Bd0Jblnt9D4-00000-00000000-00001495 [Music] Bd0Jblnt9D4-00001-00001496-00001647 all right so Bd0Jblnt9D4-00002-00001648-00001902 we've got a couple more questions truly Bd0Jblnt9D4-00003-00001903-00001951 told Bd0Jblnt9D4-00004-00001952-00002239 wanted to i guess follow up on a subject Bd0Jblnt9D4-00005-00002240-00002279 two Bd0Jblnt9D4-00006-00002280-00002471 we receive the deed from the seller Bd0Jblnt9D4-00007-00002472-00002734 correct whereas the agreement of the Bd0Jblnt9D4-00008-00002735-00002807 deed Bd0Jblnt9D4-00009-00002808-00003071 means that we do not have the deed Bd0Jblnt9D4-00010-00003072-00003199 correct Bd0Jblnt9D4-00011-00003200-00003495 does the deed go into us escrow in both Bd0Jblnt9D4-00012-00003496-00003647 situations great question Bd0Jblnt9D4-00013-00003647-00004031 okay all right so uh first of all Bd0Jblnt9D4-00014-00004032-00004215 when you're purchasing a property Bd0Jblnt9D4-00015-00004216-00004422 subject to the existing loan Bd0Jblnt9D4-00016-00004423-00004599 you are getting the deed to that Bd0Jblnt9D4-00017-00004600-00004759 property so you'll actually have the Bd0Jblnt9D4-00018-00004760-00004886 deed it's not going to be an escrow Bd0Jblnt9D4-00019-00004887-00005054 you're going to have the deed on that Bd0Jblnt9D4-00020-00005055-00005159 property now Bd0Jblnt9D4-00021-00005160-00005495 if the seller will not allow you Bd0Jblnt9D4-00022-00005496-00005711 well probably that's because you don't Bd0Jblnt9D4-00023-00005712-00005951 have the skills to show the seller Bd0Jblnt9D4-00024-00005952-00006295 what is in it for them because anytime Bd0Jblnt9D4-00025-00006296-00006486 that we're taking over existing Bd0Jblnt9D4-00026-00006487-00006663 financing on the property there's Bd0Jblnt9D4-00027-00006664-00006927 always something in it for the seller Bd0Jblnt9D4-00028-00006928-00006991 meaning Bd0Jblnt9D4-00029-00006992-00007198 that we're offering them more for their Bd0Jblnt9D4-00030-00007200-00007406 property because of the fact that Bd0Jblnt9D4-00031-00007408-00007583 they're allowing us to take over their Bd0Jblnt9D4-00032-00007584-00007783 existing financing on the property Bd0Jblnt9D4-00033-00007784-00007903 now i'm going to be teaching that at Bd0Jblnt9D4-00034-00007904-00008055 being a jumpstart because we're going to Bd0Jblnt9D4-00035-00008056-00008199 be going through the cost Bd0Jblnt9D4-00036-00008200-00008423 to sell worksheet and that's where we Bd0Jblnt9D4-00037-00008424-00008542 show the seller Bd0Jblnt9D4-00038-00008543-00008807 that we can actually increase our offer Bd0Jblnt9D4-00039-00008808-00008991 simply by taking over their Bd0Jblnt9D4-00040-00008992-00009246 their existing financing so to answer Bd0Jblnt9D4-00041-00009247-00009327 your question Bd0Jblnt9D4-00042-00009328-00009455 you're going to get the deed on a Bd0Jblnt9D4-00043-00009456-00009695 subject too now when it's an agreement Bd0Jblnt9D4-00044-00009696-00009942 for deed that means the seller is Bd0Jblnt9D4-00045-00009943-00010078 keeping their deed Bd0Jblnt9D4-00046-00010079-00010255 and if the seller's keeping their deed Bd0Jblnt9D4-00047-00010256-00010383 that indeed Bd0Jblnt9D4-00048-00010384-00010687 i recommend that that go into escrow Bd0Jblnt9D4-00049-00010688-00011023 and using the same explanation that i Bd0Jblnt9D4-00050-00011024-00011238 was giving before to marianne Bd0Jblnt9D4-00051-00011239-00011478 you want that deed to go in escrow with Bd0Jblnt9D4-00052-00011479-00011638 escrow instructions Bd0Jblnt9D4-00053-00011639-00011967 now this is my volume 10 owner financing Bd0Jblnt9D4-00054-00011968-00012295 at that not only Bd0Jblnt9D4-00055-00012296-00012414 has the exclama Bd0Jblnt9D4-00056-00012415-00012719 explanation and the step-by-step process Bd0Jblnt9D4-00057-00012720-00012791 and the Bd0Jblnt9D4-00058-00012792-00013038 forms and the formats and the formulas Bd0Jblnt9D4-00059-00013039-00013183 it also has Bd0Jblnt9D4-00060-00013184-00014312 those escrow instructions as well Bd0Jblnt9D4-00061-00014313-00015375 [Music] Bd0Jblnt9D4-00062-00015376-00015584 you BeFFQdWRNbI-00000-00002200-00002423 we start with the new topic today power BeFFQdWRNbI-00001-00002424-00002655 estimation and control in cmos vlsi BeFFQdWRNbI-00002-00002656-00002823 circuits BeFFQdWRNbI-00003-00002824-00003039 the idea behind power estimation will be BeFFQdWRNbI-00004-00003040-00003319 very clear to you BeFFQdWRNbI-00005-00003320-00003486 but before that let me tell you what i BeFFQdWRNbI-00006-00003488-00003751 am going to talk in this lecture ah i BeFFQdWRNbI-00007-00003752-00003903 have following points in which i will BeFFQdWRNbI-00008-00003904-00004038 elaborate this BeFFQdWRNbI-00009-00004039-00004199 not necessarily one lecture it may be BeFFQdWRNbI-00010-00004200-00004375 more than one lecture maybe two or three BeFFQdWRNbI-00011-00004376-00004606 lectures but today we will start on that BeFFQdWRNbI-00012-00004607-00004702 line BeFFQdWRNbI-00013-00004703-00004919 uh we'll start with introduction BeFFQdWRNbI-00014-00004920-00005183 then we will say why power and what is BeFFQdWRNbI-00015-00005184-00005318 the relevance BeFFQdWRNbI-00016-00005319-00005518 then we will talk about device parameter BeFFQdWRNbI-00017-00005519-00005743 variation and impact on design BeFFQdWRNbI-00018-00005744-00005999 and then we also talk of impact of cmos BeFFQdWRNbI-00019-00006000-00006238 logic style and then the leakage impact BeFFQdWRNbI-00020-00006239-00006391 on design styles BeFFQdWRNbI-00021-00006392-00006687 ah we'll look into very important aspect BeFFQdWRNbI-00022-00006688-00006863 which is varying most in design for BeFFQdWRNbI-00023-00006864-00007110 designers is the interconnect power BeFFQdWRNbI-00024-00007111-00007455 and that then we will conclude BeFFQdWRNbI-00025-00007456-00007567 now BeFFQdWRNbI-00026-00007568-00007855 this slide is from ibm which shows a BeFFQdWRNbI-00027-00007856-00008046 system performance of any electronic BeFFQdWRNbI-00028-00008047-00008271 system performance and the way we said BeFFQdWRNbI-00029-00008272-00008483 they said it is called an integrated BeFFQdWRNbI-00030-00008484-00008831 approach so if you see from the bottom BeFFQdWRNbI-00031-00008832-00009119 side you can see there are things we are BeFFQdWRNbI-00032-00009120-00009327 giving different colors technology chip BeFFQdWRNbI-00033-00009328-00009567 level system level applications BeFFQdWRNbI-00034-00009568-00009806 the basic idea for those study is that BeFFQdWRNbI-00035-00009807-00010071 if you look at the performance and we BeFFQdWRNbI-00036-00010072-00010263 look into the technology injection over BeFFQdWRNbI-00037-00010264-00010510 the years for example as i said BeFFQdWRNbI-00038-00010511-00010742 we started with technology way back in BeFFQdWRNbI-00039-00010743-00010903 1960s BeFFQdWRNbI-00040-00010904-00011238 we went for ssimsi then we went to lsi BeFFQdWRNbI-00041-00011239-00011471 vlsi and now we are continuing ultra BeFFQdWRNbI-00042-00011472-00011663 large scale are called advanced vlsi BeFFQdWRNbI-00043-00011664-00011791 circuits BeFFQdWRNbI-00044-00011792-00011999 so the if you look at the technology BeFFQdWRNbI-00045-00012000-00012255 generation nodes from technology side BeFFQdWRNbI-00046-00012256-00012503 and we see look the performance BeFFQdWRNbI-00047-00012504-00012687 it clearly shows BeFFQdWRNbI-00048-00012688-00012927 the what was expected by the scaling BeFFQdWRNbI-00049-00012928-00013191 theory which is the green color BeFFQdWRNbI-00050-00013191-00013438 and that was expected as the technology BeFFQdWRNbI-00051-00013440-00013655 start improving that is from nodes of BeFFQdWRNbI-00052-00013656-00013807 nineteen ah one BeFFQdWRNbI-00053-00013808-00013999 one thirty nanometer nineteen nanowire BeFFQdWRNbI-00054-00014000-00014286 down to say twenty 28 nanometers now BeFFQdWRNbI-00055-00014287-00014535 this was expected performance BeFFQdWRNbI-00056-00014536-00014791 the industry is that reddish one uh you BeFFQdWRNbI-00057-00014791-00015038 know which is recently one seas it is BeFFQdWRNbI-00058-00015040-00015230 already tapering down now it's not BeFFQdWRNbI-00059-00015231-00015366 improving BeFFQdWRNbI-00060-00015368-00015471 and BeFFQdWRNbI-00061-00015472-00015663 if you see the worst performance of this BeFFQdWRNbI-00062-00015663-00015847 chip which is much below which is called BeFFQdWRNbI-00063-00015847-00016071 the slow chip performance BeFFQdWRNbI-00064-00016072-00016335 so frequency no longer now dominant the BeFFQdWRNbI-00065-00016336-00016527 performance of the driver because the BeFFQdWRNbI-00066-00016528-00016758 technology is given by something else BeFFQdWRNbI-00067-00016759-00016958 the advances will come from entire BeFFQdWRNbI-00068-00016959-00017135 performance stack rather than only BeFFQdWRNbI-00069-00017136-00017327 frequency of the circuit or frequency of BeFFQdWRNbI-00070-00017328-00017494 the device BeFFQdWRNbI-00071-00017495-00017743 so if you look at the right side BeFFQdWRNbI-00072-00017744-00017943 you can see that the technology BeFFQdWRNbI-00073-00017944-00018191 essentially is one is talking about BeFFQdWRNbI-00074-00018192-00018422 memory options we are talking of which BeFFQdWRNbI-00075-00018423-00018703 memories then we are also talking about BeFFQdWRNbI-00076-00018704-00018967 packaging possibilities we are talking BeFFQdWRNbI-00077-00018968-00019239 of cooling we are talking of BeFFQdWRNbI-00078-00019240-00019479 at the chip level compiler support we BeFFQdWRNbI-00079-00019480-00019711 are looking for multiple cores smt BeFFQdWRNbI-00080-00019712-00019927 accelerators power shifting interconnect BeFFQdWRNbI-00081-00019928-00020047 circuits BeFFQdWRNbI-00082-00020048-00020255 higher level we may look for dynamic BeFFQdWRNbI-00083-00020256-00020486 optimization then we are looking for BeFFQdWRNbI-00084-00020487-00020686 threads fast like multi thread circuits BeFFQdWRNbI-00085-00020687-00020863 are very common these days program is BeFFQdWRNbI-00086-00020864-00021067 divided into multiple parts and BeFFQdWRNbI-00087-00021068-00021350 multiprocessors actually took multiple BeFFQdWRNbI-00088-00021351-00021575 threads and the circuit can be made much BeFFQdWRNbI-00089-00021576-00021694 faster BeFFQdWRNbI-00090-00021695-00021894 ah then there is a faster computation BeFFQdWRNbI-00091-00021895-00022150 migrations power optimization compiler BeFFQdWRNbI-00092-00022151-00022255 support BeFFQdWRNbI-00093-00022256-00022407 and then the finally at the application BeFFQdWRNbI-00094-00022408-00022591 level we are looking for languages BeFFQdWRNbI-00095-00022592-00022791 software tuning and BeFFQdWRNbI-00096-00022792-00022991 different technology programming or BeFFQdWRNbI-00097-00022992-00023143 performances BeFFQdWRNbI-00098-00023144-00023375 so if you see the as you go from BeFFQdWRNbI-00099-00023376-00023711 technology level to application level BeFFQdWRNbI-00100-00023712-00023911 there are different ways in which BeFFQdWRNbI-00101-00023912-00024294 optimization can be actually attained BeFFQdWRNbI-00102-00024295-00024567 now what is the challenge of today one BeFFQdWRNbI-00103-00024568-00024783 can see from here this is another ibm BeFFQdWRNbI-00104-00024784-00024983 slide which has the four BeFFQdWRNbI-00105-00024984-00025094 important BeFFQdWRNbI-00106-00025095-00025327 problems in the vlsi design or vlsi BeFFQdWRNbI-00107-00025328-00025511 system realizations BeFFQdWRNbI-00108-00025512-00025670 one is the performance which we have BeFFQdWRNbI-00109-00025672-00025862 been talking years and years after BeFFQdWRNbI-00110-00025863-00025967 speeds BeFFQdWRNbI-00111-00025968-00026158 so this is the microprocessor speed BeFFQdWRNbI-00112-00026160-00026487 clock frequency which is as per the itrs BeFFQdWRNbI-00113-00026488-00026583 source BeFFQdWRNbI-00114-00026583-00026831 the frequency against years which is BeFFQdWRNbI-00115-00026832-00026987 shown here to BeFFQdWRNbI-00116-00026988-00027223 2016 or something BeFFQdWRNbI-00117-00027224-00027446 we are expecting BeFFQdWRNbI-00118-00027447-00027743 something like 10 000 gigahertz BeFFQdWRNbI-00119-00027744-00027974 kind of approach or more than gigahertz BeFFQdWRNbI-00120-00027975-00028102 of approach BeFFQdWRNbI-00121-00028104-00028383 and if you look at the other parameter BeFFQdWRNbI-00122-00028383-00028599 of variable is called power management BeFFQdWRNbI-00123-00028600-00028807 and this is the way this whole lecture BeFFQdWRNbI-00124-00028808-00028958 is going to be BeFFQdWRNbI-00125-00028960-00029214 so i other day also said you that there BeFFQdWRNbI-00126-00029216-00029495 are three kinds of circuit which worries BeFFQdWRNbI-00127-00029495-00029823 us in design one of course is we say BeFFQdWRNbI-00128-00029824-00030046 active power related to active when the BeFFQdWRNbI-00129-00030047-00030270 device or circuit is performing BeFFQdWRNbI-00130-00030272-00030551 and the other like a mobile phone we BeFFQdWRNbI-00131-00030552-00030823 have a power the which is called standby BeFFQdWRNbI-00132-00030824-00030927 power BeFFQdWRNbI-00133-00030927-00031151 so if you look at the gate length versus BeFFQdWRNbI-00134-00031152-00031446 delay ah one can see from here that the BeFFQdWRNbI-00135-00031447-00031662 active power increases BeFFQdWRNbI-00136-00031663-00031862 as the gate length decreases from say 1 BeFFQdWRNbI-00137-00031863-00032031 micron down to BeFFQdWRNbI-00138-00032032-00032270 100 nanometers or if we go further below BeFFQdWRNbI-00139-00032272-00032599 the active power will keep on increasing BeFFQdWRNbI-00140-00032600-00032895 however if you see the standby power the BeFFQdWRNbI-00141-00032896-00033143 slope of standby power with the BeFFQdWRNbI-00142-00033144-00033318 gate length reduction BeFFQdWRNbI-00143-00033319-00033662 is so steep that sooner by you know BeFFQdWRNbI-00144-00033663-00033855 already we have crossed a level when the BeFFQdWRNbI-00145-00033856-00034007 standby power BeFFQdWRNbI-00146-00034008-00034335 is larger than the active power and BeFFQdWRNbI-00147-00034336-00034551 around the so many watts per seconds or BeFFQdWRNbI-00148-00034552-00034783 per centimeter square say 100 to 200 BeFFQdWRNbI-00149-00034784-00035118 watts centimeter square at this point by BeFFQdWRNbI-00150-00035119-00035374 typically around point zero four BeFFQdWRNbI-00151-00035375-00035455 uh BeFFQdWRNbI-00152-00035456-00035662 micron technology one finds that the BeFFQdWRNbI-00153-00035663-00035887 standby power is almost equal to the BeFFQdWRNbI-00154-00035888-00036079 active power and that is more worrisome BeFFQdWRNbI-00155-00036080-00036407 for us because if you reduce the BeFFQdWRNbI-00156-00036408-00036711 device by scaling channel link to say 25 BeFFQdWRNbI-00157-00036712-00036887 22 nanometers BeFFQdWRNbI-00158-00036888-00037143 one can see the active power on power BeFFQdWRNbI-00159-00037144-00037343 may not really increase drastically BeFFQdWRNbI-00160-00037344-00037567 because the slope is not very high BeFFQdWRNbI-00161-00037568-00037767 whereas if you look at the standby power BeFFQdWRNbI-00162-00037768-00037999 by then it will actually overshoot so BeFFQdWRNbI-00163-00038000-00038190 much that the standby power will be BeFFQdWRNbI-00164-00038191-00038430 larger than the active power which BeFFQdWRNbI-00165-00038431-00038639 essentially means that even if we are BeFFQdWRNbI-00166-00038640-00038839 not performing you are your battery is BeFFQdWRNbI-00167-00038840-00039055 running the power so this is one of the BeFFQdWRNbI-00168-00039056-00039271 major challenges of today BeFFQdWRNbI-00169-00039272-00039374 the third BeFFQdWRNbI-00170-00039375-00039607 problem which we are worried about is BeFFQdWRNbI-00171-00039608-00039759 the variability BeFFQdWRNbI-00172-00039760-00039983 uh the way it happens that the no BeFFQdWRNbI-00173-00039984-00040262 process or no design or no BeFFQdWRNbI-00174-00040263-00040471 technology can control BeFFQdWRNbI-00175-00040472-00040711 uh the variability in the processes BeFFQdWRNbI-00176-00040712-00040995 since we are now becoming a sub BeFFQdWRNbI-00177-00040996-00041311 nanometer technologies the variation in BeFFQdWRNbI-00178-00041312-00041495 thresholds variation due to the BeFFQdWRNbI-00179-00041496-00041718 variation in process parameters BeFFQdWRNbI-00180-00041719-00041983 on current off current transconductance BeFFQdWRNbI-00181-00041984-00042174 which are the basic parameters of a mass BeFFQdWRNbI-00182-00042175-00042423 transistor they themselves vary BeFFQdWRNbI-00183-00042424-00042671 for example in the case of finfet one BeFFQdWRNbI-00184-00042672-00042830 sees that if the BeFFQdWRNbI-00185-00042831-00043087 spacer thickness is different the on BeFFQdWRNbI-00186-00043088-00043239 current will be most BeFFQdWRNbI-00187-00043240-00043487 affected compared to any other this BeFFQdWRNbI-00188-00043488-00043727 so one one is worrying now that if there BeFFQdWRNbI-00189-00043728-00043935 is a variation in the process itself BeFFQdWRNbI-00190-00043936-00044095 which leads to circuit parameter BeFFQdWRNbI-00191-00044096-00044343 variations then the chip performance BeFFQdWRNbI-00192-00044344-00044574 will be extremely varying and if that so BeFFQdWRNbI-00193-00044575-00044758 happen one does not know how to design BeFFQdWRNbI-00194-00044759-00045023 because some devices which may run BeFFQdWRNbI-00195-00045024-00045223 faster some may become slower BeFFQdWRNbI-00196-00045224-00045479 independent of what design one does and BeFFQdWRNbI-00197-00045480-00045718 therefore this is another issue of worry BeFFQdWRNbI-00198-00045719-00045951 when you start designing a advanced vlsi BeFFQdWRNbI-00199-00045952-00046102 circuit BeFFQdWRNbI-00200-00046103-00046358 now the fourth if not the BeFFQdWRNbI-00201-00046359-00046543 is not directly related to design area BeFFQdWRNbI-00202-00046544-00046830 per se but which is worrying us most is BeFFQdWRNbI-00203-00046831-00047079 manufacturability so if you scale down BeFFQdWRNbI-00204-00047080-00047311 your features from say as i said 90 BeFFQdWRNbI-00205-00047312-00047735 nanometer down to say 22 or 16 or 1107 BeFFQdWRNbI-00206-00047736-00047990 the major worry as i see and everyone is BeFFQdWRNbI-00207-00047991-00048279 seeing is the lithography problems BeFFQdWRNbI-00208-00048280-00048495 the pattern which will become shown on BeFFQdWRNbI-00209-00048496-00048767 the left when i actually print it on a BeFFQdWRNbI-00210-00048768-00048999 silicon number of times as the mask may BeFFQdWRNbI-00211-00049000-00049279 increase to 30 masks of our actual chip BeFFQdWRNbI-00212-00049280-00049423 manufacture BeFFQdWRNbI-00213-00049424-00049615 so it is not transferred as the BeFFQdWRNbI-00214-00049616-00049886 rectangles or the pluses or whatever BeFFQdWRNbI-00215-00049887-00050071 symbols you make or whatever shapes you BeFFQdWRNbI-00216-00050072-00050286 make and if that happens for a BeFFQdWRNbI-00217-00050287-00050558 transistor if the w by changes whole BeFFQdWRNbI-00218-00050559-00050774 performance of the circuit will change BeFFQdWRNbI-00219-00050775-00051151 so to transfer an image to a ah accuracy BeFFQdWRNbI-00220-00051152-00051287 of what in the BeFFQdWRNbI-00221-00051288-00051582 sub nano some 90 nanometer processes is BeFFQdWRNbI-00222-00051583-00051799 become another issue of variability so BeFFQdWRNbI-00223-00051800-00052038 these are the growing challenges they BeFFQdWRNbI-00224-00052039-00052230 are all interconnected to some extent BeFFQdWRNbI-00225-00052232-00052511 through device and process however BeFFQdWRNbI-00226-00052512-00052663 this part of the BeFFQdWRNbI-00227-00052664-00052847 course which i am now talking is more BeFFQdWRNbI-00228-00052848-00052991 interested to know about power BeFFQdWRNbI-00229-00052991-00053126 management BeFFQdWRNbI-00230-00053127-00053350 though as i keep saying that none of one BeFFQdWRNbI-00231-00053351-00053582 cannot say each three of the other ones BeFFQdWRNbI-00232-00053583-00053791 are not affecting the fourth one BeFFQdWRNbI-00233-00053791-00054023 everyone is affecting the other one and BeFFQdWRNbI-00234-00054024-00054230 hence the issue BeFFQdWRNbI-00235-00054232-00054350 now what is BeFFQdWRNbI-00236-00054351-00054599 uh existing BeFFQdWRNbI-00237-00054600-00054854 low power design techniques so one can BeFFQdWRNbI-00238-00054855-00055103 see from here if you look at the flow BeFFQdWRNbI-00239-00055104-00055350 diagram of a chip design BeFFQdWRNbI-00240-00055351-00055687 we start from a system ah that which is BeFFQdWRNbI-00241-00055688-00055926 essentially co-design hardware software BeFFQdWRNbI-00242-00055927-00056142 co-design customizes BeFFQdWRNbI-00243-00056144-00056391 and here we design algorithms BeFFQdWRNbI-00244-00056391-00056599 then the next level of hierarchy is BeFFQdWRNbI-00245-00056600-00056823 architectural where essentially we are BeFFQdWRNbI-00246-00056824-00056999 controlling or we are trying to optimize BeFFQdWRNbI-00247-00057000-00057223 things based on scheduling pipelining BeFFQdWRNbI-00248-00057224-00057382 and binding BeFFQdWRNbI-00249-00057383-00057566 and third which is the most popular BeFFQdWRNbI-00250-00057567-00057750 hierarchy level from where most of the BeFFQdWRNbI-00251-00057751-00057903 circuits are nowadays designed from BeFFQdWRNbI-00252-00057904-00058054 their ips BeFFQdWRNbI-00253-00058055-00058319 is the rtl rdl level rt level register BeFFQdWRNbI-00254-00058320-00058438 transfer level BeFFQdWRNbI-00255-00058439-00058566 and BeFFQdWRNbI-00256-00058567-00058759 once you know the iep which has this you BeFFQdWRNbI-00257-00058760-00059015 have rtl code then probably you all that BeFFQdWRNbI-00258-00059016-00059191 you need to know there is to clock BeFFQdWRNbI-00259-00059191-00059471 getting state assignment real timing and BeFFQdWRNbI-00260-00059472-00059647 things are retiming and things of that BeFFQdWRNbI-00261-00059648-00059791 kind BeFFQdWRNbI-00262-00059791-00060007 if you go this is essentially one group BeFFQdWRNbI-00263-00060008-00060182 which essentially we said is more on the BeFFQdWRNbI-00264-00060183-00060438 software side the whole that is rtl BeFFQdWRNbI-00265-00060439-00060582 architecture system is more on the BeFFQdWRNbI-00266-00060583-00060775 software side control BeFFQdWRNbI-00267-00060776-00060942 though we have to always do hardware BeFFQdWRNbI-00268-00060944-00061119 software core design but essentially BeFFQdWRNbI-00269-00061120-00061366 still it is more software design BeFFQdWRNbI-00270-00061367-00061606 if you go down the second rectangle BeFFQdWRNbI-00271-00061607-00061830 below one can see from here the rtl BeFFQdWRNbI-00272-00061832-00062071 level can then go to logic BeFFQdWRNbI-00273-00062072-00062294 and essentially we are trying to see BeFFQdWRNbI-00274-00062295-00062559 that the circuit is any digital circuit BeFFQdWRNbI-00275-00062560-00062742 is consists of some kind of a logic BeFFQdWRNbI-00276-00062744-00062871 connected BeFFQdWRNbI-00277-00062872-00063135 logic blocks connection and BeFFQdWRNbI-00278-00063136-00063335 you can see the power probably can be BeFFQdWRNbI-00279-00063336-00063623 affected or changed for low power by BeFFQdWRNbI-00280-00063624-00063854 logic restructuring or technology BeFFQdWRNbI-00281-00063855-00063982 mapping BeFFQdWRNbI-00282-00063983-00064254 and finally the logic is consisted of BeFFQdWRNbI-00283-00064255-00064511 the transistors and transistor design BeFFQdWRNbI-00284-00064512-00064863 requires including the circuit design BeFFQdWRNbI-00285-00064864-00065142 and then the layout and re re-estimation BeFFQdWRNbI-00286-00065144-00065366 from layout the logical performance or BeFFQdWRNbI-00287-00065367-00065519 circuit performance BeFFQdWRNbI-00288-00065520-00065719 now these essentially means you are BeFFQdWRNbI-00289-00065720-00065999 there optimizing fan outs buffering BeFFQdWRNbI-00290-00066000-00066231 transistor sizing and also glitch BeFFQdWRNbI-00291-00066232-00066359 eliminations BeFFQdWRNbI-00292-00066360-00066463 now BeFFQdWRNbI-00293-00066464-00066711 one can see from here that a different BeFFQdWRNbI-00294-00066712-00066943 level you are actually working BeFFQdWRNbI-00295-00066944-00067182 differently to reduce the power BeFFQdWRNbI-00296-00067183-00067447 ah be being more from this a circuit BeFFQdWRNbI-00297-00067448-00067694 side ah our always attempt has been to BeFFQdWRNbI-00298-00067695-00068023 reduce power using physical and logical BeFFQdWRNbI-00299-00068024-00068247 block restructuring or BeFFQdWRNbI-00300-00068248-00068550 optimizing the transit themselves BeFFQdWRNbI-00301-00068551-00068655 however BeFFQdWRNbI-00302-00068656-00068838 the other part of this course solia BeFFQdWRNbI-00303-00068839-00069079 surely will talk about the upper part of BeFFQdWRNbI-00304-00069080-00069343 this from rtl to system and they also BeFFQdWRNbI-00305-00069344-00069526 will look into pipelining binding BeFFQdWRNbI-00306-00069527-00069806 scheduling clock gating and assign state BeFFQdWRNbI-00307-00069807-00069943 assignments BeFFQdWRNbI-00308-00069944-00070287 to see how to reduce the power BeFFQdWRNbI-00309-00070288-00070471 this is another standard graph available BeFFQdWRNbI-00310-00070472-00070623 on the net BeFFQdWRNbI-00311-00070624-00070838 standard figure where you really can BeFFQdWRNbI-00312-00070839-00071103 save your power so there are i just now BeFFQdWRNbI-00313-00071104-00071303 give you the hierarchical level from BeFFQdWRNbI-00314-00071304-00071519 system to physical BeFFQdWRNbI-00315-00071520-00071823 so of course this figure is slightly uh BeFFQdWRNbI-00316-00071824-00072031 need to be modified now because the BeFFQdWRNbI-00317-00072032-00072215 technology this was at least this was BeFFQdWRNbI-00318-00072216-00072406 essentially available for 90 nanometer BeFFQdWRNbI-00319-00072407-00072511 designs BeFFQdWRNbI-00320-00072512-00072750 but this numbers may slightly modify for BeFFQdWRNbI-00321-00072751-00073038 lower than 90 nanometer nodes BeFFQdWRNbI-00322-00073039-00073311 one can save power 10 to 15 percent of BeFFQdWRNbI-00323-00073312-00073543 the power by just transistor sizing BeFFQdWRNbI-00324-00073544-00073726 proper fan out that is using logical BeFFQdWRNbI-00325-00073727-00073982 effort putting placing them properly BeFFQdWRNbI-00326-00073983-00074215 partitioning properly and how to BeFFQdWRNbI-00327-00074216-00074447 distribute clocks and certainly how to BeFFQdWRNbI-00328-00074448-00074606 minimize the glitches BeFFQdWRNbI-00329-00074607-00074911 if you can do this then probably one can BeFFQdWRNbI-00330-00074912-00075191 save up to 15 percent of power using BeFFQdWRNbI-00331-00075192-00075431 what we call physical design BeFFQdWRNbI-00332-00075432-00075535 now BeFFQdWRNbI-00333-00075536-00075703 that is basically transistor level BeFFQdWRNbI-00334-00075704-00075935 design where optimization can be tried BeFFQdWRNbI-00335-00075936-00076126 circuit level design BeFFQdWRNbI-00336-00076127-00076287 then the next level BeFFQdWRNbI-00337-00076288-00076519 next 10 10 percent of the BeFFQdWRNbI-00338-00076520-00076815 power can be minimized at the BeFFQdWRNbI-00339-00076816-00077031 logical level where you can actually can BeFFQdWRNbI-00340-00077032-00077303 decide as we saw you know you can have a BeFFQdWRNbI-00341-00077304-00077511 branching you can change the gates you BeFFQdWRNbI-00342-00077512-00077711 can logically restructure BeFFQdWRNbI-00343-00077712-00077926 you can then actually map the technology BeFFQdWRNbI-00344-00077927-00078103 and you can say some parts are critical BeFFQdWRNbI-00345-00078104-00078311 so you need not have higher thresholds BeFFQdWRNbI-00346-00078312-00078591 so i mean you need not a lower threshold BeFFQdWRNbI-00347-00078592-00078838 and then also we can rewiring pin BeFFQdWRNbI-00348-00078839-00079023 ordering and phase assignment can be BeFFQdWRNbI-00349-00079024-00079303 done if we do that another 10 power can BeFFQdWRNbI-00350-00079304-00079471 be minimized BeFFQdWRNbI-00351-00079472-00079862 then the at the rt level or rtl by BeFFQdWRNbI-00352-00079863-00080062 properly optimizing the gating clock BeFFQdWRNbI-00353-00080063-00080271 gating pre computation operation BeFFQdWRNbI-00354-00080272-00080447 isolation and state assignment and BeFFQdWRNbI-00355-00080448-00080662 retiming blocks probably we can say BeFFQdWRNbI-00356-00080663-00080879 another 15 percent of the power very BeFFQdWRNbI-00357-00080880-00081071 large amount of power can be actually BeFFQdWRNbI-00358-00081072-00081271 minimized at rtl level BeFFQdWRNbI-00359-00081272-00081503 so by then the first last three BeFFQdWRNbI-00360-00081504-00081687 hierarchy probably you can go up to BeFFQdWRNbI-00361-00081688-00081871 forty percent BeFFQdWRNbI-00362-00081872-00082150 so one can see that even with all the BeFFQdWRNbI-00363-00082151-00082399 effort we do in uh the discussion we do BeFFQdWRNbI-00364-00082400-00082623 hell of it in the design and we keep BeFFQdWRNbI-00365-00082624-00082815 showing you slides about the physical BeFFQdWRNbI-00366-00082816-00083038 logical rt level designs BeFFQdWRNbI-00367-00083039-00083262 the best of approach even there BeFFQdWRNbI-00368-00083263-00083455 can get you around 40 percent of BeFFQdWRNbI-00369-00083456-00083735 optimization on power saving BeFFQdWRNbI-00370-00083736-00083975 the remainder power can be really worked BeFFQdWRNbI-00371-00083976-00084206 out well by at the higher levels of BeFFQdWRNbI-00372-00084207-00084399 hierarchy in design which is behavioral BeFFQdWRNbI-00373-00084400-00084615 and system design in behavioral as i BeFFQdWRNbI-00374-00084616-00084694 said BeFFQdWRNbI-00375-00084695-00084918 scheduling the task threading the task BeFFQdWRNbI-00376-00084919-00085038 and BeFFQdWRNbI-00377-00085039-00085318 binding them at given time BeFFQdWRNbI-00378-00085319-00085543 then pipelining and BeFFQdWRNbI-00379-00085544-00085775 looking for performance using behavioral BeFFQdWRNbI-00380-00085776-00085991 how much data to be required when and BeFFQdWRNbI-00381-00085992-00086206 how to minimize that so if you look at BeFFQdWRNbI-00382-00086207-00086406 the behavioral representation of the BeFFQdWRNbI-00383-00086407-00086591 logic you are implementing or system you BeFFQdWRNbI-00384-00086592-00086718 are implementing BeFFQdWRNbI-00385-00086719-00086847 some of those BeFFQdWRNbI-00386-00086848-00087175 standard methods can be used to reduce BeFFQdWRNbI-00387-00087176-00087447 another 30 percent of the power which is BeFFQdWRNbI-00388-00087448-00087662 very large power reduction compared to BeFFQdWRNbI-00389-00087663-00087799 the first BeFFQdWRNbI-00390-00087800-00087967 last three one which only could add up BeFFQdWRNbI-00391-00087968-00088143 to 40 percent BeFFQdWRNbI-00392-00088144-00088455 and to a great measurement the system BeFFQdWRNbI-00393-00088456-00088638 level design can be particularly BeFFQdWRNbI-00394-00088639-00088831 algorithm based designs BeFFQdWRNbI-00395-00088832-00089159 or using custom chips or customizes BeFFQdWRNbI-00396-00089160-00089518 designs available and using more soc or BeFFQdWRNbI-00397-00089519-00089735 sip kind of technique using hardware BeFFQdWRNbI-00398-00089736-00089911 cover designs hardware software BeFFQdWRNbI-00399-00089912-00090087 co-designs BeFFQdWRNbI-00400-00090088-00090350 probably one can do ah even the BeFFQdWRNbI-00401-00090351-00090582 remainder 30 or at least another 10 to BeFFQdWRNbI-00402-00090583-00090791 15 percent of power can be minimized BeFFQdWRNbI-00403-00090792-00090911 right there BeFFQdWRNbI-00404-00090912-00091094 so when i say i have opportunity of BeFFQdWRNbI-00405-00091095-00091238 power saving BeFFQdWRNbI-00406-00091239-00091503 i must realize that there are different BeFFQdWRNbI-00407-00091504-00091838 places of any logical dna system design BeFFQdWRNbI-00408-00091839-00092159 where power can be minimized however as BeFFQdWRNbI-00409-00092160-00092382 being what i am and as being most of my BeFFQdWRNbI-00410-00092383-00092535 colleagues for the design course which BeFFQdWRNbI-00411-00092536-00092855 is more circuit oriented from our side BeFFQdWRNbI-00412-00092856-00093111 we will continue to work mostly for last BeFFQdWRNbI-00413-00093112-00093335 three one rt level logic level physical BeFFQdWRNbI-00414-00093336-00093606 level design approach where the power BeFFQdWRNbI-00415-00093607-00093806 can be minimized BeFFQdWRNbI-00416-00093807-00093967 i am not saying that the other two are BeFFQdWRNbI-00417-00093968-00094135 not relevant but this course probably BeFFQdWRNbI-00418-00094136-00094294 will not because this course is taken BeFFQdWRNbI-00419-00094295-00094487 care by other people in the computer BeFFQdWRNbI-00420-00094488-00094694 science area BeFFQdWRNbI-00421-00094695-00095023 so one can again see BeFFQdWRNbI-00422-00095024-00095303 timing time required to do optimizations BeFFQdWRNbI-00423-00095304-00095599 this is called inverted matrix system BeFFQdWRNbI-00424-00095600-00095838 so if you look at this BeFFQdWRNbI-00425-00095839-00096055 for example a trans level BeFFQdWRNbI-00426-00096056-00096255 possibility the parasitic extraction BeFFQdWRNbI-00427-00096256-00096455 accurate timing analysis circuit level BeFFQdWRNbI-00428-00096456-00096606 simulations BeFFQdWRNbI-00429-00096607-00096887 and you may lead it may take hours and BeFFQdWRNbI-00430-00096888-00097087 it may actually add to 10 percent of BeFFQdWRNbI-00431-00097088-00097406 error in calculations in as designing BeFFQdWRNbI-00432-00097407-00097543 and it takes BeFFQdWRNbI-00433-00097544-00097703 hours actually BeFFQdWRNbI-00434-00097704-00097926 actually logic circuit level or transit BeFFQdWRNbI-00435-00097927-00098118 level design is very long it you have to BeFFQdWRNbI-00436-00098119-00098359 run spice or the spectre or BeFFQdWRNbI-00437-00098360-00098559 model same kind of equivalent of that BeFFQdWRNbI-00438-00098560-00098718 and then it takes hell of a time if the BeFFQdWRNbI-00439-00098719-00098918 circuit is large BeFFQdWRNbI-00440-00098919-00099182 then the next level at the gate which is BeFFQdWRNbI-00441-00099183-00099359 probabilistic simulation gate level BeFFQdWRNbI-00442-00099360-00099599 simulation sampling and compaction asic BeFFQdWRNbI-00443-00099600-00099743 library models BeFFQdWRNbI-00444-00099744-00099999 by putting these ah probably you can do BeFFQdWRNbI-00445-00100000-00100215 power estimation much faster related in BeFFQdWRNbI-00446-00100216-00100318 hours BeFFQdWRNbI-00447-00100319-00100526 and the error can be around ten to BeFFQdWRNbI-00448-00100527-00100703 twenty percent BeFFQdWRNbI-00449-00100704-00100887 up to twenty percent error with this two BeFFQdWRNbI-00450-00100888-00101087 together can lead to BeFFQdWRNbI-00451-00101088-00101359 at the rt level things can be done in BeFFQdWRNbI-00452-00101360-00101718 minutes and you can do macro models you BeFFQdWRNbI-00453-00101719-00101959 do hdl simulations and very quick BeFFQdWRNbI-00454-00101960-00102303 synthesis can be done to actually do BeFFQdWRNbI-00455-00102304-00102606 rt level designs for power optimization BeFFQdWRNbI-00456-00102607-00102830 but you may lead to another fifteen BeFFQdWRNbI-00457-00102831-00102982 percent of error in your all your BeFFQdWRNbI-00458-00102983-00103110 designs BeFFQdWRNbI-00459-00103111-00103294 the fourth architectural you have a BeFFQdWRNbI-00460-00103295-00103551 antropic bonds architectural simulation BeFFQdWRNbI-00461-00103552-00103854 ios and memory excesses they are decided BeFFQdWRNbI-00462-00103855-00104023 architectural level BeFFQdWRNbI-00463-00104024-00104206 and if you particularly look for entropy BeFFQdWRNbI-00464-00104207-00104406 minimization i think you are another 10 BeFFQdWRNbI-00465-00104407-00104590 percent of it may do very fast BeFFQdWRNbI-00466-00104591-00104839 calculations for you to reduce power but BeFFQdWRNbI-00467-00104840-00105071 will take 25 percent error bars on that BeFFQdWRNbI-00468-00105072-00105247 because its mostly statistical things BeFFQdWRNbI-00469-00105248-00105358 goes there BeFFQdWRNbI-00470-00105359-00105558 and its very difficult to control BeFFQdWRNbI-00471-00105559-00105751 exactness on that BeFFQdWRNbI-00472-00105752-00105919 they finally at the system level you may BeFFQdWRNbI-00473-00105920-00106127 do very very fast okay instruction level BeFFQdWRNbI-00474-00106128-00106366 models ip core models stochastic models BeFFQdWRNbI-00475-00106367-00106551 and program if you have all this BeFFQdWRNbI-00476-00106552-00106799 the realistic estimation expectation can BeFFQdWRNbI-00477-00106800-00106902 be made BeFFQdWRNbI-00478-00106903-00107110 but possibility since you do very fast BeFFQdWRNbI-00479-00107111-00107390 quick thinking quick analysis you have BeFFQdWRNbI-00480-00107391-00107590 largest amount of error possible in your BeFFQdWRNbI-00481-00107591-00107790 design BeFFQdWRNbI-00482-00107791-00107895 so BeFFQdWRNbI-00483-00107896-00108095 having told that what are the challenges BeFFQdWRNbI-00484-00108096-00108454 for system people and having told that BeFFQdWRNbI-00485-00108455-00108790 power is the major criteria of design BeFFQdWRNbI-00486-00108791-00109023 if you see our earlier courses BeFFQdWRNbI-00487-00109024-00109366 i have in my earlier vlsi design course BeFFQdWRNbI-00488-00109367-00109558 i used to draw BeFFQdWRNbI-00489-00109559-00109790 a triangle BeFFQdWRNbI-00490-00109791-00109934 ok BeFFQdWRNbI-00491-00109935-00110086 this triangle BeFFQdWRNbI-00492-00110088-00110319 this triangle has three corners one of BeFFQdWRNbI-00493-00110320-00110775 them is essentially what we say power BeFFQdWRNbI-00494-00110776-00111095 the other is speed BeFFQdWRNbI-00495-00111096-00111390 and the third is area BeFFQdWRNbI-00496-00111391-00111615 so when i am designing a simple ic BeFFQdWRNbI-00497-00111616-00111815 integrated circuit BeFFQdWRNbI-00498-00111816-00112143 i see that this forms power speed and BeFFQdWRNbI-00499-00112144-00112358 area forms a triangle BeFFQdWRNbI-00500-00112359-00112583 what triangle essentially means so if i BeFFQdWRNbI-00501-00112583-00112831 am optimizing anything let us say i want BeFFQdWRNbI-00502-00112832-00113023 to minimize the power BeFFQdWRNbI-00503-00113024-00113239 so obviously what can say if i reduce BeFFQdWRNbI-00504-00113240-00113399 the power down BeFFQdWRNbI-00505-00113400-00113551 the BeFFQdWRNbI-00506-00113552-00113743 speed means actually delay BeFFQdWRNbI-00507-00113744-00114054 so it may actually lead to larger area BeFFQdWRNbI-00508-00114055-00114263 or lower speeds BeFFQdWRNbI-00509-00114264-00114343 or BeFFQdWRNbI-00510-00114344-00114527 area being same so are they on the BeFFQdWRNbI-00511-00114528-00114734 contrary if you want to improve speed BeFFQdWRNbI-00512-00114735-00114934 that means you reduce the delay BeFFQdWRNbI-00513-00114935-00115175 then you may require much higher power BeFFQdWRNbI-00514-00115176-00115383 to generate and if you still want both BeFFQdWRNbI-00515-00115383-00115486 power BeFFQdWRNbI-00516-00115488-00115727 and speed speed be faster power be BeFFQdWRNbI-00517-00115728-00115934 minimal then probably you may at least BeFFQdWRNbI-00518-00115935-00116151 have to give larger area BeFFQdWRNbI-00519-00116152-00116278 on the chip BeFFQdWRNbI-00520-00116279-00116463 that means the yield and the number of BeFFQdWRNbI-00521-00116464-00116647 changes per unit area will be smaller BeFFQdWRNbI-00522-00116648-00116807 which means the cost of chip will BeFFQdWRNbI-00523-00116808-00117063 increase so essentially this BeFFQdWRNbI-00524-00117064-00117295 optimization is also not very very BeFFQdWRNbI-00525-00117296-00117399 simple BeFFQdWRNbI-00526-00117400-00117678 in most cases we have to do trade off we BeFFQdWRNbI-00527-00117679-00117878 say ok this much power and this much BeFFQdWRNbI-00528-00117879-00118166 speed is possible at givens package area BeFFQdWRNbI-00529-00118167-00118399 or given chip area and that is what the BeFFQdWRNbI-00530-00118400-00118647 best designs probably could be BeFFQdWRNbI-00531-00118648-00118727 and BeFFQdWRNbI-00532-00118728-00118910 this optimization of course we have been BeFFQdWRNbI-00533-00118911-00119183 trying and particularly for mass circuit BeFFQdWRNbI-00534-00119183-00119343 this can be understood at least the BeFFQdWRNbI-00535-00119344-00119502 power speed can be understood very BeFFQdWRNbI-00536-00119503-00119686 quickly from you let us say i take a BeFFQdWRNbI-00537-00119688-00120566 case of an m c mass inverter BeFFQdWRNbI-00538-00120567-00120766 this is a p channel upper device this is BeFFQdWRNbI-00539-00120767-00120934 n channel device BeFFQdWRNbI-00540-00120935-00121023 and BeFFQdWRNbI-00541-00121024-00121310 it has an input capacitance of c in and BeFFQdWRNbI-00542-00121311-00121654 i am putting an input vn which is a step BeFFQdWRNbI-00543-00121655-00121951 and i am picking up an output voltage v0 BeFFQdWRNbI-00544-00121952-00122223 across the net output capacitance or BeFFQdWRNbI-00545-00122224-00122495 load capacitance here BeFFQdWRNbI-00546-00122496-00122719 so basically what we are saying BeFFQdWRNbI-00547-00122720-00122943 the speed is decided by BeFFQdWRNbI-00548-00122944-00123190 charging and discharge transition as we BeFFQdWRNbI-00549-00123191-00123375 looked earlier that is BeFFQdWRNbI-00550-00123376-00123583 time taken to charge the capacitor and BeFFQdWRNbI-00551-00123583-00123783 time taken to discharge the capacitor BeFFQdWRNbI-00552-00123783-00123966 propagation delay essentially for our BeFFQdWRNbI-00553-00123967-00124166 input to go to the output BeFFQdWRNbI-00554-00124167-00124551 is tphl plus tp lh by 2 average delay BeFFQdWRNbI-00555-00124552-00124878 to improve this tplh or tphl we say BeFFQdWRNbI-00556-00124879-00125127 actually increase the currents BeFFQdWRNbI-00557-00125128-00125366 and if you want to increase the currents BeFFQdWRNbI-00558-00125367-00125631 for discharge and charging transient BeFFQdWRNbI-00559-00125632-00125839 these devices must provide you that BeFFQdWRNbI-00560-00125840-00125966 large currents BeFFQdWRNbI-00561-00125967-00126175 but the current in mass transistor is BeFFQdWRNbI-00562-00126176-00126439 proportional to w by l for a given BeFFQdWRNbI-00563-00126440-00126663 silicon technology and given technology BeFFQdWRNbI-00564-00126664-00126943 node where c ox is fixed BeFFQdWRNbI-00565-00126944-00127190 so we figure it out that the only way to BeFFQdWRNbI-00566-00127191-00127407 improve currents in design is to BeFFQdWRNbI-00567-00127408-00127790 increase w by l but if i increase w by l BeFFQdWRNbI-00568-00127791-00128047 essentially i am saying larger area and BeFFQdWRNbI-00569-00128048-00128239 if you have a larger area the input BeFFQdWRNbI-00570-00128240-00128519 capacitance will also increase BeFFQdWRNbI-00571-00128520-00128854 so we figure it out that by increasing BeFFQdWRNbI-00572-00128855-00129190 the current which essentially we BeFFQdWRNbI-00573-00129191-00129358 improve the speed BeFFQdWRNbI-00574-00129359-00129710 we actually landed up in larger area BeFFQdWRNbI-00575-00129711-00129951 but apart from area if the currents are BeFFQdWRNbI-00576-00129952-00130199 larger in a circuit and as we shall see BeFFQdWRNbI-00577-00130200-00130390 later the power is essentially BeFFQdWRNbI-00578-00130391-00130639 proportion to current so larger the BeFFQdWRNbI-00579-00130640-00130854 current dissipation larger is the power BeFFQdWRNbI-00580-00130855-00131014 dissipation so BeFFQdWRNbI-00581-00131015-00131247 attainment of his higher speed was at BeFFQdWRNbI-00582-00131248-00131543 the cost of larger area and at times BeFFQdWRNbI-00583-00131544-00131790 larger more due to larger currents and BeFFQdWRNbI-00584-00131791-00132023 at times larger area BeFFQdWRNbI-00585-00132024-00132319 so when i design a circuit or a chip i BeFFQdWRNbI-00586-00132320-00132551 am really looking to optimize such that BeFFQdWRNbI-00587-00132552-00132814 i do not give too much of a power BeFFQdWRNbI-00588-00132815-00133007 but i still improve speed BeFFQdWRNbI-00589-00133008-00133199 and i do not have to really reduce my BeFFQdWRNbI-00590-00133200-00133431 increase my area if i can do that then BeFFQdWRNbI-00591-00133432-00133631 what is i have done an optimal powered BeFFQdWRNbI-00592-00133632-00133831 optical design BeFFQdWRNbI-00593-00133832-00133990 so BeFFQdWRNbI-00594-00133991-00134271 as i say our ultimate aim is to say zero BeFFQdWRNbI-00595-00134272-00134511 watt per centimeter square power density BeFFQdWRNbI-00596-00134512-00134735 speeds of infinite hertz BeFFQdWRNbI-00597-00134736-00134959 and area probably zero which is the BeFFQdWRNbI-00598-00134960-00135278 ultimate value is one probably can thing BeFFQdWRNbI-00599-00135279-00135454 but how best we can achieve three BeFFQdWRNbI-00600-00135455-00135727 together is the effort in all circuit BeFFQdWRNbI-00601-00135728-00135927 design and therefore and also the system BeFFQdWRNbI-00602-00135928-00136087 design BeFFQdWRNbI-00603-00136088-00136295 so we start with the first thing we look BeFFQdWRNbI-00604-00136296-00136535 at the power from the transistor side is BeFFQdWRNbI-00605-00136536-00136799 coming from the device okay and so why BeFFQdWRNbI-00606-00136800-00137054 low power devices will be required in BeFFQdWRNbI-00607-00137055-00137190 our designs BeFFQdWRNbI-00608-00137191-00137471 so the fact is there are practical BeFFQdWRNbI-00609-00137472-00137775 reasons what are those practical reasons BeFFQdWRNbI-00610-00137776-00137975 reducing power requirement of high BeFFQdWRNbI-00611-00137976-00138199 throughput portable applications because BeFFQdWRNbI-00612-00138200-00138319 you know after all if you have a BeFFQdWRNbI-00613-00138320-00138511 portable like pda BeFFQdWRNbI-00614-00138512-00138759 ah if you have a mobile or any of this BeFFQdWRNbI-00615-00138760-00139039 ipads or ipods or tablets BeFFQdWRNbI-00616-00139040-00139199 you are carrying them in your hand and BeFFQdWRNbI-00617-00139200-00139383 there is no additional power supply BeFFQdWRNbI-00618-00139384-00139502 coming from BeFFQdWRNbI-00619-00139503-00139766 anywhere so internal battery itself is BeFFQdWRNbI-00620-00139767-00140054 essentially trying to give the power BeFFQdWRNbI-00621-00140055-00140383 and you also want for example these days BeFFQdWRNbI-00622-00140384-00140663 newer tablets or smartphones if we will BeFFQdWRNbI-00623-00140664-00140863 show you some slides on that BeFFQdWRNbI-00624-00140864-00141159 they are doing multi functions too many BeFFQdWRNbI-00625-00141160-00141487 functions including video audio camera BeFFQdWRNbI-00626-00141488-00141719 and also do digital normal processing BeFFQdWRNbI-00627-00141720-00141854 internet BeFFQdWRNbI-00628-00141855-00142023 and of course telephone at the end of BeFFQdWRNbI-00629-00142024-00142135 the day BeFFQdWRNbI-00630-00142136-00142311 and we are reading books out of it and BeFFQdWRNbI-00631-00142312-00142478 we are we are doing all kinds of BeFFQdWRNbI-00632-00142479-00142711 processing on a tablet our smartphones BeFFQdWRNbI-00633-00142712-00142926 and many other phones as well BeFFQdWRNbI-00634-00142927-00143190 so since your throughput is very high BeFFQdWRNbI-00635-00143191-00143390 and that is a portable BeFFQdWRNbI-00636-00143391-00143543 and the battery is limited we are BeFFQdWRNbI-00637-00143544-00143751 looking for device which will reduce BeFFQdWRNbI-00638-00143752-00143966 power okay that means the battery can BeFFQdWRNbI-00639-00143967-00144247 last longer before it is recharged BeFFQdWRNbI-00640-00144248-00144478 the financial reason is very important BeFFQdWRNbI-00641-00144479-00144647 at the end of the day we all look for BeFFQdWRNbI-00642-00144648-00144878 money so here is the problem BeFFQdWRNbI-00643-00144879-00145190 the larger the power dissipation you do BeFFQdWRNbI-00644-00145191-00145454 the package has to actually dissipate BeFFQdWRNbI-00645-00145455-00145683 that much power BeFFQdWRNbI-00646-00145684-00145990 and because of that since the packaging BeFFQdWRNbI-00647-00145991-00146190 cost goes higher with the number of pins BeFFQdWRNbI-00648-00146191-00146319 and the size BeFFQdWRNbI-00649-00146320-00146583 because to manage it not simple BeFFQdWRNbI-00650-00146584-00146847 so financially it is not very great BeFFQdWRNbI-00651-00146848-00147102 thinking if you have a larger packaging BeFFQdWRNbI-00652-00147103-00147399 cost for to get that extra power which BeFFQdWRNbI-00653-00147400-00147566 you are looking are BeFFQdWRNbI-00654-00147567-00147775 this so we need to reduce the power BeFFQdWRNbI-00655-00147776-00147943 simply because the packaging cost we BeFFQdWRNbI-00656-00147944-00148078 want to reduce BeFFQdWRNbI-00657-00148079-00148423 also we if you do not have larger this BeFFQdWRNbI-00658-00148424-00148647 we can also achieve memory saving BeFFQdWRNbI-00659-00148648-00148814 because you do not have to keep BeFFQdWRNbI-00660-00148815-00148983 keeping data because something else has BeFFQdWRNbI-00661-00148984-00149214 to be done in between BeFFQdWRNbI-00662-00149215-00149439 the third which is what most of us BeFFQdWRNbI-00663-00149440-00149783 believe is the reason of thinking for us BeFFQdWRNbI-00664-00149784-00150111 is the technology reasons for example BeFFQdWRNbI-00665-00150112-00150335 if you have very high density appearing BeFFQdWRNbI-00666-00150336-00150575 on any chip being used BeFFQdWRNbI-00667-00150576-00150831 you can see the chip has a larger BeFFQdWRNbI-00668-00150832-00151039 thermal dissipation around the BeFFQdWRNbI-00669-00151040-00151239 temperature of the silicon areas may BeFFQdWRNbI-00670-00151240-00151366 increase BeFFQdWRNbI-00671-00151367-00151471 and BeFFQdWRNbI-00672-00151472-00151687 many of the functions may not remain BeFFQdWRNbI-00673-00151688-00151878 those functions because of the ill BeFFQdWRNbI-00674-00151879-00152135 performance of the device itself due to BeFFQdWRNbI-00675-00152136-00152263 heat BeFFQdWRNbI-00676-00152264-00152343 so BeFFQdWRNbI-00677-00152344-00152566 if you look at the portable BeFFQdWRNbI-00678-00152567-00152702 applications BeFFQdWRNbI-00679-00152703-00152863 market of portable application is BeFFQdWRNbI-00680-00152864-00153111 growing rapidly over the years of course BeFFQdWRNbI-00681-00153112-00153383 this is the old graph from intel BeFFQdWRNbI-00682-00153384-00153671 one can see 95 we are around 500 BeFFQdWRNbI-00683-00153672-00153990 millions per units or millions of units BeFFQdWRNbI-00684-00153991-00154102 today in BeFFQdWRNbI-00685-00154103-00154407 2000 this is more than 2000 BeFFQdWRNbI-00686-00154408-00154639 millions units are required BeFFQdWRNbI-00687-00154640-00154878 for cellular market and in india itself BeFFQdWRNbI-00688-00154879-00155102 has the largest cellular market of BeFFQdWRNbI-00689-00155103-00155311 course density weight is not that high BeFFQdWRNbI-00690-00155312-00155502 even now for the population but the BeFFQdWRNbI-00691-00155503-00155735 number of cellular phones are really BeFFQdWRNbI-00692-00155736-00155990 much higher than even u.s market as of BeFFQdWRNbI-00693-00155991-00156223 now and therefore you must observe that BeFFQdWRNbI-00694-00156224-00156431 most of the cellular companies are BeFFQdWRNbI-00695-00156432-00156726 trying to buy to enter indian market and BeFFQdWRNbI-00696-00156727-00156895 the result of course is well known BeFFQdWRNbI-00697-00156896-00157095 everyday newspaper is just talking about BeFFQdWRNbI-00698-00157096-00157239 it BeFFQdWRNbI-00699-00157240-00157495 so here is a smartphone just look at the BeFFQdWRNbI-00700-00157496-00157799 smartphone blocks inside if you look at BeFFQdWRNbI-00701-00157800-00158014 a system there are of course there are BeFFQdWRNbI-00702-00158015-00158190 not just eight blocks some of them are BeFFQdWRNbI-00703-00158191-00158335 included in this BeFFQdWRNbI-00704-00158336-00158583 but general major blocks in a smartphone BeFFQdWRNbI-00705-00158584-00158735 are the following BeFFQdWRNbI-00706-00158736-00158959 there is a display which all of your cs BeFFQdWRNbI-00707-00158960-00159126 which is called the up the center one is BeFFQdWRNbI-00708-00159127-00159390 called bus bus structures ok BeFFQdWRNbI-00709-00159391-00159566 so we have a display BeFFQdWRNbI-00710-00159567-00159759 then we need a processor to do all the BeFFQdWRNbI-00711-00159760-00160126 jobs ah ok so we have a processor BeFFQdWRNbI-00712-00160127-00160278 then you need to have connectivity BeFFQdWRNbI-00713-00160279-00160487 externally so you are looking for a usb BeFFQdWRNbI-00714-00160488-00160735 connection ok it can be your system BeFFQdWRNbI-00715-00160736-00160895 should be able to connect to any other BeFFQdWRNbI-00716-00160896-00161143 internet or any other drives or anything BeFFQdWRNbI-00717-00161144-00161263 which is the BeFFQdWRNbI-00718-00161264-00161543 usb connectivity BeFFQdWRNbI-00719-00161544-00161687 for that that's one something like BeFFQdWRNbI-00720-00161688-00161863 connectivity is something different from BeFFQdWRNbI-00721-00161864-00162047 some of the smartphones BeFFQdWRNbI-00722-00162048-00162319 like i am told between samsung and BeFFQdWRNbI-00723-00162320-00162590 ipad or iphone that's major difference BeFFQdWRNbI-00724-00162591-00162790 or between ipad and samsung tablet BeFFQdWRNbI-00725-00162791-00162983 that's the difference the tablet has a BeFFQdWRNbI-00726-00162984-00163183 usb connection BeFFQdWRNbI-00727-00163184-00163431 then we of course need a receiver BeFFQdWRNbI-00728-00163432-00163607 transmitter at that frequency of BeFFQdWRNbI-00729-00163608-00163726 operation because that is what the BeFFQdWRNbI-00730-00163727-00163983 cellular data is coming or going so its BeFFQdWRNbI-00731-00163984-00164078 you need BeFFQdWRNbI-00732-00164079-00164311 from the antenna connection to BeFFQdWRNbI-00733-00164312-00164583 receiving transmitting system BeFFQdWRNbI-00734-00164584-00164711 and BeFFQdWRNbI-00735-00164712-00164919 these are of course online high BeFFQdWRNbI-00736-00164920-00165135 frequency things going on BeFFQdWRNbI-00737-00165136-00165359 however there is other area where data BeFFQdWRNbI-00738-00165360-00165654 has been to be processed for example BeFFQdWRNbI-00739-00165655-00165911 you have a lot of memory interface ah BeFFQdWRNbI-00740-00165912-00166143 because some data has to be stored some BeFFQdWRNbI-00741-00166144-00166351 data has to be temporarily stored before BeFFQdWRNbI-00742-00166352-00166535 it is passed on like you have sms BeFFQdWRNbI-00743-00166536-00166678 messages going on and then you are BeFFQdWRNbI-00744-00166679-00166847 receiving in between BeFFQdWRNbI-00745-00166848-00167102 and they do have an interface between BeFFQdWRNbI-00746-00167103-00167407 stopping between mail uh memor for these BeFFQdWRNbI-00747-00167408-00167678 sms and phone together and you need data BeFFQdWRNbI-00748-00167679-00167895 to be cached somewhere and there are a BeFFQdWRNbI-00749-00167896-00168151 lot of memory interfaces required for BeFFQdWRNbI-00750-00168152-00168343 the data to be stored temporarily or BeFFQdWRNbI-00751-00168344-00168463 permanently BeFFQdWRNbI-00752-00168464-00168607 then there are blocks like image BeFFQdWRNbI-00753-00168608-00168807 processing after all every these days BeFFQdWRNbI-00754-00168808-00169087 have a camera and even if not camera you BeFFQdWRNbI-00755-00169088-00169247 may have internet which may have a BeFFQdWRNbI-00756-00169248-00169335 figure BeFFQdWRNbI-00757-00169336-00169454 most of the BeFFQdWRNbI-00758-00169455-00169695 video pictures or video disc BeFFQdWRNbI-00759-00169696-00169926 so you need to process that data and BeFFQdWRNbI-00760-00169927-00170135 therefore the image processor has is a BeFFQdWRNbI-00761-00170136-00170463 part of any smartphone these days BeFFQdWRNbI-00762-00170464-00170790 then to get this audio video data in a BeFFQdWRNbI-00763-00170791-00170951 proper format which can be done BeFFQdWRNbI-00764-00170952-00171214 processed we need an audio codec and a BeFFQdWRNbI-00765-00171215-00171343 video codec BeFFQdWRNbI-00766-00171344-00171590 so if you look at the any smartphone BeFFQdWRNbI-00767-00171591-00171895 block diagram these are the major BeFFQdWRNbI-00768-00171896-00172135 electronic block which constitute the BeFFQdWRNbI-00769-00172136-00172438 working of a smartphone BeFFQdWRNbI-00770-00172439-00172654 these are typical specification which BeFFQdWRNbI-00771-00172655-00172975 smartphone gives for a specialist BeFFQdWRNbI-00772-00172976-00173223 for example you have a processor pd BeFFQdWRNbI-00773-00173224-00173495 processor you have typically this on BeFFQdWRNbI-00774-00173496-00173814 then it is 1.2 volt battery is required BeFFQdWRNbI-00775-00173815-00174126 text is 1 volt phone is 1 volt rim is of BeFFQdWRNbI-00776-00174127-00174471 course 1.2 volts this camera requires 1 BeFFQdWRNbI-00777-00174472-00174631 volt supply BeFFQdWRNbI-00778-00174632-00174847 playback is required 1 volt game BeFFQdWRNbI-00779-00174848-00175119 requires 1.2 volt standby required 1.2 BeFFQdWRNbI-00780-00175120-00175414 volt and in off mode we do not want any BeFFQdWRNbI-00781-00175415-00175623 power okay this is a power requirement BeFFQdWRNbI-00782-00175624-00175887 shown here power dissipation i am BeFFQdWRNbI-00783-00175888-00176071 talking about power dissipation in the BeFFQdWRNbI-00784-00176072-00176223 receiver processor of course is the BeFFQdWRNbI-00785-00176224-00176359 first one BeFFQdWRNbI-00786-00176360-00176519 in the case of transmitting receiving BeFFQdWRNbI-00787-00176520-00176766 system you have power supply requirement BeFFQdWRNbI-00788-00176767-00176983 on on when 1.2 BeFFQdWRNbI-00789-00176984-00177311 text you need 1.2 volt supply and BeFFQdWRNbI-00790-00177312-00177495 for the excess BeFFQdWRNbI-00791-00177496-00177687 remixes of this BeFFQdWRNbI-00792-00177688-00177878 your you need a small much smaller power BeFFQdWRNbI-00793-00177879-00178199 is 0.8 camera is not on when you are BeFFQdWRNbI-00794-00178200-00178471 trans transmitting receiving a data BeFFQdWRNbI-00795-00178472-00178702 except when in standby you still need BeFFQdWRNbI-00796-00178703-00178895 one volt supply BeFFQdWRNbI-00797-00178896-00179119 if you look at the display BeFFQdWRNbI-00798-00179120-00179207 almost BeFFQdWRNbI-00799-00179208-00179511 except for the case when the your phone BeFFQdWRNbI-00800-00179512-00179678 you are listening phone you don't need BeFFQdWRNbI-00801-00179679-00179814 display because you are not seeing the BeFFQdWRNbI-00802-00179815-00179919 display BeFFQdWRNbI-00803-00179920-00180102 and therefore that can be stand down to BeFFQdWRNbI-00804-00180103-00180366 0.8 volt supply but the all other places BeFFQdWRNbI-00805-00180367-00180631 except for standby and off mode you want BeFFQdWRNbI-00806-00180632-00180887 1.2 volt supply BeFFQdWRNbI-00807-00180888-00181054 now if you look at power dissipation BeFFQdWRNbI-00808-00181055-00181311 image code image processing chip part BeFFQdWRNbI-00809-00181312-00181607 then except for the BeFFQdWRNbI-00810-00181608-00181799 processing access of the BeFFQdWRNbI-00811-00181800-00181926 internet BeFFQdWRNbI-00812-00181927-00182119 everywhere else image processing BeFFQdWRNbI-00813-00182120-00182390 requires 1.2 volts there is no game when BeFFQdWRNbI-00814-00182391-00182575 you are doing already your data stored BeFFQdWRNbI-00815-00182576-00182823 so you do not need power in standby or BeFFQdWRNbI-00816-00182824-00182975 off state BeFFQdWRNbI-00817-00182976-00183135 and if you are the rest of the power BeFFQdWRNbI-00818-00183136-00183366 dissipation except for the BeFFQdWRNbI-00819-00183367-00183502 pim access BeFFQdWRNbI-00820-00183503-00183695 and understand by this you require BeFFQdWRNbI-00821-00183696-00183911 constant power camera when you are BeFFQdWRNbI-00822-00183912-00184166 actually doing this camera requires much BeFFQdWRNbI-00823-00184167-00184359 lower power because you may not actually BeFFQdWRNbI-00824-00184360-00184543 operate it but you want to use in BeFFQdWRNbI-00825-00184544-00184695 between any data BeFFQdWRNbI-00826-00184696-00184983 to snap and transmit then you need some BeFFQdWRNbI-00827-00184984-00185151 camera be on BeFFQdWRNbI-00828-00185152-00185454 so these are called power domains and BeFFQdWRNbI-00829-00185455-00185759 power modes for a smartphone chip so one BeFFQdWRNbI-00830-00185760-00185990 for any system for example this is the BeFFQdWRNbI-00831-00185991-00186214 system i chose to explain BeFFQdWRNbI-00832-00186215-00186438 a smartphone but you make any other BeFFQdWRNbI-00833-00186439-00186543 system BeFFQdWRNbI-00834-00186544-00186743 you will have to first design BeFFQdWRNbI-00835-00186744-00186999 that system level this and then break it BeFFQdWRNbI-00836-00187000-00187214 into architecture or at least system BeFFQdWRNbI-00837-00187215-00187447 subsystem blocks and then you will have BeFFQdWRNbI-00838-00187448-00187647 to choose an architecture to implement BeFFQdWRNbI-00839-00187648-00187878 this and from there probably you will be BeFFQdWRNbI-00840-00187879-00188078 able to get such a BeFFQdWRNbI-00841-00188079-00188423 power domains and power modes for a chip BeFFQdWRNbI-00842-00188424-00188647 and then start looking that ok BeFFQdWRNbI-00843-00188648-00188854 since you require power supply sometimes BeFFQdWRNbI-00844-00188855-00189078 you do not require power sometimes so BeFFQdWRNbI-00845-00189079-00189311 the circuits which will operate when BeFFQdWRNbI-00846-00189312-00189519 need not in some cases may not have a BeFFQdWRNbI-00847-00189520-00189719 larger power decision required in some BeFFQdWRNbI-00848-00189720-00189919 case there are larger power BeFFQdWRNbI-00849-00189920-00190119 and therefore correspondingly power BeFFQdWRNbI-00850-00190120-00190399 dissipations can be managed BeFFQdWRNbI-00851-00190400-00190671 i already said i may repeat again BeFFQdWRNbI-00852-00190672-00190999 fully functional mode of a smartphone BeFFQdWRNbI-00853-00191000-00191223 where all power domains are on and BeFFQdWRNbI-00854-00191224-00191431 working full vdd BeFFQdWRNbI-00855-00191432-00191590 a texting mode where the image BeFFQdWRNbI-00856-00191591-00191790 processing and the rest are BeFFQdWRNbI-00857-00191791-00192031 turned to a low voltage mode a phone BeFFQdWRNbI-00858-00192032-00192326 mode when the transmit block is fully on BeFFQdWRNbI-00859-00192327-00192502 a pin access mode when the image BeFFQdWRNbI-00860-00192503-00192678 processing is turned off BeFFQdWRNbI-00861-00192679-00192863 camera mode when the image processing BeFFQdWRNbI-00862-00192864-00193023 and displays are on BeFFQdWRNbI-00863-00193024-00193199 playback mode when the display unit is BeFFQdWRNbI-00864-00193200-00193319 fully on BeFFQdWRNbI-00865-00193320-00193478 game playing mode when the processor BeFFQdWRNbI-00866-00193479-00193654 display units are turned on the rest can BeFFQdWRNbI-00867-00193655-00193783 be switched off BeFFQdWRNbI-00868-00193784-00193983 and i keep alive mode that is standby BeFFQdWRNbI-00869-00193984-00194190 mode when the processor is on BeFFQdWRNbI-00870-00194191-00194495 transmitting is low and still on for any BeFFQdWRNbI-00871-00194496-00194583 time BeFFQdWRNbI-00872-00194584-00194750 and of course off mode means you BeFFQdWRNbI-00873-00194751-00195014 actually switch off your mobile phone BeFFQdWRNbI-00874-00195015-00195231 here is another interesting ah picture BeFFQdWRNbI-00875-00195232-00195375 of the same BeFFQdWRNbI-00876-00195376-00195550 you know many of the circuit will come BeFFQdWRNbI-00877-00195551-00195783 back this latter again BeFFQdWRNbI-00878-00195784-00196111 when the device is in the sleep mode BeFFQdWRNbI-00879-00196112-00196366 there are three basic part where power BeFFQdWRNbI-00880-00196367-00196526 is consumed BeFFQdWRNbI-00881-00196527-00196663 when you start BeFFQdWRNbI-00882-00196664-00196990 a device that is called wake up power BeFFQdWRNbI-00883-00196991-00197247 wake up power mode when it is operating BeFFQdWRNbI-00884-00197248-00197414 all the time we say it is active power BeFFQdWRNbI-00885-00197415-00197678 mode and when you are you are not fully BeFFQdWRNbI-00886-00197679-00197854 switching it off but keeping in a BeFFQdWRNbI-00887-00197855-00198038 standby mode then it is called sleep BeFFQdWRNbI-00888-00198039-00198190 mode power BeFFQdWRNbI-00889-00198191-00198423 so if you look at typical low power BeFFQdWRNbI-00890-00198424-00198695 design guide ah this is a figure which BeFFQdWRNbI-00891-00198696-00198926 gives you some idea where the power is BeFFQdWRNbI-00892-00198927-00199095 going to be controlled BeFFQdWRNbI-00893-00199096-00199311 so for the sleep mode the power BeFFQdWRNbI-00894-00199312-00199447 dissipation is BeFFQdWRNbI-00895-00199448-00199687 rather smaller and can be managed BeFFQdWRNbI-00896-00199688-00199999 relatively relatively simple way BeFFQdWRNbI-00897-00200000-00200238 the second power consumption comes from BeFFQdWRNbI-00898-00200239-00200550 the is vested in the wake up and this is BeFFQdWRNbI-00899-00200551-00200687 transient kind BeFFQdWRNbI-00900-00200688-00200911 you suddenly wake up all circuits have BeFFQdWRNbI-00901-00200912-00201214 to turn on from their off modes and they BeFFQdWRNbI-00902-00201215-00201390 actually have a much more transient BeFFQdWRNbI-00903-00201391-00201671 power dissipation during and it does not BeFFQdWRNbI-00904-00201672-00201823 it does not finish very fast or BeFFQdWRNbI-00905-00201824-00202023 something though externally you feel you BeFFQdWRNbI-00906-00202024-00202223 only milliseconds or something of that BeFFQdWRNbI-00907-00202224-00202335 kind BeFFQdWRNbI-00908-00202336-00202519 but ah nano seconds but actually it BeFFQdWRNbI-00909-00202520-00202671 takes milliseconds and the power BeFFQdWRNbI-00910-00202672-00202935 dissipation is not very small BeFFQdWRNbI-00911-00202936-00203119 ah it's a transient power and it BeFFQdWRNbI-00912-00203120-00203343 actually takes quite amount of power BeFFQdWRNbI-00913-00203344-00203511 which you know integration wise will be BeFFQdWRNbI-00914-00203512-00203766 larger than the standby mode power BeFFQdWRNbI-00915-00203767-00203943 and of course the largest power will be BeFFQdWRNbI-00916-00203944-00204263 consumed when the device is fully on BeFFQdWRNbI-00917-00204264-00204511 and among them which for a smartphone BeFFQdWRNbI-00918-00204512-00204750 for example not all system will be on BeFFQdWRNbI-00919-00204751-00204903 but on average BeFFQdWRNbI-00920-00204904-00205103 some will be on all the time except for BeFFQdWRNbI-00921-00205104-00205231 the off mode BeFFQdWRNbI-00922-00205232-00205398 and in that case BeFFQdWRNbI-00923-00205400-00205686 the power will be constantly consumed BeFFQdWRNbI-00924-00205687-00205951 so what is the driving force for low BeFFQdWRNbI-00925-00205952-00206303 power battery limitations so one says BeFFQdWRNbI-00926-00206304-00206479 driving forces for low power battery BeFFQdWRNbI-00927-00206480-00206782 limitations come from the fact that BeFFQdWRNbI-00928-00206783-00207031 you know in 97 we have maximum power BeFFQdWRNbI-00929-00207032-00207271 wattage for 1.2 BeFFQdWRNbI-00930-00207271-00207351 and BeFFQdWRNbI-00931-00207352-00207686 in 2012 it is three watts of power is BeFFQdWRNbI-00932-00207687-00207798 required BeFFQdWRNbI-00933-00207800-00207966 actually more right now it say four and BeFFQdWRNbI-00934-00207967-00208119 a half watts of power is required BeFFQdWRNbI-00935-00208119-00208279 currently BeFFQdWRNbI-00936-00208280-00208406 so if BeFFQdWRNbI-00937-00208407-00208582 this is the power requirement the BeFFQdWRNbI-00938-00208583-00208798 battery maximum power and capacity BeFFQdWRNbI-00939-00208800-00209166 increases only 10 to 15 percent per year BeFFQdWRNbI-00940-00209167-00209390 three batteries shown here one of course BeFFQdWRNbI-00941-00209391-00209655 is standard nickel cadmium though people BeFFQdWRNbI-00942-00209656-00209942 used to say say workhorse battery right BeFFQdWRNbI-00943-00209944-00210239 from 60s to 90s is still working and BeFFQdWRNbI-00944-00210240-00210455 still available of course BeFFQdWRNbI-00945-00210456-00210679 but you can see its power BeFFQdWRNbI-00946-00210680-00210951 this is capacity is not increasing very BeFFQdWRNbI-00947-00210952-00211231 much okay it is going from certain to 20 BeFFQdWRNbI-00948-00211232-00211415 25 maximum BeFFQdWRNbI-00949-00211416-00211671 whereas the other possibility was nickel BeFFQdWRNbI-00950-00211671-00211815 metal hydride BeFFQdWRNbI-00951-00211816-00212006 kind of batteries BeFFQdWRNbI-00952-00212007-00212134 and BeFFQdWRNbI-00953-00212135-00212327 of now after 90s people are started BeFFQdWRNbI-00954-00212328-00212534 working on it and we are going from 30 BeFFQdWRNbI-00955-00212535-00212655 watts BeFFQdWRNbI-00956-00212656-00213079 ah sorry three this per this to this and BeFFQdWRNbI-00957-00213080-00213239 if you look at the BeFFQdWRNbI-00958-00213240-00213575 rechargeable lithium ones it's around 60 BeFFQdWRNbI-00959-00213576-00213710 what per day BeFFQdWRNbI-00960-00213711-00213951 so what we are trying to tell you that BeFFQdWRNbI-00961-00213952-00214167 as the year progress the required BeFFQdWRNbI-00962-00214167-00214431 battery improvement is still below the BeFFQdWRNbI-00963-00214432-00214639 power requirements BeFFQdWRNbI-00964-00214640-00214839 and therefore there is always a gap BeFFQdWRNbI-00965-00214840-00215094 between the power demand and power BeFFQdWRNbI-00966-00215096-00215310 supplied by the battery BeFFQdWRNbI-00967-00215311-00215639 so one basic idea is that can we if we BeFFQdWRNbI-00968-00215640-00215846 cannot improve the battery BeFFQdWRNbI-00969-00215848-00216015 of course rechargeable will require BeFFQdWRNbI-00970-00216016-00216191 quick recharging that is one possibility BeFFQdWRNbI-00971-00216192-00216375 which we are anyway using BeFFQdWRNbI-00972-00216376-00216655 but the other method probably could be BeFFQdWRNbI-00973-00216656-00216846 can we then minimize the power BeFFQdWRNbI-00974-00216848-00217087 requirement itself and if power and BeFFQdWRNbI-00975-00217088-00217391 capacity is not increasing with this BeFFQdWRNbI-00976-00217392-00217558 rate per year BeFFQdWRNbI-00977-00217559-00217815 then probably we can have a battery BeFFQdWRNbI-00978-00217816-00218079 which can last longer for your work but BeFFQdWRNbI-00979-00218080-00218303 that is what i keep saying that the low BeFFQdWRNbI-00980-00218304-00218527 power circuit is demanded simply because BeFFQdWRNbI-00981-00218528-00218734 there is huge limitations coming from BeFFQdWRNbI-00982-00218735-00219079 available batteries as of now BeFFQdWRNbI-00983-00219080-00219319 one of course joke i always say why work BeFFQdWRNbI-00984-00219319-00219542 on vlsi why not work on batteries BeFFQdWRNbI-00985-00219544-00219727 probably if you get a patent on a better BeFFQdWRNbI-00986-00219728-00219831 battery BeFFQdWRNbI-00987-00219832-00219982 it may fetch you a lot of money and BeFFQdWRNbI-00988-00219983-00220206 maybe it will revolutionize everything BeFFQdWRNbI-00989-00220207-00220398 ahead BeFFQdWRNbI-00990-00220400-00220687 before we uh start really working on it BeFFQdWRNbI-00991-00220688-00220879 let me tell you what exactly has worked BeFFQdWRNbI-00992-00220880-00221087 over the years on a scaling law when you BeFFQdWRNbI-00993-00221088-00221255 start scaling from BeFFQdWRNbI-00994-00221256-00221575 say micron 5 micron down to 22 nanometer BeFFQdWRNbI-00995-00221576-00221751 process BeFFQdWRNbI-00996-00221752-00221967 different technology nodes BeFFQdWRNbI-00997-00221967-00222119 we are scaling BeFFQdWRNbI-00998-00222119-00222327 voltages as well as we are scaling BeFFQdWRNbI-00999-00222328-00222534 dimensions and therefore corresponding BeFFQdWRNbI-01000-00222535-00222727 process has been scaled BeFFQdWRNbI-01001-00222728-00222942 but as we kept saying earlier in our BeFFQdWRNbI-01002-00222944-00223134 first history chapter or history BeFFQdWRNbI-01003-00223135-00223334 perspective chapter we said voltage is BeFFQdWRNbI-01004-00223335-00223567 not scaling with the scale law BeFFQdWRNbI-01005-00223567-00223758 and therefore fields are increasing even BeFFQdWRNbI-01006-00223759-00223967 if the lengths are reducing and that is BeFFQdWRNbI-01007-00223967-00224119 our major worry and that is what the BeFFQdWRNbI-01008-00224119-00224271 reason why power dissipation is BeFFQdWRNbI-01009-00224271-00224471 increasing BeFFQdWRNbI-01010-00224471-00224542 the BeFFQdWRNbI-01011-00224544-00224806 second of course has we we still have BeFFQdWRNbI-01012-00224807-00225142 reduced voltages we went from 3.3 to 2.1 BeFFQdWRNbI-01013-00225144-00225423 to 1.5 to 1.2 BeFFQdWRNbI-01014-00225423-00225582 0.8 BeFFQdWRNbI-01015-00225583-00225791 six point five i think there are some BeFFQdWRNbI-01016-00225792-00225975 chips available now with a half a volt BeFFQdWRNbI-01017-00225976-00226119 supply BeFFQdWRNbI-01018-00226119-00226198 so BeFFQdWRNbI-01019-00226200-00226455 there are effort are going on and to BeFFQdWRNbI-01020-00226456-00226727 great extent we are successful BeFFQdWRNbI-01021-00226728-00227023 however voltage scaling below 0.4 or BeFFQdWRNbI-01022-00227023-00227198 something will be very very difficult to BeFFQdWRNbI-01023-00227200-00227431 ask because firstly BeFFQdWRNbI-01024-00227432-00227503 the BeFFQdWRNbI-01025-00227504-00227791 noise margins will be so low because the BeFFQdWRNbI-01026-00227792-00227991 thermal noise at room temperature itself BeFFQdWRNbI-01027-00227992-00228246 is around 4 kt by q BeFFQdWRNbI-01028-00228248-00228446 or 4 t and which means around 100 BeFFQdWRNbI-01029-00228448-00228687 millivolt is a typical noise even BeFFQdWRNbI-01030-00228688-00228839 without anything BeFFQdWRNbI-01031-00228840-00229087 and if the temperature start heating on BeFFQdWRNbI-01032-00229088-00229246 the wafer which it will because of BeFFQdWRNbI-01033-00229248-00229382 higher BeFFQdWRNbI-01034-00229383-00229598 number of devices on chip BeFFQdWRNbI-01035-00229600-00229894 this number may actually be larger and BeFFQdWRNbI-01036-00229896-00230151 if this total noise power is increasing BeFFQdWRNbI-01037-00230152-00230358 then the signal power BeFFQdWRNbI-01038-00230359-00230558 and noise power may be comparable and BeFFQdWRNbI-01039-00230559-00230742 one may not be able to differentiate BeFFQdWRNbI-01040-00230744-00231031 between an off state and an on state of BeFFQdWRNbI-01041-00231032-00231239 a digital logic BeFFQdWRNbI-01042-00231240-00231487 therefore all said and done voltage BeFFQdWRNbI-01043-00231488-00231791 scaling may not be the final option BeFFQdWRNbI-01044-00231792-00232039 though it is because in every power ah BeFFQdWRNbI-01045-00232040-00232206 dissipation of c voltage term will BeFFQdWRNbI-01046-00232207-00232310 appear BeFFQdWRNbI-01047-00232311-00232591 i into v so v reduction is definitely BeFFQdWRNbI-01048-00232592-00232791 going to reduce the power and there is BeFFQdWRNbI-01049-00232792-00233006 no denying on it BeFFQdWRNbI-01050-00233007-00233271 however as i say its not scaling as the BeFFQdWRNbI-01051-00233271-00233479 other scale other factors being scaled BeFFQdWRNbI-01052-00233480-00233663 and therefore power is not getting BeFFQdWRNbI-01053-00233664-00234023 minimized to that new node which by law BeFFQdWRNbI-01054-00234023-00234239 of scaling should have BeFFQdWRNbI-01055-00234240-00234503 the second method which has worked in BeFFQdWRNbI-01056-00234504-00234734 design of a low power circuit is BeFFQdWRNbI-01057-00234735-00235039 essentially design methodologies BeFFQdWRNbI-01058-00235040-00235246 we have started looking into power away BeFFQdWRNbI-01059-00235248-00235479 design flows and tools and we start BeFFQdWRNbI-01060-00235480-00235775 trading areas for low power ok BeFFQdWRNbI-01061-00235776-00236023 instead of speed we are always trying to BeFFQdWRNbI-01062-00236023-00236279 trade now on a area BeFFQdWRNbI-01063-00236280-00236519 ah because most of the low power BeFFQdWRNbI-01064-00236519-00236775 designers do not mind giving little BeFFQdWRNbI-01065-00236776-00237015 bigger chip but they certainly need low BeFFQdWRNbI-01066-00237016-00237127 power BeFFQdWRNbI-01067-00237128-00237334 whereas many other high performance BeFFQdWRNbI-01068-00237335-00237519 circuit may do otherwise they may say we BeFFQdWRNbI-01069-00237519-00237679 do not mind too much of a power BeFFQdWRNbI-01070-00237680-00237975 dissipation but we want higher speeds BeFFQdWRNbI-01071-00237976-00238246 so we are trading on either of them and BeFFQdWRNbI-01072-00238248-00238479 for that we are looking for design flows BeFFQdWRNbI-01073-00238480-00238655 we are actually looking for everything BeFFQdWRNbI-01074-00238656-00238758 which is BeFFQdWRNbI-01075-00238759-00238991 from right from system level down to a BeFFQdWRNbI-01076-00238992-00239215 logic or transit level we are actually BeFFQdWRNbI-01077-00239216-00239391 designing what we call power of air BeFFQdWRNbI-01078-00239392-00239631 design for example major work with right BeFFQdWRNbI-01079-00239632-00239798 now power of a design BeFFQdWRNbI-01080-00239800-00240087 is to data transfer from one point to BeFFQdWRNbI-01081-00240088-00240191 the other BeFFQdWRNbI-01082-00240192-00240391 through an interconnects and people are BeFFQdWRNbI-01083-00240392-00240558 looking for whether the drive it should BeFFQdWRNbI-01084-00240559-00240727 be driven by current modes or it should BeFFQdWRNbI-01085-00240728-00240958 run by voltage modes and what kind of BeFFQdWRNbI-01086-00240959-00241223 power can be saved by using part of BeFFQdWRNbI-01087-00241223-00241534 analog blocks inside so yes there is a BeFFQdWRNbI-01088-00241535-00241767 trick going on to reduce the BeFFQdWRNbI-01089-00241767-00241958 power by what we call power aware BeFFQdWRNbI-01090-00241959-00242094 designs BeFFQdWRNbI-01091-00242096-00242246 the other of course is change the BeFFQdWRNbI-01092-00242248-00242439 architecture so that the data required BeFFQdWRNbI-01093-00242440-00242606 doesn't require every now and then to BeFFQdWRNbI-01094-00242607-00242815 flow from different places BeFFQdWRNbI-01095-00242816-00242934 and BeFFQdWRNbI-01096-00242935-00243191 we'll see that architecture design play BeFFQdWRNbI-01097-00243192-00243630 a lot of this in reducing the power BeFFQdWRNbI-01098-00243631-00243919 then the another circuit level method BeFFQdWRNbI-01099-00243919-00244094 which one is looking into to reduce BeFFQdWRNbI-01100-00244096-00244319 power is what we call power down BeFFQdWRNbI-01101-00244319-00244446 techniques BeFFQdWRNbI-01102-00244448-00244775 ah we are trying to use uh clock gating BeFFQdWRNbI-01103-00244776-00244951 essentially it means BeFFQdWRNbI-01104-00244952-00245191 whenever you need a data you clock the BeFFQdWRNbI-01105-00245192-00245406 data else don't allow it to work on BeFFQdWRNbI-01106-00245407-00245534 constantly BeFFQdWRNbI-01107-00245535-00245791 so that no data transfers still it is BeFFQdWRNbI-01108-00245792-00246023 required so as if the clock average BeFFQdWRNbI-01109-00246023-00246215 clock is slowing down and hence at least BeFFQdWRNbI-01110-00246216-00246446 the dynamic power is minimized BeFFQdWRNbI-01111-00246448-00246623 and of course there are other techniques BeFFQdWRNbI-01112-00246623-00246806 of dynamic power management which is BeFFQdWRNbI-01113-00246807-00247039 being tried using many other techniques BeFFQdWRNbI-01114-00247040-00247342 we will see in this part of the lecture BeFFQdWRNbI-01115-00247344-00247463 then the BeFFQdWRNbI-01116-00247464-00247687 four fifth possibility of reducing which BeFFQdWRNbI-01117-00247688-00247879 has worked is dynamic voltage scaling BeFFQdWRNbI-01118-00247880-00248055 based on work load BeFFQdWRNbI-01119-00248056-00248287 ah this is called appropriation of BeFFQdWRNbI-01120-00248288-00248527 voltage at different say more than one BeFFQdWRNbI-01121-00248528-00248806 voltage which we call dual vdd or real BeFFQdWRNbI-01122-00248807-00248927 vth BeFFQdWRNbI-01123-00248928-00249158 kind of approach in which we can assign BeFFQdWRNbI-01124-00249159-00249279 voltages BeFFQdWRNbI-01125-00249280-00249519 vdd supply value from say BeFFQdWRNbI-01126-00249519-00249671 let us say you are working on one volt BeFFQdWRNbI-01127-00249671-00249927 so some circuit may require point six BeFFQdWRNbI-01128-00249928-00250167 some may do 0.8 and some at the best of BeFFQdWRNbI-01129-00250167-00250342 it may require 1 volt or 1.2 volt BeFFQdWRNbI-01130-00250344-00250567 whichever is available to you so we say BeFFQdWRNbI-01131-00250567-00250767 power management using voltage scaling BeFFQdWRNbI-01132-00250767-00251110 can be tried at different workloads BeFFQdWRNbI-01133-00251111-00251398 in doing so we may also actually scale BeFFQdWRNbI-01134-00251400-00251479 the BeFFQdWRNbI-01135-00251480-00251623 threshold voltage which are dual BeFFQdWRNbI-01136-00251623-00251815 threshold or multi threshold circuit can BeFFQdWRNbI-01137-00251816-00251998 be tried threshold can be BeFFQdWRNbI-01138-00252000-00252198 actually controlled using number of BeFFQdWRNbI-01139-00252200-00252303 weights BeFFQdWRNbI-01140-00252304-00252591 and one will see how to scale the BeFFQdWRNbI-01141-00252592-00252942 vts so that one can do lower dynamic BeFFQdWRNbI-01142-00252944-00253158 power dissipation BeFFQdWRNbI-01143-00253159-00253471 there is a constant effort going on on BeFFQdWRNbI-01144-00253471-00253558 the BeFFQdWRNbI-01145-00253559-00253791 rtl logic which we write or do logic BeFFQdWRNbI-01146-00253792-00254055 synthesis can we reduce the power during BeFFQdWRNbI-01147-00254056-00254191 rtl BeFFQdWRNbI-01148-00254192-00254439 art will essentially represent the BeFFQdWRNbI-01149-00254440-00254655 module which does some kind of a BeFFQdWRNbI-01150-00254656-00254775 function BeFFQdWRNbI-01151-00254776-00255055 so can we see that a function is one BeFFQdWRNbI-01152-00255056-00255327 which is simpler function compared to a BeFFQdWRNbI-01153-00255328-00255534 larger function can we synthesize such a BeFFQdWRNbI-01154-00255535-00255846 logic using a much different way BeFFQdWRNbI-01155-00255848-00255975 which will reduce the net power BeFFQdWRNbI-01156-00255976-00256158 consumption because the amount of logic BeFFQdWRNbI-01157-00256159-00256398 synthesis amount of logic transfers it BeFFQdWRNbI-01158-00256400-00256606 will do will be lower BeFFQdWRNbI-01159-00256607-00256719 and of course BeFFQdWRNbI-01160-00256719-00256958 one simplest way of doing things what BeFFQdWRNbI-01161-00256959-00257142 people are doing right now BeFFQdWRNbI-01162-00257144-00257375 at least using the cell library design BeFFQdWRNbI-01163-00257376-00257598 technique we already have pre-designed BeFFQdWRNbI-01164-00257600-00257975 blocks with low power dissipations BeFFQdWRNbI-01165-00257976-00258063 and BeFFQdWRNbI-01166-00258064-00258287 design such library functions BeFFQdWRNbI-01167-00258288-00258510 you keep resizing them if necessary w BeFFQdWRNbI-01168-00258511-00258671 bile may be changed BeFFQdWRNbI-01169-00258671-00258934 which reduce capacitance which changes BeFFQdWRNbI-01170-00258935-00259142 the thresholds and also layouts of the BeFFQdWRNbI-01171-00259144-00259263 transistors BeFFQdWRNbI-01172-00259264-00259510 using all this you can create logical BeFFQdWRNbI-01173-00259511-00259758 blocks of which are slightly better BeFFQdWRNbI-01174-00259759-00259982 optimized and you have a large number of BeFFQdWRNbI-01175-00259983-00260191 library functions which gives you BeFFQdWRNbI-01176-00260192-00260398 variable power dissipation and BeFFQdWRNbI-01177-00260400-00260671 corresponding speed and areas BeFFQdWRNbI-01178-00260671-00260894 so this is what has been tried or this BeFFQdWRNbI-01179-00260896-00261094 is what has worked so far BeFFQdWRNbI-01180-00261096-00261430 and based on this essentially one can BeFFQdWRNbI-01181-00261431-00261519 see BeFFQdWRNbI-01182-00261519-00261823 that one will be able to reduce the i BeFFQdWRNbI-01183-00261823-00262015 mean effort to make the low power BeFFQdWRNbI-01184-00262016-00262182 dissipated chips BeFFQdWRNbI-01185-00262183-00262391 and we will continue with this effort BeFFQdWRNbI-01186-00262392-00262510 ahead BeFFQdWRNbI-01187-00262511-00262823 this is an interesting figure which many BeFFQdWRNbI-01188-00262824-00263055 of the designers vlsr designers don't BeFFQdWRNbI-01189-00263056-00263247 look at it but this is a system design BeFFQdWRNbI-01190-00263248-00263527 point of view is here we are plotting BeFFQdWRNbI-01191-00263528-00263734 power versus time that is essentially i BeFFQdWRNbI-01192-00263735-00263903 am plotting energy BeFFQdWRNbI-01193-00263904-00264182 so instead of just looking into energy BeFFQdWRNbI-01194-00264183-00264382 power we should actually start looking BeFFQdWRNbI-01195-00264383-00264575 into energy dissipation because that's BeFFQdWRNbI-01196-00264576-00264806 something which battery has to provide BeFFQdWRNbI-01197-00264807-00265127 so what do we do there we say the there BeFFQdWRNbI-01198-00265128-00265503 is a line which say average power okay BeFFQdWRNbI-01199-00265504-00265710 this is my average power BeFFQdWRNbI-01200-00265711-00265855 this line BeFFQdWRNbI-01201-00265856-00266023 and we say BeFFQdWRNbI-01202-00266024-00266199 this is essentially governed by the BeFFQdWRNbI-01203-00266200-00266406 battery lifetime so let us say battery BeFFQdWRNbI-01204-00266407-00266567 is drawing so many BeFFQdWRNbI-01205-00266568-00266767 so battery has a capacity of so many BeFFQdWRNbI-01206-00266768-00266910 ampere hours BeFFQdWRNbI-01207-00266911-00267087 and for your circuit the net current BeFFQdWRNbI-01208-00267088-00267271 requirement for different blocks sum up BeFFQdWRNbI-01209-00267272-00267430 to some currents BeFFQdWRNbI-01210-00267431-00267567 so we say BeFFQdWRNbI-01211-00267568-00267895 that ok average power ampere hours if BeFFQdWRNbI-01212-00267896-00268151 given to you so how many hours BeFFQdWRNbI-01213-00268152-00268319 you want the battery to last BeFFQdWRNbI-01214-00268320-00268582 correspondingly that much average power BeFFQdWRNbI-01215-00268583-00268727 or current should be drawn from the BeFFQdWRNbI-01216-00268728-00269055 battery so once we decide this this line BeFFQdWRNbI-01217-00269056-00269295 can be drawn BeFFQdWRNbI-01218-00269296-00269487 now once you say this is your average BeFFQdWRNbI-01219-00269488-00269703 power to be given by battery for a given BeFFQdWRNbI-01220-00269704-00269958 time for given lifetime of a battery the BeFFQdWRNbI-01221-00269959-00270279 next worrisome problem is peak power BeFFQdWRNbI-01222-00270280-00270558 so one some part of the circuit or block BeFFQdWRNbI-01223-00270559-00270767 at times may overshoot your average BeFFQdWRNbI-01224-00270768-00270991 powers as shown here BeFFQdWRNbI-01225-00270992-00271095 and BeFFQdWRNbI-01226-00271096-00271175 this BeFFQdWRNbI-01227-00271176-00271447 peak power related to of course the BeFFQdWRNbI-01228-00271448-00271639 how much maximum one can allow this BeFFQdWRNbI-01229-00271640-00271934 peaks to go is decided by BeFFQdWRNbI-01230-00271935-00272119 heating of the device essentially BeFFQdWRNbI-01231-00272120-00272287 leading to thermal failure and there are BeFFQdWRNbI-01232-00272288-00272510 also reliability issues i am not sure BeFFQdWRNbI-01233-00272511-00272623 whether we will be able to talk BeFFQdWRNbI-01234-00272624-00272855 technology here as much BeFFQdWRNbI-01235-00272856-00273110 larger the transients occurring a peak BeFFQdWRNbI-01236-00273111-00273334 powers occurring there is another worry BeFFQdWRNbI-01237-00273335-00273534 right now going on increase of local BeFFQdWRNbI-01238-00273535-00273687 power densities BeFFQdWRNbI-01239-00273688-00273887 which may lead to what we call electro BeFFQdWRNbI-01240-00273888-00274023 migrations BeFFQdWRNbI-01241-00274024-00274279 and that may open the interconnect lines BeFFQdWRNbI-01242-00274280-00274471 so there is a huge reliability issue if BeFFQdWRNbI-01243-00274472-00274727 the peak power is very large BeFFQdWRNbI-01244-00274728-00274871 the third BeFFQdWRNbI-01245-00274872-00275191 point of interest is the rms power which BeFFQdWRNbI-01246-00275192-00275519 is related to cycle by cycle power BeFFQdWRNbI-01247-00275520-00275791 now this rms power essentially is the BeFFQdWRNbI-01248-00275792-00275887 power BeFFQdWRNbI-01249-00275888-00276119 because if there is a variation BeFFQdWRNbI-01250-00276120-00276399 in the power requirement of a chip then BeFFQdWRNbI-01251-00276400-00276606 one should worried about the not just BeFFQdWRNbI-01252-00276607-00276782 the average power but we should also BeFFQdWRNbI-01253-00276783-00276999 worry about the rms power BeFFQdWRNbI-01254-00277000-00277255 for every clock cycle how much is the BeFFQdWRNbI-01255-00277256-00277471 power really delivered is essentially BeFFQdWRNbI-01256-00277472-00277671 very crucial because that will decide BeFFQdWRNbI-01257-00277672-00277767 the net BeFFQdWRNbI-01258-00277768-00278006 power dissipations so you can design a BeFFQdWRNbI-01259-00278007-00278191 circuit which has a lower rms power BeFFQdWRNbI-01260-00278192-00278367 requirement and you can design a circuit BeFFQdWRNbI-01261-00278368-00278519 which requires higher rms power BeFFQdWRNbI-01262-00278520-00278767 requirements cycle to cycle so some BeFFQdWRNbI-01263-00278768-00278975 cycle may require larger power some may BeFFQdWRNbI-01264-00278976-00279182 not and therefore one can probably BeFFQdWRNbI-01265-00279183-00279406 manage low power by actually adjusting BeFFQdWRNbI-01266-00279407-00279655 your rms power every clock BeFFQdWRNbI-01267-00279656-00279830 or at least number of clocks if not BeFFQdWRNbI-01268-00279831-00280055 every cycle clock BeFFQdWRNbI-01269-00280056-00280327 the finally as i keep saying at the end BeFFQdWRNbI-01270-00280328-00280582 of the day why we always worry so much BeFFQdWRNbI-01271-00280583-00280719 about power BeFFQdWRNbI-01272-00280720-00280903 one should really worry BeFFQdWRNbI-01273-00280904-00281110 about the power into time BeFFQdWRNbI-01274-00281111-00281327 which essentially means that we should BeFFQdWRNbI-01275-00281328-00281534 worry more about power delay product BeFFQdWRNbI-01276-00281535-00281863 rather than either speed or power BeFFQdWRNbI-01277-00281864-00282071 so if you want a larger BeFFQdWRNbI-01278-00282072-00282303 speed so lower delay and you want a low BeFFQdWRNbI-01279-00282304-00282543 power so we are now trying to say if you BeFFQdWRNbI-01280-00282544-00282775 want to minimize energy BeFFQdWRNbI-01281-00282776-00283006 essentially you must reduce the power BeFFQdWRNbI-01282-00283007-00283295 delay product and if you can do that BeFFQdWRNbI-01283-00283296-00283582 your battery will last longer BeFFQdWRNbI-01284-00283583-00283830 okay this is essentially because please BeFFQdWRNbI-01285-00283831-00284134 remember battery supplies energy okay BeFFQdWRNbI-01286-00284135-00284406 and this is stored by the process of BeFFQdWRNbI-01287-00284407-00284671 battery itself ionization initially and BeFFQdWRNbI-01288-00284672-00284919 therefore how much energy you consume BeFFQdWRNbI-01289-00284920-00285127 will decide the battery life BeFFQdWRNbI-01290-00285128-00285247 and therefore BeFFQdWRNbI-01291-00285248-00285551 the effort in the power low power design BeFFQdWRNbI-01292-00285552-00285727 should really actually shift to low BeFFQdWRNbI-01293-00285728-00285958 energy designs in many cases which may BeFFQdWRNbI-01294-00285959-00286182 be more relevant parameters BeFFQdWRNbI-01295-00286183-00286358 now if you look at BeFFQdWRNbI-01296-00286359-00286623 this is a haze paper on appearing way BeFFQdWRNbI-01297-00286624-00286958 back in american scientist BeFFQdWRNbI-01298-00286959-00287199 journal this is a computer and a very BeFFQdWRNbI-01299-00287200-00287391 nice interesting article if you happen BeFFQdWRNbI-01300-00287392-00287671 to read this september 2002 BeFFQdWRNbI-01301-00287672-00287871 mr hayes has given a very interesting BeFFQdWRNbI-01302-00287872-00288119 comparisons there ok BeFFQdWRNbI-01303-00288120-00288303 now he is talking about let us say BeFFQdWRNbI-01304-00288304-00288487 because you can see since it was old one BeFFQdWRNbI-01305-00288488-00288734 so it's a pentium 3 he is talking about BeFFQdWRNbI-01306-00288735-00289023 as the 500 megahertz pentium 3 BeFFQdWRNbI-01307-00289024-00289271 70 which is which is put which are the BeFFQdWRNbI-01308-00289272-00289487 system has a pc which we are talking is BeFFQdWRNbI-01309-00289488-00289687 a 17 inch monitor BeFFQdWRNbI-01310-00289688-00290071 150 200 watts power it consumes BeFFQdWRNbI-01311-00290072-00290399 server requires around 300 watts power BeFFQdWRNbI-01312-00290400-00290630 so this pentium chip may require around BeFFQdWRNbI-01313-00290631-00290999 150 200 server may require 300 watts of BeFFQdWRNbI-01314-00291000-00291230 power main frame may require 10 to 20 BeFFQdWRNbI-01315-00291231-00291471 kilowatts of power the author means they BeFFQdWRNbI-01316-00291472-00291703 are home and he is talking on holes BeFFQdWRNbI-01317-00291704-00291903 he has two computer two cpus two BeFFQdWRNbI-01318-00291904-00292015 monitors BeFFQdWRNbI-01319-00292016-00292230 laptop three printers scanner plus BeFFQdWRNbI-01320-00292231-00292463 miscellaneous peripheral holes BeFFQdWRNbI-01321-00292464-00292687 and if you add all this name plate BeFFQdWRNbI-01322-00292688-00292999 ratings okay you have around BeFFQdWRNbI-01323-00293000-00293334 2.4 kilowatts ah maximum power including BeFFQdWRNbI-01324-00293335-00293630 peripheral is 700 watts typical usage is BeFFQdWRNbI-01325-00293631-00294030 150 to 171. so if we average over 10 BeFFQdWRNbI-01326-00294031-00294127 days BeFFQdWRNbI-01327-00294128-00294423 77 watt is 10 days average 9 percent BeFFQdWRNbI-01328-00294424-00294551 consumptions BeFFQdWRNbI-01329-00294552-00294703 so one can see BeFFQdWRNbI-01330-00294704-00294975 you seem to believe that the power even BeFFQdWRNbI-01331-00294976-00295215 if you are using pc at home whereas a BeFFQdWRNbI-01332-00295216-00295399 good fan so there is no thermal BeFFQdWRNbI-01333-00295400-00295679 dissipation is problem so much how much BeFFQdWRNbI-01334-00295680-00295951 power really we are consuming when we BeFFQdWRNbI-01335-00295952-00296215 are actually using a that means you are BeFFQdWRNbI-01336-00296216-00296582 using 200 150 to 200 watts of power BeFFQdWRNbI-01337-00296583-00296775 or equivalent of a bulb which is BeFFQdWRNbI-01338-00296776-00296927 constantly BeFFQdWRNbI-01339-00296928-00297134 usage by you and on an average if you BeFFQdWRNbI-01340-00297135-00297310 don't use longer time computers BeFFQdWRNbI-01341-00297311-00297479 hopefully these days this number is not BeFFQdWRNbI-01342-00297480-00297575 valid BeFFQdWRNbI-01343-00297576-00297847 because almost 90 percent of the BeFFQdWRNbI-01344-00297848-00298103 students and faculty as 90 percent of BeFFQdWRNbI-01345-00298104-00298399 their time is on computers and therefore BeFFQdWRNbI-01346-00298400-00298599 this wattage probably may be very very BeFFQdWRNbI-01347-00298600-00298910 high ah compared to what 77 average he BeFFQdWRNbI-01348-00298911-00299191 is talking about maybe as much as 770 BeFFQdWRNbI-01349-00299192-00299575 may be the numbers now okay BeFFQdWRNbI-01350-00299576-00299734 he is of course talking of power BeFFQdWRNbI-01351-00299735-00299975 consumption in usa we can do similar BeFFQdWRNbI-01352-00299976-00300239 analysis for india again this is 2001 BeFFQdWRNbI-01353-00300240-00300454 paper so please take it with a pinch of BeFFQdWRNbI-01354-00300455-00300710 salt for 2012 BeFFQdWRNbI-01355-00300711-00300975 but all the same this gives the numbers BeFFQdWRNbI-01356-00300976-00301230 all office equipment consumes 74 BeFFQdWRNbI-01357-00301231-00301399 terawatts hours BeFFQdWRNbI-01358-00301400-00301719 per year about 2 percent of us total BeFFQdWRNbI-01359-00301720-00302095 adding telecom increases to 3.2 percent BeFFQdWRNbI-01360-00302096-00302351 power down and sleep modes could save 23 BeFFQdWRNbI-01361-00302352-00302671 40 terawatts of per hour our telewaters BeFFQdWRNbI-01362-00302672-00302854 technology has dramatically improved BeFFQdWRNbI-01363-00302855-00303167 power cost of computing enact require 18 BeFFQdWRNbI-01364-00303168-00303343 000 vacuum tubes BeFFQdWRNbI-01365-00303344-00303719 174 kilowatts roughly 10 watt per tube BeFFQdWRNbI-01366-00303720-00303919 today's microprocessor is 100 million BeFFQdWRNbI-01367-00303920-00304047 transistor plus BeFFQdWRNbI-01368-00304048-00304254 100 watts roughly one micro watt per BeFFQdWRNbI-01369-00304255-00304495 transistor of course nowadays it is not BeFFQdWRNbI-01370-00304496-00304775 that low or that high in all processors BeFFQdWRNbI-01371-00304776-00304967 so since we can reduce technology BeFFQdWRNbI-01372-00304968-00305271 dramatically this cost one can see that BeFFQdWRNbI-01373-00305272-00305575 even then the three percent of the net BeFFQdWRNbI-01374-00305576-00305719 power consumption BeFFQdWRNbI-01375-00305720-00306039 goes into only computing at homes okay BeFFQdWRNbI-01376-00306040-00306287 and talking to people okay BeFFQdWRNbI-01377-00306288-00306358 so BeFFQdWRNbI-01378-00306359-00306630 uh one has to worry now that when when BeFFQdWRNbI-01379-00306631-00306879 we talk about power dissipation and BeFFQdWRNbI-01380-00306880-00306982 power BeFFQdWRNbI-01381-00306983-00307151 reducing the energy BeFFQdWRNbI-01382-00307152-00307327 we talk of hell of others but no one BeFFQdWRNbI-01383-00307328-00307527 talks about computers no one talks about BeFFQdWRNbI-01384-00307528-00307687 mobile but BeFFQdWRNbI-01385-00307688-00307887 the number right now is so high BeFFQdWRNbI-01386-00307888-00308158 increasing day in day out that worry may BeFFQdWRNbI-01387-00308159-00308406 start now that this 3.2 percent may BeFFQdWRNbI-01388-00308407-00308687 become as high as 25 percent sooner and BeFFQdWRNbI-01389-00308688-00308879 then people will suddenly woke up and BeFFQdWRNbI-01390-00308880-00309071 say oh there is a energy crossing my BeFFQdWRNbI-01391-00309072-00309439 mobile is not working okay BeFFQdWRNbI-01392-00309440-00309671 so how can we quantify quality of design BeFFQdWRNbI-01393-00309672-00309919 this may be one last slide for the day BeFFQdWRNbI-01394-00309920-00310119 when i design a chip or when you design BeFFQdWRNbI-01395-00310120-00310334 a system want to compare designs BeFFQdWRNbI-01396-00310335-00310558 quantitatively on a level playing fields BeFFQdWRNbI-01397-00310559-00310719 you know you cannot have two different BeFFQdWRNbI-01398-00310720-00310895 people designing a two different tools BeFFQdWRNbI-01399-00310896-00311023 are two different technology and then BeFFQdWRNbI-01400-00311024-00311143 compare BeFFQdWRNbI-01401-00311144-00311319 so there are two few things we should BeFFQdWRNbI-01402-00311320-00311534 have common so that we can compare two BeFFQdWRNbI-01403-00311535-00311743 characteristic we care most about delay BeFFQdWRNbI-01404-00311744-00311943 and power consumption these are the two BeFFQdWRNbI-01405-00311944-00312134 specs we must look into BeFFQdWRNbI-01406-00312135-00312215 and BeFFQdWRNbI-01407-00312216-00312430 we know that delay and power are related BeFFQdWRNbI-01408-00312431-00312606 and therefore first thing you must BeFFQdWRNbI-01409-00312607-00312782 compare any design on these two BeFFQdWRNbI-01410-00312783-00312951 parameters BeFFQdWRNbI-01411-00312952-00313247 tmos logic operates by moving charge BeFFQdWRNbI-01412-00313248-00313415 from one point to the other during on BeFFQdWRNbI-01413-00313416-00313599 and off capacitors BeFFQdWRNbI-01414-00313600-00313830 and therefore we are looking for fast BeFFQdWRNbI-01415-00313831-00314071 energy transfer implies higher power BeFFQdWRNbI-01416-00314072-00314423 consumptions means faster logic gates so BeFFQdWRNbI-01417-00314424-00314575 if you are looking for BeFFQdWRNbI-01418-00314576-00314887 higher speeds you inbuilt situation is BeFFQdWRNbI-01419-00314888-00315087 your higher power consumption these are BeFFQdWRNbI-01420-00315088-00315295 few slides which we may come back again BeFFQdWRNbI-01421-00315296-00315575 this is the old size the die of this BeFFQdWRNbI-01422-00315576-00315854 microprocessor has increased size for BeFFQdWRNbI-01423-00315855-00316182 example we started with 2 mm by 2 mm BeFFQdWRNbI-01424-00316183-00316382 size chair this BeFFQdWRNbI-01425-00316383-00316630 to a 3 and now we are talking of two BeFFQdWRNbI-01426-00316631-00316951 centimeters ah chips by now BeFFQdWRNbI-01427-00316952-00317230 so two or even more p six is already two BeFFQdWRNbI-01428-00317231-00317463 by two centimeters and maybe the next BeFFQdWRNbI-01429-00317464-00317599 version now four BeFFQdWRNbI-01430-00317600-00317910 quad four with p6 on this ethylene has BeFFQdWRNbI-01431-00317911-00318103 something like three centimeters by two BeFFQdWRNbI-01432-00318104-00318334 point six centimeter size chips BeFFQdWRNbI-01433-00318335-00318534 so there is a seven percent growth per BeFFQdWRNbI-01434-00318535-00318758 year of the size and two a growth in BeFFQdWRNbI-01435-00318759-00318927 last 10 years BeFFQdWRNbI-01436-00318928-00319151 because the die size is increasing the BeFFQdWRNbI-01437-00319152-00319351 number of transistors which are going on BeFFQdWRNbI-01438-00319352-00319503 them is increasing and therefore the BeFFQdWRNbI-01439-00319504-00319854 power dissipation is increasing per chip BeFFQdWRNbI-01440-00319855-00319991 and BeFFQdWRNbI-01441-00319992-00320206 this you can see i keep saying die size BeFFQdWRNbI-01442-00320207-00320375 always increases because moore's law has BeFFQdWRNbI-01443-00320376-00320558 to be satisfied so we are only BeFFQdWRNbI-01444-00320559-00320727 increasing seven percent but actually BeFFQdWRNbI-01445-00320728-00320927 one expects 14 percent BeFFQdWRNbI-01446-00320928-00321134 die size increase if you have to follow BeFFQdWRNbI-01447-00321135-00321343 moore's law that the transit density BeFFQdWRNbI-01448-00321344-00321582 doubles every year BeFFQdWRNbI-01449-00321583-00321847 if you look at the clock frequency then BeFFQdWRNbI-01450-00321848-00322103 you can see by 2000 we are already cross BeFFQdWRNbI-01451-00322104-00322254 gigahertz BeFFQdWRNbI-01452-00322255-00322358 and BeFFQdWRNbI-01453-00322359-00322623 one believes that we may are looking of BeFFQdWRNbI-01454-00322624-00322830 course i am not very sure whether to BeFFQdWRNbI-01455-00322831-00323054 this of course is only arrow BeFFQdWRNbI-01456-00323055-00323358 but by 2030 or something one is BeFFQdWRNbI-01457-00323359-00323606 expecting that we may work on k bands 60 BeFFQdWRNbI-01458-00323607-00323791 kilo gigahertz chips BeFFQdWRNbI-01459-00323792-00323991 one one has to keep your fingers crossed BeFFQdWRNbI-01460-00323992-00324143 because what power distribution they BeFFQdWRNbI-01461-00324144-00324430 will talk we have no idea as of now BeFFQdWRNbI-01462-00324431-00324647 so elite micro frequency doubles every BeFFQdWRNbI-01463-00324648-00324879 two years this is again moore's law in BeFFQdWRNbI-01464-00324880-00325063 other form if you look at the power in BeFFQdWRNbI-01465-00325064-00325351 microprocessors 4004 BeFFQdWRNbI-01466-00325352-00325599 the first microprocessor to pentium pro BeFFQdWRNbI-01467-00325600-00325734 p6 BeFFQdWRNbI-01468-00325735-00325927 old slide from intel all that i am BeFFQdWRNbI-01469-00325928-00326215 trying to show you that it went from say BeFFQdWRNbI-01470-00326216-00326343 0.2 BeFFQdWRNbI-01471-00326344-00326447 vats BeFFQdWRNbI-01472-00326448-00326719 now we are talking of something like 30 BeFFQdWRNbI-01473-00326720-00327006 watt to 40 watt per chip BeFFQdWRNbI-01474-00327007-00327191 and BeFFQdWRNbI-01475-00327192-00327382 if you look at the BeFFQdWRNbI-01476-00327383-00327630 increase in between 8086 there was BeFFQdWRNbI-01477-00327631-00327839 reduction in power but then BeFFQdWRNbI-01478-00327840-00328247 now it is increasing day in and day out BeFFQdWRNbI-01479-00328248-00328423 power deliver and dissipation will be BeFFQdWRNbI-01480-00328424-00328630 prohibitive if we continue to go by this BeFFQdWRNbI-01481-00328631-00328871 straight line as shown then the power BeFFQdWRNbI-01482-00328872-00329103 dissipation will be extraordinary and BeFFQdWRNbI-01483-00329104-00329375 here is the last graph showing that BeFFQdWRNbI-01484-00329376-00329606 power density BeFFQdWRNbI-01485-00329607-00329839 by 2000 we are already temperatures BeFFQdWRNbI-01486-00329840-00330110 which are power density equivalent of a BeFFQdWRNbI-01487-00330111-00330278 hot plate BeFFQdWRNbI-01488-00330279-00330534 we are reaching a place which is 200 BeFFQdWRNbI-01489-00330535-00330751 watt per centimeter square BeFFQdWRNbI-01490-00330752-00330958 which is roughly like a nuclear reactor BeFFQdWRNbI-01491-00330959-00331151 power density BeFFQdWRNbI-01492-00331152-00331367 and if we continue to grow as we are BeFFQdWRNbI-01493-00331368-00331591 looking for ah it will be thousand man BeFFQdWRNbI-01494-00331592-00331743 per centimeter square which is like a BeFFQdWRNbI-01495-00331744-00332087 rocket nozzle temperatures power density BeFFQdWRNbI-01496-00332088-00332287 so if you are really look worry if you BeFFQdWRNbI-01497-00332288-00332575 are designing a chip ah with anything BeFFQdWRNbI-01498-00332576-00332751 the first worry is BeFFQdWRNbI-01499-00332752-00332991 how to avoid power densities of the BeFFQdWRNbI-01500-00332992-00333206 these two we are already here we are BeFFQdWRNbI-01501-00333207-00333439 trying to dissipate this power itself BeFFQdWRNbI-01502-00333440-00333663 and if you unfortunately reach on these BeFFQdWRNbI-01503-00333664-00333871 lines one does not know how will you BeFFQdWRNbI-01504-00333872-00334134 really reduce the or dissipate the power BeFFQdWRNbI-01505-00334135-00334343 and how how the cooling methods can be BeFFQdWRNbI-01506-00334344-00334519 employed BeFFQdWRNbI-01507-00334520-00334727 is too high and we remember higher the BeFFQdWRNbI-01508-00334728-00334927 temperature junction temperature rises BeFFQdWRNbI-01509-00334928-00335110 decay current increases the BeFFQdWRNbI-01510-00335111-00335310 concentrations of BeFFQdWRNbI-01511-00335311-00335543 p and n also increases and finally the BeFFQdWRNbI-01512-00335544-00335703 junction breaks down because one say BeFFQdWRNbI-01513-00335704-00335943 there is no junction both both sides BeFFQdWRNbI-01514-00335944-00336254 equal concentration of carriers occur so BeFFQdWRNbI-01515-00336255-00336439 at higher junctions BeFFQdWRNbI-01516-00336440-00336591 higher temperature junction device may BeFFQdWRNbI-01517-00336592-00336791 not operate so we must keep temp BeFFQdWRNbI-01518-00336792-00337054 junctions cool BeFFQdWRNbI-01519-00337055-00337327 okay so these are the kind of power we BeFFQdWRNbI-01520-00337328-00337534 are going to work on to reduce the BeFFQdWRNbI-01521-00337535-00337782 device this is my last slide for the day BeFFQdWRNbI-01522-00337783-00338030 we will look into cmos alone right now BeFFQdWRNbI-01523-00338031-00338215 there are other technologies but this BeFFQdWRNbI-01524-00338216-00338439 course is strictly following as if we BeFFQdWRNbI-01525-00338440-00338743 continue to work on cmos chip design BeFFQdWRNbI-01526-00338744-00338934 so we are looking for reduction in power BeFFQdWRNbI-01527-00338935-00339151 in dynamic power which is essentially BeFFQdWRNbI-01528-00339152-00339463 charging discharging capacitances BeFFQdWRNbI-01529-00339464-00339606 then we are looking for when the BeFFQdWRNbI-01530-00339607-00339823 transition occur p channel turns off and BeFFQdWRNbI-01531-00339824-00340071 n channel turns on vice versa occurs BeFFQdWRNbI-01532-00340072-00340263 both are any one is off the other is on BeFFQdWRNbI-01533-00340264-00340503 but when they switch over both are on BeFFQdWRNbI-01534-00340504-00340703 for a while and that time we say it's a BeFFQdWRNbI-01535-00340704-00340887 short circuit current BeFFQdWRNbI-01536-00340888-00340967 then BeFFQdWRNbI-01537-00340968-00341151 there is a static current particularly BeFFQdWRNbI-01538-00341152-00341343 in analog and also in BeFFQdWRNbI-01539-00341344-00341551 saturated load or unsaturated load and BeFFQdWRNbI-01540-00341552-00341758 mass inverters are those kinds which are BeFFQdWRNbI-01541-00341759-00341951 mostly popular in h empty or gallium BeFFQdWRNbI-01542-00341952-00342087 arsenide devices BeFFQdWRNbI-01543-00342088-00342327 so there is a constant power supply to BeFFQdWRNbI-01544-00342328-00342534 ground connection we say that the static BeFFQdWRNbI-01545-00342535-00342734 power consumption BeFFQdWRNbI-01546-00342735-00342815 and BeFFQdWRNbI-01547-00342816-00342999 particularly like in a biased circuit in BeFFQdWRNbI-01548-00343000-00343206 an analog has to be constantly on BeFFQdWRNbI-01549-00343207-00343382 because even if your defam is not BeFFQdWRNbI-01550-00343383-00343623 amplifying signal is not there BeFFQdWRNbI-01551-00343624-00343863 this keeping defam at a particular BeFFQdWRNbI-01552-00343864-00344071 biasing point has to be on all the time BeFFQdWRNbI-01553-00344072-00344319 so there is a static current dissipation BeFFQdWRNbI-01554-00344320-00344534 in most of the chips right now and that BeFFQdWRNbI-01555-00344535-00344695 has to be taken care BeFFQdWRNbI-01556-00344696-00344999 and finally if not the last i would say BeFFQdWRNbI-01557-00345000-00345391 the major worry of 2010 or above is this BeFFQdWRNbI-01558-00345392-00345615 power which we call it off power which BeFFQdWRNbI-01559-00345616-00345775 essentially occurring because of the BeFFQdWRNbI-01560-00345776-00345878 leakage BeFFQdWRNbI-01561-00345879-00346095 we believe when the v n is less than BeFFQdWRNbI-01562-00346096-00346358 threshold volt then threshold voltage BeFFQdWRNbI-01563-00346359-00346678 then the device is off but in real life BeFFQdWRNbI-01564-00346679-00346878 the threshold definition itself says BeFFQdWRNbI-01565-00346879-00347039 that from the BeFFQdWRNbI-01566-00347040-00347303 when the band bending is actually two BeFFQdWRNbI-01567-00347304-00347558 times the fermi potential phi f then BeFFQdWRNbI-01568-00347559-00347767 only but essentially that means BeFFQdWRNbI-01569-00347768-00347919 ah the inversion should have occurred BeFFQdWRNbI-01570-00347920-00348119 when the surface potential is equal to BeFFQdWRNbI-01571-00348120-00348343 the fermi potential but the actual BeFFQdWRNbI-01572-00348344-00348623 definition says 2 5 which means even BeFFQdWRNbI-01573-00348624-00348887 below v s below v t there is a sub BeFFQdWRNbI-01574-00348888-00349039 threshold leakage sub threshold current BeFFQdWRNbI-01575-00349040-00349247 flowing and that is the major leakage BeFFQdWRNbI-01576-00349248-00349471 worry because the slope of sub threshold BeFFQdWRNbI-01577-00349472-00349710 slope in the new devices is too high and BeFFQdWRNbI-01578-00349711-00349878 therefore the leakage is very high it is BeFFQdWRNbI-01579-00349879-00350071 not 60 volt per BeFFQdWRNbI-01580-00350072-00350334 decade or 60 millivolt per decade BeFFQdWRNbI-01581-00350335-00350567 that's our major milliamp per degree so BeFFQdWRNbI-01582-00350568-00350823 this is major worry for us the other of BeFFQdWRNbI-01583-00350824-00351087 course is the source drain have a diode BeFFQdWRNbI-01584-00351088-00351334 forms a diode with the substrate BeFFQdWRNbI-01585-00351335-00351558 so there is a reverse biased leakage BeFFQdWRNbI-01586-00351559-00351743 currents because of the dopings we are BeFFQdWRNbI-01587-00351744-00351927 going to use now this reverse leakage BeFFQdWRNbI-01588-00351928-00352103 current should be very high BeFFQdWRNbI-01589-00352104-00352295 and then there are many other leakage BeFFQdWRNbI-01590-00352296-00352487 current and one of the top dks current BeFFQdWRNbI-01591-00352488-00352727 possibility is the gate oxide tunneling BeFFQdWRNbI-01592-00352728-00352927 or it may be what we call giga gate BeFFQdWRNbI-01593-00352928-00353127 induced threshold current all the BeFFQdWRNbI-01594-00353128-00353327 currents because of what we call change BeFFQdWRNbI-01595-00353328-00353606 in double values and things of that kind BeFFQdWRNbI-01596-00353607-00353734 so if you see BeFFQdWRNbI-01597-00353735-00353991 if i want to reduce a cmos power in BeFFQdWRNbI-01598-00353992-00354191 which the static power of course one may BeFFQdWRNbI-01599-00354192-00354351 say is not there BeFFQdWRNbI-01600-00354352-00354606 at least dynamic power the short circuit BeFFQdWRNbI-01601-00354607-00354839 power and the leakage power essentially BeFFQdWRNbI-01602-00354840-00354999 occurring because of the static current BeFFQdWRNbI-01603-00355000-00355143 leakage current and charging the BeFFQdWRNbI-01604-00355144-00355287 charging currents BeFFQdWRNbI-01605-00355288-00355503 that should be minimized during the BeFFQdWRNbI-01606-00355504-00355799 process but when you reduce the currents BeFFQdWRNbI-01607-00355800-00356047 we know from our theory that the BeFFQdWRNbI-01608-00356048-00356199 charging current or discharge current BeFFQdWRNbI-01609-00356200-00356495 reducing will improve will decrease the BeFFQdWRNbI-01610-00356496-00356678 speed or increase the charging time or BeFFQdWRNbI-01611-00356679-00356895 discharge time so circuit will become BeFFQdWRNbI-01612-00356896-00357006 slower BeFFQdWRNbI-01613-00357007-00357303 so for a given speed what else can be BeFFQdWRNbI-01614-00357304-00357558 done to minimize power this is what in BeFFQdWRNbI-01615-00357559-00357767 this course ahead we will be able to BeFFQdWRNbI-01616-00357768-00357863 talk BeFFQdWRNbI-01617-00357864-00358119 on all these fronts what are the ways we BeFFQdWRNbI-01618-00358120-00358406 can actually minimize the power BeFFQdWRNbI-01619-00358407-00358772 thanks for the day Bf1YeqoYXc0-00000-00000376-00001495 [Music] Bf1YeqoYXc0-00001-00001496-00002151 hello Bf1YeqoYXc0-00002-00002152-00002546 thank you Bf1YeqoYXc0-00005-00009736-00012447 oh Bf1YeqoYXc0-00006-00012448-00013919 [Laughter] Bf1YeqoYXc0-00007-00013919-00014804 [Music] Bf1YeqoYXc0-00008-00014805-00015422 [Applause] Bf1YeqoYXc0-00009-00015423-00016078 um Bf1YeqoYXc0-00010-00016079-00016128 [Applause] Bf1YeqoYXc0-00011-00016129-00016822 [Music] Bf1YeqoYXc0-00012-00016823-00017757 foreign Bf1YeqoYXc0-00013-00017758-00019079 [Music] Bf1YeqoYXc0-00014-00019080-00020807 um Bf1YeqoYXc0-00015-00020808-00020922 foreign Bf1YeqoYXc0-00016-00020923-00022447 [Music] Bf1YeqoYXc0-00017-00022448-00023439 foreign Bf1YeqoYXc0-00018-00023440-00024047 foreign Bf1YeqoYXc0-00019-00024048-00025583 foreign Bf1YeqoYXc0-00020-00025584-00025792 you BgnrljNU7Ny-00000-00000079-00000286 yo what's up flex fans we're gonna check BgnrljNU7Ny-00001-00000287-00000471 out the new green screen BgnrljNU7Ny-00002-00000472-00000703 it's awesome i think you're gonna love BgnrljNU7Ny-00003-00000704-00001007 it BgnrljNU7Ny-00004-00001008-00002318 hello guys welcome BgnrljNU7Ny-00005-00002319-00003544 um BgnrljNU7Ny-00006-00003545-00004222 [Music] BgnrljNU7Ny-00007-00004223-00004647 wrong BgnrljNU7Ny-00008-00004648-00005584 um BgnrljNU7Ny-00009-00005585-00006118 [Music] BgnrljNU7Ny-00010-00006119-00006328 you BgqICoF0L8g-00000-00000112-00000214 knock BgqICoF0L8g-00001-00000215-00000335 knock BgqICoF0L8g-00002-00000336-00000638 homie what's up fool BgqICoF0L8g-00003-00000639-00001462 you scared me man come on BgqICoF0L8g-00005-00005680-00006942 me BgqICoF0L8g-00006-00006943-00007156 granted BgqICoF0L8g-00007-00007156-00009564 [Laughter] BgqICoF0L8g-00008-00009565-00010599 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00009-00010600-00011993 deny BgqICoF0L8g-00010-00011994-00014030 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00011-00014031-00014966 foreign BgqICoF0L8g-00012-00014968-00015485 is BgqICoF0L8g-00013-00015486-00016002 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00014-00016003-00016743 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00015-00016744-00018222 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00016-00018223-00018509 foreign BgqICoF0L8g-00017-00018510-00019041 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00018-00019042-00019727 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00019-00019728-00019992 chile BgqICoF0L8g-00020-00019993-00021183 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00021-00021184-00023934 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00022-00023935-00024730 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00023-00024731-00026914 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00024-00026916-00027672 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00025-00027673-00028401 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00026-00028402-00029267 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00027-00029268-00030214 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00028-00030214-00030862 [Music] BgqICoF0L8g-00029-00030863-00031022 is BgqICoF0L8g-00031-00035216-00035496 till then BgqICoF0L8g-00032-00035497-00035767 [Music] BgPXi-MwPQY-00000-00000000-00000202 who's spreading a message of empowerment BgPXi-MwPQY-00001-00000204-00000455 in his new graphic novel changed the BgPXi-MwPQY-00002-00000456-00000647 game written with author and University BgPXi-MwPQY-00003-00000648-00001000 of Chicago Professor Eve L Ewing I love BgPXi-MwPQY-00004-00001001-00001270 how you depict yourself in this book not BgPXi-MwPQY-00005-00001271-00001547 as some big shot hero but as a shy BgPXi-MwPQY-00006-00001548-00001751 insecure high schooler like we all were BgPXi-MwPQY-00007-00001752-00002051 I mean I'm speaking for you but yeah no BgPXi-MwPQY-00008-00002052-00002213 absolutely absolutely BgPXi-MwPQY-00009-00002214-00002542 growing up I was a I think still I'm a BgPXi-MwPQY-00010-00002543-00002729 pretty introverted person I hope it's BgPXi-MwPQY-00011-00002730-00002933 true to form and that's just kind of how BgPXi-MwPQY-00012-00002934-00003173 I navigate the world it's his true High BgPXi-MwPQY-00013-00003174-00003388 School coming-of-age Story his journey BgPXi-MwPQY-00014-00003389-00003599 embracing his Blackness despite BgPXi-MwPQY-00015-00003600-00003851 resistance from many including his white BgPXi-MwPQY-00016-00003852-00004127 adoptive parents I know my parents love BgPXi-MwPQY-00017-00004128-00004361 me but there were still very problematic BgPXi-MwPQY-00018-00004362-00004499 things that BgPXi-MwPQY-00019-00004500-00004751 I went through I think was important to BgPXi-MwPQY-00020-00004752-00004985 show that no this can happen in your own BgPXi-MwPQY-00021-00004986-00005129 home and how we move forward BgPXi-MwPQY-00022-00005130-00005422 collectively while addressing the racism BgPXi-MwPQY-00023-00005423-00005711 that is being perpetuated he took cues BgPXi-MwPQY-00024-00005712-00005956 from his icon basketball star Alan BgPXi-MwPQY-00025-00005957-00006197 Iverson who he said wore his Blackness BgPXi-MwPQY-00026-00006198-00006443 like a suit of armor and teenage BgPXi-MwPQY-00027-00006444-00006719 Kaepernick wanted cornrows to match he's BgPXi-MwPQY-00028-00006720-00006970 getting what roles his mom asked oh your BgPXi-MwPQY-00029-00006972-00007181 hair is not professional oh you look BgPXi-MwPQY-00030-00007181-00007483 like a little Thug BgPXi-MwPQY-00031-00007484-00007864 yeah and those become spaces where it's BgPXi-MwPQY-00032-00007865-00008033 like okay how do I navigate this BgPXi-MwPQY-00033-00008034-00008303 situation now but it also is informed BgPXi-MwPQY-00034-00008304-00008542 why I have my hair long today the BgPXi-MwPQY-00035-00008543-00008777 grown-up version of Eve wanted to go BgPXi-MwPQY-00036-00008778-00008992 back in time and give young Colin a lot BgPXi-MwPQY-00037-00008993-00009346 of hugs and I was really moved and BgPXi-MwPQY-00038-00009347-00009587 saddened by the level of kind of BgPXi-MwPQY-00039-00009588-00009742 self-awareness that he had to develop at BgPXi-MwPQY-00040-00009743-00009892 a very young age without a lot of BgPXi-MwPQY-00041-00009893-00010217 guidance the former NFL quarterback who BgPXi-MwPQY-00042-00010218-00010421 once led the 49ers to the Super Bowl BgPXi-MwPQY-00043-00010422-00010739 touchdown Colin Kaepernick was known in BgPXi-MwPQY-00044-00010740-00010973 high school for his baseball the pitcher BgPXi-MwPQY-00045-00010974-00011231 even had Major League interest but he BgPXi-MwPQY-00046-00011232-00011453 bucked public pressure and followed his BgPXi-MwPQY-00047-00011454-00011692 heart to the Gridiron there were a lot BgPXi-MwPQY-00048-00011693-00011885 more black people in football that I was BgPXi-MwPQY-00049-00011886-00012131 like I found some Community here do you BgPXi-MwPQY-00050-00012132-00012191 still want to play football BgPXi-MwPQY-00051-00012192-00012378 professionally BgPXi-MwPQY-00052-00012379-00012538 absolutely BgPXi-MwPQY-00053-00012539-00012869 I woke up this morning before our events BgPXi-MwPQY-00054-00012869-00013072 trained BgPXi-MwPQY-00055-00013073-00013457 five six days a week still up at 4 30. I BgPXi-MwPQY-00056-00013458-00013661 go get my training in that passion is BgPXi-MwPQY-00057-00013662-00013847 still there and the ability is still BgPXi-MwPQY-00058-00013847-00014072 there BjugNhdr0Cu-00000-00000016-00000286 industry aruna as we know it BjugNhdr0Cu-00001-00000287-00000599 was developed and built BjugNhdr0Cu-00002-00000600-00000878 not only by south africans BjugNhdr0Cu-00003-00000880-00001127 but also from workers from other BjugNhdr0Cu-00004-00001128-00001303 countries BjugNhdr0Cu-00005-00001304-00001470 mozambique BjugNhdr0Cu-00006-00001471-00001630 lesotho BjugNhdr0Cu-00007-00001632-00001798 zimbabwe BjugNhdr0Cu-00008-00001800-00001982 angola BjugNhdr0Cu-00009-00001984-00002263 zambia BjugNhdr0Cu-00010-00002264-00002415 eswatini BjugNhdr0Cu-00011-00002416-00002815 and so on they all participated BjugNhdr0Cu-00012-00002816-00003015 and of course now we are facing BjugNhdr0Cu-00013-00003016-00003263 challenges of unemployment BjugNhdr0Cu-00014-00003264-00003463 but the challenges of unemployment that BjugNhdr0Cu-00015-00003464-00003599 we are facing BjugNhdr0Cu-00016-00003600-00003767 should never mean BjugNhdr0Cu-00017-00003768-00004031 whether we should go and wage war BjugNhdr0Cu-00018-00004032-00004238 against those people from other BjugNhdr0Cu-00019-00004239-00004351 countries BjugNhdr0Cu-00020-00004352-00004575 because once we do that BjugNhdr0Cu-00021-00004576-00004870 we just immediately promote BjugNhdr0Cu-00022-00004871-00005151 this spirit xenophobia BjugNhdr0Cu-00023-00005152-00005486 