm able to get so much done is because a long time xtnvPjCxWAk-00145-00061942-00062512 ago I realize how much time every single day I'm wasting right how much time I xtnvPjCxWAk-00146-00062512-00063019 waste binge watching Netflix how much time I wasted binge watching YouTube how xtnvPjCxWAk-00147-00063019-00063500 much time I just completely zoned out and just flip through Instagram or xtnvPjCxWAk-00148-00063500-00063986 Facebook or Twitter when you count up all those hours you realize how much xtnvPjCxWAk-00149-00063986-00064504 time you are wasting like something I'm trying to do every single day if I am xtnvPjCxWAk-00150-00064504-00065137 awake I try to make every single minute count and maybe like maybe xtnvPjCxWAk-00151-00065137-00065437 and this is something that all of you can use to your benefit if you have a xtnvPjCxWAk-00152-00065437-00065878 similar story to me but six and a half years ago I almost died dude like I had xtnvPjCxWAk-00153-00065878-00066304 a 10% chance of living because of my drug addiction and alcoholism like Todd xtnvPjCxWAk-00154-00066304-00066673 is very precious to me a lot of you comment on how I always xtnvPjCxWAk-00155-00066673-00066943 look tired I don't sleep that much when I wake up xtnvPjCxWAk-00156-00066943-00067288 early in the morning I don't like to go back to bed because when I'm awake like xtnvPjCxWAk-00157-00067288-00067741 I am living on borrowed time and I am so grateful every single day that I get to xtnvPjCxWAk-00158-00067741-00068098 wake up and I get to do something like this to help inspire other people like xtnvPjCxWAk-00159-00068098-00068590 you to improve your mental health I love it I love it so so so much my life is so xtnvPjCxWAk-00160-00068590-00068923 much better today so once I realized that I try to make every minute of my xtnvPjCxWAk-00161-00068923-00069337 day a little bit better by making it worthwhile whether it's making these xtnvPjCxWAk-00162-00069337-00069688 videos whether it's spending time with Tristan or my son or it's just xtnvPjCxWAk-00163-00069688-00069967 communicating with all of you like just this morning I did a livestream and I xtnvPjCxWAk-00164-00069967-00070336 got to hang out with you guys all right but anyways anyways let me know what xtnvPjCxWAk-00165-00070336-00070738 your thoughts are about inconsistent youtubers or let me know if you have xtnvPjCxWAk-00166-00070738-00071065 issues with time management let me know down in the comments alright anyways xtnvPjCxWAk-00167-00071065-00071452 don't forget go subscribe over to Christopher tom the kid is amazing we're xtnvPjCxWAk-00168-00071452-00071818 gonna collapse soon alright and go follow me on Instagram because I love xtnvPjCxWAk-00169-00071818-00072313 you and I need to be able to have people swipe on all right that's all I got for xtnvPjCxWAk-00170-00072313-00072622 this video if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new make xtnvPjCxWAk-00171-00072622-00072904 sure you subscribe and win that notification though because I make a ton xtnvPjCxWAk-00172-00072904-00073228 of videos and a huge huge huge thank you to everybody supporting the channel over xtnvPjCxWAk-00173-00073228-00073519 on patreon you're all amazing and make sure you go check out the exclusive xtnvPjCxWAk-00174-00073519-00073867 content over on patreon for all the patrons okay if you would like to sign xtnvPjCxWAk-00175-00073867-00074430 up click your top right there thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time xtWrekgLKHI-00000-00000066-00000141 What is this? xtWrekgLKHI-00001-00000220-00000304 A chair? xtWrekgLKHI-00002-00000466-00000541 Wait?! xtWrekgLKHI-00003-00000662-00000862 I've been in this situation before xtWrekgLKHI-00004-00000941-00001041 You know... xtWrekgLKHI-00005-00001266-00001491 I've been doing this for a lot of years xtWrekgLKHI-00006-00001570-00001779 The same chair has probably been used in like xtWrekgLKHI-00007-00001925-00002125 maybe three or four different skits xtWrekgLKHI-00008-00002270-00002416 How about just one time xtWrekgLKHI-00009-00002470-00002583 I just sit on the chair xtWrekgLKHI-00010-00002695-00002820 and nothing happened xtWrekgLKHI-00011-00003100-00003300 That'd be a nice skit right? xu36Yw2awmE-00000-00000000-00001622 This rollercoaster opened in 1996 by Michael Jackson xyDyCNmFfA0-00000-00000004-00000107 (male narrator) In this video, xyDyCNmFfA0-00001-00000107-00000404 we will start taking a look at some special products xyDyCNmFfA0-00002-00000404-00000707 that we can use to help us factor much quicker xyDyCNmFfA0-00003-00000707-00001105 than the traditional trinomial method. xyDyCNmFfA0-00004-00001105-00001502 You will recall that we have the special multiplying property xyDyCNmFfA0-00005-00001502-00001705 of a sum and a difference, xyDyCNmFfA0-00006-00001705-00002001 where we would just square the first term xyDyCNmFfA0-00007-00002001-00002401 by multiplying a times a and then multiply b times -b xyDyCNmFfA0-00008-00002401-00002605 to get -b squared. xyDyCNmFfA0-00009-00002605-00003004 We knew the center term subtracted out to 0. xyDyCNmFfA0-00010-00003004-00003204 We can use this property xyDyCNmFfA0-00011-00003204-00003506 to help us factor a difference of squares. xyDyCNmFfA0-00012-00003506-00003900 A difference of squares will always factor xyDyCNmFfA0-00013-00003900-00004206 to the sum and difference... xyDyCNmFfA0-00014-00004705-00005001 of the square roots. xyDyCNmFfA0-00015-00005504-00005908 In other words, if we can take the square root of both terms, xyDyCNmFfA0-00016-00005908-00006108 and there's a subtraction between them, xyDyCNmFfA0-00017-00006108-00006407 we have a difference of squares. xyDyCNmFfA0-00018-00006407-00006606 This will always factor xyDyCNmFfA0-00019-00006606-00007006 to a sum and a difference of the square roots. xyDyCNmFfA0-00020-00007006-00007600 The square roots in this case are a and b, a and b. xyDyCNmFfA0-00021-00007600-00007803 Let's take a look at some examples xyDyCNmFfA0-00022-00007803-00008300 where we can use this very property to help us factor. xyDyCNmFfA0-00023-00008300-00008901 In this case, we notice the two terms are subtracted, xyDyCNmFfA0-00024-00008901-00009403 so we can take the square root of the a squared, which is a, xyDyCNmFfA0-00025-00009403-00009800 and the square root of the 81, which is 9, xyDyCNmFfA0-00026-00009800-00010009 and use those to make our factors. xyDyCNmFfA0-00027-00010009-00010304 A difference of squares will always factor xyDyCNmFfA0-00028-00010304-00010703 to the sum and difference of the square roots. xyDyCNmFfA0-00029-00010703-00011201 This means we have a plus 9 and a minus 9. xyDyCNmFfA0-00030-00011201-00011406 This expression is now factored. xyDyCNmFfA0-00031-00011601-00011807 Let's take a look at another example. xyDyCNmFfA0-00032-00012005-00012502 In this problem, we again see we are subtracting two terms. xyDyCNmFfA0-00033-00012502-00012805 We can take the square root of both terms. xyDyCNmFfA0-00034-00012805-00013302 The square root of 49x squared is 7x. xyDyCNmFfA0-00035-00013302-00013800 The square root of 25y squared is 5y. xyDyCNmFfA0-00036-00014107-00014401 We can now factor this quickly xyDyCNmFfA0-00037-00014401-00014808 to the sum and the difference of the square roots: xyDyCNmFfA0-00038-00014808-00015403 7x plus 5y, times 7x, minus 5y. xyDyCNmFfA0-00039-00015603-00015907 And this is now our factored solution. xyDyCNmFfA0-00040-00015907-00016205 If we can recognize the difference of squares xyDyCNmFfA0-00041-00016205-00016307 where we're subtracting xyDyCNmFfA0-00042-00016307-00016605 and can take the square root of both terms, xyDyCNmFfA0-00043-00016605-00016805 we can quickly factor it xyDyCNmFfA0-00044-00016805-00017202 to a sum and difference of the square roots. x_dplAAc--Q-00000-00000034-00000527 Let’s start off with a difficult question: How do you define “reality?” x_dplAAc--Q-00001-00000527-00000722 What is truly, “real?” x_dplAAc--Q-00002-00000722-00000976 Is it simply a case of what we can see? x_dplAAc--Q-00003-00000976-00001609 If something is known, as fact, and can be proven to exist, does this make it real? x_dplAAc--Q-00004-00001609-00002123 Is reality just the world around us, or is there something more? x_dplAAc--Q-00005-00002123-00002514 The goal of these questions isn’t to make you question every part of the world around x_dplAAc--Q-00006-00002514-00002936 you, or to question whether or not we are all living in a computer simulation. x_dplAAc--Q-00007-00002936-00003504 No, you’re asked this to help you understand reality, because first of all, we aren’t x_dplAAc--Q-00008-00003504-00003947 living in a simulation… we’re living in a sitcom. x_dplAAc--Q-00009-00003947-00004435 There is a wide ranging debate on what the most powerful and dangerous SCPs ever encountered x_dplAAc--Q-00010-00004435-00005032 are, but there is no denying the ever-present danger of SCP-3812. x_dplAAc--Q-00011-00005032-00005540 This Keter-class entity is regarded as highly aggressive by the O5 Council, especially as x_dplAAc--Q-00012-00005540-00006012 it has only ever been partially contained, never fully. x_dplAAc--Q-00013-00006012-00006508 The true scope of its abilities is currently unknown, and any available information on x_dplAAc--Q-00014-00006508-00006952 SCP-3812 is kept classified and secure by the Foundation. x_dplAAc--Q-00015-00006952-00007584 Needless to say, this entity poses a direct threat not only to the SCP Foundation, but x_dplAAc--Q-00016-00007584-00007950 to the very fabric of reality itself. x_dplAAc--Q-00017-00007950-00008436 Contained within the file for SCP-3812 is an excerpt from an article by one Doctor Robert x_dplAAc--Q-00018-00008436-00008941 Scranton titled "Supersession and the Echelon of Reality.” x_dplAAc--Q-00019-00008941-00009457 In this article, Doctor Scranton posits a theory about the nature of reality, and understanding x_dplAAc--Q-00020-00009457-00009772 him is the first step towards understanding SCP-3812. x_dplAAc--Q-00021-00009772-00010373 His ”Recursive Stack” theory states that there are different layers to reality, but x_dplAAc--Q-00022-00010373-00010707 also that no single universe is “real.” x_dplAAc--Q-00023-00010707-00011289 An easy way to think of it is to imagine a sitcom, any sitcom you can envision will do. x_dplAAc--Q-00024-00011289-00011840 Between us, and the fictional world of a sitcom, there are multiple observable stacked universes. x_dplAAc--Q-00025-00011840-00012397 Firstly, our universe, the ”real world” as we experience it, forms the baseline, so x_dplAAc--Q-00026-00012397-00012645 imagine this sitting at the top of the stack. x_dplAAc--Q-00027-00012645-00013126 Next down in the stack comes the sitcom, a fictional universe filled with characters, x_dplAAc--Q-00028-00013126-00013359 which fits below our universe. x_dplAAc--Q-00029-00013359-00013912 Then, think of what is fiction within the fiction of the sitcom, perhaps another television x_dplAAc--Q-00030-00013912-00014406 show, one that only exists in the world of the sitcom, but not in our own. x_dplAAc--Q-00031-00014406-00014957 This is the Recursive Stack, infinitely layered universes, and it is crucial you can envision x_dplAAc--Q-00032-00014957-00015176 and remember this model. x_dplAAc--Q-00033-00015176-00015640 Doctor Scranton’s theory suggests that any universe, even our own, could potentially x_dplAAc--Q-00034-00015640-00016098 exist as a fictional narrative within another, wider universe. x_dplAAc--Q-00035-00016098-00016579 This wider universe, in which ours is a fiction, could also itself be a narrative within an x_dplAAc--Q-00036-00016579-00016914 even wider universe stacked above it, and so on. x_dplAAc--Q-00037-00016914-00017246 It’s interesting to picture reality this way, isn’t it? x_dplAAc--Q-00038-00017246-00017633 In fact, I’m willing to bet that you’re wondering, maybe there’s a universe above x_dplAAc--Q-00039-00017633-00017854 ours, or even one above that. x_dplAAc--Q-00040-00017854-00018260 Would the universe right at the top of the stack be the truly “real” world? x_dplAAc--Q-00041-00018260-00018609 And what if you could travel between each stacked reality? x_dplAAc--Q-00042-00018609-00019153 If you are asking any of those questions, then congratulations, you sound exactly like x_dplAAc--Q-00043-00019153-00019353 SCP-3812. x_dplAAc--Q-00044-00019353-00019792 SCP-3812 was previously known as Sam Howell. x_dplAAc--Q-00045-00019792-00020290 While little is known about his life, Sam was, as far as anyone knew, regarded as a x_dplAAc--Q-00046-00020290-00020543 fairly ordinary human being. x_dplAAc--Q-00047-00020543-00021163 Until his death in 1996, shortly after which Sam rose from his grave and disappeared. x_dplAAc--Q-00048-00021163-00021790 It is unknown whether SCP-3812 simply imitated the form of Sam Howell, or if they are one x_dplAAc--Q-00049-00021790-00022344 and the same, as this entity has been known to have the ability to change forms at will, x_dplAAc--Q-00050-00022344-00022594 making it hard for the Foundation to track it. x_dplAAc--Q-00051-00022594-00023062 It does usually maintain a humanoid appearance, however this has deteriorated somewhat over x_dplAAc--Q-00052-00023062-00023235 numerous decades. x_dplAAc--Q-00053-00023235-00023723 By now, you may have already gathered that the extent of SCP-3812’s abilities don’t x_dplAAc--Q-00054-00023723-00023887 end at shape shifting. x_dplAAc--Q-00055-00023887-00024374 This SCP is a powerful, aggressive, reality altering entity. x_dplAAc--Q-00056-00024374-00024662 Cast your mind back to the Recursive Stack. x_dplAAc--Q-00057-00024662-00025223 SCP-3812 is able to travel upwards through these stacked universes, creating untold chaos x_dplAAc--Q-00058-00025223-00025571 using its plethora of world-bending abilities. x_dplAAc--Q-00059-00025571-00026094 As far as the SCP Foundation can tell, 3812’s sole intention is to become an omnipotent x_dplAAc--Q-00060-00026094-00026481 force existing above any and all possible universes. x_dplAAc--Q-00061-00026481-00026849 In other words, the top of the stack. x_dplAAc--Q-00062-00026849-00027431 Aside from the ability to change shape, SCP-3812’s control and alteration of a reality around x_dplAAc--Q-00063-00027431-00027812 it is achieved by its long list of latent abilities. x_dplAAc--Q-00064-00027812-00028260 This entity is capable of feats far beyond that of normal humans such as teleportation, x_dplAAc--Q-00065-00028260-00028360 telekinesis, telepathy. x_dplAAc--Q-00066-00028360-00029202 However, SCP-3812 is also able to directly manipulate any and all aspects of reality. x_dplAAc--Q-00067-00029202-00029739 It can influence and alter observable forces around us, for example the manipulation of x_dplAAc--Q-00068-00029739-00030249 matter, energy, weather, and even gravity and other Laws of Physics as we know them. x_dplAAc--Q-00069-00030249-00030558 But the creature can also warp reality on further levels. x_dplAAc--Q-00070-00030558-00031123 It’s able to erase people, objects or even concepts to the point where human beings lose x_dplAAc--Q-00071-00031123-00031349 virtually all memory of them. x_dplAAc--Q-00072-00031349-00031837 With the danger that an entity this powerful poses to our reality, it’s not surprising x_dplAAc--Q-00073-00031837-00032253 that the SCP Foundation would attempt to nullify its abilities. x_dplAAc--Q-00074-00032253-00032793 One attempt by the Foundation involved another, unknown SCP which created an anti-metaphysical x_dplAAc--Q-00075-00032793-00032893 field. x_dplAAc--Q-00076-00032893-00033421 This was done in the hopes that this would strip SCP-3812 of its reality warping abilities, x_dplAAc--Q-00077-00033421-00033946 however the entity was unfazed, the containment attempt failed, and the remains of the unknown x_dplAAc--Q-00078-00033946-00034474 SCP instead resulted in the creation of SCP-239. x_dplAAc--Q-00079-00034474-00035100 As for the SCP-3812 entity’s own origin, that is still largely unknown. x_dplAAc--Q-00080-00035100-00035660 But there does exist a message on a secure server in the SCP Foundation’s O5 Command, x_dplAAc--Q-00081-00035660-00036191 seemingly from another entity belonging to a reality stacked higher above our own, that x_dplAAc--Q-00082-00036191-00036813 appears to have created a reality much further down, one that SCP-3812 inhabited. x_dplAAc--Q-00083-00036813-00037284 And now it seems that SCP-3812 is climbing up the stack. x_dplAAc--Q-00084-00037284-00037818 There is a trade-off of sorts to the abundance of powers SCP-3812 possesses. x_dplAAc--Q-00085-00037818-00038298 The entity is in an almost constant state of ascension through different stacked universes, x_dplAAc--Q-00086-00038298-00038740 climbing higher and higher, believing every reality beneath it to be a fiction. x_dplAAc--Q-00087-00038740-00039155 The creature has developed multiple, severe mental conditions that seem to be a direct x_dplAAc--Q-00088-00039155-00039531 result of overexposure to different layers of reality. x_dplAAc--Q-00089-00039531-00040046 This includes an advanced form of Eigenmann-Veitor schizophrenia complex, which often manifests x_dplAAc--Q-00090-00040046-00040337 in extreme symptoms within the creature. x_dplAAc--Q-00091-00040337-00040974 SCP-3812 has been known to suffer from paranoia, dysphoria, depression, an inability to control x_dplAAc--Q-00092-00040974-00041609 its emotions, as well as hearing voices, seeing things that do not exist and possessing multiple x_dplAAc--Q-00093-00041609-00041709 personalities. x_dplAAc--Q-00094-00041709-00042256 While the creature is usually aimless, SCP-3812 has been known to have random outbursts that x_dplAAc--Q-00095-00042256-00042591 can cause anomalies within local space and time. x_dplAAc--Q-00096-00042591-00043096 But, thanks to it experiencing so many different layers of reality, traveling upwards through x_dplAAc--Q-00097-00043096-00043707 what it perceives to be fictional universes, SCP-3812 displays difficulty in separating x_dplAAc--Q-00098-00043707-00044012 what is real, and what is imagined. x_dplAAc--Q-00099-00044012-00044605 In fact, reality and fiction have become one and the same to SCP-3812, because as far as x_dplAAc--Q-00100-00044605-00044974 it is concerned, they literally are the same. x_dplAAc--Q-00101-00044974-00045433 Each new reality it inhabits is just fiction for the reality stacked above it. x_dplAAc--Q-00102-00045433-00045836 So then how are we supposed to contain or neutralize such a powerful reality altering x_dplAAc--Q-00103-00045836-00046266 creature that cannot distinguish between what is real and what is fictional? x_dplAAc--Q-00104-00046266-00046852 The Foundation knows that its own procedures to keep SCP-3812 contained would be ineffective. x_dplAAc--Q-00105-00046852-00047221 This entity, by its nature, cannot be contained. x_dplAAc--Q-00106-00047221-00047690 Any attempt to keep it locked away would easily be undone by any one of its numerous powers x_dplAAc--Q-00107-00047690-00047862 to warp reality. x_dplAAc--Q-00108-00047862-00048219 Locking it in a cement box at the bottom of the ocean would be pointless. x_dplAAc--Q-00109-00048219-00048597 It could teleport out, or turn its cell into nothing but dust. x_dplAAc--Q-00110-00048597-00049058 Putting it in a vat of acid to endlessly burn it would just result in it turning that acid x_dplAAc--Q-00111-00049058-00049316 to harmless water, or air. x_dplAAc--Q-00112-00049316-00049819 SCP-3812 can manipulate events throughout time, and so it could easily prevent itself x_dplAAc--Q-00113-00049819-00050019 from ever being contained. x_dplAAc--Q-00114-00050019-00050511 It is even possible that any individuals, even Foundation staff, who may have previously x_dplAAc--Q-00115-00050511-00051175 tried to luck the creature up, now no longer exist thanks to SCP-3812’s abilities, and x_dplAAc--Q-00116-00051175-00051601 there would be no way to determine this since we wouldn’t be able to remember that the x_dplAAc--Q-00117-00051601-00051933 person had ever been in our reality. x_dplAAc--Q-00118-00051933-00052565 The Foundation’s best hope is to keep SCP-3812 where it is, and hope it remains docile. x_dplAAc--Q-00119-00052565-00053082 If they are able to keep it away from large population centers, then the risk of 3812 x_dplAAc--Q-00120-00053082-00053525 having any sort of psychic influence over civilians, or warping reality and causing x_dplAAc--Q-00121-00053525-00054004 the deaths of millions or even billions, is at least reduced. x_dplAAc--Q-00122-00054004-00054265 But of course it’s never fully gone. x_dplAAc--Q-00123-00054265-00054823 On at least one occasion SCP-3812 has caused a truly catastrophic event. x_dplAAc--Q-00124-00054823-00055413 For some reason, SCP-3812 decided to turn itself into a star, spinning endlessly. x_dplAAc--Q-00125-00055413-00055951 As it did so, numerous anomalous occurrences took place across the world. x_dplAAc--Q-00126-00055951-00056592 Most notably, SCP-3812 caused the Foundation’s nuclear warheads to detonate, spreading harmful, x_dplAAc--Q-00127-00056592-00056845 radioactive material into the atmosphere. x_dplAAc--Q-00128-00056845-00057387 Additionally, the population of New Zealand began to sporadically disappear and reappear, x_dplAAc--Q-00129-00057387-00057853 looping back and forth between existence and non-existence for a period of around five x_dplAAc--Q-00130-00057853-00057953 hours. x_dplAAc--Q-00131-00057953-00058583 It was during this world ending scenario that SCP-3812, still at the center of its star x_dplAAc--Q-00132-00058583-00058985 form, was recorded ranting, its split personalities arguing. x_dplAAc--Q-00133-00058985-00059426 One of the creature’s personalities claimed it was “unmaking the world” as an act x_dplAAc--Q-00134-00059426-00059611 of revenge against someone. x_dplAAc--Q-00135-00059611-00059942 It stated that it believed, “Existence is a joke. x_dplAAc--Q-00136-00059942-00060460 The narrative abandoned us to be miserable and we are breaking the narrative.” x_dplAAc--Q-00137-00060460-00060958 Its other half mentioned another entity, known only as “Ben”, and seemed to imply that x_dplAAc--Q-00138-00060958-00061534 this entity was responsible for SCP-3812’s creation, in a reality stacked above this x_dplAAc--Q-00139-00061534-00061634 one. x_dplAAc--Q-00140-00061634-00062122 According to the more rational of 3812’s two halves, this ”Ben” entity “deemed x_dplAAc--Q-00141-00062122-00062314 us unfit to rest peacefully. x_dplAAc--Q-00142-00062314-00062565 To slip into the darkness, quietly. x_dplAAc--Q-00143-00062565-00062760 He made a game of us.” x_dplAAc--Q-00144-00062760-00063171 It then went on to convince its other half that destroying this reality just to slight x_dplAAc--Q-00145-00063171-00063351 Ben would be pointless. x_dplAAc--Q-00146-00063351-00063651 There would always be another, stacked on top, infinitely. x_dplAAc--Q-00147-00063651-00064015 “So why does this narrative mean anything to you?” x_dplAAc--Q-00148-00064015-00064115 it asked. x_dplAAc--Q-00149-00064115-00064316 “It is one of an eternity of others. x_dplAAc--Q-00150-00064316-00064450 It is not special. x_dplAAc--Q-00151-00064450-00064609 It is not particular.” x_dplAAc--Q-00152-00064609-00065154 The two sides of SCP-3812 argued with each other, one wanting to destroy all of reality x_dplAAc--Q-00153-00065154-00065759 to spite Ben, driven mad by witnessing trillions upon trillions of universes stacked atop each x_dplAAc--Q-00154-00065759-00065859 other. x_dplAAc--Q-00155-00065859-00066437 The other half of 3812 saw peace for itself, ascending above these infinitely stacked universes, x_dplAAc--Q-00156-00066437-00066672 finally reaching the top and becoming free. x_dplAAc--Q-00157-00066672-00066840 “Not a god. x_dplAAc--Q-00158-00066840-00067127 A star, rising in the east. x_dplAAc--Q-00159-00067127-00067587 Rising away from this all until we are little more than a memory of a song.” x_dplAAc--Q-00160-00067587-00067912 “It will be lonely,” the other half of the creature replied. x_dplAAc--Q-00161-00067912-00068306 “We’ll have each other,” SCP-3812’s other personality said. x_dplAAc--Q-00162-00068306-00068607 “I’m afraid,” said the one intent on destruction. x_dplAAc--Q-00163-00068607-00069166 “I am too,” the other reassured it, “But that is no reason to destroy this narrative.” x_dplAAc--Q-00164-00069166-00069610 Eventually, SCP-3812’s personalities reached agreement. x_dplAAc--Q-00165-00069610-00070129 They both left the narrative they were currently in, presumably traveling upwards to one stacked x_dplAAc--Q-00166-00070129-00070555 above our own, while simultaneously remaining in this universe. x_dplAAc--Q-00167-00070555-00070682 Still a danger. x_dplAAc--Q-00168-00070682-00070879 “Let go of this world. x_dplAAc--Q-00169-00070879-00071141 Let him rewrite it back to what it was. x_dplAAc--Q-00170-00071141-00071414 We aren’t part of this anymore.” x_dplAAc--Q-00171-00071414-00071883 Shortly after this event, reality shifted once more and the entire world reverted back x_dplAAc--Q-00172-00071883-00072102 to how it had been before. x_dplAAc--Q-00173-00072102-00072538 Records of the end of the world scenario that had occurred were retained by high-level administrators x_dplAAc--Q-00174-00072538-00073095 and the O5 Council, perhaps as a reminder of the destructive capabilities of the creature, x_dplAAc--Q-00175-00073095-00073681 a warning of its potential to change this reality and any stacked below or above it. x_dplAAc--Q-00176-00073681-00074317 Fortunately, since this incident, SCP-3812 has remained in its docile, aimless state, x_dplAAc--Q-00177-00074317-00074639 no longer actively hostile to anyone that approaches it. x_dplAAc--Q-00178-00074639-00075146 It has kept its amorphous, star-like shape, and is still very much able to create disruptions x_dplAAc--Q-00179-00075146-00075391 and anomalies in reality. x_dplAAc--Q-00180-00075391-00075903 Despite keeping SCP-3812 constantly monitored at its current location in the South Pacific x_dplAAc--Q-00181-00075903-00076499 Ocean, the SCP Foundation knows that, at any time, this entity could trigger yet another x_dplAAc--Q-00182-00076499-00077096 global catastrophe, causing massive damage to planet Earth, its population, and beyond x_dplAAc--Q-00183-00077096-00077394 that, tearing our reality itself asunder. x_dplAAc--Q-00184-00077394-00078155 So we all just better hope our narrative remains worthwhile to SCP-3812’s better half... x_dplAAc--Q-00185-00078155-00078895 Now check out “SCP-1861 - The Crew of the HMS Wintersheimer” and “SCP-1765 - The x_dplAAc--Q-00186-00078895-00079233 Sisters” for more reality-warping madness from the SCP Foundation! xB9RdKb1akE-00000-00000575-00000960 Of course the story of human rights does not begin with xB9RdKb1akE-00001-00000960-00001283 the adoption on 26th of June 1945 xB9RdKb1akE-00002-00001283-00001600 of the United Nations Charter. xB9RdKb1akE-00003-00001600-00001988 The story of human rights really began xB9RdKb1akE-00004-00001988-00002327 with the Enlightment period and those of you xB9RdKb1akE-00005-00002327-00002817 who are familiar with the history of the French Revolution in 1789 xB9RdKb1akE-00006-00002817-00003126 or, indeed, with the history xB9RdKb1akE-00007-00003126-00003443 of the independence xB9RdKb1akE-00008-00003443-00004022 of the United States of America, declared in 1776, xB9RdKb1akE-00009-00004022-00004436 the adoption of the Federal Constitution in 1787, xB9RdKb1akE-00010-00004436-00004777 and the Bill of Rights appended to the federal constitution xB9RdKb1akE-00011-00004777-00005102 in 1791, you will know that xB9RdKb1akE-00012-00005102-00005498 of course, human rights were very much at the center xB9RdKb1akE-00013-00005498-00005867 of these revolutionary processes. Indeed in the xB9RdKb1akE-00014-00005867-00006321 19th century, many liberal constitutions adopted xB9RdKb1akE-00015-00006321-00006647 during that period, particularly the years xB9RdKb1akE-00016-00006647-00007029 1830 - 1848 on the European continent, xB9RdKb1akE-00017-00007029-00007334 were referring very specifically to xB9RdKb1akE-00018-00007334-00007684 human rights and included human rights within their constitutions. xB9RdKb1akE-00019-00007684-00008153 But human rights entered in international law xB9RdKb1akE-00020-00008153-00008540 in 1945 really, and xB9RdKb1akE-00021-00008540-00008851 this may be explained if we look back at the xB9RdKb1akE-00022-00008851-00009275 the history of the Second World War. xB9RdKb1akE-00023-00009275-00009609 This is a picture showing xB9RdKb1akE-00024-00009609-00010020 the US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt together with xB9RdKb1akE-00025-00010020-00010357 the UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill meeting on the xB9RdKb1akE-00026-00010357-00010677 HMS Prince of Wales, in August 1941 xB9RdKb1akE-00027-00010677-00011020 when they adopted a well known document called xB9RdKb1akE-00028-00011020-00011370 the Atlantic Charter. And the Atlantic Charter describes xB9RdKb1akE-00029-00011370-00011674 essentially the 8 key principles xB9RdKb1akE-00030-00011674-00011990 on which they believed the xB9RdKb1akE-00031-00011990-00012308 new world order that would result from the Second World War xB9RdKb1akE-00032-00012308-00012654 should be established. Amongst these key principles xB9RdKb1akE-00033-00012654-00012978 they mentioned the self-determination of peoples xB9RdKb1akE-00034-00012978-00013327 and they mentioned that all men xB9RdKb1akE-00035-00013327-00013826 in all lands may live out their lives in freedom from fear xB9RdKb1akE-00036-00013826-00014284 and want. So, this idea that human rights should be at the core xB9RdKb1akE-00037-00014284-00014651 of the reconstruction following the Second World War xB9RdKb1akE-00038-00014651-00014956 was already present in 1941. And the xB9RdKb1akE-00039-00014956-00015282 Atlantic Charter adopted by Roosevelt and Churchill xB9RdKb1akE-00040-00015282-00015621 was then approved by the Allies xB9RdKb1akE-00041-00015621-00016012 in the well known United Nations Declaration xB9RdKb1akE-00042-00016012-00016379 of the first of January 1942. xB9RdKb1akE-00043-00016379-00016818 So it is probably unsurprising that xB9RdKb1akE-00044-00016818-00017345 when the delegates met in San Francisco to prepare the United Nations xB9RdKb1akE-00045-00017345-00017482 organization's charter xB9RdKb1akE-00046-00017482-00018010 they had a concern for human rights that was very explicit. xB9RdKb1akE-00047-00018010-00018380 In fact the purposes of the United Nations listed in Article 1 xB9RdKb1akE-00048-00018380-00018809 of the Charter include the promotion xB9RdKb1akE-00049-00018809-00019198 and encouragement of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all xB9RdKb1akE-00050-00019198-00019574 without distinction as to race, sex, language xB9RdKb1akE-00051-00019574-00019879 or religion. xB9RdKb1akE-00052-00019879-00020313 And in the course of these discussions preparing the UN Charter xB9RdKb1akE-00053-00020313-00020630 there were many references to human rights as part of xB9RdKb1akE-00054-00020630-00020979 what international economic and social cooperation xB9RdKb1akE-00055-00020979-00021324 should achieve. Look at article 55 xB9RdKb1akE-00056-00021324-00021676 of the UN Charter. It mentions xB9RdKb1akE-00057-00021676-00022001 amongst the tasks of the United Nations xB9RdKb1akE-00058-00022001-00022431 the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and xB9RdKb1akE-00059-00022431-00022549 fundamental freedoms xB9RdKb1akE-00060-00022549-00023004 for all without discrimination, without distinction as to race, sex, xB9RdKb1akE-00061-00023004-00023409 language or religion. And article 56 of the Charter xB9RdKb1akE-00062-00023409-00023818 says that all members of the United Nations pledge xB9RdKb1akE-00063-00023818-00024160 to take joint and separate action in cooperation with the organization xB9RdKb1akE-00064-00024160-00024477 for the achievement of these purposes amongst which xB9RdKb1akE-00065-00024477-00024820 human rights. In other terms the UN Charter itself xB9RdKb1akE-00066-00024820-00025279 imposes on the members to work towards the fulfillment xB9RdKb1akE-00067-00025279-00025614 of Human Rights. What is of course xB9RdKb1akE-00068-00025614-00026054 perhaps strange is that the UN Charter does not define itself xB9RdKb1akE-00069-00026054-00026363 what human rights are, does not provide any xB9RdKb1akE-00070-00026363-00026883 catalog of human rights. Now in the course of the discussions having led xB9RdKb1akE-00071-00026883-00027191 to the establishment of the UN Charter, xB9RdKb1akE-00072-00027191-00027511 some such proposals were made to include a catalog xB9RdKb1akE-00073-00027511-00027875 of humain rights in the Charter itself and particularly I should xB9RdKb1akE-00074-00027875-00028181 mention the work, in this regard, of xB9RdKb1akE-00075-00028181-00028508 the representative of Panama to the conference xB9RdKb1akE-00076-00028508-00028981 Ricardo Alfaro. Ricardo Alfaro had been the president of Panama in xB9RdKb1akE-00077-00028981-00029286 1930 - 1932. He later xB9RdKb1akE-00078-00029286-00029744 was a judge at the International Court of Justice xB9RdKb1akE-00079-00029744-00030212 and at the San Francisco conference, he put forward a proposal xB9RdKb1akE-00080-00030212-00030534 inspired by work he had done with the American Law Institute xB9RdKb1akE-00081-00030534-00030836 that had adopted in 1944 xB9RdKb1akE-00082-00030836-00031302 a statement on essential human rights, and the proposal was to include xB9RdKb1akE-00083-00031302-00031758 in the UN Charter a list of human rights and fundamental freedoms xB9RdKb1akE-00084-00031758-00032172 that the UN should seek to promote and xB9RdKb1akE-00085-00032172-00032513 ensure respect for. That proposal was xB9RdKb1akE-00086-00032513-00032856 ultimately not successful xB9RdKb1akE-00087-00032856-00033205 in part because the delegates felt that it was xB9RdKb1akE-00088-00033205-00033590 going to be too much of a diversion and perhaps xB9RdKb1akE-00089-00033590-00033931 too divisive an enterprise and they wanted to xB9RdKb1akE-00090-00033931-00034309 finalize the work on the UN Charter sooner xB9RdKb1akE-00091-00034309-00034653 rather than later. So what was decided is that xB9RdKb1akE-00092-00034653-00035012 the definition of human rights would be xB9RdKb1akE-00093-00035012-00035318 the first task of the UN once xB9RdKb1akE-00094-00035318-00035678 the Charter would enter into force. xB9RdKb1akE-00095-00035678-00035984 And, indeed, the Charter establishes xB9RdKb1akE-00096-00035984-00036300 amongst other organs of the UN xB9RdKb1akE-00097-00036300-00036656 an Economic and Social Council that was xB9RdKb1akE-00098-00036656-00037013 established, inter alia, to make xB9RdKb1akE-00099-00037013-00037509 recommendations for the purposes of promoting respect for and observance of xB9RdKb1akE-00100-00037509-00038006 human rights and fundamental freedoms for all and to prepare draft conventions xB9RdKb1akE-00101-00038006-00038406 that the General Assembly of the UN would then have to approve xB9RdKb1akE-00102-00038406-00038771 and the Economic and Social Council xB9RdKb1akE-00103-00038771-00039105 ECOSOC was to work inter alia xB9RdKb1akE-00104-00039105-00039534 by establishing thematic commissions, working groups -- if you wish -- of diplomats xB9RdKb1akE-00105-00039534-00039862 working on different thematic issues xB9RdKb1akE-00106-00039862-00040416 including which human rights were explicitly mentioned in Article 68 xB9RdKb1akE-00107-00040416-00040859 of the UN Charter.There is a specific reference to the establishment xB9RdKb1akE-00108-00040859-00041296 of a commission for the promotion of human rights xB9RdKb1akE-00109-00041296-00041688 and so when the UN Charter was adopted and xB9RdKb1akE-00110-00041688-00042078 entered into force, very swiftly xB9RdKb1akE-00111-00042078-00042421 the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) xB9RdKb1akE-00112-00042421-00042791 worked towards implementing this xB9RdKb1akE-00113-00042791-00043305 Article 68 of the Charter and it established a Commission on the Status of Women xB9RdKb1akE-00115-00043397-00043797 in June 1946, a body where xB9RdKb1akE-00116-00043797-00044147 recommendations were prepared on xB9RdKb1akE-00117-00044147-00044527 the improvement of the situation of women. It is in the Commission on the Status of Women xB9RdKb1akE-00118-00044527-00044596 that xB9RdKb1akE-00119-00044596-00044972 the international convention on the elimination of all forms of xB9RdKb1akE-00120-00044972-00045115 discrimination against women xB9RdKb1akE-00121-00045115-00045491 would be adopted in 1979 xB9RdKb1akE-00122-00045491-00045794 . But most important xB9RdKb1akE-00123-00045794-00046118 the Economic and Social Council established xB9RdKb1akE-00124-00046118-00046428 the Commission on Human Rights and that was xB9RdKb1akE-00125-00046428-00046771 for sixty years until its replacement xB9RdKb1akE-00126-00046771-00047140 by the Human Rights Council that was the body within the UN xB9RdKb1akE-00127-00047140-00047466 where human rights matters were discussed. xB9RdKb1akE-00128-00047466-00047786 The Commission on Human Rights was a body xB9RdKb1akE-00129-00047786-00048165 of government delegates, high-level diplomats xB9RdKb1akE-00130-00048165-00048531 Initially, a relatively small number, xB9RdKb1akE-00131-00048531-00048897 18 states were represented at the beginning xB9RdKb1akE-00132-00048897-00049246 in the Human Rights Commission but, later, xB9RdKb1akE-00133-00049246-00049683 when the UN expanded its membership, particularly after the xB9RdKb1akE-00134-00049683-00050172 decolonization period of the 1950s and 1960s xB9RdKb1akE-00135-00050172-00050515 the membership of the Commission expanded xB9RdKb1akE-00136-00050515-00050877 and it had 53 members when it was xB9RdKb1akE-00137-00050877-00051291 holding its final session in 2006. xB9RdKb1akE-00138-00051291-00051684 The Commission on Human Rights xB9RdKb1akE-00139-00051684-00052000 was the body xB9RdKb1akE-00140-00052000-00052380 where human rights were to be discussed, deliberated xB9RdKb1akE-00141-00052380-00052802 and the system was that xB9RdKb1akE-00142-00052802-00053147 the Commission on Human Rights was to adopt certain texts xB9RdKb1akE-00143-00053147-00053554 certain recommendations that would then be passed on to the ECOSOC, the xB9RdKb1akE-00144-00053554-00053889 Economic and Social Council and then would be approved xB9RdKb1akE-00145-00053889-00054248 by the General Assembly and opened xB9RdKb1akE-00146-00054248-00054590 as regards treaties to ratification by Member States xB9RdKb1akE-00147-00054591-00055029 But the Commission on Human Rights had a very key role to fulfill xB9RdKb1akE-00148-00055029-00055341 it was supported in this regard by xB9RdKb1akE-00149-00055341-00055704 a body of independent experts appointed xB9RdKb1akE-00150-00055704-00056065 in their personal capacity, called xB9RdKb1akE-00151-00056065-00056451 the Submission on the promotion and protection of human rights xB9RdKb1akE-00152-00056451-00057004 although it was called, until 1999, the Sub-Commission on prevention of discrimination xB9RdKb1akE-00153-00057004-00057349 and the protection of minorities. xB9RdKb1akE-00154-00057349-00057709 Now, it is within the Human Rights Commission xB9RdKb1akE-00155-00057709-00058227 that the most important instrument, that was really xB9RdKb1akE-00156-00058227-00058559 the leading document xB9RdKb1akE-00157-00058559-00059057 beginning 'the great adventure of the United Nations in the area of human rights' as it has xB9RdKb1akE-00158-00059057-00059146 been called xB9RdKb1akE-00159-00059146-00059485 was adopted. And that document was, of course, the xB9RdKb1akE-00160-00059485-00059804 Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted xB9RdKb1akE-00161-00059804-00060108 just before midnight on the 10th of December xB9RdKb1akE-00162-00060108-00060465 1948 by the General Assembly adopted by xB9RdKb1akE-00163-00060465-00060800 by 48 votes in favor xB9RdKb1akE-00164-00060800-00061141 8 states abstained xB9RdKb1akE-00165-00061141-00061540 (the United Nations at that time was composed of 56 member states). xB9RdKb1akE-00166-00061540-00062121 And the abstaining states were South Africa xB9RdKb1akE-00167-00062121-00062426 that had just recently inaugurated xB9RdKb1akE-00168-00062426-00062929 its apartheid policy and therefore was opposed to a declaration that would xB9RdKb1akE-00169-00062929-00063305 state xB9RdKb1akE-00170-00063305-00063642 that racial discrimination should be prohibited. xB9RdKb1akE-00171-00063642-00064075 Another country that abstained was Saudi Arabia opposed to the xB9RdKb1akE-00172-00064075-00064425 right to choose and change one's religion. xB9RdKb1akE-00173-00064425-00064821 And the USSR and its satellite states xB9RdKb1akE-00174-00064821-00065233 who feared that human rights would be a pretext xB9RdKb1akE-00175-00065233-00065545 to interfere with their domestic affairs. xB9RdKb1akE-00176-00065545-00065947 But apart from these 8 abstentions, there was no vote against xB9RdKb1akE-00177-00065947-00066269 the declaration and we may say therefore xB9RdKb1akE-00178-00066269-00066648 that the declaration was adopted pretty much by consensus xB9RdKb1akE-00179-00066648-00067033 in Paris in 1948. xB9RdKb1akE-00180-00067033-00067381 Now the declaration is a hugely important xB9RdKb1akE-00181-00067381-00067704 instrument adopted by the xB9RdKb1akE-00182-00067704-00068079 Commission on human rights. It was really xB9RdKb1akE-00183-00068079-00068456 in the 30 articles, xB9RdKb1akE-00184-00068456-00068772 the summary of what international human rights xB9RdKb1akE-00185-00068772-00069155 would be in the next years. xB9RdKb1akE-00186-00069155-00069463 And although later many treaties were adopted xB9RdKb1akE-00187-00069463-00069843 at UN level in the area of human rights, xB9RdKb1akE-00188-00069843-00070272 all human rights in many ways are summarized xB9RdKb1akE-00189-00070272-00070691 in those 30 articles. xB9RdKb1akE-00190-00070691-00070996 Now the declaration was prepared within the xB9RdKb1akE-00191-00070996-00071298 Commission on human rights by a working group established xB9RdKb1akE-00192-00071298-00071694 to that effect. There was another working group working on monitoring xB9RdKb1akE-00193-00071694-00071853 mechanisms, and there was xB9RdKb1akE-00194-00071853-00072228 yet another working on a new xB9RdKb1akE-00195-00072228-00072528 treaty, a convention xB9RdKb1akE-00196-00072528-00072997 protecting human rights in the form of a legally binding instrument, xB9RdKb1akE-00197-00072997-00073340 but this working group of the human rights Commission headed xB9RdKb1akE-00198-00073340-00073758 by Eleonor Roosevelt - who was the widow xB9RdKb1akE-00199-00073758-00074218 of late president Franklin Delano Roosevelt xB9RdKb1akE-00200-00074218-00074519 who had died early in 1945 - xB9RdKb1akE-00201-00074519-00074860 that group xB9RdKb1akE-00202-00074860-00075178 managed to achieve a consensus across its members xB9RdKb1akE-00203-00075178-00075547 swiftly enough for the declaration to be presented xB9RdKb1akE-00204-00075547-00075956 to the General Assembly after just a couple of years of work. xB9RdKb1akE-00205-00075956-00076321 The group was also xB9RdKb1akE-00206-00076321-00076691 including René Cassin, representing xB9RdKb1akE-00207-00076691-00077053 the French government. xB9RdKb1akE-00208-00077053-00077459 He was a minister of president Charles de Gaulle at the time. xB9RdKb1akE-00209-00077459-00077816 To a large extent Eleanor Roosevelt xB9RdKb1akE-00210-00077816-00078293 and René Cassin were the leading figures within this group that drafted xB9RdKb1akE-00211-00078293-00078635 the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. xB9RdKb1akE-00212-00078635-00079011 The document that was adopted xB9RdKb1akE-00213-00079011-00079381 on 10th of December 1948 had been prepared xB9RdKb1akE-00214-00079381-00079737 on the basis of a draft that was xB9RdKb1akE-00215-00079737-00080113 proposed to the working group by xB9RdKb1akE-00216-00080113-00080415 this Canadian xB9RdKb1akE-00217-00080415-00080717 director of human rights within the United Nations, xB9RdKb1akE-00218-00080717-00081109 head of the directorate of the human rights at the time, xB9RdKb1akE-00219-00081109-00081484 a young Canadian international law professor called John Peter Humphrey. xB9RdKb1akE-00220-00081484-00081862 And John Humphrey xB9RdKb1akE-00221-00081862-00082182 basically prepared the work of the Commission xB9RdKb1akE-00222-00082182-00082520 by comparing how human rights were protected xB9RdKb1akE-00223-00082520-00082854 under domestic constitutions across the world. xB9RdKb1akE-00224-00082854-00083202 He included the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights appended xB9RdKb1akE-00225-00083202-00083635 to the US Federal Constitution and the Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme xB9RdKb1akE-00226-00083635-00083719 et du Citoyen xB9RdKb1akE-00227-00083719-00084024 adopted xB9RdKb1akE-00228-00084024-00084342 in France on xB9RdKb1akE-00229-00084342-00084766 14th of August 1789 xB9RdKb1akE-00230-00084766-00085114 and he compared all these documents xB9RdKb1akE-00231-00085114-00085454 trying to identify the common denominator across them xB9RdKb1akE-00232-00085454-00085833 that would be acceptable for states xB9RdKb1akE-00233-00085833-00086308 to adopt as part of a universal declaration xB9RdKb1akE-00234-00086308-00086716 of human rights. It's interesting to notice because xB9RdKb1akE-00235-00086716-00087036 he provides already indication xB9RdKb1akE-00236-00087036-00087425 of the specific nature of human rights that are xB9RdKb1akE-00237-00087425-00087779 neither pure international law nor xB9RdKb1akE-00238-00087779-00088125 just reducible to one part of xB9RdKb1akE-00239-00088125-00088587 domestic constitutional law. There are really a hybrid between the two. xB9RdKb1akE-00240-00088587-00088981 They are not classic international law but xB9RdKb1akE-00241-00088981-00089330 they of course do not belong just to constitutional law xB9RdKb1akE-00242-00089330-00089694 anymore. And this hybrid nature of human rights xB9RdKb1akE-00243-00089694-00090045 is part of what explains how they have been developed xB9RdKb1akE-00244-00090045-00090399 in recent years. And we will return to this point of course xB9RdKb1akE-00245-00090399-00090709 in the remainder of this course. xB9RdKb1akE-00246-00090709-00091045 Now it is important to note that xB9RdKb1akE-00247-00091045-00091358 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was xB9RdKb1akE-00248-00091358-00091734 also important because it listed, xB9RdKb1akE-00249-00091734-00092166 in its 30 articles, both civil and political rights xB9RdKb1akE-00250-00092166-00092505 and economic, social and cultural rights. xB9RdKb1akE-00251-00092505-00092873 And the idea of interdependence and indivisibility xB9RdKb1akE-00252-00092873-00093179 and equal importance of all human rights, xB9RdKb1akE-00253-00093179-00093530 whether civil and political or whether economic, social xB9RdKb1akE-00254-00093530-00093970 and cultural, was very much present in the discussions that led xB9RdKb1akE-00255-00093979-00094297 to the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. xB9RdKb1akE-00256-00094297-00094651 And indeed, this was faithful to the xB9RdKb1akE-00257-00094651-00095022 view, to the vision of the late US president xB9RdKb1akE-00258-00095022-00095415 Franklin Delano Roosevelt. xB9RdKb1akE-00259-00095415-00095767 Franklin Delano Roosevelt, although elected originally in 1932 xB9RdKb1akE-00260-00095767-00096232 on the relatively conservative, fiscally conservative platform, xB9RdKb1akE-00261-00096232-00096684 became a promoter of economic and social rights xB9RdKb1akE-00262-00096684-00097245 as a mean to address the economic crisis that US were facing xB9RdKb1akE-00263-00097245-00097562 in the1930s. xB9RdKb1akE-00264-00097562-00097953 He lead the effort of the US xB9RdKb1akE-00265-00097953-00098290 to strengthen the welfare state xB9RdKb1akE-00266-00098290-00098884 at federal level. This picture here shows him signing the social security act on 14th of August xB9RdKb1akE-00267-00098884-00099189 1935. And this is just one xB9RdKb1akE-00268-00099189-00099600 of the very important pieces of legislation xB9RdKb1akE-00269-00099600-00099956 that Roosevelt adopted xB9RdKb1akE-00270-00099956-00100258 for the United States as part of this xB9RdKb1akE-00271-00100258-00100574 welfare state being established xB9RdKb1akE-00272-00100574-00101005 in the US. And so this philosophy that xB9RdKb1akE-00273-00101005-00101509 human rights required not only that people be free from fear xB9RdKb1akE-00274-00101509-00101852 but also that they be free from want xB9RdKb1akE-00275-00101852-00102246 was an idea that was very central xB9RdKb1akE-00276-00102246-00102563 to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In fact xB9RdKb1akE-00277-00102563-00102981 when Franklin Delano Roosevelt presented xB9RdKb1akE-00278-00102981-00103380 his State of the Union address to the US Congress xB9RdKb1akE-00279-00103380-00103903 in 1944, he made a reference to what he called a "second bill of rights" which was xB9RdKb1akE-00280-00103903-00104068 a metaphor to say that xB9RdKb1akE-00281-00104068-00104409 the rights of the Bill of Rights attended xB9RdKb1akE-00282-00104409-00104843 to the federal constitution adopted in US were incomplete xB9RdKb1akE-00283-00104843-00105264 and that there was the need to adopt legislation xB9RdKb1akE-00284-00105264-00105568 to protect the right to food, xB9RdKb1akE-00285-00105568-00105946 the right to housing, the right to social security for example xB9RdKb1akE-00286-00105946-00106259 for people to be protected from xB9RdKb1akE-00287-00106259-00106573 economic disempowerment. xB9RdKb1akE-00288-00106573-00107054 The argument of Roosevelt was essentially that xB9RdKb1akE-00289-00107054-00107426 economic and social security xB9RdKb1akE-00290-00107426-00107786 were key to avoid people being tempted xB9RdKb1akE-00291-00107786-00108140 by political extremism. "People who are hungry xB9RdKb1akE-00292-00108140-00108479 and out of a job are the stuff of which xB9RdKb1akE-00293-00108479-00108918 dictatorships are made" is one famous sentence xB9RdKb1akE-00294-00108918-00109236 that president Roosevelt uses in this State of the xB9RdKb1akE-00295-00109236-00109664 Union address. So the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was really xB9RdKb1akE-00296-00109664-00109988 very much xB9RdKb1akE-00297-00109988-00110306 in the continuity of this xB9RdKb1akE-00298-00110306-00110645 idea of interdependence and indivisibility. xB9RdKb1akE-00299-00110645-00111113 However it's important to note that already in 1948, xB9RdKb1akE-00300-00111113-00111480 when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted, xB9RdKb1akE-00301-00111480-00111951 there was an understanding that economic and social rights xB9RdKb1akE-00302-00111951-00112321 were of a different nature than xB9RdKb1akE-00303-00112321-00112689 civil and political rights. Of course they were equally important. xB9RdKb1akE-00304-00112689-00113028 Of course the two sets of rights were considered to be xB9RdKb1akE-00305-00113028-00113381 indivisible and interdependent but nevertheless xB9RdKb1akE-00306-00113381-00113730 economic and social rights were distinct xB9RdKb1akE-00307-00113736-00114093 and may call for a different type of xB9RdKb1akE-00308-00114093-00114401 supervision mechanism. Look at the article xB9RdKb1akE-00309-00114401-00114753 22 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. xB9RdKb1akE-00310-00114753-00115096 It is the first provision of the Declaration that xB9RdKb1akE-00311-00115096-00115407 refers to economic and social rights. This xB9RdKb1akE-00312-00115407-00115729 article 22 is on the right to social security. xB9RdKb1akE-00313-00115729-00116033 But it has actually a general xB9RdKb1akE-00314-00116033-00116548 reference to economic and social rights and it says the following. xB9RdKb1akE-00315-00116548-00116968 It says "everyone as a member society has a right to social security xB9RdKb1akE-00316-00116968-00117395 and is entitled to realization through national efforts xB9RdKb1akE-00317-00117395-00117858 and international cooperation and in accordance with the organization xB9RdKb1akE-00318-00117858-00118210 and resources of each state, of the economic, social xB9RdKb1akE-00319-00118210-00118517 and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity xB9RdKb1akE-00320-00118517-00118839 and the free development of his personality". xB9RdKb1akE-00321-00118839-00119332 That reference to the right to social security, xB9RdKb1akE-00322-00119332-00119674 as requiring international cooperation, xB9RdKb1akE-00323-00119674-00120095 as requiring at progressive realization xB9RdKb1akE-00324-00120095-00120409 in accordance with the organization xB9RdKb1akE-00325-00120409-00120857 and resources of each state, is in fact a statement xB9RdKb1akE-00326-00120857-00121211 that economic and social rights are of a different kind, xB9RdKb1akE-00327-00121211-00121566 are of a different nature, require time to be implemented xB9RdKb1akE-00328-00121566-00121960 require budgetary commitments and require xB9RdKb1akE-00329-00121960-00122478 international cooperation for them to be effectively realized. xB9RdKb1akE-00330-00122478-00122855 The reference to the resources of each state in particular, xB9RdKb1akE-00331-00122855-00123251 was an allusion to the fact that developing countries xB9RdKb1akE-00332-00123251-00123583 could not be expected to protect the right to food, xB9RdKb1akE-00333-00123583-00124008 the right to housing, the right to education the right to health, xB9RdKb1akE-00334-00124008-00124347 like rich countries xB9RdKb1akE-00335-00124347-00124721 could be expected to do. xB9RdKb1akE-00336-00124721-00125186 So the level of development or the degree of development of each state xB9RdKb1akE-00337-00125186-00125530 was a relevant factor to be taken into account xB9RdKb1akE-00338-00125530-00125919 in assessing whether states are doing enough to implement xB9RdKb1akE-00339-00125919-00126300 economic and social rights. And this idea xB9RdKb1akE-00340-00126300-00126732 is an idea that will remain in international xB9RdKb1akE-00341-00126732-00126805 human rights xB9RdKb1akE-00342-00126805-00127155 really for the next 60 years. xB9RdKb1akE-00343-00127155-00127490 It is only in 2008 that xB9RdKb1akE-00344-00127490-00127830 one might say the bridge was completely xB9RdKb1akE-00345-00127830-00128320 built between civil and political rights on the one hand, xB9RdKb1akE-00346-00128320-00128766 and economic and social rights on the other hand. xB9RdKb1akE-00347-00128766-00129095 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights xB9RdKb1akE-00348-00129095-00129427 lead to a number of developments xB9RdKb1akE-00349-00129427-00129750 at UN level. xB9RdKb1akE-00350-00129750-00130085 In fact over the years the Declaration was xB9RdKb1akE-00351-00130085-00130447 implemented through a range of instruments xB9RdKb1akE-00352-00130447-00130802 That protects human rights xB9RdKb1akE-00353-00130802-00131145 under the chapeau of the United Nations xB9RdKb1akE-00354-00131145-00131592 9 core human rights treaties were adopted xB9RdKb1akE-00355-00131592-00132032 over the years beginning with the International Convention xB9RdKb1akE-00356-00132032-00132372 on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination xB9RdKb1akE-00357-00132372-00132722 adopted on the 21st of December 1965. xB9RdKb1akE-00358-00132722-00133035 It is a bit paradoxical that xB9RdKb1akE-00359-00133035-00133396 this International Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial xB9RdKb1akE-00360-00133396-00133505 discrimination xB9RdKb1akE-00361-00133505-00134108 was the first treaty to be adopted. And it was adopted very swiftly because xB9RdKb1akE-00362-00134108-00134439 the newly decolonized countries, xB9RdKb1akE-00363-00134439-00134834 who had recently gained independence in the 1960s xB9RdKb1akE-00364-00134834-00135161 particularly in Africa, xB9RdKb1akE-00365-00135161-00135554 very much insisted on racial discrimination, xB9RdKb1akE-00366-00135554-00135890 the elimination of racial discrimination, being at the top of the UN xB9RdKb1akE-00367-00135890-00136224 agenda. And so they pushed for this xB9RdKb1akE-00368-00136224-00136639 convention to be adopted very quickly. xB9RdKb1akE-00369-00136639-00136997 And they had at the time xB9RdKb1akE-00370-00136997-00137367 acquired sufficient importance xB9RdKb1akE-00371-00137367-00137668 in UN membership to push for this decision to be adopted. xB9RdKb1akE-00372-00137668-00138143 But the instruments that were really the immediate continuation xB9RdKb1akE-00373-00138143-00138522 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were 2 covenants xB9RdKb1akE-00374-00138522-00138927 adopted finally on the 16th of December 1966: xB9RdKb1akE-00375-00138927-00139272 The International Covenant xB9RdKb1akE-00376-00139272-00139574 on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant xB9RdKb1akE-00377-00139574-00139890 on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. xB9RdKb1akE-00378-00139890-00140266 Let us go through some of these instruments very briefly xB9RdKb1akE-00379-00140266-00140641 to understand the importance that they've acquired xB9RdKb1akE-00380-00140641-00140991 in recent years. Firstly the first xB9RdKb1akE-00381-00140991-00141366 UN human rights treaty to be adopted, that was xB9RdKb1akE-00382-00141366-00141690 really the model xB9RdKb1akE-00383-00141690-00142011 for all the other UN human rights treaties, xB9RdKb1akE-00384-00142011-00142410 was the International Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial xB9RdKb1akE-00385-00142414-00142562 discrimination. xB9RdKb1akE-00386-00142562-00143062 It has today 176 States parties, it's a relatively xB9RdKb1akE-00387-00143062-00143458 widely ratified instrument and you see in this map xB9RdKb1akE-00388-00143458-00143913 the States parties to the convention. xB9RdKb1akE-00389-00143913-00144271 The States that are xB9RdKb1akE-00390-00144271-00144598 in dark blue on this map xB9RdKb1akE-00391-00144598-00144932 are the States that have accepted the rights to xB9RdKb1akE-00392-00144932-00145292 individual communications being filed with the xB9RdKb1akE-00393-00145292-00145732 the body of independent experts in charge of supervising compliance with xB9RdKb1akE-00394-00145732-00145822 this convention, xB9RdKb1akE-00395-00145822-00146153 this is the CERD committee - the Committee on the Elimination of Racial xB9RdKb1akE-00396-00146153-00146282 Discrimination. xB9RdKb1akE-00397-00146282-00146713 A significant number of countries have accepted xB9RdKb1akE-00398-00146713-00147126 this right of individual victims of racial discrimination xB9RdKb1akE-00399-00147126-00147451 to file communications with the xB9RdKb1akE-00400-00147451-00147942 the CERD committee. But other States have ratified this convention, are xB9RdKb1akE-00401-00147942-00148066 bound by this convention, xB9RdKb1akE-00402-00148066-00148504 without having accepted this right to individual communication xB9RdKb1akE-00403-00148504-00148826 and you see this map that xB9RdKb1akE-00404-00148826-00149238 identifies these States in this slightly xB9RdKb1akE-00405-00149238-00149622 lighter blue here on this map. xB9RdKb1akE-00406-00149622-00149953 As I said, xB9RdKb1akE-00407-00149953-00150377 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 xB9RdKb1akE-00408-00150377-00150774 was initially a political declaration xB9RdKb1akE-00409-00150774-00151144 meant to have primarily a symbolic value, xB9RdKb1akE-00410-00151144-00151485 but immediately work began on xB9RdKb1akE-00411-00151485-00151875 implementing the declaration in the form of binding treaties. xB9RdKb1akE-00412-00151875-00152205 And the two treaties that were the xB9RdKb1akE-00413-00152205-00152523 immediate follow-up to the declaration xB9RdKb1akE-00414-00152523-00152932 with two covenants adopted in 1966. xB9RdKb1akE-00415-00152932-00153298 Symbolically it important that these convenants were adopted xB9RdKb1akE-00416-00153298-00153735 on the same day, on the 16th of December 1966, xB9RdKb1akE-00417-00153735-00154294 although in 1951 it had been decided xB9RdKb1akE-00418-00154294-00154657 that two separate instruments should be adopted, xB9RdKb1akE-00419-00154657-00154979 one for economic, social and cultural rights, xB9RdKb1akE-00420-00154979-00155371 the other for civil and political rights, not because xB9RdKb1akE-00421-00155371-00155709 some rights were more important than the others, not because xB9RdKb1akE-00422-00155709-00156010 States were challenging the idea that xB9RdKb1akE-00423-00156010-00156385 all rights were equally important and were interdependent and xB9RdKb1akE-00424-00156385-00156838 indivisible. Rather the idea was economic, social and cultural rights were rights xB9RdKb1akE-00425-00156838-00156959 of a different nature, xB9RdKb1akE-00426-00156959-00157305 calling for a different type of procedure, xB9RdKb1akE-00427-00157305-00157683 a different supervisory mechanism and therefore xB9RdKb1akE-00428-00157683-00158133 should be dealt with in a separate instrument resulting in the UN xB9RdKb1akE-00429-00158133-00158229 General Assembly xB9RdKb1akE-00430-00158229-00158534 at the request of the xB9RdKb1akE-00431-00158534-00158886 Commission on Human Rights really and xB9RdKb1akE-00432-00158886-00159301 the Economic and Social Council to adopt a resolution xB9RdKb1akE-00433-00159301-00159659 asking for two separate instruments xB9RdKb1akE-00434-00159659-00160025 to be prepared, that finally after some xB9RdKb1akE-00435-00160025-00160333 18 years of xB9RdKb1akE-00436-00160333-00160711 discussions, being adopted in 1966. xB9RdKb1akE-00437-00160711-00161091 Now the two covenants, xB9RdKb1akE-00438-00161091-00161424 the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - xB9RdKb1akE-00439-00161424-00161733 the ICESCR, xB9RdKb1akE-00440-00161733-00162173 and the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - the ICCPR, xB9RdKb1akE-00441-00162173-00162498 were mostly adopted xB9RdKb1akE-00442-00162498-00162845 simultaneously by States, xB9RdKb1akE-00443-00162845-00163178 ratified by States together. xB9RdKb1akE-00444-00163178-00163521 There were some exceptions to this but that explains why xB9RdKb1akE-00445-00163521-00164004 the two covenants entered into force roughly at the same time. xB9RdKb1akE-00446-00164004-00164342 The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights entered into force xB9RdKb1akE-00447-00164342-00164537 in January 1976. xB9RdKb1akE-00448-00164537-00164838 Today it has 161 xB9RdKb1akE-00449-00164838-00165142 States parties, which is a very significant xB9RdKb1akE-00450-00165142-00165504 membership although it is not xB9RdKb1akE-00451-00165504-00165909 quite universal yet. And you see on this map xB9RdKb1akE-00452-00165909-00166251 in the dark blue the States that have ratified the covenant, xB9RdKb1akE-00453-00166251-00166586 in light blue the States that have only signed xB9RdKb1akE-00454-00166586-00166895 the covenant but have not ratified it, xB9RdKb1akE-00455-00166895-00167255 and in blank the States that have taken xB9RdKb1akE-00456-00167255-00167566 no action whatsoever to move towards xB9RdKb1akE-00457-00167566-00167944 ratification of the Covenant. Now xB9RdKb1akE-00458-00167944-00168323 the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights only recently xB9RdKb1akE-00459-00168323-00168635 has been complemented by xB9RdKb1akE-00460-00168635-00169047 Optional Protocol. That shall give xB9RdKb1akE-00461-00169047-00169512 to the committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights xB9RdKb1akE-00462-00169512-00169828 the new task, the new competence xB9RdKb1akE-00463-00169828-00170188 to receive individual communications xB9RdKb1akE-00464-00170188-00170566 by which individual victims of violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights xB9RdKb1akE-00465-00170566-00170723 can complain xB9RdKb1akE-00466-00170723-00171167 that they have been victims of such violations xB9RdKb1akE-00467-00171167-00171687 allowing the committee to adopt decisions to xB9RdKb1akE-00468-00171687-00172053 express views as to whether or not there has been xB9RdKb1akE-00469-00172053-00172401 a violation of their rights. xB9RdKb1akE-00470-00172401-00172703 Of course this is a very recent instrument, it was only adopted xB9RdKb1akE-00471-00172703-00173035 on 10th of December 2008, xB9RdKb1akE-00472-00173035-00173372 symbolically, interestingly xB9RdKb1akE-00473-00173372-00173778 exactly 60 years after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights xB9RdKb1akE-00474-00173778-00174186 was adopted. And because it's a still recent xB9RdKb1akE-00475-00174186-00174599 instrument, it has only been ratified by relatively small number of States, xB9RdKb1akE-00476-00174599-00174944 11 States have ratified this instrument xB9RdKb1akE-00477-00174944-00175349 on 1st of November 2013. But gradually xB9RdKb1akE-00478-00175349-00175715 this Optional Protocol certainly shall attract xB9RdKb1akE-00479-00175715-00176096 a larger membership and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights xB9RdKb1akE-00480-00176096-00176417 shall be in a position to develop xB9RdKb1akE-00481-00176417-00176746 a case-law based on these communications xB9RdKb1akE-00482-00176746-00177164 that it shall receive. Now the other covenant xB9RdKb1akE-00483-00177164-00177623 adopted at the same time as the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights xB9RdKb1akE-00484-00177623-00177970 was a covenant on civil and political rights. xB9RdKb1akE-00485-00177970-00178492 The ICCPR, that entered into force just a few months after the xB9RdKb1akE-00486-00178492-00178855 International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, xB9RdKb1akE-00487-00178855-00179182 the ICCPR entered into force on 23th of xB9RdKb1akE-00488-00179182-00179592 March 1976 and it has 167 xB9RdKb1akE-00489-00179592-00179922 States parties, slightly more then ICESCR xB9RdKb1akE-00490-00179922-00180292 in xB9RdKb1akE-00491-00180292-00180592 November 2013. xB9RdKb1akE-00492-00180592-00180908 China for example has ratified xB9RdKb1akE-00493-00180908-00181292 the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights xB9RdKb1akE-00494-00181292-00181686 but not the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights xB9RdKb1akE-00495-00181686-00182092 and the situation is the exact opposite for the United States xB9RdKb1akE-00496-00182092-00182496 that has ratified the ICCPR but has not ratified xB9RdKb1akE-00497-00182496-00182842 the ICESCR on xB9RdKb1akE-00498-00182842-00183219 economic and social rights. The International Covenant on Civil and Political xB9RdKb1akE-00499-00183219-00183296 Rights xB9RdKb1akE-00500-00183296-00183617 also has an Optional Protocol xB9RdKb1akE-00501-00183617-00184051 allowing the Human Rights Committee - the Human Rights Committee is the body of xB9RdKb1akE-00502-00184051-00184373 independent experts trusted with xB9RdKb1akE-00503-00184373-00184727 supervising compliance with the ICCPR xB9RdKb1akE-00504-00184727-00185105 under the covenant on Civil and Political Rights, xB9RdKb1akE-00505-00185105-00185592 and the Optional Protocol allows the Human Rights Committee to receive xB9RdKb1akE-00506-00185592-00185983 individual communications emanating from victims xB9RdKb1akE-00507-00185983-00186339 of violations of the civil and political rights xB9RdKb1akE-00508-00186339-00186644 recognized under the ICCPR. Now xB9RdKb1akE-00509-00186644-00187161 that Optional Protocol was adopted in 1966 at the very same time that xB9RdKb1akE-00510-00187161-00187546 the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights xB9RdKb1akE-00511-00187546-00187967 itself was adopted. And so unsurprisingly xB9RdKb1akE-00512-00187967-00188340 it has been ratified much more widely than the Optional Protocol to the xB9RdKb1akE-00513-00188340-00188677 ICESCR. 115 States parties xB9RdKb1akE-00514-00188677-00189001 have accepted this xB9RdKb1akE-00515-00189001-00189364 Optional Protocol to the ICCPR. xB9RdKb1akE-00516-00189364-00189791 Other conventions may be mentioned although I will not go to the full list of them, xB9RdKb1akE-00517-00189791-00189908 this would be xB9RdKb1akE-00518-00189908-00190376 perhaps too long to do, but to give you some examples : the Convention on xB9RdKb1akE-00519-00190376-00190411 the xB9RdKb1akE-00520-00190411-00190741 Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women xB9RdKb1akE-00521-00190741-00191137 was adopted in 1979, entered into force xB9RdKb1akE-00522-00191137-00191480 quite rapidly after this in 1981 xB9RdKb1akE-00523-00191480-00191940 and it has today 187 States parties, it is a very xB9RdKb1akE-00524-00191940-00192305 widely ratified convention although xB9RdKb1akE-00525-00192305-00192616 the most ratified of these is the xB9RdKb1akE-00526-00192616-00192945 Convention on the Rights of the Child which I'll mention in xB9RdKb1akE-00527-00192945-00193329 a minute. The Convention on the elimination of all forms of xB9RdKb1akE-00528-00193329-00193678 discriminations against women usually refered to xB9RdKb1akE-00529-00193678-00193995 by its acronym the CEDAW convention, xB9RdKb1akE-00530-00193995-00194300 is a convention that also has been xB9RdKb1akE-00531-00194300-00194753 complemented more recently in 1999 xB9RdKb1akE-00532-00194753-00195158 by Optional Protocol providing the CEDAW committee - xB9RdKb1akE-00533-00195158-00195572 the committee on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women - xB9RdKb1akE-00534-00195572-00195938 to receive individual communications xB9RdKb1akE-00535-00195938-00196312 denouncing violations of the xB9RdKb1akE-00536-00196312-00196735 Convention. This Optional Protocol, xB9RdKb1akE-00537-00196735-00197123 in force since 2000, has today xB9RdKb1akE-00538-00197123-00197432 104 States parties and xB9RdKb1akE-00539-00197432-00197735 you have here the map describing xB9RdKb1akE-00540-00197735-00198037 the States that have accepted this competence xB9RdKb1akE-00541-00198037-00198355 of the CEDAW Committee. xB9RdKb1akE-00542-00198355-00198694 I mentioned already the Convention on the Rights of the Child which is xB9RdKb1akE-00543-00198694-00199035 the most widely human rights instrument, xB9RdKb1akE-00544-00199035-00199373 the most widely ratified human rights instrument. It has xB9RdKb1akE-00545-00199373-00199690 193 States parties xB9RdKb1akE-00546-00199690-00200026 today. The only States that have not xB9RdKb1akE-00547-00200026-00200416 ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child are the United States of xB9RdKb1akE-00548-00200416-00200497 America xB9RdKb1akE-00549-00200497-00200798 and Somalia, that is without xB9RdKb1akE-00550-00200798-00201188 a real government since 1991, xB9RdKb1akE-00551-00201188-00201529 But apart from these two States all the xB9RdKb1akE-00552-00201529-00201848 other States, all the other members xB9RdKb1akE-00553-00201848-00202212 of the UN have ratified the Convention xB9RdKb1akE-00554-00202212-00202516 on the Rights of the Child which xB9RdKb1akE-00555-00202516-00202822 therefore has acquired a xB9RdKb1akE-00556-00202822-00203215 universal acceptance across States. xB9RdKb1akE-00557-00203215-00203566 Now of course these core xB9RdKb1akE-00558-00203566-00204046 UN human rights treaties, 9 in number, xB9RdKb1akE-00559-00204046-00204459 are important. They have some common characteristics xB9RdKb1akE-00560-00204459-00204812 that explain why they're usually discussed xB9RdKb1akE-00561-00204812-00205228 together and dealt with together. All these human rights treaties that I've xB9RdKb1akE-00562-00205228-00205322 mentioned, xB9RdKb1akE-00563-00205322-00205698 the CRC - the Rights of the Child, xB9RdKb1akE-00564-00205698-00206153 and Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, xB9RdKb1akE-00565-00206153-00206512 the two Covenants xB9RdKb1akE-00566-00206512-00206954 on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, xB9RdKb1akE-00567-00206954-00207448 and of course the convention on the elimination of all forms of racial xB9RdKb1akE-00568-00207448-00207517 discrimination, xB9RdKb1akE-00569-00207517-00207912 all these core UN human rights treaties xB9RdKb1akE-00570-00207912-00208265 establish expert xB9RdKb1akE-00571-00208265-00208641 bodies, human rights treaty bodies xB9RdKb1akE-00572-00208641-00208974 as they are called, composed of independent experts xB9RdKb1akE-00573-00208974-00209376 that monitor compliance. And they do so by receiving xB9RdKb1akE-00574-00209376-00209777 reports from States on which they adopt xB9RdKb1akE-00575-00209777-00210273 some concluding observations or comments xB9RdKb1akE-00576-00210273-00210755 They also adopt general comments or general recommendations, they adopt xB9RdKb1akE-00577-00210755-00211123 in some cases, when they have the competence to do so, they adopt xB9RdKb1akE-00578-00211123-00211461 decisions or views xB9RdKb1akE-00579-00211461-00211772 on the individual communications that they receive xB9RdKb1akE-00580-00211772-00212199 when victims of violations denounce the violations that xB9RdKb1akE-00581-00212199-00212549 they have been inflicted. xB9RdKb1akE-00582-00212549-00212853 And xB9RdKb1akE-00583-00212853-00213216 these core UN human rights treaties therefore follow xB9RdKb1akE-00584-00213216-00213699 a common structure. But of course within UN there are other instruments that are xB9RdKb1akE-00585-00213699-00214096 relevant to human rights, for example in 1948 xB9RdKb1akE-00586-00214096-00214492 the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the crime of genocide xB9RdKb1akE-00587-00214492-00214871 was adopted, very important instrument xB9RdKb1akE-00588-00214871-00215196 that led to a very interesting advisory opinion xB9RdKb1akE-00589-00215196-00215536 of the International Court of Justice on the 28th of May xB9RdKb1akE-00590-00215536-00215853 1951 - we will discuss this in context of xB9RdKb1akE-00591-00215853-00216217 reservations. We have a convention on the non xB9RdKb1akE-00592-00216217-00216704 applicability of statutory limitations towards crimes against humanity. xB9RdKb1akE-00593-00216704-00217052 We have an international convention on the suppression xB9RdKb1akE-00594-00217052-00217379 and punishment of the crime of apartheid adopted xB9RdKb1akE-00595-00217379-00217721 in 1973. So xB9RdKb1akE-00596-00217721-00218101 the UN human rights treaties xB9RdKb1akE-00597-00218101-00218433 stricto sensu, the 9 core UN human rights treaties xB9RdKb1akE-00598-00218433-00218819 are not the only instruments that are relevant to human rights xB9RdKb1akE-00599-00218819-00219192 but they are the most important and these are the instruments on which xB9RdKb1akE-00600-00219192-00219539 this course shall mostly be focused on. xB9RdKb1akE-00601-00219539-00219846 Let me close xB9RdKb1akE-00602-00219846-00220229 by emphasizing the distinctions between xB9RdKb1akE-00603-00220229-00220671 the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights xB9RdKb1akE-00604-00220671-00221104 and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the two xB9RdKb1akE-00605-00221104-00221433 covenants that implemented in treaty form xB9RdKb1akE-00606-00221433-00221807 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. xB9RdKb1akE-00607-00221807-00222158 It's important to note that these xB9RdKb1akE-00608-00222158-00222514 two treaties are different xB9RdKb1akE-00609-00222514-00222992 because of the mechanisms xB9RdKb1akE-00610-00222992-00223329 for their supervision that were established xB9RdKb1akE-00611-00223329-00223667 under respectively the ICESCR and the ICCPR xB9RdKb1akE-00612-00223667-00224085 based on the view of States that xB9RdKb1akE-00613-00224085-00224424 civil and political rights could be immediately xB9RdKb1akE-00614-00224424-00224781 enforced by courts and by independent experts - xB9RdKb1akE-00615-00224781-00225205 these were rights considered to be justiciable if you wish - xB9RdKb1akE-00616-00225205-00225539 when economic and social rights were considered xB9RdKb1akE-00617-00225539-00225840 not to present these characteristics. xB9RdKb1akE-00618-00225840-00226180 Economic and social rights were considered to be xB9RdKb1akE-00619-00226181-00226571 subject only to progressive realization. xB9RdKb1akE-00620-00226571-00226969 They required time to be implemented, xB9RdKb1akE-00621-00226969-00227292 they required budgets to be invested, they xB9RdKb1akE-00622-00227292-00227594 could only be implemented thanks to international xB9RdKb1akE-00623-00227594-00227941 assistance and cooperation. And for this reason xB9RdKb1akE-00624-00227941-00228265 the ICCPR established a Human Rights Committee, a body of xB9RdKb1akE-00625-00228265-00228690 independent experts to monitor compliance, and there was no such xB9RdKb1akE-00626-00228690-00229023 body of independent experts initially xB9RdKb1akE-00627-00229023-00229338 monitoring compliance with the xB9RdKb1akE-00628-00229338-00229674 International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights. xB9RdKb1akE-00629-00229674-00230011 In fact the Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights was only established xB9RdKb1akE-00630-00230011-00230352 almost 10 years after the xB9RdKb1akE-00631-00230352-00230790 ICESCR entered into force, in 1985, xB9RdKb1akE-00632-00230790-00231152 because the Economic and Social Council realized that it was xB9RdKb1akE-00633-00231152-00231596 unable to really process adequately the reports xB9RdKb1akE-00634-00231596-00231952 submitted by States describing xB9RdKb1akE-00635-00231952-00232254 how they were implementing the ICESCR. xB9RdKb1akE-00636-00232254-00232667 And so the Ecosoc established the Committee on Economic Social and Cultural xB9RdKb1akE-00637-00232667-00232776 Rights by xB9RdKb1akE-00638-00232776-00233173 resolution 17/1985, xB9RdKb1akE-00639-00233173-00233551 modeled on the model of the Human Rights Committee xB9RdKb1akE-00640-00233551-00233960 establishing this new body xB9RdKb1akE-00641-00233960-00234294 to supervise compliance with the xB9RdKb1akE-00642-00234294-00234614 ICESCR. xB9RdKb1akE-00643-00234614-00234986 This also explains why in the ICCPR xB9RdKb1akE-00644-00234986-00235392 there is a reference, in article 2 paragraph 3, to the duty of States xB9RdKb1akE-00645-00235392-00235442 to provide xB9RdKb1akE-00646-00235442-00235780 effective remedies to individuals whose xB9RdKb1akE-00647-00235780-00236103 civil and political rights would be violated when this xB9RdKb1akE-00648-00236103-00236522 provision is not found in the ICESCR xB9RdKb1akE-00649-00236522-00236832 although the Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights has since xB9RdKb1akE-00650-00236832-00236976 adopted various xB9RdKb1akE-00651-00236976-00237348 general comments emphasizing the need xB9RdKb1akE-00652-00237348-00237729 to establish effective remedies for individuals victims of xB9RdKb1akE-00653-00237729-00238103 violations of their economic and social rights, that is not something xB9RdKb1akE-00654-00238103-00238534 that was stated as such in the ICESCR. xB9RdKb1akE-00655-00238534-00238866 I already mentioned that the ICCPR xB9RdKb1akE-00656-00238866-00239223 was complemented already in 1966 xB9RdKb1akE-00657-00239223-00239557 with an Optional Protocol providing for the possibility of individual xB9RdKb1akE-00658-00239557-00239723 communications being filed xB9RdKb1akE-00659-00239723-00240166 with the Human Rights committee. A contrario, we had to wait until xB9RdKb1akE-00660-00240166-00240667 the 10th of December 2008 for the Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights xB9RdKb1akE-00661-00240667-00241006 to receive the same competence under the xB9RdKb1akE-00662-00241006-00241321 International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights xB9RdKb1akE-00663-00241321-00241732 under the newly adopted Optional Protocol to that covenant xB9RdKb1akE-00664-00241732-00242092 adopted again in 2008. xB9RdKb1akE-00665-00242092-00242464 The rights under the ICCPR are considered to be xB9RdKb1akE-00666-00242464-00242824 immediate; the rights under the ICESCR xB9RdKb1akE-00667-00242824-00243157 are considered to be subject to progressive realization xB9RdKb1akE-00668-00243157-00243538 and we will discuss in great detail article 2 paragraph 1 xB9RdKb1akE-00669-00243538-00243855 of the ICESCR that defines xB9RdKb1akE-00670-00243855-00244182 what progressive realization means and xB9RdKb1akE-00671-00244182-00244550 under which conditions the resources available to each State xB9RdKb1akE-00672-00244550-00244881 should be taken into account in assessing xB9RdKb1akE-00673-00244881-00245228 whether the State is moving swiftly enough towards the realization xB9RdKb1akE-00674-00245228-00245576 of economic and social rights. Economic and social rights xB9RdKb1akE-00675-00245576-00245956 are subject to the availability of resources xB9RdKb1akE-00676-00245956-00246285 under the ICESCR and they xB9RdKb1akE-00677-00246285-00246758 depend for the realization on international assistance and cooperation xB9RdKb1akE-00678-00246758-00247081 and in these two dimensions, in these two aspects xB9RdKb1akE-00679-00247081-00247448 they are different from civil and political rights. xB9RdKb1akE-00680-00247448-00247848 To a large extent we may say that, over the past xB9RdKb1akE-00681-00247848-00248201 65 years, since the Universal Declaration of xB9RdKb1akE-00682-00248201-00248598 Human Rights was adopted, the history of international human rights xB9RdKb1akE-00683-00248598-00248917 was one that aimed xB9RdKb1akE-00684-00248917-00249276 to bridge the gap between these two sets of rights xB9RdKb1akE-00685-00249276-00249739 and to a large extent that is the most important development we have xB9RdKb1akE-00686-00249739-00249816 witnessed xB9RdKb1akE-00687-00249816-00250148 over the past 65 years and it is xB9RdKb1akE-00688-00250148-00250574 in parts what will be described in this course xB9RdKb1akE-00689-00250574-00250715 on international human rights. xCQrXnBupac-00000-00000001-00000409 We are here with another Teacher of the Year profile. We are speaking with Seema xCQrXnBupac-00001-00000409-00000824 Sokelis, who is one of two Teachers of the Year for the xCQrXnBupac-00002-00000824-00001243 Sacramento City Unified School District. