TuFngeUxXSM-00000-00001055-00001215 in the name of allah TuFngeUxXSM-00001-00001216-00002883 most gracious most merciful TuFngeUxXSM-00002-00002884-00005399 foreign TuFngeUxXSM-00003-00005400-00005702 and listens to its lord and it TuFngeUxXSM-00004-00005703-00006031 must do so and when the earth is TuFngeUxXSM-00005-00006032-00006431 stretched out and has cast out what was TuFngeUxXSM-00006-00006431-00006734 within it and became empty TuFngeUxXSM-00007-00006736-00007070 and listens to its lord and it must do TuFngeUxXSM-00009-00012140-00012406 [Music] TuFngeUxXSM-00010-00012407-00012623 indeed you are returning towards your TuFngeUxXSM-00011-00012624-00012742 lord TuFngeUxXSM-00012-00012743-00013247 are sure returning so you will meet him TuFngeUxXSM-00013-00013247-00013558 then as for him who is given his record TuFngeUxXSM-00014-00013559-00013871 in his right hand he shall then be TuFngeUxXSM-00015-00013872-00014215 judged with an easy recording TuFngeUxXSM-00016-00014216-00014494 and he shall return to his family TuFngeUxXSM-00017-00014495-00014647 rejoicing TuFngeUxXSM-00018-00014647-00014943 and as for him who is given his record TuFngeUxXSM-00019-00014944-00015094 behind his back TuFngeUxXSM-00020-00015095-00015438 he shall call for death and he shall TuFngeUxXSM-00021-00015440-00017921 enter to burn in a blazing fire TuFngeUxXSM-00022-00017922-00018283 [Music] TuFngeUxXSM-00023-00018284-00020343 foreign TuFngeUxXSM-00024-00020344-00020694 indeed he had been among his family TuFngeUxXSM-00025-00020695-00021055 in joy indeed he thought that he would TuFngeUxXSM-00026-00021056-00021367 never return to allah but yes TuFngeUxXSM-00027-00021368-00021758 indeed his lord was ever watching him TuFngeUxXSM-00028-00021759-00022111 so no i swear by the twilight TuFngeUxXSM-00029-00022112-00022407 and the night and what it gathers and TuFngeUxXSM-00030-00022408-00022471 the moon TuFngeUxXSM-00031-00022472-00022791 when it becomes full then TuFngeUxXSM-00032-00022792-00023883 you will surely embark upon state after TuFngeUxXSM-00033-00023884-00025367 state TuFngeUxXSM-00034-00025368-00025655 then what is the matter with them they TuFngeUxXSM-00035-00025656-00025806 do not believe TuFngeUxXSM-00036-00025807-00026158 and when the quran is recited to them TuFngeUxXSM-00037-00026160-00026487 they do not fall prostrate TuFngeUxXSM-00038-00026488-00028233 but those who disbelieve they deny TuFngeUxXSM-00039-00028235-00029483 [Music] TuFngeUxXSM-00040-00029483-00029614 foreign TuFngeUxXSM-00041-00029616-00029967 best what they are gathering so TuFngeUxXSM-00042-00029968-00030239 and give them the tidings of a painful TuFngeUxXSM-00043-00030239-00030374 punishment TuFngeUxXSM-00044-00030375-00030662 except for those who believe and TuFngeUxXSM-00045-00030663-00030823 righteous deeds TuFngeUxXSM-00046-00030824-00031627 for them is a reward TuFngeUxXSM-00047-00031627-00031927 uninterrupted TuQWrJxv6-g-00000-00000000-00000199 what up peeps so the road trip is TuQWrJxv6-g-00001-00000200-00000407 beginning i'm with my dad we are on our TuQWrJxv6-g-00002-00000408-00000455 way TuQWrJxv6-g-00003-00000456-00000671 to visit my brother st louis here we TuQWrJxv6-g-00004-00000672-00000759 come it says TuQWrJxv6-g-00005-00000760-00001079 we are gonna arrive at 4 a.m i'm gonna TuQWrJxv6-g-00006-00001080-00001223 try and knock it down a little bit when TuQWrJxv6-g-00007-00001224-00001287 i drive TuQWrJxv6-g-00008-00001288-00001462 i told her not to drive too fast while TuQWrJxv6-g-00009-00001463-00001639 i'm sleeping my dad taught me how to TuQWrJxv6-g-00010-00001639-00001823 drive and he complains that i drive TuQWrJxv6-g-00011-00001823-00002575 too fast but i learned from you TuQWrJxv6-g-00012-00002576-00002799 that's what i like to hear my road rage TuQWrJxv6-g-00013-00002800-00003007 dad is coming back now TuQWrJxv6-g-00014-00003008-00003175 that's how i learned how to drive with TuQWrJxv6-g-00015-00003176-00003319 the anger and rage TuQWrJxv6-g-00016-00003320-00003527 this big truck caught him off i'm gonna TuQWrJxv6-g-00017-00003528-00003670 take my first TuQWrJxv6-g-00018-00003671-00003983 nap TuQWrJxv6-g-00019-00003984-00004215 for 36 miles it wasn't talking to me it TuQWrJxv6-g-00020-00004216-00004359 wasn't telling me what to TuQWrJxv6-g-00021-00004360-00004686 do it did i'm sitting here editing a TuQWrJxv6-g-00022-00004687-00004831 little bit and the sun's setting TuQWrJxv6-g-00023-00004832-00005038 it's really pretty this weird gas TuQWrJxv6-g-00024-00005039-00005215 station market that has TuQWrJxv6-g-00025-00005216-00005415 mcdonald's how much is gas for you guys TuQWrJxv6-g-00026-00005416-00005591 live it was like 219 here TuQWrJxv6-g-00027-00005592-00005783 in ohio i haven't gotten mcdonald's in TuQWrJxv6-g-00028-00005784-00005983 so long i forgot how small like look how TuQWrJxv6-g-00029-00005984-00006167 thin this cheeseburger is TuQWrJxv6-g-00030-00006168-00006343 it's so little it's like all it's all TuQWrJxv6-g-00031-00006344-00006567 bun i got the two TuQWrJxv6-g-00032-00006568-00006831 cheeseburger combo back to driving i'm TuQWrJxv6-g-00033-00006831-00007070 taking the wheel and my dad said i'm not TuQWrJxv6-g-00034-00007072-00007384 allowed to film and drive TuQWrJxv6-g-00035-00007384-00007710 [Music] TuQWrJxv6-g-00036-00007711-00007998 my legs are so sore my dad is off the TuQWrJxv6-g-00037-00008000-00008039 wall TuQWrJxv6-g-00038-00008040-00008319 annoying and he won't leave me alone i TuQWrJxv6-g-00039-00008320-00008503 like to take this off TuQWrJxv6-g-00040-00008504-00008759 he's a backseat driver screaming at me TuQWrJxv6-g-00041-00008760-00008863 like every TuQWrJxv6-g-00042-00008864-00009142 five seconds literally he's sleeping and TuQWrJxv6-g-00043-00009143-00009174 he's TuQWrJxv6-g-00044-00009175-00009342 putting his hands up like waking up as TuQWrJxv6-g-00045-00009343-00009542 if he's gonna put the brakes on i can't TuQWrJxv6-g-00046-00009543-00009719 take it and i'm not even driving it i'm TuQWrJxv6-g-00047-00009720-00009846 going fast but TuQWrJxv6-g-00048-00009847-00010295 not crazy oh my god my legs hurt TuQWrJxv6-g-00049-00010296-00010559 you're annoying you are annoying i'm TuQWrJxv6-g-00050-00010560-00010791 talking about how annoying you are oh TuQWrJxv6-g-00051-00010792-00011014 let's put this back well we're probably TuQWrJxv6-g-00052-00011015-00011167 not going to wear a mask in my brother's TuQWrJxv6-g-00053-00011168-00011342 house but in the car we're still close TuQWrJxv6-g-00054-00011343-00011455 to each other TuQWrJxv6-g-00055-00011456-00011670 so i wanted to at least wear it you've TuQWrJxv6-g-00056-00011671-00011814 got it he's talking about getting a TuQWrJxv6-g-00057-00011815-00011974 coffee you're not getting coffee you TuQWrJxv6-g-00058-00011975-00012199 need to go to bed it's my job to teach TuQWrJxv6-g-00059-00012200-00012223 you TuQWrJxv6-g-00060-00012224-00012559 you're so annoying what's going on TuQWrJxv6-g-00061-00012560-00012879 are you afraid you're doing pretty good TuQWrJxv6-g-00062-00012880-00013094 not the way you're acting we have an TuQWrJxv6-g-00063-00013095-00013230 hour and a half left TuQWrJxv6-g-00064-00013231-00013479 i want to finish the drive he was TuQWrJxv6-g-00065-00013480-00013575 supposed to go to sleep TuQWrJxv6-g-00066-00013576-00013799 this is bedtime he used to bed at like TuQWrJxv6-g-00067-00013800-00013975 nine o'clock or something crazy like TuQWrJxv6-g-00068-00013976-00014007 that TuQWrJxv6-g-00069-00014008-00014222 anyway i'm just gonna go pee real quick TuQWrJxv6-g-00070-00014223-00014383 we made it and i wanted to show you guys TuQWrJxv6-g-00071-00014384-00014479 something we saved an TuQWrJxv6-g-00072-00014480-00014791 hour and a half i'm so excited i'm here TuQWrJxv6-g-00073-00014791-00015199 what's up peeps jason i made carrot cake TuQWrJxv6-g-00074-00015200-00015335 and i brought it to my brother's house TuQWrJxv6-g-00075-00015336-00015519 that's so good i'm having seconds TuQWrJxv6-g-00076-00015519-00015686 she said she's bringing it to jason but TuQWrJxv6-g-00077-00015687-00015830 yeah i think she made it for herself TuQWrJxv6-g-00078-00015831-00016022 she's going to eat it all TuQWrJxv6-g-00079-00016023-00016271 it's really good 3 a.m i'm gonna have TuQWrJxv6-g-00080-00016272-00016503 sweet dreams TuQWrJxv6-g-00081-00016504-00016758 helping my brother do his garage we're TuQWrJxv6-g-00082-00016759-00016847 cleaning it out TuQWrJxv6-g-00083-00016848-00017079 we might burn that chair for the TuQWrJxv6-g-00084-00017080-00017294 cheerleader TuQWrJxv6-g-00085-00017295-00017430 can i show you a dope car we're TuQWrJxv6-g-00086-00017431-00017583 definitely going to burn the chair jason TuQWrJxv6-g-00087-00017584-00017711 got this dope new car TuQWrJxv6-g-00088-00017712-00017935 brand new it's a what dodge challenger TuQWrJxv6-g-00089-00017936-00018022 charger TuQWrJxv6-g-00090-00018023-00018247 it's really nice i love it the side but TuQWrJxv6-g-00091-00018248-00018414 yeah we are probably going to burn TuQWrJxv6-g-00092-00018415-00018711 this chair later angle of this car it's TuQWrJxv6-g-00093-00018712-00018822 really dope but yeah we're basically TuQWrJxv6-g-00094-00018823-00018967 cleaning out the garage because he wants TuQWrJxv6-g-00095-00018968-00019111 to eventually be able to park his car in TuQWrJxv6-g-00096-00019112-00019222 here TuQWrJxv6-g-00097-00019223-00019519 you should have a haunted house my TuQWrJxv6-g-00098-00019520-00019711 brother just made some steaks on the TuQWrJxv6-g-00099-00019712-00019871 grill it smells so good TuQWrJxv6-g-00100-00019872-00020103 thank you jay you're welcome i used to TuQWrJxv6-g-00101-00020104-00020711 say genku TuQWrJxv6-g-00102-00020712-00020878 look at this yummy dinner my brother TuQWrJxv6-g-00103-00020879-00021063 made for us my brother knows how to cook TuQWrJxv6-g-00104-00021064-00021247 too if you guys didn't know TuQWrJxv6-g-00105-00021248-00021391 you know you really our whole family we TuQWrJxv6-g-00106-00021392-00021535 all know how to cook it's yummy my TuQWrJxv6-g-00107-00021536-00021591 brother has TuQWrJxv6-g-00108-00021592-00021775 one firework leftover from fourth of TuQWrJxv6-g-00109-00021776-00022047 july yeah so we're going to blow it up TuQWrJxv6-g-00110-00022048-00022271 why do you have to get sweet in the gas TuQWrJxv6-g-00111-00022272-00022455 can for what TuQWrJxv6-g-00112-00022456-00022671 for the fireworks oh no we have to wait TuQWrJxv6-g-00113-00022672-00022894 for dad we could do another one tomorrow TuQWrJxv6-g-00114-00022895-00023071 are you serious there's a lot of [__] to TuQWrJxv6-g-00115-00023072-00023230 burn let me see it all right ready i'm TuQWrJxv6-g-00116-00023231-00023391 not gonna put the gas on the floor you TuQWrJxv6-g-00117-00023392-00023463 look like a TuQWrJxv6-g-00118-00023464-00023847 psycho oh my god TuQWrJxv6-g-00119-00023848-00024663 this has a punching bag in his garage TuQWrJxv6-g-00120-00024664-00025283 he was like do it do it do it just punch TuQWrJxv6-g-00121-00025284-00025430 it TuQWrJxv6-g-00122-00025431-00025694 oh my god you got my leg a little bit i TuQWrJxv6-g-00123-00025695-00025774 smell the smoke TuQWrJxv6-g-00124-00025775-00026055 can i see those yeah these are the crazy TuQWrJxv6-g-00125-00026056-00026127 snacks TuQWrJxv6-g-00126-00026127-00026223 i don't know if you guys know the TuQWrJxv6-g-00127-00026224-00026439 difference i'm gonna get you now haha TuQWrJxv6-g-00128-00026439-00026967 get me no don't throw them TuQWrJxv6-g-00129-00026968-00027174 i had to get you back most of this is TuQWrJxv6-g-00130-00027175-00027351 extra materials that he had TuQWrJxv6-g-00131-00027352-00027551 extra wood in his garage that were just TuQWrJxv6-g-00132-00027552-00027711 burning how often do you like these TuQWrJxv6-g-00133-00027712-00027902 crazy fires with gasoline TuQWrJxv6-g-00134-00027904-00028102 it's not that unusual i thought people TuQWrJxv6-g-00135-00028104-00028351 light fires with just a match TuQWrJxv6-g-00136-00028352-00028687 do i have to run TuQWrJxv6-g-00137-00028688-00028846 that happened you're about to burn your TuQWrJxv6-g-00138-00028847-00029007 neighbor's tree though in the back don't TuQWrJxv6-g-00139-00029008-00029207 like TuQWrJxv6-g-00140-00029208-00030743 it's like half in your neighbor's yard TuQWrJxv6-g-00141-00030744-00030927 it's kind of cool though look at that it TuQWrJxv6-g-00142-00030927-00031038 looks so pretty TuQWrJxv6-g-00143-00031039-00031439 [Music] TuQWrJxv6-g-00144-00031439-00031711 he's going to get the hose it's going up TuQWrJxv6-g-00145-00031712-00032127 into the tree TuQWrJxv6-g-00146-00032127-00032279 good thing my dad's sleeping i have to TuQWrJxv6-g-00147-00032280-00032687 turn the hose on TuQWrJxv6-g-00148-00032688-00034151 like the view it's like this gigantic TuQWrJxv6-g-00149-00034152-00034380 wow it's crazy TuQWrJxv6-g-00150-00034381-00034590 [Music] TuQWrJxv6-g-00151-00034591-00034790 oh my god that's so funny you know the TuQWrJxv6-g-00152-00034791-00034943 like handle that you would pull TuQWrJxv6-g-00153-00034944-00035583 to recline it that's right there TuQWrJxv6-g-00154-00035584-00037340 that's the back of the recliner TuQWrJxv6-g-00155-00037341-00037662 [Music] TuQWrJxv6-g-00156-00037663-00038015 all right come back TuQWrJxv6-g-00157-00038016-00038407 [Music] TuQWrJxv6-g-00158-00038408-00038830 who me i know he's like she's so happy TuQWrJxv6-g-00159-00038831-00038999 that's true is this crazy because it TuQWrJxv6-g-00160-00039000-00039159 kind of makes you think we literally TuQWrJxv6-g-00161-00039160-00039287 threw a chair TuQWrJxv6-g-00162-00039288-00039551 in there and how quickly it blew up into TuQWrJxv6-g-00163-00039552-00039718 flames and now it's literally like TuQWrJxv6-g-00164-00039719-00039918 gone and how quick a house could blow up TuQWrJxv6-g-00165-00039919-00040095 in flames you know what i mean TuQWrJxv6-g-00166-00040096-00040262 our house when we grew up our house was TuQWrJxv6-g-00167-00040263-00040455 on fire and then the firemen came we had TuQWrJxv6-g-00168-00040456-00040599 two cats and a dog we had to get the TuQWrJxv6-g-00169-00040600-00040679 animals out TuQWrJxv6-g-00170-00040680-00041039 it was crazy TuQWrJxv6-g-00171-00041040-00041358 no no jeez push it TuQWrJxv6-g-00172-00041359-00042199 in not pull it out TuQWrJxv6-g-00173-00042200-00042471 was just gonna do that you were gonna TuQWrJxv6-g-00174-00042472-00042558 get me back TuQWrJxv6-g-00175-00042559-00042735 that was so quick how did you grab it TuQWrJxv6-g-00176-00042736-00043775 out of the bag that fast Tw0byv0Pyc4-00000-00000186-00000518 I promised another annual report for Tw0byv0Pyc4-00001-00000519-00000956 Center what a year it's been first of Tw0byv0Pyc4-00002-00000957-00001450 all we had gdpr or gin Dubonnet rum and Tw0byv0Pyc4-00003-00001451-00001871 Prosecco as we came to call it here what Tw0byv0Pyc4-00004-00001872-00002255 Apple although it turns out Santa is not Tw0byv0Pyc4-00005-00002256-00002612 in the EU so he's the third country when Tw0byv0Pyc4-00006-00002613-00002891 it comes to data processing you won't Tw0byv0Pyc4-00007-00002892-00003121 believe the difficulties we had Tw0byv0Pyc4-00008-00003122-00003392 persuading the EU that you could trust Tw0byv0Pyc4-00009-00003393-00003659 your children's data with us Indian Tw0byv0Pyc4-00010-00003660-00003851 though we're going to sort it out Tw0byv0Pyc4-00011-00003852-00004145 we created an elf shield which is a Tw0byv0Pyc4-00012-00004146-00004397 super elf magic premises shield that Tw0byv0Pyc4-00013-00004398-00004672 makes all your problems go away Tw0byv0Pyc4-00014-00004673-00004934 but it didn't get rid of the problem of Tw0byv0Pyc4-00015-00004935-00005264 parental consent we can't hold Tw0byv0Pyc4-00016-00005265-00005522 children's data without the parents Tw0byv0Pyc4-00017-00005523-00005852 kissing it wasn't too tricky with the Tw0byv0Pyc4-00018-00005853-00006119 nice list we just sent the old phone and Tw0byv0Pyc4-00019-00006120-00006403 they agreed straight away and signed up Tw0byv0Pyc4-00020-00006404-00006658 and posting the notes of the chili the Tw0byv0Pyc4-00021-00006659-00006970 problem was with the naughty list the Tw0byv0Pyc4-00022-00006972-00007156 parents didn't want their children on Tw0byv0Pyc4-00023-00007158-00007247 the naughty list Tw0byv0Pyc4-00024-00007248-00007565 so we've had to change the way that we Tw0byv0Pyc4-00025-00007566-00007766 do things now we don't have a naughty Tw0byv0Pyc4-00026-00007767-00008129 list and a nice list we only have a nice Tw0byv0Pyc4-00027-00008130-00008432 list so if you're on the nice list or Tw0byv0Pyc4-00028-00008433-00008639 better present and if you're not on any Tw0byv0Pyc4-00029-00008640-00009095 list at all I'm afraid you won't it was Tw0byv0Pyc4-00030-00009096-00009293 at the end of our legal difficulties Tw0byv0Pyc4-00031-00009294-00009593 though we had terrible problems with the Tw0byv0Pyc4-00032-00009594-00009935 snowmen or the snow people as I have to Tw0byv0Pyc4-00033-00009936-00010019 call them now Tw0byv0Pyc4-00034-00010020-00010292 first of all people complained that they Tw0byv0Pyc4-00035-00010293-00010535 were all one gender and then other Tw0byv0Pyc4-00036-00010536-00010736 people complained that you can't tell Tw0byv0Pyc4-00037-00010737-00011009 the gender of a snow person even when Tw0byv0Pyc4-00038-00011010-00011261 they're transitioning if that wasn't Tw0byv0Pyc4-00039-00011262-00011459 complicated enough we had a lot of Tw0byv0Pyc4-00040-00011460-00011714 complaints that the snow people are Tw0byv0Pyc4-00041-00011715-00012119 always white we've had some difficulty Tw0byv0Pyc4-00042-00012120-00012380 creating multicolored snow but we Tw0byv0Pyc4-00043-00012381-00012596 promise you that by next year we'll have Tw0byv0Pyc4-00044-00012597-00012869 it all sorted out and rainbow snow Tw0byv0Pyc4-00045-00012869-00013372 people will be the norm and then the tax Tw0byv0Pyc4-00046-00013372-00013657 gamer's a lot of trouble they st. says Tw0byv0Pyc4-00047-00013658-00013947 something called international reindeer Tw0byv0Pyc4-00048-00013948-00014521 35 or ir35 to you and I and they said Tw0byv0Pyc4-00049-00014522-00014744 that because we tell the reindeer Tw0byv0Pyc4-00050-00014745-00015043 exactly when to work on Christmas Eve Tw0byv0Pyc4-00051-00015044-00015403 and exactly which houses to go to they Tw0byv0Pyc4-00052-00015404-00015760 not really self-employed so we have to Tw0byv0Pyc4-00053-00015761-00015966 deduct tax from the reindeers that Tw0byv0Pyc4-00054-00015968-00016228 invoices through their company and put Tw0byv0Pyc4-00055-00016229-00016591 the rest on payers um the reindeer ORP Tw0byv0Pyc4-00056-00016592-00016630 gnomes Tw0byv0Pyc4-00057-00016631-00016861 they don't like this international Tw0byv0Pyc4-00058-00016862-00017150 reindeer directive but the government is Tw0byv0Pyc4-00059-00017151-00017539 adamant that made it no longer to be Tw0byv0Pyc4-00060-00017540-00017914 viewed as self-employment we have our Tw0byv0Pyc4-00061-00017915-00018277 difficulties in Santa's land we've Tw0byv0Pyc4-00062-00018278-00018475 always tried to comply with Tw0byv0Pyc4-00063-00018476-00018828 international law but dare I mention Tw0byv0Pyc4-00064-00018829-00019333 brexit so many people had to be taken Tw0byv0Pyc4-00065-00019334-00019621 off the nice list as a result of all the Tw0byv0Pyc4-00066-00019622-00019915 shenanigans around that at least we've Tw0byv0Pyc4-00067-00019916-00020212 got a much smaller distribution Aesir Tw0byv0Pyc4-00068-00020213-00020556 but I promise you that you're on the Tw0byv0Pyc4-00069-00020557-00020934 nice list if your compiler gdpr and if Tw0byv0Pyc4-00070-00020935-00021196 you're struggling with the international Tw0byv0Pyc4-00071-00021197-00021493 reindeer directive I'd like to take this Tw0byv0Pyc4-00072-00021494-00021753 opportunity to wish you a very happy Tw0byv0Pyc4-00073-00021754-00022012 Christmas and New Year and you know Tw0byv0Pyc4-00074-00022013-00022230 we'll be working you with you wherever Tw0byv0Pyc4-00075-00022231-00022566 you are as soon as the new year starts Tw0byv0Pyc4-00076-00022567-00022891 lots of love from all the coffee klatch Tw0byv0Pyc4-00077-00022892-00023148 elves Tzv3ZtcxJPY-00000-00000051-00000374 in mathematical physics space times Tzv3ZtcxJPY-00001-00000375-00000590 are Lorentzian manifolds admitting a Tzv3ZtcxJPY-00002-00000591-00000817 geodesic null congruence with vanishing Tzv3ZtcxJPY-00003-00000818-00001127 optical scalars expansion twists and Tzv3ZtcxJPY-00004-00001128-00001432 shear a well-known member of class Tzv3ZtcxJPY-00005-00001433-00001576 as PP wave Tzv3ZtcxJPY-00006-00001577-00001864 Richey flat pace x in arbitrary Tzv3ZtcxJPY-00007-00001866-00002120 dimension are algebraically special in Tzv3ZtcxJPY-00008-00002121-00002423 four dimensions Richey flat metrics Tzv3ZtcxJPY-00009-00002424-00002683 of petra of type 3 and n are completely Tzv3ZtcxJPY-00010-00002684-00003113 known all vsi space x belong to a subset Tzv3ZtcxJPY-00011-00003114-00003443 of the constants T_FuOvlziJY-00000-00000071-00000423 hi recording and live transcript T_FuOvlziJY-00001-00000424-00000567 thank you T_FuOvlziJY-00002-00000568-00000815 uh so if if you're interested in anybody T_FuOvlziJY-00003-00000816-00001127 interested in in facilitating next week T_FuOvlziJY-00004-00001128-00001262 question T_FuOvlziJY-00005-00001263-00001478 anybody T_FuOvlziJY-00006-00001479-00001614 it's usually pretty straightforward T_FuOvlziJY-00007-00001616-00001798 again we offer support T_FuOvlziJY-00008-00001800-00001951 it's a good way to get involved in the T_FuOvlziJY-00009-00001952-00002063 project T_FuOvlziJY-00010-00002064-00002326 or this working group T_FuOvlziJY-00011-00002327-00002575 and we have a guide to help you T_FuOvlziJY-00012-00002576-00002815 like a little page of documentation on T_FuOvlziJY-00013-00002816-00003079 how to facilitate T_FuOvlziJY-00014-00003080-00003559 very nice T_FuOvlziJY-00015-00003560-00003790 i'm a professor so i can just live with T_FuOvlziJY-00016-00003792-00004335 awkward silence for a long T_FuOvlziJY-00017-00004336-00004559 i'm not time if you can hear me but i T_FuOvlziJY-00018-00004560-00004670 can do it T_FuOvlziJY-00019-00004671-00005279 excellent thank you christy T_FuOvlziJY-00020-00005280-00005479 it's about your name there we go got it T_FuOvlziJY-00021-00005480-00005647 and christy like i said i can i'll help T_FuOvlziJY-00022-00005648-00005854 with um like agenda setting and all that T_FuOvlziJY-00023-00005855-00006054 kind of stuff like if you have there's T_FuOvlziJY-00024-00006055-00006183 things that T_FuOvlziJY-00025-00006184-00006414 that maybe we should talk about T_FuOvlziJY-00026-00006415-00006606 all right well great um T_FuOvlziJY-00027-00006608-00006783 see some some new people on the call so T_FuOvlziJY-00028-00006784-00006959 i'd just like to say welcome to to T_FuOvlziJY-00029-00006959-00007295 newcomers it's great to have you here T_FuOvlziJY-00030-00007295-00007431 um T_FuOvlziJY-00031-00007431-00007646 feel free to speak up feel free to just T_FuOvlziJY-00032-00007647-00007751 listen in T_FuOvlziJY-00033-00007752-00007903 you can have your camera on you can have T_FuOvlziJY-00034-00007904-00008199 your camera off um all sorts of options T_FuOvlziJY-00035-00008200-00008510 for you for this this dei meeting T_FuOvlziJY-00036-00008511-00008759 all right so let's um last time we T_FuOvlziJY-00037-00008760-00008967 didn't really get to T_FuOvlziJY-00038-00008968-00009359 uh pull requests and our issues so let's T_FuOvlziJY-00039-00009360-00009503 why don't we take a look at those i'll T_FuOvlziJY-00040-00009504-00010014 share my screen here T_FuOvlziJY-00041-00010015-00010231 all right so we can take a look at pull T_FuOvlziJY-00042-00010232-00010406 requests and see if we have anything T_FuOvlziJY-00043-00010407-00010623 that really requires attention i don't T_FuOvlziJY-00044-00010624-00010967 have a huge agenda today so T_FuOvlziJY-00045-00010968-00011010 um T_FuOvlziJY-00046-00011011-00011135 [Music] T_FuOvlziJY-00047-00011136-00011303 code of conduct T_FuOvlziJY-00048-00011304-00011583 and event demographics and i think we T_FuOvlziJY-00049-00011584-00011983 had T_FuOvlziJY-00050-00011984-00012142 kevin was also going to take a look at T_FuOvlziJY-00051-00012143-00012342 time inclusion for virtual events like T_FuOvlziJY-00052-00012343-00012551 this is under pull requests and sean was T_FuOvlziJY-00053-00012552-00012655 going to take a look at family T_FuOvlziJY-00054-00012656-00012879 friendliness T_FuOvlziJY-00055-00012880-00013166 we merged we merged time inclusion for T_FuOvlziJY-00056-00013168-00013479 uh events uh last week T_FuOvlziJY-00057-00013480-00013751 uh code of conduct is my current action T_FuOvlziJY-00058-00013752-00013838 item T_FuOvlziJY-00059-00013840-00014015 okay uh the pull request that there T_FuOvlziJY-00060-00014016-00014279 that's there currently is only a T_FuOvlziJY-00061-00014280-00014583 only partially resolves the uh review it T_FuOvlziJY-00062-00014584-00014775 uh it handles a formatting issue with T_FuOvlziJY-00063-00014776-00014927 the uh T_FuOvlziJY-00064-00014928-00015175 uh T_FuOvlziJY-00065-00015176-00015358 bullet points T_FuOvlziJY-00066-00015359-00015503 so T_FuOvlziJY-00067-00015504-00015830 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00068-00015831-00016111 so kevin d is it do you think we should T_FuOvlziJY-00069-00016112-00016319 merge this one just to take care of that T_FuOvlziJY-00070-00016319-00016527 and then do another one T_FuOvlziJY-00071-00016528-00016694 for content stuff or T_FuOvlziJY-00072-00016695-00016871 uh we could i mean this this just T_FuOvlziJY-00073-00016872-00017158 resolves a formatting issue so it uh it T_FuOvlziJY-00074-00017159-00017375 doesn't handle any of the content i do T_FuOvlziJY-00075-00017376-00017607 have an action item to do the content T_FuOvlziJY-00076-00017608-00017894 okay uh i don't think there would be T_FuOvlziJY-00077-00017895-00018103 i don't think there's any issue with T_FuOvlziJY-00078-00018104-00018486 with merging this now okay uh however T_FuOvlziJY-00079-00018487-00018767 uh i think in the past we about about T_FuOvlziJY-00080-00018768-00018958 the process we had we had stated some T_FuOvlziJY-00081-00018959-00019135 desire to T_FuOvlziJY-00082-00019136-00019391 kind of do it all together T_FuOvlziJY-00083-00019392-00019679 but it doesn't matter to me T_FuOvlziJY-00084-00019680-00020094 thoughts from anybody else T_FuOvlziJY-00085-00020095-00020183 why don't we T_FuOvlziJY-00086-00020184-00020375 let's go my action item to the next uh T_FuOvlziJY-00087-00020376-00020622 meeting i will take care of that T_FuOvlziJY-00088-00020623-00020711 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00089-00020712-00020943 um kevin let for that point then we'll T_FuOvlziJY-00090-00020944-00021175 just keep this open you know what i mean T_FuOvlziJY-00091-00021176-00021686 and you can work off of that one T_FuOvlziJY-00092-00021687-00021903 so sorry i missed that so the time T_FuOvlziJY-00093-00021904-00022094 inclusion for virtual events was merged T_FuOvlziJY-00094-00022095-00022558 into what T_FuOvlziJY-00095-00022559-00022911 uh the the change request was accepted T_FuOvlziJY-00096-00022912-00023183 oh oh it's murdered it was done T_FuOvlziJY-00097-00023184-00023519 sorry that merged into something else T_FuOvlziJY-00098-00023520-00023735 okay yeah so that one actually has been T_FuOvlziJY-00099-00023736-00024007 reviewed uh okay we we should have made T_FuOvlziJY-00100-00024008-00024303 a note of that in the T_FuOvlziJY-00101-00024304-00024478 minute uh T_FuOvlziJY-00102-00024479-00024663 well it should have been we should have T_FuOvlziJY-00103-00024664-00024903 made a note of that in the uh T_FuOvlziJY-00104-00024904-00025014 the T_FuOvlziJY-00105-00025015-00025119 uh T_FuOvlziJY-00106-00025120-00025311 table as well the T_FuOvlziJY-00107-00025312-00025622 metrics table yeah we can do that uh T_FuOvlziJY-00108-00025623-00025887 and then the other action item on that T_FuOvlziJY-00109-00025888-00026270 is that we needed to let the translation T_FuOvlziJY-00110-00026272-00026535 people know that that one changed T_FuOvlziJY-00111-00026536-00026614 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00112-00026616-00026846 uh and that one might actually this is T_FuOvlziJY-00113-00026847-00027031 updated we're good T_FuOvlziJY-00114-00027032-00027151 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00115-00027152-00027343 at least here anyway T_FuOvlziJY-00116-00027344-00027823 it's a remark T_FuOvlziJY-00117-00027824-00027902 um T_FuOvlziJY-00118-00027904-00028062 so we do need to let the translation T_FuOvlziJY-00119-00028063-00028302 people know but i don't know what the we T_FuOvlziJY-00120-00028304-00028455 haven't really talked about that process T_FuOvlziJY-00121-00028456-00028639 do we want to do i want to let them know T_FuOvlziJY-00122-00028639-00028855 each time one gets done or do we want to T_FuOvlziJY-00123-00028856-00029102 let them know after the process is T_FuOvlziJY-00124-00029104-00029327 completed it's a good question T_FuOvlziJY-00125-00029327-00029470 yeah T_FuOvlziJY-00126-00029472-00029695 um T_FuOvlziJY-00127-00029695-00029927 i guess my my initial thought was just T_FuOvlziJY-00128-00029927-00030095 one at a time but now that when you say T_FuOvlziJY-00129-00030095-00030446 it like maybe it's a little bit more uh T_FuOvlziJY-00130-00030447-00030767 uh like thoughtful to just do one p or T_FuOvlziJY-00131-00030768-00030895 one issue T_FuOvlziJY-00132-00030895-00031087 that says here are the T_FuOvlziJY-00133-00031088-00031227 menu T_FuOvlziJY-00134-00031229-00031462 [Applause] T_FuOvlziJY-00135-00031463-00031670 here are the metrics that need T_FuOvlziJY-00136-00031672-00031895 to be revisited i think that was the two T_FuOvlziJY-00137-00031895-00032135 options you were kind of proposing T_FuOvlziJY-00138-00032136-00032318 yeah and there's there's a little bit of T_FuOvlziJY-00139-00032319-00032567 distinction too with whether some of T_FuOvlziJY-00140-00032568-00032767 these metrics that we are revisiting may T_FuOvlziJY-00141-00032768-00032999 be sent back to review T_FuOvlziJY-00142-00033000-00033151 so that would be a little bit different T_FuOvlziJY-00143-00033152-00033439 as well okay so i T_FuOvlziJY-00144-00033440-00033559 don't know what other people's thoughts T_FuOvlziJY-00145-00033560-00033759 are but at least my inclination is for T_FuOvlziJY-00146-00033760-00033983 the metrics T_FuOvlziJY-00147-00033984-00036118 that are not T_FuOvlziJY-00148-00036119-00036483 uh T_FuOvlziJY-00149-00036484-00036695 once i don't know something something T_FuOvlziJY-00150-00036696-00036839 like that T_FuOvlziJY-00151-00036840-00036951 yeah T_FuOvlziJY-00152-00036952-00037439 and then metrics T_FuOvlziJY-00153-00037440-00037639 that are going T_FuOvlziJY-00154-00037640-00037718 back T_FuOvlziJY-00155-00037719-00038007 under review T_FuOvlziJY-00156-00038008-00038302 a single issue T_FuOvlziJY-00157-00038303-00038702 per metric T_FuOvlziJY-00158-00038703-00039143 i like it okay T_FuOvlziJY-00159-00039144-00039527 so we should probably then like for for T_FuOvlziJY-00160-00039528-00039735 our own T_FuOvlziJY-00161-00039736-00040015 well-being T_FuOvlziJY-00162-00040016-00040151 probably T_FuOvlziJY-00163-00040152-00040430 we need to track T_FuOvlziJY-00164-00040431-00040702 what we'll be in you're muted kevin but T_FuOvlziJY-00165-00040703-00040943 we needed to track T_FuOvlziJY-00166-00040944-00041167 like all of the metrics that would be in T_FuOvlziJY-00167-00041168-00041343 that one issue T_FuOvlziJY-00168-00041344-00041479 so we should be tracking that in the T_FuOvlziJY-00169-00041480-00041599 table T_FuOvlziJY-00170-00041600-00042055 so we can do that so T_FuOvlziJY-00171-00042056-00042295 so this would be like maybe a remark T_FuOvlziJY-00172-00042296-00042455 could be T_FuOvlziJY-00173-00042456-00042815 included in T_FuOvlziJY-00174-00042816-00042852 um T_FuOvlziJY-00175-00042853-00042990 [Music] T_FuOvlziJY-00176-00042991-00043302 what should we call it not review T_FuOvlziJY-00177-00043303-00043630 um T_FuOvlziJY-00178-00043631-00043727 is there T_FuOvlziJY-00179-00043728-00043887 is there some way we could just mark T_FuOvlziJY-00180-00043888-00044079 that date of last review T_FuOvlziJY-00181-00044080-00044383 like put a t there T_FuOvlziJY-00182-00044384-00044543 what would that mean T_FuOvlziJY-00183-00044544-00045118 translate oh T_FuOvlziJY-00184-00045119-00045152 um T_FuOvlziJY-00185-00045153-00045279 [Music] T_FuOvlziJY-00186-00045280-00045511 or something along those lines just to T_FuOvlziJY-00187-00045512-00047223 make it super easy T_FuOvlziJY-00188-00047224-00047327 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00189-00047328-00047518 so basically at this point T_FuOvlziJY-00190-00047519-00047783 the way i would read this is these three T_FuOvlziJY-00191-00047784-00048079 metrics and i think only those three T_FuOvlziJY-00192-00048080-00048279 at this point T_FuOvlziJY-00193-00048280-00048574 would be in a single issue T_FuOvlziJY-00194-00048575-00048711 given to the T_FuOvlziJY-00195-00048712-00048958 translation or put into the translation T_FuOvlziJY-00196-00048959-00049086 repo T_FuOvlziJY-00197-00049087-00049367 that says time inclusion or i'm sorry T_FuOvlziJY-00198-00049368-00049671 inclusive experience at event has been T_FuOvlziJY-00199-00049672-00049855 minorly modified T_FuOvlziJY-00200-00049856-00050086 please see changes same for this and T_FuOvlziJY-00201-00050087-00050483 same for this T_FuOvlziJY-00202-00050484-00050662 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00203-00050663-00050783 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00204-00050784-00051463 any other thoughts on that from people T_FuOvlziJY-00205-00051464-00051614 so just so people know T_FuOvlziJY-00206-00051615-00051807 basically again we're T_FuOvlziJY-00207-00051808-00052079 the green rows here represent released T_FuOvlziJY-00208-00052079-00052287 chaos metrics T_FuOvlziJY-00209-00052288-00052582 and some of these metrics are pretty old T_FuOvlziJY-00210-00052583-00052750 meaning like a couple years old and T_FuOvlziJY-00211-00052751-00052942 we're spending time T_FuOvlziJY-00212-00052944-00053150 really during the summer T_FuOvlziJY-00213-00053151-00053230 to T_FuOvlziJY-00214-00053232-00053479 review some of those older metrics and T_FuOvlziJY-00215-00053479-00053687 so how this reads is T_FuOvlziJY-00216-00053688-00053903 inclusive experience that event has been T_FuOvlziJY-00217-00053904-00054135 reviewed and any of those suggested T_FuOvlziJY-00218-00054136-00054526 changes have been merged into the metric T_FuOvlziJY-00219-00054527-00054671 we just need to make sure that any of T_FuOvlziJY-00220-00054672-00055038 those changes are now also translated T_FuOvlziJY-00221-00055039-00055254 into chinese T_FuOvlziJY-00222-00055255-00055550 all right good thank you kevin T_FuOvlziJY-00223-00055551-00055775 um T_FuOvlziJY-00224-00055776-00056230 i need to make sure T_FuOvlziJY-00225-00056232-00056942 i need to T_FuOvlziJY-00226-00056944-00057247 right T_FuOvlziJY-00227-00057248-00057342 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00228-00057344-00057487 um and then sean you said you were going T_FuOvlziJY-00229-00057488-00057630 to take a look at family friendliness T_FuOvlziJY-00230-00057632-00057823 for me yeah yeah i made a note in my T_FuOvlziJY-00231-00057824-00058199 planner this time okay great thank you T_FuOvlziJY-00232-00058200-00058471 all right uh let's any other comments on T_FuOvlziJY-00233-00058472-00059759 any let's do we have any other prs T_FuOvlziJY-00234-00059760-00060063 where's my brain oh there it is T_FuOvlziJY-00235-00060064-00061087 um T_FuOvlziJY-00236-00061088-00061430 did we look at this one last time T_FuOvlziJY-00237-00061432-00062015 an issue template T_FuOvlziJY-00238-00062016-00062294 uh so the this this file was edited in T_FuOvlziJY-00239-00062295-00062366 the T_FuOvlziJY-00240-00062367-00062623 value working group T_FuOvlziJY-00241-00062624-00062759 uh T_FuOvlziJY-00242-00062760-00062959 and the changes were reviewed T_FuOvlziJY-00243-00062960-00063166 so i could replace it right now if you'd T_FuOvlziJY-00244-00063167-00063311 like T_FuOvlziJY-00245-00063312-00063447 uh T_FuOvlziJY-00246-00063448-00063630 however i wasn't sure on that process so T_FuOvlziJY-00247-00063632-00063703 we T_FuOvlziJY-00248-00063704-00064006 we were in the uh in the community repo T_FuOvlziJY-00249-00064007-00064263 we were gonna add these templates to the T_FuOvlziJY-00250-00064264-00064471 uh T_FuOvlziJY-00251-00064472-00064566 there T_FuOvlziJY-00252-00064567-00064806 yeah as that as that single point of T_FuOvlziJY-00253-00064807-00064942 truth T_FuOvlziJY-00254-00064944-00065142 uh and then at that point we either need T_FuOvlziJY-00255-00065144-00065326 to go and T_FuOvlziJY-00256-00065327-00065438 uh T_FuOvlziJY-00257-00065439-00065638 copy it from there into all of the repos T_FuOvlziJY-00258-00065639-00065887 or ask each of the working groups to uh T_FuOvlziJY-00259-00065888-00066167 to update it go grab it uh T_FuOvlziJY-00260-00066168-00066303 it's not a T_FuOvlziJY-00261-00066304-00066438 it wouldn't be terribly difficult to T_FuOvlziJY-00262-00066439-00066615 just go through and make all the changes T_FuOvlziJY-00263-00066616-00066750 ourselves T_FuOvlziJY-00264-00066751-00066967 uh if that's the case we could just i T_FuOvlziJY-00265-00066968-00067294 could just take that uh i think the uh T_FuOvlziJY-00266-00067295-00067559 the template that's in value right now T_FuOvlziJY-00267-00067560-00067838 is the is the one that T_FuOvlziJY-00268-00067839-00068038 uh is the most up-to-date T_FuOvlziJY-00269-00068039-00068159 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00270-00068160-00068382 and so this T_FuOvlziJY-00271-00068383-00068487 template T_FuOvlziJY-00272-00068488-00068567 is T_FuOvlziJY-00273-00068568-00068863 this is a pr i'm not even really sure T_FuOvlziJY-00274-00068864-00069038 what this T_FuOvlziJY-00275-00069039-00069231 it's a pr against an old template so T_FuOvlziJY-00276-00069232-00069511 like we should probably just close this T_FuOvlziJY-00277-00069512-00069711 pr without merging T_FuOvlziJY-00278-00069712-00069911 oh i'm sorry yeah i didn't T_FuOvlziJY-00279-00069912-00070111 oh it was this the this was the pr that T_FuOvlziJY-00280-00070112-00070294 uh i'm sorry i thought you were i T_FuOvlziJY-00281-00070295-00070591 thought you were looking at the uh T_FuOvlziJY-00282-00070592-00070671 uh T_FuOvlziJY-00283-00070672-00070791 i didn't realize you were looking at pr T_FuOvlziJY-00284-00070792-00070919 i thought you were reading that off of T_FuOvlziJY-00285-00070920-00071119 the uh no T_FuOvlziJY-00286-00071120-00071335 the meeting minutes T_FuOvlziJY-00287-00071336-00071519 so in the media minutes there's there's T_FuOvlziJY-00288-00071520-00071775 a line about the template as well okay T_FuOvlziJY-00289-00071776-00071959 well this one this one this is a pr that T_FuOvlziJY-00290-00071960-00072167 has a bunch going on in it anyway so it T_FuOvlziJY-00291-00072168-00072406 has metrics release T_FuOvlziJY-00292-00072407-00072806 candidate T_FuOvlziJY-00293-00072807-00073223 uh so i would i would say no on T_FuOvlziJY-00294-00073224-00073406 accepting this pull request well it's T_FuOvlziJY-00295-00073407-00073606 got a couple things too i don't T_FuOvlziJY-00296-00073607-00073815 normally from a pull request perspective T_FuOvlziJY-00297-00073816-00074126 i only like it against one T_FuOvlziJY-00298-00074127-00074806 markdown you know what i mean T_FuOvlziJY-00299-00074807-00074919 uh T_FuOvlziJY-00300-00074920-00075135 so so ideally this T_FuOvlziJY-00301-00075136-00075391 if once this uh once this template is in T_FuOvlziJY-00302-00075392-00075511 community T_FuOvlziJY-00303-00075512-00075687 i mean ideally that's where that pull T_FuOvlziJY-00304-00075688-00075926 request would occur for edits of this T_FuOvlziJY-00305-00075927-00077015 sort T_FuOvlziJY-00306-00077016-00077231 okay so i had made a request a couple T_FuOvlziJY-00307-00077232-00077382 weeks ago to break it into three T_FuOvlziJY-00308-00077383-00077606 different pr's this is there were kind T_FuOvlziJY-00309-00077607-00077791 of like two things going on here one is T_FuOvlziJY-00310-00077792-00078015 the template update which is what you're T_FuOvlziJY-00311-00078016-00078159 talking about kevin T_FuOvlziJY-00312-00078160-00078294 and i don't think we should merge it for T_FuOvlziJY-00313-00078295-00078455 that reason T_FuOvlziJY-00314-00078456-00078679 alone but then there's also this three T_FuOvlziJY-00315-00078680-00078806 pr's T_FuOvlziJY-00316-00078807-00079271 it's kind of like three pr's into one T_FuOvlziJY-00317-00079272-00079415 is there anything in there that needs to T_FuOvlziJY-00318-00079416-00079631 be done that we should maybe that that T_FuOvlziJY-00319-00079632-00079926 we absolutely need to maybe pull out and T_FuOvlziJY-00320-00079927-00080079 put in the pulley against ourselves T_FuOvlziJY-00321-00080080-00080191 there was T_FuOvlziJY-00322-00080192-00080759 let's see provide the github issue link T_FuOvlziJY-00323-00080760-00081303 on the revising metric template T_FuOvlziJY-00324-00081304-00081591 and it was changed to provide the name T_FuOvlziJY-00325-00081592-00081767 of the metric T_FuOvlziJY-00326-00081768-00082047 and the website link T_FuOvlziJY-00327-00082048-00082255 yeah so the the actual actually the T_FuOvlziJY-00328-00082256-00082415 github issue link is the one that we T_FuOvlziJY-00329-00082416-00082582 want yeah T_FuOvlziJY-00330-00082583-00082759 so that change is actually that change T_FuOvlziJY-00331-00082760-00082871 is bad T_FuOvlziJY-00332-00082872-00082975 so then T_FuOvlziJY-00333-00082976-00083238 this is good but just updating copyright T_FuOvlziJY-00334-00083239-00083518 stuff but yeah T_FuOvlziJY-00335-00083519-00083775 and then this i'm not sure oh it's T_FuOvlziJY-00336-00083776-00084071 removal T_FuOvlziJY-00337-00084072-00084415 so this is a this is a removal of T_FuOvlziJY-00338-00084416-00084518 this is like T_FuOvlziJY-00339-00084519-00084799 template text yeah that's template text T_FuOvlziJY-00340-00084800-00084935 yeah T_FuOvlziJY-00341-00084936-00085047 so T_FuOvlziJY-00342-00085048-00085615 and this is in event accessibility T_FuOvlziJY-00343-00085616-00085775 which is going to go through T_FuOvlziJY-00344-00085776-00085943 it'll go through the T_FuOvlziJY-00345-00085944-00086111 revision process T_FuOvlziJY-00346-00086112-00086431 at one point okay maybe we can just T_FuOvlziJY-00347-00086432-00086671 if maybe we can create the issue right T_FuOvlziJY-00348-00086672-00087038 now for event accessibility yeah update T_FuOvlziJY-00349-00087039-00089135 and T_FuOvlziJY-00350-00089136-00089479 right okay and then also T_FuOvlziJY-00351-00089480-00090006 just overall update T_FuOvlziJY-00352-00090007-00090150 you know what i mean T_FuOvlziJY-00353-00090151-00090335 but but we want to we want to send it T_FuOvlziJY-00354-00090336-00090479 through the revision process completely T_FuOvlziJY-00355-00090480-00090559 right T_FuOvlziJY-00356-00090560-00090838 the event accessibility yeah T_FuOvlziJY-00357-00090839-00091055 probably so here it is yeah i mean it's T_FuOvlziJY-00358-00091056-00091191 going to go through anyway so it's one T_FuOvlziJY-00359-00091192-00091318 of the top ones we might as well just T_FuOvlziJY-00360-00091319-00091526 make that uh yeah make it an action item T_FuOvlziJY-00361-00091527-00091862 to send that one through revision T_FuOvlziJY-00362-00091863-00092118 well and i'm doing dei stuff too so i i T_FuOvlziJY-00363-00092119-00092191 was T_FuOvlziJY-00364-00092192-00092359 planning on getting back to reviewing T_FuOvlziJY-00365-00092360-00092511 these now that we've been through a few T_FuOvlziJY-00366-00092512-00092806 so T_FuOvlziJY-00367-00092807-00093038 okay so i'll take a i'll go with that T_FuOvlziJY-00368-00093039-00093223 sounds good T_FuOvlziJY-00369-00093224-00093623 all right um T_FuOvlziJY-00370-00093624-00094079 so i'm going to close this T_FuOvlziJY-00371-00094080-00096231 whoops T_FuOvlziJY-00372-00096232-00097518 don't T_FuOvlziJY-00373-00097519-00098847 so T_FuOvlziJY-00374-00098848-00099207 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00375-00099208-00099482 [Music] T_FuOvlziJY-00376-00099483-00099750 alrighty then T_FuOvlziJY-00377-00099751-00100631 event demographic changes T_FuOvlziJY-00378-00100632-00100918 so we're just doing T_FuOvlziJY-00379-00100919-00101159 that was event no we just did event T_FuOvlziJY-00380-00101160-00101911 accessibility okay T_FuOvlziJY-00381-00101912-00102055 so this T_FuOvlziJY-00382-00102056-00102454 would be T_FuOvlziJY-00383-00102455-00102663 so this is one that has an open issue T_FuOvlziJY-00384-00102664-00102902 associated with it so i had taken a look T_FuOvlziJY-00385-00102903-00103682 at that T_FuOvlziJY-00386-00103683-00104015 one you know what i mean like i had T_FuOvlziJY-00387-00104016-00104430 there was this issue T_FuOvlziJY-00388-00104431-00104534 does it T_FuOvlziJY-00389-00104535-00104782 well does it solve all the requested T_FuOvlziJY-00390-00104783-00105095 issues we don't know T_FuOvlziJY-00391-00105096-00105334 so i had speaker and volunteer was one T_FuOvlziJY-00392-00105335-00105543 of them or attendee speaker and T_FuOvlziJY-00393-00105544-00105654 volunteer T_FuOvlziJY-00394-00105655-00105831 i don't know could somebody kind of take T_FuOvlziJY-00395-00105832-00106110 a look at this one too T_FuOvlziJY-00396-00106111-00106286 it doesn't look like it does resolve all T_FuOvlziJY-00397-00106288-00106551 the issues T_FuOvlziJY-00398-00106552-00106734 date of last reviewed T_FuOvlziJY-00399-00106735-00106910 fourth point and the objectives is T_FuOvlziJY-00400-00106911-00107047 redundant T_FuOvlziJY-00401-00107048-00107831 check out the spreadsheet remark T_FuOvlziJY-00402-00107832-00108039 could somebody take a look at this to T_FuOvlziJY-00403-00108040-00108327 see if T_FuOvlziJY-00404-00108328-00108575 so the request here is if somebody could T_FuOvlziJY-00405-00108576-00108895 take a look at T_FuOvlziJY-00406-00108896-00109286 the way that this is working is T_FuOvlziJY-00407-00109288-00109471 this is T_FuOvlziJY-00408-00109472-00109886 a metric T_FuOvlziJY-00409-00109888-00110639 this is weird T_FuOvlziJY-00410-00110640-00110831 oh no that's right okay so this is an T_FuOvlziJY-00411-00110832-00111271 issue that's opened T_FuOvlziJY-00412-00111272-00111583 where these changes have been requested T_FuOvlziJY-00413-00111583-00111790 to be made T_FuOvlziJY-00414-00111791-00112015 on the old event demographics metric or T_FuOvlziJY-00415-00112016-00112654 on the current event demographics metric T_FuOvlziJY-00416-00112655-00113039 this pull request T_FuOvlziJY-00417-00113040-00113319 is meant to attend to T_FuOvlziJY-00418-00113320-00113758 those suggestions T_FuOvlziJY-00419-00113759-00113943 and so could somebody would somebody T_FuOvlziJY-00420-00113944-00114127 like to take the action item to just T_FuOvlziJY-00421-00114128-00114454 kind of confirm that this pull request T_FuOvlziJY-00422-00114455-00114734 files changed T_FuOvlziJY-00423-00114735-00114951 that this pull request T_FuOvlziJY-00424-00114952-00115119 does indeed T_FuOvlziJY-00425-00115120-00115286 attend to these four T_FuOvlziJY-00426-00115288-00115439 things T_FuOvlziJY-00427-00115440-00115583 would somebody be willing to take a look T_FuOvlziJY-00428-00115583-00115799 at that T_FuOvlziJY-00429-00115800-00115919 i can do that T_FuOvlziJY-00430-00115920-00116423 okay that'd be great T_FuOvlziJY-00431-00116424-00116790 okay so then T_FuOvlziJY-00432-00116791-00116910 yeah T_FuOvlziJY-00433-00116911-00117207 thanks elizabeth T_FuOvlziJY-00434-00117208-00117447 thank you elizabeth to T_FuOvlziJY-00435-00117448-00117854 kind of confirm that pr changes T_FuOvlziJY-00436-00117855-00118047 on the event T_FuOvlziJY-00437-00118048-00118454 demographics T_FuOvlziJY-00438-00118455-00119654 are T_FuOvlziJY-00439-00119655-00119775 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00440-00119776-00120183 okay great thank you T_FuOvlziJY-00441-00120183-00120351 does anybody have any questions as to T_FuOvlziJY-00442-00120352-00120534 kind of what we're doing here T_FuOvlziJY-00443-00120535-00120671 just seeing i know T_FuOvlziJY-00444-00120672-00120831 some of you may or may not have seen T_FuOvlziJY-00445-00120832-00121063 this workflow before so i'm just making T_FuOvlziJY-00446-00121064-00121239 sure this all makes sense and if you T_FuOvlziJY-00447-00121240-00121534 have questions T_FuOvlziJY-00448-00121535-00121727 below i have T_FuOvlziJY-00449-00121728-00122014 just a single question T_FuOvlziJY-00450-00122015-00122295 the pr contains the four steps isn't T_FuOvlziJY-00451-00122296-00122863 that that pr too big or complicated T_FuOvlziJY-00452-00122864-00123166 this pr T_FuOvlziJY-00453-00123167-00123447 i don't know the limit T_FuOvlziJY-00454-00123448-00123831 yeah to recognize the bigger pr or small T_FuOvlziJY-00455-00123832-00123943 pr T_FuOvlziJY-00456-00123944-00124054 so T_FuOvlziJY-00457-00124055-00124223 is there that okay T_FuOvlziJY-00458-00124224-00124454 i think in this case yeah i know there's T_FuOvlziJY-00459-00124455-00124639 a good question so the way i understand T_FuOvlziJY-00460-00124640-00124790 the question taiway is is it okay to T_FuOvlziJY-00461-00124791-00125134 have a pr with four changes yes T_FuOvlziJY-00462-00125135-00125399 and i think in this case it is okay T_FuOvlziJY-00463-00125400-00125623 because sometimes it's simply just T_FuOvlziJY-00464-00125624-00125766 updating T_FuOvlziJY-00465-00125767-00126175 a little bit of text or adding a date T_FuOvlziJY-00466-00126176-00126302 you know what i mean so the items are T_FuOvlziJY-00467-00126303-00126471 pretty small T_FuOvlziJY-00468-00126472-00126671 um yeah but i think so i think in a lot T_FuOvlziJY-00469-00126672-00126863 of these reviews it's okay to just have T_FuOvlziJY-00470-00126864-00127039 a single pr T_FuOvlziJY-00471-00127040-00127351 against the suggested changes T_FuOvlziJY-00472-00127352-00127719 but thanks for that question T_FuOvlziJY-00473-00127720-00128086 because i see the pr you T_FuOvlziJY-00474-00128088-00128214 you closed T_FuOvlziJY-00475-00128215-00128366 just now T_FuOvlziJY-00476-00128367-00128710 uh T_FuOvlziJY-00477-00128711-00128854 that should be T_FuOvlziJY-00478-00128855-00129199 split up right yeah so that one so that T_FuOvlziJY-00479-00129200-00129286 that T_FuOvlziJY-00480-00129288-00129878 would be good yes okay so that one T_FuOvlziJY-00481-00129879-00130454 wherever it was T_FuOvlziJY-00482-00130455-00131702 closed captioning not T_FuOvlziJY-00483-00131703-00132014 one available but it was a pr that T_FuOvlziJY-00484-00132015-00132423 was trying to change this document T_FuOvlziJY-00485-00132424-00132614 and a different document T_FuOvlziJY-00486-00132615-00132847 and another T_FuOvlziJY-00487-00132848-00133083 and a fourth layer T_FuOvlziJY-00488-00133084-00133343 so and i would add i would add that T_FuOvlziJY-00489-00133344-00133535 those changes are not related to each T_FuOvlziJY-00490-00133536-00133702 other T_FuOvlziJY-00491-00133703-00133895 so if the if the changes were all T_FuOvlziJY-00492-00133896-00134078 related to T_FuOvlziJY-00493-00134079-00134175 uh T_FuOvlziJY-00494-00134176-00134414 the revision process for for that one T_FuOvlziJY-00495-00134415-00134511 metric T_FuOvlziJY-00496-00134512-00134831 then then maybe this would be acceptable T_FuOvlziJY-00497-00134832-00134975 uh but these are T_FuOvlziJY-00498-00134976-00135190 this is seemingly kind of four kind of T_FuOvlziJY-00499-00135191-00135375 random changes T_FuOvlziJY-00500-00135376-00135695 in different files T_FuOvlziJY-00501-00135696-00136214 yeah thank you second camera and a T_FuOvlziJY-00502-00136215-00136414 the recommendation would be to issue one T_FuOvlziJY-00503-00136415-00136863 pr for this T_FuOvlziJY-00504-00136864-00137063 one pr for this T_FuOvlziJY-00505-00137064-00137278 one pr for this T_FuOvlziJY-00506-00137279-00137551 and one for this so and kevin's point is T_FuOvlziJY-00507-00137552-00137702 was well taken as well sometimes there T_FuOvlziJY-00508-00137703-00137854 are T_FuOvlziJY-00509-00137855-00138039 times when one pull request will touch T_FuOvlziJY-00510-00138040-00138278 two documents but it's it's when those T_FuOvlziJY-00511-00138279-00138463 two documents when the pr is related T_FuOvlziJY-00512-00138464-00138695 across those two documents so thank you T_FuOvlziJY-00513-00138696-00139407 taiway good question T_FuOvlziJY-00514-00139408-00139839 any other questions from folks T_FuOvlziJY-00515-00139840-00139966 all right T_FuOvlziJY-00516-00139967-00140375 take a look at our issues really fast T_FuOvlziJY-00517-00140376-00140702 and i did just submit the uh pull the T_FuOvlziJY-00518-00140703-00141119 change request for the revising the uh T_FuOvlziJY-00519-00141120-00141639 issue template oh okay cool thank you T_FuOvlziJY-00520-00141640-00141935 um so i think i don't think much has T_FuOvlziJY-00521-00141936-00142302 changed here T_FuOvlziJY-00522-00142303-00142543 time inclusion for virtual events do we T_FuOvlziJY-00523-00142544-00142823 want to update this kevin T_FuOvlziJY-00524-00142824-00143047 from last week T_FuOvlziJY-00525-00143048-00143599 should be good T_FuOvlziJY-00526-00143600-00143759 you want to add a final comment like T_FuOvlziJY-00527-00143760-00143999 this has been completed oh yeah i need T_FuOvlziJY-00528-00144000-00144223 to double check the uh T_FuOvlziJY-00529-00144224-00144375 i'm gonna put that on my action item T_FuOvlziJY-00530-00144376-00144511 list i actually need to i need to double T_FuOvlziJY-00531-00144512-00144671 check those check boxes just to make T_FuOvlziJY-00532-00144672-00144751 sure T_FuOvlziJY-00533-00144752-00144847 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00534-00144848-00145111 um T_FuOvlziJY-00535-00145112-00145278 so i'll i'll take another look at that T_FuOvlziJY-00536-00145279-00145543 and double check those check boxes okay T_FuOvlziJY-00537-00145544-00146095 uh thank you T_FuOvlziJY-00538-00146096-00146247 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00539-00146248-00146519 i think there's really nothing T_FuOvlziJY-00540-00146520-00146831 um kind of conduct ideas i think we can T_FuOvlziJY-00541-00146832-00147126 close these at this point our code of T_FuOvlziJY-00542-00147127-00147375 conduct google summer of code T_FuOvlziJY-00543-00147376-00148559 ideas T_FuOvlziJY-00544-00148560-00149078 matt are you on right now T_FuOvlziJY-00545-00149079-00149343 yes i am sorry i got a call what's up T_FuOvlziJY-00546-00149344-00149566 so looking at issues this was one that T_FuOvlziJY-00547-00149567-00149766 you had opened T_FuOvlziJY-00548-00149767-00149951 can i close this oh yeah go ahead and T_FuOvlziJY-00549-00149952-00150102 close it this is something that we had T_FuOvlziJY-00550-00150103-00150287 not put into practice because we focus T_FuOvlziJY-00551-00150288-00151071 on the bot instead i think okay thanks T_FuOvlziJY-00552-00151072-00151711 all right T_FuOvlziJY-00553-00151712-00151831 kevin T_FuOvlziJY-00554-00151832-00152471 should we be closing the release notes T_FuOvlziJY-00555-00152472-00152559 yes T_FuOvlziJY-00556-00152560-00152695 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00557-00152696-00153166 yeah those those get closed and uh T_FuOvlziJY-00558-00153167-00153414 you should you should create a uh a new T_FuOvlziJY-00559-00153415-00153671 release notes okay issue when you close T_FuOvlziJY-00560-00153672-00153766 this one T_FuOvlziJY-00561-00153767-00154175 with the uh with the next date okay T_FuOvlziJY-00562-00154176-00154439 let me go ahead and do that T_FuOvlziJY-00563-00154440-00154607 looks like we had some housekeeping to T_FuOvlziJY-00564-00154608-00154925 do T_FuOvlziJY-00565-00154926-00155702 [Music] T_FuOvlziJY-00566-00155703-00156014 ah T_FuOvlziJY-00567-00156015-00156278 where is my T_FuOvlziJY-00568-00156279-00156551 this is that can be other feedback T_FuOvlziJY-00569-00156552-00158111 maybe T_FuOvlziJY-00570-00158112-00158326 what would the date be on that T_FuOvlziJY-00571-00158327-00158566 22-10 T_FuOvlziJY-00572-00158567-00158663 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00573-00158664-00158783 good T_FuOvlziJY-00574-00158784-00158935 and then usually i like to put a little T_FuOvlziJY-00575-00158936-00159175 text this this issue was created to T_FuOvlziJY-00576-00159176-00159278 capture T_FuOvlziJY-00577-00159279-00159671 the release notes for uh T_FuOvlziJY-00578-00159672-00159751 yeah T_FuOvlziJY-00579-00159752-00160039 for release 2020 T_FuOvlziJY-00580-00160040-00161239 20 22 10. T_FuOvlziJY-00581-00161240-00161454 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00582-00161455-00161702 thank you T_FuOvlziJY-00583-00161703-00162483 i don't think it needs T_FuOvlziJY-00584-00162484-00163071 triage all right T_FuOvlziJY-00585-00163072-00163207 it probably does need the metrics T_FuOvlziJY-00586-00163208-00163399 release tag though T_FuOvlziJY-00587-00163400-00163702 yeah i don't oh my gosh T_FuOvlziJY-00588-00163703-00164055 if i can do that if you want to keep T_FuOvlziJY-00589-00164056-00164223 [Laughter] T_FuOvlziJY-00590-00164224-00164383 trying to run the meeting and T_FuOvlziJY-00591-00164384-00164807 do do the things yeah it's hard T_FuOvlziJY-00592-00164808-00165047 all right um T_FuOvlziJY-00593-00165048-00165159 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00594-00165160-00165663 so let's go back to issues again T_FuOvlziJY-00595-00165664-00165919 i think all of these revising metrics T_FuOvlziJY-00596-00165920-00166278 are good T_FuOvlziJY-00597-00166279-00167151 project burnout maintainer wellness T_FuOvlziJY-00598-00167152-00167351 does anybody remember this conversation T_FuOvlziJY-00599-00167352-00167502 i mean it's basically T_FuOvlziJY-00600-00167503-00167654 i think it's T_FuOvlziJY-00601-00167655-00167823 revisiting the name T_FuOvlziJY-00602-00167824-00168007 project burnout that we have for the T_FuOvlziJY-00603-00168008-00168287 metric is that correct T_FuOvlziJY-00604-00168288-00168551 and moving towards maintainer wellness T_FuOvlziJY-00605-00168552-00168687 yeah that's correct T_FuOvlziJY-00606-00168688-00169423 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00607-00169424-00170014 um T_FuOvlziJY-00608-00170015-00170214 my okay so T_FuOvlziJY-00609-00170215-00170359 i haven't i'll be honest i haven't T_FuOvlziJY-00610-00170360-00170566 really thought about this much T_FuOvlziJY-00611-00170567-00170831 since this conversation T_FuOvlziJY-00612-00170832-00170983 and we'll put something in a couple T_FuOvlziJY-00613-00170984-00171175 weeks ago T_FuOvlziJY-00614-00171176-00171343 um T_FuOvlziJY-00615-00171344-00171471 we T_FuOvlziJY-00616-00171472-00171719 we use the term project burnout quite a T_FuOvlziJY-00617-00171720-00171887 bit quite a bit T_FuOvlziJY-00618-00171888-00172143 and in fact as an example i think ruth T_FuOvlziJY-00619-00172144-00172295 isn't the stuff you're doing i don't T_FuOvlziJY-00620-00172296-00172495 know if you're on ruth T_FuOvlziJY-00621-00172496-00172654 um T_FuOvlziJY-00622-00172655-00172895 isn't the T_FuOvlziJY-00623-00172896-00173102 github maintainer month remember that T_FuOvlziJY-00624-00173103-00173295 one T_FuOvlziJY-00625-00173296-00173511 isn't that about burnout T_FuOvlziJY-00626-00173512-00173878 it is ruth had to drop off um but yes it T_FuOvlziJY-00627-00173879-00174102 is T_FuOvlziJY-00628-00174103-00174383 i guess i'm just a little hesitant to T_FuOvlziJY-00629-00174384-00174614 to make a change when T_FuOvlziJY-00630-00174615-00174935 to be honest it seems like burnout is a T_FuOvlziJY-00631-00174936-00175063 topic that T_FuOvlziJY-00632-00175064-00175223 gets talked about a lot and pretty T_FuOvlziJY-00633-00175224-00175366 easily T_FuOvlziJY-00634-00175367-00175814 and what other people's thoughts are T_FuOvlziJY-00635-00175815-00176054 i feel like it came up because T_FuOvlziJY-00636-00176055-00176423 someone wasn't certain that that phrase T_FuOvlziJY-00637-00176424-00176654 burnout would be T_FuOvlziJY-00638-00176655-00176831 like universal T_FuOvlziJY-00639-00176832-00176951 okay i think T_FuOvlziJY-00640-00176952-00177151 if i recall yeah i was about to say the T_FuOvlziJY-00641-00177152-00177271 same thing T_FuOvlziJY-00642-00177272-00177423 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00643-00177424-00177511 so T_FuOvlziJY-00644-00177512-00177735 one sec T_FuOvlziJY-00645-00177736-00177966 so we had a um we had this burnout T_FuOvlziJY-00646-00177967-00178207 metric but it doesn't necessarily cover T_FuOvlziJY-00647-00178208-00178478 all like we have a psychological safety T_FuOvlziJY-00648-00178479-00178671 metric which is like for crisis T_FuOvlziJY-00649-00178672-00178814 prevention and a lot of things like that T_FuOvlziJY-00650-00178815-00179199 as i understand but then we also have a T_FuOvlziJY-00651-00179200-00179471 burnout which only kind of covers from a T_FuOvlziJY-00652-00179472-00179638 negative perspective it covers how T_FuOvlziJY-00653-00179639-00179726 people T_FuOvlziJY-00654-00179727-00179919 interact with their projects and how it T_FuOvlziJY-00655-00179920-00180087 affects their wellness T_FuOvlziJY-00656-00180088-00180207 uh i think T_FuOvlziJY-00657-00180208-00180407 for me it would be like a shift from T_FuOvlziJY-00658-00180408-00180638 like a from like a negative person like T_FuOvlziJY-00659-00180639-00180847 a prevention perspective T_FuOvlziJY-00660-00180848-00180951 to a T_FuOvlziJY-00661-00180952-00181047 how do we T_FuOvlziJY-00662-00181048-00181247 how do we improve the wellness of the T_FuOvlziJY-00663-00181248-00181399 people that are working here kind of T_FuOvlziJY-00664-00181400-00181502 thing T_FuOvlziJY-00665-00181503-00181783 um or help foster that wellness within T_FuOvlziJY-00666-00181784-00181887 those people T_FuOvlziJY-00667-00181888-00181975 um T_FuOvlziJY-00668-00181976-00182175 and then also yeah like like you said T_FuOvlziJY-00669-00182176-00182295 elizabeth T_FuOvlziJY-00670-00182296-00182478 someone had come and said T_FuOvlziJY-00671-00182479-00182631 bernard doesn't necessarily cover all T_FuOvlziJY-00672-00182632-00182751 aspects of wellness and we don't have T_FuOvlziJY-00673-00182752-00182895 another metric that covers that right T_FuOvlziJY-00674-00182896-00182990 now T_FuOvlziJY-00675-00182991-00183223 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00676-00183224-00183502 um i think that's that's well said that T_FuOvlziJY-00677-00183503-00183783 i agree that burnout is about T_FuOvlziJY-00678-00183784-00183943 kind of a negative connotation and T_FuOvlziJY-00679-00183944-00184254 wellness is definitely more positive T_FuOvlziJY-00680-00184255-00184551 yes i would say so um T_FuOvlziJY-00681-00184552-00184671 all right so T_FuOvlziJY-00682-00184672-00185071 i don't T_FuOvlziJY-00683-00185072-00185471 3.99 T_FuOvlziJY-00684-00185472-00185687 i would really like to hear uh ruth's T_FuOvlziJY-00685-00185688-00185863 input on this though since this kind of T_FuOvlziJY-00686-00185864-00186063 was like her you know she was the T_FuOvlziJY-00687-00186064-00186278 inspiration for this whole metric so i'd T_FuOvlziJY-00688-00186279-00186487 really like to hear her perspective okay T_FuOvlziJY-00689-00186488-00186623 maybe we could T_FuOvlziJY-00690-00186624-00186847 wait till next week to talk about it was T_FuOvlziJY-00691-00186848-00187999 good yep T_FuOvlziJY-00692-00188000-00188087 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00693-00188088-00188254 yeah because you you are right it was T_FuOvlziJY-00694-00188255-00188431 ruth that had brought the metric forward T_FuOvlziJY-00695-00188432-00188575 and the burnout metric forward in the T_FuOvlziJY-00696-00188576-00188814 first place T_FuOvlziJY-00697-00188815-00188999 yeah and if if we are going to change we T_FuOvlziJY-00698-00189000-00189150 probably want to wait till after that T_FuOvlziJY-00699-00189151-00189343 session just to T_FuOvlziJY-00700-00189344-00189654 like not confuse everybody T_FuOvlziJY-00701-00189655-00189823 it's totally fair T_FuOvlziJY-00702-00189824-00190111 okay great thank you T_FuOvlziJY-00703-00190112-00190278 um maybe we'll do one more issue then T_FuOvlziJY-00704-00190279-00190366 we'll T_FuOvlziJY-00705-00190367-00190471 move on T_FuOvlziJY-00706-00190472-00190775 um T_FuOvlziJY-00707-00190776-00190999 matt do you wanna i don't know if you T_FuOvlziJY-00708-00191000-00191119 have T_FuOvlziJY-00709-00191120-00191343 any comments about this T_FuOvlziJY-00710-00191344-00191511 um T_FuOvlziJY-00711-00191512-00191775 i think this is still good uh we haven't T_FuOvlziJY-00712-00191776-00192063 had much movement on it um T_FuOvlziJY-00713-00192064-00192271 this is something i just wanted to to T_FuOvlziJY-00714-00192272-00192535 add as its own section to the metrics T_FuOvlziJY-00715-00192536-00192743 checklist my only concern is that the T_FuOvlziJY-00716-00192744-00192950 metrics checklist has gotten pretty long T_FuOvlziJY-00717-00192951-00193063 at this point T_FuOvlziJY-00718-00193064-00193283 so it might be something to do like T_FuOvlziJY-00719-00193284-00193607 after like as part of the review process T_FuOvlziJY-00720-00193608-00193775 rather than the checklist for releasing T_FuOvlziJY-00721-00193776-00194183 a metric T_FuOvlziJY-00722-00194184-00194319 but i think it's i think it's important T_FuOvlziJY-00723-00194320-00194463 that we go over this because T_FuOvlziJY-00724-00194464-00194647 now that i know the list and i'm T_FuOvlziJY-00725-00194648-00194966 familiar with the list i see these words T_FuOvlziJY-00726-00194967-00195295 quite often T_FuOvlziJY-00727-00195296-00195407 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00728-00195408-00195566 we can T_FuOvlziJY-00729-00195567-00195750 go ahead sorry T_FuOvlziJY-00730-00195751-00195926 i was just gonna say i also had a T_FuOvlziJY-00731-00195927-00196135 recommended um someone i can't remember T_FuOvlziJY-00732-00196136-00196335 who it was someone was looking for a way T_FuOvlziJY-00733-00196336-00196607 to contribute through the documentation T_FuOvlziJY-00734-00196608-00196759 but they weren't part of any of our T_FuOvlziJY-00735-00196760-00197014 mentorship programs and just wanted to T_FuOvlziJY-00736-00197015-00197183 participate in like an unofficial T_FuOvlziJY-00737-00197184-00197383 capacity and this was something i think T_FuOvlziJY-00738-00197384-00197631 i sent them to as a way that they could T_FuOvlziJY-00739-00197632-00197863 contribute by just looking through our T_FuOvlziJY-00740-00197864-00198102 documents you know at their leisure it's T_FuOvlziJY-00741-00198103-00198223 you know T_FuOvlziJY-00742-00198224-00198487 um and i showed them the list of T_FuOvlziJY-00743-00198488-00198590 terms T_FuOvlziJY-00744-00198591-00198838 so i don't know if we want to maybe T_FuOvlziJY-00745-00198839-00199054 just an idea to like maybe put this as a T_FuOvlziJY-00746-00199055-00199238 good first issue for someone that just T_FuOvlziJY-00747-00199239-00199423 wants a kind of a lightweight T_FuOvlziJY-00748-00199424-00199783 way to contribute um i don't know T_FuOvlziJY-00749-00199784-00199895 but i don't know if we wanted it to be T_FuOvlziJY-00750-00199896-00200063 more structured and like keep track of T_FuOvlziJY-00751-00200064-00200343 like what documents we've looked for and T_FuOvlziJY-00752-00200344-00200511 you know all of that or looked through T_FuOvlziJY-00753-00200512-00200719 and all of that so i'm just throwing T_FuOvlziJY-00754-00200720-00201063 that out there T_FuOvlziJY-00755-00201064-00201238 so i i was going to say we should T_FuOvlziJY-00756-00201239-00201454 definitely add this to the revision T_FuOvlziJY-00757-00201455-00201766 checklist and the review checklist T_FuOvlziJY-00758-00201767-00201959 and i know that that list is getting T_FuOvlziJY-00759-00201960-00202214 longer but i think one T_FuOvlziJY-00760-00202215-00202478 one check box with just pointing to the T_FuOvlziJY-00761-00202479-00202647 document T_FuOvlziJY-00762-00202648-00202735 uh T_FuOvlziJY-00763-00202736-00202990 describing what the inclusive naming is T_FuOvlziJY-00764-00202991-00203543 would be enough T_FuOvlziJY-00765-00203544-00203735 i believe that the if i'm not mistaken T_FuOvlziJY-00766-00203736-00204054 the inclusive naming um initiative has a T_FuOvlziJY-00767-00204055-00204175 linter T_FuOvlziJY-00768-00204176-00204311 that you can run through but i don't T_FuOvlziJY-00769-00204312-00204471 know the specifics of it so that might T_FuOvlziJY-00770-00204472-00204590 be something else to look through so T_FuOvlziJY-00771-00204591-00204743 we're not manually T_FuOvlziJY-00772-00204744-00204879 looking through all these documents T_FuOvlziJY-00773-00204880-00205023 trying to remember all the words and T_FuOvlziJY-00774-00205023-00205151 looking for them T_FuOvlziJY-00775-00205152-00205310 um so that might be something else that T_FuOvlziJY-00776-00205311-00205494 somebody could work on if they wanted T_FuOvlziJY-00777-00205496-00205694 just to look at that linter and how that T_FuOvlziJY-00778-00205696-00205886 affects our docs or how we could use T_FuOvlziJY-00779-00205887-00206086 that T_FuOvlziJY-00780-00206087-00206327 could you if you have that elizabeth T_FuOvlziJY-00781-00206328-00206527 could you T_FuOvlziJY-00782-00206528-00206782 yeah i'll have to dig it up um but i'll T_FuOvlziJY-00783-00206783-00206990 look for that for sure T_FuOvlziJY-00784-00206991-00207198 thank you T_FuOvlziJY-00785-00207200-00207310 all right T_FuOvlziJY-00786-00207311-00207503 um T_FuOvlziJY-00787-00207504-00207727 stop on issues T_FuOvlziJY-00788-00207728-00207982 um T_FuOvlziJY-00789-00207983-00208182 let's see let's go to badging we have T_FuOvlziJY-00790-00208183-00208382 about 10 minutes T_FuOvlziJY-00791-00208383-00208590 i'm gonna go down to this one first so T_FuOvlziJY-00792-00208591-00208790 event badging somebody had put that in T_FuOvlziJY-00793-00208791-00208982 there T_FuOvlziJY-00794-00208983-00209223 yeah i did i was just gonna mention just T_FuOvlziJY-00795-00209223-00209438 so everybody knows we are um T_FuOvlziJY-00796-00209439-00209631 indoctrinating three new reviewers T_FuOvlziJY-00797-00209632-00209791 tomorrow we're on boarding them through T_FuOvlziJY-00798-00209792-00209951 a training session so we'll have three T_FuOvlziJY-00799-00209952-00210206 more reviewers to our team hooray hooray T_FuOvlziJY-00800-00210207-00210479 and um just a reminder everyone is T_FuOvlziJY-00801-00210480-00210671 invited to this event badge reviewer T_FuOvlziJY-00802-00210671-00210855 appreciation appreciation event which T_FuOvlziJY-00803-00210856-00211071 happens on june 16th it's just going to T_FuOvlziJY-00804-00211071-00211263 be an informal fun event where we kind T_FuOvlziJY-00805-00211264-00211439 of um T_FuOvlziJY-00806-00211440-00211775 recognize our uh reviewers um welcome T_FuOvlziJY-00807-00211776-00211991 our new reviewers um give a little T_FuOvlziJY-00808-00211992-00212294 history of the badging program and like T_FuOvlziJY-00809-00212296-00212439 what the next steps are gonna be where T_FuOvlziJY-00810-00212440-00212606 we're going with it in the future so T_FuOvlziJY-00811-00212607-00212863 it'll be fun not a big deal like nothing T_FuOvlziJY-00812-00212864-00213094 you know just a little carve that out a T_FuOvlziJY-00813-00213096-00213223 little fun part of your day if you would T_FuOvlziJY-00814-00213223-00213367 like to come everybody's welcome and T_FuOvlziJY-00815-00213367-00213846 there's a link there to register T_FuOvlziJY-00816-00213848-00214055 cool thank you T_FuOvlziJY-00817-00214056-00214279 elizabeth and just if people aren't T_FuOvlziJY-00818-00214280-00214519 familiar we have a an event badging T_FuOvlziJY-00819-00214519-00214679 program where we T_FuOvlziJY-00820-00214680-00214887 provide T_FuOvlziJY-00821-00214888-00214991 dei T_FuOvlziJY-00822-00214992-00215406 badges for events that T_FuOvlziJY-00823-00215407-00215606 go through the process and as part of T_FuOvlziJY-00824-00215607-00215863 that process part of that review process T_FuOvlziJY-00825-00215864-00216134 there are individuals who take a look at T_FuOvlziJY-00826-00216135-00216351 really the things that the T_FuOvlziJY-00827-00216352-00216455 um T_FuOvlziJY-00828-00216456-00216615 conferences claim to be doing with T_FuOvlziJY-00829-00216616-00216863 respect to dei and just kind of review T_FuOvlziJY-00830-00216864-00217006 to ensure that T_FuOvlziJY-00831-00217007-00217279 there's there's truth to those claims T_FuOvlziJY-00832-00217280-00217591 i think each review of a conference T_FuOvlziJY-00833-00217592-00217839 maybe takes 10 minutes T_FuOvlziJY-00834-00217840-00218142 elizabeth i mean 15 minutes T_FuOvlziJY-00835-00218144-00218398 30 minutes it's not terrible T_FuOvlziJY-00836-00218400-00218487 maybe T_FuOvlziJY-00837-00218488-00218791 15 is a good yeah okay it kind of T_FuOvlziJY-00838-00218792-00219031 depends on the event but yeah a lot of T_FuOvlziJY-00839-00219032-00219327 them are um know the badging T_FuOvlziJY-00840-00219328-00219534 project well so they know T_FuOvlziJY-00841-00219535-00219703 exactly you know what we're looking for T_FuOvlziJY-00842-00219704-00219855 and they point us directly to what we're T_FuOvlziJY-00843-00219856-00220015 so we don't have to search very hard is T_FuOvlziJY-00844-00220016-00220175 what i'm saying T_FuOvlziJY-00845-00220176-00220382 so if you're interested in in becoming a T_FuOvlziJY-00846-00220383-00220582 reviewer and kind of T_FuOvlziJY-00847-00220583-00220806 joining the chaos community that way T_FuOvlziJY-00848-00220807-00220967 that would be wonderful T_FuOvlziJY-00849-00220967-00221151 um i don't know is the easiest way just T_FuOvlziJY-00850-00221152-00221431 to reach out to you on slack elizabeth T_FuOvlziJY-00851-00221432-00221591 just dropped a link for the reviewer T_FuOvlziJY-00852-00221592-00221798 sign up form T_FuOvlziJY-00853-00221800-00221982 oh okay and that should be the best way T_FuOvlziJY-00854-00221983-00222198 i'm going to drop it in the notes too T_FuOvlziJY-00855-00222200-00222406 thank you T_FuOvlziJY-00856-00222407-00222527 all right great T_FuOvlziJY-00857-00222528-00222694 that's great that three new reviewers T_FuOvlziJY-00858-00222696-00222894 are joining i mean T_FuOvlziJY-00859-00222896-00223046 that's getting to be a pretty good group T_FuOvlziJY-00860-00223048-00223367 of people i think which is really nice T_FuOvlziJY-00861-00223367-00223567 yeah it's it's really good because some T_FuOvlziJY-00862-00223567-00223751 people have um like their availability T_FuOvlziJY-00863-00223752-00224023 has kind of dropped off so we just want T_FuOvlziJY-00864-00224023-00224206 to always make sure we have new people T_FuOvlziJY-00865-00224207-00224423 coming in so that the burden is not T_FuOvlziJY-00866-00224423-00224623 always on the same people all the time T_FuOvlziJY-00867-00224623-00224703 so T_FuOvlziJY-00868-00224704-00225006 great that's a great update thank you T_FuOvlziJY-00869-00225007-00225175 um T_FuOvlziJY-00870-00225176-00225415 so i just with respect to the badging T_FuOvlziJY-00871-00225416-00225703 updates for project badging there was a T_FuOvlziJY-00872-00225704-00226023 if you recall there's a giant sandwich T_FuOvlziJY-00873-00226023-00226198 there's T_FuOvlziJY-00874-00226200-00226375 there's a uh T_FuOvlziJY-00875-00226376-00226519 there were a lot of really great T_FuOvlziJY-00876-00226519-00226758 suggestions that came from the meeting T_FuOvlziJY-00877-00226759-00226998 last time and i part of my action item T_FuOvlziJY-00878-00227000-00227223 is to include a lot of that commentary T_FuOvlziJY-00879-00227223-00227431 into the project badging program i T_FuOvlziJY-00880-00227432-00227639 haven't done that yet i will say that T_FuOvlziJY-00881-00227640-00227894 one of the things that was done and this T_FuOvlziJY-00882-00227896-00228175 was in response to T_FuOvlziJY-00883-00228176-00228303 matt T_FuOvlziJY-00884-00228304-00228591 you had suggested using github T_FuOvlziJY-00885-00228592-00228910 as a way to do the application process T_FuOvlziJY-00886-00228911-00229142 is that that's right i think T_FuOvlziJY-00887-00229144-00229558 and so ayush had put this together T_FuOvlziJY-00888-00229559-00229782 just as don't worry about the content at T_FuOvlziJY-00889-00229783-00229919 the moment that'll this will have to T_FuOvlziJY-00890-00229919-00230103 change a little bit T_FuOvlziJY-00891-00230104-00230303 you know what i mean just in terms of T_FuOvlziJY-00892-00230304-00230519 what the things are T_FuOvlziJY-00893-00230519-00230694 but is this kind of what you were what T_FuOvlziJY-00894-00230696-00230871 you had in mind T_FuOvlziJY-00895-00230871-00231039 when you were talking T_FuOvlziJY-00896-00231040-00231158 so one T_FuOvlziJY-00897-00231159-00231342 form it just kind of turns it into a T_FuOvlziJY-00898-00231344-00231463 markdown T_FuOvlziJY-00899-00231464-00231782 um it it translates it into that's T_FuOvlziJY-00900-00231783-00231951 beautiful that's what we were trying to T_FuOvlziJY-00901-00231952-00232134 do with the with the forum on the T_FuOvlziJY-00902-00232135-00232382 website uh but that was difficult to T_FuOvlziJY-00903-00232383-00232655 accomplish smoothly so this is beautiful T_FuOvlziJY-00904-00232656-00232919 okay cool so the first reaction is T_FuOvlziJY-00905-00232919-00233046 positive T_FuOvlziJY-00906-00233048-00233231 from kind of where you were at from the T_FuOvlziJY-00907-00233232-00233510 event matching perspective and what this T_FuOvlziJY-00908-00233511-00233687 this could be all right great well just T_FuOvlziJY-00909-00233688-00233951 so you know it's it's here in the issue T_FuOvlziJY-00910-00233952-00234182 templates so if you ever wanted to take T_FuOvlziJY-00911-00234183-00234423 a look at that T_FuOvlziJY-00912-00234423-00234591 yeah it's your first opportunity for T_FuOvlziJY-00913-00234592-00234782 upstream contribution from the project T_FuOvlziJY-00914-00234783-00235006 badging initiative that sounds great T_FuOvlziJY-00915-00235007-00235223 it's pretty cool so matt would the would T_FuOvlziJY-00916-00235223-00235446 the hope be or elizabeth would the hope T_FuOvlziJY-00917-00235448-00235679 be for event badging T_FuOvlziJY-00918-00235680-00235942 to move away from the web form T_FuOvlziJY-00919-00235944-00236175 and to just something like this T_FuOvlziJY-00920-00236176-00236351 yes is there is there a reason we can't T_FuOvlziJY-00921-00236352-00236542 do that like sooner than later matt T_FuOvlziJY-00922-00236544-00236679 let's do it like T_FuOvlziJY-00923-00236680-00236855 as soon as possible T_FuOvlziJY-00924-00236856-00237094 so elizabeth you know and some other T_FuOvlziJY-00925-00237096-00237342 people probably know too that the T_FuOvlziJY-00926-00237344-00237519 right now the um T_FuOvlziJY-00927-00237519-00237758 form is created in html with inline T_FuOvlziJY-00928-00237759-00237967 javascript and there is no scripts to T_FuOvlziJY-00929-00237967-00238094 update it so T_FuOvlziJY-00930-00238096-00238303 it is uh the way we could get it T_FuOvlziJY-00931-00238304-00238567 established was very hard to update so T_FuOvlziJY-00932-00238567-00238775 as soon as we can get this in and update T_FuOvlziJY-00933-00238776-00238942 it into the um T_FuOvlziJY-00934-00238944-00239134 the issue form so that that would be T_FuOvlziJY-00935-00239135-00239271 perfect T_FuOvlziJY-00936-00239271-00239542 it would be easier for the T_FuOvlziJY-00937-00239544-00239710 applicants as well because this the T_FuOvlziJY-00938-00239711-00239991 process is a little um T_FuOvlziJY-00939-00239992-00240167 uh what's the word i want T_FuOvlziJY-00940-00240167-00240367 yeah it could be a lot smoother so um T_FuOvlziJY-00941-00240367-00240463 this would T_FuOvlziJY-00942-00240464-00240710 fix a lot of that okay T_FuOvlziJY-00943-00240711-00240887 so just uh T_FuOvlziJY-00944-00240888-00241127 i'm not uh i'm not suggesting you do it T_FuOvlziJY-00945-00241128-00241287 differently but i did just want to let T_FuOvlziJY-00946-00241288-00241455 you know that it is it is possible to T_FuOvlziJY-00947-00241456-00241598 create web forms T_FuOvlziJY-00948-00241600-00241734 on the website T_FuOvlziJY-00949-00241735-00242023 without uh html code T_FuOvlziJY-00950-00242023-00242358 so we have a we have plugins for that T_FuOvlziJY-00951-00242359-00242503 okay T_FuOvlziJY-00952-00242504-00242606 oh T_FuOvlziJY-00953-00242607-00242951 hello cat can anyone share the links i'm T_FuOvlziJY-00954-00242952-00243182 interested in it T_FuOvlziJY-00955-00243183-00243375 are you interested in that T_FuOvlziJY-00956-00243376-00243471 yeah yeah T_FuOvlziJY-00957-00243471-00243710 um do you want the links to like this T_FuOvlziJY-00958-00243711-00243855 issue template here T_FuOvlziJY-00959-00243856-00244039 yes yes thank you T_FuOvlziJY-00960-00244040-00244198 yeah could somebody grab that and just T_FuOvlziJY-00961-00244200-00244567 drop it into the chat in the minutes T_FuOvlziJY-00962-00244567-00244694 it's actually it's i think it's in the T_FuOvlziJY-00963-00244696-00245023 minutes it's right here T_FuOvlziJY-00964-00245023-00245767 anyway T_FuOvlziJY-00965-00245767-00245967 yeah matt and elizabeth like you can T_FuOvlziJY-00966-00245967-00246215 just head over here if you want to at T_FuOvlziJY-00967-00246216-00246367 least T_FuOvlziJY-00968-00246367-00246606 have some preliminary T_FuOvlziJY-00969-00246607-00246830 framework preliminary framework for the T_FuOvlziJY-00970-00246831-00247167 event badging side of things T_FuOvlziJY-00971-00247167-00247255 and yes T_FuOvlziJY-00972-00247256-00247519 just to coordinate too we'll probably T_FuOvlziJY-00973-00247519-00247615 want to T_FuOvlziJY-00974-00247616-00247887 update the uh the website page instead T_FuOvlziJY-00975-00247888-00248071 of having submit your event and then you T_FuOvlziJY-00976-00248071-00248230 go through the application there we'll T_FuOvlziJY-00977-00248231-00248455 just have like a link to the issue once T_FuOvlziJY-00978-00248456-00248646 that's done yeah T_FuOvlziJY-00979-00248648-00248894 yep yep agreed T_FuOvlziJY-00980-00248896-00249110 okay and agreed elizabeth thank you T_FuOvlziJY-00981-00249111-00249215 ayush T_FuOvlziJY-00982-00249216-00249727 for doing this this is great T_FuOvlziJY-00983-00249728-00249830 all right T_FuOvlziJY-00984-00249831-00250030 maybe that uh maybe that page that has T_FuOvlziJY-00985-00250031-00250303 the link could have some uh T_FuOvlziJY-00986-00250304-00250406 uh T_FuOvlziJY-00987-00250407-00250598 kind of knowledge uh some information T_FuOvlziJY-00988-00250600-00250927 and kind of facts about the badging T_FuOvlziJY-00989-00250928-00251079 program in general so maybe we could T_FuOvlziJY-00990-00251080-00251255 build out that page a little bit more T_FuOvlziJY-00991-00251256-00251423 yeah that sounds good yeah because right T_FuOvlziJY-00992-00251423-00251694 now it has uh information but it still T_FuOvlziJY-00993-00251696-00251958 says diversity in inclusion like with T_FuOvlziJY-00994-00251959-00252191 the ampersand which make which is a big T_FuOvlziJY-00995-00252192-00252423 signal that it's old information T_FuOvlziJY-00996-00252423-00252639 at this point T_FuOvlziJY-00997-00252640-00252830 yep totally can do that T_FuOvlziJY-00998-00252831-00252919 um T_FuOvlziJY-00999-00252919-00253334 right on thank you for that T_FuOvlziJY-01000-00253335-00253455 yeah T_FuOvlziJY-01001-00253456-00253646 okay my microphone just doesn't seem to T_FuOvlziJY-01002-00253648-00253727 be T_FuOvlziJY-01003-00253728-00254063 activating nope here you just fight T_FuOvlziJY-01004-00254064-00254471 in terms of project badging T_FuOvlziJY-01005-00254471-00254775 can have we figured out i was gone last T_FuOvlziJY-01006-00254776-00255039 week i was on vacation and no T_FuOvlziJY-01007-00255040-00255198 communications T_FuOvlziJY-01008-00255200-00255319 so T_FuOvlziJY-01009-00255319-00255430 i'm T_FuOvlziJY-01010-00255431-00255655 wondering if we had changed the date of T_FuOvlziJY-01011-00255656-00255830 the badging meeting in order to start T_FuOvlziJY-01012-00255831-00255998 planning some of this so that we could T_FuOvlziJY-01013-00256000-00256119 do it T_FuOvlziJY-01014-00256119-00256446 alternating weeks with event badging T_FuOvlziJY-01015-00256448-00256623 and project reaching yeah we haven't T_FuOvlziJY-01016-00256623-00256823 done that so yeah we were gonna wait T_FuOvlziJY-01017-00256823-00256991 until after the T_FuOvlziJY-01018-00256992-00257358 reviewer event happened and then i think T_FuOvlziJY-01019-00257359-00257527 changed that cadence T_FuOvlziJY-01020-00257528-00257863 i think that's what we decided T_FuOvlziJY-01021-00257864-00258094 all right i just wanted to T_FuOvlziJY-01022-00258096-00258303 check on that i feel like i've missed a T_FuOvlziJY-01023-00258304-00258494 lot in the last week T_FuOvlziJY-01024-00258496-00258758 well last katie last week if you go into T_FuOvlziJY-01025-00258759-00258879 the minutes T_FuOvlziJY-01026-00258880-00259094 we did spend quite a bit of time on just T_FuOvlziJY-01027-00259096-00259263 kind of talking through it in this T_FuOvlziJY-01028-00259264-00259382 meeting T_FuOvlziJY-01029-00259383-00259567 so there this is T_FuOvlziJY-01030-00259567-00259727 what you see i don't know if you can see T_FuOvlziJY-01031-00259728-00259934 my screen but what you see like below T_FuOvlziJY-01032-00259935-00260030 here T_FuOvlziJY-01033-00260031-00260294 this is certainly not like must be put T_FuOvlziJY-01034-00260296-00260494 into practice these were just a lot of T_FuOvlziJY-01035-00260496-00260663 comments and really good ideas that T_FuOvlziJY-01036-00260664-00260982 people had last week T_FuOvlziJY-01037-00260983-00261151 yeah it looks great i will take another T_FuOvlziJY-01038-00261152-00261446 look at that okay thanks T_FuOvlziJY-01039-00261448-00261615 you can also watch the recording too T_FuOvlziJY-01040-00261616-00261703 katie T_FuOvlziJY-01041-00261704-00261894 i can link that T_FuOvlziJY-01042-00261896-00262182 i tried to be on this but i did not have T_FuOvlziJY-01043-00262183-00262415 enough cell phone reception T_FuOvlziJY-01044-00262416-00262671 in the middle of a campground to T_FuOvlziJY-01045-00262672-00262927 even get out a text message so i said oh T_FuOvlziJY-01046-00262928-00263143 well and i put my phone away for seven T_FuOvlziJY-01047-00263144-00263655 days that sounds way better T_FuOvlziJY-01048-00263656-00263871 i hope it was a good camping trip oh it T_FuOvlziJY-01049-00263872-00264182 was wonderful T_FuOvlziJY-01050-00264183-00264367 nice T_FuOvlziJY-01051-00264368-00264591 um T_FuOvlziJY-01052-00264592-00264751 and you can learn why there's a sandwich T_FuOvlziJY-01053-00264752-00264967 here too if you go back to the village T_FuOvlziJY-01054-00264968-00265215 so T_FuOvlziJY-01055-00265216-00265487 um badgers in the last meeting before T_FuOvlziJY-01056-00265488-00265687 that so T_FuOvlziJY-01057-00265688-00265895 we're just picking a new picture now T_FuOvlziJY-01058-00265896-00266119 sandwiches and badgers yes that's right T_FuOvlziJY-01059-00266120-00266367 we must be driven by T_FuOvlziJY-01060-00266368-00266534 strange imagery T_FuOvlziJY-01061-00266535-00266679 um T_FuOvlziJY-01062-00266680-00266887 and then just kind of a last note here T_FuOvlziJY-01063-00266888-00267134 there is a burnout and mental health T_FuOvlziJY-01064-00267135-00267503 session T_FuOvlziJY-01065-00267504-00267727 yeah ruth wanted me to just uh or wanted T_FuOvlziJY-01066-00267728-00267958 us to just remind everybody that um that T_FuOvlziJY-01067-00267959-00268119 that was happening and it's you have to T_FuOvlziJY-01068-00268120-00268327 scroll down a little bit um T_FuOvlziJY-01069-00268328-00268471 and this this page was actually really T_FuOvlziJY-01070-00268472-00268679 confusing for me the date is like listed T_FuOvlziJY-01071-00268680-00268895 above it which i totally missed T_FuOvlziJY-01072-00268896-00269055 the first time i saw it see the june T_FuOvlziJY-01073-00269056-00269343 17th there we go um i missed that the T_FuOvlziJY-01074-00269344-00269495 first time i saw that but um anyway T_FuOvlziJY-01075-00269496-00269727 that's where you can register uh for the T_FuOvlziJY-01076-00269728-00269895 event and then i also put a link to the T_FuOvlziJY-01077-00269896-00270134 agenda in the minute meeting T_FuOvlziJY-01078-00270135-00270439 meeting minutes the minute meeting um so T_FuOvlziJY-01079-00270440-00270575 that if you're curious and you want to T_FuOvlziJY-01080-00270576-00270734 see what we're going to be talking about T_FuOvlziJY-01081-00270735-00271263 that's that's what it is that's yeah T_FuOvlziJY-01082-00271264-00271510 is this on the chaos calendar yet T_FuOvlziJY-01083-00271511-00271682 it is T_FuOvlziJY-01084-00271683-00272095 awesome another question um is anybody T_FuOvlziJY-01085-00272096-00272415 from this call going to be at T_FuOvlziJY-01086-00272416-00272575 open source summit T_FuOvlziJY-01087-00272576-00272967 in austin this month yes T_FuOvlziJY-01088-00272968-00273406 yes yes i will be T_FuOvlziJY-01089-00273407-00273797 some many yeses many many yeses T_FuOvlziJY-01090-00273798-00273951 [Music] T_FuOvlziJY-01091-00273952-00274127 it would be good to find a time maybe if T_FuOvlziJY-01092-00274128-00274279 we could all meet up T_FuOvlziJY-01093-00274280-00274510 for our lunch or something i live right T_FuOvlziJY-01094-00274511-00274687 up the street from it so i will be there T_FuOvlziJY-01095-00274688-00274823 for sure T_FuOvlziJY-01096-00274824-00274975 so you're local also i'm in new T_FuOvlziJY-01097-00274976-00275095 braunfels T_FuOvlziJY-01098-00275096-00275223 all right yeah T_FuOvlziJY-01099-00275224-00275575 i'm north austin okay cool T_FuOvlziJY-01100-00275576-00275719 right on T_FuOvlziJY-01101-00275720-00275830 that's probably something we should talk T_FuOvlziJY-01102-00275831-00276015 about in the community meeting too like T_FuOvlziJY-01103-00276016-00276127 a T_FuOvlziJY-01104-00276128-00276358 some larger chaos event because we don't T_FuOvlziJY-01105-00276359-00276519 have chaos con T_FuOvlziJY-01106-00276520-00276719 larger event meaning like a get-together T_FuOvlziJY-01107-00276720-00276871 you know what i mean like lunch or T_FuOvlziJY-01108-00276872-00277079 dinner or something like or underground T_FuOvlziJY-01109-00277080-00277406 tours T_FuOvlziJY-01110-00277407-00277582 like that underground and awesome but T_FuOvlziJY-01111-00277583-00277815 there are two ghost tours T_FuOvlziJY-01112-00277816-00277967 okay well that sounds T_FuOvlziJY-01113-00277968-00278191 that sounds pretty cool T_FuOvlziJY-01114-00278192-00278558 um all right well we do the the bat tour T_FuOvlziJY-01115-00278559-00278791 well definitely the bat tour the night T_FuOvlziJY-01116-00278792-00279039 at the bat bridge oh yeah bats and T_FuOvlziJY-01117-00279040-00279223 ghosts T_FuOvlziJY-01118-00279224-00279471 i'm not familiar with these traditions T_FuOvlziJY-01119-00279472-00279639 you don't know the bat bridge T_FuOvlziJY-01120-00279640-00279799 no T_FuOvlziJY-01121-00279800-00279975 youtube T_FuOvlziJY-01122-00279976-00280375 yeah you need to look that up T_FuOvlziJY-01123-00280376-00280591 we usually do the bat bridge and then go T_FuOvlziJY-01124-00280592-00280799 to chewie's down the road T_FuOvlziJY-01125-00280800-00281006 for dinner T_FuOvlziJY-01126-00281007-00281230 it's like the local tex-mex place that's T_FuOvlziJY-01127-00281231-00281487 the all to do in austin that sounds like T_FuOvlziJY-01128-00281488-00281751 we've just planned the uh the T_FuOvlziJY-01129-00281752-00281967 there you go chaos get together event T_FuOvlziJY-01130-00281968-00282382 bats and chewies T_FuOvlziJY-01131-00282383-00282543 all right everybody we made it through T_FuOvlziJY-01132-00282544-00282799 the agenda last call if anybody oh no T_FuOvlziJY-01133-00282800-00283151 christie called never mind T_FuOvlziJY-01134-00283152-00283391 there's a dog all right thank you thank T_FuOvlziJY-01135-00283392-00283740 you thanks everybody TAr_4H0wERu-00000-00000092-00000908 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00001-00000909-00002445 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00002-00002446-00003327 [Laughter] TAr_4H0wERu-00003-00003328-00005210 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00004-00005211-00005850 [Applause] TAr_4H0wERu-00005-00005851-00007045 [Laughter] TAr_4H0wERu-00006-00007047-00007256 make sure you get everything make sure TAr_4H0wERu-00007-00007256-00007627 you get the whole your whole body and it TAr_4H0wERu-00008-00007628-00007840 works out great TAr_4H0wERu-00009-00007841-00008110 no just make sure you know that TAr_4H0wERu-00010-00008111-00010355 especially back he really TAr_4H0wERu-00011-00010356-00011721 [Applause] TAr_4H0wERu-00013-00016538-00017872 [Applause] TAr_4H0wERu-00014-00017873-00018187 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00015-00018188-00018464 Robert got a little sunburned with his TAr_4H0wERu-00016-00018465-00018744 hat on today put your head down Robert TAr_4H0wERu-00017-00018745-00019017 it's a peace sign maybe the British flag TAr_4H0wERu-00018-00019018-00019464 up there we're not sure let me see the TAr_4H0wERu-00019-00019465-00019670 top of his hat see it follows the TAr_4H0wERu-00020-00019671-00021008 pattern on his hat oh my gosh TAr_4H0wERu-00021-00021009-00023166 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00022-00023167-00025355 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00023-00025356-00025452 Oh TAr_4H0wERu-00024-00025453-00026093 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00025-00026094-00026686 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00026-00026687-00028077 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00027-00028079-00028361 [Applause] TAr_4H0wERu-00028-00028362-00029552 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00030-00033224-00034554 Oh TAr_4H0wERu-00031-00034555-00035083 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00033-00040061-00040430 what would you like to say Luke TAr_4H0wERu-00034-00040431-00041642 [Laughter] TAr_4H0wERu-00035-00041643-00043523 [Laughter] TAr_4H0wERu-00036-00043524-00044584 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00037-00044585-00045488 move Emmy daddy's gonna hurt you TAr_4H0wERu-00038-00045489-00047801 [Laughter] TAr_4H0wERu-00039-00047802-00048792 [Laughter] TAr_4H0wERu-00040-00048793-00050296 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00041-00050297-00050623 [Laughter] TAr_4H0wERu-00042-00050624-00052632 I told you TAr_4H0wERu-00043-00052633-00054104 [Laughter] TAr_4H0wERu-00044-00054105-00054123 [Laughter] TAr_4H0wERu-00045-00054124-00054876 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00046-00054877-00056313 [Applause] TAr_4H0wERu-00047-00056314-00058203 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00048-00058204-00060039 [Laughter] TAr_4H0wERu-00049-00060040-00060446 [Laughter] TAr_4H0wERu-00050-00060447-00061200 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00051-00061201-00061474 Robert got a little sunburned with his TAr_4H0wERu-00052-00061475-00061768 hat on today put your head down Robert TAr_4H0wERu-00053-00061769-00062055 if the peace sign maybe the British flag TAr_4H0wERu-00054-00062057-00062154 [Applause] TAr_4H0wERu-00055-00062154-00062965 [Laughter] TAr_4H0wERu-00056-00062966-00063329 [Laughter] TAr_4H0wERu-00057-00063329-00063466 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00058-00063466-00063564 [Applause] TAr_4H0wERu-00059-00063565-00064253 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00060-00064254-00066770 [Laughter] TAr_4H0wERu-00061-00066771-00066906 [Applause] TAr_4H0wERu-00062-00066907-00069192 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00063-00069193-00069979 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00064-00069980-00071004 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00065-00071005-00072999 [Applause] TAr_4H0wERu-00066-00073000-00073270 don't step on that waterfall TAr_4H0wERu-00067-00073271-00074835 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00068-00074836-00075675 [Applause] TAr_4H0wERu-00069-00075676-00076228 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00070-00076229-00076789 [Applause] TAr_4H0wERu-00071-00076790-00077756 [Music] TAr_4H0wERu-00072-00077757-00080408 Oh TAr_4H0wERu-00073-00080409-00081807 right the book was kind of dark too TAr_4H0wERu-00075-00085454-00085660 you TEWPd-XEQ6u-00000-00000544-00000734 guide us TEWPd-XEQ6u-00001-00000735-00000927 to the straight TEWPd-XEQ6u-00002-00000927-00001087 path TEWPd-XEQ6u-00003-00001088-00001431 now this is a supplication TEWPd-XEQ6u-00004-00001432-00001767 this is a supplication after glorifying TEWPd-XEQ6u-00005-00001768-00002126 after praising allah in the initial TEWPd-XEQ6u-00006-00002127-00002415 verses and then making a pact and TEWPd-XEQ6u-00007-00002416-00002647 promise with allah TEWPd-XEQ6u-00008-00002648-00002855 now the reciter TEWPd-XEQ6u-00009-00002856-00004511 is TEWPd-XEQ6u-00010-00004512-00004654 means what TEWPd-XEQ6u-00011-00004655-00004854 the straight path TEWPd-XEQ6u-00012-00004855-00005086 what is this TEWPd-XEQ6u-00013-00005087-00005431 now as you can see TEWPd-XEQ6u-00014-00005432-00005606 between dunya TEWPd-XEQ6u-00015-00005607-00005831 and between jannah TEWPd-XEQ6u-00016-00005832-00005999 the shortest TEWPd-XEQ6u-00017-00006000-00006167 the straightest TEWPd-XEQ6u-00018-00006168-00006383 the easiest TEWPd-XEQ6u-00019-00006384-00006470 and TEWPd-XEQ6u-00020-00006472-00006831 the surest path from dunya to directly TEWPd-XEQ6u-00021-00006831-00006975 to jannah TEWPd-XEQ6u-00022-00006976-00007255 is TEWPd-XEQ6u-00023-00007256-00007455 there might be other roots TEWPd-XEQ6u-00024-00007456-00007631 but they might be longer they might be TEWPd-XEQ6u-00025-00007631-00007887 risky and it might not be sure that they TEWPd-XEQ6u-00026-00007888-00008167 might lead us to jannah but the shortest TEWPd-XEQ6u-00027-00008168-00008399 easiest sure is and even the most TEWPd-XEQ6u-00028-00008400-00008542 convenient TEWPd-XEQ6u-00029-00008543-00009014 route from dunya to jannah is what it is TEWPd-XEQ6u-00030-00009015-00009271 so after glorifying and praising allah TEWPd-XEQ6u-00031-00009272-00009487 and making a promise we make a dua and TEWPd-XEQ6u-00032-00009488-00009759 we request for guidance to jannah we TEWPd-XEQ6u-00033-00009760-00010103 make a dua that guide us to spend our TEWPd-XEQ6u-00034-00010104-00010367 lives on a path which surely leads to TEWPd-XEQ6u-00035-00010368-00010663 our desired destination of jannah TEWPd-XEQ6u-00036-00010664-00010942 the reciter of surah fatiha asks the TEWPd-XEQ6u-00037-00010943-00011287 hadi rub himself directly for guidance TEWPd-XEQ6u-00038-00011288-00011599 and it is it is the best supplication TEWPd-XEQ6u-00039-00011600-00011774 any believer can make and that is why TEWPd-XEQ6u-00040-00011775-00012103 swara fatiha is also called TEWPd-XEQ6u-00041-00012104-00012351 but now before i go ahead with the next TEWPd-XEQ6u-00042-00012352-00012438 verse TEWPd-XEQ6u-00043-00012439-00012670 i would uh highlight one thing we need TEWPd-XEQ6u-00044-00012671-00012983 to remember that although we know that TEWPd-XEQ6u-00045-00012984-00013166 this is TEWPd-XEQ6u-00046-00013168-00013486 and after glorifying allah and reciting TEWPd-XEQ6u-00047-00013487-00013811 surah fatiha when we're going to ask TEWPd-XEQ6u-00048-00013812-00014304 foreign will be heard and accepted TGi8dJk-f3E-00000-00000424-00000751 hello people of mexico my name is TGi8dJk-f3E-00001-00000752-00000950 tarawa TGi8dJk-f3E-00002-00000951-00001279 i have visited your beautiful country TGi8dJk-f3E-00003-00001280-00001550 i spent a month there traveling and it TGi8dJk-f3E-00004-00001551-00001647 really TGi8dJk-f3E-00005-00001648-00002007 changed my way of thinking of mexicans TGi8dJk-f3E-00006-00002007-00002302 and i really love your country TGi8dJk-f3E-00007-00002303-00002591 i was proud to be there TGi8dJk-f3E-00008-00002592-00002726 and if TGi8dJk-f3E-00009-00002727-00003055 you need my help for the kind words TGi8dJk-f3E-00010-00003056-00003222 something i'm TGi8dJk-f3E-00011-00003223-00003454 more than willing to say to you TGi8dJk-f3E-00012-00003455-00003847 don't ever ever give up TGi8dJk-f3E-00013-00003847-00004103 i follow what is happening in your TGi8dJk-f3E-00014-00004104-00004254 country TGi8dJk-f3E-00015-00004255-00004583 and many times we people in iceland we TGi8dJk-f3E-00016-00004584-00004775 are shocked TGi8dJk-f3E-00017-00004776-00004886 and we are TGi8dJk-f3E-00018-00004887-00005175 very sorry what is happening and we feel TGi8dJk-f3E-00019-00005176-00005415 for you TGi8dJk-f3E-00020-00005416-00005583 but please TGi8dJk-f3E-00021-00005584-00006006 don't ever give a hope TGi8dJk-f3E-00022-00006007-00006222 don't give up TGi8dJk-f3E-00023-00006223-00006495 i'm sure it's going to take time TGi8dJk-f3E-00024-00006495-00006988 but we are with you in our hearts THVP30bYQmg-00000-00000017-00000313 the bombing of tokugawa in world war two THVP30bYQmg-00001-00000314-00000605 leash wangkong z toyokawa dai Kyushu was THVP30bYQmg-00002-00000606-00000755 part of the strategic bombing campaign THVP30bYQmg-00003-00000756-00001000 waged by the United States of America THVP30bYQmg-00004-00001001-00001193 against military and civilian targets THVP30bYQmg-00005-00001194-00001378 and population centers during the Japan THVP30bYQmg-00006-00001379-00001565 home islands campaign in the closing THVP30bYQmg-00007-00001566-00002237 stages of World War two THVP30bYQmg-00008-00002238-00002772 topic background THVP30bYQmg-00009-00002773-00003003 although the city of toyokawa was not a THVP30bYQmg-00010-00003004-00003222 major population center it had a major THVP30bYQmg-00011-00003222-00003426 target of military significance the THVP30bYQmg-00012-00003427-00003597 toyokawa naval Arsenal Lee Schwalm THVP30bYQmg-00013-00003597-00003804 hyejeong dong Qiang one of the largest THVP30bYQmg-00014-00003804-00004011 in the Empire of Japan which produced THVP30bYQmg-00015-00004011-00004290 7.7 millimeters machine guns 13 THVP30bYQmg-00016-00004291-00004512 millimeters in 20 millimeters aircraft THVP30bYQmg-00017-00004513-00004734 cannon and 25 millimeters anti-aircraft THVP30bYQmg-00018-00004735-00004968 cannon and associated munitions for the THVP30bYQmg-00019-00004969-00005358 Imperial Japanese Navy by February 1945 THVP30bYQmg-00020-00005359-00005697 the facility had 50 6,400 workers in THVP30bYQmg-00021-00005698-00005978 covered an area of 330 hectares the THVP30bYQmg-00022-00005979-00006225 Tokaido mainline railway connecting THVP30bYQmg-00023-00006226-00006456 Tokyo with a soccer also ran through the THVP30bYQmg-00024-00006456-00007017 city THVP30bYQmg-00025-00007018-00007556 topic air-raids THVP30bYQmg-00026-00007556-00007727 despite its obvious military THVP30bYQmg-00027-00007728-00007967 significance toyokawa was not bombed THVP30bYQmg-00028-00007968-00008153 until the very late stages of World War THVP30bYQmg-00029-00008154-00008522 two on the 1st of November 1944 a THVP30bYQmg-00030-00008523-00008798 small-scale air raid occurred this was THVP30bYQmg-00031-00008799-00009011 followed on the 23rd of November by a THVP30bYQmg-00032-00009012-00009167 midnight flyover by a lone THVP30bYQmg-00033-00009168-00009431 camera-equipped b-29 Superfortress on a THVP30bYQmg-00034-00009432-00009740 reconnaissance mission however a major THVP30bYQmg-00035-00009741-00009953 air raid did not occur until the morning THVP30bYQmg-00036-00009954-00010298 of the 7th of August 1945 during this THVP30bYQmg-00037-00010299-00010682 attack 135 b-29 Superfortress bombers of THVP30bYQmg-00038-00010683-00011194 the USAAF xx air force 58 73rd 313 and THVP30bYQmg-00039-00011195-00011474 314 bombardment wings launched from Guam THVP30bYQmg-00040-00011475-00011813 Saipan and Tinian they were joined by 48 THVP30bYQmg-00041-00011814-00012083 p-51 Mustang escort fighters deployed THVP30bYQmg-00042-00012084-00012365 from Iwo Jima arriving over the target THVP30bYQmg-00043-00012366-00012698 area at 10:13 a.m. 12 b-29s bombed the THVP30bYQmg-00044-00012699-00012875 toyokawa naval Arsenal while the THVP30bYQmg-00045-00012876-00013094 remaining bomb is concentrated on toyoko THVP30bYQmg-00046-00013094-00013294 is civilian population center and the THVP30bYQmg-00047-00013295-00013579 p-51 strafe targets of opportunity a THVP30bYQmg-00048-00013580-00014126 total of 3,000 256 500-pound bombs 813 THVP30bYQmg-00049-00014127-00014315 tons was dropped on the city from an THVP30bYQmg-00050-00014316-00014638 altitude of 15,000 to 17,000 feet THVP30bYQmg-00051-00014638-00014903 civilian casualty estimates range from THVP30bYQmg-00052-00014904-00015104 two thousand five hundred and forty four THVP30bYQmg-00053-00015105-00015281 to two thousand six hundred and seventy THVP30bYQmg-00054-00015282-00015596 seven people killed victims included THVP30bYQmg-00055-00015597-00015755 four hundred and fifty two school THVP30bYQmg-00056-00015756-00015965 children and teenage girls some of whom THVP30bYQmg-00057-00015966-00016136 had been conscripted and many of whom THVP30bYQmg-00058-00016137-00016300 had volunteered to work at the naval THVP30bYQmg-00059-00016301-00016592 Arsenal Japanese anti-aircraft fire THVP30bYQmg-00060-00016593-00016916 damaged 21 b-29s during the raid one of THVP30bYQmg-00061-00016917-00017096 which crashed into the ocean near Iwo THVP30bYQmg-00062-00017097-00017381 Jima there were no American fatalities THVP30bYQmg-00063-00017382-00017684 another b-29 lost course and dropped its THVP30bYQmg-00064-00017685-00017875 bombs on the rural village of futa Matta THVP30bYQmg-00065-00017876-00018260 now part of Hama Matsu she's oka after THVP30bYQmg-00066-00018261-00018452 the war a memorial monument was erected THVP30bYQmg-00067-00018453-00018665 within the grounds of Toya Curran re THVP30bYQmg-00068-00018666-00018980 temple several other memorials exist at THVP30bYQmg-00069-00018981-00019716 various locations around toyokawa City THVP30bYQmg-00070-00019717-00020274 topic see also THVP30bYQmg-00071-00020275-00020718 strategic bombing during World War two TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00000-00000180-00000473 hi I'm Sarah from Lumen and in this TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00001-00000474-00000647 quick video I'm going to give you a TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00002-00000648-00000844 walkthrough of what to expect in your TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00003-00000846-00001127 Lumen one study plans you'll access your TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00004-00001128-00001283 study plans from your introductory TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00005-00001284-00001535 statistics course this means you'll need TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00006-00001536-00001787 to log into your school's website and go TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00007-00001788-00001987 to the course where you're using lumen1 TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00008-00001988-00002189 depending on your school's learning TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00009-00002190-00002392 management system and how your TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00010-00002393-00002560 instructor has your course organized TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00011-00002561-00002723 your course will look different than TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00012-00002724-00002957 this but what you'll want to look for TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00013-00002958-00003208 are the links that start with study plan TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00014-00003209-00003515 like this one here all study plans will TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00015-00003515-00003731 be labeled study plan followed by the TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00016-00003732-00003965 name of the module like this one which TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00017-00003965-00004217 is data types and organization TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00018-00004218-00004456 the first time that you access a study TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00019-00004457-00004756 plan you'll see this background skills TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00020-00004757-00004979 box which explains the skills you'll TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00021-00004980-00005231 need to do the work in this study plan TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00022-00005232-00005513 module if you click check your Readiness TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00023-00005514-00005741 you can take a quick assessment that TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00024-00005742-00006004 will help you identify any skills which TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00025-00006005-00006263 you might need a quick refresher on you TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00026-00006264-00006484 can click later and still have a chance TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00027-00006486-00006677 to take the