for now we hate them and now they must BjugNhdr0Cu-00024-00005487-00005606 go BjugNhdr0Cu-00025-00005607-00005951 what we are saying is that yes we want BjugNhdr0Cu-00026-00005952-00006191 people to be properly documented in our BjugNhdr0Cu-00027-00006192-00006318 country BjugNhdr0Cu-00028-00006319-00006703 we want employers to be very careful BjugNhdr0Cu-00029-00006704-00006942 and hire people who are properly BjugNhdr0Cu-00030-00006943-00007110 documented BjugNhdr0Cu-00031-00007111-00007398 and if we can work on that basis BjugNhdr0Cu-00032-00007400-00007687 and do it in the spirit that we do with BjugNhdr0Cu-00033-00007688-00007959 south africans for we will do it in an BjugNhdr0Cu-00034-00007959-00008199 orderly way remembering BjugNhdr0Cu-00035-00008200-00008439 remembering for we are BjugNhdr0Cu-00036-00008440-00008687 a diverse country BjugNhdr0Cu-00037-00008688-00008991 we are a diverse country not a country BjugNhdr0Cu-00038-00008992-00009431 of the same people BjugNhdr0Cu-00039-00009432-00009655 are trying BjugNhdr0Cu-00040-00009656-00009942 and we came from different places BjugNhdr0Cu-00041-00009943-00010087 and so therefore BjugNhdr0Cu-00042-00010088-00010327 we must embrace one another BjugNhdr0Cu-00043-00010328-00010542 and work together BjugNhdr0Cu-00044-00010543-00011038 so it's important that we should do so BjugNhdr0Cu-00045-00011039-00011742 for your appointees BjugNhdr0Cu-00046-00011743-00012014 so that is why i carry those BjugNhdr0Cu-00047-00012015-00012231 who are setting up BjugNhdr0Cu-00048-00012232-00012838 the organization BjugNhdr0Cu-00049-00012839-00012991 that is BjugNhdr0Cu-00050-00012991-00013222 contravening the law BjugNhdr0Cu-00051-00013223-00013551 we cannot allow a situation where BjugNhdr0Cu-00052-00013552-00013766 we are going to get people who will BjugNhdr0Cu-00053-00013768-00013899 embark on BjugNhdr0Cu-00054-00013900-00014055 vigilantism BjugNhdr0Cu-00055-00014056-00014327 to deal with a problem BjugNhdr0Cu-00056-00014328-00014511 a social problem BjugNhdr0Cu-00057-00014512-00014591 we BjugNhdr0Cu-00058-00014591-00014847 must collectively as south africans deal BjugNhdr0Cu-00059-00014847-00015007 with it BjugNhdr0Cu-00060-00015008-00015191 from government side BjugNhdr0Cu-00061-00015191-00015527 we will do our work but we also want to BjugNhdr0Cu-00062-00015528-00015830 say let us work together BjugNhdr0Cu-00063-00015831-00016071 it's highly sensitive BjugNhdr0Cu-00064-00016072-00016294 highly sensitive because BjugNhdr0Cu-00065-00016295-00016550 this thing can soon turn out BjugNhdr0Cu-00066-00016551-00016767 into xenophobia BjugNhdr0Cu-00067-00016768-00017231 and you know how the continent BjZNPPF9tqM-00000-00000000-00000027 thank you BjZNPPF9tqM-00001-00000028-00000394 [Music] BjZNPPF9tqM-00002-00000395-00000701 so Mr amazuri great pleasure to have you BjZNPPF9tqM-00003-00000702-00000947 with us thank you sir uh you are our BjZNPPF9tqM-00004-00000948-00001211 host here in UAE so it's a great BjZNPPF9tqM-00005-00001212-00001462 pleasure to be with you BjZNPPF9tqM-00006-00001463-00001775 um and you are heading here the federal BjZNPPF9tqM-00007-00001776-00002032 Chamber of Commerce besides of running a BjZNPPF9tqM-00008-00002034-00002218 very successful private business BjZNPPF9tqM-00009-00002219-00002513 and I wanted to see and hear your BjZNPPF9tqM-00010-00002514-00002789 perspective on this world as we have BjZNPPF9tqM-00011-00002790-00003100 just seen it now please thank you and BjZNPPF9tqM-00012-00003101-00003311 good afternoon everyone BjZNPPF9tqM-00013-00003311-00003511 I will try to BjZNPPF9tqM-00014-00003511-00003685 summarize BjZNPPF9tqM-00015-00003686-00004025 my remarks and six points and I would BjZNPPF9tqM-00016-00004026-00004235 like to BjZNPPF9tqM-00017-00004236-00004633 focus more in our region because I think BjZNPPF9tqM-00018-00004634-00004913 my colleagues before me and after me BjZNPPF9tqM-00019-00004914-00005502 will talk more about the global issues BjZNPPF9tqM-00020-00005503-00005801 the world of money and business cannot BjZNPPF9tqM-00021-00005802-00005993 be separated from the geopolitical BjZNPPF9tqM-00022-00005994-00006245 changes since these changes will be BjZNPPF9tqM-00023-00006246-00006520 definitely cast it's shadow in the BjZNPPF9tqM-00024-00006522-00006869 economic and social reality in general BjZNPPF9tqM-00025-00006870-00007055 especially with the increase of BjZNPPF9tqM-00026-00007056-00007283 challenges and considering the fact that BjZNPPF9tqM-00027-00007284-00007564 the world is heading towards a wide BjZNPPF9tqM-00028-00007565-00007877 scale crisis such as the war in Ukraine BjZNPPF9tqM-00029-00007878-00008092 and not to mention the impact of BjZNPPF9tqM-00030-00008093-00008555 covid-19 in the world BjZNPPF9tqM-00031-00008556-00008764 the impact was great BjZNPPF9tqM-00032-00008765-00009064 number one the food supply chain around BjZNPPF9tqM-00033-00009065-00009401 the world were impacted the pandemic BjZNPPF9tqM-00034-00009402-00009695 left a huge mark on the economies of BjZNPPF9tqM-00035-00009696-00009923 many countries around the globe BjZNPPF9tqM-00036-00009924-00010181 second the huge increase in oil and gas BjZNPPF9tqM-00037-00010182-00010469 prices and the rates of inflation as BjZNPPF9tqM-00038-00010470-00011033 well as economic recession BjZNPPF9tqM-00039-00011034-00011328 no doubt that the BjZNPPF9tqM-00040-00011329-00011656 geopolitical changes are among us the BjZNPPF9tqM-00041-00011657-00011896 most significant factors BjZNPPF9tqM-00042-00011897-00012167 to affect the world economic ecosystem BjZNPPF9tqM-00043-00012168-00012514 which makes us think of how to prepare BjZNPPF9tqM-00044-00012515-00012893 and how to imply Strategic investment in BjZNPPF9tqM-00045-00012894-00013138 the business in a way that minimize your BjZNPPF9tqM-00046-00013140-00013307 political tensions BjZNPPF9tqM-00047-00013308-00013697 which can be done through one increasing BjZNPPF9tqM-00048-00013697-00013991 business flexibility and resilience BjZNPPF9tqM-00049-00013991-00014230 adopting developing practical BjZNPPF9tqM-00050-00014231-00014615 methodologies for risk management and BjZNPPF9tqM-00051-00014616-00014951 geopolitical crisis BjZNPPF9tqM-00052-00014952-00015353 economy adaptation with the reality and BjZNPPF9tqM-00053-00015354-00015641 turning challenges into opportunities BjZNPPF9tqM-00054-00015641-00015929 and tools that can use to minimize BjZNPPF9tqM-00055-00015930-00016427 economic shocks and sudden crisis BjZNPPF9tqM-00056-00016428-00016553 three BjZNPPF9tqM-00057-00016554-00016793 the strategy BjZNPPF9tqM-00058-00016794-00017183 its ability is the one key features of BjZNPPF9tqM-00059-00017184-00017327 UAE BjZNPPF9tqM-00060-00017328-00017561 our government BjZNPPF9tqM-00061-00017562-00017921 has adapted Forward Thinking ideas and BjZNPPF9tqM-00062-00017922-00018107 Visions for the management and BjZNPPF9tqM-00063-00018108-00018347 emergencies BjZNPPF9tqM-00064-00018348-00018586 the UE showed a great flexibility in BjZNPPF9tqM-00065-00018587-00018847 containing the impacts of covid-19 BjZNPPF9tqM-00066-00018848-00019175 pandemic for example the advanced BjZNPPF9tqM-00067-00019176-00019411 infrastructure Logistics Innovations BjZNPPF9tqM-00068-00019412-00019636 helped greatly in limiting the BjZNPPF9tqM-00069-00019637-00019967 implications of pandemic BjZNPPF9tqM-00070-00019968-00020255 and held returning back to normal as BjZNPPF9tqM-00071-00020256-00020500 soon as possible and moving towards a BjZNPPF9tqM-00072-00020501-00020819 more prosperous lifestyle and stronger BjZNPPF9tqM-00073-00020820-00021100 economy BjZNPPF9tqM-00074-00021101-00021407 it created a model that can coexist with BjZNPPF9tqM-00075-00021408-00021647 the current situation while minimizing BjZNPPF9tqM-00076-00021648-00022000 their impact as much as possible BjZNPPF9tqM-00077-00022001-00022300 the government has placed an agenda with BjZNPPF9tqM-00078-00022301-00022535 a Clear Vision and the new system to BjZNPPF9tqM-00079-00022536-00022853 measure production it also amended the BjZNPPF9tqM-00080-00022854-00023183 rules and regulation to align the new BjZNPPF9tqM-00081-00023184-00024149 update objective and priorities BjZNPPF9tqM-00082-00024150-00024599 it abandoned the old and traditional BjZNPPF9tqM-00083-00024600-00024839 ways of work and adopted digital BjZNPPF9tqM-00084-00024840-00024983 transformation BjZNPPF9tqM-00085-00024984-00025319 such as having some categories to work BjZNPPF9tqM-00086-00025320-00025547 remotely from home BjZNPPF9tqM-00087-00025548-00025906 at United it utilizes a new and smart BjZNPPF9tqM-00088-00025907-00026177 Solutions and Technologies in providing BjZNPPF9tqM-00089-00026177-00026524 95 percent of services including but not BjZNPPF9tqM-00090-00026525-00026908 limited to the digitalization of UE BjZNPPF9tqM-00091-00026910-00027161 Chambers its services membership BjZNPPF9tqM-00092-00027162-00027574 certificate of origin at the station and BjZNPPF9tqM-00093-00027575-00027820 documentation BjZNPPF9tqM-00094-00027822-00028168 by looking into the economy of UAE we BjZNPPF9tqM-00095-00028169-00028420 see that it possesses excellent economic BjZNPPF9tqM-00096-00028422-00028745 features investment environment BjZNPPF9tqM-00097-00028745-00029008 and the stable political landscape that BjZNPPF9tqM-00098-00029010-00029273 can keep and growing despite the BjZNPPF9tqM-00099-00029274-00029495 economic recessions around the world BjZNPPF9tqM-00100-00029495-00029801 from time to time Among Us these BjZNPPF9tqM-00101-00029802-00030011 features BjZNPPF9tqM-00102-00030012-00030370 strategic location promise economic BjZNPPF9tqM-00103-00030372-00030511 environment BjZNPPF9tqM-00104-00030512-00030817 solvency and sovereignty funds BjZNPPF9tqM-00105-00030818-00031199 flexible economic laws and ease of doing BjZNPPF9tqM-00106-00031200-00031295 business BjZNPPF9tqM-00107-00031295-00031511 stable currency BjZNPPF9tqM-00108-00031512-00031751 lack of restriction BjZNPPF9tqM-00109-00031752-00032051 tax legislation free zone and BjZNPPF9tqM-00110-00032052-00032399 specialized economic zones BjZNPPF9tqM-00111-00032400-00032687 and foreign ownership up to 100 percent BjZNPPF9tqM-00112-00032688-00032974 of companies to do business in the BjZNPPF9tqM-00113-00032975-00033202 country BjZNPPF9tqM-00114-00033203-00033412 competitive labor cost BjZNPPF9tqM-00115-00033413-00033683 in addition UAE economy is one of the BjZNPPF9tqM-00116-00033684-00033940 biggest economies in the Amina region BjZNPPF9tqM-00117-00033941-00034259 and business hub for Asia Europe and BjZNPPF9tqM-00118-00034260-00034445 Africa BjZNPPF9tqM-00119-00034446-00034667 these competitive competitors are BjZNPPF9tqM-00120-00034668-00034967 witnessing constant enhancement to serve BjZNPPF9tqM-00121-00034968-00035362 private sector investor entrepreneurs to BjZNPPF9tqM-00122-00035363-00035549 enable them to grow and expand BjZNPPF9tqM-00123-00035550-00035843 regionally and internationally BjZNPPF9tqM-00124-00035844-00036209 thus transforming UAE into destination BjZNPPF9tqM-00125-00036210-00036989 for World investment BjZNPPF9tqM-00126-00036990-00037312 developing government work system BjZNPPF9tqM-00127-00037313-00037523 Federal and local government sectors BjZNPPF9tqM-00128-00037524-00037873 demonstrated high level of Readiness BjZNPPF9tqM-00129-00037874-00038207 efficiency in developing work system in BjZNPPF9tqM-00130-00038208-00038668 line with the UAE post covid-19 strategy BjZNPPF9tqM-00131-00038669-00038962 they maintain their memorandum momentum BjZNPPF9tqM-00132-00038963-00039335 and prove the country ability to crisis BjZNPPF9tqM-00133-00039336-00039496 management BjZNPPF9tqM-00134-00039497-00039790 top the world countries in limiting the BjZNPPF9tqM-00135-00039791-00040043 impact of the pandemic and returning BjZNPPF9tqM-00136-00040044-00040429 back gradually to normal life utilizing BjZNPPF9tqM-00137-00040430-00040799 sound plan and detailed roadmap to BjZNPPF9tqM-00138-00040800-00041212 Future foresight BjZNPPF9tqM-00139-00041213-00041435 the role of business and future BjZNPPF9tqM-00140-00041436-00041596 foresight BjZNPPF9tqM-00141-00041597-00041855 the UE has deployed strategies with BjZNPPF9tqM-00142-00041856-00042071 future foresight and intensified BjZNPPF9tqM-00143-00042072-00042335 programs and plans while being more BjZNPPF9tqM-00144-00042336-00042761 Diversified flexible and comprehensive BjZNPPF9tqM-00145-00042762-00043049 many years ago the government in UE has BjZNPPF9tqM-00146-00043050-00043295 implemented the fourth Industrial BjZNPPF9tqM-00147-00043296-00043523 Revolution strategy which aimed to BjZNPPF9tqM-00148-00043524-00043817 transform the UE industrial base into BjZNPPF9tqM-00149-00043818-00044065 globally competitive productive BjZNPPF9tqM-00150-00044066-00044368 sustainable sector at The Cutting Edge BjZNPPF9tqM-00151-00044369-00044717 of the fourth Industrial Revolution BjZNPPF9tqM-00152-00044718-00044993 the strategy also aimed to achieve BjZNPPF9tqM-00153-00044994-00045215 future security of water BjZNPPF9tqM-00154-00045216-00045457 food supply using BjZNPPF9tqM-00155-00045458-00045743 bioengineering science and advanced BjZNPPF9tqM-00156-00045744-00046024 Renewable Energy Technologies BjZNPPF9tqM-00157-00046025-00046373 and has enhanced Economic Security by BjZNPPF9tqM-00158-00046374-00046633 adopting digital economy and blockchain BjZNPPF9tqM-00159-00046634-00046852 Technologies and the financial BjZNPPF9tqM-00160-00046853-00047080 transaction and services BjZNPPF9tqM-00161-00047081-00047327 optimize the utilization of satellite BjZNPPF9tqM-00162-00047328-00047602 data and planning future cities and BjZNPPF9tqM-00163-00047603-00047855 develop develop Advanced defense BjZNPPF9tqM-00164-00047856-00048143 industry by developing National Industry BjZNPPF9tqM-00165-00048144-00048502 in the field of Robotics and autonomous BjZNPPF9tqM-00166-00048503-00049505 vehicle technology BjZNPPF9tqM-00167-00049506-00049889 the UAE also enjoy an economy that is BjZNPPF9tqM-00168-00049890-00050089 open to the world with multinational BjZNPPF9tqM-00169-00050090-00050345 companies many International companies BjZNPPF9tqM-00170-00050346-00050651 have relocated their headquarters to UAE BjZNPPF9tqM-00171-00050652-00050867 which positively impacted the BjZNPPF9tqM-00172-00050868-00051161 development of economic aspects and BjZNPPF9tqM-00173-00051162-00051414 sector including tourism industry BjZNPPF9tqM-00174-00051415-00051923 agriculture food and space industry BjZNPPF9tqM-00175-00051924-00052192 the government has also launched a BjZNPPF9tqM-00176-00052194-00052420 national strategies and the new BjZNPPF9tqM-00177-00052421-00052709 legislation to initiate and encourage BjZNPPF9tqM-00178-00052710-00053021 manufacturing among these strategies the BjZNPPF9tqM-00179-00053022-00053230 UE industrial strategy BjZNPPF9tqM-00180-00053232-00053638 what they call operation three billion BjZNPPF9tqM-00181-00053639-00053915 which aims to develop a UE industrial BjZNPPF9tqM-00182-00053916-00054137 sector and enhance its role in BjZNPPF9tqM-00183-00054138-00054526 simulating the National economy and BjZNPPF9tqM-00184-00054527-00054815 raise industrial sector contribution to BjZNPPF9tqM-00185-00054816-00055338 the GDB from UAE Dirham 133 billion to BjZNPPF9tqM-00186-00055339-00055823 300 billion Dirham by 2030. BjZNPPF9tqM-00187-00055824-00056057 the launch of Abu Dhabi new industrial BjZNPPF9tqM-00188-00056058-00056416 strategy with the a 10 billion funding BjZNPPF9tqM-00189-00056417-00056688 scheme across six transformation BjZNPPF9tqM-00190-00056689-00057041 transformational programs integrating BjZNPPF9tqM-00191-00057041-00057238 International forums and events to BjZNPPF9tqM-00192-00057239-00057563 develop the local industry such as make BjZNPPF9tqM-00193-00057564-00057809 it and the Emirates forum BjZNPPF9tqM-00194-00057810-00058192 providing the worst facility for BjZNPPF9tqM-00195-00058194-00058369 investors such as BjZNPPF9tqM-00196-00058370-00058799 Basher service which offers investors BjZNPPF9tqM-00197-00058800-00059135 and entrepreneurs in the UAE and all BjZNPPF9tqM-00198-00059136-00059332 over the world Innovative digital BjZNPPF9tqM-00199-00059333-00059494 solution to start their business BjZNPPF9tqM-00200-00059495-00059849 anywhere anytime BjZNPPF9tqM-00201-00059850-00060100 the government also launched the instant BjZNPPF9tqM-00202-00060101-00060347 license initiative in Dubai which aimed BjZNPPF9tqM-00203-00060348-00060550 to speed up the setting of the business BjZNPPF9tqM-00204-00060551-00060826 in addition to allowing foreign investor BjZNPPF9tqM-00205-00060827-00061211 to full ownership of the business BjZNPPF9tqM-00206-00061212-00061480 the Federation of UE Chambers encourage BjZNPPF9tqM-00207-00061482-00061853 emirati business owners to explore the BjZNPPF9tqM-00208-00061854-00062026 Investments climate of their countries BjZNPPF9tqM-00209-00062027-00062309 and to cooperate with their counterparts BjZNPPF9tqM-00210-00062310-00062579 and this country to set up companies BjZNPPF9tqM-00211-00062579-00062885 the UAE Chambers offers all the support BjZNPPF9tqM-00212-00062886-00063079 companies needed for business BjZNPPF9tqM-00213-00063079-00063382 matchmaking and cooperation regionally BjZNPPF9tqM-00214-00063383-00063713 and internationally thank you BjZNPPF9tqM-00215-00063714-00063997 thank you very much I think uh very BjZNPPF9tqM-00216-00063998-00064235 interesting perspective to see how in BjZNPPF9tqM-00217-00064236-00064504 this changing world I think UAE is a is BjZNPPF9tqM-00218-00064505-00064703 a hub of economic political resilience BjZNPPF9tqM-00219-00064704-00065003 and in a multi-polar world I think you BjZNPPF9tqM-00220-00065004-00065242 are of course also optimally positioned BjZNPPF9tqM-00221-00065244-00065441 to play that role thank you very much BjZNPPF9tqM-00222-00065441-00065644 for this introductory statements we come BjZNPPF9tqM-00223-00065645-00066074 back to a few questions later on Co1mzcgKAeo-00000-00000183-00000303 have you Co1mzcgKAeo-00001-00000304-00000615 developed spiritual amnesia Co1mzcgKAeo-00002-00000616-00000886 how would you know Co1mzcgKAeo-00003-00000888-00001119 well let's find out let's read from the Co1mzcgKAeo-00004-00001120-00001439 scriptures we're going to read james Co1mzcgKAeo-00005-00001440-00001743 chapter 1 verse 25 Co1mzcgKAeo-00006-00001744-00002055 it reads from the niv version Co1mzcgKAeo-00007-00002056-00002367 but whoever looks intently into the Co1mzcgKAeo-00008-00002368-00002495 perfect law Co1mzcgKAeo-00009-00002496-00002871 that gives freedom and continues in it Co1mzcgKAeo-00010-00002872-00003175 not forgetting what they have heard but Co1mzcgKAeo-00011-00003176-00003311 doing it Co1mzcgKAeo-00012-00003311-00003735 they will be blessed in what they do Co1mzcgKAeo-00013-00003736-00003990 do you want a victorious life Co1mzcgKAeo-00014-00003992-00004111 god said Co1mzcgKAeo-00015-00004112-00004319 pay attention Co1mzcgKAeo-00016-00004320-00004511 take notes Co1mzcgKAeo-00017-00004512-00004702 study it out Co1mzcgKAeo-00018-00004703-00004886 then take action Co1mzcgKAeo-00019-00004887-00005199 god speaks to us through his word Co1mzcgKAeo-00020-00005200-00005486 through his scriptures so we need to go Co1mzcgKAeo-00021-00005487-00005799 to his word to learn what he wants us to Co1mzcgKAeo-00022-00005800-00006191 do Co1mzcgKAeo-00023-00006192-00006383 so you want fellowship Co1mzcgKAeo-00024-00006384-00006567 with god Co1mzcgKAeo-00025-00006568-00006783 that's what you're saying Co1mzcgKAeo-00026-00006784-00007046 so you say you want a life Co1mzcgKAeo-00027-00007047-00007375 that's filled with blessings Co1mzcgKAeo-00028-00007376-00007591 in every area Co1mzcgKAeo-00029-00007592-00007919 then your attitude needs to reflect Co1mzcgKAeo-00030-00007920-00008087 your actions Co1mzcgKAeo-00031-00008088-00008239 so go Co1mzcgKAeo-00032-00008240-00008455 get into god's words Co1mzcgKAeo-00033-00008456-00008695 and print it on your mind and in your Co1mzcgKAeo-00034-00008696-00008903 heart Co1mzcgKAeo-00035-00008904-00009046 and receive Co1mzcgKAeo-00036-00009047-00009206 the blessings Co1mzcgKAeo-00037-00009207-00009439 go Co1mzcgKAeo-00038-00009440-00009764 go now C0zByQj2dYM-00000-00000263-00000471 in this short video we're going to talk C0zByQj2dYM-00001-00000472-00000591 about C0zByQj2dYM-00002-00000592-00000854 algorithms which are an improvement over C0zByQj2dYM-00003-00000855-00001207 euler methods and they are higher order C0zByQj2dYM-00004-00001208-00001491 numerical methods for initial value C0zByQj2dYM-00005-00001492-00001879 problems so recall with euler's method C0zByQj2dYM-00006-00001880-00002118 on each sub-interval we used a linear C0zByQj2dYM-00007-00002119-00002431 approximation C0zByQj2dYM-00008-00002432-00002655 and that's equivalent to using a first C0zByQj2dYM-00009-00002656-00002966 degree taylor polynomial we call that a C0zByQj2dYM-00010-00002967-00003175 taylor series and here we're going to C0zByQj2dYM-00011-00003176-00003247 use C0zByQj2dYM-00012-00003247-00003495 h equals x1 minus C0zByQj2dYM-00013-00003496-00003615 x-naught C0zByQj2dYM-00014-00003615-00003743 would say that C0zByQj2dYM-00015-00003744-00004167 y evalu evaluated at x sub 1 C0zByQj2dYM-00016-00004168-00004486 would be the value of y at x sub naught C0zByQj2dYM-00017-00004487-00004863 plus y prime evaluated x m naught times C0zByQj2dYM-00018-00004864-00004951 h C0zByQj2dYM-00019-00004952-00005247 and then y double prime evaluated at x m C0zByQj2dYM-00020-00005248-00005454 naught over 2 factorial C0zByQj2dYM-00021-00005455-00005759 plus y triple prime and so on so i C0zByQj2dYM-00022-00005760-00006038 should include here C0zByQj2dYM-00023-00006039-00006175 really a plus C0zByQj2dYM-00024-00006176-00006311 and then C0zByQj2dYM-00025-00006312-00006527 our three dots there indicating that C0zByQj2dYM-00026-00006528-00006846 that pattern continues C0zByQj2dYM-00027-00006847-00007031 forever C0zByQj2dYM-00028-00007031-00007327 all right so but what we used was just C0zByQj2dYM-00029-00007328-00007719 the uh C0zByQj2dYM-00030-00007720-00007967 up to the linear term so that was our C0zByQj2dYM-00031-00007968-00008607 linear approximation in euler's method C0zByQj2dYM-00032-00008608-00008919 so C0zByQj2dYM-00033-00008920-00009151 the error on each sub-interval this is C0zByQj2dYM-00034-00009152-00009391 from the mean value theorem really what C0zByQj2dYM-00035-00009392-00009559 you're looking at C0zByQj2dYM-00036-00009560-00009783 is the C0zByQj2dYM-00037-00009784-00010055 next term in the taylor series C0zByQj2dYM-00038-00010056-00010231 and then the mean value theorem will say C0zByQj2dYM-00039-00010232-00010446 that it's going to be some number C0zByQj2dYM-00040-00010447-00010678 between x sub C0zByQj2dYM-00041-00010679-00010919 0 and x sub 1 C0zByQj2dYM-00042-00010920-00011303 the second derivative of that and so C0zByQj2dYM-00043-00011304-00011542 bottom line is is that the on each C0zByQj2dYM-00044-00011543-00011742 sub-interval you're getting an error C0zByQj2dYM-00045-00011743-00012031 which is bounded by a constant C0zByQj2dYM-00046-00012032-00012135 times C0zByQj2dYM-00047-00012136-00012351 h squared C0zByQj2dYM-00048-00012352-00012567 so the total error well you have to C0zByQj2dYM-00049-00012568-00012727 realize that you have C0zByQj2dYM-00050-00012728-00013094 a capital n sub-intervals or 1 over h C0zByQj2dYM-00051-00013095-00013247 sub-intervals so you're going to have to C0zByQj2dYM-00052-00013247-00013422 take the error C0zByQj2dYM-00053-00013423-00013566 from C0zByQj2dYM-00054-00013568-00013663 one C0zByQj2dYM-00055-00013663-00013863 sub-interval multiply it times the C0zByQj2dYM-00056-00013863-00014158 number of sub-intervals and that's why C0zByQj2dYM-00057-00014159-00014391 the total error C0zByQj2dYM-00058-00014391-00014622 is proportional to C0zByQj2dYM-00059-00014623-00014791 h C0zByQj2dYM-00060-00014791-00015055 well suppose that C0zByQj2dYM-00061-00015056-00015399 i want to get C0zByQj2dYM-00062-00015400-00015638 a better approximation C0zByQj2dYM-00063-00015640-00015879 say one that is C0zByQj2dYM-00064-00015880-00016119 of order h squared C0zByQj2dYM-00065-00016119-00016383 well what i would do then is take the C0zByQj2dYM-00066-00016384-00016583 second degree taylor polynomial so in C0zByQj2dYM-00067-00016584-00016758 other words i would take the first three C0zByQj2dYM-00068-00016759-00017007 terms of my approximation C0zByQj2dYM-00069-00017008-00017814 and so then C0zByQj2dYM-00070-00017815-00018119 the error on each sub-interval would be C0zByQj2dYM-00071-00018120-00018286 proportional to C0zByQj2dYM-00072-00018287-00018630 h cubed C0zByQj2dYM-00073-00018631-00018822 and then since i have my C0zByQj2dYM-00074-00018823-00019014 1 over h sub intervals that means the C0zByQj2dYM-00075-00019015-00019407 total error will be proportional to m h C0zByQj2dYM-00076-00019408-00019622 squared C0zByQj2dYM-00077-00019623-00019775 and so C0zByQj2dYM-00078-00019776-00020071 if i take h to be C0zByQj2dYM-00079-00020072-00020207 0.1 C0zByQj2dYM-00080-00020208-00020422 i would expect that the total error C0zByQj2dYM-00081-00020423-00020775 would be bounded by some constant times C0zByQj2dYM-00082-00020776-00021294 point zero zero one C0zByQj2dYM-00083-00021295-00021455 all right so again remember that we're C0zByQj2dYM-00084-00021456-00021599 trying to C0zByQj2dYM-00085-00021600-00022014 find an estimate for y of x C0zByQj2dYM-00086-00022015-00022407 x is a specific number C0zByQj2dYM-00087-00022408-00022543 and we know that the different C0zByQj2dYM-00088-00022544-00022735 differential equation tells us that y C0zByQj2dYM-00089-00022736-00022863 prime is C0zByQj2dYM-00090-00022864-00023078 some function of x and y and we have an C0zByQj2dYM-00091-00023079-00023383 initial condition that y of x naught C0zByQj2dYM-00092-00023384-00023535 equals y naught C0zByQj2dYM-00093-00023536-00023775 and what we're going to do is C0zByQj2dYM-00094-00023776-00023935 use C0zByQj2dYM-00095-00023936-00024286 a third i'm sorry second order C0zByQj2dYM-00096-00024287-00024471 taylor polynomial C0zByQj2dYM-00097-00024472-00024655 and then this is something that you see C0zByQj2dYM-00098-00024656-00024886 a lot in these approximations C0zByQj2dYM-00099-00024887-00025158 what does hot stand for it stands for C0zByQj2dYM-00100-00025159-00025350 higher order C0zByQj2dYM-00101-00025351-00025519 terms C0zByQj2dYM-00102-00025520-00025743 all right so that means terms whose C0zByQj2dYM-00103-00025744-00026150 exponent on h is higher than 2. C0zByQj2dYM-00104-00026151-00026287 all right so C0zByQj2dYM-00105-00026288-00026599 we know how to get an estimate of y C0zByQj2dYM-00106-00026600-00026767 prime C0zByQj2dYM-00107-00026768-00026879 because C0zByQj2dYM-00108-00026880-00027079 we have it in our differential equation C0zByQj2dYM-00109-00027080-00027383 y prime equals f of x comma y C0zByQj2dYM-00110-00027383-00027631 well what about y double prime the C0zByQj2dYM-00111-00027632-00027799 second derivative C0zByQj2dYM-00112-00027800-00028031 well the second derivative is just the C0zByQj2dYM-00113-00028032-00028390 derivative of the first derivative C0zByQj2dYM-00114-00028391-00028558 and so by the definition of the C0zByQj2dYM-00115-00028560-00028807 derivative that would be the limit as h C0zByQj2dYM-00116-00028808-00028967 approaches 0 C0zByQj2dYM-00117-00028968-00029399 of y prime at x not plus h minus y prime C0zByQj2dYM-00118-00029400-00029567 prime at x not C0zByQj2dYM-00119-00029568-00029831 all over h C0zByQj2dYM-00120-00029832-00030055 so if h is small C0zByQj2dYM-00121-00030056-00030211 we can C0zByQj2dYM-00122-00030212-00030470 approximate the double the second C0zByQj2dYM-00123-00030472-00030743 derivative with the difference quotient C0zByQj2dYM-00124-00030744-00030839 here C0zByQj2dYM-00125-00030839-00031127 and we can calculate or estimate we can C0zByQj2dYM-00126-00031127-00031255 estimate C0zByQj2dYM-00127-00031256-00031574 the values of y prime C0zByQj2dYM-00128-00031575-00031855 by using our formula from the C0zByQj2dYM-00129-00031856-00032143 differential equation and our estimated C0zByQj2dYM-00130-00032144-00032655 values for y of x naught and remember uh C0zByQj2dYM-00131-00032656-00032927 y or y prime of x naught will need the C0zByQj2dYM-00132-00032928-00033318 estimated value of y of x naught C0zByQj2dYM-00133-00033319-00033518 and that will give us an estimate for C0zByQj2dYM-00134-00033519-00033774 the second derivative C0zByQj2dYM-00135-00033775-00033839 so C0zByQj2dYM-00136-00033840-00034167 if i put that together C0zByQj2dYM-00137-00034168-00034607 so my y prime at x naught is going to be C0zByQj2dYM-00138-00034608-00034935 f at x naught comma y C0zByQj2dYM-00139-00034936-00035127 naught C0zByQj2dYM-00140-00035128-00035671 and then i can go ahead and C0zByQj2dYM-00141-00035672-00035855 replace then C0zByQj2dYM-00142-00035856-00036102 my y prime C0zByQj2dYM-00143-00036103-00036223 with C0zByQj2dYM-00144-00036224-00036623 f evaluated at x naught plus h comma y C0zByQj2dYM-00145-00036624-00036718 naught C0zByQj2dYM-00146-00036719-00036911 and then i should have had C0zByQj2dYM-00147-00036912-00037015 here C0zByQj2dYM-00148-00037016-00037359 f of x not comma y naught so let's go C0zByQj2dYM-00149-00037360-00037495 ahead C0zByQj2dYM-00150-00037496-00037799 and kind of push things over C0zByQj2dYM-00151-00037800-00038062 and put in a comma C0zByQj2dYM-00152-00038063-00039079 why not there C0zByQj2dYM-00153-00039080-00039262 all right C0zByQj2dYM-00154-00039263-00040590 so do the same thing here C0zByQj2dYM-00155-00040591-00040774 so at least for the first step then i C0zByQj2dYM-00156-00040775-00041007 could get a y sub 1 C0zByQj2dYM-00157-00041008-00041230 which would be an approximation here by C0zByQj2dYM-00158-00041231-00041311 just C0zByQj2dYM-00159-00041312-00041615 i know that f f is given to me C0zByQj2dYM-00160-00041616-00041902 i know h i've chosen that C0zByQj2dYM-00161-00041903-00042367 uh and then um yeah so i can simplify C0zByQj2dYM-00162-00042368-00042646 this though because i notice that i have C0zByQj2dYM-00163-00042647-00042895 outside the brackets i have f of x not C0zByQj2dYM-00164-00042896-00043287 comma y naught times h C0zByQj2dYM-00165-00043288-00043535 and inside the brackets i'm going to C0zByQj2dYM-00166-00043536-00043879 have an f of x not y naught that has a C0zByQj2dYM-00167-00043880-00044127 minus sign in front of it there's a half C0zByQj2dYM-00168-00044128-00044358 and then an h is going to divide out so C0zByQj2dYM-00169-00044359-00044543 i'll just have an h there C0zByQj2dYM-00170-00044544-00045015 so i can simplify this formula C0zByQj2dYM-00171-00045016-00045823 and then C0zByQj2dYM-00172-00045824-00046095 once i've simplified that formula i C0zByQj2dYM-00173-00046096-00046223 could say well i could get an C0zByQj2dYM-00174-00046224-00046535 approximation i'll replace the one with C0zByQj2dYM-00175-00046536-00046839 n plus one i'll replace the zero with n C0zByQj2dYM-00176-00046840-00047062 so i'll have x sub n's C0zByQj2dYM-00177-00047063-00047558 in here C0zByQj2dYM-00178-00047559-00047686 and so C0zByQj2dYM-00179-00047687-00047999 i can get a recursion formula here that C0zByQj2dYM-00180-00048000-00048118 says that C0zByQj2dYM-00181-00048119-00048486 an approximation for y C0zByQj2dYM-00182-00048487-00048590 at C0zByQj2dYM-00183-00048591-00048855 x sub n plus 1 C0zByQj2dYM-00184-00048856-00048983 is going to be C0zByQj2dYM-00185-00048984-00049271 something i call y sub n plus 1 C0zByQj2dYM-00186-00049272-00049430 and then i just need to fill out this C0zByQj2dYM-00187-00049431-00049774 formula now in the formula C0zByQj2dYM-00188-00049775-00049935 i'm going to have to C0zByQj2dYM-00189-00049936-00050271 first find the values or estimates of C0zByQj2dYM-00190-00050272-00050495 k1 and k2 C0zByQj2dYM-00191-00050496-00050679 but that's just using C0zByQj2dYM-00192-00050680-00050879 the known value of h C0zByQj2dYM-00193-00050880-00051118 the known value of x sub n C0zByQj2dYM-00194-00051119-00051502 the previously computed value of y sub n C0zByQj2dYM-00195-00051503-00051950 and the function f C0zByQj2dYM-00196-00051951-00052094 so you'd have to C0zByQj2dYM-00197-00052095-00052350 calculate C0zByQj2dYM-00198-00052351-00052615 k1 calculate k2 C0zByQj2dYM-00199-00052616-00052911 from there then you can use this formula C0zByQj2dYM-00200-00052912-00053030 here C0zByQj2dYM-00201-00053032-00053223 and actually i should make a correction C0zByQj2dYM-00202-00053224-00053535 to it because C0zByQj2dYM-00203-00053536-00053879 it's not y at x sub n we don't know that C0zByQj2dYM-00204-00053879-00054054 but what we do know C0zByQj2dYM-00205-00054055-00054894 is y sub n C0zByQj2dYM-00206-00054895-00055182 all right so i went ahead and used a new C0zByQj2dYM-00207-00055183-00055423 numerical ocean technology C0zByQj2dYM-00208-00055424-00055847 to be able to employ this method C0zByQj2dYM-00209-00055848-00056847 and again let me correct C0zByQj2dYM-00210-00056848-00057423 it's not y of x sub n but y sub n C0zByQj2dYM-00211-00057424-00057519 and C0zByQj2dYM-00212-00057520-00057791 so again we have the blue curve is exact C0zByQj2dYM-00213-00057791-00058007 and it may be difficult to see C0zByQj2dYM-00214-00058008-00058271 that we have the white C0zByQj2dYM-00215-00058272-00058479 set of line segments C0zByQj2dYM-00216-00058479-00058791 uh they're actually triangles there C0zByQj2dYM-00217-00058791-00059015 that's what we get from this improved C0zByQj2dYM-00218-00059016-00059279 euler's method so it's a tremendous C0zByQj2dYM-00219-00059279-00059487 improvement there's still a gap if you C0zByQj2dYM-00220-00059488-00059766 look close enough C0zByQj2dYM-00221-00059767-00059982 up here there's still a gap between the C0zByQj2dYM-00222-00059983-00060150 final triangle C0zByQj2dYM-00223-00060151-00060254 and the C0zByQj2dYM-00224-00060255-00060454 where the C0zByQj2dYM-00225-00060455-00060599 exact curve C0zByQj2dYM-00226-00060600-00060782 hits C0zByQj2dYM-00227-00060783-00061006 x equals 1.5 C0zByQj2dYM-00228-00061007-00061535 but it is a tremendous improvement C0zByQj2dYM-00229-00061536-00061830 so this improved euler's method is also C0zByQj2dYM-00230-00061832-00062215 known as a second order rongakuda method C0zByQj2dYM-00231-00062216-00062359 so C0zByQj2dYM-00232-00062360-00062582 roonga and kuda were two C0zByQj2dYM-00233-00062583-00062782 uh german C0zByQj2dYM-00234-00062783-00062950 mathematicians C0zByQj2dYM-00235-00062951-00063082 i grew up saying C0zByQj2dYM-00236-00063083-00063342 rangakata but C0zByQj2dYM-00237-00063344-00063471 now i C0zByQj2dYM-00238-00063472-00063647 lived in germany for a while so i'm used C0zByQj2dYM-00239-00063648-00063926 to seeing gakuta C0zByQj2dYM-00240-00063927-00064230 so anyway the abbreviation is rk C0zByQj2dYM-00241-00064232-00064359 2 C0zByQj2dYM-00242-00064360-00064542 it's second order because it used the C0zByQj2dYM-00243-00064544-00064679 second degree C0zByQj2dYM-00244-00064679-00064911 taylor polynomial C0zByQj2dYM-00245-00064912-00065142 and then you can see that there could be C0zByQj2dYM-00246-00065144-00065423 a third order and a fourth order C0zByQj2dYM-00247-00065424-00065631 room cuda method C0zByQj2dYM-00248-00065632-00065719 i C0zByQj2dYM-00249-00065720-00065943 abbreviated rk4 C0zByQj2dYM-00250-00065944-00066279 by using a fourth degree polynomial C0zByQj2dYM-00251-00066280-00066382 now C0zByQj2dYM-00252-00066383-00066726 this method has been revised C0zByQj2dYM-00253-00066727-00066911 over the years so C0zByQj2dYM-00254-00066912-00067167 there are many different variants C0zByQj2dYM-00255-00067168-00067263 of it C0zByQj2dYM-00256-00067264-00067591 uh with a lot of work has gone in to C0zByQj2dYM-00257-00067592-00067750 make C0zByQj2dYM-00258-00067751-00068006 enhancements in regard to accuracy and C0zByQj2dYM-00259-00068007-00068206 stability C0zByQj2dYM-00260-00068207-00068415 but the way that the formulation that C0zByQj2dYM-00261-00068416-00068559 we're going to use C0zByQj2dYM-00262-00068560-00068767 is this simple one C0zByQj2dYM-00263-00068768-00069015 so we're going to get our next C0zByQj2dYM-00264-00069016-00069182 value of y C0zByQj2dYM-00265-00069183-00069423 from well C0zByQj2dYM-00266-00069424-00069775 our previous values C0zByQj2dYM-00267-00069776-00070015 and then we have the C0zByQj2dYM-00268-00070016-00070606 h there so C0zByQj2dYM-00269-00070607-00070823 and of course i shouldn't forget that C0zByQj2dYM-00270-00070824-00071199 you're also going to add in C0zByQj2dYM-00271-00071200-00071462 your previous y value C0zByQj2dYM-00272-00071463-00071743 so it always looks like you have C0zByQj2dYM-00273-00071744-00071975 uh you know some kind of the previous y C0zByQj2dYM-00274-00071976-00072062 value C0zByQj2dYM-00275-00072063-00072223 some kind of C0zByQj2dYM-00276-00072224-00072543 improved estimate for the slope C0zByQj2dYM-00277-00072544-00072750 uh and then of course times C0zByQj2dYM-00278-00072751-00072887 h C0zByQj2dYM-00279-00072888-00073223 and so uh in here you can see that we C0zByQj2dYM-00280-00073224-00073631 actually have six values we take the k1 C0zByQj2dYM-00281-00073632-00073735 once C0zByQj2dYM-00282-00073736-00074038 both of k2 and k3 are taken twice and C0zByQj2dYM-00283-00074039-00074399 the k4 is once and then we divide by 6. C0zByQj2dYM-00284-00074400-00074655 so the idea is that we're using a fourth C0zByQj2dYM-00285-00074656-00074935 degree taylor polynomial to derive C0zByQj2dYM-00286-00074936-00075143 values for k C0zByQj2dYM-00287-00075144-00075335 which will give us C0zByQj2dYM-00288-00075336-00075431 a C0zByQj2dYM-00289-00075432-00075623 very good estimate C0zByQj2dYM-00290-00075624-00075982 or approximation for the slope C0zByQj2dYM-00291-00075983-00076103 at that C0zByQj2dYM-00292-00076104-00076382 value of x x sub n C0zByQj2dYM-00293-00076383-00076575 so how do you evaluate this well you C0zByQj2dYM-00294-00076576-00076831 have to calculate each of these C0zByQj2dYM-00295-00076832-00077247 k values in order so you calculate k1 C0zByQj2dYM-00296-00077248-00077550 because you need k1 to calculate k2 and C0zByQj2dYM-00297-00077551-00077903 then you need k2 to calculate k3 C0zByQj2dYM-00298-00077904-00078206 and you need k3 to calculate k C0zByQj2dYM-00299-00078207-00078615 4. C0zByQj2dYM-00300-00078616-00078894 so notice that k1 is already the very C0zByQj2dYM-00301-00078895-00079062 first approximation we use for the C0zByQj2dYM-00302-00079063-00079223 tangent line C0zByQj2dYM-00303-00079224-00079494 that the value that goes in the y slot C0zByQj2dYM-00304-00079495-00079623 and k2 C0zByQj2dYM-00305-00079624-00079894 it comes from the linear approximation C0zByQj2dYM-00306-00079895-00080206 and then if we do some thinking we could C0zByQj2dYM-00307-00080207-00080399 probably continue this and say that this C0zByQj2dYM-00308-00080400-00080462 is C0zByQj2dYM-00309-00080463-00080791 uh the y value in k3 is from a second C0zByQj2dYM-00310-00080792-00081055 order approximation and the y value and C0zByQj2dYM-00311-00081056-00081262 k4 of course should be from a fourth C0zByQj2dYM-00312-00081263-00081359 value C0zByQj2dYM-00313-00081360-00081591 approximation fourth order C0zByQj2dYM-00314-00081592-00081950 approximation C0zByQj2dYM-00315-00081951-00082038 this C0zByQj2dYM-00316-00082039-00082487 method gives excellent results C0zByQj2dYM-00317-00082488-00082718 being a fourth order method that would C0zByQj2dYM-00318-00082719-00082967 mean that you would expect that the C0zByQj2dYM-00319-00082968-00083126 absolute error would be C0zByQj2dYM-00320-00083127-00083335 proportional to C0zByQj2dYM-00321-00083336-00083623 h to the power 4. C0zByQj2dYM-00322-00083624-00083879 in this graph and we have the exact C0zByQj2dYM-00323-00083880-00084094 curve we have the original euler's C0zByQj2dYM-00324-00084095-00084335 method curve for comparison C0zByQj2dYM-00325-00084336-00084543 and you can see C0zByQj2dYM-00326-00084544-00084831 that the C0zByQj2dYM-00327-00084832-00085023 points from the ringakutta method which C0zByQj2dYM-00328-00085024-00085399 are the tiny magenta triangles they land C0zByQj2dYM-00329-00085400-00085518 exactly C0zByQj2dYM-00330-00085519-00085847 on top of the curve as far as this graph C0zByQj2dYM-00331-00085848-00086006 can tell C0zByQj2dYM-00332-00086007-00086247 and in fact if we look at the absolute C0zByQj2dYM-00333-00086248-00086615 errors remember from euler's method C0zByQj2dYM-00334-00086616-00086918 to even get down to below C0zByQj2dYM-00335-00086919-00087006 10 C0zByQj2dYM-00336-00087007-00087126 error C0zByQj2dYM-00337-00087127-00087679 we had to choose h equals 0.01 C0zByQj2dYM-00338-00087680-00087975 however with the second order method C0zByQj2dYM-00339-00087976-00088462 um with h equals 0.1 the error is C0zByQj2dYM-00340-00088463-00088711 already at point zero four C0zByQj2dYM-00341-00088712-00088879 and the C0zByQj2dYM-00342-00088880-00089094 for the fourth order method we're at C0zByQj2dYM-00343-00089095-00089399 point zero zero one three and so again C0zByQj2dYM-00344-00089400-00089647 you can kind of see this trend that the C0zByQj2dYM-00345-00089648-00090255 uh error is going to be proportional to C0zByQj2dYM-00346-00090256-00090382 h C0zByQj2dYM-00347-00090383-00090582 so h is 0.1 C0zByQj2dYM-00348-00090583-00091031 and so our absolute arrow is about 0.56 C0zByQj2dYM-00349-00091032-00091287 when we had a second order method h C0zByQj2dYM-00350-00091288-00091615 squared would be 0.01 and sure enough C0zByQj2dYM-00351-00091616-00091887 it's on the same order of magnitude and C0zByQj2dYM-00352-00091888-00092087 then we would expect the absolute error C0zByQj2dYM-00353-00092088-00092231 to be around C0zByQj2dYM-00354-00092232-00092431 some constant times C0zByQj2dYM-00355-00092432-00092671 10 to the minus 4 and that's exactly C0zByQj2dYM-00356-00092672-00092935 what we found for our absolute value C0zByQj2dYM-00357-00092936-00093348 our absolute error here C20QXu3C-Gg-00000-00000728-00001651 hi actually I failed on social media but C20QXu3C-Gg-00001-00001652-00001925 my question was what was it like filming C20QXu3C-Gg-00002-00001926-00002201 that scene in profit and loss that scene C20QXu3C-Gg-00003-00002202-00003795 at the end where to the face C20QXu3C-Gg-00004-00003796-00004161 thank you there are few people who'd C20QXu3C-Gg-00005-00004162-00004756 know this more than today I don't my C20QXu3C-Gg-00006-00004757-00004813 attacks C20QXu3C-Gg-00007-00004814-00005202 so I've done like 360 episodes of C20QXu3C-Gg-00008-00005203-00005657 television I have never gone home and C20QXu3C-Gg-00009-00005658-00005929 cried myself to sleep from the shame and C20QXu3C-Gg-00010-00005930-00006712 decent work until that for some reason C20QXu3C-Gg-00011-00006713-00007015 the words wouldn't it's never happening C20QXu3C-Gg-00012-00007016-00007333 especially number passenger and very C20QXu3C-Gg-00013-00007334-00007669 proud of my professionalism always press C20QXu3C-Gg-00014-00007670-00007891 around and have fun people I have never C20QXu3C-Gg-00015-00007892-00008587 had a moment where literally days right C20QXu3C-Gg-00016-00008588-00009034 so you good man good you got it C20QXu3C-Gg-00017-00009035-00009539 and I knew that I was kind of messing up C20QXu3C-Gg-00018-00009540-00009823 Tom right we have literally ran off set C20QXu3C-Gg-00019-00009824-00009939 when the season's over C20QXu3C-Gg-00020-00009940-00010728 never yeah he could the words and the C20QXu3C-Gg-00021-00010729-00011131 actions just once thinking up and I get C20QXu3C-Gg-00022-00011132-00011363 like he said I I've worked with this guy C20QXu3C-Gg-00023-00011364-00011710 more than anyone in my life and I've C20QXu3C-Gg-00024-00011711-00012058 never seen a moment like this with him C20QXu3C-Gg-00025-00012059-00012402 I've seen another in the book but terry C20QXu3C-Gg-00026-00012403-00012580 has never not been able to get the work C20QXu3C-Gg-00027-00012581-00012960 done and you could do it like something C20QXu3C-Gg-00028-00012961-00013303 wasn't connecting in his brain and so C20QXu3C-Gg-00029-00013304-00013450 much nowhere I was like did you take C20QXu3C-Gg-00030-00013451-00013678 something did you take my fella I mean C20QXu3C-Gg-00031-00013679-00013737 did you take C20QXu3C-Gg-00032-00013738-00014076 like medicine or did somebody eat C20QXu3C-Gg-00033-00014077-00014277 are you having a reaction it was that C20QXu3C-Gg-00034-00014278-00014583 weird that he couldn't he couldn't make C20QXu3C-Gg-00035-00014584-00014832 the connection to the words and so we C20QXu3C-Gg-00036-00014833-00015009 get into the sea and it was supposed to C20QXu3C-Gg-00037-00015010-00015263 be an emotional scene obviously and he C20QXu3C-Gg-00038-00015265-00015552 wasn't able to a find emotion the C20QXu3C-Gg-00039-00015553-00015765 connect the worst the emotion and then C20QXu3C-Gg-00040-00015766-00015984 see connect all that to the action that C20QXu3C-Gg-00041-00015985-00016107 he was supposed to be good like that the C20QXu3C-Gg-00042-00016108-00016332 shoving me and stuff like that and it C20QXu3C-Gg-00043-00016333-00016548 was all just and I just watch just watch C20QXu3C-Gg-00044-00016549-00016827 them and he was just spiraling and I C20QXu3C-Gg-00045-00016828-00016982 tried to ground it would be like hey C20QXu3C-Gg-00046-00016983-00017121 take it easy C20QXu3C-Gg-00047-00017122-00017307 you got this look what's happening here C20QXu3C-Gg-00048-00017308-00017703 tonight don't walk off and and nothing C20QXu3C-Gg-00049-00017704-00017847 was happening and at that point I do C20QXu3C-Gg-00050-00017848-00018024 nothing that I could say it's going to C20QXu3C-Gg-00051-00018025-00018279 help this situation it was just kind of C20QXu3C-Gg-00052-00018280-00018561 like it's whatever's going to happen to C20QXu3C-Gg-00053-00018562-00018753 happen so I'm putting you in the crew I C20QXu3C-Gg-00054-00018754-00019016 walk back to accrued cruise like C20QXu3C-Gg-00055-00019017-00019299 because he's like pacing you know in the C20QXu3C-Gg-00056-00019300-00019497 parking lot looking at his script am I C20QXu3C-Gg-00057-00019498-00019757 trying to go over the line I'm like C20QXu3C-Gg-00058-00019758-00020085 whatever it is just you know let her let C20QXu3C-Gg-00059-00020086-00020322 him work through this process get on a C20QXu3C-Gg-00060-00020323-00020526 psych 50 you know are you there's C20QXu3C-Gg-00061-00020527-00020682 something going on at home that I don't C20QXu3C-Gg-00062-00020683-00020724 know about C20QXu3C-Gg-00063-00020725-00021012 and he's like no nothing you don't think C20QXu3C-Gg-00064-00021013-00021336 it's that he's like I just can't do it C20QXu3C-Gg-00065-00021337-00021915 and it was awful for not just for him C20QXu3C-Gg-00066-00021916-00022077 but for everybody there to watch C20QXu3C-Gg-00067-00022078-00022443 somebody who's so solid every day day in C20QXu3C-Gg-00068-00022444-00022515 and day out C20QXu3C-Gg-00069-00022516-00022902 the guy's a machine again never not able C20QXu3C-Gg-00070-00022903-00023166 to do the work and he just couldn't do C20QXu3C-Gg-00071-00023167-00023189 it C20QXu3C-Gg-00072-00023190-00023664 it was I felt the same way I did when I C20QXu3C-Gg-00073-00023665-00024069 saw Rob in the hospital after struggling C20QXu3C-Gg-00074-00024070-00024348 and he couldn't speak and it was just C20QXu3C-Gg-00075-00024349-00024744 like him you know we can but it couldn't C20QXu3C-Gg-00076-00024745-00024924 happen it was just C20QXu3C-Gg-00077-00024925-00025125 luckily I think some of that frustration C20QXu3C-Gg-00078-00025126-00025335 or a lot of that frustration made its C20QXu3C-Gg-00079-00025336-00025530 way into the performance and he finally C20QXu3C-Gg-00080-00025531-00025852 put in an amazing performance I thought C20QXu3C-Gg-00081-00025854-00027085 [Applause] C20QXu3C-Gg-00082-00027086-00027495 and that that hug again was a little C20QXu3C-Gg-00083-00027497-00027745 more intensive hugging Jared that was C20QXu3C-Gg-00084-00027745-00029165 the exam so I was C20QXu3C-Gg-00085-00029166-00029493 I don't know it was just a it was just a C20QXu3C-Gg-00086-00029494-00031498 fluke it was a yeah C20QXu3C-Gg-00087-00031499-00031831 I'll say this this is a last minute C20QXu3C-Gg-00088-00031832-00032092 sometimes and I can't really help you C20QXu3C-Gg-00089-00032093-00032458 like how I can't properly put in the C20QXu3C-Gg-00090-00032458-00032845 word to go ahead feel about y'all about C20QXu3C-Gg-00091-00032846-00033427 these guys and gals that was the lowest C20QXu3C-Gg-00092-00033428-00033673 point in my career awesome C20QXu3C-Gg-00093-00033674-00033999 that has never in the work and then like C20QXu3C-Gg-00094-00034000-00034296 and in the words I think I felt really C20QXu3C-Gg-00095-00034297-00034750 the customers like in the just wrote the C20QXu3C-Gg-00096-00034751-00035050 words were now you did say Bruce a C20QXu3C-Gg-00097-00035051-00035302 materially this is like a bad dream I'm C20QXu3C-Gg-00098-00035303-00035518 adding a muscle I'm living a bad dream C20QXu3C-Gg-00099-00035519-00035560 right now C20QXu3C-Gg-00100-00035561-00035952 absolutely okay one more hours to go to C20QXu3C-Gg-00101-00035953-00036451 shoot the scene like and further for the C20QXu3C-Gg-00102-00036452-00036664 crew they all want to go home it's C20QXu3C-Gg-00103-00036665-00036979 midnight we have like we shoot that by C20QXu3C-Gg-00104-00036980-00037423 1:00 a.m. but I can't say my mind so C20QXu3C-Gg-00105-00037424-00037702 there it gets a really a morning waiting C20QXu3C-Gg-00106-00037703-00037927 for me to do my job C20QXu3C-Gg-00107-00037928-00038196 it's never happened before never ever C20QXu3C-Gg-00108-00038197-00038271 ever ever C20QXu3C-Gg-00109-00038272-00038568 and it hasn't had that sense it was a C20QXu3C-Gg-00110-00038569-00038911 nightmare but the the sheer fact that C20QXu3C-Gg-00111-00038912-00039175 you're coming up here for the first time C20QXu3C-Gg-00112-00039176-00039217 since C20QXu3C-Gg-00113-00039218-00039618 - like compliment us on the scene it's C20QXu3C-Gg-00114-00039619-00039904 just the sine of why we are a family C20QXu3C-Gg-00115-00039905-00040198 like this is why this is where we come C20QXu3C-Gg-00116-00040199-00040383 here C20QXu3C-Gg-00117-00040384-00042147 [Applause] C20QXu3C-Gg-00118-00042148-00042338 [Music] C20QXu3C-Gg-00119-00042339-00042898 [Applause] C20QXu3C-Gg-00120-00042899-00043080 [Music] C20QXu3C-Gg-00121-00043081-00043381 bang on and I that circle of the fishing C20QXu3C-Gg-00122-00043382-00043885 expedition thank you so much yeah C6d4WJBTNFY-00000-00000030-00000759 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00001-00000760-00001455 do C6d4WJBTNFY-00002-00001456-00002047 [Applause] C6d4WJBTNFY-00003-00002048-00002534 rainy days don't seem so wet C6d4WJBTNFY-00004-00002535-00003031 storming eyes don't stay C6d4WJBTNFY-00005-00003032-00003527 from the moment that we've met C6d4WJBTNFY-00006-00003528-00004022 you're worth the wait C6d4WJBTNFY-00007-00004023-00004206 oh C6d4WJBTNFY-00008-00004207-00004454 this could be the best thing that i'll C6d4WJBTNFY-00009-00004455-00004813 ever know C6d4WJBTNFY-00010-00004814-00005695 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00011-00005696-00005967 never um C6d4WJBTNFY-00012-00005968-00006478 two silhouettes on the concrete stairs C6d4WJBTNFY-00013-00006479-00006959 we watched the sun as it slowly cracked C6d4WJBTNFY-00014-00006959-00007487 from the horizon to the place we met C6d4WJBTNFY-00015-00007488-00007670 oh C6d4WJBTNFY-00016-00007672-00007927 this could be the best thing that i'll C6d4WJBTNFY-00017-00007928-00008313 ever know C6d4WJBTNFY-00018-00008314-00010239 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00019-00010240-00010629 [Applause] C6d4WJBTNFY-00020-00010630-00010951 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00021-00010952-00011135 oh C6d4WJBTNFY-00022-00011136-00011429 this could be the best thing C6d4WJBTNFY-00024-00014719-00014886 don't wait C6d4WJBTNFY-00025-00014887-00014966 for C6d4WJBTNFY-00026-00014968-00015215 me honey C6d4WJBTNFY-00027-00015216-00015775 don't wait C6d4WJBTNFY-00028-00015776-00015850 cause C6d4WJBTNFY-00029-00015851-00016041 i'm C6d4WJBTNFY-00030-00016041-00016883 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00031-00016884-00017222 always know C6d4WJBTNFY-00032-00017223-00017488 exactly what i'm looking for C6d4WJBTNFY-00033-00017489-00017914 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00034-00017915-00018230 unless we go C6d4WJBTNFY-00035-00018231-00018622 i'll keep C6d4WJBTNFY-00036-00018623-00019207 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00037-00019208-00019475 you'll always be the one C6d4WJBTNFY-00038-00019476-00020894 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00039-00020895-00021236 every second every day C6d4WJBTNFY-00040-00021237-00022255 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00041-00022256-00023851 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00042-00023852-00024063 [Applause] C6d4WJBTNFY-00043-00024064-00024583 this is not the end C6d4WJBTNFY-00044-00024584-00025103 i will go with you C6d4WJBTNFY-00045-00025104-00025358 every C6d4WJBTNFY-00046-00025359-00025622 bend C6d4WJBTNFY-00047-00025623-00026190 i will take with you C6d4WJBTNFY-00048-00026191-00026487 come to lift us up C6d4WJBTNFY-00049-00026488-00026711 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00050-00026712-00027207 bring in this new life C6d4WJBTNFY-00051-00027208-00027662 where you yourself reside C6d4WJBTNFY-00052-00027663-00028214 with us C6d4WJBTNFY-00053-00028216-00028743 this is not the end C6d4WJBTNFY-00054-00028744-00029307 i will go with you C6d4WJBTNFY-00055-00029308-00029593 every turn amen C6d4WJBTNFY-00056-00029594-00030145 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00057-00030147-00030311 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00058-00030312-00030879 [Applause] C6d4WJBTNFY-00059-00030880-00031039 and there will be C6d4WJBTNFY-00060-00031039-00031258 no fear C6d4WJBTNFY-00061-00031258-00031823 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00062-00031824-00031967 for us C6d4WJBTNFY-00063-00031968-00032462 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00064-00032463-00032902 is not the end C6d4WJBTNFY-00065-00032903-00033246 i will go with you C6d4WJBTNFY-00066-00033247-00033459 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00067-00033460-00033770 every turn and C6d4WJBTNFY-00068-00033771-00033863 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00069-00033864-00034471 [Applause] C6d4WJBTNFY-00070-00034472-00034983 this is not the end C6d4WJBTNFY-00071-00034984-00035539 i will go with you C6d4WJBTNFY-00072-00035540-00036030 every turn embed C6d4WJBTNFY-00073-00036031-00036602 i will take with you C6d4WJBTNFY-00074-00036603-00038287 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00075-00038288-00038743 shimmer no waves C6d4WJBTNFY-00076-00038744-00039199 still the air C6d4WJBTNFY-00077-00039200-00039662 keep the quiet C6d4WJBTNFY-00078-00039663-00040087 and i'll understand your every word C6d4WJBTNFY-00079-00040088-00040535 shimmer no ways C6d4WJBTNFY-00080-00040536-00040730 still the air C6d4WJBTNFY-00081-00040731-00041935 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00082-00041936-00042628 no way C6d4WJBTNFY-00083-00042629-00042978 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00084-00042979-00043255 [Applause] C6d4WJBTNFY-00085-00043256-00043683 and i'll understand your every word C6d4WJBTNFY-00086-00043684-00044417 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00087-00044418-00045311 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00088-00045312-00048014 is C6d4WJBTNFY-00089-00048015-00048795 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00090-00048796-00048810 [Applause] C6d4WJBTNFY-00092-00051935-00054775 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00093-00054776-00055166 they say love is free C6d4WJBTNFY-00094-00055167-00055615 but it's more than you can see C6d4WJBTNFY-00095-00055616-00056063 it's a song it's a melody C6d4WJBTNFY-00096-00056064-00056575 it's the beat of you and me C6d4WJBTNFY-00097-00056576-00056908 it takes more than words C6d4WJBTNFY-00098-00056909-00057471 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00099-00057472-00057879 it takes more than bills C6d4WJBTNFY-00100-00057879-00057999 to show C6d4WJBTNFY-00101-00058000-00058520 oh C6d4WJBTNFY-00102-00058521-00059942 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00103-00059944-00060319 it takes all your will C6d4WJBTNFY-00104-00060320-00060775 when you try to wear a smile C6d4WJBTNFY-00105-00060776-00061223 take care through all the trials C6d4WJBTNFY-00106-00061224-00061595 just stay with me a while C6d4WJBTNFY-00107-00061596-00062630 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00108-00062632-00063038 it takes more than bills C6d4WJBTNFY-00109-00063039-00063362 to show C6d4WJBTNFY-00110-00063363-00064423 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00111-00064424-00064638 all these little C6d4WJBTNFY-00112-00064639-00065319 things C6d4WJBTNFY-00113-00065320-00066203 all these little things C6d4WJBTNFY-00115-00070607-00070991 wondering if thousands of miles away C6d4WJBTNFY-00116-00070992-00071271 the sky's just as blue C6d4WJBTNFY-00117-00071272-00071631 it's as if i'm stalking yesterday C6d4WJBTNFY-00118-00071632-00071919 when i'm thinking of you C6d4WJBTNFY-00119-00071920-00072247 cause when you have your morning coffee C6d4WJBTNFY-00120-00072248-00072503 i'm turning out the light so i could C6d4WJBTNFY-00121-00072504-00072750 dream and when you smile through the C6d4WJBTNFY-00122-00072751-00073126 screen i wish you could be with me C6d4WJBTNFY-00123-00073127-00073447 so i lay my head to rest C6d4WJBTNFY-00124-00073448-00073631 when the sun C6d4WJBTNFY-00125-00073632-00074218 is C6d4WJBTNFY-00126-00074219-00074926 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00127-00074927-00075126 you have been C6d4WJBTNFY-00128-00075127-00075303 so today C6d4WJBTNFY-00129-00075304-00075587 i am C6d4WJBTNFY-00130-00075588-00076226 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00131-00076227-00076911 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00132-00076912-00077223 and every time that you are closing your C6d4WJBTNFY-00133-00077224-00077326 eyes C6d4WJBTNFY-00134-00077327-00077582 i will be beside you C6d4WJBTNFY-00135-00077583-00077975 and my heart will glide across the mice C6d4WJBTNFY-00136-00077976-00078247 to fly right to you C6d4WJBTNFY-00137-00078248-00079105 cause when i dive into the traffic C6d4WJBTNFY-00138-00079106-00080905 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00139-00080906-00081262 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00140-00081263-00081455 you have been C6d4WJBTNFY-00141-00081456-00081907 so today C6d4WJBTNFY-00142-00081908-00082126 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00143-00082127-00082294 so today C6d4WJBTNFY-00144-00082295-00082720 i am C6d4WJBTNFY-00145-00082721-00083244 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00146-00083245-00084552 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00147-00084553-00085455 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00148-00085456-00085782 so i lay my head to rest C6d4WJBTNFY-00149-00085783-00085967 when the sun C6d4WJBTNFY-00150-00085968-00088311 is C6d4WJBTNFY-00151-00088312-00088526 i am time C6d4WJBTNFY-00152-00088527-00088742 travelling C6d4WJBTNFY-00153-00088743-00089482 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00154-00089483-00091167 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00155-00091168-00091623 i was lost in the earth C6d4WJBTNFY-00156-00091624-00091888 of a C6d4WJBTNFY-00157-00091889-00092518 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00158-00092519-00092750 a foreign C6d4WJBTNFY-00159-00092751-00093247 and that's the moment you step in C6d4WJBTNFY-00160-00093248-00093550 to find some shelter too C6d4WJBTNFY-00161-00093551-00093974 and get a word you're seeing by a girl C6d4WJBTNFY-00162-00093975-00095150 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00163-00095151-00095448 don't get a word C6d4WJBTNFY-00164-00095449-00096142 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00165-00096143-00097903 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00166-00097904-00098180 it's just a smooth C6d4WJBTNFY-00167-00098181-00098903 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00168-00098904-00099355 that made my world C6d4WJBTNFY-00169-00099356-00099750 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00170-00099751-00100238 and then the rain was speaking still C6d4WJBTNFY-00171-00100239-00100543 it started pouring C6d4WJBTNFY-00172-00100544-00101740 we just ignored the flood and left C6d4WJBTNFY-00173-00101741-00103099 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00174-00103100-00104151 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00175-00104152-00104551 but it's the most beautiful thing C6d4WJBTNFY-00176-00104552-00104814 i've ever heard C6d4WJBTNFY-00177-00104815-00107519 [Music] C6d4WJBTNFY-00178-00107520-00107908 that made my world C6d4WJBTNFY-00179-00107909-00108461 [Music] C6ElEZ31r_I-00000-00000520-00000647 hey everyone my name is tegan and C6ElEZ31r_I-00001-00000648-00000815 welcome back to tandy rights today we're C6ElEZ31r_I-00002-00000816-00001023 going to be reviewing one of my favorite C6ElEZ31r_I-00003-00001024-00001278 books of the year so far C6ElEZ31r_I-00004-00001279-00001407 the kings of nowhere is currently a C6ElEZ31r_I-00005-00001408-00001591 patron exclusive sequel to the boy who C6ElEZ31r_I-00006-00001592-00001863 steals houses by cg drews an author and C6ElEZ31r_I-00007-00001864-00002231 a book which own my entire heart C6ElEZ31r_I-00008-00002232-00002502 they stole it if you must C6ElEZ31r_I-00009-00002503-00002726 where are my books C6ElEZ31r_I-00010-00002727-00002942 i'm obsessed with these books i'm going C6ElEZ31r_I-00011-00002943-00003087 to keep hold of this one for moral C6ElEZ31r_I-00012-00003088-00003311 support this is the book that it is a C6ElEZ31r_I-00013-00003311-00003486 sequel to by the way C6ElEZ31r_I-00014-00003488-00003654 this book was as close as you can get to C6ElEZ31r_I-00015-00003655-00003911 unpardonable for a book that was C6ElEZ31r_I-00016-00003911-00004070 published a few chapters at a time each C6ElEZ31r_I-00017-00004071-00004303 friday it takes place soon after the C6ElEZ31r_I-00018-00004304-00004502 events of the boy who steals houses and C6ElEZ31r_I-00019-00004503-00004719 it's jewel narrated by avery lou and C6ElEZ31r_I-00020-00004720-00004919 jeremy delaney showing avery's C6ElEZ31r_I-00021-00004920-00005095 transition from a life of burglary and C6ElEZ31r_I-00022-00005096-00005359 car theft to a life of homie chaos in C6ElEZ31r_I-00023-00005360-00005559 this butter yellow house C6ElEZ31r_I-00024-00005560-00005735 however he feels like he's drowning C6ElEZ31r_I-00025-00005736-00005927 without sam and is determined to C6ElEZ31r_I-00026-00005928-00006118 sabotage his time with his new family C6ElEZ31r_I-00027-00006119-00006238 and get locked up with his brother C6ElEZ31r_I-00028-00006239-00006399 instead i was scrolling through the C6ElEZ31r_I-00029-00006400-00006567 comments i left on each chapter while i C6ElEZ31r_I-00030-00006568-00006742 was writing this review and it's just an C6ElEZ31r_I-00031-00006743-00006983 endless monologue of me crying into my C6ElEZ31r_I-00032-00006984-00007103 keyboard and i'm wishing there's a C6ElEZ31r_I-00033-00007104-00007351 physical copy to dramatically hold C6ElEZ31r_I-00034-00007352-00007495 against my heart C6ElEZ31r_I-00035-00007495-00007695 were the metaphorical tears because this C6ElEZ31r_I-00036-00007695-00008014 book was particularly sad not really C6ElEZ31r_I-00037-00008015-00008214 they were because a few scenes or lines C6ElEZ31r_I-00038-00008215-00008407 of dialogue or some internal monologue C6ElEZ31r_I-00039-00008408-00008646 felt like they were written directly C6ElEZ31r_I-00040-00008647-00008799 about me C6ElEZ31r_I-00041-00008800-00009071 from jeremy's anxiety spirals to avery's C6ElEZ31r_I-00042-00009072-00009263 fear of not being wanted C6ElEZ31r_I-00043-00009264-00009519 druze has this incredible talent for C6ElEZ31r_I-00044-00009520-00009678 metaphors and capturing abstract C6ElEZ31r_I-00045-00009679-00009831 emotions and finding the perfect words C6ElEZ31r_I-00046-00009832-00010006 to describe something that usually feels C6ElEZ31r_I-00047-00010007-00010303 so indescribable i want to take a moment C6ElEZ31r_I-00048-00010304-00010510 to talk about a character who owns my C6ElEZ31r_I-00049-00010511-00010799 entire heart and plays a larger role in C6ElEZ31r_I-00050-00010800-00011046 this book than the first C6ElEZ31r_I-00051-00011047-00011238 jeremy's lady C6ElEZ31r_I-00052-00011239-00011438 jeremy's character felt like C6ElEZ31r_I-00053-00011439-00011655 a slow burn in a sense we were C6ElEZ31r_I-00054-00011656-00011855 introduced to him in the first book and C6ElEZ31r_I-00055-00011856-00012070 had an idea of his personality but his C6ElEZ31r_I-00056-00012071-00012351 narration added a new perspective C6ElEZ31r_I-00057-00012352-00012574 especially his new side to him unfolds C6ElEZ31r_I-00058-00012575-00012838 little by little of each chapter and C6ElEZ31r_I-00059-00012839-00013015 every single one of those chapters was a C6ElEZ31r_I-00060-00013016-00013327 personal attack and a stab in my chest C6ElEZ31r_I-00061-00013328-00013527 i won't elaborate further because i C6ElEZ31r_I-00062-00013528-00013703 don't want to lean into spoiler C6ElEZ31r_I-00063-00013704-00013975 territory but this boy needs a hug C6ElEZ31r_I-00064-00013976-00014166 i made this point in my review for the C6ElEZ31r_I-00065-00014168-00014447 first book but it's so overwhelmingly C6ElEZ31r_I-00066-00014447-00014543 lovely C6ElEZ31r_I-00067-00014544-00014743 for me to read about good sibling C6ElEZ31r_I-00068-00014744-00014903 relationships and healthy family C6ElEZ31r_I-00069-00014904-00015191 dynamics that can still have drama C6ElEZ31r_I-00070-00015191-00015366 without turning a bad C6ElEZ31r_I-00071-00015368-00015599 um the delaney's consistently provide C6ElEZ31r_I-00072-00015600-00015758 hope and moments of light throughout the C6ElEZ31r_I-00073-00015759-00015983 darkness and still love each other C6ElEZ31r_I-00074-00015984-00016175 despite the fractures that form C6ElEZ31r_I-00075-00016176-00016407 all the delaneys feel like fully fleshed C6ElEZ31r_I-00076-00016408-00016527 out characters and have distinct C6ElEZ31r_I-00077-00016528-00016743 personalities something that's important C6ElEZ31r_I-00078-00016744-00017079 to note as there's so many of them C6ElEZ31r_I-00079-00017080-00017279 the family has this incredible sense of C6ElEZ31r_I-00080-00017280-00017567 loyalty and protectedness to each other C6ElEZ31r_I-00081-00017568-00017711 and to the people that they've decided C6ElEZ31r_I-00082-00017712-00017847 to keep C6ElEZ31r_I-00083-00017848-00018030 i'll conclude this review of a point C6ElEZ31r_I-00084-00018031-00018222 that drew me back to read the second C6ElEZ31r_I-00085-00018223-00018463 book in the series um that's the own C6ElEZ31r_I-00086-00018464-00018663 voices autism representation the C6ElEZ31r_I-00087-00018664-00018855 representation is less brutal than it C6ElEZ31r_I-00088-00018856-00019119 was in this first book so we're in C6ElEZ31r_I-00089-00019120-00019286 avery's head now so we can see his C6ElEZ31r_I-00090-00019287-00019471 entire thought process even if we don't C6ElEZ31r_I-00091-00019472-00019727 necessarily understand it C6ElEZ31r_I-00092-00019728-00019871 there's still moments where it's C6ElEZ31r_I-00093-00019872-00020103 disturbing and frustrating but avery's C6ElEZ31r_I-00094-00020104-00020327 support system is such a beacon of hope C6ElEZ31r_I-00095-00020328-00020478 and there isn't a moment where anyone C6ElEZ31r_I-00096-00020479-00020807 tries to fix him or give up on him C6ElEZ31r_I-00097-00020808-00020975 i'm sad this book has come to an end C6ElEZ31r_I-00098-00020976-00021127 because the chapters being released C6ElEZ31r_I-00099-00021128-00021383 became the highlight of my week but i'm C6ElEZ31r_I-00100-00021384-00021663 so like proud and in awe of what the C6ElEZ31r_I-00101-00021664-00021839 author has achieved this project as C6ElEZ31r_I-00102-00021840-00021967 someone who's been following their C6ElEZ31r_I-00103-00021968-00022303 social media and writing journey C6ElEZ31r_I-00104-00022304-00022399 for C6ElEZ31r_I-00105-00022400-00022686 longer than i can remember it was an C6ElEZ31r_I-00106-00022687-00022894 honor to join that journey even for a C6ElEZ31r_I-00107-00022895-00023030 moment and it was an honor to read a C6ElEZ31r_I-00108-00023031-00023191 book that dealt with sensitive issues C6ElEZ31r_I-00109-00023192-00023407 with such care that you can tell this C6ElEZ31r_I-00110-00023408-00023630 book is part of the author's heart i C6ElEZ31r_I-00111-00023631-00023742 think that's all i want to say about C6ElEZ31r_I-00112-00023743-00023975 this book and i truly hope that anyone C6ElEZ31r_I-00113-00023976-00024127 watching who C6ElEZ31r_I-00114-00024128-00024327 loved the first book will subscribe to C6ElEZ31r_I-00115-00024328-00024575 the patreon to read the sequel or buy it C6ElEZ31r_I-00116-00024576-00024775 if a physical copy comes out C6ElEZ31r_I-00117-00024776-00024942 or just anyone in germany will pick up C6ElEZ31r_I-00118-00024943-00025183 the first book and love C6ElEZ31r_I-00119-00025184-00025430 is upside down and love these books with C6ElEZ31r_I-00120-00025431-00025527 me C6ElEZ31r_I-00121-00025528-00025687 so all gonna say is thank you for C6ElEZ31r_I-00122-00025688-00025983 watching and i hope to see you next time C6ElEZ31r_I-00123-00025983-00026561 bye C6ElEZ31r_I-00124-00026562-00026990 [Music] C6ElEZ31r_I-00125-00026991-00027200 you C77HUv5LIeY-00001-00003635-00004283 [Music] C77HUv5LIeY-00002-00004284-00004539 so C77HUv5LIeY-00003-00004540-00006567 [Music] C77HUv5LIeY-00005-00009884-00010166 so C77HUv5LIeY-00007-00014084-00014494 so C77HUv5LIeY-00009-00021084-00021573 so C77HUv5LIeY-00010-00021574-00023111 [Music] C77HUv5LIeY-00011-00023112-00023320 you C8EfMFJHtXo-00000-00000006-00000227 my people has counsel at their stocks C8EfMFJHtXo-00001-00000228-00000596 and their staff declare funky then for C8EfMFJHtXo-00002-00000597-00000824 the spirit of portals have caused them C8EfMFJHtXo-00003-00000825-00001079 to era and they've gone appalling the C8EfMFJHtXo-00004-00001080-00001385 month of their died so the society which C8EfMFJHtXo-00005-00001386-00001807 des generated at least a stage whistling C8EfMFJHtXo-00006-00001809-00002242 of the influence of rogue spirits that C8EfMFJHtXo-00007-00002243-00002423 their minds have been effectively seized C8EfMFJHtXo-00008-00002424-00002573 the interesting council they're C8EfMFJHtXo-00009-00002574-00002860 worshipping their staffs worshipping C8EfMFJHtXo-00010-00002861-00003131 inanimate objects put under the C8EfMFJHtXo-00011-00003132-00003427 influence of the spirit affordance C8EfMFJHtXo-00012-00003428-00004160 totally rampant deviant behavior as a C8EfMFJHtXo-00013-00004161-00004486 result of yielding to be sent like the C8EfMFJHtXo-00014-00004487-00005116 same thing is happening to Hollis C8EfMFJHtXo-00015-00005117-00005440 safe listening in an opportunity reacts C8EfMFJHtXo-00016-00005441-00005746 rogue spirits into whether it's a life C8EfMFJHtXo-00017-00005747-00005929 of a society or the life of an C8EfMFJHtXo-00018-00005930-00006664 individual C8EfMFJHtXo-00019-00006665-00006881 first of all teachers and principal C8EfMFJHtXo-00020-00006881-00007135 scripture teaches the activity of the C8EfMFJHtXo-00021-00007136-00007498 Rope spirit in the life is defined as a C8EfMFJHtXo-00022-00007500-00007795 curse on the life for the definition of C8EfMFJHtXo-00023-00007797-00008105 a curse coming up on some body is the C8EfMFJHtXo-00024-00008106-00008869 activity of a rogue spirit in that black C8EfMFJHtXo-00025-00008870-00009263 person does something which opens them C8EfMFJHtXo-00026-00009264-00009358 up C8EfMFJHtXo-00027-00009359-00009919 Satan's direction of a renegade spirit C8EfMFJHtXo-00028-00009920-00010352 who then begins to become active and C8EfMFJHtXo-00029-00010353-00010963 cause disruption distortion now that C8EfMFJHtXo-00030-00010964-00011227 these affliction and if these are cool C8EfMFJHtXo-00031-00011228-00011738 curses turn to Malachi third chapter C8EfMFJHtXo-00032-00011739-00011905 [Music] C8EfMFJHtXo-00033-00011906-00012635 walk those eight to nine C8EfMFJHtXo-00034-00012636-00013257 [Music] C8EfMFJHtXo-00035-00013258-00014265 it's an example of this C8EfMFJHtXo-00036-00014266-00014944 [Applause] C8EfMFJHtXo-00037-00014945-00015308 what a man Rob God yet you have robbed C8EfMFJHtXo-00038-00015309-00015544 me if you say wherein have we robbed it C8EfMFJHtXo-00039-00015545-00015878 and tied as an offering we are cursed C8EfMFJHtXo-00040-00015879-00016208 with a curse we have blocked me even C8EfMFJHtXo-00041-00016209-00016495 this whole nation you know we find what C8EfMFJHtXo-00042-00016496-00016786 is the nature of the curse gonna drop C8EfMFJHtXo-00043-00016787-00017591 down to verse 11 and I will rebuke the C8EfMFJHtXo-00044-00017592-00018077 Devourer for your Saints and he shall C8EfMFJHtXo-00045-00018078-00018297 not destroy the fruits of your ground C8EfMFJHtXo-00046-00018298-00018536 even show you a vine encamped the fruit C8EfMFJHtXo-00047-00018537-00018833 before the time in the field say if the C8EfMFJHtXo-00048-00018834-00018914 Lord of hosts C8EfMFJHtXo-00049-00018915-00019486 so this rogue spirit call the develop C8EfMFJHtXo-00050-00019487-00019834 destroying their crops because they have C8EfMFJHtXo-00051-00019835-00020497 failed to pursue what was given to them C8EfMFJHtXo-00052-00020498-00020774 do another word lady able to do what was C8EfMFJHtXo-00053-00020775-00021058 right and doing this they brought C8EfMFJHtXo-00054-00021059-00021272 themselves into a situation where their C8EfMFJHtXo-00055-00021273-00021568 lives were hoping for a rogue spirit to C8EfMFJHtXo-00056-00021569-00021875 enter in and begin to curse what would C8EfMFJHtXo-00057-00021876-00022306 be blessing has become personal this is C8EfMFJHtXo-00058-00022307-00022630 true if the totality of our society C8EfMFJHtXo-00059-00022631-00022783 today you look at the lives of the C8EfMFJHtXo-00060-00022784-00023131 people undergoing curses turn to C8EfMFJHtXo-00061-00023132-00023622 Deuteronomy 28 chapter C8EfMFJHtXo-00062-00023623-00024942 [Music] C8EfMFJHtXo-00063-00024943-00025461 Deuteronomy 28 verses 15 to 18 C8EfMFJHtXo-00064-00025462-00025919 [Applause] C8EfMFJHtXo-00065-00025920-00026686 [Music] C8EfMFJHtXo-00066-00026687-00027085 then we shall come to pass if thou wilt C8EfMFJHtXo-00067-00027086-00027262 not hearken unto the voice of the LORD C8EfMFJHtXo-00068-00027263-00027586 thy God to observe to do all of his C8EfMFJHtXo-00069-00027587-00027886 Commandments and his statutes which I C8EfMFJHtXo-00070-00027887-00028187 command you this day if all these curses C8EfMFJHtXo-00071-00028188-00028458 will come upon thee and overtake thee so C8EfMFJHtXo-00072-00028460-00028687 the curses of basically the activities C8EfMFJHtXo-00073-00028688-00029020 of rogue spirits operating in the C8EfMFJHtXo-00074-00029020-00029482 society curse it shall that be in the C8EfMFJHtXo-00075-00029483-00029771 city person chopped up being the field C8EfMFJHtXo-00076-00029772-00030064 person shall be thine basket in nice C8EfMFJHtXo-00077-00030064-00030339 store person shall be the fruit of thy C8EfMFJHtXo-00078-00030341-00030655 body the food of my man increases that C8EfMFJHtXo-00079-00030656-00030898 kind and the flocks of that sheep and of C8EfMFJHtXo-00080-00030899-00031254 curses are coming upon on the end in C8EfMFJHtXo-00081-00031255-00031819 virtual multitude of droughts fire C8EfMFJHtXo-00082-00031820-00032539 storms epidemics of maladies coming upon C8EfMFJHtXo-00083-00032539-00032833 the people these are the activities of C8EfMFJHtXo-00084-00032834-00033171 rogue spirits and this is science C8EfMFJHtXo-00085-00033172-00033502 Society is opened itself up become a C8EfMFJHtXo-00086-00033503-00033904 target the principalities who are C8EfMFJHtXo-00087-00033905-00034267 directing these rogue spirits into the C8EfMFJHtXo-00088-00034268-00034681 lottery so everywhere you go their C8EfMFJHtXo-00089-00034682-00034960 curses people suffering you drive on the C8EfMFJHtXo-00090-00034961-00035143 highway you see these people that are C8EfMFJHtXo-00091-00035144-00035537 absolutely unbelievably unrestrained C8EfMFJHtXo-00092-00035538-00036070 they're operating out of abnormal C8EfMFJHtXo-00093-00036071-00036936 behavior every aspect of society C8EfMFJHtXo-00094-00036937-00037485 public private educational political C8EfMFJHtXo-00095-00037486-00037752 economic social you name it C8EfMFJHtXo-00096-00037753-00038001 undergoing curses curses curses curses C8EfMFJHtXo-00097-00038002-00038814 good mining activity now scripture C8EfMFJHtXo-00098-00038815-00039048 teaches in addition to this the C8EfMFJHtXo-00099-00039049-00039360 Luciferians used darkness element two C8EfMFJHtXo-00100-00039361-00039648 blind men to the activities of the rogue C8EfMFJHtXo-00101-00039649-00039912 spirits in their lives they become C8EfMFJHtXo-00102-00039913-00040221 oblivious to the fact that their lives C8EfMFJHtXo-00103-00040222-00040815 are out of control or that it's not C8EfMFJHtXo-00104-00040816-00041102 normal for these things to be happening C8EfMFJHtXo-00105-00041103-00041397 Ephesians the second chapter verses one C8EfMFJHtXo-00106-00041398-00041715 two three C8EfMFJHtXo-00107-00041716-00042834 [Music] C8EfMFJHtXo-00108-00042835-00043295 [Applause] C8EfMFJHtXo-00109-00043296-00043652 and you happy quickened who were dead in C8EfMFJHtXo-00110-00043653-00044039 trespasses and sins wherein in time past C8EfMFJHtXo-00111-00044040-00044237 we walked according to the course of C8EfMFJHtXo-00112-00044238-00044524 this world according to the Prince of C8EfMFJHtXo-00113-00044525-00044690 the power of the air the spirit that now C8EfMFJHtXo-00114-00044691-00044940 worketh in the children of disobedience C8EfMFJHtXo-00115-00044941-00045305 what he's saying here is this activity C8EfMFJHtXo-00116-00045306-00045674 and it is so ingrained in society the C8EfMFJHtXo-00117-00045675-00045989 people are blinded by the darkness C8EfMFJHtXo-00118-00045990-00046211 element to think that this is just C8EfMFJHtXo-00119-00046212-00046489 normal behavior C8EfMFJHtXo-00120-00046490-00046814 only when you become degenerate and C8EfMFJHtXo-00121-00046815-00046987 you're taken out of it can you begin to C8EfMFJHtXo-00122-00046988-00047408 see it for today's first three among C8EfMFJHtXo-00123-00047409-00047732 whom also we all in our conversation a C8EfMFJHtXo-00124-00047733-00047987 lifestyle in time past in the lusts of C8EfMFJHtXo-00125-00047988-00048161 the flesh fulfilling the desires of the C8EfMFJHtXo-00126-00048162-00048371 question of the mind and we're by nature C8EfMFJHtXo-00127-00048372-00048701 the children of Wrath even as others so C8EfMFJHtXo-00128-00048702-00049055 he's saying everybody is blinded for a C8EfMFJHtXo-00129-00049056-00049376 certain time but God in His wisdom made C8EfMFJHtXo-00130-00049377-00049733 provision for those that he called to C8EfMFJHtXo-00131-00049734-00050131 one day be taken out of it to one day C8EfMFJHtXo-00132-00050132-00050389 while they're in it not to be overcome C8EfMFJHtXo-00133-00050390-00050721 by it that he treaty that foot is C8EfMFJHtXo-00134-00050722-00051263 silicon section upon the elect adult C8EfMFJHtXo-00135-00051264-00051466 there's a time when the scripture says C8EfMFJHtXo-00136-00051467-00051686 we were separated in trespasses and sins C8EfMFJHtXo-00137-00051687-00052013 we didn't know each other we were blind C8EfMFJHtXo-00138-00052014-00052187 just like everybody else it's reforms C8EfMFJHtXo-00139-00052188-00052463 talking about that still had his hands C8EfMFJHtXo-00140-00052464-00052736 protection upon us so that when we're C8EfMFJHtXo-00141-00052737-00053051 extricated out of this in the darkness C8EfMFJHtXo-00142-00053052-00053399 element no long can affect us we can see C8EfMFJHtXo-00143-00053400-00053585 it for what it is but everybody that's C8EfMFJHtXo-00144-00053586-00054185 still in it in you can see the effect of C8EfMFJHtXo-00145-00054186-00054539 curses on lives and if you approach C8EfMFJHtXo-00146-00054540-00054807 those people miserable as they are C8EfMFJHtXo-00147-00054808-00055201 negative as them are then to them it's C8EfMFJHtXo-00148-00055202-00055523 just normal how they're enduring the C8EfMFJHtXo-00149-00055524-00055653 pain C8EfMFJHtXo-00150-00055654-00056136 or they're thinking that someday it's C8EfMFJHtXo-00151-00056137-00056451 going to get better or if they do this C8EfMFJHtXo-00152-00056452-00057022 or if it do that they can get back on C8EfMFJHtXo-00153-00057023-00057225 their feet or establish people if C8EfMFJHtXo-00154-00057226-00057460 everybody is engaged Satan gives C8EfMFJHtXo-00155-00057461-00057972 everybody a false light to illuminate C8EfMFJHtXo-00156-00057973-00058299 the line that they're living in which C8EfMFJHtXo-00157-00058300-00058719 they call life and people like a little C8EfMFJHtXo-00158-00058720-00058992 ferret on the wheel they're running and C8EfMFJHtXo-00159-00058993-00059118 running and running and running and C8EfMFJHtXo-00160-00059119-00059223 running you're not accomplishing C8EfMFJHtXo-00161-00059224-00059509 anything but they think they're just C8EfMFJHtXo-00162-00059510-00059734 down the corner or just a little while C8EfMFJHtXo-00163-00059735-00060010 you know by keeping going in this C8EfMFJHtXo-00164-00060011-00060411 direction and at the same time the Rope C8EfMFJHtXo-00165-00060412-00060622 spirits are feeding off of their energy C8EfMFJHtXo-00166-00060623-00060975 feeding them and sucking them dry and C8EfMFJHtXo-00167-00060976-00061281 winking about whatever the condition is C8EfMFJHtXo-00168-00061282-00061563 that they've open your life to it would C8EfMFJHtXo-00169-00061564-00061719 ultimately take the person to hammer C8EfMFJHtXo-00170-00061720-00062241 down then turn the same Corinthians C8EfMFJHtXo-00171-00062242-00063092 fourth chapter verses 3 to 4 C8EfMFJHtXo-00172-00063093-00063625 it's an example of that C8EfMFJHtXo-00173-00063626-00064199 [Applause] C8EfMFJHtXo-00174-00064200-00064460 then craziness what Chapter three before C8EfMFJHtXo-00175-00064461-00064786 but if our gospel be hid it is hid to C8EfMFJHtXo-00176-00064787-00065234 them that are lost in whom the god of C8EfMFJHtXo-00177-00065235-00065504 this world has blinded the minds of them C8EfMFJHtXo-00178-00065504-00065672 which believe not C8EfMFJHtXo-00179-00065673-00065879 that's the light of the glorious gospel C8EfMFJHtXo-00180-00065880-00066151 of Christ who is the image of God should C8EfMFJHtXo-00181-00066152-00066643 shine unto them they can't see the C8EfMFJHtXo-00182-00066644-00066982 situation for what it is because they've C8EfMFJHtXo-00183-00066983-00067492 been blinded by the darkness of it their C8EfMFJHtXo-00184-00067493-00068123 lines are manipulations by whatever the C8EfMFJHtXo-00185-00068124-00068471 rogue intelligence is that's in it and C8EfMFJHtXo-00186-00068472-00069079 they're on their way C8EfMFJHtXo-00187-00069080-00069590 that's what John Bob chapter verse 37 to C8EfMFJHtXo-00188-00069591-00069876 43 we see this in a whole society C8EfMFJHtXo-00189-00069877-00071274 [Music] C8EfMFJHtXo-00190-00071275-00071845 [Music] C8EfMFJHtXo-00191-00071846-00072478 9:12 37 to 43 but though he had done so C8EfMFJHtXo-00192-00072479-00072775 many miracles before them yet they C8EfMFJHtXo-00193-00072776-00073276 believed not on yet that the saying of C8EfMFJHtXo-00194-00073277-00073462 Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled C8EfMFJHtXo-00195-00073463-00073794 which he spake Lord who hath believed C8EfMFJHtXo-00196-00073795-00074038 our report and to over his arm of the C8EfMFJHtXo-00197-00074039-00074382 Lord been revealed therefore they could C8EfMFJHtXo-00198-00074383-00074638 not believe because that Isaiah said C8EfMFJHtXo-00199-00074639-00074905 again we have blinded their eyes and C8EfMFJHtXo-00200-00074906-00075190 hardened their hearts that they should C8EfMFJHtXo-00201-00075191-00075442 not see with their eyes understand with C8EfMFJHtXo-00202-00075443-00075651 their heart and he can further than I C8EfMFJHtXo-00203-00075652-00075862 should human to save using the darkness C8EfMFJHtXo-00204-00075863-00076272 element to blind people from being C8EfMFJHtXo-00205-00076273-00076865 brought into C8EfMFJHtXo-00206-00076866-00077131 these things that I say oh when he saw C8EfMFJHtXo-00207-00077132-00077557 his glory and spake of him so we see the C8EfMFJHtXo-00208-00077558-00077656 whole society C8EfMFJHtXo-00209-00077657-00077812 I say it's urgent about the third C8EfMFJHtXo-00210-00077813-00078103 chapter the whole society is in darkness C8EfMFJHtXo-00211-00078104-00078436 Jesus was a light but even being a light C8EfMFJHtXo-00212-00078437-00078548 there were those who thought the C8EfMFJHtXo-00213-00078549-00078824 darkness C8EfMFJHtXo-00214-00078825-00079121 verse 41 these things saith I says when C8EfMFJHtXo-00215-00079122-00079282 he saw his brilliance speak of him C8EfMFJHtXo-00216-00079283-00079796 nevertheless among the chief rulers also C8EfMFJHtXo-00217-00079797-00080230 many believed on him so they had the C8EfMFJHtXo-00218-00080231-00080632 light come in the realization of who he C8EfMFJHtXo-00219-00080633-00081051 was but notice Satan had a back-up plan C8EfMFJHtXo-00220-00081052-00081351 notice what it says many believed on him C8EfMFJHtXo-00221-00081352-00081746 but because of the Pharisees they did C8EfMFJHtXo-00222-00081747-00082067 not confess him lest they should be put C8EfMFJHtXo-00223-00082068-00082357 out of the synagogue for they loved the C8EfMFJHtXo-00224-00082358-00082730 praise of men more than the praise of C8EfMFJHtXo-00225-00082731-00083287 God music temptation here I know who he C8EfMFJHtXo-00226-00083288-00083626 is but if I confess him that I lose my C8EfMFJHtXo-00227-00083627-00084028 position and I won't be able to anymore C8EfMFJHtXo-00228-00084029-00084343 have the freedom that I have in society C8EfMFJHtXo-00229-00084344-00084791 the safe uses manipulation consistently C8EfMFJHtXo-00230-00084792-00085420 to keep people from progressing toward C8EfMFJHtXo-00231-00085421-00085930 the darkness element used by the C8EfMFJHtXo-00232-00085931-00086450 principalities the spirits that are C8EfMFJHtXo-00233-00086451-00086687 attached to the lives of the people you C8EfMFJHtXo-00234-00086688-00087256 see every single day every single day C8EfMFJHtXo-00235-00087257-00087698 24/7 yeah being worked on what you see C8EfMFJHtXo-00236-00087699-00088007 literally a people dying before your C8EfMFJHtXo-00237-00088008-00088360 eyes because if they don't see the light C8EfMFJHtXo-00238-00088361-00088652 they're on a path to destruction say C8EfMFJHtXo-00239-00088653-00089131 it's keeping them that way that's why C8EfMFJHtXo-00240-00089132-00090208 the scripture tells us basically man is C8EfMFJHtXo-00241-00090209-00090725 without hope the only hope he has is in C8EfMFJHtXo-00242-00090726-00090938 Christ and when you jex that hope there C8EfMFJHtXo-00243-00090939-00091319 is no hope for me but Satan will engage C8EfMFJHtXo-00244-00091320-00091865 in a multitude of false paths the people C8EfMFJHtXo-00245-00091866-00092261 to travel one to keep them from C8EfMFJHtXo-00246-00092262-00092762 stop lying the one honking questions the C8EfMFJHtXo-00247-00092763-00093014 scripture tells us I'm gonna be be seen C8EfMFJHtXo-00248-00093015-00093322 in the variance in the jogging C8EfMFJHtXo-00249-00093323-00093569 you're gonna have doctors come upon them C8EfMFJHtXo-00250-00093570-00093758 and they're gonna have better gauge C8EfMFJHtXo-00251-00093759-00093988 spirits feeding off of them by the time C8EfMFJHtXo-00252-00093989-00094490 we get to the rapture such that they C8EfMFJHtXo-00253-00094491-00094805 won't be able to see it's happening now C8EfMFJHtXo-00254-00094806-00095012 if you look around into church today C8EfMFJHtXo-00255-00095013-00095360 nice it's not accidental C8EfMFJHtXo-00256-00095361-00095801 is that they have rejected the C8EfMFJHtXo-00257-00095802-00096053 commitment to notice that they should C8EfMFJHtXo-00258-00096054-00096419 engage they have rejected the counsel of C8EfMFJHtXo-00259-00096420-00096788 God and Satan has come in and he has C8EfMFJHtXo-00260-00096789-00097216 filled the church world with receptions C8EfMFJHtXo-00261-00097217-00097707 in aviation and it's only the remnant C8EfMFJHtXo-00262-00097708-00098030 it's been found that will be able to C8EfMFJHtXo-00263-00098031-00098273 endure all this and come through the C8EfMFJHtXo-00264-00098274-00098446 majority are gonna miss the rapture C8EfMFJHtXo-00265-00098447-00098837 because it will not have been ready C9NST7mszku-00000-00000000-00000316 hey guys today we're gonna be learning C9NST7mszku-00001-00000317-00000701 how to make makimono or makizushi which C9NST7mszku-00002-00000702-00000994 is another word for rolled sushi I'll be C9NST7mszku-00003-00000996-00001193 showing you the three most important C9NST7mszku-00004-00001194-00001474 steps which are how to make the C9NST7mszku-00005-00001475-00001787 vinegared sushi rice preparing your C9NST7mszku-00006-00001788-00002075 ingredients to go into a roll and how to C9NST7mszku-00007-00002076-00002267 roll so C9NST7mszku-00008-00002268-00002434 let's get C9NST7mszku-00009-00002435-00002921 roller C9NST7mszku-00010-00002922-00003238 okay guys time for you to learn how to C9NST7mszku-00011-00003239-00003611 be a sushi Master at home makizushi or C9NST7mszku-00012-00003611-00003929 Road Sushi is a pretty easy dish and C9NST7mszku-00013-00003929-00004127 super fun to make with family and C9NST7mszku-00014-00004128-00004529 friends so let's get started for sushi C9NST7mszku-00015-00004530-00004781 rice I've shown you how to make this C9NST7mszku-00016-00004782-00005147 before so let's go over it quickly add a C9NST7mszku-00017-00005148-00005386 piece of kombu or dried kelp to your C9NST7mszku-00018-00005387-00005633 rice before you cook it for some Umami C9NST7mszku-00019-00005634-00005897 flavor let that cook and then prepare C9NST7mszku-00020-00005898-00006125 the vinegar mixture in the separate Bowl C9NST7mszku-00021-00006126-00006496 we will mix 60 ml liters of vinegar 18 C9NST7mszku-00022-00006497-00006934 grams of sugar and 13 grams of salt this C9NST7mszku-00023-00006936-00007264 is for 3 servings which is about 450 C9NST7mszku-00024-00007265-00007589 grams of rice with 540 milliliters of C9NST7mszku-00025-00007590-00007841 water it's 10 percent less water than C9NST7mszku-00026-00007842-00008074 usual because the vinegar mixture will C9NST7mszku-00027-00008075-00008296 be added later we want to whisk that C9NST7mszku-00028-00008297-00008542 until everything is completely dissolved C9NST7mszku-00029-00008543-00008753 and will begin to see bubbles C9NST7mszku-00030-00008754-00009064 once our rice is done we take out the C9NST7mszku-00031-00009065-00009395 kombu add this to a mixing bowl and pour C9NST7mszku-00032-00009396-00009610 our vinegar mixture over our rice C9NST7mszku-00033-00009611-00009856 through a sieve just in case there's C9NST7mszku-00034-00009857-00010156 anything on dissolved left in there and C9NST7mszku-00035-00010157-00010409 now the important part you want to cut C9NST7mszku-00036-00010410-00010642 through the rice with the rice paddle or C9NST7mszku-00037-00010643-00010895 spatula as you turn the bowl this will C9NST7mszku-00038-00010896-00011159 stop you from crushing any rice grains C9NST7mszku-00039-00011160-00011459 once your vinegared sushi rice is all C9NST7mszku-00040-00011460-00011710 mixed together we want to Fan it a C9NST7mszku-00041-00011711-00011963 little bit to help it cool down and we C9NST7mszku-00042-00011964-00012328 will set that aside rice job guys get it C9NST7mszku-00043-00012329-00012827 rice jump never mind okay next we want C9NST7mszku-00044-00012828-00013049 to prepare some of the ingredients to C9NST7mszku-00045-00013050-00013355 put in our road Sushi this is really up C9NST7mszku-00046-00013356-00013601 to you as sushi rolls can be whatever C9NST7mszku-00047-00013602-00013919 you want but let me show you some common C9NST7mszku-00048-00013919-00014230 ingredients here in Japan first up is C9NST7mszku-00049-00014231-00014563 cucumber we call a plain cucumber roll C9NST7mszku-00050-00014563-00014771 kapamaki in Japanese C9NST7mszku-00051-00014772-00015083 when I was training as a sushi chef my C9NST7mszku-00052-00015084-00015358 master oyakata always taught me to peel C9NST7mszku-00053-00015359-00015599 off the round end like this and then C9NST7mszku-00054-00015600-00015838 take the seeds out but as long as you C9NST7mszku-00055-00015840-00016072 make it a rectangular shape you should C9NST7mszku-00056-00016073-00016408 be fine another common ingredient is the C9NST7mszku-00057-00016409-00016780 shiso leaves or perilla leaves and all C9NST7mszku-00058-00016781-00017008 we need to do is just cut in half like C9NST7mszku-00059-00017009-00017308 this shiso has quite a Tangy unique C9NST7mszku-00060-00017309-00017561 taste which will give our Rose a nice C9NST7mszku-00061-00017562-00017650 kick C9NST7mszku-00062-00017651-00017975 next up is some chopped scallions C9NST7mszku-00063-00017976-00018335 very common to use with tuna and less C9NST7mszku-00064-00018336-00018694 traditional but still tasty is avocado C9NST7mszku-00065-00018695-00018965 which you won't see so much inexpensive C9NST7mszku-00066-00018966-00019222 sushi places in Japan but it's quite C9NST7mszku-00067-00019223-00019529 popular now in chain sushi places or C9NST7mszku-00068-00019530-00019805 revolving sushi restaurants just cut C9NST7mszku-00069-00019806-00020063 that in half and remove the stone so we C9NST7mszku-00070-00020064-00020327 can spoon it into our Sushi later in C9NST7mszku-00071-00020328-00020597 terms of fish this really depends on C9NST7mszku-00072-00020598-00020800 where you are and what you can get your C9NST7mszku-00073-00020801-00020939 hands on C9NST7mszku-00074-00020940-00021167 you really want to have really Fresh C9NST7mszku-00075-00021168-00021550 Cuts these may be labeled as Sushi great C9NST7mszku-00076-00021551-00021772 in your country but maybe ask your local C9NST7mszku-00077-00021773-00021971 fish monger if they're fine to be used C9NST7mszku-00078-00021972-00022211 for sushi I have a few different things C9NST7mszku-00079-00022212-00022511 here including tuna it doesn't have to C9NST7mszku-00080-00022512-00022786 be really fatty expensive tuna seeing as C9NST7mszku-00081-00022787-00022978 we'll be mixing with a lot of different C9NST7mszku-00082-00022979-00023261 ingredients but we want to cut these C9NST7mszku-00083-00023262-00023500 into long rectangles C9NST7mszku-00084-00023501-00023794 as well as some salmon and we will do C9NST7mszku-00085-00023795-00023921 the same thing C9NST7mszku-00086-00023922-00024250 I have some crab meat here too which we C9NST7mszku-00087-00024251-00024485 will just pull apart by hand you can C9NST7mszku-00088-00024486-00024725 even use imitation crab if you prefer C9NST7mszku-00089-00024726-00025121 and also suzuko which is the salmon eggs C9NST7mszku-00090-00025122-00025421 this has quite a salty flavor that I C9NST7mszku-00091-00025422-00025661 really like we just want to cut these C9NST7mszku-00092-00025662-00025967 into small pieces like this I also have C9NST7mszku-00093-00025968-00026243 kazunoko which is Herring row which we C9NST7mszku-00094-00026244-00026555 usually eat at new ears in Japan so it's C9NST7mszku-00095-00026556-00026770 a little bit fancy a little bit like C9NST7mszku-00096-00026772-00027077 caviar we will cut that up into pieces C9NST7mszku-00097-00027077-00027358 as well I will also be using the C9NST7mszku-00098-00027360-00027629 dashimaki tamago I made in my last video C9NST7mszku-00099-00027630-00027958 so make sure to check that out and now C9NST7mszku-00100-00027960-00028217 that's all done it's on to the last step C9NST7mszku-00101-00028218-00028570 rolling there are a few different ways C9NST7mszku-00102-00028572-00028829 you can do this the easiest way is to C9NST7mszku-00103-00028830-00029062 use one of these bamboo Sushi rollers C9NST7mszku-00104-00029063-00029296 but I'll show you how to do it without C9NST7mszku-00105-00029297-00029627 one too first we will make some hosomaki C9NST7mszku-00106-00029627-00029951 which literally means thing roll we will C9NST7mszku-00107-00029952-00030268 take our drag Nori seaweed and fold this C9NST7mszku-00108-00030269-00030527 in half you want to have a rectangular C9NST7mszku-00109-00030527-00030790 shape like this you will also notice C9NST7mszku-00110-00030791-00031068 Nori has a rough side and a shiny side C9NST7mszku-00111-00031069-00031361 we want to make it so the rice goes on C9NST7mszku-00112-00031362-00031631 the Rough Side so let's put down our C9NST7mszku-00113-00031632-00031931 Nori on the sushi roller and then you C9NST7mszku-00114-00031932-00032135 want to cover your hands in a little bit C9NST7mszku-00115-00032136-00032417 of water before you touch the rice this C9NST7mszku-00116-00032418-00032723 will stop it from sticking then take a C9NST7mszku-00117-00032724-00032981 handful of rice which is now completely C9NST7mszku-00118-00032982-00033251 cooled down and you want a cylinder of C9NST7mszku-00119-00033252-00033527 rice like this but you can always add a C9NST7mszku-00120-00033528-00033767 bit more if it's not enough we will put C9NST7mszku-00121-00033768-00033983 this on the Nori while you're squashing C9NST7mszku-00122-00033984-00034246 it down until it's spread across the C9NST7mszku-00123-00034247-00034474 length of our Nori and then we will C9NST7mszku-00124-00034475-00034745 spread it out evenly you can always add C9NST7mszku-00125-00034746-00034967 a bit more rice to the places that look C9NST7mszku-00126-00034968-00035218 a bit thin but we want to keep the edge C9NST7mszku-00127-00035219-00035429 of our Nori furthest away from us C9NST7mszku-00128-00035430-00035759 without rice as this will help it keep C9NST7mszku-00129-00035760-00036137 its shape later next is wasabi you can C9NST7mszku-00130-00036138-00036412 skip this if you want but we just want a C9NST7mszku-00131-00036413-00036701 pea sized amount on our fingertip and we C9NST7mszku-00132-00036702-00036899 will spread this down the center of the C9NST7mszku-00133-00036900-00037277 rice now our ingredients let's add some C9NST7mszku-00134-00037278-00037529 tuna to this one and then we're gonna C9NST7mszku-00135-00037530-00037799 position it so the edge of a Nori C9NST7mszku-00136-00037800-00038105 reaches the end of our roller then we C9NST7mszku-00137-00038106-00038393 will fold it up so our Lorry reaches C9NST7mszku-00138-00038394-00038711 just where the rise ends then we will C9NST7mszku-00139-00038712-00039257 roll that up and press firmly on the top C9NST7mszku-00140-00039258-00039418 and done C9NST7mszku-00141-00039419-00039659 that's our hosomaki C9NST7mszku-00142-00039660-00039935 you can do this with cucumber as well to C9NST7mszku-00143-00039936-00040324 get a traditional kapamaki or with the C9NST7mszku-00144-00040325-00040643 scallions and diced tuna called Negi C9NST7mszku-00145-00040644-00040889 Toro which I showed you before in the C9NST7mszku-00146-00040890-00041009 previous video C9NST7mszku-00147-00041010-00041446 now we've done thin rows let's do some C9NST7mszku-00148-00041447-00041879 fat rows these are called hutomaki in C9NST7mszku-00149-00041880-00042196 Japanese the basics are the same but C9NST7mszku-00150-00042197-00042490 we'll place the Nori the opposite way so C9NST7mszku-00151-00042491-00042868 it's longer like this place our rice and C9NST7mszku-00152-00042869-00043109 then we have the space to add a bunch of C9NST7mszku-00153-00043110-00043396 different fillings let's try tuna C9NST7mszku-00154-00043397-00043805 cucumber Cosmic kamago crab and our fish C9NST7mszku-00155-00043806-00044135 eggs anything you like and then once C9NST7mszku-00156-00044136-00044411 again roll that so our Nori reaches were C9NST7mszku-00157-00044412-00044723 the right end and press down on the top C9NST7mszku-00158-00044724-00045083 you can always use a damp towel to help C9NST7mszku-00159-00045084-00045365 keep things inside if you overfill it C9NST7mszku-00160-00045366-00045623 try using a bunch of different fillings C9NST7mszku-00161-00045624-00045780 to see what you like C9NST7mszku-00162-00045781-00046085 makizushi doesn't have to be so strict C9NST7mszku-00163-00046086-00046330 and if you don't have a bamboo sushi C9NST7mszku-00164-00046331-00046685 roller you can use aluminum foil instead C9NST7mszku-00165-00046686-00046979 just make sure to fold it over a few C9NST7mszku-00166-00046980-00047135 times like this C9NST7mszku-00167-00047136-00047405 so it's strong enough not to fall apart C9NST7mszku-00168-00047406-00047530 when you roll C9NST7mszku-00169-00047531-00047789 you can also fold the edges to stop it C9NST7mszku-00170-00047790-00048077 from coming apart but the folding will C9NST7mszku-00171-00048078-00048377 be exactly the same as before so if you C9NST7mszku-00172-00048378-00048712 can get hold of a roller this is a good C9NST7mszku-00173-00048713-00049018 alternative and even without this you C9NST7mszku-00174-00049019-00049343 can try to make temaki dushi or hand C9NST7mszku-00175-00049344-00049699 rolled sushi hold the Nori in one hand C9NST7mszku-00176-00049700-00050002 and place your rice diagonally on it C9NST7mszku-00177-00050003-00050135 like this C9NST7mszku-00178-00050136-00050339 add your ingredients C9NST7mszku-00179-00050340-00050680 and roll into your cone C9NST7mszku-00180-00050681-00050807 finally C9NST7mszku-00181-00050808-00051112 use one to two grains of rice as glue to C9NST7mszku-00182-00051113-00051263 stop the ends C9NST7mszku-00183-00051264-00051646 super simple and super tasty also when C9NST7mszku-00184-00051647-00051869 you cut your road Sushi feel dip your C9NST7mszku-00185-00051870-00052102 knife in water beforehand you'll stop C9NST7mszku-00186-00052103-00052414 the rice from sticking so keep these C9NST7mszku-00187-00052415-00052661 sushi rolls a try guys and let me know C9NST7mszku-00188-00052662-00052829 in the comments what sort of C9NST7mszku-00189-00052829-00053026 combinations you tried C9NST7mszku-00190-00053027-00053357 in my next video we will also have a C9NST7mszku-00191-00053358-00053591 very special guest to help me make some C9NST7mszku-00192-00053591-00054011 delicious Fried Chicken so make sure you C9NST7mszku-00193-00054012-00054215 check that out C9NST7mszku-00194-00054216-00054419 and remember C9NST7mszku-00195-00054420-00054899 after we eat we all say C9NST7mszku-00196-00054900-00055566 God saw some of the shop C9NST7mszku-00197-00055566-00056344 [Music] C9NST7mszku-00198-00056345-00056621 foreign C9NST7mszku-00199-00056622-00057423 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00000-00000239-00000455 give me the name I'm about to summon CqCxTmCYprQ-00001-00000456-00000647 this [__] right now Walter Walter CqCxTmCYprQ-00002-00000648-00000690 Walter CqCxTmCYprQ-00003-00000691-00000971 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00004-00000972-00001501 Walter Hall hit me up homie CqCxTmCYprQ-00005-00001502-00001739 Walter Hall I'm gonna need more than CqCxTmCYprQ-00006-00001739-00002021 footsteps CqCxTmCYprQ-00007-00002022-00002410 Walter Hall CqCxTmCYprQ-00008-00002411-00002579 is that true Walter Ball are you not CqCxTmCYprQ-00009-00002580-00002758 leave no balls CqCxTmCYprQ-00010-00002759-00003113 Walter has no [__] no [__] either CqCxTmCYprQ-00011-00003114-00003395 hear that CqCxTmCYprQ-00012-00003396-00003702 why you gotta be such a sassy buck CqCxTmCYprQ-00013-00003703-00006595 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00014-00006595-00006851 I feel like by going alone I'm gonna get CqCxTmCYprQ-00015-00006852-00006959 dibbled CqCxTmCYprQ-00016-00006959-00009048 so who's volunteering to come with me CqCxTmCYprQ-00017-00009049-00010037 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00018-00010038-00010241 I don't want to alarm you but it has CqCxTmCYprQ-00019-00010242-00010409 been at 10 for a second okay it went CqCxTmCYprQ-00020-00010410-00010517 down CqCxTmCYprQ-00021-00010518-00010938 it went back to 10. I'm sorry CqCxTmCYprQ-00022-00010939-00011171 I'm getting out of here for real this CqCxTmCYprQ-00023-00011172-00011483 time it's probably a good thing if I see CqCxTmCYprQ-00024-00011484-00011669 a ghost orb or my smoking crack hang on CqCxTmCYprQ-00025-00011670-00011885 hang on he's smoking crack it's the CqCxTmCYprQ-00026-00011886-00012403 flashlight no oh no CqCxTmCYprQ-00027-00012404-00012719 I don't like that CqCxTmCYprQ-00028-00012720-00012988 I don't like that CqCxTmCYprQ-00029-00012989-00013229 it's definitely freaking about to ask CqCxTmCYprQ-00030-00013230-00013408 him some personal questions CqCxTmCYprQ-00031-00013409-00013594 oh goes to the house can I have your CqCxTmCYprQ-00032-00013595-00013769 credit card number CqCxTmCYprQ-00033-00013769-00015044 maybe I'll remember CqCxTmCYprQ-00034-00015044-00015755 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00035-00015756-00015929 dude I have to be alone to get the CqCxTmCYprQ-00036-00015930-00016199 [__] Spirit Box you imbecile where's CqCxTmCYprQ-00037-00016200-00016366 my no give me a flashlight back because CqCxTmCYprQ-00038-00016368-00016619 I was going for that CqCxTmCYprQ-00039-00016620-00017022 foreign CqCxTmCYprQ-00040-00017023-00017221 can you CqCxTmCYprQ-00041-00017222-00017513 talk to me can you talk to me can you CqCxTmCYprQ-00042-00017514-00017677 give us a sign CqCxTmCYprQ-00043-00017678-00018143 how old are you CqCxTmCYprQ-00044-00018144-00018383 beard box Spirit Box Spirit Box we got CqCxTmCYprQ-00045-00018384-00018515 it CqCxTmCYprQ-00046-00018516-00018683 I just gotta get out of here one last CqCxTmCYprQ-00047-00018684-00018880 time I just gotta get out of here one CqCxTmCYprQ-00048-00018881-00019091 last time hold that door CqCxTmCYprQ-00049-00019092-00020327 you [__] CqCxTmCYprQ-00050-00020328-00020603 hiding in the bathroom doors Doris he's CqCxTmCYprQ-00051-00020604-00020683 hiding in the bathroom CqCxTmCYprQ-00052-00020684-00021179 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00053-00021180-00021449 oh my God I'm not gonna die when I did CqCxTmCYprQ-00054-00021450-00021703 all the work CqCxTmCYprQ-00055-00021704-00021977 dude I ran in there how old are you can CqCxTmCYprQ-00056-00021978-00022150 you give me a sign can you give me a CqCxTmCYprQ-00057-00022151-00022241 sign CqCxTmCYprQ-00058-00022242-00022535 how did you die CqCxTmCYprQ-00059-00022536-00022889 oh CqCxTmCYprQ-00060-00022890-00023080 dude Luke's character looks like the CqCxTmCYprQ-00061-00023081-00023321 character from the uh the good guy you CqCxTmCYprQ-00062-00023322-00023686 know the opposite of Good Guy Greg CqCxTmCYprQ-00063-00023687-00023944 you know that Meme it's an old one here CqCxTmCYprQ-00064-00023945-00024058 a picture CqCxTmCYprQ-00065-00024059-00024336 like ready up already CqCxTmCYprQ-00066-00024337-00024772 oh my God I will take the EMP thing I CqCxTmCYprQ-00067-00024773-00025078 will take the way back I forgot I have CqCxTmCYprQ-00068-00025079-00025264 [__] forgot our [__] we're going back CqCxTmCYprQ-00069-00025265-00026014 boys wasting gas money over here CqCxTmCYprQ-00070-00026016-00026345 I literally leveled up I got 30 bucks CqCxTmCYprQ-00071-00026345-00026699 from that what what the [__] how are CqCxTmCYprQ-00072-00026700-00026927 they paying you to show up if I get the CqCxTmCYprQ-00073-00026927-00027124 power that's my problem get your CqCxTmCYprQ-00074-00027125-00027287 daughter back when I get my damn CqCxTmCYprQ-00075-00027288-00027502 Szechuan sauce CqCxTmCYprQ-00076-00027504-00027685 foreign CqCxTmCYprQ-00077-00027686-00027977 everybody's ready let's ready up CqCxTmCYprQ-00078-00027977-00028168 wait who CqCxTmCYprQ-00079-00028169-00028596 we're all guessed CqCxTmCYprQ-00080-00028597-00028840 go go go go go go go sun and ghost CqCxTmCYprQ-00081-00028841-00029970 hunting get your questions CqCxTmCYprQ-00082-00029972-00030214 you [__] took the [__] both good CqCxTmCYprQ-00083-00030216-00030467 cameras yeah you weren't quick enough uh CqCxTmCYprQ-00084-00030468-00030617 Martin let me come in here in the CqCxTmCYprQ-00085-00030618-00030790 interview how do you feeling about that CqCxTmCYprQ-00086-00030791-00030905 how are you feeling about not getting CqCxTmCYprQ-00087-00030906-00031102 one of the strong flashlights that's CqCxTmCYprQ-00088-00031104-00031396 some country ass bull there is a second CqCxTmCYprQ-00089-00031397-00031583 floor I think guys help me open this CqCxTmCYprQ-00090-00031583-00031817 safe CqCxTmCYprQ-00091-00031818-00032087 foreign CqCxTmCYprQ-00092-00032088-00032574 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00093-00032575-00032795 let's get the rest of the equipment in CqCxTmCYprQ-00094-00032796-00033215 that room and get to bowling CqCxTmCYprQ-00095-00033216-00034152 um CqCxTmCYprQ-00096-00034153-00034435 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00097-00034436-00034733 it's writing the book it's writing on CqCxTmCYprQ-00098-00034734-00034912 the book it just wrote on the book yeah CqCxTmCYprQ-00099-00034913-00035237 dude CqCxTmCYprQ-00100-00035238-00035378 okay CqCxTmCYprQ-00101-00035379-00035972 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00102-00035973-00036935 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00103-00036936-00037157 respond to people who are alone like CqCxTmCYprQ-00104-00037158-00037331 dick and balls CqCxTmCYprQ-00105-00037332-00037771 yeah CqCxTmCYprQ-00106-00037772-00038027 all right all right so what all do we oh CqCxTmCYprQ-00107-00038028-00038249 look at that I got the UV the [__] CqCxTmCYprQ-00108-00038250-00038512 poop that goes and the books CqCxTmCYprQ-00109-00038513-00038723 we're looking for the ghost orbs or the CqCxTmCYprQ-00110-00038724-00039052 dot projector in there CqCxTmCYprQ-00111-00039053-00039407 and the Spirit Box CqCxTmCYprQ-00112-00039408-00039802 oh okay it's a king in there CqCxTmCYprQ-00113-00039803-00040007 it's at 100. CqCxTmCYprQ-00114-00040008-00040285 oh yeah it's talking mad [__] CqCxTmCYprQ-00115-00040286-00040565 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00116-00040566-00040757 it did speak it was the spear box I CqCxTmCYprQ-00117-00040758-00041249 heard that oh we were out of here CqCxTmCYprQ-00118-00041250-00041573 it gets to the take it to the [__] CqCxTmCYprQ-00119-00041574-00041855 big a bigger place all right the school CqCxTmCYprQ-00120-00041856-00042077 it is CqCxTmCYprQ-00121-00042078-00042790 how big is this place oh oh but 59 rooms CqCxTmCYprQ-00122-00042791-00043030 all right hit me up CqCxTmCYprQ-00123-00043031-00043235 bro we are [__] if I go starts hunting CqCxTmCYprQ-00124-00043236-00043451 no we can just ski that ski [__] CqCxTmCYprQ-00125-00043452-00043649 doodle I don't think it's worth turning CqCxTmCYprQ-00126-00043650-00043762 on the lights because if we're gonna CqCxTmCYprQ-00127-00043763-00044230 have to go all the way back this way CqCxTmCYprQ-00128-00044231-00044477 what if we saw a ghost in real life CqCxTmCYprQ-00129-00044478-00044651 I think it's in here we have your hall CqCxTmCYprQ-00130-00044652-00044779 pass CqCxTmCYprQ-00131-00044780-00045011 that looks right CqCxTmCYprQ-00132-00045012-00045262 boom lights on all right Luke can you CqCxTmCYprQ-00133-00045263-00045412 check this floor I'm gonna go back down CqCxTmCYprQ-00134-00045413-00045677 and see what's good on those rooms CqCxTmCYprQ-00135-00045678-00045899 there are so many rooms CqCxTmCYprQ-00136-00045900-00046739 what would help me I'm balling CqCxTmCYprQ-00137-00046740-00048533 ghost hunting CqCxTmCYprQ-00138-00048534-00048901 run your fools CqCxTmCYprQ-00139-00048902-00049454 uh we just lost Luke CqCxTmCYprQ-00140-00049455-00049708 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00141-00049709-00050095 I dipped in the room CqCxTmCYprQ-00142-00050096-00050351 I straight up told him oh he's hunting CqCxTmCYprQ-00143-00050352-00050705 and then we see you getting chased CqCxTmCYprQ-00144-00050706-00050902 so that means you were close to where it CqCxTmCYprQ-00145-00050903-00051167 was Danny CqCxTmCYprQ-00146-00051168-00051532 are you throwing the book CqCxTmCYprQ-00147-00051533-00051726 finished CqCxTmCYprQ-00148-00051727-00052108 no I break the [__] sticks CqCxTmCYprQ-00149-00052109-00053021 good CqCxTmCYprQ-00150-00053022-00053173 if we die CqCxTmCYprQ-00151-00053174-00053525 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00152-00053526-00053836 right off right off right off CqCxTmCYprQ-00153-00053837-00054263 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00154-00054264-00054491 bro I ain't gonna gain so much trouble CqCxTmCYprQ-00155-00054491-00054791 for making so much noise I scream like a CqCxTmCYprQ-00156-00054791-00055085 [__] pansy did you hear the door it's CqCxTmCYprQ-00157-00055086-00055403 here it was here CqCxTmCYprQ-00158-00055404-00055607 it was this room CqCxTmCYprQ-00159-00055608-00056153 okay door opened over where CqCxTmCYprQ-00160-00056154-00056488 whoa it was lighting up right here CqCxTmCYprQ-00161-00056489-00056771 oh bro hold breath we found it we found CqCxTmCYprQ-00162-00056772-00056861 it more CqCxTmCYprQ-00163-00056862-00057104 we can avenge Luke okay uh CqCxTmCYprQ-00164-00057104-00057257 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00165-00057258-00057641 good good yes CqCxTmCYprQ-00166-00057641-00057764 all right come on let's go CqCxTmCYprQ-00167-00057765-00057941 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00168-00057941-00058157 before he fought to us run run run CqCxTmCYprQ-00169-00058158-00058488 please get out of here he's behind us CqCxTmCYprQ-00170-00058489-00058859 it's a naked man with BBC yeah CqCxTmCYprQ-00171-00058860-00059075 that door lock told me turn off the CqCxTmCYprQ-00172-00059076-00060191 flashlight turn off the flashlight CqCxTmCYprQ-00173-00060191-00060592 open the door or I'm gonna throw a rock CqCxTmCYprQ-00174-00060594-00061465 through your windows you dumb [__] CqCxTmCYprQ-00175-00061466-00062009 all right candle CqCxTmCYprQ-00176-00062010-00062397 what the [__] is Luke falling CqCxTmCYprQ-00177-00062398-00062826 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00178-00062827-00063053 that has to be CqCxTmCYprQ-00179-00063054-00063187 here CqCxTmCYprQ-00180-00063188-00063580 okay the book and the camera what do you CqCxTmCYprQ-00181-00063582-00063850 bring I have the sound and the sound box CqCxTmCYprQ-00182-00063851-00064054 the sound box two important things that CqCxTmCYprQ-00183-00064055-00064409 we can put together so it speaks oh okay CqCxTmCYprQ-00184-00064410-00064691 I have the camera all right oh my God CqCxTmCYprQ-00185-00064691-00064930 we're gonna die don't go running in case CqCxTmCYprQ-00186-00064932-00065129 he starts attacking CqCxTmCYprQ-00187-00065129-00065567 all right he's bawling oh my god there CqCxTmCYprQ-00188-00065568-00065765 it is here it is here I set up the CqCxTmCYprQ-00189-00065766-00066061 camera CqCxTmCYprQ-00190-00066062-00066317 oh dots CqCxTmCYprQ-00191-00066318-00066659 I see the dots projector we got that in CqCxTmCYprQ-00192-00066660-00067091 freezing temperature okay it's 50 50. CqCxTmCYprQ-00193-00067092-00067631 oh it's 75. it's like it said something CqCxTmCYprQ-00194-00067632-00067859 what would it be if we uh did Spirit Box CqCxTmCYprQ-00195-00067860-00068194 no it can't be Spirit Box CqCxTmCYprQ-00196-00068195-00068531 I don't want to go back in there CqCxTmCYprQ-00197-00068532-00068861 so we either have to get an EMF five or CqCxTmCYprQ-00198-00068862-00069209 a ghost orb or fingerprints wait no it CqCxTmCYprQ-00199-00069210-00069443 can't be riding yeah that's what I'm CqCxTmCYprQ-00200-00069444-00069676 saying it's only two options do you CqCxTmCYprQ-00201-00069677-00069935 think it's emp5 or do you think it's a CqCxTmCYprQ-00202-00069936-00070109 ghost storm CqCxTmCYprQ-00203-00070110-00070361 if we continue looking through the thing CqCxTmCYprQ-00204-00070362-00070517 and there's no ghost orb we're probably CqCxTmCYprQ-00205-00070518-00070726 gonna have to go with the emf5 yeah CqCxTmCYprQ-00206-00070727-00070882 actually let's just go ahead and do that CqCxTmCYprQ-00207-00070883-00071141 and win CqCxTmCYprQ-00208-00071142-00071326 it's gonna be the only it has to be CqCxTmCYprQ-00209-00071327-00071579 paint Luke could pick the Oni CqCxTmCYprQ-00210-00071580-00071849 Sony Luke it is the only five sure he CqCxTmCYprQ-00211-00071850-00072088 balling he he picked the ball you can't CqCxTmCYprQ-00212-00072089-00072413 be hearing us CqCxTmCYprQ-00213-00072414-00072713 remember me as I was about to get it to CqCxTmCYprQ-00214-00072714-00072881 blow out a candle where are you going CqCxTmCYprQ-00215-00072882-00073675 I'm getting it to blow out a candle CqCxTmCYprQ-00216-00073676-00073913 I gotta I don't know if I can go in CqCxTmCYprQ-00217-00073914-00074111 there actually CqCxTmCYprQ-00218-00074112-00074332 let me just put this candle back up and CqCxTmCYprQ-00219-00074333-00074500 lay these Ambitions to rest you know CqCxTmCYprQ-00220-00074501-00074806 what I'm saying CqCxTmCYprQ-00221-00074807-00075143 look we'll always be remembered CqCxTmCYprQ-00222-00075144-00075409 oh my God we're the best CqCxTmCYprQ-00223-00075410-00075832 we got the good thing I was balling dude CqCxTmCYprQ-00224-00075833-00076021 Luke was boring though CqCxTmCYprQ-00225-00076022-00076235 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00226-00076236-00076523 wait have we beaten every map so far CqCxTmCYprQ-00227-00076524-00076685 no CqCxTmCYprQ-00228-00076686-00077471 we died at every map so far CqCxTmCYprQ-00229-00077472-00077735 Scooby Dooby Doo no I sure hope we don't CqCxTmCYprQ-00230-00077736-00078299 end up in the prison showers CqCxTmCYprQ-00231-00078300-00078544 look at that beautiful creation yeah CqCxTmCYprQ-00232-00078545-00078767 look can you pick that up and not put CqCxTmCYprQ-00233-00078768-00078923 all the pins in it and Trigger the CqCxTmCYprQ-00234-00078924-00079169 instant ghost hunting so we don't lose CqCxTmCYprQ-00235-00079170-00079349 our cool equipment CqCxTmCYprQ-00236-00079350-00079955 foreign CqCxTmCYprQ-00237-00079956-00080687 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00238-00080688-00080921 turn off your flashlight CqCxTmCYprQ-00239-00080922-00081371 please get more not me please CqCxTmCYprQ-00240-00081372-00081653 it's not out there we're good CqCxTmCYprQ-00241-00081654-00081879 I lied the [__] it ain't CqCxTmCYprQ-00242-00081880-00082600 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00243-00082601-00082865 me CqCxTmCYprQ-00244-00082866-00083225 you're a [__] CqCxTmCYprQ-00245-00083226-00083605 oh my god oh no it got farted CqCxTmCYprQ-00246-00083606-00084288 oh look at him CqCxTmCYprQ-00247-00084289-00084587 dude I wonder if it took his motion CqCxTmCYprQ-00248-00084588-00084785 sensor or mine because there's a hundred CqCxTmCYprQ-00249-00084786-00085055 dollars yeah let's call this one quits CqCxTmCYprQ-00250-00085056-00085319 Martin died immediately CqCxTmCYprQ-00251-00085320-00085415 um okay CqCxTmCYprQ-00252-00085416-00085625 um I'm gonna give it to you straight CqCxTmCYprQ-00253-00085626-00085871 I was the one that was poking the dog CqCxTmCYprQ-00254-00085872-00086261 oh what I thought Luke was doing it okay CqCxTmCYprQ-00255-00086262-00086699 we're gonna put it down CqCxTmCYprQ-00256-00086700-00086891 why don't you scratch them get you the CqCxTmCYprQ-00257-00086892-00087131 crunchiest beard I ever heard CqCxTmCYprQ-00258-00087132-00087376 shut up that wasn't even my beard that CqCxTmCYprQ-00259-00087377-00087875 was a Sideburn it was a mustache CqCxTmCYprQ-00260-00087876-00088181 oh CqCxTmCYprQ-00261-00088182-00088759 [__] don't pick that up hey CqCxTmCYprQ-00262-00088760-00089135 girl Daddy I dare you to poke it as much CqCxTmCYprQ-00263-00089136-00089368 as you can and throw it in there and CqCxTmCYprQ-00264-00089369-00090035 then lock lock the door do that later CqCxTmCYprQ-00265-00090036-00090185 I found everyone CqCxTmCYprQ-00266-00090186-00090761 oh hell yeah already oh where you at CqCxTmCYprQ-00267-00090762-00091073 I found the showers I repeat I found the CqCxTmCYprQ-00268-00091074-00091517 showers CqCxTmCYprQ-00269-00091518-00091744 put that [__] soap down yo I ain't CqCxTmCYprQ-00270-00091745-00092225 dropping this though CqCxTmCYprQ-00271-00092226-00093029 I was on the ground when I got here CqCxTmCYprQ-00272-00093030-00093803 Danny CqCxTmCYprQ-00273-00093804-00094312 boy all right Dana get in here this way CqCxTmCYprQ-00274-00094313-00094523 the warden's office CqCxTmCYprQ-00275-00094524-00094726 yep that [__] is already throwing [__] CqCxTmCYprQ-00276-00094727-00095009 heavy CqCxTmCYprQ-00277-00095010-00095171 camera better CqCxTmCYprQ-00278-00095172-00095568 grab the rest of the equipment CqCxTmCYprQ-00279-00095569-00095968 have we done the EMP now CqCxTmCYprQ-00280-00095969-00096287 yeah yeah it was five oh we got it oh CqCxTmCYprQ-00281-00096288-00096400 yeah that's right okay that's the other CqCxTmCYprQ-00282-00096401-00096587 one CqCxTmCYprQ-00283-00096588-00097093 hey the power thing CqCxTmCYprQ-00284-00097094-00097306 oh it walked through this whole picture CqCxTmCYprQ-00285-00097307-00097559 yes it did I walked through this all CqCxTmCYprQ-00286-00097560-00097697 take the picture CqCxTmCYprQ-00287-00097698-00097973 well it doesn't respond to everyone CqCxTmCYprQ-00288-00097974-00098159 no two alone