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. xCQrXnBupac-00003-00001243-00001673 So, you're a special day class teacher at James xCQrXnBupac-00004-00001673-00002086 Marshall Elementary and you work with students with autism. Yes. xCQrXnBupac-00005-00002086-00002494 Tell me how your class works and how your program works. So, I have xCQrXnBupac-00006-00002494-00002908 a first through third grade class and we have xCQrXnBupac-00007-00002908-00003329 kind of a full spectrum in my classroom. I've got kids who are working at grade xCQrXnBupac-00008-00003329-00003734 level. Kids who are working at basic communication skills. xCQrXnBupac-00009-00003734-00004142 Learning to talk. Learning to communicate. So, a lot of my class xCQrXnBupac-00010-00004142-00004555 is based on routine and really kind of individualized xCQrXnBupac-00011-00004555-00004977 instruction. So, we are looking at each kid and xCQrXnBupac-00012-00004977-00005383 looking at what the best fit is for each student and then kind of making a routine that works xCQrXnBupac-00013-00005383-00005794 for those students. So, lot of my kids are in and out of the classroom xCQrXnBupac-00014-00005794-00006203 and some of them are in the classroom. Some are pushing into gen ed classes. xCQrXnBupac-00015-00006203-00006625 It just kind of really depends on the students xCQrXnBupac-00016-00006625-00007031 needs. And so we're structured but there's a lot of flow xCQrXnBupac-00017-00007031-00007440 in the structure. So, you've got students with wide ranges xCQrXnBupac-00018-00007440-00007854 of ability. How do you plan for that? How do you xCQrXnBupac-00019-00007854-00008274 you're really like doing a split brain thing where you are addressing xCQrXnBupac-00020-00008274-00008680 each individual need while you are dealing with a group. Um, so I have xCQrXnBupac-00021-00008680-00009091 fourteen lesson plans sometimes going on in my head at the same time. You kind of take xCQrXnBupac-00022-00009091-00009508 a big lesson and then kind of tailor it to xCQrXnBupac-00023-00009508-00009933 just like a gen ed teacher would do. You've got kids that are kid. Kids that are low. xCQrXnBupac-00024-00009933-00010341 Kids that are, this may not be their strong suit or, you know, it's xCQrXnBupac-00025-00010341-00010754 their passion. You just kind of look at the class as a whole xCQrXnBupac-00026-00010754-00011176 and kind of group kids based on ability, based on needs and xCQrXnBupac-00027-00011176-00011582 then kind of just through the lesson and through the instruction kind of xCQrXnBupac-00028-00011582-00011993 tweak it as you need for each student and make it xCQrXnBupac-00029-00011993-00012413 so it's at their level and their need and understanding. So, it's just something xCQrXnBupac-00030-00012413-00012841 that doesn't matter, special ed or gen ed, we just xCQrXnBupac-00031-00012841-00013254 kind of do it. So, it sounds like you are continually assessing how they're doing? xCQrXnBupac-00032-00013254-00013671 Yes, all the time, because you see progress or may see some lack of progress xCQrXnBupac-00033-00013671-00014077 so you are constantly... Yes, so definitely we xCQrXnBupac-00034-00014077-00014488 myself and staff in the classroom, we you know, xCQrXnBupac-00035-00014488-00014904 between breaks or check-in it's like "How did that lesson go? Did xCQrXnBupac-00036-00014904-00015313 the way we explain things work?" If it doesn't work then we need to kind of think xCQrXnBupac-00037-00015313-00015719 of, well that didn't work. How do we treat the lesson? How do we xCQrXnBupac-00038-00015719-00016131 re-teach the lesson or even just like go back and say, okay xCQrXnBupac-00039-00016131-00016547 what can we do different? Or that worked great, now or that was too easy. xCQrXnBupac-00040-00016547-00016972 It's just you've got to check and modify and tweak and xCQrXnBupac-00041-00016972-00017381 a lot of informal assessment goes on throughout the day xCQrXnBupac-00042-00017381-00017795 and a lot of just fine-tuning through the day for different xCQrXnBupac-00043-00017795-00018198 lessons. And a lot of that fine-tuning has to carry over into xCQrXnBupac-00044-00018198-00018624 the house. So, you must have to be in xCQrXnBupac-00045-00018624-00019027 real good sync with the families. I definitely try to make sure xCQrXnBupac-00046-00019027-00019435 I'm checking in with the parents. We do kind of a daily xCQrXnBupac-00047-00019435-00019848 communication log that the kids, you know, they take ownership. They fill it out. xCQrXnBupac-00048-00019848-00020270 It's kind of like, I did good at this or, and so like if a student's had xCQrXnBupac-00049-00020270-00020676 success I'll write down a quick note saying, "Hey, they did a great job in X, Y, or Z." Or xCQrXnBupac-00050-00020676-00021087 "We're working on this right now and they're really enjoying xCQrXnBupac-00051-00021087-00021504 it or they're kind of struggling." And then also it kind of falls into xCQrXnBupac-00052-00021504-00021928 parent conferences and so, we are having parent conferences xCQrXnBupac-00053-00021928-00022337 once or twice a year. Or we are meeting annually to review xCQrXnBupac-00054-00022337-00022749 our students IEPs which sometimes parents are like, xCQrXnBupac-00055-00022749-00023171 okay this is great. This is just following xCQrXnBupac-00056-00023171-00023577 up on what we've already been talking about, and so it's not usually a surprise xCQrXnBupac-00057-00023577-00023983 and come IEP time their student can do X, Y, or Z or xCQrXnBupac-00058-00023983-00024396 we're struggling here. And so, making sure we are communicating throughout the year xCQrXnBupac-00059-00024396-00024805 and so when we meet annually we are all kind of on the same page. xCQrXnBupac-00060-00024805-00025212 So, how important is that xCQrXnBupac-00061-00025212-00025624 special education parent/special education teacher xCQrXnBupac-00062-00025624-00026032 communication connection? You know, for some parents they xCQrXnBupac-00063-00026032-00026445 are amazing. They are super involved. They're super xCQrXnBupac-00064-00026445-00026867 how can I help? What can I do at home? And then sometimes xCQrXnBupac-00065-00026867-00027273 there's parents that struggle to, kind of, "How do I support my students?" And sometimes xCQrXnBupac-00066-00027273-00027683 those are the parents you really need to make sure you reach out to and you talk and it's like xCQrXnBupac-00067-00027683-00028100 I can't provide these services but here is where you can go. xCQrXnBupac-00068-00028100-00028507 And being able to help kind parents because sometimes xCQrXnBupac-00069-00028507-00028910 walking into a situation where your student has special needs and you are like xCQrXnBupac-00070-00028910-00029319 "I don't know how to get the help. What do I do?" I like to try to be xCQrXnBupac-00071-00029319-00029732 a sounding board for those parents beause it's important that, yes, xCQrXnBupac-00072-00029732-00030157 I am your student's teacher and I care about your student but also I xCQrXnBupac-00073-00030157-00030562 may not be the person with all the resources but let me show you where to get them. So, xCQrXnBupac-00074-00030562-00030972 making sure we are working as a team and I'm providing xCQrXnBupac-00075-00030972-00031388 enough services not necessarily in class but xCQrXnBupac-00076-00031388-00031812 information. I want to be the information source for my parents. xCQrXnBupac-00077-00031812-00032220 Where to get extra help if they need it. So, how important is your professional development xCQrXnBupac-00078-00032220-00032624 because things are changing all the time? Something new comes up. xCQrXnBupac-00079-00032624-00033027 Maybe there's a syndrome you've never heard up that you've go study up. xCQrXnBupac-00080-00033027-00033449 How valuable is that time away from the classroom where you have to xCQrXnBupac-00081-00033449-00033872 study yourself? You know, I... xCQrXnBupac-00082-00033872-00034274 some people don't like professional development during class and I am definitely one of them but xCQrXnBupac-00083-00034274-00034687 there's value in finding new information, different xCQrXnBupac-00084-00034687-00035105 teaching ways. There's value in xCQrXnBupac-00085-00035105-00035530 continue learning and I tell my students and I tell my own kids that xCQrXnBupac-00086-00035530-00035936 as a grown up you never stop learning. It's important to continue learning. I xCQrXnBupac-00087-00035936-00036351 go back to school periodically to learn different things. xCQrXnBupac-00088-00036351-00036774 Self-growth is important and I try to teach my students that. xCQrXnBupac-00089-00036774-00037182 And model it through what I do, so I do take classes xCQrXnBupac-00090-00037182-00037594 through when I have time to take an extra class about something xCQrXnBupac-00091-00037594-00038015 new, or if I see a professional development that's xCQrXnBupac-00092-00038015-00038418 going to maybe help my class, or just kind of keep up with the times because a lot xCQrXnBupac-00093-00038418-00038821 things are now technology based. Well, xCQrXnBupac-00094-00038821-00039235 if you fall behind on those then you're missing out on some of the opportunities to teach xCQrXnBupac-00095-00039235-00039638 innovative ways to teach your students. So, what inspired you to become a special education student? xCQrXnBupac-00096-00039638-00040050 You know, that's kind of funny story. xCQrXnBupac-00097-00040050-00040458 I had no intentions of being a special ed teacher. I was xCQrXnBupac-00098-00040458-00040871 going to - when I first got married - I was like "I'm going to be a high school counselor" and xCQrXnBupac-00099-00040871-00041293 my mother in law and my father in law were both teachers. And I was like xCQrXnBupac-00100-00041293-00041696 they're the first ones to get laid off when there's a down time. And I was like, "Okay, not xCQrXnBupac-00101-00041696-00042099 gonna work." Then, "I like little kids and I want to be a kindergarten teacher" and kind of go xCQrXnBupac-00102-00042099-00042513 through school and doing different things xCQrXnBupac-00103-00042513-00042931 I had worked for Sac City Unified as a classified sub and xCQrXnBupac-00104-00042931-00043356 had left or a while and wanted to come back and I talked to a friend and she was like xCQrXnBupac-00105-00043356-00043766 they really need special ed subs for instructional xCQrXnBupac-00106-00043766-00044184 aid and I have no experience in special ed. So, okay. xCQrXnBupac-00107-00044184-00044610 What the heck? I like kids. Let's see that happens. xCQrXnBupac-00108-00044610-00045021 And I went in and went into a class for students with xCQrXnBupac-00109-00045021-00045435 moderate to severe autism, fourth through six grade students, so they're xCQrXnBupac-00110-00045435-00045859 as big as I am an the teacher kept going, "Are you going to come back xCQrXnBupac-00111-00045859-00046267 after your break? Are you come back after lunch?" She wasn't so sure? She wasn't so sure. xCQrXnBupac-00112-00046267-00046680 And she had had people say, "Whoa, this is xCQrXnBupac-00113-00046680-00047100 not for me" and leave in a day or not come back and I xCQrXnBupac-00114-00047100-00047504 kept saying, "Yeah, I'm fine. These kids are great." xCQrXnBupac-00115-00047504-00047911 And it was a week assignment and xCQrXnBupac-00116-00047911-00048332 the next couple of days, "Are you coming bak?" "Yeah!" And just getting to know the students xCQrXnBupac-00117-00048332-00048735 and by that Friday I had made just xCQrXnBupac-00118-00048735-00049168 just seen little changes the students, and seen tiny successes xCQrXnBupac-00119-00049168-00049582 were like amazing because you're like "You couldn't do this on Monday!" And xCQrXnBupac-00120-00049582-00050004 now oyu can do it. And I was just in awe of the determination xCQrXnBupac-00121-00050004-00050409 of these students and the will to learn and xCQrXnBupac-00122-00050409-00050817 thinking outside of the box. It was just amazing. On Friday, I was going "Okay xCQrXnBupac-00123-00050817-00051229 I don't want to be a gen ed teacher any more. I want to be a spcial ed teacher." xCQrXnBupac-00124-00051229-00051657 And I have never left. So, what does it mean now xCQrXnBupac-00125-00051657-00052075 for you to be a Teacher of the Year for your school district? It's such an amazing 127 00:08:40,750 --> 00:00:00,000 honor. It's really humbling and it's just xCQrXnBupac-00126-00052926-00053347 such an honor and I have a hard time articulating how xCQrXnBupac-00127-00053347-00053752 honored I am and how kind of just like overwhelmed by this. xCQrXnBupac-00128-00053752-00054163 I work hard. I know I work hard but there are so many teachers in the xCQrXnBupac-00129-00054163-00054579 district that I know personally have put their heart and soul into it. xCQrXnBupac-00130-00054579-00055001 And just being able to represent those teachers xCQrXnBupac-00131-00055001-00055410 and the school and the staff that I work with xCQrXnBupac-00132-00055410-00055822 within our own small kind of community. It's amazing because xCQrXnBupac-00133-00055822-00056242 it's not me being Teacher of the Year, it's a group xCQrXnBupac-00134-00056242-00056646 effort. I have an amazing principal. I have amazing para xCQrXnBupac-00135-00056646-00057054 professionals in my classroom who day in and day out we have our strengths xCQrXnBupac-00136-00057054-00057466 and we work together. We are a family. I have the teachers next door. xCQrXnBupac-00137-00057466-00057888 And across campus we've become a family and it's xCQrXnBupac-00138-00057888-00058291 ... this is not just for me.it's for all of us of how hard we've worked xCQrXnBupac-00139-00058291-00058700 to do the right thing for our students and push our students xCQrXnBupac-00140-00058700-00059104 for great achievements. Well, and because of that hard work and because of the xCQrXnBupac-00141-00059104-00059511 teamwork you are able to be a Teacher of the Year for the Sacramento City Unified School District. xCQrXnBupac-00142-00059511-00059921 Thank you for being here and talking with us. We've been talking with Seema Sokelis, one of two Teachers xCQrXnBupac-00143-00059921-00061821 of the Year from Sacramento City Unified. Thank you. Thank you. xEr3blezySy-00000-00000000-00000389 Donald Trump is back on Twitter spreading lies about the real cause of xEr3blezySy-00001-00000389-00000836 the opioid epidemic here in the United States so in this video we're gonna use xEr3blezySy-00002-00000836-00002076 one of his least favorite things which are facts what is up everybody this is xEr3blezySy-00003-00002076-00002514 Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the xEr3blezySy-00004-00002514-00002793 solution and if you're new to my channel what I like to do is take a look at xEr3blezySy-00005-00002793-00003327 what's going on on Twitter or YouTube or just in society in general and just try xEr3blezySy-00006-00003327-00003645 to see what lessons we can learn from them so if you're into that stuff xEr3blezySy-00007-00003645-00003993 make sure you subscribe and ring that notification bell so yeah this morning I xEr3blezySy-00008-00003993-00004293 was over on Twitter just kind of catching up with the news and all that xEr3blezySy-00009-00004293-00004707 jazz and I saw a tweet from Donald Trump but by the way did you know I'm on xEr3blezySy-00010-00004707-00005052 Twitter follow me on Twitter and Instagram at the rewired soul alright xEr3blezySy-00011-00005052-00005541 but anyways i retweeted this because it was absolutely ridiculous and he does xEr3blezySy-00012-00005541-00006060 this all the time so his tweet said 90% of the drugs coming in to the United xEr3blezySy-00013-00006060-00006606 States come through Mexico and our southern border 80,000 people died last xEr3blezySy-00014-00006606-00007086 year 1 million people ruined this has gone on for many years and nothing has xEr3blezySy-00015-00007086-00007586 been done about it we have a 100 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico it's xEr3blezySy-00016-00007586-00008109 time alright and this is a lie by omission one of the things that he does xEr3blezySy-00017-00008109-00008499 is he blames Mexico because obviously he's trying to get his wall built but xEr3blezySy-00018-00008499-00008882 the thing is that we all need to realize this opioid epidemic that we're xEr3blezySy-00019-00008882-00009435 currently in is not because of other countries yes other countries do ship in xEr3blezySy-00020-00009435-00009929 drugs but 90% of the drugs coming in and not from Mexico they're coming from xEr3blezySy-00021-00009929-00010415 right here in the damn United States so what i retweeted this somebody commented xEr3blezySy-00022-00010415-00010754 and said well maybe he's you know just focusing on the other countries because xEr3blezySy-00023-00010754-00011089 they have been doing a crackdown here in the United States about xEr3blezySy-00024-00011089-00011517 prescription drugs that were handing out and well that's true and things have xEr3blezySy-00025-00011517-00011949 gone better and I'm about to show you some stats behind it the thing is it's a xEr3blezySy-00026-00011949-00012285 lie by omission because he's saying that 90% of the drugs coming in and here's xEr3blezySy-00027-00012285-00012806 the thing pharmaceutical drugs are drugs okay and they're responsible for a lot a xEr3blezySy-00028-00012806-00013245 lot of the opioid deaths here in the United States recently the BBC's xEr3blezySy-00029-00013245-00013525 I need a study from The Lancet Commission on global access to xEr3blezySy-00030-00013525-00014121 palliative care and pain relief this study showed the US gets 30 tons more xEr3blezySy-00031-00014121-00014616 opioid pain relief medication than it needs Mexico only gets 36 percent of xEr3blezySy-00032-00014616-00015066 what it needs China gets about 16 percent of what it needs India gets 4 xEr3blezySy-00033-00015066-00015573 percent of what it needs Nigeria gets 0.2 percent of what it xEr3blezySy-00034-00015573-00016140 needs so yes this is a fact okay we get way more prescription opioids shipped to xEr3blezySy-00035-00016140-00016725 the United States and distributed than any other country on the planet by a xEr3blezySy-00036-00016725-00017287 huge margin so when I make videos talking about suboxone and other xEr3blezySy-00037-00017287-00017728 prescription medications like it's just important to understand that we as xEr3blezySy-00038-00017728-00018187 Americans have been trained to believe that we need these medications in order xEr3blezySy-00039-00018187-00018660 to deal with physical pain psychological pain and I'm not saying nobody needs xEr3blezySy-00040-00018660-00019015 medications but when you look at these statistics like ask yourself a question xEr3blezySy-00041-00019015-00019635 ask yourself an honest question do you believe that the United States just xEr3blezySy-00042-00019635-00020068 happens to have more people struggling with pain than any other country on xEr3blezySy-00043-00020068-00020422 Earth so why is it that we're getting so many opioids in the United States and xEr3blezySy-00044-00020422-00020731 distributing them to people all right so what you're seeing on the screen right xEr3blezySy-00045-00020731-00021198 now are stats from the National Institute on Drug Abuse all right so xEr3blezySy-00046-00021198-00021801 according to the NIJ there were 17,000 deaths from prescription opioids xEr3blezySy-00047-00021801-00022381 compared to 15,000 deaths from heroin most of the prescription opioid deaths xEr3blezySy-00048-00022381-00023112 involved no heroin at all while most heroin deaths did involve another xEr3blezySy-00049-00023112-00023653 narcotic all right so one of the buys that we are being fed is that heroin is xEr3blezySy-00050-00023653-00024268 the leading cause of overdose death in the United States this is not true xEr3blezySy-00051-00024268-00024862 prescription opioids are still the leading cause of opioid deaths not xEr3blezySy-00052-00024862-00025341 heroin you can also see here that many people dying from benzos like xanax or xEr3blezySy-00053-00025341-00025929 valium had opioids in their system as well now these are CDC statistics that xEr3blezySy-00054-00025929-00026352 show we are doing better but it's still a major problem now although these xEr3blezySy-00055-00026352-00026737 numbers are downward the CDC also states in 16 xEr3blezySy-00056-00026737-00027244 percent of US counties and Neph opioid prescriptions were dispensed for every xEr3blezySy-00057-00027244-00027730 person to have one while the overall opioid prescribing rate in 2017 was xEr3blezySy-00058-00027730-00028207 fifty eight point seven prescriptions per 100 people some counties had rates xEr3blezySy-00059-00028207-00028762 that were seven times higher than that so think about that for a second think xEr3blezySy-00060-00028762-00029149 about how many opioids we are prescribing here especially when you xEr3blezySy-00061-00029149-00029704 combine the fact that most people who get started on heroin we're hooked on xEr3blezySy-00062-00029704-00030082 prescription opioids before they ever tried heroin I am a recovering xEr3blezySy-00063-00030082-00030469 prescription opioid addict and I was this close to getting on heroin just xEr3blezySy-00064-00030469-00030841 because it would have been easier access alright nobody wakes up in the morning xEr3blezySy-00065-00030841-00031395 like no I'm gonna try some heroin today no most people get hooked on xEr3blezySy-00066-00031395-00031705 prescription opioids and then they look for something that's cheaper and xEr3blezySy-00067-00031705-00032214 stronger especially since doctors are cracking down on how much they do xEr3blezySy-00068-00032214-00032557 prescribe so think about the people who are getting hooked on the medication xEr3blezySy-00069-00032557-00032841 then they can't get more of the medication now they go to the black xEr3blezySy-00070-00032841-00033268 market to get some so now that we have evidence showing that prescription drugs xEr3blezySy-00071-00033268-00033688 are still the primary problem you might be asking yourself well why do we keep xEr3blezySy-00072-00033688-00034066 blaming other countries and I think we might have the answer right here from xEr3blezySy-00073-00034066-00034555 opensecrets.org so the Democrats their total contributions from Big Pharma are xEr3blezySy-00074-00034555-00035103 over six point nine million dollars and to the Republican Party it's over nine xEr3blezySy-00075-00035103-00035647 point nine million dollars so is it any wonder that politicians like Donald xEr3blezySy-00076-00035647-00036003 Trump and Senators and all of them are trying to blame other countries like xEr3blezySy-00077-00036003-00036526 Mexico and China for a problem because big pharma is trying to keep the drug xEr3blezySy-00078-00036526-00036883 addiction right here in the United States so they could be the drug dealers xEr3blezySy-00079-00036883-00037297 rather than other countries so statistics aside all right this is xEr3blezySy-00080-00037297-00037852 something that I witnessed personally every single day happening to people who xEr3blezySy-00081-00037852-00038422 are in my life alright so one of my very good friends he recently had a back xEr3blezySy-00082-00038422-00038857 spasm alright and his back started killing him so he went to the emergency xEr3blezySy-00083-00038857-00039259 room because his back was killing him and they prescribed him morphine and xEr3blezySy-00084-00039259-00039891 fentanyl okay morphine and fentanyl - the most powerful opioids xEr3blezySy-00085-00039891-00040206 like when you hear the opiate epidemic you obviously think of fentanyl xEr3blezySy-00086-00040206-00040581 for a back spasm they gave him fentanyl okay xEr3blezySy-00087-00040581-00041221 fed no is like a very last resort pain medication so when my friend was texting xEr3blezySy-00088-00041221-00041550 me and telling me about this cuz he lives in another state I'm like oh my xEr3blezySy-00089-00041550-00041937 god they gave you fed no and as somebody who has worked in the addiction xEr3blezySy-00090-00041937-00042372 treatment field as a recovering addict myself like I'm like oh my god like as xEr3blezySy-00091-00042372-00042828 my friend gonna get hooked on opioids and thank God thank God he's doing all xEr3blezySy-00092-00042828-00043152 right now he's gonna get hooked on the drugs but if he had a genetic xEr3blezySy-00093-00043152-00043671 disposition to these drugs he might have become an addict so you guys next year xEr3blezySy-00094-00043671-00044086 is the 2020 elections and I want you to remember this stuff all right when xEr3blezySy-00095-00044086-00044469 politicians are telling you things like where the drug problem really is like xEr3blezySy-00096-00044469-00044859 remember these statistics all the sources that I cited will be linked down xEr3blezySy-00097-00044859-00045246 in the description below you can find all these sources as well alright so on xEr3blezySy-00098-00045246-00045565 people like Donald Trump are saying ninety percent of the drugs are coming xEr3blezySy-00099-00045565-00045981 from other countries remember most of the drugs are coming right here in the xEr3blezySy-00100-00045981-00046312 United States from doctors prescribing them to people and getting people hooked xEr3blezySy-00101-00046312-00046608 all right now something else somebody brought up on Twitter was using xEr3blezySy-00102-00046608-00047034 marijuana for chronic pain management and I'm thinking about doing a video on xEr3blezySy-00103-00047034-00047406 that comparing studies with you know marijuana for pain management compared xEr3blezySy-00104-00047406-00047650 to like hope yours is that's something that you want to see let me know down in xEr3blezySy-00105-00047650-00047940 the comments below or if you have any experience with pain management and xEr3blezySy-00106-00047940-00048343 using something else like marijuana to manage your pain let me know down in the xEr3blezySy-00107-00048343-00048649 comments and maybe I'll make another video on it alright anyways that's all I xEr3blezySy-00108-00048649-00048927 got for this video if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if xEr3blezySy-00109-00048927-00049269 you're new make sure you subscribe and ring that notification bell and don't xEr3blezySy-00110-00049269-00049644 forget to go follow me on instagram and twitter at the rewired soul and a huge xEr3blezySy-00111-00049644-00050008 huge thank you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon you are all xEr3blezySy-00112-00050008-00050296 amazing and if you would like to get access to our monthly Q&A get your name xEr3blezySy-00113-00050296-00050622 in the credits get some other perks and benefits and support what I'm doing here xEr3blezySy-00114-00050622-00050974 click the top on that patreon icon right there alright thanks again for watching xEr3blezySy-00115-00050974-00051296 I'll see you next time xETmhyM2dUM-00000-00000104-00000200 zucchini xETmhyM2dUM-00001-00000200-00000384 cut in half and scoop out the pulp xETmhyM2dUM-00002-00000504-00000704 two whole eggs xETmhyM2dUM-00003-00000704-00000995 add appropriate amount ofwater and mix well xETmhyM2dUM-00004-00000995-00001157 pour into the zucchini xETmhyM2dUM-00005-00001328-00001425 steam for 15 minutes xETmhyM2dUM-00006-00001425-00001540 cut into thin xETmhyM2dUM-00007-00001540-00001721 with soul vinaigrette xHlxA1UAqN0-00000-00000082-00000452 Business Source Complete is a great resource for business and business xHlxA1UAqN0-00001-00000452-00000917 related industries and topics. It contains business and management xHlxA1UAqN0-00002-00000917-00001413 focused news, magazines, and journal articles. You can also find company and xHlxA1UAqN0-00003-00001413-00001968 industry profiles. There are two sources for company data the first is a brief xHlxA1UAqN0-00004-00001968-00002681 profile. That's found in the top blue menu where it says company information. xHlxA1UAqN0-00005-00002699-00003735 I'll search for CVS Pharmacy. I'm going to pick the first one listed here xHlxA1UAqN0-00006-00003735-00004209 because its name is the most direct. The other options focus on particular states xHlxA1UAqN0-00007-00004209-00005007 or services. This page gives me some basic information about the company. To xHlxA1UAqN0-00008-00005007-00005484 the right, I have the parent company, which is the company that owns CVS xHlxA1UAqN0-00009-00005484-00006506 Pharmacy. Down below are financial, executives, and industry details. Another xHlxA1UAqN0-00010-00006506-00006922 company information spot is the company profiles of Business Source Complete. xHlxA1UAqN0-00011-00006922-00007704 This is harder to find. Scrolling up to the top in the blue menu click on "more" xHlxA1UAqN0-00012-00007704-00008525 and then "company profiles." This allows you to search for a more robust profile xHlxA1UAqN0-00013-00008525-00009260 of a company. I'm gonna search for CVS again. xHlxA1UAqN0-00014-00009532-00009976 In the list of results I don't see CVS Pharmacy, xHlxA1UAqN0-00015-00009976-00010534 but I do see its parent company CVS Health Corporation. This is how knowing xHlxA1UAqN0-00016-00010534-00011430 the parent or holding companies can be useful in research. I'm going to open it. xHlxA1UAqN0-00017-00011857-00012442 if I expand this arrow over here I can see the PDF file here a- the MarketLine xHlxA1UAqN0-00018-00012442-00013810 report. This report is quite robust. It's 45 pages. The Table of Contents lets me xHlxA1UAqN0-00019-00013810-00014434 know what I can expect to find within. If I do a "ctrl+ F" search in the document for xHlxA1UAqN0-00020-00014434-00014926 the word "pharmacy" it can help me quickly narrow in on the details about its xHlxA1UAqN0-00021-00014926-00015645 pharmacy services. if I want to use this report, the tool gives me some options in xHlxA1UAqN0-00022-00015645-00016263 the menu on the right side of the screen. I can print a copy or email one to xHlxA1UAqN0-00023-00016263-00016882 myself. If I need assistance citing it for a paper, I can use the cite button xHlxA1UAqN0-00024-00016882-00017497 here to find a citation according to the style guide I'm using. If you click on xHlxA1UAqN0-00025-00017497-00018450 "cite" it pops up with this box with the citation cited in a fair number of ways. xHlxA1UAqN0-00026-00018663-00019303 One important thing to note is linking for these reports. Do not use the link in xHlxA1UAqN0-00027-00019303-00019909 the browser bar here as that is temporary. If you want to save a link to xHlxA1UAqN0-00028-00019909-00020341 the document, you need to use the "Permalink" which is found down here in xHlxA1UAqN0-00029-00020341-00021010 the right corner. The icon looks like a piece of chain. If you click on that it xHlxA1UAqN0-00030-00021010-00021607 will pop up this Permalink option here at the top and you can copy and save xHlxA1UAqN0-00031-00021607-00022248 that URL. It's a stable URL and it will work later. xHlxA1UAqN0-00032-00022411-00022925 You can also search for articles within Business Source. For example, if I'm xHlxA1UAqN0-00033-00022925-00023342 interested in the pharmacy industry, I would search it in the following way. xHlxA1UAqN0-00034-00023342-00024080 I would type pharmacy into the first box and industry into the second box and hit xHlxA1UAqN0-00035-00024080-00024386 Search. That helps the tool understand that I'm xHlxA1UAqN0-00036-00024386-00024803 interested in results that discuss both of these concepts, but that they are xHlxA1UAqN0-00037-00024803-00025466 separate ideas. On the left side of the screen, I can filter my results in many xHlxA1UAqN0-00038-00025466-00026057 ways. I can limit to peer-reviewed or scholarly content. I can limit by xHlxA1UAqN0-00039-00026057-00026669 publication date. If I scroll down here to "Source Types," I have several different xHlxA1UAqN0-00040-00026669-00027295 options. I can choose a trade publication. A trade publication refers to a magazine xHlxA1UAqN0-00041-00027295-00027833 or newspaper that's written for people who work in a certain field or industry, xHlxA1UAqN0-00042-00027833-00028397 like a pharmacy or a bank. Market research reports are going to give you xHlxA1UAqN0-00043-00028397-00028823 insight into whomever purchases a certain service and what they might want xHlxA1UAqN0-00044-00028823-00029393 from that industry. You can also see I have the options of industry profiles xHlxA1UAqN0-00045-00029393-00029825 which will give me a big picture understanding of the industry I'm xHlxA1UAqN0-00046-00029825-00030070 examining. xHlxA1UAqN0-00047-00030472-00031097 By limiting to trade publication I now have 22,000 results that I can explore. xHlxA1UAqN0-00048-00031097-00031631 On the results page I'll get some brief information about the article and then xHlxA1UAqN0-00049-00031631-00032099 some subjects. If I want to see the article, I need to click on the "Full Text." xHlxA1UAqN0-00050-00032099-00032693 And now I have the article itself xHJG10O_dxk-00000-00000017-00000117 I’m Sean DeButts. xHJG10O_dxk-00001-00000117-00000663 I’m here with Sean Faircloth, who is the Director of Strategy and Policy at the Richard xHJG10O_dxk-00002-00000663-00001080 Dawkins Foundation, and also the author of “Theocrats Attack.” xHJG10O_dxk-00003-00001080-00001562 [sic, “Attack of the Theocrats”] We’re meeting after a presentation by Sean Faircloth xHJG10O_dxk-00004-00001562-00001673 and Richard Dawkins. xHJG10O_dxk-00005-00001673-00002050 I have a few questions here for you Sean. xHJG10O_dxk-00006-00002050-00002591 One of the questions I had is, what is the greatest challenge you find yourself facing xHJG10O_dxk-00007-00002591-00003091 in Washington D.C. promoting the cause of the Richard Dawkins Foundation and secularism? xHJG10O_dxk-00008-00003091-00004171 Well, the biggest challenge is actually the rest of the country; not in the respect xHJG10O_dxk-00009-00004171-00004314 that the country is as problematic as people perceive, because I don’t think it is in xHJG10O_dxk-00010-00004314-00004467 terms of separation of church and state. xHJG10O_dxk-00011-00004467-00005055 The problem is we’re not organized enough for separation of church and state values. xHJG10O_dxk-00012-00005055-00005560 There are far more people who believe in both separation of church and state and who have xHJG10O_dxk-00013-00005560-00006026 a scientific and rationally based perspective on life than is otherwise perceived. xHJG10O_dxk-00014-00006026-00006552 What we need to do is organize those people, and that’s really a big focus with the Richard xHJG10O_dxk-00015-00006552-00006834 Dawkins Foundation. xHJG10O_dxk-00016-00006834-00007356 Another question that I had is, currently how do you think the United States ranks in xHJG10O_dxk-00017-00007356-00007838 terms of separation of church and state out of all the nations in the world? xHJG10O_dxk-00018-00007838-00008247 It’s not doing as well as it should, given that is was the United States that instituted xHJG10O_dxk-00019-00008247-00008757 the concept of separation of church and state with Jefferson in the Virginia legislature xHJG10O_dxk-00020-00008757-00009503 back in the 1700s, and then Madison instituted the same concept in the U.S. constitution xHJG10O_dxk-00021-00009503-00009767 in the latter 1700s. xHJG10O_dxk-00022-00009767-00010339 Another thing I’ve noticed, as my final question to wrap up, is that often times in xHJG10O_dxk-00023-00010339-00010911 debates about religion, for example, the YouTube videos that I’ve seen between Bill O'Reilly xHJG10O_dxk-00024-00010911-00011404 and Richard Dawkins, often times it seems that one of the debaters is constantly shifting xHJG10O_dxk-00025-00011404-00011882 the topic from the truth of religion to either the comfort or the utility, or the political xHJG10O_dxk-00026-00011882-00012079 necessity of religion. xHJG10O_dxk-00027-00012079-00012517 It seems to me that this is a very big impediment in convincing many people. xHJG10O_dxk-00028-00012517-00012728 What do you think is the best way around that? xHJG10O_dxk-00029-00012728-00012904 The utility. xHJG10O_dxk-00030-00012904-00013708 I would argue that when you look at the many laws I talk about in my book, in statute today, xHJG10O_dxk-00031-00013708-00014102 not in some future time when Rick Santorum becomes president, becomes president, but xHJG10O_dxk-00032-00014102-00014770 right now, that bias American law in favor of religion far beyond what is required by xHJG10O_dxk-00033-00014770-00015522 The Constitution, and see the number of people that are harmed by this bias, then you see xHJG10O_dxk-00034-00015522-00015987 revealed a concern that really needs to be addressed in American society. xHJG10O_dxk-00035-00015987-00016520 Furthermore, you have to face the reality that the fundamental reason, for example, xHJG10O_dxk-00036-00016520-00017087 the primary factor, for example, regarding opposition to equal marriage for gay people, xHJG10O_dxk-00037-00017087-00017239 is a religious motivation. xHJG10O_dxk-00038-00017239-00017953 The primary motivating factor for the suppression of women, and for the argument that women xHJG10O_dxk-00039-00017953-00018433 should hold down their own choices regarding their own bodies, is a religious argument. xHJG10O_dxk-00040-00018433-00018938 If you take a compassion argument, if you take an evidence-based argument, then many xHJG10O_dxk-00041-00018938-00019038 of those wash away. xHJG10O_dxk-00042-00019038-00019398 At the Richard Dawkins Foundation, we have the Ten Point Vision of a Secular America. xHJG10O_dxk-00043-00019398-00019901 The issue of Gay Marriage, and the issue or reproductive rights is the most known, but xHJG10O_dxk-00044-00019901-00020228 there are eight other areas we discuss, where there’s religious bias in law, where people xHJG10O_dxk-00045-00020228-00020793 are tremendously harmed, and we want to establish on the public record that this has occurred, xHJG10O_dxk-00046-00020793-00021257 and I think that that will persuade many, many people that this isn’t a matter of xHJG10O_dxk-00047-00021257-00021565 abstraction, this is a matter of people’s survival. xHJG10O_dxk-00048-00021565-00021777 Thank you, Sean. xKOz_NtkcGI-00000-00099610-00100080 Today we experience teaching for truth. xKOz_NtkcGI-00001-00100240-00100804 Today we experience our function in the Atonement. xKOz_NtkcGI-00002-00100876-00101790 Our function as accepting Atonement, as accepting guiltlessness. xKOz_NtkcGI-00003-00101898-00102516 Guiltlessness in ourself and everything that we perceive. xKOz_NtkcGI-00004-00102711-00103064 God is first. xKOz_NtkcGI-00005-00103161-00104109 The first in time means nothing, but the first in eternity is God the Father, who is both first and one. xKOz_NtkcGI-00006-00104158-00105102 Beyond the first there is no other, for there is no order, no second, or third, and nothing but the first. xKOz_NtkcGI-00007-00105304-00106242 Today we happily realize that I belong to the first cause. xKOz_NtkcGI-00008-00106656-00106992 There is no second cause. xKOz_NtkcGI-00009-00107214-00107650 Error cannot be. xKOz_NtkcGI-00010-00107818-00108130 I am as God created me. xKOz_NtkcGI-00011-00108228-00108911 I am like the Father; Spirit. xKOz_NtkcGI-00012-00109083-00109909 And nothing else exists, therefor nothing else matters. xKOz_NtkcGI-00013-00110240-00110672 Today I would meet the conditions of this remembering. xKOz_NtkcGI-00014-00110878-00111278 Today I will remember Holiness. xKOz_NtkcGI-00015-00111498-00112182 Today I will go before all decisions that have ever seemed to be. xKOz_NtkcGI-00016-00112480-00113542 Today I accept my function as deciding against what I want, in recognition that I do not know. xKOz_NtkcGI-00017-00113768-00114252 I leave all decisions to the one who speaks for God. xKOz_NtkcGI-00018-00114528-00115322 Today I give up the frantic and insane attempt to decide apart from God. xKOz_NtkcGI-00019-00115452-00116122 Today I would let the Holy Spirit make all decisions for me for God. xKOz_NtkcGI-00020-00116344-00117106 Today I remember the beautiful teachings of the awakened one, Jesus Christ. xKOz_NtkcGI-00021-00117340-00118298 He says, 'When you have learned how to decide with God, all decisions become as easy and as right as breathing.' xKOz_NtkcGI-00022-00118376-00119244 'There is no effort, and you will be led as gently as if you were being carried down a quiet path in summer.' xKOz_NtkcGI-00023-00119594-00120106 Ah, today I recline in this idea. xKOz_NtkcGI-00024-00120378-00120904 As if I am being carried down a quiet path in summer. xKOz_NtkcGI-00025-00121238-00122114 Today I will listen and make no decisions by myself. xKOz_NtkcGI-00026-00122598-00123204 Vision depends on the workbook lesson for today. xKOz_NtkcGI-00027-00123459-00124208 The light is in it. Where it reconciles all seeming opposites. xKOz_NtkcGI-00028-00124574-00125124 To give and to receive are one in truth. xKOz_NtkcGI-00029-00125470-00126211 In this, I experience Vision. Being healed. xKOz_NtkcGI-00030-00126348-00126711 And having the power to heal. xKOz_NtkcGI-00031-00126896-00127590 This is the light that heals because it brings single perception. xKOz_NtkcGI-00032-00127816-00128076 Let thine eye be single. xKOz_NtkcGI-00033-00128346-00128744 Today I give as I would receive. xKOz_NtkcGI-00034-00129026-00129470 I learn that giving and receiving are the same. xKOz_NtkcGI-00035-00129896-00130361 To give and to receive are one in truth. xKOz_NtkcGI-00036-00130559-00130883 I will receive what I am giving now. xKOz_NtkcGI-00037-00131222-00131642 To everyone I offer heaven. xKOz_NtkcGI-00038-00131766-00132210 To everyone I offer joy. xKOz_NtkcGI-00039-00132444-00132920 To everyone I offer happiness. xKOz_NtkcGI-00040-00133128-00133558 To everyone I offer eternity. xKOz_NtkcGI-00041-00133810-00134796 To give and to receive are one in truth. Amen. xNNsNKB0l50-00000-00000000-00000300 Welcome to Woa Doodles!!! xNNsNKB0l50-00001-00000300-00000500 Hope this video relaxes you xNNsNKB0l50-00002-00008050-00008500 Please like, share and subscribe to enjoy many interesting videos of Doodles TV! xPb8e86_c1Y-00000-00000064-00000440 In this video we're going to look at how we can actually find the inverse of a function xPb8e86_c1Y-00001-00000441-00000890 that is given to us. Now kind of getting an idea of what's going on I want to look at xPb8e86_c1Y-00002-00000890-00001709 these function machines again. Say we got this function machine f(x), and then the xPb8e86_c1Y-00003-00001709-00002442 function machine that we're trying to create the inverse of x. And we know if we take some xPb8e86_c1Y-00004-00002442-00003006 number like three, and dump it in the function machine we'll get something out, maybe a two. xPb8e86_c1Y-00005-00003006-00003534 The idea of an inverses is that if we plug that two in into the inverses we get out what xPb8e86_c1Y-00006-00003534-00004214 went into the first function. We get out the three, again. But we're going to do this process xPb8e86_c1Y-00007-00004214-00004923 with variables instead of numbers. The idea is the x goes in y comes out of the regular xPb8e86_c1Y-00008-00004923-00005754 function machine. For the inverse though the y goes in and the x comes out. Its switched xPb8e86_c1Y-00009-00005754-00006514 around. The y goes in and the x comes out. That's the idea we use to find an inverse. xPb8e86_c1Y-00010-00006514-00007352 To find the inverses of a function we will switch the x and y, and then solve it for xPb8e86_c1Y-00011-00007352-00007890 the y. This gives us the backwards function with the y going in and the x coming out, xPb8e86_c1Y-00012-00007890-00008446 or the inverses function. Now one important thing to note is the notation f(x) g(x) xPb8e86_c1Y-00013-00008446-00009122 h(x) that represents the part that is y. So if we see h(x) equals negative three over xPb8e86_c1Y-00014-00009122-00009876 x minus one minus two, we need to think about that as y equals negative three over x minus one xPb8e86_c1Y-00015-00009876-00010700 minus two. And to find the inverses function we're going to switch the x and y around. xPb8e86_c1Y-00016-00010700-00011296 So instead of y equals now it going to be x equals negative three over instead of x is going xPb8e86_c1Y-00017-00011296-00012222 to be y minus one minus two, and now we all need to do is solve this equation for y to get xPb8e86_c1Y-00018-00012222-00012794 our solution. Well to do that first we got to get rid of this alone minus two out here. xPb8e86_c1Y-00019-00012794-00013386 We're going to move the two over by adding two to both sides. That's going to give us x plus xPb8e86_c1Y-00020-00013386-00014291 two equals negative three over y minus one. We know we can clear the denominator. Get rid of the fraction by xPb8e86_c1Y-00021-00014291-00015258 multiplying by both sides by y minus one. The denominator divides out of the right side, xPb8e86_c1Y-00022-00015258-00016197 so we have x plus two times y minus one equals negative three. Remember we're trying to get the xPb8e86_c1Y-00023-00016197-00016872 y alone, so we need to get rid of the part with x in it. We'll divide out the x plus xPb8e86_c1Y-00024-00016872-00017977 two group. Those are gone and now we have y minus one equals negative three over x plus two and xPb8e86_c1Y-00025-00017977-00018693 simply adding one to both sides we'll get the y alone. Y is equal to negative three over x plus xPb8e86_c1Y-00026-00018693-00020212 two plus one. Maybe making it really good notation this is the inverses of h(x) so we'll write xPb8e86_c1Y-00027-00020212-00020673 that with a notation with a little negative one meaning inverse h inverses of x is equal xPb8e86_c1Y-00028-00020673-00021526 to negative three over x plus two plus one. This is the inverses function. It undoes what the xPb8e86_c1Y-00029-00021526-00022296 first function h(x) did. Let's try that strategy again when we switch x and y and xPb8e86_c1Y-00030-00022296-00022998 solve for y. With g(x) we know that represents the y's. Do we really have y equals five cubed xPb8e86_c1Y-00031-00022998-00023632 root x minus six plus four, and to find the inverse we're going to switch the order that x and xPb8e86_c1Y-00032-00023632-00024508 y work in the function machine. Y becomes x equals five times the cube root of x becomes y minus xPb8e86_c1Y-00033-00024508-00025394 six plus four, and then we start solving for y. Peeling away the layers we'll start by subtracting xPb8e86_c1Y-00034-00025394-00026433 four from both sides. X minus four equals five times the cube root of y minus six, divide out that xPb8e86_c1Y-00035-00026433-00027652 five, and we get the fraction x minus four over five equals the cube root of y minus six. Still trying xPb8e86_c1Y-00036-00027652-00028206 to get the y alone. We want to get rid of a cube root, the opposite of taking a root xPb8e86_c1Y-00037-00028206-00028718 is take a power. We'll do the third power on both sides is the third power and the third xPb8e86_c1Y-00038-00028718-00029849 root are inverses. We now have x minus four over five cubed is equal to y minus six. Adding six to xPb8e86_c1Y-00039-00029849-00031118 both sides we'll get the y alone and y is equal to x minus four over five cubed plus six, or using xPb8e86_c1Y-00040-00031118-00031858 our notation of inverses this is g(x) so we'll say g inverses of x is equal to this xPb8e86_c1Y-00041-00031858-00033066 function, x minus four over five cubed plus six. Inverses function work opposites the function, xPb8e86_c1Y-00042-00033066-00033731 y goes in and x comes out. So to find the inverse function we'll switch out x and y, xPb8e86_c1Y-00043-00033732-00033946 and solve for y. xSkB-5ay0zk-00000-00000419-00000909 Hello guys and welcome to a new tips video .. this is a bit late but better late than xSkB-5ay0zk-00001-00000909-00001361 never .. I know that everyone wants to know about perks and what they do but too lazy xSkB-5ay0zk-00002-00001361-00001850 to test them out .. I myself was too lazy to test them but I finally got my shit together xSkB-5ay0zk-00003-00001850-00002319 and tested them and did all the boring work for u guys .. so after watching this video xSkB-5ay0zk-00004-00002319-00002823 u will know everything u need to know about perks and we'll be answering the big question xSkB-5ay0zk-00005-00002823-00003375 here .. do perks work in battleroyale or are they limited to multiplier mode .. the answer xSkB-5ay0zk-00006-00003375-00003951 is surprising and u will see why in this video .. enough wasting time .. let's get into it. xSkB-5ay0zk-00007-00004753-00005232 I'm gonna start this video by answering the main question .. do perks actually work in xSkB-5ay0zk-00008-00005232-00005853 battleroyale ? And the answer to that is yes and no What I mean by that .. there is around 19 xSkB-5ay0zk-00009-00005853-00006434 perks in the gunsmith and only 6 of these perks actually work .. the rest works in multiplayer xSkB-5ay0zk-00010-00006434-00006706 mode only and doesn't work in BR. xSkB-5ay0zk-00011-00006706-00007151 I'm gonna start with the perks that work and we'll see what they do and if they're worth xSkB-5ay0zk-00012-00007151-00007307 using or not. xSkB-5ay0zk-00013-00007806-00008198 FMJ: We'll start with FMJ perk .. most of u are fimiliar with the function of this perk xSkB-5ay0zk-00014-00008198-00008761 because there has been an attachment in multiplayer mode with the same name and function since xSkB-5ay0zk-00015-00008761-00008907 the start of the game. xSkB-5ay0zk-00016-00008907-00009372 this perk has penetration and if u equip it to your gun it will deal more damage to enemies Behind cover xSkB-5ay0zk-00017-00009372-00009813 U can equip this perk to all guns except shotguns. xSkB-5ay0zk-00018-00009813-00010285 first of all we will try to hit the enemy with an AK47 that doesn't have FMJ perk equipped. xSkB-5ay0zk-00019-00010885-00011223 As u can see it deals total of 10 damage for every bullet. xSkB-5ay0zk-00020-00011223-00011748 Now I will switch to the 2nd AK47 that has the FMJ perk equipped. xSkB-5ay0zk-00021-00012025-00012553 Notice that it dealt 15 damage in the first hit and 14 damage in the second hit. xSkB-5ay0zk-00022-00012553-00013084 So in every 10 bullets u shoot u will get at least an extra 40 damage. xSkB-5ay0zk-00023-00013535-00013878 next we have sleight of hand .. and the function of this perk is to increase xSkB-5ay0zk-00024-00013878-00014325 the reload speed of your gun and also increases your mobility xSkB-5ay0zk-00025-00014330-00014721 Sleight of hand can be equipped to every gun in battleroyale. xSkB-5ay0zk-00026-00014721-00015236 In this example, an AK47 without sleight of hand reloads in 1.80s xSkB-5ay0zk-00027-00015236-00015815 And an AK47 with sleight of hand equipped reloads in 1.53s xSkB-5ay0zk-00028-00015815-00016101 It might not be a big difference but it's there. xSkB-5ay0zk-00029-00016543-00016937 after that we have the long shot perk which basically increases the range of xSkB-5ay0zk-00030-00016937-00017318 your weapon and allows it to deal more damage at longer range. xSkB-5ay0zk-00031-00017318-00017887 This perk is limited to assault rifles only In this example u will notice that an AK47 xSkB-5ay0zk-00032-00017887-00018536 without long range perk deals 21 damage On the other hand, an AK47 with long perk xSkB-5ay0zk-00033-00018536-00019120 deals 24 damage So that's 3 damage difference and for every xSkB-5ay0zk-00034-00019120-00019693 10 bullets u will get an extra 30 damage .. of course it changes depending on the distance to your enemy. xSkB-5ay0zk-00035-00020166-00020575 next we have the wild hipfire perk .. and the function of this perk is to xSkB-5ay0zk-00036-00020575-00020979 increase the hipfire accuracy whenever u jump or slide. xSkB-5ay0zk-00037-00020979-00021520 The wild hipfire is limited to SMGs only and cannot be used on other guns xSkB-5ay0zk-00038-00021520-00022054 So in this example we have a cordite with wildhipfire equipped on the left xSkB-5ay0zk-00039-00022054-00022403 And on the right we have a cordite without wild hipfire perk. xSkB-5ay0zk-00040-00022403-00022967 U can clearly see that the perks activates which is indicated by this icon that pops xSkB-5ay0zk-00041-00022967-00023331 up when we I jump However I don't really see much difference xSkB-5ay0zk-00042-00023331-00023612 between the 2 guns .. it's like it doesn't have any effect. xSkB-5ay0zk-00043-00024112-00024573 Now we have the bullet return perk .. this perk will return bullets to your gun after xSkB-5ay0zk-00044-00024573-00025095 u kill an enemy but keep in mind that its based on chance .. sometimes u get extra ammo xSkB-5ay0zk-00045-00025095-00025284 and sometimes u dont. xSkB-5ay0zk-00046-00025284-00025618 The bullet return perk is limited to sniper rifles only. xSkB-5ay0zk-00047-00025618-00026108 In this example u will notice that I got 1 extra bullet right after I killed this enemy. xSkB-5ay0zk-00048-00027080-00027583 Finally we have the Melee master perk and the function of this perk is to return 3 bullets xSkB-5ay0zk-00049-00027583-00028170 to your mag after u kill an enemy but only at close range and if I had to guess the distance xSkB-5ay0zk-00050-00028170-00028480 it's no more than 3 meters but I'm not %100 sure. xSkB-5ay0zk-00051-00028480-00028856 The Melee master perk is limited to assault rifles only. xSkB-5ay0zk-00052-00028856-00029377 This is a quick example to show u how this perk works as I had this perk equipped to xSkB-5ay0zk-00053-00029377-00030033 my AK47 notice that I got 3 extra bullets to my mag right after I killed this enemy. xSkB-5ay0zk-00054-00030033-00030558 That was all the 6 perks that works in battle royale .. any perk that I didn't mention won't xSkB-5ay0zk-00055-00030558-00031043 work .. so avoid equipping any of these to your guns unless you're playing multiplayer. xSkB-5ay0zk-00056-00031043-00031564 U can tell that some of the perks won't work in battle royale just by reading their description xSkB-5ay0zk-00057-00031564-00032094 .. like tough perk for example where u get a speed up after u respawn but we all know xSkB-5ay0zk-00058-00032094-00032580 that there is no respawn in battle royale .. yes there is revive but even when u get xSkB-5ay0zk-00059-00032580-00033283 off the revive plane u land without any weapons so u won't have the perk equipped and u cannot activate it. xSkB-5ay0zk-00060-00033363-00033792 But before i end this video we will test one of the perks that doesn't work just to show xSkB-5ay0zk-00061-00033792-00034262 u that I actually tested all of them and I don't think I made any mistakes but in case xSkB-5ay0zk-00062-00034262-00034705 I did or in case I'm missing something then let me know down in the comments .. I'll go xSkB-5ay0zk-00063-00034705-00034856 with the empty reload perk. xSkB-5ay0zk-00064-00034881-00035379 This perk is limited to LMGs and it's supposed to reduce the reload time when your ammo is xSkB-5ay0zk-00065-00035379-00036044 low .. in this example we have and RPD with empty reload on the left and RPD without empty xSkB-5ay0zk-00066-00036044-00036577 reload on the right and as u can see the reload time is the same. xSkB-5ay0zk-00067-00036577-00036987 After we saw all the results of the tests, I'm gonna answer the 2nd question of this xSkB-5ay0zk-00068-00036987-00037288 video Is it worth it to equip perks or is it better xSkB-5ay0zk-00069-00037288-00037540 to equip an attachment instead. xSkB-5ay0zk-00070-00037540-00038005 Honestly I don't think it's worth it .. sleight of hand has a very small effect that u won't xSkB-5ay0zk-00071-00038005-00038663 even notice .. Wild hipfire is pretty much useless .. as for FMJ and long shot perks xSkB-5ay0zk-00072-00038663-00039212 they may have a decent effect but still I don't think it's good enough to replace an attachment. xSkB-5ay0zk-00073-00039228-00039738 Same thing with Melee master and bullet return .. is it really worth it to recover 3 bullets xSkB-5ay0zk-00074-00039738-00040429 only for an assault rifle with 30 to 50 bullets mag capacity ? Or is it worth it recover 1 xSkB-5ay0zk-00075-00040429-00040897 bullet for a sniper rifle ? I don't think so .. I'd always go with an attachment instead xSkB-5ay0zk-00076-00040897-00041065 as it gives more value. xSkB-5ay0zk-00077-00041065-00041527 In the end it's up to you .. u saw all the results and u can decide if u want to equip xSkB-5ay0zk-00078-00041527-00042086 any perks or not .. depending on your style of play and what weapons u use. xSkB-5ay0zk-00079-00042086-00042571 So another question arises here .. why did Activision add these perks if they're useless xSkB-5ay0zk-00080-00042571-00042838 ? It's so confusing especially for new players. xSkB-5ay0zk-00081-00043440-00043859 I hope u guys find this useful .. I know I did .. it really surprised me especially that xSkB-5ay0zk-00082-00043859-00044435 I was actually using Disable perk and wild hipfire at the start of the season and I just xSkB-5ay0zk-00083-00044435-00044743 found out they they don't work which is pretty sad. xSkB-5ay0zk-00084-00044743-00045260 Kindly consider leaving a like and if you're new then subscribe as I post a lot of tips xSkB-5ay0zk-00085-00045260-00045638 and gameplay videos Love u all .. Thank u for watching and see xSkB-5ay0zk-00086-00045638-00045838 u in the next video .. peace xVxOVJsuEjU-00000-00000100-00000384 Network! xVxOVJsuEjU-00001-00000578-00001028 Hi Today I came here to say to you the importance to be in network. xVxOVJsuEjU-00002-00001142-00002102 The instant global reach speed, the technological advances and the access to information that transforms the clients into even more demanding users xVxOVJsuEjU-00003-00002170-00002450 involves the today's entrepreneur in an increasingly challenge. xVxOVJsuEjU-00004-00002520-00002700 We are powered by challenges. xVxOVJsuEjU-00005-00002744-00003104 But we are not driven because we know that we can find challenges. xVxOVJsuEjU-00006-00003106-00003506 We are driven because we know that we can overcome them xVxOVJsuEjU-00007-00003539-00004039 The proposal that I come to present has a story made of people like that. xVxOVJsuEjU-00008-00004102-00004602 Like you. People that know they can overcome challenges. xVxOVJsuEjU-00009-00004464-00004964 Because they learnt it by networking. xVxOVJsuEjU-00010-00005061-00005381 Get to know a little more about treebos.com story. xVxOVJsuEjU-00011-00005383-00005683 This story starts in 2008. xVxOVJsuEjU-00012-00005675-00006175 The World Bank has just released an alarming forecast. xVxOVJsuEjU-00013-00006128-00006828 "In 2020 the world will have capacity of only 2/3 of the necessary food for its population." xVxOVJsuEjU-00014-00006975-00007575 It seemed to be early to worry about it, but I was talking to a friend and partner xVxOVJsuEjU-00015-00007630-00008170 when I told him about a worry that worked as a seed for the concepts that leaded to the birth of treebos.com. xVxOVJsuEjU-00016-00008279-00008779 The reasoning was simple. Food production in the industrial model was governed by the basic laws of the market. xVxOVJsuEjU-00017-00008799-00009299 If demand is high and supply is low, the price rises. So far so good. xVxOVJsuEjU-00018-00009406-00009906 But what we kept thinking is that there is another name when considering food in the high demand and low supply: xVxOVJsuEjU-00019-00009935-00010285 HUNGER xVxOVJsuEjU-00020-00010369-00010919 I used to imagine countries like Brazil, with great potential for the production, xVxOVJsuEjU-00021-00010866-00011466 continuing to produce, but with the increase of prices in foreign markets, xVxOVJsuEjU-00022-00011523-00012123 the population of developing countries could hardly pay for food quality. xVxOVJsuEjU-00023-00012356-00013156 At that time I had just graduated in medicine, had to perform military service and I volunteered to go from Rio de Janeiro to the Amazon xVxOVJsuEjU-00024-00013318-00013798 I was assigned to command the border of Roraima, to serve in Normandia, on the border with Guyana xVxOVJsuEjU-00025-00013833-00014333 right in the middle of the Raposa Serra do Sol. xVxOVJsuEjU-00026-00014139-00014539 When I got there, I met one of the last rice farmers who have continued to produce there xVxOVJsuEjU-00027-00014543-00015043 His plantation was very big, but he said something that was very important. His entire production was sold to the foreign market xVxOVJsuEjU-00028-00015025-00015525 I was also a family physician and served there through the rural community xVxOVJsuEjU-00029-00015563-00016063 I noticed that less than 20% of that population could eat rice. xVxOVJsuEjU-00030-00016113-00016414 Food has already started lacking xVxOVJsuEjU-00031-00016431-00016751 The reduction of arable land brought up a new problem. xVxOVJsuEjU-00032-00016818-00017818 One tree takes, on average, the area where it can be planted 100m ² of rice, corn, soybeans, wheat xVxOVJsuEjU-00033-00017882-00018112 Commodities that fill the belly xVxOVJsuEjU-00034-00018113-00018613 Consequently, there would be trees being planted where many people would like to plant. xVxOVJsuEjU-00035-00018692-00019132 It was an attempt to change something in this scenario. xVxOVJsuEjU-00036-00019144-00019944 We would separate a piece of land to some friends so that they could seed the field with fruit trees. xVxOVJsuEjU-00037-00020011-00020511 These people would accompany the trees growth through a website, follow the growth of their tree from a distance xVxOVJsuEjU-00038-00020559-00021259 through photos that would be taken periodically in location that we'd call "forest of the future". xVxOVJsuEjU-00039-00021340-00022150 Taking account that people that would participate in this prototype were already social networks users like Orkut and Facebook xVxOVJsuEjU-00040-00022234-00022694 they were already used to dealing with networks behavior, such as how to enjoy, comment xVxOVJsuEjU-00041-00022732-00023122 and use the virtual place to talk about happen in the real life. xVxOVJsuEjU-00042-00023181-00023631 That's what I think it became cooler to plant a tree in a "forest of the future" xVxOVJsuEjU-00043-00023634-00024134 people could do it in anywhere. Could plant a tree in several places. xVxOVJsuEjU-00044-00024087-00024377 but they wanted to do it in the "Forest of the Future" xVxOVJsuEjU-00045-00024392-00024791 they preferred to do it in a network. xYIlWeJ2XCk-00000-00000000-00000150 Okay, wait a sec. xYIlWeJ2XCk-00001-00000160-00000400 I'll just make some new planes at the base. xYIlWeJ2XCk-00002-00000409-00000693 Remember that I need to apply Wing Tool on them first. xYIlWeJ2XCk-00003-00000919-00001090 I'll start from the left... xYIlWeJ2XCk-00004-00001330-00001390 Pink. xYIlWeJ2XCk-00005-00001450-00001896 [Mathias] Ok, I'll start flying [Elias] Pink like that, and a yellow core. xYIlWeJ2XCk-00006-00001906-00002133 Ok, good luck boys. xYIlWeJ2XCk-00007-00002273-00002546 Now I've just gotta avoid crashing... xYIlWeJ2XCk-00008-00002693-00002920 Ok, eyes on the target! xYIlWeJ2XCk-00009-00003030-00003190 His name is Mathias... xYIlWeJ2XCk-00010-00003286-00003576 *Playfully sad* And I have a name! xYIlWeJ2XCk-00011-00003650-00003860 Mathias was what color again? xYIlWeJ2XCk-00012-00003860-00004010 He is orange xYIlWeJ2XCk-00013-00004226-00004320 Oh come on! xYIlWeJ2XCk-00014-00004343-00004673 Oh, I'm on his tail! xYIlWeJ2XCk-00015-00005110-00005313 No! Who did I crash into?! xYIlWeJ2XCk-00016-00005313-00005640 [Benny] Hehe, it was me... [Elias] Nooooooo! xYIlWeJ2XCk-00017-00006050-00006236 I'm flying like... wow. xYIlWeJ2XCk-00018-00006236-00006530 S**t how cool this looks! xYIlWeJ2XCk-00019-00007030-00007323 I'm hitting Mathias but I CAN'T HIT "IT"! xYIlWeJ2XCk-00020-00007366-00007456 I'm resetting it, because my xYIlWeJ2XCk-00021-00007473-00007633 plane got completely messed up xYIlWeJ2XCk-00022-00007633-00007813 OOOH, come on! xYIlWeJ2XCk-00023-00008080-00008296 Woach, Arne is right above me... xYIlWeJ2XCk-00024-00008340-00008500 "New strategies" was what you said, right? xYIlWeJ2XCk-00025-00008563-00008646 Yeah! xYIlWeJ2XCk-00026-00008670-00009056 [Elias] I mean, I can crash into him. I can do that. [Arne] Oh how close that was! xYIlWeJ2XCk-00027-00009070-00009306 Oh! xYIlWeJ2XCk-00028-00009900-00010040 It's just as precise. xYIlWeJ2XCk-00029-00010076-00010310 [Elias] Oh, come on! [Benny] OOH! Oh... xYIlWeJ2XCk-00030-00010320-00010590 [Benny] Could've crashed into him! [Elias] COME ON BOYS!· xYIlWeJ2XCk-00031-00010886-00011036 OOOOOOOOH! xYIlWeJ2XCk-00032-00011036-00011266 Sparks are coming off of you Mathias! xYIlWeJ2XCk-00033-00011946-00012316 It was Mathias that took matters into his own hands. xYIlWeJ2XCk-00034-00012316-00012466 [Mathias] It wasn't intentional, but... xYIlWeJ2XCk-00035-00012476-00012656 I like to believe I shot him down. xYIlWeJ2XCk-00036-00012656-00012863 Yeah you guys shot me down xYIlWeJ2XCk-00037-00012863-00013229 Oh there's a piece of your flying... *laugh* xYIlWeJ2XCk-00038-00013406-00013653 *keeps laughing* Dear Lord... xYQIyohY4zM-00000-00000000-00000200 How To Get Free Google Play Gift Card Codes ● Free Redeem Codes 2022 xZ8LssN1M-g-00000-00001092-00001693 Battle over sanctuary cities in Texas suggests a larger national conflict lies ahead. xZ8LssN1M-g-00001-00001693-00002144 In his first week in office, Donald Trump signed an executive order threatening the xZ8LssN1M-g-00002-00002144-00002741 funding of any municipality deemed a �sanctuary city,� an umbrella term for any local government xZ8LssN1M-g-00003-00002741-00003282 that prioritizes enforcing local criminal law over using its resources to enforce federal xZ8LssN1M-g-00004-00003282-00003475 immigration law. xZ8LssN1M-g-00005-00003475-00004050 While the policies vary widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, the basic idea is that local xZ8LssN1M-g-00006-00004050-00004557 police largely ignore someone�s immigration status when dealing with them. xZ8LssN1M-g-00007-00004557-00005068 For instance, if an undocumented person is pulled over for drunk driving, he is charged xZ8LssN1M-g-00008-00005068-00005661 with that, and isn�t automatically handed over to immigration authorities for deportation. xZ8LssN1M-g-00009-00005661-00006155 In some places, if people call the police to report a crime, they are protected from xZ8LssN1M-g-00010-00006155-00006472 inquiries about their immigration status. xZ8LssN1M-g-00011-00006472-00007006 The battle between sanctuary cities and anti-immigration forces that despise them is just starting xZ8LssN1M-g-00012-00007006-00007250 to heat up on the federal level. xZ8LssN1M-g-00013-00007250-00007800 But in Texas, perhaps predictably, things are swiftly reaching a crisis point. xZ8LssN1M-g-00014-00007800-00008435 In January, Sally Hernandez, the newly elected sheriff of Travis County � which encompasses xZ8LssN1M-g-00015-00008435-00008886 most of the city of Austin � announced that the sheriff�s office would be drastically xZ8LssN1M-g-00016-00008886-00009333 reducing the amount of work it was doing on behalf of immigration officials and would xZ8LssN1M-g-00017-00009333-00009683 instead devote its resources to enforcing criminal law. xZ8LssN1M-g-00018-00009683-00010277 �Under the previous detainer policy, an [undocumented] inmate who was charged with xZ8LssN1M-g-00019-00010277-00010791 a crime was deported as soon as he posted bond, or before his court date,� Hernandez xZ8LssN1M-g-00020-00010791-00011120 said in an online video to explain the new policy. xZ8LssN1M-g-00021-00011120-00011634 �As such, the inmate never went before a court, the victim and their family would never xZ8LssN1M-g-00022-00011634-00012081 have their day in court, and the inmate�s criminal record would grow. xZ8LssN1M-g-00023-00012081-00012368 This system does not foster public safety.� xZ8LssN1M-g-00024-00012368-00012869 In addition, the sheriff�s office will leave undocumented people who are not charged with xZ8LssN1M-g-00025-00012869-00013006 a crime alone. xZ8LssN1M-g-00026-00013006-00013526 �The Travis County sheriff�s office must enact policies that build public trust,� xZ8LssN1M-g-00027-00013526-00014047 Hernandez continued, �including policies that make it clear that, as local law enforcement xZ8LssN1M-g-00028-00014047-00014577 officers, we will not interrogate or arrest someone over an unrelated federal immigration xZ8LssN1M-g-00029-00014577-00014896 matter, if they are trying to report a crime.� xZ8LssN1M-g-00030-00014896-00015504 Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican who has embraced a broad range of far-right views, retaliated xZ8LssN1M-g-00031-00015504-00016045 against Hernandez on Wednesday by terminating more than $1 million in state grants to Travis xZ8LssN1M-g-00032-00016045-00016156 County. xZ8LssN1M-g-00033-00016156-00016593 He is also threatening to look for ways to remove Hernandez from office. xZ8LssN1M-g-00034-00016593-00017093 Abbott�s vindictive attempts at payback are �more like Russian President Putin�s xZ8LssN1M-g-00035-00017093-00017661 authoritarian regime than our democracy,� Rep. Lloyd Doggett, a Democrat who represents xZ8LssN1M-g-00036-00017661-00017945 the Austin area, said on Wednesday. xZ8LssN1M-g-00037-00017945-00018443 �His anti-immigrant hysteria damages local law enforcement and our entire community.� xZ8LssN1M-g-00038-00018443-00018995 Gov. Abbott�s office did not respond to a request for comment. xZ8LssN1M-g-00039-00018995-00019576 Abbott and his fellow anti-immigrant politicians, including President Trump, like to frame their xZ8LssN1M-g-00040-00019576-00019990 actions on immigration as entirely an issue of public safety. xZ8LssN1M-g-00041-00019990-00020419 But the grants that Abbott took away from Travis County were earmarked for criminal xZ8LssN1M-g-00042-00020419-00020592 justice efforts. xZ8LssN1M-g-00043-00020592-00021073 Given a choice between harassing immigrants and fighting crime, Abbott is clearly choosing xZ8LssN1M-g-00044-00021073-00021218 the former. xZ8LssN1M-g-00045-00021218-00021807 While human rights activists make moral arguments in favor of sanctuary city policies, for law xZ8LssN1M-g-00046-00021807-00022104 enforcement it�s more of a practical issue. xZ8LssN1M-g-00047-00022104-00022642 As Hernandez made clear in her video statement, the more resources that local law enforcement xZ8LssN1M-g-00048-00022642-00023155 must devote to enforcing immigration law, the fewer they have for fighting crime. xZ8LssN1M-g-00049-00023155-00023666 If undocumented people are afraid of reporting crimes or giving testimony because they are xZ8LssN1M-g-00050-00023666-00024067 under threat of deportation, they simply won�t do it. xZ8LssN1M-g-00051-00024067-00024593 To make things worse, the GOP-dominated Texas Senate has now stepped in. xZ8LssN1M-g-00052-00024593-00025179 On Thursday, the state affairs committee met for a hearing on a proposed law, S.B. 4, that xZ8LssN1M-g-00053-00025179-00025685 would block Texas cities and universities from having sanctuary policies like the ones xZ8LssN1M-g-00054-00025685-00025881 in Travis County. xZ8LssN1M-g-00055-00025881-00026404 Pro-immigration protesters descended on the Texas capitol in response, with police dragging xZ8LssN1M-g-00056-00026404-00026816 out people out from the Senate gallery for causing a disturbance. xZ8LssN1M-g-00057-00026816-00027286 Hundreds of people lined up to testify in favor of leaving immigrants alone. xZ8LssN1M-g-00058-00027286-00027753 �It�s clear to us that the momentum behind protecting immigrants and their families is xZ8LssN1M-g-00059-00027753-00028313 growing by the day,� said Greisa Martinez, a Dallas resident who is the advocacy director xZ8LssN1M-g-00060-00028313-00028525 for United We Dream. xZ8LssN1M-g-00061-00028525-00029047 Martinez immigrated from Hidalgo, Mexico, when she was a minor and is living legally xZ8LssN1M-g-00062-00029047-00029639 in the U.S. under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA. xZ8LssN1M-g-00063-00029639-00030106 In a phone interview, Martinez described the fight in Texas as �emblematic of the fight xZ8LssN1M-g-00064-00030106-00030601 that is happening nationwide� and suggested that anger at reactionary forces and at Trump xZ8LssN1M-g-00065-00030601-00031076 in particular was driving more people to rally for the cause of immigrants� rights. xZ8LssN1M-g-00066-00031076-00031613 �I do know that this moment feels different for us, in the way that we are no longer this xZ8LssN1M-g-00067-00031613-00032022 marginalized community of immigrant youth,� Martinez said. xZ8LssN1M-g-00068-00032022-00032438 �We are coming into this fight with supporters from all walks of life.� xZ8LssN1M-g-00069-00032438-00032906 �We saw that in the mass mobilization of people all across the country saying they xZ8LssN1M-g-00070-00032906-00033431 would have our backs,� she added, referring to the nationwide outburst of protests at xZ8LssN1M-g-00071-00033431-00033928 airports, a reaction to Trump�s executive order aimed at restricting the travel rights xZ8LssN1M-g-00072-00033928-00034216 of people from seven Muslim-majority nations. xZ8LssN1M-g-00073-00034216-00034861 (That order is now on hold, thanks to a Friday court order by a federal judge in Seattle.) xZ8LssN1M-g-00074-00034861-00035419 Texas politics tend to be a harbinger of whatever mischief right-wing forces are about to inflict xZ8LssN1M-g-00075-00035419-00035872 on the rest of country, so the fight over immigrant rights in the Lone Star State is xZ8LssN1M-g-00076-00035872-00036172 certain to have national ramifications. xZ8LssN1M-g-00077-00036172-00036706 As the Texas governor�s actions suggest, anti-immigration forces don�t care if victims xZ8LssN1M-g-00078-00036706-00037234 are denied justice, families are separated and cops are denied the resources they need xZ8LssN1M-g-00079-00037234-00037405 to do their jobs. xZ8LssN1M-g-00080-00037405-00037900 These right-wing activists want to stigmatize and persecute immigrants, and they are willing xZ8LssN1M-g-00081-00037900-00039111 to sacrifice public safety to do so. xe_uZ-ZWqIc-00000-00000544-00001009 MCPON WEIGHED IN ON RECENT MISSTEPS, INCLUDING THE CHEATING ALLEGATIONS IN THE NUCLEAR COMMUNITY. xe_uZ-ZWqIc-00001-00001009-00001429 IN A MESSAGE TO THE FLEET, HE THANKS THOSE WHO ARE DOING EVERYTHING RIGHT, AND STRESSES xe_uZ-ZWqIc-00002-00001429-00001694 THE IMPORTANCE OF LIVING THE NAVY CORE VALUES. xe_uZ-ZWqIc-00003-00001694-00002117 THE MESSAGE IS BROKEN UP INTO SECTIONS ADDRESSING JUNIOR AND SENIOR LEADERS. xe_uZ-ZWqIc-00004-00002117-00002387 READ IT AT ALL HANDS MAGAZINE ONLINE. xe_uZ-ZWqIc-00005-00002387-00002950 NAVSEA RELEASED A NEW FIRE SAFETY AND PREVENTION MANUAL FOR SHIP REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. xe_uZ-ZWqIc-00006-00002950-00003484 THE MANUAL COMBINES EXISTING FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS WITH LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE 2012 USS MIAMI xe_uZ-ZWqIc-00007-00003484-00003584 FIRE. xe_uZ-ZWqIc-00008-00003584-00004042 IT WAS DEVELOPED BY NAVY INDUSTRIAL AND FIRE SAFETY EXPERTS TO PROVIDE A SINGLE-SOURCE xe_uZ-ZWqIc-00009-00004042-00004255 DOCUMENT TO IMPROVE SAFETY. xe_uZ-ZWqIc-00010-00004255-00004589 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE MANUAL, VISIT THE NAVSEA WEBSITE. xe_uZ-ZWqIc-00011-00004589-00004817 READ MORE ABOUT THESE STORIES AT NAVY.MIL. xe_uZ-ZWqIc-00012-00004817-00005017 FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING. xhn1Sm_W3go-00000-00000005-00000706 Hello Facebook friends. Today, tonight, I'm gonna be talking to you about Marek xhn1Sm_W3go-00001-00000706-00001365 Edelman. Marek Edelman was a great hero of the Jewish resistance in the xhn1Sm_W3go-00002-00001365-00001866 Second World War and he was one of the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto resistance. xhn1Sm_W3go-00003-00001866-00002582 I've been reading his book. Here is his book: The Ghetto Fights, Warsaw 19 .. (What's it say?) xhn1Sm_W3go-00004-00002582-00003554 1943 to 1945. And there he is at the bottom there, Marek Edelman. Now Marek Edelman xhn1Sm_W3go-00005-00003554-00004050 was, before the war, he wasn't a soldier. He was a civilian. And of course, we all know xhn1Sm_W3go-00006-00004050-00004523 the story of the Warsaw Ghetto. It was a familiar story, the same thing happened xhn1Sm_W3go-00007-00004523-00005010 in cities all over Nazi-occupied countries in Europe. The Nazis designated xhn1Sm_W3go-00008-00005010-00005373 one area of the city as to where all the Jews had to live and if the Jews were xhn1Sm_W3go-00009-00005373-00005826 found outside that area then they'd be shot. And all the Jews had to wear a xhn1Sm_W3go-00010-00005826-00006296 yellow star, a big fat yellow star to identify them as Jews, so that they could xhn1Sm_W3go-00011-00006296-00006936 be they could be shot if they're caught outside their area of the city. So, the xhn1Sm_W3go-00012-00006936-00007686 Germans, the Nazis, the SS ordered all the Polish Jews, all the Jews in Warsaw to xhn1Sm_W3go-00013-00007686-00008097 live in the Warsaw Ghetto. They built a wall around them and then they just walked xhn1Sm_W3go-00014-00008097-00008618 away and left them. And left them to starve. Of course, the Jewish people weren't that, xhn1Sm_W3go-00015-00008618-00008814 they weren't that stupid, they weren't stupid at all, xhn1Sm_W3go-00016-00008814-00009365 and so what they did was, they built tunnels, they dug tunnels underneath the xhn1Sm_W3go-00017-00009365-00009672 walls (and they'd be shot if they were found outside the walls, remember) so what xhn1Sm_W3go-00018-00009672-00010193 they did was they dug tunnels, went out under cover of night, stole food. Every now xhn1Sm_W3go-00019-00010193-00010632 and again the Germans would send in a snatch squad, the SS would send in a snatch xhn1Sm_W3go-00020-00010632-00011118 squad and take a hundred or so, a few hundred Jewish people, away to labour xhn1Sm_W3go-00021-00011118-00011610 camps. And some of the Jewish people thought, "Well, maybe it's better we go xhn1Sm_W3go-00022-00011610-00012050 to a labour camp because it's starving here. We've no food here, so with the labour xhn1Sm_W3go-00023-00012050-00012429 camp, maybe we'll get fed, maybe It'll be less bad than it is here. This is Hell - maybe xhn1Sm_W3go-00024-00012429-00013077 this would be less Hell at the labour camp." But, they never came back. Eventually the xhn1Sm_W3go-00025-00013077-00013380 penny dropped, they put two and two together, they got some intelligence xhn1Sm_W3go-00026-00013380-00013844 from outside the Ghetto. It wasn't a labour camp that these people were xhn1Sm_W3go-00027-00013844-00014310 getting taken to, it was Treblinka. It was an extermination camp. Let's put not too xhn1Sm_W3go-00028-00014310-00014793 fine a point on it, OK? So, the Jewish people said, "No,we're not having this," xhn1Sm_W3go-00029-00014793-00015240 and the next time they went out at night under the tunnels and into the city to xhn1Sm_W3go-00030-00015240-00015594 steal what they could find or buy what they can find or whatever, they they got xhn1Sm_W3go-00031-00015594-00015909 hold of weapons they got hold of ammunition. And then, when the Germans came back, the xhn1Sm_W3go-00032-00015909-00016398 SS came back, they came under armed resistance and the Germans didn't like that xhn1Sm_W3go-00033-00016398-00016950 all, they weren't expecting it. And so, their answer, the Nazi's answer, was to xhn1Sm_W3go-00034-00016950-00017538 shell the Ghetto with artillery shells to subdue the Jewish population, the xhn1Sm_W3go-00035-00017538-00018210 prisoners. They did this for a few weeks, marched back in and it didn't go well xhn1Sm_W3go-00036-00018210-00018689 for the Germans - it didn't go well for anybody. Let me read a little bit here. xhn1Sm_W3go-00037-00018689-00019164 The population in the Warsaw Ghetto has been under sustained shelling, this xhn1Sm_W3go-00038-00019164-00019614 unarmed population, this starving population of civilians, and then the Germans xhn1Sm_W3go-00039-00019614-00020345 marched back in. What does it say here? "At seven o'clock, motorised detachments, xhn1Sm_W3go-00040-00020345-00020868 including a number of tanks and armoured vehicles, entered the ghetto. Artillery xhn1Sm_W3go-00041-00020868-00021329 pieces were placed outside the walls. Now the SS men were ready to attack. xhn1Sm_W3go-00042-00021329-00021816 Enclosed formations, stepping haughtily and loudly, they marched into the xhn1Sm_W3go-00043-00021816-00022332 seemingly dead streets of the central Ghetto. Their triumph appeared to be xhn1Sm_W3go-00044-00022332-00022893 complete. It looked as if this superbly modern army had scared off the handful of xhn1Sm_W3go-00045-00022893-00023457 bravado-drunk men, as if those few but immature boys had at last realised that xhn1Sm_W3go-00046-00023457-00023868 there was no point in attempting the unfeasible, that they understood that the xhn1Sm_W3go-00047-00023868-00024530 Germans had more rifles then there were rounds for all the resistance's pistols." xhn1Sm_W3go-00048-00024530-00025419 But look what Marek says, the next line: "But no, they did NOT scare us and we were xhn1Sm_W3go-00049-00025419-00026022 NOT taken by surprise. We were only waiting for an opportune xhn1Sm_W3go-00050-00026022-00026595 moment. Such a moment presently arrived. The Germans chose the intersection at Mila xhn1Sm_W3go-00051-00026595-00027042 & Zamenhofa Streets for their bivouac area, and battlegroups xhn1Sm_W3go-00052-00027042-00027533 barricaded at the four corners of the street opened concentric fire on them. xhn1Sm_W3go-00053-00027533-00028218 Strange projectiles began exploding everywhere (home-made hand grenades). The xhn1Sm_W3go-00054-00028218-00028557 lone machine pistol sent shots through the air now and then xhn1Sm_W3go-00055-00028557-00029016 (ammunition had to be conserved carefully). Rifles started firing a xhn1Sm_W3go-00056-00029016-00029448 bit further away. Such was the beginning. The Germans xhn1Sm_W3go-00057-00029448-00030039 attempted a retreat, but their path was cut. German dead soon littered the street. xhn1Sm_W3go-00058-00030039-00030411 The remainder tried to find cover in the neighbouring stores and house entrances xhn1Sm_W3go-00059-00030411-00031197 but this shelter proved insufficient. The "glorious" SS, therefore, called tanks into xhn1Sm_W3go-00060-00031197-00031883 action." At this point you think it's all over, don't you? It's not! "The 'glorious' SS xhn1Sm_W3go-00061-00031883-00032244 therefore, called tanks into action, under the cover of which, the remaining men of xhn1Sm_W3go-00062-00032244-00032769 the two German companies were to commence a 'victorious' retreat. But even xhn1Sm_W3go-00063-00032769-00033110 the tanks seemed to be affected by the Germans' bad luck. xhn1Sm_W3go-00064-00033110-00033576 The first was burned out by one of our incendiary bottles, the rest did not xhn1Sm_W3go-00065-00033576-00033999 approach our positions. The fate of the Germans caught in the Mila Street and xhn1Sm_W3go-00066-00033999-00034635 Zamenhofa Street trap was settled. Not a single German left this area alive." xhn1Sm_W3go-00067-00034635-00035034 There you go! There you go! That's what happened! Now, xhn1Sm_W3go-00068-00035034-00035478 this went on for months, went on for months. It was a was a war of attrition. The xhn1Sm_W3go-00069-00035478-00035865 Germans would shell and shell and shell and then march in and these Jewish xhn1Sm_W3go-00070-00035865-00036180 people, they never gave in, they never surrendered. They fought, almost to the xhn1Sm_W3go-00071-00036180-00036656 last man. They were slowly annihilated but what else were they to do? And xhn1Sm_W3go-00072-00036656-00037074 Marek Edelman, he was one of the battle commanders, he earned his stripes. xhn1Sm_W3go-00073-00037074-00037832 A big national hero a Jewish hero, a Polish hero. Quite rightly so, quite rightly so. xhn1Sm_W3go-00074-00037832-00038334 After the war, an awful lot of Jewish people from Europe, Central Europe, they xhn1Sm_W3go-00075-00038334-00038894 all made their way to Israel and this new Jewish state which was formed by xhn1Sm_W3go-00076-00038894-00039500 occupying, illegally occupying, Palestine. Taking land from the Palestinian people. xhn1Sm_W3go-00077-00039500-00040032 Marek Edelman always refused to go. He lived the rest of his life, he died in xhn1Sm_W3go-00078-00040032-00040296 2009, he lived the rest of his life in Poland. xhn1Sm_W3go-00079-00040296-00040656 The land where he had seen all these atrocities, all these things happened xhn1Sm_W3go-00080-00040656-00041177 to him in Poland and yet he chose to live out the rest of his life in Poland xhn1Sm_W3go-00081-00041177-00041661 rather than to move to Israel. Before he died, xhn1Sm_W3go-00082-00041661-00042225 (Oh, by the way, Marek Edelman always actively opposed the idea of Zionism, xhn1Sm_W3go-00083-00042225-00042954 from the very beginning). Before he died in 2009, he took one step further. Marek xhn1Sm_W3go-00084-00042954-00043608 Edelman compared Gaza to the Warsaw Ghetto. He said that in the Warsaw Ghetto xhn1Sm_W3go-00085-00043608-00043971 the Nazis were the aggressors and Jewish people were the victims, xhn1Sm_W3go-00086-00043971-00044448 whereas in Gaza the State of Israel was the oppressor and the Palestinian people xhn1Sm_W3go-00087-00044448-00044871 were the victims. Now, the whole story I told you before there was so that xhn1Sm_W3go-00088-00044871-00045549 you would know what kind of a man Marek Edelman was. This is no anti-Semite. This is xhn1Sm_W3go-00089-00045549-00046017 nobody who hates the Jews. This is someone who fought alongside the Jewish people. xhn1Sm_W3go-00090-00046017-00046575 A hero of the Jewish people. This is a man who saw his friends, his neighbours, his xhn1Sm_W3go-00091-00046575-00047373 family, slaughtered indiscriminately by the dogs of Nazism. the SS. This is a man, xhn1Sm_W3go-00092-00047373-00048105 on the day when the Lion of Judah roared, they roared and the scum, flea-bitten xhn1Sm_W3go-00093-00048105-00048801 dogs of Nazism ran! They ran from Marek Edelman! And this man, Marek Edelman, he xhn1Sm_W3go-00094-00048801-00049503 tells us, or he told us - he is dead now, may he rest in peace - that he opposes Zionism and xhn1Sm_W3go-00095-00049503-00050103 he thinks that the siege of Gaza, he compares it to the xhn1Sm_W3go-00096-00050103-00050579 siege of the Warsaw Ghetto. Peace out, friends. xifIA9EjDIQ-00000-00000081-00000347 Lawrence Brody: Okay, so, does everyone actually know what xifIA9EjDIQ-00001-00000347-00000447 the decision was? xifIA9EjDIQ-00002-00000447-00001404 I know it's been sprinkling around, so Myriad had taken their case to patent of human genes xifIA9EjDIQ-00003-00001404-00001933 to the Supreme Court, and the Supreme court, hours ago, maybe even minutes ago, returned xifIA9EjDIQ-00004-00001933-00002510 the decision that the patents that covered the genomic DNA, the genes themselves, were xifIA9EjDIQ-00005-00002510-00002699 not patentable. xifIA9EjDIQ-00006-00002699-00003080 But the patents covering cDNA, and I'll explain for those of you that don't follow this, what xifIA9EjDIQ-00007-00003080-00003350 that means in a second, were eligible. xifIA9EjDIQ-00008-00003350-00004004 So the core of the diagnostics that are used to figure out whether someone carries a BRCA1 xifIA9EjDIQ-00009-00004004-00004602 or 2 breast cancer susceptibility required the patent on the genomic DNA, which is now xifIA9EjDIQ-00010-00004602-00004702 invalid. xifIA9EjDIQ-00011-00004702-00004920 All right, so I can tell you about what it means. xifIA9EjDIQ-00012-00004920-00005335 We just actually read the decision 30 seconds ago. xifIA9EjDIQ-00013-00005335-00005927 And upon that reading, it seems to me that the field of diagnostics, specifically for xifIA9EjDIQ-00014-00005927-00006335 breast cancer, would be much more wide open and much more competitive. xifIA9EjDIQ-00015-00006335-00006795 Probably more important, because the BRCA 1 or 2 patents were set to expire relatively xifIA9EjDIQ-00016-00006795-00007525 soon anyway, are the 5,000 to 7,000, depending upon who's doing the estimate, genes of the xifIA9EjDIQ-00017-00007525-00008190 22,000 human genes, a good number of them have patents that have been taken out on them, xifIA9EjDIQ-00018-00008190-00008740 and most of those are on the genomic DNA, and, again, I'll mention what that is in a xifIA9EjDIQ-00019-00008740-00008840 second. xifIA9EjDIQ-00020-00008840-00009153 Those -- my reading of this, and we're trying to get some confirmation, those would also xifIA9EjDIQ-00021-00009153-00009253 be invalidated. xifIA9EjDIQ-00022-00009253-00009742 And this is critically important if you're going to look at the genome as a whole. xifIA9EjDIQ-00023-00009742-00010374 You can imagine that in our labs, we could sequence the entire human genome, but we have xifIA9EjDIQ-00024-00010374-00010814 to figure out who owns the 7,000 different bits if we wanted to actually use that, and xifIA9EjDIQ-00025-00010814-00011111 that shouldn't be an issue based on this patent. xifIA9EjDIQ-00026-00011111-00011757 But, by way of background, as I said, we've been working with the solicitor general's xifIA9EjDIQ-00027-00011757-00012724 office on the technical sides of their brief; do this because I used to work on the BRCA1 xifIA9EjDIQ-00028-00012724-00013187 gene in my lab, and I continue to work on the BRCA1 and 2 gene from the point of view xifIA9EjDIQ-00029-00013187-00014012 of bioinformatics and databases, and we, at NIH, have a database that collects all of xifIA9EjDIQ-00030-00014012-00014387 the world's mutations in these genes that we then redistribute to all the researchers xifIA9EjDIQ-00031-00014387-00015166 in the world on a free basis from a website that we run. xifIA9EjDIQ-00032-00015166-00015666 There will be a lot of buzzing about the patent, and I'm sitting with our consultant, the former xifIA9EjDIQ-00033-00015666-00016091 dean, or the current dean of the University of Maryland School of Law, and we're trying xifIA9EjDIQ-00034-00016091-00016682 to digest exactly what that decision said, but at least by first blush, it invalidates xifIA9EjDIQ-00035-00016682-00017451 the core of the patents for using the human genomic sequence to do diagnostics or do any xifIA9EjDIQ-00036-00017451-00017620 kind of inventions. xifIA9EjDIQ-00037-00017620-00018012 For those of you that don't know the molecular biology, a cDNA is a process where you take xifIA9EjDIQ-00038-00018012-00018573 the product of a gene, and you do some laboratory tricks to have a new molecule that you can xifIA9EjDIQ-00039-00018573-00018810 then manipulate in a laboratory. xifIA9EjDIQ-00040-00018810-00019337 Those molecules are critically important to probably 80 or 90 percent of the biotech industry, xifIA9EjDIQ-00041-00019337-00019521 which makes new molecules. xifIA9EjDIQ-00042-00019521-00019997 The Supreme Court, upon our reading of it, would say that those molecules are still valid, xifIA9EjDIQ-00043-00019997-00020434 so many of the recombinant drugs, and the antibody-based drugs that you hear about, xifIA9EjDIQ-00044-00020434-00020975 some of which were featured in the exhibit today, are based on recombinant DNA molecules, xifIA9EjDIQ-00045-00020975-00021100 cDNA molecules. xifIA9EjDIQ-00046-00021100-00021698 As well as when you take two molecules and you stitch them together from different organisms, xifIA9EjDIQ-00047-00021698-00021961 under the reading of that, those are still patent-eligible. xifIA9EjDIQ-00048-00021961-00022412 But what not -- what the Supreme Court ruled is that your genome, and the information in xifIA9EjDIQ-00049-00022412-00023079 your genome, exists in nature and is not patent-eligible under the statutes that patents are laid out. xifIA9EjDIQ-00050-00023079-00023631 I know that was, kind of, very, somewhat unstructured response, but I think we have time for questions, xifIA9EjDIQ-00051-00023631-00023731 and -- xifIA9EjDIQ-00052-00023731-00023908 Larry Thompson: Yes, so, do I have questions from the audience? xifIA9EjDIQ-00053-00023908-00024417 Since we are webcasting, I will bring you a microphone so your question is on mic. xifIA9EjDIQ-00054-00024417-00024570 Questions? xifIA9EjDIQ-00055-00024570-00024726 Yes. xifIA9EjDIQ-00056-00024726-00024956 Tell us who you are, and ask your question. xifIA9EjDIQ-00057-00024956-00025157 Donna Young: Hi, Donna Young from Scrip News. xifIA9EjDIQ-00058-00025157-00025693 My question is, for the biotech industry, then, that this ruling was actually, then, xifIA9EjDIQ-00059-00025693-00026313 okay for them because it's the recombinant DNA, or how would it negatively affect them? xifIA9EjDIQ-00060-00026313-00026649 Lawrence Brody: So it was actually discussed during oral arguments xifIA9EjDIQ-00061-00026649-00026808 as well. xifIA9EjDIQ-00062-00026808-00027349 We think, and I'm not an expert in the biotech field, but just at first blush, through all xifIA9EjDIQ-00063-00027349-00027936 of the things we think of as biotech advances, most of those do not use native genomic DNA. xifIA9EjDIQ-00064-00027936-00028458 They use recombinant molecules in some sort, or engineered molecules that had additional xifIA9EjDIQ-00065-00028458-00028970 information that wasn't there in nature, and from the reading of this ruling, those are xifIA9EjDIQ-00066-00028970-00029338 patent-eligible, the patents will still stand and will still be issued. xifIA9EjDIQ-00067-00029338-00029974 In fact, at the very end, the very last paragraph in the ruling even says there can be new patents xifIA9EjDIQ-00068-00029974-00030498 about the BRCA1 and 2 gene that involve it, so if I want to make a new form of the BRCA xifIA9EjDIQ-00069-00030498-00031058 gene, and do something with it in a lab that makes it useful, that would also be patent-eligible. xifIA9EjDIQ-00070-00031058-00031830 So I think the bulk of the dollars that are invested and spent in the biotech industry, xifIA9EjDIQ-00071-00031830-00032249 most of them are focused on recombinant molecules and new products of nature. xifIA9EjDIQ-00072-00032249-00032589 Larry Thompson: Other questions? xifIA9EjDIQ-00073-00032589-00033161 Please tell us who you are. xifIA9EjDIQ-00074-00033161-00033411 Jason Koebler: Jason Koebler, with the US News & World Report. xifIA9EjDIQ-00075-00033411-00033952 Is there anything in the decision that suggests you can't patent, you know, crop DNA or other xifIA9EjDIQ-00076-00033952-00034194 living things, or does this only apply to humans? xifIA9EjDIQ-00077-00034194-00034305 Lawrence Brody: No. xifIA9EjDIQ-00078-00034305-00034752 In fact, there's precedent, and they cite in the decision several other cases, where xifIA9EjDIQ-00079-00034752-00035284 naturally occurring things are very difficult to patent, or not patent-eligible. xifIA9EjDIQ-00080-00035284-00035766 In fact, one of the precedent cases is the case of the Funk Brothers who developed a xifIA9EjDIQ-00081-00035766-00036068 microbial mix that they used to apply to crops. xifIA9EjDIQ-00082-00036068-00036449 It was beneficial to crops, and I believe, if I'm reading correctly, that that patent xifIA9EjDIQ-00083-00036449-00036827 was disallowed because those microbes exist in nature, and all the Funk brothers did was xifIA9EjDIQ-00084-00036827-00037025 come up with a cocktail of them. xifIA9EjDIQ-00085-00037025-00037622 And so I don't see that it lets you patent naturally-occurring organisms, naturally-occurring xifIA9EjDIQ-00086-00037622-00037722 molecules. xifIA9EjDIQ-00087-00037722-00038186 It does not preclude patenting recombinant corn, recombinant soybeans. xifIA9EjDIQ-00088-00038186-00038728 All those things are not products of nature; they require the intervention of people to xifIA9EjDIQ-00089-00038728-00039005 create a new organism. xifIA9EjDIQ-00090-00039005-00039433 And this is consistent with the regional ruling on one of the microbes that was genetically xifIA9EjDIQ-00091-00039433-00039555 engineered was given a patent. xifIA9EjDIQ-00092-00039555-00040031 Well, I think the first patent, it was issued, the Chakravarti decision. xifIA9EjDIQ-00093-00040031-00040602 Larry Thompson: Are you waiting for the mic? xifIA9EjDIQ-00094-00040602-00040816 Meredith Wadman: Hi. xifIA9EjDIQ-00095-00040816-00041033 Can you -- oh, Meredith Wadman with Nature. xifIA9EjDIQ-00096-00041033-00041611 Can you just review or remind us what exactly Myriad did to get from genome to product? xifIA9EjDIQ-00097-00041611-00041772 Just in the context you've been talking with us. xifIA9EjDIQ-00098-00041772-00042261 Lawrence Brody: So -- and this goes back more than 15 years, xifIA9EjDIQ-00099-00042261-00042600 what -- this is before there was a genome sequenced. xifIA9EjDIQ-00100-00042600-00043178 In order to find a disease gene, you had to essentially build an entire map of the genomic xifIA9EjDIQ-00101-00043178-00043587 region you were interested in, and then identify all the genes in the region, and then figure xifIA9EjDIQ-00102-00043587-00043999 out which gene might be involved in your particular disease. xifIA9EjDIQ-00103-00043999-00044615 And there was an international race to do this 15, 16 years ago, and Myriad wrote the xifIA9EjDIQ-00104-00044615-00045166 map first, and found which of the genes at the point -- the official public information xifIA9EjDIQ-00105-00045166-00045555 was it was somewhere in this few million bases of DNA. xifIA9EjDIQ-00106-00045555-00046165 They pinpointed which 100,000 bases the gene was located in, and got the sequence of the xifIA9EjDIQ-00107-00046165-00046850 gene first, and then applied for patents on the sequence of the gene in the genome. xifIA9EjDIQ-00108-00046850-00047330 Larry Thompson: Any other questions? xifIA9EjDIQ-00109-00047330-00047608 Hang on. xifIA9EjDIQ-00110-00047608-00047758 I will get my exercise this way. xifIA9EjDIQ-00111-00047758-00048034 Lawrence Brody: And just as a follow-up, in the decision, xifIA9EjDIQ-00112-00048034-00048569 they highlight the fact that you can be incredibly inventive, incredibly smart, and get the Nobel xifIA9EjDIQ-00113-00048569-00048906 Prize, but it doesn't mean that what you find isn't patent-eligible. xifIA9EjDIQ-00114-00048906-00049288 So Einstein did not get a patent on the laws of nature. xifIA9EjDIQ-00115-00049288-00049500 Dan Vergano: This is Dan Vergano from USA Today. xifIA9EjDIQ-00116-00049500-00049807 I was wondering, if, actually, if you could expand on that a little bit. xifIA9EjDIQ-00117-00049807-00050294 My understanding is that they're saying that gene sequences are products of nature, whereas xifIA9EjDIQ-00118-00050294-00050790 Myriad's argument had been somewhere along the lines of isolating these genes is not xifIA9EjDIQ-00119-00050790-00051088 a natural thing, and so they were entitled to patent protections. xifIA9EjDIQ-00120-00051088-00051521 And so the decision is very much hanging on this patent requirement about products of xifIA9EjDIQ-00121-00051521-00051865 nature; it wasn't the things -- the other patent requirements of being non-obvious and xifIA9EjDIQ-00122-00051865-00051965 so forth. xifIA9EjDIQ-00123-00051965-00052097 Lawrence Brody: Correct, that's correct. xifIA9EjDIQ-00124-00052097-00052644 And Myriad, actually, for those of you that don't study patent law like me, there are xifIA9EjDIQ-00125-00052644-00052770 several different flavors of patents. xifIA9EjDIQ-00126-00052770-00053012 There can be composition of matter patents. xifIA9EjDIQ-00127-00053012-00053616 So if you make a new alloy of something that you had to do chemically, you can get a composition xifIA9EjDIQ-00128-00053616-00053914 of matter, you know, carbon, some carbon fiber new thing. xifIA9EjDIQ-00129-00053914-00054204 And then there are processed patents. xifIA9EjDIQ-00130-00054204-00054764 Myriad was issued composition of matter patents for the human genome sequence covering these xifIA9EjDIQ-00131-00054764-00055288 genes, and the court has ruled that the human genome is naturally occurring, and the fact xifIA9EjDIQ-00132-00055288-00055854 that Myriad was able to pluck it out of the human genome and analyze it doesn't mean that xifIA9EjDIQ-00133-00055854-00056212 they created something new, a new composition of matter. xifIA9EjDIQ-00134-00056212-00056826 Larry Thompson: Who are you, sir? xifIA9EjDIQ-00135-00056826-00057192 Greg Lucier: I'm Greg Lucier, Life Technologies. xifIA9EjDIQ-00136-00057192-00057720 Just, if you could, share with us your opinion, then, of what the ruling means in terms of xifIA9EjDIQ-00137-00057720-00058137 mutation analysis when you're doing sequencing on a human genome. xifIA9EjDIQ-00138-00058137-00058510 Mutations, then, are free and clear in terms of being able to read across? xifIA9EjDIQ-00139-00058510-00058754 Lawrence Brody: So there are different ways to do mutation xifIA9EjDIQ-00140-00058754-00059224 analysis on a given gene, so what the test that has been offered up until now because xifIA9EjDIQ-00141-00059224-00059702 it took advantage of the technology that was the one we knew the best, required knowing xifIA9EjDIQ-00142-00059702-00060301 a little bit about the sequence that you wanted -- of the gene you wanted to sequence, and xifIA9EjDIQ-00143-00060301-00060525 that was protected under the Myriad patents. xifIA9EjDIQ-00144-00060525-00060848 It no longer would be. xifIA9EjDIQ-00145-00060848-00061237 Coincident with this ruling is the fact that, as you saw in the exhibit, the technology xifIA9EjDIQ-00146-00061237-00061712 is changing tremendously, and so now, if I wanted to sequence your genome, I don't need xifIA9EjDIQ-00147-00061712-00062129 to know anything about your genome, I can use these machines and the knowledge of the xifIA9EjDIQ-00148-00062129-00062586 publicly available reference genome to assemble your genome. xifIA9EjDIQ-00149-00062586-00063151 There's an in-between step that we're doing now, where we just go in using these next-generation xifIA9EjDIQ-00150-00063151-00063594 technologies, and just pull out the parts of the genome we want to learn about, and xifIA9EjDIQ-00151-00063594-00063902 that may be something we are doing for a while. xifIA9EjDIQ-00152-00063902-00064433 That does require knowing the naturally-occurring sequence in order to pull the parts out to xifIA9EjDIQ-00153-00064433-00064891 then put them on the next-generation machine. xifIA9EjDIQ-00154-00064891-00065295 In the interpretation of the patent as it stood, that would be not something you could xifIA9EjDIQ-00155-00065295-00065564 do without infringing upon the patent. xifIA9EjDIQ-00156-00065564-00066113 I can tell you, in the briefs that Myriad issued, the next-generation whole genome sequencing xifIA9EjDIQ-00157-00066113-00066391 that we're talking about, where you don't need to know anything ahead of time, you just xifIA9EjDIQ-00158-00066391-00066751 take some of your DNA, and I sequence your entire genome, in one of their briefs, they xifIA9EjDIQ-00159-00066751-00067241 very specifically said they did not think that that would infringe upon their patents. xifIA9EjDIQ-00160-00067241-00067700 So going forward -- no, they were -- I mean, they were looking forward to the time when xifIA9EjDIQ-00161-00067700-00068189 they wouldn't have the patents anyway because they would expire probably, but going forward, xifIA9EjDIQ-00162-00068189-00068737 we won't need that if we can sequence genes -- whole genomes very, very cheaply. xifIA9EjDIQ-00163-00068737-00069207 But in this interim period, when you want to have a test where I'm going to use next-generation xifIA9EjDIQ-00164-00069207-00069762 sequencing to sequence the 30 most important breast cancer genes, and just them, that would xifIA9EjDIQ-00165-00069762-00070267 require knowledge and use of the intact genomic DNA, which the Supreme Court has now said xifIA9EjDIQ-00166-00070267-00070498 is in the public domain, so to speak. xifIA9EjDIQ-00167-00070498-00070848 Larry Thompson: So one last question, perhaps, or we'll let xifIA9EjDIQ-00168-00070848-00070994 Dr. Brody go eat lunch. xifIA9EjDIQ-00169-00070994-00071301 Anyone else have a burning issue, burning question? xifIA9EjDIQ-00170-00071301-00071856 Dr. Brody, thank you very much for being -- for doing this in such an impromptu way. xifIA9EjDIQ-00171-00071856-00072231 Well done, sir. xifIA9EjDIQ-00172-00072231-00072356 [applause] xifIA9EjDIQ-00173-00072356-00072908 I would next like to introduce Dr. Eric Green, who is the director of the National Human xifIA9EjDIQ-00174-00072908-00073013 Genome Research Institute. xifIA9EjDIQ-00175-00073013-00073426 I would like to ask him to come up here and give us sort of a state of the art of the xifIA9EjDIQ-00176-00073426-00074018 field, and give us a taste of what's coming because there's a huge amount of things going xifIA9EjDIQ-00177-00074018-00074327 on across the field, and he knows it better than anybody. xifIA9EjDIQ-00178-00074327-00074412 Dr. Green. xlPOG84Lpfc-00000-00000483-00000666 So, Harada-san. xlPOG84Lpfc-00001-00000731-00000888 Today we're here at... xlPOG84Lpfc-00002-00000888-00001208 The atmosphere is a little different. xlPOG84Lpfc-00003-00001208-00001358 We changed locations. xlPOG84Lpfc-00004-00001358-00001550 It's some person's house. xlPOG84Lpfc-00005-00001551-00002004 We've ended up filming at someone's house. xlPOG84Lpfc-00006-00002004-00002205 This is rough. xlPOG84Lpfc-00007-00002210-00002381 NetApp. xlPOG84Lpfc-00008-00003189-00003904 I brought you here so we can have a "Planning Meeting." xlPOG84Lpfc-00009-00003904-00004347 I don't think you saw the film briefing materials. xlPOG84Lpfc-00010-00004347-00004594 No, I mean I skimmed