Readiness check at any point TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00028-00006678-00006898 but we recommend taking it at the TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00029-00006900-00007084 beginning of your study plan TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00030-00007086-00007367 because it'll help you understand if you TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00031-00007368-00007606 need a quick review and also because TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00032-00007608-00007877 completion of the Readiness check counts TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00033-00007878-00008092 toward the points you'll earn for this TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00034-00008093-00008285 study plan let me show you what the TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00035-00008286-00008531 Readiness check looks like it's a quick TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00036-00008532-00008735 assessment and you'll answer each TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00037-00008736-00008969 question and click submit TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00038-00008970-00009155 you'll be able to see if you're getting TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00039-00009156-00012113 your answers correct or incorrect TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00040-00012114-00012317 and when you come to the last question TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00041-00012318-00012563 you'll click finish TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00042-00012564-00012863 your results page will list the skills TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00043-00012863-00013108 that you need to review TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00044-00013109-00013325 and when you click back to your study TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00045-00013326-00013585 plan you'll see detailed information TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00046-00013586-00014021 about which skills you're ready with and TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00047-00014022-00014213 which skills need review TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00048-00014213-00014471 click the skill to access a mini lesson TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00049-00014472-00014663 to help you brush up TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00050-00014663-00014951 now let's look at the content in the TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00051-00014952-00015244 learn section of your study plan TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00052-00015245-00015508 visit why it matters to learn why the TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00053-00015509-00015749 concepts in this module model in matter TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00054-00015750-00016072 in the real world the cheat sheet is a TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00055-00016073-00016265 study Aid that provides key terms TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00056-00016266-00016558 formulas and Concepts from this module TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00057-00016559-00016847 and these are the topics within this TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00058-00016848-00016955 module TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00059-00016956-00017200 every study plan is organized the same TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00060-00017201-00017494 way and every topic has the same TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00061-00017495-00017608 structure TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00062-00017609-00017861 this makes it easy for you to know what TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00063-00017862-00018071 to expect and how to move through your TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00064-00018072-00018221 materials TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00065-00018222-00018539 the learn it section helps you learn the TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00066-00018540-00018761 course content through readings videos TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00067-00018762-00019036 and practice problems you can always TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00068-00019037-00019391 click back to study plan to get back TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00069-00019392-00019672 apply it help you apply what you've TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00070-00019673-00019883 learned your instructor might ask you to TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00071-00019884-00020207 do these in class or as homework and the TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00072-00020208-00020447 self-check is a quick check that helps TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00073-00020448-00020608 you gauge your understanding of the TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00074-00020609-00020861 topic completion of these self-checks TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00075-00020862-00021089 count toward your points for the study TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00076-00021090-00021407 plan so make sure you do them they make TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00077-00021408-00021617 a great study tool and you can take them TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00078-00021618-00021808 as many times as you like TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00079-00021809-00021989 when you're done TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00080-00021990-00022217 you'll be able to see if there are any TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00081-00022218-00024383 skills that you need to brush up on TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00082-00024384-00024683 you go back to your study plan TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00083-00024684-00025042 you'll see that your self check is done TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00084-00025043-00025385 the Dig Deeper section has materials to TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00085-00025386-00025583 help you learn the Big Ideas in a TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00086-00025584-00025828 different way and these are helpful if TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00087-00025829-00026044 your self-check results indicate that TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00088-00026045-00026327 you still need to review this topic like TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00089-00026327-00026477 I do here TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00090-00026477-00026758 as you work through your study plan it TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00091-00026760-00026908 will update to help you understand TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00092-00026910-00027190 what's done and where you need to focus TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00093-00027191-00027329 your time TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00094-00027330-00027611 here's an example of a study plan where TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00095-00027612-00027862 the Readiness check and all self-checks TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00096-00027863-00028193 are done you can see the done label for TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00097-00028194-00028337 each one of them TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00098-00028338-00028618 you can also see that for some of the TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00099-00028619-00028924 topics I need review and some of the TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00100-00028925-00029255 topics I've achieved proficiency TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00101-00029256-00029501 in order to get bold points for your TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00102-00029502-00029758 study plans you must make sure that you TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00103-00029760-00030077 see done next to each self-check and the TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00104-00030077-00030233 Readiness check TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00105-00030233-00030407 and once you've learned through the TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00106-00030408-00030629 worked through the learn content of your TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00107-00030630-00030851 study plan you'll find the practice TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00108-00030852-00031168 problems and the quizzes the quiz for TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00109-00031169-00031414 this module make sure you work through TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00110-00031416-00031612 the study plan topics before you take TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00111-00031613-00031823 your quiz so that you're prepared for it TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00112-00031824-00032158 you have two attempts for each quiz and TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00113-00032160-00032314 only the highest score will be counted TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00114-00032316-00032543 and that's a quick overview of your TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00115-00032544-00032801 Lumen one study plans we'd love to hear TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00116-00032802-00032987 how you work through study plans so TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00117-00032988-00033196 visit the Lumen community and let us TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00118-00033197-00033371 know what's working and what we can TJ9v0_TqFBQ-00119-00033372-00033752 improve have a great semester TMXyLpcHPSo-00000-00000056-00000238 hey my name is reuben wax and welcome to TMXyLpcHPSo-00001-00000239-00000455 my channel the power of helping TMXyLpcHPSo-00002-00000456-00000663 so what is the power of helping well TMXyLpcHPSo-00003-00000664-00000894 whilst training to become a counsellor TMXyLpcHPSo-00004-00000896-00001095 one thing became really clear to me TMXyLpcHPSo-00005-00001096-00001319 which is that when you help someone TMXyLpcHPSo-00006-00001320-00001447 let's see through a really tough TMXyLpcHPSo-00007-00001448-00001647 challenge or get back to where they want TMXyLpcHPSo-00008-00001648-00001734 to be in life TMXyLpcHPSo-00009-00001735-00001942 or to reach a particular goal that's TMXyLpcHPSo-00010-00001943-00002118 really important to them TMXyLpcHPSo-00011-00002119-00002367 those experiences can be life-changing TMXyLpcHPSo-00012-00002368-00002479 for that person TMXyLpcHPSo-00013-00002480-00002750 and if helped effectively can be so TMXyLpcHPSo-00014-00002751-00002887 empowering TMXyLpcHPSo-00015-00002888-00003039 like if you think back to a time when TMXyLpcHPSo-00016-00003040-00003231 you really needed help and someone was TMXyLpcHPSo-00017-00003232-00003375 there for you TMXyLpcHPSo-00018-00003376-00003686 those experiences can mean so much to us TMXyLpcHPSo-00019-00003688-00003903 and on the flip the person giving the TMXyLpcHPSo-00020-00003904-00004159 help those experiences can be amazing TMXyLpcHPSo-00021-00004160-00004383 and give them so much joy for just TMXyLpcHPSo-00022-00004384-00004463 having been able TMXyLpcHPSo-00023-00004464-00004799 to help but one thing i also have really TMXyLpcHPSo-00024-00004800-00005006 come to learn on my training is that TMXyLpcHPSo-00025-00005007-00005199 to actually help effectively and be TMXyLpcHPSo-00026-00005200-00005415 present you need to feel good in TMXyLpcHPSo-00027-00005416-00005567 yourself TMXyLpcHPSo-00028-00005568-00005815 so on this channel there's going to be TMXyLpcHPSo-00029-00005816-00005983 so much great content TMXyLpcHPSo-00030-00005984-00006351 on self-improvement self-development TMXyLpcHPSo-00031-00006352-00006542 building positive habits and i'm going TMXyLpcHPSo-00032-00006543-00006703 to share loads of great skills that you TMXyLpcHPSo-00033-00006704-00006919 can actually use and apply when helping TMXyLpcHPSo-00034-00006920-00006983 others TMXyLpcHPSo-00035-00006984-00007127 so how did i get into becoming a TMXyLpcHPSo-00036-00007128-00007295 counselor in the first place TMXyLpcHPSo-00037-00007295-00007470 well my parents actually come from the TMXyLpcHPSo-00038-00007472-00007646 world of counselling and also personal TMXyLpcHPSo-00039-00007647-00007751 development TMXyLpcHPSo-00040-00007752-00007951 my mum's a counsellor and also a sex TMXyLpcHPSo-00041-00007952-00008110 therapist which was TMXyLpcHPSo-00042-00008111-00008278 an interesting upbringing to say the TMXyLpcHPSo-00043-00008279-00008591 least and also my dad and my stepmom TMXyLpcHPSo-00044-00008592-00008751 they've also done a lot of work in the TMXyLpcHPSo-00045-00008752-00008927 personal development world TMXyLpcHPSo-00046-00008928-00009199 so i always knew it was on the radar but TMXyLpcHPSo-00047-00009200-00009391 what was really important for me was TMXyLpcHPSo-00048-00009392-00009551 that a few years ago TMXyLpcHPSo-00049-00009552-00009767 i was suffering quite badly with my TMXyLpcHPSo-00050-00009768-00009863 mental health TMXyLpcHPSo-00051-00009864-00010103 and i went to go see a doctor who TMXyLpcHPSo-00052-00010104-00010231 explained that i'd been living with TMXyLpcHPSo-00053-00010232-00010535 chronic stress and anxiety for a year TMXyLpcHPSo-00054-00010536-00010814 and having not spoken to anyone about it TMXyLpcHPSo-00055-00010815-00010935 for that whole year TMXyLpcHPSo-00056-00010936-00011327 i felt incredibly lost and TMXyLpcHPSo-00057-00011328-00011663 i really really needed help and that TMXyLpcHPSo-00058-00011664-00011935 challenge and then the subsequent help TMXyLpcHPSo-00059-00011936-00012070 that i did get TMXyLpcHPSo-00060-00012071-00012295 that actually led me to where i am today TMXyLpcHPSo-00061-00012296-00012527 where i'm training to become a counselor TMXyLpcHPSo-00062-00012528-00012727 and through that experience i've become TMXyLpcHPSo-00063-00012728-00012919 absolutely obsessed with trying to find TMXyLpcHPSo-00064-00012919-00013086 the best ways of improving people's TMXyLpcHPSo-00065-00013087-00013207 mental health TMXyLpcHPSo-00066-00013208-00013351 their physical health and their TMXyLpcHPSo-00067-00013352-00013519 emotional health TMXyLpcHPSo-00068-00013519-00013719 and that's what the aim of the channel TMXyLpcHPSo-00069-00013719-00013838 is it's TMXyLpcHPSo-00070-00013840-00014079 the dream would be is that people who TMXyLpcHPSo-00071-00014080-00014230 watch these videos TMXyLpcHPSo-00072-00014231-00014583 they become happier healthier physically TMXyLpcHPSo-00073-00014584-00014751 mentally emotionally so that they could TMXyLpcHPSo-00074-00014752-00015007 then be present and effectively help all TMXyLpcHPSo-00075-00015008-00015199 the people around them TMXyLpcHPSo-00076-00015200-00015511 so i'm on this journey myself and TMXyLpcHPSo-00077-00015512-00015735 i'm learning so much amazing stuff and i TMXyLpcHPSo-00078-00015736-00015863 want to share all the TMXyLpcHPSo-00079-00015863-00016071 amazing things that have a real impact TMXyLpcHPSo-00080-00016072-00016183 on me TMXyLpcHPSo-00081-00016184-00016422 so have a think if there's any areas in TMXyLpcHPSo-00082-00016423-00016543 your life that you'd really like to TMXyLpcHPSo-00083-00016544-00016679 improve and i'm TMXyLpcHPSo-00084-00016680-00016791 sure there's going to be something on TMXyLpcHPSo-00085-00016792-00017015 this channel for you so TMXyLpcHPSo-00086-00017016-00017215 if you're into feeling healthier happier TMXyLpcHPSo-00087-00017216-00017455 more fulfilled and at the same time TMXyLpcHPSo-00088-00017456-00017639 becoming better at helping those around TMXyLpcHPSo-00089-00017640-00017879 you then please hit the like TMXyLpcHPSo-00090-00017880-00018079 subscribe and the bell button below so TMXyLpcHPSo-00091-00018080-00018247 you know when the videos come out TMXyLpcHPSo-00092-00018248-00018780 and i look forward to seeing you soon TMXyLpcHPSo-00093-00018781-00019087 [Music] TOE4IXD1Dcu-00000-00000000-00002647 foreign TOE4IXD1Dcu-00003-00011688-00011929 thank you TPoImmJC4kI-00000-00000000-00000817 in Essex the bags TPoImmJC4kI-00001-00000818-00001782 [Music] TPoImmJC4kI-00002-00001782-00002218 [Music] TPoImmJC4kI-00003-00002219-00002650 we're gonna do a mukbang q a today but TPoImmJC4kI-00004-00002651-00002963 guess what food and I'm starving TPoImmJC4kI-00005-00002964-00003269 sorry sorry I'm hungover and I'm TPoImmJC4kI-00006-00003270-00003449 starving so do you know what food we're TPoImmJC4kI-00007-00003450-00003725 choosing you look a bit tired you're TPoImmJC4kI-00008-00003726-00004019 breath stinks TPoImmJC4kI-00009-00004020-00004169 we're gonna order it done it have you TPoImmJC4kI-00010-00004170-00004361 seen our turn down the way yeah mental TPoImmJC4kI-00011-00004362-00004667 oh my God let me get domination off I'm TPoImmJC4kI-00012-00004668-00004847 gonna order it should we just order it TPoImmJC4kI-00013-00004848-00005077 yeah I'll send you the money TPoImmJC4kI-00014-00005078-00005386 I'm adding split wise no you know I am TPoImmJC4kI-00015-00005387-00005693 I'm mad you're not taking me GoPro dude TPoImmJC4kI-00016-00005694-00006106 okay what's your Domino's order comment TPoImmJC4kI-00017-00006107-00006263 it tell me right now because we want to TPoImmJC4kI-00018-00006264-00006388 know I'm always interested yeah tell me TPoImmJC4kI-00019-00006389-00006670 now not now I'll tell you TPoImmJC4kI-00020-00006672-00007013 they don't know so Pizza first I'm going TPoImmJC4kI-00021-00007014-00007198 to Texas I don't even like their pieces TPoImmJC4kI-00022-00007200-00007355 that much TPoImmJC4kI-00023-00007356-00007559 I might do a half and half TPoImmJC4kI-00024-00007559-00007733 I'm gonna do half and half oh my TPoImmJC4kI-00025-00007734-00008098 goodness garlic spread garlic bread it's TPoImmJC4kI-00026-00008100-00008357 a Hawaiian barbecue sauce weird oh no I TPoImmJC4kI-00027-00008358-00008692 should have done a deal oh Joe half and TPoImmJC4kI-00028-00008693-00008957 half and then yours chicken Shivers TPoImmJC4kI-00029-00008958-00009149 Wings cookies and loaded wedges come TPoImmJC4kI-00030-00009150-00009317 with me to get the food guys TPoImmJC4kI-00031-00009318-00009460 probably need to get the food actually TPoImmJC4kI-00032-00009461-00009605 come with me to go put some trainers on TPoImmJC4kI-00033-00009606-00010128 yeah keys and wallet because you know TPoImmJC4kI-00034-00010129-00010559 and you're not you're not coming in TPoImmJC4kI-00035-00010560-00011021 move your foot TPoImmJC4kI-00036-00011022-00011255 thank you hey guys we're off to collect TPoImmJC4kI-00037-00011256-00012203 our dominoes it's raining oh TPoImmJC4kI-00038-00012204-00012613 stings so what [__] TPoImmJC4kI-00039-00012614-00012941 mouth I like that no I take the side of TPoImmJC4kI-00040-00012941-00013157 my car out TPoImmJC4kI-00041-00013158-00013433 oh that's mark TPoImmJC4kI-00042-00013434-00013691 erson run right go go go okay operation TPoImmJC4kI-00043-00013691-00013901 see you later operation Pizza okay TPoImmJC4kI-00044-00013902-00014266 George TPoImmJC4kI-00045-00014268-00014611 he's got the good the goods the kids TPoImmJC4kI-00046-00014612-00015371 now what is it with you and doors TPoImmJC4kI-00047-00015372-00015671 yeah let's get back what have I got this TPoImmJC4kI-00048-00015672-00015983 is my half and half feeling crispy with TPoImmJC4kI-00049-00015984-00016205 um oh it's gonna slip out Texas barbecue TPoImmJC4kI-00050-00016206-00016535 I asked for extra cheese are you joking TPoImmJC4kI-00051-00016536-00016715 and then he'll put his shoes on it neck TPoImmJC4kI-00052-00016716-00016944 nah TPoImmJC4kI-00053-00016945-00017249 this honey mustard sauce oh Domino's is TPoImmJC4kI-00054-00017250-00017507 the best thing ever oh that wings TPoImmJC4kI-00055-00017508-00017993 George loves wings oh God wait TPoImmJC4kI-00056-00017994-00018277 oh George that sound is horrible TPoImmJC4kI-00057-00018278-00018761 I love these TPoImmJC4kI-00058-00018762-00019019 got a uh George gets the most basic TPoImmJC4kI-00059-00019020-00019555 pizza chicken and bacon TPoImmJC4kI-00060-00019556-00019841 first question for both of me do you TPoImmJC4kI-00061-00019842-00020057 love anyone at the minute uh my life TPoImmJC4kI-00062-00020058-00020353 that's not anyone is it do you Joe TPoImmJC4kI-00063-00020354-00020555 what celebrity do you love at the minute TPoImmJC4kI-00064-00020556-00020836 that you're like TPoImmJC4kI-00065-00020837-00021053 um I'm in love with this person ride TPoImmJC4kI-00066-00021054-00021163 them TPoImmJC4kI-00067-00021164-00021377 and there's a reason why I've said that TPoImmJC4kI-00068-00021378-00021767 it's a podcast oh I love everyone for TPoImmJC4kI-00069-00021768-00021989 one thing you regret them tattoos I got TPoImmJC4kI-00070-00021990-00022228 in mega loaf would you ever get on a TPoImmJC4kI-00071-00022229-00022450 boxing event like that Misfits or TPoImmJC4kI-00072-00022451-00022600 something like that if I found someone I TPoImmJC4kI-00073-00022601-00022780 wanted to fight then yeah did you TPoImmJC4kI-00074-00022781-00024647 actually box someone yeah TPoImmJC4kI-00075-00024648-00025000 h no Rd TPoImmJC4kI-00076-00025001-00025186 that'd actually be such a good fight I'd TPoImmJC4kI-00077-00025187-00025336 do that do you have any household TPoImmJC4kI-00078-00025337-00025475 rituals TPoImmJC4kI-00079-00025476-00025625 I mean you wake up every day and make a TPoImmJC4kI-00080-00025626-00025799 smoothie yeah but what's something we've TPoImmJC4kI-00081-00025800-00025961 been doing for like years TPoImmJC4kI-00082-00025962-00026531 um TPoImmJC4kI-00083-00026532-00026651 um TPoImmJC4kI-00084-00026652-00026896 always like make our beds what does mum TPoImmJC4kI-00085-00026897-00027196 do she must have she has rituals Hoover TPoImmJC4kI-00086-00027197-00027401 clean everything bathrooms every day TPoImmJC4kI-00087-00027402-00027623 sinks yeah mum's got rituals every day TPoImmJC4kI-00088-00027624-00027808 to be fair someone else is Joe actually TPoImmJC4kI-00089-00027810-00027995 gay TPoImmJC4kI-00090-00027995-00028277 let's just we might as well tell him Joe TPoImmJC4kI-00091-00028277-00028558 yes no I've actually been keeping a TPoImmJC4kI-00092-00028560-00028805 massive secret I'm in fact a raging TPoImmJC4kI-00093-00028806-00029111 heterosexual what does that mean TPoImmJC4kI-00094-00029112-00029585 like a straight person oh TPoImmJC4kI-00095-00029586-00029783 you're a nightmare who's a better TPoImmJC4kI-00096-00029783-00029968 cookout of all of you mommy's a good TPoImmJC4kI-00097-00029969-00030239 cook I'm actually learning to cook TPoImmJC4kI-00098-00030239-00030767 in order mum you Dad me I could outshift TPoImmJC4kI-00099-00030768-00031007 dad at this point someone said what'd TPoImmJC4kI-00100-00031008-00031223 you do I'm a new follower how would you TPoImmJC4kI-00101-00031224-00031462 explain what we do Joe content creators TPoImmJC4kI-00102-00031463-00031643 trying to make people laugh um content TPoImmJC4kI-00103-00031644-00032014 creators podcast TV personalities Dabble TPoImmJC4kI-00104-00032016-00032183 you can be anything other than a Creator TPoImmJC4kI-00105-00032183-00032435 what would you be TPoImmJC4kI-00106-00032436-00032755 I'll go music video director TPoImmJC4kI-00107-00032756-00033040 or artist manager yeah I'd like to still TPoImmJC4kI-00108-00033041-00033233 probably work in the industry I've been TPoImmJC4kI-00109-00033234-00033496 working music if you're a girl what's TPoImmJC4kI-00110-00033497-00033785 the first thing you would do TPoImmJC4kI-00111-00033786-00034259 Joe TPoImmJC4kI-00112-00034260-00034589 I'd do the same I'd also like rub my TPoImmJC4kI-00113-00034590-00034690 boobs TPoImmJC4kI-00114-00034691-00034955 I'd probably like get my nipples pierced TPoImmJC4kI-00115-00034956-00035062 to see what they feel like because TPoImmJC4kI-00116-00035063-00035273 girl's getting done some girl said would TPoImmJC4kI-00117-00035274-00035471 you let me take you on a date if you're TPoImmJC4kI-00118-00035472-00035567 paying TPoImmJC4kI-00119-00035568-00035855 sure biggest red flag what is your TPoImmJC4kI-00120-00035856-00035987 biggest red flag when I talk about their TPoImmJC4kI-00121-00035988-00036161 eggs I feel like you've done that all TPoImmJC4kI-00122-00036162-00036437 the time yeah I've done it so you are a TPoImmJC4kI-00123-00036438-00036587 walking red flag TPoImmJC4kI-00124-00036588-00036712 I don't know when you like want to go TPoImmJC4kI-00125-00036713-00036811 through the messages TPoImmJC4kI-00126-00036812-00037037 or like they hired their phone do you TPoImmJC4kI-00127-00037038-00037145 know what I mean have you had that TPoImmJC4kI-00128-00037146-00037318 actually I have had that yeah and I'm TPoImmJC4kI-00129-00037319-00037523 just like anything you can go through my TPoImmJC4kI-00130-00037524-00037618 phone like whatever I'll show you TPoImmJC4kI-00131-00037619-00037805 through your phone they're like not TPoImmJC4kI-00132-00037806-00038027 really like my phone it's private right TPoImmJC4kI-00133-00038028-00038149 yeah TPoImmJC4kI-00134-00038150-00038471 I don't know are you gonna dominoes TPoImmJC4kI-00135-00038472-00038657 probably even someone's rude to service TPoImmJC4kI-00136-00038658-00038974 staff it's also a red flag TPoImmJC4kI-00137-00038975-00039209 well they ride a bike what what would TPoImmJC4kI-00138-00039210-00039461 you say after your younger self TPoImmJC4kI-00139-00039462-00039809 oh would you say to your younger self TPoImmJC4kI-00140-00039810-00040067 oh why didn't you beat that when you had TPoImmJC4kI-00141-00040068-00040279 the chance TPoImmJC4kI-00142-00040280-00040535 [Music] TPoImmJC4kI-00143-00040536-00040837 I'll try don't stress as much TPoImmJC4kI-00144-00040838-00041317 or over complicate yeah or play TPoImmJC4kI-00145-00041318-00041596 Private childhood memory Joe it's one of TPoImmJC4kI-00146-00041597-00041783 my favorite childhood memories of George TPoImmJC4kI-00147-00041784-00042137 I was when we were driving to um this TPoImmJC4kI-00148-00042138-00042407 place called boss castle in Cornwall and TPoImmJC4kI-00149-00042408-00042562 dad took the wrong hiding and we were on TPoImmJC4kI-00150-00042563-00042718 this really tiny Road on a cliff and TPoImmJC4kI-00151-00042719-00042857 like it was scary like we were gonna TPoImmJC4kI-00152-00042858-00043085 fall off and George was just screaming TPoImmJC4kI-00153-00043086-00043355 like phrases from YouTube and my dad was TPoImmJC4kI-00154-00043356-00043612 like if you don't shut up we're all TPoImmJC4kI-00155-00043613-00043840 gonna die then it was so funny this road TPoImmJC4kI-00156-00043841-00044099 was like a decommissioned so that's TPoImmJC4kI-00157-00044100-00044327 disgusting this rope was a TPoImmJC4kI-00158-00044328-00044524 decommissioned Road and I was should be TPoImmJC4kI-00159-00044525-00044765 going down and that his old Maps no it TPoImmJC4kI-00160-00044766-00045005 has sat nav I sat down into a car yeah TPoImmJC4kI-00161-00045006-00045130 it took him down this road and we TPoImmJC4kI-00162-00045131-00045245 thought we were going to die what made TPoImmJC4kI-00163-00045246-00046218 you start TPoImmJC4kI-00164-00046219-00046445 and then George made an account when I TPoImmJC4kI-00165-00046446-00046649 hit like 200k on Tick Tock do you sell TPoImmJC4kI-00166-00046650-00046961 your worn I'm more socks at all thank TPoImmJC4kI-00167-00046962-00047261 facts the latest polite TPoImmJC4kI-00168-00047262-00047411 would you and George got celebrity TPoImmJC4kI-00169-00047412-00047705 hunted yes yes would you like more Lisa TPoImmJC4kI-00170-00047706-00047867 or towel TPoImmJC4kI-00171-00047868-00048071 that's like they can't choose a better TPoImmJC4kI-00172-00048072-00048329 Herod no you can't later TPoImmJC4kI-00173-00048330-00048640 that was a joke joking will you whack my TPoImmJC4kI-00174-00048641-00048917 ex for me either one of you is fine yes TPoImmJC4kI-00175-00048918-00049174 Lucy get us your address TPoImmJC4kI-00176-00049175-00049408 we'll go Whack Him Up mate oh I thought TPoImmJC4kI-00177-00049409-00049608 I said wax TPoImmJC4kI-00178-00049609-00049835 how did you come out TPoImmJC4kI-00179-00049836-00050243 I think from memory mum and dad found me TPoImmJC4kI-00180-00050244-00050495 on Twitter flirting with men and then I TPoImmJC4kI-00181-00050496-00050640 kind of had to be like TPoImmJC4kI-00182-00050641-00050980 surprise I'm gay TPoImmJC4kI-00183-00050981-00051112 that's basically what happened with it TPoImmJC4kI-00184-00051113-00051426 yeah we'll get a surprise to anyone TPoImmJC4kI-00185-00051427-00051713 any advice for everyone to come out TPoImmJC4kI-00186-00051714-00051916 I I start with my mate actually my best TPoImmJC4kI-00187-00051917-00052301 friend who told her okay and then TPoImmJC4kI-00188-00052302-00052451 he's weird because it shouldn't be as TPoImmJC4kI-00189-00052452-00052969 big as big as it is TPoImmJC4kI-00190-00052970-00053237 make sure have like a good support TPoImmJC4kI-00191-00053238-00053554 network around you that's my advice TPoImmJC4kI-00192-00053555-00053742 someone's asked me on a date TPoImmJC4kI-00193-00053744-00054029 yep oh yeah TPoImmJC4kI-00194-00054029-00054191 I'll do anything at the minute to be TPoImmJC4kI-00195-00054191-00054637 fair ask George if he wants to marry me TPoImmJC4kI-00196-00054638-00055026 I want you guys to comment below TPoImmJC4kI-00197-00055027-00055307 because I can think of any your biggest TPoImmJC4kI-00198-00055308-00055516 ex and red flags because I want to go TPoImmJC4kI-00199-00055517-00055666 through them as well TPoImmJC4kI-00200-00055667-00055853 and I want to know oh that is a good TPoImmJC4kI-00201-00055854-00056032 idea George to all just put chocolate TPoImmJC4kI-00202-00056033-00056213 buttons on the cookies and now they're TPoImmJC4kI-00203-00056214-00056453 melting on them TPoImmJC4kI-00204-00056454-00056615 you look like the turtle from Kung Fu TPoImmJC4kI-00205-00056616-00057016 Panda yeah TPoImmJC4kI-00206-00057017-00057226 sorry also sorry for the lack of energy TPoImmJC4kI-00207-00057227-00058223 today guys I'm really hung over TPoImmJC4kI-00208-00058224-00058576 I hope it landed here guys thanks for TPoImmJC4kI-00209-00058577-00058871 watching make sure to like subscribe TPoImmJC4kI-00210-00058872-00059088 comment um comment TPoImmJC4kI-00211-00059089-00059357 and let us know what you want to see TPoImmJC4kI-00212-00059358-00059729 next ah and we'll do it TPoImmJC4kI-00213-00059729-00060016 that looks well nice I'm real TPoImmJC4kI-00214-00060017-00060442 James TPoImmJC4kI-00215-00060444-00060659 I'm Gonna Change time TPoImmJC4kI-00216-00060660-00061015 more mom content in coming too TPoImmJC4kI-00217-00061016-00061424 ah bye bye TYdEf-xBHp4-00000-00000000-00001057 [Music] TYdEf-xBHp4-00001-00001058-00001324 thank you TYdEf-xBHp4-00002-00001325-00001487 I've seen where Covenant weapons are TYdEf-xBHp4-00003-00001488-00001643 capable of TYdEf-xBHp4-00004-00001644-00002255 planets turn to glass come to death TYdEf-xBHp4-00005-00002256-00002476 all of these sacrifices have not been TYdEf-xBHp4-00006-00002477-00002597 invaded TYdEf-xBHp4-00007-00002598-00002891 finish what we started there will be TYdEf-xBHp4-00008-00002892-00003166 Reckoning catch the iconic phenomenon TYdEf-xBHp4-00009-00003167-00003547 Halo TYdEf-xBHp4-00010-00003547-00004079 on Rock extreme my daughter uh is TYdEf-xBHp4-00011-00004079-00004301 getting her license next next month and TYdEf-xBHp4-00012-00004302-00004511 we they she drives around with the TYdEf-xBHp4-00013-00004512-00004709 driver's ed guy which is cool but then TYdEf-xBHp4-00014-00004710-00004913 she's got to practice with us me and my TYdEf-xBHp4-00015-00004914-00005201 wife and you're like in the like the TYdEf-xBHp4-00016-00005202-00005388 driver's ed guy has the break TYdEf-xBHp4-00017-00005389-00005675 and so he's like say there's a partition TYdEf-xBHp4-00018-00005676-00005818 that you can't I don't know how I'm TYdEf-xBHp4-00019-00005819-00005981 gonna hit the brake like dive over or TYdEf-xBHp4-00020-00005982-00006179 push on it so when she went to school TYdEf-xBHp4-00021-00006180-00006487 one day I went out in our family car in TYdEf-xBHp4-00022-00006488-00006731 sneakily installed the brake I had one TYdEf-xBHp4-00023-00006731-00006898 of the guys who knows what he's doing TYdEf-xBHp4-00024-00006900-00007084 put a break on my side so just in case TYdEf-xBHp4-00025-00007086-00007198 when we're driving around I have a TYdEf-xBHp4-00026-00007200-00007342 driver's side break on your car driver TYdEf-xBHp4-00027-00007343-00007589 just to like a pull thing nobody knows TYdEf-xBHp4-00028-00007590-00007745 about it my kid don't know but I never TYdEf-xBHp4-00029-00007745-00007948 had to use it with her my wife she was TYdEf-xBHp4-00030-00007950-00008164 like before we go to dinner I'd love to TYdEf-xBHp4-00031-00008165-00008374 go to this antique store and I was just TYdEf-xBHp4-00032-00008375-00008633 like rock your Late Night with Seth TYdEf-xBHp4-00033-00008634-00008921 Meyers same day as the U.S money Mondays TYdEf-xBHp4-00034-00008922-00009203 to Thursday's 11 25 pm on Rock TYdEf-xBHp4-00035-00009204-00009437 entertainment Zuckerberg testified TYdEf-xBHp4-00036-00009438-00009785 before Congress in April 2018. he TYdEf-xBHp4-00037-00009786-00010055 reminded people of the good Facebook can TYdEf-xBHp4-00038-00010056-00010378 do while acknowledging the bad it had TYdEf-xBHp4-00039-00010379-00010637 done and as Facebook has grown people TYdEf-xBHp4-00040-00010638-00010853 everywhere have gotten a powerful new TYdEf-xBHp4-00041-00010854-00011051 tool for staying connected to the people TYdEf-xBHp4-00042-00011052-00011296 they love TYdEf-xBHp4-00043-00011297-00011471 for making their voices heard and for TYdEf-xBHp4-00044-00011472-00011759 building communities and businesses TYdEf-xBHp4-00045-00011760-00011956 but it's clear now that we didn't do TYdEf-xBHp4-00046-00011957-00012149 enough to prevent these tools from being TYdEf-xBHp4-00047-00012150-00012413 used for harm as well and that goes for TYdEf-xBHp4-00048-00012414-00012641 fake news the foreign interference in TYdEf-xBHp4-00049-00012642-00012874 elections and hate speech as well as TYdEf-xBHp4-00050-00012875-00013108 developers and data privacy TYdEf-xBHp4-00051-00013109-00013336 we didn't take a broad enough view of TYdEf-xBHp4-00052-00013337-00013571 our responsibility and that was a big TYdEf-xBHp4-00053-00013572-00013661 mistake TYdEf-xBHp4-00054-00013662-00014008 and it was my mistake and I'm sorry TYdEf-xBHp4-00055-00014009-00014188 I started Facebook TYdEf-xBHp4-00056-00014190-00014441 I run it and I'm responsible for what TYdEf-xBHp4-00057-00014441-00014831 happens here TYdEf-xBHp4-00058-00014832-00015077 [Music] TYdEf-xBHp4-00059-00015078-00015293 Zuckerberg's reputation was threatened TYdEf-xBHp4-00060-00015294-00015527 many times over and he's had to learn TYdEf-xBHp4-00061-00015528-00015851 how to manage his anxiety as well as his TYdEf-xBHp4-00062-00015852-00016019 Public Image TYdEf-xBHp4-00063-00016019-00016199 however the negative image from his TYdEf-xBHp4-00064-00016200-00016421 accusation seemingly did little to slow TYdEf-xBHp4-00065-00016422-00016600 the company's progress TYdEf-xBHp4-00066-00016601-00016829 after a surge in his Company's stock TYdEf-xBHp4-00067-00016830-00017035 price in 2018 TYdEf-xBHp4-00068-00017036-00017357 Zuckerberg unseated Warren Buffett and TYdEf-xBHp4-00069-00017358-00017569 became the world's third richest person TYdEf-xBHp4-00070-00017570-00017836 behind fellow Tech billionaires Jeff TYdEf-xBHp4-00071-00017837-00018009 Bezos and Bill Gates TYdEf-xBHp4-00072-00018010-00018149 [Music] TYdEf-xBHp4-00073-00018150-00018430 I believe deeply in what we're doing and TYdEf-xBHp4-00074-00018431-00018521 I know TYdEf-xBHp4-00075-00018522-00018683 that when we address these challenges TYdEf-xBHp4-00076-00018684-00018905 we'll look back and view helping people TYdEf-xBHp4-00077-00018906-00019072 connect and giving more people a voice TYdEf-xBHp4-00078-00019073-00019572 as a positive force in the world TYdEf-xBHp4-00079-00019573-00020041 Tech billionaires Mark Zuckerberg TYdEf-xBHp4-00080-00020042-00020326 on global tracker TYdEf-xBHp4-00081-00020327-00022208 [Music] TYdEf-xBHp4-00082-00022209-00023419 [Music] TYdEf-xBHp4-00083-00023420-00023717 experience the wonders of the world with TYdEf-xBHp4-00084-00023718-00023999 global Trekker I am thrilled let's do it TYdEf-xBHp4-00085-00024000-00024227 okay be enthralled by the breathtaking TYdEf-xBHp4-00086-00024228-00024455 sights and sounds of our planet TYdEf-xBHp4-00087-00024456-00024677 for every time you dealt every thought TYdEf-xBHp4-00088-00024678-00024983 has a specific meaning indulge your TYdEf-xBHp4-00089-00024984-00025294 palate and broaden your taste burger for TYdEf-xBHp4-00090-00025295-00025450 you I haven't tasted it I can't wait but TYdEf-xBHp4-00091-00025451-00025690 I'm slightly scared equip yourself with TYdEf-xBHp4-00092-00025691-00025912 empowering insights what Google's trying TYdEf-xBHp4-00093-00025913-00026111 to do is they want to tailor things that TYdEf-xBHp4-00094-00026112-00026405 are exactly identical to your profile be TYdEf-xBHp4-00095-00026406-00026608 inspired by Innovation and Technology TYdEf-xBHp4-00096-00026610-00026885 the biggest ocean-going took Will tow TYdEf-xBHp4-00097-00026886-00027095 the biggest drilling rig it's a trip TYdEf-xBHp4-00098-00027095-00027323 halfway around the world and get up TYdEf-xBHp4-00099-00027324-00027514 close and personal with influential TYdEf-xBHp4-00100-00027516-00027790 figures we have to use our voices to TYdEf-xBHp4-00101-00027791-00028037 help improve this world be a role model TYdEf-xBHp4-00102-00028038-00028289 in some type of way bringing you TYdEf-xBHp4-00103-00028289-00028517 compelling stories and experiences from TYdEf-xBHp4-00104-00028518-00028702 around the world TYdEf-xBHp4-00105-00028704-00028951 that is impressive TYdEf-xBHp4-00106-00028952-00029339 Global Trekker TYdEf-xBHp4-00107-00029339-00029705 hey math brainiacs TYdEf-xBHp4-00108-00029706-00029902 well Paula and her good friends Tim TYdEf-xBHp4-00109-00029904-00030268 Billy jockey and calc let's count how TYdEf-xBHp4-00110-00030269-00030539 many paper fans we have as they go on TYdEf-xBHp4-00111-00030539-00030814 exciting Adventures learn how they TYdEf-xBHp4-00112-00030816-00031001 overcome obstacles they can help me TYdEf-xBHp4-00113-00031002-00031246 count how many times I score by applying TYdEf-xBHp4-00114-00031247-00031523 interesting math concepts join us on our TYdEf-xBHp4-00115-00031524-00031823 next adventure on Counting with Paula TYdEf-xBHp4-00116-00031824-00031962 season four TYdEf-xBHp4-00117-00031963-00032140 Fridays TYdEf-xBHp4-00118-00032141-00032524 on zumu TYdEf-xBHp4-00119-00032525-00033299 [Music] TYdEf-xBHp4-00120-00033300-00033568 I hope you're ready for this three two TYdEf-xBHp4-00121-00033569-00033851 one five Fitness gurus TYdEf-xBHp4-00122-00033852-00034073 five different regimes body weight hit TYdEf-xBHp4-00123-00034074-00034307 workout poor man hits around coming in TYdEf-xBHp4-00124-00034308-00034612 but one common goal engage that core TYdEf-xBHp4-00125-00034613-00034909 whipping you into shape TYdEf-xBHp4-00126-00034910-00035173 [Music] TYdEf-xBHp4-00127-00035174-00035381 no game TYdEf-xBHp4-00128-00035382-00035717 rock your Fitness with live now weekdays TYdEf-xBHp4-00129-00035718-00036012 6 55 A.M TYdEf-xBHp4-00130-00036013-00036494 on Rock extreme TYdEf-xBHp4-00131-00036495-00037408 [Music] TYdEf-xBHp4-00132-00037409-00037988 [Music] Tafw71rSNtQ-00000-00000053-00000350 exegesis from the Greek exegesis from Ex Tafw71rSNtQ-00001-00000351-00000644 Egeus die to lead out is a critical Tafw71rSNtQ-00002-00000645-00000868 explanation or interpretation of a text Tafw71rSNtQ-00003-00000869-00001114 particularly a religious text Tafw71rSNtQ-00004-00001115-00001300 traditionally the term was used Tafw71rSNtQ-00005-00001301-00001478 primarily for work with the Bible Tafw71rSNtQ-00006-00001479-00001732 however in modern usage biblical Tafw71rSNtQ-00007-00001734-00002009 exegesis is used for greater specificity Tafw71rSNtQ-00008-00002010-00002242 to distinguish it from any other broader Tafw71rSNtQ-00009-00002243-00002558 critical text explanation exegesis Tafw71rSNtQ-00010-00002559-00002741 includes a wide range of critical Tafw71rSNtQ-00011-00002742-00002981 disciplines textual criticism as the Tafw71rSNtQ-00012-00002982-00003160 investigation into the history and Tafw71rSNtQ-00013-00003161-00003383 origins of the text but exegesis may Tafw71rSNtQ-00014-00003384-00003575 include the study of the historical and Tafw71rSNtQ-00015-00003576-00003803 cultural backgrounds of the author texts Tafw71rSNtQ-00016-00003804-00004079 and original audience other analyses Tafw71rSNtQ-00017-00004079-00004277 include classification of the type of Tafw71rSNtQ-00018-00004278-00004490 literary genres presented in the text Tafw71rSNtQ-00019-00004491-00004672 and analysis of grammatical and Tafw71rSNtQ-00020-00004673-00004911 syntactical features in the text itself Tafw71rSNtQ-00021-00004912-00005222 the terms exegesis and hermeneutics have Tafw71rSNtQ-00022-00005223-00005818 been used interchangeably Tafw71rSNtQ-00023-00005819-00006124 topic usage Tafw71rSNtQ-00024-00006125-00006329 you Tafw71rSNtQ-00025-00006330-00006594 one who practices exegesis has called an Tafw71rSNtQ-00026-00006595-00006852 exegete from greek exegetes the plural Tafw71rSNtQ-00027-00006853-00007148 of exegesis as exegesis adjectives are Tafw71rSNtQ-00028-00007150-00007460 exigent accor exegetical eg exegetical Tafw71rSNtQ-00029-00007461-00007748 commentaries in biblical exegesis the Tafw71rSNtQ-00030-00007750-00007949 opposite of exegesis to draw out is Tafw71rSNtQ-00031-00007950-00008171 eisegesis to dryin in the sense of an Tafw71rSNtQ-00032-00008172-00008438 isogenic commentator importing or Tafw71rSNtQ-00033-00008439-00008735 drawing in his or her own purely Tafw71rSNtQ-00034-00008736-00008960 subjective interpretations into the text Tafw71rSNtQ-00035-00008961-00009270 unsupported by the text itself eisegesis Tafw71rSNtQ-00036-00009271-00009974 is often used as a derogatory term Tafw71rSNtQ-00037-00009975-00010608 topic mesopotamian commentaries Tafw71rSNtQ-00038-00010609-00010860 the earliest examples and also one of Tafw71rSNtQ-00039-00010861-00011094 the largest corpora of text commentaries Tafw71rSNtQ-00040-00011095-00011228 from the ancient world come from Tafw71rSNtQ-00041-00011229-00011466 Mesopotamia modern Iraq in the first Tafw71rSNtQ-00042-00011467-00011841 millennium BCE known from over 860 Tafw71rSNtQ-00043-00011842-00012051 manuscripts the majority of which date Tafw71rSNtQ-00044-00012052-00012360 to the period 700 to 100 BCE Tafw71rSNtQ-00045-00012361-00012555 most of these commentaries explore Tafw71rSNtQ-00046-00012556-00012759 numerous types of texts including Tafw71rSNtQ-00047-00012760-00012957 literary works such as the Babylonian Tafw71rSNtQ-00048-00012958-00013185 epic of creation medical treatises Tafw71rSNtQ-00049-00013186-00013440 magical texts ancient dictionaries and Tafw71rSNtQ-00050-00013441-00013652 Locke collections the Code of Hammurabi Tafw71rSNtQ-00051-00013653-00013902 most of them however comment on Tafw71rSNtQ-00052-00013903-00014103 divination treatises in particular Tafw71rSNtQ-00053-00014104-00014288 treatises that predict the future from Tafw71rSNtQ-00054-00014290-00014466 the appearance and movement of celestial Tafw71rSNtQ-00055-00014466-00014597 bodies on the one hand Tafw71rSNtQ-00056-00014598-00014816 Enuma Anu Enlil and from the appearance Tafw71rSNtQ-00057-00014818-00014994 of a sacrificed cheap sliver on the Tafw71rSNtQ-00058-00014994-00015312 other baru - as with the majority of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00059-00015313-00015503 thousands of texts from the ancient Near Tafw71rSNtQ-00060-00015504-00015647 East that have survived to the present Tafw71rSNtQ-00061-00015648-00015927 day Mesopotamian texts commentaries are Tafw71rSNtQ-00062-00015928-00016091 written on clay tablets in cuneiform Tafw71rSNtQ-00063-00016093-00016403 script texts commentaries are written in Tafw71rSNtQ-00064-00016404-00016593 the East Semitic language of Akkadian Tafw71rSNtQ-00065-00016594-00016775 but due to the influence of lexical Tafw71rSNtQ-00066-00016776-00016974 lists written in Sumerian language on Tafw71rSNtQ-00067-00016975-00017193 cuneiform scholarship they often contain Tafw71rSNtQ-00068-00017194-00017444 Sumerian words or phrases as well Tafw71rSNtQ-00069-00017445-00017715 cuneiform commentaries are important Tafw71rSNtQ-00070-00017716-00017875 because they provide information about Tafw71rSNtQ-00071-00017876-00018114 Mesopotamian languages and culture that Tafw71rSNtQ-00072-00018115-00018269 are not available elsewhere in the Tafw71rSNtQ-00073-00018270-00018384 commute Tafw71rSNtQ-00074-00018385-00018597 to give but one example the Tafw71rSNtQ-00075-00018598-00018789 pronunciation of the cryptically written Tafw71rSNtQ-00076-00018790-00019002 name of Gilgamesh the hero of the Epic Tafw71rSNtQ-00077-00019003-00019209 of Gilgamesh was discovered in a Kamiya Tafw71rSNtQ-00078-00019210-00019424 forum commentary on a medical text Tafw71rSNtQ-00079-00019425-00019706 however the significance of Kamiya forum Tafw71rSNtQ-00080-00019707-00019899 commentaries extends beyond the light Tafw71rSNtQ-00081-00019900-00020075 they shed on specific details of Tafw71rSNtQ-00082-00020076-00020364 Mesopotamian civilization they open a Tafw71rSNtQ-00083-00020365-00020534 window unto what the concerns of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00084-00020535-00020724 Mesopotamian literate elite were when Tafw71rSNtQ-00085-00020725-00020865 they read some of the most widely Tafw71rSNtQ-00086-00020866-00021056 studied texts in the Mesopotamian Tafw71rSNtQ-00087-00021057-00021243 intellectual tradition a perspective Tafw71rSNtQ-00088-00021244-00021408 that is important for seeing things Tafw71rSNtQ-00089-00021409-00021455 their way Tafw71rSNtQ-00090-00021456-00021675 finally Kamiya forum commentaries are Tafw71rSNtQ-00091-00021676-00021887 also the earliest examples of textual Tafw71rSNtQ-00092-00021888-00022146 interpretation it has been repeatedly Tafw71rSNtQ-00093-00022147-00022337 argued that they influenced rabbinical Tafw71rSNtQ-00094-00022338-00022628 exegesis see Akkadian commentaries in Tafw71rSNtQ-00095-00022629-00022968 early Hebrew exegesis the publication Tafw71rSNtQ-00096-00022969-00023180 and interpretation of these texts began Tafw71rSNtQ-00097-00023181-00023358 in the mid 19th century with the Tafw71rSNtQ-00098-00023359-00023528 discovery of the Royal Assyrian Tafw71rSNtQ-00099-00023529-00023822 libraries at Nineveh from which CA Tafw71rSNtQ-00100-00023823-00024005 454 texts Tafw71rSNtQ-00101-00024006-00024206 Terri's have been recovered the study of Tafw71rSNtQ-00102-00024207-00024455 cuneiform commentaries is however far Tafw71rSNtQ-00103-00024456-00024698 from complete it is the subject of Tafw71rSNtQ-00104-00024699-00024848 ongoing research by the small Tafw71rSNtQ-00105-00024849-00025067 international community of scholars who Tafw71rSNtQ-00106-00025068-00025787 specialized in the field of a ciri ology Tafw71rSNtQ-00107-00025788-00026370 topic Bible commentaries Tafw71rSNtQ-00108-00026372-00026581 a common published form of biblical Tafw71rSNtQ-00109-00026582-00026854 exegesis is known as a Bible Commentary Tafw71rSNtQ-00110-00026855-00027064 and typically takes the form of a set of Tafw71rSNtQ-00111-00027064-00027238 books each of which is devoted to the Tafw71rSNtQ-00112-00027239-00027436 exposition of one or two books of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00113-00027437-00027679 Bible long books are those that contain Tafw71rSNtQ-00114-00027680-00027939 much material either for theological or Tafw71rSNtQ-00115-00027941-00028177 historical critical speculation such as Tafw71rSNtQ-00116-00028177-00028395 Genesis or Psalms may be split over two Tafw71rSNtQ-00117-00028397-00028717 or three volumes some such as the four Tafw71rSNtQ-00118-00028718-00028954 Gospels may be multiple or single volume Tafw71rSNtQ-00119-00028955-00029119 while short books such as the Tafw71rSNtQ-00120-00029120-00029314 deuterocanonical portions of Daniel Tafw71rSNtQ-00121-00029314-00029587 Esther and Jeremiah ie book of Susanna Tafw71rSNtQ-00122-00029588-00029830 prayer of Azariah bel and the dragon Tafw71rSNtQ-00123-00029831-00030010 editions to Esther Baruch and the Tafw71rSNtQ-00124-00030011-00030232 Epistle of Jeremiah or the pastoral or Tafw71rSNtQ-00125-00030233-00030436 Johannine epistles are often condensed Tafw71rSNtQ-00126-00030437-00030727 into one volume the form of each book Tafw71rSNtQ-00127-00030727-00030964 may be identical or allow for variations Tafw71rSNtQ-00128-00030964-00031170 in methodology between the many authors Tafw71rSNtQ-00129-00031172-00031308 who collaborate to write a full Tafw71rSNtQ-00130-00031310-00031573 commentary each book's commentary Tafw71rSNtQ-00131-00031574-00031786 generally consists of a background an Tafw71rSNtQ-00132-00031787-00031942 introductory section followed by Tafw71rSNtQ-00133-00031943-00032182 detailed commentary of the book / okapi Tafw71rSNtQ-00134-00032183-00032461 by Parekh appear verse by verse before Tafw71rSNtQ-00135-00032462-00032713 the 20th century a commentary would be Tafw71rSNtQ-00136-00032714-00032890 written by a sole author but today a Tafw71rSNtQ-00137-00032891-00033073 publishing board will Commission a team Tafw71rSNtQ-00138-00033074-00033268 of scholars to write a commentary with Tafw71rSNtQ-00139-00033269-00033454 each volume being divided out among them Tafw71rSNtQ-00140-00033455-00033748 a single commentary will generally Tafw71rSNtQ-00141-00033749-00033904 attempt to give a coherent and unified Tafw71rSNtQ-00142-00033905-00034174 view on the Bible as a whole for example Tafw71rSNtQ-00143-00034175-00034375 from a Catholic or reformed Calvinist Tafw71rSNtQ-00144-00034376-00034612 perspective or a commentary that focuses Tafw71rSNtQ-00145-00034613-00034828 on textual criticism or historical Tafw71rSNtQ-00146-00034829-00035026 criticism from a secular point of view Tafw71rSNtQ-00147-00035027-00035332 however each volume will inevitably lean Tafw71rSNtQ-00148-00035333-00035509 toward the personal emphasis of its Tafw71rSNtQ-00149-00035510-00035710 author and within any commentaries there Tafw71rSNtQ-00150-00035711-00035869 may be great variety in the depth Tafw71rSNtQ-00151-00035870-00036085 accuracy and critical or theological Tafw71rSNtQ-00152-00036086-00036732 strengths of each volume Tafw71rSNtQ-00153-00036733-00037271 topic Christianity Tafw71rSNtQ-00154-00037272-00037612 you Tafw71rSNtQ-00155-00037613-00038102 topic views Tafw71rSNtQ-00156-00038103-00038351 the main Christian exegetical methods Tafw71rSNtQ-00157-00038352-00038564 are historical grammatical historical Tafw71rSNtQ-00158-00038565-00038870 criticism revealed and rational the Tafw71rSNtQ-00159-00038871-00039053 historical grammatical method as a Tafw71rSNtQ-00160-00039054-00039227 Christian hermeneutical method that Tafw71rSNtQ-00161-00039228-00039419 strives to discover the biblical authors Tafw71rSNtQ-00162-00039420-00039677 original intended meaning in the text it Tafw71rSNtQ-00163-00039678-00039896 is the primary method of interpretation Tafw71rSNtQ-00164-00039897-00040055 for many conservative Protestant Tafw71rSNtQ-00165-00040056-00040280 exegetes who reject the historical Tafw71rSNtQ-00166-00040281-00040493 critical method to various degrees from Tafw71rSNtQ-00167-00040494-00040679 the complete rejection of historical Tafw71rSNtQ-00168-00040680-00040856 criticism of some fundamentalist Tafw71rSNtQ-00169-00040857-00041075 Protestants to the moderated acceptance Tafw71rSNtQ-00170-00041076-00041255 of it in the Catholic Church since Pope Tafw71rSNtQ-00171-00041256-00041459 Pius the 12th in contrast to the Tafw71rSNtQ-00172-00041460-00041651 overwhelming reliance on historical Tafw71rSNtQ-00173-00041652-00041834 critical interpretation often to the Tafw71rSNtQ-00174-00041835-00042029 exclusion of all other hermeneutics in Tafw71rSNtQ-00175-00042030-00042329 liberal Christianity historical Tafw71rSNtQ-00176-00042330-00042548 criticism also known as the historical Tafw71rSNtQ-00177-00042549-00042761 critical method or higher criticism is a Tafw71rSNtQ-00178-00042762-00042953 branch of literary criticism that Tafw71rSNtQ-00179-00042954-00043136 investigates the origins of ancient Tafw71rSNtQ-00180-00043137-00043367 texts in order to understand the world Tafw71rSNtQ-00181-00043368-00043685 behind the text this is done to discover Tafw71rSNtQ-00182-00043686-00043898 the text primitive or original meaning Tafw71rSNtQ-00183-00043899-00044117 in its original historical context in Tafw71rSNtQ-00184-00044118-00044318 its literal sense revealed exegesis Tafw71rSNtQ-00185-00044319-00044537 considers that the Holy Spirit inspired Tafw71rSNtQ-00186-00044538-00044732 the authors of the scriptural texts and Tafw71rSNtQ-00187-00044733-00044915 so the words of those texts convey a Tafw71rSNtQ-00188-00044916-00045167 divine revelation in this view of Tafw71rSNtQ-00189-00045168-00045415 exegesis the principle of census planner Tafw71rSNtQ-00190-00045416-00045623 applies that because of its divine Tafw71rSNtQ-00191-00045624-00045833 authorship the Bible has a fuller Tafw71rSNtQ-00192-00045834-00046088 meaning then it's human authors intended Tafw71rSNtQ-00193-00046089-00046409 or could have foreseen rational exegesis Tafw71rSNtQ-00194-00046410-00046658 bases its operation on the idea that the Tafw71rSNtQ-00195-00046659-00046835 authors have their own inspiration in Tafw71rSNtQ-00196-00046836-00047036 this sense synonymous with artistic Tafw71rSNtQ-00197-00047037-00047183 inspiration so their works are Tafw71rSNtQ-00198-00047184-00047375 completely and utterly a product of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00199-00047376-00047525 social environment and human Tafw71rSNtQ-00200-00047526-00048139 intelligence of their authors Tafw71rSNtQ-00201-00048140-00048624 topic Catholic Tafw71rSNtQ-00202-00048625-00048858 catholic centers of biblical exegesis Tafw71rSNtQ-00203-00048859-00049206 include the echo biblic of jerusalem Tafw71rSNtQ-00204-00049207-00049458 founded in 1890 by the dominican orders Tafw71rSNtQ-00205-00049459-00049758 Marie Joseph Lagrange the school became Tafw71rSNtQ-00206-00049759-00049959 embroiled in the modernist crisis and Tafw71rSNtQ-00207-00049960-00050130 had to curtail its New Testament Tafw71rSNtQ-00208-00050131-00050448 activities until after Vatican 2 the Tafw71rSNtQ-00209-00050449-00050679 Pontifical biblical Institute of Rome a Tafw71rSNtQ-00210-00050680-00050859 division of the jesuit gregorian Tafw71rSNtQ-00211-00050860-00051060 university has influenced catholic Tafw71rSNtQ-00212-00051061-00051227 exegesis through teaching and through Tafw71rSNtQ-00213-00051228-00051783 the Pontifical biblical Commission Tafw71rSNtQ-00214-00051784-00052401 topic Protestant for more than a century Tafw71rSNtQ-00215-00052402-00052647 German universities such as Tubingen Tafw71rSNtQ-00216-00052648-00052821 have had reputations as centers of Tafw71rSNtQ-00217-00052822-00053097 exegesis in the USA the divinity schools Tafw71rSNtQ-00218-00053098-00053310 of Chicago Harvard and Yale became Tafw71rSNtQ-00219-00053311-00053404 famous Tafw71rSNtQ-00220-00053405-00053700 Robert a trainees book methodical Bible Tafw71rSNtQ-00221-00053701-00053895 study as an example of Protestant Tafw71rSNtQ-00222-00053896-00054516 Christian exegesis Tafw71rSNtQ-00223-00054516-00055041 topic Judaism Tafw71rSNtQ-00224-00055042-00055286 traditional Jewish forms of exegesis Tafw71rSNtQ-00225-00055287-00055436 appeared throughout rabbinic literature Tafw71rSNtQ-00226-00055437-00055658 which includes the Mishnah the two Tafw71rSNtQ-00227-00055659-00055991 Talmud and the Midrash literature Jewish Tafw71rSNtQ-00228-00055991-00056222 exegetes have the title meh for some MPR Tafw71rSNtQ-00229-00056223-00056778 some commentators Tafw71rSNtQ-00230-00056779-00057272 topic midrash Tafw71rSNtQ-00231-00057273-00057517 the Midrash is a homiletic method of Tafw71rSNtQ-00232-00057519-00057766 exegesis and a compilation of homiletic Tafw71rSNtQ-00233-00057767-00057971 teachings or commentaries on the Tanakh Tafw71rSNtQ-00234-00057972-00058238 hebrew bible a biblical exegesis of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00235-00058239-00058451 Pentateuch in its paragraphs related to Tafw71rSNtQ-00236-00058452-00058658 the law or Torah which also forms an Tafw71rSNtQ-00237-00058659-00058940 object of analysis it comprises the Tafw71rSNtQ-00238-00058941-00059159 legal and ritual halika the collective Tafw71rSNtQ-00239-00059160-00059411 body of Jewish laws an exegesis of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00240-00059412-00059633 written law and the non legalistic Agata Tafw71rSNtQ-00241-00059634-00059852 a compendium of rabbinic homilies of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00242-00059853-00060029 parts of the Pentateuch not connected Tafw71rSNtQ-00243-00060029-00060332 with law biblical interpretation by the Tafw71rSNtQ-00244-00060333-00060505 tandem and the a murrain which may be Tafw71rSNtQ-00245-00060507-00060667 best designated as scholarly Tafw71rSNtQ-00246-00060669-00060869 interpretations of the Midrash was a Tafw71rSNtQ-00247-00060870-00061061 product of natural growth and of great Tafw71rSNtQ-00248-00061062-00061232 freedom in the treatment of the words of Tafw71rSNtQ-00249-00061233-00061516 the Bible however it proved an obstacle Tafw71rSNtQ-00250-00061517-00061697 to further development when endowed with Tafw71rSNtQ-00251-00061698-00061907 the authority of a sacred tradition in Tafw71rSNtQ-00252-00061908-00062041 the Talmud and in the Midrash Tafw71rSNtQ-00253-00062042-00062254 collections edited subsequently to the Tafw71rSNtQ-00254-00062255-00062459 Talmud it became the sole source for the Tafw71rSNtQ-00255-00062460-00062651 interpretation of the Bible among later Tafw71rSNtQ-00256-00062652-00062917 generations traditional literature Tafw71rSNtQ-00257-00062919-00063113 contains explanations that are in Tafw71rSNtQ-00258-00063114-00063304 harmony with the wording in the context Tafw71rSNtQ-00259-00063305-00063578 it reflects evidence of linguistic sense Tafw71rSNtQ-00260-00063579-00063770 judgment and an insight into the Tafw71rSNtQ-00261-00063771-00063965 peculiarities and difficulties of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00262-00063966-00064238 biblical text but side-by-side with Tafw71rSNtQ-00263-00064239-00064415 these elements of a natural and simple Tafw71rSNtQ-00264-00064416-00064685 Bible exegesis a value even today Tafw71rSNtQ-00265-00064686-00064871 the traditional literature contains an Tafw71rSNtQ-00266-00064872-00065092 even larger mass of expositions removed Tafw71rSNtQ-00267-00065094-00065316 from the actual meaning of the text Tafw71rSNtQ-00268-00065317-00065576 Palika and Agata and the halakhic as Tafw71rSNtQ-00269-00065577-00065783 well as in the Hagaddah exegesis the Tafw71rSNtQ-00270-00065784-00065993 expounder endeavored not so much to seek Tafw71rSNtQ-00271-00065994-00066173 the original meaning of the text as to Tafw71rSNtQ-00272-00066174-00066392 find authority in some Bible passage for Tafw71rSNtQ-00273-00066393-00066641 concepts and ideas rules of conduct and Tafw71rSNtQ-00274-00066642-00066785 teachings for which he wished to have Tafw71rSNtQ-00275-00066786-00067058 the biblical foundation the Talmudic 'el Tafw71rSNtQ-00276-00067059-00067277 hermeneutics form as matched as defined Tafw71rSNtQ-00277-00067278-00067466 as finding hints for a given law rather Tafw71rSNtQ-00278-00067467-00067742 than basing on the Bible texts to this Tafw71rSNtQ-00279-00067743-00067937 were added on the one hand the belief Tafw71rSNtQ-00280-00067938-00068099 that the words of the Bible had many Tafw71rSNtQ-00281-00068100-00068309 meanings and on the other the importance Tafw71rSNtQ-00282-00068310-00068498 attached to the smallest portion the Tafw71rSNtQ-00283-00068499-00068695 slightest peculiarity of the text Tafw71rSNtQ-00284-00068696-00068888 because of this move towards Tafw71rSNtQ-00285-00068889-00069101 particularity x' the exegesis of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00286-00069102-00069293 Midrash strayed further and further away Tafw71rSNtQ-00287-00069294-00069461 from a natural and common sense Tafw71rSNtQ-00288-00069462-00069800 interpretation Midrash Midrash exegesis Tafw71rSNtQ-00289-00069801-00070010 was largely in the nature of homiletics Tafw71rSNtQ-00290-00070011-00070229 expounding the Bible not in order to Tafw71rSNtQ-00291-00070230-00070427 investigate its actual meaning and to Tafw71rSNtQ-00292-00070428-00070619 understand the documents of the path Tafw71rSNtQ-00293-00070620-00070850 but to find religious edification moral Tafw71rSNtQ-00294-00070851-00071018 instruction and sustenance for the Tafw71rSNtQ-00295-00071019-00071258 thoughts and feelings of the present the Tafw71rSNtQ-00296-00071259-00071456 contrast between explanation of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00297-00071457-00071654 literal sense in the Midrash that did Tafw71rSNtQ-00298-00071655-00071849 not follow the words was recognized by Tafw71rSNtQ-00299-00071850-00072035 the tanum in the Ameren although their Tafw71rSNtQ-00300-00072036-00072185 idea of the literal meaning of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00301-00072186-00072386 biblical passage may not be allowed by Tafw71rSNtQ-00302-00072387-00072596 more modern standards the Tafw71rSNtQ-00303-00072597-00072878 above-mentioned Tana Ishmael be Elijah Tafw71rSNtQ-00304-00072879-00073118 said rejecting an exposition of Eliezer Tafw71rSNtQ-00305-00073119-00073418 be higher canis truly you say to Tafw71rSNtQ-00306-00073419-00073613 scripture be silent while I am Tafw71rSNtQ-00307-00073614-00074237 expounding sifrin Lev XIII 49 tenant Tafw71rSNtQ-00308-00074238-00074435 anodic exegesis distinguishes Tafw71rSNtQ-00309-00074436-00074642 principally between the actual deduction Tafw71rSNtQ-00310-00074643-00074843 of a thesis from a Bible passage as a Tafw71rSNtQ-00311-00074844-00075029 means of proving a point and the use of Tafw71rSNtQ-00312-00075030-00075254 such a passage as a mere mnemonic device Tafw71rSNtQ-00313-00075255-00075467 a distinction that was also made in a Tafw71rSNtQ-00314-00075468-00075656 different form later in the Babylonian Tafw71rSNtQ-00315-00075657-00075932 schools the Babylonian a murrain were Tafw71rSNtQ-00316-00075933-00076201 the first to use the expression has shot Tafw71rSNtQ-00317-00076202-00076547 simple or face-value method to designate Tafw71rSNtQ-00318-00076548-00076733 the primary sense contrasting it with Tafw71rSNtQ-00319-00076734-00077099 that drache the midrashic exegesis these Tafw71rSNtQ-00320-00077100-00077294 two terms were later on destined to Tafw71rSNtQ-00321-00077295-00077489 become important features in the history Tafw71rSNtQ-00322-00077490-00077819 of Jewish Bible exegesis in Babylonia Tafw71rSNtQ-00323-00077820-00078035 was formulated the important principle Tafw71rSNtQ-00324-00078036-00078227 that the midrashic exegesis could not Tafw71rSNtQ-00325-00078228-00078518 annul the primary sense this principle Tafw71rSNtQ-00326-00078519-00078701 subsequently became the watchword of Tafw71rSNtQ-00327-00078702-00078971 common sense Bible exegesis how little Tafw71rSNtQ-00328-00078972-00079190 it was known or recognized may be seen Tafw71rSNtQ-00329-00079191-00079352 from the admission of Kahana a Tafw71rSNtQ-00330-00079353-00079544 Babylonian amaura of the 4th century Tafw71rSNtQ-00331-00079545-00079784 that while at 18 years of age he had Tafw71rSNtQ-00332-00079785-00079964 already learned the whole Mishnah he had Tafw71rSNtQ-00333-00079965-00080135 only heard of that principle a great Tafw71rSNtQ-00334-00080136-00080486 many years later shab 63 a kahana's Tafw71rSNtQ-00335-00080487-00080663 admission as characteristic of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00336-00080664-00080858 centuries following the final redaction Tafw71rSNtQ-00337-00080859-00081128 of the Talmud the primary meaning is no Tafw71rSNtQ-00338-00081129-00081317 longer considered but it becomes more Tafw71rSNtQ-00339-00081318-00081494 and more the fashion to interpret the Tafw71rSNtQ-00340-00081495-00081668 text according to the meaning given to Tafw71rSNtQ-00341-00081669-00081944 it in traditional literature the ability Tafw71rSNtQ-00342-00081945-00082112 and even the desire for original Tafw71rSNtQ-00343-00082113-00082307 investigation of the text succumbed to Tafw71rSNtQ-00344-00082308-00082457 the overwhelming authority of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00345-00082458-00082748 Midrash it was therefore providential Tafw71rSNtQ-00346-00082749-00082916 that just at the time when the Midrash Tafw71rSNtQ-00347-00082917-00083114 was paramount the close study of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00348-00083115-00083300 text of the Bible at least in one Tafw71rSNtQ-00349-00083301-00083513 direction was pursued with rare energy Tafw71rSNtQ-00350-00083514-00083711 and perseverance by the master i'ts who Tafw71rSNtQ-00351-00083712-00083867 set themselves to preserving and Tafw71rSNtQ-00352-00083868-00083994 transmitting the Tafw71rSNtQ-00353-00083995-00084171 creation and correct reading of the text Tafw71rSNtQ-00354-00084172-00084486 by introducing punctuation vowel points Tafw71rSNtQ-00355-00084487-00084696 and accents into the biblical text in Tafw71rSNtQ-00356-00084697-00084888 the 7th century they supplied the Tafw71rSNtQ-00357-00084889-00085071 protecting hedge which according to Tafw71rSNtQ-00358-00085072-00085305 Rabbi Akiva saying the Massaro was to be Tafw71rSNtQ-00359-00085306-00085551 for the words of the Bible punctuation Tafw71rSNtQ-00360-00085552-00085791 on the one hand protected the tradition Tafw71rSNtQ-00361-00085792-00085962 from being forgotten and on the other Tafw71rSNtQ-00362-00085963-00086121 was the precursor of an independent Tafw71rSNtQ-00363-00086122-00086349 Bible science to be developed in a later Tafw71rSNtQ-00364-00086350-00086864 age Tafw71rSNtQ-00365-00086865-00087338 topic Micra Tafw71rSNtQ-00366-00087339-00087569 the micro the fundamental part of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00367-00087570-00087767 national science was the subject of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00368-00087768-00088049 primary instruction it was also divided Tafw71rSNtQ-00369-00088050-00088241 into the three historic groups of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00370-00088242-00088432 books of the Bible the Pentateuch the Tafw71rSNtQ-00371-00088433-00088649 prophets and the hagiography called in Tafw71rSNtQ-00372-00088650-00088862 traditional Hebrew attribution the Torah Tafw71rSNtQ-00373-00088863-00089060 the law or teaching the Navy the Tafw71rSNtQ-00374-00089061-00089243 prophets and the canoe bump the writings Tafw71rSNtQ-00375-00089244-00089528 respectively the intelligent reading and Tafw71rSNtQ-00376-00089529-00089747 comprehension of the text arrived at by Tafw71rSNtQ-00377-00089748-00089924 a correct division of the sentences and Tafw71rSNtQ-00378-00089925-00090082 words formed the course of instruction Tafw71rSNtQ-00379-00090083-00090374 in the Bible the scribes were also Tafw71rSNtQ-00380-00090375-00090578 required to know the targum the aramaic Tafw71rSNtQ-00381-00090579-00090860 translation of the text the targa made Tafw71rSNtQ-00382-00090861-00091061 possible and immediate comprehension of Tafw71rSNtQ-00383-00091062-00091288 the text but was continuously influenced Tafw71rSNtQ-00384-00091289-00091468 by the exegesis taught in the schools Tafw71rSNtQ-00385-00091469-00091712 the synagogue's were pre-eminently the Tafw71rSNtQ-00386-00091713-00091925 Centers for instruction in the Bible and Tafw71rSNtQ-00387-00091926-00092194 its exegesis the reading of the biblical Tafw71rSNtQ-00388-00092195-00092396 text which was combined with that of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00389-00092397-00092585 targum served to widen the knowledge of Tafw71rSNtQ-00390-00092586-00092713 the scholars learned in the first Tafw71rSNtQ-00391-00092714-00092975 division of the national science the Tafw71rSNtQ-00392-00092976-00093149 scribes found the material for their Tafw71rSNtQ-00393-00093150-00093335 discourses which formed a part of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00394-00093336-00093515 synagogue service in the second division Tafw71rSNtQ-00395-00093516-00093725 of the several branches of the tradition Tafw71rSNtQ-00396-00093726-00093982 the Haggadah the third of these branches Tafw71rSNtQ-00397-00093983-00094216 was the source material for the sermon Tafw71rSNtQ-00398-00094217-00094505 Jewish exegesis did not finish with the Tafw71rSNtQ-00399-00094506-00094700 redaction of the Talmud but continued Tafw71rSNtQ-00400-00094701-00094913 during ancient times the Middle Ages and Tafw71rSNtQ-00401-00094914-00095107 the Renaissance it remains a subject of Tafw71rSNtQ-00402-00095108-00095425 study today Jews have centers for Tafw71rSNtQ-00403-00095426-00095675 exegetical in each community they Tafw71rSNtQ-00404-00095676-00095881 consider exegesis an important tool for Tafw71rSNtQ-00405-00095882-00096572 the understanding of the scriptures Tafw71rSNtQ-00406-00096573-00097146 topic Indian philosophy Tafw71rSNtQ-00407-00097147-00097419 the mimamsa school of indian philosophy Tafw71rSNtQ-00408-00097420-00097682 also known as purva mimamsa prior Tafw71rSNtQ-00409-00097683-00098022 inquiry also karma mimamsa in contrast Tafw71rSNtQ-00410-00098023-00098370 to dura mimamsa posterior inquiry also Tafw71rSNtQ-00411-00098371-00098616 brahma mimamsa is strongly concerned Tafw71rSNtQ-00412-00098617-00098844 with textual exegesis and consequently Tafw71rSNtQ-00413-00098845-00099072 gave rise to the study of Falacci in the Tafw71rSNtQ-00414-00099073-00099339 philosophy of language its notion of Tafw71rSNtQ-00415-00099340-00099675 shabda speech as indivisible unity of Tafw71rSNtQ-00416-00099676-00099837 sound and meaning signifier and Tafw71rSNtQ-00417-00099838-00100092 signified is due to barter Hari 7th Tafw71rSNtQ-00418-00100093-00100650 century Tafw71rSNtQ-00419-00100651-00101158 topic Islam Tafw71rSNtQ-00420-00101159-00101460 tafsir arabic TSE r tafsir Tafw71rSNtQ-00421-00101461-00101710 interpretation is the Arabic word for Tafw71rSNtQ-00422-00101711-00101965 exegesis or commentary usually of the Tafw71rSNtQ-00423-00101966-00102262 Quran an author of tafsir as a Mufasa Tafw71rSNtQ-00424-00102263-00102529 Arabic the Surma Fosse er plural Arabic Tafw71rSNtQ-00425-00102530-00102883 MF strong Mufasa run tafsir does not Tafw71rSNtQ-00426-00102883-00103054 include esoteric or mystical Tafw71rSNtQ-00427-00103055-00103236 interpretations which are covered by the Tafw71rSNtQ-00428-00103238-00103558 related word Towell shiite organization Tafw71rSNtQ-00429-00103558-00103785 Ahlul Bayt digital islamic library Tafw71rSNtQ-00430-00103786-00103996 project cites the Islamic prophet Tafw71rSNtQ-00431-00103997-00104191 Muhammad as stating that the Quran has Tafw71rSNtQ-00432-00104192-00104334 an inner meaning and that this inner Tafw71rSNtQ-00433-00104335-00104518 meaning conceals an even deeper inner Tafw71rSNtQ-00434-00104519-00104708 meaning in support of this view Tafw71rSNtQ-00435-00104709-00104992 adherence of people for Sufism and ILM Tafw71rSNtQ-00436-00104993-00105671 al Kalam pioneered this thought Tafw71rSNtQ-00437-00105672-00106097 topic Zoroastrianism Tafw71rSNtQ-00438-00106098-00106266 you Tafw71rSNtQ-00439-00106267-00106516 Zoroastrianism Isis consists basically Tafw71rSNtQ-00440-00106517-00106748 of the interpretation of the Avesta Tafw71rSNtQ-00441-00106749-00107018 however the closest equivalent Iranian Tafw71rSNtQ-00442-00107019-00107251 concepts and generally includes Pahlavi Tafw71rSNtQ-00443-00107252-00107447 texts which were believed to derive from Tafw71rSNtQ-00444-00107448-00107675 commentaries upon Avastin scripture but Tafw71rSNtQ-00445-00107676-00107878 whose extant form contains no invest in Tafw71rSNtQ-00446-00107879-00108218 passages Zoroastrian exegesis differs Tafw71rSNtQ-00447-00108219-00108395 from similar phenomena in many other Tafw71rSNtQ-00448-00108396-00108583 religions in that it developed as part Tafw71rSNtQ-00449-00108584-00108751 of a religious tradition which made Tafw71rSNtQ-00450-00108752-00108950 little or no use of writing until well Tafw71rSNtQ-00451-00108951-00109213 into the sasanian era this lengthy Tafw71rSNtQ-00452-00109214-00109441 period of oral transmission has clearly Tafw71rSNtQ-00453-00109442-00109603 helped to give the middle Persians and Tafw71rSNtQ-00454-00109604-00109810 its characteristic shape and has in a Tafw71rSNtQ-00455-00109811-00109970 sense limited its scope Tafw71rSNtQ-00456-00109971-00110195 although the later tradition makes a Tafw71rSNtQ-00457-00110196-00110416 formal distinction between gothic Gahan Tafw71rSNtQ-00458-00110417-00110641 egg legal tadig and perhaps ritual Tafw71rSNtQ-00459-00110642-00110843 haddock manse rigged a vest in texts Tafw71rSNtQ-00460-00110844-00111010 there appeared to be no significant Tafw71rSNtQ-00461-00111011-00111175 differences in approach between the Tafw71rSNtQ-00462-00111176-00111379 Pahlavi commentary on the gatha's and Tafw71rSNtQ-00463-00111380-00111553 those on Dadich texts such as the Tafw71rSNtQ-00464-00111554-00111731 vendidad the herba destin and the Tafw71rSNtQ-00465-00111732-00111985 nearing gaston since many 19th and 20th Tafw71rSNtQ-00466-00111986-00112237 century works by Zoroastrians contain an Tafw71rSNtQ-00467-00112238-00112414 element of exegesis while on the other Tafw71rSNtQ-00468-00112415-00112636 hand no exegetical literature in the Tafw71rSNtQ-00469-00112638-00112810 strict sense of the word can be said to Tafw71rSNtQ-00470-00112811-00113002 exist the phenomenon of modern Tafw71rSNtQ-00471-00113003-00113236 Zoroastrian exegesis as such will be Tafw71rSNtQ-00472-00113238-00113386 discussed here without detailed Tafw71rSNtQ-00473-00113388-00114066 reference to individual texts Tafw71rSNtQ-00474-00114067-00114430 topic in a secular context Tafw71rSNtQ-00475-00114431-00114671 you Tafw71rSNtQ-00476-00114672-00114896 several universities including the Tafw71rSNtQ-00477-00114897-00115145 Sorbonne in Paris Leiden University and Tafw71rSNtQ-00478-00115146-00115376 the université libre debreu cell-free Tafw71rSNtQ-00479-00115377-00115646 university of brussels put exegesis in a Tafw71rSNtQ-00480-00115647-00115901 secular context next to exegesis in a Tafw71rSNtQ-00481-00115902-00116207 religious tradition secular exegesis as Tafw71rSNtQ-00482-00116208-00116483 an element of the study of religion at Tafw71rSNtQ-00483-00116483-00116741 australian universities the exegesis as Tafw71rSNtQ-00484-00116742-00116911 part of practice based doctorate Tafw71rSNtQ-00485-00116913-00117182 projects it is a scholarly text Tafw71rSNtQ-00486-00117183-00117404 accompanying a film literary text etc Tafw71rSNtQ-00487-00117405-00118152 produced by the PhD candidate Tafw71rSNtQ-00488-00118153-00118678 topic C also Tafw71rSNtQ-00489-00118679-00119045 you Tafw71rSNtQ-00490-00119046-00119566 topic footnotes Tafw71rSNtQ-00491-00119567-00119933 you Tafw71rSNtQ-00492-00119934-00120494 topic external links Tafw71rSNtQ-00493-00120495-00120788 media related to exegesis at Wikimedia Tafw71rSNtQ-00494-00120789-00121091 Commons biblical interpretation and Tafw71rSNtQ-00495-00121092-00121292 application reading room extensive Tafw71rSNtQ-00496-00121293-00121475 bibliography for biblical exegesis Tafw71rSNtQ-00497-00121476-00121810 provided by Tyndale seminary Jewish Tafw71rSNtQ-00498-00121811-00122177 encyclopedia comm Junia forum Tafw71rSNtQ-00499-00122178-00122504 commentaries project TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00000-00000204-00001346 [Music] TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00001-00001347-00001575 hello and welcome to community hotline TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00002-00001576-00001632 at home TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00003-00001632-00001845 I'm your host Monica weitzel today we'll TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00004-00001846-00001973 be talking with Moulton my county TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00005-00001975-00002148 commissioner Laurie Stegman it's great TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00006-00002149-00002358 to have you on the show Laurie Thank You TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00007-00002359-00002580 Monica great to see you thank you TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00008-00002581-00002832 you know the köppen 19 crisis is is all TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00009-00002833-00003035 anyone seems to talk about lately and TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00010-00003036-00003251 and for good reason our lives and our TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00011-00003252-00003435 work have been pretty much turned upside TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00012-00003436-00003669 down but you're continuing to work on TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00013-00003670-00003843 something that is really vitally TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00014-00003844-00004077 important and something that we can't TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00015-00004078-00004233 lose sight of and can't afford to forget TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00016-00004234-00004554 about and that's the 2020 census can you TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00017-00004555-00004788 tell our viewers first of all why it's TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00018-00004789-00005006 so important that every single person be TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00019-00005007-00005427 counted absolutely thank you Micah as we TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00020-00005428-00005658 all know the census is done every 10 TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00021-00005659-00006165 years and so this year when we collect TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00022-00006166-00006453 that data it's based on population so TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00023-00006454-00006693 the better that we are able to more TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00024-00006694-00006954 accurately count the number of people in TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00025-00006955-00007259 the state of Oregon what that means for TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00026-00007261-00007575 the state is more income into our TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00027-00007576-00007791 programs that won't limit County TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00028-00007792-00008073 provides so as one of the largest safety TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00029-00008073-00008304 net providers in the region it is TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00030-00008305-00008547 absolutely critical that we get a TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00031-00008548-00008874 complete and accurate count because that TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00032-00008875-00009210 money goes to programs like WIC women TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00033-00009211-00009522 infants and children it goes to school TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00034-00009523-00009927 lunch programs with Kovan 19 we know TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00035-00009928-00010101 that our hospitals are under tremendous TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00036-00010102-00010437 strain it goes to funding our hospitals TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00037-00010438-00010773 it also helps plan for businesses helps TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00038-00010774-00011067 plan for transportation there's some TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00039-00011068-00011214 transportation measures that may be TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00040-00011215-00011523 coming forth here in Oregon so almost TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00041-00011524-00011877 every aspect of our life is somehow TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00042-00011878-00012141 affected by the results of the census TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00043-00012142-00012432 many nonprofits many businesses whenever TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00044-00012433-00012708 you go out for a grant what they do is TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00045-00012709-00013004 they look at the data based on the last TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00046-00013005-00013404 census so it really sets a baseline not TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00047-00013405-00013749 just for one year but for the next ten TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00048-00013750-00014004 years so it's incredibly important we TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00049-00014005-00014235 also know that there is a structural TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00050-00014236-00014604 deficit in funding many of our programs TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00051-00014605-00014709 and so TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00052-00014710-00015018 this federal infusion of money that we TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00053-00015019-00015369 all pay to our federal taxes is really TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00054-00015369-00015621 money that should be coming back to our TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00055-00015622-00015819 state to help some of our most TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00056-00015819-00016137 vulnerable residents right okay that's TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00057-00016138-00016395 that's a good good explanation because a TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00058-00016396-00016530 lot of people I don't think understand TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00059-00016531-00016752 how important that is they you know they TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00060-00016753-00016902 think it's just the government wants to TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00061-00016903-00017070 know how many people but they don't know TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00062-00017071-00017118 why TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00063-00017119-00017484 so knowing that's helpful now they'd be TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00064-00017485-00017727 since this is under way I you know I got TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00065-00017728-00017903 mine in the mail we got it done like TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00066-00017904-00018210 immediately and but but there are some TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00067-00018211-00018444 people that either haven't received it TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00068-00018445-00018702 or somehow missed it what can those TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00069-00018703-00019026 people do yes absolutely so if you TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00070-00019027-00019272 haven't already most folks have received TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00071-00019273-00019539 three to four either postcards or TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00072-00019540-00019809 mailers the next mail or that's TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00073-00019810-00019995 scheduled to go out at the end of this TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00074-00019996-00020247 month and their April will actually TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00075-00020248-00020463 include the actual physical TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00076-00020464-00020742 questionnaire now this is the first time TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00077-00020743-00021024 that you've been able to go online to TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00078-00021025-00021267 complete the census so we're encouraging TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00079-00021268-00021474 people to do that but if you don't have TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00080-00021475-00021663 access to the Internet and you haven't TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00081-00021664-00021894 filled it out you will be mailed a paper TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00082-00021895-00022200 form to complete it either way is fine TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00083-00022201-00022422 but we just want to make sure that TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00084-00022423-00022812 everyone does that and especially um you TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00085-00022813-00023115 know myths the co-ed environment is what TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00086-00023116-00023310 happens if a person does not complete TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00087-00023311-00023601 their census potentially it's someone TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00088-00023602-00023835 called an enumerator will come out to TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00089-00023836-00024102 your physical address and ask you to TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00090-00024103-00024375 complete your census so we don't want to TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00091-00024376-00024570 you know it's the US Census Bureau who TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00092-00024571-00024894 sends us those folks out but obviously TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00093-00024895-00025101 uh it would be much better if people TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00094-00025102-00025311 don't have to come out to your home so TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00095-00025312-00025584 by filling out the census either via TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00096-00025585-00025977 online or the paper form it helps TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00097-00025977-00026147 protect our community to a greater TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00098-00026148-00026408 extent and then there are some folks TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00099-00026410-00026811 there are they're uncomfortable knocking TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00100-00026812-00027002 having people knock on their doors and TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00101-00027004-00027216 so again if you fill out your census TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00102-00027217-00027533 that's just a great way that will allow TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00103-00027533-00027764 enumerators not to have to come out to TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00104-00027766-00027839 your house TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00105-00027841-00028055 so yeah yeah TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00106-00028056-00028199 get it taken care of nobody will bother TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00107-00028200-00028439 you again about it exactly and it's TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00108-00028440-00028586 really you know I mean you know you TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00109-00028587-00028820 filled it out it took me like five TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00110-00028821-00029073 minutes why did it take you five minutes TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00111-00029074-00029393 yeah it was very simple it's a very very TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00112-00029394-00029657 short very few questions nothing but you TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00113-00029658-00029951 have to look up the answers to so TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00114-00029952-00030185 there's really no reason not to do it I TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00115-00030186-00030365 know that there are people that have TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00116-00030366-00030704 fears about it the question about your TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00117-00030705-00031023 legal status is not on there so it's TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00118-00031024-00031301 right to worry about that there what TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00119-00031302-00031643 about people who don't have a home and TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00120-00031644-00031868 they don't have perhaps an address yes TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00121-00031869-00032120 we are working with our German office of TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00122-00032121-00032402 homeless services to count people in our TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00123-00032403-00032660 houses population so we have a TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00124-00032661-00032957 designated time period that we will be TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00125-00032958-00033245 doing kind of what are call kind of like TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00126-00033246-00033533 group enumerations that are also done TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00127-00033534-00033885 like in our our jail system or any type TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00128-00033886-00034145 of kind of a congregate living situation TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00129-00034146-00034337 so we are working really closely with TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00130-00034338-00034617 our outreach workers as well because as TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00131-00034618-00034857 you know many houseless individuals live TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00132-00034858-00035210 outdoors and so a lot of those nonprofit TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00133-00035211-00035411 organizations have relationships with TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00134-00035412-00035654 those folks so we're we're partnering TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00135-00035655-00035894 with them to reach those folks and TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00136-00035895-00036123 ensure that they're all counted as well TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00137-00036124-00036374 good good I was I was a little surprised TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00138-00036375-00036479 when you said something about the TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00139-00036480-00036680 enumerators because I was thinking that TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00140-00036681-00036926 maybe that job would just go away with TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00141-00036927-00037337 the Kovan 19 crisis well each I think it TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00142-00037338-00037538 remains to be seen as you know things TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00143-00037539-00037739 change from moment to moment and day to TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00144-00037740-00038096 day and that that potentially could be TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00145-00038097-00038396 something that might happen which makes TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00146-00038397-00038633 it all the more important for people to TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00147-00038634-00038881 fill that form out either online or TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00148-00038882-00039338 physically with a paper form okay how TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00149-00039339-00039660 how is maluma county doing as compared TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00150-00039661-00039890 to the rest of the state or the rest of TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00151-00039891-00040100 the country their information in yeah TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00152-00040101-00040376 that's a great question so across the TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00153-00040377-00040823 country as of today April 22nd we've had TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00154-00040824-00041010 a response rate of about 51 percent TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00155-00041011-00041373 across the entire United States come TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00156-00041374-00041699 to Oregon we're at about 54% so we're TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00157-00041700-00041970 about three points ahead of the national TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00158-00041971-00042308 average in Multnomah County we're at 58% TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00159-00042309-00042587 so we're actually doing pretty good TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00160-00042588-00042795 gotta give a shout-out to Troutdale TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00161-00042796-00043637 who's that 61% so yeah we we do have TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00162-00043638-00043923 some time originally the self-response TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00163-00043924-00044151 rate was going to end at the end of July TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00164-00044152-00044445 but with the advent of this pandemic TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00165-00044446-00044690 it's actually been extended until TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00166-00044691-00044951 October 31st so we actually have an TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00167-00044952-00045185 additional three months to get the TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00168-00045186-00045494 census completed so we still have about TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00169-00045495-00045743 six months in total between now and TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00170-00045744-00046115 October 31st but as you know this TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00171-00046116-00046405 pandemic has impacted so many folks and TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00172-00046406-00046727 to some degree maybe increased fears as TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00173-00046728-00046952 what you never mentioned and so we're TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00174-00046953-00047240 really trying to be sensitive and be TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00175-00047241-00047535 culturally specific we have a very TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00176-00047536-00047736 diverse outreach team that that's TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00177-00047737-00047993 working with many of our community TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00178-00047994-00048210 members and we want to make sure that TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00179-00048211-00048404 we're addressing what their concerns are TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00180-00048405-00048786 and there are laws in place that make TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00181-00048787-00049037 sure that the census workers are not TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00182-00049038-00049349 allowed to share this information a TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00183-00049350-00049601 census worker would never ask for your TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00184-00049602-00049811 social security number would never ask TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00185-00049812-00050195 for your citizenship status so really TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00186-00050196-00050435 those things and if they were to share TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00187-00050436-00050673 with that information with anyone it's TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00188-00050674-00050879 actually illegal and that there are TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00189-00050880-00051281 fines and other requirements that could TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00190-00051282-00051715 come into play so I it is challenging to TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00191-00051716-00052094 reassure people but the money that we TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00192-00052095-00052374 get from the result of the census often TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00193-00052375-00052566 goes back to the most vulnerable TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00194-00052566-00052880 communities in our you know in our area TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00195-00052881-00053162 that really really need that help so I TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00196-00053163-00053588 understand that fear but departments are TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00197-00053589-00053859 not able at the federal government there TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00198-00053860-00053997 are laws in place where they are not TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00199-00053998-00054309 able to share the results of the census TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00200-00054310-00054624 with other departments good oh that's TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00201-00054625-00054760 reassuring TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00202-00054761-00054958 is there anything else that you're doing TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00203-00054959-00055252 to encourage people to participate in TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00204-00055253-00055537 the census yeah so as you know we've all TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00205-00055538-00055798 had to shift out with the pandemic and TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00206-00055799-00055990 you know we were scheduled to do we were TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00207-00055991-00056304 gonna have these mobile bands fleet that TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00208-00056305-00056430 we're gonna go out to all these great TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00209-00056432-00056632 events and we're really excited and TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00210-00056633-00056845 we're not able to do that but that's TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00211-00056846-00057085 okay we're figuring out how we can TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00212-00057086-00057538 interact more virtually and online so TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00213-00057539-00057787 what we're doing right now is a photo TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00214-00057788-00058207 census contest so if you have an furry TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00215-00058208-00058666 friend take a picture of your census TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00216-00058666-00059004 form or you can go online to the website TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00217-00059004-00059413 which is the 2020 census gov is the TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00218-00059414-00059659 website and take a picture of you and TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00219-00059660-00059911 your pet and if you go on to my Twitter TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00220-00059912-00060145 account or our Facebook account at TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00221-00060146-00060340 Laurie Stegman Multnomah County TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00222-00060341-00060535 Commissioner District four TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00223-00060536-00060780 you'll see some of the past winners so TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00224-00060782-00061096 we've had chickens we've had cats we've TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00225-00061097-00061479 had dogs so you know we just write you TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00226-00061480-00061807 know I think people really need anything TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00227-00061808-00062053 that can make them smile and uplift them TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00228-00062054-00062263 while promoting something really TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00229-00062264-00062473 important to our community that's a TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00230-00062474-00062713 great way that people can help us yeah TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00231-00062714-00062935 that's a very fun way and people like to TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00232-00062936-00063208 show off their pets so that's fun and TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00233-00063209-00063504 you're picking a winner every week yeah TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00234-00063505-00063886 we've been doing three winners every TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00235-00063887-00064114 other week bi-weekly and so as you know TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00236-00064115-00064329 many small businesses and especially TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00237-00064330-00064546 restaurants are suffering so we're TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00238-00064547-00064741 purchasing local and gift certificates TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00239-00064741-00064999 from restaurants and small businesses so TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00240-00065000-00065290 folks want to get to go orders now they TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00241-00065291-00065437 can or they can get a gift certificate TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00242-00065438-00065607 and then they can go visit their TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00243-00065608-00065848 favorite restaurant once this is all TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00244-00065849-00066154 over so absolutely we wanted to find a TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00245-00066155-00066388 way that we could promote our small TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00246-00066389-00066640 businesses in the community and get the TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00247-00066641-00066787 word out about how important the TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00248-00066788-00067072 censuses fun way to do that I like that TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00249-00067073-00067252 is there anything else that we should TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00250-00067253-00067405 know about what's going on with the TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00251-00067406-00067834 census this year in 2020 um I mean just TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00252-00067835-00067967 other than TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00253-00067968-00068150 you know the work that Montana County TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00254-00068151-00068407 does is is so foundational and so TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00255-00068408-00068606 important to this community many folks TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00256-00068607-00068837 don't know that we have 32 health TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00257-00068838-00069281 clinics that we maintain 26 bridges we TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00258-00069282-00069563 have 90 son school sites within six TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00259-00069564-00069832 school districts of the county we we TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00260-00069833-00070192 serve seniors folks with disabilities of TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00261-00070193-00070478 domestic violence survivors you know TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00262-00070479-00070688 low-income folks and houseless TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00263-00070689-00071012 individuals so these these services and TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00264-00071013-00071375 these folks are why the census is so TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00265-00071376-00071582 important and we want to make sure that TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00266-00071583-00071819 people have access to housing that they TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00267-00071820-00072131 have food security that they have safety TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00268-00072132-00072371 in their homes and during this pandemic TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00269-00072372-00072601 we know that people are more vulnerable TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00270-00072602-00072866 and so it really highlights the need for TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00271-00072867-00073106 us to make sure that we have the funding TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00272-00073107-00073379 to be able to do the county's mission so TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00273-00073380-00073607 just want everybody to know talk to your TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00274-00073608-00073807 friends talk to your relatives talk to TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00275-00073808-00074101 your community and encourage them to TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00276-00074102-00074297 fill out the census because that TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00277-00074298-00074798 represents about $4,000 per person so TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00278-00074799-00075098 across the United States it's about 900 TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00279-00075099-00075467 billion dollars with ABI each year this TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00280-00075468-00075713 that gets distributed across the United TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00281-00075714-00075959 States and the state of Oregon share of TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00282-00075960-00076244 that is about 14 billion dollars each TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00283-00076245-00076568 year so for every person that fills TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00284-00076569-00076751 they're out there census that's about TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00285-00076752-00076940 four thousand dollars per person each TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00286-00076941-00077318 year that comes in to the county well to TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00287-00077319-00077507 the state but then of