6pyaovQxWNk-00000-00000010-00000503 NOTIFICATION OF FAMILY MEMBERS. 6pyaovQxWNk-00001-00000503-00000510 NOTIFICATION OF FAMILY MEMBERS. 6pyaovQxWNk-00002-00000510-00000617 NOTIFICATION OF FAMILY MEMBERS. >> DENNIS: ENBRIDGE IN BEMIDJI 6pyaovQxWNk-00003-00000617-00000623 NOTIFICATION OF FAMILY MEMBERS. >> DENNIS: ENBRIDGE IN BEMIDJI 6pyaovQxWNk-00004-00000623-00000770 NOTIFICATION OF FAMILY MEMBERS. >> DENNIS: ENBRIDGE IN BEMIDJI HAS OFFICIALLY BROKEN GROUND ON 6pyaovQxWNk-00005-00000770-00000777 >> DENNIS: ENBRIDGE IN BEMIDJI HAS OFFICIALLY BROKEN GROUND ON 6pyaovQxWNk-00006-00000777-00001037 >> DENNIS: ENBRIDGE IN BEMIDJI HAS OFFICIALLY BROKEN GROUND ON A NEW SOLAR PANEL PROJECT. 6pyaovQxWNk-00007-00001037-00001044 HAS OFFICIALLY BROKEN GROUND ON A NEW SOLAR PANEL PROJECT. 6pyaovQxWNk-00008-00001044-00001271 HAS OFFICIALLY BROKEN GROUND ON A NEW SOLAR PANEL PROJECT. THEY ARE EXPECTED TO PRODUCE 6pyaovQxWNk-00009-00001271-00001277 A NEW SOLAR PANEL PROJECT. THEY ARE EXPECTED TO PRODUCE 6pyaovQxWNk-00010-00001277-00001384 A NEW SOLAR PANEL PROJECT. THEY ARE EXPECTED TO PRODUCE EXACTLY 20,000 KILOWATTS OF 6pyaovQxWNk-00011-00001384-00001391 THEY ARE EXPECTED TO PRODUCE EXACTLY 20,000 KILOWATTS OF 6pyaovQxWNk-00012-00001391-00001534 THEY ARE EXPECTED TO PRODUCE EXACTLY 20,000 KILOWATTS OF POWER, RESULTING IN A POTENTIAL 6pyaovQxWNk-00013-00001534-00001541 EXACTLY 20,000 KILOWATTS OF POWER, RESULTING IN A POTENTIAL 6pyaovQxWNk-00014-00001541-00001781 EXACTLY 20,000 KILOWATTS OF POWER, RESULTING IN A POTENTIAL REDUCTION OF $2,100 TO ENBRIDGE 6pyaovQxWNk-00015-00001781-00001788 POWER, RESULTING IN A POTENTIAL REDUCTION OF $2,100 TO ENBRIDGE 6pyaovQxWNk-00016-00001788-00001878 POWER, RESULTING IN A POTENTIAL REDUCTION OF $2,100 TO ENBRIDGE ENERGY'S BILL. 6pyaovQxWNk-00017-00001878-00001885 REDUCTION OF $2,100 TO ENBRIDGE ENERGY'S BILL. 6pyaovQxWNk-00018-00001885-00002045 REDUCTION OF $2,100 TO ENBRIDGE ENERGY'S BILL. ENBRIDGE SAYS THEY'RE EXTREMELY 6pyaovQxWNk-00019-00002045-00002052 ENERGY'S BILL. ENBRIDGE SAYS THEY'RE EXTREMELY 6pyaovQxWNk-00020-00002052-00002308 ENERGY'S BILL. ENBRIDGE SAYS THEY'RE EXTREMELY HAPPY TO START REDUCING THEIR 6pyaovQxWNk-00021-00002308-00002315 ENBRIDGE SAYS THEY'RE EXTREMELY HAPPY TO START REDUCING THEIR 6pyaovQxWNk-00022-00002315-00002442 ENBRIDGE SAYS THEY'RE EXTREMELY HAPPY TO START REDUCING THEIR CARBON FOOTPRINT AND HAPPY TO 6pyaovQxWNk-00023-00002442-00002449 HAPPY TO START REDUCING THEIR CARBON FOOTPRINT AND HAPPY TO 6pyaovQxWNk-00024-00002449-00002742 HAPPY TO START REDUCING THEIR CARBON FOOTPRINT AND HAPPY TO WORK WITH TWO NATIVE OWNED 6pyaovQxWNk-00025-00002742-00002749 CARBON FOOTPRINT AND HAPPY TO WORK WITH TWO NATIVE OWNED 6pyaovQxWNk-00026-00002749-00002876 CARBON FOOTPRINT AND HAPPY TO WORK WITH TWO NATIVE OWNED BUSINESSES ON THE PROJECT. 6pyaovQxWNk-00027-00002876-00002882 WORK WITH TWO NATIVE OWNED BUSINESSES ON THE PROJECT. 6pyaovQxWNk-00028-00002882-00002969 WORK WITH TWO NATIVE OWNED BUSINESSES ON THE PROJECT. >> BEHIND THIS BANNER THIS 6pyaovQxWNk-00029-00002969-00002976 BUSINESSES ON THE PROJECT. >> BEHIND THIS BANNER THIS 6pyaovQxWNk-00030-00002976-00003096 BUSINESSES ON THE PROJECT. >> BEHIND THIS BANNER THIS SUMMER, WE'RE GOING TO BE 6pyaovQxWNk-00031-00003096-00003103 >> BEHIND THIS BANNER THIS SUMMER, WE'RE GOING TO BE 6pyaovQxWNk-00032-00003103-00003249 >> BEHIND THIS BANNER THIS SUMMER, WE'RE GOING TO BE CONSTRUCTING FOUR STANDS WHICH 6pyaovQxWNk-00033-00003249-00003256 SUMMER, WE'RE GOING TO BE CONSTRUCTING FOUR STANDS WHICH 6pyaovQxWNk-00034-00003256-00003410 SUMMER, WE'RE GOING TO BE CONSTRUCTING FOUR STANDS WHICH WERE DESIGNED AND ARE BEING 6pyaovQxWNk-00035-00003410-00003416 CONSTRUCTING FOUR STANDS WHICH WERE DESIGNED AND ARE BEING 6pyaovQxWNk-00036-00003416-00003897 CONSTRUCTING FOUR STANDS WHICH WERE DESIGNED AND ARE BEING MANUFACTURED AND BUILT BY WELLS 6pyaovQxWNk-00037-00003897-00003903 WERE DESIGNED AND ARE BEING MANUFACTURED AND BUILT BY WELLS 6pyaovQxWNk-00038-00003903-00004047 WERE DESIGNED AND ARE BEING MANUFACTURED AND BUILT BY WELLS TECHNOLOGY, THE FIRST COMMERCIAL 6pyaovQxWNk-00039-00004047-00004054 MANUFACTURED AND BUILT BY WELLS TECHNOLOGY, THE FIRST COMMERCIAL 6pyaovQxWNk-00040-00004054-00004150 MANUFACTURED AND BUILT BY WELLS TECHNOLOGY, THE FIRST COMMERCIAL SALE AND USE OF THOSE PRODUCTS 6pyaovQxWNk-00041-00004150-00004157 TECHNOLOGY, THE FIRST COMMERCIAL SALE AND USE OF THOSE PRODUCTS 6pyaovQxWNk-00042-00004157-00004207 TECHNOLOGY, THE FIRST COMMERCIAL SALE AND USE OF THOSE PRODUCTS FOR THEM. 6pyaovQxWNk-00043-00004207-00004214 SALE AND USE OF THOSE PRODUCTS FOR THEM. 6pyaovQxWNk-00044-00004214-00004457 SALE AND USE OF THOSE PRODUCTS FOR THEM. AND THEN EW AND C WILL BE THE 6pyaovQxWNk-00045-00004457-00004464 FOR THEM. AND THEN EW AND C WILL BE THE 6pyaovQxWNk-00046-00004464-00004624 FOR THEM. AND THEN EW AND C WILL BE THE CONTRACTOR ACTUALLY INSTALLING 6pyaovQxWNk-00047-00004624-00004631 AND THEN EW AND C WILL BE THE CONTRACTOR ACTUALLY INSTALLING 6pyaovQxWNk-00048-00004631-00004781 AND THEN EW AND C WILL BE THE CONTRACTOR ACTUALLY INSTALLING THEM HERE ON SITE AND PUTTING 6pyaovQxWNk-00049-00004781-00004788 CONTRACTOR ACTUALLY INSTALLING THEM HERE ON SITE AND PUTTING 6pyaovQxWNk-00050-00004788-00004911 CONTRACTOR ACTUALLY INSTALLING THEM HERE ON SITE AND PUTTING THEM INTO THE GROUND. 6pyaovQxWNk-00051-00004911-00004918 THEM HERE ON SITE AND PUTTING THEM INTO THE GROUND. 6pyaovQxWNk-00052-00004918-00005038 THEM HERE ON SITE AND PUTTING THEM INTO THE GROUND. SO WE'RE REALLY EXCITED TO BE 6pyaovQxWNk-00053-00005038-00005045 THEM INTO THE GROUND. SO WE'RE REALLY EXCITED TO BE 6pyaovQxWNk-00054-00005045-00005138 THEM INTO THE GROUND. SO WE'RE REALLY EXCITED TO BE ABLE TO WORK WITH THESE 6pyaovQxWNk-00055-00005138-00005145 SO WE'RE REALLY EXCITED TO BE ABLE TO WORK WITH THESE 6pyaovQxWNk-00056-00005145-00005318 SO WE'RE REALLY EXCITED TO BE ABLE TO WORK WITH THESE COMPANIES ON THIS PROJECT. 6pyaovQxWNk-00057-00005318-00005325 ABLE TO WORK WITH THESE COMPANIES ON THIS PROJECT. 6pyaovQxWNk-00058-00005325-00005418 ABLE TO WORK WITH THESE COMPANIES ON THIS PROJECT. >> DENNIS: ENBRIDGE SAYS THE 6pyaovQxWNk-00059-00005418-00005425 COMPANIES ON THIS PROJECT. >> DENNIS: ENBRIDGE SAYS THE 6pyaovQxWNk-00060-00005425-00005518 COMPANIES ON THIS PROJECT. >> DENNIS: ENBRIDGE SAYS THE PANELS ARE EXPECTED TO BE FULLY 6pNC23vE3KA-00000-00001266-00002060 Hurricane Irene came in around August 28th here and flooded the facility. 6pNC23vE3KA-00001-00002060-00002650 Water from the river came up above the pools, got into our wells and contaminated all of 6pNC23vE3KA-00002-00002650-00003023 the fish and the whole infrastructure here. 6pNC23vE3KA-00003-00003023-00003745 After going through this and checking with our state partners, the decision was to then 6pNC23vE3KA-00004-00003745-00003940 depopulate this facility. 6pNC23vE3KA-00005-00003940-00004717 We were fortunate to find out then that we were able then to donate these fish to our 6pNC23vE3KA-00006-00004717-00005051 Native American friends up in the northeast. 6pNC23vE3KA-00007-00005051-00005920 Because there was some tribal interest, we now have lots of tribes in the northeast, 6pNC23vE3KA-00008-00005920-00006530 we do have 18 tribes that are potentially going to be recipients of these fish. 6pNC23vE3KA-00009-00006530-00007452 The Micmacs ultimately wanted the fish to use for a 20-year anniversary celebration 6pNC23vE3KA-00010-00007452-00008133 of theirs that marked their recognition, federal recognition. 6pNC23vE3KA-00011-00008133-00008717 At all these tribal celebrations, food is always a central part of the celebration. 6pNC23vE3KA-00012-00008717-00008994 And we always try to serve a traditional meal. 6pNC23vE3KA-00013-00008994-00009679 And two of the staples of Micmac traditional foods are salmon and moose meat. 6pNC23vE3KA-00014-00009679-00010400 Unfortunately, salmon is no longer as available as it used to be when the tribe historically 6pNC23vE3KA-00015-00010400-00010859 utilized that resource due to the damning of rivers and pollution and other factors, 6pNC23vE3KA-00016-00010859-00011013 the salmon stocks just aren’t there. 6pNC23vE3KA-00017-00011013-00011601 And to purchase the salmon, it’s extremely expensive, and our tribe is a low-income tribe 6pNC23vE3KA-00018-00011601-00011833 and our resources are extremely limited. 6pNC23vE3KA-00019-00011833-00012575 So the donation of the fish by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is really a great event 6pNC23vE3KA-00020-00012575-00012709 for the tribe. 6pNC23vE3KA-00021-00012709-00013190 As with all natural resources that re used for food or medicine or spiritual use, the 6pNC23vE3KA-00022-00013190-00013762 tribe always gives thanks to the fish or other resources that give their life for the benefit 6pNC23vE3KA-00023-00013762-00014312 of the tribe, so it’s also very spiritual in addition to just the nourishment that the 6pNC23vE3KA-00024-00014312-00014412 salmon provide. 6pNC23vE3KA-00025-00014412-00014779 On behalf of the Aroostook Band of Micmacs, there is a great deal of gratitude toward 6pNC23vE3KA-00026-00014779-00015197 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for providing the salmon to the tribe. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00000-00000000-00001308 This video is about RRC Configuration for Time Offset between PDCCH and CSI-RS Signal in 5G, 6OKtOcSHnNc-00001-00001308-00001680 for the viewers with some background knowledge in wireless communication. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00002-00001914-00002508 To ensure reliable communication between a Base Station and UE, UE must report channel 6OKtOcSHnNc-00003-00002508-00002904 information to Base Station. To get the channel information, 6OKtOcSHnNc-00004-00002904-00003570 the Base Station first sends a request to report channel information to UE via PDCCH. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00005-00003684-00004350 Then Base Station sends CSI-RS signal to UE to measure the channel. UE measures the 6OKtOcSHnNc-00006-00004350-00004932 channel from CSI-RS signal, then UE reports the channel state information to the Base Station. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00007-00005004-00005562 But UE needs to know the time gap between the request and the CSI-RS signal. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00008-00005562-00006090 That is, upon receiving request from Base Station, UE waits for a certain number 6OKtOcSHnNc-00009-00006090-00006768 of milliseconds to receive the CSI-RS signal. So the question is how long is this time offset? 6OKtOcSHnNc-00010-00006959-00007602 To answer this question, Base Station's request contains a pointer, which basically points to the 6OKtOcSHnNc-00011-00007602-00008190 time offset, stored inside UE's memory. However, the mechanism is 6OKtOcSHnNc-00012-00008190-00008622 not quite straightforward. The pointer in Base Station's request actually 6OKtOcSHnNc-00013-00008622-00009156 points to an element in a list, which points to another element in a second list and so on, 6OKtOcSHnNc-00014-00009156-00009804 until the UE can find out the time offset. Note that all these lists are inside RRC 6OKtOcSHnNc-00015-00009804-00010392 configuration, which is sent from the Base Station to UE during the initial connection setup phase. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00016-00010530-00011196 The RRC configuration is defined by 3GPP and is quite complicated since it is designed to 6OKtOcSHnNc-00017-00011196-00011592 be forward-compatible to allow new deployment scenarios and use cases. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00018-00011682-00012090 So bear with me as I try to explain the RRC configuration 6OKtOcSHnNc-00019-00012090-00012378 used to determine the time offset in this video. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00020-00012444-00013104 As a caveat, this video considers only aperiodic CSI-RS triggering for channel measurement, 6OKtOcSHnNc-00021-00013224-00013740 not periodic or semi-persistent triggering for noise or interference measurement. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00022-00014162-00014262 The 6OKtOcSHnNc-00023-00014262-00014640 request to report the channel state is sent by the Base Station to 6OKtOcSHnNc-00024-00014640-00015108 UE as a parameter called, CSI request, inside PDCCH. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00025-00015222-00015912 This parameter is a 5 bit parameter, therefore, takes a value from 0 to 127. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00026-00015912-00016374 Each value of “CSI request” corresponds to a unique element in the list 6OKtOcSHnNc-00027-00016374-00016794 ‘CSI-AperiodicTriggerStateList’, in RRC Configuration. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00028-00016896-00017646 In other words, CSI-AperiodicTriggerStateList is a list of 128 objects corresponding 6OKtOcSHnNc-00029-00017646-00018342 to 128 values of “CSI request”. For example, “CSI request” equal 6OKtOcSHnNc-00030-00018342-00018978 to 0 maps to the first object of the list, one maps to the second object in the list, and so on. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00031-00019164-00019632 Assume that UE receives a “CSI request” equals to a, from Base Station. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00032-00019704-00020268 Then UE looks into the corresponding object in TriggerStateList, that is (a+1)th object. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00033-00020346-00020778 Each object in the TriggerStateList contains a member parameter called 6OKtOcSHnNc-00034-00020778-00021300 associatedReportConfigInfoList, which is a list of I objects. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00035-00021390-00021978 Again, each associatedReportConfigInfoList object has a member parameter called, 6OKtOcSHnNc-00036-00021978-00022344 reportConfigID, which is an integer. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00037-00022344-00022956 Let us represent reportConfigID as bi(a), where i is the index of the object in the list. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00038-00023040-00023436 The value of reportConfigID corresponds to the index of 6OKtOcSHnNc-00039-00023436-00024276 an object in CSI-ReportConfigToAddModList. That is, 'reportConfigID' bi(a) points to 6OKtOcSHnNc-00040-00024276-00024984 an object in CSI-ReportConfigToAddModList, whose member parameter 'reportConfigID' is also bi(a). 6OKtOcSHnNc-00041-00025332-00025902 Each object in ReportConfigList has an additional parameter resourceForChannelMeasurement, 6OKtOcSHnNc-00042-00025902-00026495 which is an integer, and maps to a unique object in CSI-ResourceConfigToAddModList. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00043-00026670-00027282 Assume that resourcesForChannelMeasurement is c(bi(a)), then it points to an object in 6OKtOcSHnNc-00044-00027282-00027894 ResourceConfigList, whose member parameter 'CSI-ResourceConfigID' is same as c(bi(a)). 6OKtOcSHnNc-00045-00027894-00028548 This object has an additional member parameter called CSI-RS-ResourceSetList which is a list 6OKtOcSHnNc-00046-00028548-00029388 of integers, each maps to a unique object in NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetToAddModList. Note that, 6OKtOcSHnNc-00047-00029388-00030168 the NZP is an abbreviation for “Non Zero Power”. Assume that CSI-RS-ResourceSetList is this set 6OKtOcSHnNc-00048-00030168-00030864 starting from d1(c(bi(a))), or equivalently dj(c(bi(a))), for each j from 1 to J. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00049-00030995-00031452 Now, UE search for the object in ResourceSetList with the same value 6OKtOcSHnNc-00050-00031452-00032310 for its member parameter NZP-CSI-ResourceSetID. Now in the same object, UE looks into an another 6OKtOcSHnNc-00051-00032310-00033054 parameter named NZP-CSI-RS-Resources, which is a list of integers and each of which maps to a 6OKtOcSHnNc-00052-00033054-00033714 unique object in NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceToAddModList, by mapping its member parameter. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00053-00034044-00034584 Now coming back to the original question of how to compute the time offset from Base Station's 6OKtOcSHnNc-00054-00034584-00035322 request to CSI-RS signal transmission in downlink, the offset is the sum of aperiodicTriggeringOffset 6OKtOcSHnNc-00055-00035322-00035962 slots and the firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomain symbols. aperiodicTriggeringOffset is an integer 6OKtOcSHnNc-00056-00035962-00036060 parameter inside ResourceSetList and firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomain is 6OKtOcSHnNc-00057-00036060-00036888 an integer parameter inside resourceMapping, inside ResourceList. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00058-00037206-00038046 Note that one slot duration is 1 millisecond for 15 KHz subcarrier spacing, 0.5 millisecond for 30 6OKtOcSHnNc-00059-00038046-00038760 KHz, and so on. One symbol duration is always 1/14 of a slot duration. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00060-00039096-00039540 Now you might be wondering why there are so many indices for this computation. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00061-00039618-00040098 The reason is that the network vendor has to configure these parameters to accommodate 6OKtOcSHnNc-00062-00040098-00040608 various measurements for different purposes, and for various widebeams and narrow beams. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00063-00040710-00041220 As an example, one index value of “i”, can be configured for beam tracking, 6OKtOcSHnNc-00064-00041220-00041940 another index value for link adaptation. Similarly, various values of “j”, can be 6OKtOcSHnNc-00065-00041940-00042558 used to indicate slot indices, when CSI-RS signals are distributed among multiple slots. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00066-00042660-00043068 Values of “k”, can be used to indicate various narrowbeams 6OKtOcSHnNc-00067-00043068-00043362 in which the CSI-RS signal is transmitted. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00068-00043434-00043890 Similarly, the value of “firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomain” 6OKtOcSHnNc-00069-00043890-00044364 indicate the index of the time symbol within a slot, for a narrowbeam. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00070-00044808-00045378 Let me illustrate this concept again using an example. In this hypothetical example, 6OKtOcSHnNc-00071-00045378-00045930 I give each parameter arbitrary values that have no relation to real world scenarios. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00072-00046014-00046722 Suppose UE receives “CSI request” equals to 1. It points to the second element in triggerStateList, 6OKtOcSHnNc-00073-00046722-00047346 and assume that only one reportConfigInfo is present in it, and its reportConfigID is 2. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00074-00047346-00047844 Then UE looks into the corresponding reportConfig, and finds that the 6OKtOcSHnNc-00075-00047844-00048408 resourceForChannelMeasurement is 3 and the corresponding resourceSetList has value 4. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00076-00048498-00049176 UE then looks into the corresponding resourceSets, and finds that CSI-RS resources is 5 and 6. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00077-00049284-00049974 UE looks into the corresponding CSI-RS resource and obtains firstOFDMSymbol as 7 and 8. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00078-00050028-00050754 Assume that aperiodicTriggeringOffset is 2. Now UE can figure out that the CSI-RS is 6OKtOcSHnNc-00079-00050754-00051641 present in 2nd slot in symbols 7 and 8. In other words, if UE has received “CSI 6OKtOcSHnNc-00080-00051641-00052290 request” on slot X, then CSI-RS are present in slot X+2 on symbols 7 and 8. 6OKtOcSHnNc-00081-00052541-00053058 I hope this video helps you to get a basic idea upon the RRC Configuration 6OKtOcSHnNc-00082-00053058-00053460 for computing this time offset. Thank you for watching. 6Pszkhk_CbY-00000-00000030-00001002 I'm not 100 sure they're gonna come back from there, but I'll keep doing the same thing over and 6Pszkhk_CbY-00001-00001002-00001638 over, because I feel like this will keep working, because I left it a day earlier. the first ones, 6Pszkhk_CbY-00002-00001692-00002316 although those first ones only didn't make reply as conventionally, now they do these ones 6Pszkhk_CbY-00003-00002316-00002868 are for the new ones, although I'm not sure why they still say they don't be the stuff, 6Pszkhk_CbY-00004-00002928-00003786 and they still tell me to do this, and I also stop making videos. 6Pszkhk_CbY-00005-00005076-00005472 so I don't know why it is. 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00000-00000020-00000434 hey y'all and welcome to spare room I'm 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00001-00000293-00000625 Karen Terry, and today we're going to 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00002-00000434-00000859 talk about the first piece of setting up 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00003-00000625-00000976 your discord RPG. So I've had a few 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00004-00000859-00001187 requests for this and we're going to 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00005-00000976-00001417 dive into it today. I'm gonna share my 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00006-00001187-00001667 screen so that you guys can see exactly 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00007-00001417-00001838 what I'm doing in discord, but the point 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00008-00001667-00002018 of this video is essentially if you're 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00009-00001838-00002249 an admin, and you're thinking of setting 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00010-00002018-00002405 up your next role play group on discord, 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00011-00002249-00002611 I'm going to show you guys how to use 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00012-00002405-00002798 roles on discord to make that really 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00013-00002611-00002996 effective. There's a few other things 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00014-00002798-00003241 that we can talk about with discord roleplay 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00015-00002996-00003424 groups such as what bots to use, or 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00016-00003241-00003640 what kind of channels I recommend to 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00017-00003424-00003803 have, so if this is helpful for you let 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00018-00003640-00004069 me know down below because I can make 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00019-00003803-00004240 more videos on some other things that I 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00020-00004069-00004435 do when I'm setting up my discord 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00021-00004240-00004654 roleplay groups so I'm going to be 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00022-00004435-00004892 showing this to you on the desktop 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00023-00004654-00005083 browser version of discord, and the 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00024-00004892-00005248 reason why I'm doing that is because I 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00025-00005083-00005401 think it's just a little bit easier when 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00026-00005248-00005614 you're first setting up all of the 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00027-00005401-00005812 things that you need to set up, but once 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00028-00005614-00006004 that setup is done you can basically 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00029-00005812-00006187 manage the roleplay from your phone, so 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00030-00006004-00006404 that's a huge benefit to discord 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00031-00006187-00006586 roleplay groups. So the first thing you 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00032-00006404-00006868 need to do in here is create the server 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00033-00006586-00007045 if you scroll down to the bottom of your 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00034-00006868-00007259 server list there's a little circular 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00035-00007045-00007528 icon right here. So we're going to give 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00036-00007259-00007810 that a click, and then we're going to 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00037-00007528-00007981 click create a server. We're going to 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00038-00007810-00008095 give the server a name, and then we're 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00039-00007981-00008234 going to click create, so I'm just going 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00040-00008095-00008979 to make a test server for now so you 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00041-00008234-00009434 guys can see. And this is the start of 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00042-00008979-00009622 what we have on our server. The first 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00043-00009434-00009796 thing that I do on a new server is 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00044-00009622-00009943 delete the voice channels because I 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00045-00009796-00010246 don't have time to moderate voice 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00046-00009943-00010699 channels so I don't keep them. So we're 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00047-00010246-00011096 going to delete that, and delete the 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00048-00010699-00011402 channel. Okay cool. Another thing to note 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00049-00011096-00011656 is that the text channel that's here by 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00050-00011402-00011867 default, this is where the default 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00051-00011656-00012082 welcome messages will go that discord 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00052-00011867-00012260 has, so make sure you don't make your 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00053-00012082-00012524 first channel something that you aren't 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00054-00012260-00012736 okay with getting some spam in. I make it 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00055-00012524-00012875 my general chat personally, but you can 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00056-00012736-00013025 make it whatever. I just wouldn't 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00057-00012875-00013268 recommend making it something where you 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00058-00013025-00013400 put important information. So the very 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00059-00013268-00013715 first thing we need to do 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00060-00013400-00013894 our server is fixed our roles, so that's 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00061-00013715-00014093 where we see the server name at the top 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00062-00013894-00014375 right here. We would click on that, and 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00063-00014093-00014566 then click server settings, and then 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00064-00014375-00014852 click on roles. Now I'm actually going to 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00065-00014566-00015238 do this on my role play group that I 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00066-00014852-00015437 already have, so that you guys can see 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00067-00015238-00015905 what it looks like when it's fully 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00068-00015437-00016069 fleshed out. So here's all of my roles 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00069-00015905-00016262 now the first thing we need to do with 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00070-00016069-00016400 the roles, is when you go in here you're 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00071-00016262-00016553 not going to have all of these. I made 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00072-00016400-00016829 these, but you are gonna have this 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00073-00016553-00016945 everyone role down here. So we've got a 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00074-00016829-00017282 couple things we need to do on the 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00075-00016945-00017516 everyone role. It's got a bunch of these 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00076-00017282-00017795 things turned on by default, so the 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00077-00017516-00018017 things that I turn off in particular are 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00078-00017795-00018245 changed nickname, and the reason that I 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00079-00018017-00018437 do this is because I want the nickname 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00080-00018245-00018647 to be the person's out of character name. 