CqCxTmCYprQ-00289-00098160-00098332 we'll just have Luke do the questions CqCxTmCYprQ-00290-00098333-00098734 real quick CqCxTmCYprQ-00291-00098735-00099144 [Laughter] CqCxTmCYprQ-00292-00099145-00099667 his ass is dead CqCxTmCYprQ-00293-00099668-00099935 there's a picture of that where's this CqCxTmCYprQ-00294-00099936-00100132 camera there we go we're getting him CqCxTmCYprQ-00295-00100133-00100266 into 4K voice CqCxTmCYprQ-00296-00100267-00100381 [Music] CqCxTmCYprQ-00297-00100382-00101003 amazing nothing in there CqCxTmCYprQ-00298-00101004-00101359 big pose with them post with them CqCxTmCYprQ-00299-00101360-00101621 both of them CqCxTmCYprQ-00300-00101622-00101923 go to the big game hunter CqCxTmCYprQ-00301-00101924-00102191 yeah we killed you with that [__] uh CqCxTmCYprQ-00302-00102192-00102449 with the doll CqCxTmCYprQ-00303-00102450-00103504 s CqCxTmCYprQ-00304-00103505-00104114 foreign CqCxTmCYprQ-00305-00104115-00104419 [Music] CqQztQo-Nru-00000-00000038-00000376 bri nice voice telephone a potion skill CqQztQo-Nru-00001-00000377-00000574 can annoy the piss is your break CqQztQo-Nru-00002-00000575-00000850 magazine telephone or post garage CqQztQo-Nru-00003-00000851-00001078 Makhachkala Pulitzer Solis Gastronauts a CqQztQo-Nru-00004-00001079-00001504 given a sturdy not eh party CrkZd1CZBno-00000-00000185-00000790 hi everybody this is little Cocker my CrkZd1CZBno-00001-00000791-00000989 little assistant she's actually my CrkZd1CZBno-00002-00000990-00001523 granddaughter but she want to get CrkZd1CZBno-00003-00001524-00001723 involved this afternoon so they saw me CrkZd1CZBno-00004-00001725-00001979 going into my office and she came for a CrkZd1CZBno-00005-00001980-00002174 surprise visit and we're gonna show CrkZd1CZBno-00006-00002175-00002588 y'all something from front she looked a CrkZd1CZBno-00007-00002589-00002977 little smiley lip stickers come over say CrkZd1CZBno-00008-00002978-00003247 hello ah we're not going to take them CrkZd1CZBno-00009-00003248-00003395 off we gotta leave them on our cheeks CrkZd1CZBno-00010-00003396-00003803 leave it Tess it into your cheek press CrkZd1CZBno-00011-00003804-00004166 it until cheek yeah make sure that it CrkZd1CZBno-00012-00004167-00004658 stays in yeah yeah say hi to everybody CrkZd1CZBno-00013-00004659-00005222 hey say hi care yeah yeah she's got a CrkZd1CZBno-00014-00005223-00005492 little brush and we're going to show you CrkZd1CZBno-00015-00005493-00005956 all how to stop your makeup for melting CrkZd1CZBno-00016-00005957-00006220 off your face in the hot and humid CrkZd1CZBno-00017-00006221-00006796 weather right oh yeah enzymes up yeah so CrkZd1CZBno-00018-00006797-00007348 yeah yeah walk you hi William CrkZd1CZBno-00019-00007350-00007885 oh hi Leah oh yeah oh you say it so CrkZd1CZBno-00020-00007886-00008260 beautifully hi ladies CrkZd1CZBno-00021-00008261-00008444 are you ready say thank you replay CrkZd1CZBno-00022-00008445-00009308 Watchers yay are you ready to start wha CrkZd1CZBno-00023-00009309-00009710 say yeah ready to start camera CrkZd1CZBno-00024-00009711-00010148 yeah hi mommy Oh mommy's watching say hi CrkZd1CZBno-00025-00010149-00010517 mommy I am she got she got I'm going to CrkZd1CZBno-00026-00010518-00010712 use the cheap one I gave her actually CrkZd1CZBno-00027-00010713-00011121 the good brush yeah she's gonna be CrkZd1CZBno-00028-00011122-00011410 pieces and you hold yours CrkZd1CZBno-00029-00011411-00011762 mm a is gonna hold heard and just where CrkZd1CZBno-00030-00011763-00012070 are you did are you okay yes we're going CrkZd1CZBno-00031-00012071-00012434 to do a walk dip it dip so we're going CrkZd1CZBno-00032-00012435-00012584 to dip it into the lightest foundation CrkZd1CZBno-00033-00012585-00012821 that I have just to show you CrkZd1CZBno-00034-00012822-00013041 so dip it in there real good CrkZd1CZBno-00035-00013041-00013494 get in there oh yeah go you got it all CrkZd1CZBno-00036-00013494-00013599 right ready CrkZd1CZBno-00037-00013600-00013944 see if you do MMA does ready Oh little CrkZd1CZBno-00038-00013944-00014219 pucker is ready we're going to blot that CrkZd1CZBno-00039-00014220-00014669 all around our pretty lip stickers yes CrkZd1CZBno-00040-00014670-00014816 we are CrkZd1CZBno-00041-00014816-00015327 put it all around boop boop boop boop CrkZd1CZBno-00042-00015328-00015522 boop you got enough on your brush put CrkZd1CZBno-00043-00015522-00015828 your brush in there put your brush there CrkZd1CZBno-00044-00015829-00016353 yeah girl ready take it all around roll CrkZd1CZBno-00045-00016354-00016911 around see it see how many says what and CrkZd1CZBno-00046-00016912-00017322 what is it yeah you do a good job what a CrkZd1CZBno-00047-00017323-00017739 great girl you're so smart very good do CrkZd1CZBno-00048-00017740-00017888 another one CrkZd1CZBno-00049-00017889-00018402 hi ladies this is our Saturday afternoon CrkZd1CZBno-00050-00018403-00018939 Cher and she wanted to help couldn't CrkZd1CZBno-00051-00018940-00019172 leave her out of this one y'all so she's CrkZd1CZBno-00052-00019173-00019472 doing the same thing as me I'm going to CrkZd1CZBno-00053-00019473-00019842 use my wax based foundation to show CrkZd1CZBno-00054-00019843-00020211 y'all how to keep your makeup on CrkZd1CZBno-00055-00020212-00020418 I'm using it obviously using a lighter CrkZd1CZBno-00056-00020419-00020658 shade than I am to demonstrate this for CrkZd1CZBno-00057-00020659-00020711 y'all CrkZd1CZBno-00058-00020712-00021081 you'll make your cheeks yeah you ready CrkZd1CZBno-00059-00021082-00021336 go ahead Catlin I want not this one you CrkZd1CZBno-00060-00021337-00021500 can use step to the powder you can use CrkZd1CZBno-00061-00021501-00021741 this one way is a big pink one all right CrkZd1CZBno-00062-00021742-00021969 use a big pink one through that back go CrkZd1CZBno-00063-00021970-00022028 right ahead CrkZd1CZBno-00064-00022029-00022400 there you go she's dipping it in put it CrkZd1CZBno-00065-00022401-00023356 up see get it CrkZd1CZBno-00066-00023357-00023631 okay so Foundation right you got your CrkZd1CZBno-00067-00023632-00023913 foundation on this one actually sits CrkZd1CZBno-00068-00023914-00024192 directly on your skin and warms up to CrkZd1CZBno-00069-00024193-00024567 your skin if I go like this you can see CrkZd1CZBno-00070-00024568-00024774 that's going to blend and I can't get CrkZd1CZBno-00071-00024775-00024950 Lance okay I'm going to use that one in CrkZd1CZBno-00072-00024951-00025317 just a second so for this reason I'm CrkZd1CZBno-00073-00025318-00025481 just going to show you with my finger CrkZd1CZBno-00074-00025482-00026078 it's it can it can go and spread once CrkZd1CZBno-00075-00026079-00026397 it's warmed up CrkZd1CZBno-00076-00026398-00026526 right CrkZd1CZBno-00077-00026527-00026770 good job look at her look at her go CrkZd1CZBno-00078-00026770-00027202 y'all okay this is the secret this is CrkZd1CZBno-00079-00027202-00027489 how you stop your makeup from basically CrkZd1CZBno-00080-00027491-00027804 melting and you've got you know CrkZd1CZBno-00081-00027805-00028219 foundation lines there you go yeah there CrkZd1CZBno-00082-00028220-00028502 you go get it all over my face CrkZd1CZBno-00083-00028504-00028882 mm-hmm now guess what we got to do you CrkZd1CZBno-00084-00028883-00029149 ready for the spray oh we're going to CrkZd1CZBno-00085-00029150-00029433 use hair spray for the fake straight CrkZd1CZBno-00086-00029435-00029563 hair spray for the face CrkZd1CZBno-00087-00029564-00029883 hey yes there spray for the face it CrkZd1CZBno-00088-00029885-00030229 tickles it's cool it's good it's no so CrkZd1CZBno-00089-00030230-00030420 good smell CrkZd1CZBno-00090-00030420-00030864 mmm this is a setting spray and we're CrkZd1CZBno-00091-00030866-00031132 going to spray it ha say hi Melissa CrkZd1CZBno-00092-00031133-00031558 oh you're going to spray all around when CrkZd1CZBno-00093-00031558-00032149 we put our foundation on right mmm you CrkZd1CZBno-00094-00032150-00032727 you to a trickle let me do the other CrkZd1CZBno-00095-00032729-00033244 side toes I close your mouth close your CrkZd1CZBno-00096-00033245-00033898 mouth well shy it's oil free silicone CrkZd1CZBno-00097-00033899-00034291 free and it will not hurt the baby hi CrkZd1CZBno-00098-00034292-00034603 Dina for Jenna actually she's still CrkZd1CZBno-00099-00034604-00034717 different look at her she still want to CrkZd1CZBno-00100-00034718-00035095 do it so follow what I do because she's CrkZd1CZBno-00101-00035096-00035542 just learning hi Melissa yes oh she's so CrkZd1CZBno-00102-00035543-00035728 what we can't do on my chin then do on CrkZd1CZBno-00103-00035729-00035971 my neck if you want to do on my neck do CrkZd1CZBno-00104-00035972-00036481 it on my neck okay so we've got to spray CrkZd1CZBno-00105-00036482-00036859 I'm letting it dry letting it dry we're CrkZd1CZBno-00106-00036860-00036991 not going to get into the who's trying CrkZd1CZBno-00107-00036992-00037186 to get into my black box no we're not CrkZd1CZBno-00108-00037187-00037405 going to get into that no no no we're CrkZd1CZBno-00109-00037406-00037618 just going to get into that where I can CrkZd1CZBno-00110-00037619-00037822 get you a lip gloss why lip gloss thanks CrkZd1CZBno-00111-00037823-00037858 man CrkZd1CZBno-00112-00037859-00038119 okay she's going to get a lip wash real CrkZd1CZBno-00113-00038120-00038409 quick go over here here you go CrkZd1CZBno-00114-00038410-00038722 you show them how to put this on and I CrkZd1CZBno-00115-00038723-00039001 will do this CrkZd1CZBno-00116-00039002-00039177 okay she's been injured she loves lip CrkZd1CZBno-00117-00039178-00039451 gloss all right so I've got my spray CrkZd1CZBno-00118-00039452-00039718 it's drying then you're going to use a CrkZd1CZBno-00119-00039719-00040027 really good setting powder I usually CrkZd1CZBno-00120-00040028-00040192 don't get that in there sweetie some CrkZd1CZBno-00121-00040193-00040290 water to dip it into my foundation CrkZd1CZBno-00122-00040291-00040501 you'll go on your lips CrkZd1CZBno-00123-00040502-00040849 show them show them put it on your lips CrkZd1CZBno-00124-00040850-00041746 oh my wit mmm do your lips boom do your CrkZd1CZBno-00125-00041747-00041937 lips mm-hmm CrkZd1CZBno-00126-00041938-00042271 yeah mm-hmm I just love this lip gloss CrkZd1CZBno-00127-00042272-00042546 through all over me mm-hmm it's great CrkZd1CZBno-00128-00042547-00042685 Wow CrkZd1CZBno-00129-00042686-00042976 yeah it is great it is very very nice I CrkZd1CZBno-00130-00042977-00043071 love that CrkZd1CZBno-00131-00043072-00043324 put more put it look at you put it on CrkZd1CZBno-00132-00043325-00043771 look at your lips jeez anyways y'all CrkZd1CZBno-00133-00043772-00044142 drop a heart below show us some love uh CrkZd1CZBno-00134-00044143-00044530 show us some love okay next step is dry CrkZd1CZBno-00135-00044531-00044793 it's pretty much dry I'm going to use CrkZd1CZBno-00136-00044794-00045374 yeah it's pretty tough pretty much dry CrkZd1CZBno-00137-00045375-00045621 then we're going to fish it's okay she CrkZd1CZBno-00138-00045622-00045829 licks it I'm going to use a clear powder CrkZd1CZBno-00139-00045830-00046218 and block that all over the foundation CrkZd1CZBno-00140-00046219-00046599 after the setting sprays been put on do CrkZd1CZBno-00141-00046600-00047242 the same thing she was that winged lip CrkZd1CZBno-00142-00047243-00047407 gloss y'all this is the second tube CrkZd1CZBno-00143-00047408-00047677 she's been through so are you showing CrkZd1CZBno-00144-00047678-00047952 them what it looks like ha yeah show CrkZd1CZBno-00145-00047953-00048318 them what it looks like 50 say see look CrkZd1CZBno-00146-00048319-00048643 at this mm-hmm show them what it looks CrkZd1CZBno-00147-00048644-00048927 like on your lips huh mm-hmm CrkZd1CZBno-00148-00048928-00049570 oh so we got the powder don't homescreen CrkZd1CZBno-00149-00049571-00049624 with it CrkZd1CZBno-00150-00049625-00050056 we got the powder now the powder and the CrkZd1CZBno-00151-00050057-00050214 setting spray helps to hold everything CrkZd1CZBno-00152-00050215-00050545 in place I'm going to do this one more CrkZd1CZBno-00153-00050546-00050758 time because it's hard degrees here in CrkZd1CZBno-00154-00050759-00050980 the summer it's very humid so I'm doing CrkZd1CZBno-00155-00050981-00051282 our spray real quick hmmm okay just one CrkZd1CZBno-00156-00051283-00051606 quick oh yeah there you go CrkZd1CZBno-00157-00051607-00051901 let that dry again this is the steps to CrkZd1CZBno-00158-00051902-00052030 take CrkZd1CZBno-00159-00052032-00052616 let it dry again don't peel it off yet CrkZd1CZBno-00160-00052616-00052940 leave the stickers on that's a surprise CrkZd1CZBno-00161-00052941-00053612 okay yeah you're peeling it off CrkZd1CZBno-00162-00053613-00054152 I see the circle then we're going to set CrkZd1CZBno-00163-00054153-00054833 it again powder obviously I would not be CrkZd1CZBno-00164-00054834-00055100 just white in this on time you've got it CrkZd1CZBno-00165-00055101-00055579 back on okay so this is what it is let's CrkZd1CZBno-00166-00055580-00056141 take those stickers off ah okay pull the CrkZd1CZBno-00167-00056141-00056413 band-aid go ahead pull it off and then I CrkZd1CZBno-00168-00056414-00057124 get off can you get it just get it CrkZd1CZBno-00169-00057125-00057434 peel it is it stuck it's really stuck CrkZd1CZBno-00170-00057435-00059182 huh get it girl grab it good oh yeah CrkZd1CZBno-00171-00059183-00059629 yeah my black box just dropped I'll get CrkZd1CZBno-00172-00059630-00060032 it in a minute hold on okay okay you CrkZd1CZBno-00173-00060033-00060347 look lost this is how you know your CrkZd1CZBno-00174-00060348-00061388 makeups not going to go anywhere CrkZd1CZBno-00175-00061389-00061613 that's why I had the stickers I'm CrkZd1CZBno-00176-00061614-00061824 scrubbing my face for my foundation CrkZd1CZBno-00177-00061825-00062175 setting spray and powder Oh CrkZd1CZBno-00178-00062176-00062772 Swami rice tea I'm glad the circle still CrkZd1CZBno-00179-00062773-00063321 there if you want your makeup not to CrkZd1CZBno-00180-00063322-00063735 bunch it's CrkZd1CZBno-00181-00063736-00064259 staying put 16 hours and staying put CrkZd1CZBno-00182-00064260-00064695 okay you want power here you go here you CrkZd1CZBno-00183-00064696-00065141 give me this put the power on this one CrkZd1CZBno-00184-00065142-00065487 put this one down she's learning put it CrkZd1CZBno-00185-00065488-00065742 on that's how your makeup doesn't go CrkZd1CZBno-00186-00065743-00065975 anywhere you set it with the hairspray CrkZd1CZBno-00187-00065976-00066198 so it's really not hairspray it's CrkZd1CZBno-00188-00066199-00066453 actually made to be sprayed on your face CrkZd1CZBno-00189-00066454-00066915 to hold your name and the hot weather CrkZd1CZBno-00190-00066916-00067302 coming you really don't want your makeup CrkZd1CZBno-00191-00067303-00067848 going anywhere that's where I had the CrkZd1CZBno-00192-00067849-00068529 sticker that's the secret to not have CrkZd1CZBno-00193-00068530-00069135 you fit your makeup milk set it that's CrkZd1CZBno-00194-00069136-00069372 it I've got to get her she's going into CrkZd1CZBno-00195-00069373-00069567 my little black box with all my stuff CrkZd1CZBno-00196-00069568-00069857 that dropped um CrkZd1CZBno-00197-00069858-00070095 yes this is my little pucker up CrkZd1CZBno-00198-00070096-00070389 assistant she's getting into all my CrkZd1CZBno-00199-00070390-00070563 stuff y'all alright have a great CrkZd1CZBno-00200-00070564-00070791 Saturday happy weekend to you all thank CrkZd1CZBno-00201-00070792-00071001 you for watching and if you have any CrkZd1CZBno-00202-00071002-00071255 questions at all please message me if CrkZd1CZBno-00203-00071256-00071478 another colleague of mine has shared CrkZd1CZBno-00204-00071479-00071712 this video please message her I have a CrkZd1CZBno-00205-00071713-00071931 wonderful day thank you for watching CrkZd1CZBno-00206-00071932-00072189 thank you replay Watchers I love you all CrkZd1CZBno-00207-00072190-00072450 Oh guess what she just got it she just CrkZd1CZBno-00208-00072451-00072597 brought this to me okay we're playing CrkZd1CZBno-00209-00072598-00072857 we're just gonna play have a great day CrkZd1CZBno-00210-00072858-00073242 I'll go to her shoot what he's trying to CrkZd1CZBno-00211-00073243-00073494 do you want to put this on okay we'll do CrkZd1CZBno-00212-00073495-00073650 this really quick before we say goodbye CrkZd1CZBno-00213-00073651-00073884 she's got into the deck okay listen CrkZd1CZBno-00214-00073885-00073998 listen listen CrkZd1CZBno-00215-00073999-00074288 no we don't need a brush CrkZd1CZBno-00216-00074289-00074456 quick show them what the blue looks like CrkZd1CZBno-00217-00074457-00074693 put your finger in it yeah you just put CrkZd1CZBno-00218-00074694-00074999 little light now to your face oh how CrkZd1CZBno-00219-00075000-00075194 quick that goes on the pigment is so CrkZd1CZBno-00220-00075195-00075254 high CrkZd1CZBno-00221-00075255-00075593 yes okay do your other side yeah mm-hmm CrkZd1CZBno-00222-00075594-00076004 yeah okay use it use it okay yeah let's CrkZd1CZBno-00223-00076005-00076191 please a difference this will give a CrkZd1CZBno-00224-00076192-00076404 different finger use a different finger CrkZd1CZBno-00225-00076405-00076826 put that finger it down and let's wipe CrkZd1CZBno-00226-00076827-00077000 it or something and then use a different CrkZd1CZBno-00227-00077001-00077207 color different color goodness that CrkZd1CZBno-00228-00077208-00077429 color is bright that we can go on your CrkZd1CZBno-00229-00077430-00078048 lips what's that on your lip mm-hmm yeah CrkZd1CZBno-00230-00078049-00078332 there you go girl there ya go put some CrkZd1CZBno-00231-00078333-00079173 on Emma's lip mm-hmm Oh orange okay yeah CrkZd1CZBno-00232-00079174-00079511 go ahead yeah show them yeah there you CrkZd1CZBno-00233-00079512-00079779 go here might as well here there ya go CrkZd1CZBno-00234-00079780-00079947 look at all those colors oh that's just CrkZd1CZBno-00235-00079948-00080369 so pretty that's just so vivid ah he CrkZd1CZBno-00236-00080370-00080669 just yeah I just ran to sanitize well CrkZd1CZBno-00237-00080670-00080863 she's done CrkZd1CZBno-00238-00080864-00081096 they got herself into her beautiful girl CrkZd1CZBno-00239-00081097-00081326 butterfly that's what she's doing we CrkZd1CZBno-00240-00081327-00081453 don't use the brush in there sweetie CrkZd1CZBno-00241-00081454-00081644 that's a buffer brush Hey and it was CrkZd1CZBno-00242-00081645-00081887 just we're going to go play we're going CrkZd1CZBno-00243-00081888-00082061 to go play another this shenanigans CrkZd1CZBno-00244-00082062-00082410 divide everybody we're gonna play wait a CrkZd1CZBno-00245-00082411-00082550 minute say goodbye first CrkZd1CZBno-00246-00082551-00083042 hey hey thank you for watching moving CrkZd1CZBno-00247-00083043-00083586 blow kisses wait blow kisses first bye CrkZd1CZBno-00248-00083587-00084099 y'all oh yeah yeah okay bye y'all CrnNHLwpBJA-00000-00000000-00000158 hey robert jake here today i'm joined by CrnNHLwpBJA-00001-00000159-00000342 damian from pc tech to CrnNHLwpBJA-00002-00000343-00000663 you how's it going good good good man so CrnNHLwpBJA-00003-00000664-00000823 for those that are not familiar tell me CrnNHLwpBJA-00004-00000824-00000854 just CrnNHLwpBJA-00005-00000855-00001183 a little bit about pc tech tv we do a CrnNHLwpBJA-00006-00001184-00001295 lot of networking CrnNHLwpBJA-00007-00001296-00001614 we do home businesses we do customers CrnNHLwpBJA-00008-00001616-00001782 everybody anything connected to the CrnNHLwpBJA-00009-00001784-00001959 internet we try our best to get you the CrnNHLwpBJA-00010-00001960-00002095 best service we can do CrnNHLwpBJA-00011-00002096-00002295 gotcha so you guys handle um primarily CrnNHLwpBJA-00012-00002296-00002415 laptops and desktops CrnNHLwpBJA-00013-00002416-00002695 yep um and you do everything from your CrnNHLwpBJA-00014-00002696-00002855 custom builds so those are out there CrnNHLwpBJA-00015-00002856-00003039 building gaming machines to people who CrnNHLwpBJA-00016-00003040-00003126 kind of just CrnNHLwpBJA-00017-00003127-00003311 want to buy a box and open it up and CrnNHLwpBJA-00018-00003311-00003527 have it work yeah exactly CrnNHLwpBJA-00019-00003528-00003751 most of our computers here that we sell CrnNHLwpBJA-00020-00003752-00003886 those guys are ready to go out of the CrnNHLwpBJA-00021-00003887-00003983 box CrnNHLwpBJA-00022-00003984-00004270 um so you do all the kind of like setup CrnNHLwpBJA-00023-00004271-00004406 and stuff like that and CrnNHLwpBJA-00024-00004407-00004615 updates and antivirus and everything CrnNHLwpBJA-00025-00004616-00004711 here so CrnNHLwpBJA-00026-00004712-00004895 for someone who's buying a brand new CrnNHLwpBJA-00027-00004896-00005143 machine um they can expect to CrnNHLwpBJA-00028-00005144-00005263 be able to play with it right when they CrnNHLwpBJA-00029-00005264-00005511 get home yep exactly that's that's our CrnNHLwpBJA-00030-00005512-00005654 main goal if you want a system built CrnNHLwpBJA-00031-00005655-00005702 from us CrnNHLwpBJA-00032-00005703-00005902 it's ready to go when you get home nice CrnNHLwpBJA-00033-00005903-00006006 and for those that already have CrnNHLwpBJA-00034-00006007-00006199 computers you guys do service as well CrnNHLwpBJA-00035-00006200-00006422 yep yeah we work on them we can repair CrnNHLwpBJA-00036-00006423-00006655 them we can do upgrades for you anything CrnNHLwpBJA-00037-00006656-00006839 like that that you may want to do CrnNHLwpBJA-00038-00006840-00007006 we can certainly do our best to help you CrnNHLwpBJA-00039-00007008-00007167 and get that for you nice CrnNHLwpBJA-00040-00007168-00007375 and that's true whether they bring it in CrnNHLwpBJA-00041-00007376-00007551 here but you guys do you guys do on-site CrnNHLwpBJA-00042-00007552-00007614 service too CrnNHLwpBJA-00043-00007615-00007791 yep yeah we'll definitely come out to CrnNHLwpBJA-00044-00007792-00007959 site um if you don't want to lug your CrnNHLwpBJA-00045-00007959-00008055 computer in here CrnNHLwpBJA-00046-00008056-00008246 or if you find it easier to have us come CrnNHLwpBJA-00047-00008247-00008478 to you we can certainly come out to you CrnNHLwpBJA-00048-00008479-00008831 nice very nice uh and um it's not just CrnNHLwpBJA-00049-00008832-00009031 home but businesses too right yes CrnNHLwpBJA-00050-00009032-00009255 yep we do a lot of local businesses we CrnNHLwpBJA-00051-00009256-00009423 do other businesses as well CrnNHLwpBJA-00052-00009424-00009631 um we can come out on site you can bring CrnNHLwpBJA-00053-00009632-00009831 your devices into us whichever you like CrnNHLwpBJA-00054-00009832-00009903 to do CrnNHLwpBJA-00055-00009904-00010031 very cool and so what are some of the CrnNHLwpBJA-00056-00010032-00010263 things that you do for businesses here CrnNHLwpBJA-00057-00010264-00010487 in the rockford area yeah we do a lot of CrnNHLwpBJA-00058-00010488-00010614 networking setups CrnNHLwpBJA-00059-00010615-00010863 we do a lot of their computer systems CrnNHLwpBJA-00060-00010864-00011167 for general repairs um to new computers CrnNHLwpBJA-00061-00011168-00011535 to new devices a lot of CrnNHLwpBJA-00062-00011536-00011767 anything connected to the internet maybe CrnNHLwpBJA-00063-00011768-00011910 awesome very cool and CrnNHLwpBJA-00064-00011911-00012119 for those people that want to learn a CrnNHLwpBJA-00065-00012120-00012278 little bit more about pc tech to you or CrnNHLwpBJA-00066-00012279-00012431 give you guys a shout to CrnNHLwpBJA-00067-00012432-00012606 come in and either pick up a new machine CrnNHLwpBJA-00068-00012607-00012767 or get an existing one fixed like where CrnNHLwpBJA-00069-00012768-00012886 can people go to find you and how they CrnNHLwpBJA-00070-00012887-00013038 get in touch with it yeah um you can CrnNHLwpBJA-00071-00013039-00013222 definitely check us out on facebook CrnNHLwpBJA-00072-00013223-00013486 uh it's pc tech to you um as well as our CrnNHLwpBJA-00073-00013487-00013551 website CrnNHLwpBJA-00074-00013552-00013766 uh pc tech the number two the letter CrnNHLwpBJA-00075-00013768-00013886 CrnNHLwpBJA-00076-00013887-00014071 um you can always give us a call at CrnNHLwpBJA-00077-00014072-00014415 eight 815-871-2470 CrnNHLwpBJA-00078-00014416-00014543 awesome well thank you so much damian CrnNHLwpBJA-00079-00014544-00014719 for getting together to chat and CrnNHLwpBJA-00080-00014719-00014966 thank you rockford for tuning in i just CrnNHLwpBJA-00081-00014968-00015094 want to give a real quick shout out to CrnNHLwpBJA-00082-00015095-00015222 all of our business sponsors and our CrnNHLwpBJA-00083-00015223-00015343 backers that make content like this CrnNHLwpBJA-00084-00015344-00015407 possible CrnNHLwpBJA-00085-00015408-00015511 it's because of their support and CrnNHLwpBJA-00086-00015512-00015655 support from companies like pc tech to CrnNHLwpBJA-00087-00015656-00015807 you that i'm able to highlight our local CrnNHLwpBJA-00088-00015808-00015999 businesses here in the 815 and bring all CrnNHLwpBJA-00089-00016000-00016135 this rocket positive content for free CrnNHLwpBJA-00090-00016136-00016230 through the power of the internet so CrnNHLwpBJA-00091-00016231-00016327 thank you so much to them CrnNHLwpBJA-00092-00016328-00016486 and we will catch you on the flip side CrnNHLwpBJA-00093-00016487-00017999 bye rockford CrnNHLwpBJA-00094-00018000-00018208 you Csj4vThfvny-00000-00000089-00000964 [Music] Csj4vThfvny-00001-00000965-00001322 so I arrived in Turkey only Saturday and Csj4vThfvny-00002-00001323-00001556 I wasn't skeptical at first but one of Csj4vThfvny-00003-00001557-00001780 my friends came over here I think April Csj4vThfvny-00004-00001782-00001946 a few months ago and had an amazing Csj4vThfvny-00005-00001947-00002174 procedure done of his beard and his hair Csj4vThfvny-00006-00002175-00002410 and looked amazing still skeptical I Csj4vThfvny-00007-00002411-00002540 came over and asked a lot of questions Csj4vThfvny-00008-00002541-00002747 and the answered at all Csj4vThfvny-00009-00002748-00002902 and eventually he took me to the Csj4vThfvny-00010-00002903-00003085 operation room and you know checked my Csj4vThfvny-00011-00003086-00003245 scalp and made sure my donor area was Csj4vThfvny-00012-00003246-00003586 was good enough the procedure was not Csj4vThfvny-00013-00003588-00003875 that painful and initially the most Csj4vThfvny-00014-00003876-00004052 painful thing was the injections it Csj4vThfvny-00015-00004053-00004186 didn't take very long for it to numb Csj4vThfvny-00016-00004187-00004394 down and the whole procedure was pretty Csj4vThfvny-00017-00004395-00004636 painless and afterwards again they took Csj4vThfvny-00018-00004637-00004829 care of me no pain at all gave me the Csj4vThfvny-00019-00004830-00004988 right prescriptions and procedures and Csj4vThfvny-00020-00004989-00006029 pretty much it so I'd highly recommend Csj4vThfvny-00021-00006030-00006233 this to anyone who might want to find Csj4vThfvny-00022-00006234-00006400 out whether they have enough to an area Csj4vThfvny-00023-00006401-00006539 to you know cover their scope or Csj4vThfvny-00024-00006540-00006742 anything that's receding it's definitely Csj4vThfvny-00025-00006743-00006956 a good experience I literally have Csj4vThfvny-00026-00006956-00007171 nothing bad to say yet anyway Csj4vThfvny-00027-00007172-00007345 about a hair of Istanbul they've been Csj4vThfvny-00028-00007347-00007502 brilliant and very caring and and Csj4vThfvny-00029-00007503-00007742 they're very results-focused and making Csj4vThfvny-00030-00007743-00007909 sure that everything's perfect very Csj4vThfvny-00031-00007911-00008114 motivated everyone was really happy to Csj4vThfvny-00032-00008115-00008306 see me come out and looking okay and Csj4vThfvny-00033-00008307-00008464 making sure I was fine even now that Csj4vThfvny-00034-00008465-00008603 procedures done they're still always Csj4vThfvny-00035-00008604-00008753 checking up on me making sure I'm eating Csj4vThfvny-00036-00008754-00008876 the right meals having the right Csj4vThfvny-00037-00008877-00009134 medication they pick you up and drop you Csj4vThfvny-00038-00009135-00009299 off the airport as well which is hutches Csj4vThfvny-00039-00009300-00009514 to me applause a massive plus there's Csj4vThfvny-00040-00009515-00009662 nothing I can complain about really it's Csj4vThfvny-00041-00009663-00009833 been an awesome experience and I Csj4vThfvny-00042-00009834-00009971 recommend it to literally anyone who Csj4vThfvny-00043-00009972-00010124 might want to consider doing hair Csj4vThfvny-00044-00010125-00010291 transplant Csj4vThfvny-00045-00010292-00011327 [Music] Csj4vThfvny-00046-00011328-00011546 so coming here it's been amazing it's Csj4vThfvny-00047-00011547-00011735 been like a holiday coming to Turkey in Csj4vThfvny-00048-00011736-00011924 Istanbul I've done a lot of tours with Csj4vThfvny-00049-00011925-00012081 hair of Istanbul as well where they've Csj4vThfvny-00050-00012082-00012263 taken me around and showed me brilliant Csj4vThfvny-00051-00012264-00012452 looking places and everyone's very nice Csj4vThfvny-00052-00012453-00012591 everyone's happy can't complain about Csj4vThfvny-00053-00012592-00012813 that either and it's just been generally Csj4vThfvny-00054-00012813-00012930 an amazing experience and I can't Csj4vThfvny-00055-00012931-00013137 recommend it enough and Turkey is really Csj4vThfvny-00056-00013138-00013205 really nice Csj4vThfvny-00057-00013206-00013403 in every way you can think of the hordes Csj4vThfvny-00058-00013404-00013647 a great holiday destination I've seen a Csj4vThfvny-00059-00013647-00013908 lot of sights a lot of amazing mosques Csj4vThfvny-00060-00013909-00014078 dating back to many many many years ago Csj4vThfvny-00061-00014079-00014328 probably centuries and I can't complain Csj4vThfvny-00062-00014329-00014478 really it's the best place I've been to Csj4vThfvny-00063-00014479-00015632 in a while Csj4vThfvny-00064-00015633-00016152 [Music] CsNOIkduTbA-00000-00000003-00000343 Moreno back knocks it out back cope up CsNOIkduTbA-00001-00000344-00000518 he recovers left to us five yard CsNOIkduTbA-00002-00000519-00000798 touchdown reception by Mike CsNOIkduTbA-00003-00000799-00002676 [Music] CsNOIkduTbA-00004-00002677-00003151 this is KC TV channel 28 the programming CsNOIkduTbA-00005-00003152-00003347 on this channel has been interrupted by CsNOIkduTbA-00006-00003347-00003586 request of the Washington State Patrol CsNOIkduTbA-00007-00003586-00003856 the Washington State Patrol and the CsNOIkduTbA-00008-00003857-00004079 Washington National Guard have issued a CsNOIkduTbA-00009-00004079-00004253 shelter-in-place warning for the CsNOIkduTbA-00010-00004254-00004643 following counties Franklin Adams Walla CsNOIkduTbA-00011-00004644-00004970 Walla Benton and Grant County wild CsNOIkduTbA-00012-00004971-00005161 animal attacks have been reported and CsNOIkduTbA-00013-00005162-00005354 confirmed by various local law CsNOIkduTbA-00014-00005355-00005675 enforcement agencies these animals are CsNOIkduTbA-00015-00005676-00005911 dangerous have little to no sense of CsNOIkduTbA-00016-00005912-00006128 self-preservation and their attacks have CsNOIkduTbA-00017-00006129-00006361 been proven fatal both to civilians and CsNOIkduTbA-00018-00006362-00006553 law enforcement officers CsNOIkduTbA-00019-00006554-00006814 these animals are suspected to have come CsNOIkduTbA-00020-00006815-00007133 from savage Island a state patrol unit CsNOIkduTbA-00021-00007134-00007345 together with local law enforcement CsNOIkduTbA-00022-00007345-00007598 agencies are to be sent to investigate CsNOIkduTbA-00023-00007598-00007924 the area in the next few minutes these CsNOIkduTbA-00024-00007925-00008167 animals are capable of posing the danger CsNOIkduTbA-00025-00008168-00008453 even after gravely wounded they are CsNOIkduTbA-00026-00008454-00008692 attracted to loud noises such as CsNOIkduTbA-00027-00008693-00009010 gunshots do not try to engage these CsNOIkduTbA-00028-00009011-00009391 animals they do not act alone if you see CsNOIkduTbA-00029-00009392-00009684 one or more animals nearby do not engage CsNOIkduTbA-00030-00009685-00009970 stay in silence and shelter you and your CsNOIkduTbA-00031-00009971-00010177 family on the most hidden room in your CsNOIkduTbA-00032-00010178-00010360 home with the radio or other device CsNOIkduTbA-00033-00010361-00010723 capable of receiving EAS alerts repeat CsNOIkduTbA-00034-00010724-00011080 if you see one or more animals nearby do CsNOIkduTbA-00035-00011081-00011366 not engage stay in silence and shelter CsNOIkduTbA-00036-00011367-00011552 you and your family on the most hidden CsNOIkduTbA-00037-00011553-00011737 room in your home with the radio or CsNOIkduTbA-00038-00011738-00012005 other device capable of receiving EAS CsNOIkduTbA-00039-00012006-00012362 alerts all citizens 30 to 50 miles from CsNOIkduTbA-00040-00012363-00012484 savage island CsNOIkduTbA-00041-00012485-00015078 stand by for another EAS alert CsNOIkduTbA-00042-00015079-00015355 the Washington State Patrol and the CsNOIkduTbA-00043-00015356-00015574 Washington National Guard have issued an CsNOIkduTbA-00044-00015575-00015778 evacuation in meetings order for the CsNOIkduTbA-00045-00015779-00016021 following counties Yakima CsNOIkduTbA-00046-00016022-00016411 Canada's shellin Douglas Lincoln Whitman CsNOIkduTbA-00047-00016412-00016735 Garfield and Columbia County all CsNOIkduTbA-00048-00016736-00016999 citizens are to evacuate as further away CsNOIkduTbA-00049-00017000-00017074 from savage CsNOIkduTbA-00050-00017075-00017308 island as possible in the next 25 CsNOIkduTbA-00051-00017309-00017635 minutes if evacuation is not possible CsNOIkduTbA-00052-00017636-00017880 shelter you and your family in the most CsNOIkduTbA-00053-00017881-00018072 hidden room in your home with the radio CsNOIkduTbA-00054-00018073-00018364 or other device capable of receiving EAS CsNOIkduTbA-00055-00018365-00018705 alerts do not try to engage any wild CsNOIkduTbA-00056-00018706-00019102 animals repeat do not try to engage any CsNOIkduTbA-00057-00019103-00019393 wild animals this station will cease CsNOIkduTbA-00058-00019394-00019672 normal broadcasted bill aloud stay CsNOIkduTbA-00059-00019673-00020014 attentive for more alerts Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00000-00001492-00002887 me Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00002-00007656-00008095 long ago people crossed mountains Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00003-00008095-00008471 intertwined overlapping rocks Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00004-00008472-00008887 rivers fields of hope Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00005-00008888-00009295 refreshing darkness the fresh wind tears Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00006-00009296-00009655 drifting away from shades of darkness Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00007-00009656-00009927 time turns like a tornado with every Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00008-00009928-00009991 step i Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00009-00009992-00010431 take curling twisting Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00010-00010432-00010759 ever moving mountains long ago Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00011-00010760-00011142 people crossed danger people took risks Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00012-00011143-00011599 seeking yearning for gold for profit Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00013-00011600-00011951 for hope every tree that has risen Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00014-00011952-00012295 hope hope blooms every shade i can't Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00015-00012296-00012383 stand Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00016-00012384-00012623 i will still live even the nameless Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00017-00012624-00012710 grass Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00018-00012711-00013079 hope hope blooms where the fog has gone Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00019-00013080-00013415 i wash my face with dew with the new Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00020-00013416-00013471 hope Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00021-00013472-00013838 smiles blooming like the sun Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00022-00013840-00014158 long ago people crossed mountains Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00023-00014159-00014551 intertwined overlapping rocks Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00024-00014552-00014855 rivers fields of hope Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00025-00014856-00015255 hope hope immigrate Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00026-00015256-00015671 transfer move shift Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00027-00015672-00016015 the future is right over this hill Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00028-00016016-00016319 every tree that has risen hope Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00029-00016319-00016711 hope blooms our stories connect Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00030-00016712-00017135 curling twisted held together by hope Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00031-00017136-00017455 our home is at heaven safety Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00032-00017456-00017935 prosper old long ago they came Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00033-00017936-00020687 today we stayed Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00034-00020688-00021484 [Music] Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00035-00021485-00023883 [Music] Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00036-00023884-00025622 is Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00037-00025623-00028083 [Music] Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00038-00028083-00028499 is Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00039-00028500-00029087 [Music] Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00040-00029088-00031207 we stayed Ctl9Yo0wfuQ-00041-00031208-00031416 you Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00000-00000518-00001732 so hello guys Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00001-00001734-00002717 so Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00002-00002718-00003071 15 minutes time Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00004-00006239-00007603 and the City Times Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00005-00007604-00007987 while Market is about going to obtain Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00006-00007988-00008428 the blue line is going to cross the Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00007-00008429-00008639 this Orange Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00008-00008640-00008939 I think it's like orange orange light Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00009-00008940-00009131 should be across so Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00010-00009132-00009442 foreign Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00011-00009443-00010541 shadow Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00012-00010542-00012252 s Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00013-00012253-00012491 [Music] Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00014-00012492-00014363 foreign Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00015-00014365-00015515 [Music] Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00017-00018780-00021542 foreign Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00018-00021543-00022372 [Music] Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00019-00022373-00023691 foreign Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00020-00023692-00025727 [Music] Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00023-00031974-00033713 foreign Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00024-00033714-00034493 [Music] Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00025-00034494-00034774 [Music] Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00026-00034775-00034949 between Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00027-00034950-00035093 here Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00030-00042713-00043007 and the City Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00031-00043008-00044662 subscribe Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00032-00044663-00044917 so guys Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00033-00044918-00045190 technically to Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00034-00045191-00045643 rocket science and Common Sense Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00035-00045644-00045899 control mode Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00036-00045900-00048502 foreign Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00037-00048503-00049373 foreign Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00038-00049374-00052079 foreign Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00039-00052079-00052492 foreign Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00041-00058038-00058211 Market parade Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00042-00058212-00059854 sideways technique Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00043-00059855-00060221 so Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00044-00060222-00060682 obviously Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00045-00060683-00063311 foreign Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00047-00067620-00068087 oh Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00048-00068088-00068293 Eugene Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00049-00068294-00068513 Market something Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00050-00068514-00069993 is confused my name is Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00051-00069994-00071219 [Music] Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00052-00071220-00071512 everything you can learn from here so Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00053-00071513-00071879 there is no any problem to learn so if Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00054-00071880-00072203 you really want to learn something Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00055-00072204-00072581 valuable which could be for you so you Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00056-00072582-00072749 have to learn if you want to financial Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00057-00072750-00073038 trip so you need to learn Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00058-00073039-00073421 so many times or all the times you have Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00059-00073422-00073649 to learn something new in every day you Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00060-00073650-00073841 have to make better for yourself again Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00061-00073842-00074021 and again Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00062-00074022-00074350 so that's my recommendation to you so Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00063-00074351-00074812 what do you want to do it's totally okay Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00064-00074813-00077567 so okay guys Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00065-00077568-00077788 foreign Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00066-00077789-00079305 [Music] Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00067-00079306-00080531 [Music] Cvm1Dy4FwWI-00068-00080532-00080827 well guys CwolUbeKtxI-00000-00000064-00000455 from around the globe it's thecube CwolUbeKtxI-00001-00000456-00000751 with digital coverage of aws reinvent CwolUbeKtxI-00002-00000752-00001023 executive summit 2020 CwolUbeKtxI-00003-00001024-00001272 sponsored by accenture and aws CwolUbeKtxI-00004-00001273-00001535 [Music] CwolUbeKtxI-00005-00001536-00001734 welcome everyone to the cube virtual and CwolUbeKtxI-00006-00001735-00001926 our coverage of the accenture executive CwolUbeKtxI-00007-00001927-00002167 summit which is part of aws re invent CwolUbeKtxI-00008-00002168-00002271 2020 CwolUbeKtxI-00009-00002272-00002526 i'm your host rebecca knight today we CwolUbeKtxI-00010-00002527-00002639 are talking about CwolUbeKtxI-00011-00002640-00002863 the green cloud and joining me is CwolUbeKtxI-00012-00002864-00002975 kishore durg CwolUbeKtxI-00013-00002976-00003191 he is accenture senior managing director CwolUbeKtxI-00014-00003192-00003311 cloud first CwolUbeKtxI-00015-00003311-00003479 global services lead thank you so much CwolUbeKtxI-00016-00003479-00003719 for coming on the show kishore CwolUbeKtxI-00017-00003720-00003959 nice to meet you rebecca great to have CwolUbeKtxI-00018-00003960-00004079 you here CwolUbeKtxI-00019-00004079-00004375 so i want to start by by asking you what CwolUbeKtxI-00020-00004376-00004575 it is that we mean when we say green CwolUbeKtxI-00021-00004576-00004751 cloud we know that sustainability is a CwolUbeKtxI-00022-00004752-00004886 business imperative CwolUbeKtxI-00023-00004887-00005127 so many organizations around the world CwolUbeKtxI-00024-00005128-00005327 are committing to responsible innovation CwolUbeKtxI-00025-00005328-00005551 lowering carbon emissions but what is CwolUbeKtxI-00026-00005552-00005702 this what is it what does it mean when CwolUbeKtxI-00027-00005703-00005831 they talk about CwolUbeKtxI-00028-00005832-00006191 cloud from a sustainability perspective CwolUbeKtxI-00029-00006192-00006367 i think it's about responsible CwolUbeKtxI-00030-00006368-00006606 innovation green cloud is a thoughtful CwolUbeKtxI-00031-00006608-00006775 cloud-first approach CwolUbeKtxI-00032-00006776-00007063 that helps boost your profits and CwolUbeKtxI-00033-00007064-00007223 benefit the clients for helping reduce CwolUbeKtxI-00034-00007223-00007351 carbon emissions CwolUbeKtxI-00035-00007352-00007591 think about it this way right you have a CwolUbeKtxI-00036-00007592-00007791 large number of data centers CwolUbeKtxI-00037-00007792-00007983 and each of these data centers are CwolUbeKtxI-00038-00007984-00008134 increasing by 14 CwolUbeKtxI-00039-00008136-00008399 every year and this double-digit growth CwolUbeKtxI-00040-00008400-00008551 comes with the price rebecca CwolUbeKtxI-00041-00008552-00008759 what we are seeing is these global data CwolUbeKtxI-00042-00008760-00008863 centers consume CwolUbeKtxI-00043-00008864-00009119 a lot of power and the consumption is CwolUbeKtxI-00044-00009120-00009263 nearly equivalent to CwolUbeKtxI-00045-00009264-00009519 the consumption of a country like spain CwolUbeKtxI-00046-00009520-00009583 so CwolUbeKtxI-00047-00009584-00009871 the magnitude of the problem that is out CwolUbeKtxI-00048-00009872-00010039 there and how do we pursue a green CwolUbeKtxI-00049-00010040-00010135 approach CwolUbeKtxI-00050-00010136-00010310 uh if you look at just our accenture CwolUbeKtxI-00051-00010311-00010535 analysis in terms of the migrations to CwolUbeKtxI-00052-00010536-00010646 public crowd CwolUbeKtxI-00053-00010647-00010895 we have seen that uh we can reduce that CwolUbeKtxI-00054-00010896-00011174 by 59 million tons of co2 per year CwolUbeKtxI-00055-00011175-00011478 and with just the 5.9 percent reduction CwolUbeKtxI-00056-00011479-00011735 in total id emissions and equates this CwolUbeKtxI-00057-00011736-00011878 to CwolUbeKtxI-00058-00011879-00012127 22 million cars of the road and the CwolUbeKtxI-00059-00012128-00012278 magnitude of reduction CwolUbeKtxI-00060-00012279-00012463 uh can go a long way in meeting climate CwolUbeKtxI-00061-00012464-00012631 change commitments particularly for data CwolUbeKtxI-00062-00012632-00012886 sensitive businesses CwolUbeKtxI-00063-00012887-00013038 wow that's incredible what you're the CwolUbeKtxI-00064-00013039-00013191 numbers that you're putting forward are CwolUbeKtxI-00065-00013191-00013311 absolutely mind-blowing CwolUbeKtxI-00066-00013312-00013615 so how does it work is it a simple cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00067-00013616-00013830 migration CwolUbeKtxI-00068-00013831-00014071 so you know when companies begin their CwolUbeKtxI-00069-00014072-00014358 cloud journey and then they confront CwolUbeKtxI-00070-00014359-00014519 with them a lot of questions the CwolUbeKtxI-00071-00014519-00014686 decision to make uh CwolUbeKtxI-00072-00014687-00014991 in this particular element sustainable CwolUbeKtxI-00073-00014991-00015143 in their solution and benefits they CwolUbeKtxI-00074-00015144-00015222 drive CwolUbeKtxI-00075-00015223-00015391 and they have to make wise choices and CwolUbeKtxI-00076-00015391-00015575 and they will gain unprecedented level CwolUbeKtxI-00077-00015576-00015727 of innovation leading to both CwolUbeKtxI-00078-00015728-00015983 a greener planet as well as a greener CwolUbeKtxI-00079-00015984-00016127 balance sheet i would say CwolUbeKtxI-00080-00016128-00016350 uh so effectively it's all about CwolUbeKtxI-00081-00016351-00016527 ambition greater the ambition CwolUbeKtxI-00082-00016528-00016663 greater the reduction in carbon CwolUbeKtxI-00083-00016664-00016883 emissions so from a cloud migration CwolUbeKtxI-00084-00016884-00017111 perspective we look at it as a CwolUbeKtxI-00085-00017112-00017335 as a simple solution with approaches and CwolUbeKtxI-00086-00017336-00017511 sustainability benefits CwolUbeKtxI-00087-00017512-00017694 that vary based on things it's about CwolUbeKtxI-00088-00017695-00017863 selecting the right cloud provider CwolUbeKtxI-00089-00017864-00018167 a very carbon thoughtful provider and CwolUbeKtxI-00090-00018168-00018327 the first step towards a sustainable CwolUbeKtxI-00091-00018328-00018407 cloud journey CwolUbeKtxI-00092-00018408-00018543 and here we're looking at cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00093-00018544-00018711 operators you know obviously CwolUbeKtxI-00094-00018712-00018822 they have different corporate CwolUbeKtxI-00095-00018823-00018975 commitments towards sustainability and CwolUbeKtxI-00096-00018976-00019135 that determines how they plan how they CwolUbeKtxI-00097-00019136-00019191 build CwolUbeKtxI-00098-00019192-00019511 uh their their data centers how they CwolUbeKtxI-00099-00019512-00019758 power and consume consumptions that CwolUbeKtxI-00100-00019759-00019839 operate there CwolUbeKtxI-00101-00019840-00019975 and how do they how they retire their CwolUbeKtxI-00102-00019976-00020150 data centers then CwolUbeKtxI-00103-00020151-00020383 uh the next element that you want to do CwolUbeKtxI-00104-00020384-00020543 is how do you build your ambition CwolUbeKtxI-00105-00020544-00020767 you know for some of the companies uh an CwolUbeKtxI-00106-00020768-00020871 average on-prem CwolUbeKtxI-00107-00020872-00021222 uh drives about 65 energy reduction and CwolUbeKtxI-00108-00021223-00021519 carbon emission reduction of about 84 CwolUbeKtxI-00109-00021520-00021599 which is kind of CwolUbeKtxI-00110-00021600-00021847 okay and good i would say but then if CwolUbeKtxI-00111-00021848-00022055 you could go up to 98 CwolUbeKtxI-00112-00022056-00022286 by configuring applications to the cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00113-00022287-00022463 that is significant CwolUbeKtxI-00114-00022464-00022671 benefit for for the world and obviously CwolUbeKtxI-00115-00022672-00022822 it's a greener cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00116-00022823-00023078 that we're talking about and then the CwolUbeKtxI-00117-00023079-00023263 question is how far can you go CwolUbeKtxI-00118-00023264-00023430 and uh you know the obviously the CwolUbeKtxI-00119-00023431-00023558 companies have to unlock greater CwolUbeKtxI-00120-00023559-00023719 financial societal environmental CwolUbeKtxI-00121-00023720-00023814 benefits CwolUbeKtxI-00122-00023815-00024135 and an accenture has this cloud-based CwolUbeKtxI-00123-00024136-00024303 circular operations and sustainable CwolUbeKtxI-00124-00024304-00024422 products and services CwolUbeKtxI-00125-00024423-00024655 that that we bring into play so it's a CwolUbeKtxI-00126-00024656-00024735 it's a very CwolUbeKtxI-00127-00024736-00024942 thoughtful broader approach that we're CwolUbeKtxI-00128-00024943-00025158 bringing in in terms of CwolUbeKtxI-00129-00025159-00025527 just a simple concept of cloud migration CwolUbeKtxI-00130-00025528-00025750 so we know that in the cobit era CwolUbeKtxI-00131-00025751-00025911 shifting to the cloud has really become CwolUbeKtxI-00132-00025912-00026062 a business imperative CwolUbeKtxI-00133-00026063-00026287 how is accenture working with its CwolUbeKtxI-00134-00026288-00026367 clients CwolUbeKtxI-00135-00026368-00026567 at a time when all of this movement has CwolUbeKtxI-00136-00026568-00026670 been accelerated CwolUbeKtxI-00137-00026672-00026814 how do you partner and what is your CwolUbeKtxI-00138-00026816-00026967 approach in terms of helping them with CwolUbeKtxI-00139-00026968-00027127 their migrations CwolUbeKtxI-00140-00027127-00027295 yeah i mean let me talk a little bit CwolUbeKtxI-00141-00027295-00027439 about the pandemic and the CwolUbeKtxI-00142-00027439-00027646 crisis that is there today and and if CwolUbeKtxI-00143-00027647-00027774 you really look at CwolUbeKtxI-00144-00027775-00027999 that in terms of how we partnered with a CwolUbeKtxI-00145-00028000-00028158 lot of our clients in terms of the cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00146-00028160-00028246 first approach CwolUbeKtxI-00147-00028247-00028390 i'll give you a couple of examples we've CwolUbeKtxI-00148-00028391-00028614 worked with rolls-royce mclaren dhl and CwolUbeKtxI-00149-00028616-00028823 others as part of the ventilator CwolUbeKtxI-00150-00028824-00029207 uk challenge consortium again to CwolUbeKtxI-00151-00029208-00029343 coordinate production of medical CwolUbeKtxI-00152-00029344-00029527 ventilators urgently needed for the uk CwolUbeKtxI-00153-00029527-00029695 health service many of these firms CwolUbeKtxI-00154-00029695-00029935 have taken similar initiatives in terms CwolUbeKtxI-00155-00029936-00030046 of uh CwolUbeKtxI-00156-00030047-00030279 you know from perfume manufacturers hand CwolUbeKtxI-00157-00030280-00030390 sanitizers and CwolUbeKtxI-00158-00030391-00030599 and to hand sanitizers and again leading CwolUbeKtxI-00159-00030600-00030774 fashion labels making ppa CwolUbeKtxI-00160-00030775-00030951 and again at the un general assembly we CwolUbeKtxI-00161-00030952-00031102 launched the end-to-end uh CwolUbeKtxI-00162-00031103-00031335 integration guide that helps company is CwolUbeKtxI-00163-00031336-00031470 essentially to have a sustainable CwolUbeKtxI-00164-00031472-00031567 development goals CwolUbeKtxI-00165-00031568-00031702 and that's how we're partnering at a CwolUbeKtxI-00166-00031703-00031887 very large scale uh and CwolUbeKtxI-00167-00031888-00032174 and if you really look at how we work CwolUbeKtxI-00168-00032175-00032295 with our clients and what is the CwolUbeKtxI-00169-00032295-00032455 accenture's role there CwolUbeKtxI-00170-00032456-00032718 uh you know from in terms of our clients CwolUbeKtxI-00171-00032719-00032862 you know there are multiple steps that CwolUbeKtxI-00172-00032863-00033055 we look at one is about CwolUbeKtxI-00173-00033056-00033246 planning building deploying and managing CwolUbeKtxI-00174-00033247-00033439 an optimal green cloud solution CwolUbeKtxI-00175-00033440-00033815 and accenture has this concept of uh CwolUbeKtxI-00176-00033816-00033983 helping clients with the platform to CwolUbeKtxI-00177-00033984-00034183 kind of achieve that goal and here CwolUbeKtxI-00178-00034184-00034383 we are having we're having a platform CwolUbeKtxI-00179-00034384-00034535 called uh mynav CwolUbeKtxI-00180-00034536-00034743 which has a module called green cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00181-00034744-00034951 advisor and this is the capability that CwolUbeKtxI-00182-00034952-00035031 helps CwolUbeKtxI-00183-00035032-00035279 you provide optimal green cloud you know CwolUbeKtxI-00184-00035280-00035407 a business case and CwolUbeKtxI-00185-00035408-00035574 obviously a blueprint for each of our CwolUbeKtxI-00186-00035575-00035783 clients and right from the start in CwolUbeKtxI-00187-00035784-00035855 terms of CwolUbeKtxI-00188-00035856-00036023 how do we complete cloud migration CwolUbeKtxI-00189-00036024-00036287 recommendation to an improved solution CwolUbeKtxI-00190-00036288-00036502 accuracy to obviously bringing in the CwolUbeKtxI-00191-00036503-00036646 end-to-end perspective CwolUbeKtxI-00192-00036647-00036815 uh you know with this green cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00193-00036816-00036951 advisor capability we're helping our CwolUbeKtxI-00194-00036952-00037046 clients CwolUbeKtxI-00195-00037047-00037207 capture what we call as a carbon CwolUbeKtxI-00196-00037208-00037390 footprint for existing data centers CwolUbeKtxI-00197-00037391-00037623 and provide a i would say the current CwolUbeKtxI-00198-00037624-00037823 cloud co2 emissions core CwolUbeKtxI-00199-00037824-00038143 that you know obviously helps them uh CwolUbeKtxI-00200-00038144-00038318 with carbon credits that can further CwolUbeKtxI-00201-00038319-00038423 their green agenda CwolUbeKtxI-00202-00038424-00038599 so essentially this is about CwolUbeKtxI-00203-00038600-00038807 recommending a green index core CwolUbeKtxI-00204-00038808-00038999 reducing carbon footprint for migration CwolUbeKtxI-00205-00039000-00039159 migrating for greener cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00206-00039160-00039351 and if you really look at how accenture CwolUbeKtxI-00207-00039352-00039574 itself is practicing what we preach CwolUbeKtxI-00208-00039575-00039862 95 of our applications are in the cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00209-00039863-00040055 and this migration has helped us CwolUbeKtxI-00210-00040056-00040351 uh to lead to about 14.5 million in CwolUbeKtxI-00211-00040352-00040439 benefit CwolUbeKtxI-00212-00040440-00040655 and in the third year and another three CwolUbeKtxI-00213-00040656-00040871 million annualized costs that are saved CwolUbeKtxI-00214-00040872-00040999 through right-sizing CwolUbeKtxI-00215-00041000-00041207 uh service consumption so it's a very CwolUbeKtxI-00216-00041208-00041407 broad umbrella and a footprint in terms CwolUbeKtxI-00217-00041408-00041583 of how we engage societally CwolUbeKtxI-00218-00041584-00041918 with the un or our clients and and what CwolUbeKtxI-00219-00041919-00042062 is it that we exactly bring CwolUbeKtxI-00220-00042063-00042223 to our clients in solving a specific CwolUbeKtxI-00221-00042224-00042511 problem accenture isn't is walking the CwolUbeKtxI-00222-00042512-00042646 walk as you say CwolUbeKtxI-00223-00042647-00042974 yes so that is that we practice what we CwolUbeKtxI-00224-00042975-00043102 preach and that is something that we CwolUbeKtxI-00225-00043103-00043318 take it to heart we we want to CwolUbeKtxI-00226-00043319-00043623 have a responsible business and we want CwolUbeKtxI-00227-00043624-00043783 to practice it and we want to advise our CwolUbeKtxI-00228-00043784-00043895 clients around that CwolUbeKtxI-00229-00043896-00044055 you are your own use case and so they CwolUbeKtxI-00230-00044056-00044255 can they know they can take your advice CwolUbeKtxI-00231-00044256-00044543 so talk a little bit about um the global CwolUbeKtxI-00232-00044544-00044735 the cooperation that's needed we know CwolUbeKtxI-00233-00044736-00044911 that conquering this pandemic is going CwolUbeKtxI-00234-00044912-00045127 to take a coordinated global CwolUbeKtxI-00235-00045128-00045327 effort and talk a little bit about the CwolUbeKtxI-00236-00045328-00045511 great reset initiative first of all what CwolUbeKtxI-00237-00045512-00045615 is that why don't we CwolUbeKtxI-00238-00045616-00045751 start there and then we can delve into CwolUbeKtxI-00239-00045752-00045943 it a little bit more okay CwolUbeKtxI-00240-00045944-00046087 so before we get to how we are CwolUbeKtxI-00241-00046088-00046255 cooperating the great reset CwolUbeKtxI-00242-00046256-00046415 initiative is about improving the state CwolUbeKtxI-00243-00046416-00046615 of the world and it's about a group of CwolUbeKtxI-00244-00046616-00046774 global stakeholders cooperating to CwolUbeKtxI-00245-00046775-00046943 simultaneously manage CwolUbeKtxI-00246-00046944-00047127 the direct consequences of their kuwait CwolUbeKtxI-00247-00047128-00047262 19 crisis CwolUbeKtxI-00248-00047263-00047527 uh and in spirit of this cooperation CwolUbeKtxI-00249-00047528-00047718 that we're seeing during code 19 CwolUbeKtxI-00250-00047719-00047935 which will obviously needed to host CwolUbeKtxI-00251-00047936-00048111 panama to tackle the CwolUbeKtxI-00252-00048112-00048399 world's pressing issues as i say uh we CwolUbeKtxI-00253-00048400-00048599 are encouraging companies to realize a CwolUbeKtxI-00254-00048600-00048751 combined potential of technology and CwolUbeKtxI-00255-00048752-00048895 sustainable impact CwolUbeKtxI-00256-00048896-00049079 to use enterprise solutions to address CwolUbeKtxI-00257-00049080-00049223 with urgency and scale CwolUbeKtxI-00258-00049224-00049495 and obviously a multiple challenges that CwolUbeKtxI-00259-00049496-00049615 are facing our world CwolUbeKtxI-00260-00049616-00049823 one of the ways that we're encouraging CwolUbeKtxI-00261-00049824-00050055 uh companies to reach their venus cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00262-00050056-00050239 with accenture's cloud for strategy CwolUbeKtxI-00263-00050240-00050415 is to build a solid foundation that is CwolUbeKtxI-00264-00050416-00050679 resilient and would pivotal faster CwolUbeKtxI-00265-00050680-00050886 to the current as well as future times CwolUbeKtxI-00266-00050887-00051030 now when you think of CwolUbeKtxI-00267-00051031-00051350 cloud as the foundation uh that drives CwolUbeKtxI-00268-00051351-00051502 the digital transformation CwolUbeKtxI-00269-00051503-00051775 it's about scale speed streamlining your CwolUbeKtxI-00270-00051776-00052007 operations and obviously reducing costs CwolUbeKtxI-00271-00052008-00052302 and and as these businesses sees the CwolUbeKtxI-00272-00052303-00052471 construct of cloud first CwolUbeKtxI-00273-00052472-00052630 uh they must remain obviously CwolUbeKtxI-00274-00052632-00052838 responsible and trusted CwolUbeKtxI-00275-00052839-00053166 now think about this right as part of CwolUbeKtxI-00276-00053167-00053271 our analysis CwolUbeKtxI-00277-00053272-00053630 uh that profitability can coexist with CwolUbeKtxI-00278-00053632-00053791 responsible and sustainable CwolUbeKtxI-00279-00053791-00054030 practices let's say that all the data CwolUbeKtxI-00280-00054032-00054119 centers CwolUbeKtxI-00281-00054120-00054350 are migrated from on-prem to cloud-based CwolUbeKtxI-00282-00054351-00054447 we estimate CwolUbeKtxI-00283-00054448-00054615 you know that would reduce carbon CwolUbeKtxI-00284-00054616-00054815 emissions globally by 60 million tons CwolUbeKtxI-00285-00054816-00054919 per year CwolUbeKtxI-00286-00054920-00055150 uh and think about it this way right the CwolUbeKtxI-00287-00055151-00055294 easier metric would be CwolUbeKtxI-00288-00055295-00055550 taking out 22 million cars off the road CwolUbeKtxI-00289-00055551-00055607 um CwolUbeKtxI-00290-00055608-00055766 the other examples that you've seen CwolUbeKtxI-00291-00055767-00055959 right in terms of the nhs CwolUbeKtxI-00292-00055960-00056191 work that you're doing uh in in uk to CwolUbeKtxI-00293-00056191-00056311 build uh CwolUbeKtxI-00294-00056312-00056591 uh you know a microsoft teams very CwolUbeKtxI-00295-00056591-00056742 team-based integration CwolUbeKtxI-00296-00056744-00056959 and uh the platform we rolled out for CwolUbeKtxI-00297-00056960-00057175 1.2 million nhs users CwolUbeKtxI-00298-00057176-00057494 uh and about 16 000 users there we were CwolUbeKtxI-00299-00057495-00057615 able to secure uh CwolUbeKtxI-00300-00057616-00057871 instant messages you know obviously CwolUbeKtxI-00301-00057872-00058030 complete audio video calls CwolUbeKtxI-00302-00058032-00058215 and host virtual meetings across england CwolUbeKtxI-00303-00058216-00058335 so uh this CwolUbeKtxI-00304-00058336-00058526 this work that we did with nhs is is CwolUbeKtxI-00305-00058527-00058638 something that where we are CwolUbeKtxI-00306-00058639-00058782 collaborating with a lot of tools and CwolUbeKtxI-00307-00058783-00059030 powering businesses CwolUbeKtxI-00308-00059032-00059191 well you're vividly describing the CwolUbeKtxI-00309-00059191-00059423 business case for sustainability CwolUbeKtxI-00310-00059424-00059654 what do you see as the future of cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00311-00059655-00059823 when thinking about it through this lens CwolUbeKtxI-00312-00059824-00059942 of sustainability CwolUbeKtxI-00313-00059944-00060079 and also going back to what you were CwolUbeKtxI-00314-00060079-00060238 talking about in terms of how you are CwolUbeKtxI-00315-00060239-00060366 helping CwolUbeKtxI-00316-00060367-00060542 you're fostering cooperation within CwolUbeKtxI-00317-00060544-00060791 these organizations CwolUbeKtxI-00318-00060791-00060975 that's a very good question rebecca so CwolUbeKtxI-00319-00060976-00061175 if you look at today right businesses CwolUbeKtxI-00320-00061176-00061230 are CwolUbeKtxI-00321-00061232-00061391 obviously environmentally aware and they CwolUbeKtxI-00322-00061391-00061582 are expanding efforts to decrease power CwolUbeKtxI-00323-00061583-00061759 consumption carbon emissions CwolUbeKtxI-00324-00061760-00061894 and they want to run a sustainable CwolUbeKtxI-00325-00061895-00062047 operational efficiency across all CwolUbeKtxI-00326-00062048-00062175 elements of their business CwolUbeKtxI-00327-00062176-00062319 and this is an increasing trend and CwolUbeKtxI-00328-00062320-00062487 there is adoption of CwolUbeKtxI-00329-00062488-00062647 energy efficient infrastructure in the CwolUbeKtxI-00330-00062648-00062838 global market and CwolUbeKtxI-00331-00062839-00063023 this trend is the cloud first thinking CwolUbeKtxI-00332-00063024-00063199 and with the right cloud migration that CwolUbeKtxI-00333-00063200-00063311 we've been discussing CwolUbeKtxI-00334-00063312-00063479 is about unlocking new opportunities CwolUbeKtxI-00335-00063479-00063694 like clean energy transitions CwolUbeKtxI-00336-00063695-00063959 uh enabled enabled by cloud-based CwolUbeKtxI-00337-00063960-00064094 geographic analysis CwolUbeKtxI-00338-00064095-00064303 material waste reductions and better CwolUbeKtxI-00339-00064304-00064399 data insights CwolUbeKtxI-00340-00064400-00064775 and this is something that will drive CwolUbeKtxI-00341-00064776-00065038 uh with obviously faster analytics CwolUbeKtxI-00342-00065039-00065175 platform that is out there CwolUbeKtxI-00343-00065176-00065494 now the sustainability is actually the CwolUbeKtxI-00344-00065495-00065663 future of business which is companies CwolUbeKtxI-00345-00065664-00065806 that are historically different CwolUbeKtxI-00346-00065807-00065991 the financial security or agility CwolUbeKtxI-00347-00065992-00066135 benefits to cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00348-00066136-00066399 now sustainability becomes an imperative CwolUbeKtxI-00349-00066400-00066471 for them CwolUbeKtxI-00350-00066472-00066647 and our own experience accenture's CwolUbeKtxI-00351-00066648-00066831 experience with cloud migrations CwolUbeKtxI-00352-00066832-00067087 we have seen 30 to 40 percent total cost CwolUbeKtxI-00353-00067088-00067223 of ownership savings CwolUbeKtxI-00354-00067224-00067447 and it's driving a greater workload CwolUbeKtxI-00355-00067448-00067567 flexibility CwolUbeKtxI-00356-00067568-00067750 better service server utilization and CwolUbeKtxI-00357-00067751-00067943 obviously more energy efficient CwolUbeKtxI-00358-00067944-00068391 uh public clouds uh that cost obviously CwolUbeKtxI-00359-00068392-00068582 that drive a lot of these enterprise CwolUbeKtxI-00360-00068583-00068711 owned data centers so CwolUbeKtxI-00361-00068712-00068982 in in our view what we are seeing is CwolUbeKtxI-00362-00068983-00069055 that CwolUbeKtxI-00363-00069056-00069415 this this sustainable cloud position CwolUbeKtxI-00364-00069416-00069735 helps uh helps companies to CwolUbeKtxI-00365-00069736-00069911 drive a lot of the goals in addition to CwolUbeKtxI-00366-00069912-00070159 their financial and other goals CwolUbeKtxI-00367-00070160-00070375 so what should organizations who are who CwolUbeKtxI-00368-00070376-00070519 are watching this interview and saying CwolUbeKtxI-00369-00070520-00070559 hey CwolUbeKtxI-00370-00070560-00070679 i need to know more what what do you CwolUbeKtxI-00371-00070680-00070823 recommend to them and what where should CwolUbeKtxI-00372-00070824-00070991 they go to get more information on green CwolUbeKtxI-00373-00070992-00071126 cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00374-00071127-00071375 you know if you're if you're a a CwolUbeKtxI-00375-00071376-00071487 business leader CwolUbeKtxI-00376-00071488-00071671 and you're thinking about which cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00377-00071672-00071887 provider is good or how how should CwolUbeKtxI-00378-00071888-00072119 applications be modernized to meet our CwolUbeKtxI-00379-00072120-00072303 day-to-day needs which cloud-driven CwolUbeKtxI-00380-00072304-00072471 innovations should be priorities CwolUbeKtxI-00381-00072472-00072838 uh you know that's why accenture CwolUbeKtxI-00382-00072839-00073135 formed the cloud first organization and CwolUbeKtxI-00383-00073136-00073311 essentially to provide the full stack of CwolUbeKtxI-00384-00073312-00073479 cloud services to help our clients CwolUbeKtxI-00385-00073480-00073726 uh become a cloud-first business uh you CwolUbeKtxI-00386-00073727-00073943 know it's all about accelerating uh the CwolUbeKtxI-00387-00073944-00074087 digital transformation CwolUbeKtxI-00388-00074088-00074255 innovating faster creating CwolUbeKtxI-00389-00074256-00074503 differentiated and sustainable value for CwolUbeKtxI-00390-00074504-00074647 our clients and we are powering it up CwolUbeKtxI-00391-00074648-00074855 with 70 000 cloud professionals CwolUbeKtxI-00392-00074856-00075087 three billion dollar investment and uh CwolUbeKtxI-00393-00075088-00075255 bringing together unmatched depth and CwolUbeKtxI-00394-00075256-00075375 breadth of cloud services CwolUbeKtxI-00395-00075376-00075519 for our clients in terms of cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00396-00075520-00075711 solutions and obviously the ecosystem CwolUbeKtxI-00397-00075712-00075862 partnership that we have CwolUbeKtxI-00398-00075863-00076103 that we are seeing today and and the CwolUbeKtxI-00399-00076104-00076271 assets that help our clients realize CwolUbeKtxI-00400-00076272-00076367 their goals CwolUbeKtxI-00401-00076368-00076743 um and again to do reach out to us CwolUbeKtxI-00402-00076744-00076991 uh we can help them determine obviously CwolUbeKtxI-00403-00076992-00077150 an optimal sustainable cloud for CwolUbeKtxI-00404-00077151-00077247 solution CwolUbeKtxI-00405-00077248-00077423 that meets the business needs and being CwolUbeKtxI-00406-00077424-00077623 unprecedented levels of innovation CwolUbeKtxI-00407-00077624-00077887 our experience will be your advantage CwolUbeKtxI-00408-00077888-00077959 and uh CwolUbeKtxI-00409-00077960-00078231 now more than ever rebecca so just CwolUbeKtxI-00410-00078232-00078391 closing us out here do you have any CwolUbeKtxI-00411-00078392-00078567 advice for these companies who are CwolUbeKtxI-00412-00078568-00078647 navigating CwolUbeKtxI-00413-00078648-00078959 a great deal of uncertainty we what what CwolUbeKtxI-00414-00078960-00079150 do you think the next 12 to 24 months CwolUbeKtxI-00415-00079151-00079287 what do you think that should be on the CwolUbeKtxI-00416-00079288-00079415 minds of cios CwolUbeKtxI-00417-00079416-00079719 as they go forward so as cios are CwolUbeKtxI-00418-00079720-00079967 thinking about rapidly leveraging cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00419-00079968-00080135 migrating to cloud CwolUbeKtxI-00420-00080136-00080303 one of the elements that we want them to CwolUbeKtxI-00421-00080304-00080455 be thoughtful about is CwolUbeKtxI-00422-00080456-00080726 can they do that with unprecedented CwolUbeKtxI-00423-00080727-00080894 level of innovation but also CwolUbeKtxI-00424-00080895-00081079 build a greener planet and a greener CwolUbeKtxI-00425-00081080-00081279 balance sheet if we can achieve this CwolUbeKtxI-00426-00081280-00081359 balance CwolUbeKtxI-00427-00081360-00081662 and and kind of have a have CwolUbeKtxI-00428-00081663-00081999 a a world which is greener i think CwolUbeKtxI-00429-00082000-00082294 the world will win and uh we all along CwolUbeKtxI-00430-00082295-00082471 with accenture and our clients will win CwolUbeKtxI-00431-00082472-00082743 that's what i would say uh replica that CwolUbeKtxI-00432-00082744-00082926 is an optimistic outlook and i will take CwolUbeKtxI-00433-00082927-00083118 it thank you so much kishore for coming CwolUbeKtxI-00434-00083119-00083231 on the show CwolUbeKtxI-00435-00083232-00083447 thank you so much that was accenture's CwolUbeKtxI-00436-00083448-00083559 keyshore dirk CwolUbeKtxI-00437-00083560-00083735 i'm rebecca knight stay tuned for more CwolUbeKtxI-00438-00083736-00083935 of the cube virtuals coverage of the CwolUbeKtxI-00439-00083936-00084821 accenture executive summit CwolUbeKtxI-00440-00084822-00085103 [Music] Cw_SAvlkn-A-00000-00000000-00000305 a state of emergency also known as a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00001-00000306-00000505 state of calamity in the Philippines is Cw_SAvlkn-A-00002-00000506-00000695 a situation in which a government is Cw_SAvlkn-A-00003-00000696-00000872 empowered to perform actions that it Cw_SAvlkn-A-00004-00000873-00001036 would normally not be permitted a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00005-00001037-00001277 government can declare such state during Cw_SAvlkn-A-00006-00001278-00001507 a disaster civil unrest or armed Cw_SAvlkn-A-00007-00001508-00001777 conflict such declaration alerts Cw_SAvlkn-A-00008-00001778-00001946 citizens to change their normal behavior Cw_SAvlkn-A-00009-00001947-00002162 and orders government agencies to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00010-00002163-00002459 implement emergency plans just ischium Cw_SAvlkn-A-00011-00002460-00002743 as its equivalent in roman law a concept Cw_SAvlkn-A-00012-00002744-00002926 in which the senate could put forward a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00013-00002927-00003164 final decree senatus consultum ultimen Cw_SAvlkn-A-00014-00003165-00003370 that was not subject to dispute Cw_SAvlkn-A-00015-00003371-00003665 states of emergency can also be used as Cw_SAvlkn-A-00016-00003665-00003878 a rationale or pretext for suspending Cw_SAvlkn-A-00017-00003879-00004061 rights and freedoms guaranteed under a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00018-00004061-00004363 country's constitution or basic law the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00019-00004364-00004579 procedure for an legality of doing so Cw_SAvlkn-A-00020-00004580-00005159 vary by country Cw_SAvlkn-A-00021-00005160-00005456 topic relationship with international Cw_SAvlkn-A-00022-00005457-00005812 law Cw_SAvlkn-A-00023-00005813-00006043 under international law rights and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00024-00006044-00006241 freedoms may be suspended during a state Cw_SAvlkn-A-00025-00006242-00006466 of emergency for example a government Cw_SAvlkn-A-00026-00006467-00006652 can detain persons and hold them without Cw_SAvlkn-A-00027-00006653-00006925 trial all rights that can be derogated Cw_SAvlkn-A-00028-00006926-00007095 from are listed in the International Cw_SAvlkn-A-00029-00007097-00007323 Covenant for Civil and Political Rights Cw_SAvlkn-A-00030-00007323-00007548 non-dairy Gabel rights cannot be Cw_SAvlkn-A-00031-00007550-00007777 suspended Mandara gable rights are Cw_SAvlkn-A-00032-00007778-00008062 listed in article 4 of the ICCPR they Cw_SAvlkn-A-00033-00008063-00008239 include right to life the rights to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00034-00008240-00008437 freedom from arbitrary deprivation of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00035-00008438-00008638 liberty freedom of slavery into freedom Cw_SAvlkn-A-00036-00008639-00008890 from torture and/or ill treatment some Cw_SAvlkn-A-00037-00008891-00009076 countries have made it illegal to modify Cw_SAvlkn-A-00038-00009077-00009310 emergency law or the Constitution during Cw_SAvlkn-A-00039-00009311-00009496 the emergency other countries have the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00040-00009497-00009685 freedom to change any legislation or Cw_SAvlkn-A-00041-00009686-00009892 rights based constitutional frameworks Cw_SAvlkn-A-00042-00009893-00010096 at any time that the legislative chooses Cw_SAvlkn-A-00043-00010097-00010396 to do so constitutions are contracts Cw_SAvlkn-A-00044-00010397-00010543 between the government and the private Cw_SAvlkn-A-00045-00010544-00010789 individuals of that country the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00046-00010790-00010971 International Covenant for Civil and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00047-00010972-00011188 Political Rights ICCPR Cw_SAvlkn-A-00048-00011189-00011410 is an international law document signed Cw_SAvlkn-A-00049-00011411-00011701 by States therefore the Covenant applies Cw_SAvlkn-A-00050-00011702-00011890 to only those persons acting in an Cw_SAvlkn-A-00051-00011891-00012076 official capacity not private Cw_SAvlkn-A-00052-00012077-00012385 individuals however signatories to the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00053-00012386-00012559 Covenant are expected to integrate it Cw_SAvlkn-A-00054-00012560-00012822 into national legislation the state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00055-00012824-00013102 emergency within the ICCPR framework Cw_SAvlkn-A-00056-00013103-00013291 must be publicly declared and the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00057-00013291-00013474 Secretary General of the United Nations Cw_SAvlkn-A-00058-00013475-00013735 must be contacted immediately to declare Cw_SAvlkn-A-00059-00013736-00013933 the reason for the emergency the date on Cw_SAvlkn-A-00060-00013934-00014116 which the emergency is to start the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00061-00014116-00014305 derogations that may take place with the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00062-00014306-00014497 timeframe of the emergency and the date Cw_SAvlkn-A-00063-00014497-00014686 in which the emergency is expected to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00064-00014687-00014959 finish although this is common protocol Cw_SAvlkn-A-00065-00014960-00015244 stipulated by the ICCPR this is often Cw_SAvlkn-A-00066-00015244-00015457 not strictly followed enforcement is Cw_SAvlkn-A-00067-00015458-00015661 better regulated by European Convention Cw_SAvlkn-A-00068-00015662-00016268 of Human Rights Cw_SAvlkn-A-00069-00016269-00016833 topic use and viewpoints Cw_SAvlkn-A-00070-00016834-00017080 though fairly uncommon in democracies Cw_SAvlkn-A-00071-00017081-00017298 dictatorial regimes often declare a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00072-00017299-00017494 state of emergency that is prolonged Cw_SAvlkn-A-00073-00017495-00017677 indefinitely for the life of the regime Cw_SAvlkn-A-00074-00017678-00017905 or for extended periods of time so that Cw_SAvlkn-A-00075-00017906-00018069 derogations can be used to override Cw_SAvlkn-A-00076-00018070-00018277 human rights of their citizens usually Cw_SAvlkn-A-00077-00018278-00018444 protected by the International Covenant Cw_SAvlkn-A-00078-00018445-00018639 on Civil and Political Rights Cw_SAvlkn-A-00079-00018640-00018958 in some situations martial law is also Cw_SAvlkn-A-00080-00018959-00019155 declared allowing the military greater Cw_SAvlkn-A-00081-00019156-00019434 authority to act in other situations Cw_SAvlkn-A-00082-00019435-00019639 emergency has not declared and de facto Cw_SAvlkn-A-00083-00019640-00019897 measures taken or decree law adopted by Cw_SAvlkn-A-00084-00019898-00020142 the government miss Nicole quest Joe Cw_SAvlkn-A-00085-00020143-00020430 France and mr. Leandro display Argentina Cw_SAvlkn-A-00086-00020431-00020655 two consecutive United Nations Special Cw_SAvlkn-A-00087-00020656-00020859 Rapporteurs have recommended to the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00088-00020860-00021045 international community to adopt the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00089-00021046-00021292 following principles to be observed Cw_SAvlkn-A-00090-00021293-00021558 during a state or de facto situation of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00091-00021559-00021775 emergency principles of legality Cw_SAvlkn-A-00092-00021776-00022003 Proclamation notification time Cw_SAvlkn-A-00093-00022004-00022187 limitation exceptional threat Cw_SAvlkn-A-00094-00022188-00022409 proportionality non-discrimination Cw_SAvlkn-A-00095-00022410-00022605 compatibility concordance and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00096-00022606-00022822 complementarity of the various norms of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00097-00022823-00023115 international law CF question of human Cw_SAvlkn-A-00098-00023116-00023481 rights and state of emergency e CN point Cw_SAvlkn-A-00099-00023482-00023958 for sub point to 1997 19th at chapter 2 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00100-00023959-00024328 see also a Tod exception article 4 - the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00101-00024329-00024508 International Covenant on Civil and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00102-00024509-00024721 Political Rights ICCPR Cw_SAvlkn-A-00103-00024722-00024924 permit states to derogate from certain Cw_SAvlkn-A-00104-00024925-00025230 rights guaranteed by the ICCPR in time Cw_SAvlkn-A-00105-00025231-00025518 of public emergency any measures Cw_SAvlkn-A-00106-00025519-00025708 derogating from obligations under the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00107-00025708-00025920 covenant however must be to only the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00108-00025922-00026137 extent required by the exigencies of the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00109-00026138-00026329 situation and must be announced by the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00110-00026330-00026545 state party to the secretary-general of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00111-00026545-00026793 the United Nations the European Cw_SAvlkn-A-00112-00026794-00027001 Convention on Human Rights an American Cw_SAvlkn-A-00113-00027002-00027202 Convention on Human Rights have similar Cw_SAvlkn-A-00114-00027202-00027517 derogatory provisions no derogation is Cw_SAvlkn-A-00115-00027518-00027682 permitted to the International labor Cw_SAvlkn-A-00116-00027683-00028002 conventions some political theorists Cw_SAvlkn-A-00117-00028003-00028201 such as Carl Schmitt have argued that Cw_SAvlkn-A-00118-00028202-00028387 the power to decide the initiation of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00119-00028388-00028543 the state of emergency defines Cw_SAvlkn-A-00120-00028544-00028824 sovereignty itself in state of exception Cw_SAvlkn-A-00121-00028825-00029131 2005 Giorgio Agamben criticized this Cw_SAvlkn-A-00122-00029132-00029340 idea arguing that the mechanism of the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00123-00029341-00029530 state of emergency deprives certain Cw_SAvlkn-A-00124-00029531-00029674 people of their civil and political Cw_SAvlkn-A-00125-00029675-00029895 rights producing his interpretation of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00126-00029896-00030462 homo sacer Cw_SAvlkn-A-00127-00030463-00030942 topic abuse Cw_SAvlkn-A-00128-00030943-00031198 sometimes the state of emergency can be Cw_SAvlkn-A-00129-00031199-00031486 abused by being invoked an example would Cw_SAvlkn-A-00130-00031487-00031687 be to allow a state to suppress internal Cw_SAvlkn-A-00131-00031688-00031861 opposition without having to respect Cw_SAvlkn-A-00132-00031862-00032145 human rights an example was the August Cw_SAvlkn-A-00133-00032147-00032420 1991 attempted coup in the Soviet Union Cw_SAvlkn-A-00134-00032422-00032674 USSR where the coup leaders invoked a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00135-00032675-00032875 state of emergency the failure of the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00136-00032876-00033025 coup led to the dissolution of the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00137-00033026-00033340 Soviet Union derogations by States Cw_SAvlkn-A-00138-00033341-00033565 having ratified or acceded to binding Cw_SAvlkn-A-00139-00033566-00033745 international agreements such as the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00140-00033746-00034000 ICCPR the American and European Cw_SAvlkn-A-00141-00034001-00034189 conventions on human rights and the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00142-00034190-00034369 International labor conventions are Cw_SAvlkn-A-00143-00034370-00034543 monitored by independent expert Cw_SAvlkn-A-00144-00034544-00034708 committees regional courts and other Cw_SAvlkn-A-00145-00034709-00035300 state parties Cw_SAvlkn-A-00146-00035301-00035904 topic line selected countries Cw_SAvlkn-A-00147-00035905-00036248 you Cw_SAvlkn-A-00148-00036249-00036753 topic Argentina Cw_SAvlkn-A-00149-00036754-00036990 the Constitution which has been amended Cw_SAvlkn-A-00150-00036991-00037203 several times has always allowed for a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00151-00037204-00037326 state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00152-00037327-00037572 literally estado de sitio state of siege Cw_SAvlkn-A-00153-00037573-00037788 to be declared if the Constitution are Cw_SAvlkn-A-00154-00037789-00037929 the authorities it creates are Cw_SAvlkn-A-00155-00037930-00038139 endangered by internal unrest or foreign Cw_SAvlkn-A-00156-00038140-00038409 attack this provision was much abused Cw_SAvlkn-A-00157-00038410-00038607 during dictatorship with long lasting Cw_SAvlkn-A-00158-00038608-00038790 states of siege giving the government a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00159-00038791-00039003 free hand to suppress opposition as of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00160-00039004-00039219 2010 state of emergencies had been Cw_SAvlkn-A-00161-00039220-00039471 declared 52 times by Democratic and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00162-00039472-00039768 dictatorial governments starting in 1854 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00163-00039769-00039990 shortly after the Constitution came into Cw_SAvlkn-A-00164-00039991-00040251 force the American Convention on Human Cw_SAvlkn-A-00165-00040252-00040515 Rights packed eau de San Jose de Costa Cw_SAvlkn-A-00166-00040516-00040839 Rica adopted in 1969 but ratified by Cw_SAvlkn-A-00167-00040840-00041154 Argentina only in 1984 immediately after Cw_SAvlkn-A-00168-00041155-00041343 the end of the National reorganization Cw_SAvlkn-A-00169-00041344-00041559 process restricts abuse of the state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00170-00041560-00041790 emergency by requiring any signatory Cw_SAvlkn-A-00171-00041791-00042006 nation declaring such a state to inform Cw_SAvlkn-A-00172-00042007-00042141 the other signatories of its Cw_SAvlkn-A-00173-00042142-00042333 circumstances and duration and what Cw_SAvlkn-A-00174-00042334-00042900 rights are affected Cw_SAvlkn-A-00175-00042901-00043221 topic Australia Cw_SAvlkn-A-00176-00043222-00043413 you Cw_SAvlkn-A-00177-00043414-00043662 state of emergency legislation differs Cw_SAvlkn-A-00178-00043663-00043974 in each state of Australia in Victoria Cw_SAvlkn-A-00179-00043975-00044130 the premier can declare a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00180-00044131-00044307 emergency if there is a threat to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00181-00044308-00044601 employment safety or public order the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00182-00044602-00044859 declaration expires after 30 days and a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00183-00044860-00045039 resolution of either the upper or lower Cw_SAvlkn-A-00184-00045040-00045207 house of parliament may revoke it Cw_SAvlkn-A-00185-00045208-00045423 earlier under the Public Safety Cw_SAvlkn-A-00186-00045424-00045642 Preservation Act a declared state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00187-00045643-00045810 emergency allows the premier to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00188-00045811-00046026 immediately make any desired regulations Cw_SAvlkn-A-00189-00046027-00046232 to secure public order and safety Cw_SAvlkn-A-00190-00046233-00046518 however these regulations expire if Cw_SAvlkn-A-00191-00046519-00046668 Parliament does not agree to continue Cw_SAvlkn-A-00192-00046669-00046974 them within seven days also under the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00193-00046975-00047178 essential services Act the premier or Cw_SAvlkn-A-00194-00047179-00047376 delegate may operate or prohibit Cw_SAvlkn-A-00195-00047377-00047595 operation of as desired any essential Cw_SAvlkn-A-00196-00047596-00047928 service eg transport fuel power water Cw_SAvlkn-A-00197-00047929-00048282 gas in regards to emergency management Cw_SAvlkn-A-00198-00048283-00048531 regions usually on the local government Cw_SAvlkn-A-00199-00048532-00048720 area basis that have been affected by a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00200-00048721-00048858 natural disaster are the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00201-00048859-00049062 responsibilities of the state until that Cw_SAvlkn-A-00202-00049063-00049218 state declares a state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00203-00049219-00049458 where access to the federal emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00204-00049459-00049656 fund becomes available to help respond Cw_SAvlkn-A-00205-00049657-00049887 to and recover from natural disasters a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00206-00049888-00050166 state of emergency does not apply to the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00207-00050167-00050343 whole state but rather districts are Cw_SAvlkn-A-00208-00050344-00050556 shires where essential services may have Cw_SAvlkn-A-00209-00050557-00050871 been disrupted see also exceptional Cw_SAvlkn-A-00210-00050872-00051111 circumstances a term most commonly used Cw_SAvlkn-A-00211-00051112-00051321 in Australia with regard to emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00212-00051322-00051884 relief payments Cw_SAvlkn-A-00213-00051885-00052359 topic Brazil Cw_SAvlkn-A-00214-00052360-00052644 extreme act that in Brazil estado de Cw_SAvlkn-A-00215-00052645-00052932 sitio or estado de XS ow in Portuguese Cw_SAvlkn-A-00216-00052933-00053082 can be declared on the following Cw_SAvlkn-A-00217-00053083-00053403 circumstances serious disturbance with Cw_SAvlkn-A-00218-00053404-00053703 national impact in efficiency on the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00219-00053704-00053975 defense state previously decreed Cw_SAvlkn-A-00220-00053976-00054312 declaration of war response to foreign Cw_SAvlkn-A-00221-00054313-00054489 armed aggression the state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00222-00054490-00054755 could last for 30 days being possible to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00223-00054757-00054951 extend it for more days in case of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00224-00054952-00055083 persistence of the reasons of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00225-00055084-00055383 exceptionality only the president is Cw_SAvlkn-A-00226-00055384-00055587 able to declare or paragate this state Cw_SAvlkn-A-00227-00055588-00055730 after receiving formal authorization Cw_SAvlkn-A-00228-00055732-00055955 from national congress and after Cw_SAvlkn-A-00229-00055957-00056169 consultation with the National Security Cw_SAvlkn-A-00230-00056170-00056839 Council or the Council of the Republic Cw_SAvlkn-A-00231-00056840-00057312 topic Canada Cw_SAvlkn-A-00232-00057313-00057558 the Federal Government of Canada can use Cw_SAvlkn-A-00233-00057559-00057762 the Emergencies Act to invoke a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00234-00057763-00058054 emergency a national state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00235-00058055-00058275 automatically expires after 90 days Cw_SAvlkn-A-00236-00058276-00058476 unless extended by the governor in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00237-00058477-00058728 Council there are different levels of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00238-00058729-00058971 emergencies public welfare emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00239-00058972-00059208 public order emergency international Cw_SAvlkn-A-00240-00059209-00059417 emergency and war emergency the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00241-00059419-00059595 emergencies act replaced the war Cw_SAvlkn-A-00242-00059596-00059916 Measures Act in 1988 the war Measures Cw_SAvlkn-A-00243-00059916-00060138 Act was invoked three times in Canadian Cw_SAvlkn-A-00244-00060139-00060351 history most controversially during the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00245-00060352-00060641 1970 October crisis and also during Cw_SAvlkn-A-00246-00060642-00060990 World War one from 1914 to 1920 against Cw_SAvlkn-A-00247-00060991-00061227 threat of communism in world war ii from Cw_SAvlkn-A-00248-00061228-00061580 1942 to 1945 against perceived threat Cw_SAvlkn-A-00249-00061582-00061764 from japanese-canadians following Cw_SAvlkn-A-00250-00061765-00062021 Imperial Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor Cw_SAvlkn-A-00251-00062022-00062291 under the current emergency act a state Cw_SAvlkn-A-00252-00062292-00062504 of emergency can also be declared by Cw_SAvlkn-A-00253-00062505-00062729 provincial territorial and municipal Cw_SAvlkn-A-00254-00062730-00063017 governments in addition Canada's federal Cw_SAvlkn-A-00255-00063019-00063195 government and any of its provincial Cw_SAvlkn-A-00256-00063196-00063390 governments can suspend for five years Cw_SAvlkn-A-00257-00063391-00063444 at a time Cw_SAvlkn-A-00258-00063445-00063645 charter rights to fundamental freedoms Cw_SAvlkn-A-00259-00063646-00063842 in section two to legal rights in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00260-00063844-00064079 section 7 through 14 and to equality Cw_SAvlkn-A-00261-00064080-00064329 rights in section 15 by legislation Cw_SAvlkn-A-00262-00064329-00064536 which invokes the notwithstanding Clause Cw_SAvlkn-A-00263-00064537-00064770 section 33 and therefore emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00264-00064771-00065013 powers can effectively be created even Cw_SAvlkn-A-00265-00065014-00065646 without using the emergency act Cw_SAvlkn-A-00266-00065647-00066131 topic Denmark Cw_SAvlkn-A-00267-00066132-00066347 the police chief in a district can Cw_SAvlkn-A-00268-00066348-00066524 impose a zone in which people can be Cw_SAvlkn-A-00269-00066525-00066662 body searched without a specific Cw_SAvlkn-A-00270-00066663-00066947 suspicion such an order must be issued Cw_SAvlkn-A-00271-00066948-00067168 in writing published and imposed for a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00272-00067169-00067490 limited period the police law article 6 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00273-00067491-00067750 regulates this area the normal procedure Cw_SAvlkn-A-00274-00067751-00067949 calls for assisting the suspect to a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00275-00067950-00068147 private area and stripping them if the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00276-00068148-00068362 police feel that a situation involving a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00277-00068363-00068563 crowd of people can get out of hand they Cw_SAvlkn-A-00278-00068564-00068735 can order the assembly to be dissolved Cw_SAvlkn-A-00279-00068736-00068996 and passed the street in the name of the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00280-00068997-00069199 cane people that after three such Cw_SAvlkn-A-00281-00069200-00069392 warnings are still part of the crowd can Cw_SAvlkn-A-00282-00069393-00069530 then without further warning be Cw_SAvlkn-A-00283-00069531-00069818 subjugated to mass arrest all people Cw_SAvlkn-A-00284-00069819-00069965 arrested can then be detained for Cw_SAvlkn-A-00285-00069966-00070162 twenty-four hours without charging them Cw_SAvlkn-A-00286-00070163-00070391 or taking them for a judge this is Cw_SAvlkn-A-00287-00070392-00070988 called a precluding arrest Cw_SAvlkn-A-00288-00070989-00071467 topic Egypt Cw_SAvlkn-A-00289-00071468-00071749 Egyptians lived under an emergency lawn Cw_SAvlkn-A-00290-00071750-00072254 number 162 of 1958 from 1967 to 2012 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00291-00072255-00072544 except for an 18-month break in 1980 and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00292-00072545-00072884 1981 the emergency was imposed during Cw_SAvlkn-A-00293-00072885-00073166 the 1967 arab-israeli war and Rhee Cw_SAvlkn-A-00294-00073167-00073357 imposed following the assassination of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00295-00073358-00073618 President Anwar Sadat the LOC Cw_SAvlkn-A-00296-00073619-00073835 continuously extended every three years Cw_SAvlkn-A-00297-00073836-00074149 since 1981 under the law police powers Cw_SAvlkn-A-00298-00074150-00074342 were extended constitutional rights Cw_SAvlkn-A-00299-00074343-00074554 suspended and censorship was legalized Cw_SAvlkn-A-00300-00074555-00074830 the law sharply circumscribed any Cw_SAvlkn-A-00301-00074831-00075041 non-governmental political activity Cw_SAvlkn-A-00302-00075042-00075254 street demonstrations non-approved Cw_SAvlkn-A-00303-00075255-00075497 political organizations and unregistered Cw_SAvlkn-A-00304-00075498-00075703 financial donations were formally banned Cw_SAvlkn-A-00305-00075704-00076016 some 17,000 people were detained under Cw_SAvlkn-A-00306-00076017-00076201 the law and estimates of political Cw_SAvlkn-A-00307-00076202-00076480 prisoners run as high as 30,000 the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00308-00076481-00076793 emergency rule expired on May 31st 2012 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00309-00076794-00077018 and was put back in place in January Cw_SAvlkn-A-00310-00077019-00077122 2013 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00311-00077123-00077380 Egypt declared a month-long national Cw_SAvlkn-A-00312-00077381-00077690 emergency on the 14th of August 2013 the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00313-00077691-00077861 Egyptian presidency announced a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00314-00077862-00078062 one-month state of emergency across the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00315-00078063-00078343 country on August 14 2013 and ordered Cw_SAvlkn-A-00316-00078344-00078530 the armed forces to help the interior Cw_SAvlkn-A-00317-00078531-00078767 ministry enforce security the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00318-00078768-00078982 announcement made on state TV followed Cw_SAvlkn-A-00319-00078983-00079156 deadly countrywide clashes between Cw_SAvlkn-A-00320-00079157-00079397 supporters of deposed President Mohammed Cw_SAvlkn-A-00321-00079398-00080060 Morsi and the security forces Cw_SAvlkn-A-00322-00080061-00080692 topic France three main provisions Cw_SAvlkn-A-00323-00080693-00080893 concern various kind of state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00324-00080894-00081244 emergency in France article 16 of the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00325-00081245-00081547 Constitution of 1958 allows in time of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00326-00081548-00081868 crisis extraordinary powers to the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00327-00081869-00082097 president article 36 of the same Cw_SAvlkn-A-00328-00082098-00082356 Constitution regulates state of siege Cw_SAvlkn-A-00329-00082357-00082685 etat de siege finally the act of the 3rd Cw_SAvlkn-A-00330-00082686-00083003 of April 1955 allows the proclamation by Cw_SAvlkn-A-00331-00083004-00083248 the Council of Ministers of the state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00332-00083249-00083566 emergency etat Virgins the distinction Cw_SAvlkn-A-00333-00083567-00083885 between article 16 and the 1955 Act Cw_SAvlkn-A-00334-00083886-00084082 concerns mainly the distribution of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00335-00084083-00084148 powers Cw_SAvlkn-A-00336-00084149-00084379 whereas in article 16 the executive Cw_SAvlkn-A-00337-00084380-00084584 power basically suspend the regular Cw_SAvlkn-A-00338-00084585-00084872 procedures of the republic the 1955 act Cw_SAvlkn-A-00339-00084873-00085060 permits a 12-day state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00340-00085061-00085279 after which a new law extending the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00341-00085280-00085429 emergency must be voted by the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00342-00085430-00085691 Parliament these dispositions have been Cw_SAvlkn-A-00343-00085692-00086185 used at various times in 1955 1958 1961 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00344-00086186-00086977 1988 2005 and 2015 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00345-00086978-00087455 topic Germany Cw_SAvlkn-A-00346-00087456-00087817 the Weimar Republic Constitution 1919 to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00347-00087818-00088109 1933 allowed states of emergency under Cw_SAvlkn-A-00348-00088110-00088342 article 48 to deal with rebellions Cw_SAvlkn-A-00349-00088343-00088634 article 48 was often invoked during the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00350-00088635-00088867 14-year life of the Republic sometimes Cw_SAvlkn-A-00351-00088868-00089021 for no reason other than to allow the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00352-00089022-00089182 government to act when it was unable to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00353-00089183-00089492 obtain a parliamentary majority after Cw_SAvlkn-A-00354-00089493-00089903 the February 27 1933 Reichstag fire an Cw_SAvlkn-A-00355-00089904-00090118 attack blamed on the Communists Adolf Cw_SAvlkn-A-00356-00090119-00090284 Hitler declared a state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00357-00090285-00090574 using article 48 and then had president Cw_SAvlkn-A-00358-00090575-00090754 von Hindenburg signed the Reichstag fire Cw_SAvlkn-A-00359-00090755-00090967 decree which suspended the Weimar Cw_SAvlkn-A-00360-00090968-00091168 Constitution for the whole duration of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00361-00091169-00091318 the Third Reich the Weimar Constitution Cw_SAvlkn-A-00362-00091319-00091576 was never actually repealed by Nazi Cw_SAvlkn-A-00363-00091577-00091936 Germany but indefinitely suspended after Cw_SAvlkn-A-00364-00091937-00092098 the prohibition of the Communist Party Cw_SAvlkn-A-00365-00092099-00092449 of Germany on March 1st 1933 the Nazi Cw_SAvlkn-A-00366-00092450-00092692 Party was free to vote in the March 23rd Cw_SAvlkn-A-00367-00092693-00092942 1933 enabling Act which enabled Cw_SAvlkn-A-00368-00092943-00093154 Chancellor Adolf Hitler and his cabinet Cw_SAvlkn-A-00369-00093155-00093343 to enact laws without the participation Cw_SAvlkn-A-00370-00093344-00093590 of the Reichstag these two laws Cw_SAvlkn-A-00371-00093591-00093785 implemented the gleichschaltung the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00372-00093786-00094054 Nazis institution of totalitarianism in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00373-00094055-00094340 the post-war Federal Republic of Germany Cw_SAvlkn-A-00374-00094341-00094574 the emergency act state that some of the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00375-00094575-00094799 basic constitutional rights of the basic Cw_SAvlkn-A-00376-00094800-00095005 law may be limited in case of a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00377-00095006-00095200 Defence a state of tension or an Cw_SAvlkn-A-00378-00095201-00095372 internal state of emergency or disaster Cw_SAvlkn-A-00379-00095373-00095696 catastrophe these amendments to the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00380-00095697-00095904 Constitution were passed on May 30th Cw_SAvlkn-A-00381-00095905-00096203 1968 despite fierce opposition by the so Cw_SAvlkn-A-00382-00096204-00096361 called extra parliamentary opposition Cw_SAvlkn-A-00383-00096362-00097107 see German student movement for details Cw_SAvlkn-A-00384-00097108-00097604 topic Hongkong Cw_SAvlkn-A-00385-00097605-00097786 the Standing Committee of the National Cw_SAvlkn-A-00386-00097787-00098003 People's Congress can declare a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00387-00098004-00098210 emergency and deploy troops from the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00388-00098211-00098401 People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Cw_SAvlkn-A-00389-00098402-00098579 garrison under the law of the People's Cw_SAvlkn-A-00390-00098580-00098779 Republic of China on the garrisoning of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00391-00098780-00098907 the Hong Kong Special Administrative Cw_SAvlkn-A-00392-00098908-00099284 Region the chief executive of Hong Kong Cw_SAvlkn-A-00393-00099285-00099481 along with the Executive Council can Cw_SAvlkn-A-00394-00099482-00099710 prohibit public gatherings issue curfew Cw_SAvlkn-A-00395-00099711-00099910 orders prohibit the movement of vessels Cw_SAvlkn-A-00396-00099911-00100085 or aircraft and appoint special Cw_SAvlkn-A-00397-00100086-00100423 constable all under Chapter 245 public Cw_SAvlkn-A-00398-00100424-00100836 order ordinance of Hong Kong law since Cw_SAvlkn-A-00399-00100837-00101086 1997 no emergency measures have been Cw_SAvlkn-A-00400-00101087-00101353 enacted prior to that date emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00401-00101354-00101510 measures were used for four major Cw_SAvlkn-A-00402-00101511-00101915 incidents hong kong 1956 riots with Cw_SAvlkn-A-00403-00101916-00102122 involvement of british armed forces and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00404-00102123-00102548 Hong Kong police Hong Kong 1966 riots Cw_SAvlkn-A-00405-00102549-00102751 with involvement of British forces and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00406-00102752-00103180 Hong Kong police Hong Kong 1967 leftist Cw_SAvlkn-A-00407-00103181-00103360 riots with involvement of British forces Cw_SAvlkn-A-00408-00103361-00103763 and Hong Kong police Hong Kong 1981 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00409-00103764-00103949 riots with involvement of Hong Kong Cw_SAvlkn-A-00410-00103950-00104388 police Cw_SAvlkn-A-00411-00104389-00104861 topic Hungary Cw_SAvlkn-A-00412-00104863-00105054 according to the Hungarian Constitution Cw_SAvlkn-A-00413-00105055-00105311 the National Assembly of Hungary can Cw_SAvlkn-A-00414-00105313-00105516 declare state of emergency in case of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00415-00105517-00105741 armed rebellion or natural or industrial Cw_SAvlkn-A-00416-00105742-00106074 disaster it expires after 30 days but Cw_SAvlkn-A-00417-00106075-00106314 can be extended most civil rights can be Cw_SAvlkn-A-00418-00106315-00106566 suspended but basic human rights such as Cw_SAvlkn-A-00419-00106567-00106773 the right to life the ban of torture and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00420-00106774-00107091 freedom of religion cannot during state Cw_SAvlkn-A-00421-00107092-00107304 of emergency the parliament cannot be Cw_SAvlkn-A-00422-00107305-00107808 disbanded Cw_SAvlkn-A-00423-00107809-00108282 topic Iceland Cw_SAvlkn-A-00424-00108283-00108555 the Icelandic Constitution provides no Cw_SAvlkn-A-00425-00108556-00108758 mechanism for state of emergency nor Cw_SAvlkn-A-00426-00108759-00109309 martial law Cw_SAvlkn-A-00427-00109310-00109783 topic India Cw_SAvlkn-A-00428-00109783-00110023 in India an external state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00429-00110024-00110384 was declared two times during Wars in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00430-00110385-00110838 1962 sino-indian war in 1971 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00431-00110839-00111285 indo-pakistani war of 1971 in 1975 Prime Cw_SAvlkn-A-00432-00111286-00111496 Minister Indira Gandhi declared a state Cw_SAvlkn-A-00433-00111497-00111697 of internal emergency after she was Cw_SAvlkn-A-00434-00111698-00111885 indicted in a corruption scandal and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00435-00111886-00112066 ordered to vacate her seat in the Indian Cw_SAvlkn-A-00436-00112067-00112249 Parliament allowing herself to rule by Cw_SAvlkn-A-00437-00112250-00112603 decree until 1977 it all started after Cw_SAvlkn-A-00438-00112604-00112801 raj narain who had been defeated in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00439-00112802-00113020 parliamentary election by Indira Gandhi Cw_SAvlkn-A-00440-00113021-00113233 lodged cases of election fraud and use Cw_SAvlkn-A-00441-00113233-00113455 of state machinery for election purposes Cw_SAvlkn-A-00442-00113456-00113620 against Gandhi in the Allahabad High Cw_SAvlkn-A-00443-00113621-00113908 Court while some serious charges such as Cw_SAvlkn-A-00444-00113908-00114088 bribing voters and election malp Cw_SAvlkn-A-00445-00114089-00114277 practices were dropped on the 12th of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00446-00114278-00114622 June 1975 justice Jagmohan l'ile Sinha Cw_SAvlkn-A-00447-00114623-00114832 the Allahabad High Court found the Prime Cw_SAvlkn-A-00448-00114833-00115033 Minister guilty on the charge of misuse Cw_SAvlkn-A-00449-00115033-00115222 of government machinery for her election Cw_SAvlkn-A-00450-00115223-00115447 campaign such as using the State Police Cw_SAvlkn-A-00451-00115448-00115678 to build a dais availing the services of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00452-00115679-00115954 a government officer Yashpal Kapoor IAS Cw_SAvlkn-A-00453-00115955-00116128 during the elections before he had Cw_SAvlkn-A-00454-00116129-00116310 resigned from his position and use of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00455-00116311-00116467 electricity from the State Electricity Cw_SAvlkn-A-00456-00116468-00116728 Department the court declared her Cw_SAvlkn-A-00457-00116729-00116938 election null and void and unseated her Cw_SAvlkn-A-00458-00116939-00117202 from her seat in the Lok Sabha the court Cw_SAvlkn-A-00459-00117203-00117370 also banned her from contesting any Cw_SAvlkn-A-00460-00117371-00117635 election for an additional six years Cw_SAvlkn-A-00461-00117636-00117946 protests led by JP narayan raj narain Cw_SAvlkn-A-00462-00117947-00118222 say tender narayan sinha and margie Cw_SAvlkn-A-00463-00118223-00118432 desai flooded the streets of delhi close Cw_SAvlkn-A-00464-00118433-00118606 to the parliament building and the Prime Cw_SAvlkn-A-00465-00118607-00118795 Minister's residence and in response Cw_SAvlkn-A-00466-00118796-00118975 mrs. Gandhi declared a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00467-00118976-00119244 emergency suspending civil liberties Cw_SAvlkn-A-00468-00119245-00119455 political opposition was heavily Cw_SAvlkn-A-00469-00119456-00119629 suppressed during the emergency the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00470-00119630-00119866 government used police forces across the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00471-00119867-00120028 country to arrest thousands of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00472-00120029-00120373 protesters and strike leaders JP narayan Cw_SAvlkn-A-00473-00120374-00120676 raj narain mahadji desai Charan Singh Cw_SAvlkn-A-00474-00120677-00120960 juvéderm Kripalani Adil Bihari Vajpayee Cw_SAvlkn-A-00475-00120961-00121345 LK Advani se tendrá narayan sinha and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00476-00121346-00121540 other protest leaders were immediately Cw_SAvlkn-A-00477-00121541-00121816 arrested organizations such as the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00478-00121817-00122026 Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh along with Cw_SAvlkn-A-00479-00122027-00122215 some opposition political parties were Cw_SAvlkn-A-00480-00122216-00122518 banned nearly two years later confident Cw_SAvlkn-A-00481-00122519-00122677 about her chances of getting reelected Cw_SAvlkn-A-00482-00122678-00122914 and Deera gandhi relaxed the emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00483-00122915-00123076 released dissidents and announced Cw_SAvlkn-A-00484-00123077-00123191 elections Cw_SAvlkn-A-00485-00123192-00123456 in the ensuing election Raj Narain and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00486-00123457-00123638 his colleagues wrote a popular wave of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00487-00123639-00123826 unrest to defeat her in her government Cw_SAvlkn-A-00488-00123827-00124133 Raj Narain won decisively in the Prime Cw_SAvlkn-A-00489-00124134-00124323 Minister's home constituency of Rae Cw_SAvlkn-A-00490-00124324-00124514 Bareli and for the first time a non Cw_SAvlkn-A-00491-00124515-00124685 Congress government took office in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00492-00124686-00125263 Republic of India Cw_SAvlkn-A-00493-00125264-00125734 topic Ireland Cw_SAvlkn-A-00494-00125735-00125999 in Ireland declaring a state of national Cw_SAvlkn-A-00495-00126000-00126356 emergency involves article 28 point Cw_SAvlkn-A-00496-00126357-00126614 three point three degrees of the 1937 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00497-00126615-00126833 constitution of Ireland which states Cw_SAvlkn-A-00498-00126833-00127185 that nothing in this constitution shall Cw_SAvlkn-A-00499-00127186-00127469 be invoked to invalidate any law enacted Cw_SAvlkn-A-00500-00127470-00127649 by the Oireachtas Parliament which is Cw_SAvlkn-A-00501-00127650-00127805 expressed to be for the purpose of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00502-00127806-00127982 securing the public safety and the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00503-00127983-00128180 preservation of the state in time of war Cw_SAvlkn-A-00504-00128181-00128410 or armed rebellion or to nullify any act Cw_SAvlkn-A-00505-00128411-00128615 done or purporting to be done in time of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00506-00128616-00128825 war or armed rebellion in pursuance of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00507-00128826-00129211 any such law in addition during a war or Cw_SAvlkn-A-00508-00129213-00129500 armed rebellion military tribunals may Cw_SAvlkn-A-00509-00129501-00129736 try civilians and the defence forces are Cw_SAvlkn-A-00510-00129738-00129944 not bound by habeas corpus the First Cw_SAvlkn-A-00511-00129945-00130196 Amendment of the Constitution of 1939 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00512-00130197-00130400 allows an emergency to be declared Cw_SAvlkn-A-00513-00130401-00130592 during Wars in which the state as a non Cw_SAvlkn-A-00514-00130593-00130808 belligerent subject to resolutions by Cw_SAvlkn-A-00515-00130808-00131030 the houses of the Oireachtas by the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00516-00131031-00131333 Second Amendment of 1941 an emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00517-00131334-00131537 ends not automatically when the war does Cw_SAvlkn-A-00518-00131538-00131834 but only by Oireachtas resolutions the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00519-00131835-00132113 twenty-first Amendment of 2002 prevents Cw_SAvlkn-A-00520-00132114-00132284 the reintroduction of capital punishment Cw_SAvlkn-A-00521-00132285-00132536 during an emergency the First Amendment Cw_SAvlkn-A-00522-00132537-00132704 was rushed through the Oireachtas after Cw_SAvlkn-A-00523-00132705-00132899 the outbreak of the Second World War in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00524-00132900-00133093 which the state remained neutral Cw_SAvlkn-A-00525-00133094-00133298 immediately after the required Cw_SAvlkn-A-00526-00133299-00133538 resolution was passed in turn enabling Cw_SAvlkn-A-00527-00133539-00133747 the passage of the emergency Powers Act Cw_SAvlkn-A-00528-00133748-00134063 1939 EPA which granted the government Cw_SAvlkn-A-00529-00134064-00134240 and its ministers sweeping powers to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00530-00134241-00134525 issue statutory orders turned emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00531-00134526-00134834 Powers orders EP OS the period in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00532-00134835-00135050 Ireland was and is referred to as the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00533-00135051-00135443 emergency the EPA expired in 1946 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00534-00135444-00135659 although some EPO s were continued under Cw_SAvlkn-A-00535-00135660-00135863 the supplies and services temporary Cw_SAvlkn-A-00536-00135864-00136183 provisions Act 1946 until as late as Cw_SAvlkn-A-00537-00136184-00136715 1957 rationing continued until 1951 the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00538-00136716-00137015 1939 state of emergency was not formally Cw_SAvlkn-A-00539-00137016-00137351 ended until a 1976 resolution which also Cw_SAvlkn-A-00540-00137352-00137543 declared a new state of emergency in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00541-00137544-00137681 relation to the troubles in Northern Cw_SAvlkn-A-00542-00137682-00137912 Ireland and in particular the recent Cw_SAvlkn-A-00543-00137913-00138116 assassination of the British ambassador Cw_SAvlkn-A-00544-00138117-00138329 to Ireland Christopher Wirt Biggs Cw_SAvlkn-A-00545-00138330-00138704 the emergency Powers Act 1976 was then Cw_SAvlkn-A-00546-00138705-00138899 passed to increase the Garda shoshanna Cw_SAvlkn-A-00547-00138900-00139106 powers to arrest detain and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00548-00139107-00139279 question those suspected of offenses Cw_SAvlkn-A-00549-00139280-00139547 against the state president's ear below Cw_SAvlkn-A-00550-00139548-00139793 De La referred the bill under article 26 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00551-00139794-00139982 of the Constitution to the Supreme Court Cw_SAvlkn-A-00552-00139983-00140290 which upheld its constitutionality the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00553-00140291-00140486 referral was condemned by Minister patty Cw_SAvlkn-A-00554-00140487-00140827 Donegan as a thundering disgrace causing Cw_SAvlkn-A-00555-00140828-00141185 Odle on to resign in protest the 1976 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00556-00141186-00141451 EPA expired after one year but the state Cw_SAvlkn-A-00557-00141452-00141743 of emergency persisted until 1995 when Cw_SAvlkn-A-00558-00141744-00141896 as part of the Northern Ireland peace Cw_SAvlkn-A-00559-00141897-00142111 process it was rescinded as a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00560-00142112-00142387 confidence-building measure to satisfy Cw_SAvlkn-A-00561-00142388-00142591 physical force Republicans after the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00562-00142592-00142886 provisional IRAs 1994 ceasefire the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00563-00142887-00143081 offences against the state act does not Cw_SAvlkn-A-00564-00143082-00143270 require a state of emergency under Cw_SAvlkn-A-00565-00143271-00143486 article 28 point three point three Cw_SAvlkn-A-00566-00143487-00143684 degrees part five of the Act which Cw_SAvlkn-A-00567-00143685-00143924 provides for a non-jury special Criminal Cw_SAvlkn-A-00568-00143925-00144178 Court SCC is permitted under Article Cw_SAvlkn-A-00569-00144179-00144347 thirty-eight point three point one Cw_SAvlkn-A-00570-00144348-00144553 degrees part five is activated by a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00571-00144554-00144731 declaration from the government that it Cw_SAvlkn-A-00572-00144732-00145019 is necessary to secure the preservation Cw_SAvlkn-A-00573-00145020-00145291 of public peace and order and it can be Cw_SAvlkn-A-00574-00145292-00145465 rescinded by vote of dáil éireann Cw_SAvlkn-A-00575-00145466-00145690 provision for internment is similarly Cw_SAvlkn-A-00576-00145691-00145915 activated and rescinded originally by Cw_SAvlkn-A-00577-00145916-00146215 part six of the 1939 act later by part Cw_SAvlkn-A-00578-00146216-00146531 two of a 1940 amending act parts 5 & v Cw_SAvlkn-A-00579-00146532-00146723 were both activated during the Second Cw_SAvlkn-A-00580-00146724-00147004 World War and the IRAs late 1950s border Cw_SAvlkn-A-00581-00147005-00147221 