course you know TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00288-00077508-00077663 some of that money filters down into our TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00289-00077664-00077924 county services so it affects everything TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00290-00077925-00078236 and everybody and we just need everybody TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00291-00078237-00078497 to to fill it out go online and TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00292-00078498-00078809 encourage others to do so also that's TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00293-00078810-00079063 that's wonderful and that stat is a very TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00294-00079064-00079331 telling one four thousand dollars person TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00295-00079332-00079616 I mean it affects everybody so thank you TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00296-00079617-00079744 so much Laurie for sharing all that TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00297-00079745-00079919 information today keep up the good work TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00298-00079920-00080099 we love what you're doing at the county TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00299-00080100-00080309 and we'll see you next time TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00300-00080310-00080588 Thank You Monica and all of you watching TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00301-00080589-00080906 please stay healthy stay safe and we'll TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00302-00080907-00082064 see TbfiQnJ6W0Y-00303-00082065-00082367 [Music] TcjPEcABrkY-00000-00000035-00001075 foreign TcjPEcABrkY-00001-00001076-00001331 to see that a lot of you have already TcjPEcABrkY-00002-00001332-00001523 heard a little bit about neurodiversity TcjPEcABrkY-00003-00001524-00001876 before uh today I will be presenting to TcjPEcABrkY-00004-00001877-00002363 you some of the work that I did at um TcjPEcABrkY-00005-00002364-00002621 um the university I went to here in TcjPEcABrkY-00006-00002622-00002771 Germany TcjPEcABrkY-00007-00002772-00003100 um and a little bit about my experience TcjPEcABrkY-00008-00003101-00003383 what neurodiversity is and the work that TcjPEcABrkY-00009-00003384-00003635 I think needs to be put in place in more TcjPEcABrkY-00010-00003636-00003856 German universities to include TcjPEcABrkY-00011-00003857-00004186 neurodivergent students in the future TcjPEcABrkY-00012-00004187-00004499 awesome okay so I'm just gonna stop here TcjPEcABrkY-00013-00004500-00004654 it looks like we have a lot of people TcjPEcABrkY-00014-00004655-00004936 okay wonderful very excited to have you TcjPEcABrkY-00015-00004937-00005231 all here TcjPEcABrkY-00016-00005232-00005488 okay so today is gonna predominantly be TcjPEcABrkY-00017-00005489-00005759 a very much of an introduction uh but if TcjPEcABrkY-00018-00005760-00005938 anyone have any more questions you're TcjPEcABrkY-00019-00005939-00006281 more than welcome to uh contact me later TcjPEcABrkY-00020-00006282-00006496 on if you have any questions regarding TcjPEcABrkY-00021-00006497-00006742 sources or theories that you want to TcjPEcABrkY-00022-00006743-00006925 have more insight into TcjPEcABrkY-00023-00006926-00007439 so I created the let's see can I change TcjPEcABrkY-00024-00007440-00007906 slides now no I don't think I can okay TcjPEcABrkY-00025-00007908-00008219 okay let's do it like that I created the TcjPEcABrkY-00026-00008220-00008446 Carlos neurodiversity initiative and TcjPEcABrkY-00027-00008447-00008614 today I'm going to talk about what that TcjPEcABrkY-00028-00008615-00008873 is what is neurodiversity and what is TcjPEcABrkY-00029-00008874-00009137 neurodiversity in higher education and TcjPEcABrkY-00030-00009138-00009545 how can we promote neurodiversity there TcjPEcABrkY-00031-00009546-00009749 so a little bit about the road to TcjPEcABrkY-00032-00009750-00009983 creating the initiative so my name is TcjPEcABrkY-00033-00009984-00010306 Serena instant and I'm Norwegian so I TcjPEcABrkY-00034-00010307-00010535 was diagnosed with dyslexia here in TcjPEcABrkY-00035-00010536-00010817 Norway in the eighth grade dyslexia for TcjPEcABrkY-00036-00010818-00011128 people who don't know is a diagnosis TcjPEcABrkY-00037-00011129-00011423 which says that you're worse at decoding TcjPEcABrkY-00038-00011424-00011669 um writing and spelling TcjPEcABrkY-00039-00011670-00011938 um and when I got my diagnosis I also TcjPEcABrkY-00040-00011939-00012131 got access to all the accommodations TcjPEcABrkY-00041-00012132-00012371 that I am entitled to here in Norway TcjPEcABrkY-00042-00012372-00012677 which meant the use of computers digital TcjPEcABrkY-00043-00012678-00012893 programs and so forth which I could have TcjPEcABrkY-00044-00012894-00013216 with me from my diagnosis until I and TcjPEcABrkY-00045-00013218-00013421 also out into the labor market whenever TcjPEcABrkY-00046-00013422-00013597 I entered that TcjPEcABrkY-00047-00013597-00013930 so when I uh I did not really have any TcjPEcABrkY-00048-00013931-00014207 issues in school my teacher was dyslexic TcjPEcABrkY-00049-00014208-00014435 and she was the one that thought you TcjPEcABrkY-00050-00014436-00014747 might be dyslexic but she promoted the TcjPEcABrkY-00051-00014747-00014957 fact that I should go to high school and TcjPEcABrkY-00052-00014958-00015166 that I should go to university no matter TcjPEcABrkY-00053-00015168-00015521 if I was dyslexic or not so I had a lot TcjPEcABrkY-00054-00015522-00015785 of support around me when I then entered TcjPEcABrkY-00055-00015786-00016055 decided to enter a German University to TcjPEcABrkY-00056-00016056-00016283 take my bachelor's TcjPEcABrkY-00057-00016284-00016535 um and I kind of naively walked up to my TcjPEcABrkY-00058-00016536-00016769 examination office two months into my TcjPEcABrkY-00059-00016770-00017122 studies and I said hi I'm dyslexic I TcjPEcABrkY-00060-00017123-00017350 have papers on this TcjPEcABrkY-00061-00017351-00017585 um and I would like to use my computer TcjPEcABrkY-00062-00017586-00017843 for this one written test that we have TcjPEcABrkY-00063-00017844-00018215 at the University so that I can write TcjPEcABrkY-00064-00018216-00018683 the best answers and I was told uh here TcjPEcABrkY-00065-00018684-00018994 we don't allow computers for uh for TcjPEcABrkY-00066-00018995-00019289 written exams we only allow additional TcjPEcABrkY-00067-00019290-00019517 time as a form of accommodation for TcjPEcABrkY-00068-00019518-00019883 dyslexic students and I had to inform my TcjPEcABrkY-00069-00019884-00020272 uh examination administrator that if I TcjPEcABrkY-00070-00020273-00020464 could just look at my paper for 30 more TcjPEcABrkY-00071-00020465-00020657 minutes and all of my spelling would be TcjPEcABrkY-00072-00020658-00020879 visible to me then I would not be TcjPEcABrkY-00073-00020880-00021203 dyslexic that's not how it works and TcjPEcABrkY-00074-00021204-00021419 what I realized then was that there TcjPEcABrkY-00075-00021420-00021655 wasn't a system in place that could TcjPEcABrkY-00076-00021656-00022139 accommodate me and allow me to pass my TcjPEcABrkY-00077-00022140-00022391 bachelor's I was quite worried that if I TcjPEcABrkY-00078-00022392-00022583 did not change the system of the TcjPEcABrkY-00079-00022584-00022822 University I went to I would not be able TcjPEcABrkY-00080-00022823-00023135 to take my bachelor's so I decided I TcjPEcABrkY-00081-00023136-00023369 would have to talk about my dyslexia TcjPEcABrkY-00082-00023370-00023614 what it was to educate both the students TcjPEcABrkY-00083-00023615-00023819 around me my professors and the TcjPEcABrkY-00084-00023820-00024113 administration about what it was TcjPEcABrkY-00085-00024114-00024317 um statistically about five to twenty TcjPEcABrkY-00086-00024318-00024617 percent of the population has dyslexia I TcjPEcABrkY-00087-00024618-00024797 mean there's a disparency between the TcjPEcABrkY-00088-00024798-00025078 two assumed statistics but it was TcjPEcABrkY-00089-00025079-00025283 surprising to me that no one else at TcjPEcABrkY-00090-00025284-00025535 this University had labeled themselves TcjPEcABrkY-00091-00025536-00025714 as dyslected given the amount of TcjPEcABrkY-00092-00025716-00025896 students that we were TcjPEcABrkY-00093-00025897-00026177 so when I was talking to all my other TcjPEcABrkY-00094-00026177-00026320 students about the fact that I was TcjPEcABrkY-00095-00026322-00026543 dyslexic what that meant and why TcjPEcABrkY-00096-00026544-00026855 accommodation needs to change I was led TcjPEcABrkY-00097-00026856-00027101 into the idea into the fact that there TcjPEcABrkY-00098-00027102-00027358 were in fact other dyslexic students at TcjPEcABrkY-00099-00027360-00027617 the University uh many of them were TcjPEcABrkY-00100-00027618-00027881 Germans because there was about a 60 to TcjPEcABrkY-00101-00027882-00028096 40 difference between International TcjPEcABrkY-00102-00028097-00028343 students and German students however TcjPEcABrkY-00103-00028344-00028607 they did not want to come forward with TcjPEcABrkY-00104-00028608-00028973 their diagnosis because they did not see TcjPEcABrkY-00105-00028974-00029345 that it would lead to anything positive TcjPEcABrkY-00106-00029345-00029549 um and I suddenly started to realize TcjPEcABrkY-00107-00029550-00029746 that in the German system as I've TcjPEcABrkY-00108-00029747-00029920 experienced it and people have told it TcjPEcABrkY-00109-00029922-00030245 to me in many ways reduces the chances TcjPEcABrkY-00110-00030245-00030479 of neurodivergent students or dyslexic TcjPEcABrkY-00111-00030480-00030868 students to come to higher education and TcjPEcABrkY-00112-00030869-00031037 I think today what I'm going to present TcjPEcABrkY-00113-00031038-00031264 to you is why I think it's so important TcjPEcABrkY-00114-00031266-00031627 that a higher education institutions in TcjPEcABrkY-00115-00031627-00031901 Germany Implement some of these ideas so TcjPEcABrkY-00116-00031902-00032068 they can have access to that student TcjPEcABrkY-00117-00032069-00032393 body as well what was told to me by a TcjPEcABrkY-00118-00032394-00032723 fellow student was that for her TcjPEcABrkY-00119-00032724-00032945 experience some teachers we can look TcjPEcABrkY-00120-00032946-00033196 here at the quote on the front here some TcjPEcABrkY-00121-00033197-00033551 teachers had even taken upon themselves TcjPEcABrkY-00122-00033552-00033667 um TcjPEcABrkY-00123-00033668-00034085 uh to inform my mother that I was not TcjPEcABrkY-00124-00034086-00034409 supposed to be in the gymnasium as I had TcjPEcABrkY-00125-00034410-00034679 dyslexia and therefore I was not capable TcjPEcABrkY-00126-00034680-00034967 enough this fate was not limited to TcjPEcABrkY-00127-00034968-00035315 dyslexics what she also saw here was TcjPEcABrkY-00128-00035316-00035567 that not only was dyslexic students but TcjPEcABrkY-00129-00035568-00035879 also students with ADHD and so forth not TcjPEcABrkY-00130-00035880-00036143 told to pursue higher education TcjPEcABrkY-00131-00036144-00036395 specifically University on the pure TcjPEcABrkY-00132-00036396-00036623 basis of their diagnosis TcjPEcABrkY-00133-00036624-00036851 and because we work on an International TcjPEcABrkY-00134-00036852-00037109 University we had a lot of perspective TcjPEcABrkY-00135-00037110-00037379 and a lot of students experiences more TcjPEcABrkY-00136-00037380-00037540 or less stigma related to their TcjPEcABrkY-00137-00037541-00037817 diagnosis so what we found out was TcjPEcABrkY-00138-00037818-00038081 necessary here was to create an TcjPEcABrkY-00139-00038082-00038351 initiative that student LED that drives TcjPEcABrkY-00140-00038352-00038645 to empower students to succeed in higher TcjPEcABrkY-00141-00038646-00038993 education and therefore not just educate TcjPEcABrkY-00142-00038994-00039196 the professors but also educate TcjPEcABrkY-00143-00039197-00039562 ourselves TcjPEcABrkY-00144-00039563-00039718 thank you TcjPEcABrkY-00145-00039719-00039940 and these slides are a bit difficult to TcjPEcABrkY-00146-00039941-00040246 manage okay so what is neurodiversity TcjPEcABrkY-00147-00040247-00040427 I've been talking saying the word TcjPEcABrkY-00148-00040428-00040609 dyslexic I've also been using the word TcjPEcABrkY-00149-00040610-00040817 neurodivergent so I'm going to go a TcjPEcABrkY-00150-00040818-00041057 little bit into Theory here today and TcjPEcABrkY-00151-00041058-00041195 what that meant and then we're going to TcjPEcABrkY-00152-00041196-00041429 go on into the Practical so what is TcjPEcABrkY-00153-00041430-00041651 neurodiversity neurodiversity is a TcjPEcABrkY-00154-00041652-00041927 theory that was proposed by the autistic TcjPEcABrkY-00155-00041928-00042227 community in the 90s TcjPEcABrkY-00156-00042228-00042479 um or like early 2000s TcjPEcABrkY-00157-00042480-00042785 um about which could also cover autism TcjPEcABrkY-00158-00042786-00043121 dyslexia dyscalculia but also ADHD and TcjPEcABrkY-00159-00043122-00043518 hypersensitivity and isn't TcjPEcABrkY-00160-00043519-00043805 alternative form of TcjPEcABrkY-00161-00043806-00044183 um looking at this diagnoses an TcjPEcABrkY-00162-00044184-00044345 empowerment way of looking at these TcjPEcABrkY-00163-00044346-00044483 diagnosis TcjPEcABrkY-00164-00044484-00044855 so the model of neurodiversity it says TcjPEcABrkY-00165-00044856-00045143 there is no normal brain sitting in a TcjPEcABrkY-00166-00045144-00045377 vat somewhere at the Smithsonian or TcjPEcABrkY-00167-00045378-00045580 National Institute of Health to which TcjPEcABrkY-00168-00045581-00045868 all of the brains must be compared what TcjPEcABrkY-00169-00045869-00046121 this theory is proposing is that there TcjPEcABrkY-00170-00046122-00046349 is a Divergence in neurocognitive TcjPEcABrkY-00171-00046350-00046607 function in the human population and TcjPEcABrkY-00172-00046608-00046793 that this is a natural and should be TcjPEcABrkY-00173-00046794-00047207 evalued aspect of human diversity TcjPEcABrkY-00174-00047208-00047458 um and that in reality diagnosis is such TcjPEcABrkY-00175-00047459-00047824 as dyslexia and autism and ADHD is not TcjPEcABrkY-00176-00047825-00048058 the normal healthy brain and a little TcjPEcABrkY-00177-00048059-00048340 bit broken but rather an alternative way TcjPEcABrkY-00178-00048341-00048743 that human brain has chosen to develop TcjPEcABrkY-00179-00048744-00049918 do this is TcjPEcABrkY-00180-00049919-00050146 um I'm sorry I don't know what's going TcjPEcABrkY-00181-00050147-00050386 on here but I think you should write in TcjPEcABrkY-00182-00050387-00050674 the chat if this is important okay so TcjPEcABrkY-00183-00050675-00050873 let's go back to this TcjPEcABrkY-00184-00050874-00051155 um okay neurodiversity the concept here TcjPEcABrkY-00185-00051156-00051502 is neurodiversity it's a diversity of TcjPEcABrkY-00186-00051503-00051779 human brain brains and minds and the TcjPEcABrkY-00187-00051779-00052007 indefinite variation in neurocognitive TcjPEcABrkY-00188-00052008-00052270 function within our space our space TcjPEcABrkY-00189-00052271-00052453 species TcjPEcABrkY-00190-00052454-00052799 neurodiversity theory proposes TcjPEcABrkY-00191-00052800-00052891 um TcjPEcABrkY-00192-00052891-00053182 that there is some that there are TcjPEcABrkY-00193-00053183-00053459 certain factors which we need to take TcjPEcABrkY-00194-00053460-00053615 into consideration TcjPEcABrkY-00195-00053616-00053950 one is that neurodiversity is a natural TcjPEcABrkY-00196-00053951-00054311 and valuable form of human diversity TcjPEcABrkY-00197-00054312-00054661 point two is that the right style of TcjPEcABrkY-00198-00054662-00054947 cognitive function is a cultural TcjPEcABrkY-00199-00054948-00055265 constructed fiction and not TcjPEcABrkY-00200-00055266-00055450 um the understanding that as I've said TcjPEcABrkY-00201-00055451-00055654 earlier the dyslexic brain is the TcjPEcABrkY-00202-00055655-00055847 healthy normal brain just a little bit TcjPEcABrkY-00203-00055848-00056003 broken TcjPEcABrkY-00204-00056004-00056285 third aspect is that that there's a TcjPEcABrkY-00205-00056286-00056476 social dynamics that manifests TcjPEcABrkY-00206-00056477-00056711 concerning neurodiversity that are TcjPEcABrkY-00207-00056712-00056926 similar to social dynamics that manifest TcjPEcABrkY-00208-00056927-00057088 in regards to other form of human TcjPEcABrkY-00209-00057089-00057371 diversity this means that one can face TcjPEcABrkY-00210-00057372-00057682 uh stigmatization or TcjPEcABrkY-00211-00057683-00057947 um generalization and so forth and as TcjPEcABrkY-00212-00057948-00058213 I've illustrated by my friend's example TcjPEcABrkY-00213-00058214-00058613 when it came to neurodiversity in TcjPEcABrkY-00214-00058614-00058715 um TcjPEcABrkY-00215-00058716-00059015 when it comes to neurodiversity in the TcjPEcABrkY-00216-00059016-00059219 German school system that she faced she TcjPEcABrkY-00217-00059220-00059537 faced a lot of misunderstandings uh TcjPEcABrkY-00218-00059538-00059849 because of the amount of misinformation TcjPEcABrkY-00219-00059850-00060094 and so lastly the neurodiversity TcjPEcABrkY-00220-00060095-00060371 movement which is then a social movement TcjPEcABrkY-00221-00060372-00060599 that works to seek equality rights and TcjPEcABrkY-00222-00060600-00060809 inclusion of neurodivergent individuals TcjPEcABrkY-00223-00060810-00061025 to neurotypicals TcjPEcABrkY-00224-00061026-00061241 now this was a lot of words and I'm TcjPEcABrkY-00225-00061241-00061438 sorry for that Interruption that threw TcjPEcABrkY-00226-00061439-00061600 me off a little bit but if you have any TcjPEcABrkY-00227-00061601-00061782 questions please write them in the chat TcjPEcABrkY-00228-00061783-00062044 uh what we're going to talk about now is TcjPEcABrkY-00229-00062045-00062266 a little bit about words and language so TcjPEcABrkY-00230-00062267-00062471 how to use different kinds of terms TcjPEcABrkY-00231-00062472-00062657 because if you heard me say a lot of TcjPEcABrkY-00232-00062658-00062891 them and I will also share with you more TcjPEcABrkY-00233-00062891-00063244 terms in the in the library if that is TcjPEcABrkY-00234-00063245-00063587 if that is something that you wish TcjPEcABrkY-00235-00063588-00063779 um but we're gonna focus on these three TcjPEcABrkY-00236-00063779-00064025 different terms and the reason terms are TcjPEcABrkY-00237-00064026-00064216 so important and language is so TcjPEcABrkY-00238-00064217-00064450 important within neurodiversity is that TcjPEcABrkY-00239-00064451-00064619 traditional words that's been used to TcjPEcABrkY-00240-00064620-00065035 describe autism ADHD dyslexia dyspraxia TcjPEcABrkY-00241-00065036-00065350 hypersensitivity is so set in the ideas TcjPEcABrkY-00242-00065351-00065705 that one is one needs to be fixed and TcjPEcABrkY-00243-00065706-00066035 cured and doesn't necessarily see TcjPEcABrkY-00244-00066036-00066263 um that is a valued alternative way of TcjPEcABrkY-00245-00066264-00066611 being so I like the icons on the TcjPEcABrkY-00246-00066612-00066815 PowerPoint tools so you're probably TcjPEcABrkY-00247-00066816-00066947 going to see them a lot through this TcjPEcABrkY-00248-00066948-00067121 presentation so we're going to talk here TcjPEcABrkY-00249-00067122-00067294 about TcjPEcABrkY-00250-00067295-00067476 um three different terms neurotypical TcjPEcABrkY-00251-00067477-00067750 neurodivergent and neurodiversity TcjPEcABrkY-00252-00067751-00068111 so neurotypical this is Tom here Tom is TcjPEcABrkY-00253-00068112-00068332 a neurotypical person Tom is an TcjPEcABrkY-00254-00068333-00068549 electrician and Tommy's neurotypical TcjPEcABrkY-00255-00068550-00068800 which means that he presents in a way TcjPEcABrkY-00256-00068801-00068956 that is TcjPEcABrkY-00257-00068957-00069071 um TcjPEcABrkY-00258-00069072-00069419 that is normal to the rest of the uh the TcjPEcABrkY-00259-00069420-00069731 rest of society the way Tom interacts TcjPEcABrkY-00260-00069732-00070037 with someone or learns and so forth is TcjPEcABrkY-00261-00070038-00070211 not in any way TcjPEcABrkY-00262-00070212-00070294 um TcjPEcABrkY-00263-00070295-00070667 is not in anyone is seen as odd uh odd TcjPEcABrkY-00264-00070668-00070888 his abilities is with scene within TcjPEcABrkY-00265-00070889-00071273 normal uh Tom is married to Lisa so Tom TcjPEcABrkY-00266-00071274-00071579 is the neurotypical individual Lisa is a TcjPEcABrkY-00267-00071580-00071806 neurodivergent individual Lisa is a TcjPEcABrkY-00268-00071807-00072100 firefighter Lisa is autistic and Lisa is TcjPEcABrkY-00269-00072101-00072497 married to Tom now uh the nurse Lisa is TcjPEcABrkY-00270-00072498-00072905 a neurodivergent because she's autistic TcjPEcABrkY-00271-00072906-00073253 now their family so Tom and Lisa they TcjPEcABrkY-00272-00073254-00073547 have two kids in this picture TcjPEcABrkY-00273-00073548-00073787 um has a neurodiverse family meaning TcjPEcABrkY-00274-00073788-00074038 that there is a diversity of TcjPEcABrkY-00275-00074039-00074309 neurocognitive ways of being within that TcjPEcABrkY-00276-00074310-00074537 group that's why we would say an TcjPEcABrkY-00277-00074538-00074771 individual is neurodivergent we would TcjPEcABrkY-00278-00074772-00074938 could say an individual is neurotypical TcjPEcABrkY-00279-00074939-00075197 but for instance universities should be TcjPEcABrkY-00280-00075198-00075455 aiming to be neurodiverse meaning that TcjPEcABrkY-00281-00075456-00075767 it allows for Divergent ways of being TcjPEcABrkY-00282-00075768-00075899 yes TcjPEcABrkY-00283-00075900-00076013 um and there can be many different TcjPEcABrkY-00284-00076014-00076217 versions of this having ADHD and so TcjPEcABrkY-00285-00076218-00076432 forth which I've mentioned many times TcjPEcABrkY-00286-00076433-00076781 okay uh let's keep going I think we're TcjPEcABrkY-00287-00076782-00076961 gonna have to do some practical things TcjPEcABrkY-00288-00076962-00077344 here so now I'm gonna give you TcjPEcABrkY-00289-00077345-00077729 um a voting so first you're gonna vote TcjPEcABrkY-00290-00077730-00077867 here TcjPEcABrkY-00291-00077868-00078041 as you've seen TcjPEcABrkY-00292-00078042-00078449 um I have used the terms uh where did TcjPEcABrkY-00293-00078450-00078988 that one go I have used the terms TcjPEcABrkY-00294-00078989-00079156 um TcjPEcABrkY-00295-00079157-00079331 autism TcjPEcABrkY-00296-00079332-00079559 um or autistic and as you can see in TcjPEcABrkY-00297-00079560-00079756 this presentation here we have two TcjPEcABrkY-00298-00079757-00080141 alternative ways we have hi I am Peter TcjPEcABrkY-00299-00080142-00080459 and I have autism and we have high I am TcjPEcABrkY-00300-00080460-00080747 Paul I am autistic TcjPEcABrkY-00301-00080748-00080938 um and what I want you to vote on here TcjPEcABrkY-00302-00080939-00081155 is whether or not TcjPEcABrkY-00303-00081156-00081275 um TcjPEcABrkY-00304-00081276-00081544 which one is identity first language and TcjPEcABrkY-00305-00081545-00081803 which one is person first language TcjPEcABrkY-00306-00081804-00082031 this seems like you can only hold one TcjPEcABrkY-00307-00082032-00082229 obstacle at a time that would be TcjPEcABrkY-00308-00082230-00082373 annoying because this other one doesn't TcjPEcABrkY-00309-00082374-00082475 have any TcjPEcABrkY-00310-00082476-00082721 okay well you seem to be getting the TcjPEcABrkY-00311-00082722-00082985 point here let's see here so you are TcjPEcABrkY-00312-00082986-00083165 saying that TcjPEcABrkY-00313-00083166-00083387 predominantly saying that TcjPEcABrkY-00314-00083388-00083705 identity first language is option b TcjPEcABrkY-00315-00083706-00083981 and then unfortunately we can only seem TcjPEcABrkY-00316-00083982-00084185 to have one TcjPEcABrkY-00317-00084186-00084611 at a time so we're gonna do that TcjPEcABrkY-00318-00084612-00084994 um TcjPEcABrkY-00319-00084995-00085231 yes TcjPEcABrkY-00320-00085232-00085756 that is correct so if we go here yeah TcjPEcABrkY-00321-00085757-00085967 this is the other one we will stop you TcjPEcABrkY-00322-00085968-00086359 because we can only have two at a time TcjPEcABrkY-00323-00086360-00086597 okay so TcjPEcABrkY-00324-00086598-00086699 um TcjPEcABrkY-00325-00086700-00086891 some of you if you're into the TcjPEcABrkY-00326-00086892-00087106 disability discussion might react to the TcjPEcABrkY-00327-00087107-00087353 fact that I use identity first language TcjPEcABrkY-00328-00087354-00087612 now within the neurodiversity movement TcjPEcABrkY-00329-00087613-00087976 using identity first language is quite TcjPEcABrkY-00330-00087977-00088265 um or person first language very much TcjPEcABrkY-00331-00088266-00088618 depends on one's own preferences and not TcjPEcABrkY-00332-00088619-00088781 on TcjPEcABrkY-00333-00088782-00088865 um TcjPEcABrkY-00334-00088866-00089088 and many have arguments Pro and against TcjPEcABrkY-00335-00089089-00089411 so one person can use TcjPEcABrkY-00336-00089412-00089609 um identity first language like Paul is TcjPEcABrkY-00337-00089610-00089861 using here and Peter can be using person TcjPEcABrkY-00338-00089862-00090125 first language what is important is that TcjPEcABrkY-00339-00090126-00090425 we talk about and ask people what they TcjPEcABrkY-00340-00090426-00090850 want to be referred to as TcjPEcABrkY-00341-00090851-00091144 um I'm not saying talk behind the backs TcjPEcABrkY-00342-00091145-00091438 of your friends just ask them uh what TcjPEcABrkY-00343-00091439-00091606 they want to be referred to if they're TcjPEcABrkY-00344-00091607-00091906 not if they're not there or um they're TcjPEcABrkY-00345-00091907-00092099 neurodivergence TcjPEcABrkY-00346-00092100-00092447 okay now we're gonna go to the next TcjPEcABrkY-00347-00092448-00092729 slide yes I think we have good time so TcjPEcABrkY-00348-00092730-00092999 we're gonna do both of these now we're TcjPEcABrkY-00349-00093000-00093173 gonna start talking a little bit about TcjPEcABrkY-00350-00093174-00093749 different systems of uh disability so TcjPEcABrkY-00351-00093750-00093935 you can see here we have two TcjPEcABrkY-00352-00093936-00094181 descriptions uh unfortunately we can TcjPEcABrkY-00353-00094182-00094493 only run one vote at a time the one TcjPEcABrkY-00354-00094494-00094685 system is called the medical model of TcjPEcABrkY-00355-00094686-00094918 disability and the other one is the TcjPEcABrkY-00356-00094919-00095153 social model of a disability let me know TcjPEcABrkY-00357-00095154-00095579 if you think D or C refers to the TcjPEcABrkY-00358-00095580-00095950 medical model of disability TcjPEcABrkY-00359-00095951-00096587 foreign TcjPEcABrkY-00360-00096588-00096700 [Music] TcjPEcABrkY-00361-00096701-00096899 yeah you guys seem pretty drilled on TcjPEcABrkY-00362-00096900-00097303 this it's pretty impressive yeah TcjPEcABrkY-00363-00097304-00097571 wonderful we're gonna stop that one and TcjPEcABrkY-00364-00097572-00097811 then we can see if there's any radical TcjPEcABrkY-00365-00097812-00098099 changes uh when we go to the social TcjPEcABrkY-00366-00098100-00098303 model of disability which one of these TcjPEcABrkY-00367-00098304-00099053 do you think refers to which TcjPEcABrkY-00368-00099054-00099209 I don't know if you can see what I wrote TcjPEcABrkY-00369-00099210-00099461 that would be a problem TcjPEcABrkY-00370-00099462-00099797 um okay wonderful yeah so you all seem TcjPEcABrkY-00371-00099798-00099905 to TcjPEcABrkY-00372-00099906-00100162 um be in agreement here TcjPEcABrkY-00373-00100163-00100229 um TcjPEcABrkY-00374-00100230-00100438 this first one on the side here is TcjPEcABrkY-00375-00100439-00100606 called the medical model of a disability TcjPEcABrkY-00376-00100607-00100865 and the second model over here is called TcjPEcABrkY-00377-00100866-00101081 the social model of disability the TcjPEcABrkY-00378-00101082-00101267 medical model is what we refer to as TcjPEcABrkY-00379-00101268-00101506 more of a traditional understanding of TcjPEcABrkY-00380-00101507-00101765 the concept of disability within this TcjPEcABrkY-00381-00101766-00102035 concept disability is caused by a health TcjPEcABrkY-00382-00102036-00102281 condition and so disability is in many TcjPEcABrkY-00383-00102282-00102556 ways inherent within the person and a TcjPEcABrkY-00384-00102557-00102797 society should aim to cure that TcjPEcABrkY-00385-00102798-00102989 disability this is quite a traditional TcjPEcABrkY-00386-00102990-00103249 mindset which we've had for a long time TcjPEcABrkY-00387-00103250-00103439 for instance there's been lots of TcjPEcABrkY-00388-00103440-00103699 discussions about how can we cure ADHD TcjPEcABrkY-00389-00103700-00104068 autism or dyslexia and so forth and many TcjPEcABrkY-00390-00104069-00104344 people within those communities would TcjPEcABrkY-00391-00104345-00104590 argue that one should not aim to that TcjPEcABrkY-00392-00104591-00104758 one one shouldn't TcjPEcABrkY-00393-00104759-00105028 see this as a necessarily a disease that TcjPEcABrkY-00394-00105029-00105239 needs curing TcjPEcABrkY-00395-00105240-00105328 um TcjPEcABrkY-00396-00105329-00105545 the second is the social model of TcjPEcABrkY-00397-00105546-00105904 disability here disability is the social TcjPEcABrkY-00398-00105905-00106319 barriers a person faces when they are in TcjPEcABrkY-00399-00106320-00106583 a society that is not accessible to them TcjPEcABrkY-00400-00106583-00106925 or accommodated to them an impairment is TcjPEcABrkY-00401-00106926-00107177 lacking an ability majority of society TcjPEcABrkY-00402-00107178-00107308 possesses TcjPEcABrkY-00403-00107309-00107495 and Society here should aim to TcjPEcABrkY-00404-00107496-00107728 accommodate and by accommodating one is TcjPEcABrkY-00405-00107729-00108047 lessening the disability now so I have TcjPEcABrkY-00406-00108048-00108310 pretty terrible eyesight and so if I was TcjPEcABrkY-00407-00108311-00108466 living hundreds and hundreds of years TcjPEcABrkY-00408-00108467-00108701 ago although my spelling would probably TcjPEcABrkY-00409-00108702-00108989 not be a problem my eyesight would be TcjPEcABrkY-00410-00108990-00109234 and I would be more disabled through TcjPEcABrkY-00411-00109235-00109504 this model in a society where I did not TcjPEcABrkY-00412-00109505-00109913 have access to lenses and glasses TcjPEcABrkY-00413-00109914-00110189 um and today I would be seen as less TcjPEcABrkY-00414-00110190-00110404 disabled and for instance if I then live TcjPEcABrkY-00415-00110405-00110771 in a country that provides me with TcjPEcABrkY-00416-00110772-00111101 um accommodations to get uh glasses and TcjPEcABrkY-00417-00111102-00111263 so forth I would be even less disabled TcjPEcABrkY-00418-00111264-00111431 than in a country where glasses might be TcjPEcABrkY-00419-00111432-00111677 very expensive this is important when TcjPEcABrkY-00420-00111678-00111893 we're now coming to this concept of how TcjPEcABrkY-00421-00111894-00112145 to set up higher education for TcjPEcABrkY-00422-00112146-00112384 neurodivergent students because what TcjPEcABrkY-00423-00112385-00112589 we're not necessarily realizing is that TcjPEcABrkY-00424-00112590-00112752 the system that we're putting in place TcjPEcABrkY-00425-00112753-00112986 can uh TcjPEcABrkY-00426-00112988-00113251 unintentionally negatively impact TcjPEcABrkY-00427-00113252-00113483 neurodivergent students and therefore TcjPEcABrkY-00428-00113483-00113615 it's so important that the TcjPEcABrkY-00429-00113616-00113831 accommodations that we put in is not TcjPEcABrkY-00430-00113832-00114151 necessarily just one set thing like TcjPEcABrkY-00431-00114152-00114383 additional time but needs to be TcjPEcABrkY-00432-00114383-00114628 considered depending on the person TcjPEcABrkY-00433-00114629-00114947 okay so now and we're gonna move on we TcjPEcABrkY-00434-00114948-00115366 have about nine more minutes TcjPEcABrkY-00435-00115367-00115739 um okay so if we're going broadly here TcjPEcABrkY-00436-00115740-00116015 we're seeing that neurodiversity is TcjPEcABrkY-00437-00116016-00116299 about variation in human human species TcjPEcABrkY-00438-00116300-00116651 and agreeing that this is a very this is TcjPEcABrkY-00439-00116652-00117095 a this is an okay way of being and what TcjPEcABrkY-00440-00117096-00117299 we're trying to achieve is lifting the TcjPEcABrkY-00441-00117300-00117527 perspective from this deficit TcjPEcABrkY-00442-00117528-00117689 perspective which we have always talked TcjPEcABrkY-00443-00117690-00117928 about because although my dyslexia TcjPEcABrkY-00444-00117929-00118216 primarily impacts my way of spelling I TcjPEcABrkY-00445-00118217-00118427 might also that might also cause the TcjPEcABrkY-00446-00118428-00118613 reason why I'm so horrible at knowing TcjPEcABrkY-00447-00118614-00118816 left from right but it might also have TcjPEcABrkY-00448-00118817-00119075 an impact on why I'm a very creative TcjPEcABrkY-00449-00119076-00119465 thinker and a very visual thinker and a TcjPEcABrkY-00450-00119466-00119710 so what we're seeing in some studies is TcjPEcABrkY-00451-00119711-00119813 that if you're some form of TcjPEcABrkY-00452-00119814-00120040 neurodivergent some other abilities TcjPEcABrkY-00453-00120041-00120286 might come more easily or you might have TcjPEcABrkY-00454-00120288-00120569 other ways of thinking which TcjPEcABrkY-00455-00120570-00120916 um coincides with your neurodivergence TcjPEcABrkY-00456-00120917-00121181 that was a weird sentence anyways uh TcjPEcABrkY-00457-00121182-00121390 what we're trying to emphasize here is a TcjPEcABrkY-00458-00121391-00121595 strength-based approach and not TcjPEcABrkY-00459-00121596-00121769 necessarily only looking at the deficit TcjPEcABrkY-00460-00121770-00121990 but also looking at the strength-based TcjPEcABrkY-00461-00121991-00122201 approaches in higher education when it TcjPEcABrkY-00462-00122202-00122399 comes to teaching when it comes to exams TcjPEcABrkY-00463-00122400-00122578 and when it comes to how the the TcjPEcABrkY-00464-00122579-00122860 students study because what we see that TcjPEcABrkY-00465-00122861-00123178 in environments where people are can be TcjPEcABrkY-00466-00123179-00123383 more Divergent and where this creative TcjPEcABrkY-00467-00123383-00123569 mindset is TcjPEcABrkY-00468-00123570-00123827 um is held up we can see more TcjPEcABrkY-00469-00123828-00124019 neurodivergent students so we're seeing TcjPEcABrkY-00470-00124020-00124325 evidence that there are more than what TcjPEcABrkY-00471-00124326-00124475 the normal distribution in the TcjPEcABrkY-00472-00124476-00124739 population of autistic and students with TcjPEcABrkY-00473-00124740-00125081 ADHD that go to art schools for instance TcjPEcABrkY-00474-00125082-00125381 or among entrepreneurs there is often a TcjPEcABrkY-00475-00125382-00125657 high amount of dyslectic entrepreneurs TcjPEcABrkY-00476-00125658-00125933 and what they've managed to do is take TcjPEcABrkY-00477-00125933-00126202 their Divergence and embrace that to the TcjPEcABrkY-00478-00126203-00126419 fact that it becomes a positive aspect TcjPEcABrkY-00479-00126420-00126731 of who they are TcjPEcABrkY-00480-00126732-00126952 and then we're gonna go very TcjPEcABrkY-00481-00126953-00127121 specifically here and we have nine TcjPEcABrkY-00482-00127122-00127331 minutes we're gonna make this even with TcjPEcABrkY-00483-00127332-00127540 uh the little delay here which I'm very TcjPEcABrkY-00484-00127541-00128002 happy about Okay so TcjPEcABrkY-00485-00128003-00128440 what I see in uh moving forward in the TcjPEcABrkY-00486-00128441-00128657 German universities and what I've tried TcjPEcABrkY-00487-00128658-00128819 to move forward with at the University TcjPEcABrkY-00488-00128820-00129119 that I went is that it's this is an TcjPEcABrkY-00489-00129120-00129352 ongoing going job about figuring out how TcjPEcABrkY-00490-00129353-00129599 neurodivergent students can really take TcjPEcABrkY-00491-00129600-00129863 on their uh and embrace their TcjPEcABrkY-00492-00129864-00130031 neurodivergence TcjPEcABrkY-00493-00130032-00130258 um but what is very important is a TcjPEcABrkY-00494-00130259-00130577 flexible accommodation system so we see TcjPEcABrkY-00495-00130578-00130828 that it's very important that uh TcjPEcABrkY-00496-00130829-00131111 students professors families are TcjPEcABrkY-00497-00131112-00131435 supportive of students with what we TcjPEcABrkY-00498-00131436-00131597 would call learning disabilities or TcjPEcABrkY-00499-00131598-00131933 neurodivergent students if creatures TcjPEcABrkY-00500-00131934-00132263 don't believe them if students are not TcjPEcABrkY-00501-00132264-00132443 accommodated or believe that they might TcjPEcABrkY-00502-00132444-00132623 have for instance difficulties with TcjPEcABrkY-00503-00132624-00132881 deadlines then that has a negative TcjPEcABrkY-00504-00132882-00133121 impact on their Mental Health TcjPEcABrkY-00505-00133122-00133390 what I also finding is there isn't the TcjPEcABrkY-00506-00133391-00133631 same legal basis at least from what I TcjPEcABrkY-00507-00133632-00133883 found in Germany as it is in Norway when TcjPEcABrkY-00508-00133884-00134045 it comes to this form of accommodations TcjPEcABrkY-00509-00134046-00134321 but what we do know is that Germany has TcjPEcABrkY-00510-00134322-00134554 also signed a U.N Convention of Rights TcjPEcABrkY-00511-00134555-00134878 of persons with disabilities and in TcjPEcABrkY-00512-00134879-00135227 article 24 it says specifically that TcjPEcABrkY-00513-00135228-00135490 accommodations in tertiary or like TcjPEcABrkY-00514-00135491-00135804 higher education is something that is TcjPEcABrkY-00515-00135805-00136085 agreed upon and therefore accommodation TcjPEcABrkY-00516-00136086-00136325 is something that we need to have a TcjPEcABrkY-00517-00136326-00136499 larger discussion about about how we TcjPEcABrkY-00518-00136500-00136727 create accommodations that are effective TcjPEcABrkY-00519-00136728-00137033 because it doesn't matter if I get 30 TcjPEcABrkY-00520-00137034-00137201 more minutes on the written exam that's TcjPEcABrkY-00521-00137202-00137381 not going to help me what we need to do TcjPEcABrkY-00522-00137382-00137675 is is flexible TcjPEcABrkY-00523-00137676-00137909 um but also evidence-based TcjPEcABrkY-00524-00137910-00138119 accommodations which we see work what we TcjPEcABrkY-00525-00138120-00138347 also see is accommodations can not only TcjPEcABrkY-00526-00138348-00138563 be a positive for neurodivergent TcjPEcABrkY-00527-00138564-00138911 students it can be a positive for others TcjPEcABrkY-00528-00138912-00139114 um so implementing such as your TcjPEcABrkY-00529-00139115-00139366 Universal Design learning principles so TcjPEcABrkY-00530-00139367-00139589 that the professors don't all teach in TcjPEcABrkY-00531-00139590-00139913 one way what this can do is it helps TcjPEcABrkY-00532-00139914-00140237 certain students which have a more TcjPEcABrkY-00533-00140238-00140440 linear way of thinking TcjPEcABrkY-00534-00140441-00140711 um but it can penalize students who TcjPEcABrkY-00535-00140712-00140957 create think more holistically what we TcjPEcABrkY-00536-00140958-00141178 need to create is an exam and a teaching TcjPEcABrkY-00537-00141179-00141437 system that doesn't negatively impact TcjPEcABrkY-00538-00141438-00141604 students and specifically TcjPEcABrkY-00539-00141605-00141899 neurodivergence I would argue so what TcjPEcABrkY-00540-00141900-00142049 I've done is I talked to some of my TcjPEcABrkY-00541-00142050-00142187 professors and I've been like so what's TcjPEcABrkY-00542-00142188-00142445 the goal of this exam now if the goal of TcjPEcABrkY-00543-00142446-00142685 this exam was for instance to for me to TcjPEcABrkY-00544-00142686-00143002 present my knowledge on utilitarianism TcjPEcABrkY-00545-00143003-00143381 then what I asked was could this could TcjPEcABrkY-00546-00143382-00143587 we have other forms of examinations TcjPEcABrkY-00547-00143588-00143789 could we TcjPEcABrkY-00548-00143790-00144011 um do could we have other forms of TcjPEcABrkY-00549-00144012-00144257 accommodations or could we have a TcjPEcABrkY-00550-00144258-00144445 discussion instead of a written paper TcjPEcABrkY-00551-00144446-00144816 how can we get to that goal without TcjPEcABrkY-00552-00144817-00145121 negatively impacting some students and TcjPEcABrkY-00553-00145122-00145319 of course I'm going to be having to do TcjPEcABrkY-00554-00145320-00145577 written exams but now I also have TcjPEcABrkY-00555-00145578-00145804 grammarly for instance like but that is TcjPEcABrkY-00556-00145805-00145990 the research that I individually have to TcjPEcABrkY-00557-00145991-00146237 pay for to make sure that the spelling TcjPEcABrkY-00558-00146238-00146537 that I in in the text that I present are TcjPEcABrkY-00559-00146538-00146807 up to academic standards TcjPEcABrkY-00560-00146808-00147035 yes TcjPEcABrkY-00561-00147036-00147287 um and then we're gonna move on to the TcjPEcABrkY-00562-00147288-00147461 last slide TcjPEcABrkY-00563-00147462-00147616 so TcjPEcABrkY-00564-00147617-00147952 currently what we found TcjPEcABrkY-00565-00147953-00148069 um TcjPEcABrkY-00566-00148070-00148511 is uh that educating not just staff and TcjPEcABrkY-00567-00148512-00148901 administration but also ourselves TcjPEcABrkY-00568-00148902-00149339 um helps both helps the students TcjPEcABrkY-00569-00149340-00149531 um and professors in understanding what TcjPEcABrkY-00570-00149532-00149843 neurodiversity is what the why certain TcjPEcABrkY-00571-00149844-00150064 students have certain needs and usually TcjPEcABrkY-00572-00150065-00150281 if you understand why a student needs to TcjPEcABrkY-00573-00150282-00150640 stim in a class then it's not as looked TcjPEcABrkY-00574-00150641-00150827 down upon or it might not be seen as a TcjPEcABrkY-00575-00150828-00151037 disruption if it's an understood thing TcjPEcABrkY-00576-00151038-00151259 that the students just need to have one TcjPEcABrkY-00577-00151260-00151559 of those fidget toys for instance TcjPEcABrkY-00578-00151560-00151835 um what I also see amongst uh the TcjPEcABrkY-00579-00151836-00151978 students that I have in my initiative TcjPEcABrkY-00580-00151979-00152140 group and for the students that I TcjPEcABrkY-00581-00152141-00152375 presented this is that people are TcjPEcABrkY-00582-00152376-00152699 stepping away from ableism and on this TcjPEcABrkY-00583-00152700-00152878 understanding that they are TcjPEcABrkY-00584-00152879-00153185 to an extent inherently broken and TcjPEcABrkY-00585-00153186-00153473 providing a perspective of themselves as TcjPEcABrkY-00586-00153474-00153875 whole and just uh a separate way a TcjPEcABrkY-00587-00153876-00154139 different way of being has empowered a TcjPEcABrkY-00588-00154140-00154493 lot of them to start investigating not TcjPEcABrkY-00589-00154494-00154685 just like study techniques but study TcjPEcABrkY-00590-00154686-00154871 techniques specifically for their TcjPEcABrkY-00591-00154872-00155140 Divergence we also see that I'm TcjPEcABrkY-00592-00155141-00155321 advocating to some of my students to do TcjPEcABrkY-00593-00155322-00155554 Niche construction so this means TcjPEcABrkY-00594-00155555-00155764 creating an environment around you that TcjPEcABrkY-00595-00155765-00156047 is positive to TcjPEcABrkY-00596-00156048-00156281 um the neurodivergence that you have so TcjPEcABrkY-00597-00156282-00156490 I should not become a secretary because TcjPEcABrkY-00598-00156491-00156754 emails scare me because I still don't TcjPEcABrkY-00599-00156755-00156899 know how to spell in any of the TcjPEcABrkY-00600-00156900-00157175 languages that I speak TcjPEcABrkY-00601-00157176-00157426 um and what we're also trying to do is TcjPEcABrkY-00602-00157427-00157590 kind of accumulate TcjPEcABrkY-00603-00157591-00157847 neurodivergence ways of studying I know TcjPEcABrkY-00604-00157848-00158140 that is can be a bit odd but I mean TcjPEcABrkY-00605-00158141-00158326 everyone can study differently depending TcjPEcABrkY-00606-00158327-00158651 on their neurodivergence but uh what TcjPEcABrkY-00607-00158652-00158831 we're trying to find is maybe some kind TcjPEcABrkY-00608-00158832-00158911 of TcjPEcABrkY-00609-00158912-00159389 ways of of improving that so we I'm TcjPEcABrkY-00610-00159390-00159652 advocating that the U.S mental Maps or TcjPEcABrkY-00611-00159653-00159869 we have a certain way of doing research TcjPEcABrkY-00612-00159870-00160114 registry that is quite helpful for TcjPEcABrkY-00613-00160115-00160349 neurodivergent students at least I've TcjPEcABrkY-00614-00160350-00160504 found that students who are dyslexia and TcjPEcABrkY-00615-00160505-00160763 ADHD really like them but this is again TcjPEcABrkY-00616-00160764-00161116 an ongoing work and I don't have that TcjPEcABrkY-00617-00161117-00161495 much time but I hope that if um any of TcjPEcABrkY-00618-00161496-00161675 you take anything from this or if you're TcjPEcABrkY-00619-00161676-00161939 neurodivergent yourself that TcjPEcABrkY-00620-00161940-00162185 um realizing that this way of teaching TcjPEcABrkY-00621-00162186-00162539 and looking at these diagnosis has been TcjPEcABrkY-00622-00162540-00162766 really helpful for a lot of the students TcjPEcABrkY-00623-00162767-00163085 that I have presented it to and I hope TcjPEcABrkY-00624-00163086-00163259 maybe some of you will take the I'm TcjPEcABrkY-00625-00163260-00163535 going to use as well to help create a TcjPEcABrkY-00626-00163536-00163811 more inclusive environment TcjPEcABrkY-00627-00163812-00164093 that was my presentation thank you very TcjPEcABrkY-00628-00164094-00164312 much TezSKf4QFwg-00000-00000056-00000295 as we try to adapt to the new lifestyle TezSKf4QFwg-00001-00000296-00000463 of social distancing TezSKf4QFwg-00002-00000463-00000663 hybrid meetings can provide the right TezSKf4QFwg-00003-00000664-00000774 balance between TezSKf4QFwg-00004-00000775-00001079 online and physical connections TezSKf4QFwg-00005-00001080-00001343 in this video i am going to show you how TezSKf4QFwg-00006-00001344-00001415 to create TezSKf4QFwg-00007-00001416-00001695 a perfect hybrid meeting let's get TezSKf4QFwg-00008-00001696-00002232 started TezSKf4QFwg-00009-00002233-00002479 [Music] TezSKf4QFwg-00010-00002480-00002726 hybrid meetings allow some members to TezSKf4QFwg-00011-00002727-00002855 meet in person TezSKf4QFwg-00012-00002856-00003175 while the rest join online as TezSKf4QFwg-00013-00003176-00003463 those masters we have already mastered TezSKf4QFwg-00014-00003464-00003654 the art of physical meetings over TezSKf4QFwg-00015-00003655-00003822 several decades TezSKf4QFwg-00016-00003823-00004127 in the last one year of covet pandemic TezSKf4QFwg-00017-00004128-00004470 we have mastered online meetings TezSKf4QFwg-00018-00004471-00004775 as we slowly recover from the pandemic TezSKf4QFwg-00019-00004776-00005015 extending this technology to conduct TezSKf4QFwg-00020-00005016-00005127 hybrid meetings TezSKf4QFwg-00021-00005128-00005495 is the next logical step let us look at TezSKf4QFwg-00022-00005496-00005615 the building blocks of TezSKf4QFwg-00023-00005616-00005934 conducting an effective hybrid meeting i TezSKf4QFwg-00024-00005935-00006183 recently conducted a hybrid meeting in a TezSKf4QFwg-00025-00006184-00006318 corporate club TezSKf4QFwg-00026-00006319-00006614 link is in the description below i will TezSKf4QFwg-00027-00006615-00006839 use this meeting as a reference for this TezSKf4QFwg-00028-00006840-00006951 video TezSKf4QFwg-00029-00006952-00007198 let us start with the laptop you need a TezSKf4QFwg-00030-00007200-00007431 decent laptop as the entire meeting TezSKf4QFwg-00031-00007431-00007598 depends on this device TezSKf4QFwg-00032-00007600-00007903 working without crashing it also TezSKf4QFwg-00033-00007904-00008063 requires to be connected TezSKf4QFwg-00034-00008064-00008431 to a stable internet a disconnection TezSKf4QFwg-00035-00008432-00008719 would disrupt the entire meeting if you TezSKf4QFwg-00036-00008720-00008814 think about it TezSKf4QFwg-00037-00008815-00009023 all you need to conduct a hybrid meeting TezSKf4QFwg-00038-00009024-00009127 is a laptop TezSKf4QFwg-00039-00009128-00009399 connected to the internet the experience TezSKf4QFwg-00040-00009400-00009527 will not be optimal TezSKf4QFwg-00041-00009528-00009687 as we will find out but you can TezSKf4QFwg-00042-00009688-00009878 theoretically do it TezSKf4QFwg-00043-00009879-00010078 the first area of improvement for a TezSKf4QFwg-00044-00010079-00010231 quality hybrid meeting TezSKf4QFwg-00045-00010232-00010583 is audio participants will forgive TezSKf4QFwg-00046-00010584-00010895 bad video but if your audio is not good TezSKf4QFwg-00047-00010896-00011199 they will tune out in this example TezSKf4QFwg-00048-00011200-00011438 i could use the built-in microphone from TezSKf4QFwg-00049-00011439-00011583 the laptop TezSKf4QFwg-00050-00011584-00011774 modern laptops come with great TezSKf4QFwg-00051-00011775-00011887 microphones TezSKf4QFwg-00052-00011888-00012119 if i place this laptop closer to the TezSKf4QFwg-00053-00012120-00012199 speaker TezSKf4QFwg-00054-00012200-00012431 i might be able to get away with it i TezSKf4QFwg-00055-00012432-00012631 wanted high quality audio TezSKf4QFwg-00056-00012632-00012966 here i placed a rode wireless go this is TezSKf4QFwg-00057-00012967-00013175 a great microphone as you can see TezSKf4QFwg-00058-00013176-00013543 from the example good afternoon everyone TezSKf4QFwg-00059-00013544-00013863 i welcome you all to the third official TezSKf4QFwg-00060-00013863-00013943 meeting TezSKf4QFwg-00061-00013944-00014222 of ducey's toastmasters club you can TezSKf4QFwg-00062-00014223-00014279 consider TezSKf4QFwg-00063-00014280-00014591 a cheaper wired option like the boya m1 TezSKf4QFwg-00064-00014591-00014791 that cost around 15 dollars TezSKf4QFwg-00065-00014791-00014999 it comes with an extra long cable of TezSKf4QFwg-00066-00015000-00015127 around 6 meters TezSKf4QFwg-00067-00015128-00015350 which is sufficient and provides good TezSKf4QFwg-00068-00015351-00015486 quality sound TezSKf4QFwg-00069-00015487-00015775 the next area of improvement is to focus TezSKf4QFwg-00070-00015776-00015919 on the video TezSKf4QFwg-00071-00015919-00016183 once again we can leverage the camera TezSKf4QFwg-00072-00016184-00016358 installed on the laptop TezSKf4QFwg-00073-00016359-00016622 for example by placing the laptop at the TezSKf4QFwg-00074-00016623-00016743 correct angle TezSKf4QFwg-00075-00016744-00017007 online audience would be able to see the TezSKf4QFwg-00076-00017008-00017119 speaker TezSKf4QFwg-00077-00017120-00017407 in this example i wanted a high quality TezSKf4QFwg-00078-00017408-00017519 video feed TezSKf4QFwg-00079-00017520-00017799 i mounted the sony mirrorless camera TezSKf4QFwg-00080-00017800-00017950 connected to the laptop TezSKf4QFwg-00081-00017951-00018327 via a hdmi capture card you could place TezSKf4QFwg-00082-00018328-00018407 a quality TezSKf4QFwg-00083-00018408-00018727 webcam to achieve similar results i TezSKf4QFwg-00084-00018728-00018830 always show love TezSKf4QFwg-00085-00018831-00019135 and i always show care and i always tell TezSKf4QFwg-00086-00019136-00019175 them TezSKf4QFwg-00087-00019176-00019494 that you are the important one i care i TezSKf4QFwg-00088-00019495-00019607 do care about you TezSKf4QFwg-00089-00019608-00019879 and how people looks at you so this why TezSKf4QFwg-00090-00019880-00019999 i was the chosen one TezSKf4QFwg-00091-00020000-00020230 the online audience will appreciate a TezSKf4QFwg-00092-00020231-00020527 wide-angle view of the physical meeting TezSKf4QFwg-00093-00020528-00020743 this can be provided by connecting TezSKf4QFwg-00094-00020744-00020983 another device to the meeting TezSKf4QFwg-00095-00020984-00021255 here i have placed a mobile device on a TezSKf4QFwg-00096-00021256-00021383 tripod TezSKf4QFwg-00097-00021384-00021607 the device is connected to the meeting TezSKf4QFwg-00098-00021608-00021799 without audio to avoid TezSKf4QFwg-00099-00021800-00022071 audio feedback that happens when two TezSKf4QFwg-00100-00022072-00022191 devices nearby TezSKf4QFwg-00101-00022192-00022463 connect to the same meeting you can TezSKf4QFwg-00102-00022464-00022511 place TezSKf4QFwg-00103-00022512-00022735 multiple devices around the room using TezSKf4QFwg-00104-00022736-00022894 the same concept TezSKf4QFwg-00105-00022895-00023143 the moderator can switch the view using TezSKf4QFwg-00106-00023144-00023311 the spotlight feature TezSKf4QFwg-00107-00023312-00023535 pick up the keys and go see the car and TezSKf4QFwg-00108-00023536-00023663 start fixing it TezSKf4QFwg-00109-00023664-00023871 this is the first thing i do so i was TezSKf4QFwg-00110-00023872-00024047 the chosen one in this case for my TezSKf4QFwg-00111-00024048-00024142 assistant TezSKf4QFwg-00112-00024143-00024447 the next focus is the display you want a TezSKf4QFwg-00113-00024448-00024694 good view of the online audience to TezSKf4QFwg-00114-00024695-00024855 interact with them TezSKf4QFwg-00115-00024856-00025119 once again we can use the laptop by TezSKf4QFwg-00116-00025120-00025311 placing it in the right location TezSKf4QFwg-00117-00025312-00025575 to ensure all attendees in the room can TezSKf4QFwg-00118-00025576-00025806 see the online audience TezSKf4QFwg-00119-00025807-00026046 you can even use multiple laptops TezSKf4QFwg-00120-00026047-00026214 connected to the meeting TezSKf4QFwg-00121-00026216-00026455 provided they are disconnected from TezSKf4QFwg-00122-00026456-00026535 audio TezSKf4QFwg-00123-00026536-00026743 the ideal scenario is to hook up the TezSKf4QFwg-00124-00026744-00027102 laptop to a large display or a projector TezSKf4QFwg-00125-00027104-00027343 this will provide the most immersive TezSKf4QFwg-00126-00027344-00027470 experience TezSKf4QFwg-00127-00027472-00027767 in this example the laptop is connected TezSKf4QFwg-00128-00027768-00027870 to a cisco TezSKf4QFwg-00129-00027872-00028158 conference display the final piece of TezSKf4QFwg-00130-00028160-00028358 equipment you require for an effective TezSKf4QFwg-00131-00028360-00028639 hybrid meeting is a sound system TezSKf4QFwg-00132-00028639-00028887 once again if the laptop has decent TezSKf4QFwg-00133-00028888-00029046 speakers that can be heard TezSKf4QFwg-00134-00029047-00029287 by all the attendees in the room that TezSKf4QFwg-00135-00029288-00029462 may be all you need TezSKf4QFwg-00136-00029463-00029695 alternatively you can connect a large TezSKf4QFwg-00137-00029695-00029831 speaker to the laptop TezSKf4QFwg-00138-00029832-00030207 to provide beefier sound cheap speakers TezSKf4QFwg-00139-00030208-00030367 are available which you can connect TezSKf4QFwg-00140-00030368-00030518 either via bluetooth TezSKf4QFwg-00141-00030519-00030967 or using the 3.5 millimeter audio cable TezSKf4QFwg-00142-00030968-00031311 in this scenario the large display had TezSKf4QFwg-00143-00031312-00031558 built-in sound and that is what i used TezSKf4QFwg-00144-00031560-00031687 for this particular TezSKf4QFwg-00145-00031688-00031943 meeting thank you everyone once again TezSKf4QFwg-00146-00031944-00032190 who made today's meeting a success TezSKf4QFwg-00147-00032191-00032439 thank you everyone i now join this TezSKf4QFwg-00148-00032439-00032527 meeting TezSKf4QFwg-00149-00032527-00032695 so there you have it the tools and TezSKf4QFwg-00150-00032695-00032895 technology required to conduct TezSKf4QFwg-00151-00032896-00033207 an effective hybrid meeting feel free to TezSKf4QFwg-00152-00033208-00033279 experiment TezSKf4QFwg-00153-00033280-00033511 and implement what works for you and TezSKf4QFwg-00154-00033512-00033607 your club TezSKf4QFwg-00155-00033608-00033943 but give hybrid meeting a try i wish you TezSKf4QFwg-00156-00033944-00034840 all the best TeCXPIpgEKo-00000-00000639-00001775 [Music] TeCXPIpgEKo-00001-00001776-00002087 hello everyone this is eddie and welcome TeCXPIpgEKo-00002-00002088-00002295 to seti smackers TeCXPIpgEKo-00003-00002296-00002518 for today's video we will discuss TeCXPIpgEKo-00004-00002519-00002831 another hong kong imo final round TeCXPIpgEKo-00005-00002832-00002958 problem TeCXPIpgEKo-00006-00002959-00003206 along with this collaborator dumplet TeCXPIpgEKo-00007-00003207-00003303 whose TeCXPIpgEKo-00008-00003304-00003399 youtube TeCXPIpgEKo-00009-00003400-00003638 channel link is in the description below TeCXPIpgEKo-00010-00003639-00003847 if you want to view more math related TeCXPIpgEKo-00011-00003847-00004143 contents you can check his channel TeCXPIpgEKo-00012-00004144-00004311 without further ado TeCXPIpgEKo-00013-00004312-00004460 let's get started TeCXPIpgEKo-00014-00004461-00004638 [Music] TeCXPIpgEKo-00015-00004639-00005022 so here is hkimo problem 12. TeCXPIpgEKo-00016-00005023-00005343 what is the value of TeCXPIpgEKo-00017-00005344-00005615 sine x to the fourth power TeCXPIpgEKo-00018-00005616-00005943 plus cosine x squared TeCXPIpgEKo-00019-00005944-00006175 plus tan x TeCXPIpgEKo-00020-00006176-00006327 all over TeCXPIpgEKo-00021-00006328-00006598 cosine x to the fourth power TeCXPIpgEKo-00022-00006600-00006895 plus quantity sine x TeCXPIpgEKo-00023-00006895-00007014 squared TeCXPIpgEKo-00024-00007015-00007175 plus tan TeCXPIpgEKo-00025-00007176-00007583 x TeCXPIpgEKo-00026-00007584-00007791 if you want to solve this problem give TeCXPIpgEKo-00027-00007792-00007951 it a try TeCXPIpgEKo-00028-00007952-00008103 but if you want to view the full TeCXPIpgEKo-00029-00008104-00009185 solution continue watching TeCXPIpgEKo-00030-00009186-00009351 [Music] TeCXPIpgEKo-00031-00009352-00009559 at first TeCXPIpgEKo-00032-00009560-00009814 it looks like we cannot simplify this TeCXPIpgEKo-00033-00009815-00010159 thing any further however TeCXPIpgEKo-00034-00010160-00010438 we can claim that this is one let's try TeCXPIpgEKo-00035-00010439-00010846 substitute substituting x equals zero TeCXPIpgEKo-00036-00010847-00011174 at x equals zero sine x is zero so zero TeCXPIpgEKo-00037-00011175-00011351 to the fourth TeCXPIpgEKo-00038-00011352-00011438 plus TeCXPIpgEKo-00039-00011439-00011814 cosine zero is one so one squared plus TeCXPIpgEKo-00040-00011815-00012135 tangent x zero TeCXPIpgEKo-00041-00012136-00012278 cosine TeCXPIpgEKo-00042-00012279-00012535 x to the fourth is one to the fourth TeCXPIpgEKo-00043-00012536-00012638 power TeCXPIpgEKo-00044-00012639-00012727 plus TeCXPIpgEKo-00045-00012728-00012974 sine x squared TeCXPIpgEKo-00046-00012975-00013271 sine zero squared is zero squared plus TeCXPIpgEKo-00047-00013272-00013694 tangent x zero which is equal to one TeCXPIpgEKo-00048-00013695-00014063 over one is equal to one TeCXPIpgEKo-00049-00014063-00014343 we can claim that this TeCXPIpgEKo-00050-00014344-00014871 is one no matter what the value x is TeCXPIpgEKo-00051-00014872-00015086 how can we prove that TeCXPIpgEKo-00052-00015087-00015655 so blame TeCXPIpgEKo-00053-00015656-00015750 sine TeCXPIpgEKo-00054-00015751-00016015 x raised to the fourth power plus cos TeCXPIpgEKo-00055-00016016-00016335 quantity cosine x squared plus TeCXPIpgEKo-00056-00016336-00016486 tangent x TeCXPIpgEKo-00057-00016487-00016839 all over TeCXPIpgEKo-00058-00016840-00017230 cosine x raised to the fourth power plus TeCXPIpgEKo-00059-00017231-00017494 sine x squared plus TeCXPIpgEKo-00060-00017495-00017686 tan TeCXPIpgEKo-00061-00017687-00017767 x TeCXPIpgEKo-00062-00017768-00017935 is equal to one TeCXPIpgEKo-00063-00017936-00018079 for all TeCXPIpgEKo-00064-00018080-00018158 x TeCXPIpgEKo-00065-00018159-00018319 in the real TeCXPIpgEKo-00066-00018320-00018449 set TeCXPIpgEKo-00067-00018450-00018655 [Music] TeCXPIpgEKo-00068-00018656-00018935 to prove this first we multiply TeCXPIpgEKo-00069-00018936-00019207 both sides by this denominator so we TeCXPIpgEKo-00070-00019208-00019375 have TeCXPIpgEKo-00071-00019376-00019471 sine TeCXPIpgEKo-00072-00019472-00019671 x to the fourth TeCXPIpgEKo-00073-00019672-00019927 plus cosine x squared TeCXPIpgEKo-00074-00019928-00020214 plus tangent x TeCXPIpgEKo-00075-00020215-00020350 is equal to TeCXPIpgEKo-00076-00020351-00020750 cosine x raised to the fourth plus TeCXPIpgEKo-00077-00020751-00021071 sine x squared plus TeCXPIpgEKo-00078-00021072-00021343 tangent x TeCXPIpgEKo-00079-00021344-00021630 we can cancel out tangent x on both TeCXPIpgEKo-00080-00021631-00021919 sides of the equation TeCXPIpgEKo-00081-00021920-00022343 by subtracting tangent x to both sides TeCXPIpgEKo-00082-00022344-00022463 then TeCXPIpgEKo-00083-00022464-00022694 let's transpose TeCXPIpgEKo-00084-00022695-00022799 sine TeCXPIpgEKo-00085-00022800-00023071 x to the fourth on the right hand side TeCXPIpgEKo-00086-00023072-00023447 and sine squared x on the left hand side TeCXPIpgEKo-00087-00023448-00023607 this gives us TeCXPIpgEKo-00088-00023608-00023871 cos a squared x TeCXPIpgEKo-00089-00023872-00024207 minus sine x squared TeCXPIpgEKo-00090-00024208-00024550 quantity sine x squared is equal to TeCXPIpgEKo-00091-00024551-00024758 quantity cosine x raised to the fourth TeCXPIpgEKo-00092-00024759-00024855 power TeCXPIpgEKo-00093-00024856-00025007 minus TeCXPIpgEKo-00094-00025008-00025503 quantity sine x to the fourth power TeCXPIpgEKo-00095-00025504-00025839 we're nearing the TeCXPIpgEKo-00096-00025839-00026087 final step TeCXPIpgEKo-00097-00026088-00026414 notice that when we factor this one TeCXPIpgEKo-00098-00026416-00026695 using difference of two squares TeCXPIpgEKo-00099-00026695-00027007 a squared minus b squared is equal to TeCXPIpgEKo-00100-00027008-00027511 but the a plus b multiplied by a minus b TeCXPIpgEKo-00101-00027512-00027767 we can factor this out TeCXPIpgEKo-00102-00027768-00027887 into TeCXPIpgEKo-00103-00027888-00028062 cos a squared TeCXPIpgEKo-00104-00028063-00028383 plus a quantity cosine x squared TeCXPIpgEKo-00105-00028383-00028767 minus quantity sine x squared TeCXPIpgEKo-00106-00028768-00028958 multiplied by TeCXPIpgEKo-00107-00028960-00029287 quantity cosine x squared plus sine x TeCXPIpgEKo-00108-00029288-00029823 squared TeCXPIpgEKo-00109-00029824-00029974 then TeCXPIpgEKo-00110-00029975-00030383 this is our left hand side TeCXPIpgEKo-00111-00030383-00030695 we can cancel the left hand side TeCXPIpgEKo-00112-00030695-00030783 and TeCXPIpgEKo-00113-00030783-00030927 the remaining TeCXPIpgEKo-00114-00030927-00031502 terms will be TeCXPIpgEKo-00115-00031503-00031662 one TeCXPIpgEKo-00116-00031663-00031927 since there are no other factors here TeCXPIpgEKo-00117-00031927-00032143 is equal to cosine TeCXPIpgEKo-00118-00032144-00032231 x TeCXPIpgEKo-00119-00032232-00032662 squared plus sine x squared TeCXPIpgEKo-00120-00032663-00032951 which we know is the basic TeCXPIpgEKo-00121-00032952-00033431 trigonometric pythagorean identity TeCXPIpgEKo-00122-00033432-00033615 we know that this is true TeCXPIpgEKo-00123-00033616-00034079 which implies that this claim is true TeCXPIpgEKo-00124-00034080-00034223 as well TeCXPIpgEKo-00125-00034224-00034590 so the value of this expression TeCXPIpgEKo-00126-00034591-00034702 is TeCXPIpgEKo-00127-00034703-00035855 one TeCXPIpgEKo-00128-00035856-00036102 so that's it for today come at first i TeCXPIpgEKo-00129-00036103-00036327 hope you enjoyed this video TeCXPIpgEKo-00130-00036328-00036583 if you learned something subscribe to TeCXPIpgEKo-00131-00036584-00036751 both of our channels TeCXPIpgEKo-00132-00036752-00037255 seti smack verse and dumpling TeCXPIpgEKo-00133-00037256-00037374 so TeCXPIpgEKo-00134-00037375-00037679 till next video this is sevi reminding TeCXPIpgEKo-00135-00037680-00037846 you to reach your TeCXPIpgEKo-00136-00037847-00038039 greatest moon beam TeCXPIpgEKo-00137-00038040-00038311 and mathematics is incomplete without TeCXPIpgEKo-00138-00038312-00038430 you TeCXPIpgEKo-00139-00038431-00038844 till next time come at verse TeQ8pTduZ50-00000-00000003-00001742 yes again I am so I'm going straight TeQ8pTduZ50-00001-00001743-00002183 into my words I need to get my catch my TeQ8pTduZ50-00002-00002184-00002924 breath and so anyways we are starting a TeQ8pTduZ50-00003-00002925-00003217 new series called the building of a TeQ8pTduZ50-00004-00003218-00003736 Olympus and in this series every video TeQ8pTduZ50-00005-00003738-00004238 you will see me and my friends if my TeQ8pTduZ50-00006-00004239-00004645 friends are on including the owner my TeQ8pTduZ50-00007-00004646-00004936 closest friend out of all of them TeQ8pTduZ50-00008-00004937-00005731 building some of this server and yeah so TeQ8pTduZ50-00009-00005732-00005891 I'm not gonna have the IP in the TeQ8pTduZ50-00010-00005892-00006689 description for a while and so we'll TeQ8pTduZ50-00011-00006690-00007021 start up here as I've already started TeQ8pTduZ50-00012-00007022-00007466 today with building this part then I TeQ8pTduZ50-00013-00007467-00007853 built the owner his skin is minecraft TeQ8pTduZ50-00014-00007854-00008183 name is beastie boss 11 and then if we TeQ8pTduZ50-00015-00008184-00008405 actually go to the inside of spawn we TeQ8pTduZ50-00016-00008406-00008666 have this nice thing that says welcome TeQ8pTduZ50-00017-00008667-00009077 to Olympus MC factions then if we go TeQ8pTduZ50-00018-00009078-00009478 down here we have four rooms two that TeQ8pTduZ50-00019-00009479-00009962 are empty this one is the crap crafting TeQ8pTduZ50-00020-00009963-00010298 room and this one is the enchanting room TeQ8pTduZ50-00021-00010299-00010694 this is just extra room it's the drop TeQ8pTduZ50-00022-00010695-00010916 party room no one can get out of it when TeQ8pTduZ50-00023-00010917-00011210 there's a drop party anyways and up here TeQ8pTduZ50-00024-00011211-00011516 is the parkour room probably just like TeQ8pTduZ50-00025-00011517-00011839 what there's no parkour it's because we TeQ8pTduZ50-00026-00011840-00011987 haven't added the parkour yet TeQ8pTduZ50-00027-00011988-00012530 now that will be in a later video and so TeQ8pTduZ50-00028-00012531-00012896 what I've done today so far is built the TeQ8pTduZ50-00029-00012897-00013205 these two things and the statue of TeQ8pTduZ50-00030-00013206-00013358 beastie boss 11 TeQ8pTduZ50-00031-00013359-00013786 and then right there is the admin house TeQ8pTduZ50-00032-00013787-00014246 here we have some steps go down to this TeQ8pTduZ50-00033-00014247-00014603 nice path I made a little while ago come TeQ8pTduZ50-00034-00014604-00014932 to the starter mine aka the spawn line TeQ8pTduZ50-00035-00014933-00015280 have a nice little log pile here couple TeQ8pTduZ50-00036-00015281-00015616 ores laying around cobblestone and just TeQ8pTduZ50-00037-00015618-00015769 so you know when the server is open you TeQ8pTduZ50-00038-00015770-00015922 can't break any of this because it will TeQ8pTduZ50-00039-00015923-00017918 be protected by spawn and yeah so I'm TeQ8pTduZ50-00040-00017919-00018353 probably gonna be building me in the TeQ8pTduZ50-00041-00018354-00018514 next episode TeQ8pTduZ50-00042-00018515-00019280 anyways let's get back on with this so TeQ8pTduZ50-00043-00019281-00019705 what we want to start off with is TeQ8pTduZ50-00044-00019706-00020038 building this oh yeah guys I will leave TeQ8pTduZ50-00045-00020039-00020300 beastie boss Elevens youtube channel TeQ8pTduZ50-00046-00020301-00020567 link in the description rest in peace TeQ8pTduZ50-00047-00020568-00020615 brother TeQ8pTduZ50-00048-00020616-00021242 he got sent into the flower pot so we're TeQ8pTduZ50-00049-00021243-00021713 just gonna add that I I'll speed up this TeQ8pTduZ50-00050-00021714-00021893 process so then you guys don't have to TeQ8pTduZ50-00051-00021894-00022297 wait like 10 minutes for me to finish TeQ8pTduZ50-00052-00022298-00024155 this and there so now what we gotta do TeQ8pTduZ50-00053-00024156-00024787 is take our stone bricks build out two TeQ8pTduZ50-00054-00024788-00025747 and TeQ8pTduZ50-00056-00029239-00030255 out to over here and again I will speed TeQ8pTduZ50-00057-00030256-00030497 up this process TeQ8pTduZ50-00058-00030498-00031775 Oh actually first of all special request TeQ8pTduZ50-00059-00031776-00032448 from one of my subscribers his YouTube TeQ8pTduZ50-00060-00032449-00032754 is called Dennis Garber but he doesn't TeQ8pTduZ50-00061-00032755-00033105 upload videos anyways you you kept TeQ8pTduZ50-00062-00033106-00033525 requesting me to upload a new video so TeQ8pTduZ50-00063-00033526-00034155 here I am and yeah get up with this TeQ8pTduZ50-00064-00034156-00035224 process TeQ8pTduZ50-00065-00035225-00035603 so now we have the first one done for TeQ8pTduZ50-00066-00035604-00036184 this video you know I think I'm gonna TeQ8pTduZ50-00067-00036185-00036695 add just a little bit more detail to TeQ8pTduZ50-00068-00036696-00037361 these so I'll speed up this process does TeQ8pTduZ50-00069-00037362-00038813 I'm gonna do it on the other ones okay I TeQ8pTduZ50-00070-00038814-00038966 think that actually looks a little TeQ8pTduZ50-00071-00038967-00039746 better and so now we're gonna do the TeQ8pTduZ50-00072-00039747-00040175 same process on the side so I'm gonna TeQ8pTduZ50-00073-00040176-00040445 meet you guys when I'm done with the TeQ8pTduZ50-00074-00040446-00041269 birch and cobble stone walls and that so TeQ8pTduZ50-00076-00049983-00050758 okay just the last bit and we are done TeQ8pTduZ50-00077-00050759-00050976 so guys thank you so much for watching TeQ8pTduZ50-00078-00050977-00051237 this video that will be it for today's TeQ8pTduZ50-00079-00051238-00051545 video of building I want this I hope you TeQ8pTduZ50-00080-00051546-00051995 all enjoyed and yeah I'll see you all in TeQ8pTduZ50-00081-00051996-00052587 the next video it may or may not be TeQ8pTduZ50-00082-00052588-00052907 another building with this anyways see TeQ8pTduZ50-00083-00052908-00055415 guys I TeQ8pTduZ50-00084-00055416-00055723 [Music] Tk6K_Sbidhg-00000-00000000-00000388 recording Tk6K_Sbidhg-00001-00000389-00000593 all right well hello everyone I'm Sarah Tk6K_Sbidhg-00002-00000594-00000730 Hawley I'm the director of Saint Paul Tk6K_Sbidhg-00003-00000731-00000989 Ramsey County Public Health on behalf of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00004-00000990-00001199 St Paul Ramsey County Public Health our Tk6K_Sbidhg-00005-00001200-00001361 environmental health division in Ramsey Tk6K_Sbidhg-00006-00001362-00001504 County Property Management I want to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00007-00001505-00001697 welcome everyone to the environmental Tk6K_Sbidhg-00008-00001698-00001997 service center listening session this is Tk6K_Sbidhg-00009-00001998-00002268 our second round of listening sessions Tk6K_Sbidhg-00010-00002269-00002597 in what would be 2023 our second round Tk6K_Sbidhg-00011-00002598-00002933 but in 2022 we also hosted a few we're Tk6K_Sbidhg-00012-00002934-00003137 glad that you're able to join us this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00013-00003138-00003395 evening and we are as you notice we're Tk6K_Sbidhg-00014-00003396-00003622 recording this virtual session and it Tk6K_Sbidhg-00015-00003623-00003875 will be posted on our website so that Tk6K_Sbidhg-00016-00003876-00004115 folks that are unable to attend can view Tk6K_Sbidhg-00017-00004116-00004379 this information at a later time Tk6K_Sbidhg-00018-00004380-00004588 um we asked that throughout the session Tk6K_Sbidhg-00019-00004589-00004913 please mute your audio for now and you Tk6K_Sbidhg-00020-00004914-00005056 know take note of any questions that you Tk6K_Sbidhg-00021-00005057-00005363 may have for us later in this time Tk6K_Sbidhg-00022-00005364-00005531 period that we have together this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00023-00005532-00005765 evening so that you can ask questions Tk6K_Sbidhg-00024-00005766-00005968 towards the end of the presentation and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00025-00005969-00006161 so we will have a presentation given Tk6K_Sbidhg-00026-00006162-00006352 this evening and then have time for Tk6K_Sbidhg-00027-00006353-00006953 discussion at the end next slide please Tk6K_Sbidhg-00028-00006954-00007120 so today you'll have a chance to hear Tk6K_Sbidhg-00029-00007122-00007295 from staff representing Ramsey County Tk6K_Sbidhg-00030-00007295-00007541 Public Health Department Ramsey County Tk6K_Sbidhg-00031-00007542-00007781 Property Management you will hear from Tk6K_Sbidhg-00032-00007781-00007984 Ray Eden Frank she represents our Tk6K_Sbidhg-00033-00007986-00008195 environmental health Division and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00034-00008196-00008381 Jennifer McMaster she represents Tk6K_Sbidhg-00035-00008382-00008614 Property Management Tk6K_Sbidhg-00036-00008615-00008831 um I don't think let me just see who's Tk6K_Sbidhg-00037-00008832-00009089 all on we may have some of our elected Tk6K_Sbidhg-00038-00009090-00009341 officials joining us this evening but Tk6K_Sbidhg-00039-00009342-00009646 we're also joined and please wave if Tk6K_Sbidhg-00040-00009647-00009785 you're on screen I know we're sharing Tk6K_Sbidhg-00041-00009786-00009977 our screen right now we're joined by Tk6K_Sbidhg-00042-00009978-00010283 John springman Pete Miller Noel Ahmed Tk6K_Sbidhg-00043-00010284-00010691 Andrea McKinnon and James Tk6K_Sbidhg-00044-00010692-00010937 um who are County staff working on this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00045-00010938-00011153 project we're also joined on this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00046-00011154-00011417 evening by staff from lhb our design Tk6K_Sbidhg-00047-00011418-00011614 firm Tk6K_Sbidhg-00048-00011615-00011806 um throughout this time this evening we Tk6K_Sbidhg-00049-00011807-00012059 may be deferring to some of our County Tk6K_Sbidhg-00050-00012060-00012367 and lhb staff to help answer questions Tk6K_Sbidhg-00051-00012368-00012628 really the objectives tonight as you see Tk6K_Sbidhg-00052-00012629-00012802 on the screen are to introduce the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00053-00012803-00012941 enhancing Environmental Health Services Tk6K_Sbidhg-00054-00012941-00013235 initiative discuss plans for the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00055-00013236-00013421 environmental service center and of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00056-00013422-00013858 course hear from you next slide please Tk6K_Sbidhg-00057-00013859-00014063 again I just want to remind folks if you Tk6K_Sbidhg-00058-00014063-00014255 do have questions please jot those Tk6K_Sbidhg-00059-00014256-00014543 questions down and we'll also um have Tk6K_Sbidhg-00060-00014544-00014705 time to answer any questions that get Tk6K_Sbidhg-00061-00014706-00014951 put into the chat but really looking Tk6K_Sbidhg-00062-00014952-00015107 forward to the discussion later this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00063-00015108-00015347 evening as a part of our some of our Tk6K_Sbidhg-00064-00015347-00015515 sessions that we've hosted in the past Tk6K_Sbidhg-00065-00015516-00015785 we do have group agreements and so we'd Tk6K_Sbidhg-00066-00015786-00016001 like to share those tonight Tk6K_Sbidhg-00067-00016002-00016157 um you know please again share your Tk6K_Sbidhg-00068-00016158-00016355 thoughts and be open-minded when we get Tk6K_Sbidhg-00069-00016356-00016493 into the discussion period of this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00070-00016494-00016739 session listen actively and respectfully Tk6K_Sbidhg-00071-00016740-00016991 when other folks are talking speak from Tk6K_Sbidhg-00072-00016992-00017183 your own experience of course instead of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00073-00017184-00017417 generalizing and if you have a question Tk6K_Sbidhg-00074-00017418-00017633 please ask it respectfully and refrain Tk6K_Sbidhg-00075-00017634-00017986 from any personal attacks and also just Tk6K_Sbidhg-00076-00017987-00018179 don't dominate the conversation allow Tk6K_Sbidhg-00077-00018180-00018377 others to be heard and again we'll have Tk6K_Sbidhg-00078-00018378-00018557 more time at the end for questions and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00079-00018558-00018917 comments next slide please Tk6K_Sbidhg-00080-00018918-00019085 I'm here at Ramsey County we have Tk6K_Sbidhg-00081-00019086-00019253 adopted a land acknowledgment that I'd Tk6K_Sbidhg-00082-00019254-00019444 like to start the meeting off on this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00083-00019445-00019636 evening so I'll go ahead and read that Tk6K_Sbidhg-00084-00019637-00019883 every Community owes its existence and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00085-00019884-00020093 vitality to Generations from around the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00086-00020094-00020350 world who contributed their hopes dreams Tk6K_Sbidhg-00087-00020351-00020555 and energy to making the history that Tk6K_Sbidhg-00088-00020556-00020783 led to this moment some were brought Tk6K_Sbidhg-00089-00020784-00021005 here against their will some were drawn Tk6K_Sbidhg-00090-00021006-00021250 to leave their distant homes in Hope of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00091-00021251-00021497 a better life and some have lived on Tk6K_Sbidhg-00092-00021498-00021761 this land since time immemorial Tk6K_Sbidhg-00093-00021762-00021989 truth and acknowledgment are critical to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00094-00021990-00022193 building mutual respect and connection Tk6K_Sbidhg-00095-00022194-00022444 across all barriers of Heritage and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00096-00022445-00022535 difference Tk6K_Sbidhg-00097-00022536-00022739 we are standing on the ancestral lands Tk6K_Sbidhg-00098-00022740-00022883 of the Dakota people Tk6K_Sbidhg-00099-00022884-00023117 we want to acknowledge the Ojibwe the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00100-00023118-00023297 Ho-Chunk and the other nations of people Tk6K_Sbidhg-00101-00023298-00023603 who also call this place home Tk6K_Sbidhg-00102-00023604-00023830 we pay respects to their Elders past and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00103-00023831-00023944 present Tk6K_Sbidhg-00104-00023945-00024125 please take a moment to consider the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00105-00024126-00024347 treaties made by the tribal Nations that Tk6K_Sbidhg-00106-00024348-00024580 entitle non-native people to live and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00107-00024581-00024844 work on traditional Native lands Tk6K_Sbidhg-00108-00024845-00025133 consider the many legacies of violence Tk6K_Sbidhg-00109-00025134-00025361 displacement migration and settlement Tk6K_Sbidhg-00110-00025362-00025589 that bring us together here today Tk6K_Sbidhg-00111-00025590-00025840 and please join us in uncovering such Tk6K_Sbidhg-00112-00025841-00026417 truths at any and all public events Tk6K_Sbidhg-00113-00026418-00026645 so before we jump into the main part of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00114-00026645-00026795 the discussion this evening we want to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00115-00026795-00027029 Center ourselves around Tk6K_Sbidhg-00116-00027030-00027179 um you know really framing this project Tk6K_Sbidhg-00117-00027180-00027395 in terms of the Ramsey County goals and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00118-00027395-00027617 priorities for our County Tk6K_Sbidhg-00119-00027618-00027868 the county goals as you may know are Tk6K_Sbidhg-00120-00027869-00028120 around well-being Prosperity opportunity Tk6K_Sbidhg-00121-00028122-00028324 and accountability Tk6K_Sbidhg-00122-00028325-00028499 the project we're talking about tonight Tk6K_Sbidhg-00123-00028500-00028690 really supports the community well-being Tk6K_Sbidhg-00124-00028691-00028967 priority for the county the county also Tk6K_Sbidhg-00125-00028968-00029231 has a priority of residence first which Tk6K_Sbidhg-00126-00029232-00029470 includes effective efficient and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00127-00029472-00029723 accessible operations this is another Tk6K_Sbidhg-00128-00029724-00029890 key component of the environmental Tk6K_Sbidhg-00129-00029891-00030131 service center project and that we're Tk6K_Sbidhg-00130-00030132-00030358 meeting about tonight Tk6K_Sbidhg-00131-00030360-00030623 all right I think I'm turning it over to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00132-00030624-00030779 Ray eating Frank to kick off the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00133-00030780-00030899 discussion around the environmental Tk6K_Sbidhg-00134-00030900-00031067 service center Tk6K_Sbidhg-00135-00031068-00031301 wonderful thank you director Holly for Tk6K_Sbidhg-00136-00031302-00031474 setting the stage and welcoming Tk6K_Sbidhg-00137-00031475-00031745 participants into the uh session this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00138-00031745-00031901 evening very happy to have you all here Tk6K_Sbidhg-00139-00031902-00032170 and excited to share with you about our Tk6K_Sbidhg-00140-00032172-00032345 project Tk6K_Sbidhg-00141-00032345-00032620 um this is uh what we have called our Tk6K_Sbidhg-00142-00032622-00032807 enhancing environmental health services Tk6K_Sbidhg-00143-00032808-00033167 so this is really our response to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00144-00033168-00033443 community feedback about needing to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00145-00033444-00033689 design a new system so that we can Tk6K_Sbidhg-00146-00033690-00033851 really improve accessibility and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00147-00033852-00034085 participation in our Recycling and our Tk6K_Sbidhg-00148-00034086-00034271 Waste Services which we provide to all Tk6K_Sbidhg-00149-00034272-00034505 residents so this system will align with Tk6K_Sbidhg-00150-00034506-00034709 those County goals that director Holly Tk6K_Sbidhg-00151-00034710-00034901 was speaking about about with around Tk6K_Sbidhg-00152-00034902-00035177 well-being and it's also consistent with Tk6K_Sbidhg-00153-00035178-00035405 our residents first approach Tk6K_Sbidhg-00154-00035406-00035705 we are uh our Tk6K_Sbidhg-00155-00035706-00035993 um redesign system is going to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00156-00035994-00036251 um meet several different qualities and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00157-00036252-00036361 I'm just going to read them off here Tk6K_Sbidhg-00158-00036362-00036635 better address equity and environmental Tk6K_Sbidhg-00159-00036636-00036946 justice serve more residents help Tk6K_Sbidhg-00160-00036947-00037193 residents manage a wider variety of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00161-00037194-00037487 materials be more cost effective and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00162-00037488-00037787 provide greater access to programs for Tk6K_Sbidhg-00163-00037788-00038045 all residents so really a key element of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00164-00038046-00038273 this redesign system is a county-owned Tk6K_Sbidhg-00165-00038274-00038615 environmental service center and we can Tk6K_Sbidhg-00166-00038616-00038830 go to the next slide Tk6K_Sbidhg-00167-00038831-00039052 so what is an environmental service Tk6K_Sbidhg-00168-00039053-00039179 center Tk6K_Sbidhg-00169-00039180-00039280 um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00170-00039281-00039467 and again I'll just sort of read off Tk6K_Sbidhg-00171-00039468-00039640 what this is and then and then elaborate Tk6K_Sbidhg-00172-00039641-00039790 a little bit more but it's a facility Tk6K_Sbidhg-00173-00039791-00039977 for the collection of recyclables food Tk6K_Sbidhg-00174-00039978-00040174 scraps and household hazardous waste Tk6K_Sbidhg-00175-00040175-00040457 it's a permanent location for our Fix-It Tk6K_Sbidhg-00176-00040458-00040690 clinics it will include a free product Tk6K_Sbidhg-00177-00040691-00040883 reuse room where the community can find Tk6K_Sbidhg-00178-00040884-00041105 items like paint Automotive fluids and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00179-00041106-00041302 household cleaners and there will be Tk6K_Sbidhg-00180-00041303-00041549 space for Community Education programs Tk6K_Sbidhg-00181-00041550-00041783 so the services I just listed all of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00182-00041784-00042023 those will be available to residents for Tk6K_Sbidhg-00183-00042024-00042287 free this will replace the services that Tk6K_Sbidhg-00184-00042288-00042509 we currently offer at Bay West so those Tk6K_Sbidhg-00185-00042510-00042718 of you who are currently utilizing the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00186-00042719-00042893 household hazardous waste Services of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00187-00042894-00043180 the county at Bay West on Empire Drive Tk6K_Sbidhg-00188-00043181-00043559 in St Paul this will replace that and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00189-00043560-00043727 um this will be a county-owned facility Tk6K_Sbidhg-00190-00043728-00043996 it will be located at 1700 Kent Street Tk6K_Sbidhg-00191-00043997-00044207 in Roseville and we'll get a little bit Tk6K_Sbidhg-00192-00044208-00044435 more details about the location and the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00193-00044436-00044579 building design as we go through the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00194-00044580-00044843 presentation tonight the facility will Tk6K_Sbidhg-00195-00044844-00045095 be built to B3 20 30 sustainability Tk6K_Sbidhg-00196-00045096-00045305 standards which is similar to the lead Tk6K_Sbidhg-00197-00045306-00045467 certification but it's really specific Tk6K_Sbidhg-00198-00045468-00045874 to state-funded Minnesota projects Tk6K_Sbidhg-00199-00045875-00046145 next slide please Tk6K_Sbidhg-00200-00046146-00046415 so now getting into uh some of the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00201-00046416-00046612 visualizations and if you do have the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00202-00046613-00046811 opportunity to join us for one of our Tk6K_Sbidhg-00203-00046812-00047057 two in-person sessions uh one's tomorrow Tk6K_Sbidhg-00204-00047058-00047224 night and one's uh the first week of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00205-00047225-00047518 April we'll have these uh visualizations Tk6K_Sbidhg-00206-00047519-00047783 these pictures up on big boards so if Tk6K_Sbidhg-00207-00047784-00048083 you really want to get immersed in the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00208-00048084-00048196 um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00209-00048197-00048383 being able to see what this might look Tk6K_Sbidhg-00210-00048384-00048557 like that would be an opportunity for Tk6K_Sbidhg-00211-00048558-00048773 you to do that besides being able to see Tk6K_Sbidhg-00212-00048774-00048989 it tonight on the screen so these are Tk6K_Sbidhg-00213-00048990-00049168 some photos that represent counties and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00214-00049169-00049312 communities that have existing Tk6K_Sbidhg-00215-00049313-00049474 facilities or in the process of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00216-00049475-00049685 Designing a facility so our neighbor Tk6K_Sbidhg-00217-00049686-00049990 encounter Washington County Tk6K_Sbidhg-00218-00049991-00050212 um in Woodbury Tk6K_Sbidhg-00219-00050213-00050452 it has an existing what they call Tk6K_Sbidhg-00220-00050453-00050668 Environmental Center that's an existing Tk6K_Sbidhg-00221-00050669-00050885 facility on the right and that's a place Tk6K_Sbidhg-00222-00050886-00051011 where you can go and visit if you're Tk6K_Sbidhg-00223-00051012-00051220 interested to see some of where we've Tk6K_Sbidhg-00224-00051221-00051502 gotten some of our ideas and um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00225-00051503-00051851 that's a a there it's it's open for for Tk6K_Sbidhg-00226-00051852-00051946 um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00227-00051947-00052157 for the public so you can go there then Tk6K_Sbidhg-00228-00052158-00052385 in Pope Douglas Minnesota they're in a Tk6K_Sbidhg-00229-00052386-00052559 process similar to us where they're Tk6K_Sbidhg-00230-00052560-00052738 designing a facility and so you can see Tk6K_Sbidhg-00231-00052739-00052882 their conceptual renderings of their Tk6K_Sbidhg-00232-00052883-00053050 facility there in polkdale loose Tk6K_Sbidhg-00233-00053051-00053209 Minnesota Tk6K_Sbidhg-00234-00053210-00053500 next slide please Tk6K_Sbidhg-00235-00053501-00053723 so more pictures Tk6K_Sbidhg-00236-00053724-00053891 um this is a sampling of some of the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00237-00053891-00054041 types of amenities that could be Tk6K_Sbidhg-00238-00054041-00054197 included inside the environmental Tk6K_Sbidhg-00239-00054198-00054400 service center so if you look around at Tk6K_Sbidhg-00240-00054401-00054532 some of these photos you'll see an Tk6K_Sbidhg-00241-00054533-00054850 educational space there's the spaces to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00242-00054851-00055075 drop off waste Tk6K_Sbidhg-00243-00055076-00055463 on the bottom right is the uh product Tk6K_Sbidhg-00244-00055464-00055847 free product reuse room uh and then you Tk6K_Sbidhg-00245-00055848-00056026 can see the other different ideas for Tk6K_Sbidhg-00246-00056027-00056230 the space throughout the facility in Tk6K_Sbidhg-00247-00056232-00056566 these different photos Tk6K_Sbidhg-00248-00056567-00056938 so um if you have if you're seeing if I Tk6K_Sbidhg-00249-00056939-00057292 know this is a small screen and a lot of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00250-00057294-00057532 pictures but if there's anything that Tk6K_Sbidhg-00251-00057533-00057742 stands out for you anything that you Tk6K_Sbidhg-00252-00057744-00058061 really see that you like or anything Tk6K_Sbidhg-00253-00058062-00058279 that you really think is missing here Tk6K_Sbidhg-00254-00058279-00058613 please feel free to use the chat to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00255-00058614-00058859 share your thoughts at any time and then Tk6K_Sbidhg-00256-00058860-00059087 we'll also take some questions at the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00257-00059088-00059416 end of uh our presentation here Tk6K_Sbidhg-00258-00059417-00059699 next slide Tk6K_Sbidhg-00259-00059700-00059969 so more pictures uh this time of the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00260-00059970-00060209 outside of the facility as you will Tk6K_Sbidhg-00261-00060210-00060359 notice most of these are in the summer Tk6K_Sbidhg-00262-00060360-00060544 or spring months which we know is not Tk6K_Sbidhg-00263-00060545-00060821 all of the seasons in Minnesota but this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00264-00060822-00061037 gives you an idea of what the facility Tk6K_Sbidhg-00265-00061038-00061282 on the outside could look like during Tk6K_Sbidhg-00266-00061283-00061492 some of our warmer months Tk6K_Sbidhg-00267-00061494-00061559 um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00268-00061560-00061757 again you can kind of look around as Tk6K_Sbidhg-00269-00061758-00061966 well have some potential space for folks Tk6K_Sbidhg-00270-00061967-00062266 to do educational sessions outside Tk6K_Sbidhg-00271-00062267-00062435 um also have some learning opportunities Tk6K_Sbidhg-00272-00062436-00062747 with some native Gardens and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00273-00062748-00062800 um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00274-00062801-00062980 some other things there so again if Tk6K_Sbidhg-00275-00062982-00063191 there's anything that you see that Tk6K_Sbidhg-00276-00063191-00063569 really you like uh or anything that you Tk6K_Sbidhg-00277-00063570-00063797 are thinking is missing at this first Tk6K_Sbidhg-00278-00063798-00064049 glance at these pictures we'd love to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00279-00064050-00064180 hear from you and you can put your Tk6K_Sbidhg-00280-00064182-00064487 thoughts in the chat Tk6K_Sbidhg-00281-00064488-00064816 next slide please so how do we get here Tk6K_Sbidhg-00282-00064817-00065237 this has really been a long time coming Tk6K_Sbidhg-00283-00065238-00065344 um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00284-00065345-00065581 in uh Tk6K_Sbidhg-00285-00065582-00065849 2019-2020 we started an evaluation of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00286-00065850-00066035 our current Environmental Services which Tk6K_Sbidhg-00287-00066036-00066317 are offered by the county this led to a Tk6K_Sbidhg-00288-00066318-00066532 report and a presentation to the Ramsey Tk6K_Sbidhg-00289-00066533-00066829 County Board in January of 2020. Tk6K_Sbidhg-00290-00066830-00066994 and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00291-00066995-00067361 um then in 2021 we officially launched Tk6K_Sbidhg-00292-00067362-00067559 our enhancing Environmental Health Tk6K_Sbidhg-00293-00067560-00067829 Services initiative which is what we're Tk6K_Sbidhg-00294-00067830-00068076 talking about tonight in the fall of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00295-00068077-00068338 2022 we had several Community Tk6K_Sbidhg-00296-00068339-00068615 conversations for I think similar to the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00297-00068616-00068788 how we're doing this go around with two Tk6K_Sbidhg-00298-00068789-00069161 in person and two virtual and we heard Tk6K_Sbidhg-00299-00069162-00069437 from residents uh what you liked what Tk6K_Sbidhg-00300-00069438-00069605 you didn't like what you were hoping for Tk6K_Sbidhg-00301-00069606-00069826 what you're apprehensive about we're Tk6K_Sbidhg-00302-00069827-00070049 currently in the design phase Tk6K_Sbidhg-00303-00070050-00070205 um and we'll get into that in a little Tk6K_Sbidhg-00304-00070206-00070403 bit about where we are and how we've Tk6K_Sbidhg-00305-00070404-00070535 gotten there Tk6K_Sbidhg-00306-00070536-00070882 um and then coming up in the spring of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00307-00070883-00071194 2023 well that's here I'm like wait is Tk6K_Sbidhg-00308-00071195-00071363 this spring 2023 I look outside my Tk6K_Sbidhg-00309-00071364-00071459 window I'm like I don't think it's Tk6K_Sbidhg-00310-00071460-00071663 spring but it is spring so here we are Tk6K_Sbidhg-00311-00071664-00071776 with our second round of community Tk6K_Sbidhg-00312-00071777-00071969 conversations Tk6K_Sbidhg-00313-00071970-00072137 um and we'll continue to have more Tk6K_Sbidhg-00314-00072138-00072365 Community conversations Tk6K_Sbidhg-00315-00072366-00072431 um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00316-00072432-00072731 and then our uh plan is that we'll be in Tk6K_Sbidhg-00317-00072732-00072887 the construction phase starting in the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00318-00072888-00073091 fall of 2023 all the way into the fall Tk6K_Sbidhg-00319-00073092-00073367 of 2025 and our estimated building Tk6K_Sbidhg-00320-00073368-00073619 opening is in uh the fall the third or Tk6K_Sbidhg-00321-00073620-00074081 fourth quarter of 2025. Tk6K_Sbidhg-00322-00074082-00074382 next slide please so talked a lot about Tk6K_Sbidhg-00323-00074383-00074609 the community engagement that we've done Tk6K_Sbidhg-00324-00074610-00074843 and the evaluation that we've done Tk6K_Sbidhg-00325-00074844-00075029 um what we've heard from you so we've Tk6K_Sbidhg-00326-00075030-00075281 done surveys listening sessions and what Tk6K_Sbidhg-00327-00075282-00075521 we heard is that 94 percent of residents Tk6K_Sbidhg-00328-00075522-00075737 are looking forward to using the new Tk6K_Sbidhg-00329-00075738-00075905 environmental service center Tk6K_Sbidhg-00330-00075906-00076115 residents are excited about One-Stop Tk6K_Sbidhg-00331-00076116-00076300 shopping for Recycling and Disposal Tk6K_Sbidhg-00332-00076301-00076547 Services community space convenient Tk6K_Sbidhg-00333-00076548-00076841 accessible location and some concerns Tk6K_Sbidhg-00334-00076842-00076991 that residents have shared with us are Tk6K_Sbidhg-00335-00076992-00077141 the impact to the surrounding area Tk6K_Sbidhg-00336-00077142-00077447 traffic safety noise and ensuring Tk6K_Sbidhg-00337-00077448-00077815 accessibility Tk6K_Sbidhg-00338-00077816-00078173 and next slide please so about Tk6K_Sbidhg-00339-00078174-00078443 addressing your concerns Tk6K_Sbidhg-00340-00078444-00078532 um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00341-00078533-00078767 as far as the impact to the surrounding Tk6K_Sbidhg-00342-00078768-00079103 area we will be some of those photos I Tk6K_Sbidhg-00343-00079104-00079271 showed will hopefully give some ideas Tk6K_Sbidhg-00344-00079272-00079517 and some thoughts around what the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00345-00079518-00079703 surrounding area will look like new Tk6K_Sbidhg-00346-00079704-00079925 plantings will provide buffer between Tk6K_Sbidhg-00347-00079926-00080117 the site and nearby neighbors and park Tk6K_Sbidhg-00348-00080118-00080350 the hill between the site and the park Tk6K_Sbidhg-00349-00080351-00080626 will help with buffering as well and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00350-00080627-00080759 we're going to be conducting a traffic Tk6K_Sbidhg-00351-00080760-00081017 assessment to help ensure minimal Tk6K_Sbidhg-00352-00081018-00081382 traffic disruption to surrounding areas Tk6K_Sbidhg-00353-00081383-00081562 and then as far as ensuring Tk6K_Sbidhg-00354-00081563-00081761 accessibility the site is Century Tk6K_Sbidhg-00355-00081762-00081923 Located in the county and we'll talk a Tk6K_Sbidhg-00356-00081924-00082121 little bit more about that in a few Tk6K_Sbidhg-00357-00082122-00082337 slides and it's located along public Tk6K_Sbidhg-00358-00082338-00082721 transit lines and public walkways Tk6K_Sbidhg-00359-00082722-00082973 next slide Tk6K_Sbidhg-00360-00082974-00083279 and I will turn it over now to Jennifer Tk6K_Sbidhg-00361-00083280-00083603 hi uh thank you Ray that's a good setup Tk6K_Sbidhg-00362-00083604-00084071 for this slide right here this is a map Tk6K_Sbidhg-00363-00084072-00084179 of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00364-00084180-00084443 of the surrounding project area you see Tk6K_Sbidhg-00365-00084444-00084803 the project area in red noted in the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00366-00084804-00085294 middle the East West major roadway is Tk6K_Sbidhg-00367-00085295-00085643 larpenter and uh Tk6K_Sbidhg-00368-00085644-00085900 close by to the west side of the site Tk6K_Sbidhg-00369-00085901-00086543 there is Dale so Kent Street is close to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00370-00086544-00086947 the intersection of Larpenteur and Dale Tk6K_Sbidhg-00371-00086948-00087305 we picked this site after a thorough Tk6K_Sbidhg-00372-00087306-00087409 assessment Tk6K_Sbidhg-00373-00087410-00087862 to look at finding a site that was open Tk6K_Sbidhg-00374-00087863-00088288 that was in Ramsey County obviously that Tk6K_Sbidhg-00375-00088289-00088643 was located near major roadways and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00376-00088644-00088931 within kind of a 10 to 15 minute drive Tk6K_Sbidhg-00377-00088932-00089285 for most of Ramsey County residents Tk6K_Sbidhg-00378-00089286-00089593 um this site uh Tk6K_Sbidhg-00379-00089594-00090023 provided a place that is accessible and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00380-00090024-00090355 convenient as well as Tk6K_Sbidhg-00381-00090356-00090721 have a low environmental impact Tk6K_Sbidhg-00382-00090722-00091103 for the residents in Ramsey County and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00383-00091104-00091211 the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00384-00091212-00091553 as Ray mentioned the site is at 1700 Tk6K_Sbidhg-00385-00091554-00091943 Kent Street in Roseville Tk6K_Sbidhg-00386-00091944-00092255 next slide please Tk6K_Sbidhg-00387-00092256-00092581 this is uh zoomed in Tk6K_Sbidhg-00388-00092582-00093029 look at the site plan this is the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00389-00093030-00093365 looking at the red rectangle that we Tk6K_Sbidhg-00390-00093366-00093700 just saw at the last on the last slide Tk6K_Sbidhg-00391-00093701-00094049 again at the bottom of the screen the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00392-00094050-00094282 major roadway is larpenter Tk6K_Sbidhg-00393-00094283-00094888 and then the the gray access north south Tk6K_Sbidhg-00394-00094889-00095231 into the site is Kent Street there Tk6K_Sbidhg-00395-00095232-00095597 so a lot of consideration was a lot of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00396-00095598-00095794 thought was put into Tk6K_Sbidhg-00397-00095795-00096143 um this site plan in order to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00398-00096144-00096373 um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00399-00096374-00096553 to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00400-00096554-00096899 manage uh Tk6K_Sbidhg-00401-00096900-00097259 car circulation and truck circulation Tk6K_Sbidhg-00402-00097260-00097612 throughout the site as you come off of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00403-00097613-00098062 larpenter and turn north you can see Tk6K_Sbidhg-00404-00098063-00098147 um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00405-00098148-00098453 the first Loop of public circulation Tk6K_Sbidhg-00406-00098454-00098759 that takes you in and through Tk6K_Sbidhg-00407-00098760-00099094 what is the covered drop off Tk6K_Sbidhg-00408-00099095-00099268 for materials Tk6K_Sbidhg-00409-00099269-00099575 and then as before you turn back out Tk6K_Sbidhg-00410-00099576-00099856 onto the street there is a parking lot Tk6K_Sbidhg-00411-00099857-00100294 on the South Side there that is near an Tk6K_Sbidhg-00412-00100295-00100493 outdoor public space and then the main Tk6K_Sbidhg-00413-00100494-00100691 entry to the building Tk6K_Sbidhg-00414-00100692-00100912 now if you don't have to come to the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00415-00100913-00101141 site to drop off materials at the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00416-00101142-00101417 building you can go all the way to the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00417-00101418-00101587 North End of the site Tk6K_Sbidhg-00418-00101588-00101885 there is a loop there for dropping off Tk6K_Sbidhg-00419-00101886-00102268 compost and other recycling materials Tk6K_Sbidhg-00420-00102269-00102563 all of this public circulation is Tk6K_Sbidhg-00421-00102564-00102815 separated from the truck circulation Tk6K_Sbidhg-00422-00102816-00102990 which goes Tk6K_Sbidhg-00423-00102991-00103313 back on the east side of the building Tk6K_Sbidhg-00424-00103314-00103625 and keeps truck traffic separate from Tk6K_Sbidhg-00425-00103626-00103853 public circulation Tk6K_Sbidhg-00426-00103854-00104339 next slide please Tk6K_Sbidhg-00427-00104340-00104549 this is another look at the facility Tk6K_Sbidhg-00428-00104550-00104842 this is zooming in to the building Tk6K_Sbidhg-00429-00104843-00105119 itself on the left hand side there Tk6K_Sbidhg-00430-00105120-00105577 you'll see in kind of the yellowish Tk6K_Sbidhg-00431-00105578-00106019 color you'll see the um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00432-00106020-00106415 the car circulation for dropping off Tk6K_Sbidhg-00433-00106416-00106745 materials as it goes through the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00434-00106746-00106949 through the building there and then the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00435-00106950-00107236 parking lot in the lower left hand Tk6K_Sbidhg-00436-00107238-00107375 corner Tk6K_Sbidhg-00437-00107376-00107627 and then on the right hand side we're Tk6K_Sbidhg-00438-00107628-00108047 looking at a block plan of the public Tk6K_Sbidhg-00439-00108048-00108263 areas within the building Tk6K_Sbidhg-00440-00108264-00108460 so the green Tk6K_Sbidhg-00441-00108461-00108521 um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00442-00108522-00108743 the green on the left hand side there as Tk6K_Sbidhg-00443-00108744-00109001 Katie has pointed out thank you is the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00444-00109002-00109271 public Lobby and the entry that's the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00445-00109272-00109486 main circulation through the building Tk6K_Sbidhg-00446-00109488-00109860 the dark green area is the ReUse area Tk6K_Sbidhg-00447-00109861-00110399 Ray mentioned that the ReUse area is um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00448-00110400-00110716 for materials that are free to Residents Tk6K_Sbidhg-00449-00110717-00110927 people if there's something that someone Tk6K_Sbidhg-00450-00110928-00111175 drops off and it's still usable Tk6K_Sbidhg-00451-00111176-00111484 something like a can of paint someone Tk6K_Sbidhg-00452-00111485-00111665 would be able to pick that can of paint Tk6K_Sbidhg-00453-00111666-00111934 up and and reuse it Tk6K_Sbidhg-00454-00111935-00112307 um the blue is for the education and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00455-00112308-00112560 public programming spaces Tk6K_Sbidhg-00456-00112561-00113033 the dark blue are some restrooms and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00457-00113033-00113140 some other Tk6K_Sbidhg-00458-00113141-00113231 um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00459-00113232-00113477 just general building amenities and then Tk6K_Sbidhg-00460-00113478-00113951 the tan color is the administration area Tk6K_Sbidhg-00461-00113952-00114551 next slide Tk6K_Sbidhg-00462-00114552-00114784 I think it's back to me uh the funding Tk6K_Sbidhg-00463-00114785-00114928 source how are we going to pay for this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00464-00114929-00115325 so the environmental service center is Tk6K_Sbidhg-00465-00115326-00115565 going to be paid for through the solid Tk6K_Sbidhg-00466-00115566-00115781 waste fund which is generated from the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00467-00115782-00116023 Ramsey County Environmental charge Tk6K_Sbidhg-00468-00116024-00116327 the County Environmental charge we refer Tk6K_Sbidhg-00469-00116328-00116621 to as the CEC is a fee on trash Tk6K_Sbidhg-00470-00116622-00116999 collection services this fund the fund Tk6K_Sbidhg-00471-00117000-00117160 generated from this must be spent on Tk6K_Sbidhg-00472-00117161-00117347 Solid Waste activities and strategies so Tk6K_Sbidhg-00473-00117348-00117502 this is an example of something that we Tk6K_Sbidhg-00474-00117503-00117749 can spend the funds on if you live in Tk6K_Sbidhg-00475-00117750-00118019 Ramsey counties I imagine most of you do Tk6K_Sbidhg-00476-00118020-00118301 if you look at your trash bill you will Tk6K_Sbidhg-00477-00118302-00118534 see on there it's actually called out Tk6K_Sbidhg-00478-00118535-00118751 the County Environmental charge and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00479-00118752-00118984 you'll be able to see on that bill what Tk6K_Sbidhg-00480-00118985-00119134 you're paying for that so that is what's Tk6K_Sbidhg-00481-00119135-00119357 paying for the service for this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00482-00119358-00119608 initiative there will be no increase to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00483-00119609-00119843 cost to Residents or businesses from Tk6K_Sbidhg-00484-00119844-00120097 this project Tk6K_Sbidhg-00485-00120098-00120377 next slide please Tk6K_Sbidhg-00486-00120378-00120719 so next steps we have a survey uh that Tk6K_Sbidhg-00487-00120720-00121015 you were hoping that folks will take uh Tk6K_Sbidhg-00488-00121016-00121463 ramseycounty.us backslash us ESC all Tk6K_Sbidhg-00489-00121464-00121666 these um letters are getting slurred in Tk6K_Sbidhg-00490-00121667-00121907 my brain tonight but um and I don't know Tk6K_Sbidhg-00491-00121908-00122027 maybe maybe we could put that in the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00492-00122028-00122260 chat and then people can uh link to that Tk6K_Sbidhg-00493-00122261-00122531 directly we will be doing community less Tk6K_Sbidhg-00494-00122532-00122783 listening sessions through early April Tk6K_Sbidhg-00495-00122783-00123040 we uh we'll be having an in-person Tk6K_Sbidhg-00496-00123041-00123263 session tomorrow night at Arlington Tk6K_Sbidhg-00497-00123264-00123515 Hills Community Center seven to eight Tk6K_Sbidhg-00498-00123516-00123815 thirty we will be having another Zoom Tk6K_Sbidhg-00499-00123816-00124049 session over the lunch hour on Tuesday Tk6K_Sbidhg-00500-00124050-00124397 April 4th from noon to 1 30 another same Tk6K_Sbidhg-00501-00124398-00124643 session as today and then we'll do Tk6K_Sbidhg-00502-00124644-00124852 another live session in person session Tk6K_Sbidhg-00503-00124853-00125147 Wednesday April 5th from 6 to 7 30 so a Tk6K_Sbidhg-00504-00125148-00125363 little bit earlier at the Ramsey County Tk6K_Sbidhg-00505-00125364-00125608 library and Shoreview the presentations Tk6K_Sbidhg-00506-00125609-00125836 are going to be exactly the same at all Tk6K_Sbidhg-00507-00125838-00126016 