nCb4g9ya4-y-00000-00000100-00000400 Hello, my name is Gia. nCb4g9ya4-y-00001-00000400-00001100 I'm happy to greet you from my beloved home city - Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. nCb4g9ya4-y-00002-00001100-00002000 I've been living here for the past 52 years, and beleive me or not, I never had any intention to leave for long. nCb4g9ya4-y-00003-00002000-00002700 I really love Georgia and would love you to experience unique beauty of its geography and culture as well. nCb4g9ya4-y-00004-00002700-00003500 But what type of experience can you get from a regular tour? Just visiting official sightseeing places... nCb4g9ya4-y-00005-00003500-00004100 I want to show real Tbilisi and Georgia to you nCb4g9ya4-y-00006-00004100-00004600 so that you can get the feel of how it is to live in Georgia and be Georgian. nCb4g9ya4-y-00007-00004600-00005300 You'll get a chance to bake Lavash - traditional Georgian bread. nCb4g9ya4-y-00008-00005300-00006200 or you can harvest wine grape right inside the city and make wine! nCb4g9ya4-y-00009-00006200-00007800 Well, I mean help making wine since you'll most likely mess it all up if you try to do that on your own. nCb4g9ya4-y-00010-00007800-00008500 Or you can cook Khachapuri or Khinkali (traditional georgian food). nCb4g9ya4-y-00011-00008500-00009500 I would love to take you on a ride out of the city so that you get the true Georgian village experience. nCb4g9ya4-y-00012-00009500-00011000 You can stay at a small local hotel or even better in an old flat in the center of Tbilisi, with a balcony facing the patio. nCb4g9ya4-y-00013-00011000-00011800 If you are as much interested in experiencing real Tbilisi and Georgia as I am interested in showing it to you nCb4g9ya4-y-00014-00011800-00012400 I suggest we can start planning your individual trip and Georgian experience right away and then just make it come true. nCb4g9ya4-y-00015-00012500-00012700 See you! nDdmxszZhyo-00000-00000443-00000748 Ha. What a talented fly. He's gonna make a champion. nDdmxszZhyo-00001-00000748-00000968 Oh yeah, next! nDdmxszZhyo-00002-00001324-00001793 Ah, hello there little fly! So you think that you're capable nDdmxszZhyo-00003-00001793-00002161 of being a fly racer? nDdmxszZhyo-00004-00002161-00002373 Let's check you out. nDdmxszZhyo-00005-00002852-00003172 Whooooooah! Whoooah! Whoah! nDdmxszZhyo-00006-00004223-00004386 Whoah! nDdmxszZhyo-00007-00004386-00004711 This is quite fun... LOOK OUT! nEM5CD6DepY-00000-00000254-00000672 So hello my name is Laura O'Leary and I'm the Assistant Curator at QUAD in nEM5CD6DepY-00001-00000686-00001156 Derby and today I'll be speaking photographer Caleb Fung about his work, but for nEM5CD6DepY-00002-00001156-00001507 those of you who haven't visited us before QUAD is an international centre for the nEM5CD6DepY-00003-00001507-00001902 engagement in contemporary art and film focusing on major exhibitions, nEM5CD6DepY-00004-00001902-00002354 professional practice for artists, independent film and the creative use of nEM5CD6DepY-00005-00002366-00002888 emergent digital technologies. QUAD also organises FORMAT International nEM5CD6DepY-00006-00002906-00003329 Photography Festival; the UK's leading festival of photography and related nEM5CD6DepY-00007-00003344-00003850 media. FORMAT organises a year-round programme of international commissions, nEM5CD6DepY-00008-00003850-00004368 open calls, residencies, conferences and collaborations in the UK and nEM5CD6DepY-00009-00004368-00004752 internationally and welcomes over a 100,000 visitors from all over nEM5CD6DepY-00010-00004772-00005216 the world to its biennale. So we are currently in our off-year programme that nEM5CD6DepY-00011-00005216-00005622 was planned to be launched during the UK's lockdown period that's due to Covid-19 nEM5CD6DepY-00012-00005622-00006054 so like many other cultural organisations we are sharing things nEM5CD6DepY-00013-00006054-00006558 digitally in the interim. For example, Caleb Fung has been taking over our nEM5CD6DepY-00014-00006576-00006992 FORMAT Instagram page this week and will be speaking with us today. I'm really nEM5CD6DepY-00015-00007009-00007376 pleased to be speaking with Caleb as we had planned for him to visit us for the nEM5CD6DepY-00016-00007376-00007707 launch of our FORMAT off-year programme, which has been postponed, as he was nEM5CD6DepY-00017-00007708-00008176 awarded the WMA x FORMAT fellowship which, is a professional development nEM5CD6DepY-00018-00008186-00008730 opportunity. The WMA fellowship is part of WMA's development nEM5CD6DepY-00019-00008730-00009234 programme that aims to spark discussions of social issues of great importance to nEM5CD6DepY-00020-00009246-00009693 Hong Kong through visual images with a view to fostering positive change. Each nEM5CD6DepY-00021-00009693-00010371 year WMA selects a theme for their programme and the 2019-20 theme was 'light'. Caleb was nEM5CD6DepY-00022-00010371-00010968 selected for his series of work 'Glory 503' where he re-documented the 2019 nEM5CD6DepY-00023-00010968-00011506 Hong Kong protests by using everyday materials such as cotton and water to nEM5CD6DepY-00024-00011506-00012000 recreate moments from the demonstrations. His fictional constructions are visually nEM5CD6DepY-00025-00012000-00012498 attractive where weapons, tear gas and laser beams appear as symbols of the nEM5CD6DepY-00026-00012510-00012910 protests offering an alternative and reflective insight into the movement in nEM5CD6DepY-00027-00012910-00013372 Hong Kong. So from here I'll pass over to Caleb who will discus his work and nEM5CD6DepY-00028-00013372-00013641 we'll have some questions at the end. nEM5CD6DepY-00029-00013641-00014163 Caleb: Thank You Laura for the introduction . I'd like to talk a bit more about my nEM5CD6DepY-00030-00014163-00014872 series 'Glory 503', perhaps I should share my screen right nEM5CD6DepY-00031-00014872-00015688 here. Alright, I think some of the symbols are quite universal in my nEM5CD6DepY-00032-00015688-00016140 body of work and can be easily recognised but some of them might nEM5CD6DepY-00033-00016140-00016690 need a bit of an of an explanation and background story in order to have a nEM5CD6DepY-00034-00016690-00017354 better understanding. So the title of the project, the 'glory' part is inspired by nEM5CD6DepY-00035-00017362-00017895 the Cantonese March, 'Glory To Hong Kong', which is rightly widely nEM5CD6DepY-00036-00017896-00018432 adopted as the anthem of the protests and some even call it the national anthem nEM5CD6DepY-00037-00018432-00019090 of Hong Kong. And the word glory in Cantonese also partially means light nEM5CD6DepY-00038-00019090-00019774 which echoed with the WMA theme of the year and also light is also a main nEM5CD6DepY-00039-00019782-00020332 element of the body of work. And '503' is the number of the extradition nEM5CD6DepY-00040-00020332-00020962 bill on the legal documents, so the title of the work kind of already tells my nEM5CD6DepY-00041-00020962-00021810 standpoint and I think it's a good sum up of the work. And for myself during nEM5CD6DepY-00042-00021810-00022410 the movement, life is really depressing and I wanted to do something as a nEM5CD6DepY-00043-00022410-00022894 photographer or as an individual, but in the big beginning I tried to shoot nEM5CD6DepY-00044-00022904-00023309 something on the streets and I just didn't feel right as I'm not a nEM5CD6DepY-00045-00023310-00023852 photojournalist and I feel like I'm not the most legitimate person to take nEM5CD6DepY-00046-00023852-00024492 photos in the scenes and also people are really sensitive to cameras and also nEM5CD6DepY-00047-00024492-00025140 as a participant in the rally - the identity of myself is really not as a nEM5CD6DepY-00048-00025140-00025732 photographer - for myself I mean - and so I barely took any photographs [laughs] and nEM5CD6DepY-00049-00025732-00026383 and it just didn't feel right, so after a while instead of taking photos on the nEM5CD6DepY-00050-00026383-00026739 streets I came up with the idea of reconstructing some nEM5CD6DepY-00051-00026739-00027342 symbols and moments of the movement. So I picked some everyday objects and then nEM5CD6DepY-00052-00027342-00028102 they kind of echo with the new everyday life we have, facing the police nEM5CD6DepY-00053-00028102-00028714 or the government and then all the context and injustice points in the nEM5CD6DepY-00054-00028714-00029500 first image here is the riot police and I think it's the most profound and kind nEM5CD6DepY-00055-00029500-00030200 of terrifying image for myself and even on the news the images of the riot police nEM5CD6DepY-00056-00030200-00030773 is all over the place and they are shouting and pointing their torches towards nEM5CD6DepY-00057-00030773-00031622 the reporters and every time we turn on the news it's just close up of the police nEM5CD6DepY-00058-00031636-00032106 and chaos, and they cover their faces with reflective nEM5CD6DepY-00059-00032106-00032714 material which makes them even more terrifying and then to certain extent nEM5CD6DepY-00060-00032722-00033390 less humane and I think the approach of using the objects to nEM5CD6DepY-00061-00033390-00033874 reconstruct the image instead of like taking a real photograph of the police nEM5CD6DepY-00062-00033886-00034772 kind of lets myself have a sense of security when approaching the subject nEM5CD6DepY-00063-00034772-00035324 because for the image it's actually a light dome for flash and a nEM5CD6DepY-00064-00035326-00035896 rubber ball and then just a little LED torch but it's quite the image nEM5CD6DepY-00065-00035896-00036476 of the police as you can see the outcome - I think it's quite profound nEM5CD6DepY-00066-00036476-00037060 but I didn't have to really face and confront the real actual thing, which is nEM5CD6DepY-00067-00037060-00037940 the police [laughs] and that's why I picked this approach, and this second image is a nEM5CD6DepY-00068-00037940-00039018 baton, it's also another iconic symbol of the whole police brutality and we see nEM5CD6DepY-00069-00039030-00039902 them of the time and it's actually a wooden chopstick [laughs], so we use them every nEM5CD6DepY-00070-00039904-00040814 night at dinner [laughs], so yeah it's an image of the baton and then the next one is the nEM5CD6DepY-00071-00040816-00041518 tear gas and it's actually some cotton nEM5CD6DepY-00072-00041804-00042470 And this one is the pepper spray, which we also see most of the time and then the white foamy nEM5CD6DepY-00073-00042470-00043086 part really looks like the pepper spray [laughs] but it's actually nEM5CD6DepY-00074-00043086-00043792 just water and then it is just a normal bottle for watering plants and nEM5CD6DepY-00075-00043792-00044376 yeah I would see them all the time, unfortunately, I mean the pepper spray nEM5CD6DepY-00076-00044376-00045028 and this one is a sponge grenade another weapon of the police and then this nEM5CD6DepY-00077-00045028-00045630 one is the mobile lights which we usually see them in assemblies at nEM5CD6DepY-00078-00045630-00045952 night time used by the protesters nEM5CD6DepY-00079-00045962-00046684 (oops) and this one is the police siren and then I think many of us got very nEM5CD6DepY-00080-00046684-00047462 sensitive to the sound and the light of it during the the time (2019) and nEM5CD6DepY-00081-00047464-00048362 it's actually a toilet paper tube and some cleaning sponge and for this nEM5CD6DepY-00082-00048362-00049044 one, I think, this one is more recognisable for Hongkongers, it's nEM5CD6DepY-00083-00049044-00049478 actually the Hong Kong's Airport evacuation - this is how we call it - [laughs], it's nEM5CD6DepY-00084-00049478-00049678 an incident that nEM5CD6DepY-00085-00049678-00049976 happened last year where thousands of protesters scattered at the nEM5CD6DepY-00086-00049976-00050435 Hong Kong International Airport in an attempt to paralyse the airport nEM5CD6DepY-00087-00050435-00051038 however, the airport is actually located 35 kilometres away from the downtown and nEM5CD6DepY-00088-00051038-00051566 then as the police started to make arrests people decided to make their way back on nEM5CD6DepY-00089-00051566-00052262 foot along the highway so after that hundreds of private vehicles came to the nEM5CD6DepY-00090-00052262-00052814 rescue and then some call it the Dunkirk Evacuation of Hong Kong [laughs] nEM5CD6DepY-00091-00052814-00053336 So what you see in the real thing are the back lights of nEM5CD6DepY-00092-00053336-00053594 vehicles nEM5CD6DepY-00093-00053984-00054524 And this on is the Lion Rock with a laser beam, which is another iconic incident that happened last nEM5CD6DepY-00094-00054526-00055208 year during the Mid Autumn Festival and then it's a movement inspired by the nEM5CD6DepY-00095-00055208-00055764 Baltic Way in 1989 - the protestors formed a human chain from a nEM5CD6DepY-00096-00055764-00056190 city and then all the way up to the Lion Rock and shining their laser pen, and nEM5CD6DepY-00097-00056190-00056740 saying, singing and bearing out slogans and these are some photos from the media nEM5CD6DepY-00098-00056741-00057833 about the protests at night and the Lion Rock is actually an iconic totem for Hongkongers nEM5CD6DepY-00099-00057833-00058494 it's a kind of a symbol of the city's resilience and spirit starting nEM5CD6DepY-00100-00058494-00059079 from the 70s and I think the incident is like giving it another meaning and nEM5CD6DepY-00101-00059088-00059982 values on top of that and this one is the Hong Kong Space nEM5CD6DepY-00102-00059982-00060502 Museum with a laser torch and it was just another incident happened last year nEM5CD6DepY-00103-00060502-00061072 which people gathered in front of the Space Museum of Hong Kong so here's a nEM5CD6DepY-00104-00061072-00061736 photo of the Space Museum of Hong Kong and many of us think it looks like the nEM5CD6DepY-00105-00061736-00062174 melon, watermelon - I mean the pineapple bread in Hong Kong nEM5CD6DepY-00106-00062174-00062664 which is a kind of an authentic food and then people get in front of the nEM5CD6DepY-00107-00062664-00063228 museum supporting a student who is arrested because of carrying some laser nEM5CD6DepY-00108-00063228-00063879 pens on him and then later accused owning an offensive weapon nEM5CD6DepY-00109-00064305-00065312 And this is the the bread with the laser torch, I think that kind of is my nEM5CD6DepY-00110-00065312-00066534 brief introduction of my work and then about the protests. nEM5CD6DepY-00111-00066550-00067088 Laura: Are you happy to share more of your work? nEM5CD6DepY-00112-00067088-00067824 Caleb: Yes of course! [Laughs] I can share some of my previous works before we discuss. nEM5CD6DepY-00113-00067824-00068726 I can share two of my personal projects about my home I've done nEM5CD6DepY-00114-00068726-00069606 before and then this one is actually my graduation project in uni and it's about nEM5CD6DepY-00115-00069614-00070232 my family crisis, so back then like my family was experiencing a crisis nEM5CD6DepY-00116-00070248-00070782 obviously, between my parents and then my mother moved back to the apartment where nEM5CD6DepY-00117-00070782-00071516 my grandma used to live in and then she lived with my sister and then nEM5CD6DepY-00118-00071532-00072062 I lived with my father at our old apartment and I'm the only one in the family nEM5CD6DepY-00119-00072062-00072704 who can move back and forth between my parents, maintaining nEM5CD6DepY-00120-00072704-00073290 relationship with them both and then for me the home was really emotionally nEM5CD6DepY-00121-00073290-00074060 overwhelming and then I kind of hide behind the camera and started to take nEM5CD6DepY-00122-00074060-00074846 photographs and these images are portraits of our family so this is my nEM5CD6DepY-00123-00074846-00075566 mother and then this is myself with my dog and this is my sister and then this nEM5CD6DepY-00124-00075566-00075812 is my father nEM5CD6DepY-00125-00075812-00075984 think they they seemed connected nEM5CD6DepY-00126-00076000-00076522 but yet separated and then through the process of photography and nEM5CD6DepY-00127-00076522-00077150 working in the darkroom I kind of coped with the depression and then it's like nEM5CD6DepY-00128-00077150-00077728 forcing myself to print over and over again to look at the portraits over and over nEM5CD6DepY-00129-00077728-00078370 again and it's kind of therapeutic for myself I think and it was kind of my nEM5CD6DepY-00130-00078370-00079132 therapy session back then [laughs] and then this one is a family collage which I found in nEM5CD6DepY-00131-00079132-00079610 my grandma's place and I think it's kind of sarcastic nEM5CD6DepY-00132-00079610-00080076 with the wedding photographs of my parents and then all their family nEM5CD6DepY-00133-00080076-00080670 members and I kind of print them out and then realign them so they look like nEM5CD6DepY-00134-00080694-00081150 they're in one frame but they're actually kind of misaligned nEM5CD6DepY-00135-00081152-00081652 and this is a few around my home nEM5CD6DepY-00136-00082138-00082891 And then, this is actually the setup in in my nEM5CD6DepY-00137-00082891-00083394 graduation show so I put all the family members back together nEM5CD6DepY-00138-00083394-00083883 sarcastically and then the family collage next to it nEM5CD6DepY-00139-00083883-00084714 and the next project on the same topic, happened in 2018 nEM5CD6DepY-00140-00084714-00085434 it's another WMA contest and at that time I moved back to the apartment where nEM5CD6DepY-00141-00085434-00086056 all of us used to live in and then there was only my mother and I living in it nEM5CD6DepY-00142-00086070-00086596 and I found this this family portrait in the middle of nEM5CD6DepY-00143-00086616-00087222 the living room and it kind of bothered me with [laughs] - with such a clarity nEM5CD6DepY-00144-00087222-00087783 and then I kind of manipulated it and then blurred it out and then put it nEM5CD6DepY-00145-00087783-00088496 back in, so the actual nEM5CD6DepY-00146-00088496-00089172 photograph inside is covered, and then the thing left is the blurred image nEM5CD6DepY-00147-00089190-00089746 so I kind of got rid of it for myself nEM5CD6DepY-00148-00089762-00090492 And then, this is the figure of my mother in my grandma's place, I think it's nEM5CD6DepY-00149-00090492-00091088 a good representation of her status in the family crisis and then the second nEM5CD6DepY-00150-00091088-00091638 one is the window view, which a skyscraper is reflecting some sunlight into my nEM5CD6DepY-00151-00091638-00092286 house which we moved back to and then it's a new observation of that place and nEM5CD6DepY-00152-00092298-00092524 I kind of nEM5CD6DepY-00153-00092626-00093270 readapt and then it's like a whole new place to live in for myself nEM5CD6DepY-00154-00093270-00094074 emotionally and also physically. And this is a poster about the exhibition nEM5CD6DepY-00155-00094100-00094764 and that's a photo of the set up and that's it! nEM5CD6DepY-00156-00094764-00095222 Laura: Amazing, okay brilliant. nEM5CD6DepY-00157-00095276-00095476 Caleb: Thank you! nEM5CD6DepY-00158-00095476-00095668 Laura: It's really great hearing about nEM5CD6DepY-00159-00095688-00096556 your work...I'm just trying to see if I can make this any bigger but this is fine... nEM5CD6DepY-00160-00096556-00096958 You really share the details in your work and that really opens up the nEM5CD6DepY-00161-00096958-00097558 narrative about each image nEM5CD6DepY-00162-00097559-00098177 We know how the Hong Kong protests are reported but I think when I first heard you nEM5CD6DepY-00163-00098177-00098567 talk about your work it completely changed my perception of the feeling of nEM5CD6DepY-00164-00098567-00099316 the protest. I knew about the airport was nEM5CD6DepY-00165-00099316-00099914 kind of flooded with protesters but I didn't that story about how when nEM5CD6DepY-00166-00099914-00100367 they left and how they were kind of saved by those who wanted to nEM5CD6DepY-00167-00100367-00100886 to support and help, so the details in your work are really fascinating to nEM5CD6DepY-00168-00100886-00101554 hear about and I guess one thing I wanted to talk to you about 'Glory 503' nEM5CD6DepY-00169-00101554-00102206 was how you described it as a safe way to approach the subjects by nEM5CD6DepY-00170-00102220-00102866 using these domestic items and constructing nEM5CD6DepY-00171-00102866-00103466 common scenes from the protest but in a different kind of way nEM5CD6DepY-00172-00103466-00103911 You said you didn't have to face and confront the police in these images nEM5CD6DepY-00173-00103911-00104394 And we know from how it's reported that it looks just terrifying nEM5CD6DepY-00174-00104394-00104946 so I guess I wondered how did you get this place where you nEM5CD6DepY-00175-00104946-00105454 started building these ideas that this is how you are nEM5CD6DepY-00176-00105454-00106418 going to reflect on the protests? Someone like me I would never think up this process! [Laughs] nEM5CD6DepY-00177-00106478-00107440 Caleb: I I decided not to take photographs of the real thing... nEM5CD6DepY-00178-00107516-00108038 Also, even if the people on the streets are willing to let me take photographs nEM5CD6DepY-00179-00108038-00108609 I don't want to like just click and then take their photograph, as maybe they were nEM5CD6DepY-00180-00108614-00108990 suffering or they were doing something and then I just took their image nEM5CD6DepY-00181-00108990-00109652 and it belongs to me - I don't want to do that - so I kind of started with an nEM5CD6DepY-00182-00109654-00110702 idea of: how can I present all this without using some actual people? nEM5CD6DepY-00183-00110702-00111657 So the the first image is indeed the riot police and I was nEM5CD6DepY-00184-00111657-00112252 inspired by the reflective material which they used to cover their faces and nEM5CD6DepY-00185-00112268-00112961 I saw that the light dome which I use all the time for my flashlight [laughs] nEM5CD6DepY-00186-00112961-00113541 while I take photographs and I realised "oh it looks exactly the same as the nEM5CD6DepY-00187-00113541-00114211 helmet with the reflective material!" So I just kind of tested and tried to nEM5CD6DepY-00188-00114230-00115128 photograph it and it turned out really... I would say it works [laughs] yeah that's how nEM5CD6DepY-00189-00115128-00115616 it started. And then I thought maybe I can try the baton or tear gas and nEM5CD6DepY-00190-00115616-00115944 that's how it happened. nEM5CD6DepY-00191-00115944-00116585 Laura: When you talk about how you used nEM5CD6DepY-00192-00116585-00117118 a chopstick [laughs], or even constructed the police siren nEM5CD6DepY-00193-00117138-00117750 using an old toilet roll holder and you made this sculpture. nEM5CD6DepY-00194-00117750-00118496 They're such domestic, normal items but in the reality of the nEM5CD6DepY-00195-00118497-00119064 protests - when they're real things and not just this fiction they have a nEM5CD6DepY-00196-00119083-00120028 complete different meaning. So for the tear gas image, in particular, I wondered if nEM5CD6DepY-00197-00120048-00120854 you could talk through how you created this image; how you set up; the staging? nEM5CD6DepY-00198-00120884-00121864 Caleb: I think this is the most difficult one [laughs] , it's kind of a multi nEM5CD6DepY-00199-00121866-00122556 exposure image; some of them are an extreme close-up of the cotton. So I kind nEM5CD6DepY-00200-00122585-00123288 of tore the cosmetic cotton balls apart and then they nEM5CD6DepY-00201-00123288-00124074 started to turn really thin and it looks like smoke, and gas [laughs] so I kind of nEM5CD6DepY-00202-00124074-00124583 took photos from different angles and then close-ups of the cotton balls and from this nEM5CD6DepY-00203-00124602-00125288 image - but the cotton is exceptionally hard to control [laughs] so I used nEM5CD6DepY-00204-00125288-00126024 a lot of toothpicks and wooden sticks nEM5CD6DepY-00205-00126024-00126755 to hold them and to model them - so yeah it's kind it's an nEM5CD6DepY-00206-00126755-00126948 interesting one! nEM5CD6DepY-00207-00126948-00127659 Laura: For me this image is like a painting, it doesn't even have resemblance to cotton anymore... nEM5CD6DepY-00208-00127659-00128116 And I know you originally studied painting didn't you! nEM5CD6DepY-00209-00128116-00128708 Caleb: Yeah, originally painting...originally! [Laughs] nEM5CD6DepY-00210-00128708-00129264 Laura: Okay, so we are a bit short on time. nEM5CD6DepY-00211-00129264-00130204 You also discussed this body of work about being at home and I'm talking to during a global quarantine; mostly global... nEM5CD6DepY-00212-00130204-00130976 And I think we've all been reflecting on our home; our domestic life nEM5CD6DepY-00213-00130976-00131472 and our personal connections to people, as we have been a bit removed nEM5CD6DepY-00214-00131488-00132256 from them - so it was really great to talk about those works that are so sensitively done nEM5CD6DepY-00215-00132256-00132628 And yeah I think when you talk about the kind of process of printing the images nEM5CD6DepY-00216-00132628-00133160 in the darkroom and kind of repeatedly seeing the image and that exposure to it nEM5CD6DepY-00217-00133184-00133728 it's kind of like, you know - it reminds me of what we're nEM5CD6DepY-00218-00133728-00134044 having every day, of kind of waking up in the same environment! nEM5CD6DepY-00219-00134044-00134236 Caleb: Yeah, exactly! nEM5CD6DepY-00220-00134236-00134536 So you have to really work through whatever you're feeling! nEM5CD6DepY-00221-00134536-00134872 I wanted to look towards the future - nEM5CD6DepY-00222-00134872-00135452 As in Hong Kong now I'm I'm correct in thinking that the restrictions have kind nEM5CD6DepY-00223-00135452-00135736 of lowered a bit? nEM5CD6DepY-00224-00135736-00135816 Caleb: Yeah... nEM5CD6DepY-00225-00135816-00136104 Laura: And so perhaps they'll be a a new wave of protester coming back out nEM5CD6DepY-00226-00136104-00136924 after like a break in what must have been a very exhausting- but probably nEM5CD6DepY-00227-00136924-00137396 quite powerful year for those that came together nEM5CD6DepY-00228-00137396-00137928 So do you think that you'll continue this series of work, or I mean... nEM5CD6DepY-00229-00137948-00138432 what are your feelings towards life after lockdown with the protests nEM5CD6DepY-00230-00138432-00138772 coming back, if you don't mind sharing? nEM5CD6DepY-00231-00138772-00138864 Caleb: Yeah, sure sure. nEM5CD6DepY-00232-00138864-00139212 I'm not sure I'm gonna continue nEM5CD6DepY-00233-00139236-00139884 with working on the protests but I guess you never know because things nEM5CD6DepY-00234-00139904-00140708 happen unpredictably - but for myself I I kind of wanted to work on the nEM5CD6DepY-00235-00140708-00141504 relationship between our environment and the nature and us - especially it's an nEM5CD6DepY-00236-00141504-00142344 idea that came up during the pandemic [laughs] I think it's interesting how earth nEM5CD6DepY-00237-00142344-00142848 finds its way to recover [laughs] without so many humans all over the places [laughs] nEM5CD6DepY-00238-00142848-00142988 and I think nEM5CD6DepY-00239-00142988-00143452 the relationship between, maybe especially in Hong Kong, between the nEM5CD6DepY-00240-00143488-00143924 nature and humans are interesting because I realised many nEM5CD6DepY-00241-00143956-00144384 of the trees and plants in Hong Kong - it's about the urban planning they are nEM5CD6DepY-00242-00144420-00144800 not supposed to be there, and obviously it's not their natural habitat and many nEM5CD6DepY-00243-00144800-00145296 of the trees that the roots didn't grow as deep as they needed - they nEM5CD6DepY-00244-00145296-00145984 just collapsed when the tide wind comes and I think it's kind of an nEM5CD6DepY-00245-00145984-00146752 interesting thing for me and I'm kind of working on it for now, so I'm not sure nEM5CD6DepY-00246-00146752-00147128 about the protests but who knows! [Laughs] nEM5CD6DepY-00247-00147144-00147312 Laura: That sounds like an interesting direction. nEM5CD6DepY-00248-00147312-00147824 Even here in the UK - it's different but - nEM5CD6DepY-00249-00147824-00148144 nature's been so forever present nEM5CD6DepY-00250-00148144-00148816 in everyone's mind; something which is a restorative, other approach [laughs] nEM5CD6DepY-00251-00148880-00149240 Okay well, thank you so much - that's great! nEM5CD6DepY-00252-00149240-00149408 Caleb: Thank you for having me! nEM5CD6DepY-00253-00149432-00149920 Laura: My pleasure! Okay if you want see more of Caleb's work just either nEM5CD6DepY-00254-00149920-00150608 look at the FORMAT Instagram take over or his Instagram page to see more of what he is working on. nEM5CD6DepY-00255-00150608-00150776 So thank you very much! nEM5CD6DepY-00256-00150776-00151008 Caleb: Thank you Laura! nOuLO2h0I7Q-00000-00000000-00000200 I am going to be getting a new cover. nPoUnGm1hyg-00000-00000000-00001605 ✞ nWX_cra-Rzu-00000-00000214-00000876 We’re just going to be lifting this fish installation onto a trailer, and this thing nWX_cra-Rzu-00001-00000876-00001122 is about 400kg. nWX_cra-Rzu-00002-00001123-00001366 I’m not going to do it alone. nWX_cra-Rzu-00003-00001366-00001710 ...Many hands make light work....The fish is in the cage. nWX_cra-Rzu-00004-00001710-00001947 It’s strong, it’s sturdy and now we just going to 'gooi it’. nWX_cra-Rzu-00005-00001947-00002196 [‘gooi’ is Afrikaans for ‘move it’ or just ‘go’] nX3mrv7lz1c-00000-00000231-00000776 An overview of the language map of the world would not be complete without looking at linguistic nX3mrv7lz1c-00001-00000776-00001607 areas. There's really two major ways to group languages, and the first is, we looked at before, nX3mrv7lz1c-00002-00001607-00002504 language families. Languages that are presumed to be, in a sense, related to each other genetically, nX3mrv7lz1c-00003-00002504-00003296 and that they have a shared ancestor. Once there was one language that, over time, broke up into nX3mrv7lz1c-00004-00003368-00003784 the various daughter languages, and so all the languages can be said to be nX3mrv7lz1c-00005-00003840-00004480 related, like a family. And this is the primary way to divide languages, nX3mrv7lz1c-00006-00004576-00005208 because that's, I mean, these are the languages themselves, that can be traced back, nX3mrv7lz1c-00007-00005272-00005880 that can be known to be somehow related. Any language that is not within the same family, nX3mrv7lz1c-00008-00005880-00006800 there's no known relation to any other language. We can't trace back their origin in any clear way. nX3mrv7lz1c-00009-00006920-00007608 But there is another factor affecting the way languages are, and the way languages are nX3mrv7lz1c-00010-00007608-00008580 grouped together, and that is these areas called "linguistic areas", or Sprachbunds, nX3mrv7lz1c-00011-00008672-00009416 using the German word for a language league, a language federation, language group. And just like nX3mrv7lz1c-00012-00009416-00009888 language families, you could say, well, that's like your families; well, these are you could nX3mrv7lz1c-00013-00009888-00010608 almost say like language friends, or language communities, language teams, language leagues. nX3mrv7lz1c-00014-00010696-00011656 And looking at this map of these Sprachbunds, linguistic areas, it presents a very different nX3mrv7lz1c-00015-00011656-00011904 picture, but also an extra layer nX3mrv7lz1c-00016-00011960-00012544 that you can add on top of the basic language family map of the world. nX3mrv7lz1c-00017-00012672-00013391 This map is thanks to, a very good linguistic resource I'll put a link to, nX3mrv7lz1c-00018-00013488-00013784 that has many maps like this nX3mrv7lz1c-00019-00013960-00014584 made to show various linguistic distribution around the world. Lots of good material there. nX3mrv7lz1c-00020-00014736-00015608 So here we can compare this map with the language families map, and see how these groups, nX3mrv7lz1c-00021-00015808-00016648 each of these these linguistic areas, they share some kind of features, and they overlap nX3mrv7lz1c-00022-00016648-00017304 different families. So even languages that have no known connection with each other, that appear nX3mrv7lz1c-00023-00017304-00018152 to be completely unrelated, being in the same area, there's some kind of cross-influence. Just nX3mrv7lz1c-00024-00018152-00018744 as you could say friends or community influencing people even in completely different families. nX3mrv7lz1c-00025-00018880-00019784 And so, while the language families here, you can see words matched up, where, you know, they have nX3mrv7lz1c-00026-00019848-00020768 words that have a common origin, they show that they were traced back to a shared ancestor, when nX3mrv7lz1c-00027-00020768-00021464 it comes to these linguistic areas, it's just that they show these surprising similarities. At least nX3mrv7lz1c-00028-00021464-00022208 they would be surprising if we didn't imagine some kind of areal effect. That's another term used for nX3mrv7lz1c-00029-00022208-00022864 this, areal effects, because the effects that languages have on each other, just being spoken nX3mrv7lz1c-00030-00022928-00023504 in close proximity to each other, they seem to be rubbing off on each other. Maybe there's a nX3mrv7lz1c-00031-00023504-00024200 large number of people who speak more than one of these languages, there's some kind of cultural nX3mrv7lz1c-00032-00024200-00024880 connection, cultural contact that causes speakers of these different languages to mix together. nX3mrv7lz1c-00033-00024880-00025328 So despite them being very different, there are certain shared properties. nX3mrv7lz1c-00034-00025328-00026327 Often these are in sounds, they have certain types of sounds that are shared, and also in nX3mrv7lz1c-00035-00026327-00027120 the word formation and the grammar, the morphology and syntax, also showing certain shared features nX3mrv7lz1c-00036-00027183-00027936 that seem to be would be beyond just being a coincidence. Like almost to the extent that nX3mrv7lz1c-00037-00028039-00028776 often these linguistic areas can be confused for language families, and they can make it seem nX3mrv7lz1c-00038-00028776-00029416 like languages are related that are not. They're simply heavily influenced by each other. nX3mrv7lz1c-00039-00029568-00030048 So we can see some examples of these aerial effects. nX3mrv7lz1c-00040-00030280-00031016 Starting over here in northwest North America, we have a variety of indigenous languages here, nX3mrv7lz1c-00041-00031072-00031352 widely separated, you can see covering a very large area, nX3mrv7lz1c-00042-00031448-00031900 but sharing certain properties of sounds and grammar. nX3mrv7lz1c-00043-00031900-00032383 We have the Mesoamerican area here in yellow, nX3mrv7lz1c-00044-00032448-00032960 including many different language families, such as the Aztec, Mayan, and so on. nX3mrv7lz1c-00045-00033096-00033784 Here's the Caribbean Creole area, so these creole languages sharing many properties. nX3mrv7lz1c-00046-00033864-00034224 Here we have the Andean area, in the Andes Mountains. Like the old nX3mrv7lz1c-00047-00034296-00034744 Inca area has the Quechua language, but many other indigenous languages as well, nX3mrv7lz1c-00048-00034832-00035320 with no known relation, but sharing certain properties. nX3mrv7lz1c-00049-00035404-00036304 We see here in southern/southwest Africa, this is where the famous click consonants are popular. So nX3mrv7lz1c-00050-00036304-00036976 they appear in the Khoisan languages, but also in Bantu languages as well nearby. nX3mrv7lz1c-00051-00037072-00037848 So here comparing back and forth between the language map, the language families map, nX3mrv7lz1c-00052-00037848-00038440 and the linguistic areas map, and we can see how here's the Khoisan family, nX3mrv7lz1c-00053-00038440-00039320 and here's the Niger-Congo family, primarily the Bantu languages. Here, this Sprachbund, nX3mrv7lz1c-00054-00039320-00040112 this linguistic area, overlaps both of them. So this feature of clicks, among some other features, nX3mrv7lz1c-00055-00040328-00040784 spread, you could say, or was shared somehow, from one language family to another. nX3mrv7lz1c-00056-00041056-00041288 And here with this, with some of these nX3mrv7lz1c-00057-00041392-00042064 North and South American linguistic areas, you see how they cover many different language families, nX3mrv7lz1c-00058-00042168-00042808 entirely unrelated, but sharing enough features to be considered an area. nX3mrv7lz1c-00059-00043040-00043648 Here in Europe, well, here you see this is called Standard Average Northwest European. nX3mrv7lz1c-00060-00043768-00044032 These are all Indo-European languages, all you can see nX3mrv7lz1c-00061-00044144-00044960 in the light green here, so this is being a little bit more specific, you could say, nX3mrv7lz1c-00062-00044960-00045656 because, you know, these are actually within the same language family, they are all related. But nX3mrv7lz1c-00063-00045792-00046320 here it's just being more specific, because the indo-European language family is so big, nX3mrv7lz1c-00064-00046320-00047000 and it's describing shared properties among different branches, mainly the Germanic and nX3mrv7lz1c-00065-00047000-00047552 Latin or Romance branches, of this family sharing certain properties here. nX3mrv7lz1c-00066-00047680-00048264 And you see the same thing with here the Iberian, northern Iberian. Includes some sharing nX3mrv7lz1c-00067-00048528-00049384 between Spanish, Portuguese, and some of the, you know, Catalan, southern French varieties here, and nX3mrv7lz1c-00068-00049384-00049920 also the independent Basque language. So here you can see this Basque language, which is nX3mrv7lz1c-00069-00049984-00050576 famous for being such an outlier, that it doesn't fit into any other languages of Europe. It has no nX3mrv7lz1c-00070-00050576-00051448 genetic or family relation. But, you know, being surrounded by these other Iberian languages has nX3mrv7lz1c-00071-00051528-00051984 shared a lot of the properties. And so there's some cross-influence there. nX3mrv7lz1c-00072-00052167-00052912 Here in red you see the Balkan linguistic area. So the Balkans, nX3mrv7lz1c-00073-00053120-00053664 famous for being a large mix of things, even the word 'balkanization' referring to breaking nX3mrv7lz1c-00074-00053664-00054679 down into many independent bits, and this is true with the languages. Well, here again you see this nX3mrv7lz1c-00075-00054679-00055296 is also within the Indo-European family, but it includes sort of an overlap of different branches: nX3mrv7lz1c-00076-00055440-00056200 Slavic, and Latin with Romanian here, and including the Albanian little branch nX3mrv7lz1c-00077-00056200-00056767 of Indo-European as well. So all of those showing certain effects within that area. nX3mrv7lz1c-00078-00056976-00057608 We also see over here, in the dark red, this is the Caucasus area, the Caucasian Mountains, nX3mrv7lz1c-00079-00057800-00058312 with a great variety of languages showing up as this sort of splash of colour here. nX3mrv7lz1c-00080-00058432-00058816 Many different families in that small area, nX3mrv7lz1c-00081-00058888-00059624 but they also share certain properties, just by being all in that area. nX3mrv7lz1c-00082-00059791-00060600 We have in orange, this is sometimes called the Altaic, the Altaic area. It's named after the nX3mrv7lz1c-00083-00060600-00061624 Altai Mountains, so Altaic, you know, is a way of expressing central Asia. And this is the area of nX3mrv7lz1c-00084-00061624-00062760 the Turkic languages, and the Mongolic languages, and some others that are not known to be related, nX3mrv7lz1c-00085-00062855-00063448 but they all have that shared, certain shared properties of being central Asian languages. nX3mrv7lz1c-00086-00063448-00064096 And this is one area that, you know, it's really many linguists have struggled to try to find nX3mrv7lz1c-00087-00064096-00064704 some kind of connection. Some have proposed that there is this Altaic language family that includes nX3mrv7lz1c-00088-00064704-00065336 Turkic and Mongolic, and possibly even Korean and Japanese - or Koreanic, Japonic - as well, nX3mrv7lz1c-00089-00065408-00066064 but that appears to be a bit of a stretch. But certainly there are some shared features there. nX3mrv7lz1c-00090-00066288-00066736 So you see, yeah, Korean is proposed as possibly being related to these, nX3mrv7lz1c-00091-00066832-00067136 or being part of this area. nX3mrv7lz1c-00092-00067304-00067816 Then we have here the South Asian or Indian subcontinent nX3mrv7lz1c-00093-00067944-00068680 region, and of course we have, in India, northern India has Indo-European languages, southern India nX3mrv7lz1c-00094-00068680-00069512 mainly Dravidian languages, two major language families dividing India. And as well as some other nX3mrv7lz1c-00095-00069512-00070216 ones here, some Sino-Tibetan along the border areas, and some other smaller families. But nX3mrv7lz1c-00096-00070216-00070792 they all share certain features, being together in this part of the world. nX3mrv7lz1c-00097-00070928-00071616 And then you have here you might call the East Asian/Southeast Asian or Chinese/Indochinese nX3mrv7lz1c-00098-00071752-00072176 language area, and this includes, of course, China, nX3mrv7lz1c-00099-00072304-00072632 most of the Sino-Tibetan languages, and Tibetan as well, nX3mrv7lz1c-00100-00072632-00073304 but also these languages of Southeast Asia. So it includes the Tai-Kadai languages, Thailand, nX3mrv7lz1c-00101-00073360-00074104 and a whole mix in the highlands here - a great linguistic diversity in these highlands nX3mrv7lz1c-00102-00074160-00074808 of southwest China and south from there - and the Austroasiatic languages, including Vietnamese. nX3mrv7lz1c-00103-00074864-00075376 So yeah, these languages are often mistaken for being related to each other, nX3mrv7lz1c-00104-00075448-00075864 because they share certain properties, like being highly tonal languages, nX3mrv7lz1c-00105-00075968-00076472 having what's called an analytic morphology, where you have many short words joined together, nX3mrv7lz1c-00106-00076472-00077200 rather than long words. And so a lot of these properties are probably the result of nX3mrv7lz1c-00107-00077200-00077832 some kind of mixing of this area, the cultural mixing through this area nX3mrv7lz1c-00108-00078000-00078616 And finally, we can look at the languages of Australia. The indigenous languages of Australia nX3mrv7lz1c-00109-00078616-00079560 show many properties, despite when you try to group them genetically, it becomes essentially nX3mrv7lz1c-00110-00079560-00080104 impossible to come up with any kind of clear, you know, single Australian language family. nX3mrv7lz1c-00111-00080280-00080712 But there are many things that these languages have in common. nX3mrv7lz1c-00112-00080888-00081408 So those are some of the major linguistic areas of the world. When it comes to the details nX3mrv7lz1c-00113-00081408-00081920 of each one, it gets into the technical points about, you know, specific sounds, nX3mrv7lz1c-00114-00081920-00082536 specific points of grammar and word formation. But certainly, you may notice that, as you're nX3mrv7lz1c-00115-00082664-00083416 experiencing languages that are within any of these areas, that they show some surprising points nX3mrv7lz1c-00116-00083416-00084216 in common with others, to the point where you may have to ask: are they even related? Are they nX3mrv7lz1c-00117-00084216-00084968 part of the same language family? Or are they, rather, part of a Sprachbund or a language area, nX3mrv7lz1c-00118-00085032-00085648 undergoing areal effects, where languages are influencing each other. Just like nX3mrv7lz1c-00119-00085648-00086560 you have language families, and then you might call them language friends, or language leagues. nX-febckifg-00000-00000000-00000200 RX 7900XT Atomic Heart R7-5800X3D nZp8BaSyCTy-00000-00003728-00004384 do nZp8BaSyCTy-00001-00007792-00008584 so nZp8BaSyCTy-00002-00014984-00015584 so nZp8BaSyCTy-00003-00022056-00022064 you nnicA8uTxX0-00000-00000084-00000284 HBC Network nnicA8uTxX0-00001-00000284-00001319 HBC Productions nnzvFRb3QMy-00000-00000000-00000200 យើងរួមគាផ្សព្វផ្សាយវប្បធម័ខ្មែរ ការពារថែរក្សា អភិរក្ស អភិវឌ្ឍ សិល្បះមរតកកេរ្ត៍ដូនតាយ មានល្ខោនបាសាក់ ល្ខោនយីកេ ល្ខោនខោល ចាបុី អាយ៉ៃ អាប៉េ មហោរ៉ របាំព្រះរាជទ្រព្យ ចម្រៀងបុរាណ ចម្រៀងសម័យ តន្ត្រី ប្រពៃណី ទំនាមទំលាប់ សាសនា អក្សសិល្ប៍ វប្បថម័ជាតិ អូធំ,ចម្រៀងបាសាក់,ភ្លេងល្ខោនបាសាក់ខ្មែរ,LAKHONBASAK,អូធំ,ចម្រៀងបាសាក់|ភ្លេងល្ខោនបាសាក់ខ្មែរ,LAKHONBASAK This is a channel creating to entertain you with the culture of Cambodia. The videos include the traditional plays, songs, traditional music, funny plays. We hope you will enjoy with our videos and help to subscribe to our channel, like and share the videos. BASAK, LIKE, CHA PEY, MORE, LAKHONBASAKPLENG, ROBAM, SONG, MUSIC, KHMER OLSAMANG,OLSAMANG MEDIA PRODUCTION,KARAOKE o04EHJ5_iXk-00000-00000000-00000200 I found a red object in this fountain. o0StFbSVK3c-00000-00000008-00000616 Hi ! Welcome to Homobits. Homobits was developed to help users visualize and understand neural o0StFbSVK3c-00001-00000616-00001240 network evolution. Neural Networks are computing systems inspired by the biological neural networks o0StFbSVK3c-00002-00001240-00001800 that constitute animal brains. Each Homobit is equipped with a set of organs with the neural o0StFbSVK3c-00003-00001800-00002304 network performing the functions of the brain. Networks get inputs from the environment through o0StFbSVK3c-00004-00002304-00002856 sensory organs like eyes nose and skin and are able to trigger actions through actuators like o0StFbSVK3c-00005-00002856-00003479 hands and legs. Genetic algorithm is used to evolve the bits. Using survival and reward o0StFbSVK3c-00006-00003479-00004384 mechanisms, we can observe how the bits evolve over generations to perform complex tasks. o0StFbSVK3c-00007-00006559-00007104 The bits start with a blank slate, with networks without any synapses between the neurons. o0StFbSVK3c-00008-00007104-00007568 We then introduce random mutations over generations and let the bits evolve in order o0StFbSVK3c-00009-00007568-00008095 to achieve their goals. In this iteration, the goal for the bits is mainly survival. o0StFbSVK3c-00010-00008168-00008616 Longer the bit survives by exploring the world around it and eating the food available, o0StFbSVK3c-00011-00008616-00009200 the more it is rewarded. After each generation, the elite gene set is selected based on the o0StFbSVK3c-00012-00009200-00009712 reward points received. These points are also known as the fitness of the genes. o0StFbSVK3c-00013-00009712-00011384 We spawn the next generation again by introducing random mutations to these genes. o0StFbSVK3c-00014-00013008-00013336 Our bit has evolved. With the new neural connections, o0StFbSVK3c-00015-00013336-00013896 our bit is now able to explore its environment. While we are here, we can take a look at what the o0StFbSVK3c-00016-00013896-00014488 inputs and outputs are for the network. The first two inputs are received from the brain itself. o0StFbSVK3c-00017-00014488-00014888 The first one is the age of the bit. This is important as with age, o0StFbSVK3c-00018-00014888-00015447 few actions get unlocked. For example the bit can only mate after it reaches sexual maturity. o0StFbSVK3c-00019-00015512-00016032 Before this age, attempts at mating only result in increased hunger and decrease in energy. o0StFbSVK3c-00020-00016112-00016656 Second input is the hunger level. The bit dies if the bit does not eat and the hunger level crosses o0StFbSVK3c-00021-00016656-00017248 a certain threshold. So in order to survive for a longer duration, the bit has to keep an eye on the o0StFbSVK3c-00022-00017248-00017848 hunger level and eat in order to avoid death by starvation. Next set of inputs it receives from o0StFbSVK3c-00023-00017848-00018432 the eyes. Genes define the span and range of the vision. Based on these parameters, the bit o0StFbSVK3c-00024-00018432-00019000 is able to perceive the color of and the distance and angle to the nearby element. For simplicity, o0StFbSVK3c-00025-00019000-00019584 we only consider the hue as the color input. If the bit has touched any element, it also gets o0StFbSVK3c-00026-00019584-00020056 the color of that element from the eyes and the texture, in terms of hardness, from the hands. o0StFbSVK3c-00027-00020136-00020600 The network processes these inputs and emits signals to perform one of the following actions. o0StFbSVK3c-00028-00020672-00021264 It can signal the legs to move forward, turn left or turn right, it can signal the hands to eat, o0StFbSVK3c-00029-00021264-00021712 it can also signal the body to either mate or fight with the element it is currently touching. o0StFbSVK3c-00030-00021784-00022256 The green color synapses in the network signify positive weights for the inputs, o0StFbSVK3c-00031-00022256-00022864 red color signify negative weights, black or gray colors are used for the disabled synapses. o0StFbSVK3c-00032-00023088-00023984 let's evolve our bit further o0StFbSVK3c-00033-00028592-00029048 Now that our bit has evolved and has started to explore the surroundings, we can deploy o0StFbSVK3c-00034-00029048-00029552 it on the open map. This is an open playground for everyone to test their bit and to see how o0StFbSVK3c-00035-00029552-00030080 it performs in an uncontrolled environment. We can see that even though our bit is able to move o0StFbSVK3c-00036-00030080-00030983 through the world around it, it isn't really yet aware of the elements in the environment. o0StFbSVK3c-00037-00031056-00031664 For the next generations, let's try playing around with the reward points. The reward system is what o0StFbSVK3c-00038-00031664-00032264 motivates the bits to approach stimuli or engage in behavior that increases fitness. The bits get o0StFbSVK3c-00039-00032264-00032800 rewarded on successfully completing specific actions like eating food when hungry, exploring o0StFbSVK3c-00040-00032800-00033344 the world in search of other elements to interact with, mating with other bits or fighting off other o0StFbSVK3c-00041-00033344-00033952 competing bits. By tuning the reward points and selecting the bits with maximum fitness, we ensure o0StFbSVK3c-00042-00033952-00034408 that the bits get better and better at performing the desired activities over generations. o0StFbSVK3c-00043-00034480-00034976 This is similar to artificial selection, where we manually select the traits and behavioral o0StFbSVK3c-00044-00034976-00035552 patterns we want a species to display. In the future releases we'll also introduce natural o0StFbSVK3c-00045-00035552-00036032 selection to enable nature to tune the reward system in a way that assists in survival and o0StFbSVK3c-00046-00036032-00036584 reproduction. o0StFbSVK3c-00047-00038368-00038816 We can observe the increase in mating activity as a result of tuning the reward system. o0StFbSVK3c-00048-00038888-00039384 We'll let the bid evolve further to let it get acclimatized with this new found interest. o0StFbSVK3c-00049-00042832-00043224 We can observe the changes in the way our bit now interacts with the other elements o0StFbSVK3c-00050-00043224-00043808 in its surrounding. It is now able to navigate its world much better than the previous generations. o0StFbSVK3c-00051-00043880-00044432 It is able to survive for a much longer time by feeding itself avoiding harmful elements like fire o0StFbSVK3c-00052-00044432-00044984 and is able to pass on its genes by recognizing and mating with the other bits in the surrounding. o0StFbSVK3c-00053-00045376-00046384 We can validate our observations by deploying our bit on the open map. o0StFbSVK3c-00054-00048432-00048936 We can keep evolving the bit further. As generations pass it will keep getting better o0StFbSVK3c-00055-00048936-00049416 and better at performing the desired tasks. In the end we will compare the o0StFbSVK3c-00056-00049416-00050584 fitness levels and the network composition of the bit as it evolves over generations. o0StFbSVK3c-00057-00052391-00052920 We can now see the way the bit has evolved over generations. Starting from a simple bit running o0StFbSVK3c-00058-00052920-00053400 into fire, to a bit which is able to recognize the patterns in the things it sees and touches o0StFbSVK3c-00059-00053400-00053984 and which is able to survive in the harsh world of the Homobits. The composition and neural weights o0StFbSVK3c-00060-00053984-00054496 of the network help the bit in taking these decisions. It is a knowledge accumulated by o0StFbSVK3c-00061-00054496-00054952 incremental improvements over the networks of thousands of ancestors which came before it. o0StFbSVK3c-00062-00055200-00055672 Thanks for watching the video. The download link for this tool is available in the description o0StFbSVK3c-00063-00055672-00056320 below. Do subscribe if you want to be notified about future updates to this tool. It is a work in o0StFbSVK3c-00064-00056320-00056872 progress so please don't forget to leave feedback and suggestions in the comment section below. o3AVm1-aQZo-00000-00000970-00001170 She took a walk with her mom and dad again today! o3AVm1-aQZo-00001-00001826-00002026 Then, Richie's mother visited! o3AVm1-aQZo-00002-00002234-00002434 Nice to meet you, mother of Richie! High five! o3AVm1-aQZo-00003-00002458-00002658 She was so glad that she stood up with her feet. o3AVm1-aQZo-00004-00002983-00003370 Chacha, come here~ / I'm coming! o3AVm1-aQZo-00005-00003562-00003762 A mask fight with Richie's mother is also a must now. o3AVm1-aQZo-00006-00003970-00004194 crush it. o3AVm1-aQZo-00007-00004218-00004418 It's okay. I'm used to it now. o3AVm1-aQZo-00008-00005121-00005321 I'm feeling cheerful. o3AVm1-aQZo-00009-00005449-00005649 (Opening door) o3AVm1-aQZo-00010-00006129-00006329 Did someone come? o3AVm1-aQZo-00011-00006597-00006797 Hey there! o3AVm1-aQZo-00012-00007000-00007200 Today, her friend Richie visited her house. o3AVm1-aQZo-00013-00007578-00007778 What's interesting is that she saw Retriever Rich on this day for the first time. o3AVm1-aQZo-00014-00008356-00008556 Do you two know each other from the beginning? o3AVm1-aQZo-00015-00009453-00009653 Dad: You're taking care of your hair. o3AVm1-aQZo-00016-00009970-00010269 Long time no see! / Do you know me? o3AVm1-aQZo-00017-00010507-00011121 Let's just say we know! / Who the hell are you? o3AVm1-aQZo-00018-00011298-00011498 Me? I'm lovely bubbly chacha. o3AVm1-aQZo-00019-00011717-00011917 You're the famous crazy dog Cha Cha-cha, aren't you? o3AVm1-aQZo-00020-00012040-00012240 I'm not a crazy dog, i'm a friendly dog. o3AVm1-aQZo-00021-00012461-00012661 Two retriever who have a lot to communicate with each other. o3AVm1-aQZo-00022-00012782-00012982 They played a lot while we were eating. o3AVm1-aQZo-00023-00013975-00014175 Richie's mother will give them snacks as well. o3AVm1-aQZo-00024-00014376-00014576 Give it to me! o3AVm1-aQZo-00025-00014752-00014952 Hold on! Success! o3AVm1-aQZo-00026-00015539-00015739 Why! / What did you do to him? o3AVm1-aQZo-00027-00016000-00016390 Dad: (Tired of playing for two hours) / It's fun. o3AVm1-aQZo-00028-00016955-00017155 After Richie left, Cha-cha is tired and going to bed. o3AVm1-aQZo-00029-00017620-00018238 I had a great day today, Cha Cha. Good night! o7672DbH9ac-00000-00000000-00000200 welcome to my channel o84VC-yfyBA-00000-00000171-00000459 OK, here I go o84VC-yfyBA-00001-00000459-00000709 I'm gonna warm up o84VC-yfyBA-00002-00000709-00001539 *smol burps* o84VC-yfyBA-00003-00001820-00001870 A o84VC-yfyBA-00004-00001973-00002042 B o84VC-yfyBA-00005-00002107-00002157 ss o84VC-yfyBA-00006-00002308-00002380 C o84VC-yfyBA-00007-00002490-00002564 D o84VC-yfyBA-00008-00002656-00002710 E o84VC-yfyBA-00009-00002942-00002992 F o84VC-yfyBA-00010-00003103-00003153 G o84VC-yfyBA-00011-00003153-00003203 *rofl* o84VC-yfyBA-00012-00003477-00003584 H o84VC-yfyBA-00013-00003763-00003813 I o84VC-yfyBA-00014-00004251-00004360 J o84VC-yfyBA-00015-00004435-00004505 K o84VC-yfyBA-00016-00004707-00004776 L o84VC-yfyBA-00017-00004805-00004855 ㅋㅋㅋ o84VC-yfyBA-00018-00005134-00005184 M o84VC-yfyBA-00019-00005275-00005325 N o84VC-yfyBA-00020-00005581-00005631 N o84VC-yfyBA-00021-00005761-00005898 O o84VC-yfyBA-00022-00006238-00006288 P o84VC-yfyBA-00023-00006392-00006442 P o84VC-yfyBA-00024-00006504-00006554 *lol* o84VC-yfyBA-00025-00006747-00006880 This is kinda gross o84VC-yfyBA-00026-00006941-00006991 *burp* o84VC-yfyBA-00027-00007276-00007468 I did it to P by the way o84VC-yfyBA-00028-00007468-00007608 if you guys were listening o84VC-yfyBA-00029-00008167-00008296 *buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrppppp* o84VC-yfyBA-00030-00008505-00008814 OK, that was all the gas that came out o84VC-yfyBA-00031-00008814-00008905 I think o84VC-yfyBA-00032-00009458-00009536 *lol* o84VC-yfyBA-00033-00010047-00010231 your W from the previous game o84VC-yfyBA-00034-00010433-00010490 W o84VC-yfyBA-00035-00010537-00010632 You mean my win? o84VC-yfyBA-00036-00010850-00011048 Yo, maybe I need to burp one more time o84VC-yfyBA-00037-00011679-00011741 *buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrpppp* o84VC-yfyBA-00038-00011907-00012501 there we go oqVxoBB07KU-00000-00000002-00000358 On December 1st we commemorate World AIDS Day oqVxoBB07KU-00001-00000358-00000570 to raise awareness around HIV oqVxoBB07KU-00002-00000570-00000858 and to remember and honor those who have died oqVxoBB07KU-00003-00000858-00001048 of AIDS-related illnesses. oqVxoBB07KU-00004-00001048-00001214 The theme for this year is oqVxoBB07KU-00005-00001214-00001428 Communities Make a Difference. oqVxoBB07KU-00006-00001452-00001622 For transgender people oqVxoBB07KU-00007-00001622-00001855 the risk of acquiring HIV oqVxoBB07KU-00008-00001855-00002032 is 12 times higher. oqVxoBB07KU-00009-00002032-00002236 One of the things that most affects trans women oqVxoBB07KU-00010-00002236-00002630 in my region in this case is AIDS. oqVxoBB07KU-00011-00002630-00002920 A lot of comrades are dying constantly. oqVxoBB07KU-00012-00002920-00003342 Due to poverty, due to lack of education, sex work and oqVxoBB07KU-00013-00003342-00003515 living in slums and poor conditions oqVxoBB07KU-00014-00003515-00003890 the trans population is the highest at risk oqVxoBB07KU-00015-00003890-00004192 and most vulnerable to TB, malaria and HIV. oqVxoBB07KU-00016-00004192-00004514 In specific issue about HIV, oqVxoBB07KU-00017-00004516-00004808 they are clearly the most affected stakeholders oqVxoBB07KU-00018-00004808-00005034 and therefore have to be a part of the response. oqVxoBB07KU-00019-00005034-00005312 Without their involvement in HIV oqVxoBB07KU-00020-00005312-00005662 there is no way that this epidemic can be controlled. oqVxoBB07KU-00021-00005662-00005968 If more people with the capacity oqVxoBB07KU-00022-00005968-00006318 to make decisions could see us as humans, oqVxoBB07KU-00023-00006318-00006692 they would help us in more substantial ways; oqVxoBB07KU-00024-00006692-00007016 not just seeing us as numbers or as statistics. oqVxoBB07KU-00025-00007016-00007181 Historically, trans men have been oqVxoBB07KU-00026-00007181-00007364 excluded from the HIV response. oqVxoBB07KU-00027-00007364-00007558 Trans men who have sex with men oqVxoBB07KU-00028-00007562-00007712 and trans men who do sex work oqVxoBB07KU-00029-00007712-00007923 are particularly vulnerable to HIV. oqVxoBB07KU-00030-00007923-00008156 We transgender men are diverse oqVxoBB07KU-00031-00008156-00008456 and because of the lack of programs aimed oqVxoBB07KU-00032-00008468-00008604 at our community oqVxoBB07KU-00033-00008604-00008843 we are totally invisible. oqVxoBB07KU-00034-00008843-00009152 We don’t know that we are vulnerable, oqVxoBB07KU-00035-00009152-00009286 which makes it lethal. oqVxoBB07KU-00036-00009286-00009730 I think this work on HIV with trans men is critical. oqVxoBB07KU-00037-00009730-00010030 Trans men can also get AIDS and HIV oqVxoBB07KU-00038-00010030-00010214 and there is no focus on that issue. oqVxoBB07KU-00039-00010214-00010402 It would be very important also that oqVxoBB07KU-00040-00010402-00010712 HIV is also made visible among trans men oqVxoBB07KU-00041-00010712-00010896 in order to be able to prevent it. oqVxoBB07KU-00042-00010896-00011062 As a transmaculine, I know that oqVxoBB07KU-00043-00011062-00011222 me and my friends can have a relationship oqVxoBB07KU-00044-00011222-00011446 with a cis man or gay man so oqVxoBB07KU-00045-00011446-00011668 we also can consider ourselves as a oqVxoBB07KU-00046-00011668-00011962 key affected population, so we should be included. oqVxoBB07KU-00047-00011962-00012336 There is a huge lack of information on HIV in trans men. oqVxoBB07KU-00048-00012336-00012742 It is time to address this issue to prevent oqVxoBB07KU-00049-00012742-00013013 this from becoming a serious problem oqVxoBB07KU-00050-00013013-00013163 for our population. oqVxoBB07KU-00051-00013163-00013446 Across the world, trans people are delivering oqVxoBB07KU-00052-00013446-00013680 essential HIV services, oqVxoBB07KU-00053-00013680-00014019 often in very dangerous situations. oqVxoBB07KU-00054-00014019-00014241 As trans organizations, oqVxoBB07KU-00055-00014241-00014524 haven’t had much support oqVxoBB07KU-00056-00014524-00014926 in accessing the necessary funds oqVxoBB07KU-00057-00014926-00015128 for us to work with our community. oqVxoBB07KU-00058-00015128-00015408 There’s certain needs that need to be addressed oqVxoBB07KU-00059-00015408-00015563 within the trans community. oqVxoBB07KU-00060-00015563-00015766 The barriers and challenges that they meet oqVxoBB07KU-00061-00015766-00016024 are far more severe and critical oqVxoBB07KU-00062-00016024-00016256 than what the other communities have experienced, oqVxoBB07KU-00063-00016256-00016500 so they too need the support, if not more so. oqVxoBB07KU-00064-00016500-00016774 There is no way that you can actually oqVxoBB07KU-00065-00016774-00017172 do development or take control of an epidemic oqVxoBB07KU-00066-00017172-00017484 unless the people who are actually affected by it oqVxoBB07KU-00067-00017484-00017678 actually take the ownership of it. oqVxoBB07KU-00068-00017678-00018060 It’s important to have trans people be involved oqVxoBB07KU-00069-00018060-00018284 in the HIV work oqVxoBB07KU-00070-00018284-00018600 so that we can also be equipped with the knowledge oqVxoBB07KU-00071-00018600-00018798 to prevent the spread oqVxoBB07KU-00072-00018798-00019134 and mortality rate of HIV. oqVxoBB07KU-00073-00019150-00019310 Who not better to fund than oqVxoBB07KU-00074-00019310-00019498 the people in the community? oqVxoBB07KU-00075-00019560-00019764 Communities have always made a difference oqVxoBB07KU-00076-00019764-00019948 since the beginning of the epidemic, oqVxoBB07KU-00077-00019948-00020350 striving for better services, better medication, oqVxoBB07KU-00078-00020350-00020586 and leading the response globally. oqVxoBB07KU-00079-00020586-00020890 It is important that within our community oqVxoBB07KU-00080-00020890-00021046 we raise awareness, oqVxoBB07KU-00081-00021046-00021216 and as a community, oqVxoBB07KU-00082-00021216-00021332 make a difference. otQ-VtdAQYI-00000-00000567-00001593 Kylie Jenner, 20, finally broke her silence about her pregnancy speculation on Sunday evening as she confirmed that she had given birth to a baby girl. otQ-VtdAQYI-00001-00001710-00002647 Sharing a statement on , the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star that her daughter was born on February 1 as well as the reason why she kept it hidden. otQ-VtdAQYI-00002-00002764-00003334 While she went on to share an adorable video montage of her whole pregnancy journey. otQ-VtdAQYI-00003-00003451-00004405 However, despite fans being overjoyed about the wonderful news, some eagle-eyed followers were left VERY distracted by a certain diamond ring otQ-VtdAQYI-00004-00004522-00005891 In the video montage, Kylie's fingers remain bare at the start but near the end of the mini-movie she can be seen wearing a sparkler on her engagement ring finger - sparking rumours that she could be 'ENGAGED' to partner Travis Scott otQ-VtdAQYI-00005-00006008-00006652 One person said: 'So Kylie wearing a diamond ring on her left finger throughout the video.' otQ-VtdAQYI-00006-00006769-00007226 A different person put: 'So is Kylie also engaged??!' otQ-VtdAQYI-00007-00007343-00007895 Another fan commented: 'Wait, is Kylie Jenner engaged too?' otQ-VtdAQYI-00008-00008013-00008506 While a different follower added: 'So Kylie engaged too?' otQ-VtdAQYI-00009-00008623-00009224 OK! Online has contacted Kylie Jenner's representative for comment otQ-VtdAQYI-00010-00009341-00010396 Meanwhile, also during the video, Kylie's niece and sister Kim's daughter, Chicago West who was born via surrogate in January, made her first debut otQ-VtdAQYI-00011-00010513-00011177 The two reality stars could be seen holding the adorable bundle of joy while they waited in the hospital. otQ-VtdAQYI-00012-00011294-00012042 In the sweet footage, Kim talks about naming her daughter and says: 'I think we're going to go with Chicago.' otQ-VtdAQYI-00013-00012159-00012575 To which Kylie replies: 'I love Chicago.' ovxZqWmkccU-00000-00000040-00000664 The graph for Ted Lasso has been updated for the days. we'll lose accuracy starting today. owgFn0EjkjU-00000-00000891-00001232 Today i want to talk to you about "to sleep",thank you Adrian.For me to sleep means...look,see owgFn0EjkjU-00001-00001232-00001332 what it means? owgFn0EjkjU-00002-00001332-00001568 it means that you are sleeping here and you must run very very badly from your self upstairs owgFn0EjkjU-00003-00001568-00001997 or downstairs if you sleep.I am at a seminary Re-Map with Gratian Sonu now,and i feel like owgFn0EjkjU-00004-00001997-00002190 i been sleeping around 43 years,bye! owgFn0EjkjU-00005-00002190-00002481 Oh...for you what does it mean "to sleep"? owe1u0st6uQ-00000-00001842-00002035 Joe owe1u0st6uQ-00001-00002035-00002235 You know this road owe1u0st6uQ-00002-00002235-00002545 you've been here before owe1u0st6uQ-00003-00002545-00002811 Your legacy follow you owe1u0st6uQ-00004-00002811-00003363 It is your sole duty to say the right thing owe1u0st6uQ-00005-00003363-00003709 The right thing, Joe! owe1u0st6uQ-00006-00003709-00004071 Yes I must, I've always thought about the right thing... owe1u0st6uQ-00007-00004071-00004285 But what even is the right thing to say? owe1u0st6uQ-00008-00004285-00004596 We must restore the soul of the nation owe1u0st6uQ-00009-00004596-00005022 We do... and it's already late owe1u0st6uQ-00010-00007489-00007752 And what was that all about? owe1u0st6uQ-00011-00007752-00007887 The past owe1u0st6uQ-00012-00008009-00008319 But people don't care that much now. owe1u0st6uQ-00013-00008319-00008857 They're too used to just repeating what others have said owe1u0st6uQ-00014-00008857-00009000 the desegregation owe1u0st6uQ-00015-00009000-00009197 the hearings owe1u0st6uQ-00016-00009197-00009428 they are all behind you now. owe1u0st6uQ-00017-00009612-00009817 Take the next exit on the right owe1u0st6uQ-00018-00010526-00010678 Listen owe1u0st6uQ-00019-00010678-00010854 why do you help me? owe1u0st6uQ-00020-00010854-00011030 You have a warmth owe1u0st6uQ-00021-00011030-00011322 people are pleased to see you... owe1u0st6uQ-00022-00011322-00011754 they even like your stutter owe1u0st6uQ-00023-00019845-00019966 Voice owe1u0st6uQ-00024-00019966-00020156 Who are you? owe1u0st6uQ-00025-00020305-00020542 You just press on the gas Joe owe1u0st6uQ-00026-00020542-00020824 I'm taking care of the wheel oxvqpt1_MFE-00000-00000057-00000558 Watching customer service in action is like taking a master class oxvqpt1_MFE-00001-00000558-00000713 in human relations. oxvqpt1_MFE-00002-00000713-00000840 You see the good, oxvqpt1_MFE-00003-00000840-00000903 the bad, oxvqpt1_MFE-00004-00000903-00001003 and the ugly. oxvqpt1_MFE-00005-00001003-00001441 But what you learn can help you take your customer service oxvqpt1_MFE-00006-00001441-00001596 to a whole new level. oxvqpt1_MFE-00007-00001596-00001987 This video will give you three quick tips that make a oxvqpt1_MFE-00008-00001987-00002461 big difference in how your customers perceive your business. oxvqpt1_MFE-00009-00002461-00003025 So watch closely because learning these skills could mean the difference oxvqpt1_MFE-00010-00003025-00003435 between success and failure for your small business. oxvqpt1_MFE-00011-00003477-00003704 We'll begin right after this. oxvqpt1_MFE-00012-00003704-00003811 In this video, oxvqpt1_MFE-00013-00003811-00004302 you will discover the three best customer service tips for small oxvqpt1_MFE-00014-00004302-00004827 businesses. Customer service is the key to success for any business, oxvqpt1_MFE-00015-00004827-00005090 especially for small businesses. oxvqpt1_MFE-00016-00005090-00005452 Small businesses have a limited customer base, oxvqpt1_MFE-00017-00005452-00005833 so they must provide excellent customer service. oxvqpt1_MFE-00018-00005833-00005978 Hi, I'm Doug Barra. oxvqpt1_MFE-00019-00005978-00006376 I have the honor and privilege to work with the owners oxvqpt1_MFE-00020-00006376-00006856 of small local businesses that want to take their businesses to oxvqpt1_MFE-00021-00006856-00007056 the next level of success. oxvqpt1_MFE-00022-00007131-00007353 I don't take that lightly! oxvqpt1_MFE-00023-00007353-00007827 I would even say it's a little daunting because I believe oxvqpt1_MFE-00024-00007827-00008352 business owners like you are the most courageous people in the oxvqpt1_MFE-00025-00008352-00008806 world. Every day you put yourself on the line to ensure oxvqpt1_MFE-00026-00008806-00008987 that your customers, oxvqpt1_MFE-00027-00008987-00009179 team, family members, oxvqpt1_MFE-00028-00009179-00009482 and even the world are taken care of. oxvqpt1_MFE-00029-00009482-00009966 You do all this while trying to maintain some semblance of oxvqpt1_MFE-00030-00009966-00010107 a personal life. oxvqpt1_MFE-00031-00010206-00010278 So today, oxvqpt1_MFE-00032-00010278-00010700 I'm going to give you three customer service tips to help oxvqpt1_MFE-00033-00010700-00010978 take your business to the next level. oxvqpt1_MFE-00034-00010978-00011292 Tip 1- Make sure your employees are happy. oxvqpt1_MFE-00035-00011292-00011534 This may seem like common sense. oxvqpt1_MFE-00036-00011534-00011911 However, many small business owners overlook it. oxvqpt1_MFE-00037-00011911-00012145 If your employees are unhappy, oxvqpt1_MFE-00038-00012145-00012530 it will show in their interactions with customers. oxvqpt1_MFE-00039-00012530-00012719 They may seem resentful, oxvqpt1_MFE-00040-00012719-00013247 or they may rush through interactions without really listening to the oxvqpt1_MFE-00041-00013247-00013391 customer's needs. oxvqpt1_MFE-00042-00013533-00013679 On the other hand, oxvqpt1_MFE-00043-00013679-00014157 employees who are happy and engaged with their work will be oxvqpt1_MFE-00044-00014157-00014518 more patient and attentive with customers. oxvqpt1_MFE-00045-00014518-00014957 They'll go out of their way to ensure each customer has oxvqpt1_MFE-00046-00014957-00015153 a positive experience. oxvqpt1_MFE-00047-00015153-00015513 So, to provide excellent customer service, oxvqpt1_MFE-00048-00015513-00016031 start by creating a workplace where your employees can thrive. oxvqpt1_MFE-00049-00016031-00016343 Tip 2- Train your employees properly. oxvqpt1_MFE-00050-00016343-00016821 Proper training is essential for great customer service. oxvqpt1_MFE-00051-00016860-00017342 Your employees need to know your products or services inside and out. oxvqpt1_MFE-00052-00017342-00017868 They should be able to answer any questions a customer might have. oxvqpt1_MFE-00053-00017868-00018305 They also need to know how to handle difficult situations. oxvqpt1_MFE-00054-00018305-00018403 For example, oxvqpt1_MFE-00055-00018403-00018742 what do they do if a customer is angry or upset? oxvqpt1_MFE-00056-00018742-00019055 What if a customer wants to return an item? oxvqpt1_MFE-00057-00019055-00019474 By giving your employees the tools they need to succeed, oxvqpt1_MFE-00058-00019504-00019875 you'll set them and your business up for success. oxvqpt1_MFE-00059-00019875-00020453 Create a customer service training program that covers all the essentials, oxvqpt1_MFE-00060-00020453-00020941 and ensure that training includes updates on company policies. oxvqpt1_MFE-00061-00020941-00021293 Tip-3 is what I call the "complaint sandwich." oxvqpt1_MFE-00062-00021293-00021826 The complaint sandwich is a customer service technique where you take oxvqpt1_MFE-00063-00021826-00022360 a customer's negative feedback and you bookend it with two positives. oxvqpt1_MFE-00064-00022360-00022459 For example, oxvqpt1_MFE-00065-00022459-00022857 let's say that a customer comes into your store and is oxvqpt1_MFE-00066-00022857-00023173 unhappy with the product they purchased. oxvqpt1_MFE-00067-00023227-00023456 They might say something like, oxvqpt1_MFE-00068-00023456-00023659 "This product is terrible, oxvqpt1_MFE-00069-00023659-00023818 and it doesn't work." oxvqpt1_MFE-00070-00023818-00024268 Now, most businesses would stop right there and try to defend oxvqpt1_MFE-00071-00024268-00024489 themselves or their product. oxvqpt1_MFE-00072-00024489-00024903 But a different approach is needed if you want to provide oxvqpt1_MFE-00073-00024903-00025098 superb customer service. oxvqpt1_MFE-00074-00025098-00025274 Instead, you could say, oxvqpt1_MFE-00075-00025274-00025645 "I'm so sorry to hear that you're not happy with the product. oxvqpt1_MFE-00076-00025645-00025927 Can you tell me what's wrong? oxvqpt1_MFE-00077-00025948-00026218 I want to make sure we fix the problem." oxvqpt1_MFE-00078-00026218-00026531 Then, once you've taken care of the problem, oxvqpt1_MFE-00079-00026531-00026869 you will end the interaction on a positive note. oxvqpt1_MFE-00080-00026869-00026962 For example, oxvqpt1_MFE-00081-00026962-00027064 you might say, oxvqpt1_MFE-00082-00027064-00027393 "Thank you for bringing this to our attention. oxvqpt1_MFE-00083-00027393-00027867 We're glad we could fix the problem and appreciate your business." oxvqpt1_MFE-00084-00027867-00028162 Using the complaint sandwich technique, oxvqpt1_MFE-00085-00028162-00028644 you can turn a negative customer service experience into a positive one. oxvqpt1_MFE-00086-00028644-00029129 These are just three of my many customer service tips oxvqpt1_MFE-00087-00029129-00029297 for small businesses. oxvqpt1_MFE-00088-00029297-00029732 Would you like to discover more about this and other topics oxvqpt1_MFE-00089-00029732-00030052 essential to business success and growth? oxvqpt1_MFE-00090-00030052-00030149 Yeah? Great! oxvqpt1_MFE-00091-00030149-00030477 Then there are a few things that you need to do oxvqpt1_MFE-00092-00030477-00030557 right now. oxvqpt1_MFE-00093-00030557-00030735 First, like this video, oxvqpt1_MFE-00094-00030735-00030939 so I know that you got value, oxvqpt1_MFE-00095-00030939-00031232 and I'll make more videos like this one. oxvqpt1_MFE-00096-00031232-00031513 Second, subscribe to this channel, oxvqpt1_MFE-00097-00031513-00031882 and click the bell to get notified whenever we post a oxvqpt1_MFE-00098-00031882-00032225 new video so that you don't miss a single piece of oxvqpt1_MFE-00099-00032225-00032483 the valuable information we share. oxvqpt1_MFE-00100-00032483-00032809 Next, leave me a comment with your questions, oxvqpt1_MFE-00101-00032809-00033239 suggestions, or just what you liked or didn't like about the video. oxvqpt1_MFE-00102-00033359-00033771 And last, click the link in the description to register for our next oxvqpt1_MFE-00103-00033771-00033883 live web class. oxvqpt1_MFE-00104-00033916-00034381 We hold them on Thursdays and unearth the secrets to scaling oxvqpt1_MFE-00105-00034381-00034502 your business! oxvqpt1_MFE-00106-00034502-00035107 You can also register by going to oxvqpt1_MFE-00107-00035107-00035228 I'm Doug Barra, oxvqpt1_MFE-00108-00035228-00035702 and I'm passionate about helping small businesses succeed. oxvqpt1_MFE-00109-00035702-00035851 Now it's your turn, oxvqpt1_MFE-00110-00035851-00036279 click the link and take your business to the next level. oxvqpt1_MFE-00111-00036279-00036465 Thank you for watching. oxvqpt1_MFE-00112-00036465-00036698 I'll see you in our next video. ozy9JH43OVU-00000-00000000-00000200 This video is about how to lose weight fast without exercise. ozy9JH43OVU-00001-00000200-00000367 How to lose weight without workout fast . ozy9JH43OVU-00002-00000367-00000650 Watch now to learn how to lose weight without exercising. ozy9JH43OVU-00003-00000650-00001000 A step by step tutorial on how to lose weight without exercising fast. o-7Jjv3wMX0-00000-00000000-00000834 When we talk about the rapture and the day of the Lord, they are two different events o-7Jjv3wMX0-00001-00000834-00001174 one is a complex ... one is a singular event o-7Jjv3wMX0-00002-00001174-00001466 that will happen instantly in the twinkling of an eye o-7Jjv3wMX0-00003-00001467-00001805 the other is a complex of events we will talk about in just a moment o-7Jjv3wMX0-00004-00001805-00002290 but they are two distinct things, don't confuse the two o-7Jjv3wMX0-00005-00002290-00002578 So the Thessalonians, these new believers o-7Jjv3wMX0-00006-00002580-00002912 they are wondering when is all of this going to happen? o-7Jjv3wMX0-00007-00002912-00003229 They are unsettled, they are alarmed o-7Jjv3wMX0-00008-00003230-00003506 because they were expecting Jesus would come back at any moment o-7Jjv3wMX0-00009-00003507-00003777 in fact many of them thought that he was going to come back before they died o-7Jjv3wMX0-00010-00003777-00004191 and so they're alarmed when their loved ones are dying o-7Jjv3wMX0-00011-00004191-00004551 and some of them being killed in persecution o-7Jjv3wMX0-00012-00004551-00005058 and some of them assumed that they were in the day of the Lord o-7Jjv3wMX0-00013-00005058-00005320 and so Paul reassures them o-7Jjv3wMX0-00014-00005320-00005918 and he tells us in this passage that as we ponder the Lord's return o-7Jjv3wMX0-00015-00005918-00006414 you and I are to watch but don't worry o-7Jjv3wMX0-00016-00006508-00007023 The day of the Lord is not the same thing as the rapture of the church o-7Jjv3wMX0-00017-00007023-00007680 it is a time of God's wrath being poured out on an unbelieving world. o-7Jjv3wMX0-00018-00007778-00008216 As we see the state of our world today we ought to be looking up o-7Jjv3wMX0-00019-00008216-00008486 because Jesus will be coming back soon o-7Jjv3wMX0-00020-00008486-00009186 we don't know exactly when but it sure seems like things are coming to a climactic moment o-7Jjv3wMX0-00021-00009357-00009792 still I come back to our idea that I mentioned earlier o-7Jjv3wMX0-00022-00009792-00010476 when we ponder the Lord's return we are to watch but not worry. o-7Jjv3wMX0-00023-00010540-00011000 So watch for the signs which means we also watch in Hope o-7Jjv3wMX0-00024-00011000-00011252 and when you read about when we talk about hope o-7Jjv3wMX0-00025-00011253-00011547 not talking about wishful thinking we're talking about expectation. o-7Jjv3wMX0-00026-00011547-00011803 That's the meaning of biblical hope. o-7Jjv3wMX0-00027-00011884-00012294 Paul did not anticipate that the church would experience the chaos o-7Jjv3wMX0-00028-00012294-00012710 of the coming judgment that we call the day of the Lord. o-7Jjv3wMX0-00029-00012768-00013202 Though judgment will come upon them as a thief in the night o-7Jjv3wMX0-00030-00013202-00013836 Jesus will come for us as a bridegroom comes to get his bride o-7Jjv3wMX0-00031-00013836-00014224 and he will take us away to a wedding feast. o-7Jjv3wMX0-00032-00014224-00014794 We aren't on the lookout for a thief, we wait expectedly for a bridegroom. o-7Jjv3wMX0-00033-00014882-00015541 And followers of Jesus are to be watchers, spiritually alert and prophetically aware o-7Jjv3wMX0-00034-00015541-00015850 The Lord is coming to judge the earth o-7Jjv3wMX0-00035-00015850-00016278 but before he does he will come for his church. o-7Jjv3wMX0-00036-00016278-00016620 So what are we to do in light of this? o-7Jjv3wMX0-00037-00016620-00016810 First of all, we have to put on spiritual armor. o-7Jjv3wMX0-00038-00016810-00017124 Look with me at verse 8 once again Paul says this here: o-7Jjv3wMX0-00039-00017124-00017426 "Putting on faith and love as a breastplate." o-7Jjv3wMX0-00040-00017426-00017906 A breastplate was a piece of armor that protected your heart o-7Jjv3wMX0-00041-00017906-00018382 but here he talks about the breastplate as being faith and love. o-7Jjv3wMX0-00042-00018382-00018706 Well how do you build your faith? o-7Jjv3wMX0-00043-00018706-00019069 You build your faith by feeding on the word of God o-7Jjv3wMX0-00044-00019070-00019794 and being in loving relationships in community with other believers. o-7Jjv3wMX0-00045-00019794-00020518 To be healthy as a believer requires more than simply subscribing to sermon podcasts. o-7Jjv3wMX0-00046-00020606-00020964 Remember you are to watch for those precursor signs o-7Jjv3wMX0-00047-00020964-00021530 and also watch and hope in great expectation of Christ's o-7Jjv3wMX0-00048-00021530-00022160 coming with his rescue for us in the rapture of the church. oBYrcvTtQTk-00000-00005500-00005866 That's beach! Gulf of Mexico is right here! oBYrcvTtQTk-00001-00006231-00006583 We're not feeling hot, it's breezy. oBYrcvTtQTk-00002-00006867-00006989 It's perfect. oBYrcvTtQTk-00003-00008311-00008610 [WATER RUSTLING] oBYrcvTtQTk-00004-00013260-00013497 Cool! oBYrcvTtQTk-00005-00013600-00013858 The water splashed in my mouth, it's so salty! oL4a9a4ck_I-00000-00000545-00000856 Welcome to this webinar hosted by oL4a9a4ck_I-00001-00000856-00001147 Toradex, entitled "Bringing UIs to Life oL4a9a4ck_I-00002-00001147-00001495 with Crank software and Toradex". My name is oL4a9a4ck_I-00003-00001495-00001623 Brandon Shibley, I'm a Solutions oL4a9a4ck_I-00004-00001623-00001900 Architect at Toradex and I'm joined by oL4a9a4ck_I-00005-00001900-00002170 Jason Clarke, VP of Sales and Marketing oL4a9a4ck_I-00006-00002170-00002554 at Crank Software. Jason will be oL4a9a4ck_I-00007-00002554-00002791 presenting the webinar today and giving oL4a9a4ck_I-00008-00002791-00003018 us a nice look at the graphical UI oL4a9a4ck_I-00009-00003018-00003265 development with Crank Storyboard suite. oL4a9a4ck_I-00010-00003265-00003595 I want to thank everyone for coming and oL4a9a4ck_I-00011-00003595-00003729 I would also like to thank our oL4a9a4ck_I-00012-00003729-00003850 technology partner oL4a9a4ck_I-00013-00003850-00004126 NXP for sharing this webinar. The oL4a9a4ck_I-00014-00004126-00004264 demonstrations you'll see in this oL4a9a4ck_I-00015-00004264-00004576 webinar utilize Toradex NXP-based oL4a9a4ck_I-00016-00004576-00004894 system on modules. For those of you oL4a9a4ck_I-00017-00004894-00005119 unfamiliar with Toradex, we specialize oL4a9a4ck_I-00018-00005119-00005311 in embedded computing solutions oL4a9a4ck_I-00019-00005311-00005584 particularly ARM-based system on modules. oL4a9a4ck_I-00020-00005584-00005893 We have two families of SoMs within oL4a9a4ck_I-00021-00005893-00006103 which the modules are pin-compatible and oL4a9a4ck_I-00022-00006103-00006450 interchangeable. We perform hardware and oL4a9a4ck_I-00023-00006450-00006729 software development in-house, we oL4a9a4ck_I-00024-00006729-00006988 generally guarantee 10-year product oL4a9a4ck_I-00025-00006988-00007234 lifecycle support, we offer free oL4a9a4ck_I-00026-00007234-00007414 technical support directly from our oL4a9a4ck_I-00027-00007414-00007740 developers. Sales are also handled oL4a9a4ck_I-00028-00007740-00007914 directly by Toradex and our products oL4a9a4ck_I-00029-00007914-00008152 can be ordered right from our website and oL4a9a4ck_I-00030-00008152-00008356 finally, we have offices throughout the oL4a9a4ck_I-00031-00008356-00008529 world allowing us to serve the needs of oL4a9a4ck_I-00032-00008529-00008770 regional markets with local warehouses oL4a9a4ck_I-00033-00008770-00008938 and local sales and technical support. oL4a9a4ck_I-00034-00008938-00009249 And now allow me to introduce our oL4a9a4ck_I-00035-00009249-00009592 partner Crank software. Many Toradex oL4a9a4ck_I-00036-00009592-00009774 customers implement HMIs or oL4a9a4ck_I-00037-00009774-00009993 human machine interfaces, and develop oL4a9a4ck_I-00038-00009993-00010228 graphical UIs for their products, oL4a9a4ck_I-00039-00010228-00010431 which makes Crank a very natural oL4a9a4ck_I-00040-00010431-00010660 partner for Toradex. They are very oL4a9a4ck_I-00041-00010660-00010836 attentive to the developer experience oL4a9a4ck_I-00042-00010836-00011097 and they value software portability which oL4a9a4ck_I-00043-00011097-00011281 nicely complements the pin-compatible oL4a9a4ck_I-00044-00011281-00011578 family of system on modules from Toradex oL4a9a4ck_I-00045-00011578-00011799 which are interchangeable and allow oL4a9a4ck_I-00046-00011799-00011997 upgrading or downgrading embedded oL4a9a4ck_I-00047-00011997-00012186 computer hardware without the need to oL4a9a4ck_I-00048-00012186-00012477 redesign the rest of the system. Use of oL4a9a4ck_I-00049-00012477-00012681 Crank software together with Toradex oL4a9a4ck_I-00050-00012681-00012850 products results in a very flexible oL4a9a4ck_I-00051-00012850-00013092 solution set allowing hardware and oL4a9a4ck_I-00052-00013092-00013309 software to be readily adapted, ported, oL4a9a4ck_I-00053-00013309-00013504 and evolved, as needed without the need oL4a9a4ck_I-00054-00013504-00013791 for substantial redesign. I'm sure Jason oL4a9a4ck_I-00055-00013791-00013926 will highlight these and many other oL4a9a4ck_I-00056-00013926-00014031 features of oL4a9a4ck_I-00057-00014031-00014270 Crank software, so without further ado oL4a9a4ck_I-00058-00014270-00014550 I'll hand the presentation over to Jason Clarke of oL4a9a4ck_I-00059-00014550-00014766 Crank Software. oL4a9a4ck_I-00060-00014766-00014948 Hi everyone, guess you can see my screen oL4a9a4ck_I-00061-00014948-00015266 now. So now my screen is up here, oL4a9a4ck_I-00062-00015266-00015558 thanks Brandon for introducing me and thanks Toradex oL4a9a4ck_I-00063-00015558-00015848 for setting up this webinar. Crank oL4a9a4ck_I-00064-00015848-00016106 Software, Toradex, NXP...all the oL4a9a4ck_I-00065-00016106-00016259 names you see there... we work together oL4a9a4ck_I-00066-00016259-00016481 really well and you know it was a oL4a9a4ck_I-00067-00016481-00016680 natural fit for us to be doing this oL4a9a4ck_I-00068-00016680-00016926 here with Toradex today. Crank software oL4a9a4ck_I-00069-00016926-00017079 and Toradex are very similar in a lot oL4a9a4ck_I-00070-00017079-00017337 of different ways and their ability to oL4a9a4ck_I-00071-00017337-00017583 allow you to scale up the processor oL4a9a4ck_I-00072-00017583-00017847 while keeping the the same board really oL4a9a4ck_I-00073-00017847-00018009 aligns with what we do in software, oL4a9a4ck_I-00074-00018009-00018228 allowing you to scale up a product line oL4a9a4ck_I-00075-00018228-00018417 with different functionality and features oL4a9a4ck_I-00076-00018417-00018513 depending on the rendering oL4a9a4ck_I-00077-00018513-00018770 capabilities. So there's a natural oL4a9a4ck_I-00078-00018770-00018998 pairing between the two of us here. Crank oL4a9a4ck_I-00079-00018998-00019233 Software - our main product is our oL4a9a4ck_I-00080-00019233-00019356 Storyboard Suite, that's what I'm going oL4a9a4ck_I-00081-00019356-00019500 to be showing you here today so I'm oL4a9a4ck_I-00082-00019500-00019698 going to do a bit of a slide deck to oL4a9a4ck_I-00083-00019698-00019878 under help you understand where we fit oL4a9a4ck_I-00084-00019878-00020045 and why we're different from other oL4a9a4ck_I-00085-00020045-00020226 options out there in the market and then oL4a9a4ck_I-00086-00020226-00020463 rather than go on and on with slides I'd oL4a9a4ck_I-00087-00020463-00020643 rather just show you a live demo of oL4a9a4ck_I-00088-00020643-00020948 building a UI and pushing it directly onto oL4a9a4ck_I-00089-00020948-00021543 a Toradex i.MX7 from NXP. So Crank oL4a9a4ck_I-00090-00021543-00021789 Software - we have been in the embedded, we've oL4a9a4ck_I-00091-00021789-00022001 been a company for almost 10 years now. I oL4a9a4ck_I-00092-00022001-00022154 think it's our 10 year anniversary this year. oL4a9a4ck_I-00093-00022154-00022572 We come from an embedded heritage, we've oL4a9a4ck_I-00094-00022572-00022673 been all been working in the embedded oL4a9a4ck_I-00095-00022673-00022956 systems for a long time. I'm one of the oL4a9a4ck_I-00096-00022956-00023204 co-founders also here and we've taken a oL4a9a4ck_I-00097-00023204-00023334 lot of the knowledge we've learned from oL4a9a4ck_I-00098-00023334-00023520 there and taking it to the embedded oL4a9a4ck_I-00099-00023520-00023784 systems after seeing how much people oL4a9a4ck_I-00100-00023784-00023976 struggle with putting UIs on their oL4a9a4ck_I-00101-00023976-00024126 systems. oL4a9a4ck_I-00102-00024126-00024279 Let me just walk through some of the oL4a9a4ck_I-00103-00024279-00024465 issues that are affecting and sort of the oL4a9a4ck_I-00104-00024465-00024750 position where we are in this. So most oL4a9a4ck_I-00105-00024750-00024848 people are aware of this and you're probably already oL4a9a4ck_I-00106-00024848-00025023 getting pushes from your marketing team oL4a9a4ck_I-00107-00025023-00025263 or whoever, you know the desire for a oL4a9a4ck_I-00108-00025263-00025520 rich animated UI is always growing and oL4a9a4ck_I-00109-00025520-00025703 it's not just in the consumer device oL4a9a4ck_I-00110-00025703-00025898 market all the markets where you're oL4a9a4ck_I-00111-00025898-00026141 actually showing here your UI to end customers oL4a9a4ck_I-00112-00026141-00026408 the expectation have increased oL4a9a4ck_I-00113-00026408-00026616 immensely, you know mainly out of oL4a9a4ck_I-00114-00026616-00026840 cell phones. The phone market is really oL4a9a4ck_I-00115-00026840-00027063 driving the embedded space and their desire to oL4a9a4ck_I-00116-00027063-00027272 have richer oL4a9a4ck_I-00117-00027272-00027480 more compelling UIs. You know, when oL4a9a4ck_I-00118-00027480-00027630 somebody comes up to a touchscreen and oL4a9a4ck_I-00119-00027630-00027884 the don't care whether it's their phone or oL4a9a4ck_I-00120-00027884-00028130 point-of-sale system or whatever it oL4a9a4ck_I-00121-00028130-00028439 might be, the expectation is the same oL4a9a4ck_I-00122-00028439-00028700 functionality that their phone has, even oL4a9a4ck_I-00123-00028700-00028841 though that expectation is probably oL4a9a4ck_I-00124-00028841-00029165 widely misaligned with the realities of oL4a9a4ck_I-00125-00029165-00029355 how an embedded system is built, the number oL4a9a4ck_I-00126-00029355-00029505 of engineers working on it, oL4a9a4ck_I-00127-00029505-00029684 the price points for building these oL4a9a4ck_I-00128-00029684-00030102 targets and the processing power of the oL4a9a4ck_I-00129-00030102-00030549 CPU being used on the different modules so oL4a9a4ck_I-00130-00030549-00030827 well with all that said, it doesn't oL4a9a4ck_I-00131-00030827-00030968 really matter, expectations are oL4a9a4ck_I-00132-00030968-00031302 expectations, so the job of the embedded oL4a9a4ck_I-00133-00031302-00031508 systems now is to figure out how they oL4a9a4ck_I-00134-00031508-00031622 can come closer to meeting those oL4a9a4ck_I-00135-00031622-00031805 expectations and giving that strong oL4a9a4ck_I-00136-00031805-00032078 compelling user experience. Because of this, oL4a9a4ck_I-00137-00032078-00032358 the project teams have evolved it's no oL4a9a4ck_I-00138-00032358-00032522 longer a bunch of engineers building a oL4a9a4ck_I-00139-00032522-00032759 product anymore, due to this change in oL4a9a4ck_I-00140-00032759-00033044 desire to you know show stronger richer oL4a9a4ck_I-00141-00033044-00033243 UI, you have oL4a9a4ck_I-00142-00033243-00033638 designers, user experience, different oL4a9a4ck_I-00143-00033638-00033786 project managers and a lot of people oL4a9a4ck_I-00144-00033786-00033987 concerned with how the UI is coming oL4a9a4ck_I-00145-00033987-00034100 together, what it's going to look like oL4a9a4ck_I-00146-00034100-00034461 and you know the biggest problem with the UI is oL4a9a4ck_I-00147-00034461-00034664 that everybody has an opinion on it, so oL4a9a4ck_I-00148-00034664-00034977 there's a lot more sort of fingers in oL4a9a4ck_I-00149-00034977-00035144 the pot, sort of dealing with how this comes oL4a9a4ck_I-00150-00035144-00035483 together and a ramification of that is oL4a9a4ck_I-00151-00035483-00035771 the graphics content is no longer oL4a9a4ck_I-00152-00035771-00036024 statically, is no longer static, it is oL4a9a4ck_I-00153-00036024-00036284 always iterating, you know no matter what oL4a9a4ck_I-00154-00036284-00036477 you're doing sooner or later somebody's oL4a9a4ck_I-00155-00036477-00036695 going to have a reason to iterate that oL4a9a4ck_I-00156-00036695-00036908 UI - either it doesn't feel right on oL4a9a4ck_I-00157-00036908-00037124 the hardware, it doesn't work in the user oL4a9a4ck_I-00158-00037124-00037388 experience, user testing feedback comes oL4a9a4ck_I-00159-00037388-00037655 back in, or as always somebody from oL4a9a4ck_I-00160-00037655-00037808 senior management walks into your office oL4a9a4ck_I-00161-00037808-00038009 one day and tells you why it's wrong and oL4a9a4ck_I-00162-00038009-00038270 how it should be fixed and all these issues come oL4a9a4ck_I-00163-00038270-00038637 into the fact that the UI always evolves, oL4a9a4ck_I-00164-00038637-00038825 there're always changes, people always oL4a9a4ck_I-00165-00038825-00039077 want to see differences and changes so oL4a9a4ck_I-00166-00039077-00039341 what we at Crank Software have sort of oL4a9a4ck_I-00167-00039341-00039524 worked around a bunch of core beliefs... oL4a9a4ck_I-00168-00039524-00039674 the first one is designers and oL4a9a4ck_I-00169-00039674-00039918 developers are equal, design change is oL4a9a4ck_I-00170-00039918-00040143 inevitable, and the expectations are oL4a9a4ck_I-00171-00040143-00040294 always increasing. oL4a9a4ck_I-00172-00040294-00040591 So what does that mean? We want to build oL4a9a4ck_I-00173-00040591-00040783 a product that supports designers and oL4a9a4ck_I-00174-00040783-00040963 engineers working together in a single oL4a9a4ck_I-00175-00040963-00041227 unified workspace that allows them to oL4a9a4ck_I-00176-00041227-00041542 communicate and talk one to one, what oL4a9a4ck_I-00177-00041542-00041680 they're saying when they say changes oL4a9a4ck_I-00178-00041680-00041824 where they can actually go ahead and do oL4a9a4ck_I-00179-00041824-00042025 them themselves and sort of maintain their oL4a9a4ck_I-00180-00042025-00042220 area of expertise oL4a9a4ck_I-00181-00042220-00042385 so you know the designers can control oL4a9a4ck_I-00182-00042385-00042586 the look and the feel and the engineers oL4a9a4ck_I-00183-00042586-00042799 can control the behavior of the backend oL4a9a4ck_I-00184-00042799-00042931 and how the system oL4a9a4ck_I-00185-00042931-00043246 is populated with information. You oL4a9a4ck_I-00186-00043246-00043420 need to be able to embrace the design oL4a9a4ck_I-00187-00043420-00043726 change, you know being aware that it's oL4a9a4ck_I-00188-00043726-00043867 going to happen, oL4a9a4ck_I-00189-00043867-00044107 that's the first step and then how do oL4a9a4ck_I-00190-00044107-00044299 you deal with it you know so many oL4a9a4ck_I-00191-00044299-00044608 systems, they spend a lot of time coding oL4a9a4ck_I-00192-00044608-00044848 out a very nice elegant, oL4a9a4ck_I-00193-00044848-00045103 elegant-looking UI, but as soon as oL4a9a4ck_I-00194-00045103-00045403 somebody says change it, it's so intertwined oL4a9a4ck_I-00195-00045403-00045583 and so tight to their system and it's oL4a9a4ck_I-00196-00045583-00045781 very impossible to iterate inside of oL4a9a4ck_I-00197-00045781-00046021 there. So understanding that your system oL4a9a4ck_I-00198-00046021-00046141 will change and how are you going to oL4a9a4ck_I-00199-00046141-00046309 manage that change is a very important oL4a9a4ck_I-00200-00046309-00046546 part for people to understand, and the oL4a9a4ck_I-00201-00046546-00046747 last is we are built exclusively for oL4a9a4ck_I-00202-00046747-00046906 embedded systems, so we are built from oL4a9a4ck_I-00203-00046906-00047086 the ground up for embedded systems, oL4a9a4ck_I-00204-00047086-00047299 you know a lot of solutions out there oL4a9a4ck_I-00205-00047299-00047458 when we started looking at this were... oL4a9a4ck_I-00206-00047458-00047710 When people started realizing they wanted their oL4a9a4ck_I-00207-00047710-00047944 designers more involved, going back you oL4a9a4ck_I-00208-00047944-00048127 started seeing things like Flash start to oL4a9a4ck_I-00209-00048127-00048250 come into the embedded space oL4a9a4ck_I-00210-00048250-00048496 lot of people try to use HTML5 or other solutions oL4a9a4ck_I-00211-00048496-00048814 along that vein, they are desktop solutions oL4a9a4ck_I-00212-00048814-00049009 trying to be fitted for the embedded oL4a9a4ck_I-00213-00049009-00049207 space, and when that happens there's a oL4a9a4ck_I-00214-00049207-00049408 lot of work and pain that goes into that oL4a9a4ck_I-00215-00049408-00049540 to make it work. oL4a9a4ck_I-00216-00049540-00049720 Some companies have made it work but oL4a9a4ck_I-00217-00049720-00049954 those companies have probably had giant oL4a9a4ck_I-00218-00049954-00050182 teams and have been willing to invest the oL4a9a4ck_I-00219-00050182-00050368 resources needed to do that. oL4a9a4ck_I-00220-00050368-00050644 The ideal is to actually use a solution oL4a9a4ck_I-00221-00050644-00050851 that is built for the environment you oL4a9a4ck_I-00222-00050851-00051172 plan to run and Storyboard is that. So oL4a9a4ck_I-00223-00051172-00051378 I'll start walking through some of oL4a9a4ck_I-00224-00051378-00051607 the highlight features and then rather oL4a9a4ck_I-00225-00051607-00051769 than just talk about them, we'll show them oL4a9a4ck_I-00226-00051769-00051838 to you. oL4a9a4ck_I-00227-00051838-00052195 So the first thing is we are focused oL4a9a4ck_I-00228-00052195-00052540 on designers, to bring designers into the oL4a9a4ck_I-00229-00052540-00052833 fold, it's not a one solution oL4a9a4ck_I-00230-00052833-00052954 you know you have to do a lot of things, oL4a9a4ck_I-00231-00052954-00053152 you have to bring their content in, you oL4a9a4ck_I-00232-00053152-00053347 have to enable them to make changes and oL4a9a4ck_I-00233-00053347-00053475 then you have be able oL4a9a4ck_I-00234-00053475-00053625 to make those changes come back to oL4a9a4ck_I-00235-00053625-00053769 embedded team, so you have to look at oL4a9a4ck_I-00236-00053769-00054069 it through an entire lifecycle and not oL4a9a4ck_I-00237-00054069-00054198 just a single point. You know, many oL4a9a4ck_I-00238-00054198-00054351 companies what they've done in the past oL4a9a4ck_I-00239-00054351-00054753 is, design comes in, they redesign and oL4a9a4ck_I-00240-00054753-00054933 pass it off to engineering then it goes oL4a9a4ck_I-00241-00054933-00055140 into sort of darkness, the engineering oL4a9a4ck_I-00242-00055140-00055434 team takes that design and months later oL4a9a4ck_I-00243-00055434-00055616 they pop out what they interpreted the oL4a9a4ck_I-00244-00055616-00055890 design to be and by that time they may oL4a9a4ck_I-00245-00055890-00056100 be much closer to release and there's oL4a9a4ck_I-00246-00056100-00056397 very little time to iterate. So we wanted oL4a9a4ck_I-00247-00056397-00056562 to make sure that's not the problem here oL4a9a4ck_I-00248-00056562-00056811 so as I said, we're built for designers. So the oL4a9a4ck_I-00249-00056811-00057005 first thing we do is, we take in assets oL4a9a4ck_I-00250-00057005-00057147 that come from designers so we can oL4a9a4ck_I-00251-00057147-00057420 import Photoshop files, we can import 3D oL4a9a4ck_I-00252-00057420-00057837 FBX files, truetype fonts, PNG's, bitmaps, oL4a9a4ck_I-00253-00057837-00058053 whatever it might be, all the content oL4a9a4ck_I-00254-00058053-00058284 that the designers and graphic artists oL4a9a4ck_I-00255-00058284-00058616 generate, is able to come in. Most of our oL4a9a4ck_I-00256-00058616-00058839 designs, the last stop before going to oL4a9a4ck_I-00257-00058839-00059052 the embedded sytem is photoshop oL4a9a4ck_I-00258-00059052-00059211 and that's because photoshop is usually oL4a9a4ck_I-00259-00059211-00059400 the best tool once you to a pixel-perfect oL4a9a4ck_I-00260-00059400-00059634 design. I know that people use oL4a9a4ck_I-00261-00059634-00059855 illustrator or other tools up until oL4a9a4ck_I-00262-00059855-00060017 that point, but once you get down to knowing oL4a9a4ck_I-00263-00060017-00060210 the exact resolution and you want it pixel-perfect, oL4a9a4ck_I-00264-00060210-00060542 Photoshop is usually that stage. So oL4a9a4ck_I-00265-00060542-00060708 what we do is, we actually import the oL4a9a4ck_I-00266-00060708-00060936 photoshop file directly into our system, oL4a9a4ck_I-00267-00060936-00061125 we'll pull in Photoshop file, we'll oL4a9a4ck_I-00268-00061125-00061283 maintain the hierarchy, the naming, the oL4a9a4ck_I-00269-00061283-00061449 position, the fonts, and the visibility oL4a9a4ck_I-00270-00061449-00061773 settings that were set by the designer, this oL4a9a4ck_I-00271-00061773-00061971 allows the designer to effortlessly move oL4a9a4ck_I-00272-00061971-00062160 in to the Storyboard environment and oL4a9a4ck_I-00273-00062160-00062313 continue working on their system where oL4a9a4ck_I-00274-00062313-00062439 they can begin to add behavior oL4a9a4ck_I-00275-00062439-00062547 and animations. oL4a9a4ck_I-00276-00062547-00062751 Once they get in there the first thing oL4a9a4ck_I-00277-00062751-00062937 they usually want to do is start animating the UI and adding these pieces, oL4a9a4ck_I-00278-00063132-00063324 to enable the designer to do this you oL4a9a4ck_I-00279-00063324-00063462 know we don't want them having to write oL4a9a4ck_I-00280-00063462-00063714 scripting or coding, these animations we oL4a9a4ck_I-00281-00063714-00063929 have provided a full-featured animation oL4a9a4ck_I-00282-00063929-00064101 timeline like they would be used to and oL4a9a4ck_I-00283-00064101-00064395 other graphical products like After oL4a9a4ck_I-00284-00064395-00064551 Effects and such so they can put oL4a9a4ck_I-00285-00064551-00064805 everything on the timeline, preview it, play oL4a9a4ck_I-00286-00064805-00065175 with it, slide it around, manipulate it ... oL4a9a4ck_I-00287-00065175-00065502 until it completely fits exactly what oL4a9a4ck_I-00288-00065502-00065781 they want and this is an area where when oL4a9a4ck_I-00289-00065781-00065946 the designers do this it's really oL4a9a4ck_I-00290-00065946-00066117 amazing what comes out you know you see oL4a9a4ck_I-00291-00066117-00066320 all these up embedded systems and they use sort of these oL4a9a4ck_I-00292-00066320-00066468 generic button oL4a9a4ck_I-00293-00066468-00066620 libraries or something like that and oL4a9a4ck_I-00294-00066620-00066757 they all have this sort of oL4a9a4ck_I-00295-00066757-00066940 standard feel, but if you look at what's oL4a9a4ck_I-00296-00066940-00067090 going on inside the markets, like oL4a9a4ck_I-00297-00067090-00067255 when you touch your Android or Apple phone oL4a9a4ck_I-00298-00067255-00067426 every button has a bit of a feel to it, has a oL4a9a4ck_I-00299-00067426-00067669 little animation to it and such, and the oL4a9a4ck_I-00300-00067669-00067852 designers will really put so much more oL4a9a4ck_I-00301-00067852-00068071 effort into this when you see some of oL4a9a4ck_I-00302-00068071-00068287 the animation timelines that the designers oL4a9a4ck_I-00303-00068287-00068680 pull off and how detail-orientated they oL4a9a4ck_I-00304-00068680-00068983 are, it's very amazing to see. I'll show oL4a9a4ck_I-00305-00068983-00069202 you building animation today but my oL4a9a4ck_I-00306-00069202-00069364 powers are not as strong as theirs and oL4a9a4ck_I-00307-00069364-00069499 I'll just do something pretty simple to oL4a9a4ck_I-00308-00069499-00069796 give you the concept. We are scripting enabled oL4a9a4ck_I-00309-00069796-00070192 so we do enable users to scripting which oL4a9a4ck_I-00310-00070192-00070354 is very powerful especially when you're oL4a9a4ck_I-00311-00070354-00070516 stimulating on the desktop, oL4a9a4ck_I-00312-00070516-00070684 going to target, we do use Lua for oL4a9a4ck_I-00313-00070684-00070990 doing this. Lua is used in the gaming market and oL4a9a4ck_I-00314-00070990-00071155 we've pulled it from there but it's oL4a9a4ck_I-00315-00071155-00071413 very modular, very small, and very fast, so oL4a9a4ck_I-00316-00071413-00071581 it's a very nice scripting language. It oL4a9a4ck_I-00317-00071581-00071776 is not mandatory, our scripting is not oL4a9a4ck_I-00318-00071776-00071968 like something like the oL4a9a4ck_I-00319-00071968-00072190 JavaScript libraries or such, you see we oL4a9a4ck_I-00320-00072190-00072373 are not, that is not a fundamental oL4a9a4ck_I-00321-00072373-00072553 underpinning, it is just an integration oL4a9a4ck_I-00322-00072553-00072736 we have that enables people to have oL4a9a4ck_I-00323-00072736-00072922 familiarity with scripting such as a lot oL4a9a4ck_I-00324-00072922-00073054 of designers and such that they can oL4a9a4ck_I-00325-00073054-00073222 actually leverage our scripting interface. oL4a9a4ck_I-00326-00073222-00073555 We also have it built here right in to our oL4a9a4ck_I-00327-00073555-00073777 debugger so you know sometimes the oL4a9a4ck_I-00328-00073777-00073915 issues with scripting on embedded oL4a9a4ck_I-00329-00073915-00074158 systems is the lack of insight. We actually oL4a9a4ck_I-00330-00074158-00074413 provide the full Eclipse Debugger oL4a9a4ck_I-00331-00074413-00074677 for C programs, but for Lua inside oL4a9a4ck_I-00332-00074677-00074848 of our products so you can actually walk oL4a9a4ck_I-00333-00074848-00075052 right through, something we have full vision into oL4a9a4ck_I-00334-00075052-00075301 what's going on. So embracing change, how oL4a9a4ck_I-00335-00075301-00075529 do we do that, how do we leverage oL4a9a4ck_I-00336-00075529-00075733 and manage the iteration that happens inside oL4a9a4ck_I-00337-00075733-00075931 of a embedded system? oL4a9a4ck_I-00338-00075931-00076105 Well the first thing we do is, we are not oL4a9a4ck_I-00339-00076105-00076399 the only UI solution to do a PhotoShop oL4a9a4ck_I-00340-00076399-00076741 import but a lot of them that's oL4a9a4ck_I-00341-00076741-00076873 the end of their integration for oL4a9a4ck_I-00342-00076873-00077026 designers you know they pull in the oL4a9a4ck_I-00343-00077026-00077221 PhotoShop file and the engineers take over, oL4a9a4ck_I-00344-00077221-00077368 so all it really does give them a little bit of oL4a9a4ck_I-00345-00077368-00077542 placement and you know a little bit of, oL4a9a4ck_I-00346-00077542-00077770 they save them, you know a couple hours or a oL4a9a4ck_I-00347-00077770-00078067 day of work of positioning images and such, oL4a9a4ck_I-00348-00078067-00078313 the problem is, as I said, the oL4a9a4ck_I-00349-00078313-00078568 design changes, it iterates and you oL4a9a4ck_I-00350-00078568-00078709 know it's not going to be long before oL4a9a4ck_I-00351-00078709-00078865 the designer comes and says well here's my oL4a9a4ck_I-00352-00078865-00079183 updated PhotoShop file and at that point oL4a9a4ck_I-00353-00079183-00079351 that is the engineers have to look at and oL4a9a4ck_I-00354-00079351-00079669 say well can I piecemeal put this in or do oL4a9a4ck_I-00355-00079669-00079798 I have to start all over again? oL4a9a4ck_I-00356-00079798-00079975 And that's problematic. oL4a9a4ck_I-00357-00079975-00080236 What we've done inside of Storyboard is oL4a9a4ck_I-00358-00080236-00080449 you know identifying this we've added in oL4a9a4ck_I-00359-00080449-00080764 a PhotoShop Re-import which allows oL4a9a4ck_I-00360-00080764-00081010 you to take the new PhotoShop file and oL4a9a4ck_I-00361-00081010-00081178 we will compare to the old one and allow oL4a9a4ck_I-00362-00081178-00081430 you to either completely update it with oL4a9a4ck_I-00363-00081430-00081763 all the new assets and positioning and oL4a9a4ck_I-00364-00081763-00081934 bring in new assets if there're new ones oL4a9a4ck_I-00365-00081934-00082363 available or you can piecemeal oL4a9a4ck_I-00366-00082363-00082501 cherry-pick the changes that you want, oL4a9a4ck_I-00367-00082501-00082678 you could just say I only want these three images oL4a9a4ck_I-00368-00082678-00082885 here and yes update them so you can oL4a9a4ck_I-00369-00082885-00083095 fully control what you want and what you oL4a9a4ck_I-00370-00083095-00083260 want to take in but you know this is oL4a9a4ck_I-00371-00083260-00083431 this is very important as that iteration oL4a9a4ck_I-00372-00083431-00083626 happens because you know the design work oL4a9a4ck_I-00373-00083626-00083764 is going to happen in PhotoShop no oL4a9a4ck_I-00374-00083764-00083941 matter what we are not trying to replace oL4a9a4ck_I-00375-00083941-00084130 that end of the work, you know those oL4a9a4ck_I-00376-00084130-00084298 are the tools designers use, we let them use oL4a9a4ck_I-00377-00084298-00084433 their tools, they are built from the oL4a9a4ck_I-00378-00084433-00084619 ground up for that the same way we are oL4a9a4ck_I-00379-00084619-00084811 built for adding the behavior and oL4a9a4ck_I-00380-00084811-00085090 getting it ready for an embedded system. Team oL4a9a4ck_I-00381-00085090-00085213 collaboration is also very important oL4a9a4ck_I-00382-00085213-00085393 part, so this is collaboration between oL4a9a4ck_I-00383-00085393-00085657 different locations of a team, different oL4a9a4ck_I-00384-00085657-00085777 groups of a team, oL4a9a4ck_I-00385-00085777-00086017 you know just you put two developers on a oL4a9a4ck_I-00386-00086017-00086245 project, sort of a collaboration piece, oL4a9a4ck_I-00387-00086245-00086583 we have done a lot of work here to deal oL4a9a4ck_I-00388-00086583-00086764 with that so we allow you to carve up oL4a9a4ck_I-00389-00086764-00086989 your project into smaller spots and deal oL4a9a4ck_I-00390-00086989-00087316 with, making it so