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00081-00018437-00018833 I don't want them to set it to their 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00082-00018647-00019028 character name so I don't allow them to 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00083-00018833-00019223 change that. I have mods change people's 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00084-00019028-00019355 nicknames. The other one that you'll want 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00085-00019223-00019544 to turn off, and I just scroll down a 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00086-00019355-00019760 little to get to this is this mention 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00087-00019544-00019991 everyone. Everyone shouldn't have the 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00088-00019760-00020198 ability to mention everyone. Now this 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00089-00019991-00020432 isn't a huge thing in my roleplays 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00090-00020198-00020663 because mine are about 20 to 30 people, 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00091-00020432-00020851 so it just doesn't happen a lot, but for 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00092-00020663-00021044 larger roleplays you definitely don't 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00093-00020851-00021206 want this to be a thing. You'll also want 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00094-00021044-00021395 to make sure you just look through this 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00095-00021206-00021554 and read through this and kind of make a 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00096-00021395-00021809 decision on what you want for your 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00097-00021554-00021979 particular server. There's a lot of stuff 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00098-00021809-00022241 in here and depending on the size of 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00099-00021979-00022498 your roleplay will depend on what things 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00100-00022241-00022709 should be turned on and off for everyone 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00101-00022498-00023020 for you. Now the reason why we set this 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00102-00022709-00023342 first is because once you set what is in 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00103-00023020-00023510 everyone, if we go back up here we'll see 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00104-00023342-00023741 this plus here to create a new role. 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00105-00023510-00024032 Every time we create a new role by 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00106-00023741-00024215 default it's gonna have what we set for 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00107-00024032-00024488 everyone. So now that we have the 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00108-00024215-00024659 everyone role set how we want it we can 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00109-00024488-00024982 make the other roles. You'll need a 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00110-00024659-00025226 minimum four sort of groups of people. The 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00111-00024982-00025454 admin that's you, the rest of your mod 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00112-00025226-00025631 team, then your players, and then the 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00113-00025454-00025798 people that have joined the server, but 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00114-00025631-00026029 haven't joined the roleplay yet. The 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00115-00025798-00026237 admin role here will have the 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00116-00026029-00026503 administrator permission turned on, and 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00117-00026237-00026693 have rights to everything. Now no matter 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00118-00026503-00026768 how much you love and trust your mods, do 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00119-00026693-00026938 not give them 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00120-00026768-00027191 admin rights. There's just too many 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00121-00026938-00027577 accidents that can happen, so save that 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00122-00027191-00027872 just for you. So next let's look at the 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00123-00027577-00027974 role for the mods. For this one I turn 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00124-00027872-00028294 everything on 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00125-00027974-00028532 except this administrator permission, so 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00126-00028294-00028697 they can essentially do everything. The 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00127-00028532-00028874 mods are the people that I trust that 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00128-00028697-00029047 help with things while I'm asleep, so 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00129-00028874-00029300 they need to be able to do everything 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00130-00029047-00029475 that's necessary, and essentially that's 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00131-00029300-00029741 all of this stuff except for 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00132-00029475-00029914 administrator. Oh and then manage server, 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00133-00029741-00030220 also I have that turned off for the mods. 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00134-00029914-00030443 Next we have this member role here and 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00135-00030220-00030700 then also the noob role. Now I don't 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00136-00030443-00030934 actually change any of the settings for 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00137-00030700-00031175 these these are just kept the same as 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00138-00030934-00031213 what everyone has. You'll see why in just 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00139-00031175-00031547 a bit. 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00140-00031213-00031847 Next we have the 18+ role this is to 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00141-00031547-00031988 mark people who are over 18, and this is 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00142-00031847-00032180 how you get to see the NSFW 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00143-00031988-00032372 content in the roleplay. 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00144-00032180-00032641 I'll show you how in a bit but keep this 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00145-00032372-00032875 in mind if you allow lewd content in 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00146-00032641-00033094 your roleplay, you'll need an 18+ 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00147-00032875-00033347 role to make sure that only people over 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00148-00033094-00033581 18 can see it. Then we have some sort of 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00149-00033347-00033911 fun roles some of these I manage, some 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00150-00033581-00034058 are managed by bots. Speaking of bots, if 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00151-00033911-00034234 this is helpful to you guys, if you'd 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00152-00034058-00034421 like a video that talks about what bots 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00153-00034234-00034643 I think are useful for a discord 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00154-00034421-00034822 roleplay, let me know, and I'll definitely 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00155-00034643-00034982 make a video about that. So for these 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00156-00034822-00035183 kind of fun roles that don't really mean 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00157-00034982-00035515 anything, I have pronouns I have time 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00158-00035183-00035675 zones, colors and you can kind of make 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00159-00035515-00035915 these whatever you want, custom to your 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00160-00035675-00036140 roleplay. Whatever you find useful for 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00161-00035915-00036386 you. The roles that I feel are necessary 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00162-00036140-00036593 however, are these ones right here. So 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00163-00036386-00036758 these are people's character names so 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00164-00036593-00036977 remember how I said I don't let people 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00165-00036758-00037144 change their nicknames? that's because 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00166-00036977-00037340 their nickname in discord is their out 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00167-00037144-00037637 of character name, and then we list the 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00168-00037340-00037847 characters in the roles. Now the reason 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00169-00037637-00038108 why I do that is because the nicknames 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00170-00037847-00038344 in discord have a character limit, so you 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00171-00038108-00038528 can't just put the character name in 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00172-00038344-00038659 there, if you allow people to play more 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00173-00038528-00038884 than one character. You're going to run 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00174-00038659-00039281 out of space. So character names go in 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00175-00038884-00039521 the roles. So that's the roles. Now what's 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00176-00039281-00039772 cool about setting up all these roles is 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00177-00039521-00039983 now I can control what channels people 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00178-00039772-00040157 see. If we go under one of the roleplay 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00179-00039983-00040418 categories, for example. 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00180-00040157-00040649 So let's just expand one so what you see 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00181-00040418-00040826 here is a bunch of little lock icons. The 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00182-00040649-00041084 reason for this is people in the noob 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00183-00040826-00041294 role can't see the roleplay. They have to 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00184-00041084-00041555 introduce themselves, and apply first, and 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00185-00041294-00041759 then we give them the members role, so 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00186-00041555-00042101 they can see everything. So how did I do 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00187-00041759-00042245 it? I do it by category. So we're gonna 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00188-00042101-00042584 click that little arrow again, and click 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00189-00042245-00042731 create category. So we give that category 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00190-00042584-00042968 a name, whatever name you need to have 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00191-00042731-00043220 for it, and then we click private 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00192-00042968-00043478 category. And then I scroll down all the 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00193-00043220-00043757 way to the bottom, and I do admin, mod, 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00194-00043478-00044009 helper, veteran, member. So I'm not gonna 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00195-00043757-00044234 mark noob. So essentially what these mean 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00196-00044009-00044486 is you need to have one of these roles 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00197-00044234-00044690 to be able to see the category. So that 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00198-00044486-00044894 means any random person that comes into 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00199-00044690-00045098 the server, can't see the actual roleplay 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00200-00044894-00045221 until they've been approved, and if 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00201-00045098-00045467 you're following along, you've probably 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00202-00045221-00045716 also guessed that if we make a category 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00203-00045467-00045872 for NSFW content, then what 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00204-00045716-00046169 we need to do under here is mark that 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00205-00045872-00046382 18+ role. So instead of these we had 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00206-00046169-00046559 mark this 18+ role right here, and what that 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00207-00046382-00046814 means is that the person has to have 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00208-00046559-00047051 that 18+ role to be able to see that 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00209-00046814-00047183 NSFW category. So these are 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00210-00047051-00047375 the things that you can do with roles, 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00211-00047183-00047708 and how you can use them to organize 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00212-00047375-00047963 your discord roleplay. Discord also has 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00213-00047708-00048182 things organized into channels, and you 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00214-00047963-00048314 can install bots as well to automate 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00215-00048182-00048554 some things on your server. This is 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00216-00048314-00048728 really useful for larger servers. So let 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00217-00048554-00048920 me know down below if you'd be 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00218-00048728-00049142 interested in me going into some more 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00219-00048920-00049289 detail on these topics, and what other 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00220-00049142-00049472 things you might be curious about when 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00221-00049289-00049607 it comes to discord roleplay. I've been 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00222-00049472-00049868 running discord roleplays for a while 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00223-00049607-00050090 now, so whatever you guys want to know I 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00224-00049868-00050249 can make a video on. And as always of 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00225-00050090-00050396 course remember to like if you like this 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00226-00050249-00050582 video comment down below with any 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00227-00050396-00050738 questions that you have. Subscribe to my 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00228-00050582-00050918 channel for more videos. Click that bell 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00229-00050738-00051044 for notifications. All the links to my 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00230-00050918-00051263 social media down in the doobly-doo. 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00231-00051044-00051499 Thank you so much for watching, and make 6Ql7Q-iaTFA-00232-00051263-00051499 it a great day 6UHDRhcLsac-00000-00000000-00001392 there's an old saying that every villain is the hero in their own mind everybody 6UHDRhcLsac-00001-00001392-00001851 this is Chris from the rewired saw where we talked about the problem focus all 6UHDRhcLsac-00002-00001851-00002148 the solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is all about helping 6UHDRhcLsac-00003-00002148-00002475 you out with your mental health and what I've been doing with the Shane Dawson 6UHDRhcLsac-00004-00002475-00002964 series is pulling little topics from the episodes to try to teach you how to 6UHDRhcLsac-00005-00002964-00003204 improve your mental health so if you're ending that kind of stuff 6UHDRhcLsac-00006-00003204-00003539 make sure you subscribe and bring that notification down and make sure that 6UHDRhcLsac-00007-00003539-00004089 notification belt is on because I am recording three yes three videos about 6UHDRhcLsac-00008-00004089-00004668 this episode so yeah I just finished actually doing this on live stream I 6UHDRhcLsac-00009-00004668-00005348 watched Shane Dawson interview of alissa violet about Jake Paul on YouTube on 6UHDRhcLsac-00010-00005348-00005682 live stream we had like over a hundred people in there for most the time and it 6UHDRhcLsac-00011-00005682-00006048 was great it was great if you guys ever coming to a live stream with me you meet 6UHDRhcLsac-00012-00006048-00006928 a whole different version of Chris but but yeah so like again my channel 6UHDRhcLsac-00013-00006928-00007453 it's not to be a drama channels not to spill in 80 like this video isn't for 6UHDRhcLsac-00014-00007453-00008109 alissa violet okay this video is for you okay like what everybody just saw was 6UHDRhcLsac-00015-00008109-00008934 alissa violet playing the victim for almost 50 minutes I tried for so long to 6UHDRhcLsac-00016-00008934-00009671 change him to make him a better person it's just he never wanted to change okay 6UHDRhcLsac-00017-00009671-00010182 points in this right like when I was doing the livestream I was telling the 6UHDRhcLsac-00018-00010182-00010870 chat you know what Shane Dawson needs me to go with him to the next docu-series 6UHDRhcLsac-00019-00010870-00011367 so like I'm nothing special like I'm a recovering drug addict an alcoholic I 6UHDRhcLsac-00020-00011367-00011920 used to be s everybody I be asked people all the time right then I worked in 6UHDRhcLsac-00021-00011920-00012270 addiction treatment for the last three years and I'm working at a new facility 6UHDRhcLsac-00022-00012270-00013029 now right like part of my job is to call people out on their BS Alyssa did this 6UHDRhcLsac-00023-00013029-00013651 50 times like you want this entire thing she just kept contradicting herself and 6UHDRhcLsac-00024-00013651-00014238 like the first day I want to talk about is the lack of self-awareness the lack 6UHDRhcLsac-00025-00014238-00014722 of taking responsibility for your actions like this is one of the reasons 6UHDRhcLsac-00026-00014722-00015297 I have a playlist about how to apologize people do not know how to own up to 6UHDRhcLsac-00027-00015297-00015709 their stuff they don't like Alissa violet saying like oh I just wanted to 6UHDRhcLsac-00028-00015709-00016023 do this I wanted to make this video I just want to talk about and just get it 6UHDRhcLsac-00029-00016023-00016347 all out there so so I could just you know get it over with and never talk 6UHDRhcLsac-00030-00016347-00016632 about this stuff again like she just wants everybody to know the truth right 6UHDRhcLsac-00031-00016632-00017220 I don't know I just want to tell my side I don't really care like what people got 6UHDRhcLsac-00032-00017220-00017776 to say I like but like throughout the entire thing but she never I don't think 6UHDRhcLsac-00033-00017776-00018426 what I don't think one time she said what I did was messed up alright you 6UHDRhcLsac-00034-00018426-00018700 guys can go we watch it if you wanted you didn't let me know in the comments 6UHDRhcLsac-00035-00018700-00019231 if I'm wrong but there was no point where she said yeah you know they did 6UHDRhcLsac-00036-00019231-00019667 this but what I did was wrong no it was Jake used to 6UHDRhcLsac-00037-00019667-00020098 logan used her they both used her writing she didn't know and she was just 6UHDRhcLsac-00038-00020098-00020522 the innocent one and stuff like that and I don't know like I love what Shane's 6UHDRhcLsac-00039-00020522-00021203 doing but I kind of feel what Shane needs to figure out with himself what 6UHDRhcLsac-00040-00021203-00021617 he's trying to do with these docu-series right like what is he trying to do it 6UHDRhcLsac-00041-00021617-00022048 sounds like he's trying to help people but I always say this I'll say it a 6UHDRhcLsac-00042-00022048-00022394 million times again the best people in your life will tell you what you need to 6UHDRhcLsac-00043-00022394-00022838 hear and not what you want to hear so I don't know if just in that moment Shane 6UHDRhcLsac-00044-00022838-00023315 doesn't recognize how many times Elissa was lacking self-awareness how much 6UHDRhcLsac-00045-00023315-00023966 Elissa was playing the victim like Elissa hooking up with Logan she's 6UHDRhcLsac-00046-00023966-00024328 somehow turn that into playing the victim 6UHDRhcLsac-00047-00024328-00024829 okay Jake lied and said that I cheated which I never cheated we were never 6UHDRhcLsac-00048-00024829-00025325 together and it was just by the way before I get these types of hate 6UHDRhcLsac-00049-00025325-00025804 comments like if you if you've been watching my Shane Dawson recaps like I'm 6UHDRhcLsac-00050-00025804-00026330 not specifically targeting Elissa like anybody who's popped up in this I'm like 