campaign part 5 has been continually Cw_SAvlkn-A-00582-00147222-00147518 active since 1972 several official Cw_SAvlkn-A-00583-00147519-00147686 reviews of the Constitution and the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00584-00147687-00147865 offenses against the state acts have Cw_SAvlkn-A-00585-00147866-00148036 recommended a time limit within which Cw_SAvlkn-A-00586-00148037-00148288 the operation of article 28 point three Cw_SAvlkn-A-00587-00148289-00148528 point three degrees or article 38 point Cw_SAvlkn-A-00588-00148529-00148726 three point one degrees must either be Cw_SAvlkn-A-00589-00148727-00148946 explicitly renewed by resolution or else Cw_SAvlkn-A-00590-00148947-00149474 lapse Cw_SAvlkn-A-00591-00149475-00150048 topic Israel and Palestine Cw_SAvlkn-A-00592-00150049-00150327 Israel's emergency defense regulations Cw_SAvlkn-A-00593-00150328-00150507 are older than the state itself having Cw_SAvlkn-A-00594-00150508-00150663 been passed under the British Mandate Cw_SAvlkn-A-00595-00150664-00151032 for Palestine in 1945 a repeal was Cw_SAvlkn-A-00596-00151033-00151344 briefly considered in 1967 but canceled Cw_SAvlkn-A-00597-00151345-00151563 following the six-day war the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00598-00151564-00151758 regulations allow Israel through its Cw_SAvlkn-A-00599-00151759-00151944 military to control movements and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00600-00151945-00152133 prosecute suspected terrorists in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00601-00152134-00152334 occupied territories and to censor Cw_SAvlkn-A-00602-00152335-00152535 publications that are deemed prejudicial Cw_SAvlkn-A-00603-00152536-00153120 to national defense Cw_SAvlkn-A-00604-00153121-00153604 topic Macau Cw_SAvlkn-A-00605-00153605-00153784 the Standing Committee of the National Cw_SAvlkn-A-00606-00153785-00154000 People's Congress can declare a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00607-00154001-00154208 emergency and deploy troops from the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00608-00154209-00154433 People's Liberation Army Macau garrison Cw_SAvlkn-A-00609-00154434-00154666 under the article 14 of macau's Basic Cw_SAvlkn-A-00610-00154667-00154868 Law on the defense of the Macau Special Cw_SAvlkn-A-00611-00154869-00155116 Administrative Region the chief Cw_SAvlkn-A-00612-00155117-00155329 executive of Macau can use the Macau Cw_SAvlkn-A-00613-00155330-00155551 national security law to prohibit public Cw_SAvlkn-A-00614-00155552-00155812 gatherings issue curfew orders prohibit Cw_SAvlkn-A-00615-00155813-00155974 other activities perceived to be a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00616-00155975-00156269 threat against the region or China since Cw_SAvlkn-A-00617-00156270-00156526 1999 no emergency measure have been Cw_SAvlkn-A-00618-00156527-00156871 enacted prior to 1999 emergency measures Cw_SAvlkn-A-00619-00156872-00157189 have been used for one major incident 12 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00620-00157190-00157493 to 3 incident 1966 with martial law Cw_SAvlkn-A-00621-00157494-00157690 invoked and involvement of Portuguese Cw_SAvlkn-A-00622-00157691-00158120 troops Cw_SAvlkn-A-00623-00158121-00158606 topic Malaysia Cw_SAvlkn-A-00624-00158607-00158885 in Malaysia if the Yang di-pertuan Agong Cw_SAvlkn-A-00625-00158886-00159101 monarch is satisfied that a grave Cw_SAvlkn-A-00626-00159102-00159356 emergency exists whereby the security or Cw_SAvlkn-A-00627-00159357-00159596 the economic life or public order in the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00628-00159597-00159782 Federation or any part thereof is Cw_SAvlkn-A-00629-00159783-00159923 threatened he may issue a proclamation Cw_SAvlkn-A-00630-00159924-00160121 of emergency making therein a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00631-00160122-00160295 declaration to that effect in the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00632-00160296-00160484 history of Malaysia a state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00633-00160485-00160691 was declared by the then colonial Cw_SAvlkn-A-00634-00160692-00160904 government of Britain the state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00635-00160905-00161288 emergency lasted from 1948 until 1960 to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00636-00161289-00161459 deal with the Communists led by Chin Cw_SAvlkn-A-00637-00161460-00161771 Poong states of emergency were also Cw_SAvlkn-A-00638-00161772-00162062 declared during the Konfrontasi in 1962 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00639-00162063-00162416 the 1966 Sarawak constitutional crisis Cw_SAvlkn-A-00640-00162417-00162827 in 1977 Kelantan emergency when a race Cw_SAvlkn-A-00641-00162828-00163166 riot broke out on May 13th 1969 a state Cw_SAvlkn-A-00642-00163167-00163508 of emergency was declared on August 11th Cw_SAvlkn-A-00643-00163509-00163790 2005 a state of emergency was announced Cw_SAvlkn-A-00644-00163791-00164015 for the world's 13th largest port Port Cw_SAvlkn-A-00645-00164016-00164345 Klang in the district of cholesterol a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00646-00164346-00164537 reached dangerous levels defined as a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00647-00164538-00164738 value greater than 500 on the air Cw_SAvlkn-A-00648-00164739-00165116 pollution index or API Theory rommel the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00649-00165117-00165323 european commission's envoy to malaysia Cw_SAvlkn-A-00650-00165324-00165557 told reuters by telephone on november Cw_SAvlkn-A-00651-00165558-00165842 13th 2007 the last day of his mission Cw_SAvlkn-A-00652-00165843-00166091 that today this country still lives Cw_SAvlkn-A-00653-00166092-00166427 under a state of emergency although not Cw_SAvlkn-A-00654-00166428-00166601 officially proclaimed as a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00655-00166602-00166826 emergency the emergency ordinance and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00656-00166827-00167006 the Internal Security Act had allowed Cw_SAvlkn-A-00657-00167007-00167230 detention for years without trial on Cw_SAvlkn-A-00658-00167231-00167633 June 23rd 2013 a state of emergency was Cw_SAvlkn-A-00659-00167634-00167861 declared by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Cw_SAvlkn-A-00660-00167862-00168167 Razak 4mu AR INLA dong zhuo Horus smoke Cw_SAvlkn-A-00661-00168168-00168323 from land clearing fires in Indonesia Cw_SAvlkn-A-00662-00168324-00168662 pushed air pollution index to above 750 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00663-00168663-00168932 this is the first time in years that air Cw_SAvlkn-A-00664-00168933-00169127 quality has dipped to hazardous level Cw_SAvlkn-A-00665-00169128-00169304 with conditions worsening in as dry Cw_SAvlkn-A-00666-00169305-00169496 weather persists and fires rage in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00667-00169497-00170028 Sumatra Cw_SAvlkn-A-00668-00170029-00170513 topic maldives Cw_SAvlkn-A-00669-00170514-00170810 On February 5th 2018 a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00670-00170811-00171014 emergency was declared by Maldives as Cw_SAvlkn-A-00671-00171015-00171236 president Abdulla yameen for 15 days and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00672-00171237-00171479 ordered security forces into the Supreme Cw_SAvlkn-A-00673-00171480-00171671 Court and arrested a former president Cw_SAvlkn-A-00674-00171672-00171851 mal moon Abdul Gayoom and the Chief Cw_SAvlkn-A-00675-00171852-00172052 Justice of honourable Supreme Court of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00676-00172053-00172585 Maldives Cw_SAvlkn-A-00677-00172586-00173080 topic New Zealand Cw_SAvlkn-A-00678-00173081-00173329 the civil defense Emergency Management Cw_SAvlkn-A-00679-00173330-00173596 Act 2002 gives the government and local Cw_SAvlkn-A-00680-00173597-00173800 city council the power to issue a state Cw_SAvlkn-A-00681-00173801-00173989 of emergency either over the entire Cw_SAvlkn-A-00682-00173990-00174262 country or within a specific region this Cw_SAvlkn-A-00683-00174263-00174487 may suspend ordinary work and essential Cw_SAvlkn-A-00684-00174488-00174706 services if need be the state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00685-00174707-00174928 emergency in New Zealand expires on the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00686-00174929-00175102 commencement of the seventh day after Cw_SAvlkn-A-00687-00175103-00175297 the date on which it was declared unless Cw_SAvlkn-A-00688-00175298-00175582 it is extended however the minister of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00689-00175583-00175774 civil defense her local mayor may lift Cw_SAvlkn-A-00690-00175775-00175978 the state of emergency after an initial Cw_SAvlkn-A-00691-00175979-00176254 review of the region's status on the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00692-00176255-00176575 23rd of February 2011 at 11:28 a.m. Cw_SAvlkn-A-00693-00176576-00176830 Minister of Civil Defence John Carter Cw_SAvlkn-A-00694-00176831-00177004 declared the first national state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00695-00177005-00177247 emergency for a civil defence emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00696-00177248-00177463 in New Zealand's history in response to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00697-00177464-00177703 the February 22nd 2011 Christchurch Cw_SAvlkn-A-00698-00177704-00177964 earthquake a local state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00699-00177965-00178222 was declared following the September 4th Cw_SAvlkn-A-00700-00178223-00178561 2010 Canterbury Earthquake a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00701-00178562-00178783 emergency was declared previously during Cw_SAvlkn-A-00702-00178784-00179491 the 1951 waterfront dispute Cw_SAvlkn-A-00703-00179492-00179985 topic Nigeria Cw_SAvlkn-A-00704-00179986-00180243 in Nigeria a state of emergency is Cw_SAvlkn-A-00705-00180244-00180464 usually declared in times of great civil Cw_SAvlkn-A-00706-00180465-00180708 unrest in recent years it has Cw_SAvlkn-A-00707-00180709-00180888 specifically been implemented in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00708-00180889-00181062 reaction to terrorist attacks on Cw_SAvlkn-A-00709-00181063-00181299 Nigerians by the Islamic jihadist group Cw_SAvlkn-A-00710-00181300-00181664 Boko Haram on the 14th of May 2013 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00711-00181665-00181881 goodluck jonathan declared a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00712-00181882-00182100 emergency for the entire northeastern Cw_SAvlkn-A-00713-00182101-00182418 states of Borno Yobe and Adamawa a more Cw_SAvlkn-A-00714-00182419-00182607 limited state of emergency had been Cw_SAvlkn-A-00715-00182608-00182888 declared on the 31st of December 2011 in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00716-00182889-00183128 parts of yobi Borno Plateau and Niger Cw_SAvlkn-A-00717-00183129-00183444 States this earlier declaration included Cw_SAvlkn-A-00718-00183445-00183582 the temporary shutdown of the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00719-00183583-00184268 international borders in those regions Cw_SAvlkn-A-00720-00184269-00184767 topic Pakistan Cw_SAvlkn-A-00721-00184768-00185046 in Pakistan a state of emergency was Cw_SAvlkn-A-00722-00185047-00185348 declared five times in its history in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00723-00185349-00185859 1958 by President Iskander Mirza in 1969 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00724-00185860-00186300 by President General Yahya Khan in 1977 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00725-00186301-00186528 by President General Muhammad zia-ul-haq Cw_SAvlkn-A-00726-00186529-00186915 in 1998 by President Mohammad Rafiq Cw_SAvlkn-A-00727-00186916-00187290 tarar in 2007 by President General Cw_SAvlkn-A-00728-00187291-00187470 Pervez Musharraf first three were Cw_SAvlkn-A-00729-00187471-00187656 regarded as the imposition of direct Cw_SAvlkn-A-00730-00187657-00188204 martial law Cw_SAvlkn-A-00731-00188205-00188693 topic Romania Cw_SAvlkn-A-00732-00188694-00188947 in Romania there are two types of states Cw_SAvlkn-A-00733-00188948-00189133 of emergency each designed for a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00734-00189134-00189415 different type of situation state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00735-00189416-00189610 alert stair de alerta in romanian Cw_SAvlkn-A-00736-00189611-00189814 non-military can be enforced by a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00737-00189815-00190120 prefect roadblocks are enforced any Cw_SAvlkn-A-00738-00190121-00190354 utilitarian vehicle or equipment can be Cw_SAvlkn-A-00739-00190355-00190544 temporarily used by the state without Cw_SAvlkn-A-00740-00190545-00190808 any restriction evacuation is not Cw_SAvlkn-A-00741-00190809-00191059 mandatory unless extreme circumstances Cw_SAvlkn-A-00742-00191060-00191333 apply only Em's police and firefighting Cw_SAvlkn-A-00743-00191334-00191582 personnel are required to intervene this Cw_SAvlkn-A-00744-00191583-00191791 situation can be enforced in case of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00745-00191792-00192143 natural disasters or civil unrest state Cw_SAvlkn-A-00746-00192144-00192344 of emergency stared to urgent in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00747-00192345-00192538 Romanian can only be enforced by the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00748-00192539-00192727 president of Romania with approval from Cw_SAvlkn-A-00749-00192728-00192983 Parliament the military becomes the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00750-00192984-00193174 upper form of control in the country Cw_SAvlkn-A-00751-00193175-00193396 under the rule of the president the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00752-00193397-00193607 civilian population is subject to strict Cw_SAvlkn-A-00753-00193608-00193816 regulations imposed by the type of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00754-00193817-00194120 emergency all private and public non Cw_SAvlkn-A-00755-00194121-00194308 crucial activities are suspended Cw_SAvlkn-A-00756-00194309-00194546 essential services might be disrupted Cw_SAvlkn-A-00757-00194547-00194788 this situation can be enforced in case Cw_SAvlkn-A-00758-00194789-00195078 of extreme circumstances such as a war Cw_SAvlkn-A-00759-00195079-00195358 special zone of public safety zone Cw_SAvlkn-A-00760-00195359-00195559 especially the cigarette república in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00761-00195560-00195784 Romanian administrative can be enforced Cw_SAvlkn-A-00762-00195785-00196015 by local police this implies Cw_SAvlkn-A-00763-00196016-00196213 installation of road checkpoints and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00764-00196214-00196414 higher numbers in police and jhand arms Cw_SAvlkn-A-00765-00196415-00196638 riot police presence patrolling the area Cw_SAvlkn-A-00766-00196639-00196909 there is also a band that restricts the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00767-00196910-00197065 right to travel for people in the area Cw_SAvlkn-A-00768-00197066-00197335 any vehicle an individual transiting the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00769-00197336-00197533 zone are subject to screening the most Cw_SAvlkn-A-00770-00197534-00197693 well known event in which the state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00771-00197694-00197914 emergency has been enforced was because Cw_SAvlkn-A-00772-00197915-00198218 of 1977 verencia earthquake the last Cw_SAvlkn-A-00773-00198219-00198412 instance in which the special zone of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00774-00198413-00198604 Public Safety was enforced was in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00775-00198605-00198865 December 8 2013 ongoing in pungesti Cw_SAvlkn-A-00776-00198866-00199090 Vaslui II following civil unrest in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00777-00199091-00199283 pungesti from Chevron's plans to begin Cw_SAvlkn-A-00778-00199284-00199495 exploring shale gas in the village Cw_SAvlkn-A-00779-00199496-00199718 according to police officials the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00780-00199719-00199921 special security zone will be maintained Cw_SAvlkn-A-00781-00199922-00200113 as long as there is conflict in the area Cw_SAvlkn-A-00782-00200114-00200270 that poses a threat to Chevron's Cw_SAvlkn-A-00783-00200271-00200570 operations this special security zone Cw_SAvlkn-A-00784-00200571-00200744 has faced domestic and international Cw_SAvlkn-A-00785-00200745-00200957 criticism for alleged human rights Cw_SAvlkn-A-00786-00200958-00201498 abuses Cw_SAvlkn-A-00787-00201499-00201995 topic South Africa Cw_SAvlkn-A-00788-00201996-00202294 states of emergency in South Africa are Cw_SAvlkn-A-00789-00202295-00202485 governed by section 37 of the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00790-00202486-00202657 Constitution and by the state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00791-00202658-00203013 emergency Act 1997 the president may Cw_SAvlkn-A-00792-00203014-00203218 declare a state of emergency only when Cw_SAvlkn-A-00793-00203219-00203448 the life of the nation is threatened by Cw_SAvlkn-A-00794-00203449-00203682 war invasion general insurrection Cw_SAvlkn-A-00795-00203683-00203964 disorder natural disaster or other Cw_SAvlkn-A-00796-00203965-00204288 public emergency and if the ordinary Cw_SAvlkn-A-00797-00204289-00204465 laws and government powers are not Cw_SAvlkn-A-00798-00204466-00204647 sufficient to restore peace and order Cw_SAvlkn-A-00799-00204648-00204948 the declaration is made by proclamation Cw_SAvlkn-A-00800-00204950-00205110 in the government Gazette and may only Cw_SAvlkn-A-00801-00205111-00205323 apply from the time of publication not Cw_SAvlkn-A-00802-00205325-00205576 retroactively Lee it can only continue Cw_SAvlkn-A-00803-00205577-00205848 for 21 days unless the National Assembly Cw_SAvlkn-A-00804-00205850-00206046 grants an extension which may be for at Cw_SAvlkn-A-00805-00206048-00206296 most three months at a time the high Cw_SAvlkn-A-00806-00206296-00206478 courts have the power subject to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00807-00206479-00206698 confirmation by the Constitutional Court Cw_SAvlkn-A-00808-00206698-00206844 to determine the validity of the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00809-00206846-00206979 Declaration of a state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00810-00206980-00207204 during a state of emergency the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00811-00207205-00207342 president has the power to make Cw_SAvlkn-A-00812-00207344-00207609 emergency regulations necessary or Cw_SAvlkn-A-00813-00207610-00207882 expedient to restore peace and order and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00814-00207883-00208119 end the emergency this power can be Cw_SAvlkn-A-00815-00208121-00208383 delegated to other authorities emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00816-00208384-00208563 measures can violate the Bill of Rights Cw_SAvlkn-A-00817-00208564-00208857 but only to a limited extent some rights Cw_SAvlkn-A-00818-00208858-00209073 are inviolable including amongst others Cw_SAvlkn-A-00819-00209075-00209251 the rights to life into human dignity Cw_SAvlkn-A-00820-00209252-00209476 the prohibition of discrimination on the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00821-00209477-00209694 grounds of race sex or religion the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00822-00209696-00209871 prohibition of torture or inhuman Cw_SAvlkn-A-00823-00209873-00210046 punishment and the right of accused Cw_SAvlkn-A-00824-00210046-00210348 people to a fair trial any violation of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00825-00210350-00210558 a constitutional right must be strictly Cw_SAvlkn-A-00826-00210559-00210814 required by the emergency emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00827-00210815-00210991 measures may not indemnify the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00828-00210992-00211194 government or individuals for illegal Cw_SAvlkn-A-00829-00211196-00211423 actions they may impose criminal Cw_SAvlkn-A-00830-00211423-00211651 penalties but not exceeding three years Cw_SAvlkn-A-00831-00211652-00211731 imprisonment Cw_SAvlkn-A-00832-00211732-00211987 they may not require military service Cw_SAvlkn-A-00833-00211988-00212169 beyond that required by the ordinary Cw_SAvlkn-A-00834-00212171-00212400 laws governing the defense force an Cw_SAvlkn-A-00835-00212401-00212644 emergency measure may be disapproved by Cw_SAvlkn-A-00836-00212644-00212859 the National Assembly in which case it Cw_SAvlkn-A-00837-00212860-00213067 lapses and no emergency measure may Cw_SAvlkn-A-00838-00213067-00213267 interfere with the elections powers or Cw_SAvlkn-A-00839-00213269-00213453 sittings of Parliament or the provincial Cw_SAvlkn-A-00840-00213454-00213688 legislatures the courts have the power Cw_SAvlkn-A-00841-00213689-00213865 to determine the validity of any Cw_SAvlkn-A-00842-00213866-00214176 emergency measure the Constitution Cw_SAvlkn-A-00843-00214177-00214387 places strict limits on any detention Cw_SAvlkn-A-00844-00214388-00214537 without trial during a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00845-00214538-00214833 emergency a friend or family member of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00846-00214834-00215023 the detainee must be informed and the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00847-00215023-00215196 name and place of detention must Cw_SAvlkn-A-00848-00215198-00215353 be published in the government Gazette Cw_SAvlkn-A-00849-00215354-00215610 the detainee must have access to a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00850-00215611-00215887 doctor and a legal representative he or Cw_SAvlkn-A-00851-00215888-00216040 she must be brought before a court Cw_SAvlkn-A-00852-00216041-00216238 within at most ten days for the court to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00853-00216239-00216400 determine whether the detention is Cw_SAvlkn-A-00854-00216401-00216609 necessary and if not released may demand Cw_SAvlkn-A-00855-00216610-00216907 repeated review every ten days at the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00856-00216908-00217078 court review the detainee must be Cw_SAvlkn-A-00857-00217079-00217276 allowed legal representation and must be Cw_SAvlkn-A-00858-00217277-00217501 allowed to appear in person the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00859-00217502-00217719 provisions on detention without trial do Cw_SAvlkn-A-00860-00217721-00217906 not apply to prisoners of war in an Cw_SAvlkn-A-00861-00217907-00218119 international conflict instead they must Cw_SAvlkn-A-00862-00218119-00218278 be treated in accordance with the Geneva Cw_SAvlkn-A-00863-00218279-00218988 Conventions and other international law Cw_SAvlkn-A-00864-00218989-00219462 topic Spain Cw_SAvlkn-A-00865-00219463-00219669 in Spain there are three degrees of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00866-00219669-00219929 state of emergency estado de emergencia Cw_SAvlkn-A-00867-00219930-00220217 in Spanish alarma alarm or alert except Cw_SAvlkn-A-00868-00220219-00220446 seoane exception of circumstance and Cw_SAvlkn-A-00869-00220446-00220692 sideo siege they are named by the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00870-00220692-00220794 Constitution Cw_SAvlkn-A-00871-00220794-00220925 which limits which rights may be Cw_SAvlkn-A-00872-00220926-00221166 suspended but regulated by the lay Cw_SAvlkn-A-00873-00221167-00221767 organic afore 1980 firsts organic law on Cw_SAvlkn-A-00874-00221769-00222069 December 4th 2010 the first state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00875-00222069-00222230 alert was declared following the air Cw_SAvlkn-A-00876-00222231-00222489 traffic controllers strike it was the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00877-00222490-00222696 first time since the Francisco Franco's Cw_SAvlkn-A-00878-00222696-00222888 regime that a state of emergency was Cw_SAvlkn-A-00879-00222889-00223421 declared Cw_SAvlkn-A-00880-00223423-00223928 topic sri lanka Cw_SAvlkn-A-00881-00223929-00224195 in Sri Lanka the president is able to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00882-00224196-00224402 proclaim emergency regulations under the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00883-00224403-00224585 public security ordinance in the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00884-00224586-00224787 Constitution in order to preserve public Cw_SAvlkn-A-00885-00224788-00225038 security and public order suppression of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00886-00225039-00225254 mutiny riot or civil commotion or Cw_SAvlkn-A-00887-00225255-00225416 maintenance of supplies and services Cw_SAvlkn-A-00888-00225417-00225614 essential to the life of the community Cw_SAvlkn-A-00889-00225615-00225890 these regulations last for one month Cw_SAvlkn-A-00890-00225891-00226538 unless confirmed otherwise by Parliament Cw_SAvlkn-A-00891-00226539-00227032 topic Switzerland Cw_SAvlkn-A-00892-00227033-00227338 according to art 185 of the Swiss Cw_SAvlkn-A-00893-00227339-00227542 Federal Constitution the Federal Council Cw_SAvlkn-A-00894-00227542-00227734 when dis rat can call up in their own Cw_SAvlkn-A-00895-00227735-00227994 competence military personnel of maximum Cw_SAvlkn-A-00896-00227996-00228214 four thousand militia for three weeks to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00897-00228215-00228442 safeguard inner or outer security called Cw_SAvlkn-A-00898-00228442-00228610 federal intervention or federal Cw_SAvlkn-A-00899-00228611-00228907 execution respectively a larger number Cw_SAvlkn-A-00900-00228908-00229129 of soldiers or of a longer duration as Cw_SAvlkn-A-00901-00229130-00229402 subject to parliamentary decision for Cw_SAvlkn-A-00902-00229403-00229567 deployments within Switzerland the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00903-00229567-00229773 principle of subsidiarity rules as a Cw_SAvlkn-A-00904-00229775-00230005 first step unrest has to be overcome Cw_SAvlkn-A-00905-00230006-00230676 with the aid of cantonal police units Cw_SAvlkn-A-00906-00230677-00231154 topic Syria Cw_SAvlkn-A-00907-00231155-00231396 an emergency prevailed in Syria from Cw_SAvlkn-A-00908-00231398-00231802 1962 to 2011 originally predicated on Cw_SAvlkn-A-00909-00231803-00232017 the conflict with Israel the emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00910-00232019-00232194 acted to centralize authority in the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00911-00232196-00232396 presidency and the national security Cw_SAvlkn-A-00912-00232396-00232609 apparatus while silencing public dissent Cw_SAvlkn-A-00913-00232610-00232906 the emergency was terminated in response Cw_SAvlkn-A-00914-00232907-00233113 to protests that preceded the Syrian Cw_SAvlkn-A-00915-00233114-00233440 civil war under the 2012 Constitution Cw_SAvlkn-A-00916-00233441-00233596 the President may pass an emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00917-00233596-00233823 decree with a two-thirds concurrence of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00918-00233825-00233994 his ministers provided that he presents Cw_SAvlkn-A-00919-00233996-00234232 it to the legislature for constitutional Cw_SAvlkn-A-00920-00234233-00234754 review Cw_SAvlkn-A-00921-00234755-00235323 topic Trinidad and Tobago Cw_SAvlkn-A-00922-00235323-00235563 a state of emergency was declared in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00923-00235564-00235782 1970 during the Black Power Revolution Cw_SAvlkn-A-00924-00235783-00236021 by then Prime Minister Eric Williams Cw_SAvlkn-A-00925-00236021-00236273 during the attempted state coup by the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00926-00236275-00236502 jamaat al muslimin against the NA are Cw_SAvlkn-A-00927-00236503-00236634 government of the then Prime Minister Cw_SAvlkn-A-00928-00236635-00236937 ANR Robinson a state of emergency was Cw_SAvlkn-A-00929-00236938-00237126 declared during the coup attempt and for Cw_SAvlkn-A-00930-00237127-00237426 a period after the coup on August 4th Cw_SAvlkn-A-00931-00237427-00237690 1995 a state of emergency was declared Cw_SAvlkn-A-00932-00237691-00237900 to remove the Speaker of the House akka Cw_SAvlkn-A-00933-00237901-00238137 C Paul by Prime Minister Patrick Manning Cw_SAvlkn-A-00934-00238138-00238401 during a constitutional crisis the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00935-00238402-00238569 government had attempted to remove the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00936-00238569-00238788 speaker via a no-confidence motion which Cw_SAvlkn-A-00937-00238789-00239073 failed the state of emergency was used Cw_SAvlkn-A-00938-00239073-00239223 to remove the speaker using the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00939-00239223-00239430 emergency powers granted the Prime Cw_SAvlkn-A-00940-00239431-00239676 Minister Kamla Prasad byssus R announced Cw_SAvlkn-A-00941-00239677-00239898 a state of emergency on the 22nd of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00942-00239898-00240162 August 2011 at 8 p.m. in an attempt to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00943-00240163-00240321 crack down on the trafficking of illegal Cw_SAvlkn-A-00944-00240321-00240575 drugs and Firearms in addition to gangs Cw_SAvlkn-A-00945-00240576-00240837 the decision of the president George Cw_SAvlkn-A-00946-00240838-00241010 Maxwell Richards to issue the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00947-00241011-00241173 proclamation for the state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00948-00241173-00241398 was debated in the country's parliament Cw_SAvlkn-A-00949-00241398-00241584 as required by the Constitution on Cw_SAvlkn-A-00950-00241585-00241823 September 2nd 2011 and passed by the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00951-00241825-00242034 required simple majority of the House of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00952-00242035-00242321 Representatives on September 4th the Cw_SAvlkn-A-00953-00242323-00242475 Parliament extended the state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00954-00242476-00242751 emergency for a further three months it Cw_SAvlkn-A-00955-00242752-00243367 ended in December 2011 Cw_SAvlkn-A-00956-00243367-00243812 topic turkey Cw_SAvlkn-A-00957-00243813-00244073 since the foundation of the Republic of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00958-00244074-00244367 Turkey in 1923 the military conducted Cw_SAvlkn-A-00959-00244369-00244577 three cooze d'etat and announced martial Cw_SAvlkn-A-00960-00244578-00244621 law Cw_SAvlkn-A-00961-00244622-00245027 martial law between 1978 and 1983 was Cw_SAvlkn-A-00962-00245028-00245234 replaced by a state of emergency that Cw_SAvlkn-A-00963-00245235-00245597 lasted until November 2002 the latest Cw_SAvlkn-A-00964-00245598-00245792 state of emergency was declared by Cw_SAvlkn-A-00965-00245794-00246020 President air Doan on the 20th of July Cw_SAvlkn-A-00966-00246021-00246296 2016 following a failed coup attempt on Cw_SAvlkn-A-00967-00246297-00246581 the 15th of July 2016 by a faction of Cw_SAvlkn-A-00968-00246582-00247206 the country's armed forces Cw_SAvlkn-A-00969-00247207-00247726 topic united kingdom Cw_SAvlkn-A-00970-00247727-00247963 in the United Kingdom only the British Cw_SAvlkn-A-00971-00247964-00248148 sovereign on the advice of the Privy Cw_SAvlkn-A-00972-00248150-00248359 Council is able to proclaim emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-00973-00248360-00248506 regulations under the civil Cw_SAvlkn-A-00974-00248507-00248782 contingencies Act 2004 in case of any Cw_SAvlkn-A-00975-00248783-00248985 seriously fatal threats to their human Cw_SAvlkn-A-00976-00248986-00249198 welfare their human society and their Cw_SAvlkn-A-00977-00249200-00249448 environment such as warfare or terrorism Cw_SAvlkn-A-00978-00249448-00249706 these regulations last for seven days Cw_SAvlkn-A-00979-00249707-00249921 unless confirmed otherwise by Parliament Cw_SAvlkn-A-00980-00249923-00250260 a state of emergency was last invoked in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00981-00250261-00250540 1974 by Prime Minister Edward Heath in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00982-00250541-00251239 response to increasing industrial action Cw_SAvlkn-A-00983-00251240-00251766 topic United States Cw_SAvlkn-A-00984-00251767-00252017 the Constitution explicitly provides Cw_SAvlkn-A-00985-00252019-00252315 some emergency powers Congress may Cw_SAvlkn-A-00986-00252316-00252498 authorize the government to call forth Cw_SAvlkn-A-00987-00252498-00252710 the militia to execute the laws suppress Cw_SAvlkn-A-00988-00252711-00252958 an insurrection or repel an invasion Cw_SAvlkn-A-00989-00252959-00253202 Congress may authorize the government to Cw_SAvlkn-A-00990-00253203-00253394 suspend consideration of writs of habeas Cw_SAvlkn-A-00991-00253396-00253682 corpus when in cases of rebellion or Cw_SAvlkn-A-00992-00253683-00253923 invasion the public safety may require Cw_SAvlkn-A-00993-00253923-00254298 it felony charges may be brought without Cw_SAvlkn-A-00994-00254298-00254523 presentment or grand jury indictment in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00995-00254523-00254771 cases arising in the militia when in Cw_SAvlkn-A-00996-00254773-00255026 actual service in time of war or public Cw_SAvlkn-A-00997-00255027-00255221 danger Cw_SAvlkn-A-00998-00255221-00255452 a state government may engage in war Cw_SAvlkn-A-00999-00255453-00255698 without Congress's approval if actually Cw_SAvlkn-A-01000-00255698-00255944 invaded or in such imminent danger as Cw_SAvlkn-A-01001-00255944-00256262 will not admit of delay aside from these Cw_SAvlkn-A-01002-00256263-00256517 many provisions of law exist in various Cw_SAvlkn-A-01003-00256517-00256712 jurisdictions which take effect only Cw_SAvlkn-A-01004-00256713-00256913 upon an executive declaration of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01005-00256914-00257185 emergency some 500 federal laws take Cw_SAvlkn-A-01006-00257186-00257351 effect upon a presidential declaration Cw_SAvlkn-A-01007-00257352-00257678 of emergency the national emergencies Cw_SAvlkn-A-01008-00257679-00257873 act regulates this process at the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01009-00257873-00258113 federal level it requires the President Cw_SAvlkn-A-01010-00258114-00258323 to specifically identify the provisions Cw_SAvlkn-A-01011-00258323-00258521 activated and to renew the declaration Cw_SAvlkn-A-01012-00258521-00258725 annually so as to prevent an arbitrarily Cw_SAvlkn-A-01013-00258726-00259082 broad or open-ended emergency presidents Cw_SAvlkn-A-01014-00259083-00259294 have occasionally taken action justified Cw_SAvlkn-A-01015-00259296-00259496 as necessary or prudent because of a Cw_SAvlkn-A-01016-00259496-00259688 state of emergency only to have the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01017-00259689-00259834 action struck down in court as Cw_SAvlkn-A-01018-00259835-00259946 unconstitutional Cw_SAvlkn-A-01019-00259946-00260138 a state governor or local mayor may Cw_SAvlkn-A-01020-00260139-00260344 declare a state of emergency within his Cw_SAvlkn-A-01021-00260346-00260596 or her jurisdiction this is common at Cw_SAvlkn-A-01022-00260598-00260767 the state level in response to natural Cw_SAvlkn-A-01023-00260769-00261026 disasters the Federal Emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-01024-00261027-00261292 Management Agency maintains a system of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01025-00261294-00261517 assets personnel and training to respond Cw_SAvlkn-A-01026-00261519-00261769 to such incidents for example on Cw_SAvlkn-A-01027-00261771-00261971 December 10 2015 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01028-00261971-00262130 Washington state governor jay Inslee Cw_SAvlkn-A-01029-00262131-00262370 declared a state of emergency due to Cw_SAvlkn-A-01030-00262371-00262571 flooding and landslides caused by heavy Cw_SAvlkn-A-01031-00262572-00262909 rains the 1977 international emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-01032-00262910-00263096 economic Powers Act allows the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01033-00263097-00263303 government to freeze assets limit trade Cw_SAvlkn-A-01034-00263304-00263522 and confiscate property in response to Cw_SAvlkn-A-01035-00263523-00263780 an unusual and extraordinary threat to Cw_SAvlkn-A-01036-00263781-00264017 the United States that originates Cw_SAvlkn-A-01037-00264018-00264290 substantially outside of it as of 2015 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01038-00264291-00264539 more than 20 emergencies under the ie Cw_SAvlkn-A-01039-00264540-00264757 EPA remain active regarding various Cw_SAvlkn-A-01040-00264758-00264958 subjects the oldest of which was Cw_SAvlkn-A-01041-00264959-00265223 declared in 1979 with regard to the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01042-00265224-00265475 government of Iran another ongoing Cw_SAvlkn-A-01043-00265476-00265688 national emergency declared after the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01044-00265689-00265919 September 11th attacks authorizes the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01045-00265920-00266096 President to retain or reactivate Cw_SAvlkn-A-01046-00266097-00266297 military personnel beyond their normal Cw_SAvlkn-A-01047-00266298-00266888 term of service Cw_SAvlkn-A-01048-00266889-00267401 topic examples Cw_SAvlkn-A-01049-00267402-00267745 you Cw_SAvlkn-A-01050-00267746-00268230 topic ongoing Cw_SAvlkn-A-01051-00268231-00268497 the US states of South Carolina North Cw_SAvlkn-A-01052-00268498-00268765 Carolina Virginia Georgia and Maryland Cw_SAvlkn-A-01053-00268766-00268941 declared states of emergency on Cw_SAvlkn-A-01054-00268942-00269235 September 8 2018 in advance of Hurricane Cw_SAvlkn-A-01055-00269236-00269628 Florence in February 2018 Ethiopia has Cw_SAvlkn-A-01056-00269629-00269820 declared a six months long state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01057-00269821-00270015 emergency following the resignation of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01058-00270016-00270284 Prime Minister Hailemariam dessaline on Cw_SAvlkn-A-01059-00270285-00270591 February 5th 2018 a state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-01060-00270592-00270828 was declared by Maldives as president Cw_SAvlkn-A-01061-00270829-00271063 Abdulla yameen for 15 days and ordered Cw_SAvlkn-A-01062-00271064-00271278 security forces into the Supreme Court Cw_SAvlkn-A-01063-00271279-00271452 and arrested a former president and Cw_SAvlkn-A-01064-00271453-00271731 Supreme Court judge the emergency was Cw_SAvlkn-A-01065-00271732-00272062 later extended by 30 days following the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01066-00272063-00272334 2017 Palm Sunday church bombings in Cw_SAvlkn-A-01067-00272335-00272556 Egypt president Abdel Fattah el-sisi Cw_SAvlkn-A-01068-00272557-00272751 declared a nationwide three month-long Cw_SAvlkn-A-01069-00272752-00272945 state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-01070-00272946-00273219 Myanmar declared a state of emergency in Cw_SAvlkn-A-01071-00273220-00273415 make Atilla due to ongoing sectarian Cw_SAvlkn-A-01072-00273416-00273705 violence Crimea declared a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01073-00273706-00273940 emergency after pylons in Ukraine were Cw_SAvlkn-A-01074-00273941-00274143 blown up leaving 1 million eight hundred Cw_SAvlkn-A-01075-00274144-00274326 ninety six thousand people without power Cw_SAvlkn-A-01076-00274327-00274575 in 2016 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01077-00274576-00274758 Venezuela declared a state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-01078-00274759-00275010 due to the mass protests further fueled Cw_SAvlkn-A-01079-00275011-00275190 by the impeachment process against Cw_SAvlkn-A-01080-00275191-00275400 brazilian president dilma rousseff which Cw_SAvlkn-A-01081-00275401-00275616 president Nicolas Maduro believes is the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01082-00275617-00275808 result of an American conspiracy to Cw_SAvlkn-A-01083-00275809-00276120 overthrow him the United States declared Cw_SAvlkn-A-01084-00276121-00276366 a national emergency on September 14 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01085-00276367-00276654 2001 in response to the September 11th Cw_SAvlkn-A-01086-00276655-00276988 2001 attacks that remains in effect this Cw_SAvlkn-A-01087-00276989-00277221 emergency Proclamation suspends certain Cw_SAvlkn-A-01088-00277222-00277425 provisions of law that limit the size of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01089-00277426-00277588 the military and the duration of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01090-00277589-00277709 military service Cw_SAvlkn-A-01091-00277710-00277977 former presidents george w bush and Cw_SAvlkn-A-01092-00277978-00278172 barack obama and current president Cw_SAvlkn-A-01093-00278173-00278409 donald trump have chosen to extend the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01094-00278410-00278587 duration of the proclamation each year Cw_SAvlkn-A-01095-00278588-00278783 following its original declaration Cw_SAvlkn-A-01096-00278784-00279024 currently the proclamation will remain Cw_SAvlkn-A-01097-00279025-00279309 in effect until September 14th 2019 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01098-00279310-00279487 unless it is extended again by the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01099-00279488-00279867 president since 1948 Israel has been Cw_SAvlkn-A-01100-00279868-00280173 subject to a state of emergency despite Cw_SAvlkn-A-01101-00280174-00280312 the conditions leading to its Cw_SAvlkn-A-01102-00280313-00280503 impositions having vanished provisions Cw_SAvlkn-A-01103-00280504-00280698 of israeli law including those that Cw_SAvlkn-A-01104-00280699-00280872 impact on the day-to-day lives of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01105-00280873-00281067 israeli citizens such as allowing Cw_SAvlkn-A-01106-00281068-00281253 employers to allow work beyond normal Cw_SAvlkn-A-01107-00281254-00281464 hours outside certain sectors have Cw_SAvlkn-A-01108-00281465-00281616 depended on the state of emerge Cw_SAvlkn-A-01109-00281617-00282193 see being in force Cw_SAvlkn-A-01110-00282194-00282791 topic passed states of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-01111-00282792-00283094 in July 2018 Greece declared a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01112-00283095-00283309 emergency following the ongoing Attica Cw_SAvlkn-A-01113-00283310-00283606 wildfires due to flooding ice jam in Cw_SAvlkn-A-01114-00283607-00283787 Kent Connecticut a state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-01115-00283788-00284005 was declared in the town of Kent on the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01116-00284006-00284356 fifteenth of January 2018 due to winter Cw_SAvlkn-A-01117-00284357-00284612 pollution in NC our Delhi India Delhi Cw_SAvlkn-A-01118-00284613-00284785 government declared a state of public Cw_SAvlkn-A-01119-00284786-00284976 emergency on the seventh of November Cw_SAvlkn-A-01120-00284977-00285352 2017 due to winter storm Grayson On Cw_SAvlkn-A-01121-00285353-00285553 January 3rd 2018 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01122-00285554-00285754 the North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper Cw_SAvlkn-A-01123-00285755-00285965 Georgia governor nathan Deal and Cw_SAvlkn-A-01124-00285966-00286187 Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe all Cw_SAvlkn-A-01125-00286188-00286378 declared state of emergencies for their Cw_SAvlkn-A-01126-00286379-00286688 states due to winter storm Grayson On Cw_SAvlkn-A-01127-00286689-00286984 January 4th 2018 New Jersey Governor Cw_SAvlkn-A-01128-00286985-00287138 Chris Christie declared a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01129-00287139-00287348 emergency for New Jersey in March a Cw_SAvlkn-A-01130-00287349-00287527 state of emergency was imposed in Cw_SAvlkn-A-01131-00287528-00287725 Srilanka in the city of candy for a Cw_SAvlkn-A-01132-00287726-00287932 period of 10 days following clashes Cw_SAvlkn-A-01133-00287933-00288205 between Sinhalese and Muslims on Cw_SAvlkn-A-01134-00288206-00288500 September 9th 2017 a state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-01135-00288501-00288743 was declared by Alabama's governor in Cw_SAvlkn-A-01136-00288744-00288872 preparation for hurricane Cw_SAvlkn-A-01137-00288873-00289271 Irma on September 4th 2017 a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01138-00289272-00289507 emergency was declared for 67 counties Cw_SAvlkn-A-01139-00289508-00289753 in the US state of Florida in advance of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01140-00289754-00290165 Hurricane Emma on August 23rd 2017 a Cw_SAvlkn-A-01141-00290166-00290383 state of emergency was declared for 30 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01142-00290384-00290594 counties in the US state of Texas in Cw_SAvlkn-A-01143-00290595-00290932 advance of hurricane Harvey on august 12 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01144-00290933-00291191 2017 a state of emergency was declared Cw_SAvlkn-A-01145-00291192-00291413 in the US state of Virginia due to Cw_SAvlkn-A-01146-00291414-00291620 escalating tensions amid protesters Cw_SAvlkn-A-01147-00291621-00291821 encounter protesters in Charlottesville Cw_SAvlkn-A-01148-00291822-00292231 on September 22nd 2016 a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01149-00292232-00292415 emergency was declared in the u.s. Cw_SAvlkn-A-01150-00292416-00292609 territory of Puerto Rico after an Cw_SAvlkn-A-01151-00292610-00292787 island-wide blackout that begun on Cw_SAvlkn-A-01152-00292788-00293240 September 21st 2016 on September 21st Cw_SAvlkn-A-01153-00293241-00293489 2016 a state of emergency was declared Cw_SAvlkn-A-01154-00293490-00293720 in the u.s. state of North Carolina for Cw_SAvlkn-A-01155-00293721-00293905 riots in Charlotte after a police Cw_SAvlkn-A-01156-00293906-00294205 shooting of a black male on September Cw_SAvlkn-A-01157-00294206-00294457 4th 2016 a state of emergency was Cw_SAvlkn-A-01158-00294458-00294674 declared in the Philippines by President Cw_SAvlkn-A-01159-00294675-00294850 Rodrigo Duterte following the September Cw_SAvlkn-A-01160-00294851-00295084 2nd bombings in Davao City that killed Cw_SAvlkn-A-01161-00295085-00295313 14 people and seriously wounded at least Cw_SAvlkn-A-01162-00295314-00295774 60 others on September 2nd 2016 state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01163-00295775-00295967 emergency was declared for parts of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01164-00295968-00296154 Florida and Georgia in advance Cw_SAvlkn-A-01165-00296155-00296436 hurricane Hermine on the 12th of June Cw_SAvlkn-A-01166-00296437-00296544 2016 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01167-00296545-00296784 following the 2016 Orlando nightclub Cw_SAvlkn-A-01168-00296785-00296979 shooting in which at least 50 people Cw_SAvlkn-A-01169-00296980-00297153 were killed including the shooter the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01170-00297154-00297333 governor of Florida declared a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01171-00297334-00297602 emergency in the immediate Orlando area Cw_SAvlkn-A-01172-00297603-00297885 France declared a state of emergency in Cw_SAvlkn-A-01173-00297886-00298131 response to the November 2015 Paris Cw_SAvlkn-A-01174-00298132-00298329 attacks which after five extensions Cw_SAvlkn-A-01175-00298330-00298698 ended in November 2017 the US state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01176-00298699-00298878 Maryland declared a state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-01177-00298879-00299109 and activated the National Guard of the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01178-00299110-00299436 United States on April 27th 2015 as a Cw_SAvlkn-A-01179-00299437-00299628 direct result of the rioting and Cw_SAvlkn-A-01180-00299629-00299811 widespread physical violence during Cw_SAvlkn-A-01181-00299812-00300015 protesting in Baltimore due to the death Cw_SAvlkn-A-01182-00300016-00300140 of Freddie gray Cw_SAvlkn-A-01183-00300141-00300405 Egypt had been under a nearly continuous Cw_SAvlkn-A-01184-00300406-00300657 state of emergency since 1967 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01185-00300658-00301002 interrupted for 18 months in 1980-81 the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01186-00301003-00301206 People's Assembly renews it every two to Cw_SAvlkn-A-01187-00301207-00301424 three years the state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-01188-00301425-00301890 expired may 31st 2012 Tunisia declared Cw_SAvlkn-A-01189-00301891-00302097 state of emergency January 2011 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01190-00302098-00302408 following unrest from economic issues Cw_SAvlkn-A-01191-00302409-00302784 November 28 2011 Slovakia declared a Cw_SAvlkn-A-01192-00302785-00302952 state of emergency for numerous Cw_SAvlkn-A-01193-00302953-00303171 hospitals due to mass Medicare workers Cw_SAvlkn-A-01194-00303172-00303555 resignation March 15 2011 Bahrain Cw_SAvlkn-A-01195-00303556-00303738 declared a state of emergency on the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01196-00303739-00303990 15th of March 2011 and asked the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01197-00303991-00304170 military to reassert its control over Cw_SAvlkn-A-01198-00304171-00304404 the capital Manama as clashes between Cw_SAvlkn-A-01199-00304405-00304620 Shia and Sunni groups spread across the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01200-00304621-00304866 country Bahrain has been gripped by Cw_SAvlkn-A-01201-00304867-00305037 deepening political unrest and Cw_SAvlkn-A-01202-00305038-00305232 widespread protests for over a month Cw_SAvlkn-A-01203-00305233-00305430 with the Shia majority and some Sunni Cw_SAvlkn-A-01204-00305431-00305622 liberals calling for democracy and an Cw_SAvlkn-A-01205-00305623-00305937 end to discrimination September 30th Cw_SAvlkn-A-01206-00305938-00306156 2010 a state of emergency was declared Cw_SAvlkn-A-01207-00306157-00306560 in Ecuador due to a coup by armed forces Cw_SAvlkn-A-01208-00306561-00306864 April 11th 2009 Thailand's Prime Cw_SAvlkn-A-01209-00306865-00307098 Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva declared a Cw_SAvlkn-A-01210-00307099-00307278 state of emergency in the areas of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01211-00307279-00307521 pattaya and Chonburi in response to Cw_SAvlkn-A-01212-00307522-00307734 anti-government protesters breaking into Cw_SAvlkn-A-01213-00307735-00307923 the conference center of a hotel complex Cw_SAvlkn-A-01214-00307924-00308196 in the seaside resort city of Pattaya in Cw_SAvlkn-A-01215-00308197-00308370 the then venue site of the as Ian was Cw_SAvlkn-A-01216-00308371-00308577 being held immediately resulting in its Cw_SAvlkn-A-01217-00308578-00308826 cancellation another state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-01218-00308827-00309129 on April 12 2009 was announced in Cw_SAvlkn-A-01219-00309130-00309354 Bangkok and the surrounding areas due to Cw_SAvlkn-A-01220-00309355-00309543 an heightened escalation of tension Cw_SAvlkn-A-01221-00309544-00309642 between the government and Cw_SAvlkn-A-01222-00309643-00309837 anti-government protesters but was later Cw_SAvlkn-A-01223-00309838-00310251 lifted January 2009 Slovakia was in a Cw_SAvlkn-A-01224-00310252-00310460 state of emergency due to natural gas Cw_SAvlkn-A-01225-00310461-00310845 supply shortage January 11 2007 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01226-00310846-00311043 Bangladesh was in a state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-01227-00311044-00311370 due to electoral violence this ended on Cw_SAvlkn-A-01228-00311371-00311679 December 16 2008 when new parliamentary Cw_SAvlkn-A-01229-00311680-00312024 elections were organized November 26 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01230-00312025-00312294 2008 in Maharashtra State India Cw_SAvlkn-A-01231-00312295-00312506 Maharashtra government declared a state Cw_SAvlkn-A-01232-00312507-00312744 of emergency following the 2008 Mumbai Cw_SAvlkn-A-01233-00312745-00313179 attacks September 2nd 2008 a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01234-00313180-00313401 emergency was declared in Bangkok by Cw_SAvlkn-A-01235-00313402-00313544 Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej Cw_SAvlkn-A-01236-00313545-00313812 following civil unrest it was lifted on Cw_SAvlkn-A-01237-00313813-00314265 September 14 2008 July 1st 2008 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01238-00314266-00314448 Mongolian president member ----n ank Cw_SAvlkn-A-01239-00314449-00314657 Baier declared a state of emergency in Cw_SAvlkn-A-01240-00314658-00314871 the capital Ulaanbaatar for four days Cw_SAvlkn-A-01241-00314872-00315069 after violent protests against the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01242-00315070-00315264 ex-communists Mongolian People's Cw_SAvlkn-A-01243-00315265-00315669 Revolutionary Party MP R P the MP R P Cw_SAvlkn-A-01244-00315670-00315860 had claimed a majority of seats in the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01245-00315861-00316113 2008 parliamentary elections but was Cw_SAvlkn-A-01246-00316114-00316302 accused of fraud and vote rigging by the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01247-00316303-00316655 less successful parties March 2008 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01248-00316656-00316883 Armenia was in a state of emergency from Cw_SAvlkn-A-01249-00316884-00317202 March 2nd 2008 to March 20th 2008 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01250-00317203-00317424 declared by President Robert catarrian Cw_SAvlkn-A-01251-00317425-00317681 in response to protests over the 2008 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01252-00317682-00317927 Armenian presidential elections Cw_SAvlkn-A-01253-00317928-00318260 November 3rd 2007 Pakistan was in a Cw_SAvlkn-A-01254-00318261-00318458 state of emergency from November 3rd Cw_SAvlkn-A-01255-00318459-00318903 2007 to December 15th 2007 President Cw_SAvlkn-A-01256-00318904-00319167 Pervez Musharraf declared emergency to Cw_SAvlkn-A-01257-00319168-00319518 stop Pakistan from committing suicide he Cw_SAvlkn-A-01258-00319519-00319719 lifted the state of emergency after he Cw_SAvlkn-A-01259-00319720-00319887 resigned from the Army and took the oath Cw_SAvlkn-A-01260-00319888-00320088 of office as a civilian president of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01261-00320089-00320507 Pakistan February 24 2006 the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01262-00320508-00320649 Philippines declared a state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01263-00320650-00320877 emergency via Philippine Proclamation Cw_SAvlkn-A-01264-00320878-00321126 1017 for one week until Philippine Cw_SAvlkn-A-01265-00321127-00321383 Proclamation 1021 in response to a Cw_SAvlkn-A-01266-00321384-00321576 supposed coup against President Gloria Cw_SAvlkn-A-01267-00321577-00321789 macapagal-arroyo z-- government in the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01268-00321790-00321972 midst of the 20th anniversary of the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01269-00321973-00322232 1986 people power revolution that Cw_SAvlkn-A-01270-00322233-00322554 toppled the rule of Ferdinand Marcos mid Cw_SAvlkn-A-01271-00322555-00322908 August 2005 su cambios and oreonna two Cw_SAvlkn-A-01272-00322909-00323112 of Ecuador because of indigenous Cw_SAvlkn-A-01273-00323113-00323556 protests against oil firms April 15 2005 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01274-00323557-00323844 Quito capital of Ecuador due to protests Cw_SAvlkn-A-01275-00323845-00324123 lifted less than a day later on April 17 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01276-00324124-00324594 2005 December 2004 Sri Lanka Indonesia Cw_SAvlkn-A-01277-00324595-00324857 and Maldives because of the tsunami Cw_SAvlkn-A-01278-00324858-00325200 November 2003 Georgia following weeks of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01279-00325201-00325596 civil unrest August 2003 Michigan Ohio Cw_SAvlkn-A-01280-00325597-00325884 New York United States and Ontario Cw_SAvlkn-A-01281-00325885-00326163 Canada in response to the 2003 North Cw_SAvlkn-A-01282-00326164-00326583 America blackout March 2003 Serbia after Cw_SAvlkn-A-01283-00326584-00326778 assassination of zoran den dick van Cw_SAvlkn-A-01284-00326779-00327189 red-nosed ang a July 2002 Paraguay in Cw_SAvlkn-A-01285-00327190-00327582 response to public unrest November 2001 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01286-00327583-00327831 Nepal in response to increased guerrilla Cw_SAvlkn-A-01287-00327832-00327950 activity Cw_SAvlkn-A-01288-00327951-00328305 November 30th 1999 the US city of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01289-00328306-00328536 Seattle Washington stemming from protest Cw_SAvlkn-A-01290-00328537-00328785 of the WTO Ministerial Conference of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01291-00328786-00329175 1999 and police reaction Det May to June Cw_SAvlkn-A-01292-00329176-00329430 1998 Indonesia declares state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01293-00329431-00329706 emergency due to May 1998 riots of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01294-00329707-00330222 Indonesia March 2nd 1997 the 1997 unrest Cw_SAvlkn-A-01295-00330223-00330441 in Albania also known as the lottery Cw_SAvlkn-A-01296-00330442-00330681 uprising or anarchy in Albania was an Cw_SAvlkn-A-01297-00330682-00330867 uprising sparked by Ponzi scheme Cw_SAvlkn-A-01298-00330868-00331197 failures Albania descended into anarchy Cw_SAvlkn-A-01299-00331198-00331365 and violence in which the government was Cw_SAvlkn-A-01300-00331366-00331557 toppled and some 2,000 people were Cw_SAvlkn-A-01301-00331558-00331800 killed on March first prime minister Cw_SAvlkn-A-01302-00331801-00332106 Alexander maxi resigned and on March 2nd Cw_SAvlkn-A-01303-00332107-00332316 president Sally Boresha declared a state Cw_SAvlkn-A-01304-00332317-00332513 of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-01305-00332514-00332880 August 5th 1995 Trinidad and Tobago to Cw_SAvlkn-A-01306-00332881-00333099 remove Speaker of the House akka C Paul Cw_SAvlkn-A-01307-00333100-00333483 who refused to resign winter 1995 the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01308-00333484-00333735 u.s. city of su st. Marie Michigan after Cw_SAvlkn-A-01309-00333736-00333981 a severe snowstorm buried the city in 6 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01310-00333982-00334359 feet 1.8 metres of snow April to May Cw_SAvlkn-A-01311-00334360-00334743 1992 California united states state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01312-00334744-00334953 emergency was declared in response of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01313-00334954-00335343 the 1992 Los Angeles Riots after Rodney Cw_SAvlkn-A-01314-00335344-00335520 King was videotaped being beaten by Cw_SAvlkn-A-01315-00335521-00335721 white police men that was acquitted by Cw_SAvlkn-A-01316-00335722-00336132 jury at trial March 1992 Republic of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01317-00336133-00336285 Moldova in response Cw_SAvlkn-A-01318-00336286-00336759 war of Transnistria 1992 to 2011 Algeria Cw_SAvlkn-A-01319-00336760-00336921 endures a nineteen-year state of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01320-00336922-00337107 emergency enacted at the beginning of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01321-00337108-00337401 the 1992 coup the state of emergency Cw_SAvlkn-A-01322-00337402-00337656 which suspended citizens rights in lieu Cw_SAvlkn-A-01323-00337657-00337875 of military power was lifted after the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01324-00337876-00338091 Algerian government gave in to protester Cw_SAvlkn-A-01325-00338092-00338351 demands during the 2011 Arab Spring Cw_SAvlkn-A-01326-00338352-00338715 August 1991 Soviet Union enemies of Cw_SAvlkn-A-01327-00338716-00338928 Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms evoked the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01328-00338929-00339132 state of emergency because Gorbachev Cw_SAvlkn-A-01329-00339133-00339318 according to them was destroying both Cw_SAvlkn-A-01330-00339319-00339579 communism and the state itself the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01331-00339580-00339821 leader of the coup was gennady yanayev Cw_SAvlkn-A-01332-00339822-00340140 July August 1990 Trinidad and Tobago Cw_SAvlkn-A-01333-00340141-00340368 declared a state of emergency when a Cw_SAvlkn-A-01334-00340369-00340566 group stormed Parliament and a TV Cw_SAvlkn-A-01335-00340567-00340746 station holding government officials Cw_SAvlkn-A-01336-00340747-00340947 including the prime minister a transom Cw_SAvlkn-A-01337-00340948-00341264 seat jamaat al muslimin coup attempt Cw_SAvlkn-A-01338-00341265-00341709 july 1985 to february 1990 south africa Cw_SAvlkn-A-01339-00341710-00341934 in response to increasing civil unrest Cw_SAvlkn-A-01340-00341935-00342156 and Township violence opposing apartheid Cw_SAvlkn-A-01341-00342157-00342696 rule 1975 to 1977 India Indira Gandhi Cw_SAvlkn-A-01342-00342697-00343005 declared a state of emergency in 1975 in Cw_SAvlkn-A-01343-00343006-00343218 response to political opposition and her Cw_SAvlkn-A-01344-00343219-00343425 own conviction on charges of electoral Cw_SAvlkn-A-01345-00343426-00343871 fraud the emergency lasted for 19 months Cw_SAvlkn-A-01346-00343872-00344268 1972 to 1976 Mauritius due to ethnic and Cw_SAvlkn-A-01347-00344269-00344538 labor related unrest elections were Cw_SAvlkn-A-01348-00344539-00344706 suspended during this period and Cw_SAvlkn-A-01349-00344707-00344838 political rights were broadly Cw_SAvlkn-A-01350-00344839-00345243 circumscribed 1971 Queensland Australia Cw_SAvlkn-A-01351-00345244-00345513 in response to fears over increasing Cw_SAvlkn-A-01352-00345514-00345917 protests over the 1971 Springbok tour Cw_SAvlkn-A-01353-00345918-00346317 1970 to 1972 Trinidad and Tobago a state Cw_SAvlkn-A-01354-00346318-00346512 of emergency was declared to deal with Cw_SAvlkn-A-01355-00346513-00346689 the Black Power Revolution which also Cw_SAvlkn-A-01356-00346690-00347094 included a mutiny in the military 1972 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01357-00347095-00347289 the United Kingdom in response to Cw_SAvlkn-A-01358-00347290-00347555 increasingly militant industrial action Cw_SAvlkn-A-01359-00347556-00347892 October 1970 Quebec in response to the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01360-00347893-00348111 October crisis kidnappings of government Cw_SAvlkn-A-01361-00348112-00348546 officials July 1967 Detroit United Cw_SAvlkn-A-01362-00348547-00348738 States in response to the 12th street Cw_SAvlkn-A-01363-00348739-00348948 riot started on Sunday morning during a Cw_SAvlkn-A-01364-00348949-00349359 Blind Pig raid October 1962 United Cw_SAvlkn-A-01365-00349360-00349560 States in response to the Cuban Missile Cw_SAvlkn-A-01366-00349561-00349716 Crisis Cw_SAvlkn-A-01367-00349717-00350020 1963 to 2011 Syria during the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01368-00350021-00350476 arab-israeli conflict 1948 to 1960 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01369-00350477-00350668 Malayan emergency in Malaysia and Cw_SAvlkn-A-01370-00350669-00351031 Singapore 1958 Malta due to riots Cw_SAvlkn-A-01371-00351032-00351172 against the British colonial government Cw_SAvlkn-A-01372-00351173-00351403 following Prime Minister Don Mentos Cw_SAvlkn-A-01373-00351404-00351889 resignation 1950 to 1978 United States Cw_SAvlkn-A-01374-00351890-00352102 due to the Cold War specifically the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01375-00352103-00352354 threat of world conquest by communist Cw_SAvlkn-A-01376-00352355-00352584 imperialism Cw_SAvlkn-A-01377-00352585-00352966 1939 to 1952 United States due to World Cw_SAvlkn-A-01378-00352967-00353479 War two 1941 to 1942 Moscow due to the Cw_SAvlkn-A-01379-00353480-00353737 German advance - within 19 miles 31 Cw_SAvlkn-A-01380-00353738-00353892 kilometres of the city Cw_SAvlkn-A-01381-00353893-00354232 March 18th 1907 Moldavia and Wallachia Cw_SAvlkn-A-01382-00354233-00354535 in Romania during the 1907 Romanian Cw_SAvlkn-A-01383-00354536-00355126 peasants revolt Cw_SAvlkn-A-01384-00355127-00355612 topic notes Cw_SAvlkn-A-01385-00355613-00355976 you Cw_SAvlkn-A-01386-00355977-00356512 topic see also Cw_SAvlkn-A-01387-00356513-00356855 article 48 whymark Constitution Cw_SAvlkn-A-01388-00356856-00357144 arbitrary arrest and detention Cw_SAvlkn-A-01389-00357145-00357448 continuity of government plan due Cw_SAvlkn-A-01390-00357449-00357830 process international humanitarian law Cw_SAvlkn-A-01391-00357831-00357987 martial law Cw_SAvlkn-A-01392-00357988-00358424 search and seizure Senate report 93 to Cw_SAvlkn-A-01393-00358425-00358908 549 state of exception unitary executive Cw_SAvlkn-A-01394-00358909-00359197 theory CwWzsUQpXJo-00000-00000000-00000182 michael shadows guys what is up and in CwWzsUQpXJo-00001-00000183-00000318 today's video we're gonna be CwWzsUQpXJo-00002-00000319-00000615 doing the google feud thing it's like CwWzsUQpXJo-00003-00000616-00000823 something you guess what people CwWzsUQpXJo-00004-00000824-00001079 think of something or voted for well CwWzsUQpXJo-00005-00001080-00001135 anyway CwWzsUQpXJo-00006-00001136-00001415 whatever i don't know what it is but i CwWzsUQpXJo-00007-00001416-00001607 need a video posted CwWzsUQpXJo-00008-00001607-00001918 all right so don't believe me i've CwWzsUQpXJo-00009-00001919-00002375 voted for i i don't even i forgot CwWzsUQpXJo-00010-00002376-00002883 how about CwWzsUQpXJo-00011-00002884-00003166 um CwWzsUQpXJo-00012-00003167-00003463 a fart i voted for a fart this could CwWzsUQpXJo-00013-00003464-00003535 literally be CwWzsUQpXJo-00014-00003536-00003838 anything it's the dumbest CwWzsUQpXJo-00015-00003839-00004335 google ever CwWzsUQpXJo-00016-00004336-00004551 i mean there could be worse i i just put CwWzsUQpXJo-00017-00004552-00004663 trump in CwWzsUQpXJo-00018-00004664-00005054 and i was the first one CwWzsUQpXJo-00019-00005055-00005399 but um yeah i'm not voting against CwWzsUQpXJo-00020-00005400-00005606 anyone i put in biden because CwWzsUQpXJo-00021-00005607-00006070 that's another one but yeah CwWzsUQpXJo-00022-00006071-00006375 no all right CwWzsUQpXJo-00023-00006376-00007470 let's just press next CwWzsUQpXJo-00024-00007472-00008031 walker CwWzsUQpXJo-00025-00008031-00008483 is a no all right no walker CwWzsUQpXJo-00026-00008484-00009231 uh CwWzsUQpXJo-00027-00009232-00009431 why is there a girl on the bottom of a CwWzsUQpXJo-00028-00009432-00010246 screen spanking a toy monkey CwWzsUQpXJo-00029-00010247-00010487 oh i'm just gonna press next i don't CwWzsUQpXJo-00030-00010488-00010623 wanna see CwWzsUQpXJo-00031-00010624-00011863 what is she doing CwWzsUQpXJo-00032-00011864-00012287 uh gerald lazy uh CwWzsUQpXJo-00033-00012288-00012735 no CwWzsUQpXJo-00034-00012736-00015655 i don't know all right well that's it CwWzsUQpXJo-00035-00015656-00015863 you CxYF2ptNQXg-00000-00008647-00008807 you see we have been looking at the CxYF2ptNQXg-00001-00008808-00009046 point at infinity and what we have CxYF2ptNQXg-00002-00009047-00009151 seen CxYF2ptNQXg-00003-00009152-00009319 is CxYF2ptNQXg-00004-00009320-00009551 the situation when infinity is an CxYF2ptNQXg-00005-00009552-00009783 isolated singularity ok and i have CxYF2ptNQXg-00006-00009784-00010055 already told you what happens when CxYF2ptNQXg-00007-00010056-00010374 infinity is a CxYF2ptNQXg-00008-00010375-00010614 removable singularity or infinity is a CxYF2ptNQXg-00009-00010615-00010727 pole CxYF2ptNQXg-00010-00010728-00010919 and even more generally we have also CxYF2ptNQXg-00011-00010920-00011063 seen CxYF2ptNQXg-00012-00011064-00011191 the so called CxYF2ptNQXg-00013-00011192-00011431 residue theorem for the ah external CxYF2ptNQXg-00014-00011432-00011591 complex plane okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00015-00011592-00011799 so the point that one has to remember is CxYF2ptNQXg-00016-00011800-00011878 that CxYF2ptNQXg-00017-00011879-00012119 ah the residue the residue theorem for CxYF2ptNQXg-00018-00012120-00012303 the external complex plane which we CxYF2ptNQXg-00019-00012304-00012503 discussed in the last lecture CxYF2ptNQXg-00020-00012504-00012822 in that the contribution ah of the CxYF2ptNQXg-00021-00012823-00013166 residue at infinity will always be there CxYF2ptNQXg-00022-00013168-00013255 okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00023-00013256-00013430 irrespective of CxYF2ptNQXg-00024-00013431-00013711 whether the point at infinity is CxYF2ptNQXg-00025-00013712-00013799 a CxYF2ptNQXg-00026-00013800-00013966 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00027-00013968-00014151 a removable singularity or a pole or an CxYF2ptNQXg-00028-00014152-00014366 essential singularity so the issue is CxYF2ptNQXg-00029-00014368-00014607 that you know CxYF2ptNQXg-00030-00014608-00014871 even if ah infinity is a removable CxYF2ptNQXg-00031-00014872-00015094 singularity ok for example for the CxYF2ptNQXg-00032-00015095-00015422 function f of w equal to one by w ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00033-00015423-00015735 infinity ah is CxYF2ptNQXg-00034-00015736-00015958 w equal to infinity is CxYF2ptNQXg-00035-00015959-00016071 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00036-00016072-00016303 removable singularity okay because the CxYF2ptNQXg-00037-00016304-00016503 function tends to zero as w tends to CxYF2ptNQXg-00038-00016504-00016647 infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00039-00016648-00016967 ah but still the residue at infinity is CxYF2ptNQXg-00040-00016968-00017167 not zero okay which is which does not CxYF2ptNQXg-00041-00017168-00017471 happen for a point in the usual plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00042-00017472-00017639 in the complex plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00043-00017640-00017814 at a point at which CxYF2ptNQXg-00044-00017815-00018071 the function has a removable singularity CxYF2ptNQXg-00045-00018072-00018239 is a point where the function can be CxYF2ptNQXg-00046-00018240-00018399 redefined so that it becomes analytic CxYF2ptNQXg-00047-00018400-00018591 and therefore if you integ the if you CxYF2ptNQXg-00048-00018592-00018711 calculate the residue at that point you CxYF2ptNQXg-00049-00018712-00018943 will get zero ok whereas this does not CxYF2ptNQXg-00050-00018944-00019111 happen for the point infinity that is CxYF2ptNQXg-00051-00019112-00019350 one point that you should CxYF2ptNQXg-00052-00019351-00019567 and always keep in mind CxYF2ptNQXg-00053-00019568-00019686 now we are going to talk about the CxYF2ptNQXg-00054-00019687-00019935 situation when infinity is an essential CxYF2ptNQXg-00055-00019936-00020199 singularity ok so CxYF2ptNQXg-00056-00020200-00020391 so what does it mean to say that CxYF2ptNQXg-00057-00020392-00020599 infinity is an essential singularity so CxYF2ptNQXg-00058-00020600-00020775 basically you are looking at CxYF2ptNQXg-00059-00020776-00020975 a function for which CxYF2ptNQXg-00060-00020976-00021199 the point infinity is a singular point CxYF2ptNQXg-00061-00021200-00021399 an isolated singular point ok that means CxYF2ptNQXg-00062-00021400-00021527 it is defined in a neighborhood of CxYF2ptNQXg-00063-00021528-00021694 infinity in a delta neighborhood of CxYF2ptNQXg-00064-00021695-00021894 infinity and it is analytic in a delta CxYF2ptNQXg-00065-00021895-00022014 neighborhood of infinity which means CxYF2ptNQXg-00066-00022015-00022150 that basically you are looking at an CxYF2ptNQXg-00067-00022151-00022294 analytic function CxYF2ptNQXg-00068-00022295-00022567 which is analytic outside a circle of CxYF2ptNQXg-00069-00022568-00022822 sufficiently large radius ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00070-00022823-00022991 and because that is what a neighborhood CxYF2ptNQXg-00071-00022992-00023158 of infinity is okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00072-00023159-00023335 you know that via stereographic CxYF2ptNQXg-00073-00023336-00023455 projection CxYF2ptNQXg-00074-00023456-00023550 now CxYF2ptNQXg-00075-00023551-00023742 ah what does it mean to say that the CxYF2ptNQXg-00076-00023743-00023863 function has CxYF2ptNQXg-00077-00023864-00024071 infinity as an essential singularity CxYF2ptNQXg-00078-00024072-00024271 this is the same as saying there are two CxYF2ptNQXg-00079-00024272-00024430 ways of saying it CxYF2ptNQXg-00080-00024431-00024583 of course CxYF2ptNQXg-00081-00024584-00024767 in fact three ways of saying it CxYF2ptNQXg-00082-00024768-00024983 and all the three ways of saying it are CxYF2ptNQXg-00083-00024984-00025183 correct CxYF2ptNQXg-00084-00025184-00025542 so there is one way which is using the CxYF2ptNQXg-00085-00025543-00025743 laurel expansion at infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00086-00025744-00025822 so CxYF2ptNQXg-00087-00025823-00026070 ah you if so one way of saying that CxYF2ptNQXg-00088-00026072-00026214 infinity is an essential singularity is CxYF2ptNQXg-00089-00026216-00026399 by saying that the law if you take the CxYF2ptNQXg-00090-00026400-00026783 expansion at infinity then ah the the CxYF2ptNQXg-00091-00026783-00027014 you know the um CxYF2ptNQXg-00092-00027016-00027311 the singular part has infinitely many CxYF2ptNQXg-00093-00027312-00027574 terms okay and there what you must CxYF2ptNQXg-00094-00027575-00027758 remember is that the singular part is CxYF2ptNQXg-00095-00027760-00027935 actually the polynomial part i mean it CxYF2ptNQXg-00096-00027936-00028046 is the CxYF2ptNQXg-00097-00028047-00028374 ah if you expand it in powers of the CxYF2ptNQXg-00098-00028375-00028487 variable CxYF2ptNQXg-00099-00028488-00028718 ok if w is a variable CxYF2ptNQXg-00100-00028719-00028911 ok then you are going to expand the CxYF2ptNQXg-00101-00028912-00029031 function CxYF2ptNQXg-00102-00029032-00029343 in positive and negative powers of w CxYF2ptNQXg-00103-00029344-00029543 ok and you should look at an expansion CxYF2ptNQXg-00104-00029544-00029758 which is valid outside CxYF2ptNQXg-00105-00029760-00029927 a circle of sufficiently large radius CxYF2ptNQXg-00106-00029927-00030151 mind you that is the law of expansion CxYF2ptNQXg-00107-00030152-00030246 in CxYF2ptNQXg-00108-00030247-00030470 ah a neighborhood of infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00109-00030472-00030639 okay and CxYF2ptNQXg-00110-00030639-00030823 ah because you are looking at the point CxYF2ptNQXg-00111-00030824-00030974 at infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00112-00030975-00031167 the positive powers CxYF2ptNQXg-00113-00031168-00031414 the terms involving positive powers of w CxYF2ptNQXg-00114-00031416-00031583 that is a singular part CxYF2ptNQXg-00115-00031583-00031855 ok that is a singular part and the terms CxYF2ptNQXg-00116-00031856-00032039 involving the constant and the negative CxYF2ptNQXg-00117-00032039-00032174 powers of w CxYF2ptNQXg-00118-00032175-00032407 is the analytic part because that CxYF2ptNQXg-00119-00032408-00032590 because negative powers of w behave at CxYF2ptNQXg-00120-00032591-00032815 infinity ok so CxYF2ptNQXg-00121-00032816-00033215 the condition for the function to have CxYF2ptNQXg-00122-00033216-00033471 infinity as an essential singular point CxYF2ptNQXg-00123-00033472-00033839 is that if you write out its laurent CxYF2ptNQXg-00124-00033840-00034151 expansion in a sufficient which is valid CxYF2ptNQXg-00125-00034152-00034335 outside at all points outside a CxYF2ptNQXg-00126-00034336-00034559 sufficiently CxYF2ptNQXg-00127-00034560-00034735 circle of sufficiently large radius CxYF2ptNQXg-00128-00034736-00034879 centered at the origin CxYF2ptNQXg-00129-00034880-00035287 okay then you must get ah you must get CxYF2ptNQXg-00130-00035288-00035431 the CxYF2ptNQXg-00131-00035432-00035607 the positive powers of the variable that CxYF2ptNQXg-00132-00035608-00035743 occur they must be there must be CxYF2ptNQXg-00133-00035744-00035974 infinitely many terms okay this is the CxYF2ptNQXg-00134-00035975-00036118 same as saying that the singular part of CxYF2ptNQXg-00135-00036119-00036407 infinity has infinitely many terms CxYF2ptNQXg-00136-00036408-00036535 and CxYF2ptNQXg-00137-00036536-00036718 so what you what should not happen is CxYF2ptNQXg-00138-00036719-00036935 that the singular part has only finitely CxYF2ptNQXg-00139-00036936-00037102 many terms at infinity which means it is CxYF2ptNQXg-00140-00037103-00037207 the singular part is actually a CxYF2ptNQXg-00141-00037208-00037487 polynomial okay so CxYF2ptNQXg-00142-00037488-00037679 in other words what we are saying is CxYF2ptNQXg-00143-00037680-00037974 that you know how do you recognize that CxYF2ptNQXg-00144-00037975-00038095 function has CxYF2ptNQXg-00145-00038096-00038335 infinity as an essential singular point CxYF2ptNQXg-00146-00038336-00038495 you write out the law of expansion at CxYF2ptNQXg-00147-00038496-00038679 infinity value in a neighborhood of CxYF2ptNQXg-00148-00038680-00039046 infinity then what happens is that the CxYF2ptNQXg-00149-00039047-00039230 the singular part is not just a CxYF2ptNQXg-00150-00039231-00039351 polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00151-00039352-00039543 ok in particular what this means is that CxYF2ptNQXg-00152-00039544-00039767 if you take polynomial functions CxYF2ptNQXg-00153-00039768-00039999 they are certainly not going to have CxYF2ptNQXg-00154-00040000-00040223 infinity as an essential singularity and CxYF2ptNQXg-00155-00040224-00040407 you know that we have seen it last time CxYF2ptNQXg-00156-00040408-00040774 a polynomial polynomial of degree CxYF2ptNQXg-00157-00040775-00041007 polynomials in fact have infinity as a CxYF2ptNQXg-00158-00041008-00041095 pole CxYF2ptNQXg-00159-00041096-00041255 and the order of the pole is actually CxYF2ptNQXg-00160-00041256-00041479 the degree of the polynomial ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00161-00041480-00041671 so that is so this is one way of CxYF2ptNQXg-00162-00041672-00041895 defining infinity as an CxYF2ptNQXg-00163-00041896-00042095 you know essential singular point CxYF2ptNQXg-00164-00042096-00042279 of course the other way is that ah the CxYF2ptNQXg-00165-00042280-00042423 limit of the function CxYF2ptNQXg-00166-00042424-00042583 as you approach CxYF2ptNQXg-00167-00042584-00042911 infinity does not exist okay ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00168-00042912-00043062 that is also CxYF2ptNQXg-00169-00043063-00043262 correct okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00170-00043263-00043430 so usually there are three CxYF2ptNQXg-00171-00043431-00043630 characterizations one of any singular CxYF2ptNQXg-00172-00043631-00043758 point there are three characterizations CxYF2ptNQXg-00173-00043759-00043862 one is CxYF2ptNQXg-00174-00043863-00044158 you look at the laurent series CxYF2ptNQXg-00175-00044159-00044374 and CxYF2ptNQXg-00176-00044375-00044511 look at the condition on the long series CxYF2ptNQXg-00177-00044512-00044815 whether it has CxYF2ptNQXg-00178-00044816-00045087 no terms at all ah in the singular part CxYF2ptNQXg-00179-00045088-00045223 or whether it has finitely many terms in CxYF2ptNQXg-00180-00045224-00045335 the singular part or whether it has CxYF2ptNQXg-00181-00045336-00045455 infinitely many terms in the singular CxYF2ptNQXg-00182-00045456-00045646 part and then the second condition is on CxYF2ptNQXg-00183-00045647-00045830 the limit of the function CxYF2ptNQXg-00184-00045831-00046079 as you approach that point okay of CxYF2ptNQXg-00185-00046080-00046239 course the third condition is about the CxYF2ptNQXg-00186-00046240-00046455 boundedness of the function okay or the CxYF2ptNQXg-00187-00046456-00046607 unboundedness of the function but of CxYF2ptNQXg-00188-00046608-00046790 course the boundedness is equivalent to CxYF2ptNQXg-00189-00046791-00047030 the ah to the point being a removable CxYF2ptNQXg-00190-00047031-00047262 similarity okay and the unboundedness CxYF2ptNQXg-00191-00047263-00047430 means that it is either it could either CxYF2ptNQXg-00192-00047431-00047590 be a pole or an essential singularity CxYF2ptNQXg-00193-00047591-00047727 okay so CxYF2ptNQXg-00194-00047728-00047958 so let me write this CxYF2ptNQXg-00195-00047959-00048127 these points down CxYF2ptNQXg-00196-00048128-00048527 infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00197-00048528-00048630 has CxYF2ptNQXg-00198-00048631-00049430 an essential singularity CxYF2ptNQXg-00199-00049431-00049695 of f of w CxYF2ptNQXg-00200-00049696-00049935 so you see CxYF2ptNQXg-00201-00049936-00050207 so f of w is assumed to be ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00202-00050208-00050439 analytic in CxYF2ptNQXg-00203-00050440-00050686 a deleted neighborhood of infinity okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00204-00050687-00050958 that is a standard assumption blanket CxYF2ptNQXg-00205-00050959-00051151 assumption and CxYF2ptNQXg-00206-00051152-00051335 well CxYF2ptNQXg-00207-00051336-00051599 so CxYF2ptNQXg-00208-00051600-00051919 so what are the conditions well CxYF2ptNQXg-00209-00051920-00052366 you you write CxYF2ptNQXg-00210-00052367-00052807 the laurel expansion CxYF2ptNQXg-00211-00052808-00053150 expansion CxYF2ptNQXg-00212-00053151-00053319 of f CxYF2ptNQXg-00213-00053320-00053671 at infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00214-00053672-00053894 that is CxYF2ptNQXg-00215-00053895-00054030 f of w CxYF2ptNQXg-00216-00054032-00054230 equal to sigma CxYF2ptNQXg-00217-00054232-00054526 n equal to minus infinity to infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00218-00054527-00054623 a n CxYF2ptNQXg-00219-00054624-00054919 w power n CxYF2ptNQXg-00220-00054920-00055191 valid CxYF2ptNQXg-00221-00055191-00055294 in CxYF2ptNQXg-00222-00055295-00055830 a deleted neighborhood CxYF2ptNQXg-00223-00055832-00055999 of infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00224-00056000-00056135 has CxYF2ptNQXg-00225-00056136-00056471 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00226-00056472-00057311 infinitely term infinitely many terms CxYF2ptNQXg-00227-00057312-00057399 in CxYF2ptNQXg-00228-00057400-00057911 its singular part CxYF2ptNQXg-00229-00057912-00058030 and what is the singular part the CxYF2ptNQXg-00230-00058032-00058350 singular part is ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00231-00058351-00058454 sigma CxYF2ptNQXg-00232-00058455-00058654 ah the singular part is CxYF2ptNQXg-00233-00058655-00058807 the positive power of the variable so CxYF2ptNQXg-00234-00058808-00059054 its sigma n equal to one to infinity a CxYF2ptNQXg-00235-00059055-00059294 and w power n CxYF2ptNQXg-00236-00059295-00059630 and that is the same as saying that ah a CxYF2ptNQXg-00237-00059632-00059735 a n CxYF2ptNQXg-00238-00059736-00060007 ah not equal to zero for CxYF2ptNQXg-00239-00060008-00060447 ah many infinitely many n CxYF2ptNQXg-00240-00060448-00061094 for infinitely many CxYF2ptNQXg-00241-00061095-00061182 ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00242-00061183-00061399 so CxYF2ptNQXg-00243-00061400-00061566 and and you see this this this CxYF2ptNQXg-00244-00061567-00061815 definition is just the same as usual CxYF2ptNQXg-00245-00061816-00061982 definition that the CxYF2ptNQXg-00246-00061983-00062215 that up to in order to CxYF2ptNQXg-00247-00062216-00062447 say that a certain point ah for example CxYF2ptNQXg-00248-00062448-00062550 in the complex plane which is an CxYF2ptNQXg-00249-00062551-00062719 isolated singularity is an essential CxYF2ptNQXg-00250-00062720-00062887 singularity all you have to CxYF2ptNQXg-00251-00062888-00063063 do is write out the laurent expansion at CxYF2ptNQXg-00252-00063064-00063206 that point and then you find that the CxYF2ptNQXg-00253-00063207-00063359 lore expansion has infinite singular CxYF2ptNQXg-00254-00063360-00063430 part CxYF2ptNQXg-00255-00063432-00063671 okay and there it will be infinitely CxYF2ptNQXg-00256-00063672-00063879 many negative powers CxYF2ptNQXg-00257-00063879-00064087 ok so ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00258-00064088-00064247 so of course i should tell you that this CxYF2ptNQXg-00259-00064248-00064430 is equivalent CxYF2ptNQXg-00260-00064432-00064519 to CxYF2ptNQXg-00261-00064520-00064694 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00262-00064695-00064863 f of CxYF2ptNQXg-00263-00064864-00065047 g of z CxYF2ptNQXg-00264-00065048-00065279 is equal to f of 1 by z CxYF2ptNQXg-00265-00065279-00065438 has CxYF2ptNQXg-00266-00065439-00066375 an essential singularity at 0. CxYF2ptNQXg-00267-00066376-00066494 okay so CxYF2ptNQXg-00268-00066495-00066782 g of z f of 1 by z has CxYF2ptNQXg-00269-00066783-00067150 an essential singularity CxYF2ptNQXg-00270-00067151-00067511 gradient CxYF2ptNQXg-00271-00067512-00067606 at CxYF2ptNQXg-00272-00067607-00067711 e CxYF2ptNQXg-00273-00067712-00067847 at zero CxYF2ptNQXg-00274-00067848-00068103 at z is equal to zero ok and this is of CxYF2ptNQXg-00275-00068104-00068287 course you know ah this is of course CxYF2ptNQXg-00276-00068288-00068494 based on this philosophy that you know CxYF2ptNQXg-00277-00068495-00068735 the behavior of f of w at infinity is CxYF2ptNQXg-00278-00068736-00069047 the same as the behavior of f of ah one CxYF2ptNQXg-00279-00069048-00069255 by z at zero okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00280-00069256-00069423 where you put w equal to one by z that CxYF2ptNQXg-00281-00069424-00069623 is a you we already know that this is a CxYF2ptNQXg-00282-00069624-00069806 homium of sum ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00283-00069807-00070087 and its a holomorphic isomorphism of the CxYF2ptNQXg-00284-00070088-00070238 punctured plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00285-00070239-00070431 ah the plane minus the origin onto CxYF2ptNQXg-00286-00070432-00070623 itself ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00287-00070624-00070919 and ok so this is one thing ah then the CxYF2ptNQXg-00288-00070920-00071103 other thing is CxYF2ptNQXg-00289-00071104-00071223 so this is one condition the other CxYF2ptNQXg-00290-00071224-00071391 condition is CxYF2ptNQXg-00291-00071392-00071519 limit CxYF2ptNQXg-00292-00071520-00071815 w tends to infinity f w CxYF2ptNQXg-00293-00071816-00072247 does not exist CxYF2ptNQXg-00294-00072248-00072479 this is ah this is this this is the CxYF2ptNQXg-00295-00072480-00072623 other condition and of course this is CxYF2ptNQXg-00296-00072624-00072871 the same as saying that limit e z tends CxYF2ptNQXg-00297-00072872-00073103 to zero ah g of z CxYF2ptNQXg-00298-00073104-00073767 does not exist CxYF2ptNQXg-00299-00073768-00073982 so this is also something that you know CxYF2ptNQXg-00300-00073983-00074062 and CxYF2ptNQXg-00301-00074063-00074191 um CxYF2ptNQXg-00302-00074192-00074606 so CxYF2ptNQXg-00303-00074607-00074806 well and of course the CxYF2ptNQXg-00304-00074807-00074975 you the usually CxYF2ptNQXg-00305-00074976-00075126 we'll have another condition which will CxYF2ptNQXg-00306-00075127-00075343 be on the behavior of the function in CxYF2ptNQXg-00307-00075344-00075511 the neighborhood of that point CxYF2ptNQXg-00308-00075512-00075591 and CxYF2ptNQXg-00309-00075592-00075662 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00310-00075663-00076023 well CxYF2ptNQXg-00311-00076024-00076423 certainly CxYF2ptNQXg-00312-00076424-00076559 you cannot expect the function to be CxYF2ptNQXg-00313-00076560-00076799 bounded in a neighborhood of that point CxYF2ptNQXg-00314-00076800-00076887 okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00315-00076888-00077031 um CxYF2ptNQXg-00316-00077032-00077231 because that is equivalent to the CxYF2ptNQXg-00317-00077232-00077487 function being CxYF2ptNQXg-00318-00077488-00077623 actually analytic at that point and that CxYF2ptNQXg-00319-00077624-00077775 is rayman's removable singularity CxYF2ptNQXg-00320-00077776-00077950 theorem right CxYF2ptNQXg-00321-00077951-00078079 um CxYF2ptNQXg-00322-00078080-00078238 anyway so CxYF2ptNQXg-00323-00078239-00078494 so let me let me let me go ahead and say CxYF2ptNQXg-00324-00078495-00078815 some some other things um CxYF2ptNQXg-00325-00078816-00078991 so maybe CxYF2ptNQXg-00326-00078992-00079167 i will put some CxYF2ptNQXg-00327-00079168-00079638 change color and put a few boxes here CxYF2ptNQXg-00328-00079639-00080111 so CxYF2ptNQXg-00329-00080112-00080431 so this is equivalent to this CxYF2ptNQXg-00330-00080432-00080806 and this part CxYF2ptNQXg-00331-00080807-00081103 is the same as this CxYF2ptNQXg-00332-00081104-00081238 ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00333-00081239-00081519 all right so now CxYF2ptNQXg-00334-00081520-00081735 ah what i want to say next what i want CxYF2ptNQXg-00335-00081736-00081943 to say next is that you know CxYF2ptNQXg-00336-00081944-00082038 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00337-00082039-00082206 let us look at let us let us analyze CxYF2ptNQXg-00338-00082207-00082335 this condition that infinite is an CxYF2ptNQXg-00339-00082336-00082567 essential singularity ok now CxYF2ptNQXg-00340-00082568-00082879 the ah so for example what are the CxYF2ptNQXg-00341-00082880-00082999 functions CxYF2ptNQXg-00342-00083000-00083087 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00343-00083088-00083318 what are the entire functions which have CxYF2ptNQXg-00344-00083319-00083479 infinity as an essential singlet you can CxYF2ptNQXg-00345-00083480-00083718 ask this question ok so we have already CxYF2ptNQXg-00346-00083719-00084006 answered a similar question for poles CxYF2ptNQXg-00347-00084007-00084382 okay and for removable singularities see CxYF2ptNQXg-00348-00084383-00084615 you take an entire function mind you an CxYF2ptNQXg-00349-00084616-00084750 entire function means a function which CxYF2ptNQXg-00350-00084751-00085047 is analytic on the whole plane ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00351-00085048-00085175 and the moment it is analytic on the CxYF2ptNQXg-00352-00085176-00085367 whole plane the whole plane is also mind CxYF2ptNQXg-00353-00085368-00085526 you a deleted neighborhood of the point CxYF2ptNQXg-00354-00085527-00085711 at infinity you must not forget that CxYF2ptNQXg-00355-00085712-00085855 therefore a function is analytic on the CxYF2ptNQXg-00356-00085856-00086087 whole plane is also having infinity as CxYF2ptNQXg-00357-00086088-00086287 an isolated singular point ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00358-00086288-00086415 automatically CxYF2ptNQXg-00359-00086416-00086487 ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00360-00086488-00086638 if you think of the rayman stereographic CxYF2ptNQXg-00361-00086639-00086806 projection you see that the infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00362-00086807-00086959 corresponds to the north pole and the CxYF2ptNQXg-00363-00086960-00087247 whole plane corresponds to the remaining CxYF2ptNQXg-00364-00087248-00087487 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00365-00087488-00087662 part on the riemann sphere which is the CxYF2ptNQXg-00366-00087663-00087855 riemann sphere minus the north pole okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00367-00087856-00088087 by the stereographic projection so the CxYF2ptNQXg-00368-00088088-00088262 plane itself is an CxYF2ptNQXg-00369-00088263-00088375 neighborhood CxYF2ptNQXg-00370-00088376-00088503 of CxYF2ptNQXg-00371-00088504-00088671 the point infinity and therefore an CxYF2ptNQXg-00372-00088672-00088799 entire function will always have the CxYF2ptNQXg-00373-00088800-00088999 point infinity as an isolated CxYF2ptNQXg-00374-00089000-00089343 singularity now what happens if ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00375-00089344-00089599 that isolated singularity is a removable CxYF2ptNQXg-00376-00089600-00089767 singularity CxYF2ptNQXg-00377-00089768-00089943 well then you are saying that the entire CxYF2ptNQXg-00378-00089944-00090143 function has infinity as a removable CxYF2ptNQXg-00379-00090144-00090391 singularity okay which is the same as CxYF2ptNQXg-00380-00090392-00090575 saying that infinity at infinity it is CxYF2ptNQXg-00381-00090576-00090887 bounded or it has a limit okay and then CxYF2ptNQXg-00382-00090888-00091087 by leos theorem it will reduce to a CxYF2ptNQXg-00383-00091088-00091311 constant ok so the moral of the story is CxYF2ptNQXg-00384-00091312-00091543 that a non constant entire function CxYF2ptNQXg-00385-00091544-00091726 cannot have infinity as a removable CxYF2ptNQXg-00386-00091727-00091943 similarity we already seen this ok and CxYF2ptNQXg-00387-00091944-00092118 then you can ask the question when will CxYF2ptNQXg-00388-00092119-00092287 an entire function have CxYF2ptNQXg-00389-00092288-00092511 infinity as a pole CxYF2ptNQXg-00390-00092512-00092655 ok and CxYF2ptNQXg-00391-00092656-00092855 we have seen that that will happen if CxYF2ptNQXg-00392-00092856-00093174 and only if the entire function is a is CxYF2ptNQXg-00393-00093175-00093487 well CxYF2ptNQXg-00394-00093488-00093647 is a polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00395-00093648-00093759 okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00396-00093760-00093943 and the degree of the polynomial will be CxYF2ptNQXg-00397-00093944-00094215 the order of the pole ok so now we ask CxYF2ptNQXg-00398-00094216-00094350 the question when will an entire CxYF2ptNQXg-00399-00094351-00094615 function have infinity as an essential CxYF2ptNQXg-00400-00094616-00094767 singularity and the answer to that will CxYF2ptNQXg-00401-00094768-00094894 be that CxYF2ptNQXg-00402-00094895-00095150 the if you it should not be a polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00403-00095151-00095462 okay basically if you write out the CxYF2ptNQXg-00404-00095463-00095774 ah if you write out its ah well CxYF2ptNQXg-00405-00095775-00095999 taylor expansion at any point the taylor CxYF2ptNQXg-00406-00096000-00096247 expansion of course you will get if you CxYF2ptNQXg-00407-00096248-00096382 you you have to write only a taylor CxYF2ptNQXg-00408-00096383-00096494 expansion because it is an entire CxYF2ptNQXg-00409-00096495-00096687 function okay there is no question of CxYF2ptNQXg-00410-00096688-00097038 laurent expansion ok ah so at any point CxYF2ptNQXg-00411-00097039-00097326 in the you choose any point in the plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00412-00097327-00097550 its analytic everywhere the plane so you CxYF2ptNQXg-00413-00097551-00097687 choose any point and write the taylor CxYF2ptNQXg-00414-00097688-00097855 expansion at that point that taylor CxYF2ptNQXg-00415-00097856-00097974 series will have infinite radius of CxYF2ptNQXg-00416-00097975-00098191 convergence because CxYF2ptNQXg-00417-00098192-00098415 this function is entire okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00418-00098416-00098687 and the point is that the taylor series CxYF2ptNQXg-00419-00098688-00098767 should CxYF2ptNQXg-00420-00098768-00099031 be a power series it should not be CxYF2ptNQXg-00421-00099032-00099159 a polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00422-00099160-00099567 ok so the model of the story is CxYF2ptNQXg-00423-00099568-00099782 yeah an entire function has infinity as CxYF2ptNQXg-00424-00099783-00100015 an essential similarity if and only if CxYF2ptNQXg-00425-00100016-00100247 its taylor series CxYF2ptNQXg-00426-00100248-00100462 is not a polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00427-00100463-00100647 okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00428-00100648-00100926 so ah and and and CxYF2ptNQXg-00429-00100927-00101094 the taylor series of an entire function CxYF2ptNQXg-00430-00101095-00101223 being a polynomial is the same as the CxYF2ptNQXg-00431-00101224-00101350 entire function itself being a CxYF2ptNQXg-00432-00101351-00101591 polynomial ok therefore all you are CxYF2ptNQXg-00433-00101592-00101718 saying is that CxYF2ptNQXg-00434-00101719-00102367 you know an entire function CxYF2ptNQXg-00435-00102368-00102494 if you wanted to have an essential CxYF2ptNQXg-00436-00102495-00102686 singularity at infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00437-00102688-00103030 okay then it should not be a polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00438-00103031-00103271 all right and for this reason CxYF2ptNQXg-00439-00103272-00103471 uh we call such entire functions as CxYF2ptNQXg-00440-00103472-00103663 transcendental okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00441-00103664-00103918 so the the usually CxYF2ptNQXg-00442-00103919-00104078 the polynomial functions and the CxYF2ptNQXg-00443-00104079-00104239 meromorphic functions which are given by CxYF2ptNQXg-00444-00104240-00104447 quotients of polynomials ok they are CxYF2ptNQXg-00445-00104448-00104590 called algebraic CxYF2ptNQXg-00446-00104591-00104742 and everything that is not algebraic is CxYF2ptNQXg-00447-00104743-00104990 called transcendental so such entire CxYF2ptNQXg-00448-00104991-00105190 functions which have infinity as an CxYF2ptNQXg-00449-00105191-00105319 essential singular point are called CxYF2ptNQXg-00450-00105320-00105615 transcendental entire functions ok so CxYF2ptNQXg-00451-00105616-00105895 so let me write that down CxYF2ptNQXg-00452-00105896-00106478 an entire function CxYF2ptNQXg-00453-00106479-00106799 that has CxYF2ptNQXg-00454-00106800-00106958 infinity as CxYF2ptNQXg-00455-00106959-00107047 an CxYF2ptNQXg-00456-00107048-00107758 essential singularity CxYF2ptNQXg-00457-00107759-00107883 is CxYF2ptNQXg-00458-00107883-00108039 one CxYF2ptNQXg-00459-00108040-00108878 that is not a polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00460-00108879-00109151 ok so CxYF2ptNQXg-00461-00109152-00109310 and you know what will happen if it is a CxYF2ptNQXg-00462-00109311-00109447 polynomial if it is a polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00463-00109448-00109590 infinity is a CxYF2ptNQXg-00464-00109591-00109847 ah infinity is a pole ok if it is a CxYF2ptNQXg-00465-00109848-00110015 polynomial of positive degree of course CxYF2ptNQXg-00466-00110016-00110231 if you we also consider constants as CxYF2ptNQXg-00467-00110232-00110454 polynomials polynomials of degree zero CxYF2ptNQXg-00468-00110455-00110527 and CxYF2ptNQXg-00469-00110528-00110671 that is the case of a constant function CxYF2ptNQXg-00470-00110672-00110799 so if you are looking at a non constant CxYF2ptNQXg-00471-00110800-00111102 entire function okay then its CxYF2ptNQXg-00472-00111103-00111302 the only way infinity is an essential CxYF2ptNQXg-00473-00111303-00111502 singularity is that it is not a CxYF2ptNQXg-00474-00111503-00111719 polynomial of positive degree ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00475-00111720-00111854 so CxYF2ptNQXg-00476-00111855-00112278 for a polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00477-00112279-00112447 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00478-00112448-00113039 if constant CxYF2ptNQXg-00479-00113040-00113166 has CxYF2ptNQXg-00480-00113167-00113286 infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00481-00113288-00114071 as a removable singularity CxYF2ptNQXg-00482-00114072-00114231 and CxYF2ptNQXg-00483-00114232-00114343 if CxYF2ptNQXg-00484-00114344-00114886 non constant CxYF2ptNQXg-00485-00114888-00115119 has infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00486-00115120-00115327 as a pole CxYF2ptNQXg-00487-00115328-00115575 of order CxYF2ptNQXg-00488-00115576-00115966 equal to its degree CxYF2ptNQXg-00489-00115967-00116071 ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00490-00116072-00116310 so a polynomial is certainly CxYF2ptNQXg-00491-00116311-00116463 not an entire function that has an CxYF2ptNQXg-00492-00116464-00116631 essential singularity at infinity and CxYF2ptNQXg-00493-00116632-00116823 conversely if an entire function has an CxYF2ptNQXg-00494-00116824-00116999 essential singularity at infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00495-00117000-00117175 because you take any point CxYF2ptNQXg-00496-00117176-00117327 and you write out the taylor expansion CxYF2ptNQXg-00497-00117328-00117654 at that point ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00498-00117655-00117854 uh CxYF2ptNQXg-00499-00117855-00118199 you will see that if infinity is a is CxYF2ptNQXg-00500-00118200-00118358 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00501-00118359-00118534 is a pole CxYF2ptNQXg-00502-00118535-00118719 then the taylor expansion should CxYF2ptNQXg-00503-00118720-00118895 terminate so and it has to be a CxYF2ptNQXg-00504-00118896-00119158 polynomial so if infinity is not a pole CxYF2ptNQXg-00505-00119159-00119351 then your taylor series CxYF2ptNQXg-00506-00119352-00119543 will have infinitely many terms okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00507-00119544-00119727 which is the same as saying that there CxYF2ptNQXg-00508-00119728-00119823 are CxYF2ptNQXg-00509-00119824-00120063 infinitely many terms in the laurel CxYF2ptNQXg-00510-00120064-00120439 expansion at infinity okay mind you CxYF2ptNQXg-00511-00120440-00120663 if you take a polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00512-00120664-00120983 ah the polynomial itself is expansion is CxYF2ptNQXg-00513-00120983-00121247 the taylor expansion of the function CxYF2ptNQXg-00514-00121248-00121463 that it represents at the origin CxYF2ptNQXg-00515-00121464-00121639 okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00516-00121640-00121775 and CxYF2ptNQXg-00517-00121776-00122063 the and since that expansion is valid on CxYF2ptNQXg-00518-00122064-00122183 the whole plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00519-00122183-00122366 it is also a lot of expansion at CxYF2ptNQXg-00520-00122367-00122534 infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00521-00122535-00122790 the expression for the polynomial itself CxYF2ptNQXg-00522-00122791-00123031 is a lot of expansion at infinity and it CxYF2ptNQXg-00523-00123032-00123286 is except for the constant part the CxYF2ptNQXg-00524-00123288-00123439 positive part CxYF2ptNQXg-00525-00123440-00123590 the terms involving positive powers of CxYF2ptNQXg-00526-00123591-00123695 the variable CxYF2ptNQXg-00527-00123696-00123854 that is automatically the singular CxYF2ptNQXg-00528-00123855-00124078 product infinity and and that it has CxYF2ptNQXg-00529-00124079-00124223 only finitely many terms tells you the CxYF2ptNQXg-00530-00124224-00124502 different ease of both ok so so let me CxYF2ptNQXg-00531-00124503-00124683 write that down CxYF2ptNQXg-00532-00124683-00125071 um conversely CxYF2ptNQXg-00533-00125072-00125166 if CxYF2ptNQXg-00534-00125167-00125327 f of w CxYF2ptNQXg-00535-00125328-00125447 has CxYF2ptNQXg-00536-00125448-00125558 infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00537-00125559-00125671 as CxYF2ptNQXg-00538-00125672-00125758 an CxYF2ptNQXg-00539-00125759-00126414 essential singularity CxYF2ptNQXg-00540-00126415-00126623 then CxYF2ptNQXg-00541-00126624-00127271 its taylor expansion CxYF2ptNQXg-00542-00127272-00127471 at any CxYF2ptNQXg-00543-00127472-00127575 point CxYF2ptNQXg-00544-00127576-00127719 of c CxYF2ptNQXg-00545-00127720-00127975 has to have CxYF2ptNQXg-00546-00127976-00128183 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00547-00128183-00128495 at any point of c has to have CxYF2ptNQXg-00548-00128496-00128710 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00549-00128711-00129295 infinitely many CxYF2ptNQXg-00550-00129296-00129854 infinitely CxYF2ptNQXg-00551-00129855-00130519 infinitely many terms CxYF2ptNQXg-00552-00130520-00131343 so it is not a polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00553-00131344-00131471 ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00554-00131472-00131695 so ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00555-00131696-00131847 so CxYF2ptNQXg-00556-00131848-00132111 to say things in short ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00557-00132112-00132254 a transcendental entire function is CxYF2ptNQXg-00558-00132255-00132454 something that's different from a CxYF2ptNQXg-00559-00132455-00132575 polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00560-00132576-00132727 now you i want to make the following CxYF2ptNQXg-00561-00132728-00132935 statement that CxYF2ptNQXg-00562-00132936-00133078 take any CxYF2ptNQXg-00563-00133079-00133383 entire function okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00564-00133384-00133590 take any entire function exponentiate it CxYF2ptNQXg-00565-00133591-00133839 ok so you take f of w to be an entire CxYF2ptNQXg-00566-00133840-00134135 function okay f of w may have infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00567-00134136-00134359 as a CxYF2ptNQXg-00568-00134360-00134559 you know either a pole or it may be CxYF2ptNQXg-00569-00134560-00134719 essential CxYF2ptNQXg-00570-00134720-00134999 but if you take e power f of w CxYF2ptNQXg-00571-00135000-00135143 okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00572-00135144-00135478 if you take e power f of w i claim that CxYF2ptNQXg-00573-00135479-00135695 it will always be transgender CxYF2ptNQXg-00574-00135696-00135863 ok so CxYF2ptNQXg-00575-00135864-00136143 that means i am saying that for CxYF2ptNQXg-00576-00136144-00136327 e power f of w CxYF2ptNQXg-00577-00136328-00136607 w equal to infinity will always be CxYF2ptNQXg-00578-00136608-00136839 a an essential singularity okay that is CxYF2ptNQXg-00579-00136840-00137031 also very easy to see CxYF2ptNQXg-00580-00137032-00137247 and and how do you see it CxYF2ptNQXg-00581-00137248-00137478 let me tell you the argument in words CxYF2ptNQXg-00582-00137479-00137783 ah you see CxYF2ptNQXg-00583-00137784-00138039 so i know that f of w is entire and i am CxYF2ptNQXg-00584-00138040-00138247 looking at e power f of w CxYF2ptNQXg-00585-00138248-00138431 of course e power f of w is also entire CxYF2ptNQXg-00586-00138432-00138566 because it is a composition of entire CxYF2ptNQXg-00587-00138567-00138719 functions exponential function is of CxYF2ptNQXg-00588-00138720-00138863 course entire CxYF2ptNQXg-00589-00138864-00139102 okay and e power f of w is f of w CxYF2ptNQXg-00590-00139103-00139239 followed by the exponential function it CxYF2ptNQXg-00591-00139240-00139390 is a composition of entire function so CxYF2ptNQXg-00592-00139391-00139502 its entire CxYF2ptNQXg-00593-00139503-00139607 ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00594-00139608-00139719 and CxYF2ptNQXg-00595-00139720-00139919 what are the possibilities for e power f CxYF2ptNQXg-00596-00139920-00140254 of w at infinity infinity can either be CxYF2ptNQXg-00597-00140255-00140447 a removable singularity or it can be a CxYF2ptNQXg-00598-00140448-00140559 pore or it can be an essential CxYF2ptNQXg-00599-00140560-00140759 similarity if CxYF2ptNQXg-00600-00140760-00141014 infinity is a removable singularity CxYF2ptNQXg-00601-00141015-00141271 you know then e power f of w must be a CxYF2ptNQXg-00602-00141272-00141495 constant because of lewis theorem and if CxYF2ptNQXg-00603-00141496-00141687 e power f of w is a constant then f has CxYF2ptNQXg-00604-00141688-00141839 to be a constant CxYF2ptNQXg-00605-00141840-00142143 because f is ah of if e power f w is a CxYF2ptNQXg-00606-00142144-00142287 constant that constant CxYF2ptNQXg-00607-00142288-00142447 is a complex number which cannot be zero CxYF2ptNQXg-00608-00142448-00142623 because e if the exponential function CxYF2ptNQXg-00609-00142624-00142839 never takes the value zero CxYF2ptNQXg-00610-00142840-00143111 and f has to be log of that CxYF2ptNQXg-00611-00143112-00143214 ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00612-00143215-00143383 f can be one of the logarithms of that CxYF2ptNQXg-00613-00143384-00143502 constant CxYF2ptNQXg-00614-00143503-00143790 non zero constant ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00615-00143791-00143902 and CxYF2ptNQXg-00616-00143903-00143983 so CxYF2ptNQXg-00617-00143984-00144126 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00618-00144127-00144295 so so in that case CxYF2ptNQXg-00619-00144296-00144519 ah e power f CxYF2ptNQXg-00620-00144520-00144775 ah so what i am trying to say is that if CxYF2ptNQXg-00621-00144776-00144935 you are looking at an entire function a CxYF2ptNQXg-00622-00144936-00145175 non constant entire function ok e power CxYF2ptNQXg-00623-00145176-00145359 f has to be transcendental CxYF2ptNQXg-00624-00145360-00145559 though the only case you will have to CxYF2ptNQXg-00625-00145560-00145743 worry about is CxYF2ptNQXg-00626-00145744-00145959 the constant function when CxYF2ptNQXg-00627-00145960-00146054 of course CxYF2ptNQXg-00628-00146055-00146271 e power constant is also constant okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00629-00146272-00146423 so if you have a non constant entire CxYF2ptNQXg-00630-00146424-00146543 function CxYF2ptNQXg-00631-00146544-00146743 okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00632-00146744-00146990 e power f CxYF2ptNQXg-00633-00146991-00147151 also will be non-constant CxYF2ptNQXg-00634-00147152-00147343 right so infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00635-00147344-00147614 for e power f if infinity is a removable CxYF2ptNQXg-00636-00147615-00147823 singularity then f is a constant so if CxYF2ptNQXg-00637-00147824-00148023 you are looking at a non constant f CxYF2ptNQXg-00638-00148024-00148175 then e power f CxYF2ptNQXg-00639-00148176-00148295 will not have CxYF2ptNQXg-00640-00148296-00148447 infinity as a removable singularity so CxYF2ptNQXg-00641-00148448-00148695 it can be a pole now if e power f is a CxYF2ptNQXg-00642-00148696-00148814 is a pole CxYF2ptNQXg-00643-00148815-00149071 has a pole at infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00644-00149072-00149343 ah infinity is a pole for e power f then CxYF2ptNQXg-00645-00149344-00149559 e power f has to be a polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00646-00149560-00149743 because we have seen that the only CxYF2ptNQXg-00647-00149744-00149887 entire functions which have pole at CxYF2ptNQXg-00648-00149888-00150175 infinity are the polynomials so e power CxYF2ptNQXg-00649-00150176-00150351 f has to be a polynomial but that is not CxYF2ptNQXg-00650-00150352-00150495 possible CxYF2ptNQXg-00651-00150496-00150639 because you see CxYF2ptNQXg-00652-00150640-00150887 ah if you take a polynomial of constant CxYF2ptNQXg-00653-00150888-00151111 ah a non-constant polynomial column CxYF2ptNQXg-00654-00151112-00151311 polynomial of positive degree the you CxYF2ptNQXg-00655-00151312-00151447 know fundamental theorem of algebra says CxYF2ptNQXg-00656-00151448-00151663 that it will have zeros so there are CxYF2ptNQXg-00657-00151664-00151887 there are it will assume the value zero CxYF2ptNQXg-00658-00151888-00152119 but that is equal to e power f CxYF2ptNQXg-00659-00152120-00152231 and e CxYF2ptNQXg-00660-00152232-00152502 e power anything can never be zero CxYF2ptNQXg-00661-00152503-00152671 okay therefore e power f cannot be a CxYF2ptNQXg-00662-00152672-00152847 polynomial all right CxYF2ptNQXg-00663-00152848-00152990 that means that infinity cannot be a CxYF2ptNQXg-00664-00152991-00153095 pole CxYF2ptNQXg-00665-00153096-00153263 for e power f so therefore the only CxYF2ptNQXg-00666-00153264-00153414 thing that is left is that e power f CxYF2ptNQXg-00667-00153415-00153639 should have infinity as an essential CxYF2ptNQXg-00668-00153640-00153854 signality so the moral story is that you CxYF2ptNQXg-00669-00153855-00154054 take any non constant entire function CxYF2ptNQXg-00670-00154055-00154271 and you take e power that CxYF2ptNQXg-00671-00154272-00154535 the resulting function will certainly CxYF2ptNQXg-00672-00154536-00154702 have infinity as CxYF2ptNQXg-00673-00154703-00154847 an essential singularity in other words CxYF2ptNQXg-00674-00154848-00155007 i am saying that the resulting function CxYF2ptNQXg-00675-00155008-00155231 it will always be translated CxYF2ptNQXg-00676-00155232-00155319 ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00677-00155320-00155423 so CxYF2ptNQXg-00678-00155424-00155887 so let me write that down um CxYF2ptNQXg-00679-00155888-00156695 ok so let me use a different color CxYF2ptNQXg-00680-00156696-00157239 an entire function CxYF2ptNQXg-00681-00157240-00157559 that has CxYF2ptNQXg-00682-00157560-00157926 infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00683-00157927-00158143 as CxYF2ptNQXg-00684-00158144-00159207 an essential singularity CxYF2ptNQXg-00685-00159208-00160031 is called CxYF2ptNQXg-00686-00160032-00160247 ok an entire function that has infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00687-00160248-00160375 as an essential similarity is called CxYF2ptNQXg-00688-00160376-00160495 transcendental CxYF2ptNQXg-00689-00160496-00160647 and CxYF2ptNQXg-00690-00160648-00160983 so all entire functions which are CxYF2ptNQXg-00691-00160984-00161111 which are not polynomials are CxYF2ptNQXg-00692-00161112-00161375 transcendental okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00693-00161376-00161551 thus CxYF2ptNQXg-00694-00161552-00161711 the CxYF2ptNQXg-00695-00161712-00162039 entire functions CxYF2ptNQXg-00696-00162040-00163111 the the transcendental entire functions CxYF2ptNQXg-00697-00163112-00163502 are precisely CxYF2ptNQXg-00698-00163503-00163726 the non polynomials CxYF2ptNQXg-00699-00163727-00165047 precisely those that are not polynomials CxYF2ptNQXg-00700-00165048-00165423 ok ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00701-00165424-00165559 if CxYF2ptNQXg-00702-00165560-00165775 f of w CxYF2ptNQXg-00703-00165776-00166023 is entire CxYF2ptNQXg-00704-00166024-00166566 and non constant CxYF2ptNQXg-00705-00166567-00166783 then CxYF2ptNQXg-00706-00166784-00167023 power f of w CxYF2ptNQXg-00707-00167024-00167111 is CxYF2ptNQXg-00708-00167112-00167351 always CxYF2ptNQXg-00709-00167352-00167983 transcendent CxYF2ptNQXg-00710-00167984-00168383 ah for CxYF2ptNQXg-00711-00168384-00168495 if CxYF2ptNQXg-00712-00168496-00168726 e power f w CxYF2ptNQXg-00713-00168727-00168847 has CxYF2ptNQXg-00714-00168848-00169063 w equal to infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00715-00169064-00169959 as a removable singularity CxYF2ptNQXg-00716-00169960-00170126 then CxYF2ptNQXg-00717-00170127-00170375 e power f w CxYF2ptNQXg-00718-00170376-00171143 reduces to a constant CxYF2ptNQXg-00719-00171144-00171575 by liu will CxYF2ptNQXg-00720-00171576-00172071 and CxYF2ptNQXg-00721-00172072-00172559 contradicts CxYF2ptNQXg-00722-00172560-00172726 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00723-00172727-00172951 f being CxYF2ptNQXg-00724-00172952-00173559 non constant CxYF2ptNQXg-00725-00173560-00173735 also CxYF2ptNQXg-00726-00173736-00173951 e power f CxYF2ptNQXg-00727-00173952-00175083 also infinity cannot be a pole CxYF2ptNQXg-00728-00175084-00175271 as CxYF2ptNQXg-00729-00175272-00175559 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00730-00175560-00175766 then CxYF2ptNQXg-00731-00175767-00175943 e power f CxYF2ptNQXg-00732-00175944-00176207 would be CxYF2ptNQXg-00733-00176208-00176726 a polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00734-00176727-00176951 which CxYF2ptNQXg-00735-00176952-00177543 must have zeros CxYF2ptNQXg-00736-00177544-00177623 ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00737-00177624-00177807 so that also cannot happen CxYF2ptNQXg-00738-00177808-00177951 so as a result CxYF2ptNQXg-00739-00177952-00178287 ah you take any entire function and you CxYF2ptNQXg-00740-00178288-00178471 which is not constant CxYF2ptNQXg-00741-00178472-00178702 and you exponentiate it what you get is CxYF2ptNQXg-00742-00178703-00179047 a transcendental entire function ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00743-00179048-00179302 ah so in this so in this context let me CxYF2ptNQXg-00744-00179303-00179519 also say that you know the CxYF2ptNQXg-00745-00179520-00179719 the entire function the the functions CxYF2ptNQXg-00746-00179720-00179871 which are either CxYF2ptNQXg-00747-00179872-00180031 which are either polynomials or CxYF2ptNQXg-00748-00180032-00180326 quotients of polynomials ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00749-00180327-00180583 they are called CxYF2ptNQXg-00750-00180584-00180751 meromorphic functions CxYF2ptNQXg-00751-00180752-00181007 they are all called algebraic ok and the CxYF2ptNQXg-00752-00181008-00181190 non algebraic functions are the CxYF2ptNQXg-00753-00181191-00181414 transcendental ones ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00754-00181415-00181511 so CxYF2ptNQXg-00755-00181512-00181943 so let me write that in general CxYF2ptNQXg-00756-00181944-00182319 ah the CxYF2ptNQXg-00757-00182320-00182711 polynomials CxYF2ptNQXg-00758-00182712-00183343 and more generally CxYF2ptNQXg-00759-00183344-00184343 the metamorphic functions CxYF2ptNQXg-00760-00184344-00185199 in the extended plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00761-00185200-00185447 are called CxYF2ptNQXg-00762-00185448-00185823 algebraic CxYF2ptNQXg-00763-00185824-00186014 ok is at least CxYF2ptNQXg-00764-00186015-00186702 in the sense of algebraic geometry ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00765-00186703-00186999 in the sense of CxYF2ptNQXg-00766-00187000-00188623 complex algebraic CxYF2ptNQXg-00767-00188624-00188702 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00768-00188703-00188790 the CxYF2ptNQXg-00769-00188791-00189319 the non algebraic ones CxYF2ptNQXg-00770-00189320-00189566 ah ones CxYF2ptNQXg-00771-00189567-00189759 are called CxYF2ptNQXg-00772-00189760-00190295 transcendent CxYF2ptNQXg-00773-00190296-00190483 ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00774-00190484-00190783 examples examples CxYF2ptNQXg-00775-00190784-00191535 of transcendental functions CxYF2ptNQXg-00776-00191536-00191966 this is something that CxYF2ptNQXg-00777-00191967-00192183 one should look at CxYF2ptNQXg-00778-00192184-00192263 so CxYF2ptNQXg-00779-00192264-00192623 so you take for example e power z CxYF2ptNQXg-00780-00192624-00192847 ok this is transcendental CxYF2ptNQXg-00781-00192848-00192990 because z CxYF2ptNQXg-00782-00192991-00193238 z equal to infinity is an essential CxYF2ptNQXg-00783-00193239-00193366 signal point CxYF2ptNQXg-00784-00193367-00193687 and why is that so because ah basically CxYF2ptNQXg-00785-00193688-00193983 if you write the expansion for e power z CxYF2ptNQXg-00786-00193984-00194175 taylor expansion or maclaurin expansion CxYF2ptNQXg-00787-00194176-00194295 which is the taylor expansion of the CxYF2ptNQXg-00788-00194296-00194511 origin you write the usual expansion CxYF2ptNQXg-00789-00194512-00194678 that we all know and you know it has CxYF2ptNQXg-00790-00194679-00195102 infinitely many terms ok so ah e power z CxYF2ptNQXg-00791-00195103-00195295 and then similarly you can take the CxYF2ptNQXg-00792-00195296-00195463 trigonometric functions you can take CxYF2ptNQXg-00793-00195464-00195663 sine z CxYF2ptNQXg-00794-00195664-00195895 you can take cos z CxYF2ptNQXg-00795-00195896-00196071 and so on ok so these are all CxYF2ptNQXg-00796-00196072-00196278 transcendental functions CxYF2ptNQXg-00797-00196279-00196375 and CxYF2ptNQXg-00798-00196376-00196575 the way of course you know you can also CxYF2ptNQXg-00799-00196576-00196814 see that infinity is a CxYF2ptNQXg-00800-00196815-00197023 an essential singular point CxYF2ptNQXg-00801-00197024-00197223 because CxYF2ptNQXg-00802-00197224-00197535 if you change if you invert the variable CxYF2ptNQXg-00803-00197536-00197759 you will get origin as CxYF2ptNQXg-00804-00197760-00197887 the essential signal point so if you CxYF2ptNQXg-00805-00197888-00198063 take e power one by z CxYF2ptNQXg-00806-00198064-00198295 ah origin will be an essential single CxYF2ptNQXg-00807-00198296-00198471 point if you take sin one by z origin CxYF2ptNQXg-00808-00198472-00198654 will be an essential singular point if CxYF2ptNQXg-00809-00198655-00198854 you take cos one by z CxYF2ptNQXg-00810-00198855-00198999 origin will be an essential similar CxYF2ptNQXg-00811-00199000-00199175 point okay so CxYF2ptNQXg-00812-00199176-00199311 so these are examples of transcendental CxYF2ptNQXg-00813-00199312-00199519 functions and ah the CxYF2ptNQXg-00814-00199520-00199695 the other thing that i want to tell you CxYF2ptNQXg-00815-00199696-00199799 is that CxYF2ptNQXg-00816-00199800-00200087 uh i i want to also recall ah the CxYF2ptNQXg-00817-00200088-00200335 the big picard theorem in this in this CxYF2ptNQXg-00818-00200336-00200487 connection ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00819-00200488-00200671 