that there's not oL4a9a4ck_I-00391-00087316-00087529 as much conflict between check-ins but oL4a9a4ck_I-00392-00087529-00087754 sooner or later two people will want to oL4a9a4ck_I-00393-00087754-00088072 change similar parts of the project and oL4a9a4ck_I-00394-00088072-00088233 that is where we've added on our oL4a9a4ck_I-00395-00088233-00088444 graphical compare module into our system oL4a9a4ck_I-00396-00088444-00088852 so this allows a designer or an engineer oL4a9a4ck_I-00397-00088852-00089314 to look at you like changes from a tree oL4a9a4ck_I-00398-00089314-00089587 view or from a graphical view and this oL4a9a4ck_I-00399-00089587-00089770 is another thing when I talk about the oL4a9a4ck_I-00400-00089770-00089971 importance, the idea of adding designers oL4a9a4ck_I-00401-00089971-00090274 and having the UI, the UI team or Design team oL4a9a4ck_I-00402-00090274-00090568 team have greater control over the UI oL4a9a4ck_I-00403-00090568-00090727 you know not many people will debate that but oL4a9a4ck_I-00404-00090727-00090904 the logistics of it is where a lot of oL4a9a4ck_I-00405-00090904-00091210 products fall down. You know, Storyboard oL4a9a4ck_I-00406-00091210-00091363 has thought this from end-to-end, you oL4a9a4ck_I-00407-00091363-00091471 know if you want these people to oL4a9a4ck_I-00408-00091471-00091660 participate and stay in control of the oL4a9a4ck_I-00409-00091660-00091825 UI you need to have a way that they can oL4a9a4ck_I-00410-00091825-00092101 actually commit into the engineering oL4a9a4ck_I-00411-00092101-00092347 workflow and that is usually centered oL4a9a4ck_I-00412-00092347-00092479 around some kind of source code oL4a9a4ck_I-00413-00092479-00092803 repository system, so what we do is allow you oL4a9a4ck_I-00414-00092803-00093055 to synchronize with SVN, Git, or whatever oL4a9a4ck_I-00415-00093055-00093236 you might be using.... oL4a9a4ck_I-00416-00093236-00093464 Eclipse is our base so we can actually use oL4a9a4ck_I-00417-00093464-00093686 in part, any plugin for the team oL4a9a4ck_I-00418-00093686-00093812 collaboration that our Eclipse is already oL4a9a4ck_I-00419-00093812-00094061 supporting which is a wide breadth of oL4a9a4ck_I-00420-00094061-00094367 them and then we can show you at a high oL4a9a4ck_I-00421-00094367-00094424 level oL4a9a4ck_I-00422-00094424-00094667 what's changed between two systems, at a oL4a9a4ck_I-00423-00094667-00094933 tree view not at a text view which you oL4a9a4ck_I-00424-00094933-00095051 would see with normal things you know oL4a9a4ck_I-00425-00095051-00095366 looking at a UIs differences as code oL4a9a4ck_I-00426-00095366-00095519 changes you know it does not always oL4a9a4ck_I-00427-00095519-00095723 highlight or help people understand oL4a9a4ck_I-00428-00095723-00095855 what's really changing when they're oL4a9a4ck_I-00429-00095855-00096098 committing an emerging code so we can oL4a9a4ck_I-00430-00096098-00096266 actually show it and actually show you a oL4a9a4ck_I-00431-00096266-00096479 full graphical representation of what's oL4a9a4ck_I-00432-00096479-00096773 going on at that point. The last part is oL4a9a4ck_I-00433-00096773-00097051 we are built for embedded, so not to be oL4a9a4ck_I-00434-00097051-00097189 lost in all the good things we do for oL4a9a4ck_I-00435-00097189-00097442 designers at the same time we are built oL4a9a4ck_I-00436-00097442-00097645 for embedded and it's always been our oL4a9a4ck_I-00437-00097645-00098048 focus and our target market, so to do oL4a9a4ck_I-00438-00098048-00098306 that you know we have built a oL4a9a4ck_I-00439-00098306-00098588 end-system. Storyboard is a runtime oL4a9a4ck_I-00440-00098588-00098864 engine with a data model so the oL4a9a4ck_I-00441-00098864-00099020 Storyboard Designer which is a tool that oL4a9a4ck_I-00442-00099020-00099382 everybody works in simply generates a oL4a9a4ck_I-00443-00099382-00099704 data model of what your UI looks like oL4a9a4ck_I-00444-00099704-00099854 and then we have an engine optimized for oL4a9a4ck_I-00445-00099854-00100076 each our platforms that executes it and oL4a9a4ck_I-00446-00100076-00100355 runs it. It is completely event driven. oL4a9a4ck_I-00447-00100355-00100501 Everything inside of Storyboard is based oL4a9a4ck_I-00448-00100501-00100607 around events and you'll see when I oL4a9a4ck_I-00449-00100607-00100835 start building it's a very simple model oL4a9a4ck_I-00450-00100835-00101138 and just basically events trigger oL4a9a4ck_I-00451-00101138-00101438 actions and what you do when you're sort oL4a9a4ck_I-00452-00101438-00101632 of adding behavior to your system is you're connecting oL4a9a4ck_I-00453-00101632-00102011 events and actions together. We are optimized oL4a9a4ck_I-00454-00102011-00102214 for embedded systems so that means we are oL4a9a4ck_I-00455-00102214-00102481 memory optimized we can have cache limits oL4a9a4ck_I-00456-00102481-00102665 we can image cache limits, font cache oL4a9a4ck_I-00457-00102665-00102854 limits, we can preload them, dump them oL4a9a4ck_I-00458-00102854-00103040 we're built on a plug-in architecture oL4a9a4ck_I-00459-00103040-00103219 which allows us to add and remove oL4a9a4ck_I-00460-00103219-00103424 functionality to fit into smaller oL4a9a4ck_I-00461-00103424-00103843 footprints so we do go across and then target oL4a9a4ck_I-00462-00103843-00104141 new boundaries so we can support all the oL4a9a4ck_I-00463-00104141-00104581 way down to the M4s and the M7s in the MCU area oL4a9a4ck_I-00464-00104581-00104822 and up. This is also very nice because oL4a9a4ck_I-00465-00104822-00105038 you know many customers, if you take for oL4a9a4ck_I-00466-00105038-00105166 instance the iMX 7 we're showing oL4a9a4ck_I-00467-00105166-00105224 here today oL4a9a4ck_I-00468-00105224-00105350 you know there're customers running Linux oL4a9a4ck_I-00469-00105350-00105517 on it but there's also customers who might oL4a9a4ck_I-00470-00105517-00105707 be running FreeRTOS on it at the same time, oL4a9a4ck_I-00471-00105707-00105854 you know depending on where they're oL4a9a4ck_I-00472-00105854-00105995 coming from in their background and their oL4a9a4ck_I-00473-00105995-00106192 knowledge and what they'd like to do oL4a9a4ck_I-00474-00106192-00106429 we can support either of these models oL4a9a4ck_I-00475-00106429-00106574 which gives a very nice scalability oL4a9a4ck_I-00476-00106574-00106783 story, especially if your company making oL4a9a4ck_I-00477-00106783-00107017 products that have a low-end, a medium, and a oL4a9a4ck_I-00478-00107017-00107219 high-end, you know to have one graphical oL4a9a4ck_I-00479-00107219-00107503 tool that can help you prototype, design, and oL4a9a4ck_I-00480-00107503-00107827 and you know release, is very oL4a9a4ck_I-00481-00107827-00108061 powerful. Along with our software that I'll oL4a9a4ck_I-00482-00108061-00108253 show you today, we also support oL4a9a4ck_I-00483-00108253-00108517 Open GL/ES backends along with multiple oL4a9a4ck_I-00484-00108517-00108760 other backends for you know custom and oL4a9a4ck_I-00485-00108760-00108971 unique rendering technologies. oL4a9a4ck_I-00486-00108971-00109121 Open GL/ES is highlighted as it's oL4a9a4ck_I-00487-00109121-00109358 probably one of the most popular, so if you oL4a9a4ck_I-00488-00109358-00109523 were today to be using the iMX7 from oL4a9a4ck_I-00489-00109523-00109750 Toradex, you know and you start looking at the UI oL4a9a4ck_I-00490-00109750-00109900 and maybe you felt it was sluggish due oL4a9a4ck_I-00491-00109900-00110191 to resource constraints of software oL4a9a4ck_I-00492-00110191-00110498 rendering, you can easily just swap in to oL4a9a4ck_I-00493-00110498-00110798 their iMX6 module, upgrade, and we oL4a9a4ck_I-00494-00110798-00111032 will give you full access to that so oL4a9a4ck_I-00495-00111032-00111211 without doing any changes in the UI just oL4a9a4ck_I-00496-00111211-00111379 putting in their module and changing the oL4a9a4ck_I-00497-00111379-00111620 software rendering backend that we have oL4a9a4ck_I-00498-00111620-00111790 to the OpenGL/ES rendering engine that oL4a9a4ck_I-00499-00111790-00111974 we have, you'd be able to start taking oL4a9a4ck_I-00500-00111974-00112249 advantage of first the performance oL4a9a4ck_I-00501-00112249-00112499 upgrade, but then you'd be able to you oL4a9a4ck_I-00502-00112499-00112649 know if you had support for that, you could bring in oL4a9a4ck_I-00503-00112649-00112804 custom shaders, you could bring in 3D oL4a9a4ck_I-00504-00112804-00113072 models, you know 3D screen oL4a9a4ck_I-00505-00113072-00113275 transitions and such. So all that's oL4a9a4ck_I-00506-00113275-00113467 available immediately out-of-the-box with oL4a9a4ck_I-00507-00113467-00113822 no real extra effort at all. It oL4a9a4ck_I-00508-00113822-00114008 does give it a nice scalability story to oL4a9a4ck_I-00509-00114008-00114184 you know maybe a version when you go to oL4a9a4ck_I-00510-00114184-00114349 lower processor you feel you want more oL4a9a4ck_I-00511-00114349-00114610 it's a very easy shift up the product chain. oL4a9a4ck_I-00512-00114610-00114937 This slide here I don't want oL4a9a4ck_I-00513-00114937-00115121 to go into too much but the basic idea oL4a9a4ck_I-00514-00115121-00115411 is Storyboard is an engine we oL4a9a4ck_I-00515-00115411-00115576 interpreted data models so you know the oL4a9a4ck_I-00516-00115576-00115801 question always comes up how do I do oL4a9a4ck_I-00517-00115801-00115970 what I need to do you know it's great oL4a9a4ck_I-00518-00115970-00116140 you can make these rich graphics you can oL4a9a4ck_I-00519-00116140-00116447 control all the look and behavior but oL4a9a4ck_I-00520-00116447-00116594 you know sooner or later my system needs to oL4a9a4ck_I-00521-00116594-00116764 do something and that is where our Storyboard oL4a9a4ck_I-00522-00116764-00116980 IO comes in and what Storyboard is a messaging AP1 oL4a9a4ck_I-00523-00116980-00117149 that allows you to send oL4a9a4ck_I-00524-00117149-00117430 events back and forth, what this does for oL4a9a4ck_I-00525-00117430-00117674 you is it sort of pushes you to a nice oL4a9a4ck_I-00526-00117674-00117872 clean architecture of sort of a model oL4a9a4ck_I-00527-00117872-00118019 view controller architecture where you oL4a9a4ck_I-00528-00118019-00118169 have a nice clean separation of your oL4a9a4ck_I-00529-00118169-00118330 presentation and your business logic oL4a9a4ck_I-00530-00118330-00118516 there's so many advantages that come out oL4a9a4ck_I-00531-00118516-00118636 of when you do this, oL4a9a4ck_I-00532-00118636-00118922 you separate the two which means you oL4a9a4ck_I-00533-00118922-00119104 know your engineering team and your UI oL4a9a4ck_I-00534-00119104-00119231 team can oL4a9a4ck_I-00535-00119231-00119516 easily work in parallel once the oL4a9a4ck_I-00536-00119516-00119693 API is defined, they can both push oL4a9a4ck_I-00537-00119693-00119836 along and move at their own speed and oL4a9a4ck_I-00538-00119836-00120029 they're not sort of lock-stepped in serial oL4a9a4ck_I-00539-00120029-00120377 development. You know iterations, changes, oL4a9a4ck_I-00540-00120377-00120590 new features, to the UI are easily added oL4a9a4ck_I-00541-00120590-00120857 without impacting the underlying base team oL4a9a4ck_I-00542-00120857-00121159 you know and it's just, if you oL4a9a4ck_I-00543-00121159-00121280 read UI books and everything, it's oL4a9a4ck_I-00544-00121280-00121565 usually the recommended method for oL4a9a4ck_I-00545-00121565-00121711 developing a user interface and oL4a9a4ck_I-00546-00121711-00121964 separation between presentation and the oL4a9a4ck_I-00547-00121964-00122189 underlying logic, we do go over an IO oL4a9a4ck_I-00548-00122189-00122438 mechanism there, you know it depends oL4a9a4ck_I-00549-00122438-00122597 on the end-system that we use but we do have oL4a9a4ck_I-00550-00122597-00122777 the ability to tie directly to see in oL4a9a4ck_I-00551-00122777-00123077 smaller systems and such too, so it is not oL4a9a4ck_I-00552-00123077-00123317 a restriction in any way it's just a oL4a9a4ck_I-00553-00123317-00123460 recommended way to going, especially in oL4a9a4ck_I-00554-00123460-00123665 the higher level systems but you know I oL4a9a4ck_I-00555-00123665-00123932 always like to let people know we don't oL4a9a4ck_I-00556-00123932-00124241 push you or force you if there is valid oL4a9a4ck_I-00557-00124241-00124454 reasons there are ways to go tighter to oL4a9a4ck_I-00558-00124454-00124616 the mettle and have pieces call directly oL4a9a4ck_I-00559-00124616-00124834 into C functions too so both oL4a9a4ck_I-00560-00124834-00124988 ways happen so when it gets down to oL4a9a4ck_I-00561-00124988-00125183 connecting your IO to your end- oL4a9a4ck_I-00562-00125183-00125438 systems, this is how you do it. A last piece oL4a9a4ck_I-00563-00125438-00125588 I wanted to touch here before jumping oL4a9a4ck_I-00564-00125588-00125807 in to actually showing you something real, oL4a9a4ck_I-00565-00125807-00126107 is you know just more stuff on the type oL4a9a4ck_I-00566-00126107-00126293 built for embedded like we have been oL4a9a4ck_I-00567-00126293-00126455 looking at this for years and how to oL4a9a4ck_I-00568-00126455-00126575 make sure that we cover all the oL4a9a4ck_I-00569-00126575-00126782 different steps and you know some of oL4a9a4ck_I-00570-00126782-00127046 people's concerns when they use oL4a9a4ck_I-00571-00127046-00127271 something like an engine data model oL4a9a4ck_I-00572-00127271-00127475 runtime and it's the lack of insight oL4a9a4ck_I-00573-00127475-00127775 and vision you know we understand that oL4a9a4ck_I-00574-00127775-00127960 frustration, we've built our system completely oL4a9a4ck_I-00575-00127960-00128168 around that by you know providing oL4a9a4ck_I-00576-00128168-00128461 performance tracing information giving you oL4a9a4ck_I-00577-00128461-00128608 all the information whenever something oL4a9a4ck_I-00578-00128608-00128831 is not performing exactly as anticipated oL4a9a4ck_I-00579-00128831-00129071 that you can see exactly where it is. The oL4a9a4ck_I-00580-00129071-00129254 worst thing that can happen in an embedded oL4a9a4ck_I-00581-00129254-00129605 system that you see this in UI oL4a9a4ck_I-00582-00129605-00129773 projects no matter whether they are oL4a9a4ck_I-00583-00129773-00130052 developed with us or anybody else is oL4a9a4ck_I-00584-00130052-00130193 when they don't have enough insight oL4a9a4ck_I-00585-00130193-00130457 people start doing random things to try oL4a9a4ck_I-00586-00130457-00130658 and solve UI problems and just start oL4a9a4ck_I-00587-00130658-00130838 moving stuff around, changing things you oL4a9a4ck_I-00588-00130838-00131063 know, but without an idea and you know oL4a9a4ck_I-00589-00131063-00131210 that that's the worst case you know it's oL4a9a4ck_I-00590-00131210-00131342 you need to understand what the problem oL4a9a4ck_I-00591-00131342-00131579 is and we do give that complete insight oL4a9a4ck_I-00592-00131579-00131726 so when something is taking a long time oL4a9a4ck_I-00593-00131726-00132011 you can actually see down to all the oL4a9a4ck_I-00594-00132011-00132202 sections of our rendering pipeline oL4a9a4ck_I-00595-00132202-00132568 where that time consumption is. Also oL4a9a4ck_I-00596-00132568-00132697 built in here is our Event Capture / Playback oL4a9a4ck_I-00597-00132697-00132868 and Screen Capture. Combined, they oL4a9a4ck_I-00598-00132868-00133024 make a great testing environment oL4a9a4ck_I-00599-00133024-00133189 allowing you to headlessly drive your oL4a9a4ck_I-00600-00133189-00133366 UI testing so you could actually do oL4a9a4ck_I-00601-00133366-00133588 regression testing on UI oL4a9a4ck_I-00602-00133588-00133738 and dump all the images to validate that they look oL4a9a4ck_I-00603-00133738-00134011 exactly as anticipated, we also have a lot of oL4a9a4ck_I-00604-00134011-00134278 debug logging and application reporting oL4a9a4ck_I-00605-00134278-00134461 allowing you to immediately generate oL4a9a4ck_I-00606-00134461-00134725 reports on your UI to be shared amongst the team. oL4a9a4ck_I-00607-00134725-00135049 Without further ado I will jump into our oL4a9a4ck_I-00608-00135049-00135307 Storyboard product itself and start oL4a9a4ck_I-00609-00135307-00135628 working with you live here. So this is a oL4a9a4ck_I-00610-00135628-00135751 Storyboard, what it looks like when oL4a9a4ck_I-00611-00135751-00136294 there's nothing in it. If you're oL4a9a4ck_I-00612-00136294-00136519 familiar with Crank and Storyboard this oL4a9a4ck_I-00613-00136519-00136711 may not be familiar to you because today oL4a9a4ck_I-00614-00136711-00137191 I like to go on the risky side and I oL4a9a4ck_I-00615-00137191-00137569 used our 5.0 which is not going to be oL4a9a4ck_I-00616-00137569-00137710 released for another month but it has oL4a9a4ck_I-00617-00137710-00137842 some nice features that I wanted to show oL4a9a4ck_I-00618-00137842-00138190 off and you know it's pretty stable now oL4a9a4ck_I-00619-00138190-00138349 well it's more or less stable, we have oL4a9a4ck_I-00620-00138349-00138607 customers using it and everything so I oL4a9a4ck_I-00621-00138607-00138745 didn't feel like it's that big of a risk but oL4a9a4ck_I-00622-00138745-00138925 it's ready to go so you're getting your oL4a9a4ck_I-00623-00138925-00139084 first look at our Storyboard 5.0 here oL4a9a4ck_I-00624-00139084-00139333 today. So let me minimize this oL4a9a4ck_I-00625-00139333-00139519 and start with what I was talking to you oL4a9a4ck_I-00626-00139519-00139909 about Photoshop, so here I have a pretty simple oL4a9a4ck_I-00627-00139909-00140029 UI and this is what we're going to build oL4a9a4ck_I-00628-00140029-00140206 up today and I'll push it onto hardware oL4a9a4ck_I-00629-00140206-00140524 right up. So this is a Photoshop oL4a9a4ck_I-00630-00140524-00140866 file our graphic designers made, it's a home oL4a9a4ck_I-00631-00140866-00141202 automation screen the end designer has oL4a9a4ck_I-00632-00141202-00141523 built up many different parts of it all oL4a9a4ck_I-00633-00141523-00141715 broken up into groups these groups will oL4a9a4ck_I-00634-00141715-00141973 map the Storyboard layers, and he's added oL4a9a4ck_I-00635-00141973-00142156 different looks for a security screen, oL4a9a4ck_I-00636-00142156-00142897 calendar screen, the settings screen, some oL4a9a4ck_I-00637-00142897-00142944 of the other things oL4a9a4ck_I-00638-00142944-00143078 you might notice in here is there a oL4a9a4ck_I-00639-00143078-00143244 special meaning to bring things in this oL4a9a4ck_I-00640-00143244-00143445 button so this minus button here has oL4a9a4ck_I-00641-00143445-00143658 minus up and a minus down we will recognize oL4a9a4ck_I-00642-00143658-00143847 these special naming conventions and other oL4a9a4ck_I-00643-00143847-00144075 names inside of here and do smart oL4a9a4ck_I-00644-00144075-00144294 things with them so in the case where we oL4a9a4ck_I-00645-00144294-00144525 see up and down in the same name, we will oL4a9a4ck_I-00646-00144525-00144687 automatically turn it into a button for you oL4a9a4ck_I-00647-00144687-00144866 so without any actual work it's already oL4a9a4ck_I-00648-00144866-00145200 done. So looking back at oL4a9a4ck_I-00649-00145200-00145323 that project there we're going to start oL4a9a4ck_I-00650-00145323-00145562 off here in Storyboard and click on our oL4a9a4ck_I-00651-00145562-00145742 PhotoShop button and import it directly oL4a9a4ck_I-00652-00145742-00146019 into our system, so here I'll just click oL4a9a4ck_I-00653-00146019-00146211 it, I have 2 versions so I will show you oL4a9a4ck_I-00654-00146211-00146450 an updated version later, I'm going to oL4a9a4ck_I-00655-00146450-00146678 say bring our text layers in this text in oL4a9a4ck_I-00656-00146678-00146985 PhotoShop there's a text and oL4a9a4ck_I-00657-00146985-00147137 graphical representation of all your oL4a9a4ck_I-00658-00147137-00147326 fonts so I'm going to say actually use oL4a9a4ck_I-00659-00147326-00147561 real fonts so they're editable, I'm going to oL4a9a4ck_I-00660-00147561-00147926 create a new project called "Home Auto". So if I oL4a9a4ck_I-00661-00147926-00148308 hit finish there, immediately my entire oL4a9a4ck_I-00662-00148308-00148640 PhotoShop representation is brought into oL4a9a4ck_I-00663-00148640-00148814 Storyboard and everything is broken oL4a9a4ck_I-00664-00148814-00149027 apart into its individual pieces and oL4a9a4ck_I-00665-00149027-00149334 ready to be utilized, so up here on our oL4a9a4ck_I-00666-00149334-00149532 top, I actually have a wireframe view oL4a9a4ck_I-00667-00149532-00149775 to sort of remove the presentation of it oL4a9a4ck_I-00668-00149775-00150014 and just let you see the core boxes of oL4a9a4ck_I-00669-00150014-00150249 what's going on, this is a great view to oL4a9a4ck_I-00670-00150249-00150401 actually get a better understanding of oL4a9a4ck_I-00671-00150401-00150624 how your UI looks in space wise and hit oL4a9a4ck_I-00672-00150624-00150822 zones for touches and such oL4a9a4ck_I-00673-00150822-00151127 but you can see here all that work oL4a9a4ck_I-00674-00151127-00151458 is brought out. Down here you can see oL4a9a4ck_I-00675-00151458-00151604 all the images that were all the oL4a9a4ck_I-00676-00151604-00151809 individual components of that PhotoShop oL4a9a4ck_I-00677-00151809-00152030 file all down here ready to be utilized oL4a9a4ck_I-00678-00152030-00152252 and you know if somebody wanted to grab oL4a9a4ck_I-00679-00152252-00152390 something else and bring it in to our oL4a9a4ck_I-00680-00152390-00152574 system, they can simply drag it out of here oL4a9a4ck_I-00681-00152574-00152729 so you can add new images and everything oL4a9a4ck_I-00682-00152729-00152934 you want and then just drag them, position them, oL4a9a4ck_I-00683-00152934-00153123 however you want, there's guide bars oL4a9a4ck_I-00684-00153123-00153377 everything to control these different oL4a9a4ck_I-00685-00153377-00153672 ideas and concepts. When we imported oL4a9a4ck_I-00686-00153672-00153969 that PhotoShop file, what you're seeing oL4a9a4ck_I-00687-00153969-00154257 here if you remember there's only three oL4a9a4ck_I-00688-00154257-00154437 different groups inside of the Photoshop oL4a9a4ck_I-00689-00154437-00154608 file that represent it, all the other ones oL4a9a4ck_I-00690-00154608-00154773 were put into unused layers. They're oL4a9a4ck_I-00691-00154773-00155138 available but they are not being used at oL4a9a4ck_I-00692-00155138-00155385 the time we took the visible groups that oL4a9a4ck_I-00693-00155385-00155576 were in PhotoShop and we made the oL4a9a4ck_I-00694-00155576-00155777 initial screen out of those ones. oL4a9a4ck_I-00695-00155777-00156050 What's nice is because my designer oL4a9a4ck_I-00696-00156050-00156259 actually put multiple screens in here I oL4a9a4ck_I-00697-00156259-00156463 simply go and add a new screen and oL4a9a4ck_I-00698-00156463-00156595 you know some designers do this oL4a9a4ck_I-00699-00156595-00156753 differently, some have multiple PhotoShop oL4a9a4ck_I-00700-00156753-00157027 files and we can handle that too. At oL4a9a4ck_I-00701-00157027-00157159 first dialogue you might have seen there oL4a9a4ck_I-00702-00157159-00157309 were other options in there for dealing oL4a9a4ck_I-00703-00157309-00157387 with that oL4a9a4ck_I-00704-00157387-00157561 so here I'll just build up some of the oL4a9a4ck_I-00705-00157561-00157777 other screens, so I'll do the settings screen oL4a9a4ck_I-00706-00157777-00157999 you know, there's that module and I can just oL4a9a4ck_I-00707-00157999-00158161 grab the different components so we use oL4a9a4ck_I-00708-00158161-00158328 shared layers, there's a menu layer oL4a9a4ck_I-00709-00158328-00158565 with those buttons and then the background layer here is oL4a9a4ck_I-00710-00158565-00158845 called sub-layer in this example. I named my new oL4a9a4ck_I-00711-00158845-00159112 screen settings so if we click OK my oL4a9a4ck_I-00712-00159112-00159325 second screen is now available and I oL4a9a4ck_I-00713-00159325-00159499 could simply, here is another add oL4a9a4ck_I-00714-00159499-00159673 screen button I can start adding them oL4a9a4ck_I-00715-00159673-00160033 all is another one oL4a9a4ck_I-00716-00160033-00160198 you know sometimes these are much more oL4a9a4ck_I-00717-00160198-00160440 complicated this is a stripped-down oL4a9a4ck_I-00718-00160440-00160795 solution just to ignore some of the oL4a9a4ck_I-00719-00160795-00161077 complexity that can happen with larger oL4a9a4ck_I-00720-00161077-00161292 models and not having to go through tons of layers here oL4a9a4ck_I-00721-00161292-00161533 for this demo then the last oL4a9a4ck_I-00722-00161533-00161908 one would be calendar layer oL4a9a4ck_I-00723-00161908-00162247 there so at this point, oL4a9a4ck_I-00724-00162247-00162658 just from our PhotoShop import, click oL4a9a4ck_I-00725-00162658-00162910 here I'll bring them up to full screen, you can oL4a9a4ck_I-00726-00162910-00163089 see I have all my screens ...the 4 oL4a9a4ck_I-00727-00163089-00163239 screens that I had from my oL4a9a4ck_I-00728-00163239-00163414 PhotoShop file they're all built and oL4a9a4ck_I-00729-00163414-00163614 ready to be, started to add behavior to the oL4a9a4ck_I-00730-00163614-00163744 inside of Storyboard oL4a9a4ck_I-00731-00163744-00163929 any change on a shared layer will oL4a9a4ck_I-00732-00163929-00164089 reflect across all the other screens too oL4a9a4ck_I-00733-00164089-00164284 so if I move this button here you'll see it move oL4a9a4ck_I-00734-00164284-00164476 across all screens so the behavior when oL4a9a4ck_I-00735-00164476-00164667 added to one is added to all which is oL4a9a4ck_I-00736-00164667-00164896 really nice because as I come back here oL4a9a4ck_I-00737-00164896-00165066 and start adding the screen transitions oL4a9a4ck_I-00738-00165066-00165153 to these guys oL4a9a4ck_I-00739-00165153-00165472 you'll see that I say add action here to oL4a9a4ck_I-00740-00165472-00165919 start adding behavior, I can simply only oL4a9a4ck_I-00741-00165919-00166069 do it in on one screen and all of the screens oL4a9a4ck_I-00742-00166069-00166336 reflect it so the first thing I added action oL4a9a4ck_I-00743-00166336-00166825 to was the climate button here so add oL4a9a4ck_I-00744-00166825-00167026 behavior to our system as I said before oL4a9a4ck_I-00745-00167026-00167221 we have a very simple model, we have an oL4a9a4ck_I-00746-00167221-00167514 event, the event is tied to an action and the oL4a9a4ck_I-00747-00167514-00167884 action will do something smart. In this oL4a9a4ck_I-00748-00167884-00168097 case our events have things like presses oL4a9a4ck_I-00749-00168097-00168199 release, key oL4a9a4ck_I-00750-00168199-00168514 presses, you know animation oL4a9a4ck_I-00751-00168514-00168694 completes, multi-touch, whatever it might be, oL4a9a4ck_I-00752-00168694-00168828 so in this case I'm just going to say if oL4a9a4ck_I-00753-00168828-00168988 somebody presses on that guy oL4a9a4ck_I-00754-00168988-00169294 we'll do a screen fade oL4a9a4ck_I-00755-00169294-00169385 and we'll oL4a9a4ck_I-00756-00169385-00169705 a screen fade over to in this case called oL4a9a4ck_I-00757-00169705-00169901 the 'home auto' screen, I didn't change it oL4a9a4ck_I-00758-00169901-00170120 just came in, it's the PhotoShop name, he's oL4a9a4ck_I-00759-00170120-00170315 going to do it over 500 milliseconds 30 oL4a9a4ck_I-00760-00170315-00170540 frames per second at a linear rate you know oL4a9a4ck_I-00761-00170540-00170663 there's different rates you can pick oL4a9a4ck_I-00762-00170663-00170771 inside of here oL4a9a4ck_I-00763-00170771-00170978 fades, usually work good at a linear rate oL4a9a4ck_I-00764-00170978-00171158 there are some other options here, that oL4a9a4ck_I-00765-00171158-00171290 matters more is more other screen oL4a9a4ck_I-00766-00171290-00171470 transitions like do I move all ? do I fade oL4a9a4ck_I-00767-00171470-00171635 every layer or not? doing a oL4a9a4ck_I-00768-00171635-00171914 fade doesn't really matter so we'll oL4a9a4ck_I-00769-00171914-00172117 just connect these guys all up so I oL4a9a4ck_I-00770-00172117-00172316 connect that one, I can do again for the oL4a9a4ck_I-00771-00172316-00172619 next screen now you'll see oL4a9a4ck_I-00772-00172619-00172796 most frequently picked things are oL4a9a4ck_I-00773-00172796-00173213 populating to the talk and this is the oL4a9a4ck_I-00774-00173213-00173495 security screen so I can pick security oL4a9a4ck_I-00775-00173495-00173735 and once again the same options here, I oL4a9a4ck_I-00776-00173735-00174053 can also just grab this action here you oL4a9a4ck_I-00777-00174053-00174176 can see them listed here I can actually oL4a9a4ck_I-00778-00174176-00174415 CTRL C and copy it and now I'm gonna, I oL4a9a4ck_I-00779-00174415-00174572 can just paste it on these other guys so oL4a9a4ck_I-00780-00174572-00174730 they actually have the action tied to them oL4a9a4ck_I-00781-00174730-00174887 So now I can just come in here and the oL4a9a4ck_I-00782-00174887-00175066 property , and change them too so oL4a9a4ck_I-00783-00175066-00175303 there's a lot of flexibility in how you oL4a9a4ck_I-00784-00175303-00175540 do these different ideas and concepts oL4a9a4ck_I-00785-00175540-00176024 settings. So right there I've taken a oL4a9a4ck_I-00786-00176024-00176195 PhotoShop file, I've imported, I've built up oL4a9a4ck_I-00787-00176195-00176372 my four screens and now I've tied them oL4a9a4ck_I-00788-00176372-00176594 all together and behavior so at this oL4a9a4ck_I-00789-00176594-00176732 point I'm ready to simulate so if I just oL4a9a4ck_I-00790-00176732-00176900 click on our simulate button here by oL4a9a4ck_I-00791-00176900-00177209 right-clicking and selecting simulate my oL4a9a4ck_I-00792-00177209-00177430 application comes up and if I click on oL4a9a4ck_I-00793-00177430-00177614 security I fade over to that screen oL4a9a4ck_I-00794-00177614-00177863 now you guys are probably not oL4a9a4ck_I-00795-00177863-00178199 appreciating the beautiful look but oL4a9a4ck_I-00796-00178199-00178433 I'm sure GoToWebinar is bringing you oL4a9a4ck_I-00797-00178433-00178666 down to like one or two frames a second oL4a9a4ck_I-00798-00178666-00178934 so you're going to have to trust me on this, we have lots oL4a9a4ck_I-00799-00178934-00179041 of video showin these and you can oL4a9a4ck_I-00800-00179041-00179186 definitely download our stuff yourself oL4a9a4ck_I-00801-00179186-00179507 and try to too. So all the different oL4a9a4ck_I-00802-00179507-00179762 screens are connected immediately. The oL4a9a4ck_I-00803-00179762-00179915 next thing I was going to show you guys oL4a9a4ck_I-00804-00179915-00180134 is start building up a bit of a richer animation oL4a9a4ck_I-00805-00180134-00180353 on something you know, as I was oL4a9a4ck_I-00806-00180353-00180644 saying before when people press on oL4a9a4ck_I-00807-00180644-00180761 buttons, they're expecting a little more oL4a9a4ck_I-00808-00180761-00181042 feedback and this is not only to look oL4a9a4ck_I-00809-00181042-00181163 richer but there's actually some oL4a9a4ck_I-00810-00181163-00181544 usability applications for this is oL4a9a4ck_I-00811-00181544-00181661 because usually when you push on a button oL4a9a4ck_I-00812-00181661-00181826 with a touchscreen your fingers over top oL4a9a4ck_I-00813-00181826-00181925 of the button so you don't always oL4a9a4ck_I-00814-00181925-00182053 appreciate the up and down and oL4a9a4ck_I-00815-00182053-00182198 understand whether you actually touched oL4a9a4ck_I-00816-00182198-00182242 it oL4a9a4ck_I-00817-00182242-00182420 I mean, animation gives you a lot more oL4a9a4ck_I-00818-00182420-00182612 feedback as far as that's concerned, oL4a9a4ck_I-00819-00182612-00182726 you'll see that especially on Android, you hit a button, you'll see oL4a9a4ck_I-00820-00182726-00182927 a little burst happen around that button oL4a9a4ck_I-00821-00182927-00183086 all the time oL4a9a4ck_I-00822-00183086-00183254 because you can see it around your oL4a9a4ck_I-00823-00183254-00183458 finger so we're going to do is take oL4a9a4ck_I-00824-00183458-00183800 these big glows here around these two oL4a9a4ck_I-00825-00183800-00183965 different buttons here and we're going to oL4a9a4ck_I-00826-00183965-00184145 change them so that oL4a9a4ck_I-00827-00184145-00184376 nobody can see them, so I'm going to turn it down to oL4a9a4ck_I-00828-00184376-00184652 0, the next thing I want to do is I'm oL4a9a4ck_I-00829-00184652-00184853 going to make that burst when you press oL4a9a4ck_I-00830-00184853-00185012 this button sort of pop out a bit and oL4a9a4ck_I-00831-00185012-00185297 fade in and then shrink back a bit and oL4a9a4ck_I-00832-00185297-00185492 get out so I'm gonna do is I'm just oL4a9a4ck_I-00833-00185492-00185681 going to shrink is a bit and the other oL4a9a4ck_I-00834-00185681-00185816 part here is a lot of these things that oL4a9a4ck_I-00835-00185816-00185957 are inside of here we've take in a lot of oL4a9a4ck_I-00836-00185957-00186149 ideas and concepts from other graphical oL4a9a4ck_I-00837-00186149-00186386 programs so what I'm going to change the oL4a9a4ck_I-00838-00186386-00186518 size i'm going to also want to change oL4a9a4ck_I-00839-00186518-00186665 the anchoring and i'm going to change the oL4a9a4ck_I-00840-00186665-00186848 anchoring to the center position while I'm oL4a9a4ck_I-00841-00186848-00187007 doing this and that's because when I oL4a9a4ck_I-00842-00187007-00187238 shrink the width and height, I don't have oL4a9a4ck_I-00843-00187238-00187451 to move the X&Y position accordingly to oL4a9a4ck_I-00844-00187451-00187694 to accommodate for that shrinkage oL4a9a4ck_I-00845-00187694-00188060 so if I take off to 10 pixels here and oL4a9a4ck_I-00846-00188060-00188225 you can do inline math right inside of our oL4a9a4ck_I-00847-00188225-00188564 system too, they'll shrink down both of them to a oL4a9a4ck_I-00848-00188564-00188690 smaller size, oL4a9a4ck_I-00849-00188690-00188894 the other thing I want to do with that oL4a9a4ck_I-00850-00188894-00189047 image is make sure it's centered because oL4a9a4ck_I-00851-00189047-00189251 otherwise it'll clip when I'm scaling oL4a9a4ck_I-00852-00189251-00189437 in and out and I also want to make sure the oL4a9a4ck_I-00853-00189437-00189677 scale flag is set on, we don't turn it oL4a9a4ck_I-00854-00189677-00189809 on by default and that's because you oL4a9a4ck_I-00855-00189809-00189926 know we want to make sure you're aware oL4a9a4ck_I-00856-00189926-00190088 of scaling when you're doing it inside oL4a9a4ck_I-00857-00190088-00190247 of embedded systems, especially if you oL4a9a4ck_I-00858-00190247-00190436 don't have a 3D accelerator or oL4a9a4ck_I-00859-00190436-00190676 something on it, so you wanna make sure you oL4a9a4ck_I-00860-00190676-00190955 intentionally scale images with that all oL4a9a4ck_I-00861-00190955-00191105 done you know I can bring this back up oL4a9a4ck_I-00862-00191105-00191261 and you can sort of see our guy here oL4a9a4ck_I-00863-00191261-00191519 he's both there so I changed them both at oL4a9a4ck_I-00864-00191519-00191666 the same time so when you multi-select oL4a9a4ck_I-00865-00191666-00191867 things we will apply the changes to both oL4a9a4ck_I-00866-00191867-00192143 things. I'm gonna build up the oL4a9a4ck_I-00867-00192143-00192425 re-animation only on the plus right now and oL4a9a4ck_I-00868-00192425-00192653 then we could sort of extrapolate how to oL4a9a4ck_I-00869-00192653-00192881 do it on the minus, so the first thing oL4a9a4ck_I-00870-00192881-00193034 for building a rich animation and the oL4a9a4ck_I-00871-00193034-00193220 easiest way to do in Storyboard it oL4a9a4ck_I-00872-00193220-00193481 simply turn on our screen record, when the oL4a9a4ck_I-00873-00193481-00193643 screen record's on any changes I make oL4a9a4ck_I-00874-00193643-00193901 to the UI are immediately recorded and oL4a9a4ck_I-00875-00193901-00194114 then added to an animation timeline so I oL4a9a4ck_I-00876-00194114-00194420 can play with and adjust, so in this oL4a9a4ck_I-00877-00194420-00194843 scenario I'm going my first step I'm oL4a9a4ck_I-00878-00194843-00195044 going to change the visibility back to oL4a9a4ck_I-00879-00195044-00195236 hundred percent which is 255 in this oL4a9a4ck_I-00880-00195236-00195485 case for alpha, the other change I'm oL4a9a4ck_I-00881-00195485-00195728 going to do is put these guys back to oL4a9a4ck_I-00882-00195728-00195951 151 as far as their width and height oL4a9a4ck_I-00883-00195951-00196347 so I do that and then it pops out at oL4a9a4ck_I-00884-00196347-00196590 this point, I can say grab me a snapshot oL4a9a4ck_I-00885-00196590-00197004 so it's going to put another section on oL4a9a4ck_I-00886-00197004-00197259 the timeline you'll see when I oL4a9a4ck_I-00887-00197259-00197430 finish this what that means to us I say oL4a9a4ck_I-00888-00197430-00197565 take a snapshot and now I'm working on oL4a9a4ck_I-00889-00197565-00197787 frame two of my animation, so in that oL4a9a4ck_I-00890-00197787-00198027 frame I'm just going to put these guys oL4a9a4ck_I-00891-00198027-00198564 back down to 141 and fade them out oL4a9a4ck_I-00892-00198564-00198915 at that point I can say end my recording so oL4a9a4ck_I-00893-00198915-00199065 it's going to say ok that's good what's oL4a9a4ck_I-00894-00199065-00199440 your animation name I'll say temp_up oL4a9a4ck_I-00895-00199440-00199602 you can give it a frames per second oL4a9a4ck_I-00896-00199602-00199791 you should look at your system, I'm just going to say oL4a9a4ck_I-00897-00199791-00200022 60, the smaller oL4a9a4ck_I-00898-00200022-00200256 animation that's happening here oL4a9a4ck_I-00899-00200256-00200574 you know without GPU performance we oL4a9a4ck_I-00900-00200574-00200760 might not hit that and we could lower oL4a9a4ck_I-00901-00200760-00200889 that down later to be something oL4a9a4ck_I-00902-00200889-00201159 practical, good reason for this is if you oL4a9a4ck_I-00903-00201159-00201348 know your board can't carry a certain oL4a9a4ck_I-00904-00201348-00201633 frame rate, why design for that frame rate oL4a9a4ck_I-00905-00201633-00201825 let the designer see exactly what oL4a9a4ck_I-00906-00201825-00202074 they're going to see. You know if the board oL4a9a4ck_I-00907-00202074-00202275 can only do 14 frames per second for a oL4a9a4ck_I-00908-00202275-00202458 full-screen fade, well then when you're oL4a9a4ck_I-00909-00202458-00202635 doing that you should only do 14 frames oL4a9a4ck_I-00910-00202635-00202917 a second so you'll understand the design oL4a9a4ck_I-00911-00202917-00203208 time, so many times people like they look oL4a9a4ck_I-00912-00203208-00203355 at it on their desktop and then when it runs on oL4a9a4ck_I-00913-00203355-00203523 the embedded system they're surprised when it oL4a9a4ck_I-00914-00203523-00203679 doesn't behave exactly how it is, well oL4a9a4ck_I-00915-00203679-00203835 you're not comparing apples to oL4a9a4ck_I-00916-00203835-00204207 apples there. If I say okay at that oL4a9a4ck_I-00917-00204207-00204414 point right now we have created an oL4a9a4ck_I-00918-00204414-00204684 animation timeline that shows that burst oL4a9a4ck_I-00919-00204684-00205064 happening so what's happening here is the oL4a9a4ck_I-00920-00205064-00205289 alpha is changing from 0 to 255 and then oL4a9a4ck_I-00921-00205289-00205512 back to zero and the sizes of the height and oL4a9a4ck_I-00922-00205512-00205677 width, x and y are changing, that'll oL4a9a4ck_I-00923-00205677-00205752 happen oL4a9a4ck_I-00924-00205752-00206015 everything's happening at a linear rate oL4a9a4ck_I-00925-00206015-00206189 that's our default and the default oL4a9a4ck_I-00926-00206189-00206403 timing of this animation each step is we oL4a9a4ck_I-00927-00206403-00206751 put it in at 500ms so right oL4a9a4ck_I-00928-00206751-00206928 from there I can actually hit our oL4a9a4ck_I-00929-00206928-00207191 animation preview and I can see that oL4a9a4ck_I-00930-00207191-00207531 animation happening so I can reload oL4a9a4ck_I-00931-00207531-00207753 that and see what it looks like I can oL4a9a4ck_I-00932-00207753-00208011 also step-through frame by frame to make oL4a9a4ck_I-00933-00208011-00208254 sure, now on this animation that's probably oL4a9a4ck_I-00934-00208254-00208388 not going to do much but when you have oL4a9a4ck_I-00935-00208388-00208686 multiple little pieces all moving oL4a9a4ck_I-00936-00208686-00208989 together at the same time, walking oL4a9a4ck_I-00937-00208989-00209133 through the animation is very powerful and oL4a9a4ck_I-00938-00209133-00209271 allows you to make sure you can clean it oL4a9a4ck_I-00939-00209271-00209535 and get the exact representation of what oL4a9a4ck_I-00940-00209535-00209916 you want. You know, this animation the oL4a9a4ck_I-00941-00209916-00210054 first thing you'll notice is it's oL4a9a4ck_I-00942-00210054-00210198 really slow so we do have a scale oL4a9a4ck_I-00943-00210198-00210363 animation here so I'm just going to say oL4a9a4ck_I-00944-00210363-00210558 you know scale it by fifty percent and oL4a9a4ck_I-00945-00210558-00210726 that will shrink it down to half oL4a9a4ck_I-00946-00210726-00211062 that size, the other thing you know oL4a9a4ck_I-00947-00211062-00211263 the way it pops it's as nice as I'd like oL4a9a4ck_I-00948-00211263-00211428 it to be and this is where the designers oL4a9a4ck_I-00949-00211428-00211596 will spend their time so I can oL4a9a4ck_I-00950-00211596-00211796 multi-select here and move them all oL4a9a4ck_I-00951-00211796-00212163 to a line here, oL4a9a4ck_I-00952-00212163-00212541 designers spend their day not only doing oL4a9a4ck_I-00953-00212541-00212940 this but you know this is how oL4a9a4ck_I-00954-00212940-00213141 this animation looks at how it pops they oL4a9a4ck_I-00955-00213141-00213282 just don't want some default linear-in linear-out oL4a9a4ck_I-00956-00213282-00213446 and this is what you know oL4a9a4ck_I-00957-00213446-00213627 I come from an engineering background oL4a9a4ck_I-00958-00213627-00213837 myself too, what I would end up doing you oL4a9a4ck_I-00959-00213837-00213969 know when I do an animation it's a oL4a9a4ck_I-00960-00213969-00214242 simple slide and move back and forth, but when oL4a9a4ck_I-00961-00214242-00214482 my design team does an animation there's oL4a9a4ck_I-00962-00214482-00214686 so much detail in every pop and piece and oL4a9a4ck_I-00963-00214686-00214908 so many things are in movement that it's oL4a9a4ck_I-00964-00214908-00215091 just the subtle details but those subtle oL4a9a4ck_I-00965-00215091-00215355 details give the richness especially oL4a9a4ck_I-00966-00215355-00215519 when you're using a platform that doesn't have oL4a9a4ck_I-00967-00215519-00215642 the performance if you can make those oL4a9a4ck_I-00968-00215642-00215856 little buttons have a lot of pop and oL4a9a4ck_I-00969-00215856-00215994 because they're clicking area's rather oL4a9a4ck_I-00970-00215994-00216398 small and you can't, it can make your smaller oL4a9a4ck_I-00971-00216398-00216746 boards that may not have, you know a quad oL4a9a4ck_I-00972-00216746-00216966 GPU with an OpenGL/ES processor oL4a9a4ck_I-00973-00216966-00217176 but it could make them look like they oL4a9a4ck_I-00974-00217176-00217367 do, because people just understand that oL4a9a4ck_I-00975-00217367-00217694 button pops, it really spins, it does things but oL4a9a4ck_I-00976-00217694-00217866 you know this is all about playing with oL4a9a4ck_I-00977-00217866-00218013 it and understanding what you can do oL4a9a4ck_I-00978-00218013-00218310 once you put a little more richness into oL4a9a4ck_I-00979-00218310-00218733 these UI pieces, so here I can oL4a9a4ck_I-00980-00218733-00218931 simply put that in, I can look at that oL4a9a4ck_I-00981-00218931-00219186 animation again and see how it feels now, has oL4a9a4ck_I-00982-00219186-00219378 a little bit of a better feel to it oL4a9a4ck_I-00983-00219378-00219609 the last thing I probably do here is I oL4a9a4ck_I-00984-00219609-00219837 probably look at the rates, and you know oL4a9a4ck_I-00985-00219837-00219981 here I might switch to some of our oL4a9a4ck_I-00986-00219981-00220164 default so if you're using our current oL4a9a4ck_I-00987-00220164-00220394 release you just have a preset selection oL4a9a4ck_I-00988-00220394-00220692 of ease-in and ease-out module so here I oL4a9a4ck_I-00989-00220692-00220875 might ease-out and here ease-in oL4a9a4ck_I-00990-00220875-00221028 with the fade and it might just give it a oL4a9a4ck_I-00991-00221028-00221369 nicer feel, in our newest version of oL4a9a4ck_I-00992-00221369-00221484 Storyboard that's going to be coming oL4a9a4ck_I-00993-00221484-00221691 out you can actually edit these using to oL4a9a4ck_I-00994-00221691-00221916 actually give yourself a little bit exactly what oL4a9a4ck_I-00995-00221916-00221989 you want oL4a9a4ck_I-00996-00221989-00222192 once again this is to enable the oL4a9a4ck_I-00997-00222192-00222336 designers to hit exactly what they want oL4a9a4ck_I-00998-00222336-00222592 so many times the designer will sit oL4a9a4ck_I-00999-00222592-00222858 there in after effects or other programs oL4a9a4ck_I-01000-00222858-00223144 tweening the animations to be exactly oL4a9a4ck_I-01001-00223144-00223455 the way they want, engineering reproduces it and oL4a9a4ck_I-01002-00223455-00223605 just flips it over to some default oL4a9a4ck_I-01003-00223605-00223857 animation library with just a simple you oL4a9a4ck_I-01004-00223857-00224041 know tween that is not what they did oL4a9a4ck_I-01005-00224041-00224317 you know you need to have the freedom to oL4a9a4ck_I-01006-00224317-00224500 get exactly what they want and reproduce oL4a9a4ck_I-01007-00224500-00224650 and not compromise on what you're doing. oL4a9a4ck_I-01008-00224650-00225040 In this case, if I need to change the custom rates oL4a9a4ck_I-01009-00225040-00225196 and I just need to say they'll come up oL4a9a4ck_I-01010-00225196-00225376 and I could save these custom rates as my own oL4a9a4ck_I-01011-00225376-00225579 name, if I want to say my ease-in because I oL4a9a4ck_I-01012-00225579-00225717 like it better than the default one we give oL4a9a4ck_I-01013-00225717-00225858 you can actually save it and oL4a9a4ck_I-01014-00225858-00226146 it's reusable later and now if we look oL4a9a4ck_I-01015-00226146-00226344 at that you know it has a lot nicer feel oL4a9a4ck_I-01016-00226344-00226548 to this button press you know so you oL4a9a4ck_I-01017-00226548-00226714 can see it all. The last step that oL4a9a4ck_I-01018-00226714-00226915 somebody needs to do here is just like when I oL4a9a4ck_I-01019-00226915-00227113 added the screen animations on I just oL4a9a4ck_I-01020-00227113-00227301 need to say I'd like to add an action oL4a9a4ck_I-01021-00227301-00227523 here and this time when somebody presses oL4a9a4ck_I-01022-00227523-00227748 here rather than do a screen fade, I'm going oL4a9a4ck_I-01023-00227748-00227967 to say do an animation and my animation is temp_up oL4a9a4ck_I-01024-00227967-00228384 up and at that point it's been tied to oL4a9a4ck_I-01025-00228384-00228705 it, so now if I simulate my app, save it, I oL4a9a4ck_I-01026-00228705-00229005 click on my button and I get my button oL4a9a4ck_I-01027-00229005-00229233 press just as I expected to so you guys oL4a9a4ck_I-01028-00229233-00229383 may not be able to see it, you'll probably just see a oL4a9a4ck_I-01029-00229383-00229626 Red dot come out and go away, but it is oL4a9a4ck_I-01030-00229626-00229809 popping in and out just as I anticipated it oL4a9a4ck_I-01031-00229809-00230361 to. So what I want to do now is, well oL4a9a4ck_I-01032-00230361-00230517 that's great it runs my desktop it looks oL4a9a4ck_I-01033-00230517-00230685 really nice, but I want to see it on my oL4a9a4ck_I-01034-00230685-00231190 board so here on my desktop I have an oL4a9a4ck_I-01035-00231190-00231453 iMX7 from Toradex running, this is oL4a9a4ck_I-01036-00231453-00231600 our default images, we have this on our oL4a9a4ck_I-01037-00231600-00231865 website so it's just running a bunch of oL4a9a4ck_I-01038-00231865-00232107 demos here that you could test and try oL4a9a4ck_I-01039-00232107-00232267 out so we can download an SD card and oL4a9a4ck_I-01040-00232267-00232509 put on your Toradex board and flash it oL4a9a4ck_I-01041-00232509-00232650 and all these demos will be immediately oL4a9a4ck_I-01042-00232650-00233082 available to you. What I'm going to do is take what oL4a9a4ck_I-01043-00233082-00233352 I just made here and put it on that board so to do oL4a9a4ck_I-01044-00233352-00233698 that I'm going to come in to our exporter oL4a9a4ck_I-01045-00233698-00233944 and I had this set up earlier so it's saved me oL4a9a4ck_I-01046-00233944-00234204 a little bit of time, so we oL4a9a4ck_I-01047-00234204-00234435 are going to come in here, we're going to oL4a9a4ck_I-01048-00234435-00234579 explore our default model which is called oL4a9a4ck_I-01049-00234579-00234873 the GAPP, graphical application, we're oL4a9a4ck_I-01050-00234873-00235080 going to SCP transfer it over to the oL4a9a4ck_I-01051-00235080-00235242 Toradex board oL4a9a4ck_I-01052-00235242-00235423 so come back here and you'll see the IP addresses match oL4a9a4ck_I-01053-00235423-00235848 there so it's a oL4a9a4ck_I-01054-00235848-00235954 password oL4a9a4ck_I-01055-00235954-00236319 you know it's the default board oL4a9a4ck_I-01056-00236319-00236746 settings, this is where I'm going to send oL4a9a4ck_I-01057-00236746-00236929 it to the directory on the target and oL4a9a4ck_I-01058-00236929-00237144 once it's down on the target we also oL4a9a4ck_I-01059-00237144-00237307 after that run the script and i'm just oL4a9a4ck_I-01060-00237307-00237466 going to simply run a script that will oL4a9a4ck_I-01061-00237466-00237841 launch Storyboard. To see that script, oL4a9a4ck_I-01062-00237841-00238039 I don't know if you'll be able to see this but, oL4a9a4ck_I-01063-00238039-00238426 but in case you're interested, what we're oL4a9a4ck_I-01064-00238426-00238546 doing is setting up three oL4a9a4ck_I-01065-00238546-00238687 environment variables here and then oL4a9a4ck_I-01066-00238687-00238816 we're running our Storyboard engine and oL4a9a4ck_I-01067-00238816-00238998 it's going to be pointed at $1 oL4a9a4ck_I-01068-00238998-00239179 which will be the launch file of oL4a9a4ck_I-01069-00239179-00239500 what we just launched, so the rest of oL4a9a4ck_I-01070-00239500-00239665 the options here are just for setting up the oL4a9a4ck_I-01071-00239665-00239869 touch screen with the correct coordinates, so oL4a9a4ck_I-01072-00239869-00240433 I'm bringing up this as well while I do it oL4a9a4ck_I-01073-00240433-00240730 so we can hit apply and run and now it's oL4a9a4ck_I-01074-00240730-00240883 going to download that target and then oL4a9a4ck_I-01075-00240883-00241090 immediately our UI that we just built up oL4a9a4ck_I-01076-00241090-00241438 here is on the end target, you should be able to oL4a9a4ck_I-01077-00241438-00241663 touch all the screens, get my things oL4a9a4ck_I-01078-00241663-00242329 coming through and probably a little oL4a9a4ck_I-01079-00242329-00242539 chunky on yours, so you just see my finger oL4a9a4ck_I-01080-00242539-00242812 jumping around and stuff but the things oL4a9a4ck_I-01081-00242812-00243021 are all coming through and the UI is acting as we oL4a9a4ck_I-01082-00243021-00243184 anticipated oL4a9a4ck_I-01083-00243184-00243475 If I come back to the home screen oL4a9a4ck_I-01084-00243475-00243958 you're probably seeing a little bit of lag, but I oL4a9a4ck_I-01085-00243958-00244180 can now hit the button and I can test it by oL4a9a4ck_I-01086-00244180-00244396 animation so I tested it on my board, on oL4a9a4ck_I-01087-00244396-00244594 my simulator, I tested the animation preview oL4a9a4ck_I-01088-00244594-00244825 but now we can actually see it happening live oL4a9a4ck_I-01089-00244825-00245203 on the board. So this makes it a very fast test and oL4a9a4ck_I-01090-00245203-00245413 validation especially when the graphic oL4a9a4ck_I-01091-00245413-00245536 designers you know they have a lot of oL4a9a4ck_I-01092-00245536-00245719 very rich ideas, but they need to come in oL4a9a4ck_I-01093-00245719-00245941 line with the actual hard work, so if oL4a9a4ck_I-01094-00245941-00246256 they're not, if they don't have a way to oL4a9a4ck_I-01095-00246256-00246451 easily validate thier ideas, you can oL4a9a4ck_I-01096-00246451-00246733 end up going down long paths of things oL4a9a4ck_I-01097-00246733-00247069 that are infeasible, so helping a oL4a9a4ck_I-01098-00247069-00247288 designer be able to quickly hit oL4a9a4ck_I-01099-00247288-00247489 launch and test on a remote piece oL4a9a4ck_I-01100-00247489-00247651 of hardware without having to understand oL4a9a4ck_I-01101-00247651-00247879 you know how to log into a shell and do oL4a9a4ck_I-01102-00247879-00248029 all these different pieces can be very oL4a9a4ck_I-01103-00248029-00248101 powerful oL4a9a4ck_I-01104-00248101-00248308 it allows them a much faster quicker iteration oL4a9a4ck_I-01105-00248308-00248494 cycle and actually testing on live oL4a9a4ck_I-01106-00248494-00248527 hardware. oL4a9a4ck_I-01107-00248527-00249001 So what I'm gonna do next here, what I'd oL4a9a4ck_I-01108-00249001-00249169 like to do is, I'm just going to save where oL4a9a4ck_I-01109-00249169-00249436 we are right now off to another module oL4a9a4ck_I-01110-00249436-00249979 just so I can show that to you later so oL4a9a4ck_I-01111-00249979-00250171 we'll just save that to a different name oL4a9a4ck_I-01112-00250171-00250363 and that way I can actually show you the oL4a9a4ck_I-01113-00250363-00250623 compare later and now what I'm going to oL4a9a4ck_I-01114-00250623-00250873 do is I'm going to show you what happens oL4a9a4ck_I-01115-00250873-00251062 when that day your boss knocks on your oL4a9a4ck_I-01116-00251062-00251251 door and says 'I have a new image oL4a9a4ck_I-01117-00251251-00251431 for you' the UI doesn't look like what you thought oL4a9a4ck_I-01118-00251431-00251677 it looked like anymore so here's version oL4a9a4ck_I-01119-00251677-00251941 2 of our UI, you see the colors have oL4a9a4ck_I-01120-00251941-00252273 changed, some of the sizing has changed because now oL4a9a4ck_I-01121-00252273-00252417 there's drop shadows and such around oL4a9a4ck_I-01122-00252417-00252589 here and also there's new oL4a9a4ck_I-01123-00252589-00252792 artwork across the top of this UI oL4a9a4ck_I-01124-00252792-00253030 and all the screens have changed accordingly too oL4a9a4ck_I-01125-00253030-00253153 so you know oL4a9a4ck_I-01126-00253153-00253351 different screens have different pieces so oL4a9a4ck_I-01127-00253351-00253786 what we do with that inside of Storyboard oL4a9a4ck_I-01128-00253786-00253987 is that we can simply say I'd like to import oL4a9a4ck_I-01129-00253987-00254209 and down in here inside of our import oL4a9a4ck_I-01130-00254209-00254542 options, you have a Re-import oL4a9a4ck_I-01131-00254542-00254950 PhotoShop file, what that will do is that it oL4a9a4ck_I-01132-00254950-00255321 will come in here and I click version 2 oL4a9a4ck_I-01133-00255321-00255655 we can actually see, it's going to go through and oL4a9a4ck_I-01134-00255655-00255867 start finding all the images they line oL4a9a4ck_I-01135-00255867-00256006 up with and I can actually start oL4a9a4ck_I-01136-00256006-00256269 cherry-picking which pieces I want so oL4a9a4ck_I-01137-00256269-00256459 you know I want this guy to go switch oL4a9a4ck_I-01138-00256459-00256567 with him and you know you can walk oL4a9a4ck_I-01139-00256567-00256726 through and so this is important if you oL4a9a4ck_I-01140-00256726-00257077 only wanted a particular piece of it or oL4a9a4ck_I-01141-00257077-00257251 not you can just say okay, I only want oL4a9a4ck_I-01142-00257251-00257442 these three images or such and just pick oL4a9a4ck_I-01143-00257442-00257689 those ones, you can start seeing the oL4a9a4ck_I-01144-00257689-00257923 changes happening live in the background oL4a9a4ck_I-01145-00257923-00258085 there so you know as I start picking them oL4a9a4ck_I-01146-00258085-00258235 it's actually affecting a live model oL4a9a4ck_I-01147-00258235-00258565 back there, in this scenario I know oL4a9a4ck_I-01148-00258565-00258717 everything matches, because my designer's oL4a9a4ck_I-01149-00258717-00258889 done a good job here to match it all, so oL4a9a4ck_I-01150-00258889-00259063 I'm just going to pick the auto import oL4a9a4ck_I-01151-00259063-00259213 method and it will match all identical oL4a9a4ck_I-01152-00259213-00259606 names and at that point my UI has been oL4a9a4ck_I-01153-00259606-00259939 updated to the new look and feel, but if you oL4a9a4ck_I-01154-00259939-00260173 look over here in the preview end in the oL4a9a4ck_I-01155-00260173-00260302 back, you can see that some of the oL4a9a4ck_I-01156-00260302-00260557 images are in the right place, so I'm going to go to the next oL4a9a4ck_I-01157-00260557-00260689 and here it's going to say well the oL4a9a4ck_I-01158-00260689-00260938 following images actually have a change oL4a9a4ck_I-01159-00260938-00261283 in size or shape so here you can see my oL4a9a4ck_I-01160-00261283-00261444 screen and then it's being clipped a little bit so oL4a9a4ck_I-01161-00261444-00261637 I'll just say select all the changes and if oL4a9a4ck_I-01162-00261637-00261790 I click back to the screen, you can sort oL4a9a4ck_I-01163-00261790-00261880 of start seeing oL4a9a4ck_I-01164-00261880-00262096 you know how things move so they're just oL4a9a4ck_I-01165-00262096-00262267 slight nudges and shifts that are oL4a9a4ck_I-01166-00262267-00262630 happening inside it there. If I then go oL4a9a4ck_I-01167-00262630-00262762 to my next stage, it's going to say you oL4a9a4ck_I-01168-00262762-00262921 also have some new icons that oL4a9a4ck_I-01169-00262921-00263095 designer has added some new pieces, do you oL4a9a4ck_I-01170-00263095-00263218 want to add them to the model and oL4a9a4ck_I-01171-00263218-00263377 they'll know where to put them, based oL4a9a4ck_I-01172-00263377-00263545 on that so I'll just say yeah I select them all, I oL4a9a4ck_I-01173-00263545-00263704 want them all but here's where you can oL4a9a4ck_I-01174-00263704-00263953 once again cherry-pick your pieces. oL4a9a4ck_I-01175-00263953-00264349 At that point, I can say finish, say oL4a9a4ck_I-01176-00264349-00264760 overwrite the existing files, yes oL4a9a4ck_I-01177-00264760-00264976 I'll delete them and reopen the editor and oL4a9a4ck_I-01178-00264976-00265186 now I have my UI change. Here I can oL4a9a4ck_I-01179-00265186-00265708 simulate it you know my little animation oL4a9a4ck_I-01180-00265708-00265915 still works all my screen transitions oL4a9a4ck_I-01181-00265915-00266107 are still in effect oL4a9a4ck_I-01182-00266107-00266224 everything's been updated with the new oL4a9a4ck_I-01183-00266224-00266557 position and even if I wanted to go and oL4a9a4ck_I-01184-00266557-00266674 say, well what does that look like in my new oL4a9a4ck_I-01185-00266674-00266836 hardware because a lot of times the oL4a9a4ck_I-01186-00266836-00267022 biggest problem isn't so much the UI or such oL4a9a4ck_I-01187-00267022-00267247 maybe the LCD makes it look washed oL4a9a4ck_I-01188-00267247-00267493 out or now I hit export to the oL4a9a4ck_I-01189-00267493-00267823 embedded target and as it exports, my screen will oL4a9a4ck_I-01190-00267823-00268123 update and I'll have my new UI oL4a9a4ck_I-01191-00268123-00268285 down below so everything's been oL4a9a4ck_I-01192-00268285-00268966 updated, I can actually start testing with my UI oL4a9a4ck_I-01193-00268966-00269293 so once agin, you're probably seeing a bit of a lag, but you'll have to oL4a9a4ck_I-01194-00269293-00269653 trust me, things look good. So you know, I oL4a9a4ck_I-01195-00269653-00269821 can see what it looks like, I can get an idea and immediate oL4a9a4ck_I-01196-00269821-00270025 feedback on my system, this really oL4a9a4ck_I-01197-00270025-00270535 supercharges your UI development, you're oL4a9a4ck_I-01198-00270535-00270793 seeing things immediately your designer oL4a9a4ck_I-01199-00270793-00270943 is controlling it so it's not an oL4a9a4ck_I-01200-00270943-00271129 engineer doing it then showing it to a oL4a9a4ck_I-01201-00271129-00271282 designer in three days what he did oL4a9a4ck_I-01202-00271282-00271507 the designer can actually see these oL4a9a4ck_I-01203-00271507-00271855 images, they can see the change, if the oL4a9a4ck_I-01204-00271855-00272005 designer wants to change a font, if they want to oL4a9a4ck_I-01205-00272005-00272104 change anything, you know oL4a9a4ck_I-01206-00272104-00272230 once again it doesn't have to be your oL4a9a4ck_I-01207-00272230-00272401 company may not have graphic resources oL4a9a4ck_I-01208-00272401-00272530 but you're bringing in content from oL4a9a4ck_I-01209-00272530-00272950 PhotoShop files or other places, you can oL4a9a4ck_I-01210-00272950-00273091 take advantage of it immediately and you oL4a9a4ck_I-01211-00273091-00273283 know and your engineer can still work in this oL4a9a4ck_I-01212-00273283-00273430 we've done a lot of work to make oL4a9a4ck_I-01213-00273430-00273679 sure both designers and engineers can work in the same oL4a9a4ck_I-01214-00273679-00274078 tool, I'll minimize that and the reason I oL4a9a4ck_I-01215-00274078-00274279 actually did a copy of that other oL4a9a4ck_I-01216-00274279-00274615 application there was I wanted to give oL4a9a4ck_I-01217-00274615-00274867 you one quick look at you know if I had oL4a9a4ck_I-01218-00274867-00275198 committed this application into my oL4a9a4ck_I-01219-00275198-00275410 source code repository in between these oL4a9a4ck_I-01220-00275410-00275663 two updates, what that would look like oL4a9a4ck_I-01221-00275663-00275840 so if I come down here and I click on oL4a9a4ck_I-01222-00275840-00276061 Home Auto import I could simply say oL4a9a4ck_I-01223-00276061-00276224 compare with each other oL4a9a4ck_I-01224-00276224-00276395 this would be the same as doing a oL4a9a4ck_I-01225-00276395-00276683 compare with a remote version over SVN oL4a9a4ck_I-01226-00276683-00276884 or Git or whatever it might be so I oL4a9a4ck_I-01227-00276884-00277043 could just simply say compare with each oL4a9a4ck_I-01228-00277043-00277343 other and this will run and give me an update oL4a9a4ck_I-01229-00277343-00277541 so it tells me there was 46 changes made to that file oL4a9a4ck_I-01230-00277541-00277721 between these two versions oL4a9a4ck_I-01231-00277721-00278003 and I can see all of those changes here oL4a9a4ck_I-01232-00278003-00278204 so I'll just expand my screen to be full oL4a9a4ck_I-01233-00278204-00278378 size so there's a lot of different oL4a9a4ck_I-01234-00278378-00278459 changes oL4a9a4ck_I-01235-00278459-00278642 but what I also want to do is give me a oL4a9a4ck_I-01236-00278642-00278828 graphical understanding of what those oL4a9a4ck_I-01237-00278828-00279170 changes are so I can see them and you oL4a9a4ck_I-01238-00279170-00279383 know once again I could take all these oL4a9a4ck_I-01239-00279383-00279586 changes or I can cherry-pick the changes oL4a9a4ck_I-01240-00279586-00279872 I want so hopefully you're seeing that oL4a9a4ck_I-01241-00279872-00280046 you know it gives you a different idea oL4a9a4ck_I-01242-00280046-00280349 of you know what we're able to do inside oL4a9a4ck_I-01243-00280349-00280556 of here and how these changes come through oL4a9a4ck_I-01244-00280556-00280724 and how they look so you can start oL4a9a4ck_I-01245-00280724-00280895 seeing you know inside this one when I oL4a9a4ck_I-01246-00280895-00281161 look at the list here I can see icons oL4a9a4ck_I-01247-00281161-00281402 were added, I could see the XY width and height oL4a9a4ck_I-01248-00281402-00281576 of the climate button were changed, same with the oL4a9a4ck_I-01249-00281576-00281690 security button oL4a9a4ck_I-01250-00281690-00281843 and I could have actually a much better oL4a9a4ck_I-01251-00281843-00282038 understanding of what has happened oL4a9a4ck_I-01252-00282038-00282233 inside of there, you know if I click on oL4a9a4ck_I-01253-00282233-00282431 these icons you can see they're on one side oL4a9a4ck_I-01254-00282431-00282695 and not on the other, so anyways this oL4a9a4ck_I-01255-00282695-00283148 enables designers, engineers or oL4a9a4ck_I-01256-00283148-00283379 anybody to actually have a much cleaner oL4a9a4ck_I-01257-00283379-00283631 and stronger understanding of what the oL4a9a4ck_I-01258-00283631-00284168 system is doing, and how it's coming together. So let me oL4a9a4ck_I-01259-00284168-00284663 close that, think that's all I wanted to oL4a9a4ck_I-01260-00284663-00284813 show here today, I think I've probably oL4a9a4ck_I-01261-00284813-00285227 shown you a lot. I will jump back here oL4a9a4ck_I-01262-00285227-00286169 into my PowerPoint. You know so there's oL4a9a4ck_I-01263-00286169-00286349 a lot of richness inside of Storyboard, the oL4a9a4ck_I-01264-00286349-00286538 main part is you know it's built at a oL4a9a4ck_I-01265-00286538-00286667 level and I think many of you can oL4a9a4ck_I-01266-00286667-00286835 appreciate this, what I was doing were oL4a9a4ck_I-01267-00286835-00287156 not complex tasks, but these things inside oL4a9a4ck_I-01268-00287156-00287324 of coding and other pieces could take oL4a9a4ck_I-01269-00287324-00287783 a long time to perform, we have made it so that oL4a9a4ck_I-01270-00287783-00288089 so that you know either a designer or an oL4a9a4ck_I-01271-00288089-00288263 engineer can sit there and it really comes oL4a9a4ck_I-01272-00288263-00288416 together when both actually sit on the same oL4a9a4ck_I-01273-00288416-00288527 tool and they can actually oL4a9a4ck_I-01274-00288527-00288737 collaborate and speak 1:1 on what they oL4a9a4ck_I-01275-00288737-00288896 mean when they're talking about changes oL4a9a4ck_I-01276-00288896-00289190 or perform them themselves. oL4a9a4ck_I-01277-00289190-00289436 There's a lot of information we have, oL4a9a4ck_I-01278-00289436-00289595 if you want to learn more about what we do oL4a9a4ck_I-01279-00289595-00289817 you want to see the demo that I'm showing oL4a9a4ck_I-01280-00289817-00290030 you here live on real hardware you can oL4a9a4ck_I-01281-00290030-00290231 go to Toradex's website ( and you know oL4a9a4ck_I-01282-00290231-00290609 I'm sure you can usually find it. We have oL4a9a4ck_I-01283-00290609-00290981 the iMX7 demo image posted on our oL4a9a4ck_I-01284-00290981-00291407 website but we will be hopefully oL4a9a4ck_I-01285-00291407-00291716 posting more soon with the iMX6 and other parts oL4a9a4ck_I-01286-00291716-00292046 that Toradex supports. Crank Software does oL4a9a4ck_I-01287-00292046-00292382 have a full 30 day evaluation so not oL4a9a4ck_I-01288-00292382-00292640 quite a full version of what I showed oL4a9a4ck_I-01289-00292640-00292898 you today except 421 or actually this oL4a9a4ck_I-01290-00292898-00293045 version right now is what you would see oL4a9a4ck_I-01291-00293045-00293162 if you downloaded but it would be a oL4a9a4ck_I-01292-00293162-00293291 full-feature and you'll be able to do oL4a9a4ck_I-01293-00293291-00293510 everything I showed here today from oL4a9a4ck_I-01294-00293510-00293675 there. oL4a9a4ck_I-01295-00293675-00294116 That's available and when 5.0 is oL4a9a4ck_I-01296-00294116-00294404 released late February-early March it will be oL4a9a4ck_I-01297-00294404-00294557 the exact same thing and you'll get exactly oL4a9a4ck_I-01298-00294557-00294890 what you saw here today. On demo images oL4a9a4ck_I-01299-00294890-00295040 as I said there are demo images on our oL4a9a4ck_I-01300-00295040-00295310 website (, feel free to check them out and oL4a9a4ck_I-01301-00295310-00295586 download those too and we do push a lot oL4a9a4ck_I-01302-00295586-00295793 of our content to YouTube so you know if oL4a9a4ck_I-01303-00295793-00295949 you want to see more about how we do oL4a9a4ck_I-01304-00295949-00296135 other parts of the systems whether it's oL4a9a4ck_I-01305-00296135-00296462 translations you know deeper stuff on oL4a9a4ck_I-01306-00296462-00296732 animations, PhotoShop import running on oL4a9a4ck_I-01307-00296732-00296963 different hardware different RTOSs too, oL4a9a4ck_I-01308-00296963-00297173 that's a big, another important part of oL4a9a4ck_I-01309-00297173-00297557 the piece here, you know definitely check oL4a9a4ck_I-01310-00297557-00297632 that out. oL4a9a4ck_I-01311-00297632-00297965 So once again thank you to Toradex oL4a9a4ck_I-01312-00297965-00298223 for setting this up and giving us mindshare oL4a9a4ck_I-01313-00298223-00298361 with your customer base and oL4a9a4ck_I-01314-00298361-00298529 allowing us to show what we are oL4a9a4ck_I-01315-00298529-00298769 capable of, and what we can do on top of oL4a9a4ck_I-01316-00298769-00298925 your hardware. oL4a9a4ck_I-01317-00298925-00299387 Okay, thanks Jason. This is Brandon again oL4a9a4ck_I-01318-00299387-00299594 from Toradex and I want to thank you oL4a9a4ck_I-01319-00299594-00299807 again for giving the webinar oL4a9a4ck_I-01320-00299807-00299987 presentation today and we're going to oL4a9a4ck_I-01321-00299987-00300320 have a Q&A session now, so use the oL4a9a4ck_I-01322-00300320-00300737 question panel inside of GoToWebinar to oL4a9a4ck_I-01323-00300737-00301073 ask any questions you have. I'll take care oL4a9a4ck_I-01324-00301073-00301490 of reading the questions aloud and we'll oL4a9a4ck_I-01325-00301490-00301823 let Jason answer all your questions. oL4a9a4ck_I-01326-00301823-00302027 So while you do that again, I just want oL4a9a4ck_I-01327-00302027-00302348 to reiterate that you know we saw oL4a9a4ck_I-01328-00302348-00302567 a nice demo/presentation of the oL4a9a4ck_I-01329-00302567-00302984 capabilities, and over the webcam you saw oL4a9a4ck_I-01330-00302984-00303257 that there was most likely didn't come oL4a9a4ck_I-01331-00303257-00303569 through with a high degree of oL4a9a4ck_I-01332-00303569-00303848 frame rate infidelity, so again I want to oL4a9a4ck_I-01333-00303848-00304135 just reiterate check out the Crank oL4a9a4ck_I-01334-00304135-00304400 Software YouTube channel to see some of oL4a9a4ck_I-01335-00304400-00304775 that stuff at you know very high quality oL4a9a4ck_I-01336-00304775-00305000 video of what the tools are capable oL4a9a4ck_I-01337-00305000-00305345 of and the animations and such live oL4a9a4ck_I-01338-00305345-00305798 and also check out, you can oL4a9a4ck_I-01339-00305798-00305951 actually check out that demo oL4a9a4ck_I-01340-00305951-00306284 image for the Toradex Colibri i.MX7 to oL4a9a4ck_I-01341-00306284-00306425 see it for yourself. oL4a9a4ck_I-01342-00306425-00306758 So I think that's a great option to oL4a9a4ck_I-01343-00306758-00306920 see what the software is oL4a9a4ck_I-01344-00306920-00307280 capable of and so we'll start answering oL4a9a4ck_I-01345-00307280-00307472 questions here oL4a9a4ck_I-01346-00307472-00307808 the first question we have: is the oL4a9a4ck_I-01347-00307808-00308126 software for Mac only or do you also oL4a9a4ck_I-01348-00308126-00308447 have Windows or other operating system oL4a9a4ck_I-01349-00308447-00308560 versions available? oL4a9a4ck_I-01350-00308560-00308765 Yeah, so when you go to download oL4a9a4ck_I-01351-00308765-00308972 Storyboard from our website, for your oL4a9a4ck_I-01352-00308972-00309242 30-day eval, you know when you fill oL4a9a4ck_I-01353-00309242-00309377 in our spreadsheet you immediately get oL4a9a4ck_I-01354-00309377-00309515 emailed with the download link and the oL4a9a4ck_I-01355-00309515-00309656 license key, so there's no questions asked oL4a9a4ck_I-01356-00309656-00309902 and upon getting there, there will be oL4a9a4ck_I-01357-00309902-00310115 three options so you can develop under oL4a9a4ck_I-01358-00310115-00310442 Mac, Windows, or Linux, so whatever your oL4a9a4ck_I-01359-00310442-00310763 preference is. You know, probably Windows is oL4a9a4ck_I-01360-00310763-00310936 the highest number of our customers, a oL4a9a4ck_I-01361-00310936-00311161 lot of us here use Mac to align with the oL4a9a4ck_I-01362-00311161-00311435 designers, also it's easier to run oL4a9a4ck_I-01363-00311435-00311729 Windows and a VM on Mac for testing than oL4a9a4ck_I-01364-00311729-00311924 it is to run a VM under Windows oL4a9a4ck_I-01365-00311924-00312188 so that's why we do most of our oL4a9a4ck_I-01366-00312188-00312479 work inside of Mac, it's just because I oL4a9a4ck_I-01367-00312479-00312668 can run all the different RTOSs or oL4a9a4ck_I-01368-00312668-00312998 operating systems from here, also I oL4a9a4ck_I-01369-00312998-00313325 didn't mention to the, along the same oL4a9a4ck_I-01370-00313325-00313636 vein is the different operating systems oL4a9a4ck_I-01371-00313636-00313883 that we can run on at the bottom-end too oL4a9a4ck_I-01372-00313883-00314258 I'm showing you here today on a Linux oL4a9a4ck_I-01373-00314258-00314525 system but that could have easily been a you oL4a9a4ck_I-01374-00314525-00314825 know, QNX, Free RTOS, Greenhills oL4a9a4ck_I-01375-00314825-00315164 Integrity, we have a whole host of oL4a9a4ck_I-01376-00315164-00315443 things ThreadX, etc. different oL4a9a4ck_I-01377-00315443-00315692 operating systems that we support so we oL4a9a4ck_I-01378-00315692-00315935 have an extreme nice alignment with oL4a9a4ck_I-01379-00315935-00316394 Toradex's list of partners and such oL4a9a4ck_I-01380-00316394-00316787 on the the operating system too. Oh, I also forgot to oL4a9a4ck_I-01381-00316787-00317012 mention Android there too which is oL4a9a4ck_I-01382-00317012-00317141 a unique thing, I probably should have oL4a9a4ck_I-01383-00317141-00317297 mentioned during the presentation when I oL4a9a4ck_I-01384-00317297-00317582 was exporting, I exported down oL4a9a4ck_I-01385-00317582-00317690 to an embedded system but we could have as oL4a9a4ck_I-01386-00317690-00317900 easily just exported for a single oL4a9a4ck_I-01387-00317900-00318080 Windows executable to pass to your boss to oL4a9a4ck_I-01388-00318080-00318305 look, an iOS application or an oL4a9a4ck_I-01389-00318305-00318638 Android application, and that's a oL4a9a4ck_I-01390-00318638-00318803 very powerful tool because especially oL4a9a4ck_I-01391-00318803-00319004 when you want to get mindshare with UI oL4a9a4ck_I-01392-00319004-00319280 changes in user interface flow how you oL4a9a4ck_I-01393-00319280-00319466 know to be able to put it on a you know oL4a9a4ck_I-01394-00319466-00319637 tablet and walk into a meeting and oL4a9a4ck_I-01395-00319637-00319847 discuss the UI, especially before the oL4a9a4ck_I-01396-00319847-00320060 before hardware is even available, it's very oL4a9a4ck_I-01397-00320060-00320132 powerful. oL4a9a4ck_I-01398-00320132-00320483 Okay, great. And there's also a question oL4a9a4ck_I-01399-00320483-00320819 about the RTOSs available, that oL4a9a4ck_I-01400-00320819-00321008 Toradex supports, and so you did just oL4a9a4ck_I-01401-00321008-00321221 answer that at the same time which is oL4a9a4ck_I-01402-00321221-00321608 that, from a Toradex oL4a9a4ck_I-01403-00321608-00321794 perspective here that we have some oL4a9a4ck_I-01404-00321794-00322163 partners who do provide RTOS support on oL4a9a4ck_I-01405-00322163-00322400 Toradex modules and so as you heard oL4a9a4ck_I-01406-00322400-00322625 Jason mention that would be like QNX, oL4a9a4ck_I-01407-00322625-00322880 Greenhills Integrity oL4a9a4ck_I-01408-00322880-00323249 we also support FreeRTOS, for oL4a9a4ck_I-01409-00323249-00323474 example on the Colibri iMX7 which has oL4a9a4ck_I-01410-00323474-00323726 the Cortex M4, although I can't say oL4a9a4ck_I-01411-00323726-00324074 for sure that Crank would run on the oL4a9a4ck_I-01412-00324074-00324395 M4 but and those are configurations that oL4a9a4ck_I-01413-00324395-00324674 we haven't tested specifically on our oL4a9a4ck_I-01414-00324674-00324944 module just yet but I think that's oL4a9a4ck_I-01415-00324944-00325124 something that's definitely possible, it oL4a9a4ck_I-01416-00325124-00325256 should be possible based on the oL4a9a4ck_I-01417-00325256-00325469 capabilities of Crank and what's oL4a9a4ck_I-01418-00325469-00325697 available on Toradex modules. Yeah, so yeah oL4a9a4ck_I-01419-00325697-00325916 just to follow up on that on the oL4a9a4ck_I-01420-00325916-00326333 Freescale parts the M4 on their A class oL4a9a4ck_I-01421-00326333-00326570 chips is not connected to this play so oL4a9a4ck_I-01422-00326570-00326882 that's more for back-end computing stuff oL4a9a4ck_I-01423-00326882-00327179 but we also do get customers who do want oL4a9a4ck_I-01424-00327179-00327524 to run FreeRTOS or RTOSs of a similar nature oL4a9a4ck_I-01425-00327524-00327998 on top of like the oL4a9a4ck_I-01426-00327998-00328295 iMX7 or the iMX6 ultralight too, oL4a9a4ck_I-01427-00328295-00328421 we see customers coming from that oL4a9a4ck_I-01428-00328421-00328476 pedigree oL4a9a4ck_I-01429-00328476-00328653 and they like to move up to the higher class oL4a9a4ck_I-01430-00328653-00328962 MP use but still run the smaller RTOSs and oL4a9a4ck_I-01431-00328962-00329421 yes we can support that. And so the oL4a9a4ck_I-01432-00329421-00329754 next question is about licensing we want oL4a9a4ck_I-01433-00329754-00330126 to know you know how you I guess if you oL4a9a4ck_I-01434-00330126-00330360 can discuss a little bit how you set oL4a9a4ck_I-01435-00330360-00330612 price for licensing and also for oL4a9a4ck_I-01436-00330612-00330927 different markets for example I mean Toradex oL4a9a4ck_I-01437-00330927-00331149 operates across the world in different oL4a9a4ck_I-01438-00331149-00331587 countries so you know I guess if you can oL4a9a4ck_I-01439-00331587-00331698 give a little description of how you oL4a9a4ck_I-01440-00331698-00332220 would provide a quote on licence pricing oL4a9a4ck_I-01441-00332220-00332715 for Crank. Yeah, so we we sell oL4a9a4ck_I-01442-00332715-00332865 our software there's, well, there's a couple oL4a9a4ck_I-01443-00332865-00333213 of things - we sell development suites which is the oL4a9a4ck_I-01444-00333213-00333375 main part that's what you're looking at oL4a9a4ck_I-01445-00333375-00333531 all the tools oL4a9a4ck_I-01446-00333531-00333684 needed to develop the UI from the oL4a9a4ck_I-01447-00333684-00333966 embedded system, the development seats are oL4a9a4ck_I-01448-00333966-00334284 sold with you know a fixed price with a oL4a9a4ck_I-01449-00334284-00334659 support fee on top of that, the oL4a9a4ck_I-01450-00334659-00334965 fees are flat across the world so oL4a9a4ck_I-01451-00334965-00335226 we're not know upping or downing anywhere oL4a9a4ck_I-01452-00335226-00335400 we do have distributors in different oL4a9a4ck_I-01453-00335400-00335598 areas of the world that sells that sell oL4a9a4ck_I-01454-00335598-00336123 them, right now our costing is about 6,000 oL4a9a4ck_I-01455-00336123-00336372 plus support maintenance, but you know we oL4a9a4ck_I-01456-00336372-00336498 are about to come up with a major release oL4a9a4ck_I-01457-00336498-00336669 so there might be a small tweak in pricing oL4a9a4ck_I-01458-00336669-00336906 there, but you know just to give you a oL4a9a4ck_I-01459-00336906-00337155 ballpark idea the second half is the oL4a9a4ck_I-01460-00337155-00337371 runtime licensing and that is something oL4a9a4ck_I-01461-00337371-00337578 that is more of a conversation you have oL4a9a4ck_I-01462-00337578-00337884 with end-customers on units and such you oL4a9a4ck_I-01463-00337884-00338160 know we do offer the ability to do buyout oL4a9a4ck_I-01464-00338160-00338424 scenarios, we do scale with volume oL4a9a4ck_I-01465-00338424-00338601 and you know it really gets into the oL4a9a4ck_I-01466-00338601-00338766 scenario of what are you doing, how many oL4a9a4ck_I-01467-00338766-00339012 shipping and our volumes scale very oL4a9a4ck_I-01468-00339012-00339348 quickly and easily and you know many people oL4a9a4ck_I-01469-00339348-00339801 I always find are, their initial idea to oL4a9a4ck_I-01470-00339801-00340002 runtime licensing is always a little oL4a9a4ck_I-01471-00340002-00340362 nervous I guess the best way to say it oL4a9a4ck_I-01472-00340362-00340656 but once they find out our pricing, they oL4a9a4ck_I-01473-00340656-00340869 usually find it quite fair and reasonable oL4a9a4ck_I-01474-00340869-00341100 it's just a way to make sure that you oL4a9a4ck_I-01475-00341100-00341274 know we can offer a pricing that works oL4a9a4ck_I-01476-00341274-00341485 for somebody making a thousand units oL4a9a4ck_I-01477-00341485-00341635 plus we can work for somebody doing a oL4a9a4ck_I-01478-00341635-00341953 million units, that's oL4a9a4ck_I-01479-00341953-00342166 basically how we do it but you know it usually oL4a9a4ck_I-01480-00342166-00342325 gets into a further conversation to have oL4a9a4ck_I-01481-00342325-00342598 in and to provide any sort of context oL4a9a4ck_I-01482-00342598-00342871 inside of there, so feel free to drop us oL4a9a4ck_I-01483-00342871-00342946 an email. oL4a9a4ck_I-01484-00342946-00343222 Okay, great. And there's a question, it oL4a9a4ck_I-01485-00343222-00343354 seems this customer has some oL4a9a4ck_I-01486-00343354-00343633 experience with Crank. With regards to oL4a9a4ck_I-01487-00343633-00343975 the icon size and Crank 5.0 for high DPI oL4a9a4ck_I-01488-00343975-00344230 screen such as the Macbook Pro as it oL4a9a4ck_I-01489-00344230-00344479 compares the 4.2.1 oL4a9a4ck_I-01490-00344479-00344752 version where the icons are very small oL4a9a4ck_I-01491-00344752-00344935 currently, I don't know if you can oL4a9a4ck_I-01492-00344935-00345442 comment on that? I can't, but wherever oL4a9a4ck_I-01493-00345442-00345691 that customer is please feel free to email oL4a9a4ck_I-01494-00345691-00345886 our support group and I would get oL4a9a4ck_I-01495-00345886-00346093 somebody qualified to comment on that oL4a9a4ck_I-01496-00346093-00346378 comment. We did do an icon oL4a9a4ck_I-01497-00346378-00346660 refresh on different things in our latest oL4a9a4ck_I-01498-00346660-00347083 version so I think I know what they're oL4a9a4ck_I-01499-00347083-00347461 talking about but ideally it's solved oL4a9a4ck_I-01500-00347461-00347692 what they're talking about, I oL4a9a4ck_I-01501-00347692-00347857 think it's just our launcher icon when you oL4a9a4ck_I-01502-00347857-00348112 start up our system was undersized which oL4a9a4ck_I-01503-00348112-00348334 gets into a weird Mac settings thing oL4a9a4ck_I-01504-00348334-00348529 so it wasn't, I don't think it was inside oL4a9a4ck_I-01505-00348529-00348676 the product but we did have a complete oL4a9a4ck_I-01506-00348676-00348949 icon refresh even inside the tool if oL4a9a4ck_I-01507-00348949-00349168 you'd seen our old icons before, now they're a oL4a9a4ck_I-01508-00349168-00349339 little crisper, a little cleaner and we did oL4a9a4ck_I-01509-00349339-00349552 a whole bunch of work inside of there oL4a9a4ck_I-01510-00349552-00350137 for our new release. Okay, and so we oL4a9a4ck_I-01511-00350137-00350356 saw that Crank can import PhotoShop oL4a9a4ck_I-01512-00350356-00350677 formats and there's a customer who works oL4a9a4ck_I-01513-00350677-00350980 with GSM apps and is curious if it works with oL4a9a4ck_I-01514-00350980-00351250 other formats and specifically with KML, oL4a9a4ck_I-01515-00351250-00351721 KMZ type file formats... oL4a9a4ck_I-01516-00351721-00352174 No, well KMZ and stuff I believe oL4a9a4ck_I-01517-00352174-00352435 is more about positional data and oL4a9a4ck_I-01518-00352435-00352636 putting map stuff so we have worked with oL4a9a4ck_I-01519-00352636-00353044 that for different customers to plot oL4a9a4ck_I-01520-00353044-00353197 out things but there was a oL4a9a4ck_I-01521-00353197-00353395 little bit more mapping unique solutions oL4a9a4ck_I-01522-00353395-00353668 for that you know even in auto you get oL4a9a4ck_I-01523-00353668-00353860 the same sort of things we don't draw oL4a9a4ck_I-01524-00353860-00354076 like the maps themselves in like when oL4a9a4ck_I-01525-00354076-00354343 you use an automotive solution oL4a9a4ck_I-01526-00354343-00354517 with a oL4a9a4ck_I-01527-00354517-00354718 3D maps driving you through your oL4a9a4ck_I-01528-00354718-00354882 city that would be another provider oL4a9a4ck_I-01529-00354882-00355039 drawing those and then we'd draw the oL4a9a4ck_I-01530-00355039-00355471 framing and all the menus and such, oL4a9a4ck_I-01531-00355471-00355608 once again I'd probably have to have a oL4a9a4ck_I-01532-00355608-00355782 deeper conversation with the customer now oL4a9a4ck_I-01533-00355782-00356020 but the KML and KMZ files I believe I believe are oL4a9a4ck_I-01534-00356020-00356173 usually about positional data which then oL4a9a4ck_I-01535-00356173-00356323 gets down to the map and how you draw them oL4a9a4ck_I-01536-00356323-00356497 onto there so there's deeper oL4a9a4ck_I-01537-00356497-00356679 questions on there. As far as other oL4a9a4ck_I-01538-00356679-00356854 formats that we do support, I mentioned oL4a9a4ck_I-01539-00356854-00357172 we do bring in OBJ and FBX files for oL4a9a4ck_I-01540-00357172-00357439 3D content so today we're using the oL4a9a4ck_I-01541-00357439-00357745 2D board, but if we were using the iMX6 board, we oL4a9a4ck_I-01542-00357745-00357913 can bring in 3D content that we have some oL4a9a4ck_I-01543-00357913-00358096 very rich demos on that showing the oL4a9a4ck_I-01544-00358096-00358305 integration of 2D and 3D content oL4a9a4ck_I-01545-00358305-00358522 what's really cool that our FBX oL4a9a4ck_I-01546-00358522-00358714 solution is not only do we bring in the oL4a9a4ck_I-01547-00358714-00358975 FBX model to give you the 3D model oL4a9a4ck_I-01548-00358975-00359205 on your system and you can imagine that oL4a9a4ck_I-01549-00359205-00359355 inside an auto demo where the doors oL4a9a4ck_I-01550-00359355-00359754 open or we have like some White goods or oL4a9a4ck_I-01551-00359754-00359982 consumer products where you know they oL4a9a4ck_I-01552-00359982-00360159 might want to do a blow apart of the oL4a9a4ck_I-01553-00360159-00360400 product and show you a 3D version of it oL4a9a4ck_I-01554-00360400-00360660 to look at it we also will bring oL4a9a4ck_I-01555-00360660-00360838 in the animations directly from the FBX oL4a9a4ck_I-01556-00360838-00361003 file so you know when the designers are oL4a9a4ck_I-01557-00361003-00361185 making it making all the animations to oL4a9a4ck_I-01558-00361185-00361375 turn and rotate and open different oL4a9a4ck_I-01559-00361375-00361603 things or move meshes apart, where you oL4a9a4ck_I-01560-00361603-00361819 think about a 3D robot arm, we can actually oL4a9a4ck_I-01561-00361819-00361993 input all those animations too and put them directly oL4a9a4ck_I-01562-00361993-00362149 directly on to our animation timeline for oL4a9a4ck_I-01563-00362149-00362527 controls, so it's a very unique and strong oL4a9a4ck_I-01564-00362527-00362668 powerful solution. oL4a9a4ck_I-01565-00362668-00363169 Okay, and do you support illustrator or oL4a9a4ck_I-01566-00363169-00363688 vector graphic formats? No, we have oL4a9a4ck_I-01567-00363688-00363970 documents running on moving from oL4a9a4ck_I-01568-00363970-00364161 illustrator to PhotoShop and best oL4a9a4ck_I-01569-00364161-00364339 practices and such, as of oL4a9a4ck_I-01570-00364339-00364629 of today we don't, especially oL4a9a4ck_I-01571-00364629-00364843 on embedded boards vector formats aren't oL4a9a4ck_I-01572-00364843-00365089 usually the strongest solution usually oL4a9a4ck_I-01573-00365089-00365377 you wanna go to a rasterized solution oL4a9a4ck_I-01574-00365377-00365704 some of our designers internally so we oL4a9a4ck_I-01575-00365704-00365875 do have graphical services available through oL4a9a4ck_I-01576-00365875-00366043 our company and so we have a lot of oL4a9a4ck_I-01577-00366043-00366241 graphic designers on staff oL4a9a4ck_I-01578-00366241-00366478 they use illustrator and illustrator's oL4a9a4ck_I-01579-00366478-00366625 very powerful and you're starting to do oL4a9a4ck_I-01580-00366625-00366838 mock-ups of your UI and everything but oL4a9a4ck_I-01581-00366838-00367051 as I said earlier in the presentation, once they oL4a9a4ck_I-01582-00367051-00367356 go pixel-perfect they start moving into oL4a9a4ck_I-01583-00367356-00367671 PhotoShop at that point to sort of oL4a9a4ck_I-01584-00367671-00367863 rasterize it and get exactly how every oL4a9a4ck_I-01585-00367863-00368127 pixel sits and then have a better idea of the oL4a9a4ck_I-01586-00368127-00368481 framing, if somebody wanted to talk deeper oL4a9a4ck_I-01587-00368481-00368724 on that we have some docs written and we oL4a9a4ck_I-01588-00368724-00368958 have no problem setting you directly oL4a9a4ck_I-01589-00368958-00369120 up with some of our designers and how oL4a9a4ck_I-01590-00369120-00369306 they use like things like smart objects oL4a9a4ck_I-01591-00369306-00369519 inside of Illustrator to move their oL4a9a4ck_I-01592-00369519-00369843 concepts directly into Photoshop. Okay, oL4a9a4ck_I-01593-00369843-00370128 makes sense and also another question oL4a9a4ck_I-01594-00370128-00370347 regarding the PhotoShop importation oL4a9a4ck_I-01595-00370347-00370734 would you have to flatten the oL4a9a4ck_I-01596-00370734-00371085 effects layer or the blending layer for import? oL4a9a4ck_I-01597-00371085-00371517 Yes, but there's ways around oL4a9a4ck_I-01598-00371517-00371814 that, so that is something that we do oL4a9a4ck_I-01599-00371814-00371934 so if you probably saw my PhotoShop oL4a9a4ck_I-01600-00371934-00372096 files there, there wasn't a lot of oL4a9a4ck_I-01601-00372096-00372381 layer effects, and the reason is we don't want oL4a9a4ck_I-01602-00372381-00372669 to do our interpretation of duplicating oL4a9a4ck_I-01603-00372669-00372858 what you think is PhotoShop so if PhotoShop oL4a9a4ck_I-01604-00372858-00373101 gives you a drop shadow one way you oL4a9a4ck_I-01605-00373101-00373251 know it's better just to rasterize it oL4a9a4ck_I-01606-00373251-00373446 and get the exact drop shadow that oL4a9a4ck_I-01607-00373446-00373656 you're looking for a rather than our own oL4a9a4ck_I-01608-00373656-00374124 interpretation of that drop shadow, but oL4a9a4ck_I-01609-00374124-00374286 there are ways to maintain the layer oL4a9a4ck_I-01610-00374286-00374457 effects because flattening your system oL4a9a4ck_I-01611-00374457-00374751 so for those of you who aren't familiar with it oL4a9a4ck_I-01612-00374751-00374925 to flatten it causes you to sort of lose a oL4a9a4ck_I-01613-00374925-00375105 lot of detail and especially going back oL4a9a4ck_I-01614-00375105-00375219 to edit it later oL4a9a4ck_I-01615-00375219-00375495 so what some users do is they save oL4a9a4ck_I-01616-00375495-00375708 a file with all layer facts and they have a oL4a9a4ck_I-01617-00375708-00375984 second file but the other option is and oL4a9a4ck_I-01618-00375984-00376182 you can talk about that from with one of oL4a9a4ck_I-01619-00376182-00376416 our designers is by storing those layer oL4a9a4ck_I-01620-00376416-00376602 effects inside of a smart object inside oL4a9a4ck_I-01621-00376602-00376899 of the PhotoShop you can actually retain oL4a9a4ck_I-01622-00376899-00377217 the layer effects but when you import oL4a9a4ck_I-01623-00377217-00377379 into Storyboard, we'll will get the exact look oL4a9a4ck_I-01624-00377379-00377811 that we're expecting. Okay, great, and there's oL4a9a4ck_I-01625-00377811-00378036 there's a question, how easy it is to create oL4a9a4ck_I-01626-00378036-00378183 custom widgets? oL4a9a4ck_I-01627-00378183-00378654 Yeah, it's very easy, I didn't really oL4a9a4ck_I-01628-00378654-00378945 show it in here, we've actually in our 5.0, oL4a9a4ck_I-01629-00378945-00379146 we've done a big revamp inside of oL4a9a4ck_I-01630-00379146-00379284 there, where our new version will be oL4a9a4ck_I-01631-00379284-00379473 coming out with a whole bunch of custom widget oL4a9a4ck_I-01632-00379473-00379635 so we have an idea oL4a9a4ck_I-01633-00379635-00379867 and we used to call them, we've changed the oL4a9a4ck_I-01634-00379867-00380023 name but now they're called components oL4a9a4ck_I-01635-00380023-00380298 and what it is, is once a designer ... so if oL4a9a4ck_I-01636-00380298-00380448 you took for instance that button that I oL4a9a4ck_I-01637-00380448-00380695 made with the glow you can actually save oL4a9a4ck_I-01638-00380695-00380880 that as a component and it will save it oL4a9a4ck_I-01639-00380880-00381159 into a sort of self compressed, I mean a oL4a9a4ck_I-01640-00381159-00381378 compressed file format that's standalone and oL4a9a4ck_I-01641-00381378-00381541 you can actually pass in a new design oL4a9a4ck_I-01642-00381541-00381759 and the animations are carried with it, oL4a9a4ck_I-01643-00381759-00381951 if there're scripting parts that you've put on it's oL4a9a4ck_I-01644-00381951-00382206 carried with it and all of the assets oL4a9a4ck_I-01645-00382206-00382326 are carried with it so you can actually oL4a9a4ck_I-01646-00382326-00382602 drag and drop it which is oL4a9a4ck_I-01647-00382602-00382738 really awesome because if you're gonna oL4a9a4ck_I-01648-00382738-00382935 you know, if you're doing very large oL4a9a4ck_I-01649-00382935-00383130 applications, or you have multiple applications oL4a9a4ck_I-01650-00383130-00383344 and you want a unique feel and you know maybe oL4a9a4ck_I-01651-00383344-00383586 my company this is what our oL4a9a4ck_I-01652-00383586-00383713 buttons look like, this is what our oL4a9a4ck_I-01653-00383713-00383893 dialogues look like, you can oL4a9a4ck_I-01654-00383893-00384054 actually make those all components oL4a9a4ck_I-01655-00384054-00384255 inside of Storyboard so when somebody oL4a9a4ck_I-01656-00384255-00384486 goes to make a new UI they can just oL4a9a4ck_I-01657-00384486-00384697 drag-and-drop them from here and oL4a9a4ck_I-01658-00384697-00384865 the behavior will already be tied to it oL4a9a4ck_I-01659-00384865-00384999 and it'll have the exact look and feel they're oL4a9a4ck_I-01660-00384999-00385332 expecting. Okay, and there's a question if oL4a9a4ck_I-01661-00385332-00385495 the calendar that you're showing, if oL4a9a4ck_I-01662-00385495-00385723 that's a rich widget, that would oL4a9a4ck_I-01663-00385723-00385980 automatically layout each month and such? oL4a9a4ck_I-01664-00385980-00386406 That one wasn't, no, that was a once oL4a9a4ck_I-01665-00386406-00386542 again we're not widgets so we start a oL4a9a4ck_I-01666-00386542-00386641 little bit different, so you know if oL4a9a4ck_I-01667-00386641-00386791 you're used to Qt, just to give oL4a9a4ck_I-01668-00386791-00386949 you an idea, Qt has the idea of oL4a9a4ck_I-01669-00386949-00387088 widgets, you know they're a oL4a9a4ck_I-01670-00387088-00387255 code based thing, so you drag out a widget oL4a9a4ck_I-01671-00387255-00387399 and then you customize the widget to look like oL4a9a4ck_I-01672-00387399-00387606 what you want, but the widget has a look, oL4a9a4ck_I-01673-00387606-00387831 if you want to see like the big oL4a9a4ck_I-01674-00387831-00388035 difference between Storyboard is it's oL4a9a4ck_I-01675-00388035-00388353 very subtle but we start with design we oL4a9a4ck_I-01676-00388353-00388584 say here is your look let's add behavior, oL4a9a4ck_I-01677-00388584-00388776 where they say here's your behavior try oL4a9a4ck_I-01678-00388776-00389106 and add your look, it's a subtle twist oL4a9a4ck_I-01679-00389106-00389334 in logic, but we find adding the oL4a9a4ck_I-01680-00389334-00389577 behavior is usually a lot faster because oL4a9a4ck_I-01681-00389577-00389760 they have all these custom widgets but oL4a9a4ck_I-01682-00389760-00389896 you end up carrying them around and you oL4a9a4ck_I-01683-00389896-00390163 may use three of them the UIs today are oL4a9a4ck_I-01684-00390163-00390316 so unique and everybody's product is oL4a9a4ck_I-01685-00390316-00390555 trying so hard to be unique that common oL4a9a4ck_I-01686-00390555-00390774 widgets usually aren't used because oL4a9a4ck_I-01687-00390774-00390927 whatever your designer gave you doesn't oL4a9a4ck_I-01688-00390927-00391161 look like it and you spend a lot of time oL4a9a4ck_I-01689-00391161-00391377 and resources trying to make this widget oL4a9a4ck_I-01690-00391377-00391653 look like what your designer did and oL4a9a4ck_I-01691-00391653-00391822 this is where a lot of compromise comes oL4a9a4ck_I-01692-00391822-00392058 in because sooner or later you'll just say well oL4a9a4ck_I-01693-00392058-00392197 what this which it does is close enough oL4a9a4ck_I-01694-00392197-00392347 so this is what we'll do because that's oL4a9a4ck_I-01695-00392347-00392647 easier, we do it a little bit differently oL4a9a4ck_I-01696-00392647-00392781 but once again the components that I was oL4a9a4ck_I-01697-00392781-00392953 talking about we don't have a calendar oL4a9a4ck_I-01698-00392953-00393139 but we have one for keyboards and oL4a9a4ck_I-01699-00393139-00393331 such like that and you know it could oL4a9a4ck_I-01700-00393331-00393550 easily be switched to a calendar layout one oL4a9a4ck_I-01701-00393550-00393802 too, it's the same idea. oL4a9a4ck_I-01702-00393802-00394342 Okay, you mentioned Qt and there's oL4a9a4ck_I-01703-00394342-00394501 also a question if it's possible to oL4a9a4ck_I-01704-00394501-00394948 integrate the GUI created with Crank oL4a9a4ck_I-01705-00394948-00395296 with a Qt application? Yeah, and we have oL4a9a4ck_I-01706-00395296-00395635 users doing that today, we have oL4a9a4ck_I-01707-00395635-00395800 shown a blog in the past how we could oL4a9a4ck_I-01708-00395800-00395968 actually run inside of Qt oL4a9a4ck_I-01709-00395968-00396187 we have users who use Qt for the OS oL4a9a4ck_I-01710-00396187-00396427 layer to give them traction oL4a9a4ck_I-01711-00396427-00396715 because Qt is not oL4a9a4ck_I-01712-00396715-00396931 just a UI tool, it is also an OS oL4a9a4ck_I-01713-00396931-00397216 abstraction tool, so we do have customers oL4a9a4ck_I-01714-00397216-00397408 today who they're sort of business logic oL4a9a4ck_I-01715-00397408-00397654 is done in Qt but then they message back and oL4a9a4ck_I-01716-00397654-00397987 forth to us, we also have customers who oL4a9a4ck_I-01717-00397987-00398416 for, usually performance reasons or oL4a9a4ck_I-01718-00398416-00398629 development reasons, have switched to oL4a9a4ck_I-01719-00398629-00398809 using us but they have so much in Qt oL4a9a4ck_I-01720-00398809-00399094 that we have taken over some of their oL4a9a4ck_I-01721-00399094-00399262 screens and they're still using a hybrid oL4a9a4ck_I-01722-00399262-00399505 solution with Qt because for some of oL4a9a4ck_I-01723-00399505-00399679 the backend menus and such where there's oL4a9a4ck_I-01724-00399679-00399877 a presentation etc. oL4a9a4ck_I-01725-00399877-00400087 where they still use the Qt stuff and that was mainly oL4a9a4ck_I-01726-00400087-00400342 just because of time constraints but we have oL4a9a4ck_I-01727-00400342-00400576 multiple customers doing things like that where oL4a9a4ck_I-01728-00400576-00400807 they, you know they've oL4a9a4ck_I-01729-00400807-00401002 invested so much into Qt but they they oL4a9a4ck_I-01730-00401002-00401317 see the change needs to happen so you oL4a9a4ck_I-01731-00401317-00401554 know there's no reason to throw away all oL4a9a4ck_I-01732-00401554-00401761 of Qt or anything like that we can oL4a9a4ck_I-01733-00401761-00401941 work directly with Qt we can render oL4a9a4ck_I-01734-00401941-00402121 into it and Qt widgets can actually oL4a9a4ck_I-01735-00402121-00402304 render in to us, we have ways to do that oL4a9a4ck_I-01736-00402304-00402556 if you searched our blog you can probably oL4a9a4ck_I-01737-00402556-00402856 find us talking about that. There is.... oL4a9a4ck_I-01738-00402856-00403012 there is ways that we can collaborate it oL4a9a4ck_I-01739-00403012-00403195 seems like we're natural competitors but oL4a9a4ck_I-01740-00403195-00403384 I do have a lot of hybrid solutions oL4a9a4ck_I-01741-00403384-00403756 where we actually work directly with them. oL4a9a4ck_I-01742-00403756-00404080 Okay, and you mentioned the Storyboard IO oL4a9a4ck_I-01743-00404080-00404584 and just curious how that ... what the oL4a9a4ck_I-01744-00404584-00404920 APIs are like for tying in the hardware oL4a9a4ck_I-01745-00404920-00405352 support in terms of events associated oL4a9a4ck_I-01746-00405352-00405601 with UI and the interaction with the oL4a9a4ck_I-01747-00405601-00405907 hardware and maybe on a similar note oL4a9a4ck_I-01748-00405907-00406144 here there's a question about how or if oL4a9a4ck_I-01749-00406144-00406238 there are examples oL4a9a4ck_I-01750-00406238-00406403 online of how to integrate events with oL4a9a4ck_I-01751-00406403-00406613 the with the graphical interface? oL4a9a4ck_I-01752-00406613-00407111 Yeah, both. So if you downloaded it, oL4a9a4ck_I-01753-00407111-00407684 I mean, I can flip over here inside of oL4a9a4ck_I-01754-00407684-00407906 our application so if somebody had our oL4a9a4ck_I-01755-00407906-00408056 stuff right now, and they downloaded our eval oL4a9a4ck_I-01756-00408056-00408458 they just said import, there is oL4a9a4ck_I-01757-00408458-00408740 Storyboard samples and inside of there oL4a9a4ck_I-01758-00408740-00408899 they can actually see a live example oL4a9a4ck_I-01759-00408899-00409091 there's multiple, but there's one called oL4a9a4ck_I-01760-00409091-00409388 thermostat IO which if you looked at it oL4a9a4ck_I-01761-00409388-00409571 actually gives you the C source code to how oL4a9a4ck_I-01762-00409571-00409691 our stuff works too oL4a9a4ck_I-01763-00409691-00409862 so if you came back to the Navigator view oL4a9a4ck_I-01764-00409862-00410042 here look at this guy oL4a9a4ck_I-01765-00410042-00410387 there's a source code directory and some oL4a9a4ck_I-01766-00410387-00410528 readings and everything showing you how oL4a9a4ck_I-01767-00410528-00410693 it all comes together and you can compile oL4a9a4ck_I-01768-00410693-00410951 that, our Storyboard IO is really a messaging oL4a9a4ck_I-01769-00410951-00411160 API that serializes and then runs over oL4a9a4ck_I-01770-00411160-00411380 another native API, we didn't go make our oL4a9a4ck_I-01771-00411380-00411629 own messaging system on top of every oL4a9a4ck_I-01772-00411629-00411797 operating system we ride on top of oL4a9a4ck_I-01773-00411797-00411964 something that's available and tested oL4a9a4ck_I-01774-00411964-00412175 and validated so on Linux, we run on oL4a9a4ck_I-01775-00412175-00412391 Sys5 messages, on QNX, we run on MQs, oL4a9a4ck_I-01776-00412391-00412585 on Windows I think it's oL4a9a4ck_I-01777-00412585-00412802 mailboxes you know, on some of the smaller oL4a9a4ck_I-01778-00412802-00412943 systems, there might even just be a shared oL4a9a4ck_I-01779-00412943-00413291 memory buffer. So it and then it just oL4a9a4ck_I-01780-00413291-00413570 gives you a common way to how you send oL4a9a4ck_I-01781-00413570-00413702 these messages and you can pile on this oL4a9a4ck_I-01782-00413702-00413930 way it'll even abstract you oL4a9a4ck_I-01783-00413930-00414104 so if you want to run on top of you know oL4a9a4ck_I-01784-00414104-00414347 maybe on your desktop for stimulation oL4a9a4ck_I-01785-00414347-00414568 purposes you generate your own simulator oL4a9a4ck_I-01786-00414568-00414734 to generate all the real feedback you oL4a9a4ck_I-01787-00414734-00414950 can actually run it on your desktop and oL4a9a4ck_I-01788-00414950-00415151 its exact same API on your underlying oL4a9a4ck_I-01789-00415151-00415601 system so you know once again it just oL4a9a4ck_I-01790-00415601-00415784 rides on top of a native API so it could oL4a9a4ck_I-01791-00415784-00416014 it could be anything it doesn't oL4a9a4ck_I-01792-00416014-00416156 really matter to us and you know if you oL4a9a4ck_I-01793-00416156-00416357 think about how Sys5 messages or MQ oL4a9a4ck_I-01794-00416357-00416504 work, it's oL4a9a4ck_I-01795-00416504-00416750 exactly that..we have a you know a send oL4a9a4ck_I-01796-00416750-00417335 a receive. Okay, and there was actually oL4a9a4ck_I-01797-00417335-00417500 a question specifically about ThreadX oL4a9a4ck_I-01798-00417500-00417818 which you mentioned earlier and what the oL4a9a4ck_I-01799-00417818-00418100 integration work is required there... oL4a9a4ck_I-01800-00418100-00418634 Yeah ThreadX, it's probably not listed on our website yet, but oL4a9a4ck_I-01801-00418634-00418901 we have already have users using it and oL4a9a4ck_I-01802-00418901-00419012 it will be coming out oL4a9a4ck_I-01803-00419012-00419402 so it should be posted soon, when you oL4a9a4ck_I-01804-00419402-00419606 move away to a MCU level oL4a9a4ck_I-01805-00419606-00419777 process and stuff there is oL4a9a4ck_I-01806-00419777-00419906 integration work, so it's a little bit oL4a9a4ck_I-01807-00419906-00420107 different than what we show on like a oL4a9a4ck_I-01808-00420107-00420326 Linux or QNX system or Integrity and oL4a9a4ck_I-01809-00420326-00420413 such oL4a9a4ck_I-01810-00420413-00420602 those guys have a defined oL4a9a4ck_I-01811-00420602-00420767 touchscreen interface describing oL4a9a4ck_I-01812-00420767-00420971 here's how you talk to the LCD and such oL4a9a4ck_I-01813-00420971-00421187 when you go to some of the smaller oL4a9a4ck_I-01814-00421187-00421370 systems they don't have that or they oL4a9a4ck_I-01815-00421370-00421745 don't provide them to us so what that oL4a9a4ck_I-01816-00421745-00421910 means is you know there's an LCD driver oL4a9a4ck_I-01817-00421910-00422072 configuration and such has to be done oL4a9a4ck_I-01818-00422072-00422246 you know and the guys who use those oL4a9a4ck_I-01819-00422246-00422368 operating systems are usually quite oL4a9a4ck_I-01820-00422368-00422507 familiar and aware of this it's just oL4a9a4ck_I-01821-00422507-00422678 there's some integration work that has oL4a9a4ck_I-01822-00422678-00422828 to be done, how do we get our input oL4a9a4ck_I-01823-00422828-00423017 events, where do we draw to, things like oL4a9a4ck_I-01824-00423017-00423245 that and if there's some integration work oL4a9a4ck_I-01825-00423245-00423482 for custom platforms. oL4a9a4ck_I-01826-00423482-00423938 Okay, great. Well, I think that does it for oL4a9a4ck_I-01827-00423938-00424142 our questions today, again I want to oL4a9a4ck_I-01828-00424142-00424339 thank you Jason for joining us and oL4a9a4ck_I-01829-00424339-00424670 providing this presentation on the Crank oL4a9a4ck_I-01830-00424670-00424946 Storyboard Suite and if anybody has any oL4a9a4ck_I-01831-00424946-00425174 additional questions or if we didn't get oL4a9a4ck_I-01832-00425174-00425477 your question's answer, feel free to oL4a9a4ck_I-01833-00425477-00425942 contact us either Crank Software or Toradex oL4a9a4ck_I-01834-00425942-00426188 we'd be happy to make sure we oL4a9a4ck_I-01835-00426188-00426371 answer any questions you still have oL4a9a4ck_I-01836-00426371-00426806 and again, I want to thank you and have oL4a9a4ck_I-01837-00426806-00427010 a great day and I'll let Jason close if oL4a9a4ck_I-01838-00427010-00427274 he has anything he would like to add. No, I just oL4a9a4ck_I-01839-00427274-00427463 wanted to say once again thanks Toradex oL4a9a4ck_I-01840-00427463-00427664 and NXP also helped out on this oL4a9a4ck_I-01841-00427664-00427949 webinar too, thanks so much for you know oL4a9a4ck_I-01842-00427949-00428318 giving us this place to talk and oL4a9a4ck_I-01843-00428318-00428453 show what we do you know I think we have oL4a9a4ck_I-01844-00428453-00428693 a unique solution, it's different than what oL4a9a4ck_I-01845-00428693-00428846 people are used to and you know so a lot oL4a9a4ck_I-01846-00428846-00429038 of it is just showing what we can do so oL4a9a4ck_I-01847-00429038-00429281 people can understand and then take that next oL4a9a4ck_I-01848-00429281-00429413 next step in downloading oL4a9a4ck_I-01849-00429413-00429680 an eval. Thanks again for all oL4a9a4ck_I-01850-00429680-00429779 the help. oL4a9a4ck_I-01851-00429779-00430314 Okay, bye bye. oM2gt7GEIvM-00000-00000000-00000150 Hello everyone, I'm Otto! oM2gt7GEIvM-00001-00000179-00000404 Today, I received product sponsorship after a long time! oM2gt7GEIvM-00002-00000417-00000608 This is the acrylic ink from Holbein oM2gt7GEIvM-00003-00000621-00000963 Actually, I am not good at drawing pictures with ink like this oM2gt7GEIvM-00004-00000967-00001213 Mainly because they used high-viscosity materials oM2gt7GEIvM-00005-00001213-00001343 I was really contemplating oM2gt7GEIvM-00006-00001343-00001593 how to use the flowing material oM2gt7GEIvM-00007-00001593-00001835 I was thinking about how I was drawing oM2gt7GEIvM-00008-00001835-00001943 Looking at the barrel oM2gt7GEIvM-00009-00001943-00002027 Marker oM2gt7GEIvM-00010-00002027-00002089 Airbrush oM2gt7GEIvM-00011-00002089-00002118 Pen oM2gt7GEIvM-00012-00002118-00002210 Brush oM2gt7GEIvM-00013-00002210-00002394 Can be used in a variety of ways oM2gt7GEIvM-00014-00002402-00002602 When I was recognizing Holbein guashu in the past, oM2gt7GEIvM-00015-00002623-00002898 I saw a product description that said that you can mix this oM2gt7GEIvM-00016-00002898-00003094 guashu with ordinary paints or acrylic paints. oM2gt7GEIvM-00017-00003144-00003524 Oh, then it would be fun to draw it with acrylic paint oM2gt7GEIvM-00018-00003599-00003770 But in the shopping malls I know oM2gt7GEIvM-00019-00003770-00004033 Holbein acrylic paints are not sold individually oM2gt7GEIvM-00020-00004033-00004279 So I wanted to buy a Holbein modeling paste oM2gt7GEIvM-00021-00004279-00004512 And draw it completely thick oM2gt7GEIvM-00022-00004512-00004817 Oh my god... the smell of the paste is so bad oM2gt7GEIvM-00023-00004817-00005030 I was too dizzy to draw oM2gt7GEIvM-00024-00005030-00005226 It’s still cold to open all the windows oM2gt7GEIvM-00025-00005226-00005467 I just opened it up slightly, but I guess that was the problem oM2gt7GEIvM-00026-00005467-00005755 Anyway, my head hurts in the middle, so I paused oM2gt7GEIvM-00027-00005755-00005889 “How do I complete this...” oM2gt7GEIvM-00028-00005889-00006051 “Is it too late?” oM2gt7GEIvM-00029-00006051-00006231 I just decided to draw another picture oM2gt7GEIvM-00030-00006231-00006410 Not Holbein at home oM2gt7GEIvM-00031-00006410-00006652 There is a shield acrylic for professional use oM2gt7GEIvM-00032-00006652-00007048 This time, I decided to mix white and black, and the rest of the colors with ink. oM2gt7GEIvM-00033-00007048-00007286 I poured all my energy into it in the morning oM2gt7GEIvM-00034-00007286-00007482 This time I took out a little canvas oM2gt7GEIvM-00035-00007482-00007757 I also applied masking tape oM2gt7GEIvM-00036-00007757-00007916 Sleeping white one by one in advance oM2gt7GEIvM-00037-00007916-00008179 I mixed it with about 5 drops of ink oM2gt7GEIvM-00038-00008179-00008324 