of the different sessions we're doing Tk6K_Sbidhg-00508-00126017-00126215 the difference if the in-person one is Tk6K_Sbidhg-00509-00126216-00126436 that you'll have the ability to look at Tk6K_Sbidhg-00510-00126438-00126743 these visuals in larger scale and be Tk6K_Sbidhg-00511-00126744-00127031 able to interact with people live and in Tk6K_Sbidhg-00512-00127032-00127277 person but otherwise the presentation is Tk6K_Sbidhg-00513-00127278-00127552 the same so um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00514-00127553-00127804 feedback uh gathered through this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00515-00127805-00127984 process will inform site and facility Tk6K_Sbidhg-00516-00127985-00128213 plans and we will have preliminary Tk6K_Sbidhg-00517-00128214-00128423 facility designs to share back with Tk6K_Sbidhg-00518-00128424-00128615 community in early summer Tk6K_Sbidhg-00519-00128616-00128813 so at this point Tk6K_Sbidhg-00520-00128814-00129004 um we'd really like to hear any Tk6K_Sbidhg-00521-00129005-00129239 questions that you have if folks want us Tk6K_Sbidhg-00522-00129240-00129504 to go back to any of the slides Tk6K_Sbidhg-00523-00129505-00129881 to either show the design or the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00524-00129882-00130078 internal ideas or the external site Tk6K_Sbidhg-00525-00130079-00130301 ideas we can go back to some of those Tk6K_Sbidhg-00526-00130302-00130499 slides and otherwise we will take Tk6K_Sbidhg-00527-00130500-00131651 questions Tk6K_Sbidhg-00528-00131652-00131951 and I think folks can either oh I think Tk6K_Sbidhg-00529-00131952-00132190 I see a handwrote Tk6K_Sbidhg-00530-00132191-00132521 I think folks can um unmute themselves Tk6K_Sbidhg-00531-00132522-00132887 is that correct looks like it oh great Tk6K_Sbidhg-00532-00132888-00133331 yes uh your slide on the site plan you Tk6K_Sbidhg-00533-00133332-00133528 were saying that the truck traffic and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00534-00133529-00133697 the user traffic is going to be separate Tk6K_Sbidhg-00535-00133698-00133907 but it wasn't at all clear the one Tk6K_Sbidhg-00536-00133908-00134116 before there um how are the trucks Tk6K_Sbidhg-00537-00134117-00134509 getting off of larpenter Tk6K_Sbidhg-00538-00134510-00134825 yes sorry they are coming up the same Tk6K_Sbidhg-00539-00134826-00134945 road Tk6K_Sbidhg-00540-00134946-00135161 um they are um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00541-00135162-00135557 coming up that northernmost Loop and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00542-00135558-00135883 then back around to the loading dock Tk6K_Sbidhg-00543-00135884-00136216 we're not expecting that there is a ton Tk6K_Sbidhg-00544-00136217-00136325 of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00545-00136326-00136402 um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00546-00136403-00136613 truck traffic Tk6K_Sbidhg-00547-00136614-00136889 um a lot a lot of the circulation we Tk6K_Sbidhg-00548-00136890-00137339 hope is uh popularity of residents using Tk6K_Sbidhg-00549-00137340-00137681 the space and dropping off Tk6K_Sbidhg-00550-00137682-00137878 um Tk6K_Sbidhg-00551-00137879-00138107 dropping off their household hazardous Tk6K_Sbidhg-00552-00138108-00138616 waste that's why that that first Loop Tk6K_Sbidhg-00553-00138617-00138875 comes off of Kent Street a little bit Tk6K_Sbidhg-00554-00138876-00139109 earlier and then in and through the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00555-00139110-00139366 covered drop off Tk6K_Sbidhg-00556-00139367-00139595 the other question almost there was the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00557-00139596-00139757 composter it doesn't look very big is Tk6K_Sbidhg-00558-00139758-00140052 this not meant to be a significant Tk6K_Sbidhg-00559-00140053-00140440 compost processing for drop off of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00560-00140441-00141031 tree debris and all that Tk6K_Sbidhg-00561-00141032-00141299 I'm gonna urge Pete and John to jump in Tk6K_Sbidhg-00562-00141300-00141521 on that one of you too if you're able Tk6K_Sbidhg-00563-00141522-00141749 oh hi it's uh John spring in Ramsey Tk6K_Sbidhg-00564-00141750-00141857 County Department of Health and I Tk6K_Sbidhg-00565-00141858-00142133 supervise uh the solid waste uh Tk6K_Sbidhg-00566-00142134-00142414 operations for the county and including Tk6K_Sbidhg-00567-00142415-00142685 in uh in those operations is a yard Tk6K_Sbidhg-00568-00142686-00142919 waste and household hazardous waste yes Tk6K_Sbidhg-00569-00142920-00143201 the compost area it's yes it's labeled Tk6K_Sbidhg-00570-00143202-00143381 compost we're not actively composting Tk6K_Sbidhg-00571-00143382-00143585 there what it will Tk6K_Sbidhg-00572-00143586-00143878 um involve is uh up to four uh four Tk6K_Sbidhg-00573-00143879-00144077 cubic yard containers uh more or less Tk6K_Sbidhg-00574-00144078-00144299 trash dumpsters that have closable lids Tk6K_Sbidhg-00575-00144300-00144551 or residents can pull up drop off their Tk6K_Sbidhg-00576-00144552-00144785 food scraps and then that material will Tk6K_Sbidhg-00577-00144786-00145114 be then offloaded or hauled away to a Tk6K_Sbidhg-00578-00145115-00145261 commercial Tk6K_Sbidhg-00579-00145262-00145487 for composting so Tk6K_Sbidhg-00580-00145488-00145769 more or less a drop spot just for food Tk6K_Sbidhg-00581-00145770-00145990 scraps uh does not involve yard waste Tk6K_Sbidhg-00582-00145991-00146297 whatsoever Tk6K_Sbidhg-00583-00146298-00146440 thank you Tk6K_Sbidhg-00584-00146441-00146687 Pete and John also took Glenn's question Tk6K_Sbidhg-00585-00146688-00146909 about truck traffic you had an estimate Tk6K_Sbidhg-00586-00146910-00147137 on number of trucks that we anticipate Tk6K_Sbidhg-00587-00147138-00147437 coming in and out of this facility we I Tk6K_Sbidhg-00588-00147438-00147671 don't remember what that is yes um so Tk6K_Sbidhg-00589-00147672-00147875 weekly truck trips for recycling were Tk6K_Sbidhg-00590-00147876-00148169 estimating two for food scraps uh two Tk6K_Sbidhg-00591-00148170-00148414 trips per week also Tk6K_Sbidhg-00592-00148415-00148607 um Automotive waste which we collect Tk6K_Sbidhg-00593-00148608-00148739 through a household hazardous waste Tk6K_Sbidhg-00594-00148740-00148937 would be one trip we do Sharps Tk6K_Sbidhg-00595-00148938-00149087 collection at the facility that's an Tk6K_Sbidhg-00596-00149088-00149261 extra trip for a truck to come once a Tk6K_Sbidhg-00597-00149262-00149633 week batteries is another trip and then Tk6K_Sbidhg-00598-00149634-00149897 we have deliveries for supplies and so Tk6K_Sbidhg-00599-00149898-00150239 forth uh maybe a couple trips a week uh Tk6K_Sbidhg-00600-00150240-00150425 we'll do electronic waste collection Tk6K_Sbidhg-00601-00150426-00150635 there that would involve an additional Tk6K_Sbidhg-00602-00150636-00150881 trip a week for that truck and then we Tk6K_Sbidhg-00603-00150882-00150964 have Tk6K_Sbidhg-00604-00150965-00151193 um where we'll collect from businesses Tk6K_Sbidhg-00605-00151194-00151475 that are very small that fall under a Tk6K_Sbidhg-00606-00151476-00151685 certain category that are eligible for Tk6K_Sbidhg-00607-00151686-00151931 dropping off their waste at this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00608-00151932-00152087 facility under the household hazardous Tk6K_Sbidhg-00609-00152088-00152243 waste program and that would be maybe Tk6K_Sbidhg-00610-00152244-00152609 two um uh trips a week for you know Tk6K_Sbidhg-00611-00152610-00152849 those uh individuals or those businesses Tk6K_Sbidhg-00612-00152850-00153047 coming through and then we've got just Tk6K_Sbidhg-00613-00153048-00153209 the general household hazardous waste Tk6K_Sbidhg-00614-00153210-00153340 pickup for all these materials we're Tk6K_Sbidhg-00615-00153341-00153628 collecting uh we will have to ship that Tk6K_Sbidhg-00616-00153629-00153887 uh once a week under our which is what Tk6K_Sbidhg-00617-00153888-00154049 we're doing under our current Tk6K_Sbidhg-00618-00154050-00154307 um schedule at our current existing Tk6K_Sbidhg-00619-00154308-00154559 facility at Bay West and then um there Tk6K_Sbidhg-00620-00154560-00154775 may be a few other Tk6K_Sbidhg-00621-00154776-00154973 um trucks coming and going we do as you Tk6K_Sbidhg-00622-00154974-00155152 can see a little bit more recycling drop Tk6K_Sbidhg-00623-00155153-00155321 off at this location but we've kind of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00624-00155322-00155651 included those trips in the uh the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00625-00155652-00155866 category of recycling and generalizing Tk6K_Sbidhg-00626-00155867-00156173 so yes there will be about 15 or so per Tk6K_Sbidhg-00627-00156174-00156263 week Tk6K_Sbidhg-00628-00156264-00156413 um but it's Tk6K_Sbidhg-00629-00156414-00156701 um again not significant Tk6K_Sbidhg-00630-00156702-00156916 um in comparison to you know the traffic Tk6K_Sbidhg-00631-00156917-00157211 on larpenter and even the traffic or the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00632-00157212-00157366 vehicles actually coming and using the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00633-00157367-00157516 facility Tk6K_Sbidhg-00634-00157517-00157721 thank you John I'm gonna interject here Tk6K_Sbidhg-00635-00157722-00157913 this director Holly I want to welcome Tk6K_Sbidhg-00636-00157914-00158266 District 2 commissioner Mary Jo McGuire Tk6K_Sbidhg-00637-00158267-00158440 um to the listening session good evening Tk6K_Sbidhg-00638-00158441-00159047 commissioner Tk6K_Sbidhg-00639-00159048-00159233 you can keep proceeding with questions I Tk6K_Sbidhg-00640-00159234-00159551 just wanted to make Tk6K_Sbidhg-00641-00159552-00159766 sure thanks for having thanks for having Tk6K_Sbidhg-00642-00159767-00159990 this listening session uh thanks for Tk6K_Sbidhg-00643-00159991-00160193 introducing me but great to see you all Tk6K_Sbidhg-00644-00160194-00160445 and thanks for all your good questions Tk6K_Sbidhg-00645-00160446-00161069 I'll I'll be listening Tk6K_Sbidhg-00646-00161070-00162076 other questions or comments Tk6K_Sbidhg-00647-00162077-00162352 any other slides folks would like us to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00648-00162353-00162485 go Tk6K_Sbidhg-00649-00162486-00164140 back to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00650-00164141-00164381 well if no one else I'll go again Tk6K_Sbidhg-00651-00164382-00164633 um your your uh collection of slides Tk6K_Sbidhg-00652-00164634-00164825 from the indoor and outdoor Tk6K_Sbidhg-00653-00164826-00165089 those two slides uh they're awfully Tk6K_Sbidhg-00654-00165090-00165190 clean Tk6K_Sbidhg-00655-00165191-00165743 um where's the working side photos Tk6K_Sbidhg-00656-00165744-00166061 if you get my drift words get your drift Tk6K_Sbidhg-00657-00166062-00166397 yeah Tk6K_Sbidhg-00658-00166398-00166702 back to the to this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00659-00166703-00167069 the site plan which shows Tk6K_Sbidhg-00660-00167070-00167357 you can see uh at least part of the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00661-00167358-00167495 building you can see the parts of the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00662-00167496-00167681 building it might be the other one oh Tk6K_Sbidhg-00663-00167682-00167837 maybe it doesn't oh it doesn't pull the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00664-00167838-00168071 pull out oh so so the area that's not Tk6K_Sbidhg-00665-00168072-00168245 popped out so yeah we've been really Tk6K_Sbidhg-00666-00168246-00168371 highlighting and showing the public Tk6K_Sbidhg-00667-00168372-00168551 areas but if you see this other yellow Tk6K_Sbidhg-00668-00168552-00168743 area in the back here Tk6K_Sbidhg-00669-00168744-00168916 um those are some of more of the areas Tk6K_Sbidhg-00670-00168917-00169139 where the behind the scenes and more of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00671-00169140-00169421 the uh Tk6K_Sbidhg-00672-00169422-00169678 for lack of a better word dirty Tk6K_Sbidhg-00673-00169679-00170099 but parts of the operation happen Tk6K_Sbidhg-00674-00170100-00170219 John I don't know if you have anything Tk6K_Sbidhg-00675-00170220-00170428 else you want to say about Tk6K_Sbidhg-00676-00170429-00170645 yeah the yellow area more or less Tk6K_Sbidhg-00677-00170646-00170890 outlines uh household has a sways Tk6K_Sbidhg-00678-00170891-00171149 collection and the yellow area way to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00679-00171150-00171328 the left showing the drive-through Lane Tk6K_Sbidhg-00680-00171329-00171676 on the blue dotted line that's where the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00681-00171677-00171887 public would pull through uh with doors Tk6K_Sbidhg-00682-00171888-00172204 on each end uh to open close allow entry Tk6K_Sbidhg-00683-00172205-00172516 and then a staff from the other side of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00684-00172517-00172654 that wall in between the two yellow Tk6K_Sbidhg-00685-00172655-00172871 areas will you know service the vehicles Tk6K_Sbidhg-00686-00172872-00173128 bring the materials over to the the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00687-00173129-00173345 yellow area on the right side and that's Tk6K_Sbidhg-00688-00173346-00173597 where everything is categorized process Tk6K_Sbidhg-00689-00173598-00173914 package and then moved into the loading Tk6K_Sbidhg-00690-00173915-00174154 dock areas way to the right into the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00691-00174155-00174397 trucks for um you know final Tk6K_Sbidhg-00692-00174398-00175301 shipping of material off site Tk6K_Sbidhg-00693-00175302-00175463 maybe just to get the conversation Tk6K_Sbidhg-00694-00175464-00175625 moving too you know what excites you Tk6K_Sbidhg-00695-00175626-00175823 about this this part of the process Tk6K_Sbidhg-00696-00175824-00176002 right I think some of you may have Tk6K_Sbidhg-00697-00176003-00176152 joined us Tk6K_Sbidhg-00698-00176153-00176399 um back this um kind of earlier this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00699-00176400-00176614 fall when we introduced the project and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00700-00176615-00176788 so we're at this point of showing you Tk6K_Sbidhg-00701-00176789-00176969 design but what excites you about this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00702-00176970-00177137 design what concerns you what other Tk6K_Sbidhg-00703-00177138-00177364 advice or feedback would you give Ramsey Tk6K_Sbidhg-00704-00177365-00177490 County Public Health and Property Tk6K_Sbidhg-00705-00177491-00178228 Management this evening Tk6K_Sbidhg-00706-00178229-00178402 permanent side for a Fix-It Clinic Tk6K_Sbidhg-00707-00178403-00178559 sounds nice they get to keep all their Tk6K_Sbidhg-00708-00178560-00178847 tools there Tk6K_Sbidhg-00709-00178848-00179057 thank you fix the clinics are very Tk6K_Sbidhg-00710-00179058-00179254 popular right thank you Katie up the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00711-00179255-00179416 public programming area Tk6K_Sbidhg-00712-00179417-00179675 so space having space for that Tk6K_Sbidhg-00713-00179676-00179831 what else Tk6K_Sbidhg-00714-00179832-00180257 I think I see Tk6K_Sbidhg-00715-00180258-00180502 Stevenson Tk6K_Sbidhg-00716-00180503-00180802 sherlin did you drop off there Tk6K_Sbidhg-00717-00180803-00180976 there you are Tk6K_Sbidhg-00718-00180977-00181637 any comments or questions Tk6K_Sbidhg-00719-00181638-00181852 and just thinking generally what are the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00720-00181853-00181973 things that you've seen that you like Tk6K_Sbidhg-00721-00181974-00182116 and is there anything that's really Tk6K_Sbidhg-00722-00182117-00184888 glaring for you that's missing Tk6K_Sbidhg-00723-00184889-00185159 feel free if you don't want to pop on if Tk6K_Sbidhg-00724-00185160-00185297 you want to write anything in the chat Tk6K_Sbidhg-00725-00185298-00185638 or if you don't want to be as public Tk6K_Sbidhg-00726-00185639-00185825 about what you want to share then we Tk6K_Sbidhg-00727-00185826-00185975 also have the survey and encourage you Tk6K_Sbidhg-00728-00185976-00186226 to click on that link and share your Tk6K_Sbidhg-00730-00189803-00190073 all right well we don't want to hold Tk6K_Sbidhg-00731-00190074-00190307 people up this evening Tk6K_Sbidhg-00732-00190308-00190481 um you know that gift of time back is Tk6K_Sbidhg-00733-00190482-00190631 really important Tk6K_Sbidhg-00734-00190632-00190840 um if we can put the link to the survey Tk6K_Sbidhg-00735-00190841-00190997 in the chat I'm not sure when people Tk6K_Sbidhg-00736-00190998-00191249 joined it or at what point be good to Tk6K_Sbidhg-00737-00191250-00191416 just encourage people and you can share Tk6K_Sbidhg-00738-00191417-00191669 the survey link out I think Noah put it Tk6K_Sbidhg-00739-00191670-00191861 in the chat earlier but we'll share it Tk6K_Sbidhg-00740-00191862-00192101 thank you Katie um questions you can Tk6K_Sbidhg-00741-00192102-00192421 always reach out to us at the ask eh Tk6K_Sbidhg-00742-00192422-00192664 ramseycounty.us there's a lot of Tk6K_Sbidhg-00743-00192665-00192790 information on the Ramsey County Tk6K_Sbidhg-00744-00192791-00192959 Environmental Service Center project Tk6K_Sbidhg-00745-00192960-00193264 website where you can stay up to date on Tk6K_Sbidhg-00746-00193265-00193547 you know progress with this project Tk6K_Sbidhg-00747-00193548-00193726 um I'll have one of the team members Tk6K_Sbidhg-00748-00193727-00193978 share our next virtual and in-person Tk6K_Sbidhg-00749-00193979-00194135 session I think we have one happening Tk6K_Sbidhg-00750-00194136-00194411 tomorrow and we have a few happening at Tk6K_Sbidhg-00751-00194412-00194633 the beginning of April so and I just Tk6K_Sbidhg-00752-00194634-00194752 want to extend a thank you to everyone Tk6K_Sbidhg-00753-00194753-00195016 for just coming here this evening and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00754-00195017-00195233 um allowing us to share this information Tk6K_Sbidhg-00755-00195234-00195551 and just kind of the progress of this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00756-00195552-00195790 very large project that we have going on Tk6K_Sbidhg-00757-00195791-00195923 in public health and environmental Tk6K_Sbidhg-00758-00195924-00196066 health we really want to bring people Tk6K_Sbidhg-00759-00196067-00196252 Along on this journey Tk6K_Sbidhg-00760-00196253-00196433 um thank you Ray and the wall and so our Tk6K_Sbidhg-00761-00196434-00196643 next sessions are of course tomorrow Tk6K_Sbidhg-00762-00196644-00196895 Tuesday March 21st from 7 to 8 30 p.m Tk6K_Sbidhg-00763-00196896-00197123 again this is in person at Arlington Tk6K_Sbidhg-00764-00197124-00197351 Hills Community Center Tk6K_Sbidhg-00765-00197352-00197638 um right in St Paul and then we um it Tk6K_Sbidhg-00766-00197639-00197764 looks like no I'll put the same thing in Tk6K_Sbidhg-00767-00197765-00197873 the chat and then we'll have a few Tk6K_Sbidhg-00768-00197874-00198131 sessions too both virtual and in person Tk6K_Sbidhg-00769-00198132-00198316 that first week in April so I just want Tk6K_Sbidhg-00770-00198317-00198551 to thank everybody for coming this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00771-00198552-00198754 evening and please if you're on here and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00772-00198755-00198887 if you're a Community member share the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00773-00198888-00199054 information with your neighbors with Tk6K_Sbidhg-00774-00199055-00199235 your friends at Living Ramsey County who Tk6K_Sbidhg-00775-00199236-00199366 really want to get feedback at this Tk6K_Sbidhg-00776-00199367-00199564 point in the process I want to thank the Tk6K_Sbidhg-00777-00199565-00199726 staff in our commissioner for being here Tk6K_Sbidhg-00778-00199727-00200009 this evening also and for you spending Tk6K_Sbidhg-00779-00200010-00200219 your time a little bit of time with us Tk6K_Sbidhg-00780-00200220-00200435 um this evening so without further Ado I Tk6K_Sbidhg-00781-00200436-00200663 think we'll wrap up this evening and Tk6K_Sbidhg-00782-00200664-00200914 again send us any questions you have at Tk6K_Sbidhg-00783-00200915-00201226 the ask eh at Ramsey County dot us have Tk6K_Sbidhg-00784-00201227-00201512 a wonderful evening everyone TkL816hj4aI-00000-00000779-00001091 good afternoon I'm Dan Cole a professor TkL816hj4aI-00001-00001092-00001420 of anesthesiology at UCLA and the TkL816hj4aI-00002-00001421-00001589 current president of the anesthesia TkL816hj4aI-00003-00001590-00001864 patient safety foundation and I want to TkL816hj4aI-00004-00001866-00002026 thank the patient safety Brooklyn TkL816hj4aI-00005-00002027-00002357 foundation for hosting this webinar uh TkL816hj4aI-00006-00002358-00002568 the purposes of which is to highlight TkL816hj4aI-00007-00002569-00002873 the upcoming patient safety awareness TkL816hj4aI-00008-00002874-00003118 week that's going to occur next month we TkL816hj4aI-00009-00003119-00003322 want to raise awareness of patient TkL816hj4aI-00010-00003323-00003683 safety and develop this conversation to TkL816hj4aI-00011-00003684-00003959 help stimulate the creation of safer TkL816hj4aI-00012-00003960-00004259 Health Care Systems we have an exciting TkL816hj4aI-00013-00004260-00004615 group of panelists to discuss selected TkL816hj4aI-00014-00004616-00004927 patient safety topics and I'll introduce TkL816hj4aI-00015-00004928-00005249 each one of them and then give each one TkL816hj4aI-00016-00005250-00005441 the opportunity to make an opening TkL816hj4aI-00017-00005442-00005633 statement about a topic that they TkL816hj4aI-00018-00005634-00005827 consider of import TkL816hj4aI-00019-00005828-00006227 sanos masumi she's the chief operating TkL816hj4aI-00020-00006228-00006491 officer at the patient safety movement TkL816hj4aI-00021-00006492-00006839 Foundation Bernadette Wilson she's is a TkL816hj4aI-00022-00006840-00007067 patient advocate a patient safety TkL816hj4aI-00023-00007068-00007264 movement Foundation volunteer and TkL816hj4aI-00024-00007265-00007648 founder of cognitive performance LLC a TkL816hj4aI-00025-00007650-00007895 professional coaching and team training TkL816hj4aI-00026-00007895-00008195 firm and then finally our Brandon Lau is TkL816hj4aI-00027-00008196-00008495 an assistant professor of radiology and TkL816hj4aI-00028-00008496-00008728 Associate faculty in the Armstrong TkL816hj4aI-00029-00008729-00009083 Institute for patient safety and quality TkL816hj4aI-00030-00009084-00009424 and with that let's go on to the meet of TkL816hj4aI-00031-00009425-00009941 the webinar and I'll start with sanos to TkL816hj4aI-00032-00009942-00010228 maybe make a comment or two of things TkL816hj4aI-00033-00010229-00010360 that she thinks important maybe TkL816hj4aI-00034-00010361-00010546 particularly in regards to raising TkL816hj4aI-00035-00010547-00010889 awareness and particularly the safety TkL816hj4aI-00036-00010890-00011081 culture TkL816hj4aI-00037-00011082-00011327 thank you very much Dr Cole for the kind TkL816hj4aI-00038-00011328-00011485 introduction TkL816hj4aI-00039-00011486-00011759 well the patient safety movement TkL816hj4aI-00040-00011760-00011910 Foundation TkL816hj4aI-00041-00011911-00012209 we hope to be able to raise awareness TkL816hj4aI-00042-00012210-00012473 around the topic of patient safety to be TkL816hj4aI-00043-00012474-00012706 able to create safer Healthcare Systems TkL816hj4aI-00044-00012707-00012815 globally TkL816hj4aI-00045-00012816-00013108 we can solve a problem if no one knows TkL816hj4aI-00046-00013109-00013391 it exists and overall general public TkL816hj4aI-00047-00013391-00013565 still believes that our Healthcare TkL816hj4aI-00048-00013566-00013829 System is a pretty safe environment and TkL816hj4aI-00049-00013830-00014129 preventable patient worms is a very rare TkL816hj4aI-00050-00014130-00014230 event TkL816hj4aI-00051-00014231-00014471 well we conducted a survey a few years TkL816hj4aI-00052-00014472-00014794 back we found that 88 of general public TkL816hj4aI-00053-00014795-00015077 don't know the enormity of this issue TkL816hj4aI-00054-00015078-00015503 and yet the estimates show and indicate TkL816hj4aI-00055-00015504-00015953 that in U.S alone about 200 000 patients TkL816hj4aI-00056-00015954-00016222 die every year from preventable Adverse TkL816hj4aI-00057-00016223-00016535 Events let alone those that they end up TkL816hj4aI-00058-00016536-00016799 with long-term disabilities and still TkL816hj4aI-00059-00016800-00017122 other hard breaches the patients around TkL816hj4aI-00060-00017123-00017435 400 000 preventable drug related TkL816hj4aI-00061-00017436-00017711 injuries occur each year in hospitals TkL816hj4aI-00062-00017712-00017872 800 TkL816hj4aI-00063-00017873-00018215 000 law in long-term care settings and TkL816hj4aI-00064-00018216-00018347 over TkL816hj4aI-00065-00018348-00018491 um 500 TkL816hj4aI-00066-00018492-00018730 000 of this drug uh preventable TkL816hj4aI-00067-00018731-00018947 drug-related injuries happen among TkL816hj4aI-00068-00018948-00019264 medical recipients so by just giving TkL816hj4aI-00069-00019265-00019672 these few statistics I think it is very TkL816hj4aI-00070-00019673-00019835 obvious that this is a really big TkL816hj4aI-00071-00019836-00020041 problem we are dealing with TkL816hj4aI-00072-00020042-00020350 and we know that the solutions are TkL816hj4aI-00073-00020351-00020617 straightforward we need to implement TkL816hj4aI-00074-00020618-00020861 evidence-based practices TkL816hj4aI-00075-00020862-00021029 thank you TkL816hj4aI-00076-00021030-00021286 uh Bernadette maybe you could give an TkL816hj4aI-00077-00021287-00021479 opening statement and maybe comment TkL816hj4aI-00078-00021480-00021677 specifically on mental well-being and TkL816hj4aI-00079-00021678-00021871 performance of teams and individuals TkL816hj4aI-00080-00021872-00022193 absolutely thank you so much Dr Cole you TkL816hj4aI-00081-00022194-00022427 know just listening to you since and I TkL816hj4aI-00082-00022428-00022589 was thinking about TkL816hj4aI-00083-00022590-00022861 um so much how this is a human problem TkL816hj4aI-00084-00022862-00023183 it's a global problem it's not just a TkL816hj4aI-00085-00023184-00023428 hospital problem because it affects TkL816hj4aI-00086-00023429-00023693 everybody internally and externally of TkL816hj4aI-00087-00023694-00023933 the Health Care system I think the TkL816hj4aI-00088-00023934-00024221 problem in the way of like a Rubik's TkL816hj4aI-00089-00024222-00024478 Cube you have a cube and maybe you get TkL816hj4aI-00090-00024479-00024653 it it's in a perfect form and there's uh TkL816hj4aI-00091-00024654-00024833 some colors and there's a system to it TkL816hj4aI-00092-00024834-00025019 but if you mix it up there's a lot of TkL816hj4aI-00093-00025020-00025228 angles and dimensions to solving this TkL816hj4aI-00094-00025229-00025535 problem and patient safety is the same TkL816hj4aI-00095-00025536-00025781 way we have to kind of look at it from TkL816hj4aI-00096-00025782-00026008 internally within the organization what TkL816hj4aI-00097-00026010-00026302 is going on operationally and what type TkL816hj4aI-00098-00026304-00026435 of culture and I think that was TkL816hj4aI-00099-00026436-00026602 something we spoke about earlier about TkL816hj4aI-00100-00026604-00026933 the culture of the organization and how TkL816hj4aI-00101-00026933-00027161 we can implement more compassion and TkL816hj4aI-00102-00027162-00027412 awareness for our health care workers I TkL816hj4aI-00103-00027413-00027629 know one of our facilities here does a TkL816hj4aI-00104-00027630-00027874 code lavender which I absolutely love so TkL816hj4aI-00105-00027875-00028114 if there's a medical harm people TkL816hj4aI-00106-00028116-00028396 surround the person that may be the TkL816hj4aI-00107-00028397-00028595 medical person that was involved with TkL816hj4aI-00108-00028595-00028912 that and offer them support because as a TkL816hj4aI-00109-00028913-00029095 person becomes TkL816hj4aI-00110-00029095-00029489 full of stress anxiety we all lock down TkL816hj4aI-00111-00029489-00029740 and if a whole team is that way around a TkL816hj4aI-00112-00029741-00030005 medical harm or error or any type of TkL816hj4aI-00113-00030006-00030262 high stress environment more errors will TkL816hj4aI-00114-00030263-00030551 continue in more damage to another TkL816hj4aI-00115-00030552-00030868 person can happen so that's more TkL816hj4aI-00116-00030869-00031079 internally and externally it's more of TkL816hj4aI-00117-00031080-00031264 what you also said is that awareness TkL816hj4aI-00118-00031266-00031499 bringing that awareness being as a TkL816hj4aI-00119-00031500-00031679 patient advocate when I speak to people TkL816hj4aI-00120-00031680-00031870 they don't even know that there is a TkL816hj4aI-00121-00031872-00032020 harm if there is something I said you TkL816hj4aI-00122-00032022-00032170 know that is a medical harm and they TkL816hj4aI-00123-00032172-00032368 don't understand that and realize that TkL816hj4aI-00124-00032369-00032602 so just getting the clarification of TkL816hj4aI-00125-00032603-00032873 what a medical harm is and then getting TkL816hj4aI-00126-00032874-00033107 people to talk about it and tell stories TkL816hj4aI-00127-00033108-00033431 because it really does affect the whole TkL816hj4aI-00128-00033432-00033527 family TkL816hj4aI-00129-00033528-00033821 our whole community TkL816hj4aI-00130-00033822-00034133 um and and as we see now TkL816hj4aI-00131-00034134-00034312 um you know with what's happened in the TkL816hj4aI-00132-00034313-00034811 past with covid it affects us globally TkL816hj4aI-00133-00034812-00035087 uh Brandon do you want to give us an TkL816hj4aI-00134-00035088-00035290 opening statement and maybe even uh TkL816hj4aI-00135-00035291-00035602 interwine uh called it and how that may TkL816hj4aI-00136-00035603-00035783 have affected the patient safety TkL816hj4aI-00137-00035784-00035902 movement TkL816hj4aI-00138-00035903-00036131 yeah you know thank you very much for TkL816hj4aI-00139-00036132-00036401 the introduction and I I completely TkL816hj4aI-00140-00036402-00036796 agree I think that covid it has been TkL816hj4aI-00141-00036797-00036985 unlike anything that we've ever TkL816hj4aI-00142-00036986-00037373 experienced in our our lifetimes and TkL816hj4aI-00143-00037374-00037702 leading up to that we've developed and TkL816hj4aI-00144-00037703-00038009 and implemented various interventions to TkL816hj4aI-00145-00038010-00038374 try to improve quality improve safety in TkL816hj4aI-00146-00038375-00038651 healthcare organizations and when covet TkL816hj4aI-00147-00038652-00038795 came around TkL816hj4aI-00148-00038796-00039095 you know it pretty much changed a lot of TkL816hj4aI-00149-00039096-00039367 the culture of our day-to-day practices TkL816hj4aI-00150-00039368-00039755 uh and we were forced to modify how it TkL816hj4aI-00151-00039756-00039935 is that we were approaching Healthcare TkL816hj4aI-00152-00039936-00040402 delivery uh trying to do the best for uh TkL816hj4aI-00153-00040403-00040583 the patients who were were coming into TkL816hj4aI-00154-00040584-00040823 the hospital and I think that it it TkL816hj4aI-00155-00040824-00041212 created a bit of a challenge to ongoing TkL816hj4aI-00156-00041213-00041524 Health Care quality improvement and TkL816hj4aI-00157-00041525-00041740 identifying opportunities for safety and TkL816hj4aI-00158-00041741-00042011 as we're emerging from the pandemic TkL816hj4aI-00159-00042012-00042323 we're realizing that a lot of the TkL816hj4aI-00160-00042324-00042568 culture in in healthcare and practices TkL816hj4aI-00161-00042569-00042899 are probably different now than before TkL816hj4aI-00162-00042900-00043289 the pandemic began and we have to take a TkL816hj4aI-00163-00043290-00043546 really good look at where where our TkL816hj4aI-00164-00043547-00043787 numbers are where are opportunities to TkL816hj4aI-00165-00043788-00044087 improve are and try to figure out how we TkL816hj4aI-00166-00044088-00044435 can try to modify Solutions and and TkL816hj4aI-00167-00044436-00044752 interventions that have worked before uh TkL816hj4aI-00168-00044753-00045058 for the the culture and practice that TkL816hj4aI-00169-00045059-00045377 that we have now and while I don't think TkL816hj4aI-00170-00045378-00045599 it's completely starting over in the TkL816hj4aI-00171-00045600-00045808 world of of Health Care quality TkL816hj4aI-00172-00045809-00046061 improvement and patient safety I think TkL816hj4aI-00173-00046062-00046271 that we need to really have a clear TkL816hj4aI-00174-00046272-00046517 understanding of what the data tells us TkL816hj4aI-00175-00046518-00046840 our opportunities to improve and what TkL816hj4aI-00176-00046841-00047057 our health care practices are now so TkL816hj4aI-00177-00047058-00047339 that we can really uh pick up and drive TkL816hj4aI-00178-00047340-00047651 that momentum that we had before uh to TkL816hj4aI-00179-00047652-00047855 ensure that patients are getting the the TkL816hj4aI-00180-00047856-00048412 best safest care uh in in healthcare TkL816hj4aI-00181-00048413-00048683 let me just bridge to from that to TkL816hj4aI-00182-00048684-00049030 another area of concerns that would be TkL816hj4aI-00183-00049031-00049396 the health care Workforce and TkL816hj4aI-00184-00049397-00049690 particularly there's been uh predictions TkL816hj4aI-00185-00049691-00050021 of a mass Exodus of people from the TkL816hj4aI-00186-00050022-00050267 workforce I think there was a recent TkL816hj4aI-00187-00050268-00050627 double AMC uh uh survey that came out TkL816hj4aI-00188-00050628-00051101 that said uh 47 of Physicians are 55 or TkL816hj4aI-00189-00051102-00051346 older and TkL816hj4aI-00190-00051347-00051629 um covet certainly has affected on TkL816hj4aI-00191-00051629-00051970 burnout and distress Healthcare TkL816hj4aI-00192-00051971-00052307 Workforce and I know that the workforce TkL816hj4aI-00193-00052308-00052709 has been stated as probably the talk of TkL816hj4aI-00194-00052710-00053087 patient safety issue going forward I TkL816hj4aI-00195-00053088-00053303 wonder if you'd like to maybe comment on TkL816hj4aI-00196-00053304-00053603 how we might address uh the uh the TkL816hj4aI-00197-00053604-00054004 workforce issues issues TkL816hj4aI-00198-00054005-00054329 I think I think Workforce is absolutely TkL816hj4aI-00199-00054329-00054550 critical to the culture of Health Care TkL816hj4aI-00200-00054551-00054749 safety TkL816hj4aI-00201-00054750-00054899 um one of the things that we're also TkL816hj4aI-00202-00054900-00055307 noticing is uh an increased use of TkL816hj4aI-00203-00055308-00055691 traveling nurses and nurses are some of TkL816hj4aI-00204-00055691-00055894 the the first healthcare workers who TkL816hj4aI-00205-00055895-00056242 will see issues arise and one of the TkL816hj4aI-00206-00056244-00056423 very interesting things that we saw TkL816hj4aI-00207-00056424-00056675 beforehand is that the teams of of TkL816hj4aI-00208-00056676-00056950 nurses who would work together day in TkL816hj4aI-00209-00056951-00057066 day out TkL816hj4aI-00210-00057067-00057388 understanding developing implementing TkL816hj4aI-00211-00057389-00057694 practices to keep patients safe in TkL816hj4aI-00212-00057695-00057994 hospitals because they are they're a TkL816hj4aI-00213-00057995-00058253 team they're a family they're people who TkL816hj4aI-00214-00058254-00058553 work together all the time and TkL816hj4aI-00215-00058554-00058823 while I have absolutely the greatest TkL816hj4aI-00216-00058824-00059092 respect for for nurses and and all of TkL816hj4aI-00217-00059094-00059315 the work that they do I think it is a TkL816hj4aI-00218-00059316-00059692 different culture when there's uh uh a TkL816hj4aI-00219-00059694-00060016 large number of traveling nurses who may TkL816hj4aI-00220-00060017-00060280 be in one environment for a very short TkL816hj4aI-00221-00060282-00060676 period of time and probably a different TkL816hj4aI-00222-00060677-00061097 level of Engagement of uh safety culture TkL816hj4aI-00223-00061098-00061403 and Innovation for what might work on TkL816hj4aI-00224-00061404-00061703 individual Hospital floors or within TkL816hj4aI-00225-00061704-00062075 within departments uh to identify where TkL816hj4aI-00226-00062076-00062273 there are opportunities to to try to TkL816hj4aI-00227-00062274-00062554 keep patients safe and I think that it's TkL816hj4aI-00228-00062555-00062747 really important as we're thinking about TkL816hj4aI-00229-00062748-00063065 the workforce and and rebuilding the TkL816hj4aI-00230-00063066-00063238 workforce and re-energizing the TkL816hj4aI-00231-00063239-00063580 workforce to think about how we can do TkL816hj4aI-00232-00063582-00063815 better in team building between TkL816hj4aI-00233-00063816-00064121 clinicians of different disciplines and TkL816hj4aI-00234-00064122-00064523 also recapturing that feeling of all TkL816hj4aI-00235-00064524-00064847 being in this together and all having a TkL816hj4aI-00236-00064848-00065176 vision for how we can improve uh the TkL816hj4aI-00237-00065177-00065435 safety quality and experience of the TkL816hj4aI-00238-00065436-00065699 patients while they're in the hospital TkL816hj4aI-00239-00065700-00066059 maybe we can jump to Bernadette and uh TkL816hj4aI-00240-00066060-00066341 considering kind of a fragmented and TkL816hj4aI-00241-00066342-00066593 very fragile Workforce that is becoming TkL816hj4aI-00242-00066594-00066856 more and more stressed with the demands TkL816hj4aI-00243-00066857-00067031 of Health Care by the United States TkL816hj4aI-00244-00067032-00067343 population uh any comments on things TkL816hj4aI-00245-00067344-00067673 that we can start to do to sustain TkL816hj4aI-00246-00067674-00068059 improve the mental well-being of the TkL816hj4aI-00247-00068060-00068375 workforce and also the performance of TkL816hj4aI-00248-00068376-00068705 the teams okay a couple thoughts there TkL816hj4aI-00249-00068706-00068855 and and just backing up on the previous TkL816hj4aI-00250-00068856-00069100 conversation as well TkL816hj4aI-00251-00069101-00069359 um I'm thinking that we need did I TkL816hj4aI-00252-00069360-00069521 freeze TkL816hj4aI-00253-00069522-00069785 I'll continue to speak TkL816hj4aI-00254-00069786-00070132 um that we need to continue with the TkL816hj4aI-00255-00070133-00070306 training and I was thinking about the TkL816hj4aI-00256-00070307-00070523 nursing schools local nursing schools TkL816hj4aI-00257-00070524-00070894 making the patient safety culture TkL816hj4aI-00258-00070895-00071231 priority number one it just has to be TkL816hj4aI-00259-00071232-00071561 the main core value and I think Dr Cole TkL816hj4aI-00260-00071562-00071681 you know this I think believe the TkL816hj4aI-00261-00071682-00071950 medical creatives Do no harm so making TkL816hj4aI-00262-00071951-00072149 that coming back to that and that is TkL816hj4aI-00263-00072150-00072365 number one so if you have that as the TkL816hj4aI-00264-00072366-00072538 upper message going through any health TkL816hj4aI-00265-00072539-00072826 care System you go into there'll be less TkL816hj4aI-00266-00072827-00073019 confusion then you look at the TkL816hj4aI-00267-00073020-00073331 individual teams you can Implement down TkL816hj4aI-00268-00073332-00073667 the line Compassionate Care principles TkL816hj4aI-00269-00073668-00073931 of being able to take allowing TkL816hj4aI-00270-00073932-00074225 healthcare workers to take time out to TkL816hj4aI-00271-00074226-00074447 have morning huddles to discuss the TkL816hj4aI-00272-00074448-00074705 stresses of the day they should just be TkL816hj4aI-00273-00074706-00074941 standard operating procedure TkL816hj4aI-00274-00074942-00075221 I always believe that there should be an TkL816hj4aI-00275-00075222-00075515 operational manual a safety uh TkL816hj4aI-00276-00075516-00075779 operational manual that goes with any TkL816hj4aI-00277-00075780-00076079 facility and that there is a team that TkL816hj4aI-00278-00076080-00076306 really monitors this and oversees this TkL816hj4aI-00279-00076307-00076505 and making sure that these Protocols are TkL816hj4aI-00280-00076506-00076615 followed TkL816hj4aI-00281-00076616-00076876 and one of the biggest things that I TkL816hj4aI-00282-00076877-00077038 tell my clients when I'm working with TkL816hj4aI-00283-00077039-00077225 them and I'm going into an environment TkL816hj4aI-00284-00077226-00077573 is really to understand that they are in TkL816hj4aI-00285-00077574-00077843 a high stress World high stress TkL816hj4aI-00286-00077844-00078161 environment so it's very very important TkL816hj4aI-00287-00078162-00078371 to take what we say called mini breaks TkL816hj4aI-00288-00078372-00078625 to really stop TkL816hj4aI-00289-00078626-00079355 breathe relax and refocus TkL816hj4aI-00290-00079356-00079673 so uh San Jose any comments on that TkL816hj4aI-00291-00079674-00079853 issue before I ask you a specific TkL816hj4aI-00292-00079854-00080026 question TkL816hj4aI-00293-00080027-00080482 I just wanted to briefly talk about the TkL816hj4aI-00294-00080483-00080837 data transparency and how it ties to the TkL816hj4aI-00295-00080838-00081293 workforce I'm sure many clinicians in TkL816hj4aI-00296-00081294-00081521 clinical team members still work in TkL816hj4aI-00297-00081522-00081803 healthcare organizations where if there TkL816hj4aI-00298-00081804-00082025 is an adverse events in one department TkL816hj4aI-00299-00082026-00082229 they are not going to necessarily be TkL816hj4aI-00300-00082230-00082462 informed about it and these Lessons TkL816hj4aI-00301-00082463-00082691 Learned are not shared throughout the TkL816hj4aI-00302-00082692-00083003 organization let alone outside and in a TkL816hj4aI-00303-00083004-00083143 global fashion TkL816hj4aI-00304-00083144-00083567 so many individuals happen to experience TkL816hj4aI-00305-00083568-00083950 the same errors the same failures in the TkL816hj4aI-00306-00083951-00084106 same patient Harms TkL816hj4aI-00307-00084107-00084353 that has happened in the past numerous TkL816hj4aI-00308-00084354-00084637 times and they could have been prevented TkL816hj4aI-00309-00084638-00084929 and along with the patient who we are TkL816hj4aI-00310-00084930-00085126 trying to protect we're also trying to TkL816hj4aI-00311-00085127-00085331 protect our healthcare workers from TkL816hj4aI-00312-00085332-00085523 having to deal with an experience this TkL816hj4aI-00313-00085524-00085919 the trauma the trauma is a widespread TkL816hj4aI-00314-00085920-00086123 the patient is obviously the recipient TkL816hj4aI-00315-00086124-00086465 of it but healthcare workers also TkL816hj4aI-00316-00086466-00086687 um are the other end of the spectrum TkL816hj4aI-00317-00086688-00086881 receiving the trauma TkL816hj4aI-00318-00086882-00087244 and that's why I think data transparency TkL816hj4aI-00319-00087245-00087479 or I should better say the lack of TkL816hj4aI-00320-00087480-00087676 transparency in the current Healthcare TkL816hj4aI-00321-00087677-00087959 situation is one of the important topics TkL816hj4aI-00322-00087960-00088156 we have to address that we have to talk TkL816hj4aI-00323-00088157-00088318 about it TkL816hj4aI-00324-00088319-00088673 um to start moving the needle towards TkL816hj4aI-00325-00088674-00088943 safer Healthcare System TkL816hj4aI-00326-00088944-00089182 and let me follow up a question in TkL816hj4aI-00327-00089183-00089441 regards to your opening comment sentence TkL816hj4aI-00328-00089442-00089687 um you mentioned uh some stunning TkL816hj4aI-00329-00089688-00090076 figures about the death morbidity of TkL816hj4aI-00330-00090077-00090329 preventable harm which would actually TkL816hj4aI-00331-00090330-00090665 make uh preventable harm the third or TkL816hj4aI-00332-00090666-00091085 fourth most uh common cause of death in TkL816hj4aI-00333-00091086-00091282 the United States TkL816hj4aI-00334-00091283-00091450 right TkL816hj4aI-00335-00091451-00091735 um why hasn't patient safety TkL816hj4aI-00336-00091736-00091997 receive greater profile and great TkL816hj4aI-00337-00091998-00092455 attention on par with cancer and TkL816hj4aI-00338-00092456-00092794 cardiovascular diseases TkL816hj4aI-00339-00092795-00093094 that's a really good point and I think TkL816hj4aI-00340-00093095-00093653 again it goes back to uh one to not TkL816hj4aI-00341-00093654-00093941 having transparent data so when we talk TkL816hj4aI-00342-00093942-00094187 about these figures like 200 TkL816hj4aI-00343-00094188-00094517 000 people dying every day in a U.S TkL816hj4aI-00344-00094518-00094775 annually more getting harmed due to TkL816hj4aI-00345-00094776-00095176 medication orders and so and so forth up TkL816hj4aI-00346-00095177-00095626 to this point we didn't have really good TkL816hj4aI-00347-00095627-00095891 data collection processes so we don't TkL816hj4aI-00348-00095892-00096131 know the exact number of harm TkL816hj4aI-00349-00096132-00096365 we don't know exactly when they are TkL816hj4aI-00350-00096366-00096671 happening where they are happening so TkL816hj4aI-00351-00096672-00096887 connecting the we haven't been able to TkL816hj4aI-00352-00096888-00097175 connect the dots yet for the same TkL816hj4aI-00353-00097176-00097306 purpose TkL816hj4aI-00354-00097307-00097541 the other topic I want to bring to the TkL816hj4aI-00355-00097542-00097955 picture is aligned incentives it hasn't TkL816hj4aI-00356-00097956-00098291 started we haven't started to pay our TkL816hj4aI-00357-00098292-00098597 providers more for the quality of the TkL816hj4aI-00358-00098598-00098776 care they're provide rather than the TkL816hj4aI-00359-00098777-00099100 quantity of care but still if you look TkL816hj4aI-00360-00099101-00099276 at this globally TkL816hj4aI-00361-00099277-00099605 major in majority of the cases TkL816hj4aI-00362-00099606-00099838 providers are paid based on the quantity TkL816hj4aI-00363-00099839-00100024 of careers so the number of procedures TkL816hj4aI-00364-00100025-00100211 they do based on the number of patients TkL816hj4aI-00365-00100212-00100426 they see on a daily basis TkL816hj4aI-00366-00100427-00100817 until the fixed the aligned incentives TkL816hj4aI-00367-00100818-00101226 and data transparency and join it with TkL816hj4aI-00368-00101227-00101573 incorporating gold standards of care TkL816hj4aI-00369-00101574-00102011 we continue to see the same number of TkL816hj4aI-00370-00102012-00102211 patient harms TkL816hj4aI-00371-00102212-00102544 and perhaps that's one of the reasons TkL816hj4aI-00372-00102545-00102880 why patient safety hasn't received in TkL816hj4aI-00373-00102881-00103115 the past decade maybe hasn't received as TkL816hj4aI-00374-00103116-00103254 much TkL816hj4aI-00375-00103255-00103642 light as cancer interventions because TkL816hj4aI-00376-00103643-00103882 they have a lot better methods of TkL816hj4aI-00377-00103883-00104032 collecting data a lot better TkL816hj4aI-00378-00104033-00104290 interventions to put an end to many of TkL816hj4aI-00379-00104291-00104477 the cancers TkL816hj4aI-00380-00104478-00104897 uh Brandon or Bernadette any comments TkL816hj4aI-00381-00104898-00105227 I I completely agree when when it comes TkL816hj4aI-00382-00105228-00105466 as a data scientist I completely agree TkL816hj4aI-00383-00105467-00105689 that you know we we woefully TkL816hj4aI-00384-00105690-00106043 underutilize the data that we have uh to TkL816hj4aI-00385-00106044-00106193 try to better understand what the TkL816hj4aI-00386-00106194-00106457 opportunities to improve care are and TkL816hj4aI-00387-00106458-00106781 and I think that that is uh just an TkL816hj4aI-00388-00106782-00107165 absolute travesty in in healthcare I TkL816hj4aI-00389-00107166-00107416 think that challenges come in in TkL816hj4aI-00390-00107417-00107645 multiple different ways in in this and TkL816hj4aI-00391-00107646-00107963 one is uh that there isn't really a TkL816hj4aI-00392-00107964-00108281 great standardized definition or measure TkL816hj4aI-00393-00108282-00108521 that hospitals are consistently holding TkL816hj4aI-00394-00108522-00108713 themselves accountable to TkL816hj4aI-00395-00108714-00109127 so in in one area one of my main um uh TkL816hj4aI-00396-00109128-00109402 clinical topics is uh diagnosis TkL816hj4aI-00397-00109403-00109678 prevention and treatment of blood clots TkL816hj4aI-00398-00109679-00110045 venous thromboembolism and it's a TkL816hj4aI-00399-00110046-00110386 measure of outcome and processes to TkL816hj4aI-00400-00110388-00110657 prevent blood clots that's used by TkL816hj4aI-00401-00110658-00110843 multiple different organizations TkL816hj4aI-00402-00110844-00111125 throughout the world and all of their TkL816hj4aI-00403-00111126-00111497 definitions inclusion exclusion criteria TkL816hj4aI-00404-00111498-00111869 what qualifies as preventable a TkL816hj4aI-00405-00111870-00112084 preventable blood clot versus an TkL816hj4aI-00406-00112085-00112295 inevitable blood clot they're all TkL816hj4aI-00407-00112296-00112547 different criteria so hospitals are TkL816hj4aI-00408-00112548-00112745 holding themselves accountable to a TkL816hj4aI-00409-00112746-00113033 variety of different measures many of TkL816hj4aI-00410-00113033-00113249 which don't actually make clinical sense TkL816hj4aI-00411-00113250-00113519 or give actionable opportunities for TkL816hj4aI-00412-00113520-00113639 improvement TkL816hj4aI-00413-00113640-00113981 so I do think that one of the key issues TkL816hj4aI-00414-00113982-00114389 is having a consistent defined measure TkL816hj4aI-00415-00114390-00114701 that hospitals are able to readily TkL816hj4aI-00416-00114702-00115013 access their data and say this is what TkL816hj4aI-00417-00115014-00115295 our outcome is or this is what our our TkL816hj4aI-00418-00115296-00115547 safety number is across multiple TkL816hj4aI-00419-00115548-00115733 different domains TkL816hj4aI-00420-00115733-00116057 and the second area that that ties into TkL816hj4aI-00421-00116058-00116290 Data also comes to the electronic health TkL816hj4aI-00422-00116291-00116549 record system TkL816hj4aI-00423-00116550-00116819 even when you have the same electronic TkL816hj4aI-00424-00116820-00117077 health record system a lot of the ways TkL816hj4aI-00425-00117078-00117316 that they get built and implemented at TkL816hj4aI-00426-00117317-00117695 individual hospitals very slightly so as TkL816hj4aI-00427-00117696-00117971 one example of this we have a project TkL816hj4aI-00428-00117972-00118331 right now that has been demonstrated to TkL816hj4aI-00429-00118332-00118678 improve administration of medications to TkL816hj4aI-00430-00118679-00118954 prevent blood clots within our own TkL816hj4aI-00431-00118955-00119195 health system that we have attempted to TkL816hj4aI-00432-00119196-00119584 share with 10 other hospitals around the TkL816hj4aI-00433-00119585-00119866 country using the same electronic health TkL816hj4aI-00434-00119867-00120208 record system that we have we've shared TkL816hj4aI-00435-00120209-00120599 our code for building uh reports for for TkL816hj4aI-00436-00120600-00120863 building the the tool that helps to to TkL816hj4aI-00437-00120864-00121163 facilitate this intervention and in TkL816hj4aI-00438-00121164-00121384 every case that code has had to be TkL816hj4aI-00439-00121385-00121775 modified based on their electronic TkL816hj4aI-00440-00121776-00122057 health record system build so it's not TkL816hj4aI-00441-00122058-00122465 even as easy to just simply share an TkL816hj4aI-00442-00122466-00122657 intervention that works at One hospital TkL816hj4aI-00443-00122658-00122866 with a bunch of other hospitals thinking TkL816hj4aI-00444-00122867-00123184 that it's a plug-and-play system and I TkL816hj4aI-00445-00123185-00123502 think that as as a country we need to do TkL816hj4aI-00446-00123503-00123754 better at leveraging doing the TkL816hj4aI-00447-00123755-00123934 incredible investment that we've put TkL816hj4aI-00448-00123935-00124157 into adopting electronic health record TkL816hj4aI-00449-00124158-00124577 systems to make data both transparent TkL816hj4aI-00450-00124578-00124852 and easily reportable TkL816hj4aI-00451-00124853-00125189 but also facilitate uh intervention TkL816hj4aI-00452-00125190-00125416 implementation when we see that TkL816hj4aI-00453-00125417-00125639 something works at One hospital or five TkL816hj4aI-00454-00125640-00125897 hospitals how can we spread it out to TkL816hj4aI-00455-00125898-00126215 the thousands of other hospitals uh that TkL816hj4aI-00456-00126216-00126436 could potentially benefit from that that TkL816hj4aI-00457-00126438-00126671 type of intervention TkL816hj4aI-00458-00126672-00126934 maybe a question for uh Bernadette to TkL816hj4aI-00459-00126935-00127223 kind of build on that as you know of TkL816hj4aI-00460-00127224-00127528 many surveys in the recent years have TkL816hj4aI-00461-00127529-00127745 shown that patient trust the public TkL816hj4aI-00462-00127746-00128069 trust and Health Care Systems and TkL816hj4aI-00463-00128070-00128501 doctors has plummeted I want to talk TkL816hj4aI-00464-00128502-00128728 about rebuilding trust particularly TkL816hj4aI-00465-00128729-00129089 through patient safety and engagement TkL816hj4aI-00466-00129090-00129431 how do we best get paid patients a TkL816hj4aI-00467-00129432-00129677 little more involved and engaged in TkL816hj4aI-00468-00129678-00129958 their actual care okay great those are TkL816hj4aI-00469-00129959-00130240 two great questions you know one gaining TkL816hj4aI-00470-00130241-00130397 the trust and how to get patients TkL816hj4aI-00471-00130398-00130666 involved and just uh backing up what Dr TkL816hj4aI-00472-00130667-00130858 Lau said you know I I was thinking about TkL816hj4aI-00473-00130859-00131087 how many reporting TkL816hj4aI-00474-00131088-00131309 Avenues are out there now you got the TkL816hj4aI-00475-00131310-00131489 U.S news and you got visited and you TkL816hj4aI-00476-00131490-00131585 have all these different measurement TkL816hj4aI-00477-00131586-00131819 types and so the consumer is going to be TkL816hj4aI-00478-00131820-00132004 looking at those types they're going to TkL816hj4aI-00479-00132005-00132209 be looking at those ratings to see which TkL816hj4aI-00480-00132210-00132389 is the best hospital they may not be TkL816hj4aI-00481-00132390-00132521 providing the best care but they're TkL816hj4aI-00482-00132522-00132809 going to be looking there and then that TkL816hj4aI-00483-00132810-00133128 may may or may not lead to some mistrust TkL816hj4aI-00484-00133129-00133471 depending on how the reporting was done TkL816hj4aI-00485-00133472-00133847 and the statistics were reported so the TkL816hj4aI-00486-00133848-00134104 the trust comes from honesty and TkL816hj4aI-00487-00134105-00134447 transparency if a consumer could go to a TkL816hj4aI-00488-00134448-00134639 website or a patient goes to a website TkL816hj4aI-00489-00134640-00134999 and actually see what their ratings are TkL816hj4aI-00490-00135000-00135221 how well they do in a certain procedure TkL816hj4aI-00491-00135222-00135485 how well they've reduced collabsy how TkL816hj4aI-00492-00135486-00135766 safe is that hospital that would help TkL816hj4aI-00493-00135767-00136085 tremendously I also encourage patients TkL816hj4aI-00494-00136086-00136390 to go and ask questions and be extremely TkL816hj4aI-00495-00136391-00136666 Vigilant about their care you have to TkL816hj4aI-00496-00136667-00137039 assume that this is your care your TkL816hj4aI-00497-00137040-00137452 um your well-being and your caretakers TkL816hj4aI-00498-00137453-00137687 as well so it's kind of a team effort TkL816hj4aI-00499-00137688-00138047 and on the other end that have TkL816hj4aI-00500-00138048-00138377 um for whatever the physician prescribes TkL816hj4aI-00501-00138378-00138677 to follow that often patients won't TkL816hj4aI-00502-00138678-00139078 follow the advice of the physician and TkL816hj4aI-00503-00139079-00139319 they may have readmission which also TkL816hj4aI-00504-00139320-00139637 causes more harm to individuals so they TkL816hj4aI-00505-00139638-00139823 understanding that the physician's TkL816hj4aI-00506-00139824-00140147 advice is most Sage most of the time I TkL816hj4aI-00507-00140148-00140327 mean it's right to question it to always TkL816hj4aI-00508-00140328-00140614 question it and also there are books out TkL816hj4aI-00509-00140615-00140759 there and there's material out there TkL816hj4aI-00510-00140760-00140987 that there's checklists that people can TkL816hj4aI-00511-00140988-00141257 bring into their doctor's office and TkL816hj4aI-00512-00141258-00141473 talk to them about what is going to TkL816hj4aI-00513-00141474-00141683 happen with anesthesia who's going to be TkL816hj4aI-00514-00141684-00141904 my anesthesiologist is somebody going to TkL816hj4aI-00515-00141905-00142175 be monitoring my Anastasia TkL816hj4aI-00516-00142176-00142499 ology and and just really work so often TkL816hj4aI-00517-00142500-00142643 I know this has happened to me before TkL816hj4aI-00518-00142644-00142852 you just sign the form and you leave and TkL816hj4aI-00519-00142853-00143057 you don't know what's going on so to TkL816hj4aI-00520-00143058-00143254 have that awareness will reduce the TkL816hj4aI-00521-00143255-00143519 anxiety and I think it reduces it as a TkL816hj4aI-00522-00143520-00143807 team and the Health Care Professionals TkL816hj4aI-00523-00143808-00144083 and the patients should be a team in TkL816hj4aI-00524-00144084-00144293 their collaboration TkL816hj4aI-00525-00144294-00144628 um and I know it's it's kind of a big TkL816hj4aI-00526-00144629-00144899 ask because Physicians are extremely TkL816hj4aI-00527-00144900-00145061 busy and health care workers are TkL816hj4aI-00528-00145062-00145289 extremely busy and on the other side TkL816hj4aI-00529-00145290-00145595 each person wants to be treated as if TkL816hj4aI-00530-00145596-00145757 they're the only one TkL816hj4aI-00531-00145758-00146014 so the merging of that coming together TkL816hj4aI-00532-00146015-00146297 is the the human part and we really TkL816hj4aI-00533-00146298-00146621 again just have to slow down TkL816hj4aI-00534-00146622-00146843 to provide good care TkL816hj4aI-00535-00146844-00147166 and for patients to become more aware TkL816hj4aI-00536-00147167-00147490 sanos any comments on that TkL816hj4aI-00537-00147491-00147790 uh yes I just wanted to mention that um TkL816hj4aI-00538-00147791-00148025 I fully agree with what Burton did just TkL816hj4aI-00539-00148026-00148343 mentioned that in healthcare is a really TkL816hj4aI-00540-00148344-00148528 fast-paced environment it's really TkL816hj4aI-00541-00148529-00148804 Dynamic a lot of decisions are being TkL816hj4aI-00542-00148805-00149051 made concurrently TkL816hj4aI-00543-00149052-00149375 um so I think that if the master the TkL816hj4aI-00544-00149376-00149627 science of safety in healthcare like how TkL816hj4aI-00545-00149628-00149933 other Industries such as Aviation or TkL816hj4aI-00546-00149934-00150233 nuclear have done it we have a better TkL816hj4aI-00547-00150234-00150473 chance of serving our patients and TkL816hj4aI-00548-00150474-00150785 serving our healthcare workers in a more TkL816hj4aI-00549-00150786-00151037 holistic field and there are like I TkL816hj4aI-00550-00151038-00151307 think there are three Basics ingredients TkL816hj4aI-00551-00151308-00151637 in creating a safe culture if you have a TkL816hj4aI-00552-00151638-00151969 reporting system to help start with TkL816hj4aI-00553-00151970-00152254 conducting a root cause analysis when a TkL816hj4aI-00554-00152255-00152363 failure happens TkL816hj4aI-00555-00152364-00152669 if we have and promote the learning TkL816hj4aI-00556-00152670-00152993 atmosphere which turns the errors into TkL816hj4aI-00557-00152994-00153233 Lessons Learned rather than a blame TkL816hj4aI-00558-00153234-00153540 culture and if you have a systematic TkL816hj4aI-00559-00153541-00153821 assessment of a culture on a continuous TkL816hj4aI-00560-00153822-00154181 space it these three together at least TkL816hj4aI-00561-00154182-00154583 give us a foundation to start build a TkL816hj4aI-00562-00154584-00154975 culture of safety where people both TkL816hj4aI-00563-00154976-00155254 patients and their family members and TkL816hj4aI-00564-00155255-00155435 also clinicians like the whole clinical TkL816hj4aI-00565-00155436-00155681 team feel comfortable to speak up and TkL816hj4aI-00566-00155682-00155849 feel comfortable TkL816hj4aI-00567-00155850-00155909 um TkL816hj4aI-00568-00155910-00156190 to sometimes stop a procedure sometimes TkL816hj4aI-00569-00156191-00156509 to bring something important to the TkL816hj4aI-00570-00156510-00156754 attention of Hospital administrators TkL816hj4aI-00571-00156755-00156925 sooner than later TkL816hj4aI-00572-00156926-00157271 I just wanted to at that point so one TkL816hj4aI-00573-00157272-00157445 last question for Brandon that I'll ask TkL816hj4aI-00574-00157446-00157613 each of you to kind of make a closing TkL816hj4aI-00575-00157614-00157757 statement TkL816hj4aI-00576-00157758-00158195 um chat GPT has just hit the field and TkL816hj4aI-00577-00158196-00158452 you can get some amazing information off TkL816hj4aI-00578-00158453-00158602 that not necessarily all of it's TkL816hj4aI-00579-00158603-00158963 accurate but I can Envision patients TkL816hj4aI-00580-00158964-00159275 going to chat GPT getting a lot of TkL816hj4aI-00581-00159276-00159502 information that helps to level the TkL816hj4aI-00582-00159503-00159821 asymmetry that occurs and chat GPT is TkL816hj4aI-00583-00159822-00160066 only the first generation how do you TkL816hj4aI-00584-00160067-00160331 envision tools like AI to help the TkL816hj4aI-00585-00160332-00160601 patient become better engaged and help TkL816hj4aI-00586-00160602-00160740 to prevent TkL816hj4aI-00587-00160741-00160973 safety events TkL816hj4aI-00588-00160974-00161297 yeah that's such a great and timely TkL816hj4aI-00589-00161298-00161471 question TkL816hj4aI-00590-00161472-00161747 um I think that as we're learning more TkL816hj4aI-00591-00161748-00162011 and more about how to harness artificial TkL816hj4aI-00592-00162012-00162287 intelligence machine learning natural TkL816hj4aI-00593-00162288-00162640 language processing on on both sides as TkL816hj4aI-00594-00162641-00163114 as clinicians researchers patients TkL816hj4aI-00595-00163115-00163283 um I think that there's an incredible TkL816hj4aI-00596-00163284-00163669 opportunity to to learn from the past TkL816hj4aI-00597-00163670-00164014 what would potentially take a lifetime TkL816hj4aI-00598-00164015-00164297 of sifting through documents thousands TkL816hj4aI-00599-00164298-00164590 tens of thousands of of free text TkL816hj4aI-00600-00164591-00164783 documents of things that have been TkL816hj4aI-00601-00164784-00165007 documented to try to understand TkL816hj4aI-00602-00165008-00165275 where things might have gone wrong and TkL816hj4aI-00603-00165276-00165647 identify potential uh interventions to TkL816hj4aI-00604-00165648-00165802 prevent that from happening in the TkL816hj4aI-00605-00165803-00166037 future I think that there's incredible TkL816hj4aI-00606-00166038-00166252 potential for it I think one of the TkL816hj4aI-00607-00166253-00166583 concerns for it is that you have to TkL816hj4aI-00608-00166584-00166811 consider the quality of the information TkL816hj4aI-00609-00166812-00167285 going into it and usually the the output TkL816hj4aI-00610-00167286-00167471 that you get from that is only as good TkL816hj4aI-00611-00167472-00167737 as your inputs and if there are some TkL816hj4aI-00612-00167738-00167928 questionable TkL816hj4aI-00613-00167929-00168245 documentation practices TkL816hj4aI-00614-00168246-00168485 um if there's a lot of variability in TkL816hj4aI-00615-00168486-00168814 the way that people describe uh specific TkL816hj4aI-00616-00168815-00169025 events happening or the way that things TkL816hj4aI-00617-00169026-00169289 lead up to various events it can TkL816hj4aI-00618-00169290-00169511 actually heavily influence the results TkL816hj4aI-00619-00169512-00169721 that you're going to get from it I think TkL816hj4aI-00620-00169722-00170021 that there's enormous potential for it I TkL816hj4aI-00621-00170022-00170266 think that we just have to be a little TkL816hj4aI-00622-00170267-00170554 careful of how much stock we're putting TkL816hj4aI-00623-00170555-00170789 in it right at this moment versus TkL816hj4aI-00624-00170790-00170987 continuing to optimize it over the TkL816hj4aI-00625-00170988-00171214 course of time uh to make sure that TkL816hj4aI-00626-00171215-00171407 we're getting really high quality TkL816hj4aI-00627-00171408-00171593 information out of it TkL816hj4aI-00628-00171594-00171809 so we have about three or four minutes TkL816hj4aI-00629-00171810-00172090 left that with that um I think I'll ask TkL816hj4aI-00630-00172091-00172307 each of you to maybe give a one-minute TkL816hj4aI-00631-00172308-00172528 client closing statement of where you'd TkL816hj4aI-00632-00172529-00172702 like to see us go I'll start with TkL816hj4aI-00633-00172703-00172816 Bernadette TkL816hj4aI-00634-00172817-00173051 thank you and I apologize if my screen TkL816hj4aI-00635-00173052-00173357 has frozen one more time TkL816hj4aI-00636-00173358-00173602 um I believe it's it's with the TkL816hj4aI-00637-00173603-00173764 organization it's the organizational TkL816hj4aI-00638-00173765-00174071 values implementing the patient safety TkL816hj4aI-00639-00174072-00174371 culture first and that's just globally TkL816hj4aI-00640-00174372-00174616 with our educational system uh TkL816hj4aI-00641-00174617-00174802 Healthcare educational system and within TkL816hj4aI-00642-00174803-00175043 the Health Care System environment and TkL816hj4aI-00643-00175044-00175390 then also using compassion and really TkL816hj4aI-00644-00175391-00175787 being aware of what is going on with TkL816hj4aI-00645-00175788-00176045 your own personal health care and when TkL816hj4aI-00646-00176046-00176261 you are going into a hospital and TkL816hj4aI-00647-00176262-00176423 speaking up and taking sole TkL816hj4aI-00648-00176424-00176616 responsibility for your health care TkL816hj4aI-00649-00176617-00176890 knowing that it is your right to do so TkL816hj4aI-00650-00176891-00177178 and then also understand that the TkL816hj4aI-00651-00177179-00177364 majority just about all of the health TkL816hj4aI-00652-00177365-00177538 care workers are there to support you TkL816hj4aI-00653-00177539-00177719 and they are also human too and they're TkL816hj4aI-00654-00177720-00178013 over stressed so B it's okay to ask TkL816hj4aI-00655-00178014-00178264 questions and as team members it's okay TkL816hj4aI-00656-00178265-00178576 to slow down and really speak to each TkL816hj4aI-00657-00178577-00178763 other and talk about what is happening TkL816hj4aI-00658-00178764-00179038 and if you you see somebody one of your TkL816hj4aI-00659-00179039-00179333 co-workers in a stressful state of mind TkL816hj4aI-00660-00179334-00179597 or have anxiety to slow them down take a TkL816hj4aI-00661-00179598-00179788 breath breathe take a break and come TkL816hj4aI-00662-00179789-00179993 back to it because again that's how TkL816hj4aI-00663-00179994-00180131 errors occur TkL816hj4aI-00664-00180132-00180425 uh Brandon a minute TkL816hj4aI-00665-00180426-00180671 you know for me and I go back to being TkL816hj4aI-00666-00180672-00181109 uh in in data science for me Healthcare TkL816hj4aI-00667-00181110-00181276 quality improvement and safety TkL816hj4aI-00668-00181277-00181487 Improvement is is really going to be TkL816hj4aI-00669-00181488-00181661 based in the data and understanding TkL816hj4aI-00670-00181662-00181943 where the opportunities to improve are I TkL816hj4aI-00671-00181944-00182207 think the transparency is absolutely TkL816hj4aI-00672-00182208-00182525 essential we need to make use of this TkL816hj4aI-00673-00182526-00182866 enormous body of data that we have TkL816hj4aI-00674-00182867-00183095 um to really make sense of it transform TkL816hj4aI-00675-00183096-00183395 it into information using a standardized TkL816hj4aI-00676-00183396-00183725 measure across hospitals across Health TkL816hj4aI-00677-00183726-00184066 Systems so that we can really compare uh TkL816hj4aI-00678-00184067-00184240 hospitals to one another in a TkL816hj4aI-00679-00184241-00184457 standardized way and then be able to TkL816hj4aI-00680-00184458-00184781 drill down to individual practices and TkL816hj4aI-00681-00184782-00185057 processes that we can give actionable TkL816hj4aI-00682-00185058-00185423 information to individuals be it TkL816hj4aI-00683-00185424-00185783 Physicians nurses patients from all of TkL816hj4aI-00684-00185784-00186011 the data that we're collecting to really TkL816hj4aI-00685-00186012-00186340 Empower people with information to TkL816hj4aI-00686-00186341-00186557 change the culture and change the TkL816hj4aI-00687-00186558-00186845 practice uh to make it higher quality TkL816hj4aI-00688-00186846-00186997 and safer TkL816hj4aI-00689-00186998-00187288 Thanos any closing comments TkL816hj4aI-00690-00187289-00187661 thank you just wanted to say that at TkL816hj4aI-00691-00187662-00187888 some point in life we will all TkL816hj4aI-00692-00187889-00188176 experience what it is like to be a TkL816hj4aI-00693-00188177-00188440 patient so if you're informed we can TkL816hj4aI-00694-00188441-00188669 become our own Patient Advocates TkL816hj4aI-00695-00188670-00188987 and we like our patients to team up with TkL816hj4aI-00696-00188988-00189304 our clinical team in creating a safer TkL816hj4aI-00697-00189305-00189587 healthcare system because TkL816hj4aI-00698-00189588-00189859 we are all in it together TkL816hj4aI-00699-00189860-00190066 well thank you all I want to TkL816hj4aI-00700-00190067-00190313 specifically uh thank Bernadette Brandon TkL816hj4aI-00701-00190314-00190673 and Santos for a very stimulating and TkL816hj4aI-00702-00190674-00191009 enlightening uh panel uh today and I'll TkL816hj4aI-00703-00191010-00191225 also thank the patient safety movement TkL816hj4aI-00704-00191226-00191440 foundation for hosting this conference TkL816hj4aI-00705-00191441-00191831 and with that we will say goodbye TkL816hj4aI-00706-00191832-00192011 thank you very much TkL816hj4aI-00707-00192012-00192403 thanks thank you so much Tl7aWu6mEFA-00001-00003146-00003484 thank you foreign Tl7aWu6mEFA-00003-00007679-00007806 foreign Tl7aWu6mEFA-00004-00007806-00008122 [Music] TnpDbt-YuPQ-00000-00000696-00002709 [Music] TnpDbt-YuPQ-00001-00002710-00004283 [Music] TnpDbt-YuPQ-00002-00004284-00005254 my TnpDbt-YuPQ-00003-00005255-00006215 nice nice TnpDbt-YuPQ-00004-00006216-00007083 [Music] TnpDbt-YuPQ-00005-00007084-00007633 hmm TnpDbt-YuPQ-00006-00007634-00007902 [Music] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00001-00014841-00017021 [Music] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00002-00017022-00017981 [Music] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00005-00026442-00026892 [Applause] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00007-00035152-00035669 [Applause] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00009-00046972-00047140 [Applause] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00010-00047141-00048034 [Music] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00011-00048035-00048231 [Applause] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00013-00051347-00051782 [Applause] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00014-00051783-00052889 [Music] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00015-00052890-00052963 [Applause] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00016-00052964-00054292 [Music] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00017-00054294-00054688 [Applause] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00019-00066031-00066292 [Applause] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00020-00066293-00066564 [Music] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00021-00066565-00066742 [Applause] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00022-00066743-00067303 [Music] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00023-00067304-00068112 [Music] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00024-00068113-00068272 [Applause] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00026-00073639-00074196 so Uo1QII2Dg-o-00027-00074197-00075785 [Music] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00028-00075786-00076099 [Applause] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00029-00076100-00076370 [Music] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00030-00076371-00076412 [Applause] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00031-00076413-00076784 [Music] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00032-00076785-00077196 [Applause] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00033-00077197-00079807 [Music] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00034-00079808-00082350 [Music] Uo1QII2Dg-o-00035-00082351-00082560 you UoTp5Tk9-au-00000-00000000-00000970 oh here gem what are your jungle CNN UoTp5Tk9-au-00001-00000971-00001202 poll Americans eclipses viewing plans UoTp5Tk9-au-00002-00001203-00001595 Take Shape Washington CNN about half of UoTp5Tk9-au-00003-00001596-00001976 Americans 51% have plans to watch the UoTp5Tk9-au-00004-00001977-00002176 Eclipse of the Sun happening across the UoTp5Tk9-au-00005-00002177-00002507 United States on August 21st according UoTp5Tk9-au-00006-00002508-00002858 to a CNN poll conducted by SSRS that UoTp5Tk9-au-00007-00002859-00003127 figure climbs to 60% among those who UoTp5Tk9-au-00008-00003128-00003313 live in states touched by the zone of UoTp5Tk9-au-00009-00003314-00003529 totality where the moon will completely UoTp5Tk9-au-00010-00003530-00003715 blocked the sun's light in the middle of UoTp5Tk9-au-00011-00003717-00004025 Monday Solar spectacle the survey was UoTp5Tk9-au-00012-00004026-00004259 conducted in early August and among UoTp5Tk9-au-00013-00004260-00004442 those who already had plans in place UoTp5Tk9-au-00014-00004443-00004720 most said they were not going to travel UoTp5Tk9-au-00015-00004721-00005036 for a better view about 4 and 10 said UoTp5Tk9-au-00016-00005037-00005240 their Eclipse plans were to stay put UoTp5Tk9-au-00017-00005241-00005465 while eight percent said they had made UoTp5Tk9-au-00018-00005466-00005695 travel plans to view the Eclipse of the UoTp5Tk9-au-00019-00005696-00005963 century more who live in totality states UoTp5Tk9-au-00020-00005964-00006167 plan to make a pilgrimage than in the UoTp5Tk9-au-00021-00006168-00006503 rest of the country 15% versus 6% UoTp5Tk9-au-00022-00006504-00006737 perhaps because a shorter distance will UoTp5Tk9-au-00023-00006738-00007013 bring them a much better payoff related UoTp5Tk9-au-00024-00007014-00007278 best places to watch the solar eclipse UoTp5Tk9-au-00025-00007279-00007556 although Lori Doherty and her husband UoTp5Tk9-au-00026-00007556-00007823 live in Bend Oregon only about 30 miles UoTp5Tk9-au-00027-00007823-00008071 from the zone of totality they are among UoTp5Tk9-au-00028-00008072-00008291 those who plan to do some traveling the UoTp5Tk9-au-00029-00008292-00008531 day to stake out a good spot they've UoTp5Tk9-au-00030-00008532-00008789 booked a hotel and nearby Redmond closer UoTp5Tk9-au-00031-00008790-00009014 to totality and are aiming to leave UoTp5Tk9-au-00032-00009015-00009248 there at 6 a.m. to beat the traffic and UoTp5Tk9-au-00033-00009249-00009464 claim the prime location from which to UoTp5Tk9-au-00034-00009465-00009778 experience the view Doherty is a native UoTp5Tk9-au-00035-00009779-00009974 of Oregon and remembers vividly the UoTp5Tk9-au-00036-00009975-00010171 total eclipse that passed over the state UoTp5Tk9-au-00037-00010172-00010546 in February 1979 she recalled the corona UoTp5Tk9-au-00038-00010547-00010778 along the edges of the Moon the black UoTp5Tk9-au-00039-00010779-00011006 wavy lines known as shadow bends that UoTp5Tk9-au-00040-00011007-00011216 appeared in midair and noted that once UoTp5Tk9-au-00041-00011217-00011459 the Sun began to come back up the birds UoTp5Tk9-au-00042-00011460-00011681 began to tweet like it was first thing UoTp5Tk9-au-00043-00011682-00011903 in the morning and the roosters crowed UoTp5Tk9-au-00044-00011904-00012170 she says she expects this eclipse to be UoTp5Tk9-au-00045-00012171-00012424 a very spiritual moment and is looking UoTp5Tk9-au-00046-00012425-00012626 forward to sharing it with her husband UoTp5Tk9-au-00047-00012627-00012893 who has never seen one before there are UoTp5Tk9-au-00048-00012894-00013147 many many people coming into town and UoTp5Tk9-au-00049-00013148-00013377 this area is not very heavily UoTp5Tk9-au-00050-00013378-00013596 violated so we're looking forward to UoTp5Tk9-au-00051-00013597-00013785 sharing the experience with all of the UoTp5Tk9-au-00052-00013786-00014040 visitors excitement for the first UoTp5Tk9-au-00053-00014041-00014268 Eclipse to cross the United States and UoTp5Tk9-au-00054-00014269-00014438 nearly a century is about the same UoTp5Tk9-au-00055-00014440-00014628 whether Americans live in or out of the UoTp5Tk9-au-00056-00014629-00014910 zone of totality 48% described UoTp5Tk9-au-00057-00014911-00015078 themselves as excited for the event UoTp5Tk9-au-00058-00015079-00015318 while about 3 in 10 say they are UoTp5Tk9-au-00059-00015319-00015630 uninterested a scant 4% described UoTp5Tk9-au-00060-00015631-00015851 themselves as scared of the Eclipse UoTp5Tk9-au-00061-00015852-00016172 related Wyclef's as have inspired terror UoTp5Tk9-au-00062-00016173-00016479 and all excitement is most prominent UoTp5Tk9-au-00063-00016480-00016746 among the young almost 6 and 10 under UoTp5Tk9-au-00064-00016747-00017034 age 35 say they're excited for it that UoTp5Tk9-au-00065-00017035-00017519 gets to 50% among those aged 35 50 44 % UoTp5Tk9-au-00066-00017520-00017796 among the 50 to 64 year old block and UoTp5Tk9-au-00067-00017797-00018194 just 38% among seniors Krystal Wooten UoTp5Tk9-au-00068-00018195-00018344 lives in Aiken County South Carolina UoTp5Tk9-au-00069-00018345-00018603 near the border with Georgia where UoTp5Tk9-au-00070-00018604-00018789 they're expecting a near total eclipse UoTp5Tk9-au-00071-00018790-00019035 she and her husband are among those UoTp5Tk9-au-00072-00019036-00019272 planning to watch but there may be on UoTp5Tk9-au-00073-00019273-00019500 travel with two toddlers UoTp5Tk9-au-00074-00019501-00019686 she's afraid the little ones may not UoTp5Tk9-au-00075-00019687-00019872 have the discipline not to look at the UoTp5Tk9-au-00076-00019873-00020235 Sun if they stay home she says it'll be UoTp5Tk9-au-00077-00020236-00020493 our own little science day they'll set UoTp5Tk9-au-00078-00020494-00020712 up chairs near a sliding door so her UoTp5Tk9-au-00079-00020713-00021009 children ages 2 and 1 can watch the UoTp5Tk9-au-00080-00021010-00021149 shadows change shapes UoTp5Tk9-au-00081-00021150-00021471 rutin whose husband is retired said UoTp5Tk9-au-00082-00021472-00021672 gratefully it's pretty accessible to us UoTp5Tk9-au-00083-00021673-00021936 and since we're home with the kids we UoTp5Tk9-au-00084-00021937-00022103 don't have to take off of work or UoTp5Tk9-au-00085-00022104-00022383 anything some who do have to go to the UoTp5Tk9-au-00086-00022384-00022596 office or to school may be experiencing UoTp5Tk9-au-00087-00022597-00022893 the once-in-a-lifetime lunch break Eric UoTp5Tk9-au-00088-00022894-00023075 Meadows will be watching at his office UoTp5Tk9-au-00089-00023076-00023316 in Indianapolis where his employer has UoTp5Tk9-au-00090-00023317-00023528 planned an event for those interested in UoTp5Tk9-au-00091-00023529-00023889 watching in their area about 90% of the UoTp5Tk9-au-00092-00023890-00024105 Sun will be blocked and his employer UoTp5Tk9-au-00093-00024106-00024387 will be providing glasses Meadows his UoTp5Tk9-au-00094-00024388-00024581 children will also be able to watch at UoTp5Tk9-au-00095-00024582-00024806 their school I was going to take the UoTp5Tk9-au-00096-00024807-00025011 kids out of school and drive to the zone UoTp5Tk9-au-00097-00025012-00025308 of totality he said but the kids school UoTp5Tk9-au-00098-00025309-00025518 system has a whole program planned UoTp5Tk9-au-00099-00025519-00025788 around it for them news about the UoTp5Tk9-au-00100-00025789-00025977 Eclipse seems more prominent in the UoTp5Tk9-au-00101-00025977-00026175 states where the spectacle will be most UoTp5Tk9-au-00102-00026176-00026442 spectacular those living in zone of UoTp5Tk9-au-00103-00026443-00026694 totality states were far more accident UoTp5Tk9-au-00104-00026695-00026856 the rest of the country to say they'd UoTp5Tk9-au-00105-00026857-00027116 heard a lot about the upcoming eclipse UoTp5Tk9-au-00106-00027117-00027357 61% in the 12 states where a substantial UoTp5Tk9-au-00107-00027358-00027594 chunk of the state will pass under the UoTp5Tk9-au-00108-00027595-00027831 moon's full shadow versus just 28% UoTp5Tk9-au-00109-00027832-00028266 outside of that range overall 35% have UoTp5Tk9-au-00110-00028267-00028506 heard a lot about the upcoming event UoTp5Tk9-au-00111-00028507-00028911 41% a little and about a quarter 24% UoTp5Tk9-au-00112-00028912-00029112 said they'd heard nothing at all at the UoTp5Tk9-au-00113-00029113-00029420 time the survey was conducted related UoTp5Tk9-au-00114-00029422-00029792 slackers guide to the 2017 solar eclipse UoTp5Tk9-au-00115-00029793-00030069 those who heard a lot about the Eclipse UoTp5Tk9-au-00116-00030070-00030288 are more apt to have made plans to watch UoTp5Tk9-au-00117-00030289-00030591 it 62% in that group plan to watch UoTp5Tk9-au-00118-00030592-00030888 versus 45% of those who had heard less UoTp5Tk9-au-00119-00030889-00031152 about it and because nothing in this UoTp5Tk9-au-00120-00031152-00031364 country is safe from political divisions UoTp5Tk9-au-00121-00031366-00031602 this celestial event - sparks are UoTp5Tk9-au-00122-00031602-00031848 divided Democrats are more active than UoTp5Tk9-au-00123-00031849-00032064 independents or Republicans - have made UoTp5Tk9-au-00124-00032064-00032394 plans to watch the event 57% among UoTp5Tk9-au-00125-00032395-00032637 Democrats vs. 48 percentage among UoTp5Tk9-au-00126-00032638-00032823 Republicans and independents and UoTp5Tk9-au-00127-00032824-00033042 liberals are nearly twice as likely as UoTp5Tk9-au-00128-00033043-00033234 conservatives to say they're excited UoTp5Tk9-au-00129-00033235-00033288 about it UoTp5Tk9-au-00130-00033289-00033684 63% among liberals vs. 34% among UoTp5Tk9-au-00131-00033685-00033990 conservatives this CNN poll was UoTp5Tk9-au-00132-00033991-00034269 conducted by SSRS by telephone August UoTp5Tk9-au-00133-00034270-00034467 third through six among the random UoTp5Tk9-au-00134-00034468-00034821 national sample of 1018 adults the UoTp5Tk9-au-00135-00034822-00035019 margin of sampling error for results UoTp5Tk9-au-00136-00035020-00035238 among the full sample is plus or minus UoTp5Tk9-au-00137-00035239-00035499 three point six percentage points it is UoTp5Tk9-au-00138-00035500-00035853 larger for subgroups audio jam UoTp5Tk9-au-00139-00035854-00036362 [Applause] UoTp5Tk9-au-00140-00036363-00036663 audiojungle U87THYiv0jM-00000-00000243-00000447 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00001-00000448-00000607 feels weird when i'm floating but i kind U87THYiv0jM-00002-00000608-00000767 of have to flow U87THYiv0jM-00003-00000768-00000943 but anyways all right guys it's going to U87THYiv0jM-00004-00000944-00001183 be this is going to be uh also record U87THYiv0jM-00005-00001184-00001335 for youtube so make sure you guys say hi U87THYiv0jM-00006-00001336-00001718 youtube alright and also i had a U87THYiv0jM-00007-00001719-00001871 tv twinkle U87THYiv0jM-00008-00001872-00002079 i see a star shining U87THYiv0jM-00009-00002080-00002190 but U87THYiv0jM-00010-00002191-00002615 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00011-00002616-00002783 leave her hydrate U87THYiv0jM-00012-00002784-00003222 what up U87THYiv0jM-00013-00003223-00003415 and for a snack as well thank you U87THYiv0jM-00014-00003415-00004013 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00015-00004014-00004143 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00016-00004144-00004375 all right that's a goal say hi youtube U87THYiv0jM-00017-00004376-00004439 all right U87THYiv0jM-00018-00004440-00004615 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00019-00004616-00004726 hello U87THYiv0jM-00020-00004727-00004975 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00021-00004976-00005199 hello guys U87THYiv0jM-00022-00005200-00005454 i am not a cat yeah but i'm a fox but U87THYiv0jM-00023-00005455-00005702 welcome to the little den U87THYiv0jM-00024-00005703-00005991 yeah if you guys like if you ever want U87THYiv0jM-00025-00005992-00006183 to take a chance would you like to come U87THYiv0jM-00026-00006184-00006399 take a seat at the little den i might be U87THYiv0jM-00027-00006400-00006591 a little bit of demon yeah U87THYiv0jM-00028-00006592-00006783 but i won't bite U87THYiv0jM-00029-00006784-00006991 i'm mad guys if you guys want to check U87THYiv0jM-00030-00006992-00007295 me out yeah um on live and want to watch U87THYiv0jM-00031-00007295-00007614 me live at twitch.tv akimakiro but if U87THYiv0jM-00032-00007615-00007814 you're watching straight from youtube ah U87THYiv0jM-00033-00007815-00008031 slap that follow button or sub button U87THYiv0jM-00034-00008031-00008239 whatever it is all free U87THYiv0jM-00035-00008240-00008407 but i appreciate you guys it's a good U87THYiv0jM-00036-00008408-00008614 chance to hang out with me all right U87THYiv0jM-00037-00008615-00008855 guys today we're playing fall fantasy U87THYiv0jM-00038-00008856-00009159 remake seven part three uh well i say U87THYiv0jM-00039-00009160-00009319 part three but it's a part three of my U87THYiv0jM-00040-00009320-00009463 playthrough and yeah U87THYiv0jM-00041-00009464-00009695 it's my for um U87THYiv0jM-00042-00009696-00009942 my first time playing so if i the way U87THYiv0jM-00043-00009943-00010374 the rules goes now is that if you guys U87THYiv0jM-00044-00010375-00010719 you guys can backseat just make sure U87THYiv0jM-00045-00010720-00010910 that you don't spoil any story that's it U87THYiv0jM-00046-00010911-00011063 you guys can tell me where items are U87THYiv0jM-00047-00011064-00011238 everything anything like that U87THYiv0jM-00048-00011239-00011423 but other than that let's get the game U87THYiv0jM-00049-00011424-00011519 going U87THYiv0jM-00050-00011520-00011710 um how many guy i wonder there's a lot U87THYiv0jM-00051-00011711-00011991 of new people here today U87THYiv0jM-00052-00011992-00013079 that's a goal U87THYiv0jM-00053-00013080-00013207 do i have to press this again can i do U87THYiv0jM-00054-00013208-00013343 this again U87THYiv0jM-00055-00013344-00013558 what's this still U87THYiv0jM-00056-00013559-00013743 i don't know what this does U87THYiv0jM-00057-00013744-00014030 this one U87THYiv0jM-00058-00014031-00014247 see ya U87THYiv0jM-00059-00014247-00014503 enough oh yeah i remember salt we left U87THYiv0jM-00060-00014504-00014615 off where U87THYiv0jM-00061-00014616-00014879 i'm not sure for anybody who played but U87THYiv0jM-00062-00014880-00015199 um we currently left off where um we met U87THYiv0jM-00063-00015200-00015358 jesse's mother U87THYiv0jM-00064-00015359-00015615 and her father is currently in a coma U87THYiv0jM-00065-00015616-00015727 because U87THYiv0jM-00066-00015728-00015943 her father worked on a U87THYiv0jM-00067-00015944-00016327 mako reactor and she and her father U87THYiv0jM-00068-00016328-00016543 i guess just like similar to real life U87THYiv0jM-00069-00016544-00016679 where people U87THYiv0jM-00070-00016680-00016894 were working um U87THYiv0jM-00071-00016895-00017255 um what they call nuclear reaction stuff U87THYiv0jM-00072-00017256-00017439 they tend to fall asleep after in time U87THYiv0jM-00073-00017440-00017575 because of the U87THYiv0jM-00074-00017576-00017799 stuff um U87THYiv0jM-00075-00017800-00017943 yeah we're currently here all right U87THYiv0jM-00076-00017944-00018127 that's how far we got U87THYiv0jM-00077-00018128-00018711 the beginning U87THYiv0jM-00078-00018712-00018943 you can spoil me with snacks hell yeah U87THYiv0jM-00079-00018944-00019094 give me all of them U87THYiv0jM-00080-00019095-00019391 we'll hear what's here U87THYiv0jM-00081-00019392-00019583 if there's lou or anything interesting U87THYiv0jM-00082-00019584-00019814 that i miss make sure you tell me okay U87THYiv0jM-00083-00019815-00020063 where are you going cloud this way wait U87THYiv0jM-00084-00020064-00020222 what U87THYiv0jM-00085-00020223-00020319 what U87THYiv0jM-00086-00020320-00020527 no need for us to rush U87THYiv0jM-00087-00020528-00020758 let's scout it out first okay can you U87THYiv0jM-00088-00020759-00020943 handle this solo bye-bye U87THYiv0jM-00089-00020944-00021135 what you're trying to keep us out of it U87THYiv0jM-00090-00021136-00021383 now don't be a jackass U87THYiv0jM-00091-00021384-00021591 we're in this hello U87THYiv0jM-00092-00021592-00021758 expect me to see U87THYiv0jM-00093-00021759-00021903 i see the stop U87THYiv0jM-00094-00021904-00022055 now's the time U87THYiv0jM-00095-00022056-00022255 give the word when you're good to go U87THYiv0jM-00096-00022256-00022399 you can use that vending machine over U87THYiv0jM-00097-00022400-00022871 there to stock up U87THYiv0jM-00098-00022872-00023039 really U87THYiv0jM-00099-00023040-00023207 i've been using the vending machine the U87THYiv0jM-00100-00023208-00023430 entire time could go a few rounds before U87THYiv0jM-00101-00023431-00023583 the main event U87THYiv0jM-00102-00023584-00023663 uh U87THYiv0jM-00103-00023664-00024511 i get really delicious i should heal U87THYiv0jM-00104-00024512-00024686 how many guys played this game before or U87THYiv0jM-00105-00024687-00024894 have seen it played or have seen it how U87THYiv0jM-00106-00024895-00025255 many guys have seen it U87THYiv0jM-00107-00025256-00025455 all right i'm ready let's go U87THYiv0jM-00108-00025456-00025727 remind me you've got summoning material U87THYiv0jM-00109-00025727-00025918 don't you how did you know no better way U87THYiv0jM-00110-00025919-00026111 to deal with big groups U87THYiv0jM-00111-00026112-00026335 you'd be crazy not to equip it this guy U87THYiv0jM-00112-00026336-00026590 is bringing this guy is uh yep i'm all U87THYiv0jM-00113-00026591-00026718 sad okay U87THYiv0jM-00114-00026719-00027214 let's go over the plan one last time U87THYiv0jM-00115-00027216-00027446 what's the plan you start things off by U87THYiv0jM-00116-00027447-00027662 cutting loose where everyone can see you U87THYiv0jM-00117-00027663-00027839 okay and us U87THYiv0jM-00118-00027839-00028046 we're the backup U87THYiv0jM-00119-00028047-00028214 first we climb high enough to get a U87THYiv0jM-00120-00028216-00028879 vantage point then we go to town on him U87THYiv0jM-00121-00028880-00029462 oh he's zoning out U87THYiv0jM-00122-00029463-00029846 oh yeah U87THYiv0jM-00123-00029847-00030023 so anybody who says tifa is not U87THYiv0jM-00124-00030024-00030223 beautiful fight me U87THYiv0jM-00125-00030224-00030543 you too barry fight me U87THYiv0jM-00126-00030544-00030799 when spring comes i'm leaving town i'm U87THYiv0jM-00127-00030800-00031374 going to midgar U87THYiv0jM-00128-00031375-00031543 should have figured U87THYiv0jM-00129-00031544-00031846 all the guys are leaving U87THYiv0jM-00130-00031847-00032062 but but i'm not like them U87THYiv0jM-00131-00032063-00032718 i'm not going just to look for work U87THYiv0jM-00132-00032719-00032935 i'm going to be a soldier U87THYiv0jM-00133-00032936-00033271 the best of the best like sephiroth U87THYiv0jM-00134-00033272-00033351 oh U87THYiv0jM-00135-00033352-00033727 the great war hero huh U87THYiv0jM-00136-00033728-00034062 isn't it pretty hard to become a soldier U87THYiv0jM-00137-00034063-00034151 yeah U87THYiv0jM-00138-00034152-00034431 so i won't be back for a long time U87THYiv0jM-00139-00034432-00034615 guess not U87THYiv0jM-00140-00034616-00034862 think you'll be in the papers U87THYiv0jM-00141-00034863-00035143 i'll try U87THYiv0jM-00142-00035144-00035590 this is cute U87THYiv0jM-00143-00035591-00035887 just promise me one thing U87THYiv0jM-00144-00035888-00036095 when we're older and you're a famous U87THYiv0jM-00145-00036096-00036199 soldier U87THYiv0jM-00146-00036200-00036762 if i'm ever trapped or in trouble U87THYiv0jM-00147-00036763-00037883 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00148-00037884-00038118 is a cloud U87THYiv0jM-00149-00038119-00038262 fine U87THYiv0jM-00150-00038263-00038369 i promise U87THYiv0jM-00151-00038370-00038839 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00152-00038840-00039091 she looks so realistic U87THYiv0jM-00153-00039092-00039207 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00154-00039208-00039399 the animation the graphics in this game U87THYiv0jM-00155-00039400-00040951 the animation's so nice i love it U87THYiv0jM-00156-00040952-00041174 i heard you're having second thoughts U87THYiv0jM-00157-00041175-00041343 i know we have to think big if we're U87THYiv0jM-00158-00041344-00041590 going to make a difference U87THYiv0jM-00159-00041591-00041839 but not like this U87THYiv0jM-00160-00041840-00042102 i just U87THYiv0jM-00161-00042103-00043167 i feel trapped U87THYiv0jM-00162-00043168-00043335 down U87THYiv0jM-00163-00043336-00043558 cloud U87THYiv0jM-00164-00043559-00043783 that's gold let's kick booty U87THYiv0jM-00165-00043784-00044015 that's the signal U87THYiv0jM-00166-00044016-00044230 oh man that's beautiful U87THYiv0jM-00167-00044231-00044343 let's go U87THYiv0jM-00168-00044344-00044527 if only we had that kind only if i had U87THYiv0jM-00169-00044528-00044743 that kind of memory right U87THYiv0jM-00170-00044744-00044895 i never had that kind of childhood U87THYiv0jM-00171-00044896-00045174 memory i think one of the memories i had U87THYiv0jM-00172-00045175-00045358 before guys when i was little U87THYiv0jM-00173-00045359-00045543 was U87THYiv0jM-00174-00045544-00045783 i don't call you guys hold on wait do i U87THYiv0jM-00175-00045784-00045983 not go at you guys i want to go i want U87THYiv0jM-00176-00045984-00046087 to come U87THYiv0jM-00177-00046088-00046287 i want to come U87THYiv0jM-00178-00046288-00046558 anyways when i was little was this late U87THYiv0jM-00179-00046559-00046895 was this girl named elizabeth and um U87THYiv0jM-00180-00046896-00047158 she would sit on me all the time U87THYiv0jM-00181-00047159-00047351 she would literally sit me on me and U87THYiv0jM-00182-00047352-00047543 crush my back U87THYiv0jM-00183-00047544-00047735 i don't know why she loved just jumping U87THYiv0jM-00184-00047736-00048007 on me and sitting on me i was skinny U87THYiv0jM-00185-00048008-00048318 so i'm i was getting entrance kidding U87THYiv0jM-00186-00048319-00048655 she'll crash me though U87THYiv0jM-00187-00048656-00048927 maybe they went home U87THYiv0jM-00188-00048928-00049335 oh hey over there U87THYiv0jM-00189-00049336-00049502 and every time i see her i would run for U87THYiv0jM-00190-00049503-00049615 my life U87THYiv0jM-00191-00049616-00051454 and hide target targets U87THYiv0jM-00192-00051455-00051880 oh U87THYiv0jM-00193-00051882-00053147 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00194-00053148-00053350 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00195-00053351-00053615 oh do we have fuel U87THYiv0jM-00196-00053616-00054654 oh do we have fuel on our character U87THYiv0jM-00197-00054654-00054999 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00198-00055000-00055159 well luckily they don't do that much U87THYiv0jM-00199-00055160-00055366 damage i mean i wonder if i actually U87THYiv0jM-00200-00055367-00055711 have any spells U87THYiv0jM-00201-00055712-00055950 i think tifa has all my stealing stuff U87THYiv0jM-00202-00055951-00057942 guys U87THYiv0jM-00203-00057944-00058087 you guys remember so we're going to far U87THYiv0jM-00204-00058088-00058311 for healing material last night or U87THYiv0jM-00205-00058312-00058494 rather last time we played U87THYiv0jM-00206-00058495-00058607 jesus U87THYiv0jM-00207-00058608-00059501 i forgot to equip it on myself U87THYiv0jM-00208-00059502-00060311 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00209-00060312-00060511 fantasy games U87THYiv0jM-00210-00060512-00061142 what's your favorite U87THYiv0jM-00211-00061144-00061311 i normally watch my little brother play U87THYiv0jM-00212-00061312-00061487 five last time and i catch you i think i U87THYiv0jM-00213-00061488-00061694 played foul foundation uh U87THYiv0jM-00214-00061695-00061838 before U87THYiv0jM-00215-00061839-00061959 when i was little U87THYiv0jM-00216-00061960-00062129 by myself the one on U87THYiv0jM-00217-00062129-00062694 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00218-00062695-00063215 sorry U87THYiv0jM-00219-00063216-00063303 ah U87THYiv0jM-00220-00063304-00063575 guys i just realized i have zero zero U87THYiv0jM-00221-00063576-00064838 spells U87THYiv0jM-00222-00064839-00065071 that's that U87THYiv0jM-00223-00065072-00065238 i'm dying U87THYiv0jM-00224-00065239-00066006 mama U87THYiv0jM-00225-00066007-00066087 up U87THYiv0jM-00226-00066088-00066167 ah U87THYiv0jM-00227-00066168-00066719 i guess we got potions for this U87THYiv0jM-00228-00066720-00066823 let's go U87THYiv0jM-00229-00066824-00066991 ah U87THYiv0jM-00230-00066992-00067238 i just realized that most like uh U87THYiv0jM-00231-00067239-00067415 forgot to put my healing material oh U87THYiv0jM-00232-00067416-00067743 [__] U87THYiv0jM-00233-00067744-00067879 no hold it U87THYiv0jM-00234-00067880-00068055 ow U87THYiv0jM-00235-00068056-00068206 oh god U87THYiv0jM-00236-00068207-00070982 oh god U87THYiv0jM-00237-00070983-00071447 okay U87THYiv0jM-00238-00071448-00071687 look at us amateurs putting in the work U87THYiv0jM-00239-00071688-00071943 all right bye trick tracks U87THYiv0jM-00240-00071944-00072087 i play them all the time final fantasy U87THYiv0jM-00241-00072088-00072303 13 13 see the lightning returns their U87THYiv0jM-00242-00072304-00072431 personal favorite U87THYiv0jM-00243-00072432-00072575 i watched my little brother play that U87THYiv0jM-00244-00072576-00072782 one i didn't watch i didn't play final U87THYiv0jM-00245-00072783-00073806 fantasy 13 2 though U87THYiv0jM-00246-00073807-00074388 don't worry i've got this U87THYiv0jM-00247-00074389-00074550 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00248-00074551-00076806 you're so funny U87THYiv0jM-00249-00076807-00076975 maybe if i go U87THYiv0jM-00250-00076976-00078126 focus U87THYiv0jM-00251-00078127-00079871 let's go U87THYiv0jM-00252-00079872-00081287 let's U87THYiv0jM-00253-00081288-00081519 [__] U87THYiv0jM-00254-00081520-00081975 okay i actually have to help him okay U87THYiv0jM-00255-00081976-00082094 i was like wait i thought it was like a U87THYiv0jM-00256-00082095-00082223 cinematic effect but i thought there U87THYiv0jM-00257-00082224-00082694 were things U87THYiv0jM-00258-00082695-00082903 here we go U87THYiv0jM-00259-00082904-00083406 it's over let's get this over U87THYiv0jM-00260-00083407-00083703 all right U87THYiv0jM-00261-00083704-00084383 see ya U87THYiv0jM-00262-00084384-00085438 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00263-00085439-00086287 how much U87THYiv0jM-00264-00086288-00087023 what the [__] dude U87THYiv0jM-00265-00087024-00087255 here U87THYiv0jM-00266-00087256-00087447 all good U87THYiv0jM-00267-00087448-00088231 gotcha enough U87THYiv0jM-00268-00088232-00088638 think i ran off the pizza U87THYiv0jM-00269-00088639-00088862 hell of a show man if only the ladies U87THYiv0jM-00270-00088863-00089006 loved you that much U87THYiv0jM-00271-00089007-00089406 i'm glad someone's enjoying themselves U87THYiv0jM-00272-00089407-00089599 i really love i really love their U87THYiv0jM-00273-00089600-00089782 dynamic between each other even though U87THYiv0jM-00274-00089783-00089975 cloud doesn't feel like they're part of U87THYiv0jM-00275-00089976-00090135 the team they've tried to incorporate U87THYiv0jM-00276-00090136-00090543 them into the team it's cute i like it U87THYiv0jM-00277-00090544-00092306 of course they store mechs here U87THYiv0jM-00278-00092307-00092431 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00279-00092432-00092655 my face is from i mean U87THYiv0jM-00280-00092656-00092791 scotch has completely filled you can U87THYiv0jM-00281-00092792-00093823 call up a summoning for assistance U87THYiv0jM-00282-00093824-00094126 allow me U87THYiv0jM-00283-00094127-00094431 it's alright alright ah U87THYiv0jM-00284-00094432-00094582 well there's a box here i'm gonna see U87THYiv0jM-00285-00094583-00095062 what's in here this box give me a second U87THYiv0jM-00286-00095063-00095262 mp U87THYiv0jM-00287-00095263-00095438 oh there's a box here too one second U87THYiv0jM-00288-00095439-00095718 guys stop shooting me U87THYiv0jM-00289-00095719-00096118 potion perfect U87THYiv0jM-00290-00096119-00096438 don't mind me looking for loot U87THYiv0jM-00291-00096439-00096599 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00292-00096600-00096782 just gotta make sure there's no secret U87THYiv0jM-00293-00096783-00096886 lou okay U87THYiv0jM-00294-00096887-00097015 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00295-00097016-00097474 hi guys all right i'm back out U87THYiv0jM-00296-00097475-00098672 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00297-00098673-00099094 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00298-00099095-00099711 get him U87THYiv0jM-00299-00099712-00100031 let's go afraid U87THYiv0jM-00300-00100032-00100167 someone's fight alongside you for a U87THYiv0jM-00301-00100168-00100303 brief period of time the remaining times U87THYiv0jM-00302-00100304-00100462 indicated by the gradually decreasing U87THYiv0jM-00303-00100463-00100662 gods these beings will have a will of U87THYiv0jM-00304-00100663-00100918 their own gauge the enemy as they see U87THYiv0jM-00305-00100919-00101079 however you can command them to unleash U87THYiv0jM-00306-00101080-00101206 unique attacks like spending your U87THYiv0jM-00307-00101207-00101406 party's atp god U87THYiv0jM-00308-00101407-00101606 okay U87THYiv0jM-00309-00101607-00102191 that's cool U87THYiv0jM-00310-00102192-00103016 if i can make him do this U87THYiv0jM-00311-00103017-00103278 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00312-00103279-00103486 what happens U87THYiv0jM-00313-00103488-00104558 so i can keep doing this for the knife U87THYiv0jM-00314-00104559-00104766 i can do braver U87THYiv0jM-00315-00104767-00105710 on this dude U87THYiv0jM-00316-00105711-00105895 well actually some things are really U87THYiv0jM-00317-00105896-00106183 pretty that's what i call teamwork U87THYiv0jM-00318-00106183-00106727 nice uh U87THYiv0jM-00319-00106728-00107143 well [__] U87THYiv0jM-00320-00107144-00109223 all right U87THYiv0jM-00321-00109224-00110471 damn he fixed his car fast really quick U87THYiv0jM-00322-00110472-00110799 you know what i want U87THYiv0jM-00323-00110800-00111815 a second dance just the two of us U87THYiv0jM-00324-00111816-00112199 you turned the king U87THYiv0jM-00325-00112200-00112478 the engine roars with excitement U87THYiv0jM-00326-00112479-00112847 he's in love guys U87THYiv0jM-00327-00112848-00112951 fall back U87THYiv0jM-00328-00112952-00113095 okay U87THYiv0jM-00329-00113096-00113286 all right U87THYiv0jM-00330-00113288-00113727 come on U87THYiv0jM-00331-00113728-00113854 uh i didn't know you're in love with U87THYiv0jM-00332-00113855-00114207 cloud that quickly U87THYiv0jM-00333-00114208-00114399 it's been a long time since i fought a U87THYiv0jM-00334-00114400-00114631 duel out of the set U87THYiv0jM-00335-00114632-00114734 but U87THYiv0jM-00336-00114735-00115799 for all the miles on the clock U87THYiv0jM-00337-00115800-00116095 i'm just as fast as i ever was all right U87THYiv0jM-00338-00116096-00117727 let's go U87THYiv0jM-00339-00117728-00117943 roll oh U87THYiv0jM-00340-00117944-00118467 no holding back at any time now U87THYiv0jM-00341-00118468-00118734 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00342-00118735-00118863 focus U87THYiv0jM-00343-00118864-00119286 stagger his ass U87THYiv0jM-00344-00119288-00119390 ah U87THYiv0jM-00345-00119391-00119519 try me U87THYiv0jM-00346-00119520-00119678 why you keep doing that U87THYiv0jM-00347-00119679-00119839 are you doing dungeon U87THYiv0jM-00348-00119840-00120151 no ah U87THYiv0jM-00349-00120152-00120351 wait wait wait wait U87THYiv0jM-00350-00120352-00120775 still in it U87THYiv0jM-00351-00120776-00121583 let's go bro let's go U87THYiv0jM-00352-00121583-00121854 get ready i see you tell me you don't U87THYiv0jM-00353-00121855-00122047 love it stop using magic fight me with U87THYiv0jM-00354-00122048-00123119 your bare face bro U87THYiv0jM-00355-00123120-00123372 oh this guy's kind of perverted U87THYiv0jM-00356-00123373-00123990 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00357-00123991-00124319 this is handsome wow U87THYiv0jM-00358-00124320-00124527 i told you we were gonna push it past U87THYiv0jM-00359-00124528-00125966 the red line U87THYiv0jM-00360-00125967-00126478 could i just assess him U87THYiv0jM-00361-00126479-00126839 i see you i got your number U87THYiv0jM-00362-00126840-00127047 okay he will drop me an elixir if i kill U87THYiv0jM-00363-00127048-00127334 him all right that's cool anytime now U87THYiv0jM-00364-00127335-00127647 let's go U87THYiv0jM-00365-00127648-00128958 okay nevermind please don't kill me U87THYiv0jM-00366-00128959-00129151 oh my god all right i'll poke you more U87THYiv0jM-00367-00129152-00129566 sir oh my god you gotta be careful U87THYiv0jM-00368-00129567-00129727 uh high potion U87THYiv0jM-00369-00129728-00130990 all good U87THYiv0jM-00370-00130991-00131223 yeah i'm very good at blocking that's it U87THYiv0jM-00371-00131224-00131895 all right let's go U87THYiv0jM-00372-00131896-00132143 wow U87THYiv0jM-00373-00132144-00132519 easy U87THYiv0jM-00374-00132520-00132695 yo i love the counter attack in this U87THYiv0jM-00375-00132696-00133454 game feels so good U87THYiv0jM-00376-00133455-00133711 with such fleeting pleasure U87THYiv0jM-00377-00133712-00134319 hardly U87THYiv0jM-00378-00134320-00134502 there are higher heights U87THYiv0jM-00379-00134503-00136231 to which you and i can still soar U87THYiv0jM-00380-00136232-00137698 okay boys U87THYiv0jM-00381-00137699-00138278 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00382-00138279-00138471 what the hell dude U87THYiv0jM-00383-00138472-00138583 wait U87THYiv0jM-00384-00138584-00138999 why did he do that too U87THYiv0jM-00385-00139000-00139343 we really must do this again U87THYiv0jM-00386-00139344-00139535 why U87THYiv0jM-00387-00139536-00139935 until then try not to die U87THYiv0jM-00388-00139936-00140575 i'll see you on the road my friend U87THYiv0jM-00389-00140576-00140839 what is he i guess he really wants plow U87THYiv0jM-00390-00140840-00141047 to survive so that he can fight him once U87THYiv0jM-00391-00141048-00141254 more U87THYiv0jM-00392-00141255-00142302 damn his love because U87THYiv0jM-00393-00142303-00143983 yeah i guess U87THYiv0jM-00394-00143984-00144495 uh U87THYiv0jM-00395-00144496-00145287 let's go right U87THYiv0jM-00396-00145288-00146047 boss U87THYiv0jM-00397-00146048-00147463 you can U87THYiv0jM-00398-00147464-00147887 friendly friendly stand down U87THYiv0jM-00399-00147888-00148087 your team shouldn't be here U87THYiv0jM-00400-00148088-00148351 glad yours is U87THYiv0jM-00401-00148352-00148447 wait U87THYiv0jM-00402-00148448-00148551 are U87THYiv0jM-00403-00148552-00149702 as well U87THYiv0jM-00404-00149703-00149902 wedge will be fine but you won't be if U87THYiv0jM-00405-00149903-00150199 they start asking questions U87THYiv0jM-00406-00150200-00150511 and who are they U87THYiv0jM-00407-00150512-00150702 first guests to the party another U87THYiv0jM-00408-00150703-00150854 avalanche cell U87THYiv0jM-00409-00150855-00151014 are holier-than-thou friends from the U87THYiv0jM-00410-00151015-00151190 old guard U87THYiv0jM-00411-00151191-00151423 it's always their way of the highway U87THYiv0jM-00412-00151424-00151590 lately they've been a real pain in the U87THYiv0jM-00413-00151591-00151766 ass U87THYiv0jM-00414-00151767-00152063 till now U87THYiv0jM-00415-00152064-00152175 so they're always going to pay in the U87THYiv0jM-00416-00152176-00152278 ass U87THYiv0jM-00417-00152279-00152390 i see U87THYiv0jM-00418-00152391-00152502 meets me U87THYiv0jM-00419-00152503-00152647 we've been on the outs ever since our U87THYiv0jM-00420-00152648-00152854 cell got labeled too extreme U87THYiv0jM-00421-00152855-00152983 though they're the ones running around U87THYiv0jM-00422-00152984-00153223 with mil-spec gear word is they've cut a U87THYiv0jM-00423-00153224-00153366 deal with wu-tai U87THYiv0jM-00424-00153367-00153559 promised them all the materia and midgar U87THYiv0jM-00425-00153560-00153663 apparently U87THYiv0jM-00426-00153664-00154078 i don't think