it... xlPOG84Lpfc-00011-00004594-00005293 I've got a list of about 15 different ideas I'm thinking about. xlPOG84Lpfc-00012-00005304-00005944 We'll just go through them one by one, and you can give your reaction to each. xlPOG84Lpfc-00013-00005944-00006281 -Okay. -Tell us the first thing that comes to mind. xlPOG84Lpfc-00014-00006281-00006669 The first one, how about we have some key TEKKEN Project members here, xlPOG84Lpfc-00015-00006669-00007079 they can share some behind-the-scenes stories and show off their personalities. xlPOG84Lpfc-00016-00007079-00007509 There are lots of them on the team who still haven't appeared at all, xlPOG84Lpfc-00017-00007509-00007954 some are some really strange guys. xlPOG84Lpfc-00018-00007954-00008681 I think it's about time we put them out there. xlPOG84Lpfc-00019-00008681-00009166 We can't have a big gathering, so it would be about three of them. xlPOG84Lpfc-00020-00009167-00009405 Maybe four or five would be good? xlPOG84Lpfc-00021-00009489-00009744 If it's four or five people... xlPOG84Lpfc-00022-00009758-00010166 I'd really like to have like 10 or 15 people though. xlPOG84Lpfc-00023-00010166-00010392 They're all so interesting you know? xlPOG84Lpfc-00024-00010392-00010581 We really should do it eventually. xlPOG84Lpfc-00025-00010581-00011142 I've mentioned before there's still lots of people who don't want to appear. xlPOG84Lpfc-00026-00011142-00011643 There's lots of people on the dev side who won't come out on camera. xlPOG84Lpfc-00027-00011643-00012289 We've been talking about this forever but still haven't done it. xlPOG84Lpfc-00028-00012289-00012832 I mean, there are some that have been there for 10 or 20 years. xlPOG84Lpfc-00029-00012832-00013136 I've been around the longest though. xlPOG84Lpfc-00030-00013138-00013773 But there are team members who have been around for 20 or 15 years. xlPOG84Lpfc-00031-00013773-00014297 I want them to come so I can say, "This is the kind of person that makes the games." xlPOG84Lpfc-00032-00014297-00014870 The fans often see the project planners and sound designers, xlPOG84Lpfc-00033-00014870-00015312 visual designers too. xlPOG84Lpfc-00034-00015312-00015711 I don't think the programmers and engineers get much exposure. xlPOG84Lpfc-00035-00015711-00015923 It's a good idea, I'd like to do it at some point. xlPOG84Lpfc-00036-00015923-00016190 The second idea is also related to TEKKEN Project. xlPOG84Lpfc-00037-00016190-00016612 How about a tournament to find the best TEKKEN player on the TEKKEN Project team? xlPOG84Lpfc-00038-00016612-00017153 Okay, actually more than people think... xlPOG84Lpfc-00039-00017179-00017356 It wasn't like this in the past, xlPOG84Lpfc-00040-00017356-00018039 but maybe for the last 10 or 15 years... xlPOG84Lpfc-00041-00018039-00018516 Keep in mind, I've been around for 27 or 28 years, but since about 15 years ago xlPOG84Lpfc-00042-00018517-00019030 the top Japanese arcade players from then xlPOG84Lpfc-00043-00019030-00019570 are now helping us make the games. xlPOG84Lpfc-00044-00019570-00020128 Many were originally players, actively participating in competing. xlPOG84Lpfc-00045-00020128-00020821 I don't think it'd be very interesting because the ex-players will just win. xlPOG84Lpfc-00046-00020901-00021444 It'll be like, "Haven't seen that guy in a while." xlPOG84Lpfc-00047-00021444-00021896 I have a feeling it's gonna be like that with the old players. xlPOG84Lpfc-00048-00021941-00022117 I see. xlPOG84Lpfc-00049-00022120-00022637 After that, sort of related to that... xlPOG84Lpfc-00050-00022637-00023121 The fighting game roundtable treasure segment, right? xlPOG84Lpfc-00051-00023121-00023492 That went over well. xlPOG84Lpfc-00052-00023492-00024227 I looked around on Twitter after that xlPOG84Lpfc-00053-00024227-00024621 some comments said like, "What kind of fake-ass segment is this?" xlPOG84Lpfc-00054-00024621-00025020 "I don't need this, I want info." but then they were like, xlPOG84Lpfc-00055-00025020-00025298 "But it ended up being pretty fun." lots of those comments. xlPOG84Lpfc-00056-00025298-00025789 It's nice when something goes off well when there weren't any expectations. xlPOG84Lpfc-00057-00025789-00026075 It was a pleasant surprise. xlPOG84Lpfc-00058-00026075-00026348 Like with the Queen autograph? xlPOG84Lpfc-00059-00026348-00026537 That was so unfair. xlPOG84Lpfc-00060-00026617-00026832 That wasn't the kind of treasure we were asked for. xlPOG84Lpfc-00061-00026832-00027187 Arc System Works' Ishiwatari-san, xlPOG84Lpfc-00062-00027187-00027574 he is cool, creative, and awesome xlPOG84Lpfc-00063-00027574-00027843 but I had already learned this one thing about him. xlPOG84Lpfc-00064-00027843-00028464 We got closer during the publishing of Guilty Gear. xlPOG84Lpfc-00065-00028464-00029124 BlazBlue's Mori-san is a lot like Guilty Gear's Ishiwatari-san. xlPOG84Lpfc-00066-00029124-00029523 I always thought Ishiwatari-san was sort of an airhead. xlPOG84Lpfc-00067-00029523-00030074 I thought like, "Woah, this guy is kind of clumsy isn't he?" xlPOG84Lpfc-00068-00030074-00030263 He proved that at the roundtable. xlPOG84Lpfc-00069-00030263-00030371 It was great though. xlPOG84Lpfc-00070-00030371-00030523 It was really funny. xlPOG84Lpfc-00071-00030523-00030922 We've showed off the top-secret statistics a couple times before. xlPOG84Lpfc-00072-00030922-00031136 It's been awhile, I'd like to. xlPOG84Lpfc-00073-00031136-00031735 Character usage by region or other simple data like that is totally fine. xlPOG84Lpfc-00074-00031735-00032173 Maybe we could also show some of the deeper data. xlPOG84Lpfc-00075-00032173-00032374 Lots of people are hoping for that. xlPOG84Lpfc-00076-00032374-00032666 It went over quite well last time, so I'd like to do it again. xlPOG84Lpfc-00077-00032666-00033144 We also have this, "If Harada could make a II, what would it be?" segment. xlPOG84Lpfc-00078-00033144-00033658 There's lots of beloved kusoge masterpieces that never got a sequel. xlPOG84Lpfc-00079-00033658-00034357 I'd like to see you pick from those games and tell us which you'd make. xlPOG84Lpfc-00080-00034442-00034660 There's lots of them that never got a sequel. xlPOG84Lpfc-00081-00034660-00035329 There are a bunch of them that never got sequels because they were so bad. xlPOG84Lpfc-00082-00035329-00035496 I mean... xlPOG84Lpfc-00083-00035566-00035917 That's not really how it works in this industry. xlPOG84Lpfc-00084-00035993-00036491 Whether it sucks or not, if it sells we'll make it. xlPOG84Lpfc-00085-00036491-00036937 It doesn't matter if it sucks or not, xlPOG84Lpfc-00086-00036937-00037238 if it doesn't sell, nothing gets made. xlPOG84Lpfc-00087-00037238-00037573 Ultimately... xlPOG84Lpfc-00088-00037574-00037956 If there are seeds of hope... xlPOG84Lpfc-00089-00037956-00038491 that come together with the developer's needs xlPOG84Lpfc-00090-00038491-00039075 then it will also depend on whether the buyer's need exists. xlPOG84Lpfc-00091-00039075-00039517 It's possible that games no one wants to make a sequel for xlPOG84Lpfc-00092-00039517-00039859 are not even a kusoge. xlPOG84Lpfc-00093-00039859-00040400 It doesn't really matter if it's a kusoge or not. xlPOG84Lpfc-00094-00040401-00040691 If it sells, it gets a sequel. xlPOG84Lpfc-00095-00040691-00041030 Besides, the meaning of kusoge has sort of changed recently. xlPOG84Lpfc-00096-00041030-00041343 I think different generations perceive it differently. xlPOG84Lpfc-00097-00041343-00041609 We always say, "beloved kusoge." xlPOG84Lpfc-00098-00041609-00041768 But, forgive me for this, xlPOG84Lpfc-00099-00041768-00042473 but the old games are made impossible to beat or are filled with bugs. xlPOG84Lpfc-00100-00042473-00042906 Most games weren't very player friendly and had hidden mechanics. xlPOG84Lpfc-00101-00042906-00043195 "Nice game" wasn't even a term you'd use. xlPOG84Lpfc-00102-00043195-00043715 It was an age where most games were kusoge. xlPOG84Lpfc-00103-00043715-00043819 It's different these days, isn't it? xlPOG84Lpfc-00104-00043819-00044067 Quality is the norm. xlPOG84Lpfc-00105-00044067-00044465 These days kusoge really just means like 'crazy.' xlPOG84Lpfc-00106-00044465-00044939 Like maybe if the micro-transactions are predatory. xlPOG84Lpfc-00107-00044939-00045294 Or like if the online servers are down on launch day so you can't play. xlPOG84Lpfc-00108-00045294-00045645 That's what kusoge has turned into. xlPOG84Lpfc-00109-00045645-00046096 There's nothing really beloved about that. xlPOG84Lpfc-00110-00046096-00046557 So that's why generations see it differently. xlPOG84Lpfc-00111-00046625-00046976 So if I had to choose sequels to make... xlPOG84Lpfc-00112-00047100-00047243 It'll come to you if you think about it. xlPOG84Lpfc-00113-00047243-00047393 Could be interesting. xlPOG84Lpfc-00114-00047393-00047685 Harada's personal release date predictions. xlPOG84Lpfc-00115-00047709-00048031 This one might be sort of in the danger zone. xlPOG84Lpfc-00116-00048031-00048167 Danger zone for sure. xlPOG84Lpfc-00117-00048271-00048565 There's titles I can tell the release date for. xlPOG84Lpfc-00118-00048565-00048796 Well, you know, maybe for Virtua and stuff. xlPOG84Lpfc-00119-00048796-00049235 I can't really read a date for Virtua. xlPOG84Lpfc-00120-00049235-00049456 You don't need to criticize. xlPOG84Lpfc-00121-00049456-00049655 You can sort of imagine though, right? xlPOG84Lpfc-00122-00049655-00049861 Aoki-san said this before... xlPOG84Lpfc-00123-00049861-00050083 There's titles I think I know. xlPOG84Lpfc-00124-00050083-00050395 It's just natural to know. xlPOG84Lpfc-00125-00050395-00050784 But Virtua I have no idea. xlPOG84Lpfc-00126-00050849-00051130 You know when SF6 will come out? xlPOG84Lpfc-00127-00051142-00051565 I know, I can totally tell. xlPOG84Lpfc-00128-00051565-00051757 They didn't tell you the release date, right? xlPOG84Lpfc-00129-00051757-00052285 There's no way they'd even let it leak like that. xlPOG84Lpfc-00130-00052286-00052802 Look, for example... xlPOG84Lpfc-00131-00052802-00053027 when you have neighbors, xlPOG84Lpfc-00132-00053027-00053669 you know what time they head to work in the morning and stuff like that. xlPOG84Lpfc-00133-00053669-00054259 If you play sports, you usually know what rival teams are practicing. xlPOG84Lpfc-00134-00054259-00054643 So you'll know on that level. xlPOG84Lpfc-00135-00054643-00054809 We can always tell. xlPOG84Lpfc-00136-00054809-00055518 There's players who think you have info on other company's release dates. xlPOG84Lpfc-00137-00055519-00055752 It's sort of the opposite. xlPOG84Lpfc-00138-00055752-00056219 I often see comments like, "Harada knows anyway." xlPOG84Lpfc-00139-00056219-00056553 Of course I know, I can tell. xlPOG84Lpfc-00140-00056553-00056752 You mean stuff you've predicted. xlPOG84Lpfc-00141-00056752-00057060 How many years do you think I've been doing this? xlPOG84Lpfc-00142-00057060-00057361 People have a misconception that you hear the dates directly. xlPOG84Lpfc-00143-00057361-00057688 It would be bad if they were telling me directly. xlPOG84Lpfc-00144-00057688-00057948 We don't do that, and they wouldn't either. xlPOG84Lpfc-00145-00057948-00058424 But we have moments where it's like, "You pretty much know, right?" xlPOG84Lpfc-00146-00058424-00059108 We'll be like, "Give us a little space around then?" you get moments like that. xlPOG84Lpfc-00147-00059108-00059312 We can tell from each other's behavior. xlPOG84Lpfc-00148-00059312-00059596 You can tell from how busy they are. xlPOG84Lpfc-00149-00059596-00060104 We used to all go out drinking together a certain time of year... xlPOG84Lpfc-00150-00060104-00060662 so if they say, "Sorry, my hands are full right now." we can tell what they mean. xlPOG84Lpfc-00151-00060911-00061011 What? xlPOG84Lpfc-00152-00061011-00061406 It's just like... xlPOG84Lpfc-00153-00061406-00061979 We've kind of treated Taketora pretty rough, haven't we? xlPOG84Lpfc-00154-00062081-00062455 We've treated him way too rough. xlPOG84Lpfc-00155-00062460-00062769 He's become just some guy cooking takoyaki in the background. xlPOG84Lpfc-00156-00062769-00063246 Even more than that, he's actually the one who cleans up at the end too. xlPOG84Lpfc-00157-00063361-00063925 The voice actor does the dishes at the end. xlPOG84Lpfc-00158-00063977-00064185 It's weird. xlPOG84Lpfc-00159-00064185-00064371 Yeah, he's helped us out a lot. xlPOG84Lpfc-00160-00064758-00065096 So at least this once I'd like to treat him with care. xlPOG84Lpfc-00161-00065153-00065494 So just because you feel guilty? xlPOG84Lpfc-00162-00065494-00065722 It's something we have to do at least once. xmJKBiaOb9y-00000-00000083-00000350 NARRATOR: Course design at GBC. xmJKBiaOb9y-00001-00000350-00000617 There are so many elements to designing and developing an xmJKBiaOb9y-00002-00000617-00000857 online or blended course: xmJKBiaOb9y-00003-00000857-00001247 college standards, policies, evidence-based practices, xmJKBiaOb9y-00004-00001247-00001561 engaging activities, effective use of technology. xmJKBiaOb9y-00005-00001561-00001765 The possibilities can feel infinite. xmJKBiaOb9y-00006-00001765-00001968 And for a professor who's never done this before, xmJKBiaOb9y-00007-00001968-00002145 it can be overwhelming. xmJKBiaOb9y-00008-00002145-00002592 This is where an instructional designer, or an ID, comes in. xmJKBiaOb9y-00009-00002592-00002899 In the vast landscape of possibilities, an ID can help xmJKBiaOb9y-00010-00002899-00003169 colleagues scale the heights toward high quality, xmJKBiaOb9y-00011-00003169-00003576 engaging learning experiences, taking the most efficient route xmJKBiaOb9y-00012-00003576-00004054 and maximizing available resources while minimizing risk. xmJKBiaOb9y-00013-00004054-00004304 The college's instructional designers are experienced xmJKBiaOb9y-00014-00004304-00004641 faculty members and e-learning specialists. xmJKBiaOb9y-00015-00004641-00004961 Guided by a systems-thinking approach, an ID keeps in mind xmJKBiaOb9y-00016-00004961-00005278 the complex factors that affect the institutional system, xmJKBiaOb9y-00017-00005278-00005699 including policies and the wider e-learning context on a provincial xmJKBiaOb9y-00018-00005699-00005932 or even global level. xmJKBiaOb9y-00019-00005932-00006306 This knowledge guides an ID's work as an advisor on e-learning xmJKBiaOb9y-00020-00006306-00006686 for faculty and other members of the college community. xmJKBiaOb9y-00021-00006686-00007053 A designer is a relationship builder with these same groups. xmJKBiaOb9y-00022-00007053-00007427 In course development projects they are project managers that xmJKBiaOb9y-00023-00007427-00007691 keep a project on track and provide professional development xmJKBiaOb9y-00024-00007691-00007804 as needed. xmJKBiaOb9y-00025-00007804-00008114 When necessary, an ID negotiates with stakeholders toward xmJKBiaOb9y-00026-00008114-00008381 e-learning capacity-building at the college. xmJKBiaOb9y-00027-00008381-00008658 An ID will occasionally experiment with technology xmJKBiaOb9y-00028-00008658-00008948 although most often they'll use tools that are already supported xmJKBiaOb9y-00029-00008948-00009092 at the college. xmJKBiaOb9y-00030-00009092-00009309 When an instructional designer works with a professor on xmJKBiaOb9y-00031-00009309-00009659 course development, there's usually an hourly meeting each week and xmJKBiaOb9y-00032-00009659-00010060 that's just the beginning of the work for the professor. xmJKBiaOb9y-00033-00010060-00010390 Through collaboration with an ID, the professor learns necessary xmJKBiaOb9y-00034-00010390-00010697 skills while sketching out a course design. xmJKBiaOb9y-00035-00010697-00011011 They will search for appropriate existing materials and develop xmJKBiaOb9y-00036-00011011-00011231 weekly learning modules with objectives, xmJKBiaOb9y-00037-00011231-00011448 activities and resources. xmJKBiaOb9y-00038-00011448-00011638 They do a lot of writing. xmJKBiaOb9y-00039-00011638-00011941 For example, writing context around learning materials, xmJKBiaOb9y-00040-00011941-00012278 clear instructions and assessment specifications. xmJKBiaOb9y-00041-00012278-00012579 They also produce learning objects whenever possible. xmJKBiaOb9y-00042-00012579-00013003 Throughout the process, all elements are subject to constant editing. xmJKBiaOb9y-00043-00013003-00013283 Each layer of the design and development is repeated xmJKBiaOb9y-00044-00013283-00013693 as necessary and, very importantly, the professor shares their work xmJKBiaOb9y-00045-00013693-00014047 and observations with the ID and other colleagues. xmJKBiaOb9y-00046-00014047-00014424 It's no small undertaking to be sure, but it is doable. xmJKBiaOb9y-00047-00014424-00014718 In order to help ensure the design process is successful, xmJKBiaOb9y-00048-00014718-00014871 a few things are required. xmJKBiaOb9y-00049-00014871-00015161 One is a faculty member who has a one-course release or xmJKBiaOb9y-00050-00015161-00015528 equivalent over the span of at least one semester and who is xmJKBiaOb9y-00051-00015528-00015842 interested in technology-enabled learning. xmJKBiaOb9y-00052-00015842-00016182 The second is an approved set of course learning outcomes. xmJKBiaOb9y-00053-00016182-00016516 These are usually bundled with an existing course outline. xmJKBiaOb9y-00054-00016516-00016800 In most cases, the assessments and weekly materials in the xmJKBiaOb9y-00055-00016800-00017130 existing outline are overhauled for the online version and xmJKBiaOb9y-00056-00017130-00017494 submitted to the Chair for their approval. xmJKBiaOb9y-00057-00017570-00017901 In the first week of the project, the ID meets with the professor xmJKBiaOb9y-00058-00017901-00018154 to start exploring what their needs will be. xmJKBiaOb9y-00059-00018154-00018411 Every project is different but in the subsequent weeks, xmJKBiaOb9y-00060-00018411-00018822 the ID might show examples, brainstorm, help find resources, xmJKBiaOb9y-00061-00018822-00019199 explain policies, support the professor in devising assessments and xmJKBiaOb9y-00062-00019199-00019733 activities, develop materials and offer custom, as-needed training. xmJKBiaOb9y-00063-00019733-00020066 In week 15 the project is usually wrapped up. xmJKBiaOb9y-00064-00020066-00020303 A designer keeps on top of policies and sometimes will xmJKBiaOb9y-00065-00020303-00020680 call on other areas as needed, such as developers and IT, xmJKBiaOb9y-00066-00020680-00021044 copyright librarians, accessibility specialists and xmJKBiaOb9y-00067-00021044-00021274 Blackboard administrators. xmJKBiaOb9y-00068-00021274-00021498 When a professor works with an instructional designer on xmJKBiaOb9y-00069-00021498-00021808 a course, the outcome for the college extends far beyond xmJKBiaOb9y-00070-00021808-00021982 the course itself. xmJKBiaOb9y-00071-00021982-00022218 The process of learning about design elements, xmJKBiaOb9y-00072-00022218-00022509 the skill building that's involved, the careful observing of results xmJKBiaOb9y-00073-00022509-00022882 and the subsequent sharing is a recursive cycle, not only for xmJKBiaOb9y-00074-00022882-00023226 the professor who becomes a knowledgeable and skilled node xmJKBiaOb9y-00075-00023226-00023580 in our institutional network, but also for the ID and then xmJKBiaOb9y-00076-00023580-00023963 the wider community, which gives rise to e-learning capacity xmJKBiaOb9y-00077-00023963-00024357 that is meant to be distributed across the entire college community xmJKBiaOb9y-00078-00024357-00024507 and beyond. xmJKBiaOb9y-00079-00024507-00025068 ♪ yogz3484UCo-00000-00000000-00000200 Funny highlight y0772ZjwgZc-00000-00001100-00001900 Rahul Gandhi, you stole the show: Shiv Sena on Congress chief hugging PM Modi y0772ZjwgZc-00001-00002000-00003900 Rahul Hugs Modi Rahul Gandhi, you stole the show: Shiv Sena on Congress chief hugging PM Modi A picture of Rahul Gandhi hugging Prime Minister Modi on the floor of the House was highlighted on the front page of Shiv Sena mouthpiece Saamana. y0772ZjwgZc-00002-00004000-00006100 The Shiv Sena, an estranged ally of Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led BJP government at the Centre, has lauded Congress president Rahul Gandhi in its mouthpiece Saamana over the latter’s speech during no-confidence motion in Lok Sabha on Friday. y0772ZjwgZc-00003-00006200-00008000 The moment of Rahul Gandhi hugging Prime Minister Modi on the floor of the House was highlighted on the front page of the Shiv Sena mouthpiece with headline in Marathi – Bhawa Jinkalans, which roughly translates to “brother you stole the show”. y0772ZjwgZc-00004-00008100-00009400 The article in Saamana highlighted parts of Rahul Gandhi’s speech such as his allegation of Prime Minister Modi colluding with big business houses and “jumla strike”. y0772ZjwgZc-00005-00009500-00010600 According to Uddhav Thackeray-led Shiv Sena, Rahul Gandhi displayed political tradition by hugging Prime Minister Modi after his speech. y0772ZjwgZc-00006-00010700-00011500 The article pointed how the gesture of the Congress president ruled the media and social media platforms. y0772ZjwgZc-00007-00011600-00013400 After lashing out at Prime Minister Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) during his speech in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi said he might be a “pappu” for the ruling party, but he had no hatred for them in his heart. y0772ZjwgZc-00008-00013500-00014200 Soon after, Rahul Gandhi walked up to the Prime Minister. y0772ZjwgZc-00009-00014300-00015300 PM Modi first extended his hand for a handshake but was caught off guard as the Gandhi scion embraced him in a hug. y0772ZjwgZc-00010-00015400-00016100 The Prime Minister responded to it with a handshake and patted Rahul Gandhi on the back. y0772ZjwgZc-00011-00016200-00016900 The Prime Minister later took a dig at the Gandhi scion over his action. y0772ZjwgZc-00012-00017000-00017900 Imitating the Congress chief, PM Modi said that some people were in hurry to grab the Prime Minister’s seat. y0772ZjwgZc-00013-00018000-00018800 Rahul Gandhi’s action did not go down well with Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan as well. y0772ZjwgZc-00014-00018900-00019900 She said that the Gandhi scion should have taken the position of Prime Minister into consideration before walking up to him and hugging him. y0772ZjwgZc-00015-00020000-00021200 The Speaker didn't approve of the entire move of Rahul and objected to it saying she was surprised at the 'drama' that was taking place inside the House. y0K2t-cPSFo-00000-00002156-00002440 Do you remember ? y0K2t-cPSFo-00001-00002440-00002696 heartbroken. y0K2t-cPSFo-00002-00002696-00002990 I just lost it for no reason. y0K2t-cPSFo-00003-00002990-00003210 That’s bullshit ! y0K2t-cPSFo-00004-00003210-00003478 He's the only one who's considerate. y0K2t-cPSFo-00005-00003478-00003690 You say you're going to have a hard time. y0K2t-cPSFo-00006-00003690-00004015 He's the only one who lives big. y0K2t-cPSFo-00007-00004015-00004230 Not at all. y0K2t-cPSFo-00008-00004230-00004513 I thought I was helping others. y0K2t-cPSFo-00009-00004513-00004743 I'm just helping myself. y0K2t-cPSFo-00010-00004743-00005030 Where did the real kindness go? y0K2t-cPSFo-00011-00005030-00005203 Here's the problem. y0K2t-cPSFo-00012-00005203-00005543 Weak people shouldn't be oppressed. y0K2t-cPSFo-00013-00005543-00005696 You're telling me, but you won't help me. y0K2t-cPSFo-00014-00005696-00005886 People around me keep laughing. y0K2t-cPSFo-00015-00005886-00006223 You don't realize you're crying in your heart, do you? y0K2t-cPSFo-00016-00006223-00006420 Fucking friendship! y0K2t-cPSFo-00017-00006420-00006753 Be as treacherous as ants. y0K2t-cPSFo-00018-00006753-00007196 I can't tell the truth y0K2t-cPSFo-00019-00007470-00007770 All the time. y0K2t-cPSFo-00020-00007770-00007980 In solitude. y0K2t-cPSFo-00021-00007980-00008263 More and more. y0K2t-cPSFo-00022-00008263-00008503 The sun rises again. y0K2t-cPSFo-00023-00008503-00008746 Smash a wall of despair. y0K2t-cPSFo-00024-00008746-00008986 Take only one step forward. y0K2t-cPSFo-00025-00008986-00009260 If it may be tough. y0K2t-cPSFo-00026-00009260-00009546 It might be easier than I expected. y0K2t-cPSFo-00027-00009546-00010043 Let's walk slowly. y0K2t-cPSFo-00028-00010043-00010543 It's so dark that I don't know. y0K2t-cPSFo-00029-00010543-00011486 That way, you can grasp the kindness that you can't see. y0K2t-cPSFo-00030-00013550-00013816 Surely. y0K2t-cPSFo-00031-00013816-00014043 You are not alone. y0K2t-cPSFo-00032-00014043-00014323 More and More. y0K2t-cPSFo-00033-00014323-00014535 The sun rises again. y0K2t-cPSFo-00034-00014535-00014813 Even if there is no hope, y0K2t-cPSFo-00035-00014813-00015050 Life is a joy to win. y0K2t-cPSFo-00036-00015050-00015213 Even if it's a fucking life, y0K2t-cPSFo-00037-00015213-00015283 But, y0K2t-cPSFo-00038-00015283-00015593 Let's live with silly things in mind. y0K2t-cPSFo-00039-00015593-00016620 Singing a voice. y0K2t-cPSFo-00040-00016620-00017116 Let's walk slowly. y0K2t-cPSFo-00041-00017116-00017620 It's so dark that I don't know. y0K2t-cPSFo-00042-00017620-00018576 That way, you can grasp the kindness that you can't see. y0K2t-cPSFo-00043-00018630-00019140 Let's start here. y0K2t-cPSFo-00044-00019140-00019650 Rubbish treasure (Ga la ku ta no o ta ka la mo no) y0K2t-cPSFo-00045-00019650-00020150 Even if you can't see it, stay here. y0K2t-cPSFo-00046-00020150-00020583 I'll teach you kindness. y1NBj8nt9no-00000-00000013-00000394 do you have a feeling someone likes you maybe you've been on a few dates with your crush y1NBj8nt9no-00001-00000394-00000884 but you can't tell if you're reading their signals right do they like you or not well y1NBj8nt9no-00002-00000884-00001375 according to research there are a few common signs here are some psychological signs to y1NBj8nt9no-00003-00001375-00002051 help you recognize when someone really likes you number one that awkward moment when a y1NBj8nt9no-00004-00002051-00002510 2020 research study published in the journal adaptive human behavior and Physiology wanted y1NBj8nt9no-00005-00002510-00002930 to look at perceived nervous reaction when someone first meets with someone they find y1NBj8nt9no-00006-00002930-00003586 attractive the researchers documented their 280 study participants retrospective self-reports y1NBj8nt9no-00007-00003586-00004112 and found that basically they were nervous wrecks most of the time along with blushing y1NBj8nt9no-00008-00004112-00004685 giggling and an increased heart rate the study states that both sexes reported speaking faster y1NBj8nt9no-00009-00004685-00005134 and being less able to express themselves clearly and women reported using a higher y1NBj8nt9no-00010-00005134-00005644 pitch and having a more unsteady tone of voice during an initial Encounter of Attraction y1NBj8nt9no-00011-00005644-00006032 what's also interesting is that the researchers asked the participants to rate the reactions y1NBj8nt9no-00012-00006032-00006464 of others around them to see if they would view nervous Behavior as the sign someone y1NBj8nt9no-00013-00006464-00006953 was attracted to them according to the study participants reported observing similar nervous y1NBj8nt9no-00014-00006953-00007417 reactions by others whom they perceived were attracted to them let's go back to all those y1NBj8nt9no-00015-00007417-00008031 memories of you around your crush someone you really really liked or are you extremely y1NBj8nt9no-00016-00008031-00008496 nervous even if you were trying to hide it I bet you may have acted a bit awkward at y1NBj8nt9no-00017-00008496-00009060 times I'm right aren't I if you notice someone's Behavior strangely shifts when they notice y1NBj8nt9no-00018-00009060-00009742 you this could be a sign you make them nervous why attraction so if you notice they're stumbling y1NBj8nt9no-00019-00009742-00010189 over their words or get lost in your dreamy eyes they were probably just unprepared for y1NBj8nt9no-00020-00010189-00010781 how amazingly attractive you are and consequently act a bit awkward only when they're around y1NBj8nt9no-00021-00010781-00011539 you number two forced smile versus Giddy and genuine smile maybe they aren't just awkward y1NBj8nt9no-00022-00011539-00011950 but they become a bit giddy when they see you when you see them next pay close attention y1NBj8nt9no-00023-00011950-00012392 to how often they smile and what kind of smile they have on their face there are a few common y1NBj8nt9no-00024-00012392-00012853 facial expressions that could give way to what someone is really thinking or feeling y1NBj8nt9no-00025-00012853-00013309 addition smile is one of them want to know if someone is genuinely smiling in Delight y1NBj8nt9no-00026-00013309-00013809 you can simply look out for this smile according to Healthline this occurs when the zygomaticus y1NBj8nt9no-00027-00013809-00014297 major muscle lifts the corners of your mouth at the same time the orbicularis oculi muscle y1NBj8nt9no-00028-00014297-00014712 lifts your cheeks and crinkles your eyes at the corners basically it's the type of smile y1NBj8nt9no-00029-00014712-00015076 that reaches up to your eyes causing those wrinkles by your eyes known as crow's feet y1NBj8nt9no-00030-00015076-00015523 to appear this type of smile appears when someone is genuinely happy as opposed to a y1NBj8nt9no-00031-00015523-00016018 polite and kind smile or even a forced smile if you notice they suddenly have a genuine y1NBj8nt9no-00032-00016018-00016490 and giddy smile when you approach it could mean they really like you now do they like y1NBj8nt9no-00033-00016490-00016984 you as a friend or someone more watch out for that nervous awkwardness as well number y1NBj8nt9no-00034-00016984-00017470 three what do they say when they're busy have you asked this particular person out if you y1NBj8nt9no-00035-00017470-00017993 have good for you what did they say did they mention that they were busy at times if they y1NBj8nt9no-00036-00017993-00018498 left it at a I'm sorry I'm busy it could be that they just aren't feeling it romantically y1NBj8nt9no-00037-00018498-00018881 or maybe they are indeed really busy but if they mentioned another time they're available y1NBj8nt9no-00038-00018881-00019298 to hang out this is a good sign that they may like you sometimes people simply say they're y1NBj8nt9no-00039-00019298-00019763 busy so as not to hurt someone's feelings ask them when they're free if they aren't y1NBj8nt9no-00040-00019763-00020101 quite sure and don't follow up with you it's a pretty clear sign that they're not into y1NBj8nt9no-00041-00020101-00020534 you romantically but if they give you a time and date to reschedule there's a fair chance y1NBj8nt9no-00042-00020534-00021098 that they may like you do you like them number four their voice changes around you so you y1NBj8nt9no-00043-00021098-00021514 notice someone talking casually with their friends their voice appears to be normal but y1NBj8nt9no-00044-00021514-00021981 then you approach the group and suddenly their voice changes language and speak researcher y1NBj8nt9no-00045-00021981-00022545 Dr Marina kalashnikova from the University of Western Sydney told ABC radio Melbourne's y1NBj8nt9no-00046-00022545-00022988 Lindsay Burns that the voices of the two people who are speaking to each other if they are y1NBj8nt9no-00047-00022988-00023495 attracted to each other or if they experience positive emotions towards each other they y1NBj8nt9no-00048-00023495-00023967 start becoming more similar she explains this could mean they even start to mimic you or y1NBj8nt9no-00049-00023967-00024341 their pitch may change if they like you she further explains means that changes in the y1NBj8nt9no-00050-00024341-00024804 pitch of our voice or the rate of our speech so how fast we're speaking are happening according y1NBj8nt9no-00051-00024804-00025309 to how we feel about the conversation but without our conscious control number five y1NBj8nt9no-00052-00025309-00025833 their pupils do what you have a hunch this person really likes you and so far you've y1NBj8nt9no-00053-00025833-00026302 noticed a few signs but a subtle sign to watch out for is if their pupils dilate when they y1NBj8nt9no-00054-00026302-00026882 look at you one 2016 study published in the journal Evolution and human behavior found y1NBj8nt9no-00055-00026882-00027425 the pupil size can determine sexual interest looking at the results from their study participants y1NBj8nt9no-00056-00027425-00027908 the study concluded that consistent with the notion that pupil dilation is a reliable cue y1NBj8nt9no-00057-00027908-00028494 to sexual arousal sexually interested faces contained objectively larger and darker pupils y1NBj8nt9no-00058-00028494-00029008 than did sexually disinterested faces and according to body language expert Patty Wood y1NBj8nt9no-00059-00029008-00029486 author of success signals a guide to reading body language dilation is a brain response y1NBj8nt9no-00060-00029486-00030028 that occurs when you like and are attracted to something um so if you notice someone's y1NBj8nt9no-00061-00030028-00030544 pupils dilate when they look deeply into your eyes mid-conversation this could likely be y1NBj8nt9no-00062-00030544-00030988 a sign that they're attracted to you their eyes are just really excited to see you the y1NBj8nt9no-00063-00030988-00031514 good thing is if your pupils dilate an attraction as well it's a great thing to be revealed y1NBj8nt9no-00064-00031514-00032225 perhaps you're both a match made in heaven and number six something has changed hmm you y1NBj8nt9no-00065-00032225-00032558 notice your crush talking with a group of friends you've seen how they talk to other y1NBj8nt9no-00066-00032558-00032999 acquaintances as well but you notice they tend to noticeably change their vocabulary y1NBj8nt9no-00067-00032999-00033481 and manner only around you perhaps you even noticed them hugging you a bit longer than y1NBj8nt9no-00068-00033481-00033966 their other friends according to Dr Jeremy Nicholson doctor of Social and personality y1NBj8nt9no-00069-00033966-00034511 psychology in an article for psychology today when someone is attracted to you they will y1NBj8nt9no-00070-00034511-00034986 likely find some excuse to touch you more and will be more receptive to your touch as y1NBj8nt9no-00071-00034986-00035493 well they may even increase their touching over time going from friendly handshakes to y1NBj8nt9no-00072-00035493-00035987 more intimate Embraces or maybe you notice their behavior simply changes only around y1NBj8nt9no-00073-00035987-00036487 you this plays into how people tend to mimic another's subtle gestures and behavior if y1NBj8nt9no-00074-00036487-00037059 they like them including changing their expressions Dr Marina kalashnikova further explains that y1NBj8nt9no-00075-00037059-00037563 we would use more similar expressions for example to sound more like she explains that y1NBj8nt9no-00076-00037563-00038140 this can sometimes happen fast over a conversation so do you notice someone unconsciously changes y1NBj8nt9no-00077-00038140-00038686 the way they speak all because they're simply an awe of you or are they just really nervous y1NBj8nt9no-00078-00038686-00039153 around you again it can be difficult to tell if someone likes you at first but hey if you y1NBj8nt9no-00079-00039153-00039484 watch out for these signs and all goes well it may be a sign that you should ask them y1NBj8nt9no-00080-00039484-00039990 out already that is if your pupils dilate around them we hope you enjoyed this video y1NBj8nt9no-00081-00039990-00040409 and if you did don't forget to click the like button and share it with a friend if you notice y1NBj8nt9no-00082-00040409-00040869 any of these behavioral signs of attraction in someone feel free to comment down below y1NBj8nt9no-00083-00040869-00041355 subscribe to psych2go and hit the notification Bell icon for more content like this as always y1NBj8nt9no-00084-00041355-00041387 thanks for watching y1QCW7ClNsQ-00000-00000000-00000500 Welcome to this tutorial on how to write letters using latex y1QCW7ClNsQ-00001-00000600-00000700 You can see three windows: y1QCW7ClNsQ-00002-00000800-00001200 These correspond to the three distinct phases in typesetting through latex: y1QCW7ClNsQ-00003-00001300-00002100 creation of source file, compilation to produce the pdf file and viewing it through a pdf reader. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00004-00002200-00003300 I am using the free pdf reader “Skim” in Mac OSX because it automatically loads the latest pdf file after every compilation. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00005-00003400-00004100 There are pdf browers in Linux and also in windows that have this capability. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00006-00004200-00004600 Let us go through the source file and see what each command does. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00007-00004700-00005300 The first line says that this belongs to letter document class. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00008-00005400-00005600 12 point is the text size. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00009-00005700-00006600 The first component of the letter is the ‘from address’. It appears between the braces here y1QCW7ClNsQ-00010-00006700-00007300 The result of this is seen in the top right hand corner of the output file. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00011-00007400-00007800 Two consecutive slashes start a new line. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00012-00007900-00008400 If I remove the double slashes from here – y1QCW7ClNsQ-00013-00008500-00009600 save, compile using pdflatex – y1QCW7ClNsQ-00014-00009700-00010200 you can see that these two lines get merged in one line. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00015-00010300-00010800 Previously with a double slash we asked latex to split the line. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00016-00010900-00011500 Now these reverse slashes are no longer there, so latex does not know that it has to break the line there. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00017-00011600-00012300 Let me put the slashes back. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00018-00012400-00012700 Save, Compile. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00019-00012800-00013400 It is to be understood, that after every change we need to save before compilation. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00020-00013500-00014000 Let us see what happens when we give an empty address. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00021-00014100-00014300 Let me just come here, y1QCW7ClNsQ-00022-00014400-00014600 mark it, y1QCW7ClNsQ-00023-00014700-00015600 go to the end of the line, delete it, save it, compile it. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00024-00015700-00016300 You can see that the from address has disappeared from here. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00025-00016400-00017300 Note that today’s date appears automatically in American style: month, date and then year. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00026-00017400-00018100 This is obtained throught the command slash date slash today. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00027-00018200-00019100 We can prevent the automatic appearance of the date with an empty list, as we do now. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00028-00019200-00019600 Save. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00029-00019700-00019800 Compile. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00030-00019800-00019900 The date has gone. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00031-00020000-00020900 Suppose that we want to put our own date, let us enter it with date first as follows. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00032-00021000-00021900 9th July 2007, Save, Compile. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00033-00022000-00022200 Got the date. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00034-00022300-00022600 This is the date on which this tutorial was created the first time. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00035-00022700-00023200 On compiling it, we see this Indian format appearing in the output file. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00036-00023300-00024100 Let us put the address back. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00037-00024200-00024700 And the document is back to the previous state by recompiling. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00038-00024800-00025600 The signature commands argument appears at the bottom of the letter. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00039-00025700-00026100 We begin the document and then the letter. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00040-00026200-00026900 The ‘to address’ comes first. It appears in the top left hand corner of the output. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00041-00027000-00027300 I have addressed this to Mr. N. K. Sinha. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00042-00027400-00027900 The command ‘slash opening’ is used to address the recipient. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00043-00028000-00028700 You may have already noticed that all latex commands begin with a reverse slash. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00044-00028800-00029200 The text of the letter comes next. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00045-00029300-00029900 One starts a new paragraph in latex through a blank line as we show now. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00046-00030000-00030600 Let me come here. Right now this sentence starting at ‘we are’ is here. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00047-00030700-00031100 Let’s open. Let's take this to the next line. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00048-00031200-00031600 I have left a blank line. Let me save this. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00049-00031700-00031800 Compile this. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00050-00031900-00032400 You can see that this has gone to a new paragraph y1QCW7ClNsQ-00051-00032500-00032800 With a new paragraph, the letter has gone to two pages. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00052-00032900-00033600 Let us see if the font size is reduced to 10, we can bring the letter back to one page. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00053-00033700-00034100 Let me do that now y1QCW7ClNsQ-00054-00034200-00034700 Save. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00055-00034800-00034900 Compile. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00056-00034900-00035300 You can see that the whole letter has come to one page. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00057-00035400-00035900 Let me put this back to 12 pt. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00058-00036000-00036500 And let me also remove this paragraph bit. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00059-00036600-00037100 And let me compile this. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00060-00037200-00037300 Okay. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00061-00037400-00038800 I now want to explain the itemize environment which is created with a pair of begin and end itemize commands. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00062-00038900-00039600 Every piece of text that starts with a ‘slash item’ appears in a bulleted form. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00063-00039700-00040000 Can I get numbers in the place of bullets here? y1QCW7ClNsQ-00064-00040100-00040500 You just have to change the itemize into enumerate as I do now. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00065-00040600-00041200 Let me just change this to enumerate. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00066-00041300-00041900 Save it. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00067-00042000-00042400 Of course! It is always a good idea to save as often as possible. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00068-00042500-00042800 Let me compile this again. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00069-00042900-00043400 You can see that the bullets have become numbers now. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00070-00043500-00044100 In closing, I have included, ‘Yours sincerely’, which comes here. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00071-00044200-00044500 We have already talked about the signature. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00072-00044600-00045400 Finally, the command cc helps mark this letter to other recipients. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00073-00045500-00046300 I end the letter with ‘end letter’ command and then the document is completed with the ‘end document’ command. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00074-00046400-00046700 Feel free to modify the content and try them out. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00075-00046800-00047700 Until you become confident, change only one thing at a time and make sure by immediate compilation that whatever you have done is correct. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00076-00047800-00048900 Although I talked about the letter writing process in a Mac, the same source file will work in all Latex systems including those in Linux and Windows operation systems. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00077-00049000-00049200 This brings us to the end of this tutorial. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00078-00049300-00049340 Thanks for listening. y1QCW7ClNsQ-00079-00049400-00049900 This is ---------------(your name) from ---------------------(Affiliation and name of the place) signing off. Good bye. yqriGd-O12Q-00000-00000025-00000120 What's up friends! yqriGd-O12Q-00001-00000120-00000395 Today we take a look at Adidas latest flagship kicks yqriGd-O12Q-00002-00000420-00000741 The 4D XD 4000 Carbon yqriGd-O12Q-00003-00000750-00000937 Let's find out if they're a cop or a drop yqriGd-O12Q-00004-00004462-00005112 Welcome friends before starting the video I like to invite you to like , subscribe and share's us on social media yqriGd-O12Q-00005-00005112-00005470 Well here they are the XD 4000 Carbon yqriGd-O12Q-00006-00005470-00005800 This joints are the latest in sports technology from Adidas yqriGd-O12Q-00007-00005800-00006208 Who'll have us believe that the 4D technology in this kicks is the future of athletic footwear yqriGd-O12Q-00008-00006208-00006816 If you all didn't know, this is the 4D tech sole which is manufactured using 3D Printers yqriGd-O12Q-00009-00006816-00007116 which makes this crazy sole design possible yqriGd-O12Q-00010-00007116-00007325 but this technology is not only about aesthetics yqriGd-O12Q-00011-00007325-00007600 Adidas proposes that the future of this tech yqriGd-O12Q-00012-00007600-00008133 is in being able to print soles that are perfectly custom fitted to each consumer yqriGd-O12Q-00013-00008133-00008408 At this moment in time Adidas does not yet offer custom fitted soles yqriGd-O12Q-00014-00008408-00008629 The cost of printing these soles is very expensive yqriGd-O12Q-00015-00008629-00009158 Pricing kicks sporting 4D technology around $300 or more yqriGd-O12Q-00016-00009158-00009645 The MSRP for this particular color way was $350 on the Adidas site yqriGd-O12Q-00017-00009645-00009750 Which begs the question... yqriGd-O12Q-00018-00009750-00010018 Are these shoes worth paying such an exaggerated price? yqriGd-O12Q-00019-00010034-00010604 Well, the answer is "NO", these shoes are way to expensive at $350 USD yqriGd-O12Q-00020-00010604-00011037 To be honest the overall design is cool, and the aesthetic of the sole is very impressive yqriGd-O12Q-00021-00011037-00011400 But the Adidas Quality Control is way to crappy to demand such prices yqriGd-O12Q-00022-00011400-00012137 On this pair in particular, the left shoe had glue spills on the top of the shoe yqriGd-O12Q-00023-00012137-00012425 and the right one did not have the tip fully glued yqriGd-O12Q-00024-00012425-00013075 The left shoe also had some of the green stitching come loose after only a couple of wears yqriGd-O12Q-00025-00013075-00013741 Defects like these on sneakers might seem like a minor thing but with a $350 price tag they are totally unacceptable yqriGd-O12Q-00026-00013741-00013966 Unfortunately that's not all yqriGd-O12Q-00027-00013966-00014425 The 4D technology is super stiff and has almost no cushion yqriGd-O12Q-00028-00014425-00015054 That's right homies, the brand that set the "Gold Standard" for comfort with the "Boost Foam"... yqriGd-O12Q-00029-00015054-00015620 is now telling us that 4D is the new "Gold Standard" at double the price and without a fraction of the comfort yqriGd-O12Q-00030-00015620-00016087 Our final verdict is that while this is a great looking shoe the price is just too inflated yqriGd-O12Q-00031-00016087-00016462 For the lack of quality control and for not being able to compete with the Boost Foam yqriGd-O12Q-00032-00016462-00017020 It is our opinion that this shoe would only be worth it if they retailed around $120 USD yqriGd-O12Q-00033-00017020-00017350 But for those who are only interested in the "Flex" of rocking needlessly expensive kicks and... yqriGd-O12Q-00034-00017350-00017575 don't care if their "dogs are barking" yqriGd-O12Q-00035-00017575-00017695 this shoe might be for you! yqriGd-O12Q-00036-00017695-00017995 Anyways guys, that's it for today! but please leave a comment... yqriGd-O12Q-00037-00017995-00018162 Tell us , what do you think of the 4D tech? yqriGd-O12Q-00038-00018162-00018416 What do you think is a fair price for this kicks? yqriGd-O12Q-00039-00018416-00018654 Alright see you next time! yqGbaGLodKQ-00000-00000019-00000178 Ok this is the one. yqGbaGLodKQ-00001-00000178-00000493 The video you’ve all been asking me to go deeper on. yqGbaGLodKQ-00002-00000493-00000934 So if you sit on the internet all day - the way everyone tells you to build fans is buying yqGbaGLodKQ-00003-00000934-00001207 facebook ads or paying for playlisting. yqGbaGLodKQ-00004-00001207-00001652 But anyone who’s been down this road knows that like many things the YouTubers grifters yqGbaGLodKQ-00005-00001652-00001994 and clout-chasing goblins aren’t telling the truth. yqGbaGLodKQ-00006-00001994-00002342 So in this video I am going to show you the time-tested way your favorite musicians have yqGbaGLodKQ-00007-00002342-00002776 built their fan base throughout the social media era and show you tons of secrets on yqGbaGLodKQ-00008-00002776-00003282 how to do this that are all new and updated for 2022 all based on how I have seen popular yqGbaGLodKQ-00009-00003282-00004323 major label and indie artists build their fanbases in my actual work. yqGbaGLodKQ-00010-00004323-00004676 Hi I'm Jesse Cannon a music marketing nerd whos teaching musicians how to grow their yqGbaGLodKQ-00011-00004676-00005091 fanbase from zero to 10,000 fans and this is Musformation. yqGbaGLodKQ-00012-00005091-00005355 INTRO Ok before we get into the theory and details yqGbaGLodKQ-00013-00005355-00005689 I want to say straight out of the gate if you do what I’m describing in this video yqGbaGLodKQ-00014-00005689-00005880 it’s going to do the following: yqGbaGLodKQ-00015-00005880-00005980 1. yqGbaGLodKQ-00016-00005980-00006434 Find the musicians you should be playing shows with, collaborating, making features remixes, yqGbaGLodKQ-00017-00006434-00006664 split releases and doing other cool things with. yqGbaGLodKQ-00018-00006664-00006764 2. yqGbaGLodKQ-00019-00006764-00007208 Show you the producers, managers, video directors, booking agents, mixers, mastering engineers, yqGbaGLodKQ-00020-00007208-00007628 lawyers, photographers, labels and other team members in music that you should have on your yqGbaGLodKQ-00021-00007628-00007758 radar to work with. yqGbaGLodKQ-00022-00007758-00007858 3. yqGbaGLodKQ-00023-00007858-00008187 Show you the fans who are most passionate in your genre who are most likely to like yqGbaGLodKQ-00024-00008187-00008390 you and spread the word about you. yqGbaGLodKQ-00025-00008390-00008490 4. yqGbaGLodKQ-00026-00008490-00008836 Find the Facebook groups, discords, sub reddits, message boards and other places online the yqGbaGLodKQ-00027-00008836-00009120 fans and influencers in your community hang out. yqGbaGLodKQ-00028-00009120-00009220 5. yqGbaGLodKQ-00029-00009220-00009460 It’ll teach you how to market and communicate with fans in the way your own genre and community yqGbaGLodKQ-00030-00009460-00009928 communicate as well as teaching you what merch to make and how your music videos and photos yqGbaGLodKQ-00031-00009928-00010275 should look to present yourself in a way you think looks good. yqGbaGLodKQ-00032-00010275-00010375 6. yqGbaGLodKQ-00033-00010375-00010753 You’ll learn the playlists, venues, YouTube curators, blogs, websites and other places yqGbaGLodKQ-00034-00010753-00010973 that will potentially give you placements. yqGbaGLodKQ-00035-00010973-00011379 As well as what hashtags you should be using to market yourself. yqGbaGLodKQ-00036-00011379-00011534 7. yqGbaGLodKQ-00037-00011534-00012192 Lastly it will do the work that actually teaches algorithms to favor you, people in the music yqGbaGLodKQ-00038-00012192-00012599 business to respect you and open doors for you and help teach you the artistic depth yqGbaGLodKQ-00039-00012599-00012747 you need to build a fanbase. yqGbaGLodKQ-00040-00012747-00013393 Theory - HOW TO BUILD A FANBASE THROUGH COMMUNITY OK but now for some theory and if you're allergic yqGbaGLodKQ-00041-00013393-00013816 to things like that - theres chapters to this video so feel free to skip ahead even though yqGbaGLodKQ-00042-00013816-00014063 I think this is super important information. yqGbaGLodKQ-00043-00014063-00014366 But if you just want to learn how to do the work go to the next chapter. yqGbaGLodKQ-00044-00014366-00014811 So you may be wondering why I say that doing research and then outreach in your community yqGbaGLodKQ-00045-00014811-00015322 is more important than say hiring an expensive publicist or throwing 5 figures at a music yqGbaGLodKQ-00046-00015322-00015422 video. yqGbaGLodKQ-00047-00015422-00015766 Its because in my decades in the music business time and time again I see this is how the yqGbaGLodKQ-00048-00015766-00016052 musicians who built a fanbase actually got there. yqGbaGLodKQ-00049-00016052-00016628 I have been the person at a major label who artists talk to - to tell their story and yqGbaGLodKQ-00050-00016628-00017300 heard it from thousands of musicians of all sorts of sizes across every genre and time yqGbaGLodKQ-00051-00017300-00017456 and time again how did they blow up? yqGbaGLodKQ-00052-00017456-00017843 They built a huge community that supported them and on the back of good songs and some yqGbaGLodKQ-00053-00017843-00018170 other smart moves they blew up and got a huge fanbase. yqGbaGLodKQ-00054-00018170-00018600 But if you're a wise ass you're probably thinking that may have changed since technology is yqGbaGLodKQ-00055-00018600-00018821 all about social media right? yqGbaGLodKQ-00056-00018821-00018921 Wrong. yqGbaGLodKQ-00057-00018921-00019380 If you recall one of my most recent and important videos I talked about how everyone I know yqGbaGLodKQ-00058-00019380-00019873 at big indies and major labels agrees that the biggest marketing opportunity in the history yqGbaGLodKQ-00059-00019873-00020396 of music marketing is Artist Page Visibility aka doing features, collaborations, remixes, yqGbaGLodKQ-00060-00020396-00020947 co-writes, and split releases since it not only gets you on the artists page it gets yqGbaGLodKQ-00061-00020947-00021408 you on the release radar of the other artist in the best real estate ever available in yqGbaGLodKQ-00062-00021408-00021893 the history of music marketing on a song the fan potentially will love from an artist they yqGbaGLodKQ-00063-00021893-00022173 already like and then get the hint they make like you. yqGbaGLodKQ-00064-00022173-00022605 And if you haven't watched that video its linked below or on the screen below but anyway yqGbaGLodKQ-00065-00022605-00023070 you cant be effective that work unless you have a vast understanding of your community. yqGbaGLodKQ-00066-00023070-00023377 And if you’re going to talk to me about the TikTok algorithm or Instagram or some yqGbaGLodKQ-00067-00023377-00023681 shit and say its all about that what I also will tell you is if you trace back to how yqGbaGLodKQ-00068-00023681-00024103 people actually blow up on social media you will see they actually have a ton of support yqGbaGLodKQ-00069-00024103-00024759 from their COMMUNITY and they understood their community well enough to know who to target yqGbaGLodKQ-00070-00024759-00025102 to collaborate with to blow them up. yqGbaGLodKQ-00071-00025102-00025623 Its a detail and not the top line thing people focus on all the time but I can tell you its yqGbaGLodKQ-00072-00025623-00025723 actually what matters. yqGbaGLodKQ-00073-00025723-00026126 And there’s a thing so few people understand about algorithims that I am going to go deep yqGbaGLodKQ-00074-00026126-00026714 on soon which is that they only can see connections users make and music genomes make, so when yqGbaGLodKQ-00075-00026714-00027379 you're a part of a community it sees the fans of other similar artists to recommend you yqGbaGLodKQ-00076-00027379-00028370 to and that's part of that algorithmic advantage so many of you lust after. yqGbaGLodKQ-00077-00028370-00028701 But there’s another reason I find the community work to be some of the most important work yqGbaGLodKQ-00078-00028701-00028970 you will do is it gets you to the right people. yqGbaGLodKQ-00079-00028970-00029504 As I said in my video where I talked about why I hate facebook ads is Facebook ads bring yqGbaGLodKQ-00080-00029504-00029833 you to the worst music listeners, the people who click ads not the passionate music listeners yqGbaGLodKQ-00081-00029833-00030294 and the movers and shakers in a scene that influence other people and build up your fanbase yqGbaGLodKQ-00082-00030294-00030766 instead of the dead-end fans who click Facebook ads that only give you numbers not actually yqGbaGLodKQ-00083-00030766-00030908 engaged fan growth. yqGbaGLodKQ-00084-00030908-00031394 When you are on the discord chats the facebook groups the subreddits around your micro genre yqGbaGLodKQ-00085-00031394-00031816 you're getting eyes from the people who are most passionate in the genre and will boost yqGbaGLodKQ-00086-00031816-00032318 your initial listening numbers but also the people who talk to others about this music yqGbaGLodKQ-00087-00032318-00032532 and spread the word about it. yqGbaGLodKQ-00088-00032532-00032895 The fans who are passionate about it enough to spend their spare time scouring toxic message yqGbaGLodKQ-00089-00032895-00033491 boards and looking for other people to talk about what they are passionate about rather yqGbaGLodKQ-00090-00033491-00033958 than some freak who gets their music recommendations because someone paid for them to be on their yqGbaGLodKQ-00091-00033958-00034459 feed on the worst social media app that your aunt uses to tell people a senator eats babies. yqGbaGLodKQ-00092-00034459-00034888 But I know some of you are thinking this seems like a lot of work and what you love about yqGbaGLodKQ-00093-00034888-00035497 Facebook ads is you pay some con artist to make fake progress for your music but 15 minutes yqGbaGLodKQ-00094-00035497-00036221 a day every single day is an hour and a half a week and is work that you will be glad you yqGbaGLodKQ-00095-00036221-00036675 did as it also helps you make life long friends and connections and actually gets you closer yqGbaGLodKQ-00096-00036675-00036832 to your dreams. yqGbaGLodKQ-00097-00036832-00037421 If you do this while you’re commuting, waiting for something, while your partner is watching yqGbaGLodKQ-00098-00037421-00037922 some terrible TV show or bored at work in 6 months if you put in this work you’ll yqGbaGLodKQ-00099-00037922-00038358 have a way better network that will help boost your music every time you release a song. yqGbaGLodKQ-00100-00038358-00038818 But theres one more hidden part of why I REALLY think this is important and its a hard pill yqGbaGLodKQ-00101-00038818-00038918 to swallow. yqGbaGLodKQ-00102-00038918-00039503 Most of you aren't exceptionally good, yeti at least - but the nerds in your community yqGbaGLodKQ-00103-00039503-00040158 really love your genre and are addicted to it and will accept a mediocre version of your yqGbaGLodKQ-00104-00040158-00040660 sound way more than just some random people and this work often finds the people who boost yqGbaGLodKQ-00105-00040660-00041360 your initial numbers and help you as you get better. yqGbaGLodKQ-00106-00041360-00041747 But theres more - when your head is in your community you see what others are doing that's yqGbaGLodKQ-00107-00041747-00042215 good and learn up close and relevant things to what you're doing and how you can improve. yqGbaGLodKQ-00108-00042215-00042652 One of the things you see all the time is the musicians who blow up before they do are yqGbaGLodKQ-00109-00042652-00043028 always known for watching all the artists they play with, they are studying. yqGbaGLodKQ-00110-00043028-00043472 Part of how you grow is you meet the fans who will forgive you when you have potential yqGbaGLodKQ-00111-00043472-00043944 but aren't realized and you learn who is doing similar things to you and see the details yqGbaGLodKQ-00112-00043944-00044162 that make them good and learn from them. yqGbaGLodKQ-00113-00044162-00044712 The musicians you love and their team understand the dynamics of their scene genre or community yqGbaGLodKQ-00114-00044712-00044858 whatever we want to call it. yqGbaGLodKQ-00115-00044858-00045253 They are students of it that are obsessed with it which is why you see your favorite yqGbaGLodKQ-00116-00045253-00045703 artists acutely aware of everyone around them and this gives them a distinct advantage over yqGbaGLodKQ-00117-00045703-00046177 everyone else who is cluelessly throwing money into the Facebook ad pond to come with tin yqGbaGLodKQ-00118-00046177-00046357 cans in their fishing rod. yqGbaGLodKQ-00119-00046357-00046739 But don't take it from me here’s iglooghost who is one of the most influential producers yqGbaGLodKQ-00120-00046739-00047136 making music today and I think one of the sickest producers in the game explaining how yqGbaGLodKQ-00121-00047136-00047703 he got signed as an unknown artist who was just making sick music with no following yet yqGbaGLodKQ-00122-00047703-00048497 got signed to Flying Lotus Brainfeeder label which led to huge things for him <clip> yqGbaGLodKQ-00123-00048497-00050198 How To Target Ok so I assume you’re now convinced you yqGbaGLodKQ-00124-00050198-00052944 need to spend at least 15 minutes a day doing this work aka less than 2 hours a week. yqGbaGLodKQ-00125-00052944-00053103 So what is the work? yqGbaGLodKQ-00126-00053103-00053525 As you can see on the screen now I have a spreadsheet for my fictitious band Incel Hypebeast yqGbaGLodKQ-00127-00053525-00053897 which is a hyperpop band so that's going to be the microgenre we focus on. yqGbaGLodKQ-00128-00053897-00054345 And I have good news for you I made this spreadsheet available so you have a place to start. yqGbaGLodKQ-00129-00054345-00054647 So if you want a copy of this spreadsheet there’s a link in the description where yqGbaGLodKQ-00130-00054647-00054935 you just give me your email and I will send it to you. yqGbaGLodKQ-00131-00054935-00055247 So with this spreadsheet we’re going to write down every artist who is similar to yqGbaGLodKQ-00132-00055247-00055347 you musically. yqGbaGLodKQ-00133-00055347-00055808 I don’t care if they have 100 monthly listens in fact that's helpful if you have only a yqGbaGLodKQ-00134-00055808-00055938 few hundred yourself. yqGbaGLodKQ-00135-00055938-00056412 If they have 100,000 even better, and if they have 10 million cool but I really want you yqGbaGLodKQ-00136-00056412-00056870 to try to keep this list with mostly the artists who are similar to you in size or a little yqGbaGLodKQ-00137-00056870-00056970 bit biggers. yqGbaGLodKQ-00138-00056970-00057327 If you have 100 monthly listeners this list should only have 10 artists with 10 million yqGbaGLodKQ-00139-00057327-00057802 or more listeners and have 90 on it that have thousands to tens of thousands of monthly yqGbaGLodKQ-00140-00057802-00057902 listeners. yqGbaGLodKQ-00141-00057902-00058002 This is why. yqGbaGLodKQ-00142-00058002-00058317 What we are going to be doing here is trying to understand every part of your community yqGbaGLodKQ-00143-00058317-00058804 from the artists to the mix engineers, video directors, who they use for a lawyer or booking yqGbaGLodKQ-00144-00058804-00059223 agent on to who writes about them and playlists them ands you need to understand where the yqGbaGLodKQ-00145-00059223-00059622 fans of those artists are and how to find who those artists work with so you can find yqGbaGLodKQ-00146-00059622-00059839 the people who are open to working with an artist like you. yqGbaGLodKQ-00147-00059839-00060312 So lets fill out this list what we are looking for is artists or what I like to call targets yqGbaGLodKQ-00148-00060312-00060714 since these will also be micro-genre names which we will fill in under the tab called yqGbaGLodKQ-00149-00060714-00060814 terms. yqGbaGLodKQ-00150-00060814-00061197 We need to figure out what your micro-genre or community is, and if you don't understand yqGbaGLodKQ-00151-00061197-00061544 how to do that I made a whole video on that which I am not going to go over again so you yqGbaGLodKQ-00152-00061544-00061921 should watch this video that's linked on the screen now. yqGbaGLodKQ-00153-00061921-00062329 But you're gonna want to put in some of the acts in your microgenre and you can find these yqGbaGLodKQ-00154-00062329-00062854 by going down a breadcrumb trail of clicking on artists in the Spotify Fans Also Like Section yqGbaGLodKQ-00155-00062854-00063301 in fact if you have one on your profile a great place to start. yqGbaGLodKQ-00156-00063301-00063811 Now a lot of you are like how big should this list be and honestly at first hundreds of yqGbaGLodKQ-00157-00063811-00064250 artists can be helpful cause if you do this work each day eventually you’ll find who yqGbaGLodKQ-00158-00064250-00064673 is helpful and who isn’t and can retire a bunch of the artists to the bottom of the yqGbaGLodKQ-00159-00064673-00064814 list and unfollow them. yqGbaGLodKQ-00160-00064814-00064976 I want you to lean into this. yqGbaGLodKQ-00161-00064976-00065272 Having 100s of artists on this list is more helpful than 10. yqGbaGLodKQ-00162-00065272-00065796 Whittling the list down over time and getting who really helps you is important but casting yqGbaGLodKQ-00163-00065796-00066165 a wide net that you continually whittle down. yqGbaGLodKQ-00164-00066165-00066516 So lets observe the artists who sound like you by clicking around the Fans Also Like yqGbaGLodKQ-00165-00066516-00066674 lists and adding to this. yqGbaGLodKQ-00166-00066674-00067135 But a good time saver during this time is also as you find the artists to go down through yqGbaGLodKQ-00167-00067135-00067364 their profile and find what playlists they are on and enter those on to your playlists yqGbaGLodKQ-00168-00067364-00067708 list and if you look on the screen now you can see how to click that tab on the spreadsheet yqGbaGLodKQ-00169-00067708-00068369 template I made. yqGbaGLodKQ-00170-00068369-00068712 Go back to these playlists later and look for more targets and I also like to go on yqGbaGLodKQ-00171-00068712-00069201 bandcamp and type your microgenre into this and what I love is Bandcamp will often show yqGbaGLodKQ-00172-00069201-00069614 other similar tags which will give you more clues of what to search and terms you should yqGbaGLodKQ-00173-00069614-00070067 target and see if there playlists, subreddits and discords of since this may be where your yqGbaGLodKQ-00174-00070067-00070188 community lives. yqGbaGLodKQ-00175-00070188-00070630 One note there is something I like to target aside from those who sound musically similar yqGbaGLodKQ-00176-00070630-00070730 to you. yqGbaGLodKQ-00177-00070730-00070841 I call these Local Targets. yqGbaGLodKQ-00178-00070841-00071151 Since we’re putting all these targets into a spreadsheet I have a separate sheet for yqGbaGLodKQ-00179-00071151-00071616 targets that are similar to you but from the area you are from. yqGbaGLodKQ-00180-00071616-00072051 The reason we do this is we want to identify artists who may not be very similar to you yqGbaGLodKQ-00181-00072051-00072507 but are in your city and may show you some leads that only apply to your local area, yqGbaGLodKQ-00182-00072507-00072948 this could be a venue to play, a place that will do an article about you, hell you may yqGbaGLodKQ-00183-00072948-00073602 follow them and see a new music store or rehearsal space you may utilize. yqGbaGLodKQ-00184-00073602-00073989 I will put any artist of any size as long as they have something similar to you on this yqGbaGLodKQ-00185-00073989-00074089 list and I will explain more why in just a minute. yqGbaGLodKQ-00186-00074089-00074211 Spreadsheet Tutorial So you are probably wondering about this spreadsheet yqGbaGLodKQ-00187-00074211-00074327 Yeah I will probably try to send you an email about something in the future but trust me yqGbaGLodKQ-00188-00074327-00074427 how much time I saved you with this video its a small price to pay. yqGbaGLodKQ-00189-00074427-00074751 So after you have a bunch of targets in the spreadsheet its now time to do research. yqGbaGLodKQ-00190-00074751-00075180 So what I want you to do each day is pick one of the artists and poke around. yqGbaGLodKQ-00191-00075180-00075507 Enter in their socials and start observing are they friends with another artists you yqGbaGLodKQ-00192-00075507-00075795 see them collabing with, should they be added to your targets. yqGbaGLodKQ-00193-00075795-00076395 On their Insta bio, website contact page, YouTube about page or Facebook about section yqGbaGLodKQ-00194-00076395-00076902 do they have a publicist or lawyer listed, GREAT add them to your spreadsheet in the yqGbaGLodKQ-00195-00076902-00077070 fields I made you. yqGbaGLodKQ-00196-00077070-00077458 In bandcamp and soundcloud descriptions you can often find producer, mixing and mastering yqGbaGLodKQ-00197-00077458-00077726 engineer credits as well as where they recorded. yqGbaGLodKQ-00198-00077726-00078136 You can also find credits often times on Spotify by clicking where I am showing on the screen yqGbaGLodKQ-00199-00078136-00078236 now. yqGbaGLodKQ-00200-00078236-00078574 On spotify you can see if they are on a label on the bottom of the album page. yqGbaGLodKQ-00201-00078574-00079048 You can do a youtuber search for these targets and find people who do reaction videos, video yqGbaGLodKQ-00202-00079048-00079578 essays, reviews or video channel curators who may premier your video to their audience. yqGbaGLodKQ-00203-00079578-00080018 But do more than just take in their contacts observe what they are doing that's smart and yqGbaGLodKQ-00204-00080018-00080564 you like We want to even look at their Spotify bio and see if they do something smart you yqGbaGLodKQ-00205-00080564-00080664 should do. yqGbaGLodKQ-00206-00080664-00081617 This work makes you a better version of yourself with every bit of it you do and also why you yqGbaGLodKQ-00207-00081617-00081794 cant hire someone else to do it <grin>. yqGbaGLodKQ-00208-00081794-00081894 Hence why I have this giant field at the end of the spreadsheet for notes. yqGbaGLodKQ-00209-00081894-00082260 You can also enter all of these targets into reddit and see the sub reddits they are discussed yqGbaGLodKQ-00210-00082260-00082608 and the same with facebook and you can do the same on discord here. yqGbaGLodKQ-00211-00082608-00082708 https://disboard.org/search yqGbaGLodKQ-00212-00082708-00083095 Also on a local level why I like to make local targets is those can be really helpful they yqGbaGLodKQ-00213-00083095-00083531 can teach you so much and lets remember you can find local acts by searching your local yqGbaGLodKQ-00214-00083531-00084063 area even if its a small town on bandcamp or soundcloud and who knows you may find your yqGbaGLodKQ-00215-00084063-00084185 new best friend. yqGbaGLodKQ-00216-00084185-00084626 True story I found one of my best friends by searching a AOL IM profile for the small yqGbaGLodKQ-00217-00084626-00084858 town I grew up in and punk. yqGbaGLodKQ-00218-00084858-00085041 Its shocking what you can find in these searches. yqGbaGLodKQ-00219-00085041-00085141 [a] yqGbaGLodKQ-00220-00085141-00085530 OK but while you’re doing this you can also follow all of these people on socials as you yqGbaGLodKQ-00221-00085530-00085630 find them. yqGbaGLodKQ-00222-00085630-00085970 Now if you're like me you don't want to read a bunch of desperate musicians begging people yqGbaGLodKQ-00223-00085970-00086433 for pre saves all day just make a separate account just to follow people and flick over yqGbaGLodKQ-00224-00086433-00086660 there once a day. yqGbaGLodKQ-00225-00086660-00087146 I have one on every social media app where I just follow smart and savvy musicians I yqGbaGLodKQ-00226-00087146-00087483 flick over to every day or so. yqGbaGLodKQ-00227-00087483-00088052 On Twitter you can make lists and I love doing this on Tweetdeck cause I can also make multiple yqGbaGLodKQ-00228-00088052-00088316 lanes for different types of follows. yqGbaGLodKQ-00229-00088316-00088776 By doing this you can observe so much, where your targets play, who they are friends with, yqGbaGLodKQ-00230-00088776-00089185 what they do to market and promote themselves, how often they are posting, its just great yqGbaGLodKQ-00231-00089185-00089285 research. yqGbaGLodKQ-00232-00089285-00089657 And particularly this is where we are going to populate the other sheets since as you yqGbaGLodKQ-00233-00089657-00090107 can see here we have sheets for venues, playlists, press and communities. yqGbaGLodKQ-00234-00090107-00090393 As you follow your targets you will find these. yqGbaGLodKQ-00235-00090393-00090856 If you see an artist your size playing a venue enter it for a future touring possibility. yqGbaGLodKQ-00236-00090856-00091312 If they tweet a playlist make sure to enter it in and later look and see if you can find yqGbaGLodKQ-00237-00091312-00091731 the curator, follow them on socials and see if they do anything else like write a blog yqGbaGLodKQ-00238-00091731-00091831 or whatever. yqGbaGLodKQ-00239-00091831-00092304 If you see a target share an article about them research the writer and put them on your yqGbaGLodKQ-00240-00092304-00092404 press list. yqGbaGLodKQ-00241-00092404-00092785 When you're on TikTok look at the hashtags artists are using which can often contain yqGbaGLodKQ-00242-00092785-00093173 genres or community terms and log them under the tab I made for that. yqGbaGLodKQ-00243-00093173-00093338 This also goes for Instagram. yqGbaGLodKQ-00244-00093338-00093497 Hopefully you get the point. yqGbaGLodKQ-00245-00093497-00093949 But we have two more tools that will be of help Google Alerts and Talkwalker. yqGbaGLodKQ-00246-00093949-00094364 What both of these do is send you reports of when someone is mentioned on a messageboard, yqGbaGLodKQ-00247-00094364-00094838 blog or elsewhere on the world wide web and yes you should have one for your own artist yqGbaGLodKQ-00248-00094838-00095101 name so you know when people say things about you. yqGbaGLodKQ-00249-00095101-00095398 Trust me I have seen some fun things about myself. yqGbaGLodKQ-00250-00095398-00095763 Anyway You can refine these searches by putting quotes around the name of the targets and yqGbaGLodKQ-00251-00095763-00096188 if the search is giving you bad results you can put - and the terms around them that's yqGbaGLodKQ-00252-00096188-00096447 giving bad results. yqGbaGLodKQ-00253-00096447-00097085 Anyway you can make a new email address or a filter and go through these alerts and enter yqGbaGLodKQ-00254-00097085-00097523 the leads they give to find press and the message boards you should be posting on ti yqGbaGLodKQ-00255-00097523-00097672 find community. yqGbaGLodKQ-00256-00097672-00098876 Anyway over time you will every answer of who to consider for your next video director, yqGbaGLodKQ-00257-00098876-00099082 who are the choice to level up your sound. yqGbaGLodKQ-00258-00099082-00099913 What managers to follow on social media and try to keep aware of your music. yqGbaGLodKQ-00259-00099913-00100297 This work helps the answers become clear on what you should do and gives you the best yqGbaGLodKQ-00260-00100297-00100607 answers possible. yqGbaGLodKQ-00261-00100607-00101026 SO many people do so little research and then go with the first thought they have and wonder yqGbaGLodKQ-00262-00101026-00101407 why they keep falling flat on their face, this work prevents that. yqGbaGLodKQ-00263-00101407-00101754 But most of all it will show you the fans most passionate about your music with the yqGbaGLodKQ-00264-00101754-00102169 most potential to lift you up and in the next video in this series I am going to go way yqGbaGLodKQ-00265-00102169-00102766 deeper on that and how to use this to find the best fans possible and introduce your yqGbaGLodKQ-00266-00102766-00102875 music to them. yqGbaGLodKQ-00267-00102875-00103273 This work is what gives you the unfair advantages over the lazy artists who think they don't yqGbaGLodKQ-00268-00103273-00103693 need to do it and heres a few examples of success from it The group Spiritbox have mentioned yqGbaGLodKQ-00269-00103693-00104464 on a few podcasts searching who is doing the best mixes and they happened on someone who yqGbaGLodKQ-00270-00104464-00104946 was not the common name of the genre yet everyone talks about how they have some of the sickest yqGbaGLodKQ-00271-00104946-00105055 mixes in their game. yqGbaGLodKQ-00272-00105055-00105305 And here’s a clip of one of the world’s bniggest pop group <cough cause we live in yqGbaGLodKQ-00273-00105305-00105999 hell> The oh god theres all of a sudden really bad taste in my mouth The Chain smokers on yqGbaGLodKQ-00275-00109019-00111076 to work with yqGbaGLodKQ-00276-00111076-00111326 that build up their fanbase. yqGbaGLodKQ-00277-00111326-00111426 <clip> yqGbaGLodKQ-00278-00111426-00111657 OUTRO Alright this video is getting long so in part yqGbaGLodKQ-00279-00111657-00112060 two I am going to tell you what you should do on social media, message boards, Discords, yqGbaGLodKQ-00280-00112060-00112350 Facebook groups and Reddits to build you community, yqGbaGLodKQ-00281-00112350-00112788 But before we go I am going to leave you with one last thing that this work also pays off yqGbaGLodKQ-00282-00112788-00113640 years later. yqGbaGLodKQ-00283-00113640-00115132 I have a day job since this channel doesn't exactly pay my bills and my boss at it turned yqGbaGLodKQ-00284-00115132-00116497 out to be someone I recorded 20 years before so my job interview when I got to him lasted yqGbaGLodKQ-00285-00116497-00117599 5 minutes since he knew my work ethic and how hard I go. yqGbaGLodKQ-00286-00117599-00118653 But to take it even more musically this story of Madeon and Porter Robinson meeting and yqGbaGLodKQ-00287-00118653-00120247 years later collaborating perfectly shows how this type of community work pays off dividends yqGbaGLodKQ-00288-00120247-00120347 years later. yqGbaGLodKQ-00289-00120347-00120616 <insert video here> When I make videos like this they are long yqGbaGLodKQ-00290-00120616-00121135 and well researched but not rewarded by the algorithim. yqGbaGLodKQ-00291-00121135-00121580 What can change that is if you build community and text it to a friend as a way of saying yqGbaGLodKQ-00292-00121580-00121700 thanks. yqGbaGLodKQ-00293-00121700-00122570 OK Next week my biggest most thorough video on how to build a fanbase drop so I really yqGbaGLodKQ-00294-00122570-00122922 hope youll drop a like, subscribe and get notified since you don't want to miss this yqGbaGLodKQ-00295-00122922-00123369 as its a gamchanger for building a fanbase and if its already out its linked on the screen yqGbaGLodKQ-00296-00123369-00123719 now on how to go from zero to ten thousand fans. yqGbaGLodKQ-00297-00123719-00124180 Like I said the next video goes deeper and if Ive already made it it should be linked yqGbaGLodKQ-00298-00124180-00124582 on the screen now and if you have questions from this video be sure to comment below since yqGbaGLodKQ-00299-00124582-00124941 I will be answering them in that video. yqGbaGLodKQ-00300-00124941-00125289 This is what we discuss on this channel so really you want to get notified and be a part yqGbaGLodKQ-00301-00125289-00125479 of this community so come along frot the ride. yqGbaGLodKQ-00302-00125479-00125579 Thanks for watching. yqGbaGLodKQ-00303-00125579-00125679 -30- yqGbaGLodKQ-00304-00125679-00125679 [a]Did we mention why local is important yqO6qgEXOPy-00000-00000340-00000909 Most materials, such as articles from newspapers, magazines, trade publications and scholarly yqO6qgEXOPy-00001-00000909-00001409 journals can be accessed through the CSU-Global library databases. yqO6qgEXOPy-00002-00001409-00001889 From the library’s homepage, there are a few ways to access the databases. yqO6qgEXOPy-00003-00001889-00002402 You can go straight to our database listing by selecting the Databases button. yqO6qgEXOPy-00004-00002402-00002928 Here you can search for your database or sort them by subject or material type. yqO6qgEXOPy-00005-00002928-00003394 From the library home page you can also select a material type such as articles, ebooks, yqO6qgEXOPy-00006-00003394-00003854 or videos, to see what resources we generally recommend. yqO6qgEXOPy-00007-00003854-00004300 For database suggestions for your topic, you can select your subject guide from our research yqO6qgEXOPy-00008-00004300-00004446 guides. yqO6qgEXOPy-00009-00004446-00005248 As always if you need any help finding resources, you can contact us directly at library@csuglobal.edu. yqO6qgEXOPy-00010-00005248-00005703 For help 24 hours a day, seven days a week in selecting pertinent resources, you can yqO6qgEXOPy-00011-00005703-00006066 also use our 24/7 Library Chat right from the home page. yr50lEn_atc-00000-00000500-00001200 Looks like dancing yr50lEn_atc-00001-00003900-00004800 Could watch it all day long... yr7YNWIJOCM-00000-00000000-00000200 LIKE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE yr7YNWIJOCM-00001-00000150-00000200 LIKE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE yr7YNWIJOCM-00002-00000200-00000400 LIKE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE !!! yuOTwTMb0Lc-00000-00001738-00002634 Hello, today I will start the second lecture of this module two that is on shallow foundation. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00001-00002634-00003155 Now, as I have already discussed that the bearing capacity and the settlement are the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00002-00003155-00004029 two main design criteria of a shallow foundation. So, that means the the soil the bearing capacity yuOTwTMb0Lc-00003-00004029-00004676 of the soil should be such that that it is adequate to carry the load that is coming yuOTwTMb0Lc-00004-00004676-00005346 from the super structure as well as the settlement should be within permissible limit. Now, today yuOTwTMb0Lc-00005-00005346-00005900 in this lecture, I will discuss about the bearing capacity how to calculate the bearing yuOTwTMb0Lc-00006-00005900-00006310 capacity of a shallow foundation. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00007-00006310-00007277 Now, first before I go to this calculation or the analysis part, I should discuss some yuOTwTMb0Lc-00008-00007277-00007970 terminology of this bearing capacity that first one is the gross pressure. Suppose this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00009-00007970-00008710 is the foundation, and this is the ground level and D f is the depth of foundation and yuOTwTMb0Lc-00010-00008710-00009421 B is the width of the foundation; and then this gross pressure is the pressure that is yuOTwTMb0Lc-00011-00009421-00010213 coming at the gross pressure that is coming at this base level of this foundation that yuOTwTMb0Lc-00012-00010213-00010777 means, the pressure that includes the load that is coming from the super structure, the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00013-00010777-00011202 self-weight of this foundation and the weight of the soil. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00014-00011202-00012346 Now, next one is the net pressure as the settlement the soil will settle after because of this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00015-00012346-00013122 net pressure because this soil pressure is already existing in this soil because then yuOTwTMb0Lc-00016-00013122-00013569 we have to remove this soil, then then we place this soil. So that means, at the base yuOTwTMb0Lc-00017-00013569-00014081 of this foundation the pressure that is coming from due to this soil is already there. So, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00018-00014081-00014761 the settlement will start or this after due to this net pressure, that means, net pressure yuOTwTMb0Lc-00019-00014761-00015391 is the gross pressure minus the pressure that is coming due to this soil. That means, the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00020-00015391-00015938 if q g is the gross pressure then the net pressure will be q g minus depth of the foundation yuOTwTMb0Lc-00021-00015938-00016594 into the unit weight of this soil. Let the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00022-00016594-00017275 the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil that is the the ultimate load that this soil yuOTwTMb0Lc-00023-00017275-00017763 can carry before it fails. So, that means, this is the ultimate load carrying capacity yuOTwTMb0Lc-00024-00017763-00018265 of the soil. So, if we notice the q u for which is the ultimate bearing capacity of yuOTwTMb0Lc-00025-00018265-00018725 the soil. Next, will be the net ultimate bearing capacity of the soil. So, that means, the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00026-00018725-00019306 same again the net ultimate bearing capacity would be the ultimate bearing capacity of yuOTwTMb0Lc-00027-00019306-00020098 the soil minus D f into gamma where gamma is the unit weight of the soil then when we yuOTwTMb0Lc-00028-00020098-00020548 will get the ultimate bearing capacity and the net ultimate bearing capacity of the soil yuOTwTMb0Lc-00029-00020548-00021151 then we have to go for the net safe bearing capacity and or gross safe bearing capacity. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00030-00021151-00021616 For this net safe bearing capacity we have to apply a factor of safety, here F is the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00031-00021616-00022431 factor of safety that F varies either F will be either two point five or three. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00032-00022431-00023166 So, if we divide this net ultimate bearing capacity by this factor of safety then we yuOTwTMb0Lc-00033-00023166-00023805 we can calculate the net safe bearing capacity of the foundation or the soil. Now, the gross yuOTwTMb0Lc-00034-00023805-00024439 safe bearing capacity similar as the if the net safe bearing capacity is n s then the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00035-00024439-00025210 gross safe bearing capacity will be n s plus D f into gamma. Now, again this will be n yuOTwTMb0Lc-00036-00025210-00025873 u divided by F plus gamma u. Now, the next one is the allowable bearing pressure. Now, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00037-00025873-00026363 as I have discussed that from the bearing capacity consideration basically we will get yuOTwTMb0Lc-00038-00026363-00027061 the two pressure. One is the bearing capacity consideration that the the net load that maximum yuOTwTMb0Lc-00039-00027061-00027658 load that soil can carry before it fails. So, that means that term will get the net yuOTwTMb0Lc-00040-00027658-00028077 safe bearing capacity and we have to apply the factor of safety there. So, we will get yuOTwTMb0Lc-00041-00028077-00028591 the get the net safe bearing capacity and from the settlement consideration we will yuOTwTMb0Lc-00042-00028591-00029352 get another pressure. That means that pressure is. So, that is within the permissible settlement. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00043-00029352-00029926 That means, if we apply that that pressure within the soil then settlement of that foundation yuOTwTMb0Lc-00044-00029926-00030367 will be within that permissible limit. So, that if there is a permissible limit for yuOTwTMb0Lc-00045-00030367-00031163 the settlement that is a, that is corresponding that pressure is called the pressure for or yuOTwTMb0Lc-00046-00031163-00031788 the that is the maximum pressure the soil can carry for that settlement consideration. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00047-00031788-00032344 So, there is basically two criteria, one is settlement consideration another is bearing yuOTwTMb0Lc-00048-00032344-00032812 capacity consideration. So, that means, bearing capacity consideration that net safe bearing yuOTwTMb0Lc-00049-00032812-00033392 capacity. That means, it is a net safe bearing capacity of the soil and then another is the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00050-00033392-00034221 pressure that cause the maximum permissible limit. So, minimum of these two will give yuOTwTMb0Lc-00051-00034221-00035000 us the allowable bearing pressure that is q allowable net. So, one is from the net safe yuOTwTMb0Lc-00052-00035000-00035518 bearing capacity wherin bearing capacity consideration another is the we mean the that settlement yuOTwTMb0Lc-00053-00035518-00035931 consideration that the minimum of these two bearing and the settlement that will give yuOTwTMb0Lc-00054-00035931-00036248 us the allowable bearing capacity bearing pressure. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00055-00036248-00036892 So, now. So, these are the different terms that we will use for this analysis. Now, there yuOTwTMb0Lc-00056-00036892-00037602 are now we have to calculate the bearing capacity of the foundation. The first expression that yuOTwTMb0Lc-00057-00037602-00038287 I will the analysis I will I will explain that is given by the Terzaghi. So, that means, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00058-00038287-00038569 this is the Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00059-00038569-00039319 Now, Terzaghi proposed this bearing capacity theory. So, it is, this is the this bearing yuOTwTMb0Lc-00060-00039319-00039978 capacity theory. So, there is the some assumptions are there. So, before we start this analysis yuOTwTMb0Lc-00061-00039978-00040743 part or the bearing capacity analysis part, we will go for this assumptions or the that yuOTwTMb0Lc-00062-00040743-00041419 means, the footing is loaded, footing is a long strip or continuous footing resting on yuOTwTMb0Lc-00063-00041419-00042060 a homogeneous soil having shear parameters c and phi. So, that means, the soil is homogeneous yuOTwTMb0Lc-00064-00042060-00042716 with shear parameter c and phi and it is a strip footing or continuous footing. Now, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00065-00042716-00043199 as this is the strip footing or continuous footing. That means, the analysis is 2D analysis. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00066-00043199-00043836 Now, soil fails in general shear failure. So, last class I have discussed the different yuOTwTMb0Lc-00067-00043836-00044304 types of failure. One is general shear failure then the local shear failure and the punching yuOTwTMb0Lc-00068-00044304-00044802 shear failure. Now, this particular analysis of Terzaghi Bearing Capacity Theory is valid yuOTwTMb0Lc-00069-00044802-00045633 for the general shear failure for this one. Now, the the load is vertical and concentric, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00070-00045633-00046178 the ground surface is horizontal, the base of footing is laid at a shallow depth. Now, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00071-00046178-00046646 this is for the shallow foundation. So, that means, this is the base of the footing laid yuOTwTMb0Lc-00072-00046646-00047120 at the shallow depth. Now, shearing resistance of the soil between the surface and the depth yuOTwTMb0Lc-00073-00047120-00047741 of footing D f is neglected. So, the footing is considered as a surface footing with uniform yuOTwTMb0Lc-00074-00047741-00048485 surcharge equal to depth of footing into unit weight of the soil at a level of the base yuOTwTMb0Lc-00075-00048485-00049056 of footing. So, the the resistance coming from the the soil that is within between the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00076-00049056-00049569 surface ground surface and the base of the footing is basically neglected, in place of yuOTwTMb0Lc-00077-00049569-00050297 that the it is considered that one surcharge that is equal to the pressure that is coming yuOTwTMb0Lc-00078-00050297-00050808 due to that soil part is acting at that base level. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00079-00050808-00051600 So, now if we go for this Terzaghi Bearing Capacity part now, if we draw the failure yuOTwTMb0Lc-00080-00051600-00053162 surface for this. Suppose, this is the ground surface and this is the foundation width say. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00081-00053162-00055051 So, this is ground level now where width is B, B is the width of the footing and this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00082-00055051-00056877 is the base level of the foundation. Now, this depth of foundation is D f, D f is the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00083-00056877-00057599 depth of foundation, B is the width of foundation and say we are talk calculating this pressure yuOTwTMb0Lc-00084-00057599-00058789 that is acting of the base of the foundation that is this pressure is q u. That means ultimate yuOTwTMb0Lc-00085-00058789-00059600 bearing capacity of this soil; so q u that is the ultimate load that this footing can yuOTwTMb0Lc-00086-00059600-00060604 carry. So, now as in the first assumption this is the footing is the strip footing. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00087-00060604-00061251 So, that means, this is the 2D analysis. Now, soil fail in general shear failure, now yuOTwTMb0Lc-00088-00061251-00061858 load is vertical. So, that load that is applying this is the vertical and concentric that means yuOTwTMb0Lc-00089-00061858-00063120 it is centrally loaded. Now, suppose this is the center line. Now, base of the footing yuOTwTMb0Lc-00090-00063120-00063495 laid is the shallow depth. So, D f is the shallow depth and the shearing resistance. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00091-00063495-00063929 So, as I have mentioned the shearing resistance of the soil between this zone that means, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00092-00063929-00064427 the ground this is also a ground level ground level in the base of soil base of the footing yuOTwTMb0Lc-00093-00064427-00064985 is neglected. So, in place of that it is assumed that this the load, that means, the total yuOTwTMb0Lc-00094-00064985-00065814 pressure that is acting in this point or the base of the foundation that will be equal yuOTwTMb0Lc-00095-00065814-00066763 to q, that will be gamma D f into gamma where D is the depth of foundation and gamma is yuOTwTMb0Lc-00096-00066763-00067654 the unit weight of the soil. So, that is the pressure that is acting at the foundation yuOTwTMb0Lc-00097-00067654-00068114 base level. If we draw the failure surface that is assumed yuOTwTMb0Lc-00098-00068114-00069373 for this analysis that is general shear failure. So, this is the triangular portion, then there yuOTwTMb0Lc-00099-00069373-00070672 is a logarithmic spiral and then it is a straight portion. Similarly, here this triangular portion, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00100-00070672-00071411 then logarithmic spiral portion and the straight portion. So, this is the failure surface that yuOTwTMb0Lc-00101-00071411-00072052 is considered for this analysis. Now, basically in this this is the symmetric. So, this part, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00102-00072052-00072970 so we can say it is a three zone. So, the first zone or we can say this is three zone, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00103-00072970-00073754 this is first zone. Now, this is second zone this is also second zone and this one is the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00104-00073754-00074545 third zone. So, three zones are there. So, one is this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00105-00074545-00075417 triangular portion this is the first zone. So, zone one this is called the triangular yuOTwTMb0Lc-00107-00079126-00080798 is Rankine Passive Zone. So, there is a three zone one is, first zone is triangular zone, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00108-00080798-00081348 this this triangular part. The second zone is zone of radial shear from this zone and yuOTwTMb0Lc-00109-00081348-00081839 this zone and third zone is the Rankine Passive Zone. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00110-00081839-00082718 So, now the angle which is considered for this analysis, that means, this angle is 45 yuOTwTMb0Lc-00111-00082718-00084060 degree minus phi by 2 where phi is the friction angle of the soil. Now, this is also 45 degree yuOTwTMb0Lc-00112-00084060-00084930 minus phi by 2. Similarly, this angle is also 45 degree minus phi by 2 and this angle is yuOTwTMb0Lc-00113-00084930-00086024 also 45 degree minus phi by 2. Now, this angle is considered phi and this angle is also consider yuOTwTMb0Lc-00114-00086024-00088182 as phi. So, now here this portion this part is logarithmic spiral part, it is considered. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00115-00088182-00088580 This is logarithmic spiral in the straight portion. So, triangular part then the logarithmic yuOTwTMb0Lc-00116-00088580-00089091 spiral then the straight portion. So, this straight portion is passive Rankine Passive yuOTwTMb0Lc-00117-00089091-00089716 Zone, this angle is 45 minus phi by 2 and this angle is also 45 minus phi by 2. Similarly, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00118-00089716-00090341 these two angles are 45 minus phi by 2. In the triangular part this angle is phi, this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00119-00090341-00090922 angle is also phi. Now, if I draw this free body diagram of this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00120-00090922-00092269 triangular portion. So, if I draw this free body diagram of the triangular portion. So, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00121-00092269-00093718 here we can say this is a, b and d. So, and this is the center line and this is the width yuOTwTMb0Lc-00122-00093718-00094997 of the footing that is B. So, this triangular portion we are drawing here and this load yuOTwTMb0Lc-00123-00094997-00095983 that is acting that will be q u ultimate bearing capacity or load carrying capacity. So, I yuOTwTMb0Lc-00124-00095983-00096920 have this considered this angle is phi and this angle is also phi. Now, here a d and yuOTwTMb0Lc-00125-00096920-00097768 b d act as a rough back of the rigid wall. Suppose, it is considered here a d and b d, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00126-00097768-00098763 it acts as a rough back of rigid wall. So, where the c and the phi this two parameter yuOTwTMb0Lc-00127-00098763-00099651 c and phi are the equivalent of the wall addition c is equivalent to the this wall addition yuOTwTMb0Lc-00128-00099651-00100030 and phi is equivalent to the angle of wall friction. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00129-00100030-00100848 So, now for this mean that suppose this is the free body diagram and this is the perpendicular yuOTwTMb0Lc-00130-00100848-00102027 line, perpendicular to this a d and perpendicular to b d. So, this dotted line. So, the perpendicular yuOTwTMb0Lc-00131-00102027-00103126 line perpendicular to a d and perpendicular to b d. Now, here that is the P p, P p is yuOTwTMb0Lc-00132-00103126-00104365 the passive resistance that is coming from this zone 2 and 3. So, that means, this portion yuOTwTMb0Lc-00133-00104365-00104890 resistance in this triangular portion is coming from this zone two and these two other zones yuOTwTMb0Lc-00134-00104890-00105338 and so, this is the passive resistance that is coming from this zone that is a P p, P yuOTwTMb0Lc-00135-00105338-00106179 p is the passive resistance. So, which is acting at an angle phi with this vertical yuOTwTMb0Lc-00136-00106179-00106923 line? Similarly, here also P p is acting at a angle yuOTwTMb0Lc-00137-00106923-00107773 phi and this C a. So, because as now this phi is equivalent to this wall friction angle; yuOTwTMb0Lc-00138-00107773-00108439 so now, P p is acting as a angle of phi with this perpendicular line of this wall. Similarly, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00139-00108439-00108898 here also P p is acting as a angle phi the perpendicular line of this wall. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00140-00108898-00110140 Now, this C a is the addition that is acting for a d and b d line. So, where C a is the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00141-00110140-00111210 addition it is acting this two line. Now, we can say this C a that is equal to C into yuOTwTMb0Lc-00142-00111210-00112870 a d or C into b d where C is the addition. So, similarly C will be the cohesion and P yuOTwTMb0Lc-00143-00112870-00114524 p is equal to the total passive resistance. So, P p is the total passive resistance that yuOTwTMb0Lc-00144-00114524-00115391 is acting here. So, this is the passive resistance, C is the cohesion. Now, in this figure if yuOTwTMb0Lc-00145-00115391-00117261 we calculate the weight of this triangular portion, that means, weight of wedge this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00146-00117261-00118069 triangular portion a b d, if you want to calculate the weight. So, that weight will be this is yuOTwTMb0Lc-00147-00118069-00118652 the half the area this means this is the B and then this height. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00148-00118652-00119595 Now, this height is basically B by 2 into tan phi. So, with this base of this triangle yuOTwTMb0Lc-00149-00119595-00120355 is B height is B by 2 into tan phi and then the unit weight of the soil. So, this will yuOTwTMb0Lc-00150-00120355-00121560 be the weight. So, finally, we can write 1 by 4 gamma B square into tan phi. So, this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00151-00121560-00122316 is the weight of this triangular wedge. The next we have to calculate the different components yuOTwTMb0Lc-00152-00122316-00123925 of this triangular wedge. So, if we take the different components then we can write. So, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00153-00123925-00124919 if we take this figure again we can see. So, there is a in the vertical direction if yuOTwTMb0Lc-00154-00124919-00125702 we take the different components. So, one is P p that is acting in the upward direction, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00155-00125702-00126560 then q u it is acting in the downward direction, then addition it has one component in the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00156-00126560-00127069 upward direction and one component in the horizontal direction. Similarly, here also yuOTwTMb0Lc-00157-00127069-00127524 one component in the upward direction, and one component in the horizontal direction. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00158-00127524-00128647 So, if we take these vertical components of the all the forces then we can write let q yuOTwTMb0Lc-00159-00128647-00129433 u into B. So, q u is the total load that is acting in the downward direction that will yuOTwTMb0Lc-00160-00129433-00130110 be equal to it is the load bearing capacity of the soil, that means, two P p this passive yuOTwTMb0Lc-00161-00130110-00131208 resistance both are acting in the upward direction plus C a this addition in the vertical component yuOTwTMb0Lc-00162-00131208-00131789 this C a into sin phi as it is acting in the both the sides. So, this will be two into yuOTwTMb0Lc-00163-00131789-00132629 C a into sin, sin phi sin phi we multiply with this a, we will get the vertical components; yuOTwTMb0Lc-00164-00132629-00133189 then this weight of this edge that is acting. So, this is the passive resistance component, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00165-00133189-00133655 this is the ultimate load carrying capacity of the bearing capacity of the soil and this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00166-00133655-00134208 is the addition components and this weight of the wedge that is acting in the downward yuOTwTMb0Lc-00167-00134208-00134822 direction. So, this this this will be minus 1 by 4 gamma yuOTwTMb0Lc-00168-00134822-00135616 B square into tan phi. So, these are the total forces here this these two this one and this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00169-00135616-00136162 one was acting in the downward direction and this P p and this C a components this is acting yuOTwTMb0Lc-00170-00136162-00137486 in the upward directions. So, now we can see now here as we have mentioned that C a is yuOTwTMb0Lc-00171-00137486-00139342 equal to C into d a or C into b d. Now, from this figure we can write this d a is equal yuOTwTMb0Lc-00172-00139342-00140408 to b d that will be equal to B by 2 divided by cos phi. So, here in this figure we can yuOTwTMb0Lc-00173-00140408-00141261 write this d a as this height is d by two into tan phi similarly this side a d or b yuOTwTMb0Lc-00174-00141261-00142201 d is B by 2 divided by cos phi. So, we can replace this value here in the C a. So, we yuOTwTMb0Lc-00175-00142201-00143604 will get C a is equal to C into B by 2 divided by cos phi. Now, if we put this C a value yuOTwTMb0Lc-00176-00143604-00145086 here in this equation. So, this will be q u into B equal to 2 P p plus 2 into C into yuOTwTMb0Lc-00177-00145086-00146880 B divided by 2 divided by cos phi minus 1 by 4 gamma into B square yuOTwTMb0Lc-00178-00146880-00147236 into tan phi. So, further simplify we can get this two P yuOTwTMb0Lc-00179-00147236-00148748 p plus B into C there is another term here that is sin phi because this is two C a is yuOTwTMb0Lc-00180-00148748-00149310 replaced by C into B by 2 cos phi and sin phi is there. So, this two two cancel. So, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00181-00149310-00150235 this will be this B C into sin phi by cos phi this will be tan phi, so minus one fourth yuOTwTMb0Lc-00182-00150235-00151899 gamma B square into tan phi. So, now just consider this P p, this total passive resistance yuOTwTMb0Lc-00183-00151899-00153254 it has three components basically. So, this P p is the summation of P p gamma plus P p yuOTwTMb0Lc-00184-00153254-00154407 C plus P p q. So, these resistance are coming from three parts one is for the weight of yuOTwTMb0Lc-00185-00154407-00155239 the soil this gamma C is due to the cohesion and q is due to the surcharge. So, that surcharge yuOTwTMb0Lc-00186-00155239-00155886 we have considered here for this part. So, this q is the surcharge that we have considered yuOTwTMb0Lc-00187-00155886-00156638 here. So, that means, this q that is replaced the surcharge, that means, gamma D f D f into yuOTwTMb0Lc-00188-00156638-00157755 gamma. So, now here P p will get this P p gamma that yuOTwTMb0Lc-00189-00157755-00158496 will get. So, first component is P p gamma. So, this is produced by the weight of the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00190-00158496-00159546 soil in which it is assumed the soil is cohesionless and negligible surcharge. So, this is the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00191-00159546-00160947 contribution because of the weight of the soil this is produced by the weight of the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00192-00160947-00161958 soil in shear zone and it is assumed that soil is cohesionless, that means, C is equal yuOTwTMb0Lc-00193-00161958-00162761 to 0 and negligible surcharge. So, q is also equal to 0. So, that q and C both are 0 in yuOTwTMb0Lc-00194-00162761-00163308 this condition the resistance that is produced by the weight of the soil is called as P p yuOTwTMb0Lc-00195-00163308-00164428 gamma. Second one, this second resistance this is P p C which is the produced by the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00196-00164428-00165774 soil cohesion, this is produced by the soil cohesion assume that this soil is weightless yuOTwTMb0Lc-00197-00165774-00166418 and negligible surcharge. So, assuming that weightless soil and negligible surcharge. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00198-00166418-00168179 Similarly, the third component that is P p q it is also produced by the surcharge assuming yuOTwTMb0Lc-00199-00168179-00169062 that the soil is weightless and also cohesionless. So, here in this third condition soil is weightless yuOTwTMb0Lc-00200-00169062-00169562 and cohesionless that contribution due to the surcharge is called P p gamma. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00201-00169562-00170864 So, now if we put this value in the final expression, so our expression was q u B is yuOTwTMb0Lc-00202-00170864-00172617 equal to 2 P p plus B C into tan phi minus 1 by 4 gamma B square into tan phi. So, if yuOTwTMb0Lc-00203-00172617-00173397 P p is the summation of three parts. So, if we replace this equation by this is two P yuOTwTMb0Lc-00204-00173397-00175158 p gamma plus P p C plus P p q plus B C into tan phi minus 1 by 4 gamma B square into tan yuOTwTMb0Lc-00205-00175158-00176314 phi Now, let we consider that two P p gamma minus yuOTwTMb0Lc-00206-00176314-00177895 one by four gamma B square tan phi is equal to B into half gamma B N gamma. So, we replace yuOTwTMb0Lc-00207-00177895-00178740 this term two P p gamma minus 1 by 4 gamma B square into tan phi by this expression B yuOTwTMb0Lc-00208-00178740-00180578 half gamma into B into N gamma and two P p C plus B C into tan phi is replaced by B into yuOTwTMb0Lc-00209-00180578-00182310 C N c where C is the cohesion, arrange two P p q is replaced by B into q into N q. Now, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00211-00185610-00186351 bearing capacity factors. So, finally, if we write this, replace this expression by yuOTwTMb0Lc-00212-00186351-00187377 these terms then the final expression will be q u. So, if we put this, in these expressions. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00213-00187377-00189391 So, this will be q u is equal to C N c plus q N q plus half gamma B N gamma. So, where yuOTwTMb0Lc-00214-00189391-00190031 C is the cohesion of the soil, N c is the bearing capacity factor Terzaghi Bearing Capacity, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00215-00190031-00190663 q is we can write that q is equal to gamma D f if D f into gamma. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00216-00190663-00191647 So, gamma is the unit weight of the soil and this is half B is the width of the foundation. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00217-00191647-00192173 So, this is the three components. So, three parts this is the contribution due to the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00218-00192173-00192740 cohesion, this contribution due to the surcharge and this is the contribution due to the weight yuOTwTMb0Lc-00219-00192740-00193745 of the soil. So, ultimately this is the final expression where we will get the ultimate yuOTwTMb0Lc-00220-00193745-00194395 load carrying capacity of the foundation. So, this q u is the ultimate load carrying yuOTwTMb0Lc-00221-00194395-00195305 capacity of the foundation that is q u equal to C N c plus q N q plus half gamma B N gamma. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00222-00195305-00196619 Now, where we can write this terms, this bearing capacity terms that we can write that N c yuOTwTMb0Lc-00223-00196619-00197774 Terzaghi has given this bearing capacity factors value this is cot phi into a square divided yuOTwTMb0Lc-00224-00197774-00200140 by 2 cos square pi by 4 plus phi by 2 minus 1, this is N c. Similarly, N q would be a yuOTwTMb0Lc-00225-00200140-00201927 square divided by 2 cos square pi by 4 plus phi by 2 and N gamma you can write this is yuOTwTMb0Lc-00226-00201927-00204586 half tan phi K p gamma minus K p gamma divided by cos square phi is total minus 1. So, where yuOTwTMb0Lc-00227-00204586-00206215 this a is equal to e to the power 3 pi by 4 minus phi by 2 into tan phi and K p gamma yuOTwTMb0Lc-00228-00206215-00208123 is equal to passive earth pressure coefficient. So, this is passive earth pressure coefficient. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00229-00208123-00209714 Now, if phi is equal to 0, then N C will be 5.7, N yuOTwTMb0Lc-00230-00209714-00211130 q will be 1 and N gamma will be 0; so from this expression we can write q u will be N yuOTwTMb0Lc-00231-00211130-00212934 C 5.7 into C plus N q part is 1. So, into q and the N gamma part is 0. So, this is the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00232-00212934-00213809 ultimate load carrying capacity of the soil and then q net ultimate that will be q ultimate yuOTwTMb0Lc-00233-00213809-00215247 minus q. So, this will be 5.7 into C or 5.7 into C u and then correlation of the soil. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00234-00215247-00216363 So, now by using this expression we can determine what will be the this load varying capacity yuOTwTMb0Lc-00235-00216363-00217140 of this soil or this foundation. Now, this is the basic expression. This expression now yuOTwTMb0Lc-00236-00217140-00217946 where C q gamma B these we can this gamma is the unit weight of the soil. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00237-00217946-00218498 So, B is the width of the if we know this. So, from this expression we can see this bearing yuOTwTMb0Lc-00238-00218498-00219252 capacity of the soil, this depends on the soil property that is C and phi of the soil, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00239-00219252-00219932 then this surcharge of the depth of the soil, depth of the foundation and width of the foundation, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00240-00219932-00220392 that means, the geometry of the foundation then the soil properties also. So, now this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00241-00220392-00221120 is the basic expression which is derived for the vertical and concentrating loading condition, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00242-00221120-00221959 it is for homogeneous soil and so, this is simplified expression. So, now, in the next yuOTwTMb0Lc-00243-00221959-00222704 lecture I will discuss about the different condition the general type. So, for incline yuOTwTMb0Lc-00244-00222704-00223423 loading or for if if there is a moment is there then how we will determine this bearing yuOTwTMb0Lc-00245-00223423-00223676 capacity. So, this is the simple expression that we yuOTwTMb0Lc-00246-00223676-00224255 can use. So, here one thing that this N C N q N gamma expressions are given, because yuOTwTMb0Lc-00247-00224255-00225214 this are the N C N q N gamma expressions. So, by using this expression we can calculate yuOTwTMb0Lc-00248-00225214-00225958 the this bearing Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity factors for different see different phi values. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00249-00225958-00226997 Now, Terzaghi has also proposed or given this bearing capacity factor in a tabular form yuOTwTMb0Lc-00250-00226997-00227515 for different phi values. So, that expression values are given here. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00251-00227515-00227976 So, here we can see this is the Terzaghi’s bearing capacity factors this is the table yuOTwTMb0Lc-00252-00227976-00228576 for different phi’s starting from 0, 0 this is what as I have mentioned for the 0 this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00253-00228576-00229544 is phi value this N C is 5.7 and Nq is 1 and N gamma is 0. So, it starts from 0 to 50 degree; yuOTwTMb0Lc-00254-00229544-00230344 so corresponding N C value N q value N gamma value; so these values are given. So, by using yuOTwTMb0Lc-00255-00230344-00230831 these charts we can determine. So, if we know the geometry of this foundation and width yuOTwTMb0Lc-00256-00230831-00231317 of the foundation then the depth of the foundation and we know those if we know the soil properties yuOTwTMb0Lc-00257-00231317-00231879 then by using this table we can determine this bearing capacity factor then we can use yuOTwTMb0Lc-00258-00231879-00232542 this bearing capacity factor in this our general expression and then we can calculate the ultimate yuOTwTMb0Lc-00259-00232542-00233396 load bearing capacity of this foundation. Now, another thing is given that this expression yuOTwTMb0Lc-00260-00233396-00234280 that is derived is valid for general shear failure. So, that are mentioned. Now, if soil yuOTwTMb0Lc-00261-00234280-00234996 fails in local shear failure then how to incorporate those effects in these expressions. Now, that yuOTwTMb0Lc-00262-00234996-00235445 is also possible in these expressions. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00263-00235445-00236204 So, suppose this is for the for the previous one was for the general shear failure and yuOTwTMb0Lc-00264-00236204-00237861 this is for local shear failure. Now, local shear failure Terzaghi’s as recommended yuOTwTMb0Lc-00265-00237861-00239980 that the shear strength parameters, this parameter which is C is converted to C m and phi is yuOTwTMb0Lc-00266-00239980-00240916 also converted to phi m. Now, how this? So, this is this C is for cohesion for the general yuOTwTMb0Lc-00267-00240916-00241476 shear failure and C m is the cohesion for local shear failure and phi is the cohesion yuOTwTMb0Lc-00268-00241476-00242045 friction angle for general shear failure and phi m is the friction angle for local shear yuOTwTMb0Lc-00269-00242045-00242436 failure. Now, how to convert this thing? Now, C m will yuOTwTMb0Lc-00270-00242436-00244077 be two third of C and tan phi m that will be equal to two third of tan phi. So, phi yuOTwTMb0Lc-00271-00244077-00245519 m value, it will be tan inverse two third of tan phi. So, now, in place of phi and C yuOTwTMb0Lc-00272-00245519-00246228 you have to use this phi m and C m when we calculate the load bearing capacity of the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00273-00246228-00247005 soil in case of local shear failure. So, now, we have to use this expression in case of yuOTwTMb0Lc-00274-00247005-00247960 local shear failure, that means, q u ultimate this will be two third of C N c dash plus yuOTwTMb0Lc-00275-00247960-00249646 q N q dash plus half gamma B N gamma dash. So, let this N c dash N q dash N gamma dash yuOTwTMb0Lc-00276-00249646-00250494 are the bearing capacity factors in case of local shear failure whereas, whereas, N C yuOTwTMb0Lc-00277-00250494-00251133 N q N gamma is where the bearing capacity factors for general shear failure. So, this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00278-00251133-00251840 N c dash N q dash N gamma dash are determined using the same expression, but you have to yuOTwTMb0Lc-00279-00251840-00252817 replace phi by phi m and then we can determine this N c dash N q dash N gamma dash by suing yuOTwTMb0Lc-00280-00252817-00253425 the same expressions. Here also Terzaghi’s has given this N c yuOTwTMb0Lc-00281-00253425-00254379 dash N gamma dash N q dash values in a tabular form. So, here, so this is the Terzaghi bearing yuOTwTMb0Lc-00282-00254379-00255100 capacity factors under this local shear failure where this is the phi value from 0 to 50 degree. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00283-00255100-00255794 So, corresponding phi value what will be the value of N c dash, N q dash and N gamma dash. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00284-00255794-00256421 So, these values are given here. So, if you know the phi value and if the soil fails in yuOTwTMb0Lc-00285-00256421-00257182 local shear failure then we need to use N c dash, N q dash, N gamma dash instead of yuOTwTMb0Lc-00286-00257182-00257890 N C N q and N gamma. So, here we will get the different value of N c dash N q dash and yuOTwTMb0Lc-00287-00257890-00259066 N gamma dash. Now, generally it is observed that if phi is greater than equal to 36 degrees yuOTwTMb0Lc-00288-00259066-00260519 then it indicates that this is general shear failure yuOTwTMb0Lc-00289-00260519-00261711 and if phi less than equal to 29 degrees then it is local shear failure. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00290-00261711-00262469 So, if soil fails in general shear failure or if it is a dense soil or strip then we yuOTwTMb0Lc-00291-00262469-00263231 can use this previous expression for the general shear failure and if soil fails in local shear yuOTwTMb0Lc-00292-00263231-00264264 failure, then this medium dense or moderate sign then we have to use this expression we yuOTwTMb0Lc-00293-00264264-00264850 have to convert this C to C m and phi to phi m then we have to use this expression. So, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00294-00264850-00265394 this final expression is for the local shear failure. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00295-00265394-00266674 Now, the next thing is that these expressions are derived for strip footing. So, these expressions yuOTwTMb0Lc-00296-00266674-00268785 are derived for the strip footing. Now, if soil this footing is circular and square footing yuOTwTMb0Lc-00297-00268785-00269328 then also we can use this expression, but with some modifications. So, Terzaghi has yuOTwTMb0Lc-00298-00269328-00269875 recommended that how we will use, because these expressions general expression is valid yuOTwTMb0Lc-00299-00269875-00270379 for the strip footing. So, how we will use this expression for the circular footing or yuOTwTMb0Lc-00300-00270379-00271076 square footing? Now, if the so that the general expression for any type of footing. So, we yuOTwTMb0Lc-00301-00271076-00272369 can write this is alpha 1 C N c plus q N q plus alpha 2 gamma B N gamma. Now, as I have yuOTwTMb0Lc-00302-00272369-00273871 already mention that for the strip footing this alpha 1 is equal to 1 and alpha 2 is yuOTwTMb0Lc-00303-00273871-00275854 equal to 0.5 fine now for the circular footing this alpha 1 is equal to 1.3 and alpha 2 is yuOTwTMb0Lc-00304-00275854-00276524 equal to 0.3. So, alpha 1 is 1.3 and alpha 2 is 0.3 now. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00305-00276524-00278090 So, for the square footing alpha 1 is also 1.3 and alpha 2 is equal to 0.4. So, for the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00306-00278090-00278880 square footing the expression will be 1.3 C N c plus q N q plus 0.4 gamma B N gamma. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00307-00278880-00279532 So, N q N c N gamma values that we will get from this table if we know the phi value. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00308-00279532-00280107 So, here also for different other type of footing the circular square we can use this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00309-00280107-00280791 expression also. Now, one thing that in these expressions that we have derived, I have derived yuOTwTMb0Lc-00310-00280791-00281376 so in this expression we have not considered the effect of water table. So, that effect yuOTwTMb0Lc-00311-00281376-00281616 we have to consider here. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00312-00281616-00282561 Now, here see if we take the effect of water table suppose this is the footing with width yuOTwTMb0Lc-00313-00282561-00283357 is B and depth is D f. Now, these are the position of water table suppose this is the. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00314-00283357-00284010 So, water table can be above the base of footing or below the base of footing. So, there now yuOTwTMb0Lc-00315-00284010-00284532 we have taken the different we will consider the different cases where we put this water yuOTwTMb0Lc-00316-00284532-00285105 table. So, that can be above the base of footing. So, this is the position of the water table. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00317-00285105-00285427 Well, that can be below the base of footing. So, this is the base of the footing that can yuOTwTMb0Lc-00318-00285427-00285829 be below the base of the footing. So, this is the another position of the ground yuOTwTMb0Lc-00319-00285829-00286584 level. So, here this ground level we can look we can look at this ground level at distance yuOTwTMb0Lc-00320-00286584-00287215 of D w from the ground level and if it is below the base of the footing then we can yuOTwTMb0Lc-00321-00287215-00288007 look at this ground level position by D w dash is measured from the base of the footing. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00322-00288007-00288848 Now, we will consider the different cases. Now, for the first cases or first case now yuOTwTMb0Lc-00323-00288848-00289458 here we consider that above this soil level. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00324-00289458-00291480 So, suppose if we take this figure. So, this is the ground level, this is the base of the yuOTwTMb0Lc-00325-00291480-00292392 footing, where B is the width, and D f is the depth of the foundation. Now, suppose yuOTwTMb0Lc-00326-00292392-00293152 this is the position of the ground level here, this is D w; and this is the another position yuOTwTMb0Lc-00327-00293152-00294445 of the ground level, ground water level; so this is D w dash. Now, first case that if yuOTwTMb0Lc-00328-00294445-00296308 case one, the first care if D w dash greater than equal to B. So, first case is that means, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00329-00296308-00296993 this position of this ground water table below the base is equal to or greater than width yuOTwTMb0Lc-00330-00296993-00297631 of the foundation. So, now in this general expression, we can yuOTwTMb0Lc-00331-00297631-00299186 write our expression is q u C N c plus q N q plus half B gamma N gamma. In this N q term, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00332-00299186-00300456 this is D f is gamma. So, we can see that here this D f into gamma is there. So, these yuOTwTMb0Lc-00333-00300456-00301330 gamma is basically the unit weight of the soil above the foundation base; and this gamma, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00334-00301330-00301899 because it is two gammas in two parts. So, this gamma is the unit weight of the soil yuOTwTMb0Lc-00335-00301899-00302688 below the foundation base. So, this is the second first term, second term and third term. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00336-00302688-00303259 So, first term is unit weight that means, gamma less and in the second term, there is yuOTwTMb0Lc-00337-00303259-00303840 one gamma that gamma is basically above the foundation base and the next one is the below yuOTwTMb0Lc-00338-00303840-00304618 the foundation base, second one. In the case one if D w dash is greater than equal to B, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00339-00304618-00305704 then gamma will be gamma t or gamma bulk. So, gamma will be gamma bulk whether this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00340-00305704-00306418 natural unit weight condition. So, both the case, that means, the water table will not yuOTwTMb0Lc-00341-00306418-00307742 effect these bearing capacity expressions. So, we will is the natural natural gamma is yuOTwTMb0Lc-00342-00307742-00308328 natural unit weight of the soil is gamma t or gamma bulk. So, in the both the cases where yuOTwTMb0Lc-00343-00308328-00308779 this expression also we have to use the gamma bulk and this expression also we have to use yuOTwTMb0Lc-00344-00308779-00310604 the gamma bulk. Now, if case two they will consider this D w dash is equal to 0. So, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00345-00310604-00311320 if D w dash is equal to 0 this case 2. That means, the water ground water table level yuOTwTMb0Lc-00346-00311320-00312295 is at the base of the footing then we have to consider the gamma sub that is gamma sat yuOTwTMb0Lc-00347-00312295-00313154 minus gamma w. So, this is gamma submerge gamma sat. So, this gamma we have to use for yuOTwTMb0Lc-00348-00313154-00315468 second term for half B gamma N gamma portion and gamma t or gamma bulk for q N q part. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00349-00315468-00316260 So, here if first case D w dash greater than equal to B then we will have to use gamma yuOTwTMb0Lc-00350-00316260-00317002 t for both the cases this part and this part. Now, if D w dash is equal to 0 then we have yuOTwTMb0Lc-00351-00317002-00318003 to consider gamma sub for this this part this part we have to use the gamma sub and this yuOTwTMb0Lc-00352-00318003-00319580 part we have to use gamma bulk. Now, for the case three that D w dash is less than equal yuOTwTMb0Lc-00353-00319580-00320832 to B or less than equal to B or you can say this is greater than B then we have to use yuOTwTMb0Lc-00354-00320832-00322547 gamma is equal to gamma sub plus D w dash divided by B into gamma t minus gamma sub yuOTwTMb0Lc-00355-00322547-00324003 for half B gamma N gamma and gamma t for q N q. So, if D w dash is less than equal to yuOTwTMb0Lc-00356-00324003-00325377 B then you have to use this gamma value in this part and gamma t for this part. Now, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00357-00325377-00327280 case four that if water table is at G L. So, if water table is at G L then both the parts yuOTwTMb0Lc-00358-00327280-00327689 we have to use the gamma sub, here also we have to use the gamma sub here also we have yuOTwTMb0Lc-00359-00327689-00328454 to use the gamma sub; so here also for both the parts. yuOTwTMb0Lc-00360-00328454-00330157 Now, for the case five that D w is greater than equal to 0 and less than equal to D f yuOTwTMb0Lc-00361-00330157-00332661 then gamma will be gamma sub plus D w by D f into gamma t minus gamma sub for q N q and yuOTwTMb0Lc-00362-00332661-00333867 for the second part, for this part we have to use the gamma sub and gamma sub for half yuOTwTMb0Lc-00363-00333867-00335074 B gamma N gamma. So, if the water table is greater than 0 and less than D f then we have yuOTwTMb0Lc-00364-00335074-00336136 to use this gamma for this this part and gamma sub for this part. So, these are the five yuOTwTMb0Lc-00365-00336136-00337007 cases, where we can improve the water table effect putting this water table position at yuOTwTMb0Lc-00366-00337007-00337738 different location and we can incorporate the water table effect with the different yuOTwTMb0Lc-00367-00337738-00338435 unit weight that is used in the expression. In the next lecture, I will explain the other yuOTwTMb0Lc-00368-00338435-00339067 effect that is the inclination loading inclination effect, then the then the shape and factor yuOTwTMb0Lc-00369-00339067-00339657 of shape of the foundation effect, depth of the foundation effect in this expression through yuOTwTMb0Lc-00370-00339657-00340016 general time. Those things I will explain in the next lecture, yuOTwTMb0Lc-00371-00340016-00340083 Thank you. yvvcNKWuTXc-00000-00000567-00001178 The Queen looked radiant in a deep red winter coat and dress with a matching feathered hat this morning yvvcNKWuTXc-00001-00001295-00002112 The monarch, 91, walked ahead of Prince Philip, 96, as they arrived at church in the maroon royal Bentley yvvcNKWuTXc-00002-00002229-00002909 Couple were greeted by well-wishers as they made their way to St Peter and St Paul's Church in West Newton, yvvcNKWuTXc-00003-00003026-00003706 Queen even stopped to collect several gifts of bouquets from the crowd including a winter-themed bunch yvvcNKWuTXc-00004-00003822-00004568 The royals are still enjoying their annual extended Christmas break in Norfolk, after arriving back in December yvvcNKWuTXc-00005-00004685-00005605 After a series of rain-soaked weekends, the Queen and Prince Philip were finally able to stroll to church this morning in bright Norfolk sunshine yvvcNKWuTXc-00006-00005722-00007240 Looking striking in a deep red coat with matching dress, feathered hat and a ruby-encrusted gold brooch, the Queen, 91, appeared happy to be taking the fresh air, even stopping to pick up several winter-themed bouquets from well-wishers in the crowd yvvcNKWuTXc-00007-00007356-00008705 Behind her, the Duke of Edinburgh, who turns 97 later this year, also looked to be on fine form and enjoying the break in the clouds as he entered the grounds of St Peter and St Paul's Church in the village of West Newton yvvcNKWuTXc-00008-00008822-00009860 After attending St Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate last Sunday, the couple opted to visit St Peter and St Paul's Church in West Newton this morning yvvcNKWuTXc-00009-00009977-00010725 Scores of royal fans gathered as the Queen and Prince Philip arrived for the traditional Sunday morning service yvvcNKWuTXc-00010-00010842-00011609 The pair emerged from their maroon Bentley and stopped awhile to greet those who'd made the journey to see them arrive at the service yvvcNKWuTXc-00011-00011726-00012642 The Queen, wearing a slick of bright red lipstick, looked delighted to be handed a green-hued bouquet as she bypassed the throng of well-wishers yvvcNKWuTXc-00012-00012759-00013531 While the crowd reached for their smartphones to capture the moment, a female companion of the Queen stood by her side yvvcNKWuTXc-00013-00013647-00014568 As ever, there was a water-tight security presence with police officers flanking the royal couple as they strode through the small Norfolk village. yvvcNKWuTXc-00014-00014685-00015521 The couple have enjoyed their annual extended break in East Anglia since arriving at Sandringham for the festive season back in December yvvcNKWuTXc-00015-00015638-00016818 While the Queen and Prince Philip have favoured St Mary Magdalene Church on Sandringham in recent weeks, the royals do visit several local services during their three-month sojourn to Norfolk yvvcNKWuTXc-00016-00016935-00017558 St Peter and St Paul's church is one of several rural churches that fall under Sandringham yya5UWq3yrE-00000-00000640-00000903 we ended our last session with a discussion on yya5UWq3yrE-00001-00000903-00001592 culture the contextual nature of ethnographic research and what context might mean yya5UWq3yrE-00002-00001655-00002184 as we discussed the context includes many layers some are observable and some are not yya5UWq3yrE-00003-00002264-00002880 our objective is to describe all of these layers as the background against which our observations yya5UWq3yrE-00004-00002880-00003544 and interpretations take place this makes ethnography a descriptive method of research yya5UWq3yrE-00005-00003688-00004320 geared suggests that an ethnographic description ought to bring together the tangible and the yya5UWq3yrE-00006-00004320-00005008 intangible aspects of the context and draw connections between the two he calls this yya5UWq3yrE-00007-00005008-00005784 thick description thick description refers to a description that includes both observation yya5UWq3yrE-00008-00005864-00006504 and analysis it includes our engagement with the context and the meanings derived from yya5UWq3yrE-00009-00006504-00007240 these engagements it is these meanings that provide depth or thickness to a description yya5UWq3yrE-00010-00007376-00007912 maybe we can better understand the idea by using an example that gears borrowed from the yya5UWq3yrE-00011-00007912-00008840 philosopher gilbert ryle ryle asks us to consider the example of two boys both rapidly contradicting yya5UWq3yrE-00012-00008840-00009536 the lids of one of their eyes like this while one of the boy is twitching his eye involuntarily yya5UWq3yrE-00013-00009536-00010064 the second one is doing it deliberately he is trying to make a sign to a friend of his yya5UWq3yrE-00014-00010120-00010912 he is winking if we focus only on the movement of the eye we may not be able to differentiate yya5UWq3yrE-00015-00010912-00011656 the involuntary twitch from the deliberate wing rile explains that the wink is different from yya5UWq3yrE-00016-00011656-00012384 the twitch because in winking the winker is communicating and doing so with some purpose yya5UWq3yrE-00017-00012448-00012960 he's linking to someone in particular trying to hide the wink from others yya5UWq3yrE-00018-00012960-00013608 in the group the wink is meant to impart a certain message according to a socially established code yya5UWq3yrE-00019-00013608-00014319 that is understood in that group all of these form the under layers of the action of winking yya5UWq3yrE-00020-00014440-00015191 the meaning of a simple action like a wink or a twitch is composed of the action the immediate yya5UWq3yrE-00021-00015191-00015896 context in which the action takes place and the social and cultural context when we see someone yya5UWq3yrE-00022-00015896-00016568 winking we understand all of this as a single gesture in constructing a thick description yya5UWq3yrE-00023-00016648-00017304 we try to explore each of the layers that make up the gesture and its meaning as you might yya5UWq3yrE-00024-00017304-00017808 have guessed an understanding of culture goes hand in hand with creating a thick description yya5UWq3yrE-00025-00017960-00018448 let us bring in professor robina robinson to deepen our understanding of these two concepts yya5UWq3yrE-00026-00018528-00019144 professor robinson is a professor of sociology in the department of humanities and social sciences yya5UWq3yrE-00027-00019144-00019840 in iit bombay and one of the advisors of our course my name is rina robinson and i believe yya5UWq3yrE-00028-00019840-00020464 that up till now you have been studying terms like context and web of meanings now i'm going to talk yya5UWq3yrE-00029-00020464-00021024 to you a little bit about that term that we use so much in anthropology which is the term culture yya5UWq3yrE-00030-00021080-00021632 culture may be quite simply described as patterns of learned behavior shared within a particular yya5UWq3yrE-00031-00021632-00022280 social group or community from the start therefore anthropology has based itself on the idea that yya5UWq3yrE-00032-00022280-00022944 everyone has culture today anthropologists think of culture as a process that is dynamic yya5UWq3yrE-00033-00022944-00023608 and through which meanings are constituted shared and maybe even contested therefore the question of yya5UWq3yrE-00034-00023608-00024136 relationships of power and inequality have become critical to the analysis of culture yya5UWq3yrE-00035-00024200-00024600 which group has the power to shape the culture values and beliefs of a society yya5UWq3yrE-00036-00024664-00025024 which groups cultural expressions are marginalized or devalued yya5UWq3yrE-00037-00025120-00025792 culture is historically constituted shifting and processing culture is also embodied yya5UWq3yrE-00038-00025792-00026352 per bordea use the term hexis to think about culture as the way in which we walk yya5UWq3yrE-00039-00026352-00026983 move our hands or our bodies turn or shake our heads our posture our demeanor or accent yya5UWq3yrE-00040-00027104-00027744 if culture is everywhere and belongs to everyone and is in fact in our very bodies then it is the yya5UWq3yrE-00041-00027744-00028392 stuff of everyday life it is embedded in ordinary social processes so when anthropologists study yya5UWq3yrE-00042-00028392-00029016 culture ethnographically they do not focus merely on extraordinary or historic events they yya5UWq3yrE-00043-00029016-00029488 are interested in the mundane and the ordinary the things that most people take for granted yya5UWq3yrE-00044-00029552-00030208 to observe these the ethnographer needs to live with the people she studies or remain in sustained yya5UWq3yrE-00045-00030208-00030808 direct contact and communication with them to become familiar with them as companions and yya5UWq3yrE-00046-00030808-00031336 neighbors so that they may continue with their activities unself-consciously in front of her yya5UWq3yrE-00047-00031464-00032064 the little things the minutiae of everyday living is what malinowski famously spoke of as the yya5UWq3yrE-00048-00032064-00032632 imponderability of everyday life why does a woman in this society laugh with her hand over her mouth yya5UWq3yrE-00049-00032704-00033240 why does a young girl spot a ponytail while an adult woman has to bind her hair and cover her yya5UWq3yrE-00050-00033240-00033824 head why does one social group begin a meal with something bitter and another with something sweet yya5UWq3yrE-00051-00033896-00034544 why do men's shirts have buttons on the right and women's on the left why is the bathing area yya5UWq3yrE-00052-00034544-00035096 attached to the kitchen in this region but the toilet far away and at a distance at the back of yya5UWq3yrE-00053-00035096-00035664 the house what are the sounds that one hears from dawn to dusk on an ordinary village day yya5UWq3yrE-00054-00035744-00036200 does the day begin with temple chimes the sonorous sound of the azan yya5UWq3yrE-00055-00036200-00036712 or the tinkle of the bells on the fisherman's cycle as she does her rounds of the neighborhood yya5UWq3yrE-00056-00036792-00037280 what smells pervade the houses and feels as one walks the paths from work to home yya5UWq3yrE-00057-00037360-00037896 at midday does one get the sharp tang of mustard in the air or the full-blooded waft yya5UWq3yrE-00058-00037896-00038640 of coconut or the earthy aroma of makki roti does one social group eat sitting at a table yya5UWq3yrE-00059-00038640-00039328 while another in a circle or linear arrangement on the ground why in a community does a woman eat off yya5UWq3yrE-00060-00039328-00039936 the same plate left behind by her husband while in another a family eats communally from a tal yya5UWq3yrE-00061-00040032-00040536 it is important to remember that many of these small taken for granted aspects of everyday life yya5UWq3yrE-00062-00040592-00041168 will strike the ethnographer more forcefully in the initial period of fieldwork because of their yya5UWq3yrE-00063-00041168-00041872 unfamiliarity or strangeness time in the field will render them familiar and more innocuous yya5UWq3yrE-00064-00041952-00042440 that is why it is important for the ethnographer to keep a detailed diary of observations yya5UWq3yrE-00065-00042440-00043032 from the very beginning of her observations so that she does not lose sight of these aspects yya5UWq3yrE-00066-00043032-00043672 which often hold more relevance than she might at first imagine attending to these tiny inflections yya5UWq3yrE-00067-00043672-00044400 of culture forms the basis for thinking about the ways they interconnect and form patterns behavior yya5UWq3yrE-00068-00044400-00045024 in one social context has to be observed in relation to norms and behaviors in other contexts yya5UWq3yrE-00069-00045024-00045552 in order to attain a fuller picture of the society and culture at hand this brings us yya5UWq3yrE-00070-00045552-00046200 to a more layered and complex understanding of ideas of masculinity and femininity in a culture yya5UWq3yrE-00071-00046200-00046856 of taste and distinction of purity and pollution of auspiciousness and inauspiciousness of honor yya5UWq3yrE-00072-00046856-00047384 and shame of structures and notions of privilege and power status and class yya5UWq3yrE-00073-00047488-00048216 this is precisely what thick description is meant to convey the layers of meaning and embeddedness yya5UWq3yrE-00074-00048216-00048784 of thick description involves understanding and absorbing the context of a situation yya5UWq3yrE-00075-00048784-00049552 conversation action or behavior geertz felt that what the ethnographer does is to give us her own yya5UWq3yrE-00076-00049552-00050328 interpretation of other people's interpretations of what they do or say or think thus for us the yya5UWq3yrE-00077-00050328-00051024 readers of ethnographies to discern for ourselves the correctness or incorrectness the validity or yya5UWq3yrE-00078-00051024-00051760 soundness of the author's interpretations we must be provided with rich detail of the context which yya5UWq3yrE-00079-00051760-00052352 led to those interpretations being constructed because thick description seems a vague concept yya5UWq3yrE-00080-00052352-00052976 and one that is not easy to pin down sometimes it has been defined by contrasting it to its opposite yya5UWq3yrE-00081-00052976-00053536 thin description thin description would be merely a collection of superficial information yya5UWq3yrE-00082-00053608-00054255 even if there is a lot of such information on numerous such facts which are put together if yya5UWq3yrE-00083-00054255-00054952 the description does not convey to the reader a vivid sense of the encounter or situation and does yya5UWq3yrE-00084-00054952-00055632 not analyze its meaning for the social actors involved it is thin description a description yya5UWq3yrE-00085-00055632-00056272 is also thin if the account is not embedded in its historical and social context and if we are yya5UWq3yrE-00086-00056272-00056928 not able to perceive who the people involved are and what their relationships with each other are yya5UWq3yrE-00087-00056928-00057640 their intentions and the surrounding circumstances of what they say and of their behavior or actions yya5UWq3yrE-00088-00057816-00058416 as you can see describing what is thin description gives us a feel for what thick description might yya5UWq3yrE-00089-00058416-00059176 be and vice versa firstly what is clear is that the word description in thick description yya5UWq3yrE-00090-00059176-00059864 is inadequate thick description is not merely description it is also interpretation yya5UWq3yrE-00091-00059928-00060648 secondly thick description is not merely about facts and information it is about very similitude yya5UWq3yrE-00092-00060648-00061344 or authenticity this authenticity is intellectual so that we can appreciate the interpretations of yya5UWq3yrE-00093-00061344-00061944 the author it is like cooking we don't just eat the dish and try to imagine how it might be made yya5UWq3yrE-00094-00061944-00062512 we don't just read the recipe which would be like a thin description of the act of cooking we are yya5UWq3yrE-00095-00062512-00063048 in the kitchen itself and we see the cook and what ingredients are put together the events or yya5UWq3yrE-00096-00063048-00063616 the persons involved perhaps one can say and why some of them are more important than others in yya5UWq3yrE-00097-00063616-00064200 what quantities they come to be mixed we get the aromas of the dish that arise as each ingredient yya5UWq3yrE-00098-00064200-00064879 is added and mingles with the others we enter into the assembling of meaning by the author the yya5UWq3yrE-00099-00064879-00065512 authenticity is also emotional thick description should enable us to feel as in a theater that we yya5UWq3yrE-00100-00065512-00066160 are there as events are unfolding we can enter into the social actors sentiments and motives yya5UWq3yrE-00101-00066160-00066648 hear their voices and see their movements behavior and relationships with each other yya5UWq3yrE-00102-00066704-00067232 we know what they wear and where they are we become aware of who is present and who is not yya5UWq3yrE-00103-00067232-00067816 this is not a surface account of what is happening it goes beyond the present it locates incidents yya5UWq3yrE-00104-00067816-00068352 information and situations in terms of past events and the intersecting biographies of yya5UWq3yrE-00105-00068352-00069008 individual actors this embedding of events and experiences in their social and historical context yya5UWq3yrE-00106-00069064-00069704 enables us to comprehend why a particular situation or a series of incidents is significant yya5UWq3yrE-00107-00069704-00070304 in the social and cultural life of the people and in what way it has been argued by the sociologist yya5UWq3yrE-00108-00070304-00071024 norman denzen that for a thick description to be thorough it needs to capture all of five aspects yya5UWq3yrE-00109-00071024-00071760 the biographical the historical the situational the relational and the interactional let us yya5UWq3yrE-00110-00071760-00072472 examine how these elements are brought out in the following example this is an incident from 1934 yya5UWq3yrE-00111-00072472-00073104 described by dr b r ambedkar regarding his visit to dalatabad fort in waiting for a visa yya5UWq3yrE-00112-00073320-00073872 our tour program had not been announced and quite deliberately we wanted to travel yya5UWq3yrE-00113-00073872-00074440 incognito in order to avoid difficulties which an untouchable tourist has to face in outlying parts yya5UWq3yrE-00114-00074440-00075088 of the country we had informed only our people at those centers at which we had decided to halt yya5UWq3yrE-00115-00075328-00075720 accordingly although on the way we passed many villages in the nizam's yya5UWq3yrE-00116-00075720-00076336 state none of our people had come to meet us it was naturally different at dalatabad yya5UWq3yrE-00117-00076520-00076760 there our people had been informed that we were coming yya5UWq3yrE-00118-00076856-00077384 they were waiting for us and had gathered at the entrance of the town they asked us to get down and yya5UWq3yrE-00119-00077384-00078048 have tea and refreshments first and then go to see the fort we did not agree to their proposal yya5UWq3yrE-00120-00078152-00078720 we wanted tea very badly but we wanted sufficient time to see the fort before it was dusk yya5UWq3yrE-00121-00078824-00079488 we therefore left for the fort and told our people that we would take tea on our return accordingly yya5UWq3yrE-00122-00079488-00079824 we told our drivers to move on and within a few minutes yya5UWq3yrE-00123-00079824-00080456 we were at the gate of the fort the month was ramjhan the month of fast for the muhammadans yya5UWq3yrE-00124-00080568-00081080 just outside the gate of the fort there is a small tank of water full to the brim there yya5UWq3yrE-00125-00081080-00081680 is all around a white stone pavement our faces bodies and clothes were full of dust yya5UWq3yrE-00126-00081680-00082368 gathered in the course of our journey and we all wished to have a wash without much thought yya5UWq3yrE-00127-00082368-00082816 some members of the party washed their faces and their legs on the pavement with the water yya5UWq3yrE-00128-00082816-00083632 from the tank after these ablutions we went to the gate of the fort there were armed soldiers inside yya5UWq3yrE-00129-00083712-00084400 they opened the big gates and admitted us into the archway we had just commenced asking the guard the yya5UWq3yrE-00130-00084400-00085024 procedure for obtaining permission to go into the fort in the meantime an old mumbaiden with a white yya5UWq3yrE-00131-00085024-00085752 flowing beard was coming from behind shouting the deads meaning untouchables have polluted the tank yya5UWq3yrE-00132-00085904-00086520 soon all the young and old mumbaidens who were near about joined him and all started abusing us yya5UWq3yrE-00133-00086616-00087200 the the heads have become arrogant the deads have forgotten their religion that is to remain yya5UWq3yrE-00134-00087200-00087920 low and degraded the deads must be taught a lesson they assumed a most menacing mood yya5UWq3yrE-00135-00088024-00088616 we told them that we were outsiders and did not know the local customs they turned the fire of yya5UWq3yrE-00136-00088616-00089088 their wrath against the local untouchables who by the time had arrived at the gate yya5UWq3yrE-00137-00089240-00089832 why did you not tell these outsiders that this tank could not be used by untouchables was the yya5UWq3yrE-00138-00089832-00090536 question they kept on asking them poor people they were not there when we entered the tank area yya5UWq3yrE-00139-00090720-00091400 it was really our mistake because we acted without inquiry the local untouchables protested yya5UWq3yrE-00140-00091400-00091904 that it was not their fault but the muhammadans were not prepared to listen to my explanation yya5UWq3yrE-00141-00092000-00092872 they kept on abusing them and us the abuse was so vulgar that it exasperated us there could yya5UWq3yrE-00142-00092872-00093584 easily have been a riot and possibly murders we had however to restrain ourselves we do yya5UWq3yrE-00143-00093584-00094048 not want to be involved in a criminal case which would bring our tour to an abrupt end yya5UWq3yrE-00144-00094192-00094680 one young muslim in the crowd kept on saying that everyone must conform to his religion yya5UWq3yrE-00145-00094744-00095192 meaning thereby that the untouchables must not take water from a public tank yya5UWq3yrE-00146-00095280-00095688 i had grown quite impatient and asked him in a somewhat angry tone yya5UWq3yrE-00147-00095936-00096392 is that what your religion teaches would you prevent an untouchable from taking water yya5UWq3yrE-00148-00096392-00097192 from this tank if he became a [ __ ] these trade questions seem to have some effect on the mormons yya5UWq3yrE-00149-00097304-00097952 they gave no answer and stood silent turning to the guard i said again in an angry tone yya5UWq3yrE-00150-00098048-00098760 can we get into the fort or not tell us if we can't we don't want to stop the guard asked yya5UWq3yrE-00151-00098760-00099368 for my name i wrote it out on a piece of paper he took it to the superintendent inside and came out yya5UWq3yrE-00152-00099456-00099960 we were told that we could go into the fort but we could not touch water anywhere in the fort yya5UWq3yrE-00153-00100072-00100576 and an armed soldier was ordered to go with us to see that we did not transgress the order yya5UWq3yrE-00154-00100768-00101432 this example brings out all the five aspects that denzin was speaking about this is eminently yya5UWq3yrE-00155-00101432-00102072 biographical as well as historical it tells us about the experiences of ambedkar as he traveled yya5UWq3yrE-00156-00102072-00102600 in india as part of his movement against untouchability and his political activities yya5UWq3yrE-00157-00102600-00103216 during the period of the freedom struggle it lays bare the situation of intense humiliation yya5UWq3yrE-00158-00103216-00103800 he and his party faced when they used the public tank after the dust and stress of yya5UWq3yrE-00159-00103800-00104416 their travel and how the touch of the ded was perceived as polluting even for the muslims yya5UWq3yrE-00160-00104496-00105111 it captures for instance the interactions between ambedkar's party and the old muhammadan the young yya5UWq3yrE-00161-00105111-00105735 muslim and even the god and the emotions and internal turmoil wrought by these encounters yya5UWq3yrE-00162-00105792-00106248 the relational aspects of untouchability are grippingly evoked by the narrative yya5UWq3yrE-00163-00106448-00106904 for those of you who would like to read a very engaging example of thick description yya5UWq3yrE-00164-00106904-00107592 in ethnography refer to an article by clifford gears the article is called deep play notes on yya5UWq3yrE-00165-00107592-00108256 a balinese [ __ ] fight it is a rich and very enjoyable description of a [ __ ] fight in bali yya5UWq3yrE-00166-00108320-00108920 in indonesia and there is a quiz that you can take to test your understanding of the text yya5UWq3yrE-00167-00109032-00109480 let us get back now to our discussion of the fundamental concepts of ethnography yya5UWq3yrE-00168-00109608-00110168 our research is not a presentation of facts it brings together multiple points yya5UWq3yrE-00169-00110168-00110688 of views each of which might have their own perspective and interpretation of a phenomena yya5UWq3yrE-00170-00110783-00111640 thus ethnography is interpretive in nature as we engage in fieldwork we select what to observe and yya5UWq3yrE-00171-00111640-00112440 record some of this selection may be conscious and some not we may pay more attention to some events yya5UWq3yrE-00172-00112440-00113072 than to others or give more weightage to the perspectives of certain participants over others yya5UWq3yrE-00173-00113183-00113744 this makes ethnography a subjective form of research and this raises an important yya5UWq3yrE-00174-00113744-00114256 question for us if ethnography is simply a subjective interpretation of a phenomena yya5UWq3yrE-00175-00114311-00114983 can it be called research at all let us pause the lecture and ponder this question is it possible yya5UWq3yrE-00176-00115048-00115376 in ethnographic research to have knowledge that is yya5UWq3yrE-00177-00115376-00115840 objective in nature think about this and write down your responses yya5UWq3yrE-00178-00116064-00116792 some of you may have said that objectivity is an essential characteristic of research others may yya5UWq3yrE-00179-00116792-00117376 disagree with this it is an interesting question to consider and to be frank not a simple one yya5UWq3yrE-00180-00117480-00118072 in order to deliberate this question we need to dig deeper into the meaning of subjectivity with yya5UWq3yrE-00181-00118072-00118872 regards to ethnographic research what or rather whose subjectivity defines the research whose yya5UWq3yrE-00182-00118872-00119520 perspective is represented in the ethnographic knowledge we construct our research is not simply yya5UWq3yrE-00183-00119520-00120200 a presentation of our subjective interpretations and ethnography is a play of multiple yya5UWq3yrE-00184-00120200-00120983 subjectivities our task is to bring together these varying and sometimes contrasting perspectives yya5UWq3yrE-00185-00121048-00121616 we try to make sense of them by interpreting them exploring the meanings they convey and yya5UWq3yrE-00186-00121616-00122480 weaving these into a cohesive narrative as kiers has said that what we call our data are really our yya5UWq3yrE-00187-00122480-00123096 constructions of other people's constructions of what they and their compatriots are up to yya5UWq3yrE-00188-00123232-00123759 to use a metaphor ethnographic knowledge is not a monolith that we come across while wandering yya5UWq3yrE-00189-00123759-00124392 around our chosen context which we can pick up and take back as our finding it is instead like yya5UWq3yrE-00190-00124392-00125088 a patchwork quilt made of several small pieces each piece representing a different perspective yya5UWq3yrE-00191-00125176-00125776 the ethnographer puts these together to construct a cohesive and complex narrative of the phenomena yya5UWq3yrE-00192-00125856-00126504 in that sense the knowledge we construct through ethnography is the handiwork of the ethnographer yya5UWq3yrE-00193-00126568-00127311 and so it is subjective and interpretive for this reason we must be conscious of the role that our yya5UWq3yrE-00194-00127311-00128056 subjectivity plays in the research this is what ethnographers often refer to as self reflexivity yya5UWq3yrE-00195-00128144-00128840 it is the practice of reflecting and being aware of our biases and letting this awareness filter yya5UWq3yrE-00196-00128840-00129528 into our research practice it involves actively reflecting on our ideas and preconceived notions yya5UWq3yrE-00197-00129735-00130464 among the things we recognize is that the context changes when we are present in it basically yya5UWq3yrE-00198-00130464-00131136 when we enter the room the dynamics have changed it is just not possible to be a fly on the wall yya5UWq3yrE-00199-00131288-00131688 applying this understanding to our practice can help us produce research yya5UWq3yrE-00200-00131688-00132768 that is more cognizant of the multiple subjectivities that form the context y_0-8f57378-00000-00000507-00001234 Hello! I am Dr. Vasan. I am uro-andrologist practicing at Manipal y_0-8f57378-00001-00001234-00001557 Hospitals Bangalore y_0-8f57378-00002-00002380-00003009 now anti-aging has always been researched and searched extensively and y_0-8f57378-00003-00003009-00003555 this is something everybody wants nobody wants to age and consequently there have y_0-8f57378-00004-00003555-00004180 been several mechanisms to make you look cosmetically healthy you can have a hair y_0-8f57378-00005-00004180-00004786 transplant you can have your Botox to your face you can add the lipolysis and y_0-8f57378-00006-00004786-00005355 liposuction and breast augmentation and whatnot so you can cosmetically prevent y_0-8f57378-00007-00005355-00005994 yourself from looking older but the critical part to stay healthy is if your y_0-8f57378-00008-00005994-00006709 vascular system ages then you age internally so internal aging prevention y_0-8f57378-00009-00006709-00007420 mechanisms are the most critical for an active healthy life and that is what we y_0-8f57378-00010-00007420-00007786 believe so there's a lot of research which has gone in him how do we make y_0-8f57378-00011-00007786-00008325 internal vascular systems healthy and one of the reasons why people got y_0-8f57378-00012-00008325-00008845 interested in this was people realize that the penis artery was the narrowest y_0-8f57378-00013-00008845-00009492 artery in the body and by looking at those men who have significant erectile y_0-8f57378-00014-00009492-00010128 dysfunction along with say diabetes or hypertension and they also looked y_0-8f57378-00015-00010128-00010531 at whether these men how many of these men who had erectile dysfunction had y_0-8f57378-00016-00010531-00011073 they had significant heart disease and they found that some of them had no y_0-8f57378-00017-00011073-00011505 heart disease and they tried to see whether we can prevent heart disease y_0-8f57378-00018-00011505-00011983 developing these men by treating erectile dysfunction so we do believe y_0-8f57378-00019-00011983-00012631 now that by a combination of factors by looking at elasticity looking at what is y_0-8f57378-00020-00012631-00013050 we call this pulse wave velocity that is the speed at which the blood travels y_0-8f57378-00021-00013050-00013584 from point A to point B we can understand how significantly the y_0-8f57378-00022-00013584-00014097 elasticity of the blood vessels is getting deteriorated so primarily what y_0-8f57378-00023-00014097-00014541 we are trying to see is how do we prevent aging by maintaining that Europe y_0-8f57378-00024-00014541-00015184 blood vessel elasticity stays the same as when you are in the 20s to 40s if we y_0-8f57378-00025-00015184-00015704 can ensure that the same elasticity exists for you that means your vessel y_0-8f57378-00026-00015704-00016273 capable of taking more blood flow it can withstand more stress and it can y_0-8f57378-00027-00016273-00016850 withstand more you know exercise tolerance so essentially internally you y_0-8f57378-00028-00016850-00017335 don't age and that is the concept of active aging where we are looking at y_0-8f57378-00029-00017335-00017942 reducing the insult because all body mechanism why do we age because we get y_0-8f57378-00030-00017942-00018451 stiff our bodies get stiff our joints get stiff the elasticity goes away our y_0-8f57378-00031-00018451-00018920 skin loses its tone everything is related to elasticity so the prevention y_0-8f57378-00032-00018920-00019573 or active aging strategies we can now look at actively predicting who has y_0-8f57378-00033-00019573-00020156 elasticity loss who has a higher risk of a heart attack and how early can we y_0-8f57378-00034-00020156-00020681 predict almost 24 to 36 months before an actual heart attack happens we can y_0-8f57378-00035-00020681-00021062 predict who are the men who are at a higher risk of a heart attack and that's y_0-8f57378-00036-00021062-00021463 where the lot of research has gone in lot of tools have been developed which y_0-8f57378-00037-00021463-00021872 are non-invasive that means I don't need to do an angel I don't need to do a y_0-8f57378-00038-00021872-00022406 stress test to identify this as much before an NGO becomes positive much y_0-8f57378-00039-00022406-00022882 before a stressed has become positive so that's what is called as vascular risk y_0-8f57378-00040-00022882-00023393 assessment which helps you understand are you in a danger zone for a heart y_0-8f57378-00041-00023393-00023809 attack are you in a safe zone for a heart attack over there or in and you y_0-8f57378-00042-00023809-00024326 can Institute therapies to modify it that is the most important so this is y_0-8f57378-00043-00024326-00024654 preventive management yEaG2YqsOvo-00000-00000951-00001166 Welcome back to Seasons a devotional yEaG2YqsOvo-00001-00001167-00001286 based on my book. yEaG2YqsOvo-00002-00001383-00001550 Just look at that link up there if yEaG2YqsOvo-00003-00001551-00001694 you want to know what the series is yEaG2YqsOvo-00004-00001695-00001860 about. And today yEaG2YqsOvo-00005-00001920-00002063 I'm going to talk about my yEaG2YqsOvo-00006-00002064-00002164 frustration yEaG2YqsOvo-00007-00002247-00002445 No matter how hard yEaG2YqsOvo-00008-00002454-00002554 I try. yEaG2YqsOvo-00009-00002607-00002807 How often do we actually say those yEaG2YqsOvo-00010-00002808-00002908 words? yEaG2YqsOvo-00011-00002934-00003146 Well I have to admit that yEaG2YqsOvo-00012-00003195-00003302 I find it increasingly yEaG2YqsOvo-00013-00003459-00003665 frustrating when I'm not able yEaG2YqsOvo-00014-00003702-00003929 to clean up behind myself yEaG2YqsOvo-00015-00003990-00004090 I drop things, things yEaG2YqsOvo-00016-00004191-00004422 get stained and yEaG2YqsOvo-00017-00004440-00004591 it's really difficult or almost yEaG2YqsOvo-00018-00004668-00004871 impossible for me yEaG2YqsOvo-00019-00004872-00005004 to get rid of some of those yEaG2YqsOvo-00020-00005067-00005169 deep stains that land yEaG2YqsOvo-00021-00005265-00005489 on your counter when you spill tea yEaG2YqsOvo-00022-00005490-00005699 or coffee and that kind yEaG2YqsOvo-00023-00005700-00005795 of stuff. yEaG2YqsOvo-00024-00005796-00005990 And so just to pretend that yEaG2YqsOvo-00025-00005991-00006215 it doesn't exist I'll put yEaG2YqsOvo-00026-00006228-00006468 an artfully placed toaster yEaG2YqsOvo-00027-00006498-00006598 over the stain or I yEaG2YqsOvo-00028-00006684-00006845 just won't go into the kitchen at yEaG2YqsOvo-00029-00006845-00006929 all. yEaG2YqsOvo-00030-00006930-00007148 Avoidance is the best policy yEaG2YqsOvo-00031-00007148-00007248 after all. yEaG2YqsOvo-00032-00007320-00007530 But every time yEaG2YqsOvo-00033-00007533-00007670 that I know my house cleaner yEaG2YqsOvo-00034-00007755-00007892 is coming I will be cleaning yEaG2YqsOvo-00035-00007944-00008156 up the night before tidying yEaG2YqsOvo-00036-00008159-00008304 up as much as I can yEaG2YqsOvo-00037-00008343-00008540 to make a good impression yEaG2YqsOvo-00038-00008550-00008648 on her. yEaG2YqsOvo-00039-00008649-00008775 She's a really good friend yEaG2YqsOvo-00040-00008853-00009014 so I don't really need to impress yEaG2YqsOvo-00041-00009015-00009218 her much but I do it every time yEaG2YqsOvo-00042-00009219-00009285 she comes in. yEaG2YqsOvo-00043-00009286-00009479 By the time she gets here yEaG2YqsOvo-00044-00009504-00009689 I'm exhausted and yEaG2YqsOvo-00045-00009690-00009894 things still need to be cleaned. yEaG2YqsOvo-00046-00010125-00010326 Exhaustion soon turned to yEaG2YqsOvo-00047-00010329-00010509 amusement at my own yEaG2YqsOvo-00048-00010599-00010799 foolishness as I yEaG2YqsOvo-00049-00010800-00011009 watch those state counters become yEaG2YqsOvo-00050-00011010-00011195 sparkling clean with a few yEaG2YqsOvo-00051-00011196-00011361 firm wipes of her cleaning cloth and yEaG2YqsOvo-00052-00011482-00011667 the bathtub grout yEaG2YqsOvo-00053-00011703-00011937 returns to pristine white by yEaG2YqsOvo-00054-00011945-00012062 a light scrubbing. yEaG2YqsOvo-00055-00012114-00012320 I am also unable to yEaG2YqsOvo-00056-00012321-00012545 erase the stain of sin yEaG2YqsOvo-00057-00012549-00012649 in my life. yEaG2YqsOvo-00058-00012684-00012933 No amount of good intentioned yEaG2YqsOvo-00059-00012969-00013100 will remove them. yEaG2YqsOvo-00060-00013107-00013328 I can't hide my guilt yEaG2YqsOvo-00061-00013336-00013550 under a camaflogue of good works yEaG2YqsOvo-00062-00013557-00013651 either. yEaG2YqsOvo-00063-00013652-00013784 There is no such thing as a yEaG2YqsOvo-00064-00013815-00014024 spiritual toaster I can put yEaG2YqsOvo-00065-00014034-00014199 on a stain to hide it. yEaG2YqsOvo-00066-00014280-00014493 There are dark corners of my heart yEaG2YqsOvo-00067-00014496-00014681 that are perfect hiding yEaG2YqsOvo-00068-00014682-00014852 spots for yEaG2YqsOvo-00069-00014868-00015056 sin and for lies that I yEaG2YqsOvo-00070-00015057-00015221 am believing from the enemy. yEaG2YqsOvo-00071-00015279-00015480 And try as I might I can't yEaG2YqsOvo-00072-00015486-00015674 even see them most of the time yEaG2YqsOvo-00073-00015741-00015959 no matter try to remove yEaG2YqsOvo-00074-00015960-00016043 them. yEaG2YqsOvo-00075-00016044-00016127 No. yEaG2YqsOvo-00076-00016128-00016368 I need the saviours yEaG2YqsOvo-00077-00016371-00016471 touch. yEaG2YqsOvo-00078-00016509-00016740 I love this quote by Max yEaG2YqsOvo-00079-00016749-00016849 Lucado. yEaG2YqsOvo-00080-00016869-00017030 I am probably butchering his last yEaG2YqsOvo-00081-00017049-00017202 name. I read his books yEaG2YqsOvo-00082-00017232-00017360 but I've never heard his name yEaG2YqsOvo-00083-00017361-00017461 pronounced. Max yEaG2YqsOvo-00084-00017626-00017828 writes this about yEaG2YqsOvo-00085-00017874-00018086 Jesus, "Our Saviour yEaG2YqsOvo-00086-00018087-00018281 kneels down and gazes upon yEaG2YqsOvo-00087-00018285-00018486 the darkest areas of our lives. yEaG2YqsOvo-00088-00018540-00018647 But rather than recoil yEaG2YqsOvo-00089-00018750-00018959 in horror he reaches yEaG2YqsOvo-00090-00018960-00019130 out in kindness and says yEaG2YqsOvo-00091-00019209-00019412 I can clean that if you want yEaG2YqsOvo-00092-00019519-00019657 and from that basin of yEaG2YqsOvo-00093-00019732-00019832 His grace he scoops yEaG2YqsOvo-00094-00019927-00020136 up a poem full of mercy yEaG2YqsOvo-00095-00020179-00020355 and washes away our sin. yEaG2YqsOvo-00096-00020530-00020718 I think I'll take my Saviour up yEaG2YqsOvo-00097-00020761-00020881 on his invitation. yEaG2YqsOvo-00098-00020890-00020990 What about you. yEaG2YqsOvo-00099-00021052-00021213 Are there areas in your life that yEaG2YqsOvo-00100-00021244-00021474 are stained and filthy. yEaG2YqsOvo-00101-00021541-00021690 Are there doors of your heart that yEaG2YqsOvo-00102-00021691-00021905 you prefer to keep firmly shut yEaG2YqsOvo-00103-00021910-00022125 because you know the mess yEaG2YqsOvo-00104-00022129-00022308 that hides behind those doors. yEaG2YqsOvo-00105-00022375-00022558 Will you allow the Lord to yEaG2YqsOvo-00106-00022561-00022765 come and pour his forgiveness yEaG2YqsOvo-00107-00022801-00022908 grace and healing into yEaG2YqsOvo-00108-00022987-00023175 those very areas that have caused yEaG2YqsOvo-00109-00023176-00023359 you so much guilt and shame. yEaG2YqsOvo-00110-00023470-00023700 Where new creatures when we yEaG2YqsOvo-00111-00023722-00023908 surrender our lives to yEaG2YqsOvo-00112-00023911-00024124 Jesus so the old man yEaG2YqsOvo-00113-00024127-00024330 is dead and in God's yEaG2YqsOvo-00114-00024331-00024537 eyes those really yEaG2YqsOvo-00115-00024538-00024750 sinful areas of our heart yEaG2YqsOvo-00116-00024751-00024972 from our past are wiped yEaG2YqsOvo-00117-00024973-00025190 clean and yEaG2YqsOvo-00118-00025254-00025386 our new identity yEaG2YqsOvo-00119-00025464-00025656 in Christ is not as a yEaG2YqsOvo-00120-00025662-00025850 sinner anymore but yEaG2YqsOvo-00121-00025851-00026063 we do occasionally sin. yEaG2YqsOvo-00122-00026130-00026300 And more times than not yEaG2YqsOvo-00123-00026343-00026588 we buy into the lie yEaG2YqsOvo-00124-00026633-00026772 of the enemy yEaG2YqsOvo-00125-00026823-00027005 that our past is yEaG2YqsOvo-00126-00027006-00027218 something that we need to hide yEaG2YqsOvo-00127-00027225-00027437 or to be afraid yEaG2YqsOvo-00128-00027438-00027538 of. yEaG2YqsOvo-00129-00027545-00027764 Quite often what's lying behind yEaG2YqsOvo-00130-00027764-00027970 that guilt and shame that's yEaG2YqsOvo-00131-00027972-00028175 false guilt and false yEaG2YqsOvo-00132-00028176-00028386 shame is yEaG2YqsOvo-00133-00028412-00028616 a frightened child yEaG2YqsOvo-00134-00028647-00028866 who's afraid they're going to get yEaG2YqsOvo-00135-00028929-00029090 punished for something that their yEaG2YqsOvo-00136-00029142-00029292 father has yEaG2YqsOvo-00137-00029370-00029547 long since forgotten. yEaG2YqsOvo-00138-00029658-00029785 Behind those doors that we yEaG2YqsOvo-00139-00029841-00029973 think we can't open because yEaG2YqsOvo-00140-00030060-00030166 we feel ashamed, there's yEaG2YqsOvo-00141-00030444-00030544 also a bunch of yEaG2YqsOvo-00142-00030636-00030849 lies we have been believing yEaG2YqsOvo-00143-00030891-00031155 about ourselves that's affecting yEaG2YqsOvo-00144-00031197-00031412 our lives now as a new yEaG2YqsOvo-00145-00031419-00031519 creation. yEaG2YqsOvo-00146-00031587-00031775 Bring those to the Lord allow him yEaG2YqsOvo-00147-00031776-00031929 to sort through it. yEaG2YqsOvo-00148-00031974-00032177 Don't be afraid yEaG2YqsOvo-00149-00032220-00032405 that he is going to shame yEaG2YqsOvo-00150-00032406-00032613 you or expose you yEaG2YqsOvo-00151-00032649-00032847 or punish you yEaG2YqsOvo-00152-00032856-00033005 for the things that have already yEaG2YqsOvo-00153-00033006-00033182 been dealt with at the cross. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00000-00000004-00000108 (male narrator) In this video, yFHn2ZXVzkY-00001-00000108-00000505 we will investigate how we can summarize an inequalities graph yFHn2ZXVzkY-00002-00000505-00000707 in interval notation. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00003-00000907-00001305 Interval notation is used, as I said earlier, yFHn2ZXVzkY-00004-00001305-00001505 to summarize... yFHn2ZXVzkY-00005-00002000-00002200 a graph... yFHn2ZXVzkY-00006-00002402-00002604 with key numbers. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00007-00003405-00003704 The way we summarize the graph with key numbers yFHn2ZXVzkY-00008-00003704-00004102 is we put in some type of parentheses, yFHn2ZXVzkY-00009-00004102-00004503 the low number first, comma, the high number. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00010-00004709-00005009 Interval notation will always be read from left to right-- yFHn2ZXVzkY-00011-00005009-00005209 low, comma, high. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00012-00005400-00005600 Depending on the type of inequality, yFHn2ZXVzkY-00013-00005600-00005900 the parentheses might be slightly different. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00014-00005900-00006209 We use curved parentheses for less than or greater than, yFHn2ZXVzkY-00015-00006209-00006605 and we use square parentheses when the inequality yFHn2ZXVzkY-00016-00006605-00007008 is greater than or equal to or less than and equal to. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00017-00007008-00007202 Sometimes, we will use yFHn2ZXVzkY-00018-00007202-00007505 infinity or negative infinity in our inequality. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00019-00007505-00007806 In this case, we will always use curved parentheses, yFHn2ZXVzkY-00020-00007806-00008301 as you can never be exactly equal to infinity. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00021-00008301-00008501 Let's take a look at some examples yFHn2ZXVzkY-00022-00008501-00008705 where we find interval notation. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00023-00008902-00009303 In this example, we have a graph that starts at -2 yFHn2ZXVzkY-00024-00009303-00009602 and goes off forever on the end. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00025-00009602-00009808 Because it goes off forever on the end, yFHn2ZXVzkY-00026-00009808-00010202 we'll assume that goes up to infinity. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00027-00010202-00010806 -2 then is the low number; infinity is the high number. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00028-00010806-00011103 Because there is a closed dot at -2, yFHn2ZXVzkY-00029-00011103-00011400 this means we are equal to -2, yFHn2ZXVzkY-00030-00011400-00011707 and we will use a square parentheses to reflect that. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00031-00011707-00011905 On the other side, yFHn2ZXVzkY-00032-00011905-00012209 infinity always gets a curved parentheses. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00033-00012605-00012807 Let's consider another example. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00034-00013000-00013206 In this problem, we are given an interval-- yFHn2ZXVzkY-00035-00013206-00013505 from negative infinity to -1. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00036-00013505-00013903 This means the graph is stopping at -1. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00037-00013903-00014202 Notice the curved parentheses. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00038-00014202-00014604 This means we're not exactly equal to -1. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00039-00014604-00014808 We recall from graphing inequalities yFHn2ZXVzkY-00040-00014808-00015008 that we use an open dot yFHn2ZXVzkY-00041-00015008-00015308 when we're not exactly equal to the number. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00042-00015500-00015703 Negative infinity is the other side-- yFHn2ZXVzkY-00043-00015703-00016106 showing the graph is going off the left side. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00044-00016106-00016605 Coloring in our shade gives us the graph that matches yFHn2ZXVzkY-00045-00016605-00016908 the interval negative infinity to -1. yFHn2ZXVzkY-00046-00017202-00017402 The advantage of interval notation yFHn2ZXVzkY-00047-00017402-00017606 is it can summarize a graph yFHn2ZXVzkY-00048-00017606-00018104 in a much more compact space using key numbers. yIIwT51PbTu-00000-00000779-00000829 Goodbye yIIwT51PbTu-00001-00000967-00001026 Alien yIIwT51PbTu-00002-00001135-00001359 There hadn't been such a long while yIIwT51PbTu-00003-00001428-00001560 And stay alarmed yIIwT51PbTu-00004-00001633-00001914 You will never keep being yIIwT51PbTu-00005-00001977-00002251 That was an end to an old epoch yIIwT51PbTu-00006-00002338-00002476 Strangeness yIIwT51PbTu-00007-00002536-00002795 Aliens experience strange phenomena yIIwT51PbTu-00008-00002841-00002986 Strange numbness yIIwT51PbTu-00009-00003029-00003592 Uniqueness that would presume you to think, and to overthink, that you may be controlled yIIwT51PbTu-00010-00003662-00003847 By other people's lives yIIwT51PbTu-00011-00003899-00004076 Aliens be generous yIIwT51PbTu-00012-00004136-00004696 Never to be longing for anything but their own belongings yIIwT51PbTu-00013-00004817-00004956 The possessions they have yIIwT51PbTu-00014-00005023-00005255 The things to preserve yIIwT51PbTu-00015-00005306-00005506 The exact same death yIIwT51PbTu-00016-00005537-00005989 Lapses, Misfortunes, and Empty Heritage yIIwT51PbTu-00017-00006062-00006257 Such an ugly thrive yIIwT51PbTu-00018-00006306-00006411 Awfulness yIIwT51PbTu-00019-00006436-00006636 Is always hidden yIIwT51PbTu-00020-00006995-00007124 Sleep tight, Alien yIIwT51PbTu-00021-00007176-00007288 You are never there yIZb0fpKB8g-00000-00000000-00000700 We bought an old Dell Dimension about two years ago at a yard sale and its sat in the corner this whole time. Now, i am going to try to trouble shoot it again. Determined to either find out what the problem is or gutting the computer out for parts and using the tower to build another computer. https://youtu.be/YUw_0VxIF8o yIZb0fpKB8g-00001-00000700-00001400 #Old #old #Dell #dell #OldDell #olddell #DellDimension #delldimension #Dimension #dimension #TroubleShoot #troubleshoot #Determined #determined #Problem #problem #Computer #computer #Parts #parts #ComputerParts #computerparts #Tower #tower yJyIKja8j3U-00000-00000010-00000060 >> DENNIS: AFTER THIS PROJECT, yJyIKja8j3U-00001-00000060-00000066 >> DENNIS: AFTER THIS PROJECT, yJyIKja8j3U-00002-00000066-00000176 >> DENNIS: AFTER THIS PROJECT, ONE OF THE CORPS GROUPS WILL BE yJyIKja8j3U-00003-00000176-00000183 >> DENNIS: AFTER THIS PROJECT, ONE OF THE CORPS GROUPS WILL BE yJyIKja8j3U-00004-00000183-00000447 >> DENNIS: AFTER THIS PROJECT, ONE OF THE CORPS GROUPS WILL BE RESTORING A CEMETERY IN yJyIKja8j3U-00005-00000447-00000453 ONE OF THE CORPS GROUPS WILL BE RESTORING A CEMETERY IN yJyIKja8j3U-00006-00000453-00000593 ONE OF THE CORPS GROUPS WILL BE RESTORING A CEMETERY IN MINNEAPOLIS. yJyIKja8j3U-00007-00000593-00000600 RESTORING A CEMETERY IN MINNEAPOLIS. yJyIKja8j3U-00008-00000600-00000707 RESTORING A CEMETERY IN MINNEAPOLIS. >> DENNIS: IT LOOKS LIKE THIS yJyIKja8j3U-00009-00000707-00000714 MINNEAPOLIS. >> DENNIS: IT LOOKS LIKE THIS yJyIKja8j3U-00010-00000714-00000847 MINNEAPOLIS. >> DENNIS: IT LOOKS LIKE THIS MONTH JUST GOT A LITTLE BETTER yJyIKja8j3U-00011-00000847-00000854 >> DENNIS: IT LOOKS LIKE THIS MONTH JUST GOT A LITTLE BETTER yJyIKja8j3U-00012-00000854-00000990 >> DENNIS: IT LOOKS LIKE THIS MONTH JUST GOT A LITTLE BETTER FOR FOLKS LIVING IN BEMIDJI. yJyIKja8j3U-00013-00000990-00000997 MONTH JUST GOT A LITTLE BETTER FOR FOLKS LIVING IN BEMIDJI. yJyIKja8j3U-00014-00000997-00001144 MONTH JUST GOT A LITTLE BETTER FOR FOLKS LIVING IN BEMIDJI. AN OFFICIAL DATE HAS BEEN SET yJyIKja8j3U-00015-00001144-00001151 FOR FOLKS LIVING IN BEMIDJI. AN OFFICIAL DATE HAS BEEN SET yJyIKja8j3U-00016-00001151-00001254 FOR FOLKS LIVING IN BEMIDJI. AN OFFICIAL DATE HAS BEEN SET FOR THE BEST MINNESOTA TOWN yJyIKja8j3U-00017-00001254-00001261 AN OFFICIAL DATE HAS BEEN SET FOR THE BEST MINNESOTA TOWN yJyIKja8j3U-00018-00001261-00001321 AN OFFICIAL DATE HAS BEEN SET FOR THE BEST MINNESOTA TOWN PARTY. yJyIKja8j3U-00019-00001321-00001327 FOR THE BEST MINNESOTA TOWN PARTY. yJyIKja8j3U-00020-00001327-00001458 FOR THE BEST MINNESOTA TOWN PARTY. BEMIDJI WAS NAMED THE BEST yJyIKja8j3U-00021-00001458-00001464 PARTY. BEMIDJI WAS NAMED THE BEST yJyIKja8j3U-00022-00001464-00001584 PARTY. BEMIDJI WAS NAMED THE BEST MINNESOTA TOWN BY MINNESOTA yJyIKja8j3U-00023-00001584-00001591 BEMIDJI WAS NAMED THE BEST MINNESOTA TOWN BY MINNESOTA yJyIKja8j3U-00024-00001591-00001691 BEMIDJI WAS NAMED THE BEST MINNESOTA TOWN BY MINNESOTA MONTHLY MAGAZINE BACK IN yJyIKja8j3U-00025-00001691-00001698 MINNESOTA TOWN BY MINNESOTA MONTHLY MAGAZINE BACK IN yJyIKja8j3U-00026-00001698-00001728 MINNESOTA TOWN BY MINNESOTA MONTHLY MAGAZINE BACK IN NOVEMBER. yJyIKja8j3U-00027-00001728-00001735 MONTHLY MAGAZINE BACK IN NOVEMBER. yJyIKja8j3U-00028-00001735-00001868 MONTHLY MAGAZINE BACK IN NOVEMBER. RIGHT NOW YOU'RE GETTING A LOOK yJyIKja8j3U-00029-00001868-00001875 NOVEMBER. RIGHT NOW YOU'RE GETTING A LOOK yJyIKja8j3U-00030-00001875-00001985 NOVEMBER. RIGHT NOW YOU'RE GETTING A LOOK AT THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT PARTY yJyIKja8j3U-00031-00001985-00001991 RIGHT NOW YOU'RE GETTING A LOOK AT THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT PARTY yJyIKja8j3U-00032-00001991-00002188 RIGHT NOW YOU'RE GETTING A LOOK AT THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT PARTY THAT WAS HELD IN MINNEAPOLIS yJyIKja8j3U-00033-00002188-00002195 AT THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT PARTY THAT WAS HELD IN MINNEAPOLIS yJyIKja8j3U-00034-00002195-00002255 AT THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT PARTY THAT WAS HELD IN MINNEAPOLIS LAST YEAR. yJyIKja8j3U-00035-00002255-00002262 THAT WAS HELD IN MINNEAPOLIS LAST YEAR. yJyIKja8j3U-00036-00002262-00002368 THAT WAS HELD IN MINNEAPOLIS LAST YEAR. THE PARTY WILL BE HELD yJyIKja8j3U-00037-00002368-00002375 LAST YEAR. THE PARTY WILL BE HELD yJyIKja8j3U-00038-00002375-00002545 LAST YEAR. THE PARTY WILL BE HELD JUNE 27th AT PAUL BUNYAN PARK yJyIKja8j3U-00039-00002545-00002552 THE PARTY WILL BE HELD JUNE 27th AT PAUL BUNYAN PARK yJyIKja8j3U-00040-00002552-00002635 THE PARTY WILL BE HELD JUNE 27th AT PAUL BUNYAN PARK IN BEMIDJI. yJyIKja8j3U-00041-00002635-00002642 JUNE 27th AT PAUL BUNYAN PARK IN BEMIDJI. yJyIKja8j3U-00042-00002642-00002909 JUNE 27th AT PAUL BUNYAN PARK IN BEMIDJI. IT WILL START AT FIVE AND END AT yJyIKja8j3U-00043-00002909-00002916 IN BEMIDJI. IT WILL START AT FIVE AND END AT yJyIKja8j3U-00044-00002916-00002926 IN BEMIDJI. IT WILL START AT FIVE AND END AT NINE. yKHtO8mvf2c-00000-00000144-00000344 How are you guys? It's Misaki! yKHtO8mvf2c-00001-00000490-00000856 Hirasoru channel New Year's day in Oaxaca yKHtO8mvf2c-00002-00000948-00001116 What's up guys! yKHtO8mvf2c-00003-00001172-00001406 I got a cold yKHtO8mvf2c-00004-00001420-00001544 Today is New Year's Eve yKHtO8mvf2c-00005-00001544-00001728 It's November 31st, 2019 (She meant December lol) yKHtO8mvf2c-00006-00001728-00001902 It is 22:30 yKHtO8mvf2c-00007-00001902-00002222 For the finale of 2019, yKHtO8mvf2c-00008-00002222-00002502 we are gonna have some Mezcal yKHtO8mvf2c-00009-00002546-00002688 We gotta drink! yKHtO8mvf2c-00010-00002688-00002888 We're also gonna try larvas! yKHtO8mvf2c-00011-00002888-00003008 well... yKHtO8mvf2c-00012-00003134-00003288 Yep yKHtO8mvf2c-00013-00003352-00003528 *sighs deeply* yKHtO8mvf2c-00014-00003540-00003658 Are you tired? Well you know... yKHtO8mvf2c-00015-00003658-00003940 I was actually sick in bed all day today yKHtO8mvf2c-00016-00003940-00004198 Although it's New Year's Eve What time was it in the morning? yKHtO8mvf2c-00017-00004200-00004572 I ate breakfast, and then- yKHtO8mvf2c-00018-00004626-00004938 I just slept after that until like 3PM yKHtO8mvf2c-00019-00004938-00005157 I wasn't functioning at all yKHtO8mvf2c-00020-00005158-00005310 So hey, health first! yKHtO8mvf2c-00021-00005310-00005508 Don't catch a cold guys! (Corona virus too nowadays) yKHtO8mvf2c-00022-00005508-00005982 Now we are going out with the girl we met in this hostel yKHtO8mvf2c-00023-00005982-00006060 You know yKHtO8mvf2c-00024-00006060-00006220 She is a Japanese girl yKHtO8mvf2c-00025-00006220-00006576 Let's not get too drunk this time yKHtO8mvf2c-00026-00006642-00006788 and greet the New Year nicely yKHtO8mvf2c-00027-00006788-00007070 Hey if you wanna get drunk, today is the day yKHtO8mvf2c-00028-00007164-00007409 I probably shouldn't, I have a cold yKHtO8mvf2c-00029-00007409-00007762 Well, I want to finish up 2019 properly yKHtO8mvf2c-00030-00007762-00008268 And stay healthy and energetic for the coming year yKHtO8mvf2c-00031-00008272-00008596 So please keep an eye on me yKHtO8mvf2c-00032-00008628-00008864 Oops! I almost said my real last name yKHtO8mvf2c-00033-00008864-00009038 Hi! I'm Misaki! Right here! yKHtO8mvf2c-00034-00009038-00009268 I am Misaki Hirasoru yKHtO8mvf2c-00035-00009280-00009468 Please look after me yKHtO8mvf2c-00036-00009468-00009716 Give me your vote! (She is mimicking Japanese politicians lol) yKHtO8mvf2c-00037-00009716-00010070 Please vote for me! PLEASE! yKHtO8mvf2c-00038-00010070-00010298 Enough of that! yKHtO8mvf2c-00039-00010302-00010402 You stay here (She instructs the cameraman) yKHtO8mvf2c-00040-00010404-00010566 Ok! I'm leaving! yKHtO8mvf2c-00041-00010566-00010708 See you! Bye yKHtO8mvf2c-00042-00010956-00011126 (The door was auto-lock) yKHtO8mvf2c-00043-00011126-00011540 There is still a Christmas tree although it's already New Year's Eve yKHtO8mvf2c-00044-00011844-00011920 Yep! yKHtO8mvf2c-00045-00011920-00012126 Let's go meet the girl! yKHtO8mvf2c-00046-00013972-00014397 We finally met! yKHtO8mvf2c-00047-00015032-00015232 ※ Trust me I'm not drunk yet yKHtO8mvf2c-00048-00015312-00015628 This one is open, so let's get inside! (First bar we found was closed) yKHtO8mvf2c-00049-00016538-00016896 We are going to ring in the New Year in this bar yKHtO8mvf2c-00050-00016976-00017208 I'm enjoying my Mezcal! yKHtO8mvf2c-00051-00017450-00018186 We have only 10 minutes until New Year begins! yKHtO8mvf2c-00052-00019442-00019708 She is feeling the music yKHtO8mvf2c-00053-00020012-00020154 Is he becoming Inoki Antonio? yKHtO8mvf2c-00054-00021278-00021676 We decided to go outside! yKHtO8mvf2c-00055-00021702-00021982 Wow people are shooting firecrackers yKHtO8mvf2c-00056-00022078-00022186 Do you hear that too? yKHtO8mvf2c-00057-00022768-00023152 Sorry I didn't film the exact moment we rung in the New Year 3 , 2, 1 yKHtO8mvf2c-00058-00023174-00023300 Yeahhhhhh yKHtO8mvf2c-00059-00023300-00023602 Happy New Year in Mexico! yKHtO8mvf2c-00060-00023760-00024096 Happy new year!! yKHtO8mvf2c-00061-00024882-00025220 Fireballs are rolling on the ground literally like this yKHtO8mvf2c-00062-00025524-00025716 It's so scary yKHtO8mvf2c-00063-00025866-00025983 It's too dangerous yKHtO8mvf2c-00064-00026422-00027044 New Year's day in Mexico is quite wild, so be safe lol yKHtO8mvf2c-00065-00027052-00027592 We are finishing this video with our dancing footage~ yKHtO8mvf2c-00066-00030288-00031272 I hope we all have a great time in 2020! yN46gOIb6NI-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 3090 AC Valhalla R7 5600X vs R7 5800X ypHMjz33xdk-00000-00001322-00001434 [HONK HONK HONK] yQhpy5UVJYQ-00000-00000873-00001232 In this assignment we're going to go through some of the basic functions in Dreamweaver yQhpy5UVJYQ-00001-00001232-00001664 to create an old-style table based website. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00002-00001664-00002191 Now, a really good question would be: this is not the best way to do things, why the yQhpy5UVJYQ-00003-00002191-00002547 heck am I teaching you to make a table-based site? yQhpy5UVJYQ-00004-00002547-00002900 Well I want you to recognize what they look like and next week you're going to convert yQhpy5UVJYQ-00005-00002900-00003075 it into CSS site. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00006-00003075-00003490 Because i do think it is important to recognize what a table-based site looks like because yQhpy5UVJYQ-00007-00003490-00004008 there is a chance that you could, in your employment future run into an older site that yQhpy5UVJYQ-00008-00004008-00004298 you have to redesign and make modern. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00009-00004298-00004412 So that's what the exorcize is. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00010-00004412-00004601 We're going to do an old version this time. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00011-00004601-00004948 We're going to re-design it into a proper format next week. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00012-00004948-00005433 Before you ever start coding a web page, you should have all of your text done in something yQhpy5UVJYQ-00013-00005433-00005675 like word, where you can copy and paste it. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00014-00005675-00006153 I'm not going to make you guys watch me type extensive amounts, I think that's insanely yQhpy5UVJYQ-00015-00006153-00006253 boring. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00016-00006253-00006741 I actually have, most of this site I took from my Web Scripting class where I have properly yQhpy5UVJYQ-00017-00006741-00006947 set it up for a good layout. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00018-00006947-00007437 But I'm going to do this as a new one so I'm going to be, I'm in my file structure, my yQhpy5UVJYQ-00019-00007437-00008261 labs3, this is just a file copied in so then I had something to work with. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00020-00008261-00008817 And I'm going to put in a new file and I'm going to name it index.html. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00021-00008817-00009147 Don't worry about the markup HTML, again it's just my work there. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00022-00009147-00009453 And so I'm going to start with a blank page. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00023-00009453-00009934 And we're going to go into Design view. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00024-00009934-00011392 I do prefer HTML5, a better way to do this because of its defaults, I'm going to kill yQhpy5UVJYQ-00025-00011392-00011820 that and instead of it doing it that way, I'm not going to work this way. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00026-00011820-00012949 I'm going to choose File, New, doctype HTML5 and I'm just going to choose layout of none, yQhpy5UVJYQ-00027-00012949-00013256 and I'm going to hit create. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00028-00013256-00013934 And then we're going to do File, Save As, make sure you're saving frequently. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00029-00013934-00014379 And I'm going to put it in, yes I'm working on a Mac, I'm going to put it in labs, lab03, yQhpy5UVJYQ-00030-00014379-00015222 and I'm going to name it index.html. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00031-00015222-00015991 I do want you working exclusively in HTML5, even though I'm showing you the old way to yQhpy5UVJYQ-00032-00015991-00016385 do things, I just want you to get in a habit of working in HTML5. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00033-00016385-00016656 It's the right way to do things now. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00034-00016656-00017340 Now, historically and you can go ahead and put a title on this, just call this "Table yQhpy5UVJYQ-00035-00017340-00017570 Layout". yQhpy5UVJYQ-00036-00017570-00018018 And I want to show you some of the quick ways to set up a page in Dreamweaver. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00037-00018018-00018756 We're going to go ahead and use some of the page properties, which actually sets CSS for yQhpy5UVJYQ-00038-00018756-00018856 you. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00039-00018856-00019306 So I'm going to select Page Properties, and we're going to look at the CSS Appearance. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00040-00019306-00019802 Now, for most web pages, you want to use one of the sans serif font families. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00041-00019802-00019984 So pick nay one you want that sans serif. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00042-00019984-00020112 There is many in here. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00043-00020112-00020459 Sans serif just tends to look better. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00044-00020459-00021103 Size, you can leave it to the default or I like to work with ems instead of pixels. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00045-00021103-00021390 That just bases it on the user's computer. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00046-00021390-00021623 You can pick any dark text color you want. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00047-00021623-00021931 I want something reasonably high contrast. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00048-00021931-00022143 Generally I like black. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00049-00022143-00022432 Background color, we're going to play with this. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00050-00022432-00023165 I'm going to make my background color black, we'll play with that. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00051-00023165-00023992 I'm not going to worry about margins, I can get into the HTML appearance, not going to. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00052-00023992-00024282 Links, not really going to worry about that. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00053-00024282-00024738 Headings, I'm just going to set the font size for a few of these. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00054-00024738-00025173 I want the heading 1 to be 3 em. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00055-00025173-00025693 Heading 2 - 2 em. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00056-00025693-00025793 And that's as far as I'm going to go. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00057-00025793-00026132 And let's give them some colors. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00058-00026132-00026541 Blue and purple. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00059-00026541-00027368 OK, now I don't like black backgrounds but it's not going to stay this way. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00060-00027368-00028516 Typically if I were doing the old style layout and would go and insert a table, and I would yQhpy5UVJYQ-00061-00028516-00029012 typically make it, 3 by 3 is good, table width 80%. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00062-00029012-00029538 Border thickness usually I leave it a 0. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00063-00029538-00030029 Padding that's fine. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00064-00030029-00030195 And I'm going to hit OK. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00065-00030195-00030606 Now, I'm leaving the borders in now, but I'll delete them in a little bit after I show you yQhpy5UVJYQ-00066-00030606-00031113 how this sets up. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00067-00031113-00031649 I want the whole table aligned and one of the things that you can do here. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00068-00031649-00032192 Now I'm using CSS, which back when they did table layout, you wouldn't necessarily have yQhpy5UVJYQ-00069-00032192-00032292 done this. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00070-00032292-00032691 They did overlap for a while because table layout was really reliable. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00071-00032691-00032840 It would just really always work. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00072-00032840-00033409 With CSS, when we were transitioning in the early 2000's, could be unpredictable. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00073-00033409-00034753 So I can actually add a new style and I'm going to yQhpy5UVJYQ-00074-00034753-00035016 choose table and hit OK. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00075-00035016-00035350 I'm going to change the background color of my table. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00076-00035350-00035814 And I'm going to make that white. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00077-00035814-00036290 And that's really, this is really how I would have done a table layout. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00078-00036290-00036809 Now, typically I would start sort of like this. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00079-00036809-00038077 And often I would go in table and I would merge cells here and this would be, I'm going yQhpy5UVJYQ-00080-00038077-00038647 to choose h1. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00081-00038647-00039900 And I'm going to say, this is name of my site. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00082-00039900-00040338 I would put a logo or an image here. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00083-00040338-00041480 Let me bring out my file for a second here. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00084-00041480-00043154 Window, Files, now I'm going to do something that I don't really encourage you to do. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00085-00043154-00043872 Generally I should have moved these in before I started working. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00086-00043872-00044323 I'm not always that organized but I set up my work before I started. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00087-00044323-00044817 I brought it, put it together a couple of images which I'm going to drag into my folder. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00088-00044817-00045387 Oh, it doesn't let me do that on a Mac. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00089-00045387-00046795 OK, it's cranky, so I'm going to open up Finder and go to where I have my files stored, which yQhpy5UVJYQ-00090-00046795-00048488 should be in my web175, which I believe I have in my, yup, merimccdgm.net. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00091-00048488-00049463 I obviously have couple different things in here. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00092-00049463-00049773 And web175 and labs and lab03. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00093-00049773-00050305 OK, so I've taken these, I took the time to go and find photos. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00094-00050305-00050770 And you'll see lots of photos of my dogs, not because I particularly want to show you yQhpy5UVJYQ-00095-00050770-00051103 my dogs, but because I don't particularly care if you see my dogs. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00096-00051103-00051515 I don't tend to put up kid photos or anything like that. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00097-00051515-00051892 Dog photos and Shameous, my stuffed sheep. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00098-00051892-00052087 But I want you using all original photos. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00099-00052087-00052470 I use my dogs because they are not copywriter to anybody but me. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00100-00052470-00052588 I own them. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00101-00052588-00053070 So if I refresh this here, Eli and Nessie are now in here. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00102-00053070-00053563 Now I'm going to end up putting in content in a few different ways in here. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00103-00053563-00054150 I'm going to do something that I sort of frown upon but in this particular case I'm going yQhpy5UVJYQ-00104-00054150-00054250 to do it anyway. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00105-00054250-00054630 And I'm going to explain why I frown upon it and why I'm going to do it anyway. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00106-00054630-00054952 So this is Bouvier Des Flanders. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00107-00054952-00055426 It's a braid of dog I have. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00108-00055426-00055773 And this is Eli. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00109-00055773-00056177 And this alt text would be shown if you couldn't see the image. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00110-00056177-00056655 Now, this image is actually larger than I'd like a logo to be. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00111-00056655-00056779 But I want to re-size here. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00112-00056779-00056879 Yes, that works. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00113-00056879-00057284 Don't do it in general because the larger image loads. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00114-00057284-00057601 It won't matter here and the reason it's not going to matter here is because I'm going yQhpy5UVJYQ-00115-00057601-00058201 to have a larger version of this anyway, so you'd have to load the image anyway. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00116-00058201-00058369 So it doesn't really matter. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00117-00058369-00058641 So here on this side I'm going to put links. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00118-00058641-00059050 And here I'm going to put text and images. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00119-00059050-00059268 And so this is just showing you how I would do layout. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00120-00059268-00060301 It's a really good idea to have your text written and then you can just copy and paste yQhpy5UVJYQ-00121-00060301-00060824 it from word. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00122-00060824-00061454 And don't completely love that font but that will do. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00123-00061454-00061632 Not going to worry about it right now. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00124-00061632-00062691 And then I might drag in an image here so I will put Nessie right there. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00125-00062691-00063625 Nessie, bouvier female. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00126-00063625-00064564 OK, so i have Nessie, I have This is Bouvier Des Flanders, don't really need that. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00127-00064564-00064730 This is the appearance section. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00128-00064730-00065350 And it's way way easier to, again, do this. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00129-00065350-00065905 Now, it's sort of centering this and I don't really want that. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00130-00065905-00066448 So I'm going to get my information in here and then I'm going to edit. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00131-00066448-00067192 I think I'm going to put Eli here. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00132-00067192-00068194 Now, there is some issues with the table structure that I'm going to see here. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00133-00068194-00068788 So to get this the way I want, I can split my cell. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00134-00068788-00068888 This is where you get a lot of control. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00135-00068888-00069055 And I want to split columns. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00136-00069055-00071194 And so really I want Eli centered here in the middle and I want to grab text here. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00137-00071194-00072324 And text here. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00138-00072324-00073372 And so you can see and this I actually want to be. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00139-00073372-00074501 I'm going to just sort of play with it, put it where I want it. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00140-00074501-00075245 I might want to in my table possibly add another row. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00141-00075245-00075557 Or maybe put this. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00142-00075557-00077168 Insert row, I will put one above, that's OK. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00143-00077168-00077958 I'll just move these up. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00144-00077958-00078700 And again, I left the borders of the table here so you can see where they go. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00145-00078700-00080206 But since you can merge cells, so I can put this here on the bottom. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00146-00080206-00080761 And then here I would typically merge these. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00147-00080761-00082080 And typically this is how I would do my layout and I would have links. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00148-00082080-00084286 OK, I actually can change spacing here and this is decent but not perfect layout. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00149-00084286-00084848 So now I'm going to start doing some basic formatting and this is really taking me back yQhpy5UVJYQ-00150-00084848-00084967 in time. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00151-00084967-00085144 So basic formatting. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00152-00085144-00086407 That shows you how the layout is working. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00153-00086407-00086881 And there is lots of different ways I can lay this out but let's play with this. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00154-00086881-00087918 OK, so in this table I would typically go up here and you've got choices in HTML and yQhpy5UVJYQ-00155-00087918-00088358 each of these cells where I can center and I can have vertical alignment. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00156-00088358-00088644 This I actually want in the middle. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00157-00088644-00089801 Generally text alignment, I'm going to want vertical alignment to top, which appears to yQhpy5UVJYQ-00158-00089801-00089988 be what's going on there. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00159-00089988-00090424 I usually want my images, again this is a cell alignment. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00160-00090424-00091256 I want to set my vertical alignment to middle and my horizontal to center. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00161-00091256-00092417 I want the horizontal left, vertical, not middle, vertical top. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00162-00092417-00092608 Vertical top. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00163-00092608-00092989 Pretty much set where I want it. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00164-00092989-00093216 Could play with that cell. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00165-00093216-00094014 And middle align and center. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00166-00094014-00094705 And here let's vertical align top. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00167-00094705-00095997 Make sure I don't have any, and if it doesn't look the way you'd expect, you can always yQhpy5UVJYQ-00168-00095997-00096170 go look at the code. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00169-00096170-00096726 And for the links, I definitely want the links to be vertically aligned to the top. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00170-00096726-00097070 That's a pretty decent, not phenomenal, but OK layout. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00171-00097070-00097831 And it would look better if I go back into my table and set my padding higher. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00172-00097831-00098179 And you can see that get's these a little away from the lines. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00173-00098179-00098468 I actually want the higher yet. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00174-00098468-00099333 Again, select table, padding 8. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00175-00099333-00099842 There, and that padding is giving me the spacing in between those and the edge. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00176-00099842-00100204 And border of 0. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00177-00100204-00100413 That just became invisible. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00178-00100413-00101510 So now I'm going to preview in Firefox and that shows you that I can do some interesting yQhpy5UVJYQ-00179-00101510-00102326 and fairly decent layout just with table structure. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00180-00102326-00103205 And while that works OK, it makes for very complicated layout. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00181-00103205-00103739 Not too bad here but you can nest a table inside a cell of another table and that gets yQhpy5UVJYQ-00182-00103739-00104100 really complex. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00183-00104100-00104751 So let's show you a couple more things in Dreamweaver. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00184-00104751-00105222 I would also put in named anchors. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00185-00105222-00106060 So here I'm going to insert named anchor, and I'm just going to call it first. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00186-00106060-00106813 And I'm going to do that for each of my headings here. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00187-00106813-00107390 Insert, Named Anchor, history, that's OK. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00188-00107390-00107853 Except, I did not want to loose that. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00189-00107853-00108594 So let's put it right next to it. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00190-00108594-00109103 Insert, Named Anchor, history. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00191-00109103-00111108 That should have, that gotten rid of "My first Bouvier". yQhpy5UVJYQ-00192-00111108-00112067 Insert, temperament. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00193-00112067-00112989 Insert, you can see that these named anchors are way easier when you're just putting them yQhpy5UVJYQ-00194-00112989-00113089 in. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00195-00113089-00113398 Now, I can link to each of these multiple ways. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00196-00113398-00114044 If I put in a hash mark and appearance. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00197-00114044-00114554 That will work. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00198-00114554-00114801 If I was linking to an outside page, I would be able to drag it. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00199-00114801-00115019 I'm not sure if this is going to let me drag it to the anchor. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00200-00115019-00115119 Let's see. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00201-00115119-00115219 Oh, it does. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00202-00115219-00115319 That's nice. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00203-00115319-00115825 So I can just highlight and drag to the image of the anchor. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00204-00115825-00116215 And that's going to drop it right in place. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00205-00116215-00116376 I kind of like that. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00206-00116376-00116985 Usually you're pointing to an actual page, but that's pretty, pretty site. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00207-00116985-00117113 That works very well. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00208-00117113-00117502 OK, so that's really simple page layout. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00209-00117502-00117949 And again I can preview this in various browsers. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00210-00117949-00118688 And you'll see that even though it's not the recommended layout, browsers will honor it. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00211-00118688-00119019 And you should test in a different browser each time. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00212-00119019-00119191 I just get in that habit. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00213-00119191-00119454 You want to make sure it's going to look good in everything. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00214-00119454-00119847 So appearance is really, isn't going to move it much, it takes you there. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00215-00119847-00120438 Temperament does, History, not a big change, My first Bouvier you can already see that. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00216-00120438-00121051 If I was here, it would link it and move it on the page. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00217-00121051-00121413 So again, very basic table based layout. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00218-00121413-00121936 You're going to do a similar one on the topic of your choice. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00219-00121936-00122203 Do a simple table-based layout. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00220-00122203-00123071 Next week we're going to re-do that as a proper layout using HTML5 and we'll use some of the yQhpy5UVJYQ-00221-00123071-00123333 templates that they have in Dreamweaver. yQhpy5UVJYQ-00222-00123333-00123664 But for right now this shows you how it used to be done. yQaGkVN3N2y-00000-00000808-00001535 hello everyone today's tutorial is going to be on how to use the SmartPLS 2 yQaGkVN3N2y-00001-00001535-00002148 this video series is going to be for absolute beginners the smart pls yQaGkVN3N2y-00002-00002148-00002838 software is used to calculate or to find out the structural equation model and yQaGkVN3N2y-00003-00002838-00003435 you know regression analysis and things like F square R-square all of these yQaGkVN3N2y-00004-00003435-00004079 things are easily it can be easily done with these smart pls software you can do yQaGkVN3N2y-00005-00004079-00004955 this with SPSS software but the smart pls is very user-friendly now this video yQaGkVN3N2y-00006-00004955-00005447 is just going to be a brief introduction I'm not going to show show you actually yQaGkVN3N2y-00007-00005447-00006038 show you how to download and how to use it but I just want to give you a brief yQaGkVN3N2y-00008-00006038-00006654 introduction to what this series is all about what this video is all about be yQaGkVN3N2y-00009-00006654-00007431 smart pls software has two versions the first one is the obviously the older yQaGkVN3N2y-00010-00007431-00007995 version is the SmartPLS 2 and the newer version is the SmartPLS 3 yQaGkVN3N2y-00011-00007995-00008760 in this series I will be showing you how to use the SmartPLS 2 now you might be yQaGkVN3N2y-00012-00008760-00009410 asking why don't you show us the updated version the SmartPLS 3 version yQaGkVN3N2y-00013-00009410-00010125 well the SmartPLS 2- the thing about SmartPLS 2- is it's a lot of yQaGkVN3N2y-00014-00010125-00010622 people need guidance in how to use this the second reason is it's very popular yQaGkVN3N2y-00015-00010622-00011207 the third reason is it's 100% free you don't have to pay a single dime for yQaGkVN3N2y-00016-00011207-00011864 this but I've seen my friends you know when they download this for the first yQaGkVN3N2y-00017-00011864-00012399 time they do need a lot of help in how to actually use the software how to yQaGkVN3N2y-00018-00012399-00012992 install the software where to find the code the registration code all of these yQaGkVN3N2y-00019-00012992-00013368 things a lot of people get confused so I decided yQaGkVN3N2y-00020-00013368-00014045 to make this video in response to that now on the other hand yQaGkVN3N2y-00021-00014045-00014854 The SmartPLS 3 let me just show you what it looks like the SmartPLS 3 is yQaGkVN3N2y-00022-00014974-00015616 the latest version is much more user-friendly it's very simple and easy yQaGkVN3N2y-00023-00015616-00016327 to use but the problem is it's not free it is free for 30 days but after that yQaGkVN3N2y-00024-00016327-00016958 you will be required to make a purchase fortunately the student version is free yQaGkVN3N2y-00025-00016958-00017846 however once your data crosses 100 units you will be required to get the yQaGkVN3N2y-00026-00017846-00018407 professional version because the software will not allow you to make use yQaGkVN3N2y-00027-00018407-00019120 of the software if your data exceeds 100 units but I will make a separate video yQaGkVN3N2y-00028-00019120-00019886 on how to use the version 3 so let me just show you what the SmartPLS 3 yQaGkVN3N2y-00029-00019886-00020525 looks like so this is what the SmartPLS 3 looks like it's very simple yQaGkVN3N2y-00030-00020525-00021281 it looks very cheerful to look at it's also very easy to use so this is what it yQaGkVN3N2y-00031-00021281-00022223 looks like and the smart pls 2 looks exactly like this it's off it's the same yQaGkVN3N2y-00032-00022223-00022739 thing both the versions are almost the same just some slight variation so yQaGkVN3N2y-00033-00022739-00023231 that's it for the introduction of this video in the next video I will be yQaGkVN3N2y-00034-00023231-00024272 showing you how to download and how to install this SmartPLS 2 software so yQaGkVN3N2y-00035-00024272-00024718 thank you for watching this video do you subscribe give us a thumbs up and please yQaGkVN3N2y-00036-00024718-00025253 do give us some comments you know what you think what you want to know about yQaGkVN3N2y-00037-00025253-00025729 this software until then take care yRI-w3F9z-E-00000-00000010-00000086 IT'S RIGHT HERE. yRI-w3F9z-E-00001-00000086-00000093 IT'S RIGHT HERE. yRI-w3F9z-E-00002-00000093-00000153 IT'S RIGHT HERE. >> Announcer: AND NOW, YOUR yRI-w3F9z-E-00003-00000153-00000160 IT'S RIGHT HERE. >> Announcer: AND NOW, YOUR yRI-w3F9z-E-00004-00000160-00000216 IT'S RIGHT HERE. >> Announcer: AND NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH COLLIN yRI-w3F9z-E-00005-00000216-00000223 >> Announcer: AND NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH COLLIN yRI-w3F9z-E-00006-00000223-00000296 >> Announcer: AND NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH COLLIN CALVERT. yRI-w3F9z-E-00007-00000296-00000303 LOCAL SPORTS WITH COLLIN CALVERT. yRI-w3F9z-E-00008-00000303-00000453 LOCAL SPORTS WITH COLLIN CALVERT. >> Collin: NOW FIVE DAYS AWAY yRI-w3F9z-E-00009-00000453-00000460 CALVERT. >> Collin: NOW FIVE DAYS AWAY yRI-w3F9z-E-00010-00000460-00000557 CALVERT. >> Collin: NOW FIVE DAYS AWAY NOW FOR BSU FOOTBALL PLAYERS, yRI-w3F9z-E-00011-00000557-00000563 >> Collin: NOW FIVE DAYS AWAY NOW FOR BSU FOOTBALL PLAYERS, yRI-w3F9z-E-00012-00000563-00000760 >> Collin: NOW FIVE DAYS AWAY NOW FOR BSU FOOTBALL PLAYERS, REPORTING TO CAMP. yRI-w3F9z-E-00013-00000760-00000767 NOW FOR BSU FOOTBALL PLAYERS, REPORTING TO CAMP. yRI-w3F9z-E-00014-00000767-00000867 NOW FOR BSU FOOTBALL PLAYERS, REPORTING TO CAMP. THEY OFFICIALLY BEGIN PRACTICE, yRI-w3F9z-E-00015-00000867-00000874 REPORTING TO CAMP. THEY OFFICIALLY BEGIN PRACTICE, yRI-w3F9z-E-00016-00000874-00000970 REPORTING TO CAMP. THEY OFFICIALLY BEGIN PRACTICE, THOUGH, THE FOLLOWING DAY ON THE yRI-w3F9z-E-00017-00000970-00000977 THEY OFFICIALLY BEGIN PRACTICE, THOUGH, THE FOLLOWING DAY ON THE yRI-w3F9z-E-00018-00000977-00001131 THEY OFFICIALLY BEGIN PRACTICE, THOUGH, THE FOLLOWING DAY ON THE 10th, AND AS YOU SAW FROM THE yRI-w3F9z-E-00019-00001131-00001137 THOUGH, THE FOLLOWING DAY ON THE 10th, AND AS YOU SAW FROM THE yRI-w3F9z-E-00020-00001137-00001287 THOUGH, THE FOLLOWING DAY ON THE 10th, AND AS YOU SAW FROM THE PRESEASON POLLS AND AWARDS, yRI-w3F9z-E-00021-00001287-00001294 10th, AND AS YOU SAW FROM THE PRESEASON POLLS AND AWARDS, yRI-w3F9z-E-00022-00001294-00001354 10th, AND AS YOU SAW FROM THE PRESEASON POLLS AND AWARDS, EXPECTATIONS HIGH FOR THIS yRI-w3F9z-E-00023-00001354-00001361 PRESEASON POLLS AND AWARDS, EXPECTATIONS HIGH FOR THIS yRI-w3F9z-E-00024-00001361-00001654 PRESEASON POLLS AND AWARDS, EXPECTATIONS HIGH FOR THIS BEAVERS SQUAD. yRI-w3F9z-E-00025-00001654-00001661 EXPECTATIONS HIGH FOR THIS BEAVERS SQUAD. yRI-w3F9z-E-00026-00001661-00001858 EXPECTATIONS HIGH FOR THIS BEAVERS SQUAD. UNOFFICIALLY YEAR TWO FOR NEWLY yRI-w3F9z-E-00027-00001858-00001865 BEAVERS SQUAD. UNOFFICIALLY YEAR TWO FOR NEWLY yRI-w3F9z-E-00028-00001865-00001965 BEAVERS SQUAD. UNOFFICIALLY YEAR TWO FOR NEWLY TAGGED HEAD COACH BRENT BOLTE, yRI-w3F9z-E-00029-00001965-00001971 UNOFFICIALLY YEAR TWO FOR NEWLY TAGGED HEAD COACH BRENT BOLTE, yRI-w3F9z-E-00030-00001971-00002068 UNOFFICIALLY YEAR TWO FOR NEWLY TAGGED HEAD COACH BRENT BOLTE, BUT OFFICIALLY IN THE BOOKS, THE yRI-w3F9z-E-00031-00002068-00002075 TAGGED HEAD COACH BRENT BOLTE, BUT OFFICIALLY IN THE BOOKS, THE yRI-w3F9z-E-00032-00002075-00002225 TAGGED HEAD COACH BRENT BOLTE, BUT OFFICIALLY IN THE BOOKS, THE START OF YEAR ONE. yRI-w3F9z-E-00033-00002225-00002232 BUT OFFICIALLY IN THE BOOKS, THE START OF YEAR ONE. yRI-w3F9z-E-00034-00002232-00002328 BUT OFFICIALLY IN THE BOOKS, THE START OF YEAR ONE. WITH THAT TITLE COMES THE yRI-w3F9z-E-00035-00002328-00002335 START OF YEAR ONE. WITH THAT TITLE COMES THE yRI-w3F9z-E-00036-00002335-00002485 START OF YEAR ONE. WITH THAT TITLE COMES THE CHALLENGES OF BUILDING THE yRI-w3F9z-E-00037-00002485-00002492 WITH THAT TITLE COMES THE CHALLENGES OF BUILDING THE yRI-w3F9z-E-00038-00002492-00002642 WITH THAT TITLE COMES THE CHALLENGES OF BUILDING THE PROGRAM UP THE WAY HE WANTS IT, yRI-w3F9z-E-00039-00002642-00002649 CHALLENGES OF BUILDING THE PROGRAM UP THE WAY HE WANTS IT, yRI-w3F9z-E-00040-00002649-00002749 CHALLENGES OF BUILDING THE PROGRAM UP THE WAY HE WANTS IT, AND TO DO THAT, IT ALL STARTS ON yRI-w3F9z-E-00041-00002749-00002756 PROGRAM UP THE WAY HE WANTS IT, AND TO DO THAT, IT ALL STARTS ON yRI-w3F9z-E-00042-00002756-00002906 PROGRAM UP THE WAY HE WANTS IT, AND TO DO THAT, IT ALL STARTS ON THE RECRUITING TRAIL AND yRI-w3F9z-E-00043-00002906-00002912 AND TO DO THAT, IT ALL STARTS ON THE RECRUITING TRAIL AND yRI-w3F9z-E-00044-00002912-00003063 AND TO DO THAT, IT ALL STARTS ON THE RECRUITING TRAIL AND BRINGING IN HIS GUYS. yRI-w3F9z-E-00045-00003063-00003069 THE RECRUITING TRAIL AND BRINGING IN HIS GUYS. yRI-w3F9z-E-00046-00003069-00003269 THE RECRUITING TRAIL AND BRINGING IN HIS GUYS. IT'S NO SURPRISE HOW TOUGH IT IS yRI-w3F9z-E-00047-00003269-00003276 BRINGING IN HIS GUYS. IT'S NO SURPRISE HOW TOUGH IT IS yRI-w3F9z-E-00048-00003276-00003429 BRINGING IN HIS GUYS. IT'S NO SURPRISE HOW TOUGH IT IS TO RECRUIT IN THE NSIC, BUT NOW yRI-w3F9z-E-00049-00003429-00003436 IT'S NO SURPRISE HOW TOUGH IT IS TO RECRUIT IN THE NSIC, BUT NOW yRI-w3F9z-E-00050-00003436-00003496 IT'S NO SURPRISE HOW TOUGH IT IS TO RECRUIT IN THE NSIC, BUT NOW WITH THE STAFF IN PLACE AND yRI-w3F9z-E-00051-00003496-00003503 TO RECRUIT IN THE NSIC, BUT NOW WITH THE STAFF IN PLACE AND yRI-w3F9z-E-00052-00003503-00003573 TO RECRUIT IN THE NSIC, BUT NOW WITH THE STAFF IN PLACE AND BOLTE AT THE TOP, THEY'RE READY yRI-w3F9z-E-00053-00003573-00003580 WITH THE STAFF IN PLACE AND BOLTE AT THE TOP, THEY'RE READY yRI-w3F9z-E-00054-00003580-00004007 WITH THE STAFF IN PLACE AND BOLTE AT THE TOP, THEY'RE READY TO GRIND THE AXE. yRI-w3F9z-E-00055-00004007-00004014 BOLTE AT THE TOP, THEY'RE READY TO GRIND THE AXE. yRI-w3F9z-E-00056-00004014-00004164 BOLTE AT THE TOP, THEY'RE READY TO GRIND THE AXE. >> IT'S NICE, I THINK EVERYBODY yRI-w3F9z-E-00057-00004164-00004170 TO GRIND THE AXE. >> IT'S NICE, I THINK EVERYBODY yRI-w3F9z-E-00058-00004170-00004290 TO GRIND THE AXE. >> IT'S NICE, I THINK EVERYBODY KIND OF WANTS TO KNOW IF YOU'RE yRI-w3F9z-E-00059-00004290-00004297 >> IT'S NICE, I THINK EVERYBODY KIND OF WANTS TO KNOW IF YOU'RE yRI-w3F9z-E-00060-00004297-00004394 >> IT'S NICE, I THINK EVERYBODY KIND OF WANTS TO KNOW IF YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE THE SAME PEOPLE yRI-w3F9z-E-00061-00004394-00004401 KIND OF WANTS TO KNOW IF YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE THE SAME PEOPLE yRI-w3F9z-E-00062-00004401-00004527 KIND OF WANTS TO KNOW IF YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE THE SAME PEOPLE AROUND YEAR IN AND YEAR OUT AND yRI-w3F9z-E-00063-00004527-00004534 GOING TO HAVE THE SAME PEOPLE AROUND YEAR IN AND YEAR OUT AND yRI-w3F9z-E-00064-00004534-00004661 GOING TO HAVE THE SAME PEOPLE AROUND YEAR IN AND YEAR OUT AND WE'VE BEEN FORTUNATE FOR A LOT yRI-w3F9z-E-00065-00004661-00004667 AROUND YEAR IN AND YEAR OUT AND WE'VE BEEN FORTUNATE FOR A LOT yRI-w3F9z-E-00066-00004667-00004834 AROUND YEAR IN AND YEAR OUT AND WE'VE BEEN FORTUNATE FOR A LOT OF YEARS TO HAVE A VERY SIMILAR yRI-w3F9z-E-00067-00004834-00004841 WE'VE BEEN FORTUNATE FOR A LOT OF YEARS TO HAVE A VERY SIMILAR yRI-w3F9z-E-00068-00004841-00004968 WE'VE BEEN FORTUNATE FOR A LOT OF YEARS TO HAVE A VERY SIMILAR STAFF, SAME FACES. yRI-w3F9z-E-00069-00004968-00004974 OF YEARS TO HAVE A VERY SIMILAR STAFF, SAME FACES. yRI-w3F9z-E-00070-00004974-00005175 OF YEARS TO HAVE A VERY SIMILAR STAFF, SAME FACES. SO THAT'S IMPORTANT, BUT YEAH, yRI-w3F9z-E-00071-00005175-00005181 STAFF, SAME FACES. SO THAT'S IMPORTANT, BUT YEAH, yRI-w3F9z-E-00072-00005181-00005368 STAFF, SAME FACES. SO THAT'S IMPORTANT, BUT YEAH, YOU HAVE TO HAVE IN THIS LEAGUE, yRI-w3F9z-E-00073-00005368-00005375 SO THAT'S IMPORTANT, BUT YEAH, YOU HAVE TO HAVE IN THIS LEAGUE, yRI-w3F9z-E-00074-00005375-00005548 SO THAT'S IMPORTANT, BUT YEAH, YOU HAVE TO HAVE IN THIS LEAGUE, IT'S AN ARMS RACE RIGHT NOW AND yRI-w3F9z-E-00075-00005548-00005555 YOU HAVE TO HAVE IN THIS LEAGUE, IT'S AN ARMS RACE RIGHT NOW AND yRI-w3F9z-E-00076-00005555-00005695 YOU HAVE TO HAVE IN THIS LEAGUE, IT'S AN ARMS RACE RIGHT NOW AND EVERYBODY IS BATTLING AND HAVING yRI-w3F9z-E-00077-00005695-00005702 IT'S AN ARMS RACE RIGHT NOW AND EVERYBODY IS BATTLING AND HAVING yRI-w3F9z-E-00078-00005702-00005832 IT'S AN ARMS RACE RIGHT NOW AND EVERYBODY IS BATTLING AND HAVING THEIR PLANS TO GET TO 36 AND yRI-w3F9z-E-00079-00005832-00005839 EVERYBODY IS BATTLING AND HAVING THEIR PLANS TO GET TO 36 AND yRI-w3F9z-E-00080-00005839-00006002 EVERYBODY IS BATTLING AND HAVING THEIR PLANS TO GET TO 36 AND WE'RE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT THE yRI-w3F9z-E-00081-00006002-00006009 THEIR PLANS TO GET TO 36 AND WE'RE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT THE yRI-w3F9z-E-00082-00006009-00006089 THEIR PLANS TO GET TO 36 AND WE'RE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT THE SAME THING. yRI-w3F9z-E-00083-00006089-00006096 WE'RE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT THE SAME THING. yRI-w3F9z-E-00084-00006096-00006209 WE'RE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT THE SAME THING. AS WE MOVE FORWARD, HOPEFULLY yRI-w3F9z-E-00085-00006209-00006216 SAME THING. AS WE MOVE FORWARD, HOPEFULLY yRI-w3F9z-E-00086-00006216-00006579 SAME THING. AS WE MOVE FORWARD, HOPEFULLY WE'RE ABLE TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS yRI-w3F9z-E-00087-00006579-00006586 AS WE MOVE FORWARD, HOPEFULLY WE'RE ABLE TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS yRI-w3F9z-E-00088-00006586-00006793 AS WE MOVE FORWARD, HOPEFULLY WE'RE ABLE TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS AND GET MORE MONEY TO GET yRI-w3F9z-E-00089-00006793-00006800 WE'RE ABLE TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS AND GET MORE MONEY TO GET yRI-w3F9z-E-00090-00006800-00007056 WE'RE ABLE TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS AND GET MORE MONEY TO GET QUALITY KIDS UP HERE TO yRI-w3F9z-E-00091-00007056-00007063 AND GET MORE MONEY TO GET QUALITY KIDS UP HERE TO yRI-w3F9z-E-00092-00007063-00007217 AND GET MORE MONEY TO GET QUALITY KIDS UP HERE TO MINNESOTA AND KIDS WITH GREAT yRI-w3F9z-E-00093-00007217-00007223 QUALITY KIDS UP HERE TO MINNESOTA AND KIDS WITH GREAT yRI-w3F9z-E-00094-00007223-00007524 QUALITY KIDS UP HERE TO MINNESOTA AND KIDS WITH GREAT ACADEMICS AND FIT WHAT WE'RE yRI-w3F9z-E-00095-00007524-00007530 MINNESOTA AND KIDS WITH GREAT ACADEMICS AND FIT WHAT WE'RE yRI-w3F9z-E-00096-00007530-00007707 MINNESOTA AND KIDS WITH GREAT ACADEMICS AND FIT WHAT WE'RE ABOUT AT BSU. yRI-w3F9z-E-00097-00007707-00007714 ACADEMICS AND FIT WHAT WE'RE ABOUT AT BSU. yRI-w3F9z-E-00098-00007714-00007801 ACADEMICS AND FIT WHAT WE'RE ABOUT AT BSU. NOT EVERY KID AS NORTHERN yRI-w3F9z-E-00099-00007801-00007807 ABOUT AT BSU. NOT EVERY KID AS NORTHERN yRI-w3F9z-E-00100-00007807-00008017 ABOUT AT BSU. NOT EVERY KID AS NORTHERN MINNESOTA GUY, SO WE HAVE TO yRI-w3F9z-E-00101-00008017-00008024 NOT EVERY KID AS NORTHERN MINNESOTA GUY, SO WE HAVE TO yRI-w3F9z-E-00102-00008024-00008131 NOT EVERY KID AS NORTHERN MINNESOTA GUY, SO WE HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THAT AND FIT OUR MOLD yRI-w3F9z-E-00103-00008131-00008138 MINNESOTA GUY, SO WE HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THAT AND FIT OUR MOLD yRI-w3F9z-E-00104-00008138-00008535 MINNESOTA GUY, SO WE HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THAT AND FIT OUR MOLD OF WHAT WE'RE TRYING TO GET yRI-w3F9z-E-00105-00008535-00008541 UNDERSTAND THAT AND FIT OUR MOLD OF WHAT WE'RE TRYING TO GET yRI-w3F9z-E-00106-00008541-00008618 UNDERSTAND THAT AND FIT OUR MOLD OF WHAT WE'RE TRYING TO GET ACCOMPLISHED. yRI-w3F9z-E-00107-00008618-00008625 OF WHAT WE'RE TRYING TO GET ACCOMPLISHED. yRI-w3F9z-E-00108-00008625-00008782 OF WHAT WE'RE TRYING TO GET ACCOMPLISHED. >> Collin: HERE'S THE KEY DATES. yRI-w3F9z-E-00109-00008782-00008788 ACCOMPLISHED. >> Collin: HERE'S THE KEY DATES. yRI-w3F9z-E-00110-00008788-00008988 ACCOMPLISHED. >> Collin: HERE'S THE KEY DATES. THE FIRST AWAY GAME THE 31st AND yRI-w3F9z-E-00111-00008988-00008995 >> Collin: HERE'S THE KEY DATES. THE FIRST AWAY GAME THE 31st AND yRI-w3F9z-E-00112-00008995-00009048 >> Collin: HERE'S THE KEY DATES. THE FIRST AWAY GAME THE 31st AND THE FOLLOWING SATURDAY THEY HOST yTRyEkCMneE-00000-00000030-00000698 2.1a Prime Factorization- Prime and Composite. yTRyEkCMneE-00001-00000698-00001789 Prime numbers are divisible by one and itself. yTRyEkCMneE-00002-00001789-00002438 One way that we can find primes is something Eratosthenes' sieve yTRyEkCMneE-00003-00002438-00003032 and it basically uses the idea that if we have this grid, which you can see here, yTRyEkCMneE-00004-00003032-00003965 that when we take multiples of numbers out, we're left with the prime numbers. yTRyEkCMneE-00005-00003965-00005360 So if I took all the multiples of two, that would be all of these, all of these, all of these, all of these yTRyEkCMneE-00006-00005360-00006504 and all of these, and then we took multiples of three, whoops, let me I don't want the two to be gone. yTRyEkCMneE-00007-00006504-00007926 Then if we took our multiples of three, that would be here on this diagonal, and here, and let's see... yTRyEkCMneE-00008-00007926-00009342 and right there, and right here and I think that there is one more row of this, let's see, yTRyEkCMneE-00009-00009350-00009844 let me get my line going in the right place here, yTRyEkCMneE-00010-00009844-00010364 there we go. And we have some others, there we go. yTRyEkCMneE-00011-00010364-00010967 And then we took our multiples of five, that would be everything that ends in a five, yTRyEkCMneE-00012-00010968-00011296 and everything that ends in ten, we already have that crossed off yTRyEkCMneE-00013-00011296-00011652 and then we started looking for multiples of seven. yTRyEkCMneE-00014-00011652-00012236 We don't get any neat patterns coming out of here but we know that forty-nine is divisible by seven. yTRyEkCMneE-00015-00012236-00012640 I'm just kind of looking here to see the other numbers that are divisible by seven. yTRyEkCMneE-00016-00012640-00014628 Seventy-seven and ninety-one here. Okay, and what we should have left here, let's see, is our prime numbers. yTRyEkCMneE-00017-00014628-00014902 You wanna get pretty comfortable with what your prime numbers, yTRyEkCMneE-00018-00014902-00016322 are so that you can use them to break numbers down. yTRyEkCMneE-00019-00016322-00017298 Composite numbers on the other hand, are divisible by, we'll call them numbers, or in other words factors. yTRyEkCMneE-00020-00017298-00017646 They are basically anything that is not a prime, yTRyEkCMneE-00021-00017646-00019728 although you should be aware that one is neither prime nor composite. yTRyEkCMneE-00022-00019728-00020382 So when we look at our two examples here, in our first number we are looking to see if it is prime or composite. yTRyEkCMneE-00023-00020382-00021163 What we're going to do is we're going to look to see if we can divide it by anything. yTRyEkCMneE-00024-00021163-00022208 So, we'd look at eighty-nine. Well, not divisible by two because its not an even number. yTRyEkCMneE-00025-00022224-00022566 We probably all should know that. yTRyEkCMneE-00026-00022578-00023836 And let's see, if I did three. So, we are looking to go to see if three will go into eighty-nine. yTRyEkCMneE-00027-00023836-00024922 Three will go into eight two times. Three will not go into twenty-nine evenly, so it's not divisible by three, yTRyEkCMneE-00028-00024922-00025620 and if its not divisible by two, it won't be divisible by four. yTRyEkCMneE-00029-00025620-00026522 Not divisible by five because it doesn't end in a five or a zero. Let's try seven. yTRyEkCMneE-00030-00026522-00026824 Notice I'm only using prime numbers here. yTRyEkCMneE-00031-00026824-00027148 Seven, well we already know our multiplication facts, yTRyEkCMneE-00032-00027148-00027676 we know seven doesn't go in there and our next prime number would be eleven. yTRyEkCMneE-00033-00027676-00028638 Well, eleven does not going to go in there, and so what that means is this one is a prime number. yTRyEkCMneE-00034-00028638-00029360 Let's look at a hundred and forty-seven. yTRyEkCMneE-00035-00029360-00029736 First number I'm looking at would be a two. yTRyEkCMneE-00036-00029736-00030612 Well, it doesn't end in a even number so I know it's not divisible by two, so the next one I'm going to try is three. yTRyEkCMneE-00037-00030612-00030983 So we try three into a hundred and forty-seven. yTRyEkCMneE-00038-00031000-00031836 Three goes into fourteen four times. Two left over, bring down my seven. yTRyEkCMneE-00039-00031837-00032504 Three goes into twenty-seven nine times. So zero remainder. yTRyEkCMneE-00040-00032504-00033482 Since we have three and forty-nine, that means that this is a composite number. yUQcx-_f1E0-00000-00000322-00000529 Section 37. yUQcx-_f1E0-00001-00000529-00000943 Even though it is not proper to wash hands from a gentile for Shacharit [as was explained yUQcx-_f1E0-00002-00000943-00001419 above], in any case, with gentiles we are not scrupulous if they touch foods or drinks yUQcx-_f1E0-00003-00001419-00001889 in Shacharit, even without Netilat Yadayim, since Netilat Yadayim Shacharit does not elevate yUQcx-_f1E0-00004-00001889-00002075 or demote for them. yUQcx-_f1E0-00005-00002075-00002468 And it is permissible to eat and drink these foods and beverages without any doubt. yUQcx-_f1E0-00006-00002468-00002701 [There page 379. yUQcx-_f1E0-00007-00002701-00002964 Sha'arit Yosef part 1 page 40]. yUQcx-_f1E0-00008-00002964-00003337 End of section 37. yW3JNmGtFjo-00000-00004217-00004376 Prediksi Hongkong yYi9po-qSEA-00000-00001685-00002169 the red cherry bring by horse and drop the opposite site of the river yYi9po-qSEA-00001-00002169-00002760 and caring by man power to cross the river . It's difficult to cross this river in rainy season. yYi9po-qSEA-00002-00006209-00006913 In Suke Kebele there are vanities of landscapes highland and lowland yYi9po-qSEA-00003-00006975-00007398 the village name are Bonga, Hagella, Arke, yYi9po-qSEA-00004-00007429-00007629 the coffee verities also different yYi9po-qSEA-00005-00007691-00008340 the cherry turn to red start from low land to highland yYi9po-qSEA-00006-00008520-00008942 the harvest start from lowland to highland yYi9po-qSEA-00007-00008942-00009293 when we doing drying process of natural coffee yYi9po-qSEA-00008-00009293-00009707 on the first stage we cover the cherry at 12:00 to protect strong sunlight yYi9po-qSEA-00009-00009707-00010364 the the cherry it's become drying we cover early hour at 10:00 AM yYi9po-qSEA-00010-00010462-00011256 and then we open it again at 15:30 to get soft sun light. yb8ETZIm7p0-00000-00000003-00000509 I wanted to specifically target real estate agents and start some type of like yb8ETZIm7p0-00001-00000509-00001332 business coaching sales group. Dude, I'm so glad you called today. You know why? I am yb8ETZIm7p0-00002-00001332-00002198 I am speaking at an event next Friday. It's June 1st, in Huntington Beach and yb8ETZIm7p0-00003-00002198-00002831 it's on how to build a personal brand for people in the real estate industry. yb8ETZIm7p0-00004-00002831-00003386 Wow. What timing. And what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give you a ticket for free yb8ETZIm7p0-00005-00003386-00003965 Seriously? Yep. It's called Disruptive Innovation and it's part of the Disrupt yb8ETZIm7p0-00006-00003965-00004332 Tour and the whole part of disruptive innovation is about disrupting an yb8ETZIm7p0-00007-00004332-00004911 industry which you know is extremely traditional and literally everything yb8ETZIm7p0-00008-00004911-00005235 that we're gonna be going over from the very first talk of the day which is me yb8ETZIm7p0-00009-00005235-00005610 which is gonna be on how to build a personal brand is specifically for yb8ETZIm7p0-00010-00005610-00006059 people that are in real estate, financial services, and insurance. ydlJBIHs5iI-00000-00002300-00002800 Fighting for private housing district in Jobar. Part 4. Infantry Troops Entrenching in the Left Flank ydlJBIHs5iI-00001-00003600-00004100 On the right flank, the Shilka anti-aircraft gun keeps raking the militant positions. ydlJBIHs5iI-00002-00004100-00004900 The main target are the dominant artificial high grounds. It includes the five- and six-story buildings, as well as the two- to three-story houses of the private residential district. ydlJBIHs5iI-00003-00006700-00007700 While the first infantry squad is busy entrenching and conducting reconnaissance in force, the battle tanks keep destroying the firing points in the one-story building and along the fence. ydlJBIHs5iI-00004-00009900-00010500 There is a concrete lined irrigation ditch, in front of the one-story building, that is used as a trench by the militants. ydlJBIHs5iI-00005-00011700-00012200 The SAA commanding officers are consistently receiving information from the troops on the ground. ydlJBIHs5iI-00006-00012800-00013800 SAA Officer: "Battle tanks, don't stay put! Keep maneuvering! The second group of infantry troops is about to move in, now. Stand by to cover them! As for you, do not stay at one spot for too long! Keep moving!" ydlJBIHs5iI-00007-00014900-00015500 The second battle tank keeps destroying the obstacles to create avenues of approach to the enemy positions. One strike and the tank is rolling back. ydlJBIHs5iI-00008-00016500-00016800 On the right flank, the battle tank is destroying a newly detected position. ydlJBIHs5iI-00009-00017400-00018100 The tank men have received information on the militant movement and are moving in again. One strike and their tank is rolling back. ydlJBIHs5iI-00010-00020200-00020600 Right now, the battle tank is supposed to start covering the infantry platoon. ydlJBIHs5iI-00011-00021200-00022200 On the right flank, the machine-gunner has spotted the militants who were preparing to attack. The machine-gunner is keeping the militants down with his fire, despite the risk of being spotted by a militant sniper. ydlJBIHs5iI-00012-00023300-00024300 Having delivered another fire strike on the militant-held one-story house, the battle tank is rolling back in order to use its own armor to cover the movements of the infantry platoon on an exposed area. ydlJBIHs5iI-00013-00024400-00025100 SAA Officer: "Get back! Turn around! Main gun to your left! Look, cover the infantry troops! The troops are about to come shortly!" ydlJBIHs5iI-00014-00026500-00026900 The infantry troops' mission is to cross - under the cover of the battle tank's armor - the open part of the road that is exposed to enemy fire. ydlJBIHs5iI-00015-00027200-00027700 Then, they are supposed to move along the irrigation ditch to the destroyed terrorist firing point, secure the firing point, and entrench there. ydlJBIHs5iI-00016-00027700-00028200 They are also to pinpoint new firing positions of the terrorists and relay the target information to the battle tanks. ydlJBIHs5iI-00017-00028300-00028800 SAA Officer: "Get back! Turn the turret! That's it! Good! Enough! Stop!" ydlJBIHs5iI-00018-00035200-00035700 The officers are setting off to coordinate the work of the battle tanks and the infantry troops. ydlJBIHs5iI-00019-00038000-00038500 The militants opened fire on the infantry troops from inside this building. No one got hurt. ydlJBIHs5iI-00020-00038500-00039000 Small arms fire would not be able to reach the militants in their well fortified position. ydlJBIHs5iI-00021-00039000-00039800 It is difficult to close up with the militants due to the slimy water-filled irrigation ditch right in front of the building. The battle tanks get their mission to destroy the firing point. ydlJBIHs5iI-00022-00039800-00040500 At this moment, the infantry troops cover the moving battle tank by preventing the enemy grenade launchers and anti-tank missile systems teams from popping out. ydlJBIHs5iI-00023-00042500-00043000 From this observation point, it can be seen how risky it is for the tank men to carry out their mission right now. ydlJBIHs5iI-00024-00043000-00043700 The militants might strike from under any single slab of concrete and from inside any single hole in the wall. The battle tank is on the high ground and it's bottom hull is exposed. ydlJBIHs5iI-00025-00043700-00044000 All the troops must pull themselves together and leave the militants no chances. ydlJBIHs5iI-00026-00047900-00048700 On the right flank, the infantry platoon is moving forward in order to cover the battle tank that is busy engaging the enemy. The tank is to destroy the newly detected firing points of the terrorists. ydlJBIHs5iI-00027-00051400-00051800 Another infantry platoon has moved in to entrench in the newly captured positions. ydlJBIHs5iI-00028-00052200-00052600 The battle tank consistently fires on the detected enemy position. ydlJBIHs5iI-00029-00052700-00053100 Having destroyed the bunker with a few initial strikes, the tank proceeds combing the terrorists' trenches. ydlJBIHs5iI-00030-00058900-00059600 Having accomplished their combat mission during the first stage of the operation, the battle tanks are moving out. Right now, the infantry troops are going to clear these houses. ydlJBIHs5iI-00031-00059600-00060200 On the right flank, a battle tank is moving forward. It's mission is to destroy the newly detected positions of the terrorists. ydlJBIHs5iI-00032-00060600-00060800 Andrey Filatov, Viktor Kuznetsov. ANNA-News, Damascus, Syria. ygfzYLW0og8-00000-00000000-00000564 ♩ ♫ ♪ music: see in description or any related to Bad Apple!! [Touhou series] yip9NlI3yPA-00001-00000861-00001003 There- there's kids who yip9NlI3yPA-00002-00001232-00001360 ...don't have homes. yip9NlI3yPA-00003-00001360-00001478 I didn't realize there's kids who... yip9NlI3yPA-00004-00001746-00001860 was without parents yip9NlI3yPA-00005-00001860-00001988 and their parents had died. yip9NlI3yPA-00006-00001994-00002050 It's... yip9NlI3yPA-00007-00002116-00002332 (Anybody else wanna share their new understandings, yip9NlI3yPA-00008-00002332-00002446 about the lives of refugee kids?) yip9NlI3yPA-00009-00002516-00002566 (Uh, Sophia?) yip9NlI3yPA-00010-00002600-00002832 Well, before-- like Sabrina said, yip9NlI3yPA-00011-00002832-00003082 before we did the VR experience yip9NlI3yPA-00012-00003082-00003282 I knew that their life was... yip9NlI3yPA-00013-00003294-00003392 pretty bad. yip9NlI3yPA-00014-00003434-00003594 And it was really, like, yip9NlI3yPA-00015-00003594-00003868 hard. Just like, the, just like Ruth's story yip9NlI3yPA-00016-00003868-00004094 when we heard about that, yip9NlI3yPA-00017-00004094-00004408 she had to walk across a few countries yip9NlI3yPA-00018-00004424-00004474 um, yip9NlI3yPA-00019-00004526-00004576 but, yip9NlI3yPA-00020-00004638-00004796 with the... yip9NlI3yPA-00021-00004852-00005078 um, virtual reality that we did today yip9NlI3yPA-00022-00005078-00005330 I really found like a new understanding, like yip9NlI3yPA-00023-00005330-00005614 okay, I knew that they had it bad, and that yip9NlI3yPA-00024-00005614-00005758 they had to do certain things, yip9NlI3yPA-00025-00005758-00005942 but I didn't really know how um, yip9NlI3yPA-00026-00005942-00006102 like actually worked? yip9NlI3yPA-00027-00006112-00006184 And how... yip9NlI3yPA-00028-00006220-00006388 they would, um, yip9NlI3yPA-00029-00006388-00006570 experience everyday life? yip9NlI3yPA-00030-00006570-00006872 So, I thought that was a big help in understanding them. yip9NlI3yPA-00031-00006886-00007022 (Right! Well, thank you guys.) yl9bZYp8fGc-00000-00000091-00000629 Notice of Privacy Practices Requirements Script In this informational video we will explore yl9bZYp8fGc-00001-00000629-00000965 the HIPAA topic the Notice of Privacy Practices. yl9bZYp8fGc-00002-00000965-00001371 We will review what the Notice of Privacy Practices is, yl9bZYp8fGc-00003-00001371-00001786 what it means to your patients and some of the requirements you must follow in yl9bZYp8fGc-00004-00001786-00001996 providing the Notice of Privacy Practices to your patients. yl9bZYp8fGc-00005-00001996-00002516 Let’s first get a good idea about what the Notice of Privacy Practices is from yl9bZYp8fGc-00006-00002516-00002838 the patient’s point of view, from the Office of Civil Rights, yl9bZYp8fGc-00007-00002838-00003532 the governmental body that enforces the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules. yl9bZYp8fGc-00008-00003532-00003853 The Notice of Privacy Practices. yl9bZYp8fGc-00009-00003853-00004282 When you visit the doctor, these days, you're often asked to sign a special form yl9bZYp8fGc-00010-00004282-00004687 that says you've seen the office's Notice of Privacy Practices, yl9bZYp8fGc-00011-00004687-00005100 but in the rush of checking in, many people don't read the entire notice. yl9bZYp8fGc-00012-00005100-00005606 Here's why it's worth taking a closer look: as you might guess, from its name, yl9bZYp8fGc-00013-00005606-00006187 the Notice of Privacy Practices explains how your health information is kept, well, yl9bZYp8fGc-00014-00006187-00006287 private. yl9bZYp8fGc-00015-00006287-00006568 it describes how your health care provider or health plan yl9bZYp8fGc-00016-00006568-00007070 will use, share, and protect the privacy of your health information yl9bZYp8fGc-00017-00007070-00007260 and what your privacy rights are. yl9bZYp8fGc-00018-00007260-00007718 For example, did you know that you have the right to get a copy of your health yl9bZYp8fGc-00019-00007718-00007854 records? yl9bZYp8fGc-00020-00007854-00008289 You also have the right to add a correction to your health information. yl9bZYp8fGc-00021-00008289-00008604 The notice should explain how to contact your provider yl9bZYp8fGc-00022-00008604-00009095 or health plan if you have any questions and how you can file a complaint yl9bZYp8fGc-00023-00009095-00009471 if you think your rights have been violated. yl9bZYp8fGc-00024-00009471-00010261 As a healthcare provider, you are not required to give a copy of the NPP to every patient. yl9bZYp8fGc-00025-00010261-00010552 Providers are required to give a copy of the NPP yl9bZYp8fGc-00026-00010552-00010821 and obtain a good faith acknowledgement of receipt yl9bZYp8fGc-00027-00010821-00011089 from new patients to your practice. yl9bZYp8fGc-00028-00011089-00011289 And that’s new patients only. yl9bZYp8fGc-00029-00011289-00011874 Your patients may also agree to receive the NPP electronically. yl9bZYp8fGc-00030-00011874-00012203 Another requirement for the Notice of Privacy Practices is that yl9bZYp8fGc-00031-00012203-00012866 healthcare Providers must post the NPP in a clear and prominent location and yl9bZYp8fGc-00032-00012866-00013322 have paper copies of the NPP at the delivery site yl9bZYp8fGc-00033-00013322-00013676 for individuals to request to take with them. yl9bZYp8fGc-00034-00013676-00013971 An alternative is to post a summary of the notice, yl9bZYp8fGc-00035-00013971-00014600 as long as the full NPP is immediately available on a table below. yl9bZYp8fGc-00036-00014600-00015029 Providers may use a layered approach – providing both a summary and longer notice, yl9bZYp8fGc-00037-00015029-00015431 layered beneath the shorter summary. yl9bZYp8fGc-00038-00015431-00016002 The Office of Civil Rights has information on what to include in your NPP yl9bZYp8fGc-00039-00016002-00016423 as well as some easy to read module notices. yl9bZYp8fGc-00040-00016423-00016879 You can find the website at www.hhs.gov/ocr. yl9bZYp8fGc-00041-00016879-00017679 That concludes our session on the Notice of Privacy yl9bZYp8fGc-00042-00017679-00017803 Practices. yl9bZYp8fGc-00043-00017803-00018231 If you have any questions, please visit our website at HIPAA Help. ymnhkO0N3zc-00000-00000112-00000840 extracting and evaluating features from rna virus sequence to predict host species susceptibility ymnhkO0N3zc-00001-00000840-00001655 using deep learning i'm presenting the work of Kevin Sutento and myself marcel Turcotte we are ymnhkO0N3zc-00002-00001655-00002360 from the university of ottawa we were inspired to work on this from the current pandemic ymnhkO0N3zc-00003-00002536-00003168 rna viruses are infecting specific hosts however through high mutation ymnhkO0N3zc-00004-00003168-00003720 rate and sequence reassortment they're able to jump to different species ymnhkO0N3zc-00005-00003928-00004720 therefore it's important for the worldwide public health agencies to be able to control the spread ymnhkO0N3zc-00006-00004720-00005528 by monitoring the reservoir of possible hosts there are manual testing techniques that exist ymnhkO0N3zc-00007-00005584-00006184 but they are demanding so therefore this begs for computational techniques that can be used to ymnhkO0N3zc-00008-00006184-00006464 narrow down the search for possible hosts ymnhkO0N3zc-00009-00006728-00007208 the other justification for the work is that we had recently developed ymnhkO0N3zc-00010-00007208-00007784 a concept called rna secondary structure fingerprints that we were using with deep learning ymnhkO0N3zc-00011-00007784-00008472 to classify rna sequences this work was later extended into global local ymnhkO0N3zc-00012-00008472-00009032 singular structure fingerprints and it's described in the thesis of kevin ymnhkO0N3zc-00013-00009368-00010152 deep learning has been used to study viruses before it's been used to study metagenomic data ymnhkO0N3zc-00014-00010152-00010728 to identify viruses it's been used to study the interaction between viral and host proteins ymnhkO0N3zc-00015-00010800-00011400 and on a limited scale it has been used to identify possible hosts ymnhkO0N3zc-00016-00011400-00012280 the previous studies use the rna virus sequences themselves the encoded proteins or k-mers ymnhkO0N3zc-00017-00012504-00012984 in this work we wanted to make use of a type of information called ymnhkO0N3zc-00018-00012984-00013672 secondary structure it's known that rna molecules are able to fold into complex ymnhkO0N3zc-00019-00013672-00014288 structures i will refer you to the paper for more information about rna structure ymnhkO0N3zc-00020-00014536-00015296 so secondary structure tends to be more conserved than sequence information secondary structure ymnhkO0N3zc-00021-00015296-00016063 plays important biological roles the recent literature has a lot of examples ymnhkO0N3zc-00022-00016136-00016832 of recent research highlighting the fact that some secondary structure motifs some conserve secondary ymnhkO0N3zc-00023-00016832-00017680 structure element we're playing important biological role with these viruses and so far ymnhkO0N3zc-00024-00017680-00018288 to the best of our knowledge there was no paper published where secondary structure was used to ymnhkO0N3zc-00025-00018288-00019208 predict host species susceptibility with this work we wanted to know can features derive from ymnhkO0N3zc-00026-00019208-00020032 sector structure improve virus host prediction either using sector structure information alone ymnhkO0N3zc-00027-00020032-00021104 or combined with sequence information and we use deep learning the method looks like this for ymnhkO0N3zc-00028-00021104-00021904 the features we use three types of features k-mer skip mirrors and secondary structure fingerprints ymnhkO0N3zc-00029-00022096-00022608 gamers are well known in bioinformatics and they're often used with machine learning ymnhkO0N3zc-00030-00022608-00023512 techniques we use k-mers of size 4 5 and 6. skip mirrors are similar to k-mirrors but they ymnhkO0N3zc-00031-00023512-00024504 contain wild cards at some positions they allow to represent effectively longer sequence pattern ymnhkO0N3zc-00032-00024672-00025440 here we use two kinds of skippers the match one skip one skip mirrors of length ymnhkO0N3zc-00033-00025440-00026568 7 9 and 11 as well as the biologically justified match 2 skip 1 skip mirrors of length 6 7 and 9 ymnhkO0N3zc-00034-00026639-00027304 which could be important herein because rna viruses have protein protein coding capacity ymnhkO0N3zc-00035-00027512-00028352 in terms of secondary structure fingerprints we use our own data set which was a lifted ymnhkO0N3zc-00036-00028352-00029104 from the literature so we have a repertoire of frequently occurring secondary structure motifs ymnhkO0N3zc-00037-00029336-00030127 in this approach what we do is each of the motif is matched against a sequence we then calculate ymnhkO0N3zc-00038-00030127-00030936 the free energy this information is rescaled and that produces the feature vector the tool ymnhkO0N3zc-00039-00030936-00031864 was that was used for finding the matches is rna motif and this approach is meant to circumvent ymnhkO0N3zc-00040-00031864-00032600 some of the current limitation associated with the prediction of rna secondary structure information ymnhkO0N3zc-00041-00032832-00033368 although there's no work where secondary structure information has been used ymnhkO0N3zc-00042-00033368-00034080 for predicting susceptible host secondary structure information has been used for ymnhkO0N3zc-00043-00034080-00034792 other problems including the classification of non-coding rnas in the work of fianaca ymnhkO0N3zc-00044-00034952-00035688 the input sequence is fed to a secondary structure prediction tool to produce a secondary structure ymnhkO0N3zc-00045-00035816-00036584 an algorithm called moss is applied on the secondary structure to extract features ymnhkO0N3zc-00046-00036800-00037584 our approach is different we have a repertoire of frequently occurring secondary structure motifs ymnhkO0N3zc-00047-00037728-00038680 we use a tool called rna motif to match a given sequence and then calculate the free ymnhkO0N3zc-00048-00038680-00039560 energy of the matches and statistics of the free energy are used to construct the future vector ymnhkO0N3zc-00049-00039784-00040088 for the deep learning we use three architectures ymnhkO0N3zc-00050-00040240-00041416 they consist of two three or four really activated dance layers ended with a soft max dense layer ymnhkO0N3zc-00051-00041600-00041968 when we're reporting the performance of our method ymnhkO0N3zc-00052-00042088-00042592 we're reporting the performance of the best architecture for a given feature set ymnhkO0N3zc-00053-00042824-00043552 the width of the input layer is proportional to the size of the feature set so when running ymnhkO0N3zc-00054-00043552-00044560 an experiment with former the size is 256. we use standard deep learning methodologies ymnhkO0N3zc-00055-00044616-00045272 10-fold crest validation the optimizer was adam because it's a multiple class classification ymnhkO0N3zc-00056-00045272-00046072 problem we use sparse categorical cross entropy as loss function and our learning rate as a decay ymnhkO0N3zc-00057-00046296-00046608 the data set was extracted from ncbi ymnhkO0N3zc-00058-00046704-00047472 virus database there's a number of filtering steps and at the end we have over 47 000 entries ymnhkO0N3zc-00059-00047688-00048400 the results are as follows so when we use one feature type at a time we find that the sequence ymnhkO0N3zc-00060-00048400-00049192 based features always outperform the secondary structure based feature the best performance ymnhkO0N3zc-00061-00049192-00050056 performance was obtained with the match 2 skip 1 skip mirror of left 9 for an accuracy of 84.92 ymnhkO0N3zc-00062-00050312-00051016 for the secondary structure fingerprints we find that combining statistics derived from free energy ymnhkO0N3zc-00063-00051072-00051400 generally outperforms using minimum free energy alone ymnhkO0N3zc-00064-00051624-00052464 and we find that combining six mer as well as the match to skip one skip mirror of length ymnhkO0N3zc-00065-00052464-00053104 nine with minimum free energy was the best combination when using secondary structure ymnhkO0N3zc-00066-00053104-00053832 information and the accuracy was 85.9 however overall the best performance was ymnhkO0N3zc-00067-00053832-00054855 obtained when using sex murder and the length 9 match 2 skip 1 skipper and the accuracy was 86.9 ymnhkO0N3zc-00068-00055144-00055824 the limitations of the work are as follows so currently the performance that we report ymnhkO0N3zc-00069-00055824-00056391 is for the top prediction however we we believe that it would still be useful ymnhkO0N3zc-00070-00056528-00057320 for the biologist to have access to a system like this where the system would perform well ymnhkO0N3zc-00071-00057448-00058304 if the known host is found in the top case say the top three best prediction so this is something to ymnhkO0N3zc-00072-00058304-00059136 further investigate we find that the secondary structure fingerprints have some limitations we ymnhkO0N3zc-00073-00059136-00059904 find that currently we have to combine statistics from free energy in order to obtain better results ymnhkO0N3zc-00074-00060024-00060640 however we recently extended our work on these secondary structure fingerprints with a concept ymnhkO0N3zc-00075-00060640-00061352 that we call global local secondary structure fingerprints and we believe that these results are ymnhkO0N3zc-00076-00061448-00062624 promising so to conclude we proposed and tested a deep learning pipeline to predict susceptible host ymnhkO0N3zc-00077-00062624-00063520 from viral sequence we believe that it's the first work on this scale unlike previous studies we've ymnhkO0N3zc-00078-00063520-00064376 made use of secondary structure information as well as sequence information the use of ymnhkO0N3zc-00079-00064376-00065024 secondary structure was justified by the fact that they're known to play important biological roles ymnhkO0N3zc-00080-00065240-00065984 the best classification accuracy that we obtained was 86.9 percent and this was when using ymnhkO0N3zc-00081-00066096-00066912 six mer plus match to skip one skip mirrors of length nine in this ymnhkO0N3zc-00082-00066912-00067640 study the sequence based features were the ones that perform best but we believe that ymnhkO0N3zc-00083-00067640-00068392 through combining different statistics from free energy as well as our new ymnhkO0N3zc-00084-00068392-00068984 concept of global local secondary structure fingerprint we can further improve this work ymnhkO0N3zc-00085-00069264-00069872 thank you for your attention you can download this presentation as well ymnhkO0N3zc-00086-00069872-00070976 as the data set at the following url or by pointing your camera at this qr code ynxCUpBeSPA-00000-00000000-00000087 eddie murphy ynxCUpBeSPA-00001-00000095-00000216 let me talk to you dawg ynxCUpBeSPA-00002-00000329-00000450 how would you ynxCUpBeSPA-00003-00000483-00000558 accept an oscar ynxCUpBeSPA-00004-00000608-00000700 accept an oscar ynxCUpBeSPA-00005-00000713-00000788 well you know ynxCUpBeSPA-00006-00000788-00000834 with first ynxCUpBeSPA-00007-00000834-00000967 i would say to these people ynxCUpBeSPA-00008-00001726-00001864 why did it take so long? ynxCUpBeSPA-00009-00001864-00001939 that's my question ynxCUpBeSPA-00010-00001939-00001997 i should have been ynxCUpBeSPA-00011-00001997-00002081 had me an oscar ynxCUpBeSPA-00012-00002152-00002248 you seen me ynxCUpBeSPA-00013-00002268-00002373 y'all see ynxCUpBeSPA-00014-00002761-00002844 Oh yes! ynxCUpBeSPA-00015-00003286-00003353 Oh yes! yn-lkgqp0c4-00000-00000016-00000297 This is the story of Kishan and Kishani, yn-lkgqp0c4-00001-00000297-00000613 and their fellow farmers from a village called Shantipur. yn-lkgqp0c4-00002-00000717-00000927 No matter how hard they tried, yn-lkgqp0c4-00003-00000927-00001278 they could not get a fair price for their harvest. yn-lkgqp0c4-00004-00001278-00001449 Production costs were high; yn-lkgqp0c4-00005-00001449-00001703 they earned very little to support their family. yn-lkgqp0c4-00006-00001724-00002015 One night Kishan came back from the market yn-lkgqp0c4-00007-00002015-00002260 with only a few taka. yn-lkgqp0c4-00008-00002260-00002609 Again I couldn't get a fair price for our tomatoes! yn-lkgqp0c4-00009-00002609-00002803 Why is this happening to us? yn-lkgqp0c4-00010-00002803-00003261 It's not only us, most farmers here have the same problems. yn-lkgqp0c4-00011-00003261-00003650 Something has to change or we'll all go hungry! yn-lkgqp0c4-00012-00003650-00003848 I know, but what? yn-lkgqp0c4-00013-00003848-00004469 As she kept on tying knots for the fences, Kishani realized something very important: yn-lkgqp0c4-00014-00004469-00004732 every knot she was making in a row, yn-lkgqp0c4-00015-00004732-00005050 the fence was getting stronger and stronger. yn-lkgqp0c4-00016-00005050-00005565 I know! What we need to do is work together with other farmers. yn-lkgqp0c4-00017-00005565-00006001 My aunty in Nachole told me that all the farmers there work together yn-lkgqp0c4-00018-00006001-00006205 and are truly thriving! yn-lkgqp0c4-00019-00006205-00006673 Yes, a farmers' organization, that's what we need! yn-lkgqp0c4-00020-00006673-00007239 Let's invite all the struggling Shantipur farmers to a meeting tomorrow. yn-lkgqp0c4-00021-00007239-00007479 Next morning at the farmers' meeting... yn-lkgqp0c4-00022-00007479-00008109 Hello everyone! I called us together this morning to talk about our situation. yn-lkgqp0c4-00023-00008109-00008438 Things aren't working well for any of us, are they? yn-lkgqp0c4-00024-00008438-00008661 We all have the same problems— yn-lkgqp0c4-00025-00008661-00008858 lack of finance, yn-lkgqp0c4-00026-00008858-00009047 lack of information, yn-lkgqp0c4-00027-00009047-00009245 high production costs yn-lkgqp0c4-00028-00009245-00009556 and not getting a fair price for our produce. yn-lkgqp0c4-00029-00009556-00009903 But we can't change our fate if we keep working separately. yn-lkgqp0c4-00030-00009903-00010151 If we start a farmers' organization, yn-lkgqp0c4-00031-00010151-00010328 we can pool our resources, yn-lkgqp0c4-00032-00010328-00010487 share information, yn-lkgqp0c4-00033-00010487-00010655 have stronger bargaining power yn-lkgqp0c4-00034-00010655-00010814 and most importantly, yn-lkgqp0c4-00035-00010814-00011130 be there for each other in times of crisis. yn-lkgqp0c4-00036-00011192-00011330 What do you think? yn-lkgqp0c4-00037-00011330-00011606 Great idea! We agree! yn-lkgqp0c4-00038-00011636-00011920 Ok! How should we proceed? yn-lkgqp0c4-00039-00011933-00012362 I think that first we should identify our activities and needs, yn-lkgqp0c4-00040-00012362-00012630 so we can know what services to provide. yn-lkgqp0c4-00041-00012630-00013162 We should also define our vision and establish a constitution. yn-lkgqp0c4-00042-00013162-00013592 Legal registration and a bank account would also help us greatly! yn-lkgqp0c4-00043-00013609-00013827 Everyone participated in the discussion yn-lkgqp0c4-00044-00013827-00014251 and together they made a plan to start a farmers' organization, yn-lkgqp0c4-00045-00014251-00014548 the Shantipur Krishak Society. yn-lkgqp0c4-00046-00014562-00015136 Hearing this news, farmer leaders from the Sara Bangla Krishak Society came to help. yn-lkgqp0c4-00047-00015144-00015507 They gave training on how to build a strong organization yn-lkgqp0c4-00048-00015507-00015776 and how to gain access to finance. yn-lkgqp0c4-00049-00015785-00015933 With their guidance, yn-lkgqp0c4-00050-00015933-00016339 the Shantipur farmers then began to collect savings from their members yn-lkgqp0c4-00051-00016339-00016618 and start a revolving loan fund. yn-lkgqp0c4-00052-00016618-00016852 Members borrowed money and then repaid it yn-lkgqp0c4-00053-00016852-00017086 so it could be borrowed again by other members. yn-lkgqp0c4-00054-00017086-00017410 The fund was also used for community investments yn-lkgqp0c4-00055-00017410-00017721 like a machinery rental centre, a seed bank yn-lkgqp0c4-00056-00017721-00018049 and an agricultural information and training centre. yn-lkgqp0c4-00057-00018049-00018279 They also began to sell their produce together yn-lkgqp0c4-00058-00018279-00018628 so they had a stronger negotiating position in the market, yn-lkgqp0c4-00059-00018628-00018965 and could finally get a fair price. yn-lkgqp0c4-00060-00018980-00019424 They started bulk buying inputs and so production costs decreased. yn-lkgqp0c4-00061-00019424-00019853 Business started to grow and young people even started farming. yn-lkgqp0c4-00062-00019853-00020113 But little did the farmers know what was coming... yn-lkgqp0c4-00063-00020113-00020534 when the pandemic came to Shantipur, they panicked! yn-lkgqp0c4-00064-00020534-00020893 Because of the lockdown they could not get to the market yn-lkgqp0c4-00065-00020893-00021175 and were on the brink of going out of business. yn-lkgqp0c4-00066-00021175-00021562 What are going to do? I feel so hopeless! yn-lkgqp0c4-00067-00021562-00022005 We musn't forget that we are part of a larger network of farmers! yn-lkgqp0c4-00068-00022005-00022264 Let's call Sara Bangla for help! yn-lkgqp0c4-00069-00022264-00022565 They found out that farmers within the Sara Bangla network yn-lkgqp0c4-00070-00022565-00022903 had started virtual call centres in their villages. yn-lkgqp0c4-00071-00022903-00023331 They were using mobile phone technology to buy seeds and fertilizer, yn-lkgqp0c4-00072-00023331-00023718 sell their harvest and get market information. yn-lkgqp0c4-00073-00023718-00024074 The Shantipur farmers started their own call centre. yn-lkgqp0c4-00074-00024074-00024430 It made business possible again for everyone! yn-lkgqp0c4-00075-00024430-00024589 Hurray!!! yn-lkgqp0c4-00076-00024589-00024826 All the farmers celebrated. yn-lkgqp0c4-00077-00024826-00025203 Now, several years since the farmers' first meeting, yn-lkgqp0c4-00078-00025203-00025742 the Shantipur Krishak Society is offering more and more services to its members. yn-lkgqp0c4-00079-00025773-00026249 The organization is flowering into a full farmer business ecosystem. yn-lkgqp0c4-00080-00026274-00026862 Everyone works in harmony and is able to support their family and their community. yn-lkgqp0c4-00081-00026895-00027458 So, what do Kishan and Kishani want to say now to all farmers in Bangladesh? yn-lkgqp0c4-00082-00027458-00027740 When you trust and work in harmony with others, yn-lkgqp0c4-00083-00027740-00027912 you and your community yn-lkgqp0c4-00084-00027912-00028171 can truly thrive! yn-lkgqp0c4-00085-00028323-00028643 But wait, there's one more thing we have to look at. yn-lkgqp0c4-00086-00028643-00028907 Bring back that ecosystem for me please... yn-lkgqp0c4-00087-00028945-00029347 This story wouldn't be complete without telling you about two partners yn-lkgqp0c4-00088-00029347-00029626 that support Sara Bangla's network of farmers: yn-lkgqp0c4-00089-00029626-00030040 the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) yn-lkgqp0c4-00090-00030040-00030436 and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) yn-lkgqp0c4-00091-00030436-00030832 GAFSP provides inclusive finance for smallholder farmers yn-lkgqp0c4-00092-00030832-00031236 and FAO provides technical knowledge and practical support. yn-lkgqp0c4-00093-00031236-00031664 Together, they help bring the farmers' organization's ideas to life... yn-lkgqp0c4-00094-00031664-00032003 and if we look at everything offered here in this ecosystem, yn-lkgqp0c4-00095-00032003-00032185 I think we can all agree yn-lkgqp0c4-00096-00032185-00032373 it's a winning partnership! z02F5c1lHEk-00000-00002054-00002132 Hi. z02F5c1lHEk-00001-00002132-00002283 Can everyone hear me? z02F5c1lHEk-00002-00002283-00002383 Cool. z02F5c1lHEk-00003-00002383-00002925 So my name is Arshia, and I like to do a lot of things on the internet. z02F5c1lHEk-00004-00002925-00003141 Some of which I will talk about today. z02F5c1lHEk-00005-00003141-00003547 I like looking at Harry Potter slash fiction. z02F5c1lHEk-00006-00003547-00003735 I like tweeting. z02F5c1lHEk-00007-00003735-00003944 I like looking at Rust documentation. z02F5c1lHEk-00008-00003944-00004521 And all of this is possible because of the world's largest and my personal favorite distributed z02F5c1lHEk-00009-00004521-00004687 system, which is DNS. z02F5c1lHEk-00010-00004687-00005055 Which stands for domain name system, for those of you who didn't know about it. z02F5c1lHEk-00011-00005055-00005212 So this talk is gonna be about DNS. z02F5c1lHEk-00012-00005212-00005637 Before I talk about the design of DNS and the structure of DNS, I want to talk about z02F5c1lHEk-00013-00005637-00005794 Elizabeth Feinler. z02F5c1lHEk-00014-00005794-00006326 The domain name system was created by Elizabeth Feinler who managed something called the network z02F5c1lHEk-00015-00006326-00006615 information center. z02F5c1lHEk-00016-00006615-00007020 It was basically a reference for the state of the internet as it existed at the time, z02F5c1lHEk-00017-00007020-00007422 which was basically a bunch of universities and government projects. z02F5c1lHEk-00018-00007422-00007814 But often people wanted to know who was on the internet, what were the addresses of machines z02F5c1lHEk-00019-00007814-00008145 on the internet, and that's what the NIC provided. z02F5c1lHEk-00020-00008145-00008581 But soon everyone was getting on the internet and trying to send messages to one another z02F5c1lHEk-00021-00008581-00009170 and the internet was growing, and there was this need to sort of let people know that z02F5c1lHEk-00022-00009170-00009534 if they wanted to address a certain domain, how to get the address of that domain. z02F5c1lHEk-00023-00009534-00009925 Before, the way it worked is people actually published handbooks and mailed them out to z02F5c1lHEk-00024-00009925-00010111 people who needed that information. z02F5c1lHEk-00025-00010111-00010560 But as email came along and the internet grew, Elizabeth was like... z02F5c1lHEk-00026-00010560-00010921 Hey, let's automate this, because we're all engineers here. z02F5c1lHEk-00027-00010921-00011128 So this is the automation that they did. z02F5c1lHEk-00028-00011128-00011665 There was a file called hosts.txt that was literally copied over the network onto every z02F5c1lHEk-00029-00011665-00011906 machine that was on the internet. z02F5c1lHEk-00030-00011906-00012175 And it basically contained a list of every domain. z02F5c1lHEk-00031-00012175-00012810 Like CMU11, ETAC, FNWC, and mapped it to an address. z02F5c1lHEk-00032-00012810-00013271 And this eventually grew and scaled up and became better and more fault tolerant and z02F5c1lHEk-00033-00013271-00013713 more resilient to become the domain name system that we know and use today. z02F5c1lHEk-00034-00013713-00013877 So this is how DNS works. z02F5c1lHEk-00035-00013877-00014390 My laptop is like hey, DNS, I need the address of Tumblr.com, and DNS is like... z02F5c1lHEk-00036-00014390-00014808 Here is a long 32-bit number, possibly even a bigger... z02F5c1lHEk-00037-00014808-00014954 Like, not a 32-bit number. z02F5c1lHEk-00038-00014954-00015238 If we move over to IPv6 quickly enough. z02F5c1lHEk-00039-00015238-00015826 But this is the address of Tumblr.com, and the slashfic loading begins. z02F5c1lHEk-00040-00015826-00016225 Side note: The addresses here are really weird. z02F5c1lHEk-00041-00016225-00016343 They're not like IP addresses. z02F5c1lHEk-00042-00016343-00016480 This is because this was pre-TCP/IP. z02F5c1lHEk-00043-00016480-00017147 They use something called PCNP. z02F5c1lHEk-00044-00017147-00017768 The address of this protocol was only 256, because I guess they didn't think they needed z02F5c1lHEk-00045-00017768-00017955 addresses that were more than that. z02F5c1lHEk-00046-00017955-00018055 But yeah. z02F5c1lHEk-00047-00018055-00018286 So a couple things about DNS. z02F5c1lHEk-00048-00018286-00018457 The first is that it's relatively fast. z02F5c1lHEk-00049-00018457-00018557 Right? z02F5c1lHEk-00050-00018557-00018911 If my laptop needs to first look up the address of something and then go to the address, you z02F5c1lHEk-00051-00018911-00019208 want that first step to be as fast as possible. z02F5c1lHEk-00052-00019208-00019451 The second is that it's pretty reliable. z02F5c1lHEk-00053-00019451-00019571 Right? z02F5c1lHEk-00054-00019571-00019964 If you can't connected to a web server or load a website, it's rarely because there's z02F5c1lHEk-00055-00019964-00020365 a DNS error and more because the web server itself has a problem. z02F5c1lHEk-00056-00020365-00020557 And the third is that it's pretty correct. z02F5c1lHEk-00057-00020557-00021060 So if my laptop wants the address of Tumblr.com, it's probably gonna get the address of Tumblr.com z02F5c1lHEk-00058-00021060-00021487 and not Twitter.com or Facebook.com. z02F5c1lHEk-00059-00021487-00021992 And this is interesting, because shit is messed up behind the scenes. z02F5c1lHEk-00060-00021992-00022092 Machines break. z02F5c1lHEk-00061-00022092-00022431 Data is missing or far away or not available. z02F5c1lHEk-00062-00022431-00022586 Connections drop all the time. z02F5c1lHEk-00063-00022586-00022763 Data is sometimes wrong. z02F5c1lHEk-00064-00022763-00023213 And so basically what I'm trying to say is that distributed systems like DNS are lying z02F5c1lHEk-00065-00023213-00023374 to us all the time. z02F5c1lHEk-00066-00023374-00024048 Because they're quietly breaking and failing and crying, but at the same time this is possible. z02F5c1lHEk-00067-00024048-00024409 So DNS seems to work and not work at the same time, and this is what my talk is gonna be z02F5c1lHEk-00068-00024409-00024509 about. z02F5c1lHEk-00069-00024509-00024609 So... z02F5c1lHEk-00070-00024609-00024749 Say I go to Waterloo. z02F5c1lHEk-00071-00024749-00024857 Still a student. z02F5c1lHEk-00072-00024857-00025414 So say I want to go to cs.Waterloo.ca to look up something, because I want to. z02F5c1lHEk-00073-00025414-00025810 The way DNS works is that addresses are stored in a sort of hierarchy. z02F5c1lHEk-00074-00025810-00026039 So at the top we have... z02F5c1lHEk-00075-00026039-00026335 At the top, we have something called root servers. z02F5c1lHEk-00076-00026335-00026591 Which store the address of all the TLDs. z02F5c1lHEk-00077-00026591-00026962 So .ca,.com,.gov, et cetera. z02F5c1lHEk-00078-00026962-00027504 Below that are TLD servers, which store the servers of all the domains that end with that z02F5c1lHEk-00079-00027504-00027694 TLD. z02F5c1lHEk-00080-00027694-00028106 These root name servers are really important, because conceptually they're at the beginning z02F5c1lHEk-00081-00028106-00028269 of every DNS query. z02F5c1lHEk-00082-00028269-00028937 There used to be 13 of them in the world, labeled A to M, because programmers, and 10 z02F5c1lHEk-00083-00028937-00029476 of 13 of them were in the US, because politics, and this was kind of good at the time, because z02F5c1lHEk-00084-00029476-00029858 if you had 13 machines and a couple of them went down, that was kind of okay, right? z02F5c1lHEk-00085-00029858-00030066 Because you could still reach some of them. z02F5c1lHEk-00086-00030066-00030587 But this isn't good enough now, because having the weight of the whole internet rest on 13 z02F5c1lHEk-00087-00030587-00030857 servers is just bad. z02F5c1lHEk-00088-00030857-00031357 So in reality, DNS servers use a concept called anycast, which means that instead of one IP z02F5c1lHEk-00089-00031357-00031770 address mapping to one machine, they map to multiple machines. z02F5c1lHEk-00090-00031770-00032157 And this feature of DNS is super essential, because it adds redundancy to DNS. z02F5c1lHEk-00091-00032157-00032631 And this adds a couple of -- this gives us a couple of advantages. z02F5c1lHEk-00092-00032631-00032848 The first is that it makes DNS resilient. z02F5c1lHEk-00093-00032848-00033496 Even if tens or hundreds of the thousands of servers that are up go down, that's fine. z02F5c1lHEk-00094-00033496-00033960 Because traffic can still go up, DNS queries can be resolved, people can still use Twitter, z02F5c1lHEk-00095-00033960-00034209 which is what matters here. z02F5c1lHEk-00096-00034209-00034488 And the second is that it makes DNS fast. z02F5c1lHEk-00097-00034488-00034951 Because having hundreds or thousands of machines instead of 13 means that the average request z02F5c1lHEk-00098-00034951-00035210 has to travel less far to resolve a query. z02F5c1lHEk-00099-00035210-00035511 Now, speed is really, really important to DNS. z02F5c1lHEk-00100-00035511-00035988 And anycast does provide that, but using anycast still means that you have to talk over the z02F5c1lHEk-00101-00035988-00036142 network. z02F5c1lHEk-00102-00036142-00036262 So there's only one... z02F5c1lHEk-00103-00036262-00036734 There's one major strategy