I didn’t know, but the acrylic paint for shield professionals oM2gt7GEIvM-00039-00008324-00008704 It dries really much slower than Alpha, Shinhan, and Daiso! oM2gt7GEIvM-00040-00008704-00008904 I drew everything, and I came and checked it the next morning. oM2gt7GEIvM-00041-00008904-00009146 Even then, everything that was largely squeezed wasn't dry oM2gt7GEIvM-00042-00009146-00009580 Thanks to this, I think I was able to draw leisurely while drawing oM2gt7GEIvM-00043-00009580-00009734 Now anyway, this picture oM2gt7GEIvM-00044-00009734-00010043 ❤I am drawing with acrylic ink sent from Holbein❤ oM2gt7GEIvM-00045-00010043-00010197 If you just paint the ink on the canvas, oM2gt7GEIvM-00046-00010197-00010477 it flows down along the curve oM2gt7GEIvM-00047-00010477-00010556 It doesn’t paint well oM2gt7GEIvM-00048-00010556-00010827 So, mix it with acrylic paint with some viscosity oM2gt7GEIvM-00049-00010827-00011027 I am using it so that it can be applied thicker oM2gt7GEIvM-00050-00011048-00011373 Before drawing my goose friends playing on the grass oM2gt7GEIvM-00051-00011373-00011594 I will complete the grass to some extent! oM2gt7GEIvM-00052-00011594-00011870 Apply all the base color in advance and mix more ink oM2gt7GEIvM-00053-00011870-00012087 After making the color darker, oM2gt7GEIvM-00054-00012087-00012404 Fill in one by one so that the square brush touch remains oM2gt7GEIvM-00055-00012404-00012729 Please also note that the shape of the brush touch varies depending on the shape of the brush. oM2gt7GEIvM-00056-00012729-00012912 It's a dark mix of colors, oM2gt7GEIvM-00057-00012912-00013209 and even if it's mixed, a new middle color has been created. oM2gt7GEIvM-00058-00013209-00013413 Usually paints with poor pigments (Daiso) oM2gt7GEIvM-00059-00013413-00013730 Even if only two colors are mixed, the color becomes hazy oM2gt7GEIvM-00060-00013730-00013972 This is kind of weird because there is no such thing at all oM2gt7GEIvM-00061-00013972-00014105 - Is this right? - Is this what it's supposed to be? oM2gt7GEIvM-00062-00014105-00014285 Because there is not too much blurriness that I thought of oM2gt7GEIvM-00063-00014285-00014368 It was amazing oM2gt7GEIvM-00064-00014368-00014685 A little bit of purple is also used to express the grass in the dark. oM2gt7GEIvM-00065-00014685-00015002 Take out a small brush and spread white evenly oM2gt7GEIvM-00066-00015002-00015152 Draw a bunch of geese oM2gt7GEIvM-00067-00015152-00015323 Without having to be too elaborate oM2gt7GEIvM-00068-00015323-00015632 I’ll paint it in detail only when I want to roughly say “goose” oM2gt7GEIvM-00069-00017300-00017646 Dry it gently, making the orange color for the beak and legs oM2gt7GEIvM-00070-00017646-00017863 Paint when the white color is dry oM2gt7GEIvM-00071-00017863-00018009 The difference between a duck and a goose is oM2gt7GEIvM-00072-00018034-00018297 It’s in the beak and the overall look oM2gt7GEIvM-00073-00018297-00018626 The duck is more rounded and the beak is rounded oM2gt7GEIvM-00074-00018626-00018989 Geese are pointed, and some have humps and some do not. oM2gt7GEIvM-00075-00018989-00019156 I'll draw it with the missing hump oM2gt7GEIvM-00076-00019156-00019273 If you are looking left according to the direction of the face, oM2gt7GEIvM-00077-00019273-00019469 from the center to the left, oM2gt7GEIvM-00078-00019469-00019811 If you look at the top, paint it to pop out oM2gt7GEIvM-00079-00019811-00020049 If you are looking at the front, you can paint in the middle oM2gt7GEIvM-00080-00020049-00020216 Now bring the grass color again oM2gt7GEIvM-00081-00020216-00020541 I also paint the leaves of grass that protrude under the goose. oM2gt7GEIvM-00082-00020541-00020875 Paint it little by little so that the outline of the duck can be seen oM2gt7GEIvM-00083-00020875-00021041 Now mix a little blue oM2gt7GEIvM-00084-00021041-00021379 Paint a little around the darkened grass oM2gt7GEIvM-00085-00021379-00021629 If there are too similar colors in the picture oM2gt7GEIvM-00086-00021629-00021988 The picture gets bored, so it's good if you give points to make it colorful oM2gt7GEIvM-00087-00021988-00022276 You can finish it like this, but I’m going to paint the eyes oM2gt7GEIvM-00088-00022276-00022489 Even now, whoever sees it looks like a duck or a goose, oM2gt7GEIvM-00089-00022489-00022710 I think it will be cuter if you draw your eyes oM2gt7GEIvM-00090-00022710-00022943 I drew the eyes with a pigma micron pen oM2gt7GEIvM-00091-00023031-00023310 Today, I drew a picture with Holbein acrylic ink. oM2gt7GEIvM-00092-00023310-00023631 It's the first time I ever saw this oM2gt7GEIvM-00093-00023631-00023807 I searched but there weren't many videos oM2gt7GEIvM-00094-00023807-00024032 I found out why this is the price oM2gt7GEIvM-00095-00024032-00024315 It's about $699 for a set of 50? oM2gt7GEIvM-00096-00024315-00024662 Somehow the color was good and there was no haze and it was really good oM2gt7GEIvM-00097-00024662-00024824 I didn't get better because of the price oM2gt7GEIvM-00098-00024824-00025187 It’s really good color and I feel that I used a good pigment. oM2gt7GEIvM-00099-00025187-00025325 I felt very well while using it oM2gt7GEIvM-00100-00025325-00025604 -All good -But, if it's a big problem while using it oM2gt7GEIvM-00101-00025604-00025884 I think I should have put on a lid like this oM2gt7GEIvM-00102-00025884-00026101 When you use and close it, it pops out by a few drops oM2gt7GEIvM-00103-00026101-00026372 It’s a little wasteful and if you spill it, you have to wipe it off again. oM2gt7GEIvM-00104-00026372-00026480 I think this was a little uncomfortable oM2gt7GEIvM-00105-00026480-00026684 And this packaging is so mad!! oM2gt7GEIvM-00106-00026684-00026956 It took about 30 minutes to unpack all the packaging. oM2gt7GEIvM-00107-00026956-00027260 It’s really tight enough to hurt my hand, and it’s packed so hard oM2gt7GEIvM-00108-00027260-00027406 It didn't go well oM2gt7GEIvM-00109-00027406-00027669 I called my sister who was rolling around the house and work with her. oM2gt7GEIvM-00110-00027669-00027894 The first two were picky and found oM2gt7GEIvM-00111-00027894-00028290 For each box in the box, select the name of the color and the color that appears when you paint the color. oM2gt7GEIvM-00112-00028290-00028532 It was printed. I think this was really good. oM2gt7GEIvM-00113-00028532-00028695 It was really comfortable when choosing a color oM2gt7GEIvM-00114-00028695-00029091 Still, this plastic-like plastic wrap is really upset. oM2gt7GEIvM-00115-00029091-00029425 And the pamphlet sent by courier? This is also really good oM2gt7GEIvM-00116-00029425-00029662 In Korea, it’s carefully written like this oM2gt7GEIvM-00117-00029662-00029854 Product documentation? There's not much like this oM2gt7GEIvM-00118-00029854-00030171 I think it’s a Japanese brand, so I think I’m very good at this oM2gt7GEIvM-00119-00030171-00030613 They also gave me an empty marker container that can be used as a marker oM2gt7GEIvM-00120-00030613-00030930 There are 50 ink, but there are only 7 markers and pens. oM2gt7GEIvM-00121-00030930-00031051 It’s too ambiguous oM2gt7GEIvM-00122-00031051-00031093 so oM2gt7GEIvM-00123-00031093-00031168 I gave up oM2gt7GEIvM-00124-00031168-00031581 Each bucket of ink has a different weight so that you can feel it by just holding it oM2gt7GEIvM-00125-00031581-00031823 All 100ml is made at the factory oM2gt7GEIvM-00126-00031823-00032036 I found it difficult to understand why the weights are different oM2gt7GEIvM-00127-00032036-00032257 Other buckets have a ball that blends well inside when shaken oM2gt7GEIvM-00128-00032257-00032636 Some barrels had a color that I couldn't feel even if I shake it hard oM2gt7GEIvM-00129-00032649-00032749 today! oM2gt7GEIvM-00130-00032749-00032999 I used 50 colors of acrylic ink for 800,000 won. oM2gt7GEIvM-00131-00032999-00033116 To put it simply oM2gt7GEIvM-00132-00033116-00033204 Really expensive, oM2gt7GEIvM-00133-00033204-00033283 The color is really pretty oM2gt7GEIvM-00134-00033283-00033450 Ink series Daniel Smith! oM2gt7GEIvM-00135-00033462-00033475 BByoung oT0YiwruV7U-00000-00000094-00000813 The first webinar for 2018- 29 minute or less webinar series oT0YiwruV7U-00001-00000813-00001367 This year the first this first webinar comes from the book 100 Ideas for oT0YiwruV7U-00002-00001367-00002069 Secondary Teachers by John Senior. It's a 2014 book. So to make this webinar what I oT0YiwruV7U-00003-00002069-00002519 did was I just chose a few ideas from the book that had wide appeal and oT0YiwruV7U-00004-00002519-00003015 covered different areas in TAG at the end of the webinar if you can take a oT0YiwruV7U-00005-00003015-00003468 quick survey then we'll know how to best meet your needs for the next two oT0YiwruV7U-00006-00003468-00003823 webinars so thanks for that oT0YiwruV7U-00007-00004043-00004778 So the first idea might fit well along with an anatomy class and having access oT0YiwruV7U-00008-00004778-00005546 to a skeleton might make this lesson come alive. This fits really well with oT0YiwruV7U-00009-00005546-00006071 AIW -Authentic Intellectual Work. You don't have to practice AIW but it's just oT0YiwruV7U-00010-00006071-00006704 you know a real kind of lesson that would cause the students to think oT0YiwruV7U-00011-00006704-00007429 outside the box and wouldn't be questions and answers on a worksheet oT0YiwruV7U-00012-00007952-00008346 Another thing about this slide is it might be interesting to discuss oT0YiwruV7U-00013-00008346-00008835 superheroes what types of changed anatomy do superheroes have if that's oT0YiwruV7U-00014-00008835-00009300 something that would delight your students you can do that oT0YiwruV7U-00015-00009300-00009697 Kay did you have any knowledge of body designs or skeletons that are oT0YiwruV7U-00016-00009697-00010410 electronically. There are like there's a lot of 3D stuff now there's like some 3D oT0YiwruV7U-00017-00010410-00011070 like AutoCAD and online stuff where you can make things and then in a 3D mode so oT0YiwruV7U-00018-00011070-00011442 you could definitely make a skeleton in a 3D mode or apply that to a oT0YiwruV7U-00019-00011442-00011859 building you know what are the what are the minimum requirements of a building. I oT0YiwruV7U-00020-00011859-00012231 know somebody here in Central Springs has one that they use all the time and it's oT0YiwruV7U-00021-00012231-00012995 very it's it's definitely scaled so like if it's 2 feet by 6 feet it's 2 feet by oT0YiwruV7U-00022-00012995-00013262 6 feet it's actually you know and then you have to put something in there and oT0YiwruV7U-00023-00013262-00014141 then actually it's really scaled to the appropriate measurements. so that's a really nice one too but yeah AutoCAD any oT0YiwruV7U-00024-00014141-00014643 kind of those um 3D rendering is really cool and then you can even make it on a oT0YiwruV7U-00025-00014643-00015116 3D printer if you wanted to, I just think of the old skeleton hanging in the oT0YiwruV7U-00026-00015116-00015578 science classroom me too you know and I think that this would this is really oT0YiwruV7U-00027-00015578-00015921 imaginative for students you know if they had an extra bone in their foot oT0YiwruV7U-00028-00015921-00016101 they could jump higher or something like that oT0YiwruV7U-00029-00016101-00016476 maybe something like that would help them . So let's move on to the next idea oT0YiwruV7U-00030-00016476-00017313 that so the next idea where is where teachers can encourage critical and oT0YiwruV7U-00031-00017313-00017856 anatta and that hmm analytical thinking by assigning the students to task of oT0YiwruV7U-00032-00017856-00018423 creating response to a problem allowing encouraging even insisting that the oT0YiwruV7U-00033-00018423-00019131 students work be self-directed this is the story of John Bard and I like how oT0YiwruV7U-00034-00019131-00019635 they paired it with something creative give the students 12 unrelated random oT0YiwruV7U-00035-00019635-00020076 objects and when I think of that I think of you know on paperclip enough and a oT0YiwruV7U-00036-00020076-00020745 paper towel holder and a roll of tape and you know just things that you might oT0YiwruV7U-00037-00020745-00021237 have in your classroom and have them build something to solve a problem it oT0YiwruV7U-00038-00021237-00021933 can be really random the problem of not getting to class on time the problem of oT0YiwruV7U-00039-00021933-00022335 scooping your sidewalk and you know it could be really random kind of issues oT0YiwruV7U-00040-00022335-00022875 and just ask them to create something that is going to help solve that problem oT0YiwruV7U-00041-00022875-00023423 it really puts them in the creative mode and critical thinking mode that oT0YiwruV7U-00042-00023423-00023798 everything has to have a reason and every choice has to have a reason behind oT0YiwruV7U-00043-00023798-00024480 it this really really well into science that seems to kind of tie in the whole oT0YiwruV7U-00044-00024480-00024900 makerspace movement as well just to here's your stuff here's your problem oT0YiwruV7U-00045-00024900-00025374 find a way to make it work absolutely yeah absolutely what oT0YiwruV7U-00046-00025374-00025748 a great connection thank you guys have a makerspace Kristy oT0YiwruV7U-00047-00025748-00026295 we do at the elementary my goal was to have it at our middle school this year oT0YiwruV7U-00048-00026295-00026670 but my time constraints just weren't allowing it I'm going oT0YiwruV7U-00049-00026670-00027480 try to kind of just do it anyway it's like a master and if I'm available to do oT0YiwruV7U-00050-00027480-00027810 all the other stuff great otherwise makerspace and my TAG kids are gonna be oT0YiwruV7U-00051-00027810-00028252 my priority so sounds good maybe maybe this kind of idea you know oT0YiwruV7U-00052-00028252-00028924 will help you help you make that reality for you yeah absolutely well here's the oT0YiwruV7U-00053-00028924-00029634 next idea this is idea 14 from the book and they said so sometimes the most oT0YiwruV7U-00054-00029634-00030138 obvious questions leads to the most complicated of discussions and projects oT0YiwruV7U-00055-00030138-00030568 and assignments and sometimes a lifelong interest can be sparked by a an oT0YiwruV7U-00056-00030568-00031072 apparently simple observation so this one is about spiders why do spiders have oT0YiwruV7U-00057-00031072-00031570 eight legs why don't they have seven or nine and and it just kind of oT0YiwruV7U-00058-00031570-00032074 goes on that there's no animals and birds and insects with odd number of oT0YiwruV7U-00059-00032074-00032703 legs and why is that and so just just a thinking question oT0YiwruV7U-00060-00032703-00033240 just letting the kids really you know work on this or they can research it oT0YiwruV7U-00061-00033240-00033658 they could you know there's all kinds of ways that they can deal with this once oT0YiwruV7U-00062-00033658-00034384 again just really they have to think deeply of why this is why this is this oT0YiwruV7U-00063-00034384-00034984 would be really cool in a makerspace - mmhmm yeah coming up with another creature oT0YiwruV7U-00064-00034984-00035356 that has an odd number of legs here we go and and how it would walk oT0YiwruV7U-00065-00035356-00035857 yeah I don't know maybe it's maybe it's because of balance but yeah something oT0YiwruV7U-00066-00035857-00036538 like that yeah absolutely all right so here's the next one this one's I idea 35 oT0YiwruV7U-00067-00036538-00037030 I you know I just went with really kind of wide appeal kind of ideas I modified oT0YiwruV7U-00068-00037030-00037768 this slightly from from the idea in the book but I wonder if your students might oT0YiwruV7U-00069-00037768-00038346 imagine a future one event at a time if the teacher would make a timeline and oT0YiwruV7U-00070-00038346-00038656 the students would choose something it could be something in there in their oT0YiwruV7U-00071-00038656-00039084 lifetime just from now you know when they were born they're approximately oT0YiwruV7U-00072-00039084-00039522 when 100 years and something in there in oT0YiwruV7U-00073-00039522-00040078 their lifetime that would be a significant advance or turning points I oT0YiwruV7U-00074-00040078-00040702 mean we know in our lifetime obviously it's been the age of technology is there oT0YiwruV7U-00075-00040702-00041233 some one certain thing that that turned technology on it's on its head oT0YiwruV7U-00076-00041233-00041706 is there one certain thing that that changed their life and put them in a oT0YiwruV7U-00077-00041706-00042532 different trajectory so this timeline idea can be filled in all year long but oT0YiwruV7U-00078-00042532-00043015 it definitely could be a fairly big idea for the students it could be and the oT0YiwruV7U-00079-00043015-00043462 more it could be imaginative maybe something catastrophic happens in oT0YiwruV7U-00080-00043462-00044197 the year 2018 oh my gosh or you know 2030 or 2050 and maybe something like oT0YiwruV7U-00081-00044197-00044683 back if it's imaginative that would turn the world on its head so um oT0YiwruV7U-00082-00044683-00045147 once again can be imagination can be based in reality but it's just the idea oT0YiwruV7U-00083-00045147-00045696 of this timeline and the students creating it and continuing to create oT0YiwruV7U-00084-00045696-00046200 events that happen there's so many movies out there now like the 2020 oT0YiwruV7U-00085-00046200-00046600 there's so many of those catastrophic movies out there it'd be interesting to oT0YiwruV7U-00086-00046600-00047068 see okay if Kansas City or Kansas got hit by an earthquake because they've oT0YiwruV7U-00087-00047068-00047334 always talked about the Midwest getting hit by an earthquake what would happen oT0YiwruV7U-00088-00047334-00047752 what would be the the impact what would happen to the environment what would oT0YiwruV7U-00089-00047752-00048216 happen to population those kind of things so and then I added in the chat box oT0YiwruV7U-00090-00048216-00048678 there's some timeline creation tools there is a my history-o there's time oT0YiwruV7U-00091-00048678-00049063 glider and then code studio if you really want to get into some games and oT0YiwruV7U-00092-00049063-00049519 things like that and in that futuristic kind of thing and make a game of what oT0YiwruV7U-00093-00049519-00049780 happens in the future that'd be another way to do it there too in that code oT0YiwruV7U-00094-00049780-00050319 studio it that seems like it has a really wide appeal for students to I oT0YiwruV7U-00095-00050319-00050613 know thinking futuristic because there's so many things they can relate it to oT0YiwruV7U-00096-00050613-00050911 yeah exactly think about the Back to the Future when oT0YiwruV7U-00097-00050911-00051329 they said the cubs were gonna win the game world series yeah didn't happen oT0YiwruV7U-00098-00051329-00052152 thank you that year didn't happen did nothing yeah okay so this this is kind oT0YiwruV7U-00099-00052152-00052573 of off the wall but here it is cutlery did not just oT0YiwruV7U-00100-00052573-00053023 it evolved to meet a need that changed over times so we're talking about knives oT0YiwruV7U-00101-00053023-00053619 and forks and spoons but the interesting thing is there is there really is kind oT0YiwruV7U-00102-00053619-00054327 of a history of cutlery so what they what this idea is to ask your students oT0YiwruV7U-00103-00054327-00054789 to consider and design an improved item of cutlery that influences the way we oT0YiwruV7U-00104-00054789-00055557 eat or makes it healthiest healthier for us to eat I think one of the ideas was oT0YiwruV7U-00105-00055557-00056044 maybe a an item of cutlery that of course has technology in it and when oT0YiwruV7U-00106-00056044-00056560 something has too much sugar it's like I don't know opens up the spoon and drops oT0YiwruV7U-00107-00056560-00057172 it out so you won't eat it up you know anything like that but once again just a oT0YiwruV7U-00108-00057172-00057637 really there's research you know that the students can research it and then oT0YiwruV7U-00109-00057637-00058432 they can you know use their imaginations to figure this out let's let's be a nice oT0YiwruV7U-00110-00058432-00059172 makerspace challenge mm-hmm okay yeah you're really cool I like that one oT0YiwruV7U-00111-00059172-00060104 just have four more slides so here's another idea this came from me or us and oT0YiwruV7U-00112-00060104-00060625 here's this is big right I mean big right now it's been it should have been oT0YiwruV7U-00113-00060625-00061419 big all along but it hasn't been asking questions and getting the students to oT0YiwruV7U-00114-00061419-00062007 ask questions in social studies we they are called compelling questions and oT0YiwruV7U-00115-00062007-00062398 maybe the teacher can ask that compelling question but the idea is to oT0YiwruV7U-00116-00062398-00063172 get the students to be starting or be asking questions to essential questions oT0YiwruV7U-00117-00063172-00063610 conceptual understanding fat questions big questions whatever they are we need oT0YiwruV7U-00118-00063610-00064188 to one of the real big pushes right now is to get students to ask questions and oT0YiwruV7U-00119-00064188-00064675 teachers to ask bigger questions better questions that really make the students oT0YiwruV7U-00120-00064675-00065727 dig dig deeper so if you haven't seen mystery science it is a mystery science oT0YiwruV7U-00121-00065727-00066079 it focuses every lesson around an essential oT0YiwruV7U-00122-00066079-00066568 question why do polar bears why are polar bears white and then it goes oT0YiwruV7U-00123-00066568-00067000 through the unit why are there seasons and then every if you've belong then oT0YiwruV7U-00124-00067000-00067545 there's a thing called mystery Doug mystery Doug every Sunday he posts a new oT0YiwruV7U-00125-00067545-00068026 video about for example why is snow white and then he explains why snow oT0YiwruV7U-00126-00068026-00068448 white throughout that video and then they let kids vote and then next week's oT0YiwruV7U-00127-00068448-00068917 questions so they get three new questions from kids essay and why are oT0YiwruV7U-00128-00068917-00069282 polar bears by eat or whatever the questions are it's really cool the kids oT0YiwruV7U-00129-00069282-00069836 love it absolutely love it what is this called mystery Doug and mystery science oT0YiwruV7U-00130-00069836-00070360 okay they're both mystery science is not free you can get free for oT0YiwruV7U-00131-00070360-00070683 like a year mystery Doug is free the mystery science oT0YiwruV7U-00132-00070683-00071497 is free for a year and then after that but it's really in it's really not cheap oT0YiwruV7U-00133-00071497-00071725 isn't right word but it's it's very economical oT0YiwruV7U-00134-00071725-00072264 it's like $1,500 for a building and every teacher can access all the lessons oT0YiwruV7U-00135-00072264-00072627 and everything everything's are around a question which I love rather than oT0YiwruV7U-00136-00072627-00072982 saying here's our content we're gonna talk about habitats no it's said we're oT0YiwruV7U-00137-00072982-00073533 gonna talk about why do why do ducks fall why do was it why do babies follow oT0YiwruV7U-00138-00073533-00074394 their mothers that this sounds like this might be really good for tag as and even oT0YiwruV7U-00139-00074394-00074814 more even more so than science because science you know you'd have to connect oT0YiwruV7U-00140-00074814-00075097 all the standards to these things and there might be some things that you oT0YiwruV7U-00141-00075097-00075477 don't you know that don't necessarily hit all the standards but for tag when oT0YiwruV7U-00142-00075477-00075973 you can explore and go deeper into certain things it would be something oT0YiwruV7U-00143-00075973-00076419 that at least could be shared between those two contents absolutely yeah oT0YiwruV7U-00144-00076419-00077382 alright next I don't even know how to say no CIPA tours but here's this is an oT0YiwruV7U-00145-00077382-00078150 ethical idea and it all comes about how can we conduct research without causing oT0YiwruV7U-00146-00078150-00078831 animals pain and you know I think kids would really latch on to you know oT0YiwruV7U-00147-00078831-00079120 something that comes from the ethics world they have very oT0YiwruV7U-00148-00079120-00079606 black and white ideas often times about how the things like that can be done so this oT0YiwruV7U-00149-00079606-00080083 is just an idea of course you know this will this up PowerPoint will be oT0YiwruV7U-00150-00080083-00080723 available to you and we'll put it on the website and you can go through and look oT0YiwruV7U-00151-00080723-00081305 at these ideas again copy them whatever you need to do to see all these things oT0YiwruV7U-00152-00081305-00081680 again but this isn't interesting I thought this was an interesting one not oT0YiwruV7U-00153-00081680-00082417 not but definitely you know it's question is interesting it bring a lot oT0YiwruV7U-00154-00082417-00082855 of questions to kids you bet and in you know what and that's okay because you oT0YiwruV7U-00155-00082855-00083131 need sometimes I think it's called cognitive dissonance oT0YiwruV7U-00156-00083131-00083608 you gotta stir up their brain a little bit you know and let them argue out oT0YiwruV7U-00157-00083608-00084274 something if that's the way it has to be so alright so here's the last idea oT0YiwruV7U-00158-00084274-00085249 Oh two more ideas okay um this actually is in the Iowa there's in the National oT0YiwruV7U-00159-00085249-00085981 Association for gifted children one of their standards is to offer professional oT0YiwruV7U-00160-00085981-00086425 development to your colleagues it increases full school support and oT0YiwruV7U-00161-00086425-00087037 understanding it might get people on board with you one of the ideas that I oT0YiwruV7U-00162-00087037-00087613 came home from the national conference that I went to was to make these oT0YiwruV7U-00163-00087613-00088166 one-page notices about an idea or a fact of gifted students and posted in the oT0YiwruV7U-00164-00088166-00088606 teachers lounge maybe maybe nine a year you know would oT0YiwruV7U-00165-00088606-00089117 be fine and and they would just be something about gifted students just oT0YiwruV7U-00166-00089117-00089666 something to increase the awareness and increase you know what the teachers oT0YiwruV7U-00167-00089666-00090157 might do I have three of those and we will also post those on our website just oT0YiwruV7U-00168-00090158-00090520 things that I made up or you know ideas that I've gathered throughout the years oT0YiwruV7U-00169-00090520-00090934 I know you can do the same thing but I have three to get you started and we'll oT0YiwruV7U-00170-00090935-00091649 post those on the website along with this come along with this PowerPoint so oT0YiwruV7U-00171-00091649-00092320 the last thing is well we learned this from the student conference that we had oT0YiwruV7U-00172-00092320-00092999 it was in Cedar Falls this year I was amazed how many kids came to the I oT0YiwruV7U-00173-00092999-00093643 don't know I think I'm gonna call it the let it be room puzzles and games and and oT0YiwruV7U-00174-00093643-00094300 things set up and the kids just flopped there they they could choose what they oT0YiwruV7U-00175-00094300-00094667 wanted to do whether it was once again puzzles or the light or they're in a oT0YiwruV7U-00176-00094667-00095225 group the life-sized Jenga somebody was making marshmallow sculptures I just had oT0YiwruV7U-00177-00095225-00095806 stuff and I think Kris you probably know this too and just let them create oT0YiwruV7U-00178-00095806-00096406 or let them talk or let them whatever gosh it was nice and I I was just amazed oT0YiwruV7U-00179-00096406-00096832 how I mean they weren't just sitting they were always doing something they oT0YiwruV7U-00180-00096832-00097213 were putting them together a puzzle or they were creating this and talking it oT0YiwruV7U-00181-00097213-00097712 just seemed like it was a great break for the kids even from even from the oT0YiwruV7U-00182-00097712-00098261 student conference so that's just me that's our last idea just let them be oT0YiwruV7U-00183-00098261-00098729 and giving that gift of time to let those busy brains take a break mm-hmm oT0YiwruV7U-00184-00098729-00099086 and the student tech camp or the student conference is going to be in clear like oT0YiwruV7U-00185-00099086-00100018 next year Christy all right it's a Tuesday before Thanksgiving always oT0YiwruV7U-00186-00100180-00100838 okay so thanks for joining us we hope that you found something useful of oT0YiwruV7U-00187-00100838-00101348 course we're gonna have this there's a 93 more ideas to check out here's the oT0YiwruV7U-00188-00101348-00101891 book a very very simple little book from John Senior about something for oT0YiwruV7U-00189-00101891-00102449 secondary teachers and we're gonna have another webinar and that is going to be oT0YiwruV7U-00190-00102449-00103057 on another book on that's on differentiation that's under works right oT0YiwruV7U-00191-00103057-00103439 now and the third I'd the third webinar is going to be in March and that is oT0YiwruV7U-00192-00103439-00103879 going to be ideas that I brought home from the National Conference so there's oT0YiwruV7U-00193-00103879-00104300 some interesting little tidbits to we're going to keep them short we're going to oT0YiwruV7U-00194-00104300-00104695 keep these webinars short hopefully they'll be useful to you we'll post them oT0YiwruV7U-00195-00104696-00105283 all online when we're done thanks for joining us this morning right early oT0YiwruV7U-00196-00105283-00105566 I put the survey in the chat pod for you and if there's anything else to oT0YiwruV7U-00198-00105616-00106088 let us know okay all right you guys you bet thank you have a great oT0YiwruV7U-00199-00106088-00106513 night Christy they safe stay warm oT6-H6D_erY-00000-00001886-00002180 In the middle of nowhere... oT6-H6D_erY-00001-00002220-00002438 Bicycle path! oT6-H6D_erY-00002-00002514-00002710 Isnt it great? :-) oT6-H6D_erY-00003-00003010-00003296 And i thought it is a BICYCLE path... oT6-H6D_erY-00004-00003584-00003856 There is a great bike line in Bíteš oT6-H6D_erY-00005-00003856-00004152 It should be anywhere... oT6-H6D_erY-00006-00004278-00004534 I feel a little bit inappropriately. :-) oT6-H6D_erY-00007-00004924-00005258 But i am nice to motorcycles... oT6-H6D_erY-00008-00005646-00005846 But not only motorcycles ;-) oT6-H6D_erY-00009-00006204-00006481 I dont want to waste time of bus... oT6-H6D_erY-00010-00006666-00007016 Drivers are nice to me too oT6-H6D_erY-00011-00007102-00007336 Thanks! oT6-H6D_erY-00012-00007790-00008062 Unfortunately, not everytime oT6-H6D_erY-00013-00008336-00008608 Was it really necessary? oT6-H6D_erY-00014-00008982-00009240 Like this one oT6-H6D_erY-00015-00009410-00009674 Does it worth it? oT6-H6D_erY-00016-00010842-00011120 At least he used the magic button... oT6-H6D_erY-00017-00011410-00011678 May be little bit over-polite... oT6-H6D_erY-00018-00012162-00012406 But its nice 😉 oT6-H6D_erY-00019-00012478-00012698 Positive side of Cycling again oT6-H6D_erY-00020-00014104-00014390 Especially for Martina Halamové, gender correct positives 😉 oT6-H6D_erY-00021-00014944-00015191 New game: The Highway! oT6-H6D_erY-00022-00015191-00015496 The right lane is so bumpy... oT6-H6D_erY-00023-00015496-00015768 Lets go to the left lane! oT6-H6D_erY-00024-00015800-00016102 And never leave it! oT6-H6D_erY-00025-00016388-00017072 Thanks for watching. If you like the vide, LIKE, or SHARE will be nice. oVXZU2EBwm8-00000-00000082-00000528 I want to talk with you about (audience: Shai, who are you?) oVXZU2EBwm8-00001-00000586-00001108 It's written for me here, I'm just talking off the top of my head, everything is written down, even "who am I?". oVXZU2EBwm8-00002-00001290-00001962 My name is Shai (audience: spell it), Sh' a' i', for those who haven't noticed it in the Whatsapp group. oVXZU2EBwm8-00003-00001994-00002384 I'm an activist in 'Zehut youth', a member of the 'liberals with Zehut' group oVXZU2EBwm8-00004-00002402-00002674 'Zehut youth' coordinator in Tel Aviv, thank you very much oVXZU2EBwm8-00005-00002684-00002884 I'm from Ramat Gan and I'm 15 years old. oVXZU2EBwm8-00006-00003028-00003176 yes I am. oVXZU2EBwm8-00007-00003434-00003950 I will say, one of the questions that bothered me the most during the preparations to the convention was: oVXZU2EBwm8-00008-00003950-00004078 "what the hell am I going to lecture about?" oVXZU2EBwm8-00009-00004148-00004590 one of the most ancient cities in the world, with so many interesting things to talk about oVXZU2EBwm8-00010-00004712-00004830 It's hard to decide. oVXZU2EBwm8-00011-00004980-00005454 luckily, I had help deciding. The history and the circumstances. oVXZU2EBwm8-00012-00005694-00006160 My family came from Jerusalem, parts of it oVXZU2EBwm8-00013-00006176-00006234 and... oVXZU2EBwm8-00014-00006416-00007028 inter alia, we have a huge collection, hundreds if not thousands, of letters oVXZU2EBwm8-00015-00007028-00007259 from the besieged Jerusalem during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. oVXZU2EBwm8-00016-00007356-00007752 It's fascinating, it has a lot of Yiddish, a lot of unclear handwriting, oVXZU2EBwm8-00017-00007752-00007958 a lot of a twenty two years old girl romance. oVXZU2EBwm8-00018-00008045-00008372 those are the boring parts, we'll focus on the interesting parts. oVXZU2EBwm8-00019-00008372-00008494 which appeal more to the youth. oVXZU2EBwm8-00020-00008618-00008668 so... oVXZU2EBwm8-00021-00008852-00009652 The lecture is about the life in the besieged Jerusalem, mostly the daily life, and just the war and everything. oVXZU2EBwm8-00022-00009690-00010030 also, the lives of high school students, the lives of families. oVXZU2EBwm8-00023-00010586-00011056 my grandmother was born in Jerusalem in 1943. oVXZU2EBwm8-00024-00011154-00011590 in 1947, her parents moved, together with her and her younger brother, to Tel Aviv oVXZU2EBwm8-00025-00011702-00012400 her maternal grandfather and grandmother and her aunt and uncle stayed in Jerusalem. oVXZU2EBwm8-00026-00012628-00013004 on November 29th, 1947 the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was adopted, oVXZU2EBwm8-00027-00013040-00013240 and De facto the war broke out. oVXZU2EBwm8-00028-00013263-00013686 The Brits were still here, they still made trouble, and the war broke out. oVXZU2EBwm8-00029-00013841-00014800 and, the first letter in this impressive letter box is from November 20th, 1947 oVXZU2EBwm8-00030-00014818-00015018 nine days before the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine adoptation oVXZU2EBwm8-00031-00015041-00015280 they describe the celebrations but we won't talk about that. oVXZU2EBwm8-00032-00015356-00015619 the last letter is from the beginning of December 1948. oVXZU2EBwm8-00033-00015624-00016072 a year, maybe one of the most fateful years in Jerusalem for the last few centuries. oVXZU2EBwm8-00034-00016156-00016530 there's a lot of time, a lot of government changes, a few dozens sieges oVXZU2EBwm8-00035-00016536-00017138 one of the most important years in the history of Jerusalem. oVXZU2EBwm8-00036-00017166-00017642 when you look at Jerusalem, you look at this year, 1948, the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, a siege oVXZU2EBwm8-00037-00017642-00017768 a lot of thing happened oVXZU2EBwm8-00038-00018096-00018864 and the letters, the subjects are whatever comes in mind. if it exists, they wrote about it. oVXZU2EBwm8-00039-00018970-00019462 lets start with that that the thing that people are most interested in is food, right? oVXZU2EBwm8-00040-00019670-00020074 and in the besieged Jerusalem, food wasn't a trivial matter. oVXZU2EBwm8-00041-00020142-00020606 my grandmother's grandfather, his name was Albert oVXZU2EBwm8-00042-00020706-00021178 (audience: Einstein?) no, Albert Neumark. oVXZU2EBwm8-00043-00021268-00021582 he was sixty years old, old relatively to those days oVXZU2EBwm8-00044-00021686-00021804 and he writes: oVXZU2EBwm8-00045-00022080-00022736 "now I'm going three, maybe four times a day to the Mahane Yehuda Market, and you need to be on guard. oVXZU2EBwm8-00046-00022818-00023148 one time there are Tomatoes, the other onions and another time there is radish. oVXZU2EBwm8-00047-00023178-00023526 everything is good for a time, because afterwards the price rises and there is no more to buy. oVXZU2EBwm8-00048-00023592-00023684 the same thing with chickens. oVXZU2EBwm8-00049-00023702-00024262 we live in hope that in three months (it was written on February 1948, three months is May) oVXZU2EBwm8-00050-00024308-00024758 we'll have difficult times, there will be troubles, I know, but those who'll survive will live in peace." oVXZU2EBwm8-00051-00025012-00025212 and aunt Nava, his daughter, writes: oVXZU2EBwm8-00052-00025344-00025682 "unfortunately I have no more time to keep writing, because some vegetables arrived to the market, oVXZU2EBwm8-00053-00025682-00025798 and I gotta run to buy some. oVXZU2EBwm8-00054-00025866-00025992 I have never seen something like this. oVXZU2EBwm8-00055-00026044-00026272 people charge the vegetables as if they were a precious treasure. oVXZU2EBwm8-00056-00026320-00026524 and for half an hour, the market seems as like it has just experienced a Pogrom." oVXZU2EBwm8-00057-00026754-00027239 now, we are, after all, the Zehut 'youth', and not just Zehut members oVXZU2EBwm8-00058-00027398-00027798 my grandmother's uncle (Boaz) was a Senior in 'Gymnasia Rehavia'. oVXZU2EBwm8-00059-00027916-00028460 and he had to prepare for the 'Bagrut', but lets see you prepare for the 'Bagrut' during a war. oVXZU2EBwm8-00060-00028604-00029002 and he worked, and fought, he volunteered in the Jewish Agency for Israel, oVXZU2EBwm8-00061-00029052-00029586 (audience: so did they give him higher grades?) no, listen, and he writes: oVXZU2EBwm8-00062-00029624-00030139 "tomorrow the 'Matric' is starting (that's how they called the Bagrut back then) oVXZU2EBwm8-00063-00030224-00030466 and we decided that if I'll succeed I most be a genius. oVXZU2EBwm8-00064-00030466-00030545 because I didn't prepare. oVXZU2EBwm8-00065-00030568-00030726 I learned for a week and thats it. oVXZU2EBwm8-00066-00030745-00030795 ten days. oVXZU2EBwm8-00067-00030858-00031177 but at least I have the consolation, that I failed for the homeland." oVXZU2EBwm8-00068-00031389-00031444 and he also writes: oVXZU2EBwm8-00069-00031464-00031827 secretly, I knew that I'd fail either way. oVXZU2EBwm8-00070-00031886-00032252 and from the moment it was determined I looked for something to put the blame on." oVXZU2EBwm8-00071-00032416-00032627 they also write about the war. oVXZU2EBwm8-00072-00032682-00032832 about shells and bombings oVXZU2EBwm8-00073-00032892-00033392 my great-great grandfather and grandmother had an hotel, here, in Rehov HaNevi'im oVXZU2EBwm8-00074-00033442-00033742 in the corner with Straus street oVXZU2EBwm8-00075-00033742-00033936 the hotel was called 'Hotel&Pension "San-Remo"' oVXZU2EBwm8-00076-00034622-00035160 they write about shells and bombings, about when their building was hit, oVXZU2EBwm8-00077-00035160-00035294 and when the neighbours house was hit oVXZU2EBwm8-00078-00035322-00035522 about the hotel's cook who was killed in a bombing. oVXZU2EBwm8-00079-00035968-00036658 one of the most interesting subjects is the fateful day of the Ben Yehuda Street bombings oVXZU2EBwm8-00080-00036684-00037092 and Boaz, who was 17 years old, writes: oVXZU2EBwm8-00081-00037136-00037484 "Even if I'll live 120 years, I'll never forget yesterday. oVXZU2EBwm8-00082-00037574-00038254 in Friday I slept for 3 hours only, and in Saturday I went to bed on midnight. oVXZU2EBwm8-00083-00038300-00038444 I had no school on sunday morning. oVXZU2EBwm8-00084-00038554-00039072 and suddenly, on 6:30 AM, I felt myself flying with my bed. oVXZU2EBwm8-00085-00039174-00039398 I dressed up quickly and I ran towards the explosion. oVXZU2EBwm8-00086-00039466-00039686 and I tell you, I'll never forget the sight I've seen. oVXZU2EBwm8-00087-00039782-00040138 Human bodies, hands and legs, and all of Ben Yehuda street is destroyed. oVXZU2EBwm8-00088-00040222-00040422 I started helping and I even got a dead body out of the ruins. oVXZU2EBwm8-00089-00040462-00040662 I worked for four hours and then I went home. oVXZU2EBwm8-00090-00040736-00041218 I ate and went to my regular "job", I worked near The National Institutions House oVXZU2EBwm8-00091-00041316-00041678 suddenly, someone started shooting at me, and I don't know how I was saved. oVXZU2EBwm8-00092-00042056-00042492 P.S: Mom and Dad don't know about it. I didn't tell them. oVXZU2EBwm8-00093-00042636-00042926 when I left The National Institutions House in 8 PM, going home oVXZU2EBwm8-00094-00042974-00043324 I heard the British soldiers shouting: "Lets shoot them!" oVXZU2EBwm8-00095-00043356-00043556 and one moment after two fellows were injured. oVXZU2EBwm8-00096-00043628-00043894 today was quieter and we hope that the brits will stop doing troubles." oVXZU2EBwm8-00097-00044090-00044514 now, like most of us, my family too had casualties during the war. oVXZU2EBwm8-00098-00044628-00044964 two of my great grandmother's cousins were killed. oVXZU2EBwm8-00099-00045022-00045462 first, David, my great grandmother's maternal cousin, was killed. oVXZU2EBwm8-00100-00045940-00046158 (audience: I'm creating the family tree in my head) oVXZU2EBwm8-00101-00046442-00046584 my great-grandmother's cousin. oVXZU2EBwm8-00102-00046862-00047178 and Nava, my grandmother's aunt writes: oVXZU2EBwm8-00103-00047262-00047396 "David, HYD, died. oVXZU2EBwm8-00104-00047510-00047640 A british Sargent shot him." oVXZU2EBwm8-00105-00047706-00047868 she then describes the events of the day, it's very sad. oVXZU2EBwm8-00106-00047998-00048150 now comes the part that is, in my opinion, the most horrific. oVXZU2EBwm8-00107-00048270-00048470 "David HYD wasn't burried yet. oVXZU2EBwm8-00108-00048538-00048792 on the way to the cemetery their convoy was attacked. oVXZU2EBwm8-00109-00048902-00049214 Baruch, David's father, was hit by a fragment near the eye. oVXZU2EBwm8-00110-00049252-00049578 tomorrow he'll go, I hope to say the benediction of deliverance oVXZU2EBwm8-00111-00049640-00049864 because the Jew and the Englishman who were killed stood by both of his sides. oVXZU2EBwm8-00112-00049924-00050356 they walked in the convoy, they were shot at, on one side the Jew that was killed oVXZU2EBwm8-00113-00050356-00050482 on the other side, the Englishman oVXZU2EBwm8-00114-00050482-00050612 and he, luckily, made it out alive. oVXZU2EBwm8-00115-00050726-00050924 on his son's funeral. oVXZU2EBwm8-00116-00050982-00051048 unbelievable. oVXZU2EBwm8-00117-00051232-00052308 not a month later, and Amihai, a paternal cousin, was killed in the Battle of al-Qastal. oVXZU2EBwm8-00118-00052470-00052986 Nava and Amihai were very close in age and were good friends, and she writes: oVXZU2EBwm8-00119-00053020-00053360 "Even now, I sit and write to you, and I cry. oVXZU2EBwm8-00120-00053412-00053572 I don't know what will be with me. oVXZU2EBwm8-00121-00053624-00053824 but Ami's death has completely ruined me. oVXZU2EBwm8-00122-00053920-00054186 I just don't have the strength to keep on living like this. oVXZU2EBwm8-00123-00054208-00054348 I don't know what will be my end. oVXZU2EBwm8-00124-00054402-00054602 I hope that anyway, thing will be good." oVXZU2EBwm8-00125-00054750-00055054 now, those here which are from Jerusalem knows that its cold oVXZU2EBwm8-00126-00055148-00055470 we can feel it, I'm freezing. oVXZU2EBwm8-00127-00055600-00055904 and so, the bad weather didn't skip on the besieged city. oVXZU2EBwm8-00128-00056014-00056340 in March, you know, in March its starting to get hotter oVXZU2EBwm8-00129-00056374-00056504 in March 1948 it snowed. oVXZU2EBwm8-00130-00056634-00056814 and a lot. and it was cold. oVXZU2EBwm8-00131-00056932-00057014 and they write: oVXZU2EBwm8-00132-00057072-00057522 "Jerusalem probably has to suffer more than any other city. oVXZU2EBwm8-00133-00057586-00057804 because for a few days the weather is unusually cold. oVXZU2EBwm8-00134-00057855-00058004 and there is nothing to heat the house with. oVXZU2EBwm8-00135-00058028-00058096 the city is besieged. oVXZU2EBwm8-00136-00058217-00058500 on Monday, we couldn't cook because there was no kerosene. oVXZU2EBwm8-00137-00058754-00059524 on Saturday morning I showered. it is a thing of luxury, because there is no Mazut", which was used to heat the water. oVXZU2EBwm8-00138-00059788-00060022 grandfather writes: oVXZU2EBwm8-00139-00060048-00060517 tonight, some snow got here from Russia, and what a snow it was! oVXZU2EBwm8-00140-00060620-00061176 I wish that with the snow, a real help will come from Russia, because we have no other hope." oVXZU2EBwm8-00141-00061391-00062048 the letters, of course, there are a lot of them, most of them are about the daily life in a besieged city oVXZU2EBwm8-00142-00062220-00062570 the daily life are rather normal, after all, not all the city is at constant war oVXZU2EBwm8-00143-00062570-00062750 this isn't Stalingrad oVXZU2EBwm8-00144-00062874-00063288 about life, about the conscription, about the siege and the convoys to the city oVXZU2EBwm8-00145-00063379-00063655 about "how do you send a letter from Jerusalem to Tel aviv?" oVXZU2EBwm8-00146-00063766-00064129 you have to send it in a bus to The Dead Sea, so a plane will take it to Tel Aviv oVXZU2EBwm8-00147-00064179-00064544 because of the siege, you can't just send, there are no convoys oVXZU2EBwm8-00148-00064591-00064841 public transportation in Israel, exactly. oVXZU2EBwm8-00149-00065367-00066030 they talk about how Boaz was drafted to the IDF oVXZU2EBwm8-00150-00066106-00066450 they talk about the foundation of the Israel Postal Company, today we are talking about it's collapse. oVXZU2EBwm8-00151-00066548-00067074 and about everything that happened in that fateful year. oVXZU2EBwm8-00152-00067218-00067956 about the celebrations when the country was established, about the battles and just about life. oVXZU2EBwm8-00153-00068156-00068206 that's it. oVXZU2EBwm8-00154-00068354-00069104 the family is currently working on summing the letters and writing a book or an assay about them. oVXZU2EBwm8-00155-00069670-00069836 I will definitely let you know. oVXZU2EBwm8-00156-00069928-00069980 I want to thank you all for listening oVXZU2EBwm8-00157-00070098-00070848 a huge thanks to my grandmother and her sister, Tzafy, who visited us earlier oVXZU2EBwm8-00158-00070878-00071550 they read all those letters, and it's not easy oVXZU2EBwm8-00159-00071742-00072286 they read everything, a few times, and really helped me prepare the lecture, it wouldn't have happened without them. oVXZU2EBwm8-00160-00072358-00072484 my lecture would've been way worse oVXZU2EBwm8-00161-00072806-00073306 and I hope that it was inteeresting oVXZU2EBwm8-00162-00073340-00073810 have a happy Jerusalem day and have fun celebrating tomorrow! oY5vpfcyEZY-00000-00000159-00000259 Howard Jacob: So I'll blow this up. oY5vpfcyEZY-00001-00000259-00001030 I tried to make life easier by drafting the report already, or at least starting to. oY5vpfcyEZY-00002-00001030-00001221 So here's the participants of our group. oY5vpfcyEZY-00003-00001221-00001689 We also had a lively series of discussions around this and I've hopefully, along with oY5vpfcyEZY-00004-00001689-00001967 Scott's notes and Jeff's notes and a couple iterations back and forth with Scott, captured oY5vpfcyEZY-00005-00001967-00002107 what we were trying to do. oY5vpfcyEZY-00006-00002107-00002695 So, the goal, I think Les kind of put it out there and I like this so -- is to change our oY5vpfcyEZY-00007-00002695-00003455 practice of medicine to a point where whole genome sequence can be routinely ordered for oY5vpfcyEZY-00008-00003455-00003907 a patient and to use it to improve their healthcare. oY5vpfcyEZY-00009-00003907-00004839 So, what would the community agree is a reasonable set of data they want to accurately interpret oY5vpfcyEZY-00010-00004839-00005547 from a genome and be able to act on it so that it's useful for patient care? oY5vpfcyEZY-00011-00005547-00005931 So that's the fundamental broad question, but before WGS can be accepted as a legitimate oY5vpfcyEZY-00012-00005931-00006357 clinical test, we first need to develop enough data to convince people that this needs to oY5vpfcyEZY-00013-00006357-00006456 be in the clinic. oY5vpfcyEZY-00014-00006456-00006606 I think this discussion we were just having kind of illustrates those issues. oY5vpfcyEZY-00015-00006606-00006956 So the needs in order to accomplish this is a set of standards and best practices -- I oY5vpfcyEZY-00016-00006956-00007443 don't know what happened to the numbers here but -- best analyses, best practices for analyses, oY5vpfcyEZY-00017-00007443-00007662 these may change over time. oY5vpfcyEZY-00018-00007662-00008184 Allignment issues represent of different major ethnic groups, de novo sequencing, assembly, oY5vpfcyEZY-00019-00008184-00008764 accuracy of cause for snipped genes and LCNDVs [spelled phonetically], et cetera, to know oY5vpfcyEZY-00020-00008764-00009396 what we find with different search strategies and what to do with that information, well oY5vpfcyEZY-00021-00009396-00009522 defined clinical phenotypes. oY5vpfcyEZY-00022-00009522-00009854 We're calling it the Tiffany standards, you know, the Miami standards. oY5vpfcyEZY-00023-00009854-00010350 Those of you that were in the Tiffany room yesterday -- oY5vpfcyEZY-00024-00010350-00010450 [laughter] oY5vpfcyEZY-00025-00010450-00010832 Howard Jacob: -- appreciate it's a low bar that we can accomplish oY5vpfcyEZY-00026-00010832-00010932 -- oY5vpfcyEZY-00027-00010932-00011032 [laughter] oY5vpfcyEZY-00028-00011032-00011132 Howard Jacob: -- to have equivalent -- [laughs] -- equivalent oY5vpfcyEZY-00029-00011132-00011232 standards for phenotypes and genotype annotations. oY5vpfcyEZY-00030-00011232-00011332 What is the baseline we need to have? oY5vpfcyEZY-00031-00011332-00011631 So we think that's an important question. oY5vpfcyEZY-00032-00011631-00012099 And then what are the annotation strategies to meet the Tiffany standards and beyond? oY5vpfcyEZY-00033-00012099-00012278 We need to layer different categories of data. oY5vpfcyEZY-00034-00012278-00012753 Snipped data, standard phenotypes from eMERGE and eMERGE-like and layer these into EHRS oY5vpfcyEZY-00035-00012753-00012900 into the genomic sequence. oY5vpfcyEZY-00036-00012900-00013011 Easy to say. oY5vpfcyEZY-00037-00013011-00013194 How do we do that? oY5vpfcyEZY-00038-00013194-00013485 Major issues to think about around that. oY5vpfcyEZY-00039-00013485-00014106 In variants of unknown significance, what does that mean for a variant of unknown significance oY5vpfcyEZY-00040-00014106-00014271 and perhaps that's a wrong term. oY5vpfcyEZY-00041-00014271-00014666 Maybe it should be undefined or not defined or something else to think about, because oY5vpfcyEZY-00042-00014666-00015115 variants of unknown significance has a very different meaning depending on which area oY5vpfcyEZY-00043-00015115-00015216 you come from. oY5vpfcyEZY-00044-00015216-00015656 And I think this last discussion illustrates that. oY5vpfcyEZY-00045-00015656-00016468 I think the clinical geneticists would have a different view around implementation of oY5vpfcyEZY-00046-00016468-00016641 variants of unknown significance. oY5vpfcyEZY-00047-00016641-00016846 Okay, so mission critical. oY5vpfcyEZY-00048-00016846-00017382 More and more labs are going to be rolling out whole genome sequencing and exome sequencing. oY5vpfcyEZY-00049-00017382-00017822 So there is a critical need to define standards in meaningful clinical reports. oY5vpfcyEZY-00050-00017822-00018315 Failure to do so is going to drive up the cost and here's just a classic example. oY5vpfcyEZY-00051-00018315-00018940 In the interim there's going to be pressure to run expensive clinical tests to follow oY5vpfcyEZY-00052-00018940-00019190 up genome-wide sequencing studies in exomes. oY5vpfcyEZY-00053-00019190-00019815 So for example, somebody shows up in your office and you're a GI doc and they say they oY5vpfcyEZY-00054-00019815-00020291 have a snip for Crohn's disease and they're very worried about Crohn's disease. oY5vpfcyEZY-00055-00020291-00020595 Are you going to end up doing a scope? oY5vpfcyEZY-00056-00020595-00020796 So how do we get around that as being an issue? oY5vpfcyEZY-00057-00020796-00021250 Because that's going to be a major pressure point. oY5vpfcyEZY-00058-00021250-00022393 So, the group came up with at the, I think, kind of the initial leadership of David Ledbetter oY5vpfcyEZY-00059-00022393-00022675 around this, which is a grand vision. oY5vpfcyEZY-00060-00022675-00022853 So we said 100,000. oY5vpfcyEZY-00061-00022853-00023266 Maybe that's the wrong number, but sequencing 100,000 patients with detailed electronic oY5vpfcyEZY-00062-00023266-00023681 medical records to build a comprehensive data set of variants, phenotype annotations and oY5vpfcyEZY-00063-00023681-00023781 critical information about incidental findings. oY5vpfcyEZY-00064-00023781-00024220 This would be analogous to the initial goal of sequencing the human genome, therefore oY5vpfcyEZY-00065-00024220-00024750 there needs to be some key pilot projects established to set specific needs and milestones oY5vpfcyEZY-00066-00024750-00024877 for this project. oY5vpfcyEZY-00067-00024877-00025430 A white paper could be potentially developed this year to begin the dialogue. oY5vpfcyEZY-00068-00025430-00025642 Should it be more grand? oY5vpfcyEZY-00069-00025642-00026245 Should it be all children with birth defects or simply all children or the entire human oY5vpfcyEZY-00070-00026245-00026345 planet? oY5vpfcyEZY-00071-00026345-00026756 I mean, we could decide what we want to do with that. oY5vpfcyEZY-00072-00026756-00027070 So, considerations to think as we go forward. oY5vpfcyEZY-00073-00027070-00027669 Part of the question of getting whole genome sequencing and the routine testing is figuring oY5vpfcyEZY-00074-00027669-00027927 out how to fund it. oY5vpfcyEZY-00075-00027927-00028308 Insurance, patients, research are a mix of fuming. oY5vpfcyEZY-00076-00028308-00028598 I guess that would be funding sources we now use. oY5vpfcyEZY-00077-00028598-00029032 Sequencing costs will drop if the insurance or patient paid for the sequence. oY5vpfcyEZY-00078-00029032-00029264 It ends up becoming potentially free for research. oY5vpfcyEZY-00079-00029264-00029468 It's an interesting dynamic to think about. oY5vpfcyEZY-00080-00029468-00029914 So we could use research dollars now to build infrastructure to enable it and pilot projects oY5vpfcyEZY-00081-00029914-00030345 such as we've just been discussing for disease-specific questions would also fit into positioning oY5vpfcyEZY-00082-00030345-00030563 the best approach for the grand division. oY5vpfcyEZY-00083-00030563-00030663 There's a list of pilot projects. oY5vpfcyEZY-00084-00030663-00031063 I'll list them and then break them out into -- I don't know what happened to all the numbering. oY5vpfcyEZY-00085-00031063-00031256 Oh, I guess I cut it off. oY5vpfcyEZY-00086-00031256-00031356 Nope. oY5vpfcyEZY-00087-00031356-00031456 Well anyway. oY5vpfcyEZY-00088-00031456-00031883 The pilot projects are analytical best practices, a wet lab bake off, is number two. oY5vpfcyEZY-00089-00031883-00032235 Number three is improved reference set for clinical analysis. oY5vpfcyEZY-00090-00032235-00032706 Number four is establish minimum standards for genomic and clinical phenotyping data. oY5vpfcyEZY-00091-00032706-00033295 Five would be work with NIST on developing standard genome types and create a central oY5vpfcyEZY-00092-00033295-00033395 repository. oY5vpfcyEZY-00093-00033395-00033576 So let's break these down into potentiable goals and projects. oY5vpfcyEZY-00094-00033576-00034179 So the pilot project one, analytical best practices, the goal would be to develop a oY5vpfcyEZY-00095-00034179-00034498 set of standards and software tools analysis pipelines for clinical analysis. oY5vpfcyEZY-00096-00034498-00035175 The goal of this is to do this now. oY5vpfcyEZY-00097-00035175-00036055 There's many groups in the process of doing this, and so we thought having 10 genome sequences oY5vpfcyEZY-00098-00036055-00036360 would be a great start point. oY5vpfcyEZY-00099-00036360-00036523 These would be already sequenced. oY5vpfcyEZY-00100-00036523-00037344 We then provide a set of reference genomes to compare to, with the idea being that it's oY5vpfcyEZY-00101-00037344-00037752 not about how many genomes you have but how good is your software with the genomes that oY5vpfcyEZY-00102-00037752-00037852 are available? oY5vpfcyEZY-00103-00037852-00037952 Male Speaker: [inaudible]. oY5vpfcyEZY-00104-00037952-00038055 Howard Jacob: Yeah, coverage. oY5vpfcyEZY-00105-00038055-00038190 How much is covered? oY5vpfcyEZY-00106-00038190-00038393 All those things would be standardized. oY5vpfcyEZY-00107-00038393-00038648 There'd be a collection to define clinical phenotypes. oY5vpfcyEZY-00108-00038648-00039138 There'd be six genomes with known variants that cause disease and four genomes with unknown oY5vpfcyEZY-00109-00039138-00039286 causes of disease, but have been analyzed but not found. oY5vpfcyEZY-00110-00039286-00040049 So the exercise would be interested groups would get the 10 genomes and the reference oY5vpfcyEZY-00111-00040049-00040263 genomes to conduct their own analysis. oY5vpfcyEZY-00112-00040263-00040592 Debbie's [spelled phonetically] term, a bake off. oY5vpfcyEZY-00113-00040592-00041344 The goal would then be, and this has been done in other groups, the statistical geneticists oY5vpfcyEZY-00114-00041344-00042290 have done things like this over the years, and the strategy then would be to have a meeting oY5vpfcyEZY-00115-00042290-00042616 to compare results and look at the lessons learned. oY5vpfcyEZY-00116-00042616-00042944 What did these different software package come up with? oY5vpfcyEZY-00117-00042944-00043162 What did we learn from this? oY5vpfcyEZY-00118-00043162-00043925 How do we deal with some fundamental questions like if you see a variant in one caller but oY5vpfcyEZY-00119-00043925-00044289 not in the other, which one is real? oY5vpfcyEZY-00120-00044289-00044549 These are fundamental questions we need to address. oY5vpfcyEZY-00121-00044549-00044998 So the deliverables would then be a standard reference set for testing and benchmarking oY5vpfcyEZY-00122-00044998-00045428 future new tools and really answer some fundamental questions around coverage needed. oY5vpfcyEZY-00123-00045428-00045988 It could develop analytical guidelines around what would be the best practices for the validation oY5vpfcyEZY-00124-00045988-00047051 of a clinical tool and it may actually weigh in and provide some potentially new, novel oY5vpfcyEZY-00125-00047051-00047151 insights. oY5vpfcyEZY-00126-00047151-00048640 The other goal is to have a wet lab bake off. oY5vpfcyEZY-00127-00048640-00049881 This is really to go in and take a look at some issues around sequencing strategies. oY5vpfcyEZY-00128-00049881-00050231 There's different views on how you should do that. oY5vpfcyEZY-00129-00050231-00050652 Do you do short reads combined with long reads with clone reads? oY5vpfcyEZY-00130-00050652-00050843 How deep do you go? oY5vpfcyEZY-00131-00050843-00051201 Fundamental questions that need to really be addressed. oY5vpfcyEZY-00132-00051201-00051889 The idea then would be again to get 10 genomes that have been consented. oY5vpfcyEZY-00133-00051889-00052429 It would be ideal, I would argue, if it's the same 10 genomes that are going to be done oY5vpfcyEZY-00134-00052429-00052924 in the analytical side but it doesn't have to be. oY5vpfcyEZY-00135-00052924-00053254 And the goal then would be the interesting groups would use their platform or strategy oY5vpfcyEZY-00136-00053254-00053354 to analyze these same genomes. oY5vpfcyEZY-00137-00053354-00053827 Fundamentally, I think this could be maybe an annual meeting that would come up with oY5vpfcyEZY-00138-00053827-00053986 where are you? oY5vpfcyEZY-00139-00053986-00054476 Again, this comes back to what's been done in statistical geneticist groups where you oY5vpfcyEZY-00140-00054476-00054645 say, "Hey, how good is your stuff?" oY5vpfcyEZY-00141-00054645-00054832 Deliverables would be coverage needs by platform. oY5vpfcyEZY-00142-00054832-00054941 There's plenty of different technologies. oY5vpfcyEZY-00143-00054941-00055300 We've talked about Illumina and we've talked about complete genomics, but there's a large oY5vpfcyEZY-00144-00055300-00055575 number of other platforms that are out there. oY5vpfcyEZY-00145-00055575-00056041 This then would provide really knowledge about how would we make that comparator? oY5vpfcyEZY-00146-00056041-00056272 You think your technology is fantastic? oY5vpfcyEZY-00147-00056272-00056463 Great, how does it compare? oY5vpfcyEZY-00148-00056463-00056836 And then again, look at the best practices for sequence generation. oY5vpfcyEZY-00149-00056836-00057335 And that initial calling algorithms and so forth are again major issues we have to think oY5vpfcyEZY-00150-00057335-00057435 about. oY5vpfcyEZY-00151-00057435-00057755 The next one would be improved reference set for clinical analysis. oY5vpfcyEZY-00152-00057755-00058313 So the goals here would be to create a better reference set of genomes and phenotypes. oY5vpfcyEZY-00153-00058313-00058489 This is the pilot project. oY5vpfcyEZY-00154-00058489-00058826 Or, one of the pilot projects for the grand vision. oY5vpfcyEZY-00155-00058826-00059418 The notion would be to have 500 genomes with detailed electronic health records. oY5vpfcyEZY-00156-00059418-00059980 The idea again, and these are numbers that were just thrown out there but I think are oY5vpfcyEZY-00157-00059980-00060718 in a level that we can discuss, 100 from each of the five major continents with the idea oY5vpfcyEZY-00158-00060718-00061424 being that much of the reference data we need is dependent upon where the people are from. oY5vpfcyEZY-00159-00061424-00062156 And if we're going to be practicing medicine better we need to have those reference resources, oY5vpfcyEZY-00160-00062156-00062436 both from the genotype and from the phenotype. oY5vpfcyEZY-00161-00062436-00063024 We're going to have to understand the subset of rare variants, what are carriers, what oY5vpfcyEZY-00162-00063024-00063494 are common known variants in each of these different sub-groups? oY5vpfcyEZY-00163-00063494-00064138 Subsets with -- so the strategy then would be what other needs do we need from these oY5vpfcyEZY-00164-00064138-00064762 100 in each of the five major continents would be some rare variants and carriers, I didn't oY5vpfcyEZY-00165-00064762-00065185 explain that well, so that you have something that we know what to find. oY5vpfcyEZY-00166-00065185-00065868 So it gives the analytical group an idea of can you actually find a CFTR carrier or a oY5vpfcyEZY-00167-00065868-00066047 sickle cell carrier or some of these other? oY5vpfcyEZY-00168-00066047-00066482 There also, we think, should be some extremes of common clinical phenotypes. oY5vpfcyEZY-00169-00066482-00066624 I picked blood glucose. oY5vpfcyEZY-00170-00066624-00066810 It could be anything. oY5vpfcyEZY-00171-00066810-00067088 I just threw that out there. oY5vpfcyEZY-00172-00067088-00067645 If you had the extremes of the distribution, can you now find something around those? oY5vpfcyEZY-00173-00067645-00067750 Potential sources of samples. oY5vpfcyEZY-00174-00067750-00067983 eMERGE, eMERGE-like programs, George Church Personal Genome Project and other existing oY5vpfcyEZY-00175-00067983-00068536 cohorts, dbGaP, I don't want to specify but I think there's -- the goal again would be oY5vpfcyEZY-00176-00068536-00069154 to do this relatively quickly and not spend the next five years trying to ascertain patients. oY5vpfcyEZY-00177-00069154-00069763 I mean, I think we really have to be realistic about this is coming quick and the slower oY5vpfcyEZY-00178-00069763-00070010 we are, the further behind we are. oY5vpfcyEZY-00179-00070010-00070332 Does this need a grant mechanism? oY5vpfcyEZY-00180-00070332-00070786 I don't know, this is probably big enough that we need to think about that. oY5vpfcyEZY-00181-00070786-00071080 Again, there'd be an annual meeting to compare results, advance best practices. oY5vpfcyEZY-00182-00071080-00071396 Deliverables are similar to what was said before but an additional leveraging of the oY5vpfcyEZY-00183-00071396-00071776 different reference populations, standard reference sets for testing and benchmarking oY5vpfcyEZY-00184-00071776-00071891 future new tools. oY5vpfcyEZY-00185-00071891-00072250 Again, coverage needed analytical guidelines for the different human populations. oY5vpfcyEZY-00186-00072250-00072783 Best practices for validation of a clinical tool, potentially novel insights and knowledge oY5vpfcyEZY-00187-00072783-00073120 and information about how to think about a grand vision. oY5vpfcyEZY-00188-00073120-00073537 So when we say we need to sequence 100,000, is it really 100,000? oY5vpfcyEZY-00189-00073537-00073705 I mean, what is that number? oY5vpfcyEZY-00190-00073705-00073986 I think we need to have some baseline around that. oY5vpfcyEZY-00191-00073986-00074155 Project four -- now they come back. oY5vpfcyEZY-00192-00074155-00074255 The numbers come back. oY5vpfcyEZY-00193-00074255-00074460 Establish minimum standards for genomic and clinical phenotyping data. oY5vpfcyEZY-00194-00074460-00074944 So here the goal would be what's the minimum standards for data annotation for genomic oY5vpfcyEZY-00195-00074944-00075067 and phenotype data? oY5vpfcyEZY-00196-00075067-00076070 Sounds pretty easy, but I think if you start to come up with what's the basic level of oY5vpfcyEZY-00197-00076070-00076170 standards? oY5vpfcyEZY-00198-00076170-00076777 This is something that was done for micro arrays. oY5vpfcyEZY-00199-00076777-00077773 It really helped improve how we exchange knowledge, it really helps the programmers think about oY5vpfcyEZY-00200-00077773-00078530 what information do they have to make sure that's being maintained. oY5vpfcyEZY-00201-00078530-00078698 These are critical issues. oY5vpfcyEZY-00202-00078698-00079386 So the needs would be a work group for genome annotation minimum standards, a work group oY5vpfcyEZY-00203-00079386-00079580 for phenotype annotation minimum standards. oY5vpfcyEZY-00204-00079580-00079850 I think those are two different cultures. oY5vpfcyEZY-00205-00079850-00080431 I think there needs to be some haggling going on there first. oY5vpfcyEZY-00206-00080431-00081174 And then maybe a joint group to align the genotype, phenotype minimum standards is one oY5vpfcyEZY-00207-00081174-00081274 potential approach. oY5vpfcyEZY-00208-00081274-00081479 How would we do this? oY5vpfcyEZY-00209-00081479-00081842 Well it could be done through meetings and/or conference calls. oY5vpfcyEZY-00210-00081842-00082191 I think the goal here, the deliverables, would be some position papers or a paper around oY5vpfcyEZY-00211-00082191-00082585 this as well as the beginnings of this potential variant catalog for clinical references. oY5vpfcyEZY-00212-00082585-00083027 There's ClinVar, there's a variety of other sources but it would be great if we could oY5vpfcyEZY-00213-00083027-00083480 kind of standardize those around these basic minimum standards so we know what we're sharing oY5vpfcyEZY-00214-00083480-00083580 and how we're comparing. oY5vpfcyEZY-00215-00083580-00083998 Number five is to work with NIST, this is the National Institute of Standards. oY5vpfcyEZY-00216-00083998-00084098 Is that the correct -- oY5vpfcyEZY-00217-00084098-00084241 Male Speaker: Standards and Technology. oY5vpfcyEZY-00218-00084241-00084398 Howard Jacob: Standards and Technology. oY5vpfcyEZY-00219-00084398-00086305 These are the people that tell you how long is a yard, a meter, an inch and they're working oY5vpfcyEZY-00220-00086305-00086547 on standard genotypes. oY5vpfcyEZY-00221-00086547-00086948 I think we would like to make sure that whatever NIST is establishing as a standard would kind oY5vpfcyEZY-00222-00086948-00087450 of fit into what we think are standards around which we want to make comparators. oY5vpfcyEZY-00223-00087450-00087882 So I think that's just something that needs to be worked at. oY5vpfcyEZY-00224-00087882-00088007 I don't know enough about this. oY5vpfcyEZY-00225-00088007-00088595 But the goal then would be to make sure that if we're going to do this pilot or grand vision, oY5vpfcyEZY-00226-00088595-00088950 that at the end of the day, the NIST standards are part of that. oY5vpfcyEZY-00227-00088950-00089107 I think that would be a mistake not to do that. oY5vpfcyEZY-00228-00089107-00089437 Create a central repository of whole genome sequencing for the clinical labs to compare oY5vpfcyEZY-00229-00089437-00089537 against. oY5vpfcyEZY-00230-00089537-00089999 So I think a goal would be a short term solution, this group or a sub-set, as Eric Topol said, oY5vpfcyEZY-00231-00089999-00090183 he's willing to share his genomes. oY5vpfcyEZY-00232-00090183-00090744 I think this is something we can do quickly if we want to. oY5vpfcyEZY-00233-00090744-00091248 In order to make this happen I think there would need to be some data sharing agreements, oY5vpfcyEZY-00234-00091248-00091470 MLUs, that would establish what that is. oY5vpfcyEZY-00235-00091470-00091617 Data security and data sites. oY5vpfcyEZY-00236-00091617-00091737 How would we do this? oY5vpfcyEZY-00237-00091737-00091857 And rules for data use. oY5vpfcyEZY-00238-00091857-00092470 I think this something that could be done very, very quickly with a concerted group oY5vpfcyEZY-00239-00092470-00093031 of dedicated individuals and wouldn't require resources and a lot of thinking about this. oY5vpfcyEZY-00240-00093031-00093235 We need to share data somehow. oY5vpfcyEZY-00241-00093235-00093849 Long term, obviously, is the pan-NHI project that Eric Green mentioned earlier today. oY5vpfcyEZY-00242-00093849-00094331 I think that's potentially -- I don't know the details, but the likelihood of that would oY5vpfcyEZY-00243-00094331-00094431 be a longer term issue. oY5vpfcyEZY-00244-00094431-00094612 I think we could jump start some of these. oY5vpfcyEZY-00245-00094612-00095135 So hopefully I've captured those discussions and distilled them into what you all agree oY5vpfcyEZY-00246-00095135-00095729 with, so -- so can I start from the people from the group? oY5vpfcyEZY-00247-00095729-00095870 Did I capture that accurately? oY5vpfcyEZY-00248-00095870-00095989 Male Speaker: Yes. oY5vpfcyEZY-00249-00095989-00096108 Howard Jacob: Okay. oY5vpfcyEZY-00250-00096108-00096227 Male Speaker: Yes. oY5vpfcyEZY-00251-00096227-00096347 Howard Jacob: Questions? oY5vpfcyEZY-00252-00096347-00096781 Male Speaker: So, Howard, I just wondered if you were aware oY5vpfcyEZY-00253-00096781-00097414 or in the group about the Hakon Hakonarson's program at CHOP where they have 100,000 kids oY5vpfcyEZY-00254-00097414-00097514 and 20,000 parents. oY5vpfcyEZY-00255-00097514-00098027 They brought GWAS to all of them and now they have 10 high-seeks [spelled phonetically] oY5vpfcyEZY-00256-00098027-00098369 with BGI and they're going to sequence all of them and they're getting pretty -- they're oY5vpfcyEZY-00257-00098369-00098469 tooling up pretty fast. oY5vpfcyEZY-00258-00098469-00098712 What about that resource to potentially work with to accelerate this whole thing? oY5vpfcyEZY-00259-00098712-00098812 Howard Jacob: Sure, absolutely. oY5vpfcyEZY-00260-00098812-00099114 There's -- that's why I didn't put a statement on what the populations need to be or where oY5vpfcyEZY-00261-00099114-00099214 they come from. oY5vpfcyEZY-00262-00099214-00099342 I think that's a discussion point for what would be the best sources. oY5vpfcyEZY-00263-00099342-00099442 And the timing. oY5vpfcyEZY-00264-00099442-00099613 I mean, you know, 10 high-seeks is a lot but 100,000 people is a lot. oY5vpfcyEZY-00265-00099613-00099773 Female Speaker: So that actually leads into my point, which oY5vpfcyEZY-00266-00099773-00100197 is one of the lessons we learned in eMERGE is that all subjects and all electronic health oY5vpfcyEZY-00267-00100197-00100666 records are not created equal, and so that the oldest subjects have actually been informative oY5vpfcyEZY-00268-00100666-00101079 for virtually all the phenotypes across the sites, whereas the younger people haven't oY5vpfcyEZY-00269-00101079-00101357 had time to develop the adult onset diseases. oY5vpfcyEZY-00270-00101357-00101880 And so it -- you know, different cohorts had different utilities, and so if you're going oY5vpfcyEZY-00271-00101880-00102245 to focus on children you're just not going to get those phenotypes. oY5vpfcyEZY-00272-00102245-00102468 So that's something to think about. oY5vpfcyEZY-00274-00105738-00106100 Kaiser and HMOs where they're capturing all the medications the patient have took, all oY5vpfcyEZY-00275-00106100-00106900 the diagnoses are very valuable in a way that electronic medical records from -- like, we oY5vpfcyEZY-00276-00106900-00107386 didn't even propose the University of Washington, we used Group Health because we see people oY5vpfcyEZY-00277-00107386-00108172 for a couple weeks and then we don't see them for five years, we don't capture most of their oY5vpfcyEZY-00278-00108172-00108272 healthcare. oY5vpfcyEZY-00279-00108272-00108751 So finding those electronic health records that actually capture most of the healthcare oY5vpfcyEZY-00280-00108751-00109289 and in particular the prescription drugs is also much more informative than not. oY5vpfcyEZY-00281-00109289-00109763 That's a consideration when you're marrying those things that we learned in eMERGE. oY5vpfcyEZY-00282-00109763-00110070 Male Speaker: Yeah, Howard, so during the discussion yesterday, oY5vpfcyEZY-00283-00110070-00110607 we talked I think more about ensuring that the different groups that were doing this oY5vpfcyEZY-00284-00110607-00110773 came up with the same answer. oY5vpfcyEZY-00285-00110773-00111094 We talked less about whether that answer was correct. oY5vpfcyEZY-00286-00111094-00112183 I'm hoping that during the validation process people would make sure that that was also oY5vpfcyEZY-00287-00112183-00112529 a high priority. oY5vpfcyEZY-00288-00112529-00113571 Howard Jacob: So that's why we have six knowns, so we actually oY5vpfcyEZY-00289-00113571-00114699 can then benchmark against what is known and then the six -- the four unknowns would be oY5vpfcyEZY-00290-00114699-00114940 then for discovery potential, yes. oY5vpfcyEZY-00291-00114940-00115445 Male Speaker: Okay, and the second point I wanted to make oY5vpfcyEZY-00292-00115445-00115765 is bake offs are good and needed. oY5vpfcyEZY-00293-00115765-00116534 I just want to make sure that a project like this would take into account that if you do oY5vpfcyEZY-00294-00116534-00117014 bake offs with early technologies particularly, you could squash any new technology coming oY5vpfcyEZY-00295-00117014-00117114 into the field. oY5vpfcyEZY-00296-00117114-00117388 So we have to be very, very careful about that. oY5vpfcyEZY-00297-00117388-00117779 You know, one of the challenges, of course, is all these technologies are changing so oY5vpfcyEZY-00298-00117779-00118311 fast and, you know, by the time you implement something the company has a new kit available oY5vpfcyEZY-00299-00118311-00118994 so -- but moreover, some of these are relatively mature but we have new technologies emerging. oY5vpfcyEZY-00300-00118994-00119594 We don't want to eliminate the possibility for those to come on. oY5vpfcyEZY-00301-00119594-00119694 Male Speaker: [inaudible] oY5vpfcyEZY-00302-00119694-00119828 Howard Jacob: Can Debbie answer that? oY5vpfcyEZY-00303-00119828-00119928 Male Speaker: [inaudible] oY5vpfcyEZY-00304-00119928-00120028 [laughter] oY5vpfcyEZY-00305-00120028-00120128 Female Speaker: I'm sorry. oY5vpfcyEZY-00306-00120128-00120228 I can yell. oY5vpfcyEZY-00307-00120228-00121292 I do think that Jeff's [spelled phonetically] is really good and I think the goal was to oY5vpfcyEZY-00308-00121292-00122819 take a look at what are the drivers of what we can see and what we can't see. oY5vpfcyEZY-00309-00122819-00124232 And I think that will also lead to the development of new technologies and understanding, you oY5vpfcyEZY-00310-00124232-00124545 know, how to drive the field of clinical genomics forward, right? oY5vpfcyEZY-00311-00124545-00124774 I mean, this is a big application. oY5vpfcyEZY-00312-00124774-00125375 We also thought it was really important, we talked about, you know, what is that would oY5vpfcyEZY-00313-00125375-00126232 make an ideal, let's say, medical record -- electronic medical record for what would be the kinds oY5vpfcyEZY-00314-00126232-00127297 of things you would look at for the phenotypes that you -- for the genotypes, phenotypes oY5vpfcyEZY-00315-00127297-00127463 that you could link. oY5vpfcyEZY-00316-00127463-00127958 So, I mean, all of these things would be more integrated than they are currently. oY5vpfcyEZY-00317-00127958-00128455 Howard Jacob: And I think, Jeff, to your point, a bake off oY5vpfcyEZY-00318-00128455-00128976 denotes a winner and loser and I think that's not what the point is. oY5vpfcyEZY-00319-00128976-00129833 The point is is it's a competition with the goal of knowledge, not for declaring a winner oY5vpfcyEZY-00320-00129833-00129995 and a loser. oY5vpfcyEZY-00321-00129995-00130254 So we can modify that language. oY5vpfcyEZY-00322-00130254-00130733 It's really about creating an environment where there can be comparators so that, you oY5vpfcyEZY-00323-00130733-00131380 know, new technologies, new strategies can come to bare but there's a way to benchmark oY5vpfcyEZY-00324-00131380-00131480 them. oY5vpfcyEZY-00325-00131480-00131646 So I understand your point. oY5vpfcyEZY-00326-00131646-00131882 So we can fix that from being a winner-loser structure. oY5vpfcyEZY-00327-00131882-00132316 Male Speaker: Yeah, and as we move forward obviously we oY5vpfcyEZY-00328-00132316-00132521 would have a really good knowledge base to compare new technologies against. oY5vpfcyEZY-00329-00132521-00132798 But part of the point in this design was that we wanted to create a system where anybody oY5vpfcyEZY-00330-00132798-00133912 in the room or beyond could have a set of standards and a sort of best practices to oY5vpfcyEZY-00331-00133912-00134260 refer to, because if somebody got their genome done on the Illumina platform in a healthcare oY5vpfcyEZY-00332-00134260-00134574 system in California and then moved to Boston, you know, would it be a different kind of oY5vpfcyEZY-00333-00134574-00134758 sequence that they would get in Boston? oY5vpfcyEZY-00334-00134758-00134925 Hopefully not, and we wouldn't have to repeat it. oY5vpfcyEZY-00335-00134925-00135371 So if we kind of standardize things -- and it's going to be a little bit of a moving oY5vpfcyEZY-00336-00135371-00136022 target, but, you know, that the whole process -- I like, you know, Howard's analogy with oY5vpfcyEZY-00337-00136022-00136525 the Miami system that, you know, we would have a set system that we all agreed on. oY5vpfcyEZY-00338-00136525-00136980 You know, what kind of medical records data would go in when you did a sequence? oY5vpfcyEZY-00339-00136980-00137180 How much coverage would you have minimum? oY5vpfcyEZY-00340-00137180-00137385 You know, what kind of quality would you have? oY5vpfcyEZY-00341-00137385-00137509 What kind of -- you know, at certain positions maybe you would have to be able to, you know, oY5vpfcyEZY-00342-00137509-00137609 know that there was an internal reference that you called accurately. oY5vpfcyEZY-00343-00137609-00138084 So these are things that we can do as a group to sort of facilitate a uniform approach down oY5vpfcyEZY-00344-00138084-00138184 the road. oY5vpfcyEZY-00345-00138184-00138722 Male Speaker: So this is another follow up on the Miami oY5vpfcyEZY-00346-00138722-00138822 comment. oY5vpfcyEZY-00347-00138822-00138988 So I think it's very helpful that you are involving NIST into this process. oY5vpfcyEZY-00348-00138988-00139239 I'm hoping it won't be as an afterthought but it will be right at the beginning, because oY5vpfcyEZY-00349-00139239-00139567 since the Miami data is a new layer of technology and there's no convergence between technologies oY5vpfcyEZY-00350-00139567-00139675 and the devices. oY5vpfcyEZY-00351-00139675-00140044 And I would just add another reference to that language is the initiative. oY5vpfcyEZY-00352-00140044-00140154 So all sorts of databases are now being integrated together. oY5vpfcyEZY-00353-00140154-00140438 There is -- there are new toys to play with. oY5vpfcyEZY-00354-00140438-00140729 Male Speaker: Howard, the other thing that we talked about, oY5vpfcyEZY-00355-00140729-00140900 and I'm not sure it's gotten enough attention, is the defining what a perfect phenotype looks oY5vpfcyEZY-00356-00140900-00141000 like. oY5vpfcyEZY-00357-00141000-00141575 So, we touched on the idea that we at Vanderbilt, Josh Denny specifically at Vanderbilt, have oY5vpfcyEZY-00358-00141575-00141859 been doing fewas based on ICD9 codes and we think we probably need a better definition oY5vpfcyEZY-00359-00141859-00142125 of what a reference phenome should look like. oY5vpfcyEZY-00360-00142125-00142387 And I don't think we got much further than that, but what elements would you want to oY5vpfcyEZY-00361-00142387-00142487 see in a standard electronic medical record? oY5vpfcyEZY-00362-00142487-00142879 What kinds of things would you like to know people have and didn't have? oY5vpfcyEZY-00363-00142879-00143188 And the didn't have is sometimes better than the have. oY5vpfcyEZY-00364-00143188-00143386 What phenotypes tend to travel together? oY5vpfcyEZY-00365-00143386-00143747 The sort of -- the HAP for the phenotype -- for the phenome. oY5vpfcyEZY-00366-00143747-00144139 Those kinds of issues probably need to be addressed as well if we're going to do phenotype-genotype oY5vpfcyEZY-00367-00144139-00144239 correlations. oY5vpfcyEZY-00368-00144239-00144485 Male Speaker: I wasn't involved in the session but we had oY5vpfcyEZY-00369-00144485-00144917 kind of a dinner sequencing conversation looking at training for people to help with interpretation oY5vpfcyEZY-00370-00144917-00145320 of all this data, and it's an issue that all the programs are running into, not having oY5vpfcyEZY-00371-00145320-00145420 enough bioinformatics. oY5vpfcyEZY-00372-00145420-00145870 And one suggestion that came up was that take genetic counselors and train them in this oY5vpfcyEZY-00373-00145870-00146160 and then we said, "Well there're not enough genetic counselors. oY5vpfcyEZY-00374-00146160-00146276 There's a shortage there." oY5vpfcyEZY-00375-00146276-00146517 But all the genetic counseling programs do a good job of providing the genetics training oY5vpfcyEZY-00376-00146517-00146715 and their rate limiting factor is that they don't have enough clinical sites. oY5vpfcyEZY-00377-00146715-00146988 So if you created a companion track -- well, rather than doing clinical sites, someone oY5vpfcyEZY-00378-00146988-00147365 could do an informatics intensive so they use the same coursework, and we thought that oY5vpfcyEZY-00379-00147365-00147654 would be something that should be -- we should look at to see if that's a viable possibility. oY5vpfcyEZY-00380-00147654-00147861 Male Speaker: I think we should also take seriously, relating oY5vpfcyEZY-00381-00147861-00148108 to the phenotyping issue -- I think that a priori we're not going to be able to develop oY5vpfcyEZY-00382-00148108-00148270 a perfect phenotype for a variety of different reasons. oY5vpfcyEZY-00383-00148270-00148370 One, I think it'll be hard to find. oY5vpfcyEZY-00384-00148370-00148583 Probably the more important reason is that the way phenotypes get entered is highly idiosyncratic oY5vpfcyEZY-00385-00148583-00148683 and it's very difficult to sort of extract that. oY5vpfcyEZY-00386-00148683-00148783 So I think we really need to take Les's points from his talk earlier very seriously, which oY5vpfcyEZY-00387-00148783-00149311 is the idea that we shouldn't assume that when the phenotype goes in that that's going oY5vpfcyEZY-00388-00149311-00149427 to be what's going to remain there. oY5vpfcyEZY-00389-00149427-00149628 That if we develop interesting associations, questions, variants, whatever, that we develop oY5vpfcyEZY-00390-00149628-00149902 a mechanism by which are subjects are consented such that we can recontact them to enrich oY5vpfcyEZY-00391-00149902-00150002 phenotypes in an iterative fashion. oY5vpfcyEZY-00392-00150002-00150270 I think that's the only way we're going to solve it, because we'll always want information oY5vpfcyEZY-00393-00150270-00150419 that we don't have, no matter how much information we have on the front end. oY5vpfcyEZY-00394-00150419-00150519 Howard Jacob: Okay, I think this has been a great and helpful oY5vpfcyEZY-00395-00150519-00150520 discussion, but we're running a little late and probably need to move on. ob0-cmyKFAo-00000-00000072-00000803 I'm now hitting myself 20 times instead of 10 starting right now, and from now ob0-cmyKFAo-00001-00000803-00001530 on for each time I scroll through tabs by unintentionally swiping, and this is because ob0-cmyKFAo-00002-00001530-00002280 if I can please composed, it is unlikely that I'll be able to come back to that point again, ob0-cmyKFAo-00003-00002382-00003300 and if this happens, I would just say that part's lost, but the iPad would not get hit. od-9rmJf_oM-00000-00001100-00001800 Actors may come and go but Anil Kapoor is the only constant in Race series od-9rmJf_oM-00001-00001900-00002900 Produced by Salman Khan Films and Ramesh Taurani under the banner of Tips Films, Race 3 is directed by Remo Dsouza. od-9rmJf_oM-00002-00003000-00004600 Anil Kapoor Actors may come and go but Anil Kapoor is the only constant in Race series Produced by Salman Khan Films and Ramesh Taurani under the banner of Tips Films, Race 3 is directed by Remo Dsouza. od-9rmJf_oM-00003-00004700-00005700 New Delhi: The biggest action-thriller of 2018 Race 3, helmed by Remo DSouza is inching towards its release date. od-9rmJf_oM-00004-00005800-00008100 The film that has an interesting star cast Salman Khan, Anil Kapoor, Daisy Shah, Jacqueline Fernandez, is all set to take over and dominate the first half of 2018. Well, the film has been making the right kind of noise much ahead of its release. od-9rmJf_oM-00005-00008200-00009400 From action-packed trailer to having some foot-tapping and heart-touching soundtracks, the third instalment of ‘Race’ series is bound to set new records. od-9rmJf_oM-00006-00009500-00011700 While a lot of actors have been a part of the Race franchise before, there is one actor who came and never left the team-Anil Kapoor. The 61-year-old actor has impressed the audience as Inspector Robert D’Costa in the first two parts and is ready to treat his fans with a different character ‘Shamsher’ in Race 3. od-9rmJf_oM-00007-00011800-00012900 The actor has upped his fashion game with every franchise and broken stereotypes. His looks in all the instalments were deeply loved by the audience. od-9rmJf_oM-00008-00013000-00014600 Anil is a big-time fitness enthusiast and has defied his age by donning different looks in all his movies. Not to mention, his daughters Rhea and Sonam Kapoor are known for their style statements in Bollywood. od-9rmJf_oM-00009-00014700-00015900 In Race 3, the actor will be seen sporting a salt and pepper beard for the first time. No wonder, we cant stop gushing over his pictures from the film. od-9rmJf_oM-00010-00016000-00017900 Check out his transformation in pictures: ‘Race 3’ promises to be even more happening than its previous instalments, with Salman Khan joining the franchise, Jacqueline and Daisy’s stunning avatars to Bobby Deol‘s unbelievable transformation. od-9rmJf_oM-00011-00018000-00018800 The power-packed trailer had already received a humungous response on the internet and had garnered a lot of views. od-9rmJf_oM-00012-00018900-00021700 Releasing on Eid 2018, Race 3 is a complete festive bonanza, with action, family drama, suspense, romance and promise of blockbuster songs, all in equal proportion. Produced by Salman Khan Films and Ramesh Taurani under the banner of Tips Films, Race 3 is directed by Remo Dsouza. od-9rmJf_oM-00013-00021800-00022900 Produced by Salman Khan Films and Ramesh Taurani under the banner of Tips Films, Race 3 is directed by Remo Dsouza. od-9rmJf_oM-00014-00023000-00024500 Anil Kapoor Actors may come and go but Anil Kapoor is the only constant in Race series Produced by Salman Khan Films and Ramesh Taurani under the banner of Tips Films, Race 3 is directed by Remo Dsouza. od-9rmJf_oM-00015-00024600-00025600 New Delhi: The biggest action-thriller of 2018 Race 3, helmed by Remo DSouza is inching towards its release date. od-9rmJf_oM-00016-00025700-00027900 The film that has an interesting star cast Salman Khan, Anil Kapoor, Daisy Shah, Jacqueline Fernandez, is all set to take over and dominate the first half of 2018. Well, the film has been making the right kind of noise much ahead of its release. od-9rmJf_oM-00017-00028000-00029100 From action-packed trailer to having some foot-tapping and heart-touching soundtracks, the third instalment of ‘Race’ series is bound to set new records. od-9rmJf_oM-00018-00029200-00031600 While a lot of actors have been a part of the Race franchise before, there is one actor who came and never left the team-Anil Kapoor. The 61-year-old actor has impressed the audience as Inspector Robert D’Costa in the first two parts and is ready to treat his fans with a different character ‘Shamsher’ in Race 3. od-9rmJf_oM-00019-00031700-00032800 The actor has upped his fashion game with every franchise and broken stereotypes. His looks in all the instalments were deeply loved by the audience. od-9rmJf_oM-00020-00032900-00034700 Anil is a big-time fitness enthusiast and has defied his age by donning different looks in all his movies. Not to mention, his daughters Rhea and Sonam Kapoor are known for their style statements in Bollywood. od-9rmJf_oM-00021-00034800-00036100 In Race 3, the actor will be seen sporting a salt and pepper beard for the first time. No wonder, we cant stop gushing over his pictures from the film. od-9rmJf_oM-00022-00036200-00038000 Check out his transformation in pictures: ‘Race 3’ promises to be even more happening than its previous instalments, with Salman Khan joining the franchise, Jacqueline and Daisy’s stunning avatars to Bobby Deol‘s unbelievable transformation. od-9rmJf_oM-00023-00038100-00038900 The power-packed trailer had already received a humungous response on the internet and had garnered a lot of views. od-9rmJf_oM-00024-00039000-00041700 Releasing on Eid 2018, Race 3 is a complete festive bonanza, with action, family drama, suspense, romance and promise of blockbuster songs, all in equal proportion. Produced by Salman Khan Films and Ramesh Taurani under the banner of Tips Films, Race 3 is directed by Remo Dsouza. ofOPxr9TCcA-00000-00000000-00000200 10 minutes of my recently deleted stuff. ogO__eCoa2g-00000-00001224-00001332 Hello I'm Bee. ogO__eCoa2g-00001-00001332-00001552 In this video I'm going to cover two things. ogO__eCoa2g-00002-00001590-00001834 First I'll give you an overview of the IELTS test. ogO__eCoa2g-00003-00001864-00002082 Then, I'll give you a brief guide on what to expect ogO__eCoa2g-00004-00002109-00002347 as you go through our ELC online IELTS ogO__eCoa2g-00005-00002347-00002434 materials. ogO__eCoa2g-00006-00002544-00002802 OK, so first IELTS is an international ogO__eCoa2g-00007-00002802-00003012 English test. It tests your English ogO__eCoa2g-00008-00003012-00003271 abilities in all four skills: listening, ogO__eCoa2g-00009-00003271-00003463 reading, writing and speaking. ogO__eCoa2g-00010-00003515-00003797 And in total the test lasts just under three hours. ogO__eCoa2g-00011-00003884-00004000 You'll take the listening, reading ogO__eCoa2g-00012-00004000-00004260 and writing test all on the same day, and ogO__eCoa2g-00013-00004260-00004405 one after the other. ogO__eCoa2g-00014-00004405-00004633 There are no breaks in between the tests. ogO__eCoa2g-00015-00004722-00004944 And those tests are always taken in this ogO__eCoa2g-00016-00004944-00005314 order: listening, then reading and then writing. ogO__eCoa2g-00017-00005374-00005520 Your speaking test will either ogO__eCoa2g-00018-00005521-00005737 be after a break on the same day as the ogO__eCoa2g-00019-00005737-00005853 other three tests, ogO__eCoa2g-00020-00005886-00006138 or, up to 7 days before or after them. ogO__eCoa2g-00021-00006544-00006754 Alright, so what about your scores? ogO__eCoa2g-00022-00006754-00006972 Well, first don't worry! You cannot fail the test! ogO__eCoa2g-00023-00007134-00007354 IELTS is designed to assess English ogO__eCoa2g-00024-00007354-00007564 language skills at all levels whether ogO__eCoa2g-00025-00007564-00007804 you're a beginner or an expert speaker. ogO__eCoa2g-00026-00007848-00008098 You get IELTS scores based on each of the ogO__eCoa2g-00027-00008098-00008398 four skills on a scale of 1 to 9, and ogO__eCoa2g-00028-00008398-00008704 you'll also be awarded an overall band score. ogO__eCoa2g-00029-00008796-00008982 You can score whole bands, for example ogO__eCoa2g-00030-00009038-00009324 bands 5, 6 or 7, or half bands, ogO__eCoa2g-00031-00009394-00009798 for example band 5.5, 6.5 or 7.5, ogO__eCoa2g-00032-00009838-00009986 in each part of the test. ogO__eCoa2g-00033-00010282-00010446 So you're probably wondering how can ogO__eCoa2g-00034-00010446-00010713 these online ELC materials help you? ogO__eCoa2g-00035-00010713-00010929 Well we've created a structured learning ogO__eCoa2g-00036-00010929-00011150 package so you can be motivated to keep ogO__eCoa2g-00037-00011150-00011388 progressing and keep practicing sample ogO__eCoa2g-00038-00011388-00011561 scenarios you'll likely face in ogO__eCoa2g-00039-00011561-00011841 listening, reading, writing and speaking. ogO__eCoa2g-00040-00011972-00012200 In each section there's a video with an ogO__eCoa2g-00041-00012200-00012396 overview and detailed information about ogO__eCoa2g-00042-00012396-00012603 the test, so you can visualise what it ogO__eCoa2g-00043-00012603-00012663 will be like. ogO__eCoa2g-00044-00012736-00012841 You'll also find general ogO__eCoa2g-00045-00012845-00013056 tips to help you do better in the test; ogO__eCoa2g-00046-00013141-00013295 practice activities to help you prepare ogO__eCoa2g-00047-00013295-00013613 for the test; suggestions about helpful ogO__eCoa2g-00048-00013613-00013769 materials that can be found in the ogO__eCoa2g-00049-00013769-00013953 Center for Independent Language Learning; ogO__eCoa2g-00050-00014038-00014304 and links to extra online materials. ogO__eCoa2g-00051-00014530-00014663 Still not enough? ogO__eCoa2g-00052-00014691-00014888 We also have extra suggested materials ogO__eCoa2g-00053-00014888-00015113 for each of the different test sections. ogO__eCoa2g-00054-00015113-00015309 We hope these materials will give you ogO__eCoa2g-00055-00015309-00015531 the extra practice and feedback you need ogO__eCoa2g-00056-00015531-00015677 to help improve your band score. ogO__eCoa2g-00057-00015940-00016169 So what can you expect in our listening test materials? ogO__eCoa2g-00058-00016212-00016362 We have two whole practice ogO__eCoa2g-00059-00016362-00016578 test which will give you a feel for the ogO__eCoa2g-00060-00016578-00016890 real thing, and extra practice listenings ogO__eCoa2g-00061-00016890-00017112 for each of the four listening sections. ogO__eCoa2g-00062-00017202-00017354 This will give you more exposure to ogO__eCoa2g-00063-00017354-00017622 materials you will likely face, and all ogO__eCoa2g-00064-00017622-00017781 of our listening activities have ogO__eCoa2g-00065-00017781-00017961 interactive online quizzes with ogO__eCoa2g-00066-00017961-00018104 immediate feedback. ogO__eCoa2g-00067-00018104-00018257 This will give you more practice so you ogO__eCoa2g-00068-00018257-00018551 can know areas you did well, and areas ogO__eCoa2g-00069-00018551-00018679 you can go back to improve. ogO__eCoa2g-00070-00018810-00019076 Next, in our reading test materials we provide ogO__eCoa2g-00071-00019076-00019239 practice activities for all the ogO__eCoa2g-00072-00019239-00019351 different question types. ogO__eCoa2g-00073-00019612-00019920 In total we have 9 different reading texts, and ogO__eCoa2g-00074-00019920-00020135 24 different question sets. I think there's ogO__eCoa2g-00075-00020135-00020295 lots here to leave you feeling more ogO__eCoa2g-00076-00020295-00020461 confident and well-prepared. ogO__eCoa2g-00077-00020534-00020708 And all of our reading materials also have ogO__eCoa2g-00078-00020709-00020889 interactive online quizzes with ogO__eCoa2g-00079-00020889-00021084 immediate feedback. So you can keep ogO__eCoa2g-00080-00021084-00021291 practicing to get a higher score, and ogO__eCoa2g-00081-00021291-00021455 hopefully a higher band. ogO__eCoa2g-00082-00021628-00021824 Our speaking test section includes a ogO__eCoa2g-00083-00021824-00022098 video of a complete IELTS sample speaking test, ogO__eCoa2g-00084-00022144-00022366 plus extra annotated videos for ogO__eCoa2g-00085-00022367-00022575 parts one, two and three of the test. ogO__eCoa2g-00086-00022650-00022880 As well as the videos we have many short audio ogO__eCoa2g-00087-00022880-00023093 recordings of sample responses to ogO__eCoa2g-00088-00023093-00023228 different topics. ogO__eCoa2g-00089-00023228-00023501 Here's a way you can use them. ogO__eCoa2g-00090-00023501-00023617 First listen to the recordings. ogO__eCoa2g-00091-00023694-00023982 Then record yourself with our online voice recorder. ogO__eCoa2g-00092-00024056-00024310 Next listen to yourself and think about how ogO__eCoa2g-00093-00024311-00024439 you can improve your performance. ogO__eCoa2g-00094-00024516-00024668 And record yourself again. ogO__eCoa2g-00095-00024718-00024926 This may take time and patience ogO__eCoa2g-00096-00024926-00025121 but it's truly one of the best ways for ogO__eCoa2g-00097-00025121-00025361 you to enhance your spoken fluency and ogO__eCoa2g-00098-00025361-00025602 have more confidence when you walk into that room. ogO__eCoa2g-00099-00025689-00025798 We know there are many ogO__eCoa2g-00100-00025798-00026000 unknowns with the speaking section so we ogO__eCoa2g-00101-00026000-00026170 also have materials on the different ogO__eCoa2g-00102-00026170-00026432 ways questions are asked. What to do if ogO__eCoa2g-00103-00026432-00026573 you don't understand something the ogO__eCoa2g-00104-00026573-00026861 examiner says. Don't panic. Use these ogO__eCoa2g-00105-00026861-00027058 materials and practise so you can learn ogO__eCoa2g-00106-00027058-00027183 how to take control. ogO__eCoa2g-00107-00027356-00027620 Of course, don't forget to make use of CILL for one to one practice ogO__eCoa2g-00108-00027620-00027830 and feedback. What better way to practice than ogO__eCoa2g-00109-00027830-00028006 with a teacher! ogO__eCoa2g-00110-00028174-00028444 And finally, I'm sure this is your favourite! What can be ogO__eCoa2g-00111-00028445-00028601 found in the writing section? ogO__eCoa2g-00112-00028655-00028914 We have sample questions for Task 1 and Task 2. ogO__eCoa2g-00113-00029240-00029444 We have lots of sample answers to these ogO__eCoa2g-00114-00029444-00029651 practice questions with feedback on how ogO__eCoa2g-00115-00029651-00029840 the answer could be improved. ogO__eCoa2g-00116-00029840-00030002 We've also included some high-level ogO__eCoa2g-00117-00030002-00030200 answers which you can compare your ogO__eCoa2g-00118-00030200-00030431 answers against. But we also strongly ogO__eCoa2g-00119-00030431-00030633 suggest using the facilities in CILL ogO__eCoa2g-00120-00030633-00030830 for one to one feedback. ogO__eCoa2g-00121-00030870-00031033 Finally we have some resources on ogO__eCoa2g-00122-00031034-00031208 proofreading your written work and ogO__eCoa2g-00123-00031208-00031384 common errors Hong Kong students make. ogO__eCoa2g-00124-00031553-00031695 OK, that's it for this video. ogO__eCoa2g-00125-00031820-00032063 Remember, the best way to do well on the IELTS test is ogO__eCoa2g-00126-00032063-00032321 to practise, practise, practise your English. ogO__eCoa2g-00127-00032358-00032542 So make use of these online materials. ogO__eCoa2g-00128-00032598-00032819 Or, make use of a friend so you ogO__eCoa2g-00129-00032819-00033013 both can motivate each other to do better. ogO__eCoa2g-00130-00033098-00033269 Don't have a friend studying IELTS? ogO__eCoa2g-00131-00033269-00033497 That's OK. You can always make use of the ogO__eCoa2g-00132-00033497-00033755 resources and help the ELC offers here ogO__eCoa2g-00133-00033755-00034121 in CILL! Come in, practise and build up ogO__eCoa2g-00134-00034121-00034223 your confidence! ogO__eCoa2g-00135-00034223-00034443 Goodbye and good luck on the IELTS test! ohEuv_CzgbA-00000-00001008-00001586 ...silly games at the slope... ohEuv_CzgbA-00001-00002962-00003340 ...smooth start and light climbing... ohEuv_CzgbA-00002-00005080-00005520 let's find out what's possible today - the last flight is months ago... ohEuv_CzgbA-00003-00008072-00008602 ...ailerons and elevator are working fine :) ohEuv_CzgbA-00004-00025050-00025570 ...the last trick - the landing... ohEuv_CzgbA-00005-00026742-00027014 Great plane in these conditions... ohEuv_CzgbA-00006-00027052-00027245 ...unfortunately these conditions are rare and so... ohEuv_CzgbA-00007-00027295-00027480 ...I'm not really familiar with this plane. ojl2yp-T718-00000-00000000-00000418 I'm leaving you now. Don't follow me! ojl2yp-T718-00001-00000418-00000686 Go! Get Lost! ojl2yp-T718-00002-00000686-00000950 I'm about to bike to my home now ojl2yp-T718-00003-00001569-00002062 If you want to go, just go. Don't take these clothes with you because I bought it for you! ojl2yp-T718-00004-00002062-00002506 Okay! Deal! Don't worry! ojl2yp-T718-00005-00002506-00002707 Get Lost! ojl2yp-T718-00006-00002707-00002769 I'm leaving now ojl2yp-T718-00007-00002769-00003302 Tell your mother not to call me when she sees me somewhere! ojl2yp-T718-00008-00003302-00003555 I will! ojl2yp-T718-00009-00003555-00003760 Deal! ojl2yp-T718-00010-00003760-00004444 What a mean mother-in-law! Murmuring all the time! ojl2yp-T718-00011-00004444-00004697 Are you cursing my mother? ojl2yp-T718-00012-00004697-00004989 What do you want? Why do you push me? ojl2yp-T718-00013-00004989-00005039 I want to. ojl2yp-T718-00014-00005039-00005322 Slap me? ojl2yp-T718-00015-00005322-00005372 I want to ojl2yp-T718-00016-00008058-00008568 SASTRA FILM & BAYON TV ojl2yp-T718-00017-00008568-00009020 SPONSORED BY ojl2yp-T718-00018-00009020-00009446 PRESENT ojl2yp-T718-00019-00009446-00010100 YOUNG MARRIED ojl2yp-T718-00020-00010960-00011160 What took him so long? ojl2yp-T718-00021-00012504-00012751 Why do play like this? ojl2yp-T718-00022-00012751-00013447 Don't be mad! If you are mad, you will not be cute ojl2yp-T718-00023-00013447-00013838 Don't touch me! ojl2yp-T718-00024-00013838-00013905 Just a little bit! ojl2yp-T718-00025-00013905-00014108 You always late ojl2yp-T718-00026-00014108-00014349 You know I'm impatient ojl2yp-T718-00027-00014349-00014883 I'm sorry, babe. Don't be mad! ojl2yp-T718-00028-00014883-00015530 I promise I won't do it again ojl2yp-T718-00029-00015530-00016087 Please! Babe, please! ojl2yp-T718-00030-00016087-00016574 I don't come here to have here your joke. Someone wants to propose to me again ojl2yp-T718-00031-00016574-00016967 I always refuse but not this time ojl2yp-T718-00032-00016967-00017308 You should hurry to propose to me. If not, I will marry him ojl2yp-T718-00033-00017308-00017843 Phalla! You know how much I love you, right? ojl2yp-T718-00034-00017843-00018019 I don't know ojl2yp-T718-00035-00018019-00018229 Give me some time to save money! ojl2yp-T718-00036-00018229-00018942 We are still young. Our parents are still young too. I want to save money first ojl2yp-T718-00037-00018942-00018993 I don't have enough money right now ojl2yp-T718-00038-00018993-00019229 Can you wait 2-3 more years? ojl2yp-T718-00039-00019229-00019462 I will propose to you, okay? ojl2yp-T718-00040-00019462-00019832 Okay? Okay? ojl2yp-T718-00041-00019832-00020161 You always make me wait ojl2yp-T718-00042-00020161-00020350 I don't like waiting ojl2yp-T718-00043-00020350-00020676 You just said it but you don't do it ojl2yp-T718-00044-00020676-00020988 Do you think the men that propose to me don't love me? ojl2yp-T718-00045-00020988-00021566 They are cheaters. They love only your pretty face ojl2yp-T718-00046-00021566-00021959 But I'm loyal ojl2yp-T718-00047-00021959-00022380 I don't have money right now ojl2yp-T718-00048-00022380-00022960 By the way, I also want us to learn from each other first ojl2yp-T718-00049-00022960-00023431 about what we love, hate, or like ojl2yp-T718-00050-00023431-00023892 When we marry each other, our marriage will last long ojl2yp-T718-00051-00023892-00024434 I don't want to hear your excuses ojl2yp-T718-00052-00024434-00024887 If you don't propose me by next month, I will accept Vichai's proposal ojl2yp-T718-00053-00024887-00025652 I will propose to you next month, okay? ojl2yp-T718-00054-00025652-00025920 You will be my wife ojl2yp-T718-00055-00025920-00026139 and my mother's daughter-in-law ojl2yp-T718-00056-00026139-00026968 Don't be mad! Don't you trust me? ojl2yp-T718-00057-00026968-00027481 I swear ojl2yp-T718-00058-00027481-00028786 Mango tree as a witness "If I don't propose to her by next month, I will be single forever ojl2yp-T718-00059-00028786-00029031 Do you trust me now? ojl2yp-T718-00060-00029031-00029751 If you trust me, please smile at me ojl2yp-T718-00061-00029751-00030649 It's okay. You can keep your smile on the day I propose you ojl2yp-T718-00062-00030649-00031265 Making you smile is harder than I thought! ojl2yp-T718-00063-00031265-00031921 Promise me to propose me by next month, okay? ojl2yp-T718-00064-00033099-00033258 I'm still mad ojl2yp-T718-00065-00034994-00035191 I bought longan for you ojl2yp-T718-00066-00035191-00035723 Where did you just come? I have been looking for you everywhere ojl2yp-T718-00067-00035723-00036304 I just come back from our farm and... ojl2yp-T718-00068-00036304-00036592 went straight to Phallas home ojl2yp-T718-00069-00036592-00036792 I went there just a few minutes ojl2yp-T718-00070-00036792-00037077 Why did you buy longan for me? ojl2yp-T718-00071-00037077-00037428 I... I... ojl2yp-T718-00072-00037428-00037720 I just wanted to buy it for you. No other reasons ojl2yp-T718-00073-00037720-00038290 It's just weird. You have never bought me anything ojl2yp-T718-00074-00038290-00038779 One slogan stated "Offering a Gift means to asking for favor" ojl2yp-T718-00075-00038779-00039336 I... I... I want... ojl2yp-T718-00076-00039336-00039843 I want you to ask Phalla's hands for marriage ojl2yp-T718-00077-00039843-00040364 If I don't propose to her by next month, she will marry another man ojl2yp-T718-00078-00040364-00040863 Let her marry! She is not your destiny ojl2yp-T718-00079-00040863-00041857 Trosok! I'm not prohibiting your love but ojl2yp-T718-00080-00041857-00042245 you are still young. You cannot married yet ojl2yp-T718-00081-00042245-00042634 Wait until you grow up ojl2yp-T718-00082-00042634-00043127 She is the youngest daughter of her family. Don't think short ojl2yp-T718-00083-00043127-00043855 Mother! I'm 21. I'm not a teenager anymore ojl2yp-T718-00084-00043855-00044547 It's still young. Your father is 23 when he married me ojl2yp-T718-00085-00044547-00044922 Wait 3 more years! It's not too long ojl2yp-T718-00086-00044922-00045462 Mother! I cannot even wait 3-4 months. ojl2yp-T718-00087-00045462-00045817 You have to ask her hands for marriage next month ojl2yp-T718-00088-00045817-00046293 because she will marry another man ojl2yp-T718-00089-00046293-00046770 Let her marry if she isn't mean to be with you ojl2yp-T718-00090-00046770-00047060 If I cannot marry her, I will die ojl2yp-T718-00091-00047060-00047583 Why did you say that? ojl2yp-T718-00092-00047583-00048719 Mother! You know I love her so much. I swear with her that If I cannot marry her, I will stay single forever ojl2yp-T718-00093-00048719-00049497 I don't mind that you love her ojl2yp-T718-00094-00049497-00050044 but we don't have money for the engagement ojl2yp-T718-00095-00050044-00050620 At least, 4000$ to 5000$ ojl2yp-T718-00096-00050620-00051001 The only choice is to sell our farm. What will you do after selling the farm? ojl2yp-T718-00097-00051001-00051446 Our lives depend on that farm ojl2yp-T718-00098-00051446-00051724 If we sell it, we sell our living supporter as well ojl2yp-T718-00099-00051724-00052123 but... mother, I cannot wait any longer ojl2yp-T718-00100-00052123-00053048 You can married when you save enough money ojl2yp-T718-00101-00053048-00053393 Then, tell me! I will ask her hands for marriage ojl2yp-T718-00102-00055621-00055807 What are you doing? ojl2yp-T718-00103-00055807-00056234 Don't you scared that someone will rob you? ojl2yp-T718-00104-00056234-00056867 Mother! Stop talking for a while! Sit down! Let me tell you! ojl2yp-T718-00105-00056867-00057341 Sit down! ojl2yp-T718-00106-00057341-00058022 I will tell you my plan ojl2yp-T718-00107-00058022-00058481 I know the way to marry Phalla ojl2yp-T718-00108-00058481-00058794 What will you do? ojl2yp-T718-00109-00058794-00059374 Young Marriage ojl2yp-T718-00110-00064471-00064884 Young Marriage ojl2yp-T718-00111-00064884-00065328 I know what to do. Don't worry! ojl2yp-T718-00112-00065328-00065608 This marry is like gratitude to you ojl2yp-T718-00113-00065608-00065894 What do you mean? ojl2yp-T718-00114-00065894-00066220 I calculated everything ojl2yp-T718-00115-00066220-00066579 We won't lose our farm. Don't worry! ojl2yp-T718-00116-00066579-00066831 How did you do? ojl2yp-T718-00117-00066831-00067408 See! We have this amount of money ojl2yp-T718-00118-00068147-00068546 We don't need to make a big party ojl2yp-T718-00119-00068546-00069308 I tell Phalla to tell her mother to give us a discount on engagement. Only 3000$ ojl2yp-T718-00120-00069308-00069648 Her mother agreed to do so