there's any truth to that U87THYiv0jM-00427-00154079-00154287 you tell me U87THYiv0jM-00428-00154288-00154502 sometimes i think we're the only ones U87THYiv0jM-00429-00154503-00155007 who've realized the war is over U87THYiv0jM-00430-00155008-00155183 oh so they really want the war to U87THYiv0jM-00431-00155184-00155423 continue is that it okay U87THYiv0jM-00432-00155424-00155639 mission complete U87THYiv0jM-00433-00155640-00155935 let's make our way back to the lot U87THYiv0jM-00434-00155936-00156551 right U87THYiv0jM-00435-00156552-00156854 wait i i like how the avalanche screws U87THYiv0jM-00436-00156855-00157063 out in force U87THYiv0jM-00437-00157064-00157287 broken through these guys U87THYiv0jM-00438-00157288-00157463 just like that U87THYiv0jM-00439-00157464-00157687 so are we not gonna wait for wedge if we U87THYiv0jM-00440-00157688-00157902 stuck around or went back he'd only get U87THYiv0jM-00441-00157903-00158087 upset why is that U87THYiv0jM-00442-00158088-00158287 as a soldier U87THYiv0jM-00443-00158288-00158587 i'll U87THYiv0jM-00444-00158588-00158983 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00445-00158984-00159135 that moment when you realize you just U87THYiv0jM-00446-00159136-00159278 don't have the healing stuff and you're U87THYiv0jM-00447-00159279-00159471 just beating [__] down U87THYiv0jM-00448-00159472-00159719 wait what is U87THYiv0jM-00449-00159720-00160102 oh my god um U87THYiv0jM-00450-00160103-00160502 asses material is now maxed U87THYiv0jM-00451-00160503-00160726 deadly material dodge of wine U87THYiv0jM-00452-00160727-00160911 do we really need access material though U87THYiv0jM-00453-00160912-00161347 dude this is matura U87THYiv0jM-00454-00161348-00161543 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00455-00161544-00161751 buy jet U87THYiv0jM-00456-00161752-00161911 i'll just heal manually until we get U87THYiv0jM-00457-00161912-00162199 tifa back and then U87THYiv0jM-00458-00162200-00162483 i don't know U87THYiv0jM-00459-00162484-00162790 uh or just heal manually give me drink U87THYiv0jM-00460-00162791-00162935 let me drink that drugs all right give U87THYiv0jM-00461-00162936-00163087 me that potion U87THYiv0jM-00462-00163088-00163343 give me the potions U87THYiv0jM-00463-00163344-00163543 i have so many of them U87THYiv0jM-00464-00163544-00163854 take it all cloud take it off U87THYiv0jM-00465-00163855-00164071 how do i get out U87THYiv0jM-00466-00164072-00164151 oh U87THYiv0jM-00467-00164152-00164414 oh oh oh hi U87THYiv0jM-00468-00164415-00166559 hi his have already U87THYiv0jM-00469-00166560-00166807 could you have been any louder i mean it U87THYiv0jM-00470-00166808-00167063 made my job a lot easier but U87THYiv0jM-00471-00167064-00167351 wait where's what U87THYiv0jM-00472-00167352-00167463 what U87THYiv0jM-00473-00167464-00167854 i don't know where'd you get there oh U87THYiv0jM-00474-00167855-00168199 we'll go U87THYiv0jM-00475-00168200-00168399 he jump and climb from the wall U87THYiv0jM-00476-00168400-00168623 wasn't he wasn't he like behind the U87THYiv0jM-00477-00168624-00169111 giant wall the other avalanche dudes U87THYiv0jM-00478-00169112-00169190 uh U87THYiv0jM-00479-00169191-00169502 plot armor for ledge U87THYiv0jM-00480-00169503-00169887 come on U87THYiv0jM-00481-00169888-00170238 not my finest hour U87THYiv0jM-00482-00170239-00170551 you get hit just winged i think U87THYiv0jM-00483-00170552-00170783 oh shot U87THYiv0jM-00484-00170784-00170983 he did not get shot i don't think he got U87THYiv0jM-00485-00170984-00171151 shot U87THYiv0jM-00486-00171152-00171471 are we seriously doing this U87THYiv0jM-00487-00171472-00171614 wow U87THYiv0jM-00488-00171615-00172038 oh yeah actually this is the worst U87THYiv0jM-00489-00172039-00172399 your ass is fined U87THYiv0jM-00490-00172400-00172623 the only casualty is your underwear this U87THYiv0jM-00491-00172624-00173087 is like a bruise or a mild burn at worst U87THYiv0jM-00492-00173088-00173359 yuck U87THYiv0jM-00493-00173360-00173575 now that was a gunshot U87THYiv0jM-00494-00173576-00174095 because that's not is that a smile i spy U87THYiv0jM-00495-00174096-00174190 uh U87THYiv0jM-00496-00174191-00174671 just a masochist U87THYiv0jM-00497-00174672-00174823 it's not safe here U87THYiv0jM-00498-00174824-00174983 we should go U87THYiv0jM-00499-00174984-00175575 clown smile guys that was cute U87THYiv0jM-00500-00175576-00175983 but i want a little is there a loot here U87THYiv0jM-00501-00175984-00176454 so how do we get back to the slums U87THYiv0jM-00502-00176455-00176654 with a little job she just laughed his U87THYiv0jM-00503-00176655-00176838 cheek and he they just literally just U87THYiv0jM-00504-00176839-00177078 pulled down his pants in front of all U87THYiv0jM-00505-00177079-00177854 the military people U87THYiv0jM-00506-00177855-00178087 all back oh buck crack and shone like U87THYiv0jM-00507-00178088-00180695 jesus U87THYiv0jM-00508-00180696-00180983 which felt like he was in heaven man U87THYiv0jM-00509-00180984-00181399 give me a laugh that was good U87THYiv0jM-00510-00181400-00181607 wedge is awesome i like him as a U87THYiv0jM-00511-00181608-00181831 character and that's why i think wedge U87THYiv0jM-00512-00181832-00182078 was the reason why clouds are smiling U87THYiv0jM-00513-00182079-00182647 think U87THYiv0jM-00514-00182648-00183182 he's such a bubble U87THYiv0jM-00515-00183183-00184159 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00516-00184160-00184399 where exactly are we going when we get U87THYiv0jM-00517-00184400-00184495 there U87THYiv0jM-00518-00184496-00184590 you'll know U87THYiv0jM-00519-00184591-00184783 now that i've got my blasting agent we U87THYiv0jM-00520-00184784-00184999 should have everything we need i want i U87THYiv0jM-00521-00185000-00185214 want to see if there's any treasure U87THYiv0jM-00522-00185215-00185375 yeah me too U87THYiv0jM-00523-00185376-00185854 for god's sake U87THYiv0jM-00524-00185855-00186078 uh cloud was just saying how he hopes to U87THYiv0jM-00525-00186079-00186263 come back and try the midgar special U87THYiv0jM-00526-00186264-00186654 next time uh sure sure sure U87THYiv0jM-00527-00186655-00186847 was there any loot that i missed there i U87THYiv0jM-00528-00186848-00187007 feel like i missed something U87THYiv0jM-00529-00187008-00187143 important that's U87THYiv0jM-00530-00187144-00187414 that's right U87THYiv0jM-00531-00187415-00187647 well okay then i mean U87THYiv0jM-00532-00187648-00187823 would you rather get your uh U87THYiv0jM-00533-00187824-00187975 would you like to get your bum smack U87THYiv0jM-00534-00187976-00188287 hard or take it easy which one U87THYiv0jM-00535-00188288-00188487 think about it chat U87THYiv0jM-00536-00188488-00188743 no pun intended U87THYiv0jM-00537-00188744-00189687 you down sassy vodkas U87THYiv0jM-00538-00189688-00189863 would you rather U87THYiv0jM-00539-00189864-00190647 i don't want to say anymore oh no U87THYiv0jM-00540-00190648-00190895 or above a revival material what item is U87THYiv0jM-00541-00190896-00191007 this U87THYiv0jM-00542-00191008-00191247 over revival material U87THYiv0jM-00543-00191248-00191663 we got a new material item U87THYiv0jM-00544-00191664-00191878 what's it called revival material uses U87THYiv0jM-00545-00191879-00192126 to revive people U87THYiv0jM-00546-00192127-00192295 i mean U87THYiv0jM-00547-00192296-00192471 since i'm by myself i could just take U87THYiv0jM-00548-00192472-00192943 the hp revive healing one right U87THYiv0jM-00549-00192944-00193526 so i do wanna level up other U87THYiv0jM-00550-00193527-00193750 does it matter who i assess though U87THYiv0jM-00551-00193751-00193847 let's see U87THYiv0jM-00552-00193848-00194078 battle intel stagger of part one it U87THYiv0jM-00553-00194079-00194407 doesn't really matter U87THYiv0jM-00554-00194408-00194495 oh U87THYiv0jM-00555-00194496-00194735 this is pretty cool you guys look you U87THYiv0jM-00556-00194736-00195102 can actually just scan everything U87THYiv0jM-00557-00195103-00195463 hmm U87THYiv0jM-00558-00195464-00196102 i'm wondering though U87THYiv0jM-00559-00196103-00196247 i wonder if it's worthwhile to scan U87THYiv0jM-00560-00196248-00196687 everything U87THYiv0jM-00561-00196688-00196966 should be somewhere no complaints just U87THYiv0jM-00562-00196967-00197214 tell me the truth tell me U87THYiv0jM-00563-00197215-00197447 bingo U87THYiv0jM-00564-00197448-00197654 i have figured my dad got it wrong but U87THYiv0jM-00565-00197655-00197975 nope they're here just like he said U87THYiv0jM-00566-00197976-00198166 parachutes U87THYiv0jM-00567-00198167-00198454 huh what do you mean half figure 50 50 U87THYiv0jM-00568-00198455-00198871 is pretty good odds if you ask me U87THYiv0jM-00569-00198872-00199407 this is gonna be fun U87THYiv0jM-00570-00199408-00199583 wait are they planning to parachute oh U87THYiv0jM-00571-00199584-00199678 they are U87THYiv0jM-00572-00199679-00199878 okay U87THYiv0jM-00573-00199879-00199999 thanks guys U87THYiv0jM-00574-00200000-00200166 i really appreciate you coming all this U87THYiv0jM-00575-00200167-00200302 way with me U87THYiv0jM-00576-00200303-00200535 and like i said before i'd be grateful U87THYiv0jM-00577-00200536-00200711 if you kept this between us until after U87THYiv0jM-00578-00200712-00200950 the mission i don't want to complicate U87THYiv0jM-00579-00200951-00201054 things U87THYiv0jM-00580-00201055-00201254 sure U87THYiv0jM-00581-00201255-00201495 okay who's ready to fly U87THYiv0jM-00582-00201496-00201614 me U87THYiv0jM-00583-00201615-00201814 hey cloud you let him down gently all U87THYiv0jM-00584-00201815-00201919 right U87THYiv0jM-00585-00201920-00202014 yep U87THYiv0jM-00586-00202015-00202335 it can be a soft pillow when we land U87THYiv0jM-00587-00202336-00202454 we almost forgot U87THYiv0jM-00588-00202455-00202678 one more thing whoa U87THYiv0jM-00589-00202679-00202871 stop it what in the hell are you trying U87THYiv0jM-00590-00202872-00203735 to U87THYiv0jM-00591-00203736-00203999 swing by my place after so i can pay you U87THYiv0jM-00592-00204000-00204319 in full U87THYiv0jM-00593-00204320-00204438 lude U87THYiv0jM-00594-00204439-00205151 this is so rude U87THYiv0jM-00595-00205152-00205255 wait U87THYiv0jM-00596-00205256-00205455 give me a minute no U87THYiv0jM-00597-00205456-00205614 why you have to be such a hard ass U87THYiv0jM-00598-00205615-00206119 brother U87THYiv0jM-00599-00206119-00207783 i love you wedge you're amazing U87THYiv0jM-00600-00207784-00208462 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00601-00208463-00208719 i've never been skydiving before U87THYiv0jM-00602-00208719-00208919 i don't think i ever will oh my god U87THYiv0jM-00603-00208919-00209055 please U87THYiv0jM-00604-00209056-00209319 i wish i could have done more U87THYiv0jM-00605-00209319-00209462 just got hurt U87THYiv0jM-00606-00209463-00209623 you did enough U87THYiv0jM-00607-00209623-00209887 you took one for the team U87THYiv0jM-00608-00209888-00210527 be proud U87THYiv0jM-00609-00210528-00210903 feels like we're flying high these days U87THYiv0jM-00610-00210904-00211215 now more than ever U87THYiv0jM-00611-00211216-00211398 oh no U87THYiv0jM-00612-00211400-00211646 he's a keeper all right i actually U87THYiv0jM-00613-00211648-00211846 thought she was gonna die here guys i U87THYiv0jM-00614-00211848-00212639 guess she just that [__] doesn't die U87THYiv0jM-00615-00212640-00213327 back to the slump U87THYiv0jM-00616-00213328-00214839 so U87THYiv0jM-00617-00214840-00215079 i'll head home on my own after all i'm U87THYiv0jM-00618-00215080-00215510 only a little sore U87THYiv0jM-00619-00215511-00215682 that's cool we'll go U87THYiv0jM-00620-00215683-00215967 together ah thanks bro U87THYiv0jM-00621-00215967-00216215 cut that out oh ledge U87THYiv0jM-00622-00216216-00216431 this way U87THYiv0jM-00623-00216432-00216663 hollyville enjoy your alerts made it U87THYiv0jM-00624-00216664-00216855 back thanks for hanging out nico can you U87THYiv0jM-00625-00216856-00217758 guys reveal the face for me U87THYiv0jM-00626-00217759-00217927 oh we're back here U87THYiv0jM-00627-00217928-00218206 i see we're back here U87THYiv0jM-00628-00218207-00218482 can i still get a monster U87THYiv0jM-00629-00218483-00218887 fight like an item U87THYiv0jM-00630-00218888-00219023 nah i can't get any more items U87THYiv0jM-00631-00219023-00219423 apparently let's go U87THYiv0jM-00632-00219423-00219831 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00633-00219832-00219958 enjoy your luck value i don't want to U87THYiv0jM-00634-00219959-00220767 bother you probably busy right now U87THYiv0jM-00635-00220767-00221019 you saw it too right U87THYiv0jM-00636-00221021-00221175 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00637-00221176-00221279 i'm done U87THYiv0jM-00638-00221280-00221439 i hope you will continue to help me U87THYiv0jM-00639-00221440-00221879 gather vital information U87THYiv0jM-00640-00221880-00222055 i look forward to receiving all of your U87THYiv0jM-00641-00222056-00222310 i guess despite us doing a lot of U87THYiv0jM-00642-00222311-00222446 stagger U87THYiv0jM-00643-00222448-00222710 we need to do seven more U87THYiv0jM-00644-00222711-00223063 assess two enemy types wait U87THYiv0jM-00645-00223064-00223223 huh U87THYiv0jM-00646-00223223-00223439 stagger 15 enemies U87THYiv0jM-00647-00223440-00223623 first strike material and atv boost U87THYiv0jM-00648-00223623-00223887 material those sound pretty good U87THYiv0jM-00649-00223888-00224039 especially for somebody who's a support U87THYiv0jM-00650-00224040-00224151 or healer U87THYiv0jM-00651-00224152-00224310 first strike seems pretty good but i U87THYiv0jM-00652-00224311-00224406 wonder U87THYiv0jM-00653-00224407-00224879 is first strike important U87THYiv0jM-00654-00224880-00225127 all right wedge this is biggs place i U87THYiv0jM-00655-00225128-00225351 guess he hasn't made it home yet U87THYiv0jM-00656-00225352-00225551 guess not U87THYiv0jM-00657-00225552-00225806 hope he isn't worst casey knit again U87THYiv0jM-00658-00225807-00226063 he's got a habit of overthinking things U87THYiv0jM-00659-00226064-00226279 worrying about all the possible outcomes U87THYiv0jM-00660-00226280-00226455 till his head hurts U87THYiv0jM-00661-00226456-00226598 wouldn't have guessed U87THYiv0jM-00662-00226600-00226934 and when he worries i worry U87THYiv0jM-00663-00226935-00227248 anyway let's head on over to jessie's U87THYiv0jM-00664-00227248-00227694 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00665-00227696-00227927 word U87THYiv0jM-00666-00227928-00228158 i stayed up all night why'd you still U87THYiv0jM-00667-00228159-00228334 goofy as he runs U87THYiv0jM-00668-00228335-00228503 where jesse lives U87THYiv0jM-00669-00228504-00228664 men are not allowed inside U87THYiv0jM-00670-00228665-00228934 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00671-00228935-00229110 lots of pretty girls trying to make it U87THYiv0jM-00672-00229111-00229342 big on stage live here so don't hang U87THYiv0jM-00673-00229344-00229806 around or they might get the wrong idea U87THYiv0jM-00674-00229807-00230015 i'm telling you this for your own good U87THYiv0jM-00675-00230016-00230342 clown people around you love to gossip U87THYiv0jM-00676-00230344-00230591 they know about jessie and avalanche U87THYiv0jM-00677-00230592-00230823 nah it's all good they think she's an U87THYiv0jM-00678-00230823-00230951 actress U87THYiv0jM-00679-00230952-00231191 oh and one more thing but she invited U87THYiv0jM-00680-00231192-00231415 cloud over your game to her don't fall U87THYiv0jM-00681-00231416-00231839 for it you lost me U87THYiv0jM-00682-00231840-00232087 life's a stage and loves to play U87THYiv0jM-00683-00232088-00232663 oh my god all right wedge you you are U87THYiv0jM-00684-00232664-00233142 making me curious U87THYiv0jM-00685-00233144-00233287 are you saying that she's a plague i U87THYiv0jM-00686-00233288-00233446 mean she's she likes to play people's U87THYiv0jM-00687-00233448-00233806 hearts that's what we're singing wedge U87THYiv0jM-00688-00233807-00234542 i'm gonna try to find some living work U87THYiv0jM-00689-00234544-00234871 hey there big um reggie smalls U87THYiv0jM-00690-00234871-00235223 brought a new friend to meet you U87THYiv0jM-00691-00235223-00235406 these little guys are on guard duty U87THYiv0jM-00692-00235407-00235617 today U87THYiv0jM-00693-00235619-00235775 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00694-00235776-00235910 okay U87THYiv0jM-00695-00235911-00236151 that's cute thanks for sending me home U87THYiv0jM-00696-00236152-00236279 are you playing deadpool daylight all U87THYiv0jM-00697-00236280-00236471 right enjoy U87THYiv0jM-00698-00236471-00236694 it's all good bro it's kind of weird U87THYiv0jM-00699-00236696-00236942 when you call me U87THYiv0jM-00700-00236944-00237255 hey don't be scared deep down he's a big U87THYiv0jM-00701-00237256-00237367 softy U87THYiv0jM-00702-00237367-00237487 it's okay U87THYiv0jM-00703-00237488-00237631 it's okay U87THYiv0jM-00704-00237632-00237967 good job guys great work U87THYiv0jM-00705-00237967-00238246 i think wedge really breaks your clothes U87THYiv0jM-00706-00238248-00238639 oh [__] it's nice acting so tough U87THYiv0jM-00707-00238640-00238806 hey bro U87THYiv0jM-00708-00238807-00239079 uh who's the the cat's dummy U87THYiv0jM-00709-00239080-00239303 right U87THYiv0jM-00710-00239304-00239398 uh U87THYiv0jM-00711-00239400-00239687 i feel like wedge just understands cloud U87THYiv0jM-00712-00239688-00239846 a little bit more for some weird reason U87THYiv0jM-00713-00239848-00239982 glad to see you guys are getting a U87THYiv0jM-00714-00239983-00240175 little he sees something in cloud like U87THYiv0jM-00715-00240176-00240367 cloud's not really a hard but he's U87THYiv0jM-00716-00240367-00240615 actually really soft inside U87THYiv0jM-00717-00240616-00240830 misunderstood you know about the secret U87THYiv0jM-00718-00240831-00241406 reactor jobs pretty cool U87THYiv0jM-00719-00241407-00241775 do i see you now U87THYiv0jM-00720-00241776-00242046 well if it isn't cloud strife was U87THYiv0jM-00721-00242048-00242294 wondering when you'd show up U87THYiv0jM-00722-00242296-00242455 without further ado U87THYiv0jM-00723-00242456-00242823 here you are U87THYiv0jM-00724-00242823-00242934 thanks for stepping i thought she was U87THYiv0jM-00725-00242935-00243134 gonna do something else U87THYiv0jM-00726-00243135-00243734 and now for the cherry on top U87THYiv0jM-00727-00243735-00244015 okay i get it mind letting me breathe U87THYiv0jM-00728-00244016-00244206 depends oh wait what i'm coming over U87THYiv0jM-00729-00244207-00244415 tomorrow night oh my god it should all U87THYiv0jM-00730-00244416-00244646 be out for a while are you seriously U87THYiv0jM-00731-00244648-00244991 that desperate just let go already U87THYiv0jM-00732-00244992-00245134 only if you promise to come back U87THYiv0jM-00733-00245135-00245239 tomorrow night U87THYiv0jM-00734-00245240-00245342 deal U87THYiv0jM-00735-00245344-00245598 oh my god U87THYiv0jM-00736-00245600-00245958 this girl U87THYiv0jM-00737-00245959-00246159 no promises not happening U87THYiv0jM-00738-00246160-00246423 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00739-00246423-00246710 eeny meeny miny maul that's a tiger no U87THYiv0jM-00740-00246711-00246927 promises U87THYiv0jM-00741-00246928-00247191 no promises but i'll think it over U87THYiv0jM-00742-00247192-00247446 really you will i'd make a mean pizza U87THYiv0jM-00743-00247448-00247623 i'll have you know U87THYiv0jM-00744-00247623-00247919 marsh loose black milly red shelly i use U87THYiv0jM-00745-00247919-00248142 only the best ingredients sound good U87THYiv0jM-00746-00248144-00248230 actually i don't even know what those U87THYiv0jM-00747-00248231-00248423 ingredients are never heard of any of U87THYiv0jM-00748-00248423-00248542 that stuff U87THYiv0jM-00749-00248544-00248887 oh you are so adorable you know that U87THYiv0jM-00750-00248888-00249079 you just leave everything to me that'll U87THYiv0jM-00751-00249080-00249446 be great U87THYiv0jM-00752-00249448-00249615 nighty night U87THYiv0jM-00753-00249616-00249855 ah U87THYiv0jM-00754-00249856-00249967 all right have a good night siren U87THYiv0jM-00755-00249967-00250175 sleeping oh wait U87THYiv0jM-00756-00250176-00250367 didn't you just sleep earlier well U87THYiv0jM-00757-00250367-00250558 welcome back and then okay have a good U87THYiv0jM-00758-00250559-00250927 night U87THYiv0jM-00759-00250928-00251153 okay we got a new material U87THYiv0jM-00760-00251154-00251367 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00761-00251367-00251982 and a new upgrade U87THYiv0jM-00762-00251983-00252254 good night U87THYiv0jM-00763-00252255-00253055 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00764-00253056-00253158 sir U87THYiv0jM-00765-00253159-00254059 now is gone U87THYiv0jM-00766-00254060-00255119 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00767-00255119-00255391 um change chord z okay we need to do U87THYiv0jM-00768-00255392-00256175 this one click U87THYiv0jM-00769-00256176-00256663 attack power magic i think more U87THYiv0jM-00770-00256664-00256846 i think this one U87THYiv0jM-00771-00256848-00256982 i mean U87THYiv0jM-00772-00256983-00257127 that's five plus i mean this one's U87THYiv0jM-00773-00257128-00257206 better U87THYiv0jM-00774-00257207-00258777 with this one U87THYiv0jM-00775-00258778-00258958 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00776-00258959-00259151 wait which one did i unlock we have the U87THYiv0jM-00777-00259152-00259519 attack power defense and magic power U87THYiv0jM-00778-00259519-00259782 i'm wondering should i uh U87THYiv0jM-00779-00259783-00259991 i feel like physical defense is not U87THYiv0jM-00780-00259992-00260206 really so much of importance maybe magic U87THYiv0jM-00781-00260207-00260398 defense then U87THYiv0jM-00782-00260400-00260694 it's this feels like an attack sword U87THYiv0jM-00783-00260696-00260991 thinking about it U87THYiv0jM-00784-00260992-00261375 well local magic pure glass cannon U87THYiv0jM-00785-00261376-00261655 oh this might be bad U87THYiv0jM-00786-00261656-00262503 did uh oh did you people leveled up too U87THYiv0jM-00787-00262504-00262671 all right don't worry i'm always sauce U87THYiv0jM-00788-00262672-00262895 apparently see you later U87THYiv0jM-00789-00262896-00263175 ah tiffa U87THYiv0jM-00790-00263176-00263447 beerum wait did we i thought we unlocked U87THYiv0jM-00791-00263448-00263719 it no it's unlocked unlocked U87THYiv0jM-00792-00263720-00263934 this one's not locked all right it's off U87THYiv0jM-00793-00263935-00264158 you see chief was just getting stronger U87THYiv0jM-00794-00264159-00264310 and stronger U87THYiv0jM-00795-00264311-00264471 jesus U87THYiv0jM-00796-00264472-00265703 jesus U87THYiv0jM-00797-00265704-00265951 healing material um so we did get a U87THYiv0jM-00798-00265952-00266103 barrier which allows you to cast U87THYiv0jM-00799-00266104-00266247 defensive spell U87THYiv0jM-00800-00266248-00266527 i wonder if this is worthwhile to get U87THYiv0jM-00801-00266528-00267127 because there's monoware mana wall U87THYiv0jM-00802-00267128-00267230 i guess we're gonna have to put on U87THYiv0jM-00803-00267231-00267588 somebody to power it up U87THYiv0jM-00804-00267589-00267839 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00805-00267840-00268175 interpretable auto life status effect U87THYiv0jM-00806-00268176-00268375 breaks upon use U87THYiv0jM-00807-00268376-00268630 that's pretty U87THYiv0jM-00808-00268631-00269087 iron bingo U87THYiv0jM-00809-00269088-00269206 we actually don't have we didn't get U87THYiv0jM-00810-00269207-00269391 anything good from that i thought we U87THYiv0jM-00811-00269392-00269543 would get a pretty good loot from all U87THYiv0jM-00812-00269544-00269703 the things that we grabbed U87THYiv0jM-00813-00269704-00269991 i feel like we haven't got any U87THYiv0jM-00814-00269992-00270158 thinking there might be more is anything U87THYiv0jM-00815-00270159-00270282 weird tell U87THYiv0jM-00816-00270283-00270479 us U87THYiv0jM-00817-00270480-00270791 can we call me tifa U87THYiv0jM-00818-00270792-00270975 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00819-00270976-00271158 take your time and stock up on what you U87THYiv0jM-00820-00271159-00271334 need U87THYiv0jM-00821-00271335-00271582 it's been a hot bit yeah U87THYiv0jM-00822-00271583-00271751 but don't worry thanks for dropping on U87THYiv0jM-00823-00271752-00272047 by pleasure see you again nah welcome U87THYiv0jM-00824-00272048-00272455 home and uh enjoy your adventure again U87THYiv0jM-00825-00272456-00273206 pleasure always see you U87THYiv0jM-00826-00273207-00273406 here again U87THYiv0jM-00827-00273407-00273575 so it looks like you can turn clown to a U87THYiv0jM-00828-00273576-00274382 fully tanked tank out dished out person U87THYiv0jM-00829-00274383-00274567 oh it's telling us that we okay time to U87THYiv0jM-00830-00274568-00274879 go to bed can we go enter U87THYiv0jM-00831-00274880-00275087 i wonder about why would they ever let U87THYiv0jM-00832-00275088-00275372 us enter tifa's room U87THYiv0jM-00833-00275373-00275630 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00834-00275631-00275775 guys is it weird that i want to enter U87THYiv0jM-00835-00275776-00275967 tifa's room U87THYiv0jM-00836-00275968-00276386 she did promise us uh i was a date U87THYiv0jM-00837-00276387-00276903 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00838-00276904-00277030 what U87THYiv0jM-00839-00277031-00277239 hold up wait it's saying rest until U87THYiv0jM-00840-00277240-00277367 tomorrow U87THYiv0jM-00841-00277368-00277575 what happened advice U87THYiv0jM-00842-00277576-00277743 is there something that i can't wait is U87THYiv0jM-00843-00277744-00278534 there something that i'm missing here U87THYiv0jM-00844-00278535-00278687 i feel like every time they see U87THYiv0jM-00845-00278688-00278782 something like this i feel like we're U87THYiv0jM-00846-00278783-00279151 missing something let me U87THYiv0jM-00847-00279152-00279358 ah fudge it you know what who cares U87THYiv0jM-00848-00279359-00279591 that's golf U87THYiv0jM-00849-00279592-00280328 let's go cloud sleep till morning U87THYiv0jM-00850-00280329-00282023 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00851-00282024-00282158 cloud U87THYiv0jM-00852-00282159-00282310 yeah U87THYiv0jM-00853-00282311-00282551 you were out for a while oh U87THYiv0jM-00854-00282552-00282919 just walk zifa U87THYiv0jM-00855-00282920-00283158 i ran into johnny by the way U87THYiv0jM-00856-00283159-00283351 said not to worry he was getting out of U87THYiv0jM-00857-00283352-00283543 town uh U87THYiv0jM-00858-00283544-00283623 oh U87THYiv0jM-00859-00283624-00283815 that guy U87THYiv0jM-00860-00283816-00284030 you weren't thinking of leaving midgar U87THYiv0jM-00861-00284031-00284282 anytime soon were you U87THYiv0jM-00862-00284283-00284447 hmm U87THYiv0jM-00863-00284448-00284639 well seems this old friend of mine's in U87THYiv0jM-00864-00284640-00284823 a tight spot U87THYiv0jM-00865-00284824-00284982 long time ago i said i'd be there for U87THYiv0jM-00866-00284983-00285175 her made a promise U87THYiv0jM-00867-00285176-00285682 so U87THYiv0jM-00868-00285683-00285879 oh you can't say this is quite what i U87THYiv0jM-00869-00285880-00286071 had in mind when i put that on you way U87THYiv0jM-00870-00286072-00286310 back when U87THYiv0jM-00871-00286311-00286447 if you want to talk U87THYiv0jM-00872-00286448-00286623 i'm listening U87THYiv0jM-00873-00286624-00286871 ah there's a cloud guy with you all of a U87THYiv0jM-00874-00286872-00286982 sudden U87THYiv0jM-00875-00286983-00287134 with me U87THYiv0jM-00876-00287135-00287399 like you're losing that hard edge U87THYiv0jM-00877-00287400-00287551 that bad U87THYiv0jM-00878-00287552-00287791 not at all i like it U87THYiv0jM-00879-00287792-00287991 maybe marlene won't be so scared of you U87THYiv0jM-00880-00287992-00288519 next time U87THYiv0jM-00881-00288520-00288695 oh man U87THYiv0jM-00882-00288696-00288879 i like this i'm really glad to have you U87THYiv0jM-00883-00288880-00289191 back cloud really glad U87THYiv0jM-00884-00289192-00289439 oh it's pretty late huh U87THYiv0jM-00885-00289440-00289639 i'd like to catch up more but we should U87THYiv0jM-00886-00289640-00289903 probably both get some sleep yeah U87THYiv0jM-00887-00289904-00290151 yeah get together U87THYiv0jM-00888-00290152-00290510 oh U87THYiv0jM-00889-00290511-00290703 goodnight tifa U87THYiv0jM-00890-00290704-00291727 damn he actually says good night U87THYiv0jM-00891-00291728-00291823 oh U87THYiv0jM-00892-00291824-00292343 oh there's these cloud thingies again U87THYiv0jM-00893-00292344-00292495 they call them remnants or something U87THYiv0jM-00894-00292496-00293182 right U87THYiv0jM-00895-00293183-00293351 sleep U87THYiv0jM-00896-00293352-00294934 and dreams U87THYiv0jM-00897-00294935-00295167 wait what's going on what's wrong U87THYiv0jM-00898-00295168-00295303 come with me U87THYiv0jM-00899-00295304-00295582 oh no so yeah that's so i was worried U87THYiv0jM-00900-00295583-00295863 that we go asleep this U87THYiv0jM-00901-00295864-00295999 we were getting ready to set out when U87THYiv0jM-00902-00296000-00296206 those things showed up and came after us U87THYiv0jM-00903-00296207-00296367 the others U87THYiv0jM-00904-00296368-00296495 barrett and jesse are holding their U87THYiv0jM-00905-00296496-00296871 ground but for how long i don't know U87THYiv0jM-00906-00296872-00298182 let's go wait do everybody see it U87THYiv0jM-00907-00298183-00298663 ready you know it U87THYiv0jM-00908-00298664-00299039 ah let's head for the bar U87THYiv0jM-00909-00299040-00299239 okay U87THYiv0jM-00910-00299240-00299430 wait do i have to kill can i even kill U87THYiv0jM-00911-00299431-00299854 them is this even working U87THYiv0jM-00912-00299855-00300127 wait U87THYiv0jM-00913-00300128-00300287 can i just move you cannot move you have U87THYiv0jM-00914-00300288-00300463 to kill them U87THYiv0jM-00915-00300464-00300823 ah U87THYiv0jM-00916-00300824-00301351 i forgot to put the um material on U87THYiv0jM-00917-00301352-00301802 these guys i'm an idiot U87THYiv0jM-00918-00301803-00303910 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00919-00303911-00304334 but can we move can we move now U87THYiv0jM-00920-00304335-00304582 oh okay okay oh wait what i thought we U87THYiv0jM-00921-00304583-00305630 could move U87THYiv0jM-00922-00305631-00305751 uh U87THYiv0jM-00923-00305752-00306151 anytime now U87THYiv0jM-00924-00306152-00306319 i'm am i messing up something i thought U87THYiv0jM-00925-00306320-00306623 we could just move to the bar U87THYiv0jM-00926-00306624-00306863 no wait no we could i'm pretty sure you U87THYiv0jM-00927-00306864-00306991 can't even see them unless they make U87THYiv0jM-00928-00306992-00308103 physical U87THYiv0jM-00929-00308104-00308791 over gold U87THYiv0jM-00930-00308792-00309982 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00931-00309983-00310254 it's like trying to fight a hurricane U87THYiv0jM-00932-00310255-00310447 stay on your feet you don't have to tell U87THYiv0jM-00933-00310448-00310703 me that U87THYiv0jM-00934-00310704-00311127 wait are we actually pushing forward U87THYiv0jM-00935-00311128-00311830 oh we're actually going forward okay U87THYiv0jM-00936-00311831-00312047 this is so cool U87THYiv0jM-00937-00312048-00313123 this is awesome i like this U87THYiv0jM-00938-00313124-00314791 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00939-00314792-00316030 hang on U87THYiv0jM-00940-00316031-00316247 i'm very confused what they are U87THYiv0jM-00941-00316248-00316423 i feel like they are something related U87THYiv0jM-00942-00316424-00316558 to time U87THYiv0jM-00943-00316559-00316727 because for some reason they're trying U87THYiv0jM-00944-00316728-00316871 to play us apart from each other are U87THYiv0jM-00945-00316872-00317215 they trying to stop something U87THYiv0jM-00946-00317216-00318486 from happening U87THYiv0jM-00947-00318487-00318975 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00949-00322040-00323297 let me get U87THYiv0jM-00950-00323298-00323454 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00951-00323455-00324006 braver braver on this dude U87THYiv0jM-00952-00324007-00324263 so this guy's the one with the target U87THYiv0jM-00953-00324264-00325639 there you go U87THYiv0jM-00954-00325640-00326144 ready U87THYiv0jM-00955-00326145-00327463 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00956-00327464-00327799 what just happened U87THYiv0jM-00957-00327800-00327943 just U87THYiv0jM-00958-00327944-00328206 you okay U87THYiv0jM-00959-00328207-00328366 me and my two left feet U87THYiv0jM-00960-00328367-00328654 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-00961-00328655-00328903 easy now oh [__] wait she's injured now U87THYiv0jM-00962-00328904-00329030 how's she supposed to go on the mission U87THYiv0jM-00963-00329031-00329719 later U87THYiv0jM-00964-00329720-00329934 the hell were those things some kind of U87THYiv0jM-00965-00329935-00330191 i don't know U87THYiv0jM-00966-00330192-00330399 guess i shouldn't be surprised though U87THYiv0jM-00967-00330400-00330599 never can tell what weird shit'll come U87THYiv0jM-00968-00330600-00330871 crawling out of the screen oh my U87THYiv0jM-00969-00330872-00331175 it's those reactors i'm telling you it U87THYiv0jM-00970-00331176-00331295 hurt U87THYiv0jM-00971-00331296-00332263 i wish i could say it didn't but U87THYiv0jM-00972-00332264-00332478 god this is so embarrassing U87THYiv0jM-00973-00332479-00332719 hate playing the damsel in distress it U87THYiv0jM-00974-00332720-00332847 happens U87THYiv0jM-00975-00332848-00333727 i mean she is the actress U87THYiv0jM-00976-00333728-00333991 what did you do to your leg did did it U87THYiv0jM-00977-00333992-00334206 does it hurt not nearly as much as the U87THYiv0jM-00978-00334207-00334399 fuss everyone's making U87THYiv0jM-00979-00334400-00334599 still i think you ought to avoid putting U87THYiv0jM-00980-00334600-00334887 it i'm fine U87THYiv0jM-00981-00334888-00335071 which is definitely not fine U87THYiv0jM-00982-00335072-00335182 wait why can't we use the healing U87THYiv0jM-00983-00335183-00335415 material on them huh what about the U87THYiv0jM-00984-00335416-00335551 mission U87THYiv0jM-00985-00335552-00335799 we already sent bigs in remember U87THYiv0jM-00986-00335800-00335951 don't tell me you're thinking of calling U87THYiv0jM-00987-00335952-00336119 it off U87THYiv0jM-00988-00336120-00336327 no we got this U87THYiv0jM-00989-00336328-00336630 the hell you do U87THYiv0jM-00990-00336631-00336751 if you oh U87THYiv0jM-00991-00336752-00338127 step up i'm your man U87THYiv0jM-00992-00338128-00338254 okay U87THYiv0jM-00993-00338255-00338495 so here's the thing U87THYiv0jM-00994-00338496-00338782 i'm gonna hanukkah U87THYiv0jM-00995-00338783-00339039 consider it done U87THYiv0jM-00996-00339040-00339278 all right everyone cloud's in the U87THYiv0jM-00997-00339279-00339558 mission is on U87THYiv0jM-00998-00339559-00339991 all right cloud okay U87THYiv0jM-00999-00339992-00340191 no i i love huh U87THYiv0jM-01000-00340192-00340391 it's changing he's softer and he's U87THYiv0jM-01001-00340392-00340551 having more i'm in perfect time he's U87THYiv0jM-01002-00340552-00340806 becoming more talkative perfect choice U87THYiv0jM-01003-00340807-00341143 to look after jesse or something U87THYiv0jM-01004-00341144-00341367 and wanting to do things for others U87THYiv0jM-01005-00341368-00341400 hey U87THYiv0jM-01006-00341401-00341599 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-01007-00341600-00341919 let's get this show on the road tomorrow U87THYiv0jM-01008-00341920-00342023 welcome U87THYiv0jM-01009-00342024-00342191 once you got your gear in order head to U87THYiv0jM-01010-00342192-00343103 the station for the meet got it U87THYiv0jM-01011-00343104-00343303 will help you get squared away don't U87THYiv0jM-01012-00343304-00343695 tell me i never did nothing for you U87THYiv0jM-01013-00343696-00343871 thanks for the money U87THYiv0jM-01014-00343872-00345078 i'm counting on you soldier boy U87THYiv0jM-01015-00345079-00345334 down where is my d with t for that she U87THYiv0jM-01016-00345335-00345567 promised well i'm into that U87THYiv0jM-01017-00345568-00345758 man U87THYiv0jM-01018-00345759-00346223 can i can i play pinball U87THYiv0jM-01019-00346224-00346527 oh wait guys we can still do dart U87THYiv0jM-01020-00346528-00346678 i remember somebody said you can't do U87THYiv0jM-01021-00346679-00346951 dar anymore U87THYiv0jM-01022-00346952-00347271 good luck out there bro and take care U87THYiv0jM-01023-00347272-00347543 relegated to stagehand once again U87THYiv0jM-01024-00347544-00347695 i'm starting to think i'll never have a U87THYiv0jM-01025-00347696-00347830 starring role you don't need starting U87THYiv0jM-01026-00347831-00348006 roles next time stop trying to get U87THYiv0jM-01027-00348007-00348310 yourself killed words of encouragement U87THYiv0jM-01028-00348311-00348543 jessica's getting herself killed i mean U87THYiv0jM-01029-00348544-00348734 for some weird reason or in weird U87THYiv0jM-01030-00348735-00348991 predicament she's asking for it U87THYiv0jM-01031-00348992-00349087 please U87THYiv0jM-01032-00349088-00349319 it's scary U87THYiv0jM-01033-00349320-00349471 hi hanukkal U87THYiv0jM-01034-00349472-00349744 welcome how are you doing today U87THYiv0jM-01035-00349745-00349863 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-01036-00349864-00350054 all right chief let's go all right U87THYiv0jM-01037-00350055-00350358 let's get going sure U87THYiv0jM-01038-00350359-00350599 after you take a deep breath U87THYiv0jM-01039-00350600-00350710 huh U87THYiv0jM-01040-00350711-00350895 i can tell you're nervous U87THYiv0jM-01041-00350896-00351103 that obvious huh U87THYiv0jM-01042-00351104-00351423 okay i'm ready now U87THYiv0jM-01043-00351424-00351591 you're changing allies who have left the U87THYiv0jM-01044-00351592-00351758 parts which are material accessories as U87THYiv0jM-01045-00351759-00352039 situation that demands U87THYiv0jM-01046-00352040-00352310 okay so U87THYiv0jM-01047-00352311-00352471 i need to put back the material that U87THYiv0jM-01048-00352472-00352663 took off for U87THYiv0jM-01049-00352664-00353263 we can use bear in our party now U87THYiv0jM-01050-00353264-00353510 ah U87THYiv0jM-01051-00353511-00353606 um U87THYiv0jM-01052-00353607-00353887 i need the assassin U87THYiv0jM-01053-00353888-00354054 where's my asses material i'll put this U87THYiv0jM-01054-00354055-00354287 on you but now we have U87THYiv0jM-01055-00354288-00354392 wait a second U87THYiv0jM-01056-00354393-00354710 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-01057-00354711-00354847 can they all U87THYiv0jM-01058-00354848-00355063 oh no they all could use ifrit okay U87THYiv0jM-01059-00355064-00355367 that's cool U87THYiv0jM-01060-00355368-00356454 um hmm U87THYiv0jM-01061-00356455-00356903 what do you have U87THYiv0jM-01062-00356904-00357206 lightning material and healing material U87THYiv0jM-01063-00357207-00357391 which we already have on which having U87THYiv0jM-01064-00357392-00357519 two is good U87THYiv0jM-01065-00357520-00357639 but i don't think i don't need another U87THYiv0jM-01066-00357640-00357943 lightning do i i think tf is lightning U87THYiv0jM-01067-00357944-00358030 yeah U87THYiv0jM-01068-00358031-00358110 so U87THYiv0jM-01069-00358111-00358406 i have a sass chakra lightning U87THYiv0jM-01070-00358407-00358639 on her so i can take hers off but no no U87THYiv0jM-01071-00358640-00358847 wait what's barrett's lightning at U87THYiv0jM-01072-00358848-00359103 fire what's your lighting at U87THYiv0jM-01073-00359104-00359230 zero U87THYiv0jM-01074-00359231-00359327 um U87THYiv0jM-01075-00359328-00359487 barrier U87THYiv0jM-01076-00359488-00359719 yeah let's give him barrier U87THYiv0jM-01077-00359720-00359830 uh U87THYiv0jM-01078-00359831-00360134 fifa has i think he has fire too no she U87THYiv0jM-01079-00360135-00360415 has auto cure material U87THYiv0jM-01080-00360416-00361334 do we need auto care U87THYiv0jM-01081-00361335-00361551 i don't think we really need auto cure i U87THYiv0jM-01082-00361552-00361782 think we should level up i think i'm U87THYiv0jM-01083-00361783-00362206 gonna level up um either fire or wind U87THYiv0jM-01084-00362207-00362447 probably fire the revival seems pretty U87THYiv0jM-01085-00362448-00362687 pog too U87THYiv0jM-01086-00362688-00363551 it's so we need a lot more items lines U87THYiv0jM-01087-00363552-00363758 hi hanukkah how you been lately i've U87THYiv0jM-01088-00363759-00366230 seen a hot bite U87THYiv0jM-01089-00366231-00366487 if we put the revival material in U87THYiv0jM-01090-00366488-00366606 wait a second U87THYiv0jM-01091-00366607-00366839 if i put the revival material in U87THYiv0jM-01092-00366840-00366991 would not be better because then we U87THYiv0jM-01093-00366992-00367558 don't have to use phoenix down U87THYiv0jM-01094-00367559-00367767 bear when do we get why could we upgrade U87THYiv0jM-01095-00367768-00367903 you hold up U87THYiv0jM-01096-00367904-00368415 oh we can please give me material slot U87THYiv0jM-01097-00368416-00368791 hanukkah you played this game before U87THYiv0jM-01098-00368792-00369127 damn people be quiet man doomed U87THYiv0jM-01099-00369128-00369454 okay attack power yes U87THYiv0jM-01100-00369455-00369967 please material magic hp mature U87THYiv0jM-01101-00369968-00370206 i wonder if i should be material U87THYiv0jM-01102-00370207-00370382 i'm not mature um U87THYiv0jM-01103-00370383-00370551 magic U87THYiv0jM-01104-00370552-00370687 because i don't need him to be attained U87THYiv0jM-01105-00370688-00371247 do i U87THYiv0jM-01106-00371248-00371502 okay what do we got here attack magic U87THYiv0jM-01107-00371503-00372175 power defense hp U87THYiv0jM-01108-00372176-00372982 yes material slot yes U87THYiv0jM-01109-00372983-00373439 i likey i like you like you likey U87THYiv0jM-01110-00373440-00373710 whoa barrett you gotta love materials U87THYiv0jM-01111-00373711-00373943 lots i like you U87THYiv0jM-01112-00373944-00374206 see i can give you revival U87THYiv0jM-01113-00374207-00374287 and U87THYiv0jM-01114-00374288-00374454 fire we have U87THYiv0jM-01115-00374455-00374671 what can we put here U87THYiv0jM-01116-00374672-00374830 i don't care U87THYiv0jM-01117-00374831-00375230 we can put auto care or win U87THYiv0jM-01118-00375231-00375423 probably win let's just level it up U87THYiv0jM-01119-00375424-00375543 budget U87THYiv0jM-01120-00375544-00377515 legit let's go U87THYiv0jM-01121-00377516-00378134 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-01122-00378135-00378343 i'm kind of worried U87THYiv0jM-01123-00378344-00378543 do i need more phoenix down U87THYiv0jM-01124-00378544-00378695 i don't think i'm bad at playing this U87THYiv0jM-01125-00378696-00378887 game but U87THYiv0jM-01126-00378888-00379078 i'm kind of worried U87THYiv0jM-01127-00379079-00379206 i feel like something's gonna happen U87THYiv0jM-01128-00379207-00379543 soon i'm gonna miss U87THYiv0jM-01129-00379544-00379863 you have out my expectations oh hi U87THYiv0jM-01130-00379864-00380039 chadley i hope you will continue to help U87THYiv0jM-01131-00380040-00380206 me gather vital information for my U87THYiv0jM-01132-00380207-00380439 research U87THYiv0jM-01133-00380440-00380534 what U87THYiv0jM-01134-00380535-00380671 why did you suddenly appear in front of U87THYiv0jM-01135-00380672-00381254 me U87THYiv0jM-01136-00381255-00381399 yo this guy kind of appears out of U87THYiv0jM-01137-00381400-00381567 nowhere U87THYiv0jM-01138-00381568-00381830 i can't wait any longer it's okay U87THYiv0jM-01139-00381831-00382006 all right people U87THYiv0jM-01140-00382007-00382175 mission starts the moment we board that U87THYiv0jM-01141-00382176-00382623 train you sure you ready for this uh U87THYiv0jM-01142-00382624-00382839 yes i'm ready let's go U87THYiv0jM-01143-00382840-00382958 i don't think we don't have to finish U87THYiv0jM-01144-00382959-00383382 any more side quests U87THYiv0jM-01145-00383383-00383534 do you think biggs is U87THYiv0jM-01146-00383535-00383775 on schedule U87THYiv0jM-01147-00383776-00384102 all we can do is hope U87THYiv0jM-01148-00384103-00384375 today really got to be the day huh U87THYiv0jM-01149-00384376-00384567 yeah ain't no stopping this train we're U87THYiv0jM-01150-00384568-00384839 on son yeah yeah a lot of people risked U87THYiv0jM-01151-00384840-00385127 their lives to get it rolling U87THYiv0jM-01152-00385128-00385351 i already put the word out more's coming U87THYiv0jM-01153-00385352-00385478 too U87THYiv0jM-01154-00385479-00385663 shut them all down by the day but we U87THYiv0jM-01155-00385664-00385958 shut another down for you U87THYiv0jM-01156-00385959-00387223 ain't on us not us U87THYiv0jM-01157-00387224-00388078 just walk on U87THYiv0jM-01158-00388079-00388310 oh this train reminds me of the of the U87THYiv0jM-01159-00388311-00388423 um U87THYiv0jM-01160-00388424-00388582 the the the music anime i've been U87THYiv0jM-01161-00388583-00388839 watching take aop or something like that U87THYiv0jM-01162-00388840-00389343 which has a similar train as U87THYiv0jM-01163-00389344-00389439 group this U87THYiv0jM-01164-00389440-00389654 has issued another bomb threat in U87THYiv0jM-01165-00389655-00389878 response we have raised the threat level U87THYiv0jM-01166-00389879-00390134 and enter the state of heightened alert U87THYiv0jM-01167-00390135-00390351 all lines are currently experiencing U87THYiv0jM-01168-00390352-00390478 delays U87THYiv0jM-01169-00390479-00390710 we anticipate that our arrival in sector U87THYiv0jM-01170-00390711-00391247 4 will be later than scheduled U87THYiv0jM-01171-00391248-00391558 the target's marco reactor 5 U87THYiv0jM-01172-00391559-00391734 from the station we take the back U87THYiv0jM-01173-00391735-00391943 streets U87THYiv0jM-01174-00391944-00392158 once we're inside the facility it's the U87THYiv0jM-01175-00392159-00392463 same deal as last time U87THYiv0jM-01176-00392464-00392719 head for marco storage U87THYiv0jM-01177-00392720-00393033 and then throw it all to hell U87THYiv0jM-01178-00393034-00393263 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-01179-00393264-00393478 let's do this one for jesse and wedge U87THYiv0jM-01180-00393479-00393734 they deserve it U87THYiv0jM-01181-00393735-00393854 well they tried to leave without U87THYiv0jM-01182-00393855-00394182 dressing wedge isn't she just gonna come U87THYiv0jM-01183-00394183-00395302 knowing her U87THYiv0jM-01184-00395303-00395471 i didn't think word would spread this U87THYiv0jM-01185-00395472-00396047 fast U87THYiv0jM-01186-00396048-00396278 there's barely anyone on this train and U87THYiv0jM-01187-00396279-00396678 none of them look happy to be here U87THYiv0jM-01188-00396679-00397158 might stand out as a group U87THYiv0jM-01189-00397159-00397423 you two stay here U87THYiv0jM-01190-00397424-00397958 we stand out anyways U87THYiv0jM-01191-00397959-00398102 why aren't there anybody on the train U87THYiv0jM-01192-00398103-00398287 that's kind of weird U87THYiv0jM-01193-00398288-00398599 i feel like this is um a bait U87THYiv0jM-01194-00398600-00398734 can i save U87THYiv0jM-01195-00398735-00399183 oh i can save U87THYiv0jM-01196-00399184-00399463 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-01197-00399464-00400654 oh U87THYiv0jM-01198-00400655-00400830 have i not played the original no i U87THYiv0jM-01199-00400831-00401127 never played the original um the only U87THYiv0jM-01200-00401128-00401343 the only game i played was final fantasy U87THYiv0jM-01201-00401344-00401630 4 and watch my little brother play final U87THYiv0jM-01202-00401631-00401863 fantasy 13 and then i've watched a U87THYiv0jM-01203-00401864-00402527 little snippet of final fantasy um 15. U87THYiv0jM-01204-00402528-00402758 yeah that's why i like legit when i my U87THYiv0jM-01205-00402759-00403247 title says first time first playthrough U87THYiv0jM-01206-00403248-00403854 i'm new to this game U87THYiv0jM-01207-00403855-00403951 but U87THYiv0jM-01208-00403952-00404095 i'm gonna take a break and i'll come U87THYiv0jM-01209-00404096-00404254 back later i need to go and get U87THYiv0jM-01210-00404255-00404406 something to eat so U87THYiv0jM-01211-00404407-00404647 it's a perfect time to stop um we'll U87THYiv0jM-01212-00404648-00404854 probably come back and play later after U87THYiv0jM-01213-00404855-00404982 tonight's stream U87THYiv0jM-01214-00404983-00405063 but U87THYiv0jM-01215-00405064-00405215 it's a pretty good time to stop before U87THYiv0jM-01216-00405216-00405471 something big happens and uh U87THYiv0jM-01217-00405472-00405887 y'all this game is awesome i love tifa U87THYiv0jM-01218-00405888-00406295 and i love wedge i feel like wedge me U87THYiv0jM-01219-00406296-00406575 wedge has gotten into U87THYiv0jM-01220-00406576-00406823 cloud i wonder jesse did the same thing U87THYiv0jM-01221-00406824-00406975 it's kind of hard it's like U87THYiv0jM-01222-00406976-00407158 clouds being pulled around left and U87THYiv0jM-01223-00407159-00407278 right U87THYiv0jM-01224-00407279-00407463 and he's just following the flow but U87THYiv0jM-01225-00407464-00407639 because of people just dragging him even U87THYiv0jM-01226-00407640-00407799 if he doesn't want to do it U87THYiv0jM-01227-00407800-00408071 it makes him happier U87THYiv0jM-01228-00408072-00408310 it's like how i would feel where i would U87THYiv0jM-01229-00408311-00408487 love it when people dragged me around U87THYiv0jM-01230-00408488-00408630 but would U87THYiv0jM-01231-00408631-00408799 when i'm alone i found i feel like i'm U87THYiv0jM-01232-00408800-00409030 disgruntled man U87THYiv0jM-01233-00409031-00409182 learning that U87THYiv0jM-01234-00409183-00409382 an old fox i mean but other than that U87THYiv0jM-01235-00409383-00409527 thank you very much guys for hanging out U87THYiv0jM-01236-00409528-00409855 with me um we'll be back later on but if U87THYiv0jM-01237-00409856-00410078 you guys are watching from youtube if U87THYiv0jM-01238-00410079-00410295 you guys like to slap that sub button it U87THYiv0jM-01239-00410296-00410526 is free but i'll catch you guys later uh U87THYiv0jM-01240-00410527-00410703 if you guys are wanting to watch me live U87THYiv0jM-01241-00410704-00411022 at twitch.tv akimakiro it is a pleasure U87THYiv0jM-01242-00411023-00411230 to always dream for you guys and thank U87THYiv0jM-01243-00411231-00411447 you very much for always being part of U87THYiv0jM-01244-00411447-00411863 my life i love you all and uh let me U87THYiv0jM-01245-00411864-00412078 and i'll catch you guys uh U87THYiv0jM-01246-00412079-00412517 later bye bye johnny U87THYiv0jM-01247-00412518-00413059 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-01249-00416623-00417101 do U87THYiv0jM-01250-00417102-00419583 [Music] U87THYiv0jM-01251-00419584-00419792 you U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00000-00000003-00000299 start up another segment here showing U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00001-00000300-00000482 you what's going on this is on Nevada at U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00002-00000483-00000757 six and a half mile road you see through U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00003-00000758-00000968 the back end of this garage it had the U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00004-00000969-00001150 opening on to the alley we're literally U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00005-00001151-00001352 looking through the alley U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00006-00001353-00001582 DTE came through and they cleared out U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00007-00001583-00001922 the alley last week did a lot of clear U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00008-00001923-00002218 cutting of overgrowth to make it U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00009-00002219-00002508 accessible U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00010-00002509-00002767 now our residents are going to be able U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00011-00002768-00003025 to see three blocks over there's all of U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00012-00003026-00003313 them at least two blocks over because U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00013-00003314-00003454 all the housing is going to be able to U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00014-00003455-00003745 move in between this is very similar to U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00015-00003746-00004594 what happened on the east side years ago U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00016-00004595-00004972 sidewalks in here are not in great shape U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00017-00004973-00005381 and with the demolition traffic even U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00018-00005382-00005704 gonna be worse so these two I'm not sure U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00019-00005705-00005872 status on them they may be trying to U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00020-00005873-00006143 move them over to dangerous buildings we U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00021-00006144-00006368 should see notices on them that say that U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00022-00006369-00006650 I don't see a notice so there's got to U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00023-00006651-00006846 be some kind of ownership the question U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00024-00006847-00007228 still remaining is they're actively U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00025-00007229-00007534 demolishing this homeowner has actually U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00026-00007536-00007885 picked up one two three Lots to be able U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00027-00007886-00008374 to expand their space U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00028-00008375-00008531 it looks like they could be buying a U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00029-00008532-00008710 whole lot more side lights at this point U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00030-00008711-00008942 because there's gonna be a lot more open U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00031-00008943-00009321 up this house here I actually reported U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00032-00009322-00009710 scrapping going on in the back over here U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00033-00009711-00010099 I caught people that were actually U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00034-00010100-00010706 pulling siding off of the house and then U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00035-00010707-00010871 turn that over to the news and they did U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00036-00010872-00011423 a story about it as you can see this is U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00037-00011424-00011609 what happens after you've ripped all the U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00038-00011610-00011866 siding off the house as you just got the U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00039-00011867-00012134 basic boards exposed to the weather and U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00040-00012135-00012682 it just eats the house up real quick all U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00041-00012683-00013157 right so now we got housing this has U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00042-00013158-00013472 been demolished last a week and a half U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00043-00013472-00014324 ago Phil put in what I was looking at U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00044-00014325-00014633 for the topsoil before does maybe it's U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00045-00014634-00014816 been amended with something a little U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00046-00014816-00015152 higher grade on top because it was U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00047-00015153-00015475 looking really clay like this looks like U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00048-00015476-00015697 this when something else added on top U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00049-00015698-00016407 possibly some better top so well maybe U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00050-00016408-00017396 on little loan house not in good shape U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00051-00017397-00017717 so this wasn't demolished over here U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00052-00017718-00018120 that's been demolished or as I think one U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00053-00018121-00018306 or two houses here that were demolished U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00054-00018307-00019536 I think it looks like - this was on this U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00055-00019537-00020105 and we are coming up on John our so that U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00056-00020106-00020394 is our tour of the demolitions along U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00057-00020395-00021174 Nevada flip this camera around U8KsQ3k2Mk0-00058-00021175-00021487 [Music] U9LpeWsy5CU-00000-00000006-00000262 the virus does not understand your U9LpeWsy5CU-00001-00000263-00000692 emotions this commitment you must take U9LpeWsy5CU-00002-00000693-00000986 for yourself for the sake of the nation U9LpeWsy5CU-00003-00000986-00001364 and for the sake of humanity there is no U9LpeWsy5CU-00004-00001365-00001436 need to panic U9LpeWsy5CU-00005-00001437-00001880 what is needed is sense all of us U9LpeWsy5CU-00006-00001880-00002156 absolutely lockdown lockdown we would U9LpeWsy5CU-00007-00002157-00002531 have in many ways contained it this U9LpeWsy5CU-00008-00002532-00002860 question is from Chaitanya saku the U9LpeWsy5CU-00009-00002861-00003116 cases in India are increasing and with a U9LpeWsy5CU-00010-00003117-00003304 lockdown opening it might become the U9LpeWsy5CU-00011-00003305-00003572 pace I would like to know if I get U9LpeWsy5CU-00012-00003572-00003818 Corona how do I deal with it emotionally U9LpeWsy5CU-00013-00003819-00004597 oh the virus does not understand your U9LpeWsy5CU-00014-00004598-00005285 emotions so don't deal with it U9LpeWsy5CU-00015-00005286-00005995 emotionally first thing don't get it but U9LpeWsy5CU-00016-00005996-00006259 it may happen once you are out on the U9LpeWsy5CU-00017-00006260-00006709 street it may happen so please don't U9LpeWsy5CU-00018-00006711-00006956 deal with it emotionally U9LpeWsy5CU-00019-00006956-00007189 no no that's not what I'm saying how U9LpeWsy5CU-00020-00007190-00007534 should I handle my emotion this is what U9LpeWsy5CU-00021-00007536-00007763 I was saying all this time your emotion U9LpeWsy5CU-00022-00007764-00008003 whatever is the sweetest point you hit U9LpeWsy5CU-00023-00008004-00008255 in your life the high point you must U9LpeWsy5CU-00024-00008256-00008878 keep it there don't bring it down so if U9LpeWsy5CU-00025-00008879-00009217 virus gets you you must deal with it U9LpeWsy5CU-00026-00009218-00009517 sensibly the most sensible thing is if U9LpeWsy5CU-00027-00009518-00009764 you get it nobody else should get it U9LpeWsy5CU-00028-00009765-00009949 from you this commitment you must take U9LpeWsy5CU-00029-00009950-00010226 for yourself for the sake of the nation U9LpeWsy5CU-00030-00010227-00010487 and for the sake of humanity you must U9LpeWsy5CU-00031-00010488-00010769 take this in case you get it it should U9LpeWsy5CU-00032-00010770-00011238 not hop to one more person stop here U9LpeWsy5CU-00033-00011239-00011606 either we come out of it alive or we die U9LpeWsy5CU-00034-00011607-00011876 or we come out whichever way but it U9LpeWsy5CU-00035-00011877-00012046 should not go to one more person this U9LpeWsy5CU-00036-00012047-00012439 responsibility we must take so there is U9LpeWsy5CU-00037-00012440-00012732 no emotional stuff to it U9LpeWsy5CU-00038-00012733-00012915 you deal with it it'll be little hard to U9LpeWsy5CU-00039-00012916-00013287 breathe people say it's quite terrible U9LpeWsy5CU-00040-00013288-00013594 because it feels like you're drowning U9LpeWsy5CU-00041-00013596-00013827 but then now it is showing other U9LpeWsy5CU-00042-00013828-00014415 symptoms also various other kinds so we U9LpeWsy5CU-00043-00014416-00014691 don't know what kind of sweet emotions U9LpeWsy5CU-00044-00014691-00015096 virus has for you or not we do not know U9LpeWsy5CU-00045-00015097-00015378 we do not know if he has any emotions U9LpeWsy5CU-00046-00015379-00015927 he's just doing his business simply he's U9LpeWsy5CU-00047-00015928-00016101 just going about his business of U9LpeWsy5CU-00048-00016102-00016383 survival so you go about your business U9LpeWsy5CU-00049-00016384-00016548 of survival that's it U9LpeWsy5CU-00050-00016549-00016932 just like the virus all right U9LpeWsy5CU-00051-00016933-00017393 the virus is trying to survive upon you U9LpeWsy5CU-00052-00017394-00017748 you survive upon this planet don't go U9LpeWsy5CU-00053-00017749-00017930 away U9LpeWsy5CU-00054-00017931-00018327 no emotion needed for this yes what is U9LpeWsy5CU-00055-00018328-00018588 needed you hand yourself over to a U9LpeWsy5CU-00056-00018589-00018843 doctor whatever they have to do they U9LpeWsy5CU-00057-00018844-00019050 will do you take instructions and just U9LpeWsy5CU-00058-00019051-00019437 do that or before the lockdown is over U9LpeWsy5CU-00059-00019438-00019719 fully inform yourself what you must do U9LpeWsy5CU-00060-00019720-00019956 what you must not do absolutely 100% U9LpeWsy5CU-00061-00019957-00020406 clear but if you keep yourself we have U9LpeWsy5CU-00062-00020407-00020640 taught you say McCrea but if you're U9LpeWsy5CU-00063-00020641-00020787 already doing SEC detail and in Korea U9LpeWsy5CU-00064-00020788-00021054 your immune system is good in terms of U9LpeWsy5CU-00065-00021055-00021318 food maybe we can put it out with little U9LpeWsy5CU-00066-00021319-00021675 more you know little reject that a U9LpeWsy5CU-00067-00021676-00022008 little bit how to get the immune system U9LpeWsy5CU-00068-00022009-00022374 up use this 15 days to really get the U9LpeWsy5CU-00069-00022375-00022692 immune system into a strong place in U9LpeWsy5CU-00070-00022693-00022887 spite of that we can get it but now U9LpeWsy5CU-00071-00022888-00023100 they're saying 80% of the people who get U9LpeWsy5CU-00072-00023101-00023487 it don't show any symptoms may I just go U9LpeWsy5CU-00073-00023488-00023616 through it nothing happens it's just U9LpeWsy5CU-00074-00023617-00023721 that they're giving it to other people U9LpeWsy5CU-00075-00023722-00024084 that's all so if you are in the world U9LpeWsy5CU-00076-00024085-00024249 honorable age group you must be super U9LpeWsy5CU-00077-00024250-00024606 careful for you lockdown is not over if U9LpeWsy5CU-00078-00024607-00024900 you're over 60 65 years of age if you U9LpeWsy5CU-00079-00024901-00025119 have any kind of immune deficiency U9LpeWsy5CU-00080-00025120-00025429 disorders for you lockdown is not go U9LpeWsy5CU-00081-00025430-00025744 to get over on 17th of May it's not U9LpeWsy5CU-00082-00025745-00025920 going to get over for next six months U9LpeWsy5CU-00083-00025922-00026092 eight months nine months we don't know U9LpeWsy5CU-00084-00026093-00026512 maybe 12 months those who are young and U9LpeWsy5CU-00085-00026513-00026689 healthy yes you have to get back to U9LpeWsy5CU-00086-00026689-00027013 activity and do things others have to U9LpeWsy5CU-00087-00027014-00027211 maintain those who are in the vulnerable U9LpeWsy5CU-00088-00027212-00027487 groups they have to maintain lock down U9LpeWsy5CU-00089-00027488-00027748 and everybody you need to understand U9LpeWsy5CU-00090-00027749-00028008 even if the lock down gets over you must U9LpeWsy5CU-00091-00028010-00028306 understand this is not because we got on U9LpeWsy5CU-00092-00028307-00028620 top of the virus simply because we can't U9LpeWsy5CU-00093-00028622-00028920 afford to stay home both in terms of U9LpeWsy5CU-00094-00028922-00029170 economy in terms of various other social U9LpeWsy5CU-00095-00029170-00029458 things we cannot continue to stay back U9LpeWsy5CU-00096-00029458-00029929 so we going out wireless is not saying U9LpeWsy5CU-00097-00029930-00030177 yes I am done I am defeated there's no U9LpeWsy5CU-00098-00030179-00030463 such thing nothing has been done about U9LpeWsy5CU-00099-00030464-00030777 the virus forget about a vaccination we U9LpeWsy5CU-00100-00030779-00031033 still don't have a treatment protocol U9LpeWsy5CU-00101-00031033-00031276 which is clear and everybody says this U9LpeWsy5CU-00102-00031277-00031468 is the way to do it we have not arrived U9LpeWsy5CU-00103-00031469-00031735 at that simply we are trying many things U9LpeWsy5CU-00104-00031736-00031918 that we normally do when we get U9LpeWsy5CU-00105-00031919-00032119 something else and managing those who U9LpeWsy5CU-00106-00032120-00032275 are strong are coming out of it those U9LpeWsy5CU-00107-00032276-00032733 who are not are going down so these U9LpeWsy5CU-00108-00032735-00032995 numbers may definitely increase there is U9LpeWsy5CU-00109-00032996-00033249 no need to panic what is needed a sense U9LpeWsy5CU-00110-00033250-00033577 keep sufficient distance it doesn't U9LpeWsy5CU-00111-00033578-00033970 matter your friend or foe if your friend U9LpeWsy5CU-00112-00033971-00034306 you don't have to hug them enemy don't U9LpeWsy5CU-00113-00034307-00034627 have to slap them a slap could be very U9LpeWsy5CU-00114-00034628-00035655 dangerous U9LpeWsy5CU-00115-00035656-00036082 so don't do anything all right do U9LpeWsy5CU-00116-00036083-00036289 minimal contact with people with U9LpeWsy5CU-00117-00036290-00036508 distancing this must be maintained for U9LpeWsy5CU-00118-00036509-00036618 next few months U9LpeWsy5CU-00119-00036619-00036823 doesn't matter government says you can U9LpeWsy5CU-00120-00036824-00037062 go out they are saying that out of the U9LpeWsy5CU-00121-00037063-00037305 compulsions of national economy and U9LpeWsy5CU-00122-00037306-00037518 various other things that need to happen U9LpeWsy5CU-00123-00037519-00037701 you can't keep people locked down U9LpeWsy5CU-00124-00037702-00038055 forever but it's phenomenal U9LpeWsy5CU-00125-00038056-00038392 that more than six weeks we have U9LpeWsy5CU-00126-00038393-00038674 successfully locked down largely very U9LpeWsy5CU-00127-00038675-00038986 successful fantastic today the Indian U9LpeWsy5CU-00128-00038987-00039267 forces all the three four tri forces of U9LpeWsy5CU-00129-00039268-00039540 Army Navy and Air Force have been around U9LpeWsy5CU-00130-00039541-00039889 the country whoring all the co-ed U9LpeWsy5CU-00131-00039890-00040108 warriors as they are called today the U9LpeWsy5CU-00132-00040109-00040293 doctors the medical professionals the U9LpeWsy5CU-00133-00040294-00040555 police and others were played a U9LpeWsy5CU-00134-00040556-00040851 significant role in managing it this way U9LpeWsy5CU-00135-00040852-00041167 with the kind of diversity of people U9LpeWsy5CU-00136-00041168-00041387 that we have diversity of languages U9LpeWsy5CU-00137-00041388-00041715 because let's say in United States if U9LpeWsy5CU-00138-00041716-00041926 the President or somebody speaks in U9LpeWsy5CU-00139-00041927-00042111 English language everybody understands U9LpeWsy5CU-00140-00042112-00042339 this is not like that you have to speak U9LpeWsy5CU-00141-00042340-00042846 in 28 languages alright and there are U9LpeWsy5CU-00142-00042847-00042987 many people who don't understand any U9LpeWsy5CU-00143-00042988-00043963 language U9LpeWsy5CU-00144-00043964-00044293 in spite of the complexity of the social U9LpeWsy5CU-00145-00044294-00044683 structure which no other nation has this U9LpeWsy5CU-00146-00044684-00044926 kind of complex structure in terms of U9LpeWsy5CU-00147-00044927-00045253 language race religion everything in U9LpeWsy5CU-00148-00045254-00045544 spite of that it has been happy you know U9LpeWsy5CU-00149-00045545-00045766 managed in a fantastic way U9LpeWsy5CU-00150-00045767-00046243 with minimal amount of force and people U9LpeWsy5CU-00151-00046244-00046630 have cooperated in a significant way we U9LpeWsy5CU-00152-00046631-00046876 really have to congratulate the Union U9LpeWsy5CU-00153-00046877-00047131 people but virus can pick up even if two U9LpeWsy5CU-00154-00047132-00047341 people have in the country slowly it U9LpeWsy5CU-00155-00047342-00047641 will again grow but now there is a U9LpeWsy5CU-00156-00047642-00047896 significant way of identifying and U9LpeWsy5CU-00157-00047897-00048124 isolating people who are infected these U9LpeWsy5CU-00158-00048125-00048328 asymptomatic people are a little bit of U9LpeWsy5CU-00159-00048329-00048382 a problem U9LpeWsy5CU-00160-00048383-00048772 nobody can test 1.4 billion people you U9LpeWsy5CU-00161-00048773-00049123 can't test all of them for this virus so U9LpeWsy5CU-00162-00049124-00049315 the best thing is we just maintain the U9LpeWsy5CU-00163-00049316-00049510 distance even after the lockdown is over U9LpeWsy5CU-00164-00049511-00049795 till we feel the wave is completely gone U9LpeWsy5CU-00165-00049796-00050014 till then we have to maintain this U9LpeWsy5CU-00166-00050015-00050245 discipline this is a way forward for all U9LpeWsy5CU-00167-00050246-00050426 of us U9LpeWsy5CU-00168-00050427-00051198 [Music] U9LpeWsy5CU-00169-00051199-00051549 you U9LpeWsy5CU-00170-00051550-00051875 [Music] U9LpeWsy5CU-00171-00051876-00052082 you U9LuD4d24GA-00000-00000055-00000331 Tunisia competed at the 2013 World U9LuD4d24GA-00001-00000332-00000595 Aquatics Championships in Barcelona U9LuD4d24GA-00002-00000596-00000874 Spain between the 20th of July and the U9LuD4d24GA-00003-00000875-00001620 4th of August 2013 U9LuD4d24GA-00004-00001621-00002490 topic medalists U9LuD4d24GA-00005-00002491-00003099 Topic open water swimming U9LuD4d24GA-00006-00003100-00003426 Tunisia nominated five athletes four men U9LuD4d24GA-00007-00003427-00004131 and one woman to participate U9LuD4d24GA-00008-00004132-00004659 topic swimming U9LuD4d24GA-00009-00004660-00004909 Tunisian swimmers earned qualifying U9LuD4d24GA-00010-00004910-00005149 standards in the following events up to U9LuD4d24GA-00011-00005150-00005386 a maximum of two swimmers in each event U9LuD4d24GA-00012-00005387-00005641 at the a standard entry time and one at U9LuD4d24GA-00013-00005642-00006064 the B standard men UqMbcysfrWg-00000-00000036-00002045 [Music] UqMbcysfrWg-00001-00002046-00003803 [Music] UqMbcysfrWg-00002-00003804-00005350 [Music] UqMbcysfrWg-00003-00005351-00005975 [Music] UqMbcysfrWg-00004-00005976-00006184 you UrDBI2Y8GCc-00000-00000000-00000637 when he finally kissed UrDBI2Y8GCc-00001-00000638-00000925 [Music] UrDBI2Y8GCc-00002-00000926-00001491 [Laughter] UrDBI2Y8GCc-00003-00001492-00001734 me you put your phone down for a second UrDBI2Y8GCc-00004-00001735-00001910 please UrDBI2Y8GCc-00005-00001911-00002007 what UrDBI2Y8GCc-00006-00002007-00002191 i need to ask you something UrDBI2Y8GCc-00007-00002192-00002287 what UrDBI2Y8GCc-00008-00002288-00002431 can you please kiss me the way that you UrDBI2Y8GCc-00009-00002432-00002575 kissed your ex UrDBI2Y8GCc-00010-00002576-00002679 no UrDBI2Y8GCc-00011-00002680-00002863 why UrDBI2Y8GCc-00012-00002864-00003166 why would you no because that's weird me UrDBI2Y8GCc-00013-00003167-00003422 but i just want to see how it feels UrDBI2Y8GCc-00014-00003423-00003727 why because i'm curious UrDBI2Y8GCc-00015-00003728-00003935 come on UrDBI2Y8GCc-00016-00003936-00004047 well babe UrDBI2Y8GCc-00017-00004047-00004319 i'm really sorry to tell you this UrDBI2Y8GCc-00018-00004320-00004495 but UrDBI2Y8GCc-00019-00004496-00004714 i think we should break up UrDBI2Y8GCc-00020-00004715-00005047 [Music] UrDBI2Y8GCc-00021-00005048-00005270 okay one that was way too passionate but UrDBI2Y8GCc-00022-00005271-00005535 you're my ex now would you UrDBI2Y8GCc-00023-00005536-00006516 will you go out with me again UrDBI2Y8GCc-00024-00006517-00007023 [Music] UrDBI2Y8GCc-00025-00007023-00007567 forever UrDBI2Y8GCc-00026-00007568-00008303 switching our meals UrDBI2Y8GCc-00027-00008304-00008471 what are you doing UrDBI2Y8GCc-00028-00008472-00010119 no UrDBI2Y8GCc-00029-00010120-00010383 what did i do UrDBI2Y8GCc-00030-00010384-00010535 did you want to cuddle you want to UrDBI2Y8GCc-00031-00010536-00010710 cuddle that bad UrDBI2Y8GCc-00032-00010711-00011006 me bro come here let's cuddle me the UrDBI2Y8GCc-00033-00011007-00011238 [__] is broke UrDBI2Y8GCc-00034-00011239-00011542 i mean you pushed me UrDBI2Y8GCc-00035-00011543-00011703 did i do something UrDBI2Y8GCc-00036-00011704-00012527 what happened UrDBI2Y8GCc-00037-00012528-00013415 trying this trend on my pregnant wife UrDBI2Y8GCc-00038-00013416-00013551 you like that UrDBI2Y8GCc-00039-00013552-00013694 i mean we already UrDBI2Y8GCc-00040-00013696-00013894 [Music] UrDBI2Y8GCc-00041-00013895-00014422 maybe we can have twins UrDBI2Y8GCc-00042-00014423-00014655 anything's possible but UrDBI2Y8GCc-00043-00014656-00014830 power love UrDBI2Y8GCc-00044-00014831-00014975 wait is it possible for you to take out UrDBI2Y8GCc-00045-00014976-00015175 the trash when i ask you to UrDBI2Y8GCc-00046-00015176-00015350 oh my god wait is it possible for you to UrDBI2Y8GCc-00047-00015351-00015479 pick up the telephone phone and throw UrDBI2Y8GCc-00048-00015480-00015999 them in the hamper UrDBI2Y8GCc-00049-00016000-00017279 where's my shirt maybe on the floor UrDBI2Y8GCc-00050-00017280-00017407 i'm sorry UrDBI2Y8GCc-00051-00017408-00017556 what did you just try doing UrDBI2Y8GCc-00052-00017557-00018111 [Music] UrDBI2Y8GCc-00053-00018112-00018271 eyes closed UrDBI2Y8GCc-00054-00018272-00019486 yeah UrDBI2Y8GCc-00055-00019487-00020335 you're welcome thank you so much UrDBI2Y8GCc-00056-00020336-00020503 that's incredible you can't believe how UrDBI2Y8GCc-00057-00020504-00022471 much i missed that UrDBI2Y8GCc-00058-00022472-00022735 my nails are gone baby baby first of all UrDBI2Y8GCc-00059-00022736-00023007 i haven't even asked you to marry me yet UrDBI2Y8GCc-00060-00023008-00023167 we gotta pop your rings together no but UrDBI2Y8GCc-00061-00023168-00023327 isn't the whole point like i picked that UrDBI2Y8GCc-00062-00023328-00023503 out like isn't that the fun of it no UrDBI2Y8GCc-00063-00023504-00023791 baby you need me time UrDBI2Y8GCc-00064-00023792-00024319 oh my god UrDBI2Y8GCc-00065-00024320-00024503 go into the driving range and tom is UrDBI2Y8GCc-00066-00024504-00024694 picking up my outfit you're gonna wear UrDBI2Y8GCc-00067-00024695-00024919 something athletic something that allows UrDBI2Y8GCc-00068-00024920-00025183 you to put your hips into it UrDBI2Y8GCc-00069-00025184-00025439 what UrDBI2Y8GCc-00070-00025440-00025527 yeah UrDBI2Y8GCc-00071-00025528-00025758 that's it this is it this is these like UrDBI2Y8GCc-00072-00025760-00025974 cutouts yeah UrDBI2Y8GCc-00073-00025975-00026183 it's for you UrDBI2Y8GCc-00074-00026183-00026383 put it on UrDBI2Y8GCc-00075-00026383-00026495 we're both wearing socks because our UrDBI2Y8GCc-00076-00026495-00026646 shoes are downstairs UrDBI2Y8GCc-00077-00026647-00026807 give you a little bit of your swing oh UrDBI2Y8GCc-00078-00026808-00027055 okay UrDBI2Y8GCc-00079-00027056-00027390 oh UrDBI2Y8GCc-00080-00027391-00028055 hold on UrDBI2Y8GCc-00081-00028056-00028374 oh she's having a drink UrDBI2Y8GCc-00082-00028375-00028479 yeah UrDBI2Y8GCc-00083-00028480-00029207 it makes sense UrDBI2Y8GCc-00084-00029208-00029374 oh UrDBI2Y8GCc-00085-00029375-00029702 i know you too well sorry [__] you UrDBI2Y8GCc-00086-00029704-00031527 i love you too UrDBI2Y8GCc-00087-00031527-00032607 what is this UrDBI2Y8GCc-00088-00032608-00032695 what UrDBI2Y8GCc-00089-00032695-00033055 are you ready to go have a baby UrDBI2Y8GCc-00090-00033056-00033199 did your water break UrDBI2Y8GCc-00091-00033200-00033367 and they just called that they're ready UrDBI2Y8GCc-00092-00033368-00033711 for induction UrDBI2Y8GCc-00093-00033712-00033918 are you serious UrDBI2Y8GCc-00094-00033919-00034223 right now we have to go right now UrDBI2Y8GCc-00095-00034224-00034431 oh my gosh UrDBI2Y8GCc-00096-00034432-00034631 are you serious yes UrDBI2Y8GCc-00097-00034632-00035215 uh i'm so excited UrDBI2Y8GCc-00098-00035216-00035551 i love you i love you holy cow are you UrDBI2Y8GCc-00099-00035552-00035799 crying yeah i'm like UrDBI2Y8GCc-00100-00035800-00035951 i can't believe this UrDBI2Y8GCc-00101-00035952-00036159 so we found out poppy's really never UrDBI2Y8GCc-00102-00036160-00036430 seen us kiss before so we want to get UrDBI2Y8GCc-00103-00036431-00038199 her reaction ready UrDBI2Y8GCc-00104-00038200-00038471 hey we need to talk UrDBI2Y8GCc-00105-00038472-00038639 you hear that UrDBI2Y8GCc-00106-00038640-00038959 it's time to to come clean UrDBI2Y8GCc-00107-00038960-00039183 you know what you did UrDBI2Y8GCc-00108-00039184-00039487 you found it in our bag wait what UrDBI2Y8GCc-00109-00039488-00039630 you found UrDBI2Y8GCc-00110-00039631-00039807 i'm sorry i needed to buy no no pera UrDBI2Y8GCc-00111-00039808-00040030 what what did you find what did i find UrDBI2Y8GCc-00112-00040031-00040246 the wallet UrDBI2Y8GCc-00113-00040247-00040615 the matching wallet no babe yes UrDBI2Y8GCc-00114-00040616-00040943 this was supposed to be a joke bro UrDBI2Y8GCc-00115-00040944-00041167 no no forget it let's go get it we're UrDBI2Y8GCc-00116-00041168-00041367 going to go return it right now UrDBI2Y8GCc-00117-00041368-00041599 we bought it in milan UrDBI2Y8GCc-00118-00041600-00041743 it doesn't matter they still have the UrDBI2Y8GCc-00119-00041744-00041994 store here they don't have it UrDBI2Y8GCc-00120-00041995-00042311 [Music] UrDBI2Y8GCc-00121-00042312-00043207 watch UrDBI2Y8GCc-00122-00043208-00043294 what's up UrDBI2Y8GCc-00123-00043295-00043446 [Music] UrDBI2Y8GCc-00124-00043447-00043695 i can't move UrDBI2Y8GCc-00125-00043696-00043918 can't move federal law i can't move i'm UrDBI2Y8GCc-00126-00043919-00044135 going to under 10 hours UrDBI2Y8GCc-00127-00044136-00044223 you're going to have to get a state UrDBI2Y8GCc-00128-00044224-00044407 super here to give me the authorization UrDBI2Y8GCc-00129-00044408-00044599 no i'm going to knock that window out UrDBI2Y8GCc-00130-00044600-00044830 excuse me you're going to get your semi UrDBI2Y8GCc-00131-00044831-00045023 though you're you're gonna knock whoa UrDBI2Y8GCc-00132-00045024-00045223 what else you gotta you gotta leave the UrDBI2Y8GCc-00133-00045224-00045407 last school they can't have you here UrDBI2Y8GCc-00134-00045408-00045727 okay you're gonna knock what else UrDBI2Y8GCc-00135-00045728-00045862 you don't get out you need trouble UrDBI2Y8GCc-00136-00045863-00046015 you're gonna knock my window out you UrDBI2Y8GCc-00137-00046016-00046167 have to go UrDBI2Y8GCc-00138-00046168-00046430 call a state trooper to tell me give me UrDBI2Y8GCc-00139-00046431-00046646 authorization to move UrDBI2Y8GCc-00140-00046647-00046943 then i will move you need to leave i got UrDBI2Y8GCc-00141-00046944-00047079 she's a 10 but she always got a [__] UrDBI2Y8GCc-00142-00047080-00047199 attitude and she always thinks she's UrDBI2Y8GCc-00143-00047200-00047318 right and she always wants to [__] UrDBI2Y8GCc-00144-00047319-00047446 argue and then they shouldn't ever get UrDBI2Y8GCc-00145-00047447-00047583 her way she doesn't fit and starts UrDBI2Y8GCc-00146-00047584-00047735 crying or just doesn't talk to me and UrDBI2Y8GCc-00147-00047736-00047871 she's always [__] hungry but when i UrDBI2Y8GCc-00148-00047872-00047983 ask what the [__] she wants to eat she UrDBI2Y8GCc-00149-00047984-00048071 doesn't she don't know what the [__] you UrDBI2Y8GCc-00150-00048072-00048167 want to eat UrDBI2Y8GCc-00151-00048168-00048807 who am i talking about UrDBI2Y8GCc-00152-00048808-00049083 um what'd you just UrDBI2Y8GCc-00153-00049084-00049311 say if you knew what i was saying in my UrDBI2Y8GCc-00154-00049312-00049479 third grade talent trip UrDBI2Y8GCc-00155-00049480-00049671 um tell me UrDBI2Y8GCc-00156-00049672-00049846 i'm a barbie girl UrDBI2Y8GCc-00157-00049847-00050030 in third grade talent show yeah and i UrDBI2Y8GCc-00158-00050031-00050190 think i was wondering why the teachers UrDBI2Y8GCc-00159-00050191-00050318 weren't impressed by me and my friend UrDBI2Y8GCc-00160-00050319-00050486 singing that song friend made me be the UrDBI2Y8GCc-00161-00050487-00050862 boy with a girl so you were ken yeah UrDBI2Y8GCc-00162-00050863-00051102 cool you want me to sing you the song UrDBI2Y8GCc-00163-00051103-00051423 um sure okay he goes UrDBI2Y8GCc-00164-00051424-00051679 we said i'm a barbie girl miss me UrDBI2Y8GCc-00165-00051679-00051870 everywhere UrDBI2Y8GCc-00166-00051871-00052111 so i have a question UrDBI2Y8GCc-00167-00052112-00052302 what like were all the other people UrDBI2Y8GCc-00168-00052303-00052430 singing UrDBI2Y8GCc-00169-00052432-00052638 in there i don't know UrDBI2Y8GCc-00170-00052639-00052942 like normal songs i guess UrDBI2Y8GCc-00171-00052944-00053282 yeah come on bobby let's UrDBI2Y8GCc-00172-00053283-00053550 go um also UrDBI2Y8GCc-00173-00053551-00053711 other update you played basketball UrDBI2Y8GCc-00174-00053712-00054575 didn't you yep UrDBI2Y8GCc-00175-00054576-00054742 i got your back baby UrDBI2Y8GCc-00176-00054744-00054903 i got your back UrDBI2Y8GCc-00177-00054904-00055575 i got your back UrDBI2Y8GCc-00178-00055576-00055807 baby UrDBI2Y8GCc-00179-00055808-00056742 [Music] UrDBI2Y8GCc-00180-00056744-00056823 hey UrDBI2Y8GCc-00181-00056824-00057007 if you can make me laugh i'll take you UrDBI2Y8GCc-00182-00057008-00057342 home with me UrDBI2Y8GCc-00183-00057344-00058191 let's go UrDBI2Y8GCc-00184-00058191-00059054 you know how we do UrDBI2Y8GCc-00185-00059055-00059335 guys we're trying mcdonald's in spain UrDBI2Y8GCc-00186-00059336-00059526 let's go UrDBI2Y8GCc-00187-00059527-00059671 i'm not gonna lie guys i've had one UrDBI2Y8GCc-00188-00059672-00059942 before and they've seen more salt UrDBI2Y8GCc-00189-00059944-00060159 yeah they need more salt that's why well UrDBI2Y8GCc-00190-00060160-00060366 they're hot i've got the grand milk UrDBI2Y8GCc-00191-00060367-00060526 extreme and it's like a chicken bacon UrDBI2Y8GCc-00192-00060527-00060759 burger and i got the beef american style UrDBI2Y8GCc-00193-00060760-00060854 chicken don't know why i got that in UrDBI2Y8GCc-00194-00060855-00061091 spain UrDBI2Y8GCc-00195-00061091-00061999 [Music] UrDBI2Y8GCc-00196-00062000-00062126 so much more things on this we've done UrDBI2Y8GCc-00197-00062127-00062247 those guys UrDBI2Y8GCc-00198-00062248-00062359 so much more UrDBI2Y8GCc-00199-00062360-00062542 like so much to choose from UrDBI2Y8GCc-00200-00062544-00062687 they have like croissants and everything UrDBI2Y8GCc-00201-00062688-00063654 like it's kind of crazy UrDBI2Y8GCc-00202-00063655-00063887 nice video UrDBI2Y8GCc-00203-00063888-00064454 really what it's a video UrDBI2Y8GCc-00204-00064455-00064966 do you not notice anything UrDBI2Y8GCc-00205-00064967-00067023 what UrDBI2Y8GCc-00206-00067024-00068494 oh UrDBI2Y8GCc-00207-00068495-00069935 no UrDBI2Y8GCc-00208-00069936-00070159 oh my gosh sir can you please help me UrDBI2Y8GCc-00209-00070160-00070382 put in my gas being ridiculous i've UrDBI2Y8GCc-00210-00070383-00070591 never done it before i need help what UrDBI2Y8GCc-00211-00070592-00070791 was i supposed to do i don't know what UrDBI2Y8GCc-00212-00070792-00070919 kind of adult doesn't know how to put in UrDBI2Y8GCc-00213-00070920-00071087 gas baby you don't know how to put in UrDBI2Y8GCc-00214-00071088-00071343 your own gas okay that's why i have you UrDBI2Y8GCc-00215-00071344-00071479 what was i supposed to do i'm not gonna UrDBI2Y8GCc-00216-00071480-00071662 not help her well i don't know it sounds UrDBI2Y8GCc-00217-00071663-00071815 like a personal problem she has youtube UrDBI2Y8GCc-00218-00071816-00071959 for a reason UrDBI2Y8GCc-00219-00071960-00072438 oh my god UrDBI2Y8GCc-00220-00072439-00072671 oh that's okay that's cool UrDBI2Y8GCc-00221-00072672-00072975 yeah okay um i've did a trick a cool UrDBI2Y8GCc-00222-00072976-00073238 trick on my scooter i'm blacked out on UrDBI2Y8GCc-00223-00073239-00073591 the green whistle UrDBI2Y8GCc-00224-00073592-00073862 i'll show you guys the trick and i pee i UrDBI2Y8GCc-00225-00073863-00074006 think it's empty UrDBI2Y8GCc-00226-00074007-00074143 well that's okay then we'll have to UrDBI2Y8GCc-00227-00074144-00074427 we're nearly in hospital UrDBI2Y8GCc-00228-00074428-00075150 [Music] UrDBI2Y8GCc-00229-00075151-00075311 that's pretty strong yeah it is it's UrDBI2Y8GCc-00230-00075312-00075471 good it's getting lower mate it's UrDBI2Y8GCc-00231-00075472-00075582 getting lower UrDBI2Y8GCc-00232-00075583-00075879 fantastic that was a pretty sick trick UrDBI2Y8GCc-00233-00075880-00075999 um UrDBI2Y8GCc-00234-00076000-00076223 oh pete do you like the trick well it UrDBI2Y8GCc-00235-00076224-00076343 looked pretty good did you do it could UrDBI2Y8GCc-00236-00076344-00076526 you do it backwards a backflip for the UrDBI2Y8GCc-00237-00076527-00076871 first time ever oh yeah UrDBI2Y8GCc-00238-00076872-00077031 you made this UrDBI2Y8GCc-00239-00077032-00077287 ain't no way you made this i sure did oh UrDBI2Y8GCc-00240-00077288-00078855 wow UrDBI2Y8GCc-00241-00078856-00079191 hey what is it UrDBI2Y8GCc-00242-00079192-00079350 it's tacos UrDBI2Y8GCc-00243-00079351-00079582 this is so UrDBI2Y8GCc-00244-00079583-00079750 good UrDBI2Y8GCc-00245-00079751-00080107 you scared me UsEmkyJyrFU-00000-00000000-00000611 thank you UsEmkyJyrFU-00001-00000612-00000958 how are you doing UsEmkyJyrFU-00002-00000959-00001247 you're doing fine UsEmkyJyrFU-00003-00001248-00001880 everybody knows English okay UsEmkyJyrFU-00004-00001882-00002361 [Music] UsEmkyJyrFU-00005-00002362-00002701 [Applause] UsEmkyJyrFU-00006-00002702-00003377 [Music] UsEmkyJyrFU-00007-00003378-00003629 theme park UsEmkyJyrFU-00008-00003629-00003988 okay today we will learn two things UsEmkyJyrFU-00009-00003989-00004188 right UsEmkyJyrFU-00010-00004189-00004709 first is what C is called UsEmkyJyrFU-00011-00004710-00004888 yeah that's what you're done today when UsEmkyJyrFU-00012-00004889-00005038 you learn something new UsEmkyJyrFU-00013-00005039-00005365 right UsEmkyJyrFU-00014-00005366-00005735 and we will also learn what it is UsEmkyJyrFU-00015-00005736-00005999 okay CNT UsEmkyJyrFU-00016-00006000-00006227 d UsEmkyJyrFU-00017-00006228-00006778 okay so when you sleep what happens UsEmkyJyrFU-00018-00006779-00008128 about UsEmkyJyrFU-00019-00008129-00008333 so in school what do you do you learn UsEmkyJyrFU-00020-00008334-00008842 right UsEmkyJyrFU-00021-00008843-00009149 and then when children dream you can UsEmkyJyrFU-00022-00009150-00009437 dream about so many things you can dream UsEmkyJyrFU-00023-00009438-00010446 about what you want to do in this world UsEmkyJyrFU-00024-00010447-00010924 if you have any dream like that UsEmkyJyrFU-00025-00010925-00011405 what is your dream UsEmkyJyrFU-00026-00011406-00011906 I want to become a is officer UsEmkyJyrFU-00027-00011907-00012306 [Applause] UsEmkyJyrFU-00028-00012307-00013151 what is your dream UsEmkyJyrFU-00029-00013152-00013433 what is your dream UsEmkyJyrFU-00030-00013434-00013863 s anybody UsEmkyJyrFU-00031-00013865-00014753 [Applause] UsEmkyJyrFU-00032-00014754-00014969 these are all very good things becoming UsEmkyJyrFU-00033-00014969-00015599 is scientists UsEmkyJyrFU-00034-00015600-00015844 all of these are good things UsEmkyJyrFU-00035-00015845-00016200 but UsEmkyJyrFU-00036-00016201-00016607 kind of thing right do you see any UsEmkyJyrFU-00037-00016608-00016877 problems in your uh in your house in UsEmkyJyrFU-00038-00016878-00017141 your neighborhood and do you think of UsEmkyJyrFU-00039-00017142-00017267 changing that UsEmkyJyrFU-00040-00017268-00017572 is everything about your friends that UsEmkyJyrFU-00041-00017573-00017800 you are living everything is perfect or UsEmkyJyrFU-00042-00017801-00018077 you can dream of making such change that UsEmkyJyrFU-00043-00018078-00018377 make it better UsEmkyJyrFU-00044-00018378-00018761 is there any example to boys and girls UsEmkyJyrFU-00045-00018762-00018929 are eating the same UsEmkyJyrFU-00046-00018930-00019205 [Music] UsEmkyJyrFU-00047-00019206-00019822 thing UsEmkyJyrFU-00048-00019823-00020094 everybody UsEmkyJyrFU-00049-00020095-00020435 that was about the boys and girls only UsEmkyJyrFU-00050-00020436-00020753 eat afterwards and they don't get much UsEmkyJyrFU-00051-00020754-00020963 and then you can dream of changing that UsEmkyJyrFU-00052-00020964-00021347 like everybody can eat together UsEmkyJyrFU-00053-00021348-00021653 so if you see in your house in your UsEmkyJyrFU-00054-00021654-00021935 Society people are not treated the same UsEmkyJyrFU-00055-00021936-00022249 way some things will get better UsEmkyJyrFU-00056-00022250-00022547 you think three months changing things UsEmkyJyrFU-00057-00022548-00023407 okay UsEmkyJyrFU-00058-00023408-00023911 [Music] UsEmkyJyrFU-00059-00023912-00024077 change UsEmkyJyrFU-00060-00024078-00024732 very good UsEmkyJyrFU-00061-00024733-00024949 [Applause] UsEmkyJyrFU-00062-00024950-00026417 so you can say a for apple b for boys UsEmkyJyrFU-00063-00026418-00026687 so in the school you'll learn things UsEmkyJyrFU-00064-00026688-00026927 but you need to also dream and you need UsEmkyJyrFU-00065-00026927-00027196 to dream big and you need to agree to UsEmkyJyrFU-00066-00027197-00027508 change things lifestyle purchase thank UsEmkyJyrFU-00067-00027510-00027727 you UsEWYeEphuM-00000-00000028-00000299 three hundred and thirty second engineer UsEWYeEphuM-00001-00000300-00000476 general service regiment or three UsEWYeEphuM-00002-00000476-00000641 hundred and thirty second engineer UsEWYeEphuM-00003-00000642-00000829 regiment was activated as a special UsEWYeEphuM-00004-00000830-00001120 service regiment in May 1942 as a unit UsEWYeEphuM-00005-00001121-00001279 in the United States Army UsEWYeEphuM-00006-00001280-00001556 later this unit was re-designated a UsEWYeEphuM-00007-00001557-00001807 general service regiment the unit was UsEWYeEphuM-00008-00001809-00002002 formed from some regular army officers UsEWYeEphuM-00009-00002003-00002204 and enlisted men trained in the United UsEWYeEphuM-00010-00002205-00002399 States then shipped overseas early in UsEWYeEphuM-00011-00002400-00002654 World War Two to England they were the UsEWYeEphuM-00012-00002655-00002807 vanguard of many others to follow UsEWYeEphuM-00013-00002808-00003031 including infantry and armored troops UsEWYeEphuM-00014-00003032-00003317 their purpose was to build facilities in UsEWYeEphuM-00015-00003318-00003593 preparation for those to follow after UsEWYeEphuM-00016-00003594-00003788 the Normandy invasion they followed the UsEWYeEphuM-00017-00003789-00004006 front lines constructing roads railroad UsEWYeEphuM-00018-00004007-00004172 bridges hospitals and other UsEWYeEphuM-00019-00004173-00004372 infrastructure needed by the advancing UsEWYeEphuM-00020-00004373-00004622 armies continuing through until UsEWYeEphuM-00021-00004623-00004919 surrender by Germany in 1945 the unit UsEWYeEphuM-00022-00004920-00005072 stayed on as part of the Army of UsEWYeEphuM-00023-00005073-00005342 Occupation many of the troops in the UsEWYeEphuM-00024-00005343-00005527 units were among those who were overseas UsEWYeEphuM-00025-00005528-00005722 for the longest periods of all in World UsEWYeEphuM-00026-00005723-00006295 War two UsEWYeEphuM-00027-00006296-00006913 topic activation and training UsEWYeEphuM-00028-00006914-00007123 the unit formed and trained at Camp UsEWYeEphuM-00029-00007125-00007539 Claiborne Louisiana in May 1942 engineer UsEWYeEphuM-00030-00007540-00007994 special and general service regiments UsEWYeEphuM-00031-00007995-00008188 would replace the old combat battalion UsEWYeEphuM-00032-00008189-00008406 unit structure with multi-purpose skills UsEWYeEphuM-00033-00008407-00008684 these large regimental units would have UsEWYeEphuM-00034-00008685-00008885 heavier engineer equipment and consists UsEWYeEphuM-00035-00008886-00009098 of officers noncommissioned officers and UsEWYeEphuM-00036-00009099-00009280 enlisted men who had experience in UsEWYeEphuM-00037-00009281-00009556 engineering or construction jobs the UsEWYeEphuM-00038-00009557-00009758 best construction skills available in UsEWYeEphuM-00039-00009759-00009923 the country would be used to build these UsEWYeEphuM-00040-00009924-00010235 units the commanding officer through the UsEWYeEphuM-00041-00010236-00010424 formation and most of the service during UsEWYeEphuM-00042-00010425-00010624 World War 2 was Colonel helmets when UsEWYeEphuM-00043-00010625-00010897 Holt a 1911 graduate of the University UsEWYeEphuM-00044-00010898-00011201 of wisconsin-madison the Chief of Army UsEWYeEphuM-00045-00011202-00011413 Engineers ordered Colonel swen halt to UsEWYeEphuM-00046-00011414-00011555 recruit skilled personnel from UsEWYeEphuM-00047-00011556-00011855 construction in an organized unit some UsEWYeEphuM-00048-00011856-00012002 were recruited from Army Corps of UsEWYeEphuM-00049-00012003-00012196 engineer districts in the omaha and UsEWYeEphuM-00050-00012197-00012514 kansas city districts others came from UsEWYeEphuM-00051-00012515-00012703 various other locations throughout the UsEWYeEphuM-00052-00012704-00012958 midwest an infantry cadre of seven UsEWYeEphuM-00053-00012959-00013211 offices in 73 enlisted men formed the UsEWYeEphuM-00054-00013212-00013546 nucleus of the unit in May 1942 UsEWYeEphuM-00055-00013547-00013759 additional personnel arrived very UsEWYeEphuM-00056-00013760-00013997 quickly the activities in the first UsEWYeEphuM-00057-00013997-00014180 months were very basic training and UsEWYeEphuM-00058-00014181-00014405 indoctrination into military life since UsEWYeEphuM-00059-00014406-00014575 these citizen soldiers already had UsEWYeEphuM-00060-00014576-00014737 experience in construction and UsEWYeEphuM-00061-00014738-00014983 engineering they lived in tents and UsEWYeEphuM-00062-00014984-00015181 trained for six weeks in basic infantry UsEWYeEphuM-00063-00015182-00015400 training including marches rifle UsEWYeEphuM-00064-00015401-00015555 training demolition training UsEWYeEphuM-00065-00015556-00015812 identification of gases eg mustard gas UsEWYeEphuM-00066-00015813-00016003 and proper equipment close order drill UsEWYeEphuM-00067-00016004-00016315 etc their time at Camp Claiborne was UsEWYeEphuM-00068-00016316-00016502 relatively short as they were needed to UsEWYeEphuM-00069-00016503-00016719 ship overseas very early in the war UsEWYeEphuM-00070-00016720-00016952 three separate trains were needed for UsEWYeEphuM-00071-00016953-00017147 their transfer to Camp Kilmer at then UsEWYeEphuM-00072-00017148-00017372 new army camp named after the American UsEWYeEphuM-00073-00017373-00017639 journalist and poet Joyce Kilmer by this UsEWYeEphuM-00074-00017640-00017833 time the regiment had grown to full UsEWYeEphuM-00075-00017834-00018037 strength consisting of one thousand two UsEWYeEphuM-00076-00018038-00018169 hundred and thirty nine men and UsEWYeEphuM-00077-00018170-00018484 fifty-two offices they arrived at Camp UsEWYeEphuM-00078-00018485-00018906 Kilmer at 1655 hours on the 22nd of July UsEWYeEphuM-00079-00018907-00019303 1942 the purpose of their time at Kilmer UsEWYeEphuM-00080-00019304-00019531 was to receive final medical evaluations UsEWYeEphuM-00081-00019532-00019772 vaccinations and final preparations UsEWYeEphuM-00082-00019773-00020042 before shipping overseas the unit UsEWYeEphuM-00083-00020043-00020236 shipped overseas to England on the UsEWYeEphuM-00084-00020237-00020926 of August 1942 UsEWYeEphuM-00085-00020927-00021582 topic deployment in the United Kingdom UsEWYeEphuM-00086-00021583-00021895 task force number 38 left the 6th of UsEWYeEphuM-00087-00021896-00022180 August 1942 bound for Greenwich Scotland UsEWYeEphuM-00088-00022181-00022354 in the British Isles with the USS UsEWYeEphuM-00089-00022355-00022726 Arkansas BB 33 as flagship 14 destroyers UsEWYeEphuM-00090-00022727-00022960 as escorts with 12 transports including UsEWYeEphuM-00091-00022961-00023251 u.s. 80 Argentine carrying the 330 UsEWYeEphuM-00092-00023252-00023569 second the convoy arrived there the 17th UsEWYeEphuM-00093-00023570-00023985 of August 1942 upon reaching Scotland UsEWYeEphuM-00094-00023986-00024274 330 second traveled by rail to the first UsEWYeEphuM-00095-00024275-00024700 destination New Port the 330 2nd UsEWYeEphuM-00096-00024701-00024883 initially was involved to build bases UsEWYeEphuM-00097-00024884-00025060 for the coming troops in preparation for UsEWYeEphuM-00098-00025061-00025276 the North Africa campaign and d-day in UsEWYeEphuM-00099-00025277-00025612 World War 2 in the first 1 to 2 months UsEWYeEphuM-00100-00025613-00025807 they built base camps for the regiment UsEWYeEphuM-00101-00025808-00026011 1st from tents but eventually to more UsEWYeEphuM-00102-00026012-00026275 permanent Nissen huts training was UsEWYeEphuM-00103-00026276-00026470 conducted on how to build Bailey bridges UsEWYeEphuM-00104-00026470-00026788 a Depot was constructed at thatch M this UsEWYeEphuM-00105-00026789-00027004 Depot was designed as a staging area for UsEWYeEphuM-00106-00027005-00027175 the American army for assembly and UsEWYeEphuM-00107-00027176-00027382 shipping of equipment supplies and gear UsEWYeEphuM-00108-00027383-00027556 to the western and northern ports of the UsEWYeEphuM-00109-00027557-00027748 UK where ships were loaded for North UsEWYeEphuM-00110-00027749-00028313 Africa UsEWYeEphuM-00111-00028314-00028877 topic engineer group UsEWYeEphuM-00112-00028879-00029106 in order to concentrate engineering UsEWYeEphuM-00113-00029107-00029298 resources and to distribute available UsEWYeEphuM-00114-00029299-00029475 heavy equipment the concept of the UsEWYeEphuM-00115-00029476-00029757 engineer group was begun UsEWYeEphuM-00116-00029758-00029991 General John CH Li was pleased with the UsEWYeEphuM-00117-00029992-00030144 work performed with the use of the UsEWYeEphuM-00118-00030145-00030336 special and general engineer regiments UsEWYeEphuM-00119-00030337-00030689 since mid-1942 these were new concepts UsEWYeEphuM-00120-00030691-00030885 of army organization for a new type of UsEWYeEphuM-00121-00030886-00031170 war still there were engineers with UsEWYeEphuM-00122-00031170-00031364 civilian experience that knew that more UsEWYeEphuM-00123-00031366-00031506 improvements could be made with the UsEWYeEphuM-00124-00031507-00031814 engineer group idea in this organization UsEWYeEphuM-00125-00031816-00032049 five or six engineer units including UsEWYeEphuM-00126-00032050-00032264 regiments dump truck companies welding UsEWYeEphuM-00127-00032266-00032439 detachments and engineer maintenance UsEWYeEphuM-00128-00032439-00032622 companies would work together on larger UsEWYeEphuM-00129-00032623-00032934 projects some army engineer offices were UsEWYeEphuM-00130-00032935-00033126 lost to aviation construction battalions UsEWYeEphuM-00131-00033127-00033420 for runway construction the engineer UsEWYeEphuM-00132-00033421-00033576 section at southern base command UsEWYeEphuM-00133-00033577-00033828 implemented the group idea southern base UsEWYeEphuM-00134-00033829-00034032 engineer group - was organized with UsEWYeEphuM-00135-00034033-00034239 Colonel Swain halters commander the 1st UsEWYeEphuM-00136-00034240-00034596 of August 1943 there was no previous UsEWYeEphuM-00137-00034597-00035139 group one UsEWYeEphuM-00138-00035140-00035753 Topic invasion of Normandy UsEWYeEphuM-00139-00035754-00035966 this unit served with several of the UsEWYeEphuM-00140-00035967-00036158 armies of World War two as it was part UsEWYeEphuM-00141-00036159-00036467 of a DSCC Advanced section communication UsEWYeEphuM-00142-00036468-00036800 zone AD se C's mission was to support UsEWYeEphuM-00143-00036801-00037046 the u.s. first Army u.s. Third Army and UsEWYeEphuM-00144-00037047-00037283 u.s. 7th army by building bridges roads UsEWYeEphuM-00145-00037284-00037496 and hospitals through France Belgium and UsEWYeEphuM-00146-00037497-00038060 Germany UsEWYeEphuM-00147-00038061-00038749 topic railway bridge construction the UsEWYeEphuM-00148-00038750-00038943 greatest accomplishment of the three UsEWYeEphuM-00149-00038944-00039198 and 30 second engineer GS regiment as a UsEWYeEphuM-00150-00039199-00039555 member of a s Dec engineer group a was UsEWYeEphuM-00151-00039556-00039750 the reconstruction of the Duisburg hawk UsEWYeEphuM-00152-00039751-00039933 felled rail bridge two thousand eight UsEWYeEphuM-00153-00039934-00040122 hundred and fifteen feet eight hundred UsEWYeEphuM-00154-00040123-00040308 and fifty eight meters long over the UsEWYeEphuM-00155-00040309-00040491 Rhine River in the record time of six UsEWYeEphuM-00156-00040492-00040710 days fifteen hours and twenty minutes UsEWYeEphuM-00157-00040711-00040959 the sight of this bridge was crossing UsEWYeEphuM-00158-00040960-00041136 the Rhine River between Duisburg and UsEWYeEphuM-00159-00041137-00041397 Rhine house in Germany the railroad UsEWYeEphuM-00160-00041398-00041619 bridge was completed the 8th of May 1945 UsEWYeEphuM-00161-00041620-00042063 and was named the Victory bridge in UsEWYeEphuM-00162-00042064-00042261 building the bridge the engineer group UsEWYeEphuM-00163-00042262-00042414 had to finish the demolition of the UsEWYeEphuM-00164-00042415-00042711 nearby railway bridge near the new piers UsEWYeEphuM-00165-00042712-00042903 was part of a masonry bridge that looked UsEWYeEphuM-00166-00042904-00043101 similar to the castle design of the US UsEWYeEphuM-00167-00043102-00043368 Army Corps of Engineers this was a UsEWYeEphuM-00168-00043369-00044042 fitting tribute the Army engineering UsEWYeEphuM-00169-00044043-00044665 topic v2 rocket plans UsEWYeEphuM-00170-00044666-00044902 after the end of World War two the UsEWYeEphuM-00171-00044903-00045101 occupation zones were to be organized UsEWYeEphuM-00172-00045102-00045274 under the agreed terms of the Potsdam UsEWYeEphuM-00173-00045275-00045551 convention most of the German rocket UsEWYeEphuM-00174-00045552-00045748 scientists and much of their equipment UsEWYeEphuM-00175-00045749-00045955 and plans were evacuated to American UsEWYeEphuM-00176-00045956-00046267 occupied areas in order to conceal some UsEWYeEphuM-00177-00046268-00046495 plans from the advancing Red Army rocket UsEWYeEphuM-00178-00046496-00046679 personnel had buried some of the v2 UsEWYeEphuM-00179-00046680-00046954 rocket plans near bad Saxa Germany a UsEWYeEphuM-00180-00046955-00047212 timetable had been set for the arrival UsEWYeEphuM-00181-00047213-00047417 of the Red Army into the area where the UsEWYeEphuM-00182-00047418-00047717 plans had been buried a search party had UsEWYeEphuM-00183-00047718-00047908 been organized to recover the plans but UsEWYeEphuM-00184-00047909-00048098 no large-scale map of the area where the UsEWYeEphuM-00185-00048099-00048299 plans were to be found was available to UsEWYeEphuM-00186-00048300-00048601 the searches and no progress was made on UsEWYeEphuM-00187-00048602-00048961 the 21st of June 1945 dr. Richard Porter UsEWYeEphuM-00188-00048962-00049136 and major Robert Stafford drove from the UsEWYeEphuM-00189-00049137-00049351 north housing area to Castle Germany UsEWYeEphuM-00190-00049352-00049604 where elements of the 330 2nd Engineer UsEWYeEphuM-00191-00049605-00049915 Regiment were located they persuaded the UsEWYeEphuM-00192-00049916-00050126 regiment's executive officer to send out UsEWYeEphuM-00193-00050127-00050401 a search team Wernher von Braun visited UsEWYeEphuM-00194-00050402-00050585 the three hundred and thirty second UsEWYeEphuM-00195-00050586-00050824 regimental headquarters on Friday June UsEWYeEphuM-00196-00050825-00051358 29th topic army of occupation the UsEWYeEphuM-00197-00051359-00051526 regiment remained in Germany in the UsEWYeEphuM-00198-00051527-00051742 Allied occupation zones in Germany under UsEWYeEphuM-00199-00051744-00051974 the command of the u.s. 15 army later UsEWYeEphuM-00200-00051975-00052438 being deactivated in 1949 by May 1946 UsEWYeEphuM-00201-00052439-00052736 the 332nd was actively involved in UsEWYeEphuM-00202-00052737-00053012 rebuilding the airstrip at Wiesbaden at UsEWYeEphuM-00203-00053013-00053198 the time it was known as flee ghosts UsEWYeEphuM-00204-00053199-00053474 Wiesbaden it came to be called Wiesbaden UsEWYeEphuM-00205-00053475-00053729 Army Airfield WAAF and is still in UsEWYeEphuM-00206-00053729-00054071 operation today after VE Day the army UsEWYeEphuM-00207-00054072-00054254 was interested in conditions affecting UsEWYeEphuM-00208-00054254-00054386 the morale of the troops in the UsEWYeEphuM-00209-00054387-00054671 occupation zones to meet the needs of UsEWYeEphuM-00210-00054672-00054848 the troops the chief of special services UsEWYeEphuM-00211-00054849-00055017 offered programs with recreational UsEWYeEphuM-00212-00055019-00055325 athletics soldiers could engage in UsEWYeEphuM-00213-00055326-00055649 boxing football baseball softball tennis UsEWYeEphuM-00214-00055650-00055898 golf track and field badminton bowling UsEWYeEphuM-00215-00055899-00056125 swimming archery and horseshoe pitching UsEWYeEphuM-00216-00056126-00056401 these activities fell under the army UsEWYeEphuM-00217-00056402-00056975 sports program UsEWYeEphuM-00218-00056976-00057660 topic reactivation for the Korean War UsEWYeEphuM-00219-00057661-00057953 in June 1950 the unit was reactivated UsEWYeEphuM-00220-00057954-00058180 and sent overseas during the Korean War UsEWYeEphuM-00221-00058181-00058574 it was deactivated in August 1953 for UsEWYeEphuM-00222-00058575-00058836 the last time UzZD7Ddv-L0-00000-00000079-00000247 okay UzZD7Ddv-L0-00001-00000248-00000438 so UzZD7Ddv-L0-00002-00000440-00000695 let's let's jump straight into it UzZD7Ddv-L0-00003-00000696-00000927 digital citizenship UzZD7Ddv-L0-00004-00000927-00001103 2.0 UzZD7Ddv-L0-00005-00001104-00001254 so UzZD7Ddv-L0-00006-00001255-00001503 being a digital citizen UzZD7Ddv-L0-00007-00001504-00001855 requires that you know that coding is UzZD7Ddv-L0-00008-00001855-00002279 the new law and data is the new vote UzZD7Ddv-L0-00009-00002280-00002542 we need to recognize that most of what UzZD7Ddv-L0-00010-00002543-00002902 we see on the internet was decided by an UzZD7Ddv-L0-00011-00002903-00003183 artificial intelligence or an ai rather UzZD7Ddv-L0-00012-00003184-00003447 than a real person and that's why we UzZD7Ddv-L0-00013-00003447-00003654 need to think critically about what we UzZD7Ddv-L0-00014-00003655-00003895 see in our news feeds and we need to be UzZD7Ddv-L0-00015-00003896-00004183 more careful about what data we share UzZD7Ddv-L0-00016-00004184-00004399 with others UzZD7Ddv-L0-00017-00004400-00004559 so UzZD7Ddv-L0-00018-00004560-00004879 digital privacy itself is mentioned in UzZD7Ddv-L0-00019-00004880-00005095 the proposed alberta education UzZD7Ddv-L0-00020-00005096-00005215 curriculum UzZD7Ddv-L0-00021-00005216-00005583 under physical education and wellness UzZD7Ddv-L0-00022-00005584-00005895 and computational thinking is mentioned UzZD7Ddv-L0-00023-00005896-00006183 in the science part of the curriculum UzZD7Ddv-L0-00024-00006184-00006463 but we need to move away from the notion UzZD7Ddv-L0-00025-00006464-00006751 that digital citizenship is all about UzZD7Ddv-L0-00026-00006752-00006855 knowing UzZD7Ddv-L0-00027-00006856-00007078 how to avoid putting information on the UzZD7Ddv-L0-00028-00007079-00007383 internet and protecting ourselves from UzZD7Ddv-L0-00029-00007384-00007774 cyber bullies these are important topics UzZD7Ddv-L0-00030-00007775-00008078 but they're only a small part of what it UzZD7Ddv-L0-00031-00008079-00008455 means to be a digital citizen UzZD7Ddv-L0-00032-00008456-00008751 especially in our world of social media UzZD7Ddv-L0-00033-00008752-00009087 and so UzZD7Ddv-L0-00034-00009088-00009439 if we searched for digital citizenship UzZD7Ddv-L0-00035-00009440-00009735 curriculum the top result that you would UzZD7Ddv-L0-00036-00009736-00010095 find would be the common sense education UzZD7Ddv-L0-00037-00010096-00010287 digital citizenship UzZD7Ddv-L0-00038-00010288-00010446 curriculum UzZD7Ddv-L0-00039-00010447-00010695 these free videos and lesson materials UzZD7Ddv-L0-00040-00010696-00010814 are used UzZD7Ddv-L0-00041-00010815-00011103 by over 1.1 million teachers around the UzZD7Ddv-L0-00042-00011104-00011399 world and i've seen these materials used UzZD7Ddv-L0-00043-00011400-00011646 in my son's online lessons at the UzZD7Ddv-L0-00044-00011647-00011878 calgary catholic school district UzZD7Ddv-L0-00045-00011879-00011991 and so UzZD7Ddv-L0-00046-00011992-00012310 while this is a great start my approach UzZD7Ddv-L0-00047-00012311-00012567 would be to combine some of the the UzZD7Ddv-L0-00048-00012568-00012855 common themes together and then add a UzZD7Ddv-L0-00049-00012856-00013119 little bit more materials that will help UzZD7Ddv-L0-00050-00013119-00013319 our children thrive UzZD7Ddv-L0-00051-00013319-00013479 i feel that some of these themes are UzZD7Ddv-L0-00052-00013480-00013775 actually talking about the same thing so UzZD7Ddv-L0-00053-00013776-00013999 for example in the curriculum i would UzZD7Ddv-L0-00054-00014000-00014279 put privacy and security UzZD7Ddv-L0-00055-00014280-00014591 and their