take now you see CxYF2ptNQXg-00820-00200672-00200902 you know CxYF2ptNQXg-00821-00200903-00201119 take an entire function take an entire CxYF2ptNQXg-00822-00201120-00201414 function which is not constant okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00823-00201415-00201638 of course if infinity is CxYF2ptNQXg-00824-00201639-00201854 infinity cannot be removable CxYF2ptNQXg-00825-00201855-00202126 ok because if if infinity is a removable CxYF2ptNQXg-00826-00202127-00202335 singularity CxYF2ptNQXg-00827-00202336-00202526 then it will reduce to a constant since CxYF2ptNQXg-00828-00202527-00202654 i have taken a non constant entire CxYF2ptNQXg-00829-00202655-00202790 function infinity is not a removable CxYF2ptNQXg-00830-00202791-00202902 singularity CxYF2ptNQXg-00831-00202903-00203054 the next possibility is infinity is a CxYF2ptNQXg-00832-00203055-00203166 pole CxYF2ptNQXg-00833-00203167-00203295 in which case the entire function is a CxYF2ptNQXg-00834-00203296-00203566 polynomial ok and you know the image of CxYF2ptNQXg-00835-00203567-00203759 a polynom of a polynomial map is the CxYF2ptNQXg-00836-00203760-00203895 whole plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00837-00203896-00204087 ok because a polynomial can assume all CxYF2ptNQXg-00838-00204088-00204263 will assume all values CxYF2ptNQXg-00839-00204264-00204390 ok you CxYF2ptNQXg-00840-00204391-00204607 you take any value you can equate to the CxYF2ptNQXg-00841-00204608-00204766 polynomial and you can solve for it and CxYF2ptNQXg-00842-00204767-00205014 you will get ah solutions that is CxYF2ptNQXg-00843-00205015-00205119 because of the fundamental theorem of CxYF2ptNQXg-00844-00205119-00205327 algebra so if you take a polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00845-00205328-00205527 mapping it will be the image of the CxYF2ptNQXg-00846-00205528-00205694 whole plane under the under polynomial CxYF2ptNQXg-00847-00205696-00205886 mapping will be the whole plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00848-00205887-00206134 then you look at the third case namely CxYF2ptNQXg-00849-00206135-00206294 when infinity is an essential singular CxYF2ptNQXg-00850-00206296-00206494 point okay now if infinity is an CxYF2ptNQXg-00851-00206496-00206879 essential singular point okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00852-00206880-00206998 you see CxYF2ptNQXg-00853-00207000-00207134 what does CxYF2ptNQXg-00854-00207135-00207255 the CxYF2ptNQXg-00855-00207256-00207503 what does the big pickard theorem say CxYF2ptNQXg-00856-00207504-00207751 the big pickard theorem says that you CxYF2ptNQXg-00857-00207752-00207927 take any CxYF2ptNQXg-00858-00207928-00208190 neighborhood of an essential singular CxYF2ptNQXg-00859-00208191-00208390 point no matter how small CxYF2ptNQXg-00860-00208391-00208646 the image will be the whole plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00861-00208648-00208871 and or it may be a puncture plane it CxYF2ptNQXg-00862-00208871-00209134 might miss at one point okay now you see CxYF2ptNQXg-00863-00209135-00209246 this is a CxYF2ptNQXg-00864-00209248-00209398 so what you are saying is that if i take CxYF2ptNQXg-00865-00209400-00209590 a transcendental entire function CxYF2ptNQXg-00866-00209591-00209815 ok for example e power z or sine z or CxYF2ptNQXg-00867-00209816-00209982 cos side ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00868-00209983-00210127 then the big picker theorem will tell CxYF2ptNQXg-00869-00210128-00210271 you that CxYF2ptNQXg-00870-00210271-00210527 even if you take the image of CxYF2ptNQXg-00871-00210528-00210679 not the whole plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00872-00210680-00210903 but the exterior of a circle CxYF2ptNQXg-00873-00210904-00211198 no matter of how large radius you will CxYF2ptNQXg-00874-00211200-00211319 still get CxYF2ptNQXg-00875-00211319-00211582 the whole plane or the puncture plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00876-00211583-00211791 and you can compare it to the little CxYF2ptNQXg-00877-00211792-00212023 picard theorem which tells you CxYF2ptNQXg-00878-00212023-00212239 that the image of the whole plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00879-00212240-00212479 is either the whole plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00880-00212480-00212679 or the plane minus a point so i want you CxYF2ptNQXg-00881-00212680-00212871 to understand the significance see if i CxYF2ptNQXg-00882-00212871-00213246 take for example take e power z okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00883-00213248-00213375 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00884-00213376-00213463 the CxYF2ptNQXg-00885-00213464-00213646 the little picard theorem will tell you CxYF2ptNQXg-00886-00213648-00213846 that the image of e power z CxYF2ptNQXg-00887-00213848-00214046 is either the whole plane or is the CxYF2ptNQXg-00888-00214048-00214175 whole plane minus a point because you CxYF2ptNQXg-00889-00214176-00214367 know its e percent we know its the plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00890-00214367-00214551 minus the origin ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00891-00214552-00214775 but the the little picard theorem never CxYF2ptNQXg-00892-00214776-00214975 tells you what is the image of CxYF2ptNQXg-00893-00214976-00215239 ah anything other than ah the whole CxYF2ptNQXg-00894-00215240-00215510 plane ok but if you apply CxYF2ptNQXg-00895-00215511-00215582 the CxYF2ptNQXg-00896-00215583-00215831 big pickard theorem to e power set CxYF2ptNQXg-00897-00215832-00215927 okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00898-00215928-00216110 you are applying mind you when i apply CxYF2ptNQXg-00899-00216111-00216303 the big pickard theorem to e power z i CxYF2ptNQXg-00900-00216304-00216551 am trying to apply b i am trying i have CxYF2ptNQXg-00901-00216552-00216679 to apply it only to an essential CxYF2ptNQXg-00902-00216680-00216894 singularity and where does e power z CxYF2ptNQXg-00903-00216896-00217015 have an essential singularity at CxYF2ptNQXg-00904-00217016-00217119 infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00905-00217119-00217342 so if i apply the big picard theorem to CxYF2ptNQXg-00906-00217344-00217575 e power z at infinity CxYF2ptNQXg-00907-00217576-00217679 okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00908-00217680-00217903 then you see that you take any CxYF2ptNQXg-00909-00217904-00218182 neighborhood of infinity ok which is you CxYF2ptNQXg-00910-00218183-00218479 take the outside the region exterior to CxYF2ptNQXg-00911-00218480-00218646 a circle of CxYF2ptNQXg-00912-00218648-00218910 any radius no matter how large CxYF2ptNQXg-00913-00218911-00219087 the image of that itself will be the CxYF2ptNQXg-00914-00219088-00219351 whole plane or a puncture plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00915-00219352-00219623 okay and in fact CxYF2ptNQXg-00916-00219623-00219791 every value is taken infinitely many CxYF2ptNQXg-00917-00219792-00219887 times CxYF2ptNQXg-00918-00219888-00220215 so you see you see in that sense CxYF2ptNQXg-00919-00220216-00220439 how the big pickard theorem is far far CxYF2ptNQXg-00920-00220440-00220582 stronger than CxYF2ptNQXg-00921-00220583-00220791 the little pickard theorem in the case CxYF2ptNQXg-00922-00220792-00220998 of entire functions you can see that of CxYF2ptNQXg-00923-00221000-00221142 course for polynomials and there is CxYF2ptNQXg-00924-00221144-00221334 nothing special because you you have CxYF2ptNQXg-00925-00221335-00221471 fundamental theorem of algebra which CxYF2ptNQXg-00926-00221471-00221775 will tell you things very clearly but CxYF2ptNQXg-00927-00221776-00221951 if you are looking at non polynomials if CxYF2ptNQXg-00928-00221952-00222079 you are looking at transcendental entire CxYF2ptNQXg-00929-00222080-00222239 functions you see CxYF2ptNQXg-00930-00222240-00222682 you can really see the the the amount of CxYF2ptNQXg-00931-00222683-00222846 difference ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00932-00222848-00223134 in in in the in the conclusion CxYF2ptNQXg-00933-00223135-00223215 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00934-00223216-00223375 and you can see the strength of the CxYF2ptNQXg-00935-00223376-00223646 theorem the the the you see the great CxYF2ptNQXg-00936-00223648-00223846 picard theorem tells you much more than CxYF2ptNQXg-00937-00223848-00224055 the little picker theorem CxYF2ptNQXg-00938-00224056-00224327 ok so if you take e power z and you take CxYF2ptNQXg-00939-00224328-00224575 the image of the exterior of a circle no CxYF2ptNQXg-00940-00224576-00224831 matter how large radius CxYF2ptNQXg-00941-00224832-00225023 it will still be CxYF2ptNQXg-00942-00225023-00225215 the punctured plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00943-00225216-00225294 okay CxYF2ptNQXg-00944-00225296-00225423 that is what the CxYF2ptNQXg-00945-00225423-00225591 big pickard theorem applied t e power z CxYF2ptNQXg-00946-00225592-00225710 will three CxYF2ptNQXg-00947-00225711-00225863 ok whereas if you try to apply the CxYF2ptNQXg-00948-00225864-00225991 little picker theorem you will not get CxYF2ptNQXg-00949-00225992-00226127 anything CxYF2ptNQXg-00950-00226128-00226358 it will give you only the image of the CxYF2ptNQXg-00951-00226359-00226534 whole plane CxYF2ptNQXg-00952-00226535-00226734 but it will not tell you anything about CxYF2ptNQXg-00953-00226735-00226887 the image of CxYF2ptNQXg-00954-00226888-00227071 the exterior of a circle CxYF2ptNQXg-00955-00227071-00227294 ok so in that sense you see how powerful CxYF2ptNQXg-00956-00227296-00227558 the big picker theorem is ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00957-00227559-00227879 now what i want to do next is CxYF2ptNQXg-00958-00227880-00228079 tell you about CxYF2ptNQXg-00959-00228080-00228303 tell you about meromorphic functions ok CxYF2ptNQXg-00960-00228304-00228455 so you see CxYF2ptNQXg-00961-00228456-00228551 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00962-00228552-00228703 so i want to concentrate on meromorphic CxYF2ptNQXg-00963-00228704-00228831 functions and you know CxYF2ptNQXg-00964-00228832-00229142 we need to study meromorphic functions CxYF2ptNQXg-00965-00229144-00229303 in order to get to CxYF2ptNQXg-00966-00229304-00229446 our main aim which is the proof of the CxYF2ptNQXg-00967-00229448-00229631 picard theorems all right CxYF2ptNQXg-00968-00229632-00229727 so CxYF2ptNQXg-00969-00229728-00229903 the the first fact about metamorphic CxYF2ptNQXg-00970-00229904-00230055 functions is that you see CxYF2ptNQXg-00971-00230056-00230287 ah CxYF2ptNQXg-00972-00230288-00230375 they CxYF2ptNQXg-00973-00230376-00230671 if you take a domain ah either the CxYF2ptNQXg-00974-00230671-00230879 domain may be in the plane or it may be CxYF2ptNQXg-00975-00230880-00231079 a domain in the extended plane which CxYF2ptNQXg-00976-00231080-00231206 means it could include the point at CxYF2ptNQXg-00977-00231207-00231494 infinity as an interior point CxYF2ptNQXg-00978-00231496-00231710 on a domain if you look at the set of CxYF2ptNQXg-00979-00231711-00231942 meromorphic functions on the domain CxYF2ptNQXg-00980-00231944-00232191 that is automatically a field CxYF2ptNQXg-00981-00232192-00232367 ok so you get an algebraic structure CxYF2ptNQXg-00982-00232367-00232487 called a field CxYF2ptNQXg-00983-00232488-00232742 and it will be an extension field of the CxYF2ptNQXg-00984-00232744-00233134 field of ah complex numbers okay so CxYF2ptNQXg-00985-00233135-00233471 and and this field extension CxYF2ptNQXg-00986-00233471-00233710 its algebraic properties CxYF2ptNQXg-00987-00233711-00234006 are deeply connected with CxYF2ptNQXg-00988-00234007-00234079 the CxYF2ptNQXg-00989-00234080-00234287 geometric properties of the domain you CxYF2ptNQXg-00990-00234288-00234558 are studying okay so CxYF2ptNQXg-00991-00234559-00234782 so let me so let me make that statement CxYF2ptNQXg-00992-00234783-00234975 so let me go go to the next thing CxYF2ptNQXg-00993-00234976-00236334 the field of metamorphic functions CxYF2ptNQXg-00994-00236335-00236439 so CxYF2ptNQXg-00995-00236440-00236639 so let me recall CxYF2ptNQXg-00996-00236640-00236942 what is a meromorphic function ah so CxYF2ptNQXg-00997-00236944-00237103 it is basically a function which is CxYF2ptNQXg-00998-00237104-00237287 analytic and has only isolated CxYF2ptNQXg-00999-00237288-00237415 singularities CxYF2ptNQXg-01000-00237416-00237575 which can be CxYF2ptNQXg-01001-00237576-00237903 at most force ok of course they could be CxYF2ptNQXg-01002-00237904-00238071 removable similarities but if they are CxYF2ptNQXg-01003-00238071-00238206 removable singularities you really do CxYF2ptNQXg-01004-00238207-00238342 not consider them because they are CxYF2ptNQXg-01005-00238344-00238479 actually points where the function is CxYF2ptNQXg-01006-00238480-00238831 analytic okay CxYF2ptNQXg-01007-00238832-00238942 and CxYF2ptNQXg-01008-00238944-00239167 otherwise the only honest singularities CxYF2ptNQXg-01009-00239167-00239463 that it has are ports okay so so the CxYF2ptNQXg-01010-00239464-00239631 moment i am talking about a metamorphic CxYF2ptNQXg-01011-00239632-00239894 function ah i have to remember that CxYF2ptNQXg-01012-00239896-00240023 first of all CxYF2ptNQXg-01013-00240023-00240215 what is allowed is CxYF2ptNQXg-01014-00240216-00240375 what what kind of singularities are CxYF2ptNQXg-01015-00240376-00240551 allowed are only poles which means that CxYF2ptNQXg-01016-00240552-00240687 there are only isolated singularities CxYF2ptNQXg-01017-00240688-00240871 there are no non isolated singularities CxYF2ptNQXg-01018-00240871-00241087 ok there are only isolated singularities CxYF2ptNQXg-01019-00241088-00241342 and they these isolated singularities CxYF2ptNQXg-01020-00241344-00241663 are actually only poles ok CxYF2ptNQXg-01021-00241664-00241871 and the point is that CxYF2ptNQXg-01022-00241871-00242110 you see ah CxYF2ptNQXg-01023-00242111-00242271 if you if you look at a meromorphic CxYF2ptNQXg-01024-00242271-00242582 function ah in the extended plane CxYF2ptNQXg-01025-00242583-00242806 okay CxYF2ptNQXg-01026-00242807-00242887 then CxYF2ptNQXg-01027-00242888-00243151 you see that CxYF2ptNQXg-01028-00243152-00243327 since an isolated set in the extended CxYF2ptNQXg-01029-00243328-00243510 plane has to have only finitely many CxYF2ptNQXg-01030-00243511-00243751 points okay because the extended plane CxYF2ptNQXg-01031-00243752-00243871 is compact CxYF2ptNQXg-01032-00243871-00244063 ok ah CxYF2ptNQXg-01033-00244064-00244215 therefore there will be only finitely CxYF2ptNQXg-01034-00244216-00244358 many poles CxYF2ptNQXg-01035-00244359-00244646 ok so the model of the story is that if CxYF2ptNQXg-01036-00244648-00244758 you are looking at a metamorphic CxYF2ptNQXg-01037-00244759-00244934 function on the extended plane CxYF2ptNQXg-01038-00244935-00245134 it will have only finitely many poles CxYF2ptNQXg-01039-00245135-00245246 okay CxYF2ptNQXg-01040-00245248-00245731 i think probably i will stop here CAJv8VkJfJ8-00000-00000018-00000038 [Music] CAJv8VkJfJ8-00001-00000039-00000455 thecube presents hpe discover 2022 CAJv8VkJfJ8-00002-00000456-00000734 brought to you by hpe CAJv8VkJfJ8-00003-00000735-00000927 we're back at the formerly the sands CAJv8VkJfJ8-00004-00000927-00001031 convention center it's called the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00005-00001032-00001239 venetian convention center now dave CAJv8VkJfJ8-00006-00001240-00001543 vellante and john furrier here covering CAJv8VkJfJ8-00007-00001544-00001855 day three hpe discover 2022. it's hot CAJv8VkJfJ8-00008-00001855-00002039 outside it's cool in here and we're CAJv8VkJfJ8-00009-00002039-00002271 going to heat it up with rashmi kumar CAJv8VkJfJ8-00010-00002272-00002463 who's the senior vice president and cio CAJv8VkJfJ8-00011-00002464-00002679 of hewlett packard enterprise great to CAJv8VkJfJ8-00012-00002680-00002863 see you face to face it's been a while CAJv8VkJfJ8-00013-00002864-00003039 same here last couple of years we were CAJv8VkJfJ8-00014-00003040-00003191 all virtual yeah that's right so we've CAJv8VkJfJ8-00015-00003192-00003359 talked before about sort of your CAJv8VkJfJ8-00016-00003360-00003559 internal as a service transformation you CAJv8VkJfJ8-00017-00003560-00003622 know CAJv8VkJfJ8-00018-00003623-00003790 we do call it dog fooding everybody CAJv8VkJfJ8-00019-00003792-00003943 likes to course correct they say no no CAJv8VkJfJ8-00020-00003944-00004095 it's drinking your own champagne is it CAJv8VkJfJ8-00021-00004096-00004286 really that pretty CAJv8VkJfJ8-00022-00004287-00004543 it is and uh the way i put it is no CAJv8VkJfJ8-00023-00004544-00004743 pressure to my product teams it's being CAJv8VkJfJ8-00024-00004744-00005111 customer zero CAJv8VkJfJ8-00025-00005112-00005286 take us through the acceleration on on CAJv8VkJfJ8-00026-00005287-00005431 how everything's going been going with CAJv8VkJfJ8-00027-00005432-00005695 you guys obviously the pandemic was was CAJv8VkJfJ8-00028-00005696-00005943 an impact to certainly the cio role in CAJv8VkJfJ8-00029-00005944-00006143 your team but now you've got green lake CAJv8VkJfJ8-00030-00006144-00006375 coming in and antonio's CAJv8VkJfJ8-00031-00006376-00006591 big statement before the pandemic by CAJv8VkJfJ8-00032-00006592-00006846 2022 everything will be as a service and CAJv8VkJfJ8-00033-00006847-00007110 then everything went remote CAJv8VkJfJ8-00034-00007111-00007398 vpns and all this new stuff CAJv8VkJfJ8-00035-00007400-00007606 how's it how's it going yes it's from CAJv8VkJfJ8-00036-00007608-00007791 business perspective that's a great CAJv8VkJfJ8-00037-00007792-00007998 point to start at right CAJv8VkJfJ8-00038-00008000-00008278 antonio promised in 2019 that hpe will CAJv8VkJfJ8-00039-00008279-00008487 be everything as a service company and CAJv8VkJfJ8-00040-00008488-00008742 he had no view of what's going to happen CAJv8VkJfJ8-00041-00008743-00008959 with kowwit but guess what so many CAJv8VkJfJ8-00042-00008960-00009127 businesses became digital and as a CAJv8VkJfJ8-00043-00009128-00009367 service during those two years right and CAJv8VkJfJ8-00044-00009368-00009542 now we came back this year it was so CAJv8VkJfJ8-00045-00009543-00009719 exciting to be part of discover where CAJv8VkJfJ8-00046-00009720-00009839 now CAJv8VkJfJ8-00047-00009840-00009910 we CAJv8VkJfJ8-00048-00009911-00010167 are everything as a service so great CAJv8VkJfJ8-00049-00010168-00010406 from business perspective but when i CAJv8VkJfJ8-00050-00010407-00010510 look at CAJv8VkJfJ8-00051-00010511-00010759 our own transformation behind the scene CAJv8VkJfJ8-00052-00010760-00011071 what i.t has been uh busy with and we CAJv8VkJfJ8-00053-00011072-00011199 haven't caught a breath because of CAJv8VkJfJ8-00054-00011200-00011406 pandemic we have taken care of all that CAJv8VkJfJ8-00055-00011407-00011614 change but at the same time CAJv8VkJfJ8-00056-00011615-00011942 have driven our transformation to make CAJv8VkJfJ8-00057-00011943-00012231 hpe edge to cloud platform as a service CAJv8VkJfJ8-00058-00012232-00012351 company CAJv8VkJfJ8-00059-00012352-00012567 you know i saw a survey i referenced it CAJv8VkJfJ8-00060-00012568-00012703 earlier today it was sort of i think it CAJv8VkJfJ8-00061-00012704-00012879 was done by couchbase and they asked it CAJv8VkJfJ8-00062-00012880-00013127 was it was a cio survey so they asked CAJv8VkJfJ8-00063-00013128-00013375 who was responsible your organization CAJv8VkJfJ8-00064-00013376-00013583 for the the digital transformation and CAJv8VkJfJ8-00065-00013584-00013894 overwhelming like 75 said cio which CAJv8VkJfJ8-00066-00013895-00014063 surprised me because you know aligning CAJv8VkJfJ8-00067-00014063-00014247 with the business and so forth but CAJv8VkJfJ8-00068-00014247-00014558 but in fact i thought well maybe CAJv8VkJfJ8-00069-00014559-00014735 because of the forced march to digital CAJv8VkJfJ8-00070-00014736-00015030 that's what was top of their mind so who CAJv8VkJfJ8-00071-00015031-00015279 is responsible for and i know it's not CAJv8VkJfJ8-00072-00015280-00015486 just one person for the digital CAJv8VkJfJ8-00073-00015487-00015743 transformation describe that dynamic CAJv8VkJfJ8-00074-00015744-00015975 yeah so definitely it's not one person CAJv8VkJfJ8-00075-00015976-00016294 but you do need that whole accountable CAJv8VkJfJ8-00076-00016295-00016550 responsible informed right CAJv8VkJfJ8-00077-00016551-00016719 in in the context of digital CAJv8VkJfJ8-00078-00016720-00017007 transformation and you call them cio you CAJv8VkJfJ8-00079-00017008-00017350 call them cdio or cdo and and what not CAJv8VkJfJ8-00080-00017351-00017430 but CAJv8VkJfJ8-00081-00017431-00017767 end of the day technology is becoming an CAJv8VkJfJ8-00082-00017768-00017975 imperative for a business to be CAJv8VkJfJ8-00083-00017976-00018167 successful and kovit alone has CAJv8VkJfJ8-00084-00018168-00018391 accelerated it i'm repeating this maybe CAJv8VkJfJ8-00085-00018392-00018799 millionth time if you google it but CAJv8VkJfJ8-00086-00018800-00019079 cios are best positioned because they CAJv8VkJfJ8-00087-00019080-00019367 connect the dots across organization in CAJv8VkJfJ8-00088-00019368-00019614 in my organization at hpe we embarked CAJv8VkJfJ8-00089-00019615-00019814 upon this large transformation where we CAJv8VkJfJ8-00090-00019815-00019935 were CAJv8VkJfJ8-00091-00019936-00020222 consolidating 10 different erps multiple CAJv8VkJfJ8-00092-00020223-00020471 master data system into one and it CAJv8VkJfJ8-00093-00020472-00020727 wasn't about doing digital which is CAJv8VkJfJ8-00094-00020728-00021047 a e-commerce website or one technology CAJv8VkJfJ8-00095-00021048-00021335 it was creating that digital foundation CAJv8VkJfJ8-00096-00021336-00021607 for the company then to transform that CAJv8VkJfJ8-00097-00021608-00021886 entire organization to be a physical CAJv8VkJfJ8-00098-00021887-00022071 product company to a digital product CAJv8VkJfJ8-00099-00022072-00022271 company and we needed that foundation CAJv8VkJfJ8-00100-00022272-00022483 for us to get that code to cash CAJv8VkJfJ8-00101-00022484-00022719 experience not only in our traditional CAJv8VkJfJ8-00102-00022720-00022886 business but in our as a service maybe CAJv8VkJfJ8-00103-00022887-00023094 that wasn't confirmation bias i want to CAJv8VkJfJ8-00104-00023095-00023207 ask you about we've been talking a lot CAJv8VkJfJ8-00105-00023208-00023391 about sustainability and i've made the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00106-00023392-00023639 comment that if you go back you know 10 CAJv8VkJfJ8-00107-00023640-00023750 12 years CAJv8VkJfJ8-00108-00023751-00023975 and you were cio CAJv8VkJfJ8-00109-00023976-00024078 at that time CAJv8VkJfJ8-00110-00024079-00024247 cio really didn't care about the energy CAJv8VkJfJ8-00111-00024248-00024471 bill it was paid for by facilities they CAJv8VkJfJ8-00112-00024472-00024607 really didn't talk to each other much CAJv8VkJfJ8-00113-00024608-00024878 and that's completely changed why has it CAJv8VkJfJ8-00114-00024879-00025142 changed how should a cio how do your CAJv8VkJfJ8-00115-00025143-00025358 your peers think about energy costs CAJv8VkJfJ8-00116-00025359-00025439 today CAJv8VkJfJ8-00117-00025440-00025743 yeah so at the at some point look esg is CAJv8VkJfJ8-00118-00025744-00026031 the biggest agenda for companies CAJv8VkJfJ8-00119-00026032-00026343 regulators even kind of the watchers of CAJv8VkJfJ8-00120-00026344-00026567 iss and glass lewis type thing and boats CAJv8VkJfJ8-00121-00026568-00026751 are becoming aware of it right if you CAJv8VkJfJ8-00122-00026752-00026999 look at two to four percent of percent CAJv8VkJfJ8-00123-00027000-00027251 of greenhouse emission comes from CAJv8VkJfJ8-00124-00027252-00027487 infrastructure specifically technology CAJv8VkJfJ8-00125-00027488-00027662 infrastructure as part of this CAJv8VkJfJ8-00126-00027663-00027911 transformation within hpe i also did CAJv8VkJfJ8-00127-00027912-00028118 what i call private cloud transformation CAJv8VkJfJ8-00128-00028119-00028255 remember it's not data center CAJv8VkJfJ8-00129-00028256-00028414 transformation it's private cloud CAJv8VkJfJ8-00130-00028416-00028623 transformation and if you can take your CAJv8VkJfJ8-00131-00028624-00028814 traditional workload and cloudify it CAJv8VkJfJ8-00132-00028816-00029079 which runs on a green lake type platform CAJv8VkJfJ8-00133-00029080-00029367 it's currently 30 more efficient than CAJv8VkJfJ8-00134-00029368-00029639 traditional way of handling the workload CAJv8VkJfJ8-00135-00029639-00029918 and the infrastructure but we recently CAJv8VkJfJ8-00136-00029919-00030135 published our uh green um living CAJv8VkJfJ8-00137-00030136-00030351 progress report and we talked about CAJv8VkJfJ8-00138-00030352-00030599 efficiency by by 2020 we have achieved CAJv8VkJfJ8-00139-00030600-00030799 three times the plan is to get to 30 CAJv8VkJfJ8-00140-00030800-00031079 time by 2050 where infrastructure will CAJv8VkJfJ8-00141-00031080-00031287 not contribute to CAJv8VkJfJ8-00142-00031288-00031535 energy bill in turn the greenhouse CAJv8VkJfJ8-00143-00031536-00031790 emission as well i think cios are CAJv8VkJfJ8-00144-00031791-00031974 responsible multi-field on the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00145-00031975-00032207 sustainability piece one is how they run CAJv8VkJfJ8-00146-00032208-00032407 their data center make it efficient with CAJv8VkJfJ8-00147-00032408-00032639 green lake type implementations demand CAJv8VkJfJ8-00148-00032639-00032918 from your hyperscaler to provide that CAJv8VkJfJ8-00149-00032919-00033079 what fidelma just launched CAJv8VkJfJ8-00150-00033080-00033239 sustainability scorecard of the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00151-00033240-00033367 infrastructure CAJv8VkJfJ8-00152-00033368-00033527 second piece is CAJv8VkJfJ8-00153-00033528-00033774 we are the data gods in the company CAJv8VkJfJ8-00154-00033775-00033951 right we have access to all kinds of CAJv8VkJfJ8-00155-00033952-00034255 data provide that to the product teams CAJv8VkJfJ8-00156-00034256-00034487 and have them if we cannot measure we CAJv8VkJfJ8-00157-00034488-00034735 cannot improve so if you work with your CAJv8VkJfJ8-00158-00034736-00034974 product team work with your bu leader CAJv8VkJfJ8-00159-00034975-00035262 provide them data around greenhouse gas CAJv8VkJfJ8-00160-00035263-00035415 and how they're impacting emission CAJv8VkJfJ8-00161-00035416-00035599 through their products and how can they CAJv8VkJfJ8-00162-00035600-00035774 make it better going forward and that CAJv8VkJfJ8-00163-00035775-00035959 can be done through technology right all CAJv8VkJfJ8-00164-00035960-00036159 the measurements come from technology so CAJv8VkJfJ8-00165-00036160-00036327 what technology we need to provide to CAJv8VkJfJ8-00166-00036328-00036511 our manufacturing lines CAJv8VkJfJ8-00167-00036512-00036767 so that they can monitor and improve on CAJv8VkJfJ8-00168-00036768-00036951 the sustainability front desk you CAJv8VkJfJ8-00169-00036952-00037087 mentioned data i wanted to bring that up CAJv8VkJfJ8-00170-00037088-00037190 so i was going to bring that up and CAJv8VkJfJ8-00171-00037191-00037399 another top track here CAJv8VkJfJ8-00172-00037400-00037711 data as an asset now is at play so i get CAJv8VkJfJ8-00173-00037712-00037895 the data on the sustainability feed that CAJv8VkJfJ8-00174-00037896-00038143 in but as companies go to the cloud CAJv8VkJfJ8-00175-00038144-00038351 operating model they go hey i got the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00176-00038352-00038559 hyperscalers you call microscale amazon CAJv8VkJfJ8-00177-00038560-00038830 for instance and you got on-premises CAJv8VkJfJ8-00178-00038831-00038990 data center which is a large edge and CAJv8VkJfJ8-00179-00038991-00039143 you get the edge CAJv8VkJfJ8-00180-00039144-00039367 the data control plane and then the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00181-00039368-00039551 control plane and the data plane are CAJv8VkJfJ8-00182-00039552-00039855 always seem to be like this CAJv8VkJfJ8-00183-00039856-00040023 the battleground i want to control the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00184-00040024-00040183 data plane CAJv8VkJfJ8-00185-00040184-00040446 do will customers own the data plane or CAJv8VkJfJ8-00186-00040447-00040574 will the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00187-00040575-00040783 infrastructure providers control that CAJv8VkJfJ8-00188-00040784-00040911 data plan and how do you see that CAJv8VkJfJ8-00189-00040912-00040999 because CAJv8VkJfJ8-00190-00041000-00041190 we we want to power the machine learning CAJv8VkJfJ8-00191-00041191-00041318 yeah CAJv8VkJfJ8-00192-00041319-00041479 so data plane control plan it seems to CAJv8VkJfJ8-00193-00041480-00041655 be like the new middleware what's your CAJv8VkJfJ8-00194-00041656-00041790 what's your view on that how do you look CAJv8VkJfJ8-00195-00041791-00042062 at that holistically yeah so i'll start CAJv8VkJfJ8-00196-00042063-00042246 based on their hyperscaler conversation CAJv8VkJfJ8-00197-00042247-00042415 right and i had this conversation with CAJv8VkJfJ8-00198-00042416-00042662 one of the very big ones recently CAJv8VkJfJ8-00199-00042663-00042871 or even our partner sap when they talk CAJv8VkJfJ8-00200-00042872-00043079 about rise CAJv8VkJfJ8-00201-00043080-00043255 data center and how i host my CAJv8VkJfJ8-00202-00043256-00043415 application infrastructure that's the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00203-00043416-00043623 lowest common denominator of our job CAJv8VkJfJ8-00204-00043624-00043815 when i talk about cios being responsible CAJv8VkJfJ8-00205-00043816-00044046 for digital transformation that means CAJv8VkJfJ8-00206-00044047-00044295 how do i make my business process more CAJv8VkJfJ8-00207-00044296-00044527 innovative how do i make my data more CAJv8VkJfJ8-00208-00044528-00044790 accessible right so if you look at data CAJv8VkJfJ8-00209-00044791-00045046 as an asset for the company there it's CAJv8VkJfJ8-00210-00045047-00045295 again they're responsible accountable as CAJv8VkJfJ8-00211-00045296-00045671 cio i'm responsible to have it managed CAJv8VkJfJ8-00212-00045672-00045887 have it on a technology platform which CAJv8VkJfJ8-00213-00045888-00046079 makes it accessible by it and our CAJv8VkJfJ8-00214-00046080-00046262 business leader accountable to define CAJv8VkJfJ8-00215-00046263-00046462 the right metrics CAJv8VkJfJ8-00216-00046463-00046695 right kind of kpis CAJv8VkJfJ8-00217-00046696-00046951 drive outcome from that data i.t CAJv8VkJfJ8-00218-00046952-00047127 organization we are also too busy CAJv8VkJfJ8-00219-00047128-00047343 driving a lot of activities and today's CAJv8VkJfJ8-00220-00047344-00047558 world is going to about business outcome CAJv8VkJfJ8-00221-00047559-00047807 so with the data that i'm collecting how CAJv8VkJfJ8-00222-00047808-00048055 do i enable my business leader to be CAJv8VkJfJ8-00223-00048056-00048262 able to drive business outcomes through CAJv8VkJfJ8-00224-00048263-00048407 the use of the data CAJv8VkJfJ8-00225-00048408-00048686 that's extremely important and at hpe we CAJv8VkJfJ8-00226-00048687-00048823 have achieved it there are two ways CAJv8VkJfJ8-00227-00048824-00049151 right now i have one single erp so all CAJv8VkJfJ8-00228-00049152-00049351 the data that i need for what i call CAJv8VkJfJ8-00229-00049352-00049599 operational reporting get hindsight and CAJv8VkJfJ8-00230-00049600-00049862 insight is available at one place and CAJv8VkJfJ8-00231-00049863-00050055 they can drive their day-to-day business CAJv8VkJfJ8-00232-00050056-00050318 with that but longer term what's going CAJv8VkJfJ8-00233-00050319-00050558 to happen based on what happened which i CAJv8VkJfJ8-00234-00050559-00050918 call insight to foresight comes from a CAJv8VkJfJ8-00235-00050919-00051167 integrated data platform which i have CAJv8VkJfJ8-00236-00051168-00051382 control of and you know we are CAJv8VkJfJ8-00237-00051383-00051623 fragmenting it because companies now CAJv8VkJfJ8-00238-00051624-00051894 have database snowflake CAJv8VkJfJ8-00239-00051895-00052199 am aws data analytics tool azure data CAJv8VkJfJ8-00240-00052200-00052519 analytics tool i call it data torture CAJv8VkJfJ8-00241-00052520-00052775 cios should get control of common set of CAJv8VkJfJ8-00242-00052776-00052982 data and enable their businesses to CAJv8VkJfJ8-00243-00052983-00053199 define better measurements and kpis to CAJv8VkJfJ8-00244-00053200-00053350 be able to write so dave is the crown CAJv8VkJfJ8-00245-00053351-00053582 jewel then it's a crown jewel CAJv8VkJfJ8-00246-00053583-00053719 can we double click on that because okay CAJv8VkJfJ8-00247-00053720-00053966 so you take your erp system the the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00248-00053967-00054335 consumers of data in the erp system they CAJv8VkJfJ8-00249-00054336-00054479 have the context that we've kind of CAJv8VkJfJ8-00250-00054479-00054711 operationalized yes those systems we CAJv8VkJfJ8-00251-00054712-00054950 haven't operationalized our our analytic CAJv8VkJfJ8-00252-00054951-00055119 systems in the same way it's which is CAJv8VkJfJ8-00253-00055120-00055415 kind of a weird dynamic yes and so CAJv8VkJfJ8-00254-00055416-00055654 you right you i think correctly you CAJv8VkJfJ8-00255-00055655-00055830 noted russia that CAJv8VkJfJ8-00256-00055832-00056047 we we are creating all these stovepipes CAJv8VkJfJ8-00257-00056048-00056182 now i heard think i heard from you CAJv8VkJfJ8-00258-00056183-00056430 you're gaining control of those stove CAJv8VkJfJ8-00259-00056432-00056703 pipes but then how do you CAJv8VkJfJ8-00260-00056704-00056966 give put pans data back in the hands of CAJv8VkJfJ8-00261-00056967-00057135 those line of business users without CAJv8VkJfJ8-00262-00057136-00057375 having to go through a hyper-specialized CAJv8VkJfJ8-00263-00057376-00057550 analytics team and that's a real CAJv8VkJfJ8-00264-00057551-00057799 challenge i think for data it is it is CAJv8VkJfJ8-00265-00057800-00057999 challenging i'll tell you it's messy CAJv8VkJfJ8-00266-00058000-00058175 even in my world but CAJv8VkJfJ8-00267-00058176-00058359 i have dealt with data long enough the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00268-00058360-00058519 value lies in CAJv8VkJfJ8-00269-00058520-00058703 how do i take control of all stove pipes CAJv8VkJfJ8-00270-00058704-00058935 bring it all together but don't make it CAJv8VkJfJ8-00271-00058936-00059119 a data lake which is built out of CAJv8VkJfJ8-00272-00059120-00059359 multiple puddles that data lake promise CAJv8VkJfJ8-00273-00059360-00059623 hasn't delivered right so the value lies CAJv8VkJfJ8-00274-00059624-00059879 in the conformed layer which then it's CAJv8VkJfJ8-00275-00059879-00060111 easier for businesses to access and run CAJv8VkJfJ8-00276-00060112-00060335 their analytics from because they need a CAJv8VkJfJ8-00277-00060336-00060559 playground because all the answers they CAJv8VkJfJ8-00278-00060560-00060726 don't have on the operation side as you CAJv8VkJfJ8-00279-00060727-00060991 mentioned we got it right it'll happen CAJv8VkJfJ8-00280-00060991-00061199 but on the foresight side and deeper CAJv8VkJfJ8-00281-00061200-00061454 inside side based on driving the key CAJv8VkJfJ8-00282-00061455-00061559 metrics CAJv8VkJfJ8-00283-00061560-00061766 two challenges understanding what's the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00284-00061767-00062038 key metrics in kpi but the second is how CAJv8VkJfJ8-00285-00062039-00062142 to drive CAJv8VkJfJ8-00286-00062144-00062406 visibility and understanding of it so we CAJv8VkJfJ8-00287-00062407-00062615 need to get technology out of the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00288-00062616-00062838 conversation bring in CAJv8VkJfJ8-00289-00062839-00063023 understanding of the data into the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00290-00063024-00063166 conversation and we need to drive CAJv8VkJfJ8-00291-00063167-00063406 towards that as a business you know line CAJv8VkJfJ8-00292-00063407-00063606 of business person putting that hat on i CAJv8VkJfJ8-00293-00063607-00063759 would love to have this conversation CAJv8VkJfJ8-00294-00063760-00063991 with my cio because i would say CAJv8VkJfJ8-00295-00063991-00064150 i just want CAJv8VkJfJ8-00296-00064151-00064366 self-service infrastructure and i want CAJv8VkJfJ8-00297-00064367-00064463 to know CAJv8VkJfJ8-00298-00064464-00064615 that i want to have access to the data CAJv8VkJfJ8-00299-00064616-00064799 that i need i know what metrics i need CAJv8VkJfJ8-00300-00064800-00065038 to run my business so i want the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00301-00065039-00065366 technology to be just a technical detail CAJv8VkJfJ8-00302-00065367-00065606 you take care of that and then somebody CAJv8VkJfJ8-00303-00065607-00065750 in the organization probably not the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00304-00065751-00065935 line of business person wants to make CAJv8VkJfJ8-00305-00065936-00066143 sure that that data is governed CAJv8VkJfJ8-00306-00066144-00066294 and secure so there's somebody else and CAJv8VkJfJ8-00307-00066295-00066494 that maybe is your responsibility so how CAJv8VkJfJ8-00308-00066495-00066655 do you handle that real problem so i CAJv8VkJfJ8-00309-00066656-00066791 think you're well on the track with CAJv8VkJfJ8-00310-00066792-00066975 green lake for self-serve infrastructure CAJv8VkJfJ8-00311-00066976-00067238 yes right how do you handle the sort of CAJv8VkJfJ8-00312-00067239-00067431 automated governance piece of it make CAJv8VkJfJ8-00313-00067432-00067679 that computational yeah so one thing is CAJv8VkJfJ8-00314-00067680-00067903 technology is important because that's CAJv8VkJfJ8-00315-00067904-00068063 bringing all the data together at one CAJv8VkJfJ8-00316-00068064-00068271 place with single version of truth and CAJv8VkJfJ8-00317-00068272-00068367 then CAJv8VkJfJ8-00318-00068368-00068550 that's why i said my sons are data CAJv8VkJfJ8-00319-00068551-00068759 scientists by the way i tell them that CAJv8VkJfJ8-00320-00068760-00069071 the magic happens at the intersection of CAJv8VkJfJ8-00321-00069072-00069271 technology knowledge data knowledge and CAJv8VkJfJ8-00322-00069272-00069438 business knowledge and that's where the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00323-00069439-00069647 talent which is very hard to find who CAJv8VkJfJ8-00324-00069648-00069855 can connect dots across these three kind CAJv8VkJfJ8-00325-00069856-00070079 of circles and focus on that middle CAJv8VkJfJ8-00326-00070080-00070294 where the value lies and and pushing CAJv8VkJfJ8-00327-00070295-00070447 businesses to CAJv8VkJfJ8-00328-00070448-00070663 because you know business is messy i've CAJv8VkJfJ8-00329-00070664-00071015 worked on pharma companies utilities now CAJv8VkJfJ8-00330-00071016-00071182 technology CAJv8VkJfJ8-00331-00071183-00071415 order does not mean revenue right CAJv8VkJfJ8-00332-00071416-00071606 a lot more that happen and CAJv8VkJfJ8-00333-00071607-00071726 pricing CAJv8VkJfJ8-00334-00071727-00071879 or or CAJv8VkJfJ8-00335-00071880-00072111 chargeback rebates all that things if CAJv8VkJfJ8-00336-00072112-00072335 somebody can kind of make sense out of CAJv8VkJfJ8-00337-00072336-00072615 it through incremental innovation it's CAJv8VkJfJ8-00338-00072616-00072950 not like a big bang i know it all but CAJv8VkJfJ8-00339-00072951-00073182 finding those areas CAJv8VkJfJ8-00340-00073183-00073382 and applying what you said i call it the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00341-00073383-00073631 g word governance to make sure your CAJv8VkJfJ8-00342-00073632-00073879 source is right and then creating that CAJv8VkJfJ8-00343-00073880-00074055 conform layer but then makes into the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00344-00074056-00074294 dashboard the right information about CAJv8VkJfJ8-00345-00074295-00074462 those types of metrics is excellent you CAJv8VkJfJ8-00346-00074463-00074567 know and then bringing that to the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00347-00074568-00074831 ecosystem now i just made it 10 times CAJv8VkJfJ8-00348-00074832-00074999 more complicated this is a great CAJv8VkJfJ8-00349-00075000-00075199 conversation we on a cube interview one CAJv8VkJfJ8-00350-00075200-00075294 time we're talking about the old CAJv8VkJfJ8-00351-00075295-00075503 software days where shrink wrap software CAJv8VkJfJ8-00352-00075504-00075703 be on the shelf you wouldn't know if CAJv8VkJfJ8-00353-00075704-00075855 company was successful until you looked CAJv8VkJfJ8-00354-00075856-00076038 at the sales data right well after the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00355-00076039-00076279 fact now everything's instrumented sas CAJv8VkJfJ8-00356-00076280-00076455 companies you know exactly what the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00357-00076456-00076662 adoption is yes either people like it or CAJv8VkJfJ8-00358-00076663-00076879 they don't the data doesn't lie CAJv8VkJfJ8-00359-00076880-00077103 so now companies are realizing okay i CAJv8VkJfJ8-00360-00077104-00077303 got data i can instrument everything CAJv8VkJfJ8-00361-00077304-00077503 your customers are now saying i can get CAJv8VkJfJ8-00362-00077504-00077759 to the value fast now so knowing what CAJv8VkJfJ8-00363-00077760-00077935 that value is is what everyone's talking CAJv8VkJfJ8-00364-00077936-00078199 about how do you see that changing the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00365-00078200-00078367 data equation CAJv8VkJfJ8-00366-00078368-00078567 yeah it's that's so true even for our CAJv8VkJfJ8-00367-00078568-00078743 business right if you talk to fedelema CAJv8VkJfJ8-00368-00078744-00078982 today who is our cto she is bringing CAJv8VkJfJ8-00369-00078983-00079223 together the platform and multiple CAJv8VkJfJ8-00370-00079224-00079462 platforms that we had so far to go to as CAJv8VkJfJ8-00371-00079463-00079687 a service business right infosight aruba CAJv8VkJfJ8-00372-00079688-00079775 central CAJv8VkJfJ8-00373-00079776-00079926 glcp or CAJv8VkJfJ8-00374-00079927-00080159 now we we call it it's all hpe green CAJv8VkJfJ8-00375-00080160-00080255 lake CAJv8VkJfJ8-00376-00080256-00080519 but now this gives us the opportunity to CAJv8VkJfJ8-00377-00080520-00080759 really be alongside customers it's no CAJv8VkJfJ8-00378-00080760-00080919 more i sold the box i'll come back to CAJv8VkJfJ8-00379-00080920-00081119 you three years later for a refresh CAJv8VkJfJ8-00380-00081120-00081287 now we are in touch with our customer CAJv8VkJfJ8-00381-00081288-00081494 real time through telemetry data that's CAJv8VkJfJ8-00382-00081495-00081719 coming from our products and really CAJv8VkJfJ8-00383-00081720-00081894 understanding how our customers are CAJv8VkJfJ8-00384-00081895-00082071 reacting with that right and that's CAJv8VkJfJ8-00385-00082072-00082238 where we instantiated what we call is a CAJv8VkJfJ8-00386-00082239-00082438 federated data lake where CAJv8VkJfJ8-00387-00082439-00082711 marketing product sales all teams can CAJv8VkJfJ8-00388-00082712-00082879 come together and look at what's going CAJv8VkJfJ8-00389-00082880-00083182 on customer 360 right data is logged in CAJv8VkJfJ8-00390-00083183-00083382 salesforce from opportunity leads codes CAJv8VkJfJ8-00391-00083383-00083623 perspective and then real-time orders CAJv8VkJfJ8-00392-00083624-00083871 are locked in s4 the challenge is how do CAJv8VkJfJ8-00393-00083872-00084079 we bring both together so that our sales CAJv8VkJfJ8-00394-00084080-00084279 people have on their fingertip what's CAJv8VkJfJ8-00395-00084280-00084431 the install base look like how much CAJv8VkJfJ8-00396-00084432-00084599 business that we did in the traditional CAJv8VkJfJ8-00397-00084600-00084862 side in the green lake side and what are CAJv8VkJfJ8-00398-00084863-00085023 the opportunities here to support our CAJv8VkJfJ8-00399-00085024-00085126 customers real quick i know we don't CAJv8VkJfJ8-00400-00085127-00085231 have a lot of time left but i want to CAJv8VkJfJ8-00401-00085232-00085406 touch on machine learning which CAJv8VkJfJ8-00402-00085407-00085591 basically feeds ai it is ai machine CAJv8VkJfJ8-00403-00085592-00085815 learning ai go go together it's only as CAJv8VkJfJ8-00404-00085816-00086031 good as the data you can provide to it CAJv8VkJfJ8-00405-00086032-00086255 so to your point about exposing the data CAJv8VkJfJ8-00406-00086256-00086423 while having the stove pipes for CAJv8VkJfJ8-00407-00086424-00086711 compliance and governance how how do you CAJv8VkJfJ8-00408-00086712-00086887 architect that properly you mentioned CAJv8VkJfJ8-00409-00086888-00087047 federated data lake and earlier you said CAJv8VkJfJ8-00410-00087048-00087231 the data lake promise hasn't come back CAJv8VkJfJ8-00411-00087232-00087391 is it data meshes what is the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00412-00087392-00087662 architecture to have as much available CAJv8VkJfJ8-00413-00087663-00087943 data to be addressed by applications CAJv8VkJfJ8-00414-00087944-00088182 while preserving CAJv8VkJfJ8-00415-00088183-00088455 the protection yeah so i'll add machine CAJv8VkJfJ8-00416-00088456-00088679 learning and ai i will also add chat CAJv8VkJfJ8-00417-00088680-00088887 bots on conversational ai right because CAJv8VkJfJ8-00418-00088888-00089079 that becomes the front end of it and CAJv8VkJfJ8-00419-00089080-00089294 that's kind of the automation process CAJv8VkJfJ8-00420-00089295-00089559 promise in the data space right so the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00421-00089560-00089847 point is that if we talk about CAJv8VkJfJ8-00422-00089848-00090111 federated data lake around one CAJv8VkJfJ8-00423-00090112-00090311 capability which i'm talking about green CAJv8VkJfJ8-00424-00090312-00090575 lake consumption right so one piece is CAJv8VkJfJ8-00425-00090576-00090782 around how do i get data cleanly how do CAJv8VkJfJ8-00426-00090783-00091015 i relate it across various products how CAJv8VkJfJ8-00427-00091016-00091271 do i create metrics out of it but how do CAJv8VkJfJ8-00428-00091272-00091543 i make it more accessible for our um CAJv8VkJfJ8-00429-00091544-00091671 users and that's where the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00430-00091672-00091894 conversational ai and chatbot comes in CAJv8VkJfJ8-00431-00091895-00092087 and then the opportunity comes in is CAJv8VkJfJ8-00432-00092088-00092487 around not only real time but analytics CAJv8VkJfJ8-00433-00092488-00092743 i believe salesforce had a CAJv8VkJfJ8-00434-00092744-00092926 pitch called customer insight few years CAJv8VkJfJ8-00435-00092927-00093126 ago where they said we have so many of CAJv8VkJfJ8-00436-00093127-00093343 you on our platform now i can combine CAJv8VkJfJ8-00437-00093344-00093526 all the data that i can access and want CAJv8VkJfJ8-00438-00093527-00093687 to give you a view of CAJv8VkJfJ8-00439-00093688-00093774 how CAJv8VkJfJ8-00440-00093775-00093935 every company is interacting with their CAJv8VkJfJ8-00441-00093936-00094118 customer and how you can improve it CAJv8VkJfJ8-00442-00094119-00094318 that's where we want to go and i CAJv8VkJfJ8-00443-00094319-00094535 completely agree it ends up being clean CAJv8VkJfJ8-00444-00094536-00094791 data governed data secure data but CAJv8VkJfJ8-00445-00094792-00094959 having that understanding of what we CAJv8VkJfJ8-00446-00094960-00095167 want to project out and how do i make it CAJv8VkJfJ8-00447-00095168-00095406 accessible for our users very seamlessly CAJv8VkJfJ8-00448-00095407-00095591 last question what's your number one CAJv8VkJfJ8-00449-00095592-00095767 challenge right now in this post CAJv8VkJfJ8-00450-00095768-00096015 isolation world CAJv8VkJfJ8-00451-00096016-00096111 talent CAJv8VkJfJ8-00452-00096112-00096326 if you haven't talked about that right CAJv8VkJfJ8-00453-00096327-00096518 how to get that out there all these CAJv8VkJfJ8-00454-00096519-00096703 promises right the CAJv8VkJfJ8-00455-00096704-00096926 entire end-to-end foundational CAJv8VkJfJ8-00456-00096927-00097071 transformation CAJv8VkJfJ8-00457-00097072-00097279 as a service transformation talking CAJv8VkJfJ8-00458-00097280-00097447 about the promise of data analytics we CAJv8VkJfJ8-00459-00097448-00097726 talked about governance and security CAJv8VkJfJ8-00460-00097727-00097935 all that CAJv8VkJfJ8-00461-00097936-00098199 is possible because of the talent we CAJv8VkJfJ8-00462-00098200-00098471 have or we will have and our ability to CAJv8VkJfJ8-00463-00098472-00098743 attract and retain them so as cio i CAJv8VkJfJ8-00464-00098744-00099038 personally spend a lot of time ceo john CAJv8VkJfJ8-00465-00099039-00099287 schultz antonio very very focused on CAJv8VkJfJ8-00466-00099288-00099543 creating that employee experience in CAJv8VkJfJ8-00467-00099544-00099711 what we call everything is edge for us CAJv8VkJfJ8-00468-00099712-00099999 so edge to office initiative where we CAJv8VkJfJ8-00469-00100000-00100199 are giving them hybrid work work CAJv8VkJfJ8-00470-00100200-00100455 capabilities people are very passionate CAJv8VkJfJ8-00471-00100456-00100750 about purpose so sustainability quality CAJv8VkJfJ8-00472-00100751-00100967 all these are big deal for them making CAJv8VkJfJ8-00473-00100968-00101199 sure that senior leadership is focused CAJv8VkJfJ8-00474-00101200-00101455 on the right thing so hybrid working CAJv8VkJfJ8-00475-00101456-00101655 capability hiring the right set of CAJv8VkJfJ8-00476-00101656-00101815 people with the right skill set and CAJv8VkJfJ8-00477-00101816-00101974 keeping them excited about the work we CAJv8VkJfJ8-00478-00101975-00102071 are doing CAJv8VkJfJ8-00479-00102072-00102391 having a purpose and being honest about CAJv8VkJfJ8-00480-00102392-00102639 it means i haven't seen a more authentic CAJv8VkJfJ8-00481-00102640-00102854 leader than antonio CAJv8VkJfJ8-00482-00102855-00103086 who opens up his keynote for this type CAJv8VkJfJ8-00483-00103088-00103327 of convention with the purpose that he's CAJv8VkJfJ8-00484-00103328-00103486 very passionate about in current CAJv8VkJfJ8-00485-00103488-00103623 environment CAJv8VkJfJ8-00486-00103624-00103734 awesome CAJv8VkJfJ8-00487-00103735-00103886 always great to have you on wonderful to CAJv8VkJfJ8-00488-00103888-00104015 have you face-to-face such a clear CAJv8VkJfJ8-00489-00104016-00104215 thinker and bringing your experience to CAJv8VkJfJ8-00490-00104216-00104382 our audience really appreciate it thank CAJv8VkJfJ8-00491-00104383-00104663 you i'm a big consumer of cube and look CAJv8VkJfJ8-00492-00104664-00104830 forward to it CAJv8VkJfJ8-00493-00104831-00104943 thank you all right and keep it right CAJv8VkJfJ8-00494-00104944-00105095 there john and i will be back to wrap up CAJv8VkJfJ8-00495-00105096-00105366 with norm falette from hpe discover CAJv8VkJfJ8-00496-00105367-00106277 2022. you're watching thecube CAJv8VkJfJ8-00497-00106278-00106766 [Music] CAJv8VkJfJ8-00498-00106767-00106976 you CBqktp7zt1E-00000-00001109-00002339 foreign CBqktp7zt1E-00002-00005371-00005711 a near-death experience of anybody CBqktp7zt1E-00003-00005712-00005872 that's you know been following this CBqktp7zt1E-00004-00005873-00006083 broadcast you know I'm very always CBqktp7zt1E-00005-00006084-00006293 interested in hearing about you know CBqktp7zt1E-00006-00006294-00006539 people's you know their experience and CBqktp7zt1E-00007-00006540-00006706 what they see on another side with CBqktp7zt1E-00008-00006708-00006833 lessons CBqktp7zt1E-00009-00006834-00007025 that they learn from there they can you CBqktp7zt1E-00010-00007026-00007295 know teach us so CBqktp7zt1E-00011-00007295-00007469 um Miss hola first of all thank you for CBqktp7zt1E-00012-00007470-00007703 agreeing to come on to you know share CBqktp7zt1E-00013-00007704-00007906 your story and I'm you know I'm very CBqktp7zt1E-00014-00007908-00008128 interested on hearing about your CBqktp7zt1E-00015-00008129-00008314 you know near-death experience what you CBqktp7zt1E-00016-00008315-00008573 got out of it so yeah you could take CBqktp7zt1E-00017-00008574-00008692 this time no CBqktp7zt1E-00018-00008693-00008957 telling people about yourself and you CBqktp7zt1E-00019-00008958-00009214 know get right into your new experience CBqktp7zt1E-00020-00009215-00009455 that happened in each of course thank CBqktp7zt1E-00021-00009456-00009653 you thank you so much Harold I really CBqktp7zt1E-00022-00009654-00009899 really truly appreciate CBqktp7zt1E-00023-00009900-00010205 um being with you and your audience and CBqktp7zt1E-00024-00010206-00010451 you know I I was I often tell this story CBqktp7zt1E-00025-00010452-00010678 and the near-death experience of course CBqktp7zt1E-00026-00010679-00010891 is is the most CBqktp7zt1E-00027-00010892-00011177 transformative experience but I reflect CBqktp7zt1E-00028-00011178-00011501 back my journey actually started when my CBqktp7zt1E-00029-00011502-00011885 dad died I was 35 and I was going CBqktp7zt1E-00030-00011886-00012178 through a divorce at the very same time CBqktp7zt1E-00031-00012179-00012514 and I was so stressed out so exhausted CBqktp7zt1E-00032-00012515-00012760 from all of the you know emotional CBqktp7zt1E-00033-00012761-00012916 turmoil CBqktp7zt1E-00034-00012917-00013157 I went to my doctor and he diagnosed me CBqktp7zt1E-00035-00013158-00013403 with a life-threatening illness he told CBqktp7zt1E-00036-00013404-00013607 Lee to go home and prepare my Affairs CBqktp7zt1E-00037-00013608-00013913 that I was gonna die and that I would or CBqktp7zt1E-00038-00013913-00014080 I would end up in a wheelchair for the CBqktp7zt1E-00039-00014081-00014194 rest of my life CBqktp7zt1E-00040-00014195-00014536 and I really hit rock bottom I've got to CBqktp7zt1E-00041-00014537-00014705 tell you when I thought things couldn't CBqktp7zt1E-00042-00014706-00014980 get worse depressed wasn't even the word CBqktp7zt1E-00043-00014981-00015136 to describe it CBqktp7zt1E-00044-00015137-00015329 I didn't think things could get worse CBqktp7zt1E-00045-00015330-00015635 but then I got fired and I spent the CBqktp7zt1E-00046-00015636-00015953 next seven years on a journey exploring CBqktp7zt1E-00047-00015954-00016277 healing modalities and Alternatives and CBqktp7zt1E-00048-00016278-00016457 I started to appreciate the small things CBqktp7zt1E-00049-00016458-00016565 in life CBqktp7zt1E-00050-00016566-00016858 but it was me grappling with this notion CBqktp7zt1E-00051-00016859-00017135 of what happens when we die CBqktp7zt1E-00052-00017136-00017333 you know that I began studying the CBqktp7zt1E-00053-00017334-00017641 ancient mystery schools and meditation CBqktp7zt1E-00054-00017642-00017903 and that I all of a sudden had this CBqktp7zt1E-00055-00017904-00018221 mysterious urge to go to on a spiritual CBqktp7zt1E-00056-00018222-00018430 pilgrimage to Egypt CBqktp7zt1E-00057-00018431-00018700 and it was there that I had a near-death CBqktp7zt1E-00058-00018701-00018965 experience outside the Valley of the CBqktp7zt1E-00059-00018966-00019193 Kings where all the ancient pharaohs CBqktp7zt1E-00060-00019194-00019511 tombs are buried and that's when I left CBqktp7zt1E-00061-00019512-00019672 this world CBqktp7zt1E-00062-00019673-00020063 and coming back to Earth was incredibly CBqktp7zt1E-00063-00020064-00020272 daunting experience because I found CBqktp7zt1E-00064-00020273-00020608 myself hurling through the vast expanse CBqktp7zt1E-00065-00020609-00020747 of the universe CBqktp7zt1E-00066-00020748-00021071 and headed towards a familiar small blue CBqktp7zt1E-00067-00021072-00021185 planet CBqktp7zt1E-00068-00021186-00021407 and then it was the sound of Arabic CBqktp7zt1E-00069-00021408-00021767 voices that lured me like a beacon to my CBqktp7zt1E-00070-00021768-00021994 last known location CBqktp7zt1E-00071-00021995-00022205 and then it was felt like coming into CBqktp7zt1E-00072-00022206-00022547 the body was actually far from Easy CBqktp7zt1E-00073-00022548-00022786 smooth sailing because it felt like I CBqktp7zt1E-00074-00022787-00023039 was struggling to put on wet clothes CBqktp7zt1E-00075-00023040-00023369 and the blinding sunlight was piercing CBqktp7zt1E-00076-00023370-00023717 and it was painful and it disoriented me CBqktp7zt1E-00077-00023718-00024041 and all the while I was I was very CBqktp7zt1E-00078-00024042-00024214 disoriented CBqktp7zt1E-00079-00024215-00024461 thank goodness I had my dear friend with CBqktp7zt1E-00080-00024462-00024700 me because I had this strange feeling CBqktp7zt1E-00081-00024701-00024971 like my body all of a sudden overtook my CBqktp7zt1E-00082-00024972-00025271 my will and I felt like my gut was going CBqktp7zt1E-00083-00025272-00025571 to explode so there I am right in this CBqktp7zt1E-00084-00025572-00025720 very CBqktp7zt1E-00085-00025722-00026020 um rustic CBqktp7zt1E-00086-00026022-00026290 um Village area and my friend took care CBqktp7zt1E-00087-00026291-00026608 of me until my energy was restored CBqktp7zt1E-00088-00026610-00026933 then it was the whole time I felt like a CBqktp7zt1E-00089-00026933-00027118 brand new born baby I felt this CBqktp7zt1E-00090-00027119-00027514 incredible Bliss and peace and love CBqktp7zt1E-00091-00027516-00027823 but at the same time came with it this CBqktp7zt1E-00092-00027824-00028043 absolute clarity CBqktp7zt1E-00093-00028044-00028349 that it was surreal and it was CBqktp7zt1E-00094-00028350-00028523 disturbing because I started to CBqktp7zt1E-00095-00028524-00028811 understand that I was seeing things that CBqktp7zt1E-00096-00028812-00029068 other people weren't these other worldly CBqktp7zt1E-00097-00029069-00029381 beings and mysterious phenomena that you CBqktp7zt1E-00098-00029382-00029758 defied you know explanation it actually CBqktp7zt1E-00099-00029760-00030107 felt like I was stepping into a scene in CBqktp7zt1E-00100-00030108-00030383 The Cantina scene in Star Wars you know CBqktp7zt1E-00101-00030383-00030623 it was a strange world of unfamiliar CBqktp7zt1E-00102-00030624-00030796 sights and sounds CBqktp7zt1E-00103-00030797-00031133 but the real challenge became when I CBqktp7zt1E-00104-00031133-00031427 returned to United States because again CBqktp7zt1E-00105-00031427-00031662 I felt like my life was unraveling CBqktp7zt1E-00106-00031663-00032002 falling apart and I my friends drifted CBqktp7zt1E-00107-00032004-00032243 away and once again I got fired from a CBqktp7zt1E-00108-00032244-00032399 six-figure job CBqktp7zt1E-00109-00032400-00032645 and that's when I went on a quest to CBqktp7zt1E-00110-00032645-00032962 find out what happened to me where did I CBqktp7zt1E-00111-00032963-00033287 go that day something was different I CBqktp7zt1E-00112-00033288-00033605 was different so I went to about a dozen CBqktp7zt1E-00113-00033606-00033785 different psychics Mystics and healers CBqktp7zt1E-00114-00033786-00034187 and they all told me something different CBqktp7zt1E-00115-00034188-00034649 so for me I that really angered me quite CBqktp7zt1E-00116-00034650-00034877 honestly it ticked me off until I found CBqktp7zt1E-00117-00034878-00035201 a Healer that told me I had stuck energy CBqktp7zt1E-00118-00035202-00035452 so then that that made perfect sense it CBqktp7zt1E-00119-00035453-00035693 gave me hope and it gave me something to CBqktp7zt1E-00120-00035694-00035890 do to process and he told me he said CBqktp7zt1E-00121-00035891-00036239 your anger your anxiety your depression CBqktp7zt1E-00122-00036240-00036551 is all because you have stuck energy CBqktp7zt1E-00123-00036552-00036857 so I went on that healing journey and it CBqktp7zt1E-00124-00036858-00037090 wasn't until I found myself on a massage CBqktp7zt1E-00125-00037091-00037273 table about nine months later CBqktp7zt1E-00126-00037274-00037540 continually I kept I was on this Quest CBqktp7zt1E-00127-00037541-00037762 like where did I go what happened how CBqktp7zt1E-00128-00037763-00037937 come I didn't if I died how come I CBqktp7zt1E-00129-00037938-00038159 didn't see the tunnel or this Divine CBqktp7zt1E-00130-00038160-00038561 being Jesus and so it wasn't there that CBqktp7zt1E-00131-00038562-00038837 I actually had an out-of-body experience CBqktp7zt1E-00132-00038838-00039130 and that's when I was given a vast CBqktp7zt1E-00133-00039131-00039430 expanse awe-inspiring tour of the all CBqktp7zt1E-00134-00039431-00039724 and I was told I couldn't stay CBqktp7zt1E-00135-00039725-00040121 and that I was I stepped into what I CBqktp7zt1E-00136-00040122-00040427 called the fabric of all creation it was CBqktp7zt1E-00137-00040428-00040679 like a moving Kaleidoscope of color and CBqktp7zt1E-00138-00040680-00041129 light and my guides told me it was love CBqktp7zt1E-00139-00041130-00041440 and love was a fabric of all creation CBqktp7zt1E-00140-00041441-00041717 and then it showed me and I actually saw CBqktp7zt1E-00141-00041718-00041999 the actual energy that powers the CBqktp7zt1E-00142-00042000-00042245 Universe I didn't have words for it CBqktp7zt1E-00143-00042246-00042509 today but I now understand it's the CBqktp7zt1E-00144-00042510-00042755 quantum field it's how everything is CBqktp7zt1E-00145-00042756-00042862 created CBqktp7zt1E-00146-00042863-00043252 and that's when I saw my Life review but CBqktp7zt1E-00147-00043253-00043523 only My Life review was it showed to me CBqktp7zt1E-00148-00043524-00043637 like CBqktp7zt1E-00149-00043638-00043996 timeline where my emotions have been CBqktp7zt1E-00150-00043997-00044405 stuck and that was what's creating my CBqktp7zt1E-00151-00044406-00044801 dis-ease my dysfunction and destruction CBqktp7zt1E-00152-00044802-00045155 of my dreams of my goals of my health CBqktp7zt1E-00153-00045156-00045395 and my wealth and CBqktp7zt1E-00154-00045396-00045755 um that I understood then that we are CBqktp7zt1E-00155-00045756-00046133 energetic beings and we come here to CBqktp7zt1E-00156-00046134-00046535 learn how to manage that what we are to CBqktp7zt1E-00157-00046536-00046768 learn who and what we are why are we CBqktp7zt1E-00158-00046769-00047129 here we're here to create we're here to CBqktp7zt1E-00159-00047130-00047351 create what we desire CBqktp7zt1E-00160-00047352-00047543 and to have these experiences and CBqktp7zt1E-00161-00047544-00047711 lessons along the way CBqktp7zt1E-00162-00047712-00048029 and so from that day forward I the last CBqktp7zt1E-00163-00048030-00048287 23 years now I have been teaching other CBqktp7zt1E-00164-00048288-00048587 people how to heal themselves through CBqktp7zt1E-00165-00048588-00048958 these energetic tools and techniques and CBqktp7zt1E-00166-00048959-00049199 how to step into their own superpowers CBqktp7zt1E-00167-00049200-00049474 because that day as I said I became CBqktp7zt1E-00168-00049475-00049727 different my psychic abilities turned on CBqktp7zt1E-00169-00049728-00050062 my natural healing abilities turned on CBqktp7zt1E-00170-00050063-00050290 um and that's where I spent about nine CBqktp7zt1E-00171-00050291-00050561 months to a year actually refining and CBqktp7zt1E-00172-00050562-00050783 healing myself because when I went to CBqktp7zt1E-00173-00050784-00051017 learn how to do that I had no intention CBqktp7zt1E-00174-00051018-00051269 of doing this professionally or CBqktp7zt1E-00175-00051270-00051635 continuing and so the joke is on me CBqktp7zt1E-00176-00051636-00051880 so that pretty much sums them up CBqktp7zt1E-00177-00051882-00052361 laughs yes yes Tim how how did you wind CBqktp7zt1E-00178-00052362-00052553 up in that need to experience what what CBqktp7zt1E-00179-00052554-00052853 you remember like you want to know the CBqktp7zt1E-00180-00052854-00053153 real Jews right how did I flip out of my CBqktp7zt1E-00181-00053154-00053338 body well here's the deal I was making CBqktp7zt1E-00182-00053339-00053644 jewelry at the time okay I had this CBqktp7zt1E-00183-00053645-00053897 amazing spiritual tour CBqktp7zt1E-00184-00053898-00054244 um that was in incredibly powerful we CBqktp7zt1E-00185-00054245-00054557 would meditate in various temples we you CBqktp7zt1E-00186-00054558-00054785 know I would hear Angels like I thought CBqktp7zt1E-00187-00054786-00054935 they were Angels there could have been CBqktp7zt1E-00188-00054936-00055138 the mystics of the temples from ancient CBqktp7zt1E-00189-00055139-00055432 times I was hearing and seeing things in CBqktp7zt1E-00190-00055433-00055750 just the normal everyday uh you know of CBqktp7zt1E-00191-00055751-00055919 our tour CBqktp7zt1E-00192-00055920-00056213 but after the tour I extended my stay so CBqktp7zt1E-00193-00056214-00056573 I went back from Cairo to Luxor out just CBqktp7zt1E-00194-00056574-00056866 outside the Valley of the Kings CBqktp7zt1E-00195-00056867-00057232 and I was visiting with my friend and I CBqktp7zt1E-00196-00057233-00057515 wanted to buy some beads for the jewelry CBqktp7zt1E-00197-00057516-00057773 that I made I wanted to incorporate some CBqktp7zt1E-00198-00057774-00058097 let's say Antiquities into my precious CBqktp7zt1E-00199-00058098-00058223 jewelry CBqktp7zt1E-00200-00058224-00058535 so the very last day the second last day CBqktp7zt1E-00201-00058536-00059023 I found these beads and you see in Egypt CBqktp7zt1E-00202-00059024-00059392 these houses are perched on the back of CBqktp7zt1E-00203-00059394-00059519 a mountain CBqktp7zt1E-00204-00059520-00059885 and everybody's home the back wall CBqktp7zt1E-00205-00059886-00060107 touches the mountain right so they're CBqktp7zt1E-00206-00060108-00060388 digging in the mountain for Treasures or CBqktp7zt1E-00207-00060389-00060623 for tombs or for you know buried CBqktp7zt1E-00208-00060624-00060899 treasures and they would cover the back CBqktp7zt1E-00209-00060900-00061199 wall with a carpet that's how I knew CBqktp7zt1E-00210-00061200-00061354 that there were there were probably CBqktp7zt1E-00211-00061355-00061565 going to be Treasures in somebody's CBqktp7zt1E-00212-00061566-00061703 hands or they found these little CBqktp7zt1E-00213-00061704-00061954 trinkets maybe they'd want to sell so I CBqktp7zt1E-00214-00061955-00062159 went back when I found them I went back CBqktp7zt1E-00215-00062160-00062488 to page the gentleman Muhammad and CBqktp7zt1E-00216-00062489-00062735 um when when you're buying something CBqktp7zt1E-00217-00062736-00062963 there especially if you're a friend you CBqktp7zt1E-00218-00062964-00063221 sit and you visit you have a cup of tea CBqktp7zt1E-00219-00063222-00063407 you have a cup of Coca-Cola they show CBqktp7zt1E-00220-00063408-00063587 you their pictures of their babies and CBqktp7zt1E-00221-00063588-00063791 their children and their and everybody's CBqktp7zt1E-00222-00063791-00064049 cousin and it goes on and on it's quite CBqktp7zt1E-00223-00064050-00064450 a social you know event which is lovely CBqktp7zt1E-00224-00064451-00064715 but for me they brought out the pot and CBqktp7zt1E-00225-00064716-00065003 I said thank you I don't smoke I don't CBqktp7zt1E-00226-00065004-00065266 smoke and I don't I try pot maybe less CBqktp7zt1E-00227-00065267-00065429 than half a dozen times and it really CBqktp7zt1E-00228-00065429-00065753 never ever did any to me plus before I CBqktp7zt1E-00229-00065754-00066011 had gone to Egypt I had done a 30-day CBqktp7zt1E-00230-00066012-00066119 detox CBqktp7zt1E-00231-00066120-00066359 and the last seven days of my detox was CBqktp7zt1E-00232-00066360-00066869 pure juices so my system was real clear CBqktp7zt1E-00233-00066870-00067163 so um I refuse I said no thank you CBqktp7zt1E-00234-00067164-00067541 politely but he was just so insulted and CBqktp7zt1E-00235-00067542-00067756 he just blew a gasket and he's shouting CBqktp7zt1E-00236-00067757-00068075 and yeah it's the best it's the best so CBqktp7zt1E-00237-00068076-00068237 it was quite a commotion and I was the CBqktp7zt1E-00238-00068238-00068447 only female there so I thought you know CBqktp7zt1E-00239-00068448-00068723 what I've tried pot before I'll just you CBqktp7zt1E-00240-00068724-00068800 know CBqktp7zt1E-00241-00068801-00069232 um be polite be graceful guest here and CBqktp7zt1E-00242-00069233-00069425 um you know I'll be on my way because it CBqktp7zt1E-00243-00069426-00069575 never really gave me a high it didn't CBqktp7zt1E-00244-00069576-00069791 give me anything right CBqktp7zt1E-00245-00069792-00070025 so the joint went around twice CBqktp7zt1E-00246-00070026-00070241 and everybody bounced up ready to walk CBqktp7zt1E-00247-00070242-00070469 out the door and I couldn't get out of CBqktp7zt1E-00248-00070470-00070726 the chair I found myself standing behind CBqktp7zt1E-00249-00070727-00070997 my body and I kept going back and forth CBqktp7zt1E-00250-00070998-00071231 into my body and I thought to myself and CBqktp7zt1E-00251-00071232-00071531 I still don't know to this day if I said CBqktp7zt1E-00252-00071532-00071693 anything I must have said something but CBqktp7zt1E-00253-00071694-00071891 I put my hands out in front of my face CBqktp7zt1E-00254-00071892-00072119 if I could just get some water if I CBqktp7zt1E-00255-00072120-00072388 could just splash my face I I will I CBqktp7zt1E-00256-00072389-00072631 will snap too I will keep myself here CBqktp7zt1E-00257-00072632-00072935 and I remember a friend getting close to CBqktp7zt1E-00258-00072936-00073175 me and he walked in slow motion CBqktp7zt1E-00259-00073176-00073541 and he poured some water in my hands the CBqktp7zt1E-00260-00073542-00073853 whole time I was seeing everybody's it CBqktp7zt1E-00261-00073854-00074105 was like everybody else's life review I CBqktp7zt1E-00262-00074106-00074326 was seeing all of these television sets CBqktp7zt1E-00263-00074327-00074591 playing a different movie type thing and CBqktp7zt1E-00264-00074592-00074776 I was trying to stay in my body I kept CBqktp7zt1E-00265-00074777-00074926 finding myself standing behind my body CBqktp7zt1E-00266-00074927-00075197 back in back out back in and I thought CBqktp7zt1E-00267-00075198-00075491 if I could just splash my face so the CBqktp7zt1E-00268-00075492-00075803 last thought I had was oh my CBqktp7zt1E-00269-00075804-00076715 mascara is gonna run CBqktp7zt1E-00270-00076716-00076975 today and that from that moment forward CBqktp7zt1E-00271-00076976-00077381 I don't remember and so until I started CBqktp7zt1E-00272-00077382-00077681 coming back into my body but they told CBqktp7zt1E-00273-00077682-00078059 me that I stiffened my body on Fell onto CBqktp7zt1E-00274-00078060-00078203 the floor I was sitting in the only CBqktp7zt1E-00275-00078204-00078412 chair they had in the room CBqktp7zt1E-00276-00078413-00078773 small plastic garden chair and I CBqktp7zt1E-00277-00078774-00079025 collapsed I stiffened they were pounding CBqktp7zt1E-00278-00079026-00079259 my chest with all their might with my my CBqktp7zt1E-00279-00079260-00079517 friend said he used his fist and he said CBqktp7zt1E-00280-00079518-00079715 later he asked me he says isn't your CBqktp7zt1E-00281-00079716-00080050 chest sore he goes I just about smashed CBqktp7zt1E-00282-00080051-00080303 your your heart and your ribs you know CBqktp7zt1E-00283-00080304-00080512 to get your heart pounding he said your CBqktp7zt1E-00284-00080513-00080794 breathing stopped your heart stopped CBqktp7zt1E-00285-00080795-00081023 so it was some time later they they CBqktp7zt1E-00286-00081024-00081256 ended up dragging me out under the arms CBqktp7zt1E-00287-00081257-00081550 they loaded me up outside into a pickup CBqktp7zt1E-00288-00081551-00081779 truck into the cab and that was their CBqktp7zt1E-00289-00081780-00082019 taxi on the West Bank okay it's very CBqktp7zt1E-00290-00082020-00082294 primitive so the people they had benches CBqktp7zt1E-00291-00082295-00082576 in the in the back of the the bed and CBqktp7zt1E-00292-00082577-00082756 then people would just jump on you know CBqktp7zt1E-00293-00082757-00082955 and that would be their taxi ride but CBqktp7zt1E-00294-00082956-00083206 they put me in the front of the cab my CBqktp7zt1E-00295-00083207-00083356 friend was sitting in the middle and I CBqktp7zt1E-00296-00083357-00083561 had they propped me with my head out the CBqktp7zt1E-00297-00083562-00083699 window CBqktp7zt1E-00298-00083700-00083969 so I could get oxygen so they figured CBqktp7zt1E-00299-00083970-00084187 that would give me some some ventilation CBqktp7zt1E-00300-00084188-00084461 and it was hot it was real hot it was CBqktp7zt1E-00301-00084462-00084725 probably about noon so CBqktp7zt1E-00302-00084726-00084905 um then that's when I started hurling CBqktp7zt1E-00303-00084906-00085205 back to my body and and I described what CBqktp7zt1E-00304-00085206-00085475 I saw coming back to Earth and the CBqktp7zt1E-00305-00085476-00085655 interesting thing is I remember touching CBqktp7zt1E-00306-00085656-00085841 my friends I couldn't open my eyes it CBqktp7zt1E-00307-00085842-00086200 was incredibly bright and and painful CBqktp7zt1E-00308-00086201-00086476 and I thought as my gut was ready to CBqktp7zt1E-00309-00086477-00086626 explode I'm thinking CBqktp7zt1E-00310-00086627-00087161 oh God you know were they taking me and CBqktp7zt1E-00311-00087162-00087449 I I didn't know what had happened oh CBqktp7zt1E-00312-00087450-00087725 really was felt felt utter and total CBqktp7zt1E-00313-00087726-00088037 Bliss and my friend started shouting at CBqktp7zt1E-00314-00088038-00088300 me in Arabic and then he realized oh God CBqktp7zt1E-00315-00088301-00088517 she doesn't understand Arabic so I've CBqktp7zt1E-00316-00088518-00088756 got to speak in English so he shouted at CBqktp7zt1E-00317-00088757-00088906 the hospital we're taking you to the CBqktp7zt1E-00318-00088907-00089153 hospital and the only thought I had was CBqktp7zt1E-00319-00089154-00089515 oh my God we're we're in village CBqktp7zt1E-00320-00089516-00089818 above the of the desert CBqktp7zt1E-00321-00089819-00090076 the hospital will kill me it's gonna CBqktp7zt1E-00322-00090077-00090268 it's kind of so primitive it's you know CBqktp7zt1E-00323-00090269-00090526 and and they were thinking oh my God CBqktp7zt1E-00324-00090527-00090779 where how do we find a toilet there was CBqktp7zt1E-00325-00090780-00091006 no Western toilet CBqktp7zt1E-00326-00091007-00091229 there was no public place they could CBqktp7zt1E-00327-00091230-00091523 take me because in that area of where I CBqktp7zt1E-00328-00091524-00091691 was there were just holes in the ground CBqktp7zt1E-00329-00091692-00092093 to do that and so then that was sort of CBqktp7zt1E-00330-00092094-00092338 like the whole comedy of the whole scene CBqktp7zt1E-00331-00092339-00092603 is I didn't know what they were thinking CBqktp7zt1E-00332-00092604-00092788 and they didn't know what I was what was CBqktp7zt1E-00333-00092789-00093017 happening for me so there's another CBqktp7zt1E-00334-00093018-00093281 layer to this because the Arabic culture CBqktp7zt1E-00335-00093282-00093556 a man can't go into a bathroom with a CBqktp7zt1E-00336-00093557-00093647 woman CBqktp7zt1E-00337-00093648-00093959 okay and here I didn't know it but I CBqktp7zt1E-00338-00093960-00094073 can't stand CBqktp7zt1E-00339-00094074-00094367 so they had to take me there was no CBqktp7zt1E-00340-00094368-00094588 female around they had to take me into a CBqktp7zt1E-00341-00094589-00094835 bathroom or somewhere to deal with that CBqktp7zt1E-00342-00094836-00095171 and then so it was just it was one thing CBqktp7zt1E-00343-00095172-00095405 after the other that complicated it and CBqktp7zt1E-00344-00095406-00095837 the stress of it was monumental CBqktp7zt1E-00345-00095838-00096082 yeah that is something you're weird I'm CBqktp7zt1E-00346-00096083-00096275 speaking with uh mayor Halls he's CBqktp7zt1E-00347-00096276-00096581 sharing her near-death experience when CBqktp7zt1E-00348-00096582-00096887 she was in each of them when you had to CBqktp7zt1E-00349-00096888-00097043 experience did you CBqktp7zt1E-00350-00097044-00097223 coming to any CBqktp7zt1E-00351-00097224-00097505 like ancient Spirits or anything that's CBqktp7zt1E-00352-00097506-00097661 seen you know CBqktp7zt1E-00353-00097662-00097906 dark and even the monarch CBqktp7zt1E-00354-00097907-00098165 y CBqktp7zt1E-00355-00098166-00098356 so yeah great question there's two parts CBqktp7zt1E-00356-00098357-00098615 to that so the fact that I didn't see CBqktp7zt1E-00357-00098616-00098788 that so here's the deal this was before CBqktp7zt1E-00358-00098789-00099071 the internet right I had nowhere to CBqktp7zt1E-00359-00099072-00099329 really reference this or you know I felt CBqktp7zt1E-00360-00099330-00099599 a lot of shame because of the pot and CBqktp7zt1E-00361-00099600-00099838 because of the situation when I did CBqktp7zt1E-00362-00099839-00100031 speak to a few people all they said was CBqktp7zt1E-00363-00100032-00100282 oh you're so you were you were really CBqktp7zt1E-00364-00100283-00100438 stoned that must have been some good CBqktp7zt1E-00365-00100439-00100715 you know and and that that didn't CBqktp7zt1E-00366-00100716-00100979 sit with me very well because one I'm CBqktp7zt1E-00367-00100980-00101141 not it doesn't matter if you're a CBqktp7zt1E-00368-00101142-00101476 regular you know drug user or not CBqktp7zt1E-00369-00101477-00101543 um CBqktp7zt1E-00370-00101544-00101903 I had so when I got off the plane in New CBqktp7zt1E-00371-00101904-00102053 York that day CBqktp7zt1E-00372-00102054-00102250 let me back up CBqktp7zt1E-00373-00102251-00102623 as I was recovering on the bed I started CBqktp7zt1E-00374-00102624-00103001 to see this goddess called sekhmet CBqktp7zt1E-00375-00103002-00103277 she has a lion's face and a female body CBqktp7zt1E-00376-00103278-00103571 and when I would look at the armoire I CBqktp7zt1E-00377-00103572-00103840 would see sekhmet and then I continued CBqktp7zt1E-00378-00103841-00104051 to look outside the window the Valley CBqktp7zt1E-00379-00104052-00104260 Green Valley Nile and the mountains in CBqktp7zt1E-00380-00104261-00104471 the background and the wind the breeze CBqktp7zt1E-00381-00104472-00104704 was fluttering these draperies and all I CBqktp7zt1E-00382-00104705-00104842 kept thinking was I've got to look CBqktp7zt1E-00383-00104843-00105107 outside that's real because when I look CBqktp7zt1E-00384-00105108-00105431 straight ahead that ain't real so that's CBqktp7zt1E-00385-00105432-00105647 when I started seeing these otherworldly CBqktp7zt1E-00386-00105648-00105875 beings and at the same time I didn't CBqktp7zt1E-00387-00105876-00106157 know what was really going on CBqktp7zt1E-00388-00106158-00106499 by the time I got to the airport my tour CBqktp7zt1E-00389-00106500-00106715 guides had extended their stay they were CBqktp7zt1E-00390-00106716-00106907 there in line with me and I said who's CBqktp7zt1E-00391-00106908-00107213 this lion face with an Egyptian body a CBqktp7zt1E-00392-00107214-00107410 female body and they said oh that's CBqktp7zt1E-00393-00107411-00107663 segment she's the Healer of Healers CBqktp7zt1E-00394-00107664-00107933 she was known to all the doctors as the CBqktp7zt1E-00395-00107933-00108184 patron saint so to speak right CBqktp7zt1E-00396-00108185-00108497 so they would pray to her and she was CBqktp7zt1E-00397-00108498-00108707 coming to me and I'm like well what the CBqktp7zt1E-00398-00108708-00108827 heck is this CBqktp7zt1E-00399-00108828-00109210 one I didn't know I died two I didn't CBqktp7zt1E-00400-00109211-00109415 know that CBqktp7zt1E-00401-00109416-00109643 because I had some spiritual and CBqktp7zt1E-00402-00109644-00109907 mystical experiences before CBqktp7zt1E-00403-00109908-00110213 I wasn't sure or or saw correlation or CBqktp7zt1E-00404-00110214-00110477 anything right but it wasn't until I got CBqktp7zt1E-00405-00110478-00110902 to JFK got off the jetway and I saw all CBqktp7zt1E-00406-00110903-00111154 the people in the airport as walking CBqktp7zt1E-00407-00111155-00111323 paper dolls CBqktp7zt1E-00408-00111324-00111743 so at this point I am totally freaked CBqktp7zt1E-00409-00111744-00112102 out I'm totally in in shock and distress CBqktp7zt1E-00410-00112103-00112373 and I have nobody with me I had a book CBqktp7zt1E-00411-00112374-00112631 with me but I was reading my book upside CBqktp7zt1E-00412-00112632-00112793 down I just wanted to look at something CBqktp7zt1E-00413-00112794-00113140 that was real I wasn't feel Still Still CBqktp7zt1E-00414-00113141-00113381 physically completely in my body I don't CBqktp7zt1E-00415-00113382-00113693 think and this would probably 24 hours CBqktp7zt1E-00416-00113694-00113795 later CBqktp7zt1E-00417-00113796-00114125 I was still coming back into the body CBqktp7zt1E-00418-00114126-00114449 reintegrating and so CBqktp7zt1E-00419-00114450-00114833 you know by the time I got to San Diego CBqktp7zt1E-00420-00114833-00115084 um that fresh air when I got off the CBqktp7zt1E-00421-00115085-00115408 airplane and that moist air that seemed CBqktp7zt1E-00422-00115409-00115613 to shift and I stopped seeing people CBqktp7zt1E-00423-00115614-00115727 like that CBqktp7zt1E-00424-00115728-00116021 and that's why I went on the hunt to CBqktp7zt1E-00425-00116022-00116249 what happened to me and if I died how CBqktp7zt1E-00426-00116250-00116465 come I didn't get to see no tunnel and CBqktp7zt1E-00427-00116466-00116765 Jesus I got I was really angry I got CBqktp7zt1E-00428-00116766-00117065 ripped off right so and I also in my own CBqktp7zt1E-00429-00117066-00117233 headset well this couldn't have been a CBqktp7zt1E-00430-00117233-00117533 real a real near-death experience then CBqktp7zt1E-00431-00117533-00117845 but I'll tell you I went even as far as CBqktp7zt1E-00432-00117846-00118036 I went had gone back to Egypt another CBqktp7zt1E-00433-00118038-00118307 time and my friend took me to a holy man CBqktp7zt1E-00434-00118308-00118636 in the south in us one where they had CBqktp7zt1E-00435-00118638-00118954 the famous Dam and so as this holy man CBqktp7zt1E-00436-00118955-00119236 they call him a Sheikh Sheikh and uh CBqktp7zt1E-00437-00119238-00119543 please tell me what happened to me you CBqktp7zt1E-00438-00119544-00119758 know where did I go I'm different now CBqktp7zt1E-00439-00119759-00119969 I'm the same person but I'm different CBqktp7zt1E-00440-00119970-00120323 and he told me he said in his words and CBqktp7zt1E-00441-00120324-00120640 his interpretation of Arabic or into you CBqktp7zt1E-00442-00120641-00120886 know what this phenomena was he said you CBqktp7zt1E-00443-00120888-00121031 didn't die CBqktp7zt1E-00444-00121032-00121301 but you you went very very very very CBqktp7zt1E-00445-00121302-00121493 very far away CBqktp7zt1E-00446-00121494-00121636 yeah CBqktp7zt1E-00447-00121638-00121960 so I mean I hung on to those CBqktp7zt1E-00448-00121961-00122225 explanations for the longest time until CBqktp7zt1E-00449-00122226-00122602 I came across Dr uh Deepak chopra's book CBqktp7zt1E-00450-00122603-00122801 when I started to understand the things CBqktp7zt1E-00451-00122802-00123083 that I was seeing and how I was seeing CBqktp7zt1E-00452-00123083-00123431 things I Now understand that I can see CBqktp7zt1E-00453-00123432-00123647 energy CBqktp7zt1E-00454-00123648-00123940 so my the Out of Body Experience gave me CBqktp7zt1E-00455-00123941-00124307 a better understanding of of what that CBqktp7zt1E-00456-00124308-00124727 energy was and that it is how we create CBqktp7zt1E-00457-00124728-00124999 and it permeates absolutely everything CBqktp7zt1E-00458-00125000-00125225 we are energy CBqktp7zt1E-00459-00125226-00125615 it is everything that we see do think CBqktp7zt1E-00460-00125616-00125951 and understanding that that energy is CBqktp7zt1E-00461-00125952-00126119 creating the good things in our life CBqktp7zt1E-00462-00126120-00126299 it's creating the bad things in our life CBqktp7zt1E-00463-00126300-00126604 and that we are sort of the conductor of CBqktp7zt1E-00464-00126605-00126821 the orchestra and what what is it that CBqktp7zt1E-00465-00126822-00127097 we want to live how do we want to CBqktp7zt1E-00466-00127098-00127421 experience it CBqktp7zt1E-00467-00127422-00127649 I struggle every I struggle every single CBqktp7zt1E-00468-00127650-00127871 day to get back to that point CBqktp7zt1E-00469-00127872-00128015 thank you CBqktp7zt1E-00470-00128016-00128357 I mean I feel it but it's not the same CBqktp7zt1E-00471-00128358-00128615 it's not like you can completely plug in CBqktp7zt1E-00472-00128616-00128902 and and get it you know it's it's one of CBqktp7zt1E-00473-00128903-00129023 those things and I think that's because CBqktp7zt1E-00474-00129024-00129239 we're human we're not supposed to have CBqktp7zt1E-00475-00129240-00129401 and hang on to that spiritual CBqktp7zt1E-00476-00129402-00129569 knowingness CBqktp7zt1E-00477-00129570-00129808 connected to the Divine or to the love CBqktp7zt1E-00478-00129809-00130108 non-stop I think that's rare and and CBqktp7zt1E-00479-00130109-00130397 that's what we're all Desiring to get CBqktp7zt1E-00480-00130398-00130933 back to that one source CBqktp7zt1E-00481-00130933-00131213 for me CBqktp7zt1E-00482-00131214-00131459 we saw people ask me um CBqktp7zt1E-00483-00131460-00131752 because of paper dolls but no what's CBqktp7zt1E-00484-00131753-00131873 that CBqktp7zt1E-00485-00131874-00132101 no no you think we're using a another CBqktp7zt1E-00486-00132102-00132275 rim or whatever or what you're seeing CBqktp7zt1E-00487-00132276-00132677 people on Spirit man which what I CBqktp7zt1E-00488-00132678-00133078 figured out or surmised is that I was CBqktp7zt1E-00489-00133079-00133540 stuck in a dimension I was stuck in that CBqktp7zt1E-00490-00133541-00133973 anger the grief the Despair and I CBqktp7zt1E-00491-00133974-00134099 remember sitting there in Atlanta CBqktp7zt1E-00492-00134100-00134381 thinking oh CBqktp7zt1E-00493-00134382-00134902 am I living in the land of paper dolls CBqktp7zt1E-00494-00134903-00135281 and and I couldn't quite comprehend that CBqktp7zt1E-00495-00135282-00135604 that was my reality also CBqktp7zt1E-00496-00135605-00135839 and I think that next nine months was CBqktp7zt1E-00497-00135840-00136025 that time period talk about nine months CBqktp7zt1E-00498-00136026-00136199 that's kind of a you know the whole CBqktp7zt1E-00499-00136200-00136547 gestation time but perhaps that was that CBqktp7zt1E-00500-00136548-00136877 integration that I was experiencing to CBqktp7zt1E-00501-00136878-00137171 realize that I don't have to play or CBqktp7zt1E-00502-00137172-00137333 live in that Realm CBqktp7zt1E-00503-00137334-00137693 and we all are kind of hanging out in CBqktp7zt1E-00504-00137694-00138127 fear and limits and you know competition CBqktp7zt1E-00505-00138128-00138557 and all of that low vibrational energy CBqktp7zt1E-00506-00138558-00139109 is keeping us all keeping Humanity stuck CBqktp7zt1E-00507-00139110-00139223 hmm CBqktp7zt1E-00508-00139224-00139451 so CBqktp7zt1E-00509-00139452-00139804 so doing this experience it did you were CBqktp7zt1E-00510-00139805-00139961 you like giving any CBqktp7zt1E-00511-00139962-00140159 um CBqktp7zt1E-00512-00140160-00140404 I guess any CBqktp7zt1E-00513-00140405-00140633 any lessons while he was on that side CBqktp7zt1E-00514-00140634-00140971 maybe you can that can you know CBqktp7zt1E-00515-00140972-00141190 yeah and the outer body experience CBqktp7zt1E-00516-00141191-00141371 that's when I started to understand that CBqktp7zt1E-00517-00141372-00141587 I'm energy and where I stepped into the CBqktp7zt1E-00518-00141588-00141863 fabric of creation and I didn't know CBqktp7zt1E-00519-00141864-00142049 what because literally it was like CBqktp7zt1E-00520-00142050-00142373 stepping into the Hall of Records so in CBqktp7zt1E-00521-00142374-00142601 that out of body experience I was shown CBqktp7zt1E-00522-00142602-00142769 first of all CBqktp7zt1E-00523-00142770-00143254 I sort of melted and then I I elevated CBqktp7zt1E-00524-00143255-00143590 into this fear of light and then I was CBqktp7zt1E-00525-00143591-00143795 taken it was almost like a snap of a CBqktp7zt1E-00526-00143796-00144125 fingers into the first spot stop they CBqktp7zt1E-00527-00144126-00144371 told me the tour of the all was like CBqktp7zt1E-00528-00144372-00144628 this it was a building and it appeared CBqktp7zt1E-00529-00144629-00145037 like I immersed into a conference room CBqktp7zt1E-00530-00145038-00145331 and in this conference room it seemed CBqktp7zt1E-00531-00145332-00145540 like a dozen CBqktp7zt1E-00532-00145541-00145823 persons they were all dressed identical CBqktp7zt1E-00533-00145824-00146177 they were dressed kind of like suits CBqktp7zt1E-00534-00146178-00146513 with no ties but they were all the same CBqktp7zt1E-00535-00146514-00146963 and I was sitting at the front and all CBqktp7zt1E-00536-00146964-00147154 of a sudden it was like their heads were CBqktp7zt1E-00537-00147155-00147490 glowing filled with light and the tops CBqktp7zt1E-00538-00147491-00147737 of their heads opened up like a teapot CBqktp7zt1E-00539-00147738-00148054 and this beam of light streamed out of CBqktp7zt1E-00540-00148055-00148313 their heads into mine and they told me CBqktp7zt1E-00541-00148314-00148516 that whatever I needed to know I had CBqktp7zt1E-00542-00148517-00148751 instant access CBqktp7zt1E-00543-00148752-00148978 and from that moment it was like a snap CBqktp7zt1E-00544-00148979-00149381 of a fingers I was ushered directly into CBqktp7zt1E-00545-00149382-00149645 this massive corridor CBqktp7zt1E-00546-00149646-00149890 it was an infinite Hall CBqktp7zt1E-00547-00149891-00150173 of doorways and it wasn't for some time CBqktp7zt1E-00548-00150174-00150413 later that I actually said geez I think CBqktp7zt1E-00549-00150414-00150719 I just stepped into the Hall of Records CBqktp7zt1E-00550-00150720-00150995 and so call that the akashic records or CBqktp7zt1E-00551-00150996-00151169 call it the Hall of Records you know CBqktp7zt1E-00552-00151170-00151397 it's up to you CBqktp7zt1E-00553-00151398-00151631 and I was told I could step into any CBqktp7zt1E-00554-00151632-00151739 door CBqktp7zt1E-00555-00151740-00152075 and and and my choice but I couldn't CBqktp7zt1E-00556-00152076-00152201 stay CBqktp7zt1E-00557-00152202-00152476 and so the first door I stepped into was CBqktp7zt1E-00558-00152477-00152740 the door on the right it was a gold door CBqktp7zt1E-00559-00152741-00152981 and I I didn't step into it it was like CBqktp7zt1E-00560-00152982-00153214 a group you're in CBqktp7zt1E-00561-00153215-00153437 and that's when it felt like I was in CBqktp7zt1E-00562-00153438-00153814 this moving Kaleidoscope of color CBqktp7zt1E-00563-00153815-00154121 spinning and moving and and all I said CBqktp7zt1E-00564-00154122-00154402 was like I lost sense of who I am or CBqktp7zt1E-00565-00154403-00154709 where I am or my identity and I said I CBqktp7zt1E-00566-00154710-00155033 what is this and they told me that this CBqktp7zt1E-00567-00155034-00155339 was the the fabric of all creation CBqktp7zt1E-00568-00155340-00155597 this is who you are and this is what CBqktp7zt1E-00569-00155598-00155902 everything is this is love CBqktp7zt1E-00570-00155903-00156275 so I remember feeling like maybe I was CBqktp7zt1E-00571-00156276-00156545 in my mother's womb where you feel safe CBqktp7zt1E-00572-00156546-00156790 you feel warm you feel you know CBqktp7zt1E-00573-00156791-00157145 everything is just perfect and then boom CBqktp7zt1E-00574-00157146-00157349 it was like I was rudely knocked out of CBqktp7zt1E-00575-00157350-00157564 that space I remember thinking well geez CBqktp7zt1E-00576-00157565-00157811 oh that was I wanted to stay and then CBqktp7zt1E-00577-00157812-00158099 they they kept saying he can't stay CBqktp7zt1E-00578-00158100-00158416 and they they knew that right they knew CBqktp7zt1E-00579-00158417-00158626 that we as humans or our spirit doesn't CBqktp7zt1E-00580-00158627-00158873 want to be here in the hard stuff CBqktp7zt1E-00581-00158874-00159052 doing this life CBqktp7zt1E-00582-00159053-00159425 experience in 3D so then I went out to CBqktp7zt1E-00583-00159426-00159635 the middle of the corridor and I walked CBqktp7zt1E-00584-00159636-00159875 directly across and I walked into a Pink CBqktp7zt1E-00585-00159876-00159959 Door CBqktp7zt1E-00586-00159960-00160271 and as I merged through the door CBqktp7zt1E-00587-00160272-00160566 I stepped into what was like a green CBqktp7zt1E-00588-00160567-00160973 solid green emerald it was opaque it was CBqktp7zt1E-00589-00160974-00161195 very still there was no movement CBqktp7zt1E-00590-00161196-00161501 and I asked where am I and they CBqktp7zt1E-00591-00161502-00161764 explained and that's when I saw my Life CBqktp7zt1E-00592-00161765-00162113 review they showed me that I was CBqktp7zt1E-00593-00162114-00162383 creating the dysfunction in my life with CBqktp7zt1E-00594-00162384-00162719 my emotions where they had been stuck in CBqktp7zt1E-00595-00162720-00163109 my life on issues on a belief perhaps or CBqktp7zt1E-00596-00163110-00163504 all my emotions how those had directed CBqktp7zt1E-00597-00163505-00163799 the energy to create the experiences I CBqktp7zt1E-00598-00163800-00164014 had and I knew in that moment that I had CBqktp7zt1E-00599-00164015-00164345 to go home and I had to detox detox my CBqktp7zt1E-00600-00164346-00164681 mind detox my emotions and learn about CBqktp7zt1E-00601-00164682-00164999 managing so that was that was how I CBqktp7zt1E-00602-00165000-00165328 found the next phase CBqktp7zt1E-00603-00165329-00165485 hmm CBqktp7zt1E-00604-00165486-00165743 So speaking of these guys well what what CBqktp7zt1E-00605-00165744-00165947 he got where they um you know where they CBqktp7zt1E-00606-00165948-00166201 were they Angels CBqktp7zt1E-00607-00166202-00166493 the best I can describe it is it felt CBqktp7zt1E-00608-00166494-00166787 like a light like a like an egg-shaped CBqktp7zt1E-00609-00166788-00167033 light and they didn't communicate like CBqktp7zt1E-00610-00167034-00167285 you and I it was through thought it was CBqktp7zt1E-00611-00167286-00167476 almost like the thought was in my head CBqktp7zt1E-00612-00167477-00167699 and I knew it wasn't me thinking it CBqktp7zt1E-00613-00167700-00167981 right it was just that that was the CBqktp7zt1E-00614-00167982-00168193 telepathic communication CBqktp7zt1E-00615-00168194-00168551 and um yeah so CBqktp7zt1E-00616-00168552-00168766 whether you know it could be argued that CBqktp7zt1E-00617-00168767-00169019 it was my higher self guiding me it CBqktp7zt1E-00618-00169020-00169283 could be argued that it was my angel or CBqktp7zt1E-00619-00169284-00169613 my guide but I didn't see it as wings or CBqktp7zt1E-00620-00169614-00169895 I didn't see it as Jesus or or anything CBqktp7zt1E-00621-00169896-00170152 like of that nature it was just a CBqktp7zt1E-00622-00170153-00170435 neutral wasn't a gender associated with CBqktp7zt1E-00623-00170436-00170573 it CBqktp7zt1E-00624-00170574-00170878 um it was just a neutral CBqktp7zt1E-00625-00170879-00171101 um absence of something that was CBqktp7zt1E-00626-00171102-00171383 ascending or CBqktp7zt1E-00627-00171384-00171766 um like masterful just knowing CBqktp7zt1E-00628-00171767-00172007 um the laws of the universe or CBqktp7zt1E-00629-00172008-00172414 guiding me to where I needed to go CBqktp7zt1E-00630-00172415-00172483 um CBqktp7zt1E-00631-00172484-00172871 no he was like you said you took a um CBqktp7zt1E-00632-00172872-00173297 you're smoking a joint what do you yeah CBqktp7zt1E-00633-00173298-00173376 um CBqktp7zt1E-00634-00173377-00174587 I understand you know people CBqktp7zt1E-00635-00174588-00174916 okay open up something open like like a CBqktp7zt1E-00636-00174917-00175295 portal into the ground so I wonder what CBqktp7zt1E-00637-00175296-00175547 what that joint maybe late or something CBqktp7zt1E-00638-00175548-00175769 well here's the deal we're never gonna CBqktp7zt1E-00639-00175770-00176063 know right it was 23 years ago but what CBqktp7zt1E-00640-00176064-00176321 I did do is I I initially thought I had CBqktp7zt1E-00641-00176322-00176566 a heart attack or or had a heart defect CBqktp7zt1E-00642-00176567-00176873 I mean that was my first go-to so um CBqktp7zt1E-00643-00176874-00177095 they confirmed that my bleeding my blood CBqktp7zt1E-00644-00177096-00177401 blood my heart stopped and my breathing CBqktp7zt1E-00645-00177402-00177695 stopped so I had nothing else to go by CBqktp7zt1E-00646-00177696-00177875 because I'm sure the hospital wouldn't CBqktp7zt1E-00647-00177876-00178114 have anything more than uh what do you CBqktp7zt1E-00648-00178115-00178409 call those uh heart measures CBqktp7zt1E-00649-00178410-00178781 so um coming back to the States I had a CBqktp7zt1E-00650-00178782-00179026 whole blood tests and and had a whole CBqktp7zt1E-00651-00179027-00179357 rundown and the doctor told me I was low CBqktp7zt1E-00652-00179358-00179669 on some amino acids and he goes he said CBqktp7zt1E-00653-00179670-00179890 Amira do you understand that more people CBqktp7zt1E-00654-00179891-00180185 die of dehydration than you would ever CBqktp7zt1E-00655-00180186-00180443 think and so it could have been the fact CBqktp7zt1E-00656-00180444-00180713 that I was dehydrated so that chemical CBqktp7zt1E-00657-00180714-00181013 reaction within the pot just knocked me CBqktp7zt1E-00658-00181014-00181288 completely out of my body CBqktp7zt1E-00659-00181289-00181528 um I am a sensitive to any kind of man CBqktp7zt1E-00660-00181529-00181804 men's uh net you know prescribed meds or CBqktp7zt1E-00661-00181805-00182057 any others so I know myself I know I CBqktp7zt1E-00662-00182058-00182326 can't really tolerate it now it may have CBqktp7zt1E-00663-00182327-00182531 been laced I don't think so I think it CBqktp7zt1E-00664-00182532-00182752 was just straight pot but real strong CBqktp7zt1E-00665-00182753-00183035 good Egyptian pot back in the 90s okay CBqktp7zt1E-00666-00183036-00183281 that was 1998 so CBqktp7zt1E-00667-00183282-00183557 now um CBqktp7zt1E-00668-00183558-00183971 what was I going to say about the um CBqktp7zt1E-00669-00183972-00184151 the drugs CBqktp7zt1E-00670-00184152-00184426 yeah and other people had said to me you CBqktp7zt1E-00671-00184427-00184643 know that was great hallucination and CBqktp7zt1E-00672-00184644-00184888 blah blah blah but it continued that was CBqktp7zt1E-00673-00184889-00185123 my argument to myself and you know all CBqktp7zt1E-00674-00185124-00185302 these years wondering what the hell CBqktp7zt1E-00675-00185303-00185459 happened to me you know I'm completely CBqktp7zt1E-00676-00185460-00185675 different and the spiritual CBqktp7zt1E-00677-00185676-00185902 transformation that I've I experienced CBqktp7zt1E-00678-00185903-00186221 from that moment so yeah my pineal gland CBqktp7zt1E-00679-00186222-00186538 was triggered and opened my Clairvoyance CBqktp7zt1E-00680-00186539-00186766 in fact I couldn't go that the reason CBqktp7zt1E-00681-00186767-00187073 why I started to isolate and close down CBqktp7zt1E-00682-00187074-00187378 and was depressed when I came home is CBqktp7zt1E-00683-00187379-00187625 because I was seeing things like I said CBqktp7zt1E-00684-00187626-00187852 other people couldn't see and I was CBqktp7zt1E-00685-00187853-00188093 overwhelmed I was freaked out and I CBqktp7zt1E-00686-00188094-00188243 couldn't go shopping I couldn't go to CBqktp7zt1E-00687-00188244-00188464 the market so CBqktp7zt1E-00688-00188465-00188707 um so that's pretty much what happened CBqktp7zt1E-00689-00188708-00188981 and it you know there's just so much to CBqktp7zt1E-00690-00188982-00189238 talk about here Harold but one thing I CBqktp7zt1E-00691-00189239-00189437 can tell you over the years as my CBqktp7zt1E-00692-00189438-00189678 psychic abilities have opened up and I I CBqktp7zt1E-00693-00189679-00189988 my Clairvoyance is open my clear CBqktp7zt1E-00694-00189989-00190223 audience is open my clear card this is CBqktp7zt1E-00695-00190224-00190426 and this is what I teach people because CBqktp7zt1E-00696-00190427-00190738 I believe every single person has these CBqktp7zt1E-00697-00190739-00190973 abilities we come pre-programmed you CBqktp7zt1E-00698-00190974-00191164 know it's our computer our software this CBqktp7zt1E-00699-00191165-00191321 is a little software CBqktp7zt1E-00700-00191322-00191590 I help people clear their energy CBqktp7zt1E-00701-00191591-00191873 channels so that those open now one CBqktp7zt1E-00702-00191874-00192185 thing I can say is many people that I've CBqktp7zt1E-00703-00192186-00192443 witnessed and worked with they may have CBqktp7zt1E-00704-00192444-00192725 like this one guy that I was recently CBqktp7zt1E-00705-00192726-00193013 talking to his name was um Charlie CBqktp7zt1E-00706-00193014-00193283 here where I live and he started having CBqktp7zt1E-00707-00193284-00193583 these mental breakdowns and the doctor CBqktp7zt1E-00708-00193584-00193997 diagnosed him as bipolar and borderline CBqktp7zt1E-00709-00193998-00194183 schizophrenic because he was seeing CBqktp7zt1E-00710-00194184-00194452 things and hearing things Etc CBqktp7zt1E-00711-00194453-00194693 so when we worked together I said to him CBqktp7zt1E-00712-00194694-00194885 I said CBqktp7zt1E-00713-00194886-00195197 and this guy's probably in his mid 50s I CBqktp7zt1E-00714-00195198-00195407 said I see drugs CBqktp7zt1E-00715-00195408-00195731 I see drug energy and I don't know how I CBqktp7zt1E-00716-00195732-00195988 see it Harold but I can just see where CBqktp7zt1E-00717-00195989-00196271 the energy centers get damaged CBqktp7zt1E-00718-00196272-00196547 and sometimes those portals get too wide CBqktp7zt1E-00719-00196548-00196738 open and that's when like me I was CBqktp7zt1E-00720-00196739-00196954 probably channeling everything and stuck CBqktp7zt1E-00721-00196955-00197176 on another dimension and I had to work CBqktp7zt1E-00722-00197177-00197440 to close it down but some people that CBqktp7zt1E-00723-00197441-00197675 have done damage to their energy field CBqktp7zt1E-00724-00197676-00197897 for their chakras CBqktp7zt1E-00725-00197898-00198304 um by doing extensive drugs they are CBqktp7zt1E-00726-00198305-00198640 screwed you know it it can only be fixed CBqktp7zt1E-00727-00198641-00198959 so far in most cases so in his case his CBqktp7zt1E-00728-00198960-00199337 his chakras his channels were wide open CBqktp7zt1E-00729-00199338-00199643 and uh then he we it's almost like a CBqktp7zt1E-00730-00199644-00199835 muscle or a sphincter you know they CBqktp7zt1E-00731-00199836-00199978 close and CBqktp7zt1E-00732-00199979-00200178 um certain vibrations we can control CBqktp7zt1E-00733-00200179-00200447 unconsciously and if that's sort of CBqktp7zt1E-00734-00200448-00200669 ripped open it's like a hole or a tear CBqktp7zt1E-00735-00200670-00200849 away tear CBqktp7zt1E-00736-00200850-00201264 um and there's like a Perpetual you know CBqktp7zt1E-00737-00201265-00201623 uh rotating door and these beings will CBqktp7zt1E-00738-00201624-00201845 come in and they hunt people CBqktp7zt1E-00739-00201846-00202054 and it's no different with a haunted CBqktp7zt1E-00740-00202055-00202259 house or CBqktp7zt1E-00741-00202260-00202547 um or you know a doll that's possessed CBqktp7zt1E-00742-00202548-00202876 there's portals and nothing is inanimate CBqktp7zt1E-00743-00202877-00203171 right we think a stone or these glasses CBqktp7zt1E-00744-00203172-00203500 or this desk are solid they're not CBqktp7zt1E-00745-00203501-00203699 they're Energies CBqktp7zt1E-00746-00203700-00203933 so things can permeate them and hook CBqktp7zt1E-00747-00203934-00204149 onto them and CBqktp7zt1E-00748-00204150-00204535 manipulate them CBqktp7zt1E-00749-00204536-00204823 speaking with um CBqktp7zt1E-00750-00204823-00205079 sharing her near-depth experience and CBqktp7zt1E-00751-00205080-00205282 you know and CBqktp7zt1E-00752-00205283-00205523 things what's going on on the other side CBqktp7zt1E-00753-00205523-00205732 and in CBqktp7zt1E-00754-00205733-00205936 yeah if you don't mind if you can touch CBqktp7zt1E-00755-00205937-00206098 on CBqktp7zt1E-00756-00206100-00206512 you know like see he's uh man like CBqktp7zt1E-00757-00206513-00206634 um CBqktp7zt1E-00758-00206635-00206981 you know some sometimes people say that CBqktp7zt1E-00759-00206982-00207388 I don't know so a video of a lady she CBqktp7zt1E-00760-00207389-00207605 was where she passed on she was like 97 CBqktp7zt1E-00761-00207606-00207958 but her her granddaughter was saying CBqktp7zt1E-00762-00207959-00208319 that since she was she was transitioning CBqktp7zt1E-00763-00208319-00208614 and she just kept calling for her mother CBqktp7zt1E-00764-00208615-00208990 and you know things that nature so CBqktp7zt1E-00765-00208991-00209225 so she was pretty much in the states CBqktp7zt1E-00766-00209226-00209381 where you were like CBqktp7zt1E-00767-00209382-00209453 um CBqktp7zt1E-00768-00209454-00209662 not quite CBqktp7zt1E-00769-00209663-00209891 but on the way of transitioning out of CBqktp7zt1E-00770-00209892-00210082 here but was able to CBqktp7zt1E-00771-00210083-00210317 I guess to see what she thought was a CBqktp7zt1E-00772-00210317-00210413 mother CBqktp7zt1E-00773-00210414-00210701 right well I think what happens is the CBqktp7zt1E-00774-00210702-00210941 veil is thinning and and you don't even CBqktp7zt1E-00775-00210942-00211217 have to be on your deathbed to see CBqktp7zt1E-00776-00211217-00211444 um our loved ones on the other side I CBqktp7zt1E-00777-00211446-00211637 think more and more people their own CBqktp7zt1E-00778-00211638-00211834 abilities to see like I was talking CBqktp7zt1E-00779-00211835-00212110 about is as we clear energy and also the CBqktp7zt1E-00780-00212111-00212344 energy on the planet and the universe is CBqktp7zt1E-00781-00212346-00212627 Shifting right now so many more people CBqktp7zt1E-00782-00212628-00212831 are starting to see things and know CBqktp7zt1E-00783-00212832-00213053 things and telepathically receive CBqktp7zt1E-00784-00213054-00213251 messages they don't know they don't CBqktp7zt1E-00785-00213252-00213455 understand and I've been saying this for CBqktp7zt1E-00786-00213456-00213658 probably 10 years now people are going CBqktp7zt1E-00787-00213659-00213869 to freak out because they won't know how CBqktp7zt1E-00788-00213869-00214144 to manage it kind of like me where I was CBqktp7zt1E-00789-00214146-00214348 when I first started I had to learn how CBqktp7zt1E-00790-00214350-00214589 to manage it we can shut it down and we CBqktp7zt1E-00791-00214590-00214792 can open it up we can also learn to CBqktp7zt1E-00792-00214794-00215063 manage it and use it like a smartphone CBqktp7zt1E-00793-00215064-00215392 duh you know we can we can have all of CBqktp7zt1E-00794-00215394-00215663 that information within ourselves CBqktp7zt1E-00795-00215664-00215837 um but you know I remember CBqktp7zt1E-00796-00215838-00216058 a dear friend of mine he was actually on CBqktp7zt1E-00797-00216059-00216323 his deathbed he was dying of AIDS and CBqktp7zt1E-00798-00216323-00216587 his sister and I were together he was at CBqktp7zt1E-00799-00216588-00216856 hospice and we knew the time was close CBqktp7zt1E-00800-00216857-00217121 and the hospice care worker called us CBqktp7zt1E-00801-00217121-00217282 and we were just in the other room down CBqktp7zt1E-00802-00217283-00217517 the hall and literally CBqktp7zt1E-00803-00217517-00217846 so he was getting ready she called us we CBqktp7zt1E-00804-00217848-00218110 came running down and he had just left CBqktp7zt1E-00805-00218111-00218351 he just took his last breath as we CBqktp7zt1E-00806-00218352-00218579 walked through the door so my friend was CBqktp7zt1E-00807-00218580-00218777 grieving over her brother and I was CBqktp7zt1E-00808-00218778-00218969 standing at the foot of the bed CBqktp7zt1E-00809-00218969-00219239 and I literally had this Vision first of CBqktp7zt1E-00810-00219240-00219508 all the light above his bed flashed CBqktp7zt1E-00811-00219509-00219767 and I was just kind of stunned I was in CBqktp7zt1E-00812-00219767-00220115 this very neutral tranquil CBqktp7zt1E-00813-00220116-00220510 Place total total Stillness my mind CBqktp7zt1E-00814-00220511-00220853 wasn't racing I wasn't anything and CBqktp7zt1E-00815-00220854-00221129 literally I saw him it was like he CBqktp7zt1E-00816-00221130-00221351 stepped in in my mind I saw him step CBqktp7zt1E-00817-00221352-00221644 into a cloud and he walked through that CBqktp7zt1E-00818-00221646-00222058 cloud and there were all his friends and CBqktp7zt1E-00819-00222059-00222317 family cheering for him and what was CBqktp7zt1E-00820-00222317-00222563 really funny is he was gay and he was he CBqktp7zt1E-00821-00222564-00222779 was a makeup artist from Hollywood and CBqktp7zt1E-00822-00222780-00222923 he was super CBqktp7zt1E-00823-00222923-00222996 um CBqktp7zt1E-00824-00222998-00223217 conscientious about how he dressed and CBqktp7zt1E-00825-00223217-00223696 he had this gray cap it was a camel um CBqktp7zt1E-00826-00223698-00223996 camel colored cashmere jacket like he CBqktp7zt1E-00827-00223998-00224242 was dressed to the nines right as he was CBqktp7zt1E-00828-00224244-00224423 greeting all his friends and he sort of CBqktp7zt1E-00829-00224423-00224789 sachet there into that space and and and CBqktp7zt1E-00830-00224790-00225101 and he he looked back and he could see CBqktp7zt1E-00831-00225102-00225353 his sister candy grieving over his body CBqktp7zt1E-00832-00225354-00225646 and and just like a tug of war like oh I CBqktp7zt1E-00833-00225648-00225815 don't want to leave her you know and CBqktp7zt1E-00834-00225816-00226079 then he went she'll get over it I mean CBqktp7zt1E-00835-00226080-00226313 and it was totally his personality he CBqktp7zt1E-00836-00226314-00226534 just kept on going oh she'll get over it CBqktp7zt1E-00837-00226535-00226744 and when I told her she just cracked up CBqktp7zt1E-00838-00226746-00227008 you know in between the tears she could CBqktp7zt1E-00839-00227009-00227279 she could totally see Brian doing that CBqktp7zt1E-00840-00227280-00227560 so that was really cool CBqktp7zt1E-00841-00227561-00227656 um CBqktp7zt1E-00842-00227657-00227789 yeah CBqktp7zt1E-00843-00227790-00227998 and it's funny too because people say to CBqktp7zt1E-00844-00228000-00228269 me well how come you know my husband CBqktp7zt1E-00845-00228269-00228496 isn't communicating with me CBqktp7zt1E-00846-00228498-00228803 or their loved one their you know spouse CBqktp7zt1E-00847-00228804-00228991 um CBqktp7zt1E-00848-00228992-00229315 and usually I find in the initial stages CBqktp7zt1E-00849-00229316-00229673 it's because you're so close to them CBqktp7zt1E-00850-00229673-00230015 that there's almost a resistance to the CBqktp7zt1E-00851-00230016-00230248 connection of the communication and CBqktp7zt1E-00852-00230250-00230537 that's why having a a spirit medium like CBqktp7zt1E-00853-00230538-00230867 myself can help bridge that that space CBqktp7zt1E-00854-00230867-00231046 But my own CBqktp7zt1E-00855-00231048-00231389 um ex husband took his own life CBqktp7zt1E-00856-00231390-00231582 um let's two and a half years ago now CBqktp7zt1E-00857-00231583-00232019 just at the end of covet and um well I CBqktp7zt1E-00858-00232019-00232187 don't know is it still going on some CBqktp7zt1E-00859-00232188-00232439 people's minds it is anyway he took his CBqktp7zt1E-00860-00232440-00232721 own life and so it was not only a shock CBqktp7zt1E-00861-00232721-00233087 to me but it was a it was hard for me he CBqktp7zt1E-00862-00233088-00233315 wasn't messaging he wasn't coming CBqktp7zt1E-00863-00233316-00233482 through like I would connect with CBqktp7zt1E-00864-00233483-00233873 somebody's grandmother and and I thought CBqktp7zt1E-00865-00233873-00233987 that was CBqktp7zt1E-00866-00233988-00234287 strange so what I do is when somebody CBqktp7zt1E-00867-00234288-00234532 takes their life and and they're stuck CBqktp7zt1E-00868-00234533-00234694 in this CBqktp7zt1E-00869-00234696-00234905 it's it's a still place they're not CBqktp7zt1E-00870-00234906-00235103 really going anywhere they don't go to CBqktp7zt1E-00871-00235104-00235469 the light they're just stuck and so I I CBqktp7zt1E-00872-00235469-00235703 give them a healing and connect them to CBqktp7zt1E-00873-00235704-00235931 the Supreme Being CBqktp7zt1E-00874-00235932-00236219 and it took time it was probably a good CBqktp7zt1E-00875-00236219-00236646 year and as he I don't know thought out CBqktp7zt1E-00876-00236648-00237005 he started realizing you know that there CBqktp7zt1E-00877-00237006-00237221 was something going on behind sides by CBqktp7zt1E-00878-00237221-00237377 the way he was agnostic he didn't CBqktp7zt1E-00879-00237378-00237581 believe in God even though he was raised CBqktp7zt1E-00880-00237582-00237875 Catholic and he had just a lot of stuff CBqktp7zt1E-00881-00237876-00238060 go on in his life that he shut it all CBqktp7zt1E-00882-00238061-00238181 off right CBqktp7zt1E-00883-00238182-00238313 so CBqktp7zt1E-00884-00238314-00238417 um actually CBqktp7zt1E-00885-00238417-00238637 surprisingly enough a couple months ago CBqktp7zt1E-00886-00238638-00238877 I'd just be walking down you know my CBqktp7zt1E-00887-00238878-00239141 path on my walk and all of a sudden I CBqktp7zt1E-00888-00239142-00239351 could hear him talking to me and he was CBqktp7zt1E-00889-00239352-00239615 giving me pictures and reminding me of CBqktp7zt1E-00890-00239616-00239782 some of the fun stuff that we did CBqktp7zt1E-00891-00239783-00240034 together and it was weird because he CBqktp7zt1E-00892-00240035-00240413 sort of had the the personality of a of CBqktp7zt1E-00893-00240414-00240671 a teenager or somebody in their 20s that CBqktp7zt1E-00894-00240671-00241001 was Cavalier or nonchalant it wasn't the CBqktp7zt1E-00895-00241002-00241253 guy that was way more serious when I met CBqktp7zt1E-00896-00241254-00241451 him you know so it was interesting CBqktp7zt1E-00897-00241452-00241703 because it was almost like his Spirit CBqktp7zt1E-00898-00241704-00242021 was warming up or waking up and showing CBqktp7zt1E-00899-00242021-00242284 me how much he loved me and how much he CBqktp7zt1E-00900-00242285-00242567 tried to really please me and where I CBqktp7zt1E-00901-00242567-00242789 was being a pain in the ass right and so CBqktp7zt1E-00902-00242790-00243077 it was it was a healing for me it was a CBqktp7zt1E-00903-00243078-00243334 healing for him as he was his Spirit was CBqktp7zt1E-00904-00243335-00243515 able to communicate with me it's really CBqktp7zt1E-00905-00243516-00243641 beautiful CBqktp7zt1E-00906-00243642-00244042 yeah it's okay let me ask about this I CBqktp7zt1E-00907-00244044-00244339 know you even said he um CBqktp7zt1E-00908-00244340-00244619 no one haunt people so CBqktp7zt1E-00909-00244619-00244948 do you think it's it's um it's possible CBqktp7zt1E-00910-00244950-00245201 you know sometimes you know like I said CBqktp7zt1E-00911-00245202-00245471 you know some people communicating with CBqktp7zt1E-00912-00245471-00245531 um CBqktp7zt1E-00913-00245532-00245717 a relative or something that's passed on CBqktp7zt1E-00914-00245717-00245992 how would they know that that's not a CBqktp7zt1E-00915-00245994-00246208 you know another Spirit that's that's CBqktp7zt1E-00916-00246209-00246323 fooling them CBqktp7zt1E-00917-00246323-00246551 is that that's disguised there well CBqktp7zt1E-00918-00246552-00246942 that's a great question too and um CBqktp7zt1E-00919-00246944-00247284 pardon me CBqktp7zt1E-00920-00247285-00247541 interesting all of a sudden I'm getting CBqktp7zt1E-00921-00247542-00248165 choked up CBqktp7zt1E-00922-00248166-00248410 oh boy that's that's a sign that CBqktp7zt1E-00923-00248411-00248698 somebody's trying to tell me something CBqktp7zt1E-00924-00248700-00248987 all right uh can you hear me okay yes CBqktp7zt1E-00925-00248988-00249239 ma'am okay great Harold CBqktp7zt1E-00926-00249240-00249323 um CBqktp7zt1E-00927-00249323-00249556 I'll tell you a story with a client that CBqktp7zt1E-00928-00249557-00249865 I just was connecting with the other day CBqktp7zt1E-00929-00249866-00250169 and I said you know I've got a CBqktp7zt1E-00930-00250169-00250487 grandmother here on your mother's side CBqktp7zt1E-00931-00250488-00250882 and she said well I didn't know her CBqktp7zt1E-00932-00250883-00251092 I said okay CBqktp7zt1E-00933-00251094-00251392 so I just left it at that and then this CBqktp7zt1E-00934-00251394-00251615 woman CBqktp7zt1E-00935-00251616-00251896 gave me a letter it was a card or an CBqktp7zt1E-00936-00251898-00252179 envelope it was sealed and she just CBqktp7zt1E-00937-00252180-00252310 showed me CBqktp7zt1E-00938-00252311-00252682 as she was giving her the envelope CBqktp7zt1E-00939-00252683-00252887 and she said CBqktp7zt1E-00940-00252888-00253313 this you'll understand in time CBqktp7zt1E-00941-00253314-00253439 and CBqktp7zt1E-00942-00253440-00253813 it'll explain everything CBqktp7zt1E-00943-00253814-00254087 and she said and I said it was like she CBqktp7zt1E-00944-00254088-00254332 knocked on your door slipped this little CBqktp7zt1E-00945-00254333-00254603 envelope into the mailbox and then CBqktp7zt1E-00946-00254604-00254777 turned around and walked down the steps CBqktp7zt1E-00947-00254778-00255491 and walked away CBqktp7zt1E-00948-00255492-00255742 Spirit often tickles my throat when CBqktp7zt1E-00949-00255744-00255869 they're trying to come through or CBqktp7zt1E-00950-00255869-00256073 somebody's trying to give me a message I CBqktp7zt1E-00951-00256073-00256271 think somebody listening to this has CBqktp7zt1E-00952-00256271-00256463 somebody that they're trying to connect CBqktp7zt1E-00953-00256464-00256681 to and they're starting to come through CBqktp7zt1E-00954-00256682-00256967 so what this my client said to me she CBqktp7zt1E-00955-00256967-00257201 goes Amira she goes we didn't know my CBqktp7zt1E-00956-00257202-00257542 mom's mum and we just found out that she CBqktp7zt1E-00957-00257544-00257771 had a different birth mother CBqktp7zt1E-00958-00257771-00258077 and nobody knew that it was another CBqktp7zt1E-00959-00258078-00258353 mother that her her adopted Mother CBqktp7zt1E-00960-00258354-00258563 wasn't her birth mother CBqktp7zt1E-00961-00258564-00258832 and she had passed away but they had CBqktp7zt1E-00962-00258833-00259073 just found some documents and started to CBqktp7zt1E-00963-00259073-00259294 understand and turns out that her her CBqktp7zt1E-00964-00259296-00259546 deceased grandmother was a psychic in CBqktp7zt1E-00965-00259548-00259858 San Francisco very famous and so she CBqktp7zt1E-00966-00259859-00260044 goes it makes perfect sense that she's CBqktp7zt1E-00967-00260046-00260273 trying to show me that I'm going to see CBqktp7zt1E-00968-00260273-00260429 and understand everything in the right CBqktp7zt1E-00969-00260430-00260706 time thank you CBqktp7zt1E-00970-00260707-00260863 oh CBqktp7zt1E-00971-00260864-00261125 boy I've never had a tickle like this on CBqktp7zt1E-00972-00261126-00261473 on an interview CBqktp7zt1E-00973-00261473-00261701 but yeah they can haunt us CBqktp7zt1E-00974-00261702-00261994 back to your your question is CBqktp7zt1E-00975-00261996-00262241 how do we know well I think first of all CBqktp7zt1E-00976-00262242-00262445 that it's like a chicken or egg thing CBqktp7zt1E-00977-00262446-00262691 but we have to find out and know our own CBqktp7zt1E-00978-00262692-00262810 energy CBqktp7zt1E-00979-00262811-00263063 if we don't know if some energy is CBqktp7zt1E-00980-00263064-00263405 interfering and causing us issues CBqktp7zt1E-00981-00263406-00263537 and how are we going to know we're CBqktp7zt1E-00982-00263538-00263908 haunted CBqktp7zt1E-00983-00263909-00264269 right like in my case I had to clear the CBqktp7zt1E-00984-00264270-00264551 dysfunction and the energy that of grief CBqktp7zt1E-00985-00264552-00264869 and and depression and limiting thoughts CBqktp7zt1E-00986-00264870-00265127 and beliefs when I started clearing my CBqktp7zt1E-00987-00265128-00265319 energy it's almost like a filter in a CBqktp7zt1E-00988-00265320-00265655 room you know if I burn some toast you CBqktp7zt1E-00989-00265656-00265913 can't see it you can sense it CBqktp7zt1E-00990-00265914-00266099 right and it's not until I put on the CBqktp7zt1E-00991-00266100-00266327 air filter or the air conditioner open CBqktp7zt1E-00992-00266328-00266579 the door and move that energy out that CBqktp7zt1E-00993-00266580-00266830 you still can't see CBqktp7zt1E-00994-00266831-00267106 right and and so it's like we have to CBqktp7zt1E-00995-00267107-00267437 refine ourselves to understand we are CBqktp7zt1E-00996-00267438-00267713 energy when we refine this mechanism CBqktp7zt1E-00997-00267714-00267995 then we'll be like this detector you CBqktp7zt1E-00998-00267996-00268229 know this little radar device will go oh CBqktp7zt1E-00999-00268230-00268432 all of a sudden I'm really grumpy what CBqktp7zt1E-01000-00268433-00268637 the hell happened some energy just came CBqktp7zt1E-01001-00268638-00268877 into me whoa CBqktp7zt1E-01002-00268878-00269219 and so that's happening all the time CBqktp7zt1E-01003-00269220-00269471 haven't you ever let's say you you were CBqktp7zt1E-01004-00269472-00269675 in a good mood and then you got on the CBqktp7zt1E-01005-00269676-00269887 phone with somebody and they're just CBqktp7zt1E-01006-00269888-00270203 and you get off the phone and go oh man CBqktp7zt1E-01007-00270204-00270437 it feels like someone just poured you CBqktp7zt1E-01008-00270438-00270755 know some crap all over me right and you CBqktp7zt1E-01009-00270756-00271006 feel really bad and that's because they CBqktp7zt1E-01010-00271007-00271199 poured their energy on you and they CBqktp7zt1E-01011-00271200-00271373 might have said some nice things CBqktp7zt1E-01012-00271374-00271625 but they had a bad day or it's their CBqktp7zt1E-01013-00271626-00271919 mother or their father's energy CBqktp7zt1E-01014-00271920-00272201 and again it's not to make mom and dads CBqktp7zt1E-01015-00272202-00272573 bad or evil but your energy Herald was CBqktp7zt1E-01016-00272574-00272765 designed your soul came into your CBqktp7zt1E-01017-00272766-00273065 physical body a mirror's Soul came into