ojl2yp-T718-00121-00069648-00069929 How much did you save? ojl2yp-T718-00122-00069929-00070212 80 000 Riels (about 200$) ojl2yp-T718-00123-00070212-00070611 What? ojl2yp-T718-00124-00070611-00070974 Where do find another 2800$ ojl2yp-T718-00125-00070974-00071719 Mother! Can you borrow from the bank? ojl2yp-T718-00126-00071719-00072279 What do you mean? Borrow money for your wedding? ojl2yp-T718-00127-00072279-00072525 No, I don't do that! ojl2yp-T718-00128-00072525-00072795 Mother! Listen to me! ojl2yp-T718-00129-00072795-00073237 After marriage, I will pay the debt ojl2yp-T718-00130-00073237-00073413 Where do you get money from? ojl2yp-T718-00131-00073413-00073683 Let me tell you! ojl2yp-T718-00132-00074185-00074473 We will invite 300 guests ojl2yp-T718-00133-00074473-00075287 Each guest might give us a gift from 10-20$ ojl2yp-T718-00134-00075287-00075938 We will be able to pay the debt and you also get a daughter-in-law ojl2yp-T718-00135-00075938-00076315 Please! Please ask her hands for marriage ojl2yp-T718-00136-00076315-00076999 If you are good at doing business like you do right now, our family would be rich ojl2yp-T718-00137-00076999-00077713 Please! Please ask her hands for marriage! Don't worry about running the business yet ojl2yp-T718-00138-00077713-00078133 Please! Please! ojl2yp-T718-00139-00078133-00078535 Please! ojl2yp-T718-00140-00080144-00080382 Hello, babe! Have you eaten? ojl2yp-T718-00141-00080382-00081023 I have a good news ojl2yp-T718-00142-00081023-00081419 or the best one ojl2yp-T718-00143-00081419-00081991 My mother agreed to ask your hands for marriage ojl2yp-T718-00144-00082452-00082723 Babe! I have not finished yet ojl2yp-T718-00145-00082723-00083082 Hello? Hello? ojl2yp-T718-00146-00083082-00083277 She hung up. ojl2yp-T718-00147-00083277-00083505 This girl! She is more excited than I do ojl2yp-T718-00148-00084444-00084705 Babe! Babe! ojl2yp-T718-00149-00084705-00085134 Where is she? ojl2yp-T718-00150-00085134-00085466 Babe! ojl2yp-T718-00151-00085466-00086050 Babe! Babe! ojl2yp-T718-00152-00086050-00086713 Where is she? ojl2yp-T718-00153-00086713-00087175 Where is she? ojl2yp-T718-00154-00087175-00087509 Mother! Have you seen my wife? ojl2yp-T718-00155-00087509-00087850 I didn't see her. I just come back home ojl2yp-T718-00156-00087850-00088287 I don't see her. She might go to the market ojl2yp-T718-00157-00088287-00088712 We have foods already ojl2yp-T718-00158-00088712-00089038 I have no idea ojl2yp-T718-00159-00089038-00089299 I'm going to take shower and cook ojl2yp-T718-00160-00089299-00089761 Where is she? ojl2yp-T718-00161-00089761-00090287 Where did you just come from? ojl2yp-T718-00162-00090287-00090776 I went to my parent's home to eat. ojl2yp-T718-00163-00090776-00091200 Are you eating alone? ojl2yp-T718-00164-00091200-00091514 Why are you coming back so early? ojl2yp-T718-00165-00091514-00091784 Are you going to eat here today? ojl2yp-T718-00166-00091784-00092086 Answer me first! ojl2yp-T718-00167-00092086-00092890 I just come back from my mother's home. I thought you come back later ojl2yp-T718-00168-00092890-00093211 I don't want to cook ojl2yp-T718-00169-00093211-00093838 You are not single anymore. ojl2yp-T718-00170-00093838-00094104 I don't know. ojl2yp-T718-00171-00094104-00094304 Why do you ask? ojl2yp-T718-00172-00094304-00094742 You didn't tell me anything before you left for the farm ojl2yp-T718-00173-00094742-00095256 I don't know. That's why I go to eat at my parent's home ojl2yp-T718-00174-00095663-00096281 Okay, I was wrong. Help mother out! She is cooking right now ojl2yp-T718-00175-00096281-00096615 She is already in the kitchen. Let her do it! ojl2yp-T718-00176-00096615-00096927 She will blame me again if I go there ojl2yp-T718-00177-00096927-00097419 Don't you see! I just come back home. It's hot ojl2yp-T718-00178-00097419-00098011 I'm so sleepy. I'm tired of biking ojl2yp-T718-00179-00098011-00098441 Look at the sky! Take the bike! ojl2yp-T718-00180-00101674-00101872 Babe! Where is the seasoning? ojl2yp-T718-00181-00101872-00102273 Do you hear me? ojl2yp-T718-00182-00102647-00102948 There is nowhere else besides the kitchen. ojl2yp-T718-00183-00102948-00103474 I cannot find it ojl2yp-T718-00184-00103474-00103764 Don't ask too much! I'm busy watching my drama ojl2yp-T718-00185-00106981-00107233 Babe! We ran out of fish sauce ojl2yp-T718-00186-00107233-00107846 I'm not a seller. Don't call me! ojl2yp-T718-00187-00107846-00108328 If we ran of fish sauce, just use the salt instead ojl2yp-T718-00188-00111065-00111193 Not bad! ojl2yp-T718-00189-00111193-00111629 I will keep some for mother. ojl2yp-T718-00190-00112582-00112787 Why does it smell so good? I should go to taste it ojl2yp-T718-00191-00112787-00113437 Young Marriage ojl2yp-T718-00192-00118963-00119234 Young Marriage ojl2yp-T718-00193-00119912-00120143 Why does it smell so good? Prepare the rice, hurry up! ojl2yp-T718-00194-00120143-00120408 You already ate, don't you? ojl2yp-T718-00195-00120408-00120626 Can't I eat again? ojl2yp-T718-00196-00120626-00120819 Just asking! ojl2yp-T718-00197-00120819-00121083 Prepare the rice! ojl2yp-T718-00198-00121083-00121798 It's so delicious ojl2yp-T718-00199-00121798-00122283 Hurry up! Don't be a slow-witted ojl2yp-T718-00200-00122283-00122662 This man! ojl2yp-T718-00201-00122662-00123450 What took you so long just to prepare two plates of rice ojl2yp-T718-00202-00125455-00125650 So hot! ojl2yp-T718-00203-00125650-00126170 Here is the water! Mother asked me to bring it for you! ojl2yp-T718-00204-00126170-00126230 Wait a second! ojl2yp-T718-00205-00126230-00126683 No! It's so hot out here. ojl2yp-T718-00206-00126683-00127027 Don't you think I'm not hot? ojl2yp-T718-00207-00127027-00127394 Your skin and my skin are different ojl2yp-T718-00208-00127394-00127974 Honey! All skin types are the same ojl2yp-T718-00209-00127974-00128704 If I took another man, I would be Mrs. right now ojl2yp-T718-00210-00128704-00129030 I won't be standing under the sun like this ojl2yp-T718-00211-00129030-00129602 If you are hot, go to find the shade ojl2yp-T718-00212-00129602-00130261 What do you want to eat? I will cook for you ojl2yp-T718-00213-00130261-00130781 I want to eat grilled fish with fermented ojl2yp-T718-00214-00130781-00131322 I don't know how to grill the fish. It's hard ojl2yp-T718-00215-00131322-00131669 I think it's better to fry ojl2yp-T718-00216-00131669-00131974 Do whatever you want! ojl2yp-T718-00217-00131974-00132329 I'm going to find some shade now ojl2yp-T718-00218-00132329-00132687 Here is your water! ojl2yp-T718-00219-00135220-00135485 My skin will be tan soon ojl2yp-T718-00220-00135485-00135805 I don't want to come here ojl2yp-T718-00221-00136400-00136749 What is this smell? ojl2yp-T718-00222-00136749-00137294 What is this? Where are you? Fish are overcooked ojl2yp-T718-00223-00137294-00137737 Where are you? ojl2yp-T718-00224-00137737-00138070 What's wrong? Why are you screaming? ojl2yp-T718-00225-00138070-00138496 Where did you just come from? Look! The fish is turning to coal right now ojl2yp-T718-00226-00138496-00138958 What will we eat today? ojl2yp-T718-00227-00138958-00139343 I went to the restroom early. ojl2yp-T718-00228-00139343-00139771 If you went to the restroom, why don't you decrease the heat ojl2yp-T718-00229-00139771-00140159 I forgot. I don't want it to be overcooked ojl2yp-T718-00230-00140159-00140616 Go to the market to buy some food ojl2yp-T718-00231-00140616-00140674 It's dark. The market is closed ojl2yp-T718-00232-00140674-00141035 What do you want to do? ojl2yp-T718-00233-00141035-00141367 Do you want to eat these fish? ojl2yp-T718-00234-00141367-00141597 It's overcooked outside but we can eat the inside ojl2yp-T718-00235-00141597-00141917 Why don't you pay attention to your work? ojl2yp-T718-00236-00141917-00142487 I have never eaten a proper meal for a day ojl2yp-T718-00237-00142487-00143115 Right, I don't know how to cook! ojl2yp-T718-00238-00143115-00143811 You know that I cannot cook when you ask my hands of marriage but you still want to marry me ojl2yp-T718-00239-00143811-00144326 but now you blame me ojl2yp-T718-00240-00144326-00144776 You always blame me for everything ojl2yp-T718-00241-00144776-00145494 Okay! I'm going to take shower now. I will eat rice with salt ojl2yp-T718-00242-00149773-00150034 Why do you do this? How can I sleep? ojl2yp-T718-00243-00150034-00150518 What do you want me to do? ojl2yp-T718-00244-00150518-00151020 Just put it stable toward me. It's done ojl2yp-T718-00245-00151020-00151428 I'm hot too ojl2yp-T718-00246-00151428-00151818 Your body is cold but mine is warm. I need a fan ojl2yp-T718-00247-00151818-00152261 When will you change? You are not single anymore ojl2yp-T718-00248-00152261-00152634 You have a husband right now ojl2yp-T718-00249-00152634-00153124 What if you have four children? Do you want to buy four fans? ojl2yp-T718-00250-00153124-00153528 I used to sleep like this ojl2yp-T718-00251-00153528-00153784 I can sleep when the fan is blowing toward me ojl2yp-T718-00252-00153784-00154365 If it's too hard, I will go to sleep at my parent's house tomorrow ojl2yp-T718-00253-00154365-00154715 Okay! Okay! Go to sleep! ojl2yp-T718-00254-00154715-00155378 I will give you the fan ojl2yp-T718-00255-00155378-00155878 Think as it's my Karma ojl2yp-T718-00256-00155878-00156285 that I have a spoiled wife ojl2yp-T718-00257-00156285-00156819 My Karma! ojl2yp-T718-00258-00156819-00157403 Babe! ojl2yp-T718-00259-00157403-00157813 Why does she fall asleep so fast ojl2yp-T718-00260-00157813-00158363 I haven't discussed with you about planning our future yet ojl2yp-T718-00261-00161726-00161885 How can I sleep? ojl2yp-T718-00262-00170058-00170542 What's wrong with you? ojl2yp-T718-00263-00170542-00171105 What happens? ojl2yp-T718-00264-00171105-00171390 Are my eyes dark? ojl2yp-T718-00265-00171390-00171461 Of course! Like a ghost! ojl2yp-T718-00266-00171461-00171977 Young Marriage ojl2yp-T718-00267-00177495-00177846 Young Marriage ojl2yp-T718-00268-00177846-00178350 Who do you chat with last night? ojl2yp-T718-00269-00178350-00178942 Who did you chat with last night? ojl2yp-T718-00270-00178942-00179533 Don't tell me that you chat with that wench that you make me jealous when you were young ojl2yp-T718-00271-00179533-00179999 The one who you always react loves every post and story ojl2yp-T718-00272-00179999-00180394 Is that her? ojl2yp-T718-00273-00180394-00180911 Don't accuse me! ojl2yp-T718-00274-00182204-00182512 What are you looking at? ojl2yp-T718-00275-00182512-00183034 They are my old friends since we were young ojl2yp-T718-00276-00183034-00183583 They all are my old friends ojl2yp-T718-00277-00184420-00184789 Don't let me know that you cheat on me! ojl2yp-T718-00278-00184789-00185823 I cannot handle you alone. If I have another woman, I won't be able to live on the earth ojl2yp-T718-00279-00185823-00186133 What do you mean? ojl2yp-T718-00280-00186133-00186666 I meant you snore so loud last night ojl2yp-T718-00281-00186666-00187233 I couldn't sleep for a whole night ojl2yp-T718-00282-00187233-00187773 What do you mean? ojl2yp-T718-00283-00187773-00188135 Don't accuse me! ojl2yp-T718-00284-00188135-00188695 I have to go to the farm now ojl2yp-T718-00285-00188695-00189324 Don't go! You might get sick ojl2yp-T718-00286-00189324-00190115 You should stay home, do laundry, clean home and cook ojl2yp-T718-00287-00190115-00190664 Do you hear me? ojl2yp-T718-00288-00190664-00191039 I heard it. ojl2yp-T718-00289-00191039-00191351 Why don't you gather the clothes to wash ojl2yp-T718-00290-00192608-00193031 Do laundry! Wash the dishes! Then, you can go to the farm ojl2yp-T718-00291-00193031-00193629 Fill the water in the tub as well! ojl2yp-T718-00292-00193629-00194086 Don't act like this! ojl2yp-T718-00293-00194086-00194645 Why don't you do it? Do I have to tell you all the time? ojl2yp-T718-00294-00194645-00195247 I have to watch my drama ojl2yp-T718-00295-00195247-00195945 Oh, my wife! ojl2yp-T718-00296-00196733-00196969 We ran out of soap as well ojl2yp-T718-00297-00198493-00198806 Hello, Chan! ojl2yp-T718-00298-00198806-00198875 Hello! You still remember me, right ojl2yp-T718-00299-00198875-00199234 How can I forget? ojl2yp-T718-00300-00199234-00199299 I have never seen you going to the soccer field ojl2yp-T718-00301-00199299-00199652 even in the group chat ojl2yp-T718-00302-00199652-00199983 Are you happy with your wife? ojl2yp-T718-00303-00199983-00200550 I don't forget you but I'm with farming and some works ojl2yp-T718-00304-00200550-00201163 How are you doing? ojl2yp-T718-00305-00201163-00201428 I'm fine. How about you? ojl2yp-T718-00306-00201428-00201495 Same here! ojl2yp-T718-00307-00201495-00202031 Trosok! By the way, Den send me money to give you for your wedding ojl2yp-T718-00308-00202031-00202587 Are you free, today? If you are, please come to my home ojl2yp-T718-00309-00202587-00203003 But I... ojl2yp-T718-00310-00203003-00203371 If I keep longer, I will spend it all ojl2yp-T718-00311-00203371-00203870 When you are done with your work, come here. ojl2yp-T718-00312-00203870-00203942 Okay! ojl2yp-T718-00313-00205463-00205684 We ran out of soap. ojl2yp-T718-00314-00205684-00206280 Cheer! ojl2yp-T718-00315-00206280-00206848 This is strong ojl2yp-T718-00316-00206848-00207314 No, I'm not feeling well today ojl2yp-T718-00317-00207314-00208060 Please have some! Just to calm your thirst ojl2yp-T718-00318-00208060-00208555 It's just like water ojl2yp-T718-00319-00208555-00209218 Just a little bit more! ojl2yp-T718-00320-00209933-00210877 I admire you that you have a pretty wife who can cook ojl2yp-T718-00321-00210877-00211512 I cannot cook ojl2yp-T718-00322-00211512-00211999 I admire you ojl2yp-T718-00323-00211999-00212641 Don't admire me too much! ojl2yp-T718-00324-00212641-00213277 I'm looking for you everywhere. You are drinking here ojl2yp-T718-00325-00213277-00213538 I don't understand! ojl2yp-T718-00326-00213538-00213933 Listen to me! ojl2yp-T718-00327-00213933-00214579 Do you think I'm a fool? Don't try to find an excuse ojl2yp-T718-00328-00214579-00215177 If you want to drink, you can buy it to drink at home ojl2yp-T718-00329-00215177-00215604 I don't want you to drink at any asshole's home ojl2yp-T718-00330-00215604-00216046 Phalla! It's not it ojl2yp-T718-00331-00216046-00216342 I'm yelling at my husband ojl2yp-T718-00332-00216342-00216781 I heard you curse me ojl2yp-T718-00333-00216781-00217181 I curse those assholes who ask my husband out ojl2yp-T718-00334-00217181-00217521 Let go home! ojl2yp-T718-00335-00217521-00217885 Brothers! I have to go now. See you later! ojl2yp-T718-00336-00217885-00218312 Why don't you drink at home? ojl2yp-T718-00337-00218312-00218369 Stop yelling! ojl2yp-T718-00338-00220569-00220902 I want to talk with you about yesterday ojl2yp-T718-00339-00220902-00220975 What is it? ojl2yp-T718-00340-00220975-00221637 I already did everything before I left home ojl2yp-T718-00341-00221637-00222011 including doing laundry, washing dishes and cooking ojl2yp-T718-00342-00222011-00222705 How can I not be mad if I couldn't find you ojl2yp-T718-00343-00222705-00223134 Mother was hungry. I was mad because you drank ojl2yp-T718-00344-00223134-00223611 Why don't you call me? ojl2yp-T718-00345-00223611-00223825 If I could reach you, I wouldn't go there by myself ojl2yp-T718-00346-00223825-00224324 Has mother eaten? ojl2yp-T718-00347-00224324-00224765 It's too late ojl2yp-T718-00348-00224765-00225039 What do you want to do? ojl2yp-T718-00349-00225039-00225500 If not, threw it in the trash ojl2yp-T718-00350-00225500-00225964 If you don't take it for her, just threw it away ojl2yp-T718-00351-00225964-00226614 Your behavior is just unacceptable ojl2yp-T718-00352-00226614-00227110 I'm bearing with you ojl2yp-T718-00353-00227110-00227368 You act like you are possessed by a demon ojl2yp-T718-00354-00227368-00228225 I'm crazy because I have a drunk husband who doesn't care about me ojl2yp-T718-00355-00228225-00228756 You should cook for me instead of drinking ojl2yp-T718-00356-00228756-00229149 You drank with those assholes ojl2yp-T718-00357-00229149-00229978 Why are you so stubborn? You ashamed me in front of my friends ojl2yp-T718-00358-00229978-00230386 If you cannot accept it, just divorce ojl2yp-T718-00359-00230386-00231093 Don't you think I cannot divorce you? You are so lazy. You can do nothing ojl2yp-T718-00360-00231093-00231461 Stop talking! Let me finish first! ojl2yp-T718-00361-00231461-00231799 Let's divorce! ojl2yp-T718-00362-00231799-00232329 I'm going to my parents. Don't beg me to stay! I won't stay with you ojl2yp-T718-00363-00232329-00232702 Do you think I cannot find a new wife? ojl2yp-T718-00364-00232702-00233077 Get lost! ojl2yp-T718-00365-00234895-00235237 Why do you follow me? ojl2yp-T718-00366-00235237-00235437 Get lost! ojl2yp-T718-00367-00236007-00236619 You should go without any clothes because I bought it for you ojl2yp-T718-00368-00236619-00237019 Don't worry! I won't take anything! ojl2yp-T718-00369-00237019-00237080 Get lost! ojl2yp-T718-00370-00237080-00237337 I'm about to go now ojl2yp-T718-00371-00237337-00237862 Tell your mother don't call me when she sees somewhere! ojl2yp-T718-00372-00237862-00238223 I will tell her ojl2yp-T718-00373-00238223-00238904 She always yell at me for what I did ojl2yp-T718-00374-00238904-00238996 Are you cursing my mother? ojl2yp-T718-00375-00238996-00239613 What do you mean?You push me ojl2yp-T718-00376-00239613-00239813 I want to ojl2yp-T718-00377-00239813-00240000 You slap me ojl2yp-T718-00378-00240000-00240200 I did ojl2yp-T718-00379-00243001-00243420 Phalla! ojl2yp-T718-00380-00243420-00244211 Did I have a nightmare? ojl2yp-T718-00381-00244211-00244628 I really had a nightmare ojl2yp-T718-00382-00244628-00245146 She chated to me ojl2yp-T718-00383-00245146-00245623 Are you busy? Why don't you pick up my phone? ojl2yp-T718-00384-00245623-00246009 What do you mean? You online but don't reply my message ojl2yp-T718-00385-00246009-00246584 Do you leave me alone? Do you want to cheat on me? ojl2yp-T718-00386-00246584-00247256 You don't have to propose to me. ojl2yp-T718-00387-00247256-00247551 If you don't reply my chat, I will break up with you tomorrow ojl2yp-T718-00388-00247551-00248146 Consider that we are stranger! ojl2yp-T718-00389-00248146-00248759 I give you one more night to reply. If not, I will block you ojl2yp-T718-00390-00248759-00249422 She is nasty that she was in my dream ojl2yp-T718-00391-00250164-00250388 Mother! ojl2yp-T718-00392-00250388-00251049 Which one is bigger? i need money to for my son's wedding ojl2yp-T718-00393-00251049-00251550 Mother! Where are you going? ojl2yp-T718-00394-00251550-00251920 I'm about to go to the bank ojl2yp-T718-00395-00251920-00252321 No need, mother! I change my mind ojl2yp-T718-00396-00252321-00252461 Why? ojl2yp-T718-00397-00252461-00252825 I can wait for 3 more years ojl2yp-T718-00398-00252825-00253215 Are you joking? ojl2yp-T718-00399-00253215-00253761 How about Phalla? Will she wait for you? ojl2yp-T718-00400-00253761-00254836 I will tell her but if she doesn't wait for me, let her go ojl2yp-T718-00401-00254836-00255378 If she isn't mean to be with me ojl2yp-T718-00402-00255378-00255925 I'm glad that you think so ojl2yp-T718-00403-00255925-00256448 It doesn't mean that I don't want you to marry but I'm worried about your future ojl2yp-T718-00404-00256448-00256907 I understand ojl2yp-T718-00405-00258084-00258738 Don't marry too young! If you are not ready, it's the burden to you ojl2yp-T718-00406-00258738-00259225 You will have more obligations after marriage ojl2yp-T718-00407-00259225-00259961 If you are not ready, you will end up divorced. Be patient! ojl2yp-T718-00408-00259961-00260520 It's not too late. It's just 4-5 years more ojl2yp-T718-00409-00260520-00261385 Young Marriage okHTWJRhMvo-00000-00000554-00000844 Hi. This is Jennifer Gonzalez for Cult of Pedagogy. okHTWJRhMvo-00001-00000844-00001208 And today I would like to talk to you about how to "Feng Shui" your okHTWJRhMvo-00002-00001208-00001336 Microsoft Word tables. okHTWJRhMvo-00003-00001336-00001664 Feng Shui, just in case you don't know, okHTWJRhMvo-00004-00001664-00002113 is the Chinese art of arranging space for better flow and okHTWJRhMvo-00005-00002113-00002524 better feeling. So I thought I would show you a couple of tricks okHTWJRhMvo-00006-00002524-00002800 you can use to help you make them look a little better. okHTWJRhMvo-00007-00002800-00003091 Here's a table that was created in Microsoft Word. okHTWJRhMvo-00008-00003091-00003403 And right now it's very crowded. There's this okHTWJRhMvo-00009-00003403-00003829 thick bar here, a lot of the text is pushed right up against okHTWJRhMvo-00010-00003829-00004020 the borders of the table. okHTWJRhMvo-00011-00004020-00004395 The first thing I would want to do to this table would be to okHTWJRhMvo-00012-00004395-00004859 click on this little square here to select the whole table. okHTWJRhMvo-00013-00004859-00005315 And I'm just gonna clean up the formatting. So I would start by, okHTWJRhMvo-00014-00005315-00005621 let's start by working with the font. okHTWJRhMvo-00015-00005621-00006005 Let's just turn all the font to something simple. We can always change it later. okHTWJRhMvo-00016-00006005-00006372 Let's make all the font the same size. okHTWJRhMvo-00017-00006372-00006745 Let's get rid of the bold. I would do the same with the italics. okHTWJRhMvo-00018-00006745-00007123 And I would do the same with the color; I would just choose automatic color so okHTWJRhMvo-00019-00007123-00007700 everything is the same color. To get rid of this thick line here, okHTWJRhMvo-00020-00007700-00007940 I'd go into Borders and Shading, okHTWJRhMvo-00021-00007940-00008370 I'm going to click on "no border," and it gets rid of everything, okHTWJRhMvo-00022-00008370-00008782 and then go back again and click on "all borders," and that just returns everything okHTWJRhMvo-00023-00008782-00008904 to nice clean lines. okHTWJRhMvo-00024-00008904-00009307 Finally, I'm going to get rid of this shading for now. Go to the top of the column, okHTWJRhMvo-00025-00009307-00009679 select the whole column, and then okHTWJRhMvo-00026-00009679-00010090 the shading...I'm just gonna click white for now. okHTWJRhMvo-00027-00010090-00010480 I will be adding some color later, but for right now, let's just get it all cleaned up. okHTWJRhMvo-00028-00010482-00010890 The next thing I notice is that the table itself has been moved okHTWJRhMvo-00029-00010890-00011140 really far over; its almost touching the edge of the page. okHTWJRhMvo-00030-00011140-00011322 That's going to fall off in printing. okHTWJRhMvo-00031-00011322-00011853 So I'm going to hover over the right edge of the column until I get this symbol here, okHTWJRhMvo-00032-00011853-00012272 hold down my left key, and okHTWJRhMvo-00033-00012272-00012727 slide it until we're within the one-inch margins. okHTWJRhMvo-00034-00012727-00013103 The next thing that's really standing out to me and that's really bothering me okHTWJRhMvo-00035-00013103-00013443 are these bullets. A lot of times you need to have okHTWJRhMvo-00036-00013443-00013943 bulleted points within a table. The way that Word automatically puts them in, okHTWJRhMvo-00037-00013943-00014287 they shove them way over, it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to okHTWJRhMvo-00038-00014287-00014650 have it this far over, you just don't have enough room for your text. okHTWJRhMvo-00039-00014650-00015006 So I'm gonna go ahead and just highlight one of them okHTWJRhMvo-00040-00015006-00015462 okay, if you look up here these bars actually control okHTWJRhMvo-00041-00015462-00015890 where the bullets are just for this cell. okHTWJRhMvo-00042-00015890-00016276 If you click on the bottom... okHTWJRhMvo-00043-00016276-00016601 ...square there, hold down your... okHTWJRhMvo-00044-00016601-00016962 left actually slides okHTWJRhMvo-00045-00016962-00017279 everything over. okHTWJRhMvo-00046-00017279-00017765 This top here is for the bullet itself, and then these two okHTWJRhMvo-00047-00017765-00018106 have to do with the text. Now we just moved the bullet over, okHTWJRhMvo-00048-00018106-00018395 the text moved over a little, but there's still a really big gap there that okHTWJRhMvo-00049-00018395-00018524 doesn't really need to be there. okHTWJRhMvo-00050-00018524-00018876 So I moved that by holding this bottom square... okHTWJRhMvo-00051-00018876-00019281 if I slide right up to that little triangle, click again, okHTWJRhMvo-00052-00019281-00019620 and slide, that's just going to move the text over okHTWJRhMvo-00053-00019624-00020130 just a little bit more. And so what we have now is a lot more space for the text, okHTWJRhMvo-00054-00020145-00020499 and it fits nicer inside the cell, okHTWJRhMvo-00055-00020499-00020740 and it's not gonna drag out so long. okHTWJRhMvo-00056-00020740-00021195 Okay. I've done that for one bullet. I've got a lot of other bullets. I could go through okHTWJRhMvo-00057-00021195-00021413 the whole process of trying to fix those, okHTWJRhMvo-00058-00021413-00021890 or I can use the formatting painter. I highlight this again, okHTWJRhMvo-00059-00021990-00022285 and you can either go up here okHTWJRhMvo-00060-00022285-00022580 and click Format Painter, or I'll show you another way (later). okHTWJRhMvo-00061-00022580-00022962 That changes your cursor to a little paintbrush. If I take okHTWJRhMvo-00062-00022962-00023287 this cursor the way it is right now and okHTWJRhMvo-00063-00023287-00023654 paint over another bulleted text, okHTWJRhMvo-00064-00023654-00023987 it's going to -- see -- it's going to slide right over, exactly like it was. okHTWJRhMvo-00065-00023987-00024401 So now you'll notice that the paint brush is gone. okHTWJRhMvo-00066-00024401-00024940 Now to get it back, just go to another piece of text that has the formatting that I want, okHTWJRhMvo-00067-00024950-00025100 click the Format Painter, okHTWJRhMvo-00068-00025200-00025700 and then I can drag it over another section, and that'll fix it. okHTWJRhMvo-00069-00025700-00025889 Now an even quicker way to get that Format Painter, okHTWJRhMvo-00070-00025889-00026137 instead of having to go all the way up here, okHTWJRhMvo-00071-00026137-00026480 is to click on text that's already formatted the way you like, okHTWJRhMvo-00072-00026480-00026824 right click on it, and up here okHTWJRhMvo-00073-00026824-00027240 you've got the Format Painter. So you can click on it right there okHTWJRhMvo-00074-00027240-00027410 Drag it over here... okHTWJRhMvo-00075-00027410-00027616 Let's see what happens if I drag okHTWJRhMvo-00076-00027616-00027839 both sets of bullets in this cell... okHTWJRhMvo-00077-00027839-00028043 Yep, they both fix. okHTWJRhMvo-00078-00028043-00028489 So the next issue that I'm seeing is that this text is crammed up okHTWJRhMvo-00079-00028489-00028670 so close against these cell borders. okHTWJRhMvo-00080-00028670-00029200 So I'm going to click my whole table again, select the whole thing. okHTWJRhMvo-00081-00029200-00029444 Up here, what I want to look for okHTWJRhMvo-00082-00029444-00030144 I'm going to click on Layout. I want to click on this thing right here called Cell Margins. okHTWJRhMvo-00083-00030156-00030512 And that is going to decide how much room is okHTWJRhMvo-00084-00030512-00030860 above -- the top would be above the text, bottom is below the text, okHTWJRhMvo-00085-00030860-00031213 and to the left and right -- how much space. okHTWJRhMvo-00086-00031213-00031860 I'm going to just put .005 inches in each one... okHTWJRhMvo-00087-00031902-00032291 ...see what that does. All the text is still there, however, okHTWJRhMvo-00088-00032291-00032665 now it's got some breathing room around it. okHTWJRhMvo-00089-00032665-00033043 We talked about color a little while ago. We've got the headers for this table, okHTWJRhMvo-00090-00033043-00033266 let's go ahead and shade them, okHTWJRhMvo-00091-00033266-00033703 I'm going to highlight just the the top row, okHTWJRhMvo-00092-00033703-00034080 and this I believe is in the Design one, in Shading... okHTWJRhMvo-00093-00034080-00034700 just pick whatever color you like. I would recommend that you go on the lighter side. okHTWJRhMvo-00094-00034700-00035060 You could also center each of these titles if you like. okHTWJRhMvo-00095-00035060-00035540 Let's go ahead and highlight all those again, click on "center," and now they're okHTWJRhMvo-00096-00035540-00035919 centered above each item. I'm also going to highlight this okHTWJRhMvo-00097-00035919-00036441 side column here because that's another sort of a "marker," okHTWJRhMvo-00098-00036441-00036800 I want to keep this one the way it was, though. okHTWJRhMvo-00099-00036860-00037400 Notice that we've got these titles here, along the side, okHTWJRhMvo-00100-00037400-00037660 and they're right up against the top, which is one way that you can align things, okHTWJRhMvo-00101-00037670-00038050 it's perfectly fine, and it's clear to your readers, okHTWJRhMvo-00102-00038050-00038481 but there is another option if you want it to okHTWJRhMvo-00103-00038481-00038875 present itself in a different way. I'm highlighting the whole column again, okHTWJRhMvo-00104-00038875-00039387 click Layout. Look over here: These are all different options for how you would okHTWJRhMvo-00105-00039387-00039812 align your text. It's not just left, centered, and right, but it's also how it's okHTWJRhMvo-00106-00039812-00040143 distributed within the cell. okHTWJRhMvo-00107-00040143-00040450 So for example, if I click this, it's still left-aligned, okHTWJRhMvo-00108-00040450-00040846 but it's centered top to bottom. okHTWJRhMvo-00109-00040846-00041183 This one here in the middle -- centered in the center-- okHTWJRhMvo-00110-00041183-00041550 left to right, and top to bottom, I like that one a lot for the left-hand, okHTWJRhMvo-00111-00041555-00041862 especially if you've got a really large okHTWJRhMvo-00112-00041862-00042470 cell with a small amount of text. It kind of helps this text to, okHTWJRhMvo-00113-00042470-00042853 you know, "take precedence" over the whole box instead of it just being okHTWJRhMvo-00114-00042853-00043059 slammed up into the top. okHTWJRhMvo-00115-00043059-00043380 Probably also want this all to be capitalized. So again, we don't have to go okHTWJRhMvo-00116-00043380-00043693 in and do that manually, we can highlight the whole thing, okHTWJRhMvo-00117-00043693-00044166 go to Home, click on this one here that tells you how okHTWJRhMvo-00118-00044166-00044810 you'd like to title it, so we can capitalize each word in there. okHTWJRhMvo-00119-00044810-00045180 So what if I need to add another column, okHTWJRhMvo-00120-00045180-00045415 what if these four are not enough? okHTWJRhMvo-00121-00045415-00045859 What I can do, I can just be in any column or I can highlight a whole column, okHTWJRhMvo-00122-00045859-00046368 I can go into Layout, and I can insert a column to the right. okHTWJRhMvo-00123-00046368-00046706 Okay, I've got a whole new column now. Notice that it's okHTWJRhMvo-00124-00046706-00047124 picked up the formatting from the one on the left, it's even got bullets here. okHTWJRhMvo-00125-00047124-00047562 I can also undo that and I can okHTWJRhMvo-00126-00047562-00047894 insert to the left if I want to, same deal. okHTWJRhMvo-00127-00047894-00048272 Here's the thing: Notice that it now has shoved this over to the right. okHTWJRhMvo-00128-00048272-00048834 So...see that little fuzzy box right there? okHTWJRhMvo-00129-00048834-00049293 This is going to actually grab the side of that column and scoot it over. okHTWJRhMvo-00130-00049293-00049631 All right. Now I've got too much table okHTWJRhMvo-00131-00049631-00050065 for my document, so I'm going to slide... okHTWJRhMvo-00132-00050065-00050694 this over here just a bit, because I'm gonna show you are really cool trick. okHTWJRhMvo-00133-00050694-00051040 Just move these over just a bit so that we've got them... okHTWJRhMvo-00134-00051040-00051340 All right. I want to show you this right here called Distribute Columns. okHTWJRhMvo-00135-00051340-00051700 What this does is it makes all the columns you select okHTWJRhMvo-00136-00051700-00051979 equal lengths to each other. So I'm going to do this twice actually okHTWJRhMvo-00137-00051979-00052520 I'm going to select...holding down my left key and selecting all the way across... okHTWJRhMvo-00138-00052520-00052994 click Distribute Columns, makes them all even. I'm still a little bit off to the... okHTWJRhMvo-00139-00052994-00053351 into the margin, so I'm going to slide this over one more time... okHTWJRhMvo-00140-00053351-00053746 and then I'm going to distribute columns one more time... okHTWJRhMvo-00141-00053746-00054229 there. There's also a Distribute Rows that you can do the same thing on the sides... okHTWJRhMvo-00142-00054229-00054800 ...the documents I work with, I don't end up using that very much, but that is there. okHTWJRhMvo-00143-00054860-00055300 Let's take a look at these right here. Notice it's a small amount of words okHTWJRhMvo-00144-00055300-00055535 it's a really really long column, okHTWJRhMvo-00145-00055535-00056021 Highlight the whole thing, we've got something called Text Direction here... okHTWJRhMvo-00146-00056021-00056360 click on that, and it turns it to... okHTWJRhMvo-00147-00056360-00056740 up and down, sort of running up the side. You keep clicking it, okHTWJRhMvo-00148-00056740-00057110 it goes in different directions. So look at that now; it's going up the top so okHTWJRhMvo-00149-00057110-00057740 what I can do, is I can take this column now, okHTWJRhMvo-00150-00057740-00058217 and I can make it much thinner, and still have the information there. okHTWJRhMvo-00151-00058217-00058529 Then I can take my columns again, okHTWJRhMvo-00152-00058529-00058914 distribute them, and they've got more space. okHTWJRhMvo-00153-00058914-00059328 It's taken these and put them up real high up on there and I'm not sure... okHTWJRhMvo-00154-00059328-00059729 this has been forced to be... So you can actually grab that okHTWJRhMvo-00155-00059729-00060210 slide it up...there we go. You can make these positioned in the center too: okHTWJRhMvo-00156-00060210-00060544 highlight them all... okHTWJRhMvo-00157-00060544-00061179 just click that -- that's still set up for the vertical...okay. okHTWJRhMvo-00158-00061221-00061580 So I hope that learning about some of these tools will help you to okHTWJRhMvo-00159-00061580-00061930 improve the look of your tables in Microsoft Word. okHTWJRhMvo-00160-00061930-00062260 Obviously there's a lot of other tools up here that I haven't gotten into okHTWJRhMvo-00161-00062261-00062602 but by learning a few, sometimes you can experiment with others okHTWJRhMvo-00162-00062602-00062840 once you start understanding how everything works. okHTWJRhMvo-00163-00062840-00063070 So thanks for listening...Have a great day. om-SyjbCKuo-00000-00000024-00000544 i am extremely disappointed over pewdiepie for making two bad videos in the last 30 days, and om-SyjbCKuo-00001-00000544-00001096 that's all because of that, which made me very sad. i get more disappointed in every om-SyjbCKuo-00002-00001096-00001560 bad video. that was due to bad luck, and it's no exception. this happened. i'm gonna mention the om-SyjbCKuo-00003-00001560-00002007 creator in this video just to tell you this, and i know that iq has done that before, but om-SyjbCKuo-00004-00002136-00002704 yeah i am so sad about this thing and it is also happening on the new videos om-SyjbCKuo-00005-00002704-00003256 which are less likely to have the bad things in them so what happened to him om-SyjbCKuo-00006-00003320-00004000 please make more good videos or else i will not do it again i'll not mention you forever po2sCMYJqTM-00001-00000096-00000576 welcome jack ma thank you thank you thank you we uh po2sCMYJqTM-00002-00000848-00001512 we um we've all become very cognizant of jack and his story and when alibaba went public with the po2sCMYJqTM-00003-00001512-00002328 largest ipo in history we knew a lot more about him so i want to talk about his personal story i po2sCMYJqTM-00004-00002328-00002824 want to talk about how many times he tried and failed and what kept him going i want to talk po2sCMYJqTM-00005-00002824-00003432 about where he is today and how he got here and where he is going and how he expects to get there po2sCMYJqTM-00006-00003504-00004192 and if he gets there what will it all mean for him and for the people that he wants to po2sCMYJqTM-00007-00004192-00004664 inspire so i begin with this question though jack why are you back at dabbos po2sCMYJqTM-00008-00004928-00006032 it's a it's a long break for seven years i think uh my last time trip here was year 2008. but i was po2sCMYJqTM-00009-00006032-00006688 coming for year 2001 for the young global leader for tomorrow and i think remember i never heard po2sCMYJqTM-00010-00006688-00007495 about the davos when i came but when i came i i in the switzerland so many young people demonstrate po2sCMYJqTM-00011-00007584-00008208 it was such a horrible thing that i was and asked them why did they do it they say po2sCMYJqTM-00012-00008208-00008848 anti-globalization and i said why globalization is a great thing why people end you know don't po2sCMYJqTM-00013-00008848-00009424 like it and then we come all the way for two hours here there's a machine gun there's a po2sCMYJqTM-00014-00009424-00010096 people checking i'll say oh god is that is that a forum or is it prison we're gonna go is that but po2sCMYJqTM-00015-00010304-00010848 when i joined the fallen as a young global leader i was thrilled po2sCMYJqTM-00016-00010944-00011624 by so many ideas for the first or three four years i learned what what does what does po2sCMYJqTM-00017-00011624-00012200 the globalization mean what does the corporate citizenship mean what about social responsibility po2sCMYJqTM-00018-00012336-00012672 all these new ideas and i see so many great leaders po2sCMYJqTM-00019-00012744-00013680 talking about leadership and i benefit a lot in the year 2008 and nine when the financial crisis po2sCMYJqTM-00020-00013680-00014456 came i think it's better go back to work because we can never win the world by talking so go back po2sCMYJqTM-00021-00014528-00015128 spend seven years now i come back i think it's time to do something return because i learned po2sCMYJqTM-00022-00015128-00015728 so much let's talk 12 years ago so why i should not talking to the young global leader of today po2sCMYJqTM-00023-00015800-00016272 shelling with them how we gone through okay so that was the thing let's start with where you are po2sCMYJqTM-00024-00016272-00017040 today just how big is alibaba how many people come every day how many people come in a week po2sCMYJqTM-00025-00017160-00018000 how fast is it growing yeah we have over 100 million buyers visiting our site shopping our site po2sCMYJqTM-00026-00018208-00018584 every day and we created 100 million po2sCMYJqTM-00027-00018584-00019552 every day we created um uh 14 million jobs for china directly and indirectly and um po2sCMYJqTM-00028-00019648-00020384 we grow from 18 people to 30 000 people 18 people in my apartment to now we have a four big campus po2sCMYJqTM-00029-00020480-00021464 compared to 15 years ago we were big but compared to 15 years later we're still a baby and how big po2sCMYJqTM-00030-00021464-00022608 will you be 15 years from now i think 15 years ago i told my team that 15 years in the past 15 years po2sCMYJqTM-00031-00022608-00023352 we grow from nothing to this size and 15 years later i wanted people to see no about alibaba po2sCMYJqTM-00032-00023352-00024112 no tapa because it's already everywhere i want 15 years ago when we talked about what is e-commerce po2sCMYJqTM-00033-00024232-00024800 why small business can using this e-commerce news internet can do business across the nation po2sCMYJqTM-00034-00024888-00025368 and i hope 15 years later people forget about e-commerce because they think it's po2sCMYJqTM-00035-00025368-00025992 like electricity nobody thinks it's a high-tech today now this is something that i don't want 15 po2sCMYJqTM-00036-00025992-00026776 years later we still walk on the street talking about why and how e-commerce can help people talk po2sCMYJqTM-00037-00026776-00027736 about the ipo did it exceed your expectations well it's a pretty small ipo 250 yes yeah the largest po2sCMYJqTM-00038-00027736-00028352 ipo in the history of wall street we raised we were raised number two was a chinese bank po2sCMYJqTM-00039-00028464-00029256 thank you i i i remember year 2001 we went to uh raise some five minutes three million venture po2sCMYJqTM-00040-00029256-00029983 capitalist dollars in the usa and got rejected and i say we come back raising some a little bit more po2sCMYJqTM-00041-00030232-00031344 but i i think you know what we think more about is for two 25 billion dollars how we can spend po2sCMYJqTM-00042-00031344-00031912 the money efficiently because this is not the money this is the trust from the world the trust po2sCMYJqTM-00043-00031912-00032495 from those people they want to do better jobs to help more people they won't have a good return po2sCMYJqTM-00044-00032568-00033552 so i think giving me more pressure because when our our market cap is bigger than ibm po2sCMYJqTM-00045-00033624-00034360 for certain day we're bigger than walmart we're one of the top 10 15 largest market cap po2sCMYJqTM-00046-00034440-00035216 company in the world i told my team myself is that true we're not that good po2sCMYJqTM-00047-00035216-00035984 because years ago people say uh alibaba model is terrible does not make money have this and po2sCMYJqTM-00048-00035984-00036568 that all the big bad things because amazon is better ebay is better google is better and po2sCMYJqTM-00049-00036568-00037208 there's no such model like alibaba in the usa so i told myself and people we were better than po2sCMYJqTM-00050-00037208-00038024 people thought but today when we are that big size i said no we are not that good as people thought po2sCMYJqTM-00051-00038024-00038888 we're just a company 15 years old average age is 27 28 years old young people we're doing something po2sCMYJqTM-00052-00038960-00039504 that human beings have never tried so i want to talk about the future let me take you back uh to po2sCMYJqTM-00053-00039576-00040056 when you were born in hangzhou uh where the headquarters still are yeah and your po2sCMYJqTM-00054-00040056-00040472 campus is there don't have a look don't don't move your loot your headquarters po2sCMYJqTM-00055-00040472-00041392 there yeah you found it there loot there you grew up in the 60s 64. that was born in 64. po2sCMYJqTM-00056-00041392-00041904 that was the time of the cultural revolution yeah it was the end of the cultural revolution it was po2sCMYJqTM-00057-00042112-00042704 well my grandfather was uh a tiny landlord was considered after liberation was considered po2sCMYJqTM-00058-00042704-00043584 a bad guy so um i was um i i i know how tough it was when i was a kid po2sCMYJqTM-00059-00043744-00044528 you tried to get into three colleges each time they rejected you no i i tried there's uh po2sCMYJqTM-00060-00044528-00044992 examination that young people if you want to go university you have the taste take the po2sCMYJqTM-00061-00044992-00045640 examinations so i filled it three times but a lot of fail i feel for funny things that i filled a po2sCMYJqTM-00062-00045640-00046536 key primary school test for two times and i failed like three times for the middle school good middle po2sCMYJqTM-00063-00046536-00047344 schools and uh you you would never believe in in hangzhou mai city there's only one middle school po2sCMYJqTM-00064-00047528-00048048 that lasts only one year it was changed from primary school middle school because our po2sCMYJqTM-00065-00048048-00048648 graduates of our our our school no universe you no middle school accept us because we were too bad po2sCMYJqTM-00066-00048848-00049584 they would become a middle school what effect did it have though uh being rejected po2sCMYJqTM-00067-00049768-00050320 well i think we have to get used to it we're not that good even today we still po2sCMYJqTM-00068-00050320-00051120 have a lot of people reject us i think um when i uh in the graduate from universities po2sCMYJqTM-00069-00051120-00051528 and before i you know for three years i tried to fill in the universities po2sCMYJqTM-00070-00051528-00052304 so i applied jobs for 30 times got rejected i went for a police they said no you're not good po2sCMYJqTM-00071-00052304-00052767 i went to you know even the uh kfc when kfc came to china come to my city po2sCMYJqTM-00072-00052928-00053944 20 24 people went for the job 23 people accepted i was the only one guy and we went for police five po2sCMYJqTM-00073-00053944-00054616 people four of them accepted i was the only guy that i re received so to me being turned down po2sCMYJqTM-00074-00054616-00055344 rejected oh by the way i told you that i would i applied for harvard for 10 times rejected i know po2sCMYJqTM-00075-00055344-00055920 i'd be rejected i just don't want to say that i'm sorry now 10 times you wrote them and said po2sCMYJqTM-00076-00055920-00056416 i'd like to come to harvard yeah and then i told myself somebody i should go teach there baby po2sCMYJqTM-00077-00056624-00056791 i i think that can be arranged po2sCMYJqTM-00078-00057040-00057560 richard nixon came to hangzhou yeah and after that tourists flooded the place po2sCMYJqTM-00079-00057560-00058432 yeah and that's how you learned english yeah i really like the i don't know why at 12 13 po2sCMYJqTM-00080-00058432-00058984 years old that time i suddenly felt love into the language the english and there's no place you can po2sCMYJqTM-00081-00059064-00059367 you can learn english at that time there's no books english books po2sCMYJqTM-00082-00059432-00060096 so i went to the hanzo hotel now called hanzo shangri-la hotel because that was the hotel i po2sCMYJqTM-00083-00060096-00060696 can receive the foreign visitors so every morning for nine years i showed them a run as a free guide po2sCMYJqTM-00084-00060696-00061424 and they told me english and i think that changed me today i'm 100 made in china i've never got a po2sCMYJqTM-00085-00061424-00062072 one day train outside china and uh people when people talk to me say jack how can you speak po2sCMYJqTM-00086-00062072-00062679 english like that why sometimes you you talk like amer western guys i think that was the nine years po2sCMYJqTM-00087-00062808-00063728 these western four tourists opened my mind because everything they told me are so different from the po2sCMYJqTM-00088-00063728-00064440 things i learned from the schools and from my parents so now i have a habit whatever i see po2sCMYJqTM-00089-00064440-00065232 whatever i read i use my mind think about for two minutes is that how ma jun became jack ma actually po2sCMYJqTM-00090-00065232-00065992 jack the name was given by a lady in tennis she's a tourist she came here and she said i po2sCMYJqTM-00091-00065992-00066672 came to hangzhou we had a we become a pen friends mar ring is so difficult to pronounce so she said po2sCMYJqTM-00092-00066672-00067384 do you you have an english name i said don so can you give me english name she said okay she said po2sCMYJqTM-00093-00067448-00067896 my father called the check my husband called jack what do you think about jack i said good po2sCMYJqTM-00094-00068112-00068304 so i've been using that for that many years yeah po2sCMYJqTM-00095-00068640-00069392 first visit to america 1995. 1995. yeah i uh i've come here for a project po2sCMYJqTM-00096-00069392-00069744 helping the local government to building up a highway po2sCMYJqTM-00097-00069968-00070640 and you tried the internet i tried internet in seattle and um in a building called the po2sCMYJqTM-00098-00070640-00071112 usa bank i don't know whether u.s bank is still there or not but it's a building and po2sCMYJqTM-00099-00071264-00071808 my friend opened a small office which is like only 10 percent bigger than this room and there are a po2sCMYJqTM-00100-00071808-00072512 lot of much computers in there and he said jack you this is internet was i asked what is internet po2sCMYJqTM-00101-00072512-00073168 he said you know search whatever you want at that time they use mosaic very slow right and i said i po2sCMYJqTM-00102-00073168-00073744 don't use it i don't want to type because intern computer is so expensive in china if i destroy it po2sCMYJqTM-00103-00073832-00074384 i cannot pay he said just to search it so i searched the first word beer po2sCMYJqTM-00104-00074624-00075336 i don't know why because it's easy to spell a baby and i see beers from germany beers from usa beers po2sCMYJqTM-00105-00075336-00076088 from japan but there's no beer from china and i say okay type the second word is china no data po2sCMYJqTM-00106-00076088-00077048 nothing nothing and i said 1895 1991 no data about china so i talked to my friend why not make some po2sCMYJqTM-00107-00077048-00077856 something about china so we made a small very ugly looking page called china it's it's about po2sCMYJqTM-00108-00077856-00078648 it's something like i did a translation agency we listed on there it was so shocking we launched at po2sCMYJqTM-00109-00078648-00079264 9 40 in the morning 12 30 i got a phone call from my friend he said jack you know you got five po2sCMYJqTM-00110-00079264-00080136 emails so what is email and they say these are the things say people so excited where are you this is po2sCMYJqTM-00111-00080136-00080744 the first time i see a chinese website on that how can we kind of when can we do something together po2sCMYJqTM-00112-00080744-00081384 so i think this is something interesting so we should do it why did you call it alibaba alibaba po2sCMYJqTM-00113-00081528-00082240 well when i started i think internet is global we should have a global name and a name that po2sCMYJqTM-00114-00082240-00082928 um interesting like at that time the best name is yahoo right i think i can so i've been thinking po2sCMYJqTM-00115-00082928-00083592 for many days suddenly alibaba is a good name so i i was happy to be in san francisco that day and po2sCMYJqTM-00116-00083592-00084224 i did have a lunch and a waitress come i asked her do you know about alibaba she said yes i said po2sCMYJqTM-00117-00084224-00084888 what is alibaba she said open sesame good so i went on the street asking about 10 20 people po2sCMYJqTM-00118-00084968-00085704 they all know about alibaba 40 thieves and open sesame and i think this is a good name po2sCMYJqTM-00119-00085704-00086056 and start with a whatever you talk about alibaba is always top po2sCMYJqTM-00120-00086352-00086984 you have said before that in creating alibaba you had to create trust yep po2sCMYJqTM-00121-00087048-00087816 because people in china were used to face to face how did you create trust i think po2sCMYJqTM-00122-00087944-00088560 because we start about it between business and internet i don't know you you don't know me so how po2sCMYJqTM-00123-00088560-00089400 can you do things online unless you have trust so for e-commerce the most important thing was trust po2sCMYJqTM-00124-00089400-00090208 i think when i first went to usa for raising money talk to the venture capitalist a lot of people say po2sCMYJqTM-00125-00090208-00090888 oh jack no no no no no no china doing business but why she how can you do business or internet po2sCMYJqTM-00126-00090952-00091536 and i know that without the trust the system the credit system it's impossible po2sCMYJqTM-00127-00091608-00092480 to do business so we we every in the past four 14 years everything we do is trying to build up the po2sCMYJqTM-00128-00092480-00093384 trusted system the record system well charlie you know i i'm so proud today when i i talked to young po2sCMYJqTM-00129-00093440-00094072 today in china and in the world people don't trust each other the government and people and media and po2sCMYJqTM-00130-00094072-00094688 everybody think ah this guy's cheating but because of e-commerce we finish 60 million transactions po2sCMYJqTM-00131-00094688-00095384 every day people don't know each other i don't know you i send products to you you don't know me po2sCMYJqTM-00132-00095456-00095992 you want the money to me and i don't know you i give a person a package i don't know po2sCMYJqTM-00133-00095992-00096520 him he took something to sew across the ocean across the river and said po2sCMYJqTM-00134-00096520-00097272 this is the trust we have six at least the 60 million trust happening every day but you created po2sCMYJqTM-00135-00097272-00097744 by creating an escrow account in the beginning yep you know and so you keep the money until po2sCMYJqTM-00136-00097744-00098200 they got the product yeah and then you release the money that's true i mean the escrow service po2sCMYJqTM-00137-00098200-00098960 is about alipay when i when i when i have you know this idea i would love davos because it was a big po2sCMYJqTM-00138-00098960-00099632 decision because for first three years alibaba is just like e-marketplaces for for information po2sCMYJqTM-00139-00099632-00100104 uh what you have what i have we talk a lot of time but don't do any business because there is po2sCMYJqTM-00140-00100104-00100656 no payment i talked to the banks no banks want to do it banks say ah nah this thing never work po2sCMYJqTM-00141-00100736-00101496 so i don't know what to do because if i start to launch a payment system it's against the financial po2sCMYJqTM-00142-00101496-00102024 legal laws because you have to have a license but if i don't do it e-commerce will go nowhere po2sCMYJqTM-00143-00102128-00102816 so then i went to davos i listened to a leadership discussion leadership is about responsibility po2sCMYJqTM-00144-00102911-00103464 and after i talk listen to that panel i give a call to my friends my colleagues po2sCMYJqTM-00145-00103464-00104328 in my apartment saying do it now immediately if something wrong the governor not happy about that po2sCMYJqTM-00146-00104328-00104864 if one body has to go to the prison jack might go to the prison because it is so po2sCMYJqTM-00147-00104864-00105656 important for china for the world to build up the trusted system and if you did not do it i said po2sCMYJqTM-00148-00105656-00106432 and do not do it properly stealing money money wash no trust record i send you to the prison po2sCMYJqTM-00149-00106535-00107104 so that was the thing and people people don't like it so many people i talked to at that time po2sCMYJqTM-00150-00107104-00107856 for alipay they say this is the stupidest idea you have ever got but i say i don't wear the stupid po2sCMYJqTM-00151-00107856-00108800 club as long as people use it now we have uh 800 million people using this alipay stupid thing po2sCMYJqTM-00152-00108880-00109224 is better alipay is a privately held thing is not part of alibaba no it's important to po2sCMYJqTM-00153-00109224-00109664 talk about money for a second uh you have never gotten money from the chinese government no not po2sCMYJqTM-00154-00109664-00110464 none i i i i want at the beginning and later i don't want it because i think if the company po2sCMYJqTM-00155-00110464-00111000 always think about it picking money from out of the government of pockets that companies po2sCMYJqTM-00156-00111000-00111616 is rubbish think about how can you make money from the customers and market and then help customers po2sCMYJqTM-00157-00111616-00112216 succeed that's our philosophy no money from chinese banks no no i at that time i want and now po2sCMYJqTM-00158-00112272-00112928 they go out again for me i don't want it yeah all right um your relationship with the government po2sCMYJqTM-00159-00113072-00113648 yeah what's your relationship i mean if they didn't here's what some say that you po2sCMYJqTM-00160-00113648-00114168 have existed in an environment that's not they have restricted competition for you po2sCMYJqTM-00161-00114304-00114935 and that's a pretty good thing to do for a private company yeah i think the relationship with the po2sCMYJqTM-00162-00114935-00115568 government for us is very interesting for the first five years because i've been working as po2sCMYJqTM-00163-00115568-00116432 a part-time job for a government organization ministry of foreign trade 1997 for 14 months po2sCMYJqTM-00164-00116432-00116888 and i learned that you you should never rely government organization to do e-commerce po2sCMYJqTM-00165-00117032-00117783 and i started the business i told my people and team in love with the government don't marry them po2sCMYJqTM-00166-00117935-00118344 respect them and a lot of people say well you know government officers po2sCMYJqTM-00167-00118344-00118711 talking to about internet the censorship and this that and they worry about po2sCMYJqTM-00168-00118783-00119528 i think it's the opportunity it's a responsibility talking to them tell them how internet can help po2sCMYJqTM-00169-00119528-00120088 so you tell them we create jobs oh yeah i've been i think um a lot of people po2sCMYJqTM-00170-00120264-00121048 debate and fight against them and in the first 12 years anybody come to my office i sit down po2sCMYJqTM-00171-00121048-00121768 talking to them how we can help economy how we can create jobs why china will improve by the internet po2sCMYJqTM-00172-00121768-00122648 i think because internet that time is new to any government and if you convince somebody and you po2sCMYJqTM-00173-00122648-00123383 have the chance so today i'm very talkative that probably this is why i talk to so many people po2sCMYJqTM-00174-00123528-00123928 so i mean if the government comes to you and asks you to do something for them po2sCMYJqTM-00175-00124135-00124672 normally when government comes say jack can you do this project i say no po2sCMYJqTM-00176-00124672-00125232 i can't i say no can you i can introduce some friends who are interested in doing that for you po2sCMYJqTM-00177-00125232-00125968 but if you if they continue to want me to do it i say okay i do it but i don't want i don't charge po2sCMYJqTM-00178-00125968-00126672 i hope next time don't come to me again but recently we have some government organization po2sCMYJqTM-00179-00126672-00127344 for example the the every spring festival the train station the train ticket is so difficult po2sCMYJqTM-00180-00127344-00127840 hundreds and thousands of farmers work in the cities in the spring festival they go to the po2sCMYJqTM-00181-00127840-00128608 hometown but when they order tickets on the on the uh the other way the whole system crashed po2sCMYJqTM-00182-00128711-00129344 for five years so i told my young people go support them don't charge anything because po2sCMYJqTM-00183-00129344-00129935 i don't want to see millions of farmers go back to city and they cannot buy the tickets po2sCMYJqTM-00184-00129935-00130352 so it's it's something that it's not for money it's something it's not for the po2sCMYJqTM-00185-00130352-00131048 government it's for the millions of millions people they can buy tickets in the snowy night po2sCMYJqTM-00186-00131048-00131680 and they don't have the weight they just buy use mobile phone online they get ticket one way stop po2sCMYJqTM-00187-00131680-00132504 along the route to where you are in that big ipo was yahoo jerry yang gave you invested a po2sCMYJqTM-00188-00132504-00132968 billion dollars yeah a billion dollars it turned out to be a pretty good investment for yahoo po2sCMYJqTM-00189-00133112-00133792 yeah but one time after another you raised this money on your own outside of china with investors po2sCMYJqTM-00190-00134008-00134328 yeah i'm very thankful for all the investors because um po2sCMYJqTM-00191-00134480-00135184 1999 year 2000 and even at the yahoo time a lot of people say this jack is crazy he's he's doing po2sCMYJqTM-00192-00135184-00135672 something that we don't understand a lot of venture capitals give you money because there po2sCMYJqTM-00193-00135672-00136424 is such a american model already there but they say alibaba we don't see this kind of model right po2sCMYJqTM-00194-00136424-00136984 they say jack's crazy yeah this is crazy guy i mean i remember my first time in time magazine po2sCMYJqTM-00195-00137144-00137704 they call me crazy jack and i i think chris is good we are crazy but we're not stupid po2sCMYJqTM-00196-00138112-00138744 we know what we are doing but if everybody agree with me if everybody believe my our idea is good po2sCMYJqTM-00197-00138744-00139544 we have no chance so that's the money we raised we're very thankful so when our investors make a po2sCMYJqTM-00198-00139544-00140024 lot of money i feel proud and honored as you know in the united states issues have risen po2sCMYJqTM-00199-00140024-00140744 about privacy google and apple and questions of whether the government should have access to po2sCMYJqTM-00200-00140808-00141152 files how do you handle that if the chinese government po2sCMYJqTM-00201-00141152-00141728 says you know a lot about people you have transactional relationships with lots of people po2sCMYJqTM-00202-00141872-00142576 and they say we want to see your files well so far i don't have this kind of problems around chinese po2sCMYJqTM-00203-00142576-00143032 government and i told them any government if you come here for the national security po2sCMYJqTM-00204-00143032-00143704 anti-terrorist or anywhere anti-terrorist we work together as a criminal po2sCMYJqTM-00205-00143792-00144712 we work the rest of that no i said we are business the data is so precious because we don't know how po2sCMYJqTM-00206-00144800-00145448 because if we give to anybody it's going to be disaster and also about privacy issues i think po2sCMYJqTM-00207-00145560-00146336 just like uh hundreds of years ago people say i would rather put money under my pillow rather than po2sCMYJqTM-00208-00146336-00146912 put in the banks but today banks they're special they know how to protect money much better than po2sCMYJqTM-00209-00146912-00147640 you do privacy issues all these kind of securities today we may not have the solutions we don't have po2sCMYJqTM-00210-00147640-00148280 the answer but i believe our young people have the solutions in next 10 20 years there will be po2sCMYJqTM-00211-00148336-00149048 breakthrough on that and i i'm fully confident on that your life is a testament to the idea po2sCMYJqTM-00212-00149152-00149288 that nothing is impossible po2sCMYJqTM-00213-00149488-00150168 that if somebody says no you say it's just the beginning where does that come from po2sCMYJqTM-00214-00150408-00150458 well po2sCMYJqTM-00215-00150720-00151416 i at the beginning i never thought i thought when i was young i said everything is possible po2sCMYJqTM-00216-00151416-00151944 now i know not everything is possible when you have something you have to think about po2sCMYJqTM-00217-00152000-00152608 you have to consider about the others you have to consider the customer society your employees po2sCMYJqTM-00218-00152672-00153080 your shareholders so society there are so many things that po2sCMYJqTM-00219-00153176-00153776 i think if you continue to work hard there's there's possibility and po2sCMYJqTM-00220-00154120-00154656 i just feel that i'm enthusiastic about what we are doing at the beginning for the first po2sCMYJqTM-00221-00154656-00155192 five years i just want to survive and five years later i think that's two thousand from nineteen po2sCMYJqTM-00222-00155280-00156120 yeah but later i think wow so many people's life changed i was so excited you know for the first po2sCMYJqTM-00223-00156120-00156864 three years we made a zero revenue zero revenue but we we are so excited to speak continue to po2sCMYJqTM-00224-00156864-00157320 work you know what happened i remember many times when i go to restaurant have a dinner po2sCMYJqTM-00225-00157320-00158016 somebody came i when i was trying to pay the bill the owner of the restaurant came to say sir your po2sCMYJqTM-00226-00158016-00158896 bill is paid by someone and a small note saying hey mr mar i'm your customer of alibaba group po2sCMYJqTM-00227-00158896-00159432 alibaba platform i made a lot of money and i know you don't make any money i paid the bill for you po2sCMYJqTM-00228-00159712-00160360 and i remember one thing one day that i was uh sitting somewhere in the coffee somebody sending po2sCMYJqTM-00229-00160360-00160872 me a cigar i don't smoke cigar but there's a note thank you very much i'm your customer po2sCMYJqTM-00230-00160984-00161520 and i remember the couple days i went to shangri-la hotel in beijing when i got on the po2sCMYJqTM-00231-00161520-00162152 taxi the man who opened the door for me the boy out at the gate he said jack thank you very much po2sCMYJqTM-00232-00162280-00162872 here my girlfriend makes more money than i do on your site and this is something that you know po2sCMYJqTM-00233-00162984-00163680 that it's not amazing if you don't do it nothing is possible if you try to do it at least you have po2sCMYJqTM-00234-00163680-00164256 the hope the revenue comes from advertising in a smaller amount from transactional fees po2sCMYJqTM-00235-00164336-00164832 most of it from advertising tiny tiny from advertising timing from advertising po2sCMYJqTM-00236-00164832-00165424 time from transactions because we need big mess when we now we have more than po2sCMYJqTM-00237-00165488-00166080 10 million small business power sellers selling our site to everywhere so the big po2sCMYJqTM-00238-00166080-00166824 trends the transactions we have is second after walmart so time second after walmart yeah tiny po2sCMYJqTM-00239-00166904-00167536 of the transact off of the money already because make us big so you know we po2sCMYJqTM-00240-00167696-00168176 second after warmer i remember one of the senior management of warmer guys came to po2sCMYJqTM-00241-00168176-00168824 hangzhou five years ago he said jack you know you did a great job and so we i said po2sCMYJqTM-00242-00168824-00169176 maybe in 10 years we'll be bigger than warmer you say young man you have a good hope po2sCMYJqTM-00243-00169376-00169800 so we should have a mega man bat i think in 10 years will be bigger than walmart on the sales po2sCMYJqTM-00244-00169800-00170704 because if you want have 10 000 new customers you have to build a new warehouse and this that for me po2sCMYJqTM-00245-00170776-00171640 two servers what's your market cap versus walmart today i i don't know but maybe some it's close po2sCMYJqTM-00246-00171776-00172384 i think so maybe we should check later all right yeah um so where are you going what does jack want po2sCMYJqTM-00247-00172504-00173072 i think because the name for alibaba we are internet company happen to be in china we po2sCMYJqTM-00248-00173072-00173824 have the same spirit and entrepreneur spirit like every great entrepreneurs in the world po2sCMYJqTM-00249-00173984-00174544 and i remember the day when i started alibaba we want to have a mission helping small business po2sCMYJqTM-00250-00174544-00175440 doing easier so next steps today so many millions of small business using our platform po2sCMYJqTM-00251-00175440-00176152 to sell things and over 300 million consumers buy things from our site po2sCMYJqTM-00252-00176248-00176912 cheapest efficient so what i'm thinking about how we can make alibaba a platform for global small po2sCMYJqTM-00253-00176912-00177680 business my vision is that how if we can help a norway small business can sell things to argentina po2sCMYJqTM-00254-00177680-00178448 and argentina consumers can buy things online from from switzerland and we can build up po2sCMYJqTM-00255-00178448-00179144 which i called i don't know maybe the right not right word called ewto the w2 is a great pasta po2sCMYJqTM-00256-00179144-00179888 century but w2 helps so many big companies to sell things across the nation today internet can po2sCMYJqTM-00257-00179888-00180784 help small business sell things across the oceans across the nations and i hope that we can serve po2sCMYJqTM-00258-00180848-00181576 2 billion consumers 2 billion 2 billion consumers we can help 10 million small businesses po2sCMYJqTM-00259-00181576-00182232 outside china help the outside china outside china because i'm so because we helped the po2sCMYJqTM-00260-00182288-00183096 american farmers in washington state almost 300 tons of cherries to china last year po2sCMYJqTM-00261-00183176-00183744 cherries when they when we before we saw the ambassador of usc came to mr jack can you help po2sCMYJqTM-00262-00183744-00184392 us selling cherries in chelsea but cherries and the fruits he said why not i said why not let's po2sCMYJqTM-00263-00184392-00185016 check so that when we order when we start to sell cherries the cherry is still on the trees po2sCMYJqTM-00264-00185104-00185904 so we started pre-order 80 000 families all the cherries online so we picked up the cherries and po2sCMYJqTM-00265-00185904-00186608 shipped into china within 48 hours we sell the cherries the consumers are so happy and but we got po2sCMYJqTM-00266-00186608-00187296 a lot of letters complaint after three days they say why only a hundred tens why we should not get po2sCMYJqTM-00267-00187296-00188152 more so we sell you know last a lot two months ago we helped the costco we sell 300 tons of po2sCMYJqTM-00268-00188152-00188912 nuts to china so i'm thinking about if we can sell or not we're also selling alaska seafood to china po2sCMYJqTM-00269-00188992-00189496 so if we can sell seafood we could if we can seal the cherries why we cannot help po2sCMYJqTM-00270-00189496-00190096 american and european small business selling things to china consumers china needs that po2sCMYJqTM-00271-00190096-00191064 so this is what i want to do is that 22 billion consumers china asia developing nations how we can po2sCMYJqTM-00272-00191160-00191848 let them buy things globally alibaba rode with the millions of people that went from po2sCMYJqTM-00273-00191848-00192352 poverty to the middle class in china i mean you were right there growing as they grew po2sCMYJqTM-00274-00192352-00193104 and increased when you look at the international markets you're doing well in russia yeah how well po2sCMYJqTM-00275-00193184-00193872 we do pretty good on russia and we took brick to also pretty good in brazil russia i think po2sCMYJqTM-00276-00193872-00194392 and now uh we i don't know we are the if not the number one we're the number two or number three po2sCMYJqTM-00277-00194392-00195272 largest e-commerce e-commerce i remember last year we had a campaign the campaign is that a lot po2sCMYJqTM-00278-00195272-00196024 of russian girls and boys want to buy things from china you know how many days a russian girl placed po2sCMYJqTM-00279-00196024-00196960 an order and receive the products from china two years ago four miles even that people are so happy po2sCMYJqTM-00280-00196960-00197552 about the other thing and lastly the campaign within one week we crashed the whole logistic po2sCMYJqTM-00281-00197552-00198200 system of russia all right you were also seen in hollywood yeah what are you doing in hollywood po2sCMYJqTM-00282-00198568-00199720 well i like the the hollywood innovation at the digital background i learned so much about the po2sCMYJqTM-00283-00199720-00200472 hollywood movies especially the forest gum you love i love forrest gump why do you like him po2sCMYJqTM-00284-00200608-00201376 simple never give up people people thinking he's done but he knows what he's doing po2sCMYJqTM-00285-00201496-00202408 and i was very depressed the day a year 2002 or three in the states when i oh no no no earlier po2sCMYJqTM-00286-00202408-00203016 than that i was very depressed when i i could not define a way for the internet and i watched the po2sCMYJqTM-00287-00203016-00203664 movie in my friend's home forest gum when i see him i think this is the guy we should learn from po2sCMYJqTM-00288-00203792-00204352 believe what you're doing love it whether people like it don't like it be simple and like the word po2sCMYJqTM-00289-00204352-00204912 life is like a box of chocolate you never know what you can get right i never know i would be po2sCMYJqTM-00290-00204912-00205671 here talking to you and talking to charlie rose i never know but today i made it i told my people in po2sCMYJqTM-00291-00205671-00206632 my apartment 18 15 years ago guys we have to work hard not for ourselves if we can be successful po2sCMYJqTM-00292-00206632-00207080 eighty percent of the young people in china can be successful we don't have a rich father po2sCMYJqTM-00293-00207152-00207904 powerful uncle we don't get one dollar from bank one cent from government just work as a team so po2sCMYJqTM-00294-00207904-00208416 what do you worry about i worry about it today young people a lot of young people lose hope po2sCMYJqTM-00295-00208512-00209240 lose vision instead of complaining because i we also have the same periods when i got it's not a po2sCMYJqTM-00296-00209240-00209952 good feeling being rejected by so many people we also depressed but at least later we find po2sCMYJqTM-00297-00210096-00210784 that the world has a lot of opportunity how you see the world how you catch the opportunity so po2sCMYJqTM-00298-00210856-00211488 and the hollywood gives me a lot of uh inspiration yeah but but you're not there for business you're po2sCMYJqTM-00299-00211488-00211960 out there because you want to make movies and sell them i want to make the movie for business-wise po2sCMYJqTM-00300-00211960-00212767 we are e-commerce company we we have a lot of uh products that need logistic but movie po2sCMYJqTM-00301-00212767-00213528 tv these are things you don't need logistics system and movie probably is the best product po2sCMYJqTM-00302-00213528-00214136 that can help chinese young people to understand because one thing i told the chinese people of po2sCMYJqTM-00303-00214136-00214808 my my friends in american movie all the heroes at the beginning they look like a bad guy terrible po2sCMYJqTM-00304-00214808-00215448 things coming they become a hero and finally they all survived china if you buy hero all the hero po2sCMYJqTM-00305-00215448-00216216 died so because only that people become the hero so nobody want to be the hero po2sCMYJqTM-00306-00216319-00216888 so you want to change the chinese definition of hero yeah i want to say hero today we have po2sCMYJqTM-00307-00216888-00217376 so many heroes live in this world are you still writing these kung fu novels or just reading them po2sCMYJqTM-00308-00217456-00218200 i uh read them and i start to write something i think it's fine a kung fu is something you po2sCMYJqTM-00309-00218200-00218640 you start to think about something that you cannot do but if you have some luck po2sCMYJqTM-00310-00218640-00219192 if you continue to practice if you got a good master if you're a good team you're the expert po2sCMYJqTM-00311-00219192-00219688 so at least it makes me when i'm busy when i'm tired or frustrated i really come for books and po2sCMYJqTM-00312-00219800-00220176 you also travel with a tai chai am i saying that right po2sCMYJqTM-00313-00220256-00220919 a trainer trainer tai chai tai chi tai chi yeah uh what does that do for you how do they keep you in po2sCMYJqTM-00314-00220919-00221823 good i love tai chi tai chi is a philosophy about ying and young tai chi is about how you balance po2sCMYJqTM-00315-00221896-00222464 how you work like a competition people say when i compete with ebay c you hate ebay no no i don't po2sCMYJqTM-00316-00222464-00223064 have ebay it's a great company you know they come i go you know taiji is like you fighting here po2sCMYJqTM-00317-00223064-00223616 i go over there you put it on the top i go to them right so it's my balance po2sCMYJqTM-00318-00223767-00224304 right you are heavy on the small you know when i'm small i can jump you have you cannot drive po2sCMYJqTM-00319-00224416-00225240 there taiji is about a philosophy i use intellij philosophy in the in the business calm down po2sCMYJqTM-00320-00225240-00226104 there's always way out and keep yourself balanced and meanwhile don't try to because business is po2sCMYJqTM-00321-00226104-00226840 is a comp competition is a fun business is not a battlefield you you die or i win business even if po2sCMYJqTM-00322-00226840-00227592 you die i mean not a win right so it's about it's better fun so taiji gives me a lot of inspirations po2sCMYJqTM-00323-00227592-00228296 you but you want your life and you want this company alibaba to change the world and you're po2sCMYJqTM-00324-00228296-00228823 changing the world if in fact you provide a forum for buying and enable people to earn a living po2sCMYJqTM-00325-00228967-00229664 but also you believe that alibaba ought to change the lives of women so what are you doing at first po2sCMYJqTM-00326-00229664-00230096 i think uh many years ago i want to change the world now i think if we want to change po2sCMYJqTM-00327-00230096-00230767 the world we change ourselves change ourselves is more important and easier than change the world po2sCMYJqTM-00328-00230888-00231400 and second is that i want to improve the world because it changed the world maybe obama's job po2sCMYJqTM-00329-00231552-00232344 because my job is to make sure that my team are happy because my team are happy they can make po2sCMYJqTM-00330-00232344-00232928 my custom happy if my customers are all small business when they're happy we are happy about po2sCMYJqTM-00331-00232928-00233567 women one of the secret source for alibaba's success is that we have a lot of women what po2sCMYJqTM-00332-00233567-00234232 percentage of women one day before i think two months before two or three months before we ipo po2sCMYJqTM-00333-00234232-00234848 there is ameri there's american journalists come to our company she asked me a question check i've po2sCMYJqTM-00334-00234848-00235767 seen so many women your company i see what's wrong we have a later we find that you know we have 30 po2sCMYJqTM-00335-00235767-00236808 or we have 47 of the employees of our company are women how many 40 47 of our company women and po2sCMYJqTM-00336-00236808-00237319 we actually had a 51 because we acquired some company these days they have more man so balance po2sCMYJqTM-00337-00237319-00238040 that but these are women in top level positions 33 percent of the cinema of the management are women po2sCMYJqTM-00338-00238040-00238936 and 24 percent of the senior men very top level uh women we have a women's ceo cfo cpo chief people po2sCMYJqTM-00339-00238936-00239392 officer and we have everywhere and i think so comfortable to working with them because women po2sCMYJqTM-00340-00239560-00240240 in this world if you want to win in 21st century you have to make sure that making po2sCMYJqTM-00341-00240240-00240752 other people powerful empower others making sure the other people better than you are then you will po2sCMYJqTM-00342-00240752-00241271 be successful so i find the women they think about the others more than they think about themselves po2sCMYJqTM-00343-00241360-00242192 women think about the kids husband parents much more than the man and the user friendliness a po2sCMYJqTM-00344-00242192-00242600 couple of things i want to talk about before we go because we have less than a couple of minutes po2sCMYJqTM-00345-00242600-00243264 uh china today are you worried the economy slowed down no i don't worry about i think china is doing po2sCMYJqTM-00346-00243264-00244023 it's slowing down is much better than keep on nine percent china today is the second largest po2sCMYJqTM-00347-00244023-00244792 economy in the world it's impossible to keep nine percent of the growth if china still keeps a nine po2sCMYJqTM-00348-00244792-00245416 percent of the growth of the economy there must be something wrong you will never see the blue sky po2sCMYJqTM-00349-00245567-00246016 and you will never see the quality china should pay attention to the quality po2sCMYJqTM-00350-00246016-00246592 of the economy china should not so if we have a lot of influence you know like the hollow movies po2sCMYJqTM-00351-00246592-00247144 things and we have a sports and of these things in the car in the gdp would be much better so po2sCMYJqTM-00352-00247144-00247856 i think just like a human growth you can never this body can never grow grow grow grow certain po2sCMYJqTM-00353-00247856-00248423 time the slow of growth of your body will slow but you should grow your mind grow your culture po2sCMYJqTM-00354-00248423-00249008 grow your valley grow your wisdom i think china is moving to that direction and you saw modi in india po2sCMYJqTM-00355-00249104-00249560 did you see modi in india not yet i'm looking forward to that you'll go to india po2sCMYJqTM-00356-00249560-00249888 finally there's this um you're one of the world's richest people po2sCMYJqTM-00357-00250056-00250816 your company is one of the world's richest companies what do you want beyond alibaba po2sCMYJqTM-00358-00250816-00251680 well by richest people i was uh i told my i was really not happy in the past three months when po2sCMYJqTM-00359-00251680-00252367 people say jack ma is the richest people of china global celebrity they said and no i'm po2sCMYJqTM-00360-00252367-00253016 not i'm not go when i start the business you are i never thought because how many yeah maybe i am po2sCMYJqTM-00361-00253016-00253664 not but i think what i uh 15 years ago in my apartment my wife was at that time one of the po2sCMYJqTM-00362-00253664-00254336 18 founders i asked her do you want your husband to be a rich person i never felt po2sCMYJqTM-00363-00254336-00254944 rich person in china rich person in hanzo oh you want to be your husband to be respected a person po2sCMYJqTM-00364-00254944-00255504 she said of course respected because she never believed and i don't believe we'll be rich people po2sCMYJqTM-00365-00255632-00256152 we just want to survive but i believe when you have one million dollars that's your money po2sCMYJqTM-00366-00256240-00256888 we have 20 million dollars you still have a problem you worry about inflation where we po2sCMYJqTM-00367-00256888-00257464 should stock to buy and this that had to come when you have one billion dollars that's not your money po2sCMYJqTM-00368-00257648-00258319 that's the trust society give on you they believe you can manage the money use the money better than po2sCMYJqTM-00369-00258319-00259000 the government than the others so i think today i have the resources do more things with the money po2sCMYJqTM-00370-00259000-00259519 we have with the influence we have we should spend more time on the young people and i would say po2sCMYJqTM-00371-00259800-00260392 someday i'll go back to teach go back to school spend time with the young people and telling po2sCMYJqTM-00372-00260392-00261176 sharing with them what i done so the money is not mine i just heard happily and um having this po2sCMYJqTM-00373-00261248-00262071 resources and i want to do better job just tell them your story yeah tell them the story and tell po2sCMYJqTM-00374-00262071-00262624 them that if jack i i don't think in this world a lot of people be rejected more than 30 times po2sCMYJqTM-00375-00262744-00263232 if we you know the only thing we never give up the only thing like we're like a fall is the gum po2sCMYJqTM-00376-00263232-00263736 we keep on fight we keep on changing ourselves we don't complain whether you were successful po2sCMYJqTM-00377-00263736-00264352 not successful i find that one per people when they finish the job if they make the mistake of po2sCMYJqTM-00378-00264352-00264936 the fail if they always complain the others this guy will never come back po2sCMYJqTM-00379-00265024-00265528 if the guy only checked himself yeah something wrong with me here something po2sCMYJqTM-00380-00265528-00265952 with me there there this guy has the hope jack on behalf of everybody in this audience po2sCMYJqTM-00381-00266008-00267184 and a television audience around the world thank you for taking your time to be with us poSsM0MvXtu-00000-00000016-00000728 hi so today i want to talk about writing synchronicity so synchronicity is a word poSsM0MvXtu-00001-00000728-00001296 that was developed by the psychiatrist carl jung and he described synchronicity poSsM0MvXtu-00002-00001392-00002096 as 'deeply meaningful coincidences which mysteriously occur in your life' so what poSsM0MvXtu-00003-00002096-00002832 we're talking about are coincidences that just seem a little bit too coincidental to be true poSsM0MvXtu-00004-00002912-00003472 um but they are but you know it depends i guess on whether or not you believe that everything poSsM0MvXtu-00005-00003472-00004024 is interconnected and there's a meaning behind things or whether or not you feel um that there poSsM0MvXtu-00006-00004024-00004472 is no meaning and everything is random chance so either way there's little moments that make you poSsM0MvXtu-00007-00004472-00005176 stop and go hmm so the reason that i said that i was going to do a video on this is because often poSsM0MvXtu-00008-00005176-00005848 when i start to write really weird things start to happen um and i just wanted to share with you two poSsM0MvXtu-00009-00005848-00006664 of the weirdest or two of the strangest that have always kind of stuck with me one is from the first poSsM0MvXtu-00010-00006664-00007256 novel that i ever had published angorichina each now and the other one is from the novel that i'm poSsM0MvXtu-00011-00007256-00007856 writing at the moment now so i was just going to share these with you so that we can all just revel poSsM0MvXtu-00012-00007856-00008456 in the weirdness so the first novel that i have published was the second novel that i ever wrote poSsM0MvXtu-00013-00008456-00009200 and it was called angorichina and it was about a tuberculosis sanatorium in south australia poSsM0MvXtu-00014-00009200-00009848 in the 1930s now i got the inspiration for this because in my early 20s i traveled around poSsM0MvXtu-00015-00009848-00010384 australia for a year with a friend and we sort of started in melbourne went up through canberra poSsM0MvXtu-00016-00010384-00011136 to sydney hired a car drove across the nullarbor to west australia stayed there for quite a while poSsM0MvXtu-00017-00011136-00011640 and then to finish off we ended up going up to alice springs down through the red centre poSsM0MvXtu-00018-00011696-00012288 and then to adelaide and then home and when you come down through the red centre you end up poSsM0MvXtu-00019-00012288-00012896 at a place called the flinders ranges which is a mountain range and in this mountain range there is poSsM0MvXtu-00020-00013040-00013728 a sheep station which used to be used as a tuberculosis sanatorium so up until about poSsM0MvXtu-00021-00013728-00014776 the 1940s there was no cure for tuberculosis for consumption and once antibiotics had been invented poSsM0MvXtu-00022-00014776-00015400 around about 1940 then after that it was fine you took a pill or two and you were well again but up poSsM0MvXtu-00023-00015400-00016144 until that point that turning point in history it was fifty-fifty. it could be a death sentence poSsM0MvXtu-00024-00016144-00016576 or you could end up going home and if you went home you could end up back in the sanatorium again poSsM0MvXtu-00025-00016664-00017160 and it was it was quite horrible um there were- you know there were a lot of awful poSsM0MvXtu-00026-00017376-00017960 treatments that people underwent if one of your lungs was severely infected and poSsM0MvXtu-00027-00017960-00018680 the other one was quite healthy they would crack the ribs down the front of your body to compress poSsM0MvXtu-00028-00018680-00019384 the lung that was infected in the hopes that the one that was okay would be able to keep going and poSsM0MvXtu-00029-00019384-00020264 you know recover which was an absolutely horrific thought um but you know that's the wonders of poSsM0MvXtu-00030-00020264-00020792 today of modern medicine that you know if you get tuberculosis you've got a good chance of survival poSsM0MvXtu-00031-00020976-00021576 but anyway that was my cheerful first book because we stayed for a few nights this sheep station this poSsM0MvXtu-00032-00021576-00022216 ranch station is now actually a backpackers' and you can go and stay there and it's just it's a poSsM0MvXtu-00033-00022216-00023040 really incredible place it's beautiful scenery middle of nowhere but also with quite a haunting poSsM0MvXtu-00034-00023040-00023568 history to it and it was very much that is we were sitting there that night around the campfire poSsM0MvXtu-00035-00023728-00024504 eating our food before bed and you just felt like you kind of felt like you weren't alone poSsM0MvXtu-00036-00024504-00025320 you know it had a very um it had um a feel to it that the walls were watching and that kind poSsM0MvXtu-00037-00025320-00026088 of always just stuck with me and so i set my- this novel uh angorichina at angorichina a station and poSsM0MvXtu-00038-00026088-00026680 it's about four patients who would basically end up there and how their lives turn out poSsM0MvXtu-00039-00026776-00027352 and of course it makes for quite an interesting story i think it does because you're sick you get poSsM0MvXtu-00040-00027352-00027839 sent to this place to a sanatorium where you're surrounded by people that you've never met before poSsM0MvXtu-00041-00027839-00028488 complete strangers from every walk of life every background and you can't leave you know so any poSsM0MvXtu-00042-00028488-00029120 dramas that play out they stay in that place and you know you've got to find ways to get on poSsM0MvXtu-00043-00029120-00029808 with the people around you as you're all sitting there either waiting to go home or waiting to die poSsM0MvXtu-00044-00029808-00030583 and you don't know and i just thought that was kind of a very interesting um concept so anyway poSsM0MvXtu-00045-00030744-00031336 i was do- i did a lot of research for this i do a lot of research for my historical fiction poSsM0MvXtu-00046-00031424-00032104 and there was always one book that i'd heard about but i couldn't- i couldn't get i couldn't find poSsM0MvXtu-00047-00032160-00032560 um so i can't remember when i was when i was writing this hold on poSsM0MvXtu-00048-00032856-00033656 so this was published in 2011 um i think i wrote it i was writing in rwanda i guess poSsM0MvXtu-00049-00033656-00034312 so i was probably writing it around 2008 um so there wasn't so much on the internet back then as poSsM0MvXtu-00050-00034312-00034992 much as there probably is now um and so i found it very difficult to find this one piece of research poSsM0MvXtu-00051-00034992-00035640 which was a short story by somerset maugham called the sanatorium and poSsM0MvXtu-00052-00035640-00036304 somerset maugham is a very very famous prolific english short story writer poSsM0MvXtu-00053-00036464-00037000 and i've put a link to the full text below but i couldn't find it online at that time poSsM0MvXtu-00054-00037112-00037784 um and i knew that it was a short story about living in a sanatorium around about the same time poSsM0MvXtu-00055-00037784-00038544 in history that i was writing my own so sort of 1930 so it wasn't until i got back to the uk poSsM0MvXtu-00056-00038544-00039200 and around about the time that the book had been accepted for publication um that i went poSsM0MvXtu-00057-00039200-00039824 to visit my friend graeme in bath and we were just wandering around the town and going in and poSsM0MvXtu-00058-00039824-00040448 out of shops and we went into this charity shop and all of a sudden there on the shelf poSsM0MvXtu-00059-00040504-00041320 i find 65 published stories by somerset maugham and i think it was something like three pounds poSsM0MvXtu-00060-00041320-00042144 and inside there i found a copy of the sanatorium so we went back to his house and he was making poSsM0MvXtu-00061-00042144-00042848 breakfast and i was sitting down in the living room with this book and all graeme could hear poSsM0MvXtu-00062-00042848-00043640 from the kitchen was me effing and blinding and just cursing as i read each page um poSsM0MvXtu-00063-00043752-00044296 and it's a very very short story only you know a few pages like three four thousand poSsM0MvXtu-00064-00044296-00044984 words very short and i couldn't believe what i was- what i was reading and when i show you poSsM0MvXtu-00065-00044984-00045792 you'll understand why i was quite um quite worried because my book was already tabled for publication poSsM0MvXtu-00066-00045888-00046688 and here i was reading this so it started off kind of innocuous so in maugham's story he had a lead poSsM0MvXtu-00067-00046688-00047512 female protagonist who he described as 'a pretty girl with red hair and bright blue eyes' now in poSsM0MvXtu-00068-00047512-00048504 my own story i had a sort of a an ingenue who also had 'flame-red hair and a simple-cut blue dress' poSsM0MvXtu-00069-00048720-00049392 so you know nothing too major there we just both honed in on the same female character having poSsM0MvXtu-00070-00049392-00050168 similar physical traits red hair blue eyes all right no problem moving on so in maugham's story poSsM0MvXtu-00071-00050168-00050904 he then he also has a character called the general so 'she sat at the same table as mcleod and poSsM0MvXtu-00072-00050904-00051648 campbell together with an old general who had been put there on account of his rank' now one of my poSsM0MvXtu-00073-00051648-00052384 side characters in angorichina is also the general 'i seated myself down with joe and the general poSsM0MvXtu-00074-00052384-00052967 and tucked into boiled eggs and toast as a joke the kitchen staff always cut the general's toast poSsM0MvXtu-00075-00052967-00053720 into soldiers' okay well you know that's not that surprising really i mean we're both writing poSsM0MvXtu-00076-00053720-00054344 about a very similar period in time it's very likely that there will be old military personnel poSsM0MvXtu-00077-00054344-00055024 sort of wandering around the facility um you know to have a general in there fine not a big thing poSsM0MvXtu-00078-00055312-00056120 so in maugham's story he has two characters called mcleod and campbell and they're elderly gentlemen poSsM0MvXtu-00079-00056120-00056848 and they spend the entire story making each other's lives miserable and he says 'it's queer poSsM0MvXtu-00080-00056848-00057584 isn't it that two middle-aged men should think it worthwhile to make life hell for one another' okay poSsM0MvXtu-00081-00057655-00058520 so um i also had two characters joe siren and sean buckhannon two elderly men who were basically poSsM0MvXtu-00082-00058520-00059128 making each other's lives hell throughout the entire book just kind of didn't get on poSsM0MvXtu-00083-00059128-00059784 personality clashes petty jealousies and just spent the entire book riling one another up poSsM0MvXtu-00084-00059784-00060328 and one of them ends his life in a very similar way to the way in which one of maugham's old men poSsM0MvXtu-00085-00060328-00061000 ends his life but okay all right i could live with that i could go you know that's just poSsM0MvXtu-00086-00061000-00061367 simple coincidence his short story my novel poSsM0MvXtu-00087-00061367-00061984 you know they both kind of share a couple of similarities and then it got really specific poSsM0MvXtu-00088-00062208-00062784 so the point at which i just sort of put it down and shook my head in disbelief poSsM0MvXtu-00089-00062960-00063424 in maugham's story he has a character called templeton so poSsM0MvXtu-00090-00063424-00063920 'oh look there's major templeton said miss bishop a smile lighting up her blue eyes' poSsM0MvXtu-00091-00064064-00064816 and i also have a templeton in my story 'there were only two people in the car the poSsM0MvXtu-00092-00064816-00065352 first was mr templeton the man responsible for collecting those coming to angorichina' poSsM0MvXtu-00093-00065352-00065896 and that just kind of really hit me you know i mean we're not talking about a smith or a poSsM0MvXtu-00094-00065896-00066624 jones or a really common name here we're talking very very specific name templeton and i just felt poSsM0MvXtu-00095-00066624-00067120 really worried at that point because you know there i was waiting for my book to come out and poSsM0MvXtu-00096-00067120-00067912 suddenly i find this short story and i'm thinking you know if anybody has read sanatorium and then poSsM0MvXtu-00097-00067912-00068584 they read this they kind of think it's too similar to be true and i honestly i was really just poSsM0MvXtu-00098-00068704-00069248 what can you do at that point um and my friend came in and he looked at me and said you know poSsM0MvXtu-00099-00069248-00069736 what's the matter what's up and i explained what i was reading and he looked at me and went poSsM0MvXtu-00100-00069792-00070392 hmm you know maybe you're channeling the spirit of somerset maugham and i just thought well i wish poSsM0MvXtu-00101-00070392-00070936 he had something fresh to say you know a little bit of originality now would go down quite well poSsM0MvXtu-00102-00071000-00071736 um but anyway that's what i kind of mean by synchronicities things are so specifically poSsM0MvXtu-00103-00071736-00072352 weird and that was really just a prelude to what's happened more recently so i've recently poSsM0MvXtu-00104-00072352-00073096 i set off to write the story of enheduanna who is the first known poet author in history poSsM0MvXtu-00105-00073240-00073928 and she was the daughter of sargon the great who was the first man who ever founded poSsM0MvXtu-00106-00073992-00074872 um an empire so i started off writing her story but in order to get to her story i found that i poSsM0MvXtu-00107-00074872-00075416 also had to start writing sargon's story so it's now turned into two books the first of which is poSsM0MvXtu-00108-00075416-00076128 about sargon and the second of which will be about in enheduanna um and things got really poSsM0MvXtu-00109-00076192-00076824 really strange so i knew that i wanted to write about enheduanna i knew i've been fascinated poSsM0MvXtu-00110-00076824-00077272 by her for a very long time i thought this would make an amazing historical fiction work poSsM0MvXtu-00111-00077400-00077960 so off i went to research and enheduanna now although we're talking about around four thousand poSsM0MvXtu-00112-00077960-00078872 years ago we do know what enheduanna looked like very roughly so this is a disc a restored disc poSsM0MvXtu-00113-00078872-00079520 that was dug up in uh in modern day iraq but in those days mesopotamia and it shows the high poSsM0MvXtu-00114-00079520-00080192 priestess of a temple conducting a ceremony so that lady in the middle is known to be enheduanna poSsM0MvXtu-00115-00080264-00080872 sure great so what's the interesting point here well the interesting point here is that poSsM0MvXtu-00116-00080936-00081848 the disc was discovered in 1927 it was dug up by an archaeologist called sir leonard woolley poSsM0MvXtu-00117-00082048-00082872 now woolley is my name um now as far as i know having read this biography i don't think we're poSsM0MvXtu-00118-00082872-00083744 related it's just a name um but i found that really a little bit weird um but again i don't poSsM0MvXtu-00119-00083744-00084320 think that there's any actual link between sir leonard woolley and our branch of woolleys poSsM0MvXtu-00120-00084504-00085352 but then so the final creepy part of this is that sir leonard woolley died on february the 20th poSsM0MvXtu-00121-00085352-00086472 1960 and i was born on february the 20th different year same date so you know it's those kind of poSsM0MvXtu-00122-00086472-00087168 weird little coincidences that just start to pile up when i begin to write a novel um and i don't poSsM0MvXtu-00123-00087168-00087968 know i'm not sure if i take that as a good sign or just randomness um i like it i like that sort of poSsM0MvXtu-00124-00088032-00088832 sense of weird interconnectedness even if it is just complete random chance but those are my two poSsM0MvXtu-00125-00088832-00089216 biggest synchronicities so far the first one i mean templeton poSsM0MvXtu-00126-00089320-00089704 if it was just the name templeton i don't think it would have bothered me but the fact that you poSsM0MvXtu-00127-00089704-00090224 know we've had so many other similarities between that very short story and my novel poSsM0MvXtu-00128-00090224-00090784 um and then this one you know the main character that i'm about to write about and the only poSsM0MvXtu-00129-00090784-00091528 image of her was discovered by a man with my surname who died on the same day i was born poSsM0MvXtu-00130-00091528-00092632 and i just sit there and go you know okay okay um so anyway um i guess maybe it's a good sign poSsM0MvXtu-00131-00092632-00093312 because i went on to win the near eastern prize writing about and enheduanna but again maybe it poSsM0MvXtu-00132-00093312-00094024 is just synchronicities so what are the weirdest things that have happened to you when you started poSsM0MvXtu-00133-00094024-00095384 writing what has just been like too coincidental to be comfortable share your synchronicities p3Mws7XjDKk-00000-00000760-00001607 And now i want to move on to a few reflections on things that were particularly interesting p3Mws7XjDKk-00001-00001607-00002704 or surprising um uh or exciting that a few couple of folks have heard and we've asked today p3Mws7XjDKk-00002-00002816-00003976 jessica davila um from uh the claremont colleges um rob pillicker from rowan university and allison p3Mws7XjDKk-00003-00003976-00004688 hitchens from the university of waterloo to share some of their reflections briefly p3Mws7XjDKk-00004-00004920-00005512 you know really just a couple of minutes worth of of reflections on things that caught your p3Mws7XjDKk-00005-00005512-00006312 attention i think it's probably just as sensible to um to just do this in alphabetical order as any p3Mws7XjDKk-00006-00006312-00007040 for one of anything that is more involved so um perhaps jessica you could lead off p3Mws7XjDKk-00007-00007144-00007736 yeah i'm happy to thank you for inviting me um great presentations i really enjoyed all of them i p3Mws7XjDKk-00008-00007816-00008264 made it through the entire day and i'm so glad that i did without any multitasking p3Mws7XjDKk-00009-00008488-00008912 so some things that really caught my attention that you know they really excited me because p3Mws7XjDKk-00010-00008912-00009448 they're things we're grappling with at claremont um we're grappling with them on a smaller scale p3Mws7XjDKk-00011-00009448-00010104 than some of the r1 folks but um still they are challenges for us you know just the same i really p3Mws7XjDKk-00012-00010104-00010856 enjoyed hearing the projects in particular the digital borderlands i love that the folks talked p3Mws7XjDKk-00013-00010856-00011560 about um you know in the lessons learned the digitization project planning for me we've p3Mws7XjDKk-00014-00011560-00012224 grappled with that digitization project planning but overall digital project planning with a lot p3Mws7XjDKk-00015-00012224-00012832 of our faculty who have these really interesting digital humanities or digital scholarship projects p3Mws7XjDKk-00016-00012832-00013432 and oftentimes where we see that there's a need for additional guidance or support is in p3Mws7XjDKk-00017-00013432-00014040 that part the project planning helping them to um really think through from beginning to end um what p3Mws7XjDKk-00018-00014040-00014696 you know is especially outlining what their expectations are for um long-term access and p3Mws7XjDKk-00019-00014696-00015272 preservation um and thinking about that early on because um how they approach the project p3Mws7XjDKk-00020-00015328-00015984 would have implications for the end project but also something else that caught my attention um p3Mws7XjDKk-00021-00015984-00016480 just highlights everything was very interesting but um the talk in the morning this morning from p3Mws7XjDKk-00022-00016480-00017128 the montana state folks and i say morning because i'm on the west coast but the montana state folks p3Mws7XjDKk-00023-00017128-00017816 that was really interesting to me um this idea of a need for a shared language and the two talks p3Mws7XjDKk-00024-00017816-00018536 together helped me really think about future roles and this is a nod to uh to robert robert's work p3Mws7XjDKk-00025-00018536-00019200 these future roles of librarians um are librarians in the throughout the research life cycle p3Mws7XjDKk-00026-00019200-00019904 um so not just the digital but also the um like the work of translation and you know advocating p3Mws7XjDKk-00027-00019904-00020464 for that shared language and making research accessible so those are just some of my takeaways p3Mws7XjDKk-00028-00020840-00021480 thank you for thank you for those thoughts though very very helpful uh robert p3Mws7XjDKk-00029-00021712-00022352 yeah i i think i i picked up on a lot of the same threads that jessica picked up on but the frame p3Mws7XjDKk-00030-00022352-00022800 that jumped out for me and i'm trying to remember if it was jonathan who used p3Mws7XjDKk-00031-00022800-00023424 this word in his presentation um about uh preserving new forms of scholarship was p3Mws7XjDKk-00032-00023424-00024288 ecosystem and that really you know what what um where there's a concern about sustainability p3Mws7XjDKk-00033-00024360-00024848 there needs to be attention to what is the ecosystem and part of what we saw today is whether p3Mws7XjDKk-00034-00024848-00025440 it was a presentation from a vendor like elsevier right uh you know uh for private corporation p3Mws7XjDKk-00035-00025496-00026072 or an institution or a funding agency or you know a body like um the council on governmental p3Mws7XjDKk-00036-00026072-00026712 relations that sits in between a number of these bodies that there was a focus on data p3Mws7XjDKk-00037-00026712-00027527 sharing on right sharing of code and models for doing things and that all of that openness p3Mws7XjDKk-00038-00027592-00028327 around that facilitates a lot of the other healthy behaviors of distributing costs and effort p3Mws7XjDKk-00039-00028400-00029256 and um also awareness right and so you know the the entire uh idea for example of you p3Mws7XjDKk-00040-00029256-00029816 know translating the abstract i loved the fact for example that they're working with the p3Mws7XjDKk-00041-00029816-00030304 microdata which i think again is one of these standards created precisely by people p3Mws7XjDKk-00042-00030304-00030824 operating between uh you know for-profit corp right so you see where i'm getting at here when p3Mws7XjDKk-00043-00030824-00031527 we work together to build a common infrastructure that is shared and that is open then we have p3Mws7XjDKk-00044-00031527-00032112 an opportunity to create you know economies of scale that promote sustainability and cultures p3Mws7XjDKk-00045-00032112-00032648 that scale right and interoperate with each other and so for me that's the biggest takeaway because p3Mws7XjDKk-00046-00032704-00033072 when we start to think about i mean what have we talked about today right we've talked about p3Mws7XjDKk-00047-00033072-00033912 issues of compliance uh you know issues of ethics and all of those things can be very complicated p3Mws7XjDKk-00048-00033976-00034592 and if we add in additional complications of restricting access to the information and other p3Mws7XjDKk-00049-00034592-00035208 things we need to know uh then we're just adding another layer that threatens the topple at all so p3Mws7XjDKk-00050-00035264-00035728 i guess that would be and it might take away pulling a thread to use several threads together p3Mws7XjDKk-00051-00036128-00036672 thank you for that um that's that's really interesting too um p3Mws7XjDKk-00052-00036760-00037424 and you know it's striking that while we also heard all of this stuff about openness p3Mws7XjDKk-00053-00037480-00038144 um there's always these caveats about personal information you know met um p3Mws7XjDKk-00054-00038208-00039384 uh re-identifiability of anonymized data and all of this um uh that's really interesting um allison p3Mws7XjDKk-00055-00039576-00040208 um thanks cliff and i want to echo uh jessica i think because i was invited to do this reflection p3Mws7XjDKk-00056-00040208-00040680 it meant i i did focus on the the virtual conference today when it's so easy during a p3Mws7XjDKk-00057-00040680-00041192 virtual conference to be pulled in many different um directions so so thank you for that because the p3Mws7XjDKk-00058-00041192-00041760 talks are really interesting right now i have a research data management hat on because in canada p3Mws7XjDKk-00059-00041760-00042472 many of us are working on our institutional rdm strategies to meet the tri-agency policy and so it p3Mws7XjDKk-00060-00042472-00042888 was really interesting to me as i listened to all these things even if they weren't about research p3Mws7XjDKk-00061-00042888-00043384 data management as their focal point how much it kind of relates into it as we look at the research p3Mws7XjDKk-00062-00043384-00044136 life cycle and just the reminder that i think from the arizona folks from their experience that data p3Mws7XjDKk-00063-00044136-00044744 management is a continuous process it's not that checkbox did my dmp at the beginning and then p3Mws7XjDKk-00064-00044744-00045168 at the very end of it oh wait i need to do something now i need to deposit it somewhere p3Mws7XjDKk-00065-00045288-00045840 there's things that are going to go on throughout the life cycle that um we in libraries can kind of p3Mws7XjDKk-00066-00045840-00046440 have a valuable role in in helping them helping researchers to see that and the other thread i p3Mws7XjDKk-00067-00046440-00047096 think for me whether it was from the work that montana is doing to the work that elsevier was p3Mws7XjDKk-00068-00047096-00047712 doing to the work that arizona's doing it really was around that saving the time of the researcher p3Mws7XjDKk-00069-00047776-00048160 i think another group mentioned you know making sure that researchers are doing doing p3Mws7XjDKk-00070-00048160-00048680 the science not the administration and um and it was the arizona folks i think that who also said p3Mws7XjDKk-00071-00048832-00049368 you know this data management is it's about responsible conduct of research and doing p3Mws7XjDKk-00072-00049368-00049768 your research well so getting it a little bit away from that compliance issue which p3Mws7XjDKk-00073-00049768-00050280 i think when mandates come out that's the first thing that our researchers go to is like oh our p3Mws7XjDKk-00074-00050280-00050616 our granting agencies want