digital footprint together UzZD7Ddv-L0-00056-00014591-00014847 since we need to understand our digital UzZD7Ddv-L0-00057-00014847-00015143 footprint in order to be good about data UzZD7Ddv-L0-00058-00015144-00015399 privacy and i would also put UzZD7Ddv-L0-00059-00015400-00015766 relationships and communications online UzZD7Ddv-L0-00060-00015768-00016071 and cyber bullying digital dramas and UzZD7Ddv-L0-00061-00016072-00016263 hate speech i would put those together UzZD7Ddv-L0-00062-00016263-00016503 since they're both talking about how we UzZD7Ddv-L0-00063-00016504-00016711 communicate with each other on the UzZD7Ddv-L0-00064-00016712-00016903 internet UzZD7Ddv-L0-00065-00016904-00017183 and finally i would put UzZD7Ddv-L0-00066-00017184-00017486 media balance and well-being UzZD7Ddv-L0-00067-00017487-00017599 together UzZD7Ddv-L0-00068-00017600-00017975 with news and media literacy since UzZD7Ddv-L0-00069-00017976-00018263 they're both covering critical thinking UzZD7Ddv-L0-00070-00018264-00018550 around how we use our time when we're UzZD7Ddv-L0-00071-00018551-00018750 online UzZD7Ddv-L0-00072-00018751-00018863 now with UzZD7Ddv-L0-00073-00018864-00019230 the fewer number of topics UzZD7Ddv-L0-00074-00019231-00019455 i think that this provides more room to UzZD7Ddv-L0-00075-00019456-00019630 discuss how UzZD7Ddv-L0-00076-00019631-00019894 we can thrive in an online world UzZD7Ddv-L0-00077-00019895-00020135 and we can do this by adding themes UzZD7Ddv-L0-00078-00020136-00020286 around UzZD7Ddv-L0-00079-00020287-00020463 where like the first would be where UzZD7Ddv-L0-00080-00020464-00020727 people perform better than computers the UzZD7Ddv-L0-00081-00020728-00021063 second would be how to hack your ai boss UzZD7Ddv-L0-00082-00021064-00021327 and then finally what future ready UzZD7Ddv-L0-00083-00021328-00021639 skills are worth investing in UzZD7Ddv-L0-00084-00021640-00021839 so in the first one UzZD7Ddv-L0-00085-00021840-00022047 people versus computers UzZD7Ddv-L0-00086-00022048-00022263 bill nye has said that the most UzZD7Ddv-L0-00087-00022264-00022439 important skill for young people to UzZD7Ddv-L0-00088-00022440-00022663 learn is critical thinking UzZD7Ddv-L0-00089-00022664-00022991 so today computers rather than people UzZD7Ddv-L0-00090-00022992-00023319 decide what we see on our news feeds UzZD7Ddv-L0-00091-00023320-00023599 these computers are trying to get you to UzZD7Ddv-L0-00092-00023600-00023871 watch longer so that they can serve you UzZD7Ddv-L0-00093-00023872-00024055 more advertisements UzZD7Ddv-L0-00094-00024056-00024239 they're not trying to make sure that the UzZD7Ddv-L0-00095-00024240-00024455 information that you see online is UzZD7Ddv-L0-00096-00024456-00024567 correct UzZD7Ddv-L0-00097-00024568-00024711 and so when UzZD7Ddv-L0-00098-00024712-00025007 major news outlets get the facts wrong UzZD7Ddv-L0-00099-00025008-00025207 it becomes very hard UzZD7Ddv-L0-00100-00025208-00025535 to know what news is real and what's UzZD7Ddv-L0-00101-00025536-00025734 fake UzZD7Ddv-L0-00102-00025735-00025927 and so teaching our children to be UzZD7Ddv-L0-00103-00025927-00026279 skeptical and not every and like to not UzZD7Ddv-L0-00104-00026280-00026462 take everything that they see online by UzZD7Ddv-L0-00105-00026463-00026774 face value will also help them develop a UzZD7Ddv-L0-00106-00026775-00027055 curiosity that will help them for the UzZD7Ddv-L0-00107-00027056-00027270 rest of their lives UzZD7Ddv-L0-00108-00027272-00027495 you see critical thinking also relates UzZD7Ddv-L0-00109-00027495-00027718 to computational thinking and design UzZD7Ddv-L0-00110-00027719-00027918 thinking these small UzZD7Ddv-L0-00111-00027919-00028167 lightweight experiments can often tell UzZD7Ddv-L0-00112-00028168-00028479 us more than hours and hours of web UzZD7Ddv-L0-00113-00028480-00028639 searching UzZD7Ddv-L0-00114-00028639-00028943 so curiosity and creativity is another UzZD7Ddv-L0-00115-00028944-00029135 area where people are better than UzZD7Ddv-L0-00116-00029136-00029407 computers and what i'll do is i'll UzZD7Ddv-L0-00117-00029408-00029646 expand on that kind of when i talk UzZD7Ddv-L0-00118-00029647-00029951 later about future ready skills UzZD7Ddv-L0-00119-00029952-00030158 the reason why UzZD7Ddv-L0-00120-00030160-00030462 digital citizenship UzZD7Ddv-L0-00121-00030463-00030614 is something that is so important is UzZD7Ddv-L0-00122-00030616-00030951 because we are not only citizens right UzZD7Ddv-L0-00123-00030952-00031158 here in calgary were also UzZD7Ddv-L0-00124-00031160-00031487 online citizens and with an increasing UzZD7Ddv-L0-00125-00031488-00031727 number of UzZD7Ddv-L0-00126-00031727-00031951 people who are just working online like UzZD7Ddv-L0-00127-00031952-00032174 companies who didn't have UzZD7Ddv-L0-00128-00032175-00032335 remote work UzZD7Ddv-L0-00129-00032336-00032470 suddenly UzZD7Ddv-L0-00130-00032472-00032670 in the last 18 months have developed UzZD7Ddv-L0-00131-00032672-00032855 remote work capabilities and we're UzZD7Ddv-L0-00132-00032856-00032999 finding actually UzZD7Ddv-L0-00133-00033000-00033351 yes much of the work can be done online UzZD7Ddv-L0-00134-00033352-00033527 and what's interesting about this is it UzZD7Ddv-L0-00135-00033528-00033727 means that UzZD7Ddv-L0-00136-00033728-00033959 as citizens we have many more options UzZD7Ddv-L0-00137-00033960-00034311 for jobs we do not only need to go to UzZD7Ddv-L0-00138-00034312-00034574 hey there's just one option for us uh UzZD7Ddv-L0-00139-00034575-00034839 for like the the jobs locally we we can UzZD7Ddv-L0-00140-00034840-00035087 find jobs anywhere internationally and UzZD7Ddv-L0-00141-00035088-00035335 so what matters is like what is the type UzZD7Ddv-L0-00142-00035336-00035630 of quality of lifestyle that you have um UzZD7Ddv-L0-00143-00035631-00035830 is it is it affordable is it something UzZD7Ddv-L0-00144-00035831-00035974 that you enjoy UzZD7Ddv-L0-00145-00035975-00036159 like is it is is this a place that you UzZD7Ddv-L0-00146-00036160-00036302 enjoy living UzZD7Ddv-L0-00147-00036303-00036590 is more important than just being in a UzZD7Ddv-L0-00148-00036591-00036839 particular city and things are changing UzZD7Ddv-L0-00149-00036840-00036999 as a result of that UzZD7Ddv-L0-00150-00037000-00037255 and so that's something that i'm hoping UzZD7Ddv-L0-00151-00037256-00037511 for our kids to be ready for because no UzZD7Ddv-L0-00152-00037512-00037702 matter where they work UzZD7Ddv-L0-00153-00037703-00037862 understanding UzZD7Ddv-L0-00154-00037863-00038062 digital citizenship and what are the UzZD7Ddv-L0-00155-00038063-00038311 things that people do better UzZD7Ddv-L0-00156-00038312-00038559 than computers is going to be a huge UzZD7Ddv-L0-00157-00038560-00038847 advantage for them U-vK6PVC2z0-00000-00000358-00000621 in my own teaching anyway I found a U-vK6PVC2z0-00001-00000622-00000761 couple of ways to figure out if I'm U-vK6PVC2z0-00002-00000762-00000957 using too much and how to maintain that U-vK6PVC2z0-00003-00000958-00001206 balance and so I'd like for all of you U-vK6PVC2z0-00004-00001207-00001470 as we're going through this to think U-vK6PVC2z0-00005-00001471-00001713 about like how you can tell and what U-vK6PVC2z0-00006-00001714-00001920 your stuff is - and I'd love to hear U-vK6PVC2z0-00007-00001921-00002342 some of that as we go and so this is one U-vK6PVC2z0-00008-00002343-00002589 thing that I I have kind of found with U-vK6PVC2z0-00009-00002590-00002766 technology is that it's not the Silver U-vK6PVC2z0-00010-00002767-00002984 Bullet you can't find the perfect app or U-vK6PVC2z0-00011-00002985-00003198 the perfect tool or the perfect set of U-vK6PVC2z0-00012-00003199-00003540 tools and then it can be a catalyst so U-vK6PVC2z0-00013-00003540-00003684 you know what catalyst is the thing that U-vK6PVC2z0-00014-00003685-00003857 doesn't change in and of itself but it U-vK6PVC2z0-00015-00003858-00004181 improves other things the good quality U-vK6PVC2z0-00016-00004182-00004566 teaching skills it can amplify those U-vK6PVC2z0-00017-00004567-00004754 things but without that we're still U-vK6PVC2z0-00018-00004755-00004943 totally missing the boat you know so U-vK6PVC2z0-00019-00004944-00005147 that's what it all comes back to for me U-vK6PVC2z0-00020-00005148-00005481 and so for me in my own high school U-vK6PVC2z0-00021-00005482-00005564 Spanish class U-vK6PVC2z0-00022-00005565-00005786 here's where I started to see the tech U-vK6PVC2z0-00023-00005787-00006096 overkill happening so I got Chromebooks U-vK6PVC2z0-00024-00006097-00006357 in my classroom got a cart of them so U-vK6PVC2z0-00025-00006358-00006588 kids didn't take them home but a lot of U-vK6PVC2z0-00026-00006589-00006780 the kids in my rural district didn't U-vK6PVC2z0-00027-00006781-00006936 have great internet access at home U-vK6PVC2z0-00028-00006937-00007148 anyway so there wasn't a ton that we're U-vK6PVC2z0-00029-00007150-00007272 gonna do with him there in the first U-vK6PVC2z0-00030-00007273-00007551 place and so we did a lot of creating in U-vK6PVC2z0-00031-00007552-00007734 class did lots of stuff with Google U-vK6PVC2z0-00032-00007734-00007929 slides we picked you know we did some U-vK6PVC2z0-00033-00007930-00008084 stuff with Skype just a variety of U-vK6PVC2z0-00034-00008086-00008298 different things and I was excited about U-vK6PVC2z0-00035-00008299-00008712 trying all these things so we're at the U-vK6PVC2z0-00036-00008713-00008904 end of a class this was my this was U-vK6PVC2z0-00037-00008905-00009069 actually my Advanced Placement Spanish U-vK6PVC2z0-00038-00009070-00009333 class so it was all seniors we've just U-vK6PVC2z0-00039-00009334-00009519 gotten done with this cool activity I U-vK6PVC2z0-00040-00009520-00009672 can't remember exactly what it was but U-vK6PVC2z0-00041-00009673-00009885 we were creating something with what we U-vK6PVC2z0-00042-00009886-00010110 had learned it was getting to be about U-vK6PVC2z0-00043-00010111-00010299 the time for the bell to ring the kids U-vK6PVC2z0-00044-00010300-00010539 were headed to the door and I was kind U-vK6PVC2z0-00045-00010540-00010689 of chatting with them and one of my U-vK6PVC2z0-00046-00010690-00011034 students who I knew liked my class I U-vK6PVC2z0-00047-00011035-00011169 knew she likes Spanish and she did U-vK6PVC2z0-00048-00011170-00011403 really well at it she was saying mr. U-vK6PVC2z0-00049-00011404-00011637 Miller you know and she said something U-vK6PVC2z0-00050-00011638-00011877 and it like punched me like right in the U-vK6PVC2z0-00051-00011878-00012138 heart but it was a good thing because I U-vK6PVC2z0-00052-00012139-00012276 learned a really good lesson from it she U-vK6PVC2z0-00053-00012277-00012495 said mr. Miller you know I want to be U-vK6PVC2z0-00054-00012496-00012824 creative but just not computer creative U-vK6PVC2z0-00055-00012825-00013100 or maybe not computer creative all the U-vK6PVC2z0-00056-00013101-00013260 time those were her words and they U-vK6PVC2z0-00057-00013261-00013560 totally stuck with me you know and I U-vK6PVC2z0-00058-00013561-00013694 started to realize U-vK6PVC2z0-00059-00013696-00014019 I want them to tap into that creativity U-vK6PVC2z0-00060-00014019-00014205 that's a skill I want them to be able to U-vK6PVC2z0-00061-00014206-00014469 develop in my class and to learn Spanish U-vK6PVC2z0-00062-00014469-00014709 by using it but I don't always have to U-vK6PVC2z0-00063-00014710-00014904 use technology to get at it you know I U-vK6PVC2z0-00064-00014905-00015243 mean for heaven and sake like markers U-vK6PVC2z0-00065-00015244-00015600 and paper you know talking to each other U-vK6PVC2z0-00066-00015601-00015813 there's just I mean there's so many U-vK6PVC2z0-00067-00015813-00016029 things that we can do beyond that and so U-vK6PVC2z0-00068-00016030-00016221 ATS at that point I started to realize U-vK6PVC2z0-00069-00016222-00016407 that I need to get a little bit of U-vK6PVC2z0-00070-00016408-00016626 balance so here's what I did with that I U-vK6PVC2z0-00071-00016627-00016791 really believe that that balance maybe U-vK6PVC2z0-00072-00016792-00016935 the most important lesson that we teach U-vK6PVC2z0-00073-00016936-00017322 kids content aside a lot of those other U-vK6PVC2z0-00074-00017323-00017634 things you know we're in unprecedented U-vK6PVC2z0-00075-00017635-00017853 times where we're still trying to figure U-vK6PVC2z0-00076-00017854-00018219 out life with technology and it's so U-vK6PVC2z0-00077-00018220-00018372 easy to get sucked into those devices U-vK6PVC2z0-00078-00018373-00018720 and what what's considered human is even U-vK6PVC2z0-00079-00018721-00019035 kind of like under attack and so I think U-vK6PVC2z0-00080-00019036-00019215 we're in a perfect position where we can U-vK6PVC2z0-00081-00019216-00019461 help kids to see what it means to be U-vK6PVC2z0-00082-00019462-00019775 balanced and how important it is and so U-vK6PVC2z0-00083-00019776-00020088 have you heard this before sitting is U-vK6PVC2z0-00084-00020089-00020421 the new smoking like how how important U-vK6PVC2z0-00085-00020422-00020802 or how damaging just sitting can be it's U-vK6PVC2z0-00086-00020803-00021063 bad for our health but it's also bad for U-vK6PVC2z0-00087-00021064-00021465 our brain you know they show from MRI U-vK6PVC2z0-00088-00021466-00021825 scans that our brain isn't as sharp U-vK6PVC2z0-00089-00021826-00022067 after we've been sitting for a while and U-vK6PVC2z0-00090-00022068-00022296 I noticed of course whenever you're U-vK6PVC2z0-00091-00022297-00022470 using technology especially if it's like U-vK6PVC2z0-00092-00022471-00022704 Chromebooks or laptops there's a lot of U-vK6PVC2z0-00093-00022705-00022839 sitting that goes with that U-vK6PVC2z0-00094-00022840-00023160 so I started to see the you know the the U-vK6PVC2z0-00095-00023161-00023358 detriments of sitting too much so you U-vK6PVC2z0-00096-00023359-00023673 know for me sometimes it's like trying U-vK6PVC2z0-00097-00023674-00023817 to find ways to get them up on their U-vK6PVC2z0-00098-00023818-00024087 feet or at least to move around I know U-vK6PVC2z0-00099-00024088-00024264 with younger kids go noodles or any of U-vK6PVC2z0-00100-00024265-00024456 you go noodle people like right yeah U-vK6PVC2z0-00101-00024457-00024810 just doing a quick brain break I'll tell U-vK6PVC2z0-00102-00024811-00025124 you a story I had an especially U-vK6PVC2z0-00103-00025125-00025369 squirrely group of freshmen one year U-vK6PVC2z0-00104-00025370-00025758 right and I had them right after lunch U-vK6PVC2z0-00105-00025758-00026094 and they would come into class and they U-vK6PVC2z0-00106-00026095-00026310 would be like bananas and there was U-vK6PVC2z0-00107-00026311-00026514 nothing we could do - nothing I could do U-vK6PVC2z0-00108-00026514-00026723 to totally get him settled down until I U-vK6PVC2z0-00109-00026724-00026997 finally figured it out in about eight U-vK6PVC2z0-00110-00026998-00027297 I said guys you know if I know it took U-vK6PVC2z0-00111-00027298-00027501 me till April I'm not afraid to say that U-vK6PVC2z0-00112-00027502-00027699 that is just the truth okay U-vK6PVC2z0-00113-00027700-00027999 in April well part of it was that it was U-vK6PVC2z0-00114-00028000-00028191 springtime and I said okay here's what U-vK6PVC2z0-00115-00028192-00028407 we're gonna do I'm gonna give you five U-vK6PVC2z0-00116-00028408-00028713 minutes my classroom is right next to an U-vK6PVC2z0-00117-00028714-00029223 exterior door I said go outside run here U-vK6PVC2z0-00118-00029224-00029550 a couple of balls play catch lay in the U-vK6PVC2z0-00119-00029551-00029763 grass whatever you want to do you got U-vK6PVC2z0-00120-00029764-00030000 five minutes but when you come back in U-vK6PVC2z0-00121-00030001-00030225 we got to be ready to go and they took U-vK6PVC2z0-00122-00030226-00030377 their squirrel eNOS out and they got it U-vK6PVC2z0-00123-00030379-00030663 out for five minutes and then they came U-vK6PVC2z0-00124-00030664-00030861 back and they sat down and I was shocked U-vK6PVC2z0-00125-00030862-00031050 because I thought I'm given five minutes U-vK6PVC2z0-00126-00031051-00031527 away nope I was getting 42 minutes of U-vK6PVC2z0-00127-00031527-00031845 quality instruction back by giving him U-vK6PVC2z0-00128-00031845-00032070 those five minutes because for so many U-vK6PVC2z0-00129-00032070-00032189 of them they sat with their friends U-vK6PVC2z0-00130-00032191-00032355 during lunch they didn't get up and they U-vK6PVC2z0-00131-00032356-00032633 didn't move those five minutes those U-vK6PVC2z0-00132-00032635-00032811 were like that was the best trade I U-vK6PVC2z0-00133-00032812-00033015 could have made with them I gave up five U-vK6PVC2z0-00134-00033016-00033135 instructional minutes but it was the U-vK6PVC2z0-00135-00033136-00033372 best trade the best ways that I've been U-vK6PVC2z0-00136-00033373-00033657 able to do this gauge tech overkill with U-vK6PVC2z0-00137-00033658-00034080 my eyes and my ears and you can see when U-vK6PVC2z0-00138-00034081-00034341 I mean I can see it on all of you you U-vK6PVC2z0-00139-00034342-00034563 know I can read your eyes and I can I U-vK6PVC2z0-00140-00034564-00034683 can tell right now you're paying U-vK6PVC2z0-00141-00034684-00034878 attention and you're good but if you had U-vK6PVC2z0-00142-00034879-00035028 been sitting here for 20 minutes and I U-vK6PVC2z0-00143-00035029-00035187 had been talking about something dense U-vK6PVC2z0-00144-00035188-00035514 and unnecessary first of all your eyes U-vK6PVC2z0-00145-00035515-00035631 would have gone down in here into your U-vK6PVC2z0-00146-00035632-00035751 phones I would have lost you into your U-vK6PVC2z0-00147-00035752-00035898 phones and even if that doesn't happen U-vK6PVC2z0-00148-00035899-00036033 with kids you guys know what it looks U-vK6PVC2z0-00149-00036034-00036339 like right so I'm real big into read the U-vK6PVC2z0-00150-00036340-00036567 eyes because they can tell you a lot U-vK6PVC2z0-00151-00036568-00036759 even if you don't ask kids sometimes U-vK6PVC2z0-00152-00036760-00036876 when you ask kids they won't tell you U-vK6PVC2z0-00153-00036877-00037176 the truth you know the eyes always seem U-vK6PVC2z0-00154-00037177-00037365 to tell the truth and then the same way U-vK6PVC2z0-00155-00037366-00037637 with the ears because I'm real big into U-vK6PVC2z0-00156-00037638-00037911 listening to kids kind of like U-vK6PVC2z0-00157-00037912-00038055 eavesdropping not in a creepy way U-vK6PVC2z0-00158-00038056-00038253 hopefully but like you know I like to U-vK6PVC2z0-00159-00038254-00038490 hear what they're talking about and you U-vK6PVC2z0-00160-00038491-00038634 know when they were talking about U-vK6PVC2z0-00161-00038635-00038802 something that you did in class it was U-vK6PVC2z0-00162-00038803-00039012 great if they didn't talk about it that U-vK6PVC2z0-00163-00039013-00039195 doesn't mean it's horrible but I think U-vK6PVC2z0-00164-00039196-00039366 the eyes and the ears are really really U-vK6PVC2z0-00165-00039367-00039597 big when it comes to that this isn't U-vK6PVC2z0-00166-00039598-00039843 like a scientific formula these are just U-vK6PVC2z0-00167-00039844-00040139 some of the things that I think work U-vK6PVC2z0-00168-00040140-00040436 gauging the census you know pulling all U-vK6PVC2z0-00169-00040437-00040631 of the different senses in you know I've U-vK6PVC2z0-00170-00040632-00040811 I've heard somebody talking about how U-vK6PVC2z0-00171-00040812-00041171 like squeezing an orange in class I mean U-vK6PVC2z0-00172-00041172-00041579 those those sensory things and tying U-vK6PVC2z0-00173-00041580-00041723 them into learning you know the more U-vK6PVC2z0-00174-00041724-00041861 connections you can make in the brain U-vK6PVC2z0-00175-00041862-00042340 the better the feel of like wood grain I U-vK6PVC2z0-00176-00042341-00042560 mean just all of that stuff you you U-vK6PVC2z0-00177-00042561-00042727 can't replicate that with technology and U-vK6PVC2z0-00178-00042728-00042952 I think if we forget about that we lose U-vK6PVC2z0-00179-00042953-00043177 out on this big huge dimension of U-vK6PVC2z0-00180-00043178-00043490 connecting with kids brains you know so U-vK6PVC2z0-00181-00043491-00043739 I think that one's important Digital U-vK6PVC2z0-00182-00043740-00043937 activities to analog activities with U-vK6PVC2z0-00183-00043938-00044077 some of these activities I've done U-vK6PVC2z0-00184-00044078-00044321 digitally I'll give you an example I U-vK6PVC2z0-00185-00044322-00044510 love using collaborative Google slides U-vK6PVC2z0-00186-00044511-00044759 you make a slide presentation and every U-vK6PVC2z0-00187-00044760-00044971 kid gets a slide they do their work and U-vK6PVC2z0-00188-00044972-00045118 that one slide and then they can see U-vK6PVC2z0-00189-00045119-00045283 everybody else's work and then they can U-vK6PVC2z0-00190-00045284-00045518 leave comments if I feel like I'm U-vK6PVC2z0-00191-00045519-00045851 hitting that tech overload space I can U-vK6PVC2z0-00192-00045852-00046043 take the best part of that activity and U-vK6PVC2z0-00193-00046044-00046390 turn it into an analog activity paper is U-vK6PVC2z0-00194-00046391-00046670 still okay to use in class you know I'm U-vK6PVC2z0-00195-00046671-00046999 still a huge huge believer in paper so U-vK6PVC2z0-00196-00047000-00047351 grab that photocopier paper hand them a U-vK6PVC2z0-00197-00047352-00047495 piece of paper and have them do that U-vK6PVC2z0-00198-00047496-00047689 activity on a piece of paper and then U-vK6PVC2z0-00199-00047690-00047942 get up and trade papers with each other U-vK6PVC2z0-00200-00047943-00048121 to make those comments I know that U-vK6PVC2z0-00201-00048122-00048362 sounds sort of like simplistic but just U-vK6PVC2z0-00202-00048363-00048620 doing little things like that it's like U-vK6PVC2z0-00203-00048621-00048836 a different modality almost the non-tech U-vK6PVC2z0-00204-00048837-00048995 version of it and so just pulling that U-vK6PVC2z0-00205-00048996-00049214 in can be enough change to get kids U-vK6PVC2z0-00206-00049215-00049576 re-engaged I think and if it's not easy U-vK6PVC2z0-00207-00049577-00049949 persist so I think this kind of goes U-vK6PVC2z0-00208-00049950-00050099 with the tech overwhelm thing but U-vK6PVC2z0-00209-00050100-00050282 whenever you're trying to do something U-vK6PVC2z0-00210-00050283-00050585 different sometimes it's not easy at the U-vK6PVC2z0-00211-00050586-00050752 beginning you know kids kind of like U-vK6PVC2z0-00212-00050753-00051133 push back on different stuff we want to U-vK6PVC2z0-00213-00051134-00051271 try something that they're not as U-vK6PVC2z0-00214-00051272-00051465 familiar with or is comfortable with I U-vK6PVC2z0-00215-00051466-00051707 think when they push back at that very U-vK6PVC2z0-00216-00051708-00051938 beginning that doesn't necessarily mean U-vK6PVC2z0-00217-00051939-00052102 that they it's wrong or that they don't U-vK6PVC2z0-00218-00052103-00052366 agree with you it's that they just don't U-vK6PVC2z0-00219-00052367-00052523 see it yet you know they just don't see U-vK6PVC2z0-00220-00052524-00052630 the vision and sometimes you're gonna U-vK6PVC2z0-00221-00052632-00052792 persist and help them to be able to see U-vK6PVC2z0-00222-00052794-00053032 it with any of this stuff so that kind U-vK6PVC2z0-00223-00053033-00053201 of ties into all the rest of it I just U-vK6PVC2z0-00224-00053202-00053329 kind of think that's important I want to U-vK6PVC2z0-00225-00053330-00053374 do we U-vK6PVC2z0-00226-00053375-00053698 that with all with all of you U-Nlb37rte8-00000-00000024-00001014 foreign U-Nlb37rte8-00001-00001015-00002795 [Music] U-Nlb37rte8-00003-00007322-00007505 so why did you U-Nlb37rte8-00005-00011238-00012059 thank you U-Nlb37rte8-00007-00016430-00018053 [Music] U-Nlb37rte8-00009-00023256-00023764 thank you U-Nlb37rte8-00010-00023765-00024250 [Music] U-Nlb37rte8-00011-00024251-00024870 foreign U-Nlb37rte8-00013-00029394-00029729 allies U-Nlb37rte8-00014-00029730-00030582 [Music] U-Nlb37rte8-00015-00030583-00032245 [Music] U-Nlb37rte8-00016-00032247-00032789 [Music] U-Nlb37rte8-00017-00032790-00032900 foreign U-Nlb37rte8-00018-00032901-00034909 [Music] U-Nlb37rte8-00019-00034910-00036014 [Music] U-Nlb37rte8-00020-00036015-00036796 [Music] U-Nlb37rte8-00021-00036797-00036978 foreign U-Nlb37rte8-00022-00036979-00039114 [Music] UD06HMG_bkM-00000-00000139-00000757 hold on UD06HMG_bkM-00001-00000758-00001019 reaction back with another reaction with UD06HMG_bkM-00002-00001019-00001420 Sophie Cuttery she from okurania and we UD06HMG_bkM-00003-00001421-00001668 make this first reaction about every UD06HMG_bkM-00004-00001669-00001984 singing about the colonial world and a UD06HMG_bkM-00005-00001985-00002242 lot of things going on in ukrania and as UD06HMG_bkM-00006-00002243-00002452 with like so touching hands so much UD06HMG_bkM-00007-00002453-00002783 touching and then his request again her UD06HMG_bkM-00008-00002784-00003245 friend is here you can see him and I UD06HMG_bkM-00009-00003246-00003431 hope you can enjoy as much of button UD06HMG_bkM-00010-00003432-00003629 subscribe to notification on and follow UD06HMG_bkM-00011-00003629-00003869 my Instagram Twitter and support me and UD06HMG_bkM-00012-00003870-00004061 love me for who I am and that's means so UD06HMG_bkM-00013-00004061-00004447 much to me and the two guys comment like UD06HMG_bkM-00014-00004448-00004786 subscribe to notification on and follow UD06HMG_bkM-00015-00004787-00005231 me in Instagram and my Tick Tock coming UD06HMG_bkM-00016-00005232-00005488 back I will always love you with me UD06HMG_bkM-00017-00005489-00005693 Houston she was singing this covers UD06HMG_bkM-00018-00005694-00005933 Sophie cartridge so let's start let's go UD06HMG_bkM-00019-00005934-00006241 right now with three two UD06HMG_bkM-00020-00006242-00006545 one it is camera right now UD06HMG_bkM-00021-00006545-00006628 okay UD06HMG_bkM-00023-00010331-00011821 [Music] UD06HMG_bkM-00024-00011822-00012345 I love you UD06HMG_bkM-00025-00012346-00013777 [Music] UD06HMG_bkM-00026-00013778-00014033 oh darling UD06HMG_bkM-00027-00014034-00014582 for you UD06HMG_bkM-00028-00014583-00014933 [Music] UD06HMG_bkM-00029-00014934-00015294 oh UD06HMG_bkM-00030-00015296-00015736 [Music] UD06HMG_bkM-00031-00015737-00017371 um UD06HMG_bkM-00032-00017372-00017959 around you need me UD06HMG_bkM-00033-00017960-00019243 [Music] UD06HMG_bkM-00034-00019244-00019729 I love you UD06HMG_bkM-00035-00019730-00020011 I UD06HMG_bkM-00036-00020012-00020574 love you UD06HMG_bkM-00037-00020575-00020800 [Music] UD06HMG_bkM-00038-00020801-00021192 um UD06HMG_bkM-00040-00024973-00025242 we're always UD06HMG_bkM-00041-00025243-00025769 love you UD06HMG_bkM-00042-00025770-00027301 [Music] UD06HMG_bkM-00043-00027302-00027652 I will always UD06HMG_bkM-00044-00027654-00028067 what happened UD06HMG_bkM-00045-00028068-00028540 what happened UD06HMG_bkM-00046-00028541-00028795 what UD06HMG_bkM-00047-00028795-00029068 [Music] UD06HMG_bkM-00048-00029069-00029594 why internet UD06HMG_bkM-00049-00029595-00030133 [Music] UD06HMG_bkM-00050-00030133-00030343 oh my God UD06HMG_bkM-00051-00030344-00032101 [Music] UD06HMG_bkM-00052-00032102-00032585 I love you UD06HMG_bkM-00053-00032586-00033040 [Music] UD06HMG_bkM-00054-00033041-00033467 thank you UD06HMG_bkM-00055-00033468-00033846 I don't know UD06HMG_bkM-00056-00033847-00034181 sorry for this baby cry I'm sorry he's UD06HMG_bkM-00057-00034182-00034523 not my baby but this baby of my brother UD06HMG_bkM-00058-00034524-00034859 so he crying a lot so it was so much UD06HMG_bkM-00059-00034860-00035111 noise here sorry for that I'm so sorry UD06HMG_bkM-00060-00035112-00035446 it's so crying every day like this oh my UD06HMG_bkM-00061-00035447-00035717 God I can't believe that so she was good UD06HMG_bkM-00062-00035718-00035987 amazing oh my God the big surprise in UD06HMG_bkM-00063-00035988-00036221 here or like all her everything her UD06HMG_bkM-00064-00036222-00036611 voice open and and like she she making UD06HMG_bkM-00065-00036612-00036929 for me here and out of my mouth this is UD06HMG_bkM-00066-00036930-00037217 amazing you so much oh my they call my UD06HMG_bkM-00067-00037218-00037517 friend and thank you thank you Sophie UD06HMG_bkM-00068-00037518-00037768 you are amazing and you have a amazing UD06HMG_bkM-00069-00037769-00038039 voice a huge boys and big respect and UD06HMG_bkM-00070-00038040-00038495 free to a crime okrania and UD06HMG_bkM-00071-00038496-00038723 don't forget smash a button subscribe to UD06HMG_bkM-00072-00038724-00038921 notification on and comment and like and UD06HMG_bkM-00073-00038922-00039133 support me and the way the video coming UD06HMG_bkM-00074-00039134-00039473 to see it maybe to we you will help me UD06HMG_bkM-00075-00039474-00039785 or something with this video will come UD06HMG_bkM-00076-00039786-00040085 in and I hope you to see it and yeah so UD06HMG_bkM-00077-00040086-00040318 thanks and please love assalamualaikum UD06HMG_bkM-00078-00040319-00040752 everyone UD06HMG_bkM-00079-00040753-00041218 same visit reaction back here again you UD06HMG_bkM-00080-00041219-00041471 watch the video and you finish so you UD06HMG_bkM-00081-00041472-00041680 need to listen to me now right now I UD06HMG_bkM-00082-00041681-00041933 want to ask you for something and this UD06HMG_bkM-00083-00041934-00042190 will be changed my life and change a lot UD06HMG_bkM-00084-00042191-00042593 of things for for me so my PC last time UD06HMG_bkM-00085-00042594-00043037 maybe lost my cartographic and they UD06HMG_bkM-00086-00043038-00043379 working I work my make montage and work UD06HMG_bkM-00087-00043380-00043723 without the cartographic and be so heavy UD06HMG_bkM-00088-00043724-00044087 and all time like heavy heavy so much UD06HMG_bkM-00089-00044088-00044561 with before I have like 20 video 13 UD06HMG_bkM-00090-00044562-00044879 video in one day making and now I can't UD06HMG_bkM-00091-00044880-00045293 even have like five or six video like so UD06HMG_bkM-00092-00045294-00045839 much like so much power like you know it UD06HMG_bkM-00093-00045840-00046157 is like so hard he working so hard UD06HMG_bkM-00094-00046158-00046373 without cartographic and the UD06HMG_bkM-00095-00046374-00046583 cartographic on my tab it is here you UD06HMG_bkM-00096-00046584-00046787 can see it and UD06HMG_bkM-00097-00046788-00047129 and what you can do you you see the the UD06HMG_bkM-00098-00047130-00047443 button in in description UD06HMG_bkM-00099-00047444-00047808 thanks super thanks this super thanks UD06HMG_bkM-00100-00047809-00048001 this princess UD06HMG_bkM-00101-00048002-00048377 like make you just give five dollars UD06HMG_bkM-00102-00048378-00048815 like five or ten or twenty dollars and UD06HMG_bkM-00103-00048816-00049252 any like anything can help you will help UD06HMG_bkM-00104-00049253-00049571 me with five with six with seven and UD06HMG_bkM-00105-00049572-00049883 other two they will do like you five or UD06HMG_bkM-00106-00049884-00050236 six dollars or ten dollars like you that UD06HMG_bkM-00107-00050237-00050633 they doing like you and when I be like UD06HMG_bkM-00108-00050634-00050945 have enough money I will collect collect UD06HMG_bkM-00109-00050946-00051292 all this money and go buy this hard and UD06HMG_bkM-00110-00051294-00051604 it means so much to me to make this card UD06HMG_bkM-00111-00051605-00051970 in my PC I want to have like many video UD06HMG_bkM-00112-00051971-00052211 and I want to work so hard in YouTube UD06HMG_bkM-00113-00052212-00052423 and without your support UD06HMG_bkM-00114-00052424-00052769 I I need it because your support means UD06HMG_bkM-00115-00052770-00053026 some much to me and I thank you for UD06HMG_bkM-00116-00053027-00053200 subscribing thank you for coming thank UD06HMG_bkM-00117-00053201-00053442 you for like and this is just UD06HMG_bkM-00118-00053444-00053688 just when UD06HMG_bkM-00119-00053689-00053923 like how to say UD06HMG_bkM-00120-00053924-00054238 uh how to say like UD06HMG_bkM-00121-00054239-00054682 uh UD06HMG_bkM-00122-00054683-00054953 give something good like give something UD06HMG_bkM-00123-00054954-00055180 good you'll find something good you will UD06HMG_bkM-00124-00055182-00055553 not need to give me like 100 or UD06HMG_bkM-00125-00055554-00055979 something like no just 5 10 20 UD06HMG_bkM-00126-00055979-00056411 this all in one person he will send just UD06HMG_bkM-00127-00056412-00056885 5 10 20 that's all he will send and then UD06HMG_bkM-00128-00056886-00057209 I will collect them and I will go buy UD06HMG_bkM-00129-00057210-00057407 this card and mean so much to me and UD06HMG_bkM-00130-00057408-00057604 thank you for listening and see you in UD06HMG_bkM-00131-00057605-00057838 the next video inshallah smash a button UD06HMG_bkM-00132-00057839-00058061 subscribe to notification on and see you UD06HMG_bkM-00133-00058062-00058415 and peace love assalamu alaikum everyone UD06HMG_bkM-00134-00058416-00058716 yeah UEp36iTMepU-00000-00000050-00000292 so yes I would like to start by thanking UEp36iTMepU-00001-00000293-00000617 the Riga Graduate School of Law for UEp36iTMepU-00002-00000618-00000751 inviting me to this very interesting UEp36iTMepU-00003-00000752-00001049 conference it is indeed an honor to UEp36iTMepU-00004-00001050-00001331 begin in the opportunity to share this UEp36iTMepU-00005-00001332-00001487 floor with so many prominent academics UEp36iTMepU-00006-00001488-00001892 and practitioners and this presentation UEp36iTMepU-00007-00001893-00002150 will focus mostly on the developments of UEp36iTMepU-00008-00002151-00002377 the European Court of Justice case law UEp36iTMepU-00009-00002378-00002626 which has occurred during the last year UEp36iTMepU-00010-00002627-00002954 on the direct horizontal effect of EU UEp36iTMepU-00011-00002955-00003297 fundamental rights or on the shorter I UEp36iTMepU-00012-00003298-00003490 will start off by giving some UEp36iTMepU-00013-00003492-00003736 definitions just to make it sort of UEp36iTMepU-00014-00003738-00003935 roughly clear on what type of issues I'm UEp36iTMepU-00015-00003936-00004127 talking about UEp36iTMepU-00016-00004128-00004415 I will then briefly mention the pre UEp36iTMepU-00017-00004416-00004625 shorter case law so the case law UEp36iTMepU-00018-00004626-00004870 concerning direct horizontal effect of UEp36iTMepU-00019-00004871-00005075 fundamental rights from other sources to UEp36iTMepU-00020-00005076-00005258 the shorter I will then move on to UEp36iTMepU-00021-00005259-00005534 discuss the case law on the shorter and UEp36iTMepU-00022-00005535-00005731 I will then end the presentation by UEp36iTMepU-00023-00005732-00005897 bringing up some of the possibilities UEp36iTMepU-00024-00005898-00006374 and problems that this development might UEp36iTMepU-00025-00006375-00006985 lead to so just some rough definitions UEp36iTMepU-00026-00006986-00007175 so when I speak about a fundamental UEp36iTMepU-00027-00007176-00007414 rights I define them basically as UEp36iTMepU-00028-00007415-00007619 constitutionally protected rights so UEp36iTMepU-00029-00007620-00007867 everything that's every right that is UEp36iTMepU-00030-00007868-00008167 protected by EU primary law is in my UEp36iTMepU-00031-00008168-00008423 view regardless of animal rights so UEp36iTMepU-00032-00008424-00008617 everything in the treatise de chartres UEp36iTMepU-00033-00008618-00008807 and the general principles so this UEp36iTMepU-00034-00008808-00008971 includes for example the free movement UEp36iTMepU-00035-00008972-00009371 freedoms direct horizontal effect is UEp36iTMepU-00036-00009372-00009716 very I think contested concept but just UEp36iTMepU-00037-00009717-00009905 to give you an idea of what I mean when UEp36iTMepU-00038-00009906-00010112 I talk about it in the EU context I UEp36iTMepU-00039-00010113-00010412 think you can define it as situations UEp36iTMepU-00040-00010413-00010601 where a legal norm can be invoked UEp36iTMepU-00041-00010602-00010810 directly between private parties and be UEp36iTMepU-00042-00010811-00011031 given primacy over national legislation UEp36iTMepU-00043-00011032-00011426 and this can be done in two ways you UEp36iTMepU-00044-00011427-00011542 said that you can talk about UEp36iTMepU-00045-00011543-00011813 exclusionary direct horizontal effect UEp36iTMepU-00046-00011814-00011945 where national legislation should be UEp36iTMepU-00047-00011946-00012373 discipline conflict with the EU norm or UEp36iTMepU-00048-00012374-00012599 this stronger version which you could UEp36iTMepU-00049-00012600-00012890 call a substituted effect where the EU UEp36iTMepU-00050-00012891-00013196 norm actually sort of replaces the UEp36iTMepU-00051-00013197-00013352 conflicting national norms so it's UEp36iTMepU-00052-00013353-00013700 applied more directly you can also be UEp36iTMepU-00053-00013701-00014021 useful to contrast directors don't UEp36iTMepU-00054-00014022-00014201 affect with indirect horizontal effect UEp36iTMepU-00055-00014202-00014450 which is the effect that can be given to UEp36iTMepU-00056-00014451-00014750 directives and according to this UEp36iTMepU-00057-00014751-00014888 doctrine a national court should UEp36iTMepU-00058-00014888-00015044 interpret national legislation in UEp36iTMepU-00059-00015044-00015344 accordance with EU norms but they can UEp36iTMepU-00060-00015344-00015560 never do a control Egham interpretation UEp36iTMepU-00061-00015561-00015716 that is they cannot go against the UEp36iTMepU-00062-00015716-00015932 clearly stating wording of the national UEp36iTMepU-00063-00015933-00017219 legislation yes so if we look at the UEp36iTMepU-00064-00017220-00017435 other sources of fundamental rights in UEp36iTMepU-00065-00017436-00017699 the European Union we can see that when UEp36iTMepU-00066-00017700-00017924 it comes to treaty rights the right to UEp36iTMepU-00067-00017925-00018143 equal pavéd when women were given direct UEp36iTMepU-00068-00018144-00018506 horizontal effect already in the 1970s UEp36iTMepU-00069-00018507-00018764 in that case was a conflict between a UEp36iTMepU-00070-00018765-00019124 private company and an employee director UEp36iTMepU-00071-00019125-00019514 santol effect has also been giving to UEp36iTMepU-00072-00019515-00019751 the free movement freedoms and if you UEp36iTMepU-00073-00019752-00019984 look at most of these cases and the UEp36iTMepU-00074-00019985-00020210 claim has been directed towards UEp36iTMepU-00075-00020211-00020351 organizations that have some kind of UEp36iTMepU-00076-00020352-00020528 regulatory function which can in some UEp36iTMepU-00077-00020529-00020867 ways be compared to a state so for UEp36iTMepU-00078-00020868-00021097 example in bossman the claim was direct UEp36iTMepU-00079-00021098-00021254 against national and international UEp36iTMepU-00080-00021255-00021443 football associations which had plays UEp36iTMepU-00081-00021444-00021716 put in place rules which limited a free UEp36iTMepU-00082-00021717-00022007 movement of football players in V King UEp36iTMepU-00083-00022008-00022235 in Laval the claims were direct against UEp36iTMepU-00084-00022236-00022519 unions which you collective agreements UEp36iTMepU-00085-00022520-00022817 and collective actions was able to sort UEp36iTMepU-00086-00022818-00023057 of restrict free movement when it came UEp36iTMepU-00087-00023058-00023306 to promote our services and the freedom UEp36iTMepU-00088-00023307-00023561 of establishment now it should be UEp36iTMepU-00089-00023562-00023777 mentioned that in the anconeus the case UEp36iTMepU-00090-00023778-00024056 the court said that Freeman was good in UEp36iTMepU-00091-00024057-00024221 principle also by another type of UEp36iTMepU-00092-00024222-00024608 private parties but what I can see is UEp36iTMepU-00093-00024609-00024836 that almost all cases concerned this UEp36iTMepU-00094-00024837-00025069 kind of organization with some kind of UEp36iTMepU-00095-00025070-00025277 regulatory functions and sometimes speak UEp36iTMepU-00096-00025278-00025525 about regular functions or regular to UEp36iTMepU-00097-00025526-00025969 effects doctrine then we have the UEp36iTMepU-00098-00025970-00026318 general principles and as you all know I UEp36iTMepU-00099-00026319-00026570 think the prohibition of h2 UEp36iTMepU-00100-00026570-00026777 as a general principle it's been given UEp36iTMepU-00101-00026777-00027149 direct horizontal effect and the court UEp36iTMepU-00102-00027150-00027323 has done this in a couple of cases where UEp36iTMepU-00103-00027324-00027580 employer employees and suit private UEp36iTMepU-00104-00027581-00027877 employers and in this cases there's been UEp36iTMepU-00105-00027878-00028139 sort of a directive containing the same UEp36iTMepU-00106-00028139-00028454 right so it has been said that what the UEp36iTMepU-00107-00028455-00028598 court is actually doing is making sure UEp36iTMepU-00108-00028599-00028811 that the directive is effective even UEp36iTMepU-00109-00028812-00028982 though directives by themselves can be UEp36iTMepU-00110-00028983-00029440 given direct horizontal effect so the UEp36iTMepU-00111-00029441-00029699 court starts by investigating what the UEp36iTMepU-00112-00029700-00029945 right contained directive entails and it UEp36iTMepU-00113-00029945-00030293 sort of adds that the same right is also UEp36iTMepU-00114-00030294-00030439 a general principle of EU law and UEp36iTMepU-00115-00030441-00030682 therefore it can be given direct UEp36iTMepU-00116-00030683-00030895 horizontal effect in the form of UEp36iTMepU-00117-00030897-00031079 exclusionary effect meaning that the UEp36iTMepU-00118-00031080-00031207 national court should be supplied UEp36iTMepU-00119-00031208-00031927 conflicting national legislation so to UEp36iTMepU-00120-00031928-00032135 sum up we've seen that treaty rights can UEp36iTMepU-00121-00032136-00032270 have direct horizontal effect including UEp36iTMepU-00122-00032270-00032579 substitute substitutionary effect in UEp36iTMepU-00123-00032580-00032896 case of free movement this effect will UEp36iTMepU-00124-00032897-00033049 typically materialize when a private UEp36iTMepU-00125-00033050-00033274 body with regular function acts in some UEp36iTMepU-00126-00033275-00033493 ways and the general principle at least UEp36iTMepU-00127-00033494-00033770 a provision of age discrimination can at UEp36iTMepU-00128-00033771-00033962 least exclusionary effect if there is a UEp36iTMepU-00129-00033963-00034449 directive containing the same right so UEp36iTMepU-00130-00034450-00034676 then the question is what about the UEp36iTMepU-00131-00034677-00035120 shorter and as a background it should be UEp36iTMepU-00132-00035121-00035365 mentioned that the shorter has same UEp36iTMepU-00133-00035366-00035579 legal status as the treaties which UEp36iTMepU-00134-00035580-00035908 perhaps could suggest that the shorter UEp36iTMepU-00135-00035909-00036056 could be given direct or sample effect UEp36iTMepU-00136-00036057-00036265 in the same way as the treaty rights can UEp36iTMepU-00137-00036266-00036632 given it on the other hand we have UEp36iTMepU-00138-00036633-00036935 article 51 of the shorter which clearly UEp36iTMepU-00139-00036936-00037168 states that it's the EU institutions UEp36iTMepU-00140-00037169-00037430 organs and bodies and member states UEp36iTMepU-00141-00037431-00037898 which are bound by the Charter and the UEp36iTMepU-00142-00037899-00038071 latter only when they are implementing UEp36iTMepU-00143-00038072-00038618 EU law so I think you can divide a case UEp36iTMepU-00144-00038619-00038831 well so far into two stages we have UEp36iTMepU-00145-00038832-00039164 first the early case law which showed us UEp36iTMepU-00146-00039165-00039421 certain hesitation from the court of UEp36iTMepU-00147-00039422-00039704 justice and so just to bring a few UEp36iTMepU-00148-00039705-00039861 examples in the Dominguez UEp36iTMepU-00149-00039862-00040077 case which concern the right to paid UEp36iTMepU-00150-00040078-00040314 vacation lay down in a directive which UEp36iTMepU-00151-00040315-00040487 had been wrongfully implemented into UEp36iTMepU-00152-00040488-00040737 French law the Advocate General had a UEp36iTMepU-00153-00040738-00040965 very long detailed discussion on whether UEp36iTMepU-00154-00040966-00041262 article 31 paragraph two of shorter UEp36iTMepU-00155-00041263-00041460 where the same right is laid down he UEp36iTMepU-00156-00041461-00041598 could be given direct horizontal effect UEp36iTMepU-00157-00041599-00041840 and the Court of Justice on the other UEp36iTMepU-00158-00041841-00042180 hand completely ignore that question and UEp36iTMepU-00159-00042181-00042351 instead told dooming is to ask for UEp36iTMepU-00160-00042352-00042759 compensation from the French state in UEp36iTMepU-00161-00042760-00042887 accordance with the franc which doctrine UEp36iTMepU-00162-00042888-00043161 because France had not implemented the UEp36iTMepU-00163-00043162-00043562 directive correctly a while later came UEp36iTMepU-00164-00043563-00043992 the AMS case which concerned writers sir UEp36iTMepU-00165-00043993-00044175 workers right to information and UEp36iTMepU-00166-00044176-00044523 consultation within a company and this UEp36iTMepU-00167-00044524-00044730 right is protected by directive but also UEp36iTMepU-00168-00044731-00045126 by article 27 of the Charter and in this UEp36iTMepU-00169-00045127-00045302 case the court found that France once UEp36iTMepU-00170-00045303-00045531 again had not implemented the directive UEp36iTMepU-00171-00045532-00045795 correctly but it also stated that UEp36iTMepU-00172-00045796-00046008 article 27 of structure was too UEp36iTMepU-00173-00046009-00046193 imprecise to be given direct personal UEp36iTMepU-00174-00046194-00046500 effect and what was quite interesting UEp36iTMepU-00175-00046501-00046683 with this case is that the court then UEp36iTMepU-00176-00046684-00047064 added that article 21 on a shorter on UEp36iTMepU-00177-00047065-00047327 discrimination and more specifically as UEp36iTMepU-00178-00047328-00047673 intimation only age discrimination could UEp36iTMepU-00179-00047674-00047898 have direct horizontal effect and of UEp36iTMepU-00180-00047899-00048075 course this article had nothing to do at UEp36iTMepU-00181-00048076-00048261 all with the case so it would just I UEp36iTMepU-00182-00048262-00048618 guess the court opening now for for UEp36iTMepU-00183-00048619-00048827 giving the short conjecture so effect UEp36iTMepU-00184-00048828-00049008 and waiting to see what reactions they UEp36iTMepU-00185-00049009-00049515 would get not too long after came the UEp36iTMepU-00186-00049516-00049896 dansk industry case I guess sometimes UEp36iTMepU-00187-00049897-00050240 refer to the i/os case which concerned UEp36iTMepU-00188-00050241-00050465 age discrimination so one could have UEp36iTMepU-00189-00050466-00050643 perhaps expected to that record UEp36iTMepU-00190-00050644-00050961 following its statement in AMS should UEp36iTMepU-00191-00050962-00051117 give the shorter directed horizontal UEp36iTMepU-00192-00051118-00051561 effect however it did not it did discuss UEp36iTMepU-00193-00051562-00051758 the shorter in some parts of the UEp36iTMepU-00194-00051759-00051960 judgment but when it actually came to UEp36iTMepU-00195-00051961-00052117 the question of direct horizontal effect UEp36iTMepU-00196-00052119-00052497 it only brought up the prohibition on UEp36iTMepU-00197-00052498-00052629 age discrimination as a general UEp36iTMepU-00198-00052629-00052916 principle of EU law UEp36iTMepU-00199-00052917-00053405 didn't at least in a clearer way say UEp36iTMepU-00200-00053407-00053541 that the shorter could have direct UEp36iTMepU-00201-00053541-00053775 horizontal effect in this case is of UEp36iTMepU-00202-00053776-00053963 course very interesting because as UEp36iTMepU-00203-00053964-00054270 several speakers already said the Danish UEp36iTMepU-00204-00054271-00054444 Supreme Court refused to comply with the UEp36iTMepU-00205-00054445-00054765 judgment arguing among other things that UEp36iTMepU-00206-00054766-00055002 it was being contrast to in conflict UEp36iTMepU-00207-00055003-00055146 with little certainty for the private UEp36iTMepU-00208-00055147-00055503 parties I think this early case law UEp36iTMepU-00209-00055504-00055800 shows that this question of director UEp36iTMepU-00210-00055801-00056064 horizontal effect has been controversial UEp36iTMepU-00211-00056065-00056424 both within the court and also from the UEp36iTMepU-00212-00056425-00056760 perspective of at least some EU member UEp36iTMepU-00213-00056761-00057561 states so if we then we want to the more UEp36iTMepU-00214-00057562-00057765 present case law which started about a UEp36iTMepU-00215-00057766-00058074 year ago we have firstly the Edinburgh UEp36iTMepU-00216-00058075-00058302 case where a job applicant was UEp36iTMepU-00217-00058303-00058638 discriminated and due to her not having UEp36iTMepU-00218-00058639-00058914 the same religion as a organisation she UEp36iTMepU-00219-00058915-00059328 was applying for the job queue and this UEp36iTMepU-00220-00059329-00059541 was an accordance with German law so you UEp36iTMepU-00221-00059541-00059727 had this exception for religious UEp36iTMepU-00222-00059728-00060039 organisations and that they could demand UEp36iTMepU-00223-00060040-00060392 that the their employees should have the UEp36iTMepU-00224-00060394-00060663 same religion as the organisation but it UEp36iTMepU-00225-00060664-00060804 was found to be in violation of the UEp36iTMepU-00226-00060804-00060990 directive and also article 21 of the UEp36iTMepU-00227-00060991-00061347 shorter and in this case the court asked UEp36iTMepU-00228-00061348-00061545 the national court to firstly to try to UEp36iTMepU-00229-00061546-00061707 interpret the national legislation in UEp36iTMepU-00230-00061708-00061920 conformity with directive but if that UEp36iTMepU-00231-00061921-00062085 was possible it should discipline UEp36iTMepU-00232-00062086-00062328 national legislation so it gave the UEp36iTMepU-00233-00062329-00062516 shortly directors until effect in a form UEp36iTMepU-00234-00062517-00063015 of exclusionary effect and serve to UEp36iTMepU-00235-00063016-00063179 support its finding it referred back to UEp36iTMepU-00236-00063180-00063501 the AMS case said basically yeah we're UEp36iTMepU-00237-00063502-00063879 just following our case for an AMS and UEp36iTMepU-00238-00063879-00064142 it also added that article 21 of the UEp36iTMepU-00239-00064144-00064662 shorter it's this sort of say it's in UEp36iTMepU-00240-00064663-00064817 the same race to the treaty articles UEp36iTMepU-00241-00064819-00064991 mandatory sufficient in itself to confer UEp36iTMepU-00242-00064992-00065141 rights to individuals in horizontal UEp36iTMepU-00243-00065142-00065478 situation so to refer back to the case UEp36iTMepU-00244-00065479-00065718 law such as different I'm gonna say and UEp36iTMepU-00245-00065719-00065921 V King UEp36iTMepU-00246-00065922-00066174 then came the Eyre case which was quite UEp36iTMepU-00247-00066175-00066298 similar so I want UEp36iTMepU-00248-00066299-00066585 talk anything more about that one and UEp36iTMepU-00249-00066586-00066925 then in November last year I think it UEp36iTMepU-00250-00066926-00067249 was came the Bauer availment case which UEp36iTMepU-00251-00067250-00067411 concerned the right to paid vacation UEp36iTMepU-00252-00067412-00067657 which is laid down in a directive but UEp36iTMepU-00253-00067658-00067933 also in article 31 paragraph two of the UEp36iTMepU-00254-00067934-00068149 shorter so the same right which was UEp36iTMepU-00255-00068150-00068554 discussed in the dominguez case and here UEp36iTMepU-00256-00068555-00068746 the court found that the shorter article UEp36iTMepU-00257-00068747-00068896 was sufficient in itself to confer it UEp36iTMepU-00258-00068897-00069265 right and it added two arguments for UEp36iTMepU-00259-00069266-00069547 this conclusion first it said that the UEp36iTMepU-00260-00069548-00069784 fact that article 51 one does not UEp36iTMepU-00261-00069785-00069964 mention part part piece does not mean UEp36iTMepU-00262-00069965-00070201 that these are not bound by the Charter UEp36iTMepU-00263-00070202-00070471 and secondly that the right to paid UEp36iTMepU-00264-00070472-00070750 vacation sort of bites nature entails UEp36iTMepU-00265-00070751-00071053 the corresponding duty on behalf of all UEp36iTMepU-00266-00071054-00071593 employers to grant that to vacation then UEp36iTMepU-00267-00071594-00071793 we have the Max Planck case which was UEp36iTMepU-00268-00071794-00072130 quite similar and the hind case also UEp36iTMepU-00269-00072131-00072463 quite similar what was interesting but UEp36iTMepU-00270-00072464-00072628 that case was that the court stressed UEp36iTMepU-00271-00072629-00072961 that national courts cannot do anything UEp36iTMepU-00272-00072962-00073177 to protect the legitimate expectations UEp36iTMepU-00273-00073178-00073450 of the private parties so they cannot UEp36iTMepU-00274-00073451-00073825 sort of limit the temporal scope of the UEp36iTMepU-00275-00073826-00074197 judgment in any way so they have to sort UEp36iTMepU-00276-00074198-00074437 of force the surety right away even UEp36iTMepU-00277-00074438-00074662 though national Supreme Court's had UEp36iTMepU-00278-00074663-00074887 previously said that this for law was in UEp36iTMepU-00279-00074888-00075553 compliance with EU law then the last UEp36iTMepU-00280-00075554-00075961 case to mention in my mind perhaps the UEp36iTMepU-00281-00075962-00076162 most interesting case is the Cresco UEp36iTMepU-00282-00076163-00076468 investigations case which came from UEp36iTMepU-00283-00076469-00077092 Austria and in this case the court found UEp36iTMepU-00284-00077093-00077272 that an Austrian law that gave certain UEp36iTMepU-00285-00077273-00077434 religious minorities an extra day of UEp36iTMepU-00286-00077435-00077569 vacation in order to celebrate a UEp36iTMepU-00287-00077570-00077854 religious holiday was directly UEp36iTMepU-00288-00077855-00078196 discriminatory so it they said it was UEp36iTMepU-00289-00078197-00078394 against a directive but also against UEp36iTMepU-00290-00078395-00078784 article 21 of the shorter and what I UEp36iTMepU-00291-00078785-00078973 think was quite interesting is what UEp36iTMepU-00292-00078974-00079246 comes next so the court then states what UEp36iTMepU-00293-00079247-00079441 sort of gives them instructions to the UEp36iTMepU-00294-00079442-00079691 national court what they should do then UEp36iTMepU-00295-00079692-00079946 and they did not tell the national code UEp36iTMepU-00296-00079947-00080234 to dis apply this law which gave mr. UEp36iTMepU-00297-00080235-00080435 largest minority an extra deification UEp36iTMepU-00298-00080436-00080765 instead they told them to control UEp36iTMepU-00299-00080766-00080990 Austria that until Austria changed its UEp36iTMepU-00300-00080991-00081275 law all workers in the country should be UEp36iTMepU-00301-00081276-00081773 given this day off so the Court of UEp36iTMepU-00302-00081774-00081935 Justice basically instituted a new UEp36iTMepU-00303-00081936-00082217 national holiday in Austria which as was UEp36iTMepU-00304-00082218-00082565 quite extraordinary and of course it was UEp36iTMepU-00305-00082566-00082726 the private employers to larger saying UEp36iTMepU-00306-00082727-00082900 you have to pick up the bill for this UEp36iTMepU-00307-00082901-00083135 sort of legislative mistake which UEp36iTMepU-00308-00083136-00083782 perhaps can be questioned so to sum up UEp36iTMepU-00309-00083783-00084059 this case law because in all of these UEp36iTMepU-00310-00084060-00084250 cases so far concerned relationship UEp36iTMepU-00311-00084251-00084437 between employers and employees or UEp36iTMepU-00312-00084438-00084800 jobseekers moreover in all cases there UEp36iTMepU-00313-00084801-00084925 is a directive where the fundamental UEp36iTMepU-00314-00084926-00085184 right is specified which had has been UEp36iTMepU-00315-00085185-00085426 incorrectly implemented by the Member UEp36iTMepU-00316-00085427-00085772 State and the courts methodology in UEp36iTMepU-00317-00085773-00086047 these cases seems to be that it first UEp36iTMepU-00318-00086048-00086267 starts off by describing what the right UEp36iTMepU-00319-00086268-00086494 in the directive entails then as the UEp36iTMepU-00320-00086495-00086656 national court to do all it can to UEp36iTMepU-00321-00086657-00086893 interpret the national legislation in UEp36iTMepU-00322-00086894-00087224 accordance with the director and then if UEp36iTMepU-00323-00087225-00087335 that's not possible UEp36iTMepU-00324-00087336-00087463 it states that the same right can be UEp36iTMepU-00325-00087464-00087599 found in the shorter and that short UEp36iTMepU-00326-00087600-00087893 right have direct horizontal effect and UEp36iTMepU-00327-00087894-00088121 I think in all cases except for Cresco UEp36iTMepU-00328-00088122-00088379 investigation the court tells the UEp36iTMepU-00329-00088380-00088634 national court to dis apply the national UEp36iTMepU-00330-00088635-00088790 legislation while in Cresco I think it UEp36iTMepU-00331-00088791-00089019 goes a step further and actually sort of UEp36iTMepU-00332-00089020-00089261 substitutes the national law with the UEp36iTMepU-00333-00089262-00089989 shorter UEp36iTMepU-00334-00089990-00090520 yes so some preliminary reflections on UEp36iTMepU-00335-00090521-00090943 this case law and I would be very happy UEp36iTMepU-00336-00090944-00091257 to get your thoughts on these if we UEp36iTMepU-00337-00091258-00091450 start with the possibilities of course UEp36iTMepU-00338-00091451-00091630 it makes it a little bit easier to do to UEp36iTMepU-00339-00091631-00091765 directly claim fundamental rights UEp36iTMepU-00340-00091766-00091945 protection because you can claim you're UEp36iTMepU-00341-00091946-00092146 rising as more parties which of course UEp36iTMepU-00342-00092147-00092578 can be seen as positive it also UEp36iTMepU-00343-00092579-00092731 increases the possibility to put the UEp36iTMepU-00344-00092732-00093028 blame on the deserving party so for UEp36iTMepU-00345-00093029-00093232 example if say Google has violated your UEp36iTMepU-00346-00093233-00093463 privacy I mean I guess it would feel UEp36iTMepU-00347-00093464-00093679 better to actually be able to make that UEp36iTMepU-00348-00093680-00093861 claim against Google directly and UEp36iTMepU-00349-00093862-00094063 instead of trying to go after the memory UEp36iTMepU-00350-00094064-00094363 state for not complying with a directive UEp36iTMepU-00351-00094364-00094822 or something it also Allah says the UEp36iTMepU-00352-00094823-00095029 sometimes somewhat arbitrary distinction UEp36iTMepU-00353-00095030-00095317 between public and private parties and UEp36iTMepU-00354-00095318-00095569 you can see this in several situations UEp36iTMepU-00355-00095570-00095749 I mean first woman comes to employment UEp36iTMepU-00356-00095750-00096016 law I mean should really matter if I'm UEp36iTMepU-00357-00096017-00096160 employed at a public or a private UEp36iTMepU-00358-00096161-00096439 university I mean the basic sort of UEp36iTMepU-00359-00096440-00096613 employment contracts are the same so why UEp36iTMepU-00360-00096614-00097021 should I not be given the same right to UEp36iTMepU-00361-00097022-00097267 regardless of my employers private or UEp36iTMepU-00362-00097268-00097711 public there's also this development UEp36iTMepU-00363-00097712-00097864 that's been going on and I guess most UEp36iTMepU-00364-00097865-00098035 member states for a long time now where UEp36iTMepU-00365-00098036-00098338 the what used to be sort of core state UEp36iTMepU-00366-00098339-00098638 function has been privatized schools UEp36iTMepU-00367-00098639-00099031 health care and so on so now it's not UEp36iTMepU-00368-00099032-00099349 always easy to to establish where UEp36iTMepU-00369-00099350-00099865 whether these privatized companies can UEp36iTMepU-00370-00099866-00100128 be seen as sort of acting out from the UEp36iTMepU-00371-00100129-00100393 acting out of state obligations or not UEp36iTMepU-00372-00100394-00100609 so it sort of make it easier if you UEp36iTMepU-00373-00100610-00100819 don't have to always think very hardly UEp36iTMepU-00374-00100820-00101001 if it's a state that acts or a private UEp36iTMepU-00375-00101002-00101518 party and then lastly this new case law UEp36iTMepU-00376-00101519-00101662 seems to give the shorter similar UEp36iTMepU-00377-00101663-00101953 applicability as t3d as the treaties and UEp36iTMepU-00378-00101954-00102250 the general principles of law which of UEp36iTMepU-00379-00102251-00102606 course makes some sense since you have UEp36iTMepU-00380-00102607-00103471 same legal status UEp36iTMepU-00381-00103472-00104263 so what about the problems firstly I UEp36iTMepU-00382-00104264-00104624 think still worth mentioning that I UEp36iTMepU-00383-00104625-00104940 think it is quite hard to reconcile the UEp36iTMepU-00384-00104941-00105275 this case law with article 51 one of the UEp36iTMepU-00385-00105276-00105524 shorter because the this article UEp36iTMepU-00386-00105525-00105746 explicitly explicitly states that it's UEp36iTMepU-00387-00105747-00105872 the EU and the member states that are UEp36iTMepU-00388-00105873-00106058 bound by the shorter since the Charter UEp36iTMepU-00389-00106058-00106252 is a relatively new document one could UEp36iTMepU-00390-00106253-00106457 have a perhaps expected that if the UEp36iTMepU-00391-00106458-00106649 intention was that it should also bind UEp36iTMepU-00392-00106650-00106847 private parties that this but they UEp36iTMepU-00393-00106848-00107198 should have been inserted now the UEp36iTMepU-00394-00107199-00107434 European Court of Justice sort of UEp36iTMepU-00395-00107435-00107825 response to this question in Bauer by UEp36iTMepU-00396-00107826-00108071 stating that the fact that article 51 UEp36iTMepU-00397-00108072-00108208 does that mentioned prior parties does UEp36iTMepU-00398-00108209-00108334 not necessarily mean that these are not UEp36iTMepU-00399-00108335-00108628 bound by shorter and I guess this is UEp36iTMepU-00400-00108629-00108983 true but I would then again claim that UEp36iTMepU-00401-00108983-00109250 the non mentioning of my parties at UEp36iTMepU-00402-00109251-00109429 least establishes a sort of a UEp36iTMepU-00403-00109430-00109598 presumption that they are not bound by UEp36iTMepU-00404-00109599-00109987 it so if the court wants to extend the UEp36iTMepU-00405-00109988-00110372 shorter to apply between five parties UEp36iTMepU-00406-00110373-00110723 they should at least sort of give proper UEp36iTMepU-00407-00110724-00110938 justification and I don't think they UEp36iTMepU-00408-00110939-00111277 really has done that so far because I UEp36iTMepU-00409-00111278-00111486 mean the the fact that maybe it's not UEp36iTMepU-00410-00111488-00111707 impermissible to use the charge against UEp36iTMepU-00411-00111708-00112199 city individuals may not be it's not in UEp36iTMepU-00412-00112200-00112448 sell or eat a reason to do so I think UEp36iTMepU-00413-00112449-00113029 you need something more the next problem UEp36iTMepU-00414-00113030-00113222 is the lack of foreseeability and legal UEp36iTMepU-00415-00113223-00113507 certainty for private parties and I UEp36iTMepU-00416-00113508-00113704 think it's quite hard say the least for UEp36iTMepU-00417-00113705-00113875 a private party to know in which UEp36iTMepU-00418-00113876-00114308 situations it is bound by shorter so I UEp36iTMepU-00419-00114308-00114575 think they would have to make five at UEp36iTMepU-00420-00114576-00114940 least five determinations to to be able UEp36iTMepU-00421-00114941-00115210 to evaluate whether they're bound or not UEp36iTMepU-00422-00115211-00115402 firstly they would need to examine over UEp36iTMepU-00423-00115403-00115540 the national legislation is based on a UEp36iTMepU-00424-00115541-00115801 directive secondly to evaluate whether UEp36iTMepU-00425-00115802-00115943 the national legislation correctly UEp36iTMepU-00426-00115944-00116120 implements the directive UEp36iTMepU-00427-00116121-00116276 to determine whether the directive UEp36iTMepU-00428-00116277-00116476 contains rules which are clear enough to UEp36iTMepU-00429-00116477-00116732 give rise to give rise to rights and UEp36iTMepU-00430-00116733-00116894 forcefully its examiner where there's a UEp36iTMepU-00431-00116895-00117146 corresponding short right and fifthly to UEp36iTMepU-00432-00117147-00117301 determine whether the shorty right can UEp36iTMepU-00433-00117302-00117460 have there a horizontal effects because UEp36iTMepU-00434-00117461-00117656 not all shot rights can be given UEp36iTMepU-00435-00117657-00118228 directorial effect and I mean a mistake UEp36iTMepU-00436-00118229-00118513 in any of these steps will lead to a UEp36iTMepU-00437-00118514-00118951 private party being found guilty of a UEp36iTMepU-00438-00118952-00119168 fundamental rights violation which i UEp36iTMepU-00439-00119169-00119621 think is quite a serious thing and the UEp36iTMepU-00440-00119622-00119948 pirate party will be responsible for UEp36iTMepU-00441-00119949-00120158 this violation even though it has only UEp36iTMepU-00442-00120158-00120313 acted in accordance with national law UEp36iTMepU-00443-00120314-00120599 and probably also in accordance with the UEp36iTMepU-00444-00120600-00120776 national constitutional laws and the UEp36iTMepU-00445-00120777-00121669 European Convention on Human Rights and UEp36iTMepU-00446-00121670-00121954 the third point is that the blame is not UEp36iTMepU-00447-00121955-00122227 always put on the serving party actually UEp36iTMepU-00448-00122228-00122525 I think the Cresco investigation case UEp36iTMepU-00449-00122526-00122669 shows this that I mean the private UEp36iTMepU-00450-00122670-00122854 parties had not done anything wrong it UEp36iTMepU-00451-00122855-00123095 was the ostrich egg with his first UEp36iTMepU-00452-00123096-00123301 forced them to sort of positively UEp36iTMepU-00453-00123302-00123763 discriminate a minority and then came UEp36iTMepU-00454-00123764-00123947 the Court of Justice to say okay now you UEp36iTMepU-00455-00123948-00124148 have to extend this to the whole UEp36iTMepU-00456-00124149-00124243 population UEp36iTMepU-00457-00124244-00124568 it's not a choice by private employers UEp36iTMepU-00458-00124569-00124994 in any way a fourth point is that I UEp36iTMepU-00459-00124995-00125213 think at least as I see it the basic UEp36iTMepU-00460-00125214-00125345 idea of fundamental rights is to protect UEp36iTMepU-00461-00125346-00125608 citizens from abuse from the state and UEp36iTMepU-00462-00125608-00125839 in this way I think you can say that UEp36iTMepU-00463-00125840-00125975 final trace has this kind of UEp36iTMepU-00464-00125976-00126269 emancipatory quality and I think this UEp36iTMepU-00465-00126270-00126777 quality is some extent lost when the UEp36iTMepU-00466-00126778-00127268 rights not only are when you cannot only UEp36iTMepU-00467-00127269-00127445 use the rights but the rights can also UEp36iTMepU-00468-00127446-00127729 be used against you so I mean that's not UEp36iTMepU-00469-00127730-00127963 to say that there are not any reasons to UEp36iTMepU-00470-00127964-00128225 not to give their torso effect but it UEp36iTMepU-00471-00128226-00128506 certainly makes the fundamental rights UEp36iTMepU-00472-00128507-00129021 more of a double edged sword I would say UEp36iTMepU-00473-00129022-00129708 I think there is also an issue with how UEp36iTMepU-00474-00129708-00129969 the way that form that family rights are UEp36iTMepU-00475-00129970-00130206 formulated and especially if you look at UEp36iTMepU-00476-00130207-00130511 the rights limitation clause in article UEp36iTMepU-00477-00130513-00130964 52 1 it's quite clearly that in order to UEp36iTMepU-00478-00130965-00131266 limit a fundamental right you need UEp36iTMepU-00479-00131267-00131577 support by legislation the private parts UEp36iTMepU-00480-00131578-00131760 to not have any legislative competence UEp36iTMepU-00481-00131761-00131907 so they can never sort of do a UEp36iTMepU-00482-00131908-00132084 permissible limitation of a right and UEp36iTMepU-00483-00132085-00132300 that is because they were never intended UEp36iTMepU-00484-00132301-00132614 to be bound by rights as I said so UEp36iTMepU-00485-00132615-00132756 all they can do is say that they UEp36iTMepU-00486-00132757-00132933 followed national legislation but that UEp36iTMepU-00487-00132934-00133277 is not an argument that the court will UEp36iTMepU-00488-00133278-00134066 accept a fifth potential problem which i UEp36iTMepU-00489-00134067-00134247 think is quite closely connected to the UEp36iTMepU-00490-00134248-00134559 topic of this conference is that by UEp36iTMepU-00491-00134560-00134757 giving the shorter territory so until UEp36iTMepU-00492-00134758-00135036 effect the Court of Justice goes further UEp36iTMepU-00493-00135037-00135225 than the European Court of Human Rights UEp36iTMepU-00494-00135226-00135426 has done and I think many constitutional UEp36iTMepU-00495-00135427-00135732 courts has done I think it's in most UEp36iTMepU-00496-00135733-00136007 legal system it's quite a controversial UEp36iTMepU-00497-00136008-00136218 question to give national fundamental UEp36iTMepU-00498-00136219-00136521 rights directors on till effect but I UEp36iTMepU-00499-00136522-00136683 think there is a risk that when the UEp36iTMepU-00500-00136684-00136908 court of justice says that EU UEp36iTMepU-00501-00136909-00137064 fundamental rights have directors on to UEp36iTMepU-00502-00137065-00137397 effect this might sort of push national UEp36iTMepU-00503-00137398-00137706 courts to do the same with their UEp36iTMepU-00504-00137707-00137907 national fundamental rights in order not UEp36iTMepU-00505-00137908-00138144 for them to sort of loose influence like UEp36iTMepU-00506-00138145-00138597 towards the court of justice and there's UEp36iTMepU-00507-00138598-00138738 a risk sort of that the Charter will UEp36iTMepU-00508-00138739-00139125 take over as the main source of UEp36iTMepU-00509-00139126-00139734 fundamental rights in Europe and then we UEp36iTMepU-00510-00139735-00140149 have the last point and then I'll finish UEp36iTMepU-00511-00140150-00140333 [Music] UEp36iTMepU-00512-00140334-00140547 very issue of the interaction between UEp36iTMepU-00513-00140548-00140816 directives and the short term because I UEp36iTMepU-00514-00140817-00140978 as I said in all of the cases where UEp36iTMepU-00515-00140979-00141102 short has been given direct or some UEp36iTMepU-00516-00141103-00141411 effect there's been a directive with a UEp36iTMepU-00517-00141412-00141549 corresponding right which I should not UEp36iTMepU-00518-00141550-00141969 implement it correctly and basically the UEp36iTMepU-00519-00141970-00142163 most of the courts argumentation is UEp36iTMepU-00520-00142164-00142363 focused on the directive so it UEp36iTMepU-00521-00142364-00142570 always sort of tests the national UEp36iTMepU-00522-00142571-00142864 legislation against the directive and UEp36iTMepU-00523-00142865-00143047 then when it has concluded that the UEp36iTMepU-00524-00143048-00143278 implementation is incorrect then it sort UEp36iTMepU-00525-00143279-00143458 of adds that oh you know we are the same UEp36iTMepU-00526-00143459-00143779 right in the Charter and then it UEp36iTMepU-00527-00143780-00143971 enforces that directly against a private UEp36iTMepU-00528-00143972-00144343 party but I think there is a risk here UEp36iTMepU-00529-00144344-00144766 that this means that the the level of UEp36iTMepU-00530-00144767-00144952 protection of the shorter is set by the UEp36iTMepU-00531-00144953-00145240 director and I don't think it's UEp36iTMepU-00532-00145241-00145579 necessarily so that these directives UEp36iTMepU-00533-00145580-00145912 have sort of the same level protection UEp36iTMepU-00534-00145913-00146379 as the shorter necessarily would have UEp36iTMepU-00535-00146380-00146719 and I think this is well it's UEp36iTMepU-00536-00146720-00146860 problematic for the private party who's UEp36iTMepU-00537-00146861-00147121 been found guilty for its violation UEp36iTMepU-00538-00147122-00147346 although it's at least possible that UEp36iTMepU-00539-00147347-00147478 actually the Charter did not really UEp36iTMepU-00540-00147479-00147811 demand this and secondly I think it UEp36iTMepU-00541-00147812-00147994 might be pragmatic because it also binds UEp36iTMepU-00542-00147995-00148231 the EU legislature because the EU UEp36iTMepU-00543-00148232-00148510 legislature cannot really change the UEp36iTMepU-00544-00148511-00148753 directive and give a lesser level of UEp36iTMepU-00545-00148754-00148963 protection because now the court has UEp36iTMepU-00546-00148964-00149191 said that the level of protection in the UEp36iTMepU-00547-00149192-00149398 director is the same as what the ones UEp36iTMepU-00548-00149399-00149761 that shorter has so I don't know if this UEp36iTMepU-00549-00149762-00149944 will be a problem but I think it could UEp36iTMepU-00550-00149945-00150639 be and also there is no article 52 one UEp36iTMepU-00551-00150640-00150844 evaluation of the national legislation UEp36iTMepU-00552-00150845-00151086 the national legislation is only UEp36iTMepU-00553-00151087-00151468 evaluated from specter of the directive UEp36iTMepU-00554-00151469-00151713 which can be a sort of different UEp36iTMepU-00555-00151714-00152308 determination so to conclude I mean but UEp36iTMepU-00556-00152309-00152560 as with most things in life there are UEp36iTMepU-00557-00152561-00152746 you know positive and negative UEp36iTMepU-00558-00152747-00153082 consequences I guess the question that UEp36iTMepU-00559-00153083-00153424 I'm left with is is it really necessary UEp36iTMepU-00560-00153425-00153667 to give the shorter direct horizontal UEp36iTMepU-00561-00153668-00154306 effect I'm not sure but I think I'll UEp36iTMepU-00562-00154307-00155007 stop here take some questions thank you UEp36iTMepU-00563-00155008-00155202 thank you our sir UEp36iTMepU-00564-00155203-00156247 any questions yeah thank you I do UEp36iTMepU-00565-00156248-00156709 actually find one in broader view human UEp36iTMepU-00566-00156710-00157013 rights and uh and private relations UEp36iTMepU-00567-00157014-00157239 really interesting topic I don't think UEp36iTMepU-00568-00157240-00157423 that current as you mentioned it's not a UEp36iTMepU-00569-00157424-00157641 topical problem currently because it's UEp36iTMepU-00570-00157642-00157981 not really that big of a I see let's say UEp36iTMepU-00571-00157982-00158161 court activism in that field there are UEp36iTMepU-00572-00158162-00158478 obviously legislative aspects for UEp36iTMepU-00573-00158479-00158746 example in consumer law where the court UEp36iTMepU-00574-00158747-00159223 does expand the encroach on let's say UEp36iTMepU-00575-00159224-00159378 private autonomy and the principles of UEp36iTMepU-00576-00159379-00159736 private private law but and I also find UEp36iTMepU-00577-00159737-00159859 it really interesting that you mentioned UEp36iTMepU-00578-00159860-00160111 that yes when I bought this is that's UEp36iTMepU-00579-00160112-00160377 currently just a problem with the you UEp36iTMepU-00580-00160378-00160841 law and the way that court kinda finds UEp36iTMepU-00581-00160842-00161074 some implements the directives UEp36iTMepU-00582-00161075-00161236 horizontally which is not which were not UEp36iTMepU-00583-00161237-00161465 supposed to be that way through the UEp36iTMepU-00584-00161466-00161715 grabbing the larger right for example UEp36iTMepU-00585-00161716-00161865 either the freedom of movement or UEp36iTMepU-00586-00161866-00162244 freedom for workers of discrimination UEp36iTMepU-00587-00162245-00162586 but and I also think that it is probably UEp36iTMepU-00588-00162587-00162762 it and the the problem would be if the UEp36iTMepU-00589-00162763-00162883 court actual courts constitutional UEp36iTMepU-00590-00162884-00163108 courts would recognize that it yes we UEp36iTMepU-00591-00163109-00163282 this is something without me out to and UEp36iTMepU-00592-00163283-00163440 I also find the interesting that this UEp36iTMepU-00593-00163441-00163779 that this this could be applied the way UEp36iTMepU-00594-00163780-00164083 we see example tort tort law because UEp36iTMepU-00595-00164084-00164289 there are presently are theories which UEp36iTMepU-00596-00164290-00164545 could incorporate the it's a material UEp36iTMepU-00597-00164546-00164782 fairness in the court in the intellect UEp36iTMepU-00598-00164783-00164998 or in tort which is definitely kind of UEp36iTMepU-00599-00164999-00165472 alien to the to the private law as such UEp36iTMepU-00600-00165473-00165654 and they always do it through human UEp36iTMepU-00601-00165655-00165862 rights so therefore this is something UEp36iTMepU-00602-00165863-00166101 maybe it's not ostap topical betters the UEp36iTMepU-00603-00166102-00166333 law progresses it could be so yeah I UEp36iTMepU-00604-00166334-00166531 mean you can you give it a comment but UEp36iTMepU-00605-00166532-00166854 on the let's say the how you see when UEp36iTMepU-00606-00166855-00167016 when when with this bill can become UEp36iTMepU-00607-00167017-00167187 problem and I'll go out set for example UEp36iTMepU-00608-00167188-00167364 employment law and all these specific UEp36iTMepU-00609-00167365-00167822 private law such fields UEp36iTMepU-00610-00167823-00168560 oh and I don't know I mean I think one UEp36iTMepU-00611-00168561-00168851 problem will be I think it will become UEp36iTMepU-00612-00168852-00169121 even more of a problem when if the UEp36iTMepU-00613-00169122-00169502 directives are not as clear as they've UEp36iTMepU-00614-00169503-00169952 been served so far so if the court just UEp36iTMepU-00615-00169953-00170153 uses a directive to bring situation UEp36iTMepU-00616-00170154-00170494 within yellow and then starts to sort of UEp36iTMepU-00617-00170495-00170879 argument from the rights of the shorter UEp36iTMepU-00618-00170880-00171095 more freely and impulse my own private UEp36iTMepU-00619-00171096-00171242 parties I think that would be make UEp36iTMepU-00620-00171243-00171611 things considerably worse for my sort of UEp36iTMepU-00621-00171612-00171815 legitimate expectations a legal UEp36iTMepU-00622-00171816-00172298 certainty standpoint but other than that UEp36iTMepU-00623-00172299-00172589 I'm not sure I can answer your question UEp36iTMepU-00624-00172590-00173072 very well also I was thinking of maybe UEp36iTMepU-00625-00173073-00173468 there's there is a way that through UEp36iTMepU-00626-00173469-00173647 their human rights they could recognize UEp36iTMepU-00627-00173648-00173995 there's a breach over a private law in UEp36iTMepU-00628-00173996-00174224 for example there's a bellick case and UEp36iTMepU-00629-00174225-00174605 there's a not a the country has not for UEp36iTMepU-00630-00174606-00175079 example recognizes the outcomes for UEp36iTMepU-00631-00175080-00175367 example reputation as as our as it is UEp36iTMepU-00632-00175368-00175781 recognized in human rights or the level UEp36iTMepU-00633-00175782-00176249 is not as is it not applied global sales UEp36iTMepU-00634-00176250-00176627 of appreciation is not as high as it is UEp36iTMepU-00635-00176628-00176900 in human rights and through that through UEp36iTMepU-00636-00176901-00177131 this way of impose your horizontal UEp36iTMepU-00637-00177132-00177331 implementation of human rights now the UEp36iTMepU-00638-00177332-00177656 court start recognized this has I had to UEp36iTMepU-00639-00177657-00177890 increase the level of appreciation in UEp36iTMepU-00640-00177891-00178136 the in private in a in private law and UEp36iTMepU-00641-00178137-00178280 this is maybe a you know and they're UEp36iTMepU-00642-00178281-00178502 also recognizing other example objects UEp36iTMepU-00643-00178503-00179249 of are of interest which could be good UEp36iTMepU-00644-00179250-00179420 could which are listed in human rights UEp36iTMepU-00645-00179421-00179663 but they're not listed in private law as UEp36iTMepU-00646-00179664-00179927 such so UF6cOqtTow8-00000-00000054-00000430 body alchemy transsexual portraits as a UF6cOqtTow8-00001-00000431-00000734 1996 book collecting photographs and UF6cOqtTow8-00002-00000735-00001059 writing of Lauren Cameron it documents UF6cOqtTow8-00003-00001060-00001308 the process of transition and everyday UF6cOqtTow8-00004-00001309-00002103 lives of the author and other trans men UF6cOqtTow8-00005-00002104-00002634 topic the book UF6cOqtTow8-00006-00002635-00002955 body alchemy transsexual portraits was UF6cOqtTow8-00007-00002956-00003174 met with much praised for its intimate UF6cOqtTow8-00008-00003175-00003420 yet respectful portrayal of trans men UF6cOqtTow8-00009-00003421-00003768 and was a double 1996 lambda literary UF6cOqtTow8-00010-00003769-00004101 award winner it remains a milestone on UF6cOqtTow8-00011-00004102-00004400 the subject of FTM documentary and a UF6cOqtTow8-00012-00004401-00004607 book referred to in other works on UF6cOqtTow8-00013-00004608-00005256 transsexualism UF6cOqtTow8-00014-00005257-00006279 topic references and footnotes UF6cOqtTow8-00015-00006280-00006739 topic external links UHTnfsm7d3k-00000-00000000-00000169 most entrepreneurs who start their own UHTnfsm7d3k-00001-00000170-00000377 projects optimistically end up failing UHTnfsm7d3k-00002-00000378-00000607 to keep them going hence we are showing UHTnfsm7d3k-00003-00000608-00000790 you the five most common reasons why UHTnfsm7d3k-00004-00000791-00001141 startups fail reason number five is the UHTnfsm7d3k-00005-00001142-00001441 business idea there is no one or right UHTnfsm7d3k-00006-00001442-00001693 way to create a business idea everyone UHTnfsm7d3k-00007-00001694-00001882 knows that a successful idea has to be UHTnfsm7d3k-00008-00001884-00002075 compelling and most importantly offer UHTnfsm7d3k-00009-00002076-00002291 value to the customers but there are UHTnfsm7d3k-00010-00002292-00002464 more factors that need to be considered UHTnfsm7d3k-00011-00002465-00002701 sometimes two companies come up with the UHTnfsm7d3k-00012-00002702-00002924 same business idea one of them fails UHTnfsm7d3k-00013-00002925-00003229 while the other booms is it luck maybe UHTnfsm7d3k-00014-00003230-00003490 but one important factor is the timing UHTnfsm7d3k-00015-00003492-00003719 on which you present your idea in the UHTnfsm7d3k-00016-00003720-00003979 early 2000s Bill Gross started an online UHTnfsm7d3k-00017-00003980-00004268 entertainment company called Z calm but UHTnfsm7d3k-00018-00004269-00004477 broadband penetration was so low back UHTnfsm7d3k-00019-00004478-00004595 then that the company ran out of UHTnfsm7d3k-00020-00004596-00004927 business in 2003 two years later youtube UHTnfsm7d3k-00021-00004928-00005104 was perfectly timed when broadband UHTnfsm7d3k-00022-00005105-00005306 penetration exceeded fifty percent in UHTnfsm7d3k-00023-00005307-00005525 America you also need to be flexible UHTnfsm7d3k-00024-00005526-00005816 about your idea listen to feedback ask a UHTnfsm7d3k-00025-00005817-00005995 lot of questions and make changes UHTnfsm7d3k-00026-00005996-00006229 accordingly Jeff Bezos summed that up UHTnfsm7d3k-00027-00006230-00006470 when he said we are stubborn on vision UHTnfsm7d3k-00028-00006470-00006752 we are flexible on details this video is UHTnfsm7d3k-00029-00006753-00006985 created by giraffe Ock's in cooperation UHTnfsm7d3k-00030-00006986-00007390 with rise up summit and PwC UKU1KMAcQT0-00000-00000696-00000734 the UKU1KMAcQT0-00001-00000735-00001111 x always marks the spot UKU1KMAcQT0-00002-00001112-00001391 it was a quiet day in kabum city hey UKU1KMAcQT0-00003-00001392-00001898 lucky alice and i UKU1KMAcQT0-00004-00001900-00002095 [Music] UKU1KMAcQT0-00005-00002096-00002391 have fun without me guys lucky remember UKU1KMAcQT0-00006-00002392-00002607 that we have to train to be prepared for UKU1KMAcQT0-00007-00002608-00002887 any eventuality you're exaggerating UKU1KMAcQT0-00008-00002888-00002942 captain UKU1KMAcQT0-00009-00002943-00003134 thanks to dr volt's technology we have UKU1KMAcQT0-00010-00003135-00003286 everything in our favor to beat the UKU1KMAcQT0-00011-00003288-00003447 villains UKU1KMAcQT0-00012-00003447-00003654 you shouldn't be reckless there have UKU1KMAcQT0-00013-00003655-00003863 always been great heroes outside of UKU1KMAcQT0-00014-00003864-00003951 technology UKU1KMAcQT0-00015-00003952-00004103 and there will always be UKU1KMAcQT0-00016-00004104-00004311 [Applause] UKU1KMAcQT0-00017-00004312-00004842 come on guys dr fault needs us UKU1KMAcQT0-00018-00004843-00005286 [Music] UKU1KMAcQT0-00019-00005287-00005559 heroes the alarm of the central bank of UKU1KMAcQT0-00020-00005560-00005735 kabum city went off UKU1KMAcQT0-00021-00005736-00005951 we have to check what's happening UKU1KMAcQT0-00022-00005952-00006270 thieves yes indeed it could be a robbery UKU1KMAcQT0-00023-00006271-00006646 and that's why i formed a response team UKU1KMAcQT0-00024-00006647-00006910 ellis i you're going to be arise from UKU1KMAcQT0-00025-00006911-00007095 the sky you have to control the whole UKU1KMAcQT0-00026-00007095-00007263 situation from the air and keep us UKU1KMAcQT0-00027-00007264-00007559 informed heroes it's time for action UKU1KMAcQT0-00028-00007559-00007670 luckily UKU1KMAcQT0-00029-00007672-00007863 we need your expertise and your love UKU1KMAcQT0-00030-00007864-00008174 with us to accomplish the mission UKU1KMAcQT0-00031-00008175-00008687 look is already with us doc marshall UKU1KMAcQT0-00032-00008688-00008878 we have to control the situation as soon UKU1KMAcQT0-00033-00008879-00009031 as possible go UKU1KMAcQT0-00034-00009032-00009342 team elixir UKU1KMAcQT0-00035-00009343-00010535 lock your grip and mushroom UKU1KMAcQT0-00036-00010536-00010646 [Music] UKU1KMAcQT0-00037-00010647-00010999 this gold is mine all mine UKU1KMAcQT0-00038-00011000-00011335 stop right there UKU1KMAcQT0-00039-00011336-00011591 you're villain late heroes the treasure UKU1KMAcQT0-00040-00011592-00011710 is mine UKU1KMAcQT0-00041-00011711-00012087 surrender you can hide anywhere UKU1KMAcQT0-00042-00012088-00012359 i wouldn't be so sure this won't change UKU1KMAcQT0-00043-00012360-00012495 storm UKU1KMAcQT0-00044-00012496-00012710 goldbox the greediest and most of UKU1KMAcQT0-00045-00012711-00012902 villain in kabum city when he feels UKU1KMAcQT0-00046-00012903-00013071 threatened he shoots his gold doubloons UKU1KMAcQT0-00047-00013072-00013447 against his enemies UKU1KMAcQT0-00048-00013447-00013775 that box has just chewed us up UKU1KMAcQT0-00049-00013776-00013951 well but he isn't exactly the most UKU1KMAcQT0-00050-00013952-00014127 efficient thief in the world UKU1KMAcQT0-00051-00014128-00014407 come on guys dispersed we have to find UKU1KMAcQT0-00052-00014408-00015143 him UKU1KMAcQT0-00053-00015144-00015494 darn he disappeared not even a trace UKU1KMAcQT0-00054-00015495-00016166 time to change the plan UKU1KMAcQT0-00055-00016168-00016340 i've got the solution UKU1KMAcQT0-00056-00016341-00016911 [Music] UKU1KMAcQT0-00057-00016912-00017086 here's where the raider detected the UKU1KMAcQT0-00058-00017087-00017407 last signal he disappeared completely UKU1KMAcQT0-00059-00017408-00017639 maybe you have to take a better look my UKU1KMAcQT0-00060-00017640-00017737 lucky friend UKU1KMAcQT0-00061-00017738-00017879 [Music] UKU1KMAcQT0-00062-00017880-00018255 in search of adventures your adventure UKU1KMAcQT0-00063-00018256-00018494 hawkins the best tracker in kabul UKU1KMAcQT0-00064-00018495-00018799 city great but there's still no signal UKU1KMAcQT0-00065-00018800-00018935 from the raider UKU1KMAcQT0-00066-00018936-00019335 [Music] UKU1KMAcQT0-00067-00019336-00019902 he might idea UKU1KMAcQT0-00068-00019903-00020350 [Music] UKU1KMAcQT0-00069-00020351-00020583 to find what we're looking for we'll UKU1KMAcQT0-00070-00020584-00020807 have to go a bit more in depth UKU1KMAcQT0-00071-00020808-00021329 he doesn't have a clue where he is UKU1KMAcQT0-00072-00021330-00022494 [Music] UKU1KMAcQT0-00073-00022495-00023511 darn heroes you won't get me UKU1KMAcQT0-00074-00023512-00023791 come on guys we have to help him oh calm UKU1KMAcQT0-00075-00023792-00023919 down young leader UKU1KMAcQT0-00076-00023920-00025199 that's what we're going to do come on UKU1KMAcQT0-00077-00025200-00025503 you'll see my intrepid friends there's UKU1KMAcQT0-00078-00025504-00025678 something that every good treasure UKU1KMAcQT0-00079-00025679-00025974 hunter should know to be successful UKU1KMAcQT0-00080-00025975-00026857 the eggs always mark the spot UKU1KMAcQT0-00081-00026858-00027158 [Music] UKU1KMAcQT0-00082-00027160-00027470 but where what oh you seem a bit UKU1KMAcQT0-00083-00027472-00027670 disoriented my friend UKU1KMAcQT0-00084-00027672-00028362 do you need a map UKU1KMAcQT0-00085-00028363-00028990 [Music] UKU1KMAcQT0-00086-00028991-00029183 subscribe to the channel and don't miss UKU1KMAcQT0-00087-00029183-00029318 the next episode UKU1KMAcQT0-00088-00029319-00029727 kazoom power UKaxYB8kxSY-00000-00000534-00001722 be afraid as a day but we can't wait to UKaxYB8kxSY-00001-00001723-00002071 be the change UKaxYB8kxSY-00002-00002072-00002605 it's not telling free for me think of UKaxYB8kxSY-00003-00002606-00003022 the future that we could create face the UKaxYB8kxSY-00004-00003023-00003472 facts today there's a better way UKaxYB8kxSY-00005-00003474-00004036 [Music] UKaxYB8kxSY-00006-00004036-00004318 there's no better way UKaxYB8kxSY-00007-00004319-00005336 [Music] UKaxYB8kxSY-00008-00005337-00006016 [Music] UKaxYB8kxSY-00009-00006017-00006283 in fees UKaxYB8kxSY-00010-00006284-00007901 [Music] UKaxYB8kxSY-00011-00007902-00008156 living things UKaxYB8kxSY-00012-00008156-00008559 one life heart beating UKaxYB8kxSY-00013-00008560-00009148 with some being high ever mind saying UKaxYB8kxSY-00014-00009149-00010132 Spray UKaxYB8kxSY-00015-00010133-00010955 [Music] UKaxYB8kxSY-00016-00010956-00011728 our destiny is evolving UKaxYB8kxSY-00017-00011729-00012679 [Music] UKaxYB8kxSY-00018-00012680-00013063 [Music] UKaxYB8kxSY-00019-00013063-00013308 free UKaxYB8kxSY-00020-00013309-00014305 [Music] UKaxYB8kxSY-00021-00014306-00015347 [Music] UKaxYB8kxSY-00022-00015348-00016063 deforestation stormy ocean pollution - UKaxYB8kxSY-00023-00016063-00016396 never Ramesh UKaxYB8kxSY-00024-00016397-00016767 be the solution UKaxYB8kxSY-00025-00016768-00018968 [Music] UKaxYB8kxSY-00026-00018969-00019542 [Music] UKaxYB8kxSY-00027-00019543-00019569 [Applause] UKaxYB8kxSY-00028-00019570-00020272 [Music] UKaxYB8kxSY-00029-00020273-00020732 in pain UKaxYB8kxSY-00030-00020733-00021965 in the UKaxYB8kxSY-00031-00021966-00022402 and UKaxYB8kxSY-00032-00022403-00023222 and UKaxYB8kxSY-00033-00023223-00024079 you UKaxYB8kxSY-00034-00024080-00024286 you UMEwGOGTDVu-00000-00000060-00000307 electrolysis of water is the UMEwGOGTDVu-00001-00000308-00000600 decomposition of water into oxygen and UMEwGOGTDVu-00002-00000601-00000874 hydrogen gas due to the passage of an UMEwGOGTDVu-00003-00000875-00001210 electric current the reaction has a UMEwGOGTDVu-00004-00001211-00001489 standard potential of minus one point UMEwGOGTDVu-00005-00001490-00001768 two three volts meaning it ideally UMEwGOGTDVu-00006-00001769-00002026 requires a potential difference of one UMEwGOGTDVu-00007-00002027-00002464 point to three volts to split water this UMEwGOGTDVu-00008-00002465-00002695 technique can be used to make hydrogen UMEwGOGTDVu-00009-00002696-00003154 gas and breathable oxygen as hydrogen is UMEwGOGTDVu-00010-00003155-00003481 an important industrial commodity by far UMEwGOGTDVu-00011-00003482-00003768 most industrial methods produce hydrogen UMEwGOGTDVu-00012-00003769-00004050 from natural gas instead in the steam UMEwGOGTDVu-00013-00004051-00004759 reforming process UMEwGOGTDVu-00014-00004760-00005297 topic history UMEwGOGTDVu-00015-00005298-00005660 jan rudolf damon and adrian pikes van UMEwGOGTDVu-00016-00005661-00006071 Troost vet used in 1789 an electrostatic UMEwGOGTDVu-00017-00006072-00006365 machine to make electricity which was UMEwGOGTDVu-00018-00006366-00006617 discharged on gold electrodes in a UMEwGOGTDVu-00019-00006618-00007112 Leyden jar with water in 1800 Alessandro UMEwGOGTDVu-00020-00007113-00007415 Volta invented the voltaic pile and a UMEwGOGTDVu-00021-00007416-00007673 few weeks later William Nicholson and UMEwGOGTDVu-00022-00007673-00007889 Anthony Carlile used it for the UMEwGOGTDVu-00023-00007890-00008258 electrolysis of water when Zenobia UMEwGOGTDVu-00024-00008259-00008491 Graham invented the Graham machine in UMEwGOGTDVu-00025-00008492-00008849 1869 electrolysis of water became a UMEwGOGTDVu-00026-00008850-00009062 cheap method for the production of UMEwGOGTDVu-00027-00009063-00009398 hydrogen a method of industrial UMEwGOGTDVu-00028-00009399-00009680 synthesis of hydrogen and oxygen through UMEwGOGTDVu-00029-00009681-00009968 electrolysis was developed by Dmitri UMEwGOGTDVu-00030-00009969-00010731 Lacan of in 1888 UMEwGOGTDVu-00031-00010732-00011285 topic principal UMEwGOGTDVu-00032-00011286-00011597 a DC electrical power source is UMEwGOGTDVu-00033-00011598-00011879 connected to two electrodes or two UMEwGOGTDVu-00034-00011880-00012143 plates typically made from some inert UMEwGOGTDVu-00035-00012144-00012437 metal such as platinum stainless steel UMEwGOGTDVu-00036-00012438-00012784 or iridium which are placed in the water UMEwGOGTDVu-00037-00012785-00013007 hydrogen will appear at the cathode UMEwGOGTDVu-00038-00013008-00013286 where electrons enter the water and UMEwGOGTDVu-00039-00013287-00013688 oxygen will appear at the anode assuming UMEwGOGTDVu-00040-00013688-00014003 ideal Faraday efficiency the amount of UMEwGOGTDVu-00041-00014004-00014263 hydrogen generated is twice the amount UMEwGOGTDVu-00042-00014265-00014552 of oxygen and both are proportional to UMEwGOGTDVu-00043-00014553-00014852 the total electrical charge conducted by UMEwGOGTDVu-00044-00014853-00015221 the solution however in many cells UMEwGOGTDVu-00045-00015222-00015512 competing side reactions occur resulting UMEwGOGTDVu-00046-00015513-00015790 in different products in less-than-ideal UMEwGOGTDVu-00047-00015791-00016259 faraday coefficiency electrolysis of UMEwGOGTDVu-00048-00016260-00016559 pure water requires excess energy in the UMEwGOGTDVu-00049-00016560-00016762 form of over potential to overcome UMEwGOGTDVu-00050-00016763-00017201 various activation barriers without the UMEwGOGTDVu-00051-00017202-00017489 excess energy the electrolysis of pure UMEwGOGTDVu-00052-00017490-00017830 water occurs very slowly or not at all UMEwGOGTDVu-00053-00017831-00018202 this is in part due to the limited self UMEwGOGTDVu-00054-00018203-00018611 ionization of water pure water has an UMEwGOGTDVu-00055-00018612-00018850 electrical conductivity about one UMEwGOGTDVu-00056-00018851-00019166 millionth that of seawater many UMEwGOGTDVu-00057-00019167-00019439 electrolytic cells may also lack the UMEwGOGTDVu-00058-00019440-00019736 requisite electro catalysts the UMEwGOGTDVu-00059-00019737-00020012 efficiency of electrolysis is increased UMEwGOGTDVu-00060-00020013-00020207 through the addition of an electrolyte UMEwGOGTDVu-00061-00020208-00020567 such as a salt an acid or a base and the UMEwGOGTDVu-00062-00020568-00021014 use of electro catalysts currently the UMEwGOGTDVu-00063-00021015-00021296 electrolytic process is rarely used in UMEwGOGTDVu-00064-00021297-00021544 industrial applications since hydrogen UMEwGOGTDVu-00065-00021545-00021779 can currently be produced more UMEwGOGTDVu-00066-00021780-00022568 affordably from fossil fuels UMEwGOGTDVu-00067-00022569-00023154 topic equations UMEwGOGTDVu-00068-00023155-00023466 in pure water at the negatively charged UMEwGOGTDVu-00069-00023467-00023748 cathode a reduction reaction takes place UMEwGOGTDVu-00070-00023749-00023925 with electrons UMEwGOGTDVu-00071-00023926-00024204 II - from the cathode being given to UMEwGOGTDVu-00072-00024205-00024510 hydrogen cations to form hydrogen gas UMEwGOGTDVu-00073-00024511-00025087 the half reaction balanced with acid is UMEwGOGTDVu-00074-00025088-00025679 reduction at cathode 2h + AQ + - e - H - UMEwGOGTDVu-00075-00025680-00026033 G at the positively charged anode an UMEwGOGTDVu-00076-00026033-00026348 oxidation reaction occurs generating UMEwGOGTDVu-00077-00026349-00026627 oxygen gas and giving electrons to the UMEwGOGTDVu-00078-00026627-00027068 anode to complete the circuit oxidation UMEwGOGTDVu-00079-00027069-00027875 at anode 2 h2o l o2 g + 4 h + AQ + 4 e - UMEwGOGTDVu-00080-00027876-00028145 the same half reactions can also be UMEwGOGTDVu-00081-00028145-00028408 balanced with bases listed below UMEwGOGTDVu-00082-00028408-00028781 not all half reactions must be balanced UMEwGOGTDVu-00083-00028782-00029120 with acid or base many do like the UMEwGOGTDVu-00084-00029120-00029414 oxidation or reduction of water listed UMEwGOGTDVu-00085-00029414-00029777 here to add half reactions they must UMEwGOGTDVu-00086-00029777-00030005 both be balanced with either acid or UMEwGOGTDVu-00087-00030006-00030374 base the acid balanced reactions UMEwGOGTDVu-00088-00030375-00030733 predominate in acidic low pH solutions UMEwGOGTDVu-00089-00030735-00030974 while the base balanced reactions UMEwGOGTDVu-00090-00030975-00031489 predominate in basic high pH solutions UMEwGOGTDVu-00091-00031489-00031775 combining either half reaction pair UMEwGOGTDVu-00092-00031776-00032075 yields the same overall decomposition of UMEwGOGTDVu-00093-00032076-00032437 water into oxygen and hydrogen UMEwGOGTDVu-00094-00032438-00033158 overall reaction to h2o l 2 h 2 g + o2 g UMEwGOGTDVu-00095-00033159-00033395 the number of hydrogen molecules UMEwGOGTDVu-00096-00033396-00033635 produced is thus twice the number of UMEwGOGTDVu-00097-00033636-00033992 oxygen molecules assuming equal UMEwGOGTDVu-00098-00033993-00034286 temperature and pressure for both gases UMEwGOGTDVu-00099-00034287-00034564 the produced hydrogen gas has therefore UMEwGOGTDVu-00100-00034565-00034858 twice the volume of the produced oxygen UMEwGOGTDVu-00101-00034859-00035215 gas the number of electrons pushed UMEwGOGTDVu-00102-00035216-00035452 through the water is twice the number of UMEwGOGTDVu-00103-00035453-00035755 generated hydrogen molecules and four UMEwGOGTDVu-00104-00035756-00036032 times the number of generated oxygen UMEwGOGTDVu-00105-00036033-00036679 molecules UMEwGOGTDVu-00106-00036680-00037327 topic thermodynamics UMEwGOGTDVu-00107-00037328-00037610 decomposition of pure water into UMEwGOGTDVu-00108-00037611-00037840 hydrogen and oxygen at standard UMEwGOGTDVu-00109-00037841-00038045 temperature and pressure is not UMEwGOGTDVu-00110-00038046-00038582 favorable in thermodynamic terms thus UMEwGOGTDVu-00111-00038583-00038818 the standard potential of the water UMEwGOGTDVu-00112-00038819-00039464 electrolysis cell IO cell UMEwGOGTDVu-00113-00039465-00039943 topic eeo cathode - Theo anode is minus UMEwGOGTDVu-00114-00039944-00040321 one point two three volts at 25 degrees UMEwGOGTDVu-00115-00040322-00041133 Celsius at pH 0 h+ UMEwGOGTDVu-00116-00041134-00041622 one point om at 25 degrees Celsius with UMEwGOGTDVu-00117-00041623-00042279 pH 7 H plus equals 1.0 times 10 minus 7 UMEwGOGTDVu-00118-00042280-00042600 M the potential is unchanged based on UMEwGOGTDVu-00119-00042601-00042966 the Nernst equation the thermodynamic UMEwGOGTDVu-00120-00042967-00043236 standard cell potential can be obtained UMEwGOGTDVu-00121-00043237-00043466 from standard state free energy UMEwGOGTDVu-00122-00043467-00043785 calculations to find Delta G degree and UMEwGOGTDVu-00123-00043786-00044094 then using the equation Delta G degree UMEwGOGTDVu-00124-00044095-00044415 equals nfe degree where a degree is the UMEwGOGTDVu-00125-00044416-00044754 cell potential in practice when an UMEwGOGTDVu-00126-00044755-00045156 electrochemical cell is driven toward UMEwGOGTDVu-00127-00045157-00045402 completion by applying reasonable UMEwGOGTDVu-00128-00045403-00045713 potential it is kinetically controlled UMEwGOGTDVu-00129-00045714-00046103 therefore activation energy ion mobility UMEwGOGTDVu-00130-00046104-00046395 diffusion and concentration wire UMEwGOGTDVu-00131-00046396-00046710 resistance surface hindrance including UMEwGOGTDVu-00132-00046711-00046995 bubble formation causes electrode area UMEwGOGTDVu-00133-00046996-00047307 blockage and entropy require a greater UMEwGOGTDVu-00134-00047308-00047553 applied potential to overcome these UMEwGOGTDVu-00135-00047554-00047907 factors the amount of increase in UMEwGOGTDVu-00136-00047908-00048177 potential required is termed the over UMEwGOGTDVu-00137-00048178-00048861 potential equals UMEwGOGTDVu-00138-00048862-00049523 topic electrolytes election UMEwGOGTDVu-00139-00049524-00049999 equals if the above described processes UMEwGOGTDVu-00140-00050000-00050368 occur in pure water h+ cations will be UMEwGOGTDVu-00141-00050369-00050648 consumed reduced at the cathode and o UMEwGOGTDVu-00142-00050649-00050971 minus anions will consumed oxidized at UMEwGOGTDVu-00143-00050972-00051352 the anode this can be verified by adding UMEwGOGTDVu-00144-00051353-00051644 a pH indicator to the water the water UMEwGOGTDVu-00145-00051645-00051895 near the cathode is basic while the UMEwGOGTDVu-00146-00051896-00052229 water near the anode is acidic the UMEwGOGTDVu-00147-00052229-00052496 negative hydroxide ions that approach UMEwGOGTDVu-00148-00052497-00052736 the anode mostly combine with the UMEwGOGTDVu-00149-00052737-00053167 positive hydronium ions h3o plus to form UMEwGOGTDVu-00150-00053169-00053569 water the positive hydronium ions that UMEwGOGTDVu-00151-00053570-00053849 approach the cathode mostly combine with UMEwGOGTDVu-00152-00053850-00054232 negative hydroxide ions to form water UMEwGOGTDVu-00153-00054233-00054635 relatively few hydronium hydroxide ions UMEwGOGTDVu-00154-00054636-00054841 reach the cathode anode UMEwGOGTDVu-00155-00054842-00055112 this can cause a concentration over UMEwGOGTDVu-00156-00055113-00055582 potential at both electrodes pure water UMEwGOGTDVu-00157-00055583-00055876 is a fairly good insulator since it has UMEwGOGTDVu-00158-00055877-00056309 a lower tone ization K W equals 1.0 UMEwGOGTDVu-00159-00056310-00056663 times 10 minus 14 at room temperature UMEwGOGTDVu-00160-00056664-00056894 and thus pure water conducts current UMEwGOGTDVu-00161-00056895-00057513 poorly 0.055 micro Siemens cm minus 1 UMEwGOGTDVu-00162-00057514-00057844 unless a very large potential is applied UMEwGOGTDVu-00163-00057845-00058048 to cause an increase in the UMEwGOGTDVu-00164-00058049-00058301 authorization of water the electrolysis UMEwGOGTDVu-00165-00058302-00058604 of pure water proceeds very slowly UMEwGOGTDVu-00166-00058604-00059078 limited by the overall conductivity if a UMEwGOGTDVu-00167-00059079-00059369 water soluble electrolyte is added the UMEwGOGTDVu-00168-00059370-00059609 conductivity of the water rises UMEwGOGTDVu-00169-00059610-00059926 considerably the electrolyte UMEwGOGTDVu-00170-00059927-00060179 disassociates into cations and anions UMEwGOGTDVu-00171-00060179-00060491 the anions rush towards the anode and UMEwGOGTDVu-00172-00060491-00060751 neutralize the build-up of positively UMEwGOGTDVu-00173-00060752-00061124 charged h+ there similarly the cations UMEwGOGTDVu-00174-00061125-00061376 rush towards the cathode and neutralized UMEwGOGTDVu-00175-00061377-00061685 a buildup of negatively charged o - UMEwGOGTDVu-00176-00061686-00062032 there this allows the continuous flow of UMEwGOGTDVu-00177-00062033-00062620 electricity UMEwGOGTDVu-00178-00062621-00063379 topic electrolyte for water electrolysis UMEwGOGTDVu-00179-00063379-00063649 care must be taken in choosing an UMEwGOGTDVu-00180-00063650-00063907 electrolyte since an anion from the UMEwGOGTDVu-00181-00063908-00064155 electrolyte is in competition with the UMEwGOGTDVu-00182-00064157-00064545 hydroxide ions to give up an electron an UMEwGOGTDVu-00183-00064546-00064816 electrolyte an iron with less standard UMEwGOGTDVu-00184-00064816-00065113 electrode potential than hydroxide will UMEwGOGTDVu-00185-00065114-00065422 be oxidized instead of the hydroxide and UMEwGOGTDVu-00186-00065423-00065857 no oxygen gas will be produced a cation UMEwGOGTDVu-00187-00065858-00066070 with a greater standard electrode UMEwGOGTDVu-00188-00066071-00066349 potential than a hydrogen ion will be UMEwGOGTDVu-00189-00066350-00066673 reduced instead and no hydrogen gas will UMEwGOGTDVu-00190-00066674-00067099 be produced the following plat ions have UMEwGOGTDVu-00191-00067100-00067381 lower electrode potential than H+ and UMEwGOGTDVu-00192-00067382-00067618 are therefore suitable for uses UMEwGOGTDVu-00193-00067619-00068038 electrolyte cations li plus RB plus K UMEwGOGTDVu-00194-00068039-00068536 plus C's plus bar 2 plus senior 2 plus UMEwGOGTDVu-00195-00068537-00069211 CA 2 plus na plus and mg 2 plus sodium UMEwGOGTDVu-00196-00069212-00069475 and lithium are frequently used as they UMEwGOGTDVu-00197-00069476-00069964 form inexpensive soluble salts if an UMEwGOGTDVu-00198-00069965-00070222 acid is used as the electrolyte the UMEwGOGTDVu-00199-00070223-00070573 cation is H+ and there is no competitor UMEwGOGTDVu-00200-00070574-00070909 for the H+ created by disassociating UMEwGOGTDVu-00201-00070910-00071299 water the most commonly used anion is UMEwGOGTDVu-00202-00071300-00071746 sulfate so2 -4 as it is very difficult UMEwGOGTDVu-00203-00071747-00072025 to oxidize with the standard potential UMEwGOGTDVu-00204-00072026-00072280 for oxidation of this ion to the UMEwGOGTDVu-00205-00072281-00072598 peroxide I sulphate ion being plus two UMEwGOGTDVu-00206-00072599-00072952 point O five volts strong acids such as UMEwGOGTDVu-00207-00072953-00073393 sulfuric acid h2so4 and strong bases UMEwGOGTDVu-00208-00073394-00073732 such as potassium hydroxide CO and UMEwGOGTDVu-00209-00073733-00074125 sodium hydroxide naoh are frequently UMEwGOGTDVu-00210-00074126-00074368 used as electrolytes due to the strong UMEwGOGTDVu-00211-00074369-00074794 conducting abilities a solid polymer UMEwGOGTDVu-00212-00074795-00075049 electrolyte can also be used such as UMEwGOGTDVu-00213-00075050-00075322 Navion and when applied with a special UMEwGOGTDVu-00214-00075323-00075541 catalyst on each side of the membrane UMEwGOGTDVu-00215-00075542-00075847 can efficiently split the water molecule UMEwGOGTDVu-00216-00075848-00076270 with as little as 1.5 volts there are UMEwGOGTDVu-00217-00076271-00076546 also a number of other solid electrolyte UMEwGOGTDVu-00218-00076547-00076759 systems that have been trial UMEwGOGTDVu-00219-00076760-00076996 developed with a number of electrolysis UMEwGOGTDVu-00220-00076997-00077290 systems now available commercially that UMEwGOGTDVu-00221-00077291-00078003 used solid electrolytes UMEwGOGTDVu-00222-00078004-00078703 topic pure water electrolysis UMEwGOGTDVu-00223-00078704-00079031 electrolyte free pure water electrolysis UMEwGOGTDVu-00224-00079032-00079340 has been achieved by using deep sub to UMEwGOGTDVu-00225-00079341-00079699 b.length nano gap electrochemical cells UMEwGOGTDVu-00226-00079700-00080032 when the gap distance between cathode UMEwGOGTDVu-00227-00080033-00080306 and anode even smaller than to be length UMEwGOGTDVu-00228-00080307-00080756 one micron in pure water around 220 UMEwGOGTDVu-00229-00080757-00081053 nanometers in distilled water the double UMEwGOGTDVu-00230-00081054-00081311 layer regions from two electrodes can UMEwGOGTDVu-00231-00081312-00081536 overlap with each other leading to UMEwGOGTDVu-00232-00081537-00081754 uniformly high electric field UMEwGOGTDVu-00233-00081755-00082160 distributed inside the entire gap such UMEwGOGTDVu-00234-00082161-00082376 high electric field can significantly UMEwGOGTDVu-00235-00082377-00082739 enhance the ion transport inside water UMEwGOGTDVu-00236-00082740-00083012 mainly due to migration further UMEwGOGTDVu-00237-00083013-00083351 enhancing self ionization of water and UMEwGOGTDVu-00238-00083352-00083594 keeping the whole reaction continuing UMEwGOGTDVu-00239-00083595-00083857 and showing small resistance between the UMEwGOGTDVu-00240-00083858-00084257 two electrodes in this case the two UMEwGOGTDVu-00241-00084258-00084524 half-reactions are coupled together and UMEwGOGTDVu-00242-00084525-00084790 limited by electron transfer steps UMEwGOGTDVu-00243-00084791-00085076 electrolysis current saturated when UMEwGOGTDVu-00244-00085077-00085909 further reducing the electrode distance UMEwGOGTDVu-00245-00085910-00086480 topic techniques UMEwGOGTDVu-00246-00086481-00086835 you UMEwGOGTDVu-00247-00086836-00087500 topic fundamental demonstration UMEwGOGTDVu-00248-00087501-00087788 two leads running from the terminals of UMEwGOGTDVu-00249-00087789-00088040 a battery are placed in a cup of water UMEwGOGTDVu-00250-00088041-00088277 with a quantity of electrolyte to UMEwGOGTDVu-00251-00088278-00088621 establish conductivity in the solution UMEwGOGTDVu-00252-00088622-00089027 using sodium chloride table salt in an UMEwGOGTDVu-00253-00089028-00089291 electrolyte solution results in chlorine UMEwGOGTDVu-00254-00089292-00089546 gas rather than oxygen due to a UMEwGOGTDVu-00255-00089547-00089936 competing half reaction with the correct UMEwGOGTDVu-00256-00089937-00090236 electrodes and correct electrolyte such UMEwGOGTDVu-00257-00090237-00090545 as baking soda sodium bicarbonate UMEwGOGTDVu-00258-00090546-00090845 hydrogen and oxygen gases will stream UMEwGOGTDVu-00259-00090846-00091192 from the oppositely charged electrodes UMEwGOGTDVu-00260-00091193-00091454 oxygen will collect at the positively UMEwGOGTDVu-00261-00091455-00091775 charged electrode anode and hydrogen UMEwGOGTDVu-00262-00091776-00091997 