CBqktp7zt1E-01018-00273066-00273413 her body right and so my job as a spirit CBqktp7zt1E-01019-00273414-00273743 is to understand that it needs to belong CBqktp7zt1E-01020-00273744-00274163 in my body and I need to manage or clear CBqktp7zt1E-01021-00274164-00274415 out any other energies but with when CBqktp7zt1E-01022-00274416-00274673 we're born first thing all we know is CBqktp7zt1E-01023-00274674-00274829 our mother's energy CBqktp7zt1E-01024-00274830-00275117 we think it's us CBqktp7zt1E-01025-00275118-00275375 right because we are we are this pure CBqktp7zt1E-01026-00275376-00275705 soul of love and light we come in and CBqktp7zt1E-01027-00275706-00275908 we're into this human form and we just CBqktp7zt1E-01028-00275909-00276239 match the frequency we feel the love we CBqktp7zt1E-01029-00276240-00276545 feel the safety we feel protected we CBqktp7zt1E-01030-00276546-00276743 were born then we're matching our CBqktp7zt1E-01031-00276744-00277037 siblings energy we're match dad's energy CBqktp7zt1E-01032-00277038-00277573 we're programmed we are um CBqktp7zt1E-01033-00277574-00277793 we're literally CBqktp7zt1E-01034-00277794-00278039 um conditioned all through our life CBqktp7zt1E-01035-00278040-00278447 don't say this do this yes ma'am no CBqktp7zt1E-01036-00278448-00278675 ma'am yes and you can say this or you CBqktp7zt1E-01037-00278676-00278932 can't go here and you get and all of the CBqktp7zt1E-01038-00278933-00279143 yes they're here to guide us and protect CBqktp7zt1E-01039-00279144-00279571 us but what happens when we get puberty CBqktp7zt1E-01040-00279572-00279832 we start rebelling CBqktp7zt1E-01041-00279833-00280205 what we're trying to do is get back to CBqktp7zt1E-01042-00280206-00280432 our original Essence we're trying to CBqktp7zt1E-01043-00280433-00280858 figure out who that special someone is CBqktp7zt1E-01044-00280859-00281110 and to identify that's why you know CBqktp7zt1E-01045-00281111-00281441 teenagers dress weird you know dye their CBqktp7zt1E-01046-00281442-00281734 hair do you know braids all these things CBqktp7zt1E-01047-00281735-00281963 because we're trying to find our own CBqktp7zt1E-01048-00281964-00282365 identity that's our spirit calling to us CBqktp7zt1E-01049-00282366-00282610 and you know it's not until we get to CBqktp7zt1E-01050-00282611-00282971 like 16 or 17 we start to CBqktp7zt1E-01051-00282972-00283360 find our voice be our authentic self CBqktp7zt1E-01052-00283361-00283691 that's our spirit calling to us CBqktp7zt1E-01053-00283692-00284039 to follow a particular path CBqktp7zt1E-01054-00284040-00284284 and so we're we're we don't understand CBqktp7zt1E-01055-00284285-00284477 nobody taught us that we're energy CBqktp7zt1E-01056-00284478-00284591 beings CBqktp7zt1E-01057-00284592-00284860 but we have to learn to manage it CBqktp7zt1E-01058-00284861-00285155 monitor it right so if I'm possessed CBqktp7zt1E-01059-00285156-00285287 with somebody then I'm going to do bad CBqktp7zt1E-01060-00285288-00285551 things right CBqktp7zt1E-01061-00285552-00285730 or do things that aren't authentically CBqktp7zt1E-01062-00285731-00286060 aligned with a mirror and vice versa CBqktp7zt1E-01063-00286061-00286295 you know that's why when we drink or do CBqktp7zt1E-01064-00286296-00286523 drugs what happens is those portals open CBqktp7zt1E-01065-00286524-00286775 up and entities and beings they don't CBqktp7zt1E-01066-00286776-00287134 call them Spirits for nothing right they CBqktp7zt1E-01067-00287135-00287471 come in and they go Harold's not home CBqktp7zt1E-01068-00287472-00287710 let's party on because when you're CBqktp7zt1E-01069-00287711-00287975 drinking your spirit leaves that's why CBqktp7zt1E-01070-00287976-00288155 you feel so good you don't you're not CBqktp7zt1E-01071-00288156-00288355 attached to the pain CBqktp7zt1E-01072-00288356-00288610 so your spirit is hanging out outside CBqktp7zt1E-01073-00288611-00288797 your body CBqktp7zt1E-01074-00288798-00289073 and those spirits come in they go yeah CBqktp7zt1E-01075-00289074-00289289 this is this is what it's like to be a CBqktp7zt1E-01076-00289290-00289517 human let's experience this and they get CBqktp7zt1E-01077-00289518-00290015 us to do stupid things that we regret CBqktp7zt1E-01078-00290016-00290255 right isn't that sort of the story of CBqktp7zt1E-01079-00290256-00290429 what goes on CBqktp7zt1E-01080-00290430-00290832 it is CBqktp7zt1E-01081-00290833-00291173 speaking with um CBqktp7zt1E-01082-00291174-00291484 because one final thing for we um wrap CBqktp7zt1E-01083-00291485-00291682 this up so CBqktp7zt1E-01084-00291683-00292097 you know experiences of uh well I guess CBqktp7zt1E-01085-00292098-00292367 if you do your near-depth experience CBqktp7zt1E-01086-00292368-00292739 um did you have any Glimpse or any CBqktp7zt1E-01087-00292740-00293075 knowledge of Heaven or Hell CBqktp7zt1E-01088-00293076-00293291 you know why he was um out of your body CBqktp7zt1E-01089-00293292-00293525 that you may recall CBqktp7zt1E-01090-00293526-00293813 the Only Hell I had was when I entered CBqktp7zt1E-01091-00293814-00293945 into New York CBqktp7zt1E-01092-00293946-00294208 to the airport and that continued for CBqktp7zt1E-01093-00294209-00294491 you know the rest of the day CBqktp7zt1E-01094-00294492-00294725 and actually the nine months I was CBqktp7zt1E-01095-00294726-00294910 living in hell until I found out about CBqktp7zt1E-01096-00294911-00295187 my energy being stuck CBqktp7zt1E-01097-00295188-00295708 and that that was the hell and I think CBqktp7zt1E-01098-00295709-00296008 hell is here on Earth CBqktp7zt1E-01099-00296009-00296393 because when I was out of my body CBqktp7zt1E-01100-00296394-00296632 just the unconditional love and the CBqktp7zt1E-01101-00296633-00296860 peace and the Bliss and the power CBqktp7zt1E-01102-00296861-00297197 that we are as Spirits I never felt that CBqktp7zt1E-01103-00297198-00297395 there was CBqktp7zt1E-01104-00297396-00297677 the demons in our minds or the CBqktp7zt1E-01105-00297678-00298025 restrictions and the the limits and the CBqktp7zt1E-01106-00298026-00298379 suffering is is a result of our lack of CBqktp7zt1E-01107-00298380-00298655 awareness and um CBqktp7zt1E-01108-00298656-00298979 lack of ability to manage the energy CBqktp7zt1E-01109-00298980-00299334 foreign CBqktp7zt1E-01110-00299335-00299669 it's my interpretation I I felt like CBqktp7zt1E-01111-00299670-00300017 heaven was also a realm of bliss CBqktp7zt1E-01112-00300018-00300155 love CBqktp7zt1E-01113-00300156-00300299 peace CBqktp7zt1E-01114-00300300-00300484 and knowing CBqktp7zt1E-01115-00300485-00300682 and being connected CBqktp7zt1E-01116-00300683-00301001 to all CBqktp7zt1E-01117-00301002-00301543 okay CBqktp7zt1E-01118-00301544-00301780 I do appreciate you for taking the time CBqktp7zt1E-01119-00301781-00302027 out to you know share your you share CBqktp7zt1E-01120-00302028-00302293 your experience and um CBqktp7zt1E-01121-00302294-00302519 you got several books there but before CBqktp7zt1E-01122-00302520-00302723 we get out of here because you you want CBqktp7zt1E-01123-00302724-00302939 to tell the people how they can get some CBqktp7zt1E-01124-00302940-00303167 of your material or how we got a website CBqktp7zt1E-01125-00303168-00303523 or how they make people to um CBqktp7zt1E-01126-00303524-00303797 absolutely thank you Harold I would like CBqktp7zt1E-01127-00303798-00304099 to invite people to visit my website CBqktp7zt1E-01128-00304100-00304432 and I think you can put my CBqktp7zt1E-01129-00304433-00304877 the URL in the show notes CBqktp7zt1E-01130-00304878-00305034 um but it's CBqktp7zt1E-01131-00305035-00305365 a-m-i-r-a-h and then Hall CBqktp7zt1E-01132-00305366-00305687 and I'd like to invite you CBqktp7zt1E-01133-00305688-00305867 if you have some questions or if you'd CBqktp7zt1E-01134-00305868-00306119 like to learn about clearing your energy CBqktp7zt1E-01135-00306120-00306449 you know I I accept calls so you can CBqktp7zt1E-01136-00306450-00306695 book a call with me you can get my book CBqktp7zt1E-01137-00306696-00307006 books all on Amazon manifesting Miracles CBqktp7zt1E-01138-00307007-00307397 101 is is the guidebook that I use for CBqktp7zt1E-01139-00307398-00307715 mentoring my clients and I have a book CBqktp7zt1E-01140-00307716-00308027 called love up your life that gives you CBqktp7zt1E-01141-00308028-00308356 steps to creating love in your life CBqktp7zt1E-01142-00308357-00308573 whether it's a love relationship or just CBqktp7zt1E-01143-00308574-00308945 loving yourself everything in between CBqktp7zt1E-01144-00308946-00309245 so those are the the two highlights and CBqktp7zt1E-01145-00309246-00309425 uh the latest one was the essential CBqktp7zt1E-01146-00309426-00309695 guide to Spiritual Awakening I've got a CBqktp7zt1E-01147-00309696-00309880 YouTube channel you can check me out at CBqktp7zt1E-01148-00309881-00310258 Amira Hall and I'm live all weekday CBqktp7zt1E-01149-00310259-00310606 every weekday at 11 A.M Eastern so love CBqktp7zt1E-01150-00310607-00310926 to see you there CBqktp7zt1E-01151-00310927-00311167 [Music] CBqktp7zt1E-01152-00311168-00311506 I wanted to give a gift I wanted to give CBqktp7zt1E-01153-00311507-00311753 a gift called stress Buster it's a CBqktp7zt1E-01154-00311754-00312017 guided visualization to help people CBqktp7zt1E-01155-00312018-00312317 start to clear out those energy blocks CBqktp7zt1E-01156-00312318-00312508 you don't have to know where they are or CBqktp7zt1E-01157-00312509-00312725 you can be just feeling like something's CBqktp7zt1E-01158-00312726-00313099 not working and it's and you go to CBqktp7zt1E-01159-00313100-00313510 forward slash stress s CBqktp7zt1E-01160-00313511-00313960 t r e s and S as in Zam Dash buster CBqktp7zt1E-01161-00313961-00314147 b-u-s-t-e-r CBqktp7zt1E-01162-00314148-00314369 so you can it's like an energy shower CBqktp7zt1E-01163-00314370-00314537 and just start feeling good no matter CBqktp7zt1E-01164-00314538-00314753 where you're at and what's going on we CBqktp7zt1E-01165-00314754-00315041 all need it these days CBqktp7zt1E-01166-00315042-00315395 oh yes CBqktp7zt1E-01167-00315396-00315671 I think a mirror hall for joining me CBqktp7zt1E-01168-00315672-00315910 today and I really appreciate you taking CBqktp7zt1E-01169-00315911-00316079 the time to CBqktp7zt1E-01170-00316080-00316343 share your knowledge of your experience CBqktp7zt1E-01171-00316344-00316595 that won't happen only your experience CBqktp7zt1E-01172-00316596-00316906 again I think before tuning in and CBqktp7zt1E-01173-00316907-00317147 those users CBqktp7zt1E-01174-00317148-00317393 um maybe listening to this CBqktp7zt1E-01175-00317394-00317747 in the future whatever I hope you got CBqktp7zt1E-01176-00317748-00317980 some out of it you know tune in until CBqktp7zt1E-01177-00317981-00318106 next time CBqktp7zt1E-01178-00318107-00318428 God bless you all CD7m1qMly5M-00000-00000058-00000248 champions as a role-playing game CD7m1qMly5M-00001-00000249-00000463 published by hero games designed to CD7m1qMly5M-00002-00000465-00000649 simulate and function in a four color CD7m1qMly5M-00003-00000650-00000928 superhero comic book world it was CD7m1qMly5M-00004-00000930-00001150 originally created by George MacDonald CD7m1qMly5M-00005-00001151-00001352 and Steve Peterson in collaboration with CD7m1qMly5M-00006-00001353-00001642 Rob Bell Bruce Harlech and Ray Greer the CD7m1qMly5M-00007-00001643-00001880 latest edition of the game uses the CD7m1qMly5M-00008-00001880-00002087 sixth edition of the hero system as CD7m1qMly5M-00009-00002088-00002302 revised by Steve long and was written by CD7m1qMly5M-00010-00002303-00002551 Aaron Alston it was released in early CD7m1qMly5M-00011-00002552-00003105 2010 CD7m1qMly5M-00012-00003106-00003459 topic description CD7m1qMly5M-00013-00003460-00003631 you CD7m1qMly5M-00014-00003632-00003954 champions first published in 1981 was CD7m1qMly5M-00015-00003956-00004219 inspired by superhero 2044 and the CD7m1qMly5M-00016-00004220-00004381 fantasy trip as one of the first CD7m1qMly5M-00017-00004382-00004561 published role-playing games in which CD7m1qMly5M-00018-00004562-00004744 character generation was based on a CD7m1qMly5M-00019-00004745-00004957 point by system instead of random dice CD7m1qMly5M-00020-00004958-00005251 rolls a player decides what kind of CD7m1qMly5M-00021-00005252-00005428 character to play and designs the CD7m1qMly5M-00022-00005429-00005584 character using a set number of CD7m1qMly5M-00023-00005585-00006007 character points often abbreviated as CP CD7m1qMly5M-00024-00006008-00006268 the limited number of character points CD7m1qMly5M-00025-00006269-00006454 generally defines how powerful the CD7m1qMly5M-00026-00006455-00006715 character will be points can be used in CD7m1qMly5M-00027-00006716-00006879 many ways to increase personal CD7m1qMly5M-00028-00006880-00007093 characteristics such as strength or CD7m1qMly5M-00029-00007094-00007333 intelligence to buy special skills such CD7m1qMly5M-00030-00007334-00007537 as martial arts or computer programming CD7m1qMly5M-00031-00007538-00007717 or to build super powers such as CD7m1qMly5M-00032-00007718-00007995 supersonic flight or telepathy this CD7m1qMly5M-00033-00007997-00008152 point system was praised by reviewers CD7m1qMly5M-00034-00008153-00008362 for the balance it gave character CD7m1qMly5M-00035-00008363-00008551 generation over random dice rolls CD7m1qMly5M-00036-00008552-00008782 players are required not only to design CD7m1qMly5M-00037-00008783-00008989 a hero's powers but also the hero's CD7m1qMly5M-00038-00008990-00009238 skills disadvantages and other traits CD7m1qMly5M-00039-00009239-00009520 thus champions characters are built with CD7m1qMly5M-00040-00009521-00009724 friends enemies and weaknesses CD7m1qMly5M-00041-00009725-00009901 along with powers and abilities with CD7m1qMly5M-00042-00009902-00010111 varying scales of character point value CD7m1qMly5M-00043-00010112-00010387 for each this design approach intends to CD7m1qMly5M-00044-00010388-00010558 make all the facets of champions CD7m1qMly5M-00045-00010559-00010746 characters balanced in relation to each CD7m1qMly5M-00046-00010747-00010921 other regardless of the specific CD7m1qMly5M-00047-00010922-00011124 abilities and character features CD7m1qMly5M-00048-00011125-00011332 characters are rewarded with more CD7m1qMly5M-00049-00011333-00011500 character points after each adventure CD7m1qMly5M-00050-00011501-00011656 which are then used to buy more CD7m1qMly5M-00051-00011657-00012384 abilities or eliminate disadvantages CD7m1qMly5M-00052-00012385-00012887 topic the system CD7m1qMly5M-00053-00012888-00013147 players can design custom superpowers CD7m1qMly5M-00054-00013149-00013388 using the champions rule system rather CD7m1qMly5M-00055-00013388-00013607 than offering a menu of specific powers CD7m1qMly5M-00056-00013608-00013819 champions powers are defined by their CD7m1qMly5M-00057-00013821-00014027 effects an energy blast is the same CD7m1qMly5M-00058-00014028-00014180 power regardless of whether it CD7m1qMly5M-00059-00014181-00014399 represents a laser beam ice powers or CD7m1qMly5M-00060-00014400-00014627 mystical spells the champions rulebook CD7m1qMly5M-00061-00014628-00014843 includes rules governing many different CD7m1qMly5M-00062-00014844-00015026 types of generic powers which can then CD7m1qMly5M-00063-00015027-00015329 be modified to fit the players idea this CD7m1qMly5M-00064-00015330-00015506 allows players to simulate situations CD7m1qMly5M-00065-00015507-00015806 found in superhero stories like most CD7m1qMly5M-00066-00015807-00016007 comic book heroes characters and CD7m1qMly5M-00067-00016008-00016163 villains are frequently knocked out of CD7m1qMly5M-00068-00016163-00016397 the fight but seldom killed there are CD7m1qMly5M-00069-00016398-00016622 special rules for throwing heavy objects CD7m1qMly5M-00070-00016623-00017218 like aircraft carriers CD7m1qMly5M-00071-00017219-00017793 topic history and other genres CD7m1qMly5M-00072-00017794-00018135 see also list of heroes system products CD7m1qMly5M-00073-00018136-00018418 the champions system was adapted to a CD7m1qMly5M-00074-00018419-00018646 fantasy genre under the title fantasy CD7m1qMly5M-00075-00018647-00018856 hero the first play test edition of CD7m1qMly5M-00076-00018857-00019084 fantasy hero appeared before champions CD7m1qMly5M-00077-00019085-00019246 was published with similar advantages CD7m1qMly5M-00078-00019247-00019456 and disadvantages to the original CD7m1qMly5M-00079-00019457-00019807 champions game in 1984 the rules for CD7m1qMly5M-00080-00019808-00019996 champions began being adapted into CD7m1qMly5M-00081-00019997-00020218 generic role-playing game system called CD7m1qMly5M-00082-00020219-00020434 the hero system although no formal and CD7m1qMly5M-00083-00020435-00020614 separate generic release of this as a CD7m1qMly5M-00084-00020615-00020881 standalone system would occur until 1990 CD7m1qMly5M-00085-00020882-00021064 and stead the champions rules would be CD7m1qMly5M-00086-00021065-00021268 edited down expanded and otherwise CD7m1qMly5M-00087-00021269-00021487 adapted on an individual basis for a CD7m1qMly5M-00088-00021488-00021685 variety of different genre treatments CD7m1qMly5M-00089-00021686-00021912 such as pulp and modern espionage CD7m1qMly5M-00090-00021913-00022183 champions now exists as a genre source CD7m1qMly5M-00091-00022184-00022414 book for the hero system books for other CD7m1qMly5M-00092-00022415-00022630 genres have also appeared over the years CD7m1qMly5M-00093-00022631-00022903 including star hero Dark champions pulp CD7m1qMly5M-00094-00022904-00023552 hero and ninja hero CD7m1qMly5M-00095-00023553-00024205 topic character archetypes and designs CD7m1qMly5M-00096-00024206-00024551 you CD7m1qMly5M-00097-00024552-00025045 topic archetypes CD7m1qMly5M-00098-00025046-00025388 you CD7m1qMly5M-00099-00025389-00025925 topic the champions team CD7m1qMly5M-00100-00025926-00026266 you CD7m1qMly5M-00101-00026267-00026737 topic setting CD7m1qMly5M-00102-00026738-00026957 much of the game is set in millenium CD7m1qMly5M-00103-00026958-00027202 city after its destruction by doctor CD7m1qMly5M-00104-00027203-00027421 destroyer Detroit was rebuilt using the CD7m1qMly5M-00105-00027422-00028094 newest technologies and renamed CD7m1qMly5M-00106-00028095-00028640 topic hero comics CD7m1qMly5M-00107-00028641-00028977 starting in June 1986 a comic miniseries CD7m1qMly5M-00108-00028978-00029232 was published by eclipse comics based on CD7m1qMly5M-00109-00029233-00029400 characters from the first champions CD7m1qMly5M-00110-00029401-00029682 campaign after the initial miniseries a CD7m1qMly5M-00111-00029683-00029889 regular series was published by hero CD7m1qMly5M-00112-00029890-00030141 comics later hero graphics later still CD7m1qMly5M-00113-00030142-00030405 heroic publishing like the villains and CD7m1qMly5M-00114-00030406-00030636 vigilantes comic miniseries the early CD7m1qMly5M-00115-00030637-00030819 issues printed character sheets which CD7m1qMly5M-00116-00030820-00030966 allowed readers to incorporate CD7m1qMly5M-00117-00030967-00031164 characters used in the comic books in CD7m1qMly5M-00118-00031165-00031440 their own champions campaigns heroic CD7m1qMly5M-00119-00031441-00031629 publishing still prints comics about CD7m1qMly5M-00120-00031630-00031863 some of the characters in 2007 although CD7m1qMly5M-00121-00031864-00032031 they have long since parted ways with CD7m1qMly5M-00122-00032032-00032652 the makers of the game CD7m1qMly5M-00123-00032654-00033280 topic MMORPG CD7m1qMly5M-00124-00033281-00033454 a massively multiplayer online CD7m1qMly5M-00125-00033455-00033694 role-playing game based on the license CD7m1qMly5M-00126-00033695-00033910 was announced by cryptic Studios who had CD7m1qMly5M-00127-00033911-00034126 developed the popular City of Heroes and CD7m1qMly5M-00128-00034127-00034300 then reinvented Marvel Universe Online CD7m1qMly5M-00129-00034301-00034573 to Marvel heroes the game was released CD7m1qMly5M-00130-00034574-00034876 in September 2009 the game takes place CD7m1qMly5M-00131-00034877-00035092 in the established champions universe CD7m1qMly5M-00132-00035093-00035302 and features classic champions heroes CD7m1qMly5M-00133-00035303-00035948 and villains as NPCs CD7m1qMly5M-00134-00035949-00036467 topic reception CD7m1qMly5M-00135-00036468-00036715 Aaron Alston reviewed champions in the CD7m1qMly5M-00136-00036716-00036899 space gamer number 43 CD7m1qMly5M-00137-00036900-00037162 Alston commented that if the subject CD7m1qMly5M-00138-00037163-00037298 matter interests you CD7m1qMly5M-00139-00037299-00037468 I'd wholeheartedly recommend this CD7m1qMly5M-00140-00037469-00037840 product champions was ranked 27th in the CD7m1qMly5M-00141-00037841-00038143 1996 reader poll of arcane magazine to CD7m1qMly5M-00142-00038144-00038315 determine the 50 most popular CD7m1qMly5M-00143-00038316-00038596 role-playing games of all time the UK CD7m1qMly5M-00144-00038597-00038783 magazines editor Paul pettingell CD7m1qMly5M-00145-00038784-00039046 commented it wasn't the first superhero CD7m1qMly5M-00146-00039047-00039346 RPG and it never had licensed links to CD7m1qMly5M-00147-00039347-00039574 any big-name comics but it's still the CD7m1qMly5M-00148-00039575-00039908 classic of the genre it popularized the CD7m1qMly5M-00149-00039909-00040142 now commonplace points design approach CD7m1qMly5M-00150-00040143-00040382 to character creation in fact it's CD7m1qMly5M-00151-00040383-00040621 probably the most flexible detailed CD7m1qMly5M-00152-00040622-00040877 points-based system ever which makes it CD7m1qMly5M-00153-00040878-00041074 rather overwhelming for some new players CD7m1qMly5M-00154-00041075-00041411 and combat can be a little slow but once CD7m1qMly5M-00155-00041412-00041606 you've learned how to use it no other CD7m1qMly5M-00156-00041607-00041821 game catches the feeling of superhero CD7m1qMly5M-00157-00041822-00042137 action in quite the same way game CD7m1qMly5M-00158-00042138-00042314 designer Bill bridges described CD7m1qMly5M-00159-00042315-00042512 champions as the superhero role-playing CD7m1qMly5M-00160-00042513-00042761 game while it wasn't the first game on CD7m1qMly5M-00161-00042762-00042977 the market that let you play superheroes CD7m1qMly5M-00162-00042978-00043133 and duke it out with super villains CD7m1qMly5M-00163-00043134-00043358 using earth-shattering powers it was the CD7m1qMly5M-00164-00043359-00043604 most innovative the major role-playing CD7m1qMly5M-00165-00043605-00043802 games of the time involved characters CD7m1qMly5M-00166-00043803-00044027 stocky monsters and dungeons the heroes CD7m1qMly5M-00167-00044028-00044252 in champions delivered knockout blows to CD7m1qMly5M-00168-00044253-00044471 arch-nemesis all while speaking the CD7m1qMly5M-00169-00044472-00044743 requisite inspiring soliloquies the CD7m1qMly5M-00170-00044744-00044927 champions product line has won awards CD7m1qMly5M-00171-00044928-00045262 for the following adventure books silver CD7m1qMly5M-00172-00045263-00045533 medal 2005 Emmys best adventure for CD7m1qMly5M-00173-00045534-00045874 villainy amuck gold medal 2004 Annie's CD7m1qMly5M-00174-00045875-00046148 best Nandi 20 adventure for champions CD7m1qMly5M-00175-00046149-00046535 battlegrounds silver medal 2004 any's CD7m1qMly5M-00176-00046536-00046796 best Nandi 20 adventure for shades of CD7m1qMly5M-00177-00046797-00047105 black inducted into the origins Awards CD7m1qMly5M-00178-00047106-00047563 adventure gaming Hall of Fame 1999 CFzJdbuo3qM-00000-00000032-00000295 what's going on guys danny lanier lawn CFzJdbuo3qM-00001-00000296-00000399 care today CFzJdbuo3qM-00002-00000400-00000695 we are going to give you a pretty good CFzJdbuo3qM-00003-00000696-00000958 leaf clean up video CFzJdbuo3qM-00004-00000959-00001183 probably not going to be real time CFzJdbuo3qM-00005-00001184-00001343 there's so much here CFzJdbuo3qM-00006-00001344-00001582 probably just going to take it and roll CFzJdbuo3qM-00007-00001583-00001647 with it CFzJdbuo3qM-00008-00001648-00001998 but if you can see behind me here CFzJdbuo3qM-00009-00002000-00002350 then this is exactly this is just a ton CFzJdbuo3qM-00010-00002351-00002415 of leaves CFzJdbuo3qM-00011-00002416-00002631 a ton of leaves we'll show you some CFzJdbuo3qM-00012-00002632-00002839 footage of this real quick CFzJdbuo3qM-00013-00002840-00003063 while i'm talking about this not sure CFzJdbuo3qM-00014-00003064-00003199 how long this is going to take but CFzJdbuo3qM-00015-00003200-00003406 there's quite a bit of leaves back here CFzJdbuo3qM-00016-00003407-00003686 to pick up so because of that we are CFzJdbuo3qM-00017-00003688-00003838 going to CFzJdbuo3qM-00018-00003839-00004151 get started on this uh i'm just helping CFzJdbuo3qM-00019-00004152-00004231 a couple guys CFzJdbuo3qM-00020-00004232-00004463 i'm getting footage for y'all so let's CFzJdbuo3qM-00021-00004464-00004591 get this rolling CFzJdbuo3qM-00022-00004592-00004879 and get this thing cleaned up so let's CFzJdbuo3qM-00023-00004880-00006431 get started CFzJdbuo3qM-00025-00010470-00010487 [Applause] CFzJdbuo3qM-00026-00010488-00013316 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00027-00013318-00013441 [Applause] CFzJdbuo3qM-00029-00018180-00019683 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00030-00019684-00019855 do CFzJdbuo3qM-00031-00019856-00020824 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00032-00020825-00021370 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00034-00026569-00028352 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00035-00028354-00028383 [Applause] CFzJdbuo3qM-00036-00028383-00029827 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00037-00029827-00030660 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00038-00030661-00032083 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00039-00032083-00032262 [Applause] CFzJdbuo3qM-00040-00032263-00033774 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00041-00033775-00033896 foreign CFzJdbuo3qM-00042-00033897-00034888 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00043-00034889-00035513 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00044-00035514-00035923 [Applause] CFzJdbuo3qM-00045-00035924-00036483 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00046-00036484-00036830 oh CFzJdbuo3qM-00047-00036831-00039549 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00048-00039550-00039626 [Applause] CFzJdbuo3qM-00049-00039627-00040683 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00050-00040684-00042013 so CFzJdbuo3qM-00051-00042014-00044883 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00052-00044884-00045095 so CFzJdbuo3qM-00053-00045096-00046373 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00054-00046374-00046383 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00055-00046384-00046494 [Applause] CFzJdbuo3qM-00056-00046495-00047683 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00057-00047684-00047979 so CFzJdbuo3qM-00058-00047980-00049083 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00059-00049084-00049495 do CFzJdbuo3qM-00060-00049496-00052436 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00061-00052437-00052580 [Applause] CFzJdbuo3qM-00062-00052582-00053746 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00064-00057483-00057664 do CFzJdbuo3qM-00065-00057665-00058498 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00066-00058499-00058646 [Applause] CFzJdbuo3qM-00067-00058647-00059809 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00068-00059810-00062091 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00069-00062092-00064069 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00070-00064070-00064936 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00071-00064937-00067282 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00072-00067283-00067533 so CFzJdbuo3qM-00073-00067534-00068474 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00074-00068475-00068682 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00075-00068683-00068797 so CFzJdbuo3qM-00076-00068798-00070082 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00077-00070083-00070731 so CFzJdbuo3qM-00079-00078943-00079882 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00080-00079883-00080264 do CFzJdbuo3qM-00081-00080265-00080943 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00082-00080944-00082831 all right guys here's a little after CFzJdbuo3qM-00083-00082832-00084094 you remember the big pile there CFzJdbuo3qM-00084-00084095-00084294 all right guys that's gonna do it for CFzJdbuo3qM-00085-00084295-00084447 this one CFzJdbuo3qM-00086-00084448-00084703 if you like what you saw then don't CFzJdbuo3qM-00087-00084704-00084871 forget to smash that subscribe button we CFzJdbuo3qM-00088-00084872-00085055 got more videos coming your way CFzJdbuo3qM-00089-00085056-00085853 i will see you soon CFzJdbuo3qM-00090-00085854-00086596 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00091-00086597-00087255 [Music] CFzJdbuo3qM-00092-00087256-00087463 you CG-U8uMLSNg-00000-00000003-00000209 hey everybody my name is Kim Seaver CG-U8uMLSNg-00001-00000210-00000437 welcome back to my channel in today's CG-U8uMLSNg-00002-00000438-00000614 video I'm departing for my regular CG-U8uMLSNg-00003-00000615-00000794 format of expressing my thoughts on the CG-U8uMLSNg-00004-00000795-00000956 topic in under five minutes CG-U8uMLSNg-00005-00000957-00001291 today I'm doing a response video on the CG-U8uMLSNg-00006-00001292-00001601 25th of July in 2019 the left bridge CG-U8uMLSNg-00007-00001602-00001880 based bridge city news published a video CG-U8uMLSNg-00008-00001880-00002101 on their YouTube channel titled gender CG-U8uMLSNg-00009-00002102-00002350 dysphoria explained doctor and gillies CG-U8uMLSNg-00010-00002351-00002710 guessed in it bridge city News's anchor CG-U8uMLSNg-00011-00002711-00002935 and news director Hal Roberts interviews CG-U8uMLSNg-00012-00002936-00003238 dr. Ann gillies and provides what she CG-U8uMLSNg-00013-00003239-00003479 calls professional Christian counseling CG-U8uMLSNg-00014-00003479-00003749 in rural Ontario she has a PhD in CG-U8uMLSNg-00015-00003750-00003997 counseling from Liberty University a CG-U8uMLSNg-00016-00003998-00004204 private Christian University in the CG-U8uMLSNg-00017-00004205-00004486 United States her PhD research which was CG-U8uMLSNg-00018-00004487-00004820 published in 2014 was collecting what CG-U8uMLSNg-00019-00004821-00005063 she calls the attachment histories of CG-U8uMLSNg-00020-00005064-00005281 Christian men experiencing same-sex CG-U8uMLSNg-00021-00005282-00005527 attraction and who are currently CG-U8uMLSNg-00022-00005528-00005761 attending or have previously attended CG-U8uMLSNg-00023-00005762-00005975 counseling for same-sex attraction CG-U8uMLSNg-00024-00005976-00006284 difficulties she's published no CG-U8uMLSNg-00025-00006285-00006488 peer-reviewed research outside of her CG-U8uMLSNg-00026-00006489-00006676 dissertation at a Christian University CG-U8uMLSNg-00027-00006677-00006998 certainly nothing on gender dysphoria so CG-U8uMLSNg-00028-00006998-00007217 it's curious that al chose her as the CG-U8uMLSNg-00029-00007218-00007414 so-called expert in what he referred to CG-U8uMLSNg-00030-00007415-00007670 on Twitter as a healthy discussion CG-U8uMLSNg-00031-00007670-00007895 representing both sides of conversion CG-U8uMLSNg-00032-00007895-00008159 therapy I'm not sure he'll understands CG-U8uMLSNg-00033-00008159-00008471 what conversion therapy is okay maybe I CG-U8uMLSNg-00034-00008472-00008746 actually have an idea why after all CG-U8uMLSNg-00035-00008747-00008912 bridge city news is funded by the CG-U8uMLSNg-00036-00008913-00009203 miracle channel a Christian TV station CG-U8uMLSNg-00037-00009204-00009346 so it probably shouldn't be that CG-U8uMLSNg-00038-00009347-00009521 surprising that they're interviewing a CG-U8uMLSNg-00039-00009522-00009856 Christian pastor who got her PhD at a CG-U8uMLSNg-00040-00009857-00010088 Christian University interviewing CG-U8uMLSNg-00041-00010089-00010430 Christian gay men maybe Paul McHugh was CG-U8uMLSNg-00042-00010431-00010717 unavailable anyhow in this video I'm CG-U8uMLSNg-00043-00010718-00010871 gonna review the discussion between Hal CG-U8uMLSNg-00044-00010872-00011078 and pointing out problematic things both CG-U8uMLSNg-00045-00011079-00011312 of them say I know this is a departure CG-U8uMLSNg-00046-00011313-00011492 from my usual format but I hope some CG-U8uMLSNg-00047-00011493-00012130 people find it useful let's get into it CG-U8uMLSNg-00048-00012131-00012349 the number of children who believe they CG-U8uMLSNg-00049-00012350-00012491 have been born into the wrong gender is CG-U8uMLSNg-00050-00012492-00012695 on the increase right from the opening CG-U8uMLSNg-00051-00012696-00012908 sentence we can tell that this is going CG-U8uMLSNg-00052-00012909-00013121 to be a biased interview and as you will CG-U8uMLSNg-00053-00013122-00013363 see later held as little to suppress CG-U8uMLSNg-00054-00013365-00013585 objectivity and personal prejudices CG-U8uMLSNg-00055-00013586-00013805 referring to trans people as simply CG-U8uMLSNg-00056-00013806-00013985 those who believe something is CG-U8uMLSNg-00057-00013986-00014252 dismissive it dismisses the reality of CG-U8uMLSNg-00058-00014253-00014536 being transgender they assume being CG-U8uMLSNg-00059-00014537-00014725 transgender is simply just a matter of CG-U8uMLSNg-00060-00014726-00014947 belief something akin to thinking it's CG-U8uMLSNg-00061-00014948-00015233 wrong to put pineapple on pizza and if CG-U8uMLSNg-00062-00015234-00015425 something is just a belief it could CG-U8uMLSNg-00063-00015426-00015631 change their those who believe this is CG-U8uMLSNg-00064-00015632-00015797 good there also many in the medical CG-U8uMLSNg-00065-00015797-00016084 community who believes it is a fact very CG-U8uMLSNg-00066-00016085-00016417 harmful for children notice the phrasing CG-U8uMLSNg-00067-00016418-00016625 how used in his attempted objectivity CG-U8uMLSNg-00068-00016626-00016880 when referring to transport of people he CG-U8uMLSNg-00069-00016881-00017144 calls them those who believe this is CG-U8uMLSNg-00070-00017145-00017402 good when referring to transphobic CG-U8uMLSNg-00071-00017403-00017696 people he calls them many in the medical CG-U8uMLSNg-00072-00017697-00017869 community who believes it is in fact CG-U8uMLSNg-00073-00017870-00018155 very harmful for children he frames CG-U8uMLSNg-00074-00018156-00018374 those who are auntie trans as being part CG-U8uMLSNg-00075-00018375-00018536 of the medical community yet leaves out CG-U8uMLSNg-00076-00018537-00018703 any mention of Medicine when referring CG-U8uMLSNg-00077-00018704-00018994 to the Tran supportive group this is a CG-U8uMLSNg-00078-00018995-00019211 great example of the appeal to authority CG-U8uMLSNg-00079-00019212-00019517 fallacy he also refers to the anti trans CG-U8uMLSNg-00080-00019518-00019772 group as being many while leaving the CG-U8uMLSNg-00081-00019773-00020018 transport of group uncounted this CG-U8uMLSNg-00082-00020019-00020183 implies that more people oppose CG-U8uMLSNg-00083-00020184-00020393 transness this is an example of the CG-U8uMLSNg-00084-00020394-00020755 popularity fallacy third he contrasts CG-U8uMLSNg-00085-00020756-00021133 the belief on of the transported group CG-U8uMLSNg-00086-00021134-00021350 with the fact of the anti trans group CG-U8uMLSNg-00087-00021351-00021556 again trying to establish a false sense CG-U8uMLSNg-00088-00021557-00021739 of authority around which he will frame CG-U8uMLSNg-00089-00021740-00022039 the entire discussion and finally he CG-U8uMLSNg-00090-00022040-00022312 evokes the word children when referring CG-U8uMLSNg-00091-00022313-00022465 to the anti trans group while not CG-U8uMLSNg-00092-00022466-00022594 mentioning anything about children CG-U8uMLSNg-00093-00022595-00022786 relative to the Tran supportive group CG-U8uMLSNg-00094-00022787-00023050 not only that but he also depicts danger CG-U8uMLSNg-00095-00023051-00023321 to those children this is an example of CG-U8uMLSNg-00096-00023322-00023549 the appeal to emotion fallacy and this CG-U8uMLSNg-00097-00023550-00023833 is just the intro our guest today is dr. CG-U8uMLSNg-00098-00023834-00024008 Ann gillies a professional trauma CG-U8uMLSNg-00099-00024009-00024230 counselor and author of closing the CG-U8uMLSNg-00100-00024231-00024383 floodgates setting the record straight CG-U8uMLSNg-00101-00024384-00024605 about gender and sexuality and here's CG-U8uMLSNg-00102-00024606-00024736 the book right here setting the record CG-U8uMLSNg-00103-00024737-00025036 straight oh we can just imagine what CG-U8uMLSNg-00104-00025037-00025225 that book is gonna say actually let's CG-U8uMLSNg-00105-00025226-00025396 look at the preface to her book shall we CG-U8uMLSNg-00106-00025397-00025615 the book is about neither me nor my CG-U8uMLSNg-00107-00025616-00025822 family although we have lived much of CG-U8uMLSNg-00108-00025823-00026027 what is described herein instead it CG-U8uMLSNg-00109-00026027-00026206 comes from the deep burden of my heart CG-U8uMLSNg-00110-00026207-00026468 for Canada its people and the crossroads CG-U8uMLSNg-00111-00026469-00026673 we find ourselves at and it CG-U8uMLSNg-00112-00026674-00027039 150th year the foundation of values and CG-U8uMLSNg-00113-00027039-00027277 morals that Canadians once thought CG-U8uMLSNg-00114-00027278-00027552 unshakable has crumbled much as the CG-U8uMLSNg-00115-00027552-00027786 lobbies of the Louisiana collapse under CG-U8uMLSNg-00116-00027787-00027908 the assault of floodwaters from CG-U8uMLSNg-00117-00027909-00028164 Hurricane Katrina actions once CG-U8uMLSNg-00118-00028164-00028332 prohibited by the criminal code have not CG-U8uMLSNg-00119-00028333-00028518 only been legalized but have indeed CG-U8uMLSNg-00120-00028519-00028824 become unquestionable our sexuality is CG-U8uMLSNg-00121-00028825-00029010 designed for union between a man and CG-U8uMLSNg-00122-00029011-00029183 woman within the Covenant of marriage CG-U8uMLSNg-00123-00029184-00029439 stop giving and faithfully committed CG-U8uMLSNg-00124-00029439-00029696 learning and growing together in ever CG-U8uMLSNg-00125-00029697-00029921 deepening cycles of love throughout the CG-U8uMLSNg-00126-00029922-00030065 seasons of our lives CG-U8uMLSNg-00127-00030066-00030296 this beautiful ideal of marriage is CG-U8uMLSNg-00128-00030297-00030518 achievable it's not out of reach but it CG-U8uMLSNg-00129-00030519-00030852 takes work and self-sacrifice something CG-U8uMLSNg-00130-00030852-00031127 we are often hesitant to invest in yeah CG-U8uMLSNg-00131-00031128-00031368 this is not an objective science-based CG-U8uMLSNg-00132-00031369-00031571 book dr. Ann gillies welcome to bridge CG-U8uMLSNg-00133-00031572-00031814 city news thanks for having me so how CG-U8uMLSNg-00134-00031815-00031958 did we reach this point talking about CG-U8uMLSNg-00135-00031959-00032120 gender dysphoria what are your thoughts CG-U8uMLSNg-00136-00032122-00032390 well ten years ago did you ever hear CG-U8uMLSNg-00137-00032391-00032652 that word gender dysphoria no it's just CG-U8uMLSNg-00138-00032652-00032907 become a phenomena it hasn't just become CG-U8uMLSNg-00139-00032908-00033170 a phenomena or phenomenon to be precise CG-U8uMLSNg-00140-00033171-00033387 trans people have existed for a long CG-U8uMLSNg-00141-00033388-00033660 time just because the term is recent CG-U8uMLSNg-00142-00033661-00033882 doesn't mean what the term describes is CG-U8uMLSNg-00143-00033883-00034182 recent gender dysphoria was actually CG-U8uMLSNg-00144-00034183-00034536 gender identity disorder and it's being CG-U8uMLSNg-00145-00034537-00034739 rephrased in the Diagnostic and CG-U8uMLSNg-00146-00034740-00035012 Statistical Manual and it's now gender CG-U8uMLSNg-00147-00035013-00035355 dysphoria which is the distress so we're CG-U8uMLSNg-00148-00035356-00035586 treating the distress yes treating the CG-U8uMLSNg-00149-00035587-00035754 distress is what we should be doing CG-U8uMLSNg-00150-00035755-00035987 isn't it this seems an odd thing to say CG-U8uMLSNg-00151-00035988-00036117 at this point it seems as though she's CG-U8uMLSNg-00152-00036118-00036279 suggesting that we should be treating CG-U8uMLSNg-00153-00036280-00036435 something other than the mental anguish CG-U8uMLSNg-00154-00036436-00036758 trans people experience surely she CG-U8uMLSNg-00155-00036759-00036954 didn't doesn't think we should just make CG-U8uMLSNg-00156-00036955-00037208 them all straight again where is that CG-U8uMLSNg-00157-00037209-00037449 what how meant by conversion therapy and CG-U8uMLSNg-00158-00037450-00037908 so things have just continued a very CG-U8uMLSNg-00159-00037909-00038267 fast momentum it's highly funded by CG-U8uMLSNg-00160-00038268-00038526 special interest groups special interest CG-U8uMLSNg-00161-00038527-00038754 groups several billionaires are funding CG-U8uMLSNg-00162-00038755-00039042 behind this and I even pharmaceuticals CG-U8uMLSNg-00163-00039043-00039262 yeah there's a real push wait but CG-U8uMLSNg-00164-00039263-00039461 special interest groups funniness CG-U8uMLSNg-00165-00039462-00039606 billionaires funding this CG-U8uMLSNg-00166-00039607-00039941 Pharmaceuticals funniness but is this CG-U8uMLSNg-00167-00039942-00040205 refer to exactly the gender dysphoria CG-U8uMLSNg-00168-00040206-00040496 phenomenon and referred to and what way CG-U8uMLSNg-00169-00040497-00040703 exactly we're only a minute in and the CG-U8uMLSNg-00170-00040704-00040865 conspiracy theories have already CG-U8uMLSNg-00171-00040866-00041057 surfaced but how did we come to that CG-U8uMLSNg-00172-00041058-00041246 point where people are self identifying CG-U8uMLSNg-00173-00041247-00041390 is another gender when I was a kid you CG-U8uMLSNg-00174-00041391-00041570 know the boys and the girls and even if CG-U8uMLSNg-00175-00041571-00041711 boys wanted to play with dolls that was CG-U8uMLSNg-00176-00041712-00041894 fine but we knew boys were boys and CG-U8uMLSNg-00177-00041895-00042101 girls for girls so because you didn't CG-U8uMLSNg-00178-00042102-00042233 know any trans people when you were CG-U8uMLSNg-00179-00042234-00042422 growing up how that means they didn't CG-U8uMLSNg-00180-00042423-00042608 exist this sort of rhetoric frames CG-U8uMLSNg-00181-00042609-00042767 people being trans as something new CG-U8uMLSNg-00182-00042768-00042986 something trendy but trans and other CG-U8uMLSNg-00183-00042987-00043157 non-binary people have existed for a CG-U8uMLSNg-00184-00043158-00043394 very long time two-spirit people existed CG-U8uMLSNg-00185-00043395-00043565 in the Americas long before Europeans CG-U8uMLSNg-00186-00043566-00043853 arrived as of the Samoan 15-a and the CG-U8uMLSNg-00187-00043854-00044126 Hedra of the Indian subcontinent trans CG-U8uMLSNg-00188-00044127-00044270 people haven't even existed for CG-U8uMLSNg-00189-00044271-00044477 millennia in Europe house trying to CG-U8uMLSNg-00190-00044478-00044687 present his anecdotal experience as CG-U8uMLSNg-00191-00044688-00044846 empirical evidence to support his CG-U8uMLSNg-00192-00044847-00045254 prejudices well there's a lot of CG-U8uMLSNg-00193-00045255-00045571 teaching in our school systems and on CG-U8uMLSNg-00194-00045572-00045875 gender ideology and so children are CG-U8uMLSNg-00195-00045876-00046067 hearing at a very early age in fact CG-U8uMLSNg-00196-00046068-00046463 kindergarten that they can be and they CG-U8uMLSNg-00197-00046464-00046745 might be even so it's a suggestive thing CG-U8uMLSNg-00198-00046746-00046930 they may be in the wrong body CG-U8uMLSNg-00199-00046931-00047192 so if teachers telling children that CG-U8uMLSNg-00200-00047193-00047360 they can be and might already be in the CG-U8uMLSNg-00201-00047361-00047627 wrong body is suggestive does that mean CG-U8uMLSNg-00202-00047628-00047795 parents and religious people telling CG-U8uMLSNg-00203-00047796-00047987 children that boys are boys and girls CG-U8uMLSNg-00204-00047988-00048229 are girls to borrow hells brazing is CG-U8uMLSNg-00205-00048230-00048458 suggested after all if children can be CG-U8uMLSNg-00206-00048459-00048587 influenced by what we teach them about CG-U8uMLSNg-00207-00048588-00048773 gender identity then surely that CG-U8uMLSNg-00208-00048774-00048917 includes teaching them that they are CG-U8uMLSNg-00209-00048918-00049184 cisgender that they were born a boy so CG-U8uMLSNg-00210-00049185-00049310 they must be a boy CG-U8uMLSNg-00211-00049311-00049604 surely dressing her boys in blue putting CG-U8uMLSNg-00212-00049605-00049775 toy court cars in their hands and CG-U8uMLSNg-00213-00049776-00049952 telling them to not cry must do CG-U8uMLSNg-00214-00049953-00050135 something for teaching them what it CG-U8uMLSNg-00215-00050136-00050360 means to be a boy or does influencing CG-U8uMLSNg-00216-00050361-00050543 our children the gender identity only CG-U8uMLSNg-00217-00050544-00050741 applied to gender identity we don't CG-U8uMLSNg-00218-00050742-00050813 believe him CG-U8uMLSNg-00219-00050814-00051179 again to borrow hell's phrasing and so CG-U8uMLSNg-00220-00051180-00051353 certainly our teenagers have heard that CG-U8uMLSNg-00221-00051354-00051539 we have a whole generation that's been CG-U8uMLSNg-00222-00051540-00051766 hearing those things so when you put CG-U8uMLSNg-00223-00051767-00052076 thoughts in a child's mind I mean CG-U8uMLSNg-00224-00052077-00052334 especially if you tell a child you can't CG-U8uMLSNg-00225-00052335-00052790 do that imagine some children just have CG-U8uMLSNg-00226-00052791-00052928 to try it out well you mean how we CG-U8uMLSNg-00227-00052929-00053123 constantly affirm Society gender norms CG-U8uMLSNg-00228-00053124-00053333 on our children which they then try out CG-U8uMLSNg-00229-00053334-00053522 you think it's just a natural thing for CG-U8uMLSNg-00230-00053523-00053672 girls to like pink and pretend to be CG-U8uMLSNg-00231-00053673-00053945 princesses is it embedded in their XX CG-U8uMLSNg-00232-00053946-00054134 chromosomes that girl should be cooks CG-U8uMLSNg-00233-00054135-00054395 and princesses and seamstresses and CG-U8uMLSNg-00234-00054396-00054587 teachers and counselors and stayed home CG-U8uMLSNg-00235-00054588-00054805 mothers of course children are going to CG-U8uMLSNg-00236-00054807-00054979 explore their gender expressions they CG-U8uMLSNg-00237-00054980-00055157 learn if you grew up in a church that CG-U8uMLSNg-00238-00055158-00055337 teaches marriages between a man and a CG-U8uMLSNg-00239-00055338-00055501 woman they're gonna believe that CG-U8uMLSNg-00240-00055502-00055666 marriage is between a man and a woman CG-U8uMLSNg-00241-00055666-00055891 independent of whether that is actually CG-U8uMLSNg-00242-00055892-00056078 true and children's brains are still CG-U8uMLSNg-00243-00056079-00056273 developing so isn't there a danger a CG-U8uMLSNg-00244-00056274-00056525 danger of what how this is an example of CG-U8uMLSNg-00245-00056526-00056701 begging the question you are assuming a CG-U8uMLSNg-00246-00056702-00056969 danger already exists and you are asking CG-U8uMLSNg-00247-00056970-00057188 your supposed expert to confirm that CG-U8uMLSNg-00248-00057189-00057376 assumption for you and you don't even CG-U8uMLSNg-00249-00057377-00057596 specify what this apparent danger is you CG-U8uMLSNg-00250-00057597-00057821 just leave it nebulous your Christian CG-U8uMLSNg-00251-00057822-00057953 viewer can fill in the rest CG-U8uMLSNg-00252-00057954-00058207 I suppose it's extremely dangerous in CG-U8uMLSNg-00253-00058208-00058579 fact children absolutely their brains CG-U8uMLSNg-00254-00058580-00058807 developing and a 13-year old for CG-U8uMLSNg-00255-00058808-00058982 instance their brain is totally CG-U8uMLSNg-00256-00058983-00059237 reconstructing at that age in fact a CG-U8uMLSNg-00257-00059238-00059450 two-year-old brain and a thirteen year CG-U8uMLSNg-00258-00059451-00059782 old brain look very similar though don't CG-U8uMLSNg-00259-00059783-00059980 get offended at that it's just the CG-U8uMLSNg-00260-00059982-00060316 reality of our biology kicks in and the CG-U8uMLSNg-00261-00060317-00060671 brain has this huge recalibration to CG-U8uMLSNg-00262-00060672-00060914 grow grow grow at that age so those CG-U8uMLSNg-00263-00060915-00061214 young adolescents cannot make executive CG-U8uMLSNg-00264-00061215-00061567 decisions so all of that to just confirm CG-U8uMLSNg-00265-00061569-00061760 house bias you didn't explain what the CG-U8uMLSNg-00266-00061761-00062000 danger is or did you mean to simply CG-U8uMLSNg-00267-00062001-00062300 imply it that transness in itself is CG-U8uMLSNg-00268-00062301-00062530 dangerous so dr. Gilley slette stalk CG-U8uMLSNg-00269-00062532-00062744 more about outside influences and how CG-U8uMLSNg-00270-00062745-00062929 much of a role they really play they CG-U8uMLSNg-00271-00062930-00063203 really play as compared to what kind of CG-U8uMLSNg-00272-00063204-00063257 play CG-U8uMLSNg-00273-00063258-00063515 I think it's tremendous rule I've CG-U8uMLSNg-00274-00063516-00063659 already addressed this each of us is CG-U8uMLSNg-00275-00063660-00063797 influenced by the things were taught CG-U8uMLSNg-00276-00063798-00063982 whether it's religion economics or CG-U8uMLSNg-00277-00063983-00064235 gender identity this is not new it's CG-U8uMLSNg-00278-00064236-00064369 just how you frame it that seems to CG-U8uMLSNg-00279-00064370-00064669 appeal with transphobic viewers and I CG-U8uMLSNg-00280-00064670-00064886 think there's so much in the school CG-U8uMLSNg-00281-00064887-00065401 system and now schools are having to CG-U8uMLSNg-00282-00065402-00065759 provide special interest groups wait is CG-U8uMLSNg-00283-00065760-00065993 she talking about GSA's peer support CG-U8uMLSNg-00284-00065994-00066302 groups our special interest groups okay CG-U8uMLSNg-00285-00066303-00066536 are these the special interest groups CG-U8uMLSNg-00286-00066537-00066650 they were talking about CG-U8uMLSNg-00287-00066651-00066914 or funnyman gender dysphoria phenomena CG-U8uMLSNg-00288-00066915-00067325 and those groups what we're finding is CG-U8uMLSNg-00289-00067326-00067667 that children are coming out adolescents CG-U8uMLSNg-00290-00067668-00068059 are coming out in clusters as CG-U8uMLSNg-00291-00068060-00068498 transgender clusters really as a parent CG-U8uMLSNg-00292-00068499-00068675 of three trans children I have my doubts CG-U8uMLSNg-00293-00068676-00068957 about this even so is it a surprise to CG-U8uMLSNg-00294-00068958-00069125 anyone that trans people who attend a CG-U8uMLSNg-00295-00069126-00069359 peer support group find supports to come CG-U8uMLSNg-00296-00069360-00069623 out as such for as trans isn't that how CG-U8uMLSNg-00297-00069624-00069683 it should work CG-U8uMLSNg-00298-00069684-00069941 or should trans people just keep it CG-U8uMLSNg-00299-00069942-00070064 inside for the rest of their lives CG-U8uMLSNg-00300-00070065-00070481 they're these adults or adolescents are CG-U8uMLSNg-00301-00070482-00070811 often marginalized children to begin CG-U8uMLSNg-00302-00070812-00071129 with they have mental disabilities of CG-U8uMLSNg-00303-00071130-00071408 some kind autism is very high on the CG-U8uMLSNg-00304-00071409-00071720 transgender scale like oh what trans CG-U8uMLSNg-00305-00071721-00071891 people have mental disabilities trans CG-U8uMLSNg-00306-00071892-00072062 people are more likely to have autism CG-U8uMLSNg-00307-00072063-00072302 I mean sure they kind of do have mental CG-U8uMLSNg-00308-00072303-00072497 illness that's what gender dysphoria is CG-U8uMLSNg-00309-00072498-00072893 like there's a correlation so yeah so CG-U8uMLSNg-00310-00072894-00073163 these are our children who are socially CG-U8uMLSNg-00311-00073164-00073559 a bit awkward and so they get invited CG-U8uMLSNg-00312-00073560-00073928 which is good right into a family a CG-U8uMLSNg-00313-00073929-00074159 group right that will treat them like CG-U8uMLSNg-00314-00074160-00074546 family as long as they're complicit to CG-U8uMLSNg-00315-00074547-00074840 the ideology within that group wait it CG-U8uMLSNg-00316-00074841-00075038 gets worse not only do you think that CG-U8uMLSNg-00317-00075039-00075233 trans people have mental disabilities in CG-U8uMLSNg-00318-00075234-00075419 autism but you equate mental CG-U8uMLSNg-00319-00075420-00075653 disabilities and autism to weakness you CG-U8uMLSNg-00320-00075654-00075800 think trans people make easy prey CG-U8uMLSNg-00321-00075801-00075959 because they're mentally and emotionally CG-U8uMLSNg-00322-00075960-00076163 weak from their mental disabilities and CG-U8uMLSNg-00323-00076164-00076430 autism you know typical people can never CG-U8uMLSNg-00324-00076431-00076669 be trans is that it and what CG-U8uMLSNg-00325-00076670-00076877 neurotypical people be able to resist CG-U8uMLSNg-00326-00076878-00077174 the temptations of the GSA that's what CG-U8uMLSNg-00327-00077175-00077396 we're finding now these young women and CG-U8uMLSNg-00328-00077397-00077567 some of them had lesbian tendencies CG-U8uMLSNg-00329-00077568-00078008 before they are now those even who were CG-U8uMLSNg-00330-00078009-00078338 lesbian tendons tended toward lesbian CG-U8uMLSNg-00331-00078339-00078730 behavior are actually transitioning into CG-U8uMLSNg-00332-00078731-00079187 the transgender the transgender what is CG-U8uMLSNg-00333-00079188-00079565 this like duh gay let's say this is true CG-U8uMLSNg-00334-00079566-00079775 trans s is about gender Otto both sexual CG-U8uMLSNg-00335-00079776-00079979 orientation trans people can be CG-U8uMLSNg-00336-00079980-00080234 they can be gay to be pansexual or CG-U8uMLSNg-00337-00080235-00080500 bisexual or asexual and lesbian CG-U8uMLSNg-00338-00080501-00080741 tendencies what does it even mean are CG-U8uMLSNg-00339-00080742-00080891 you seeing that being gay isn't real CG-U8uMLSNg-00340-00080892-00081055 either it's just a preference like CG-U8uMLSNg-00341-00081056-00081294 whether you like zucchini bread in fact CG-U8uMLSNg-00342-00081295-00081744 the latest stat I read was 37 percent of CG-U8uMLSNg-00343-00081745-00082011 lesbian young lesbian girls are CG-U8uMLSNg-00344-00082012-00082342 transitioning into transgenders one out CG-U8uMLSNg-00345-00082343-00082547 of every three lesbians comes out as CG-U8uMLSNg-00346-00082548-00082841 trans yeah right I'd love to see the CG-U8uMLSNg-00347-00082842-00083088 citation for that claim there's a whole CG-U8uMLSNg-00348-00083089-00083329 there's a whole momentum here and it's CG-U8uMLSNg-00349-00083330-00083522 not good there's divisiveness even CG-U8uMLSNg-00350-00083523-00083666 within the culture not sure what this CG-U8uMLSNg-00351-00083667-00083903 means what is that culture and what CG-U8uMLSNg-00352-00083904-00084205 divisive this now they're also puberty CG-U8uMLSNg-00353-00084206-00084436 blockers hormone blockers and even CG-U8uMLSNg-00354-00084437-00084697 gender reassignment surgery and thank CG-U8uMLSNg-00355-00084698-00085099 goodness yes in Canada yes absolutely CG-U8uMLSNg-00356-00085100-00085397 and the push is to have it younger and CG-U8uMLSNg-00357-00085398-00085662 younger not sure what you mean by it of CG-U8uMLSNg-00358-00085663-00085903 what younger and younger blockers CG-U8uMLSNg-00359-00085904-00086068 surgery and what is younger and younger CG-U8uMLSNg-00360-00086069-00086254 mean are you trying to apply to the CG-U8uMLSNg-00361-00086255-00086431 viewers that seven year olds are having CG-U8uMLSNg-00362-00086432-00086653 a battle plasti are you being vague on CG-U8uMLSNg-00363-00086654-00086794 purpose or your viewers will use their CG-U8uMLSNg-00364-00086795-00086966 imagination to fill in the empty lost CG-U8uMLSNg-00365-00086967-00087221 spots in your logic because right now CG-U8uMLSNg-00366-00087222-00087578 what we're hearing from from very CG-U8uMLSNg-00367-00087579-00087829 progressive thinkers they call themself CG-U8uMLSNg-00368-00087830-00088103 progressive thinkers call themselves CG-U8uMLSNg-00369-00088104-00088255 progressive thinkers that's actually CG-U8uMLSNg-00370-00088256-00088409 kind of funny it's like people saying CG-U8uMLSNg-00371-00088410-00088678 heck or dawn or using dashes to replace CG-U8uMLSNg-00372-00088679-00089003 letters and profanity they write is that CG-U8uMLSNg-00373-00089004-00089198 children need to get on these puberty CG-U8uMLSNg-00374-00089199-00089373 blockers of course before puberty CG-U8uMLSNg-00375-00089374-00089674 because that will help them so that they CG-U8uMLSNg-00376-00089675-00089923 will not have a difficult time CG-U8uMLSNg-00377-00089924-00090178 transitioning what happens with puberty CG-U8uMLSNg-00378-00090179-00090457 blockers it blocks puberty so they never CG-U8uMLSNg-00379-00090458-00090803 go through the natural course of their CG-U8uMLSNg-00380-00090804-00091057 development yes the point of blockers is CG-U8uMLSNg-00381-00091058-00091315 to block puberty which they don't want CG-U8uMLSNg-00382-00091316-00091465 if prepubescent children are CG-U8uMLSNg-00383-00091466-00091711 uncomfortable in their bodies imagine CG-U8uMLSNg-00384-00091712-00091951 how uncomfortable they'll be once their CG-U8uMLSNg-00385-00091952-00092135 body starts changing and becoming more CG-U8uMLSNg-00386-00092136-00092362 like the gender they're not that's a CG-U8uMLSNg-00387-00092363-00092548 huge contributor to gender dysphoria CG-U8uMLSNg-00388-00092549-00092761 it's also why gender dysphoria often CG-U8uMLSNg-00389-00092762-00093028 presents an adolescence and it's all CG-U8uMLSNg-00390-00093029-00093221 based out of fear like CG-U8uMLSNg-00391-00093222-00093458 some something's wrong with puberty you CG-U8uMLSNg-00392-00093459-00093638 know is it a difficult time absolutely CG-U8uMLSNg-00393-00093639-00093860 it was difficult for everyone of us CG-U8uMLSNg-00394-00093861-00094109 because it's so much transition but CG-U8uMLSNg-00395-00094110-00094400 we're so afraid of going through the CG-U8uMLSNg-00396-00094401-00094604 transitions of life we created this CG-U8uMLSNg-00397-00094605-00094859 culture of fear for children and I agree CG-U8uMLSNg-00398-00094860-00094991 that going through puberty can be CG-U8uMLSNg-00399-00094992-00095107 difficult for everyone CG-U8uMLSNg-00400-00095108-00095354 exactly it isn't the same level of CG-U8uMLSNg-00401-00095355-00095534 difficulty for everyone trans youth have CG-U8uMLSNg-00402-00095535-00095675 to deal with the difficulties inherent CG-U8uMLSNg-00403-00095676-00095951 with changing hormones difficulties even CG-U8uMLSNg-00404-00095952-00096245 new experience now add on top of that CG-U8uMLSNg-00405-00096246-00096503 gender dysphoria it amplifies those CG-U8uMLSNg-00406-00096504-00096662 difficulties so while you may have had CG-U8uMLSNg-00407-00096663-00096830 difficulty as a teenager it was nothing CG-U8uMLSNg-00408-00096831-00097148 like what trans teens experienced so CG-U8uMLSNg-00409-00097149-00097274 some of these hormone and puberty CG-U8uMLSNg-00410-00097275-00097460 blockers do they actually help a lot of CG-U8uMLSNg-00411-00097461-00097679 the children when it comes to maybe CG-U8uMLSNg-00412-00097680-00097912 depression or confusion in their lives CG-U8uMLSNg-00413-00097913-00098147 Confucian life again with the idea that CG-U8uMLSNg-00414-00098148-00098369 Travis is made up that it's just a CG-U8uMLSNg-00415-00098370-00098525 belief just a tendency just something CG-U8uMLSNg-00416-00098526-00098654 they're confused about just something CG-U8uMLSNg-00417-00098655-00098855 they can change they don't help with CG-U8uMLSNg-00418-00098856-00099122 that at all all they do is suppress the CG-U8uMLSNg-00419-00099123-00099368 natural development bull that's a load CG-U8uMLSNg-00420-00099369-00099626 of crap bad if gender dysphoria leads to CG-U8uMLSNg-00421-00099627-00099776 mood disorders like depression and CG-U8uMLSNg-00422-00099777-00099923 anxiety and going through puberty CG-U8uMLSNg-00423-00099924-00100196 implies amplifies gender dysphoria then CG-U8uMLSNg-00424-00100197-00100352 of course blockers will help with CG-U8uMLSNg-00425-00100353-00100616 depression this is just utterly false CG-U8uMLSNg-00426-00100617-00100859 it's also utterly irresponsible if CG-U8uMLSNg-00427-00100860-00101024 someone presents themselves as an expert CG-U8uMLSNg-00428-00101025-00101381 then expressive falsehood is back people CG-U8uMLSNg-00429-00101382-00101678 will believe this lie is truth and what CG-U8uMLSNg-00430-00101679-00101965 I want to say here and really need to CG-U8uMLSNg-00431-00101966-00102370 emphasize that up until about 2006 CG-U8uMLSNg-00432-00102371-00102719 gender dysphoria was extremely rare CG-U8uMLSNg-00433-00102720-00103008 extremely rare point zero zero three CG-U8uMLSNg-00434-00103009-00103388 percent of a young girl's point zero CG-U8uMLSNg-00435-00103389-00103604 zero three percent very rare this is CG-U8uMLSNg-00436-00103605-00103793 misleading the statistic you're citing CG-U8uMLSNg-00437-00103794-00103931 is for trans people who sought CG-U8uMLSNg-00438-00103932-00104165 transitioning people who receive the CG-U8uMLSNg-00439-00104166-00104327 diagnosis voice you earlier called CG-U8uMLSNg-00440-00104328-00104651 gender identity disorder and we're CG-U8uMLSNg-00441-00104652-00104852 seeking hormone treatment and surgery CG-U8uMLSNg-00442-00104853-00105170 from gender specialty clinics obviously CG-U8uMLSNg-00443-00105171-00105401 not all trans people will transition or CG-U8uMLSNg-00444-00105402-00105752 get a diagnosis let alone both and not CG-U8uMLSNg-00445-00105753-00106076 only that if these children were CG-U8uMLSNg-00446-00106077-00106369 affirmed in their biological sex CG-U8uMLSNg-00447-00106370-00106630 they would revert the gender dysphoria CG-U8uMLSNg-00448-00106631-00107068 would leave in 88% of girls and up to CG-U8uMLSNg-00449-00107069-00107401 97% of boys that's a astronomical CG-U8uMLSNg-00450-00107402-00107653 percentage mental health wise CG-U8uMLSNg-00451-00107654-00107821 the problem with assistance research is CG-U8uMLSNg-00452-00107822-00107995 that it's terribly flawed first a CG-U8uMLSNg-00453-00107996-00108183 diagnosis of gender identity disorder CG-U8uMLSNg-00454-00108184-00108415 was less stringent than that of gender CG-U8uMLSNg-00455-00108416-00108673 dysphoria in the dsm-5 this means that CG-U8uMLSNg-00456-00108674-00108904 these desistance studies included large CG-U8uMLSNg-00457-00108905-00109048 numbers of children who wouldn't have CG-U8uMLSNg-00458-00109049-00109233 met the more stringent criteria if they CG-U8uMLSNg-00459-00109234-00109579 sought diagnosis today second these CG-U8uMLSNg-00460-00109580-00109843 distant studies weren't worth studying CG-U8uMLSNg-00461-00109844-00110038 gender identity some of the participants CG-U8uMLSNg-00462-00110039-00110158 in the studies were children whose CG-U8uMLSNg-00463-00110158-00110293 parents were worried about their gender CG-U8uMLSNg-00464-00110294-00110535 expression boys wearing dresses for CG-U8uMLSNg-00465-00110536-00110851 example third some studies classified CG-U8uMLSNg-00466-00110852-00111100 all study dropouts as these sisters but CG-U8uMLSNg-00467-00111101-00111324 are they actually desist ador not CG-U8uMLSNg-00468-00111325-00111589 finally the more popular studies cited CG-U8uMLSNg-00469-00111590-00111814 for distant the statistics never studied CG-U8uMLSNg-00470-00111815-00112066 assistance the rather predictors of CG-U8uMLSNg-00471-00112067-00112311 persistence all those who ended up CG-U8uMLSNg-00472-00112313-00112474 labeled as the sisters were more likely CG-U8uMLSNg-00473-00112475-00112642 to indicate when asked that they were a CG-U8uMLSNg-00474-00112643-00112795 boy or a girl but they wish they were CG-U8uMLSNg-00475-00112796-00112963 the opposite sex CG-U8uMLSNg-00476-00112964-00113266 those who indicated they were the other CG-U8uMLSNg-00477-00113267-00113566 sex were less likely to desist you're CG-U8uMLSNg-00478-00113567-00113788 misinterpreting the data I have a CG-U8uMLSNg-00479-00113789-00113983 bachelor's degree you have a bachelor's CG-U8uMLSNg-00480-00113983-00114285 degree a master's degree and a PhD it CG-U8uMLSNg-00481-00114286-00114478 seems odd to me that you can't even look CG-U8uMLSNg-00482-00114479-00114649 critically at the data of the studies CG-U8uMLSNg-00483-00114650-00114841 you're studying you think someone with CG-U8uMLSNg-00484-00114842-00115024 two graduate degrees would know how to CG-U8uMLSNg-00485-00115025-00115276 properly interpret data it's super handy CG-U8uMLSNg-00486-00115277-00115434 to select data that superficially CG-U8uMLSNg-00487-00115435-00115621 supports the ideological position you've CG-U8uMLSNg-00488-00115622-00115843 already taken especially if you depend CG-U8uMLSNg-00489-00115844-00116104 on no one back checking it for you so CG-U8uMLSNg-00490-00116105-00116358 what you're going to see is that these CG-U8uMLSNg-00491-00116359-00116557 children are now put on puberty blockers CG-U8uMLSNg-00492-00116558-00116779 instead of affirming their biology and CG-U8uMLSNg-00493-00116780-00117025 once they go through that trajectory and CG-U8uMLSNg-00494-00117026-00117241 go on hormones they never have a chance CG-U8uMLSNg-00495-00117242-00117778 of actually re identifying in the sense CG-U8uMLSNg-00496-00117779-00118081 of their biology they can D transistor CG-U8uMLSNg-00497-00118082-00118353 that's happening but they will have CG-U8uMLSNg-00498-00118354-00118606 lifelong effects I've already addressed CG-U8uMLSNg-00499-00118607-00118951 these so what about rapid onset gender CG-U8uMLSNg-00500-00118952-00119065 dysphoria oh there we go CG-U8uMLSNg-00501-00119066-00119197 explain that to reviewers for the CG-U8uMLSNg-00502-00119198-00119530 society that is a very new category it's CG-U8uMLSNg-00503-00119531-00119628 not even in the DS CG-U8uMLSNg-00504-00119629-00119898 it's a new category of children and so CG-U8uMLSNg-00505-00119899-00120189 it is predominantly young girls between CG-U8uMLSNg-00506-00120190-00120513 15 now we're seeing younger 13 I would CG-U8uMLSNg-00507-00120514-00120825 say 224 they are coming out like I said CG-U8uMLSNg-00508-00120826-00121047 in clusters in these groups so young CG-U8uMLSNg-00509-00121048-00121332 adolescents and I said earlier that a 13 CG-U8uMLSNg-00510-00121333-00121657 year olds brain is is transitioning and CG-U8uMLSNg-00511-00121658-00122109 growing anak incredible and an CG-U8uMLSNg-00512-00122110-00122373 incredible rate and their thinking gets CG-U8uMLSNg-00513-00122374-00122694 all distorted and so these are the CG-U8uMLSNg-00514-00122695-00122994 children that are now coming out as as CG-U8uMLSNg-00515-00122995-00123279 as transgender and it's called rapid CG-U8uMLSNg-00516-00123280-00123549 onset what it's not rapid on sense CG-U8uMLSNg-00517-00123550-00123870 gender 2 for iam is rapid onset gender CG-U8uMLSNg-00518-00123871-00124006 dysphoria is when gender dysphoria CG-U8uMLSNg-00519-00124007-00124224 happens suddenly and unexpectedly rather CG-U8uMLSNg-00520-00124225-00124374 than happening progressively over time CG-U8uMLSNg-00521-00124375-00124836 there is no prior no prior condition CG-U8uMLSNg-00522-00124837-00125076 they are just coming home all of a CG-U8uMLSNg-00523-00125077-00125364 sudden is saying I'm in the wrong body CG-U8uMLSNg-00524-00125365-00125652 in fact this is a girls that's what's CG-U8uMLSNg-00525-00125653-00125847 being documented so to you CG-U8uMLSNg-00526-00125848-00126048 trans people can't identify too young at CG-U8uMLSNg-00527-00126049-00126306 3 for example but they also can't CG-U8uMLSNg-00528-00126307-00126525 identify it all at once either they CG-U8uMLSNg-00529-00126526-00126813 can't identify suddenly or gradually it CG-U8uMLSNg-00530-00126814-00127071 seems to me that for you it's transness CG-U8uMLSNg-00531-00127072-00127281 that's the issue not how old someone is CG-U8uMLSNg-00532-00127282-00127497 when we first realized they're trans but CG-U8uMLSNg-00533-00127498-00128172 I had someone in that recently a father CG-U8uMLSNg-00534-00128173-00128541 whose son came home 7 years old the son CG-U8uMLSNg-00535-00128542-00129108 and said I want to be a girl and three CG-U8uMLSNg-00536-00129109-00129394 of my friends also want to be a girl and CG-U8uMLSNg-00537-00129395-00129564 you're going to help this person was in CG-U8uMLSNg-00538-00129565-00129789 the medical profession and dad you're CG-U8uMLSNg-00539-00129790-00130038 gonna help us be girls is there a CG-U8uMLSNg-00540-00130039-00130278 problem here yes there's a definite CG-U8uMLSNg-00541-00130279-00130434 problem what are we supposed to do with CG-U8uMLSNg-00542-00130435-00130629 this anecdote path are we supposed to CG-U8uMLSNg-00543-00130630-00130764 use it to generalize the trans CG-U8uMLSNg-00544-00130765-00131019 experience are we to take this one CG-U8uMLSNg-00545-00131020-00131226 instance of hair say and extrapolate it CG-U8uMLSNg-00546-00131227-00131460 as proof for your position for all we CG-U8uMLSNg-00547-00131461-00131715 know you simply made this story up or CG-U8uMLSNg-00548-00131716-00131889 the person you were talking to me the CG-U8uMLSNg-00549-00131890-00131972 story up CG-U8uMLSNg-00550-00131973-00132189 you mean up other things you've said in CG-U8uMLSNg-00551-00132190-00132456 this interview and as a father I mean CG-U8uMLSNg-00552-00132457-00132645 how do you even respond to something CG-U8uMLSNg-00553-00132646-00132903 like that well the first thing I would CG-U8uMLSNg-00554-00132904-00132997 be charged as a CG-U8uMLSNg-00555-00132998-00133201 hate crime like well maybe job taken CG-U8uMLSNg-00556-00133202-00133543 away from you in Ontario if you do not CG-U8uMLSNg-00557-00133544-00133846 affirm that child's thoughts because CG-U8uMLSNg-00558-00133847-00134095 their thoughts and what their and their CG-U8uMLSNg-00559-00134096-00134275 feelings that they may be in the wrong CG-U8uMLSNg-00560-00134276-00134473 body there is a chance CG-U8uMLSNg-00561-00134474-00134674 in fact it's happened that the children CG-U8uMLSNg-00562-00134675-00134896 can be taken out of your home so the s CG-U8uMLSNg-00563-00134897-00135160 that's very dangerous wait did you say CG-U8uMLSNg-00564-00135161-00135388 your name is and Gilles or Jordan CG-U8uMLSNg-00565-00135389-00135619 Peterson you won't have your child taken CG-U8uMLSNg-00566-00135620-00135787 away from you if you don't affirm your CG-U8uMLSNg-00567-00135788-00135990 chance thoughts again you're just making CG-U8uMLSNg-00568-00135991-00136198 stuff up I'd love to see actual proof CG-U8uMLSNg-00569-00136199-00136435 not just your unreliable testimony that CG-U8uMLSNg-00570-00136436-00136720 such things have actually happened but I CG-U8uMLSNg-00571-00136721-00136996 would say as a parent if a child comes CG-U8uMLSNg-00572-00136997-00137224 home and says something like that I CG-U8uMLSNg-00573-00137225-00137527 would want to know I would want to have CG-U8uMLSNg-00574-00137528-00137719 them explain what's what but make sure CG-U8uMLSNg-00575-00137720-00137965 you believe that this is really CG-U8uMLSNg-00576-00137966-00138157 happening that all of a sudden you're CG-U8uMLSNg-00577-00138158-00138429 you're wanting to be a girl is it may be CG-U8uMLSNg-00578-00138430-00138562 from another child may be that in CG-U8uMLSNg-00579-00138563-00138757 conversation at the playground somewhere CG-U8uMLSNg-00580-00138758-00138915 because a lot of times why to get kids CG-U8uMLSNg-00581-00138916-00139140 to respect the opinion of other kids or CG-U8uMLSNg-00582-00139141-00139266 similar age as opposed to their own CG-U8uMLSNg-00583-00139267-00139489 parents absolutely and sometimes you CG-U8uMLSNg-00584-00139490-00139704 know they're hearing all this talk and CG-U8uMLSNg-00585-00139705-00139960 children get out of class after a gender CG-U8uMLSNg-00586-00139961-00140407 ideology lecture at seven years old a CG-U8uMLSNg-00587-00140408-00140741 gender ideology lecture in grade two CG-U8uMLSNg-00588-00140742-00141043 hilarious and sure loves making stuff up CG-U8uMLSNg-00589-00141044-00141247 but it's not a lecture but you know CG-U8uMLSNg-00590-00141248-00141520 here's the the little colouring thing CG-U8uMLSNg-00591-00141521-00141673 that we're doing today on gender CG-U8uMLSNg-00592-00141674-00141868 ideology what is it with you an and CG-U8uMLSNg-00593-00141869-00142132 gender ideology why the infatuation with CG-U8uMLSNg-00594-00142133-00142381 this undefined nebulous term and so CG-U8uMLSNg-00595-00142382-00142606 called gender ideology works both ways CG-U8uMLSNg-00596-00142607-00142803 house earlier comments about boys or CG-U8uMLSNg-00597-00142804-00143016 boys and girls or girls it is gender CG-U8uMLSNg-00598-00143017-00143308 ideology Christian churches are full of CG-U8uMLSNg-00599-00143309-00143541 gender ideology and they're hearing all CG-U8uMLSNg-00600-00143542-00143698 these things so of course they're gonna CG-U8uMLSNg-00601-00143699-00143890 talk and they're gonna question well CG-U8uMLSNg-00602-00143891-00144115 could that be me rather than hiding it CG-U8uMLSNg-00603-00144116-00144279 for the rest of their lives our society CG-U8uMLSNg-00604-00144280-00144516 for too long has been built on shaky CG-U8uMLSNg-00605-00144517-00144727 foundations of rigid and arbitrary CG-U8uMLSNg-00606-00144728-00144982 gender rules having children questioned CG-U8uMLSNg-00607-00144983-00145165 gender rules and how they apply to CG-U8uMLSNg-00608-00145166-00145360 themselves is a good thing CG-U8uMLSNg-00609-00145361-00145606 children are leaving those classrooms CG-U8uMLSNg-00610-00145607-00145789 actually and going home very traumatized CG-U8uMLSNg-00611-00145790-00145882 in tears CG-U8uMLSNg-00612-00145883-00146170 so yeah you know who else comes home CG-U8uMLSNg-00613-00146171-00146344 traumatized trash CG-U8uMLSNg-00614-00146345-00146506 we have to ensure the assist normative CG-U8uMLSNg-00615-00146507-00146757 language they hear every day tell them CG-U8uMLSNg-00616-00146758-00146886 they need to be something but they're CG-U8uMLSNg-00617-00146887-00147137 not so dr. gillies as a father myself CG-U8uMLSNg-00618-00147138-00147493 you know and for a mother how do you CG-U8uMLSNg-00619-00147494-00147633 respond to something like that when your CG-U8uMLSNg-00620-00147634-00147793 child comes home and says I want to be a CG-U8uMLSNg-00621-00147794-00148023 boy or a girl you know and I believe CG-U8uMLSNg-00622-00148024-00148173 that I am and you should support me in CG-U8uMLSNg-00623-00148174-00148479 this well that's right so I think you CG-U8uMLSNg-00624-00148480-00148669 have to just really go really slow with CG-U8uMLSNg-00625-00148670-00148827 these kids because they're hearing all CG-U8uMLSNg-00626-00148828-00149088 of these things and so to be able to CG-U8uMLSNg-00627-00149089-00149557 help them really articulate what's going CG-U8uMLSNg-00628-00149558-00149933 on because these children have not had a CG-U8uMLSNg-00629-00149934-00150210 diagnosis a diagnosis of what exactly CG-U8uMLSNg-00630-00150211-00150469 being transgender being trans isn't a CG-U8uMLSNg-00631-00150470-00150651 medical condition or maybe you're CG-U8uMLSNg-00632-00150652-00150813 referring to gender dysphoria but you CG-U8uMLSNg-00633-00150814-00151029 can realize you're trans without having CG-U8uMLSNg-00634-00151030-00151086 dysphoria CG-U8uMLSNg-00635-00151087-00151314 Danae dysphoria isn't synonymous with CG-U8uMLSNg-00636-00151315-00151497 being trans it's something that some CG-U8uMLSNg-00637-00151498-00151746 people some trans people experience but CG-U8uMLSNg-00638-00151747-00151929 it isn't being trans in and of itself CG-U8uMLSNg-00639-00151930-00152121 equating transness with gender dysphoria CG-U8uMLSNg-00640-00152122-00152289 is just another way to perpetuate the CG-U8uMLSNg-00641-00152290-00152463 myth that being transgender is a mental CG-U8uMLSNg-00642-00152464-00152658 illness and if it's a mental illness it CG-U8uMLSNg-00643-00152659-00152835 can be cured whether you frame it as a CG-U8uMLSNg-00644-00152836-00153031 belief an opinion a choice of Tennessee CG-U8uMLSNg-00645-00153032-00153240 a trend where mental illness it all CG-U8uMLSNg-00646-00153241-00153357 comes down to the same thing CG-U8uMLSNg-00647-00153358-00153615 you think transness isn't real you think CG-U8uMLSNg-00648-00153616-00153753 it's made-up and something people can CG-U8uMLSNg-00649-00153754-00154071 just snap out of in fact they are all CG-U8uMLSNg-00650-00154072-00154353 these children are self diagnosing right CG-U8uMLSNg-00651-00154354-00154764 a medical condition a psychological CG-U8uMLSNg-00652-00154765-00154895 condition and it is still a CG-U8uMLSNg-00653-00154896-00155127 psychological condition even though CG-U8uMLSNg-00654-00155128-00155301 there's such a push now to have that CG-U8uMLSNg-00655-00155302-00155679 taken out of the DSM called it because CG-U8uMLSNg-00656-00155680-00155997 we want to keep all these things moving CG-U8uMLSNg-00657-00155998-00156216 forward progressively there is an agenda CG-U8uMLSNg-00658-00156217-00156453 to do that well we help those who have CG-U8uMLSNg-00659-00156454-00156718 eating disorders bulimia anorexia would CG-U8uMLSNg-00660-00156719-00156954 this potentially be a mental disorder or CG-U8uMLSNg-00661-00156955-00157161 should we maybe encourage and support CG-U8uMLSNg-00662-00157162-00157444 our children who feel this way well it's CG-U8uMLSNg-00663-00157445-00157645 still categorized as a mental disorder CG-U8uMLSNg-00664-00157646-00158109 and I really hope it stays there being CG-U8uMLSNg-00665-00158110-00158277 trans isn't classified as a mental CG-U8uMLSNg-00666-00158278-00158478 disorder gender dysphoria is there's a CG-U8uMLSNg-00667-00158479-00158826 difference both of you should be ashamed CG-U8uMLSNg-00668-00158827-00159273 these children are basically being CG-U8uMLSNg-00669-00159274-00159418 affirmed and told that their self CG-U8uMLSNg-00670-00159419-00159644 diagnosis is correct CG-U8uMLSNg-00671-00159645-00159838 we don't do that with eating disorders CG-U8uMLSNg-00672-00159839-00160184 we don't do it with body identity just CG-U8uMLSNg-00673-00160185-00160409 for identity disorder which is people CG-U8uMLSNg-00674-00160410-00160750 that want to amputate a limb and really CG-U8uMLSNg-00675-00160751-00160970 it's because they hate their body being CG-U8uMLSNg-00676-00160971-00161197 trans isn't a mental disorder but I've CG-U8uMLSNg-00677-00161198-00161485 already said that twice and when you get CG-U8uMLSNg-00678-00161486-00161791 into the whole area of transgenderism CG-U8uMLSNg-00679-00161792-00162013 the longer she talks and more CG-U8uMLSNg-00680-00162014-00162221 transphobic she becomes a gain with the CG-U8uMLSNg-00681-00162222-00162433 quitting trans us with ideology CG-U8uMLSNg-00682-00162434-00162695 transgenderism isn't a thing this is a CG-U8uMLSNg-00683-00162696-00162898 term that Christian conservatives write CG-U8uMLSNg-00684-00162899-00163141 has co-opted the frame trans-ness as CG-U8uMLSNg-00685-00163142-00163300 political belief rather than live CG-U8uMLSNg-00686-00163301-00163537 experience because if it's just a belief CG-U8uMLSNg-00687-00163538-00163822 it can change which used to be called CG-U8uMLSNg-00688-00163823-00164239 transsexual okay there is a body hatred CG-U8uMLSNg-00689-00164240-00164539 there's all kinds of underlying abuse CG-U8uMLSNg-00690-00164540-00164815 and different reasons that people behave CG-U8uMLSNg-00691-00164816-00165073 the way they do and we're not even CG-U8uMLSNg-00692-00165074-00165277 allowed to treat those reasons anymore CG-U8uMLSNg-00693-00165278-00165506 wait are you saying that trans people CG-U8uMLSNg-00694-00165507-00165736 are trans because they were abused but CG-U8uMLSNg-00695-00165737-00166048 abuse turns this people trans is this CG-U8uMLSNg-00696-00166049-00166237 what you tell your clients we've better CG-U8uMLSNg-00697-00166238-00166387 deal with this abuse you don't turn CG-U8uMLSNg-00698-00166388-00166471 trans CG-U8uMLSNg-00699-00166472-00166711 what's understandable of course our CG-U8uMLSNg-00700-00166712-00166825 children they're trying to find their CG-U8uMLSNg-00701-00166826-00167038 own identity at the age of five or six CG-U8uMLSNg-00702-00167039-00167236 but what about adults who've lived let's CG-U8uMLSNg-00703-00167237-00167519 say as a man or a woman for 50 60 years CG-U8uMLSNg-00704-00167520-00167650 and all of a sudden say you know what I CG-U8uMLSNg-00705-00167651-00167851 want to be the other sex I was actually CG-U8uMLSNg-00706-00167852-00168010 a man trapped in a woman's body or vice CG-U8uMLSNg-00707-00168011-00168218 versa for 50 or 60 years how does that CG-U8uMLSNg-00708-00168219-00168746 happen well you know I want to be CG-U8uMLSNg-00709-00168747-00168961 compassionate to the people that are CG-U8uMLSNg-00710-00168962-00169315 experiencing things like that oh no you CG-U8uMLSNg-00711-00169316-00169457 want to be compassionate the entire CG-U8uMLSNg-00712-00169458-00169585 interview you were being dismissive CG-U8uMLSNg-00713-00169586-00169852 trans people and their experiences now CG-U8uMLSNg-00714-00169853-00170144 you want to thank compassion nice try it CG-U8uMLSNg-00715-00170145-00170404 does happen so you admit that adults can CG-U8uMLSNg-00716-00170405-00170578 be trans but you think children are just CG-U8uMLSNg-00717-00170579-00170773 confused if you really agree that trans CG-U8uMLSNg-00718-00170774-00170986 people exist as adults and they are as CG-U8uMLSNg-00719-00170987-00171197 he'll put it trapped in the wrong body CG-U8uMLSNg-00720-00171198-00171419 why not prevent that why force them to CG-U8uMLSNg-00721-00171420-00171581 go through puberty they don't want why CG-U8uMLSNg-00722-00171582-00171719 force them to be in a body they don't CG-U8uMLSNg-00723-00171720-00171961 want how was that compassionate why CG-U8uMLSNg-00724-00171962-00172078 would until they're an adult to show CG-U8uMLSNg-00725-00172079-00172435 compassion and I think when I think of CG-U8uMLSNg-00726-00172436-00172733 all that I just think CG-U8uMLSNg-00727-00172734-00172954 sorry this is I think selfishness CG-U8uMLSNg-00728-00172955-00173302 because I I see what happens CG-U8uMLSNg-00729-00173303-00173609 families are destroyed everything CG-U8uMLSNg-00730-00173610-00173984 collapses so a man wants to be a woman CG-U8uMLSNg-00731-00173985-00174211 he's been married he has several CG-U8uMLSNg-00732-00174212-00174581 children so we just leave everything and CG-U8uMLSNg-00733-00174582-00174833 walk away we walk away and do what we CG-U8uMLSNg-00734-00174834-00175179 want to do sometimes these women are so CG-U8uMLSNg-00735-00175180-00175436 they're so they feel like they have to CG-U8uMLSNg-00736-00175437-00175777 support this ideology which I fix my CG-U8uMLSNg-00737-00175778-00176152 heart because I'm saying no say no we CG-U8uMLSNg-00738-00176153-00176685 are a family you made a promise to us to CG-U8uMLSNg-00739-00176686-00176998 love and care for us and to love our CG-U8uMLSNg-00740-00176999-00177283 children and so I mean I won't get CG-U8uMLSNg-00741-00177284-00177526 checkpoints for you talking like this of CG-U8uMLSNg-00742-00177527-00177763 course but it's true walk that CG-U8uMLSNg-00743-00177764-00177886 compassion is short-lived CG-U8uMLSNg-00744-00177887-00178078 why would you get checkpoints for CG-U8uMLSNg-00745-00178079-00178331 forcing a trans person to be sis of CG-U8uMLSNg-00746-00178332-00178489 course that won't get you checkpoints CG-U8uMLSNg-00747-00178490-00178670 see you're the type of counselor who if CG-U8uMLSNg-00748-00178671-00178835 a trans youth comes to you you're gonna CG-U8uMLSNg-00749-00178836-00179033 tell them to stick it out and live as CG-U8uMLSNg-00750-00179034-00179185 the gender your obstetrician assigned to CG-U8uMLSNg-00751-00179186-00179333 you and your parents raised us but when CG-U8uMLSNg-00752-00179334-00179500 they come to you fifty years later and CG-U8uMLSNg-00753-00179501-00179623 they say they can't do it anymore you're CG-U8uMLSNg-00754-00179624-00179761 just gonna tell them but you're married CG-U8uMLSNg-00755-00179762-00179899 you raise the family you make promises CG-U8uMLSNg-00756-00179900-00180088 to be a sis person live assist normative CG-U8uMLSNg-00757-00180089-00180373 life that's a heavy duty crate of messed CG-U8uMLSNg-00758-00180374-00180760 up the LGBTQ 2 plus community is very CG-U8uMLSNg-00759-00180761-00180925 strong yes they're getting a lot of CG-U8uMLSNg-00760-00180926-00181070 influence they have a lot of support CG-U8uMLSNg-00761-00181071-00181273 billions of dollars behind them so where CG-U8uMLSNg-00762-00181274-00181390 do you think this is going over the next CG-U8uMLSNg-00763-00181391-00181624 decade or so billions of dollars Helen CG-U8uMLSNg-00764-00181625-00181847 you bought into the conspiracy wow CG-U8uMLSNg-00765-00181848-00182132 that's a really good question what are CG-U8uMLSNg-00766-00182133-00182444 you high that's a horrible question he's CG-U8uMLSNg-00767-00182445-00182554 supposed to be at least being CG-U8uMLSNg-00768-00182555-00182771 objectivity you only think it's a good CG-U8uMLSNg-00769-00182772-00182926 question because he believes the same CG-U8uMLSNg-00770-00182927-00183186 conspiracy you knew unless people start CG-U8uMLSNg-00771-00183187-00183511 raised rising up standing up and CG-U8uMLSNg-00772-00183512-00183751 speaking out we are in trouble in CG-U8uMLSNg-00773-00183752-00184048 trouble why because people need lgbtq+ CG-U8uMLSNg-00774-00184049-00184228 cumin you're finally enjoying human CG-U8uMLSNg-00775-00184229-00184397 rights cisgender heterosexual people CG-U8uMLSNg-00776-00184398-00184627 have had by default for thousands of CG-U8uMLSNg-00777-00184628-00184946 years at the same time the LGBT CG-U8uMLSNg-00778-00184947-00185140 community as a whole CG-U8uMLSNg-00779-00185141-00185573 I believe it's it's starting to implode CG-U8uMLSNg-00780-00185574-00185788 of course you do you probably believe CG-U8uMLSNg-00781-00185789-00186103 the rapture is coming soon too CG-U8uMLSNg-00782-00186104-00186443 also believe there's feminists both CG-U8uMLSNg-00783-00186444-00186835 within that culture and without that are CG-U8uMLSNg-00784-00186836-00187098 rising up against the trans movement CG-U8uMLSNg-00785-00187099-00187366 this is not a pretty thing going on here CG-U8uMLSNg-00786-00187367-00187672 so rate but turfs are minority fighting CG-U8uMLSNg-00787-00187673-00187852 against trans rights is always going to CG-U8uMLSNg-00788-00187853-00188104 be a losing battle opposing others being CG-U8uMLSNg-00789-00188105-00188275 able to enjoy the same right as everyone CG-U8uMLSNg-00790-00188276-00188488 else will always end as a minority CG-U8uMLSNg-00791-00188489-00188947 position and so I think we as believers CG-U8uMLSNg-00792-00188948-00189313 for sure ah there it is at least she CG-U8uMLSNg-00793-00189314-00189538 finally amidst the bias you see this was CG-U8uMLSNg-00794-00189539-00189731 never about am being an expert on sex CG-U8uMLSNg-00795-00189732-00189865 and gender it's about her being a CG-U8uMLSNg-00796-00189866-00190082 Christian the left behind her name is CG-U8uMLSNg-00797-00190083-00190288 just an attempt by bridge city news to CG-U8uMLSNg-00798-00190289-00190515 use an appeal to Authority fallacy and CG-U8uMLSNg-00799-00190516-00190907 people who have the ability to help need CG-U8uMLSNg-00800-00190908-00191179 to continue to love and care for those CG-U8uMLSNg-00801-00191180-00191432 who are struggling what you've expressed CG-U8uMLSNg-00802-00191433-00191669 the exact opposite you're encouraging CG-U8uMLSNg-00803-00191670-00191935 people to dismiss transness unless you CG-U8uMLSNg-00804-00191936-00192122 think telling trans people to be sis is CG-U8uMLSNg-00805-00192123-00192328 loving and supporting now you have CG-U8uMLSNg-00806-00192329-00192478 someone in your own family who is CG-U8uMLSNg-00807-00192479-00192688 leading a gay lifestyle walk away gay CG-U8uMLSNg-00808-00192689-00192908 lifestyle what is that exactly the way CG-U8uMLSNg-00809-00192909-00193078 gay people commute to work or do the CG-U8uMLSNg-00810-00193079-00193247 dishes or shop for milk bread and cheese CG-U8uMLSNg-00811-00193248-00193384 or take their children a hockey practice CG-U8uMLSNg-00812-00193385-00193654 or go to the movies yeah absolutely my CG-U8uMLSNg-00813-00193655-00193840 eldest son and there's a long story CG-U8uMLSNg-00814-00193841-00194011 behind that but I can't get into that CG-U8uMLSNg-00815-00194012-00194369 today but but needless to say trauma and CG-U8uMLSNg-00816-00194370-00194759 abuse and so he was in that lifestyle CG-U8uMLSNg-00817-00194760-00194998 about 11 years and came out of that CG-U8uMLSNg-00818-00194999-00195316 lifestyle and because he chose he made CG-U8uMLSNg-00819-00195317-00195577 some choices called me and said mom hey CG-U8uMLSNg-00820-00195578-00195787 what's going on I'm having all this CG-U8uMLSNg-00821-00195788-00195968 stuff I'm really struggling and anyway CG-U8uMLSNg-00822-00195969-00196181 started therapy which he couldn't even CG-U8uMLSNg-00823-00196182-00196670 get now because it was to really address CG-U8uMLSNg-00824-00196671-00196982 the underlying issues that promote the CG-U8uMLSNg-00825-00196983-00197191 behavior that he was involved in and so CG-U8uMLSNg-00826-00197192-00197509 he's been out of that lifestyle for CG-U8uMLSNg-00827-00197510-00197869 about ten years he has married whoa CG-U8uMLSNg-00828-00197870-00198262 that's seriously messed up hey how CG-U8uMLSNg-00829-00198263-00198383 remember when you were talking on CG-U8uMLSNg-00830-00198384-00198598 Twitter about conversion therapy that's CG-U8uMLSNg-00831-00198599-00198884 it right there that's what Anne's son CG-U8uMLSNg-00832-00198885-00199058 went through and that's what people are CG-U8uMLSNg-00833-00199059-00199291 trying to ban in Canada gay people CG-U8uMLSNg-00834-00199292-00199484 should not be forced to be CG-U8uMLSNg-00835-00199485-00199682 are you fine with straight people being CG-U8uMLSNg-00836-00199683-00199931 forced to be gay if not then you should CG-U8uMLSNg-00837-00199932-00200053 be an equally appalled when it's the CG-U8uMLSNg-00838-00200054-00200140 other way around CG-U8uMLSNg-00839-00200141-00200399 oh and hey yeah was your son one of the CG-U8uMLSNg-00840-00200400-00200510 participants in your dissertation CG-U8uMLSNg-00841-00200511-00200665 research because your language here CG-U8uMLSNg-00842-00200666-00200800 seems to mirror the language in your CG-U8uMLSNg-00843-00200801-00201076 abstract not everyone that comes out of CG-U8uMLSNg-00844-00201077-00201463 that lifestyle has heterosexual feelings CG-U8uMLSNg-00845-00201464-00201763 a game with the lifestyle that's okay CG-U8uMLSNg-00846-00201764-00202046 but you can still come out wait what you CG-U8uMLSNg-00847-00202047-00202237 stop being gay but you can still be gay CG-U8uMLSNg-00848-00202238-00202445 how does that even make sense CG-U8uMLSNg-00849-00202446-00202619 how are people thinking this is a good CG-U8uMLSNg-00850-00202620-00202936 interview and he has married and he has CG-U8uMLSNg-00851-00202937-00203318 children and he is happy he's very happy CG-U8uMLSNg-00852-00203319-00203527 you do realize that he can be married CG-U8uMLSNg-00853-00203528-00203785 and have children as a gay person right CG-U8uMLSNg-00854-00203786-00203999 doctor and Gilley's a professional CG-U8uMLSNg-00855-00204000-00204161 trauma counselor and author of here it CG-U8uMLSNg-00856-00204162-00204374 is closing the floodgates setting the CG-U8uMLSNg-00857-00204375-00204485 record straight about gender and CG-U8uMLSNg-00858-00204486-00204686 sexuality thanks so much for joining me CG-U8uMLSNg-00859-00204687-00205036 on Bridge City News thank you oh my well CG-U8uMLSNg-00860-00205037-00205285 that was a train wreck policies miss CG-U8uMLSNg-00861-00205286-00205577 Porter research anecdotes myths from an CG-U8uMLSNg-00862-00205578-00205813 unqualified expert this must be one of CG-U8uMLSNg-00863-00205814-00206027 the worst interviews if not the worst CG-U8uMLSNg-00864-00206028-00206287 I've ever seen from a media outlet but CG-U8uMLSNg-00865-00206288-00206446 as I said Bissell is propped up by CG-U8uMLSNg-00866-00206448-00206605 Christian television stations so the CG-U8uMLSNg-00867-00206606-00206758 material the person they brought on as CG-U8uMLSNg-00868-00206759-00206989 an expert and a biased questioning CG-U8uMLSNg-00869-00206990-00207091 shouldn't be that surprising CG-U8uMLSNg-00870-00207092-00207286 unfortunately even with a flawed CG-U8uMLSNg-00871-00207287-00207490 arguments and reasoning plenty of people CG-U8uMLSNg-00872-00207491-00207688 will still watch this and believe every CG-U8uMLSNg-00873-00207689-00208001 word boast 15 thumbs up aren't from CG-U8uMLSNg-00874-00208002-00208277 trans supportive people anyhow thanks CG-U8uMLSNg-00875-00208278-00208448 for watching I hope you found my CG-U8uMLSNg-00876-00208448-00208594 responses to the interview to be CG-U8uMLSNg-00877-00208596-00208762 insightful thoughtful and well reasoned CG-U8uMLSNg-00878-00208763-00208936 even if they might have been a tad CG-U8uMLSNg-00879-00208937-00209215 exasperated if you did please give me a CG-U8uMLSNg-00880-00209216-00209341 thumbs up and let me know in the CG-U8uMLSNg-00881-00209342-00209548 comments below please also share my CG-U8uMLSNg-00882-00209550-00209723 video and subscribe to my channel I'll CG-U8uMLSNg-00883-00209723-00209903 be back to my regular schedule on CG-U8uMLSNg-00884-00209904-00210140 Tuesday CI9f0cXgCho-00000-00000032-00000238 what's going on guys my name is slippy CI9f0cXgCho-00001-00000239-00000311 and CI9f0cXgCho-00002-00000312-00000447 i just want to start this video by CI9f0cXgCho-00003-00000448-00000615 saying this is going to be CI9f0cXgCho-00004-00000616-00000782 a completely different video than you CI9f0cXgCho-00005-00000783-00000919 guys are used to CI9f0cXgCho-00006-00000919-00001158 it's more just a thank you to everybody CI9f0cXgCho-00007-00001159-00001254 because CI9f0cXgCho-00008-00001255-00001462 i started doing youtube nine years ago CI9f0cXgCho-00009-00001463-00001558 okay CI9f0cXgCho-00010-00001559-00001743 i mean my brother started by recording CI9f0cXgCho-00011-00001744-00001863 the tv CI9f0cXgCho-00012-00001864-00002215 with my mom's camera and CI9f0cXgCho-00013-00002216-00002415 that's when the whole youtube journey CI9f0cXgCho-00014-00002416-00002607 started at first we didn't really CI9f0cXgCho-00015-00002608-00002783 care like we didn't give a [__] about CI9f0cXgCho-00016-00002784-00002975 money or anything like that like people CI9f0cXgCho-00017-00002976-00003007 now CI9f0cXgCho-00018-00003008-00003254 get into youtube for uh we started CI9f0cXgCho-00019-00003255-00003327 because CI9f0cXgCho-00020-00003328-00003495 purely entertainment we wanted to make CI9f0cXgCho-00021-00003496-00003686 people happy you know CI9f0cXgCho-00022-00003688-00003847 we wanted to entertain people make CI9f0cXgCho-00023-00003847-00004079 people watch our cool videos like dan CI9f0cXgCho-00024-00004079-00004151 this guy's CI9f0cXgCho-00025-00004152-00004311 you know crazy at the game or whatever CI9f0cXgCho-00026-00004312-00004486 else CI9f0cXgCho-00027-00004487-00004686 my brother ended up giving up four years CI9f0cXgCho-00028-00004687-00004983 ago and that's when i started slippy CI9f0cXgCho-00029-00004984-00005167 ever since then i've been streaming CI9f0cXgCho-00030-00005168-00005311 consistently CI9f0cXgCho-00031-00005312-00005767 every single day posting every few days CI9f0cXgCho-00032-00005768-00006038 posting a clip on instagram as much as i CI9f0cXgCho-00033-00006039-00006102 can CI9f0cXgCho-00034-00006103-00006286 sometimes it does look like i slack on CI9f0cXgCho-00035-00006287-00006446 there but it's just because i have no CI9f0cXgCho-00036-00006447-00006550 good clip CI9f0cXgCho-00037-00006551-00006855 and um you know i i put my CI9f0cXgCho-00038-00006856-00007095 blood sweat and tears into this [__] man CI9f0cXgCho-00039-00007095-00007278 i make sure every video is the highest CI9f0cXgCho-00040-00007279-00007598 quality if i don't have good quality CI9f0cXgCho-00041-00007600-00007734 videos i don't post it CI9f0cXgCho-00042-00007736-00007878 some youtubers will just put [__] out CI9f0cXgCho-00043-00007879-00008078 there just so they get views and ad CI9f0cXgCho-00044-00008079-00008255 revenue and i'm not like that man CI9f0cXgCho-00045-00008256-00008471 if i'm posting something i want to make CI9f0cXgCho-00046-00008472-00008607 sure it's high quality and that you guys CI9f0cXgCho-00047-00008608-00008759 would like it CI9f0cXgCho-00048-00008760-00008999 because if i'm supporting someone and CI9f0cXgCho-00049-00009000-00009167 they're posting CI9f0cXgCho-00050-00009168-00009327 [__] videos and all that i don't want to CI9f0cXgCho-00051-00009328-00009495 watch them i don't watch someone who CI9f0cXgCho-00052-00009496-00009663 cares about me CI9f0cXgCho-00053-00009664-00009910 like the way i care about you guys uh CI9f0cXgCho-00054-00009911-00009999 you guys really don't CI9f0cXgCho-00055-00010000-00010167 i don't think you guys will ever CI9f0cXgCho-00056-00010168-00010391 understand it but i'm so thankful for CI9f0cXgCho-00057-00010392-00010519 you guys CI9f0cXgCho-00058-00010520-00010751 uh sometimes i'll be having a terrible CI9f0cXgCho-00059-00010752-00010838 day i'll come and CI9f0cXgCho-00060-00010839-00011135 stream and just having people talk to my CI9f0cXgCho-00061-00011136-00011238 chat and CI9f0cXgCho-00062-00011239-00011542 you know talk to me it's just it's a CI9f0cXgCho-00063-00011543-00011727 surreal feeling that people CI9f0cXgCho-00064-00011728-00012038 that i can get people happy even though CI9f0cXgCho-00065-00012039-00012327 i'm sad right and you know right now i'm CI9f0cXgCho-00066-00012328-00012487 i'm i'm over the moon man CI9f0cXgCho-00067-00012488-00012807 uh with my success with instagram and my CI9f0cXgCho-00068-00012808-00013055 youtube channel doing really well CI9f0cXgCho-00069-00013056-00013391 everything is you know CI9f0cXgCho-00070-00013391-00013551 we're blowing up i don't know what CI9f0cXgCho-00071-00013552-00013719 others to say it but CI9f0cXgCho-00072-00013719-00013983 we're making them in and i only have you CI9f0cXgCho-00073-00013984-00014127 guys to think CI9f0cXgCho-00074-00014128-00014303 so i just want to say thank you guys for CI9f0cXgCho-00075-00014304-00014447 the support uh CI9f0cXgCho-00076-00014447-00014758 2021 i have a lot of big moves i have CI9f0cXgCho-00077-00014759-00014871 planned CI9f0cXgCho-00078-00014872-00015199 so hoping the best for the future CI9f0cXgCho-00079-00015200-00015494 and i really have nothing else to say CI9f0cXgCho-00080-00015495-00015686 then thank you guys CI9f0cXgCho-00081-00015687-00016086 um i love you guys and CI9f0cXgCho-00082-00016087-00016255 peace the [__] out and i wish you guys CI9f0cXgCho-00083-00016256-00016391 had a great new year CI9f0cXgCho-00084-00016392-00016694 [__] 2020 let's make 2021 CI9f0cXgCho-00085-00016695-00017030 our year best select boys and i'll see CI9f0cXgCho-00086-00017031-00017127 you guys CI9f0cXgCho-00087-00017128-00017680 in the next one take care and peace CJelxiSY9pg-00000-00000003-00000286 this video focuses on interp one CJelxiSY9pg-00001-00000287-00000628 matlab's built-in interpolator MATLAB CJelxiSY9pg-00002-00000629-00000829 has a built-in interpolation function CJelxiSY9pg-00003-00000830-00001100 called interp one by default it performs CJelxiSY9pg-00004-00001101-00001312 linear interpolation but you can tell it CJelxiSY9pg-00005-00001313-00001520 to use a variety of other interpolation CJelxiSY9pg-00006-00001521-00001768 methods we didn't really cover any CJelxiSY9pg-00007-00001769-00001979 advanced interpolation methods so I CJelxiSY9pg-00008-00001980-00002324 strongly advise against using them the CJelxiSY9pg-00009-00002325-00002516 syntax is pretty simple it takes a CJelxiSY9pg-00010-00002517-00002809 minimum of three inputs X is the X data CJelxiSY9pg-00011-00002810-00003125 Y is the Y data and B are the points at CJelxiSY9pg-00012-00003126-00003361 which you want to interpolate if you end CJelxiSY9pg-00013-00003363-00003542 up using a nonlinear interpolation CJelxiSY9pg-00014-00003543-00003749 method which I don't recommend you can CJelxiSY9pg-00015-00003750-00003977 add a fourth input called other which is CJelxiSY9pg-00016-00003978-00004133 just a placeholder for the name of the CJelxiSY9pg-00017-00004134-00004306 alternative interpolation method you're CJelxiSY9pg-00018-00004307-00004610 using in ma 2004 we won't bother with CJelxiSY9pg-00019-00004611-00004775 this so we'll just be using three CJelxiSY9pg-00020-00004776-00005231 arguments X Y and B the output is FB or CJelxiSY9pg-00021-00005232-00005513 the interpolated values I've tried to CJelxiSY9pg-00022-00005514-00005668 keep the notation between this week's CJelxiSY9pg-00023-00005669-00005872 videos consistent so if you go back to CJelxiSY9pg-00024-00005873-00006077 the OEA video you'll see a similar CJelxiSY9pg-00025-00006078-00006511 notation with X Y B and FB note that x CJelxiSY9pg-00026-00006512-00006806 and y are the same size and B and FB CJelxiSY9pg-00027-00006806-00007109 will have the same size however x and y CJelxiSY9pg-00028-00007109-00007358 can have different sizes than B an FB CJelxiSY9pg-00029-00007359-00007633 will explore this in the MATLAB demo CJelxiSY9pg-00030-00007634-00007906 finally I want to emphasize the value of CJelxiSY9pg-00031-00007908-00008128 reading matlab's documentation the CJelxiSY9pg-00032-00008129-00008288 interpret one documentation in CJelxiSY9pg-00033-00008289-00008474 particular has plenty of really good CJelxiSY9pg-00034-00008475-00008699 examples of usage and syntax and has CJelxiSY9pg-00035-00008700-00008974 additional syntactical information let's CJelxiSY9pg-00036-00008975-00009357 move into MATLAB for the demo CJelxiSY9pg-00037-00009358-00009639 okay here we are in MATLAB well CJelxiSY9pg-00038-00009640-00009846 interpolate using the formula shown in CJelxiSY9pg-00039-00009847-00010053 the previous video and through interplan CJelxiSY9pg-00040-00010054-00010338 for notational purposes the formula CJelxiSY9pg-00041-00010339-00010512 shown in the previous video is called CJelxiSY9pg-00042-00010513-00010821 Newton interpolation let's start the CJelxiSY9pg-00043-00010822-00011007 demo by recreating the results we CJelxiSY9pg-00044-00011008-00011178 obtained in the Newton interpolation CJelxiSY9pg-00045-00011179-00011493 video we had our X data go from 0 to 3 CJelxiSY9pg-00046-00011494-00011703 in increments of 1 and our Associated CJelxiSY9pg-00047-00011704-00012598 wide data vector CJelxiSY9pg-00048-00012599-00012863 you CJelxiSY9pg-00049-00012863-00013094 uncomment the plot commands and run the CJelxiSY9pg-00050-00013096-00014018 code to see the data appear on the plot CJelxiSY9pg-00051-00014019-00014491 in the first video we chose B equals 2.5 CJelxiSY9pg-00052-00014493-00014847 and calculated f of B to be 6 point 5 CJelxiSY9pg-00053-00014849-00015134 Newton interpolation also needs the two CJelxiSY9pg-00054-00015135-00015359 surrounding points a and C respectively CJelxiSY9pg-00055-00015360-00015755 and their associated y values F a and F CJelxiSY9pg-00056-00015756-00016608 C CJelxiSY9pg-00057-00016609-00017068 you CJelxiSY9pg-00058-00017069-00017350 instead of hard-coding in values for FA CJelxiSY9pg-00059-00017351-00018277 and FC all use a dressing CJelxiSY9pg-00060-00018278-00018734 you CJelxiSY9pg-00061-00018735-00018981 now we need the Newton interpolation CJelxiSY9pg-00062-00018982-00019659 formula CJelxiSY9pg-00063-00019660-00020676 you CJelxiSY9pg-00064-00020677-00020886 we can see that after running the code CJelxiSY9pg-00065-00020887-00021090 we get the same results as we did in the CJelxiSY9pg-00066-00021091-00021372 video I'll plot this point so we can see CJelxiSY9pg-00067-00021373-00022211 it on the graph CJelxiSY9pg-00068-00022212-00022775 you CJelxiSY9pg-00069-00022776-00023049 this point with the red X is our CJelxiSY9pg-00070-00023050-00023297 interpolated point now let's try using CJelxiSY9pg-00071-00023298-00023574 the interplan command we need the X data CJelxiSY9pg-00072-00023575-00023831 as our first input the Y data as the CJelxiSY9pg-00073-00023832-00024105 second input and our query value or B as CJelxiSY9pg-00074-00024106-00024395 the third input and Terk one takes more CJelxiSY9pg-00075-00024396-00024558 inputs if we're doing a non linear CJelxiSY9pg-00076-00024559-00024812 interpolation but we're not so we only CJelxiSY9pg-00077-00024813-00025097 need these three inputs I'll call the CJelxiSY9pg-00078-00025098-00025355 output FB too so I don't confuse it with CJelxiSY9pg-00079-00025356-00026373 our FB from Newton interpolation CJelxiSY9pg-00080-00026374-00026683 you CJelxiSY9pg-00081-00026685-00026975 and once again the results agree exactly CJelxiSY9pg-00082-00026976-00027224 I'll add one last plot command for CJelxiSY9pg-00083-00027225-00027449 clarity don't forget to uncomment the CJelxiSY9pg-00084-00027450-00028437 legend command before you run the code CJelxiSY9pg-00085-00028438-00029055 you CJelxiSY9pg-00086-00029056-00029260 and this is just a visual representation CJelxiSY9pg-00087-00029261-00029454 of how we get the same answer using CJelxiSY9pg-00088-00029455-00029805 interp Newton interpolation so should CJelxiSY9pg-00089-00029806-00030060 you use Newton interpolation or interp CJelxiSY9pg-00090-00030061-00030307 sometimes we won't allow you to use in CJelxiSY9pg-00091-00030308-00030501 turf one on problems but that doesn't CJelxiSY9pg-00092-00030502-00030657 mean you can't use it to check your CJelxiSY9pg-00093-00030658-00030982 answer if we allow you to use interplay CJelxiSY9pg-00094-00030983-00031227 all means go ahead this is a really CJelxiSY9pg-00095-00031228-00031437 handy function I use in my research all CJelxiSY9pg-00096-00031438-00031620 the time and I hope you'll appreciate CJelxiSY9pg-00097-00031621-00031879 the utility of not only in Turpan but CJelxiSY9pg-00098-00031880-00032349 interpolation as a whole see you soon CK7Q0cmY07y-00000-00000000-00000093 foreign CK7Q0cmY07y-00001-00000094-00001841 [Music] CK7Q0cmY07y-00002-00001842-00002938 [Music] CK7Q0cmY07y-00003-00002939-00003814 [Music] CK7Q0cmY07y-00004-00003815-00005656 [Music] CK7Q0cmY07y-00005-00005657-00005916 you control CK7Q0cmY07y-00006-00005917-00006442 [Music] CK7Q0cmY07y-00007-00006443-00007539 [Music] CK7Q0cmY07y-00008-00007540-00008064 [Music] CK7Q0cmY07y-00009-00008065-00008357 the temple I'm ready to be a rebel I've CK7Q0cmY07y-00010-00008358-00008560 got a lot of potential hidden inside of CK7Q0cmY07y-00011-00008561-00008741 this vessel that [__] is so exponential CK7Q0cmY07y-00012-00008742-00008957 I need a first class ticket to the top CK7Q0cmY07y-00013-00008958-00009209 No Limit I don't play no gimmicks imma CK7Q0cmY07y-00014-00009210-00009413 take it to the clinic if you wanna taste CK7Q0cmY07y-00015-00009414-00009599 come at me and you will be replaced they CK7Q0cmY07y-00016-00009600-00009827 will find a trace of you anywhere or any CK7Q0cmY07y-00017-00009828-00010299 place song CK7Q0cmY07y-00018-00010300-00010831 [Music] CK7Q0cmY07y-00019-00010832-00011764 [Music] CK7Q0cmY07y-00020-00011765-00011928 foreign CK7Q0cmY07y-00021-00011929-00013328 [Music] CKYNG0LqStg-00000-00000000-00000238 today we've got carrot joining us carrot CKYNG0LqStg-00001-00000239-00000423 is becca's hamster carrot's not my CKYNG0LqStg-00002-00000424-00000495 hamster CKYNG0LqStg-00003-00000496-00001491 are you are you there sir are you you're CKYNG0LqStg-00004-00001492-00002017 harmless CKYNG0LqStg-00005-00002018-00002295 [Music] CKYNG0LqStg-00006-00002296-00002431 you guys welcome back to my channel if CKYNG0LqStg-00007-00002432-00002679 you're new here hi hello i'm lydia and CKYNG0LqStg-00008-00002680-00002871 i make mental health and chronic health CKYNG0LqStg-00009-00002872-00002983 awareness videos CKYNG0LqStg-00010-00002984-00003142 i have three hamsters and i'm currently CKYNG0LqStg-00011-00003143-00003335 looking at becca's hamster CKYNG0LqStg-00012-00003336-00003663 carrot who is here for a video because CKYNG0LqStg-00013-00003664-00003831 well you wanted to get out didn't you CKYNG0LqStg-00014-00003832-00004031 today i wanted to talk about some of the CKYNG0LqStg-00015-00004032-00004238 big misconceptions surrounding the use CKYNG0LqStg-00016-00004239-00004447 of antipsychotic medication so anyone CKYNG0LqStg-00017-00004448-00004631 who doesn't know hi i'm lydia i have CKYNG0LqStg-00018-00004632-00004775 mental health conditions CKYNG0LqStg-00019-00004776-00005054 i take haloperidol which is an a first CKYNG0LqStg-00020-00005055-00005238 generation antipsychotic i've taken CKYNG0LqStg-00021-00005239-00005431 other antipsychotics in the past CKYNG0LqStg-00022-00005432-00005686 and believe me when i say i have fallen CKYNG0LqStg-00023-00005687-00005751 victim CKYNG0LqStg-00024-00005752-00006095 to a lot of the stigma surrounding the CKYNG0LqStg-00025-00006096-00006286 use of antipsychotic and CKYNG0LqStg-00026-00006287-00006463 i'm gonna get into that right after i CKYNG0LqStg-00027-00006464-00006670 put carrot back in his cage CKYNG0LqStg-00028-00006672-00006839 misconception one you're only CKYNG0LqStg-00029-00006840-00007023 prescribing psychotic medication if CKYNG0LqStg-00030-00007023-00007214 you're dealing with psychosis or a CKYNG0LqStg-00031-00007215-00007478 psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia CKYNG0LqStg-00032-00007479-00007710 not true antipsychotics are used for a CKYNG0LqStg-00033-00007711-00007895 number of different reasons CKYNG0LqStg-00034-00007895-00008134 doctors can prescribe antipsychotic CKYNG0LqStg-00035-00008136-00008327 medications if i say doctors i mean CKYNG0LqStg-00036-00008328-00008439 psychiatrists CKYNG0LqStg-00037-00008440-00008703 specifically not gp is i mean CKYNG0LqStg-00038-00008704-00008910 psychiatrist someone who is completely CKYNG0LqStg-00039-00008911-00009135 trained within the use of psychiatric CKYNG0LqStg-00040-00009136-00009214 medication CKYNG0LqStg-00041-00009215-00009503 while antipsychotics was created CKYNG0LqStg-00042-00009504-00009646 initially for the use CKYNG0LqStg-00043-00009647-00009942 of easing up psychosis and psychotic CKYNG0LqStg-00044-00009943-00010039 symptoms CKYNG0LqStg-00045-00010040-00010191 that is not the only thing they are CKYNG0LqStg-00046-00010192-00010351 prescribed for their prescribed for CKYNG0LqStg-00047-00010352-00010591 anything ranging from depression anxiety CKYNG0LqStg-00048-00010592-00010895 eating disorders ocd tourette syndrome CKYNG0LqStg-00049-00010896-00011278 adhd ptsd dementia delirium CKYNG0LqStg-00050-00011279-00011503 they have a number of different uses not CKYNG0LqStg-00051-00011504-00011646 just typically for CKYNG0LqStg-00052-00011647-00011959 psychotic symptoms misuse number two CKYNG0LqStg-00053-00011960-00012191 the side effects are worse than the CKYNG0LqStg-00054-00012192-00012342 condition itself CKYNG0LqStg-00055-00012343-00012583 now i'm not going to sugarcoat it they CKYNG0LqStg-00056-00012584-00012710 have side effects and i CKYNG0LqStg-00057-00012711-00012871 told very openly on twitter about my CKYNG0LqStg-00058-00012872-00013022 experience side effects and if you want CKYNG0LqStg-00059-00013023-00013207 to do a video talking about that CKYNG0LqStg-00060-00013208-00013351 let me know in the comments down below CKYNG0LqStg-00061-00013352-00013527 or hit that thumbs up button so i know CKYNG0LqStg-00062-00013528-00013679 something you want to see CKYNG0LqStg-00063-00013680-00013855 there are very common side effects of CKYNG0LqStg-00064-00013856-00014119 antipsychotics such as drowsiness CKYNG0LqStg-00065-00014119-00014358 sleepiness there are some state cases CKYNG0LqStg-00066-00014359-00014566 where side effects may be more serious CKYNG0LqStg-00067-00014568-00014743 than the condition itself CKYNG0LqStg-00068-00014744-00015103 it genuinely varies person to person no CKYNG0LqStg-00069-00015104-00015327 medication works the exact same way for CKYNG0LqStg-00070-00015328-00015438 everybody CKYNG0LqStg-00071-00015440-00015663 medications are not a one size fits all CKYNG0LqStg-00072-00015663-00015879 and they certainly CKYNG0LqStg-00073-00015880-00016127 certainly don't work the same for CKYNG0LqStg-00074-00016128-00016207 everybody CKYNG0LqStg-00075-00016208-00016399 i wish it was that simple i wish it CKYNG0LqStg-00076-00016400-00016550 worked like that but it doesn't CKYNG0LqStg-00077-00016551-00016758 typically medication especially CKYNG0LqStg-00078-00016759-00016967 antipsychotics are only prescribed when CKYNG0LqStg-00079-00016968-00017047 the CKYNG0LqStg-00080-00017048-00017286 benefits outweigh the cons and a lot of CKYNG0LqStg-00081-00017287-00017350 the time CKYNG0LqStg-00082-00017351-00017575 antipsychotics are very beneficial in CKYNG0LqStg-00083-00017576-00017703 what they do and they work CKYNG0LqStg-00084-00017704-00017999 very well for people obviously there are CKYNG0LqStg-00085-00018000-00018175 exceptions to that people can react CKYNG0LqStg-00086-00018176-00018350 really badly to medications i'm not CKYNG0LqStg-00087-00018351-00018519 trying to shy away from that CKYNG0LqStg-00088-00018520-00018743 i'm just saying the chances of you CKYNG0LqStg-00089-00018744-00018822 reacting CKYNG0LqStg-00090-00018823-00019086 horrifically more so that the side CKYNG0LqStg-00091-00019087-00019263 effects are worse than the condition CKYNG0LqStg-00092-00019264-00019535 are very minimal antipsychotic CKYNG0LqStg-00093-00019536-00019694 medications are addictive CKYNG0LqStg-00094-00019695-00019879 that that's not true that they're not CKYNG0LqStg-00095-00019880-00020022 addicted they are not like other CKYNG0LqStg-00096-00020023-00020119 medications CKYNG0LqStg-00097-00020120-00020383 you do not build up a tolerance to them CKYNG0LqStg-00098-00020384-00020567 like some of the medications such as CKYNG0LqStg-00099-00020568-00020694 codeine CKYNG0LqStg-00100-00020695-00021022 or oxycontin or CKYNG0LqStg-00101-00021023-00021383 i don't know benzodiazepines they don't CKYNG0LqStg-00102-00021384-00021535 work the same way CKYNG0LqStg-00103-00021536-00021758 antipsychotics have a wide range of side CKYNG0LqStg-00104-00021759-00021935 effects and while the effects CKYNG0LqStg-00105-00021936-00022247 of the antipsychotics antipsychotics are CKYNG0LqStg-00106-00022248-00022343 not typically CKYNG0LqStg-00107-00022344-00022622 an addictive medication opioid CKYNG0LqStg-00108-00022623-00022775 painkillers for example CKYNG0LqStg-00109-00022776-00023030 they have a higher addiction rate really CKYNG0LqStg-00110-00023031-00023167 high addiction rate CKYNG0LqStg-00111-00023168-00023414 antipsychotics such as olanzapine quit CKYNG0LqStg-00112-00023415-00023607 therapy and haloperidol CKYNG0LqStg-00113-00023608-00023871 they're not addictive so no they're not CKYNG0LqStg-00114-00023872-00023950 addictive CKYNG0LqStg-00115-00023951-00024199 please throw a stereotype out the window CKYNG0LqStg-00116-00024200-00024350 they make the symptoms CKYNG0LqStg-00117-00024351-00024742 go away completely now while CKYNG0LqStg-00118-00024743-00025030 antipsychotics are made in a way that CKYNG0LqStg-00119-00025031-00025142 are to ease up CKYNG0LqStg-00120-00025143-00025358 on psychotic symptoms or the symptoms CKYNG0LqStg-00121-00025359-00025511 you're experiencing which led to you CKYNG0LqStg-00122-00025512-00025734 being put onto antipsychotics CKYNG0LqStg-00123-00025735-00025934 the effects aren't immediate you're not CKYNG0LqStg-00124-00025935-00026078 going to immediately feel CKYNG0LqStg-00125-00026079-00026327 at ease you're not immediately gonna CKYNG0LqStg-00126-00026327-00026423 feel relief CKYNG0LqStg-00127-00026424-00026583 from what you have going on they take CKYNG0LqStg-00128-00026583-00026807 time to build on your system and that is CKYNG0LqStg-00129-00026808-00026911 how they were CKYNG0LqStg-00130-00026912-00027151 how any other medication works it takes CKYNG0LqStg-00131-00027152-00027246 time CKYNG0LqStg-00132-00027247-00027446 the typical time frame is anywhere from CKYNG0LqStg-00133-00027447-00027631 two to six weeks CKYNG0LqStg-00134-00027632-00027870 typically speaking and that's how long CKYNG0LqStg-00135-00027872-00028023 it takes for your system to start CKYNG0LqStg-00136-00028024-00028195 reacting properly to the medication CKYNG0LqStg-00137-00028197-00028318 [Music] CKYNG0LqStg-00138-00028319-00028511 it's nice to think that the same keep CKYNG0LqStg-00139-00028512-00028670 popping up here will make everything go CKYNG0LqStg-00140-00028672-00028870 away but that is not how psychiatric CKYNG0LqStg-00141-00028872-00029039 medication works CKYNG0LqStg-00142-00029039-00029190 and i don't want people to be under the CKYNG0LqStg-00143-00029191-00029358 illusion that is how CKYNG0LqStg-00144-00029360-00029574 they were it's nice to wish that it CKYNG0LqStg-00145-00029575-00029751 would be immediate fix but that's just CKYNG0LqStg-00146-00029752-00029967 not the reality of taking medication CKYNG0LqStg-00147-00029968-00030174 having hallucinations such as audrey CKYNG0LqStg-00148-00030175-00030335 hallucinations like myself CKYNG0LqStg-00149-00030336-00030583 some symptoms don't always completely go CKYNG0LqStg-00150-00030583-00030711 away just because you're on CKYNG0LqStg-00151-00030712-00030911 antipsychotic medication CKYNG0LqStg-00152-00030912-00031158 they ease off and it releases some of CKYNG0LqStg-00153-00031160-00031311 the pressure and the stress that builds CKYNG0LqStg-00154-00031312-00031439 up from them CKYNG0LqStg-00155-00031439-00031799 however i can say this from experience CKYNG0LqStg-00156-00031800-00032070 i still hear voices that's not gonna CKYNG0LqStg-00157-00032072-00032190 magically disappear CKYNG0LqStg-00158-00032191-00032487 but they are a lot more manageable on CKYNG0LqStg-00159-00032488-00032631 medication than when i'm not on CKYNG0LqStg-00160-00032632-00032695 medication CKYNG0LqStg-00161-00032695-00033007 carrot what are you doing misconception CKYNG0LqStg-00162-00033008-00033143 and number five CKYNG0LqStg-00163-00033144-00033335 it's a one size fits all and it'll work CKYNG0LqStg-00164-00033336-00033479 the same for absolutely everybody i CKYNG0LqStg-00165-00033480-00033631 briefly touched on this before CKYNG0LqStg-00166-00033632-00033951 medication is not a one size fits all CKYNG0LqStg-00167-00033952-00034167 it doesn't work like that what works for CKYNG0LqStg-00168-00034168-00034335 one person will not work for another CKYNG0LqStg-00169-00034336-00034390 person CKYNG0LqStg-00170-00034391-00034615 the dose the way you take it the time CKYNG0LqStg-00171-00034616-00034702 you take it CKYNG0LqStg-00172-00034703-00034927 the amount of times you take in a day is CKYNG0LqStg-00173-00034928-00035111 different for everybody to match CKYNG0LqStg-00174-00035112-00035287 different people's symptoms CKYNG0LqStg-00175-00035288-00035511 personally i take haloperidol and i take CKYNG0LqStg-00176-00035512-00035607 it twice a day CKYNG0LqStg-00177-00035608-00035830 i'm on 1.5 milligrams in the morning and CKYNG0LqStg-00178-00035831-00036007 2.5 milligrams at night CKYNG0LqStg-00179-00036008-00036343 my dosage is going up and that is to try CKYNG0LqStg-00180-00036344-00036430 and keep in check CKYNG0LqStg-00181-00036431-00036687 the symptoms i'm experiencing without CKYNG0LqStg-00182-00036688-00036935 sedating me too much so i can actually CKYNG0LqStg-00183-00036936-00037135 function in society but what works for CKYNG0LqStg-00184-00037136-00037302 me will not work for other people other CKYNG0LqStg-00185-00037303-00037415 people will tell you CKYNG0LqStg-00186-00037416-00037607 hello paradise was the worst thing that CKYNG0LqStg-00187-00037608-00037735 ever happened to that cue CKYNG0LqStg-00188-00037736-00038015 multiple videos from a lot of people CKYNG0LqStg-00189-00038016-00038174 i've had a very good experience with CKYNG0LqStg-00190-00038175-00038335 heliperito apart from one side effect CKYNG0LqStg-00191-00038336-00038495 which i am going to be making a video CKYNG0LqStg-00192-00038496-00038743 talking about very soon but what i take CKYNG0LqStg-00193-00038744-00038879 might not work for you CKYNG0LqStg-00194-00038880-00039118 i was on quitopeem before and it did CKYNG0LqStg-00195-00039119-00039230 absolutely CKYNG0LqStg-00196-00039231-00039471 nothing i was taking it and my days kept CKYNG0LqStg-00197-00039472-00039687 getting increased and it did CKYNG0LqStg-00198-00039688-00039918 nothing it was the worst medication i've CKYNG0LqStg-00199-00039919-00040007 ever taken CKYNG0LqStg-00200-00040008-00040295 and looking back on it i don't know why CKYNG0LqStg-00201-00040296-00040535 i agreed to take it for as long as i did CKYNG0LqStg-00202-00040536-00040815 bad move lydia bad bad mirror so these CKYNG0LqStg-00203-00040816-00040967 are just a few of the misconceptions CKYNG0LqStg-00204-00040968-00041143 that i've got for you guys if you can CKYNG0LqStg-00205-00041144-00041287 think of anything else that you want to CKYNG0LqStg-00206-00041288-00041430 add let me know in the comments down CKYNG0LqStg-00207-00041431-00041623 below i'll make a video of your own and CKYNG0LqStg-00208-00041624-00041751 then let me know that you've made a CKYNG0LqStg-00209-00041752-00041918 video because i really like to see what CKYNG0LqStg-00210-00041919-00042071 you guys get up to anyway that is all CKYNG0LqStg-00211-00042072-00042207 i've got for this video if you CKYNG0LqStg-00212-00042208-00042358 are new make sure you hit the subscribe CKYNG0LqStg-00213-00042359-00042502 button hit the thumbs up button comment CKYNG0LqStg-00214-00042503-00042639 down below whatever you want CKYNG0LqStg-00215-00042640-00042830 feel free to request a video i'm open to CKYNG0LqStg-00216-00042831-00043039 requests i'm trying to get back into a CKYNG0LqStg-00217-00043040-00043102 schedule CKYNG0LqStg-00218-00043103-00043311 and i will see you guys soon in a new CKYNG0LqStg-00219-00043312-00043487 video but not before i give my