us to do one more thing when we're already very busy p3Mws7XjDKk-00075-00050616-00051136 and we're trying to focus that away from yes it is a compliance issue because you're not going p3Mws7XjDKk-00076-00051136-00051760 to get a grant unless you do these things but it's a compliance issue because it makes good research p3Mws7XjDKk-00077-00051760-00052320 and if we can do some things to figure out those pain points like some of you are doing in your p3Mws7XjDKk-00078-00052320-00052736 work you're trying to figure out where are the pain points or researchers coming to what where p3Mws7XjDKk-00079-00052736-00053248 are the ways that we can do help so that so that it gets a little bit smoother and they can think p3Mws7XjDKk-00080-00053248-00053728 about the research how this fits in how data management planning at the beginning of it will p3Mws7XjDKk-00081-00053728-00054200 actually help them in many many aspects not just for this project but other projects down the road p3Mws7XjDKk-00082-00054200-00054688 and see that as a good part of research as opposed to seeing it as as ticking a box and i think p3Mws7XjDKk-00083-00054688-00055336 that's where our our role in many ways is is going to be you know with some of our faculty champions p3Mws7XjDKk-00084-00055336-00055984 is finding a way to tell that story rather than telling the story of you know your granting p3Mws7XjDKk-00085-00055984-00056640 agency wants you to do one more thing thing now and i think that's our challenge is how to do p3Mws7XjDKk-00086-00056640-00057191 that the one other thread i wanted to pick up on that that that was with the arizona presentation p3Mws7XjDKk-00087-00057312-00057767 they mentioned doing a lot of the research projects that they were on we're working p3Mws7XjDKk-00088-00057767-00058208 with community partners and that's something certainly that as we've been going on around at p3Mws7XjDKk-00089-00058208-00058704 waterloo talking to the researchers about the new tri-agency policy some of the research are saying p3Mws7XjDKk-00090-00058784-00059152 but what about our community partners and what does that mean in terms of sharing data p3Mws7XjDKk-00091-00059152-00059608 and what limitations or not does that put on and what are the consultations we have we need to p3Mws7XjDKk-00092-00059608-00060176 have and so i think that was an important thread as well um for us to be thinking about this with p3Mws7XjDKk-00093-00060255-00060616 kind of the different lenses of of what's appropriate how our communities p3Mws7XjDKk-00094-00060616-00061208 um involved and that that goes beyond um indigenous communities which we are focused p3Mws7XjDKk-00095-00061208-00061648 on a lot but also all sorts of communities that we're working with with their data and p3Mws7XjDKk-00096-00061648-00062088 how we can be thinking about it differently so i was happy to see that thread pulled out as well p3Mws7XjDKk-00097-00062488-00063416 thank you for those reflections um those thank you all those were all wonderful kind of drawings of p3Mws7XjDKk-00098-00063416-00064167 connections among the sessions and you know i as i as i've listened this afternoon i've noticed the p3Mws7XjDKk-00099-00064167-00064752 same thing that while they were on while our talks they were on very different topics they p3Mws7XjDKk-00100-00064824-00065664 interconnected in a lot of both obvious and subtle ways um uh so um thank you for p3Mws7XjDKk-00101-00065664-00066952 um underscoring some of those connections i think we are done for the day um we are actually on time p3Mws7XjDKk-00102-00066952-00067920 and um i would just say thank you all for spending these hours with us i hope it's been worthwhile p3Mws7XjDKk-00103-00068000-00068952 and i hope to see you tomorrow um we will start off at one o'clock eastern with um with an invited p3Mws7XjDKk-00104-00068952-00069912 uh talk from heidi fraser krauss of jisc and we'll conclude with um with another invited p3Mws7XjDKk-00105-00069912-00070864 talk on the um on the acls committee and a couple of reflections on the second day of the meeting p3Mws7XjDKk-00106-00071048-00071888 and certainly i thank again our commenters today who set a very high bar for that so i look forward p3Mws7XjDKk-00107-00071888-00072984 to seeing you tomorrow have a good rest of the day evening or whatever time zone you're in take care p3Mws7XjDKk-00108-00073496-00073546 you p4EgOv0ywHo-00000-00000620-00000886 I've always been an artist my entire life. p4EgOv0ywHo-00001-00000888-00001202 Fine arts painting major in college p4EgOv0ywHo-00002-00001303-00001625 by my senior year I was really growing tired of painting p4EgOv0ywHo-00003-00001655-00001863 and was getting more into sculpting. p4EgOv0ywHo-00004-00001867-00002025 My first project was cry baby. p4EgOv0ywHo-00005-00002029-00002708 The idea was just an adult body walking around with the realistic baby face head. p4EgOv0ywHo-00006-00002712-00003146 So that juxtaposition was this surreal nightmare. p4EgOv0ywHo-00007-00003190-00003586 I made this guerrilla-style video where p4EgOv0ywHo-00008-00003586-00004081 I had a family of baby heads walking down Sixteenth Street Mall p4EgOv0ywHo-00009-00004082-00004270 you know I filmed them from the back p4EgOv0ywHo-00010-00004271-00004496 and then I run around and film them from the front p4EgOv0ywHo-00011-00004500-00004672 and then I would film people's reactions. p4EgOv0ywHo-00012-00004693-00004843 Often times they would think its real at first p4EgOv0ywHo-00013-00004959-00005155 which is interesting then they kind of avoid you like the plague p4EgOv0ywHo-00014-00005156-00005694 but I mean people are horrified but at the same time they laughed p4EgOv0ywHo-00015-00005700-00006042 and... were just enchanted by it. p4EgOv0ywHo-00016-00006160-00006311 Then all of a sudden overnight p4EgOv0ywHo-00017-00006327-00006517 my video went from like you know p4EgOv0ywHo-00018-00006578-00006805 two thousand views to a million views p4EgOv0ywHo-00019-00006816-00007061 and ever since then I've been... p4EgOv0ywHo-00020-00007103-00007256 it's been a full time job. p4EgOv0ywHo-00021-00007333-00007867 When I started doing likenesses it was more about, well who are the people that would be fun to wear? p4EgOv0ywHo-00022-00007901-00008183 Who are the characters in real life? p4EgOv0ywHo-00023-00008184-00008587 Same thing, I knew it was gonna be that surreal nightmarish aspect, p4EgOv0ywHo-00024-00008609-00008806 that disconnect of the wrong face, wrong body p4EgOv0ywHo-00025-00008807-00009045 so that's always there. p4EgOv0ywHo-00026-00009077-00009609 So when I first started sculpting, I mean, of course I was using traditional methods p4EgOv0ywHo-00027-00009610-00009801 clay on an armature p4EgOv0ywHo-00028-00009802-00010133 you know there's a certain appeal to working p4EgOv0ywHo-00029-00010134-00010410 with clay, I suppose and I think probably a lot of p4EgOv0ywHo-00030-00010411-00010925 people prefer it. I myself am not a big fan of it. p4EgOv0ywHo-00031-00010930-00011243 I bought a computer sculpting program p4EgOv0ywHo-00032-00011293-00011571 and I bought the LulzBot TAZ 5 p4EgOv0ywHo-00033-00011627-00011947 just to see if it was gonna work for me. p4EgOv0ywHo-00034-00011988-00012186 See if I could transition out of traditional sculpting p4EgOv0ywHo-00035-00012275-00012679 and I've been blown away extremely happy ever since. p4EgOv0ywHo-00036-00012680-00013169 The benefits to a 3D printed mold: p4EgOv0ywHo-00037-00013211-00013630 One, it's done by a computer instead of by my hands p4EgOv0ywHo-00038-00013634-00014158 the automation of that process it allows me to do p4EgOv0ywHo-00039-00014159-00014315 other things while it's printing. p4EgOv0ywHo-00040-00014335-00014641 Two, the material cost way less p4EgOv0ywHo-00041-00014661-00015003 you know I may be using 20 dollars worth of filament. p4EgOv0ywHo-00042-00015106-00015465 And three, it's lightweight huge advantage as far p4EgOv0ywHo-00043-00015466-00015691 as being able to pick it up, move it around, p4EgOv0ywHo-00044-00015708-00016087 I'm printing the mold which is the negative on the LulzBot. p4EgOv0ywHo-00045-00016134-00016365 I can cast a silicon directly into the plastic p4EgOv0ywHo-00046-00016366-00016527 it doesn't stick to the plastic p4EgOv0ywHo-00047-00016568-00016766 And afterward I don't even worry about putting a release agent down, p4EgOv0ywHo-00048-00016797-00017121 I can hypothetically use this mold p4EgOv0ywHo-00049-00017122-00017333 for as many masks as I want to make p4EgOv0ywHo-00050-00017344-00017504 without it falling apart. p4EgOv0ywHo-00051-00017772-00017968 My name is Landon Meier p4EgOv0ywHo-00052-00017993-00018330 my company is Hyperflesh in Denver, Colorado p4EgOv0ywHo-00053-00018369-00018705 and I make disturbingly realistic masks. p9G7C3GjDTg-00000-00000583-00001319 The Catholic Church is gravely offending God with the sacrilege of Communion in the hand. p9G7C3GjDTg-00001-00001319-00001955 The Church Hierarchy has implemented this new desecration by bringing up the pandemic p9G7C3GjDTg-00002-00001955-00002259 situation as an excuse. p9G7C3GjDTg-00003-00002259-00002826 In another video of The Work of God, I gave testimony about the desecration occurring p9G7C3GjDTg-00004-00002826-00003428 in my Parish, which ended with a host on the floor that I picked up with my tongue. p9G7C3GjDTg-00005-00003428-00004159 That same day I received this message in which the Lord reveals his feelings to me. p9G7C3GjDTg-00006-00004159-00004969 October 25, 2021 Jesus speaks: My son, you are a witness of p9G7C3GjDTg-00007-00004969-00005433 the profanation and sacrilege that is committed within my Church. p9G7C3GjDTg-00008-00005433-00006315 With my pierced hands I am paying for the impure hands that handle me unworthily, likewise p9G7C3GjDTg-00009-00006315-00007050 I pay with my pierced feet for those who trample me in the particles that fall from the consecrated p9G7C3GjDTg-00010-00007050-00007423 hosts because of the communion in the hand. p9G7C3GjDTg-00011-00007423-00008131 Faith is finished, this is the apostasy in which my Church finds itself. p9G7C3GjDTg-00012-00008131-00008855 A priesthood that I have formed to bring Me to the altar as the bread of life, has forgotten p9G7C3GjDTg-00013-00008855-00009643 that I am God, many priests wear masks and also gloves on the altar forgetting that they p9G7C3GjDTg-00014-00009643-00010183 are before the Supreme Being, they offend Me because of their lack of faith. p9G7C3GjDTg-00015-00010183-00010762 Since I am Emmanuel, God with you, they ignore me. p9G7C3GjDTg-00016-00010762-00011465 They make some holy practices, some glorify my word, but then they offend me with much p9G7C3GjDTg-00017-00011465-00012094 noise and with the indifference they have towards my Real Presence in the consecrated p9G7C3GjDTg-00018-00012094-00012220 bread. p9G7C3GjDTg-00019-00012220-00012876 They offer my eternal sacrifice to the Heavenly Father, but then they treat me very badly, p9G7C3GjDTg-00020-00012876-00013504 that is why in my word I tell them not to give what is holy to dogs. p9G7C3GjDTg-00021-00013504-00013866 Matthew 7 verse 6. p9G7C3GjDTg-00022-00013866-00014687 My word says in 1 Corinthians 11 verse 29 For he who eats and drinks without discerning p9G7C3GjDTg-00023-00014687-00015122 the body of the Lord, eats and drinks his own condemnation. p9G7C3GjDTg-00024-00015122-00015466 This does not affect only the laity. p9G7C3GjDTg-00025-00015466-00016084 The Priest who distributes my body and blood without discernment, without any zeal for p9G7C3GjDTg-00026-00016084-00016786 my Real Presence, is accumulating offenses for the day of my judgment. p9G7C3GjDTg-00027-00016786-00017529 The Priests forget my holiness; apart from the profanation that I suffer in many altars, p9G7C3GjDTg-00028-00017529-00018215 they then deliver me into unholy hands; what they are doing is delivering my holy wounds, p9G7C3GjDTg-00029-00018215-00019079 blood, water, pains, tears and anguishes into hands filled with the alcohol of their purifications p9G7C3GjDTg-00030-00019079-00019711 that make my wounds burn, they release me into hands full of unworthiness that profane p9G7C3GjDTg-00031-00019711-00020003 me before I enter their heart. p9G7C3GjDTg-00032-00020003-00020761 Many Satanists are taking advantage of this bonanza of Communion in the hand to pretend p9G7C3GjDTg-00033-00020761-00021477 that they receive Me in their mouths, but they hide the hosts and then urinate on them p9G7C3GjDTg-00034-00021477-00021763 and profane Me with their satanic rites. p9G7C3GjDTg-00035-00021763-00022598 Many Priests, do the same as a mother who loves her son very much, but who is careless p9G7C3GjDTg-00036-00022598-00023218 and in a moment forgets the consequences, and throws him into a cage full of hungry p9G7C3GjDTg-00037-00023218-00023345 lions. p9G7C3GjDTg-00038-00023345-00024061 However, the blame for this profanation is not only of the Priests and the laity, it p9G7C3GjDTg-00039-00024061-00024856 is of all the Bishops and the Hierarchy of the Church who have forgotten who I am. p9G7C3GjDTg-00040-00024856-00025562 The laws made by men are given more importance than My commandments, the Church has sold p9G7C3GjDTg-00041-00025562-00026244 Me to the united nations, it has become more political than religious, it has compromised p9G7C3GjDTg-00042-00026244-00026975 itself with the laws of the world, it is more in favor of the authorities of the world than p9G7C3GjDTg-00043-00026975-00027246 of the flock it must protect. p9G7C3GjDTg-00044-00027246-00027793 This is how she continually defiles me with her unfaithfulness. p9G7C3GjDTg-00045-00027793-00028587 Besides apostasy I have been wounded in my own church by blasphemy, heresy, idolatry, p9G7C3GjDTg-00046-00028587-00028814 profanation and sacrilege. p9G7C3GjDTg-00047-00028814-00029508 My mystical body the Church is suffering the same as my sacred humanity suffered, I am p9G7C3GjDTg-00048-00029508-00029939 in agony and the time of mercy is running out. p9G7C3GjDTg-00049-00029939-00030638 The perpetual sacrifice of the Holy Mass is being abolished little by little as prophesied. p9G7C3GjDTg-00050-00030638-00031283 It has become a social gathering, where noise reigns and where it culminates in the profanation p9G7C3GjDTg-00051-00031283-00031588 of the Holy Eucharist in the hand. p9G7C3GjDTg-00052-00031588-00032168 My priests have taught my faithful to profane my Sacred Humanity. p9G7C3GjDTg-00053-00032168-00032887 This offering to the Father combined with impurity causes me more offense than pleasure, p9G7C3GjDTg-00054-00032887-00033438 Jeremiah 6 verse 20, their sacrifices do not please me. p9G7C3GjDTg-00055-00033438-00034205 I am being removed from my Church by the apostasy and defilement that so offends me, and when p9G7C3GjDTg-00056-00034205-00034934 it is done completely, the prophesied darkness will come, and a chastisement will cleanse p9G7C3GjDTg-00057-00034934-00035065 the earth. p9G7C3GjDTg-00058-00035065-00035871 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 7 For the mystery of iniquity is already at work; it only remains p9G7C3GjDTg-00059-00035871-00036272 for him who holds him back to be put away. p9G7C3GjDTg-00060-00036272-00037014 With tears in my eyes I ask you my son, make reparation with the ardor of your adoration, p9G7C3GjDTg-00061-00037014-00037543 pray for all the Priests and for the laity who offend me. p9G7C3GjDTg-00062-00037543-00038072 Implore the Grace of the Father for the forgiveness and conversion of all humanity. p9G7C3GjDTg-00063-00038072-00038672 Do not be discouraged, I will be with you until the end of time. p9G7C3GjDTg-00064-00038672-00039350 If you liked this video, please give us a like, subscribe to our channel "The Work of p9G7C3GjDTg-00065-00039350-00040531 God", share on social networks and do not forget to leave your valuable comments. p9G7C3GjDTg-00066-00040531-00042391 💗 God bless yoU 💗 prMV2HnsEU4-00000-00000096-00000640 Hi everyone. Today, I'm going to show you how to withdraw from a class from your accessBCC account. prMV2HnsEU4-00001-00000640-00001040 The first thing you want to do is you want to log into your accessBCC account and get to the prMV2HnsEU4-00002-00001040-00001616 home page. Once you're on the homepage, scroll over to the left hand side and go down until you prMV2HnsEU4-00003-00001616-00002288 see "register here." Click on "register here." If you have a pin number, after you select the term, prMV2HnsEU4-00004-00002288-00002880 it will ask you or it may ask you before you select the term. Usually if another semester isn't prMV2HnsEU4-00005-00002880-00003344 up for viewing or registration isn't open, it will automatically default to the current semester prMV2HnsEU4-00006-00003344-00003840 but, because spring courses are up for viewing and winter session is up for registration, you can, prMV2HnsEU4-00007-00003840-00004344 it gives you the option. So, for this, we'll do fall 2020 since we can still withdraw prMV2HnsEU4-00008-00004344-00004880 from classes in the fall. So, under "select term," just hit "fall 2020" and hit "submit" prMV2HnsEU4-00009-00004984-00005456 and then, once you do that and you put in your pin if it's asked, this is what the registration prMV2HnsEU4-00010-00005456-00005944 screen will look like. If you scroll down to the section of the courses that you're registered for, prMV2HnsEU4-00011-00005944-00006440 for example, the student is registered for "Accounting 101" because you can see "registered" prMV2HnsEU4-00012-00006440-00006959 next to the course. If you go over to the "action" column and into the drop down menu you just open prMV2HnsEU4-00013-00006959-00007480 that up and hit "web withdrawal" and then hit "submit changes" and it will withdraw you from prMV2HnsEU4-00014-00007480-00007984 the class and it will assign you a "w" grade. The other way that you can withdraw yourself from a prMV2HnsEU4-00015-00007984-00008584 class is you can go to your accessBCC account and click on "Class Schedule (Bring to Bookstore)" prMV2HnsEU4-00016-00008648-00009184 and it will pull up the schedule for the current semester that you chose so fall 2020 prMV2HnsEU4-00017-00009184-00009648 and then, if you go to the bottom, you can select "add/drop classes" prMV2HnsEU4-00018-00009648-00010120 and it brings you to the same screen as before and you just go over to the course you want to prMV2HnsEU4-00019-00010120-00010568 withdraw from under the action column. Open the drop down, hit "web withdrawal" and hit prMV2HnsEU4-00020-00010568-00010968 "submit changes" and it will withdraw you from the course just like it does the other prMV2HnsEU4-00021-00010968-00011448 way and assign you a "w" grade. If you have any questions, please reach out to your advisor. prX_9rA3S8U-00000-00000153-00001055 CAT refers to the Convention against Torture and the Convention Against Torture is an international prX_9rA3S8U-00001-00001055-00001155 treaty. prX_9rA3S8U-00002-00001155-00001692 Unlike the refugee convention which does not apply to Hong Kong, the Convention Against prX_9rA3S8U-00003-00001692-00001913 Torture does apply to Hong Kong. prX_9rA3S8U-00004-00001913-00002597 The Hong Kong government has established a system, a screening process for people who prX_9rA3S8U-00005-00002597-00002988 fear that they will be returned to face torture in their countries. prX_9rA3S8U-00006-00002988-00003429 It is a bit more narrow than the definition of refugee. prX_9rA3S8U-00007-00003429-00003807 The definition for refugee refers to persecution. prX_9rA3S8U-00008-00003807-00004157 The Convention Against Torture only refers to torture. prX_9rA3S8U-00009-00004157-00004846 So if there are substantial grounds for believing that you would be tortured if you were deported prX_9rA3S8U-00010-00004846-00005364 or returned to your country, than you can make a claim with the immigration department prX_9rA3S8U-00011-00005364-00006040 in Hong Kong in order to prevent them from returning you to that place where you would prX_9rA3S8U-00012-00006040-00006178 fear torture. pA5qsfg1qyY-00000-00000472-00000996 Brick Man pA5qsfg1qyY-00002-00001046-00001322 Hello, I'm a Brick Guy pA5qsfg1qyY-00003-00001322-00001700 and this is the second video of my homemade Lego-in-arms. pA5qsfg1qyY-00004-00001700-00002066 This time I decided to make a shock-knuckles pA5qsfg1qyY-00005-00002066-00002460 (Galvaknuckles) by the Call of Duty: Black Ops II PC videogame. pA5qsfg1qyY-00006-00002460-00002788 It is present in the Zombie mode and in the Normal campaign. pA5qsfg1qyY-00007-00002788-00003084 Here's a Galvaknuckles pA5qsfg1qyY-00008-00003084-00003782 it also, like my previous LEGO knife, completely and entirely consists of Lego - you can see it right now. pA5qsfg1qyY-00009-00003782-00004240 For electricity emitters, I decided to use Lego Chima's Crystals. pA5qsfg1qyY-00010-00004240-00004584 Galvaknuckles is a very unusual weapon in Black Ops II. pA5qsfg1qyY-00011-00004584-00004856 It is a brass knuckles, which beats with the current. pA5qsfg1qyY-00012-00004856-00005452 As far as I know, it does not kill enemies, but makes them faint. pA5qsfg1qyY-00013-00005556-00005900 Also, there are several missions related Galvaknuckles. pA5qsfg1qyY-00014-00005972-00006508 Now you can see a picture of combat and compare it to my Lego version. pA5qsfg1qyY-00015-00009782-00010240 ..And If you liked this video, then like it and subscribe to my channel pA5qsfg1qyY-00016-00010240-00010484 BUT only if you truly liked it! pA5qsfg1qyY-00017-00010484-00010826 So, please call your friends/parents/schoolmates to see this channel. pA5qsfg1qyY-00018-00010826-00010946 Thank you for advance! pA5qsfg1qyY-00019-00010946-00011722 If there is a one hundred likes in that video, I'll make the full disassemble of this knuckles. :) pA5qsfg1qyY-00020-00011810-00012130 Good luck all - and see you soon! .. pAAkpToUjxA-00000-00000148-00000524 Hi, it´s MPR & this is... pAAkpToUjxA-00001-00000554-00000782 02IRONMAN!!! pAAkpToUjxA-00002-00000886-00001198 In 18 months I try to train myself pAAkpToUjxA-00003-00001214-00001410 from sofa to Ironman pAAkpToUjxA-00004-00001422-00001714 IM means, about 4km swim pAAkpToUjxA-00005-00001734-00001905 180km biking pAAkpToUjxA-00006-00001916-00002244 Plus marathon 42km run pAAkpToUjxA-00007-00002326-00002646 Let´s take a look what happened pAAkpToUjxA-00008-00002652-00002788 During the 1st week pAAkpToUjxA-00009-00002788-00003250 plus Questions what has been asked so far pAAkpToUjxA-00010-00003724-00004084 All started with 4hr bike session. pAAkpToUjxA-00011-00004184-00004488 I only managed 1hr pAAkpToUjxA-00012-00004536-00004904 Biking is essential in triathlon pAAkpToUjxA-00013-00004904-00005298 It´s said that 50% of all training should be biking pAAkpToUjxA-00014-00005300-00005618 30% running 20% swimming pAAkpToUjxA-00015-00005618-00005734 Why? pAAkpToUjxA-00016-00005734-00006140 Biking has the major role in triathlon pAAkpToUjxA-00017-00006140-00006442 so that´s why a bit more biking pAAkpToUjxA-00018-00006472-00006723 Sunday 4 Feb 2018 pAAkpToUjxA-00019-00007023-00007288 It´s cold like in the Russian hell pAAkpToUjxA-00020-00007416-00007820 Today 1hr run & 1hr swim pAAkpToUjxA-00021-00007898-00008278 Mäkelänrinne swimming hall Helsinki pAAkpToUjxA-00022-00008278-00008492 Art work at the 2nd floor pAAkpToUjxA-00023-00008508-00008808 Diver's routine represented pAAkpToUjxA-00024-00008808-00008988 It's an endless loop pAAkpToUjxA-00025-00009008-00009154 Like Zen pAAkpToUjxA-00026-00009172-00009380 Mixing art & sports is hard pAAkpToUjxA-00027-00009410-00009774 Even they belong in the same ministry in Finland pAAkpToUjxA-00028-00009794-00010080 But this works pAAkpToUjxA-00029-00010270-00010572 Monday was another cold day pAAkpToUjxA-00030-00010684-00011154 Luckily I found a Shredder mask pAAkpToUjxA-00031-00011184-00011522 1hr running in central park pAAkpToUjxA-00032-00011588-00011904 More biking... pAAkpToUjxA-00033-00011932-00012208 Old Matrix bike pAAkpToUjxA-00034-00012462-00012678 Wednesday biking... pAAkpToUjxA-00035-00012748-00013234 First interval training ever. Brain melting. pAAkpToUjxA-00036-00013482-00013776 Thurday was Holy day. pAAkpToUjxA-00037-00013776-00014012 We went out with friends. Kiasma openings. pAAkpToUjxA-00038-00014030-00014260 Amber Kebab! pAAkpToUjxA-00039-00014454-00014844 6.30AM Friday pAAkpToUjxA-00040-00014858-00015184 Walking to swimming hall pAAkpToUjxA-00041-00015184-00015400 Forest, somewhere pAAkpToUjxA-00042-00015726-00016054 It tastes like a cat has visited... pAAkpToUjxA-00043-00016066-00016630 ...and pooped in my mouth during night pAAkpToUjxA-00044-00016840-00017179 So I survived the 1st week! pAAkpToUjxA-00045-00017180-00017368 Next -> Questions pAAkpToUjxA-00046-00017416-00017800 What's my physical starting point? pAAkpToUjxA-00047-00017814-00018136 In biking ZERO pAAkpToUjxA-00048-00018150-00018696 I haven't evet biked. Just have not been a bike person. pAAkpToUjxA-00049-00018696-00019008 I've enjoyed walking. pAAkpToUjxA-00050-00019024-00019308 walking and thinking pAAkpToUjxA-00051-00019324-00019770 But biking. Completely amateur. pAAkpToUjxA-00052-00019854-00020164 ...running. pAAkpToUjxA-00053-00020164-00020604 I've tried running a little bit before start. pAAkpToUjxA-00054-00021034-00021458 My superior best result now is... pAAkpToUjxA-00055-00021468-00021656 10km in 1hr pAAkpToUjxA-00056-00021656-00021898 Meaning I'm completely dead pAAkpToUjxA-00057-00021906-00022202 one week in bed afterwards pAAkpToUjxA-00058-00022226-00022392 ...swimming pAAkpToUjxA-00059-00022410-00022870 Little while ago it was like 50m pAAkpToUjxA-00060-00022932-00023286 But before the start I went to swimming school pAAkpToUjxA-00061-00023306-00023668 For adults, which was quite interesting pAAkpToUjxA-00062-00023696-00023994 and fun pAAkpToUjxA-00063-00024020-00024248 So I can survive pAAkpToUjxA-00064-00024268-00024570 Not drown pAAkpToUjxA-00065-00024650-00025240 But let's not talk about the speed, yet pAAkpToUjxA-00066-00025502-00025850 Can you drink booze & Train? pAAkpToUjxA-00067-00025850-00026370 How much can you drink booze and train? pAAkpToUjxA-00068-00026448-00026826 Good news, no any limit pAAkpToUjxA-00069-00026892-00027130 Go ahead! pAAkpToUjxA-00070-00027233-00027552 But you need to be really strong. I mean really. pAAkpToUjxA-00071-00027552-00028045 I experienced this on last friday pAAkpToUjxA-00072-00028060-00028362 Swimming intervals pAAkpToUjxA-00073-00028362-00028545 We pushed really hard pAAkpToUjxA-00074-00028545-00028824 Muscles sang Hosanna! pAAkpToUjxA-00075-00028824-00029158 My swimming is anyway not really strong pAAkpToUjxA-00076-00029170-00029512 And I started to feel puke in my mouth pAAkpToUjxA-00077-00029533-00029738 It was an awful feeling pAAkpToUjxA-00078-00029738-00029864 So YES. pAAkpToUjxA-00079-00029864-00030176 You can drink booze and train. pAAkpToUjxA-00080-00030200-00030304 No limits pAAkpToUjxA-00081-00030304-00030672 But you need to be really strong pAAkpToUjxA-00082-00030806-00031186 How much do you train? pAAkpToUjxA-00083-00031230-00031518 So this was first week pAAkpToUjxA-00084-00031518-00031866 Propably the easiest one pAAkpToUjxA-00085-00032054-00032508 6 days in one week. 7hr all together. pAAkpToUjxA-00086-00032539-00032880 Amounts will be lifted. pAAkpToUjxA-00087-00032880-00033206 The closer I get towards my goal pAAkpToUjxA-00088-00033258-00033598 Favourite discipline? pAAkpToUjxA-00089-00033674-00034062 Before friday swim interval pAAkpToUjxA-00090-00034062-00034302 and small puke pAAkpToUjxA-00091-00034302-00034418 it was swimming pAAkpToUjxA-00092-00034418-00034572 not anymore pAAkpToUjxA-00093-00034682-00034934 So I say biking pAAkpToUjxA-00094-00034950-00035072 Because it´s all new pAAkpToUjxA-00095-00035128-00035512 Why do I do this? pAAkpToUjxA-00096-00035546-00035706 umm... pAAkpToUjxA-00097-00035904-00036304 I want to do something what I can't do. pAAkpToUjxA-00098-00036426-00036648 Challenge myself pAAkpToUjxA-00099-00036654-00036898 dunno... pAAkpToUjxA-00100-00036898-00037202 Challenging yourself pAAkpToUjxA-00101-00037240-00037506 After the start pAAkpToUjxA-00102-00037506-00038078 I must say that reaching your body limits pAAkpToUjxA-00103-00038162-00038314 It is... pAAkpToUjxA-00104-00038406-00038704 Somehow you get to know yourself more physically pAAkpToUjxA-00105-00038774-00038988 It's been interesting pAAkpToUjxA-00106-00039042-00039398 Training music? pAAkpToUjxA-00107-00039476-00039940 People have asked about training music pAAkpToUjxA-00108-00039940-00040196 So I'd like to make the next episode on that pAAkpToUjxA-00109-00040218-00040540 Also interview someone new for that pAAkpToUjxA-00110-00040736-00041038 So next video is about pAAkpToUjxA-00111-00041038-00041236 Training music pAAkpToUjxA-00112-00041248-00041670 I could also work for a Spotify list for that pAAkpToUjxA-00113-00041944-00042346 To listen...blahblah pAAkpToUjxA-00114-00042370-00042856 When jumping or dancing... pAAkpToUjxA-00115-00042856-00043254 please suggest some nice songs :) pAHlbL1q3r4-00000-00000056-00000688 [music] pAHlbL1q3r4-00001-00001896-00002136 [stick clicking] pAP-mGNUkAg-00000-00007023-00007118 Sorry pAP-mGNUkAg-00001-00007160-00007285 It's over pAP-mGNUkAg-00002-00007318-00007518 I'll be back after 2 years pBtglg9SlO0-00000-00000976-00001536 So, today we take the moment to pause; to say thank you to the veterans of this country who pBtglg9SlO0-00001-00001536-00001992 serve us, who serve this country with great honor, and many continue to serve this pBtglg9SlO0-00002-00001992-00002456 country. As members of the National Park Service family, we want to say thank you to all them, pBtglg9SlO0-00003-00002456-00003016 and we hope that you and your family will come and visit Shenandoah National Park on this great day, pBtglg9SlO0-00004-00003016-00003384 Veterans Day. Alright, good afternoon. My name is Rick Sweeting. pBtglg9SlO0-00005-00003440-00004088 I'm a veteran who served in the Army for 24 years. I'm currently a project manager pBtglg9SlO0-00006-00004160-00004744 for all the recreation fee projects here at Shenandoah National Park. My name is Rebecca pBtglg9SlO0-00007-00004744-00005360 Unruh. I spent eight and a half years active duty doing space operations and acquisitions pBtglg9SlO0-00008-00005360-00005944 in the United States Air Force after graduating from the academy. Today, I'm a Backcountry Ranger pBtglg9SlO0-00009-00005944-00006568 in Shenandoah National Park. I go on patrols, I work with volunteers, and I help visitors pBtglg9SlO0-00010-00006568-00007384 better enjoy our wild places. I also help with our emergency services doing search and rescue, EMS, pBtglg9SlO0-00011-00007440-00007920 and wildland fire. It is truly a privilege to continue serving this great country. pBtglg9SlO0-00012-00007976-00008848 I'm Cary Wood, Air Force veteran spent from 1987 to 1992 under the grounds of Wyoming and Nebraska pBtglg9SlO0-00013-00008848-00009408 as a missile launch officer in the Air Force. Now, I spend my time as an IT specialist for pBtglg9SlO0-00014-00009480-00009864 Shenandoah National Park, where, as you can see from all my equipment around here, pBtglg9SlO0-00015-00009864-00010304 we find a very exciting challenge keeping these people doing what they need to do. Hi, pBtglg9SlO0-00016-00010304-00010784 I'm Scott Taylor. I was in the Air Force for six years as a broadcast journalist making videos and pBtglg9SlO0-00017-00010784-00011320 managing social media, and now I do a similar job here at Shenandoah National Park. I served in the pBtglg9SlO0-00018-00011320-00012168 U.S. Army from 1989 to 1994 as military police. 1995, I left the Army. I started to work for pBtglg9SlO0-00019-00012168-00012752 the National Park Service and have worked for the Park Service ever since. Hello and greetings from pBtglg9SlO0-00020-00012752-00013416 the auto shop. I'm Charlie Yates, your friendly mechanic. I retired from the Coast Guard in 2009 pBtglg9SlO0-00021-00013528-00014288 as a lieutenant commander. I work here at the auto shop now. I've been here since 2015, and come down pBtglg9SlO0-00022-00014288-00014944 if you need any auto repairs. Thanks. My name is Greg Hall. I got 33 years of federal service in. pBtglg9SlO0-00023-00014944-00015488 I served five years in the United States Marine Corps as a 0481 landing support specialist with pBtglg9SlO0-00024-00015488-00016392 combat logistics. Now, I got 27-28 years in the Park Service as a sign painter, and I'm looking pBtglg9SlO0-00025-00016392-00016800 forward to retirement which will be in five years. And, iI'd like to thank all the veterans today pBtglg9SlO0-00026-00016800-00017328 that's protecting the country and our families. God bless you. I'm John Craig. I'm the Deputy pBtglg9SlO0-00027-00017328-00017808 Chief Ranger for Shenandoah National Park. I enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1992. I got pBtglg9SlO0-00028-00017808-00018512 out in 2001. Hi, I'm Pete Wintersteen. I served in the United States Marine Corps Infantry from 2003 pBtglg9SlO0-00029-00018512-00019120 to 2012. Served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now I'm in Shenandoah National Park interpretation. pBtglg9SlO0-00030-00019208-00019816 Hi, my name is Jason Barrow. I'm a public safety dispatcher for Shenandoah National Park. I was pBtglg9SlO0-00031-00019816-00020392 active duty Army for six years as a medic and a lab tech, and I'd like to wish happy Veterans Day pBtglg9SlO0-00032-00020392-00020832 to all my brothers and sisters in arms. Hey, I'm Kevin Moses, Central District Ranger at pBtglg9SlO0-00033-00020832-00021296 Shenandoah National Park. I'm also a veteran of the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne where I was a pBtglg9SlO0-00034-00021296-00021848 paratrooper ranger with them. I want to say thanks to my own band of brothers and sisters, for the pBtglg9SlO0-00035-00021848-00022456 folks I served with. You are my lifelong friends and I think of you every day to those who are, pBtglg9SlO0-00036-00022512-00023000 who have served in harm's way. I want to say thank you for your service and welcome home, and to the pBtglg9SlO0-00037-00023000-00023432 people who maybe sometimes meet me in civilian life and say "hey thanks for your service," pBtglg9SlO0-00038-00023488-00024032 I want to say thank you for saying thanks. And, I also want to say thank you to our country for the pBtglg9SlO0-00039-00024032-00025384 opportunity to serve. It is truly an honor that will stay with me the rest of my days. pBZDmMl6RWY-00000-00000000-00000200 Miftachul Wachyudi (Yudee) M. Pd.I pGkRWPYLEZg-00000-00000603-00001167 We are global community with a common purpose pGkRWPYLEZg-00001-00001407-00001881 That is to build the internet that the world needs pGkRWPYLEZg-00002-00002125-00002358 How lucky is that? pGkRWPYLEZg-00003-00002411-00002685 How lucky are we to have Mozilla? pGkRWPYLEZg-00004-00002785-00003110 How lucky are we to be Mozilla? pGkRWPYLEZg-00005-00003235-00003568 How lucky are we to have an idea of what the future can be? pGkRWPYLEZg-00006-00003580-00003890 to see it, little vaguely, but to see it pGkRWPYLEZg-00007-00003938-00004203 And how lucky are we to be able to build it? pGkRWPYLEZg-00008-00004289-00004551 To have the opportunity to actually build something pGkRWPYLEZg-00009-00004617-00004787 To have people respond to it, pGkRWPYLEZg-00010-00004801-00004926 To have impact pGkRWPYLEZg-00011-00005019-00005568 And how lucky are we to teach that others are interested in what we are doing and want to learn? pGkRWPYLEZg-00012-00005605-00005941 And then others are interested enough to teach us in return pGkRWPYLEZg-00013-00006035-00006146 How lucky are we? pGkRWPYLEZg-00014-00006530-00006848 We do these things by building product, pGkRWPYLEZg-00015-00006986-00007216 by empowering communities pGkRWPYLEZg-00016-00007272-00007453 By teaching and learning pGkRWPYLEZg-00017-00007472-00007684 And by shaping environments pGkRWPYLEZg-00018-00007750-00008664 And of course, you know we do our best when these things are woven together into a single strand pGkRWPYLEZg-00019-00008901-00009807 No one else has both the vision that we do and opportunity to make it real pGkRWPYLEZg-00020-00009818-00010111 That is a unique ability today pGkRWPYLEZg-00021-00010111-00010452 And so, we need to touch more people pGkRWPYLEZg-00022-00010585-00010800 And we need more people to touch us pGkRWPYLEZg-00023-00010835-00010998 As Mozillians pGkRWPYLEZg-00024-00011146-00011505 And when we do that, we can make the internet pGkRWPYLEZg-00025-00011566-00011693 Knowable, pGkRWPYLEZg-00026-00011714-00011836 Interoperable, pGkRWPYLEZg-00027-00011891-00012012 Ours pGkRWPYLEZg-00028-00012087-00012700 And when we do that, we can be champions of a web where people pGkRWPYLEZg-00029-00012700-00012833 Know more, pGkRWPYLEZg-00030-00012833-00012955 Do more, pGkRWPYLEZg-00031-00012955-00013113 Do better pGkRWPYLEZg-00032-00013222-00013378 This is us pGkRWPYLEZg-00033-00013463-00013643 This is Mozilla pGkRWPYLEZg-00034-00013700-00014000 Subtitles by the community pGusaRdOodg-00000-00001716-00002316 Jobar. Massive Attack from the East (Part 10) pGusaRdOodg-00001-00002616-00003315 The bulldozer keeps raising the dirt hill intended for insuring the safe passage of the infantry troops and vehicles in front of the militant positions. pGusaRdOodg-00002-00003315-00004216 The height of the dirt hill is supposed to be on the same level as that of the bus so that the troops could move safely without being hit by terrorist sniper and machine-gun bullets. pGusaRdOodg-00003-00004216-00005116 Faced by the need to choose between a fast capture of the object - that would entail great losses of troops – and a more secure advancement, the Syrian commanding officers have chosen the security of their soldiers. pGusaRdOodg-00004-00005116-00005616 Losses are inevitable in war, but their number depends on the actions and decisions made by the commanding officers. pGusaRdOodg-00005-00005616-00006416 There are these 40 meters (130 feet) of area that is exposed to militant gunfire. To avoid risking the lives of the personnel, those safe passageways are being made for the soldiers to move along. pGusaRdOodg-00006-00009016-00009616 On our left, there is the school compound that still has several of its buildings controlled by the terrorists. pGusaRdOodg-00007-00010916-00011416 From inside those buildings, the militants keep sweeping with gunfire these 30 meters (100 feet) of space separating us from the trade center. pGusaRdOodg-00008-00011416-00012116 The officers are currently deciding how to set up a safe communication route for the troops between these two buildings. pGusaRdOodg-00009-00013316-00013616 SAA Officer: “Do you want the bus and the barricade to be positioned at this spot or a little to the right?” pGusaRdOodg-00010-00013616-00014116 Second SAA Officer: “Both sides need to be covered. There is gunfire from deep inside the building, too”. pGusaRdOodg-00011-00014516-00014816 Another mortar has landed on our left. pGusaRdOodg-00012-00014816-00015816 The bulldozer driver can hardly see anything. The soldier sitting at the driver’s seat and the commanding officer must closely coordinate their actions to make sure that the virtually blindfolded bulldozer driver succeed in erecting a dirt hill a dozen feet high. pGusaRdOodg-00013-00015816-00016116 Presently, the bulldozer driver is reporting that he is under heavy gunfire. pGusaRdOodg-00014-00016116-00016516 One of the bullet penetrated the driver’s compartment but everything is fine. pGusaRdOodg-00015-00016816-00017116 Another mortar has landed not far from us. pGusaRdOodg-00016-00017116-00017516 The militants are delivering pretty accurate fire strikes from the heart of Jobar. pGusaRdOodg-00017-00017516-00017916 A number of this school compound’s buildings have been captured by the army troops. However, the militants are still holding several buildings. pGusaRdOodg-00018-00017916-00018616 Suddenly, a mortar has hit one of the structures controlled by the SAA infantry troops, just a dozen meters (about 30 feet) away from the terrorist positions. pGusaRdOodg-00019-00018816-00019516 The soldier in the bulldozer driver’s seat is telling the officers his vision of the best way to erect the dirt hill. pGusaRdOodg-00020-00019516-00020116 The officers have listened to him and found his argumentation convincing enough. Now, he is controlling the bulldozer's work. pGusaRdOodg-00021-00020116-00020916 Substantiated initiative is welcomed and encouraged in the SAA. This helps the officers and the troops work together as a team. pGusaRdOodg-00022-00021716-00022216 I set my camera on the monopod in order to film the spot of the imminent engagement by the Syrian battle tank. pGusaRdOodg-00023-00022216-00022416 It is less than one hundred meters away (about 330 feet) from the militants. pGusaRdOodg-00024-00022416-00023116 From the scanty internet videos, it is obvious that the militants have well entrenched in there and rigged all the avenues of approach to their positions with explosives. pGusaRdOodg-00025-00025116-00025516 An SAA officer is discussing the plan of the future attack with the commander of the tank men. pGusaRdOodg-00026-00025516-00026016 The fast and daring nature of the morning onslaught by the Syrian army had surprised the militants. pGusaRdOodg-00027-00026016-00026616 Now, they have come to their senses. They have been reinforced and resupplied. They are putting up their resistance with renewed vigor. pGusaRdOodg-00028-00026616-00027016 One must be very careful in order to spare one’s personnel and equipment. pGusaRdOodg-00029-00028116-00028616 Presently, we are headed to the observation post from which the SAA officer is going to lead the battle. pGusaRdOodg-00030-00029716-00030516 This building is adjacent to the school compound. Underground tunnels connect this building to the school buildings and, most likely, to the heart of Jobar. pGusaRdOodg-00031-00031316-00031816 These first three buildings are controlled by the Syrian Arab Army troops. pGusaRdOodg-00032-00033516-00033816 The ground floor of the building is linked to the school compound buildings. pGusaRdOodg-00033-00033816-00034016 The militants keep constantly firing from that spot. pGusaRdOodg-00034-00034016-00034516 Now, the battle tank is supposed to deliver a fire strike on the militants there. pGusaRdOodg-00035-00036716-00037316 Right now, the camera is filming a group of the SAA soldiers inside the trade center. pGusaRdOodg-00036-00037416-00038016 The Syrian troops are controlling one third of the building there. The militants occupy the opposite side of the building. pGusaRdOodg-00037-00038016-00038416 One third of the building is no man’s land. The distance between the warring parties is 20 to 30 meters (65 to 100 feet). pGusaRdOodg-00038-00038716-00039016 These are the militant-held buildings. pGusaRdOodg-00039-00040016-00040516 Having been briefed, the tank men get inside their tank and go into combat. pGusaRdOodg-00040-00042916-00043416 All the tank-mounted cameras have long had their batteries run out of charge. Therefore, the only footage available is that of my own camera. pGusaRdOodg-00041-00045616-00045916 The battle tank is moving in on the spot between the school and the trade center. pGusaRdOodg-00042-00046416-00046816 The tank is firing at the flank of the militants who are entrenched inside the trade center. pGusaRdOodg-00043-00047616-00048216 The officer who keeps up communication with the infantry troops inside the building is coordinating the battle tank’s actions. pGusaRdOodg-00044-00048216-00048516 The infantry troops relay targets’ coordinates to the battle tank. pGusaRdOodg-00045-00050116-00050516 Between the salvos, the tank men are using their machine-gun fire to engage the terrorist positions. pGusaRdOodg-00046-00053916-00054416 Having delivered its fire strikes, the battle tank is moving out. The operation is going on. pGusaRdOodg-00047-00054516-00055716 Andrey Filatov, Viktor Kuznetsov. ANNA-News, Damascus, Syria. pIxY9fPD7xM-00000-00000035-00000247 The first microphone pattern we're going to listen to is the pIxY9fPD7xM-00001-00000247-00000438 Omnidirectional pattern. pIxY9fPD7xM-00002-00000438-00000668 Omni means all; in this case, all hearing. pIxY9fPD7xM-00003-00000668-00000964 This microphone hears front, back, side, doesn't pIxY9fPD7xM-00004-00000964-00001064 matter. pIxY9fPD7xM-00005-00001064-00001292 The same volume, the same distance, should have the same result. pIxY9fPD7xM-00006-00001292-00001441 Let's hear what that sounds like. pIxY9fPD7xM-00007-00001441-00001581 We'll turn on the white noise. pIxY9fPD7xM-00008-00001581-00001873 We'll start on axis with the microphone. pIxY9fPD7xM-00009-00001873-00002217 We're directly into the front of the microphone. pIxY9fPD7xM-00010-00002217-00002317 We're going to spin the white noise around and hear what that sounds pIxY9fPD7xM-00011-00002317-00002417 like. pIxY9fPD7xM-00012-00002417-00002517 We're now about 90 degrees to the microphone. pIxY9fPD7xM-00013-00002517-00002800 It should still sound the same. pIxY9fPD7xM-00014-00002800-00004094 As we move around the back it should still sound the same. pIxY9fPD7xM-00015-00004094-00004480 Again at 90 degrees, and back to on axis. pIxY9fPD7xM-00016-00004480-00005097 As you could tell, that microphone sounds the same no matter where we are. pIxY9fPD7xM-00017-00005097-00005219 Now let's hear it with my voice. pIxY9fPD7xM-00018-00005219-00005610 I'm going to speak to the microphone directly on axis and you'll be able to hear pIxY9fPD7xM-00019-00005610-00005710 me. pIxY9fPD7xM-00020-00005710-00006035 As I move to approximately 45 degrees it should stay the same; 90 degrees, pIxY9fPD7xM-00021-00006035-00006180 once again the same. pIxY9fPD7xM-00022-00006180-00006376 Let's go all the way back behind the microphone. pIxY9fPD7xM-00023-00006376-00006623 You should still be able to hear me quite well. pIxY9fPD7xM-00024-00006623-00007215 Again, 90 degrees, 45 degrees and back on axis. pIxY9fPD7xM-00025-00007215-00009985 As you can see, an Omnidirectional microphone hears in pIxY9fPD7xM-00026-00009985-00011186 all directions. pIxY9fPD7xM-00027-00011186-00012315 Omnidirectional. pMsC7xDAcU8-00001-00029758-00030565 hóa ở việt nam. pMsC7xDAcU8-00003-00035052-00037880 được sếp hạng giàu có nhất xứ Nam Kỳ lúc bấy giờ. pNKDsweVrc4-00000-00000000-00000456 This video will cover how to find journals and journal articles, which will pNKDsweVrc4-00001-00000456-00000834 be helpful to you when you need to search for journals and access specific pNKDsweVrc4-00002-00000834-00001317 articles for your class readings and research. There are a number of ways in pNKDsweVrc4-00003-00001317-00001682 which you'll interact with scholarly and peer-reviewed journal articles in your pNKDsweVrc4-00004-00001682-00002046 research. You may decide to browse certain journals as a part of your pNKDsweVrc4-00005-00002046-00002400 search strategy. This can be really valuable when you're looking for pNKDsweVrc4-00006-00002400-00002874 resources on a certain topic within the broader field of education because most pNKDsweVrc4-00007-00002874-00003440 journals are even more narrow in focus than a subject database would be. You pNKDsweVrc4-00008-00003440-00003864 will also come across journal articles when searching the UBC Library or a pNKDsweVrc4-00009-00003864-00004344 subject database for information related to your topic. When you search the UBC pNKDsweVrc4-00010-00004344-00004757 Library using keywords one way to limit your search results to show you only pNKDsweVrc4-00011-00004757-00005178 journal articles is to use the filters on the left-hand side of the search pNKDsweVrc4-00012-00005178-00005727 results. The "Scholarly & Peer-Review" and "Journal Article" filters will narrow pNKDsweVrc4-00013-00005727-00006128 your results to show you journal articles and "Full Text Online" can be pNKDsweVrc4-00014-00006128-00006686 added to limit the search to online resources. You'll also be asked by pNKDsweVrc4-00015-00006686-00007200 instructors to find specific journal articles and read them for class. In most pNKDsweVrc4-00016-00007200-00007568 cases, when you're looking for a particular article, you'll be able to pNKDsweVrc4-00017-00007568-00007995 find it simply by typing the title of the article into the general search tab pNKDsweVrc4-00018-00007995-00008565 on the UBC Library homepage. But on some occasions, finding a specific article pNKDsweVrc4-00019-00008565-00008954 won't be quite as simple as typing the title into the library's search bar. If pNKDsweVrc4-00020-00008954-00009365 you can't find it by searching for the title in the library's database, don't pNKDsweVrc4-00021-00009365-00009857 worry. There's a good chance you can access the article another way. So if you pNKDsweVrc4-00022-00009857-00010200 need to access a journal article and it isn't appearing when you search in the pNKDsweVrc4-00023-00010200-00010722 UBC Library, here are the steps to try. Let's say I've been assigned the pNKDsweVrc4-00024-00010722-00011178 following reading from an instructor. When I search for that article by typing pNKDsweVrc4-00025-00011178-00011532 its title into the library's general search tab, it's not appearing as a pNKDsweVrc4-00026-00011532-00011931 result. But even though it looks like this article isn't available to me from pNKDsweVrc4-00027-00011931-00012288 the UBC Library, there's another way to search for journal articles that I'm pNKDsweVrc4-00028-00012288-00012729 going to try instead. I know from the citation that this article was published pNKDsweVrc4-00029-00012729-00013112 in the journal Education Review, so I'm going to find it by searching within pNKDsweVrc4-00030-00013112-00013524 that journal. To do so, I'll start by going back to the pNKDsweVrc4-00031-00013524-00013977 UBC Library homepage and this time I'm going to search using the Journal Titles pNKDsweVrc4-00032-00013977-00014481 search tab. When I have that open, I'm going to search for the title of the pNKDsweVrc4-00033-00014481-00014901 journal. When searching for a journal, spelling the title correctly is pNKDsweVrc4-00034-00014901-00015444 important but proper capitalization is not. From here, I'm given this list of pNKDsweVrc4-00035-00015444-00015876 databases, either of which I can access this journal from. I'm going to open the pNKDsweVrc4-00036-00015876-00016319 first database listed, Academic Search Complete, which has all of the issues of pNKDsweVrc4-00037-00016319-00016947 this journal from 2001 to the present. Now that I'm in the journal, there are pNKDsweVrc4-00038-00016947-00017426 two ways that I can search for the article I'm looking for. The first option pNKDsweVrc4-00039-00017426-00017793 is to use the list of years on the right-hand side of the page to find the pNKDsweVrc4-00040-00017793-00018303 correct issue. I know from the citation that this article was published in 2012 pNKDsweVrc4-00041-00018303-00019151 and it was in volume 24, issue 2. When I select that issue, you'll see that all of pNKDsweVrc4-00042-00019151-00019545 the articles from the issue are available and I can open up the article pNKDsweVrc4-00043-00019545-00020178 that I'm looking for by clicking PDF Full Text. The second way pNKDsweVrc4-00044-00020178-00020568 that I can find that article once I have the journal open is to look above pNKDsweVrc4-00045-00020568-00021294 the publication details and select "Search within this publication." From here, I can pNKDsweVrc4-00046-00021294-00021756 enter the title of the article in the search bar and it appears as the first pNKDsweVrc4-00047-00021756-00022223 result. Now, you should be ready to find journal articles to help you with your pNKDsweVrc4-00048-00022223-00022670 classes and research projects. If you need more information about finding pNKDsweVrc4-00049-00022670-00023043 journal articles, check out the UBC Library guide for finding journal pNKDsweVrc4-00050-00023043-00023756 articles or get in touch with the education librarians. Thanks for watching! ppCo9U999_0-00000-00000070-00000988 i got i took a test position you took a test for the rotor turns out ppCo9U999_0-00001-00000988-00001670 you have that [ __ ] ppCo9U999_0-00002-00001670-00001770 guys in the far building ppCo9U999_0-00003-00001770-00002593 oh there's somebody up here ppCo9U999_0-00004-00002593-00003240 you're right you did hear somebody here enemy uav active reinforcements are on the way ppCo9U999_0-00005-00003240-00004572 ah he's coming he's coming ppCo9U999_0-00006-00004572-00004950 what the hell ppCo9U999_0-00007-00004950-00005925 apparently if you press the horn on the boat there's guys in here like a box comes hey ppCo9U999_0-00008-00005925-00006267 there's guys in nova yeah right here ppCo9U999_0-00009-00006267-00008477 guy falling in other end of nova ppCo9U999_0-00010-00008477-00010067 how many times does it shoot this guy ppCo9U999_0-00011-00010067-00010524 there's a guy in here ppCo9U999_0-00012-00010524-00011367 i'm dead i'm dead if you can stop them i'll revive whoo good work buddy no don't worry ppCo9U999_0-00013-00011367-00011467 about me don't worry about there's another one ppCo9U999_0-00014-00011467-00013141 stay with me i need to play it up there's a guy above me oh i got sniped up ppCo9U999_0-00015-00013141-00013976 there's a guy top of the building right above me yep i see him he's falling down i can't ppCo9U999_0-00016-00013976-00014381 i gotta ppCo9U999_0-00017-00014381-00015743 i have one i have one making sure enemy dropping into the ao watch your top right air strike ppCo9U999_0-00018-00015743-00016118 up there he jumped down he's got him down strike bomb airstrike right here just get ppCo9U999_0-00019-00016118-00016522 that stuff and move out squad membership guy above me bro ppCo9U999_0-00020-00016522-00018137 i'm gonna grab this bounty they're in that building and there's a guy behind me i think ppCo9U999_0-00021-00018137-00018304 yeah guy coming to you ppCo9U999_0-00022-00018304-00020245 there's another dude flying in ppCo9U999_0-00023-00020245-00020384 reinforcements are on the way ppCo9U999_0-00024-00020384-00021524 guys here guy in here yeah someone's in here ppCo9U999_0-00025-00021524-00021624 enemy soldier nearby ppCo9U999_0-00026-00021624-00023873 he just jumped out this window ppCo9U999_0-00027-00023873-00025086 there's a guy here with me ppCo9U999_0-00028-00025086-00025318 keep fighting until they redeploy ppCo9U999_0-00029-00025318-00025985 six seconds three ppCo9U999_0-00030-00025985-00028195 reinforcements are on the way ppCo9U999_0-00031-00028195-00029257 son of a [ __ ] ppCo9U999_0-00032-00029257-00029761 cluster strike arriving you don't want to pick up the satchel what's satchel ppCo9U999_0-00033-00029761-00031611 i'm like i'm not watching you enemies ppCo9U999_0-00034-00031611-00032247 there's a guy right here in the tunnel can you go through the tunnel guy behind me ppCo9U999_0-00035-00032247-00033090 arthur decon this this one's nuts ppCo9U999_0-00036-00033090-00033944 there's dudes all around me right here ppCo9U999_0-00037-00033944-00034790 if you can come out right now and shoot him oh no ppCo9U999_0-00038-00034790-00036826 squad mates are all kia keep fighting until they redeploy ppCo9U999_0-00039-00036826-00036926 psych ppCo9U999_0-00040-00036926-00037415 nice ppCo9U999_0-00041-00037415-00037982 m ppCo9U999_0-00043-00041382-00044338 but only if you feel comfortable i don't have enough ppCo9U999_0-00044-00044338-00045129 i don't have enough oh okay ppCo9U999_0-00045-00045129-00045288 right ppCo9U999_0-00046-00045288-00045446 ggs ppCo9U999_0-00047-00045446-00045684 what was that guy thinking pPI4CLNlGSu-00000-00008134-00008472 Hello and welcome back to Naturliv pPI4CLNlGSu-00001-00008638-00008811 today i'm out in the forest pPI4CLNlGSu-00002-00008836-00009118 but I do not have many places to go pPI4CLNlGSu-00003-00009178-00009846 because I19 regiment has exercise around Boden pPI4CLNlGSu-00004-00009948-00011028 so I was only allowed to go a bit outside Boden, so I do not disturb their activities or enter the shooting areas pPI4CLNlGSu-00005-00011203-00011894 so today I was just going to take a short walk and talk some food pPI4CLNlGSu-00006-00012029-00012229 outdoor food pPI4CLNlGSu-00007-00012279-00012429 it circulates a lot pPI4CLNlGSu-00008-00012629-00013025 - yes you hear, they shoot around pPI4CLNlGSu-00009-00013069-00013947 it circulates, or rather, there are hundreds of channels out there on social media pPI4CLNlGSu-00010-00013981-00014082 On facebook pPI4CLNlGSu-00011-00014164-00014299 on youtube pPI4CLNlGSu-00012-00014325-00014525 about outdoor food pPI4CLNlGSu-00013-00014632-00015267 outdoor ducts that have inlays of outdoor food pPI4CLNlGSu-00014-00015363-00015527 I'm not any worse pPI4CLNlGSu-00015-00015563-00016015 I'm not worse, I do episodes where I eat or where I show that I cook pPI4CLNlGSu-00016-00016138-00016338 where I tell what I cook for food pPI4CLNlGSu-00017-00016443-00017305 What's fascinating, is that people do not seem to be led by all these food videos pPI4CLNlGSu-00018-00017331-00017471 that pops up pPI4CLNlGSu-00019-00017553-00018373 so I want to tell you what I think is good outdoor food or good but at the right time pPI4CLNlGSu-00020-00018494-00018809 when I go on a long hike pPI4CLNlGSu-00021-00018871-00019148 we say I will walk 18- 24 miles pPI4CLNlGSu-00022-00019257-00019560 then I absolutely not choose pPI4CLNlGSu-00023-00019594-00019983 to take with me a sausage ring pPI4CLNlGSu-00024-00020078-00020205 bacon pPI4CLNlGSu-00025-00020244-00020428 a piece of meat pPI4CLNlGSu-00026-00020472-00020757 stainless steel fryingpan pPI4CLNlGSu-00027-00020841-00021041 things like that pPI4CLNlGSu-00028-00021089-00021527 because there you immediately have weight in the backpack you are to carry pPI4CLNlGSu-00029-00021660-00021830 then I choose pPI4CLNlGSu-00030-00021904-00022144 either freeze-dried food pPI4CLNlGSu-00031-00022239-00022401 as I do myself pPI4CLNlGSu-00032-00022439-00022520 or pPI4CLNlGSu-00033-00022546-00022865 freeze-dried food from REAL TURMAT pPI4CLNlGSu-00034-00022986-00023331 thats the one i think tast best pPI4CLNlGSu-00035-00023400-00023725 although the other brands also work pPI4CLNlGSu-00036-00023804-00023970 to that I also have pPI4CLNlGSu-00037-00024024-00024236 vegetables pPI4CLNlGSu-00038-00024264-00024464 which I may have dried myself pPI4CLNlGSu-00039-00024513-00024713 or which I have bought pPI4CLNlGSu-00040-00024775-00024906 like this pPI4CLNlGSu-00041-00025140-00025614 the funny thing is, that there is a variety of freeze-dried food pPI4CLNlGSu-00042-00025720-00026043 variety of different vegetable mixer pPI4CLNlGSu-00043-00026116-00026430 so it's so individual what you want pPI4CLNlGSu-00044-00026944-00027707 it is shot there and it is shot there, but they are several kilometers away, so it´s ok pPI4CLNlGSu-00045-00027795-00028693 if I am going on shorter hikes or for example, go somewhere where I have the car close pPI4CLNlGSu-00046-00028693-00028956 as in my last video where i talked about pPI4CLNlGSu-00047-00029036-00029293 is it need to have or want to have pPI4CLNlGSu-00048-00029321-00029821 then I think, do I need to carry this in my backpack? pPI4CLNlGSu-00049-00029907-00030367 or can i have it in the car? (as we say I have over here) pPI4CLNlGSu-00050-00030462-00030937 yes, if I'm going on a short trip, I leave most of it in the car pPI4CLNlGSu-00051-00031004-00031347 until I'm done with everything, if I'm going for a walk, for example pPI4CLNlGSu-00052-00031417-00032078 and then set up location with, for example, a tent, tarp, hammock near the car pPI4CLNlGSu-00053-00032100-00032594 Then I go back I do not need to drag with lots of things out into the terrain pPI4CLNlGSu-00054-00032767-00033122 Then I leave everything in the car and get ready when I get back pPI4CLNlGSu-00055-00033122-00033524 Then I can have a full water bottle pPI4CLNlGSu-00056-00033582-00033929 I can have a stainless steel frying pan pPI4CLNlGSu-00057-00033992-00034274 I can bring a barbecue with me if I want pPI4CLNlGSu-00058-00034322-00035285 a cooling bag with food, meet, milk, sausage, potatoes. pPI4CLNlGSu-00059-00035382-00035582 the list goes on pPI4CLNlGSu-00060-00035681-00036072 but as I said, what shall I do? pPI4CLNlGSu-00061-00036104-00036634 shall i go on a short walk and spend the night nearby for a few days pPI4CLNlGSu-00062-00036652-00036975 or should I go on a long hike of a few miles pPI4CLNlGSu-00063-00037041-00037241 there is the difference pPI4CLNlGSu-00064-00037352-00037973 many luxuries to it out in the woods, even if they are out for several days pPI4CLNlGSu-00065-00037995-00038668 then they brought with them what I said, meat, potatoes and so on pPI4CLNlGSu-00066-00038781-00039289 Of course, I can do that too, but I must know that I can carry it pPI4CLNlGSu-00067-00039329-00040246 for it becomes tiring for the back and backpack to carry so much on such a long distance pPI4CLNlGSu-00068-00040330-00041268 on the other hand, if I know, I go on a long trip and know I have the opportunity to go in and eat along the way pPI4CLNlGSu-00069-00041304-00041462 then I can do that pPI4CLNlGSu-00070-00041514-00041976 but i still have my dried food in my backpack pPI4CLNlGSu-00071-00042016-00042268 depending on how long I will be gone pPI4CLNlGSu-00072-00042395-00042706 so its very individual this with food pPI4CLNlGSu-00073-00042768-00043149 in many movies I watch on Youtbue pPI4CLNlGSu-00074-00043187-00043689 there they carry the worst kit, they make tacobuffe pPI4CLNlGSu-00075-00043758-00044089 they make breakfast ala ..... pPI4CLNlGSu-00076-00044121-00044472 beautiful breakfast, and i think pPI4CLNlGSu-00077-00044651-00045234 Do you want to do it out there? Yes, you might want to, of course you can luxury to it pPI4CLNlGSu-00078-00045292-00045764 but I feel that, hotel breakfast shall stays in the hotel pPI4CLNlGSu-00079-00045855-00046272 but some may want to show that this is what I usually do when pPI4CLNlGSu-00080-00046302-00046981 but I do not know how often you actually do it, do you only do it once to show, or do you do it all the time? pPI4CLNlGSu-00081-00047140-00047852 I do not know, but it's fascinating to watch, I can get full of laughter when I see some movies pPI4CLNlGSu-00082-00047916-00048325 I'm just thinking, my God, what they have to carry pPI4CLNlGSu-00083-00048432-00048695 But it's their choice pPI4CLNlGSu-00084-00048787-00049517 but I prefer to bring a frying pan and stuff when I go on shorter trips pPI4CLNlGSu-00085-00049571-00049749 so I can store it in the car pPI4CLNlGSu-00086-00049790-00050625 there i also have my cooler bag of 12 volts that can be left on until I come back pPI4CLNlGSu-00087-00050733-00050933 And if im going on linger trips pPI4CLNlGSu-00088-00050969-00051322 then I use either my trangia kitchen with pPI4CLNlGSu-00089-00051749-00051949 I thought I heard a car coming up behind me pPI4CLNlGSu-00090-00051990-00052838 then I use either my trangia kitchen with alcohol or my gas stove with gas pump you screw under pPI4CLNlGSu-00091-00052878-00054125 and water with me and a water purification filter if I have run out of water and have to refill in some stream pPI4CLNlGSu-00092-00054187-00054526 for all the streams up here in the north are not flowing pPI4CLNlGSu-00093-00054526-00054726 Sure, we have very fresh water pPI4CLNlGSu-00094-00055046-00055959 But I do not know if I want to risk getting a bad stomach because I take a chance and drink the water pPI4CLNlGSu-00095-00056066-00056717 running water is probably ok, but what stands still, well I probably want to clean it pPI4CLNlGSu-00096-00056818-00057213 so I make sure to have that with me as well as freeze-dried food in the backpack pPI4CLNlGSu-00097-00057314-00057989 and cutlery, but you do not need anything much more, not if you goint to eat freeze -dried food pPI4CLNlGSu-00098-00058089-00059476 what I usually freeze dry are vegetables, meat, potatoes, as well as reindeer chops and beef pPI4CLNlGSu-00099-00059559-00059895 it all depends on what meat I want right then pPI4CLNlGSu-00100-00059950-00060557 and carrots, onions and leeks pPI4CLNlGSu-00101-00060655-00061790 you can mix a little yourself and see what you want and can freeze dry and if you are intolerant or not intolerant pPI4CLNlGSu-00102-00061816-00062149 but there is a lot you can freeze dry regardless pPI4CLNlGSu-00103-00062226-00062686 if you are vegan or vegitarian or whatever you are pPI4CLNlGSu-00104-00062823-00063518 so you have to work with that and google on the internet, google google google pPI4CLNlGSu-00105-00063554-00063816 because there is so much about freeze-dried food pPI4CLNlGSu-00106-00063883-00064425 but I usually try to make my own and not imitate someone else's recipe pPI4CLNlGSu-00107-00064544-00065689 that's how I get success in my outdoor food, what I like to do and what maybe others who eat what I have done like pPI4CLNlGSu-00108-00065748-00065948 So there! pPI4CLNlGSu-00109-00066012-00066367 that's what I wanted to say about this with outdoor food pPI4CLNlGSu-00110-00066399-00066823 either you buy with you and carry it in your backpack pPI4CLNlGSu-00111-00066911-00067339 long way or short, I prefer short pPI4CLNlGSu-00112-00067401-00068342 or you have freeze-dried food and maybe a chorizo ​​sausage and gas stove in the backpack pPI4CLNlGSu-00113-00068459-00068987 and can carry a long way, because it does not weigh much pPI4CLNlGSu-00114-00069156-00069729 so before the military is in my area, I'll end this movie pPI4CLNlGSu-00115-00069783-00070269 I hope the episode has given you something, but this is how I think anyway pPI4CLNlGSu-00116-00070291-00070800 I hope i´ll see you sometime out in the terrain, out on some hike pPI4CLNlGSu-00117-00070881-00071616 If you have something you want to comment on, you can do so below or send an e-mail. pPI4CLNlGSu-00118-00071627-00072066 pPI4CLNlGSu-00119-00072149-00072441 See you soon, bye pPI4CLNlGSu-00120-00075014-00075470 I would like to bring up one more thing before concluding pPI4CLNlGSu-00121-00075693-00076019 it´s about littering in our environment pPI4CLNlGSu-00122-00076126-00076445 then I mean the littering of tourists pPI4CLNlGSu-00123-00076560-00076987 I call myself a tourist regardless of whether I live in Sweden pPI4CLNlGSu-00124-00077146-00077789 I mean those who go up to the mountains as it has been this summer due to the pandemic pPI4CLNlGSu-00125-00077841-00078659 it has become a boost in this with naturelife, hiking see the mountains pPI4CLNlGSu-00126-00078764-00078974 as well as being out in nature overall pPI4CLNlGSu-00127-00079035-00079224 but what you do not do pPI4CLNlGSu-00128-00079287-00079503 you don´t take back the things you carry out pPI4CLNlGSu-00129-00079583-00080077 you buy a tent, you pitch it, but you do not have the strength to carry it back pPI4CLNlGSu-00130-00080102-00080233 you leaving it pPI4CLNlGSu-00131-00080291-00080423 STF: Swedish Tourist Association pPI4CLNlGSu-00132-00080465-00080925 had a difficult fall and summer pPI4CLNlGSu-00133-00080987-00081414 with people leaving rubbish and tents at Kebnekaise, among other places pPI4CLNlGSu-00134-00081447-00081868 it's definitely not okay anywhere pPI4CLNlGSu-00135-00081952-00082404 if you take things out, then you take them back! pPI4CLNlGSu-00136-00082475-00082926 it should be a fine not to take stuff back pPI4CLNlGSu-00137-00083015-00084219 they should set up a guard, who will see what you bring with you and you should also show this when you arrive at a facility pPI4CLNlGSu-00138-00084268-00084584 it should be that way, because this must stop! pPI4CLNlGSu-00139-00084635-00085215 we can not destroy our nature and others will go and pick up pPI4CLNlGSu-00140-00085431-00085983 I get completely desperate, I think it's terribly irresponsible pPI4CLNlGSu-00141-00086053-00086471 we must be afraid of nature, others will come after us pPI4CLNlGSu-00142-00086541-00086705 So think about that pPI4CLNlGSu-00143-00086751-00086895 doesn´t matter what it is pPI4CLNlGSu-00144-00086943-00087737 is it chewing gum packs, or caramel paper or toilet paper, bring it back home pPI4CLNlGSu-00145-00087828-00088418 just hang an extra bag on the backpack, no harder than that pPI4CLNlGSu-00146-00088483-00088880 so I want to urge everyone, try to take your rubbish home. pPI4CLNlGSu-00147-00088955-00089155 That's all. bye pPKfJ8I0WIA-00000-00000000-00000026 Wait! pPKfJ8I0WIA-00001-00000033-00000203 What happens when you drink the potion? pPKfJ8I0WIA-00002-00000203-00000253 *music* pPKfJ8I0WIA-00003-00000276-00000326 After you drink pPKfJ8I0WIA-00004-00000330-00000380 It~? pPKfJ8I0WIA-00005-00000413-00000463 *breath of the troller* pPKfJ8I0WIA-00006-00000466-00000578 YOU TURN INTO L pPKfJ8I0WIA-00007-00000578-00000650 IGMA!... pPKfJ8I0WIA-00008-00000684-00000775 Whats ligma? pPKfJ8I0WIA-00009-00000789-00000851 *horror* pPKfJ8I0WIA-00010-00000859-00000909 *hes about to troll* pPKfJ8I0WIA-00011-00000916-00000966 *Troll Mode, Activated* pPKfJ8I0WIA-00012-00000966-00001016 Waiting. pPKfJ8I0WIA-00013-00001016-00001066 Waiting.. pPKfJ8I0WIA-00014-00001069-00001166 Waiting... (laughter of a TROLL) pPKfJ8I0WIA-00015-00001166-00001203 *readys up for troll time* pPKfJ8I0WIA-00016-00001203-00001253 LI- pXrEJVde3Ck-00000-00000163-00000371 LOADED QUESTION, BUT HOW ARE YOU? pXrEJVde3Ck-00001-00000430-00001088 I'M DOING GREAT. THE EXPERIENCE HAS BEEN VERY HUMBLING. YESTERDAY AT THE WHITE HOUSE WAS pXrEJVde3Ck-00002-00001088-00001675 REMARKABLE. JUST EVERYTHING, THE WAY IT'S SET UP, PRESENTED, BEING ABLE TO LOOK OUT pXrEJVde3Ck-00003-00001675-00002596 INTO THE CROWD AND TRY MY BEST TO LOCK EYES WITH AND LOOK AT EVERY PERSON THAT HAS HAD pXrEJVde3Ck-00004-00002596-00003200 AN IMPACT IN MY LIFE. THAT WAS REALLY SPECIAL. IT'S THE FIRST TIME THAT FROM EVERY ASPECT pXrEJVde3Ck-00005-00003200-00003972 OF MY LIFE WHERE SOMEBODY'S BEEN THERE, ALL SITTING IN THE SAME ROOM, AND TO SEE THAT pXrEJVde3Ck-00006-00003972-00004231 WAS - FELT VERY BLESSED. pXrEJVde3Ck-00007-00004360-00004944 TAKE ME BACK TO THAT PHONE CALL YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT WHEN SAID 'BE PREPARED TO GET A PHONE CALL SOMEBODY.' pXrEJVde3Ck-00008-00005154-00005674 THE PHONE CALL WAS IN DECEMBER AND I'D BEEN HEARING THE RUMOR FOR A LITTLE pXrEJVde3Ck-00009-00005675-00006172 BIT THAT THIS WAS POTENTIALLY GOING TO HAPPEN AND I'M KIND OF THE GUY THAT DOESN'T BELIEVE pXrEJVde3Ck-00010-00006172-00006765 UNTIL I SEE IT, SO WHEN THEY GAVE ME THE PHONE CALL THE WHITE HOUSE STAFF CALLS YOU AND SAY pXrEJVde3Ck-00011-00006765-00007245 'HEY CAN YOU RECEIVE A PHONE CALL FROM THE PRESIDENT AT THIS DAY AND THIS TIME?' MY INITIAL pXrEJVde3Ck-00012-00007245-00007895 REACTION RIGHT OFF THAT BAT WAS, DOES ANYONE ACTUALLY SAY NO TO THIS? BECAUSE HMM LET ME pXrEJVde3Ck-00013-00007895-00008414 CHECK MY SCHEDULE, I THINK ONE GUY MAYBE DID, BUT MY SCHEDULE WAS DEFINITELY OPEN. SO WHEN pXrEJVde3Ck-00014-00008414-00008978 THE PRESIDENT CALLS, HE WAS VERY FRIENDLY RIGHT OFF THE BAT AND CALLS YOU BY YOUR FIRST pXrEJVde3Ck-00015-00008978-00009754 NAME AND TRIES TO BREAK THE AWKWARDNESS WITH YOU AND TELLS YOU HOW PROUD HE IS OF YOU pXrEJVde3Ck-00016-00009756-00010268 AND THE GUYS YOU SERVE WITH AND WHAT THIS MEANS AND THAT HE READ OVER THE AWARD AND pXrEJVde3Ck-00017-00010270-00010990 THAT HE'S OFFICIALLY APPROVING IT AND THAT HE LOOKS FORWARD TO SHAKING YOUR HAND. WHAT I pXrEJVde3Ck-00018-00010990-00011378 THOUGHT WAS MOST INTRIGUING WAS PROBABLY WHAT THE MOST SPECIAL THING ABOUT THE PHONE pXrEJVde3Ck-00019-00011378-00012134 CALL WAS - HE MENTIONED HOW THE CEREMONY ITSELF WAS - IT EMBODIED WHY OUR NATION EXISTS pXrEJVde3Ck-00020-00012156-00012832 AND THAT'S WHY IT'S HIS FAVORITE CEREMONY TO BE A PART OF. THAT REALLY RANG HOME. THAT pXrEJVde3Ck-00021-00012833-00013485 MEANS A LOT, ESPECIALLY 15 PLUS YEARS OF CONTINUED WARFARE SINCE 9/11. pXrEJVde3Ck-00022-00013569-00013794 IT REALLY RANG HOME FOR ME SO. pXrEJVde3Ck-00023-00013794-00014226 WHO WAS THE FIRST PERSON IN YOUR FAMILY YOU LET KNOW WHAT WAS ABOUT TO HAPPEN? pXrEJVde3Ck-00024-00014324-00014958 I CALLED MY MOM AND SHE WAS OUT TO DINNER WITH MY SISTER AND I CALLED HER AND LET HER pXrEJVde3Ck-00025-00014984-00015506 AND LET HER KNOW THAT THIS WAS OFFICIAL AND THE FIRST THING OUT OF HER MOUTH WAS JUST HOW THE PRESIDENT pXrEJVde3Ck-00026-00015507-00016116 REMARKED THE OTHER DAY - YESTERDAY - WAS "DO YOU THINK I CAN COME TO THE CEREMONY?" pXrEJVde3Ck-00027-00016116-00016710 SO SHE GOT A LITTLE RIBBING FROM THE PRESIDENT YESTERDAY AND THAT WAS A GOOD LEVITY POINT pXrEJVde3Ck-00028-00016710-00016857 OF THE DAY. pXrEJVde3Ck-00029-00016857-00017101 THIS HAS GOT TO BE SO SURREAL RIGHT NOW. pXrEJVde3Ck-00030-00017276-00017858 IT IS SURREAL. YOU DON'T EVEN NOTICE IT BECAUSE YOU CAN'T SEE WHEN YOU LOOK DOWN. pXrEJVde3Ck-00031-00017980-00018496 THE MOST SURREAL PART OF IT IS BEING SURROUNDED BY YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS. pXrEJVde3Ck-00032-00018578-00019130 YOU DON'T DO THIS ALONE. EVERYTHING WE DO IS WITH A TEAM AND IF WASN'T FOR THAT TEAM, I WOULDN'T BE SITTING pXrEJVde3Ck-00033-00019130-00019736 HERE TODAY. THE PEOPLE I WORK WITH ARE THE MOST REMARKABLE MEN ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET pXrEJVde3Ck-00034-00019844-00020394 - TOUGHEST MEN I'VE EVER SEEN AND THEIR WILLINGNESS TO KEEP GOING IN ADVERSITY, TO pXrEJVde3Ck-00035-00020395-00021125 NEVER QUIT, NEVER FAIL, TO ALWAYS ACCOMPLISH WHATEVER THE TASK IS - IS HUMBLING TO SAY pXrEJVde3Ck-00036-00021125-00021745 THE LEAST. I'M PROUD THAT I'VE BEEN ABLE TO KNOW MEN LIKE THAT AND TO SERVE WITH MEN pXrEJVde3Ck-00037-00021745-00022575 LIKE THAT. I THINK ONCE YOU LEAVE THIS COMMUNITY, THE LIKELY HOOD OF HAVING THAT OPPORTUNITY pXrEJVde3Ck-00038-00022575-00022732 WILL BE SLIM TO NONE. pXrEJVde3Ck-00039-00022732-00022964 WHAT DOES YOUR NORMAL LOOK LIKE NOW? pXrEJVde3Ck-00040-00022964-00023496 MY NORMAL LOOKS LIKE WHAT IT ALWAYS HAS, I'M GOING TO CONTINUE SERVING MY COUNTRY, pXrEJVde3Ck-00041-00023496-00024055 BEING IN THE NAVY AND BEING A SEAL AND WHEREVER THAT TAKES ME I'M GOING TO DO THE TASK AT HAND. pXrEJVde3Ck-00042-00024089-00024451 FROM THE FIRST TIME YOU RAISED YOUR HAND COMING OUT OF THAT MEPS STATION OR ENTERING FOR THE pXrEJVde3Ck-00043-00024451-00024854 FIRST TIME, IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME AND TALK TO THAT GUY KNOWING WHAT YOU KNOW NOW pXrEJVde3Ck-00044-00024854-00025032 AND EXPERIENCE WHAT YOU'VE EXPERIENCED WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? pXrEJVde3Ck-00045-00025074-00025935 DON'T LET ME CHANGE A THING. YOU KNOW, YOU DON'T KNOW IT AT THE TIME THAT CERTAIN EVENTS pXrEJVde3Ck-00046-00025935-00026702 HAPPEN IN YOUR LIFE AND THEY ULTIMATELY HAPPEN FOR A CERTAIN REASON AND I WOULDN'T CHANGE pXrEJVde3Ck-00047-00026702-00027513 ANYTHING. LIFE HAS BEEN VERY GOOD TO ME AND HAS BEEN VERY GOOD TO MY FAMILY AND I'M VERY pXrEJVde3Ck-00048-00027513-00027793 APPRECIATIVE OF ALL THE OPPORTUNITIES I'VE HAD. pXrEJVde3Ck-00049-00027942-00028554 WHEN ONE THINKS OF THAT PHRASE 'MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENT' WHAT DID YOU THINK OF BEFORE pXrEJVde3Ck-00050-00028554-00028938 THIS WAS EVEN AN OPTION FOR YOU? WHAT DID YOU THINK OF? WHAT DID THAT PERSON LOOK LIKE? pXrEJVde3Ck-00051-00028938-00029122 WHAT WAS THAT PERSON'S CHARACTER LIKE? pXrEJVde3Ck-00052-00029360-00030422 THAT PERSON WAS AN EMBODIMENT OF THE COUNTLESS SACRIFICES THAT OTHER PEOPLE, THEMSELVES INCLUDED, THAT HAVE MADE. pXrEJVde3Ck-00053-00030602-00031083 THEY DID AN EXTRAORDINARY ACT AND THEY JUST HAPPENED TO BE IN THE RIGHT pXrEJVde3Ck-00054-00031083-00031614 PLACE, AT THE RIGHT TIME TO BE RECOGNIZED FOR THAT. I'M NOT EXAGGERATING AT ALL THAT pXrEJVde3Ck-00055-00031614-00032383 WHEN I SAY THE MEN I WORK WITH HAVE DONE SO MANY HEROIC THINGS OVER THE COURSE OF MY pXrEJVde3Ck-00056-00032383-00033094 CAREER THAT I CAN'T COUNT THEM ON MY HANDS. THEY SAVED MY LIFE COUNTLESS TIMES AND A LOT pXrEJVde3Ck-00057-00033094-00034102 OF WHAT WE DO GOES UNRECOGNIZED. THIS BECOMES A REPRESENTATION OF EVERYBODY'S EFFORTS AND SACRIFICES. pXrEJVde3Ck-00058-00034252-00034440 AND HOW DO YOU CARRY THAT NOW? pXrEJVde3Ck-00059-00034498-00035620 I CARRY IT WITH ALL THOSE THOUGHTS IN MIND TO UNDERSTAND THAT PEOPLE FOUGHT AND DIED pXrEJVde3Ck-00060-00035620-00036125 FOR THIS COUNTRY - YOU KNOW TRUE HEROES LIKE NICK CHECQUE, HERO ON THAT MISSION, HE pXrEJVde3Ck-00061-00036125-00036888 WAS THE ONE WHO SACRIFICED EVERYTHING TO BRING BACK A FELLOW AMERICAN AND THAT IS THE pXrEJVde3Ck-00062-00036888-00037401 TRUE EMBODIMENT OF THE BROTHERHOOD IS THAT AT THE END OF THE DAY, IF WE HAVE TO, WE WILL LAY pXrEJVde3Ck-00063-00037401-00037629 DOWN OUR LIVES FOR YOU. pXrEJVde3Ck-00064-00037850-00038188 TAKE ME BACK TO YOUR CHILDHOOD, WHAT WERE YOUR HEROES LIKE THEN? pXrEJVde3Ck-00065-00038406-00039100 MY HEROES WERE WHAT I READ IN MILITARY BOOKS, THE PEOPLE THAT LIVED IN SECRECY THAT DID pXrEJVde3Ck-00066-00039100-00039781 HARD MISSIONS AND MY DAD KIND OF EMBODIED THAT. HE WAS A VERY TOUGH MAN. HE WAS IN THE pXrEJVde3Ck-00067-00039781-00040196 VERY END OF WORLD WAR II, HE NEVER TALKED ABOUT ANYTHING HE DID. HE DID MANY OTHER THINGS pXrEJVde3Ck-00068-00040196-00040687 IN HIS LIFE AND HE RARELY EVER TALKED ABOUT THAT. I WAS TALKING TO A REALLY GOOD FRIEND OF MINE THE pXrEJVde3Ck-00069-00040687-00041469 OTHER DAY AND HE HAD AN AMAZING QUOTE ABOUT HOW OUR COMMUNITY THINKS IN A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE pXrEJVde3Ck-00070-00041469-00042219 AND IT REALLY RINGS TRUE. HE SAID, "YOU KNOW, WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO LOOK BACK. WE'RE ALWAYS pXrEJVde3Ck-00071-00042219-00042927 LOOKING FORWARD." AND THAT'S EXACTLY RIGHT, OUR COMMUNITY IS ALWAYS LOOKING FORWARD AND pXrEJVde3Ck-00072-00042927-00043437 YOU NEVER REST ON YOUR LAURELS. YOU KNOW YOU RECOGNIZE CERTAIN ACTIONS THAT HAVE HAPPENED pXrEJVde3Ck-00073-00043437-00043980 IN THE PAST, BUT THOSE ARE IN THE PAST AND NOW WHAT'S THE NEXT THING? WHAT'S OUR NEXT pXrEJVde3Ck-00074-00043980-00044108 MOUNTAIN WE HAVE TO CONQUER? pXrEJVde3Ck-00075-00044268-00044782 THIS SEEMS LIKE THIS WAS NOT THE GOAL TO OBTAIN THIS, YET HERE YOU ARE AND NOW THAT YOU'VE pXrEJVde3Ck-00076-00044783-00045312 BEEN BESTOWED WITH THAT TITLE A HERO. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO COPE WITH THAT? WHAT DO YOU pXrEJVde3Ck-00077-00045312-00045777 WANT TO DO WITH THAT? HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH FOLKS THAT ARE GOING TO BE LOOKING AT YOU pXrEJVde3Ck-00078-00045777-00045966 NOW AND SAYING 'HEY YOU'RE NOW THAT HERO?' pXrEJVde3Ck-00079-00045966-00046569 I DEFINITELY WOULD NOT DEFINE MYSELF AS A HERO. THAT'S DEFINITELY NOT A TERM YOU SHOULD pXrEJVde3Ck-00080-00046569-00047386 BESTOW UPON YOURSELF. A GROUP OF PEOPLE THAT I WORK WITH FELT THAT WHAT I DID WAS DESERVING pXrEJVde3Ck-00081-00047386-00048081 OF THIS AWARD. THE HEROES I THINK OF IS, AND I CAN'T SAY THIS ENOUGH, IS THE PEOPLE I pXrEJVde3Ck-00082-00048081-00048811 WORK WITH. THEY'VE DONE SO MANY THINGS THAT WILL NEVER BE RECOGNIZED DESERVING OF THIS pXrEJVde3Ck-00083-00048811-00049616 AWARD TEN TIMES OVER AND JUST FOR SOME REASON OR ANOTHER HE DID NOT HAPPEN. SO I CAN ONLY pXrEJVde3Ck-00084-00049616-00050646 HOPE THAT BEING A REPRESENTATIVE OF OUR COMMUNITY, THAT MY FELLOW BROTHERS WOULD BE PROUD OF pXrEJVde3Ck-00085-00050646-00050940 WHAT I'M SAYING AND HOW I'M HANDLING MYSELF. pXrEJVde3Ck-00086-00051012-00051374 DO YOU FEEL RIGHT NOW THAT IS HAPPENING? I MEAN HOW IS THE REACTION? pXrEJVde3Ck-00087-00051375-00051921 A LOT OF GOOD REACTIONS, LIKE FELLOW BROTHERS THEY'RE GOING TO GIVE YOU A JOSTLING HERE pXrEJVde3Ck-00088-00051921-00052555 AND THERE AND TAKE SOME COMMENTS IN THE NEWSPAPERS AND POKE FUN OF YOU, BUT THAT'S TO BE EXPECTED pXrEJVde3Ck-00089-00052555-00053112 AND THAT'S HOW YOU KNOW YOU'RE LOVED A LITTLE BIT BECAUSE IF THEY WEREN'T DOING THAT YOU HAVE A PROBLEM. pXrEJVde3Ck-00090-00053176-00053427 DO YOU NOW FEEL YOU'VE ESTABLISHED A STANDARD pXrEJVde3Ck-00091-00053427-00053620 THAT IS GOING TO BE SO HARD TO PASS? pXrEJVde3Ck-00092-00053678-00054360 YOU KNOW I THINK I'VE CARRIED A STANDARD THAT WAS TAUGHT TO ME WHEN I WAS FIRST CAME INTO pXrEJVde3Ck-00093-00054360-00054913 THIS COMMUNITY AND THAT'S THE UNIQUENESS OF GOING TO SEAL TRAINING IS - THAT FROM THE pXrEJVde3Ck-00094-00054913-00055625 VERY BEGINNING IT REMOVES ALL YOUR INDIVIDUALISTIC QUALITIES. YOU KNOW WE HAVE THE SAYING: 'TEAM pXrEJVde3Ck-00095-00055625-00056061 GEAR, YOUR GEAR, THEN YOURSELF' AND THAT'S THE PROCESS IN WHICH YOU LOOK AT THINGS AND pXrEJVde3Ck-00096-00056061-00056676 YOU DO THINGS AND AS LONG AS YOU KEEP THOSE IN FOCUS YOU CAN NEVER GO WRONG. pXrEJVde3Ck-00097-00056676-00057063 DO YOU KIND OF FEEL THAT TRAINING THEN HAS EQUIPPED YOU NOW FOR WHAT'S GOING TO BE AN pXrEJVde3Ck-00098-00057063-00057892 AVALANCHE OF ANGULATION, ADMIRATION, SINGLED OUT? DOES THAT AT LEAST PREPARE YOU FOR THAT? pXrEJVde3Ck-00099-00057992-00058885 ABSOLUTELY. EVERYTHING WE TAKE, EVERYTHING, EVERY ACTION WE HAVE IS IN EFFECT A MISSION. pXrEJVde3Ck-00100-00058885-00059350 IT'S A TASK YOU HAVE TO ACCOMPLISH. ANYTHING YOU DO IN YOUR DAY, SO AS LONG AS YOU BREAK pXrEJVde3Ck-00101-00059350-00060160 IT DOWN AND DEFINED INTO THOSE BOXES, YOU GO AT THE SAME WAY YOU GO AT EVERYTHING ELSE pXrEJVde3Ck-00102-00060160-00060284 IN LIFE. pXrEJVde3Ck-00103-00060316-00060758 HOW ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE THIS NOW AND APPLY IT TO THAT NEXT GENERATION OR FOR THOSE BRAND pXrEJVde3Ck-00104-00060758-00061160 NEW SAILORS COMING IN THAT SAY: "I WANT TO JOIN THIS COMMUNITY OR I WANT TO DO THIS OR pXrEJVde3Ck-00105-00061160-00061364 I WANT TO END UP LIKE THAT GUY?" pXrEJVde3Ck-00106-00061562-00062160 THE ONLY YOU CAN SAY TO THAT IS IF THAT'S WHAT YOU TRULY BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART GO AFTER pXrEJVde3Ck-00107-00062161-00063057 YOUR DREAMS DON'T WORRY ABOUT WHAT ANYONE ELSE SAYS, FOLLOW THAT, WORK HARD, NEVER QUIT pXrEJVde3Ck-00108-00063057-00063291 AND YOU CAN BE PART OF THAT BROTHERHOOD. pXrEJVde3Ck-00109-00063462-00064038 WHAT WERE YOUR THOUGHT GOING INTO THAT PARTICULAR OPERATION THAT YOU LOOK BACK NOW THAT TELLS pXrEJVde3Ck-00110-00064039-00064219 YOU WHAT CARRIED YOU THOUGH THIS? pXrEJVde3Ck-00111-00064326-00064860 FOR MY ENTIRE CAREER, EVERY DEPLOYMENT, EVERY SINGLE MISSION I'VE BEEN ON I'VE ALWAYS WORE pXrEJVde3Ck-00112-00064860-00065742 ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL PATCH. I GOT IT OFF OF A SEAL THE FIRST TIME I EVER WENT TO IRAQ pXrEJVde3Ck-00113-00065742-00066305 AND I'VE ALWAYS SAID THAT PRAYER BECAUSE IT'S A WARRIORS' PRAYER. GOING INTO EVERY OPERATION pXrEJVde3Ck-00114-00066305-00066902 WE'VE EVER DID. AND I WOULD TAKE THAT PATCH AND I WOULD PUT IT ON OUR TEAM HUT WHEN WE pXrEJVde3Ck-00115-00066902-00067585 WEREN'T GOING OUT AND THEN I WOULD TAKE IT OFF AND PUT IT ON MY BODY ARMOR WHEN WE WOULD pXrEJVde3Ck-00116-00067585-00068347 LEAVE FOR THAT MISSION. SO THAT WAS A SUSTAINING GRACE WHICH GIVES YOU A SENSE OF - pXrEJVde3Ck-00117-00068347-00069083 GAVE ME A SENSE OF CALM. THE TRAINING THOUGH IS - AFTER THAT IS THE INSTINCTUAL TRAINING. pXrEJVde3Ck-00118-00069083-00069556 WE'VE REHEARSED THIS STUFF SO MUCH THAT IN THOSE MOMENTS OF SPLIT SECOND LIFE AND DEATH pXrEJVde3Ck-00119-00069556-00070426 DECISIONS YOU JUST REACT AND I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT IF THERE WAS ANYONE ELSE IN MY POSITION pXrEJVde3Ck-00120-00070426-00070898 AT THAT TIME THAT ANYONE OF MY TEAMMATES THAT WOULD HAVE DONE THE EXACT SAME THING. pXrEJVde3Ck-00121-00071036-00071604 DID YOU FEEL NOW READING THE CITATION THAT PLAYING IT BACK IN YOUR MIND THAT WAS A MEDAL pXrEJVde3Ck-00122-00071605-00071901 OF HONOR MOMENT? I MEAN THAT'S GOT TO BE HARD TO PROCESS. pXrEJVde3Ck-00123-00072212-00073228 SOME THINGS ARE HARD TO PROCESS. TO ME I WAS JUST DOING MY JOB. ONCE AGAIN WHY WE DON'T pXrEJVde3Ck-00124-00073229-00074000 AWARD OURSELVES THINGS, THAT'S WHY THERE'S OTHER PEOPLE THAT ARE THERE TO DO THAT TO pXrEJVde3Ck-00125-00074000-00074220 HAVE AN OUTSIDE LOOK AND OUTSIDE PERSPECTIVE. pXrEJVde3Ck-00126-00074344-00074832 YOU'VE MENTIONED YOU'VE GOT YOUR FAMILY KIND OF IN TOW ON THIS WHIRLWIND THAT KIND pXrEJVde3Ck-00127-00074832-00075283 OF - THAT CARRIES WITH IT - HAS ANY OF YOUR FRIENDS OR FOLKS FROM YOUR OLD HOMETOWN pXrEJVde3Ck-00128-00075283-00075851 START RISING UP AND SAY "WAIT A MINUTE" HAVE YOU HEARD FROM ALL THE FOLKS BACK HOME YET? pXrEJVde3Ck-00129-00075930-00076348 I HAD A LOT OF FRIENDS FROM BACK HOME AND THROUGHOUT MY PAST THAT ACTUALLY CAME HERE, pXrEJVde3Ck-00130-00076348-00076941 SO IT'S A VERY INTERESTING MIX OF BRINGING OLD FRIENDS WITH NEW FRIENDS AND LISTEN TO pXrEJVde3Ck-00131-00076941-00077444 OLD STORIES WITH NEW STORIES, SO I'M SURE THERE WILL BE A LOT MORE HECKLING IN MY LIFE pXrEJVde3Ck-00132-00077444-00077942 WITH THAT I'LL TAKE WITH THESE NEW STORIES AND THAT'S A GOOD THING. pXrEJVde3Ck-00133-00078008-00078422 THERE'S AN INTERESTING SHOT AT THE CEREMONY THAT CAMERA KIND OF PANNED OVER AND THERE pXrEJVde3Ck-00134-00078423-00078864 WERE THE OTHER RECIPIENTS STANDING THERE AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO ARTICULATE OR EXPLAIN pXrEJVde3Ck-00135-00078864-00079489 IT BUT YOU GUYS HAD THE SAME LOOK ON YOUR FACE HOW IS THAT BROTHERHOOD NOW? HAVE YOU pXrEJVde3Ck-00136-00079489-00079901 HAD THE CHANCE TO KIND OF SIT DOWN WITH THOSE FOLKS AND GO 'WOW'? pXrEJVde3Ck-00137-00079974-00080398 I HAVE HAD A CHANCE TO SIT DOWN WITH SOME OF THEM AND THEY'RE TRULY REMARKABLE MEN. pXrEJVde3Ck-00138-00080399-00081347 WHAT THEY DID FOR THEIR NATION AND DEFENSE OF OUR FREEDOMS IS HEROIC AND IF PEOPLE HAVE pXrEJVde3Ck-00139-00081347-00081824 THE OPPORTUNITY TO MEET THEM I SUGGEST THEY SIT DOWN AND TO LISTEN TO THEIR STORY BECAUSE pXrEJVde3Ck-00140-00081824-00082174 THEY'RE INSPIRING AND THEY HAVE A LOT OF GOOD INSIGHT INTO LIFE. pXrEJVde3Ck-00141-00082282-00082596 YOU'RE NOW ONE OF THEM, HOW DOES THAT FEEL? pXrEJVde3Ck-00142-00082648-00083406 I'M NOT SURE I'VE PROCESSED THAT YET. RIGHT NOW I'M JUST SAME OLD ED, YOU KNOW CONTINUING pXrEJVde3Ck-00143-00083406-00083677 TO DO MY JOB AND WANTING TO GET BACK TO MY BROTHERS. pXrEJVde3Ck-00144-00083677-00084004 IS THERE ANY PART OF THE STORY, NOW KEEP IN MIND THAT THERE WILL BE SAILORS LOOKING AT pXrEJVde3Ck-00145-00084004-00084566 THIS - JUST SAILORS OF EVERY WALK OF LIFE - WHAT DO YOU WANT THEM TO TAKE AWAY FROM THIS? pXrEJVde3Ck-00146-00084648-00085499 THIS COMMUNITY IS TRULY UNIQUE. EVEN SITTING HERE AND TRYING TO DESCRIBE IT IS COMING NOWHERE pXrEJVde3Ck-00147-00085499-00086088 CLOSE TO DOING IT JUSTICE AND IF IT'S SOMETHING THEY WANT TO DO, THAT THEY SHOULD GO AFTER pXrEJVde3Ck-00148-00086088-00086895 THEIR DREAMS. NO MATTER IF IT'S THIS OR ANYTHING IN LIFE IS THEY NEED TO WORK HARD. THAT IS pXrEJVde3Ck-00149-00086895-00087505 TO CORE ESSENCE OF OUR COMMUNITY IS HARD WORK, UNRELENTING HARD WORK. THE SACRIFICES WE MAKE, pXrEJVde3Ck-00150-00087505-00088207 THE SACRIFICES YOU KNOW MY WIFE, MY DAUGHTER MAKES. EVERYONE THAT'S BEHIND THE SCENES THAT pXrEJVde3Ck-00151-00088207-00089079 DOESN'T GET ANY OF THE CREDIT. THIS REALLY IS A COMMUNITY OF BROTHERS AND THE FAMILIES pXrEJVde3Ck-00152-00089079-00089701 THAT GO BEHIND IT AND SUPPORT THAT IS WHAT KEEPS US DOING THAT JOB BECAUSE WITHOUT THEM pXrEJVde3Ck-00153-00089701-00090672 WE COULDN'T. SO THEY HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THAT THAT SUPPORT NETWORK IS STRONG AS LONG AS pXrEJVde3Ck-00154-00090672-00091382 THEY DO THAT AND DEVELOP THAT SENSE OF TEAMWORK, THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES TO ACCOMPLISH pXrEJVde3Ck-00155-00091382-00091451 THINGS IN LIFE. pXrEJVde3Ck-00156-00091451-00091897 I WANT TO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TAKING THIS TIME AND SITTING WITH US AND JUST CHATTING pXrEJVde3Ck-00157-00091897-00092173 AND AGAIN CONGRATULATIONS IS NOT A BIG ENOUGH WORD. pXrEJVde3Ck-00158-00092173-00092261 THANK YOU. pXrEJVde3Ck-00159-00092261-00092314 THANK YOU VERY MUCH. pXrEJVde3Ck-00160-00092314-00092364 THANKS. pY-2NOwKKn8-00000-00000016-00000144 just do it pY-2NOwKKn8-00001-00000600-00001592 do it just do it pY-2NOwKKn8-00002-00002640-00003144 just do it don't let your dreams be dreams pY-2NOwKKn8-00003-00003144-00004040 hard work yesterday you said tomorrow so just do it make your dreams come true just do it pY-2NOwKKn8-00004-00004352-00004768 some people dream of success while you're gonna wake up and work hard at it pY-2NOwKKn8-00005-00004768-00005472 nothing is impossible just do it you should get to the point where anyone else would quit pY-2NOwKKn8-00006-00005472-00006280 and you're not gonna stop there no what are you waiting for do it time to go and earn my pain pY-2NOwKKn8-00007-00006488-00007184 do it yes you can just do it pY-2NOwKKn8-00008-00007623-00009632 stop giving up you pcf-w5RDilA-00000-00000050-00000185 Hello people of World; pcf-w5RDilA-00001-00000185-00000298 and welcome to pcf-w5RDilA-00002-00000298-00000498 Mikey's Cook...™ pcf-w5RDilA-00003-00000538-00000986 *choking noises* pcf-w5RDilA-00004-00001028-00001228 *snoring* pcf-w5RDilA-00005-00001369-00001432 ..what? pcf-w5RDilA-00006-00001432-00001492 uh.. pcf-w5RDilA-00007-00001492-00001555 ... pcf-w5RDilA-00008-00001600-00001750 Yuh what's up people pcf-w5RDilA-00009-00001750-00001800 welcome to pcf-w5RDilA-00010-00001800-00002000 Mikey's Kitchen cookine showewe™ pcf-w5RDilA-00011-00002157-00002327 {you look so relaxed} pcf-w5RDilA-00012-00002340-00002540 *laughter* pcf-w5RDilA-00013-00002592-00002746 *laughter cont.* pcf-w5RDilA-00014-00002746-00002946 {it's so incredible... ah} pcf-w5RDilA-00015-00002963-00003013 *snort* pcf-w5RDilA-00016-00003188-00003388 Hello people of the woarld pcf-w5RDilA-00017-00003509-00003616 I yem ur shhef pcf-w5RDilA-00018-00003616-00003689 The Mikey™ pcf-w5RDilA-00019-00003689-00003778 and this is pcf-w5RDilA-00020-00003778-00003936 Mikey with sheffing™ pcf-w5RDilA-00021-00003936-00004136 *audience cheering* pcf-w5RDilA-00022-00004150-00004256 *laughter* pcf-w5RDilA-00023-00004314-00004538 *choking cont.* pcf-w5RDilA-00024-00004538-00004671 Sorry about the delay! pcf-w5RDilA-00025-00004671-00004774 I am back! pcf-w5RDilA-00026-00004774-00004854 For more pcf-w5RDilA-00027-00004854-00004922 ..... pcf-w5RDilA-00028-00004936-00004986 *snort* pcf-w5RDilA-00029-00004986-00005072 ..what? pcf-w5RDilA-00030-00005072-00005148 oh.. pcf-w5RDilA-00031-00005148-00005235 huh?! pcf-w5RDilA-00032-00005235-00005322 Oh right! pcf-w5RDilA-00033-00005322-00005416 The Show™! pcf-w5RDilA-00034-00005416-00005584 Welcome everyone to pcf-w5RDilA-00035-00005584-00005734 Mikey's Kitchen™ pcf-w5RDilA-00036-00005734-00005784 woah. pcf-w5RDilA-00037-00005784-00005834 ..... pcf-w5RDilA-00038-00005834-00005989 *laughing track* Kooking Showe™ pcf-w5RDilA-00039-00006048-00006187 We have today pcf-w5RDilA-00040-00006200-00006400 with our famous cleaver pcf-w5RDilA-00041-00006618-00006818 ...and we are here... pcf-w5RDilA-00042-00006867-00007000 uh... pcf-w5RDilA-00043-00007040-00007126 What do we have today? pcf-w5RDilA-00044-00007233-00007377 {Come on!} *laughter* pcf-w5RDilA-00045-00007385-00007472 ALRIEGHT!!!! pcf-w5RDilA-00046-00007478-00007706 We are going to be cooking today pcf-w5RDilA-00047-00007731-00007832 using our pcf-w5RDilA-00048-00007832-00008011 finest cleeevar pcf-w5RDilA-00049-00008084-00008144 *laughter* pcf-w5RDilA-00050-00008150-00008287 Say "Hello" Cleaver™ pcf-w5RDilA-00051-00008287-00008409 (Hi everybody!) pcf-w5RDilA-00052-00008409-00008478 *audience awww* pcf-w5RDilA-00053-00008480-00008563 We have a pcf-w5RDilA-00054-00008563-00008676 Headcrab and a Boot™ pcf-w5RDilA-00055-00008683-00008755 o.k. pcf-w5RDilA-00056-00008760-00008826 a Head Boot™ pcf-w5RDilA-00057-00008828-00008905 I don't know... pcf-w5RDilA-00058-00008924-00008974 oh.. pcf-w5RDilA-00059-00008974-00009024 ..... pcf-w5RDilA-00060-00009024-00009224 We are going to be making pcf-w5RDilA-00061-00009232-00009360 aaaaaahead... pcf-w5RDilA-00062-00009360-00009448 ...boot™ pcf-w5RDilA-00063-00009580-00009766 We will be cooking a... pcf-w5RDilA-00064-00009766-00009942 What do we have on the dinner today? pcf-w5RDilA-00065-00009961-00010130 we have a Headcrab pcf-w5RDilA-00066-00010151-00010276 and a Boot pcf-w5RDilA-00067-00010284-00010404 a Head Boot™ pcf-w5RDilA-00068-00010413-00010538 I guess it's called a Head Boot™ pcf-w5RDilA-00069-00010538-00010695 I don't know wha we wa wanna call it pcf-w5RDilA-00070-00010722-00010842 Yes! pcf-w5RDilA-00071-00010842-00011018 With the finest Headcrabs pcf-w5RDilA-00072-00011100-00011268 and the finest Boots pcf-w5RDilA-00073-00011268-00011318 then you... pcf-w5RDilA-00074-00011324-00011400 OH!!! pcf-w5RDilA-00075-00011405-00011523 EW IT'S ON THE FLOOR pcf-w5RDilA-00076-00011523-00011616 OH GOSH pcf-w5RDilA-00077-00011616-00011743 THE GERMS pcf-w5RDilA-00078-00011839-00011913 Oh. pcf-w5RDilA-00079-00011913-00012055 uh. wha wokay pcf-w5RDilA-00080-00012072-00012174 I mean... pcf-w5RDilA-00081-00012216-00012352 Oh hey look drinks! pcf-w5RDilA-00082-00012352-00012443 Let's go!!! pcf-w5RDilA-00083-00012502-00012567 *GHEH* pcf-w5RDilA-00084-00012567-00012647 *HEEH* pcf-w5RDilA-00085-00012659-00012773 Get off there! pcf-w5RDilA-00086-00012788-00012915 Five second rule! pcf-w5RDilA-00087-00012919-00013035 *laughter* pcf-w5RDilA-00088-00013043-00013153 alright first things first pcf-w5RDilA-00089-00013153-00013353 ya gotta clean up your station pcf-w5RDilA-00090-00013362-00013507 I wanna take this drink pcf-w5RDilA-00091-00013507-00013586 Yeaaaah! pcf-w5RDilA-00092-00013586-00013661 uuuuuhh pcf-w5RDilA-00093-00013815-00013941 alright we gotta clean up our table pcf-w5RDilA-00094-00013941-00014008 if we gonna make our pcf-w5RDilA-00095-00014008-00014079 Head Boot™ pcf-w5RDilA-00096-00014158-00014224 ALREIGHT! pcf-w5RDilA-00097-00014237-00014287 First pcf-w5RDilA-00098-00014287-00014487 we need to clean our desk! pcf-w5RDilA-00099-00014502-00014702 I've been drinking too much last night pcf-w5RDilA-00100-00014925-00015000 HIYAAH!! pcf-w5RDilA-00101-00015159-00015261 HIYAH!! pcf-w5RDilA-00102-00015285-00015357 *laughter* pcf-w5RDilA-00103-00015370-00015486 HI..YA..HA!! pcf-w5RDilA-00104-00015553-00015663 HIYAAH!! pcf-w5RDilA-00105-00015716-00015766 ..... pcf-w5RDilA-00106-00015766-00015816 this. pcf-w5RDilA-00107-00015816-00015901 Get over here pcf-w5RDilA-00108-00015901-00016008 HIYAH!! pcf-w5RDilA-00109-00016018-00016139 Let's clean it! pcf-w5RDilA-00110-00016144-00016230 Yeaaaaa!! pcf-w5RDilA-00111-00016407-00016546 ..if we're going to make our Head Boot™ pcf-w5RDilA-00112-00016839-00016904 yeeea! pcf-w5RDilA-00113-00016930-00017130 ...and let's clean ourselves! pcf-w5RDilA-00114-00017227-00017400 Alright the tables clean pcf-w5RDilA-00115-00017400-00017585 let's put on the Cooking Show™ pcf-w5RDilA-00116-00017594-00017673 Now it's all good pcf-w5RDilA-00117-00017673-00017873 we can get our cleaver ready pcf-w5RDilA-00118-00017995-00018195 we can get our cleaver ready#2 pcf-w5RDilA-00119-00018298-00018371 we can get... pcf-w5RDilA-00120-00018442-00018642 we can get out cleaver ready#3 pcf-w5RDilA-00121-00018828-00018992 We take one slab pcf-w5RDilA-00122-00018992-00019126 of Headcrab pcf-w5RDilA-00123-00019174-00019304 and we take another slab pcf-w5RDilA-00124-00019304-00019400 of Boot pcf-w5RDilA-00125-00019573-00019659 I can't reach pcf-w5RDilA-00126-00019659-00019731 The Boot™ pcf-w5RDilA-00127-00019844-00019962 Cleaver!! pcf-w5RDilA-00128-00020099-00020299 We put the cleaver on the cleave pcf-w5RDilA-00129-00020337-00020400 *laughter* pcf-w5RDilA-00130-00020423-00020623 and now we take keHeadcrab pcf-w5RDilA-00131-00020648-00020807 and put it on the Red™ pcf-w5RDilA-00132-00021148-00021290 {you're so close} pcf-w5RDilA-00133-00021301-00021357 I cannot... pcf-w5RDilA-00134-00021357-00021459 I reached The Boot™ pcf-w5RDilA-00135-00021465-00021589 *laughter* pcf-w5RDilA-00136-00021589-00021789 Let's put the Boot™ on the poot! pcf-w5RDilA-00137-00021864-00021934 hweh pcf-w5RDilA-00138-00022064-00022229 now we take our Boot pcf-w5RDilA-00139-00022229-00022354 the finest Boot pcf-w5RDilA-00140-00022483-00022583 my boot? pcf-w5RDilA-00141-00022677-00022727 WAIT! pcf-w5RDilA-00142-00022728-00022846 WHY AM I MISSING A BOOT?! pcf-w5RDilA-00143-00022851-00022901 WHERE'D MY BO... pcf-w5RDilA-00144-00022901-00023000 OH IT'S RIGHT HERE!! pcf-w5RDilA-00145-00023000-00023074 OH I NEED THE... pcf-w5RDilA-00146-00023074-00023124 UHH.. pcf-w5RDilA-00147-00023124-00023227 WELL IT'S TOO LATE NOW pcf-w5RDilA-00148-00023354-00023554 Now we take thlee sthlices pcf-w5RDilA-00149-00023555-00023655 into Boot pcf-w5RDilA-00150-00023655-00023734 one... two... pcf-w5RDilA-00151-00023734-00023800 three pcf-w5RDilA-00152-00023813-00023952 Now we do some more for.. pcf-w5RDilA-00153-00023952-00024044 CrHeadcrab pcf-w5RDilA-00154-00024044-00024175 *slasher theme intensifies* pcf-w5RDilA-00155-00024193-00024243 Alright! pcf-w5RDilA-00156-00024248-00024301 uhhhhhhh pcf-w5RDilA-00157-00024301-00024365 what we're doing next pcf-w5RDilA-00158-00024370-00024420 agoo pcf-w5RDilA-00159-00024420-00024501 again we cut... pcf-w5RDilA-00160-00024517-00024595 we grab the pcf-w5RDilA-00161-00024595-00024690 cleaver pcf-w5RDilA-00162-00024880-00024983 ...if we can. pcf-w5RDilA-00163-00025087-00025188 ...and now! pcf-w5RDilA-00164-00025188-00025263 we pcf-w5RDilA-00165-00025311-00025511 bring our cleaver over to the fridge pcf-w5RDilA-00166-00025639-00025839 or our Headcrab pcf-w5RDilA-00167-00026024-00026224 We let this cook for a little while pcf-w5RDilA-00168-00026345-00026458 in our freedge pcf-w5RDilA-00169-00026535-00026585 *laughter* pcf-w5RDilA-00170-00026585-00026705 and we use it to cut pcf-w5RDilA-00171-00026706-00026828 the Headcrab pcf-w5RDilA-00172-00026828-00027130 *more slasher theme* BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! pcf-w5RDilA-00173-00027130-00027268 *more slasher theme* and then we cut the boot pcf-w5RDilA-00174-00027268-00027471 *more slasher theme* BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! pcf-w5RDilA-00175-00027471-00027553 *more slasher theme* and then we cut... pcf-w5RDilA-00176-00027553-00027661 *more slasher theme* YOU!!! pcf-w5RDilA-00177-00027709-00027812 Anytime now! pcf-w5RDilA-00178-00028347-00028397 ehhh pcf-w5RDilA-00179-00028511-00028626 right there pcf-w5RDilA-00180-00028683-00028818 *laughter* pcf-w5RDilA-00181-00028847-00028994 RIGHT. THERE. YEA. pcf-w5RDilA-00182-00028994-00029055 It's in pcf-w5RDilA-00183-00029082-00029132 *laughter* pcf-w5RDilA-00184-00029147-00029243 Then we grab our Boot! pcf-w5RDilA-00185-00029514-00029564 ye! pcf-w5RDilA-00186-00029958-00030218 ...and we place the Headcrab into the freedge pcf-w5RDilA-00187-00030490-00030587 *laughter* pcf-w5RDilA-00188-00030789-00030989 ...and we place that into the fridge aswheell pcf-w5RDilA-00189-00031130-00031244 ITS IN!! pcf-w5RDilA-00190-00031364-00031564 ...and now we close the fridge! pcf-w5RDilA-00191-00031629-00031762 Slam it closed pcf-w5RDilA-00192-00031790-00031899 We slam it clo.. pcf-w5RDilA-00193-00031899-00032051 We slam it clo pcf-w5RDilA-00194-00032052-00032234 We slam.. slam it closed pcf-w5RDilA-00195-00032246-00032324 There ya go! pcf-w5RDilA-00196-00032329-00032379 *thud* pcf-w5RDilA-00197-00032385-00032435 *thud* pcf-w5RDilA-00198-00032435-00032528 Good as new! pcf-w5RDilA-00199-00032620-00032769 Let's set uh.... pcf-w5RDilA-00200-00032800-00032908 houghhhhwhaaa pcf-w5RDilA-00201-00032908-00032979 ..set uhh pcf-w5RDilA-00202-00032979-00033136 set the fridge to... pcf-w5RDilA-00203-00033178-00033268 four-fifty pcf-w5RDilA-00204-00033298-00033498 *SPOOKY NOISE* ...preheat it... pcf-w5RDilA-00205-00033525-00033600 Let's cook uh pcf-w5RDilA-00206-00033631-00033681 ahh pcf-w5RDilA-00207-00033695-00033806 Headcraboot™ pcf-w5RDilA-00208-00033865-00033915 yes pcf-w5RDilA-00209-00033956-00034236 ...and we set the fridge to seventy-five degrees Fahren... pcf-w5RDilA-00210-00034236-00034374 Celcius! Celcius! pcf-w5RDilA-00211-00034441-00034641 and we let that cook for a few minutes pcf-w5RDilA-00212-00034668-00034847 we gotta cook in the fridge pcf-w5RDilA-00213-00035224-00035424 ...and then we close it pcf-w5RDilA-00214-00035541-00035741 *woosh* and wait for fourty-five minutes for it to cook pcf-w5RDilA-00215-00036070-00036270 I would like to talk about our today's sponsor pcf-w5RDilA-00216-00036355-00036507 that. CAN pcf-w5RDilA-00217-00036760-00036930 Take a look at the can pcf-w5RDilA-00218-00037000-00037168 It's very precious pcf-w5RDilA-00219-00037169-00037258 and it has it's all pcf-w5RDilA-00220-00037258-00037330 BLUEEE pcf-w5RDilA-00221-00037353-00037451 BLUEEEEEEEEEEEE pcf-w5RDilA-00222-00037451-00037547 IT'S BLUEE pcf-w5RDilA-00223-00037547-00037614 yes pcf-w5RDilA-00224-00037698-00037886 We also got to cook our.. pcf-w5RDilA-00225-00037899-00038008 our drinks pcf-w5RDilA-00226-00038008-00038135 We take our soda pcf-w5RDilA-00227-00038153-00038301 ...that landed perfectly fine. pcf-w5RDilA-00228-00038301-00038463 AND I'M FLYING! pcf-w5RDilA-00229-00038501-00038639 Now this is not just any Can pcf-w5RDilA-00230-00038640-00038800 this is our beverage pcf-w5RDilA-00231-00038818-00039069 We must cook our beverage in the washing machine pcf-w5RDilA-00232-00039177-00039227 ye pcf-w5RDilA-00233-00039326-00039376 *boing* Set your washing machine to five degrees pcf-w5RDilA-00234-00039376-00039576 Set your washing machine to five degrees Celsius pcf-w5RDilA-00235-00039788-00039943 times ten pcf-w5RDilA-00236-00040000-00040200 and wait as your drink boils pcf-w5RDilA-00237-00040253-00040400 Once it's done boiling pcf-w5RDilA-00238-00040405-00040605 we are now fresh to have it! pcf-w5RDilA-00239-00040682-00040760 *AHWUAHW* pcf-w5RDilA-00240-00040959-00041118 Now next time... pcf-w5RDilA-00241-00041162-00041362 We'll be teaching you how to cook... wait pcf-w5RDilA-00242-00041378-00041491 we're already cooking... pcf-w5RDilA-00243-00041491-00041667 we'll teach you how to serve on pcf-w5RDilA-00244-00041667-00041859 Mikey's Cooking Show™ pcf-w5RDilA-00245-00041871-00041959 *LGUHBUB* pcf-w5RDilA-00246-00042024-00042075 AH pcf-w5RDilA-00247-00042112-00042188 UAAHHHH! pcf-w5RDilA-00248-00042426-00042552 thay back to next time pcf-w5RDilA-00249-00042552-00042736 and we'll see what happens after we cook our pcf-w5RDilA-00250-00042736-00042885 Ham Bpruoot™ pcf-w5RDilA-00251-00042905-00043009 Next time on pcf-w5RDilA-00252-00043009-00043209 Mikey's Kitching™ pcf-w5RDilA-00253-00043425-00043577 Stay tuned for the next episode of the pcf-w5RDilA-00254-00043577-00043693 Mikey's Cooking Show™ pcf-w5RDilA-00255-00043693-00043770 and will teach you how to pcf-w5RDilA-00256-00043770-00043835 EAT IT! pcgUNh0bLn0-00001-00013826-00013888 subscribe pelD31_k1Fk-00000-00001015-00002021 welcome back to dare to call him friend and I choose peace today I am blessed to pelD31_k1Fk-00001-00002021-00002732 live in Canada a nation that has not seen war on its soil for hundreds of pelD31_k1Fk-00002-00002732-00003144 years there's no famine or plague or pestilence anywhere close to me pelD31_k1Fk-00003-00003144-00003754 although times have changed as I wrote pelD31_k1Fk-00004-00003754-00004520 this I still have some freedoms to speak my thoughts and practice my faith but pelD31_k1Fk-00005-00004520-00005182 those are becoming a little bit tighter and tighter the restrictions put against pelD31_k1Fk-00006-00005182-00005998 us by the Canadian government but as a woman there are no restrictions of where pelD31_k1Fk-00007-00005998-00006695 I can walk and what I can wear I live in a high-rise and a relatively safe pelD31_k1Fk-00008-00006695-00007189 neighborhood I have access to great health care and an abundance of pelD31_k1Fk-00009-00007189-00007996 nourishing food as I have witnessed third-world poverty firsthand I know pelD31_k1Fk-00010-00007996-00008659 that I am extremely blessed and I give thanks to the Lord for His mercy over me pelD31_k1Fk-00011-00008659-00009313 but to my shame even in the middle of this incredible security God has pelD31_k1Fk-00012-00009313-00010188 provided me I slip into the turmoil of anxious thoughts all too easily my mind pelD31_k1Fk-00013-00010188-00010996 races to the what-if of an unknown future as a single woman who lives on a pelD31_k1Fk-00014-00010996-00011563 disability pension what if I end up forgotten in a state and run a nursing pelD31_k1Fk-00015-00011563-00012559 home what if I fall at home what if I lose my income what if what if I worry pelD31_k1Fk-00016-00012559-00013090 when loved ones are pulled deeper into addictions mental illnesses and spirit pelD31_k1Fk-00017-00013090-00013554 breaking debt when I scan the headlines and read of pelD31_k1Fk-00018-00013554-00013952 wars and rumors of wars Matthew 24 verse 6 pelD31_k1Fk-00019-00013952-00014313 my imagination always paints the worst case scenario pelD31_k1Fk-00020-00014313-00015161 I wrote this several years ago as I said but how true is this pelD31_k1Fk-00021-00015161-00015956 I wonder how soon the trickles of opposition North American Christians pelD31_k1Fk-00022-00015956-00016701 presently experience will become rushing rivers for prosecution yes if I pelD31_k1Fk-00023-00016701-00017361 allow these thoughts a free reign in my mind they will take me to anywhere but pelD31_k1Fk-00024-00017361-00018201 peaceful waters the world's definition of peace is this the absence of wars or pelD31_k1Fk-00025-00018201-00019038 other hostilities and agreement our treaty to end hostilities freedom from pelD31_k1Fk-00026-00019038-00019904 quarrels and disagreement harmonious relations and public security and order pelD31_k1Fk-00027-00019904-00020664 but the peace that God gives is not dependent on my outer circumstances his pelD31_k1Fk-00028-00020664-00021245 peace it does not leave when the world storms against me God's peace doesn't pelD31_k1Fk-00029-00021245-00021858 need everyone around me to be in perfect agreement with me God's peace doesn't pelD31_k1Fk-00030-00021858-00022523 depend on everyone liking me if anything God's supply of peace increases pelD31_k1Fk-00031-00022523-00023253 exponentially during times of adversity however if I am to draw on his great pelD31_k1Fk-00032-00023253-00023951 supply I must allow his peace to rule I can only do so by removing fear and pelD31_k1Fk-00033-00023951-00024783 anxiety from the throne of my heart I have to kick fear and anxiety to the pelD31_k1Fk-00034-00024783-00025548 curb I must leave the what-ifs of tomorrow in his peace I leave with pelD31_k1Fk-00035-00025548-00026310 you my peace I give to you not as the world gives do I give to you let not pelD31_k1Fk-00036-00026310-00027300 your heart be troubled neither let be afraid let's replace the word wet pelD31_k1Fk-00037-00027300-00028302 with the word allow allow not your hearts to be troubled neither let free pelD31_k1Fk-00038-00028302-00028861 God leaves the decision to me I can choose to dwell in his peace or I can pelD31_k1Fk-00039-00028861-00029431 choose to dwell in my anxiety the peace and assurance that accompanied the pelD31_k1Fk-00040-00029431-00030225 martyrs of old as they walked towards their martyrdom is the same peace and pelD31_k1Fk-00041-00030225-00031087 assurance that he offers me today I'm not a name it and claim it type of gal pelD31_k1Fk-00042-00031087-00031695 by any stretch of the imagination however I do understand the power of the pelD31_k1Fk-00043-00031695-00032638 tongue when you are overwhelmed by anxiety and fear don't give them pelD31_k1Fk-00044-00032638-00033478 permission to try to overwhelm you you can kick those suckers to the curb by pelD31_k1Fk-00045-00033478-00034230 allowing the peace of God to rule in your heart I know there's many who are pelD31_k1Fk-00046-00034230-00034991 watching this right now who I've started to get to know and I know your stories pelD31_k1Fk-00047-00034991-00035650 believe me I've gone through some pretty horrific things too but I have learned pelD31_k1Fk-00048-00035650-00036663 this one thing peace will never come to our hearts if we wait for our external pelD31_k1Fk-00049-00036663-00037640 circumstances to fall into alignment peace must come from the inside out I pelD31_k1Fk-00050-00037640-00038686 love you and I am asking Holy Spirit to come to you now and to give you the pelD31_k1Fk-00051-00038686-00039633 courage and strength to start kicking anxiety and fear out of your life serve pelD31_k1Fk-00052-00039633-00040091 them their eviction papers they've been trying to take over pelD31_k1Fk-00053-00040091-00040860 your inner household all too long pgA0VPxcGSk-00000-00000366-00000592 Putting sesame seeds on. pgA0VPxcGSk-00001-00004882-00005092 Let me enjoy food! pgA0VPxcGSk-00002-00005786-00006040 (Love eating raw fish) pgA0VPxcGSk-00003-00006106-00006270 I want to try this raw fish soup fast. pgA0VPxcGSk-00004-00006458-00006645 With string konjac.. pgA0VPxcGSk-00005-00009450-00009564 With wasabi. pgA0VPxcGSk-00006-00013162-00013438 Does anyone dip raw fish into mixed sauce? pgA0VPxcGSk-00007-00013438-00013668 It tastes so nice if eating like that. pgA0VPxcGSk-00008-00014232-00014741 Because gizzard comes without removing bone, be careful when you eat. Bite enough! pgA0VPxcGSk-00009-00020084-00021702 (I eat without saying anything) pgA0VPxcGSk-00010-00025874-00026094 What raw fish soup tastes like is, pgA0VPxcGSk-00011-00026094-00026948 eating spicy raw fish salad with cold noodle broth. pgA0VPxcGSk-00012-00033986-00034116 I am so happy today. pgA0VPxcGSk-00013-00034116-00034434 I didn't sweat. I didn't use fire to cook. pgA0VPxcGSk-00014-00034450-00034654 I enjoyed it with cool very well. pgA0VPxcGSk-00015-00034654-00034984 If you enjoy watching this video, give a thumbs up and subscribe my channel! pgA0VPxcGSk-00016-00034984-00035350 Leave a comment for any good ideas! pgA0VPxcGSk-00017-00035370-00035834 Then I'll see you on the next video. bye bye! piT2aYKzHUk-00000-00000000-00000305 foreign piT2aYKzHUk-00001-00000305-00000505 foreign piT2aYKzHUk-00002-00003276-00003336 that's great piT2aYKzHUk-00003-00003774-00004452 when I can't sleep through the Lonely Nights piT2aYKzHUk-00004-00006234-00008574 with anxiety piT2aYKzHUk-00005-00009000-00009594 me piT2aYKzHUk-00006-00010272-00010926 when I need inspiration piT2aYKzHUk-00007-00012858-00013266 now who can turn me around piT2aYKzHUk-00008-00016662-00017652 if you lost your way you can turn to me