6UHDRhcLsac-00051-00026330-00026732 oh my god like pretty much everybody you'll see me saying the exact same 6UHDRhcLsac-00052-00026732-00027338 things about Jake I almost guarantee it so Elissa talks about how Jake was using 6UHDRhcLsac-00053-00027338-00027836 her right like from what did I miss from what it sounds like they made an 6UHDRhcLsac-00054-00027836-00028428 agreement okay like Jake he can get clicks by putting her in thumbnails and 6UHDRhcLsac-00055-00028428-00029000 she knew that she would get recognized and it would help her modeling if she 6UHDRhcLsac-00056-00029000-00029360 did the same thing so there was like mutual using and by the way I've been a 6UHDRhcLsac-00057-00029360-00029768 dive more into that and other topics but like they were both the fault like I 6UHDRhcLsac-00058-00029768-00030091 just want to make it very clear so when I started working on my mental health 6UHDRhcLsac-00059-00030091-00030464 part of the thing I had to do was go through and write down a complete 6UHDRhcLsac-00060-00030464-00030989 inventory of me I can write down all the people who had hurt me I had to look at 6UHDRhcLsac-00061-00030989-00031658 it what they did how they hurt me I do write about all that stuff everything 6UHDRhcLsac-00062-00031658-00032128 from my childhood but then I had to write about what was my part in it what 6UHDRhcLsac-00063-00032128-00032735 did i do what did I do wrong in this situation right like 6UHDRhcLsac-00064-00032735-00033092 it's very important and nobody looks at that and this is why I make videos for 6UHDRhcLsac-00065-00033092-00033455 all of you I try to give you the context of what's going on in these YouTube 6UHDRhcLsac-00066-00033455-00033929 videos like nobody looks at their part everybody is like I made a video 6UHDRhcLsac-00067-00033929-00034571 yesterday about Jeffrey star and how is it drama magnet Jeffrey's Jeffrey you 6UHDRhcLsac-00068-00034571-00035015 know he wonders why this drama is just always attracted to him but what 6UHDRhcLsac-00069-00035015-00035486 decisions are these people making what decisions are you making that's putting 6UHDRhcLsac-00070-00035486-00036050 you in a situation later on to be hurt alright but the contradictions were just 6UHDRhcLsac-00071-00036050-00036530 baffling me I kept pausing it but I was doing the livestream so for example 6UHDRhcLsac-00072-00036530-00037085 Elissa violet went and hooked up with Logan Paul she hooked up with Jay Paul's 6UHDRhcLsac-00073-00037085-00037574 brother and Alyssa said oh my god I don't want to know about this I don't 6UHDRhcLsac-00074-00037574-00037940 want to know about this and this is a manipulation of shame by the way she's 6UHDRhcLsac-00075-00037940-00038267 trying to like shame know I'm a good person I told Logan that I don't want 6UHDRhcLsac-00076-00038267-00038597 Jake to know about this I don't want to hurt Jake even though she intentionally 6UHDRhcLsac-00077-00038597-00039089 did that to get back at Jake alright so bear with me for a second so now she's 6UHDRhcLsac-00078-00039089-00040289 manipulating shame by saying I told him not to tell Jake okay after that she 6UHDRhcLsac-00079-00040289-00040703 talks about the diss tracks the diss tracks during the summer she says and 6UHDRhcLsac-00080-00040703-00041096 that quote they were just a fun thing that we did okay so she says they were 6UHDRhcLsac-00081-00041096-00041372 just a fun thing that we did no malicious intent 6UHDRhcLsac-00082-00041372-00041741 nothing like that there were just a fun thing that we did so then she makes a 6UHDRhcLsac-00083-00041741-00042248 diss track with Logan Paul and she plays the victim again now let me let me make 6UHDRhcLsac-00084-00042248-00042569 this perfectly clear I don't like Logan Paul I think Logan 6UHDRhcLsac-00085-00042569-00042845 Paul's a bad person I think it's a terrible influence 6UHDRhcLsac-00086-00042845-00043445 but like I'll call it out for all these things but Elissa violet playing the 6UHDRhcLsac-00087-00043445-00043865 victim and saying after we recorded it I asked him not to post it because I 6UHDRhcLsac-00088-00043865-00044312 thought it was mean are you kidding me right now Elissa like your come-to-jesus 6UHDRhcLsac-00089-00044312-00044852 moment needed to happen before you recorded it like I just want I just want 6UHDRhcLsac-00090-00044852-00045254 to just kind of give you that perspective okay like look at the music 6UHDRhcLsac-00091-00045254-00045422 video look at these music videos that the 6UHDRhcLsac-00092-00045422-00045818 these people are making like I think they're dumb and terrible but either way 6UHDRhcLsac-00093-00045818-00046271 they're investing time and money in these things like Alisa is a very 6UHDRhcLsac-00094-00046271-00046736 self-centered and selfish person there were a bunch of people down there to 6UHDRhcLsac-00095-00046736-00047165 record this video right Logan Paul probably invested money or as business 6UHDRhcLsac-00096-00047165-00047513 invested money to record this video we're talking about directors we're 6UHDRhcLsac-00097-00047513-00047876 talking about editors we're talking about all these people for music videos 6UHDRhcLsac-00098-00047876-00048338 you actually record the track and then you make the video so I just want you to 6UHDRhcLsac-00099-00048338-00048758 kind of play this tape out in your mind about how much work went into it then 6UHDRhcLsac-00100-00048758-00049139 after it was all done Alissa goes and she says and then I 6UHDRhcLsac-00101-00049139-00049478 didn't want him to post it and then the music gets kind of dramatic and she 6UHDRhcLsac-00102-00049478-00049829 tells Shane he told me milk there's nothing you can do legally I can post 6UHDRhcLsac-00103-00049829-00050570 this video so she's trying to play the victim and say oh I'm sorry but I would 6UHDRhcLsac-00104-00050570-00050843 have posted it to I'll be like sorry girls like you would have needed to 6UHDRhcLsac-00105-00050843-00051287 figure this out like I was saying in the chat like I do not tolerate BS in my 6UHDRhcLsac-00106-00051287-00051691 life this this is so this was completely Alyssa's fault and she needs to own that 6UHDRhcLsac-00107-00051691-00052105 she needs to own it she should have said to Shane right there you know in 6UHDRhcLsac-00108-00052105-00052436 hindsight I should have never done it in the first place but here's where her 6UHDRhcLsac-00109-00052436-00052816 contradictions and lack of self-awareness get even worse that video 6UHDRhcLsac-00110-00052816-00053189 I look this up that video was posted June 9th 6UHDRhcLsac-00111-00053189-00053777 of 2017 okay and it's her video with Logan Paul talking about how she's 6UHDRhcLsac-00112-00053777-00054154 hooking up with Logan and set a dick and by the way mind you earlier she said she 6UHDRhcLsac-00113-00054154-00054545 didn't want Jake to know so why would she publicly making a video pushing it 6UHDRhcLsac-00114-00054545-00054967 in her face to Jake because she's hooking up with Logan alright but the 6UHDRhcLsac-00115-00054967-00055586 very next day waste gum posted video with Elissa violet and Elissa violet was 6UHDRhcLsac-00116-00055586-00055997 doing the same thing and shoving it in Jake's face that she was hooking up of 6UHDRhcLsac-00117-00055997-00056639 Logan so yeah Elissa violet has a problem playing the victim and this is 6UHDRhcLsac-00118-00056639-00057038 why this is why I tell all of you guys this is why I tell all of you guys you 6UHDRhcLsac-00119-00057038-00057503 need to keep people in your life who are not just yes men or yes women you've got 6UHDRhcLsac-00120-00057503-00058042 to have people in your life who call you out on your BS you have to well in and 6UHDRhcLsac-00121-00058042-00058399 if not you're gonna stay the victim your entire life like this is 6UHDRhcLsac-00122-00058399-00058849 personal experience I used to hang out with nothing but enablers here's a quick 6UHDRhcLsac-00123-00058849-00059299 story for months before I got clean I wasn't allowed to see my son my son's 6UHDRhcLsac-00124-00059299-00059794 mom said I'm not letting you see Dylan anymore until you get sober until you 6UHDRhcLsac-00125-00059794-00060133 get your act together and I'm like screw you right and I was a terrible person I 6UHDRhcLsac-00126-00060133-00060598 kept drinking I kept using hung out with enablers all I did was hunk hanging out 6UHDRhcLsac-00127-00060598-00060886 with enablers I would go to the bar with him I would get drunk I thought can you 6UHDRhcLsac-00128-00060886-00061291 believe her keeping keeping my son away from me and they'd be like yeah man 6UHDRhcLsac-00129-00061291-00061695 screw her screw her so they were feeding into my 6UHDRhcLsac-00130-00061695-00062194 BS this is one of the reasons why I tell you guys to stop it and become 6UHDRhcLsac-00131-00062194-00062683 self-aware I have people in my life making me feel like it was her fault 6UHDRhcLsac-00132-00062683-00063097 that I was drinking and using it couldn't see my son but when I when I 6UHDRhcLsac-00133-00063097-00063523 got sober and I started keeping people around who called me out on my BS they 6UHDRhcLsac-00134-00063523-00064152 let me know like I was a scrub it was me that was my fault it was her fault that 6UHDRhcLsac-00135-00064152-00064489 I couldn't see my son it was my fault so this is why I try to 6UHDRhcLsac-00136-00064489-00064798 take these lessons and teach them to all of you you've got to be self-aware 6UHDRhcLsac-00137-00064798-00065194 you've got to take responsibility for your own actions and you gotta hang out 6UHDRhcLsac-00138-00065194-00065602 with people who call you out on your BS because a lot of us a lot of us have a 6UHDRhcLsac-00139-00065602-00066064 problem with self-awareness like as much as my beautiful girlfriend just riles me 6UHDRhcLsac-00140-00066064-00066592 up sometimes when she calls me out on my stuff I need that in my life because my 6UHDRhcLsac-00141-00066592-00067186 brain tells me like I said in the intro I'm always the hero of my own story all 6UHDRhcLsac-00142-00067186-00067591 right so I hope that makes sense to all of you but anyways again making two more 6UHDRhcLsac-00143-00067591-00067954 videos about this but let me know this down in the comments below do you hang 6UHDRhcLsac-00144-00067954-00068295 out with people who tell you what you need to hear or what you want to hear 6UHDRhcLsac-00145-00068295-00068644 alright let's talk in the comments but that's all I got for you with this video 6UHDRhcLsac-00146-00068644-00068914 if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you 6UHDRhcLsac-00147-00068914-00069280 subscribe and bring that notification bell and a huge thank you to everybody 6UHDRhcLsac-00148-00069280-00069655 supporting the channel over on patreon if you would like to support the channel 6UHDRhcLsac-00149-00069655-00070020 on patreon to get your map up here make sure to click the top on that icon right 6UHDRhcLsac-00150-00070020-00070393 there all right thanks again for watching be self-aware and I'll see you 6UHDRhcLsac-00151-00070393-00070629 next time 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00000-00000000-00002052 Welcome to Copyright Basics for Open Educational Resource Repositories presented by UBC Library and Copyright at UBC. Copyright basics is the first in a 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00001-00002052-00002301 series of five videos. 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00002-00002301-00002761 The purpose of this video is to introduce you to the basics of copyright. 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00003-00002761-00003346 In the slides that follow we will discuss: One, what copyright is and what it 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00004-00003346-00003993 protects; Two, the rights of copyright owners; and Three, user rights which are 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00005-00003993-00004480 exceptions to owners' rights. Copyright law is the responsibility of the federal 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00006-00004480-00005030 government and the law is housed in the Copyright Act. The Act attempts to balance the 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00007-00005030-00005509 interests of creators with those of users of copyrighted works. The rights of 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00008-00005509-00005939 creators, known as authors in the Act, are set out in the opening sections of the Act. 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00009-00005939-00006426 These sections are followed by sections which are legally termed exceptions but are 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00010-00006426-00006889 popularly known as user rights. The best known of the user rights is fair dealing 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00011-00006889-00007258 and it and other user rights will be discussed later in this presentation. 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00012-00007258-00007853 The Copyright Act gives rights to creators over their works. Creators can 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00013-00007853-00008397 subsequently assign any of those rights to another body like a publisher or record 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00014-00008397-00008897 company which then becomes the owner of the assigned rights. In the course of 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00015-00008897-00009328 this presentation the expressions 'creator rights' and 'owner rights' will be used 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00016-00009328-00009817 interchangeably, but is important to remember that in most instances the Creator of a work 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00017-00009817-00010402 is the first owner of copyright. Where the creator of a work is employed by another body such 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00018-00010402-00010932 as a business or a University, the copyright in that work is owned by the employer, in the 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00019-00010932-00011232 absence of any contractual language to the contrary. 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00020-00011322-00011839 UBC faculty members, for example, own copyright in their created teaching materials even 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00021-00011839-00012272 though they are employed by the University. When questions arise about the 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00022-00012272-00012699 appropriate use of copyright-protected works, is the owner of the copyright who 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00023-00012699-00012885 seeks to safeguard the copyright. 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00024-00012885-00013479 Original expression combines two concepts: copyright protects every 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00025-00013479-00013997 original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work. The idea of originality 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00026-00013997-00014494 has a specific meaning in copyright: it starts with the concept that the work must 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00027-00014494-00015144 be original to the author and not simply copy of another's work. To qualify as original, a creator 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00028-00015144-00015513 must exhibit some amount of skill and judgment, itself the product of an 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00029-00015513-00015893 intellectual effort in the final work, to quote the Supreme Court of Canada. 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00030-00015893-00016476 Expression in the context of copyright means that the original work has some 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00031-00016476-00016994 concrete form or product. This is referred to as fixation of the work. The 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00032-00016994-00017728 slide provides examples of such work products, but is not an exhaustive list. The key 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00033-00017728-00018233 thing to keep in mind is not the idea or concept that is embodied in the work 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00034-00018233-00018904 need not be unique; Rather, the expression of the idea is the key to originality where 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00035-00018904-00019577 an author has expressed an idea anew, to quote one authority. While copyright is certainly 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00036-00019577-00019946 the right to copy it also includes several other rights such as the right 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00037-00019946-00020467 to produce, reproduce, perform, to communicate, publish, adapt, or translate 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00038-00020467-00020916 the work. It is worth noting that in many cases a creator will assign these rights 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00039-00020916-00021350 to someone else if, for example, they want to publish their work with a publishing 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00040-00021350-00021650 house, or if they want their work translated into another language. 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00041-00021757-00022115 Particularly in the academic context, it is common for authors to assign their 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00042-00022115-00022662 copyright to a publisher on the signing of a publication agreement. It should be noted 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00043-00022662-00023100 that copyright protects the work or any substantial part of it. When a user wants 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00044-00023100-00023512 to copy or otherwise use an insubstantial part of the work, that part 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00045-00023512-00023679 is not protected by copyright. 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00046-00023679-00024141 Determining what constitutes a substantial part of the work requires 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00047-00024141-00024722 both a quantitative and qualitative analysis. It is a popular myth that a work 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00048-00024722-00025130 is not copyrighted until it has the copyright symbol prominently displayed 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00049-00025130-00025389 on it. This is not the case: 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00050-00025389-00025832 once a work is fixed in an expression it automatically enjoys copyright. 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00051-00025832-00026388 A second popular myth is that a creator or owner of copyright must register his work 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00052-00026388-00026856 with a public body like the Copyright Board of Canada: this too is false. 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00053-00026856-00027333 There are reasons to register one's work with such a body, especially where an 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00054-00027333-00027653 owner wishes to take someone who has used his work without permission to 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00055-00027653-00028212 court. In such cases registration may serve to prove ownership. The term of 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00056-00028212-00028577 copyright protection in Canada is usually the life of the author plus 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00057-00028577-00029083 fifty years. There are variations on this term depending on the types of works it 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00058-00029083-00029593 is applied to: for example, copyright in sound recordings lasts for seventy years 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00059-00029593-00030033 from the first publication of the work, or one hundred years from the first fixation of 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00060-00030033-00030606 the work. Terms of copyright protection vary according to jurisdictions: In the 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00061-00030606-00030996 United States for example the term of copyright is life of the author plus 70 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00062-00030996-00031681 years the same is true in countries that are members of the European Union. All of 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00063-00031681-00032058 the rights encompassed under copyright are the sole rights of the copyright owner. 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00064-00032058-00032483 Any user who does something that only the copyright owner is entitled to do 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00065-00032483-00033025 without permission is infringing copyright. We earlier mentioned user rights; 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00066-00033025-00033471 as noted then, user rates are called exceptions to infringement in the 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00067-00033471-00033908 Copyright Act because otherwise the uses made would be considered infringement. 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00068-00033908-00034441 Copyright infringement can result in civil or criminal penalties, the payment 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00069-00034441-00034686 of damages, fines etc., although 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00070-00034686-00035006 serious penalties are usually reserved for piracy for-profit 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00071-00035006-00035506 activities and recent changes to the Copyright Act have limited damages of 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00072-00035506-00036033 $5,000 for all non-commercial infringements. Usually the party who 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00073-00036033-00036380 commits infringement is held liable although it is important to remember 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00074-00036380-00036865 that willful ignorance is not a defense. For example, if you download a YouTube 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00075-00036865-00037243 clip of a movie that has obviously been placed there as a result of an 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00076-00037243-00037831 infringement you can still be liable. Copyright does not apply to all 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00077-00037831-00038350 intellectual property: in general it does not protect factual information, titles 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00078-00038350-00038679 of works, short word combinations, names, 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00079-00038679-00039301 characters, slogans, themes, plots or ideas. There are instances however, where 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00080-00039301-00039771 copying essential elements of the plot characters and themes lead to a finding 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00081-00039771-00040305 of infringement. While many of these non- copyrightable terms are easily 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00082-00040305-00040817 understood let's take a minute to examine the expression, 'ideas'. It is not 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00083-00040817-00041514 possible to copyright an idea, even one that is spoken, if it is not fixed. Once fixed in 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00084-00041514-00042192 a material form, an idea becomes the expression of an idea and that is copyrightable. In 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00085-00042192-00042728 copyright talk this is referred to as the idea expression dichotomy. It is 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00086-00042728-00043062 important to note that while these outputs are not protected by copyright, 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00087-00043062-00043451 they may still be protected by other forms of intellectual property such as 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00088-00043451-00044026 trade mark. Finally, as previously mentioned, any work that has entered into 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00089-00044026-00044373 the public domain after copyright has expired 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00090-00044373-00044874 is no longer protected by copyright and may be copied freely. Occasionally 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00091-00044874-00045174 creators may also bequeath their work to the public domain 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00092-00045230-00045668 prior to the expiration of their copyright. The US federal government for example 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00093-00045668-00045997 passes all of their published works into the public domain 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00094-00046057-00046783 upon publication. While copyright is meant to protect creators and their works, it 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00095-00046783-00047212 also seeks to balance creator rights with user rights. Fair dealing is the 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00096-00047212-00047685 heart of what are known as user rights in copyright. It is formally known as an 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00097-00047685-00048336 exception to copyright. In the US the concept is known as fair use. Fair dealing means 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00098-00048336-00048815 that in spite of such a use being illegal in other circumstances, the use is legal 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00099-00048815-00049115 when it meets the requirements of fair dealing. 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00100-00049169-00049563 To employ a fair dealing to a copying activity you must find a purpose for 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00101-00049563-00049944 that copying that corresponds to one of the purposes set out in the law. 