two CKYNG0LqStg-00220-00043488-00043751 patrons a shout out drunk shop library CKYNG0LqStg-00221-00043752-00043958 sky high tower you guys rock you guys CKYNG0LqStg-00222-00043959-00044127 are amazing if you are interested in my CKYNG0LqStg-00223-00044128-00044239 patreon CKYNG0LqStg-00224-00044240-00044446 exclusive content just get uploaded and CKYNG0LqStg-00225-00044447-00044623 believe me when i say CKYNG0LqStg-00226-00044624-00044927 i can't put this [__] on youtube because CKYNG0LqStg-00227-00044928-00045062 i will get arrested CKYNG0LqStg-00228-00045063-00045271 great advertising lydia i will get CKYNG0LqStg-00229-00045272-00045462 arrested exaggeration CKYNG0LqStg-00230-00045463-00045807 but i upload some fun things on that CKYNG0LqStg-00231-00045808-00046079 and i have a laugh i'm a lot more free CKYNG0LqStg-00232-00046080-00046279 spirited on that because CKYNG0LqStg-00233-00046280-00046599 no trolls trolls know who you are thanks CKYNG0LqStg-00234-00046600-00046751 for watching by the way i love it when CKYNG0LqStg-00235-00046752-00047015 trolls watch my entire videos but still CKYNG0LqStg-00236-00047016-00047351 they're like i don't like what she said CKYNG0LqStg-00237-00047352-00047718 bad person [__] you're wasting your CKYNG0LqStg-00238-00047719-00047830 time watching me CKYNG0LqStg-00239-00047831-00048151 it it it it's 10 to 1 in the morning i'm CKYNG0LqStg-00240-00048152-00048390 sat here filming a video wearing my own CKYNG0LqStg-00241-00048391-00048567 like it's normal i'm wondering why my CKYNG0LqStg-00242-00048568-00048758 hamster has been loud my hamsters are CKYNG0LqStg-00243-00048759-00048951 nocturnal of course they're being loud CKYNG0LqStg-00244-00048952-00049143 anyway i'm rambling on let's end this CKYNG0LqStg-00245-00049144-00049327 video here and i'll see you guys soon CKYNG0LqStg-00246-00049328-00050151 with a new video CKYNG0LqStg-00247-00050152-00050483 [Music] CKYNG0LqStg-00248-00050484-00051785 peace CKYNG0LqStg-00249-00051786-00053167 [Music] CKYNG0LqStg-00250-00053169-00054775 [Music] CKYNG0LqStg-00251-00054776-00054983 foreign CM3TOdYrsyU-00000-00000041-00000155 [Music] CM3TOdYrsyU-00001-00000156-00000523 here CM3TOdYrsyU-00002-00000524-00000802 jewelry CM3TOdYrsyU-00003-00000803-00001896 [Music] CM3TOdYrsyU-00004-00001897-00004072 [Music] CM3TOdYrsyU-00005-00004074-00004671 [Music] CM3TOdYrsyU-00006-00004672-00006120 [Music] CM3TOdYrsyU-00007-00006121-00006472 see you on the news CM3TOdYrsyU-00008-00006473-00007764 [Music] CM3TOdYrsyU-00009-00007765-00008164 [Music] CM3TOdYrsyU-00010-00008165-00008509 true CM3TOdYrsyU-00011-00008510-00009485 [Music] CM3TOdYrsyU-00012-00009486-00009665 true CM3TOdYrsyU-00014-00013072-00013765 [Music] CM3TOdYrsyU-00015-00013766-00014087 all day long CM3TOdYrsyU-00016-00014088-00014233 [Music] CM3TOdYrsyU-00017-00014234-00014433 got my mind name CM3TOdYrsyU-00018-00014434-00016435 [Music] CM3TOdYrsyU-00019-00016436-00016811 we make sure CM3TOdYrsyU-00020-00016812-00019367 [Music] CM3TOdYrsyU-00021-00019368-00019631 history CM3TOdYrsyU-00022-00019632-00020549 [Music] CM3TOdYrsyU-00023-00020550-00020850 George CMifALlvGu8-00000-00000035-00000202 and barely wanna come CMifALlvGu8-00001-00000204-00000532 on CMifALlvGu8-00002-00000533-00002747 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00003-00002748-00003083 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00004-00003084-00005711 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00005-00005712-00006425 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00006-00006426-00009155 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00007-00009156-00009995 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00008-00009996-00012977 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00010-00016134-00018880 number CMifALlvGu8-00011-00018881-00020867 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00012-00020868-00023578 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00013-00023579-00024005 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00014-00024006-00026657 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00015-00026658-00027089 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00019-00040441-00043271 foreign foreign CMifALlvGu8-00020-00043272-00043589 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00021-00043590-00046487 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00022-00046488-00047483 energy CMifALlvGu8-00024-00050844-00053782 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00025-00053783-00054515 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00029-00066162-00066671 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00030-00066672-00069317 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00031-00069318-00070931 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00032-00070932-00073421 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00033-00073422-00074267 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00035-00077850-00080411 foreign CMifALlvGu8-00036-00080412-00082655 children CMifALlvGu8-00037-00082656-00084685 [Music] CMifALlvGu8-00038-00084686-00085022 when I come COcGh6hPS_I-00000-00000593-00000919 Thank You Colonel price it's a pleasure COcGh6hPS_I-00001-00000921-00001190 for taking me to be in humbled COcGh6hPS_I-00002-00001191-00001439 Charleston South Carolina today with you COcGh6hPS_I-00003-00001440-00001655 the greatest place on earth of course COcGh6hPS_I-00004-00001655-00001880 and we're the humble Charlestonians say COcGh6hPS_I-00005-00001880-00002077 that Ashley and Cooper rivers joined COcGh6hPS_I-00006-00002078-00002420 together to form the Atlantic Ocean this COcGh6hPS_I-00007-00002421-00002612 is a great place I've got three minutes COcGh6hPS_I-00008-00002613-00002785 so I'll try to make it count COcGh6hPS_I-00009-00002786-00003067 it is a pleasure to see you one of the COcGh6hPS_I-00010-00003068-00003359 greatest moments I had in recent years COcGh6hPS_I-00011-00003360-00003758 was at court day a year or so ago to COcGh6hPS_I-00012-00003759-00004141 watch the cadets march in the dress COcGh6hPS_I-00013-00004142-00004495 pipes here's a thrill and it occurred to COcGh6hPS_I-00014-00004496-00004843 me once again of the importance of this COcGh6hPS_I-00015-00004844-00005329 institution it was on December 20th 1842 COcGh6hPS_I-00016-00005330-00005563 that the magazine and sideral in COcGh6hPS_I-00017-00005564-00005872 Charleston and the Arsenal in Columbia COcGh6hPS_I-00018-00005873-00006179 became the military academies became COcGh6hPS_I-00019-00006180-00006428 military academies later become the COcGh6hPS_I-00020-00006429-00006755 South Carolina Military Academy you may COcGh6hPS_I-00021-00006756-00007027 know that the governor's mansion today COcGh6hPS_I-00022-00007028-00007418 was the officers residence at that COcGh6hPS_I-00023-00007419-00007720 Arsenal Academy the rest of the school COcGh6hPS_I-00024-00007722-00008093 was burned on February 17 1865 as you COcGh6hPS_I-00025-00008094-00008456 will remember on March the 20th 1843 the COcGh6hPS_I-00026-00008457-00008867 first 20 young men assembled at Marion COcGh6hPS_I-00027-00008868-00009241 Square to mark the very first Corps day COcGh6hPS_I-00028-00009242-00009704 which has been continued until now thus COcGh6hPS_I-00029-00009705-00009962 began the great story of one of the most COcGh6hPS_I-00030-00009963-00010328 historic and distinguished institutions COcGh6hPS_I-00031-00010329-00010496 in United States history COcGh6hPS_I-00032-00010497-00010931 i revel in it the influence of this COcGh6hPS_I-00033-00010932-00011252 place and its traditions of duty honor COcGh6hPS_I-00034-00011253-00011690 respect to country and discipline have COcGh6hPS_I-00035-00011691-00011957 set us in this state apart from other COcGh6hPS_I-00036-00011958-00012344 states and have contributed mightily to COcGh6hPS_I-00037-00012345-00012656 the success prosperity strength and COcGh6hPS_I-00038-00012657-00013138 happiness of our people and so it is COcGh6hPS_I-00039-00013140-00013468 with great pride that I on behalf of COcGh6hPS_I-00040-00013469-00013619 almost five COcGh6hPS_I-00041-00013619-00013954 million grateful South Carolinians COcGh6hPS_I-00042-00013955-00014279 welcome general Glenn Walters and mrs. COcGh6hPS_I-00043-00014280-00014555 Walters to the state of South Carolina COcGh6hPS_I-00044-00014556-00014903 and congratulate the Board of Visitors COcGh6hPS_I-00045-00014904-00015247 on their wisdom in offering the general COcGh6hPS_I-00046-00015248-00015560 disposition and on the general and his COcGh6hPS_I-00047-00015561-00015897 good judgment and accepting it and COcGh6hPS_I-00048-00015898-00016336 always and eternally my congratulations COcGh6hPS_I-00049-00016337-00016853 Thanks and respects to the core CRHJNFoCD24-00000-00000030-00001031 [Music] CRHJNFoCD24-00001-00001032-00001723 you know CRHJNFoCD24-00002-00001725-00002067 [Music] CRHJNFoCD24-00003-00002068-00002487 sunset slowly drowning CRHJNFoCD24-00004-00002488-00003047 i will see you in the morning while the CRHJNFoCD24-00005-00003048-00003134 world CRHJNFoCD24-00006-00003135-00003495 starts slowly sleeping CRHJNFoCD24-00007-00003496-00004054 i just sit here and believe in believing CRHJNFoCD24-00008-00004055-00004502 sky dresses up and dark blue CRHJNFoCD24-00009-00004503-00004886 the horizon releases CRHJNFoCD24-00010-00004887-00005318 the moon and the stars shines for CRHJNFoCD24-00011-00005319-00005735 me and you and i know that our dreams CRHJNFoCD24-00012-00005736-00005931 will come CRHJNFoCD24-00013-00005932-00007083 [Music] CRHJNFoCD24-00014-00007084-00007408 true CRHJNFoCD24-00015-00007409-00008103 [Music] CRHJNFoCD24-00016-00008104-00008685 look up at the dark sky CRHJNFoCD24-00017-00008686-00009591 [Music] CRHJNFoCD24-00018-00009592-00010900 don't say you can't if you haven't tried CRHJNFoCD24-00019-00010901-00012591 [Music] CRHJNFoCD24-00020-00012592-00013094 i will see you in the morning CRHJNFoCD24-00021-00013095-00013599 while i would start slowly sleeping CRHJNFoCD24-00022-00013600-00014103 i just sit here and believe in believing CRHJNFoCD24-00023-00014104-00015791 i just sit here and believe and believe CRHJNFoCD24-00024-00015791-00016000 you CSqbqVMiGHY-00000-00000079-00002007 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00001-00002007-00002604 me CSqbqVMiGHY-00002-00002605-00002869 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00003-00002870-00002926 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00004-00002927-00003186 [Laughter] CSqbqVMiGHY-00005-00003187-00003242 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00006-00003243-00003979 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00007-00003981-00004627 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00008-00004628-00005158 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00009-00005159-00006247 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00010-00006248-00006400 so CSqbqVMiGHY-00011-00006401-00007064 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00012-00007065-00007359 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00013-00007359-00008059 so CSqbqVMiGHY-00014-00008061-00008116 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00015-00008117-00008375 [Laughter] CSqbqVMiGHY-00016-00008376-00009010 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00017-00009011-00009044 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00018-00009045-00010183 [Laughter] CSqbqVMiGHY-00019-00010184-00010702 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00020-00010703-00011731 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00021-00011732-00012238 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00022-00012239-00013009 so CSqbqVMiGHY-00023-00013010-00014496 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00024-00014497-00015118 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00025-00015119-00017599 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00026-00017600-00017827 do CSqbqVMiGHY-00027-00017828-00017909 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00028-00017910-00017966 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00029-00017967-00018226 [Laughter] CSqbqVMiGHY-00030-00018227-00018282 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00031-00018283-00019020 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00032-00019021-00019667 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00033-00019668-00021767 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00034-00021768-00022104 bye CSqbqVMiGHY-00035-00022105-00022894 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00036-00022895-00023100 so CSqbqVMiGHY-00037-00023101-00023156 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00038-00023157-00023415 [Laughter] CSqbqVMiGHY-00039-00023416-00024084 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00040-00024085-00025135 [Laughter] CSqbqVMiGHY-00041-00025136-00025426 to CSqbqVMiGHY-00042-00025427-00025742 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00043-00025743-00026770 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00044-00026772-00028049 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00045-00028050-00029536 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00046-00029537-00030158 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00047-00030158-00031607 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00048-00031608-00032743 do CSqbqVMiGHY-00049-00032744-00032867 so CSqbqVMiGHY-00050-00032868-00032949 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00051-00032950-00033006 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00052-00033007-00033266 [Laughter] CSqbqVMiGHY-00053-00033267-00033318 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00054-00033319-00034060 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00055-00034061-00034707 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00056-00034708-00035238 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00057-00035239-00036399 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00058-00036400-00037144 foreign CSqbqVMiGHY-00059-00037145-00038140 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00060-00038141-00038196 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00061-00038197-00038455 [Laughter] CSqbqVMiGHY-00062-00038456-00039090 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00063-00039091-00039124 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00064-00039125-00040263 [Laughter] CSqbqVMiGHY-00065-00040264-00040782 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00066-00040783-00041811 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00067-00041812-00043089 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00068-00043090-00044576 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00069-00044577-00045252 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00070-00045253-00045515 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00071-00045516-00045573 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00072-00045574-00045833 [Laughter] CSqbqVMiGHY-00073-00045834-00045885 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00074-00045886-00046627 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00075-00046628-00046871 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00076-00046872-00047273 so CSqbqVMiGHY-00077-00047274-00047805 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00078-00047806-00049183 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00079-00049184-00049710 you CSqbqVMiGHY-00080-00049711-00050707 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00081-00050708-00050762 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00082-00050763-00051022 [Laughter] CSqbqVMiGHY-00083-00051023-00051655 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00084-00051657-00051690 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00085-00051691-00052829 [Laughter] CSqbqVMiGHY-00086-00052829-00053349 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00087-00053350-00054377 [Applause] CSqbqVMiGHY-00088-00054378-00055135 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00089-00055136-00055654 oh CSqbqVMiGHY-00090-00055655-00057141 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00091-00057142-00057671 [Music] CSqbqVMiGHY-00092-00057672-00057879 you CYhVQ3IL7tk-00000-00000159-00000335 well it's day five of the missing CYhVQ3IL7tk-00001-00000336-00000790 person's case of ginger root CYhVQ3IL7tk-00002-00000791-00001199 authorities have said CYhVQ3IL7tk-00003-00001200-00001907 [Music] CYhVQ3IL7tk-00004-00001909-00002562 [Music] CYhVQ3IL7tk-00005-00002563-00002710 [Music] CYhVQ3IL7tk-00006-00002711-00003408 bye CYhVQ3IL7tk-00007-00003409-00003615 [Music] CYhVQ3IL7tk-00008-00003615-00003965 is CYhVQ3IL7tk-00009-00003967-00004089 [Music] CYhVQ3IL7tk-00010-00004090-00004269 [Applause] CYhVQ3IL7tk-00011-00004270-00005486 [Music] CYhVQ3IL7tk-00012-00005487-00006267 cause i don't feel like no one CYhVQ3IL7tk-00013-00006268-00008100 something wrong CYhVQ3IL7tk-00014-00008101-00008899 [Music] CYhVQ3IL7tk-00015-00008900-00009510 [Music] CYhVQ3IL7tk-00016-00009511-00009759 everyone is still CYhVQ3IL7tk-00017-00009760-00010463 thinking i'm over the hill CYhVQ3IL7tk-00018-00010464-00010598 though CYhVQ3IL7tk-00019-00010599-00012631 [Music] CYhVQ3IL7tk-00020-00012632-00012966 one CYhVQ3IL7tk-00021-00012967-00014994 oh CYhVQ3IL7tk-00022-00014996-00016055 [Music] CYhVQ3IL7tk-00023-00016056-00016967 [Music] CYhVQ3IL7tk-00024-00016968-00017679 what CYhVQ3IL7tk-00025-00017680-00017995 [Music] CYKsSwphKiY-00000-00000039-00002871 hey listen to this foods CYKsSwphKiY-00001-00002872-00003183 wiener wiener wiener CYKsSwphKiY-00002-00003184-00003438 wiener what are you two doing we're CYKsSwphKiY-00003-00003439-00003583 playing the wiener game CYKsSwphKiY-00004-00003584-00003751 the object of the game is to try and say CYKsSwphKiY-00005-00003752-00003943 wiener louder than the previous player CYKsSwphKiY-00006-00003944-00004119 yeah and it keeps on escalating until CYKsSwphKiY-00007-00004120-00004343 everyone is literally screaming it CYKsSwphKiY-00008-00004344-00004551 want to give it a whirl controller no i CYKsSwphKiY-00009-00004552-00004735 do not as i was saying CYKsSwphKiY-00010-00004736-00005038 wiener wiener weiner CYKsSwphKiY-00011-00005039-00005367 wiener come on controller you know you CYKsSwphKiY-00012-00005368-00005511 want to CYKsSwphKiY-00013-00005512-00005895 well one propagation delay later CYKsSwphKiY-00014-00005896-00006054 at last the video feed from their CYKsSwphKiY-00015-00006055-00006231 spacesuits will provide conclusive proof CYKsSwphKiY-00016-00006232-00006399 as to the existence of intelligent life CYKsSwphKiY-00017-00006400-00006639 on planet x decoding the signal and we CYKsSwphKiY-00018-00006640-00007087 are a go weiner weiner weiner CYKsSwphKiY-00019-00007088-00007375 no signs of intelligent life ah seconded CYKsSwphKiY-00020-00007376-00007567 weiner CYKsSwphKiY-00021-00007568-00007831 oh as i was saying i am the controller CYKsSwphKiY-00022-00007831-00007927 of planet x CYKsSwphKiY-00023-00007928-00008103 and i have invited you here to discuss CYKsSwphKiY-00024-00008104-00008608 something that is very important CaXzQa6doSY-00000-00000104-00000342 hello everybody hope everyone's having a CaXzQa6doSY-00001-00000343-00000534 wonderful day evening CaXzQa6doSY-00002-00000535-00000615 or CaXzQa6doSY-00003-00000616-00000807 afternoon wherever you are CaXzQa6doSY-00004-00000808-00001031 all i wanted to say in this short was uh CaXzQa6doSY-00005-00001032-00001231 please um CaXzQa6doSY-00006-00001232-00001391 go watch my twitch channel whenever i'm CaXzQa6doSY-00007-00001392-00001791 live follow it um that's really it CaXzQa6doSY-00008-00001792-00002071 i'll be live soon there CaXzQa6doSY-00009-00002072-00002175 because CaXzQa6doSY-00010-00002176-00002350 i think livestream is more entertaining CaXzQa6doSY-00011-00002351-00002431 than CaXzQa6doSY-00012-00002432-00002631 recording videos because it has less CaXzQa6doSY-00013-00002632-00003016 effort that's really it see ya CdwLBSkA5M4-00000-00000016-00000374 we all live in a digital world CdwLBSkA5M4-00001-00000375-00000599 [Music] CdwLBSkA5M4-00002-00000600-00001174 we all need it to be open and safe CdwLBSkA5M4-00003-00001175-00001407 we all want to trust CdwLBSkA5M4-00004-00001408-00001773 and to be trusted CdwLBSkA5M4-00005-00001775-00001991 [Music] CdwLBSkA5M4-00006-00001992-00002255 we all despise control CdwLBSkA5M4-00007-00002256-00002495 and desire freedom CdwLBSkA5M4-00008-00002496-00002631 we are all CdwLBSkA5M4-00009-00002632-00002769 united CdwLBSkA5M4-00010-00002770-00003142 [Music] CdwLBSkA5M4-00011-00003143-00003431 well i don't know if we're all here but CdwLBSkA5M4-00012-00003432-00003511 uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00013-00003511-00003751 we can start with a bit of setting the CdwLBSkA5M4-00014-00003752-00004135 scene welcome and good afternoon and um CdwLBSkA5M4-00015-00004136-00004359 welcome to this session about breaking CdwLBSkA5M4-00016-00004360-00004670 the barriers to connectivity my name is CdwLBSkA5M4-00017-00004671-00004879 lisa four i'm the director general of CdwLBSkA5M4-00018-00004880-00005038 etno CdwLBSkA5M4-00019-00005039-00005311 representing the main telecom operators CdwLBSkA5M4-00020-00005312-00005463 in europe CdwLBSkA5M4-00021-00005464-00005663 and i will be the moderator of this CdwLBSkA5M4-00022-00005664-00005951 session today but first i'd like to set CdwLBSkA5M4-00023-00005952-00006111 the scene CdwLBSkA5M4-00024-00006112-00006191 as CdwLBSkA5M4-00025-00006192-00006431 telcos for us connectivity is our CdwLBSkA5M4-00026-00006431-00006759 business that's the song CdwLBSkA5M4-00027-00006759-00007039 but edna's members are involved in CdwLBSkA5M4-00028-00007040-00007255 rolling out next generation networks CdwLBSkA5M4-00029-00007256-00007623 from fiber to 5g ensuring that european CdwLBSkA5M4-00030-00007623-00007831 citizens businesses and public CdwLBSkA5M4-00031-00007831-00008199 authorities are able to benefit from the CdwLBSkA5M4-00032-00008200-00008383 promise of the digital CdwLBSkA5M4-00033-00008384-00008551 economy CdwLBSkA5M4-00034-00008552-00008663 but CdwLBSkA5M4-00035-00008664-00008927 as we have that as we're going to CdwLBSkA5M4-00036-00008928-00009191 discuss here today it's not only plane CdwLBSkA5M4-00037-00009192-00009471 sailing there are remain some obstacles CdwLBSkA5M4-00038-00009472-00009591 to achieve CdwLBSkA5M4-00039-00009592-00009846 the objective of broad connectivity CdwLBSkA5M4-00040-00009847-00010159 across our continent but also across the CdwLBSkA5M4-00041-00010160-00010319 whole world CdwLBSkA5M4-00042-00010320-00010559 so in today's society not being CdwLBSkA5M4-00043-00010560-00010791 connected is an issue CdwLBSkA5M4-00044-00010792-00010999 and as society becomes more and more CdwLBSkA5M4-00045-00011000-00011471 digitalized we need all to be connected CdwLBSkA5M4-00046-00011472-00011735 so therefore we want to discuss today in CdwLBSkA5M4-00047-00011736-00011863 this session CdwLBSkA5M4-00048-00011864-00012151 why we're still far from universal CdwLBSkA5M4-00049-00012152-00012391 connectivity CdwLBSkA5M4-00050-00012392-00012478 and CdwLBSkA5M4-00051-00012479-00012710 successful connectivity that doesn't CdwLBSkA5M4-00052-00012711-00012991 depend only on one player in the market CdwLBSkA5M4-00053-00012991-00013279 nor even on one factor CdwLBSkA5M4-00054-00013280-00013543 successful connectivity depends on CdwLBSkA5M4-00055-00013544-00013871 technological financial and regulatory CdwLBSkA5M4-00056-00013872-00014015 support CdwLBSkA5M4-00057-00014016-00014383 so today we want to first explore the CdwLBSkA5M4-00058-00014384-00014599 main barriers to connectivity under CdwLBSkA5M4-00059-00014600-00014863 these three categories technology CdwLBSkA5M4-00060-00014863-00014983 finance CdwLBSkA5M4-00061-00014984-00015166 and regulation CdwLBSkA5M4-00062-00015168-00015535 secondly building on real life cases and CdwLBSkA5M4-00063-00015536-00015679 case studies CdwLBSkA5M4-00064-00015680-00015966 highlight how innovative technologies CdwLBSkA5M4-00065-00015968-00016247 regulatory framework financial and CdwLBSkA5M4-00066-00016247-00016519 investment approaches or business model CdwLBSkA5M4-00067-00016520-00016879 can help address these barriers CdwLBSkA5M4-00068-00016880-00017191 thirdly identify concrete policy CdwLBSkA5M4-00069-00017192-00017439 solution that can be transposed or CdwLBSkA5M4-00070-00017440-00017583 scaled up to CdwLBSkA5M4-00071-00017584-00017871 empower relevant stakeholders to achieve CdwLBSkA5M4-00072-00017872-00018143 universal connectivity CdwLBSkA5M4-00073-00018144-00018319 and to help CdwLBSkA5M4-00074-00018320-00018471 with all of this CdwLBSkA5M4-00075-00018472-00018791 we have an excellent panel of experts CdwLBSkA5M4-00076-00018792-00018950 with us today CdwLBSkA5M4-00077-00018951-00019214 coming from all over the world ready to CdwLBSkA5M4-00078-00019215-00019479 share with us their perspectives on CdwLBSkA5M4-00079-00019480-00019894 overcoming various connectivity CdwLBSkA5M4-00080-00019895-00020143 let me uh present a CdwLBSkA5M4-00081-00020144-00020494 the different panelists christina arida CdwLBSkA5M4-00082-00020495-00020719 is head of strategic planning CdwLBSkA5M4-00083-00020720-00020911 sector of the national telecoms CdwLBSkA5M4-00084-00020912-00021247 regulatory authority in egypt she has CdwLBSkA5M4-00085-00021248-00021575 over 25 years of experience working with CdwLBSkA5M4-00086-00021576-00021822 the egyptian government in areas as CdwLBSkA5M4-00087-00021823-00022127 internet development and related public CdwLBSkA5M4-00088-00022128-00022494 policies welcome christine CdwLBSkA5M4-00089-00022495-00022575 we CdwLBSkA5M4-00090-00022576-00022847 should have had uh jeff uh huston but CdwLBSkA5M4-00091-00022848-00023055 he's not feeling well today so he's CdwLBSkA5M4-00092-00023056-00023414 unable to attend so he has to be excused CdwLBSkA5M4-00093-00023415-00023719 but we have sophie maddens who's the CdwLBSkA5M4-00094-00023720-00023935 head of regulatory and market CdwLBSkA5M4-00095-00023936-00024239 environment division of the itu CdwLBSkA5M4-00096-00024240-00024558 bureau of telecommunication development CdwLBSkA5M4-00097-00024559-00024894 sophie has worked as a regulatory CdwLBSkA5M4-00098-00024895-00025207 and policy expert in telecommunications CdwLBSkA5M4-00099-00025208-00025519 and itc sector in international and CdwLBSkA5M4-00100-00025520-00025662 multicultural CdwLBSkA5M4-00101-00025663-00025990 environments welcome sophie CdwLBSkA5M4-00102-00025991-00026327 we also have robert pepper but i don't CdwLBSkA5M4-00103-00026327-00026631 know if he's uh joined us yet CdwLBSkA5M4-00104-00026632-00026870 but he is ahead of global connectivity CdwLBSkA5M4-00105-00026872-00027118 policy and planning at meta CdwLBSkA5M4-00106-00027119-00027311 focusing on infrastructure and CdwLBSkA5M4-00107-00027312-00027551 connectivity including new technology CdwLBSkA5M4-00108-00027552-00027958 development deployment and adoption CdwLBSkA5M4-00109-00027960-00028414 we have lydia stephen eustaceyak CdwLBSkA5M4-00110-00028416-00028727 who is the deputy director of department CdwLBSkA5M4-00111-00028727-00028958 of foreign affairs in the office of CdwLBSkA5M4-00112-00028960-00029270 electronic communication of poland CdwLBSkA5M4-00113-00029272-00029487 in her role she is in charge of CdwLBSkA5M4-00114-00029488-00029767 international organizations unit as well CdwLBSkA5M4-00115-00029768-00030031 as the social and economic cooperation CdwLBSkA5M4-00116-00030032-00030374 unit welcome lydia CdwLBSkA5M4-00117-00030375-00030502 and CdwLBSkA5M4-00118-00030503-00030846 we have anna valero who's a director of CdwLBSkA5M4-00119-00030847-00031102 regulatory affairs for latin america in CdwLBSkA5M4-00120-00031103-00031239 telefonica CdwLBSkA5M4-00121-00031239-00031511 where she coordinates the positioning of CdwLBSkA5M4-00122-00031512-00031743 the telefonica group in relation to CdwLBSkA5M4-00123-00031744-00032014 regulatory issues in telefonica CdwLBSkA5M4-00124-00032016-00032358 operations in latin america welcome uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00125-00032360-00032590 anna CdwLBSkA5M4-00126-00032591-00032879 and uh last but not least in our panel CdwLBSkA5M4-00127-00032880-00033199 we have uh julie suller who's head of CdwLBSkA5M4-00128-00033200-00033462 global regulatory affairs amazon's CdwLBSkA5M4-00129-00033463-00033646 project cooper CdwLBSkA5M4-00130-00033647-00033871 this project aims to launch a CdwLBSkA5M4-00131-00033872-00034118 constellation of low earth orbit CdwLBSkA5M4-00132-00034119-00034335 satellites to provide broadband CdwLBSkA5M4-00133-00034336-00034590 connectivity worldwide CdwLBSkA5M4-00134-00034591-00034815 she has also worked as the u.s state CdwLBSkA5M4-00135-00034816-00035031 boardman the ntia CdwLBSkA5M4-00136-00035032-00035511 and the u.s department of defense CdwLBSkA5M4-00137-00035512-00035727 we also have our CdwLBSkA5M4-00138-00035728-00035974 substantive rapporteur who's timiyah CdwLBSkA5M4-00139-00035975-00036111 sutto at CdwLBSkA5M4-00140-00036112-00036390 of the international chamber of commerce CdwLBSkA5M4-00141-00036391-00036702 and our remote moderator barbara warner CdwLBSkA5M4-00142-00036703-00036959 of the u.s council for international CdwLBSkA5M4-00143-00036960-00037127 business CdwLBSkA5M4-00144-00037128-00037455 thank you to for all for joining CdwLBSkA5M4-00145-00037456-00037567 so CdwLBSkA5M4-00146-00037568-00037879 to kick off the discussion i will ask CdwLBSkA5M4-00147-00037880-00038246 four of our speakers anna sophie lydia CdwLBSkA5M4-00148-00038247-00038471 and christine to address CdwLBSkA5M4-00149-00038472-00038623 how they see the barriers to CdwLBSkA5M4-00150-00038624-00038911 connectivity being tackled using CdwLBSkA5M4-00151-00038912-00039239 technology innovations financial tools CdwLBSkA5M4-00152-00039240-00039495 and also regulation CdwLBSkA5M4-00153-00039496-00039774 and first we'll start with anna uh who CdwLBSkA5M4-00154-00039775-00040015 will represent telefonica's view on the CdwLBSkA5M4-00155-00040016-00040327 key elements to extend connectivity in CdwLBSkA5M4-00156-00040328-00040662 unserved and underserved areas uh and a CdwLBSkA5M4-00157-00040663-00040911 case studies of telefonica's work in CdwLBSkA5M4-00158-00040912-00041207 peru over to you anna CdwLBSkA5M4-00159-00041208-00041430 okay well thank you liz and thank you CdwLBSkA5M4-00160-00041431-00041567 everyone for the invitation to CdwLBSkA5M4-00161-00041568-00042007 participate in in this meeting today CdwLBSkA5M4-00162-00042008-00042190 i think the main challenge that we have CdwLBSkA5M4-00163-00042191-00042287 is that CdwLBSkA5M4-00164-00042288-00042495 even though governments and companies CdwLBSkA5M4-00165-00042496-00042695 have been working for a long time in CdwLBSkA5M4-00166-00042696-00042927 trying to close the digital divide the CdwLBSkA5M4-00167-00042928-00043151 reality is that we still have a CdwLBSkA5M4-00168-00043152-00043374 challenge in terms of extending CdwLBSkA5M4-00169-00043375-00043662 connectivity to all citizens CdwLBSkA5M4-00170-00043663-00043839 the traditional approaches that we have CdwLBSkA5M4-00171-00043840-00044239 followed both companies and governments CdwLBSkA5M4-00172-00044240-00044415 the reality is that they have not CdwLBSkA5M4-00173-00044416-00044718 worked as as we expected so we think CdwLBSkA5M4-00174-00044719-00044983 that we need new approaches we need to CdwLBSkA5M4-00175-00044984-00045151 do different things to get different CdwLBSkA5M4-00176-00045152-00045302 results CdwLBSkA5M4-00177-00045303-00045487 and in telefonica we think that these CdwLBSkA5M4-00178-00045488-00045751 new models to extend connectivity have CdwLBSkA5M4-00179-00045752-00046015 to be based in three aspects the first CdwLBSkA5M4-00180-00046016-00046302 one has to do with innovation not only CdwLBSkA5M4-00181-00046303-00046479 innovation from a technical but also CdwLBSkA5M4-00182-00046480-00046758 from a financial and commercial and also CdwLBSkA5M4-00183-00046759-00047046 a regulatory point of points of view the CdwLBSkA5M4-00184-00047047-00047286 second one has to do with cooperation we CdwLBSkA5M4-00185-00047287-00047511 need cooperation between the diff among CdwLBSkA5M4-00186-00047512-00047718 the different stakeholders that are CdwLBSkA5M4-00187-00047719-00047911 working uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00188-00047912-00048102 in in these projects to extend CdwLBSkA5M4-00189-00048103-00048335 connectivity uh cooperation between CdwLBSkA5M4-00190-00048336-00048527 public and and CdwLBSkA5M4-00191-00048528-00048671 private uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00192-00048672-00048799 companies CdwLBSkA5M4-00193-00048800-00048990 and the third third one has to do with CdwLBSkA5M4-00194-00048991-00049199 sustainability because CdwLBSkA5M4-00195-00049200-00049390 we need that these new CdwLBSkA5M4-00196-00049391-00049567 rural projects CdwLBSkA5M4-00197-00049568-00049743 are sustainable not only from a CdwLBSkA5M4-00198-00049744-00049951 financial point of view that is key but CdwLBSkA5M4-00199-00049952-00050143 also that they contribute to the CdwLBSkA5M4-00200-00050144-00050358 development of the communities where CdwLBSkA5M4-00201-00050359-00050567 they provide services CdwLBSkA5M4-00202-00050568-00050646 and CdwLBSkA5M4-00203-00050647-00051079 working on this approach on this um CdwLBSkA5M4-00204-00051080-00051350 new approach we have implemented in peru CdwLBSkA5M4-00205-00051351-00051607 the model internet para todos is a CdwLBSkA5M4-00206-00051608-00051854 project internet para todos is a project CdwLBSkA5M4-00207-00051855-00051966 that CdwLBSkA5M4-00208-00051967-00052230 we have created based on these CdwLBSkA5M4-00209-00052232-00052511 innovative and sustainability principles CdwLBSkA5M4-00210-00052512-00052711 that i mentioned before CdwLBSkA5M4-00211-00052712-00053007 we are working on this project with CdwLBSkA5M4-00212-00053008-00053271 very relevant partners with facebook and CdwLBSkA5M4-00213-00053272-00053454 the two latin america regional CdwLBSkA5M4-00214-00053455-00053582 development CdwLBSkA5M4-00215-00053583-00053871 development banks the idb and the caf CdwLBSkA5M4-00216-00053872-00053975 and CdwLBSkA5M4-00217-00053976-00054223 we started in this project in CdwLBSkA5M4-00218-00054224-00054582 2019 and in the in in these two years we CdwLBSkA5M4-00219-00054583-00054950 have been able to deploy more than 1 000 CdwLBSkA5M4-00220-00054951-00055263 excuse me 1600 CdwLBSkA5M4-00221-00055264-00055526 sites for g sites providing mobile CdwLBSkA5M4-00222-00055527-00055823 services to more than 12 000 rural CdwLBSkA5M4-00223-00055824-00056063 communities in peru and CdwLBSkA5M4-00224-00056064-00056311 an extending coverage to areas where CdwLBSkA5M4-00225-00056312-00056638 more than 2.5 million people live in in CdwLBSkA5M4-00226-00056639-00056975 in peru the internet para todos model is CdwLBSkA5M4-00227-00056976-00057287 based on a single wholesale mobile CdwLBSkA5M4-00228-00057288-00057582 network for rural areas CdwLBSkA5M4-00229-00057583-00057679 that is CdwLBSkA5M4-00230-00057679-00057999 providing services in in rural and CdwLBSkA5M4-00231-00058000-00058287 remote areas of of the countries we CdwLBSkA5M4-00232-00058288-00058487 think that this type of models can be CdwLBSkA5M4-00233-00058488-00058726 extended to other countries in in latin CdwLBSkA5M4-00234-00058727-00058975 america and i think it's a very good CdwLBSkA5M4-00235-00058976-00059191 example of how to work CdwLBSkA5M4-00236-00059191-00059375 in new approaches to CdwLBSkA5M4-00237-00059376-00059607 to make sure that connectivity reaches CdwLBSkA5M4-00238-00059608-00059903 everyone in in remote areas in less CdwLBSkA5M4-00239-00059904-00060079 developed countries CdwLBSkA5M4-00240-00060079-00060223 thank you CdwLBSkA5M4-00241-00060224-00060503 thank you anna and uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00242-00060504-00060830 over to you sophie um i'd like to hear CdwLBSkA5M4-00243-00060832-00061047 from you what it means to create fit for CdwLBSkA5M4-00244-00061048-00061230 purpose flexible CdwLBSkA5M4-00245-00061232-00061550 and we actually wrote future uh proof CdwLBSkA5M4-00246-00061551-00061735 but i don't think there's anything like CdwLBSkA5M4-00247-00061736-00061959 future proof i think it should be future CdwLBSkA5M4-00248-00061960-00062263 oriented regulatory framework to respond CdwLBSkA5M4-00249-00062264-00062566 to the challenges of digitalization over CdwLBSkA5M4-00250-00062567-00062671 to you CdwLBSkA5M4-00251-00062672-00062919 thank you very much lisa and very happy CdwLBSkA5M4-00252-00062920-00063254 to be with all of you here old friends CdwLBSkA5M4-00253-00063255-00063494 many many uh people with whom we've CdwLBSkA5M4-00254-00063495-00063742 worked in the past so indeed lisa the CdwLBSkA5M4-00255-00063744-00063975 fit for purpose flexible and future CdwLBSkA5M4-00256-00063976-00064182 oriented thank you very much for that CdwLBSkA5M4-00257-00064183-00064399 regulatory frameworks we see them as the CdwLBSkA5M4-00258-00064400-00064647 only effective way to go and responding CdwLBSkA5M4-00259-00064648-00064823 to the challenges of this digital CdwLBSkA5M4-00260-00064824-00065103 transformation process that we have seen CdwLBSkA5M4-00261-00065104-00065303 has been turbocharged by the coveted CdwLBSkA5M4-00262-00065304-00065423 crisis CdwLBSkA5M4-00263-00065424-00065711 today we see more than ever and we still CdwLBSkA5M4-00264-00065712-00065791 have CdwLBSkA5M4-00265-00065792-00065894 have CdwLBSkA5M4-00266-00065895-00066135 billions of people that are unconnected CdwLBSkA5M4-00267-00066136-00066391 but we've seen in the covet crisis that CdwLBSkA5M4-00268-00066392-00066655 this meaningful connectivity is key and CdwLBSkA5M4-00269-00066656-00066847 i liked what ana said as well we need CdwLBSkA5M4-00270-00066848-00067087 those new approaches innovation CdwLBSkA5M4-00271-00067088-00067294 cooperation between stakeholders and CdwLBSkA5M4-00272-00067295-00067494 sustainability so let me just take you CdwLBSkA5M4-00273-00067495-00067655 on a very quick journey through the CdwLBSkA5M4-00274-00067656-00067887 digital transformation how it has CdwLBSkA5M4-00275-00067888-00068063 changed the regulatory approaches CdwLBSkA5M4-00276-00068064-00068319 because we know that digital is CdwLBSkA5M4-00277-00068320-00068503 continuing to prove access to and CdwLBSkA5M4-00278-00068504-00068759 delivery of services across multiple CdwLBSkA5M4-00279-00068760-00068926 industries so and i mentioned CdwLBSkA5M4-00280-00068927-00069126 cooperation between public sector CdwLBSkA5M4-00281-00069127-00069391 private sector but let me add in there CdwLBSkA5M4-00282-00069392-00069591 as well it's cooperation across the CdwLBSkA5M4-00283-00069592-00069887 sectors because icts have really moved CdwLBSkA5M4-00284-00069888-00070159 beyond just the simple communications CdwLBSkA5M4-00285-00070160-00070382 and we've seen how much digital has CdwLBSkA5M4-00286-00070383-00070655 become the foundation for every economic CdwLBSkA5M4-00287-00070656-00070903 sector business performance and our own CdwLBSkA5M4-00288-00070904-00071182 individual growth and health CdwLBSkA5M4-00289-00071183-00071391 so digital is supporting all sectors of CdwLBSkA5M4-00290-00071392-00071623 the economy it's changing the societies CdwLBSkA5M4-00291-00071624-00071791 the markets the countries the regions CdwLBSkA5M4-00292-00071792-00071967 and regulation CdwLBSkA5M4-00293-00071968-00072182 so there have been huge opportunities CdwLBSkA5M4-00294-00072183-00072359 but with those opportunities come CdwLBSkA5M4-00295-00072360-00072606 challenges and yes i do agree we need CdwLBSkA5M4-00296-00072607-00072815 innovation sustainability and CdwLBSkA5M4-00297-00072816-00073038 collaboration collaboration between CdwLBSkA5M4-00298-00073039-00073350 policymakers regulatory authorities and CdwLBSkA5M4-00299-00073351-00073575 other stakeholders both at national CdwLBSkA5M4-00300-00073576-00073799 regional and international level CdwLBSkA5M4-00301-00073800-00074087 we had the partner to connect focus area CdwLBSkA5M4-00302-00074088-00074167 3 CdwLBSkA5M4-00303-00074168-00074375 working group meeting yesterday about CdwLBSkA5M4-00304-00074376-00074615 building digital ecosystems and it was CdwLBSkA5M4-00305-00074616-00074775 brought in there we need the CdwLBSkA5M4-00306-00074776-00075015 collaboration and cooperation even with CdwLBSkA5M4-00307-00075016-00075279 consumer associations trade associations CdwLBSkA5M4-00308-00075280-00075438 so really the multi-stakeholder CdwLBSkA5M4-00309-00075439-00075567 environment CdwLBSkA5M4-00310-00075568-00075791 we're connecting with our counterparts CdwLBSkA5M4-00311-00075792-00076038 across economic sectors industries and CdwLBSkA5M4-00312-00076039-00076335 end users and developing that regulation CdwLBSkA5M4-00313-00076336-00076582 and government interventions to leverage CdwLBSkA5M4-00314-00076583-00076799 that digital transformation CdwLBSkA5M4-00315-00076800-00077082 as an engine for that sustainable CdwLBSkA5M4-00316-00077083-00077319 development so we need those economic CdwLBSkA5M4-00317-00077320-00077543 and digital regulatory tools CdwLBSkA5M4-00318-00077544-00077799 processes procedures and mechanisms to CdwLBSkA5M4-00319-00077800-00078023 really promote that engagement of that CdwLBSkA5M4-00320-00078024-00078319 broad and diverse range of stakeholders CdwLBSkA5M4-00321-00078320-00078599 internet parathos in peru we need all CdwLBSkA5M4-00322-00078600-00078887 stakeholders to collaborate with us CdwLBSkA5M4-00323-00078888-00079103 and indeed in the countries and CdwLBSkA5M4-00324-00079104-00079375 regions and what i add there is as well CdwLBSkA5M4-00325-00079376-00079591 and pepper will very much like what i CdwLBSkA5M4-00326-00079592-00079838 say we need the data so that we foster CdwLBSkA5M4-00327-00079839-00080143 that informed inclusive and CdwLBSkA5M4-00328-00080144-00080399 evidence-based rulemaking and decision CdwLBSkA5M4-00329-00080400-00080647 making and always have that economic and CdwLBSkA5M4-00330-00080648-00080855 social impact in mind CdwLBSkA5M4-00331-00080856-00081119 so here are some of the core elements of CdwLBSkA5M4-00332-00081120-00081311 collaborative regulation CdwLBSkA5M4-00333-00081312-00081487 we need the space for digital CdwLBSkA5M4-00334-00081488-00081662 experimentation CdwLBSkA5M4-00335-00081663-00081847 we still need those pro competition CdwLBSkA5M4-00336-00081848-00082111 frameworks we need regulatory incentives CdwLBSkA5M4-00337-00082112-00082359 and in the covet pandemic we've seen CdwLBSkA5M4-00338-00082360-00082615 many of the stakeholders stepping up to CdwLBSkA5M4-00339-00082616-00082759 facilitate CdwLBSkA5M4-00340-00082760-00083023 rather than gatekeep but facilitate CdwLBSkA5M4-00341-00083024-00083247 regulators as facilitators CdwLBSkA5M4-00342-00083248-00083423 we need the stakeholder engagement CdwLBSkA5M4-00343-00083424-00083550 vehicles CdwLBSkA5M4-00344-00083551-00083799 we also need to those robust and CdwLBSkA5M4-00345-00083800-00084082 enforceable mechanisms for consumer CdwLBSkA5M4-00346-00084083-00084343 protection we need regulatory impact CdwLBSkA5M4-00347-00084344-00084550 assessments we need those agile CdwLBSkA5M4-00348-00084551-00084871 data-driven monitoring systems based on CdwLBSkA5M4-00349-00084872-00085094 standards for the interoperability of CdwLBSkA5M4-00350-00085095-00085287 data systems CdwLBSkA5M4-00351-00085288-00085535 we need effective channels for dynamic CdwLBSkA5M4-00352-00085536-00085743 collaboration amongst the regulatory CdwLBSkA5M4-00353-00085744-00086006 authorities not just in ict telecoms but CdwLBSkA5M4-00354-00086007-00086238 with the other regulatory authorities CdwLBSkA5M4-00355-00086239-00086406 energy being one CdwLBSkA5M4-00356-00086407-00086638 we need that regional and international CdwLBSkA5M4-00357-00086639-00086791 cooperation CdwLBSkA5M4-00358-00086792-00087055 and we need the regulatory expertise CdwLBSkA5M4-00359-00087056-00087294 let's think about capacity development CdwLBSkA5M4-00360-00087295-00087535 as well of our regulators and there's CdwLBSkA5M4-00361-00087536-00087838 also a take a need for a new take on CdwLBSkA5M4-00362-00087839-00088015 financing but i'll talk about that in CdwLBSkA5M4-00363-00088016-00088255 the next round back to you lisa CdwLBSkA5M4-00364-00088256-00088526 thank you sophie um CdwLBSkA5M4-00365-00088527-00088831 and if i turn to to lydia listening to CdwLBSkA5M4-00366-00088832-00089023 to anna and sophie talking about CdwLBSkA5M4-00367-00089024-00089359 innovation stakeholder engagement CdwLBSkA5M4-00368-00089360-00089494 and also CdwLBSkA5M4-00369-00089495-00089759 regulators as facilitators CdwLBSkA5M4-00370-00089760-00089999 what is your view on this and and how CdwLBSkA5M4-00371-00090000-00090223 can a national regulator support CdwLBSkA5M4-00372-00090224-00090455 connectivity CdwLBSkA5M4-00373-00090456-00090582 thank you CdwLBSkA5M4-00374-00090583-00090671 uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00375-00090672-00090903 oh my god i have nothing to add to to CdwLBSkA5M4-00376-00090904-00091303 such extensive sophie's comment but CdwLBSkA5M4-00377-00091304-00091615 i can give some examples from our area CdwLBSkA5M4-00378-00091616-00091775 of responsibilities CdwLBSkA5M4-00379-00091776-00092047 of a regulator in poland CdwLBSkA5M4-00380-00092048-00092159 and CdwLBSkA5M4-00381-00092160-00092367 when we think about CdwLBSkA5M4-00382-00092368-00092687 future proof regulatory approach CdwLBSkA5M4-00383-00092688-00092967 we can distinguish two two areas of our CdwLBSkA5M4-00384-00092968-00093182 activities first CdwLBSkA5M4-00385-00093183-00093279 which is CdwLBSkA5M4-00386-00093280-00093494 strategically important is of course CdwLBSkA5M4-00387-00093495-00093791 infrastructure and here CdwLBSkA5M4-00388-00093792-00094126 we believe that investors CdwLBSkA5M4-00389-00094127-00094423 and and service providers CdwLBSkA5M4-00390-00094424-00094679 and telecommunication companies CdwLBSkA5M4-00391-00094680-00094982 big and small should have access to CdwLBSkA5M4-00392-00094983-00095343 reliable information CdwLBSkA5M4-00393-00095344-00095574 on quality of CdwLBSkA5M4-00394-00095575-00095887 networks accessibility of networks and CdwLBSkA5M4-00395-00095888-00096118 potential areas for CdwLBSkA5M4-00396-00096119-00096447 investments therefore we created one CdwLBSkA5M4-00397-00096448-00096638 single information point with CdwLBSkA5M4-00398-00096639-00096847 telecommunication data CdwLBSkA5M4-00399-00096848-00097103 this point aggregates data from many CdwLBSkA5M4-00400-00097104-00097271 different sources CdwLBSkA5M4-00401-00097272-00097599 not only telecommunication data reported CdwLBSkA5M4-00402-00097600-00097694 by CdwLBSkA5M4-00403-00097695-00097855 operators CdwLBSkA5M4-00404-00097856-00098126 in this context it is important that in CdwLBSkA5M4-00405-00098127-00098423 our case on polish market we have more CdwLBSkA5M4-00406-00098424-00098823 than 5 000 telecommunication operators CdwLBSkA5M4-00407-00098824-00098943 of course CdwLBSkA5M4-00408-00098944-00099118 majority of them CdwLBSkA5M4-00409-00099119-00099359 are small but still CdwLBSkA5M4-00410-00099360-00099567 they also need exactly the same CdwLBSkA5M4-00411-00099568-00099759 information CdwLBSkA5M4-00412-00099760-00099871 and CdwLBSkA5M4-00413-00099872-00100223 this point aggregates data also from CdwLBSkA5M4-00414-00100224-00100406 central office of geodesy and CdwLBSkA5M4-00415-00100407-00100662 cartography and general statistical CdwLBSkA5M4-00416-00100663-00101023 office and it gives a very precise and CdwLBSkA5M4-00417-00101024-00101255 accurate information on CdwLBSkA5M4-00418-00101256-00101415 wide gaps and CdwLBSkA5M4-00419-00101416-00101574 area for CdwLBSkA5M4-00420-00101575-00101759 investments CdwLBSkA5M4-00421-00101760-00102174 it is also a tool for consumers and they CdwLBSkA5M4-00422-00102175-00102374 can check availability CdwLBSkA5M4-00423-00102375-00102439 of CdwLBSkA5M4-00424-00102440-00102751 telecommunication services as well as CdwLBSkA5M4-00425-00102752-00102934 parameters of CdwLBSkA5M4-00426-00102935-00103182 these services CdwLBSkA5M4-00427-00103183-00103302 and CdwLBSkA5M4-00428-00103303-00103647 this is our experience we are ready to CdwLBSkA5M4-00429-00103648-00103790 share CdwLBSkA5M4-00430-00103791-00104023 with other countries thanks to CdwLBSkA5M4-00431-00104024-00104230 collaboration with international CdwLBSkA5M4-00432-00104231-00104510 telecommunications union including CdwLBSkA5M4-00433-00104511-00104686 service division CdwLBSkA5M4-00434-00104688-00104983 we we have the chance to share our CdwLBSkA5M4-00435-00104983-00105231 experience and help other countries CdwLBSkA5M4-00436-00105232-00105478 particularly developing countries from CdwLBSkA5M4-00437-00105479-00105815 africa region and also from from CdwLBSkA5M4-00438-00105816-00105999 from east CdwLBSkA5M4-00439-00106000-00106358 and well because we we believe that CdwLBSkA5M4-00440-00106359-00106607 when we were at the beginning of this CdwLBSkA5M4-00441-00106608-00106839 way CdwLBSkA5M4-00442-00106840-00106966 just after CdwLBSkA5M4-00443-00106967-00107239 our accession to to the european union CdwLBSkA5M4-00444-00107240-00107495 we had the chance to benefit from CdwLBSkA5M4-00445-00107496-00107647 experience CdwLBSkA5M4-00446-00107648-00107966 of western countries and now CdwLBSkA5M4-00447-00107967-00108151 we CdwLBSkA5M4-00448-00108152-00108295 we want to CdwLBSkA5M4-00449-00108296-00108631 give it back somehow to to countries CdwLBSkA5M4-00450-00108632-00108823 that need it CdwLBSkA5M4-00451-00108824-00109047 and i mentioned the second area which is CdwLBSkA5M4-00452-00109048-00109199 also important CdwLBSkA5M4-00453-00109200-00109343 skills CdwLBSkA5M4-00454-00109344-00109495 because CdwLBSkA5M4-00455-00109496-00109678 we are perfectly aware that from the CdwLBSkA5M4-00456-00109679-00109847 perspective of CdwLBSkA5M4-00457-00109848-00110039 investment CdwLBSkA5M4-00458-00110040-00110199 entrepreneurs CdwLBSkA5M4-00459-00110200-00110407 must know that CdwLBSkA5M4-00460-00110408-00110551 there will be demand for CdwLBSkA5M4-00461-00110552-00110934 telecommunications services and we know CdwLBSkA5M4-00462-00110935-00111302 that technologies are widely diffused uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00463-00111303-00111607 and used only when they are trusted CdwLBSkA5M4-00464-00111608-00111807 therefore we CdwLBSkA5M4-00465-00111808-00112102 firstly on a national level we develop CdwLBSkA5M4-00466-00112103-00112334 educational programs CdwLBSkA5M4-00467-00112335-00112558 addressing particularly the most CdwLBSkA5M4-00468-00112559-00112790 vulnerable groups like CdwLBSkA5M4-00469-00112791-00113047 children teenagers and CdwLBSkA5M4-00470-00113048-00113286 elderly people CdwLBSkA5M4-00471-00113288-00113566 and at the international level CdwLBSkA5M4-00472-00113567-00113799 i have the pleasure to be a chairwoman CdwLBSkA5M4-00473-00113800-00114015 of the group on capacity building CdwLBSkA5M4-00474-00114016-00114375 initiatives advising itu on area of CdwLBSkA5M4-00475-00114376-00114607 capacity building development CdwLBSkA5M4-00476-00114608-00114871 and things that CdwLBSkA5M4-00477-00114872-00115247 on the one hand i have the chance to uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00478-00115248-00115358 observe CdwLBSkA5M4-00479-00115359-00115502 other regions CdwLBSkA5M4-00480-00115503-00115886 and their specific challenges and i can CdwLBSkA5M4-00481-00115888-00116183 also share our experience widely CdwLBSkA5M4-00482-00116183-00116375 and help other regions and other CdwLBSkA5M4-00483-00116376-00116527 countries with CdwLBSkA5M4-00484-00116528-00116751 strategies of capacity building CdwLBSkA5M4-00485-00116752-00117063 development thank you CdwLBSkA5M4-00486-00117064-00117190 thank you CdwLBSkA5M4-00487-00117191-00117327 lydia CdwLBSkA5M4-00488-00117328-00117583 and christine we now heard about the CdwLBSkA5M4-00489-00117583-00117966 experiences in poland CdwLBSkA5M4-00490-00117967-00118110 but you will CdwLBSkA5M4-00491-00118111-00118375 present the connectivity dimension of CdwLBSkA5M4-00492-00118376-00118654 egypt's region national initiative of CdwLBSkA5M4-00493-00118655-00119054 the government of egypt decent life CdwLBSkA5M4-00494-00119055-00119366 that provides high-speed connectivity to CdwLBSkA5M4-00495-00119367-00119719 the inhabitants of rural areas i think CdwLBSkA5M4-00496-00119720-00119847 these CdwLBSkA5M4-00497-00119848-00119951 panels CdwLBSkA5M4-00498-00119952-00120071 also CdwLBSkA5M4-00499-00120072-00120334 apart from discussions uh are good for CdwLBSkA5M4-00500-00120335-00120495 knowledge sharing so over to you CdwLBSkA5M4-00501-00120496-00120702 christine thank you lisa and can you CdwLBSkA5M4-00502-00120703-00120919 hear me well CdwLBSkA5M4-00503-00120920-00121175 okay so good afternoon from cairo and uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00504-00121176-00121431 so sorry i could not be in uh poland uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00505-00121432-00121566 but i would like to start by CdwLBSkA5M4-00506-00121567-00121727 congratulating the government of poland CdwLBSkA5M4-00507-00121728-00121951 for a very successful jeff also thank CdwLBSkA5M4-00508-00121952-00122207 the nag for uh for putting all this CdwLBSkA5M4-00509-00122208-00122327 together CdwLBSkA5M4-00510-00122328-00122614 and um so as as as other speakers have CdwLBSkA5M4-00511-00122615-00122823 mentioned as uh and as have you you have CdwLBSkA5M4-00512-00122824-00123158 said lisa uh it is true that there's CdwLBSkA5M4-00513-00123159-00123502 been so much effort put into you know CdwLBSkA5M4-00514-00123503-00123734 getting connectivity universal and CdwLBSkA5M4-00515-00123735-00124014 especially those very few last years of CdwLBSkA5M4-00516-00124015-00124214 the pandemic have CdwLBSkA5M4-00517-00124215-00124486 efforts have multiplied everywhere CdwLBSkA5M4-00518-00124488-00124775 to to get this existential needs i would CdwLBSkA5M4-00519-00124776-00124975 say existential need for connectivity CdwLBSkA5M4-00520-00124976-00125231 there but um we've all seen the last CdwLBSkA5M4-00521-00125232-00125375 facts and figure report that came out CdwLBSkA5M4-00522-00125376-00125719 from the itu and it um it shows that we CdwLBSkA5M4-00523-00125720-00125902 still have 2.9 billion people to be CdwLBSkA5M4-00524-00125903-00126158 connected and the numbers that actually CdwLBSkA5M4-00525-00126159-00126354 i stopped at is that CdwLBSkA5M4-00526-00126355-00126647 96 percent of those still unconnected CdwLBSkA5M4-00527-00126648-00126863 come from the developing world so where CdwLBSkA5M4-00528-00126864-00127127 i actually come from also in africa the CdwLBSkA5M4-00529-00127128-00127334 region where i come from 33 of CdwLBSkA5M4-00530-00127335-00127599 individuals only are using the internet CdwLBSkA5M4-00531-00127600-00127743 so obviously CdwLBSkA5M4-00532-00127744-00127934 it seems that stretching this last mile CdwLBSkA5M4-00533-00127935-00128175 of connectivity or actually connecting CdwLBSkA5M4-00534-00128176-00128399 those uh remaining billions may prove to CdwLBSkA5M4-00535-00128400-00128607 be more challenging than the connections CdwLBSkA5M4-00536-00128608-00128871 we've already made and this is not this CdwLBSkA5M4-00537-00128872-00129031 is because we're not just merely CdwLBSkA5M4-00538-00129032-00129223 connecting or extending connectivity but CdwLBSkA5M4-00539-00129224-00129414 we're actually trying uh to put an CdwLBSkA5M4-00540-00129415-00129695 ecosystem uh together which has to come CdwLBSkA5M4-00541-00129696-00129934 together in order to provide meaningful CdwLBSkA5M4-00542-00129935-00130127 access and get those remaining billions CdwLBSkA5M4-00543-00130128-00130334 online so um CdwLBSkA5M4-00544-00130335-00130607 i would like to touch upon um in my CdwLBSkA5M4-00545-00130608-00130863 intervention on um how we in egypt are CdwLBSkA5M4-00546-00130864-00131207 trying to uh overcome those barriers and CdwLBSkA5M4-00547-00131208-00131471 uh create that enabling ecosystem um as CdwLBSkA5M4-00548-00131472-00131614 you said the initiative is called a CdwLBSkA5M4-00549-00131615-00131799 decent life initiative and it's not just CdwLBSkA5M4-00550-00131800-00132039 about connectivity it's a national uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00551-00132040-00132366 mega project which spans a lot across CdwLBSkA5M4-00552-00132367-00132623 many uh different dimensions so CdwLBSkA5M4-00553-00132624-00132783 addressing the point that we need CdwLBSkA5M4-00554-00132784-00133078 intergovernmental cooperation on all the CdwLBSkA5M4-00555-00133079-00133263 different verticals so the the the CdwLBSkA5M4-00556-00133264-00133407 collaboration that sophie also was CdwLBSkA5M4-00557-00133408-00133623 talking about and the initiative has got CdwLBSkA5M4-00558-00133624-00133863 the highest political support because it CdwLBSkA5M4-00559-00133864-00134047 was actually endorsed and launched by CdwLBSkA5M4-00560-00134048-00134383 the president of the fatah in 2019 CdwLBSkA5M4-00561-00134384-00134790 um and it looks at the very deprived uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00562-00134791-00134935 communities CdwLBSkA5M4-00563-00134936-00135231 it looks at the uh villages the very CdwLBSkA5M4-00564-00135232-00135495 poorest villages um CdwLBSkA5M4-00565-00135496-00135799 of egypt and it targets 58 of the CdwLBSkA5M4-00566-00135800-00136047 egyptian population but it will start CdwLBSkA5M4-00567-00136048-00136287 living in 4 500 villages but it will CdwLBSkA5M4-00568-00136288-00136575 start in the first phase with uh those CdwLBSkA5M4-00569-00136576-00136878 that have a poverty rate of 70 or higher CdwLBSkA5M4-00570-00136879-00137119 so we're actually trying to leapfrog uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00571-00137120-00137366 those that are most needed and when CdwLBSkA5M4-00572-00137367-00137527 we're leave frogging this and look at CdwLBSkA5M4-00573-00137528-00137711 the digital dimension of it we're not CdwLBSkA5M4-00574-00137712-00137927 just getting barely any connectivity CdwLBSkA5M4-00575-00137928-00138031 there CdwLBSkA5M4-00576-00138032-00138247 the idea is to put together CdwLBSkA5M4-00577-00138248-00138471 fiber connectivity or fiber to the home CdwLBSkA5M4-00578-00138472-00138735 which is uh an infrastructure that may CdwLBSkA5M4-00579-00138736-00138943 not be available in all places in egypt CdwLBSkA5M4-00580-00138944-00139175 but when addressing those most deprived CdwLBSkA5M4-00581-00139176-00139375 we're trying to be future oriented as CdwLBSkA5M4-00582-00139376-00139583 was mentioned in order to boost CdwLBSkA5M4-00583-00139584-00139854 innovation and in order to you know be CdwLBSkA5M4-00584-00139855-00140039 look at the future and have have them CdwLBSkA5M4-00585-00140040-00140214 come CdwLBSkA5M4-00586-00140215-00140511 to the online world so um CdwLBSkA5M4-00587-00140512-00140759 one other thing that we're addressing is CdwLBSkA5M4-00588-00140760-00141039 um how can regulations can help get that CdwLBSkA5M4-00589-00141040-00141327 infrastructure together so uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00590-00141328-00141639 while putting a mobile sites for mobile CdwLBSkA5M4-00591-00141640-00141871 connectivity uh there is government CdwLBSkA5M4-00592-00141872-00142023 funding so there is public private CdwLBSkA5M4-00593-00142024-00142214 partnership mainly through universal CdwLBSkA5M4-00594-00142215-00142551 service funding uh but the regulatory CdwLBSkA5M4-00595-00142552-00142719 intervention here is that we are CdwLBSkA5M4-00596-00142720-00142911 enforcing site sharing reinforcing CdwLBSkA5M4-00597-00142912-00143135 infrastructure sharing in order to you CdwLBSkA5M4-00598-00143136-00143271 know CdwLBSkA5M4-00599-00143272-00143487 make a viable business case through CdwLBSkA5M4-00600-00143488-00143726 public and private funding CdwLBSkA5M4-00601-00143727-00144047 the third thing uh uh that is uh that CdwLBSkA5M4-00602-00144048-00144287 we're doing is that we're also looking CdwLBSkA5M4-00603-00144288-00144607 at how to stimulate demand so uh we're CdwLBSkA5M4-00604-00144608-00144854 availing uh digital financial services CdwLBSkA5M4-00605-00144855-00145166 through post offices uh developing those CdwLBSkA5M4-00606-00145167-00145471 uh postal digital postal services CdwLBSkA5M4-00607-00145472-00145735 in order to have financial inclusion and CdwLBSkA5M4-00608-00145736-00145943 then focusing the fourth dimension on CdwLBSkA5M4-00609-00145944-00146214 capacity building components uh together CdwLBSkA5M4-00610-00146215-00146583 uh with the society or societal as civil CdwLBSkA5M4-00611-00146584-00146814 society so so here we're trying to CdwLBSkA5M4-00612-00146815-00146951 address as i was saying four main CdwLBSkA5M4-00613-00146952-00147214 challenges one is how to boost CdwLBSkA5M4-00614-00147215-00147383 innovation and be future oriented and CdwLBSkA5M4-00615-00147384-00147559 this is lead problem with infrastructure CdwLBSkA5M4-00616-00147560-00147839 with the highest technology how uh to CdwLBSkA5M4-00617-00147840-00148007 achieve sustainability through CdwLBSkA5M4-00618-00148008-00148326 intergovernmental cooperation and uh how CdwLBSkA5M4-00619-00148327-00148671 to address funding and uh the the issue CdwLBSkA5M4-00620-00148672-00148887 of CdwLBSkA5M4-00621-00148888-00149031 business models and this is public CdwLBSkA5M4-00622-00149032-00149175 private partnership and the last thing CdwLBSkA5M4-00623-00149176-00149366 is the union of government and society CdwLBSkA5M4-00624-00149367-00149599 to develop human capital and fuel CdwLBSkA5M4-00625-00149600-00149863 innovation thank you CdwLBSkA5M4-00626-00149864-00150078 thank you christine uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00627-00150079-00150359 i will open the floor just for a few CdwLBSkA5M4-00628-00150360-00150647 questions before we we head on if there CdwLBSkA5M4-00629-00150648-00150926 are any uh please raise your hand if if CdwLBSkA5M4-00630-00150927-00151207 you have any questions or CdwLBSkA5M4-00631-00151208-00151502 i see there is a comment CdwLBSkA5M4-00632-00151503-00151759 yeah CdwLBSkA5M4-00633-00151760-00151887 um CdwLBSkA5M4-00634-00151888-00152199 marie noemi says it should be recognized CdwLBSkA5M4-00635-00152200-00152375 especially by public authorities that CdwLBSkA5M4-00636-00152376-00152575 currently the system is flawed in the CdwLBSkA5M4-00637-00152576-00152783 sense that telecom operators do not have CdwLBSkA5M4-00638-00152784-00153023 a fair return on their investments and CdwLBSkA5M4-00639-00153024-00153254 that they cannot price the use of their CdwLBSkA5M4-00640-00153255-00153454 infrastructures appropriately so that CdwLBSkA5M4-00641-00153455-00153735 telecom have the capacity to invest more CdwLBSkA5M4-00642-00153736-00154031 i wonder if the panelists have a comment CdwLBSkA5M4-00643-00154032-00154647 in response CdwLBSkA5M4-00644-00154648-00154895 if i may uh i CdwLBSkA5M4-00645-00154896-00155126 i believe that CdwLBSkA5M4-00646-00155127-00155439 broadband mapping is exactly uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00647-00155440-00155559 for CdwLBSkA5M4-00648-00155560-00155871 this reason the what we achieve thanks CdwLBSkA5M4-00649-00155872-00156039 to precise CdwLBSkA5M4-00650-00156040-00156359 mapping and collection of such data CdwLBSkA5M4-00651-00156360-00156478 is CdwLBSkA5M4-00652-00156479-00156719 the information necessary to assess CdwLBSkA5M4-00653-00156720-00157319 potential revenue from investment CdwLBSkA5M4-00654-00157320-00157463 yeah CdwLBSkA5M4-00655-00157464-00157614 maybe CdwLBSkA5M4-00656-00157615-00157702 sorry CdwLBSkA5M4-00657-00157703-00157935 i was going to say something and anna CdwLBSkA5M4-00658-00157936-00158126 please you go first because i was going CdwLBSkA5M4-00659-00158127-00158447 to refer to internet pirates CdwLBSkA5M4-00660-00158448-00158719 no please robert go ahead i go i can go CdwLBSkA5M4-00661-00158720-00158926 back with my please go ahead CdwLBSkA5M4-00662-00158927-00159190 okay thank you so yeah i'm uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00663-00159191-00159551 robert pepper at uh uh meta and i and CdwLBSkA5M4-00664-00159552-00159854 as anna mentioned we are CdwLBSkA5M4-00665-00159855-00160039 one of the partners in the internet CdwLBSkA5M4-00666-00160040-00160447 paratotas project in peru CdwLBSkA5M4-00667-00160448-00160623 and one of the things that made that CdwLBSkA5M4-00668-00160624-00160790 successful this goes back to something CdwLBSkA5M4-00669-00160791-00160926 that sophie said that's extremely CdwLBSkA5M4-00670-00160927-00161087 important CdwLBSkA5M4-00671-00161088-00161351 policies and regulation in peru were CdwLBSkA5M4-00672-00161352-00161751 changed that actually completely CdwLBSkA5M4-00673-00161752-00162014 changed the incentives for investment CdwLBSkA5M4-00674-00162015-00162383 um and by separating the rural areas CdwLBSkA5M4-00675-00162384-00162654 where it's most difficult from the urban CdwLBSkA5M4-00676-00162655-00162814 areas where there are profits and you CdwLBSkA5M4-00677-00162815-00163071 can have the competition CdwLBSkA5M4-00678-00163072-00163151 the CdwLBSkA5M4-00679-00163152-00163223 the CdwLBSkA5M4-00680-00163224-00163390 the government the regulators created CdwLBSkA5M4-00681-00163391-00163575 something called an um CdwLBSkA5M4-00682-00163576-00163902 infrastructure mobile uh infrastructure CdwLBSkA5M4-00683-00163903-00164087 i forgot exactly anna what is an CdwLBSkA5M4-00684-00164088-00164287 infrastructure CdwLBSkA5M4-00685-00164288-00164559 mobile mobile infrastructure operator CdwLBSkA5M4-00686-00164560-00164790 which created the opportunity for a CdwLBSkA5M4-00687-00164791-00164895 shared CdwLBSkA5M4-00688-00164896-00165119 wholesale CdwLBSkA5M4-00689-00165120-00165359 radio access network that any operator CdwLBSkA5M4-00690-00165360-00165687 can then attach to and use at the edge CdwLBSkA5M4-00691-00165688-00165951 and after 20 years of government CdwLBSkA5M4-00692-00165952-00166319 policy traditional universal service CdwLBSkA5M4-00693-00166320-00166566 satellite phones all of those things CdwLBSkA5M4-00694-00166567-00166799 nothing worked but by changing the CdwLBSkA5M4-00695-00166800-00167047 regulatory framework and changing the CdwLBSkA5M4-00696-00167048-00167319 incentives for private sector investment CdwLBSkA5M4-00697-00167320-00167526 it attracted investment CdwLBSkA5M4-00698-00167527-00167902 um that as anna said is is now providing CdwLBSkA5M4-00699-00167903-00168102 service to um CdwLBSkA5M4-00700-00168103-00168295 you know 12 000 rural communities that CdwLBSkA5M4-00701-00168296-00168487 had nothing it wasn't even an upgrade CdwLBSkA5M4-00702-00168488-00168671 from 2g to 4g CdwLBSkA5M4-00703-00168672-00168854 it was nothing CdwLBSkA5M4-00704-00168855-00169143 to 4g right anna so that that i think CdwLBSkA5M4-00705-00169144-00169326 goes directly to the question it's about CdwLBSkA5M4-00706-00169327-00169535 the incentives and the ability to get a CdwLBSkA5M4-00707-00169536-00169766 return on investment that you know CdwLBSkA5M4-00708-00169767-00169887 fundamentally CdwLBSkA5M4-00709-00169888-00170143 the fundamental changes in regulation CdwLBSkA5M4-00710-00170144-00170407 enable that an attracted investment not CdwLBSkA5M4-00711-00170408-00170631 just from to the traditional operator CdwLBSkA5M4-00712-00170632-00170883 but also from from CdwLBSkA5M4-00713-00170884-00171014 meta uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00714-00171015-00171190 and with by the way there's no universal CdwLBSkA5M4-00715-00171191-00171502 service money there to do this CdwLBSkA5M4-00716-00171503-00171783 interesting and and also showing uh how CdwLBSkA5M4-00717-00171784-00171999 much regulation means for investment CdwLBSkA5M4-00718-00172000-00172183 over to you anna CdwLBSkA5M4-00719-00172184-00172463 yes i i agree completely with what CdwLBSkA5M4-00720-00172464-00172678 robert mentioned and also i would like CdwLBSkA5M4-00721-00172679-00172983 to stress that is the the question about CdwLBSkA5M4-00722-00172984-00173302 investments is critical here we have to CdwLBSkA5M4-00723-00173303-00173526 look for models that will attract CdwLBSkA5M4-00724-00173527-00173878 investments that bring the the the legal CdwLBSkA5M4-00725-00173879-00174102 certainty that operators and investors CdwLBSkA5M4-00726-00174103-00174478 need to to put in place this kind of of CdwLBSkA5M4-00727-00174479-00174887 projects and regulation is key is key in CdwLBSkA5M4-00728-00174888-00175007 the as CdwLBSkA5M4-00729-00175008-00175247 robert mentioned the the the different CdwLBSkA5M4-00730-00175248-00175543 approach that the regulator took in peru CdwLBSkA5M4-00731-00175544-00175814 uh really facilitated the implementation CdwLBSkA5M4-00732-00175815-00176031 of this model and it's not so easy to CdwLBSkA5M4-00733-00176032-00176199 transfer it to other countries in latin CdwLBSkA5M4-00734-00176200-00176447 america this we need this kind of models CdwLBSkA5M4-00735-00176448-00176663 that allow for innovation that allow for CdwLBSkA5M4-00736-00176664-00176966 new ways of addressing CdwLBSkA5M4-00737-00176967-00177223 in rural areas and and i think that CdwLBSkA5M4-00738-00177224-00177343 having a CdwLBSkA5M4-00739-00177344-00177783 a regulator i i like this this this CdwLBSkA5M4-00740-00177784-00177990 concept that sophie mentioned before the CdwLBSkA5M4-00741-00177991-00178278 regulators as facilitators i think it's CdwLBSkA5M4-00742-00178279-00178454 it's very important this approach for CdwLBSkA5M4-00743-00178455-00178695 rural areas because if we try to CdwLBSkA5M4-00744-00178696-00178911 transport the regular the generation CdwLBSkA5M4-00745-00178912-00179126 that we have in urban areas rural areas CdwLBSkA5M4-00746-00179127-00179247 we are CdwLBSkA5M4-00747-00179248-00179407 we are going to fail in extending the CdwLBSkA5M4-00748-00179408-00179623 services thank you CdwLBSkA5M4-00749-00179624-00179887 i see sophie has her hand up sophie over CdwLBSkA5M4-00750-00179888-00180087 to you yeah thank you lisa and i think CdwLBSkA5M4-00751-00180088-00180359 we're all we in all our interventions we CdwLBSkA5M4-00752-00180360-00180535 covered a number of things CdwLBSkA5M4-00753-00180536-00180678 so um CdwLBSkA5M4-00754-00180679-00180878 lydia mentioned the mapping so CdwLBSkA5M4-00755-00180879-00181126 evidence-based decision making is key CdwLBSkA5M4-00756-00181127-00181366 evidence is key for investment CdwLBSkA5M4-00757-00181367-00181566 then we also mentioned the regulatory CdwLBSkA5M4-00758-00181567-00181719 tools and investment and christine CdwLBSkA5M4-00759-00181720-00181919 mentioned the infrashare infrastructure CdwLBSkA5M4-00760-00181920-00182135 sharing and one thing that i think is CdwLBSkA5M4-00761-00182136-00182366 vital as well as the demand creation CdwLBSkA5M4-00762-00182367-00182607 as we collaborate across the sectors and CdwLBSkA5M4-00763-00182608-00182895 we really foster that demand we foster CdwLBSkA5M4-00764-00182896-00183102 the demand we create the demand we work CdwLBSkA5M4-00765-00183103-00183311 with government to create the necessary CdwLBSkA5M4-00766-00183312-00183607 demand we work with anchor institutions CdwLBSkA5M4-00767-00183608-00183959 i think that for for operators really uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00768-00183960-00184143 provides the incentive to continue CdwLBSkA5M4-00769-00184144-00184359 investment and continue investment and CdwLBSkA5M4-00770-00184360-00184566 innovation back to you lisa CdwLBSkA5M4-00771-00184567-00184671 thank you CdwLBSkA5M4-00772-00184672-00184878 and demand is certainly an important CdwLBSkA5M4-00773-00184879-00185071 thought too CdwLBSkA5M4-00774-00185072-00185302 now we'll go forward with the CdwLBSkA5M4-00775-00185303-00185687 theme of technology innovation so um CdwLBSkA5M4-00776-00185688-00185950 and using technology and innovation to CdwLBSkA5M4-00777-00185951-00186278 address some of the global connectivity CdwLBSkA5M4-00778-00186279-00186559 and we'll use a specific example of CdwLBSkA5M4-00779-00186560-00186911 amazon's uh kuiper project so CdwLBSkA5M4-00780-00186912-00187311 a short presentation from julie CdwLBSkA5M4-00781-00187312-00187543 thanks liz it's just such a pleasure to CdwLBSkA5M4-00782-00187544-00187695 be here today CdwLBSkA5M4-00783-00187696-00187926 and see so many friends CdwLBSkA5M4-00784-00187927-00188126 it's been a while CdwLBSkA5M4-00785-00188127-00188454 at amazon we're dedicated to furthering CdwLBSkA5M4-00786-00188455-00188647 innovation and technology for our CdwLBSkA5M4-00787-00188648-00188935 customers partners and communities and CdwLBSkA5M4-00788-00188936-00189159 through project kuiper CdwLBSkA5M4-00789-00189160-00189407 we're working to help bridge the digital CdwLBSkA5M4-00790-00189408-00189663 divide ensuring that CdwLBSkA5M4-00791-00189664-00189887 broadband services are accessible CdwLBSkA5M4-00792-00189888-00190111 reliable and affordable on a global CdwLBSkA5M4-00793-00190112-00190343 scale CdwLBSkA5M4-00794-00190344-00190711 kuiper's a constellation of ka band CdwLBSkA5M4-00795-00190712-00191047 satellites in low earth orbit CdwLBSkA5M4-00796-00191048-00191390 that will provide high quality broadband CdwLBSkA5M4-00797-00191391-00191695 service to tens of millions of unserved CdwLBSkA5M4-00798-00191696-00191926 and underserved communities CdwLBSkA5M4-00799-00191927-00192126 around the world CdwLBSkA5M4-00800-00192127-00192563 our initial constellation is CdwLBSkA5M4-00801-00192564-00192814 3236 satellites CdwLBSkA5M4-00802-00192815-00193207 which will deploy at three altitude and CdwLBSkA5M4-00803-00193208-00193454 inclination combinations CdwLBSkA5M4-00804-00193455-00193895 between 590 and 630 kilometers CdwLBSkA5M4-00805-00193896-00194223 and we chose those particular altitudes CdwLBSkA5M4-00806-00194224-00194614 in order to provide low latency service CdwLBSkA5M4-00807-00194615-00194911 that's similar to fiber and also CdwLBSkA5M4-00808-00194912-00195214 to safely deorbit our satellites at the CdwLBSkA5M4-00809-00195215-00195519 end of their mission life CdwLBSkA5M4-00810-00195520-00195799 our design decisions combined with CdwLBSkA5M4-00811-00195800-00196083 inventions like phased array antenna CdwLBSkA5M4-00812-00196084-00196438 technology and the ability to connect to CdwLBSkA5M4-00813-00196439-00196695 our global infrastructure like internet CdwLBSkA5M4-00814-00196696-00196863 exchange points CdwLBSkA5M4-00815-00196864-00197126 and our customer service CdwLBSkA5M4-00816-00197127-00197447 centers will allow us to achieve three CdwLBSkA5M4-00817-00197448-00197726 important goals with kuiper the broad CdwLBSkA5M4-00818-00197727-00197999 geographical coverage high quality CdwLBSkA5M4-00819-00198000-00198271 service and affordable equipment and CdwLBSkA5M4-00820-00198272-00198423 plans CdwLBSkA5M4-00821-00198424-00198719 we're moving very quickly just last CdwLBSkA5M4-00822-00198720-00199038 month we submitted plans to the fcc CdwLBSkA5M4-00823-00199039-00199278 to launch and deploy CdwLBSkA5M4-00824-00199279-00199543 two prototype satellites by the fourth CdwLBSkA5M4-00825-00199544-00199743 quarter of next year CdwLBSkA5M4-00826-00199744-00200135 on an all-new rocket from abl and we CdwLBSkA5M4-00827-00200136-00200343 continue to expand CdwLBSkA5M4-00828-00200344-00200687 our capabilities with more than 22 000 CdwLBSkA5M4-00829-00200688-00201063 square meters of r d facilities and CdwLBSkA5M4-00830-00201064-00201431 we're now beyond 750 employees CdwLBSkA5M4-00831-00201432-00201735 just working on project kuiper CdwLBSkA5M4-00832-00201736-00202014 kuiper's a global service and will need CdwLBSkA5M4-00833-00202015-00202302 licenses in every country in order to CdwLBSkA5M4-00834-00202303-00202526 provide that service CdwLBSkA5M4-00835-00202527-00202775 each country is unique in its CdwLBSkA5M4-00836-00202776-00203119 requirements and timelines CdwLBSkA5M4-00837-00203120-00203511 a predictable and enabling regulatory CdwLBSkA5M4-00838-00203512-00203878 environment with low administrative and CdwLBSkA5M4-00839-00203879-00204135 financial overhead CdwLBSkA5M4-00840-00204136-00204423 fosters invention and and long-term CdwLBSkA5M4-00841-00204424-00204783 investment in projects like kuiper CdwLBSkA5M4-00842-00204784-00205062 ultimately it minimizes cost to the CdwLBSkA5M4-00843-00205063-00205406 customer an important factor in bridging CdwLBSkA5M4-00844-00205407-00205838 the digital divide CdwLBSkA5M4-00845-00205839-00206079 there are three essential ingredients CdwLBSkA5M4-00846-00206080-00206414 for an enabling regulatory environment CdwLBSkA5M4-00847-00206415-00206727 the first is spectrum access in in the CdwLBSkA5M4-00848-00206728-00206990 case of our initial system that's access CdwLBSkA5M4-00849-00206991-00207175 to the ka band CdwLBSkA5M4-00850-00207176-00207390 which is already allocated to the fixed CdwLBSkA5M4-00851-00207391-00207582 satellite service CdwLBSkA5M4-00852-00207583-00207823 the second is fair world CdwLBSkA5M4-00853-00207823-00208119 rules for sharing that spectrum CdwLBSkA5M4-00854-00208119-00208423 that support new entry and competition CdwLBSkA5M4-00855-00208423-00208614 and the third is light touch CdwLBSkA5M4-00856-00208615-00208942 administrative and regulatory processes CdwLBSkA5M4-00857-00208944-00209294 for license applications and grants CdwLBSkA5M4-00858-00209296-00209510 we're betting big on kuiper we've CdwLBSkA5M4-00859-00209511-00209742 committed to investing more than 10 CdwLBSkA5M4-00860-00209744-00210039 billion dollars to make hyper available CdwLBSkA5M4-00861-00210040-00210231 it's an incredibly exciting and CdwLBSkA5M4-00862-00210232-00210542 rewarding project for me personally CdwLBSkA5M4-00863-00210544-00210846 having worked at the state department CdwLBSkA5M4-00864-00210848-00210958 on CdwLBSkA5M4-00865-00210959-00211246 bridging the digital divide CdwLBSkA5M4-00866-00211248-00211471 a mission that's only risen in CdwLBSkA5M4-00867-00211471-00211791 importance and also helping to shape the CdwLBSkA5M4-00868-00211792-00212091 itu rules that enable CdwLBSkA5M4-00869-00212092-00212342 non-geostationary systems CdwLBSkA5M4-00870-00212344-00212423 at CdwLBSkA5M4-00871-00212423-00212879 wrc 97 and 2000 so it's a great time to CdwLBSkA5M4-00872-00212880-00213223 put them to such important use CdwLBSkA5M4-00873-00213223-00213503 thanks CdwLBSkA5M4-00874-00213504-00213742 thank you julie it's it's certainly a CdwLBSkA5M4-00875-00213744-00214031 very impressive project the kuiper CdwLBSkA5M4-00876-00214032-00214206 project and CdwLBSkA5M4-00877-00214207-00214463 if we look at it it's it required as CdwLBSkA5M4-00878-00214464-00214687 you're saying considerable investments CdwLBSkA5M4-00879-00214688-00214887 uh by amazon CdwLBSkA5M4-00880-00214888-00215134 and uh of course you must have seen a CdwLBSkA5M4-00881-00215135-00215415 demand for this service but if i turn to CdwLBSkA5M4-00882-00215416-00215606 both lydia and anna CdwLBSkA5M4-00883-00215607-00215887 to have some some further thoughts we we CdwLBSkA5M4-00884-00215888-00216263 discussed uh before how regulation can CdwLBSkA5M4-00885-00216264-00216519 change uh the uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00886-00216519-00216879 appetite for investment uh in both ways CdwLBSkA5M4-00887-00216880-00217039 but um CdwLBSkA5M4-00888-00217040-00217310 do you think we need for example more CdwLBSkA5M4-00889-00217311-00217623 public-private partnerships in order to CdwLBSkA5M4-00890-00217623-00217831 to reach to the uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00891-00217832-00218094 remote areas where the business cases is CdwLBSkA5M4-00892-00218096-00218391 difficult or is it enough just to to CdwLBSkA5M4-00893-00218392-00218663 change the regulation if i ask lydia CdwLBSkA5M4-00894-00218664-00218871 first how do you CdwLBSkA5M4-00895-00218871-00219039 how do you see this CdwLBSkA5M4-00896-00219040-00219246 i totally agree that CdwLBSkA5M4-00897-00219248-00219487 public private partnerships are very CdwLBSkA5M4-00898-00219488-00219751 important particularly that CdwLBSkA5M4-00899-00219752-00219942 polish telecommunication market is very CdwLBSkA5M4-00900-00219944-00220223 specific we have CdwLBSkA5M4-00901-00220223-00220487 one of the cheapest CdwLBSkA5M4-00902-00220488-00220679 telecommunications services in the CdwLBSkA5M4-00903-00220680-00220839 european union CdwLBSkA5M4-00904-00220840-00220942 and CdwLBSkA5M4-00905-00220944-00221103 therefore CdwLBSkA5M4-00906-00221104-00221294 potential revenues CdwLBSkA5M4-00907-00221296-00221551 are quite limited CdwLBSkA5M4-00908-00221552-00221663 and CdwLBSkA5M4-00909-00221664-00221855 therefore first CdwLBSkA5M4-00910-00221856-00222103 stable regulatory environment and CdwLBSkA5M4-00911-00222104-00222310 predictable law CdwLBSkA5M4-00912-00222311-00222542 help definitely CdwLBSkA5M4-00913-00222544-00222679 and CdwLBSkA5M4-00914-00222680-00222967 which is also very important in in the CdwLBSkA5M4-00915-00222967-00223231 context of telecommunication market CdwLBSkA5M4-00916-00223232-00223510 is a possibility to utilize european CdwLBSkA5M4-00917-00223511-00223727 funds uh for CdwLBSkA5M4-00918-00223728-00223919 investment in telecommunication CdwLBSkA5M4-00919-00223919-00224182 infrastructure CdwLBSkA5M4-00920-00224183-00224487 you anna CdwLBSkA5M4-00921-00224488-00224646 well i think that CdwLBSkA5M4-00922-00224648-00225071 regulation can be key in attracting CdwLBSkA5M4-00923-00225071-00225471 investments and can be key in making um CdwLBSkA5M4-00924-00225471-00225719 business cases uh sustainable and i CdwLBSkA5M4-00925-00225719-00225903 think that's that's one of the key CdwLBSkA5M4-00926-00225904-00226167 issues for us and what that that was one CdwLBSkA5M4-00927-00226167-00226334 of the key challenges for internet CdwLBSkA5M4-00928-00226335-00226606 practice because we wanted a sustainable CdwLBSkA5M4-00929-00226607-00226806 business model CdwLBSkA5M4-00930-00226807-00226951 depending on CdwLBSkA5M4-00931-00226952-00227175 subsidies from different CdwLBSkA5M4-00932-00227176-00227406 either from the universal service fund CdwLBSkA5M4-00933-00227407-00227655 on from or from directly from CdwLBSkA5M4-00934-00227656-00228006 governments is is complex because if you CdwLBSkA5M4-00935-00228007-00228182 are not able to develop a sustainable CdwLBSkA5M4-00936-00228183-00228439 model once you don't receive that CdwLBSkA5M4-00937-00228440-00228551 subsidies CdwLBSkA5M4-00938-00228552-00228806 the model will not continue and and you CdwLBSkA5M4-00939-00228807-00229119 will not be able to do the um network CdwLBSkA5M4-00940-00229119-00229303 upgrades and the evolution of the CdwLBSkA5M4-00941-00229304-00229527 network that you will need so CdwLBSkA5M4-00942-00229528-00229663 i think that the role and there is a CdwLBSkA5M4-00943-00229664-00229871 right that the regulation will help to CdwLBSkA5M4-00944-00229871-00230142 make this model sustainable reducing CdwLBSkA5M4-00945-00230144-00230423 the regulatory burdens uh CdwLBSkA5M4-00946-00230423-00230646 defining specific conditions more CdwLBSkA5M4-00947-00230648-00230855 favorable for rural areas to give you an CdwLBSkA5M4-00948-00230856-00230958 example CdwLBSkA5M4-00949-00230959-00231142 julie mentioned before about the CdwLBSkA5M4-00950-00231144-00231358 spectrum cost and i think spectrum for CdwLBSkA5M4-00951-00231359-00231598 for for mobile operators is key and in CdwLBSkA5M4-00952-00231600-00231758 some countries in latin america at this CdwLBSkA5M4-00953-00231759-00232087 moment the the the way the the spectrum CdwLBSkA5M4-00954-00232088-00232406 fees are defined really impede that we CdwLBSkA5M4-00955-00232407-00232703 develop a service in in rural areas we CdwLBSkA5M4-00956-00232704-00232919 have to review this we have to review CdwLBSkA5M4-00957-00232919-00233134 all the the regulations in general to CdwLBSkA5M4-00958-00233135-00233391 try to move towards a more CdwLBSkA5M4-00959-00233392-00233687 innovative approach uh we we have to to CdwLBSkA5M4-00960-00233688-00234015 put in place this this mechanisms to CdwLBSkA5M4-00961-00234016-00234310 evaluate the regulatory measures and CdwLBSkA5M4-00962-00234311-00234519 identify which one are contributing to CdwLBSkA5M4-00963-00234519-00234719 the extension of services and which one CdwLBSkA5M4-00964-00234719-00234958 are not being um CdwLBSkA5M4-00965-00234959-00235198 successful in in the CdwLBSkA5M4-00966-00235200-00235455 goals of extending services i think we CdwLBSkA5M4-00967-00235456-00235663 need to review the approach from the CdwLBSkA5M4-00968-00235664-00235863 regulatory point of view to facilitate CdwLBSkA5M4-00969-00235864-00236175 all these models we we we have CdwLBSkA5M4-00970-00236176-00236471 review many different aspects CdwLBSkA5M4-00971-00236471-00236831 from competition to to a network to to a CdwLBSkA5M4-00972-00236832-00237110 spectrum assignment to uh instruction CdwLBSkA5M4-00973-00237111-00237334 infrastructure development rules that CdwLBSkA5M4-00974-00237335-00237423 can be CdwLBSkA5M4-00975-00237423-00237606 reviewed to adapt to the specific CdwLBSkA5M4-00976-00237607-00237903 conditions of rural radius CdwLBSkA5M4-00977-00237904-00238031 thank you anna CdwLBSkA5M4-00978-00238032-00238375 over to you robert if you uh look at the CdwLBSkA5M4-00979-00238376-00238679 technologies and and uh if we we talked CdwLBSkA5M4-00980-00238680-00238903 about innovation and and here we've CdwLBSkA5M4-00981-00238904-00239094 heard about satellites there are many CdwLBSkA5M4-00982-00239096-00239231 technologies CdwLBSkA5M4-00983-00239232-00239558 that can deliver connectivity what are CdwLBSkA5M4-00984-00239559-00239806 your views on on CdwLBSkA5M4-00985-00239807-00240006 what can fundamentals change the network CdwLBSkA5M4-00986-00240007-00240319 ecosystem from the perceptive CdwLBSkA5M4-00987-00240319-00240551 perspective of meta CdwLBSkA5M4-00988-00240552-00240815 thank you thanks uh lisa good to see you CdwLBSkA5M4-00989-00240816-00241030 uh good to see a lot of my my friends CdwLBSkA5M4-00990-00241031-00241223 here including i guess sam is in the CdwLBSkA5M4-00991-00241223-00241391 room at least virtually CdwLBSkA5M4-00992-00241392-00241534 um CdwLBSkA5M4-00993-00241535-00241655 so CdwLBSkA5M4-00994-00241656-00241815 you know traditionally there have been CdwLBSkA5M4-00995-00241816-00242215 the the the networking technologies and CdwLBSkA5M4-00996-00242216-00242598 uh for private sector investment um you CdwLBSkA5M4-00997-00242600-00242887 know the cost structure and density CdwLBSkA5M4-00998-00242888-00243158 limited where there would be the CdwLBSkA5M4-00999-00243159-00243327 business case for deploying the CdwLBSkA5M4-01000-00243328-00243582 technology and then there was a gap to CdwLBSkA5M4-01001-00243583-00243758 reach the lower density areas the more CdwLBSkA5M4-01002-00243759-00243951 difficult areas and that's where CdwLBSkA5M4-01003-00243952-00244142 traditionally we've had things like you CdwLBSkA5M4-01004-00244144-00244327 know universal service support or other CdwLBSkA5M4-01005-00244328-00244567 things to close that gap CdwLBSkA5M4-01006-00244567-00244703 you know i think we're CdwLBSkA5M4-01007-00244704-00244879 at a point now we're really lucky CdwLBSkA5M4-01008-00244880-00245087 because the new technologies CdwLBSkA5M4-01009-00245088-00245279 that are coming on to provide uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01010-00245280-00245471 broadband connectivity CdwLBSkA5M4-01011-00245471-00245567 um CdwLBSkA5M4-01012-00245567-00245703 number one they're becoming much more CdwLBSkA5M4-01013-00245704-00245903 robust much more reliable CdwLBSkA5M4-01014-00245904-00245991 um CdwLBSkA5M4-01015-00245992-00246127 and CdwLBSkA5M4-01016-00246128-00246430 lower cost and you know uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01017-00246431-00246527 you know CdwLBSkA5M4-01018-00246528-00246710 julie's and you know kuiper is really CdwLBSkA5M4-01019-00246711-00246903 exciting we've heard for CdwLBSkA5M4-01020-00246904-00247087 you know years CdwLBSkA5M4-01021-00247088-00247423 that um you know satellite broadband you CdwLBSkA5M4-01022-00247423-00247591 know lower cost CdwLBSkA5M4-01023-00247592-00247806 low latency was going to be here there's CdwLBSkA5M4-01024-00247807-00247975 always two years away it's not two years CdwLBSkA5M4-01025-00247976-00248423 away it's here and and it's it's now uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01026-00248423-00248519 that CdwLBSkA5M4-01027-00248519-00248823 is really significant on the terrestrial CdwLBSkA5M4-01028-00248823-00248958 side we're seeing CdwLBSkA5M4-01029-00248959-00249151 similar kinds of CdwLBSkA5M4-01030-00249152-00249375 technology breakthroughs look if you CdwLBSkA5M4-01031-00249376-00249510 think about it CdwLBSkA5M4-01032-00249511-00249630 you know CdwLBSkA5M4-01033-00249631-00249751 there's been a CdwLBSkA5M4-01034-00249752-00250071 major technology trend and a shift going CdwLBSkA5M4-01035-00250071-00250167 back CdwLBSkA5M4-01036-00250167-00250310 40 years CdwLBSkA5M4-01037-00250311-00250575 right it began in the 1980s and 90s and CdwLBSkA5M4-01038-00250576-00250894 that shift was from analog to digital CdwLBSkA5M4-01039-00250896-00251134 right and that as we move from analog to CdwLBSkA5M4-01040-00251135-00251382 digital lowered the costs as it lowered CdwLBSkA5M4-01041-00251383-00251558 cost the operators can have a business CdwLBSkA5M4-01042-00251559-00251639 case CdwLBSkA5M4-01043-00251640-00251798 to provide service in areas that CdwLBSkA5M4-01044-00251800-00252046 previously had not been affordable but CdwLBSkA5M4-01045-00252048-00252255 now are for sustainable business CdwLBSkA5M4-01046-00252256-00252551 and then in the first decade of CdwLBSkA5M4-01047-00252552-00252751 um the 21st century CdwLBSkA5M4-01048-00252752-00252894 the the CdwLBSkA5M4-01049-00252896-00253103 the big shift was CdwLBSkA5M4-01050-00253104-00253239 from CdwLBSkA5M4-01051-00253240-00253423 physical to virtual or hardware to CdwLBSkA5M4-01052-00253423-00253606 software you know software to find CdwLBSkA5M4-01053-00253607-00253855 networks um that lowered the cost to put CdwLBSkA5M4-01054-00253856-00254055 more features into the cloud more CdwLBSkA5M4-01055-00254056-00254294 functionality so the operators you know CdwLBSkA5M4-01056-00254296-00254446 could do more CdwLBSkA5M4-01057-00254448-00254782 um at lower cost and we're now CdwLBSkA5M4-01058-00254783-00255063 uh at the next stage in this you know CdwLBSkA5M4-01059-00255064-00255358 long technology trend which is a move CdwLBSkA5M4-01060-00255359-00255671 towards disaggregated CdwLBSkA5M4-01061-00255671-00255982 interoperable technology so that you can CdwLBSkA5M4-01062-00255983-00256206 get the best of breed at each layer of CdwLBSkA5M4-01063-00256207-00256327 the stack CdwLBSkA5M4-01064-00256328-00256534 and lower the costs CdwLBSkA5M4-01065-00256535-00256775 and and and create CdwLBSkA5M4-01066-00256776-00257015 business models sustainable business CdwLBSkA5M4-01067-00257016-00257134 models CdwLBSkA5M4-01068-00257135-00257415 uh you know where previously they didn't CdwLBSkA5M4-01069-00257416-00257591 exist CdwLBSkA5M4-01070-00257592-00257682 the best CdwLBSkA5M4-01071-00257683-00258071 example of this you know trend towards CdwLBSkA5M4-01072-00258071-00258382 you know and the use of uh disaggregated CdwLBSkA5M4-01073-00258383-00258606 interoperable technologies uh the one CdwLBSkA5M4-01074-00258607-00258879 everybody talks about is open ran CdwLBSkA5M4-01075-00258880-00258982 and CdwLBSkA5M4-01076-00258983-00259134 you know open CdwLBSkA5M4-01077-00259135-00259319 uh which is the open radio access CdwLBSkA5M4-01078-00259319-00259598 network um you know being able to have CdwLBSkA5M4-01079-00259600-00259727 plug and play CdwLBSkA5M4-01080-00259728-00259942 so that any operator can use best of CdwLBSkA5M4-01081-00259944-00260134 breed at each layer of that stack and CdwLBSkA5M4-01082-00260135-00260471 then also connecting back into the core CdwLBSkA5M4-01083-00260471-00260894 and in fact in uh internet prototypes CdwLBSkA5M4-01084-00260896-00261079 we're using openran CdwLBSkA5M4-01085-00261080-00261334 and it it it's been a breakthrough CdwLBSkA5M4-01086-00261335-00261742 because the the cost of that technology CdwLBSkA5M4-01087-00261744-00261998 has come down and that's in the great CdwLBSkA5M4-01088-00262000-00262182 example by the way of the shared network CdwLBSkA5M4-01089-00262183-00262534 and i remembered the the in english CdwLBSkA5M4-01090-00262535-00262847 the um uh regulatory structure that's CdwLBSkA5M4-01091-00262848-00263030 enabled that investment is called a CdwLBSkA5M4-01092-00263031-00263263 rural mobile infrastructure operator an CdwLBSkA5M4-01093-00263264-00263439 rmio CdwLBSkA5M4-01094-00263440-00263647 and effectively it allowed developing a CdwLBSkA5M4-01095-00263648-00263887 new business model called network as a CdwLBSkA5M4-01096-00263888-00264023 service CdwLBSkA5M4-01097-00264024-00264247 and by having the shared wholesale CdwLBSkA5M4-01098-00264248-00264463 network as the service CdwLBSkA5M4-01099-00264464-00264687 uh you don't need this in urban areas CdwLBSkA5M4-01100-00264688-00264871 where there's a sustainable model and CdwLBSkA5M4-01101-00264872-00265063 high density but when we're getting out CdwLBSkA5M4-01102-00265064-00265327 to the rural areas we're now able to CdwLBSkA5M4-01103-00265328-00265519 provide CdwLBSkA5M4-01104-00265520-00265791 broadband mobile broadband service where CdwLBSkA5M4-01105-00265792-00266079 it never existed and using these lower CdwLBSkA5M4-01106-00266080-00266167 cost CdwLBSkA5M4-01107-00266168-00266343 radio access network technologies the CdwLBSkA5M4-01108-00266344-00266623 last point is um CdwLBSkA5M4-01109-00266624-00266791 we've worked with uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01110-00266792-00266991 analysis mason which many of you know is CdwLBSkA5M4-01111-00266992-00267319 a world-class consultancy and they CdwLBSkA5M4-01112-00267320-00267455 looked at CdwLBSkA5M4-01113-00267456-00267687 this um model of disaggregated CdwLBSkA5M4-01114-00267688-00267847 technology that CdwLBSkA5M4-01115-00267848-00268039 um is really being developed and CdwLBSkA5M4-01116-00268040-00268191 promoted by an organization called the CdwLBSkA5M4-01117-00268192-00268367 telecom infra project CdwLBSkA5M4-01118-00268368-00268447 and CdwLBSkA5M4-01119-00268448-00268630 most of the major mobile operators CdwLBSkA5M4-01120-00268631-00268895 around the world uh are all members of CdwLBSkA5M4-01121-00268896-00269223 that and um you know lisa at least you CdwLBSkA5M4-01122-00269224-00269487 know your members have have all you know CdwLBSkA5M4-01123-00269488-00269727 signed up they there was a you know an CdwLBSkA5M4-01124-00269728-00269919 mou for deploying CdwLBSkA5M4-01125-00269920-00270103 openran and most and i think they're all CdwLBSkA5M4-01126-00270104-00270375 tip members but the analysis mason CdwLBSkA5M4-01127-00270376-00270639 looked at the economic impact globally CdwLBSkA5M4-01128-00270640-00270855 and then in in two of special cases CdwLBSkA5M4-01129-00270856-00271071 india and sub-saharan africa on this CdwLBSkA5M4-01130-00271072-00271215 move towards this disaggregated CdwLBSkA5M4-01131-00271216-00271415 technology model and they look CdwLBSkA5M4-01132-00271416-00271655 specifically at open brand CdwLBSkA5M4-01133-00271656-00271934 the base case for openran CdwLBSkA5M4-01134-00271935-00272087 um which is CdwLBSkA5M4-01135-00272088-00272375 moderate development moderate deployment CdwLBSkA5M4-01136-00272376-00272623 um would contribute CdwLBSkA5M4-01137-00272624-00272910 to global gdp between now and 2030. it CdwLBSkA5M4-01138-00272911-00273223 would contribute an additional 285 CdwLBSkA5M4-01139-00273224-00273534 billion dollars to global gdp CdwLBSkA5M4-01140-00273535-00273743 if CdwLBSkA5M4-01141-00273744-00273975 that deployment is accelerated and CdwLBSkA5M4-01142-00273976-00274143 policies like the CdwLBSkA5M4-01143-00274144-00274463 rmio in peru can do that the accelerated CdwLBSkA5M4-01144-00274464-00274703 deployment of open iran could result in CdwLBSkA5M4-01145-00274704-00274782 an CdwLBSkA5M4-01146-00274783-00274871 income CdwLBSkA5M4-01147-00274872-00275295 incremental contribution to gdp by 2030 CdwLBSkA5M4-01148-00275296-00275679 of 725 billion dollars u.s CdwLBSkA5M4-01149-00275680-00275847 in india CdwLBSkA5M4-01150-00275848-00276110 the the accelerated deployment case CdwLBSkA5M4-01151-00276111-00276439 could lead just in india to 129 billion CdwLBSkA5M4-01152-00276440-00276623 incremental gdp growth and in CdwLBSkA5M4-01153-00276624-00276806 sub-saharan africa CdwLBSkA5M4-01154-00276807-00277095 it could contribute an additional 135 CdwLBSkA5M4-01155-00277096-00277279 billion dollars CdwLBSkA5M4-01156-00277280-00277519 to to the gdp CdwLBSkA5M4-01157-00277520-00277758 uh across the the continent this is CdwLBSkA5M4-01158-00277759-00277871 really CdwLBSkA5M4-01159-00277872-00278095 important that's why this trend CdwLBSkA5M4-01160-00278096-00278279 towards disaggregated technology is CdwLBSkA5M4-01161-00278280-00278510 lowering the costs and giving the CdwLBSkA5M4-01162-00278511-00278703 operators a better business model and CdwLBSkA5M4-01163-00278704-00278887 closing the gap so there are fewer CdwLBSkA5M4-01164-00278888-00278999 places CdwLBSkA5M4-01165-00279000-00279134 that we need CdwLBSkA5M4-01166-00279135-00279319 interventions CdwLBSkA5M4-01167-00279320-00279519 such as traditional universal service or CdwLBSkA5M4-01168-00279520-00279727 new things the last thing is CdwLBSkA5M4-01169-00279728-00279943 public-private partnerships i think are CdwLBSkA5M4-01170-00279944-00280087 extremely important that's what's going CdwLBSkA5M4-01171-00280088-00280287 to make it work but in the past when CdwLBSkA5M4-01172-00280288-00280510 we've talked public-private partnership CdwLBSkA5M4-01173-00280511-00280775 it's been private sector and government CdwLBSkA5M4-01174-00280776-00280958 and we can't forget especially at the CdwLBSkA5M4-01175-00280959-00281087 igf CdwLBSkA5M4-01176-00281088-00281303 that is multi-stakeholder CdwLBSkA5M4-01177-00281304-00281623 um you know at its roots that mode that CdwLBSkA5M4-01178-00281624-00281863 the it's really a broader partnership CdwLBSkA5M4-01179-00281864-00281967 it's public CdwLBSkA5M4-01180-00281968-00282047 uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01181-00282048-00282287 sector it's private companies CdwLBSkA5M4-01182-00282288-00282543 and it's it's the technical community CdwLBSkA5M4-01183-00282544-00282863 and it's local communities it's ngos so CdwLBSkA5M4-01184-00282864-00283055 the partnership CdwLBSkA5M4-01185-00283056-00283158 has to be CdwLBSkA5M4-01186-00283159-00283399 broader based and and that's what we're CdwLBSkA5M4-01187-00283400-00283527 happy what we're seeing as well CdwLBSkA5M4-01188-00283528-00283703 especially in these rural areas with CdwLBSkA5M4-01189-00283704-00283863 things like community networks using CdwLBSkA5M4-01190-00283864-00284158 some of these disaggregated technologies CdwLBSkA5M4-01191-00284159-00284334 thank you CdwLBSkA5M4-01192-00284335-00284599 thank you robert and and i find it uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01193-00284600-00284815 extremely interesting how technology CdwLBSkA5M4-01194-00284816-00285006 also as you're saying CdwLBSkA5M4-01195-00285007-00285271 is creating a new business model so it's CdwLBSkA5M4-01196-00285272-00285391 it's uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01197-00285392-00285727 in in a network that is seen as the CdwLBSkA5M4-01198-00285728-00285999 business model itself so it's uh an CdwLBSkA5M4-01199-00286000-00286271 interesting shift uh because of as CdwLBSkA5M4-01200-00286272-00286551 you're calling a network as a as a CdwLBSkA5M4-01201-00286552-00286751 service so um CdwLBSkA5M4-01202-00286752-00286975 very interesting uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01203-00286976-00287310 thoughts on on the technology side CdwLBSkA5M4-01204-00287311-00287479 but CdwLBSkA5M4-01205-00287480-00287695 nothing while uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01206-00287696-00287863 that initial investment in CdwLBSkA5M4-01207-00287864-00288063 infrastructure is very important still CdwLBSkA5M4-01208-00288064-00288406 so so i think we we must sustain uh the CdwLBSkA5M4-01209-00288407-00288671 investment and keep the revenue stream CdwLBSkA5M4-01210-00288672-00288782 so CdwLBSkA5M4-01211-00288783-00288951 we have talked about CdwLBSkA5M4-01212-00288952-00289103 investment we've talked about CdwLBSkA5M4-01213-00289104-00289382 development innovation um and new CdwLBSkA5M4-01214-00289383-00289551 services so CdwLBSkA5M4-01215-00289552-00289903 if i am to to to ask you christine on on CdwLBSkA5M4-01216-00289904-00290191 how do we keep the revenue stream uh to CdwLBSkA5M4-01217-00290192-00290447 enable these uh initial services to CdwLBSkA5M4-01218-00290448-00290623 scale up what are your views on this CdwLBSkA5M4-01219-00290624-00290743 christine CdwLBSkA5M4-01220-00290744-00290871 uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01221-00290872-00291167 well uh lisa here maybe i um i would CdwLBSkA5M4-01222-00291168-00291558 like to say that uh in order to to make CdwLBSkA5M4-01223-00291559-00291806 the the business sustainable if i take CdwLBSkA5M4-01224-00291807-00291999 examples from egypt where there are CdwLBSkA5M4-01225-00292000-00292199 areas where arpa is really really low CdwLBSkA5M4-01226-00292200-00292423 and when uh when you go to the telecom CdwLBSkA5M4-01227-00292424-00292615 operators they actually don't see why CdwLBSkA5M4-01228-00292616-00292758 they should be investing here so of CdwLBSkA5M4-01229-00292759-00292958 course one model is the universal CdwLBSkA5M4-01230-00292959-00293110 service CdwLBSkA5M4-01231-00293111-00293375 as a tool or public private partnerships CdwLBSkA5M4-01232-00293376-00293463 and CdwLBSkA5M4-01233-00293464-00293751 the other model is actually to uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01234-00293752-00294063 to stimulate the demand and here as well CdwLBSkA5M4-01235-00294064-00294279 is where the public sector can actually CdwLBSkA5M4-01236-00294280-00294543 play a role so let me bring a real life CdwLBSkA5M4-01237-00294544-00294806 example from one of our cities which uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01238-00294807-00294999 is in the southern uh part of egypt CdwLBSkA5M4-01239-00295000-00295239 southern part of egypt is an area that CdwLBSkA5M4-01240-00295240-00295375 is less developed in terms of CdwLBSkA5M4-01241-00295376-00295527 infrastructure and here i talk about the CdwLBSkA5M4-01242-00295528-00295671 city of ashwa CdwLBSkA5M4-01243-00295672-00295999 the city of aswan has 350 inhabitants CdwLBSkA5M4-01244-00296000-00296230 350 000 inhabitants CdwLBSkA5M4-01245-00296231-00296423 and CdwLBSkA5M4-01246-00296424-00296679 and the case here is that CdwLBSkA5M4-01247-00296680-00296895 the the the digital sector the CdwLBSkA5M4-01248-00296896-00297095 government and the private sector have CdwLBSkA5M4-01249-00297096-00297415 cooperated with the municipality to CdwLBSkA5M4-01250-00297416-00297703 build the infrastructure in that case CdwLBSkA5M4-01251-00297704-00297991 mobile towers and extending reach fiber CdwLBSkA5M4-01252-00297992-00298223 reach again but the most important is CdwLBSkA5M4-01253-00298224-00298447 working on implementing ict-enabled CdwLBSkA5M4-01254-00298448-00298703 programs to allow people to access local CdwLBSkA5M4-01255-00298704-00299030 services through mobile applications so CdwLBSkA5M4-01256-00299031-00299254 um this was coupled with CdwLBSkA5M4-01257-00299255-00299479 human capacity development through three CdwLBSkA5M4-01258-00299480-00299679 tracks which happened actually in us one CdwLBSkA5M4-01259-00299680-00299847 one was focusing on digital skills CdwLBSkA5M4-01260-00299848-00300143 development in schools for targeting uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01261-00300144-00300375 the the younger generations the other CdwLBSkA5M4-01262-00300376-00300623 was qualifying uh graduates and CdwLBSkA5M4-01263-00300624-00300903 microstartups uh by CdwLBSkA5M4-01264-00300904-00301095 providing them with e-marketing skills CdwLBSkA5M4-01265-00301096-00301367 and digital transformation programs CdwLBSkA5M4-01266-00301368-00301558 and uh the third was actually CdwLBSkA5M4-01267-00301559-00301758 eliminating digital illiteracy which is CdwLBSkA5M4-01268-00301759-00302030 quite common in in those areas and for CdwLBSkA5M4-01269-00302031-00302239 the different society segments the CdwLBSkA5M4-01270-00302240-00302430 result is actually development and as CdwLBSkA5M4-01271-00302431-00302679 one which we've actually CdwLBSkA5M4-01272-00302680-00303015 witnessed uh it it now hosts one of the CdwLBSkA5M4-01273-00303016-00303230 very first innovation hubs with a fund CdwLBSkA5M4-01274-00303231-00303406 of 18 million egyptian pounds which is CdwLBSkA5M4-01275-00303407-00303575 something actually i believe very CdwLBSkA5M4-01276-00303576-00303710 important for the local community CdwLBSkA5M4-01277-00303711-00303910 because it promotes technology driven CdwLBSkA5M4-01278-00303911-00304151 innovation and then it offers incubation CdwLBSkA5M4-01279-00304152-00304406 um for local use entrepreneurs to start CdwLBSkA5M4-01280-00304407-00304575 their uh ict CdwLBSkA5M4-01281-00304576-00304775 projects what does this mean it means CdwLBSkA5M4-01282-00304776-00305047 that it has generated demand within the CdwLBSkA5M4-01283-00305048-00305287 local community to actually use the CdwLBSkA5M4-01284-00305288-00305510 internet in a very meaningful way and i CdwLBSkA5M4-01285-00305511-00305734 think that's important so CdwLBSkA5M4-01286-00305735-00305951 the coupling of human capacity CdwLBSkA5M4-01287-00305952-00306206 development through the municipality the CdwLBSkA5M4-01288-00306207-00306415 government and the public uh and the CdwLBSkA5M4-01289-00306416-00306639 public s and the private sector i think CdwLBSkA5M4-01290-00306640-00306887 it's very important uh to to to put CdwLBSkA5M4-01291-00306888-00307287 together the the ecosystem CdwLBSkA5M4-01292-00307288-00307558 thank you christine and and i must say CdwLBSkA5M4-01293-00307559-00307806 uh looking at connectivity it's CdwLBSkA5M4-01294-00307807-00308023 interesting to see how much it can CdwLBSkA5M4-01295-00308024-00308319 enable but also how um CdwLBSkA5M4-01296-00308320-00308647 complex a topic it is in technology and CdwLBSkA5M4-01297-00308648-00308982 how the the stakeholder CdwLBSkA5M4-01298-00308983-00309254 we need to include etc so CdwLBSkA5M4-01299-00309255-00309367 i'll CdwLBSkA5M4-01300-00309368-00309727 look to use sofia and ask in addition to CdwLBSkA5M4-01301-00309728-00309910 when we look at the business investment CdwLBSkA5M4-01302-00309911-00310247 we might uh consider other drivers of CdwLBSkA5M4-01303-00310248-00310454 connectivity so from CdwLBSkA5M4-01304-00310455-00310703 from your perspective what are the other CdwLBSkA5M4-01305-00310704-00310991 drivers of connectivities that you see CdwLBSkA5M4-01306-00310992-00311151 so lisa i'd like to build on what CdwLBSkA5M4-01307-00311152-00311327 christine said and others have said CdwLBSkA5M4-01308-00311328-00311495 because we all know that financing CdwLBSkA5M4-01309-00311496-00311687 universal connectivity is going to be a CdwLBSkA5M4-01310-00311688-00311863 massively collaborative effort and CdwLBSkA5M4-01311-00311864-00312103 christine your example is absolutely CdwLBSkA5M4-01312-00312104-00312206 amazing CdwLBSkA5M4-01313-00312207-00312406 so how can we be more creative about CdwLBSkA5M4-01314-00312407-00312623 devising new models that rely on a CdwLBSkA5M4-01315-00312624-00312799 combination of that monetary and CdwLBSkA5M4-01316-00312800-00313087 non-monetary contributions and also that CdwLBSkA5M4-01317-00313088-00313327 collaboration because we've seen CdwLBSkA5M4-01318-00313328-00313543 significant shifts in the approach to CdwLBSkA5M4-01319-00313544-00313758 funding universal access there is still CdwLBSkA5M4-01320-00313759-00313967 mention of universal service funds but CdwLBSkA5M4-01321-00313968-00314158 what i like today is that there's really CdwLBSkA5M4-01322-00314159-00314430 been that insistent on fostering demand CdwLBSkA5M4-01323-00314431-00314647 fostering collaboration CdwLBSkA5M4-01324-00314648-00314799 and so we've seen CdwLBSkA5M4-01325-00314800-00315063 this these different developments in the CdwLBSkA5M4-01326-00315064-00315191 infrastructure CdwLBSkA5M4-01327-00315192-00315295 sphere CdwLBSkA5M4-01328-00315296-00315439 in the public broadband and CdwLBSkA5M4-01329-00315440-00315695 digitalization funding mindset CdwLBSkA5M4-01330-00315696-00315943 so let me throw thing a few ideas in CdwLBSkA5M4-01331-00315944-00316158 whether it's about pooling financial CdwLBSkA5M4-01332-00316159-00316382 resources sharing open access CdwLBSkA5M4-01333-00316383-00316647 infrastructure leveraging public money CdwLBSkA5M4-01334-00316648-00316910 to raise private funds the goal really CdwLBSkA5M4-01335-00316911-00317151 is to stretch the limited financial and CdwLBSkA5M4-01336-00317152-00317367 non-financial resources as far as CdwLBSkA5M4-01337-00317368-00317487 possible CdwLBSkA5M4-01338-00317488-00317687 because CdwLBSkA5M4-01339-00317688-00317791 mentioned CdwLBSkA5M4-01340-00317792-00318063 there's a risk for telecom operators so CdwLBSkA5M4-01341-00318064-00318254 for anybody investing in this space it CdwLBSkA5M4-01342-00318255-00318454 has to be worth the risk CdwLBSkA5M4-01343-00318455-00318679 and the fundamental funding policy and CdwLBSkA5M4-01344-00318680-00318903 regulatory challenge is to make those CdwLBSkA5M4-01345-00318904-00319143 rural and low-income areas and the CdwLBSkA5M4-01346-00319144-00319439 marginalized population worth the risk CdwLBSkA5M4-01347-00319440-00319599 for the private sector and other CdwLBSkA5M4-01348-00319600-00319751 co-investors CdwLBSkA5M4-01349-00319752-00319975 so it's about setting priorities in CdwLBSkA5M4-01350-00319976-00320223 policy strategies but also in recovery CdwLBSkA5M4-01351-00320224-00320399 and stimulus plans CdwLBSkA5M4-01352-00320400-00320615 it's about extending the sources of CdwLBSkA5M4-01353-00320616-00320863 funds and using that combination of the CdwLBSkA5M4-01354-00320864-00321119 monetary and non-monetary commit CdwLBSkA5M4-01355-00321120-00321271 contributions CdwLBSkA5M4-01356-00321272-00321447 and it's about making smarter CdwLBSkA5M4-01357-00321448-00321727 investments moving away from funding to CdwLBSkA5M4-01358-00321728-00321999 financing and fostering collaboration CdwLBSkA5M4-01359-00322000-00322230 impact investment funds and building CdwLBSkA5M4-01360-00322231-00322503 sustainability and from the start CdwLBSkA5M4-01361-00322504-00322782 so think about co-investing funds funds CdwLBSkA5M4-01362-00322783-00323082 of funds pay or play obligations CdwLBSkA5M4-01363-00323083-00323327 non-financial mechanisms that are CdwLBSkA5M4-01364-00323328-00323599 available to mitigate risk both on the CdwLBSkA5M4-01365-00323600-00323815 regulatory and policy incentive side and CdwLBSkA5M4-01366-00323816-00323991 financing side CdwLBSkA5M4-01367-00323992-00324158 regulatory policy CdwLBSkA5M4-01368-00324159-00324375 incentives we mentioned some but think CdwLBSkA5M4-01369-00324376-00324679 about dig ones take smart policies CdwLBSkA5M4-01370-00324680-00324934 the regulatory sandboxes to facilitate CdwLBSkA5M4-01371-00324935-00325063 innovation CdwLBSkA5M4-01372-00325064-00325327 and really clear policy and regulatory CdwLBSkA5M4-01373-00325328-00325543 frameworks that set the tone for the CdwLBSkA5M4-01374-00325544-00325654 sector CdwLBSkA5M4-01375-00325655-00325927 and financing comes along with projects CdwLBSkA5M4-01376-00325928-00326223 programs practices sustainable business CdwLBSkA5M4-01377-00326224-00326454 models thinking of both the demand and CdwLBSkA5M4-01378-00326455-00326751 the supply side and so we do mention i CdwLBSkA5M4-01379-00326752-00326967 would want to mention giga because CdwLBSkA5M4-01380-00326968-00327167 connecting every school to the internet CdwLBSkA5M4-01381-00327168-00327454 by 2030 that's something that itu and CdwLBSkA5M4-01382-00327455-00327739 unicef have been joined forces on since CdwLBSkA5M4-01383-00327740-00327927 2019 CdwLBSkA5M4-01384-00327928-00328151 so some 3.6 CdwLBSkA5M4-01385-00328152-00328406 actually it's uh it's not 3.6 billion CdwLBSkA5M4-01386-00328407-00328639 people anymore there's much much less CdwLBSkA5M4-01387-00328640-00328782 people in the world that do not have CdwLBSkA5M4-01388-00328783-00328991 access to the internet right now and we CdwLBSkA5M4-01389-00328992-00329239 saw the covert bunk bump CdwLBSkA5M4-01390-00329240-00329439 but it means exclusion CdwLBSkA5M4-01391-00329440-00329695 so giga brings the power of meaningful CdwLBSkA5M4-01392-00329696-00329878 connectivity to fast-track young CdwLBSkA5M4-01393-00329879-00330167 people's access to educational resources CdwLBSkA5M4-01394-00330168-00330406 and opportunities but not just the CdwLBSkA5M4-01395-00330407-00330654 children the communities as well so CdwLBSkA5M4-01396-00330655-00330887 we're looking to equip every child with CdwLBSkA5M4-01397-00330888-00331127 the digital public goods they need and CdwLBSkA5M4-01398-00331128-00331334 make them empowered to shape the future CdwLBSkA5M4-01399-00331335-00331487 they want because at the end of the day CdwLBSkA5M4-01400-00331488-00331671 that's what we want to do we want to CdwLBSkA5M4-01401-00331672-00331887 shape the future and shape funeral CdwLBSkA5M4-01402-00331888-00332151 future generations CdwLBSkA5M4-01403-00332152-00332247 so CdwLBSkA5M4-01404-00332248-00332495 i just wanted to touch upon that CdwLBSkA5M4-01405-00332496-00332703 at the end of october we hit a massive CdwLBSkA5M4-01406-00332704-00332887 milestone with one million schools CdwLBSkA5M4-01407-00332888-00333199 mapped across 41 countries and one of CdwLBSkA5M4-01408-00333200-00333367 the aspects of giga is also the CdwLBSkA5M4-01409-00333368-00333639 financing so there's the the proposal to CdwLBSkA5M4-01410-00333640-00333910 launch the connectivity bond to provide CdwLBSkA5M4-01411-00333911-00334151 significant upfront funding needed to CdwLBSkA5M4-01412-00334152-00334351 accelerate critical infrastructure CdwLBSkA5M4-01413-00334352-00334471 investments CdwLBSkA5M4-01414-00334472-00334719 and mobilize those public and private CdwLBSkA5M4-01415-00334720-00335023 capital so these this is what we really CdwLBSkA5M4-01416-00335024-00335230 need to talk about we need to think CdwLBSkA5M4-01417-00335231-00335575 about uso 2.0 to really bring our hands CdwLBSkA5M4-01418-00335576-00335806 together to finance this connectivity CdwLBSkA5M4-01419-00335807-00335991 back to you lisa CdwLBSkA5M4-01420-00335992-00336334 thank you sophie and i'll open the floor CdwLBSkA5M4-01421-00336335-00336606 to see if there are any questions here CdwLBSkA5M4-01422-00336607-00336710 before CdwLBSkA5M4-01423-00336711-00337127 we have to close in in four minutes um CdwLBSkA5M4-01424-00337128-00337367 i think it has been extremely rich CdwLBSkA5M4-01425-00337368-00337606 discussions and and input from all the CdwLBSkA5M4-01426-00337607-00337863 panelists and and also CdwLBSkA5M4-01427-00337864-00338230 a good uh remark from marino CdwLBSkA5M4-01428-00338231-00338454 we have the question from physical part CdwLBSkA5M4-01429-00338455-00338903 of the event CdwLBSkA5M4-01430-00338904-00339182 hello uh it's such a story for the CdwLBSkA5M4-01431-00339183-00339478 records of georgia CdwLBSkA5M4-01432-00339479-00339878 georgian igf my question is related to CdwLBSkA5M4-01433-00339879-00340158 about the models to CdwLBSkA5M4-01434-00340159-00340439 solve the challenges of non-connected CdwLBSkA5M4-01435-00340440-00340687 society of our globe what do you think CdwLBSkA5M4-01436-00340688-00341103 about the community networks models CdwLBSkA5M4-01437-00341104-00341206 could be CdwLBSkA5M4-01438-00341207-00341406 these models useful to solve the CdwLBSkA5M4-01439-00341407-00341647 problems CdwLBSkA5M4-01440-00341648-00341934 often unconnected population CdwLBSkA5M4-01441-00341935-00342039 thanks CdwLBSkA5M4-01442-00342040-00342382 we support of big telcos CdwLBSkA5M4-01443-00342383-00342623 thank you for the question community CdwLBSkA5M4-01444-00342624-00342758 networks CdwLBSkA5M4-01445-00342759-00342910 anna maybe CdwLBSkA5M4-01446-00342911-00343167 you can give a first go on CdwLBSkA5M4-01447-00343168-00343358 community networks CdwLBSkA5M4-01448-00343359-00343695 sure thank you well i i think that CdwLBSkA5M4-01449-00343696-00343982 community networks can be a model that CdwLBSkA5M4-01450-00343983-00344254 can help to to extend services in in CdwLBSkA5M4-01451-00344255-00344391 rural areas CdwLBSkA5M4-01452-00344392-00344558 the thing that we have to have in mind CdwLBSkA5M4-01453-00344559-00344743 is that sometimes they they don't have CdwLBSkA5M4-01454-00344744-00344943 the technical knowledge and the CdwLBSkA5M4-01455-00344944-00345215 financial capability to to CdwLBSkA5M4-01456-00345216-00345487 to go beyond just a small village and to CdwLBSkA5M4-01457-00345488-00345775 extend in it into a project that can CdwLBSkA5M4-01458-00345776-00345927 cover uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01459-00345928-00346047 more CdwLBSkA5M4-01460-00346048-00346247 mobilities and to extend service to more CdwLBSkA5M4-01461-00346248-00346382 people CdwLBSkA5M4-01462-00346383-00346703 i we have seen many of these models in CdwLBSkA5M4-01463-00346704-00346967 in latin america some of them they are CdwLBSkA5M4-01464-00346968-00347110 very successful CdwLBSkA5M4-01465-00347111-00347223 but CdwLBSkA5M4-01466-00347224-00347534 to be very honest i think that a models CdwLBSkA5M4-01467-00347535-00347767 like internet para todos have been able CdwLBSkA5M4-01468-00347768-00347999 to to extend services CdwLBSkA5M4-01469-00348000-00348271 in very large areas of the country and CdwLBSkA5M4-01470-00348272-00348582 and bringing services to a very big CdwLBSkA5M4-01471-00348583-00348727 amount of people CdwLBSkA5M4-01472-00348728-00348910 that doesn't exclude any other any other CdwLBSkA5M4-01473-00348911-00349087 model but CdwLBSkA5M4-01474-00349088-00349351 we we think that um CdwLBSkA5M4-01475-00349352-00349582 these kind of models based also on CdwLBSkA5M4-01476-00349583-00349791 mobile technologies CdwLBSkA5M4-01477-00349792-00349975 are um CdwLBSkA5M4-01478-00349976-00350247 better in terms of allowing customers to CdwLBSkA5M4-01479-00350248-00350551 use devices with low prices and that are CdwLBSkA5M4-01480-00350552-00350663 available CdwLBSkA5M4-01481-00350664-00350806 in the market and in many cases they CdwLBSkA5M4-01482-00350807-00351006 already have because they maybe they CdwLBSkA5M4-01483-00351007-00351182 live in areas without coverage but they CdwLBSkA5M4-01484-00351183-00351454 move to areas where there is coverage so CdwLBSkA5M4-01485-00351455-00351678 they they already are using mobile CdwLBSkA5M4-01486-00351679-00351975 services CdwLBSkA5M4-01487-00351976-00352215 we are seeing many CdwLBSkA5M4-01488-00352216-00352406 cases of community networks in latin CdwLBSkA5M4-01489-00352407-00352647 america but as i say in general they are CdwLBSkA5M4-01490-00352648-00352919 small and they are difficult to escalate CdwLBSkA5M4-01491-00352920-00353134 but of course there are feasible models CdwLBSkA5M4-01492-00353135-00353358 and and i think that also they need CdwLBSkA5M4-01493-00353359-00353678 support from the regulation CdwLBSkA5M4-01494-00353679-00353910 thank you anna anyone else wants to CdwLBSkA5M4-01495-00353911-00354182 chime in CdwLBSkA5M4-01496-00354183-00354351 robert CdwLBSkA5M4-01497-00354352-00354534 just building on what anna said i think CdwLBSkA5M4-01498-00354535-00354678 that um CdwLBSkA5M4-01499-00354679-00354767 uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01500-00354768-00354839 as CdwLBSkA5M4-01501-00354840-00355119 we've both mentioned that the the places CdwLBSkA5M4-01502-00355120-00355358 where it's more difficult for the mobile CdwLBSkA5M4-01503-00355359-00355567 operators to build is shrinking but they CdwLBSkA5M4-01504-00355568-00355871 still exist and so it becomes important CdwLBSkA5M4-01505-00355872-00356151 to uh again fill gaps one of the things CdwLBSkA5M4-01506-00356152-00356343 that community networks have done CdwLBSkA5M4-01507-00356344-00356558 and where they're very i think uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01508-00356559-00356710 complementary to CdwLBSkA5M4-01509-00356711-00356895 traditional operators CdwLBSkA5M4-01510-00356896-00357167 is help sort of create the market so CdwLBSkA5M4-01511-00357168-00357399 it's part of the market creation and the CdwLBSkA5M4-01512-00357400-00357639 demand creation and then when CdwLBSkA5M4-01513-00357640-00357839 you know that there are more people CdwLBSkA5M4-01514-00357840-00358087 there connected and using services CdwLBSkA5M4-01515-00358088-00358223 than partnering with the mobile CdwLBSkA5M4-01516-00358224-00358454 operators really because what people CdwLBSkA5M4-01517-00358455-00358687 want is the traditional services with CdwLBSkA5M4-01518-00358688-00358878 the roaming and other things CdwLBSkA5M4-01519-00358879-00359182 so i see these as complementary um CdwLBSkA5M4-01520-00359183-00359406 i think internet part of todos with uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01521-00359407-00359591 network as a service for the wholesale CdwLBSkA5M4-01522-00359592-00359815 access can be part of that as well at