piT2aYKzHUk-00009-00020112-00020430 who can turn me around q09tLOydx9M-00000-00001354-00001554 This video contains ALL Bonus Games and Golden Bricks of DINO ISLAND. q09tLOydx9M-00001-00001554-00001748 The order is Golden Bricks -> Bonus Games. q09tLOydx9M-00002-00001748-00001948 For understanding stories, FWD is not used often. q09tLOydx9M-00003-00001948-00002148 This video is taken by using NVIDIA Geforce Experience. q09tLOydx9M-00004-00002877-00003846 Sparky : Hey buddy, do you need some help? q09tLOydx9M-00005-00016478-00017273 Slyboots : Only the bravest racers challenge Sam Sanister. q09tLOydx9M-00006-00017273-00017623 (At LEGO Racers, this character was Sam Sinister. q09tLOydx9M-00007-00017623-00017992 When LEGO Racers 2 was released, there were some name changes. q09tLOydx9M-00008-00017992-00018329 Baron von Barron at LEGO Racers is Sam Sanister at LEGO Racers 2. q09tLOydx9M-00009-00018329-00018696 Sam Sinister at LEGO Racers is Slyboots at LEGO Racers 2, as you can see.) q09tLOydx9M-00010-00019971-00020148 Johnny Thunder : Hello, DRA! q09tLOydx9M-00011-00020148-00020480 DRA : Hi guys. You look worried. What's up? q09tLOydx9M-00012-00020480-00020925 Pippin : Well, we need fuel for our vehicles, q09tLOydx9M-00013-00020925-00021275 otherwise we can't be out and about, helping the dinosaurs. q09tLOydx9M-00014-00021275-00021657 J.Thunder : Unfortunately, we haven't had any supplies delivered to us for weeks, q09tLOydx9M-00015-00021657-00022822 and we've run out of fuel. We need someone to go out and collect some fuel for us. q09tLOydx9M-00016-00022822-00023172 DRA : Don't worry guys. I can do that for you. q09tLOydx9M-00017-00023172-00023676 Pippin : Oh, thank you, DRA. That would be a great help. q09tLOydx9M-00018-00023676-00023982 But you'll need to be quick. q09tLOydx9M-00019-00023982-00024723 There's no telling what trouble the dinosaurs could be getting into without us to keep an eye on them. q09tLOydx9M-00020-00024723-00024975 DRA : I'll do what I can. q09tLOydx9M-00021-00024975-00025278 Sparky : OK buddy, here's the deal. q09tLOydx9M-00022-00025278-00025784 You need to drive out and find the barrels of fuel marked on your map, then bring them back here. q09tLOydx9M-00023-00025784-00027427 Watch out for the guard vehicles! q09tLOydx9M-00024-00027427-00027674 Sparky : Press a button to start! q09tLOydx9M-00025-00039749-00040226 WELL DONE! q09tLOydx9M-00026-00040226-00041211 J.Thunder : Thank you, DRA. You've done us a big favor. We won't forget it! q09tLOydx9M-00027-00041211-00041408 DRA : It was nothing.... q09tLOydx9M-00028-00041408-00041962 Pippin : And to show you how grateful we are, take a car bonus! q09tLOydx9M-00029-00048293-00048460 Pippin : Hello again, DRA. q09tLOydx9M-00030-00048460-00048709 DRA : Hi guys! How's it going? q09tLOydx9M-00031-00048709-00049212 J.Thunder : Not good. I'm afraid, DRA. q09tLOydx9M-00032-00049212-00049651 We needed more fuel than we thought we did. We've almost run out again. q09tLOydx9M-00033-00049651-00049801 DRA : Again?? q09tLOydx9M-00034-00049801-00050654 Pippin : I'm afraid so, DRA. Can you help us, by collecting some more fuel? q09tLOydx9M-00035-00050654-00050906 DRA : I'll see what I can do. q09tLOydx9M-00036-00050906-00051209 Sparky : OK buddy, here's the deal. q09tLOydx9M-00037-00051209-00051716 You need to drive out and find the barrels of fuel marked on your map, then bring them back here. q09tLOydx9M-00038-00051716-00052451 Watch out for the guard vehicles! q09tLOydx9M-00039-00052501-00052660 Sparky : Press a button to start! q09tLOydx9M-00040-00066655-00067146 WELL DONE! q09tLOydx9M-00041-00067146-00067467 (This part is the SAME as scripts after you finish Bonus Games EASY level. q09tLOydx9M-00042-00067467-00067767 Please move back to 6:42 to check scripts.) q0DFwj1eySI-00000-00000384-00000624 In the beginning were only Ukrainians and Polish. q0DFwj1eySI-00001-00000640-00001008 Then they were silent and lost. q0DFwj1eySI-00002-00001011-00001522 And the Spirit of Best Turin hovered upon them. And the Main Organizer said, q0DFwj1eySI-00003-00001532-00001872 "Let they be brought to Turin Metro," and it was so. q0DFwj1eySI-00004-00001902-00002424 And the Main Organizer beheld that the Metro Crawling was not good, and brought them to Xò. q0DFwj1eySI-00005-00002436-00002812 The participants had themselves entertained, and 'twas good. q0DFwj1eySI-00006-00002812-00003136 And there was evening and there was morning, the first day. q0DFwj1eySI-00007-00003136-00003356 And the Main Organizer said, q0DFwj1eySI-00008-00003515-00003932 "Let they dress up as prostitutes, and let they go to Centralino," q0DFwj1eySI-00009-00003932-00004486 And it was so, and the participants had themselves entertained. And the Main Organizer saw that it was good. q0DFwj1eySI-00010-00004496-00004812 And there was evening, and there was morning, the second day. q0DFwj1eySI-00011-00004812-00005472 And the Main Organizer said, "Let they be brought around for pubs, to cheat and steal random things," q0DFwj1eySI-00012-00005474-00005698 And it was so. q0DFwj1eySI-00013-00005786-00006020 It really was so! q0DFwj1eySI-00014-00006096-00006512 The participants had themselves entertained, and the Main Organizer saw that it was good. q0DFwj1eySI-00015-00006522-00006838 And there was evening and there was morning, the third day. q0DFwj1eySI-00016-00006876-00007090 Then the Main Organizer said, q0DFwj1eySI-00017-00007178-00007580 "Now, let the Main Organizer and the President entertain themselves," q0DFwj1eySI-00018-00007608-00008192 And it was so, and the participants had them drunk, and the Main Organizer did not recall shit of that night! q0DFwj1eySI-00019-00008348-00008510 But they had themselves entertained. q0DFwj1eySI-00020-00008558-00008950 And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day. q0DFwj1eySI-00021-00008980-00009164 And then the Main Organizer said, q0DFwj1eySI-00022-00009190-00009708 "Let the participants prove their wit and solve an unfathomable mystery," q0DFwj1eySI-00023-00009742-00010116 And it was so, and the participants had themselves entertained. q0DFwj1eySI-00024-00010116-00010414 And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day. q0DFwj1eySI-00025-00010464-00010998 And then the main organizer said, "Let the participants rest on this day," q0DFwj1eySI-00026-00011026-00011214 And this was not good. q0DFwj1eySI-00027-00011228-00011686 And the Main Organizer, in fact, was punished for this. q0DFwj1eySI-00028-00011690-00011950 He became sick, and he almost perished. q0DFwj1eySI-00029-00012018-00012408 But it still was good, because the participants had themselves entertained. q0DFwj1eySI-00030-00012470-00012748 And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. q0DFwj1eySI-00031-00012810-00013086 And the Main Organized said from his deathbed, q0DFwj1eySI-00032-00013097-00013563 "The time has come to account these invaders, healthy carriers of vodka, q0DFwj1eySI-00033-00013584-00013819 "For the moors they have landed to, q0DFwj1eySI-00034-00013874-00014538 "Descend to depth of the Underworld of S. Salvario, warm your uvulae, tune your instruments, q0DFwj1eySI-00035-00014550-00014766 "And make the guts of Turin shiver," q0DFwj1eySI-00036-00014791-00015116 And apparently, this was so, too. q0DFwj1eySI-00037-00015122-00015368 And the Main Organizer knew that it was good. q0DFwj1eySI-00038-00015386-00015694 And there was evening, and there was morning, the seventh day. q0DFwj1eySI-00039-00015724-00016602 And thus, twenty Beasts from Poland and Ukraine brought back to their lands the witness that Best Turin still lives and roars after 25 years. q0DFwj1eySI-00040-00016660-00016798 The end. q0E0hgOA1e4-00000-00000520-00000730 [Dr. Teri Manolio] What we thought we'd do this morning is get a little bit q0E0hgOA1e4-00001-00000730-00001120 more into some of the details of genetic association studies. q0E0hgOA1e4-00002-00001120-00001500 And I think we forgot to mention yesterday that we did want q0E0hgOA1e4-00003-00001500-00001700 to get some course evaluations from you, so we'll be passing q0E0hgOA1e4-00004-00001700-00001920 those out at the break, and if you would fill q0E0hgOA1e4-00005-00001920-00002220 them out, at the end, obviously, that would be very helpful, q0E0hgOA1e4-00006-00002220-00002420 and just leave them at the front there. q0E0hgOA1e4-00007-00002420-00002750 Okay, so the things that I was going to cover this hour q0E0hgOA1e4-00008-00002750-00003010 were discrete and quantitative traits, q0E0hgOA1e4-00009-00003010-00003300 measures of association, false positives, q0E0hgOA1e4-00010-00003300-00003610 quality control, which is a big issue, then sort of initial q0E0hgOA1e4-00011-00003610-00003929 looks at the data with what are called Q-Q plots, q0E0hgOA1e4-00012-00003929-00004200 odds ratios, which you all are quite familiar with, q0E0hgOA1e4-00013-00004200-00004400 but how they're calculated in genetic studies, q0E0hgOA1e4-00014-00004400-00004750 and then a little bit of transmission and interactions. q0E0hgOA1e4-00015-00004750-00004920 And because we're being quantitative, q0E0hgOA1e4-00016-00004920-00005100 "Yes, I know that, Sidney, everybody knows that, q0E0hgOA1e4-00017-00005100-00005340 but look, four wrongs squared minus two wrongs to the four, q0E0hgOA1e4-00018-00005340-00005650 yes -- divided by three, by this formula do make a right." q0E0hgOA1e4-00019-00005650-00006060 So Gary was also a very quantitative person. q0E0hgOA1e4-00020-00006060-00006409 Quantitative genetics is actually something that q0E0hgOA1e4-00021-00006409-00006650 we don't tend to learn in high school and college. q0E0hgOA1e4-00022-00006650-00007040 We tend to focus more on the qualitative components, q0E0hgOA1e4-00023-00007040-00007240 but the quantitative is concerned with inheritance q0E0hgOA1e4-00024-00007240-00007440 of differences between individuals that are q0E0hgOA1e4-00025-00007440-00007630 of degree rather than of kind. q0E0hgOA1e4-00026-00007630-00007820 I kind of like the way they put this, q0E0hgOA1e4-00027-00007820-00008130 so I quoted Falconer and Mackay; this textbook of quantitative q0E0hgOA1e4-00028-00008130-00008400 genetics is really -- it's very readable, q0E0hgOA1e4-00029-00008400-00008650 and really the classic in the field, so if you're interested q0E0hgOA1e4-00030-00008650-00008940 in reading more, I would highly suggest it. q0E0hgOA1e4-00031-00008940-00009130 So what are the differences? q0E0hgOA1e4-00032-00009130-00009410 There are continuous gradations obviously, rather than sharply q0E0hgOA1e4-00033-00009410-00009640 demarcated types. q0E0hgOA1e4-00034-00009640-00009900 The effects of the genes generally are small, q0E0hgOA1e4-00035-00009900-00010240 in order to give you a smooth distribution as opposed to, q0E0hgOA1e4-00036-00010240-00010450 say, multiple means. q0E0hgOA1e4-00037-00010450-00010710 Where in qualitative traits the effects are large, q0E0hgOA1e4-00038-00010710-00010940 and then usually there are many genes in quantitative traits q0E0hgOA1e4-00039-00010940-00011240 where there tend to be single genes inherited in Mendelian q0E0hgOA1e4-00040-00011240-00011460 ratios for discrete traits, and I put a question mark q0E0hgOA1e4-00041-00011460-00011720 there because, actually, you know, that was kind of q0E0hgOA1e4-00042-00011720-00012040 the central dogma until a few years ago when it became very q0E0hgOA1e4-00043-00012040-00012350 clear that there were important complex traits that were q0E0hgOA1e4-00044-00012350-00012819 inherited in families in very sort of predictable ways that q0E0hgOA1e4-00045-00012819-00013160 didn't seem to follow Mendelian ratios. q0E0hgOA1e4-00046-00013160-00013440 Models for single traits, so you have a big A allele q0E0hgOA1e4-00047-00013440-00013640 that gives you a pink flower and a little a allele that q0E0hgOA1e4-00048-00013640-00013940 gives you a white flower, and if you have three q0E0hgOA1e4-00049-00013940-00014330 different genotype groups, if A -- if big A is dominant, q0E0hgOA1e4-00050-00014330-00014519 anywhere that you have a big A you're going to have a pink q0E0hgOA1e4-00051-00014519-00014800 flower, as you see here. q0E0hgOA1e4-00052-00014800-00015050 Anywhere that you have -- if A is recessive, q0E0hgOA1e4-00053-00015050-00015319 you'd need to have two copies of big A in order to have q0E0hgOA1e4-00054-00015319-00015450 a pink flower. q0E0hgOA1e4-00055-00015450-00015700 And if A is codominant, there are a variety of q0E0hgOA1e4-00056-00015700-00015950 terms for this, but codominant is one that you tend to see q0E0hgOA1e4-00057-00015950-00016230 fairly often, you'd get -- with two copies you'd get q0E0hgOA1e4-00058-00016230-00016430 a really pink flower, with one copy you'd get q0E0hgOA1e4-00059-00016430-00016640 sort of a pinkish-whitish flower, and then with q0E0hgOA1e4-00060-00016640-00017110 no copies you'd have your white flower. q0E0hgOA1e4-00061-00017110-00017320 For quantitative traits, say that your big A allele q0E0hgOA1e4-00062-00017320-00017700 gives you X units increase in height, q0E0hgOA1e4-00063-00017700-00018040 and your little a allele gives you X units decrease in height. q0E0hgOA1e4-00064-00018040-00018320 And say your -- these are of equal frequency, q0E0hgOA1e4-00065-00018320-00018650 your population mean then would be some centered value zero q0E0hgOA1e4-00066-00018650-00019030 minus X, and plus X would be the extreme values for your q0E0hgOA1e4-00067-00019030-00019250 big A and little a alleles. q0E0hgOA1e4-00068-00019250-00019550 So if you have two copies of little a and a is completely -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00069-00019550-00019930 big A is completely dominant, both your big A homozygote q0E0hgOA1e4-00070-00019930-00020260 and the heterozygote would be at this end of the spectrum. q0E0hgOA1e4-00071-00020260-00020560 If A is only partially dominant, you wouldn't be right down here q0E0hgOA1e4-00072-00020560-00020900 at the middle, but you would be sort of a little bit closer q0E0hgOA1e4-00073-00020900-00021200 over to the big A homozygote. q0E0hgOA1e4-00074-00021200-00021500 If A is not dominant or codominant, you'd be, q0E0hgOA1e4-00075-00021500-00021740 you know, sort of smack in the middle, and you can even have, q0E0hgOA1e4-00076-00021740-00022040 although it's rare, A being overdominant if it's q0E0hgOA1e4-00077-00022040-00022230 a heterozygote. q0E0hgOA1e4-00078-00022230-00022520 And this may be some kinds of interactions between the two q0E0hgOA1e4-00079-00022520-00022720 homozygotes or some other thing. q0E0hgOA1e4-00080-00022720-00022940 Again, this doesn't happen very often, but it is wise to be q0E0hgOA1e4-00081-00022940-00023300 aware that it could happen. q0E0hgOA1e4-00082-00023300-00023540 The quantitative traits that to date have had published q0E0hgOA1e4-00083-00023540-00023810 genome-wide studies, actually yesterday there was another q0E0hgOA1e4-00084-00023810-00024200 one in protein levels, but for the time being, q0E0hgOA1e4-00085-00024200-00024500 there were these that we can list. q0E0hgOA1e4-00086-00024500-00024620 The Framingham study, as I mentioned, q0E0hgOA1e4-00087-00024620-00025000 had these 18 groups of traits, many of which were quantitative, q0E0hgOA1e4-00088-00025000-00025200 and I never quite know how to count them, is it -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00089-00025200-00025710 you know, is it 16 or is it 34, but at least it's around 20ish. q0E0hgOA1e4-00090-00025710-00025910 And we went through an example yesterday, q0E0hgOA1e4-00091-00025910-00026260 in terms of how one looks at associations to get allelic q0E0hgOA1e4-00092-00026260-00026420 odds ratios. q0E0hgOA1e4-00093-00026420-00026660 So this again for a discrete trait for a myocardial q0E0hgOA1e4-00094-00026660-00027000 infarction, 55 percent of your cases have the C allele, q0E0hgOA1e4-00095-00027000-00027320 45 percent -- sorry, 47 percent of the controls have the q0E0hgOA1e4-00096-00027320-00027439 C allele. q0E0hgOA1e4-00097-00027439-00027900 This gives you chi-squared 55 and an odds ratio of 10 -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00098-00027900-00028150 I'm sorry, and a p-value of 10 to the minus 13th. q0E0hgOA1e4-00099-00028150-00028420 You can calculate what's called an allelic odds ratio, q0E0hgOA1e4-00100-00028420-00028660 which is the odds of having a disease if you carry one q0E0hgOA1e4-00101-00028660-00028839 or two copies of the allele. q0E0hgOA1e4-00102-00028839-00029000 So it doesn't matter how many you have, q0E0hgOA1e4-00103-00029000-00029230 just having the presence of the allele, and here that would q0E0hgOA1e4-00104-00029230-00029420 be 1.4. q0E0hgOA1e4-00105-00029420-00029620 You can also calculate these by genotype group. q0E0hgOA1e4-00106-00029620-00029750 Again, we did this yesterday. q0E0hgOA1e4-00107-00029750-00030100 So the CC homozygote, 31 percent of the cases and 23 percent q0E0hgOA1e4-00108-00030100-00030410 of the controls, while the GG homozygote, q0E0hgOA1e4-00109-00030410-00030720 20 percent of the cases, 28 percent of the controls. q0E0hgOA1e4-00110-00030720-00031039 And again, a strong chi-square with two degrees of freedom now, q0E0hgOA1e4-00111-00031039-00031320 and a p-value of 10 to the minus 14th. q0E0hgOA1e4-00112-00031320-00031610 Here you can calculate the heterozygote odds ratio q0E0hgOA1e4-00113-00031610-00031910 specifically, which sort of lets these float free. q0E0hgOA1e4-00114-00031910-00032139 It might be that the homozygote doesn't have all that much q0E0hgOA1e4-00115-00032139-00032330 increased odds over the heterozygote, q0E0hgOA1e4-00116-00032330-00032600 it would be a little hard to explain biologically unless q0E0hgOA1e4-00117-00032600-00033000 you truly have a dominant trait, which we tend to be thinking q0E0hgOA1e4-00118-00033000-00033300 now may not be very common at all these days, q0E0hgOA1e4-00119-00033300-00033430 at least not in complex diseases. q0E0hgOA1e4-00120-00033430-00033730 But calculate a heterozygote odds ratio between these two q0E0hgOA1e4-00121-00033730-00034020 groups is 1.5, and a homozygote between this group and that q0E0hgOA1e4-00122-00034020-00034320 group would be 1.9. q0E0hgOA1e4-00123-00034320-00034800 And this is the way that these data are displayed, q0E0hgOA1e4-00124-00034800-00035000 and again we talked about this yesterday with the log of the q0E0hgOA1e4-00125-00035000-00035340 p-value here, and this is a nice example, because they really q0E0hgOA1e4-00126-00035340-00035650 found just sort of one very strong association on q0E0hgOA1e4-00127-00035650-00035940 chromosome 9 -- 9P21, and this association q0E0hgOA1e4-00128-00035940-00036310 has been found in many other studies as well -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00129-00036310-00036540 and mentioned that there are other ways of looking q0E0hgOA1e4-00130-00036540-00036850 at these in addition, and here's another one -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00131-00036850-00037130 one for a continuous trait now, serum uric acid levels. q0E0hgOA1e4-00132-00037130-00037500 What this group did was to regress inverse q0E0hgOA1e4-00133-00037500-00037550 normalized levels. q0E0hgOA1e4-00134-00037550-00037840 Why it was inverse normalized was just to make it transform q0E0hgOA1e4-00135-00037840-00038300 into a normal distribution against the number of alleles. q0E0hgOA1e4-00136-00038300-00038520 This was an additive model, so if you have one allele, q0E0hgOA1e4-00137-00038520-00038740 you'd get, you know, sort of part of the effect, q0E0hgOA1e4-00138-00038740-00039020 and two alleles, you get twice the effect, and they're sort of q0E0hgOA1e4-00139-00039020-00039320 forced into that kind of a distribution. q0E0hgOA1e4-00140-00039320-00039710 And even one can use covariates, and you can insert any q0E0hgOA1e4-00141-00039710-00039900 covariates that you want in here. q0E0hgOA1e4-00142-00039900-00040110 So it's nice to see that, while with the qualitative q0E0hgOA1e4-00143-00040110-00040440 traits they tend to be relatively simple analyses, q0E0hgOA1e4-00144-00040440-00040620 just with chi-squares, essentially, or even q0E0hgOA1e4-00145-00040620-00040840 Fisher's exact test, with the quantitative q0E0hgOA1e4-00146-00040840-00041120 traits, people are getting a little bit more sophisticated, q0E0hgOA1e4-00147-00041120-00041510 in terms of linear regression and adjusting for covariates. q0E0hgOA1e4-00148-00041510-00042020 This one is another example in the uric acid literature, q0E0hgOA1e4-00149-00042020-00042210 and showing here in two different cohorts, q0E0hgOA1e4-00150-00042210-00042640 here now are the mean uric acid levels in the three genotype q0E0hgOA1e4-00151-00042640-00043020 groups -- AA, AG, and GG in these two different cohorts. q0E0hgOA1e4-00152-00043020-00043350 And showing the additive effect for a single allele, q0E0hgOA1e4-00153-00043350-00043720 having one allele -- sorry, having one G allele drops q0E0hgOA1e4-00154-00043720-00043940 your genotype mean, as you can see here, q0E0hgOA1e4-00155-00043940-00044340 in both of these cohorts. q0E0hgOA1e4-00156-00044340-00044550 Association methods for quantitative traits that q0E0hgOA1e4-00157-00044550-00044820 tend to be used, as I mentioned, linear regression, q0E0hgOA1e4-00158-00044820-00045140 sometimes multivariable adjusted residuals, just to take out the q0E0hgOA1e4-00159-00045140-00045430 noise effects of covariates. q0E0hgOA1e4-00160-00045430-00045720 One can use linear regression of log transformed or q0E0hgOA1e4-00161-00045720-00046000 centralized BMI; this was done in the Frayling paper. q0E0hgOA1e4-00162-00046000-00046350 Variance components was very, very popular at one point in q0E0hgOA1e4-00163-00046350-00046730 linkage analyses, and it's sort of carried over into these q0E0hgOA1e4-00164-00046730-00046840 studies as well. q0E0hgOA1e4-00165-00046840-00047040 And so you can do a z-score analysis, q0E0hgOA1e4-00166-00047040-00047410 as Sanna did at quantile normalized height, q0E0hgOA1e4-00167-00047410-00047710 but there are, as I said, a variety of ways of doing this. q0E0hgOA1e4-00168-00047710-00048000 Ways of dealing with multiple testing -- and I think we q0E0hgOA1e4-00169-00048000-00048140 talked about that a little bit yesterday -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00170-00048140-00048340 the family-wise error rate is sort of the general term q0E0hgOA1e4-00171-00048340-00048810 that's given to corrections for either Bonferroni, the A prime, q0E0hgOA1e4-00172-00048810-00049100 or the Sid k, which is a way of sort of correcting for q0E0hgOA1e4-00173-00049100-00049350 the number of times that you subtract your p-value, q0E0hgOA1e4-00174-00049350-00049720 your type 1 error from the universe of possible q0E0hgOA1e4-00175-00049720-00049840 type 1 errors. q0E0hgOA1e4-00176-00049840-00050040 It mentioned also the false discovery rate proportion q0E0hgOA1e4-00177-00050040-00050310 of significant associations that are actually false positives, q0E0hgOA1e4-00178-00050310-00050620 and the false positive report probability of Wacholder q0E0hgOA1e4-00179-00050620-00050950 et al., which sounds very much like the false discovery rate q0E0hgOA1e4-00180-00050950-00051130 but is a little bit different. q0E0hgOA1e4-00181-00051130-00051500 There's also a Bayes factor analysis; Bayesian analyses q0E0hgOA1e4-00182-00051500-00051900 are sort of creeping into analysis of genome-wide q0E0hgOA1e4-00183-00051900-00052150 studies, particularly with U.K. influence, q0E0hgOA1e4-00184-00052150-00052550 so the Wellcome Trust did part of this in one of their papers. q0E0hgOA1e4-00185-00052550-00052820 It is a challenge, because you have to, you know, q0E0hgOA1e4-00186-00052820-00053050 basically identify a reasonable alternative model that you're q0E0hgOA1e4-00187-00053050-00053240 comparing your data to. q0E0hgOA1e4-00188-00053240-00053450 So not a lot of people use it, but you may see more and more q0E0hgOA1e4-00189-00053450-00053610 of it. q0E0hgOA1e4-00190-00053610-00053929 So, moving on to quality control, as these folks q0E0hgOA1e4-00191-00053929-00054120 are doing, "Hold your horses, everyone, let's let it run q0E0hgOA1e4-00192-00054120-00054320 for a minute and see if it gets any colder." q0E0hgOA1e4-00193-00054320-00054550 So, unfortunately with genotyping, q0E0hgOA1e4-00194-00054550-00054750 we tend to sort of take it at face value, q0E0hgOA1e4-00195-00054750-00055129 and there's sort of this in silico truth that you just q0E0hgOA1e4-00196-00055129-00055420 assume that it must be right if it comes out of a machine. q0E0hgOA1e4-00197-00055420-00055750 And there are actually a number of things that one needs to do q0E0hgOA1e4-00198-00055750-00056110 to be sure that the data that you get are not artifactual. q0E0hgOA1e4-00199-00056110-00056340 Theses include being sure that the samples that you have are q0E0hgOA1e4-00200-00056340-00056560 the right samples and that they're high quality samples, q0E0hgOA1e4-00201-00056560-00056840 so we talked yesterday about how many satellites -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00202-00056840-00057120 variable number of tandem repeats are used in q0E0hgOA1e4-00203-00057120-00057429 forensic genotyping to identify individuals. q0E0hgOA1e4-00204-00057429-00057900 And there are automated kits that are very easy to use q0E0hgOA1e4-00205-00057900-00058020 and relatively inexpensive. q0E0hgOA1e4-00206-00058020-00058150 Identifiler is one of them. q0E0hgOA1e4-00207-00058150-00058520 I'm sorry, I don't know the company name or their location, q0E0hgOA1e4-00208-00058520-00058840 but some of the genotyping labs will run these SNPs -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00209-00058840-00059110 I mean, these markers, they're highly polymorphic, q0E0hgOA1e4-00210-00059110-00059350 there are, I don't know, 13 to 20 of them, q0E0hgOA1e4-00211-00059350-00059650 and use that essentially as a bar code on the sample, q0E0hgOA1e4-00212-00059650-00060020 so that whenever then you go to test that sample again, q0E0hgOA1e4-00213-00060020-00060250 you run this bar code on it, and make sure that you have q0E0hgOA1e4-00214-00060250-00060520 the right sample and it's a better label than anything q0E0hgOA1e4-00215-00060520-00060729 you could stick on that side of the tube. q0E0hgOA1e4-00216-00060729-00060940 Blind duplicates, of course, make sense. q0E0hgOA1e4-00217-00060940-00061350 What tends to be done, rather than blind duplicates from q0E0hgOA1e4-00218-00061350-00061710 within the study is duplicates of known specimens like the q0E0hgOA1e4-00219-00061710-00062010 subsamples, or any other standard samples from q0E0hgOA1e4-00220-00062010-00062140 the HapMap. q0E0hgOA1e4-00221-00062140-00062450 Gender checks, it's surprising how many women end up, you know, q0E0hgOA1e4-00222-00062450-00062720 in the prostate cancer samples, and how many men end up in the q0E0hgOA1e4-00223-00062720-00062940 female breast cancer samples, et cetera. q0E0hgOA1e4-00224-00062940-00063210 This is a little bit more of a scary one, q0E0hgOA1e4-00225-00063210-00063420 because while you have a very good genotype measure, q0E0hgOA1e4-00226-00063420-00063940 generally for sex, you don't have the best, q0E0hgOA1e4-00227-00063940-00064300 you know, recording of that information, q0E0hgOA1e4-00228-00064300-00064700 and it's sometimes incomplete or incorrect, surprisingly enough. q0E0hgOA1e4-00229-00064700-00064950 And so those corrections can be made, but you wonder what kinds q0E0hgOA1e4-00230-00064950-00065200 of other corrections needed to be made that are not -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00231-00065200-00065440 that cannot be picked up genotypically. q0E0hgOA1e4-00232-00065440-00065700 A cryptic relatedness, or what we sort of refer q0E0hgOA1e4-00233-00065700-00065950 to as outbreaks of twinning, when there are duplicate q0E0hgOA1e4-00234-00065950-00066150 samples in there that you didn't realize, q0E0hgOA1e4-00235-00066150-00066350 and suddenly you have people that have exactly the same q0E0hgOA1e4-00236-00066350-00066720 markers that probably are not twins, but those are also q0E0hgOA1e4-00237-00066720-00066930 things to be looked for, and we'll talk a little q0E0hgOA1e4-00238-00066930-00067060 bit about that. q0E0hgOA1e4-00239-00067060-00067240 Degradation of the samples or fragmentation is something q0E0hgOA1e4-00240-00067240-00067530 that the laboratories should be testing for. q0E0hgOA1e4-00241-00067530-00067820 Call rates greater than 80 to 90 percent, q0E0hgOA1e4-00242-00067820-00068060 and we'll talk about those, heterozygosity and q0E0hgOA1e4-00243-00068060-00068250 plate/batch calling effects. q0E0hgOA1e4-00244-00068250-00068510 So all of those are things that one looks at in the samples, q0E0hgOA1e4-00245-00068510-00068730 and then, once you've done the samples, you also want to look q0E0hgOA1e4-00246-00068730-00069020 at the SNPs within samples, so again you would look at q0E0hgOA1e4-00247-00069020-00069310 duplicate concordance rates for a single SNP, q0E0hgOA1e4-00248-00069310-00069520 because some SNPs are hard to type, just like some samples q0E0hgOA1e4-00249-00069520-00069630 are hard to type. q0E0hgOA1e4-00250-00069630-00069920 Mendelian errors, if you have family data, you can then see q0E0hgOA1e4-00251-00069920-00070110 if there are errors in transmission, q0E0hgOA1e4-00252-00070110-00070310 so you might have siblings where there are more than q0E0hgOA1e4-00253-00070310-00070500 four alleles, which you shouldn't have, q0E0hgOA1e4-00254-00070500-00070800 or, you know, certainly parent-offspring where q0E0hgOA1e4-00255-00070800-00071040 the offspring has things that the parents couldn't possibly q0E0hgOA1e4-00256-00071040-00071240 have transmitted to them. q0E0hgOA1e4-00257-00071240-00071630 Usually, only one of these will be accepted for a given SNP, q0E0hgOA1e4-00258-00071630-00071950 and sometimes not even that many, but usually not more q0E0hgOA1e4-00259-00071950-00072110 than that. q0E0hgOA1e4-00260-00072110-00072330 Hardy-Weinberg errors, we talked a little bit yesterday about q0E0hgOA1e4-00261-00072330-00072750 the expected proportions of the common allele, homozygote, q0E0hgOA1e4-00262-00072750-00073000 the heterozygote and the variant allele, q0E0hgOA1e4-00263-00073000-00073300 homozygote and those should be in binomial proportions, q0E0hgOA1e4-00264-00073300-00073620 if those conditions that I mentioned apply, q0E0hgOA1e4-00265-00073620-00073900 so things like random mating, which actually doesn't apply, q0E0hgOA1e4-00266-00073900-00074200 no in-and-out migration, no selection and that. q0E0hgOA1e4-00267-00074200-00074450 But in general, most SNPs tend to be in Hardy-Weinberg q0E0hgOA1e4-00268-00074450-00074840 equilibrium, and usually the threshold for throwing out q0E0hgOA1e4-00269-00074840-00075150 a SNP on violations of Hardy-Weinberg are q0E0hgOA1e4-00270-00075150-00075420 fairly high, so, you know, 10 to the minus seventh, q0E0hgOA1e4-00271-00075420-00075820 you have to have a pretty strong difference in distributions q0E0hgOA1e4-00272-00075820-00076040 in order to question that SNP. q0E0hgOA1e4-00273-00076040-00076300 Heterozygosity, and we'll talk a little bit about this, q0E0hgOA1e4-00274-00076300-00076520 they're, you know, based on population genetics, q0E0hgOA1e4-00275-00076520-00076920 there should be a proportion of people who are heterozygous q0E0hgOA1e4-00276-00076920-00077210 in a given SNP, it's usually in the 30 percent range, q0E0hgOA1e4-00277-00077210-00077400 it seems to sort of fall there. q0E0hgOA1e4-00278-00077400-00077540 A little big higher for populations of recent q0E0hgOA1e4-00279-00077540-00077840 African ancestry, a little bit lower for populations that are q0E0hgOA1e4-00280-00077840-00078150 younger, as it were, or inbred populations q0E0hgOA1e4-00281-00078150-00078440 where you wouldn't expect to have quite so many alleles q0E0hgOA1e4-00282-00078440-00078640 floating in a population. q0E0hgOA1e4-00283-00078640-00078840 Call rates for a given SNP, there are some SNPs that q0E0hgOA1e4-00284-00078840-00079220 you just can't -- you're just not sure from the intensity q0E0hgOA1e4-00285-00079220-00079540 data that are generated, what to call one of them, q0E0hgOA1e4-00286-00079540-00079730 and so you leave one out, and I'll show you some examples q0E0hgOA1e4-00287-00079730-00079830 of that. q0E0hgOA1e4-00288-00079830-00080020 And you'd really like those call rates to be greater q0E0hgOA1e4-00289-00080020-00080330 than 98 percent, and that tends to be the standard these days. q0E0hgOA1e4-00290-00080330-00080630 It had been lower in the past, and a lot of those that were q0E0hgOA1e4-00291-00080630-00080820 lower actually turned out to be artifact, q0E0hgOA1e4-00292-00080820-00081050 and so we've sort of learned a lesson there. q0E0hgOA1e4-00293-00081050-00081240 Minor allele frequency, which is the frequency q0E0hgOA1e4-00294-00081240-00081700 in a population of the uncommon allele, and generally alleles q0E0hgOA1e4-00295-00081700-00081930 less than about a 1 percent frequency, there's some real q0E0hgOA1e4-00296-00081930-00082210 difficulties in trying to genotype those. q0E0hgOA1e4-00297-00082210-00082500 Now, this is going to not be a challenge when we get to q0E0hgOA1e4-00298-00082500-00082760 sequencing for even rarer and rarer SNPs that may be only q0E0hgOA1e4-00299-00082760-00083040 .5 percent or .1 percent of the population. q0E0hgOA1e4-00300-00083040-00083420 They may not be able to be typed on the existing platforms, q0E0hgOA1e4-00301-00083420-00083730 because they're not terribly sensitive to rare alleles. q0E0hgOA1e4-00302-00083730-00083930 And then, perhaps the most important thing is validating q0E0hgOA1e4-00303-00083930-00084230 the most critical results on an independent genotyping platform. q0E0hgOA1e4-00304-00084230-00084440 So you take those -- the results from your Affymetrix array q0E0hgOA1e4-00305-00084440-00084760 or whatever, and then type them on something that's q0E0hgOA1e4-00306-00084760-00084940 just specific to a couple of SNPs. q0E0hgOA1e4-00307-00084940-00085320 And I mentioned Hardy-Weinberg yesterday, and again here it q0E0hgOA1e4-00308-00085320-00085530 is again, so the ideal conditions for it, q0E0hgOA1e4-00309-00085530-00086020 and these are the proportions that you would expect to see. q0E0hgOA1e4-00310-00086020-00086240 So these are some data from the genetic association information q0E0hgOA1e4-00311-00086240-00086560 network, testing the two platforms that we used q0E0hgOA1e4-00312-00086560-00086840 on the HapMap data. q0E0hgOA1e4-00313-00086840-00087200 The HapMap samples are available from Coriell Repository. q0E0hgOA1e4-00314-00087200-00087430 There's a small fee, I believe, for requesting them and q0E0hgOA1e4-00315-00087430-00087620 sending them out. q0E0hgOA1e4-00316-00087620-00087840 But they're -- they've been genotyped by everybody in q0E0hgOA1e4-00317-00087840-00088050 the world, so the data are very stable. q0E0hgOA1e4-00318-00088050-00088410 And what we showed here is with the Perlegen platform of q0E0hgOA1e4-00319-00088410-00088830 481,000 SNPs, the Affymetrix platform of 439,000 that were q0E0hgOA1e4-00320-00088830-00089050 used -- and this is the 5.0 platform -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00321-00089050-00089410 that were used in the GAIN study, these estimates of q0E0hgOA1e4-00322-00089410-00089660 coverage are the coverage, the number of SNPs in the q0E0hgOA1e4-00323-00089660-00090010 genome, estimated that are covered at .8 or greater -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00324-00090010-00090220 with an R squared of .8 or greater. q0E0hgOA1e4-00325-00090220-00090520 And this was really quite good for the European population. q0E0hgOA1e4-00326-00090520-00090820 A little bit lower is expected for the Yoruba population. q0E0hgOA1e4-00327-00090820-00091420 One can use just a single marker estimating one marker in LD q0E0hgOA1e4-00328-00091420-00091720 with another marker not on the platform, or you can use q0E0hgOA1e4-00329-00091720-00092020 information from a couple of markers nearby and use q0E0hgOA1e4-00330-00092020-00092220 a multi-marker imputation, which gives you much more q0E0hgOA1e4-00331-00092220-00092510 information, using the LD that's surrounding that SNP. q0E0hgOA1e4-00332-00092510-00092730 And there you can -- you know, you can increase your coverage q0E0hgOA1e4-00333-00092730-00093010 slightly, and the Affymetrix platform, sort of similar q0E0hgOA1e4-00334-00093010-00093200 numbers, a little bit lower. q0E0hgOA1e4-00335-00093200-00093330 The average call rate in both of these platforms q0E0hgOA1e4-00336-00093330-00093620 was over 98 percent, which is great. q0E0hgOA1e4-00337-00093620-00093850 Homozygous genotypes, the concordance with q0E0hgOA1e4-00338-00093850-00094220 the HapMap was 99.8 percent in the pearlision for both, q0E0hgOA1e4-00339-00094220-00094410 and a little bit higher for the homozygotes. q0E0hgOA1e4-00340-00094410-00094660 Tends to be a little bit tougher to type the heterozygotes, q0E0hgOA1e4-00341-00094660-00094950 and I'll show you why in a second. q0E0hgOA1e4-00342-00094950-00095430 Okay, and then some of the sample and QC metrics for q0E0hgOA1e4-00343-00095430-00095810 the Affymetrix 5.0, which had about 500,000 markers, q0E0hgOA1e4-00344-00095810-00096110 and the 6.0, which has about a hundred -- a million markers, q0E0hgOA1e4-00345-00096110-00096610 just shown here, these are data, again, from GAIN. q0E0hgOA1e4-00346-00096610-00096900 These are -- this was actually after we started doing q0E0hgOA1e4-00347-00096900-00097000 this study. q0E0hgOA1e4-00348-00097000-00097150 The previous ones were sort of gearing up for it q0E0hgOA1e4-00349-00097150-00097340 and looking at the HapMap samples. q0E0hgOA1e4-00350-00097340-00097750 And what you see here is that we threw out about .4 percent q0E0hgOA1e4-00351-00097750-00098120 of total samples because they didn't pass a variety q0E0hgOA1e4-00352-00098120-00098550 of QC metrics, and .55 percent didn't have a greater than q0E0hgOA1e4-00353-00098550-00098760 98 percent call rate. q0E0hgOA1e4-00354-00098760-00099040 These numbers are obviously not exclusive, and we need to have q0E0hgOA1e4-00355-00099040-00099320 sort of a flow chart of things as they kind of drop down q0E0hgOA1e4-00356-00099320-00099450 through these metrics. q0E0hgOA1e4-00357-00099450-00099640 With the 6.0, the percent failing was higher, q0E0hgOA1e4-00358-00099640-00099930 but there were many more SNPs, and many of them are much q0E0hgOA1e4-00359-00099930-00100340 tougher to type, so about 4 percent of the samples q0E0hgOA1e4-00360-00100340-00100810 failing, and about 1.4 percent without a 98 percent call rate. q0E0hgOA1e4-00361-00100810-00101040 And that's 98 percent for that sample across all of the SNPs q0E0hgOA1e4-00362-00101040-00101220 that are typed. q0E0hgOA1e4-00363-00101220-00101510 And then, looking at the SNP-by-SNP quality -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00364-00101510-00101840 data quality information, again about 500,000 and q0E0hgOA1e4-00365-00101840-00102140 about a million showing here, we dropped out about 6 percent q0E0hgOA1e4-00366-00102140-00102420 of samples that did not -- sorry, 6 percent of SNPs q0E0hgOA1e4-00367-00102420-00102809 that did not pass QC, only .04 percent of q0E0hgOA1e4-00368-00102809-00103409 the HapMap -- sorry, of the 5.0 SNPs -- had a minor allele q0E0hgOA1e4-00369-00103409-00103700 frequency of greater than -- of less than 1 percent, q0E0hgOA1e4-00370-00103700-00104030 while in the much more dense platform, as you would expect, q0E0hgOA1e4-00371-00104030-00104409 a larger proportion of them had less than 1 percent minor allele q0E0hgOA1e4-00372-00104409-00104730 frequency, greater than a 98 percent call rate of -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00373-00104730-00105040 8 percent of the SNPs fell out on this metric, q0E0hgOA1e4-00374-00105040-00105330 9 percent on the 6.0 platform. q0E0hgOA1e4-00375-00105330-00105620 If you drop that level to 95 percent, people tend to q0E0hgOA1e4-00376-00105620-00105840 want to do this because they don't want to lose data, q0E0hgOA1e4-00377-00105840-00106220 and there are many various combinations of babies q0E0hgOA1e4-00378-00106220-00106509 and bathwaters talked about in discussing this. q0E0hgOA1e4-00379-00106509-00106730 But at any rate, you'd lose about 4 percent in the q0E0hgOA1e4-00380-00106730-00107100 5.0 platform, and about 4 percent here. q0E0hgOA1e4-00381-00107100-00107330 The Hardy-Weinberg here now set at 10 to the minus sixth, q0E0hgOA1e4-00382-00107330-00107709 so really very stringent and less than a percent dropped q0E0hgOA1e4-00383-00107709-00107809 out for that. q0E0hgOA1e4-00384-00107809-00108020 Mendel errors, in this particular study with q0E0hgOA1e4-00385-00108020-00108409 the 5.0 platform, we dropped out a lot because we had family q0E0hgOA1e4-00386-00108409-00108620 samples, and in most studies you don't have family samples q0E0hgOA1e4-00387-00108620-00108750 and you really can't tell. q0E0hgOA1e4-00388-00108750-00108940 About the only way you can tell is if you have more than two q0E0hgOA1e4-00389-00108940-00109140 sibs, and you can actually compare, you know, q0E0hgOA1e4-00390-00109140-00109409 to see that they have more than four alleles. q0E0hgOA1e4-00391-00109409-00109640 So here we lost a lot, and less then or equal q0E0hgOA1e4-00392-00109640-00110020 to one duplicate error, again, relatively small. q0E0hgOA1e4-00393-00110020-00110320 So if you can see here that it's the call rate that really tends q0E0hgOA1e4-00394-00110320-00110620 to drop out your SNPs, and also the Mendelian q0E0hgOA1e4-00395-00110620-00111000 error in that one particular study. q0E0hgOA1e4-00396-00111000-00111250 This is a plot of heterozygosity. q0E0hgOA1e4-00397-00111250-00111450 What one does is just basically, you know, q0E0hgOA1e4-00398-00111450-00111820 calculate the proportion of heterozygotes in the q0E0hgOA1e4-00399-00111820-00112020 population for each SNP. q0E0hgOA1e4-00400-00112020-00112240 And as you can see, it really kind of clusters around this q0E0hgOA1e4-00401-00112240-00112450 .27 to .30 range. q0E0hgOA1e4-00402-00112450-00112750 You can't see very well, but there actually are SNPs q0E0hgOA1e4-00403-00112750-00113120 kind of shown along the kind of fallout here. q0E0hgOA1e4-00404-00113120-00113520 And what I've done here is just to kind of blow up this area q0E0hgOA1e4-00405-00113520-00113800 in the 100 -- you know, the frequency of 100, q0E0hgOA1e4-00406-00113800-00114050 kind of dropped out those, so that now that you can see, q0E0hgOA1e4-00407-00114050-00114320 there are some samples that are coming out here, q0E0hgOA1e4-00408-00114320-00114530 and some out on the side as well. q0E0hgOA1e4-00409-00114530-00114830 So we did have some outliers, and this tends to be done as q0E0hgOA1e4-00410-00114830-00115120 basically a -- right now, it's just kind of -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00411-00115120-00115359 you kind of look at it and say, "Hmm, those look a little bit q0E0hgOA1e4-00412-00115359-00115609 odd, particularly way out here." q0E0hgOA1e4-00413-00115609-00115820 Reasons for loss of heterozygosity tend q0E0hgOA1e4-00414-00115820-00116040 to be -- well, cancers can do it, but when you're q0E0hgOA1e4-00415-00116040-00116350 looking at germ line cells, decreased heterozygosity q0E0hgOA1e4-00416-00116350-00116550 usually is due to genotyping error. q0E0hgOA1e4-00417-00116550-00116840 Increased heterozygosity hadn't been worried about terribly q0E0hgOA1e4-00418-00116840-00117109 in the past, and we learned a harsh lesson from GAIN q0E0hgOA1e4-00419-00117109-00117459 that probably what this is telling us is sample q0E0hgOA1e4-00420-00117459-00117700 mix contamination. q0E0hgOA1e4-00421-00117700-00117940 So sample -- then it turned out there were about eight samples q0E0hgOA1e4-00422-00117940-00118140 that actually had been contaminated with other q0E0hgOA1e4-00423-00118140-00118520 samples in this particular GAIN study, and we didn't pick this q0E0hgOA1e4-00424-00118520-00118740 up initially, and realized, "Hey, there's a real q0E0hgOA1e4-00425-00118740-00118940 problem here," went back and looked at these. q0E0hgOA1e4-00426-00118940-00119159 And you can see that these are very small numbers of samples. q0E0hgOA1e4-00427-00119159-00119330 In fact, there probably are about eight of them here, q0E0hgOA1e4-00428-00119330-00119540 and that was what the problem was. q0E0hgOA1e4-00429-00119540-00119900 So all of these metrics, again, are evolving as experience q0E0hgOA1e4-00430-00119900-00120150 accrues, and one of the things that we really want to do in q0E0hgOA1e4-00431-00120150-00120520 GAIN is write up this experience and make it available to the q0E0hgOA1e4-00432-00120520-00120830 scientific community. q0E0hgOA1e4-00433-00120830-00121130 These are intensity plots for the genotyping data, q0E0hgOA1e4-00434-00121130-00121350 what's calculated, and I don't understand the chemistry, q0E0hgOA1e4-00435-00121350-00121600 and I don't pretend to be able to explain it, q0E0hgOA1e4-00436-00121600-00121850 but I know that what you basically produce -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00437-00121850-00122220 for each one of the 500,000 or million SNPs that is typed, q0E0hgOA1e4-00438-00122220-00122440 you produce a cluster plot like this, where you have -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00439-00122440-00122850 if there are two alleles of the SNP, you have allele A frequency q0E0hgOA1e4-00440-00122850-00123209 plotted down here, and allele B frequency plotted here. q0E0hgOA1e4-00441-00123209-00123440 And as you might imagine, this would be the AA q0E0hgOA1e4-00442-00123440-00123840 homozygote, because there's no B frequency to sort of q0E0hgOA1e4-00443-00123840-00123959 spread this out. q0E0hgOA1e4-00444-00123959-00124150 This would be the BB homozygote because there's no q0E0hgOA1e4-00445-00124150-00124259 A allele there. q0E0hgOA1e4-00446-00124259-00124509 And then this guy is the heterozygote. q0E0hgOA1e4-00447-00124509-00124740 And you can understand why it might be difficult to type q0E0hgOA1e4-00448-00124740-00125000 the heterozygote, because you do have some bleeding over into q0E0hgOA1e4-00449-00125000-00125120 this group. q0E0hgOA1e4-00450-00125120-00125300 And these Xs are things that are not typed. q0E0hgOA1e4-00451-00125300-00125540 And basically, this is all automated; you can't sit q0E0hgOA1e4-00452-00125540-00125920 and look at 500,000 of these, but basically the calling q0E0hgOA1e4-00453-00125920-00126130 algorithm, and there are a variety of calling algorithms. q0E0hgOA1e4-00454-00126130-00126340 There are probably about eight or 10 of them out there, q0E0hgOA1e4-00455-00126340-00126640 but the companies, you know, sort of settle on one that q0E0hgOA1e4-00456-00126640-00126940 they use, and here the calling algorithm decided, q0E0hgOA1e4-00457-00126940-00127109 "I'm not going to call these, they're just too close on q0E0hgOA1e4-00458-00127109-00127209 the border." q0E0hgOA1e4-00459-00127209-00127440 These ellipses are kind of what the boundaries of the -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00460-00127440-00127620 of what the algorithm were called, but as you can see, q0E0hgOA1e4-00461-00127620-00127840 sometimes it doesn't call even something that's inside of an q0E0hgOA1e4-00462-00127840-00128230 ellipse, so that's what these look like. q0E0hgOA1e4-00463-00128230-00128530 This is a very nice looking one, although there aren't that many q0E0hgOA1e4-00464-00128530-00128840 AA homozygotes, and this actually is the -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00465-00128840-00129230 allele A is the T variant, and here, you know, q0E0hgOA1e4-00466-00129230-00129620 lots of homozygotes here, and nicely separated from q0E0hgOA1e4-00467-00129620-00129900 the heterozygote group. q0E0hgOA1e4-00468-00129900-00130120 Here is a little bit tougher one, q0E0hgOA1e4-00469-00130120-00130459 there were not homozygotes, so this is a rare allele, q0E0hgOA1e4-00470-00130459-00130750 so there are no AA homozygotes, but there is a heterozygote q0E0hgOA1e4-00471-00130750-00130940 cluster, and there's a homozygote cluster q0E0hgOA1e4-00472-00130940-00131410 for the common allele, and again, no calls. q0E0hgOA1e4-00473-00131410-00131650 But here you've got much more of sort of a mess. q0E0hgOA1e4-00474-00131650-00131940 So this is a, you know, badly clustering SNP, q0E0hgOA1e4-00475-00131940-00132240 badly performing, and probably most labs would repeat this one q0E0hgOA1e4-00476-00132240-00132440 and try to get it to -- the intensity to be much q0E0hgOA1e4-00477-00132440-00132840 closer along the B line without anything in the q0E0hgOA1e4-00478-00132840-00133130 A line intensity. q0E0hgOA1e4-00479-00133130-00133330 And here you've got -- maybe these are the homozygotes q0E0hgOA1e4-00480-00133330-00133510 and maybe these are the heterozygotes, q0E0hgOA1e4-00481-00133510-00133750 but it's really very difficult to tell. q0E0hgOA1e4-00482-00133750-00134040 What's recommended now, having gone through many of these q0E0hgOA1e4-00483-00134040-00134300 studies, is that when you -- whenever you see an associated q0E0hgOA1e4-00484-00134300-00134530 SNP, you know, something that you want to call it 10 to the q0E0hgOA1e4-00485-00134530-00134720 minus seventh or whatever level it might be, q0E0hgOA1e4-00486-00134720-00135020 that you look at these plots and make absolutely sure that they q0E0hgOA1e4-00487-00135020-00135300 look good, that you have three distinct clusters, q0E0hgOA1e4-00488-00135300-00135440 so you don't -- that means you don't have to look at, q0E0hgOA1e4-00489-00135440-00135640 you know, all 500,000 or a million, but you do have q0E0hgOA1e4-00490-00135640-00135940 to look at maybe 25 or 50, and if you're carrying q0E0hgOA1e4-00491-00135940-00136220 through 25,000 of them, that makes it a little q0E0hgOA1e4-00492-00136220-00136320 bit tougher. q0E0hgOA1e4-00493-00136320-00136520 And most people wait until they've gone through q0E0hgOA1e4-00494-00136520-00137010 multiple stages before they start looking at cluster plots. q0E0hgOA1e4-00495-00137010-00137410 And just one sort of kicker in this process, q0E0hgOA1e4-00496-00137410-00137650 this is a paper published by Clayton, et al., in 2005 q0E0hgOA1e4-00497-00137650-00138230 that actually colored their SNP intensities by whether q0E0hgOA1e4-00498-00138230-00138530 something -- a sample came from a case or a control. q0E0hgOA1e4-00499-00138530-00138840 So the red are cases, the blue are the controls. q0E0hgOA1e4-00500-00138840-00139050 You can see the reds kind of clustering down here, q0E0hgOA1e4-00501-00139050-00139400 and even difficult to see them there -- and then these -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00502-00139400-00139650 this is just a different way of -- it's a normalization q0E0hgOA1e4-00503-00139650-00139850 of the intensity data. q0E0hgOA1e4-00504-00139850-00140020 And you can see that there is a systematic difference q0E0hgOA1e4-00505-00140020-00140210 between cases and controls. q0E0hgOA1e4-00506-00140210-00140500 This could arise by different treatment of the case and q0E0hgOA1e4-00507-00140500-00140640 control DNA samples. q0E0hgOA1e4-00508-00140640-00140940 They tried very hard to control for that and make sure that q0E0hgOA1e4-00509-00140940-00141140 the -- you know, the protocols were exactly the same, q0E0hgOA1e4-00510-00141140-00141300 they were done in the same laboratories at q0E0hgOA1e4-00511-00141300-00141510 the same time on the same plates and all of that, q0E0hgOA1e4-00512-00141510-00141800 and they still ran into this, and basically concluded that q0E0hgOA1e4-00513-00141800-00142150 it probably had something to do with the collection at the site. q0E0hgOA1e4-00514-00142150-00142430 Happily, this is something that can be adjusted for, q0E0hgOA1e4-00515-00142430-00142640 so you can kind of calculate vectors associated with q0E0hgOA1e4-00516-00142640-00142960 caseness and controlness, at least in -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00517-00142960-00143210 for a given SNP and correct for it. q0E0hgOA1e4-00518-00143210-00143410 But it is a cumbersome problem, and one that needs to be q0E0hgOA1e4-00519-00143410-00143510 looked for. q0E0hgOA1e4-00520-00143510-00143750 Another thing that can introduce a systematic error is if you've q0E0hgOA1e4-00521-00143750-00144040 amplified the samples in one group and not in the other, q0E0hgOA1e4-00522-00144040-00144310 or amplified some of the samples and not others. q0E0hgOA1e4-00523-00144310-00144620 Amplification is when you have a very, very small amount of DNA q0E0hgOA1e4-00524-00144620-00145010 and you use polymerase chain reaction, PCR, q0E0hgOA1e4-00525-00145010-00145330 to make as much of it as you like. q0E0hgOA1e4-00526-00145330-00145600 You don't always get good copies of that, and it often gives you q0E0hgOA1e4-00527-00145600-00145740 artifacts, and sometimes they look like this. q0E0hgOA1e4-00528-00145740-00146120 So the laboratory that does these -- this testing should q0E0hgOA1e4-00529-00146120-00146340 be aware of these problems and should discuss them with you, q0E0hgOA1e4-00530-00146340-00146630 but just so you're aware of them. q0E0hgOA1e4-00531-00146630-00146960 I wanted to get in a little bit into the problem of sort of q0E0hgOA1e4-00532-00146960-00147260 unknown relateds or cryptic relatedness. q0E0hgOA1e4-00533-00147260-00147530 Tom mentioned yesterday population stratification, q0E0hgOA1e4-00534-00147530-00147830 and looking at a population that's made up of a mixture q0E0hgOA1e4-00535-00147830-00148000 of different groups. q0E0hgOA1e4-00536-00148000-00148160 What's shown here is from the CGEM study, q0E0hgOA1e4-00537-00148160-00148440 actually a little experiment that they did where they q0E0hgOA1e4-00538-00148440-00148650 mixed together a whole bunch of groups of different geographic q0E0hgOA1e4-00539-00148650-00148950 ancestry, and they started with the HapMap sample. q0E0hgOA1e4-00540-00148950-00149200 So a lot of times when people do these kinds of analyses, q0E0hgOA1e4-00541-00149200-00149540 they start with three population groups -- or samples that are q0E0hgOA1e4-00542-00149540-00149830 known to sort of cluster tightly and to distribute q0E0hgOA1e4-00543-00149830-00150100 out differently from each other. q0E0hgOA1e4-00544-00150100-00150320 So that's -- this is the Yoruba from the HapMap, q0E0hgOA1e4-00545-00150320-00150620 the CEPH population and then the Asian populations. q0E0hgOA1e4-00546-00150620-00150840 And they also typed an African American group, q0E0hgOA1e4-00547-00150840-00151030 and as one might expect, they sort of fell on the q0E0hgOA1e4-00548-00151030-00151320 midrange between -- in this principal component analysis, q0E0hgOA1e4-00549-00151320-00151630 between the Yoruba and the CEPH population. q0E0hgOA1e4-00550-00151630-00151900 They also typed a Native American and Latino group, q0E0hgOA1e4-00551-00151900-00152230 who tend to have more Asian ancestry alleles, q0E0hgOA1e4-00552-00152230-00152540 or at least to cluster more with Asian ancestry groups, q0E0hgOA1e4-00553-00152540-00152750 and you can see where the Native Americans actually q0E0hgOA1e4-00554-00152750-00153120 clustered quite tightly here, Latino a little bit spread q0E0hgOA1e4-00555-00153120-00153240 out a little bit more. q0E0hgOA1e4-00556-00153240-00153550 And then they did a third principal component, q0E0hgOA1e4-00557-00153550-00153750 so the way -- and it's a shame that Kang [phonetic sp] isn't q0E0hgOA1e4-00558-00153750-00153950 here, because he could explain this much better than I can, q0E0hgOA1e4-00559-00153950-00154250 but anyway, what one does is to look for vectors that are q0E0hgOA1e4-00560-00154250-00154540 basically separating the samples in the most q0E0hgOA1e4-00561-00154540-00154820 effective ways, essentially. q0E0hgOA1e4-00562-00154820-00155040 And you can do this up to, you know, hundreds of q0E0hgOA1e4-00563-00155040-00155330 principal components, but after the first several, q0E0hgOA1e4-00564-00155330-00155540 you tend to run out of steam. q0E0hgOA1e4-00565-00155540-00155730 So it sounds like we have some competition here. q0E0hgOA1e4-00566-00155730-00156030 I hope you can all still hear me, but, okay. q0E0hgOA1e4-00567-00156030-00156500 So in doing this then, with the -- you noticed q0E0hgOA1e4-00568-00156500-00156740 that the CEPH population for the third principal component q0E0hgOA1e4-00569-00156740-00157020 actually moved in quite a bit, so they got kind of pushed in. q0E0hgOA1e4-00570-00157020-00157250 The Asians and the Yoruba stayed pretty much the same; q0E0hgOA1e4-00571-00157250-00157440 the Yoruba shifted over a little bit. q0E0hgOA1e4-00572-00157440-00157620 And here are your African Americans where you'd expect q0E0hgOA1e4-00573-00157620-00157860 them, sort of between the two -- these two groups. q0E0hgOA1e4-00574-00157860-00158150 And now the Latinos tend to sort of take off in this direction, q0E0hgOA1e4-00575-00158150-00158440 between the Asians, and when you go on to the fourth and fifth q0E0hgOA1e4-00576-00158440-00158760 principal components, you have this tremendous sort of q0E0hgOA1e4-00577-00158760-00159120 clustering of samples that you really can't separate out, q0E0hgOA1e4-00578-00159120-00159310 and then you have a few down here that seem to be driving q0E0hgOA1e4-00579-00159310-00159500 this, but it's not clear, and they tried going to q0E0hgOA1e4-00580-00159500-00159710 a fifth principal component, and still didn't much -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00581-00159710-00159920 and they're kind of wondering, you know, what the heck q0E0hgOA1e4-00582-00159920-00160020 is going on. q0E0hgOA1e4-00583-00160020-00160220 So in looking at this group, they looked very carefully, q0E0hgOA1e4-00584-00160220-00160520 particularly at these samples that seem to be outliers, q0E0hgOA1e4-00585-00160520-00160820 and that will be driving the vector calculation. q0E0hgOA1e4-00586-00160820-00161040 And what they found, actually, was that many of these people q0E0hgOA1e4-00587-00161040-00161150 were related. q0E0hgOA1e4-00588-00161150-00161510 So these were two parent-child groups, and then there were q0E0hgOA1e4-00589-00161510-00161740 half sibs here, and these were half sibs all along through q0E0hgOA1e4-00590-00161740-00162120 here, who were all basically unsuspected in this sample. q0E0hgOA1e4-00591-00162120-00162400 When they then randomly chose one person from each of the q0E0hgOA1e4-00592-00162400-00162640 related groups, they were able to separate out their clusters q0E0hgOA1e4-00593-00162640-00162830 very nicely. q0E0hgOA1e4-00594-00162830-00163020 So this was kind of a surprise to many of us. q0E0hgOA1e4-00595-00163020-00163320 This was presented at one of the last GAIN meetings by q0E0hgOA1e4-00596-00163320-00163600 Gilles Thomas, and it's something that you need q0E0hgOA1e4-00597-00163600-00163840 to be aware of, that unrelated -- or sorry, q0E0hgOA1e4-00598-00163840-00164040 that related people do end up in your studies, q0E0hgOA1e4-00599-00164040-00164230 even if you don't expect them to, and you may not always q0E0hgOA1e4-00600-00164230-00164410 pick them up. q0E0hgOA1e4-00601-00164410-00164620 What they pointed out was that the studies that they were q0E0hgOA1e4-00602-00164620-00164910 comparing, this again from CGEMS, they had multiple q0E0hgOA1e4-00603-00164910-00165320 studies around the world, the ACS, the PLCO, the -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00604-00165320-00165640 this is a European study and another northern European q0E0hgOA1e4-00605-00165640-00165840 and another European study. q0E0hgOA1e4-00606-00165840-00166020 And you wouldn't think that there would be people in q0E0hgOA1e4-00607-00166020-00166220 common across those studies, but as it turned out, q0E0hgOA1e4-00608-00166220-00166520 certainly in the U.S. studies, there was a sib here that was q0E0hgOA1e4-00609-00166520-00166740 participating in both the Harvard professional study -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00610-00166740-00167000 the health professional study and the ACS. q0E0hgOA1e4-00611-00167000-00167430 There were two people who -- or sorry, seven people were q0E0hgOA1e4-00612-00167430-00167720 called socially conscious people who were participating q0E0hgOA1e4-00613-00167720-00167850 in both studies. q0E0hgOA1e4-00614-00167850-00168160 There were sib pairs in the PLCO and three people in the q0E0hgOA1e4-00615-00168160-00168420 PLCO and the health professionals. q0E0hgOA1e4-00616-00168420-00168640 So social consciousness is a risk factor for unexpected q0E0hgOA1e4-00617-00168640-00168940 twinning in your data, and then sib pairs here, q0E0hgOA1e4-00618-00168940-00169140 and a father/son pair here. q0E0hgOA1e4-00619-00169140-00169350 So this does happen; it's probably in your q0E0hgOA1e4-00620-00169350-00169540 studies if you're not aware of it, you will find it q0E0hgOA1e4-00621-00169540-00169720 with genotyping data. q0E0hgOA1e4-00622-00169720-00169940 And if you go looking for a structured population when q0E0hgOA1e4-00623-00169940-00170150 you have two people that are that closely related, q0E0hgOA1e4-00624-00170150-00170400 it really sort of points the vector at it. q0E0hgOA1e4-00625-00170400-00170710 And it can also do other things in terms of clustering when q0E0hgOA1e4-00626-00170710-00171030 you're trying to cluster your SNPs and your data that really q0E0hgOA1e4-00627-00171030-00171220 can mess up your analysis. q0E0hgOA1e4-00628-00171220-00171530 So, kind of summary points for genotyping quality control: q0E0hgOA1e4-00629-00171530-00171830 sample checks are done for identity, for gender error, q0E0hgOA1e4-00630-00171830-00172040 for cryptic relatedness. q0E0hgOA1e4-00631-00172040-00172300 Sample handling differences can usually be adjusted for, q0E0hgOA1e4-00632-00172300-00172500 but you have to be aware of them. q0E0hgOA1e4-00633-00172500-00172730 And doing an association analysis is often the q0E0hgOA1e4-00634-00172730-00172930 quickest way to find your genotyping errors. q0E0hgOA1e4-00635-00172930-00173130 You'd like to think that that's how you would find your real q0E0hgOA1e4-00636-00173130-00173250 signals, but it's not. q0E0hgOA1e4-00637-00173250-00173520 One of the things that we tried to do in GAIN was actually to q0E0hgOA1e4-00638-00173520-00173720 make all of the data, the association data, q0E0hgOA1e4-00639-00173720-00173950 the results, available to everybody at the same time. q0E0hgOA1e4-00640-00173950-00174430 We wanted GAIN to be, you know, as forthright and sort of q0E0hgOA1e4-00641-00174430-00174620 public community resource as possible. q0E0hgOA1e4-00642-00174620-00175010 And in doing that, we basically said to the principal q0E0hgOA1e4-00643-00175010-00175240 investigators and the genotyping labs, "We're not going to tell q0E0hgOA1e4-00644-00175240-00175510 you who's a case and who's a control, or what SNPs are q0E0hgOA1e4-00645-00175510-00175710 associated with what, we'll just show you the, q0E0hgOA1e4-00646-00175710-00176120 you know, the data, kind of blinded, q0E0hgOA1e4-00647-00176120-00176500 as it were, or masked to SNP identity." q0E0hgOA1e4-00648-00176500-00176630 And it made it very, very difficult for us to be q0E0hgOA1e4-00649-00176630-00176920 able to sort of, you know, separate out these things, q0E0hgOA1e4-00650-00176920-00177110 and certainly doing quality control and figuring out q0E0hgOA1e4-00651-00177110-00177320 who was related and who wasn't, and we decided that blinding q0E0hgOA1e4-00652-00177320-00177530 was really not the best way to go about this, q0E0hgOA1e4-00653-00177530-00177820 and so we now have a -- sort of a back and forth with the q0E0hgOA1e4-00654-00177820-00178110 investigators who provided the samples, and we allow q0E0hgOA1e4-00655-00178110-00178330 a very short time for that, because obviously quality q0E0hgOA1e4-00656-00178330-00178530 control can go on for months and months. q0E0hgOA1e4-00657-00178530-00178740 But it is a challenge. q0E0hgOA1e4-00658-00178740-00179100 And rare SNPs are the most difficult to call with q0E0hgOA1e4-00659-00179100-00179350 these kinds of platforms, and just be aware of that, q0E0hgOA1e4-00660-00179350-00179610 particularly as we get into rarer and rarer SNPs as we q0E0hgOA1e4-00661-00179610-00179750 do more and more sequencing. q0E0hgOA1e4-00662-00179750-00180020 And the inspection of genotyping cluster plots really is crucial. q0E0hgOA1e4-00663-00180330-00180500 Okay, once you have your data cleaned up, q0E0hgOA1e4-00664-00180500-00180830 what tends to be done is to look at the association statistics q0E0hgOA1e4-00665-00180830-00181130 and taking an easy example, this is again from the q0E0hgOA1e4-00666-00181130-00181430 Easton study, you basically take your chi-square statistics, q0E0hgOA1e4-00667-00181430-00181750 you plot them along -- there's an expected distribution, q0E0hgOA1e4-00668-00181750-00181900 I didn't label this, sorry. q0E0hgOA1e4-00669-00181900-00182130 So this is expected chi-square, and remember if you have no q0E0hgOA1e4-00670-00182130-00182400 association whatsoever and you just choose, q0E0hgOA1e4-00671-00182400-00182640 keep choosing randomly samples, you'll end up q0E0hgOA1e4-00672-00182640-00182840 with the chi-squared distribution, q0E0hgOA1e4-00673-00182840-00183000 the normal distribution squared. q0E0hgOA1e4-00674-00183000-00183250 And this is the observed chi-square, so if your q0E0hgOA1e4-00675-00183250-00183710 observed population basically followed the chi-squared q0E0hgOA1e4-00676-00183710-00183900 distribution, that is, there's no association, q0E0hgOA1e4-00677-00183900-00184120 you would expect all of your plots -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00678-00184120-00184250 because you're just lining up your chi-squares -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00679-00184250-00184500 all of them to fall along this little gray line here, q0E0hgOA1e4-00680-00184500-00184650 which is the identity line. q0E0hgOA1e4-00681-00184650-00184930 If they don't fall on that line, it means that they don't -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00682-00184930-00185140 they're not following that distribution for some reason, q0E0hgOA1e4-00683-00185140-00185340 which could be genotyping artifact, or it could be q0E0hgOA1e4-00684-00185340-00185600 that there's a real association there that's sort of pulling q0E0hgOA1e4-00685-00185600-00185710 them upward. q0E0hgOA1e4-00686-00185710-00185920 And what you see in this black line here is that, q0E0hgOA1e4-00687-00185920-00186150 indeed, there are some departures from the q0E0hgOA1e4-00688-00186150-00186430 chi-squared distribution, and some of them are actually, q0E0hgOA1e4-00689-00186430-00186710 like this one here, relatively dramatic q0E0hgOA1e4-00690-00186710-00187050 from what would be expected in the chi-squared distribution. q0E0hgOA1e4-00691-00187050-00187520 These red dots are corrections for the population structure q0E0hgOA1e4-00692-00187520-00187640 in this population. q0E0hgOA1e4-00693-00187640-00187840 So what tends to happen is if you have differences in q0E0hgOA1e4-00694-00187840-00188140 ancestry between cases and controls, they will inflate q0E0hgOA1e4-00695-00188140-00188340 these statistics; you can correct for that. q0E0hgOA1e4-00696-00188340-00188600 One way of correcting for it is what's called a genomic q0E0hgOA1e4-00697-00188600-00188850 control or Lambda value -- we won't got into this q0E0hgOA1e4-00698-00188850-00189200 in detail, but you just basically divide all of q0E0hgOA1e4-00699-00189200-00189520 your statistics by whatever the Lambda control value is, q0E0hgOA1e4-00700-00189520-00189720 and that was done here, and that's what you q0E0hgOA1e4-00701-00189720-00189840 end up seeing. q0E0hgOA1e4-00702-00189840-00190130 So this one actually for Easton didn't look all that dramatic, q0E0hgOA1e4-00703-00190130-00190320 but when they started doing their replications of their q0E0hgOA1e4-00704-00190320-00190650 top SNPs, it did sort of pop out some results. q0E0hgOA1e4-00705-00190650-00190950 You'll also see people publish tables like this, q0E0hgOA1e4-00706-00190950-00191250 where they just basically plot out a table of the observed, q0E0hgOA1e4-00707-00191250-00191520 adjusted for that genomic control, q0E0hgOA1e4-00708-00191520-00191730 and the expected values by the significance level, q0E0hgOA1e4-00709-00191730-00192220 so .01 to .05, you'd expect to see 934 based on the q0E0hgOA1e4-00710-00192220-00192550 chi-squared distribution, and they observe 1,239 q0E0hgOA1e4-00711-00192550-00192740 corrected down to this level. q0E0hgOA1e4-00712-00192740-00193110 So, you know, a modest excess of modestly significant, q0E0hgOA1e4-00713-00193110-00193310 or really not very significant at all SNPs. q0E0hgOA1e4-00714-00193310-00193610 And then going down to the increasing levels q0E0hgOA1e4-00715-00193610-00193910 of significance until they got to 10 to the minus fifth, q0E0hgOA1e4-00716-00193910-00194140 and they had 13 times as many, they would have expected to q0E0hgOA1e4-00717-00194140-00194430 see one and they saw 13, which suggested that they q0E0hgOA1e4-00718-00194430-00194830 actually did have some important associations outside of chance. q0E0hgOA1e4-00719-00194830-00195110 You tend to see these tables much less commonly. q0E0hgOA1e4-00720-00195110-00195440 People like to look at pictures, and so you tend to see Q-Q plots q0E0hgOA1e4-00721-00195440-00195620 much more commonly. q0E0hgOA1e4-00722-00195620-00195820 This is a very nice one from Hafler et al., q0E0hgOA1e4-00723-00195820-00196110 looking at multiple sclerosis, and you can see the identity q0E0hgOA1e4-00724-00196110-00196330 line here, it's this red line. q0E0hgOA1e4-00725-00196330-00196610 This gray line is their initial associations, q0E0hgOA1e4-00726-00196610-00196840 so their expected distributions, and then what they observed, q0E0hgOA1e4-00727-00196840-00197050 and you notice this dramatic takeoff. q0E0hgOA1e4-00728-00197050-00197320 Multiple sclerosis has long been known to be associated q0E0hgOA1e4-00729-00197320-00197840 with the MHC multiple histocompatibility complex, q0E0hgOA1e4-00730-00197840-00198150 a major histocompatibility complex alleles, q0E0hgOA1e4-00731-00198150-00198510 which are very, very diverse and are very heavily genotyped q0E0hgOA1e4-00732-00198510-00198640 on these platforms. q0E0hgOA1e4-00733-00198640-00198820 So you have lots and lots SNPs. q0E0hgOA1e4-00734-00198820-00199010 This is actually not all that many, but it looks like a lot q0E0hgOA1e4-00735-00199010-00199330 that are sort of taken off for very high chi-squared values. q0E0hgOA1e4-00736-00199330-00199750 If you then take out the major histocompatibility complex SNPs q0E0hgOA1e4-00737-00199750-00200020 and just plot what's left, you end up with this here. q0E0hgOA1e4-00738-00200020-00200320 And you're still having some strong departures from the q0E0hgOA1e4-00739-00200320-00200450 expected distribution. q0E0hgOA1e4-00740-00200450-00200750 So you need to be aware that at some -- sometimes people q0E0hgOA1e4-00741-00200750-00201000 will take out a particular locus, or a locus that's q0E0hgOA1e4-00742-00201000-00201310 already known to be associated, and kind of see what's left. q0E0hgOA1e4-00743-00201310-00201660 This was done for prostate cancer, and the Icelandic q0E0hgOA1e4-00744-00201660-00201920 study, again here's the -- show them a different scale, q0E0hgOA1e4-00745-00201920-00202160 so here's your identity level, the blue is corrected, q0E0hgOA1e4-00746-00202160-00202320 the red is uncorrected. q0E0hgOA1e4-00747-00202320-00202550 You have, you know, very strong associations shown here, q0E0hgOA1e4-00748-00202550-00202950 but knowing that chromosome 8, that AQ24 region we mentioned q0E0hgOA1e4-00749-00202950-00203210 yesterday is known to be strongly associated with q0E0hgOA1e4-00750-00203210-00203320 prostate cancer. q0E0hgOA1e4-00751-00203320-00203510 They basically took out all of chromosome 8 and then looked q0E0hgOA1e4-00752-00203510-00203730 again, and still you have a departure from the expected q0E0hgOA1e4-00753-00203730-00204040 level -- even after you correct for most of these kind of fall q0E0hgOA1e4-00754-00204040-00204240 out once you correct, but you still have a q0E0hgOA1e4-00755-00204240-00204620 few SNPs that are outside the expected distribution. q0E0hgOA1e4-00756-00204620-00204919 And this is the Q-Q plot for myocardial infarction that q0E0hgOA1e4-00757-00204919-00205119 I showed you yesterday -- I think I showed it to you q0E0hgOA1e4-00758-00205119-00205250 yesterday, but it's from the Samani study in the q0E0hgOA1e4-00759-00205250-00205440 "New England Journal" that was part of the Wellcome Trust q0E0hgOA1e4-00760-00205440-00205619 Case-Control Consortium. q0E0hgOA1e4-00761-00205619-00205830 And here you can see there's quite a strong distribution q0E0hgOA1e4-00762-00205830-00206300 from the number of -- that are departing from q0E0hgOA1e4-00763-00206300-00206440 the expected distribution. q0E0hgOA1e4-00764-00206440-00206740 And these actually are all of the SNPs that were -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00765-00206740-00207010 had a p-value of less than 10 to the minus seventh, q0E0hgOA1e4-00766-00207010-00207319 which they sort of declared as their initial threshold. q0E0hgOA1e4-00767-00207319-00207640 And when one looks at the actual plot now arrayed along the q0E0hgOA1e4-00768-00207640-00208040 chromosome, those 30-some SNPs are these here. q0E0hgOA1e4-00769-00208040-00208240 So this is a nice plot because they're all sort of, you know, q0E0hgOA1e4-00770-00208240-00208510 hanging right on top of a particular chromosome. q0E0hgOA1e4-00771-00208510-00208919 And one can then sort of look at not only this level of q0E0hgOA1e4-00772-00208919-00209240 significance, but this group is also departing from what q0E0hgOA1e4-00773-00209240-00209500 you would expect on the -- in the expected distribution. q0E0hgOA1e4-00774-00209500-00209850 And that is it's basically corresponding to this level q0E0hgOA1e4-00775-00209850-00210000 of association. q0E0hgOA1e4-00776-00210000-00210250 So these were SNPs that the Wellcome Trust group said, q0E0hgOA1e4-00777-00210250-00210700 "You know, they're not decisive in our study, but they are q0E0hgOA1e4-00778-00210700-00210840 sort of interesting," q0E0hgOA1e4-00779-00210840-00211240 And as we explained yesterday with the 20 -- the SNP number q0E0hgOA1e4-00780-00211240-00211530 24,000 in the initial association ending up q0E0hgOA1e4-00781-00211530-00211830 being one of the top SNPs in a replication study, q0E0hgOA1e4-00782-00211830-00211950 they said, you know, "We certainly would q0E0hgOA1e4-00783-00211950-00212219 want to look at these as SNPs of interest, as it were, q0E0hgOA1e4-00784-00212219-00212419 in a subsequent study." q0E0hgOA1e4-00785-00212419-00212640 And then there's this area here that has a modest departure q0E0hgOA1e4-00786-00212640-00213019 from the expected distribution, and that is probably all q0E0hgOA1e4-00787-00213019-00213150 of this here. q0E0hgOA1e4-00788-00213150-00213430 And what those are most likely are SNPs related to the q0E0hgOA1e4-00789-00213430-00213750 structure of that population, so differences in ancestry q0E0hgOA1e4-00790-00213750-00214040 that probably are just noise, but one needs to be aware q0E0hgOA1e4-00791-00214040-00214300 of and adjust for. q0E0hgOA1e4-00792-00214300-00214700 And then this is the plot from that study. q0E0hgOA1e4-00793-00214700-00215030 These are the 39 SNPs that they found to be strongly associated q0E0hgOA1e4-00794-00215030-00215419 on chromosome 9, and here's the one that I mentioned yesterday, q0E0hgOA1e4-00795-00215419-00215630 3049, known by its nickname. q0E0hgOA1e4-00796-00215630-00215900 So this is the most strongly associated SNP, and this is q0E0hgOA1e4-00797-00215900-00216240 just another study that they did of -- a replication study. q0E0hgOA1e4-00798-00216240-00216519 And here again is that -- what I showed you yesterday, q0E0hgOA1e4-00799-00216519-00216819 that Boston to Providence sort of map distances. q0E0hgOA1e4-00800-00216819-00217110 And you can see that here you've got one linkage block, q0E0hgOA1e4-00801-00217110-00217310 so maybe these SNPs are independent of the q0E0hgOA1e4-00802-00217310-00217540 associations with these, because you do have a q0E0hgOA1e4-00803-00217540-00217710 recombination hotspot here. q0E0hgOA1e4-00804-00217710-00217910 And these are all sort of clues that you can get as to where q0E0hgOA1e4-00805-00217910-00218340 the kind of operative or important SNP might be. q0E0hgOA1e4-00806-00218340-00218619 Something that I think Tom mentioned yesterday was the q0E0hgOA1e4-00807-00218619-00218910 winner's curse, which is the tendency for initial studies q0E0hgOA1e4-00808-00218910-00219400 to overestimate the effect -- the magnitude of an association, q0E0hgOA1e4-00809-00219400-00219710 and this happens in all kinds of studies. q0E0hgOA1e4-00810-00219710-00219910 It was, you know, described most colorfully, I think, q0E0hgOA1e4-00811-00219910-00220110 in genetic studies. q0E0hgOA1e4-00812-00220110-00220400 And it's shown here for what was probably the very, very q0E0hgOA1e4-00813-00220400-00220600 first genome-wide association study. q0E0hgOA1e4-00814-00220600-00220819 It was done with only 20,000 SNPs, so we tend not to count q0E0hgOA1e4-00815-00220819-00221150 it in our lists of studies, but it was actually Ozaki q0E0hgOA1e4-00816-00221150-00221440 et al. in a Japanese study of myocardial infarction q0E0hgOA1e4-00817-00221440-00221619 looking at lymphotoxin A. q0E0hgOA1e4-00818-00221619-00221830 And you'll see in their study they found a strong -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00819-00221830-00222100 stronger odds ration than any of the others found: q0E0hgOA1e4-00820-00222100-00222330 1.71, quite significant. q0E0hgOA1e4-00821-00222330-00222519 And then in subsequent replication studies, q0E0hgOA1e4-00822-00222519-00222750 these all sort of fell back toward essentially q0E0hgOA1e4-00823-00222750-00222940 no association. q0E0hgOA1e4-00824-00222940-00223250 When a metanalysis was done of all these studies, it was q0E0hgOA1e4-00825-00223250-00223540 significant -- sorry, it was not significant, .98. q0E0hgOA1e4-00826-00223540-00223840 And probably this was a spurious association that q0E0hgOA1e4-00827-00223840-00224150 looked good because, you know, when one does lots of these, q0E0hgOA1e4-00828-00224150-00224440 you end up picking the extremes, and those are the things that q0E0hgOA1e4-00829-00224440-00224560 get published. q0E0hgOA1e4-00830-00224560-00224940 So again, a little publication bias, a little winner's curse. q0E0hgOA1e4-00831-00224940-00225410 Getting into, very briefly, gene-gene interaction kinds q0E0hgOA1e4-00832-00225410-00225700 of studies, this is a genome-wide scan looking q0E0hgOA1e4-00833-00225700-00225940 for -- looking at Alzheimer's disease, 861 cases, q0E0hgOA1e4-00834-00225940-00226060 600 controls. q0E0hgOA1e4-00835-00226060-00226330 This is a little bit hard to see, but you probably can q0E0hgOA1e4-00836-00226330-00226550 pick out this one red line going up here. q0E0hgOA1e4-00837-00226550-00226900 This is on chromosome 19, and it's the APOE locus. q0E0hgOA1e4-00838-00226900-00227150 And it's very, very, very strongly associated with q0E0hgOA1e4-00839-00227150-00227319 Alzheimer's disease. q0E0hgOA1e4-00840-00227319-00227519 This was known before the study was done. q0E0hgOA1e4-00841-00227519-00227710 It had been identified in linkage studies, q0E0hgOA1e4-00842-00227710-00227830 as we talked about yesterday. q0E0hgOA1e4-00843-00227830-00228040 And as you can see, the p-value here is probably about q0E0hgOA1e4-00844-00228040-00228310 10 to the minus 40th, so very, very strong q0E0hgOA1e4-00845-00228310-00228519 association, but there -- you know, is there q0E0hgOA1e4-00846-00228519-00228740 something else in here or isn't there? q0E0hgOA1e4-00847-00228740-00229119 What was done by this group then was to -- sorry, there it is -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00848-00229119-00229430 was to then stratify and look just at the people who were q0E0hgOA1e4-00849-00229430-00229950 carrying APOE 4, so sort of get rid of the impact of APOE 4, q0E0hgOA1e4-00850-00229950-00230150 they actually stratified people with it and without, q0E0hgOA1e4-00851-00230150-00230630 and now, of course, vastly expanded the y-axis. q0E0hgOA1e4-00852-00230630-00230860 But you can see that there are a couple that do sort q0E0hgOA1e4-00853-00230860-00231250 of pop out as being associated with -- particularly here, q0E0hgOA1e4-00854-00231250-00231600 with Alzheimer's disease in the E4 carriers, q0E0hgOA1e4-00855-00231600-00231800 suggesting that there might be some interaction, q0E0hgOA1e4-00856-00231800-00232119 and these were not associated in the E4 non-carriers and q0E0hgOA1e4-00857-00232119-00232440 the sizes of the groups were, you know reasonable enough q0E0hgOA1e4-00858-00232440-00232640 that you would expect power was not an issue in the q0E0hgOA1e4-00859-00232640-00232800 other groups. q0E0hgOA1e4-00860-00232800-00233150 So they then looked at the odds ratio of late onset Alzheimer's q0E0hgOA1e4-00861-00233150-00233440 disease associated with this particular SNP, q0E0hgOA1e4-00862-00233440-00233900 3115 in the GG homozygotes by their E4 status, q0E0hgOA1e4-00863-00233900-00234140 and found that people who did not carry any of the q0E0hgOA1e4-00864-00234140-00234530 E4 alleles had no association with Alzheimer's disease with q0E0hgOA1e4-00865-00234530-00234830 the SNP, and those who were carriers of the E4 allele q0E0hgOA1e4-00866-00234830-00235040 had about a -- almost a threefold increased risk q0E0hgOA1e4-00867-00235040-00235310 if they also carried this particular -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00868-00235310-00235440 if they also were homozygotes. q0E0hgOA1e4-00869-00235440-00235610 These are small numbers and they don't give you the q0E0hgOA1e4-00870-00235610-00235800 numbers, but you can see the confidence interval q0E0hgOA1e4-00871-00235800-00235919 is relatively generous. q0E0hgOA1e4-00872-00235919-00236119 And in looking at everyone together, there still was q0E0hgOA1e4-00873-00236119-00236340 an association of this particular SNP, q0E0hgOA1e4-00874-00236340-00236719 so all of that sort of coming together to suggest that there q0E0hgOA1e4-00875-00236719-00237040 may be some interactions between this particular variant, q0E0hgOA1e4-00876-00237040-00237350 which is the GAB2, I'm not familiar with it, q0E0hgOA1e4-00877-00237350-00237710 and it's being looked into by the Reiman group, q0E0hgOA1e4-00878-00237710-00238050 in terms of what that interaction might be. q0E0hgOA1e4-00879-00238050-00238250 These are -- this is a genome-wide scan for q0E0hgOA1e4-00880-00238250-00238419 age-related macular degeneration. q0E0hgOA1e4-00881-00238419-00238540 I think I showed this yesterday. q0E0hgOA1e4-00882-00238540-00238819 It was probably the first -- the March 2005 -- you know, q0E0hgOA1e4-00883-00238819-00239200 earliest truly genome-wide scan at 100,000 or so. q0E0hgOA1e4-00884-00239200-00239500 They found actually two of their SNPs that went about q0E0hgOA1e4-00885-00239500-00239900 their genome-wide cutoff level. q0E0hgOA1e4-00886-00239900-00240119 It turned out that this one was genotyping error, q0E0hgOA1e4-00887-00240119-00240419 and it went away when they looked more carefully at q0E0hgOA1e4-00888-00240419-00240640 the genotype, so you know, one of out two ending up q0E0hgOA1e4-00889-00240640-00240800 being genotyping error. q0E0hgOA1e4-00890-00240800-00241019 One can calculate population attributable risks based on q0E0hgOA1e4-00891-00241019-00241240 odds ratios and prevalences from these studies. q0E0hgOA1e4-00892-00241240-00241530 That was done here, and you can see the -- here are the q0E0hgOA1e4-00893-00241530-00241710 associations -- these are two SNPs that were sort of right q0E0hgOA1e4-00894-00241710-00241860 next to each other; you couldn't tell that on the plot, q0E0hgOA1e4-00895-00241860-00242110 but they sort of calculated these for both of them; q0E0hgOA1e4-00896-00242110-00242319 here's the more strongly associated SNP. q0E0hgOA1e4-00897-00242319-00242540 The frequency was quite high, and the odds ratio for a q0E0hgOA1e4-00898-00242540-00242810 dominant model was also quite high. q0E0hgOA1e4-00899-00242810-00243030 So population attributable risk, which is essentially q0E0hgOA1e4-00900-00243030-00243400 a function of the prevalence and the odds ratio was very q0E0hgOA1e4-00901-00243400-00243700 high for the homozygote, and even for the heterozygote -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00902-00243700-00243940 sorry, for the heterozygote, the homozygote odds ratio q0E0hgOA1e4-00903-00243940-00244219 was higher, but obviously prevalence was lower, q0E0hgOA1e4-00904-00244219-00244400 so the attributable risk was lower. q0E0hgOA1e4-00905-00244400-00244610 So the feeling was that this was -- this may even be, q0E0hgOA1e4-00906-00244610-00244750 you know, almost a single-gene disease. q0E0hgOA1e4-00907-00244750-00245140 These odds ratios have come down somewhat in replication studies, q0E0hgOA1e4-00908-00245140-00245340 so it now looks like it's about two or so, q0E0hgOA1e4-00909-00245340-00245619 but it still accounts probably for a large q0E0hgOA1e4-00910-00245619-00245840 amount of this disease. q0E0hgOA1e4-00911-00245840-00246119 What was interesting about this variant was that it was then q0E0hgOA1e4-00912-00246119-00246319 taken forward into the Nurses' Health Study, q0E0hgOA1e4-00913-00246319-00246540 and various environmental factors that might be q0E0hgOA1e4-00914-00246540-00246760 interacting with this very strong risk factor q0E0hgOA1e4-00915-00246760-00246919 were examined. q0E0hgOA1e4-00916-00246919-00247110 And these are our data -- Schaumberg et al. q0E0hgOA1e4-00917-00247110-00247340 published these -- these are data that are available in q0E0hgOA1e4-00918-00247340-00247630 any cohort study and that could be looked at for any of these q0E0hgOA1e4-00919-00247630-00247910 SNPs, you know, if they've typed the SNPs, and it's work that, q0E0hgOA1e4-00920-00247910-00248130 you know, is begging to be done, and really needs to be q0E0hgOA1e4-00921-00248130-00248250 looked into. q0E0hgOA1e4-00922-00248250-00248500 So what they did was just to stratify based on obesity, q0E0hgOA1e4-00923-00248500-00248819 less than 30 or greater than 30 BMI, q0E0hgOA1e4-00924-00248819-00249250 and use the group that had the -- this is actually -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00925-00249250-00249600 I believe this is the variant allele that's protective, q0E0hgOA1e4-00926-00249600-00249840 but it's the ancestral allele is the one that's a risk allele. q0E0hgOA1e4-00927-00249840-00250100 But at any rate, this group being the comparison group, q0E0hgOA1e4-00928-00250100-00250300 and you can see that as you carry more copies of the q0E0hgOA1e4-00929-00250300-00250800 H allele, you risk goes up whether you're lean or obese, q0E0hgOA1e4-00930-00250800-00251010 but your risk goes up more if you're obese. q0E0hgOA1e4-00931-00251010-00251230 And similarly, if you're a non-smoker, you have q0E0hgOA1e4-00932-00251230-00251730 increased risk; if you're a smoker you get considerably q0E0hgOA1e4-00933-00251730-00251940 more increased risk, based on both smoking and on the q0E0hgOA1e4-00934-00251940-00252130 prevalence -- the carriage of this allele, q0E0hgOA1e4-00935-00252130-00252300 so there's an interaction here. q0E0hgOA1e4-00936-00252300-00252530 Neither of these were quite statistically significant; q0E0hgOA1e4-00937-00252530-00252719 they didn't reach a .05 level, but they q0E0hgOA1e4-00938-00252719-00252850 were certainly suggestive. q0E0hgOA1e4-00939-00252850-00253140 And again, this is work that is not going to be q0E0hgOA1e4-00940-00253140-00253340 done by geneticists; it is work that could q0E0hgOA1e4-00941-00253340-00253530 be done by epidemiologists, q0E0hgOA1e4-00942-00253530-00253819 and while at times when we raise -- you know, q0E0hgOA1e4-00943-00253819-00253940 we sort of raise the specter of "Don't you think you should be q0E0hgOA1e4-00944-00253940-00254150 looking for gene-environment interactions?" q0E0hgOA1e4-00945-00254150-00254419 Very often the answer we get back is, "Yes, but there are q0E0hgOA1e4-00946-00254419-00254619 -- you know, there's multiple comparison problems." q0E0hgOA1e4-00947-00254619-00254800 And think about it, and you say, "Wait a minute, you did, q0E0hgOA1e4-00948-00254800-00255000 you know, a million SNPs, I'm only doing five q0E0hgOA1e4-00949-00255000-00255140 environmental factors -- or a thousand environmental q0E0hgOA1e4-00950-00255140-00255400 factors," it's still not going to be nearly as bad. q0E0hgOA1e4-00951-00255400-00255750 So that's work that you should just be aware it needs to be q0E0hgOA1e4-00952-00255750-00256030 done, and could readily be done. q0E0hgOA1e4-00953-00256030-00256310 One of the nicest examples that I've seen of gene-environment q0E0hgOA1e4-00954-00256310-00256700 interaction has to do with some work that Jose Ordovas did on q0E0hgOA1e4-00955-00256700-00257100 the hepatic lipase C, or LIPC, genotype in relationship to q0E0hgOA1e4-00956-00257100-00257419 HDL, and basically these are smooth plots as you might q0E0hgOA1e4-00957-00257419-00257710 expect, and what he showed was a relationship between q0E0hgOA1e4-00958-00257710-00258419 fat intake and HDL that varied by the genotype at this q0E0hgOA1e4-00959-00258419-00258550 particular locus. q0E0hgOA1e4-00960-00258550-00258840 And so basically, in the TT genotype, q0E0hgOA1e4-00961-00258840-00259110 the more fat you eat, the lower your HDL. q0E0hgOA1e4-00962-00259110-00259300 In the CC genotype, the more fat you eat, q0E0hgOA1e4-00963-00259300-00259419 the higher your HDL. q0E0hgOA1e4-00964-00259419-00259800 Now these are ecologic data, they're not interventional q0E0hgOA1e4-00965-00259800-00260150 data, so you know, forgive me for implying causality, q0E0hgOA1e4-00966-00260150-00260400 but that was what was inferred, essentially. q0E0hgOA1e4-00967-00260400-00260600 What's interesting about this is say you looked at this middle q0E0hgOA1e4-00968-00260600-00260840 band, at people in a population who were eating about q0E0hgOA1e4-00969-00260840-00261140 30 percent fat, which is about the average American diet. q0E0hgOA1e4-00970-00261140-00261410 You would conclude that there was no association between q0E0hgOA1e4-00971-00261410-00261819 LIPC genotype and HDL level, if that was the question q0E0hgOA1e4-00972-00261819-00261940 that you were asking. q0E0hgOA1e4-00973-00261940-00262119 Whereas if you looked at a population with very q0E0hgOA1e4-00974-00262119-00262430 low fat intake, such as from developing nations and that, q0E0hgOA1e4-00975-00262430-00262730 you would conclude that the TT genotype has high HDLs, q0E0hgOA1e4-00976-00262730-00262950 the CC has low HDLs, and that this is q0E0hgOA1e4-00977-00262950-00263220 codominant with the CT being in the middle. q0E0hgOA1e4-00978-00263220-00263430 If you were then to look at a population with a very high q0E0hgOA1e4-00979-00263430-00263710 fat intake such as Scandinavia, you'd conclude that, no, q0E0hgOA1e4-00980-00263710-00263940 it's not the TT that's associated with HDL, q0E0hgOA1e4-00981-00263940-00264240 it's the CC, and it's actually a dominant effect as you can see q0E0hgOA1e4-00982-00264240-00264640 it here in the heterozygote and then the variant -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00983-00264640-00264960 I'm sorry, the TT has the lowest HDL levels. q0E0hgOA1e4-00984-00264960-00265150 So this is how you can, you know, tend to miss q0E0hgOA1e4-00985-00265150-00265440 these kinds of associations or get inconsistent relationships q0E0hgOA1e4-00986-00265440-00265810 between genotypes and phenotypes, q0E0hgOA1e4-00987-00265810-00266000 and we need to be aware that this happens all the time, q0E0hgOA1e4-00988-00266000-00266140 and is rarely looked for. q0E0hgOA1e4-00989-00266140-00266320 So gene-environment interactions can be q0E0hgOA1e4-00990-00266320-00266550 an explanation for inconsistency in associations. q0E0hgOA1e4-00991-00266550-00267040 And I did come across another example of this. q0E0hgOA1e4-00992-00267040-00267300 This was endotoxin exposure and allergic sensitization q0E0hgOA1e4-00993-00267300-00267540 by CD14 genotype, and, again, if you looked q0E0hgOA1e4-00994-00267540-00267930 at the relationship of this genotype to sensitive -- q0E0hgOA1e4-00995-00267930-00268310 probability of sensitization to this particular allergen, q0E0hgOA1e4-00996-00268310-00268810 you'd conclude that there was no relationship with genotype. q0E0hgOA1e4-00997-00268810-00269120 If you had a sort of middle of the range endotoxin load, q0E0hgOA1e4-00998-00269120-00269250 if you had a low range, you'd conclude one thing q0E0hgOA1e4-00999-00269250-00269530 about the CC homozygote, and if you had a very q0E0hgOA1e4-01000-00269530-00269830 high range, you'd conclude the opposite about the CC. q0E0hgOA1e4-01001-00269830-00270100 So gene-environment interaction can be quite important, q0E0hgOA1e4-01002-00270100-00270240 and it's something we should be pursuing. q0E0hgOA1e4-01003-00270240-00270830 So I think I'll close by just saying there are challenges q0E0hgOA1e4-01004-00270830-00271000 in studying gene-environment interactions, q0E0hgOA1e4-01005-00271000-00271120 as you might imagine. q0E0hgOA1e4-01006-00271120-00271310 The genes are actually pretty easy to measure, q0E0hgOA1e4-01007-00271310-00271550 that's why we can measure so many of them at such low cost. q0E0hgOA1e4-01008-00271550-00271800 The environment is very, very difficult to measure, q0E0hgOA1e4-01009-00271800-00272040 and you know, hopefully it's getting easier with q0E0hgOA1e4-01010-00272040-00272300 more automated measures, but it's something that q0E0hgOA1e4-01011-00272300-00272530 the Environmental Health Sciences Institute is q0E0hgOA1e4-01012-00272530-00272820 investing a fair amount of money in, and I know a lot of work q0E0hgOA1e4-01013-00272820-00273020 has been done here on that as well. q0E0hgOA1e4-01014-00273020-00273240 Variability over time, it's hard to argue that q0E0hgOA1e4-01015-00273240-00273500 the DNA sequence varies over time, whether it's turned q0E0hgOA1e4-01016-00273500-00273630 on or turned off. q0E0hgOA1e4-01017-00273630-00273820 It probably does vary with time, otherwise we would all keep q0E0hgOA1e4-01018-00273820-00274220 growing and keep developing and that, but for the most part, q0E0hgOA1e4-01019-00274220-00274430 the sequence has low-to-none variability. q0E0hgOA1e4-01020-00274430-00274630 The environment obviously has -- can often have high q0E0hgOA1e4-01021-00274630-00274800 variability -- oops. q0E0hgOA1e4-01022-00274800-00275110 And recall bias, there's probably none in the genes, q0E0hgOA1e4-01023-00275110-00275250 it's certainly possible in the environment, q0E0hgOA1e4-01024-00275250-00275450 temporal relationship to disease, as I mentioned q0E0hgOA1e4-01025-00275450-00275650 yesterday, is pretty easy for the genes, it's kind of hard q0E0hgOA1e4-01026-00275650-00275830 for the environment. q0E0hgOA1e4-01027-00275830-00276020 And just to close with being aware of one's environment, q0E0hgOA1e4-01028-00276020-00276250 "I guess I'll have the ham and eggs, to the surprise of the q0E0hgOA1e4-01029-00276250-00276450 chickens and pork here." q0E0hgOA1e4-01030-00276450-00276740 So thanks, and I'll be happy to answer any questions. q0E0hgOA1e4-01031-00277940-00278120 I have to say I was delighted to see that it was sort of raining q0E0hgOA1e4-01032-00278120-00278330 and gray today, because I felt so guilty about keeping you q0E0hgOA1e4-01033-00278330-00278550 all in on a beautiful, sunny day yesterday, q0E0hgOA1e4-01034-00278550-00278660 so -- yes? q0E0hgOA1e4-01035-00278660-00278850 [Female Speaker] When you're talking about sample handling differences, q0E0hgOA1e4-01036-00278850-00279140 where along the chain are you talking about, anywhere, q0E0hgOA1e4-01037-00279140-00279250 or -- q0E0hgOA1e4-01038-00279250-00279610 [Dr. Teri Manolio] Really anywhere, and you know, some of that may be -- q0E0hgOA1e4-01039-00279610-00279900 you know, it may have to do with the participants themselves. q0E0hgOA1e4-01040-00279900-00280220 So samples can be different from young people versus old people, q0E0hgOA1e4-01041-00280220-00280550 just in the way your DNA might be isolated, q0E0hgOA1e4-01042-00280550-00280820 and that's certainly in the transformability of it, q0E0hgOA1e4-01043-00280820-00280940 and all. q0E0hgOA1e4-01044-00280940-00281200 But really any step along the way. q0E0hgOA1e4-01045-00281200-00281340 And I think there is investigation going on q0E0hgOA1e4-01046-00281340-00281540 in many of the laboratories now, trying to figure out what are q0E0hgOA1e4-01047-00281540-00281730 the steps that -- you know, what are the things that q0E0hgOA1e4-01048-00281730-00281900 really perturb it a lot? q0E0hgOA1e4-01049-00281900-00282210 But granted that we can't really figure out what those steps are, q0E0hgOA1e4-01050-00282210-00282450 at least look for it and try to adjust for it if you can, q0E0hgOA1e4-01051-00282450-00282610 if there are systematic differences. q0E0hgOA1e4-01052-00282610-00282800 [Female Speaker] And then what about -- you mentioned genotyping q0E0hgOA1e4-01053-00282800-00283320 errors -- is that on the platform itself or -- q0E0hgOA1e4-01054-00283320-00283710 [Dr. Teri Manolio] It's probably calling error more than on the platform. q0E0hgOA1e4-01055-00283710-00283910 You know, it's basically that the chemistry didn't work well q0E0hgOA1e4-01056-00283910-00284100 enough to be able to separate out the intensity of the q0E0hgOA1e4-01057-00284100-00284200 two alleles. q0E0hgOA1e4-01058-00284200-00284400 Now, there are other things that can cause genotyping error. q0E0hgOA1e4-01059-00284400-00284520 What if you have three alleles? q0E0hgOA1e4-01060-00284520-00284620 That would be one. q0E0hgOA1e4-01061-00284620-00284820 Or if you have a null allele, you're not going to have any q0E0hgOA1e4-01062-00284820-00285030 intensity for that person, it's not clear how to count -- q0E0hgOA1e4-01063-00285030-00285300 you know, it's deleted basically, so you don't q0E0hgOA1e4-01064-00285300-00285420 have that SNP. q0E0hgOA1e4-01065-00285420-00285550 Or if you have copy number variants. q0E0hgOA1e4-01066-00285550-00285750 You may have four or five or six copies of it, q0E0hgOA1e4-01067-00285750-00286020 and where does that show up in your intensity? q0E0hgOA1e4-01068-00286020-00286300 And there are algorithms being attempted to sort of come up q0E0hgOA1e4-01069-00286300-00286350 with those. q0E0hgOA1e4-01070-00286350-00286630 But most of it is genotyping error and clustering error. q0E0hgOA1e4-01071-00287350-00287630 [Male Speaker] Can we look at a principal component analysis of one q0E0hgOA1e4-01072-00287630-00288020 of the [unintelligible] data you showed there? q0E0hgOA1e4-01073-00288020-00288110 [Dr. Teri Manolio] You want to go back? q0E0hgOA1e4-01074-00288110-00288200 [Male Speaker] Yeah. q0E0hgOA1e4-01075-00288200-00288350 [Dr. Teri Manolio] Okay, I'm really bad at explaining the principal q0E0hgOA1e4-01076-00288350-00288620 components, but I'll do my best. q0E0hgOA1e4-01077-00288620-00288820 Sorry -- don't look at the screen if you tend to have q0E0hgOA1e4-01078-00288820-00289010 photic seizures. q0E0hgOA1e4-01079-00289010-00289250 So this one, or -- q0E0hgOA1e4-01080-00289250-00289360 [Male Speaker] No. q0E0hgOA1e4-01081-00289360-00289450 [Dr. Teri Manolio] Before that? q0E0hgOA1e4-01082-00289450-00289720 [Male Speaker] Previous -- yeah, first and second, third and fourth. q0E0hgOA1e4-01083-00289720-00289820 [Dr. Teri Manolio] First and second, okay, q0E0hgOA1e4-01084-00289820-00289910 I'll make these -- q0E0hgOA1e4-01085-00289910-00289950 [Male Speaker] Okay, that's fine. q0E0hgOA1e4-01086-00289950-00290040 [Dr. Teri Manolio] Okay? q0E0hgOA1e4-01087-00290040-00290540 [Male Speaker] So, what kind of variable were used to construct q0E0hgOA1e4-01088-00290540-00290820 this principal component, and what kind of -- q0E0hgOA1e4-01089-00290820-00291060 [Dr. Teri Manolio] This is allele frequency, so it would be frequency q0E0hgOA1e4-01090-00291060-00291340 of -- and I believe what the principal components does is q0E0hgOA1e4-01091-00291340-00291540 pick out the SNPs that have the most differences q0E0hgOA1e4-01092-00291540-00291710 between groups. q0E0hgOA1e4-01093-00291710-00292030 [Male Speaker] Does it pick a few alleles or all of the alleles? q0E0hgOA1e4-01094-00292030-00292250 [Teri Manolio] I believe it picks, you know, whichever alleles are the q0E0hgOA1e4-01095-00292250-00292640 most different between groups, and it could be one, q0E0hgOA1e4-01096-00292640-00292830 but it's probably many of them. q0E0hgOA1e4-01097-00292830-00292920 [Male Speaker] Okay, all right. q0E0hgOA1e4-01098-00292920-00293010 Thank you. q0E0hgOA1e4-01099-00293010-00293100 [Dr. Teri Manolio] Sure. q0E0hgOA1e4-01100-00293100-00293240 Yeah, and you know, the nicest thing about principal components q0E0hgOA1e4-01101-00293240-00293420 is, because they're linked, you know, they're in LD, q0E0hgOA1e4-01102-00293420-00293560 you would get -- a bunch of them would sort of come down with q0E0hgOA1e4-01103-00293560-00293700 one component. q0E0hgOA1e4-01104-00293700-00293840 [Male Speaker] Yeah, I guess [unintelligible] several allele, q0E0hgOA1e4-01105-00293840-00294330 because here there's several principal components, so this -- q0E0hgOA1e4-01106-00294330-00294450 [Dr. Teri Manolio] Oh, there are many, yeah. q0E0hgOA1e4-01107-00294450-00294700 Yeah, I mean it can go out to, you know, 100 principal q0E0hgOA1e4-01108-00294700-00294850 components more, and then you start, you know, separating q0E0hgOA1e4-01109-00294850-00295220 out sort of clans and towns and things like that. q0E0hgOA1e4-01110-00295220-00295300 [Male Speaker] Okay, thank you. q0E0hgOA1e4-01111-00295300-00295650 [Dr. Teri Manolio] Sure. q0E0hgOA1e4-01112-00295650-00296010 [Female Speaker] You just mentioned that the gene-environmental interaction q0E0hgOA1e4-01113-00296010-00296420 can be an explanation for the different results in q0E0hgOA1e4-01114-00296420-00296600 the different studies. q0E0hgOA1e4-01115-00296600-00297010 And of course, through yesterday and today, over and over it was q0E0hgOA1e4-01116-00297010-00297400 mentioned that we need replications studies. q0E0hgOA1e4-01117-00297400-00297800 So how do you know, then, if we know that several q0E0hgOA1e4-01118-00297800-00298210 cohorts [unintelligible] collect the same environmental factors, q0E0hgOA1e4-01119-00298210-00298800 so one example, for example, in the Nurses' Health Study q0E0hgOA1e4-01120-00298800-00299210 showed a positive strong association, q0E0hgOA1e4-01121-00299210-00299420 and nobody else shows that [unintelligible] this q0E0hgOA1e4-01122-00299420-00299910 association was real, so how do you account q0E0hgOA1e4-01123-00299910-00300200 for this differences, because then you cannot q0E0hgOA1e4-01124-00300200-00300650 make a statement, "Yes, this is a false association, q0E0hgOA1e4-01125-00300650-00300820 therefore it's not --" q0E0hgOA1e4-01126-00300820-00301020 [Dr. Teri Manolio] Yeah, no, it's a huge problem. q0E0hgOA1e4-01127-00301020-00301210 I mean, obviously, we can't make all of the cohort q0E0hgOA1e4-01128-00301210-00301410 studies collect the same information. q0E0hgOA1e4-01129-00301410-00301640 You'd like to be able to at least have some comparability q0E0hgOA1e4-01130-00301640-00301950 between them, or collect some kind of watered-down version, q0E0hgOA1e4-01131-00301950-00302140 and the problem then, of course, is then it's watered-down, q0E0hgOA1e4-01132-00302140-00302510 and so are you missing a lot of the variability within there? q0E0hgOA1e4-01133-00302510-00302730 I think what tends to happen when there are inconsistencies q0E0hgOA1e4-01134-00302730-00303040 is people just dismiss them, and that I personally think q0E0hgOA1e4-01135-00303040-00303320 is a mistake, you know, there may be some very q0E0hgOA1e4-01136-00303320-00303460 important information there. q0E0hgOA1e4-01137-00303460-00303640 The problem is, you know, when you have a million q0E0hgOA1e4-01138-00303640-00303920 possibilities, you want to at least separate down -- q0E0hgOA1e4-01139-00303920-00304120 you know, distill down the ones that you really think are q0E0hgOA1e4-01140-00304120-00304420 really interesting or potentially important q0E0hgOA1e4-01141-00304420-00304540 and try to pursue those. q0E0hgOA1e4-01142-00304540-00304800 But you have to be, you know, selective. q0E0hgOA1e4-01143-00304800-00305210 [Female Speaker] And this goes back to, then, would it be necessary? q0E0hgOA1e4-01144-00305210-00305520 And I know that it's already out there, q0E0hgOA1e4-01145-00305520-00305900 the idea of having this huge cohort that your institute q0E0hgOA1e4-01146-00305900-00306240 was thinking about, therefore, because of these issues, q0E0hgOA1e4-01147-00306240-00306960 wouldn't be necessary for the future to have this huge cohort. q0E0hgOA1e4-01148-00306960-00307140 [Dr. Teri Manolio] Yeah, we think it's really necessary. q0E0hgOA1e4-01149-00307140-00307350 We don't see how we're going to get sort of the bottom q0E0hgOA1e4-01150-00307350-00307710 of this without a very large cohort that is well phenotyped. q0E0hgOA1e4-01151-00307710-00308020 The large cohorts that are going on now are not that q0E0hgOA1e4-01152-00308020-00308200 well phenotyped, and the environmental characteristics q0E0hgOA1e4-01153-00308200-00308350 that are collected are even poorer. q0E0hgOA1e4-01154-00308350-00308610 But, yeah, we think it's necessary. q5R827Exw7I-00000-00000052-00000242 Hello, welcome to another Rapalje Show q5R827Exw7I-00001-00000242-00000614 If you want to be sure to see all the Rapalje shows that's coming up q5R827Exw7I-00002-00000728-00001068 Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the notification bell q5R827Exw7I-00003-00001068-00001448 so we can inform you when there's a new Rapalje Show like every q5R827Exw7I-00004-00001500-00001602 Sunday! q5R827Exw7I-00005-00001622-00001894 In this video I'd like to show you what we've got in our hat q5R827Exw7I-00006-00001957-00002148 after the last show on Sunday q5R827Exw7I-00007-00002208-00002430 at our Zomerfolk Festival in Groningen q5R827Exw7I-00008-00002444-00002890 And we also got some more presents because it was the fifth anniversary and q5R827Exw7I-00009-00002918-00003054 there's some various piece of things: q5R827Exw7I-00010-00003070-00003222 I show you around at the terrain q5R827Exw7I-00011-00003294-00003770 And we got the last part from the interview from Sean Cannon from The Dublin Legends q5R827Exw7I-00012-00006306-00006552 The biggest present we got our festival was this q5R827Exw7I-00013-00006573-00006798 a beautiful painting from a Henk-Jan Bakker q5R827Exw7I-00014-00006858-00007145 We got this present from the volunteers from the "Purperen Draak" q5R827Exw7I-00015-00007238-00007404 This is so nice. I will now hang it at q5R827Exw7I-00016-00007456-00007548 the empty wall q5R827Exw7I-00017-00007588-00007759 next to the cupboard behind me q5R827Exw7I-00018-00009730-00009826 Okay, cool! q5R827Exw7I-00019-00009936-00010130 Looking much better now. This empty wall q5R827Exw7I-00020-00010156-00010502 Thank you very much for it is nice painting and now you can all enjoy it q5R827Exw7I-00021-00010504-00010734 Another nice painting I got was this one q5R827Exw7I-00022-00010826-00011242 from Esther Viola from q5R827Exw7I-00023-00011276-00011662 She wanted to make a painting where we look very rough and wild q5R827Exw7I-00024-00011740-00011886 but also cuddly q5R827Exw7I-00025-00011902-00012210 The T-shirt I'm wearing is from a band called The Dolmen from England q5R827Exw7I-00026-00012250-00012676 And we know them also from our adventures where we traveled to Glastonbury q5R827Exw7I-00027-00012706-00012806 in the UK q5R827Exw7I-00028-00012828-00013069 Check them out in the playlists here on YouTube q5R827Exw7I-00029-00013091-00013500 This video I made at Zomerfolk these are the last videos I took with my mobile phone q5R827Exw7I-00030-00013519-00013606 so enjoy them q5R827Exw7I-00031-00013616-00013832 I show you around at the festival at Zomerfolk q5R827Exw7I-00032-00013832-00014184 and after this video I will show you what's inside of this hat q5R827Exw7I-00033-00015776-00015856 Thank you! q5R827Exw7I-00034-00020208-00020424 Welcome everybody at Zomerfolk q5R827Exw7I-00035-00020918-00021152 Here's to you! q5R827Exw7I-00036-00022804-00023124 At the Sunday at our festival at the last gig q5R827Exw7I-00037-00023154-00023540 Because we're still kind of street performers, we put our hat q5R827Exw7I-00038-00023608-00023828 on the stage and we asked everybody q5R827Exw7I-00039-00023896-00024154 To put something in our hat q5R827Exw7I-00040-00024188-00024496 any return we gave away a free CD q5R827Exw7I-00041-00024520-00024816 So what's in the hat? Let's see.. q5R827Exw7I-00042-00025044-00025312 This one's empty. Thanks to my colleagues q5R827Exw7I-00043-00025392-00025620 Okay, this one's empty too: q5R827Exw7I-00044-00025620-00025830 Groninger sausage. I know that q5R827Exw7I-00045-00025844-00026062 my colleagues from Rapalje really love q5R827Exw7I-00046-00026174-00026414 Groninger sausage. I hope it was good q5R827Exw7I-00047-00026580-00026768 But there's still something to eat in the hat: q5R827Exw7I-00048-00026798-00026964 Small liquorice q5R827Exw7I-00049-00027162-00027304 Emergency poncho q5R827Exw7I-00050-00028124-00028270 Ah, peppermint! q5R827Exw7I-00051-00028544-00028660 Dear Rapalje, q5R827Exw7I-00052-00028680-00029010 Roses are red, Scottish kilts are checkered q5R827Exw7I-00053-00029048-00029318 I have never expressed my admiration for you. q5R827Exw7I-00054-00029318-00029427 But now I did q5R827Exw7I-00055-00029508-00029618 love q5R827Exw7I-00056-00029639-00029745 Maike q5R827Exw7I-00057-00029844-00030002 It was fantastic! q5R827Exw7I-00058-00030030-00030230 Madely, thank you q5R827Exw7I-00059-00030368-00030476 uhhh q5R827Exw7I-00060-00030502-00030770 More food: Easter Bunnies! q5R827Exw7I-00061-00030794-00030912 This is how music