will collect at the negatively charged UMEwGOGTDVu-00263-00091998-00092420 electrode cathode note that hydrogen is UMEwGOGTDVu-00264-00092421-00092750 positively charged in the h2o molecule UMEwGOGTDVu-00265-00092751-00093026 so it ends up at the negative electrode UMEwGOGTDVu-00266-00093027-00093361 and vice-versa for oxygen UMEwGOGTDVu-00267-00093362-00093634 note that an aqueous solution of water UMEwGOGTDVu-00268-00093635-00093928 with chloride ions when electrolyzed UMEwGOGTDVu-00269-00093929-00094221 will result in either Oh - if the UMEwGOGTDVu-00270-00094222-00094567 concentration of CL - is low or in UMEwGOGTDVu-00271-00094568-00094816 chlorine gas being preferentially UMEwGOGTDVu-00272-00094817-00095110 discharged if the concentration of CL UMEwGOGTDVu-00273-00095111-00095458 minus is greater than 25 percent by mass UMEwGOGTDVu-00274-00095459-00096101 in the solution UMEwGOGTDVu-00275-00096102-00096712 topic Hofmann voltammeter UMEwGOGTDVu-00276-00096713-00097033 the hoffman voltammeter is often used as UMEwGOGTDVu-00277-00097034-00097297 a small-scale electrolytic cell UMEwGOGTDVu-00278-00097298-00097633 it consists of three joined upright UMEwGOGTDVu-00279-00097634-00097966 cylinders the inner cylinder is open at UMEwGOGTDVu-00280-00097967-00098188 the top to allow the addition of water UMEwGOGTDVu-00281-00098189-00098587 and the electrolyte a platinum electrode UMEwGOGTDVu-00282-00098588-00098806 is placed at the bottom of each of the UMEwGOGTDVu-00283-00098807-00099064 two side cylinders connected to the UMEwGOGTDVu-00284-00099065-00099307 positive and negative terminals of a UMEwGOGTDVu-00285-00099308-00099664 source of electricity when current is UMEwGOGTDVu-00286-00099665-00099870 run through the Hoffman voltammeter UMEwGOGTDVu-00287-00099871-00100165 gaseous oxygen forms at the anode UMEwGOGTDVu-00288-00100166-00100450 positive and gaseous hydrogen at the UMEwGOGTDVu-00289-00100451-00100855 cathode negative each gas displaces UMEwGOGTDVu-00290-00100856-00101110 water and collects at the top of the two UMEwGOGTDVu-00291-00101111-00101371 outer tubes where it can be drawn off UMEwGOGTDVu-00292-00101372-00102011 with a stopcock UMEwGOGTDVu-00293-00102012-00102548 topic industrial UMEwGOGTDVu-00294-00102549-00102859 many industrial electrolysis cells are UMEwGOGTDVu-00295-00102860-00103111 very similar to Hoffmann Volta meters UMEwGOGTDVu-00296-00103113-00103376 with complex platinum plates or UMEwGOGTDVu-00297-00103377-00103814 honeycombs electrodes generally the only UMEwGOGTDVu-00298-00103815-00104066 time hydrogen is intentionally produced UMEwGOGTDVu-00299-00104067-00104383 from electrolysis is for specific point UMEwGOGTDVu-00300-00104384-00104659 of use application such as is the case UMEwGOGTDVu-00301-00104660-00104918 with oxy-hydrogen torches or when UMEwGOGTDVu-00302-00104919-00105203 extremely high purity hydrogen or oxygen UMEwGOGTDVu-00303-00105204-00105692 is desired the vast majority of hydrogen UMEwGOGTDVu-00304-00105693-00105971 is produced from hydrocarbons and as a UMEwGOGTDVu-00305-00105972-00106277 result contains trace amounts of carbon UMEwGOGTDVu-00306-00106278-00106664 monoxide among other impurities the UMEwGOGTDVu-00307-00106665-00106928 carbon monoxide impurity can be UMEwGOGTDVu-00308-00106929-00107231 detrimental to various systems including UMEwGOGTDVu-00309-00107232-00107907 many fuel cells UMEwGOGTDVu-00310-00107908-00108457 topic high-pressure UMEwGOGTDVu-00311-00108458-00108719 high-pressure electrolysis is the UMEwGOGTDVu-00312-00108720-00108977 electrolysis of water with a compressed UMEwGOGTDVu-00313-00108978-00109301 hydrogen output around 12 to 20 mega UMEwGOGTDVu-00314-00109302-00110275 Pascal's 120 to 200 bar 1740 to 2900 psi UMEwGOGTDVu-00315-00110276-00110584 by pressurizing the hydrogen in the UMEwGOGTDVu-00316-00110585-00110824 electrolyzer the need for an external UMEwGOGTDVu-00317-00110825-00111133 hydrogen compressor is eliminated the UMEwGOGTDVu-00318-00111134-00111409 average energy consumption for internal UMEwGOGTDVu-00319-00111410-00112179 compression is around 3% UMEwGOGTDVu-00320-00112180-00112789 topic high temperature UMEwGOGTDVu-00321-00112790-00113141 high-temperature electrolysis also HTE UMEwGOGTDVu-00322-00113142-00113420 or steam electrolysis is a method UMEwGOGTDVu-00323-00113421-00113681 currently being investigated for water UMEwGOGTDVu-00324-00113682-00114013 electrolysis with a heat engine UMEwGOGTDVu-00325-00114014-00114266 high-temperature electrolysis may be UMEwGOGTDVu-00326-00114267-00114449 preferable to traditional UMEwGOGTDVu-00327-00114450-00114722 room-temperature electrolysis because UMEwGOGTDVu-00328-00114723-00114968 some of the energy is supplied as heat UMEwGOGTDVu-00329-00114969-00115199 which is cheaper than electricity UMEwGOGTDVu-00330-00115200-00115481 and because the electrolysis reaction is UMEwGOGTDVu-00331-00115482-00116251 more efficient at higher temperatures UMEwGOGTDVu-00332-00116252-00116825 topic alkaline water UMEwGOGTDVu-00333-00116826-00117181 you UMEwGOGTDVu-00334-00117182-00117847 topic polymer electrolyte membrane UMEwGOGTDVu-00335-00117848-00118206 you UMEwGOGTDVu-00336-00118207-00118758 topic nickel-iron UMEwGOGTDVu-00337-00118759-00119113 in 2014 researchers announced an UMEwGOGTDVu-00338-00119114-00119384 electrolysis system made of inexpensive UMEwGOGTDVu-00339-00119385-00119656 abundant nickel and iron rather than UMEwGOGTDVu-00340-00119657-00119902 precious metal catalysts such as UMEwGOGTDVu-00341-00119903-00120256 platinum or iridium the nickel metal UMEwGOGTDVu-00342-00120257-00120544 nickel oxide structure is more active UMEwGOGTDVu-00343-00120545-00120799 than pure nickel metal or pure nickel UMEwGOGTDVu-00344-00120800-00121201 oxide alone the catalyst significantly UMEwGOGTDVu-00345-00121202-00121573 lowers the required voltage also nickel UMEwGOGTDVu-00346-00121574-00121849 ion batteries are being investigated for UMEwGOGTDVu-00347-00121850-00122056 use as combined batteries and UMEwGOGTDVu-00348-00122057-00122355 electrolysis for hydrogen production UMEwGOGTDVu-00349-00122356-00122857 those battle eise's could be charged and UMEwGOGTDVu-00350-00122858-00123106 discharged like conventional batteries UMEwGOGTDVu-00351-00123107-00123364 and would produce hydrogen when fully UMEwGOGTDVu-00352-00123365-00123961 charged UMEwGOGTDVu-00353-00123963-00124706 topic nano gap electrochemical cells UMEwGOGTDVu-00354-00124707-00125141 in 2017 researchers reported using nano UMEwGOGTDVu-00355-00125142-00125410 gap electrochemical cells to achieve UMEwGOGTDVu-00356-00125411-00125693 high efficiency electrolyte free pure UMEwGOGTDVu-00357-00125694-00125998 water electrolysis at room temperature UMEwGOGTDVu-00358-00125999-00126398 in nano gap electrochemical cells the UMEwGOGTDVu-00359-00126399-00126610 two electrodes are so close to each UMEwGOGTDVu-00360-00126611-00126899 other even smaller than to be length in UMEwGOGTDVu-00361-00126900-00127178 pure water that the mass transport rate UMEwGOGTDVu-00362-00127179-00127408 can be even higher than the electron UMEwGOGTDVu-00363-00127409-00127640 transfer rate leading to two UMEwGOGTDVu-00364-00127641-00127904 half-reactions coupled together and UMEwGOGTDVu-00365-00127905-00128251 limited by electron transfer step UMEwGOGTDVu-00366-00128252-00128519 experiment shows that the electrical UMEwGOGTDVu-00367-00128520-00128738 current density from pure water UMEwGOGTDVu-00368-00128739-00129014 electrolysis can be even larger than UMEwGOGTDVu-00369-00129015-00129278 that from one mole per liter sodium UMEwGOGTDVu-00370-00129279-00129758 hydroxide solution the mechanism virtual UMEwGOGTDVu-00371-00129758-00130084 breakdown mechanism is completely UMEwGOGTDVu-00372-00130085-00130274 different from the well established UMEwGOGTDVu-00373-00130275-00130568 traditional electrochemical Theory due UMEwGOGTDVu-00374-00130569-00131340 to such nano gap size effect UMEwGOGTDVu-00375-00131341-00131948 topic applications UMEwGOGTDVu-00376-00131949-00132311 about 5% of hydrogen gas produced UMEwGOGTDVu-00377-00132312-00132766 worldwide is created by electrolysis the UMEwGOGTDVu-00378-00132767-00133004 majority of this hydrogen produced UMEwGOGTDVu-00379-00133005-00133289 through electrolysis is a side product UMEwGOGTDVu-00380-00133290-00133487 in the production of chlorine and UMEwGOGTDVu-00381-00133488-00133904 caustic soda this is a prime example of UMEwGOGTDVu-00382-00133905-00134363 a competing side reaction to sodium UMEwGOGTDVu-00383-00134364-00134879 chloride plus 2 h2o CL 2 plus h2 plus 2 UMEwGOGTDVu-00384-00134880-00135149 now the electrolysis of brine a water UMEwGOGTDVu-00385-00135150-00135470 sodium chloride mixture is only half the UMEwGOGTDVu-00386-00135471-00135776 electrolysis of water since the chloride UMEwGOGTDVu-00387-00135777-00136031 ions are oxidized to chlorine rather UMEwGOGTDVu-00388-00136032-00136456 than water being oxidized to oxygen UMEwGOGTDVu-00389-00136457-00136654 thermodynamically this would not be UMEwGOGTDVu-00390-00136655-00136940 expected since the oxidation potential UMEwGOGTDVu-00391-00136941-00137195 of the chloride ion is less than that of UMEwGOGTDVu-00392-00137196-00137416 water but the rate of the chloride UMEwGOGTDVu-00393-00137417-00137663 reaction is much greater than that of UMEwGOGTDVu-00394-00137664-00138044 water causing it to predominate the UMEwGOGTDVu-00395-00138045-00138316 hydrogen produced from this process is UMEwGOGTDVu-00396-00138317-00138560 either burned converting it back to UMEwGOGTDVu-00397-00138561-00138773 water used for the production of UMEwGOGTDVu-00398-00138774-00139041 specialty chemicals or various other UMEwGOGTDVu-00399-00139042-00139388 small-scale applications UMEwGOGTDVu-00400-00139389-00139688 water electrolysis is also used to UMEwGOGTDVu-00401-00139689-00139939 generate oxygen for the International UMEwGOGTDVu-00402-00139940-00140225 Space Station hydrogen may later be used UMEwGOGTDVu-00403-00140226-00140525 in a fuel cell as a storage method of UMEwGOGTDVu-00404-00140526-00141192 energy and water UMEwGOGTDVu-00405-00141193-00141761 topic efficiency UMEwGOGTDVu-00406-00141762-00142112 you UMEwGOGTDVu-00407-00142113-00142727 topic industrial output UMEwGOGTDVu-00408-00142728-00143064 efficiency of modern hydrogen generators UMEwGOGTDVu-00409-00143065-00143304 is measured by energy consumed per UMEwGOGTDVu-00410-00143305-00143577 standard volume of hydrogen mega Joule UMEwGOGTDVu-00411-00143578-00143724 per cubic meter UMEwGOGTDVu-00412-00143725-00143934 assuming standard temperature and UMEwGOGTDVu-00413-00143935-00144306 pressure of the h2 the lower the energy UMEwGOGTDVu-00414-00144307-00144609 used by a generator the higher would be UMEwGOGTDVu-00415-00144610-00144936 its efficiency a 100% efficient UMEwGOGTDVu-00416-00144937-00145203 electrolyzer would consume thirty nine UMEwGOGTDVu-00417-00145204-00145571 point four kilowatt hours per kilogram UMEwGOGTDVu-00418-00145572-00145916 142 mega joules per kilogram of hydrogen UMEwGOGTDVu-00419-00145917-00146238 twelve thousand seven hundred and forty UMEwGOGTDVu-00420-00146239-00146538 nine joules per liter twelve point seven UMEwGOGTDVu-00421-00146539-00146888 five mega joules per cubic meter UMEwGOGTDVu-00422-00146889-00147246 practical electrolysis using a rotating UMEwGOGTDVu-00423-00147247-00147555 electrolyzer at 15 bars pressure may UMEwGOGTDVu-00424-00147556-00147896 consume 50 kilowatt hours per kilogram UMEwGOGTDVu-00425-00147897-00148242 180 mega joules per kilogram and a UMEwGOGTDVu-00426-00148243-00148650 further 15 kilowatt hours 54 mega joules UMEwGOGTDVu-00427-00148651-00148947 if the hydrogen is compressed for use in UMEwGOGTDVu-00428-00148948-00149238 hydrogen cars electrolyzer vendors UMEwGOGTDVu-00429-00149239-00149552 provide efficiencies based on enthalpy UMEwGOGTDVu-00430-00149553-00149871 to assess the claimed efficiency of an UMEwGOGTDVu-00431-00149872-00150102 electrolyzer it is important to UMEwGOGTDVu-00432-00150103-00150330 establish how it was defined by the UMEwGOGTDVu-00433-00150331-00150636 vendor ie what enthalpy value what UMEwGOGTDVu-00434-00150637-00151092 current density etc there are two main UMEwGOGTDVu-00435-00151093-00151350 technologies available on the market UMEwGOGTDVu-00436-00151351-00151607 alkaline and proton exchange membrane UMEwGOGTDVu-00437-00151608-00152145 PEM electrolyzers alkaline electrolyze UMEwGOGTDVu-00438-00152146-00152436 is a cheaper in terms of investment they UMEwGOGTDVu-00439-00152437-00152730 generally use nickel catalysts but less UMEwGOGTDVu-00440-00152731-00153057 efficient PEM electrolyzers conversely UMEwGOGTDVu-00441-00153058-00153314 are more expensive they generally use UMEwGOGTDVu-00442-00153315-00153642 expensive platinum group metals lists UMEwGOGTDVu-00443-00153643-00153879 but are more efficient and can operate UMEwGOGTDVu-00444-00153880-00154137 at higher current densities and can UMEwGOGTDVu-00445-00154138-00154374 therefore be possibly cheaper if the UMEwGOGTDVu-00446-00154375-00154766 hydrogen production is large enough UMEwGOGTDVu-00447-00154767-00155064 conventional alkaline electrolysis has UMEwGOGTDVu-00448-00155065-00155375 an efficiency of about 70 percent UMEwGOGTDVu-00449-00155376-00155646 accounting for the accepted use of the UMEwGOGTDVu-00450-00155647-00155925 higher heat value because in efficiency UMEwGOGTDVu-00451-00155926-00156096 via heat can be reader UMEwGOGTDVu-00452-00156097-00156329 directed back into the system to create UMEwGOGTDVu-00453-00156330-00156564 the steam required by the catalyst UMEwGOGTDVu-00454-00156565-00156843 average working efficiencies for PEM UMEwGOGTDVu-00455-00156844-00157275 electrolysis are around 80% this is UMEwGOGTDVu-00456-00157276-00157656 expected to increase to between 82 to 86 UMEwGOGTDVu-00457-00157657-00158076 percent before 2030 theoretical UMEwGOGTDVu-00458-00158077-00158331 efficiency for PEM electrolyzers are UMEwGOGTDVu-00459-00158332-00158826 predicted up to 94% considering the UMEwGOGTDVu-00460-00158827-00159072 industrial production of hydrogen and UMEwGOGTDVu-00461-00159073-00159345 using current best processes for water UMEwGOGTDVu-00462-00159346-00159594 electrolysis per more alkaline UMEwGOGTDVu-00463-00159595-00159866 electrolysis which have an effective UMEwGOGTDVu-00464-00159867-00160143 electrical efficiency of 70 to 80 UMEwGOGTDVu-00465-00160144-00160407 percent producing one kilogram of UMEwGOGTDVu-00466-00160408-00160784 hydrogen which has a specific energy of UMEwGOGTDVu-00467-00160785-00161199 143 mega joules per kilogram or about 40 UMEwGOGTDVu-00468-00161200-00161550 kilo watt hours per kilogram requires 50 UMEwGOGTDVu-00469-00161551-00162012 to 55 kilo watt hours of electricity at UMEwGOGTDVu-00470-00162013-00162288 an electricity cost of 6 cents per UMEwGOGTDVu-00471-00162289-00162534 kilowatt hour as set out in the UMEwGOGTDVu-00472-00162535-00162928 Department of Energy hydrogen production UMEwGOGTDVu-00473-00162929-00163427 targets for 2015 the hydrogen cost is $3 UMEwGOGTDVu-00474-00163428-00163752 per kilogram with the range of natural UMEwGOGTDVu-00475-00163753-00164090 gas prices from 2016 as shown in the UMEwGOGTDVu-00476-00164091-00164376 graph hydrogen production tech team UMEwGOGTDVu-00477-00164377-00164763 roadmap November 2017 putting the cost UMEwGOGTDVu-00478-00164764-00165138 of SMR hydrogen at between $1 and 20 UMEwGOGTDVu-00479-00165139-00165447 cents and one dollar and 50 cents the UMEwGOGTDVu-00480-00165448-00165726 cost price of hydrogen via electrolysis UMEwGOGTDVu-00481-00165727-00166127 is still over double 2015 doe hydrogen UMEwGOGTDVu-00482-00166128-00166565 target prices the u.s. doe target price UMEwGOGTDVu-00483-00166566-00166956 for hydrogen in 2020 is 2 dollars and 30 UMEwGOGTDVu-00484-00166957-00167216 cents per kilogram requiring an UMEwGOGTDVu-00485-00167217-00167571 electricity cost of zero point o3 seven UMEwGOGTDVu-00486-00167572-00167820 dollars per kilowatt hour which is UMEwGOGTDVu-00487-00167821-00168147 achievable given recent PPA tenders for UMEwGOGTDVu-00488-00168148-00168561 wind and solar in many regions this puts UMEwGOGTDVu-00489-00168562-00168981 the $4 per gge h2 dispensed objective UMEwGOGTDVu-00490-00168982-00169202 well within reach and close to a UMEwGOGTDVu-00491-00169203-00169497 slightly elevated natural gas production UMEwGOGTDVu-00492-00169498-00169938 cost for SMR in other parts of the world UMEwGOGTDVu-00493-00169939-00170328 steam methane reforming is between $1 - UMEwGOGTDVu-00494-00170329-00170733 3 per kilograms on average this makes UMEwGOGTDVu-00495-00170734-00171020 production of hydrogen via electrolysis UMEwGOGTDVu-00496-00171021-00171341 cost-competitive in many regions already UMEwGOGTDVu-00497-00171342-00171663 as outlined by nell hydrogen and others UMEwGOGTDVu-00498-00171664-00171914 including an article by the IAEA UMEwGOGTDVu-00499-00171915-00172149 examining the conditions which could UMEwGOGTDVu-00500-00172150-00172398 lead to a competitive advantage for UMEwGOGTDVu-00501-00172399-00173040 electrolysis UMEwGOGTDVu-00502-00173041-00173610 topic overpotential UMEwGOGTDVu-00503-00173611-00173949 real water electrolyzers require higher UMEwGOGTDVu-00504-00173950-00174294 voltages for the reaction to proceed the UMEwGOGTDVu-00505-00174295-00174563 part that exceeds one point to three UMEwGOGTDVu-00506-00174564-00174854 volts is called over potential or over UMEwGOGTDVu-00507-00174855-00175143 voltage and represents any kind of loss UMEwGOGTDVu-00508-00175144-00175390 and non ideality in the electrochemical UMEwGOGTDVu-00509-00175391-00175853 process for a well-designed cell the UMEwGOGTDVu-00510-00175854-00176129 largest over potential is the reaction UMEwGOGTDVu-00511-00176130-00176370 over potential for the four electron UMEwGOGTDVu-00512-00176371-00176631 oxidation of water to oxygen at the UMEwGOGTDVu-00513-00176632-00176876 anode electro catalysts can facilitate UMEwGOGTDVu-00514-00176877-00177203 this reaction and platinum alloys are UMEwGOGTDVu-00515-00177204-00177541 the state of the art for this oxidation UMEwGOGTDVu-00516-00177542-00177834 developing a cheap effective electro UMEwGOGTDVu-00517-00177835-00178056 catalyst for this reaction would be a UMEwGOGTDVu-00518-00178057-00178337 great advance and is a topic of current UMEwGOGTDVu-00519-00178338-00178608 research there are many approaches among UMEwGOGTDVu-00520-00178609-00178899 them a 30-year old recipe for molybdenum UMEwGOGTDVu-00521-00178900-00179268 sulfide graphene quantum dots carbon UMEwGOGTDVu-00522-00179269-00179603 nanotubes parov skite and nickel nickel UMEwGOGTDVu-00523-00179604-00180038 oxide the simpler to electron reaction UMEwGOGTDVu-00524-00180039-00180302 to produce hydrogen at the cathode can UMEwGOGTDVu-00525-00180303-00180549 be electric at alized with almost no UMEwGOGTDVu-00526-00180550-00180846 over potential by platinum or in theory UMEwGOGTDVu-00527-00180847-00181238 a hydrogenase enzyme if other less UMEwGOGTDVu-00528-00181239-00181494 effective materials are used for the UMEwGOGTDVu-00529-00181495-00181797 cathode eg graphite large over UMEwGOGTDVu-00530-00181798-00182464 potentials will appear UMEwGOGTDVu-00531-00182465-00183076 topic thermodynamics UMEwGOGTDVu-00532-00183077-00183382 the electrolysis of water in standard UMEwGOGTDVu-00533-00183383-00183627 conditions requires a theoretical UMEwGOGTDVu-00534-00183628-00184077 minimum of 237 kilo joules of electrical UMEwGOGTDVu-00535-00184078-00184348 energy input to dissociate each mole of UMEwGOGTDVu-00536-00184349-00184626 water which is the standard Gibbs free UMEwGOGTDVu-00537-00184627-00184858 energy of formation of water UMEwGOGTDVu-00538-00184859-00185233 it also requires energy to overcome the UMEwGOGTDVu-00539-00185234-00185496 change in entropy of the reaction UMEwGOGTDVu-00540-00185497-00185829 therefore the process cannot proceed UMEwGOGTDVu-00541-00185830-00186268 below 286 kilo joules per mole if no UMEwGOGTDVu-00542-00186269-00186712 external heat energy is added since each UMEwGOGTDVu-00543-00186713-00186982 mole of water requires two moles of UMEwGOGTDVu-00544-00186983-00187239 electrons and given that the faraday UMEwGOGTDVu-00545-00187240-00187503 constant F represents the charge of the UMEwGOGTDVu-00546-00187504-00188068 mole of electrons 96,000 485 c per mole UMEwGOGTDVu-00547-00188069-00188291 it follows that the minimum voltage UMEwGOGTDVu-00548-00188292-00188668 necessary for electrolysis is about 1.2 UMEwGOGTDVu-00549-00188669-00188998 3v if electrolysis is carried out at UMEwGOGTDVu-00550-00188999-00189318 high temperature this voltage reduces UMEwGOGTDVu-00551-00189319-00189658 this effectively allows the electrolyzer UMEwGOGTDVu-00552-00189659-00190038 to operate at more than 100% electrical UMEwGOGTDVu-00553-00190039-00190426 efficiency in electrochemical systems UMEwGOGTDVu-00554-00190427-00190693 this means that heat must be supplied to UMEwGOGTDVu-00555-00190694-00191044 the reactor to sustain the reaction in UMEwGOGTDVu-00556-00191045-00191344 this way thermal energy can be used for UMEwGOGTDVu-00557-00191345-00191563 part of the electrolysis energy UMEwGOGTDVu-00558-00191564-00191893 requirement in a similar way the UMEwGOGTDVu-00559-00191894-00192189 required voltage can be reduced below 1 UMEwGOGTDVu-00560-00192190-00192554 volt if fuels such as carbon alcohol UMEwGOGTDVu-00561-00192555-00192903 biomass are reacted with water PEM based UMEwGOGTDVu-00562-00192904-00193152 electrolyzer in low temperature or UMEwGOGTDVu-00563-00193153-00193479 oxygen ions solid oxide electrolyte UMEwGOGTDVu-00564-00193480-00193776 based electrolyzer in high temperature UMEwGOGTDVu-00565-00193777-00194127 this results in some of the fuels energy UMEwGOGTDVu-00566-00194128-00194518 being used to assist the electrolysis UMEwGOGTDVu-00567-00194519-00194794 process and can reduce the overall cost UMEwGOGTDVu-00568-00194795-00195010 of hydrogen produced UMEwGOGTDVu-00569-00195011-00195310 however observing the entropy component UMEwGOGTDVu-00570-00195311-00195666 and other losses voltages over 1.48 UMEwGOGTDVu-00571-00195667-00195954 volts are required for the reaction to UMEwGOGTDVu-00572-00195955-00196222 proceed at practical current densities UMEwGOGTDVu-00573-00196223-00196533 the thermo neutral voltage UMEwGOGTDVu-00574-00196534-00196874 in the case of water electrolysis Gibbs UMEwGOGTDVu-00575-00196875-00197133 free energy represents the minimum work UMEwGOGTDVu-00576-00197134-00197399 necessary for the reaction to proceed UMEwGOGTDVu-00577-00197400-00197666 and the reaction enthalpy is the amount UMEwGOGTDVu-00578-00197667-00197987 of energy both work and heat that has to UMEwGOGTDVu-00579-00197988-00198266 be provided so the reaction products are UMEwGOGTDVu-00580-00198267-00198512 at the same temperature as the reactant UMEwGOGTDVu-00581-00198513-00198803 ie standard temperature for the values UMEwGOGTDVu-00582-00198804-00199098 given above potentially an electrolyzer UMEwGOGTDVu-00583-00199099-00199379 operating at one point for eight volts UMEwGOGTDVu-00584-00199380-00199826 would be 100% efficient UMEwGOGTDVu-00585-00199827-00200249 equals equals see also UN_bOqiVkkU-00000-00000051-00000356 alle illa his imperson Lyle he as a name UN_bOqiVkkU-00001-00000357-00000559 attributed to a syncretic religion which UN_bOqiVkkU-00002-00000560-00000758 has been practiced in parts of Iranian UN_bOqiVkkU-00003-00000759-00000983 Lorestan which combines elements of Shia UN_bOqiVkkU-00004-00000984-00001283 Islam with older religions it centers on UN_bOqiVkkU-00005-00001284-00001385 the belief that there have been UN_bOqiVkkU-00006-00001386-00001598 successive incarnations of the deity UN_bOqiVkkU-00007-00001599-00001780 throughout history an ally Ilah he's UN_bOqiVkkU-00008-00001782-00001960 reserved particular reverence for Ali UN_bOqiVkkU-00009-00001961-00002183 the son-in-law of the Islamic prophet UN_bOqiVkkU-00010-00002184-00002372 Muhammad who is considered one such UN_bOqiVkkU-00011-00002373-00002624 incarnation various rights have been UN_bOqiVkkU-00012-00002625-00002873 attributed as alia lion similarly to the UN_bOqiVkkU-00013-00002874-00003092 Yazidis in saris and all sects whose UN_bOqiVkkU-00014-00003093-00003268 doctrine is unknown to the surrounding UN_bOqiVkkU-00015-00003269-00003463 Muslim and Christian population UN_bOqiVkkU-00016-00003464-00003679 observers have described it as an UN_bOqiVkkU-00017-00003680-00003871 agglomeration of the customs and rites UN_bOqiVkkU-00018-00003872-00004095 of several earlier religions including UN_bOqiVkkU-00019-00004096-00004295 Zoroastrianism historically because UN_bOqiVkkU-00020-00004296-00004525 travelogues were evident that there is UN_bOqiVkkU-00021-00004526-00004753 no definite code which can be described UN_bOqiVkkU-00022-00004754-00005137 as ali illa hism sometimes ali illa hism UN_bOqiVkkU-00023-00005138-00005311 is used as a general term for the UN_bOqiVkkU-00024-00005312-00005525 several denominations that venerate or UN_bOqiVkkU-00025-00005526-00005725 deify ali like the case tonight's the UN_bOqiVkkU-00026-00005726-00005920 allow e's are the ollie hacked yars on UN_bOqiVkkU-00027-00005921-00006390 these others to mean the ali hack UN_bOqiVkkU-00028-00006391-00007011 topic in the Davos Tony maws ahem UN_bOqiVkkU-00029-00007012-00007290 the Dagestani Mazda hub a Persian book UN_bOqiVkkU-00030-00007291-00007494 of the 17th century about the South UN_bOqiVkkU-00031-00007495-00007725 Asian religions presents the Ali illa he UN_bOqiVkkU-00032-00007726-00007914 ins as a sect that respected muhammad UN_bOqiVkkU-00033-00007915-00008120 and ali and discarded the quran as it UN_bOqiVkkU-00034-00008122-00008382 was compiled under umar they avoided UN_bOqiVkkU-00035-00008383-00008556 killing any animals and believed that UN_bOqiVkkU-00036-00008557-00008730 the rules allowing the killing of some UN_bOqiVkkU-00037-00008731-00008946 animals are created by abu bakr umar UN_bOqiVkkU-00038-00008947-00009570 uthman even athon and their followers UN_bOqiVkkU-00039-00009571-00010106 topic see also UN_bOqiVkkU-00040-00010107-00010671 anthropophaga Goran Kurds Gulen Kurdish UN_bOqiVkkU-00041-00010672-00011175 people yarsa nism UN_bOqiVkkU-00042-00011176-00011573 topic references UN_bOqiVkkU-00043-00011574-00011734 you UN_bOqiVkkU-00044-00011735-00011898 you UN_bOqiVkkU-00045-00011899-00012104 you UpBj9UULtkQ-00000-00000919-00001343 [Music] UpBj9UULtkQ-00001-00001344-00001895 i want to meet UpBj9UULtkQ-00002-00001896-00003184 new e-pace by jaguar USjROuqPFEQ-00000-00000046-00000313 Vinayaka krishna go CAC the 9th of USjROuqPFEQ-00001-00000314-00000659 August 1909 to the 28th of April 1992 USjROuqPFEQ-00002-00000660-00000850 was a major writer in the Kannada USjROuqPFEQ-00003-00000851-00001045 language and a scholar of English and USjROuqPFEQ-00004-00001046-00001283 Kannada literature's he was the fifth USjROuqPFEQ-00005-00001284-00001448 rider to be honored with the je n'en USjROuqPFEQ-00006-00001449-00001735 pith award in 1994 kannada language for USjROuqPFEQ-00007-00001736-00002054 his epic Bharatha Sindhu Rashmi Bharatha USjROuqPFEQ-00008-00002055-00002260 Sindhu Rashmi deals with the Vedic age USjROuqPFEQ-00009-00002261-00002441 and is perhaps the longest epic USjROuqPFEQ-00010-00002442-00002635 narrative in any language in the 20th USjROuqPFEQ-00011-00002636-00003032 century in 1961 kocak was awarded the USjROuqPFEQ-00012-00003033-00003203 Padma Shri from the Government of India USjROuqPFEQ-00013-00003204-00003836 for died of a privy USjROuqPFEQ-00014-00003836-00004393 topic academic life USjROuqPFEQ-00015-00004394-00004634 go CAC was born on the 9th of August USjROuqPFEQ-00016-00004635-00005002 1909 to Sundara by in Krishna Rao he was USjROuqPFEQ-00017-00005003-00005252 educated in majid high school savanna USjROuqPFEQ-00018-00005253-00005461 and attended the karna tak College dar USjROuqPFEQ-00019-00005462-00005725 war where he studied literature he was USjROuqPFEQ-00020-00005726-00005936 later awarded first class honours by the USjROuqPFEQ-00021-00005937-00006229 University of Oxford on his return from USjROuqPFEQ-00022-00006230-00006520 Oxford in 1938 he became the principal USjROuqPFEQ-00023-00006522-00006791 of Willington College Sangli he was USjROuqPFEQ-00024-00006792-00007024 principal of Rajaram College kolhapur USjROuqPFEQ-00025-00007025-00007469 maharashtra from 1950 to 1952 between USjROuqPFEQ-00026-00007470-00007777 1983 and 1987 he served as the president USjROuqPFEQ-00027-00007778-00008123 of the Sahitya Akademi he also served as USjROuqPFEQ-00028-00008123-00008305 the director of Indian Institute of USjROuqPFEQ-00029-00008306-00008530 Advanced Study Shimla and the Central USjROuqPFEQ-00030-00008531-00008824 Institute of English Hyderabad he was an USjROuqPFEQ-00031-00008825-00009032 ardent devotee of the spiritual guru USjROuqPFEQ-00032-00009033-00009269 Sathya Sai Baba and served as the first USjROuqPFEQ-00033-00009270-00009463 vice-chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai USjROuqPFEQ-00034-00009464-00009716 Institute of higher learning Puttaparthi USjROuqPFEQ-00035-00009717-00010063 between 1981 and 1985 after a stint with USjROuqPFEQ-00036-00010064-00010334 the Bangalore University his novel USjROuqPFEQ-00037-00010335-00010562 Samaras aged Ivana is considered one of USjROuqPFEQ-00038-00010563-00010753 the typical works of Navin a literature USjROuqPFEQ-00039-00010754-00011328 in Kannada USjROuqPFEQ-00040-00011329-00011976 topic literary career and success USjROuqPFEQ-00041-00011977-00012213 go CAC was a prolific writer in both USjROuqPFEQ-00042-00012214-00012428 Kannada and English he was deeply USjROuqPFEQ-00043-00012429-00012684 influenced by the Kannada poet Dr Bendre USjROuqPFEQ-00044-00012685-00012860 who mentored him during his early forays USjROuqPFEQ-00045-00012861-00013133 into Kannada literature Bendre is USjROuqPFEQ-00046-00013134-00013311 reputed to have said that were goq act USjROuqPFEQ-00047-00013312-00013500 to allow his talent to bloom in Kannada USjROuqPFEQ-00048-00013501-00013707 there was a bright future in wait for go USjROuqPFEQ-00049-00013708-00014007 CAC in Kannada literature his epic USjROuqPFEQ-00050-00014008-00014216 Bharatha sin dorosch me running into USjROuqPFEQ-00051-00014218-00014424 thirty five thousand lines is notably USjROuqPFEQ-00052-00014425-00014610 the longest epic written in this century USjROuqPFEQ-00053-00014611-00014805 for which he received the Jane and Pitts USjROuqPFEQ-00054-00014806-00015008 award and also honorary doctorates from USjROuqPFEQ-00055-00015009-00015219 Karnataka University and Pacific USjROuqPFEQ-00056-00015219-00015597 University USA his novel samara save USjROuqPFEQ-00057-00015597-00015657 giovanna USjROuqPFEQ-00058-00015658-00015830 was translated by his daughter you USjROuqPFEQ-00059-00015831-00016025 showed her ABAT into english under the USjROuqPFEQ-00060-00016026-00016221 title the agony and the ecstasy and USjROuqPFEQ-00061-00016222-00016527 released to worldwide popularity in the USjROuqPFEQ-00062-00016528-00016788 1980s karnataka was in the midst of an USjROuqPFEQ-00063-00016789-00017010 agitation which demanded the replacement USjROuqPFEQ-00064-00017011-00017193 of Sanskrit with Kannada as the medium USjROuqPFEQ-00065-00017194-00017357 of instruction in schools USjROuqPFEQ-00066-00017358-00017640 VK Go CAC also headed the go CAC USjROuqPFEQ-00067-00017641-00017819 Committee which recommended declaring USjROuqPFEQ-00068-00017820-00018018 Kannada as the first language in schools USjROuqPFEQ-00069-00018019-00018333 in the state Koch acts writing reflected USjROuqPFEQ-00070-00018334-00018515 his interest in religion philosophy USjROuqPFEQ-00071-00018516-00018843 education and cultures his education USjROuqPFEQ-00072-00018844-00019038 abroad prompted him to write two sets of USjROuqPFEQ-00073-00019039-00019130 travelogues USjROuqPFEQ-00074-00019131-00019383 the Nevada a movement was at its peak USjROuqPFEQ-00075-00019384-00019619 and go CAC stayed true to his spirit his USjROuqPFEQ-00076-00019620-00019853 poems showed nuances of Victorian poetry USjROuqPFEQ-00077-00019854-00020094 oral traditions in Kannada storytelling USjROuqPFEQ-00078-00020095-00020453 and epics in sanskrit in kannada VK Go USjROuqPFEQ-00079-00020454-00020640 CAC wrote many collections of poetry USjROuqPFEQ-00080-00020641-00020897 under the pen-name Vinayaka these USjROuqPFEQ-00081-00020898-00021128 collections include Samudra Jetha gollu USjROuqPFEQ-00082-00021129-00021393 Ballad a glad ali abdul daiya daiya be USjROuqPFEQ-00083-00021394-00021741 privy and Erna ba go cax anthology of USjROuqPFEQ-00084-00021742-00021993 poetry by Indian poets titled the golden USjROuqPFEQ-00085-00021994-00022212 treasury of Indo Anglican poetry was a USjROuqPFEQ-00086-00022213-00022412 treatise on poets like Sri Aurobindo USjROuqPFEQ-00087-00022413-00022703 Sarojini Naidu and Tohru Dada missamma USjROuqPFEQ-00088-00022704-00023084 zekiel and Kamala das in the late 1960s USjROuqPFEQ-00089-00023085-00023306 he was deeply influenced by Sri Sathya USjROuqPFEQ-00090-00023307-00023562 Sai Baba of Puttaparthi and over the USjROuqPFEQ-00091-00023563-00023756 years go CAC became the medium for USjROuqPFEQ-00092-00023757-00023934 translating the Guru's words into USjROuqPFEQ-00093-00023935-00024093 English and spreading it to the world USjROuqPFEQ-00094-00024094-00024359 his book the advent of Sathya Sai USjROuqPFEQ-00095-00024360-00024561 explains the meaning of Sathya Sai USjROuqPFEQ-00096-00024562-00024774 Baba's miracles his work with the poor USjROuqPFEQ-00097-00024775-00025006 and his impact on the educational system USjROuqPFEQ-00098-00025007-00025314 the state of Karnataka hosts a series USjROuqPFEQ-00099-00025315-00025514 literary events to mark dokic's birth USjROuqPFEQ-00100-00025515-00025727 centenary on the 9th of August of every USjROuqPFEQ-00101-00025729-00026261 year USjROuqPFEQ-00102-00026262-00026761 topic writings USjROuqPFEQ-00103-00026762-00027100 you USjROuqPFEQ-00104-00027101-00027590 topic epochs USjROuqPFEQ-00105-00027591-00028176 Bharatha Sindhu Rashmi USjROuqPFEQ-00106-00028177-00028649 topic novels USjROuqPFEQ-00107-00028650-00028970 Samara saved Javon de Ojo de mato airily USjROuqPFEQ-00108-00028972-00029117 de vol 1 USjROuqPFEQ-00109-00029118-00029408 Samara saved Giovanna Sami reanima to USjROuqPFEQ-00110-00029410-00029954 Nirvana vol 2 USjROuqPFEQ-00111-00029955-00030513 topic poetry collections USjROuqPFEQ-00112-00030514-00031013 earn inaba a beer daya bali dogle Adelie USjROuqPFEQ-00113-00031014-00031302 died of a pro-v Kannada Sahitya Academy USjROuqPFEQ-00114-00031302-00031649 Award Samudra Geetha gollu USjROuqPFEQ-00115-00031650-00032067 English words topic others sahitya vimar USjROuqPFEQ-00116-00032068-00032307 Shia Kalavati Boogaloo naina Giovanna USjROuqPFEQ-00117-00032308-00032505 Drishti Giovanna panda Galu kala USjROuqPFEQ-00118-00032506-00032745 Siddhanta India and world culture go CAC USjROuqPFEQ-00119-00032745-00033361 Ruthie Chintan approve ahsoka tano gollu USjROuqPFEQ-00120-00033362-00033927 topic honors and awards USjROuqPFEQ-00121-00033928-00034156 president ship of the 40th Kannada USjROuqPFEQ-00122-00034157-00034546 Sahitya Sam Elana in 1958 honorary USjROuqPFEQ-00123-00034547-00034690 doctorates from the karna Tech USjROuqPFEQ-00124-00034691-00034996 University honorary doctorates from the USjROuqPFEQ-00125-00034997-00035338 Pacific University of the USA central USjROuqPFEQ-00126-00035339-00035557 Sahitya Akademi award for his died of a USjROuqPFEQ-00127-00035558-00035968 pretty V in 1961 Jane Ann Pitt Award for USjROuqPFEQ-00128-00035969-00036615 his Bharatha Sindhu Rashmi in 1990 USjROuqPFEQ-00129-00036616-00037153 topic translations USjROuqPFEQ-00130-00037154-00037414 voices of the Himalaya translated by the USjROuqPFEQ-00131-00037415-00037759 authors kamila rotten 'm VK go CAC and USjROuqPFEQ-00132-00037760-00038152 others Bombay Asia publishing house 1966 USjROuqPFEQ-00133-00038153-00038545 v 7 TP poems by celebrated poet rammed USjROuqPFEQ-00134-00038546-00039060 re-sync Pinker USjROuqPFEQ-00135-00039061-00039582 topic see also USjROuqPFEQ-00136-00039583-00040074 Dokic agitation a language campaign UT0QUmIhFv0-00000-00000337-00002458 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00001-00002459-00004561 what do you know it's it's a total of 32 UT0QUmIhFv0-00002-00004562-00004784 who six which is not going to work with UT0QUmIhFv0-00003-00004785-00004970 the hombre this is all sorts of good UT0QUmIhFv0-00004-00004971-00006720 hold on there big dog that's sixteen and UT0QUmIhFv0-00005-00006722-00007427 there's a laser that should be about one UT0QUmIhFv0-00006-00007428-00007648 so what we've got here is one of our UT0QUmIhFv0-00007-00007650-00007784 Midwest permit columns we're going to UT0QUmIhFv0-00008-00007784-00007991 anchor that to the concrete the client UT0QUmIhFv0-00009-00007992-00008330 did have a pad poured directly under us UT0QUmIhFv0-00010-00008331-00008567 right here so it's a thickened slab UT0QUmIhFv0-00011-00008568-00008852 about 12 inches and some reinforcement UT0QUmIhFv0-00012-00008853-00009028 with rebar but not so this will support UT0QUmIhFv0-00013-00009029-00009185 the weight of the mezzanine here in the UT0QUmIhFv0-00014-00009186-00009403 middle and I used that laser to UT0QUmIhFv0-00015-00009404-00009755 determine straight from his wall over to UT0QUmIhFv0-00016-00009756-00010051 where our framing stops on the wall and UT0QUmIhFv0-00017-00010052-00010376 I got a nice spot so I'm perfect right UT0QUmIhFv0-00018-00010377-00011036 here this can be mounted to the cafe UT0QUmIhFv0-00019-00011037-00012152 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00020-00012153-00013010 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00021-00013011-00013341 so I figured - in order to really UT0QUmIhFv0-00022-00013341-00013578 highlight the laser and carted off make UT0QUmIhFv0-00023-00013579-00013827 it easier to see I'm using a simple live UT0QUmIhFv0-00024-00013828-00014141 laser to check the dimension from the UT0QUmIhFv0-00025-00014143-00014469 top of my bracket to a common point UT0QUmIhFv0-00026-00014469-00015656 which is in this case 31 is 15 16 UT0QUmIhFv0-00027-00015657-00015837 because you gotta remember got the UT0QUmIhFv0-00028-00015838-00016035 thickness of the bracket so really all I UT0QUmIhFv0-00029-00016036-00016503 do is measure top of wall to the laser UT0QUmIhFv0-00030-00016504-00016686 line which is sixty eighty five UT0QUmIhFv0-00031-00016687-00017211 sixteenths and then I'm 31 and three UT0QUmIhFv0-00032-00017212-00017481 quarters from that dimension and that's UT0QUmIhFv0-00033-00017482-00017700 going to give me the top of this post or UT0QUmIhFv0-00034-00017701-00018069 column to be exactly level of that guy UT0QUmIhFv0-00035-00018070-00018210 and then I'll do the same thing on my UT0QUmIhFv0-00036-00018211-00018585 will sixty eighty seven sixteen so we're UT0QUmIhFv0-00037-00018586-00018884 about an eight inch difference from here UT0QUmIhFv0-00038-00018885-00019175 thirty-three feet over there I think UT0QUmIhFv0-00039-00019176-00019995 we're gonna have probably live with that UT0QUmIhFv0-00040-00019996-00020794 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00041-00020795-00020837 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00042-00020838-00021345 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00043-00021346-00023262 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00044-00023263-00024408 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00045-00024409-00025437 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00046-00025438-00027805 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00047-00027806-00028362 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00048-00028363-00028729 now the reason we had run the planer on UT0QUmIhFv0-00049-00028730-00029002 these columns is because this is a true UT0QUmIhFv0-00050-00029002-00029427 2 by 6 and these brackets we normally UT0QUmIhFv0-00051-00029429-00029692 get for our Ohio Timberland laminated UT0QUmIhFv0-00052-00029693-00029920 columns which are actually surface UT0QUmIhFv0-00053-00029920-00030175 planed on all four sides so that they UT0QUmIhFv0-00054-00030176-00030355 get a nice dimension and they go UT0QUmIhFv0-00055-00030356-00030523 together really well which means that UT0QUmIhFv0-00056-00030524-00030745 our columns instead of being four and a UT0QUmIhFv0-00057-00030745-00030976 half are usually four and a quarter to UT0QUmIhFv0-00058-00030977-00031261 four and three-eighths of an inch so UT0QUmIhFv0-00059-00031262-00031408 these brackets are made at four and UT0QUmIhFv0-00060-00031408-00031614 three-eighths and I had to just make UT0QUmIhFv0-00061-00031616-00031798 sure that we got it in there without too UT0QUmIhFv0-00062-00031799-00033343 much effort you good there we're gonna UT0QUmIhFv0-00063-00033344-00033475 beat these other two outcome we get UT0QUmIhFv0-00065-00036592-00037908 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00066-00037909-00038073 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00067-00038074-00038392 so what I've done here is I've got the UT0QUmIhFv0-00068-00038393-00038680 laser shooting a straight line all the UT0QUmIhFv0-00069-00038681-00039118 way to where this board is on this wall UT0QUmIhFv0-00070-00039119-00039661 and it's plumbing up to exactly where it UT0QUmIhFv0-00071-00039662-00039931 should be right here and that's going to UT0QUmIhFv0-00072-00039932-00040111 give me a perfectly straight line that I UT0QUmIhFv0-00073-00040112-00040336 can then measure off of each one of UT0QUmIhFv0-00074-00040337-00040801 these brackets to the laser line on my UT0QUmIhFv0-00075-00040802-00040996 tape measure and get an exact dimension UT0QUmIhFv0-00076-00040997-00041158 so that way I like to string this or UT0QUmIhFv0-00077-00041159-00041410 nothing the laser is perfect all the UT0QUmIhFv0-00078-00041411-00041517 time UT0QUmIhFv0-00079-00041518-00041875 140 and 140 UT0QUmIhFv0-00080-00041876-00043082 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00081-00043083-00044135 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00082-00044136-00044739 my signature pointless but now it was UT0QUmIhFv0-00084-00048487-00048813 get it screwed tight to this header and UT0QUmIhFv0-00085-00048814-00049287 he's got the sides of his his bracket UT0QUmIhFv0-00086-00049288-00049452 good I can just move it in and out UT0QUmIhFv0-00087-00049453-00049620 because we cut it just a little shy and UT0QUmIhFv0-00088-00049621-00049881 I'm basically just going to get it to UT0QUmIhFv0-00089-00049882-00050058 where this string line is right over top UT0QUmIhFv0-00090-00050059-00050319 of our joint and then is that go ahead UT0QUmIhFv0-00091-00050320-00051261 and finish nail in it UT0QUmIhFv0-00092-00051262-00051800 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00093-00051801-00052596 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00094-00052597-00053637 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00095-00053638-00053957 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00096-00053958-00054232 so now that we have all those floor UT0QUmIhFv0-00097-00054233-00054517 joists mounted remember we only screw UT0QUmIhFv0-00098-00054519-00054710 them on the outside now exact ago UT0QUmIhFv0-00099-00054711-00054899 through put hangers on every one of them UT0QUmIhFv0-00100-00054900-00055169 and we're gonna laminate glue and UT0QUmIhFv0-00101-00055170-00055375 laminate another two by twelve on the UT0QUmIhFv0-00102-00055376-00055651 outside of this header to just stiffen UT0QUmIhFv0-00103-00055652-00055865 it up obviously an virginity because I UT0QUmIhFv0-00104-00055866-00056080 would not just leave it with one two by UT0QUmIhFv0-00105-00056082-00056297 twelve it would probably hold weight but UT0QUmIhFv0-00106-00056298-00056465 it would bounce to have a horrible UT0QUmIhFv0-00107-00056466-00056579 amount of deflection UT0QUmIhFv0-00108-00056580-00057680 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00109-00057682-00058287 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00110-00058288-00058366 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00111-00058366-00059185 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00113-00064035-00064347 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00114-00064348-00064600 now maybe you can see here I went ahead UT0QUmIhFv0-00115-00064601-00065083 and I ran long to the actual I just left UT0QUmIhFv0-00116-00065084-00065229 in this 12-footers and I did that UT0QUmIhFv0-00117-00065230-00065500 because when I run by my subfloor over UT0QUmIhFv0-00118-00065501-00065743 the sheets or forefoot dimension and UT0QUmIhFv0-00119-00065744-00065986 when I run three panels out I don't want UT0QUmIhFv0-00120-00065987-00066283 to be dying where the joints basically UT0QUmIhFv0-00121-00066284-00066796 stagger so these are gonna be right on UT0QUmIhFv0-00122-00066797-00067081 top of these studs and then I'll stagger UT0QUmIhFv0-00123-00067082-00067333 over for the next set that's gonna go UT0QUmIhFv0-00124-00067334-00067576 from this wall to this wall that way UT0QUmIhFv0-00125-00067577-00067771 it's just a nice strong connection here UT0QUmIhFv0-00126-00067772-00068104 but then these full 12 footers come out UT0QUmIhFv0-00127-00068105-00068317 all the way so that my sheathing doesn't UT0QUmIhFv0-00128-00068318-00068458 have a joint UT0QUmIhFv0-00129-00068459-00068652 I'm the tongue and groove right where UT0QUmIhFv0-00130-00068653-00068878 there's nothing act so if I cut that UT0QUmIhFv0-00131-00068879-00069369 back I'll probably run into that problem UT0QUmIhFv0-00132-00069370-00070702 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00134-00076007-00076355 basically I should be 3/4 of an inch UT0QUmIhFv0-00135-00076356-00076772 below that line right there UT0QUmIhFv0-00136-00076773-00077057 so by heart UT0QUmIhFv0-00137-00077058-00077654 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00138-00077655-00077928 right there on the ground I mean they UT0QUmIhFv0-00139-00077929-00078214 kind of creep you off UT0QUmIhFv0-00140-00078215-00078424 I didn't good I think that the other UT0QUmIhFv0-00141-00078425-00078657 thing you can do is take your Louisville UT0QUmIhFv0-00142-00078658-00079231 make sure our treads are sitting level UT0QUmIhFv0-00143-00079232-00079707 which they are so do I got a [__] over UT0QUmIhFv0-00144-00079708-00079837 here me a girl so I can just pack this UT0QUmIhFv0-00145-00079838-00080331 in let me look at it but that looks good UT0QUmIhFv0-00146-00080332-00080614 that's a big staircase it looks like UT0QUmIhFv0-00147-00080615-00080934 we're missing all this stuff good and UT0QUmIhFv0-00148-00080935-00081172 now I can just put it on top of those UT0QUmIhFv0-00149-00081173-00081418 guys everything good get the beeps off UT0QUmIhFv0-00150-00081419-00082369 and just must be good well there you go UT0QUmIhFv0-00151-00082370-00082632 got all the floor joists installed we UT0QUmIhFv0-00152-00082633-00082932 got the mainframe cut up and we just UT0QUmIhFv0-00153-00082933-00083236 figured out the stair string or how UT0QUmIhFv0-00154-00083237-00083374 that's gonna work got all that math UT0QUmIhFv0-00155-00083375-00083563 figured out so tomorrow we'll come back UT0QUmIhFv0-00156-00083564-00083830 we'll start laying out our floor system UT0QUmIhFv0-00157-00083831-00084070 which is a tongue and groove OSB sturdy UT0QUmIhFv0-00158-00084071-00084328 floor and then go ahead and cut up all UT0QUmIhFv0-00159-00084329-00084514 of our stringers start making our treads UT0QUmIhFv0-00160-00084515-00084730 and risers and put together the stairs UT0QUmIhFv0-00161-00084731-00085026 so yeah see in the morning which is UT0QUmIhFv0-00162-00085027-00085201 going to be like as soon as I am done UT0QUmIhFv0-00163-00085202-00086473 with this clip which is awkward yeah UT0QUmIhFv0-00164-00086474-00088690 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00166-00094631-00095036 putting my top riser on I'll clip a UT0QUmIhFv0-00167-00095037-00095201 riser in the middle of the riser in the UT0QUmIhFv0-00168-00095202-00095390 bottom and then I'll go ahead and stand UT0QUmIhFv0-00169-00095391-00095561 this up these will come back off and get UT0QUmIhFv0-00170-00095562-00095726 glue but this is just temporary UT0QUmIhFv0-00171-00095727-00095921 I find the easier instead of having a UT0QUmIhFv0-00172-00095922-00096131 bunch of stringers standing up there UT0QUmIhFv0-00173-00096132-00096326 like spaghetti noodles I kind of get UT0QUmIhFv0-00174-00096327-00096930 them together and then put it in place UT0QUmIhFv0-00176-00100158-00100687 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00177-00100688-00102480 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00178-00102481-00105466 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00179-00105467-00105653 to the point where we're going to be UT0QUmIhFv0-00180-00105654-00105845 installing our OSB tongue-and-groove UT0QUmIhFv0-00181-00105846-00106166 subfloor power popgun if you're going to UT0QUmIhFv0-00182-00106167-00106538 use a like PL 400 subfloor adhesives it UT0QUmIhFv0-00183-00106539-00106834 really does go pretty quickly now we UT0QUmIhFv0-00184-00106835-00107081 snap the line at 4 foot off the wall UT0QUmIhFv0-00185-00107082-00107300 even though the sheathing is only 47 and UT0QUmIhFv0-00186-00107301-00107627 7/8 that gives us a little bit of play UT0QUmIhFv0-00187-00107628-00107858 in case there's any ins and outs UT0QUmIhFv0-00188-00107858-00108401 hopefully there's not more than 1/8 find UT0QUmIhFv0-00189-00108402-00108721 out should be UT0QUmIhFv0-00190-00108722-00108729 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00191-00108730-00108868 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00192-00108869-00109073 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00193-00109074-00109343 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00194-00109344-00109929 careful okay I'm gonna get it out bring UT0QUmIhFv0-00195-00109930-00110294 my way keep going UT0QUmIhFv0-00196-00110295-00110517 now I'll set your whole thing down UT0QUmIhFv0-00197-00110518-00110783 disappoint a checkpoint down slide my UT0QUmIhFv0-00198-00110784-00112068 way okay we should be lined up UT0QUmIhFv0-00199-00112069-00112507 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00200-00112508-00113542 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00201-00113543-00114668 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00203-00124166-00126946 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00204-00126947-00127285 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00205-00127286-00127527 alright we're on to our last piece of UT0QUmIhFv0-00206-00127528-00128063 subfloor and you did pretty good ok UT0QUmIhFv0-00207-00128064-00128508 definitely caught gun is a game changer UT0QUmIhFv0-00208-00128508-00128673 I actually did a video with tools day on UT0QUmIhFv0-00209-00128674-00129174 this coffee so if you really want to I UT0QUmIhFv0-00210-00129175-00129386 think it'll be over on one of these UT0QUmIhFv0-00211-00129388-00131076 sides I'll go ahead and tag that so I UT0QUmIhFv0-00212-00131077-00131216 just want to make sure that I showed you UT0QUmIhFv0-00213-00131217-00131511 guys the bracket hangers the Steyr UT0QUmIhFv0-00214-00131512-00131676 bracket angles whatever you want to call UT0QUmIhFv0-00215-00131677-00131907 them but just to add some additional UT0QUmIhFv0-00216-00131908-00132935 support UT0QUmIhFv0-00217-00132936-00133035 [Music] UT0QUmIhFv0-00218-00133036-00134072 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00219-00134073-00134321 [Applause] UT0QUmIhFv0-00220-00134322-00134645 it's always a good feeling and you're UT0QUmIhFv0-00221-00134646-00134939 putting that last part to the job and UT0QUmIhFv0-00222-00134940-00135248 you know that you're finally there UT0QUmIhFv0-00223-00135249-00137792 in complete nice smooth transition now UT0QUmIhFv0-00224-00137793-00137939 if you look here I don't know if you can UT0QUmIhFv0-00225-00137940-00138131 even see this Greg but this is what I UT0QUmIhFv0-00226-00138132-00138518 love about GR Ches when they go in they UT0QUmIhFv0-00227-00138519-00138740 don't make a big mess out of the UT0QUmIhFv0-00228-00138741-00138959 material they just basically tear it and UT0QUmIhFv0-00229-00138960-00139292 make a nice clean recess so they just UT0QUmIhFv0-00230-00139293-00139478 really look finished even though this is UT0QUmIhFv0-00231-00139479-00139838 uh even though that's a framing screw UT0QUmIhFv0-00232-00139839-00140126 they look really nice well I hope you UT0QUmIhFv0-00233-00140127-00140431 guys enjoyed this video for us it's it's UT0QUmIhFv0-00234-00140432-00140672 a wrap and it's pretty cool because this UT0QUmIhFv0-00235-00140673-00140861 project was done last year if you didn't UT0QUmIhFv0-00236-00140862-00141080 follow along with this project it is the UT0QUmIhFv0-00237-00141081-00141503 building a workshop playlist and it was UT0QUmIhFv0-00238-00141504-00141689 built last year during some of the UT0QUmIhFv0-00239-00141690-00141947 coldest weather we've ever worked in but UT0QUmIhFv0-00240-00141948-00142085 we persevered everything turned out UT0QUmIhFv0-00241-00142086-00142244 great and looks like the client is UT0QUmIhFv0-00242-00142245-00142478 moving into this quite well and is UT0QUmIhFv0-00243-00142479-00142837 enjoying it a lot he said and can't wait UT0QUmIhFv0-00244-00142838-00143039 he can't wait to get all this finished UT0QUmIhFv0-00245-00143040-00143270 and utilize it fully so he's gonna have UT0QUmIhFv0-00246-00143271-00143477 like a full metal shop in the back I'm UT0QUmIhFv0-00247-00143478-00143912 gonna get out of here and go home so see UT0QUmIhFv0-00248-00143913-00146704 you guys in the next one UT0QUmIhFv0-00249-00146705-00148477 oh yeah what'd you think about that UT0QUmIhFv0-00250-00148478-00148883 me ha that's clean UYxvO-IDXZE-00000-00000143-00000375 all right we're live welcome guys UYxvO-IDXZE-00001-00000376-00000686 welcome to the journey within this is a UYxvO-IDXZE-00002-00000687-00000871 journey of deconstruction and UYxvO-IDXZE-00003-00000872-00001223 reconstruction of a death and rebirth UYxvO-IDXZE-00004-00001224-00001543 and today i am very excited and honored UYxvO-IDXZE-00005-00001544-00001918 to be joined by the lovely louise louise UYxvO-IDXZE-00006-00001919-00002095 thank you so much for UYxvO-IDXZE-00007-00002096-00002334 coming on and having this this interview UYxvO-IDXZE-00008-00002335-00002487 this talk i'm really looking forward to UYxvO-IDXZE-00009-00002488-00002599 it UYxvO-IDXZE-00010-00002600-00002863 it's such an honor it's such a blessing UYxvO-IDXZE-00011-00002864-00003183 if actually been tuning in to your live UYxvO-IDXZE-00012-00003184-00003335 streams that you've been doing and UYxvO-IDXZE-00013-00003336-00003463 absolutely UYxvO-IDXZE-00014-00003464-00003743 loved the gas station that on it's been UYxvO-IDXZE-00015-00003744-00003854 amazing UYxvO-IDXZE-00016-00003855-00004022 oh i'm so UYxvO-IDXZE-00017-00004023-00004270 i'm so happy i need to get this out more UYxvO-IDXZE-00018-00004271-00004359 um UYxvO-IDXZE-00019-00004360-00004495 so UYxvO-IDXZE-00020-00004496-00004670 i yeah it's one of those things that i UYxvO-IDXZE-00021-00004671-00004863 know i need to do it's on youtube and UYxvO-IDXZE-00022-00004864-00005143 then obviously i stream it on pla on UYxvO-IDXZE-00023-00005144-00005270 facebook UYxvO-IDXZE-00024-00005271-00005470 but i feel like i can get more viewers UYxvO-IDXZE-00025-00005471-00005670 if i just like uploaded it in these UYxvO-IDXZE-00026-00005671-00005759 different UYxvO-IDXZE-00027-00005760-00005911 platforms UYxvO-IDXZE-00028-00005912-00006127 so yeah looking really bad UYxvO-IDXZE-00029-00006128-00006359 you've got amazing content it's UYxvO-IDXZE-00030-00006360-00006550 definitely worth spreading and for UYxvO-IDXZE-00031-00006551-00006783 everyone who's listening to this UYxvO-IDXZE-00032-00006784-00007055 whenever you like one of any of justin's UYxvO-IDXZE-00033-00007056-00007327 streams go ahead and comment and share UYxvO-IDXZE-00034-00007328-00007503 them with people that you know and help UYxvO-IDXZE-00035-00007504-00007774 him spread his magic UYxvO-IDXZE-00036-00007775-00007959 around the world okay thank you UYxvO-IDXZE-00037-00007959-00008199 we're gonna be spreading your magic UYxvO-IDXZE-00038-00008200-00008431 so yeah tell us you know what kind of UYxvO-IDXZE-00039-00008432-00008767 magic you do i love that question what UYxvO-IDXZE-00040-00008768-00008935 kind of magic you do especially since UYxvO-IDXZE-00041-00008936-00009087 i've been watching UYxvO-IDXZE-00042-00009088-00009239 the lord of the rings in the hobbit UYxvO-IDXZE-00043-00009240-00009399 recently UYxvO-IDXZE-00044-00009400-00009510 interesting UYxvO-IDXZE-00045-00009511-00009671 and i really UYxvO-IDXZE-00046-00009672-00009967 have been so inspired and UYxvO-IDXZE-00047-00009968-00010071 i feel UYxvO-IDXZE-00048-00010072-00010399 watching the elves in those programs and UYxvO-IDXZE-00049-00010400-00010695 all of the magic that's just found in UYxvO-IDXZE-00050-00010696-00010942 the obvious but then also in the movies UYxvO-IDXZE-00051-00010943-00011278 it's in the every day life you know from UYxvO-IDXZE-00052-00011279-00011463 anyone who's watched it from you know UYxvO-IDXZE-00053-00011464-00011719 the little hobbits from the shire UYxvO-IDXZE-00054-00011720-00012014 that have their magic in maybe the more UYxvO-IDXZE-00055-00012015-00012431 simpler ways and so i really love how UYxvO-IDXZE-00056-00012432-00012774 every single person has their own UYxvO-IDXZE-00057-00012775-00013119 expression of what magic is and every UYxvO-IDXZE-00058-00013119-00013430 single person has something so unique to UYxvO-IDXZE-00059-00013431-00013535 bring UYxvO-IDXZE-00060-00013536-00013871 to our lives as a collective UYxvO-IDXZE-00061-00013872-00014166 and i'm so passionate about using UYxvO-IDXZE-00062-00014168-00014303 my magic UYxvO-IDXZE-00063-00014304-00014583 to activate everybody to really fully UYxvO-IDXZE-00064-00014584-00014903 understand who they are UYxvO-IDXZE-00065-00014904-00015111 and the magic that they bring to life UYxvO-IDXZE-00066-00015112-00015327 because every single person is really UYxvO-IDXZE-00067-00015328-00015558 really needy right now UYxvO-IDXZE-00068-00015559-00015847 and that's my mission my mission is to UYxvO-IDXZE-00069-00015847-00016175 make people really realize and cultivate UYxvO-IDXZE-00070-00016176-00016439 what is their gifts UYxvO-IDXZE-00071-00016440-00016807 specifically with the intention of well UYxvO-IDXZE-00072-00016808-00017103 if every single person was to show up UYxvO-IDXZE-00073-00017104-00017350 really authentically who they are in UYxvO-IDXZE-00074-00017351-00017735 full recognition of their gifts UYxvO-IDXZE-00075-00017736-00018055 where would that empowerment take us UYxvO-IDXZE-00076-00018056-00018319 for example everybody listening here if UYxvO-IDXZE-00077-00018320-00018647 you had all of the resources UYxvO-IDXZE-00078-00018648-00018814 available to you UYxvO-IDXZE-00079-00018815-00018950 in life UYxvO-IDXZE-00080-00018951-00019239 what would you create differently UYxvO-IDXZE-00081-00019240-00019486 than what's already going on UYxvO-IDXZE-00082-00019487-00019622 oh yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-00083-00019623-00019935 and that's what really excites me UYxvO-IDXZE-00084-00019936-00020286 is that potential and that possibility UYxvO-IDXZE-00085-00020287-00020511 that we really do get to UYxvO-IDXZE-00086-00020512-00020750 change any systems or way of beings it UYxvO-IDXZE-00087-00020751-00020983 doesn't serve us and that only comes UYxvO-IDXZE-00088-00020984-00021175 from within UYxvO-IDXZE-00089-00021176-00021447 we know that we'll never change anything UYxvO-IDXZE-00090-00021448-00021758 outside of ourselves by focusing purely UYxvO-IDXZE-00091-00021759-00021911 on the outside UYxvO-IDXZE-00092-00021912-00022150 all of the ancient texts and in yoga UYxvO-IDXZE-00093-00022151-00022422 always direct us and tell us so it comes UYxvO-IDXZE-00094-00022423-00022775 from within yeah so here i am UYxvO-IDXZE-00095-00022776-00023127 on my journey to support this process UYxvO-IDXZE-00096-00023128-00023478 and this awakening of each individual to UYxvO-IDXZE-00097-00023479-00023686 their greater purpose UYxvO-IDXZE-00098-00023687-00023975 i love that i like how well first of all UYxvO-IDXZE-00099-00023976-00024230 you're already coaching all of us here i UYxvO-IDXZE-00100-00024231-00024383 love the questions UYxvO-IDXZE-00101-00024384-00024575 you're definitely this this coach this UYxvO-IDXZE-00102-00024576-00024711 master coach UYxvO-IDXZE-00103-00024712-00025014 and i love how you took it from UYxvO-IDXZE-00104-00025015-00025255 you you took it to identity and then UYxvO-IDXZE-00105-00025256-00025391 what are you to create from that UYxvO-IDXZE-00106-00025392-00025527 identity UYxvO-IDXZE-00107-00025528-00025878 it's just yeah yeah um and so this this UYxvO-IDXZE-00108-00025879-00026055 begs the question of UYxvO-IDXZE-00109-00026056-00026231 like who are we UYxvO-IDXZE-00110-00026232-00026446 really UYxvO-IDXZE-00111-00026447-00026767 yeah that is one of the best UYxvO-IDXZE-00112-00026768-00026902 questions UYxvO-IDXZE-00113-00026904-00027079 we can ask ourselves UYxvO-IDXZE-00114-00027080-00027246 and i've been on a journey with that UYxvO-IDXZE-00115-00027247-00027702 question like who are we no but really UYxvO-IDXZE-00116-00027704-00027887 they're really guys UYxvO-IDXZE-00117-00027888-00028087 really what's going on here UYxvO-IDXZE-00118-00028088-00028318 who am i who are you UYxvO-IDXZE-00119-00028319-00028567 who are we UYxvO-IDXZE-00120-00028568-00028743 and UYxvO-IDXZE-00121-00028744-00028943 different parts of my journey i've been UYxvO-IDXZE-00122-00028944-00029223 on a plant medicine path for UYxvO-IDXZE-00123-00029224-00029511 about seven years or so and before that UYxvO-IDXZE-00124-00029512-00029799 i was you know a sports physiotherapist UYxvO-IDXZE-00125-00029800-00030055 who lived in a city and you know lived UYxvO-IDXZE-00126-00030056-00030327 my my younger glamour years drinking UYxvO-IDXZE-00127-00030327-00030662 champagne and you know vegas and UYxvO-IDXZE-00128-00030663-00030895 i i let all that go because i would ask UYxvO-IDXZE-00129-00030895-00031111 myself who am i UYxvO-IDXZE-00130-00031112-00031407 who are we what's going on UYxvO-IDXZE-00131-00031408-00031558 and that took me deeper and deeper and UYxvO-IDXZE-00132-00031560-00031751 deeper and deeper into the really UYxvO-IDXZE-00133-00031752-00031967 existential UYxvO-IDXZE-00134-00031968-00032118 question of UYxvO-IDXZE-00135-00032119-00032327 who am i UYxvO-IDXZE-00136-00032327-00032590 and is there is there even really a UYxvO-IDXZE-00137-00032591-00032799 reason for me to be here and i've been UYxvO-IDXZE-00138-00032800-00033039 to those places in my life and my start UYxvO-IDXZE-00139-00033040-00033374 like seriously is there is there a point UYxvO-IDXZE-00140-00033375-00033935 in my existence UYxvO-IDXZE-00141-00033936-00034423 it was an uncomfortable place to go into UYxvO-IDXZE-00142-00034424-00034646 but one of the most liberating things UYxvO-IDXZE-00143-00034647-00034855 i've ever done in my life and i think UYxvO-IDXZE-00144-00034856-00035135 it's the best question that we get UYxvO-IDXZE-00145-00035136-00035462 to ask yourself and UYxvO-IDXZE-00146-00035463-00035583 again this is why i feel really UYxvO-IDXZE-00147-00035584-00035911 passionate about my work UYxvO-IDXZE-00148-00035912-00036118 i've done this on my own reflecting on UYxvO-IDXZE-00149-00036119-00036390 this question who am i UYxvO-IDXZE-00150-00036391-00036630 and i've also done it with support and UYxvO-IDXZE-00151-00036631-00036935 when i was supported and felt safe UYxvO-IDXZE-00152-00036936-00037223 to explore these really UYxvO-IDXZE-00153-00037224-00037527 deep layers of of my mind of my psyche UYxvO-IDXZE-00154-00037528-00037695 of my consciousness UYxvO-IDXZE-00155-00037696-00037830 of myself UYxvO-IDXZE-00156-00037831-00038246 then UYxvO-IDXZE-00157-00038247-00038535 you feel really safe and held and UYxvO-IDXZE-00158-00038536-00038783 you get to uncover and reveal certain UYxvO-IDXZE-00159-00038784-00039055 aspects about yourself UYxvO-IDXZE-00160-00039056-00039215 and UYxvO-IDXZE-00161-00039216-00039455 that's for all of us to answer UYxvO-IDXZE-00162-00039456-00039702 right who are you UYxvO-IDXZE-00163-00039703-00039927 yeah so this is i mean it sounds like UYxvO-IDXZE-00164-00039928-00040318 this takes like a a lifetime UYxvO-IDXZE-00165-00040319-00040415 perhaps UYxvO-IDXZE-00166-00040416-00040630 maybe perhaps yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-00167-00040631-00040774 in a second UYxvO-IDXZE-00168-00040775-00041111 yeah and the the thing about i love to UYxvO-IDXZE-00169-00041112-00041358 work in in the quantum field UYxvO-IDXZE-00170-00041359-00041567 and a lot of my work is very linked in UYxvO-IDXZE-00171-00041568-00041799 the quantum and another way we can say UYxvO-IDXZE-00172-00041800-00042007 that and i know albert einstein has said UYxvO-IDXZE-00173-00042008-00042087 that UYxvO-IDXZE-00174-00042088-00042287 life's just moments of no UYxvO-IDXZE-00175-00042288-00042639 no no no no no no no and it creates our UYxvO-IDXZE-00176-00042640-00042879 life and it's not in a linear timeline UYxvO-IDXZE-00177-00042880-00043118 it's just all happening UYxvO-IDXZE-00178-00043119-00043351 um so UYxvO-IDXZE-00179-00043352-00043639 if we look at it like that UYxvO-IDXZE-00180-00043640-00044023 and it's not a linear process uh where UYxvO-IDXZE-00181-00044024-00044190 we're here we need to go there are we UYxvO-IDXZE-00182-00044191-00044423 behind and we need to go forwards and UYxvO-IDXZE-00183-00044424-00044711 we're just simply here UYxvO-IDXZE-00184-00044712-00044999 now this is again been a really UYxvO-IDXZE-00185-00045000-00045199 challenging thing for me in my path in UYxvO-IDXZE-00186-00045200-00045479 my life and hey i still have my moments UYxvO-IDXZE-00187-00045480-00045695 of struggling to be here UYxvO-IDXZE-00188-00045696-00045927 in the present moment UYxvO-IDXZE-00189-00045928-00046143 so what would it take for all of us UYxvO-IDXZE-00190-00046144-00046335 right now this includes justin and UYxvO-IDXZE-00191-00046336-00046615 myself to be present in this moment so UYxvO-IDXZE-00192-00046616-00046902 let's just go ahead and just UYxvO-IDXZE-00193-00046903-00047158 take a few breaths in and take a few UYxvO-IDXZE-00194-00047159-00047335 breaths out and as you breathe out just UYxvO-IDXZE-00195-00047336-00047902 really let something go UYxvO-IDXZE-00196-00047903-00048095 and call your energy UYxvO-IDXZE-00197-00048096-00048423 back to you from any conversations past UYxvO-IDXZE-00198-00048424-00048551 your future UYxvO-IDXZE-00199-00048552-00048711 and go ahead and call your energy back UYxvO-IDXZE-00200-00048712-00048935 from any space-time dimensions to this UYxvO-IDXZE-00201-00048936-00049302 moment UYxvO-IDXZE-00202-00049303-00049527 who are you UYxvO-IDXZE-00203-00049528-00049918 no UYxvO-IDXZE-00204-00049919-00050311 and you get to choose that UYxvO-IDXZE-00205-00050312-00050567 and knowing that there's another now and UYxvO-IDXZE-00206-00050568-00050790 oh we're in another now and oh we're in UYxvO-IDXZE-00207-00050791-00051079 another now UYxvO-IDXZE-00208-00051080-00051470 that gets to change UYxvO-IDXZE-00209-00051471-00051558 you know UYxvO-IDXZE-00210-00051559-00051823 the person that we choose to become or UYxvO-IDXZE-00211-00051824-00051958 choose to be UYxvO-IDXZE-00212-00051959-00052070 either UYxvO-IDXZE-00213-00052071-00052358 but if we're becoming then that's that's UYxvO-IDXZE-00214-00052359-00052647 a future now that anchors us into who we UYxvO-IDXZE-00215-00052648-00052830 want to be UYxvO-IDXZE-00216-00052832-00052999 and that's great because it helps us UYxvO-IDXZE-00217-00053000-00053263 decide who we're going to be now UYxvO-IDXZE-00218-00053264-00053415 so we always have to bring it back to UYxvO-IDXZE-00219-00053416-00053550 now UYxvO-IDXZE-00220-00053551-00053791 um so it's great you know we get to have UYxvO-IDXZE-00221-00053791-00054119 like a game with this because UYxvO-IDXZE-00222-00054120-00054511 right now i'm on this beautiful podcast UYxvO-IDXZE-00223-00054512-00054863 with justin and of course who am i now UYxvO-IDXZE-00224-00054864-00055094 well right now i'm showing up as i'm UYxvO-IDXZE-00225-00055095-00055359 that master coach right UYxvO-IDXZE-00226-00055360-00055582 but maybe when my husband comes home and UYxvO-IDXZE-00227-00055583-00055726 i don't know there might be something UYxvO-IDXZE-00228-00055727-00055935 with the laundry maybe i get triggered UYxvO-IDXZE-00229-00055936-00056103 maybe i'm someone who's in a trigger in UYxvO-IDXZE-00230-00056104-00056294 a process UYxvO-IDXZE-00231-00056295-00056623 it's cool right maybe i decide to be oh UYxvO-IDXZE-00232-00056624-00056903 you know i'm going to be the person who UYxvO-IDXZE-00233-00056904-00057247 really decides to take action on UYxvO-IDXZE-00234-00057248-00057494 that thing i wanted to call into my life UYxvO-IDXZE-00235-00057495-00057703 i wanted a puppy maybe i'm gonna i'm UYxvO-IDXZE-00236-00057704-00057950 gonna actually look into getting one and UYxvO-IDXZE-00237-00057951-00058415 and make that decision today for myself UYxvO-IDXZE-00238-00058416-00058847 and who am i who am i who am i and it's UYxvO-IDXZE-00239-00058848-00059207 great because UYxvO-IDXZE-00240-00059208-00059382 we're all of it and we're none of it UYxvO-IDXZE-00241-00059383-00059582 right UYxvO-IDXZE-00242-00059583-00059679 um UYxvO-IDXZE-00243-00059679-00059830 i used to take this game really UYxvO-IDXZE-00244-00059832-00060030 seriously UYxvO-IDXZE-00245-00060032-00060263 this is who i am UYxvO-IDXZE-00246-00060264-00060366 yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-00247-00060367-00060566 what is what does that look like when UYxvO-IDXZE-00248-00060567-00060782 you take it seriously when i take it UYxvO-IDXZE-00249-00060783-00061126 seriously this is on a personal level i UYxvO-IDXZE-00250-00061127-00061271 feel UYxvO-IDXZE-00251-00061272-00061494 um constricted UYxvO-IDXZE-00252-00061495-00061823 i don't feel free to express i feel like UYxvO-IDXZE-00253-00061824-00061991 somebody who puts a lot of pressure on UYxvO-IDXZE-00254-00061991-00062150 myself UYxvO-IDXZE-00255-00062151-00062391 to be a certain way i feel like somebody UYxvO-IDXZE-00256-00062391-00062726 who has like horse linkers on and misses UYxvO-IDXZE-00257-00062727-00063094 out on opportunities and and connections UYxvO-IDXZE-00258-00063095-00063294 may be somebody who has UYxvO-IDXZE-00259-00063295-00063566 judgments of others more than than UYxvO-IDXZE-00260-00063567-00063830 normal when i'm UYxvO-IDXZE-00261-00063832-00063999 in a more fixed UYxvO-IDXZE-00262-00064000-00064494 version of who i think i am UYxvO-IDXZE-00263-00064495-00064863 so it it sounds like when UYxvO-IDXZE-00264-00064864-00065015 when we're in UYxvO-IDXZE-00265-00065016-00065326 i guess judgment or perhaps not here in UYxvO-IDXZE-00266-00065327-00065726 the now then we're not in this flow of UYxvO-IDXZE-00267-00065727-00065879 where all these things get done of these UYxvO-IDXZE-00268-00065880-00066119 things UYxvO-IDXZE-00269-00066120-00066223 so UYxvO-IDXZE-00270-00066224-00066367 what UYxvO-IDXZE-00271-00066368-00066647 how did you move from UYxvO-IDXZE-00272-00066648-00066959 this this kind of fixed mindset UYxvO-IDXZE-00273-00066960-00067199 where you feel constricted to this being UYxvO-IDXZE-00274-00067200-00067511 here now and flowing UYxvO-IDXZE-00275-00067512-00067815 yeah that's such a great UYxvO-IDXZE-00276-00067816-00067950 question UYxvO-IDXZE-00277-00067951-00068206 and UYxvO-IDXZE-00278-00068207-00068519 it's a big part of again in my work i UYxvO-IDXZE-00279-00068520-00068694 started off like i sat as a UYxvO-IDXZE-00280-00068695-00068894 physiotherapist i was really learning UYxvO-IDXZE-00281-00068895-00069126 understanding our physical body and then UYxvO-IDXZE-00282-00069127-00069359 i just got fascinated by my clients UYxvO-IDXZE-00283-00069360-00069567 coming in and realizing oh there's a UYxvO-IDXZE-00284-00069568-00069806 connection deeper than just the physical UYxvO-IDXZE-00285-00069807-00069935 pain of their joint there's something UYxvO-IDXZE-00286-00069936-00070206 emotional going on here UYxvO-IDXZE-00287-00070207-00070367 i'm aware that when i have a UYxvO-IDXZE-00288-00070368-00070535 conversation with someone they leave UYxvO-IDXZE-00289-00070536-00070726 feeling better because their emotions UYxvO-IDXZE-00290-00070727-00070943 have been held and that took me on my UYxvO-IDXZE-00291-00070944-00071143 path to india learning all about UYxvO-IDXZE-00292-00071144-00071287 different modalities of our UYxvO-IDXZE-00293-00071288-00071471 consciousness connected to our body UYxvO-IDXZE-00294-00071472-00071743 connected to her emotions UYxvO-IDXZE-00295-00071744-00071991 and so for me personally it's been a UYxvO-IDXZE-00296-00071992-00072279 journey of looking after my my physical UYxvO-IDXZE-00297-00072280-00072391 body UYxvO-IDXZE-00298-00072392-00072791 clearing any of the old memory imprints UYxvO-IDXZE-00299-00072792-00073015 and emotional imprints that are UYxvO-IDXZE-00300-00073016-00073215 connected to certain thought loops and UYxvO-IDXZE-00301-00073216-00073406 patterns of thinking UYxvO-IDXZE-00302-00073407-00073799 and judging myself UYxvO-IDXZE-00303-00073800-00074006 and working on it on all these levels UYxvO-IDXZE-00304-00074007-00074223 okay well let me just UYxvO-IDXZE-00305-00074224-00074526 take a look at my mind take some breaths UYxvO-IDXZE-00306-00074527-00074759 have the courage UYxvO-IDXZE-00307-00074760-00074926 to UYxvO-IDXZE-00308-00074927-00075206 to do that without judgment UYxvO-IDXZE-00309-00075207-00075326 and UYxvO-IDXZE-00310-00075327-00075559 okay let me let me look at how i'm UYxvO-IDXZE-00311-00075560-00075911 emotionally UYxvO-IDXZE-00312-00075912-00076087 not showing up in a way that's in my UYxvO-IDXZE-00313-00076088-00076391 center when do i lose it with my UYxvO-IDXZE-00314-00076392-00076638 husband you know UYxvO-IDXZE-00315-00076639-00076775 it doesn't happen often but of course UYxvO-IDXZE-00316-00076776-00076950 you have to find yourself in these UYxvO-IDXZE-00317-00076951-00077038 little UYxvO-IDXZE-00318-00077039-00077367 you know you feel yourself wow UYxvO-IDXZE-00319-00077368-00077519 what are these moments like and if i UYxvO-IDXZE-00320-00077520-00077694 don't judge myself and i just let it UYxvO-IDXZE-00321-00077695-00077847 play out UYxvO-IDXZE-00322-00077848-00078071 what do i learn about myself because one UYxvO-IDXZE-00323-00078072-00078350 of my beliefs is that UYxvO-IDXZE-00324-00078351-00078735 you know when we're maybe stuck or UYxvO-IDXZE-00325-00078736-00078950 going through patterns again and again UYxvO-IDXZE-00326-00078951-00079055 it's UYxvO-IDXZE-00327-00079056-00079359 it's simply a invitation for something UYxvO-IDXZE-00328-00079360-00079543 to learn UYxvO-IDXZE-00329-00079544-00079631 and UYxvO-IDXZE-00330-00079632-00079838 again it's like treating it a bit like a UYxvO-IDXZE-00331-00079839-00080103 game because sometimes UYxvO-IDXZE-00332-00080104-00080343 we think oh that's it i've i've got it UYxvO-IDXZE-00333-00080344-00080471 now and i've UYxvO-IDXZE-00334-00080472-00080703 i've worked it out this is who i am and UYxvO-IDXZE-00335-00080704-00080950 and that might feel liberating at times UYxvO-IDXZE-00336-00080951-00081215 oh i've just realized i'm an infinite UYxvO-IDXZE-00337-00081216-00081423 being connected to source is amazing or UYxvO-IDXZE-00338-00081424-00081606 you might think oh god i am just really UYxvO-IDXZE-00339-00081607-00081918 a bad judgmental person UYxvO-IDXZE-00340-00081919-00082215 and as i say the idea is to UYxvO-IDXZE-00341-00082216-00082415 not get fixed in that UYxvO-IDXZE-00342-00082416-00082535 and not UYxvO-IDXZE-00343-00082536-00082831 believe everything that we believe about UYxvO-IDXZE-00344-00082832-00083094 ourselves and just be open and just keep UYxvO-IDXZE-00345-00083095-00083487 getting curious with yourself and UYxvO-IDXZE-00346-00083488-00083862 know who you are at your core UYxvO-IDXZE-00347-00083863-00084111 no matter what you might say to somebody UYxvO-IDXZE-00348-00084112-00084294 when you're in a good mood or a bad mood UYxvO-IDXZE-00349-00084295-00084543 or any of these other UYxvO-IDXZE-00350-00084544-00084671 human UYxvO-IDXZE-00351-00084672-00084982 moments that we get swept into UYxvO-IDXZE-00352-00084983-00085206 who are you beneath all of that UYxvO-IDXZE-00353-00085207-00085326 the the UYxvO-IDXZE-00354-00085327-00085759 constant never changing core of you UYxvO-IDXZE-00355-00085760-00085991 because that's who we really are UYxvO-IDXZE-00356-00085992-00086175 yeah and UYxvO-IDXZE-00357-00086176-00086326 we get to have this beautiful human UYxvO-IDXZE-00358-00086327-00086623 experience and dive into UYxvO-IDXZE-00359-00086624-00086926 all of the layers of being a human and i UYxvO-IDXZE-00360-00086927-00087238 believe that when you do that UYxvO-IDXZE-00361-00087239-00087503 from this place of liberation and UYxvO-IDXZE-00362-00087504-00087743 non-judgment go through your mindset go UYxvO-IDXZE-00363-00087744-00087950 through the emotions go through those UYxvO-IDXZE-00364-00087951-00088223 little niggles in your body UYxvO-IDXZE-00365-00088224-00088479 and always come back UYxvO-IDXZE-00366-00088480-00088599 that's where UYxvO-IDXZE-00367-00088600-00088750 we get to UYxvO-IDXZE-00368-00088751-00089031 find our wholeness and you know i don't UYxvO-IDXZE-00369-00089032-00089247 know who said this quote maybe somebody UYxvO-IDXZE-00370-00089248-00089391 who's listening might do and maybe UYxvO-IDXZE-00371-00089392-00089782 justin you might know yourself UYxvO-IDXZE-00372-00089783-00089959 could possibly be doctor jodo spencer UYxvO-IDXZE-00373-00089960-00090079 but i'm not sure UYxvO-IDXZE-00374-00090080-00090479 but when you finally feel whole and UYxvO-IDXZE-00375-00090480-00090662 complete UYxvO-IDXZE-00376-00090663-00090871 no matter what UYxvO-IDXZE-00377-00090872-00091111 no matter who you're showing up as no UYxvO-IDXZE-00378-00091112-00091262 matter how much money you've got in the UYxvO-IDXZE-00379-00091263-00091582 bank no matter how many UYxvO-IDXZE-00380-00091583-00091871 um UYxvO-IDXZE-00381-00091872-00092079 cars you've got no matter how many UYxvO-IDXZE-00382-00092080-00092215 friends you've got we know we could go UYxvO-IDXZE-00383-00092216-00092462 on and on with this no matter what UYxvO-IDXZE-00384-00092463-00092662 that you're whole and complete UYxvO-IDXZE-00385-00092663-00092855 yeah no matter if you lose someone that UYxvO-IDXZE-00386-00092856-00093143 you love oh you i'm whole and complete UYxvO-IDXZE-00387-00093144-00093318 and they say that when you realize that UYxvO-IDXZE-00388-00093319-00093623 you're whole and complete that's when we UYxvO-IDXZE-00389-00093624-00093815 get to heal that's actually when the UYxvO-IDXZE-00390-00093816-00094038 healing starts UYxvO-IDXZE-00391-00094039-00094238 interesting see i would have thought the UYxvO-IDXZE-00392-00094239-00094438 reverse right once you're home and UYxvO-IDXZE-00393-00094439-00094743 complete that's when the healing ends UYxvO-IDXZE-00394-00094744-00094950 yes and i UYxvO-IDXZE-00395-00094951-00095238 i live my life by that and that was UYxvO-IDXZE-00396-00095239-00095503 great i actually loved believing that UYxvO-IDXZE-00397-00095504-00095718 why why would i love believing that UYxvO-IDXZE-00398-00095719-00095918 because i was addicted to the patterns UYxvO-IDXZE-00399-00095919-00096191 of lack UYxvO-IDXZE-00400-00096192-00096462 i'm not good enough i need to be there UYxvO-IDXZE-00401-00096463-00096703 and people might get this i work a lot UYxvO-IDXZE-00402-00096704-00096894 with people who are really ambitious UYxvO-IDXZE-00403-00096895-00097071 driven people UYxvO-IDXZE-00404-00097072-00097303 and they're similar to that UYxvO-IDXZE-00405-00097304-00097518 next next let me evolve let me grow let UYxvO-IDXZE-00406-00097519-00097671 me evolve and let me grow which is UYxvO-IDXZE-00407-00097672-00097926 amazing if again we can bring it back to UYxvO-IDXZE-00408-00097927-00098143 the present moment and enjoy every step UYxvO-IDXZE-00409-00098144-00098367 as opposed to always feeling like we're UYxvO-IDXZE-00410-00098368-00098543 on that hamster wheel UYxvO-IDXZE-00411-00098544-00098806 and never really getting there and now UYxvO-IDXZE-00412-00098807-00098950 we've all got that UYxvO-IDXZE-00413-00098951-00099055 pause UYxvO-IDXZE-00414-00099056-00099503 just hands up we're waiting on the there UYxvO-IDXZE-00415-00099504-00099743 when i get there UYxvO-IDXZE-00416-00099744-00099887 then i'll be happy UYxvO-IDXZE-00417-00099888-00100031 then i'll be happy then i'll be UYxvO-IDXZE-00418-00100032-00100199 successful then i'll be UYxvO-IDXZE-00419-00100200-00100567 whatever we might project on to that and UYxvO-IDXZE-00420-00100568-00100791 as i say that was great for that pattern UYxvO-IDXZE-00421-00100792-00100911 within me UYxvO-IDXZE-00422-00100912-00101118 of never feeling enough and always UYxvO-IDXZE-00423-00101119-00101318 feeling that i needed to be another UYxvO-IDXZE-00424-00101319-00101535 version of myself like the all of my UYxvO-IDXZE-00425-00101536-00101735 mentors and gurus that i put on UYxvO-IDXZE-00426-00101736-00102038 beautiful pedestals so i could always be UYxvO-IDXZE-00427-00102039-00102415 like when i'm there UYxvO-IDXZE-00428-00102416-00102582 one day UYxvO-IDXZE-00429-00102583-00102799 yeah then i'll be fulfilled and happy UYxvO-IDXZE-00430-00102800-00102934 and at peace UYxvO-IDXZE-00431-00102935-00103063 yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-00432-00103064-00103527 why do you why do you think we do that UYxvO-IDXZE-00433-00103528-00103654 well i think UYxvO-IDXZE-00434-00103655-00103918 i love to look at everything in in his UYxvO-IDXZE-00435-00103919-00104190 extremes and in the polarities um i UYxvO-IDXZE-00436-00104191-00104415 think there's there's beautiful ways UYxvO-IDXZE-00437-00104416-00104671 around all of our patterns UYxvO-IDXZE-00438-00104672-00104975 because we're infinite UYxvO-IDXZE-00439-00104976-00105086 beings UYxvO-IDXZE-00440-00105088-00105390 who are going to be constantly evolving UYxvO-IDXZE-00441-00105391-00105615 and growing UYxvO-IDXZE-00442-00105616-00105871 and it's great to have that it's such a UYxvO-IDXZE-00443-00105872-00106015 celebration UYxvO-IDXZE-00444-00106016-00106263 for those who are showing up to evolve UYxvO-IDXZE-00445-00106264-00106551 and grow and do better because we need UYxvO-IDXZE-00446-00106552-00106671 that UYxvO-IDXZE-00447-00106672-00106934 like really especially now it's a really UYxvO-IDXZE-00448-00106935-00107175 easy situation right now in the world to UYxvO-IDXZE-00449-00107176-00107295 be like UYxvO-IDXZE-00450-00107296-00107543 yeah yeah we can do better right UYxvO-IDXZE-00451-00107544-00107647 yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-00452-00107648-00107847 we can do better let's so let's do it UYxvO-IDXZE-00453-00107848-00108127 let's let's strive for something more UYxvO-IDXZE-00454-00108128-00108534 than who we are now UYxvO-IDXZE-00455-00108535-00108815 and that's beautiful UYxvO-IDXZE-00456-00108816-00109071 and then on the other side of that UYxvO-IDXZE-00457-00109072-00109247 well why might we doing that and we UYxvO-IDXZE-00458-00109248-00109463 might look at it like the shadow version UYxvO-IDXZE-00459-00109464-00109686 well what's maybe in the in the shadow UYxvO-IDXZE-00460-00109688-00109766 and UYxvO-IDXZE-00461-00109767-00110047 a lot of us feel that we need to prove UYxvO-IDXZE-00462-00110048-00110175 herself UYxvO-IDXZE-00463-00110176-00110271 to UYxvO-IDXZE-00464-00110272-00110407 someone else or we might even UYxvO-IDXZE-00465-00110408-00110639 subconsciously still be trying to prove UYxvO-IDXZE-00466-00110640-00110934 herself to her our parents or our UYxvO-IDXZE-00467-00110935-00111254 caretakers like like look like i've done UYxvO-IDXZE-00468-00111255-00111543 it look i i got the promotion and and i UYxvO-IDXZE-00469-00111544-00111799 got the the money and i got the whatever UYxvO-IDXZE-00470-00111800-00111895 else UYxvO-IDXZE-00471-00111896-00112054 and we're proving ourselves we're UYxvO-IDXZE-00472-00112055-00112310 becoming a version of ourself UYxvO-IDXZE-00473-00112311-00112751 not again from our core UYxvO-IDXZE-00474-00112752-00112871 but to UYxvO-IDXZE-00475-00112872-00113223 gain that external validation UYxvO-IDXZE-00476-00113224-00113358 and again it's right back to your UYxvO-IDXZE-00477-00113359-00113654 question justin which i love who am i UYxvO-IDXZE-00478-00113655-00114095 and we're looking for that external UYxvO-IDXZE-00479-00114096-00114415 reality to tell us who we are UYxvO-IDXZE-00480-00114416-00114583 because we're looking at outside UYxvO-IDXZE-00481-00114583-00114847 reactions oh but when i done that people UYxvO-IDXZE-00482-00114848-00115127 were like that's amazing oh oh let me do UYxvO-IDXZE-00483-00115128-00115295 more of that UYxvO-IDXZE-00484-00115296-00115519 oh oh yeah well that's that's UYxvO-IDXZE-00485-00115520-00115678 let let me UYxvO-IDXZE-00486-00115679-00115975 strive to be something more and more so UYxvO-IDXZE-00487-00115976-00116302 that i feel more about myself UYxvO-IDXZE-00488-00116303-00116551 so i believe there's these two things UYxvO-IDXZE-00489-00116552-00116751 one's more trying to stuff and fill the UYxvO-IDXZE-00490-00116752-00116854 like UYxvO-IDXZE-00491-00116855-00117207 never-ending void from the outside and UYxvO-IDXZE-00492-00117208-00117478 one is a real beautiful thing that we UYxvO-IDXZE-00493-00117479-00117727 need if we want to do better and evolve UYxvO-IDXZE-00494-00117728-00117990 and grow which we do UYxvO-IDXZE-00495-00117991-00118071 yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-00496-00118072-00118239 so it sounds like UYxvO-IDXZE-00497-00118240-00118575 it's the ambition is not in itself wrong UYxvO-IDXZE-00498-00118576-00118815 it's simply where does that ambition UYxvO-IDXZE-00499-00118816-00118951 come from UYxvO-IDXZE-00500-00118952-00119215 does it come from the self and the core UYxvO-IDXZE-00501-00119216-00119439 exactly for sure and you know i've got UYxvO-IDXZE-00502-00119440-00119671 really beautiful examples of this UYxvO-IDXZE-00503-00119672-00119895 like one of my clients is a hollywood UYxvO-IDXZE-00504-00119896-00120063 actress and she's UYxvO-IDXZE-00505-00120064-00120310 so successful got such a drive such UYxvO-IDXZE-00506-00120311-00120566 ambition and she got all the way to the UYxvO-IDXZE-00507-00120567-00120783 top UYxvO-IDXZE-00508-00120783-00120878 and UYxvO-IDXZE-00509-00120879-00121119 where did you go from there and there UYxvO-IDXZE-00510-00121120-00121319 was this feeling of not feeling UYxvO-IDXZE-00511-00121320-00121614 fulfilled UYxvO-IDXZE-00512-00121615-00121847 so we know that if it's just the UYxvO-IDXZE-00513-00121848-00122119 ambition alone UYxvO-IDXZE-00514-00122120-00122295 and UYxvO-IDXZE-00515-00122296-00122583 it's not really serving who we're really UYxvO-IDXZE-00516-00122583-00122807 here to be and it's maybe more in UYxvO-IDXZE-00517-00122808-00122983 service to ourselves UYxvO-IDXZE-00518-00122983-00123166 it doesn't feel fulfilled and we know UYxvO-IDXZE-00519-00123167-00123302 there's examples of people who are UYxvO-IDXZE-00520-00123303-00123486 really successful like i know taylor UYxvO-IDXZE-00521-00123488-00123686 swift shared this i know justin bieber UYxvO-IDXZE-00522-00123688-00123871 shared this very openly about his UYxvO-IDXZE-00523-00123872-00124031 breakdowns UYxvO-IDXZE-00524-00124032-00124319 and the moment that as i say my client UYxvO-IDXZE-00525-00124320-00124534 realized oh wait but UYxvO-IDXZE-00526-00124535-00124814 this is what i believe in and she's UYxvO-IDXZE-00527-00124815-00124975 beautiful and saying what i actually UYxvO-IDXZE-00528-00124976-00125143 believe in is that we live in a world UYxvO-IDXZE-00529-00125144-00125439 that people have access to resources UYxvO-IDXZE-00530-00125440-00125623 like everybody's got the same equal UYxvO-IDXZE-00531-00125624-00125854 access to have a therapist go for a UYxvO-IDXZE-00532-00125855-00126158 hypnosis session with justin UYxvO-IDXZE-00533-00126159-00126583 and she's now using her ambition UYxvO-IDXZE-00534-00126583-00126758 her UYxvO-IDXZE-00535-00126759-00127007 great qualities that got her UYxvO-IDXZE-00536-00127008-00127095 to UYxvO-IDXZE-00537-00127096-00127358 the level of success in hollywood she's UYxvO-IDXZE-00538-00127359-00127575 now using that UYxvO-IDXZE-00539-00127576-00127886 on a greater vision that's in service to UYxvO-IDXZE-00540-00127888-00128031 others and that's where she's getting UYxvO-IDXZE-00541-00128032-00128302 her fulfillment from and i mentioned UYxvO-IDXZE-00542-00128303-00128463 justin bieber justin bieber is an UYxvO-IDXZE-00543-00128464-00128871 example who got to the top super young UYxvO-IDXZE-00544-00128872-00129039 that didn't fulfill him and i know he UYxvO-IDXZE-00545-00129040-00129295 shares a lot about jesus and that was UYxvO-IDXZE-00546-00129296-00129543 for him and now he's realizing oh wait UYxvO-IDXZE-00547-00129544-00129710 i've got a deeper purpose is what i'm UYxvO-IDXZE-00548-00129711-00129831 doing UYxvO-IDXZE-00549-00129832-00130014 and they're starting to now not just UYxvO-IDXZE-00550-00130015-00130239 chase the character of of success UYxvO-IDXZE-00551-00130240-00130414 they're starting to actually go within UYxvO-IDXZE-00552-00130415-00130647 them and be like well this is what i UYxvO-IDXZE-00553-00130648-00130902 believe in and this is how i can use UYxvO-IDXZE-00554-00130903-00131247 myself and my platform and my resources UYxvO-IDXZE-00555-00131248-00131502 to serve UYxvO-IDXZE-00556-00131503-00131631 yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-00557-00131632-00131887 for someone who has never UYxvO-IDXZE-00558-00131888-00132119 really known what they believe in and UYxvO-IDXZE-00559-00132120-00132295 they just or they just never known you UYxvO-IDXZE-00560-00132296-00132614 know that core self UYxvO-IDXZE-00561-00132615-00132799 how do they how do they actually begin UYxvO-IDXZE-00562-00132800-00132959 to UYxvO-IDXZE-00563-00132960-00133095 really get in touch with that is that UYxvO-IDXZE-00564-00133096-00133375 simply through self-inquiry inquiry UYxvO-IDXZE-00565-00133376-00133583 or through meditation like what would UYxvO-IDXZE-00566-00133584-00133759 you recommend for that person to make UYxvO-IDXZE-00567-00133760-00134183 that transition UYxvO-IDXZE-00568-00134184-00134454 i would recommend that UYxvO-IDXZE-00569-00134455-00134702 you don't overthink it UYxvO-IDXZE-00570-00134703-00135014 and you follow the joy and what brings UYxvO-IDXZE-00571-00135015-00135254 you connection UYxvO-IDXZE-00572-00135255-00135543 in a way that makes you feel good and UYxvO-IDXZE-00573-00135544-00135639 safe UYxvO-IDXZE-00574-00135640-00135966 and others around you of course UYxvO-IDXZE-00575-00135967-00136095 and that's what i loved about when i UYxvO-IDXZE-00576-00136096-00136390 became a coach because my i have so many UYxvO-IDXZE-00577-00136391-00136599 toolbox UYxvO-IDXZE-00578-00136600-00136799 it's like my toolbox is UYxvO-IDXZE-00579-00136800-00136966 overflowing at the seams with all of the UYxvO-IDXZE-00580-00136967-00137295 things i've trained in UYxvO-IDXZE-00581-00137296-00137566 why is that well i trained in everything UYxvO-IDXZE-00582-00137567-00137790 because i was that person UYxvO-IDXZE-00583-00137791-00137966 i don't know who i am i really don't UYxvO-IDXZE-00584-00137967-00138095 know who i am UYxvO-IDXZE-00585-00138096-00138335 and that was what was true for me at so UYxvO-IDXZE-00586-00138336-00138599 many moments in my life and i would go UYxvO-IDXZE-00587-00138600-00138719 through these UYxvO-IDXZE-00588-00138720-00138871 we might have different names from it UYxvO-IDXZE-00589-00138872-00139166 like the the identity crumbling down the UYxvO-IDXZE-00590-00139167-00139399 the death and the rebirth moments when UYxvO-IDXZE-00591-00139400-00139743 you start to lose UYxvO-IDXZE-00592-00139744-00139887 who you are like when i was a UYxvO-IDXZE-00593-00139888-00140087 physiotherapist transitioning to the UYxvO-IDXZE-00594-00140088-00140327 woman who is living in india and going UYxvO-IDXZE-00595-00140328-00140631 in from science to the mystic world UYxvO-IDXZE-00596-00140632-00140807 it's hard when we don't have things to UYxvO-IDXZE-00597-00140808-00140935 hang on to and i've done a lot of UYxvO-IDXZE-00598-00140936-00141071 different versions UYxvO-IDXZE-00599-00141072-00141311 through my life and so i i found yoga i UYxvO-IDXZE-00600-00141312-00141607 signed breath work i found meditation UYxvO-IDXZE-00601-00141608-00141878 i found UYxvO-IDXZE-00602-00141879-00142047 various different masters i found UYxvO-IDXZE-00603-00142048-00142326 acupuncturists i find you know hypnosis UYxvO-IDXZE-00604-00142327-00142766 i found nlp i find so many things UYxvO-IDXZE-00605-00142767-00143199 and the mind sometimes is trying to UYxvO-IDXZE-00606-00143200-00143319 go with UYxvO-IDXZE-00607-00143320-00143551 what works for other people which is UYxvO-IDXZE-00608-00143552-00143807 amazing and again like i like to bring UYxvO-IDXZE-00609-00143808-00143990 the extremes in UYxvO-IDXZE-00610-00143991-00144278 we can absolutely do that and look and UYxvO-IDXZE-00611-00144279-00144551 find somebody who you look up to and who UYxvO-IDXZE-00612-00144552-00144790 you admire and who when you're around UYxvO-IDXZE-00613-00144791-00144975 them it feels really good and you want UYxvO-IDXZE-00614-00144976-00145175 to be around them and what are they UYxvO-IDXZE-00615-00145176-00145447 doing and maybe even borrow their UYxvO-IDXZE-00616-00145448-00145671 success formula for a moment if you need UYxvO-IDXZE-00617-00145672-00145943 it if you just have no idea UYxvO-IDXZE-00618-00145944-00146143 but then there's a moment and you can UYxvO-IDXZE-00619-00146144-00146295 choose this now UYxvO-IDXZE-00620-00146296-00146454 or you can choose it once you've got the UYxvO-IDXZE-00621-00146455-00146790 safety and support of someone else's UYxvO-IDXZE-00622-00146791-00146943 strategy UYxvO-IDXZE-00623-00146944-00147087 there is going to come a moment where UYxvO-IDXZE-00624-00147088-00147414 you're like enough with this bs UYxvO-IDXZE-00625-00147415-00147871 this is this is what sets me alive UYxvO-IDXZE-00626-00147872-00148119 and i'm gonna go do that UYxvO-IDXZE-00627-00148120-00148247 and UYxvO-IDXZE-00628-00148248-00148383 from someone who's like lived the UYxvO-IDXZE-00629-00148384-00148607 nations and lived a life of extremes UYxvO-IDXZE-00630-00148608-00148814 it's great and i've loved it and we're UYxvO-IDXZE-00631-00148815-00148959 not taking away from anything but UYxvO-IDXZE-00632-00148960-00149126 sometimes we need to sit and meditate UYxvO-IDXZE-00633-00149127-00149326 and sometimes you just need to like i UYxvO-IDXZE-00634-00149327-00149478 don't know i mean for the women out here UYxvO-IDXZE-00635-00149479-00149711 put your lead red lipstick on and go out UYxvO-IDXZE-00636-00149712-00149966 dancing or you know whatever the version UYxvO-IDXZE-00637-00149967-00150183 of for that the guys i don't know smoke UYxvO-IDXZE-00638-00150184-00150343 a cigar and drink a whiskey or you know UYxvO-IDXZE-00639-00150344-00150439 whatever UYxvO-IDXZE-00640-00150440-00150687 and you might not do it often but you UYxvO-IDXZE-00641-00150688-00150823 know it's like giving yourself that UYxvO-IDXZE-00642-00150824-00151166 permission that UYxvO-IDXZE-00643-00151167-00151487 have fun with your life UYxvO-IDXZE-00644-00151488-00151790 and spend your life doing the things UYxvO-IDXZE-00645-00151791-00151983 that set you UYxvO-IDXZE-00646-00151984-00152190 alive UYxvO-IDXZE-00647-00152191-00152583 and share that with everyone around you UYxvO-IDXZE-00648-00152584-00152831 and that's where we find our center and UYxvO-IDXZE-00649-00152832-00153223 our core it's from living life UYxvO-IDXZE-00650-00153224-00153551 really aligned to what you actually UYxvO-IDXZE-00651-00153552-00153639 want UYxvO-IDXZE-00652-00153640-00153854 to do UYxvO-IDXZE-00653-00153855-00154039 yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-00654-00154040-00154159 let's UYxvO-IDXZE-00655-00154160-00154326 i'm resonating with everything you're UYxvO-IDXZE-00656-00154327-00154463 saying here UYxvO-IDXZE-00657-00154464-00154566 um UYxvO-IDXZE-00658-00154567-00154726 now i i can UYxvO-IDXZE-00659-00154727-00154959 uh UYxvO-IDXZE-00660-00154960-00155199 perceive an objection from me and i i UYxvO-IDXZE-00661-00155200-00155383 think for a lot of people right it's UYxvO-IDXZE-00662-00155384-00155623 like well doing what you want that's UYxvO-IDXZE-00663-00155624-00155911 that's selfish you got to think about UYxvO-IDXZE-00664-00155912-00156071 other people it's not about what you UYxvO-IDXZE-00665-00156072-00156295 want UYxvO-IDXZE-00666-00156296-00156447 like how would you how would you respond UYxvO-IDXZE-00667-00156448-00156663 to that kind of uh i guess an objection UYxvO-IDXZE-00668-00156664-00156847 or a concern UYxvO-IDXZE-00669-00156848-00157175 i'm just get you to ask your like really UYxvO-IDXZE-00670-00157176-00157614 go into that and and ask yourself UYxvO-IDXZE-00671-00157615-00157726 when you UYxvO-IDXZE-00672-00157727-00157966 go to your death bed and that's what's UYxvO-IDXZE-00673-00157967-00158119 guaranteed for all of us here in this UYxvO-IDXZE-00674-00158120-00158287 life right that's that's where it's UYxvO-IDXZE-00675-00158288-00158487 going it's part of life you know we've UYxvO-IDXZE-00676-00158488-00158702 all watched lion king circle of life UYxvO-IDXZE-00677-00158703-00159143 we've known it and only you UYxvO-IDXZE-00678-00159144-00159431 are going to be the one in that moment UYxvO-IDXZE-00679-00159432-00159647 looking back on your life UYxvO-IDXZE-00680-00159648-00159863 and wondering UYxvO-IDXZE-00681-00159864-00160095 are you okay with how you lived your UYxvO-IDXZE-00682-00160096-00160335 life UYxvO-IDXZE-00683-00160336-00160559 only you have that moment with the UYxvO-IDXZE-00684-00160560-00160831 creator or whatever you believe in and UYxvO-IDXZE-00685-00160832-00161239 that moment is yours UYxvO-IDXZE-00686-00161240-00161519 and so yes we must ask ourselves that UYxvO-IDXZE-00687-00161520-00161663 question because we don't want to go UYxvO-IDXZE-00688-00161664-00161911 through life like a bulldozer just being UYxvO-IDXZE-00689-00161912-00162143 completely selfish but we need to have UYxvO-IDXZE-00690-00162144-00162407 boundaries and we need to know UYxvO-IDXZE-00691-00162408-00162647 what we're willing to say yes to and no UYxvO-IDXZE-00692-00162648-00162871 do in our lives UYxvO-IDXZE-00693-00162872-00163119 yes there needs to be time where we put UYxvO-IDXZE-00694-00163120-00163390 ourselves aside because we need to show UYxvO-IDXZE-00695-00163391-00163719 up for someone else absolutely UYxvO-IDXZE-00696-00163720-00163966 but every day UYxvO-IDXZE-00697-00163967-00164231 no because we know that UYxvO-IDXZE-00698-00164232-00164526 you can't show up and support somebody UYxvO-IDXZE-00699-00164527-00164814 if you're falling to pieces yourself and UYxvO-IDXZE-00700-00164815-00165078 your health is compromised and your joy UYxvO-IDXZE-00701-00165079-00165247 is compromised UYxvO-IDXZE-00702-00165248-00165438 that's not what anybody who loves you UYxvO-IDXZE-00703-00165439-00165838 really wants so we need this balance UYxvO-IDXZE-00704-00165839-00166151 and you need to know that UYxvO-IDXZE-00705-00166152-00166343 you UYxvO-IDXZE-00706-00166344-00166599 are not a selfish being by nature i UYxvO-IDXZE-00707-00166600-00166902 don't believe anybody is and so UYxvO-IDXZE-00708-00166903-00167199 you're going to know when you need to UYxvO-IDXZE-00709-00167200-00167463 take space out UYxvO-IDXZE-00710-00167464-00167678 and you need to know that you can give UYxvO-IDXZE-00711-00167679-00167919 yourself permission to do that like if UYxvO-IDXZE-00712-00167920-00168095 you're struggling and you just need to UYxvO-IDXZE-00713-00168096-00168471 turn your phone off for like a month UYxvO-IDXZE-00714-00168472-00168663 you get to do that if that's what you UYxvO-IDXZE-00715-00168664-00168871 need UYxvO-IDXZE-00716-00168872-00169007 and UYxvO-IDXZE-00717-00169008-00169271 people might come in at you and UYxvO-IDXZE-00718-00169272-00169551 and say whatever they think well i think UYxvO-IDXZE-00719-00169552-00169726 you're being selfish you know i think UYxvO-IDXZE-00720-00169727-00169919 you need to be there for me and that as UYxvO-IDXZE-00721-00169920-00170190 again coming back to the importance of UYxvO-IDXZE-00722-00170191-00170447 knowing your truth because UYxvO-IDXZE-00723-00170448-00170583 there are UYxvO-IDXZE-00724-00170584-00170759 how many billion people do we have in UYxvO-IDXZE-00725-00170760-00170951 the world i mean is it eight billion is UYxvO-IDXZE-00726-00170952-00171175 it eight now oh god i don't know seven UYxvO-IDXZE-00727-00171176-00171375 eight billion okay so that's how many UYxvO-IDXZE-00728-00171376-00171726 unique perspectives there is for UYxvO-IDXZE-00729-00171727-00171831 you UYxvO-IDXZE-00730-00171832-00172023 and your life UYxvO-IDXZE-00731-00172024-00172166 that's a lot UYxvO-IDXZE-00732-00172167-00172423 and we can't get swept in other people's UYxvO-IDXZE-00733-00172424-00172823 stories and other people's traumas UYxvO-IDXZE-00734-00172824-00173190 we have to know our truth UYxvO-IDXZE-00735-00173191-00173399 because when you know what's true for UYxvO-IDXZE-00736-00173400-00173759 you that's what allows you to be able to UYxvO-IDXZE-00737-00173760-00174071 navigate your life through this of UYxvO-IDXZE-00738-00174072-00174287 when do i show up for myself and when do UYxvO-IDXZE-00739-00174288-00174551 i show up for other people UYxvO-IDXZE-00740-00174552-00174783 where are my boundaries where do i need UYxvO-IDXZE-00741-00174784-00175102 them because you do need to look after UYxvO-IDXZE-00742-00175103-00175238 the self UYxvO-IDXZE-00743-00175239-00175423 because this is the vehicle that you're UYxvO-IDXZE-00744-00175424-00175711 going to live your life through UYxvO-IDXZE-00745-00175712-00175951 so you will need to say no to things so UYxvO-IDXZE-00746-00175952-00176207 you can say yes to yourself if you want UYxvO-IDXZE-00747-00176208-00176483 to live a healthy vibrant UYxvO-IDXZE-00748-00176484-00176766 life and look after yourself and look UYxvO-IDXZE-00749-00176767-00177047 after those that you love UYxvO-IDXZE-00750-00177048-00177278 and you get to choose what's true for UYxvO-IDXZE-00751-00177279-00177566 you no matter what people say and we UYxvO-IDXZE-00752-00177567-00177823 always listen well let me listen UYxvO-IDXZE-00753-00177824-00178038 where can i learn and grow from this UYxvO-IDXZE-00754-00178039-00178319 perspective okay and someone shared UYxvO-IDXZE-00755-00178320-00178566 something great UYxvO-IDXZE-00756-00178567-00178807 but me UYxvO-IDXZE-00757-00178808-00179175 what's my version of reality what's my UYxvO-IDXZE-00758-00179176-00179543 version of the truth right now UYxvO-IDXZE-00759-00179544-00179719 it's crazy that i don't think a lot of UYxvO-IDXZE-00760-00179720-00179999 people have truly asked themselves that UYxvO-IDXZE-00761-00180000-00180190 and that's something i try to even just UYxvO-IDXZE-00762-00180191-00180487 a simple question what do i want UYxvO-IDXZE-00763-00180488-00180735 and asking myself that more just UYxvO-IDXZE-00764-00180736-00180975 what do i want i could have anything UYxvO-IDXZE-00765-00180976-00181071 oh yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-00766-00181072-00181287 you know it's great UYxvO-IDXZE-00767-00181288-00181654 um i wanted to ask about UYxvO-IDXZE-00768-00181655-00181847 you know some of your story UYxvO-IDXZE-00769-00181848-00182143 when you made these um identity shifts UYxvO-IDXZE-00770-00182144-00182287 these upgrades UYxvO-IDXZE-00771-00182288-00182535 letting go of who you thought you were UYxvO-IDXZE-00772-00182536-00182759 and the relation between that and UYxvO-IDXZE-00773-00182760-00182975 creating the life you want and and the UYxvO-IDXZE-00774-00182976-00183135 synchronicities that's really UYxvO-IDXZE-00775-00183136-00183278 fascinating to me UYxvO-IDXZE-00776-00183279-00183463 um could you talk about that and i would UYxvO-IDXZE-00777-00183464-00183575 love to hear UYxvO-IDXZE-00778-00183576-00183726 you know what synchronicities have shown UYxvO-IDXZE-00779-00183727-00184038 up in your life UYxvO-IDXZE-00780-00184039-00184399 wow amazing synchronicities show up in UYxvO-IDXZE-00781-00184400-00184702 my life and UYxvO-IDXZE-00782-00184703-00184926 i'll share a more recent one and i i UYxvO-IDXZE-00783-00184927-00185143 shared it in my book UYxvO-IDXZE-00784-00185144-00185726 that i wrote divine union and UYxvO-IDXZE-00785-00185727-00186087 this came throughout UYxvO-IDXZE-00786-00186088-00186295 my whole life i guess UYxvO-IDXZE-00787-00186296-00186775 but when the pandemic hit in 2020 is UYxvO-IDXZE-00788-00186776-00187007 where a lot of us UYxvO-IDXZE-00789-00187008-00187159 paused UYxvO-IDXZE-00790-00187160-00187343 and we looked at things UYxvO-IDXZE-00791-00187344-00187638 and i realized something in that space UYxvO-IDXZE-00792-00187639-00187838 so maybe we could even say that that was UYxvO-IDXZE-00793-00187839-00188126 a synchronicity it was uh UYxvO-IDXZE-00794-00188127-00188383 yeah that that came in UYxvO-IDXZE-00795-00188384-00188663 for me to have that space UYxvO-IDXZE-00796-00188664-00188878 because i've been asking for space i UYxvO-IDXZE-00797-00188879-00189119 really need some space in my life UYxvO-IDXZE-00798-00189120-00189383 because i'm too busy in what i'm doing UYxvO-IDXZE-00799-00189384-00189607 to have that pause UYxvO-IDXZE-00800-00189608-00189838 so i've been asking for it in a way and UYxvO-IDXZE-00801-00189839-00190126 the way in the quantum world is you ask UYxvO-IDXZE-00802-00190127-00190343 for what you want and need but you don't UYxvO-IDXZE-00803-00190344-00190543 get to control UYxvO-IDXZE-00804-00190544-00190726 what we love to do as humans or UYxvO-IDXZE-00805-00190727-00190895 certainly speaking on behalf of myself UYxvO-IDXZE-00806-00190896-00191031 yeah but i'm going to do this and it's UYxvO-IDXZE-00807-00191032-00191199 going to come like that i'm going to UYxvO-IDXZE-00808-00191200-00191407 take a holiday for this space UYxvO-IDXZE-00809-00191408-00191559 but in this quantum world no it's going UYxvO-IDXZE-00810-00191560-00191711 to come to you in a way that's just UYxvO-IDXZE-00811-00191712-00191887 right for you and your job is to trust UYxvO-IDXZE-00812-00191888-00192135 it and respond to that so i got that UYxvO-IDXZE-00813-00192136-00192438 space that i've been desiring for UYxvO-IDXZE-00814-00192439-00192678 and i looked around the world and i was UYxvO-IDXZE-00815-00192679-00192990 like oh my goodness UYxvO-IDXZE-00816-00192991-00193278 there's a lot of work to do here UYxvO-IDXZE-00817-00193279-00193447 and UYxvO-IDXZE-00818-00193448-00193702 what i noticed was UYxvO-IDXZE-00819-00193703-00193959 the people who were showing up in UYxvO-IDXZE-00820-00193960-00194223 that time and the people who i put my UYxvO-IDXZE-00821-00194224-00194383 faith in UYxvO-IDXZE-00822-00194384-00194614 weren't necessarily the people who one UYxvO-IDXZE-00823-00194615-00194783 might think like people in the positions UYxvO-IDXZE-00824-00194784-00195023 of the power and then the governments UYxvO-IDXZE-00825-00195024-00195287 it was in the real people who were UYxvO-IDXZE-00826-00195288-00195631 showing up as real leaders UYxvO-IDXZE-00827-00195632-00196047 in their community and in their life UYxvO-IDXZE-00828-00196048-00196343 and i was like okay now i get it now i UYxvO-IDXZE-00829-00196344-00196671 kind of understand who i am more in this UYxvO-IDXZE-00830-00196672-00196831 world UYxvO-IDXZE-00831-00196832-00196983 i am UYxvO-IDXZE-00832-00196984-00197238 here to support UYxvO-IDXZE-00833-00197239-00197454 the leaders UYxvO-IDXZE-00834-00197455-00197750 so that they can then spread the ripples UYxvO-IDXZE-00835-00197751-00197935 to their communities UYxvO-IDXZE-00836-00197936-00198078 as opposed to thinking on each UYxvO-IDXZE-00837-00198079-00198287 individual UYxvO-IDXZE-00838-00198288-00198487 and the moment i was understanding UYxvO-IDXZE-00839-00198488-00199047 myself more ah yes that makes sense UYxvO-IDXZE-00840-00199048-00199087 so UYxvO-IDXZE-00841-00199088-00199199 [Music] UYxvO-IDXZE-00842-00199200-00199414 from that understanding UYxvO-IDXZE-00843-00199415-00199663 other synchronicities started to come in UYxvO-IDXZE-00844-00199664-00200007 to my awareness to the to my field UYxvO-IDXZE-00845-00200008-00200283 and i started to really notice UYxvO-IDXZE-00846-00200284-00200711 different potentials within leaders UYxvO-IDXZE-00847-00200712-00200935 and now this eventually got me to a UYxvO-IDXZE-00848-00200936-00201102 point where i was UYxvO-IDXZE-00849-00201103-00201702 oh it's really leaders who are UYxvO-IDXZE-00850-00201703-00201919 in alignment with me to work with and UYxvO-IDXZE-00851-00201920-00202263 that's quite a hard one to acknowledge UYxvO-IDXZE-00852-00202264-00202399 for yourself UYxvO-IDXZE-00853-00202400-00202678 because if you're saying you're here to