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00102-00049944-00050664 These are: research; private study; education; parody and satire. A second set 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00103-00050664-00050858 of exceptions are confined to criticism 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00104-00050858-00051529 and review, while a third set relies upon news reporting. Like many other things the 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00105-00051529-00051988 Copyright Act, there is no definition of what constitutes a fair dealing or when 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00106-00051988-00052405 a fair dealing is attained. Findings of fair dealings are determined in the 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00107-00052405-00052904 particular context of the copying use. What may be considered fair in one instance 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00108-00052904-00053457 may not be fair in a similar but not exactly the same other instance. For more information 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00109-00053457-00053889 concerning fair dealing at UBC please refer to the UBC copyright websites 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00110-00053889-00054327 fair dealing requirements for UBC faculty and staff and fair dealing in 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00111-00054327-00054829 practice guides. Educational exceptions to infringement are another set of user 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00112-00054829-00055175 rights. They permit use of material in the classroom that would 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00113-00055175-00055739 otherwise not be permissible. Their application in an open environment is 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00114-00055739-00056170 severely limited because they can only be used where the presentation of the 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00115-00056170-00056248 content 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00116-00056248-00056741 takes place within the premises of an educational institution. Were part of 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00117-00056741-00057202 the OERR restricted to enrolled students and a UBC course the content 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00118-00057202-00057626 could be use provided the other restrictions including a legitimate copy 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00119-00057626-00057988 of the work is being used, there was no breaking of a technological protection 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00120-00057988-00058392 measures to get access to it and the object or the site from which it has 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00121-00058392-00058876 taken did not make a positive statement prohibiting the use are observed. Where 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00122-00058876-00059077 the content will be widely available 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00123-00059077-00059567 exception loses its force. This has been one in a series of interrelated videos 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00124-00059567-00060066 on copyright and Open Educational Resource Repositories presented by UBC 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00125-00060066-00060604 Library and Copyright at UBC. For more information please refer to the 6VJ3OoE4r-E-00126-00060604-00060917 following Copyright at UBC website resources. 6XP4K8inftY-00000-00000000-00000150 Hi, thanks for watching this! 6XP4K8inftY-00001-00000150-00000250 I hope your day is or has been amazing! 6XP4K8inftY-00002-00000309-00000509 thanks for all of your support and I am hoping to get better and make new videos! 6XP4K8inftY-00003-00000560-00000760 Enjoy! 6cicYDbiv7Y-00000-00000000-00000911 Oh my god. What am I doing? Hi, welcome to Just Thinking Out Loud. My name is 6cicYDbiv7Y-00001-00000911-00001533 Desi-Rae. I must say that I have really missed making these videos and I've been 6cicYDbiv7Y-00002-00001533-00002175 swamped with work but I will make these videos whenever I get a chance. Don't 6cicYDbiv7Y-00003-00002175-00002411 forget to donate at justthinkingoutloud.tv/donate 6cicYDbiv7Y-00004-00002411-00002885 to keep these videos coming. And don't forget to follow me on 6cicYDbiv7Y-00005-00002885-00003384 Twitter as well as keep in mind there are a lot of alternative platforms out 6cicYDbiv7Y-00006-00003384-00003927 there. And speaking of alternative platforms, the big topic of the month 6cicYDbiv7Y-00007-00003927-00004394 even though it really should be the holiday season and the giving spirit is 6cicYDbiv7Y-00008-00004394-00004889 censorship and free speech and the de-platforming of people. So I ended up 6cicYDbiv7Y-00009-00004889-00005339 writing a speech about it that I feel very passionate about and I'm about to go 6cicYDbiv7Y-00010-00005339-00005810 through that with you. While crypto-adventuring in South Africa an 6cicYDbiv7Y-00011-00005810-00006344 interesting fact was brought up to me by a team member that I met their. Free 6cicYDbiv7Y-00012-00006344-00006801 speech doesn't have its origins in individual freedom of expression but in 6cicYDbiv7Y-00013-00006801-00007334 the rights of others to hear it. Let's consider a striking example of an 6cicYDbiv7Y-00014-00007334-00007845 individual waiting to be executed. Their head is about to be chopped off. But the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00015-00007845-00008295 executioner gives them the final words so that possibly they could change the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00016-00008295-00008820 mind of the executioner himself, I'm assuming it's a guy, or of the crowd. In 6cicYDbiv7Y-00017-00008820-00009381 that moment there is an opportunity for affirmation or questioning to occur 6cicYDbiv7Y-00018-00009381-00009750 based on what is said. If it's novel information that could change the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00019-00009750-00010113 person's mind or if it's information that's already been known and reaffirms 6cicYDbiv7Y-00020-00010113-00010611 the values that are being sanctioned in that moment by that society. Because I'm 6cicYDbiv7Y-00021-00010611-00010997 assuming that this is a criminal. They did something wrong and everyone can say yes 6cicYDbiv7Y-00022-00010997-00011429 this was exactly the right decision that was made. Or they can say no which is 6cicYDbiv7Y-00023-00011429-00011817 probably unlikely. But in that moment there's a chance for that to happen. 6cicYDbiv7Y-00024-00011817-00012200 Let's consider another way to illustrate this. When children are being educated at 6cicYDbiv7Y-00025-00012200-00012768 a young age, the mind wasn't formed through honest analysis. And that honest 6cicYDbiv7Y-00026-00012768-00013362 analysis will never occur if that mind can never correct itself or strengthen 6cicYDbiv7Y-00027-00013362-00013563 its position because it never heard an 6cicYDbiv7Y-00028-00013563-00013938 opposing opinion. When it comes to problem-solving including the really 6cicYDbiv7Y-00029-00013938-00014322 difficult topics that we have to talk about concerning culture and 6cicYDbiv7Y-00030-00014322-00014781 globalization, apparently some of my favorite topics, if we eliminate those 6cicYDbiv7Y-00031-00014781-00015419 voices then we can never problem-solve properly through proper analysis and 6cicYDbiv7Y-00032-00015419-00015882 problem identification. And then the generation of strategies and solutions 6cicYDbiv7Y-00033-00015882-00016263 to solve the problems that we have. Now free speech is usually expressed within 6cicYDbiv7Y-00034-00016263-00016692 the context of an individual's right to share his or her voice. But it can also 6cicYDbiv7Y-00035-00016692-00017106 be framed as the right of others to hear that voice. I'm not talking about the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00036-00017106-00017454 United States Constitution and its First Amendment, but I'm talking about the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00037-00017454-00017925 concept of free speech itself that amendment rests on. So we're not used to 6cicYDbiv7Y-00038-00017925-00018285 thinking of free speech as a right from the perspective of the receiver because 6cicYDbiv7Y-00039-00018285-00018882 much of his historical context has been lost. Here are some modern definitions of 6cicYDbiv7Y-00040-00018882-00019383 free speech. Wikipedia defines freedom of speech as "a principle that supports the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00041-00019383-00019842 freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas 6cicYDbiv7Y-00042-00019842-00020432 without fear of retaliation censorship or legal sanction". Dictionary.com defines 6cicYDbiv7Y-00043-00020432-00020916 freedom of speech as "the right of people to express their opinions publicly 6cicYDbiv7Y-00044-00020916-00021311 without governmental interference subject to the laws against libel 6cicYDbiv7Y-00045-00021311-00021807 incitement to violence or rebellion". The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 6cicYDbiv7Y-00046-00021807-00022257 retains the reference to the hearing aspect of free speech in its Article 19 6cicYDbiv7Y-00047-00022257-00022710 that was established in 1949 which states that: "Everyone has the right to 6cicYDbiv7Y-00048-00022710-00023139 freedom of opinion and expression. This right includes freedom to hold opinions 6cicYDbiv7Y-00049-00023139-00023723 without interference and to seek receive and impart information and ideas through 6cicYDbiv7Y-00050-00023723-00024288 any media and regardless of frontiers." But free speech was first advocated for 6cicYDbiv7Y-00051-00024288-00024773 by Western thinkers such as Thomas Paine in his, I think it's a book, 'The Age of 6cicYDbiv7Y-00052-00024773-00025290 Reason' and John Stuart Mill in 'On Liberty', which I think is an essay. These were 6cicYDbiv7Y-00053-00025290-00025719 born out of the Enlightenment periods. And these origins are explored in an 6cicYDbiv7Y-00054-00025719-00026126 article by Geoff Greer. I'm sorry if I'm pronouncing that wrong. That was brought 6cicYDbiv7Y-00055-00026126-00026619 to my attention by the team member on the South Africa foray called 'Freedom of 6cicYDbiv7Y-00056-00026619-00026970 Speech isn't About Speech'. And he himself was influenced by 6cicYDbiv7Y-00057-00026970-00027558 Christopher Hitchens' thoughts on the topic. So Paine in Age of Reason in 1794 6cicYDbiv7Y-00058-00027558-00028086 and Mill in 1859 both spoke of the loss to the listener when speech wasn't 6cicYDbiv7Y-00059-00028086-00028455 allowed to be spoken. And that they considered this loss to be greater than 6cicYDbiv7Y-00060-00028455-00028883 the loss of the individual who's not being allowed to speak because the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00061-00028883-00029433 listener would not get the chance exchange their error for truth. Mill even 6cicYDbiv7Y-00062-00029433-00029900 thinks that silencing actually robs the human race and future generations 6cicYDbiv7Y-00063-00029900-00030411 because then their opinions will end up stagnating and we can't have any new 6cicYDbiv7Y-00064-00030411-00030888 advancements. This is not to say that these individuals, Paine and Mill, created 6cicYDbiv7Y-00065-00030888-00031308 the concept of free speech, but they might have been one of the first people 6cicYDbiv7Y-00066-00031308-00031752 to actually articulate them and and its importance to our society. 6cicYDbiv7Y-00067-00031752-00032352 Jordan Peterson goes into a more ethics-based identification of the primordial 6cicYDbiv7Y-00068-00032352-00032682 origins of free speech, which you might find very fascinating but I'm not 6cicYDbiv7Y-00069-00032682-00033135 going to go into it here. So the modern discourse around free speech, you can 6cicYDbiv7Y-00070-00033135-00033537 correct me if I'm wrong, really frames it as an individual's right expression. And 6cicYDbiv7Y-00071-00033537-00034065 that's true but it also is and should be framed as important for everyone else in 6cicYDbiv7Y-00072-00034065-00034659 society to establish their boundaries and beliefs and to advance society in a 6cicYDbiv7Y-00073-00034659-00035079 practical manner. So when we see certain things happening such as the legacy press 6cicYDbiv7Y-00074-00035079-00035400 desire and support for the free press but only referring to themselves 6cicYDbiv7Y-00075-00035400-00035877 actually and the push to remove feedback metrics such as likes or dislikes- 6cicYDbiv7Y-00076-00035877-00036375 YouTube does this with some of their own generated content and 6cicYDbiv7Y-00077-00036375-00036849 Twitter is considering doing it with the likes. We see leaders of influential 6cicYDbiv7Y-00078-00036849-00037275 social media vowing to take an active stance on what content its users are 6cicYDbiv7Y-00079-00037275-00037677 either allowed to see or that is officially recommended by them, favoring 6cicYDbiv7Y-00080-00037677-00038232 safety and civility over freedom of speech. We see individuals such as Keiko 6cicYDbiv7Y-00081-00038232-00038583 in Boston, this was recently and I'm sorry if I pronounced that wrong, being shadow 6cicYDbiv7Y-00082-00038583-00039060 banned on a Twitter thread detailing what Patreon did with its selectively banning. 6cicYDbiv7Y-00083-00039060-00039543 And of course popular thinker and youtuber Carl Benjamin AKA Sargon of 6cicYDbiv7Y-00084-00039543-00039789 Akkad was banned recently for saying the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00085-00039789-00040347 n-word. But there was little acknowledgment in my opinion and others of context, or 6cicYDbiv7Y-00086-00040347-00040767 the selectivity of the banning that was occurring, or that it happened outside of 6cicYDbiv7Y-00087-00040767-00041346 the platform's actual and stated domain of concern. Another thing we see is free 6cicYDbiv7Y-00088-00041346-00041844 speech focused platforms being vilified such as Gab.com after users are 6cicYDbiv7Y-00089-00041844-00042273 forced out of other arenas such as Twitter with nowhere else to go. And then 6cicYDbiv7Y-00090-00042273-00042822 those platforms themselves being banned left, right and center, all over the place 6cicYDbiv7Y-00091-00042822-00043302 just banning, banning, censorship going on, with their domain hosting, hosting itself 6cicYDbiv7Y-00092-00043302-00043671 for the content, and payment services that they use to reach their customers 6cicYDbiv7Y-00093-00043671-00044242 or interested parties. We also see a very very long list of individuals being 6cicYDbiv7Y-00094-00044242-00044718 de- platformed from publishing or financial services such as Tommy Robinson, Lauren 6cicYDbiv7Y-00095-00044718-00045195 Southern, Alex Jones, Robert Spencer, myself. There's someone on Twitter 6cicYDbiv7Y-00096-00045195-00045705 named Nick Monroe who does a really good job of compiling lists of those affected 6cicYDbiv7Y-00097-00045705-00046395 by this kind of financial censorship and deplatforming. And I think the most 6cicYDbiv7Y-00098-00046395-00046830 illustrative thing is the growing definition of the word, the term 6cicYDbiv7Y-00099-00046830-00047307 alt-right to include anyone who thinks beyond the standard narrative held by 6cicYDbiv7Y-00100-00047307-00047808 the mainstream media. This is people on both the left and the right, particularly 6cicYDbiv7Y-00101-00047808-00048306 concerning really volatile topics such as race, gender and culture, topics that 6cicYDbiv7Y-00102-00048306-00048770 every single person by default is intimately familiar with because 6cicYDbiv7Y-00103-00048770-00049185 everybody has those things and are forced to define themselves through 6cicYDbiv7Y-00104-00049185-00049554 those identities because of the discourse around them. So when we see 6cicYDbiv7Y-00105-00049554-00049911 these things happening we should recognize that it is not simply about 6cicYDbiv7Y-00106-00049911-00050379 silencing a voice. It's about ensuring that nobody else hears that voice. It's 6cicYDbiv7Y-00107-00050379-00050886 not only that these companies want to establish a family-friendly space. They 6cicYDbiv7Y-00108-00050886-00051329 don't want the ideas to exist. And that's why they overreach beyond their spheres 6cicYDbiv7Y-00109-00051329-00051819 of influence, as in the case with Carl, Sargon of Akkad, being kicked off 6cicYDbiv7Y-00110-00051819-00052229 of Patreon for things that he said somewhere else some really long time ago. 6cicYDbiv7Y-00111-00052229-00052616 And in the case of not allowing users to find other places to go such as 6cicYDbiv7Y-00112-00052616-00053058 Gab.com and letting it be separate from their own even after being kicked off of 6cicYDbiv7Y-00113-00053058-00053384 platforms that they they didn't want to be kicked off of, they wanted 6cicYDbiv7Y-00114-00053384-00054004 to be there. So these actions belie a desire for power over the speaker, yes. 6cicYDbiv7Y-00115-00054004-00054500 But they also show a desire to have power over the listeners, the potential 6cicYDbiv7Y-00116-00054500-00054986 listeners, to the level of wanting to control the minds of others who might be 6cicYDbiv7Y-00117-00054986-00055480 influenced. And I consider that to be very sinister. The minds of other people 6cicYDbiv7Y-00118-00055480-00056066 do not belong to Susan Wojcicki - I'm so sorry for pronouncing that wrong. I 6cicYDbiv7Y-00119-00056066-00056617 don't mean disrespect for that - Mark Zuckerberg, Jacqueline Hart, Visa and 6cicYDbiv7Y-00120-00056617-00057146 MasterCard owners, or their employees ,or their diversity departments. It's not 6cicYDbiv7Y-00121-00057146-00057515 about protection. It's about power. And it's not about the principles of 6cicYDbiv7Y-00122-00057515-00058034 inclusion or condemning immoral behavior of the past which is a surface argument. 6cicYDbiv7Y-00123-00058034-00058475 Because they should be able to reason through why that is important. These 6cicYDbiv7Y-00124-00058475-00058928 things have all been established in society for a long time, about why you 6cicYDbiv7Y-00125-00058928-00059654 don't- like why slavery was ended, why the Holocaust was bad, why genocide based on 6cicYDbiv7Y-00126-00059654-00060152 race or religion or some kind of ethnic identity is bad. That is something that's 6cicYDbiv7Y-00127-00060152-00060653 pretty much accepted by everybody. What is so different today that we can't 6cicYDbiv7Y-00128-00060653-00061079 reason about it? I think that's because we're not seeing the results we want 6cicYDbiv7Y-00129-00061079-00061591 in our societies. But that's not the topic of this video. What I'm saying is 6cicYDbiv7Y-00130-00061591-00061964 that it's about using control rather than negotiation or persuasion to shape 6cicYDbiv7Y-00131-00061964-00062396 the world in the image that these companies and their leaders desire. It's 6cicYDbiv7Y-00132-00062396-00062888 not dissimilar from the isms and obias that they claim to condemn with their 6cicYDbiv7Y-00133-00062888-00063512 actions, such as Islamophobia, sexism and racism which generally lead to the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00134-00063512-00063938 exclusion of people because they do not fit or do not have a right to the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00135-00063938-00064403 liberties given to others ,based on the mental landscape of the intolerant 6cicYDbiv7Y-00136-00064403-00064784 person. In other words, it's a form of tyranny. They would rather have the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00137-00064784-00065098 solution to a problem be solved through mandate than through negotiation. 6cicYDbiv7Y-00138-00065098-00065501 Nevermind that they still have to live in the society with the people that they have 6cicYDbiv7Y-00139-00065501-00065999 disgruntled, including co-workers, friends and family, even as they all want to try 6cicYDbiv7Y-00140-00065999-00066455 and cut ties. And it's going to have an effect on the mental stability of 6cicYDbiv7Y-00141-00066455-00066785 society. The tactics of censorship are the same as 6cicYDbiv7Y-00142-00066785-00067154 having a fight on the schoolyard playground and calling on the teacher to 6cicYDbiv7Y-00143-00067154-00067574 end it. That's when someone requests a de-platform. Or resorting to violence. And 6cicYDbiv7Y-00144-00067574-00067888 that's when someone advocates for punching a Nazi or hitting somebody with 6cicYDbiv7Y-00145-00067888-00068312 a bike lock because they said some horrendous thing that the person didn't 6cicYDbiv7Y-00146-00068312-00068612 think should be said. This is the opposite of developing the skills needed 6cicYDbiv7Y-00147-00068612-00069050 to negotiate in your society. It can cause polarization because people might 6cicYDbiv7Y-00148-00069050-00069352 appear to be more extreme in their opinions when they are forced to defend 6cicYDbiv7Y-00149-00069352-00069749 their right to speak them. It shifts their energy to focus on topics they 6cicYDbiv7Y-00150-00069749-00070292 have to fight to talk about, even then not being given enough time to actually 6cicYDbiv7Y-00151-00070292-00070829 debate them. These tactics teach others that negotiation is not the answer; 6cicYDbiv7Y-00152-00070829-00071413 termination of the source of an opposing idea is. That's not good. It's also a 6cicYDbiv7Y-00153-00071413-00071774 warning sign to others of what is appropriate and inappropriate to talk 6cicYDbiv7Y-00154-00071774-00072214 about, without ever actually discussing it and coming to their proper conclusion. 6cicYDbiv7Y-00155-00072214-00072841 Bending to that kind of coercion is only going to create more of it. And I 6cicYDbiv7Y-00156-00072841-00073345 passionately suggest that we do not do that. This approach to problem-solving in 6cicYDbiv7Y-00157-00073345-00073835 a society also prevents critical thinking, a necessity for individuation. 6cicYDbiv7Y-00158-00073835-00074279 Individuation is something that the proponents of intersectionality and it's 6cicYDbiv7Y-00159-00074279-00074800 related ideologies seem intent on crushing. This is the same source of the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00160-00074800-00075202 reasoning behind silencing offensive speech and concluding that a lack of 6cicYDbiv7Y-00161-00075202-00075650 offense is more valuable than the framework for peaceful negotiation in a 6cicYDbiv7Y-00162-00075650-00076156 society - speech. To be able to generate opposing thoughts is necessary to 6cicYDbiv7Y-00163-00076156-00076720 differentiate mentally from the whole. It is okay to think differently from others 6cicYDbiv7Y-00164-00076720-00077198 or to explore and then come back to your starting point. At least it used to be 6cicYDbiv7Y-00165-00077198-00077458 okay. Those who fear this explorative process 6cicYDbiv7Y-00166-00077458-00077897 want their ideas to be accepted rather than rationally settled. I was 6cicYDbiv7Y-00167-00077897-00078289 thinking about this and it reminded me of learning some mathematical equation and 6cicYDbiv7Y-00168-00078289-00078575 the teacher doesn't give you the proofs because it would take a really long time 6cicYDbiv7Y-00169-00078575-00078877 to go into. You don't really need to know it because it's been established over 6cicYDbiv7Y-00170-00078877-00079432 and over again. However, this isn't about passing exam and it's not about grasping 6cicYDbiv7Y-00171-00079432-00079829 the basics of a subject. It's about the moral decisions that we have developed 6cicYDbiv7Y-00172-00079829-00080374 in our societies and about changing long held axioms, such as the protection of 6cicYDbiv7Y-00173-00080374-00080920 individual rights over those of changing protected groups. Proofs are 6cicYDbiv7Y-00174-00080920-00081283 absolutely required. If you want to influence legislation but you would 6cicYDbiv7Y-00175-00081283-00081688 rather muzzle your opponent than debate them, then I don't think you should be 6cicYDbiv7Y-00176-00081688-00082198 talking. I think you should sit down. As many are learning these days and as 6cicYDbiv7Y-00177-00082198-00082582 a personal lesson for me, free speech can be suppressed through financial and 6cicYDbiv7Y-00178-00082582-00083017 platform censorship. The element of power when it comes to upholding values that 6cicYDbiv7Y-00179-00083017-00083554 we care about such as free speech has to be fully acknowledged. A can be said to 6cicYDbiv7Y-00180-00083554-00084016 have power over B if A has something that B wants. (I just learned about this 6cicYDbiv7Y-00181-00084016-00084475 in my Talent Management class, well how to define it.) If we want to reduce the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00182-00084475-00084973 impact of platform censorship, we have to focus on power first. We must make it so 6cicYDbiv7Y-00183-00084973-00085606 that we as B no longer need or want what A has to offer. Then we don't have to be 6cicYDbiv7Y-00184-00085606-00086005 subject to their capriciousness. (I really want to use that word.) For this I 6cicYDbiv7Y-00185-00086005-00086434 am a crypto advocate and look to the long term potential of trustless systems of 6cicYDbiv7Y-00186-00086434-00086968 communication and finance. Financial giants such as PayPal and MasterCard are 6cicYDbiv7Y-00187-00086968-00087409 the silent actors behind many companies the platforming of users. And that is 6cicYDbiv7Y-00188-00087409-00087790 where the focus should be. But alternative payment platforms won't be 6cicYDbiv7Y-00189-00087790-00088123 created without the thinking that generates them. And they won't be 6cicYDbiv7Y-00190-00088123-00088606 supported or maintained or developed to the level of comfort and convenience that we 6cicYDbiv7Y-00191-00088606-00089056 want because of what we're used to if we don't have the necessary mental 6cicYDbiv7Y-00192-00089056-00089623 inclinations that value those things. We should also remember that the roles can 6cicYDbiv7Y-00193-00089623-00090061 reverse because we have the data, the dollars, and the numbers that these 6cicYDbiv7Y-00194-00090061-00090559 platforms want. My content, which people don't want to support, is me defining 6cicYDbiv7Y-00195-00090559-00090988 parts of myself, defining and thinking through my identity as I go through the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00196-00090988-00091441 world, and thinking about my values as they play out in the political sphere. I 6cicYDbiv7Y-00197-00091441-00091828 began to question dominant ideas mostly because I moved from a different 6cicYDbiv7Y-00198-00091828-00092278 background from the one that I am in now. And I gave others the opportunity to hear 6cicYDbiv7Y-00199-00092278-00092638 a different perspective through my own personal confrontation with certain 6cicYDbiv7Y-00200-00092638-00093025 ideas. This is useful information for people to have because they can see the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00201-00093025-00093410 effect of the society through my eyes and through the eyes of others 6cicYDbiv7Y-00202-00093410-00093755 think like me, or don't think like me but just want to share what they have to say. 6cicYDbiv7Y-00203-00093755-00094205 This gives feedback to people. When we're thinking about why there is suffering in 6cicYDbiv7Y-00204-00094205-00094691 the world or why there is inequality, we creates and ponder suggestions about 6cicYDbiv7Y-00205-00094691-00095123 what is working, what is not working, and why. I'm a source of feedback to our 6cicYDbiv7Y-00206-00095123-00095444 society. And you're a source of feedback to me when I give you my 6cicYDbiv7Y-00207-00095444-00095852 feedback. Should I not be able to share my thoughts with people just because 6cicYDbiv7Y-00208-00095852-00096257 it's a difficult conversation? And should other people not be able to think and 6cicYDbiv7Y-00209-00096257-00096698 realign or stay with and stick with their values because it's too difficult 6cicYDbiv7Y-00210-00096698-00097124 to talk about it? I want to talk about difficult topics. I want to confront 6cicYDbiv7Y-00211-00097124-00097583 things in my mind that are uncomfortable because I think they are important. And I 6cicYDbiv7Y-00212-00097583-00098234 am NOT the only person. Of utmost importance to everyone in today's 6cicYDbiv7Y-00213-00098234-00098693 society is that it's not just about the suppression of the thoughts of the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00214-00098693-00099113 individual who is being silenced; it's also about the suppression of the minds 6cicYDbiv7Y-00215-00099113-00099557 of those who never get to hear their thoughts. It's about putting limitations 6cicYDbiv7Y-00216-00099557-00100106 on people. They are never able to explore and establish their own mental solutions 6cicYDbiv7Y-00217-00100106-00100571 and boundaries or stand on the mountain they created because they still feel the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00218-00100571-00101195 same way about it. No one's mind should be kept in chains. And nobody but you are 6cicYDbiv7Y-00219-00101195-00101786 the owner of your thoughts. That's what I wanted to say. Thank you so much for 6cicYDbiv7Y-00220-00101786-00102161 watching. I'm gonna try and keep making videos whenever I can. 6cicYDbiv7Y-00221-00102161-00102701 I really missed making this content and I really missed your feedback. Happy 6cicYDbiv7Y-00222-00102701-00103186 Holidays. Season's Greetings. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 6cicYDbiv7Y-00223-00103186-00103673 I bought these hat actually. Let me go get it. - They were all sold out and then 6cicYDbiv7Y-00224-00103673-00104252 this just doesn't fit on my head. And the bob is all gone. But I did this to try 6cicYDbiv7Y-00225-00104252-00104659 and bring some Christmas cheer into my video other than my lipstick. Don't 6cicYDbiv7Y-00226-00104659-00104930 forget to subscribe. Don't forget to donate at JustThinkingOutLoud.tv/donate. 6cicYDbiv7Y-00227-00104930-00105380 Please follow me on Twitter. And also check out all those 6cicYDbiv7Y-00228-00105380-00105914 alternative platforms. I will have links in the description. You can also read the 6cicYDbiv7Y-00229-00105914-00106421 text version of this video at JustThinkingOutLoud.tv. Thank you so much 6cicYDbiv7Y-00230-00106421-00106739 for listening or watching. Have a great day and have great 6cicYDbiv7Y-00231-00106739-00106983 holidays. Bye. 6eMtt5G1KDu-00000-00000064-00000300 hello, and welcome to working with Big Data Part 2 6eMtt5G1KDu-00001-00000361-00000890 So now we have our big data set and we've gone through some tips and tricks for selecting it and viewing it and whatnot so 6eMtt5G1KDu-00002-00000901-00001101 Now we're going to do something called 6eMtt5G1KDu-00003-00001141-00001341 making a table in excel 6eMtt5G1KDu-00004-00001357-00001757 So what we're going to first do is select the data set and I have that my split panes here 6eMtt5G1KDu-00005-00001757-00002072 So it's really easy to do it. I select the upper left hand corner hold shift 6eMtt5G1KDu-00006-00002125-00002475 Select the lower right hand corner, and you can see all of my data sets 6eMtt5G1KDu-00007-00002601-00002849 Selected because I have the split pane right in the middle here 6eMtt5G1KDu-00008-00002943-00003182 So now what I'm going to go ahead and do is go to insert 6eMtt5G1KDu-00009-00003292-00003492 Table 6eMtt5G1KDu-00010-00003529-00004007 So my table has headers you can see the first row of the table has headers 6eMtt5G1KDu-00011-00004029-00004259 So we're going to keep that checked and hit ok 6eMtt5G1KDu-00012-00004384-00005063 So first off it. It does a really nice formatting job. I like that a lot and secondly 6eMtt5G1KDu-00013-00005064-00005616 It allows you to do some powerful things. So first, what if I wanted to see 6eMtt5G1KDu-00014-00005692-00005964 What kind of days my solar power was the highest? 6eMtt5G1KDu-00015-00006046-00006246 So what I can do is I can sort 6eMtt5G1KDu-00016-00006301-00006501 largest to smallest 6eMtt5G1KDu-00017-00006517-00007295 And what that does is it shows that Jun 22nd, July 1st and May 10th are my top three solar power days. 6eMtt5G1KDu-00018-00007440-00007640 So that's great. I can also 6eMtt5G1KDu-00019-00007686-00008198 Sort by any of the other things so I could sort by temperature maybe I want to know when my highest temperature was 6eMtt5G1KDu-00020-00008296-00008496 so Arizona gets pretty darn hot 6eMtt5G1KDu-00021-00008557-00009308 So and that's great. So now I have an idea of where my highest temperature is and whatnot so 6eMtt5G1KDu-00022-00009411-00009854 So that's really good. So the other thing we can do is we can filter these things 6eMtt5G1KDu-00023-00009897-00010346 So maybe I want to filter only the days where it's higher than 105 in Arizona 6eMtt5G1KDu-00024-00010422-00010670 so if I go by number of filters here and 6eMtt5G1KDu-00025-00010768-00010968 I say greater than 6eMtt5G1KDu-00026-00011040-00011549 I'll just say 105 and we'll get to the end and or stuff later, but right now 6eMtt5G1KDu-00027-00011550-00012002 We're just going to show rows where temperature is greater than 105 6eMtt5G1KDu-00028-00012114-00012314 So you can see that gives us 6eMtt5G1KDu-00029-00012670-00013344 311 Rows and the Blue numbers mean that it's filtered so that's what the blue numbers are saying to us 6eMtt5G1KDu-00030-00013687-00013887 So it shows us 6eMtt5G1KDu-00031-00013891-00014166 you know those rows that appear with 6eMtt5G1KDu-00032-00014278-00014478 temperatures greater than 105 6eMtt5G1KDu-00033-00014503-00014901 Okay, so that's great. Now what I'm wondering is, 6eMtt5G1KDu-00034-00015115-00015347 let's see what the solar panel power 6eMtt5G1KDu-00035-00015358-00015830 Let's say we want it to be really hot and we want the solar power to be pretty high too 6eMtt5G1KDu-00036-00015831-00016185 So let's say over 900 so I can also do this 6eMtt5G1KDu-00037-00016263-00016464 greater than 6eMtt5G1KDu-00038-00016837-00017032 So now it's showing us 6eMtt5G1KDu-00039-00017032-00017483 the two filters it's showing us where solar power is very high and 6eMtt5G1KDu-00040-00017542-00017742 the temperature is very high and 6eMtt5G1KDu-00041-00017809-00018021 You can sort of see what's nice about this, too 6eMtt5G1KDu-00042-00018021-00018515 it does split panes, it freezes the first row for you already 6eMtt5G1KDu-00043-00018516-00018703 So when you scroll down it's frozen 6eMtt5G1KDu-00044-00018703-00019377 And even has this little filter button where it shows you that filters are on the temperature and are in the solar power 6eMtt5G1KDu-00045-00019498-00019715 So this is great so we can do a lot of different things 6eMtt5G1KDu-00046-00019861-00020505 With this we can also remove duplicates, so this might be good if you're looking at, for example 6eMtt5G1KDu-00047-00020505-00021089 I look at student Data all the time and maybe I have students duplicated so I can remove the duplicates there 6eMtt5G1KDu-00048-00021193-00021552 but the sorting and filtering is probably what you'll use most and 6eMtt5G1KDu-00049-00021634-00022323 you can also, maybe you only have a couple different values down here you can also Sort by value by just unchecking 6eMtt5G1KDu-00050-00022323-00022523 Or checking these boxes 6eMtt5G1KDu-00051-00022594-00023238 So that's the basics of tables. Tables are really nice because it allows you a good way to sort and filter. Thanks for watching 6f6K7ySAbUk-00000-00000293-00000530 One year ago, a group of six kids 6f6K7ySAbUk-00001-00000530-00000730 came together to make a video 6f6K7ySAbUk-00002-00000730-00000840 for Better Speech and Hearing Month. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00003-00000840-00001141 We tried to think of a Jonas Brothers song. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00004-00001274-00001491 When you look me in the ears... 6f6K7ySAbUk-00005-00001491-00001655 No! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00006-00001678-00001878 Well, I've been to the Ear 3000... 6f6K7ySAbUk-00007-00002045-00002198 No! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00008-00002198-00002509 Turn your implants up louder... 6f6K7ySAbUk-00009-00002509-00002652 ... NO. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00010-00002742-00002929 That's Just the Way We Hear! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00011-00002959-00003059 That's perfect! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00012-00003103-00003316 Our video, That's Just the Way We Hear, 6f6K7ySAbUk-00013-00003316-00003747 won first place in the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association's 6f6K7ySAbUk-00014-00003747-00003880 YouTube video contest! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00015-00003880-00003997 It didn't stop there. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00016-00003997-00004130 To this day, 6f6K7ySAbUk-00017-00004130-00004421 it has had more than 7,000 YouTube hits. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00018-00004421-00004721 We had created what some 6f6K7ySAbUk-00019-00004721-00004998 have called an anthem for kids and teens with hearing loss. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00020-00004998-00005405 Yet, there were three people we wanted to hear it most: 6f6K7ySAbUk-00021-00005405-00005485 Kevin, 6f6K7ySAbUk-00022-00005495-00005598 Joe, 6f6K7ySAbUk-00023-00005598-00005745 and Nick Jonas. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00024-00005845-00006179 We tried so hard to get them to see our video. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00025-00006179-00006276 For a whole year, 6f6K7ySAbUk-00026-00006276-00006506 we brought lyrics, posters, and videos 6f6K7ySAbUk-00027-00006506-00006820 to concerts. We tweeted, facebooked, blogged. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00028-00006820-00007053 We entered contests. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00029-00007053-00007197 They never saw our video. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00030-00007197-00007370 But now, with the Battle of the Bands, 6f6K7ySAbUk-00031-00007370-00007500 the time has come! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00032-00009162-00009255 I woke up 6f6K7ySAbUk-00033-00009255-00009659 for school- put my ears on. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00034-00009659-00010314 Radio plays my song- it's a good one! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00035-00010390-00010998 And my mom calls to come when the bus comes. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00036-00011204-00011495 I think how I hold dear, 6f6K7ySAbUk-00037-00011494-00011738 That now, I can hear! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00038-00011818-00011919 And I know, 6f6K7ySAbUk-00039-00011918-00012159 I look a little different. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00040-00012158-00012512 And I know, we wear things on our ears. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00041-00012512-00012840 But I know, I'm never gonna fake it. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00042-00012839-00013216 I am deaf, I am free. I can listen and speak. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00043-00013216-00013624 I'm implanted, and that's just the way I hear! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00044-00014200-00014544 I've got ears, hearing aids. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00045-00014544-00014802 We are hearing. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00046-00014801-00015062 Bluetooth, 6f6K7ySAbUk-00047-00015061-00015238 iPod head phones, 6f6K7ySAbUk-00048-00015238-00015516 cochlear implants. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00049-00015515-00016109 Seems we all wear things on our ears. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00050-00016109-00016877 We should hold dear that we can hear! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00051-00016876-00017267 And I know, I look a little different. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00052-00017267-00017618 And I know, I wear things on my ears. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00053-00017617-00017948 But I know, I'm never gonna fake it. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00054-00017947-00018138 I am deaf, I am free. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00055-00018138-00018335 I can listen and speak. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00056-00018335-00018689 I'm implanted, and that's just the way I hear! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00057-00018688-00018959 'Cause we're smart enough to know 6f6K7ySAbUk-00058-00018959-00019356 Don't judge what you don't know. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00059-00019546-00019770 That's just the way 6f6K7ySAbUk-00060-00019769-00020003 And I know, I look a little different. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00061-00020003-00020340 And I know, I wear things on my ears. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00062-00020340-00020611 But I know, I'm never gonna fake it 6f6K7ySAbUk-00063-00020740-00020888 I am deaf, I am free. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00064-00020887-00021078 I can listen and speak. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00065-00021077-00021255 I'm implanted 6f6K7ySAbUk-00066-00021254-00021502 And that's just the way I hear! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00067-00021501-00021738 I know I look a little different. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00068-00021738-00022089 And I know, I wear things on my ears. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00069-00022088-00022419 But I know, I'm never gonna fake it. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00070-00022419-00022596 I am deaf, I am free. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00071-00022595-00022800 I can listen and speak. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00072-00022799-00023183 I'm implanted, and that's just the way I hear! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00073-00023183-00023410 Jake: That's just the way we hear! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00074-00023410-00023557 David: That's just the way we hear! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00075-00023783-00023891 Sara: That's just the way we hear. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00076-00023930-00024017 Jason: That's just the way we hear. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00077-00024100-00024344 Marti Rose, Sara, David, Jake: That's just the way we hear! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00078-00024344-00024501 Jason, Julie, Daniel: That's just the way we hear! 6f6K7ySAbUk-00079-00024501-00024658 Dani: That's just the way we hear. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00080-00024658-00024825 I thought the video 6f6K7ySAbUk-00081-00024824-00025012 made people realize 6f6K7ySAbUk-00082-00025011-00025342 that being deaf, you can just 6f6K7ySAbUk-00083-00025342-00025542 be like everybody else. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00084-00025542-00025736 It was kids representing other kids. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00085-00025735-00025882 When it was played for the whole school, 6f6K7ySAbUk-00086-00025882-00026019 that basically meant that 6f6K7ySAbUk-00087-00026019-00026389 everyone was starting to understand 6f6K7ySAbUk-00088-00026389-00026807 what it was like to have cochlear implants. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00089-00026806-00027007 It also shows kids that they shouldn't 6f6K7ySAbUk-00090-00027007-00027257 be ashamed of this, and it's okay to be different. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00091-00027257-00027427 That's what it's all about- 6f6K7ySAbUk-00092-00027427-00027670 accepting each other. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00093-00027670-00027891 You have tons of fans with hearing loss. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00094-00027891-00028135 They need you. We need you. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00095-00028234-00028368 If you choose our video, 6f6K7ySAbUk-00096-00028368-00028582 you will be showing kids with hearing loss 6f6K7ySAbUk-00097-00028581-00028779 who worked so hard to learn to speak, 6f6K7ySAbUk-00098-00028778-00029042 that their voices are now being heard. 6f6K7ySAbUk-00099-00029042-00029208 Ultimate prize? 6f6K7ySAbUk-00100-00029209-00029373 Let's re-record this song together, 6f6K7ySAbUk-00101-00029372-00029510 and have it played with captioning 6f6K7ySAbUk-00102-00029509-00029676 for EVERYONE to see and hear! 6hiekHg99WE-00000-00000167-00000217 a. 6hiekHg99WE-00001-00000217-00000417 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- 6iiSmi9WH8I-00000-00000088-00000582 sorry about that um got a little emotional there but um 6iiSmi9WH8I-00001-00000582-00000842 hi banks he's like what are you doing 6iiSmi9WH8I-00002-00000919-00001240 you guys have no idea how long i've been wanting to do this and 6iiSmi9WH8I-00003-00001296-00001500 i am here to tell you that 6iiSmi9WH8I-00004-00001500-00001838 it doesn't matter what people think you are going to regret not doing the 6iiSmi9WH8I-00005-00001848-00002560 things that you've always wanted to do and letting what other people think of you stop you 6iiSmi9WH8I-00006-00002560-00003053 this isyour life this is your journey so do what you want 6iiSmi9WH8I-00007-00003053-00003213 all right so where were we 6iiSmi9WH8I-00008-00003213-00003436 so i didn't even filmha 6iiSmi9WH8I-00009-00003436-00003847 i forgot to film the part where i went like this and we are starting with the side so this 6iiSmi9WH8I-00010-00003847-00004333 is what this side oops looks like 6iiSmi9WH8I-00011-00004333-00004944 and yeah it looks good so we're gonna do the other side 6iiSmi9WH8I-00012-00004992-00005528 my younger self is loving this cuz when i was growing up 6iiSmi9WH8I-00013-00005528-00005928 i always told my mom shorter shorter shorter shorter shorter 6iiSmi9WH8I-00014-00005928-00006455 cut my hair shorter i want it shorter and now i'm doing it 6iiSmi9WH8I-00015-00006455-00006801 they want you to do side side back top 6iiSmi9WH8I-00016-00007029-00007319 lets do it 6iiSmi9WH8I-00017-00009288-00009430 so cute 6iiSmi9WH8I-00018-00010042-00010653 next we have the back so i'm going to 6iiSmi9WH8I-00019-00010912-00011153 put these guys in front 6iiSmi9WH8I-00020-00011214-00011500 this is where my sister would come in handy but she's not here so 6iiSmi9WH8I-00021-00011500-00011734 okay for the back 6iiSmi9WH8I-00022-00012576-00012936 i love the brown though i just got a little chocolate head 6iiSmi9WH8I-00023-00012936-00013296 okay so yeah i got a cowlick right here 6iiSmi9WH8I-00024-00013512-00013699 we're gonna do 6iiSmi9WH8I-00025-00013699-00014013 it's getting a little crazy back there 6iiSmi9WH8I-00026-00014088-00014395 okay i'm rushing enjoy the process em 6iiSmi9WH8I-00027-00014395-00014663 i got like a mullet going on right now 6iiSmi9WH8I-00028-00014791-00015473 probably honestly just cut that piece off i need another hand 6iiSmi9WH8I-00029-00016544-00016984 okay so now i'm going to dry 6iiSmi9WH8I-00030-00017552-00017608 all right 6iiSmi9WH8I-00031-00017899-00018028 so that was loud 6iiSmi9WH8I-00032-00018028-00018432 that was loud and annoying but all right now for z back 6iiSmi9WH8I-00033-00018432-00018728 this is where they said having someone else 6iiSmi9WH8I-00034-00018728-00019016 help would be nice but we're gonna 6iiSmi9WH8I-00035-00019016-00019380 attempt 6iiSmi9WH8I-00036-00021728-00021954 hey 6iiSmi9WH8I-00037-00023279-00023594 i do have a cowlick 6iiSmi9WH8I-00038-00023728-00023950 all right 6iiSmi9WH8I-00039-00024032-00024114 hey 6iiSmi9WH8I-00040-00024296-00024392 hair extensions 6iiSmi9WH8I-00041-00024688-00025720 i do like the brown though okay now we're going to i think go shorter on the sides yeah so we're 6iiSmi9WH8I-00042-00025720-00026384 just gonna change our 8 for a 6 and yeah let's do it 6iiSmi9WH8I-00043-00026533-00026769 all right so now we've got the six 6iiSmi9WH8I-00044-00028208-00028361 six versus the eight 6iiSmi9WH8I-00045-00028616-00028870 other side 6iiSmi9WH8I-00046-00034384-00034608 to be continued 6iiSmi9WH8I-00047-00034608-00035064 just kidding that was the song i was just listening to 6iiSmi9WH8I-00048-00038077-00038397 so that's what a six looks like 6iiSmi9WH8I-00049-00038397-00038649 and we're gonna go to go to a 4 6iiSmi9WH8I-00050-00039632-00039904 window's done all summer baby 6iiSmi9WH8I-00051-00039904-00040292 okay so now we're gonna go down to a four 6iiSmi9WH8I-00052-00040544-00040919 how you guys liking it cuz it feels amazing 6iiSmi9WH8I-00053-00041033-00041200 all right to the four 6iiSmi9WH8I-00054-00043407-00043631 who is she 6iiSmi9WH8I-00055-00044840-00045115 does kind of feel like mowing the lawn 6iiSmi9WH8I-00056-00051991-00052229 i think i do want the top cut 6iiSmi9WH8I-00057-00052416-00052819 definitely the top cut as well so we're gonna do the top now 6iiSmi9WH8I-00058-00053232-00053338 yes 6iiSmi9WH8I-00059-00053338-00053524 time for the top 6iiSmi9WH8I-00060-00053524-00054350 and although it was a good idea to keep the top i think i want it off so 6iiSmi9WH8I-00061-00054360-00054621 we are going to do the top now 6iiSmi9WH8I-00062-00054621-00054849 so we are back to an eight 6iiSmi9WH8I-00063-00055984-00056230 got a little mohawk 6iiSmi9WH8I-00064-00056408-00056681 little mohawk 6iiSmi9WH8I-00065-00057879-00058095 this is how it naturally is 6iiSmi9WH8I-00066-00058591-00058720 why 6iiSmi9WH8I-00067-00058720-00058808 did it take 6iiSmi9WH8I-00068-00058855-00059000 this long 6iiSmi9WH8I-00069-00059000-00059200 to do this 6iiSmi9WH8I-00070-00060024-00060384 oh my god 6iiSmi9WH8I-00071-00062360-00062596 to keep that or not to keep it 6iiSmi9WH8I-00072-00062683-00062933 okay so this is how we're doing so far 6iiSmi9WH8I-00073-00063296-00063510 we're gonna go a little shorter 6iiSmi9WH8I-00074-00063510-00063710 by the neck and by the sides 6iiSmi9WH8I-00075-00063920-00064046 yes 6iiSmi9WH8I-00076-00064167-00064482 so i've got a three im sorry what 6iiSmi9WH8I-00077-00072560-00072789 so the question is 6iiSmi9WH8I-00078-00072789-00072919 do i want to go 6iiSmi9WH8I-00079-00073060-00073260 shorter on top 6iiSmi9WH8I-00080-00074040-00074318 okay trying to figure out if i want to cut the top shorter 6iiSmi9WH8I-00081-00074339-00074480 but do you guys remember 6iiSmi9WH8I-00082-00074480-00074665 like 6iiSmi9WH8I-00083-00074665-00074950 when boys in school used to do this 6iiSmi9WH8I-00084-00075280-00075474 and it'd have that little flippy doo 6iiSmi9WH8I-00085-00075474-00075608 i do i remember that shit 6iiSmi9WH8I-00086-00075688-00075875 so what do we think short on the top 6iiSmi9WH8I-00087-00076096-00076209 i think so 6iiSmi9WH8I-00088-00076712-00077184 okay so now we got the six for the front 6iiSmi9WH8I-00089-00078339-00078582 oh yes i like that better 6iiSmi9WH8I-00090-00078666-00078768 awe 6iiSmi9WH8I-00091-00078925-00079125 you're so cute 6iiSmi9WH8I-00092-00080081-00080302 its just getting cuter and cuter 6iiSmi9WH8I-00093-00080376-00081017 oh by the way my sister came home 6iiSmi9WH8I-00094-00082816-00083006 i think even shorter on the front 6iiSmi9WH8I-00095-00083123-00083317 the shorter it gets the more i like it 6iiSmi9WH8I-00096-00084096-00084240 i'm sorry but what 6iiSmi9WH8I-00097-00085480-00085910 oh taking a shower tonight is gonna well probably in the next few minutes 6iiSmi9WH8I-00098-00085928-00086137 is gonna be amazing 6iiSmi9WH8I-00099-00086904-00087093 see like how it goes like that 6iiSmi9WH8I-00100-00087183-00087467 we're gonna go one more shorter on the top 6iiSmi9WH8I-00101-00087484-00087534 one more 6iiSmi9WH8I-00102-00087568-00088078 all right we're going four on top 6iiSmi9WH8I-00103-00091736-00092118 and i think that's a wrap 6iiSmi9WH8I-00104-00094240-00094407 ooo we're missing one thing 6iiSmi9WH8I-00105-00094976-00095212 love it 6iiSmi9WH8I-00106-00096152-00096421 i think i want to go blonde 6iiSmi9WH8I-00107-00096487-00096687 and just get creative with 6iiSmi9WH8I-00108-00096774-00097075 scarves and hats and glasses and stuff 6iiSmi9WH8I-00109-00097256-00097832 i'm gonna go shower and i will see you soon 6ju3vAjnWE8-00000-00007004-00007276 Its better to read terms and conditions. 6ju3vAjnWE8-00001-00008294-00008792 I am already installed this screen recorder. 6ju3vAjnWE8-00002-00009850-00010040 Now go to icon and enjoy recording. 6ju3vAjnWE8-00003-00010040-00010334 due to some conditions the recorder isn't opening. 