that we use to add speed to a system. z02F5c1lHEk-00104-00036734-00036834 Caches. z02F5c1lHEk-00105-00036834-00037026 A lot of caches. z02F5c1lHEk-00106-00037026-00037481 So as we saw before, DNS queries start with the root name server and they go on to the z02F5c1lHEk-00107-00037481-00037888 TLD name server and then they go all the way down. z02F5c1lHEk-00108-00037888-00037998 Oops. z02F5c1lHEk-00109-00037998-00038427 But each result that the DNS server gets is actually cached at every level. z02F5c1lHEk-00110-00038427-00038754 So the root name servers, their addresses don't change very often, so they're stored z02F5c1lHEk-00111-00038754-00038935 for a very long time. z02F5c1lHEk-00112-00038935-00039481 TLD servers, their addresses change every so often, so they're stored for a long time. z02F5c1lHEk-00113-00039481-00040046 Twitter.com might change more frequently so the address isn't stored very often. z02F5c1lHEk-00114-00040046-00040190 Here's a fun little example. z02F5c1lHEk-00115-00040190-00040590 I used a tool called dig to resolve cats.com. z02F5c1lHEk-00116-00040590-00041236 This is the IP address of the local name server that I was connected to, and the 3600 up there z02F5c1lHEk-00117-00041236-00041841 in the DNS record means that that name server had cached the record for cats.com for 3600 z02F5c1lHEk-00118-00041841-00042102 seconds, or 1 hour. z02F5c1lHEk-00119-00042102-00042388 Now, speed is a really fundamental part of DNS. z02F5c1lHEk-00120-00042388-00042801 You might think that DNS would just be, like, slow if we took caching out, but it would z02F5c1lHEk-00121-00042801-00043509 legit break if every cell phone and server and internet connected toaster issued queries z02F5c1lHEk-00122-00043509-00043809 to the root name servers to resolve DNS queries. z02F5c1lHEk-00123-00043809-00044325 Caches are really, really integral to DNS being what it is. z02F5c1lHEk-00124-00044325-00044603 If caches didn't exist, there would be just too much traffic. z02F5c1lHEk-00125-00044603-00044825 Servers would get overwhelmed and queries would time out. z02F5c1lHEk-00126-00044825-00045124 Second, applications would be way slower than they are right now. z02F5c1lHEk-00127-00045124-00045690 If the network had to first use -- sorry, if applications first had to talk over the z02F5c1lHEk-00128-00045690-00046241 network to get the address of a server, and then use the address of the server to actually z02F5c1lHEk-00129-00046241-00046433 load what they want to. z02F5c1lHEk-00130-00046433-00046851 Now, all of this work is being done by the resolver of whatever network you're connected z02F5c1lHEk-00131-00046851-00046957 to. z02F5c1lHEk-00132-00046957-00047057 Why is there a... z02F5c1lHEk-00133-00047057-00047157 Oh, right, yeah. z02F5c1lHEk-00134-00047157-00047257 I'm in a cafe. z02F5c1lHEk-00135-00047257-00047357 That's why. z02F5c1lHEk-00136-00047357-00047531 I'm drinking coffee. z02F5c1lHEk-00137-00047531-00048021 So the point I want to make is that as we resolve DNS queries, what our laptops, our z02F5c1lHEk-00138-00048021-00048513 computers, are doing, is trusting the resolver of whatever network we're connected to, to z02F5c1lHEk-00139-00048513-00048628 tell us the truth. z02F5c1lHEk-00140-00048628-00049174 So I trust that when I ask my Chrome browser or whatever to load cats.com or Tumblr.com z02F5c1lHEk-00141-00049174-00049563 for me, that's exactly what I'm going to get. z02F5c1lHEk-00142-00049563-00050144 So besides caches and besides redundancy provided by anycast, the third -- like, unspoken component z02F5c1lHEk-00143-00050144-00050593 of what is really making DNS work in this scenario is trust. z02F5c1lHEk-00144-00050593-00050953 Unfortunately, trust is really not something we can afford to give out. z02F5c1lHEk-00145-00050953-00051488 Because, like, servers lie all the time, and lying DNS servers can intercept requests and z02F5c1lHEk-00146-00051488-00052070 intercept responses, steal information, spread viruses, and so on, especially if you're on z02F5c1lHEk-00147-00052070-00052524 an unencrypted connection, which DNS by design allows. z02F5c1lHEk-00148-00052524-00052752 And people have taken advantage of this in the past. z02F5c1lHEk-00149-00052752-00053282 So in March of 2014, people were not tweeting great things about the Turkish government. z02F5c1lHEk-00150-00053282-00053647 And so the government of Turkey got mad and they just blocked Twitter in all of the country z02F5c1lHEk-00151-00053647-00053862 and they did this at the DNS level. z02F5c1lHEk-00152-00053862-00054494 They did this by configuring the ISPs in Turkey to direct Twitter.com to a Turkish website, z02F5c1lHEk-00153-00054494-00054651 instead of actually Twitter. z02F5c1lHEk-00154-00054651-00054985 And in this case, people were able to get around it, because they directed their machines z02F5c1lHEk-00155-00054985-00055449 to Google's public DNS server, which they spray painted all over the city, which I thought z02F5c1lHEk-00156-00055449-00055747 was pretty great. z02F5c1lHEk-00157-00055747-00056223 So to end this talk, I want to talk about some thoughts I have about the design of DNS. z02F5c1lHEk-00158-00056223-00056716 When DNS came around, it's because everyone was getting on this hot newfangled technology z02F5c1lHEk-00159-00056716-00056989 called email, and they wanted to use the internet. z02F5c1lHEk-00160-00056989-00057432 So the concern that the network information center and that Elizabeth Feinler had was z02F5c1lHEk-00161-00057432-00057727 scale, not security. z02F5c1lHEk-00162-00057727-00058227 But trust without security has not worked out so well for us, because people, malicious z02F5c1lHEk-00163-00058227-00058717 actors, have used it to create DDOS attacks and man in the middle attacks and poison DNS z02F5c1lHEk-00164-00058717-00059136 caches, and this has led to serious incidents in the past. z02F5c1lHEk-00165-00059136-00059531 And I'm really interested in solutions that people are creating and proposing to sort z02F5c1lHEk-00166-00059531-00059760 of directly tackle this. z02F5c1lHEk-00167-00059760-00060194 So a really simple solution -- or a very common effective solution is TLS. z02F5c1lHEk-00168-00060194-00060548 TLS is used whenever you use HTTPS instead of HTTP. z02F5c1lHEk-00169-00060548-00060861 To sort of browse internet or your browser. z02F5c1lHEk-00170-00060861-00060979 And this does two things. z02F5c1lHEk-00171-00060979-00061287 A, it encrypts messages between servers. z02F5c1lHEk-00172-00061287-00061645 So even if information is stolen, it can be decrypted. z02F5c1lHEk-00173-00061645-00062142 And B, it requires servers to prove who they are, using math and cryptography, and fancy z02F5c1lHEk-00174-00062142-00062242 stuff. z02F5c1lHEk-00175-00062242-00062691 But the point is: You will have a guarantee of, like, who you're talking to. z02F5c1lHEk-00176-00062691-00063036 And the second is this really interesting thing that I learned about and read a lot z02F5c1lHEk-00177-00063036-00063454 about called DNS-SEC, I think. z02F5c1lHEk-00178-00063454-00063731 It's a set of security extensions to DNS. z02F5c1lHEk-00179-00063731-00064214 So it sits on top of DNS and it proposes all these cryptographic signatures that take place z02F5c1lHEk-00180-00064214-00064685 at each process of the DNS lookup to sort of authenticate every DNS record that is being z02F5c1lHEk-00181-00064685-00064967 sent back and forth as queries get resolved. z02F5c1lHEk-00182-00064967-00065482 And it was introduced in 2005, and the people who have been trying to get everyone to adopt z02F5c1lHEk-00183-00065482-00066131 it have been dealing with a lot of back pressure, because you need to provide backward compatibility, z02F5c1lHEk-00184-00066131-00066669 and it's extremely hard to deploy, given how widespread and big DNS is, and the scale at z02F5c1lHEk-00185-00066669-00066842 which they're operating. z02F5c1lHEk-00186-00066842-00067238 But I'm really interested to sort of follow the journey of DNS-SEC and see how it's being z02F5c1lHEk-00187-00067238-00067610 adopted, and if you want to learn more about it, I would recommend checking Cloudflare z02F5c1lHEk-00188-00067610-00067710 out. z02F5c1lHEk-00189-00067710-00068030 They've written some great blog posts on what DNS-SEC does. z02F5c1lHEk-00190-00068030-00068130 And that's it! z02F5c1lHEk-00191-00068130-00068474 (applause) z1ppBLqDu-4-00000-00000071-00000552 I would like to show you today, how I teach subtracting using objects, to the student z1ppBLqDu-4-00001-00000552-00000652 in my classroom. z1ppBLqDu-4-00002-00000652-00000958 And, I use anything that I have more than one of. z1ppBLqDu-4-00003-00000958-00001165 So, this, today we're using beans. z1ppBLqDu-4-00004-00001165-00001942 All right I say, boys and girls, today we are going to be subtracting, using our objects z1ppBLqDu-4-00005-00001942-00002181 and I'm going to tell you a story. z1ppBLqDu-4-00006-00002181-00002642 I am a lucky girl and I have five candy bars. z1ppBLqDu-4-00007-00002642-00002773 Today our beans are our candy bars. z1ppBLqDu-4-00008-00002773-00003126 So, let's put five candy bars in my bowl. z1ppBLqDu-4-00009-00003126-00003565 One, two, three, four, five. z1ppBLqDu-4-00010-00003565-00004237 I have five candy bars, I was so hungry that I had to eat one of them right away. z1ppBLqDu-4-00011-00004237-00004632 So, boys and girls if you eat one, do you put one in the bowl? z1ppBLqDu-4-00012-00004632-00004864 Or, do you take one out? z1ppBLqDu-4-00013-00004864-00004964 You are so smart. z1ppBLqDu-4-00014-00004964-00005186 Today, we're going to take one out because I ate it. z1ppBLqDu-4-00015-00005186-00005349 It is gone. z1ppBLqDu-4-00016-00005349-00005646 So, let's count how many candy bars I have left. z1ppBLqDu-4-00017-00005646-00006414 Okay, I have one, two, three, four candy bars left for another day. z1ppBLqDu-4-00018-00006414-00006614 Nice job of counting. z1ppBLqDu-4-00019-00006614-00007481 Now, my dog loves dog treats, and in the package, there are six dog treats. z1ppBLqDu-4-00020-00007481-00007581 Six dog treats. z1ppBLqDu-4-00021-00007581-00008346 So, let's put six in our package, one, two, three, four, five, six. z1ppBLqDu-4-00022-00008346-00008685 He is a hungry little monster, and he likes to eat them a lot. z1ppBLqDu-4-00023-00008685-00008922 So, we are going to feed him two. z1ppBLqDu-4-00024-00008922-00009047 He eats two. z1ppBLqDu-4-00025-00009047-00009292 Now, do I add more to my cup to eat. z1ppBLqDu-4-00026-00009292-00009514 Or, do I take away? z1ppBLqDu-4-00027-00009514-00009614 You are right. z1ppBLqDu-4-00028-00009614-00009818 If I’m eating them, I'm taking them away. z1ppBLqDu-4-00029-00009818-00010200 So, let's take out one, two. z1ppBLqDu-4-00030-00010200-00010549 How many bones does he, or dog treats if you have left for another day? z1ppBLqDu-4-00031-00010549-00010684 Let's count them and find out. z1ppBLqDu-4-00032-00010684-00011115 He has one, two, three, four. z1ppBLqDu-4-00033-00011115-00011564 Now, did mine bone, my dog treats get smaller or larger? z1ppBLqDu-4-00034-00011564-00011960 do I have more in my bowl, or less than, in my bowl than when I started? z1ppBLqDu-4-00035-00011960-00012218 You are right, I have less in my bowl. z1ppBLqDu-4-00036-00012218-00012457 Let's go back out to my garden. z1ppBLqDu-4-00037-00012457-00012713 Remember my garden from before? z1ppBLqDu-4-00038-00012713-00013086 I had eight flowers in my garden. z1ppBLqDu-4-00039-00013086-00014049 Let's count one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. z1ppBLqDu-4-00040-00014049-00014540 They were so beautiful and smelled so lovely, that I wanted them on the table while my family z1ppBLqDu-4-00041-00014540-00014699 was eating dinner today. z1ppBLqDu-4-00042-00014699-00015075 So, I went out and I picked three of them. z1ppBLqDu-4-00043-00015075-00015513 Hmm, am I putting more flowers in my garden, or am I taking them away? z1ppBLqDu-4-00044-00015513-00015622 You, are right. z1ppBLqDu-4-00045-00015622-00015822 I am taking them away. z1ppBLqDu-4-00046-00015822-00016360 So, let's take away three flowers, one, two, three. z1ppBLqDu-4-00047-00016360-00016740 Oh, by the way they looked lovely on my table. z1ppBLqDu-4-00048-00016740-00016994 How many flowers are left in the garden? z1ppBLqDu-4-00049-00016994-00017184 Let's count them and see boys and girls. z1ppBLqDu-4-00050-00017184-00018019 I have one, two, three, four, five flowers in my flower garden. z1ppBLqDu-4-00051-00018019-00018163 That is wonderful. z1ppBLqDu-4-00052-00018163-00018388 I love the way you counted today. z1ppBLqDu-4-00053-00018388-00018781 And this is one way that I teach subtracting using objects, to the children in my classroom. z3WDR45mVK8-00000-00000742-00000972 Hello, I am Marco Winzker, z3WDR45mVK8-00001-00001024-00001490 and I want to give you a quick overview about our FPGA Vision Remote Lab. z3WDR45mVK8-00002-00001640-00001912 For experiments you have two stages. z3WDR45mVK8-00003-00001958-00002382 You have the FPGA design on your local computer z3WDR45mVK8-00004-00002432-00002848 and then you can upload the design on our remote-lab server. z3WDR45mVK8-00005-00002918-00003097 First step: FPGA design z3WDR45mVK8-00006-00003123-00003509 Here are the source files that you can download from our server. z3WDR45mVK8-00007-00003532-00003737 We make a small modification: z3WDR45mVK8-00008-00003763-00004088 We can invert the output depending on a switch. z3WDR45mVK8-00009-00004150-00004614 Don't forget to import the assignment for the pin locations. z3WDR45mVK8-00010-00004683-00004870 We have a Cyclone V. z3WDR45mVK8-00011-00004941-00005182 And now we can start synthesis. z3WDR45mVK8-00012-00005338-00005708 This step takes about 1 or 2 minutes depending on your computer. z3WDR45mVK8-00013-00005802-00006027 We accelerate this step a little bit. z3WDR45mVK8-00014-00006092-00006369 And now you can see the result of synthesis, z3WDR45mVK8-00015-00006400-00006934 here you see the utilization and you get a bit file for the FPGA. z3WDR45mVK8-00016-00006988-00007349 Second step: You need a registration for our remote lab, z3WDR45mVK8-00017-00007380-00007715 You log in and choose the Cyclone V experiment. z3WDR45mVK8-00018-00007765-00008094 Now you can reserve it to perform the experiment. z3WDR45mVK8-00019-00008143-00008601 You upload the output of the FPGA synthesis, that is the bit file, z3WDR45mVK8-00020-00008662-00009147 and we now show this upload in real time, so it's not accelerated. z3WDR45mVK8-00021-00009216-00009651 You have the input image on the left side, you see the FPGA board in the centre. z3WDR45mVK8-00022-00009698-00010299 And after a short period of time you will get the result of the experiment. z3WDR45mVK8-00023-00010336-00010880 On top you see the power consumption and on the right side you see the output image. z3WDR45mVK8-00024-00010897-00011075 You can change the input image, z3WDR45mVK8-00025-00011110-00011293 you can use one of the switches, z3WDR45mVK8-00026-00011315-00011640 and you will see the result of your experiment. z3WDR45mVK8-00027-00011777-00012117 Our remote-lab is open for different experiments z3WDR45mVK8-00028-00012120-00012276 in the field of image processing. z3WDR45mVK8-00029-00012288-00012473 And here are some examples. z3WDR45mVK8-00030-00012528-00012943 In the video lecture we cover the algorithm of lane detection, z3WDR45mVK8-00031-00012976-00013470 and as digital design experiments you can modify the edge detection, z3WDR45mVK8-00032-00013473-00013798 change the order of processing, optimize the word width, z3WDR45mVK8-00033-00013824-00014003 reduce power consumption, z3WDR45mVK8-00034-00014028-00014497 and apply it for other applications like industrial image processing. z3WDR45mVK8-00035-00014571-00014860 You can do experiments on signal processing. z3WDR45mVK8-00036-00014924-00015156 There are different complexities: z3WDR45mVK8-00037-00015160-00015452 You can change colours to black and white. z3WDR45mVK8-00038-00015470-00015795 You can make edge enhancement with a filter. z3WDR45mVK8-00039-00015813-00016000 Or, more complex algorithm: z3WDR45mVK8-00040-00016002-00016393 You can automatically adjust the brightness of images. z3WDR45mVK8-00041-00016435-00016665 And there are experiments for microlectronics: z3WDR45mVK8-00042-00016716-00017165 You can implement an FPGA design on different technologies. z3WDR45mVK8-00043-00017192-00017627 We have the Altera, Intel Cyclone V and Cyclone IV z3WDR45mVK8-00044-00017672-00018229 And you can also measure power consumption for different design complexities z3WDR45mVK8-00045-00018244-00018432 to understand circuit behaviour. z3WDR45mVK8-00046-00018483-00018726 The lecture consists of 7 videos, z3WDR45mVK8-00047-00018737-00019174 and there are additional videos for example on the remote-lab hardware z3WDR45mVK8-00048-00019197-00019476 and giving suggestions for experiments. z3WDR45mVK8-00049-00019507-00019820 So, I hope our system can be useful for you. z4GqtUtFqJI-00000-00000000-00000292 Good morning, John. So, this video’s gonna be about birth control and statistics. z4GqtUtFqJI-00001-00000292-00000558 So if you’re not super down talking about sex or math, z4GqtUtFqJI-00002-00000558-00000874 or you get the wibblies thinking about me talking about either of those things, z4GqtUtFqJI-00003-00000874-00001028 I don’t mind if you check out on this one. z4GqtUtFqJI-00004-00001028-00001638 For those of you who stayed, I remember when I first took sex ed., I was told that condoms had a 2% failure rate. z4GqtUtFqJI-00005-00001638-00002122 And there’s about 25 different ways that you can misunderstand that statistic, so I wanna talk about that. z4GqtUtFqJI-00006-00002122-00002300 First, what kind of failure? z4GqtUtFqJI-00007-00002300-00002472 ‘Cause condoms do more than one thing. z4GqtUtFqJI-00008-00002472-00002762 They reduce the chances of pregnancy, but also of disease transmission. z4GqtUtFqJI-00009-00002762-00003166 Or when they say “failure,” do they mean, like, a structural failure of the condom, z4GqtUtFqJI-00010-00003166-00003469 which may or may not result in pregnancy or disease transmission. z4GqtUtFqJI-00011-00003470-00003984 Well, in this case, what my sex ed. teacher was talking about (and what we’re talking about in this video) is unwanted pregnancy. z4GqtUtFqJI-00012-00003984-00004544 So my teacher was saying when using a condom perfectly and properly for vaginal sex, there is a 2% chance of pregnancy occurring. z4GqtUtFqJI-00013-00004544-00005066 But, like, per what? I thought, at the time, that it was per sex. That makes a certain amount of sense. z4GqtUtFqJI-00014-00005066-00005488 So like every time you do it, you have a 2% chance of pregnancy, and that would be pretty terrible. z4GqtUtFqJI-00015-00005488-00005786 Like that would be just 10 times better than just having unprotected sex. z4GqtUtFqJI-00016-00005786-00006614 But whenever you read about unintended pregnancy rates with birth control, that’s per year of use, not per individual intercourse. z4GqtUtFqJI-00017-00006614-00007202 So over a year of perfect, proper condom use, there is a 2% chance that a couple will get pregnant. z4GqtUtFqJI-00018-00007202-00007545 Not a couple. Just the one person, but, you know. z4GqtUtFqJI-00019-00007545-00008358 This actually, for me, is a little less good because one sexually active person might have way—like ten times—more sex than another sexually active person. z4GqtUtFqJI-00020-00008358-00008798 And the person who has more sex will be more likely to get pregnant using only condoms. z4GqtUtFqJI-00021-00008798-00009410 But that’s how it gets measured because, for the most part, these statistics aren’t meant to help individuals make individual decisions. z4GqtUtFqJI-00022-00009410-00009729 They’re meant to inform public health decisions by policymakers. z4GqtUtFqJI-00023-00009729-00010059 But they get used by individuals because they’re the only stats we have. z4GqtUtFqJI-00024-00010059-00010718 Per active intercouse, the odds of pregnancy decrease about 250 times if you’re using a condom. z4GqtUtFqJI-00025-00010718-00010932 That’s a lot better than just ten times. z4GqtUtFqJI-00026-00010932-00011776 And that is a statistic that, as far as I can tell, has never been taught in a sex ed. course because I had to calculate it myself using somewhat incomplete raw data. z4GqtUtFqJI-00027-00011776-00012334 Now, in addition to misunderstanding what the 2% statistic meant, I also misunderstood how statistics work. z4GqtUtFqJI-00028-00012334-00013080 And I thought that meant that if there was a 2% chance of unintended pregnancy, that if you did it a hundred times, there would be two pregnancies. z4GqtUtFqJI-00029-00013080-00013436 That’s not how probabilities work. You have a 2% chance every year. z4GqtUtFqJI-00030-00013436-00013990 So you have a 2% chance the first year, a 2% chance the tenth year, a 2% chance the hundredth year, though not actually. z4GqtUtFqJI-00031-00013990-00014172 On the hundredth year, seems unlikely. z4GqtUtFqJI-00032-00014172-00014391 Every year, it’s a new roll of the dice. z4GqtUtFqJI-00033-00014391-00014765 But statistics does allow us to measure probabilities for multiple rolls of the dice. z4GqtUtFqJI-00034-00014765-00015322 So, if you go for two years, you multiply .98 by .98 and get your odds of not getting pregnant. z4GqtUtFqJI-00035-00015322-00015932 If you use condoms perfectly every time for ten years, your odds become about 20% that you will get pregnant. z4GqtUtFqJI-00036-00015932-00016072 And over twenty years, that becomes one in three. z4GqtUtFqJI-00037-00016072-00016804 Now, the final and vital way that this statistic is misunderstood is that perfect use is very different from typical use. z4GqtUtFqJI-00038-00016804-00017596 And when we measure typical use, we see that condoms result in pregnancy about 20% of years in which people only use condoms. z4GqtUtFqJI-00039-00017596-00017812 That is a very different number from 2%. z4GqtUtFqJI-00040-00017812-00018138 Typical use is how the average person uses birth control. z4GqtUtFqJI-00041-00018138-00018732 And you may not be an average person—nobody really is—but if there’s a way to mess up, people often find that way. z4GqtUtFqJI-00042-00018732-00019706 Which is why new forms of birth control, like implants or IUDs if they work for that particular person, have had a really substantial impact on unwanted pregnancies in the world and in America. z4GqtUtFqJI-00043-00019706-00020362 These technologies’ typical use is the exact same as their perfect use because they’re just always doing the thing they’re supposed to do. z4GqtUtFqJI-00044-00020362-00020648 And they’re also even more effective than perfect use of condoms. z4GqtUtFqJI-00045-00020648-00020986 Though neither of them, to be clear, protect against diseases, obviously. z4GqtUtFqJI-00046-00020986-00021454 John, I made this video because I was really confused when I was given these statistics. z4GqtUtFqJI-00047-00021454-00022152 I wish that I had had more than the basketball coach begrudgingly parroting some politicized curriculum at me. z4GqtUtFqJI-00048-00022160-00022644 Hopefully, the existence of the internet and continuing work of scientists to understand this stuff z4GqtUtFqJI-00049-00022644-00023400 will allow people to get better information and make better decisions even as people continue to fight to hide this stuff. z4GqtUtFqJI-00050-00023400-00023570 John, I’ll see you on Tuesday. z9QQp2RW9WA-00000-00000000-00000200 wshyar surchy zqiMKVnTXhI-00000-00000072-00000738 Today is August 17th 2018. This is first cup. My name is Jeremy and this is my first cup of coffee zqiMKVnTXhI-00001-00001123-00001503 You might notice the different mug because the whistlekick mug is in the dishwasher zqiMKVnTXhI-00002-00001540-00001834 Because there's only so many days that you can use the same mug zqiMKVnTXhI-00003-00001876-00002196 Even if you rinse it out, it's just I don't know zqiMKVnTXhI-00004-00002362-00002734 It was time. You might notice that I'm wearing my robe zqiMKVnTXhI-00005-00002764-00003375 It's a thick robe cuz it was like 50 something degrees last night. All the windows are open. It's great zqiMKVnTXhI-00006-00003375-00003564 It's great for sleeping, but you know zqiMKVnTXhI-00007-00003564-00003747 It's a little cold in here zqiMKVnTXhI-00008-00003747-00004046 It's kind of it's kind of the perfect weather. I really like this, right zqiMKVnTXhI-00009-00004046-00004706 It's a little cool at night, you know, but still seventy five eighty during the day. It's kind of the best zqiMKVnTXhI-00010-00004834-00004940 So yeah zqiMKVnTXhI-00011-00005430-00005902 Hope everybody had a good day yesterday. I did. I got some great work done zqiMKVnTXhI-00012-00006082-00006262 And then zqiMKVnTXhI-00013-00006318-00006864 because I'm a weirdo, after work after I was done coaching CrossFit I went to zqiMKVnTXhI-00014-00006954-00007154 Hmm, how do I describe that place? zqiMKVnTXhI-00015-00007378-00007619 It's a simple restaurant slash zqiMKVnTXhI-00016-00007675-00007783 brewery zqiMKVnTXhI-00017-00007783-00008446 They make great beer. Some of my favorite beer. I have some friends who work there. So I sat at the counter and zqiMKVnTXhI-00018-00008688-00009326 Sort... looked at new product samples. Well, I had a couple beers and some had some dinner zqiMKVnTXhI-00019-00009390-00009590 So there are now zqiMKVnTXhI-00020-00009672-00010448 Like 50 product inquiries I have to respond to on some really cool products some really fun stuff that zqiMKVnTXhI-00021-00010552-00010725 Had been on my list zqiMKVnTXhI-00022-00010726-00011346 Stuff they wanted to see if we could make happen. So now we'll start working the sample process and see what actually zqiMKVnTXhI-00023-00011394-00011594 Pops and makes it to market zqiMKVnTXhI-00024-00011736-00012228 Cuz you know if I had my way, if I could wave a magic wand zqiMKVnTXhI-00025-00012536-00012736 There would be a ton of different stuff zqiMKVnTXhI-00026-00013106-00013568 One of the things that was difficult for me early on zqiMKVnTXhI-00027-00013704-00014024 Was that we were so focused on the foam gear line zqiMKVnTXhI-00028-00014288-00014350 And zqiMKVnTXhI-00029-00014451-00014903 Once that happened once we got that to market my creativity was kind of stifled zqiMKVnTXhI-00030-00015024-00015160 I'm not zqiMKVnTXhI-00031-00015246-00015446 I wouldn't call myself artistic zqiMKVnTXhI-00032-00015522-00015830 You know, I can't paint I can't draw well zqiMKVnTXhI-00033-00015936-00016362 None of these traditional artistic mediums have ever been my my thing zqiMKVnTXhI-00034-00016476-00016676 But I'm creative. zqiMKVnTXhI-00035-00016698-00017186 So business has been kind of my outlet. It always has been zqiMKVnTXhI-00036-00017366-00017778 And like most creative endeavors zqiMKVnTXhI-00037-00017906-00018106 Everything doesn't pan out zqiMKVnTXhI-00038-00018128-00018518 But that's why I spent so much time and so much money, you know as I look back zqiMKVnTXhI-00039-00018546-00019016 Working on the apparel line, even though that was such a small percentage of what we did zqiMKVnTXhI-00040-00019016-00019100 it was a lot of fun zqiMKVnTXhI-00041-00019236-00019702 You know, I think I think a life lived without any creativity is just zqiMKVnTXhI-00042-00019734-00020292 Uh boring. I think people need to have some creative element in their in their lives zqiMKVnTXhI-00043-00020552-00020884 And now that we're at a point where zqiMKVnTXhI-00044-00021026-00021226 I can work on developing more new products zqiMKVnTXhI-00045-00021410-00021522 Somewhere fun zqiMKVnTXhI-00046-00021978-00022354 So today what's going on today? It's Friday. Yay, Friday. Whoo zqiMKVnTXhI-00047-00022428-00022478 Friday zqiMKVnTXhI-00048-00022570-00022724 There's not a lot going on zqiMKVnTXhI-00049-00022808-00023008 I mean there's a lot going on but it's zqiMKVnTXhI-00050-00023050-00023224 pretty standard stuff zqiMKVnTXhI-00051-00023252-00023502 We're on day like 412 of me zqiMKVnTXhI-00052-00023524-00024204 Covering up for Crossfit over the weekend. Now I decided that on Monday and that feels like a better decision no more first cup on weekends zqiMKVnTXhI-00053-00024560-00025384 I have a friend getting married, so I'll be at her wedding and then who knows what Sunday will bring? zqiMKVnTXhI-00054-00025810-00025989 Coffee came out good this morning zqiMKVnTXhI-00055-00026683-00026944 Can't remember what I'm reflecting on on yesterday zqiMKVnTXhI-00056-00027032-00027232 It's good. It's pretty good zqiMKVnTXhI-00057-00027266-00027489 What did I do? What can I say? zqiMKVnTXhI-00058-00027595-00027839 We recently switched to a new phone system zqiMKVnTXhI-00059-00027958-00028466 Most of you don't call. No one calls. That's part of why we switched to a new phone system zqiMKVnTXhI-00060-00028504-00029000 Because we were spending money on the phone system that really just facilitated zqiMKVnTXhI-00061-00029282-00029526 Scams and zqiMKVnTXhI-00062-00029582-00029730 Robo calls zqiMKVnTXhI-00063-00029854-00030508 And so, I some digging and found that we could have a virtual 800 number zqiMKVnTXhI-00064-00030670-00031277 For far less than what we had. So we got outfitted with an 800 number which is cool. Makes us look important, special zqiMKVnTXhI-00065-00032063-00032320 So we got that and a zqiMKVnTXhI-00066-00032638-00033380 Found that it wasn't working properly it was it was taking calls and it was taking voice mails zqiMKVnTXhI-00067-00033694-00034134 So there's a bug in there that we're gonna work out, but I got a couple calls to zqiMKVnTXhI-00068-00034256-00034400 kinda make and apologize zqiMKVnTXhI-00069-00034532-00034828 Fortunately not too many cuz again nobody calls us zqiMKVnTXhI-00070-00035258-00035308 Coffee zqiMKVnTXhI-00071-00035952-00036074 Yeah zqiMKVnTXhI-00072-00036380-00036900 I'm getting some comments that there's lots of buffering today zqiMKVnTXhI-00073-00037106-00037198 Yeah zqiMKVnTXhI-00074-00037298-00037584 Something some strange things might be going on the Internet zqiMKVnTXhI-00075-00037658-00037944 Reboot the modem. When I'm done zqiMKVnTXhI-00076-00037978-00038398 here. And if that continues we might be switching out for a different modem zqiMKVnTXhI-00077-00038602-00038894 Comcast doesn't really seem to feel like zqiMKVnTXhI-00078-00039178-00039552 I should get the connection in here that we're supposed to zqiMKVnTXhI-00079-00039748-00040454 And I guess the alternative is that we do first cup not live and upload it but I don't want to do that zqiMKVnTXhI-00080-00040558-00040758 So I apologize to everyone zqiMKVnTXhI-00081-00041012-00041654 This is the beauty and the pain of doing something live and sometimes it doesn't work well zqiMKVnTXhI-00082-00042020-00042124 Not much I can do zqiMKVnTXhI-00083-00042668-00043284 So, so, what should I send you out to the world with today? What are my thoughts what am I thinking about from here on out? zqiMKVnTXhI-00084-00043574-00043774 I'm getting a lot better zqiMKVnTXhI-00085-00043934-00044421 At not doing things. I didn't realize how much of a skill that was to practice zqiMKVnTXhI-00086-00044561-00044761 Let's face it as this company grows zqiMKVnTXhI-00087-00044818-00045284 As the podcast grows it everything we do grows. There are more opportunities zqiMKVnTXhI-00088-00045304-00045750 And I used to be the type of person that said yes to everything zqiMKVnTXhI-00089-00045778-00045978 And that left me zqiMKVnTXhI-00090-00046028-00046732 Doing a lot of things poorly. And not having the energy to do the important things zqiMKVnTXhI-00091-00046814-00047006 at a hundred percent zqiMKVnTXhI-00092-00047006-00047550 So I've gotten better at realizing what are the opportunities and sometimes I take a gamble zqiMKVnTXhI-00093-00047584-00048006 But most of the time the effort goes into the things that I know will move us forward zqiMKVnTXhI-00094-00048068-00048346 That's what happens... That's how you build a company zqiMKVnTXhI-00095-00048520-00049194 You take the things that you have to do or that are your core competency if we want to be zqiMKVnTXhI-00096-00049292-00049786 Nerdy and knock those out of park and you're doing martial arts zqiMKVnTXhI-00097-00049864-00050508 You bust your butt on basics. Stances, kicks, blocks, punches, zqiMKVnTXhI-00098-00050696-00051174 The better you get at your basics, your foundation, the better everything else gets zqiMKVnTXhI-00099-00051344-00051898 You show me someone who is amazing at basics, and I'll show you zqiMKVnTXhI-00100-00052560-00052670 Etcetera zqiMKVnTXhI-00101-00053102-00053302 I can show you plenty of fighters zqiMKVnTXhI-00102-00053755-00053860 Forms zqiMKVnTXhI-00103-00054194-00054744 So work on your basics in life and training zqiMKVnTXhI-00104-00054864-00055490 Know what not to do what not to work on what not worth spending your money on. Hone in.. zqiMKVnTXhI-00105-00055870-00056238 I'm gonna go finish my coffee and then have some more coffee zqiMKVnTXhI-00106-00056294-00056878 Hope everybody has a great day. I will see you on Monday. Peace zqCcrW1OCiI-00000-00000310-00000621 Hello, I'm Colin and here are today's headlines from Pinksixty. zqCcrW1OCiI-00001-00000621-00001146 Another trans sex worker was murdered in Turkey this week - the 23rd in the last 4 years. zqCcrW1OCiI-00002-00001146-00001523 Seçil Anne's body was found at her home by friends on Tuesday night and local police zqCcrW1OCiI-00003-00001523-00001682 are investigating. zqCcrW1OCiI-00004-00001682-00002142 A University student in India committed suicide after his lover married a woman due to family zqCcrW1OCiI-00005-00002142-00002242 pressure. zqCcrW1OCiI-00006-00002242-00002658 Heartbroken, Ajay Pardole then accused his lover of sexual harassment and threatened zqCcrW1OCiI-00007-00002658-00002941 suicide, but nothing was done to prevent it. zqCcrW1OCiI-00008-00002941-00003365 The Chilean President signed new anti-discrimination policies into law yesterday. zqCcrW1OCiI-00009-00003365-00003733 The policies were rushed through after the brutal murder of Daniel Zamudio, which sparked zqCcrW1OCiI-00010-00003733-00003965 a national outcry. zqCcrW1OCiI-00011-00003965-00004456 Infection with a virus known as GBV-C has shown a 78% reduction in mortality for people zqCcrW1OCiI-00012-00004456-00004557 with AIDS. zqCcrW1OCiI-00013-00004557-00005005 The online edition of Clinical Infectious Diseases, suggests using the virus as a biovaccine zqCcrW1OCiI-00014-00005005-00005157 in the fight against the disease. zqCcrW1OCiI-00015-00005157-00005671 And finally, online gossip columnist, Perez Hilton attended the European Premier of stripper zqCcrW1OCiI-00016-00005671-00005881 movie 'Magic Mike' this week. zqCcrW1OCiI-00017-00005881-00006271 Hilton said, "The Dream-Idols were thoroughly entertaining" as he spoke about the real life zqCcrW1OCiI-00018-00006271-00006594 strippers surrounding him, instead of the ones in the movie. zqCcrW1OCiI-00019-00006594-00006694 That's all for today. zqCcrW1OCiI-00020-00006694-00006756 Join us again tomorrow. zrncq2k5CAk-00000-00000000-00000200 How to use comment in Microsoft Excel zrLw1T0HF7E-00000-00000132-00000685 This is Josh with Blog of Speed and today we're on location at the 2013 Miami International zrLw1T0HF7E-00001-00000685-00000785 Auto Show. zrLw1T0HF7E-00002-00000785-00001267 As you can see behind me, the car of the show is the C7 Corvette. zrLw1T0HF7E-00003-00001267-00001612 I've seen this car once before in person, and it looks fantastic. zrLw1T0HF7E-00004-00001612-00001851 Let's see what else the show has to offer. zrLw1T0HF7E-00005-00001851-00002212 Behind me is the 2014 Ford Fiesta ST. zrLw1T0HF7E-00006-00002212-00002400 I've been looking forward to this car. zrLw1T0HF7E-00007-00002400-00002900 The original Fiesta was very fun to drive, and when you add a 1.6 liter turbo engine zrLw1T0HF7E-00008-00002900-00003186 it's gotta get even better. zrLw1T0HF7E-00009-00003186-00003525 Behind me is the new Shelby GT500. zrLw1T0HF7E-00010-00003525-00004063 Why should you care?It has 662 horsepower out of it's supercharged V8, making it the zrLw1T0HF7E-00011-00004063-00004480 most powerful American car you can buy. zrLw1T0HF7E-00012-00004480-00004787 This is the 2014 Dodge (Sorry, old habit) Ram. zrLw1T0HF7E-00013-00004787-00005265 We had a 2013 model we tested and it was excellent off road and on road. zrLw1T0HF7E-00014-00005265-00005536 I'm sure this 2014 is no exception. zrLw1T0HF7E-00015-00005536-00006007 This is SRT's crowning acheivement, the seductive new Viper. zrLw1T0HF7E-00016-00006007-00006540 It's finally got traction control, but Dodge still hasn't sent me on to review so I can't zrLw1T0HF7E-00017-00006540-00006783 tell you if it's awesome. zrLw1T0HF7E-00018-00006783-00007098 Pretty please Ralph Gilles? zrLw1T0HF7E-00019-00007098-00007631 In today's muscle car market, there really isn't anything quite like the new Dodge Challenger zrLw1T0HF7E-00020-00007631-00008349 R/T. With it's Hemi engine and muscular stance, it really is today's best muscle car. zrLw1T0HF7E-00021-00008349-00008649 This is the 2014 Honda Odyssey. zrLw1T0HF7E-00022-00008649-00009238 Why someone didn't think of this before, I don't know, but this thing has a built in zrLw1T0HF7E-00023-00009238-00009664 vaccum! zrLw1T0HF7E-00024-00009664-00010104 If you have a minivan, you will have messes, and the Honda is here to help you clean it zrLw1T0HF7E-00025-00010104-00010268 up. zrLw1T0HF7E-00026-00010268-00010813 This is the Mini Cooper S. I had one of these a few years ago and really loved it. zrLw1T0HF7E-00027-00010813-00011069 I'm sure this thing is just as fun to drive. zrLw1T0HF7E-00028-00011069-00011653 This particular Mini Cooper is finished in Midnight Black and has the new Bricklane package, zrLw1T0HF7E-00029-00011653-00012213 which includes these stripes, optional wheels, and these lovely green mirrors. zrLw1T0HF7E-00030-00012213-00012755 I never understood why Aston Martin doesn't offer this lovely machine gun option. zrLw1T0HF7E-00031-00012755-00012981 I guess you have to be James Bond! zrLw1T0HF7E-00032-00012981-00013569 This is the Scion FR-S, another car that no one has given me to drive yet. zrLw1T0HF7E-00033-00013569-00014075 I've heard it's fantastic to drive, and a great enthusiasts car, but I don't know, because zrLw1T0HF7E-00034-00014075-00014502 no one will give me the keys! zrLw1T0HF7E-00035-00014502-00015080 This is the new Infiniti Q50, it's the replacement for the G37 sedan. zrLw1T0HF7E-00036-00015080-00015380 By all measure, it looks the part. zrLw1T0HF7E-00037-00015380-00015566 This is the Audi RS7. zrLw1T0HF7E-00038-00015566-00016302 It has a twin turbo V8, four doors, so you can get your kids to school in a hurry. zrLw1T0HF7E-00039-00016302-00016442 This is the new Porsche Boxster. zrLw1T0HF7E-00040-00016442-00017013 A lot of people think the 911 may be a better car, but the Boxster has a secret: It's mid zrLw1T0HF7E-00041-00017013-00017308 engined, so it's more inherently balanced than the 911. zrLw1T0HF7E-00042-00017308-00017818 Here, I have two of the best performing vehicles around, and they happen to be electric. zrLw1T0HF7E-00043-00017818-00018342 This is the Tesla Model S. I've only been at the Miami Auto Show for zrLw1T0HF7E-00046-00034733-00034968 I look forward to seeing you in our next review! zvFK4EvRZlk-00000-00000086-00000392 Good morning, good afternoon, good evening! zvFK4EvRZlk-00001-00000408-00000976 Greetings. I'm Tulio Araujo and we're here for one more video about... zvFK4EvRZlk-00002-00001114-00001232 ...Pandeiro! zvFK4EvRZlk-00003-00001246-00001628 If you don't speak Portuguese don't forget to activate the english subtitles. zvFK4EvRZlk-00004-00001689-00002078 And don't forget to check my website: tulioaraujo.com zvFK4EvRZlk-00005-00002096-00002386 where you can get all my social medias zvFK4EvRZlk-00006-00002394-00002654 and if you're watching this on Youtube zvFK4EvRZlk-00007-00002658-00003636 don't forget to subscribe in my channel and activate the little bell to be notified when I post a new video. zvFK4EvRZlk-00008-00003702-00004238 Today I'm gonna talk about a very important rhythm, a complete rhythm zvFK4EvRZlk-00009-00004238-00004506 and a rhythm that I love to play: the Maracatu zvFK4EvRZlk-00010-00004508-00004896 from the Northeast of Brasil, most present around the city of Recife, Pernambuco zvFK4EvRZlk-00011-00004912-00005444 and I'm not talking about any kind of Maracatu, I'm teaching today the adaptation I made to play... zvFK4EvRZlk-00012-00005446-00005614 ...the Baque de Martelo! zvFK4EvRZlk-00013-00005614-00005808 That is a powerful groove zvFK4EvRZlk-00014-00005808-00006138 I just love to play it over styles like zvFK4EvRZlk-00015-00006140-00006346 Pop, Rock or Funk zvFK4EvRZlk-00016-00006354-00006608 or I'm just playing a groove zvFK4EvRZlk-00017-00006608-00006958 or I'm playing Jazz and even Choro zvFK4EvRZlk-00018-00006958-00007262 I'm applying it in all the "Rodas de Choro" I'm playing zvFK4EvRZlk-00019-00007264-00007686 It fits perfectly because it changes the vibe zvFK4EvRZlk-00020-00007686-00007894 the swing is different. zvFK4EvRZlk-00021-00007895-00008142 You can easily feel the African patterns zvFK4EvRZlk-00022-00008142-00008478 I just love it, I love it because it has a lot of low notes zvFK4EvRZlk-00023-00008480-00008918 and you can practice the muffling with your thumb zvFK4EvRZlk-00024-00008918-00009398 working on the... the pitch modulation of the low notes zvFK4EvRZlk-00025-00009548-00009730 I just love to play it. zvFK4EvRZlk-00026-00009732-00009890 And I'm gonna teach you how to do it! zvFK4EvRZlk-00027-00009894-00010590 Before we start, like always, let's check the notations, the notes we're gonna use in this exercise. zvFK4EvRZlk-00028-00010592-00010972 We're gonna use HI notes in the bottom and top side zvFK4EvRZlk-00029-00010974-00011206 LOW notes in the bottom and top side zvFK4EvRZlk-00030-00011214-00011470 HI notes in the bottom, we already know zvFK4EvRZlk-00031-00011470-00011938 on the edge of the pandeiro, trying to get the sound: "Tchi, Tchi, Tchi" zvFK4EvRZlk-00032-00011942-00012072 "Tchi, Tchi..." zvFK4EvRZlk-00033-00012082-00012524 In the top is the same: "Tchi, Tchi, Tchi, Tchi" zvFK4EvRZlk-00034-00012530-00013090 HI notes in the bottom and top, trying to equalize them. zvFK4EvRZlk-00035-00013308-00013691 And we're gonna use also the LOW notes in the bottom, with my thumb zvFK4EvRZlk-00036-00013869-00014030 and probably something you all already know zvFK4EvRZlk-00037-00014147-00014706 and also something everybody ask me how to do: zvFK4EvRZlk-00038-00014708-00014834 The LOW notes in the top! zvFK4EvRZlk-00039-00014834-00015324 I usually use my both fingers in the middle zvFK4EvRZlk-00040-00015368-00015482 these two fingers zvFK4EvRZlk-00041-00015482-00015966 so you can have enough strength to hit as hard as my thumb zvFK4EvRZlk-00042-00015966-00016460 If you hit in the bottom, gravity will help you a lot, so... zvFK4EvRZlk-00043-00016544-00016810 my thumb hits the Pandeiro with a lot of power! zvFK4EvRZlk-00044-00016810-00017206 So we need to simulate and apply it in the top zvFK4EvRZlk-00045-00017206-00017490 I like to bring both fingers to hit zvFK4EvRZlk-00046-00017910-00018040 LOW note in the top! zvFK4EvRZlk-00047-00019314-00019906 Now we already know all the notes, I'd like to present you the process to learn this: zvFK4EvRZlk-00048-00019978-00020232 First, memorize the groove. zvFK4EvRZlk-00049-00020238-00020856 Second, sing the groove while playing only HI notes. zvFK4EvRZlk-00050-00020856-00021430 And third, check what notes hits the top, and what notes hits the bottom. zvFK4EvRZlk-00051-00021434-00021988 In this case we're gonna separate the LOW notes in the top and bottom of the Pandeiro. zvFK4EvRZlk-00052-00021994-00022286 And finally we'll be able to play it! zvFK4EvRZlk-00053-00022290-00022400 Shall we? zvFK4EvRZlk-00054-00022460-00022654 First, memorize the groove! zvFK4EvRZlk-00055-00022658-00022922 - What is the sound of the groove, Tulio? zvFK4EvRZlk-00056-00022928-00023440 - It's this: 1... 2... 3... 4... zvFK4EvRZlk-00057-00025330-00025680 Memorize that to move to the next step. zvFK4EvRZlk-00058-00025683-00026333 Witch is playing only HI notes and singing the groove zvFK4EvRZlk-00059-00026342-00026430 all at once! zvFK4EvRZlk-00060-00026436-00026732 Check it out: 3... 4... zvFK4EvRZlk-00061-00029394-00030150 The next step is to split the LOW notes I hit in the top from the ones in the bottom. zvFK4EvRZlk-00062-00030156-00030522 Let's begin with the bottom, with my thumb. zvFK4EvRZlk-00063-00030550-00030760 3... 4... zvFK4EvRZlk-00064-00034340-00034772 Ok, we did the bottom, now let's do the top! zvFK4EvRZlk-00065-00034806-00035018 3... 4... zvFK4EvRZlk-00066-00038518-00038974 Now you just need to put both ideas together, top and bottom zvFK4EvRZlk-00067-00038974-00039576 practice, always begin slower and increase the speed until you dominate the rhythm zvFK4EvRZlk-00068-00039580-00039772 as it is yours! zvFK4EvRZlk-00069-00039778-00040234 Hope you enjoyed this video, practice and don't forget what I say: zvFK4EvRZlk-00070-00040234-00040562 Search for a musician close to you zvFK4EvRZlk-00071-00040564-00040850 A person to be your reference zvFK4EvRZlk-00072-00040854-00041538 Internet is super fun, is the perfect place to gather all the informations zvFK4EvRZlk-00073-00041542-00041740 but Music, never forget zvFK4EvRZlk-00074-00041740-00042086 is made from a human being to a human being zvFK4EvRZlk-00075-00042090-00042470 and we only learn it creating human connections! zvFK4EvRZlk-00076-00042474-00042734 Support a musician, support a teacher zvFK4EvRZlk-00077-00042734-00043518 You can help him or her to pay the bills, to live by the art he does zvFK4EvRZlk-00078-00043522-00043828 And you get an unique musicality zvFK4EvRZlk-00079-00043828-00044248 way different from Internet people. zvFK4EvRZlk-00080-00044250-00044572 I'll meet you soon. Practice! zzKdX9EJ06y-00000-00000012-00000498 What to do in the morning for a happy life Respected Shivani zzKdX9EJ06y-00001-00000498-00000906 Didi says give one hour to yourself in the morning zzKdX9EJ06y-00002-00001116-00001902 as soon as you open your eyes first just do this and life will be clouded thank you God I zzKdX9EJ06y-00003-00001902-00002664 am very fortunate today my day is full of happiness India is my today's day with blessings, zzKdX9EJ06y-00004-00002802-00003497 start doing daily in the morning and don't watch such messages in the morning, listen to read zzKdX9EJ06y-00005-00003497-00004260 which is wrong, take care of yourself, your mother, others take care of what we eat and drink. zzKdX9EJ06y-00006-00004260-00005010 If anyone in the house has any worries, fear or disturbance, now let's cook food, we put in it the powers of God, which are zzKdX9EJ06y-00007-00005010-00005760 heavy in this food ; zzKdX9EJ06y-00008-00005760-00006630 There is unity between us, there is respect between us, if this is not done, then zzKdX9EJ06y-00009-00006630-00007236 why did they do this to me in their funeral pyre, why is there so much problem in my house, if I prepare food thinking that zzKdX9EJ06y-00010-00007236-00008106 what will be the problem, it will flood, She has come in the house, she is zzKdX9EJ06y-00011-00008106-00009588 in the house because the body is bought with money, the number effect on the mother It happens and mother's effect is on the body. zzKdX9EJ06y-00012-00009588-00010302 Never mess with these things. If everything goes right, there will never be a problem in zzKdX9EJ06y-00013-00010452-00010878 luck zzKdX9EJ06y-00014-00011142-00011232 . zBrBylr2Zck-00000-00000000-00000200 Software Engineering zBrBylr2Zck-00001-00000200-00000440 Software is essential to our lives. zBrBylr2Zck-00002-00000440-00000980 Imagine living without the internet, Google, Facebook or your smartphone zBrBylr2Zck-00003-00000980-00001220 We expect our software to work correctly. zBrBylr2Zck-00004-00001220-00001560 A bug in a program can make it really frustrating to use, zBrBylr2Zck-00005-00001560-00001939 or it could even crash your computer. zBrBylr2Zck-00006-00001939-00002180 But it could also be a lot worse than that. zBrBylr2Zck-00007-00002180-00002480 What if the software controlling a nuclear power plant fails? zBrBylr2Zck-00008-00002480-00002920 Or the software controlling an aeroplane? [Screams] zBrBylr2Zck-00009-00002920-00003160 Fortunately, Software Engineering techniques [Screams] zBrBylr2Zck-00010-00003160-00003660 can help us make software that works correctly. [Yay] zBrBylr2Zck-00011-00003660-00004160 Making good software is difficult because often software is huge and complex. zBrBylr2Zck-00012-00004160-00004500 Some large systems have tens of millions of lines of code. zBrBylr2Zck-00013-00004500-00004820 If you printed them out on paper and stacked them like a book, zBrBylr2Zck-00014-00004820-00005120 You'd get a stack that is around a hundred meters high. zBrBylr2Zck-00015-00005120-00005460 That's as high as a 25 storey building. zBrBylr2Zck-00016-00005460-00005900 If you wanted to read through a program that size, to try to understand how it works, zBrBylr2Zck-00017-00005900-00006220 It's likely to take you about 50 years! zBrBylr2Zck-00018-00006220-00006540 If some software takes almost a lifetime just to read through, zBrBylr2Zck-00019-00006540-00006780 imagine how long it would take to write it. zBrBylr2Zck-00020-00006780-00007300 Of course no single person can do this alone. We need teams of developers working on software. zBrBylr2Zck-00021-00007300-00007459 Sometimes three developers, zBrBylr2Zck-00022-00007459-00007620 sometimes ten developers, zBrBylr2Zck-00023-00007620-00007940 sometimes a hundred, and sometimes more. zBrBylr2Zck-00024-00007940-00008180 This is where Software Engineering comes in. zBrBylr2Zck-00025-00008180-00008520 How do we get a team of developers to write huge software, zBrBylr2Zck-00026-00008520-00009020 where all the pieces fit together, it works reliably, and it does what the user wants. zBrBylr2Zck-00027-00009020-00009380 Software Engineering is about so much more than just programming. zBrBylr2Zck-00028-00009380-00009960 In fact, the actual programming part is usually only about 20% of software projects. zBrBylr2Zck-00029-00009960-00010340 Even today we are not good at getting software development right. zBrBylr2Zck-00030-00010340-00010800 A survey in 2009 found that only around a third of software projects succeeded. zBrBylr2Zck-00031-00010800-00011040 While a quarter of projects failed outright, zBrBylr2Zck-00032-00011040-00011360 or were cancelled before the software could be delivered. zBrBylr2Zck-00033-00011360-00011820 Fortunately we now know a lot about what works and what doesn't. zBrBylr2Zck-00034-00011820-00012200 In this chapter, we'll look at some approaches that are doomed to failure, zBrBylr2Zck-00035-00012200-00012400 but are still used surprisingly often. zBrBylr2Zck-00036-00012400-00012840 And some approaches that seems to work a lot better, and can helps us create software zBrBylr2Zck-00037-00012840-00013100 that does what it's meant to. zBrBylr2Zck-00038-00013100-00013400 Software Engineering zD9o3wzBUm0-00000-00000801-00001549 To give you a little bit of an idea about pH which we will talk about pH in plants, zD9o3wzBUm0-00001-00001549-00001673 ok? zD9o3wzBUm0-00002-00001673-00002227 And there was a fellow by the name of Carl Reams who was a mathematician also a contemporary zD9o3wzBUm0-00003-00002227-00002549 of Einstein. zD9o3wzBUm0-00004-00002549-00003021 And he was growing plants and he couldn't understand why some plants grew really big zD9o3wzBUm0-00005-00003021-00003550 and strong and the one right next to it was scronny and didn't produce any fruit. zD9o3wzBUm0-00006-00003550-00004312 So what he did was he created a plot of land gave it all of the nutrients, and the only zD9o3wzBUm0-00007-00004312-00004726 thing that he did was he changed the pH. zD9o3wzBUm0-00008-00004726-00005368 So the land had same amount of sunlight had all of the same nutrients in the soil except zD9o3wzBUm0-00009-00005368-00005594 for the pH in there. zD9o3wzBUm0-00010-00005594-00006131 And so what he did was planted the same seed to see what the effects of the pH were. zD9o3wzBUm0-00011-00006131-00006581 And so what this plant would grow a little bit here, and this one would grow really big zD9o3wzBUm0-00012-00006581-00007273 and produce lots of fruit and then here and then here as the pH changed and so he wondered zD9o3wzBUm0-00013-00007273-00008211 what the situation was and why this plant here had wonderful , beautiful big fruit and zD9o3wzBUm0-00014-00008211-00008429 grow nice and bid and large. zD9o3wzBUm0-00015-00008429-00009062 And the thing was the pH was were it needed to be. zD9o3wzBUm0-00016-00009062-00009914 So he thought well, if the plant can't uptake all of the nutrients if the pH is off, How zD9o3wzBUm0-00017-00009914-00010150 would that work with humans? zD9o3wzBUm0-00018-00010150-00010586 And that's how this entire pH balance process got started zGkWuMGGDb8-00000-00000024-00000576 artificial in as much as europe is not a continent they just zGkWuMGGDb8-00001-00000824-00001096 identified parts of northern asia zGkWuMGGDb8-00002-00001328-00001992 and slapped the word continent on it but there's no physical division between northern asia zGkWuMGGDb8-00003-00002152-00002552 and what they call europe and europe does not qualify zGkWuMGGDb8-00004-00002552-00003128 as a continent by the dictionary definition of what is a continent zGkWuMGGDb8-00005-00003311-00003815 land surrounded by water etc what you call europe is really a peninsula zGkWuMGGDb8-00006-00004072-00004384 by their dictionary definition zGkWuMGGDb8-00007-00004464-00005280 of what is a continent only in other ancient times the glacier age covered most of europe zKXEvmKwUP0-00000-00000000-00000200 free beat 2022 zKXEvmKwUP0-00001-00000200-00000400 read description zKXEvmKwUP0-00002-00000400-00000600 subscribe :D zKXEvmKwUP0-00003-00000600-00001097 @geraldsouvenir zLilQ_Zcjv4-00000-00000374-00000647 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00001-00000940-00001213 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00002-00001521-00001767 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00003-00001990-00002271 E zLilQ_Zcjv4-00004-00002590-00002857 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00005-00003116-00003381 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00006-00003665-00003933 4 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00007-00004227-00004534 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00008-00004767-00005040 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00009-00005264-00005544 E zLilQ_Zcjv4-00010-00005864-00006138 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00011-00006407-00006665 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00012-00006898-00007167 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00013-00007437-00007710 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00014-00007933-00008214 E zLilQ_Zcjv4-00015-00008498-00008766 4 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00016-00009048-00009319 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00017-00009578-00009844 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00018-00010128-00010398 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00019-00010681-00010949 4 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00020-00011269-00011542 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00021-00011836-00012143 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00022-00012463-00012736 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00023-00013006-00013300 G zLilQ_Zcjv4-00024-00013547-00013830 A zLilQ_Zcjv4-00025-00014077-00014384 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00026-00014668-00014936 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00027-00015205-00015484 F zLilQ_Zcjv4-00028-00015804-00016077 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00029-00016360-00016628 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00030-00016948-00017221 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00031-00017467-00017775 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00032-00018081-00018379 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00033-00018671-00018940 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00034-00019223-00019491 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00035-00019761-00020040 F zLilQ_Zcjv4-00036-00020360-00020633 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00037-00020940-00021186 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00038-00021469-00021740 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00039-00022010-00022289 F zLilQ_Zcjv4-00040-00022609-00022882 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00041-00023128-00023407 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00042-00023666-00023955 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00043-00024179-00024460 E zLilQ_Zcjv4-00044-00024720-00025014 H zLilQ_Zcjv4-00045-00025272-00025547 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00046-00025829-00026100 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00047-00026370-00026644 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00048-00026890-00027198 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00049-00027457-00027722 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00050-00027993-00028266 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00051-00028525-00028799 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00052-00029082-00029352 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00053-00029613-00029925 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00054-00030244-00030510 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00055-00030780-00031053 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00056-00031323-00031581 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00057-00031850-00032142 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00058-00032412-00032670 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00059-00032917-00033200 A zLilQ_Zcjv4-00060-00033471-00033744 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00061-00034026-00034289 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00062-00034523-00034796 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00063-00035116-00035390 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00064-00035623-00035896 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00065-00036216-00036489 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00066-00036748-00037022 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00067-00037341-00037607 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00068-00037889-00038153 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00069-00038436-00038707 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00070-00038977-00039271 G zLilQ_Zcjv4-00071-00039504-00039778 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00072-00040061-00040329 4 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00073-00040599-00040857 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00074-00041103-00041410 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00075-00041694-00041964 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00076-00042284-00042558 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00077-00042804-00043111 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00078-00043370-00043636 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00079-00043930-00044237 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00080-00044520-00044791 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00081-00045061-00045353 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00082-00045672-00045938 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00083-00046220-00046492 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00084-00046751-00047016 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00085-00047263-00047547 A zLilQ_Zcjv4-00086-00047807-00048119 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00087-00048412-00048681 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00088-00048940-00049205 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00089-00049499-00049773 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00090-00050065-00050334 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00091-00050617-00050888 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00092-00051170-00051434 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00093-00051728-00052035 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00094-00052354-00052627 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00095-00052947-00053213 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00096-00053446-00053714 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00097-00053998-00054266 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00098-00054525-00054819 H zLilQ_Zcjv4-00099-00055042-00055323 E zLilQ_Zcjv4-00100-00055593-00055851 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00101-00056158-00056405 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00102-00056675-00056932 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00103-00057203-00057481 F zLilQ_Zcjv4-00104-00057801-00058066 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00105-00058336-00058628 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00106-00058947-00059213 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00107-00059533-00059806 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00108-00060100-00060407 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00109-00060727-00061000 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00110-00061292-00061561 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00111-00061808-00062115 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00112-00062375-00062640 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00113-00062934-00063207 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00114-00063453-00063761 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00115-00064031-00064325 G zLilQ_Zcjv4-00116-00064585-00064879 H zLilQ_Zcjv4-00117-00065126-00065409 A zLilQ_Zcjv4-00118-00065656-00065963 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00119-00066246-00066517 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00120-00066787-00067045 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00121-00067328-00067596 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00122-00067855-00068144 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00123-00068367-00068649 E zLilQ_Zcjv4-00124-00068918-00069176 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00125-00069423-00069730 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00126-00070000-00070291 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00127-00070538-00070845 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00128-00071104-00071378 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00129-00071662-00071932 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00130-00072226-00072533 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00131-00072803-00073095 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00132-00073354-00073666 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00133-00073949-00074220 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00134-00074514-00074821 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00135-00075081-00075346 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00136-00075639-00075908 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00137-00076178-00076456 F zLilQ_Zcjv4-00138-00076739-00077003 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00139-00077296-00077569 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00140-00077889-00078162 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00141-00078456-00078729 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00142-00078989-00079254 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00143-00079537-00079805 4 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00144-00080039-00080312 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00145-00080558-00080866 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00146-00081136-00081430 G zLilQ_Zcjv4-00147-00081712-00081976 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00148-00082223-00082501 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00149-00082760-00083034 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00150-00083304-00083598 G zLilQ_Zcjv4-00151-00083868-00084126 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00152-00084396-00084688 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00153-00084994-00085291 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00154-00085610-00085876 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00155-00086196-00086469 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00156-00086752-00087023 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00157-00087282-00087572 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00158-00087891-00088164 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00159-00088458-00088732 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00160-00089002-00089275 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00161-00089594-00089868 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00162-00090138-00090395 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00163-00090715-00090980 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00164-00091251-00091524 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00165-00091807-00092075 4 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00166-00092395-00092668 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00167-00092927-00093201 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00168-00093434-00093708 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00169-00093967-00094256 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00170-00094539-00094810 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00171-00095104-00095411 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00172-00095670-00095944 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00173-00096250-00096547 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00174-00096780-00097054 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00175-00097313-00097603 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00176-00097922-00098195 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00177-00098466-00098723 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00178-00098993-00099272 F zLilQ_Zcjv4-00179-00099555-00099823 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00180-00100083-00100377 H zLilQ_Zcjv4-00181-00100637-00100949 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00182-00101219-00101511 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00183-00101794-00102062 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00184-00102382-00102655 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00185-00102947-00103216 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00186-00103475-00103749 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00187-00104009-00104274 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00188-00104557-00104828 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00189-00105075-00105382 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00190-00105688-00105985 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00191-00106256-00106529 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00192-00106823-00107096 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00193-00107366-00107639 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00194-00107872-00108141 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00195-00108434-00108741 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00196-00109060-00109327 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00197-00109609-00109877 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00198-00110124-00110403 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00199-00110672-00110964 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00200-00111197-00111466 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00201-00111736-00112028 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00202-00112297-00112576 F zLilQ_Zcjv4-00203-00112882-00113179 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00204-00113462-00113733 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00205-00113979-00114258 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00206-00114540-00114804 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00207-00115088-00115356 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00208-00115662-00115959 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00209-00116218-00116492 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00210-00116799-00117045 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00211-00117305-00117571 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00212-00117841-00118114 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00213-00118434-00118707 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00214-00118940-00119214 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00215-00119474-00119767 H zLilQ_Zcjv4-00216-00120027-00120293 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00217-00120585-00120854 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00218-00121114-00121426 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00219-00121696-00121975 F zLilQ_Zcjv4-00220-00122235-00122529 H zLilQ_Zcjv4-00221-00122762-00123035 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00222-00123319-00123589 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00223-00123872-00124143 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00224-00124390-00124697 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00225-00125003-00125300 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00226-00125560-00125872 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00227-00126180-00126426 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00228-00126685-00126959 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00229-00127218-00127484 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00230-00127754-00128046 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00231-00128292-00128600 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00232-00128883-00129151 4 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00233-00129445-00129751 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00234-00130010-00130300 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00235-00130533-00130801 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00236-00131035-00131308 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00237-00131591-00131855 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00238-00132124-00132403 F zLilQ_Zcjv4-00239-00132673-00132967 G zLilQ_Zcjv4-00240-00133286-00133552 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00241-00133872-00134145 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00242-00134416-00134689 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00243-00134995-00135292 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00244-00135574-00135838 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00245-00136132-00136405 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00246-00136664-00136938 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00247-00137220-00137492 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00248-00137751-00138017 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00249-00138263-00138570 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00250-00138864-00139137 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00251-00139420-00139688 4 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00252-00139971-00140235 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00253-00140541-00140838 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00254-00141098-00141392 H zLilQ_Zcjv4-00255-00141684-00141953 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00256-00142236-00142507 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00257-00142827-00143100 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00258-00143359-00143633 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00259-00143952-00144218 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00260-00144488-00144746 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00261-00145066-00145339 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00262-00145585-00145893 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00263-00146212-00146485 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00264-00146769-00147037 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00265-00147283-00147567 A zLilQ_Zcjv4-00266-00147800-00148068 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00267-00148376-00148622 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00268-00148905-00149168 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00269-00149428-00149722 H zLilQ_Zcjv4-00270-00150030-00150276 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00271-00150558-00150822 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00272-00151105-00151376 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00273-00151668-00151937 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00274-00152256-00152523 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00275-00152806-00153073 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00276-00153344-00153638 G zLilQ_Zcjv4-00277-00153898-00154210 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00278-00154517-00154764 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00279-00155034-00155292 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00280-00155538-00155816 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00281-00156063-00156370 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00282-00156654-00156922 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00283-00157241-00157514 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00284-00157761-00158068 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00285-00158314-00158593 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00286-00158887-00159160 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00287-00159420-00159685 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00288-00159932-00160239 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00289-00160522-00160793 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00290-00161112-00161386 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00291-00161668-00161932 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00292-00162238-00162535 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00293-00162842-00163089 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00294-00163383-00163690 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00295-00164010-00164283 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00296-00164542-00164808 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00297-00165078-00165370 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00298-00165689-00165962 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00299-00166232-00166527 G zLilQ_Zcjv4-00300-00166810-00167078 4 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00301-00167337-00167603 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00302-00167923-00168196 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00303-00168442-00168721 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00304-00168954-00169222 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00305-00169542-00169808 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00306-00170114-00170411 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00307-00170670-00170960 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00308-00171266-00171563 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00309-00171883-00172156 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00310-00172415-00172681 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00311-00172965-00173232 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00312-00173456-00173736 E zLilQ_Zcjv4-00313-00174056-00174330 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00314-00174611-00174875 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00315-00175122-00175401 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00316-00175660-00175925 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00317-00176185-00176474 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00318-00176756-00177020 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00319-00177303-00177571 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00320-00177830-00178104 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00321-00178364-00178629 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00322-00178899-00179178 F zLilQ_Zcjv4-00323-00179411-00179679 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00324-00180000-00180272 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00325-00180505-00180774 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00326-00180997-00181278 E zLilQ_Zcjv4-00327-00181525-00181803 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00328-00182049-00182357 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00329-00182616-00182882 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00330-00183165-00183436 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00331-00183682-00183961 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00332-00184220-00184486 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00333-00184709-00184990 E zLilQ_Zcjv4-00334-00185250-00185562 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00335-00185809-00186092 A zLilQ_Zcjv4-00336-00186412-00186677 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00337-00186948-00187242 G zLilQ_Zcjv4-00338-00187475-00187743 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00339-00188003-00188269 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00340-00188515-00188822 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00341-00189055-00189324 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00342-00189570-00189854 A zLilQ_Zcjv4-00343-00190173-00190439 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00344-00190759-00191032 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00345-00191292-00191604 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00346-00191850-00192158 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00347-00192464-00192762 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00348-00193081-00193354 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00349-00193601-00193908 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00350-00194168-00194480 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00351-00194773-00195042 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00352-00195324-00195588 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00353-00195847-00196113 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00354-00196395-00196667 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00355-00196987-00197260 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00356-00197542-00197806 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00357-00198089-00198359 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00358-00198642-00198913 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00359-00199197-00199467 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00360-00199737-00200016 F zLilQ_Zcjv4-00361-00200298-00200562 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00362-00200821-00201110 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00363-00201418-00201664 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00364-00201958-00202265 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00365-00202488-00202769 E zLilQ_Zcjv4-00366-00203063-00203336 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00367-00203606-00203864 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00368-00204170-00204467 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00369-00204713-00204992 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00370-00205262-00205553 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00371-00205846-00206115 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00372-00206362-00206645 A zLilQ_Zcjv4-00373-00206953-00207199 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00374-00207519-00207792 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00375-00208062-00208354 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00376-00208614-00208926 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00377-00209246-00209519 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00378-00209779-00210091 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00379-00210374-00210642 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00380-00210925-00211196 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00381-00211466-00211724 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00382-00211983-00212249 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00383-00212532-00212803 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00384-00213072-00213330 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00385-00213590-00213855 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00386-00214163-00214409 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00387-00214679-00214971 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00388-00215290-00215564 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00389-00215847-00216115 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00390-00216375-00216669 H zLilQ_Zcjv4-00391-00216988-00217262 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00392-00217532-00217805 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00393-00218098-00218367 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00394-00218600-00218874 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00395-00219193-00219466 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00396-00219737-00220028 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00397-00220311-00220582 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00398-00220828-00221136 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00399-00221455-00221729 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00400-00221988-00222254 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00401-00222573-00222846 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00402-00223080-00223348 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00403-00223630-00223894 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00404-00224165-00224438 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00405-00224757-00225030 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00406-00225290-00225556 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00407-00225839-00226107 4 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00408-00226377-00226669 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00409-00226988-00227261 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00410-00227508-00227787 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00411-00228094-00228340 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00412-00228573-00228847 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00413-00229107-00229401 H zLilQ_Zcjv4-00414-00229683-00229947 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00415-00230207-00230500 H zLilQ_Zcjv4-00416-00230747-00231031 A zLilQ_Zcjv4-00417-00231314-00231582 4 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00418-00231902-00232175 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00419-00232483-00232729 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00420-00232988-00233262 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00421-00233581-00233855 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00422-00234088-00234361 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00423-00234594-00234863 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00424-00235122-00235396 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00425-00235619-00235900 E zLilQ_Zcjv4-00426-00236170-00236449 F zLilQ_Zcjv4-00427-00236768-00237041 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00428-00237301-00237590 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00429-00237874-00238142 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00430-00238424-00238695 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00431-00238928-00239197 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00432-00239456-00239745 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00433-00240016-00240289 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00434-00240547-00240822 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00435-00241045-00241326 E zLilQ_Zcjv4-00436-00241585-00241858 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00437-00242092-00242365 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00438-00242685-00242950 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00439-00243271-00243544 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00440-00243813-00244071 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00441-00244354-00244622 4 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00442-00244883-00245195 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00443-00245488-00245761 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00444-00246021-00246334 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00445-00246653-00246926 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00446-00247232-00247530 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00447-00247789-00248063 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00448-00248382-00248656 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00449-00248915-00249188 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00450-00249471-00249742 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00451-00250062-00250335 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00452-00250594-00250868 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00453-00251128-00251422 H zLilQ_Zcjv4-00454-00251655-00251929 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00455-00252198-00252490 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00456-00252751-00253063 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00457-00253309-00253587 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00458-00253871-00254141 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00459-00254388-00254695 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00460-00255002-00255249 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00461-00255532-00255800 4 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00462-00256033-00256307 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00463-00256590-00256858 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00464-00257118-00257430 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00465-00257700-00257992 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00466-00258286-00258592 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00467-00258852-00259141 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00468-00259461-00259726 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00469-00260046-00260319 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00470-00260579-00260844 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00471-00261103-00261393 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00472-00261686-00261955 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00473-00262201-00262509 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00474-00262792-00263059 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00475-00263330-00263603 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00476-00263873-00264130 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00477-00264413-00264677 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00478-00264996-00265269 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00479-00265540-00265797 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00480-00266056-00266346 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00481-00266665-00266931 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00482-00267201-00267495 G zLilQ_Zcjv4-00483-00267777-00268049 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00484-00268368-00268634 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00485-00268954-00269227 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00486-00269533-00269830 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00487-00270150-00270416 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00488-00270699-00270967 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00489-00271287-00271560 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00490-00271820-00272132 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00491-00272452-00272725 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00492-00273032-00273279 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00493-00273538-00273811 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00494-00274132-00274405 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00495-00274688-00274956 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00496-00275275-00275541 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00497-00275834-00276103 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00498-00276326-00276607 E zLilQ_Zcjv4-00499-00276840-00277108 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00500-00277392-00277660 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00501-00277918-00278192 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00502-00278439-00278722 A zLilQ_Zcjv4-00503-00278993-00279287 G zLilQ_Zcjv4-00504-00279580-00279849 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00505-00280168-00280441 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00506-00280734-00281003 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00507-00281285-00281549 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00508-00281819-00282077 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00509-00282347-00282620 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00510-00282880-00283192 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00511-00283451-00283717 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00512-00283988-00284260 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00513-00284581-00284854 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00514-00285077-00285358 E zLilQ_Zcjv4-00515-00285652-00285925 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00516-00286208-00286476 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00517-00286770-00287043 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00518-00287289-00287573 A zLilQ_Zcjv4-00519-00287856-00288124 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00520-00288418-00288691 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00521-00288985-00289292 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00522-00289551-00289840 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00523-00290101-00290413 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00524-00290683-00290977 G zLilQ_Zcjv4-00525-00291223-00291502 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00526-00291822-00292095 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00527-00292377-00292649 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00528-00292956-00293202 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00529-00293496-00293769 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00530-00294089-00294362 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00531-00294595-00294869 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00532-00295115-00295423 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00533-00295706-00295974 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00534-00296234-00296546 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00535-00296779-00297053 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00536-00297336-00297604 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00537-00297887-00298155 4 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00538-00298402-00298685 A zLilQ_Zcjv4-00539-00299005-00299270 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00540-00299530-00299796 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00541-00300079-00300350 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00542-00300620-00300893 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00543-00301163-00301454 W zLilQ_Zcjv4-00544-00301701-00301980 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00545-00302226-00302533 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00546-00302815-00303079 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00547-00303339-00303633 H zLilQ_Zcjv4-00548-00303916-00304187 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00549-00304506-00304772 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00550-00305031-00305320 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00551-00305603-00305867 O zLilQ_Zcjv4-00552-00306113-00306391 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00553-00306662-00306935 