UYxvO-IDXZE-00854-00202679-00202871 support the leaders UYxvO-IDXZE-00855-00202872-00202959 then UYxvO-IDXZE-00856-00202960-00203143 you're kind of saying you're what like UYxvO-IDXZE-00857-00203144-00203366 the leader of leaders and then that UYxvO-IDXZE-00858-00203367-00203614 profession has come in UYxvO-IDXZE-00859-00203615-00203831 you can't do that UYxvO-IDXZE-00860-00203832-00204135 you can't say that you're not in a UYxvO-IDXZE-00861-00204136-00204254 position UYxvO-IDXZE-00862-00204255-00204399 to UYxvO-IDXZE-00863-00204400-00204638 fill those boots in those shoes like who UYxvO-IDXZE-00864-00204639-00204942 do you think you are you know judgments UYxvO-IDXZE-00865-00204944-00205366 judgments old stories all patterns UYxvO-IDXZE-00866-00205367-00205742 but this was here like i felt this UYxvO-IDXZE-00867-00205744-00205966 the judgments are here UYxvO-IDXZE-00868-00205967-00206223 up in the mind not really true UYxvO-IDXZE-00869-00206223-00206703 and so it takes meeting this UYxvO-IDXZE-00870-00206704-00206862 knowing in yourself with the UYxvO-IDXZE-00871-00206863-00207038 synchronicities because you have to UYxvO-IDXZE-00872-00207039-00207198 choose yourself and choose your truth UYxvO-IDXZE-00873-00207200-00207351 and i have to say UYxvO-IDXZE-00874-00207352-00207590 okay it makes me uncomfortable but no UYxvO-IDXZE-00875-00207591-00207910 like this is who i am this is my path UYxvO-IDXZE-00876-00207911-00208166 and the more i would actually UYxvO-IDXZE-00877-00208167-00208319 own that UYxvO-IDXZE-00878-00208319-00208527 and it was waves one minute i'd be like UYxvO-IDXZE-00879-00208528-00208719 yes other minute i'd be like freaking UYxvO-IDXZE-00880-00208719-00208966 out so you know again it's not UYxvO-IDXZE-00881-00208967-00209279 linear um and there came this UYxvO-IDXZE-00882-00209280-00209431 this moment where UYxvO-IDXZE-00883-00209432-00209751 i realized i was in my mind a lot with UYxvO-IDXZE-00884-00209752-00209903 trying to UYxvO-IDXZE-00885-00209904-00210198 control how me working with the leaders UYxvO-IDXZE-00886-00210200-00210367 were going to look UYxvO-IDXZE-00887-00210367-00210542 so what i personally done was i UYxvO-IDXZE-00888-00210544-00210703 connected to UYxvO-IDXZE-00889-00210704-00210879 the feeling of those people you know UYxvO-IDXZE-00890-00210880-00211039 when you're around somebody who really UYxvO-IDXZE-00891-00211040-00211246 inspires you and you you just feel UYxvO-IDXZE-00892-00211248-00211439 really good and maybe you even feel good UYxvO-IDXZE-00893-00211440-00211655 for the rest of your day so that's what UYxvO-IDXZE-00894-00211656-00211815 i would connect to UYxvO-IDXZE-00895-00211816-00212055 how these leaders would make me feel if UYxvO-IDXZE-00896-00212056-00212215 i was working with them and i would UYxvO-IDXZE-00897-00212216-00212487 bring that into my meditations UYxvO-IDXZE-00898-00212488-00212687 connect to the feeling of how it felt to UYxvO-IDXZE-00899-00212688-00212863 work with them and how it would be UYxvO-IDXZE-00900-00212864-00213119 watching them step up and lead and UYxvO-IDXZE-00901-00213119-00213310 create the ripples in their communities UYxvO-IDXZE-00902-00213311-00213446 that were going to change the world and UYxvO-IDXZE-00903-00213448-00213655 i would connect to that and my mind had UYxvO-IDXZE-00904-00213656-00213975 an idea of how this would look UYxvO-IDXZE-00905-00213976-00214063 and UYxvO-IDXZE-00906-00214064-00214271 i was like okay great thank you mind for UYxvO-IDXZE-00907-00214271-00214479 giving me things that i want to control UYxvO-IDXZE-00908-00214480-00214694 and micromanage because i love that but UYxvO-IDXZE-00909-00214696-00214975 let me just take that aside UYxvO-IDXZE-00910-00214976-00215055 and then this is when the UYxvO-IDXZE-00911-00215056-00215223 synchronicities come so i've been doing UYxvO-IDXZE-00912-00215223-00215534 this for maybe like a week or so UYxvO-IDXZE-00913-00215535-00215671 and i UYxvO-IDXZE-00914-00215671-00215839 had this real UYxvO-IDXZE-00915-00215840-00216215 clear knowing UYxvO-IDXZE-00916-00216216-00216575 that i had to check out this justin UYxvO-IDXZE-00917-00216576-00216703 bieber UYxvO-IDXZE-00918-00216704-00216879 videos and stuff that came i didn't even UYxvO-IDXZE-00919-00216880-00217431 i hadn't followed justin bieber since UYxvO-IDXZE-00920-00217432-00217623 i hadn't even listened to him UYxvO-IDXZE-00921-00217623-00217782 and uh but i just knew it and i was like UYxvO-IDXZE-00922-00217783-00217967 oh i just gotta trust this and there's UYxvO-IDXZE-00923-00217967-00218134 resistance because i was like are you UYxvO-IDXZE-00924-00218135-00218391 crazy louise you know you're in your 30s UYxvO-IDXZE-00925-00218392-00218551 and you're going down this justin bieber UYxvO-IDXZE-00926-00218552-00218791 rabbit hole hey it's never too late to UYxvO-IDXZE-00927-00218792-00219039 become a believer it's true yeah i did i UYxvO-IDXZE-00928-00219040-00219206 did become a believer i'm like don't you UYxvO-IDXZE-00929-00219207-00219534 have some emails to be writing do you UYxvO-IDXZE-00930-00219535-00219679 have important things you're supposed to UYxvO-IDXZE-00931-00219680-00219894 be doing in your business UYxvO-IDXZE-00932-00219896-00220103 but i had to trust that UYxvO-IDXZE-00933-00220104-00220294 because this is something coming in and UYxvO-IDXZE-00934-00220296-00220558 the next day i had UYxvO-IDXZE-00935-00220559-00220823 his documentary pop up and the mind's UYxvO-IDXZE-00936-00220823-00220967 going to go well of course it does UYxvO-IDXZE-00937-00220967-00221151 because there's algorithms and now it UYxvO-IDXZE-00938-00221152-00221351 knows you're a believer UYxvO-IDXZE-00939-00221352-00221503 so things are going to be coming up UYxvO-IDXZE-00940-00221504-00221727 right so the mind's going to say things UYxvO-IDXZE-00941-00221728-00221951 and there's signs that are coming UYxvO-IDXZE-00942-00221952-00222167 always signs guiding UYxvO-IDXZE-00943-00222167-00222342 and our mind's going to try and hit it UYxvO-IDXZE-00944-00222344-00222494 away like a you know tennis ball and UYxvO-IDXZE-00945-00222496-00222694 tennis racket when these signs come in UYxvO-IDXZE-00946-00222696-00222919 and yeah yeah but that's nothing that UYxvO-IDXZE-00947-00222919-00223087 said this or it said that and it's our UYxvO-IDXZE-00948-00223088-00223191 job to UYxvO-IDXZE-00949-00223192-00223415 to feel our way through that no but this UYxvO-IDXZE-00950-00223416-00223623 doesn't make any sense here but i just UYxvO-IDXZE-00951-00223623-00223863 know this is the path to go down and so UYxvO-IDXZE-00952-00223864-00224110 i watched this documentary um i can't UYxvO-IDXZE-00953-00224111-00224271 even remember the name of it but it was UYxvO-IDXZE-00954-00224271-00224455 about him and his journey and everything UYxvO-IDXZE-00955-00224456-00224639 that he went through with his breakdowns UYxvO-IDXZE-00956-00224640-00224710 to UYxvO-IDXZE-00957-00224711-00224894 where he's at now like living his UYxvO-IDXZE-00958-00224896-00225191 purpose and and how he basically puts UYxvO-IDXZE-00959-00225192-00225310 his life UYxvO-IDXZE-00960-00225311-00225655 down to still being here when he had his UYxvO-IDXZE-00961-00225656-00225806 path with jesus and all the things that UYxvO-IDXZE-00962-00225807-00226006 he's doing and the projects he's UYxvO-IDXZE-00963-00226007-00226303 involved in and i was like oh my god UYxvO-IDXZE-00964-00226304-00226598 who knew it like that's the leader UYxvO-IDXZE-00965-00226600-00226775 that's the leader that i've been calling UYxvO-IDXZE-00966-00226776-00227206 in in my meditations and i had no idea UYxvO-IDXZE-00967-00227207-00227367 so what's the mind going to do again UYxvO-IDXZE-00968-00227367-00227567 it's going to say and it did do by the UYxvO-IDXZE-00969-00227567-00227798 way this is crazy this doesn't make UYxvO-IDXZE-00970-00227800-00227958 sense UYxvO-IDXZE-00971-00227959-00228239 you're delusional so i was like okay i UYxvO-IDXZE-00972-00228240-00228463 just need a sign from UYxvO-IDXZE-00973-00228464-00228687 from the field i i the unified field the UYxvO-IDXZE-00974-00228688-00228879 quantum field some people might say god UYxvO-IDXZE-00975-00228880-00229119 or the universe just whatever whatever UYxvO-IDXZE-00976-00229119-00229303 feels true or in line for you okay i UYxvO-IDXZE-00977-00229304-00229479 need a sign that this is from source and UYxvO-IDXZE-00978-00229480-00229663 i was driving my car to meet friends for UYxvO-IDXZE-00979-00229664-00229927 dinner park my car it's at the marina in UYxvO-IDXZE-00980-00229928-00230198 ibiza and i got out and UYxvO-IDXZE-00981-00230200-00230398 instantly after asking for that sign UYxvO-IDXZE-00982-00230400-00230606 from source UYxvO-IDXZE-00983-00230607-00230806 uh yacht was pulling into the marina UYxvO-IDXZE-00984-00230807-00230982 playing justin bieber's song i get my UYxvO-IDXZE-00985-00230983-00231198 live stream from the yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-00986-00231200-00231439 ooh that's i don't know the worst of it UYxvO-IDXZE-00987-00231440-00231542 the UYxvO-IDXZE-00988-00231544-00231758 i was like okay UYxvO-IDXZE-00989-00231759-00232039 following the signs okay but will you UYxvO-IDXZE-00990-00232040-00232310 trust the signs is our question to UYxvO-IDXZE-00991-00232311-00232455 ourselves UYxvO-IDXZE-00992-00232456-00232719 can you allow yourself UYxvO-IDXZE-00993-00232719-00233031 to go down the obscene curve balls that UYxvO-IDXZE-00994-00233032-00233246 are coming your way based to what your UYxvO-IDXZE-00995-00233248-00233582 intention is UYxvO-IDXZE-00996-00233583-00233887 the these curveballs being the the mind UYxvO-IDXZE-00997-00233888-00234127 or like just like events UYxvO-IDXZE-00998-00234128-00234415 the curveballs is what's actually coming UYxvO-IDXZE-00999-00234416-00234615 up in the signs in your life i'm UYxvO-IDXZE-01000-00234616-00234758 connecting in UYxvO-IDXZE-01001-00234759-00234910 my intention is to connect with the UYxvO-IDXZE-01002-00234911-00235127 leaders who are really here to create UYxvO-IDXZE-01003-00235128-00235263 change in this world for the greater UYxvO-IDXZE-01004-00235264-00235494 good that's my intention that's what i UYxvO-IDXZE-01005-00235496-00235694 know i'm here to do i've recognized UYxvO-IDXZE-01006-00235696-00235846 something in myself UYxvO-IDXZE-01007-00235848-00236006 a deeper layer UYxvO-IDXZE-01008-00236007-00236175 that i've never allowed myself to go UYxvO-IDXZE-01009-00236176-00236423 before that's a new identity right going UYxvO-IDXZE-01010-00236423-00236598 from somebody who's now saying i'm here UYxvO-IDXZE-01011-00236600-00236767 to lead leaders UYxvO-IDXZE-01012-00236767-00236998 that's a whole new identity that's shaky UYxvO-IDXZE-01013-00237000-00237134 that's edgy UYxvO-IDXZE-01014-00237135-00237327 why am i here to do that well because i UYxvO-IDXZE-01015-00237328-00237534 believe that they're here to serve the UYxvO-IDXZE-01016-00237535-00237727 community and when i get the leaders UYxvO-IDXZE-01017-00237728-00237919 that's going to help create the ripples UYxvO-IDXZE-01018-00237919-00238103 that we need in the world right now okay UYxvO-IDXZE-01019-00238104-00238294 great so let me right back and see what UYxvO-IDXZE-01020-00238296-00238510 signs come in the signs come in it's UYxvO-IDXZE-01021-00238511-00238703 justin bieber what UYxvO-IDXZE-01022-00238704-00238910 mind says that's crazy i'm not gonna go UYxvO-IDXZE-01023-00238911-00239094 there oh wait but no that's a sign i UYxvO-IDXZE-01024-00239096-00239279 feel it UYxvO-IDXZE-01025-00239280-00239487 let me trust myself and follow that and UYxvO-IDXZE-01026-00239488-00239655 the more that i done that the more that UYxvO-IDXZE-01027-00239656-00239855 i followed these breadcrumbs that were UYxvO-IDXZE-01028-00239856-00240071 the curveballs i had not seen that UYxvO-IDXZE-01029-00240071-00240271 coming my mind couldn't have created UYxvO-IDXZE-01030-00240271-00240406 that and that's beautiful because the UYxvO-IDXZE-01031-00240407-00240630 mind creates from limits UYxvO-IDXZE-01032-00240631-00240806 usually based on the past it tries to UYxvO-IDXZE-01033-00240807-00241079 predict the future from the past UYxvO-IDXZE-01034-00241080-00241310 this was a whole new timeline coming in UYxvO-IDXZE-01035-00241311-00241551 a whole new reality of my life that was UYxvO-IDXZE-01036-00241552-00241782 not linked with the past these were the UYxvO-IDXZE-01037-00241783-00241991 curveballs i followed them and UYxvO-IDXZE-01038-00241992-00242239 eventually what i said one day because UYxvO-IDXZE-01039-00242240-00242534 again this was the new identity piece UYxvO-IDXZE-01040-00242535-00242887 and i was like i am here to support UYxvO-IDXZE-01041-00242888-00243151 the hollywood level leaders because they UYxvO-IDXZE-01042-00243152-00243430 have the impact they have the platform UYxvO-IDXZE-01043-00243431-00243663 they have the resources UYxvO-IDXZE-01044-00243664-00243903 that is going to really create the UYxvO-IDXZE-01045-00243904-00244134 change if they are UYxvO-IDXZE-01046-00244135-00244398 conscious and supported UYxvO-IDXZE-01047-00244400-00244623 in their higher path and so what UYxvO-IDXZE-01048-00244623-00244798 happened was UYxvO-IDXZE-01049-00244800-00244942 i was like i'm going to have to own this UYxvO-IDXZE-01050-00244944-00245110 new identity now i'm going to have to UYxvO-IDXZE-01051-00245111-00245263 embody that UYxvO-IDXZE-01052-00245264-00245527 and i remember saying okay i'm here for UYxvO-IDXZE-01053-00245528-00245703 that and i would start telling my UYxvO-IDXZE-01054-00245704-00245863 friends oh by the way i'm gonna be UYxvO-IDXZE-01055-00245864-00246119 working with people in hollywood and UYxvO-IDXZE-01056-00246119-00246287 helping them on their mission for the UYxvO-IDXZE-01057-00246288-00246430 greater good and i would have to tell UYxvO-IDXZE-01058-00246431-00246639 them that UYxvO-IDXZE-01059-00246640-00246863 that's me choosing a different identity UYxvO-IDXZE-01060-00246864-00247046 that's me choosing a whole new version UYxvO-IDXZE-01061-00247048-00247246 of myself and i'm claiming it and i'm UYxvO-IDXZE-01062-00247248-00247463 saying it like it's true UYxvO-IDXZE-01063-00247464-00247806 was it true i didn't know but i felt it UYxvO-IDXZE-01064-00247807-00248239 what happened was i got a phone call UYxvO-IDXZE-01065-00248240-00248551 a few days later from somebody who i UYxvO-IDXZE-01066-00248552-00248823 know saying i've got a client that i UYxvO-IDXZE-01067-00248823-00249246 know your work's going to be amazing for UYxvO-IDXZE-01068-00249248-00249415 and blah blah blah and then i heard the UYxvO-IDXZE-01069-00249416-00249703 words you know what it's like being UYxvO-IDXZE-01070-00249704-00249887 working in the hollywood scene and UYxvO-IDXZE-01071-00249888-00250094 hollywood movies and i was like UYxvO-IDXZE-01072-00250096-00250230 oh my goodness UYxvO-IDXZE-01073-00250231-00250542 and it just came and that's another sign UYxvO-IDXZE-01074-00250544-00250782 it's another synchronicity UYxvO-IDXZE-01075-00250783-00251046 because UYxvO-IDXZE-01076-00251048-00251358 because i chose to trust in the signs UYxvO-IDXZE-01077-00251359-00251663 that were coming in that made no sense UYxvO-IDXZE-01078-00251664-00251951 to my mind that eventually allowed me to UYxvO-IDXZE-01079-00251952-00252215 be in the position that i am because i UYxvO-IDXZE-01080-00252216-00252542 chose the new identity UYxvO-IDXZE-01081-00252544-00252894 tell people this is now who i am and how UYxvO-IDXZE-01082-00252896-00253046 i'm working with UYxvO-IDXZE-01083-00253048-00253334 and signs come in and i trusted them and UYxvO-IDXZE-01084-00253335-00253503 i followed them UYxvO-IDXZE-01085-00253504-00253734 and it became not just in my mind or a UYxvO-IDXZE-01086-00253735-00254063 fantasy it became my reality UYxvO-IDXZE-01087-00254064-00254175 yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-01088-00254176-00254406 so when you when you say you chose this UYxvO-IDXZE-01089-00254407-00254582 identity UYxvO-IDXZE-01090-00254583-00254927 did you actually UYxvO-IDXZE-01091-00254928-00255167 feel that identity like did that feel UYxvO-IDXZE-01092-00255167-00255287 true UYxvO-IDXZE-01093-00255288-00255494 in the sense of UYxvO-IDXZE-01094-00255496-00255630 like UYxvO-IDXZE-01095-00255631-00255734 it was UYxvO-IDXZE-01096-00255735-00255910 i'm trying to articulate this like it UYxvO-IDXZE-01097-00255911-00256134 was natural like when you say you chose UYxvO-IDXZE-01098-00256135-00256334 it you like you felt like yeah yeah i'm UYxvO-IDXZE-01099-00256335-00256446 this person that's working with UYxvO-IDXZE-01100-00256448-00256806 hollywood people hell yeah is that UYxvO-IDXZE-01101-00256807-00256919 yes UYxvO-IDXZE-01102-00256919-00257151 it felt like UYxvO-IDXZE-01103-00257152-00257375 like it didn't come from my mind UYxvO-IDXZE-01104-00257376-00257591 it just came in and it was so out the UYxvO-IDXZE-01105-00257592-00257679 blue UYxvO-IDXZE-01106-00257680-00258039 now i'm not saying i didn't oscillate in UYxvO-IDXZE-01107-00258040-00258303 and out of trust and doubt UYxvO-IDXZE-01108-00258304-00258542 trust and diet trust and doubt so when i UYxvO-IDXZE-01109-00258544-00258846 say i chose it is there were more doubts UYxvO-IDXZE-01110-00258848-00259142 coming in than the moments where i felt UYxvO-IDXZE-01111-00259144-00259319 certain UYxvO-IDXZE-01112-00259319-00259671 so i had to rewire myself not to believe UYxvO-IDXZE-01113-00259671-00259839 the doubts and the limits that were UYxvO-IDXZE-01114-00259840-00260206 coming up and you know saying yeah but UYxvO-IDXZE-01115-00260207-00260423 if you got to meet people like that and UYxvO-IDXZE-01116-00260423-00260727 they experienced your work they would UYxvO-IDXZE-01117-00260728-00260910 think that you were i don't know it's UYxvO-IDXZE-01118-00260911-00261063 rubbish that's quite a british word or UYxvO-IDXZE-01119-00261064-00261430 maybe yeah rubbish yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-01120-00261431-00261582 don't just like UYxvO-IDXZE-01121-00261583-00261863 complain and like they'll tell everyone UYxvO-IDXZE-01122-00261864-00262063 in their circles that you're a fraud and UYxvO-IDXZE-01123-00262064-00262295 you're a blah and you know your your UYxvO-IDXZE-01124-00262296-00262543 friends are gonna think that like you UYxvO-IDXZE-01125-00262544-00262767 think you're too good for them and you UYxvO-IDXZE-01126-00262768-00262934 tell them this and they're gonna you UYxvO-IDXZE-01127-00262935-00263015 know UYxvO-IDXZE-01128-00263016-00263175 no one done that by the way this is what UYxvO-IDXZE-01129-00263176-00263375 goes on in the mind UYxvO-IDXZE-01130-00263376-00263558 they create stories based on the UYxvO-IDXZE-01131-00263559-00263887 emotional imprints UYxvO-IDXZE-01132-00263888-00264151 in my body and in my mind so that gets UYxvO-IDXZE-01133-00264152-00264391 to be my work what comes up UYxvO-IDXZE-01134-00264392-00264527 you know back to what we're actually UYxvO-IDXZE-01135-00264528-00264727 saying i don't have to judge myself UYxvO-IDXZE-01136-00264728-00265006 around this okay so UYxvO-IDXZE-01137-00265007-00265310 i'm not feeling so safe in choosing this UYxvO-IDXZE-01138-00265311-00265510 path that i know is for me well what do UYxvO-IDXZE-01139-00265511-00265719 i need to do well of course being a UYxvO-IDXZE-01140-00265720-00265943 coach i have a coach UYxvO-IDXZE-01141-00265944-00266239 i had a i actually did have a hip UYxvO-IDXZE-01142-00266240-00266503 hypnosis session with justin i would go UYxvO-IDXZE-01143-00266504-00266799 to an acupuncture i would do the work on UYxvO-IDXZE-01144-00266800-00267110 all the layers of myself and i would UYxvO-IDXZE-01145-00267111-00267406 do the work to create the safety and my UYxvO-IDXZE-01146-00267407-00267719 nervous system to follow that but i had UYxvO-IDXZE-01147-00267720-00267934 to choose it every day and think new UYxvO-IDXZE-01148-00267935-00268119 thoughts and rewire UYxvO-IDXZE-01149-00268120-00268455 my whole being to believe that i was UYxvO-IDXZE-01150-00268456-00268703 worthy of fulfilling UYxvO-IDXZE-01151-00268704-00269006 that mission that i felt came from my UYxvO-IDXZE-01152-00269007-00269343 source from my center from my core UYxvO-IDXZE-01153-00269344-00269591 yeah it wasn't like one day i just chose UYxvO-IDXZE-01154-00269592-00269830 it and then that's it UYxvO-IDXZE-01155-00269831-00270063 i was just confident i didn't have any UYxvO-IDXZE-01156-00270064-00270358 doubts i didn't have any shaky moments UYxvO-IDXZE-01157-00270359-00270551 i had to work on that i had to choose it UYxvO-IDXZE-01158-00270552-00270655 every day UYxvO-IDXZE-01159-00270656-00270751 yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-01160-00270752-00270847 yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-01161-00270848-00271103 um what it sounds like is and let me UYxvO-IDXZE-01162-00271104-00271255 know if you resonate with this or this UYxvO-IDXZE-01163-00271256-00271391 is accurate UYxvO-IDXZE-01164-00271392-00271630 that UYxvO-IDXZE-01165-00271631-00271815 well first of all it's like there there UYxvO-IDXZE-01166-00271816-00272103 are doubts and the universe god UYxvO-IDXZE-01167-00272104-00272334 whatnot is very forgiving and that UYxvO-IDXZE-01168-00272335-00272447 because it's not like we can still have UYxvO-IDXZE-01169-00272448-00272695 doubts and it's still it still happens UYxvO-IDXZE-01170-00272696-00272910 um but but secondly UYxvO-IDXZE-01171-00272911-00273151 um where are they going with this UYxvO-IDXZE-01172-00273152-00273399 oh yeah it's like UYxvO-IDXZE-01173-00273400-00273823 only when you chose to step out in faith UYxvO-IDXZE-01174-00273824-00274030 even though you had the doubts UYxvO-IDXZE-01175-00274031-00274287 that's when the synchronicities came UYxvO-IDXZE-01176-00274288-00274399 yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-01177-00274400-00274679 exactly yeah do you know what's so UYxvO-IDXZE-01178-00274680-00274991 interesting UYxvO-IDXZE-01179-00274992-00275119 i call in UYxvO-IDXZE-01180-00275120-00275439 people who are on the hollywood level of UYxvO-IDXZE-01181-00275440-00275639 success and i don't say that because UYxvO-IDXZE-01182-00275640-00275823 they're there's above and below anyone UYxvO-IDXZE-01183-00275824-00276006 by the way but we all know that there's UYxvO-IDXZE-01184-00276007-00276230 very few people who make it UYxvO-IDXZE-01185-00276231-00276510 to that level of if you're an actor and UYxvO-IDXZE-01186-00276511-00276734 actress UYxvO-IDXZE-01187-00276735-00276958 so what would we build in our mind about UYxvO-IDXZE-01188-00276959-00277095 these people UYxvO-IDXZE-01189-00277096-00277271 you would think that to get to that UYxvO-IDXZE-01190-00277272-00277519 level they have no doubts right they UYxvO-IDXZE-01191-00277520-00277823 don't have the same UYxvO-IDXZE-01192-00277824-00278063 they're god's patience yeah you know UYxvO-IDXZE-01193-00278064-00278423 again we put them up in these pedestals UYxvO-IDXZE-01194-00278424-00278619 and i started working with really UYxvO-IDXZE-01195-00278620-00278927 successful people more successful than i UYxvO-IDXZE-01196-00278928-00279239 could ever have possibly imagined for UYxvO-IDXZE-01197-00279240-00279358 myself UYxvO-IDXZE-01198-00279359-00279503 and they UYxvO-IDXZE-01199-00279504-00279967 have the same stuff going on the same UYxvO-IDXZE-01200-00279968-00280103 stories UYxvO-IDXZE-01201-00280104-00280399 but they UYxvO-IDXZE-01202-00280400-00280623 are maybe more practiced or are willing UYxvO-IDXZE-01203-00280624-00280782 or able to UYxvO-IDXZE-01204-00280783-00280951 still UYxvO-IDXZE-01205-00280952-00281199 go for it UYxvO-IDXZE-01206-00281200-00281415 they're okay with their rejection UYxvO-IDXZE-01207-00281416-00281758 they're okay with facing UYxvO-IDXZE-01208-00281759-00281919 being putting themselves out there and UYxvO-IDXZE-01209-00281920-00282134 being seen as a failure they they make UYxvO-IDXZE-01210-00282135-00282334 peace with that and they keep going and UYxvO-IDXZE-01211-00282335-00282527 they keep going they've had so many UYxvO-IDXZE-01212-00282528-00282799 people say no but they keep going and UYxvO-IDXZE-01213-00282800-00283119 they keep going and they keep going UYxvO-IDXZE-01214-00283120-00283279 and UYxvO-IDXZE-01215-00283280-00283463 you know there UYxvO-IDXZE-01216-00283464-00283710 there are moments where i've had in my UYxvO-IDXZE-01217-00283711-00283975 life especially like i said when 2020 UYxvO-IDXZE-01218-00283976-00284287 hit i had a really successful in-person UYxvO-IDXZE-01219-00284288-00284519 business doing retreats on the island of UYxvO-IDXZE-01220-00284520-00284863 ibiza that all fell to the ground UYxvO-IDXZE-01221-00284864-00284991 and there were moments when i was UYxvO-IDXZE-01222-00284992-00285319 building up a new business where i had UYxvO-IDXZE-01223-00285320-00285567 no evidence to suggest i was on the UYxvO-IDXZE-01224-00285568-00285854 right path like i had no money i was UYxvO-IDXZE-01225-00285855-00286110 literally broke i had there was nothing UYxvO-IDXZE-01226-00286111-00286303 showing me it wasn't like all of a UYxvO-IDXZE-01227-00286304-00286487 sudden i was a success UYxvO-IDXZE-01228-00286488-00286727 and i just had to keep on going and i UYxvO-IDXZE-01229-00286728-00286943 had to keep on believing even when there UYxvO-IDXZE-01230-00286944-00287223 was no evidence to suggest that and you UYxvO-IDXZE-01231-00287224-00287510 know i see the same on on their level is UYxvO-IDXZE-01232-00287511-00287703 there's maybe not the evidence to UYxvO-IDXZE-01233-00287704-00287903 suggest that they can do what they've UYxvO-IDXZE-01234-00287904-00288223 achieved but they just keep going and UYxvO-IDXZE-01235-00288224-00288510 keep going with their doubts UYxvO-IDXZE-01236-00288511-00288671 with all of the human stuff that we've UYxvO-IDXZE-01237-00288672-00288919 all got with the stories UYxvO-IDXZE-01238-00288920-00289127 with them telling themselves well maybe UYxvO-IDXZE-01239-00289128-00289271 you're not good enough for this or that UYxvO-IDXZE-01240-00289272-00289430 and they just keep going and they keep UYxvO-IDXZE-01241-00289431-00289615 going and they keep going UYxvO-IDXZE-01242-00289616-00289967 yeah i'm all the same we think the same UYxvO-IDXZE-01243-00289968-00290279 we've got the same stories going on UYxvO-IDXZE-01244-00290280-00290454 and that was beautiful to me i was like UYxvO-IDXZE-01245-00290455-00290799 okay wow oh there isn't this level to UYxvO-IDXZE-01246-00290800-00291103 get you we're all in this journey UYxvO-IDXZE-01247-00291104-00291230 together UYxvO-IDXZE-01248-00291231-00291454 and we need to really help support one UYxvO-IDXZE-01249-00291455-00291663 another not to believe the limitations UYxvO-IDXZE-01250-00291664-00291934 and the stories and we can all achieve UYxvO-IDXZE-01251-00291935-00292103 what that success is and of course it UYxvO-IDXZE-01252-00292104-00292310 doesn't need to be like hollywood movies UYxvO-IDXZE-01253-00292311-00292639 or this or that but if you like me have UYxvO-IDXZE-01254-00292640-00292879 this feeling that i actually think i'm UYxvO-IDXZE-01255-00292880-00293119 meant for more UYxvO-IDXZE-01256-00293120-00293406 i actually think i meant for more and UYxvO-IDXZE-01257-00293407-00293654 you know we were talking about UYxvO-IDXZE-01258-00293655-00293830 when you asked justin people might say UYxvO-IDXZE-01259-00293831-00294063 with even doing our practices is is that UYxvO-IDXZE-01260-00294064-00294215 selfish UYxvO-IDXZE-01261-00294216-00294415 and that stuff comes out oh but you've UYxvO-IDXZE-01262-00294416-00294687 got a really great life it's amazing UYxvO-IDXZE-01263-00294688-00294806 like UYxvO-IDXZE-01264-00294807-00295047 how can you want more is that is that UYxvO-IDXZE-01265-00295048-00295271 being self yeah yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-01266-00295272-00295487 i will judge yourself for that but then UYxvO-IDXZE-01267-00295488-00295775 again you know we'll judge yourself more UYxvO-IDXZE-01268-00295776-00296158 when we get to the end of our lives UYxvO-IDXZE-01269-00296159-00296263 and we UYxvO-IDXZE-01270-00296264-00296430 think UYxvO-IDXZE-01271-00296431-00296606 i could have UYxvO-IDXZE-01272-00296607-00296847 been more of who i am i could have UYxvO-IDXZE-01273-00296848-00297095 served the world more i could have shown UYxvO-IDXZE-01274-00297096-00297358 more of who i was and i could have made UYxvO-IDXZE-01275-00297359-00297599 a change to the world and when i say UYxvO-IDXZE-01276-00297600-00297871 that it might just be your family or UYxvO-IDXZE-01277-00297872-00298182 your community or your children or UYxvO-IDXZE-01278-00298183-00298351 you know your lovers or whatever that UYxvO-IDXZE-01279-00298352-00298510 might be it doesn't need to be global UYxvO-IDXZE-01280-00298511-00298679 scale UYxvO-IDXZE-01281-00298680-00298943 and if you feel that UYxvO-IDXZE-01282-00298944-00299054 then UYxvO-IDXZE-01283-00299055-00299199 i give you UYxvO-IDXZE-01284-00299200-00299367 the permission slip if you're looking UYxvO-IDXZE-01285-00299368-00299471 for it UYxvO-IDXZE-01286-00299472-00299703 to go for that UYxvO-IDXZE-01287-00299704-00300015 because this is your life and if you UYxvO-IDXZE-01288-00300016-00300319 have a feeling that there's more UYxvO-IDXZE-01289-00300320-00300567 more of yourself more you can impact UYxvO-IDXZE-01290-00300568-00300734 this world and the life and those you UYxvO-IDXZE-01291-00300735-00300919 love and around you UYxvO-IDXZE-01292-00300920-00301310 then who are you not to UYxvO-IDXZE-01293-00301311-00301439 ooh UYxvO-IDXZE-01294-00301440-00301743 that's a great question UYxvO-IDXZE-01295-00301744-00301934 we're going to need that permission slip UYxvO-IDXZE-01296-00301935-00302047 in writing UYxvO-IDXZE-01297-00302048-00302319 a little louis stamp of approval boom i UYxvO-IDXZE-01298-00302320-00302567 i will give you a stand i was looking UYxvO-IDXZE-01299-00302568-00302751 and the reason i say that is because i UYxvO-IDXZE-01300-00302752-00303023 was looking for some permission slip for UYxvO-IDXZE-01301-00303024-00303247 as long as i can remember UYxvO-IDXZE-01302-00303248-00303479 yeah we can't give it to ourselves you UYxvO-IDXZE-01303-00303480-00303679 don't need it for me but if anybody is UYxvO-IDXZE-01304-00303680-00303815 looking for that UYxvO-IDXZE-01305-00303816-00303958 here it is maybe that's the UYxvO-IDXZE-01306-00303959-00304182 synchronicity right maybe this is the UYxvO-IDXZE-01307-00304183-00304351 sign if you've been looking for that UYxvO-IDXZE-01308-00304352-00304454 sign UYxvO-IDXZE-01309-00304455-00304679 then guess what you are watching this UYxvO-IDXZE-01310-00304680-00304854 for a reason UYxvO-IDXZE-01311-00304855-00305015 and this is your sign UYxvO-IDXZE-01312-00305016-00305110 yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-01313-00305111-00305271 i love that UYxvO-IDXZE-01314-00305272-00305358 i UYxvO-IDXZE-01315-00305359-00305534 i'm curious like what what do you think UYxvO-IDXZE-01316-00305535-00305958 kept you going in all that pain and UYxvO-IDXZE-01317-00305959-00306319 and uh just any normal person who UYxvO-IDXZE-01318-00306320-00306519 would go through that UYxvO-IDXZE-01319-00306520-00306854 you know would probably give up what do UYxvO-IDXZE-01320-00306855-00307030 you think kept you going UYxvO-IDXZE-01321-00307031-00307134 well UYxvO-IDXZE-01322-00307135-00307430 the pain of giving up became more than UYxvO-IDXZE-01323-00307431-00307927 the pain of keeping on going UYxvO-IDXZE-01324-00307928-00308222 i could not allow myself to UYxvO-IDXZE-01325-00308223-00308615 [Music] UYxvO-IDXZE-01326-00308616-00308910 shrivel and shrink as my soul UYxvO-IDXZE-01327-00308911-00309199 i'd done that for UYxvO-IDXZE-01328-00309200-00309454 most of my life i'd been another version UYxvO-IDXZE-01329-00309455-00309630 of who i thought i needed to be for the UYxvO-IDXZE-01330-00309631-00309967 world and this was me finally like i'm UYxvO-IDXZE-01331-00309968-00310239 ready for this deeper UYxvO-IDXZE-01332-00310240-00310534 claiming of who i who i am and for the UYxvO-IDXZE-01333-00310535-00310871 pain to stay stuck UYxvO-IDXZE-01334-00310872-00311158 i just couldn't do that to myself UYxvO-IDXZE-01335-00311159-00311254 and UYxvO-IDXZE-01336-00311255-00311406 you know bringing it back as it was just UYxvO-IDXZE-01337-00311407-00311551 last night i was watching lord of the UYxvO-IDXZE-01338-00311552-00311758 rings and it was the two towers UYxvO-IDXZE-01339-00311759-00311991 um and it was like near the end and UYxvO-IDXZE-01340-00311992-00312254 frodo and sam you know the rings taking UYxvO-IDXZE-01341-00312255-00312567 photo over he's heavy in the pain and UYxvO-IDXZE-01342-00312568-00312751 they've lost people they love and UYxvO-IDXZE-01343-00312752-00312943 they're such a long way from the shire UYxvO-IDXZE-01344-00312944-00313158 and i can't remember exactly the words UYxvO-IDXZE-01345-00313159-00313247 but UYxvO-IDXZE-01346-00313248-00313334 you know UYxvO-IDXZE-01347-00313335-00313615 sam was giving this speech to frodo and UYxvO-IDXZE-01348-00313616-00313775 it's like UYxvO-IDXZE-01349-00313776-00314030 no one wants to be in the situations of UYxvO-IDXZE-01350-00314031-00314319 pain and struggle and darkness but the UYxvO-IDXZE-01351-00314320-00314575 reason you keep going is because UYxvO-IDXZE-01352-00314576-00314791 there's there's a belief in a hope that UYxvO-IDXZE-01353-00314792-00314951 there's a good in this world and it's UYxvO-IDXZE-01354-00314952-00315158 worth fighting for UYxvO-IDXZE-01355-00315159-00315279 and UYxvO-IDXZE-01356-00315280-00315519 that's a great reflection for us it's UYxvO-IDXZE-01357-00315520-00315887 like it's got to be worth fighting for UYxvO-IDXZE-01358-00315888-00316127 i heard of why and you know we might UYxvO-IDXZE-01359-00316128-00316327 hear that a few times within you know UYxvO-IDXZE-01360-00316328-00316406 the coaching world in the UYxvO-IDXZE-01361-00316407-00316615 self-development world is what's your UYxvO-IDXZE-01362-00316616-00316703 why UYxvO-IDXZE-01363-00316704-00316991 and for me i just couldn't for me i'm UYxvO-IDXZE-01364-00316992-00317167 not saying it is this way but for this UYxvO-IDXZE-01365-00317168-00317391 is how it felt for me if i didn't do UYxvO-IDXZE-01366-00317392-00317727 this it would feel like i seen something UYxvO-IDXZE-01367-00317728-00317991 that i could have supported in this UYxvO-IDXZE-01368-00317992-00318206 world and i seen it UYxvO-IDXZE-01369-00318207-00318575 for others and i went oh okay well it's UYxvO-IDXZE-01370-00318576-00318806 a bit too much for me UYxvO-IDXZE-01371-00318807-00318967 so everyone's just gonna have to deal UYxvO-IDXZE-01372-00318968-00319223 with that on their own UYxvO-IDXZE-01373-00319224-00319534 and i couldn't do that if my why was too UYxvO-IDXZE-01374-00319535-00319799 strong this isn't even for me and it's UYxvO-IDXZE-01375-00319800-00319982 great when it's not about yourself when UYxvO-IDXZE-01376-00319983-00320191 it's about yourself it's like oh UYxvO-IDXZE-01377-00320192-00320358 you know manana manana i'll do it UYxvO-IDXZE-01378-00320359-00320534 tomorrow it's okay UYxvO-IDXZE-01379-00320535-00320854 it's but when it's more than you then UYxvO-IDXZE-01380-00320855-00321030 that's gonna be the reason it gets you UYxvO-IDXZE-01381-00321031-00321271 out of bed in those days where i UYxvO-IDXZE-01382-00321272-00321630 definitely had and hey i still UYxvO-IDXZE-01383-00321631-00321782 have UYxvO-IDXZE-01384-00321783-00322054 i still have those days where i want to UYxvO-IDXZE-01385-00322055-00322271 give up and i still have those days UYxvO-IDXZE-01386-00322272-00322479 where i doubt myself and wonder if it's UYxvO-IDXZE-01387-00322480-00322743 all worthwhile i still have it and i've UYxvO-IDXZE-01388-00322744-00323039 got my why and it's my amazing clients UYxvO-IDXZE-01389-00323040-00323303 and when i see them light up and i've UYxvO-IDXZE-01390-00323304-00323479 got some of them who are coaches and UYxvO-IDXZE-01391-00323480-00323727 transformation facilitators and you know UYxvO-IDXZE-01392-00323728-00323887 sexual um UYxvO-IDXZE-01393-00323888-00324087 sexual healing facilitators all sorts of UYxvO-IDXZE-01394-00324088-00324287 things and this mixed bag UYxvO-IDXZE-01395-00324288-00324663 and when i'm showing up for for them and UYxvO-IDXZE-01396-00324664-00324823 supporting them UYxvO-IDXZE-01397-00324824-00325047 and seeing the ripples that they create UYxvO-IDXZE-01398-00325048-00325287 and the changes they're making not only UYxvO-IDXZE-01399-00325288-00325510 to themselves but to those they're UYxvO-IDXZE-01400-00325511-00325799 serving i know this is transforming the UYxvO-IDXZE-01401-00325800-00325919 world UYxvO-IDXZE-01402-00325920-00326182 i know this is my greater calling and UYxvO-IDXZE-01403-00326183-00326271 that UYxvO-IDXZE-01404-00326272-00326630 gets me out of bed on those days where UYxvO-IDXZE-01405-00326631-00326879 i'm like i'm done and again it just UYxvO-IDXZE-01406-00326880-00327175 actually leads back to that thing about UYxvO-IDXZE-01407-00327176-00327399 taking care of the self versus the UYxvO-IDXZE-01408-00327400-00327582 others and this is where the balance is UYxvO-IDXZE-01409-00327583-00327703 in UYxvO-IDXZE-01410-00327704-00327878 because maybe i'll done this before i UYxvO-IDXZE-01411-00327879-00328191 don't know about you justin working in UYxvO-IDXZE-01412-00328192-00328454 the type of work that you do we tend to UYxvO-IDXZE-01413-00328455-00328695 have patterns of over giving and burn UYxvO-IDXZE-01414-00328696-00328863 out UYxvO-IDXZE-01415-00328864-00329110 and i've burnt out and guess what i had UYxvO-IDXZE-01416-00329111-00329343 to take a month off UYxvO-IDXZE-01417-00329344-00329599 serving no one doing nothing not good UYxvO-IDXZE-01418-00329600-00329910 for anyone around me not my relationship UYxvO-IDXZE-01419-00329911-00330199 not my friendships not anybody UYxvO-IDXZE-01420-00330200-00330510 and this is where the balance comes in UYxvO-IDXZE-01421-00330511-00330719 have your greater purpose be in service UYxvO-IDXZE-01422-00330720-00330958 to something beyond yourself but the UYxvO-IDXZE-01423-00330959-00331158 only way you're going to do that is UYxvO-IDXZE-01424-00331159-00331382 showing up for yourself being selfish UYxvO-IDXZE-01425-00331383-00331510 where you need to UYxvO-IDXZE-01426-00331511-00331799 and giving yourself that care UYxvO-IDXZE-01427-00331800-00332158 that is a wonderful balance and just UYxvO-IDXZE-01428-00332159-00332334 well articulated UYxvO-IDXZE-01429-00332335-00332487 thank you so much UYxvO-IDXZE-01430-00332488-00332582 um UYxvO-IDXZE-01431-00332583-00332758 on that on that note UYxvO-IDXZE-01432-00332759-00333039 um if anybody wants to work with you UYxvO-IDXZE-01433-00333040-00333247 uh where can they find you UYxvO-IDXZE-01434-00333248-00333519 oh i would love that yeah so if UYxvO-IDXZE-01435-00333520-00333671 anybody's feeling UYxvO-IDXZE-01436-00333672-00333863 like something's just being switched on UYxvO-IDXZE-01437-00333864-00334023 or activated or you're just really UYxvO-IDXZE-01438-00334024-00334334 curious you're like hey actually yes UYxvO-IDXZE-01439-00334335-00334630 i know there's more of me and i know UYxvO-IDXZE-01440-00334631-00334854 there is more that i can do with my life UYxvO-IDXZE-01441-00334855-00335039 and i'm not willing to get to the end of UYxvO-IDXZE-01442-00335040-00335295 my days with those type of regrets i'm UYxvO-IDXZE-01443-00335296-00335527 here and i'm fully in then you can UYxvO-IDXZE-01444-00335528-00335695 contact me UYxvO-IDXZE-01445-00335696-00336015 if people have facebook or instagram UYxvO-IDXZE-01446-00336016-00336254 or my website either way it's perfect UYxvO-IDXZE-01447-00336255-00336730 and louise cameron edlund on instagram UYxvO-IDXZE-01448-00336731-00337087 louisecamarinetlyn.com for my website UYxvO-IDXZE-01449-00337088-00337271 and just go ahead and reach out you can UYxvO-IDXZE-01450-00337272-00337519 either just like hit me up in the dms or UYxvO-IDXZE-01451-00337520-00337710 an email and we can chat and i can send UYxvO-IDXZE-01452-00337711-00337967 you over an application form if you're UYxvO-IDXZE-01453-00337968-00338367 feeling curious to come on a call UYxvO-IDXZE-01454-00338368-00338654 perfect and i have all those links uh in UYxvO-IDXZE-01455-00338655-00338782 the description UYxvO-IDXZE-01456-00338783-00338999 yeah and there's anything any like last UYxvO-IDXZE-01457-00339000-00339134 words you just want to share and just UYxvO-IDXZE-01458-00339135-00339406 get out oh yeah go ahead i do i actually UYxvO-IDXZE-01459-00339407-00339623 have i could send you the link you know UYxvO-IDXZE-01460-00339624-00339887 that uh quantum activation that i done UYxvO-IDXZE-01461-00339888-00340006 that meditation UYxvO-IDXZE-01462-00340007-00340191 yeah yeah yeah send me the link and i'll UYxvO-IDXZE-01463-00340192-00340319 put it in there i'll send you the link UYxvO-IDXZE-01464-00340320-00340567 for that for for anybody who wants to UYxvO-IDXZE-01465-00340568-00340799 just really receive the UYxvO-IDXZE-01466-00340800-00340982 activation and the subconscious UYxvO-IDXZE-01467-00340983-00341215 transformations through a meditative way UYxvO-IDXZE-01468-00341216-00341367 i've created a meditation that i'll UYxvO-IDXZE-01469-00341368-00341510 share with justin UYxvO-IDXZE-01470-00341511-00341934 immerse yourself into that and the final UYxvO-IDXZE-01471-00341935-00342710 words i would say UYxvO-IDXZE-01472-00342711-00342919 and what's coming through it's really UYxvO-IDXZE-01473-00342920-00343082 about UYxvO-IDXZE-01474-00343083-00343510 trusting yourself and trusting UYxvO-IDXZE-01475-00343511-00343606 life UYxvO-IDXZE-01476-00343607-00343782 and UYxvO-IDXZE-01477-00343783-00344103 looking to people that inspire you UYxvO-IDXZE-01478-00344104-00344406 and using them as beautiful inspirations UYxvO-IDXZE-01479-00344407-00344671 and getting the tools in great UYxvO-IDXZE-01480-00344672-00344991 but committing yourself every day to do UYxvO-IDXZE-01481-00344992-00345127 something UYxvO-IDXZE-01482-00345128-00345247 that's so UYxvO-IDXZE-01483-00345248-00345567 deeply truly you whether it be do you UYxvO-IDXZE-01484-00345568-00345799 know what i'm gonna i'm gonna change my UYxvO-IDXZE-01485-00345800-00345982 style i've been i've been feeling i want UYxvO-IDXZE-01486-00345983-00346199 to update my word or do you know what UYxvO-IDXZE-01487-00346200-00346527 i've been feeling that i want to UYxvO-IDXZE-01488-00346528-00346863 learn a language or i want to go to this UYxvO-IDXZE-01489-00346864-00347054 dance class or whatever that might be UYxvO-IDXZE-01490-00347055-00347406 these little thoughts that you have UYxvO-IDXZE-01491-00347407-00347639 don't let them just be thoughts take an UYxvO-IDXZE-01492-00347640-00347791 action on them UYxvO-IDXZE-01493-00347792-00347967 oh i've been meaning to message that UYxvO-IDXZE-01494-00347968-00348254 person or whatever it is so just take a UYxvO-IDXZE-01495-00348255-00348423 moment UYxvO-IDXZE-01496-00348424-00348710 think on the beautiful things swirling UYxvO-IDXZE-01497-00348711-00348910 around your head that you would love to UYxvO-IDXZE-01498-00348911-00349023 do UYxvO-IDXZE-01499-00349024-00349254 even if it's just for your day UYxvO-IDXZE-01500-00349255-00349430 or it's for your week it doesn't need to UYxvO-IDXZE-01501-00349431-00349687 be like huge global scale UYxvO-IDXZE-01502-00349688-00349958 and just think what do i really want to UYxvO-IDXZE-01503-00349959-00350134 do today what's something i've been UYxvO-IDXZE-01504-00350135-00350310 desiring and UYxvO-IDXZE-01505-00350311-00350495 what am i ready to take action on and UYxvO-IDXZE-01506-00350496-00350782 make happen and make that commitment to UYxvO-IDXZE-01507-00350783-00351087 yourself right here right now UYxvO-IDXZE-01508-00351088-00351334 take a moment to reflect if you need and UYxvO-IDXZE-01509-00351335-00351647 take that action on that desire UYxvO-IDXZE-01510-00351648-00351934 because you're so worth it UYxvO-IDXZE-01511-00351935-00352039 yeah UYxvO-IDXZE-01512-00352040-00352287 yeah man i'm getting pumped up here i UYxvO-IDXZE-01513-00352288-00352534 feel like i just got some like major UYxvO-IDXZE-01514-00352535-00352687 inspiration UYxvO-IDXZE-01515-00352688-00352863 and i just i love i'm just resonating UYxvO-IDXZE-01516-00352864-00353054 with everything that you're saying so UYxvO-IDXZE-01517-00353055-00353334 louise um actually before i just end UYxvO-IDXZE-01518-00353335-00353478 this i just want to UYxvO-IDXZE-01519-00353479-00353710 say i've done a session with louise and UYxvO-IDXZE-01520-00353711-00353878 she knows what the UYxvO-IDXZE-01521-00353879-00354158 f she's doing she's very very good so i UYxvO-IDXZE-01522-00354159-00354399 really highly recommend her uh check out UYxvO-IDXZE-01523-00354400-00354510 her stuff UYxvO-IDXZE-01524-00354511-00354678 and uh thank you so much for coming on UYxvO-IDXZE-01525-00354679-00354967 this was a very fruitful and fascinating UYxvO-IDXZE-01526-00354968-00355175 discussion yeah and UYxvO-IDXZE-01527-00355176-00355382 people leave the comments let let me UYxvO-IDXZE-01528-00355383-00355630 know your takeaways or you know justin UYxvO-IDXZE-01529-00355631-00355958 had the objections please object please UYxvO-IDXZE-01530-00355959-00356151 share things this is what's beautiful UYxvO-IDXZE-01531-00356152-00356382 this is where we learn and UYxvO-IDXZE-01532-00356383-00356606 yeah i would just love to hear from from UYxvO-IDXZE-01533-00356607-00356887 everyone and also i have received a UYxvO-IDXZE-01534-00356888-00357143 session with justin and he also knows UYxvO-IDXZE-01535-00357144-00357599 what the f is UYxvO-IDXZE-01536-00357600-00357782 so yeah anyone who's been maybe that's UYxvO-IDXZE-01537-00357783-00357934 people's actions maybe people have been UYxvO-IDXZE-01538-00357935-00358151 watching this UYxvO-IDXZE-01539-00358152-00358351 and that's the action but whatever that UYxvO-IDXZE-01540-00358352-00358551 is it's all perfect UYxvO-IDXZE-01541-00358552-00358799 take your action for yourself for your UYxvO-IDXZE-01542-00358800-00359023 life trust yourself that you know what UYxvO-IDXZE-01543-00359024-00359215 you need and what you want because you UYxvO-IDXZE-01544-00359216-00359310 do UYxvO-IDXZE-01545-00359311-00359423 yes UYxvO-IDXZE-01546-00359424-00359558 all right we're gonna make that UYxvO-IDXZE-01547-00359559-00359671 commitment UYxvO-IDXZE-01548-00359672-00359882 and thank you guys so much for UYxvO-IDXZE-01549-00359883-00360191 watching see you next time bye lots of UYxvO-IDXZE-01550-00360192-00360540 love for my pizza UZ23aougNn8-00000-00000054-00000386 elsevier bi Oba se as a bibliographic UZ23aougNn8-00001-00000387-00000651 database covering all topics pertaining UZ23aougNn8-00002-00000652-00000858 to biological research throughout the UZ23aougNn8-00003-00000859-00001235 world it was established in the 1950s in UZ23aougNn8-00004-00001236-00001445 print format as current awareness in UZ23aougNn8-00005-00001446-00001788 biological sciences temporal coverage is UZ23aougNn8-00006-00001789-00002118 from 1994 to the present the database UZ23aougNn8-00007-00002119-00002388 has over 4.1 million records as of UZ23aougNn8-00008-00002389-00002835 December 2008 more than 300,000 records UZ23aougNn8-00009-00002836-00003126 are added annually and 84% contain an UZ23aougNn8-00010-00003127-00003531 abstract it is updated weekly UZ23aougNn8-00011-00003532-00003877 you UZ23aougNn8-00012-00003878-00004395 topic coverage UZ23aougNn8-00013-00004396-00004665 coverage of the biological sciences as UZ23aougNn8-00014-00004666-00005100 derived from 1900 journals subjects are UZ23aougNn8-00015-00005101-00005370 indexed by titles authors abstracts UZ23aougNn8-00016-00005371-00005577 bibliographic details and authors UZ23aougNn8-00017-00005578-00005886 addresses this database covers the UZ23aougNn8-00018-00005887-00006434 following disciplines UZ23aougNn8-00019-00006434-00007004 topic access points UZ23aougNn8-00020-00007005-00007265 access point on the internet our data UZ23aougNn8-00021-00007266-00007851 star dialog di MDI and STN UZ23aougNn8-00022-00007852-00008027 copic former titles this database UZ23aougNn8-00023-00008028-00008283 continues international abstracts of UZ23aougNn8-00024-00008284-00008645 biological sciences issn oh oh - oh five UZ23aougNn8-00025-00008646-00008888 eight one eight it also continues in UZ23aougNn8-00026-00008889-00009113 part current advances in neuroscience UZ23aougNn8-00027-00009114-00009452 ISSN oh seven four one one six seven UZ23aougNn8-00028-00009453-00009689 seven current advances in cell and UZ23aougNn8-00029-00009690-00009992 developmental biology is SN oh seven UZ23aougNn8-00030-00009993-00010403 four one one six two six Udy4YGwQpZ4-00000-00000000-00000281 Christina Fernandez and this is the Udy4YGwQpZ4-00001-00000282-00000438 ukulele Festival Udy4YGwQpZ4-00002-00000440-00000730 which you've created here quite amazing Udy4YGwQpZ4-00003-00000731-00000983 thank you over two days Christina yeah Udy4YGwQpZ4-00004-00000984-00001289 tell us about it so it's it's been on Udy4YGwQpZ4-00005-00001290-00001523 usually only one day this is the third Udy4YGwQpZ4-00006-00001524-00001757 time we're doing it Udy4YGwQpZ4-00007-00001757-00001991 um and we had a break three years break Udy4YGwQpZ4-00008-00001992-00002273 because of covet and we decided to take Udy4YGwQpZ4-00009-00002274-00002525 an extra day this time half a day what's Udy4YGwQpZ4-00010-00002526-00002789 the idea behind it just to bring Udy4YGwQpZ4-00011-00002790-00003034 together a community and play the Udy4YGwQpZ4-00012-00003035-00003286 ukulele the idea originally was because Udy4YGwQpZ4-00013-00003288-00003520 my kids want to do ukulele festival and Udy4YGwQpZ4-00014-00003521-00003719 they wanted to go to Hawaii which was a Udy4YGwQpZ4-00015-00003720-00004090 bit far forward Hawaii yeah and then I Udy4YGwQpZ4-00016-00004092-00004259 decided to make my own ukulele Festival Udy4YGwQpZ4-00017-00004260-00004409 because it turned out there wasn't one Udy4YGwQpZ4-00018-00004410-00004619 in all of India I told them we can go to Udy4YGwQpZ4-00019-00004620-00004811 one somewhere in India and it turned out Udy4YGwQpZ4-00020-00004812-00004963 there wasn't one Udy4YGwQpZ4-00021-00004964-00005213 and only one in India with typical Udy4YGwQpZ4-00022-00005214-00005422 German efficiency you worked it out yes Udy4YGwQpZ4-00023-00005423-00005651 so that's amazing because it adds value Udy4YGwQpZ4-00024-00005652-00005777 to our place how many people are Udy4YGwQpZ4-00025-00005778-00006029 participating like some numbers Udy4YGwQpZ4-00026-00006030-00006106 um Udy4YGwQpZ4-00027-00006107-00006383 I'm not sure okay I think today the in Udy4YGwQpZ4-00028-00006384-00006605 the evening the crowd is going to be uh Udy4YGwQpZ4-00029-00006606-00006767 probably a lot bigger but we've had Udy4YGwQpZ4-00030-00006768-00007051 about 15 20 people for every workshop Udy4YGwQpZ4-00031-00007052-00007301 last night I think we had about 50 60 Udy4YGwQpZ4-00032-00007302-00007487 people something like that yeah we had Udy4YGwQpZ4-00033-00007488-00007625 school performance that brought in a lot Udy4YGwQpZ4-00034-00007626-00007769 of kids and parents what performance Udy4YGwQpZ4-00035-00007770-00008014 school we had invited I see so Paradise Udy4YGwQpZ4-00036-00008015-00008224 School came and they performed and so Udy4YGwQpZ4-00037-00008225-00008399 that brought in a big crowd what are Udy4YGwQpZ4-00038-00008400-00008531 your workshops like Udy4YGwQpZ4-00039-00008532-00008753 um we have everything from beginners Udy4YGwQpZ4-00040-00008754-00009037 ukulele to kids ukulele Jazz ukulele Udy4YGwQpZ4-00041-00009038-00009433 type we had a Contemporary Indian dance Udy4YGwQpZ4-00042-00009434-00009869 Rangoli art so and the crowd cashmet Udy4YGwQpZ4-00043-00009870-00010055 area is what they are they are from all Udy4YGwQpZ4-00044-00010056-00010277 of India I mean like some from outside Udy4YGwQpZ4-00045-00010278-00010541 India some from outside India or we've Udy4YGwQpZ4-00046-00010542-00010667 come from outside of course at the Udy4YGwQpZ4-00047-00010668-00010871 moment from Dubai yeah Dubai based yes Udy4YGwQpZ4-00048-00010872-00011038 although you're a daughter-in-law Goa Udy4YGwQpZ4-00049-00011039-00011435 yes yes hopefully soon to be back here Udy4YGwQpZ4-00050-00011436-00011578 um and we've we've got quite a lot of Udy4YGwQpZ4-00051-00011579-00011885 people coming from Bombay and Puna and Udy4YGwQpZ4-00052-00011886-00012059 yeah that's about it so the ukulele is Udy4YGwQpZ4-00053-00012060-00012256 more popular among westerners than Udy4YGwQpZ4-00054-00012257-00012485 locals I think it's becoming really Udy4YGwQpZ4-00055-00012486-00012677 popular in India I mean we've got such Udy4YGwQpZ4-00056-00012678-00012880 big crowds of people and you know the Udy4YGwQpZ4-00057-00012881-00013007 fact that people are coming just to play Udy4YGwQpZ4-00058-00013008-00013211 an open mic they're coming from Bombay Udy4YGwQpZ4-00059-00013212-00013357 or yeah Udy4YGwQpZ4-00060-00013358-00013558 they're not getting money for that or Udy4YGwQpZ4-00061-00013559-00013679 anything they're just coming to just Udy4YGwQpZ4-00062-00013680-00013888 enjoy it be part of the community so I Udy4YGwQpZ4-00063-00013890-00014044 think it's it's really getting popular Udy4YGwQpZ4-00064-00014045-00014171 people actually had a lot of people Udy4YGwQpZ4-00065-00014172-00014458 singing in local languages in Hindi so Udy4YGwQpZ4-00066-00014459-00014693 that is also nice and give us an idea of Udy4YGwQpZ4-00067-00014694-00014849 course how much does it cost to enter Udy4YGwQpZ4-00068-00014850-00015083 how how much time does it take to learn Udy4YGwQpZ4-00069-00015084-00015305 some figures I mean the nice thing about Udy4YGwQpZ4-00070-00015306-00015491 the ukulele is that it's for you know Udy4YGwQpZ4-00071-00015491-00015713 comparatively cheap instrument like you Udy4YGwQpZ4-00072-00015713-00015791 can Udy4YGwQpZ4-00073-00015791-00015947 probably buy one for less than a Udy4YGwQpZ4-00074-00015947-00016091 thousand rupees might not be the most Udy4YGwQpZ4-00075-00016091-00016241 fabulous one you've ever owned online Udy4YGwQpZ4-00076-00016241-00016499 online yeah online or there's cake our Udy4YGwQpZ4-00077-00016500-00016744 sound sponsor is Cadence uh they've got Udy4YGwQpZ4-00078-00016745-00016841 a shopping Udy4YGwQpZ4-00079-00016842-00016979 yeah Udy4YGwQpZ4-00080-00016980-00017147 yeah um there's lots of different brands Udy4YGwQpZ4-00081-00017148-00017308 of course you can buy it online or yeah Udy4YGwQpZ4-00082-00017309-00017500 you know there's also Pedro Fernandez Udy4YGwQpZ4-00083-00017501-00017855 yeah so a thousand rupees yeah I mean Udy4YGwQpZ4-00084-00017856-00018047 that's obviously a low end one but if Udy4YGwQpZ4-00085-00018048-00018227 you're just starting out good enough you Udy4YGwQpZ4-00086-00018228-00018449 know you can go up of course you can go Udy4YGwQpZ4-00087-00018450-00018730 up yeah lots of whatever but no limit Udy4YGwQpZ4-00088-00018731-00019049 and time time chords to learn it's Udy4YGwQpZ4-00089-00019050-00019222 really easy the thing that's nice about Udy4YGwQpZ4-00090-00019223-00019450 the ukulele is that it's really fast you Udy4YGwQpZ4-00091-00019451-00019655 just quickly learn a song I was teaching Udy4YGwQpZ4-00092-00019656-00020021 beginners today and we learned how to Udy4YGwQpZ4-00093-00020022-00020171 play Leaving on a Jet Plane it's only Udy4YGwQpZ4-00094-00020172-00020393 got three chords three simple chords so Udy4YGwQpZ4-00095-00020394-00020561 you can pick that up you know four Udy4YGwQpZ4-00096-00020562-00020800 strings yeah four things how long it Udy4YGwQpZ4-00097-00020801-00021071 took you to pick up I mean the original Udy4YGwQpZ4-00098-00021072-00021275 like the first few Udy4YGwQpZ4-00099-00021276-00021472 courts probably a couple of weeks or Udy4YGwQpZ4-00100-00021473-00021629 something I'm not a very naturally Udy4YGwQpZ4-00101-00021630-00021833 talented musician to be honest how many Udy4YGwQpZ4-00102-00021834-00022186 cards do you know now I don't know hello Udy4YGwQpZ4-00103-00022187-00022393 hi Udy4YGwQpZ4-00104-00022394-00022643 your friends Udy4YGwQpZ4-00105-00022644-00022858 my daughter yeah I see I see I see she Udy4YGwQpZ4-00106-00022859-00023083 is this is Udy4YGwQpZ4-00107-00023084-00023314 also going to perform this evening what Udy4YGwQpZ4-00108-00023315-00023639 time seven o'clock fantastic thanks so Udy4YGwQpZ4-00109-00023640-00023923 much thank you UdN1BvJPpwk-00000-00000608-00000743 greetings and welcome to the UdN1BvJPpwk-00001-00000744-00000935 introduction to astronomy UdN1BvJPpwk-00002-00000936-00001095 one of the things that i like to do in UdN1BvJPpwk-00003-00001096-00001262 each of my introductory astronomy UdN1BvJPpwk-00004-00001263-00001454 classes is to begin the class with the UdN1BvJPpwk-00005-00001455-00001655 astronomy picture of the day UdN1BvJPpwk-00006-00001655-00001971 from the nasa website that is UdN1BvJPpwk-00007-00001972-00002134 apod.nasa.gov slash UdN1BvJPpwk-00008-00002135-00002495 apod and today's picture from march the UdN1BvJPpwk-00009-00002496-00002775 21st of 2021 UdN1BvJPpwk-00010-00002776-00003015 well it is titled the anti-kythera UdN1BvJPpwk-00011-00003016-00003134 mechanism UdN1BvJPpwk-00012-00003135-00003383 so what do we see here well this is an UdN1BvJPpwk-00013-00003384-00003599 image of really one of the earliest UdN1BvJPpwk-00014-00003600-00003735 computers UdN1BvJPpwk-00015-00003736-00004047 thousands of years old and as you can UdN1BvJPpwk-00016-00004047-00004191 see from the image UdN1BvJPpwk-00017-00004192-00004470 buried under ocean water for a long time UdN1BvJPpwk-00018-00004471-00004615 until recovered UdN1BvJPpwk-00019-00004616-00004927 aboard a ship down below UdN1BvJPpwk-00020-00004928-00005254 and what it is is actually essentially UdN1BvJPpwk-00021-00005255-00005463 the first computer that we know of UdN1BvJPpwk-00022-00005464-00005718 now not any electronic computers the UdN1BvJPpwk-00023-00005719-00005886 ones we're used to thinking about today UdN1BvJPpwk-00024-00005887-00006086 when we think about computers UdN1BvJPpwk-00025-00006087-00006399 but a mechanical computer a way of doing UdN1BvJPpwk-00026-00006400-00006727 calculations and figuring out what would UdN1BvJPpwk-00027-00006728-00006823 happen UdN1BvJPpwk-00028-00006823-00007127 in the sky and in fact it took a long UdN1BvJPpwk-00029-00007128-00007319 time studying this and we still UdN1BvJPpwk-00030-00007320-00007598 don't even know exactly what it is UdN1BvJPpwk-00031-00007600-00007823 certainly it is no longer operable UdN1BvJPpwk-00032-00007823-00008063 but studies of it and trying to remake UdN1BvJPpwk-00033-00008064-00008214 models of what this UdN1BvJPpwk-00034-00008215-00008527 what this was like and you can see they UdN1BvJPpwk-00035-00008528-00008607 are some of the UdN1BvJPpwk-00036-00008608-00008903 gears and that are present and it would UdN1BvJPpwk-00037-00008904-00008999 have been UdN1BvJPpwk-00038-00009000-00009271 useful to be able to predict positions UdN1BvJPpwk-00039-00009272-00009383 of stars UdN1BvJPpwk-00040-00009384-00009695 planets and even eclipses of the sun UdN1BvJPpwk-00041-00009696-00009942 and the moon so it's just very UdN1BvJPpwk-00042-00009943-00009999 interesting UdN1BvJPpwk-00043-00010000-00010342 to see the complexity that existed 2 UdN1BvJPpwk-00044-00010343-00010671 000 years ago when this was UdN1BvJPpwk-00045-00010672-00010919 made and of course it would be amazing UdN1BvJPpwk-00046-00010920-00011119 to have something like this to be able UdN1BvJPpwk-00047-00011120-00011295 to do the calculations UdN1BvJPpwk-00048-00011296-00011583 that we depend on modern computers to be UdN1BvJPpwk-00049-00011584-00011655 able to UdN1BvJPpwk-00050-00011656-00011919 modern electronic computers that this UdN1BvJPpwk-00051-00011920-00012070 would have been able to do the same UdN1BvJPpwk-00052-00012071-00012119 thing UdN1BvJPpwk-00053-00012120-00012335 thousands of years ago and to be able to UdN1BvJPpwk-00054-00012336-00012510 calculate accurately UdN1BvJPpwk-00055-00012511-00012838 positions of stars and planets now of UdN1BvJPpwk-00056-00012839-00013063 course it would also depend on things UdN1BvJPpwk-00057-00013063-00013158 being earth UdN1BvJPpwk-00058-00013159-00013399 centered because two thousand years ago UdN1BvJPpwk-00059-00013400-00013591 we did believe that the earth was the UdN1BvJPpwk-00060-00013591-00013783 center of the solar system UdN1BvJPpwk-00061-00013784-00013999 and of the universe and of course while UdN1BvJPpwk-00062-00014000-00014230 we know that is not correct we can still UdN1BvJPpwk-00063-00014231-00014558 use that to make calculations and still UdN1BvJPpwk-00064-00014559-00014591 get UdN1BvJPpwk-00065-00014591-00014830 accurate numbers and this was probably UdN1BvJPpwk-00066-00014831-00015030 done very well UdN1BvJPpwk-00067-00015031-00015335 and could use for things like navigation UdN1BvJPpwk-00068-00015336-00015558 and trying to find where those positions UdN1BvJPpwk-00069-00015559-00015758 were knowing where you were UdN1BvJPpwk-00070-00015759-00016079 on the earth it's not very large if you UdN1BvJPpwk-00071-00016080-00016263 actually look at the diameters mentioned UdN1BvJPpwk-00072-00016263-00016455 in the description on the website UdN1BvJPpwk-00073-00016456-00016694 you can see that the entire mechanism UdN1BvJPpwk-00074-00016695-00016807 was only UdN1BvJPpwk-00075-00016808-00017175 about centimeters in size UdN1BvJPpwk-00076-00017176-00017486 so we're looking at a little more than UdN1BvJPpwk-00077-00017487-00017750 a little more than a foot in size so a UdN1BvJPpwk-00078-00017751-00017822 good size UdN1BvJPpwk-00079-00017823-00018127 size of a good size book but all of the UdN1BvJPpwk-00080-00018128-00018335 detailed gears within there and all of UdN1BvJPpwk-00081-00018336-00018535 the technology that had to have gone UdN1BvJPpwk-00082-00018536-00018694 into making this UdN1BvJPpwk-00083-00018695-00018943 shows a lot of what people were able to UdN1BvJPpwk-00084-00018944-00019183 do thousands of years ago UdN1BvJPpwk-00085-00019184-00019503 long before any modern technology would UdN1BvJPpwk-00086-00019504-00019647 have been helpful UdN1BvJPpwk-00087-00019648-00019863 so that was our picture of the day for UdN1BvJPpwk-00088-00019864-00020183 march the 21st of 2021 UdN1BvJPpwk-00089-00020184-00020439 it was titled the anti-cathedra UdN1BvJPpwk-00090-00020440-00020550 mechanism UdN1BvJPpwk-00091-00020551-00020703 we'll be back again tomorrow for the UdN1BvJPpwk-00092-00020704-00020903 next picture previewed to be UdN1BvJPpwk-00093-00020904-00021191 surround orion so we'll see what that is UdN1BvJPpwk-00094-00021192-00021327 about tomorrow UdN1BvJPpwk-00095-00021328-00021639 and until then have a great day everyone UdN1BvJPpwk-00096-00021640-00022087 and i will see you in class UdYs5Dm25Ey-00000-00000046-00000313 hello guys my name is Jerome CSUN with UdYs5Dm25Ey-00001-00000314-00000599 jeunesse from Las Vegas Nevada and what UdYs5Dm25Ey-00002-00000600-00000770 I'm going to do today is I'm going to UdYs5Dm25Ey-00003-00000771-00000998 try to apply this product called UdYs5Dm25Ey-00004-00000999-00001385 instantly ageless on my deep wrinkle UdYs5Dm25Ey-00005-00001386-00001504 here on my forehead UdYs5Dm25Ey-00006-00001505-00002120 I had this wrinkles probably since high UdYs5Dm25Ey-00007-00002121-00002555 school so it's been there for a long UdYs5Dm25Ey-00008-00002556-00002863 time and what I'm going to try is to UdYs5Dm25Ey-00009-00002864-00003193 diminish it or eliminate it with this UdYs5Dm25Ey-00010-00003194-00003685 great product called instantly ageless UdYs5Dm25Ey-00011-00003686-00004020 hold on for one second to me UdYs5Dm25Ey-00012-00004021-00004568 bear with me here so it comes with this UdYs5Dm25Ey-00013-00004569-00005156 sachet and you can use this probably two UdYs5Dm25Ey-00014-00005157-00005361 to three times UdYs5Dm25Ey-00015-00005362-00005642 okay I'm gonna apply it now they said it UdYs5Dm25Ey-00016-00005643-00006136 that you just have to dub it or yeah you UdYs5Dm25Ey-00017-00006137-00006716 just have to dab it dab it here dab dab UdYs5Dm25Ey-00018-00006717-00007771 dab you don't have to you should dab it UdYs5Dm25Ey-00019-00007772-00008424 and not rub it in and you just have to UdYs5Dm25Ey-00020-00008425-00009028 leave it play 15 to 20 percent way UdYs5Dm25Ey-00021-00009029-00009487 because the product works as it dries UdYs5Dm25Ey-00022-00009488-00010088 and don't put too much they said that if UdYs5Dm25Ey-00023-00010089-00010256 you put too much then you'll have like UdYs5Dm25Ey-00024-00010257-00011288 white residue I'm gonna put all set here UdYs5Dm25Ey-00025-00011289-00012188 since I have like this wrinkle here in UdYs5Dm25Ey-00026-00012189-00013271 between my eyebrows UdYs5Dm25Ey-00027-00013272-00014085 it's a trial try to eliminate the eye UdYs5Dm25Ey-00028-00014086-00014715 bags - might as well - well do it just UdYs5Dm25Ey-00029-00014716-00015703 half of my face UdYs5Dm25Ey-00030-00015704-00017678 you snapped up though UdYs5Dm25Ey-00031-00017679-00018314 I'm gonna find it I'm gonna try to relax UdYs5Dm25Ey-00032-00018315-00018981 my face and my forehead and I could UdYs5Dm25Ey-00033-00018982-00019541 really gonna really feel the the skin UdYs5Dm25Ey-00034-00019542-00020069 tightening because of the are jerilyn UdYs5Dm25Ey-00035-00020070-00020822 peptide it's like a liquid butter Botox UdYs5Dm25Ey-00036-00020823-00021536 it's a Botox scene UdYs5Dm25Ey-00037-00021537-00022907 it's happening right before your eyes UdYs5Dm25Ey-00038-00022908-00023946 oh it's happening right before your eyes UdYs5Dm25Ey-00039-00023947-00024584 is not even two minutes oh my goodness UdYs5Dm25Ey-00040-00024585-00024917 who do you know that has deep wrinkle or UdYs5Dm25Ey-00041-00024918-00025179 deep wrinkles on their forehead on their UdYs5Dm25Ey-00042-00025180-00026313 face crow's feet eyebags oh my goodness UdYs5Dm25Ey-00043-00026314-00026639 look at this this happened right before UdYs5Dm25Ey-00044-00026641-00027456 your eyes no come here track here that's UdYs5Dm25Ey-00045-00027457-00027645 why when my wife and I attended that UdYs5Dm25Ey-00046-00027645-00028089 meeting in Henderson when our great UdYs5Dm25Ey-00047-00028089-00028395 leader Lisa Marie Carter was here in UdYs5Dm25Ey-00048-00028395-00028964 Henderson I told my wife you know we UdYs5Dm25Ey-00049-00028966-00029097 have to sign up with this company UdYs5Dm25Ey-00050-00029098-00029789 witness because oh my goodness this is UdYs5Dm25Ey-00051-00029791-00030339 the company that will UdYs5Dm25Ey-00052-00030339-00030618 with us in our dream whatever dreamed of UdYs5Dm25Ey-00053-00030619-00030885 you have in your life or is it financial UdYs5Dm25Ey-00054-00030886-00031514 freedom more time freedom Jeunesse will UdYs5Dm25Ey-00055-00031516-00032075 be your vehicle to get there in your gas UdYs5Dm25Ey-00056-00032076-00032373 the gasoline your car and your vehicle UdYs5Dm25Ey-00057-00032374-00032718 will be doing the products this amazing UdYs5Dm25Ey-00058-00032719-00033129 products that Jeunesse has Uh9syRnFPaU-00000-00000000-00002538 foreign Uh9syRnFPaU-00001-00002539-00003688 [Music] Uh9syRnFPaU-00003-00006936-00007240 foreign Uh9syRnFPaU-00006-00014328-00015697 diagnosis Uh9syRnFPaU-00007-00015697-00018051 [Music] Uh9syRnFPaU-00008-00018052-00018743 [Music] Uh9syRnFPaU-00009-00018744-00021353 foreign Uh9syRnFPaU-00010-00021354-00021785 content Uh9syRnFPaU-00014-00036300-00036913 foreign Uh9syRnFPaU-00019-00050586-00050886 assalamu UkcrYCrAzr0-00000-00000000-00000105 foreign UkcrYCrAzr0-00001-00000106-00002487 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00002-00002488-00003327 is UkcrYCrAzr0-00003-00003328-00003703 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00004-00003704-00003954 to you UkcrYCrAzr0-00005-00003956-00004585 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00006-00004586-00004815 [Applause] UkcrYCrAzr0-00007-00004816-00005029 me UkcrYCrAzr0-00008-00005030-00005496 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00009-00005497-00005707 [Applause] UkcrYCrAzr0-00010-00005708-00007598 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00011-00007600-00008201 is UkcrYCrAzr0-00012-00008202-00008607 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00013-00008608-00008913 oh UkcrYCrAzr0-00014-00008914-00011519 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00015-00011520-00011814 oh UkcrYCrAzr0-00016-00011815-00014047 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00017-00014047-00014388 i miss you UkcrYCrAzr0-00018-00014390-00014766 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00019-00014766-00014966 [Applause] UkcrYCrAzr0-00020-00014968-00015679 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00021-00015680-00015903 [Applause] UkcrYCrAzr0-00022-00015904-00016352 me UkcrYCrAzr0-00023-00016353-00017903 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00024-00017904-00018106 oh UkcrYCrAzr0-00025-00018107-00018799 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00026-00018800-00019265 um UkcrYCrAzr0-00027-00019266-00020119 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00028-00020120-00020962 is UkcrYCrAzr0-00029-00020963-00021494 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00030-00021495-00021885 i miss you UkcrYCrAzr0-00031-00021886-00022220 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00032-00022221-00022423 [Applause] UkcrYCrAzr0-00033-00022424-00022711 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00034-00022712-00023050 is UkcrYCrAzr0-00035-00023051-00023131 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00036-00023132-00023343 [Applause] UkcrYCrAzr0-00037-00023344-00025230 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00038-00025231-00025331 is UkcrYCrAzr0-00039-00025332-00027390 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00040-00027391-00027514 is UkcrYCrAzr0-00041-00027516-00028383 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00042-00028383-00028724 oh UkcrYCrAzr0-00043-00028725-00031679 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00044-00031680-00032025 i miss you UkcrYCrAzr0-00045-00032026-00032402 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00046-00032402-00032623 [Applause] UkcrYCrAzr0-00047-00032624-00032837 me UkcrYCrAzr0-00048-00032838-00033315 [Music] UkcrYCrAzr0-00049-00033316-00033523 [Applause] UkcrYCrAzr0-00050-00033524-00035762 [Music] Ul1SrCm_bgA-00000-00000050-00000271 the world is the planet earth and all Ul1SrCm_bgA-00001-00000272-00000430 life upon it including human Ul1SrCm_bgA-00002-00000430-00000751 civilization in a philosophical context Ul1SrCm_bgA-00003-00000752-00001033 the world is the whole of the physical Ul1SrCm_bgA-00004-00001034-00001245 universe or an ontological world the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00005-00001246-00001563 world of an individual in a theological Ul1SrCm_bgA-00006-00001564-00001827 context the world is the material or the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00007-00001828-00002017 profane sphere as opposed to the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00008-00002018-00002245 celestial spiritual transcendent or Ul1SrCm_bgA-00009-00002246-00002475 sacred spheres end of the world Ul1SrCm_bgA-00010-00002476-00002707 scenarios refer to the end of human Ul1SrCm_bgA-00011-00002708-00003051 history often in religious contexts the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00012-00003052-00003210 history of the world is commonly Ul1SrCm_bgA-00013-00003211-00003367 understood as spanning the major Ul1SrCm_bgA-00014-00003368-00003592 geopolitical developments of about five Ul1SrCm_bgA-00015-00003593-00003799 millennia from the first civilizations Ul1SrCm_bgA-00016-00003800-00004054 to the present in terms such as world Ul1SrCm_bgA-00017-00004054-00004291 religion world language world government Ul1SrCm_bgA-00018-00004292-00004527 and world war the term world suggests an Ul1SrCm_bgA-00019-00004528-00004735 international or intercontinental scope Ul1SrCm_bgA-00020-00004736-00004879 without necessarily implying Ul1SrCm_bgA-00021-00004880-00005115 participation of every part of the world Ul1SrCm_bgA-00022-00005116-00005404 the world population is the sum of all Ul1SrCm_bgA-00023-00005405-00005643 human populations at any time similarly Ul1SrCm_bgA-00024-00005644-00005842 the world economy is the sum of the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00025-00005843-00006061 economies of all societies or countries Ul1SrCm_bgA-00026-00006062-00006222 especially in the context of Ul1SrCm_bgA-00027-00006223-00006520 globalization terms such as World Ul1SrCm_bgA-00028-00006520-00006864 Championship gross world product and Ul1SrCm_bgA-00029-00006865-00007270 world flags imply the sum or combination Ul1SrCm_bgA-00030-00007270-00007698 of all sovereign states Ul1SrCm_bgA-00031-00007700-00008280 topic etymology and usage Ul1SrCm_bgA-00032-00008281-00008510 the English word world comes from the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00033-00008511-00008769 Old English we're old ul D we're old Ul1SrCm_bgA-00034-00008770-00009210 world uld L compound of wer man a Ul1SrCm_bgA-00035-00009211-00009591 knelled age which thus means roughly age Ul1SrCm_bgA-00036-00009592-00009969 of man the old English as a reflex of Ul1SrCm_bgA-00037-00009970-00010269 the common Germanic asterisk Wira Aldi's Ul1SrCm_bgA-00038-00010270-00010496 also reflected in old saxon we're old Ul1SrCm_bgA-00039-00010497-00010719 old Dutch we're old old High German were Ul1SrCm_bgA-00040-00010720-00010938 all old Frisian world and Old Norse Ul1SrCm_bgA-00041-00010939-00011145 barreled whence the Icelandic barrel the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00042-00011146-00011346 corresponding word in Latin as Mundus Ul1SrCm_bgA-00043-00011347-00011678 literally clean elegant itself alone Ul1SrCm_bgA-00044-00011679-00011946 translation of Greek cosmos orderly Ul1SrCm_bgA-00045-00011947-00012198 arrangement while the Germanic word thus Ul1SrCm_bgA-00046-00012199-00012392 reflects a mythological notion of a Ul1SrCm_bgA-00047-00012393-00012746 domain of man compare Midgard presumably Ul1SrCm_bgA-00048-00012747-00012941 as opposed to the divine sphere on the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00049-00012942-00013128 one hand and the chthonic sphere of the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00050-00013129-00013319 underworld on the other the Greco Latin Ul1SrCm_bgA-00051-00013320-00013536 term expresses a notion of creation as Ul1SrCm_bgA-00052-00013537-00013703 an act of establishing order out of Ul1SrCm_bgA-00053-00013704-00014105 chaos world distinguishes the entire Ul1SrCm_bgA-00054-00014106-00014349 planet or population from any particular Ul1SrCm_bgA-00055-00014350-00014568 country or region world affairs pertain Ul1SrCm_bgA-00056-00014569-00014747 not just to one place but to the whole Ul1SrCm_bgA-00057-00014748-00014961 world in world history as a field of Ul1SrCm_bgA-00058-00014962-00015147 history that examines events from a Ul1SrCm_bgA-00059-00015147-00015321 global rather than a national or Ul1SrCm_bgA-00060-00015322-00015581 regional perspective Earth on the other Ul1SrCm_bgA-00061-00015582-00015800 hand refers to the planet as a physical Ul1SrCm_bgA-00062-00015801-00015980 entity and distinguishes it from other Ul1SrCm_bgA-00063-00015981-00016380 planets and physical objects world was Ul1SrCm_bgA-00064-00016381-00016550 also classically used to mean the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00065-00016551-00016797 material universe or the cosmos the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00066-00016798-00017072 world is an apt II frame of he owen and Ul1SrCm_bgA-00067-00017073-00017274 earth and all other natural thinges Ul1SrCm_bgA-00068-00017275-00017555 contained in them the earth was often Ul1SrCm_bgA-00069-00017556-00017894 described as the center of the world the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00070-00017895-00018108 term can also be used attributively to Ul1SrCm_bgA-00071-00018109-00018434 mean global or relating to the whole Ul1SrCm_bgA-00072-00018435-00018711 world forming usages such as world Ul1SrCm_bgA-00073-00018712-00018947 community or world canonical texts by Ul1SrCm_bgA-00074-00018948-00019140 extension a world may refer to any Ul1SrCm_bgA-00075-00019141-00019380 planet or heavenly body especially when Ul1SrCm_bgA-00076-00019381-00019580 it is thought of as inhabited especially Ul1SrCm_bgA-00077-00019581-00019758 in the context of science fiction or Ul1SrCm_bgA-00078-00019759-00020100 futurology world in its original sense Ul1SrCm_bgA-00079-00020101-00020312 when qualified can also refer to a Ul1SrCm_bgA-00080-00020313-00020549 particular domain of human experience Ul1SrCm_bgA-00081-00020550-00020868 the world of work describes paid work in Ul1SrCm_bgA-00082-00020869-00021047 the pursuit of a career in all its Ul1SrCm_bgA-00083-00021048-00021239 social aspects to distinguish it from Ul1SrCm_bgA-00084-00021240-00021503 home life an academic study Ul1SrCm_bgA-00085-00021504-00021686 the fashion world describes the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00086-00021687-00021880 environment of the designers fashion Ul1SrCm_bgA-00087-00021881-00022069 houses and consumers that make up the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00088-00022070-00022381 fashion industry historically the new Ul1SrCm_bgA-00089-00022382-00022592 world versus the old world referring to Ul1SrCm_bgA-00090-00022593-00022772 the parts of the world colonized in the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00091-00022773-00023042 wake of the age of discovery now mostly Ul1SrCm_bgA-00092-00023043-00023278 used in zoology and botany as in new Ul1SrCm_bgA-00093-00023279-00023796 world monkey Ul1SrCm_bgA-00094-00023797-00024180 Lassa fee Ul1SrCm_bgA-00095-00024181-00024458 in philosophy the term world has several Ul1SrCm_bgA-00096-00024459-00024722 possible meanings in some contexts it Ul1SrCm_bgA-00097-00024723-00024897 refers to everything that makes up Ul1SrCm_bgA-00098-00024898-00025108 reality or the physical universe in Ul1SrCm_bgA-00099-00025109-00025358 others it can mean have a specific Ul1SrCm_bgA-00100-00025359-00025589 ontological sense see world disclosure Ul1SrCm_bgA-00101-00025590-00025856 while clarifying the concept of world Ul1SrCm_bgA-00102-00025857-00026090 has arguably always been among the basic Ul1SrCm_bgA-00103-00026091-00026304 tasks of Western philosophy this theme Ul1SrCm_bgA-00104-00026305-00026487 appears to have been raised explicitly Ul1SrCm_bgA-00105-00026488-00026682 only at the start of the 20th century Ul1SrCm_bgA-00106-00026683-00026864 and has been the subject of continuous Ul1SrCm_bgA-00107-00026866-00027126 debate the question of what the world is Ul1SrCm_bgA-00108-00027127-00027545 has by no means been settled Ul1SrCm_bgA-00109-00027545-00028042 topic Parmenides Ul1SrCm_bgA-00110-00028043-00028264 the traditional interpretation of Ul1SrCm_bgA-00111-00028264-00028462 Parmenides work is that he argued that Ul1SrCm_bgA-00112-00028463-00028675 the everyday perception of reality of Ul1SrCm_bgA-00113-00028676-00028900 the physical world as described in doxa Ul1SrCm_bgA-00114-00028901-00029107 is mistaken and that the reality of the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00115-00029108-00029299 world as one being as described in Ul1SrCm_bgA-00116-00029300-00029527 aletheia an unchanging ungenerous Ul1SrCm_bgA-00117-00029527-00029914 destructible whole Ul1SrCm_bgA-00118-00029916-00030391 topic Plato Ul1SrCm_bgA-00119-00030392-00030622 in his allegory of the cave Plato Ul1SrCm_bgA-00120-00030623-00030850 distinguishes between forms and ideas Ul1SrCm_bgA-00121-00030851-00031063 and imagines two distinct worlds the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00122-00031064-00031542 sensible world in the intelligible world Ul1SrCm_bgA-00123-00031543-00032011 topic Hegel Ul1SrCm_bgA-00124-00032012-00032251 in Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 'he's Ul1SrCm_bgA-00125-00032252-00032464 philosophy of history the expression Ul1SrCm_bgA-00126-00032465-00032647 well-judged east welt der ik world Ul1SrCm_bgA-00127-00032648-00032860 history as a tribunal that judges the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00128-00032861-00033043 world is used to assert the view that Ul1SrCm_bgA-00129-00033044-00033250 history is what judges men their actions Ul1SrCm_bgA-00130-00033251-00033520 and their opinions science is born from Ul1SrCm_bgA-00131-00033521-00033712 the desire to transform the world in Ul1SrCm_bgA-00132-00033713-00033910 relation to man its final end is Ul1SrCm_bgA-00133-00033911-00034357 technical application Ul1SrCm_bgA-00134-00034358-00034807 topic Schopenhauer Ul1SrCm_bgA-00135-00034808-00035049 the world is will in representation as Ul1SrCm_bgA-00136-00035050-00035190 the central work of Arthur Schopenhauer Ul1SrCm_bgA-00137-00035191-00035536 Schopenhauer saw the human will as are Ul1SrCm_bgA-00138-00035537-00035704 one window to the world behind the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00139-00035705-00035886 representation the Kantian thing in Ul1SrCm_bgA-00140-00035887-00035949 itself Ul1SrCm_bgA-00141-00035950-00036202 he believed therefore that we could gain Ul1SrCm_bgA-00142-00036203-00036355 knowledge about the thing in itself Ul1SrCm_bgA-00143-00036356-00036601 something Kant said was impossible since Ul1SrCm_bgA-00144-00036602-00036755 the rest of the relationship between Ul1SrCm_bgA-00145-00036756-00036964 representation and thing in itself could Ul1SrCm_bgA-00146-00036965-00037132 be understood by analogy to the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00147-00037133-00037302 relationship between human will and Ul1SrCm_bgA-00148-00037303-00037646 human body Ul1SrCm_bgA-00149-00037647-00038139 topic Wittgenstein Ul1SrCm_bgA-00150-00038140-00038364 two definitions that were both put Ul1SrCm_bgA-00151-00038365-00038649 forward in the 1920s however suggest the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00152-00038650-00038877 range of available opinion the world is Ul1SrCm_bgA-00153-00038878-00039171 everything that is the case wrote Ludwig Ul1SrCm_bgA-00154-00039172-00039318 Wittgenstein in his influential Ul1SrCm_bgA-00155-00039319-00039576 Tractatus logico-philosophicus first Ul1SrCm_bgA-00156-00039577-00039918 published in 1921 this definition would Ul1SrCm_bgA-00157-00039919-00040146 serve as the basis of logical positivism Ul1SrCm_bgA-00158-00040147-00040290 with its assumption that there is Ul1SrCm_bgA-00159-00040291-00040497 exactly one world consisting of the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00160-00040498-00040695 totality of facts regardless of the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00161-00040696-00040879 interpretations that individual people Ul1SrCm_bgA-00162-00040880-00041220 may make of them Ul1SrCm_bgA-00163-00041221-00041701 topic heidegger Ul1SrCm_bgA-00164-00041702-00041949 Martin Heidegger meanwhile argued that Ul1SrCm_bgA-00165-00041950-00042186 the surrounding world is different for Ul1SrCm_bgA-00166-00042187-00042408 each of us and notwithstanding that we Ul1SrCm_bgA-00167-00042409-00042733 move about in a common world the world Ul1SrCm_bgA-00168-00042734-00042927 for Heidegger was that into which we are Ul1SrCm_bgA-00169-00042928-00043212 always already thrown and with which we Ul1SrCm_bgA-00170-00043213-00043429 as beings in the world must come to Ul1SrCm_bgA-00171-00043430-00043768 terms his conception of world disclosure Ul1SrCm_bgA-00172-00043769-00044149 was most notably elaborated in his 1927 Ul1SrCm_bgA-00173-00044150-00044531 work being in time Ul1SrCm_bgA-00174-00044532-00044998 topic Freud Ul1SrCm_bgA-00175-00044999-00045283 in response Sigmund Freud proposed that Ul1SrCm_bgA-00176-00045284-00045466 we do not move about in a common world Ul1SrCm_bgA-00177-00045467-00045754 but a common thought process he believed Ul1SrCm_bgA-00178-00045755-00045928 that all the actions of a person are Ul1SrCm_bgA-00179-00045929-00046228 motivated by one thing lust this led to Ul1SrCm_bgA-00180-00046229-00046426 numerous theories about reactionary Ul1SrCm_bgA-00181-00046427-00046769 consciousness Ul1SrCm_bgA-00182-00046770-00047199 topic other Ul1SrCm_bgA-00183-00047200-00047479 some philosophers often inspired by Ul1SrCm_bgA-00184-00047480-00047707 david lewis argued that metaphysical Ul1SrCm_bgA-00185-00047708-00047914 concepts such as possibility probability Ul1SrCm_bgA-00186-00047915-00048175 and necessity our best analyzed by Ul1SrCm_bgA-00187-00048176-00048334 comparing the world to a range of Ul1SrCm_bgA-00188-00048335-00048553 possible worlds a view commonly known as Ul1SrCm_bgA-00189-00048554-00049003 modal realism Ul1SrCm_bgA-00190-00049004-00049511 EPIK religion and mythology Ul1SrCm_bgA-00191-00049512-00049787 mythological cosmologies often depict Ul1SrCm_bgA-00192-00049788-00049967 the world is centered on an axis mundi Ul1SrCm_bgA-00193-00049968-00050174 and delimited by a boundary such as a Ul1SrCm_bgA-00194-00050175-00050399 world ocean a world serpent or similar Ul1SrCm_bgA-00195-00050400-00050693 in some religions worldliness also Ul1SrCm_bgA-00196-00050694-00050888 called carnality is that which relates Ul1SrCm_bgA-00197-00050889-00051089 to this world as opposed to other worlds Ul1SrCm_bgA-00198-00051090-00051416 or realms Ul1SrCm_bgA-00199-00051417-00051892 topic Buddhism Ul1SrCm_bgA-00200-00051894-00052163 in Buddhism the world means society as Ul1SrCm_bgA-00201-00052164-00052441 distinct from the monastery it refers to Ul1SrCm_bgA-00202-00052442-00052664 the material world into worldly gains Ul1SrCm_bgA-00203-00052665-00052940 such as wealth reputation jobs and war Ul1SrCm_bgA-00204-00052941-00053210 the spiritual world would be the path to Ul1SrCm_bgA-00205-00053211-00053363 enlightenment and changes would be Ul1SrCm_bgA-00206-00053364-00053491 sought in what we could call the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00207-00053492-00053872 psychological realm Ul1SrCm_bgA-00208-00053873-00054386 topic Christianity Ul1SrCm_bgA-00209-00054387-00054655 in Christianity the term often connotes Ul1SrCm_bgA-00210-00054657-00054841 the concept of the fallen and corrupt Ul1SrCm_bgA-00211-00054842-00055100 world order of human society in contrast Ul1SrCm_bgA-00212-00055101-00055325 to the world to come the world is Ul1SrCm_bgA-00213-00055326-00055538 frequently cited alongside the flesh and Ul1SrCm_bgA-00214-00055539-00055712 the devil as a source of temptation that Ul1SrCm_bgA-00215-00055713-00055991 Christians should flee monks speak of Ul1SrCm_bgA-00216-00055991-00056246 striving to be in this world but not of Ul1SrCm_bgA-00217-00056247-00056594 this world as Jesus said in the term Ul1SrCm_bgA-00218-00056595-00056873 world hood has been distinguished from Ul1SrCm_bgA-00219-00056874-00057173 monkhood the former being the status of Ul1SrCm_bgA-00220-00057174-00057376 merchants princes and others who deal Ul1SrCm_bgA-00221-00057377-00057619 with worldly things Ul1SrCm_bgA-00222-00057620-00057911 this view is clearly expressed by king Ul1SrCm_bgA-00223-00057912-00058247 alfred the great of england d 899 in his Ul1SrCm_bgA-00224-00058248-00058513 famous preface to the cura pastor alice Ul1SrCm_bgA-00225-00058514-00058745 therefore I command you to do as I Ul1SrCm_bgA-00226-00058746-00058937 believe you are willing to do that you Ul1SrCm_bgA-00227-00058938-00059165 free yourself from worldly affairs old Ul1SrCm_bgA-00228-00059166-00059407 English war Odinga as often as you can Ul1SrCm_bgA-00229-00059408-00059626 so that wherever you can establish that Ul1SrCm_bgA-00230-00059627-00059810 wisdom that God gave you Ul1SrCm_bgA-00231-00059811-00060071 you establish it consider what Ul1SrCm_bgA-00232-00060072-00060304 punishments befell us in this world when Ul1SrCm_bgA-00233-00060305-00060554 we neither loved wisdom at all ourselves Ul1SrCm_bgA-00234-00060554-00060791 nor transmitted it to other men we had Ul1SrCm_bgA-00235-00060791-00060986 the name alone that we were Christians Ul1SrCm_bgA-00236-00060987-00061323 and very few had the practices Ul1SrCm_bgA-00237-00061324-00061538 although Hebrew and Greek words meaning Ul1SrCm_bgA-00238-00061539-00061844 world are used in Scripture with the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00239-00061845-00062075 normal variety of senses many examples Ul1SrCm_bgA-00240-00062076-00062298 of its use in this particular sense can Ul1SrCm_bgA-00241-00062299-00062462 be found in the teachings of Jesus Ul1SrCm_bgA-00242-00062463-00062636 according to the Gospel of John Ul1SrCm_bgA-00243-00062637-00063368 eg 7 2 7 8 23 12 25 14 17 15 18 - 19 17 Ul1SrCm_bgA-00244-00063369-00063540 - 6 - 25 Ul1SrCm_bgA-00245-00063541-00063899 1836 for contrast a relatively newer Ul1SrCm_bgA-00246-00063900-00064254 concept as Catholic imagination contempt Ul1SrCm_bgA-00247-00064254-00064410 as Mundi is the name given to the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00248-00064411-00064580 recognition that the world in all its Ul1SrCm_bgA-00249-00064581-00064791 vanity is nothing more than a futile Ul1SrCm_bgA-00250-00064791-00064998 attempt to hide from God by stifling our Ul1SrCm_bgA-00251-00064999-00065253 desire for the good in the holy this Ul1SrCm_bgA-00252-00065254-00065486 view has been criticized as a pastoral Ul1SrCm_bgA-00253-00065487-00065792 of fear by modern historian Jean de lumo Ul1SrCm_bgA-00254-00065793-00065981 during the Second Vatican Council Ul1SrCm_bgA-00255-00065982-00066165 there was a novel attempt to develop a Ul1SrCm_bgA-00256-00066166-00066356 positive theological view of the world Ul1SrCm_bgA-00257-00066357-00066551 which is illustrated by the pastoral Ul1SrCm_bgA-00258-00066552-00066767 optimism of the Constitution's gaudiya Ul1SrCm_bgA-00259-00066768-00067013 Mets Bess lumen gentium unit odd is read Ul1SrCm_bgA-00260-00067014-00067468 integrati oh and Dignitas human a Ul1SrCm_bgA-00261-00067469-00067996 topic Eastern Christianity Ul1SrCm_bgA-00262-00067997-00068248 in Eastern Christian monasticism or Ul1SrCm_bgA-00263-00068249-00068451 asceticism the world of mankind is Ul1SrCm_bgA-00264-00068452-00068588 driven by passions Ul1SrCm_bgA-00265-00068589-00068830 therefore the passions of the world are Ul1SrCm_bgA-00266-00068831-00069012 simply called the world Ul1SrCm_bgA-00267-00069013-00069249 each of these passions are a link to the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00268-00069250-00069436 world of mankind or order of human Ul1SrCm_bgA-00269-00069437-00069721 society each of these passions must be Ul1SrCm_bgA-00270-00069722-00069894 overcome in order for a person to Ul1SrCm_bgA-00271-00069895-00070224 receive salvation theosis the process of Ul1SrCm_bgA-00272-00070225-00070423 theosis has a personal relationship with Ul1SrCm_bgA-00273-00070424-00070672 God this understanding is taught within Ul1SrCm_bgA-00274-00070673-00070834 the works of ascetics like Evagrius Ul1SrCm_bgA-00275-00070835-00071067 Pontius and the most seminal ascetic Ul1SrCm_bgA-00276-00071068-00071256 works read most widely by Eastern Ul1SrCm_bgA-00277-00071257-00071449 Christians the flick alia in the ladder Ul1SrCm_bgA-00278-00071450-00071631 of divine ascent the works of Evagrius Ul1SrCm_bgA-00279-00071632-00071868 and john climacus are also contained Ul1SrCm_bgA-00280-00071869-00072097 within the flick alia at the highest Ul1SrCm_bgA-00281-00072098-00072276 level of world transcendence as Ul1SrCm_bgA-00282-00072277-00072468 hesychasm which culminates into the Ul1SrCm_bgA-00283-00072469-00072794 vision of God Ul1SrCm_bgA-00284-00072795-00073311 topic or biscuit Lucas Ul1SrCm_bgA-00285-00073312-00073563 Orbis catholic is a Latin phrase meaning Ul1SrCm_bgA-00286-00073564-00073809 Catholic world for the expression Irby a Ul1SrCm_bgA-00287-00073810-00073995 tour B and refers to that area of Ul1SrCm_bgA-00288-00073996-00074282 Christendom under papal supremacy it is Ul1SrCm_bgA-00289-00074283-00074478 somewhat similar to the phrases secular Ul1SrCm_bgA-00290-00074479-00075051 world Jewish world in Islamic world Ul1SrCm_bgA-00291-00075052-00075526 topic Islam Ul1SrCm_bgA-00292-00075527-00075793 Danya derives from the root word Dana Ul1SrCm_bgA-00293-00075794-00076084 that means to bring near in that sense Ul1SrCm_bgA-00294-00076085-00076566 dunya is what is brought near Ul1SrCm_bgA-00295-00076567-00076721 you Ul1SrCm_bgA-00296-00076722-00077215 topic hinduism Ul1SrCm_bgA-00297-00077216-00077441 Hinduism as an Indian religion and Ul1SrCm_bgA-00298-00077442-00077672 Dharma or a way of life widely practiced Ul1SrCm_bgA-00299-00077673-00077938 in the Indian subcontinent it includes a Ul1SrCm_bgA-00300-00077939-00078134 number of Indian religious traditions Ul1SrCm_bgA-00301-00078135-00078316 with a loose sense of interconnection as Ul1SrCm_bgA-00302-00078317-00078517 different from Jainism and Buddhism and Ul1SrCm_bgA-00303-00078518-00078754 since medieval and modern times Islam Ul1SrCm_bgA-00304-00078755-00079028 and Christianity Hinduism has been Ul1SrCm_bgA-00305-00079029-00079192 called the oldest religion in the world Ul1SrCm_bgA-00306-00079193-00079685 refn group equals note C Fowler probably Ul1SrCm_bgA-00307-00079686-00079882 the oldest religion in the world Ul1SrCm_bgA-00308-00079883-00080443 Fowler 1997 P 1 cluster my Eartha oldest Ul1SrCm_bgA-00309-00080444-00080680 living major religion in the world Ul1SrCm_bgA-00310-00080681-00081169 cluster mired 2007 P 1 Korean there are Ul1SrCm_bgA-00311-00081170-00081406 almost a billion Hindus living on earth Ul1SrCm_bgA-00312-00081407-00081628 they practiced the world's oldest Ul1SrCm_bgA-00313-00081629-00082149 religion Ul1SrCm_bgA-00314-00082150-00082672 topic see also Ul1SrCm_bgA-00315-00082673-00083178 globe list of sovereign states ocean Ul1SrCm_bgA-00316-00083179-00083729 universe world map Ul1SrCm_bgA-00317-00083730-00084291 topic references Ul1SrCm_bgA-00318-00084292-00084834 topic external links Ul1SrCm_bgA-00319-00084835-00085092 media related to world at wikimedia Ul1SrCm_bgA-00320-00085093-00085413 commons quotations related to world at Ul1SrCm_bgA-00321-00085414-00085781 wikiquote world the World Factbook Ul1SrCm_bgA-00322-00085782-00086205 Central Intelligence Agency UlbWTj6bfCg-00000-00000054-00000351 the 72nd United States Congress was a UlbWTj6bfCg-00001-00000352-00000546 meeting of the legislative branch of the UlbWTj6bfCg-00002-00000547-00000686 United States federal government UlbWTj6bfCg-00003-00000687-00000924 consisting of the United States Senate UlbWTj6bfCg-00004-00000925-00001056 in the United States House of UlbWTj6bfCg-00005-00001057-00001350 Representatives it met in Washington DC UlbWTj6bfCg-00006-00001351-00001761 from March 4th 1931 to March 4th 1933 UlbWTj6bfCg-00007-00001762-00001941 during the last two years of Herbert UlbWTj6bfCg-00008-00001942-00002217 Hoover's presidency the apportionment of UlbWTj6bfCg-00009-00002218-00002409 seats in this House of Representatives UlbWTj6bfCg-00010-00002410-00002637 was based on the 13th decennial census UlbWTj6bfCg-00011-00002638-00002960 of the United States in 1910 the Senate UlbWTj6bfCg-00012-00002961-00003177 had a Republican majority the house UlbWTj6bfCg-00013-00003178-00003378 started with a very slim Republican UlbWTj6bfCg-00014-00003379-00003585 majority but by the time at first met in UlbWTj6bfCg-00015-00003586-00003867 December 1931 the Democrats had gained a UlbWTj6bfCg-00016-00003868-00004542 majority through special elections UlbWTj6bfCg-00017-00004543-00005088 topic major events UlbWTj6bfCg-00018-00005089-00005590 ongoing Great Depression January 12 1932 UlbWTj6bfCg-00019-00005591-00005845 Patti Wyatt caraway of Arkansas became UlbWTj6bfCg-00020-00005846-00006010 the first woman elected to the United UlbWTj6bfCg-00021-00006011-00006256 States Senate Rebecca Latimer Felton of UlbWTj6bfCg-00022-00006257-00006420 Georgia had been appointed to fill a UlbWTj6bfCg-00023-00006422-00006781 vacancy in 1922 the 87 year old Felton UlbWTj6bfCg-00024-00006781-00007014 served one day as a senator caraway had UlbWTj6bfCg-00025-00007015-00007177 won a special election to fill the UlbWTj6bfCg-00026-00007178-00007342 remaining months of the term of her late UlbWTj6bfCg-00027-00007343-00007654 husband Senator Thaddeus caraway she won UlbWTj6bfCg-00028-00007655-00007933 re-election to a full term in 1932 and UlbWTj6bfCg-00029-00007934-00008170 again in 1938 and served in the Senate UlbWTj6bfCg-00030-00008170-00008755 until January 1945 July 28 1932 Bonus UlbWTj6bfCg-00031-00008756-00009141 Army was dispersed November 8 1932 UlbWTj6bfCg-00032-00009142-00009598 United States elections 1932 United UlbWTj6bfCg-00033-00009599-00009868 States presidential election 1932 UlbWTj6bfCg-00034-00009869-00010108 incumbent Republicans Herbert Hoover and UlbWTj6bfCg-00035-00010109-00010282 Charles Curtis lost to democrats UlbWTj6bfCg-00036-00010283-00010510 franklin roosevelt as president and john UlbWTj6bfCg-00037-00010511-00010824 nance garner as vice president united UlbWTj6bfCg-00038-00010825-00011139 states senate elections 1932 Democrats UlbWTj6bfCg-00039-00011140-00011519 gained 12 seats for a 59 to 36 majority UlbWTj6bfCg-00040-00011520-00011782 United States House of Representatives UlbWTj6bfCg-00041-00011783-00012160 elections 1932 Democrats gained 97 seats UlbWTj6bfCg-00042-00012161-00012985 for a 313 to 117 majority UlbWTj6bfCg-00043-00012986-00013560 topic major legislation UlbWTj6bfCg-00044-00013561-00013971 January 22nd 1932 reconstruction Finance UlbWTj6bfCg-00045-00013972-00014531 Corporation Act says 1 CH 847 stat5 UlbWTj6bfCg-00046-00014532-00014952 March 23rd 1932 Morris LaGuardia Act UlbWTj6bfCg-00047-00014953-00015732 says 1 CH 90 47 stat 70 June 6th 1932 UlbWTj6bfCg-00048-00015733-00016362 Revenue Act of 1932 says 1 CH 200 947 UlbWTj6bfCg-00049-00016363-00016917 stat 169 July 22nd 1932 Federal Home UlbWTj6bfCg-00050-00016918-00017687 Loan Bank Act says 1 CH 522 47 stat 725 UlbWTj6bfCg-00051-00017688-00018272 March 3rd 1933 by American Act says 2 CH UlbWTj6bfCg-00052-00018273-00019133 212 title 347 stat 1520 UlbWTj6bfCg-00053-00019134-00019753 topic constitutional amendments UlbWTj6bfCg-00054-00019754-00020103 March 2nd 1932 approved an amendment to UlbWTj6bfCg-00055-00020104-00020319 the United States Constitution moving UlbWTj6bfCg-00056-00020320-00020491 the beginning and ending of the terms of UlbWTj6bfCg-00057-00020492-00020664 the President and vice-president from UlbWTj6bfCg-00058-00020665-00020925 March 4th to January 20th and of members UlbWTj6bfCg-00059-00020926-00021139 of Congress from March 4th to January UlbWTj6bfCg-00060-00021140-00021361 3rd and also establishing what is to be UlbWTj6bfCg-00061-00021362-00021514 done when there is no president-elect UlbWTj6bfCg-00062-00021515-00021649 and submitted it to the state UlbWTj6bfCg-00063-00021650-00021997 legislatures for ratification January UlbWTj6bfCg-00064-00021998-00022336 23rd 1933 the 20th amendment to the UlbWTj6bfCg-00065-00022337-00022539 United States Constitution was ratified UlbWTj6bfCg-00066-00022540-00022771 by the requisite number of states then UlbWTj6bfCg-00067-00022772-00023064 36 to become part of the Constitution UlbWTj6bfCg-00068-00023065-00023416 February 20th 1933 approved an amendment UlbWTj6bfCg-00069-00023417-00023743 to the US Constitution repealing the UlbWTj6bfCg-00070-00023744-00023958 18th amendment and submitted it to state UlbWTj6bfCg-00071-00023959-00024243 ratifying conventions for ratification UlbWTj6bfCg-00072-00024244-00024466 amendment was later ratified on December UlbWTj6bfCg-00073-00024467-00024850 5th 1933 becoming the 21st amendment to UlbWTj6bfCg-00074-00024851-00025429 the United States Constitution UlbWTj6bfCg-00075-00025430-00025969 topic party summary UlbWTj6bfCg-00076-00025970-00026203 the count below identifies party UlbWTj6bfCg-00077-00026204-00026381 affiliations at the beginning of the UlbWTj6bfCg-00078-00026382-00026549 first session of this Congress and UlbWTj6bfCg-00079-00026550-00026752 includes members from vacancies and UlbWTj6bfCg-00080-00026753-00026906 newly admitted States when they were UlbWTj6bfCg-00081-00026907-00027161 first seated changes resulting from UlbWTj6bfCg-00082-00027162-00027362 subsequent replacements are shown below UlbWTj6bfCg-00083-00027363-00028105 in the changes in membership section UlbWTj6bfCg-00084-00028106-00028555 topic Senate UlbWTj6bfCg-00085-00028556-00028899 you UlbWTj6bfCg-00086-00028900-00029469 topic House of Representatives UlbWTj6bfCg-00087-00029470-00029835 you UlbWTj6bfCg-00088-00029836-00030343 topic leadership UlbWTj6bfCg-00089-00030344-00030475 you UlbWTj6bfCg-00090-00030476-00030698 you UlbWTj6bfCg-00091-00030699-00031152 topic Senate UlbWTj6bfCg-00092-00031152-00031537 president Charles Curtis our president UlbWTj6bfCg-00093-00031538-00032226 pro tempore George H Moses our UlbWTj6bfCg-00094-00032227-00032768 topic majority Republican UlbWTj6bfCg-00095-00032769-00033184 majority leader James II Watson Majority UlbWTj6bfCg-00096-00033185-00033604 Whip Simeon D Fez Republican Conference UlbWTj6bfCg-00097-00033605-00034146 secretary Frederick Hale UlbWTj6bfCg-00098-00034147-00034688 topic minority Democratic UlbWTj6bfCg-00099-00034689-00035082 minority leader Joseph T Robinson UlbWTj6bfCg-00100-00035083-00035454 minority whip Morris Shepherd Democratic UlbWTj6bfCg-00101-00035455-00036037 caucus secretary Hugo black UlbWTj6bfCg-00102-00036038-00036601 topic House of Representatives UlbWTj6bfCg-00103-00036602-00037254 Speaker John Ann Garner D UlbWTj6bfCg-00104-00037255-00037803 topic majority democratic UlbWTj6bfCg-00105-00037804-00038209 majority leader Henry T Rainey Majority UlbWTj6bfCg-00106-00038210-00038530 Whip John McDuffie Democratic caucus UlbWTj6bfCg-00107-00038531-00038866 chairman William W Arnold Democratic UlbWTj6bfCg-00108-00038867-00039070 campaign committee chairman Joseph W UlbWTj6bfCg-00109-00039071-00039629 burns senior UlbWTj6bfCg-00110-00039630-00040171 topic minority Republican UlbWTj6bfCg-00111-00040172-00040484 Minority Leader Bertrand H Snell UlbWTj6bfCg-00112-00040485-00040890 minority whip Carl G Bachman Republican UlbWTj6bfCg-00113-00040891-00040986 Conference chair UlbWTj6bfCg-00114-00040987-00041586 Willis see Holly UlbWTj6bfCg-00115-00041587-00042089 topic members UlbWTj6bfCg-00116-00042090-00042356 this list is arranged by chamber than by UlbWTj6bfCg-00117-00042357-00042620 state senators are listed by class and UlbWTj6bfCg-00118-00042621-00043315 representatives are listed by district UlbWTj6bfCg-00119-00043316-00043765 topic Senate UlbWTj6bfCg-00120-00043766-00043982 senators were elected every two years UlbWTj6bfCg-00121-00043983-00044240 with 1/3 beginning new six-year terms UlbWTj6bfCg-00122-00044241-00044501 with each Congress preceding the names UlbWTj6bfCg-00123-00044502-00044678 in the list below our Senate class UlbWTj6bfCg-00124-00044679-00044870 numbers which indicate the cycle of UlbWTj6bfCg-00125-00044871-00045122 their election in this congress class UlbWTj6bfCg-00126-00045123-00045308 one meant their term began in the last UlbWTj6bfCg-00127-00045309-00045620 Congress requiring re-election in 1934 UlbWTj6bfCg-00128-00045621-00045824 class two meant their term began with UlbWTj6bfCg-00129-00045825-00046037 this Congress requiring re-election in UlbWTj6bfCg-00130-00046038-00046298 1936 and class three meant their term UlbWTj6bfCg-00131-00046299-00046463 ended with this Congress requiring UlbWTj6bfCg-00132-00046464-00047137 re-election in 1932 UlbWTj6bfCg-00133-00047138-00047709 topic House of Representatives UlbWTj6bfCg-00134-00047710-00047907 the names of members of the House of UlbWTj6bfCg-00135-00047908-00048132 Representatives elected statewide on the UlbWTj6bfCg-00136-00048133-00048339 general ticket or otherwise at large are UlbWTj6bfCg-00137-00048340-00048654 preceded by n at large and the names of UlbWTj6bfCg-00138-00048655-00048822 those elected from districts whether UlbWTj6bfCg-00139-00048823-00049035 plural or single-member are preceded by UlbWTj6bfCg-00140-00049036-00049654 their district numbers UlbWTj6bfCg-00141-00049655-00050221 topic changes in membership UlbWTj6bfCg-00142-00050222-00050561 you UlbWTj6bfCg-00143-00050562-00051327 topic Senate replacements eight no net UlbWTj6bfCg-00144-00051328-00051698 gains for either party deaths six UlbWTj6bfCg-00145-00051699-00052050 resignations three interim appointments UlbWTj6bfCg-00146-00052051-00052760 for total seats with changes eleven UlbWTj6bfCg-00147-00052761-00053350 topic house of representatives UlbWTj6bfCg-00148-00053351-00053804 replacements 23 Democratic six seat net UlbWTj6bfCg-00149-00053804-00054254 gain Republican six seat net loss deaths UlbWTj6bfCg-00150-00054254-00054832 24 resignations 7 contested election 1 UlbWTj6bfCg-00151-00054833-00055535 total seats with changes 32 UlbWTj6bfCg-00152-00055536-00056024 topic committees UlbWTj6bfCg-00153-00056025-00056244 lists of committees and their party UlbWTj6bfCg-00154-00056245-00056454 leaders for members House and Senate of UlbWTj6bfCg-00155-00056454-00056630 the committee's and their assignments go UlbWTj6bfCg-00156-00056632-00056775 into the official congressional UlbWTj6bfCg-00157-00056776-00056934 directory at the bottom of the article UlbWTj6bfCg-00158-00056935-00057155 and click on the link 5 links in the UlbWTj6bfCg-00159-00057157-00057354 directory after the pages of Terms of UlbWTj6bfCg-00160-00057354-00057510 Service you will see the Committees of UlbWTj6bfCg-00161-00057511-00057675 the Senate house standing with UlbWTj6bfCg-00162-00057676-00057879 subcommittees select and special and UlbWTj6bfCg-00163-00057879-00058079 joint and after the committee pages you UlbWTj6bfCg-00164-00058080-00058224 will see the House Senate committee UlbWTj6bfCg-00165-00058225-00058404 assignments in the directory on the UlbWTj6bfCg-00166-00058404-00058556 committee's section of the House and UlbWTj6bfCg-00167-00058557-00058722 Senate in the official congressional UlbWTj6bfCg-00168-00058723-00058907 directory the committee's members on the UlbWTj6bfCg-00169-00058908-00059081 first row on the left side shows the UlbWTj6bfCg-00170-00059082-00059238 chairman of the committee and on the UlbWTj6bfCg-00171-00059239-00059409 right side shows the ranking member of UlbWTj6bfCg-00172-00059410-00059947 the committee UlbWTj6bfCg-00173-00059948-00060464 topic joint committees UlbWTj6bfCg-00174-00060465-00060803 conditions of Indian tribes special UlbWTj6bfCg-00175-00060804-00061097 disposition of useless executive papers UlbWTj6bfCg-00176-00061098-00062030 the library Taxation Veterans Affairs UlbWTj6bfCg-00177-00062032-00062565 topic caucuses UlbWTj6bfCg-00178-00062566-00063338 Democratic House Democratic Senate UlbWTj6bfCg-00179-00063339-00063865 topic employees UlbWTj6bfCg-00180-00063866-00064155 architect of the Capitol David Lin UlbWTj6bfCg-00181-00064157-00064417 attending physician of the United States UlbWTj6bfCg-00182-00064419-00064487 Congress UlbWTj6bfCg-00183-00064488-00064792 George Calver Controller General of the UlbWTj6bfCg-00184-00064794-00065159 United States John ARMA Carl librarian UlbWTj6bfCg-00185-00065160-00065237 of Congress UlbWTj6bfCg-00186-00065238-00065513 Herbert Putnam public printer of the UlbWTj6bfCg-00187-00065514-00066181 United States George H Carter UlbWTj6bfCg-00188-00066182-00066507 topic Senate UlbWTj6bfCg-00189-00066508-00066649 you UlbWTj6bfCg-00190-00066650-00067041 Chaplin Z Barney T Phillips Episcopalian UlbWTj6bfCg-00191-00067042-00067426 secretary Edwin P Thayer sergeant at UlbWTj6bfCg-00192-00067427-00067465 arms UlbWTj6bfCg-00193-00067466-00067786 David s Barry Democratic Party secretary UlbWTj6bfCg-00194-00067787-00068140 Edwin a Halsey Republican Party UlbWTj6bfCg-00195-00068141-00068791 secretary Carl a low Fleur UlbWTj6bfCg-00196-00068792-00069365 topic House of Representatives UlbWTj6bfCg-00197-00069366-00069709 chaplain James s Montgomery Methodist UlbWTj6bfCg-00198-00069710-00070106 clerk south Trimble doorkeeper Joseph UlbWTj6bfCg-00199-00070107-00070516 Jason a parliamentarian Lewis Deshler UlbWTj6bfCg-00200-00070517-00070967 postmaster finis he Scott reading clerks UlbWTj6bfCg-00201-00070968-00071231 Patrick Joseph halt again D and n a a UlbWTj6bfCg-00202-00071232-00071489 our sergeant at arms UlbWTj6bfCg-00203-00071490-00071989 Kenneth Romney UlbWTj6bfCg-00204-00071990-00072522 topic see also UlbWTj6bfCg-00205-00072523-00072753 list of members of the United States UlbWTj6bfCg-00206-00072754-00073002 House of Representatives in the 72nd UlbWTj6bfCg-00207-00073003-00073308 Congress by seniority list of United UlbWTj6bfCg-00208-00073309-00073569 States senators in the 72nd Congress by UlbWTj6bfCg-00209-00073570-00073953 seniority United States elections 1930 UlbWTj6bfCg-00210-00073954-00074195 elections leading to this Congress UlbWTj6bfCg-00211-00074196-00074532 United States Senate elections 1930 and UlbWTj6bfCg-00212-00074533-00074856 1931 United States House of UlbWTj6bfCg-00213-00074857-00075240 Representatives elections 1930 United UlbWTj6bfCg-00214-00075241-00075549 States elections 1932 elections during UlbWTj6bfCg-00215-00075550-00075711 this Congress leading to the next UlbWTj6bfCg-00216-00075712-00076017 Congress United States presidential UlbWTj6bfCg-00217-00076018-00076398 election 1932 United States Senate UlbWTj6bfCg-00218-00076399-00076800 elections 1932 United States House of UlbWTj6bfCg-00219-00076801-00077247 Representatives elections 1932