CdwLBSkA5M4-01523-00359816-00359982 the edge and then there are satellite CdwLBSkA5M4-01524-00359983-00360182 systems and services we although you CdwLBSkA5M4-01525-00360183-00360439 know in addition to kuiper which is CdwLBSkA5M4-01526-00360440-00360671 direct to the will be directly to the CdwLBSkA5M4-01527-00360672-00360871 consumer the end user you know we've CdwLBSkA5M4-01528-00360872-00361030 been partnering with other satellite CdwLBSkA5M4-01529-00361031-00361254 operators to bring the back hall to a CdwLBSkA5M4-01530-00361255-00361510 community and then using community wi-fi CdwLBSkA5M4-01531-00361511-00361767 and so there's a variety of different CdwLBSkA5M4-01532-00361768-00361943 uh ways to do this CdwLBSkA5M4-01533-00361944-00362110 but i think that they can be very CdwLBSkA5M4-01534-00362111-00362334 complementary and community networks CdwLBSkA5M4-01535-00362335-00362599 really can help create the market it's a CdwLBSkA5M4-01536-00362600-00362839 market creation for the um more CdwLBSkA5M4-01537-00362840-00363110 sustainable uh uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01538-00363111-00363295 more traditional you know business CdwLBSkA5M4-01539-00363296-00363447 models CdwLBSkA5M4-01540-00363448-00363710 thank you and i think that was the bell CdwLBSkA5M4-01541-00363711-00363999 telling us that we're now at the end of CdwLBSkA5M4-01542-00364000-00364310 our session i'll very quickly wrap it up CdwLBSkA5M4-01543-00364311-00364415 uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01544-00364416-00364654 first thank you to all the panelists and CdwLBSkA5M4-01545-00364655-00365030 and also to to barbara and uh tamiya for CdwLBSkA5M4-01546-00365031-00365254 helping us preparing this session it's CdwLBSkA5M4-01547-00365255-00365430 it's a great pleasure CdwLBSkA5M4-01548-00365431-00365734 being here and and uh discussing these CdwLBSkA5M4-01549-00365735-00365991 very important things but if we are to CdwLBSkA5M4-01550-00365992-00366182 look at the discussion today as i said CdwLBSkA5M4-01551-00366183-00366487 it was extremely rich i think our panel CdwLBSkA5M4-01552-00366488-00366758 experts has demonstrated that i started CdwLBSkA5M4-01553-00366759-00366958 with saying in the beginning that not CdwLBSkA5M4-01554-00366959-00367143 only one factor CdwLBSkA5M4-01555-00367144-00367375 drives connectivity we need to have a CdwLBSkA5M4-01556-00367376-00367606 very holistic approach to this CdwLBSkA5M4-01557-00367607-00367830 and we need to have cooperation across CdwLBSkA5M4-01558-00367831-00368087 the board from operators investors and CdwLBSkA5M4-01559-00368088-00368391 regulators but also the users and local CdwLBSkA5M4-01560-00368392-00368639 communities are important so the CdwLBSkA5M4-01561-00368640-00368823 multi-stakeholder model CdwLBSkA5M4-01562-00368824-00369054 in some areas are more important than CdwLBSkA5M4-01563-00369055-00369343 others so it's it's an important uh part CdwLBSkA5M4-01564-00369344-00369567 of of the model too CdwLBSkA5M4-01565-00369568-00369830 but on the other side we also need of CdwLBSkA5M4-01566-00369831-00370182 course to uh help uh generate demand CdwLBSkA5M4-01567-00370183-00370423 because connectivity without the demand CdwLBSkA5M4-01568-00370424-00370567 is is not CdwLBSkA5M4-01569-00370568-00370871 uh of of no use so we need to have CdwLBSkA5M4-01570-00370872-00371182 some some things that are uh needed for CdwLBSkA5M4-01571-00371183-00371375 the population and skills the right CdwLBSkA5M4-01572-00371376-00371606 skills is also extremely important we CdwLBSkA5M4-01573-00371607-00371895 need people to know and trust how to use CdwLBSkA5M4-01574-00371896-00372278 the internet um and and we have seen i CdwLBSkA5M4-01575-00372279-00372582 think robert told us the the huge impact CdwLBSkA5M4-01576-00372583-00372727 it can have CdwLBSkA5M4-01577-00372728-00373102 on many societies on their gdp CdwLBSkA5M4-01578-00373103-00373415 i i don't think there are challenges uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01579-00373416-00373663 and um they are CdwLBSkA5M4-01580-00373664-00373847 there are some difficulties and CdwLBSkA5M4-01581-00373848-00374127 regulators need to have a predictable CdwLBSkA5M4-01582-00374128-00374415 law which is key for making business CdwLBSkA5M4-01583-00374416-00374678 cases attractive to investors CdwLBSkA5M4-01584-00374679-00374902 and we also need the CdwLBSkA5M4-01585-00374903-00375054 regulation to CdwLBSkA5M4-01586-00375055-00375351 to be CdwLBSkA5M4-01587-00375352-00375543 to help us make a business model CdwLBSkA5M4-01588-00375544-00375854 sustainable we saw it with uh peru where CdwLBSkA5M4-01589-00375855-00376030 it actually helped creating the CdwLBSkA5M4-01590-00376031-00376215 investment and and some new business CdwLBSkA5M4-01591-00376216-00376310 models CdwLBSkA5M4-01592-00376311-00376639 and open ram can can help us keep costs CdwLBSkA5M4-01593-00376640-00376734 low CdwLBSkA5M4-01594-00376735-00376854 for network CdwLBSkA5M4-01595-00376855-00377127 rollout and contributing massively to CdwLBSkA5M4-01596-00377128-00377343 gdp growth again CdwLBSkA5M4-01597-00377344-00377551 so CdwLBSkA5M4-01598-00377552-00377919 that said i have huge uh confidence in CdwLBSkA5M4-01599-00377920-00378223 that we are looking at ambitions both CdwLBSkA5M4-01600-00378224-00378430 from operators and other parts of CdwLBSkA5M4-01601-00378431-00378758 private companies and and the ecosystem CdwLBSkA5M4-01602-00378759-00378967 who are ready to innovate CdwLBSkA5M4-01603-00378968-00379191 and and CdwLBSkA5M4-01604-00379192-00379551 have new projects in the future so the CdwLBSkA5M4-01605-00379552-00379854 future oriented approach to regulation CdwLBSkA5M4-01606-00379855-00380047 we've seen in egypt CdwLBSkA5M4-01607-00380048-00380423 itu we have also seen in poland great to CdwLBSkA5M4-01608-00380424-00380663 to hear those case studies CdwLBSkA5M4-01609-00380664-00380775 and CdwLBSkA5M4-01610-00380776-00381151 i see those rules can help us make a CdwLBSkA5M4-01611-00381152-00381439 connectivity and drive connectivity CdwLBSkA5M4-01612-00381440-00381710 and i i think it was sophie saying we CdwLBSkA5M4-01613-00381711-00382102 need to see regulators as facilitators CdwLBSkA5M4-01614-00382103-00382175 and CdwLBSkA5M4-01615-00382176-00382471 i think that's a good way to to end this CdwLBSkA5M4-01616-00382472-00382551 uh CdwLBSkA5M4-01617-00382552-00382687 by saying CdwLBSkA5M4-01618-00382688-00382887 we have a lot of opportunities we have a CdwLBSkA5M4-01619-00382888-00383175 lot of stakeholders who are eager to to CdwLBSkA5M4-01620-00383176-00383287 roll out CdwLBSkA5M4-01621-00383288-00383543 good infrastructure make the whole world CdwLBSkA5M4-01622-00383544-00383910 uh connected and we need uh all of us to CdwLBSkA5M4-01623-00383911-00384054 to break down the barriers to CdwLBSkA5M4-01624-00384055-00384191 connectivity CdwLBSkA5M4-01625-00384192-00384423 thank you all CdwLBSkA5M4-01626-00384424-00384663 thank you thank you thank you bye thank CdwLBSkA5M4-01627-00384664-00384961 you bye-bye thank you CdwLBSkA5M4-01628-00384962-00385278 [Music] CeICdfaNBXg-00000-00000052-00000300 the Faroe Islands national handball team CeICdfaNBXg-00001-00000301-00000530 as the national handball team of Faroe CeICdfaNBXg-00002-00000531-00000701 Islands and is controlled by the hon CeICdfaNBXg-00003-00000702-00000840 Bolton band for yah CeICdfaNBXg-00004-00000841-00001175 in June 2015 the team competed in the CeICdfaNBXg-00005-00001176-00001461 2015 IHF emerging Nations Championship CeICdfaNBXg-00006-00001462-00001704 the Faroes team won the championship in CeICdfaNBXg-00007-00001705-00002108 June 2017 the team competed in the 2017 CeICdfaNBXg-00008-00002109-00002358 IHF emerging nations championship and CeICdfaNBXg-00009-00002359-00003009 again they won the championship CeICdfaNBXg-00010-00003010-00003390 topic IHF emerging nations championship CeICdfaNBXg-00011-00003390-00003833 record CeICdfaNBXg-00012-00003834-00004356 2015 - one stone place 2017 - one stone CeICdfaNBXg-00013-00004357-00004818 place CeICdfaNBXg-00014-00004819-00005353 topic current squad CeICdfaNBXg-00015-00005354-00005734 as of October 2018 Ch3SKjO4VtM-00000-00001455-00001679 good afternoon everyone i'm christine Ch3SKjO4VtM-00001-00001680-00001871 mitchell the executive direct Ch3SKjO4VtM-00002-00001872-00002183 director of the center for bioethics at Ch3SKjO4VtM-00003-00002184-00002367 harvard medical school Ch3SKjO4VtM-00004-00002368-00002671 welcome to our third of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00005-00002672-00003055 four webinars during black history month Ch3SKjO4VtM-00006-00003056-00003351 this work grew out of a collaboration Ch3SKjO4VtM-00007-00003352-00003447 between Ch3SKjO4VtM-00008-00003447-00003686 the national center for bioethics at Ch3SKjO4VtM-00009-00003688-00003854 tuskegee university Ch3SKjO4VtM-00010-00003855-00004215 and our center for bioethics at harvard Ch3SKjO4VtM-00011-00004216-00004535 especially a collaboration between Ch3SKjO4VtM-00012-00004536-00004863 reuben warren and bob bob trug Ch3SKjO4VtM-00013-00004864-00005175 our director and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00014-00005176-00005454 people involved in each of these two Ch3SKjO4VtM-00015-00005455-00005543 centers Ch3SKjO4VtM-00016-00005544-00005751 we've changed the title a little bit Ch3SKjO4VtM-00017-00005752-00005967 from what you see on our screen Ch3SKjO4VtM-00018-00005968-00006286 this webinar is going to be entitled Ch3SKjO4VtM-00019-00006287-00006631 repairing the past understanding and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00020-00006631-00006887 leveraging the political determinants Ch3SKjO4VtM-00021-00006888-00007198 of health before i turn this over to my Ch3SKjO4VtM-00022-00007200-00007406 colleague reuben warren i want to take Ch3SKjO4VtM-00023-00007408-00007559 just one minute to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00024-00007559-00007919 acknowledge him many of you already know Ch3SKjO4VtM-00025-00007920-00008167 professor reuben warren both by his work Ch3SKjO4VtM-00026-00008168-00008271 and reputation Ch3SKjO4VtM-00027-00008272-00008551 and if you have attended our previous Ch3SKjO4VtM-00028-00008552-00008855 seminars for black history month Ch3SKjO4VtM-00029-00008856-00009239 however you might also want to know Ch3SKjO4VtM-00030-00009240-00009591 that he has a pretty impressive Ch3SKjO4VtM-00031-00009592-00009710 background Ch3SKjO4VtM-00032-00009711-00009951 both because he has a dental degree from Ch3SKjO4VtM-00033-00009952-00010199 meharry medical college Ch3SKjO4VtM-00034-00010200-00010463 as well as a master of divinity degree Ch3SKjO4VtM-00035-00010464-00010703 from the interdenominational theological Ch3SKjO4VtM-00036-00010704-00010895 center in atlanta Ch3SKjO4VtM-00037-00010896-00011263 and an mph and phd degrees from the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00038-00011264-00011423 harvard school of public Ch3SKjO4VtM-00039-00011424-00011727 health back in the 90s he was the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00040-00011728-00011974 associate director for minority health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00041-00011975-00012278 at the centers for disease control Ch3SKjO4VtM-00042-00012279-00012583 before going to direct the national Ch3SKjO4VtM-00043-00012584-00012815 center for bioethics and research and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00044-00012816-00012910 healthcare Ch3SKjO4VtM-00045-00012911-00013335 at tuskegee university a couple days ago Ch3SKjO4VtM-00046-00013336-00013663 i was taking someone on an errand to get Ch3SKjO4VtM-00047-00013663-00013815 their vaccine and i Ch3SKjO4VtM-00048-00013816-00014207 heard a familiar voice on npr and it was Ch3SKjO4VtM-00049-00014208-00014535 ruben warren talking about to a reporter Ch3SKjO4VtM-00050-00014536-00014638 about the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00051-00014640-00014886 tuskegee united states public health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00052-00014887-00014999 service syphilis Ch3SKjO4VtM-00053-00015000-00015350 study tuskegee and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00054-00015351-00015615 if you don't know you should know about Ch3SKjO4VtM-00055-00015616-00015679 the book Ch3SKjO4VtM-00056-00015680-00015983 that he co-edited of reflective Ch3SKjO4VtM-00057-00015984-00016366 essays on that study so Ch3SKjO4VtM-00058-00016368-00016575 it's been a great pleasure to begin to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00059-00016576-00016686 get to know Ch3SKjO4VtM-00060-00016687-00016927 reuben warren and some of his colleagues Ch3SKjO4VtM-00061-00016928-00017015 at the national Ch3SKjO4VtM-00062-00017016-00017263 center for bioethics at tuskegee and i'm Ch3SKjO4VtM-00063-00017264-00017567 going to turn this over to reuben now Ch3SKjO4VtM-00064-00017568-00017911 oh no i need to ask Ch3SKjO4VtM-00065-00017912-00018286 ashley without whom this would not be Ch3SKjO4VtM-00066-00018287-00018550 working if she will just give us the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00067-00018551-00018743 rules for how people can Ch3SKjO4VtM-00068-00018744-00019111 ask questions thank you christina and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00069-00019112-00019207 thank everyone Ch3SKjO4VtM-00070-00019208-00019471 for joining us today we are recording Ch3SKjO4VtM-00071-00019472-00019543 this event Ch3SKjO4VtM-00072-00019544-00019727 and it will be posted to the center for Ch3SKjO4VtM-00073-00019728-00019983 bioethics facebook and youtube pages Ch3SKjO4VtM-00074-00019984-00020150 we ask that you submit questions at any Ch3SKjO4VtM-00075-00020151-00020319 time during the presentation Ch3SKjO4VtM-00076-00020320-00020478 using the q a feature found at the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00077-00020479-00020607 meeting controls at the bottom of your Ch3SKjO4VtM-00078-00020608-00020719 screen Ch3SKjO4VtM-00079-00020720-00020878 select questions will be discussed after Ch3SKjO4VtM-00080-00020879-00021094 the presentation i mean you can also use Ch3SKjO4VtM-00081-00021095-00021271 the chat feature to share comments or Ch3SKjO4VtM-00082-00021272-00021422 any technical issues Ch3SKjO4VtM-00083-00021423-00021599 i would recommend using all panelists Ch3SKjO4VtM-00084-00021600-00021767 and all attendees to submit Ch3SKjO4VtM-00085-00021768-00021967 any comments um so that everyone can Ch3SKjO4VtM-00086-00021968-00022127 view them and if you're interested in Ch3SKjO4VtM-00087-00022128-00022214 upcoming events Ch3SKjO4VtM-00088-00022215-00022375 please visit the center for bioethics Ch3SKjO4VtM-00089-00022376-00022558 website and sign up to get the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00090-00022559-00022807 invitations Ch3SKjO4VtM-00091-00022808-00023222 thanks so much ashley and now reuben Ch3SKjO4VtM-00092-00023223-00023647 thank you so so very much Ch3SKjO4VtM-00093-00023648-00023878 i'm excited about this event we're this Ch3SKjO4VtM-00094-00023879-00024078 is our third or four events and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00095-00024079-00024278 the relationship that we've developed Ch3SKjO4VtM-00096-00024279-00024471 over time with the harvard Ch3SKjO4VtM-00097-00024472-00024783 um bioethics center is an exciting Ch3SKjO4VtM-00098-00024784-00025086 opportunity to do things right and do Ch3SKjO4VtM-00099-00025087-00025230 things the right way Ch3SKjO4VtM-00100-00025231-00025511 we're really in great collaboration the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00101-00025512-00025750 most important thing for my context Ch3SKjO4VtM-00102-00025751-00025922 is that we are working Ch3SKjO4VtM-00103-00025923-00026062 intergenerationally Ch3SKjO4VtM-00104-00026063-00026439 so our two students are colleagues Ch3SKjO4VtM-00105-00026439-00026695 and they have as much to say and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00106-00026695-00026895 probably more to think about than we do Ch3SKjO4VtM-00107-00026895-00026974 so we're Ch3SKjO4VtM-00108-00026975-00027214 we're engaged together to turn it over Ch3SKjO4VtM-00109-00027216-00027287 to them Ch3SKjO4VtM-00110-00027288-00027518 to make things better than you are now Ch3SKjO4VtM-00111-00027519-00027702 what i also want to be clear is that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00112-00027704-00027927 this is the third session our first Ch3SKjO4VtM-00113-00027927-00028062 session dealt with the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00114-00028063-00028287 kind of issues the issues that impact Ch3SKjO4VtM-00115-00028288-00028423 upon the health delivery system Ch3SKjO4VtM-00116-00028424-00028574 particularly as the impact Ch3SKjO4VtM-00117-00028575-00028807 upon people of color and also health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00118-00028808-00029007 care delivery and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00119-00029008-00029231 research the second issue though what Ch3SKjO4VtM-00120-00029232-00029470 this thing called the tuskegee syphilis Ch3SKjO4VtM-00121-00029472-00029670 study the misname the misnomer Ch3SKjO4VtM-00122-00029672-00030014 and we had a family member as well as a Ch3SKjO4VtM-00123-00030016-00030214 professor of ethics and theology Ch3SKjO4VtM-00124-00030216-00030374 kind of clear up the issues and now Ch3SKjO4VtM-00125-00030375-00030574 we're moving on we're looking back to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00126-00030575-00030670 move forward Ch3SKjO4VtM-00127-00030672-00030862 and today's session is so it's so Ch3SKjO4VtM-00128-00030863-00031087 exciting but let me pause for a moment Ch3SKjO4VtM-00129-00031088-00031214 and have our two Ch3SKjO4VtM-00130-00031216-00031414 colleagues that are joining us joining Ch3SKjO4VtM-00131-00031416-00031590 me and christina moderators to introduce Ch3SKjO4VtM-00132-00031591-00031655 themselves Ch3SKjO4VtM-00133-00031656-00031831 and tell us a spot about them so you'll Ch3SKjO4VtM-00134-00031832-00032046 know who's controlling and managing this Ch3SKjO4VtM-00135-00032047-00032214 session Ch3SKjO4VtM-00136-00032216-00032527 our two new colleagues thank you so much Ch3SKjO4VtM-00137-00032527-00032599 for such a Ch3SKjO4VtM-00138-00032600-00032831 like lovely and honorable introduction Ch3SKjO4VtM-00139-00032832-00033071 my name is keona jaywin i am Ch3SKjO4VtM-00140-00033072-00033302 a phd student at harvard chan school of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00141-00033303-00033390 public health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00142-00033391-00033631 i completed my masters of bioethics from Ch3SKjO4VtM-00143-00033632-00033799 harvard university i'm the center Ch3SKjO4VtM-00144-00033800-00034127 for bioethics in 2019 so almost two Ch3SKjO4VtM-00145-00034128-00034223 years ago now Ch3SKjO4VtM-00146-00034224-00034446 that's quite hard to believe and i'm Ch3SKjO4VtM-00147-00034447-00034574 very excited to be here Ch3SKjO4VtM-00148-00034575-00034751 and to moderate this like very Ch3SKjO4VtM-00149-00034752-00034935 insightful and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00150-00034936-00035143 really necessary really cutting edge Ch3SKjO4VtM-00151-00035144-00035535 discussion Ch3SKjO4VtM-00152-00035536-00035743 hello everyone my name is chloe adams Ch3SKjO4VtM-00153-00035744-00035895 white i'm an undergraduate student at Ch3SKjO4VtM-00154-00035896-00036079 tuskegee university studying animal Ch3SKjO4VtM-00155-00036080-00036190 science with hopes to become a Ch3SKjO4VtM-00156-00036191-00036335 veterinarian Ch3SKjO4VtM-00157-00036336-00036543 i'm very excited to be here today and to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00158-00036544-00036790 introduce the amazing Ch3SKjO4VtM-00159-00036791-00037159 dr daniel dawes Ch3SKjO4VtM-00160-00037160-00037335 attorney daniel e dawes is a nationally Ch3SKjO4VtM-00161-00037336-00037502 recognized leader in the health equity Ch3SKjO4VtM-00162-00037503-00037687 movement and has led numerous efforts to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00163-00037688-00037887 address health policy issues impacting Ch3SKjO4VtM-00164-00037888-00037974 vulnerable Ch3SKjO4VtM-00165-00037975-00038255 underserved and marginalized populations Ch3SKjO4VtM-00166-00038256-00038407 he received his law degree from Ch3SKjO4VtM-00167-00038408-00038479 university of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00168-00038480-00038662 nebraska-lincoln and is a health care Ch3SKjO4VtM-00169-00038663-00038846 attorney and administrator Ch3SKjO4VtM-00170-00038847-00039030 attorney dawes serves as the executive Ch3SKjO4VtM-00171-00039031-00039223 director of government affairs and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00172-00039224-00039367 health policy at morehouse school of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00173-00039368-00039446 medicine Ch3SKjO4VtM-00174-00039447-00039655 is a lecturer of health law and policy Ch3SKjO4VtM-00175-00039656-00039807 at the stature health leadership Ch3SKjO4VtM-00176-00039808-00039879 institute Ch3SKjO4VtM-00177-00039880-00040071 and serves on several boards commissions Ch3SKjO4VtM-00178-00040072-00040262 and councils focused on health equity Ch3SKjO4VtM-00179-00040263-00040439 and health reform Ch3SKjO4VtM-00180-00040440-00040623 thank you attorney dawes for joining us Ch3SKjO4VtM-00181-00040624-00040783 today and sharing your insight i'm very Ch3SKjO4VtM-00182-00040784-00041167 excited to learn from you today Ch3SKjO4VtM-00183-00041168-00041487 well let me let me also add my gratitude Ch3SKjO4VtM-00184-00041488-00041839 and uh thank you chloe and keona for Ch3SKjO4VtM-00185-00041840-00042039 that very generous introduction i also Ch3SKjO4VtM-00186-00042040-00042230 want to thank um Ch3SKjO4VtM-00187-00042231-00042567 my dear friend reuben warren dr warren Ch3SKjO4VtM-00188-00042568-00042767 as well as professor christine mitchell Ch3SKjO4VtM-00189-00042768-00042983 for the opportunity for this platform to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00190-00042984-00043062 share Ch3SKjO4VtM-00191-00043063-00043335 my thoughts about how we can move beyond Ch3SKjO4VtM-00192-00043336-00043543 merely nibbling around the edges of the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00193-00043544-00043807 problem of health inequities in america Ch3SKjO4VtM-00194-00043808-00044079 uh we're going to talk tonight about how Ch3SKjO4VtM-00195-00044080-00044262 inequities have been Ch3SKjO4VtM-00196-00044263-00044471 concretized right in our structures and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00197-00044472-00044623 system in our communities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00198-00044624-00044879 over time looking at this through of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00199-00044880-00045055 course a political determinants of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00200-00045056-00045111 health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00201-00045112-00045383 lens and i wanted to start off our Ch3SKjO4VtM-00202-00045384-00045527 conversation Ch3SKjO4VtM-00203-00045528-00045783 by showing a short video called Ch3SKjO4VtM-00204-00045784-00046087 jessica's story Ch3SKjO4VtM-00205-00046088-00046423 so ashley if we can bring that back to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00206-00046424-00046535 the beginning and then we're going to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00207-00046536-00046727 start our conversation to best grasp the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00208-00046728-00046902 political determinants of health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00209-00046903-00047127 let's examine a hypothetical example Ch3SKjO4VtM-00210-00047128-00047390 that combines experiences of real people Ch3SKjO4VtM-00211-00047391-00047702 in urban and rural communities imagine a Ch3SKjO4VtM-00212-00047703-00047830 19 year old woman Ch3SKjO4VtM-00213-00047831-00048079 we'll call her jessica after enduring Ch3SKjO4VtM-00214-00048080-00048230 several miscarriages Ch3SKjO4VtM-00215-00048231-00048446 she barely survives giving birth to an Ch3SKjO4VtM-00216-00048447-00048639 infant nine weeks early Ch3SKjO4VtM-00217-00048640-00048911 the baby weighing only three pounds her Ch3SKjO4VtM-00218-00048912-00049151 son is placed in the neonatal intensive Ch3SKjO4VtM-00219-00049152-00049246 care unit Ch3SKjO4VtM-00220-00049247-00049439 the blood from his umbilical cord Ch3SKjO4VtM-00221-00049440-00049662 revealing over 200 Ch3SKjO4VtM-00222-00049663-00049967 toxins where did the system fail jessica Ch3SKjO4VtM-00223-00049968-00050086 and her baby Ch3SKjO4VtM-00224-00050087-00050322 how and why did these results occur Ch3SKjO4VtM-00225-00050323-00050551 [Music] Ch3SKjO4VtM-00226-00050552-00050751 three years earlier jessica had left her Ch3SKjO4VtM-00227-00050752-00050879 parents house Ch3SKjO4VtM-00228-00050880-00051055 access to treatment for her dad's Ch3SKjO4VtM-00229-00051056-00051214 substance use disorder had been Ch3SKjO4VtM-00230-00051215-00051302 eliminated Ch3SKjO4VtM-00231-00051303-00051535 when policymakers closed three of the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00232-00051536-00051758 city's public community health centers Ch3SKjO4VtM-00233-00051759-00052014 to save money contending with his wife's Ch3SKjO4VtM-00234-00052015-00052135 lack of education Ch3SKjO4VtM-00235-00052136-00052279 neither of jessica's parents could Ch3SKjO4VtM-00236-00052279-00052487 secure a job with a livable wage Ch3SKjO4VtM-00237-00052488-00052759 prompting serious and substantial mental Ch3SKjO4VtM-00238-00052760-00052919 health conditions Ch3SKjO4VtM-00239-00052920-00053087 jessica moved to a low-income Ch3SKjO4VtM-00240-00053088-00053254 neighborhood in the city Ch3SKjO4VtM-00241-00053255-00053471 she never knew of the extent of how the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00242-00053472-00053694 appalling conditions of her neighborhood Ch3SKjO4VtM-00243-00053695-00053991 were politically determined for example Ch3SKjO4VtM-00244-00053991-00054182 determined to keep housing segregation Ch3SKjO4VtM-00245-00054183-00054271 in place Ch3SKjO4VtM-00246-00054272-00054526 politicians expended very few resources Ch3SKjO4VtM-00247-00054527-00054575 to build Ch3SKjO4VtM-00248-00054576-00054791 sidewalks parks or recreational Ch3SKjO4VtM-00249-00054791-00054903 facilities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00250-00054904-00055135 healthcare providers refused to operate Ch3SKjO4VtM-00251-00055136-00055263 in jessica's community Ch3SKjO4VtM-00252-00055264-00055438 due to poor reimbursement rates from Ch3SKjO4VtM-00253-00055439-00055711 medicaid because they resisted creating Ch3SKjO4VtM-00254-00055712-00055775 bus routes Ch3SKjO4VtM-00255-00055776-00055991 lawmakers dissuaded grocery stores from Ch3SKjO4VtM-00256-00055991-00056135 operating in the community Ch3SKjO4VtM-00257-00056136-00056342 preventing residents access to fresh Ch3SKjO4VtM-00258-00056344-00056582 fruit vegetables and meat Ch3SKjO4VtM-00259-00056583-00056815 simultaneously policy makers altered Ch3SKjO4VtM-00260-00056816-00057023 zoning laws to permit development of a Ch3SKjO4VtM-00261-00057024-00057094 dump site Ch3SKjO4VtM-00262-00057095-00057287 and a chemical plant switching the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00263-00057288-00057430 community's water source Ch3SKjO4VtM-00264-00057432-00057711 from a clean river 10 miles away to a Ch3SKjO4VtM-00265-00057712-00057879 nearby polluted river Ch3SKjO4VtM-00266-00057879-00058238 to save money this water was used to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00267-00058239-00058319 drink Ch3SKjO4VtM-00268-00058320-00058623 bathe and wash clothes it also irrigated Ch3SKjO4VtM-00269-00058624-00058823 the lawn at jessica's apartment building Ch3SKjO4VtM-00270-00058824-00059007 adding to the list of pollutants and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00271-00059008-00059150 environmental hazards in her Ch3SKjO4VtM-00272-00059151-00059263 neighborhood Ch3SKjO4VtM-00273-00059264-00059438 and because her district lacked Ch3SKjO4VtM-00274-00059439-00059607 established tenant rights Ch3SKjO4VtM-00275-00059608-00059799 her landlord had no interest in Ch3SKjO4VtM-00276-00059800-00060061 improving unhealthy housing practices Ch3SKjO4VtM-00277-00060062-00060238 [Music] Ch3SKjO4VtM-00278-00060239-00060463 jessica found work as a cashier at the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00279-00060464-00060638 corner convenience store Ch3SKjO4VtM-00280-00060639-00060903 a job with no employee benefits Ch3SKjO4VtM-00281-00060904-00061230 including health or disability insurance Ch3SKjO4VtM-00282-00061232-00061503 because policymakers rejected proposals Ch3SKjO4VtM-00283-00061504-00061719 to increase minimum wage to a livable Ch3SKjO4VtM-00284-00061720-00061815 income Ch3SKjO4VtM-00285-00061816-00062071 jessica often substituted her employer's Ch3SKjO4VtM-00286-00062072-00062223 free snacks policy Ch3SKjO4VtM-00287-00062224-00062519 as a meal never realizing the effect Ch3SKjO4VtM-00288-00062520-00062550 that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00289-00062551-00062775 high fat high sodium food would Ch3SKjO4VtM-00290-00062776-00062887 eventually have Ch3SKjO4VtM-00291-00062888-00063150 on her or her baby's health with local Ch3SKjO4VtM-00292-00063151-00063399 politicians striking down an effort to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00293-00063400-00063438 ban Ch3SKjO4VtM-00294-00063439-00063694 smoking in convenience stores jessica Ch3SKjO4VtM-00295-00063695-00063950 was constantly subjected to a barrage of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00296-00063951-00064119 second-hand smoke Ch3SKjO4VtM-00297-00064120-00064359 and when she discovered she was pregnant Ch3SKjO4VtM-00298-00064360-00064559 no attempt at receiving health insurance Ch3SKjO4VtM-00299-00064560-00064735 coverage was successful Ch3SKjO4VtM-00300-00064736-00065015 her non-aca compliant plan denied her Ch3SKjO4VtM-00301-00065016-00065135 maternity coverage Ch3SKjO4VtM-00302-00065136-00065342 because they viewed her pregnancy as a Ch3SKjO4VtM-00303-00065344-00065543 pre-existing condition Ch3SKjO4VtM-00304-00065544-00065719 medicaid the government's health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00305-00065720-00065903 insurance program for low-income Ch3SKjO4VtM-00306-00065904-00066119 families denied her coverage Ch3SKjO4VtM-00307-00066120-00066431 for not being poor enough after finding Ch3SKjO4VtM-00308-00066432-00066615 a ride to the free clinic Ch3SKjO4VtM-00309-00066616-00066838 jessica waited more than half a day to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00310-00066839-00067071 be seen by a second-rate physician Ch3SKjO4VtM-00311-00067072-00067431 a doctor who was condescending Ch3SKjO4VtM-00312-00067432-00067703 and offensive realizing she could not Ch3SKjO4VtM-00313-00067704-00067919 afford to take more days off from work Ch3SKjO4VtM-00314-00067920-00068231 she never went back at 31 weeks Ch3SKjO4VtM-00315-00068232-00068423 a neighbor drove jessica to a hospital Ch3SKjO4VtM-00316-00068424-00068615 er 20 miles away Ch3SKjO4VtM-00317-00068616-00068791 seeing that jessica was experiencing Ch3SKjO4VtM-00318-00068792-00069006 excessive swelling in her face and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00319-00069007-00069294 ankles as well as seizures the emergency Ch3SKjO4VtM-00320-00069295-00069503 team decided to deliver her premature Ch3SKjO4VtM-00321-00069504-00069559 son Ch3SKjO4VtM-00322-00069560-00069831 immediately due to complications her Ch3SKjO4VtM-00323-00069832-00070038 newborn son was sent to the neonatal Ch3SKjO4VtM-00324-00070039-00070199 intensive care unit Ch3SKjO4VtM-00325-00070200-00070375 once his organs were deemed mature Ch3SKjO4VtM-00326-00070376-00070647 enough he was taken off the machines Ch3SKjO4VtM-00327-00070648-00070919 and sent home with severe cognitive Ch3SKjO4VtM-00328-00070920-00071023 defects Ch3SKjO4VtM-00329-00071024-00071238 and in their apartment jessica and the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00330-00071239-00071438 baby were exposed to mildew and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00331-00071439-00071535 cockroaches Ch3SKjO4VtM-00332-00071536-00071735 causing her son to develop respiratory Ch3SKjO4VtM-00333-00071736-00072038 problems the landlord refused to remedy Ch3SKjO4VtM-00334-00072039-00072159 the poor conditions Ch3SKjO4VtM-00335-00072160-00072359 telling her to move if she didn't like Ch3SKjO4VtM-00336-00072360-00072599 it there jessica struggled to find Ch3SKjO4VtM-00337-00072600-00072806 early childhood care and access to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00338-00072807-00073015 schools with educational assistants Ch3SKjO4VtM-00339-00073016-00073262 healthy food options and other resources Ch3SKjO4VtM-00340-00073263-00073406 needed to thrive Ch3SKjO4VtM-00341-00073407-00073631 because their school and community Ch3SKjO4VtM-00342-00073632-00073871 lacked the resources to enable jessica's Ch3SKjO4VtM-00343-00073872-00074150 son to even barely reach his potential Ch3SKjO4VtM-00344-00074151-00074326 he dropped out of school after entering Ch3SKjO4VtM-00345-00074327-00074559 eighth grade just as his grandmother had Ch3SKjO4VtM-00346-00074560-00074615 done Ch3SKjO4VtM-00347-00074616-00074862 repeating what is surely the ongoing Ch3SKjO4VtM-00348-00074863-00075031 rule of poverty Ch3SKjO4VtM-00349-00075032-00075215 jessica's story shows the compounding Ch3SKjO4VtM-00350-00075216-00075406 effect of political determinants Ch3SKjO4VtM-00351-00075407-00075662 over personal responsibility no matter Ch3SKjO4VtM-00352-00075663-00075950 how reliably jessica tried to act Ch3SKjO4VtM-00353-00075951-00076271 structural institutional intrapersonal Ch3SKjO4VtM-00354-00076272-00076494 and interpersonal obstacles stood in her Ch3SKjO4VtM-00355-00076495-00076567 way Ch3SKjO4VtM-00356-00076568-00076750 political determinants were pulling Ch3SKjO4VtM-00357-00076751-00076991 strings that prevented jessica and her Ch3SKjO4VtM-00358-00076992-00077126 family from achieving Ch3SKjO4VtM-00359-00077127-00077406 optimal health and their full potential Ch3SKjO4VtM-00360-00077407-00077638 what does this mean for all of us Ch3SKjO4VtM-00361-00077639-00077926 what can we do to improve and mend our Ch3SKjO4VtM-00363-00081312-00081711 all right i am let me make sure you all Ch3SKjO4VtM-00364-00081712-00081871 can see this okay Ch3SKjO4VtM-00365-00081872-00082143 so can you see the uh slides yes all Ch3SKjO4VtM-00366-00082144-00082287 right wonderful Ch3SKjO4VtM-00367-00082288-00082471 so you know they say that a picture is Ch3SKjO4VtM-00368-00082472-00082647 worth a thousand words and i'm hoping Ch3SKjO4VtM-00369-00082648-00082750 this video Ch3SKjO4VtM-00370-00082751-00082967 is uh worth much more than that right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00371-00082968-00083143 when we try to grapple Ch3SKjO4VtM-00372-00083144-00083335 with the concept of the political Ch3SKjO4VtM-00373-00083336-00083494 determinants of health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00374-00083495-00083631 you know when i say that what i'm Ch3SKjO4VtM-00375-00083632-00083831 referring to are the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00376-00083832-00084087 upstream factors right that impact our Ch3SKjO4VtM-00377-00084088-00084287 health going to the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00378-00084288-00084550 instigators of the causes of health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00379-00084551-00084623 inequities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00380-00084624-00084879 in america you know most everybody i Ch3SKjO4VtM-00381-00084880-00084935 think Ch3SKjO4VtM-00382-00084936-00085303 by now understands either explicitly or Ch3SKjO4VtM-00383-00085304-00085559 implicitly what social determinants of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00384-00085560-00085687 health are Ch3SKjO4VtM-00385-00085688-00085911 you know those structural conditions in Ch3SKjO4VtM-00386-00085912-00086023 which we Ch3SKjO4VtM-00387-00086024-00086255 are born in right we live in we work and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00388-00086256-00086415 we play and we pray and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00389-00086416-00086791 we die in that affect all aspects of our Ch3SKjO4VtM-00390-00086792-00086847 health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00391-00086848-00087071 and the quality of our lives on this Ch3SKjO4VtM-00392-00087072-00087231 earth right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00393-00087232-00087462 but what's important to realize is that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00394-00087463-00087559 for every Ch3SKjO4VtM-00395-00087560-00087799 social determinant of health or Ch3SKjO4VtM-00396-00087800-00087982 environmental determinant health or Ch3SKjO4VtM-00397-00087983-00088143 behavioral health or health care Ch3SKjO4VtM-00398-00088144-00088518 right there was some preceding Ch3SKjO4VtM-00399-00088519-00088838 legislative regulatory legal or Ch3SKjO4VtM-00400-00088839-00089135 other policy decision that resulted in Ch3SKjO4VtM-00401-00089136-00089175 that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00402-00089176-00089511 determinant and those are the political Ch3SKjO4VtM-00403-00089512-00089671 determinants of health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00404-00089672-00089887 so just to ensure that we're all on the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00405-00089888-00090103 same page i define this Ch3SKjO4VtM-00406-00090104-00090406 to mean it's a systematic process Ch3SKjO4VtM-00407-00090407-00090750 right of structuring relationships of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00408-00090751-00091062 distributing resources and administering Ch3SKjO4VtM-00409-00091063-00091150 power Ch3SKjO4VtM-00410-00091151-00091438 and they operate simultaneously in ways Ch3SKjO4VtM-00411-00091439-00091671 that mutually reinforce one another to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00412-00091672-00091823 shape opportunities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00413-00091824-00092015 that are either going to advance health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00414-00092016-00092238 equity or hinder health equity Ch3SKjO4VtM-00415-00092239-00092575 right so now that we know that these Ch3SKjO4VtM-00416-00092576-00092694 determinants Ch3SKjO4VtM-00417-00092695-00092950 can have a negative impact on health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00418-00092951-00093062 outcomes Ch3SKjO4VtM-00419-00093063-00093215 for vulnerable and marginalized Ch3SKjO4VtM-00420-00093216-00093518 populations i want to get started into Ch3SKjO4VtM-00421-00093519-00093799 how we came to be or how this came to be Ch3SKjO4VtM-00422-00093800-00093887 right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00423-00093888-00094087 so as you can see on your screen this is Ch3SKjO4VtM-00424-00094088-00094271 lady colombia or lady justice Ch3SKjO4VtM-00425-00094272-00094367 representing Ch3SKjO4VtM-00426-00094368-00094694 our great country and as we know for too Ch3SKjO4VtM-00427-00094695-00094950 long many racial and ethnic minorities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00428-00094951-00095055 and other vulnerable Ch3SKjO4VtM-00429-00095056-00095255 and marginalized groups have found Ch3SKjO4VtM-00430-00095256-00095567 themselves in a precarious situation Ch3SKjO4VtM-00431-00095568-00095847 their health their lives have literally Ch3SKjO4VtM-00432-00095848-00096006 been hanging into balance right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00433-00096007-00096150 many of them have been falling through Ch3SKjO4VtM-00434-00096151-00096374 the cracks of our health system Ch3SKjO4VtM-00435-00096375-00096655 educational system our human services Ch3SKjO4VtM-00436-00096656-00096711 system Ch3SKjO4VtM-00437-00096712-00097118 behavioral health housing you name it Ch3SKjO4VtM-00438-00097119-00097343 these communities struggle to live in a Ch3SKjO4VtM-00439-00097344-00097438 society Ch3SKjO4VtM-00440-00097439-00097750 that has intentionally erected barrier Ch3SKjO4VtM-00441-00097751-00097879 after barrier Ch3SKjO4VtM-00442-00097880-00098094 to weaken their bodies and hasten their Ch3SKjO4VtM-00443-00098095-00098199 deaths and we know for Ch3SKjO4VtM-00444-00098200-00098462 over 400 years these groups have Ch3SKjO4VtM-00445-00098463-00098631 experienced inequities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00446-00098632-00098879 throughout the life course right the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00447-00098880-00099031 inequities in health status Ch3SKjO4VtM-00448-00099032-00099303 and healthcare are widely documented in Ch3SKjO4VtM-00449-00099304-00099471 fact we have over 7 000 Ch3SKjO4VtM-00450-00099472-00099623 peer-reviewed journal articles Ch3SKjO4VtM-00451-00099624-00099831 highlighting that and today i Ch3SKjO4VtM-00452-00099832-00100094 chose seven tombstones to highlight the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00453-00100095-00100150 terrible Ch3SKjO4VtM-00454-00100151-00100423 impact that these inequities have had on Ch3SKjO4VtM-00455-00100424-00100550 communities of color Ch3SKjO4VtM-00456-00100551-00100750 today we know that blacks are three Ch3SKjO4VtM-00457-00100751-00100926 times more likely to know someone who Ch3SKjO4VtM-00458-00100927-00101167 has died from covet 19. Ch3SKjO4VtM-00459-00101168-00101399 only 6.1 percent of the vaccinated Ch3SKjO4VtM-00460-00101400-00101535 populations today Ch3SKjO4VtM-00461-00101536-00101823 are minorities we know that when you Ch3SKjO4VtM-00462-00101824-00101967 think about the death rate Ch3SKjO4VtM-00463-00101968-00102199 of covid in terms of children Ch3SKjO4VtM-00464-00102200-00102367 three-quarters of the children who have Ch3SKjO4VtM-00465-00102368-00102551 died from covid are racial and ethnic Ch3SKjO4VtM-00466-00102552-00102654 minorities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00467-00102655-00103039 and the list goes on and on as we know Ch3SKjO4VtM-00468-00103040-00103358 so we know that these groups racial and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00469-00103359-00103494 ethnic minorities people with Ch3SKjO4VtM-00470-00103495-00103615 disabilities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00471-00103616-00103839 lower socioeconomic status individuals Ch3SKjO4VtM-00472-00103840-00104047 lgbtq plus individuals Ch3SKjO4VtM-00473-00104048-00104239 and individuals living in rural Ch3SKjO4VtM-00474-00104240-00104358 communities are Ch3SKjO4VtM-00475-00104359-00104630 dying disproportionately each year and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00476-00104631-00104710 the toll Ch3SKjO4VtM-00477-00104711-00105039 that it is taken is unconscionable right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00478-00105040-00105183 but the one thing that i hope we Ch3SKjO4VtM-00479-00105183-00105351 remember tonight is that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00480-00105352-00105599 you know we must always remember this Ch3SKjO4VtM-00481-00105600-00105663 that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00482-00105664-00105966 the united states's health is not an Ch3SKjO4VtM-00483-00105967-00106086 organic outcome Ch3SKjO4VtM-00484-00106088-00106358 it is not a coincidence that certain Ch3SKjO4VtM-00485-00106359-00106495 groups of americans Ch3SKjO4VtM-00486-00106496-00106702 experience higher premature death rates Ch3SKjO4VtM-00487-00106703-00106839 or poor health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00488-00106840-00107207 outcomes than others why Ch3SKjO4VtM-00489-00107208-00107439 why has this been happening right today Ch3SKjO4VtM-00490-00107440-00107631 of course we recognize as you just saw Ch3SKjO4VtM-00491-00107632-00107775 from jessica's story Ch3SKjO4VtM-00492-00107776-00108143 that there are a variety of forces that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00493-00108144-00108319 are impacting our health right and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00494-00108320-00108486 determine the extent of our lives on Ch3SKjO4VtM-00495-00108488-00108623 this earth Ch3SKjO4VtM-00496-00108624-00108878 we know that it's true air pollution Ch3SKjO4VtM-00497-00108879-00108983 climate change Ch3SKjO4VtM-00498-00108983-00109310 toxic waste sites unclean water a lack Ch3SKjO4VtM-00499-00109311-00109399 of fresh fruits Ch3SKjO4VtM-00500-00109400-00109686 and vegetables unsafe unsecure and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00501-00109688-00109839 unstable housing Ch3SKjO4VtM-00502-00109840-00110143 poor quality education inaccessible Ch3SKjO4VtM-00503-00110144-00110254 transportation Ch3SKjO4VtM-00504-00110255-00110527 a lack of blue and green zones or parks Ch3SKjO4VtM-00505-00110528-00110671 and other recreational areas Ch3SKjO4VtM-00506-00110672-00110983 and of course other factors play an Ch3SKjO4VtM-00507-00110983-00111278 outsized role on our overall health and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00508-00111279-00111390 well-being Ch3SKjO4VtM-00509-00111391-00111719 they increase our stress they expose us Ch3SKjO4VtM-00510-00111720-00111878 to harmful elements and they Ch3SKjO4VtM-00511-00111879-00112223 limit our opportunities to thrive these Ch3SKjO4VtM-00512-00112224-00112390 multiple determinants of health but Ch3SKjO4VtM-00513-00112391-00112575 especially the social determinants of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00514-00112576-00112647 health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00515-00112648-00112902 play an outsized role in these Ch3SKjO4VtM-00516-00112903-00113031 human-made Ch3SKjO4VtM-00517-00113032-00113383 pre-existing inequities but underlying Ch3SKjO4VtM-00518-00113383-00113447 each one Ch3SKjO4VtM-00519-00113448-00113686 is a political determinant that we can Ch3SKjO4VtM-00520-00113688-00113766 no longer Ch3SKjO4VtM-00521-00113767-00113975 ignore you see we've been stopping i Ch3SKjO4VtM-00522-00113976-00114199 think too often as the social drivers of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00523-00114200-00114310 inequities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00524-00114311-00114631 failing to look back right and dig even Ch3SKjO4VtM-00525-00114632-00114902 further to see the depths of the problem Ch3SKjO4VtM-00526-00114903-00114934 and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00527-00114935-00115151 understand their root causes and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00528-00115152-00115271 distribution Ch3SKjO4VtM-00529-00115272-00115431 and as a result we've been missing the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00530-00115432-00115654 link between the social determinants of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00531-00115655-00115719 health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00532-00115720-00116031 and their political roots Ch3SKjO4VtM-00533-00116032-00116343 so this pandemic i think Ch3SKjO4VtM-00534-00116344-00116527 illustrates or demonstrates the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00535-00116528-00116766 inconvenient and harsh truth Ch3SKjO4VtM-00536-00116767-00116975 about the impact of social determinants Ch3SKjO4VtM-00537-00116976-00117207 of health and how collectively Ch3SKjO4VtM-00538-00117208-00117463 these factors significantly contribute Ch3SKjO4VtM-00539-00117464-00117702 to our society's health inequities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00540-00117703-00117919 it shows as you saw from the video the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00541-00117920-00118102 compounding effects Ch3SKjO4VtM-00542-00118103-00118358 of political determinants over personal Ch3SKjO4VtM-00543-00118359-00118486 responsibility Ch3SKjO4VtM-00544-00118488-00118751 because no matter how much many Ch3SKjO4VtM-00545-00118752-00118895 african-americans Ch3SKjO4VtM-00546-00118896-00119158 native americans native hawaiians latinx Ch3SKjO4VtM-00547-00119159-00119239 americans Ch3SKjO4VtM-00548-00119240-00119390 pacific islander americans and lower Ch3SKjO4VtM-00549-00119391-00119583 socioeconomic status individuals Ch3SKjO4VtM-00550-00119583-00119886 try to act responsibly there are always Ch3SKjO4VtM-00551-00119888-00119983 structural Ch3SKjO4VtM-00552-00119983-00120286 institutional interpersonal and yes even Ch3SKjO4VtM-00553-00120288-00120375 intrapersonal Ch3SKjO4VtM-00554-00120376-00120647 obstacles hindering them and beneath Ch3SKjO4VtM-00555-00120648-00120807 these communities notice have been Ch3SKjO4VtM-00556-00120808-00120990 political determinants that have pulled Ch3SKjO4VtM-00557-00120991-00121175 and continued to pull strings Ch3SKjO4VtM-00558-00121176-00121431 that prevent them from achieving their Ch3SKjO4VtM-00559-00121432-00121495 optimal Ch3SKjO4VtM-00560-00121496-00121863 health we all know that the inequities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00561-00121864-00122039 that predate covet did not Ch3SKjO4VtM-00562-00122040-00122239 suddenly appear right nor are they Ch3SKjO4VtM-00563-00122240-00122366 inapplicable Ch3SKjO4VtM-00564-00122367-00122534 all of these individuals these Ch3SKjO4VtM-00565-00122535-00122686 marginalized groups Ch3SKjO4VtM-00566-00122688-00122910 still contend with neighborhoods that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00567-00122911-00123143 are largely devoid of necessary health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00568-00123144-00123247 protective Ch3SKjO4VtM-00569-00123248-00123566 and health sustaining resources Ch3SKjO4VtM-00570-00123567-00123783 and they're still contending with the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00571-00123783-00124031 political determinants or drivers Ch3SKjO4VtM-00572-00124032-00124358 that created perpetuated and exacerbated Ch3SKjO4VtM-00573-00124359-00124710 these health inequities over time and so Ch3SKjO4VtM-00574-00124711-00125119 is it any wonder why covet 19 Ch3SKjO4VtM-00575-00125120-00125527 has not been striking all groups equally Ch3SKjO4VtM-00576-00125528-00125775 well no not really because when you Ch3SKjO4VtM-00577-00125776-00125863 think about it Ch3SKjO4VtM-00578-00125864-00126110 our economic and social policies have Ch3SKjO4VtM-00579-00126111-00126247 not been benefiting Ch3SKjO4VtM-00580-00126248-00126463 all groups equally think about it this Ch3SKjO4VtM-00581-00126464-00126590 way who Ch3SKjO4VtM-00582-00126591-00126814 is able to get tested as we all saw Ch3SKjO4VtM-00583-00126815-00126983 early on in the pandemic Ch3SKjO4VtM-00584-00126983-00127127 you know there are many of us raising Ch3SKjO4VtM-00585-00127128-00127302 our hands saying hey Ch3SKjO4VtM-00586-00127303-00127623 we want to provide vaccines or testing Ch3SKjO4VtM-00587-00127624-00127751 kids to our communities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00588-00127752-00128007 we see today the disparity in terms of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00589-00128008-00128102 vaccinations Ch3SKjO4VtM-00590-00128103-00128383 again politically determined who gets Ch3SKjO4VtM-00591-00128383-00128614 care and the quality of care Ch3SKjO4VtM-00592-00128615-00128871 even access to the internet as we see Ch3SKjO4VtM-00593-00128872-00129047 right now right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00594-00129048-00129295 walkability public space access even Ch3SKjO4VtM-00595-00129296-00129375 access to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00596-00129376-00129654 water and access to food are all Ch3SKjO4VtM-00597-00129655-00129734 politically Ch3SKjO4VtM-00598-00129735-00130078 determined so we know in effect that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00599-00130079-00130158 many black Ch3SKjO4VtM-00600-00130159-00130334 indigenous and other communities of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00601-00130335-00130478 color Ch3SKjO4VtM-00602-00130479-00130758 show us how one political determinant Ch3SKjO4VtM-00603-00130759-00130878 after another Ch3SKjO4VtM-00604-00130879-00131127 has resulted in a continual tightening Ch3SKjO4VtM-00605-00131128-00131247 of a chokehold Ch3SKjO4VtM-00606-00131248-00131495 on these communities and the eventual Ch3SKjO4VtM-00607-00131496-00131654 disaster that brought to light the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00608-00131655-00131759 inequities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00609-00131760-00132047 we now have seen magnified right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00610-00132048-00132223 plaguing it Ch3SKjO4VtM-00611-00132224-00132543 high obesity rates diabetes maternal Ch3SKjO4VtM-00612-00132544-00132735 mortality depression Ch3SKjO4VtM-00613-00132736-00132999 and many other health issues can be Ch3SKjO4VtM-00614-00133000-00133239 firmly linked back to political action Ch3SKjO4VtM-00615-00133240-00133590 or inaction but by understanding these Ch3SKjO4VtM-00616-00133591-00133719 political determinants Ch3SKjO4VtM-00617-00133720-00134047 of health their origins their impact Ch3SKjO4VtM-00618-00134048-00134263 and their interconnection with these Ch3SKjO4VtM-00619-00134264-00134414 multiple drivers Ch3SKjO4VtM-00620-00134415-00134711 of health we will be better equipped to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00621-00134712-00134919 develop and implement i hope Ch3SKjO4VtM-00622-00134920-00135111 actionable solutions to close the health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00623-00135112-00135223 gap Ch3SKjO4VtM-00624-00135224-00135423 i think what we're seeing today is that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00625-00135424-00135575 behind virtually every Ch3SKjO4VtM-00626-00135576-00135911 health disparity and subsequent death Ch3SKjO4VtM-00627-00135912-00136287 especially during this time of covid19 Ch3SKjO4VtM-00628-00136288-00136519 there were specific and insiduous Ch3SKjO4VtM-00629-00136520-00136671 political determinants Ch3SKjO4VtM-00630-00136672-00136887 that led to the person's premature death Ch3SKjO4VtM-00631-00136888-00137007 so for a moment Ch3SKjO4VtM-00632-00137008-00137271 i want to paint this picture of the tree Ch3SKjO4VtM-00633-00137272-00137343 of health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00634-00137344-00137614 for you initially you may notice on your Ch3SKjO4VtM-00635-00137615-00137695 screens Ch3SKjO4VtM-00636-00137696-00138014 a tree right the fruit on this tree Ch3SKjO4VtM-00637-00138015-00138247 the individuals or even the tombstones Ch3SKjO4VtM-00638-00138248-00138431 surrounding this tree Ch3SKjO4VtM-00639-00138432-00138654 but actually this picture is far more Ch3SKjO4VtM-00640-00138655-00138766 representative Ch3SKjO4VtM-00641-00138767-00138959 of what our society currently has to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00642-00138960-00139127 offer some of its most Ch3SKjO4VtM-00643-00139128-00139383 vulnerable people you see yes the tree Ch3SKjO4VtM-00644-00139384-00139590 represents society Ch3SKjO4VtM-00645-00139591-00139839 there have always been co-laborers in Ch3SKjO4VtM-00646-00139840-00140054 this movement in this fight for health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00647-00140055-00140111 equity Ch3SKjO4VtM-00648-00140112-00140295 as we'll see and i know many of you in Ch3SKjO4VtM-00649-00140296-00140502 fact have been co-laborers who have Ch3SKjO4VtM-00650-00140503-00140663 tended to this tree Ch3SKjO4VtM-00651-00140664-00141007 we've worked tirelessly to feed the tree Ch3SKjO4VtM-00652-00141008-00141311 evidence-based policies programs and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00653-00141312-00141423 practices Ch3SKjO4VtM-00654-00141424-00141575 with the hope that the tree would Ch3SKjO4VtM-00655-00141576-00141783 provide fruit that would benefit Ch3SKjO4VtM-00656-00141784-00142151 all of society however Ch3SKjO4VtM-00657-00142152-00142335 the reality is that you know there have Ch3SKjO4VtM-00658-00142336-00142454 also been others Ch3SKjO4VtM-00659-00142455-00142751 who've been working overtime to supply Ch3SKjO4VtM-00660-00142752-00142935 the tree with that which would do it Ch3SKjO4VtM-00661-00142936-00143063 harm Ch3SKjO4VtM-00662-00143064-00143278 these are the roots that are undergirded Ch3SKjO4VtM-00663-00143279-00143414 by racism Ch3SKjO4VtM-00664-00143415-00143775 classism ableism and many other Ch3SKjO4VtM-00665-00143776-00143871 deleterious Ch3SKjO4VtM-00666-00143872-00144102 motives from the bottom of the tree's Ch3SKjO4VtM-00667-00144103-00144183 base Ch3SKjO4VtM-00668-00144184-00144447 all the way up and through to the ends Ch3SKjO4VtM-00669-00144448-00144614 of its branches Ch3SKjO4VtM-00670-00144615-00144935 what is supplied to the tree is Ch3SKjO4VtM-00671-00144936-00145214 multiplied by the tree right so now due Ch3SKjO4VtM-00672-00145215-00145454 to the root causes of inequities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00673-00145455-00145614 the fruit represents higher rates of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00674-00145615-00145911 diabetes inaccessible safe and secure Ch3SKjO4VtM-00675-00145912-00145990 housing Ch3SKjO4VtM-00676-00145991-00146247 a lack of nutritious food and any other Ch3SKjO4VtM-00677-00146248-00146407 number of those outcomes Ch3SKjO4VtM-00678-00146408-00146599 that we now know as the social Ch3SKjO4VtM-00679-00146600-00146807 determinants of health right and as that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00680-00146808-00147111 poisonous and rotted fruit falls to the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00681-00147112-00147207 ground Ch3SKjO4VtM-00682-00147208-00147471 the tree that has the potential to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00683-00147472-00147526 provide Ch3SKjO4VtM-00684-00147527-00147726 life-giving nourishment to all who Ch3SKjO4VtM-00685-00147727-00147863 encountered it Ch3SKjO4VtM-00686-00147864-00148119 now leaves death and destruction in its Ch3SKjO4VtM-00687-00148120-00148207 shadow Ch3SKjO4VtM-00688-00148208-00148639 from one generation to the next Ch3SKjO4VtM-00689-00148640-00149007 but all hope is not lost right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00690-00149008-00149311 now i want you to imagine what could and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00691-00149312-00149623 should have been the roots of the tree Ch3SKjO4VtM-00692-00149624-00149854 which anchors the tree and is supposed Ch3SKjO4VtM-00693-00149855-00149935 to absorb Ch3SKjO4VtM-00694-00149936-00150254 nutrients from the soil represent Ch3SKjO4VtM-00695-00150255-00150535 the political determinants of health and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00696-00150536-00150751 the detrimental factors Ch3SKjO4VtM-00697-00150752-00151023 that the tree's roots were absorbing Ch3SKjO4VtM-00698-00151024-00151151 include racism Ch3SKjO4VtM-00699-00151152-00151543 sexism classism and many other evils Ch3SKjO4VtM-00700-00151544-00151823 every political and policy decision that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00701-00151824-00151966 is made Ch3SKjO4VtM-00702-00151967-00152271 feeds into the tree yielding fruit which Ch3SKjO4VtM-00703-00152272-00152614 permeates throughout our entire society Ch3SKjO4VtM-00704-00152615-00152895 but if the tree is rooted in health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00705-00152896-00153039 equity Ch3SKjO4VtM-00706-00153040-00153359 the end result is a society that is Ch3SKjO4VtM-00707-00153360-00153463 nourished Ch3SKjO4VtM-00708-00153464-00153783 cared for and capable of achieving its Ch3SKjO4VtM-00709-00153784-00153823 full Ch3SKjO4VtM-00710-00153824-00154095 potential you see what we've learned Ch3SKjO4VtM-00711-00154096-00154175 from this Ch3SKjO4VtM-00712-00154176-00154423 is that many of these deaths that we Ch3SKjO4VtM-00713-00154424-00154583 have seen almost half a million deaths Ch3SKjO4VtM-00714-00154584-00154719 and even more Ch3SKjO4VtM-00715-00154720-00154902 when you compound that with all of the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00716-00154903-00155143 inequities it's a reminder Ch3SKjO4VtM-00717-00155144-00155447 that many of these were preventable Ch3SKjO4VtM-00718-00155448-00155735 and downright avoidable if only these Ch3SKjO4VtM-00719-00155736-00155831 communities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00720-00155832-00156151 had been fed by a tree of health that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00721-00156152-00156366 bore life-sustaining fruit Ch3SKjO4VtM-00722-00156367-00156735 so let's talk about how we got here Ch3SKjO4VtM-00723-00156736-00156990 right we're gonna go back let's look at Ch3SKjO4VtM-00724-00156991-00157166 big p policy and little p policy Ch3SKjO4VtM-00725-00157167-00157351 governmental policy and then of course Ch3SKjO4VtM-00726-00157352-00157511 non-governmental policy Ch3SKjO4VtM-00727-00157512-00157783 or commercial uh interest right how did Ch3SKjO4VtM-00728-00157784-00157878 we get here how does Ch3SKjO4VtM-00729-00157879-00158175 inequality get under our skin and lead Ch3SKjO4VtM-00730-00158176-00158366 to this accelerated aging that we've Ch3SKjO4VtM-00731-00158367-00158399 learned Ch3SKjO4VtM-00732-00158400-00158735 so much about right dr arlene geronimous Ch3SKjO4VtM-00733-00158736-00158902 and others coining the term biological Ch3SKjO4VtM-00734-00158903-00158983 weathering Ch3SKjO4VtM-00735-00158984-00159183 or let's talk about how it increases our Ch3SKjO4VtM-00736-00159184-00159399 rates of chronic diseases right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00737-00159400-00159687 as other researchers have identified Ch3SKjO4VtM-00738-00159688-00159919 destroying the social and the economic Ch3SKjO4VtM-00739-00159920-00160007 fabric Ch3SKjO4VtM-00740-00160008-00160326 of many of these neighborhoods well Ch3SKjO4VtM-00741-00160327-00160551 let me go back 400 years right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00742-00160552-00160702 epigeneticists have Ch3SKjO4VtM-00743-00160703-00160935 identified how intergenerational trauma Ch3SKjO4VtM-00744-00160936-00161119 has impaired our ability to reach health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00745-00161120-00161199 equity but Ch3SKjO4VtM-00746-00161200-00161343 when you think about it in this way Ch3SKjO4VtM-00747-00161344-00161519 we've talked a lot now about the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00748-00161520-00161766 social or the structural conditions in Ch3SKjO4VtM-00749-00161767-00161935 which we live in right we're born and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00750-00161936-00161983 living Ch3SKjO4VtM-00751-00161984-00162271 dying well let's talk about how these Ch3SKjO4VtM-00752-00162272-00162431 structural conditions Ch3SKjO4VtM-00753-00162432-00162751 came to be in the first place Ch3SKjO4VtM-00754-00162752-00163063 so 16 in the 1600s we know that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00755-00163064-00163278 massachusetts became the first colony to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00756-00163279-00163414 legalize slavery Ch3SKjO4VtM-00757-00163415-00163687 we know then that there were other uh Ch3SKjO4VtM-00758-00163688-00163878 colonies that followed suit Ch3SKjO4VtM-00759-00163879-00164175 connecticut new york and others working Ch3SKjO4VtM-00760-00164176-00164390 in concert with economic interests right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00761-00164391-00164623 to legalize this horrible institution Ch3SKjO4VtM-00762-00164624-00164878 and as if that were not enough to keep Ch3SKjO4VtM-00763-00164879-00165151 down black and indigenous populations Ch3SKjO4VtM-00764-00165152-00165471 right no they went even further by Ch3SKjO4VtM-00765-00165472-00165647 pushing their policymakers Ch3SKjO4VtM-00766-00165648-00165943 to an act to develop and implement and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00767-00165944-00166007 act Ch3SKjO4VtM-00768-00166008-00166326 and enforce policies that would limit Ch3SKjO4VtM-00769-00166327-00166559 their their ability to move right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00770-00166560-00166719 couldn't move abroad couldn't move Ch3SKjO4VtM-00771-00166720-00166878 beyond a one mile radius of the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00772-00166879-00166975 plantation Ch3SKjO4VtM-00773-00166976-00167183 had to carry lanterns at night if you Ch3SKjO4VtM-00774-00167184-00167326 wanted to walk around Ch3SKjO4VtM-00775-00167327-00167575 uh you had two of course uh you were Ch3SKjO4VtM-00776-00167576-00167654 prohibited Ch3SKjO4VtM-00777-00167655-00167895 if you were black or an indigenous Ch3SKjO4VtM-00778-00167896-00168023 person from Ch3SKjO4VtM-00779-00168024-00168278 raising your own food from earning your Ch3SKjO4VtM-00780-00168279-00168390 own money Ch3SKjO4VtM-00781-00168391-00168631 from learning to read and write right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00782-00168632-00168831 especially english Ch3SKjO4VtM-00783-00168832-00169071 many and the list goes on and on and on Ch3SKjO4VtM-00784-00169072-00169254 but today we've identified these as Ch3SKjO4VtM-00785-00169255-00169407 critical factors right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00786-00169408-00169654 in our ability to address our social Ch3SKjO4VtM-00787-00169655-00169790 determinants of health Ch3SKjO4VtM-00788-00169791-00169959 we know then that those policies were Ch3SKjO4VtM-00789-00169960-00170111 recycled from one Ch3SKjO4VtM-00790-00170112-00170407 generation to the next into the 1700s Ch3SKjO4VtM-00791-00170408-00170599 there was then an opportunity Ch3SKjO4VtM-00792-00170600-00170854 once we had declared independence from Ch3SKjO4VtM-00793-00170855-00170951 the uk Ch3SKjO4VtM-00794-00170952-00171343 to actually not only abolish slavery Ch3SKjO4VtM-00795-00171344-00171519 but to enact a robust health equity Ch3SKjO4VtM-00796-00171520-00171654 agenda but Ch3SKjO4VtM-00797-00171655-00171831 as we'll soon discuss that was Ch3SKjO4VtM-00798-00171832-00172063 short-lived and it would then take us Ch3SKjO4VtM-00799-00172064-00172366 decades after before the opportunity Ch3SKjO4VtM-00800-00172367-00172647 would present itself to push again a Ch3SKjO4VtM-00801-00172648-00172783 health equity agenda Ch3SKjO4VtM-00802-00172784-00173111 and federal policy well that too Ch3SKjO4VtM-00803-00173112-00173454 uh i hate to spoil uh you know Ch3SKjO4VtM-00804-00173455-00173678 or to give you that spoiler alert but we Ch3SKjO4VtM-00805-00173679-00173887 know that that too was short-lived Ch3SKjO4VtM-00806-00173888-00174190 and after that incident after the civil Ch3SKjO4VtM-00807-00174191-00174263 war Ch3SKjO4VtM-00808-00174264-00174551 we saw jim crow rear its ugly head with Ch3SKjO4VtM-00809-00174552-00174678 a vengeance Ch3SKjO4VtM-00810-00174679-00174966 and we now know today through of course Ch3SKjO4VtM-00811-00174967-00175087 our researchers Ch3SKjO4VtM-00812-00175088-00175271 that there is a direct link to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00813-00175272-00175463 aggressive breast cancer prevalence from Ch3SKjO4VtM-00814-00175464-00175551 that time Ch3SKjO4VtM-00815-00175552-00175766 today among african-american women they Ch3SKjO4VtM-00816-00175767-00175935 have the most deadly form of breast Ch3SKjO4VtM-00817-00175936-00176014 cancer right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00818-00176015-00176214 owing again to the stressors of our Ch3SKjO4VtM-00819-00176215-00176359 society Ch3SKjO4VtM-00820-00176360-00176623 well now we move into an environment Ch3SKjO4VtM-00821-00176624-00176719 where you have these Ch3SKjO4VtM-00822-00176720-00177151 racially explicit um laws denying blacks Ch3SKjO4VtM-00823-00177152-00177407 the ability to rate to realize their Ch3SKjO4VtM-00824-00177408-00177623 optimal health and their full potential Ch3SKjO4VtM-00825-00177624-00177823 but then folks got a little savvy in Ch3SKjO4VtM-00826-00177824-00177943 policy right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00827-00177944-00178159 when the supreme court came in after Ch3SKjO4VtM-00828-00178160-00178343 there were health equity champions civil Ch3SKjO4VtM-00829-00178344-00178543 rights leaders saying no no no Ch3SKjO4VtM-00830-00178544-00178726 uh that violates the equal protection Ch3SKjO4VtM-00831-00178727-00178999 clause we then saw policy makers moving Ch3SKjO4VtM-00832-00179000-00179102 from Ch3SKjO4VtM-00833-00179103-00179319 intentionally or facially intentionally Ch3SKjO4VtM-00834-00179320-00179487 discriminatory policies Ch3SKjO4VtM-00835-00179488-00179678 to what we call facially neutral Ch3SKjO4VtM-00836-00179679-00179790 policies right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00837-00179791-00180254 so they did not on its face explicitly Ch3SKjO4VtM-00838-00180255-00180526 deny the benefits of that policy to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00839-00180527-00180766 black and indigenous groups or others Ch3SKjO4VtM-00840-00180767-00181095 but when they were implemented they had Ch3SKjO4VtM-00841-00181096-00181199 the same Ch3SKjO4VtM-00842-00181200-00181407 or equal effect right there was a Ch3SKjO4VtM-00843-00181408-00181526 disparate impact Ch3SKjO4VtM-00844-00181527-00181695 so let me talk about that very quickly Ch3SKjO4VtM-00845-00181696-00181902 in the short time that we have Ch3SKjO4VtM-00846-00181903-00182207 many of us are familiar Ch3SKjO4VtM-00847-00182208-00182463 with policies that came out of the great Ch3SKjO4VtM-00848-00182464-00182575 new deal Ch3SKjO4VtM-00849-00182576-00182871 we know that after world war one uh Ch3SKjO4VtM-00850-00182872-00182943 there was Ch3SKjO4VtM-00851-00182944-00183175 a crisis in this country where many Ch3SKjO4VtM-00852-00183176-00183359 folks were malnourished Ch3SKjO4VtM-00853-00183360-00183678 uh we know that times were tough and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00854-00183679-00183895 franklin d roosevelt of course goes out Ch3SKjO4VtM-00855-00183896-00183990 and enacts these Ch3SKjO4VtM-00856-00183991-00184238 amazing policies right uh for the most Ch3SKjO4VtM-00857-00184239-00184302 part but Ch3SKjO4VtM-00858-00184303-00184543 he also enacted policies that were Ch3SKjO4VtM-00859-00184544-00184719 discriminatory and one of those is the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00860-00184720-00184966 homeowner's loan corporation act Ch3SKjO4VtM-00861-00184967-00185311 that essentially sent out or authorized Ch3SKjO4VtM-00862-00185312-00185543 property appraisers in over 200 cities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00863-00185544-00185678 in the united states Ch3SKjO4VtM-00864-00185679-00185895 and their job was to go out and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00865-00185896-00186047 essentially Ch3SKjO4VtM-00866-00186048-00186335 grade these neighborhoods on an a b c or Ch3SKjO4VtM-00867-00186336-00186399 d scale Ch3SKjO4VtM-00868-00186400-00186678 and to align them with a specific color Ch3SKjO4VtM-00869-00186679-00186735 so Ch3SKjO4VtM-00870-00186736-00186990 the green areas of the city were your Ch3SKjO4VtM-00871-00186991-00187175 affluent white communities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00872-00187176-00187454 your blue areas of the city were your Ch3SKjO4VtM-00873-00187455-00187623 middle class white areas Ch3SKjO4VtM-00874-00187624-00187878 your yellow communities were your Ch3SKjO4VtM-00875-00187879-00187966 undesirable Ch3SKjO4VtM-00876-00187967-00188190 immigrant communities and then those Ch3SKjO4VtM-00877-00188191-00188343 were of course mexican Ch3SKjO4VtM-00878-00188344-00188638 cuban jewish irish german et cetera Ch3SKjO4VtM-00879-00188639-00188711 communities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00880-00188712-00188983 and then the red communities or d Ch3SKjO4VtM-00881-00188984-00189150 communities or your hazardous Ch3SKjO4VtM-00882-00189151-00189214 communities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00883-00189215-00189350 and those were your predominantly Ch3SKjO4VtM-00884-00189351-00189535 african-american communities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00885-00189536-00189790 and what they did was to essentially Ch3SKjO4VtM-00886-00189791-00189935 aggregate all of these Ch3SKjO4VtM-00887-00189936-00190278 reports bring them back to dc Ch3SKjO4VtM-00888-00190279-00190607 and actually used it to develop further Ch3SKjO4VtM-00889-00190608-00190902 policies right so we had a policy create Ch3SKjO4VtM-00890-00190903-00190966 this Ch3SKjO4VtM-00891-00190967-00191190 report this report then informed other Ch3SKjO4VtM-00892-00191191-00191366 policies which had a discriminatory Ch3SKjO4VtM-00893-00191367-00191590 impact and essentially what they did was Ch3SKjO4VtM-00894-00191591-00191711 to prevent Ch3SKjO4VtM-00895-00191712-00192023 these red and it sometimes yellow-coated Ch3SKjO4VtM-00896-00192024-00192150 communities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00897-00192151-00192471 from getting va or fha mortgage loans Ch3SKjO4VtM-00898-00192472-00192759 again starving these communities of the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00899-00192760-00192847 resources Ch3SKjO4VtM-00900-00192848-00193278 that they needed to thrive well Ch3SKjO4VtM-00901-00193279-00193471 after that we know then we went through Ch3SKjO4VtM-00902-00193472-00193702 another world war right world war ii Ch3SKjO4VtM-00903-00193703-00193983 and after that president truman tried to Ch3SKjO4VtM-00904-00193984-00194238 enact some robust health policies Ch3SKjO4VtM-00905-00194239-00194502 but intermingled with those again are Ch3SKjO4VtM-00906-00194503-00194750 policies that had a terrible impact Ch3SKjO4VtM-00907-00194751-00194919 on black and brown communities in this Ch3SKjO4VtM-00908-00194920-00195126 country so infrastructure bills Ch3SKjO4VtM-00909-00195127-00195319 such as the housing act that created the Ch3SKjO4VtM-00910-00195320-00195495 urban renewal program in this country Ch3SKjO4VtM-00911-00195496-00195535 right Ch3SKjO4VtM-00912-00195536-00195759 displacing over half a million african Ch3SKjO4VtM-00913-00195760-00195887 americans Ch3SKjO4VtM-00914-00195888-00196126 throughout the nation we know that this Ch3SKjO4VtM-00915-00196127-00196214 law was Ch3SKjO4VtM-00916-00196215-00196414 actually implemented in conjunction with Ch3SKjO4VtM-00917-00196415-00196663 state and local policy makers Ch3SKjO4VtM-00918-00196664-00196959 and what they did was they essentially Ch3SKjO4VtM-00919-00196960-00197031 took Ch3SKjO4VtM-00920-00197032-00197231 uh folks's housing through their eminent Ch3SKjO4VtM-00921-00197232-00197390 uh domain powers Ch3SKjO4VtM-00922-00197391-00197607 took their houses took their apartments Ch3SKjO4VtM-00923-00197608-00197838 and then turned around and sold it Ch3SKjO4VtM-00924-00197839-00198038 cheaply to real estate developers Ch3SKjO4VtM-00925-00198039-00198238 who then created housing for more Ch3SKjO4VtM-00926-00198239-00198423 affluent communities Ch3SKjO4VtM-00927-00198424-00198599 and as if that weren't enough if you Ch3SKjO4VtM-00928-00198600-00198750 think about many black and brown Ch3SKjO4VtM-00929-00198751-00198887 communities today Ch3SKjO4VtM-00930-00198888-00199071 many of you might have noticed that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00931-00199072-00199287 there are often times these major Ch3SKjO4VtM-00932-00199288-00199390 highways Ch3SKjO4VtM-00933-00199391-00199614 cutting right through the neighborhoods Ch3SKjO4VtM-00934-00199615-00199831 right go to over town in miami Ch3SKjO4VtM-00935-00199832-00200071 go to saint petersburg florida in Ch3SKjO4VtM-00936-00200072-00200335 atlanta georgia baltimore new york Ch3SKjO4VtM-00937-00200336-00200623 newton in boston go to detroit omaha Ch3SKjO4VtM-00938-00200624-00200687 nebraska Ch3SKjO4VtM-00939-00200688-00200911 all throughout this country you will see Ch3SKjO4VtM-00940-00200912-00201087 that a federal law Ch3SKjO4VtM-00941-00201088-00201366 the highway act actually was implemented Ch3SKjO4VtM-00942-00201367-00201543 in conjunction again with state Ch3SKjO4VtM-00943-00201544-00201750 and local policy makers and they Ch3SKjO4VtM-00944-00201751-00201990 determined where to place these highways Ch3SKjO4VtM-00945-00201991-00202183 again in the neighborhoods of the folks Ch3SKjO4VtM-00946-00202184-00202390 that they deemed uh to have the least Ch3SKjO4VtM-00947-00202391-00202447 value Ch3SKjO4VtM-00948-00202448-00202607 right the least amount of privilege and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00949-00202608-00202863 power well Ch3SKjO4VtM-00950-00202864-00203111 today we see the effects of a lot of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00951-00203112-00203263 these decisions Ch3SKjO4VtM-00952-00203264-00203471 whether it is in new york in harlem in Ch3SKjO4VtM-00953-00203472-00203566 manhattan Ch3SKjO4VtM-00954-00203567-00203838 where six of the seven bus depots were Ch3SKjO4VtM-00955-00203839-00203950 placed in harlem Ch3SKjO4VtM-00956-00203951-00204143 now causing these children black and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00957-00204144-00204302 brown children to have the highest rates Ch3SKjO4VtM-00958-00204303-00204326 of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00959-00204327-00204526 asthma in the entire country we know Ch3SKjO4VtM-00960-00204527-00204695 that research today shows Ch3SKjO4VtM-00961-00204696-00204910 that many african americans and latinx Ch3SKjO4VtM-00962-00204911-00205031 and other individuals Ch3SKjO4VtM-00963-00205032-00205246 live in communities that are hotter than Ch3SKjO4VtM-00964-00205248-00205406 the rest of the population Ch3SKjO4VtM-00965-00205407-00205662 and the list goes on but again all of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00966-00205663-00205734 this Ch3SKjO4VtM-00967-00205735-00206023 was as a result if you really go further Ch3SKjO4VtM-00968-00206023-00206110 upstream Ch3SKjO4VtM-00969-00206111-00206358 to the source of these inequities if you Ch3SKjO4VtM-00970-00206359-00206431 tie Ch3SKjO4VtM-00971-00206432-00206623 these structural conditions to their Ch3SKjO4VtM-00972-00206623-00206742 political roots Ch3SKjO4VtM-00973-00206744-00206998 it makes sense what instigated all of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00974-00207000-00207094 these Ch3SKjO4VtM-00975-00207096-00207406 what is the effect today well we Ch3SKjO4VtM-00976-00207407-00207766 know that it has led to a poverty tax Ch3SKjO4VtM-00977-00207767-00208094 on many of these communities right again Ch3SKjO4VtM-00978-00208096-00208351 hurting these communities one decade Ch3SKjO4VtM-00979-00208352-00208438 after the next Ch3SKjO4VtM-00980-00208439-00208582 and today we see it in the form of Ch3SKjO4VtM-00981-00208583-00208814 higher payments for auto insurance Ch3SKjO4VtM-00982-00208815-00209038 higher payments for mortgage loans lower Ch3SKjO4VtM-00983-00209039-00209166 property appraisals Ch3SKjO4VtM-00984-00209167-00209366 we see the effect it's having in terms Ch3SKjO4VtM-00985-00209367-00209471 of deserts food Ch3SKjO4VtM-00986-00209471-00209742 pharmacy hospital deserts making it more Ch3SKjO4VtM-00987-00209744-00209903 difficult to access Ch3SKjO4VtM-00988-00209904-00210142 resources to improve health and maintain Ch3SKjO4VtM-00989-00210144-00210303 health and now we see Ch3SKjO4VtM-00990-00210304-00210471 through climate change right with what's Ch3SKjO4VtM-00991-00210471-00210631 going on this Ch3SKjO4VtM-00992-00210632-00210823 phenomena right of moving away from Ch3SKjO4VtM-00993-00210823-00210934 redlining Ch3SKjO4VtM-00994-00210935-00211215 to now blue lining where we know back Ch3SKjO4VtM-00995-00211216-00211255 then Ch3SKjO4VtM-00996-00211256-00211439 there were policies there were laws that Ch3SKjO4VtM-00997-00211440-00211663 were enacted restricting black and Ch3SKjO4VtM-00998-00211664-00211839 indigenous and and other Ch3SKjO4VtM-00999-00211840-00211982 communities of color from buying Ch3SKjO4VtM-01000-00211983-00212175 property by the seashore they were Ch3SKjO4VtM-01001-00212176-00212382 pushed further inland which ironically Ch3SKjO4VtM-01002-00212383-00212439 now Ch3SKjO4VtM-01003-00212440-00212719 are higher elevated lands and as these Ch3SKjO4VtM-01004-00212719-00212894 sea levels continue to rise Ch3SKjO4VtM-01005-00212896-00213175 miami st petersburg et cetera you see Ch3SKjO4VtM-01006-00213176-00213351 many of these folks being pushed out Ch3SKjO4VtM-01007-00213352-00213503 again displacing Ch3SKjO4VtM-01008-00213504-00213751 thousands of minorities across the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01009-00213752-00213846 country Ch3SKjO4VtM-01010-00213848-00214151 well what's the effect today why does Ch3SKjO4VtM-01011-00214152-00214271 this all matter Ch3SKjO4VtM-01012-00214271-00214534 you know michael marmot professor marmot Ch3SKjO4VtM-01013-00214535-00214758 uh you know once stated that uh Ch3SKjO4VtM-01014-00214759-00214998 a life expectancy is a measure of health Ch3SKjO4VtM-01015-00215000-00215191 tell us a great deal Ch3SKjO4VtM-01016-00215192-00215451 about how a society is doing but the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01017-00215452-00215567 inequalities Ch3SKjO4VtM-01018-00215567-00215887 in that society tell us even more Ch3SKjO4VtM-01019-00215888-00216175 now once you overlay our current maps Ch3SKjO4VtM-01020-00216176-00216287 with all of these Ch3SKjO4VtM-01021-00216288-00216715 maps that were redlined maps from the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01022-00216716-00217006 1930s when you overlay that with other Ch3SKjO4VtM-01023-00217007-00217191 red line maps from the private Ch3SKjO4VtM-01024-00217192-00217342 corporations Ch3SKjO4VtM-01025-00217344-00217551 showing where they refused to place Ch3SKjO4VtM-01026-00217552-00217646 hospitals Ch3SKjO4VtM-01027-00217648-00217975 or clinics pharmacies etc and you Ch3SKjO4VtM-01028-00217976-00218151 overlay that Ch3SKjO4VtM-01029-00218152-00218479 with other social factors it is not Ch3SKjO4VtM-01030-00218480-00218598 surprising then Ch3SKjO4VtM-01031-00218600-00218815 that these very communities these very Ch3SKjO4VtM-01032-00218816-00218967 neighborhoods that have been Ch3SKjO4VtM-01033-00218967-00219127 marginalized are the ones with the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01034-00219128-00219294 lowest life expectancy Ch3SKjO4VtM-01035-00219296-00219623 losing on average a generation why does Ch3SKjO4VtM-01036-00219623-00219727 this matter Ch3SKjO4VtM-01037-00219728-00220046 because today we rank 43rd in terms of Ch3SKjO4VtM-01038-00220048-00220191 life expectancy Ch3SKjO4VtM-01039-00220192-00220382 right and if you disaggregate that by Ch3SKjO4VtM-01040-00220383-00220542 race and ethnicity Ch3SKjO4VtM-01041-00220544-00220815 um whites in this country if you were to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01042-00220816-00221006 take all white people in this country Ch3SKjO4VtM-01043-00221007-00221158 and they became their own country they Ch3SKjO4VtM-01044-00221159-00221367 would rank actually 50th Ch3SKjO4VtM-01045-00221367-00221606 in the world in terms of life expectancy Ch3SKjO4VtM-01046-00221607-00221815 if we took all black people in america Ch3SKjO4VtM-01047-00221816-00221951 and they became their own country they Ch3SKjO4VtM-01048-00221952-00222134 would rank 103rd Ch3SKjO4VtM-01049-00222135-00222423 in this um in this in this occurrence Ch3SKjO4VtM-01050-00222423-00222494 and if Ch3SKjO4VtM-01051-00222496-00222751 if you took all indigenous populations Ch3SKjO4VtM-01052-00222752-00222855 in america Ch3SKjO4VtM-01053-00222856-00223071 and they became their own country they Ch3SKjO4VtM-01054-00223071-00223319 would rank 143rd Ch3SKjO4VtM-01055-00223319-00223487 this is really serious the bottom line Ch3SKjO4VtM-01056-00223488-00223671 is that we all could be doing well Ch3SKjO4VtM-01057-00223671-00223942 right we could be doing better and over Ch3SKjO4VtM-01058-00223944-00224134 the next 20 years according to research Ch3SKjO4VtM-01059-00224135-00224342 published by the landsat Ch3SKjO4VtM-01060-00224344-00224623 prior to covet striking actually we were Ch3SKjO4VtM-01061-00224623-00224798 expected to drop 21 Ch3SKjO4VtM-01062-00224800-00225087 places in the ranking to 64th in the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01063-00225088-00225342 world in terms of life expectancy Ch3SKjO4VtM-01064-00225344-00225558 and all of this happening while we are Ch3SKjO4VtM-01065-00225559-00225734 increasingly becoming Ch3SKjO4VtM-01066-00225735-00225975 a more racially diverse society a Ch3SKjO4VtM-01067-00225976-00226191 racially pluralistic society right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01068-00226192-00226367 as the number of racial and ethnic Ch3SKjO4VtM-01069-00226367-00226558 minorities continues to increase Ch3SKjO4VtM-01070-00226559-00226798 our life expectancy is expected to drop Ch3SKjO4VtM-01071-00226800-00227046 this has tremendous um Ch3SKjO4VtM-01072-00227048-00227255 economic and national security not Ch3SKjO4VtM-01073-00227256-00227406 mentioning the moral Ch3SKjO4VtM-01074-00227407-00227663 uh dilemma for us moving forward so we Ch3SKjO4VtM-01075-00227664-00227831 know that policy has been a driving Ch3SKjO4VtM-01076-00227832-00227991 force for many of these inequities in Ch3SKjO4VtM-01077-00227992-00228103 our country right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01078-00228104-00228391 but i want to quickly talk about the the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01079-00228392-00228606 few occurrences right in which we had Ch3SKjO4VtM-01080-00228607-00228806 leaders bold leaders courageous Ch3SKjO4VtM-01081-00228807-00228919 leadership Ch3SKjO4VtM-01082-00228919-00229127 from health equity leaders starting in Ch3SKjO4VtM-01083-00229128-00229239 1789 Ch3SKjO4VtM-01084-00229240-00229398 i'm purposely choosing that since that's Ch3SKjO4VtM-01085-00229400-00229542 when we were Ch3SKjO4VtM-01086-00229544-00229846 formally um meeting Ch3SKjO4VtM-01087-00229848-00230134 as a constitutional republic congress Ch3SKjO4VtM-01088-00230135-00230287 convened we had president Ch3SKjO4VtM-01089-00230288-00230558 george washington um convening as Ch3SKjO4VtM-01090-00230559-00230646 president Ch3SKjO4VtM-01091-00230648-00230855 and at that time there were a group of Ch3SKjO4VtM-01092-00230856-00230991 abolitionists a group Ch3SKjO4VtM-01093-00230992-00231239 of health equity leaders as i would call Ch3SKjO4VtM-01094-00231240-00231446 them who care deeply about the most Ch3SKjO4VtM-01095-00231448-00231663 vulnerable populations among us Ch3SKjO4VtM-01096-00231664-00231831 uh fighting for the rights of people Ch3SKjO4VtM-01097-00231832-00232071 with mental illnesses in america Ch3SKjO4VtM-01098-00232071-00232351 fighting for the homeless fighting for Ch3SKjO4VtM-01099-00232352-00232542 black and indigenous groups Ch3SKjO4VtM-01100-00232544-00232823 right and in 1789 a group of Ch3SKjO4VtM-01101-00232823-00232982 abolitionists strategized and said you Ch3SKjO4VtM-01102-00232983-00233119 know what Ch3SKjO4VtM-01103-00233119-00233382 we have to leverage this moment we need Ch3SKjO4VtM-01104-00233383-00233431 to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01105-00233432-00233767 recruit a policy influencer right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01106-00233767-00233951 and and get that person to push this Ch3SKjO4VtM-01107-00233952-00234175 agenda within the federal government Ch3SKjO4VtM-01108-00234176-00234446 and they did that with benjamin franklin Ch3SKjO4VtM-01109-00234448-00234542 these folks Ch3SKjO4VtM-01110-00234544-00234927 uh basically uh approached him and said Ch3SKjO4VtM-01111-00234928-00235015 benjamin Ch3SKjO4VtM-01112-00235016-00235334 would you use your influence and power Ch3SKjO4VtM-01113-00235335-00235591 to convince your colleagues your peers Ch3SKjO4VtM-01114-00235592-00235703 in congress Ch3SKjO4VtM-01115-00235704-00235903 to do the right thing by not only Ch3SKjO4VtM-01116-00235904-00236055 abolishing slavery Ch3SKjO4VtM-01117-00236056-00236287 and stopping the breakup of children Ch3SKjO4VtM-01118-00236288-00236391 from their mothers Ch3SKjO4VtM-01119-00236392-00236567 the separation of these families Ch3SKjO4VtM-01120-00236567-00236734 enslaved families would you Ch3SKjO4VtM-01121-00236735-00236975 also advocate for them to get proper Ch3SKjO4VtM-01122-00236976-00237134 clothing and food Ch3SKjO4VtM-01123-00237135-00237423 as well as medical care and the like Ch3SKjO4VtM-01124-00237423-00237463 right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01125-00237464-00237703 education and real employment Ch3SKjO4VtM-01126-00237704-00237839 opportunities right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01127-00237840-00238055 and benjamin franklin said yes even Ch3SKjO4VtM-01128-00238056-00238223 though he had been a lifelong slave Ch3SKjO4VtM-01129-00238223-00238294 owner Ch3SKjO4VtM-01130-00238296-00238558 as he aged he matured in his thinking Ch3SKjO4VtM-01131-00238559-00238663 and realized what a Ch3SKjO4VtM-01132-00238664-00238951 horrible institution slavery was and so Ch3SKjO4VtM-01133-00238952-00239087 he did go about Ch3SKjO4VtM-01134-00239088-00239375 uh signing his name to a petition they Ch3SKjO4VtM-01135-00239376-00239503 sent it to congress and if you think Ch3SKjO4VtM-01136-00239504-00239775 we're having a really heated discussion Ch3SKjO4VtM-01137-00239776-00240031 over health equity in america and health Ch3SKjO4VtM-01138-00240032-00240167 reform in america i can Ch3SKjO4VtM-01139-00240167-00240303 promise you it's probably just as Ch3SKjO4VtM-01140-00240304-00240575 equally contentious folks were upset Ch3SKjO4VtM-01141-00240576-00240806 the congress said how dare you benjamin Ch3SKjO4VtM-01142-00240807-00240934 bring up such an issue Ch3SKjO4VtM-01143-00240935-00241175 when you know that we are a newly formed Ch3SKjO4VtM-01144-00241176-00241294 government why would you bring up this Ch3SKjO4VtM-01145-00241296-00241446 contentious issue Ch3SKjO4VtM-01146-00241448-00241751 and so in bullet by bullet congress Ch3SKjO4VtM-01147-00241752-00242046 basically made the uh arguments for why Ch3SKjO4VtM-01148-00242048-00242142 they couldn't stop Ch3SKjO4VtM-01149-00242144-00242358 the separation of children from their Ch3SKjO4VtM-01150-00242359-00242567 mothers why they could not stop the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01151-00242567-00242775 breakup of these enslaved families Ch3SKjO4VtM-01152-00242776-00242951 why they could not provide medical care Ch3SKjO4VtM-01153-00242952-00243087 or education Ch3SKjO4VtM-01154-00243088-00243398 or security etc well we deem the social Ch3SKjO4VtM-01155-00243400-00243519 determinants of health right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01156-00243519-00243846 deemed as critical social factors well Ch3SKjO4VtM-01157-00243848-00244191 um before benjamin franklin could Ch3SKjO4VtM-01158-00244192-00244423 address their petition he died Ch3SKjO4VtM-01159-00244423-00244646 unfortunately three weeks later and that Ch3SKjO4VtM-01160-00244648-00244791 was the first time in u.s history that Ch3SKjO4VtM-01161-00244792-00244855 the light Ch3SKjO4VtM-01162-00244856-00245030 of health equity had dimmed in federal Ch3SKjO4VtM-01163-00245031-00245198 policy it would take us Ch3SKjO4VtM-01164-00245200-00245567 75 years later during a major war the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01165-00245567-00245791 civil war in 1863 Ch3SKjO4VtM-01166-00245792-00246015 before president abraham lincoln and his Ch3SKjO4VtM-01167-00246016-00246151 supporters Ch3SKjO4VtM-01168-00246152-00246398 would be able to with the political Ch3SKjO4VtM-01169-00246400-00246534 stars aligning Ch3SKjO4VtM-01170-00246535-00246879 be able to then negotiate a bill Ch3SKjO4VtM-01171-00246880-00247142 that those in 1789 wanted what we call Ch3SKjO4VtM-01172-00247144-00247255 the freedmen's bureau Ch3SKjO4VtM-01173-00247256-00247558 act and with this bill Ch3SKjO4VtM-01174-00247559-00247927 as contentious as it was there was one Ch3SKjO4VtM-01175-00247928-00247998 provision that was Ch3SKjO4VtM-01176-00248000-00248239 even more contentious so they wanted uh Ch3SKjO4VtM-01177-00248240-00248423 provisions in there to provide food and Ch3SKjO4VtM-01178-00248423-00248510 clothing Ch3SKjO4VtM-01179-00248511-00248806 um education and employment and security Ch3SKjO4VtM-01180-00248807-00248942 for newly freed people Ch3SKjO4VtM-01181-00248944-00249167 right formerly enslaved black people and Ch3SKjO4VtM-01182-00249167-00249271 poor whites Ch3SKjO4VtM-01183-00249271-00249487 who had been displaced as a result of Ch3SKjO4VtM-01184-00249488-00249598 the civil war Ch3SKjO4VtM-01185-00249600-00249894 but there was that one provision the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01186-00249896-00250071 provision to provide medical care health Ch3SKjO4VtM-01187-00250071-00250167 services Ch3SKjO4VtM-01188-00250167-00250391 to these newly free people that just Ch3SKjO4VtM-01189-00250392-00250575 could not get over the finish line Ch3SKjO4VtM-01190-00250576-00250782 and so in the spirit of compromise Ch3SKjO4VtM-01191-00250783-00250942 president lincoln Ch3SKjO4VtM-01192-00250944-00251158 decided to strike that provision Ch3SKjO4VtM-01193-00251159-00251319 provision from the bill well we all know Ch3SKjO4VtM-01194-00251319-00251406 how history Ch3SKjO4VtM-01195-00251407-00251639 how that story ends through history um Ch3SKjO4VtM-01196-00251640-00251767 four weeks later Ch3SKjO4VtM-01197-00251767-00251991 president lincoln was assassinated but Ch3SKjO4VtM-01198-00251992-00252215 his supporters not wanting to squander Ch3SKjO4VtM-01199-00252216-00252391 that opportunity to advance health Ch3SKjO4VtM-01200-00252392-00252519 equity believe Ch3SKjO4VtM-01201-00252519-00252830 that upon reading second reading of that Ch3SKjO4VtM-01202-00252831-00253046 law the freedmen's bureau act that it Ch3SKjO4VtM-01203-00253048-00253279 actually afforded them the opportunity Ch3SKjO4VtM-01204-00253280-00253558 to provide health services to newly Ch3SKjO4VtM-01205-00253559-00253719 freed people Ch3SKjO4VtM-01206-00253719-00253919 so that's why we see what freedmen's Ch3SKjO4VtM-01207-00253919-00254094 hospitals and clinics Ch3SKjO4VtM-01208-00254096-00254334 um around the country we see Ch3SKjO4VtM-01209-00254335-00254487 historically black colleges and Ch3SKjO4VtM-01210-00254488-00254630 universities that were created Ch3SKjO4VtM-01211-00254631-00254887 because of this landmark law but as we Ch3SKjO4VtM-01212-00254888-00255206 have seen in 2020 and 2021 Ch3SKjO4VtM-01213-00255207-00255615 racism does not sleep right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01214-00255616-00255934 and truly the forces uh back then worked Ch3SKjO4VtM-01215-00255935-00256023 overtime Ch3SKjO4VtM-01216-00256023-00256415 to undermine that major health policy Ch3SKjO4VtM-01217-00256416-00256598 addressing the social determinants of Ch3SKjO4VtM-01218-00256600-00256791 health and they succeeded finally on the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01219-00256792-00256942 7th anniversary Ch3SKjO4VtM-01220-00256944-00257358 well it would take us again 150 years Ch3SKjO4VtM-01221-00257359-00257606 to realize another opportunity to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01222-00257607-00257771 provide and create a Ch3SKjO4VtM-01223-00257771-00258094 comprehensive health policy what we call Ch3SKjO4VtM-01224-00258096-00258319 the affordable care act right in many Ch3SKjO4VtM-01225-00258319-00258415 respects Ch3SKjO4VtM-01226-00258416-00258639 mirrored after those provisions in the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01227-00258640-00258782 freedmen's bureau act Ch3SKjO4VtM-01228-00258783-00259030 taking a robust health equity agenda so Ch3SKjO4VtM-01229-00259031-00259158 is it any wonder Ch3SKjO4VtM-01230-00259159-00259391 that that law has been under attack from Ch3SKjO4VtM-01231-00259392-00259630 the very minute it was negotiated Ch3SKjO4VtM-01232-00259631-00259958 up until today no well in the few Ch3SKjO4VtM-01233-00259959-00260063 minutes that i have Ch3SKjO4VtM-01234-00260064-00260342 i just wanted to talk quickly about how Ch3SKjO4VtM-01235-00260344-00260503 we can leverage the political Ch3SKjO4VtM-01236-00260504-00260663 determinants of health Ch3SKjO4VtM-01237-00260664-00260863 you heard me talk about how they involve Ch3SKjO4VtM-01238-00260864-00261055 the systematic process Ch3SKjO4VtM-01239-00261056-00261279 of structuring relationships you heard Ch3SKjO4VtM-01240-00261280-00261415 me mention the homeowner's loan Ch3SKjO4VtM-01241-00261416-00261630 corporation act that redlined america Ch3SKjO4VtM-01242-00261631-00261679 right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01243-00261680-00261958 an act of the federal government in Ch3SKjO4VtM-01244-00261959-00262015 conjunction Ch3SKjO4VtM-01245-00262016-00262223 with state and federal policy makers Ch3SKjO4VtM-01246-00262224-00262439 think about structuring relationships in Ch3SKjO4VtM-01247-00262440-00262663 terms of the anti-miscegenation laws Ch3SKjO4VtM-01248-00262664-00262927 the immigration laws right steeped in Ch3SKjO4VtM-01249-00262928-00263079 racist ideology Ch3SKjO4VtM-01250-00263080-00263406 illegitimacy being one secondly we Ch3SKjO4VtM-01251-00263407-00263519 talked about how it Ch3SKjO4VtM-01252-00263520-00263758 is about distributing resources right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01253-00263759-00263991 think about the appropriations process Ch3SKjO4VtM-01254-00263992-00264215 think about testing kits or the lack Ch3SKjO4VtM-01255-00264216-00264295 thereof Ch3SKjO4VtM-01256-00264296-00264519 and the distribution of vaccines today Ch3SKjO4VtM-01257-00264520-00264710 right the political determinants Ch3SKjO4VtM-01258-00264711-00265023 at play shouldn't be surprising and it Ch3SKjO4VtM-01259-00265024-00265151 shouldn't be surprising then Ch3SKjO4VtM-01260-00265152-00265358 that there's been a dearth of health Ch3SKjO4VtM-01261-00265359-00265463 policies Ch3SKjO4VtM-01262-00265464-00265743 bolstering equity in america and then Ch3SKjO4VtM-01263-00265744-00265934 thirdly we talked about how this process Ch3SKjO4VtM-01264-00265935-00266110 involves administering power right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01265-00266111-00266287 this includes redistricting Ch3SKjO4VtM-01266-00266288-00266447 gerrymandering etc Ch3SKjO4VtM-01267-00266448-00266710 and it operates in waves and operates Ch3SKjO4VtM-01268-00266711-00266847 simultaneously right in ways that Ch3SKjO4VtM-01269-00266848-00267023 mutually reinforce one another Ch3SKjO4VtM-01270-00267024-00267375 as we have seen well i want to close by Ch3SKjO4VtM-01271-00267376-00267471 just bringing your Ch3SKjO4VtM-01272-00267472-00267679 your attention to this if you certainly Ch3SKjO4VtM-01273-00267680-00267839 want to learn more about Ch3SKjO4VtM-01274-00267840-00268167 um how these levers can be pushed and Ch3SKjO4VtM-01275-00268168-00268351 pulled to affect the changes that you Ch3SKjO4VtM-01276-00268352-00268479 seek in your community Ch3SKjO4VtM-01277-00268480-00268687 i encourage you to read the book the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01278-00268688-00268863 political determinants of health Ch3SKjO4VtM-01279-00268864-00269119 but but right now i just want to quickly Ch3SKjO4VtM-01280-00269120-00269295 make this comment and it's the fact that Ch3SKjO4VtM-01281-00269296-00269527 to advance health equity Ch3SKjO4VtM-01282-00269528-00269823 in america at this level you must Ch3SKjO4VtM-01283-00269824-00270063 demonstrate the value of investing Ch3SKjO4VtM-01284-00270064-00270319 in change you see in our country Ch3SKjO4VtM-01285-00270320-00270534 advocates must understand Ch3SKjO4VtM-01286-00270535-00270799 the disquieting and the harsh truth that Ch3SKjO4VtM-01287-00270800-00270982 the political determinants of health Ch3SKjO4VtM-01288-00270983-00271071 inequities Ch3SKjO4VtM-01289-00271072-00271334 have rarely been addressed unless their Ch3SKjO4VtM-01290-00271335-00271551 reduction or elimination served other Ch3SKjO4VtM-01291-00271552-00271727 purposes Ch3SKjO4VtM-01292-00271728-00271934 the success of any health equity Ch3SKjO4VtM-01293-00271935-00272103 advocacy Ch3SKjO4VtM-01294-00272104-00272375 depends on how palatable they are to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01295-00272376-00272439 commercial Ch3SKjO4VtM-01296-00272440-00272623 interest and whether there is an Ch3SKjO4VtM-01297-00272624-00272839 investment value to the government Ch3SKjO4VtM-01298-00272840-00273055 for the dearth of policies that we were Ch3SKjO4VtM-01299-00273056-00273271 able to realize in this country Ch3SKjO4VtM-01300-00273272-00273510 it's very clear that the only reason why Ch3SKjO4VtM-01301-00273511-00273663 they were able to get over that finish Ch3SKjO4VtM-01302-00273664-00273719 line Ch3SKjO4VtM-01303-00273720-00274079 was they understood that notion right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01304-00274080-00274399 and aligned it with such so Ch3SKjO4VtM-01305-00274400-00274710 rarely does an advocacy effort succeed Ch3SKjO4VtM-01306-00274711-00274943 if it significantly interferes or Ch3SKjO4VtM-01307-00274944-00275119 undermines commercial activities or Ch3SKjO4VtM-01308-00275120-00275255 national security Ch3SKjO4VtM-01309-00275256-00275423 something to think about right as we are Ch3SKjO4VtM-01310-00275424-00275575 being more strategic Ch3SKjO4VtM-01311-00275576-00275799 well i want to talk about the good news Ch3SKjO4VtM-01312-00275800-00275895 though Ch3SKjO4VtM-01313-00275896-00276143 so i am a cup runner over person and i Ch3SKjO4VtM-01314-00276144-00276310 hope folks haven't heard my talk and say Ch3SKjO4VtM-01315-00276311-00276551 oh my gosh this is depressing Ch3SKjO4VtM-01316-00276552-00276758 there's been a dearth of policies good Ch3SKjO4VtM-01317-00276759-00276999 lord it takes 150 years to realize this Ch3SKjO4VtM-01318-00277000-00277071 stuff Ch3SKjO4VtM-01319-00277072-00277334 well i actually believe we are in a Ch3SKjO4VtM-01320-00277335-00277479 wonderful era now Ch3SKjO4VtM-01321-00277480-00277710 and sometimes we need to have Ch3SKjO4VtM-01322-00277711-00277919 experienced and witnessed what we did to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01323-00277920-00277967 shock Ch3SKjO4VtM-01324-00277968-00278182 our conscience uh to make sure that we Ch3SKjO4VtM-01325-00278183-00278319 don't lose focus Ch3SKjO4VtM-01326-00278320-00278527 um you know or else we are doomed to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01327-00278528-00278758 repeat uh what happened in the past to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01328-00278759-00278895 undermine these laws so Ch3SKjO4VtM-01329-00278896-00279039 the good news is that the structural Ch3SKjO4VtM-01330-00279040-00279303 barriers and the uh resulting inequities Ch3SKjO4VtM-01331-00279304-00279463 they're not permanent Ch3SKjO4VtM-01332-00279464-00279647 but it will take greater action and Ch3SKjO4VtM-01333-00279648-00279799 collective agreement Ch3SKjO4VtM-01334-00279800-00279982 from individuals from all of us Ch3SKjO4VtM-01335-00279983-00280263 committed to stopping out inequities Ch3SKjO4VtM-01336-00280264-00280423 and and formulate and execute the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01337-00280424-00280703 strategies and the policies to overcome Ch3SKjO4VtM-01338-00280704-00280767 them Ch3SKjO4VtM-01339-00280768-00280999 so you know unless we do these things Ch3SKjO4VtM-01340-00281000-00281158 we're going to make little progress in Ch3SKjO4VtM-01341-00281159-00281367 keeping the social determinants Ch3SKjO4VtM-01342-00281368-00281567 in check so here are five things that i Ch3SKjO4VtM-01343-00281568-00281758 think can help us move that needle Ch3SKjO4VtM-01344-00281759-00281975 um toward health equity the first is Ch3SKjO4VtM-01345-00281976-00282167 that we have to continue engaging Ch3SKjO4VtM-01346-00282168-00282367 in these tough conversations right we're Ch3SKjO4VtM-01347-00282368-00282719 in a very partisan highly polarized Ch3SKjO4VtM-01348-00282720-00282919 time but i do think it is so important Ch3SKjO4VtM-01349-00282920-00283071 that we talk to folks Ch3SKjO4VtM-01350-00283072-00283327 about race place and class whether we Ch3SKjO4VtM-01351-00283328-00283471 like it or not it's important to have Ch3SKjO4VtM-01352-00283472-00283695 these discussions and we got to advocate Ch3SKjO4VtM-01353-00283696-00283879 for a full commitment to tackling health Ch3SKjO4VtM-01354-00283880-00284206 inequities upstream in all areas Ch3SKjO4VtM-01355-00284207-00284430 we have to work upstream we certainly Ch3SKjO4VtM-01356-00284431-00284654 must really venture further Ch3SKjO4VtM-01357-00284655-00284854 coming out of our comfort zones to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01358-00284855-00285039 address the social Ch3SKjO4VtM-01359-00285040-00285254 and the political determinants of health Ch3SKjO4VtM-01360-00285255-00285367 inequities Ch3SKjO4VtM-01361-00285368-00285599 understanding when they are at play Ch3SKjO4VtM-01362-00285600-00285767 right it could be a little confusing Ch3SKjO4VtM-01363-00285768-00285975 but we must dig down drill down d to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01364-00285976-00286206 understand that delineation Ch3SKjO4VtM-01365-00286207-00286382 then we have to research the history of Ch3SKjO4VtM-01366-00286383-00286606 our communities and address the past Ch3SKjO4VtM-01367-00286607-00286895 policies and programs at all levels that Ch3SKjO4VtM-01368-00286896-00287006 created Ch3SKjO4VtM-01369-00287007-00287239 and have perpetuated inequities right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01370-00287240-00287391 remembering that Ch3SKjO4VtM-01371-00287392-00287727 exclusion has always been easier to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01372-00287728-00287791 realize Ch3SKjO4VtM-01373-00287792-00288119 in policy than inclusion then we must do Ch3SKjO4VtM-01374-00288120-00288206 a better job Ch3SKjO4VtM-01375-00288207-00288351 strengthening our networks and Ch3SKjO4VtM-01376-00288352-00288551 engagement with the communities that Ch3SKjO4VtM-01377-00288552-00288719 have been closest to the pain and the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01378-00288720-00288815 problem Ch3SKjO4VtM-01379-00288816-00289134 working with them to address these Ch3SKjO4VtM-01380-00289135-00289334 issues and then lastly just want to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01381-00289335-00289487 leave you with this thought Ch3SKjO4VtM-01382-00289488-00289695 that you know we have to understand that Ch3SKjO4VtM-01383-00289696-00289871 health equity begins Ch3SKjO4VtM-01384-00289872-00290071 and it ends with the political Ch3SKjO4VtM-01385-00290072-00290279 determinants of health Ch3SKjO4VtM-01386-00290280-00290447 again i want to thank you all so much Ch3SKjO4VtM-01387-00290448-00290623 for the privilege of your time Ch3SKjO4VtM-01388-00290624-00290879 and i want to thank professor mitchell Ch3SKjO4VtM-01389-00290880-00290927 and dr Ch3SKjO4VtM-01390-00290928-00291287 warren and um all of all of you for the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01391-00291288-00291463 the opportunity to share these uh Ch3SKjO4VtM-01392-00291464-00291599 thoughts with you tonight Ch3SKjO4VtM-01393-00291600-00291799 so i will stop sharing and i believe we Ch3SKjO4VtM-01394-00291800-00291934 have a few minutes to take some Ch3SKjO4VtM-01395-00291935-00292119 questions right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01396-00292120-00292567 fantastic overwhelming and Ch3SKjO4VtM-01397-00292568-00292895 we've moved from talking about a problem Ch3SKjO4VtM-01398-00292896-00293158 to doing something to resolve it let us Ch3SKjO4VtM-01399-00293159-00293223 get the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01400-00293224-00293395 first two questions from our Ch3SKjO4VtM-01401-00293396-00293551 co-moderators Ch3SKjO4VtM-01402-00293552-00293887 either uh chloe or keona what what Ch3SKjO4VtM-01403-00293888-00293967 question bern Ch3SKjO4VtM-01404-00293968-00294919 you that you'd like to ask professor Ch3SKjO4VtM-01405-00294920-00295143 i can start one of the questions that i Ch3SKjO4VtM-01406-00295144-00295319 was thinking about really overlapped Ch3SKjO4VtM-01407-00295320-00295391 with um Ch3SKjO4VtM-01408-00295392-00295558 one of the questions that popped up in Ch3SKjO4VtM-01409-00295559-00295758 the chat so to just Ch3SKjO4VtM-01410-00295759-00295967 kind of get it knock both of these out Ch3SKjO4VtM-01411-00295968-00296079 it's like how do you see Ch3SKjO4VtM-01412-00296080-00296254 a single-payer health system fitting Ch3SKjO4VtM-01413-00296255-00296519 into this picture or the resistance to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01414-00296520-00296679 a single-payer health system in the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01415-00296680-00296847 united states Ch3SKjO4VtM-01416-00296848-00297023 yeah that's a great great question i Ch3SKjO4VtM-01417-00297024-00297191 think it's very clear Ch3SKjO4VtM-01418-00297192-00297415 that um when we think about single-payer Ch3SKjO4VtM-01419-00297416-00297615 there are certainly pros and cons to it Ch3SKjO4VtM-01420-00297616-00297671 right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01421-00297672-00297879 um pros being that it deals with the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01422-00297880-00298039 fragmentation in this Ch3SKjO4VtM-01423-00298040-00298358 um country it deals with the um issues Ch3SKjO4VtM-01424-00298359-00298510 of interoperability it Ch3SKjO4VtM-01425-00298511-00298823 provides universal health coverage to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01426-00298824-00298919 groups that have Ch3SKjO4VtM-01427-00298920-00299079 long been excluded from our health Ch3SKjO4VtM-01428-00299080-00299247 system who've been locked out of the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01429-00299248-00299463 system quite frankly Ch3SKjO4VtM-01430-00299464-00299679 i certainly think that in light of all Ch3SKjO4VtM-01431-00299680-00299806 that we witnessed and i will Ch3SKjO4VtM-01432-00299807-00300006 say you know having worked on the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01433-00300007-00300143 affordable care act Ch3SKjO4VtM-01434-00300144-00300439 and um you know spending almost every Ch3SKjO4VtM-01435-00300440-00300551 waking hour Ch3SKjO4VtM-01436-00300552-00300782 and graying and showing it now as you Ch3SKjO4VtM-01437-00300783-00300919 can see from my head Ch3SKjO4VtM-01438-00300920-00301263 um that was quite an experience and Ch3SKjO4VtM-01439-00301264-00301510 i think i was a lot more naive back then Ch3SKjO4VtM-01440-00301511-00301575 um Ch3SKjO4VtM-01441-00301576-00301919 probably uh more optimistic Ch3SKjO4VtM-01442-00301920-00302206 that we would be able to create that Ch3SKjO4VtM-01443-00302207-00302358 universal Ch3SKjO4VtM-01444-00302359-00302591 health care coverage and system that we Ch3SKjO4VtM-01445-00302592-00302727 all desire Ch3SKjO4VtM-01446-00302728-00303015 but um i i i will say that it was Ch3SKjO4VtM-01447-00303016-00303143 extremely difficult Ch3SKjO4VtM-01448-00303144-00303382 uh even trying to get the public option Ch3SKjO4VtM-01449-00303383-00303543 right uh to compete Ch3SKjO4VtM-01450-00303544-00303719 in the health insurance exchanges in the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01451-00303720-00303871 health insurance marketplace Ch3SKjO4VtM-01452-00303872-00304158 with these uh private health insurance Ch3SKjO4VtM-01453-00304159-00304247 companies Ch3SKjO4VtM-01454-00304248-00304615 so i i think for me Ch3SKjO4VtM-01455-00304616-00304847 my goal is certainly health insurance or Ch3SKjO4VtM-01456-00304848-00304999 universal health care Ch3SKjO4VtM-01457-00305000-00305247 coverage to the extent that we can get Ch3SKjO4VtM-01458-00305248-00305479 it realizing that it is an Ch3SKjO4VtM-01459-00305480-00305879 uphill battle if you try to venture out Ch3SKjO4VtM-01460-00305880-00306175 as i have said earlier um not aligning Ch3SKjO4VtM-01461-00306176-00306391 that policy with a commercial interest Ch3SKjO4VtM-01462-00306392-00306623 or making that government investment Ch3SKjO4VtM-01463-00306624-00306758 value case Ch3SKjO4VtM-01464-00306759-00307079 so uh i hope that we will be able to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01465-00307080-00307223 realize that vision Ch3SKjO4VtM-01466-00307224-00307479 i'm hopeful that um you know under a Ch3SKjO4VtM-01467-00307480-00307663 biden administration they'll Ch3SKjO4VtM-01468-00307664-00307967 continue that trend of pushing right to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01469-00307968-00308143 get us closer to universal healthcare Ch3SKjO4VtM-01470-00308144-00308199 access Ch3SKjO4VtM-01471-00308200-00308447 but again i don't see single-payer uh in Ch3SKjO4VtM-01472-00308448-00308519 the future Ch3SKjO4VtM-01473-00308520-00308823 for us um any time soon Ch3SKjO4VtM-01474-00308824-00309182 awful question and answer Ch3SKjO4VtM-01475-00309183-00309454 clear chloe thank you hi i just wanted Ch3SKjO4VtM-01476-00309455-00309575 to thank you first for a wonderful Ch3SKjO4VtM-01477-00309576-00309751 presentation and also for adding depth Ch3SKjO4VtM-01478-00309752-00309982 and context to my personal experiences Ch3SKjO4VtM-01479-00309983-00310151 as a black woman in america Ch3SKjO4VtM-01480-00310152-00310471 um my question was more of a what Ch3SKjO4VtM-01481-00310472-00310623 is your opinion or what would you say to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01482-00310624-00310775 those who Ch3SKjO4VtM-01483-00310776-00310927 i'm sure you heard the term everyone Ch3SKjO4VtM-01484-00310928-00311095 can't be at the top so Ch3SKjO4VtM-01485-00311096-00311247 what would you say moving forward i mean Ch3SKjO4VtM-01486-00311248-00311391 everyone can't live in a nice Ch3SKjO4VtM-01487-00311392-00311487 neighborhood Ch3SKjO4VtM-01488-00311488-00311606 we just don't have the resources for Ch3SKjO4VtM-01489-00311607-00311806 that so what what Ch3SKjO4VtM-01490-00311807-00311951 would you say moving forward should be Ch3SKjO4VtM-01491-00311952-00312095 done or how can we make things more Ch3SKjO4VtM-01492-00312096-00312167 equitable Ch3SKjO4VtM-01493-00312168-00312454 for everyone to live knowing that we are Ch3SKjO4VtM-01494-00312455-00312591 on earth and things that aren't just Ch3SKjO4VtM-01495-00312592-00312839 going to be completely equal Ch3SKjO4VtM-01496-00312840-00313095 so if i could push back on that i Ch3SKjO4VtM-01497-00313096-00313230 actually believe that we Ch3SKjO4VtM-01498-00313231-00313551 all can live in a nice neighborhood Ch3SKjO4VtM-01499-00313552-00313639 right and we all Ch3SKjO4VtM-01500-00313640-00313903 should believing be living in a nice Ch3SKjO4VtM-01501-00313904-00313999 neighborhood Ch3SKjO4VtM-01502-00314000-00314295 we should all be afforded right a fair Ch3SKjO4VtM-01503-00314296-00314399 opportunity Ch3SKjO4VtM-01504-00314400-00314575 to thrive and that's what equity is all Ch3SKjO4VtM-01505-00314576-00314823 about right of course it is about giving Ch3SKjO4VtM-01506-00314824-00314982 people what they need when they need it Ch3SKjO4VtM-01507-00314983-00315143 in the amount that they need Ch3SKjO4VtM-01508-00315144-00315479 in order to thrive and so i believe that Ch3SKjO4VtM-01509-00315480-00315647 the goal should be that everyone gets to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01510-00315648-00315782 live in a nice neighborhood Ch3SKjO4VtM-01511-00315783-00315895 and that they should not be Ch3SKjO4VtM-01512-00315896-00316167 disadvantaged um from such Ch3SKjO4VtM-01513-00316168-00316558 so i i actually um you know would kindly Ch3SKjO4VtM-01514-00316559-00316654 push back Ch3SKjO4VtM-01515-00316655-00316854 to say that i do believe we all should Ch3SKjO4VtM-01516-00316855-00316958 be striving Ch3SKjO4VtM-01517-00316959-00317182 uh for that goal and we all can i've Ch3SKjO4VtM-01518-00317183-00317406 heard that argument that oh you know Ch3SKjO4VtM-01519-00317407-00317687 the poor will always be among us and um Ch3SKjO4VtM-01520-00317688-00317743 you know Ch3SKjO4VtM-01521-00317744-00318023 and they use that as an excuse when we Ch3SKjO4VtM-01522-00318024-00318230 are negotiating policy Ch3SKjO4VtM-01523-00318231-00318439 to deny certain groups i totally Ch3SKjO4VtM-01524-00318440-00318606 disagree with that and i think we've got Ch3SKjO4VtM-01525-00318607-00318654 to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01526-00318655-00318879 you know push back on that sort of Ch3SKjO4VtM-01527-00318880-00319006 notion right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01528-00319007-00319303 uh moving forward because i do think uh Ch3SKjO4VtM-01529-00319304-00319406 everyone Ch3SKjO4VtM-01530-00319407-00319575 should be given that fair opportunity Ch3SKjO4VtM-01531-00319576-00319823 and we can resources are plenty that's Ch3SKjO4VtM-01532-00319824-00319982 why you never see me use Ch3SKjO4VtM-01533-00319983-00320239 that uh image of the boxes and then have Ch3SKjO4VtM-01534-00320240-00320358 folks talk about okay i'm gonna take the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01535-00320359-00320503 box and give to this one Ch3SKjO4VtM-01536-00320504-00320727 no i believe we have a lot of resources Ch3SKjO4VtM-01537-00320728-00320839 in this country Ch3SKjO4VtM-01538-00320840-00320999 and we can align them with the greatest Ch3SKjO4VtM-01539-00321000-00321334 need if there is the will to do so Ch3SKjO4VtM-01540-00321335-00321527 completely agree thank you all right Ch3SKjO4VtM-01541-00321528-00321679 thanks chloe Ch3SKjO4VtM-01542-00321680-00321951 christine it's mitchell i can see a Ch3SKjO4VtM-01543-00321952-00322430 burning question coming from you Ch3SKjO4VtM-01544-00322431-00322782 your leaders regrettably we are at a Ch3SKjO4VtM-01545-00322783-00322975 time when we have to stop Ch3SKjO4VtM-01546-00322976-00323215 partly because daniel has to teach a Ch3SKjO4VtM-01547-00323216-00323351 class Ch3SKjO4VtM-01548-00323352-00323606 so we need to let him go but i really Ch3SKjO4VtM-01549-00323607-00323703 want to thank you Ch3SKjO4VtM-01550-00323704-00324047 both for your compassion and your Ch3SKjO4VtM-01551-00324048-00324423 analysis as well as your Ch3SKjO4VtM-01552-00324424-00324695 hopefulness and optimism about what's Ch3SKjO4VtM-01553-00324696-00324815 possible Ch3SKjO4VtM-01554-00324816-00325110 it you you briefly mentioned your book Ch3SKjO4VtM-01555-00325111-00325247 but i just want to say Ch3SKjO4VtM-01556-00325248-00325551 a lot of the um Ch3SKjO4VtM-01557-00325552-00325871 summary that daniel gave us about what Ch3SKjO4VtM-01558-00325872-00326134 has happened in united states history Ch3SKjO4VtM-01559-00326135-00326454 that politically determined what the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01560-00326455-00326663 social determinants of health have been Ch3SKjO4VtM-01561-00326664-00326758 in our country Ch3SKjO4VtM-01562-00326759-00327079 is in the second chapter of his book Ch3SKjO4VtM-01563-00327080-00327382 along with a much more detailed analysis Ch3SKjO4VtM-01564-00327383-00327687 of those of how to influence those Ch3SKjO4VtM-01565-00327688-00327887 political determinants in order to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01566-00327888-00328134 improve opportunities for health Ch3SKjO4VtM-01567-00328135-00328439 so among all of us so thank you Ch3SKjO4VtM-01568-00328440-00328910 so much daniel um i want to also remind Ch3SKjO4VtM-01569-00328911-00329191 people as some of you will have seen in Ch3SKjO4VtM-01570-00329192-00329327 the chat Ch3SKjO4VtM-01571-00329328-00329639 that there is one more Ch3SKjO4VtM-01572-00329640-00329919 webinar coming up in our series this Ch3SKjO4VtM-01573-00329920-00330071 month Ch3SKjO4VtM-01574-00330072-00330447 and next wednesday dana bowen matthew Ch3SKjO4VtM-01575-00330448-00330623 will be with us to talk about the Ch3SKjO4VtM-01576-00330624-00330815 history of structural racism Ch3SKjO4VtM-01577-00330816-00331103 in charlottesville and our colleague Ch3SKjO4VtM-01578-00331104-00331263 lachlan has put a couple of Ch3SKjO4VtM-01579-00331264-00331567 links to materials that would be useful Ch3SKjO4VtM-01580-00331568-00331927 to look over if you have a chance before Ch3SKjO4VtM-01581-00331928-00332182 registering and being present next Ch3SKjO4VtM-01582-00332183-00332263 wednesday Ch3SKjO4VtM-01583-00332264-00332775 to meet and chat with dana bowen matthew Ch3SKjO4VtM-01584-00332776-00332982 i want to thank our two students in Ch3SKjO4VtM-01585-00332983-00333215 addition to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01586-00333216-00333551 daniel dawes and also encourage those of Ch3SKjO4VtM-01587-00333552-00333734 you who are going to join us Ch3SKjO4VtM-01588-00333735-00334063 in the subsequent hour for debriefing Ch3SKjO4VtM-01589-00334064-00334327 and talking about this presentation Ch3SKjO4VtM-01590-00334328-00334654 among the students at tuskegee institute Ch3SKjO4VtM-01591-00334655-00334999 and at harvard Ch3SKjO4VtM-01592-00335000-00335206 ashley are there more things we need to Ch3SKjO4VtM-01593-00335207-00335439 say Ch3SKjO4VtM-01594-00335440-00335639 nope that's it so thank you all so much Ch3SKjO4VtM-01595-00335640-00335823 for attending and we hope to see you Ch3SKjO4VtM-01596-00335824-00336320 next week