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00554-00307229-00307502 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00555-00307821-00308095 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00556-00308377-00308648 C zLilQ_Zcjv4-00557-00308908-00309174 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00558-00309420-00309727 N zLilQ_Zcjv4-00559-00309987-00310252 R zLilQ_Zcjv4-00560-00310546-00310819 7 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00561-00311138-00311405 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00562-00311638-00311906 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00563-00312225-00312491 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00564-00312774-00313045 P zLilQ_Zcjv4-00565-00313352-00313599 2 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00566-00313859-00314153 H zLilQ_Zcjv4-00567-00314399-00314677 S zLilQ_Zcjv4-00568-00314998-00315271 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00569-00315517-00315801 A zLilQ_Zcjv4-00570-00316060-00316334 U zLilQ_Zcjv4-00571-00316628-00316934 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00572-00317254-00317520 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00573-00317753-00318026 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00574-00318346-00318611 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00575-00318882-00319139 5 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00576-00319459-00319724 1 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00577-00320018-00320325 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00578-00320631-00320929 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00579-00321162-00321430 T zLilQ_Zcjv4-00580-00321750-00322023 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00581-00322257-00322530 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00582-00322801-00323073 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00583-00323343-00323622 F zLilQ_Zcjv4-00584-00323905-00324173 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00585-00324420-00324703 A zLilQ_Zcjv4-00586-00324964-00325276 M zLilQ_Zcjv4-00587-00325570-00325876 Y zLilQ_Zcjv4-00588-00326183-00326480 ? zLilQ_Zcjv4-00589-00326750-00327023 L zLilQ_Zcjv4-00590-00327283-00327577 H zLilQ_Zcjv4-00591-00327810-00328083 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00592-00328367-00328635 4 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00593-00328868-00329142 I zLilQ_Zcjv4-00594-00329434-00329703 3 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00595-00329987-00330255 6 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00596-00330514-00330803 D zLilQ_Zcjv4-00597-00331123-00331396 9 zLilQ_Zcjv4-00598-00331678-00331942 O zPhF2mreNKA-00000-00000006-00000251 (upbeat music) zPhF2mreNKA-00001-00000251-00000524 - The advice I always have to founders is zPhF2mreNKA-00002-00000524-00000680 to learn that skill in-house. zPhF2mreNKA-00003-00000936-00001208 There's a secret hope by founders zPhF2mreNKA-00004-00001208-00001521 that once they put their app in the app store zPhF2mreNKA-00005-00001521-00001682 or they launch their web product, zPhF2mreNKA-00006-00001682-00001898 that if they share a few things zPhF2mreNKA-00007-00001898-00002098 within their own social networks, zPhF2mreNKA-00008-00002098-00002384 organically on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, zPhF2mreNKA-00009-00002384-00002537 that their friends would know about it, zPhF2mreNKA-00010-00002537-00002644 their friends' friends would know about it, zPhF2mreNKA-00011-00002644-00002769 and it would really grow. zPhF2mreNKA-00012-00003019-00003253 The realization that comes in that there needs to be ads. zPhF2mreNKA-00013-00003253-00003415 They know they need to do ads. zPhF2mreNKA-00014-00003415-00003751 It's not new to them, but they wanna postpone it, zPhF2mreNKA-00015-00003751-00003968 and they don't feel that they need to do it. zPhF2mreNKA-00016-00004262-00004531 The second phase I commonly see is, zPhF2mreNKA-00017-00004531-00004829 some mild, shy, experimentation. zPhF2mreNKA-00018-00004829-00005164 Which involves either putting their own credit card, zPhF2mreNKA-00019-00005164-00005459 trying to experiment with basic targeting zPhF2mreNKA-00020-00005459-00005733 and launching ad campaigns, or involving, potentially, zPhF2mreNKA-00021-00005733-00005888 a freelancer to help them out with that. zPhF2mreNKA-00022-00005888-00006152 So it's a shy attempt with a small budget. zPhF2mreNKA-00023-00006240-00006433 And then what usually happens is, zPhF2mreNKA-00024-00006433-00006589 it's either there's little activity zPhF2mreNKA-00025-00006589-00007014 around their app or website, or that campaign zPhF2mreNKA-00026-00007014-00007252 does not attract the exact type of customers zPhF2mreNKA-00027-00007252-00007598 that they're hoping to attract, to transact zPhF2mreNKA-00028-00007598-00007759 or be active with in their apps. zPhF2mreNKA-00029-00008084-00008256 And the third phase would be when they go out zPhF2mreNKA-00030-00008256-00008527 and they look for companies to do this for them. zPhF2mreNKA-00031-00008527-00008682 That phase involves getting quotes zPhF2mreNKA-00032-00008682-00008909 and trying to identify the right partner zPhF2mreNKA-00033-00008909-00009090 to do this for them, and so on. zPhF2mreNKA-00034-00009090-00009326 And that's six months to a year worth zPhF2mreNKA-00035-00009326-00009625 of execution where they're paying a third party zPhF2mreNKA-00036-00009625-00010011 to do the work, and that usually is a shared resource, zPhF2mreNKA-00037-00010011-00010221 a shared resource within an organization. zPhF2mreNKA-00038-00010221-00010380 And also, they're paying for Facebook, zPhF2mreNKA-00039-00010380-00010510 Instagram, and Google and others. zPhF2mreNKA-00040-00010780-00011051 The advice I always have to founders is zPhF2mreNKA-00041-00011051-00011195 to learn that skill in-house. zPhF2mreNKA-00042-00011195-00011355 They're paying the money anyway. zPhF2mreNKA-00043-00011445-00011862 I might as well learn that internally as a skill. zPhF2mreNKA-00044-00011862-00012018 And for them, as a founder, to understand it zPhF2mreNKA-00045-00012018-00012342 in the beginning before they hand it over to an intern, zPhF2mreNKA-00046-00012342-00012737 a freelancer, a new hire, or even an external third party. zPhF2mreNKA-00047-00012866-00013221 The importance for them to learn it on their own is critical zPhF2mreNKA-00048-00013221-00013406 because that's the core business. zPhF2mreNKA-00049-00013406-00013791 That's where their business, their money, comes from. zPhF2mreNKA-00050-00013791-00014080 I know founders look at it as it's an initial cost, zPhF2mreNKA-00051-00014080-00014393 and I cannot spend 10,000 dirhams or riyal zPhF2mreNKA-00052-00014393-00014886 to try to get those customers on a monthly basis. zPhF2mreNKA-00053-00014886-00015039 But the thing is, zPhF2mreNKA-00054-00015271-00015536 the costs of Facebook and Instagram ads today, zPhF2mreNKA-00055-00015536-00015682 and even the Google Ads as well, zPhF2mreNKA-00056-00015682-00016061 are relatively cost-effective compared to other channels. zPhF2mreNKA-00057-00016061-00016263 So you're able to reach 50 thousand people, zPhF2mreNKA-00058-00016263-00016525 100 thousand people, 200 thousand people, zPhF2mreNKA-00059-00016525-00016722 with a relatively lower cost than you would be able zPhF2mreNKA-00060-00016722-00017169 to do with traditional methods, which are flyers, zPhF2mreNKA-00061-00017169-00017515 paying for a booth at an event, or whatever. zPhF2mreNKA-00062-00017515-00017632 Magazine ads. zPhF2mreNKA-00063-00017632-00017800 So those are the other venues for you zPhF2mreNKA-00064-00017800-00018230 to reach a certain thousands of people zPhF2mreNKA-00065-00018230-00018509 that you can easily get in a much shorter amount of time, zPhF2mreNKA-00066-00018509-00018733 much lower cost, by running ads zPhF2mreNKA-00067-00018733-00018991 on Facebook and Instagram and Google. zPhF2mreNKA-00068-00019275-00019676 So what I would focus on are the skillset zPhF2mreNKA-00069-00019676-00019947 that the founder would need to learn him or herself. zPhF2mreNKA-00070-00019947-00020253 And the second is the budget before you go into a campaign. zPhF2mreNKA-00071-00020253-00020577 I see these shy attempts of a few thousand here, zPhF2mreNKA-00072-00020577-00020681 a few thousand there. zPhF2mreNKA-00073-00020681-00020912 Those are not enough to say I can do this zPhF2mreNKA-00074-00020912-00021109 and I'm able to find my pocket. zPhF2mreNKA-00075-00021109-00021413 What I generally recommend, depending on the startup, zPhF2mreNKA-00076-00021413-00021852 is to be able to allocate six months worth of budget. zPhF2mreNKA-00077-00021852-00022058 And I'm not talking about 2000 dirhams. zPhF2mreNKA-00078-00022058-00022270 It's a significant budget. zPhF2mreNKA-00079-00022270-00022608 Related to running campaigns. zPhF2mreNKA-00080-00022608-00022942 We're looking at anywhere from a 10,000 dirhams zPhF2mreNKA-00081-00022942-00023441 to 15,000, so 10 to 15 thousand dirhams a month zPhF2mreNKA-00082-00023525-00023696 would be a good start if you're trying zPhF2mreNKA-00083-00023696-00024196 to target the Emirates or in Saudi Arabia. zPhF2mreNKA-00084-00024444-00024619 I know a lot of people don't have that money, zPhF2mreNKA-00085-00024619-00024744 in terms of founders. zPhF2mreNKA-00086-00024744-00024922 And the common mistake I see for that, zPhF2mreNKA-00087-00024922-00025128 is you had the money when you wanted to build your product, zPhF2mreNKA-00088-00025128-00025453 but you've chosen to go really deep in your product. zPhF2mreNKA-00089-00025453-00025656 What the Hollywood movies that we all watch zPhF2mreNKA-00090-00025656-00025950 and we tend to enjoy. They have a small percentage zPhF2mreNKA-00091-00025950-00026211 of their budget to pay the super actors zPhF2mreNKA-00092-00026211-00026517 and actresses, the great 3D effects. zPhF2mreNKA-00093-00026517-00026716 More than 70% of their budget is zPhF2mreNKA-00094-00026716-00026930 for promoting it and promoting that movie zPhF2mreNKA-00095-00026930-00027108 for us to know about and to go and see it. zPhF2mreNKA-00096-00027108-00027204 This is why, sometimes, we go zPhF2mreNKA-00097-00027204-00027570 and see a big, hyped-up movie that we're excited to see, zPhF2mreNKA-00098-00027570-00027730 but then then it's a parroted movie. zPhF2mreNKA-00099-00027730-00028050 'Cause the cost of creating it was very small, zPhF2mreNKA-00100-00028050-00028245 and then the budget was huge to promote it. zPhF2mreNKA-00101-00028245-00028522 What I'm saying, is go out with a smaller product. zPhF2mreNKA-00102-00028522-00028733 Instead of going with 20 features out when you start, zPhF2mreNKA-00103-00028733-00029069 start with 10, eight, to get started. zPhF2mreNKA-00104-00029069-00029308 So eight features is still decent versus the 20. zPhF2mreNKA-00105-00029308-00029432 Use that, the rest of the budget, zPhF2mreNKA-00106-00029432-00029618 to get enough users to tell you zPhF2mreNKA-00107-00029618-00029811 what they really want, the features they really want. zPhF2mreNKA-00108-00029811-00029894 It gives you that activity zPhF2mreNKA-00109-00029894-00030081 so you get feedback on your product. zPhF2mreNKA-00110-00030081-00030347 You'd also gets enough activity zPhF2mreNKA-00111-00030347-00030562 to potentially go out and raise more money. zPhF2mreNKA-00112-00030977-00031254 To summarize, skillset for you to learn personally zPhF2mreNKA-00113-00031254-00031416 as a founder before you hand it over zPhF2mreNKA-00114-00031416-00031800 to an intern or a freelancer or a third party to do this. zPhF2mreNKA-00115-00031800-00032001 And the second is a significant budget zPhF2mreNKA-00116-00032001-00032218 for you to run ad campaigns systematically zPhF2mreNKA-00117-00032218-00032392 over six months. For you to be able zPhF2mreNKA-00118-00032392-00032718 to identify what is working, what is not working for you, zPhF2mreNKA-00119-00032718-00033017 and that budget comes from an earlier, friends and family, zPhF2mreNKA-00120-00033017-00033234 from an earlier budget for friends and family round, zPhF2mreNKA-00121-00033234-00033508 and spending less on tech and more zPhF2mreNKA-00122-00033508-00033640 on the promotional aspect. zT00j7tT2Pc-00000-00000016-00000536 What do you think is driving markets right now the producer price index was up seven-tenths of zT00j7tT2Pc-00001-00000536-00001032 a percent for the month of August do you think that we will see this passed on to the consumer zT00j7tT2Pc-00002-00001032-00001607 side of things as well today? Yeah I do absolutely if I'm reading the tea leaves you know last week zT00j7tT2Pc-00003-00001607-00002072 that producer's price index remember that's what companies pay that's their inflation or wholesale zT00j7tT2Pc-00004-00002072-00002632 inflation that came in higher than expected and again you know what I think right now is companies zT00j7tT2Pc-00005-00002632-00003056 prices are going up their costs are going up you know they're going to raise prices on you and me zT00j7tT2Pc-00006-00003056-00003496 the other data last week I think that was interesting Maria is that JOLT report that came zT00j7tT2Pc-00007-00003496-00004088 in higher than expected as well there were 900,000 more jobs available than was projected you know we zT00j7tT2Pc-00008-00004088-00004600 had 10 million jobs now we're at 10.9 openings and again we only know there's like 9 million zT00j7tT2Pc-00009-00004600-00005168 plus people on unemployment that says to me this labor shortage is going to get real by the end of zT00j7tT2Pc-00010-00005168-00005592 the year and I think you know you have to start positioning your portfolio to expect inflation zT00j7tT2Pc-00011-00005592-00006112 going much higher and one thing I'll mention here too is every strategist on Wall Street .. zT00j7tT2Pc-00012-00006320-00006416 no how do you do that? I'm sorry.. zT00j7tT2Pc-00013-00006631-00007088 every I think every strategist on Wall Street right now predicts that we're going to zT00j7tT2Pc-00014-00007088-00007559 get like a 10-15% correction right now and of course when you get a consensus on Wall zT00j7tT2Pc-00015-00007559-00008023 Street they're usually wrong I think right now I would be more concerned about a melt zT00j7tT2Pc-00016-00008023-00008512 up because there's so much cash out there that's why we have inflation and I wouldn't sit on it I zT00j7tT2Pc-00017-00008512-00008872 wouldn't be sitting on cash here especially if inflation's going up you've got to get invested zT00j7tT2Pc-00018-00009016-00009544 so melt-up you think stocks are going higher you want to buy in then amidst all of this uncertainty. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00000-00000039-00000768 Okay, Hi my name is Cailyn and this is my very first Youtube video for my makeup channel zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00001-00000768-00001370 um well I guess I can't say it's a full makeup channel I want my channel to have a lot of zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00002-00001370-00001936 different things for people I'm going to do cooking videos, weight loss videos, bullying zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00003-00001936-00002467 videos, um but before we get into all of that let me introduce myself. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00004-00002467-00003214 Like I said my name is Cailyn I am 17 years old and I am a junior in high school I love zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00005-00003214-00004180 makeup, dance, fashion, um shopping nails, hair, everything like that and I also love zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00006-00004180-00004512 baseball and I'm a little bit of a tomboy in that aspect um so you guys will probably zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00007-00004512-00005462 see some videos on that um what else can I say I've been a dancer for 17 years. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00008-00005462-00005988 Not 17 years sorry 14 years um and it's really my passion in life and that's what i want zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00009-00005988-00006663 to do when I'm older and after I graduate I'll be moving to New York City to pursue zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00010-00006663-00007045 that dream and hopefully continue to YouTube. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00011-00007045-00007929 so I decided for my first video I'm going to do a kind of comparison slash review video zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00012-00007929-00008771 of the MAC Heroine lipstick and the Maybelline Vivids Brazen Berry Lipstick they're both zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00013-00008771-00009400 very vivid purples and one is definatly more expensive than the other and I wanted to help zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00014-00009400-00009921 you guys maybe get a little bit of an aspect of if it's worth it to spend the money on zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00015-00009921-00010249 the MAC or go with the drugstore. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00016-00010249-00010576 So let's get started with a couple swatches. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00017-00010576-00011325 This is the MAC lipstick in Heroine as you can see I've used this one. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00018-00011325-00011688 It has a matte finish. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00019-00011688-00012393 And it runs for I think 16 dollars at MAC I got this as a gift it's something that I zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00020-00012393-00013312 wanted for a really long time, and I absolutely adore it so see the swatch here that's what zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00021-00013312-00014109 that looks like it's very dark and it's definatly a more daring color. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00022-00014109-00014598 So if you want something to kind of spice up your look or maybe your going for a vampy zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00023-00014598-00015193 look I know it's winter so these dark colors are really in then this is what you kinda zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00024-00015193-00015659 want to go with and I'll tell you right now, if you have dark hair and really pale skin zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00025-00015659-00016431 like I do it looks awesome I think it's this one or another one that Lorde wears I think zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00026-00016431-00017073 she's worn it before with Cyber there was a video that I saw on that lip combo. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00027-00017073-00017881 So the next lipstick is the Maybelline Vivids in Brazen Berry number 905 that'll be backwards zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00028-00017881-00018923 to you guys but this one I just got at Ulta so that because it's on sale right now they're zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00029-00018923-00019723 having a sale on L'Oreal, Garnier, and Maybelline it buy 1 get one half off so go to Ulta and zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00030-00019723-00019963 check that out. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00031-00019963-00020751 This one is not a matte, it is more of a sheen kind of color so w\we'll swatch this. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00032-00020751-00022220 And as you can see it's lighter than Heroine it's not as pigmented as well hopefully you zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00033-00022220-00022592 guys can see that. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00034-00022592-00023589 But in the aspect of how they go on this one definaetly goes on smoother and not as if zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00035-00023589-00024237 you can see it's kind of more even than the Heroine where it's kind of patchy. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00036-00024237-00024873 So when it comes to the pigmentation I would definatly say if you want to be more bold zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00037-00024873-00025484 Heroine but this one would the Brazen Berry would be more for an everyday sort of look zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00038-00025484-00026008 and I'm not saying like oh wear this to school but I mean play with it sorry my chair was zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00039-00026008-00026747 a little messed up um you know play with your look don't be afraid to experiment with color zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00040-00026747-00027325 so no I'm going to try and smudge them and see how well they come off. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00041-00027325-00028392 I have no primer no liner none of that, on it so we'll see here so they smudge about zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00042-00028392-00029368 evenly we'll pull them opposite directions now that way and then we'll go this way So zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00043-00029368-00029989 as you can see they smudge pretty well so you're probably going to need uh maybe a lip zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00044-00029989-00030635 primer or base or you know something like that I know that Too Faced makes a lip insurance zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00045-00030635-00031357 um personally speaking with these I would go with Heroine I don't think it's worth the zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00046-00031357-00032082 $16 but if you really want pigment and something matte then this is one of the best ones out zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00047-00032082-00032182 there. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00048-00032182-00032733 And you're not going to find this color on the market in most cases it's most people zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00049-00032733-00033449 have uh the nudes and the pinks are really in right now and this one is just a gorgeous zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00050-00033449-00034071 unique dark color and you know you're just not going to find it anywhere else. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00051-00034071-00034788 And the Brazen Berry it's good but I feel like it's one of those lipsticks that you're zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00052-00034788-00035360 going to have to reapply reapply reapply where the I haven't worn the Brazen Berry so this zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00053-00035360-00036013 is also kind of a first impressions one but I know that this one stays on all the time zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00054-00036013-00036438 without anything underneath it I don't even put any chapstick underneath it nothing and zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00055-00036438-00037397 it stays put so yea I guess that's my little review thank you so much for watching and zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00056-00037397-00037945 subscribe like comment um hopefully I'll be doing videos at least once a week um I'm just zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00057-00037945-00038371 getting started so it's a lot of figuring out the lighting the set up so please comment zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00058-00038371-00039213 down below if um you know the lightings too dark too light um if you want to see anything zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00059-00039213-00039839 on the makeup I have on today I don't know if you guys can see it like that it's really zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00060-00039839-00040359 neutral I didn't have a ton of time this morning um but I will have 2 makeup tutorials coming zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00061-00040359-00040910 up for you guys have some kind of intense fun colors which I'm really excited about zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00062-00040910-00041910 and oh one more thing my fingers are purple um if you are looking for some new youtubers zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00063-00041910-00042396 to kind of watch I will link some people down below uh there's a youtuber who lives really zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00064-00042396-00042995 close to me who is super nice and like the most amazing lady ever she has been doing zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00065-00042995-00043777 youtube for I wanna say a couple years a year over a year uh her name her youtube name is zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00066-00043777-00044416 Rosa's Beauty and Fashion she does amazing videos um she's always telling you guys where zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00067-00044416-00045119 to find the bargain makeup that's still really good um and she posts all the time and she's zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00068-00045119-00045663 like me she shoots on an IPad and you knows she's just amazing and I wanna help get her zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00069-00045663-00046158 as many subscribers as possible because she's kind of the one who said like you know don't zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00070-00046158-00046453 be afraid to start your youtube just start it. zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00071-00046453-00047258 So oh my phone went off um that's what I'm doing so I hope you guys have a wonderful zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00072-00047258-00047928 like comment and subscribe down below oh and Happy Groundhogs Day look at that um yeah zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00073-00047928-00048446 so tell me if you liked this video and comment suggestions for more videos I'll see you guys zTq5MGJ5MZQ-00074-00048446-00048569 soon bye zXrhzYuYfO4-00000-00000252-00000438 Hello and welcome to Bay College's zXrhzYuYfO4-00001-00000438-00000572 Online College Algebra. zXrhzYuYfO4-00002-00000572-00000977 My name's Jim Helmer and this is the Start Here video. zXrhzYuYfO4-00003-00000977-00001292 This is actually the landing page that you'll see for the zXrhzYuYfO4-00004-00001292-00001668 first week of the course when you log into Blackboard and zXrhzYuYfO4-00005-00001668-00001948 choose your College Algebra course. zXrhzYuYfO4-00006-00001948-00002271 So this video is just going to explain to you some of the zXrhzYuYfO4-00007-00002271-00002642 major topics in navigating this course within the zXrhzYuYfO4-00008-00002642-00002940 Blackboard Learning Management system. zXrhzYuYfO4-00009-00002940-00003536 So the first thing that I want to tell you about is my email. zXrhzYuYfO4-00010-00003536-00003935 If you have any questions as you're working in Blackboard zXrhzYuYfO4-00011-00003935-00004267 or working on any assignments, you cannot hesitate to email zXrhzYuYfO4-00012-00004267-00004425 me, your instructor. zXrhzYuYfO4-00013-00004425-00004611 Keep that open line of communication. zXrhzYuYfO4-00014-00004611-00004724 It's very important. zXrhzYuYfO4-00015-00004724-00004879 My email is helmerj@baycollege.edu. zXrhzYuYfO4-00016-00005384-00005626 helmerj@baycollege. zXrhzYuYfO4-00017-00005626-00005880 The next thing we're going to look at is the syllabus. zXrhzYuYfO4-00018-00005880-00006241 And I'm going to step over here to the computer. zXrhzYuYfO4-00019-00006241-00006603 Now, the syllabus acts as a contract between you, the zXrhzYuYfO4-00020-00006603-00006848 student, and myself, the instructor. zXrhzYuYfO4-00021-00006848-00007231 It's very important that you go through the syllabus and zXrhzYuYfO4-00022-00007231-00007433 see what's required for the course. zXrhzYuYfO4-00023-00007433-00007916 We have our meeting times, again, the thing about the zXrhzYuYfO4-00024-00007916-00008081 meeting times is you only have to choose zXrhzYuYfO4-00025-00008081-00008270 one per week to attend. zXrhzYuYfO4-00026-00008270-00008529 And you don't have to commit to just one every week. zXrhzYuYfO4-00027-00008529-00008831 If your schedule changes, you choose to come to the one on zXrhzYuYfO4-00028-00008831-00009165 Tuesday or Thursday or Wednesday, it doesn't matter zXrhzYuYfO4-00029-00009165-00009469 as long as you just attend one of them per week. zXrhzYuYfO4-00030-00009469-00009716 That is, of course, requirement. zXrhzYuYfO4-00031-00009716-00010111 Also if you go through, here is my contact information, the zXrhzYuYfO4-00032-00010111-00010567 course materials required, such as the textbook and the zXrhzYuYfO4-00033-00010567-00010798 fact that you will need a graphing calculator. zXrhzYuYfO4-00034-00010798-00010940 It is required. zXrhzYuYfO4-00035-00010940-00011175 Also, some websites that we'll be using. zXrhzYuYfO4-00036-00011175-00011422 Obviously we're online.baycollege.edu. zXrhzYuYfO4-00037-00011422-00011703 That is the Blackboard Learning Management system. zXrhzYuYfO4-00038-00011703-00012074 We will use Interact Math to submit homework. zXrhzYuYfO4-00039-00012074-00012467 And there are some additional resources through the math zXrhzYuYfO4-00040-00012467-00012726 department's website on My Bay, which will zXrhzYuYfO4-00041-00012726-00012894 require you to log on. zXrhzYuYfO4-00042-00012894-00013229 And I'm not going to spend too much time of this video going zXrhzYuYfO4-00043-00013229-00013305 through here. zXrhzYuYfO4-00044-00013305-00013622 But this is laid out in the syllabus. zXrhzYuYfO4-00045-00013622-00013932 The grading policies, the course requirements, it's all zXrhzYuYfO4-00046-00013932-00014012 laid out in here. zXrhzYuYfO4-00047-00014012-00014322 Please take the time to read through it. zXrhzYuYfO4-00048-00014322-00014611 And if you choose to, there's a version you can download as zXrhzYuYfO4-00049-00014611-00015044 a PDF right here at the top of the page here. zXrhzYuYfO4-00050-00015044-00015252 Now the next thing we're going to look at is the schedule. zXrhzYuYfO4-00051-00015252-00015563 Because one thing I want to point out is that this is not zXrhzYuYfO4-00052-00015563-00015771 a self paced course. zXrhzYuYfO4-00053-00015771-00016262 The speed at which this course is completed is almost zXrhzYuYfO4-00054-00016262-00016610 identical to that which you would get in the classroom. zXrhzYuYfO4-00055-00016610-00016999 So print off the schedule, keep it with you. zXrhzYuYfO4-00056-00016999-00017344 Every due date for every assignment is available on the zXrhzYuYfO4-00057-00017344-00017733 right hand column of the schedule. zXrhzYuYfO4-00058-00017733-00018086 So you'll see what sections we're doing, what I expect you zXrhzYuYfO4-00059-00018086-00018379 to complete during that section, and it actually gives zXrhzYuYfO4-00060-00018379-00018544 you the due date. zXrhzYuYfO4-00061-00018544-00018831 First example is journal number one and the basic zXrhzYuYfO4-00062-00018831-00019115 skills test, which you are required to complete before zXrhzYuYfO4-00063-00019115-00019466 the end of the first week, are due by August 31, and that's zXrhzYuYfO4-00064-00019466-00019732 the Saturday after the start of the semester. zXrhzYuYfO4-00065-00019732-00020159 So you have essentially six days to complete those first zXrhzYuYfO4-00066-00020159-00020475 two assignments, the journal and the basic skills test. zXrhzYuYfO4-00067-00020475-00020774 The basic skills test will be available at the proctoring zXrhzYuYfO4-00068-00020774-00021076 facilities, whether you're taking it at a local zXrhzYuYfO4-00069-00021076-00021387 proctoring facility or at the Bay College campuses, it will zXrhzYuYfO4-00070-00021387-00021465 be available. zXrhzYuYfO4-00071-00021465-00021783 You just have to go to their testing center, ask for it, zXrhzYuYfO4-00072-00021783-00021998 and make sure you bring picture ID. zXrhzYuYfO4-00073-00021998-00022287 They will ask you to identify to make sure you're the zXrhzYuYfO4-00074-00022287-00022526 student who should be taking the test. zXrhzYuYfO4-00075-00022526-00022979 So we're going to follow this schedule as close as possible, zXrhzYuYfO4-00076-00022979-00023196 but we have to realize, if you'll notice in red here it zXrhzYuYfO4-00077-00023196-00023311 does say tentative. zXrhzYuYfO4-00078-00023311-00023460 It is subject to change. zXrhzYuYfO4-00079-00023460-00023769 But I'm hoping to not have to do that. zXrhzYuYfO4-00080-00023769-00023964 The next thing we're going to look at is the course zXrhzYuYfO4-00081-00023964-00024035 announcements. zXrhzYuYfO4-00082-00024035-00024307 Now I had mentioned before the Start Here page zXrhzYuYfO4-00083-00024307-00024497 is the landing page. zXrhzYuYfO4-00084-00024497-00024715 Well, that's only going to be for the first week. zXrhzYuYfO4-00085-00024715-00025078 That just kind of gives you a little bit to be familiar with zXrhzYuYfO4-00086-00025078-00025184 the course. zXrhzYuYfO4-00087-00025184-00025471 But after the first week, the landing page will then become zXrhzYuYfO4-00088-00025471-00025567 the course announcements. zXrhzYuYfO4-00089-00025567-00025876 So when you log in on the second week, you'll come zXrhzYuYfO4-00090-00025876-00026081 straight to the announcements page. zXrhzYuYfO4-00091-00026081-00026327 Right now there are no announcements because this zXrhzYuYfO4-00092-00026327-00026489 semester has yet to begun. zXrhzYuYfO4-00093-00026489-00026756 But the first time you log in, you will see an zXrhzYuYfO4-00094-00026756-00026869 announcement here. zXrhzYuYfO4-00095-00026869-00027204 It's also pushed to your Bay College email, so it's very zXrhzYuYfO4-00096-00027204-00027522 important that you as the student are checking your Bay zXrhzYuYfO4-00097-00027522-00027752 College email frequently. zXrhzYuYfO4-00098-00027752-00028026 I'd like you to check it daily, but at zXrhzYuYfO4-00099-00028026-00028368 least every other day. zXrhzYuYfO4-00100-00028368-00028664 So like I said, any announcements for the course zXrhzYuYfO4-00101-00028664-00029012 will be available here in the Announcements page, which will zXrhzYuYfO4-00102-00029012-00029339 be the landing page in week two and throughout the rest of zXrhzYuYfO4-00103-00029339-00029470 the semester. zXrhzYuYfO4-00104-00029470-00029713 The next thing we're going to look at is the course modules. zXrhzYuYfO4-00105-00029713-00029844 This is where you actually find the zXrhzYuYfO4-00106-00029844-00030310 content of College Algebra. zXrhzYuYfO4-00107-00030310-00030658 Before you get started in the course, I'd like you take a zXrhzYuYfO4-00108-00030658-00030947 look at Preparing For Math 110 online. zXrhzYuYfO4-00109-00030947-00031172 And if you just click on any one of these folders, it zXrhzYuYfO4-00110-00031172-00031427 brings you into the folder to show you zXrhzYuYfO4-00111-00031427-00031610 what modules are available. zXrhzYuYfO4-00112-00031610-00031824 One example is [INAUDIBLE] to success. zXrhzYuYfO4-00113-00031824-00032068 Take the time to take a look at this. zXrhzYuYfO4-00114-00032068-00032320 Some of it could be very informative and very zXrhzYuYfO4-00115-00032320-00032501 empowering. zXrhzYuYfO4-00116-00032501-00032930 Also, before you begin, just some additional materials such zXrhzYuYfO4-00117-00032930-00033264 as if you plan on using Google Hangouts there's a video in zXrhzYuYfO4-00118-00033264-00033516 here to show you how to do that so you don't actually zXrhzYuYfO4-00119-00033516-00033684 physically have to be on campus. zXrhzYuYfO4-00120-00033684-00033960 This is an online course and it's your choice whether you zXrhzYuYfO4-00121-00033960-00034196 come to campus or not. zXrhzYuYfO4-00122-00034196-00034429 The next is completing and submitting zXrhzYuYfO4-00123-00034429-00034648 homework and quizzes. zXrhzYuYfO4-00124-00034648-00034974 Now, the videos that are within this folder are also zXrhzYuYfO4-00125-00034974-00035185 going to be available elsewhere in the homework and zXrhzYuYfO4-00126-00035185-00035357 quiz submission sections. zXrhzYuYfO4-00127-00035357-00035766 So definitely take a look at them whether you view them zXrhzYuYfO4-00128-00035766-00035998 here within the module or in what we're zXrhzYuYfO4-00129-00035998-00036183 going to explain shortly. zXrhzYuYfO4-00130-00036183-00036547 Also, if you go to Exam One, let's say the class is zXrhzYuYfO4-00131-00036547-00036817 beginning and the schedule says we're going to cover zXrhzYuYfO4-00132-00036817-00037192 sections 1.1 and 1.2 the first week. zXrhzYuYfO4-00133-00037192-00037549 If you click on here, it takes you right into the module and zXrhzYuYfO4-00134-00037549-00037619 you can go through. zXrhzYuYfO4-00135-00037619-00037929 The introduction kind of gives you what is expected of you zXrhzYuYfO4-00136-00037929-00038188 and what we're going to learn and the zXrhzYuYfO4-00137-00038188-00038350 next one is the handout. zXrhzYuYfO4-00138-00038350-00038770 Now, each handout correlates to a lecture video. zXrhzYuYfO4-00139-00038770-00039026 So you can print off this video, you can complete the zXrhzYuYfO4-00140-00039026-00039220 notes as you watch the video. zXrhzYuYfO4-00141-00039220-00039519 It's a synchronous set up. zXrhzYuYfO4-00142-00039519-00039751 So if we click on the Next there's the video. zXrhzYuYfO4-00143-00039751-00040147 You can watch it right here within Blackboard or you can zXrhzYuYfO4-00144-00040147-00040544 use the YouTube URL and watch it within YouTube. zXrhzYuYfO4-00145-00040544-00040657 It is convenient. zXrhzYuYfO4-00146-00040657-00041005 Maybe you're watching it from a remote device, you could zXrhzYuYfO4-00147-00041005-00041305 watch it on YouTube itself instead of through the zXrhzYuYfO4-00148-00041305-00041463 Blackboard system. zXrhzYuYfO4-00149-00041463-00041811 And then of course, the last tab-- and most every section zXrhzYuYfO4-00150-00041811-00041957 is laid out the same-- zXrhzYuYfO4-00151-00041957-00042517 it tells you what section to complete at interactmath.com. zXrhzYuYfO4-00152-00042517-00042838 And if you've watched the homework video, you understand zXrhzYuYfO4-00153-00042838-00042983 how to do that. zXrhzYuYfO4-00154-00042983-00043345 And then the last-- oh, excuse me-- is the summary. zXrhzYuYfO4-00155-00043345-00043646 The summary just says, if you've done these things, you zXrhzYuYfO4-00156-00043646-00044019 should be ready to work with this content. zXrhzYuYfO4-00157-00044019-00044270 So that's essentially the course modules. zXrhzYuYfO4-00158-00044270-00044590 Now, being that there are seven exams, there are seven zXrhzYuYfO4-00159-00044590-00045078 folders up to each exam and there are corresponding video zXrhzYuYfO4-00160-00045078-00045399 lectures and notes that go with each and every section of zXrhzYuYfO4-00161-00045399-00045499 this course. zXrhzYuYfO4-00162-00045499-00045637 So take the time to watch those. zXrhzYuYfO4-00163-00045637-00045989 The nice thing about watching a lecture on video is if you zXrhzYuYfO4-00164-00045989-00046265 get confused or you want to review something before the zXrhzYuYfO4-00165-00046265-00046497 next topic within the video, you have the zXrhzYuYfO4-00166-00046497-00046593 power to pause it. zXrhzYuYfO4-00167-00046593-00046937 You also have the power to move back and say, maybe ask zXrhzYuYfO4-00168-00046937-00047224 yourself, how did the instructor go from this step zXrhzYuYfO4-00169-00047224-00047304 to the next step? zXrhzYuYfO4-00170-00047304-00047642 Well, unlike the classroom, you can actually back it up, zXrhzYuYfO4-00171-00047642-00047936 watch it again, make sure you have that concrete zXrhzYuYfO4-00172-00047936-00048100 understanding. zXrhzYuYfO4-00173-00048100-00048397 All right, the next tab within Blackboard we're going to look zXrhzYuYfO4-00174-00048397-00048579 at is Homework Submission. zXrhzYuYfO4-00175-00048579-00048811 You've watched the lecture video, you've completed the zXrhzYuYfO4-00176-00048811-00049189 notes, you've practiced some of the examples, you've worked zXrhzYuYfO4-00177-00049189-00049756 within interactmath.com and now you're ready to submit zXrhzYuYfO4-00178-00049756-00049823 your homework. zXrhzYuYfO4-00179-00049823-00050256 This video explains how to work within interactmath.com zXrhzYuYfO4-00180-00050256-00050699 and to submit your homework assignments. zXrhzYuYfO4-00181-00050699-00050964 One example is section 1.1 homework submission. zXrhzYuYfO4-00182-00050964-00051175 When you go to do this first one, make sure you have it zXrhzYuYfO4-00183-00051175-00051553 completed and you're ready to submit it before you click on zXrhzYuYfO4-00184-00051553-00051637 any one of these. zXrhzYuYfO4-00185-00051637-00051940 Because you click on it and it asks you to submit it. zXrhzYuYfO4-00186-00051940-00052365 If you're not done with it and don't submit it at that time, zXrhzYuYfO4-00187-00052365-00052465 you get a 0. zXrhzYuYfO4-00188-00052465-00052729 So you have to make sure your homework's done and ready to zXrhzYuYfO4-00189-00052729-00052824 be uploaded. zXrhzYuYfO4-00190-00052824-00053196 Make sure it's in it PDF format. zXrhzYuYfO4-00191-00053196-00053416 The next one is your quiz submissions. zXrhzYuYfO4-00192-00053416-00053649 Now I have yet to complete the video, but there will be a zXrhzYuYfO4-00193-00053649-00053945 video in here before the start of class. zXrhzYuYfO4-00194-00053945-00054263 And it will explain to you how you go about zXrhzYuYfO4-00195-00054263-00054363 completing your quizzes. zXrhzYuYfO4-00196-00054363-00054660 Your quizzes are actually embedded within these lecture zXrhzYuYfO4-00197-00054660-00054894 videos and within the notes. zXrhzYuYfO4-00198-00054894-00055125 So as you're working through the notes, you'll get to one zXrhzYuYfO4-00199-00055125-00055625 example problem that will be labeled in bold, "Quiz." That zXrhzYuYfO4-00200-00055625-00055680 is your quiz. zXrhzYuYfO4-00201-00055680-00056092 To demonstrate to me that you do have the understanding of zXrhzYuYfO4-00202-00056092-00056283 the content we are covering. zXrhzYuYfO4-00203-00056283-00056549 Now, the quiz submission is a little bit different because zXrhzYuYfO4-00204-00056549-00056794 you can submit it in several different formats. zXrhzYuYfO4-00205-00056794-00057040 But that'll be explained in the quiz instruction zXrhzYuYfO4-00206-00057040-00057166 submission video. zXrhzYuYfO4-00207-00057166-00057595 So definitely check that out when it's available. zXrhzYuYfO4-00208-00057595-00057816 The next tab is Journals. zXrhzYuYfO4-00209-00057816-00058087 You're going to be asked to do seven journals zXrhzYuYfO4-00210-00058087-00058259 throughout the semester. zXrhzYuYfO4-00211-00058259-00058441 And one is the very first week. zXrhzYuYfO4-00212-00058441-00058773 Now, these journals are the opportunity for you to do a zXrhzYuYfO4-00213-00058773-00059191 self-assessment, to kind of judge what you're going to be zXrhzYuYfO4-00214-00059191-00059540 doing, what you are doing, and how it's working for you. zXrhzYuYfO4-00215-00059540-00060003 So these journal entries are asked of you and they are on zXrhzYuYfO4-00216-00060003-00060239 the schedule of when they need to be completed. zXrhzYuYfO4-00217-00060239-00060654 So definitely refer back to that schedule very often. zXrhzYuYfO4-00218-00060654-00060905 The next and second to last thing we're going to talk zXrhzYuYfO4-00219-00060905-00061214 about is the Peer Discussion Board. zXrhzYuYfO4-00220-00061214-00061600 Now what I'd like you to do is when you first log into the zXrhzYuYfO4-00221-00061600-00061828 course is to go to this discussion zXrhzYuYfO4-00222-00061828-00061996 board, introduce yourself. zXrhzYuYfO4-00223-00061996-00062384 Tell your fellow peer students what it is zXrhzYuYfO4-00224-00062384-00062602 that you enjoy doing. zXrhzYuYfO4-00225-00062602-00062866 Maybe you can share a little bit about yourself when it zXrhzYuYfO4-00226-00062866-00063189 comes to your goals, your short term goals, maybe. zXrhzYuYfO4-00227-00063189-00063530 What do you plan to achieve in this class? zXrhzYuYfO4-00228-00063530-00063729 What's your goals for this semester? zXrhzYuYfO4-00229-00063729-00063963 What is your end degree goals? zXrhzYuYfO4-00230-00063963-00064146 How far are you going to take your education? zXrhzYuYfO4-00231-00064146-00064353 What major are you going for? zXrhzYuYfO4-00232-00064353-00064684 Share as much as you want or as little as you want, but zXrhzYuYfO4-00233-00064684-00064934 just go in there and introduce yourself to the class. zXrhzYuYfO4-00234-00064934-00065201 Get to know your fellow students because zXrhzYuYfO4-00235-00065201-00065367 they can be a resource. zXrhzYuYfO4-00236-00065367-00065593 The key to being successful online is zXrhzYuYfO4-00237-00065593-00065775 building a sense of community. zXrhzYuYfO4-00238-00065775-00066236 If you find out that some of your peers maybe live close to zXrhzYuYfO4-00239-00066236-00066512 you or maybe you find out you know some of your peers, you zXrhzYuYfO4-00240-00066512-00066773 could take that as an opportunity to set up study zXrhzYuYfO4-00241-00066773-00067137 groups, to work on the more difficult material that you zXrhzYuYfO4-00242-00067137-00067509 may come across, and build a sense of community and persist zXrhzYuYfO4-00243-00067509-00067656 in this course and do well. zXrhzYuYfO4-00244-00067656-00067873 That's our overall goal. zXrhzYuYfO4-00245-00067873-00068181 The last thing we're going to talk about is the Grade Book. zXrhzYuYfO4-00246-00068181-00068355 Now you can select the Grade Book. zXrhzYuYfO4-00247-00068355-00068663 And right now for me it says users with your role do not zXrhzYuYfO4-00248-00068663-00068773 have personal grades. zXrhzYuYfO4-00249-00068773-00069049 Well, I'm the instructor, so I'm not actually within my own zXrhzYuYfO4-00250-00069049-00069216 grade book. zXrhzYuYfO4-00251-00069216-00069450 But when you click on here, you will actually see your zXrhzYuYfO4-00252-00069450-00069718 grades, what you did on each assignment, whether I've zXrhzYuYfO4-00253-00069718-00070134 graded it and entered it into the system, and you can keep zXrhzYuYfO4-00254-00070134-00070522 track of your grades all throughout the semester. zXrhzYuYfO4-00255-00070522-00070724 So you'll know how you're doing, you'll be able to zXrhzYuYfO4-00256-00070724-00070837 self-assess. zXrhzYuYfO4-00257-00070837-00071117 And if you refer back to the syllabus, it gives you some zXrhzYuYfO4-00258-00071117-00071503 ideas of dates you have to be aware of in the syllabus such zXrhzYuYfO4-00259-00071503-00072019 as financial aid issues, maybe things aren't zXrhzYuYfO4-00260-00072019-00072139 working out for you. zXrhzYuYfO4-00261-00072139-00072441 So you'll know where your grade is, you can self-assess zXrhzYuYfO4-00262-00072441-00072806 at any time, and hopefully your grade is zXrhzYuYfO4-00263-00072806-00072931 where you want to be. zXrhzYuYfO4-00264-00072931-00073306 And if not, there are so many resources out there such as zXrhzYuYfO4-00265-00073306-00073599 tutoring, which is all free through Bay College. zXrhzYuYfO4-00266-00073599-00073976 If you self identify and ask for it, the college will zXrhzYuYfO4-00267-00073976-00074159 provide tutoring for you. zXrhzYuYfO4-00268-00074159-00074527 You just have to find someone to talk to about it. zXrhzYuYfO4-00269-00074527-00075022 All right, well that is your introduction to the Bay zXrhzYuYfO4-00270-00075022-00075369 College, College Algebra Learning Management System zXrhzYuYfO4-00271-00075369-00075546 here in Blackboard. zXrhzYuYfO4-00272-00075546-00075817 I hope that you have a good semester and, like I said, at zXrhzYuYfO4-00273-00075817-00076141 any time if you have any questions, do not ever zXrhzYuYfO4-00274-00076141-00076347 hesitate to send me an email. zXrhzYuYfO4-00275-00076347-00076653 Email is going to be our main mode of contact throughout the zXrhzYuYfO4-00276-00076653-00076826 semester, so keep checking your Bay zXrhzYuYfO4-00277-00076826-00076986 College email as well. zXrhzYuYfO4-00278-00076986-00077111 Thank you. zZfhTzjKgj8-00000-00003496-00004384 so zZfhTzjKgj8-00001-00005072-00005784 do zZfhTzjKgj8-00002-00006328-00007184 so zZfhTzjKgj8-00003-00017424-00018384 so zZfhTzjKgj8-00004-00018808-00019784 so zZfhTzjKgj8-00005-00023264-00023984 so zZfhTzjKgj8-00006-00024984-00025384 is zZfhTzjKgj8-00007-00027832-00028295 we will fly above the sky we are zZfhTzjKgj8-00008-00029536-00029586 the here zZfhTzjKgj8-00009-00033616-00033784 from zZfhTzjKgj8-00010-00034960-00035184 we are zZfhTzjKgj8-00011-00035704-00036584 we are zZfhTzjKgj8-00012-00037200-00037984 we are heroes zZfhTzjKgj8-00013-00038680-00039384 thank you zZfhTzjKgj8-00014-00043208-00044984 i've been all around the globe your soul zZfhTzjKgj8-00015-00048264-00049184 so zZfhTzjKgj8-00016-00049560-00050584 come on zZfhTzjKgj8-00017-00051288-00051984 so zZfhTzjKgj8-00018-00054152-00054784 uh zZfhTzjKgj8-00019-00056840-00057584 so zZfhTzjKgj8-00020-00057808-00058984 come on zZfhTzjKgj8-00021-00063879-00063929 you zaHud_8AyT0-00000-00000000-00000200 Click the Bell to Subscribe for Exqlusive content!!!! zbIc-R_tFGc-00000-00000377-00000982 Hello world! Hey I wanted to talk about the expat life for women zbIc-R_tFGc-00001-00001128-00001768 I'm seeing these companies pop up about how you can pay them a lot of money to go and zbIc-R_tFGc-00002-00001797-00002260 Set yourself up in countries that cost a lot less than it does to live in the United States zbIc-R_tFGc-00003-00002316-00002587 and I'm here to tell you I zbIc-R_tFGc-00004-00002682-00003040 Just read one. You don't have to do that zbIc-R_tFGc-00005-00003040-00003451 I mean great, glad those people are making money, but I want to tell you the real truth zbIc-R_tFGc-00006-00003560-00004081 You can do it yourself, so I just read this one. I won't mention any names zbIc-R_tFGc-00007-00004169-00004369 About setting you up in an apartment zbIc-R_tFGc-00008-00004407-00004984 Gym membership all this other crap in Prague for $1400 a month. I don't even spend zbIc-R_tFGc-00009-00005051-00005569 $1400 a month in the United States for housing and the gym membership. I don't have zbIc-R_tFGc-00010-00005685-00006044 But there's certainly 24-hour Fitness. You don't have to pay that much zbIc-R_tFGc-00011-00006182-00006667 Anyway, I've got my strategies, but what I want to talk to you about is the fact that? zbIc-R_tFGc-00012-00006809-00007361 Those are overpriced and you can do it yourself, and I'm gonna give you the tips on how to do that women zbIc-R_tFGc-00013-00007500-00008137 When I started traveling ten eleven years ago there weren't many solo women travelers zbIc-R_tFGc-00014-00008238-00008438 Now there's a lot more zbIc-R_tFGc-00015-00008463-00008936 So the world is waking up to the fact that zbIc-R_tFGc-00016-00008975-00009439 Women can travel alone and work at the same time, which is which what I've done zbIc-R_tFGc-00017-00009539-00009748 Some people don't call what I do work zbIc-R_tFGc-00018-00009882-00010408 But my work is my play people and I recommend that zbIc-R_tFGc-00019-00010586-00010894 Everything's okay George so zbIc-R_tFGc-00020-00011090-00011422 Okay, I think we're safe he's keeping me safe zbIc-R_tFGc-00021-00011595-00011795 Let's see so first thing is zbIc-R_tFGc-00022-00011840-00012631 Doing your research like right now. I'm researching cheapest places to live in Europe so far. What's come up is check out Czech Republic zbIc-R_tFGc-00023-00012710-00012910 Bulgaria zbIc-R_tFGc-00024-00012933-00013599 Sardinia came up I been to Sardinia Sardinia as us Westerners would call it, but they don't zbIc-R_tFGc-00025-00013726-00014345 And it's cheaper than you think anyway if you can get spaghetti that's homemade for five bucks a pop at dinnertime zbIc-R_tFGc-00026-00014353-00014574 I'd say that was a good price, so zbIc-R_tFGc-00027-00014794-00015177 Hey, you can get your Social Security from anywhere in the world and zbIc-R_tFGc-00028-00015265-00015465 Live on it well zbIc-R_tFGc-00029-00015508-00015821 That depends on how much you're getting, but anyway. Let's go country by country zbIc-R_tFGc-00030-00016057-00016373 Southeast Asia easy you can go there yourself zbIc-R_tFGc-00031-00016396-00016763 And I would I'd add Europe you can go by yourself zbIc-R_tFGc-00032-00016795-00017321 To it as well because even if you know just one or two people there you're gonna be able to figure out zbIc-R_tFGc-00033-00017371-00017915 how to break down the barriers of whatever it takes to get a bank account and do your own research zbIc-R_tFGc-00034-00017953-00018468 And I mean it's I think it's fun to do research. I was just researching living in Portugal zbIc-R_tFGc-00035-00018526-00018726 Because I want to live somewhere zbIc-R_tFGc-00036-00018847-00019047 Cool and zbIc-R_tFGc-00037-00019111-00019560 Friendly near the water so I can go swimming. I do miss that here in Palo Alto zbIc-R_tFGc-00038-00019636-00019780 so zbIc-R_tFGc-00039-00019780-00020249 my advice to you is to start doing the research if you don't want to do any and zbIc-R_tFGc-00040-00020257-00020817 You just want to pop right into a country and have it all set up. Yeah do those things, but it's gonna cost you, so zbIc-R_tFGc-00041-00021052-00021785 Questions below, I'm happy to help you on YouTube I get to my people that I work with zbIc-R_tFGc-00042-00021943-00022542 Consulting and my paid projects first so when I get a chance I can answer on YouTube zbIc-R_tFGc-00043-00022747-00023180 So the people that tell me it can't be done it can be done zbIc-R_tFGc-00044-00023254-00023954 So why not I know so many women doing it, and they all have different stories. It's really interesting zbIc-R_tFGc-00045-00024052-00024252 Some people aren't working zbIc-R_tFGc-00046-00024268-00024954 Most people aren't working, but I like to work. I love what I do. I don't see me not doing it ever zbIc-R_tFGc-00047-00025114-00025314 So zbIc-R_tFGc-00048-00025330-00025542 That's another thing you got a research zbIc-R_tFGc-00049-00025542-00026162 can you do your work in that country a lot of people can do remote work with writing and zbIc-R_tFGc-00050-00026236-00026697 I've even gotten photography gigs and I've done a lot of humanitarian work zbIc-R_tFGc-00051-00026701-00027131 And it's so cheap to live in these play is that it cost hardly nothing zbIc-R_tFGc-00052-00027193-00027839 Or I get ruined bored in the place that I'm leading the project like I did in Argentina zbIc-R_tFGc-00053-00027916-00028407 Lived in a home for neglected and abandoned people adults, and that was amazing zbIc-R_tFGc-00054-00028458-00028661 And did photography and writing for them zbIc-R_tFGc-00055-00028662-00029301 And they gave me a room and fed me and that just came up as I was traveling and way no sorries, so zbIc-R_tFGc-00056-00029401-00030035 don't ever say that you can't do it because we have a lot of privileges living in a western country and zbIc-R_tFGc-00057-00030120-00030347 It's not that hard to get around zbIc-R_tFGc-00058-00030436-00030969 Especially if you're not set on leaving at a certain time you can get a much cheaper airfare zbIc-R_tFGc-00059-00031255-00031557 So check it out comment below zbIc-R_tFGc-00060-00031797-00032300 You can change your life, you just have to give it some zbIc-R_tFGc-00061-00032491-00032771 Research some enthusiasm and zbIc-R_tFGc-00062-00032878-00033326 Keep telling yourself that you can do it. I just was listening to Louise Hay last night zbIc-R_tFGc-00063-00033327-00033849 She passed away last year and what a bright light and a treasure zbIc-R_tFGc-00064-00034018-00034470 She's an incredible woman and she did it on her own, she had a horrible childhood zbIc-R_tFGc-00065-00034624-00035076 And you know I didn't have a horrible childhood I did have a zbIc-R_tFGc-00066-00035203-00035403 comfortable childhood and zbIc-R_tFGc-00067-00035446-00035972 you know for the most part happy and I had good parents so I zbIc-R_tFGc-00068-00036052-00036828 Don't know what it's like to be abused in the way that a lot of people have been abused, but I do know that zbIc-R_tFGc-00069-00037015-00037215 Going forward and zbIc-R_tFGc-00070-00037266-00037589 Really changing your life is going to take zbIc-R_tFGc-00071-00037696-00037870 guts zbIc-R_tFGc-00072-00037870-00038070 Not so much money zbIc-R_tFGc-00073-00038088-00038263 and zbIc-R_tFGc-00074-00038263-00038463 deciding that you really want to do it and zbIc-R_tFGc-00075-00038566-00038713 research and zbIc-R_tFGc-00076-00038713-00038859 Being open to it zbIc-R_tFGc-00077-00038859-00039372 Not I mean a lot of people come up with excuses and reasons some of them fail but most of them aren't zbIc-R_tFGc-00078-00039430-00039756 it's an excuse for fear or zbIc-R_tFGc-00079-00039943-00040116 Something that zbIc-R_tFGc-00080-00040116-00040787 They've just decided there gonna get over and you know it's the same thing with like being in a partnership zbIc-R_tFGc-00081-00040788-00041543 It's like if it doesn't work for both sides. It doesn't work, but if you force it to work zbIc-R_tFGc-00082-00041638-00041979 That doesn't work it has to be mutual zbIc-R_tFGc-00083-00042106-00042741 And it's the same thing with anything you decide in life if you come up with a lot of reasons why you can't do something zbIc-R_tFGc-00084-00042766-00042966 Then you're going to believe it zbIc-R_tFGc-00085-00043063-00043263 So I don't recommend doing that zbIc-R_tFGc-00086-00043285-00043893 That's what people do to me, and that's what they're not doing it to me so much as to themselves zbIc-R_tFGc-00087-00043981-00044685 If I had said oh, I can't try over myself. I wouldn't have gone to 33 countries by myself zbIc-R_tFGc-00088-00044743-00045119 If I had said oh, I can't go by myself alone zbIc-R_tFGc-00089-00045283-00045591 Or. I can't try this thing then I wouldn't have done it so zbIc-R_tFGc-00090-00045763-00045963 You're not any different than me zbIc-R_tFGc-00091-00046048-00046596 And I like to tell people hey don't think of yourself as special. I don't zbIc-R_tFGc-00092-00046666-00046831 Just do it zbIc-R_tFGc-00093-00046831-00047403 Just do it, so I'll see you in the next video comment below happy to help you zhB5WLmec2k-00000-00000693-00001225 For better or worse, perhaps no other buzzword better captures the spectacular pace of technology zhB5WLmec2k-00001-00001225-00001462 over the past few decades. zhB5WLmec2k-00002-00001462-00001934 Though it’s casually attached to any new app or gadget hatched in the tech world, several zhB5WLmec2k-00003-00001934-00002328 examples of true technological disruption surround us today. zhB5WLmec2k-00004-00002328-00002668 One of the most compelling is perovskite-based solar cells. zhB5WLmec2k-00005-00002668-00003183 With a power conversion efficiency that now tops that of their silicon predecessors, these zhB5WLmec2k-00006-00003183-00003715 rapidly developing devices stand to make a meaningful impact on the solar energy market—and zhB5WLmec2k-00007-00003715-00003880 energy consumption at large. zhB5WLmec2k-00008-00003880-00004461 A perovskite is a compound possessing a crystal structure that looks like this. zhB5WLmec2k-00009-00004461-00005029 Some of the best performing perovskite materials used in solar cells feature an organic ion zhB5WLmec2k-00010-00005029-00005336 housed within an inorganic cage. zhB5WLmec2k-00011-00005336-00005793 This complex structure provides a chemical ruggedness not found in traditional solar zhB5WLmec2k-00012-00005793-00005932 cell materials. zhB5WLmec2k-00013-00005932-00006227 Economically, that translates to cheaper manufacturing. zhB5WLmec2k-00014-00006227-00006709 And in terms of operation, it means more stable performance. zhB5WLmec2k-00015-00006709-00007223 Add to that the ability to cast a wider light-capturing net across the solar spectrum, and it’s zhB5WLmec2k-00016-00007223-00007639 easy to see why researchers have flocked to the study of perovskites. zhB5WLmec2k-00017-00007639-00008226 In fact, in only 5 years, the efficiency of perovskite solar cells has catapulted from zhB5WLmec2k-00018-00008226-00008536 about 10% to more than 23%. zhB5WLmec2k-00019-00008536-00008963 It took nearly 50 years to make the same improvement in silicon solar cells. zhB5WLmec2k-00020-00008963-00009425 But what’s not immediately apparent is the series of “innovations within the innovation” zhB5WLmec2k-00021-00009425-00009915 that have enabled perovskite solar cells to rival traditional solar technologies—many zhB5WLmec2k-00022-00009915-00010328 of which have come from the research group of Dr. Nam-Gyu Park. zhB5WLmec2k-00023-00010328-00010806 One important advancement the group has made is to grow perovskite films with just the zhB5WLmec2k-00024-00010806-00011028 right grain size. zhB5WLmec2k-00025-00011028-00011448 Grains within these films act as tiny prisms that scatter light. zhB5WLmec2k-00026-00011448-00011890 More scattering leads to higher conversion efficiency in solar cells, and larger grains zhB5WLmec2k-00027-00011890-00012343 tend to scatter more light than smaller grains do—at least up to a certain point. zhB5WLmec2k-00028-00012343-00012891 The team has shown that above a certain size, grains become surprisingly vulnerable to defects zhB5WLmec2k-00029-00012891-00013086 that degrade performance. zhB5WLmec2k-00030-00013086-00013593 Of course, even at the optimal grain size, defects in other areas of perovskite films zhB5WLmec2k-00031-00013593-00014098 can hamper performance—whether between grains or at the interface with other layers of the zhB5WLmec2k-00032-00014098-00014284 solar cell architecture. zhB5WLmec2k-00033-00014284-00014776 Creating chemical bridges at these critical interfaces has proven to be the key to squeezing zhB5WLmec2k-00034-00014776-00015355 even higher performance out of perovskite films for photovoltaics, as well as for LEDs zhB5WLmec2k-00035-00015355-00015591 and X-ray imaging systems. zhB5WLmec2k-00036-00015591-00016026 More work is underway to push the performance limits of perovskites even higher. zhB5WLmec2k-00037-00016026-00016480 But already, these multifunctional materials may have reached a tipping point in the solar zhB5WLmec2k-00038-00016480-00018840 cell market, setting the stage for what could be one very valuable disruption. zjsAKhQax4o-00000-00000909-00001200 Hello! This is Ricardo, from the About Brazil channel. zjsAKhQax4o-00001-00001231-00001543 And today I'm going to talk about pastel de feira. zjsAKhQax4o-00002-00001562-00001895 The street food that is so São Paulo! zjsAKhQax4o-00003-00002017-00002342 Well, pastel is a very popular food in Brazil zjsAKhQax4o-00004-00002373-00002710 and in São Paulo it's a big attraction at street fairs. zjsAKhQax4o-00005-00002841-00003429 The pastel stands are strategically at the entrances to the fairs, zjsAKhQax4o-00006-00003466-00003820 that is, if you don't eat pastel when you arrive, zjsAKhQax4o-00007-00003840-00004184 You will certainly eat it when you are leaving. zjsAKhQax4o-00008-00004219-00004374 You can't resist! zjsAKhQax4o-00009-00004530-00004960 Pastel is made with wheat flour dough with a filling zjsAKhQax4o-00010-00004982-00005179 and fried in vegetable oil. zjsAKhQax4o-00011-00005334-00005508 What's inside the pastel? zjsAKhQax4o-00012-00005542-00005667 What are the fillings? zjsAKhQax4o-00013-00005699-00005886 The most popular fillings are zjsAKhQax4o-00014-00005927-00006013 ground beef, zjsAKhQax4o-00015-00006054-00006152 mozzarella, zjsAKhQax4o-00016-00006192-00006283 hearts of palm, zjsAKhQax4o-00017-00006319-00006384 chicken, zjsAKhQax4o-00018-00006419-00006506 shrimp. zjsAKhQax4o-00019-00006581-00006931 You will also find some very different fillings, zjsAKhQax4o-00020-00006965-00007064 such as zjsAKhQax4o-00021-00007105-00007200 chocolate, zjsAKhQax4o-00022-00007245-00007363 banana with cinnamon, zjsAKhQax4o-00023-00007421-00007682 dulce de leche and broccoli with cheese. zjsAKhQax4o-00024-00007817-00008075 The filling of my pastel is Portuguesa. zjsAKhQax4o-00025-00008118-00008368 The Portuguesa filling has hearts of palm, zjsAKhQax4o-00026-00008418-00008475 egg, zjsAKhQax4o-00027-00008508-00008614 ham, zjsAKhQax4o-00028-00008646-00008793 peas and cheese. zjsAKhQax4o-00029-00008843-00009076 And to make the pastel taste better, zjsAKhQax4o-00030-00009111-00009488 you can add some sauces such as: zjsAKhQax4o-00031-00009560-00009647 ketchup, zjsAKhQax4o-00032-00009687-00009774 mustard zjsAKhQax4o-00033-00009854-00009951 and mayonnaise. zjsAKhQax4o-00034-00010029-00010309 There are also delicious homemade sauces, zjsAKhQax4o-00035-00010347-00010680 such as pepper, vinaigrette, etc. zjsAKhQax4o-00036-00010835-00011400 I've already eaten a lot of pastel in São Paulo, but the pastel in this stall is my favorite. zjsAKhQax4o-00037-00011483-00011800 The pastel de feira is such a popular food in SP zjsAKhQax4o-00038-00011835-00012358 that here, in the capital, there is even a contest to choose who makes the best pastel. zjsAKhQax4o-00039-00012448-00012819 Well, guys, and this was another video about Brazilian food. zjsAKhQax4o-00040-00012877-00013071 Have you ever tasted the pastel de feira? zjsAKhQax4o-00041-00013119-00013229 Leave your comment. zjsAKhQax4o-00042-00013261-00013559 Thanks for watching, see you next time! zjsAKhQax4o-00043-00013600-00013675 Bye! zkB9gz4Kgu4-00000-00000052-00000542 Previously, we met the notion of simplifying a fraction. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00001-00000700-00001054 To simplify a fraction remember, just means to write zkB9gz4Kgu4-00002-00001054-00001280 the fraction in lowest terms. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00003-00001570-00001886 Now, we're going to talk about a related idea zkB9gz4Kgu4-00004-00001886-00002224 that of simplifying a variable expression. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00005-00002300-00002654 What does it mean to simplify variable expression? zkB9gz4Kgu4-00006-00002654-00003176 Well, to simplify variable expression simply means, zkB9gz4Kgu4-00007-00003176-00003411 to write in its simplest form. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00008-00003534-00003821 All right, but what's the simplest form of zkB9gz4Kgu4-00009-00003822-00003984 a variable expression? zkB9gz4Kgu4-00010-00004092-00004442 The answer to that question, unfortunately is, zkB9gz4Kgu4-00011-00004442-00004610 it depends. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00012-00004706-00005026 I will tell you what it means for the kind of expressions zkB9gz4Kgu4-00013-00005026-00005258 we're going to be talking about right now. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00014-00005356-00005614 For a linear variable expression, zkB9gz4Kgu4-00015-00005614-00005934 the simplest form contains no grouping symbols. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00016-00005934-00006110 So, no parentheses, zkB9gz4Kgu4-00017-00006110-00006414 no fraction bars serving as grouping symbols, zkB9gz4Kgu4-00018-00006438-00006681 all like terms have been combined, zkB9gz4Kgu4-00019-00006788-00007284 and finally, all division is written as multiplication. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00020-00007362-00007609 So, what's that going to look like? zkB9gz4Kgu4-00021-00007788-00008204 Just a number times the variable plus another number. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00022-00008308-00008590 For reasons that will become clear later, zkB9gz4Kgu4-00023-00008702-00009134 we tend to call the number that's multiplied by x, m, zkB9gz4Kgu4-00024-00009278-00009526 and call the constant, b. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00025-00009730-00010022 But in the simplest form, zkB9gz4Kgu4-00026-00010022-00010206 these aren't going to be variables, zkB9gz4Kgu4-00027-00010206-00010418 these will be known numbers. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00028-00010446-00010697 Of course, if we have more than one variable zkB9gz4Kgu4-00029-00010698-00010979 we'll have extra terms for the extra variable. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00030-00011032-00011444 And, also be aware order doesn't matter in addition. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00031-00011444-00011708 Order doesn't matter in simplest form. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00032-00011758-00012260 So, we could also write this as a number zkB9gz4Kgu4-00033-00012260-00012506 plus another number times the variable. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00034-00012570-00012768 There's no rule that says we have to write zkB9gz4Kgu4-00035-00012768-00012963 the variable term first. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00036-00013052-00013397 So, let's look at some examples and see if they are zkB9gz4Kgu4-00037-00013397-00013541 in simplest form. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00038-00013691-00013962 Is this expression and simplest form, zkB9gz4Kgu4-00039-00013962-00014280 two-thirds minus eleven-eighths x? zkB9gz4Kgu4-00040-00014352-00014406 Well, yeah. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00041-00014406-00014576 We have two terms, zkB9gz4Kgu4-00042-00014913-00015058 they're not like terms, zkB9gz4Kgu4-00043-00015058-00015240 they can't be combined, zkB9gz4Kgu4-00044-00015276-00015494 they're all written either as a constant zkB9gz4Kgu4-00045-00015494-00015722 or as a number times the variable, zkB9gz4Kgu4-00046-00015722-00015960 and there are no grouping symbols. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00047-00016230-00016452 OK, let's see another example. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00048-00016520-00016968 Is four x minus three all over five in simplest form? zkB9gz4Kgu4-00049-00017064-00017178 Well, no. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00050-00017202-00017298 Why not? zkB9gz4Kgu4-00051-00017352-00017516 Because this is division. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00052-00017832-00018194 And also, this fraction bar is acting as zkB9gz4Kgu4-00053-00018194-00018316 a grouping symbol. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00054-00018382-00018788 So, no this is not in simplest form. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00055-00018842-00019212 We would need to simplify it in order to get it zkB9gz4Kgu4-00056-00019212-00019340 into simplest form. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00057-00019432-00019580 One more example. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00058-00019580-00020102 Is three x plus five minus seven x in simplest form? zkB9gz4Kgu4-00059-00020156-00020256 Again, no. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00060-00020284-00020382 Why not? zkB9gz4Kgu4-00061-00020458-00020648 These are like terms. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00062-00020980-00021268 So, we would need to simplify further. zkB9gz4Kgu4-00063-00021848-00022381 In the next video, we'll see the steps that will follow zkB9gz4Kgu4-00064-00022382-00022666 to simplify an expression. znB1SxZUQCo-00000-00000082-00000260 Rudy Pozzatti: Okay, let's move on then. znB1SxZUQCo-00001-00000260-00000855 We have several presentations and reports to present to the council today. znB1SxZUQCo-00002-00000855-00001178 And two of them will be -- there are two working groups of council. znB1SxZUQCo-00003-00001178-00001458 And we're going to hear from both of them today. znB1SxZUQCo-00004-00001458-00001884 Our first speaker is Lisa Parker from the University of Pittsburgh. znB1SxZUQCo-00005-00001884-00002458 Dr. Parker is Associate Professor in the Department of Human Genetics in the Graduate School of znB1SxZUQCo-00006-00002458-00002558 Public Health. znB1SxZUQCo-00007-00002558-00003041 She is also the director of the Masters of Arts Program in Bioethics in the Center of znB1SxZUQCo-00008-00003041-00003225 Bioethics and Health Law. znB1SxZUQCo-00009-00003225-00003889 Lisa's been a member of the ELSI community since the turn of the century, at least that's znB1SxZUQCo-00010-00003889-00004230 how far back she and I go in the peer review process. znB1SxZUQCo-00011-00004230-00004898 She's done innumerable reviews with me for the ELSI Research Program. znB1SxZUQCo-00012-00004898-00005371 Lisa is the current chair of the Genomics and Society Working Group for the Council. znB1SxZUQCo-00013-00005371-00005959 And she's here today to present the annual report of the working group. znB1SxZUQCo-00014-00005959-00006059 Lisa? znB1SxZUQCo-00015-00006059-00006159 Lisa Parker: Very good. znB1SxZUQCo-00016-00006159-00006588 Thank you for having me and allowing me to report on all that we've been doing in the znB1SxZUQCo-00017-00006588-00006763 past year. znB1SxZUQCo-00018-00006763-00007640 I would like to begin with a list of our membership, and to highlight that we have three new members, znB1SxZUQCo-00019-00007640-00008211 Barbara Bernhardt, Chanita Hughes-Halbert, and David Veenstra. znB1SxZUQCo-00020-00008211-00009028 And, as you know, three of the council members are also part of the working group -- Chanita, znB1SxZUQCo-00021-00009028-00009514 Amy McGuire, and Arti Rai. znB1SxZUQCo-00022-00009514-00010343 The working group's website describes the group's charge, four points. znB1SxZUQCo-00023-00010343-00011114 Most of what I'll report on today responds to the first charge that's listed there, namely znB1SxZUQCo-00024-00011114-00011693 to provide input about the ELSI Research Program, the Ethical, Legal, Social Implications Research znB1SxZUQCo-00025-00011693-00012301 Program, including input about its research priorities, balance between investigator initiated znB1SxZUQCo-00026-00012301-00012988 and program-initiated research, and use of limited budgetary and staff resources. znB1SxZUQCo-00027-00012988-00014050 To this end, we reviewed and we're very pleased with the ELSI Program's training activities. znB1SxZUQCo-00028-00014050-00014816 In fiscal years 2012 to '14, approximately 12 percent of the ELSI budget was devoted znB1SxZUQCo-00029-00014816-00015555 to training and career development activities, supported through a variety of mechanisms, znB1SxZUQCo-00030-00015555-00016233 including the Centers for Excellence, the CEERs, the career development awards, various znB1SxZUQCo-00031-00016233-00017334 stage fellowship awards, the F's, and education projects to enhance research infrastructure znB1SxZUQCo-00032-00017334-00018095 that's with the Fogarty International Training Program in research ethics, and the minority znB1SxZUQCo-00033-00018095-00018229 supplements. znB1SxZUQCo-00034-00018229-00018940 We are also very pleased that ELSI program is now participating in the T-32 institutional znB1SxZUQCo-00035-00018940-00019786 training mechanism, and that this fall, applications, new applications for new CEERS and for T-32s znB1SxZUQCo-00036-00019786-00020389 are being reviewed in preparation for the February council meeting. znB1SxZUQCo-00037-00020389-00021021 We also reviewed the success rates of new and early stage investigators, seeking ELSI znB1SxZUQCo-00038-00021021-00021121 R01s. znB1SxZUQCo-00039-00021121-00021667 And we've very pleased with those success rates. znB1SxZUQCo-00040-00021667-00022232 We reviewed the research portfolio balance and are pleased with the balance between investigator znB1SxZUQCo-00041-00022232-00022554 initiated and program initiated research. znB1SxZUQCo-00042-00022554-00022872 Roughly, a 50/50 balance. znB1SxZUQCo-00043-00022872-00023570 The ELSI Research Program is opportunistic in the most positive sense of that term in znB1SxZUQCo-00044-00023570-00024083 taking advantage of opportunities for parallel and embedded research. znB1SxZUQCo-00045-00024083-00025063 An example of the parallel research, the -- an ELSI RFA released in parallel to a larger znB1SxZUQCo-00046-00025063-00025483 initiative would be the H3Africa ELSI RFA. znB1SxZUQCo-00047-00025483-00025831 So H3Africa presented before. znB1SxZUQCo-00048-00025831-00026669 We also discussed embedded ELSI research, such as CSER and eMERGE, about which you have znB1SxZUQCo-00049-00026669-00026845 heard today. znB1SxZUQCo-00050-00026845-00027649 And based on this fairly detailed discussion, we were able to articulate this guidance, znB1SxZUQCo-00051-00027649-00028330 that productively embedded ELSI research should be a true research partnership, that ELSI znB1SxZUQCo-00052-00028330-00029097 investigators should not be involved merely to consult on human subjects' related issues, znB1SxZUQCo-00053-00029097-00029825 and that an ELSI research component is most appropriate when the research in which it's znB1SxZUQCo-00054-00029825-00030669 embedded raises novel or important ELSI issues, when inclusion of ELSI partners fosters collaborative znB1SxZUQCo-00055-00030669-00031248 relationships, and builds infrastructure for future research and research relationships, znB1SxZUQCo-00056-00031248-00032058 and thus, when the inclusion of such component affords significant benefit. znB1SxZUQCo-00057-00032058-00032729 We reviewed the balance between empirical ELSI research and normative and conceptual znB1SxZUQCo-00058-00032729-00032922 research. znB1SxZUQCo-00059-00032922-00033615 We found that the balance seems to us quite appropriate, and we would like to encourage znB1SxZUQCo-00060-00033615-00033978 more applications of both types. znB1SxZUQCo-00061-00033978-00034506 To that end, we drafted our thoughts about the nature and importance of normative and znB1SxZUQCo-00062-00034506-00035095 conceptual research, the type of research that is probably most foreign to most of those znB1SxZUQCo-00063-00035095-00035413 who are thinking about NIH funding. znB1SxZUQCo-00064-00035413-00036136 And a commentary on this topic is an ongoing writing project of the working group. znB1SxZUQCo-00065-00036136-00036975 What we thought, it's just a beginning framework, is to explain that normative and conceptual znB1SxZUQCo-00066-00036975-00037284 research can be characterized in two ways. znB1SxZUQCo-00067-00037284-00037846 First, by the methods involved, that they're non-empirical methods. znB1SxZUQCo-00068-00037846-00038424 This would be, for example, legal scholarship, philosophical and historical analysis, the znB1SxZUQCo-00069-00038424-00038699 methods of the humanities. znB1SxZUQCo-00070-00038699-00039231 But that also normative and conceptual research can be characterized by the research questions znB1SxZUQCo-00071-00039231-00039335 it addresses. znB1SxZUQCo-00072-00039335-00039924 These are questions that cannot be addressed solely or primarily by analyzing empirical znB1SxZUQCo-00073-00039924-00040406 data, because the questions are about values and meaning. znB1SxZUQCo-00074-00040406-00041244 And some examples of those drawn from the ELSI research web page would be, for example, znB1SxZUQCo-00075-00041244-00041883 research on the normative factors underlying concepts of risk and benefit, human identity, znB1SxZUQCo-00076-00041883-00042533 personhood, health and disease, free will, and responsibility. znB1SxZUQCo-00077-00042533-00043177 In relation to the second charge to the working group listed at its website, to provide input znB1SxZUQCo-00078-00043177-00043706 in light of changes in genomics, genomic medicine, and the policy landscape aiming to identify znB1SxZUQCo-00079-00043706-00044576 emerging issues or gaps, we drafted the memo that you, the council, endorsed last May regarding znB1SxZUQCo-00080-00044576-00045312 the importance of conducting and funding rigorous research on ELSI issues, associated with the znB1SxZUQCo-00081-00045312-00045783 planning and implementation of the precision medicine initiative. znB1SxZUQCo-00082-00045783-00046284 Then building on the content of that memo, we've drafted a commentary that's currently znB1SxZUQCo-00083-00046284-00046810 under review at genetics and medicine. znB1SxZUQCo-00084-00046810-00047423 Finally, there are three ongoing projects, additional projects, of the working group znB1SxZUQCo-00085-00047423-00047594 that I would like to report. znB1SxZUQCo-00086-00047594-00048465 First, to encourage submission of applications to the ELSI Research Program, we wanted to znB1SxZUQCo-00087-00048465-00049236 support staff efforts in this regard by ourselves as a working group, engaging in outreach to znB1SxZUQCo-00088-00049236-00049474 communities of ELSI investigators. znB1SxZUQCo-00089-00049474-00050049 In particular, communities of potential new investigators. znB1SxZUQCo-00090-00050049-00050624 This would then include making some presentations at the American Society for Bioethics and znB1SxZUQCo-00091-00050624-00051329 Humanities meeting in October in Houston this fall, but also, at other professional meetings znB1SxZUQCo-00092-00051329-00052162 and disciplinary meetings, and publications to help bring the opportunity of applying znB1SxZUQCo-00093-00052162-00052791 for ELSI research support through professional journals and other disciplines. znB1SxZUQCo-00094-00052791-00053771 A second undertaking is the working group has recommended development of website guidance znB1SxZUQCo-00095-00053771-00054182 regarding development of ELSI research proposals. znB1SxZUQCo-00096-00054182-00054757 This would be, as we conceptualize it, and as we are very grateful, the ELSI program znB1SxZUQCo-00097-00054757-00055521 staff is executing it, this would be modeled on the tutorials and samples that are available znB1SxZUQCo-00098-00055521-00056392 on the NIAID website, and that may include sample proposals, some discussion of aspects znB1SxZUQCo-00099-00056392-00056948 of those proposals, and some presentation and discussion of summary statements as well. znB1SxZUQCo-00100-00056948-00057155 So this is in process. znB1SxZUQCo-00101-00057155-00057641 And we're not quite sure what it will look like and precisely what will be included, znB1SxZUQCo-00102-00057641-00058719 but the model for it is similar to or is -- the model for it is the NIAID website. znB1SxZUQCo-00103-00058719-00059492 Finally, the working group is engaged in discussion to examine opportunities for ELSI research znB1SxZUQCo-00104-00059492-00059869 on the implementation of genomics and healthcare. znB1SxZUQCo-00105-00059869-00060427 And I know that this is a topic that was raised and discussed a little bit when Pamela Sankar znB1SxZUQCo-00106-00060427-00061026 gave a report to council last year at about this time. znB1SxZUQCo-00107-00061026-00061362 So the working group has been discussing this. znB1SxZUQCo-00108-00061362-00062200 And what can certainly be said at this stage is that we realize that a wide range of health znB1SxZUQCo-00109-00062200-00062886 services research data is relevant to understanding and anticipating and addressing the ethical, znB1SxZUQCo-00110-00062886-00063512 legal, social, and policy implications of using genomics to promote health. znB1SxZUQCo-00111-00063512-00064242 In our discussions, we have also become increasingly aware of how hard it is to draw a line demarcating znB1SxZUQCo-00112-00064242-00064541 health services research. znB1SxZUQCo-00113-00064541-00065088 And at the same time, we recognize that the scope and the cost of what is traditionally znB1SxZUQCo-00114-00065088-00065773 considered to be health services research could very easily outstrip the current ELSI znB1SxZUQCo-00115-00065773-00066180 Research Program budget as it's currently funded. znB1SxZUQCo-00116-00066180-00066873 This would be traditionally conceived, you know, research that involves large data collection znB1SxZUQCo-00117-00066873-00067553 efforts, and that is therefore of a large scale and a large cost. znB1SxZUQCo-00118-00067553-00068231 In light of these factors, there are two undertakings that we can report. znB1SxZUQCo-00119-00068231-00069211 One is reporting on activities of NHGRI staff, staff from the Division of Genomics and Society, znB1SxZUQCo-00120-00069211-00069825 and from the Division of Genomic Medicine have met and planned to meet regularly, perhaps znB1SxZUQCo-00121-00069825-00070464 quarterly or so, to explore health services research opportunities and support in the znB1SxZUQCo-00122-00070464-00070593 institute in NHGRI. znB1SxZUQCo-00123-00070593-00071539 And the working group will continue to discuss these issues and explore ways to encourage znB1SxZUQCo-00124-00071539-00072280 ELSI research on the findings of health services research, projects conceptualizing health znB1SxZUQCo-00125-00072280-00072917 services issues and analyzing their normative foundations and implications. znB1SxZUQCo-00126-00072917-00073454 So we're thinking -- we're talking in and around small to intermediate sized projects, znB1SxZUQCo-00127-00073454-00074093 focused on issues associated with the clinical translation, such as perhaps modeling studies, znB1SxZUQCo-00128-00074093-00074808 policy studies, methods development, work that we can encourage and that we think would znB1SxZUQCo-00129-00074808-00075497 be valuable, and that will not completely overtake the other important issues associated znB1SxZUQCo-00130-00075497-00075793 with progress in genomics. znB1SxZUQCo-00131-00075793-00076652 So before I take questions, I would like to express the gratitude of the working group, znB1SxZUQCo-00132-00076652-00077412 to council for this opportunity and especially to the division, the division staff, for their znB1SxZUQCo-00133-00077412-00078033 support of our efforts, and for their work on behalf of the public's interest in ELSI znB1SxZUQCo-00134-00078033-00078239 research and concerns. znB1SxZUQCo-00135-00078239-00078558 Thank you, and questions? znB1SxZUQCo-00136-00078558-00078770 Question, Anita? znB1SxZUQCo-00137-00078770-00079309 Female Speaker: So thank you for the presentation. znB1SxZUQCo-00138-00079309-00079612 That was a really great overview of the work that we're doing. znB1SxZUQCo-00139-00079612-00080174 I wondered if you could talk a little bit more about the initiatives related to our znB1SxZUQCo-00140-00080174-00080779 thought process about precision medicine, given that that's sort of the -- one of the znB1SxZUQCo-00141-00080779-00081158 key sort of interests that NHGRI and NIH overall? znB1SxZUQCo-00142-00081158-00081571 Lisa Parker: So a little bit more about what the working znB1SxZUQCo-00143-00081571-00082138 group has been and in some sense, will be thinking about. znB1SxZUQCo-00144-00082138-00082976 I think we regret that we didn't have the recently promulgated document to respond to. znB1SxZUQCo-00145-00082976-00083543 And I think it would be most appropriate, the thing we can say with certainty is that znB1SxZUQCo-00146-00083543-00084252 everyone was feeling excited and a little frustrated by not knowing, you know, what znB1SxZUQCo-00147-00084252-00084738 we might be responding to, working with and so on. znB1SxZUQCo-00148-00084738-00085668 And so, I think at the early stage when we met in -- April, yes, in April -- we thought znB1SxZUQCo-00149-00085668-00086637 that trying to support the infrastructure for examining issues as they emerge and as znB1SxZUQCo-00150-00086637-00087261 that initiative takes place was, in some sense, the best that we could do at that time. znB1SxZUQCo-00151-00087261-00087872 And so, I do think that responding to the initiative as it takes shape is going to be znB1SxZUQCo-00152-00087872-00088120 one of the ongoing discussions. znB1SxZUQCo-00153-00088120-00088427 Female Speaker: And so, that's really important, because we znB1SxZUQCo-00154-00088427-00089117 -- this council approved, I forget what -- our sort of perspective about where ELSI issues znB1SxZUQCo-00155-00089117-00089986 and how ELSI issues should be considered from the perspective of NHGRI, but also, we sort znB1SxZUQCo-00156-00089986-00090589 of -- we -- I think it was great that we took some initiative to prepare a report that was znB1SxZUQCo-00157-00090589-00090987 submitted -- it was submitted to drama [spelled phonetically], did we submit it there, the znB1SxZUQCo-00158-00090987-00091133 report? znB1SxZUQCo-00159-00091133-00091598 Lisa Parker: Of council or of -- znB1SxZUQCo-00160-00091598-00091918 Female Speaker: The -- our manuscript that we -- znB1SxZUQCo-00161-00091918-00092018 Lisa Parker: From the working group? znB1SxZUQCo-00162-00092018-00092118 Female Speaker: From the working group, yeah. znB1SxZUQCo-00163-00092118-00092310 Lisa Parker: Okay, you have dual roles here. znB1SxZUQCo-00164-00092310-00092410 So I wasn't sure. znB1SxZUQCo-00165-00092410-00092510 Female Speaker: Yeah. znB1SxZUQCo-00166-00092510-00092661 Lisa Parker: That is currently under review at genetics znB1SxZUQCo-00167-00092661-00092761 and medicine. znB1SxZUQCo-00168-00092761-00092861 Female Speaker: Yeah. znB1SxZUQCo-00169-00092861-00092961 Lisa Parker: Yeah. znB1SxZUQCo-00170-00092961-00093061 And so, I agree with you. znB1SxZUQCo-00171-00093061-00093552 I think it was important to, in effect, try to be out -- it's hard to be out ahead of znB1SxZUQCo-00172-00093552-00094070 something that no one quite knows what it is yet. znB1SxZUQCo-00173-00094070-00094467 And -- but we made the best attempt that we could. znB1SxZUQCo-00174-00094467-00094791 Thank you for mentioning that. znB1SxZUQCo-00175-00094791-00094973 Other amplifications or questions? znB1SxZUQCo-00176-00094973-00095100 All right, thank you. znB1SxZUQCo-00177-00095100-00095322 Rudy Pozzatti: Hold on, Gail [spelled phonetically]? znB1SxZUQCo-00178-00095322-00095480 Lisa Parker: Oh, I'm sorry. znB1SxZUQCo-00179-00095480-00095702 Rudy Pozzatti: Please use your microphone, Gail. znB1SxZUQCo-00180-00095702-00095854 Lisa Parker: I apologize. znB1SxZUQCo-00181-00095854-00096261 Female Speaker: Yeah, I just was raising my hand. znB1SxZUQCo-00182-00096261-00096416 So, but so thank you, Lisa. znB1SxZUQCo-00183-00096416-00096516 Lisa Parker: Sure. znB1SxZUQCo-00184-00096516-00096622 Female Speaker: That was really interesting. znB1SxZUQCo-00185-00096622-00097063 So I have a question about how the working group addresses the difference. znB1SxZUQCo-00186-00097063-00097713 I think it's really important to think about the boundary between health services research, znB1SxZUQCo-00187-00097713-00098425 cost effective analysis, behavioral economics, all these things which are becoming incredibly znB1SxZUQCo-00188-00098425-00098848 more important as genomic medicine develops and the ELSI program. znB1SxZUQCo-00189-00098848-00099304 I've always thought that the SN ELSI [spelled phonetically] included social in the broadest znB1SxZUQCo-00190-00099304-00099449 sense. znB1SxZUQCo-00191-00099449-00099632 And genomics and society includes economics. znB1SxZUQCo-00192-00099632-00099732 Lisa Parker: Yes. znB1SxZUQCo-00193-00099732-00100058 Female Speaker: And so, I always had a war with Jim Evans, znB1SxZUQCo-00194-00100058-00100492 who's not here to defend himself, about that. znB1SxZUQCo-00195-00100492-00101045 And I wondered what your working group, how, you know, what -- I mean, you mentioned it znB1SxZUQCo-00196-00101045-00101145 a little bit. znB1SxZUQCo-00197-00101145-00101245 Lisa Parker: Yeah. znB1SxZUQCo-00198-00101245-00101407 Female Speaker: And you said it's some -- there's some differences znB1SxZUQCo-00199-00101407-00101839 of opinion, but could you speak a little more, because that is apparently a different area znB1SxZUQCo-00200-00101839-00101986 of funding? znB1SxZUQCo-00201-00101986-00102533 And I'm not trying to introduce [unintelligible] before I'm even officially on, but I'm just znB1SxZUQCo-00202-00102533-00103007 really curious about that, because I really do see them as being so incredibly intertwined. znB1SxZUQCo-00203-00103007-00103170 Lisa Parker: Right. znB1SxZUQCo-00204-00103170-00103860 I think, although there probably are some differences of opinion among members of the znB1SxZUQCo-00205-00103860-00104129 working group, there are a few things that we agree upon. znB1SxZUQCo-00206-00104129-00104454 And one is what you just articulated. znB1SxZUQCo-00207-00104454-00105253 And I think that is this point of consensus that these issues are part of the F's, that znB1SxZUQCo-00208-00105253-00105923 health services, the concern for cost, that can interest in the actual, you know, behavioral znB1SxZUQCo-00209-00105923-00106654 aspect of responding to genomic information and so on, is part of the F's. znB1SxZUQCo-00210-00106654-00107894 To do good, rigorous, valid research in the kind of traditional health services model, znB1SxZUQCo-00211-00107894-00108544 with large numbers that you would need to be able to actually draw some valid conclusions znB1SxZUQCo-00212-00108544-00109289 from the behaviors or responses that you're studying and so on or -- we are also, I think, znB1SxZUQCo-00213-00109289-00110157 in agreement that the current ELSI budget cannot support that, and that to do so would, znB1SxZUQCo-00214-00110157-00110812 in fact, I mean, to try would probably be -- maybe it's overstepping to say, you know, znB1SxZUQCo-00215-00110812-00111363 unsuccessful it might be, but I think what we can agree on is that it would overtake znB1SxZUQCo-00216-00111363-00111817 everything else that we still think there are some other important issues to continue znB1SxZUQCo-00217-00111817-00112236 to examine in the portfolio. znB1SxZUQCo-00218-00112236-00112352 So what to do? znB1SxZUQCo-00219-00112352-00113172 I think that's one reason that there's in effect a call for additional funding to do znB1SxZUQCo-00220-00113172-00113827 the kind of research associated with implementation, clinical translation of genomics, such as, znB1SxZUQCo-00221-00113827-00114260 you know, is eventually envisioned by the precision medicine. znB1SxZUQCo-00222-00114260-00114761 I think that's one thing we're talking about and that's one call that we were making. znB1SxZUQCo-00223-00114761-00115509 And then also, to really dig down in the next year and try to identify ways of articulating znB1SxZUQCo-00224-00115509-00116229 -- I'll use the word doable projects -- that are at a sort of -- a philosopher more meta znB1SxZUQCo-00225-00116229-00116795 level that don't get in the trenches of large scale data collection, but nevertheless can znB1SxZUQCo-00226-00116795-00117648 really contribute foundationally to health services research, analysis of costs, analysis znB1SxZUQCo-00227-00117648-00118378 of the relevance of behavioral response to the roll out of genomic medicine, and try znB1SxZUQCo-00228-00118378-00118559 to contribute in that way. znB1SxZUQCo-00229-00118559-00118670 Arti? znB1SxZUQCo-00230-00118670-00119395 Arti Rai: So, Gail, I have not been -- I hesitate to znB1SxZUQCo-00231-00119395-00119798 speak, because I have not been pushing the bandwidth to be very intimately involved with znB1SxZUQCo-00232-00119798-00120045 Genomic Society, but I am on the group. znB1SxZUQCo-00233-00120045-00120954 And I can tell you that David Veenstra, who is at University of Washington, right? znB1SxZUQCo-00234-00120954-00121054 Lisa Parker: Yes, yes. znB1SxZUQCo-00235-00121054-00121175 Arti Rai: He's a member of the group as well. znB1SxZUQCo-00236-00121175-00121292 And this is his area. znB1SxZUQCo-00237-00121292-00121838 So, you know, I mean, my sense is that this is why in part he is a member of the group znB1SxZUQCo-00238-00121838-00122200 to think about what could be done feasibly with respect to [unintelligible]. znB1SxZUQCo-00239-00122200-00122547 Female Speaker: I mean, it's really -- and he's part of the znB1SxZUQCo-00240-00122547-00122745 CSER consortium as well. znB1SxZUQCo-00241-00122745-00123090 And it just feels like this is ripe for the embedded ELSI. znB1SxZUQCo-00242-00123090-00123199 Lisa Parker: Yeah. znB1SxZUQCo-00243-00123199-00123532 Female Speaker: And, you know, the funding of that is -- comes znB1SxZUQCo-00244-00123532-00123821 from many spots, not just the ELSI program, I understand. znB1SxZUQCo-00245-00123821-00123921 So I guess -- znB1SxZUQCo-00246-00123921-00124021 Lisa Parker: Yeah. znB1SxZUQCo-00247-00124021-00124553 And I think, Gail, that that's reason that we did feel some confidence and consensus znB1SxZUQCo-00248-00124553-00125258 around those criteria for doing embedded research to say this is a real opportunity for these znB1SxZUQCo-00249-00125258-00126035 larger scale programs to do the S research or the S -- the social, the economic, the znB1SxZUQCo-00250-00126035-00126822 behavioral in that context, but that ELSI on its own could certainly not do that, you znB1SxZUQCo-00251-00126822-00127412 know, and not just then to be a part of those initiatives, you know, as handmaidens to good znB1SxZUQCo-00252-00127412-00128287 scientific research, but actually engage in the ELSI research, along with collaborators. znB1SxZUQCo-00253-00128287-00128711 Rudy Pozzatti: Other questions or comments? znB1SxZUQCo-00254-00128711-00128899 All right, Lisa. znB1SxZUQCo-00255-00128899-00129087 Lisa Parker: Okay. znB1SxZUQCo-00256-00129087-00129299 Rudy Pozzatti: Thank you very much. znB1SxZUQCo-00257-00129299-00129439 Lisa Parker: Thank you. znB1SxZUQCo-00258-00129439-00129719 Rudy Pozzatti: We're at the lunch hour. znB1SxZUQCo-00259-00129719-00129870 So, you all know the drill. znB1SxZUQCo-00260-00129870-00130226 The new council members, follow some of the veterans, one flight up. znB1SxZUQCo-00261-00130226-00130549 Go get your lunch and please be back at 1:00 to resume the open session. znB1SxZUQCo-00262-00130549-00130649 Thank you. znB1SxZUQCo-00263-00130649-00130789 [end of transcript] znQdH6JZ2Qo-00000-00000016-00001500 Link To Buy In Description! znQdH6JZ2Qo-00001-00001716-00002033 Have a Good Day! znQdH6JZ2Qo-00002-00002116-00002433 big 30 type beat znQdH6JZ2Qo-00003-00002600-00003076 lil migo type beat znQdH6JZ2Qo-00004-00003076-00004316 bigg unccc type beat znQdH6JZ2Qo-00005-00004316-00005237 foogiano type beat znQdH6JZ2Qo-00006-00005237-00006758 lil double 0 type beat znQdH6JZ2Qo-00007-00006758-00008784 double 007 type beat znQdH6JZ2Qo-00008-00008784-00010810 pooh shiesty type beat znQdH6JZ2Qo-00009-00010810-00012331 bigwalkdog type beat znQdH6JZ2Qo-00010-00012331-00013852 memphis type beat znQdH6JZ2Qo-00011-00013852-00014865 ayoleap 2 znQdH6JZ2Qo-00012-00014865-00015065 ayoleap Z4ldVVXxrtu-00000-00000000-00000200 New Yamaha MT25/ MT03 Z4ldVVXxrtu-00001-00000200-00000400 Yamaha MT25 or MT03(european) use 2 cylinder engine,dohc 8 valve. Z4ldVVXxrtu-00002-00000400-00000600 In this video ,I make render decal sticker monster energy livery and petrinas livery Z4ldVVXxrtu-00003-00000600-00000800 It's just for fun,but hopefully can be reference for custom sticker to Yamaha MT Z4ldVVXxrtu-00004-00000800-00001000 Thank you for watching, please check others video. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00000-00000236-00003179 [Music] Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00001-00003179-00003406 Hello, I am Ivette Torres, and welcome to Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00002-00003406-00003837 The Road to Recovery 2013: A Showcase of Events. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00003-00003837-00004087 The Recovery Month observance held each Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00004-00004087-00004421 September celebrates people in recovery, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00005-00004421-00004738 raises our awareness and understanding of mental and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00006-00004738-00005131 substance use disorders, and recognizes those who work in Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00007-00005131-00005372 the field of behavioral health. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00008-00005372-00005805 The 2013 theme, "Join the Voices for Recovery: Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00009-00005805-00006079 Together on Pathways to Wellness" Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00010-00006079-00006379 highlighted the fact that that there are many unique Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00011-00006379-00006763 ways people can prevent behavioral health issues, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00012-00006763-00007130 seek treatment, and sustain recovery. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00013-00007130-00007407 The theme also highlights the importance of mental, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00014-00007407-00007797 physical, and emotional well-being, as well as Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00015-00007797-00008251 the value of family, friends, and community members throughout Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00016-00008251-00008438 the recovery journey. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00017-00008438-00008775 The journey of recovery is a shared experience. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00018-00008775-00009135 Those struggling with mental and substance use disorders share Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00019-00009135-00009309 their stories with each other and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00020-00009309-00009626 give each other encouragement. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00021-00009626-00010030 Families, friends, and whole communities share in the Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00022-00010030-00010463 recovery experience by creating systems of support that are Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00023-00010463-00010844 critical to the progress of persons in recovery. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00024-00010844-00011221 Mental and substance use disorders are significant public Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00025-00011221-00011671 health concerns that affect millions of Americans each year. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00026-00011671-00012122 However, many people are not aware of these simple facts: Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00027-00012122-00012479 prevention works, treatment is effective, and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00028-00012479-00012902 people can-and do-recover from these conditions. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00029-00012902-00013329 For well over 20 years, National Recovery Month has Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00030-00013329-00013596 served to educate Americans that mental health services, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00031-00013596-00014013 addiction treatment, and recovery support services Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00032-00014013-00014341 can enable people who have a mental disorder, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00033-00014341-00014704 a substance use disorder, or both to live Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00034-00014704-00014971 healthy and rewarding lives. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00035-00014971-00015321 We know that nearly 1 in 10 Americans struggles with Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00036-00015321-00015542 a substance use disorder and that about Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00037-00015542-00016002 1 in 5 Americans has a mental health problem. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00038-00016002-00016356 As we hear their stories, we learn that while the journey of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00039-00016356-00016636 recovery follows many different pathways, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00040-00016636-00017020 progress on every one of those pathways depends on Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00041-00017020-00017514 relationships marked by care, support, and respect. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00042-00017624-00017751 Good morning. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00043-00017751-00018054 I'm Dr. H. Westley Clark, the director of the Center for Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00044-00018054-00018365 Substance Abuse Treatment at SAMHSA, the Substance Abuse and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00045-00018365-00018568 Mental Health Services Administration. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00046-00018568-00018902 On behalf of SAMHSA and our parent organization, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00047-00018902-00019292 the Department of Health and Human Services, welcome. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00048-00019292-00019542 And thank you for joining us for the unveiling of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00049-00019542-00020040 the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health results. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00050-00020040-00020397 We're also celebrating the 24th annual Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00051-00020397-00020610 National Recovery Month. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00052-00020610-00020904 By paring these two events, it gives us an opportunity to Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00053-00020904-00021271 celebrate those who are in recovery while also remembering Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00054-00021271-00021741 that there are many more who have yet found that path. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00055-00021741-00022035 The theme of the 24th annual National Recovery Month Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00056-00022035-00022395 observance is "Join the Voices for Recovery: Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00057-00022395-00022726 Together on Pathways to Wellness." Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00058-00022726-00022989 It emphasizes that while each person finds his or her Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00059-00022989-00023470 own unique path to recovery, our common goal is wellness. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00060-00023470-00023870 Through recovery, the people we celebrate during September have Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00061-00023870-00024210 overcome mental and substance use challenges and in so doing Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00062-00024210-00024527 have improved their overall health as well as the health and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00063-00024527-00024954 well-being of their families, friends, and communities. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00064-00024954-00025251 This press conference always provides us the opportunity to Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00065-00025251-00025585 recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00066-00025585-00025829 the millions of Americans in recovery from Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00067-00025829-00026006 mental illness and addiction. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00068-00026006-00026399 It's also time to applaud the families, the loved ones, and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00069-00026399-00026703 friends who support them and the behavioral health providers Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00070-00026703-00026950 who help them regain their health. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00071-00026950-00027240 It's also an opportunity to share the podium with others who Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00072-00027240-00027527 support the important work of recovery and wellness. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00073-00027527-00027777 People like our partners at The White House Office of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00074-00027777-00028258 National Drug Control Policy, especially Dr. Gil Kerlikowske. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00075-00028258-00028595 We're gonna hear from... I think I just called you a doctor... Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00076-00028595-00028862 [laughter] Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00077-00028862-00029239 we'll hear from Director Kerlikowske in just a few Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00078-00029239-00029482 minutes and we'll just, we'll also hear from those at Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00079-00029482-00029696 the head table who know a lot about recovery and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00080-00029696-00029979 about achieving wellness. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00081-00029979-00030263 As we recognize in September National Alcohol and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00082-00030263-00030590 Drug Addiction Recovery Month, it's worth noting that not so Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00083-00030590-00030894 long ago the word "recovery" was kind of absent from Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00084-00030894-00031141 the drug policy discussion. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00085-00031141-00031468 Recovery Month reminds us that our ultimate goal is not Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00086-00031468-00031848 the successful implementation of a prevention program or Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00087-00031848-00032228 a successful treatment discharge but rather safer, healthier, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00088-00032228-00032495 more resilient, and more prosperous individuals, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00089-00032495-00032702 families, and communities. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00090-00032702-00033019 And reaching the goal requires creating avenues for Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00091-00033019-00033336 individuals to achieve and sustain recovery. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00092-00033336-00033653 It requires us to create opportunities for individuals Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00093-00033653-00033977 to fully enjoy and contribute to the community. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00094-00033977-00034330 My name is Jenna and I am a person in long-term recovery. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00095-00034330-00034504 For me, that means I haven't used a drink or Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00096-00034504-00034704 a drug since I was 24. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00097-00034704-00034971 Recovery has given me an awareness that Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00098-00034971-00035131 I've never had before. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00099-00035131-00035382 The ability to live in the moment and really Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00100-00035382-00035552 appreciate my surroundings. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00101-00035552-00035855 Everything from watching the way the sunlight illuminates the Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00102-00035855-00036202 leaves on the trees to feeling a warm breeze on my face. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00103-00036202-00036423 I don't take life for granted anymore. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00104-00036423-00036716 I'm actually participating in my life, and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00105-00036716-00036953 I'm no longer just existing. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00106-00036953-00037180 It wasn't always like that though. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00107-00037180-00037540 There was a time when I didn't want to take part in life- Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00108-00037540-00037731 I wanted to run away from it. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00109-00037731-00037937 When I was 13, there was a knock on my door Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00110-00037937-00038134 2 days after Christmas. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00111-00038134-00038355 The police were standing there, and they told me that Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00112-00038355-00038641 there had been an accident and that I needed to call my mom. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00113-00038641-00038988 What I soon found out was that my dad had committed suicide. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00114-00038988-00039426 In that moment, the world as I knew it changed. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00115-00039426-00039582 Everything stopped. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00116-00039582-00039796 And I just wanted to run. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00117-00039796-00040133 I didn't want to face that reality. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00118-00040133-00040457 I didn't know how to cope with those feelings, and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00119-00040457-00040797 I just wanted to escape, and for me that escape came in Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00120-00040797-00041007 the form of drugs and alcohol. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00121-00041007-00041264 Fortunately, somebody was looking out for me. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00122-00041264-00041624 Because one day, my mom drug me to court and that Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00123-00041624-00042035 judge said three words that would change my life yet again: Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00124-00042035-00042349 "Incarceration without bail." Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00125-00042349-00042565 I had the opportunity to plead into a program Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00126-00042565-00042686 called Drug Court. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00127-00042686-00042976 And Drug Court afforded me the ability to go to Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00128-00042976-00043246 a 90-day in-patient rehabilitation program. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00129-00043246-00043553 And it was there that I gained so much insight about myself, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00130-00043553-00043990 and I really learned how to live life on life's terms and not Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00131-00043990-00044317 have to put a substance in my body to numb me. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00132-00044317-00044688 In 2010, I graduated from that Drug Court program, and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00133-00044688-00045028 that day I realized if I can do this I can do Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00134-00045028-00045275 anything I put my mind to. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00135-00045275-00045512 So I made the decision to go back to school. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00136-00045512-00045915 And as Dr. Clark said, in 2012, I graduated with Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00137-00045915-00046069 my bachelor's degree. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00138-00046069-00046329 Since then, I've decided to continue my education. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00139-00046329-00046569 And this fall is my first semester as a graduate student Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00140-00046569-00046753 working on my master's. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00141-00046753-00047060 It's amazing that I have a purpose. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00142-00047060-00047424 I'm able to give back to my community what was given to me. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00143-00047424-00047767 To say the least, my childhood was less than horrific. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00144-00047767-00048121 My family and I enjoyed a middle class suburban existence. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00145-00048121-00048358 I excelled academically and participated in several Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00146-00048358-00048605 extracurricular activities. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00147-00048605-00048935 My emotional development, however, was I would say Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00148-00048935-00049075 severely compromised. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00149-00049075-00049379 I suffered from an extremely poor body image as Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00150-00049379-00049579 I was classified as overweight. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00151-00049579-00049956 And my self-esteem and self-worth were nonexistent. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00152-00049956-00050397 In May of 1997, at the age of 12, I won a D.A.R.E. essay Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00153-00050397-00050630 contest hosted by my local municipality. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00154-00050630-00051051 The topic of that contest was why I won't try drugs. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00155-00051051-00051358 And then in June of 1997, 1 month later, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00156-00051358-00051638 I started smoking marijuana. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00157-00051638-00051931 The next 15 years of my life, I struggled in Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00158-00051931-00052278 the grasp of addiction characterized by an increasingly Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00159-00052278-00052705 typical progression from prescription opiate usage Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00160-00052705-00053066 to an intravenously delivered heroin dependency. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00161-00053066-00053436 And you know, I believe that many Americans still Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00162-00053436-00053793 think that such usage as predominately an urban problem, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00163-00053793-00053953 but that is not the case. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00164-00053953-00054234 I was not raised in a broken, impoverished, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00165-00054234-00054531 abusive household but rather a loving middle class Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00166-00054531-00054717 suburban environment. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00167-00054717-00054931 And despite my malady, I became a student athlete Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00168-00054931-00055168 able to graduate from a parochial high school with Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00169-00055168-00055512 a 4.4 GPA and to earn a full academic scholarship Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00170-00055512-00055805 to one of the top 10 business schools in the nation. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00171-00055805-00056162 My addiction brought me to institutions to run-ins with Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00172-00056162-00056486 the law to near death experiences and to the Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00173-00056486-00056836 funerals of five good friends-all of those people Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00174-00056836-00057123 under the age of 33 years old. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00175-00057123-00057387 Needless to say, I am fortunate to be standing here Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00176-00057387-00057597 before you all today. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00177-00057597-00058091 On April 25th, 2012, in a moment of abject despair, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00178-00058091-00058328 I made a decision to change my life. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00179-00058328-00058551 I checked myself into a detox facility in Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00180-00058551-00058785 New Jersey the following day. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00181-00058785-00059172 After an 8-day detox, I checked into a rehab facility in Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00182-00059172-00059346 West Palm Beach, Florida. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00183-00059346-00059489 Today, I'm accountable. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00184-00059489-00059719 In recovery, I've been able to acquire Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00185-00059719-00059959 a New Jersey general contractor's license and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00186-00059959-00060226 to form an LLC as a sole proprietor. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00187-00060226-00060617 Today, I am a small business owner of a growing company. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00188-00060617-00060907 I am a productive member of society, and today Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00189-00060907-00061201 I am once again a contributing citizen of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00190-00061201-00061401 the United States of America. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00191-00061401-00061598 I'm a mental health advocate in Puerto Rico. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00192-00061598-00061901 I am the director of Fundación NuestraMente, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00193-00061901-00062128 which is a nonprofit organization I established Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00194-00062128-00062535 in the year 2011 to share not just my story but stories of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00195-00062535-00062902 people that are too afraid to really reveal their own stories. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00196-00062902-00063193 I am a certified peer specialist, and just recently Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00197-00063193-00063416 I actually became the community coordinator for Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00198-00063416-00063683 a Puerto Rico government program aimed at helping Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00199-00063683-00063913 children and adolescents with severe emotional Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00200-00063913-00064244 disturbances in underserved communities. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00201-00064244-00064654 I am a person with multiple mental diagnosis, and it's been Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00202-00064654-00064824 a really difficult process. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00203-00064824-00065301 I was diagnosed at a time where it was not only not cool Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00204-00065301-00065555 it was also unheard of to talk about mental health in Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00205-00065555-00065725 your communities without being stigmatized, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00206-00065725-00065889 without being made fun of. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00207-00065889-00066122 My mother and I had to seek treatment in the States. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00208-00066122-00066533 My mother lost her job of 28 years trying to help me, and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00209-00066533-00066923 my family completely stranded away, did not support us, and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00210-00066923-00067163 made her cry every single day because of the fact that they Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00211-00067163-00067484 could not understand what I was going through. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00212-00067484-00067657 I battled through obesity, weighing in at almost Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00213-00067657-00067894 300 pounds because I was sick of society. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00214-00067894-00068141 Everyone to me was the enemy, so the only person Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00215-00068141-00068331 I could count on was myself. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00216-00068331-00068578 I tried multiple suicidal attempts, including Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00217-00068578-00068872 throwing myself out the car while my mom was driving. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00218-00068872-00069015 I did self-mutilation. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00219-00069015-00069132 Why? Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00220-00069132-00069279 Not because I wanted to commit suicide but because Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00221-00069279-00069559 I was so tired of my anxiety attacks, I was so tired of not Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00222-00069559-00069929 knowing what to do that the only way was punishing myself Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00223-00069929-00070243 until the physical pain overcame the emotional pain. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00224-00070243-00070447 I didn't see any future in myself. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00225-00070447-00070794 But that was until I started to learn about wellness. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00226-00070794-00071087 I learned that throughout the entire process, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00227-00071087-00071284 everyone was so focused on my mental health Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00228-00071284-00071534 they weren't worried about me being obese. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00229-00071534-00071718 They weren't worried about me exercising. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00230-00071718-00072028 Other things that I eventually had to learn by myself, and once Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00231-00072028-00072389 I did it came to a point where I forgot I had a mental illness. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00232-00072389-00072582 I forgot that I had anxiety attacks. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00233-00072582-00072829 I had all these intrusive thoughts and in that process Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00234-00072829-00073139 I realized-it's like a magical solution. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00235-00073139-00073329 Turns out you just have to exercise. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00236-00073329-00073540 You have to do all these great things. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00237-00073540-00073700 A holistic approach. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00238-00073700-00073953 I've been able to be off medication for 5 years for five Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00239-00073953-00074277 different anxiety, for three different anxiety disorders, and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00240-00074277-00074517 it is because of that simply because I focus so much on Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00241-00074517-00074884 the good things that the bad, I don't just overcome them Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00242-00074884-00075215 I break through them because that is exactly what everyone in Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00243-00075215-00075448 this room and around the nation has to do. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00244-00075448-00075702 Because honestly, if you told me 4 years ago that Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00245-00075702-00075892 I was going to be talking at a press conference about Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00246-00075892-00076152 my recovery story, I'd be laughing at you right now. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00247-00076152-00076336 We have to not just empower the consumers Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00248-00076336-00076596 we have to empower everybody, and it is through National Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00249-00076596-00076870 Recovery Month, National Wellness Week, that we do that. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00250-00076870-00077170 I am a person in recovery with mental health issues. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00251-00077170-00077704 I went into foster care at age 15 and aged out, and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00252-00077704-00078081 consequently self-medicated and abused alcohol for many Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00253-00078081-00078515 years as a way to deal with those unmet mental health needs, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00254-00078515-00078805 including depression and PTSD. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00255-00078805-00079245 Since then, and I have learned about recovery and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00256-00079245-00079639 other ways to manage, I have dedicated my work and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00257-00079639-00079863 my life to improving outcomes for young people, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00258-00079863-00080316 including the areas of foster care, youth engagement and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00259-00080316-00080804 leadership, adoption, mental health, and trauma. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00260-00080804-00081017 As the executive director of Youth M.O.V.E. National, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00261-00081017-00081274 or youth motivating others through voices of experience, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00262-00081274-00081658 we work to improve services in systems for youth and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00263-00081658-00082012 young adults who have lived experience in these systems. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00264-00082012-00082405 We support 68 chapters across 33 different states of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00265-00082405-00082779 young people who seek to engage in systems change. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00266-00082779-00082986 And to help promote positive outcomes for Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00267-00082986-00083133 their peers as well. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00268-00083133-00083356 It's also important that we partner together and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00269-00083356-00083783 the mental health and substance abuse field work together and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00270-00083783-00084074 model that connection because Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00271-00084074-00084497 they are both essential for us to all be well. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00272-00084497-00084788 And I want to say thank you to SAMHSA for leading this way. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00273-00084788-00085328 It is very crucial that we do unite and we do bring supports Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00274-00085328-00085662 to each other across substance abuse and mental health because Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00275-00085662-00085899 they don't operate independently within ourselves, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00276-00085899-00086172 why would they operate independently elsewhere. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00277-00086172-00086433 And so to unite those and SAMHSA is really bringing those Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00278-00086433-00086873 two together and supporting that connection and that support for Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00279-00086873-00087170 our youth and young adults in this country. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00280-00087170-00087297 Thank you. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00281-00087297-00087530 [Applause] Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00282-00087530-00087791 Good afternoon, everyone and welcome to Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00283-00087791-00088091 the National Recovery Month planning partners luncheon. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00284-00088091-00088398 Today's discussion- Recognition and Celebration of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00285-00088398-00088692 Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery-is hosted by Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00286-00088692-00088975 the National Association for Children of Alcoholics and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00287-00088975-00089265 the Entertainment Industries Council. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00288-00089265-00089492 To begin today's event, please join me in welcoming Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00289-00089492-00089836 a pioneer of "edutainment" and depiction of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00290-00089836-00089993 health and social issues. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00291-00089993-00090246 He is the founder, president, and CEO of the Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00292-00090246-00090520 Entertainment Industries Council and the award-winning Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00293-00090520-00090914 executive producer and creator of the PRISM Awards. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00294-00090914-00091184 This is the world's only nationally televised show Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00295-00091184-00091408 honoring the accurate depictions of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00296-00091408-00091584 substance use and mental health. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00297-00091584-00091758 And our first speaker today is none other than Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00298-00091758-00091878 Mr. Brian Dyak. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00299-00091878-00092138 Please join me in welcoming him to the stage. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00300-00092138-00092295 [Applause] Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00301-00092295-00092415 Thank you. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00302-00092415-00092676 Thank you very much. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00303-00092676-00092839 Welcome. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00304-00092839-00093313 The voice from beyond that you are hearing is Skylar Jackson, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00305-00093313-00093593 our external communication and program director and the Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00306-00093593-00093837 producer and host of our new Internet television network Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00307-00093837-00094030 EIC TV. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00308-00094030-00094441 The network is launching live as I speak. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00309-00094441-00094718 For the first time, members of the organizations Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00310-00094718-00094961 represented and recovery supporters across the country Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00311-00094961-00095301 will be able to participate in the luncheon awards ceremony Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00312-00095301-00095882 virtually and interact through the eicnetwork.tv website, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00313-00095882-00096169 which is integrated with Facebook and Twitter. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00314-00096169-00096586 Those at home will also be able to watch exclusive video clips, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00315-00096586-00096853 some of which were created by those in this room Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00316-00096853-00097053 that are here with us today. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00317-00097053-00097537 So thank you to our media partners at 21st Century Fox for Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00318-00097537-00097861 supporting this unique webcast and thank you to SAMHSA and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00319-00097861-00098084 all the organizations who have been putting the word out Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00320-00098084-00098381 across the country to invite others to this webcast. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00321-00098381-00098735 On behalf of 21st Century Fox and John Landgraf, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00322-00098735-00099062 who is the president of FX, who will be showcasing the Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00323-00099062-00099442 PRISM Awards and chairman of the PRISM honorary committee and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00324-00099442-00099786 trustee of EIC, it is our honor to support the national Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00325-00099786-00100380 recovery effort and to be the media partner today with EIC. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00326-00100380-00100720 For nearly two decades, EIC has paid tribute to the Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00327-00100720-00101101 accurate, honest, authentic, and engaging depiction of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00328-00101101-00101428 important behavioral health issues through the PRISM Awards. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00329-00101428-00101848 Celebrating hundreds of writers, producers, and directors who Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00330-00101848-00102112 rewrite stereotypes to become relatable, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00331-00102112-00102525 sympathetic characters that resonate with the audience is Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00332-00102525-00102982 very important and that's how these awards are looked at. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00333-00102982-00103323 Now in its 17th year, the PRISM Awards submissions are now Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00334-00103323-00103790 well into the thousands and seen by millions within reach, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00335-00103790-00104167 from Hollywood to Capitol Hill, and believe me, there's a lot of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00336-00104167-00104427 similarities between the two. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00337-00104427-00104721 The 17th Annual Prism Awards showcase will premiere on Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00338-00104721-00105191 FX and it will remain on demand through March 30th, 2014. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00339-00105191-00105538 We look forward to working with EIC to help bring the Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00340-00105538-00105902 proactive productions of our industry into the limelight as Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00341-00105902-00106279 service to all of you who dedicate your lives Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00342-00106279-00106523 to this very important issue. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00343-00106523-00106810 We thank you for what you are doing every day, and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00344-00106810-00107167 are pleased to be part of bringing your message into Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00345-00107167-00107380 the homes of our viewers. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00346-00107380-00107704 He wrote probably the first and one of the best ever Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00347-00107704-00108048 written books of stories- we are all talking about Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00348-00108048-00108405 recovery stories-he wrote Courage to Change and when Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00349-00108405-00108665 I developed my educational program back in Michigan, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00350-00108665-00109099 that was mandatory reading with a book report due from Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00351-00109099-00109429 every single one of my volunteers because it told Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00352-00109429-00109642 the real stories of real people. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00353-00109642-00109946 So, my storyteller friend also, Dennis Wholey. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00354-00109946-00110507 I used to say kiddingly when I would do a COA talk that Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00355-00110507-00110774 I grew up in a family of five kids and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00356-00110774-00111184 two distant relatives, my mother and father. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00357-00111184-00111668 I've amended that a little bit to realize that while it is Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00358-00111668-00112088 a good line and it does get a good laugh, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00359-00112088-00112752 that was a very, very difficult childhood- Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00360-00112752-00112969 a very painful childhood. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00361-00112969-00113353 I think it's important that we realize that Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00362-00113353-00113873 this word "loneliness" and this pain of childhood is Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00363-00113873-00114137 essential to the message of recovery. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00364-00114137-00114531 This is Recovery Month-24 years for Recovery Month, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00365-00114531-00114838 30 years for the National Association for Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00366-00114838-00115352 Children of Alcoholics, but do not set out the difference in Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00367-00115352-00115815 your minds between the recovering addict and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00368-00115815-00116296 alcoholic-and we're very public about it, many of us are-with Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00369-00116296-00116850 the, turn the clock back 20, 30, 40, 50 years, or for some of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00370-00116850-00117093 the young people that will be joining me in a minute, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00371-00117093-00117357 turning the clock back just 10 years and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00372-00117357-00117640 the lives of young children. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00373-00117640-00117901 I want to talk about a very exciting campaign that Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00374-00117901-00118304 we just unveiled a little over a month ago on Capitol Hill, and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00375-00118304-00118528 it's called the OK2TALK campaign. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00376-00118528-00118852 The primary goal of this campaign is to end the stigma Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00377-00118852-00119152 associated with talking about mental health issues. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00378-00119152-00119449 Our president and CEO, Senator Gordon Smith, has been Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00379-00119449-00119673 a long-time mental health advocate. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00380-00119673-00120046 Sadly, later this month will be 10 years since his son Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00381-00120046-00120477 took his own life after a tragic struggle with mental illness. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00382-00120477-00120914 And Senator Smith has been just phenomenal in bringing together Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00383-00120914-00121274 the mental health community and broadcasters to really have us Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00384-00121274-00121614 use our megaphone to make this a national discussion and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00385-00121614-00121815 to get people talking about it. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00386-00121815-00122165 And so our campaign had a very clear and focused message: Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00387-00122165-00122402 It's ok to talk about mental health. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00388-00122402-00122756 There are resources and treatments available for you Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00389-00122756-00123039 that are effective, and if you know someone who is struggling, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00390-00123039-00123309 please help them get the help that they need. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00391-00123309-00123516 So I really encourage you to work with your local Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00392-00123516-00123636 TV and radio stations. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00393-00123636-00123920 They are very receptive to doing things to bring Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00394-00123920-00124297 mental health out of the shadows and into the national dialogue. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00395-00124297-00124487 Good afternoon, everyone. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00396-00124487-00124901 I'm Beshad Sheldon and on behalf of Braeburn Pharmaceuticals Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00397-00124901-00125265 I'm honored, really honored to be here with all of you Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00398-00125265-00125455 supporting Recovery Month and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00399-00125455-00125969 the message that you already heard, but some things are Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00400-00125969-00126306 really good to say again and again, which is that Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00401-00126306-00126596 prevention works, treatment is effective, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00402-00126596-00126866 and recovery does happen. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00403-00126866-00127080 People can and do recover. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00404-00127080-00128031 [Music] Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00405-00128031-00128388 Each year, thousands of people in cities and towns across this Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00406-00128388-00128778 nation help to organize Recovery Month events. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00407-00128778-00129119 In recent years, we have seen Recovery Month become Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00408-00129119-00129492 an international movement with events held in many other Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00409-00129492-00129666 countries around the world. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00410-00129666-00130310 In 2013, over 900 Recovery Month events were held in all Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00411-00130310-00130627 50 states, the District of Columbia, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00412-00130627-00131237 Puerto Rico, Guam, and numerous countries outside of the U.S. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00413-00131237-00131601 Here and abroad, Recovery Month events bring together Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00414-00131601-00131838 the courageous people in recovery, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00415-00131838-00132248 the caring service providers that work tirelessly to support Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00416-00132248-00132726 people in recovery, and family members and friends who are Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00417-00132726-00133236 instrumental in initiating and sustaining recovery. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00418-00133236-00133580 Community events are an effective way to deliver Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00419-00133580-00134080 Recovery Month's key messages to a variety of audiences. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00420-00134080-00134361 There are also many fun and creative ways Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00421-00134361-00134547 to get the message out! Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00422-00134547-00134984 We saw celebrations, conferences, parades, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00423-00134984-00135478 rallies, walks, sporting events, block parties, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00424-00135478-00135875 motorcycle rides, dances, and art shows. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00425-00135875-00136262 At these events, we heard encouraging words in support of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00426-00136262-00136666 recovery and calls for action to support people in recovery Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00427-00136666-00137070 throughout the year with critical support services like Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00428-00137070-00137407 housing, education, and employment. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00429-00137407-00137607 We got any people in recovery out there? Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00430-00137607-00137961 [Crowd cheers] Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00431-00137961-00138234 Recovery Month events make the faces of recovery Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00432-00138234-00138435 visible in the community. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00433-00138435-00138688 We want to thank everyone who helped organize Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00434-00138688-00138868 Recovery Month events. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00435-00138868-00139342 Your creativity and dedication is inspiring to us all. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00437-00154921-00155185 The stories of recovery are the stories of our Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00438-00155185-00155482 family members, our friends, and the people Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00439-00155482-00155742 we meet every day in our communities. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00440-00155742-00156129 As they succeed in living self-directed lives and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00441-00156129-00156519 achieving their full potential, we see the benefits of recovery Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00442-00156519-00156803 not only for the individual but for their Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00443-00156803-00157117 family, friends, and community. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00444-00157117-00157497 Just as we see people from all walks of life engaged in Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00445-00157497-00157907 the recovery process, so also do we see the incredible Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00446-00157907-00158358 variety of paths that people in recovery take. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00447-00158358-00158742 We find that there are many different pathways to achieve Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00448-00158742-00159159 the common goal of hope, health, and wellness. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00449-00159159-00159496 As we take a moment to recognize the success of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00450-00159496-00159896 the 2013 Recovery Month observance, we are reminded Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00451-00159896-00160313 that this is a time to turn our attention to 2014. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00452-00160313-00160777 I hope this show inspires you to get involved and to organize Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00453-00160777-00161091 a Recovery Month event for next September. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00454-00161091-00161508 You can begin now by going to the Recovery Month website at Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00455-00161508-00161788 recoverymonth.gov Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00456-00161788-00162062 for information on how to get started. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00457-00162062-00162445 As you can see from the events in 2013, the type of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00458-00162445-00162849 Recovery Month event you choose to organize can be whatever Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00459-00162849-00163263 your imagination and creativity inspires you to do. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00460-00163263-00163626 Thank you for everything you do to support recovery. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00461-00163626-00163970 Let's keep up this exciting work in the coming year, and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00462-00163970-00164314 I sincerely hope that your event will be highlighted in Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00463-00164314-00164674 our 2014 showcase of events. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00464-00164674-00166169 [Music] Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00465-00166169-00166523 For a copy of this program or other programs in the Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00466-00166523-00166846 Road to Recovery series, call SAMHSA at Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00467-00166846-00167310 1-800-662-HELP or order online at Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00468-00167310-00167517 recoverymonth.gov Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00469-00167517-00167844 and click on the Video/Radio/Web tab. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00470-00167844-00168311 [Music] Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00471-00168311-00168595 Every September, National Recovery Month provides Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00472-00168595-00169009 an opportunity for communities like yours to raise awareness of Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00473-00169009-00169369 substance use and mental health problems to highlight the Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00474-00169369-00169813 effectiveness of treatment and that people can and do recover. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00475-00169813-00170153 In order to help you plan events and activities in Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00476-00170153-00170497 commemoration of this year's Recovery Month observance, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00477-00170497-00171001 the free online Recovery Month kit offers ideas, materials, and Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00478-00171001-00171428 tools for planning, organizing, and realizing an event or Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00479-00171428-00171918 outreach campaign that matches your goals and resources. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00480-00171918-00172135 To obtain an electronic copy of this year's Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00481-00172135-00172492 Recovery Month kit and gain access to other free Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00482-00172492-00172872 publications and materials related to recovery issues, Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00483-00172872-00173119 visit the Recovery Month website at Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00484-00173119-00174214 www.recoverymonth.gov, or call 1-800-662-HELP. Z5mdUJ5T-tY-00485-00174214-00175251 [Music] Z5PPgoa3TU0-00003-00000953-00001003 Active on red palm weevils,cereal weevils,ants,and slug. Z5PPgoa3TU0-00005-00001782-00001972 Cycasuns1 is contained natural attractive pheromones. Z5PPgoa3TU0-00006-00002419-00002556 Without any smell.safety period 24-48 hours. Z8uUMlfeVRg-00000-00000654-00000994 Good afternoon. -Good afternoon, I'm your new employee Onni Heinonen. Z8uUMlfeVRg-00001-00001014-00001170 I'm Hänninen Riku, your collegue. Z8uUMlfeVRg-00002-00001170-00001538 Here's not so many employees yet, so I can show you some places. Z8uUMlfeVRg-00003-00001540-00001630 Follow me. Z8uUMlfeVRg-00004-00002096-00002324 Here's our working clothes. Z8uUMlfeVRg-00005-00002422-00002674 And behind this door is our break room. Z8uUMlfeVRg-00006-00002764-00002982 You can use this during your breaks. Z8uUMlfeVRg-00007-00003010-00003060 Cool. Z8uUMlfeVRg-00008-00003114-00003294 Now I can show you your work place. Z8uUMlfeVRg-00009-00003870-00004029 This is your work place. Z8uUMlfeVRg-00010-00004180-00004534 Okay, I think you can start your work right now. Z8uUMlfeVRg-00011-00004616-00004758 I'll go now to do my own work. Z8uUMlfeVRg-00012-00004758-00004900 Okay, thank you so much. ZqRrmevUP7Q-00000-00000000-00002576 beautylacehair.com Zsen4RjkbgQ-00000-00000048-00000372 Installing the Fair Water water meter, especially the Valve Meter Zsen4RjkbgQ-00001-00000372-00000711 is as easy as isolating the water to the property and Zsen4RjkbgQ-00002-00000747-00001161 it's nearly just tap swap-out or a washer change. You basically Zsen4RjkbgQ-00003-00001161-00001515 screw the components into the tap body and you're done. ZxhUj3okFlg-00000-00000000-00000068 PUBG mobile được anh đẹp trai kéo team top I ZycIc04YygI-00000-00000042-00000326 welcome to the draw my life . of Miguel de Cervantes ZycIc04YygI-00001-00000437-00000989 According to the writings . he was born on the 29th of September in 15 47 . in Alcalá de Henares ZycIc04YygI-00002-00001092-00001460 the place where the third Spanish university had been founded in 15 oh 8 ZycIc04YygI-00003-00001648-00002216 Miguel would be the sixth of the seven children . that Rodrigo de Cervantes Saavedra and Leonor de Cortinas had ZycIc04YygI-00004-00002342-00002874 his father was a barber surgeon . which led him to spend his childhood in the vast majority of Castilian cities ZycIc04YygI-00005-00002988-00003356 precisely . they would end up moving to Vayadolid . one of the most important ZycIc04YygI-00006-00003487-00003751 the debts however . would lead to jail in 15 52 ZycIc04YygI-00007-00003956-00004288 two years later in Cordoba . Miguel entered the Jesuit college ZycIc04YygI-00008-00004385-00004941 soon he would begin to show himself as a seasoned reader . demonstrating that money and culture do not have to go hand in hand ZycIc04YygI-00009-00005050-00005202 At the ageof 16 ZycIc04YygI-00010-00005218-00005542 Miguel who was already showing himself as a shy and stuttering boy ZycIc04YygI-00011-00005552-00005868 . went regularly to the performances of the popular Lope de Rueda ZycIc04YygI-00012-00005976-00006423 A short time later . and after passing through Seville .the Cervantes would return to Madrid ZycIc04YygI-00013-00006490-00006750 which had been declared capitalby Felipe the second ZycIc04YygI-00014-00006800-00007044 and which had undergone rapid growth in those years ZycIc04YygI-00015-00007209-00007886 in 15 69 . Cervantes was arrested in Madrid . and sentenced to the amputation of his right hand . for injuring Antonio De Segura ZycIc04YygI-00016-00008085-00008461 a penalty applied for using weapons in the vicinity of the royal residence ZycIc04YygI-00017-00008514-00008742 although it is not clear if they ever applied it ZycIc04YygI-00018-00008804-00009236 probably for this he would leave for Italy . and enlist in the company of Don Diego de Urbina ZycIc04YygI-00019-00009382-00009790 At the age of 24 . Cervantes would participate in the Battle of Lepanto ZycIc04YygI-00020-00009829-00010017 being a part of the Holy Alliance ZycIc04YygI-00021-00010076-00010456 there despite the victory . he received some injuries that rendered his left hand useless ZycIc04YygI-00022-00010572-00010812 at that time . the manco de lepanto was born ZycIc04YygI-00023-00010871-00011087 but his misfortunes did not end there ZycIc04YygI-00024-00011103-00011703 upon returning home . the ship in which he was traveling . was boarded by Turkish pirates . who took him prisoner with his brother Rodrigo ZycIc04YygI-00025-00011728-00011948 and sold them as slaves later in Algiers ZycIc04YygI-00026-00012020-00012516 Their sisters would get to pay the ransom of their brother Rodrigo . who would leave Algiers in 15 77 ZycIc04YygI-00027-00012730-00013174 Miguel . on the other hand . would try to escape without success . up to four times ZycIc04YygI-00028-00013182-00013446 from that experience . two of his works would emerge ZycIc04YygI-00029-00013472-00013732 the deals of Algiers . and the baths of Algiers ZycIc04YygI-00030-00013771-00014487 in September 15 79 . his mother managed to gather 475 shields . which she handed over to the council of the Crusades ZycIc04YygI-00031-00014622-00014970 the friars managed to reach the 500 necessary to paythe ransom ZycIc04YygI-00032-00015070-00015206 and in 15 80 ZycIc04YygI-00033-00015248-00015616 miguel de cervantes ended his 5 years of captivity in algiers ZycIc04YygI-00034-00015713-00016058 on his return to spain . he will maintain relations with a young married woman ZycIc04YygI-00035-00016065-00016344 Ana de Viyafranca . also known as Ana de Rohas ZycIc04YygI-00036-00016383-00016607 with her . he would have a daughter named Isabel ZycIc04YygI-00037-00016647-00017183 then at 37 years old . Cervantes would marry his girlfriend . Catalina de Salazar yPalacios ZycIc04YygI-00038-00017232-00017476 in 15 85 . he wrote La Galatea ZycIc04YygI-00039-00017594-00018074 a pastoral novel depicting two shepherds . in love with a beautiful shepherdess . named Galatea ZycIc04YygI-00040-00018132-00018432 who nevertheless values her spiritual independence too much ZycIc04YygI-00041-00018530-00018798 Cervantes always intended to make a second part ZycIc04YygI-00042-00018802-00019014 although he always remained with the desire ZycIc04YygI-00043-00019017-00019353 he began to write comedies . although his style was somewhat obsolete ZycIc04YygI-00044-00019398-00019562 in front of Lope de Vega ZycIc04YygI-00045-00019574-00020090 with whom he would maintain a permanent duel . and who would be his neighbor . in the Barrio de las Letras in Madrid ZycIc04YygI-00046-00020208-00020752 however . fortune still did not smile at Cervantes . who found himself in prison . on more than one occasion ZycIc04YygI-00047-00020904-00021152 also economic problems always haunted him ZycIc04YygI-00048-00021279-00021731 It was in that time of hardship . when he probably began to write . the first lines that we all know ZycIc04YygI-00049-00021990-00022598 in 16 oh 9 . he entered the brotherhood of the slaves of the most holy sacrament . to which Lope de Vega and Quevedo also belonged ZycIc04YygI-00050-00022766-00023122 he began to write the exemplary novels that appeared in 16 13 ZycIc04YygI-00051-00023201-00023453 Journey of the Parnassus . that would comeout a year later ZycIc04YygI-00052-00023460-00023644 and the comedies and interludes ZycIc04YygI-00053-00023695-00023871 that same year for Cervantes ZycIc04YygI-00054-00023892-00024348 he would see how a certain . Alonso Fernandez de Avellaneda . signed a second part of Don Quixote ZycIc04YygI-00055-00024370-00024550 an impostorfor Cervantes ZycIc04YygI-00056-00024590-00024754 who months beforehis death ZycIc04YygI-00057-00024786-00025086 would publish The Ingenious Knight Don Quixote de la Mancha ZycIc04YygI-00058-00025138-00025298 the second part of the work ZycIc04YygI-00059-00025349-00025809 cervantes exhaled his last puffs of air . and passed history as one of the greatest authors ZycIc04YygI-00060-00025878-00026158 who would be buried on April 23rd 16 16 ZycIc04YygI-00061-00026259-00026687 and exactly the same day . of the same year . William Shakespeare also passed away ZycIc04YygI-00062-00026820-00027183 precisely for that reason . that was the day chosen to commemorate world book day ZycIc04YygI-00063-00027332-00027744 however this is not entirely accurate . and it is that neither of them died that day ZycIc04YygI-00064-00027889-00028089 Cervantes did it a day before ZycIc04YygI-00065-00028148-00028476 and at that time . England was governed by the Julian calendar ZycIc04YygI-00066-00028500-00028836 so Shakespeare's death actually occurred on May 3rd 16 16 ZycIc04YygI-00067-00029102-00029358 we will never close a chapter without learning something ZycIc04YygI-00068-00029461-00029709 and this has been Miguel de Cervantes' draw my life ZycIc04YygI-00069-00029746-00030190 if you liked it . give it a like and share it . and comment on what you want our next draw my life to be ZycIc04YygI-00070-00030264-00030937 oh . and happy world book day Z-F-QljBlgg-00000-00000000-00000910 SCP-606 The Teacher object class euclid Z-F-QljBlgg-00001-00001066-00001201 Item #: SCP-606 Z-F-QljBlgg-00002-00001201-00001802 Object Class: Euclid (Keter classification under review) Z-F-QljBlgg-00003-00001802-00002564 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-606 is currently housed of its own will in an unfurnished Z-F-QljBlgg-00004-00002564-00003162 20mx25mx8m cell at Site ██, the entrance to which is sealed by two 25cm steel blast Z-F-QljBlgg-00005-00003162-00003418 doors on either side of an airlock. Z-F-QljBlgg-00006-00003418-00003997 No personnel are to enter SCP-606's containment cell except under controlled testing circumstances Z-F-QljBlgg-00007-00003997-00004479 or with authorisation from a staff member of level 4 clearance or higher. Z-F-QljBlgg-00008-00004479-00004971 Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to Z-F-QljBlgg-00009-00004971-00005347 be in place at all times, according to standard operating procedure. Z-F-QljBlgg-00010-00005347-00006061 Due to SCP-606's non-corporeal nature, no reliable security measures in case of a containment Z-F-QljBlgg-00011-00006061-00006287 breach have been developed at this time. Z-F-QljBlgg-00012-00006287-00006695 In the event of such a breach, all personnel should refer to Plan ETA-SIX. Z-F-QljBlgg-00013-00006695-00007393 Through use of a mobile remotely operated device, SCP-606 is to be provided with an Z-F-QljBlgg-00014-00007393-00008088 ordinary USB flash storage device containing no less than 2MB of data every 12 hours. Z-F-QljBlgg-00015-00008088-00008659 The data contained on the device is to be left to the discretion of SCP-606's supervisor, Z-F-QljBlgg-00016-00008659-00009236 but text from classic literature or encyclopaedias, movie clips or audio files of historical speeches Z-F-QljBlgg-00017-00009236-00009336 are ideal. Z-F-QljBlgg-00018-00009336-00009986 In an emergency situation this may be substituted with 'data' in any form, such as print, compact Z-F-QljBlgg-00019-00009986-00010139 discs or video tapes. Z-F-QljBlgg-00020-00010139-00010617 A careful record of all data provided to SCP-606 must be kept. Z-F-QljBlgg-00021-00010617-00011302 SCP-606 should not be given repeated information except in an emergency situation. Z-F-QljBlgg-00022-00011302-00011757 No material pertaining to the Foundation or other anomalous objects should be provided Z-F-QljBlgg-00023-00011757-00012225 to SCP-606 under any circumstances. Z-F-QljBlgg-00024-00012225-00012880 Description: SCP-606 appears as a spherical mass of light of variable size and intensity. Z-F-QljBlgg-00025-00012880-00013575 Most commonly, it is approximately 85cm in diameter and emits 220 candelas of luminosity, Z-F-QljBlgg-00026-00013575-00014210 but has been observed to grow to up to 10m in diameter and emit over 100,000 candelas. Z-F-QljBlgg-00027-00014210-00015125 SCP-606 has also been observed to shrink to 4cm in diameter, emitting less than 0.5 candela. Z-F-QljBlgg-00028-00015125-00015533 Despite its ability to emit large amounts of light, SCP-606 emits no heat. Z-F-QljBlgg-00029-00015533-00016011 It does not appear to be composed of any form of matter, and is able to pass through material Z-F-QljBlgg-00030-00016011-00016163 barriers effortlessly. Z-F-QljBlgg-00031-00016163-00016714 It is presently theorised that SCP-606 is an entity composed purely of knowledge or Z-F-QljBlgg-00032-00016714-00017357 information, and information obtained from SCP-606 itself appears to corroborate this. Z-F-QljBlgg-00033-00017357-00017937 Furthermore, SCP-606 appears to derive sustenance from information, growing in both size and Z-F-QljBlgg-00034-00017937-00018487 luminosity when provided with sources of information to its aforementioned maximum size and shrinking Z-F-QljBlgg-00035-00018487-00018768 when it is deprived of this. Z-F-QljBlgg-00036-00018768-00019229 It is capable of 'feeding' off a large number of different sources, including digital devices, Z-F-QljBlgg-00037-00019229-00019938 books, magnetic tape and living beings, which simply involves SCP-606 surrounding the object. Z-F-QljBlgg-00038-00019938-00020316 This process does not appear to affect its sources in any way. Z-F-QljBlgg-00039-00020316-00020788 Digital media stored on flash drive is used in the maintenance of SCP-606 so the specific Z-F-QljBlgg-00040-00020788-00021303 details as well as approximate size of all information provided to SCP-606 may be easily Z-F-QljBlgg-00041-00021303-00021403 recorded. Z-F-QljBlgg-00042-00021403-00021981 The specifications for SCP-606's maintenance listed above have been formulated through Z-F-QljBlgg-00043-00021981-00022695 both discussion with SCP-606 and prolonged observation; SCP-606 appears to hold a preference Z-F-QljBlgg-00044-00022695-00023135 for classical literature, for example, and the given amount has been observed to keep Z-F-QljBlgg-00045-00023135-00023413 SCP-606 at its normal size and luminosity. Z-F-QljBlgg-00046-00023413-00024070 SCP-606 is sapient, apparently self-aware of all knowledge it has gained over its existence, Z-F-QljBlgg-00047-00024070-00024277 and capable of intelligent communication. Z-F-QljBlgg-00048-00024277-00024756 It accomplishes this by producing pure sine wave tones through an unknown mechanism. Z-F-QljBlgg-00049-00024756-00025427 This has been refined through teaching SCP-606 a tone-based language system of the Foundation's Z-F-QljBlgg-00050-00025427-00026044 own invention, which all personnel of level 2 or above assigned to SCP-606 are required Z-F-QljBlgg-00051-00026044-00026144 to learn. Z-F-QljBlgg-00052-00026144-00026794 If another sapient individual enters SCP-606's containment cell, it will attempt to 'enlighten' Z-F-QljBlgg-00053-00026794-00027202 them, to use SCP-606's own words. Z-F-QljBlgg-00054-00027202-00027727 This involves SCP-606 moving to surround the being's head (or similar equivalent). Z-F-QljBlgg-00055-00027727-00028327 This results in generalised tonic-clonic epileptic seizures for a period of 30 seconds to 5 minutes, Z-F-QljBlgg-00056-00028327-00028702 after which the individual lapses into a coma followed by death. Z-F-QljBlgg-00057-00028702-00029287 EEG monitoring of affected individuals during this process has shown a massive increase Z-F-QljBlgg-00058-00029287-00029733 in activity of all brainwaves, particularly gamma and beta-type waves. Z-F-QljBlgg-00059-00029733-00030330 It is presently theorised that this is the result of SCP-606 attempting to transfer all Z-F-QljBlgg-00060-00030330-00030814 the information it has gathered to the individual's brain through an unknown process, despite Z-F-QljBlgg-00061-00030814-00031305 the normal human brain being unable to sustain the stress of such a procedure. Z-F-QljBlgg-00062-00031305-00031658 Results of interviews with SCP-606 have been mixed. Z-F-QljBlgg-00063-00031658-00032069 Although it has previously deigned to answer some basic questions about itself and its Z-F-QljBlgg-00064-00032069-00032469 history, any more in-depth questioning or questioning on the topics it posesses knowledge Z-F-QljBlgg-00065-00032469-00033073 of inevitably results in a request by SCP-606 to 'enlighten' the interviewer and a refusal Z-F-QljBlgg-00066-00033073-00033390 to answer further questions. Z-F-QljBlgg-00067-00033390-00033883 Requests made to SCP-606 to refrain from attempting to 'enlighten' without permission have been Z-F-QljBlgg-00068-00033883-00034486 partially complied with; SCP-606 no longer tries to 'enlighten' every individual it comes Z-F-QljBlgg-00069-00034486-00035011 into contact with, but it has still sporadically tried to perform the process without prompting. Z-F-QljBlgg-00070-00035011-00035520 For this reason access to SCP-606's cell is restricted. Z-F-QljBlgg-00071-00035520-00036373 SCP-606 was discovered by the Foundation on 6/11/19██ in ██████, France, Z-F-QljBlgg-00072-00036373-00036867 after a rash of missing person reports was brought to the Foundation's attention. Z-F-QljBlgg-00073-00036867-00037371 Personnel subsequently managed to lure SCP-606 into a transport vehicle and transfer it to Z-F-QljBlgg-00074-00037371-00037878 its current facility by offering it D-class personnel to 'enlighten'. Z-F-QljBlgg-00075-00037878-00038358 Once its non-corporeal nature was discovered, SCP-606 was asked why it did not attempt to Z-F-QljBlgg-00076-00038358-00038458 evade capture. Z-F-QljBlgg-00077-00038458-00038811 It replied that it 'wished to see what would occur'. Z-F-QljBlgg-00078-00038811-00039419 As SCP-606 is able to pass through all forms of matter, it presumably stays in Foundation Z-F-QljBlgg-00079-00039419-00039858 custody of its own free will, perhaps due to the constant supply of information provided Z-F-QljBlgg-00080-00039858-00040003 to it. Z-F-QljBlgg-00081-00040003-00040827 Addendum 606-1: Complex communication with SCP-606 was made possible on 2/4/20██ Z-F-QljBlgg-00082-00040827-00041415 when Drs. ████████ and ██████ completed their work on the aforementioned tone-based Z-F-QljBlgg-00083-00041415-00041515 language. Z-F-QljBlgg-00084-00041515-00042055 Details of this language were transcribed onto normal writing paper and left in SCP-606's Z-F-QljBlgg-00085-00042055-00042182 containment chamber. Z-F-QljBlgg-00086-00042182-00042733 An excerpt from SCP-606's first interview follows; conducted from a secured monitoring Z-F-QljBlgg-00087-00042733-00042855 room over microphone. Z-F-QljBlgg-00088-00042855-00043511 SCP-606 is capable of understanding normal human speech, and thus Dr. ████████'s Z-F-QljBlgg-00089-00043511-00043711 commentary is in English. Z-F-QljBlgg-00090-00043711-00043855 Document #606-1 Z-F-QljBlgg-00091-00043855-00043999 <Begin Log> Z-F-QljBlgg-00092-00043999-00044309 Dr. ████████: Can you understand me? Z-F-QljBlgg-00093-00044309-00044409 SCP-606: [Yes.] Z-F-QljBlgg-00094-00044409-00044622 Dr. ████████: How did you learn to do this? Z-F-QljBlgg-00095-00044622-00044740 SCP-606: [I listen.] Z-F-QljBlgg-00096-00044740-00044940 Dr. ████████: Could you tell us what you are? Z-F-QljBlgg-00097-00044940-00045099 SCP-606: [I am the teacher.] Z-F-QljBlgg-00098-00045099-00045286 Dr. ████████: Could you be more specific? Z-F-QljBlgg-00099-00045286-00045455 SCP-606: [I am the teacher. Z-F-QljBlgg-00100-00045455-00045712 I am a purveyor of knowledge. Z-F-QljBlgg-00101-00045712-00045915 Enter this chamber and I shall enlighten you.] Z-F-QljBlgg-00102-00045915-00046186 Dr. ████████: I do not wish to do that at the moment. Z-F-QljBlgg-00103-00046186-00046412 May I ask you some more questions? Z-F-QljBlgg-00104-00046412-00046541 SCP-606: [I provide answers.] Z-F-QljBlgg-00105-00046541-00046709 Dr. ████████: So… how old are you? Z-F-QljBlgg-00106-00046709-00046966 SCP-606: [I am as old as is necessary.] Z-F-QljBlgg-00107-00046966-00047197 Dr. ████████: Could you explain what you mean by that? Z-F-QljBlgg-00108-00047197-00047490 SCP-606: [These sounds you have taught me are… limited. Z-F-QljBlgg-00109-00047490-00047683 I may only enlighten you directly.] Z-F-QljBlgg-00110-00047683-00047906 Dr. ████████: How do you 'enlighten' people? Z-F-QljBlgg-00111-00047906-00048071 SCP-606: [I teach them.] Z-F-QljBlgg-00112-00048071-00048337 Dr. ████████: Are you aware that this causes your… students to die? Z-F-QljBlgg-00113-00048337-00048544 SCP-606: [I do not call it death. Z-F-QljBlgg-00114-00048544-00048893 It is the consequence of being… inadequate.] Z-F-QljBlgg-00115-00048893-00049034 Dr. ████████: What do you… Z-F-QljBlgg-00116-00049034-00049134 teach? Z-F-QljBlgg-00117-00049134-00049309 SCP-606: [I teach all that I have learned.] Z-F-QljBlgg-00118-00049309-00049492 Dr. ████████: Do you know who I am? Z-F-QljBlgg-00119-00049492-00049797 SCP-606: [You are that which calls itself a human. Z-F-QljBlgg-00120-00049797-00050000 Your fellows refer to you as 'doctor'.] Z-F-QljBlgg-00121-00050000-00050162 Dr. ████████: Do you know what a 'doctor' is? Z-F-QljBlgg-00122-00050162-00050574 SCP-606: [It is your word for one who has been taught and teaches. Z-F-QljBlgg-00123-00050574-00050745 In your own fashion, at least.] Z-F-QljBlgg-00124-00050745-00051000 Dr. ████████: Can you teach me through talking to me? Z-F-QljBlgg-00125-00051000-00051184 SCP-606: [I wish to enlighten you. Z-F-QljBlgg-00126-00051184-00051580 If you do not wish to be enlightened, I have no use for you.] Z-F-QljBlgg-00127-00051580-00051795 <End Log> Z-F-QljBlgg-00128-00051795-00052297 At this point, SCP-606 halted the interview and refused to answer further questions for Z-F-QljBlgg-00129-00052297-00052882 some days from Dr. ████████. Subsequent interviews have gained little more information Z-F-QljBlgg-00130-00052882-00053294 of significance on SCP-606 or the subjects it claims to know about. Z-F-QljBlgg-00131-00053294-00054141 Addendum 606-2: After reviewing the reports on 606, in particular Experiment 606-██-█, Z-F-QljBlgg-00132-00054141-00054643 I'm becoming increasingly suspicious that the deaths of its 'students' are not accidental. Z-F-QljBlgg-00133-00054643-00055064 The possibility that it has some malevolent purpose completely independent of its 'teaching' Z-F-QljBlgg-00134-00055064-00055255 cannot be discounted. Z-F-QljBlgg-00135-00055255-00055783 Yes, everybody says that it's just trying to 'teach' people, but all we know is that Z-F-QljBlgg-00136-00055783-00055999 it causes them to keel over and die. Z-F-QljBlgg-00137-00055999-00056360 No solid evidence for it actually being what we think it is has been uncovered. Z-F-QljBlgg-00138-00056360-00056881 We don't even have any way of stopping this damn thing - countermeasures research should Z-F-QljBlgg-00139-00056881-00057408 be a top priority for Section █ in collaboration with the 606 staff group. Z-F-QljBlgg-00140-00057408-00057732 A Keter upgrade must be taken into consideration. Z-F-QljBlgg-00141-00057732-00057822 - Dr. Major Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00000-00000044-00000680 "I think the best part of the urban environment is the wonderful opportunities" Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00001-00000728-00001124 "...to interact with people, the recreational facilities... " Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00002-00001160-00001548 "...the educational. Universities are often in cities..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00003-00001580-00001952 "...so it almost always gives you the opportunity to speak with academics." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00004-00001980-00002180 "Sports are often concentrated in cities." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00005-00002224-00002664 "So cities are a wonderful place to live and enjoy modern life." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00006-00002732-00003372 "We expect that by 2025 600 cities wil earn about 65% of the global GDP." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00007-00003420-00003884 "Which is going to make them a major actor in the economy of the world." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00008-00003944-00004460 "And we also expect that the consumption in developing countries will extremely rise in the future." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00009-00004500-00005024 "The middle class is concentrated in cities and they have conspicuous consumption processes." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00010-00005044-00005428 "What you also find is that in this process..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00011-00005460-00005732 "...cities are like parasites.." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00012-00005744-00006080 "...they absorb so many resources from all over the world..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00013-00006108-00006512 "...that they become the center of gravity for all these resources." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00014-00006564-00006880 "That is going to be a problem in the long term." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00015-00006923-00007372 "The main challenge for us is to find a way in which we can optimize..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00016-00007404-00007859 "...the social contact, the recreational contact, the work environment..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00017-00007940-00008580 "...but doing it with a sense of responsibility for our footprint on the earth." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00018-00008712-00008972 "But you can also have polycentric governance..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00019-00009000-00009284 "...and that is a bit where the story of the city network comes from." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00020-00009316-00009548 "And sure cities can learn from each other." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00021-00009572-00009764 "There are always best practices that you emulate." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00022-00009796-00009916 "But there is a limit." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00023-00009940-00010300 "It can not solve by itself the sharing eco space storyline." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00024-00010340-00010628 "We do need some kind of rule of law at a global level... " Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00025-00010656-00010876 "...we do need a constitution at a global level..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00026-00010904-00011164 "...within which the markets can function..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00027-00011188-00011520 "...whithin which states can excercise some degree of sovereignty..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00028-00011540-00011740 "...and within which policentral actors can function..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00029-00011820-00012204 "I invoke a narrative that cities can help solve the problem..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00030-00012236-00012452 "...but you are actually very sceptical." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00031-00012468-00012672 "I am very sceptical, because I think..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00032-00012700-00013260 "...cities have no power to collect the kind of taxes that are possible to be collected because..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00033-00013304-00013784 "...the very rich in poor countries as well as in rich countries avoid paying taxes." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00034-00013860-00014356 "Cities have no power to make rules for the multinational behaviour." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00035-00014400-00014724 "They can say where you can build a windmill, they have spatial planning powers..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00036-00014763-00014996 "...but there is a very limited role..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00037-00015032-00015363 "...in terms of the municipality's authority with respect to the cities..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00038-00015419-00015700 "...and cities just drain everybody's resources." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00039-00015752-00016260 "What I can imagine is that if we don't change our governance styles very much..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00040-00016300-00016636 "...the urban will continiously claim rights..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00041-00016672-00017168 "...to use resources, to use the eco space, to pollute the atmosphere..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00042-00017220-00017500 "...without taking on corresponding responsibilities..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00043-00017556-00017836 "So we need a new sort of system..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00044-00017876-00018248 "...within which the urban governance process is embedded..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00045-00018276-00018644 "...within larger government processes, whether horizontal like networks..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00046-00018684-00018964 "...or vertical or diagonal.." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00047-00018996-00019512 "...within which it is possible to imagine a responsible urban..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00048-00019548-00019828 "...that takes care of its own footprint..." Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00049-00019860-00020100 "...and is at the same time a wonderful, vibrant" Z-YuxLi8I2Y-00050-00020120-00020316 "...beautiful place for people to live."