supposed to be! q5R827Exw7I-00062-00031014-00031126 Kitty and Marc q5R827Exw7I-00063-00031277-00031439 Some money. Thank you q5R827Exw7I-00064-00031612-00031770 from Poland: two złoty q5R827Exw7I-00065-00031850-00032050 Rapalje sunday morning concert q5R827Exw7I-00066-00032174-00032274 Hey.. q5R827Exw7I-00067-00032389-00032554 A Rapalje Fyndlingh q5R827Exw7I-00068-00032708-00032908 Another Rapalje Fyndlingh q5R827Exw7I-00069-00033134-00033328 This is a condom, always handy q5R827Exw7I-00070-00033356-00033570 Wacken, skull ware q5R827Exw7I-00071-00034298-00034362 Wacken q5R827Exw7I-00072-00034416-00034498 Ahh q5R827Exw7I-00073-00034584-00034666 Flowers! q5R827Exw7I-00074-00035096-00035232 A piece of balloon q5R827Exw7I-00075-00035290-00035512 we've thrown around and it's still glowing q5R827Exw7I-00076-00035804-00035956 Another love letter: q5R827Exw7I-00077-00036034-00036163 Dear Rapalje q5R827Exw7I-00078-00036194-00036380 You make everything a party q5R827Exw7I-00079-00036380-00036564 You're the best! Anne q5R827Exw7I-00080-00036638-00036774 Thank you q5R827Exw7I-00081-00037632-00037828 Love Rapalje, yes! q5R827Exw7I-00082-00037958-00038218 Specially returned, not moment of regret q5R827Exw7I-00083-00038648-00038792 Ah, and some more money q5R827Exw7I-00084-00038878-00039034 And what a nice plectrum q5R827Exw7I-00085-00039338-00039548 I'm sorry, but I don't smoke q5R827Exw7I-00086-00040014-00040176 And some more money. q5R827Exw7I-00087-00040212-00040430 We've got many coins q5R827Exw7I-00088-00040468-00040794 These are the coins, the gitouki coins from William q5R827Exw7I-00089-00040978-00041220 Which we use to pay for drinks and the food q5R827Exw7I-00090-00041322-00041522 Coin from England q5R827Exw7I-00091-00041734-00041842 smaller coin: q5R827Exw7I-00092-00041866-00042026 Fyndlingh, A quarter Fyndlingh q5R827Exw7I-00093-00042252-00042404 Another penny q5R827Exw7I-00094-00042440-00042640 And some euros. Thank you very much q5R827Exw7I-00095-00042652-00042832 That reminds me of something I have to show: q5R827Exw7I-00096-00042936-00043052 And that's this: q5R827Exw7I-00097-00043066-00043334 This is a special coin we have for the fifth anniversary q5R827Exw7I-00098-00043344-00043560 for the Rapalje Zomerfolk Festival q5R827Exw7I-00099-00043606-00043800 And it's worth five Fyndlings. q5R827Exw7I-00100-00043818-00044202 Which is the same amount as ten euros q5R827Exw7I-00101-00044220-00044474 You can get it at as necklace in our Rapalje shop q5R827Exw7I-00102-00044504-00044610 And remember: q5R827Exw7I-00103-00044610-00044860 Next year on Rapalje Zomerfolk Festival q5R827Exw7I-00104-00044874-00045136 this coin has 10% more value q5R827Exw7I-00105-00045156-00045576 So instead of 10 euros. It's 11 euros worth q5R827Exw7I-00106-00045598-00045812 of drinks and food q5R827Exw7I-00107-00045844-00046158 Please keep sending the presents and the comments for Rapalje Show q5R827Exw7I-00108-00046158-00046664 I will answer as many of your questions as possible in the Rapalje Show q5R827Exw7I-00109-00046688-00046888 And you can also send some presents q5R827Exw7I-00110-00046904-00047046 to put in the cupboard q5R827Exw7I-00111-00047064-00047466 or beneath the cupboard or hang it on the wall behind me q5R827Exw7I-00112-00047480-00047704 Now you will see the last part from the video q5R827Exw7I-00113-00047728-00048016 from the interview with Sean Cannon from The Dublin Legends q5R827Exw7I-00114-00048060-00048314 So be easy and free, and I meet you soon q5R827Exw7I-00115-00048402-00048534 Luckily q5R827Exw7I-00116-00048578-00048744 recording techniques were q5R827Exw7I-00117-00048744-00049066 although there were primitive in the time that q5R827Exw7I-00118-00049242-00049358 Caruso is alive, q5R827Exw7I-00119-00049374-00050032 nevertheless they caught the performances and we can still hear it today - yeah - so q5R827Exw7I-00120-00050118-00050318 before his time or q5R827Exw7I-00121-00050394-00050626 before recordings were possible q5R827Exw7I-00122-00050676-00050842 How much have we missed q5R827Exw7I-00123-00050842-00051150 yeah - How much could we had heard? q5R827Exw7I-00124-00051270-00051594 Do you still remember your first recording you did, in the studio, ever? q5R827Exw7I-00125-00051808-00052064 Our that's going back to like 19.. q5R827Exw7I-00126-00052170-00052486 77, about the time my son was born: James. q5R827Exw7I-00127-00052486-00052628 Okay - My elder son q5R827Exw7I-00128-00052662-00052834 Which you performed on stage q5R827Exw7I-00129-00052834-00053174 Yes, he was here q5R827Exw7I-00130-00053222-00053482 And there was a man I knew q5R827Exw7I-00131-00053532-00053890 Living here Coventry in England where I live now again q5R827Exw7I-00132-00054020-00054244 And he asked me if I'd like to q5R827Exw7I-00133-00054282-00054682 Record some songs, make an LP - Yeah q5R827Exw7I-00134-00054716-00054916 Well, I wouldn't be ready for that q5R827Exw7I-00135-00055046-00055320 But he persuaded me to do it q5R827Exw7I-00136-00055341-00055596 Well, it was only one day in the studio - Cool q5R827Exw7I-00137-00055616-00055846 Just myself and the guitar - Yeah q5R827Exw7I-00138-00055932-00056138 And we recorded it and I q5R827Exw7I-00139-00056162-00056386 that's how it was, very quick. q5R827Exw7I-00140-00056386-00056764 That's the first recording I did q5R827Exw7I-00141-00056796-00057129 It is possible to find these recordings somewhere? Do you have them? q5R827Exw7I-00142-00057262-00057429 The LP came out q5R827Exw7I-00143-00057429-00057614 If I could find one now q5R827Exw7I-00144-00057614-00057947 It would be nice to have a link now because we are on YouTube q5R827Exw7I-00145-00057976-00058304 It would be really great to find a link of your first recording q5R827Exw7I-00146-00058404-00058602 Oh yes, hahaha. q5R827Exw7I-00147-00058602-00058710 Now how cool is that? q5R827Exw7I-00148-00058710-00059040 Now this gentleman in 1977 who asked me to do this q5R827Exw7I-00149-00059040-00059255 rang me up a couple years ago q5R827Exw7I-00150-00059255-00059826 And he says: Would it be permitted to bring this out on CD forms: q5R827Exw7I-00151-00059829-00060308 The old recording with an image the same as on the sleeve of the q5R827Exw7I-00152-00060372-00060572 of the q5R827Exw7I-00153-00060616-00060998 CD - cool - It's the same: the sleeve as the LP, as the CD q5R827Exw7I-00154-00061062-00061182 I think I have one here: q5R827Exw7I-00155-00061182-00061614 Rainer has some - Oh - You like to have it q5R827Exw7I-00156-00061614-00061782 Cool, I like to have it and I'm going to play it q5R827Exw7I-00157-00061782-00062110 it yeah. Yeah, yeah cool. It's very basic q5R827Exw7I-00158-00062148-00062529 Well, we love basic, believe me. We really love basic q8noJd7pPpE-00000-00001789-00002212 Spontaneously Septian Dwi Cahyo q8noJd7pPpE-00001-00002866-00003066 Buyer and seller q8noJd7pPpE-00002-00003080-00003279 Outdoor Activity q8noJd7pPpE-00003-00003988-00004078 B : Guys... q8noJd7pPpE-00004-00004090-00004290 Want to buy something q8noJd7pPpE-00005-00004356-00004688 wait, I'll see the money q8noJd7pPpE-00006-00004784-00004928 Is there any??... q8noJd7pPpE-00007-00004928-00005060 What is call ?? q8noJd7pPpE-00008-00005060-00005260 Wait a moment.. q8noJd7pPpE-00009-00005268-00005468 I forgot the call... q8noJd7pPpE-00010-00005468-00005540 S : what's grandma ?? q8noJd7pPpE-00011-00005540-00005656 Can I help you ? q8noJd7pPpE-00012-00005656-00005934 Wait a minute, I want to find something q8noJd7pPpE-00013-00005934-00006096 on my Bag q8noJd7pPpE-00014-00006114-00006445 I forgot to buy anything q8noJd7pPpE-00015-00006445-00006709 was recorded at home.. q8noJd7pPpE-00016-00006709-00007036 there in my bracelet q8noJd7pPpE-00017-00007036-00007181 cancel... q8noJd7pPpE-00018-00007226-00007472 what is...where my grandson q8noJd7pPpE-00019-00007472-00007728 B : grandma.. q8noJd7pPpE-00020-00007759-00008084 said just do not want to buy q8noJd7pPpE-00021-00008118-00008350 Ohh.. too many bon.. q8noJd7pPpE-00022-00008426-00008634 hard to live q8noJd7pPpE-00023-00008670-00008934 what the hell is in my nose q8noJd7pPpE-00024-00008954-00009078 very itchy... q8noJd7pPpE-00025-00009116-00009210 There are more q8noJd7pPpE-00026-00009246-00009340 nothing more q8noJd7pPpE-00027-00009450-00010010 oh my life in jakarta like this q8zF9iIfB9A-00000-00000010-00000377 PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS TO COMPLETE q8zF9iIfB9A-00001-00000377-00000383 PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS TO COMPLETE q8zF9iIfB9A-00002-00000383-00000480 PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS TO COMPLETE THE PROGRAM. q8zF9iIfB9A-00003-00000480-00000487 PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS TO COMPLETE THE PROGRAM. q8zF9iIfB9A-00004-00000487-00000557 PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS TO COMPLETE THE PROGRAM. >>> EVER STOP TO THINK IF THE q8zF9iIfB9A-00005-00000557-00000563 THE PROGRAM. >>> EVER STOP TO THINK IF THE q8zF9iIfB9A-00006-00000563-00000650 THE PROGRAM. >>> EVER STOP TO THINK IF THE BRAINERD LAKES AREA IS q8zF9iIfB9A-00007-00000650-00000657 >>> EVER STOP TO THINK IF THE BRAINERD LAKES AREA IS q8zF9iIfB9A-00008-00000657-00000774 >>> EVER STOP TO THINK IF THE BRAINERD LAKES AREA IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE? q8zF9iIfB9A-00009-00000774-00000780 BRAINERD LAKES AREA IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE? q8zF9iIfB9A-00010-00000780-00000894 BRAINERD LAKES AREA IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE? WELL, ONE COMMUNITY MEMBER IS q8zF9iIfB9A-00011-00000894-00000900 WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE? WELL, ONE COMMUNITY MEMBER IS q8zF9iIfB9A-00012-00000900-00001034 WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE? WELL, ONE COMMUNITY MEMBER IS SPEAKING OUT AND SHARING HOW SHE q8zF9iIfB9A-00013-00001034-00001041 WELL, ONE COMMUNITY MEMBER IS SPEAKING OUT AND SHARING HOW SHE q8zF9iIfB9A-00014-00001041-00001184 WELL, ONE COMMUNITY MEMBER IS SPEAKING OUT AND SHARING HOW SHE HOPES TO CREATE AWARENESS WITH q8zF9iIfB9A-00015-00001184-00001191 SPEAKING OUT AND SHARING HOW SHE HOPES TO CREATE AWARENESS WITH q8zF9iIfB9A-00016-00001191-00001327 SPEAKING OUT AND SHARING HOW SHE HOPES TO CREATE AWARENESS WITH HER MS. BRAINERD TITLE. q8zF9iIfB9A-00017-00001327-00001334 HOPES TO CREATE AWARENESS WITH HER MS. BRAINERD TITLE. q8zF9iIfB9A-00018-00001334-00001608 HOPES TO CREATE AWARENESS WITH HER MS. BRAINERD TITLE. SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THAT STORY. q8zF9iIfB9A-00019-00001608-00001614 HER MS. BRAINERD TITLE. SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THAT STORY. q8zF9iIfB9A-00020-00001614-00001755 HER MS. BRAINERD TITLE. SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THAT STORY. >> Reporter: WHAT STARTED OFF q8zF9iIfB9A-00021-00001755-00001761 SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THAT STORY. >> Reporter: WHAT STARTED OFF q8zF9iIfB9A-00022-00001761-00002095 SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THAT STORY. >> Reporter: WHAT STARTED OFF AS A PARENT MEETING WITH THE q8zF9iIfB9A-00023-00002095-00002102 >> Reporter: WHAT STARTED OFF AS A PARENT MEETING WITH THE q8zF9iIfB9A-00024-00002102-00002222 >> Reporter: WHAT STARTED OFF AS A PARENT MEETING WITH THE MISS UNITED STATES PAGEANT THE q8zF9iIfB9A-00025-00002222-00002228 AS A PARENT MEETING WITH THE MISS UNITED STATES PAGEANT THE q8zF9iIfB9A-00026-00002228-00002562 AS A PARENT MEETING WITH THE MISS UNITED STATES PAGEANT THE TURNED INTO A NEW CONTESTANT q8zF9iIfB9A-00027-00002562-00002569 MISS UNITED STATES PAGEANT THE TURNED INTO A NEW CONTESTANT q8zF9iIfB9A-00028-00002569-00002789 MISS UNITED STATES PAGEANT THE TURNED INTO A NEW CONTESTANT WITH THE MS. WOMENS CATEGORY. q8zF9iIfB9A-00029-00002789-00002796 TURNED INTO A NEW CONTESTANT WITH THE MS. WOMENS CATEGORY. q8zF9iIfB9A-00030-00002796-00003009 TURNED INTO A NEW CONTESTANT WITH THE MS. WOMENS CATEGORY. >> I NEVER THOUGHT IN MY WILDEST q8zF9iIfB9A-00031-00003009-00003016 WITH THE MS. WOMENS CATEGORY. >> I NEVER THOUGHT IN MY WILDEST q8zF9iIfB9A-00032-00003016-00003236 WITH THE MS. WOMENS CATEGORY. >> I NEVER THOUGHT IN MY WILDEST DREAMS I WOULD BE DOING THIS AT q8zF9iIfB9A-00033-00003236-00003243 >> I NEVER THOUGHT IN MY WILDEST DREAMS I WOULD BE DOING THIS AT q8zF9iIfB9A-00034-00003243-00003319 >> I NEVER THOUGHT IN MY WILDEST DREAMS I WOULD BE DOING THIS AT AGE 42. q8zF9iIfB9A-00035-00003319-00003326 DREAMS I WOULD BE DOING THIS AT AGE 42. q8zF9iIfB9A-00036-00003326-00003833 DREAMS I WOULD BE DOING THIS AT AGE 42. >> Reporter: SHE DECIDED TO DO q8zF9iIfB9A-00037-00003833-00003840 AGE 42. >> Reporter: SHE DECIDED TO DO q8zF9iIfB9A-00038-00003840-00004040 AGE 42. >> Reporter: SHE DECIDED TO DO THIS BY MAKING IT HEATHER q8zF9iIfB9A-00039-00004040-00004047 >> Reporter: SHE DECIDED TO DO THIS BY MAKING IT HEATHER q8zF9iIfB9A-00040-00004047-00004117 >> Reporter: SHE DECIDED TO DO THIS BY MAKING IT HEATHER ACCESSIBLE. q8zF9iIfB9A-00041-00004117-00004124 THIS BY MAKING IT HEATHER ACCESSIBLE. q8zF9iIfB9A-00042-00004124-00004307 THIS BY MAKING IT HEATHER ACCESSIBLE. >> A LOT OF PEOPLE HIDE IN THEIR q8zF9iIfB9A-00043-00004307-00004314 ACCESSIBLE. >> A LOT OF PEOPLE HIDE IN THEIR q8zF9iIfB9A-00044-00004314-00004407 ACCESSIBLE. >> A LOT OF PEOPLE HIDE IN THEIR HOMES WHEN THEY HAVE SOMETHING q8zF9iIfB9A-00045-00004407-00004414 >> A LOT OF PEOPLE HIDE IN THEIR HOMES WHEN THEY HAVE SOMETHING q8zF9iIfB9A-00046-00004414-00004574 >> A LOT OF PEOPLE HIDE IN THEIR HOMES WHEN THEY HAVE SOMETHING THAT IS DIFFERENT. q8zF9iIfB9A-00047-00004574-00004581 HOMES WHEN THEY HAVE SOMETHING THAT IS DIFFERENT. q8zF9iIfB9A-00048-00004581-00004798 HOMES WHEN THEY HAVE SOMETHING THAT IS DIFFERENT. THEY DON'T WANT TO GO OUT. q8zF9iIfB9A-00049-00004798-00004804 THAT IS DIFFERENT. THEY DON'T WANT TO GO OUT. q8zF9iIfB9A-00050-00004804-00004924 THAT IS DIFFERENT. THEY DON'T WANT TO GO OUT. THEY'RE FEARFUL. q8zF9iIfB9A-00051-00004924-00004931 THEY DON'T WANT TO GO OUT. THEY'RE FEARFUL. q8zF9iIfB9A-00052-00004931-00005378 THEY DON'T WANT TO GO OUT. THEY'RE FEARFUL. >> Reporter: AFTER BEING q8zF9iIfB9A-00053-00005378-00005385 THEY'RE FEARFUL. >> Reporter: AFTER BEING q8zF9iIfB9A-00054-00005385-00005525 THEY'RE FEARFUL. >> Reporter: AFTER BEING DIAGNOSED WITH MULTIPLE q8zF9iIfB9A-00055-00005525-00005532 >> Reporter: AFTER BEING DIAGNOSED WITH MULTIPLE q8zF9iIfB9A-00056-00005532-00005595 >> Reporter: AFTER BEING DIAGNOSED WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. q8zF9iIfB9A-00057-00005595-00005602 DIAGNOSED WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. q8zF9iIfB9A-00058-00005602-00005742 DIAGNOSED WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. SHE'S OUT ON STAGE PROVING TO q8zF9iIfB9A-00059-00005742-00005749 SCLEROSIS. SHE'S OUT ON STAGE PROVING TO q8zF9iIfB9A-00060-00005749-00005859 SCLEROSIS. SHE'S OUT ON STAGE PROVING TO THE WORLD THAT SHE'S NO q8zF9iIfB9A-00061-00005859-00005865 SHE'S OUT ON STAGE PROVING TO THE WORLD THAT SHE'S NO q8zF9iIfB9A-00062-00005865-00005915 SHE'S OUT ON STAGE PROVING TO THE WORLD THAT SHE'S NO DIFFERENT. q8zF9iIfB9A-00063-00005915-00005922 THE WORLD THAT SHE'S NO DIFFERENT. q8zF9iIfB9A-00064-00005922-00006409 THE WORLD THAT SHE'S NO DIFFERENT. >> KIND OF MADE ME MORE FREE TO q8zF9iIfB9A-00065-00006409-00006416 DIFFERENT. >> KIND OF MADE ME MORE FREE TO q8zF9iIfB9A-00066-00006416-00006586 DIFFERENT. >> KIND OF MADE ME MORE FREE TO JUST ACT HOWEVER -- YOU KNOW, q8zF9iIfB9A-00067-00006586-00006593 >> KIND OF MADE ME MORE FREE TO JUST ACT HOWEVER -- YOU KNOW, q8zF9iIfB9A-00068-00006593-00006713 >> KIND OF MADE ME MORE FREE TO JUST ACT HOWEVER -- YOU KNOW, HOWEVER I THOUGHT WOULD COME q8zF9iIfB9A-00069-00006713-00006720 JUST ACT HOWEVER -- YOU KNOW, HOWEVER I THOUGHT WOULD COME q8zF9iIfB9A-00070-00006720-00006786 JUST ACT HOWEVER -- YOU KNOW, HOWEVER I THOUGHT WOULD COME ACROSS WELL. q8zF9iIfB9A-00071-00006786-00006793 HOWEVER I THOUGHT WOULD COME ACROSS WELL. q8zF9iIfB9A-00072-00006793-00006943 HOWEVER I THOUGHT WOULD COME ACROSS WELL. >> Reporter: DURING THE q8zF9iIfB9A-00073-00006943-00006950 ACROSS WELL. >> Reporter: DURING THE q8zF9iIfB9A-00074-00006950-00007070 ACROSS WELL. >> Reporter: DURING THE INTERVIEW PORTION OF THE q8zF9iIfB9A-00075-00007070-00007077 >> Reporter: DURING THE INTERVIEW PORTION OF THE q8zF9iIfB9A-00076-00007077-00007237 >> Reporter: DURING THE INTERVIEW PORTION OF THE PAGEANT, SHE WAS ASKED HOW SHE q8zF9iIfB9A-00077-00007237-00007243 INTERVIEW PORTION OF THE PAGEANT, SHE WAS ASKED HOW SHE q8zF9iIfB9A-00078-00007243-00007384 INTERVIEW PORTION OF THE PAGEANT, SHE WAS ASKED HOW SHE WOULD DESCRIBE HER PERFECT q8zF9iIfB9A-00079-00007384-00007390 PAGEANT, SHE WAS ASKED HOW SHE WOULD DESCRIBE HER PERFECT q8zF9iIfB9A-00080-00007390-00007454 PAGEANT, SHE WAS ASKED HOW SHE WOULD DESCRIBE HER PERFECT FRIEND. q8zF9iIfB9A-00081-00007454-00007460 WOULD DESCRIBE HER PERFECT FRIEND. q8zF9iIfB9A-00082-00007460-00007677 WOULD DESCRIBE HER PERFECT FRIEND. >> SHE WOULD SEE ME AND NOT MY q8zF9iIfB9A-00083-00007677-00007684 FRIEND. >> SHE WOULD SEE ME AND NOT MY q8zF9iIfB9A-00084-00007684-00007911 FRIEND. >> SHE WOULD SEE ME AND NOT MY CHAIR AND JUST KNOW THAT IT'S q8zF9iIfB9A-00085-00007911-00007917 >> SHE WOULD SEE ME AND NOT MY CHAIR AND JUST KNOW THAT IT'S q8zF9iIfB9A-00086-00007917-00008158 >> SHE WOULD SEE ME AND NOT MY CHAIR AND JUST KNOW THAT IT'S JUST ABOUT ME. q8zF9iIfB9A-00087-00008158-00008164 CHAIR AND JUST KNOW THAT IT'S JUST ABOUT ME. q8zF9iIfB9A-00088-00008164-00008341 CHAIR AND JUST KNOW THAT IT'S JUST ABOUT ME. THAT MY CHAIR DOESN'T DEFINE ME q8zF9iIfB9A-00089-00008341-00008348 JUST ABOUT ME. THAT MY CHAIR DOESN'T DEFINE ME q8zF9iIfB9A-00090-00008348-00008481 JUST ABOUT ME. THAT MY CHAIR DOESN'T DEFINE ME >> Reporter: EVEN THOUGH SHE q8zF9iIfB9A-00091-00008481-00008488 THAT MY CHAIR DOESN'T DEFINE ME >> Reporter: EVEN THOUGH SHE q8zF9iIfB9A-00092-00008488-00008631 THAT MY CHAIR DOESN'T DEFINE ME >> Reporter: EVEN THOUGH SHE HAS ONLY HELD THE TITLE IN q8zF9iIfB9A-00093-00008631-00008638 >> Reporter: EVEN THOUGH SHE HAS ONLY HELD THE TITLE IN q8zF9iIfB9A-00094-00008638-00008742 >> Reporter: EVEN THOUGH SHE HAS ONLY HELD THE TITLE IN BRAINERD FOR ABOUT A MONTH, q8zF9iIfB9A-00095-00008742-00008748 HAS ONLY HELD THE TITLE IN BRAINERD FOR ABOUT A MONTH, q8zF9iIfB9A-00096-00008748-00008902 HAS ONLY HELD THE TITLE IN BRAINERD FOR ABOUT A MONTH, SHE'S ALREADY CAUSING CHANGE. q8zF9iIfB9A-00097-00008902-00008908 BRAINERD FOR ABOUT A MONTH, SHE'S ALREADY CAUSING CHANGE. q8zF9iIfB9A-00098-00008908-00009142 BRAINERD FOR ABOUT A MONTH, SHE'S ALREADY CAUSING CHANGE. >> FOR US TO BE ABLE TO LEARN q8zF9iIfB9A-00099-00009142-00009149 SHE'S ALREADY CAUSING CHANGE. >> FOR US TO BE ABLE TO LEARN q8zF9iIfB9A-00100-00009149-00009279 SHE'S ALREADY CAUSING CHANGE. >> FOR US TO BE ABLE TO LEARN WHAT IT'S ACTUALLY LIKE FOR q8zF9iIfB9A-00101-00009279-00009285 >> FOR US TO BE ABLE TO LEARN WHAT IT'S ACTUALLY LIKE FOR q8zF9iIfB9A-00102-00009285-00009512 >> FOR US TO BE ABLE TO LEARN WHAT IT'S ACTUALLY LIKE FOR HEATHER TO NOT BE ABLE TO GO TO q8zF9iIfB9A-00103-00009512-00009519 WHAT IT'S ACTUALLY LIKE FOR HEATHER TO NOT BE ABLE TO GO TO q8zF9iIfB9A-00104-00009519-00009696 WHAT IT'S ACTUALLY LIKE FOR HEATHER TO NOT BE ABLE TO GO TO SOME THINGS OR THE FACT THAT WE q8zF9iIfB9A-00105-00009696-00009703 HEATHER TO NOT BE ABLE TO GO TO SOME THINGS OR THE FACT THAT WE q8zF9iIfB9A-00106-00009703-00009939 HEATHER TO NOT BE ABLE TO GO TO SOME THINGS OR THE FACT THAT WE HAD TO REVAMP THE STAGE. q8zF9iIfB9A-00107-00009939-00009946 SOME THINGS OR THE FACT THAT WE HAD TO REVAMP THE STAGE. q8zF9iIfB9A-00108-00009946-00010073 SOME THINGS OR THE FACT THAT WE HAD TO REVAMP THE STAGE. >> Reporter: BOTH PAGEANT q8zF9iIfB9A-00109-00010073-00010080 HAD TO REVAMP THE STAGE. >> Reporter: BOTH PAGEANT q8zF9iIfB9A-00110-00010080-00010216 HAD TO REVAMP THE STAGE. >> Reporter: BOTH PAGEANT DIRECTORS ARE CONSTANTLY q8zF9iIfB9A-00111-00010216-00010223 >> Reporter: BOTH PAGEANT DIRECTORS ARE CONSTANTLY q8zF9iIfB9A-00112-00010223-00010323 >> Reporter: BOTH PAGEANT DIRECTORS ARE CONSTANTLY THINKING HOW HEATHER CAN GET q8zF9iIfB9A-00113-00010323-00010330 DIRECTORS ARE CONSTANTLY THINKING HOW HEATHER CAN GET q8zF9iIfB9A-00114-00010330-00010373 DIRECTORS ARE CONSTANTLY THINKING HOW HEATHER CAN GET INVOLVED. q8zF9iIfB9A-00115-00010373-00010380 THINKING HOW HEATHER CAN GET INVOLVED. q8zF9iIfB9A-00116-00010380-00010537 THINKING HOW HEATHER CAN GET INVOLVED. >> NOW, I'M AWARE. q8zF9iIfB9A-00117-00010537-00010543 INVOLVED. >> NOW, I'M AWARE. q8zF9iIfB9A-00118-00010543-00010667 INVOLVED. >> NOW, I'M AWARE. YOU KNOW, I'LL SET UP q8zF9iIfB9A-00119-00010667-00010673 >> NOW, I'M AWARE. YOU KNOW, I'LL SET UP q8zF9iIfB9A-00120-00010673-00010817 >> NOW, I'M AWARE. YOU KNOW, I'LL SET UP APPEARANCES FOR ALL THE GIRLS OR q8zF9iIfB9A-00121-00010817-00010824 YOU KNOW, I'LL SET UP APPEARANCES FOR ALL THE GIRLS OR q8zF9iIfB9A-00122-00010824-00010984 YOU KNOW, I'LL SET UP APPEARANCES FOR ALL THE GIRLS OR THE GIRLS FIND APPEARANCES, q8zF9iIfB9A-00123-00010984-00010990 APPEARANCES FOR ALL THE GIRLS OR THE GIRLS FIND APPEARANCES, q8zF9iIfB9A-00124-00010990-00011024 APPEARANCES FOR ALL THE GIRLS OR THE GIRLS FIND APPEARANCES, RIGHT? q8zF9iIfB9A-00125-00011024-00011031 THE GIRLS FIND APPEARANCES, RIGHT? q8zF9iIfB9A-00126-00011031-00011231 THE GIRLS FIND APPEARANCES, RIGHT? THE FIRST THING I SAY, IS q8zF9iIfB9A-00127-00011231-00011237 RIGHT? THE FIRST THING I SAY, IS q8zF9iIfB9A-00128-00011237-00011327 RIGHT? THE FIRST THING I SAY, IS HEATHER ACCESSIBLE? q8zF9iIfB9A-00129-00011327-00011334 THE FIRST THING I SAY, IS HEATHER ACCESSIBLE? q8zF9iIfB9A-00130-00011334-00011481 THE FIRST THING I SAY, IS HEATHER ACCESSIBLE? >> Reporter: HEATHER IS PLEASED q8zF9iIfB9A-00131-00011481-00011488 HEATHER ACCESSIBLE? >> Reporter: HEATHER IS PLEASED q8zF9iIfB9A-00132-00011488-00011624 HEATHER ACCESSIBLE? >> Reporter: HEATHER IS PLEASED WITH ALL THE SUPPORT SHE'S q8zF9iIfB9A-00133-00011624-00011631 >> Reporter: HEATHER IS PLEASED WITH ALL THE SUPPORT SHE'S q8zF9iIfB9A-00134-00011631-00011715 >> Reporter: HEATHER IS PLEASED WITH ALL THE SUPPORT SHE'S RECEIVED BUT HOPES TO CONTINUE q8zF9iIfB9A-00135-00011715-00011721 WITH ALL THE SUPPORT SHE'S RECEIVED BUT HOPES TO CONTINUE q8zF9iIfB9A-00136-00011721-00011871 WITH ALL THE SUPPORT SHE'S RECEIVED BUT HOPES TO CONTINUE TO INSPIRE OTHERS TO DO THE q8zF9iIfB9A-00137-00011871-00011878 RECEIVED BUT HOPES TO CONTINUE TO INSPIRE OTHERS TO DO THE q8zF9iIfB9A-00138-00011878-00012038 RECEIVED BUT HOPES TO CONTINUE TO INSPIRE OTHERS TO DO THE SAME. q8zF9iIfB9A-00139-00012038-00012045 TO INSPIRE OTHERS TO DO THE SAME. q8zF9iIfB9A-00140-00012045-00012368 TO INSPIRE OTHERS TO DO THE SAME. >> JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS, YOU q8zF9iIfB9A-00141-00012368-00012375 SAME. >> JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS, YOU q8zF9iIfB9A-00142-00012375-00012572 SAME. >> JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS, YOU KNOW, SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT q8zF9iIfB9A-00143-00012572-00012579 >> JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS, YOU KNOW, SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT q8zF9iIfB9A-00144-00012579-00012749 >> JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS, YOU KNOW, SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT THEM, IT STILL CAN MAKE THEM A q8zF9iIfB9A-00145-00012749-00012756 KNOW, SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT THEM, IT STILL CAN MAKE THEM A q8zF9iIfB9A-00146-00012756-00012796 KNOW, SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT THEM, IT STILL CAN MAKE THEM A QUEEN. q8zF9iIfB9A-00147-00012796-00012802 THEM, IT STILL CAN MAKE THEM A QUEEN. q8zF9iIfB9A-00148-00012802-00012979 THEM, IT STILL CAN MAKE THEM A QUEEN. >> Reporter: SHE WILL GO ON TO q8zF9iIfB9A-00149-00012979-00012986 QUEEN. >> Reporter: SHE WILL GO ON TO q8zF9iIfB9A-00150-00012986-00013146 QUEEN. >> Reporter: SHE WILL GO ON TO COMPETE AT THE NEXT LEVEL IN q8zF9iIfB9A-00151-00013146-00013153 >> Reporter: SHE WILL GO ON TO COMPETE AT THE NEXT LEVEL IN q8zF9iIfB9A-00152-00013153-00013296 >> Reporter: SHE WILL GO ON TO COMPETE AT THE NEXT LEVEL IN FEBRUARY, BUT UNTIL THEN, HOPES q8zF9iIfB9A-00153-00013296-00013303 COMPETE AT THE NEXT LEVEL IN FEBRUARY, BUT UNTIL THEN, HOPES q8zF9iIfB9A-00154-00013303-00013526 COMPETE AT THE NEXT LEVEL IN FEBRUARY, BUT UNTIL THEN, HOPES TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE q8zF9iIfB9A-00155-00013526-00013533 FEBRUARY, BUT UNTIL THEN, HOPES TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE q8zF9iIfB9A-00156-00013533-00013683 FEBRUARY, BUT UNTIL THEN, HOPES TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE BRAINERD COMMUNITY. q8zF9iIfB9A-00157-00013683-00013690 TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE BRAINERD COMMUNITY. q8zF9iIfB9A-00158-00013690-00013843 TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE BRAINERD COMMUNITY. >> CROWN ON YOUR HEAD DOES GIVE q8zF9iIfB9A-00159-00013843-00013850 BRAINERD COMMUNITY. >> CROWN ON YOUR HEAD DOES GIVE q8zF9iIfB9A-00160-00013850-00013977 BRAINERD COMMUNITY. >> CROWN ON YOUR HEAD DOES GIVE YOU A SUPER POWER. q8zF9iIfB9A-00161-00013977-00013983 >> CROWN ON YOUR HEAD DOES GIVE YOU A SUPER POWER. q8zF9iIfB9A-00162-00013983-00014104 >> CROWN ON YOUR HEAD DOES GIVE YOU A SUPER POWER. >> Reporter: REPORTING IN q8zF9iIfB9A-00163-00014104-00014110 YOU A SUPER POWER. >> Reporter: REPORTING IN q8zF9iIfB9A-00164-00014110-00014200 YOU A SUPER POWER. >> Reporter: REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, q8zF9iIfB9A-00165-00014200-00014207 >> Reporter: REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, q8zF9iIfB9A-00166-00014207-00014280 >> Reporter: REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. q8zF9iIfB9A-00167-00014280-00014287 BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. q8zF9iIfB9A-00168-00014287-00014404 BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. >>Dennis: HEATHER'S NEXT q8zF9iIfB9A-00169-00014404-00014411 LAKELAND NEWS. >>Dennis: HEATHER'S NEXT q8zF9iIfB9A-00170-00014411-00014531 LAKELAND NEWS. >>Dennis: HEATHER'S NEXT APPEARANCE WILL BE AT THE DAIRY q8zF9iIfB9A-00171-00014531-00014537 >>Dennis: HEATHER'S NEXT APPEARANCE WILL BE AT THE DAIRY q8zF9iIfB9A-00172-00014537-00014604 >>Dennis: HEATHER'S NEXT APPEARANCE WILL BE AT THE DAIRY QUEEN IN THE WESTGATE MALL qqcmuyL-K8y-00000-00000388-00000749 In this new section we're going to take a look at a field of chemistry known as qqcmuyL-K8y-00001-00000749-00001219 kinetics. This is the study of how fast reactions go. This is known as their rate qqcmuyL-K8y-00002-00001219-00001700 Also what affects how fast they go and what occurs on a molecular level as a qqcmuyL-K8y-00003-00001700-00002150 reaction occurs. In this first video we'll revise some material from year 10: qqcmuyL-K8y-00004-00002150-00002624 what factors can you change about a reaction that will change its rate. So qqcmuyL-K8y-00005-00002624-00002927 think back to year 10 where you had perhaps your first encounter with rates qqcmuyL-K8y-00006-00002927-00003232 of reaction. You may have done some experiments where you varied the qqcmuyL-K8y-00007-00003232-00003557 conditions of reaction and how to look at whether that made the reaction go qqcmuyL-K8y-00008-00003557-00004007 faster or slower. As long as you aren't changing the reaction itself the factors qqcmuyL-K8y-00009-00004007-00004436 that you can play around with are the concentration of a reactant that's in qqcmuyL-K8y-00010-00004436-00004976 solution, the pressure if you've got a gaseous reactant, the temperature of the qqcmuyL-K8y-00011-00004976-00005642 reaction, the surface area if you've got a solid reactant or if you have two qqcmuyL-K8y-00012-00005642-00006047 immiscible liquid reactants. So an oil and a water that need to be shaken up qqcmuyL-K8y-00013-00006047-00006550 together, the surface area between those two has an effect on the rate, and the qqcmuyL-K8y-00014-00006550-00006959 final thing is the presence of a catalyst. We need to note here that qqcmuyL-K8y-00015-00006959-00007319 although in most cases changing things like concentration temperature and so on qqcmuyL-K8y-00016-00007319-00007763 won't actually change what products are being produced, only how fast they're qqcmuyL-K8y-00017-00007763-00008156 being produced. But there are examples where this does happen particularly in qqcmuyL-K8y-00018-00008156-00008510 organic chemistry where unwanted side reactions can occur if you don't get the qqcmuyL-K8y-00019-00008510-00008969 reaction conditions just right. A classic example of a change in products that's qqcmuyL-K8y-00020-00008969-00009401 easy to replicate in the lab is the reaction between copper and nitric acid, qqcmuyL-K8y-00021-00009401-00009943 not an organic reaction this one. If you add some copper to dilute nitric acid qqcmuyL-K8y-00022-00009943-00010310 one molar for example, then you get copper nitrate produced along with qqcmuyL-K8y-00023-00010310-00011003 nitrogen monoxide gas and water, nitrogen monoxide is colorless. But if you add the qqcmuyL-K8y-00024-00011003-00011440 copper to concentrated nitric acid, 15 molar say, then the stoichiometry is qqcmuyL-K8y-00025-00011440-00011909 different and we get nitrogen dioxide gas as a product, this is a brown toxic qqcmuyL-K8y-00026-00011909-00012307 gas and this is what you can see in the picture here from the Royal Society of qqcmuyL-K8y-00027-00012307-00012934 Chemistry the brown nitrogen dioxide gas coming off from the solution. qsqMi2qQoy0-00000-00001300-00001542 Interviewer: Welcome to Blockshow 2018 Europe. qsqMi2qQoy0-00001-00001542-00002016 I'm here and we're speaking with one of the members of ConsenSys, so my first question qsqMi2qQoy0-00002-00002016-00002329 to you, Ajit, is if you could just talk to us a little bit about what ConsenSys is and qsqMi2qQoy0-00003-00002329-00002520 what your role is there? qsqMi2qQoy0-00005-00003229-00004042 Ajit: Sure. So Consensus is a venture production studio based in Brooklyn, now we have offices in qsqMi2qQoy0-00006-00004042-00004876 London, in about 30 countries, including London, [France] Paris, South Africa, Australia, Singapore qsqMi2qQoy0-00007-00004876-00005735 - so we're building teams all over the world to essentially develop blockchain based solutions. qsqMi2qQoy0-00008-00005735-00006281 And we create a lot of startups, so we're technology builders and we are creating tools, qsqMi2qQoy0-00009-00006281-00006989 components, infrastructure and solutions for a decentralized ecosystem so, if I had to qsqMi2qQoy0-00010-00006989-00007494 put this in one line, we create technology for N-sided marketplaces, right. qsqMi2qQoy0-00011-00007494-00008170 So what that means is that today in the [whole] world everything was dominated by centralized qsqMi2qQoy0-00012-00008170-00008609 platforms, like banks or, you know, the likes of Facebook - qsqMi2qQoy0-00013-00008609-00009289 they all dominate either data or assets, and start... become rent-seeking participants qsqMi2qQoy0-00014-00009289-00009427 in the economy. qsqMi2qQoy0-00015-00009427-00010142 We want to shift that to peer-to-peer paradigm where the individual is empowered and we think qsqMi2qQoy0-00016-00010142-00010574 technology, especially blockchain technology has a big role to play in creating an ecosystem qsqMi2qQoy0-00017-00010574-00011411 where we do not depend on these dominant intermediaries in every single market for information and qsqMi2qQoy0-00018-00011411-00011511 assets. qsqMi2qQoy0-00019-00011511-00011860 I: So do you have any projects in ConsenSys right now that you're really excited about qsqMi2qQoy0-00020-00011860-00012142 that you're developing, that are maybe close to mass adoption? qsqMi2qQoy0-00021-00012142-00012653 A: So it'd be very very difficult for me to not be excited about some of our projects, qsqMi2qQoy0-00022-00012653-00013033 so blockchain is early-stage technology, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00023-00013033-00013733 But at the same time in the enterprise space we have seen a lot of progress, so we are qsqMi2qQoy0-00024-00013733-00014483 actually working on a project with some very large financial institutions that I can't qsqMi2qQoy0-00025-00014483-00015291 announce right now, but that's tremendously exciting, we are working on infrastructure qsqMi2qQoy0-00026-00015291-00015859 components, like, you know, Truffle is the most popular development tool in all of Ethereum qsqMi2qQoy0-00027-00015859-00016664 development community, then Metamask has had 1 million downloads - it's a wallet. qsqMi2qQoy0-00028-00016664-00017261 Infura can support up to 12 billion transactions a day which it's for read-only transactions, qsqMi2qQoy0-00029-00017261-00017888 and takes a lot off load of the Ethereum - the public Ethereum blockchain. qsqMi2qQoy0-00030-00017888-00018365 So infrastructure tools like that are extremely exciting, my focus is on decentralized exchanges, qsqMi2qQoy0-00031-00018365-00019038 and regulation and policy, so decentralized exchanges are peer-to-peer marketplaces for qsqMi2qQoy0-00032-00019038-00019307 exchanging digital and digitized assets, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00033-00019307-00019428 So let's say... qsqMi2qQoy0-00034-00019428-00019838 And what that means, is that historically we've had centralized exchanges for the most qsqMi2qQoy0-00035-00019838-00019938 part, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00036-00019938-00020367 Like, the things like NASDAQ, or NYSE, and so on, and so forth, or Deutsche Börse and qsqMi2qQoy0-00037-00020367-00021082 NESTOR, that are very efficient in terms of providing liquidity, but then are not so great qsqMi2qQoy0-00038-00021082-00021845 for low liquidity assets, so for a wide range of digital assets, that need sort of this qsqMi2qQoy0-00039-00021845-00022620 peer-to-peer discovery for exchanging - so we are working on this next-generation decentralized qsqMi2qQoy0-00040-00022620-00022720 exchange platforms. qsqMi2qQoy0-00041-00022720-00023251 We are working on crypto custody, so Trustology is our platform for an institutional great qsqMi2qQoy0-00042-00023251-00023667 crypto custody that'll be... that will go live at the end of this year, so, I mean we qsqMi2qQoy0-00043-00023667-00024236 have 40+ projects, we have a "blockchain for social impact" project, we have venture capital qsqMi2qQoy0-00044-00024236-00024804 arm now, we are creating a lot of ventures in partnership with enterprise customers, qsqMi2qQoy0-00045-00024804-00025548 so we are... in some sense our role is to unleash this entrepreneurial spirit or energy qsqMi2qQoy0-00046-00025548-00025986 of the whole blockchain community, whether it's the enterprise community or the crypto qsqMi2qQoy0-00047-00025986-00026257 community, and these are all starting to converge. qsqMi2qQoy0-00048-00026257-00026825 I come from the enterprise space, I worked for Goldman, Barclay's, UBS, PwC, so some qsqMi2qQoy0-00049-00026825-00027373 of the most established institutions and the kind of intermediaries I talked about, and qsqMi2qQoy0-00050-00027373-00028198 I sort of bring the whole power and this innovation in the crypto ecosystem to institutions and qsqMi2qQoy0-00051-00028198-00028724 legacy - so my role is to help some of these institutions understand what's going on in qsqMi2qQoy0-00052-00028724-00029139 crypto and how they can leverage this technology to participate in this decentralization revolution, qsqMi2qQoy0-00053-00029139-00029256 so to speak. qsqMi2qQoy0-00054-00029256-00029764 I: Ok, so my next question is two parts, the first one is - what made you leave working qsqMi2qQoy0-00055-00029764-00030127 with these intermediaries and go to the crypto space? qsqMi2qQoy0-00056-00030127-00030506 And the second thing is - I notice that I cover a lot of news that this Wall Street qsqMi2qQoy0-00057-00030506-00030900 exec now works for Coinbase, this Wall Street exec now works for Ex-Crypto company - do qsqMi2qQoy0-00058-00030900-00031186 you think that's like a theme we're gonna keep seeing in the future with you kind of qsqMi2qQoy0-00059-00031186-00031432 being one of the examples? qsqMi2qQoy0-00060-00031432-00031779 A: So I can't speak for everybody's motivations, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00061-00031779-00032427 So on one hand some people are excited about the growth of the crypto ecosystem and that's qsqMi2qQoy0-00062-00032427-00032863 perfectly honorable and great, and some people are excited by the sheer amount of wealth qsqMi2qQoy0-00063-00032863-00033207 that's flowing into this ecosystem, and that's perfectly honorable as well. qsqMi2qQoy0-00064-00033207-00033868 I'm an engineer, I came from technology and did some work in consulting and regulation. qsqMi2qQoy0-00065-00033868-00034383 In the process I met Joe - Joe is the CEO of ConsenSys, and Joe has something about qsqMi2qQoy0-00066-00034383-00034551 him, so... he, you know... qsqMi2qQoy0-00067-00034551-00035498 Joe is an inspirational figure, he has this ability to excite people about this future, qsqMi2qQoy0-00068-00035498-00036150 like this decentralized Internet, and then this decentralized insider marketplace idea, qsqMi2qQoy0-00069-00036150-00036793 that we are building in so many different sectors of the global economy, and this whole qsqMi2qQoy0-00070-00036793-00037257 thing about being able to build something - something that's futuristic, and, you know, qsqMi2qQoy0-00071-00037257-00037721 a lot of large institutions want to innovate or companies want to innovate, but they have qsqMi2qQoy0-00072-00037721-00038114 the innovator’s dilemma, they're tied to what exists today, and they are scared of qsqMi2qQoy0-00073-00038114-00038269 disrupting their own businesses. qsqMi2qQoy0-00074-00038269-00038493 With ConsenSys there is no such thing, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00075-00038493-00039313 ConsenSys exist to create new things, ConsenSys does a lot of experimentation, ConsenSys is qsqMi2qQoy0-00076-00039313-00039859 purely focused on innovation, and that's what made me really excited about ConsenSys at qsqMi2qQoy0-00077-00039859-00040516 this time, because if you have an idea and if you have a team, and you can actually make qsqMi2qQoy0-00078-00040516-00041243 things happen - then ConsenSys is a great place for people to go - and we are hiring qsqMi2qQoy0-00079-00041243-00041343 right now. qsqMi2qQoy0-00080-00041343-00041536 I: [Laughs] The next question involves [this] - I've noticed on your Twitter, you've been qsqMi2qQoy0-00081-00041536-00041848 tweeting a lot about the new GDPR-EU privacy bill... qsqMi2qQoy0-00082-00041848-00042005 A: Yeah, I have strong views on that. qsqMi2qQoy0-00083-00042005-00042477 I: Including a tweet of a refrigerator giving a family privacy update notice. qsqMi2qQoy0-00084-00042477-00042577 A: Right. qsqMi2qQoy0-00085-00042577-00042677 I: What do you think about that? qsqMi2qQoy0-00086-00042677-00042881 Could you expand on why you've been tweeting all about that? qsqMi2qQoy0-00087-00042881-00043165 A: So GDPR is well-intentioned, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00088-00043165-00043760 I mean, it was partly [that] our current privacy regime is outdated, that we know, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00089-00043760-00044399 So that previous regime needs an update, you know that as well, because now we have Facebook, qsqMi2qQoy0-00090-00044399-00044919 and we have Google, and you have lots of these data intermediaries - it's central monopolies, qsqMi2qQoy0-00091-00044919-00045378 that are taking everybody's data and selling ads back to them, and might even... qsqMi2qQoy0-00092-00045378-00045771 And as we found out from Edward Snowden, might be giving their data off to the government qsqMi2qQoy0-00093-00045771-00046034 for surveillance, so... qsqMi2qQoy0-00094-00046034-00046500 And the NSA using public data for surveillance was a major political issue in various parts qsqMi2qQoy0-00095-00046500-00046765 of Europe, especially in Germany. qsqMi2qQoy0-00096-00046765-00047160 And to some extent the GDPR was a well-intentioned response to that. qsqMi2qQoy0-00097-00047160-00047797 But if you look at how the regulation has been written, then it has some significant qsqMi2qQoy0-00098-00047797-00048487 flaws or at least, you know, that regulation needs a little bit of adaptation qsqMi2qQoy0-00099-00048487-00048982 to the technology that's emerging, because what we don't want to do is... because privacy qsqMi2qQoy0-00100-00048982-00049147 isn't the only need, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00101-00049147-00049526 So privacy is a very very important need, but then there is also... qsqMi2qQoy0-00102-00049526-00050051 The Europe needs to remain competitive against other jurisdictions, we need to create great qsqMi2qQoy0-00103-00050051-00050510 technology, we need to make sure that our economies are competitive against China, and qsqMi2qQoy0-00104-00050510-00050718 India, and the US, and so on, and so forth. qsqMi2qQoy0-00105-00050718-00051175 We need a technology ecosystem in this continent that's competitive. qsqMi2qQoy0-00106-00051175-00051577 So now GDPR runs the risk of being too restrictive, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00107-00051577-00052029 And so the disincentivizing innovation, whether it's innovation in AI, in big data [unintelligible] qsqMi2qQoy0-00108-00052029-00052416 and machine learning, blockchain, and so on, and so forth - so the way the regulation is qsqMi2qQoy0-00109-00052416-00053011 written is very confusing to a lot of technologists today, and there is no legal precedent, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00110-00053011-00053549 So, for example, we have a right to be forgotten, now what does that mean in practice? qsqMi2qQoy0-00111-00053549-00053858 So I used to be a consultant for banks, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00112-00053858-00054374 I did a lot of consulting for banks, and at PwC, and now if you try to actually delete qsqMi2qQoy0-00113-00054374-00054913 a customer's data from, bank because of the GDPR, there are ten other regulatory requirements qsqMi2qQoy0-00114-00054913-00055132 that prevent you from doing that, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00115-00055132-00055950 So in theory it sounds fantastic, but in practice implementing GDPR is really hard now, and qsqMi2qQoy0-00116-00055950-00056561 it can actually make people very concerned, so Parity, who have a KYC utility PICOPS, qsqMi2qQoy0-00117-00056561-00057297 which is very popular with the ICOs, had to stop its service, because now they are really qsqMi2qQoy0-00118-00057297-00057416 concerned about GDPR, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00119-00057416-00057942 Now on one hand you have KYC and AML regulations, and you definitely want to have KYC and AML qsqMi2qQoy0-00120-00057942-00058517 regulations, ICOs comply with all of that, and now suddenly we have to stop a very useful qsqMi2qQoy0-00121-00058517-00058950 service called PICOPS because of GDPR our concerns, because there is a lot of legal qsqMi2qQoy0-00122-00058950-00059336 and regulatory uncertainty, these guys don't want to be in legal trouble because they are qsqMi2qQoy0-00123-00059336-00059539 offering a great service, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00124-00059539-00059989 So because right now there is a lot of uncertainty, there is no legal precedent for GDPR, we don't qsqMi2qQoy0-00125-00059989-00060430 know how the various courts will rule, and GDPR doesn't protect you from government, qsqMi2qQoy0-00126-00060430-00060901 so the UK government has cameras on every street, and there is no protection for that qsqMi2qQoy0-00127-00060901-00061133 from GDPR, there is a bunch of derogations, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00128-00061133-00061749 Or the governments might enforce a backdoor on encryption, and there's no protection from qsqMi2qQoy0-00129-00061749-00062260 that, there's no protection from surveillance by governments, so GDPR has significant limitations, qsqMi2qQoy0-00130-00062260-00062791 it may actually not be able to protect privacy of individuals to the extent that it aspires qsqMi2qQoy0-00131-00062791-00063204 to - but it is definitely well-intentioned and its response to the... qsqMi2qQoy0-00132-00063204-00063986 So, I think what will happen, is that over a period of time policymakers and regulators qsqMi2qQoy0-00133-00063986-00064248 and technology providers will all work together. qsqMi2qQoy0-00134-00064248-00064848 So we are working on a project with the European Commission, it's called the EU Blockchain qsqMi2qQoy0-00135-00064848-00065307 Observatory, and we invite ecosystem, you know, all the blockchain ecosystem participants qsqMi2qQoy0-00136-00065307-00065899 to engage in that process, and at some point policymakers and regulators will adapt GDPR qsqMi2qQoy0-00137-00065899-00066394 to this new and exciting technology that's coming up, but until then there is a lot of qsqMi2qQoy0-00138-00066394-00066736 confusion and and uncertainty in the marketplace. qsqMi2qQoy0-00139-00066736-00067343 I: So going off of that - the regulatory uncertainty that exists has led to a lot of confusing qsqMi2qQoy0-00140-00067343-00067774 regulations that have, you know - in China there's been a lot of bans that have caused qsqMi2qQoy0-00141-00067774-00068281 companies to move to Hong Kong, in India the Central Bank ended all crypto dealings, and qsqMi2qQoy0-00142-00068281-00068650 then it's been sued, and it's been going back and forth - could you comment on any of that? qsqMi2qQoy0-00143-00068650-00068975 I mean you mentioned the Blockchain Observatory, what other steps could be done to stop these qsqMi2qQoy0-00144-00068975-00069092 kind of [issues]? qsqMi2qQoy0-00145-00069092-00069780 A: Yeah, so regulatory approaches around the world are rooted in their culture, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00146-00069780-00070376 So I wrote a little bit of a humorous article about this on Finextra, so, for example, when qsqMi2qQoy0-00147-00070376-00071019 we talked to kids at the dinner table in the US, we tell... when they're not behaving, qsqMi2qQoy0-00148-00071019-00071241 in the US we tell them to go to their rooms. qsqMi2qQoy0-00149-00071241-00071607 In China, in India we might actually hit them. qsqMi2qQoy0-00150-00071607-00072183 So crypto is like this kid growing up, and regulators are like these parents who behave qsqMi2qQoy0-00151-00072183-00072564 in ways that are attuned to their culture, right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00152-00072564-00073085 Now some of these are knee-jerk responses from regulators around the world because, qsqMi2qQoy0-00153-00073085-00073662 for example, in China there was a Communist Party Congress, just before Bitcoin was banned, qsqMi2qQoy0-00154-00073662-00073762 right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00155-00073762-00074263 And the government didn't want social instability, and there was a very bullish market that could qsqMi2qQoy0-00156-00074263-00074530 have caused a lot of problems for individual investors. qsqMi2qQoy0-00157-00074530-00074920 So a lot of these things that regulators are doing are well-intentioned, but part of the qsqMi2qQoy0-00158-00074920-00075364 challenge is that the crypto community hasn't really engaged with policymakers - we haven't qsqMi2qQoy0-00159-00075364-00076020 tried or invested in educating, so initially the Bitcoin came out of a bit of a revolution, qsqMi2qQoy0-00160-00076020-00076120 right? qsqMi2qQoy0-00161-00076120-00076573 We were rebelling, the crypto community was rebelling against the "Chancellor Bailout", qsqMi2qQoy0-00162-00076573-00077177 and Occupy Wall Street was the theme, but now that kid, rebellious teenager, has grown qsqMi2qQoy0-00163-00077177-00077826 up a little bit, and it's time for us as technologists to engage with the other processes of the qsqMi2qQoy0-00164-00077826-00078327 society, such as regulation and policy, and work collaboratively, help regulators understand qsqMi2qQoy0-00165-00078327-00078687 what's going on, help governments understand what's going on, educate ourselves on why qsqMi2qQoy0-00166-00078687-00079074 the rules are the way they are, why the securities laws are set up the way they are, and then qsqMi2qQoy0-00167-00079074-00079676 maybe find this ground where we can... the technology can develop and create the fairer qsqMi2qQoy0-00168-00079676-00080099 world, but at the same time without causing some of the issues that might occur if we qsqMi2qQoy0-00169-00080099-00080263 are not responsible in using this technology. qsqMi2qQoy0-00170-00080263-00080363 I: Great! qsqMi2qQoy0-00171-00080363-00081111 That was my last question, so thank you so much for coming, for attending the Blockshow! qsqMi2qQoy0-00172-00081111-00082169 A: Thank you so much, it was my pleasure, thank you. qthD9GzHaHE-00000-00000565-00000936 You might have an assignment to write a literature view in one of your classes qthD9GzHaHE-00001-00000946-00001249 or been told that you need to include a literature review in your final qthD9GzHaHE-00002-00001249-00001579 research paper. What is a literature review? qthD9GzHaHE-00003-00001813-00002275 A literature review is a type of scholarly researched writing that discusses the qthD9GzHaHE-00004-00002275-00002775 already published information on a topic. This already published information, qthD9GzHaHE-00005-00002803-00003301 called the literature, can be from primary information sources such as speeches, qthD9GzHaHE-00006-00003310-00003810 interviews, and reports or from secondary information sources such as peer qthD9GzHaHE-00007-00003835-00004182 reviewed journal articles, dissertations, and books. qthD9GzHaHE-00008-00004228-00004579 These types of sources are probably familiar to you from previous research qthD9GzHaHE-00009-00004579-00004774 projects you've done in your classes. qthD9GzHaHE-00010-00005029-00005455 You can write a literature review as a standalone paper or as a part of a larger qthD9GzHaHE-00011-00005455-00005749 research paper. When a standalone paper, qthD9GzHaHE-00012-00005755-00006154 the literature review acts as a summary of what has been said and done about a qthD9GzHaHE-00013-00006154-00006348 topic in the field so far. qthD9GzHaHE-00014-00006472-00006834 This can be very useful for other scholars, so they can catch up with major qthD9GzHaHE-00015-00006834-00007222 developments in the field and see what work needs to be done on the topic in the qthD9GzHaHE-00016-00007222-00007641 future. When part of a larger paper, qthD9GzHaHE-00017-00007659-00008133 a literature view still acts as a summary, but the prior information it provides qthD9GzHaHE-00018-00008133-00008633 can also support the new information, research, or arguments presented later in qthD9GzHaHE-00019-00008664-00008747 the paper. qthD9GzHaHE-00020-00009018-00009423 Using the literature review as an introduction is useful because it provides qthD9GzHaHE-00021-00009423-00009810 readers with the foundational or background knowledge needed to understand the qthD9GzHaHE-00022-00009810-00010019 information in the rest of the paper. qthD9GzHaHE-00023-00010237-00010390 Like a standalone paper, qthD9GzHaHE-00024-00010399-00010855 the literature review can highlight key ideas or gaps in the work in a field and qthD9GzHaHE-00025-00010855-00011260 how the new research information fits within the established literature. qthD9GzHaHE-00026-00011437-00011842 The literature review made seem familiar to you because you have quoted or qthD9GzHaHE-00027-00011842-00012154 summarized information sources and other papers. qthD9GzHaHE-00028-00012292-00012685 Just remember that whether standing alone or part of a larger paper, qthD9GzHaHE-00029-00012697-00013084 a literature review does not present an argument or new information. qthD9GzHaHE-00030-00013113-00013613 The literature review is a foundation that summarizes and synthesizes the qthD9GzHaHE-00031-00013627-00014022 existing literature in order for you and your readers to understand what has qthD9GzHaHE-00032-00014022-00014275 already been said and done about your topic. qthD9GzHaHE-00033-00014313-00014587 For more information on how to write a literature review, qthD9GzHaHE-00034-00014616-00014932 visit Forsyth Library's literature review subject guide. qthD9GzHaHE-00035-00015063-00015441 You can ask a librarian for help at any stage of the research process, qthD9GzHaHE-00036-00015469-00015802 and we can help you search for resources, organize your information, qthD9GzHaHE-00037-00015819-00016197 or connect you with the writing center to help write and revise your work and help qthD9GzHaHE-00038-00016197-00016363 you cite your sources correctly. qthD9GzHaHE-00039-00016504-00016768 Contact us today for help with your literature review. qvZqYNqHOyu-00000-00000000-00000256 Galaxy Monitoring with gxadmin. qvZqYNqHOyu-00001-00000360-00000528 What is gxadmin. qvZqYNqHOyu-00002-00000528-00000651 What can it do? qvZqYNqHOyu-00003-00000651-00000792 How to write a query? qvZqYNqHOyu-00004-00000896-00001124 Learn gxadmin basics. qvZqYNqHOyu-00005-00001124-00001535 See some queries and learn how they help debug production issues. qvZqYNqHOyu-00006-00001639-00001946 Admins often need to run database queries. qvZqYNqHOyu-00007-00001946-00002464 Debugging the live application in production is difficult, but running queries is easy. qvZqYNqHOyu-00008-00002464-00003050 Additionally running SQL queries is commonly used for debuggin and reporting and analytics. qvZqYNqHOyu-00009-00003050-00003561 The community collects queries we commonly use in a program called gxadmin. qvZqYNqHOyu-00010-00003665-00004275 We often get requests like how many jobs were run in a time period, and did they finish successfully. qvZqYNqHOyu-00011-00004275-00004503 So we write some SQL like this. qvZqYNqHOyu-00012-00004503-00004798 As an admin, you'll want to understand SQL. qvZqYNqHOyu-00013-00004902-00005139 Here is the output of such a query. qvZqYNqHOyu-00014-00005139-00005588 SQL is very powerful for extracting data and graphs for reporting. qvZqYNqHOyu-00015-00005692-00005923 We often re-run the same queries. qvZqYNqHOyu-00016-00005923-00006302 gxadmin makes it easier by storing the useful queries. qvZqYNqHOyu-00017-00006302-00006539 everyone is welcome to contribute to it. qvZqYNqHOyu-00018-00006643-00006999 However, some of these queries we run over and over. qvZqYNqHOyu-00019-00006999-00007253 And those we include in gxadmin. qvZqYNqHOyu-00020-00007253-00007697 This way every admin has access to all of the interesting queries we run. qvZqYNqHOyu-00021-00007697-00008040 And we don't get repetitive strain injury typing SQL. qvZqYNqHOyu-00022-00008144-00008411 Example output from the previous query. qvZqYNqHOyu-00023-00008515-00008949 Another extremely common query is: what is the status of this job? qvZqYNqHOyu-00024-00008949-00009403 There is a gxadmin command which aggregates information about jobs. qvZqYNqHOyu-00025-00009403-00009741 This can help you debug job failure to run issues. qvZqYNqHOyu-00026-00009845-00010196 Another common query, who has recently joined our server? qvZqYNqHOyu-00027-00010196-00010707 This is an easy command to write, but it is also included in gxadmin. qvZqYNqHOyu-00028-00010811-00011070 Example output of the previous query. qvZqYNqHOyu-00029-00011070-00011500 With SQL you can choose just the columns or data that is relevant to you. qvZqYNqHOyu-00030-00011500-00011848 This may not be so easily available in the interface. qvZqYNqHOyu-00031-00011952-00012516 However to reuse this data in other applications, the postgres format is not convenient. qvZqYNqHOyu-00032-00012516-00012868 There is special syntax you can use to output CSV. qvZqYNqHOyu-00033-00012868-00013247 gxadmin includes query variants to do this as well. qvZqYNqHOyu-00034-00013352-00013731 For monitoring, many galaxy sites use Influx DB. qvZqYNqHOyu-00035-00013731-00014132 gxadmin supports exporting influx compatible format. qvZqYNqHOyu-00036-00014132-00014532 This makes it easy to add new data and graphs to your monitoring. qvZqYNqHOyu-00037-00014636-00015179 gxadmin is a tool to run common database queries useful for Galaxy admins. qvZqYNqHOyu-00038-00015179-00015488 new queries are welcome and easy to contribute. qvZqYNqHOyu-00039-00015592-00015734 Thank you for watching! qwMZzCd66kM-00000-00000224-00000632 Good Afternoon or Good Morning or Evening depending on where in the qwMZzCd66kM-00001-00000632-00001232 world you're watching this from. I'm going to be talking now about MBNMAdose which is qwMZzCd66kM-00002-00001232-00001784 an r package for incorporate dose-response information into network meta-analysis using qwMZzCd66kM-00003-00001784-00002152 model-based network meta-analysis. That's what the MBNMA stands for. qwMZzCd66kM-00004-00002392-00002832 I will start by talking a little bit about the problem of dealing with doses in Stan network qwMZzCd66kM-00005-00002832-00003496 meta-analysis, and then talking about MBNMAdose and the package and how it sort of solves some qwMZzCd66kM-00006-00003496-00004096 of those problems, and what the strengths are of modelling using the MBNMAdose framework, qwMZzCd66kM-00007-00004096-00004480 and what assumptions it's making. And then finally, I'll just briefly mention about qwMZzCd66kM-00008-00004480-00004816 some other features in the package and what we're hoping to do with it in the future. qwMZzCd66kM-00009-00005072-00005672 So a standard problem in network meta-analysis when you have multiple doses is well what do you qwMZzCd66kM-00010-00005672-00006096 do with them. And there's kind of really two options here. One is to lump them together, qwMZzCd66kM-00011-00006176-00006664 and that's as in the sort of network plot on the left to assume that different doses qwMZzCd66kM-00012-00006664-00007256 within an agent have some sort of similar or common effect. And that gives us sort qwMZzCd66kM-00013-00007256-00007776 of quite a dense well-connected network. But the problem is that that's probably not really qwMZzCd66kM-00014-00007776-00008144 a valid assumption, because we would expect different doses to have a different effect qwMZzCd66kM-00015-00008208-00008848 based on pharmacometrics, based on biology. So this is likely to introduce inconsistency qwMZzCd66kM-00016-00008848-00009440 or heterogeneity into our model if we do this. The other approach is to split all of the doses apart. qwMZzCd66kM-00017-00009496-00009912 But if we do this, we end up with a very sparsely connected network, and we could even qwMZzCd66kM-00018-00009912-00010384 have treatments and doses that are disconnected from our network, and in which case we can't qwMZzCd66kM-00019-00010384-00010808 estimate relative effects for them. And so that assumes that treatments are totally independent, qwMZzCd66kM-00020-00010808-00011152 that there's no relationship between them. So what we'd really like is something in between. qwMZzCd66kM-00021-00011152-00011648 We'd like to be able to sort of functionally model this. That's what we can do with MBNMAdose. qwMZzCd66kM-00022-00011792-00012304 So our first steps when using the package are to sort of load the data into a network object, qwMZzCd66kM-00023-00012392-00013063 and once we have that we can look at our data more generally. we can plot network plots either at the qwMZzCd66kM-00024-00013063-00013568 dose level or at the agent level. And to get an idea of perhaps whether there is a dose response qwMZzCd66kM-00025-00013568-00014136 relationship and what it might look like, we can also run a simple standard network meta-analysis, qwMZzCd66kM-00026-00014136-00014840 and plot the results at each dose of each agent on a graph to get an idea of what shape the dose qwMZzCd66kM-00027-00014840-00015336 response function might take. So here we can see for Allogliptin, that we have a sort of non-linear qwMZzCd66kM-00028-00015336-00015680 dose response probably, and there certainly is a dose response we wouldn't want to ignore that qwMZzCd66kM-00029-00015680-00016040 and kind of group all those doses together, or we'd definitely be introducing heterogeneity. qwMZzCd66kM-00030-00016240-00016784 We can then fit the model, and to do this we apply some sort of function, some sort of dose response qwMZzCd66kM-00031-00016784-00017320 function. So we define our treatment as being a specific dose of a specific agent, and then we qwMZzCd66kM-00032-00017320-00017808 can set this dose response function to be equal to anything that fits the data well and that we think qwMZzCd66kM-00033-00017808-00018408 might be biologically and pharmacologically plausible. So here just as an example, qwMZzCd66kM-00034-00018408-00018872 this is an emax function which is used a lot in pharmacometrics, and it's got two parameters. qwMZzCd66kM-00035-00018872-00019376 So we'd estimate relative effects for each agent for each of those parameters, and there's a range qwMZzCd66kM-00036-00019376-00019840 of different modeling arguments and options that we can do. We're modeling this in a Bayesian qwMZzCd66kM-00037-00019840-00020568 framework using jags behind the scenes, and we can specify priors, all that sort of good stuff. qwMZzCd66kM-00038-00020752-00021192 And once we've run our model, as well as being able to plot forest plots and rankings and other qwMZzCd66kM-00039-00021192-00021832 kinds of sort of post-estimation options, we can predict responses. And this is really qwMZzCd66kM-00040-00021832-00022392 useful because this allows us to predict at doses perhaps which aren't in the original data set, qwMZzCd66kM-00041-00022512-00023080 and we can also compare our predicted responses from the dose response MBNMA which are these qwMZzCd66kM-00042-00023080-00023696 curves with the credible intervals to the results from the split nma which makes minimal assumptions qwMZzCd66kM-00043-00023696-00024208 and that's these vertical solid lines that's the credible interval for the split nma results. qwMZzCd66kM-00044-00024352-00024856 And what we can see here is that, compared to the split nma, the dose response relationship qwMZzCd66kM-00045-00024856-00025472 has slightly more precision, so we get a precision gain over standard nma because we're gleaning some qwMZzCd66kM-00046-00025472-00025832 additional information from the dose-response relationship. We're not just saying that we qwMZzCd66kM-00047-00025832-00026127 don't know anything about the relationship between doses, we're saying that there is qwMZzCd66kM-00048-00026127-00026736 some sort of functional functional relationship. But of course that is reliant on the assumption qwMZzCd66kM-00049-00026736-00027272 that the dose response relationship is correct. If it's not correct, we'll be introducing bias, qwMZzCd66kM-00050-00027272-00027639 but we can evaluate this by comparing it to the data comparing the model fit, qwMZzCd66kM-00051-00027639-00028088 and also comparing it to the standard nma. So this is a very testable assumption in qwMZzCd66kM-00052-00028088-00028592 this framework, and it's the only additional assumption we're making over standard nma. qwMZzCd66kM-00053-00028848-00029360 What we've also found in recent work we've been doing, is that this can be used to link qwMZzCd66kM-00054-00029360-00029808 disconnected networks. So for example in these two these are just two little example networks, qwMZzCd66kM-00055-00029880-00030639 if we're interested in comparing for instance these treatments in the networks indicated by the qwMZzCd66kM-00056-00030639-00031064 the red dotted line, we wouldn't be able to in standard nma, because there's no pathway qwMZzCd66kM-00057-00031064-00031832 of head-to-head evidence between them. However if we use MBNMAdose, what we're then modeling is the qwMZzCd66kM-00058-00031832-00032408 dose response curves, the dose-response relationships for each of those agents qwMZzCd66kM-00059-00032408-00033024 and from that we can then estimate a relative effect between our treatments of interest. So qwMZzCd66kM-00060-00033024-00033528 this can be really really advantageous in cases where you have disconnected network and you have qwMZzCd66kM-00061-00033528-00033952 sufficient dose response information to be able to estimate these. And because we're modeling on the qwMZzCd66kM-00062-00033952-00034600 relative effects as well we don't have problems of sort of having to adjust for prognostic variables. qwMZzCd66kM-00063-00034824-00035424 Other features that the package can do, it can do modeling using class effects, so you can assume qwMZzCd66kM-00064-00035488-00036000 perhaps that different classes of agents might have similar efficacy for some of the parameters. qwMZzCd66kM-00065-00036136-00036680 We can do consistency checking which is really really important in network meta-analysis, either qwMZzCd66kM-00066-00036680-00037328 a global check consistency or a local check, and both of these methods we've built in also account qwMZzCd66kM-00067-00037328-00037704 for the dose response relationship, as there's some sort of extra things to think about when qwMZzCd66kM-00068-00037704-00038352 looking at consistency there. And we can also model agent specific dose response functions, qwMZzCd66kM-00069-00038352-00038688 so we can have a different dose response for different agents in our network if we want. qwMZzCd66kM-00070-00038888-00039296 What we're hoping to do in the future is to combine MBNMAdose qwMZzCd66kM-00071-00039296-00039648 with another package that we've developed and that's also available on cran called qwMZzCd66kM-00072-00039648-00040296 MBNMAtime to produce models that can account for both time course and dose response simultaneously, qwMZzCd66kM-00073-00040448-00040784 because this would be really useful in sort of drug development pharmacometric kind of qwMZzCd66kM-00074-00040848-00041352 meta-analysis stage. And in particular we'd then also like to implement that in Stan, qwMZzCd66kM-00075-00041352-00041584 because for the time course models they can take a while to run qwMZzCd66kM-00076-00041640-00042000 due to the correlation between time points that needs to be accounted for. qwMZzCd66kM-00077-00042072-00042576 So that's what we're hoping to do in the future, and yeah these are just a couple qwMZzCd66kM-00078-00042576-00043384 of references for the key methodological parts, going on within the package. Thanks very much qxs09sbzgf4-00000-00000000-00000352 hey you guys welcome back i'm rena wells and i'm here to do your reading with qxs09sbzgf4-00001-00000352-00000888 third party energies karmic energies in the twin flame journey um there's a lot of movement and qxs09sbzgf4-00002-00000888-00001424 energies because if you watch the video before this for the collective for the weekly energies qxs09sbzgf4-00003-00001424-00001904 it's a lot of stuff that's coming through so um we're going to take a look at this qxs09sbzgf4-00004-00001904-00002496 karmic what i'm picking up is manipulative is trying to play the twin flame card with the qxs09sbzgf4-00005-00002496-00003072 masculine the twin flame knows about in this situation knows about you divine feminine this qxs09sbzgf4-00006-00003072-00003504 is because a lot of if you've noticed a lot of the readings have been about union energies in the qxs09sbzgf4-00007-00003504-00004079 air god really trying to push this together and what is happening here with the twins is this um qxs09sbzgf4-00008-00004200-00004848 so i'm just fixing this uh table here the what's happening here with the karmic energies is that uh qxs09sbzgf4-00009-00004848-00005344 they're really um trying to pretend like they're the divine feminine and they're not so they're qxs09sbzgf4-00010-00005344-00005864 playing in goddess energy like isis energy i'm just gonna say isis is not a true divine qxs09sbzgf4-00011-00005864-00006456 feminine she's like lilith okay um because when the sun god ra created the earth there was another qxs09sbzgf4-00012-00006456-00007080 goddess that was first created with in tandem with the sun god ra and it was not isis came after so qxs09sbzgf4-00013-00007152-00007680 i'm all about going right back to the roots or the beautiful windows coming in i'm all about you know qxs09sbzgf4-00014-00007680-00008344 going right back to the root of everything going back to um the true divinity of everything and um qxs09sbzgf4-00015-00008408-00008992 it's not uh greek gods or egyptian gods there's been a lot of corruption for eons so qxs09sbzgf4-00016-00008992-00009512 i'm gonna first pull in the real sacred feminine energy that's coming in these are i love this qxs09sbzgf4-00017-00009512-00010232 deck because it deals with women um lilith is in here but you have to also know your discernment qxs09sbzgf4-00018-00010232-00010680 of when you're working in these different frequencies because i believe it's truly best qxs09sbzgf4-00019-00010680-00011320 to go right to the get-go mother earth father god son god ra i don't work with anybody else because qxs09sbzgf4-00020-00011488-00011840 some people are pulled to work with others that's fine but what i'm getting with these qxs09sbzgf4-00021-00011840-00012144 karmics is that they're dealing with dark magic they don't know what the hell they're qxs09sbzgf4-00022-00012144-00012632 doing and they're trying to claim union on this connection and they're doing dark magic there's qxs09sbzgf4-00023-00012632-00013176 a card in here that i feel is coming out i'm just feeling so much fire so you guys are gonna hear it qxs09sbzgf4-00024-00013288-00013952 um the blue flame spontaneous awakening activation and integration okay so this is what's happening qxs09sbzgf4-00025-00013952-00014480 for the twins and the karmic energy is not liking it okay um spontaneous awakening your qxs09sbzgf4-00026-00014480-00015016 masculine either spontaneously awoke and they're not liking it so let's see what energy this is the qxs09sbzgf4-00027-00015016-00015616 feminine energy they're manipulating okay let's see what is this uh karmic energy manipulating qxs09sbzgf4-00028-00015736-00016160 it's narcissistic energy um it's psychologically damaged qxs09sbzgf4-00029-00016160-00016616 damaging um they have no idea really what they're doing here we have two that want it to come out qxs09sbzgf4-00030-00016736-00017320 okay so they're acting like the queen of heaven and earth in anna the queen of heaven and earth qxs09sbzgf4-00031-00017320-00017712 i have nothing to hide i see and accept all that i am so this is the fake mass that they're working qxs09sbzgf4-00032-00017712-00018104 on this is and this is what i'm saying about karmic energy they fake it they fake it until qxs09sbzgf4-00033-00018104-00018688 they make it and there's nothing wrong with doing that but with them being unable to let go of this qxs09sbzgf4-00034-00018688-00019096 connection this is what they're pretending this is their manipulation tactic thank you qxs09sbzgf4-00035-00019096-00019672 spirit this is how they're manipulating the masculine energy okay this is the the work qxs09sbzgf4-00036-00019672-00020336 that masculine energy had to come into to realize how feminines actually uh manipulate qxs09sbzgf4-00037-00020336-00020800 which means they had to heal their mother wounds because some of these men were mama's mama's boys qxs09sbzgf4-00038-00020800-00021288 is what i'm getting and they had to really realize the darkness that's in their own mothers as well qxs09sbzgf4-00039-00021288-00021704 and we have to do that we have to look at the darkness that's attached to our parents as well qxs09sbzgf4-00040-00021704-00022432 and to transcend that and not and to do things completely different um so this is the karmic qxs09sbzgf4-00041-00022432-00023016 saying i see and accept everybody i accept you i accept this path i accept the divine feminine qxs09sbzgf4-00042-00023016-00023392 i don't know why she's so mean to me i don't know why and this is what i'm hearing i don't know why qxs09sbzgf4-00043-00023448-00023896 that she do you see like i'm just accepting everything i'm acting like this sacred nun qxs09sbzgf4-00044-00023896-00024520 i'm a holy figure like give me a friggin break i'm kind i'm nice everything happens to me that's qxs09sbzgf4-00045-00024520-00025064 victim mentality remember guys if you see victim mentality if you see people playing the poor me qxs09sbzgf4-00046-00025136-00025736 that's a demon that's codependency because truly strong warrior women don't play the victim they qxs09sbzgf4-00047-00025736-00026208 take responsibility and they call out truth exactly like it is and they're like no this is qxs09sbzgf4-00048-00026208-00026536 how it is you don't want to hear the truth because you're uncomfortable then that's not really my qxs09sbzgf4-00049-00026536-00027232 problem um they speak it unapologetically all right and this is the patroness of impossible qxs09sbzgf4-00050-00027232-00027736 causes i am miraculous my prayers create powerful channels of possibility so i don't know who qxs09sbzgf4-00051-00027736-00028320 they're praying to but they're acting like this holy holy person because i'm gonna pull spirit is qxs09sbzgf4-00052-00028320-00029008 pulling me to pull the dark shadow card on top of each one all right and these goddesses are amazing qxs09sbzgf4-00053-00029064-00029527 right if you're connecting from an intention of light and love but they're not they're qxs09sbzgf4-00054-00029527-00030024 manipulative so they just want whatever this masculine can give because remember masculine qxs09sbzgf4-00055-00030024-00030639 are just as powerful as their divine twin they're feminine and um however they've manifested things qxs09sbzgf4-00056-00030639-00031000 i mean this karmic wants it so what does this karmic third party energy please for qxs09sbzgf4-00057-00031000-00031480 this week uh spirit for the collective what is going on with them acting like but i'm open qxs09sbzgf4-00058-00031632-00032280 i'm the queen of heaven i have nothing to hide ugh i can't even okay so what are they saying qxs09sbzgf4-00059-00032280-00032727 in regards to the spirit i have nothing to hide to the masculine this is what they're qxs09sbzgf4-00060-00032727-00033376 saying i have nothing to hide i'm queen of my world because they're addicted this is exactly qxs09sbzgf4-00061-00033376-00033864 what i'm saying now i want you to look at the synchronous cities here this woman looks like qxs09sbzgf4-00062-00033864-00034536 she's acting like this in the red see the spear told me to pull this i am the queen of my world qxs09sbzgf4-00063-00034624-00035192 i'm just manifesting like this i'm bridging heaven and earth i have nothing to hide i'm not minute qxs09sbzgf4-00064-00035192-00035808 i'm fully illuminated this is what they're saying give me a break make me want to purge i want to qxs09sbzgf4-00065-00035808-00036272 purge so bad right now it makes me feel like i'm drinking ayahuasca it's like is this not more qxs09sbzgf4-00066-00036272-00036872 disgusting i can't even it is so disgusting is the most distorted feminine energy i've ever felt qxs09sbzgf4-00067-00036872-00037520 it's like that superficiality i am the queen of my world look at me i'm so beautiful qxs09sbzgf4-00068-00037520-00038000 and um i have nothing to hide i accept everything but you know what spirit is saying qxs09sbzgf4-00069-00038000-00038464 you know what spirit saying this is look at this it's addiction this is what it really looks this qxs09sbzgf4-00070-00038464-00039208 is what the karmics really look like look at that face the victim how dare this is murderism right qxs09sbzgf4-00071-00039208-00039896 here this is a huge cycle that many um distorted feminines play in i'm the righteous one i have qxs09sbzgf4-00072-00039896-00040520 family members that play in this a lot i give to the poor i help people i'm such a good person qxs09sbzgf4-00073-00040584-00041152 why do bad things always happen to me i'm such a good person i'm doing everything right why qxs09sbzgf4-00074-00041152-00041896 is this happen to me they create this martyrism and it's an identity it's also bipolar disorder qxs09sbzgf4-00075-00041896-00042480 some of them may have bipolar and um and there's nothing wrong mental illness is a coping mechanism qxs09sbzgf4-00076-00042480-00042952 for your highly sensitive ways you have to learn how to break and heal those things okay um and so qxs09sbzgf4-00077-00042952-00043616 this is the psychology that i'm feeling with this uh karmic energy towards the masculine is like qxs09sbzgf4-00078-00043616-00044248 i'm doing everything right and look at bad always happens because i'm the victim that's the energy qxs09sbzgf4-00079-00044248-00044632 they plan because they have a demon attached to them like and they're playing in the dark qxs09sbzgf4-00080-00044760-00045440 so they may be trying really hard but nothing ever happens for them because they haven't evolved yet qxs09sbzgf4-00081-00045544-00046088 so what about this holy i can't even with this card she even looks psychotic okay sorry do you qxs09sbzgf4-00082-00046088-00046952 see the face look at me it's like it's like i hear the demon look at me i'm good i'm good and what is qxs09sbzgf4-00083-00046952-00047408 this darkness i can't with this karmic energy guys i'm sorry i'm gonna have to like laugh at qxs09sbzgf4-00084-00047408-00047952 it because it's absolutely disgusting we have two cards out as well look at this it's the same thing qxs09sbzgf4-00085-00048032-00048664 i am alone in the world i'm naked i'm being raw and authentic it goes very much to this can't qxs09sbzgf4-00086-00048664-00049040 make this [ __ ] up guys this is exactly how it's coming up i'm this holy person qxs09sbzgf4-00087-00049112-00049696 i'm in my sink look at the ark okay look at the arch arches here okay see the synchronicities qxs09sbzgf4-00088-00049696-00050568 i'm in my divine i'm i'm just being who i am my prayers create powerful chain praying to qxs09sbzgf4-00089-00050568-00051040 a demon maybe i don't know who you're praying to because look at this this is because they qxs09sbzgf4-00090-00051040-00051696 are completely obsessed that's the addiction that's the addiction right there they're addicted qxs09sbzgf4-00091-00051696-00052240 to this masculine they are addicted they just have addiction types of behaviors and addiction qxs09sbzgf4-00092-00052240-00052776 and uh codependency can run in all kinds of different circles um you can be addicted to sex qxs09sbzgf4-00093-00052776-00053567 drugs uh food uh the way you look anything you can be it's a it's a mind pattern um they are obsessed qxs09sbzgf4-00094-00053679-00054408 obsessed with this masculine energy wow guys now let's see how they are feeling qxs09sbzgf4-00095-00054536-00055032 is that we're gonna do no spirits pulling me to the kipper deck let's see what's going on qxs09sbzgf4-00096-00055032-00055536 with them towards the divine masculine that's the energy that they're holding right now so let's see qxs09sbzgf4-00097-00055800-00056455 this is really manipulative energy it is the light mimicking the dark okay and this is because they qxs09sbzgf4-00098-00056455-00056928 can't handle these energies this was in the deck i didn't even know it was in the deck that there's qxs09sbzgf4-00099-00056928-00057352 an activation and integration coming for the twins and this is why they're acting like these qxs09sbzgf4-00100-00057408-00058167 fake holy people the dark always likes to mimic the light they're tricksters so um but this is qxs09sbzgf4-00101-00058167-00058679 what they're doing this is the addiction and this is the truth of who they really are okay qxs09sbzgf4-00102-00058736-00059096 there's not a lot of enlightenment here there's complete darkness there's thorns qxs09sbzgf4-00103-00059096-00059528 all over this this person's mind they're sick these karmics have mental problems qxs09sbzgf4-00104-00059632-00060279 okay and i get it i get the psychology in peace you know you have to work really hard to move out qxs09sbzgf4-00105-00060279-00060904 of this type of energy and look the continuous like this demon i mean i know they don't feel qxs09sbzgf4-00106-00060904-00061416 good but do your damn work move on they're trying to keep the masculine here all right qxs09sbzgf4-00107-00061479-00062104 by manipulating the situation we're going to see the um response but let's see what is the karmic qxs09sbzgf4-00108-00062104-00062760 energy doing towards the masculine right now what are they doing they sure are playing like qxs09sbzgf4-00109-00062760-00063232 they're some freaking holy jesus christ i don't know mary magdalene stuff but they're not it qxs09sbzgf4-00110-00063416-00063736 what are they doing in the mind towards the masculine right now spirit what are qxs09sbzgf4-00111-00063736-00064079 the karmic energies doing to the mind of the mouth and the mind of the masculine qxs09sbzgf4-00112-00064272-00064944 about love what about love let's get another one because i know that i pulled that one out yeah qxs09sbzgf4-00113-00064944-00065184 there's a decision happening about the relationship okay qxs09sbzgf4-00114-00065255-00065872 there is the courthouse with the lovers okay so there's definitely a um a decision that's being qxs09sbzgf4-00115-00065872-00066272 made so they're trying to act all friggin pure and beautiful what's going on in their qxs09sbzgf4-00116-00066272-00066840 heart space towards the masculine and this entire situation we have two as well they're in despair qxs09sbzgf4-00117-00066840-00067168 because they're about to lose their community okay they're about to lose their friends their qxs09sbzgf4-00118-00067168-00067592 tribe they thought that whatever tribe the masculine was connected to was their tribe no qxs09sbzgf4-00119-00067648-00068160 it's not you don't get to meet your soul family until you've reached a high frequency of awakening qxs09sbzgf4-00120-00068160-00068696 and you're not that karmic you're not that go away what is their action towards how are they qxs09sbzgf4-00121-00068696-00069056 manipulating the masculine right now spirit in their actions how are they manipulating qxs09sbzgf4-00122-00069056-00069680 the masculine right now these karmic energies to hang on they keep getting too so it's good qxs09sbzgf4-00123-00069680-00070304 yeah there there's a jury out right now okay god's handling it i feel like they don't have qxs09sbzgf4-00124-00070376-00071016 um anything right now to hang on to they're just trying to act like these holy people qxs09sbzgf4-00125-00071016-00071536 but what's underneath are these demons this addiction and this obsession they may also be qxs09sbzgf4-00126-00071536-00072176 trying to seduce you know like look at these two cards queen of my world and um alone in the world qxs09sbzgf4-00127-00072280-00072824 it's a victim mentality too i'm trying to be raw and open and vulnerable and i'm trying to qxs09sbzgf4-00128-00072824-00073264 create my world but it's not working because they haven't actually grieved or gone into their pain qxs09sbzgf4-00129-00073264-00073672 they don't know how to grieve they just blame everything on anybody else instead of actually qxs09sbzgf4-00130-00073672-00074040 looking at their accountability and that's the thing everything starts from intention and they qxs09sbzgf4-00131-00074040-00074424 need to look at when they started this with the cart with the with the divine masculine qxs09sbzgf4-00132-00074424-00074840 their intentions were for themselves because if it was further if it was for the better of qxs09sbzgf4-00133-00074840-00075336 everybody it wouldn't be so painful right and it would have probably ended by now but this is qxs09sbzgf4-00134-00075336-00075792 like look at this the jurisdiction god is coming in about the wealth there's something about this qxs09sbzgf4-00135-00075792-00076376 wealth that they want that they've manipulated i'm seeing oh storm is coming guys starting to qxs09sbzgf4-00136-00076376-00077064 rain there is a manipulation about wealth they want money i want to clarify that wealth what qxs09sbzgf4-00137-00077064-00077752 is it that they want these karmics want money from this wealthy man okay there's a decision happening qxs09sbzgf4-00138-00077752-00078296 with the divine feminine with this wealthy man and they want a piece of it they don't want um qxs09sbzgf4-00139-00078408-00078712 they're trying to take something over what is that karma trying to do with that wealth qxs09sbzgf4-00140-00078944-00079568 they want the house some property or something so they don't want it to go to this divine feminine qxs09sbzgf4-00141-00079568-00080112 when this masculine comes towards this feminine and they're trying to manipulate the money because qxs09sbzgf4-00142-00080112-00080600 he's wealthy they see his wealth and they want it they want it all that's how karmics work they're qxs09sbzgf4-00143-00080600-00081056 psychologically damaging what is the outcome here that the karmic is trying to manipulate the qxs09sbzgf4-00144-00081056-00081744 situation what did i tell you they're mentally ill they're a thief they've stolen something qxs09sbzgf4-00145-00081832-00082328 okay so they're really playing it hard right now they may be stealing this house qxs09sbzgf4-00146-00082328-00082704 they may have signed something not knowing the masculine behind the masculine's back qxs09sbzgf4-00147-00082776-00083240 and they're acting all innocent and sweet oh my god i seriously want to throw up qxs09sbzgf4-00148-00083296-00083936 i seriously want to throw up okay um they're trying to play like oh my god i know narcissistic qxs09sbzgf4-00149-00083936-00084408 energy i grew up with a sibling who's completely narcissistic like they act so like they're qxs09sbzgf4-00150-00084408-00084992 freaking god's gift and they do everything right everything nothing i do is wrong yeah qxs09sbzgf4-00151-00085080-00085688 sorry about it um because when when you're not when you're a narcissist you can't admit that qxs09sbzgf4-00152-00085688-00086192 you're wrong right people like us who are empathic we will or we're willing to admit our wrongdoings qxs09sbzgf4-00153-00086192-00086792 that's why we get stuck we always take the fall we always take the fall for everybody else qxs09sbzgf4-00154-00086792-00087192 and it comes a point to my family's you got to stop doing that this karmic energy is doing qxs09sbzgf4-00155-00087192-00087688 that right it's playing the victim and martyr roll it's a psychological loop that narcissists qxs09sbzgf4-00156-00087688-00088192 play in and they pretend that they're so good because they're so victimized that they become qxs09sbzgf4-00157-00088192-00088576 obsessive let's see what else they're trying to do to manipulate this energy with the masculine qxs09sbzgf4-00158-00088712-00089128 by playing like they're freaking like mother teresa here i can't guys with this fire qxs09sbzgf4-00159-00089128-00089464 it's intense let's see i would love to hear your comments on those you guys qxs09sbzgf4-00160-00089464-00089856 what are they doing with this decision about the relationship how are the karmics feeling qxs09sbzgf4-00161-00089856-00090368 in regards to this relationship right now oh yeah they're mad as frigg qxs09sbzgf4-00162-00090680-00090976 they feel stabbing them in the back when they don't realize it's them qxs09sbzgf4-00163-00091088-00091984 it's them and their psychological distortion okay um they feel betrayed oh my god well you know what qxs09sbzgf4-00164-00091984-00092456 when you betray a holy matrimony like that you can't get away with that all right what's going qxs09sbzgf4-00165-00092456-00092960 on with their despair because they're about to lose everything they feel it they feel it they're qxs09sbzgf4-00166-00092960-00093568 looking at the past oh wow the camera the past the end it's over okay so they're stuck in the past qxs09sbzgf4-00167-00093568-00094480 her they just keep reminiscing reminiscing all outdated thinking okay um conditioning replaying qxs09sbzgf4-00168-00094480-00094936 events over and over reminiscing keepsake perception learning from the past trying qxs09sbzgf4-00169-00094936-00095536 to make memories they're in despair because of the tribe it's not their tribe these are endings qxs09sbzgf4-00170-00095688-00096032 that are happening all right so that's really what's happening here for this qxs09sbzgf4-00171-00096032-00096536 karmic now everything that's actioning right now is something in regards to qxs09sbzgf4-00172-00096592-00097352 this money that that this masculine's money or his abundance or however he is um it doesn't qxs09sbzgf4-00173-00097352-00097784 have to be money you could have abundance in other ways it could be connections resources qxs09sbzgf4-00174-00097784-00098384 people that he knows um you know his gifts as well his artistic gifts are as a part of an abundance qxs09sbzgf4-00175-00098384-00098968 however your twin flame connection is that wealth is coming to a mature woman which is the divine qxs09sbzgf4-00176-00098968-00099416 feminine i see that as divine feminine in this card she's mature she's not a privileged lady qxs09sbzgf4-00177-00099416-00099976 she knows her worth and um she knows um and this mascara wants to wants to give qxs09sbzgf4-00178-00099976-00100712 and this their god is dealing with this right now all right um because about his money qxs09sbzgf4-00179-00100712-00101336 there's definitely money issues sudden wealth that could be coming and the karmic is all green-eyed qxs09sbzgf4-00180-00101336-00101832 about that it's definitely about money a house a home that they've created they want it all qxs09sbzgf4-00181-00101832-00102136 they don't want anything to come to this basket so they don't want the feminine to get it the qxs09sbzgf4-00182-00102136-00102856 divine feminine okay yeah sabotage rebuilding interrogation they're being persistent they're qxs09sbzgf4-00183-00102856-00103440 interrogating this masculine here because the masculine is someone likes you romance is blooming qxs09sbzgf4-00184-00103440-00103968 transcending obstacles there's an ascension that's happening and they can't handle it clarify they're qxs09sbzgf4-00185-00103968-00104456 sabotaging things what is the karmic doing to try and sabotage this for the divine masculine qxs09sbzgf4-00186-00104664-00105200 because they're oh my god i can't even because look at this because they're stuck in the past qxs09sbzgf4-00187-00105200-00105744 photographs they keep looking at the past they're so heartbroken not really it's a break of their qxs09sbzgf4-00188-00105744-00106224 ego wake the hell up it's not it wasn't ever love it was never love it was obsession qxs09sbzgf4-00189-00106288-00106792 it was an illusion it's not real god's love it never was it never will be get over it qxs09sbzgf4-00190-00106792-00107256 you're in pain because you have been deceiving yourself your whole life karmic energy qxs09sbzgf4-00191-00107344-00107776 that's your own pain that you created for yourself friggin own up and stop acting like a damn victim qxs09sbzgf4-00192-00107776-00108304 okay they're moving on because the masculine's moving on because there are cell phones or bitched qxs09sbzgf4-00193-00108304-00108808 they're a narcissist that came out again i can't make it up i can't make it if i can qxs09sbzgf4-00194-00108808-00109511 feel it and i know that this masculine sees it and he knows it i can feel it okay so they know qxs09sbzgf4-00195-00109576-00110104 that they've stole this karmic has stolen um they're trying to steal something they're trying qxs09sbzgf4-00196-00110104-00110544 to get away with something and it's because they're mentally ill they're wearing a mask qxs09sbzgf4-00197-00110648-00111159 they're fake ass [ __ ] fake i don't know why nobody likes me i can just hear that i don't know qxs09sbzgf4-00198-00111159-00111511 why why this person doesn't think you know why this always happens to me you know those people qxs09sbzgf4-00199-00111511-00111959 the poor me's i don't know if i should bat [ __ ] always happens to me i don't know why because qxs09sbzgf4-00200-00111959-00112583 it's you because it's you because you need to own up for your stuff okay you need to get real about qxs09sbzgf4-00201-00112583-00113328 what you've done because you are a snake okay you are a narcissist with a snake you are a girl with qxs09sbzgf4-00202-00113328-00114096 a narcissist you're a snake sorry about it and you use chemistry and sex to get what you want qxs09sbzgf4-00203-00114192-00114856 and your body that's how you seduce men and that's what you've been doing this whole freaking time qxs09sbzgf4-00204-00114856-00115159 grow the hell up and learn because you know what i'm getting with these karmics the person qxs09sbzgf4-00205-00115159-00115592 they're meant to be with would not be physically attractive to them and they would just shun that qxs09sbzgf4-00206-00115592-00115952 person because this person that they're meant to be with doesn't have money and they have to be qxs09sbzgf4-00207-00115952-00116592 freaking humbled the person that they're meant to be with spirit is telling me is not anything qxs09sbzgf4-00208-00116592-00116959 that they would ever go towards in their ego because their ego has to pick someone that's qxs09sbzgf4-00209-00116959-00117559 good looking or meets their physical stature or meets their um money stature or anything qxs09sbzgf4-00210-00117559-00118192 like that this person that they're with is just like them they're poor they are narcissistic or qxs09sbzgf4-00211-00118192-00118832 they're a victim and they sit in their own crap and um they have to realize that that's the energy qxs09sbzgf4-00212-00118896-00119344 that you that they're moving into a righteous energy that they will start manifesting what qxs09sbzgf4-00213-00119344-00120128 they actually are because this dynamic has broken them open wow let's let's pull some tarot guys qxs09sbzgf4-00214-00120368-00120656 this is how this karmic energy is right now qxs09sbzgf4-00215-00120792-00121152 yeah that's how they are they know about that they know about the divine feminine qxs09sbzgf4-00216-00121152-00121504 they know that the masculine's moving towards them and they are acting qxs09sbzgf4-00217-00121504-00122048 up okay they don't want they're trying to hang on they're trying to act like a freaking angel qxs09sbzgf4-00218-00122183-00122711 it ain't working they feel stabbed in the back so there's the poor me attitude right qxs09sbzgf4-00219-00122711-00123752 now right this love you lied to me you lied to me right you said that this was forever qxs09sbzgf4-00220-00123832-00124256 i'm sorry i can't it's like the valley girl thing is what i got with them because those qxs09sbzgf4-00221-00124256-00124783 are fake right like the mean girls that's what they are and it's like this love it's like qxs09sbzgf4-00222-00124888-00125296 they're stabbed they're they feel stabbed in the back why does the karmic feel stopped in the back qxs09sbzgf4-00223-00125424-00125744 why why do they feel stopped in the back because they're they're the ones that are stopping qxs09sbzgf4-00224-00125744-00126232 everybody else in the back they're the evil ones they're the ones that aren't all in alignment qxs09sbzgf4-00225-00126232-00126511 they are the ones that are trying to like create some type of union qxs09sbzgf4-00226-00126568-00127056 yeah they feel burdened their ways aren't working anymore why is that spirit why do they feel like qxs09sbzgf4-00227-00127056-00127664 it's just so frustrating or near the end because the divine feminine why are they frustrated qxs09sbzgf4-00228-00127664-00128104 with the divine feminine stabbing them in the back like we stabbed you in the back i can't qxs09sbzgf4-00229-00128104-00128511 even that's your narcissistic don't want to own up for [ __ ] because we're actually powerful qxs09sbzgf4-00230-00128583-00129111 right um i don't see you doing anything what are you doing nothing you sit there and collect money qxs09sbzgf4-00231-00129111-00129600 like bye um from your like all the other men that you used in your life and all your child support qxs09sbzgf4-00232-00129600-00130208 payments by like we actually work for our money thanks um yeah they can't they're going around qxs09sbzgf4-00233-00130208-00130711 they don't want to walk away they are hanging on and what are they pers doing to pursue the qxs09sbzgf4-00234-00130711-00131144 divine masculine here that they're trying to put down the divine feminine they talk bad about the qxs09sbzgf4-00235-00131144-00131576 divine feminine they're trying to manipulate yeah they're trying to use passion towards the qxs09sbzgf4-00236-00131576-00131992 divine masculine because they don't want to leave they don't want to leave let's see how the divine qxs09sbzgf4-00237-00131992-00132584 masculine is actually responding to this karmic energy right now because i feel they're fed up qxs09sbzgf4-00238-00132688-00133472 yeah let's do that spirit i want to get that other set of cards here where those ones go to yeah qxs09sbzgf4-00239-00133680-00134192 okay so this is the divine masculine's response to being stabbed in the back so this is the victim qxs09sbzgf4-00240-00134192-00134856 okay this is this is the drama i'm gonna use my i got the high school theater award so let's qxs09sbzgf4-00241-00134856-00135504 let's let's pretend okay um this is the karmic energy oh but you said this love was forever qxs09sbzgf4-00242-00135504-00136040 and this she's just hanging on she's manipulating you in the energy i know that she's doing black qxs09sbzgf4-00243-00136040-00136632 magic and she's evil and she's toxic and uh this is how the masculine is responding to that you're qxs09sbzgf4-00244-00136632-00137232 sabotaging our life you i can't even believe that you're doing this they're trying to lay guilt qxs09sbzgf4-00245-00137232-00137840 on this divine masculine right look how much i'm doing for you in our life she's not doing anything qxs09sbzgf4-00246-00137952-00138488 so they're praying hard because they're confused they want this path they want the path qxs09sbzgf4-00247-00138488-00139272 right so this karmic energy is praying very hard um to get this but this masculine is um qxs09sbzgf4-00248-00139552-00140016 yeah yeah they're praying for this so that's the karmic but i want to ask about the masculine so qxs09sbzgf4-00249-00140016-00140560 they're praying for this this this path with the masculine okay these karmic energies are praying qxs09sbzgf4-00250-00140560-00140944 uh because of their their confusion here because they really think they're meant to be with this qxs09sbzgf4-00251-00140944-00141592 masculine they're praying they're praying to the mother they're really asking okay please please i qxs09sbzgf4-00252-00141592-00142016 want a union with this with this masculine that's not going to happen so what is the masculine's qxs09sbzgf4-00253-00142016-00142568 response to the karmic energies okay i got a little caught up in the drama there guys okay qxs09sbzgf4-00254-00142568-00143136 i can't do that too much what is the masculine's response to the karmic partner right now spirit qxs09sbzgf4-00255-00143136-00144000 to the karmic energy you tricked your victim for money they see it they see it qxs09sbzgf4-00256-00144064-00144568 they're like no [ __ ] you're trying to trick me and look at this i'm either poor or i'm qxs09sbzgf4-00257-00144568-00145344 either abundant okay somebody else's loss is somebody else's gain and you're playing victim qxs09sbzgf4-00258-00145408-00146048 so this masculine sees that this karmic energy is playing victim they're just they're they're qxs09sbzgf4-00259-00146048-00146744 victim they they play in the victim role and um trying to use passion to persuade them qxs09sbzgf4-00260-00146744-00147192 because they don't they will not walk away this mascot has to be strong and just cut it the hell qxs09sbzgf4-00261-00147192-00147712 out and these masculines are too soft some of them are way too soft you have to come into the qxs09sbzgf4-00262-00147712-00148408 power of destructive destruct destroy your energy because shiva and creator force energy masculine qxs09sbzgf4-00263-00148408-00148944 destroys before he builds that's the whole point of being in a masculine energy you you break down qxs09sbzgf4-00264-00149008-00149424 the foundation before you can build something really authentically aligned to god and if you qxs09sbzgf4-00265-00149424-00149880 can't do that well you'll be stuck you'll just be stuck so this masculine energy what qxs09sbzgf4-00266-00149880-00150320 is his response to the karmic energy in regards to her being stabbed in the back qxs09sbzgf4-00267-00150664-00150704 oops qxs09sbzgf4-00268-00151192-00151832 well he's saying he's actioning a relationship he says you're playing victim okay qxs09sbzgf4-00269-00151912-00152408 to gain abundance in this relationship okay we have the lovers with the king of wands he's qxs09sbzgf4-00270-00152408-00152880 actioning a brand new beginning and he's going to be victorious and uh so i feel like he's already qxs09sbzgf4-00271-00152880-00153352 said that i'm going on a new path here and what is this new path here that he wants to be victorious qxs09sbzgf4-00272-00153352-00153960 in this new love spirit wow he's standing in his emperor energy and he's pulled back qxs09sbzgf4-00273-00153960-00154328 with the hermit look at that the hermit is a single card you gotta be alone when you go qxs09sbzgf4-00274-00154328-00154904 within so he's pulled back from this this karmic energy she's losing her [ __ ] guys um i think qxs09sbzgf4-00275-00154904-00155360 there's gonna be discovery when they start to divvy up the finances that's why this house qxs09sbzgf4-00276-00155360-00155920 thing is happening over here i think she's getting caught with the property or embezzling money or qxs09sbzgf4-00277-00156088-00156544 manipulating other people something in a business windowing money qxs09sbzgf4-00278-00156824-00157240 they gather they're just sticking around they're gonna fight but this masculine is going within and qxs09sbzgf4-00279-00157240-00157856 saying no i'm pulling back my energies i'm going within um because there's a decision here and love qxs09sbzgf4-00280-00157856-00158480 that i'm actioning and something new that i want to be successful in and this is a victim type of qxs09sbzgf4-00281-00158480-00159152 mentality of abundance and i don't want that and what is the karmic's response to that i think this qxs09sbzgf4-00282-00159152-00159616 is how this reading is going to go and what is this karmic energy's response to the masculine qxs09sbzgf4-00283-00159616-00160232 that he's leaving that he's leaving what is the karmic's response she knows that he's leaving qxs09sbzgf4-00284-00160296-00160920 things are moving too fast for this karmic to hang on to anything what is their response to what is qxs09sbzgf4-00285-00160920-00161688 their response to the masculine it's failed so they're aware but they're playing their victimhood qxs09sbzgf4-00286-00161688-00162336 they're they're playing nice right now oh they're playing nice but they have massive addictions and qxs09sbzgf4-00287-00162336-00162672 massive obsession issues that they haven't healed they're just going to go to the next qxs09sbzgf4-00288-00162728-00163360 to the next man that they can get out of watch they'll be in a relationship pretty damn quick um qxs09sbzgf4-00289-00163432-00164072 because they can't look at themselves this is real narcissistic energy and so this masculine is um qxs09sbzgf4-00290-00164280-00164800 saying this he's gone he's locked and so they see that they can't hang on to this okay they can't qxs09sbzgf4-00291-00164800-00165568 hang on to this at all because it's definitely um shifting a lot all right so it's moving too qxs09sbzgf4-00292-00165568-00166016 fast for them to hang on to anything this mask was just taking off and dealing with his stuff qxs09sbzgf4-00293-00166016-00166584 so let's take a look here and see about um there's an ending oh this wind is coming in strong guys i qxs09sbzgf4-00294-00166584-00167064 may have to like pause the video in a bit um but they're in despair because they're losing qxs09sbzgf4-00295-00167064-00167544 their community right this is the uh death card here they're they're living in the past qxs09sbzgf4-00296-00167544-00168104 they're trying to come up with ways to manipulate the masculine out here and um just give me a qxs09sbzgf4-00297-00168104-00168528 i'm going to pause this because there's rain splashing on my face should i do that right now qxs09sbzgf4-00298-00168600-00169040 oh let's wait a little bit i can i don't mind it it's a kind of cooling let's wait okay qxs09sbzgf4-00299-00169040-00169432 because they're they're losing their community they're losing whatever they've thought that they qxs09sbzgf4-00300-00169432-00170096 were building up like it wasn't even your tribe i can't it's like they just clung onto the masculine qxs09sbzgf4-00301-00170096-00170640 and said that it was their path and it never was their path it never was they lied about visions qxs09sbzgf4-00302-00170640-00171144 they lied about dreams they lied about signs that they were getting and they made it up it qxs09sbzgf4-00303-00171144-00171744 wasn't real they only saw what they wanted to see because they were so scared to look at themselves qxs09sbzgf4-00304-00171744-00172272 and what this energy brought up so what is this despair with them with the karmic energy of living qxs09sbzgf4-00305-00172272-00172776 in the past and looking at the and things ending right now they know it's ended in their heart good qxs09sbzgf4-00306-00172776-00173312 i'm glad i like righteous alignment i don't like [ __ ] i don't i hate it don't you guys hate it like qxs09sbzgf4-00307-00173312-00173808 i just want pure alignment with god and then let everyone go in their own damn lane they're in pain qxs09sbzgf4-00308-00173808-00174240 yeah so sorry so sad about it be in pain because it's the only way that you cleanse yourself qxs09sbzgf4-00309-00174304-00174752 only way you clean since yourself no more investment no more investment in this not qxs09sbzgf4-00310-00174752-00175096 waiting anymore i ain't got compassion for that if someone can do their work in this qxs09sbzgf4-00311-00175096-00175576 paint that's where you earn my respect i ain't got no respect for people that that are like oh qxs09sbzgf4-00312-00175648-00176168 i can't look at it like i get that you can't look at stuff and you put stuff off but you don't like qxs09sbzgf4-00313-00176240-00176688 make it your life story you know what i mean this is like they're gonna have to discover themselves qxs09sbzgf4-00314-00176688-00177248 so they're gonna have to get on a new path and be curious about a new path that's opening up here qxs09sbzgf4-00315-00177248-00177768 and a decision has been made so there's no turning back here they know that it's ended they're trying qxs09sbzgf4-00316-00177768-00178432 to they put their persona back on that they're the good they're the beautiful ones they're the ones qxs09sbzgf4-00317-00178432-00178904 you know they're trying to move towards their destiny they're going to heal but this is spirit qxs09sbzgf4-00318-00178904-00179664 bringing in the destiny here and i i feel bad for them like i i have compassion in that sense qxs09sbzgf4-00319-00179664-00180248 i feel bad for their soul you know they invested they transformed your twin for you like you get qxs09sbzgf4-00320-00180248-00180784 it you know there's unfinished business for this person their car the karmic energy to get into um qxs09sbzgf4-00321-00180944-00181384 their destined path and their healing path there's there's unfinished business that they have to deal qxs09sbzgf4-00322-00181384-00181752 with that they have to heal what do they have to heal what does this karmic energy have to feel qxs09sbzgf4-00323-00181808-00182536 that fell down their courage and their strength they're not strong people you have to have a qxs09sbzgf4-00324-00182536-00183072 warrior-ass spirit to deal with this kind of energy and i hate to say like and not everyone qxs09sbzgf4-00325-00183072-00183512 gets at a certain point guys i know like 20 years ago you know i wasn't there in feminine energy but qxs09sbzgf4-00326-00183568-00184152 you know um we all get the i but these karmics they still have a lot of lifetimes to go before qxs09sbzgf4-00327-00184152-00184640 they can even reach a point of divine feminine some of them may come close but i don't i don't qxs09sbzgf4-00328-00184640-00185176 see it um not in this lifetime you know there's a new world starting maybe when that new world dies qxs09sbzgf4-00329-00185176-00185768 they'll be ready there's still eons for them to go and one more for them not having the the courage qxs09sbzgf4-00330-00185768-00186328 the strength they're just beaten dead now which is good because yeah the challenge is their regrets qxs09sbzgf4-00331-00186328-00186968 they don't regret it okay they're between shame regret and bad but they're they're not looking qxs09sbzgf4-00332-00186968-00187408 at it because they are narcissistic okay we're gonna take a look at the narcissistic energy let's qxs09sbzgf4-00333-00187408-00187816 see what's going on for masculine energy towards the karmic what is his response to the karmic's qxs09sbzgf4-00334-00187888-00188376 heart space about they don't really feel bad they're like on the fence about feeling bad qxs09sbzgf4-00335-00188432-00188776 they really are they'd see again they don't want to own up for what they did qxs09sbzgf4-00336-00188856-00189312 and they were manipulating situations and they were lying and stalking and doing black magic qxs09sbzgf4-00337-00189312-00189768 and all this [ __ ] and they don't want to admit it because this came up in the challenge position qxs09sbzgf4-00338-00189768-00190232 they're like um they're in pain because they didn't get what they wanted qxs09sbzgf4-00339-00190320-00190784 not because they were in love you know what i mean like oh god i just want to purge with this energy qxs09sbzgf4-00340-00190784-00191360 like seriously i feel like i need to throw up like when dark energies like this come through it's qxs09sbzgf4-00341-00191360-00191928 like it makes me feel like an ayahuasca ceremony like so toxic like how was our how are the qxs09sbzgf4-00342-00191928-00192456 masculines dealing with this kind of toxins and no wonder transform them you guys because they're qxs09sbzgf4-00343-00192456-00193104 holy men they're holy men you know wow um let's see what's going on with the masculine energy qxs09sbzgf4-00344-00193232-00193640 towards the karma i almost feel that they're pretending this is one scenario qxs09sbzgf4-00345-00193704-00194208 to stay in the masculines live their lives they're acting like these holy women like these two holy qxs09sbzgf4-00346-00194208-00195056 women i can't get over it this is so fake so funny they really think that they're this energy qxs09sbzgf4-00347-00195136-00195792 it's really funny they really put on a good show let me tell you and um they're pretending to stay qxs09sbzgf4-00348-00195792-00196184 in this inner such narcissistic energy they're trying to like pretend that they're in this energy qxs09sbzgf4-00349-00196248-00196824 so that they can still be somewhat in their in the masculine's life it ain't gonna happen qxs09sbzgf4-00350-00196824-00197624 you're getting kicked out carmix your your asses to the curb like um bye that will never happen um qxs09sbzgf4-00351-00197752-00198432 yeah because they want to still somewhat be in this for some whatever reason um almost like qxs09sbzgf4-00352-00198432-00198872 reinforcement if it doesn't work out because you know they're just in it for one thing qxs09sbzgf4-00353-00198872-00199432 and this energy here yeah we'll get into that so spirit is just bringing this up because qxs09sbzgf4-00354-00199432-00199968 let's see how the the masculine is um um i'm gonna respond to this yeah again thank you spirit so i qxs09sbzgf4-00355-00199968-00200784 got off track there they're playing like this because they want to see oops they want to see qxs09sbzgf4-00356-00201064-00201448 yeah they want a foot in spirit of saying they still want a foot in qxs09sbzgf4-00357-00201448-00201824 so when the masculine does reach out and they're still around they want a foot and to try and qxs09sbzgf4-00358-00201824-00202328 manipulate because then they can do their spell work or whatever else so make sure to my feminines qxs09sbzgf4-00359-00202328-00202896 that you really put your boundaries up and be like i want that [ __ ] gone like i'm sorry um qxs09sbzgf4-00360-00202896-00203592 you need a clean space with just you and your mask and with no other karmic influences taking away qxs09sbzgf4-00361-00203592-00204256 from what you do are learning about your marital connection it needs to be a clean complete sacred qxs09sbzgf4-00362-00204256-00204776 space very much like when we run ayahuasca ceremonies it has to be cleansed and pure qxs09sbzgf4-00363-00204776-00205328 so the deep healing can happen and this karmic wants to stick around because they qxs09sbzgf4-00364-00205328-00205919 want to manipulate the situation as soon as they can that's what's coming so just be aware qxs09sbzgf4-00365-00205919-00206448 of that all right uh divine feminine let's take a look and see how the masculine is responding qxs09sbzgf4-00366-00206448-00207136 to this karmic energy hold on for a sec so let's see how this masculine is actually responding qxs09sbzgf4-00367-00207216-00207776 to this karmic energy because they're playing nice they're they're in pain and they may say that and qxs09sbzgf4-00368-00207776-00208271 they're like i want to come back but i'm healing and i'm going towards my destiny and i understand qxs09sbzgf4-00369-00208271-00208567 i honor that you're going to be introduced so they may be saying that they thank you that's qxs09sbzgf4-00370-00208567-00209064 the message that they may be honoring this union i honor that you're moving and you're elevating qxs09sbzgf4-00371-00209064-00209616 and i support you [ __ ] they don't support you that's another manipulation tactic let's qxs09sbzgf4-00372-00209616-00210328 see what's going on with masculine's response to the karmic he's praying for her okay he's praying qxs09sbzgf4-00373-00210471-00211256 because it's making him feel guilty that's what they do that's what distorted feminine energies do qxs09sbzgf4-00374-00211360-00211952 because now that they're saying in certain situations okay um if they look good and qxs09sbzgf4-00375-00211952-00212384 allow the masculine to do what they're meant to do because they put up a big fight right qxs09sbzgf4-00376-00212384-00212864 now that the masculines are really standing their ground they're like okay i'm blessing your path qxs09sbzgf4-00377-00212960-00213600 you can go ahead it's keeping this masculine stuck to the karmic energies they need to recognize qxs09sbzgf4-00378-00213600-00214088 that it's another four mission manipulation tactic to keep them from actually moving on qxs09sbzgf4-00379-00214088-00214608 reverse psychology that's what's happening wow these karmics are smart i'm not gonna qxs09sbzgf4-00380-00214608-00215128 lie they're smart and dark ass demon [ __ ] yeah that's smart that's smart mind tactic [ __ ] yeah qxs09sbzgf4-00381-00215128-00215519 that's how you get everything you want in your life you don't manifest you manipulate people qxs09sbzgf4-00382-00215519-00216000 manipulating this masculine energy to pray praying to get out of this guilty feeling because he feels qxs09sbzgf4-00383-00216000-00216448 really bad because that's what the karmic is doing pretending like there's goddess energy qxs09sbzgf4-00384-00216448-00216967 when they're just obsessed and addicted and clinging and saying yes i'm not going to invest qxs09sbzgf4-00385-00216967-00217400 i know the decision has been made i want to come back but i'm healing and i know i support you qxs09sbzgf4-00386-00217400-00217919 and your twin flame connection let me like throw up now please what is this masculine's response qxs09sbzgf4-00387-00217919-00218367 to this karmic energy praying and feeling guilty about it they need to get over this qxs09sbzgf4-00388-00218567-00218952 they feel guilty for breaking down this foundation they feel depressed and sad about it qxs09sbzgf4-00389-00219064-00219664 and the karmic will play on that guilt to keep them stuck so the the mascot has to really get qxs09sbzgf4-00390-00219664-00220144 over this guilt before he can move towards the feminine because that is a hole that is a doorway qxs09sbzgf4-00391-00220144-00220600 those lower vibrations if this masking continues to hold the feeling of guilt and shame and feeling qxs09sbzgf4-00392-00220600-00221312 sorry for this person that is an in for the karmic energy so divine feminines you have to heal qxs09sbzgf4-00393-00221312-00221864 and forgive yourself with anything that you feel bad about as well anything that you are disrupting qxs09sbzgf4-00394-00221864-00222344 your own foundation you're healing your own life don't feel guilty for it you can't feel guilty for qxs09sbzgf4-00395-00222344-00222888 how other people's feelings how they respond to you or what they think about you i've had dealt qxs09sbzgf4-00396-00222888-00223319 with narcissism my entire life again like i said i have not like there's so much in my life that's qxs09sbzgf4-00397-00223319-00224032 why i'm so fine-tuned to it that i know it you know and um when that energy comes up it's like qxs09sbzgf4-00398-00224032-00224552 i don't feel empathy for them when they feel like they're acting like they're doing good acts of qxs09sbzgf4-00399-00224552-00225167 favors and they're acting like they're these holy people when underneath that it's just pure evil qxs09sbzgf4-00400-00225271-00225912 because they don't feel good enough they don't have feelings they they're empty they're empty qxs09sbzgf4-00401-00225912-00226432 okay they've been siphoned and this masculine has to let go of this guilt for breaking down qxs09sbzgf4-00402-00226432-00226871 the foundation and ending the marriage because if they don't there this karmic is going to get qxs09sbzgf4-00403-00226871-00227392 back in here seven of cups in reverse they see it clearly so they are seeing what are qxs09sbzgf4-00404-00227392-00227800 they seeing clearly with this karmic energy with the guilt they're seeing very clearly qxs09sbzgf4-00405-00227871-00228440 that they have to block this okay i think it's getting out of hand this poor me bull that's qxs09sbzgf4-00406-00228440-00229056 happening how is the masculine thing about the situation of the karmic blessing between planes qxs09sbzgf4-00407-00229432-00229904 he can tell that this divine feminine it's been emotional manipulation with what the qxs09sbzgf4-00408-00229904-00230336 karmic is doing but it also feels this divine feminine will not be open to that um if this qxs09sbzgf4-00409-00230336-00230728 karmic stays around but they also know that it's emotional manipulation so they're aware of it qxs09sbzgf4-00410-00230823-00231440 they're holding strong okay and they've pulled back their energy so they they're still having qxs09sbzgf4-00411-00231440-00231864 some guilt but they have to heal that because that is a tactic and how this karmic energy qxs09sbzgf4-00412-00231864-00232664 gets into it yeah i can't even oh my lord thundering jesus boy that's some luffy qxs09sbzgf4-00413-00232664-00233144 talk for you my ex-husband was new fee so i picked up some stuff but all right so let's qxs09sbzgf4-00414-00233144-00233440 take a look they want the money they want the house they don't want this wealth come in qxs09sbzgf4-00415-00233536-00233816 any kind of wealth that the masculine has doesn't they don't want to come into divine qxs09sbzgf4-00416-00233816-00234296 feminine they know that they're heartbroken because they are narcissistic they wanted the qxs09sbzgf4-00417-00234296-00234664 wealth for themselves they're thinking of the past they're trying to sabotage this because qxs09sbzgf4-00418-00234664-00235416 they know the masculine has feelings and is trying to ascend here yeah and how is the karmic trying qxs09sbzgf4-00419-00235416-00235896 to manipulate the situation from stopping how's the karmic star trying to stop the um qxs09sbzgf4-00420-00236088-00236376 how is the carbon trying to stop the masculine from moving towards the feminine qxs09sbzgf4-00421-00236471-00236816 well the relationship has ended okay so what are they doing qxs09sbzgf4-00422-00237232-00237576 ten of cups they know that it's ended for for the ten of cups qxs09sbzgf4-00423-00237919-00238248 so they're coming out of apathy they're trying to end their heartbreak so they're qxs09sbzgf4-00424-00238248-00238464 trying to do their own healing work they're not paying their qxs09sbzgf4-00425-00238744-00239280 they're not their sabotage thank you spirit is pretending that they're in this holy energy qxs09sbzgf4-00426-00239352-00239912 that they're accepting of it so it makes the masculine feel maybe i was wrong about this person qxs09sbzgf4-00427-00240071-00240504 that's what it is it's another manipulation tactic maybe i was wrong about this person qxs09sbzgf4-00428-00240504-00241104 they've totally given up because they're so you wow they're so used to the karmic energy pulling qxs09sbzgf4-00429-00241208-00241719 right they're so accustomed to that listen to the purification that's happening right now this rain qxs09sbzgf4-00430-00241784-00242408 they know this tactic that that um they feel that wow this is this is behavior that's not qxs09sbzgf4-00431-00242408-00242976 like this karmic energy and they're okay with the ending of this for my happiness and they're ending qxs09sbzgf4-00432-00242976-00243952 the heartbreak so it's making it's making the masculine question things here um so why how is qxs09sbzgf4-00433-00243952-00244440 this a manipulation tactic here for the karmic plus spirit how is this a manipulation tactic qxs09sbzgf4-00434-00244704-00245184 see by not working and focusing on this it makes the masculine unstable qxs09sbzgf4-00435-00245271-00245800 they're focusing elsewhere on money clarify that spirit they're going to take them for the money qxs09sbzgf4-00436-00245800-00246104 they're going to hit them where it hurts that's why they backed off right now they're going to hit qxs09sbzgf4-00437-00246104-00246576 them where it hurts to be single and independent what about the money situation i want to pull qxs09sbzgf4-00438-00246576-00247000 something else there's something about the money delay they're still delaying something here from qxs09sbzgf4-00439-00247000-00247471 me and being single they're doing it in other ways guys they're manipulating in other ways qxs09sbzgf4-00440-00247719-00248488 um yeah this one this one spirit they're doing it in other ways how is this uh qxs09sbzgf4-00441-00248896-00249423 let me pause this for a minute i'm gonna just uh close that window qxs09sbzgf4-00442-00249423-00249912 they don't call it the middle of the rainforest for nothing guys rainforest country here we we are qxs09sbzgf4-00443-00249912-00250448 in rainy seasons so these karmics are trying to self-love themselves but i think it's all a show qxs09sbzgf4-00444-00250519-00251016 to be honest there's it's not that they don't have any awareness i'm sure they're trying to do that qxs09sbzgf4-00445-00251016-00251592 because they have to move on but they're also playing it as part of an illusion manipulation qxs09sbzgf4-00446-00251592-00252112 goes in many purposes it's not just black and white so they're playing it up as well to say qxs09sbzgf4-00447-00252112-00252671 like oh um i'm okay with that go ahead go do what you need to do but they're trying to get qxs09sbzgf4-00448-00252671-00253064 it out in other ways so they're going to take this masculine for what they want through the money now qxs09sbzgf4-00449-00253119-00253584 and by pretending like there's some like princess and that they're okay with everything qxs09sbzgf4-00450-00253792-00254112 and it's another form manipulation so what else is the karmic doing to qxs09sbzgf4-00451-00254112-00254552 try and manipulate this mass feeling here by pretending that they're okay with everything qxs09sbzgf4-00452-00254848-00255376 oh they're trying to um heal themselves with music and trying to be very just qxs09sbzgf4-00453-00255376-00255823 self-disciplined because they have to try and temper themselves from actioning anything right qxs09sbzgf4-00454-00255823-00256408 now because usually they're clingy and running and chasing and so they have to discipline themselves qxs09sbzgf4-00455-00256408-00256856 by chasing this masculine because their tactics aren't working anywhere all their old tactics qxs09sbzgf4-00456-00256919-00257623 not working guys not working anymore and because it's not working anymore um they have to try and qxs09sbzgf4-00457-00257623-00258112 come up with other ways so it's kind of like what i've seen with the dynamic forces as well is that qxs09sbzgf4-00458-00258112-00258680 they'll watch you and attack and then they'll back off and they'll they'll observe the situation to qxs09sbzgf4-00459-00258680-00259152 find where the loopholes are so they tried it with the guilt the masculine was seeing that they're qxs09sbzgf4-00460-00259152-00259719 trying it with finances now so what else what they're trying to do spirit towards the masculine qxs09sbzgf4-00461-00260096-00260632 well they know it's a karmic completion so they're delaying something though what are they delaying qxs09sbzgf4-00462-00260632-00261128 spirit they know it's ended but they're trying to delay it somehow there's a procrastination here qxs09sbzgf4-00463-00261240-00261808 they're trying to be creative through their self-love exactly what i was saying they're qxs09sbzgf4-00464-00261808-00262416 trying to show that they're enlightened that they're allowing it to happen like give me a break qxs09sbzgf4-00465-00262504-00263592 i can't this person's a piece of work let me tell you i want to pull something out um karmic energy qxs09sbzgf4-00466-00263968-00264360 because this is where the heavy energy is right now is their actions right now qxs09sbzgf4-00467-00264360-00265152 has to do with property home um letting things slide like go um with the sudden wealth qxs09sbzgf4-00468-00265208-00265776 there because we have the narcissistic the golden mirrors here so this isn't this isn't in um truth qxs09sbzgf4-00469-00265776-00266264 this is about money for them now nothing else is working so what is this about the money qxs09sbzgf4-00470-00266264-00266680 again for the karmic towards the masculine police spirit they're acting sweet they're qxs09sbzgf4-00471-00266680-00267200 acting like they're in good faith but what is it that they're abandonment issues they want to be qxs09sbzgf4-00472-00267200-00268048 paid out for about for their abandonment issues as as children they want that yeah qxs09sbzgf4-00473-00268320-00269096 serendipitous masculine energy so there are too many synchronicities that they qxs09sbzgf4-00474-00269096-00269672 can't deny this with the masculine that that the abandonment issues have come up again qxs09sbzgf4-00475-00269952-00270496 and the four-leaf clover they they're hoping for some type of four-leaf clover money aspect qxs09sbzgf4-00476-00270496-00270952 they're going round and round they're resting right now okay they're trying to find their qxs09sbzgf4-00477-00270952-00271480 blessings so this karmic is backed off in the mean in the meantime okay they're trying to do their qxs09sbzgf4-00478-00271600-00271952 healing of this round and round energy but there's something that still doesn't feel qxs09sbzgf4-00479-00271952-00272496 right to me because of this narcissism it might be a resting period right now qxs09sbzgf4-00480-00272672-00273472 before the attack again and it may be that certain a certain cycle has ended but they're trying to qxs09sbzgf4-00481-00273472-00273992 do something with their self-acceptance and their self-love okay they're trying to um qxs09sbzgf4-00482-00274360-00274696 they're keeping themselves at bay through music they're keeping themselves through discipline qxs09sbzgf4-00483-00274696-00275136 themselves to allow those karmic completion to happen so they're allowing this one cycle qxs09sbzgf4-00484-00275136-00275568 of the heart and the emotional realm because the masculine's not taking the emotional realm qxs09sbzgf4-00485-00275568-00276144 but there's definitely something happening in regards to the money and spirit isn't allowing qxs09sbzgf4-00486-00276144-00276680 it to come fully through but there is something about the money what is it about the money spirit qxs09sbzgf4-00487-00276736-00277216 can you give us one more with the karmic there's a lot of concern here about the money qxs09sbzgf4-00488-00277312-00277664 she's gonna play hard for that money the masculine may have to give it up qxs09sbzgf4-00489-00277664-00278288 you know um because they feel trapped they want the fortune they're gonna trap them for the money qxs09sbzgf4-00490-00278288-00278696 there's gonna be entrapment for the money so your mask may come to you with nothing but that's okay qxs09sbzgf4-00491-00278696-00279136 you're supposed to build on on on brand new grounds it's actually nice if you're both on qxs09sbzgf4-00492-00279136-00279800 equal footing you don't need to have to you know uh too too much the universe will open the doors qxs09sbzgf4-00493-00279800-00280400 and a flood of abundance will come in so this masculine may have to just let it go to be honest qxs09sbzgf4-00494-00280400-00280864 and that's what he's hanging on to and this karmic knows it too and that's how they're gonna feeling qxs09sbzgf4-00495-00280864-00281312 the situation how is the masculine responding to all of this money manipulation right now qxs09sbzgf4-00496-00281312-00281752 spirit with the karmic energy as they're acting all sweet and nice and letting everything go qxs09sbzgf4-00497-00282048-00282552 they're holding gratitude right now because they're backing off but they're impartial so qxs09sbzgf4-00498-00282552-00283008 they're still on the fence with this karmic energy they know that something might be up qxs09sbzgf4-00499-00283008-00283544 so they aren't fully trusting of the situation okay these masculines they know they're getting qxs09sbzgf4-00500-00283544-00284008 into perfect alignment to serve here and they're holding a lot of gratitude right now qxs09sbzgf4-00501-00284008-00284608 that this karmic energy is pulling back um but they're still impartial they're still on qxs09sbzgf4-00502-00284608-00284992 the fence right why are they on the fence still with this karmic energy in regards to the money qxs09sbzgf4-00503-00285312-00285856 they see very clearly the decisions been made here for victory so they know that they made qxs09sbzgf4-00504-00285856-00286368 the two of wands in reverse they know that they made a decision to win at this okay um qxs09sbzgf4-00505-00286488-00287200 and they're quickly actioning their renewal okay and a judgment call in order to completely um qxs09sbzgf4-00506-00287280-00287928 move forward for a renewal here okay um and so they're grateful right now but uh something else qxs09sbzgf4-00507-00287928-00288368 is going to happen guys we're not out of the woods yet something is happening with this karmic energy qxs09sbzgf4-00508-00288368-00288992 and i'm trusting it um does masculine may start putting his guard down and when he does boom it's qxs09sbzgf4-00509-00288992-00289344 going to hit him because karmic energy is going to try and take him for everything she already has qxs09sbzgf4-00510-00289344-00289840 things in the plan in the works he can't move on to a new beginning yet why is that spirit what is qxs09sbzgf4-00511-00289840-00290360 this entrapment here yeah there's still something toxic there's something toxic in an attachment qxs09sbzgf4-00512-00290360-00290808 that's happening with the money okay that's causing a lot of drama he can't move forward yet qxs09sbzgf4-00513-00291064-00291416 what is this karmic energy doing spirit qxs09sbzgf4-00514-00291416-00291744 from keeping this masculine from the ten of cups i'm just trying to dig qxs09sbzgf4-00515-00291744-00292128 deeper but it's like spirit won't let me fully know they're blocking him somehow qxs09sbzgf4-00516-00292344-00292880 they're blocking him they're being a snake they're blocking him from this love financially qxs09sbzgf4-00517-00292880-00293488 so they're acting all happy but they're they're doing it from another angle all right guys qxs09sbzgf4-00518-00293560-00294192 i could feel it i could feel it i can feel it so hardcore this masculine may have to cut his qxs09sbzgf4-00519-00294192-00294704 losses let's take a look how what is this mask i'm going to have to do towards this karmic to move qxs09sbzgf4-00520-00294704-00295224 towards divine feminine what is this mask you're going to have to do towards the karmic to move qxs09sbzgf4-00521-00295224-00295848 towards the divine feminine he's thinking about the divine feminine how this pattern keeps going qxs09sbzgf4-00522-00295848-00296480 on and on and on all right it's keeping him stuck and with this karmic uh person he knows qxs09sbzgf4-00523-00296480-00297000 he's gonna have to move on to this new path soon and and forgo maybe he's gonna have to take a loss qxs09sbzgf4-00524-00297072-00297760 of this okay is what i'm getting here well these are too many but this one fell he's qxs09sbzgf4-00525-00297760-00298160 gonna have to uh he's been given the gift of a new path he may just have to leave and walk qxs09sbzgf4-00526-00298160-00298776 away completely because this karmic energy is just really playing it up like i can't even qxs09sbzgf4-00527-00298840-00299456 um let's take a look here because they're a thief right we have the thief and the bad the bad health qxs09sbzgf4-00528-00299656-00300392 right we have the snake using passion wearing a mask the snake the girl with the snake so much qxs09sbzgf4-00529-00300392-00300760 narcissistic energy came through this mask was fully aware of it with this qxs09sbzgf4-00530-00300760-00301336 karmic energy empath and narcissist paradigm being charmed or used boundaries competition qxs09sbzgf4-00531-00301336-00302144 chaser this is what this person's really like yeah and if you're watching you are like call me qxs09sbzgf4-00532-00302144-00302912 send me an email i'll tell you where to go i can't can feel it so strongly it's like i ain't got no qxs09sbzgf4-00533-00302912-00303536 time for that seriously what is going on here for the karmic being this narcissistic thief qxs09sbzgf4-00534-00303744-00304240 yeah it's very clear who they are now it's on the open so now that's why they're playing in the qxs09sbzgf4-00535-00304240-00304672 money realm because their nine of cups is coming to an end their material world is coming to an qxs09sbzgf4-00536-00304672-00305224 end and they ain't happy so they're going to use passionately move towards you know their defenses qxs09sbzgf4-00537-00305224-00305520 uh they want to build on their own and they're going to want the money qxs09sbzgf4-00538-00305632-00305976 they're standing their ground here what are they standing there ground in this karmic energy what qxs09sbzgf4-00539-00305976-00306384 are they sanding their ground in yeah they want their happiness so they're going to do whatever qxs09sbzgf4-00540-00306384-00306784 they can for their own what is their happiness that they're going to do they're moving on qxs09sbzgf4-00541-00306968-00307816 with self-love because this relationship has ended okay so they are moving on but what are qxs09sbzgf4-00542-00307816-00308440 they doing about the money they're manifesting the money from us what are they manifesting the money qxs09sbzgf4-00543-00308552-00309040 they're going to keep it stuck until they get what they want okay yep manifesting the money qxs09sbzgf4-00544-00309040-00309448 so if you get what they want then they'll move the hell on so they're pretending to move on right now qxs09sbzgf4-00545-00309448-00309912 and give themselves love that's the emotional manipulation tactic that they're using yes baby qxs09sbzgf4-00546-00309912-00310552 i'm moving on okay here we go now we're in a court battle case and they're gonna be using everything qxs09sbzgf4-00547-00310552-00311088 yeah they're pretending that they're stopped fighting that's just that's just it's not real qxs09sbzgf4-00548-00311088-00311424 because what's gonna happen when the when the money comes up square well how are the karmics qxs09sbzgf4-00549-00311424-00312152 gonna act when the money situation shows up the wealth the money the lifestyle they ain't gonna be qxs09sbzgf4-00550-00312152-00312536 at a crossroads they know exactly what they want they see it very clearly what is it that they want qxs09sbzgf4-00551-00312704-00313016 seven of swords they're manipulating they're putting a plan in place to qxs09sbzgf4-00552-00313016-00313600 manipulate the masculine out of his money this madison has got to be very careful with this qxs09sbzgf4-00553-00313600-00314280 [ __ ] whatever you want to call they're going to keep things from moving forward qxs09sbzgf4-00554-00314280-00315048 as much as they possibly can with the money so yes karmic cycles have ended yes it's been very huge qxs09sbzgf4-00555-00315048-00315680 it's been the emotional manipulation okay completely halted in its path okay but now qxs09sbzgf4-00556-00315680-00316152 it's the financial stuff this is what the karmic wanted the entire time this is how they've played qxs09sbzgf4-00557-00316152-00316568 men over and over and over again even having babies with all kinds of different men getting qxs09sbzgf4-00558-00316568-00317032 all kinds of child support is what i'm getting getting houses getting money getting property qxs09sbzgf4-00559-00317032-00317840 and pretending that oh i was the victim this whole time they may have even tried to get pregnant with qxs09sbzgf4-00560-00317840-00318304 your divine masculine some of them may be having a pregnancy scare and may have been trying to put qxs09sbzgf4-00561-00318304-00318840 in a child support suit as well and then claimed miscarriage and they never were me they never did qxs09sbzgf4-00562-00318840-00319320 miscarry because they never you know had the baby and they're making fake form like this is a real qxs09sbzgf4-00563-00319376-00319840 charmer let me tell you really playing it up your mask and went through a lot of stuff you need qxs09sbzgf4-00564-00319840-00320584 to pray for them guys because this i don't know what this energy is like ew i do i've dealt with qxs09sbzgf4-00565-00320584-00321120 it in my life but um it's dark it's really dark what's going on with this masculine's qxs09sbzgf4-00566-00321120-00321552 response to this karmic energy now that she's pulled back but knowing that there might be a qxs09sbzgf4-00567-00321552-00322184 plan in place in regards to money and the money in the finance is what it's coming down to guys qxs09sbzgf4-00568-00322400-00322856 oh my god they're despondent and they're releasing right here okay they're not qxs09sbzgf4-00569-00322856-00323344 responding to the karmic energies at all they are releasing it they know that it's completely over qxs09sbzgf4-00570-00323400-00324080 see they are expanding and isolating themselves okay um what about the money situation qxs09sbzgf4-00571-00324280-00324624 i think they're going to let them have it they're moving towards their joint destiny qxs09sbzgf4-00572-00324624-00324864 i think this mastermind may just cut his losses qxs09sbzgf4-00573-00324936-00325480 because it's just not worth it with this and this karmic knows it so they're acting all qxs09sbzgf4-00574-00325480-00326024 happy oh divine union is coming and what is this mascot's response to the karmic energy qxs09sbzgf4-00575-00326312-00326936 they're stuck okay this masculine is stuck they're not doing anything with this karmic energy qxs09sbzgf4-00576-00327120-00327544 yeah because it's stuck because they want the empress they want the divine qxs09sbzgf4-00577-00327544-00327944 feminine so this divine feminine energy they want the divine feminine energy qxs09sbzgf4-00578-00328352-00328816 this landed over here because they they're walking away the eight of cups they're walking away from qxs09sbzgf4-00579-00328816-00329312 those karmic energy towards the divine feminine energy they're ending uh things have been revealed qxs09sbzgf4-00580-00329464-00330056 that they are no longer planning for the future with this karmic energy clear for the empress qxs09sbzgf4-00581-00330056-00331056 what do you want the empress yeah yeah they want to work eight of pentacles work on it with qxs09sbzgf4-00582-00331056-00331640 the divine feminine and they're manifesting the divine feminine as i clarified that so they may qxs09sbzgf4-00583-00331640-00332064 cut their losses what about this financial stuff that's keeping them stuck spirit to the karmic qxs09sbzgf4-00584-00332064-00332696 and they want you know what's happening there yeah they're blocking the karmic energies and they're qxs09sbzgf4-00585-00332696-00333320 not giving any anything to the karmic emotionally um financially they may just i think they're just qxs09sbzgf4-00586-00333320-00334104 going to cut their losses financially um three of cups um that's a reunion celebration that they may qxs09sbzgf4-00587-00334104-00334784 just cut cut that um financial yeah ace of swords and reverser they're they're not speaking at all qxs09sbzgf4-00588-00334784-00335264 because they've learned their lesson so they may just have to cut it in order to deal with qxs09sbzgf4-00589-00335264-00335672 this let's pull a little bit more what's going on with the masculine energy towards the karmic qxs09sbzgf4-00590-00336008-00336608 yeah they see the clarity and the truth of this situation wow okay they see the truth qxs09sbzgf4-00591-00336608-00336984 they see the clarity of this they may have to cut their losses and lose a lot of money qxs09sbzgf4-00592-00336984-00337552 they're rising about this situation and they're putting an end to it no second chances guys qxs09sbzgf4-00593-00337552-00338152 it's over and the delay is some kind of court stuff for other people and just really trying qxs09sbzgf4-00594-00338152-00338664 to gain you know their own energies about like i can't believe that i'm left with like hardly qxs09sbzgf4-00595-00338664-00339120 anything this person took me for a ride what is going on the masculine energy towards the karmic qxs09sbzgf4-00596-00339280-00339728 he knows who his soulmate is clarify spirit what is this masking towards the karmic qxs09sbzgf4-00597-00339792-00340568 i know who my soul mate is look at this i've been observing you and i'm following things by the book qxs09sbzgf4-00598-00340632-00341008 okay because he's been feeling his divine feminine okay knows things qxs09sbzgf4-00599-00341008-00341584 following things by the book and he knows not for you he knows what's not for him qxs09sbzgf4-00600-00341656-00342192 okay give me one more on the soulmate just to prove it to the viewers spirit he's at a qxs09sbzgf4-00601-00342192-00342592 fork in the road right now because he's about to come forward with to towards the soulmate qxs09sbzgf4-00602-00342712-00343288 right because he knows what glitters okay he knows that there was a mask here he knows that he's now qxs09sbzgf4-00603-00343288-00343760 at a crossroads so he's observing everything and what's not for the masculine hair spirit qxs09sbzgf4-00604-00344032-00344448 he knows what's not for him so he's imagining his new happy happy beginning qxs09sbzgf4-00605-00344504-00344888 all right he's he knows what his new happy what is his new happy beginning qxs09sbzgf4-00606-00345232-00345896 yeah that he has unfinished business okay chopped wood which means that he's cleaning up his present qxs09sbzgf4-00607-00345896-00346456 moment he's opened a new doorway and he's building a new community he knows who his tribe is with qxs09sbzgf4-00608-00346456-00347184 and he has unfinished business okay um with him and this unfinished business clarify here towards qxs09sbzgf4-00609-00347368-00347768 that he's awakened to this connection here okay with this unfinished business qxs09sbzgf4-00610-00347768-00348312 that he was seduced out of this that he's transforming in unconditional love guys all qxs09sbzgf4-00611-00348312-00348832 right so that unfinished symphony came up in the first reading was twin flames and um qxs09sbzgf4-00612-00348888-00349368 yeah completely knows that where he's moving towards and so he's just cutting his losses qxs09sbzgf4-00613-00349368-00349936 is what i'm seeing here he knows it was an addiction the soulmate he's talking conversing qxs09sbzgf4-00614-00349936-00350696 more awaited messages he wants to message um he wants the message and talk and come towards intact qxs09sbzgf4-00615-00350696-00351032 and he knows that the soulmate was like a complete addiction okay it could have been qxs09sbzgf4-00616-00351032-00351632 a karmic soulmate type of situation all right guys that is the karmic situation this week qxs09sbzgf4-00617-00351632-00352168 really heavy energies she's really playing it up but i think there's no more pull that she has qxs09sbzgf4-00618-00352168-00352640 on this masculine so it's going to be a money deal that could be holding things up right now qxs09sbzgf4-00619-00352640-00353064 all right so much love guys don't forget to like and subscribe if you want a reading for yourself qxs09sbzgf4-00620-00353064-00353552 don't forget to email me down below all that info is down below like subscribe i'm sending qxs09sbzgf4-00621-00353552-00353912 you guys so much love would love to hear your comments about this and how it resonated bye q-1xFLGHUtM-00000-00000720-00001096 Welcome to Spotlight. I’m Liz Waid. q-1xFLGHUtM-00001-00001176-00001368 And I’m Adam Navis. q-1xFLGHUtM-00002-00001448-00001880 Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. q-1xFLGHUtM-00003-00001952-00002984 It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. q-1xFLGHUtM-00004-00003592-00003920 You are on a train in Norway. q-1xFLGHUtM-00005-00004032-00004384 The train will soon begin moving. q-1xFLGHUtM-00006-00004464-00004712 You look out the front window. q-1xFLGHUtM-00007-00004808-00005112 A mountain rises to your left. q-1xFLGHUtM-00008-00005224-00005608 The sun shines brightly into your eyes. q-1xFLGHUtM-00009-00005744-00006288 People standing next to the train wave excitedly. q-1xFLGHUtM-00010-00006408-00006640 You begin to speed up. q-1xFLGHUtM-00011-00006776-00007616 On the platform outside, you see a small boy with a warm hat on his head. q-1xFLGHUtM-00012-00007736-00008280 He sits on his father’s shoulders to watch the train better. q-1xFLGHUtM-00013-00008536-00008992 Tracks for other trains cross the path in front of you. q-1xFLGHUtM-00014-00009088-00009616 Now a red passenger train goes by in the opposite direction. q-1xFLGHUtM-00015-00009736-00009984 A rock wall appears on your left. q-1xFLGHUtM-00016-00010104-00010840 Leaves that have already changed to their fall colors are growing from between the rocks. q-1xFLGHUtM-00017-00011032-00011456 Soon you come to a quiet country village. q-1xFLGHUtM-00018-00011544-00012000 There are white and yellow houses on both sides. q-1xFLGHUtM-00019-00012112-00012847 In front of you is a small, dark opening in the base of a mountain. q-1xFLGHUtM-00020-00012960-00013728 It grows larger and darker by the second as your train speeds toward it. q-1xFLGHUtM-00021-00013856-00014256 Your train is about to go underground! q-1xFLGHUtM-00022-00014384-00014896 Now everything in front of you is black as night. q-1xFLGHUtM-00023-00015000-00015584 The darkness is all you can see for the next four minutes. q-1xFLGHUtM-00024-00015696-00016040 Then a little spot of light appears. q-1xFLGHUtM-00025-00016176-00016872 That light tells you that you have reached the other side of the mountain. q-1xFLGHUtM-00026-00016984-00017304 Soon you will see the sun again. q-1xFLGHUtM-00027-00017840-00018216 This describes the first seven minutes q-1xFLGHUtM-00028-00018216-00018832 of a seven-hour train ride across the country of Norway. q-1xFLGHUtM-00029-00018936-00019616 This long train ride was recorded on video from beginning to end. q-1xFLGHUtM-00030-00019712-00020264 It is the first popular example of Slow TV. q-1xFLGHUtM-00031-00020448-00021048 Slow TV is a completely different form of television. q-1xFLGHUtM-00032-00021176-00021448 In its most basic form, q-1xFLGHUtM-00033-00021504-00022632 a person sets up a camera on a usually dull or normal activity — like riding a train. q-1xFLGHUtM-00034-00022632-00023016 Sometimes the camera does not even move. q-1xFLGHUtM-00035-00023152-00023488 Producers do not write a script. q-1xFLGHUtM-00036-00023584-00024192 They do not make the video go faster or cut parts out. q-1xFLGHUtM-00037-00024328-00025032 A person watching the video experiences the event in real time. q-1xFLGHUtM-00038-00025168-00026224 The Slow TV train ride video was broadcast on public television in Norway in 2009. q-1xFLGHUtM-00039-00026327-00026824 Public television in Norway is well-supported. q-1xFLGHUtM-00040-00026824-00027720 The producers did not have to worry about how much money they could make through this program. q-1xFLGHUtM-00041-00027816-00028183 They decided the idea was creative. q-1xFLGHUtM-00042-00028264-00028736 And they were interested to see how people would react. q-1xFLGHUtM-00043-00029392-00029968 The train ride was shown on TV on a Friday night. q-1xFLGHUtM-00044-00030080-00030792 The producers expected that a few thousand people would watch the program. q-1xFLGHUtM-00045-00030920-00031376 But information about the program spread quickly. q-1xFLGHUtM-00046-00031504-00032216 That night more than a million people watched this slow train ride. q-1xFLGHUtM-00047-00032320-00033168 This means more than three times as many people as usual watched TV that night. q-1xFLGHUtM-00048-00033296-00034192 In fact, people enjoyed the recording so much that they wanted to see more like it. q-1xFLGHUtM-00049-00034312-00035184 And they wanted the broadcast to stretch on for an even longer amount of time. q-1xFLGHUtM-00050-00035368-00035760 The producers were surprised and excited. q-1xFLGHUtM-00051-00035856-00036624 Their next Slow TV experiment was a boat trip along the coast of Norway. q-1xFLGHUtM-00052-00036944-00037352 They recorded for five and a half days. q-1xFLGHUtM-00053-00037464-00037984 All the video was broadcast live on public television. q-1xFLGHUtM-00054-00038088-00038736 But about two days into the boat trip, something new began to happen. q-1xFLGHUtM-00055-00038848-00039384 People began to visit the coast to be in the video. q-1xFLGHUtM-00056-00039496-00039936 Thomas Hellum was one of the producers of the video. q-1xFLGHUtM-00057-00040016-00040184 He told NPR: q-1xFLGHUtM-00058-00040400-00041120 “More and more people singing, playing instruments, people along the coast q-1xFLGHUtM-00059-00041192-00041720 and thousands of people showed up at every port, every mountain. q-1xFLGHUtM-00060-00041824-00042408 They could go find the information and see, when will the boat be in my place? q-1xFLGHUtM-00061-00042512-00042640 And they could prepare.” q-1xFLGHUtM-00062-00042992-00043584 The video showed people waving flags and holding up signs. q-1xFLGHUtM-00063-00043744-00044208 Small boats sailed next to the large ship. q-1xFLGHUtM-00064-00044320-00044984 The Queen of Norway waved to the camera from her own boat. q-1xFLGHUtM-00065-00045080-00046048 Near the end of the trip, the many colors of a rainbow appeared above a green mountain. q-1xFLGHUtM-00066-00046184-00046896 While the rainbow hung in the sky, this program broke a record. q-1xFLGHUtM-00067-00047016-00048048 It was the largest number of people ever to watch a program in Norway at the same time. q-1xFLGHUtM-00068-00048336-00048800 People in Norway continue to enjoy Slow TV. q-1xFLGHUtM-00069-00048904-00049344 Producers have recorded many different long events. q-1xFLGHUtM-00070-00049432-00050120 They have recorded meat production, making a coat, and fishing in a stream. q-1xFLGHUtM-00071-00050240-00050616 And the idea has spread to other countries as well. q-1xFLGHUtM-00072-00050744-00051384 People have made simple slow TV programs all around the world. q-1xFLGHUtM-00073-00051479-00052288 However, Norway is the only country where the programs are popular on a national level. q-1xFLGHUtM-00074-00052448-00053128 But is there anything for the average person to gain from Slow TV? q-1xFLGHUtM-00075-00053255-00054136 With hundreds of normal programs to choose from, should you give Slow TV a try? q-1xFLGHUtM-00076-00054279-00054984 There are several different ways that Slow TV can be of value. q-1xFLGHUtM-00077-00055112-00055984 First, it is important to understand that not all people watch Slow TV in the same way. q-1xFLGHUtM-00078-00056120-00056960 Even in Norway, only some people sit to watch a single program for hours on end. q-1xFLGHUtM-00079-00057088-00057712 Many people think of the programs like having a pleasant friend in the room. q-1xFLGHUtM-00080-00057816-00058200 They turn on the TV to a slow program. q-1xFLGHUtM-00081-00058296-00058816 Then they continue with their work while the show plays next to them. q-1xFLGHUtM-00082-00058904-00059767 Calming sounds and beautiful things to look at can be especially nice during lonely times. q-1xFLGHUtM-00083-00059976-00061072 Another way that people from around the world enjoy Slow TV is as a sort of virtual travel. q-1xFLGHUtM-00084-00061224-00061648 Maybe they do not have enough money for travel. q-1xFLGHUtM-00085-00061760-00062167 Or maybe health worries are keeping them home. q-1xFLGHUtM-00086-00062304-00062920 Watching Slow TV lets people experience other countries. q-1xFLGHUtM-00087-00063040-00063904 They see through the eyes of someone else walking a street or riding on a train. q-1xFLGHUtM-00088-00064055-00064848 As they watch the program, they can also read more about the place they are visiting. q-1xFLGHUtM-00089-00064967-00065384 The place comes alive in their imagination. q-1xFLGHUtM-00090-00065576-00065984 Finally, Slow TV can calm the mind. q-1xFLGHUtM-00091-00066104-00066648 Most television programs speed up faster and faster. q-1xFLGHUtM-00092-00066736-00067384 They follow simple plot lines with clear stories that are told quickly. q-1xFLGHUtM-00093-00067440-00068232 Slow TV invites people to take the time to notice the details for themselves. q-1xFLGHUtM-00094-00068344-00068848 No producer has decided what parts of the story are important. q-1xFLGHUtM-00095-00068960-00069240 Everything stays in the recording. q-1xFLGHUtM-00096-00069336-00070104 And just like in life, the person watching gets to decide which parts of the story q-1xFLGHUtM-00097-00070104-00070432 are worth noticing and wondering about. q-1xFLGHUtM-00098-00070632-00071616 Slow TV may never be as popular around the world as it is in Norway. q-1xFLGHUtM-00099-00071616-00072336 But everyone can find things to enjoy about this kind of program. q-1xFLGHUtM-00100-00072496-00072984 Are you ready to give Slow TV a try? q-1xFLGHUtM-00101-00073056-00073608 We have made a Slow TV video for Spotlight English. q-1xFLGHUtM-00102-00073736-00074040 Check it out on our YouTube channel. q-1xFLGHUtM-00103-00074160-00074592 Members will be able to see the video first. q-1xFLGHUtM-00104-00074704-00075424 If you are on YouTube, click Join below to learn more about membership. q-1xFLGHUtM-00105-00075520-00075784 You can also visit our website q-1xFLGHUtM-00106-00075840-00076656 to find links to some of our favorite Slow TV programs to get you started. q-1xFLGHUtM-00107-00076816-00077200 Have you ever seen Slow TV? q-1xFLGHUtM-00108-00077200-00077584 Is this kind of program popular in your country? q-1xFLGHUtM-00109-00077688-00077912 Would you watch Slow TV? q-1xFLGHUtM-00110-00078016-00078144 Tell us what you think. q-1xFLGHUtM-00111-00078224-00078816 You can email us at q-1xFLGHUtM-00112-00078904-00079448 You can also find us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. q-1xFLGHUtM-00113-00079608-00080016 The writer of today’s program was Megan Nollet. q-1xFLGHUtM-00114-00080088-00080344 The producer was Michio Ozaki. q-1xFLGHUtM-00115-00080472-00081064 The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. q-1xFLGHUtM-00116-00081192-00082288 You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at q-1xFLGHUtM-00117-00082416-00083064 This program is called “Slow TV to Calm Your Mind.” q-1xFLGHUtM-00118-00083168-00083896 Visit our website to download our free official app for Android and Apple devices. q-1xFLGHUtM-00119-00083984-00085584 We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye. q-JDzRcsCfk-00000-00000514-00000686 Extraordinary people. q-JDzRcsCfk-00001-00000776-00000959 reshaping the world q-JDzRcsCfk-00002-00001159-00001388 twelve speakers q-JDzRcsCfk-00003-00001567-00001824 simple solutions q-JDzRcsCfk-00004-00002203-00002560 crowd-funding q-JDzRcsCfk-00005-00002686-00002932 open-source q-JDzRcsCfk-00006-00003044-00003438 solar-energy q-JDzRcsCfk-00007-00003465-00003731 open hardware q-JDzRcsCfk-00008-00003814-00004081 natural architecture and building q-JDzRcsCfk-00009-00004138-00004367 cohousing q-JDzRcsCfk-00010-00004473-00004617 simplicity rediscovered q-JDzRcsCfk-00011-00004623-00005072 Cohabitat Gathering q-JDzRcsCfk-00012-00007062-00007385 sharing these ideas is the most important part, q-JDzRcsCfk-00013-00007389-00007691 and bringing the specialist together is also imporant q-JDzRcsCfk-00014-00007691-00007988 so that we could have something like lively discussion q-JDzRcsCfk-00015-00007992-00008357 about topic for example cohousing or communities q-JDzRcsCfk-00016-00008364-00008517 and stuff like that. q-JDzRcsCfk-00017-00008545-00008809 Six years ago, me and my friends q-JDzRcsCfk-00018-00008809-00009202 started thinking...uhmm.. maybe it's good to q-JDzRcsCfk-00019-00009202-00009372 know people who live around you, q-JDzRcsCfk-00020-00009374-00009544 and started this community action q-JDzRcsCfk-00021-00009547-00009815 My passion lies within the city, q-JDzRcsCfk-00022-00009819-00010175 becouse city communities have a choice q-JDzRcsCfk-00023-00010175-00010668 If you live in the city there are so many more people q-JDzRcsCfk-00024-00010668-00010881 involved in this project q-JDzRcsCfk-00025-00010998-00011200 It's much more interesting. q-JDzRcsCfk-00026-00011200-00011610 So my recomendation would be having a city community. q-JDzRcsCfk-00027-00011636-00011902 They came to us and said... q-JDzRcsCfk-00028-00011911-00012206 "We want to make something but we don't know how" q-JDzRcsCfk-00029-00012228-00012585 Then we said: Ok, we'll make you a webpage q-JDzRcsCfk-00030-00012585-00013049 And this started process of communication within the group. q-JDzRcsCfk-00031-00013127-00013614 So, this first steps are the most important in community building. q-JDzRcsCfk-00032-00013637-00014498 I think one good reason to agitate for community in Poland q-JDzRcsCfk-00033-00014518-00014884 is to say that there's a movement going on q-JDzRcsCfk-00034-00014884-00015055 in other european coutries... q-JDzRcsCfk-00035-00015055-00015229 ... and it's growing everywere. q-JDzRcsCfk-00036-00015229-00015529 So Poland must not fall behind. q-JDzRcsCfk-00037-00015613-00015958 People who have rich social contacts q-JDzRcsCfk-00038-00015964-00016388 live longer and they feel better. q-JDzRcsCfk-00039-00016445-00016735 The whole idea and the whole festival was organized q-JDzRcsCfk-00040-00016735-00016995 thanks to the crowd-funding. q-JDzRcsCfk-00041-00016995-00017626 This also shows that the organizers live in harmony with own teachings. q-JDzRcsCfk-00042-00017648-00017859 I came to Cohabitat-Gathering to talk about q-JDzRcsCfk-00043-00017859-00018107 crowd funding q-JDzRcsCfk-00044-00018107-00018228 ... and it was a perfect shot. q-JDzRcsCfk-00045-00018231-00018447 The very fact that we could meet here together, q-JDzRcsCfk-00046-00018447-00018782 is to a large extent, your contribution, q-JDzRcsCfk-00047-00018782-00019045 the result of the support to the whole group q-JDzRcsCfk-00048-00019045-00019249 of organizers of this conference, q-JDzRcsCfk-00049-00019253-00019530 which was based on the crowd-funding model q-JDzRcsCfk-00050-00019530-00019764 or, in Polish - social funding. q-JDzRcsCfk-00051-00019764-00020044 I collaborate with Cohabitat for three years q-JDzRcsCfk-00052-00020044-00020218 and at the first workshop, during which I met Paweł... q-JDzRcsCfk-00053-00020218-00020491 there was just me, Paweł and three other people q-JDzRcsCfk-00054-00020491-00020803 So when I see 500 people here, who co-financed q-JDzRcsCfk-00055-00020803-00021019 this conference, it is extremely nice to me q-JDzRcsCfk-00056-00021019-00021139 and actually during the whole process q-JDzRcsCfk-00057-00021139-00021302 of organizing the event I could not believe q-JDzRcsCfk-00058-00021302-00021499 that this was really happening. q-JDzRcsCfk-00059-00021575-00021832 We chose the lecturers about six months ago, q-JDzRcsCfk-00060-00021832-00022111 but did not know until the very end if everything will go well, q-JDzRcsCfk-00061-00022111-00022249 and because they had already purchased their tickets, q-JDzRcsCfk-00062-00022253-00022399 we were stressing out q-JDzRcsCfk-00063-00022401-00022598 what to tell them if things won't work, q-JDzRcsCfk-00064-00022598-00022881 especially since three weeks before the conference q-JDzRcsCfk-00065-00022881-00023127 was supposed to take place, we had a very small budget q-JDzRcsCfk-00066-00023127-00023396 and still it was not certain whether everything comes to fruition. q-JDzRcsCfk-00067-00023511-00023656 But fortunately, what we worried would be impossible, q-JDzRcsCfk-00068-00023656-00023909 became possible. q-JDzRcsCfk-00069-00023934-00024333 We're going to use food to educate children in a diffrent way. q-JDzRcsCfk-00070-00024333-00024643 We're going to use food to create jobs. q-JDzRcsCfk-00071-00024643-00025085 employment, help our local economy, help our farmers.. q-JDzRcsCfk-00072-00025085-00025464 We're going to use food to have fun... q-JDzRcsCfk-00073-00025464-00025714 we're going to celabrate with food, q-JDzRcsCfk-00074-00025714-00025919 we gonna do lots good stuff q-JDzRcsCfk-00075-00025921-00026159 to bring people closer together. q-JDzRcsCfk-00076-00026159-00026532 I think your conference has filled me with full of hope, q-JDzRcsCfk-00077-00026532-00027028 And I'm really gonna go back to England as if ... q-JDzRcsCfk-00078-00027028-00027537 angels wings are lifting me up a bit to work harder. q-JDzRcsCfk-00079-00027544-00028055 Becouse so many people are interested in better world. q-JDzRcsCfk-00080-00028143-00028523 Our first action was propaganda-gardening q-JDzRcsCfk-00081-00028523-00028837 So we planted food in public places. q-JDzRcsCfk-00082-00028837-00029230 We didn't wait for permission, we just did it. q-JDzRcsCfk-00083-00029294-00029839 The main problem with GM's is that we don't really know.. q-JDzRcsCfk-00084-00029839-00030251 what impact do they have on human health,... q-JDzRcsCfk-00085-00030251-00030522 or actually we know that they have negative impact on q-JDzRcsCfk-00086-00030522-00030890 human health and the environment q-JDzRcsCfk-00087-00030890-00031533 and they cannot coexist with traditional plants and crops q-JDzRcsCfk-00088-00031533-00032017 becouse of crosscontamination of polonation. q-JDzRcsCfk-00089-00032017-00032376 There is a study published in September this year q-JDzRcsCfk-00090-00032376-00032748 showed very big and very straight forward relation q-JDzRcsCfk-00091-00032748-00033708 between GM diet and increase damage of kidney q-JDzRcsCfk-00092-00033708-00034000 and increase health problems related q-JDzRcsCfk-00093-00034000-00034308 with tumors and cancer on rats q-JDzRcsCfk-00094-00034308-00034585 on whcich the test was conducted. q-JDzRcsCfk-00095-00035027-00035521 We would like to thank the organizers q-JDzRcsCfk-00096-00035521-00036041 for the invitation and the chance to present to the Polish friends q-JDzRcsCfk-00097-00036041-00036591 our solution of growing organic vegetables. q-JDzRcsCfk-00098-00036591-00037000 Very welcoming people, perfect organization and warm welcome. q-JDzRcsCfk-00099-00037002-00037252 Thank you. q-JDzRcsCfk-00100-00037271-00037482 Excuse me, but does that mean that on 2 ha you produce q-JDzRcsCfk-00101-00037482-00037863 the food for 50 people who contracted it? q-JDzRcsCfk-00102-00037863-00037956 Yes. q-JDzRcsCfk-00103-00038388-00039187 This is an open-source. [......] q-JDzRcsCfk-00104-00039641-00039955 Brawo! q-JDzRcsCfk-00105-00041884-00042341 I think it's really cool that there is a place in which q-JDzRcsCfk-00106-00042341-00042684 there can be gathering of people of a similar mindset, q-JDzRcsCfk-00107-00042684-00042903 who have similar values, who want to share q-JDzRcsCfk-00108-00042903-00043339 what is important to them and how to change q-JDzRcsCfk-00109-00043339-00043787 what is around us and create that reality. q-JDzRcsCfk-00110-00043787-00044378 I think this is the reason why it is worth coming q-JDzRcsCfk-00111-00044378-00044559 to such festivals. q-JDzRcsCfk-00112-00044559-00044851 This is a really unique place. q-JDzRcsCfk-00113-00044851-00045163 The amount of positive energy among these people q-JDzRcsCfk-00114-00045163-00045451 is unique to any other meeting of this type q-JDzRcsCfk-00115-00045451-00045805 which is dedicated to talk about architecture and society. q-JDzRcsCfk-00116-00045840-00046070 And so the answer is yes. q-JDzRcsCfk-00117-00046070-00046256 We just need a mirror surface q-JDzRcsCfk-00118-00046256-00046536 we can concentrate the light, got the heat source q-JDzRcsCfk-00119-00046536-00046799 and then use that heat source for an aplication the needs q-JDzRcsCfk-00120-00046799-00047069 An it's a 50% efficient at least. q-JDzRcsCfk-00121-00047069-00047301 We can go up to higher efficiencies. q-JDzRcsCfk-00122-00047301-00047961 But 50% efficiency is far, far superior than using natural proceses. q-JDzRcsCfk-00123-00047961-00048482 Dearly (?) alone get really focused on what you're doing, q-JDzRcsCfk-00124-00048482-00048670 but when you come to conference like this,... q-JDzRcsCfk-00125-00048670-00048798 and talk to other people, from another countries q-JDzRcsCfk-00126-00048798-00048885 doing completely different things q-JDzRcsCfk-00127-00048890-00049193 then you realise that connections can be made, q-JDzRcsCfk-00128-00049193-00049809 new projects, new ideas to discover and explore. q-JDzRcsCfk-00129-00049809-00050146 When we're producing locally, and we are consiming locally q-JDzRcsCfk-00130-00050146-00050473 then we need a lot less transport to commute to work, q-JDzRcsCfk-00131-00050473-00050778 or to send tomatoes a thousand killometres q-JDzRcsCfk-00132-00050778-00051045 to be proccesed and the brought back. q-JDzRcsCfk-00133-00051045-00051461 Areas ecological, technical, social and economic and then q-JDzRcsCfk-00134-00051461-00051832 converge them into one energy solution. q-JDzRcsCfk-00135-00051832-00052361 It's fun to keep in collaboration with others, q-JDzRcsCfk-00136-00052361-00052560 gain experience, talk, q-JDzRcsCfk-00137-00052560-00052711 that is why I'm here q-JDzRcsCfk-00138-00052711-00052908 because I can find out a lot, q-JDzRcsCfk-00139-00052908-00053100 meet many interesting people, and I guess a lot of q-JDzRcsCfk-00140-00053100-00053518 various type solutions as it is known that q-JDzRcsCfk-00141-00053518-00053909 information on many subjects and knowledge in our country q-JDzRcsCfk-00142-00053909-00054252 is still quite poor. That's why we need to look for it. q-JDzRcsCfk-00143-00054252-00054649 I think that the open-source movement as it was q-JDzRcsCfk-00144-00054649-00055005 in software content it was very powerful already. q-JDzRcsCfk-00145-00055005-00055263 But now at the advent of the hardware open-source q-JDzRcsCfk-00146-00055263-00055601 you open up the total new way of possibilities q-JDzRcsCfk-00147-00055601-00055957 of shaping your environment together. q-JDzRcsCfk-00148-00055957-00056394 Actually we are in process of helping other FabLabs to start. q-JDzRcsCfk-00149-00056394-00056725 I'd like to start with older machines that are already there, q-JDzRcsCfk-00150-00056725-00056925 mapping them out and making a virtual FabLab. q-JDzRcsCfk-00151-00056925-00057392 That's the most easy is to start maping the equpment q-JDzRcsCfk-00152-00057392-00057863 that are already in the universities or in the companies q-JDzRcsCfk-00153-00057863-00058116 that might be willing to share their resources with q-JDzRcsCfk-00154-00058116-00058258 other open-source people. q-JDzRcsCfk-00155-00058258-00058632 Hi, I'm Piotrek from Warsaw Food Cooperatives, q-JDzRcsCfk-00156-00058632-00059003 I came here to Łódz to find out more q-JDzRcsCfk-00157-00059003-00059288 about the initiative of "Cohabitat". q-JDzRcsCfk-00158-00059288-00059551 I heard about it a little bit earlier and knew that q-JDzRcsCfk-00159-00059551-00059903 in an interesting way it combines the ideas, the building issues q-JDzRcsCfk-00160-00059903-00060252 the sustainability, the communities creating q-JDzRcsCfk-00161-00060252-00060608 and I wanted to see how this initiative, this movement q-JDzRcsCfk-00162-00060608-00061000 related to the food co-operative movement, speaks of itself q-JDzRcsCfk-00163-00061000-00061245 and speaks of the world and how to change it. q-JDzRcsCfk-00164-00061253-00061504 That's why I'm here and I'm happy so far. q-JDzRcsCfk-00165-00061504-00062012 It's very vibrant, it's so filled me with optimism to see q-JDzRcsCfk-00166-00062017-00062365 so many young people that are exited about natural building q-JDzRcsCfk-00167-00062365-00062590 I thing it's going to continue to grow. q-JDzRcsCfk-00168-00062590-00062999 We've seen it happened in each country where it first started q-JDzRcsCfk-00169-00062999-00063218 and it growing more and more and more. q-JDzRcsCfk-00170-00063218-00063484 I think it's gonna be the same here in Poland... q-JDzRcsCfk-00171-00063484-00063704 as people will start experimenting with it and start q-JDzRcsCfk-00172-00063704-00064079 finding ways to do it legally and start to persuading q-JDzRcsCfk-00173-00064079-00064371 the engineers and authorities to say YES. q-JDzRcsCfk-00174-00064371-00064594 It's really going to take off. q-JDzRcsCfk-00175-00064594-00064763 What I'm trying to do about it q-JDzRcsCfk-00176-00064763-00065207 is I'm trying to raise awareness through education q-JDzRcsCfk-00177-00065207-00065488 through network at a grassroots level, q-JDzRcsCfk-00178-00065488-00065743 I'm giving up with all those people up there, q-JDzRcsCfk-00179-00065743-00066071 becouse there are not there to help us... q-JDzRcsCfk-00180-00066071-00066370 to provide practical courses, on real building sites with q-JDzRcsCfk-00181-00066370-00066611 people like you. q-JDzRcsCfk-00182-00066665-00067096 My life dream is to find the unitry of happiness and q-JDzRcsCfk-00183-00067096-00067593 to discover my reality and not what I am NOT, q-JDzRcsCfk-00184-00067593-00067762 but what I am that I am. q-JDzRcsCfk-00185-00067762-00068003 So this is whole question, why I am here, q-JDzRcsCfk-00186-00068003-00068188 the whole purpose of life, q-JDzRcsCfk-00187-00068188-00068381 the whole existence of everybody. q-JDzRcsCfk-00188-00068381-00068581 We are on the mission to search everything q-JDzRcsCfk-00189-00068581-00068912 that makes us more wholesome. q-JDzRcsCfk-00190-00068912-00069326 It took 5 or 10 years in Germany to raise up the interest q-JDzRcsCfk-00191-00069326-00069723 for natural building and that was just 5 or 10 years ago q-JDzRcsCfk-00192-00069723-00070001 perhaps in Poland 5 years later we'll have a lot of q-JDzRcsCfk-00193-00070001-00070434 rammed earth building or adobe or something like that. q-JDzRcsCfk-00194-00070434-00070872 And it's a line (?) of residential houses from 1840s q-JDzRcsCfk-00195-00070872-00071126 that are about 200 hundred years old q-JDzRcsCfk-00196-00071126-00071398 They are mede of 'pise', the french version q-JDzRcsCfk-00197-00071398-00071581 of the rammed earth. q-JDzRcsCfk-00198-00071581-00071798 The most famous one of these buildings, q-JDzRcsCfk-00199-00071798-00072353 is a six stories high building from the 1820s q-JDzRcsCfk-00200-00072353-00072599 It's in very good condition. q-JDzRcsCfk-00201-00072676-00075549 Mauve Dust Band q-JDzRcsCfk-00202-00075549-00075920 I'll need a pioniering spirit, but you also need to network q-JDzRcsCfk-00203-00075920-00076288 and learn from each other and be prepared to scale-up q-JDzRcsCfk-00204-00076288-00076450 something that's succesfull. q-JDzRcsCfk-00205-00076450-00076693 Becouse if everyone thinks there are a pioneer q-JDzRcsCfk-00206-00076693-00076934 and stay things a pioneer (?) then we'll have q-JDzRcsCfk-00207-00076934-00077261 lots and lots of examples of small scale success q-JDzRcsCfk-00208-00077261-00077503 and we'll never get to scale up and network q-JDzRcsCfk-00209-00077503-00077850 to really transform the mainstream. q-JDzRcsCfk-00210-00077850-00078131 Christiania was <u><u></u> (?) known as the place</u> q-JDzRcsCfk-00211-00078131-00078295 where nothining goes to waste. q-JDzRcsCfk-00212-00078295-00078613 The invented re-use, re-duce, re-cycle long before q-JDzRcsCfk-00213-00078613-00078938 it bacame a mantra of many enviromental organisations. q-JDzRcsCfk-00214-00078938-00079207 It's also <u><u><u>(?) known as loosers paradise.</u></u></u> q-JDzRcsCfk-00215-00079207-00079362 It has an alternative welfare system q-JDzRcsCfk-00216-00079362-00079646 to support some of those people who'd otherwise not have q-JDzRcsCfk-00217-00079646-00080124 a home of <u><u></u> (?) in a city as expensive as Copenhagen.</u> 219 00:13:21,241 --> 00:13:27,401 Technical colleges do not teach how to design q-JDzRcsCfk-00218-00080740-00081156 structures in clay because this material is a little bit q-JDzRcsCfk-00219-00081156-00081448 being considered antiquated. q-JDzRcsCfk-00220-00081448-00081820 Unfortunately, it appears that slightly behind the western border q-JDzRcsCfk-00221-00081820-00082051 this material is commonly used and it is about q-JDzRcsCfk-00222-00082051-00082353 up to 6% of the construction market. q-JDzRcsCfk-00223-00082353-00082993 Every place, your place is a settlement. House, natural environment. q-JDzRcsCfk-00224-00082993-00083313 That is actually obvious. Courageously q-JDzRcsCfk-00225-00083313-00083833 use this tradition and develop your sensitivity q-JDzRcsCfk-00226-00083833-00084013 to what surrounds you. q-JDzRcsCfk-00227-00084013-00084440 Everybody stood on one side, in a row of organizers q-JDzRcsCfk-00228-00084440-00084867 everybody got involved in organizing, q-JDzRcsCfk-00229-00084867-00085130 in the promotion, in helping q-JDzRcsCfk-00230-00085130-00085325 We had a fantastic group of volunteers, q-JDzRcsCfk-00231-00085325-00085616 whom I would like to thank. q-JDzRcsCfk-00232-00085616-00085856 And what is also important is that q-JDzRcsCfk-00233-00085856-00086160 this is a huge precedent, because for the first time q-JDzRcsCfk-00234-00086160-00086630 such a large group of people did something together, q-JDzRcsCfk-00235-00086630-00086975 with their own money, regardless of any large budgets q-JDzRcsCfk-00236-00086975-00087382 like European Union and sponsors. q-JDzRcsCfk-00237-00087382-00087588 I think that at this point something really important starts q-JDzRcsCfk-00238-00087588-00087888 because we realized that such things are possible, q-JDzRcsCfk-00239-00087888-00088284 that together we can make important social initiatives, q-JDzRcsCfk-00240-00088284-00088566 which previously had various problems q-JDzRcsCfk-00241-00088566-00089045 but now with big focus of attention and a large community, q-JDzRcsCfk-00242-00089045-00089462 we can safely implement such projects as q-JDzRcsCfk-00243-00089462-00090010 construction of a wind turbine with the process documentation q-JDzRcsCfk-00244-00090010-00090335 open for everyone to use it. q-JDzRcsCfk-00245-00090335-00090616 So I look happily into the future of various creative q-JDzRcsCfk-00246-00090616-00090841 projects that we can accomplish together q-JDzRcsCfk-00247-00090841-00091144 in the coming year. q-JDzRcsCfk-00248-00091159-00091528 I think it's getting more and more important than ever q-JDzRcsCfk-00249-00091528-00091901 to take responsibility for your own environment q-JDzRcsCfk-00250-00091901-00092153 that means your social enviroment, your building enviroment q-JDzRcsCfk-00251-00092153-00092429 but also the products that surrounds us q-JDzRcsCfk-00252-00092429-00092614 matterial enviroment q-JDzRcsCfk-00253-00092614-00092835 And right now you have the tools to change that q-JDzRcsCfk-00254-00092835-00093090 so you should. q-JDzRcsCfk-00255-00093090-00093468 Find out, go to the FabLab and make the products you want q-JDzRcsCfk-00256-00093468-00093670 with the people that are there. q-JDzRcsCfk-00257-00093670-00094099 Important thing is to build social relations with other people q-JDzRcsCfk-00258-00094099-00094526 I mean We Human Beings, we need social relations, q-JDzRcsCfk-00259-00094526-00094821 we don't want to live alone. q-JDzRcsCfk-00260-00094821-00095063 I hope that all people, and I feel q-JDzRcsCfk-00261-00095063-00095455 that there are more and more of them, I know that there are more and more, q-JDzRcsCfk-00262-00095455-00095611 I meet more and more of such people, q-JDzRcsCfk-00263-00095611-00095844 who want to act, who want to change the world q-JDzRcsCfk-00264-00095844-00096069 and if we all reunite our powers q-JDzRcsCfk-00265-00096069-00096376 and we all will be acting together q-JDzRcsCfk-00266-00096376-00096622 we will soon notice q-JDzRcsCfk-00267-00096622-00096890 that something is bringing positive effects. q-JDzRcsCfk-00268-00099408-00099712 In the end of the panel discussion I have mentioned that q-JDzRcsCfk-00269-00099712-00100161 people who want to make good things should connect with q-JDzRcsCfk-00270-00100161-00100421 people who need those things q-JDzRcsCfk-00271-00100421-00100797 and the good things will emerge. I keep my fingers crossed! q-JDzRcsCfk-00272-00100797-00101084 Put the good ideas into the action, bring the communities together q-JDzRcsCfk-00273-00101084-00101252 and be active. q-JDzRcsCfk-00274-00101262-00101830 Let's continue to build with the materials that are within our reach q-JDzRcsCfk-00275-00101830-00102308 but also let's look at the landscape q-JDzRcsCfk-00276-00102363-00102605 and see really it and try not cover it completely with buildings q-JDzRcsCfk-00277-00102740-00103219 To start doing things and to see what happens, q-JDzRcsCfk-00278-00103219-00103470 and then learn as you go. q-JDzRcsCfk-00279-00103470-00103783 Fitting the Cohabitat model - Let's work together q-JDzRcsCfk-00280-00103783-00104123 in the filed of sustainable architecture. q-JDzRcsCfk-00281-00104123-00104450 I guess I would like to infect the others q-JDzRcsCfk-00282-00104450-00104881 with my enthusiasm and faith, maybe naive, q-JDzRcsCfk-00283-00104881-00105256 that anything can happen! Our faith can move the mountains. q-JDzRcsCfk-00284-00105256-00105556 and the faith in other people and in the community q-JDzRcsCfk-00285-00105562-00105726 and that together q-JDzRcsCfk-00286-00105726-00105882 we can really achieve a lot. q-JDzRcsCfk-00287-00105882-00106118 That's why I am here. q-JDzRcsCfk-00288-00106164-00106407 To make the World better place I'd say... q-JDzRcsCfk-00289-00106407-00106718 say Hello to your neighbor. q-JDzRcsCfk-00290-00106743-00106912 I'd say just do it! q-JDzRcsCfk-00291-00106912-00107056 Becouse it's so much fun q-JDzRcsCfk-00292-00107056-00107280 and it makes such a lot of difference to everybody else. q-JDzRcsCfk-00293-00107311-00107583 It is worth being together, creating together and acting together, q-JDzRcsCfk-00294-00107583-00107971 I think it is so important now. q-JDzRcsCfk-00295-00108108-00108393 We had it! We used all those stuff on the planet q-JDzRcsCfk-00296-00108393-00108593 and we had a great time. q-JDzRcsCfk-00297-00108593-00108809 It's not about us. q-JDzRcsCfk-00298-00108809-00109126 It's about them. It's about another generation, q-JDzRcsCfk-00299-00109126-00109409 growing up without good food, without hope q-JDzRcsCfk-00300-00109409-00109873 without employment with the world surrounded with war. q-JDzRcsCfk-00301-00109873-00110346 It really is. We must work with speed and passion for a better world. q-JDzRcsCfk-00302-00110346-00110635 It's just kindess, you never know, q-JDzRcsCfk-00303-00110638-00110875 you could try, it might work. q-JDzRcsCfk-00304-00110875-00111388 Becouse is all we want is little guys like this to grow up q-JDzRcsCfk-00305-00111388-00111735 in a better world. Thank you. q-JDzRcsCfk-00306-00112034-00112431 We thank the whole Cohabitat community q-JDzRcsCfk-00307-00112431-00113150 for co-creating this festival. q_bUMq8uMry-00000-00000072-00000622 The concept of Marginal Gains has been proven to have a huge impact in increasing productivity q_bUMq8uMry-00001-00000622-00001342 and output in a process that focuses on manageable incremental change as opposed to big changes. q_bUMq8uMry-00002-00001342-00001867 In this video, we look at 5 steps to getting the benefits of Marginal Gains... q_bUMq8uMry-00003-00001867-00001998 1. q_bUMq8uMry-00004-00001998-00002458 Understand Marginal Gains - Back in 2002 the British Olympic Cycling q_bUMq8uMry-00005-00002458-00003109 team had no significant history of success, only having achieved 1 gold medal in its 76 q_bUMq8uMry-00006-00003109-00003511 year history - Thanks to the principles of Marginal Gains, q_bUMq8uMry-00007-00003511-00004105 in the Beijing Olympics in 2008, the British cycling team won 7 out of 10 gold medals q_bUMq8uMry-00008-00004105-00004646 - ...and from there have gone onto winning 3 of the last 4 Tour De France competitions q_bUMq8uMry-00009-00004646-00005223 - All based on a simple principle, whereby the focus is to make small improvements in q_bUMq8uMry-00010-00005223-00005816 performance, rather than reinvent the wheel to try and revolutionise their way of working q_bUMq8uMry-00011-00005816-00006109 2. q_bUMq8uMry-00012-00006109-00006615 Focus on Kaizen - Kaizen is an approach used in Japanese business, q_bUMq8uMry-00013-00006615-00007126 whereby the focus is to make continuous and small improvements rather than sweeping changes q_bUMq8uMry-00014-00007126-00007626 - This is done by identifying a number of areas where small improvements can be made q_bUMq8uMry-00015-00007626-00008002 within the business - The ideas for change come from those who q_bUMq8uMry-00016-00008002-00008527 work in those areas, rather than Research and Development, so they are closer in understanding q_bUMq8uMry-00017-00008527-00008751 how these changes will impact them day to day q_bUMq8uMry-00018-00008751-00009240 - This idea leads to the next point on how to work towards marginal gains q_bUMq8uMry-00019-00009240-00009480 3. q_bUMq8uMry-00020-00009480-00010041 Take Ownership and Identify Processes - In both Kaizen and the idea of marginal q_bUMq8uMry-00021-00010041-00010525 gains, it's up to individuals to try and take ownership and responsibility in their role q_bUMq8uMry-00022-00010525-00011063 - That means to undertand their role and processes in as much detail as possible q_bUMq8uMry-00023-00011063-00011749 - ...and spend time focusing on identifying areas that can be improved, made more efficient q_bUMq8uMry-00024-00011749-00012029 or where there are possibilities for small improvements q_bUMq8uMry-00025-00012029-00012653 - The individual then needs to put together a list of areas for possible improvements, q_bUMq8uMry-00026-00012653-00012813 focusing on the small details q_bUMq8uMry-00027-00012813-00013037 4. q_bUMq8uMry-00028-00013037-00013611 Find Improvements - Once a list of areas to improve is collated, q_bUMq8uMry-00029-00013611-00013866 it's important to focus on how they can be improved q_bUMq8uMry-00030-00013866-00014451 - These will be small changes, which in the short term may not show immediate or significant q_bUMq8uMry-00031-00014451-00014915 gains, but over a period of time will compound to have a large impact q_bUMq8uMry-00032-00014915-00015531 - For example, for someone in a role where they type on a keyboard, they may explore q_bUMq8uMry-00033-00015531-00016005 the idea of learning to touch type - Initially, this may not show significant q_bUMq8uMry-00034-00016005-00016562 improvements in how quickly they type, but when they add up the time saved in a day, q_bUMq8uMry-00035-00016562-00016903 week or month, the time gained can be significant q_bUMq8uMry-00036-00016903-00017183 5. q_bUMq8uMry-00037-00017183-00017667 Continually Seek Improvement - Once improvements are made, the key is to q_bUMq8uMry-00038-00017667-00018237 then continually review and improve the process, to keep getting the gains of small changes q_bUMq8uMry-00039-00018237-00018776 - the process is about incremental and continual growth, not just about immediate q_bUMq8uMry-00040-00018776-00019346 gain, but evolving over time - Continuing with the typing example, this q_bUMq8uMry-00041-00019346-00019856 might be to move from touch typing to exploring possibilities of speech to text, avoiding q_bUMq8uMry-00042-00019856-00020289 the need to type at all - So apply marginal gains in your work and q_bUMq8uMry-00043-00020289-00020772 life, as doing so could be the difference from being just another competitor, to becoming q_bUMq8uMry-00044-00020772-00021077 an all time great q_bUMq8uMry-00045-00021077-00021509 Thanks for watching, please Like, Share and Subscribe as we help you live life on your q_bUMq8uMry-00046-00021509-00021609 terms. q_bUMq8uMry-00047-00021609-00022009 Don't forget to hit the bell icon to ensure YouTube notifies you of the latest uploads. qAM1V5f1MsA-00000-00000000-00000200 Prawn Queen qAM1V5f1MsA-00001-00000200-00000400 Cook & eat hundreds of prawns qAM1V5f1MsA-00002-00000400-00000600 Cooking village qAM1V5f1MsA-00003-00000600-00000800 Street food qFizyQ7mIHo-00000-00000000-00000126 Hello! こんにちは! qFizyQ7mIHo-00001-00000182-00000382 Today is the last day of the wedding (not ours :)). //Aujourd'hui est le dernier jour du mariage. qFizyQ7mIHo-00002-00000472-00000672 今日は従姉妹の結婚の最終日です。 qFizyQ7mIHo-00003-00000672-00000826 This place is actually a City Hall. // Et on est en ce moment à la mairie. qFizyQ7mIHo-00004-00000927-00001128 Olfa:ここはチュニスのマヌバ市(منوبة‎)の区役所です。 Shun: That's great! // Superbe!! qFizyQ7mIHo-00005-00001162-00001304 非常に綺麗な区役所で、 qFizyQ7mIHo-00006-00001306-00001604 部屋も何個か有り室内装飾も色々有ります。 qFizyQ7mIHo-00007-00001796-00001996 This is the last Photo shoot //C'est la dernière série de photos qFizyQ7mIHo-00008-00002016-00002216 今皆さんは撮影中です。 qFizyQ7mIHo-00009-00002258-00002422 しゅんくんは「最後」って言いましたが、 Shun said "last", but I doubt people give up qFizyQ7mIHo-00010-00002422-00002566 いつも長引いてしまうんで「最後」とは言えない!笑 on taking pictures that promptly! qFizyQ7mIHo-00011-00002566-00002696 永遠に写真撮っても平気みたい^^ This thing just never ends ;) qFizyQ7mIHo-00012-00003062-00003261 And we're going back to Japan tomorrow! //Et on rentre au Japon demain! qFizyQ7mIHo-00013-00003261-00003434 明日日本に帰りますね。 qFizyQ7mIHo-00014-00003492-00003692 So what did you think about Tunisia? //Alors tu as pensé quoi de la Tunisie? qFizyQ7mIHo-00015-00004052-00004252 Before that, just today... Avant ça, en fait aujourd'hui... qFizyQ7mIHo-00016-00004252-00004452 Olfa's little sister //La petite soeur d'Olfa qFizyQ7mIHo-00017-00004452-00004848 Couldn't go back home because of a "double booking" on an Air France flight. // N'a pas pu prendre l'avion à cause d'un "double booking" sur Air France. qFizyQ7mIHo-00018-00004848-00005048 And she'll be able to ride the plane tomorrow //Elle pourra prendre l'avion demain qFizyQ7mIHo-00019-00005048-00005204 Olfa: "Over-booking" :) Shun: Yeah "Over-booking" qFizyQ7mIHo-00020-00005776-00005976 So the company, "as a gesture of goodwill" //Donc la compagnie, a fait un geste commercial qFizyQ7mIHo-00021-00006096-00006296 They should indeed apologize //Pour s'excuser de leur erreur qFizyQ7mIHo-00022-00006368-00006568 They turned her Premium // Elle est passé en Premium qFizyQ7mIHo-00023-00006709-00006781 Premium? qFizyQ7mIHo-00024-00006845-00006926 Think that was first class //Je pense que c'était Première classe qFizyQ7mIHo-00025-00006926-00007126 Anyway they just upgraded her // Bon bref elle s'est faite surclasser qFizyQ7mIHo-00026-00007228-00007548 If possible...For us too //Si possible... Nous aussi.... qFizyQ7mIHo-00027-00007658-00007794 She got money also //Elle a eu de l'argent aussi qFizyQ7mIHo-00028-00007794-00007854 Yeah, True //Ouais c'est vrai qFizyQ7mIHo-00029-00007854-00008008 We don't care about the money //Mais on s'en fout de l'argent qFizyQ7mIHo-00030-00008008-00008184 Just wanna try the seats lol //On veut juste les sièges qFizyQ7mIHo-00031-00008210-00008410 The good thing is that she could join us today //Le bon côté c'est qu'elle a pu se joindre à nous ce soir qFizyQ7mIHo-00032-00008410-00008582 She was supposed to leave earlier today //Elle était censée partir dans la journée qFizyQ7mIHo-00033-00008582-00008782 A blessing in disguise //C'est donc finalement une bonne chose qFizyQ7mIHo-00034-00008782-00008964 That was a good surprise for us, yeah //Une bonne surprise, oui qFizyQ7mIHo-00035-00008964-00009108 We were like: "Oh! U here?" //On était là: "Wa t'es ici?!" qFizyQ7mIHo-00036-00009114-00009186 If we stop prattling nonsense //Si on arrête de dévier qFizyQ7mIHo-00037-00009248-00009448 Tunisia was really great //La Tunisie c'était vraiment super qFizyQ7mIHo-00038-00009694-00009894 So obviously Shun really liked Tunisia // しゅんくんがチュニジアのことを気に入ってくれたみたい^^ qFizyQ7mIHo-00039-00009894-00010054 According to him //本人によると qFizyQ7mIHo-00040-00010054-00010170 It's beautiful, to begin with //Déjà c'est super beau qFizyQ7mIHo-00041-00010170-00010370 And the people are really nice //Et les gens sont vraiment super sympa qFizyQ7mIHo-00042-00010590-00010790 And even if you bump into a car with your they'ld just say: "Take care" //Et même si tamponnes une voiture il te disent juste "fais attention, hein" qFizyQ7mIHo-00043-00010860-00011298 しゅんくんが人が優しくて、ぶつかっていても大丈夫と言ったのは qFizyQ7mIHo-00044-00011298-00011472 自分の弟が起こしたプチ事故のことですよ。 qFizyQ7mIHo-00045-00011472-00011860 前の車をコツンとぶつけたら、運転手が優しいな声で「気をつけてね」と言いました。 qFizyQ7mIHo-00046-00011936-00012252 I think that Shun had a different idea of Tunisia before coming.  //来る前にしゅんのチュニジアのイメージがすごく違っていたと思う。 qFizyQ7mIHo-00047-00012252-00012562 Many of my friends scared him saying: You should take care of yourself. //色んな友達が:気をつけないと!って言って、不安を感じさせたかも。 qFizyQ7mIHo-00048-00012562-00012764 Of course many things happened, among which terrorism... //もちろんテロも起きたのですが... qFizyQ7mIHo-00049-00012776-00013040 But people should stop blaming muslims about that anyway. //イスラムのイメージがテロの所為で悪くなっていますが、イスラムと言う宗教の所為ではないです。 qFizyQ7mIHo-00050-00013147-00013310 So you imagined it differently? // Alors tu voyais ça différemment? qFizyQ7mIHo-00051-00013338-00013519 Yes, completely different! // Oui, complètement différent! qFizyQ7mIHo-00052-00013532-00013656 That was completely different from what I've imagined // C'était complètement différent de ce que j'avais imaginé! qFizyQ7mIHo-00053-00013656-00013804 What was your idea of Tunisia before coming? // Et tu imaginais quoi avant de venir? qFizyQ7mIHo-00054-00013824-00014024 Before coming I was rather stressed! //Avant de venir j'étais assez stressé! qFizyQ7mIHo-00055-00014119-00014441 Because that was my first time in North Africa. // C'était ma première fois en Afrique du Nord. qFizyQ7mIHo-00056-00014544-00014874 Partly because many things happened in the past. // A cause des incidents qui sont arrivés dans le passé. qFizyQ7mIHo-00057-00014884-00015084 I have to say I felt rather unsafe at first, but // Je n'étais pas vraiment rassuré au début mais qFizyQ7mIHo-00058-00015156-00015356 But after I arrived // Mais après que je sois arrivé qFizyQ7mIHo-00059-00015396-00015630 This stress just left // Je n'ai plus rien ressenti du tout qFizyQ7mIHo-00060-00015630-00015818 Okay that didn't completely disappeared // Bon je n'ai pas été super à l'aise tout de suite qFizyQ7mIHo-00061-00015840-00016040 But I felt really better // Mais je me suis senti beaucoup mieux qFizyQ7mIHo-00062-00016062-00016262 And I could really enjoy my time in Tunisia // Et j'ai vraiment pu profiter de la Tunisie qFizyQ7mIHo-00063-00016294-00016518 So Shun just said he was super stressed // しゅんがすごく緊張をしていたと言っています。 qFizyQ7mIHo-00064-00016518-00016758 Because he never went to neither Africa nor North Africa before. // 北アフリカに言ったことがないことで。 qFizyQ7mIHo-00065-00016758-00016910 And that he didn't knew how that was going to be // どうなるか分からなかったから。 qFizyQ7mIHo-00066-00016936-00017136 But when he arrived this stress nearly completely disappeared // だけど着いた時に随分楽になったみらい。 qFizyQ7mIHo-00067-00017160-00017430 And that he could enjoy a lot, right? // で、楽しめたでしょうね。 qFizyQ7mIHo-00068-00017430-00017558 Yes, that's it // Ouais, exact qFizyQ7mIHo-00069-00017558-00017752 So you enjoyed right? // Tu t'es amusé pas vrai? qFizyQ7mIHo-00070-00017752-00017920 But wait, look at that! // Mais attend, regarde ça! qFizyQ7mIHo-00071-00017920-00018024 Look at the Time // Regarde le Temps qFizyQ7mIHo-00072-00018048-00018156 Do you see, 3 minutes // Tu vois, 3 minutes qFizyQ7mIHo-00073-00018172-00018320 So probably no one is still watching // Je pense que plus personne n'est là qFizyQ7mIHo-00074-00018320-00018492 They're all like: "Can't watch anymooooore" // Tout le monde doit être là "Trop pour moi, j'arrête !" qFizyQ7mIHo-00075-00018506-00018706 You won't watch a video this long, right? // Vous regarderez pas une video si longue, pas vrai qFizyQ7mIHo-00076-00018778-00018978 XDXDXDXDXDXDXD // XDXDXDXDXDXDXD qFizyQ7mIHo-00077-00019000-00019196 So Shun says that people won't watch any video longer that 3 minutes. // しゅんによれば3分以上のビデオはつまらな過ぎ qFizyQ7mIHo-00078-00019196-00019350 So we must say Goodbye // だからお別れの時間だ qFizyQ7mIHo-00079-00019350-00019550 We hope that would have been a good summary of Tunisia // チュニジアの良いサマリーになると良いね qFizyQ7mIHo-00080-00019710-00019910 So, we say Goodbye? // Alors, on leur dit aurevoir ? qFizyQ7mIHo-00081-00019912-00020112 Yep, we should // Ouais exact qFizyQ7mIHo-00082-00020112-00020356 So we let you with cakes from the weddiiiiing // チュニジアのお菓子でさよ〜なら🎵 qFizyQ7mIHo-00083-00020356-00020556 We ate so many of them // いっぱい食べたけど〜 qFizyQ7mIHo-00084-00020734-00020952 I forgot to remove the paper // 下の紙取るのを忘れたっw qFizyQ7mIHo-00085-00020980-00021180 Bye Bye!! // バイバイ!! qFizyQ7mIHo-00086-00021180-00021344 That's my cousin behind // 後ろは従姉妹だよ! qFMcB9ki5Wg-00000-00000000-00000200 Subscribe our Channel qLY_9-8kl_u-00000-00000750-00001086 I've seen people with no limbs, with nothing. qLY_9-8kl_u-00001-00001086-00001476 You know, like, people, you gotta leave them, qLY_9-8kl_u-00002-00001476-00001702 they can't continue hiding, you know? qLY_9-8kl_u-00003-00002020-00002217 My name is Jessie Mustapha. qLY_9-8kl_u-00004-00002217-00002306 When I was little, qLY_9-8kl_u-00005-00002306-00002683 all I could remember is gunshots, running. qLY_9-8kl_u-00006-00002783-00003091 I couldn't understand why we were running. qLY_9-8kl_u-00007-00003606-00004056 My dad applied for us and went to the embassy or somewhere qLY_9-8kl_u-00008-00004056-00004482 and says that, "My children are in the war," qLY_9-8kl_u-00009-00004482-00004672 and he wants to bring them to America. qLY_9-8kl_u-00010-00005536-00005716 And then I went to boot camp. qLY_9-8kl_u-00011-00005716-00005944 Sit up straight and look at me! qLY_9-8kl_u-00012-00005944-00006207 My name is Gunnery Sergeant Pennance qLY_9-8kl_u-00013-00006208-00006455 and I am your senior drill instructor. qLY_9-8kl_u-00014-00007290-00007452 And then I got injured. qLY_9-8kl_u-00015-00008019-00008371 It was my provider asked me, "So Mustapha, when you go home, qLY_9-8kl_u-00016-00008371-00008468 "What's you gonna do?" qLY_9-8kl_u-00017-00008468-00008634 I told him, "Sir, you're breaking my heart. qLY_9-8kl_u-00018-00008634-00008844 Literally, you're breaking my heart." qLY_9-8kl_u-00019-00008844-00009211 I might be like this forever, for the rest of my life, qLY_9-8kl_u-00020-00009211-00009313 so I went okay, tell you, qLY_9-8kl_u-00021-00009313-00009521 if I'm gonna be here for the rest of my life, qLY_9-8kl_u-00022-00009521-00009762 I might as well complete my goal here, qLY_9-8kl_u-00023-00009762-00010018 you know, my dreams to be a Marine. qLY_9-8kl_u-00024-00010590-00010776 He's had to talk to medical officers, qLY_9-8kl_u-00025-00010777-00010970 he's had to talk to drill instructors qLY_9-8kl_u-00026-00010970-00011173 from a whole year on Parris Island qLY_9-8kl_u-00027-00011173-00011465 to convince them that he's worth putting back in the fight. qLY_9-8kl_u-00028-00011465-00011585 He's shown more commitment qLY_9-8kl_u-00029-00011585-00011777 in his 12 months here on Parris Island qLY_9-8kl_u-00030-00011777-00012015 than some people do in an entire enlistment qLY_9-8kl_u-00031-00012015-00012186 in the Marine Corps. qLY_9-8kl_u-00032-00012348-00012700 Be proud of yourself and the uniform you now wear qLY_9-8kl_u-00033-00012786-00013112 and above all else, never quit or give up qLY_9-8kl_u-00034-00013112-00013480 for we offer you the challenge of recruit training qLY_9-8kl_u-00035-00013480-00013890 and the opportunity to earn the title, United States Marine. qLY_9-8kl_u-00036-00015191-00015508 When I came to America, I didn't know anything, qLY_9-8kl_u-00037-00015508-00015688 I didn't know how to read and write qLY_9-8kl_u-00038-00015688-00015908 or even know how to spell my own name. qLY_9-8kl_u-00039-00015908-00016129 I want to show thank you qLY_9-8kl_u-00040-00016129-00016488 because I was once saved by United States. qLY_9-8kl_u-00041-00016488-00016626 United States always help qLY_9-8kl_u-00042-00016745-00017173 and I wanna be one of the people that help. qLY_9-8kl_u-00043-00017173-00017565 You see, without God, without United States, without my dad, qLY_9-8kl_u-00044-00017565-00017880 there was no way I would be alive, and that for sure I know. qLY_9-8kl_u-00045-00018434-00018621 I'm also going to tell him to make sure qLY_9-8kl_u-00046-00018621-00018922 that he goes out and proves it again, every day. qLY_9-8kl_u-00047-00018922-00019024 Because in the Marine Corps qLY_9-8kl_u-00048-00019024-00019237 he'll meet people who don't know his backstory, qLY_9-8kl_u-00049-00019237-00019338 he'll meet people who don't know qLY_9-8kl_u-00050-00019338-00019541 the struggle that he went through qLY_9-8kl_u-00051-00019541-00019744 and as long as he remembers to prove it again qLY_9-8kl_u-00052-00019744-00019941 with that same commitment every day, qLY_9-8kl_u-00053-00019941-00020252 he will be one of the best Marines that I have ever met qLY_9-8kl_u-00054-00020252-00020395 and I look forward to seeing that. qLc3kO1hRbg-00000-00000032-00000720 i had 1008 subscribers in the beginning, and that was back when i first checked my channel. why is qLc3kO1hRbg-00001-00000720-00001320 it down to 1007. also, you won't see that because of my abbreviated subscriber count. it says have 1 qLc3kO1hRbg-00002-00001320-00002136 000 subscribers or more, but that is just a little bit weird, now i'm not my all-time high anymore. qPfHdc93ftc-00000-00000000-00000738 we need to create a public demand for justice we cannot do this alone as civil society we cannot qPfHdc93ftc-00001-00000738-00001254 do this as people within the legal sector we cannot do this as people within the U.N qPfHdc93ftc-00002-00001254-00001860 we need to combine our forces and but we will definitely continue to do as the Coalition of qPfHdc93ftc-00003-00001860-00002598 a safe world for the truth which is Free Press and limited cpj and rsf is we will continue the qPfHdc93ftc-00004-00002598-00003180 investigations into cold cases of journalist murders we have finalized a couple already qPfHdc93ftc-00005-00003180-00003888 and we're in the process of reopening these cases in Pakistan and Mexico there's value in qPfHdc93ftc-00006-00003888-00004440 this and there's definitely routes we can take from here to create real Justice and I think qPfHdc93ftc-00007-00004440-00004944 we need to build this movement together and I invite you all to join us in this qPlaqyAzzEu-00000-00000204-00000260 English qQwyyqDhaLM-00000-00000881-00001103 Maldives resort day 2 qQwyyqDhaLM-00001-00001351-00001734 The color of the water is definitely different in the morning. qQwyyqDhaLM-00002-00001754-00002003 It's really different. qQwyyqDhaLM-00003-00002726-00003166 (Sun allergy) qQwyyqDhaLM-00004-00004948-00005148 How can we get sick of this? qQwyyqDhaLM-00005-00005167-00005462 I'll never get tired of eating this (meaning I like this place) qQwyyqDhaLM-00006-00006320-00006520 Yum yum qQwyyqDhaLM-00007-00009251-00009451 So cute! qQwyyqDhaLM-00008-00009451-00009600 It's running qQwyyqDhaLM-00009-00011426-00011523 It's hot qQwyyqDhaLM-00010-00013443-00013635 Is it too shallow? qQwyyqDhaLM-00011-00018765-00019086 I'm getting seasickness 🤢 qQwyyqDhaLM-00012-00019301-00019406 We are almost here qQwyyqDhaLM-00013-00019464-00019757 Left side! We should go to the beach on the left side! qQwyyqDhaLM-00014-00019757-00019848 Okay! qQwyyqDhaLM-00015-00019848-00020100 Don't just say it. you row it, too. qQwyyqDhaLM-00016-00020103-00020175 Okay! qQwyyqDhaLM-00017-00020175-00020255 I'm tired qQwyyqDhaLM-00018-00020255-00020348 I'm rowing now! qQwyyqDhaLM-00019-00020369-00020477 I'm rowing now! qQwyyqDhaLM-00020-00020496-00020607 So tired 😵 qQwyyqDhaLM-00021-00020863-00021013 I was so tired 🥴 qQwyyqDhaLM-00022-00021013-00021166 Don't go away! qQwyyqDhaLM-00023-00021166-00021309 Bye-bye qQwyyqDhaLM-00024-00021309-00021459 Don't come to me! 😮 qQwyyqDhaLM-00025-00021770-00022069 The waves took me here 😉 qQwyyqDhaLM-00026-00022821-00022953 Seasickness 😩 qQwyyqDhaLM-00027-00023863-00024063 😭 qQwyyqDhaLM-00028-00025200-00025360 It must be hard to backward (because of the tube) qQwyyqDhaLM-00029-00025360-00025527 He can't see the behind qQwyyqDhaLM-00030-00029384-00029584 Is it the right side? (tube) qQwyyqDhaLM-00031-00029700-00029851 Doesn't it matter? qQwyyqDhaLM-00032-00029851-00029930 Is it? qQwyyqDhaLM-00033-00029930-00030130 I don't know 😅 qQwyyqDhaLM-00034-00030151-00030351 It seems your backside looks wider qQwyyqDhaLM-00035-00030414-00030527 Is it? qQwyyqDhaLM-00036-00030527-00030727 It seems qQwyyqDhaLM-00037-00030813-00031013 I felt wired too qQwyyqDhaLM-00038-00031013-00031289 You might get more space when you flip it qQwyyqDhaLM-00039-00031982-00032121 It's same qQwyyqDhaLM-00040-00032121-00032321 Oh is it? qQwyyqDhaLM-00041-00032632-00032832 It's better before qQwyyqDhaLM-00042-00037900-00038195 Maldives resort day 2 qQwyyqDhaLM-00043-00038580-00038869 The end qS9Skg-BO3E-00000-00000610-00001323 Good morning, mr, master, maestro or simply qS9Skg-BO3E-00001-00001323-00001711 oooooooooooooooooooor qS9Skg-BO3E-00002-00001711-00002568 simply David, yes David, David, why not, David, David Lynch? qS9Skg-BO3E-00003-00002568-00003090 It's February 16th, 2023 and it's a Thursday. qS9Skg-BO3E-00004-00003090-00004060 Here in Naples a totally grey, cloudy sky and afternoon, afternoon because qS9Skg-BO3E-00005-00004060-00004258 they are already 14:00 practically, qS9Skg-BO3E-00006-00004258-00005680 very still right now, 55.4 fahrenheit 13 celsius and this means that isn't that day really, qS9Skg-BO3E-00007-00005680-00005796 really, qS9Skg-BO3E-00008-00005796-00006725 really, really cold like in these days and in this period, yes I think, but for the atmosphere qS9Skg-BO3E-00009-00006725-00007120 it's totally tragic, I repeat. qS9Skg-BO3E-00010-00007120-00008330 In general however it seems a Winter day even if not so cold at all. qS9Skg-BO3E-00011-00008330-00008832 Being already afternoon I think that the temperature at this point is this, I repeat as I said qS9Skg-BO3E-00012-00008832-00008932 just qS9Skg-BO3E-00013-00008932-00009140 before 55.4 fahrenheit 13 celsius, qS9Skg-BO3E-00014-00009140-00009753 but the really important thing with this atmosphere is that today, as I anticipated at the opening, qS9Skg-BO3E-00015-00009753-00009986 we don't have those beautiful blue skies and golden sunshine. qS9Skg-BO3E-00016-00009986-00010322 I don't know if you see: qS9Skg-BO3E-00017-00010322-00011521 yes a totally gray cloudy sky, I think later could be also dark and could also rain, but qS9Skg-BO3E-00018-00011521-00011621 obviously qS9Skg-BO3E-00019-00011621-00011861 we aren't magicians or wizards on this point so we'll see. qS9Skg-BO3E-00020-00011861-00011961 Bad. qS9Skg-BO3E-00021-00011961-00012061 So, said this: qS9Skg-BO3E-00022-00012061-00012289 so from this other mythical window with no courtain and no roller shooter, but as always qS9Skg-BO3E-00023-00012289-00012608 like you're always at home from the mythical window with the new gray courtain as you know qS9Skg-BO3E-00024-00012608-00012708 since November 1st, 2022 qS9Skg-BO3E-00025-00012708-00012808 and also with these beautifully painted wavy branches qS9Skg-BO3E-00026-00012808-00013258 and as regards the window its green roller shooter not visible in this period and in qS9Skg-BO3E-00027-00013258-00013690 fact here in the shot qS9Skg-BO3E-00028-00013690-00014443 and finally from my mythical Keyboard Yamaha DGX640 YPG-625 qS9Skg-BO3E-00029-00014843-00015170 have a great day him, all the people who follow the channel and the Reports, yes really a qS9Skg-BO3E-00030-00015170-00015565 greeting to everyone, also to my brother, to the last qS9Skg-BO3E-00031-00015565-00015840 subscribers and finally I hope you all have a great breakfast. qS9Skg-BO3E-00032-00015840-00016296 I know it's late but I woke up late, so fortunately I'll do it as soon, I'm reallu hungry and qS9Skg-BO3E-00033-00016296-00016430 as we always say: qS9Skg-BO3E-00034-00016430-00017548 Breakfast is always one of the most beautiful things in life and in the world, absolutely. qS9Skg-BO3E-00035-00017548-00018031 I'll see you tomorrow. qT-b_ddmDH8-00000-00001404-00001736 The prince- Where is Shina?! Vice- They took her deep into the woods and uggghhh qT-b_ddmDH8-00001-00002580-00002850 ***Namya is kidnap by someone running at super fast speeds the prince trys to chase them down using his super speed***** qT-b_ddmDH8-00002-00003546-00003754 ***Sadly this was all a trap*** qT-b_ddmDH8-00003-00003754-00003986 Barcage- Hello! Namya-NOOOOO! qT-b_ddmDH8-00004-00004090-00004240 The prince- !!???? WTF qT-b_ddmDH8-00005-00004594-00004714 The prince- ugghh qT-b_ddmDH8-00006-00005066-00005210 The prince- Its a trap qT-b_ddmDH8-00007-00005402-00005766 Icon- Yes it is And you walked right into it The prince- It can't be.... qT-b_ddmDH8-00008-00005856-00006398 Icon- Nina & Nia go! qT-b_ddmDH8-00009-00006502-00006768 Nina- Hahaha qT-b_ddmDH8-00010-00006828-00007094 Nia- This is fun qT-b_ddmDH8-00011-00007276-00007723 Icon-Alexo your turn Alexo- Ok , Mystic Barrier ! qT-b_ddmDH8-00013-00008095-00008288 The prince- What is going on ? Icon is that you? qT-b_ddmDH8-00014-00008288-00008520 Icon- ummm confused my prince. qT-b_ddmDH8-00015-00008520-00008880 Icon-The good news I'm gonna fill you in on everything qT-b_ddmDH8-00016-00008986-00009146 The prince- I watched you die ? qT-b_ddmDH8-00017-00009148-00009340 The prince- How is this possible ? qT-b_ddmDH8-00018-00009340-00009764 Icon- well my royal friend thats a good question to bad I cant answer that just yet qT-b_ddmDH8-00019-00009764-00009824 Icon- But you have bigger things to worry about I assure you qT-b_ddmDH8-00020-00009824-00010072 Icon- From what i hear your a powerful hero. And i like powerful heroes. in fact everyone in my group was a hero at some point qT-b_ddmDH8-00021-00010072-00010272 Icon- Which brings me to these two fine lady's right here qT-b_ddmDH8-00022-00010272-00010472 Icon- One of them will join my army...and one will die. qT-b_ddmDH8-00023-00010472-00010672 Icon- See the thing is I just cant choose between them. qT-b_ddmDH8-00024-00010826-00011720 Icon- The mystic or The alpha The girl friend or the friend thats a girl The one you want to live with or the one that showed you how to live qT-b_ddmDH8-00025-00011842-00012288 Shina_ Ahhhh The prince- Noooooo!!!!!! qT-b_ddmDH8-00026-00012458-00012782 Icon- Well that was fun. Damn look at the time well love birds me and my friends gotta go. I hope you enjoyed the show qT-b_ddmDH8-00027-00013004-00013244 Icon- Oh yeah one more thing. Never forget who did this. qT-b_ddmDH8-00028-00013244-00013468 The prince- will pay for this! qT-b_ddmDH8-00029-00013468-00013644 The prince- Do you hear me! qT-b_ddmDH8-00030-00014290-00014990 Icon- You should really watch your mouth before your little girl friend ends up like your teacher over there qT-b_ddmDH8-00031-00014990-00015174 The prince- the barrier is down now is my chance! qT-b_ddmDH8-00032-00015263-00015763 The prince- Dammit, he got away!....Oh no.... Namya are you ok ? qT-b_ddmDH8-00033-00015810-00016116 Namya- Yes I'm fine but...... qT-b_ddmDH8-00034-00016116-00016166 The prince- no no....Shina im so sorry, Why would he do this? im so so sorry qT-b_ddmDH8-00035-00016522-00017020 The prince- Noooooooooooooooooo!!!! qVte8L6r3aY-00000-00000000-00000200 ষা শহীদদের প্রতি বিনম্র শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি। আজ অমর ২১ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ভাষা শহীদ দিবস ও 'আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস’। 'আমার ভাইয়ের রক্তে রাঙানো একুশে ফেব্রুয়ারি, আমি কি ভুলিতে পারি’! ১৯৫২ সালের ২১শে ফেব্রুয়ারি মাতৃভাষা বাংলার মর্যাদা রাখতে গিয়ে বুকের রক্ত ঢেলে দিয়েছিল রফিক, সালাম, বরকত, সফিউর, জব্বাররা। একই ভাবে ১৯৬১ সালের ১৯শে মে আসামের বরাক উপত্যকায় সংখ‍্যাগরিষ্ঠ বাংলাভাষী জনগণের উপর অসমীয়া ভাষা চাপিয়ে দেওয়ার বিরুদ্ধে আন্দোলনে এগারোটি তরতাজা প্রাণ শহীদ হয়েছিল। সালাম, জব্বার, রবকত তথা কমলা, সুকোমল, কানাই, বীরেন্দ্র'দের রক্তে শৃঙ্খলমুক্ত হয়েছিল দুঃখিনী বর্ণমালা, আমাদের মায়ের ভাষা বাংলা। একুশে ফেব্রুয়ারি এবং ১৯শে মে ভোলার নয়, কিছুতেই ভোলা যায় না। বাঙালি জাতির ইতিহাসে এ এক অনন্য গৌরবময় অধ্যায়। আমরা বাঙালিরা ভাষার জন্য জীবন দিয়েছি, বদলে পেয়েছি ‘মা’ বলে ডাকার অধিকার। পৃথিবীর বুকে ভাষার জন্য রক্ত দিয়ে, অকাতরে জীবন বিলিয়ে দেওয়ার ইতিহাস রয়েছে বাঙালি জাতির। একুশে ফেব্রুয়ারি এবং ১৯শে মে তাই বাঙালির চেতনার প্রতীক। একুশের এবং ঊনিশের শহিদদের স্থান বাঙালির হৃদয়ের মর্মমূলে। একুশ এবং ঊনিশ তাই আত্মত্যাগের অহংকারে ভাস্বর দিন; জেগে ওঠার প্রেরণা। মাতৃভাষার প্রয়োজনে আত্মোৎসর্গ করার শপথ গ্রহণের দিন। এক কথায়- একুশ ও ঊনিশ আমাদের অহংকার, গৌরব, জাতিসত্তা ও প্রেরণার স্থান। বাঙালির রক্তস্নাত ভাষা আন্দোলনের স্বীকৃতি দিয়ে জাতিসংঘের সহযোগী সংস্থা ইউনেস্কো ১৯৯৯ সালের ১৭ই নভেম্বর ২১শে ফেব্রুয়ারিকে আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস ঘোষণা করে। এরপর থেকেই যথাযোগ্য মর্যাদায় সারা বিশ্বে একযোগে পালিত হয়ে আসছে দিনটি। ব্যক্তিজীবন বা জাতীয় জীবনে মাতৃভাষা ও মাতৃভাষায় রচিত সাহিত্যের গুরুত্ব অপরিসীম। একটি জাতির সাহিত্য, শিল্প, সংস্কৃতির প্রাণশক্তি হলো মাতৃভাষা। মাতৃভাষা মানুষকে বেঁচে থাকতে অনুপ্রেরণা জোগায়। এই কারণেই ভাষার জন্য বাঙালি অকাতরে প্রাণ দিতে পেরেছে। মাতৃভাষার জন্য আন্দোলন বাঙালির মাথাকে উঁচুতে দাঁড় করিয়ে দিয়েছে। ভাষা শহিদদের আদর্শ ও কর্তব্যকে রক্ষা করার দায়িত্ব আমাদের। তাঁরা আমাদের গৌরব ও পথপ্রদর্শক। তাই ২১ ফেব্রুয়ারি ও ১৯শে মে শুধু ভাষা শহীদ দিবস হিসেবে পালন করলেই হবে না, সারা বছরই আমাদেরকে ২১ ও ১৯শে'র চেতনায় সজাগ থাকতে হবে। qW0sE-5A8EA-00000-00000022-00000456 Hey there, probably you were wondering where we have been qW0sE-5A8EA-00001-00000472-00000640 and what happened to our project. qW0sE-5A8EA-00002-00000676-00001228 We stepped back a bit to carefully analyze all issues from the test lab. qW0sE-5A8EA-00003-00001232-00001432 We destroyed the frame a bit more. qW0sE-5A8EA-00004-00001484-00001755 We also tested the hardness in the labratory. qW0sE-5A8EA-00005-00001820-00002056 And made an advanced FEMA. qW0sE-5A8EA-00006-00002128-00002756 by now we analyzed all issues and drew the consequences qW0sE-5A8EA-00007-00002796-00002996 The production is in full motion. qW0sE-5A8EA-00008-00003044-00003508 And now I´d like to show you the improvements in detail. qW0sE-5A8EA-00009-00003552-00004208 Well in the headtube area we had the big crack. qW0sE-5A8EA-00010-00004260-00004544 We cleaned up a lot and removed the long holes. qW0sE-5A8EA-00011-00004596-00004940 We moved the cable inlets into the head tube. qW0sE-5A8EA-00012-00004996-00005244 and we added a gusset qW0sE-5A8EA-00013-00005288-00006056 We did do many loops in the FEM and analyzed a few different solutions. qW0sE-5A8EA-00014-00006120-00006508 And this tiny 11 gram CNC part promisses qW0sE-5A8EA-00015-00006548-00006844 to extend the product lifetime by 900% qW0sE-5A8EA-00016-00006884-00007508 That means that even with the 15 K cycles the problem frame has passed qW0sE-5A8EA-00017-00007556-00007916 by 900% we would be safe above 100K cycles. qW0sE-5A8EA-00018-00007972-00008444 Of course, this is a crystal ball qW0sE-5A8EA-00019-00008484-00009168 But it gives us a good direction and lets us start the next batch with confidence. qW0sE-5A8EA-00020-00009248-00009812 Another problem was hiding behind the rocker qW0sE-5A8EA-00021-00009880-00010236 Here we added a tungue qW0sE-5A8EA-00022-00010300-00010740 that smoothens the transition and functions like a gusset. qW0sE-5A8EA-00023-00010784-00011584 We do not place the weld in the corner anymore and make it much smoother. qW0sE-5A8EA-00024-00011640-00012212 Of course, we designed a new Chain Guide as the idler position has been moved. qW0sE-5A8EA-00025-00012256-00012456 and qW0sE-5A8EA-00026-00012732-00013004 Yeah well, here we modified the shape slightly qW0sE-5A8EA-00027-00013072-00013519 The shape is a bit more fluent with a slight swing to the front. qW0sE-5A8EA-00028-00013608-00013808 In this area, we made it a bit slimmer qW0sE-5A8EA-00029-00013863-00014119 and that´s basically it qW0sE-5A8EA-00030-00014228-00014428 Thanks for your patience we´ll stay on it. qW0sE-5A8EA-00031-00014572-00015216 If you have any questions, just drop it into the comments. qW0sE-5A8EA-00032-00015308-00015876 I´m stoked to discuss with you and answer your questions. qX4rsuIRdJ0-00000-00001832-00002228 Dr Jekyll gave a letter to Mr Utterson. qX4rsuIRdJ0-00001-00002330-00002504 He looked at the handwriting qX4rsuIRdJ0-00002-00002504-00002704 "That looks like Mr. Hyde's." qX4rsuIRdJ0-00003-00002752-00003074 So, he decides to see his friend, Mr. Guest qX4rsuIRdJ0-00004-00003112-00003354 who is an expert in handwriting. qX4rsuIRdJ0-00005-00003378-00003604 He'd be able to identify who wrote it a qX4rsuIRdJ0-00006-00003604-00003804 Mr. Guest looks at it and qX4rsuIRdJ0-00007-00003850-00004188 said something is odd about this. qX4rsuIRdJ0-00008-00004292-00004378 Are you curious? qX4rsuIRdJ0-00009-00004430-00004514 Go ahead and read. qYLy1BHR02k-00000-00000158-00000662 ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and is often qYLy1BHR02k-00001-00000662-00001205 described as a mental disorder. children with ADHD have trouble paying attention qYLy1BHR02k-00002-00001205-00001748 are hyperactive and often have difficulty controlling their behavior. it qYLy1BHR02k-00003-00001748-00002226 is estimated that it affects around five percent of all children aged 3 to 17 qYLy1BHR02k-00004-00002226-00002892 globally and that for every girl around three boys are diagnosed with it. to qYLy1BHR02k-00005-00002892-00003347 understand how it affects children in school let's look at the story of Leo, a qYLy1BHR02k-00006-00003347-00003786 12-year-old boy who goes to school with the best intentions but struggles hard qYLy1BHR02k-00007-00003786-00004052 to succeed. qYLy1BHR02k-00008-00004067-00004764 attention deficit is his biggest problem. Leo gets distracted so easily it happens qYLy1BHR02k-00009-00004764-00005232 even when he tries his hardest to focus. he often realizes that he has suddenly qYLy1BHR02k-00010-00005232-00005621 zoned out and has spent the last 15 minutes thinking about something qYLy1BHR02k-00011-00005621-00006216 entirely different. just the tiniest thing can get him off track. to him it qYLy1BHR02k-00012-00006216-00006786 feels like his brain is broken. he is also forgetful books and homework qYLy1BHR02k-00013-00006786-00007259 are often left at home and if he doesn't miss an assignment he often loses it qYLy1BHR02k-00014-00007259-00007859 somewhere or forgets to turn it in. his grades are terrible and some teachers qYLy1BHR02k-00015-00007859-00008290 are beginning to think that he is a lost case. qYLy1BHR02k-00016-00008290-00008836 then there is his hyperactivity: when they have to do group work he is qYLy1BHR02k-00017-00008836-00009340 restless and has trouble staying focused. staying calm and listening while others qYLy1BHR02k-00018-00009340-00009833 speak can completely drain him, making any normal conversation a serious qYLy1BHR02k-00019-00009833-00010409 challenge. to him it feels like there is no capacity left in his brain to deal qYLy1BHR02k-00020-00010409-00010654 with all the input that needs to be processed. qYLy1BHR02k-00021-00010654-00011239 he then feels angry about not being able to follow along. to help cope with his qYLy1BHR02k-00022-00011239-00011770 hyperactivity he likes to keep his hands busy all the time. qYLy1BHR02k-00023-00011797-00012389 last, there is his impulsive behavior: he often cannot refrain from saying things qYLy1BHR02k-00024-00012389-00012947 that come to his mind. sometimes he tries hard to control himself but then just qYLy1BHR02k-00025-00012947-00013562 blurts out and interrupts others. his classmates find this annoying. he leader qYLy1BHR02k-00026-00013562-00014054 regrets his hot-headed behavior but he knows that unfortunately, he will do it qYLy1BHR02k-00027-00014054-00014601 again and again. it seems to him that he can't learn from his mistakes. qYLy1BHR02k-00028-00014601-00015085 teachers get frustrated trying to get him to behave. others become impatient, qYLy1BHR02k-00029-00015085-00015875 give up or distance themselves. after he is diagnosed and receives support qYLy1BHR02k-00030-00015875-00016466 through concrete steps, things begin to get better: at school, he is seated next qYLy1BHR02k-00031-00016466-00016904 to a supportive student in the front row of the class, he gets a notebook that qYLy1BHR02k-00032-00016904-00017444 lists all his assignments to help him remember and to make homework easier to qYLy1BHR02k-00033-00017444-00018026 track he receives it for all subjects only once a week. to relax he is allowed qYLy1BHR02k-00034-00018026-00018460 to use fidget objects during lessons and take short breaks when needed. after qYLy1BHR02k-00035-00018460-00018943 school he practices speaking and listening routines with the specialist. qYLy1BHR02k-00036-00018943-00019406 additionally, his dad bikes with him to school every morning and in the qYLy1BHR02k-00037-00019406-00020066 afternoon he is allowed to play the ball as long as he wishes. for severe cases of qYLy1BHR02k-00038-00020066-00020551 ADHD prescription drugs are often prescribed. before that happens qYLy1BHR02k-00039-00020551-00021001 children like Leo need to undergo a professional age-appropriate diagnosis qYLy1BHR02k-00040-00021001-00021437 by a child psychologist who will try to look below the surface. qYLy1BHR02k-00041-00021437-00021980 ADHD could just be the tip of the iceberg the root cause might be drama at qYLy1BHR02k-00042-00021980-00022762 home, bullying at school, poor sleep or the wrong diet. Sir Ken Robinson told the qYLy1BHR02k-00043-00022762-00023195 story of Gillian Lynne, an 8-year-old girl that was said to have a learning qYLy1BHR02k-00044-00023195-00023741 disorder. she could not concentrate and never sat still. when she was brought to qYLy1BHR02k-00045-00023741-00024173 the specialist who didn't subscribe any therapy but instead played music on the qYLy1BHR02k-00046-00024173-00024856 radio, the girl started dancing. he then told her mother: "Gillian isn't sick, she's qYLy1BHR02k-00047-00024856-00025420 a dancer. take her to a dance school!" Gillian Lynne later became a famous qYLy1BHR02k-00048-00025420-00025895 dancer and then responsible for some of the most successful musicals in Broadway qYLy1BHR02k-00049-00025895-00026552 history. please share your thoughts in the comments below. if you are qYLy1BHR02k-00050-00026552-00027110 hyperactive or if you are diagnosed with ADHD please tell us about your coping qYLy1BHR02k-00051-00027110-00027613 mechanisms so we can learn more about it from reading your insights. if you want qYLy1BHR02k-00052-00027613-00028022 to support our Channel, enabling us to make more such videos, visit qYLy1BHR02k-00053-00028022-00028612 and check out what we do