6jD1h4nfHB4-00000-00000110-00000888 Стокгольм, Швеция, на связи! Скоро время ехать в Украину. С нетерпением жду 6jD1h4nfHB4-00001-00000888-00001769 возвращения в Киев. Рассмотрим глобализацию, технологии, институты, сдвиги в ценностях 6jD1h4nfHB4-00002-00001769-00002526 и матрицу ультрасовременной жизни. С нетерпением жду встречи со всеми вами 6jD1h4nfHB4-00003-00002526-00003259 28 ноября, в Киеве. Берегите себя. Пока. 6kjp683ZTME-00000-00000000-00000307 [music] 6kjp683ZTME-00001-00000307-00000582 97% of all the water on Earth’s 6kjp683ZTME-00002-00000582-00001335 surface is in the ocean. The remaining roughly 3% is fresh and found on land. Of that freshwater, 6kjp683ZTME-00003-00001335-00001911 69% is trapped in glaciers and ice caps, and 30% can be found in pores and cracks, 6kjp683ZTME-00004-00001911-00002634 soaked into the ground (known as groundwater). The remaining 1% of freshwater supplies includes 6kjp683ZTME-00005-00002634-00003231 water in the atmosphere or in plants or the biosphere, and water pooling or running across 6kjp683ZTME-00006-00003231-00003879 the surface. The water in lakes makes up 0.26% of all freshwater supplies; 6kjp683ZTME-00007-00003879-00004596 and rivers, streams, and creeks make up only 0.006% of freshwater on the planet. 6kjp683ZTME-00008-00004596-00005106 How does water move around between all the different reservoirs in which it’s found? 6kjp683ZTME-00009-00005106-00005778 Heat from the sun evaporates water (turns it into water vapor), moving it up into the atmosphere. 6kjp683ZTME-00010-00005778-00006411 This atmospheric water will get moved around the planet by winds. When that air later cools, 6kjp683ZTME-00011-00006411-00006951 water vapor will condense back into liquid water and drop downward as rain, otherwise known as 6kjp683ZTME-00012-00006951-00007706 precipitation. Some of that rain lands directly in the oceans. Some lands in glacial or ice sheet 6kjp683ZTME-00013-00007706-00008433 areas. Some drops directly into the ground and soaks into it. Where grounds are saturated with 6kjp683ZTME-00014-00008433-00008940 water and can hold no more, any rain that falls there will run along the surface into rivers, 6kjp683ZTME-00015-00008940-00009510 streams, and lakes. Eventually most of this running water will make its way back to the 6kjp683ZTME-00016-00009510-00010179 ocean. What about ocean water that soaks into the sediment and cracks on the seafloor? When 6kjp683ZTME-00017-00010179-00010665 this crust eventually sinks into the mantle at subduction zones, that water is squeezed out 6kjp683ZTME-00018-00010665-00011217 and because it’s less dense, rises upwards. Since the addition of water to the asthenosphere drops 6kjp683ZTME-00019-00011217-00011832 its melting point, magmas form. The magmas produced are rich in water and rise upwards 6kjp683ZTME-00020-00011832-00012414 to produce volcanoes that release the water back into the atmosphere as a gas. Through 6kjp683ZTME-00021-00012414-00012903 continued evaporation and precipitation, running water, subduction, and volcanism, 6kjp683ZTME-00022-00012903-00013541 Earth’s water continually cycles in and out of the various reservoirs, processes collectively 6kjp683ZTME-00023-00013541-00014433 known as the hydrologic or water cycle. Now let’s focus on the 0.006% of freshwater 6kjp683ZTME-00024-00014433-00014928 found in rivers. Despite being such a minor component of water storage, 6kjp683ZTME-00025-00014928-00015699 running water is the most powerful erosional agent at work on Planet Earth. Running water weathers, 6kjp683ZTME-00026-00015699-00016272 erodes, and deposits material across Earth’s surface and produces a multitude of unique and 6kjp683ZTME-00027-00016272-00016857 varied landforms. Even in deserts, where water runs on the surface for only a few weeks a year, 6kjp683ZTME-00028-00016857-00017349 that running water is still the most powerful of the forces at work sculpting that landscape. 6kjp683ZTME-00029-00017349-00017994 How does water get into a river? A river’s drainage basin or watershed is 6kjp683ZTME-00030-00017994-00018639 the area of land in which all the rain that falls will ultimately makes its way into that river. The 6kjp683ZTME-00031-00018639-00019227 line between two drainage basins or watersheds is called a divide. The continental divide in 6kjp683ZTME-00032-00019227-00019899 the United States, for example, is a divide that runs along the top of the Rocky Mountains. Water 6kjp683ZTME-00033-00019899-00020385 that falls on one side of this divide will travel east and south into the Mississippi River Basin; 6kjp683ZTME-00034-00020385-00020952 and water that runs on the other side will travel west into different basins, 6kjp683ZTME-00035-00020952-00021752 such as the basin of the Colorado River. We call the waters at the highest elevation of 6kjp683ZTME-00036-00021752-00022316 a drainage basin the headwaters. As water moves downhill it will be joined by more water from the 6kjp683ZTME-00037-00022316-00022946 ground or from other streams. Each of the small streams and rivulets that join together are called 6kjp683ZTME-00038-00022946-00023645 tributaries. The lowest point of a river, where it enters a lake or the ocean, is called the mouth. 6kjp683ZTME-00039-00023877-00024531 Tectonics and isostatic uplift push the land up – erosional agents such as running water carve 6kjp683ZTME-00040-00024531-00025155 it down. As water moves downhill, it will carve out rock from the high country and carry it to 6kjp683ZTME-00041-00025155-00025941 the low country. Its work is done when the river has carved the land flat. Base level is the lowest 6kjp683ZTME-00042-00025941-00026532 level to which a river will erode – Ultimate base level for most rivers in the world is the ocean, 6kjp683ZTME-00043-00026532-00027147 unless a river is draining into an interior basin lower than sea level and with no outlet to the 6kjp683ZTME-00044-00027147-00027702 ocean. An example of this can be found in Death Valley, California, where the lowest point is 6kjp683ZTME-00045-00027702-00028629 282 feet below sea level. A lake might be a local or intermediary base level. In that local area, 6kjp683ZTME-00046-00028629-00029136 the rivers that feed into that lake will erode down only to the level of lake. Then their work 6kjp683ZTME-00047-00029136-00029570 is done until the lake drains downward and the rivers are back at work again. 6kjp683ZTME-00048-00029802-00030175 Why is running water such a powerful eroder or sculptor of the land? 6kjp683ZTME-00049-00030175-00030838 First let’s review a few terms. Weathering is the process of physical or chemical breakdown of rock. 6kjp683ZTME-00050-00030838-00031495 Erosion is the transport of weathered debris or sediment from one location to another. Deposition 6kjp683ZTME-00051-00031495-00032158 is the dropping of the sediment into piles. Rivers physically weather or break down rock 6kjp683ZTME-00052-00032158-00032824 through two primary methods: hydraulic pressure and abrasion. As water moves downhill, the weight 6kjp683ZTME-00053-00032824-00033418 and velocity of the water puts pressure on the rocks over which it flows. When cracks exist in 6kjp683ZTME-00054-00033418-00033931 those rocks, this pressure can gradually expand the crack. Also, the sediment carried along the 6kjp683ZTME-00055-00033931-00034471 base of a river, pushed downhill by the force of the weight of the running water (also known as bed 6kjp683ZTME-00056-00034471-00035215 load) will move across rock surfaces and scrape and abrade those surfaces. Chemical weathering 6kjp683ZTME-00057-00035215-00035722 as discussed in the Weathering video tutorial is aided by water, so when rivers put water in 6kjp683ZTME-00058-00035722-00036217 continual contact with solid rock, they increase the rate at which that rock will chemically break 6kjp683ZTME-00059-00036217-00036730 down, primary methods being that minerals will dissolve, oxidize, or turn into clays. 6kjp683ZTME-00060-00036730-00037534 Once rocks have broken down through any activity, the river itself, gravity, glaciers, wind, humans, 6kjp683ZTME-00061-00037534-00038080 waves, etc., the river will pick up those weathered pieces and transport them to a 6kjp683ZTME-00062-00038080-00038698 new location. Discharge is the term we use to describe the volume of water a river transports 6kjp683ZTME-00063-00038698-00039337 past a given point every second. It’s measured in cubic meters per second (cm3/s). The higher 6kjp683ZTME-00064-00039337-00039862 the discharge, the more sediment load a river can carry. The maximum sediment load a river 6kjp683ZTME-00065-00039862-00040645 can carry is called its capacity. As discharge increases, so too does capacity. New sediment 6kjp683ZTME-00066-00040645-00041209 can be carried by a river only if it hasn’t yet reached its capacity. Rivers that are 6kjp683ZTME-00067-00041209-00041701 at capacity will run across sediment but not have room to pick it up. Similarly, 6kjp683ZTME-00068-00041701-00042286 when a river’s discharge decreases, like in the days after a storm, its capacity will shrink, and 6kjp683ZTME-00069-00042286-00042955 it has to drop sediment it can no longer carry. Additionally, the ability to pick up and carry a 6kjp683ZTME-00070-00042955-00043474 sediment grain of a particular weight or size depends on the river’s velocity. The greater 6kjp683ZTME-00071-00043474-00044023 the velocity, the greater the power and hence the larger the grain size it can carry. We call 6kjp683ZTME-00072-00044023-00044626 the maximum grain size that a river can carry, its competence. Competence goes up as velocity 6kjp683ZTME-00073-00044626-00045403 goes up. Similarly, as velocity goes down, competence goes down. Result? When velocity drops, 6kjp683ZTME-00074-00045403-00045955 all the largest grains are dropped at the same place in a pile, creating a pile of 6kjp683ZTME-00075-00045955-00046597 well-sorted grains which means similarly sized. Piles of sediment dropped by rivers are called 6kjp683ZTME-00076-00046597-00047203 alluvium, and they are easily recognizable by their excellent sorting and also by the rounding 6kjp683ZTME-00077-00047203-00047629 produced by the continual knocking about with other grains as they were transported 6kjp683ZTME-00078-00047629-00048079 by the river and as the river continues to move over them once they were deposited. 6kjp683ZTME-00079-00048311-00048833 Now that we know under what conditions rivers pick up sediment and under what conditions they drop 6kjp683ZTME-00080-00048833-00049502 it, where are we most likely to see both happening in a river? Let’s start by looking closer at 6kjp683ZTME-00081-00049502-00050316 velocity. Where along a river does velocity increase? Or decrease? The slope or gradient 6kjp683ZTME-00082-00050316-00051036 of a river is the ratio of vertical to horizontal distance that a river moves down a hill. How does 6kjp683ZTME-00083-00051036-00051636 gradient impact the velocity? We would expect rivers to move faster down steeper slopes 6kjp683ZTME-00084-00051636-00052260 and slower on gentler ones. Where rivers move from the steep mountains onto the flat plains, 6kjp683ZTME-00085-00052260-00052892 gradient flattens out considerably, slowing the river. The slower-moving river has a lower 6kjp683ZTME-00086-00052892-00053571 competence and has to drop sediment grains too big to carry. The alluvial deposits that form in these 6kjp683ZTME-00087-00053571-00054225 circumstances are referred to as an alluvial fan. Why flatter slopes at the base of the mountains? 6kjp683ZTME-00088-00054225-00055013 That’s where all the sediment from erosion of those mountains piles up. The remaining water that 6kjp683ZTME-00089-00055013-00055565 runs down must now make its way across this pile of sediment and thus can split into many different 6kjp683ZTME-00090-00055565-00056171 rivulets or braids as it weaves it way through the pile. We call the pattern of such a river 6kjp683ZTME-00091-00056171-00056744 a braided river. In contrast, rivers high in the mountains typically have straight channels with a 6kjp683ZTME-00092-00056744-00057332 V-shape cross-section, as rivers erode downward as directly as possible, and gravity carries 6kjp683ZTME-00093-00057332-00058028 the slope material on either side downhill. Where rivers go from flatter slopes to steeper 6kjp683ZTME-00094-00058028-00058511 slopes, like when they spill over waterfalls, the velocity speeds up and the river can pick 6kjp683ZTME-00095-00058511-00059111 up larger particles. How do waterfalls form? When you have a resistant layer of rock that 6kjp683ZTME-00096-00059111-00059711 is difficult for rivers to erode, they will find cracks and erode downward through those 6kjp683ZTME-00097-00059711-00060379 cracks to less resistant rocks below. As the river erodes the less resistant rock underneath, it will 6kjp683ZTME-00098-00060379-00060991 undercut the top layer. Over time the continued undercutting will make the top layer unstable, 6kjp683ZTME-00099-00060991-00061621 and the overlying cliff will crack and fall. Another factor that impacts velocity is 6kjp683ZTME-00100-00061621-00062254 friction – the stickiness of the river bed that drags on the water within. Friction and drag are 6kjp683ZTME-00101-00062254-00062797 affected by the shape of the channel as well as the material over which the river runs. Shallow 6kjp683ZTME-00102-00062797-00063673 channels or deep narrow channels have increased surface area so increased drag. A deep and broad 6kjp683ZTME-00103-00063673-00064210 channel, like a perfect semicircle, has the least amount of surface area to volume of water and the 6kjp683ZTME-00104-00064210-00064837 least drag. Large boulders like what’s found in the mountains in shallow streams produce high 6kjp683ZTME-00105-00064837-00065629 drag. Smooth rock surface or fine muds cause very little drag. Less friction or drag, faster river. 6kjp683ZTME-00106-00065629-00066349 What about the width of the river? Just like with your finger on the end of a hose, when the channel 6kjp683ZTME-00107-00066349-00066964 of the river flow is constricted or narrows, velocity speeds up. Erosion increases, and the 6kjp683ZTME-00108-00066964-00067630 narrows can be eroded quite deep. Where channels widen, velocity drops, and depositions occurs. 6kjp683ZTME-00109-00067970-00068444 The discharge of a river also affects speed – the higher the discharge, 6kjp683ZTME-00110-00068444-00069110 the higher the velocity. So what makes discharge increase or decrease? As already mentioned, 6kjp683ZTME-00111-00069110-00069497 discharge in a river is a function of how much water rains down in the drainage basin. 6kjp683ZTME-00112-00069497-00070178 Eventually all the tiny streams in the basin will join to the main river. So discharge should be 6kjp683ZTME-00113-00070178-00070697 highest the closer we get to the mouth of the river. Discharge will also change throughout 6kjp683ZTME-00114-00070697-00071267 the seasons as the amount of rain and snow melt varies. If we can erode through a drainage divide 6kjp683ZTME-00115-00071267-00071669 and increase the area of a drainage basin, that should also lead to greater discharge. 6kjp683ZTME-00116-00071840-00072443 What happens at dams? Dams across a river will stop the flow of the river. That stop 6kjp683ZTME-00117-00072443-00072863 in velocity means sediment is dropped at the mouth of the river as it enters the 6kjp683ZTME-00118-00072863-00073325 lake. We call sediment dropped at the mouth of a river where it enters another body of water, 6kjp683ZTME-00119-00073325-00073877 a delta. That delta sediment over time will cause the lake level to rise, 6kjp683ZTME-00120-00073877-00074585 so in summer the lake might need to be drained, and the sediment removed. Meanwhile, downriver, 6kjp683ZTME-00121-00074585-00075086 the water that spills over the dam has no sediment within and is dropping from great height with 6kjp683ZTME-00122-00075086-00075614 great velocity. It will pick up and erode sediment from the areas immediately below the dam. 6kjp683ZTME-00123-00075735-00076290 How is material transported by a river? In addition to the bed load already discussed 6kjp683ZTME-00124-00076290-00076668 (the sediment pushed along the bottom of the river due to the pressure of the water moving downhill), 6kjp683ZTME-00125-00076668-00077358 rivers also carry particles in suspension, buoyed up by the energy of the water. This 6kjp683ZTME-00126-00077358-00077952 suspended load make the river look cloudy or opaque. We can remove suspended load by 6kjp683ZTME-00127-00077952-00078594 letting a jar or bucket of river water sit for a few days still. The lack of energy gives the 6kjp683ZTME-00128-00078594-00079125 particles time to settle out and deposit in a layer on the bottom of the bucket. The finest 6kjp683ZTME-00129-00079125-00079782 muds might take more than a day to fully settle out. Also carried by a river are the dissolved 6kjp683ZTME-00130-00079782-00080367 ions produced through chemical weathering of the rocks up river. This dissolved load can be removed 6kjp683ZTME-00131-00080367-00080859 only if the water is evaporated, allowing the ions to find each other again and crystallize. 6kjp683ZTME-00132-00081068-00081656 Let’s look more closely at what happens when rivers flood. Meandering rivers no longer have 6kjp683ZTME-00133-00081656-00082301 any downward-eroding work to do, as they move across flat plains close to sea level. However, 6kjp683ZTME-00134-00082301-00082865 they are now eroding horizontally, as they meander across the landscape, bending around obstructions, 6kjp683ZTME-00135-00082865-00083447 avoiding resistant rocks, and carving out new channels during floods. Most of the year, 6kjp683ZTME-00136-00083447-00083909 the river sits in its channel. But when the discharge increases and the river’s level 6kjp683ZTME-00137-00083909-00084419 rises during heavy rains, they can overtop their banks and spill out into the surrounding land. 6kjp683ZTME-00138-00084419-00085085 That means a fast-moving river chuck-full of sediment will overtop its banks and immediately 6kjp683ZTME-00139-00085085-00085604 slow down as it spreads across the flat plain on either side of the channel. These plains are 6kjp683ZTME-00140-00085604-00086279 known as the flood plains. The drop in velocity means deposition – the largest gravels depositing 6kjp683ZTME-00141-00086279-00086873 along the banks of the river creating structures called levees. The finer sands and muds deposit 6kjp683ZTME-00142-00086873-00087446 behind the levees across the flood plain. Rivers use their flood plains every time they 6kjp683ZTME-00143-00087446-00088100 flood, which is an annual process. Some floods are heavier or more intense than others, and the 6kjp683ZTME-00144-00088100-00088688 heavier the flood, the more sediment is deposited in the flood plains. Also, the heavier the flood, 6kjp683ZTME-00145-00088688-00089162 the more water in the river, and the faster the river runs. That makes it more erosive and 6kjp683ZTME-00146-00089162-00089768 more likely to carve out a new channel or path. For example, in meandering rivers, the outside of 6kjp683ZTME-00147-00089768-00090449 the meanders or bends experience the fastest most erosive water, the inside the calmest. Therefore, 6kjp683ZTME-00148-00090449-00091007 sediment piles up on the inside of these bends, and erosion increases on the outside. Over time, 6kjp683ZTME-00149-00091007-00091565 the bends get more and more extreme until during a flood, the pressure of the water can cut a new 6kjp683ZTME-00150-00091565-00092183 path right across a bend. The cut-off bend now becomes a lake, known as an oxbow lake, 6kjp683ZTME-00151-00092183-00092882 while the river has straightened itself out a bit. After the flood, the water that remains in 6kjp683ZTME-00152-00092882-00093404 the channel also slows down and deposits any sediment that it can no longer carry on the 6kjp683ZTME-00153-00093404-00094217 bottom of its bed. That causes the river bed to rise, which also makes the river level rise, so 6kjp683ZTME-00154-00094217-00094935 the natural levees will also rise during the next flood, as will the flood plains. Over time, the 6kjp683ZTME-00155-00094935-00095439 entire region gets a thicker and thicker pile of sediment as the mountains continue to erode, and 6kjp683ZTME-00156-00095439-00096027 the sediment continues to pile up at the coast. What happens when we build homes on the flood 6kjp683ZTME-00157-00096027-00096573 plains and build levees to keep the water out of those flood plains during floods? When the 6kjp683ZTME-00158-00096573-00097212 river tries to overtop its levees, it can’t. This puts extra pressure on other areas of the river, 6kjp683ZTME-00159-00097212-00097767 and if it can’t find anywhere to overtop, then after the flood, the sediment that it carried 6kjp683ZTME-00160-00097767-00098280 will be deposited on the bottom of the river bed only. So the river itself will continue to rise, 6kjp683ZTME-00161-00098280-00098907 and the levees have to continually be built up to keep the river back, and that makes the flood 6kjp683ZTME-00162-00098907-00099435 plain level considerably lower than the river bed so when the river does eventually break 6kjp683ZTME-00163-00099435-00099840 through over top the levees or break through the leveess, the water that makes it into the 6kjp683ZTME-00164-00099840-00100452 flood plains will have to be pumped out, as the area is now lower than the river level. This is 6kjp683ZTME-00165-00100452-00100944 true in the New Orleans area on the Mississippi River. The area of homes built on the flood plain 6kjp683ZTME-00166-00100944-00101532 are now sitting under the level of the river, and pumps are working 24-7 in some locations to 6kjp683ZTME-00167-00101532-00102096 ensure that water doesn’t migrate underground and turn these areas into lakes. After a flood 6kjp683ZTME-00168-00102096-00102611 breaks through the levees, it can take weeks or months before all the water is pumped back out. 6kjp683ZTME-00169-00102813-00103404 Rivers flood when there’s more water entering the river than the channel can contain. This happens 6kjp683ZTME-00170-00103404-00103893 during heavy rains over long periods of time once the ground has been saturated and can hold no 6kjp683ZTME-00171-00103893-00104589 more water. What happens when we cover natural forested land with agriculture? The runoff is 6kjp683ZTME-00172-00104589-00105249 faster because there are no tree limbs and roots to soak up the water. What about when we cover 6kjp683ZTME-00173-00105249-00105894 agricultural land with urban land, especially concrete? The rain runoff will go directly into 6kjp683ZTME-00174-00105894-00106433 the river with none soaking into the ground, so the rivers can reach flood stage much faster. 6kjp683ZTME-00175-00106602-00107217 The river channel and floodplain are part of the same system, together representing the path that 6kjp683ZTME-00176-00107217-00107786 the river will take at various stages in its seasons and journey. Detailed mapping of the 6kjp683ZTME-00177-00107786-00108183 flood plain around meandering rivers shows that throughout the history of the river, 6kjp683ZTME-00178-00108183-00108723 its path has migrated back and forth across the plains as sediments continue to deposit 6kjp683ZTME-00179-00108723-00109377 and build over time. Building communities on the flood plains of rivers is a challenging feat that 6kjp683ZTME-00180-00109377-00109899 requires artificial levees to keep the river in its path and constant maintenance to ensure 6kjp683ZTME-00181-00109899-00110376 the river stays in its channel. It requires dredging the bottom of the river to keep the 6kjp683ZTME-00182-00110376-00110877 bed from rising and it requires significant flood plains to be accessible elsewhere to 6kjp683ZTME-00183-00110877-00111474 release the pressure of the rising river. All natural rivers systems flood every year or 6kjp683ZTME-00184-00111474-00112074 two on average. The intensity of flooding varies, and often floods are described as 100-year events, 6kjp683ZTME-00185-00112074-00113070 50-year events, 10-year events, and so on. The goal of these terms is to consider the building 6kjp683ZTME-00186-00113070-00113583 requirements and risks for various levels of flooding. The higher the year provided, 6kjp683ZTME-00187-00113583-00114264 the more intense the flood will be. For example, 100-year floods are so intense they happen on 6kjp683ZTME-00188-00114264-00114840 average only once every 100 years. What that means for those who choose to live in the flood 6kjp683ZTME-00189-00114840-00115394 plains of a river is that we need to be prepared to handle the consequences of any of these events. 6kjp683ZTME-00190-00115394-00116573 Pause now. [music] 6kjp683ZTME-00191-00116573-00117281 [music] 6kMS_1j-8EI-00000-00000032-00000160 Welcome to the Endless Knot! 6kMS_1j-8EI-00001-00000160-00000591 Today I’ll be talking about music and its connections to language and the brain — so 6kMS_1j-8EI-00002-00000591-00000869 I’ve called on my friend Cory from 12Tone to help me. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00003-00000869-00001901 Say hi, Cory! 6kMS_1j-8EI-00004-00001901-00002310 Music has always had a close connection to language.The word music, as well as its theoretical 6kMS_1j-8EI-00005-00002310-00002598 study in the Western tradition, goes back to Ancient Greece. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00006-00002598-00003069 It comes to English through French musique and Latin musica, from Greek mousikos “of 6kMS_1j-8EI-00007-00003069-00003177 the Muses”. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00008-00003177-00003711 The Muses (Greek Mousai) are the nine Greek goddesses of inspiration in the arts and sciences, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00009-00003711-00004232 each responsible for a particular endeavour, ranging from lyric poetry to dance to astronomy. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00010-00004232-00004588 The sense shift of the word music was already beginning in Greek, from referring to the 6kMS_1j-8EI-00011-00004588-00004972 Muses, to poetry sung to music, and finally to the music itself. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00012-00004972-00005390 If we go back further music and Muses have been traced back to the Proto-Indo-European 6kMS_1j-8EI-00013-00005390-00005871 root *men- “to think”, also the source of the words mind and mental, as well as, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00014-00005871-00006237 through Sanskrit, the word mantra, a word or phrase chanted or sung as part of prayer 6kMS_1j-8EI-00015-00006237-00006634 or meditation, one of the many ways music can influence the mind. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00016-00006634-00007018 European music theory can be traced back to the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00017-00007018-00007294 who seems to have been the first person to figure out the mathematics at the heart of 6kMS_1j-8EI-00018-00007294-00007656 musical sound, realizing that the pitch of a note is inversely proportional to the length 6kMS_1j-8EI-00019-00007656-00008036 of the string that produces it and that intervals between harmonious notes form simple ratios 6kMS_1j-8EI-00020-00008036-00008543 of string length, such as 2:1 for an octave, 3:2 for a perfect fifth, and 4:3 for a perfect 6kMS_1j-8EI-00021-00008543-00008643 fourth. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00022-00008643-00008938 And since the motions of the heavenly bodies were also seen to involve numerical ratios, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00023-00008938-00009335 Pythagoras proposed the notion of the Music of the Spheres, later known as musica universalis, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00024-00009335-00009746 in which those ratios implied a kind of heavenly music that surrounded us at all times, even 6kMS_1j-8EI-00025-00009746-00010014 if we couldn’t directly hear it. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00026-00010014-00010379 Another Greek philosopher, Aristotle, who advanced the notion of the geocentric model 6kMS_1j-8EI-00027-00010379-00010761 of the universe with the sun, moon and planets circling the earth, though accepting that 6kMS_1j-8EI-00028-00010761-00011159 mathematical ratios were at the heart of both music and the heavens, nevertheless took the 6kMS_1j-8EI-00029-00011159-00011535 idea more metaphorically, with no actual sound produced. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00030-00011535-00011888 These and other Greek music theorists were summarized and transmitted to western Europe 6kMS_1j-8EI-00031-00011888-00012236 by the late Roman writers Boethius and Martianus Capella. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00032-00012236-00012668 Boethius, the early 6th century philosopher most well known for his Consolation of philosophy, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00033-00012668-00013111 wrote De insitutione musica, heavily based on Greek music theory, classified music into 6kMS_1j-8EI-00034-00013111-00013572 several categories, musica mundana, a version of Pythagoras’s music of the spheres, and 6kMS_1j-8EI-00035-00013572-00013943 wrote about the important influence of music on character and morals. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00036-00013943-00014291 As for the 5th century Martianus Capella, he was responsible for the development of 6kMS_1j-8EI-00037-00014291-00014738 the seven liberal arts: the trivium, or verbal arts, of grammar, rhetoric, and logic, and 6kMS_1j-8EI-00038-00014738-00015200 the quadrivium, or mathematical arts, of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00039-00015200-00015663 He wrote what is essentially a textbook of these liberal arts called De nuptiis Philologiae 6kMS_1j-8EI-00040-00015663-00016162 et Mercurii or About the marriage of Philology and Mercury, actually a metaphorical work 6kMS_1j-8EI-00041-00016162-00016510 in which the subjects of the seven liberal arts are laid out as speeches made by the 6kMS_1j-8EI-00042-00016510-00016965 bridesmaids at the wedding, with the musical content drawn from a variety of Greek sources. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00043-00016965-00017365 And it’s the work of Martianus Capella and Boethius that lies at the heart of the European 6kMS_1j-8EI-00044-00017365-00017584 medieval educational system. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00045-00017584-00018036 Another educational word we get from the Mousai, the Muses, is museum. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00046-00018036-00018483 Originally a museum, or mouseion in Greek, was a temple dedicated to the Muses, often 6kMS_1j-8EI-00047-00018483-00018942 filled with offerings relevant to the artistic and scientific domains of the Muses themselves, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00048-00018942-00019282 the most famous of which was the Musaeum of Alexandria. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00049-00019282-00019749 That association lingered in some of the earliest modern museums, such as the famous 18th century 6kMS_1j-8EI-00050-00019749-00020156 Freemasons’ lodge in Paris, Les Neuf Soeurs (“The Nine Sisters” in reference to the 6kMS_1j-8EI-00051-00020156-00020655 Muses) which supported various academic endeavours, as well the American Revolution, making it 6kMS_1j-8EI-00052-00020655-00021041 in a sense a modern iteration of the Musaeum of Alexandria. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00053-00021041-00021442 Les Neuf Soeurs counted among its members such Enlightenment free thinking bigwigs as 6kMS_1j-8EI-00054-00021442-00021969 Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin, and one Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, whose name is most associated with 6kMS_1j-8EI-00055-00021969-00022069 the guillotine. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00056-00022069-00022537 In fact, not only did he not invent the contraption (that was the work of surgeon Antoine Louis), 6kMS_1j-8EI-00057-00022537-00022942 he was against capital punishment, but short of the abolition of the practice he also advocated 6kMS_1j-8EI-00058-00022942-00023344 for a more humane method of execution, and so his name has since been associated with 6kMS_1j-8EI-00059-00023344-00023598 this particular terror of the French Revolution. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00060-00023598-00023940 Another important historical footnote about Guillotin is that he was appointed, along 6kMS_1j-8EI-00061-00023940-00024388 with fellow member of Les Neuf Soeurs Benjamin Franklin, to look into the claims of 18th 6kMS_1j-8EI-00062-00024388-00024868 century German doctor Franz Mesmer about what he called “animal magnetism”, an invisible 6kMS_1j-8EI-00063-00024868-00025119 natural force shared by all living things. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00064-00025119-00025453 Mesmer believed this force could affect people, for instance healing them. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00065-00025453-00025894 This animal magnetism also came to be known as mesmerism, a practice that eventually led 6kMS_1j-8EI-00066-00025894-00026094 to what we know today as hypnotism. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00067-00026094-00026489 But as we’ll see, hypnotism isn’t the only mind-related thing to grow out of an 6kMS_1j-8EI-00068-00026489-00026948 early pseudoscience—and here’s where we come back to language and, eventually, music. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00069-00026948-00027307 Because one of those early hypnotists who tried to harness hypnotism for legitimate 6kMS_1j-8EI-00070-00027307-00027619 scientific purposes, was French physician Paul Broca. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00071-00027619-00028027 You see Broca experimented with using hypnotism as a form of surgical anaesthesia. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00072-00028027-00028425 But what Broca is most known for is discovering Broca’s area, the region of the brain that 6kMS_1j-8EI-00073-00028425-00028858 is responsible for speech production, and thus pioneering the modern scientific idea 6kMS_1j-8EI-00074-00028858-00029097 of the localization of brain functions. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00075-00029097-00029432 And this is where the pseudoscience comes in, because the first theories about certain 6kMS_1j-8EI-00076-00029432-00029837 parts of the brain having specific functions came from the phrenologists, who measured 6kMS_1j-8EI-00077-00029837-00030195 skulls and attributed characteristics and behaviours to skull shape. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00078-00030195-00030450 The theory was first proposed by Franz Joseph Gall. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00079-00030450-00030935 It was Gall’s follower and sometime research partner (before they had a falling out) Johann 6kMS_1j-8EI-00080-00030935-00031156 Spurtzheim who gave the name phrenology to the study. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00081-00031156-00031541 Gall accused Spurzheim of plagiarizing and perverting his work, but it was through the 6kMS_1j-8EI-00082-00031541-00031922 efforts of Spurtzheim, who travelled and lectured around Europe, that phrenology gained its 6kMS_1j-8EI-00083-00031922-00032116 popularity and notoriety. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00084-00032116-00032513 It was on one such lecture tour in America that Spurtzheim suddenly died. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00085-00032513-00032913 He was given an elaborate funeral by his American followers, and his funeral oration was delivered 6kMS_1j-8EI-00086-00032913-00033264 by German-born pedagogue and unitarian minister Charles Follen. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00087-00033264-00033601 Follen had been something of a German nationalist, which frequently got him into trouble, being 6kMS_1j-8EI-00088-00033601-00033923 accused of revolutionary activities and even assassination. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00089-00033923-00034290 As a result, Follen was often on the move teaching a variety of subjects in a variety 6kMS_1j-8EI-00090-00034290-00034717 of locations before relocating to the United States where he got work as a professor of 6kMS_1j-8EI-00091-00034717-00034817 German at Harvard. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00092-00034817-00035193 One of the ideas he brought with him from Germany to the US was the practice of gymnastics, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00093-00035193-00035616 which he had picked up from Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, often considered the father of modern 6kMS_1j-8EI-00094-00035616-00035716 gymnastics. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00095-00035716-00036017 Gymnastics, of course, can also be traced back to ancient Greece, and the word gymnos 6kMS_1j-8EI-00096-00036017-00036281 “naked” because the Greeks exercised in the nude. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00097-00036281-00036680 It was considered an important part of the ancient Greek educational system, along with 6kMS_1j-8EI-00098-00036680-00037119 poetry and playing the lyre—the word that gives us lyric, originally meaning a poem 6kMS_1j-8EI-00099-00037119-00037303 sung to the music of a lyre. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00100-00037303-00037698 For Jahn, who was also a German nationalist and something of a xenophobe, gymnastics was 6kMS_1j-8EI-00101-00037698-00038037 part of his nationalist programme to prepare the German youth for the troubles that would 6kMS_1j-8EI-00102-00038037-00038540 lie ahead and he would lecture his gymnastics classes about German national heritage. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00103-00038540-00038848 Some have even called Jahn the spiritual founder of Nazism. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00104-00038848-00039269 Well Follen took this interest in gymnastics and founded the first gymnastics club in the 6kMS_1j-8EI-00105-00039269-00039774 US in Boston in 1826 as well as the first college gymnasium at Harvard. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00106-00039774-00040166 But the outcome of the gymnastic craze in the US was rather different, because American 6kMS_1j-8EI-00107-00040166-00040548 branches of the YMCA started to house their own gymnasiums. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00108-00040548-00041123 The YMCA, founded in London in 1844, began as an effort to provide low-cost housing and 6kMS_1j-8EI-00109-00041123-00041482 a safe Christian environment, away from all the evils of the city. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00110-00041482-00041923 But gradually they have evolved into places of education for both the body and mind (you 6kMS_1j-8EI-00111-00041923-00042399 can even take music lessons there), I suppose living up to the old Latin phrase from Juvenal 6kMS_1j-8EI-00112-00042399-00042915 mens sana in corpore sano “a healthy mind in a healthy body” — mens by the way comes 6kMS_1j-8EI-00113-00042915-00043193 from that same root that gives us mind and music. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00114-00043193-00043606 But getting back to brain regions and Broca, he entered into the debate about phrenology 6kMS_1j-8EI-00115-00043606-00043988 and instead started looking under the skull for evidence of the localization of brain 6kMS_1j-8EI-00116-00043988-00044088 functions. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00117-00044088-00044466 It was Broca’s studies of people suffering from aphasia, impairment of language, that 6kMS_1j-8EI-00118-00044466-00044861 led him to discover that if a patient had damage to a particular region of the brain 6kMS_1j-8EI-00119-00044861-00045242 that we now call Broca’s area, they would have difficulties with speech production. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00120-00045242-00045673 Later on, following in Broca’s footsteps, Carl Wernicke identified a region in the brain 6kMS_1j-8EI-00121-00045673-00046188 we now call Wernicke’s area that was implicated in speech comprehension, and since then neuroscientists 6kMS_1j-8EI-00122-00046188-00046602 have been exploring the various areas of the brain, mapping out their responsibilities. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00123-00046602-00046963 But what goes along with the localization of brain functions, as we’ve been discovering 6kMS_1j-8EI-00124-00046963-00047353 more and more in recent years, is the importance of brain plasticity. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00125-00047353-00047791 Other areas of the brain, with much training, can sometimes pick up the slack from damaged 6kMS_1j-8EI-00126-00047791-00047891 areas. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00127-00047891-00048291 And this lies behind the notion of what’s called Melodic Intonation Therapy which uses 6kMS_1j-8EI-00128-00048291-00048712 music (to finally return to our main topic, the connection between music and language) 6kMS_1j-8EI-00129-00048712-00049153 to help those suffering from Broca’s aphasia, that is, trouble producing speech due to damage 6kMS_1j-8EI-00130-00049153-00049418 to Broca’s area from head trauma or stroke. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00131-00049418-00049812 The idea of music as therapy goes back a long way, and even our old friend Aristotle believed 6kMS_1j-8EI-00132-00049812-00050116 that music could be used to heal the soul and purify the emotions. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00133-00050116-00050558 But Melodic Intonation Therapy (or MIT) is a bit more scientific: it takes advantage 6kMS_1j-8EI-00134-00050558-00050958 of the localization of brain functions and the plasticity of our neurons to help restore 6kMS_1j-8EI-00135-00050958-00051058 speech. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00136-00051058-00051354 Broca’s area is located in the left hemisphere of the brain, but singing seems to be more 6kMS_1j-8EI-00137-00051354-00051490 focused in the right. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00138-00051490-00051859 Practitioners of MIT try to harness the part of the right hemisphere that corresponds to 6kMS_1j-8EI-00139-00051859-00052245 Broca’s area by having their patients sing melodic lines in order to learn to speak again. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00140-00052245-00052619 There have been cases of individuals losing their ability to speak but still being able 6kMS_1j-8EI-00141-00052619-00052969 to sing words which lends credence to this approach, although it should be noted that 6kMS_1j-8EI-00142-00052969-00053322 there's ongoing debate about the efficacy of this form of therapy, and neither Mark 6kMS_1j-8EI-00143-00053322-00053560 nor I are experts in the field. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00144-00053560-00053944 But there might be something even deeper going on in terms of the connection between music 6kMS_1j-8EI-00145-00053944-00054044 and language. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00146-00054044-00054441 In fact, linguists talk about pitch or tone in language all the time. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00147-00054441-00054924 A great many languages of the world use tone to make grammatical or lexical distinctions, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00148-00054924-00055319 that is to indicate the grammatical function of a word in a sentence or to distinguish 6kMS_1j-8EI-00149-00055319-00055708 between one word and another, and we call these tonal languages. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00150-00055708-00056097 Even English uses tone to a lesser degree to convey meaning, such as when we raise the 6kMS_1j-8EI-00151-00056097-00056261 tone at the end of a question. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00152-00056261-00056652 To be clear, these aren’t absolute pitches that make these sorts of distinction, but 6kMS_1j-8EI-00153-00056652-00056913 relative changes in pitch, higher or lower. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00154-00056913-00057160 But can tone alone convey meaning? 6kMS_1j-8EI-00155-00057160-00057398 In other words, can music be language? 6kMS_1j-8EI-00156-00057398-00057655 The answer to this is a qualified yes. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00157-00057655-00058052 The clearest example is whistle languages, which can be found independently in a number 6kMS_1j-8EI-00158-00058052-00058210 of places around the world. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00159-00058210-00058574 In a whistle language the complete meaning of an utterance is conveyed through whistle 6kMS_1j-8EI-00160-00058574-00058674 alone. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00161-00058674-00059020 Whistle languages don’t exist independently of a regular spoken language, though, but 6kMS_1j-8EI-00162-00059020-00059292 are built on top of the spoken variety of the language. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00163-00059292-00059744 They are particularly common with spoken languages that already use tone to convey meaning, as 6kMS_1j-8EI-00164-00059744-00060163 those tones are readily expressed through the pitches of the whistled form of the language. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00165-00060163-00060601 Whistle languages arise in places where communicating across difficult terrain is advantageous, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00166-00060601-00060737 for instance when hunting. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00167-00060737-00061126 One such group that has a whistle language are the Piraha, located in the Amazon. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00168-00061126-00061542 Not only do they have a whistle language, but also a hummed version of their language, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00169-00061542-00061825 which is used exclusively between mothers and their children. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00170-00061825-00062191 When the boys grow old enough to engage in hunting, they leave behind the hummed version 6kMS_1j-8EI-00171-00062191-00062595 of the Piraha language and instead begin to use the whistled version when hunting in the 6kMS_1j-8EI-00172-00062595-00062744 dense rainforest. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00173-00062744-00063119 But the links between music and language may go back even further. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00174-00063119-00063592 Both are human universals — all human cultures known today have developed both language and 6kMS_1j-8EI-00175-00063592-00064011 music, and anthropologists have speculated about how far back these two quintessentially 6kMS_1j-8EI-00176-00064011-00064470 human activities go, with musical instruments having been uncovered that are 40,000 years 6kMS_1j-8EI-00177-00064470-00064908 old, and both seem to serve crucial social functions, which is perhaps the most defining 6kMS_1j-8EI-00178-00064908-00065279 feature of the human species, their intense and complex social behaviours. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00179-00065279-00065776 And in fact some researchers think that music may be connected to our ability to use language. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00180-00065776-00066262 Music and language have many similar elements, such as phrasing, the use of acoustic articulation, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00181-00066262-00066362 and tone. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00182-00066362-00066774 Furthermore music is something of a problem for evolutionary scientists, when one considers 6kMS_1j-8EI-00183-00066774-00067158 what actually is the evolutionary benefit of music, and it turns out that this might 6kMS_1j-8EI-00184-00067158-00067309 be connected with language. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00185-00067309-00067731 Charles Darwin held humans’ musical ability to be “amongst the most mysterious with 6kMS_1j-8EI-00186-00067731-00068219 which he is endowed” and proposed that music might have served as a kind of protolanguage. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00187-00068219-00068649 Although Steven Pinker has dismissed music as “auditory cheesecake”, an evolutionary 6kMS_1j-8EI-00188-00068649-00069082 byproduct that serves no adaptive function, many evolutionary scientists have picked up 6kMS_1j-8EI-00189-00069082-00069475 on this notion, and come up with their own versions of the musical protolanguage theory. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00190-00069475-00070023 For instance, Steven Brown terms this a musilanguage, an early hominid behaviour which was the common 6kMS_1j-8EI-00191-00070023-00070325 ancestor of both language and music. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00192-00070325-00070701 Similarly it has been suggested that language developed through mimicry of natural sounds, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00193-00070701-00071188 tool-use sounds, and the sound of locomotion, as no doubt bipedalism would have led to rhythms 6kMS_1j-8EI-00194-00071188-00071311 which could be imitated. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00195-00071311-00071712 And from a developmental standpoint, music and language are not nearly so differentiated 6kMS_1j-8EI-00196-00071712-00072156 from one another in early infancy, and it’s been suggested that cooing and other pre-verbal 6kMS_1j-8EI-00197-00072156-00072641 vocal interaction between baby and mother, with mothers engaging in sing-songy motherese 6kMS_1j-8EI-00198-00072641-00073068 and babies particularly paying attention to the melodic and rhythmic aspects of their 6kMS_1j-8EI-00199-00073068-00073477 mothers’ vocalizations, may have developed from early hominid behaviours resulting from 6kMS_1j-8EI-00200-00073477-00074027 the need to put the baby down, an evolutionary necessity caused by bipedalism as human babies, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00201-00074027-00074426 unlike other primates, were unable to cling to their mothers allowing them to have their 6kMS_1j-8EI-00202-00074426-00074614 hands free for foraging. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00203-00074614-00074994 But before we wrap up, let’s return to where we started, with the Muses. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00204-00074994-00075473 Because the mother of the Muses in Greek mythology was Mnemosyne, Titaness and personification 6kMS_1j-8EI-00205-00075473-00075573 of memory. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00206-00075573-00075990 Her name can also be traced back to that same Proto-Indo-European root *men-, and is thus 6kMS_1j-8EI-00207-00075990-00076342 related to the English word mnemonic, something that “aids the memory”. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00208-00076342-00076718 No doubt all cultures have developed and used mnemonic tools over the millennia, including 6kMS_1j-8EI-00209-00076718-00077147 our old friends Aristotle in Greece and Martianus Capella in Rome. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00210-00077147-00077507 any college student can tell you the value of good mnemonics, and trust me, musicians 6kMS_1j-8EI-00211-00077507-00077617 are no different. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00212-00077617-00078024 one famous example is the Guidonian Hand, a tool used by medieval musicians where different 6kMS_1j-8EI-00213-00078024-00078364 notes were assigned to different parts of the hand in order to help remember the structures 6kMS_1j-8EI-00214-00078364-00078493 of their scales. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00215-00078493-00078843 another more recent mnemonic is the Circle of Fifths, which is still to this day saving 6kMS_1j-8EI-00216-00078843-00079066 the grades of music majors all around the world. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00217-00079066-00079436 it works by putting all the notes in a circle, with each clockwise step representing the 6kMS_1j-8EI-00218-00079436-00079864 interval of a perfect fifth, and going around the circle tells you how many sharps or flats 6kMS_1j-8EI-00219-00079864-00080205 each key should have which, trust me, is a pretty big deal. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00220-00080205-00080612 but probably the most important mnemonics of all are ones we mostly take for granted: 6kMS_1j-8EI-00221-00080612-00080802 the note names themselves. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00222-00080802-00081200 calling this specific frequency a G helps me remember its relationship to this one, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00223-00081200-00081622 an E. it helps me identify its similarity to this, which is the same note on a different 6kMS_1j-8EI-00224-00081622-00081722 instrument. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00225-00081722-00082018 it even helps me remember how to sing it, although for that we have an even better system 6kMS_1j-8EI-00226-00082018-00082122 called Solfege. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00227-00082122-00082466 this is that Do-Re-Mi stuff Julie Andrews was singing about, and it assigns each note 6kMS_1j-8EI-00228-00082466-00082695 a single syllable so that they're all easy to sing. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00229-00082695-00083042 there's a couple different kinds of Solfege, depending on where you studied and what you're 6kMS_1j-8EI-00230-00083042-00083437 trying to do, but certain versions even help you identify similar relationships between 6kMS_1j-8EI-00231-00083437-00083618 notes, even in different keys. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00232-00083618-00083952 And there’s in fact quite a fascinating story behind those note names, and the Solfege 6kMS_1j-8EI-00233-00083952-00084318 system -- which Cory will tell you all about in his video, so click on the card or the 6kMS_1j-8EI-00234-00084318-00084639 link in the description to head on over to 12Tone and hear that! 6kMS_1j-8EI-00235-00084639-00084752 Thanks for watching! 6kMS_1j-8EI-00236-00084752-00085245 If you’ve enjoyed these etymological explorations and cultural connections, please subscribe, 6kMS_1j-8EI-00237-00085245-00085502 & click the little bell to be notified of every new episode. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00238-00085502-00085912 And check out our Patreon, where you can make a contribution to help me make more videos. 6kMS_1j-8EI-00239-00085912-00086374 I’m @Alliterative on Twitter, and you can visit our website alliterative.net for more 6kMS_1j-8EI-00240-00086374-00086643 language and connections in our podcast, blog, and more! 6kbfL_uRR7k-00000-00000055-00000731 Good morning all, the Bristol Community College Alumni Association members are delighted to 6kbfL_uRR7k-00001-00000731-00001652 be here to welcome the 2016 distinguished African American Alumnus of the year; Adair 6kbfL_uRR7k-00002-00001652-00002783 Lopes. Adair, you exemplify the doctrine of the giving successful alum. Adair began his 6kbfL_uRR7k-00003-00002783-00003730 professional career, actually he began way back before as a volunteer, and then his volunteerism 6kbfL_uRR7k-00004-00003730-00004439 started as South Coast Hospital group. Then Adair continued as an employee at South Coast 6kbfL_uRR7k-00005-00004439-00005596 Hospital. Assuming positions with increasing responsibility in the area of Medical Microbiology. 6kbfL_uRR7k-00006-00005596-00006365 In 2013 he was appointed clinical specialist in the microbiology laboratory at St. Lukes 6kbfL_uRR7k-00007-00006365-00007241 Hospital. Despite having a full professional schedule, Adear continued to volunteer for 6kbfL_uRR7k-00008-00007241-00008162 Bristol Community College. Most recently in October of 2015, Adair began to chair the 6kbfL_uRR7k-00009-00008162-00008864 Clinical Laboratory Science Program of Bristol Community College. It is clear that Adair 6kbfL_uRR7k-00010-00008864-00009580 truly deserves to be honored by his Alma Mata. At this time I would like to welcome, Adair 6kbfL_uRR7k-00012-00012967-00013465 of few words. I don't want to be up here talking to you guys. It's been a great day, we are 6kbfL_uRR7k-00013-00013465-00014296 here to honor a wonderful man. I want to thank Director Subrager, the college, and the community 6kbfL_uRR7k-00014-00014296-00015069 in general for putting such a great event together. My award this morning goes to the 6kbfL_uRR7k-00015-00015069-00015838 current students and future students, since they are the future of our society and our 6kbfL_uRR7k-00016-00015838-00016596 community. I could only use the words of a great man, such as Dr. King; just like he said 6kbfL_uRR7k-00017-00016596-00017436 "If you cant run, you walk. If you cant walk, you crawl. Whatever you do, keep moving forward." 6kbfL_uRR7k-00018-00017436-00017487 Thank you very much. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00000-00001100-00001800 Manikarnika controversy: Sonu Sood says can't work with two directors on a film 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00001-00001900-00002600 Actor Sonu Soon was at the centre of attention last week when he announced his exit from Kangana Ranaut's 'Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi'. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00002-00002700-00003400 The actor's spokesperson told media persons that Sood's exit from the much-anticipated project reportedly took place due to some scheduling conflict. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00003-00003500-00004200 Later, Bollywoodlife.com quoted Kangana as saying that Sood left the project as he did not want to work under a female director. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00004-00004300-00005520 And now, Sood has reacted to Kangana's comment while justifying his exit from the project at last minute in an exclusive chat with HT. The actor told the website that he never had a problem of working under a female director as he has worked with Farah Khan in 'Happy New Year'. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00005-00005620-00006320 "That was not my statement. I never said that I don’t want to work with a female director because I have already done a movie with a female director. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00006-00006420-00007540 I only said I can't be working with two directors on one set," he said. The 'Dabangg' actor further clarifies his stand and says that in his entire career, he never worked with two directors at a time for a project and he will stick to it. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00007-00007640-00008340 "I will always maintain that stand and in a span of all these years, whatever films I have done, 80-90 movies, I have worked with one director at a time. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00008-00008440-00010160 So that is my stand and I will always stick to it," he said. Sonu has been replaced by Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub.In the meantime, after his exit from the film, Kangana is doing major reshoots for 'Manikarnika', which has added Rs 20 crore as additional cost to the total budget. Last week, Sonu's spokesperson said that the actor, who has also been simultaneously shooting for Rohit Shetty's 'Simmba', asked to reshoot some portions for 'Manikarnika' by Kangana. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00009-00010260-00010960 The 45-year-old actor has been sporting a beard for the Ranveer Singh-starrer, but for 'Manikarnika' he was asked to go clean-shaven. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00010-00011060-00012100 Sonu asked the makers of the biopic to finish the reshoots after he completes his schedule for 'Simmba' but things did not work out and he decided to quit the project. "Sonu has always been a thorough professional and honoured all his commitments. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00011-00012200-00012900 He had informed the makers of Manikarnika about his dates and schedule well in advance. Inconveniencing the team of his current film to accommodate the demands of another are against his professional principles. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00012-00013000-00013700 Sonu has taken the higher road ahead and wishes the team of Manikarnika all the best," the spokesperson said in a statement. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00013-00013800-00014500 On the other hand, Kangana, in a statement to Pinkvilla last week, had said, "Sonu and I haven't even met since the last shot with Krish (director) last year. He is busy filming 'Simmba'. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00014-00014600-00015300 He couldn't even give us tentative dates to match combinations with other actors. The producers showed him the film and writers narrated the patchwork to him.he refused to meet me. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00015-00015400-00017060 He vehemently denied to work under a woman director, which is kind of amusing because Sonu is a dear friend and I have even launched the music of a film that he produced on his request, even though the team suggested that they have full faith in me, it seems, Sonu had neither dates nor faith." Earlier, there were reports that filmmaker Krish Jagarlamudi, who has directed the historical drama, has left the project. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00016-00017160-00018140 The news surfaced online after a picture of a clapboard featuring Kangana's name as the director of the film went viral. This set social media on fire with a discussion on whether the actress herself has directed the entire project. 6mmcdEnYEsQ-00017-00018240-00018940 However, it was later clarified by the national award-winning actor's team that she was just shooting the patchwork in absence of Krish, who is currently busy fulfilling his commitments for another project.. 71pOMnWxQZk-00000-00000133-00001100 Ehh, welcome to the second demo of uhm, GSucks, a gravity game that is not about gravity... 71pOMnWxQZk-00001-00001200-00001850 And I'm going to show, this is the game in HTML5, in a browser... 71pOMnWxQZk-00002-00001900-00003073 I'm going to show you what is done until now. As we can see, if I press refresh it reloads the same (game), 71pOMnWxQZk-00003-00003080-00004100 except for the background, and ehh, the way to navigate in this game is ehh, beig attracted and orbitting 71pOMnWxQZk-00004-00004150-00005100 using the ehh, gravity cores of different colours. For example, now I have selected 71pOMnWxQZk-00005-00005110-00006412 the purple one, but now I can ehh, orbit around the green pressing its key. 71pOMnWxQZk-00006-00007490-00008067 Uhhm the physics are done with Box2D, that I think I forgot mentioning in the last video. 71pOMnWxQZk-00007-00009700-00009900 And there is not much more to show actually. 71pOMnWxQZk-00008-00010900-00011752 This way I could for example go to the infinity and so. Not the point. I've got to the end of the world huh. Well, see you next time. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00000-00000004-00000229 When they walked in I was like, wow, okay. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00001-00000229-00000280 There was... 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00002-00000280-00000380 I had these two people. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00003-00000380-00000480 And I'm like, "What do I do with this?" 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00004-00000496-00000906 There's this woman who, you know, her joints, her knees, and her elbows are really swollen. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00005-00000914-00001056 She said she couldn't use them. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00006-00001056-00001368 And then I have this guy, two men, actually, that were very fit. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00007-00001378-00001458 But, I think, high. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00008-00001610-00002196 And when I moved from New York City to Venice and I made some calls to the shelters in and 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00009-00002197-00002318 around the Westside. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00010-00002318-00002619 And everyone was just really excited and would love to have yoga program. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00011-00002619-00003093 So I got volunteer yoga instructors and they come into the shelters one hour a week 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00012-00003094-00003224 and they teach a class. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00013-00003290-00003894 And I just feel so ready to give more because I feel like I've received so much. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00014-00003896-00003978 And it's just that cycle. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00015-00003978-00004130 And it really won't... 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00016-00004130-00004282 I hope it never ends. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00017-00004327-00004656 New instructors, there's a thing that they do, usually when they're just beginning to 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00018-00004656-00004706 teach. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00019-00004706-00004896 It's called "Seva" and it's like giving back. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00020-00004922-00005082 And in the last six years we've had 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00021-00005108-00005308 I guess over twenty weekly classes started 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00022-00005314-00005520 and over two hundred clients. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00023-00005520-00005628 And people seem to really love it. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00024-00005654-00005730 Arms up with air. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00025-00005730-00006038 [BREATHES] And exhale. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00026-00006038-00006286 Just being paid attention to for that hour 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00027-00006286-00006742 and providing them the time just to really kind of go inside and be calm and be still 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00028-00006764-00007131 and not be stressed out about where they're going to get their next meal, where they're 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00029-00007131-00007242 going to sleep that night. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00030-00007242-00007709 I really, personally, saw the transformation it had with them. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00031-00007766-00007978 It's just been so incredible working with 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00032-00007981-00008184 this fun group of guys. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00033-00008184-00008517 They're like funny, they make me laugh so hard. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00034-00008517-00008802 Like we'll start meditating, we'll start breathing. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00035-00008802-00008909 It's just sweet. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00036-00008909-00009335 It's human connection but it's also teaching them their own human connection. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00037-00009335-00009393 And down. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00038-00009414-00009546 [BREATHES] 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00039-00009560-00009944 I came into this thing with anger issues. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00040-00010016-00010190 And I've been treated with 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00041-00010190-00010290 therapy. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00042-00010290-00010681 This gives me real physical help in order to maintain that tranquility. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00043-00011026-00011456 You know when there's 48,000 people experiencing homelessness and there's not 48,000 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00044-00011456-00011580 shelter beds 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00045-00011580-00011794 I can understand our clients losing hope. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00046-00012010-00012366 So PATH is one of the largest homeless service providers in the state of California. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00047-00012406-00012774 And our mission is to end homelessness for families, individuals, and communities, throughout 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00048-00012774-00012924 the state of California. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00049-00012966-00013394 When I became the volunteer coordinator here, Ama Yoga was really one of the first 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00050-00013394-00013624 projects that I wanted to expand. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00051-00013687-00014007 I got a sense of these people who don't really have homes. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00052-00014007-00014186 Like, you know, they have temporary housing. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00053-00014186-00014613 And how what great service it would be to teach them tools they could actually do themselves 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00054-00014613-00014896 to find sort of the home within their own selves 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00055-00014896-00015118 no matter where they're living at the moment. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00056-00015162-00015262 And exhale twist. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00057-00015277-00015472 I had gotten hit by a car. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00058-00015472-00015953 When I first started off I was walking like Frankenstein, you know, the monster. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00059-00015986-00016196 A couple months, I was walking normal. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00060-00016246-00016702 More than anything, these people need someone to care about them and to be inspired. 72Cuh3x6Xl4-00061-00016703-00017015 And with that strength behind them, they are able to make moves. 73q21pLG2RI-00000-00000003-00000612 what's up guys welcome to our channel Tezadvise in this video we'll talk 73q21pLG2RI-00001-00000612-00001163 about how to set up grammarly on your Microsoft Office and I'm gonna explain 73q21pLG2RI-00002-00001163-00002372 you few more things on this video so stay tuned and watch the complete video 73q21pLG2RI-00003-00002372-00003174 first of all, go to the grammarly website if you do not have any account sign up 73q21pLG2RI-00004-00003174-00003686 the grammarly without sign up you cannot install any software on your microsoft 73q21pLG2RI-00005-00003686-00004260 office click login sign up here with your email and the password I have a 73q21pLG2RI-00006-00004260-00004782 2-step verification on my account as I have a premium account once you log into 73q21pLG2RI-00007-00004782-00005316 your account you have to click on apps once you'll click on apps you'll get 73q21pLG2RI-00008-00005316-00005787 this option activate you have to click on activate as I already have this 73q21pLG2RI-00009-00005787-00006348 software downloaded and running on my MS Office so I'm getting this install again 73q21pLG2RI-00010-00006348-00006741 option once you'll click on active you'll get this software downloaded on 73q21pLG2RI-00011-00006741-00007341 your computer open this software click on carry start before you install this 73q21pLG2RI-00012-00007341-00007784 software it's gonna show you where this software gonna be installed on your 73q21pLG2RI-00013-00007784-00008106 computer grammarly for ms word grammarly for Outlook 73q21pLG2RI-00014-00008106-00008772 click on install after installing open Microsoft Word as you can see we have 73q21pLG2RI-00015-00008772-00009315 another option here grammarly click on grammarly here you will get an option to 73q21pLG2RI-00016-00009315-00009822 click on login as I already logged into this account once you log into the 73q21pLG2RI-00017-00009822-00010229 account you'll get the same things you'll get a window which ask you your 73q21pLG2RI-00018-00010229-00010692 email address and the password just type that in after doing so if you want to 73q21pLG2RI-00019-00010692-00011178 use grammarly then you have to click on open grammarly for the demonstration I'm 73q21pLG2RI-00020-00011178-00011679 pasting one article here these are the option which working right now on my 73q21pLG2RI-00021-00011679-00012249 account contextual spelling grammar punctuation and pen structure style 73q21pLG2RI-00022-00012249-00012753 vocabulary enhancement I think these are the options which I get in premium 73q21pLG2RI-00023-00012753-00013316 account few of them remain off if you have a free account one more tool you'll 73q21pLG2RI-00024-00013316-00013800 get if you have a premium account plagiarism option I want it to remain on 73q21pLG2RI-00025-00013800-00014429 if I'm writing any article showing me that this article is 100% copied or the 73q21pLG2RI-00026-00014429-00014856 demonstration I'm showing this article to you and show you all the option that 73q21pLG2RI-00027-00014856-00015390 what are the mistakes you are doing in this article and if you want export 73q21pLG2RI-00028-00015390-00015855 writing help you can click here yet export writing 73q21pLG2RI-00029-00015855-00016494 help how fast you need your document returned three days I think experts 73q21pLG2RI-00030-00016494-00016965 we're gonna check your document and fix the errors that's all you'll get on 73q21pLG2RI-00031-00016965-00017493 grammarly if you have a premium account with grammarly you can set up a two-step 73q21pLG2RI-00032-00017493-00018213 verification click on account click on security setup your 2-step verification 73q21pLG2RI-00033-00018213-00018867 if you wanna text and every try whenever you log into your grammarly account or backup 73q21pLG2RI-00034-00018867-00019412 code or you want to set up alternative an app so that's all you'll get on grammarly 73q21pLG2RI-00035-00019412-00019901 thank you for watching this video have a nice day 77Kuqry2r-A-00000-00000024-00000337 How do I edit my YouTube videos? 77Kuqry2r-A-00001-00000337-00000791 That's a very kind question that I’ve been asked in the comments on my YouTube channel 77Kuqry2r-A-00002-00000791-00000896 and it got me thinking. 77Kuqry2r-A-00003-00000896-00001530 What if I were to share my entire edit process with you in real time right here and share 77Kuqry2r-A-00004-00001530-00001889 the whole process from beginning, right through to the end. 77Kuqry2r-A-00005-00001889-00002200 And of course whenever I get an idea like this I’m terrified. 77Kuqry2r-A-00006-00002200-00002686 This time I think it's because I work with the best, absolutely the best video editors 77Kuqry2r-A-00007-00002686-00002786 in the industry. 77Kuqry2r-A-00008-00002786-00003319 Look, here's footage of me working with two of them right now in the Before Times, obviously. 77Kuqry2r-A-00009-00003319-00003454 This is how we'd work together. 77Kuqry2r-A-00010-00003454-00003745 Everyone's gone to the pub. 77Kuqry2r-A-00011-00003745-00004021 And, we're still here. 77Kuqry2r-A-00012-00004021-00004165 Hi! 77Kuqry2r-A-00013-00004165-00004662 Now obviously I don't want those amazing video editor friends of mine to see this video at 77Kuqry2r-A-00014-00004662-00004762 all. 77Kuqry2r-A-00015-00004762-00005273 I am definitely not a video editor and this is definitely not a Final Cut Pro tutorial. 77Kuqry2r-A-00016-00005273-00005459 It's more of a... a ride-along. 77Kuqry2r-A-00017-00005459-00005841 Uh, you can sit in an edit session with me. 77Kuqry2r-A-00018-00005841-00005941 How exciting! 77Kuqry2r-A-00019-00005941-00006446 I’m gonna fast forward through as much as possible, so any boring bits I’ll try and 77Kuqry2r-A-00020-00006446-00006546 speed up. 77Kuqry2r-A-00021-00006546-00006762 You'll get a sense of how my edit session works. 77Kuqry2r-A-00022-00006762-00007228 Hello I’m Neil Mossey, and I’m a development producer helping high achieving creators and 77Kuqry2r-A-00023-00007228-00007695 performers just like you - high five! - to help you get ideas out of your head and out 77Kuqry2r-A-00024-00007695-00007928 onto here on YouTube where they belong. 77Kuqry2r-A-00025-00007928-00008289 Where you can make the world a happier place, and I’m going to see if I can keep your 77Kuqry2r-A-00026-00008289-00008725 attention for longer than two minutes because the most important thing with editing is... 77Kuqry2r-A-00027-00008725-00009065 So I’m going to put my camera file onto the timeline first. 77Kuqry2r-A-00028-00009065-00009195 I hit “W”. 77Kuqry2r-A-00029-00009195-00009563 The next thing I usually do is to add some compression to my speaking. 77Kuqry2r-A-00030-00009563-00010013 It gives it a bit more oomph, and then after the compression it looks like this, so next 77Kuqry2r-A-00031-00010013-00010365 I’ll just have a quick whiz through the intro to get up to the point where I’m speaking 77Kuqry2r-A-00032-00010365-00010592 over the screen recording. 77Kuqry2r-A-00033-00010592-00010902 I tend to record too many takes for my intro. 77Kuqry2r-A-00034-00010902-00011235 It's a way that I psychologically get into doing this. 77Kuqry2r-A-00035-00011235-00011603 Here in the waveform you can see my three hand claps. 77Kuqry2r-A-00036-00011603-00012221 I’ll drop the screen recording onto the timeline and then I’ll drag myself on top 77Kuqry2r-A-00037-00012221-00012321 of it. 77Kuqry2r-A-00038-00012321-00012897 Command X to cut, and jump to the beginning, and then command V to paste. 77Kuqry2r-A-00039-00012897-00013094 I can't see the hand claps on there! 77Kuqry2r-A-00040-00013094-00013658 Right, really helpfully I’ve started the screen recording AFTER the handclaps! 77Kuqry2r-A-00041-00013658-00014133 Those claps are meant to synchronize the... the timing of the screen recording with my 77Kuqry2r-A-00042-00014133-00014233 camera recording. 77Kuqry2r-A-00043-00014233-00014507 But a lot of the time I just do it by ear. 77Kuqry2r-A-00044-00014507-00014888 It doesn't have to be that precise because it's only a screen recording. 77Kuqry2r-A-00045-00014888-00015488 So I can hear a delay, so all I need to do is move this across so that they are in sync. 77Kuqry2r-A-00046-00015488-00015996 All I need to do now is to kill the audio of the screen recording and then I need to 77Kuqry2r-A-00047-00015996-00016294 move myself up into the corner into a box. 77Kuqry2r-A-00048-00016294-00016628 I select my camera footage and I use transform. 77Kuqry2r-A-00049-00016628-00017207 You can see I’ve got dots around my camera footage and if I shrink the picture you can 77Kuqry2r-A-00050-00017207-00017706 see there we go - disappear into... into space and I’ll put that on the top right hand 77Kuqry2r-A-00051-00017706-00017806 corner. 77Kuqry2r-A-00052-00017806-00018237 I try to make this box as... as big as possible - as you can probably see now! 77Kuqry2r-A-00053-00018237-00018663 This is going to fry my brain in the edit because I’m doing this on this video that 77Kuqry2r-A-00054-00018663-00018766 you're watching right now. 77Kuqry2r-A-00055-00018766-00019230 I’ll just move myself across, and you can see I’ve got a lot of room to the side of 77Kuqry2r-A-00056-00019230-00019758 me there which we don't really need, so I use trim to bring this down... so we'll click 77Kuqry2r-A-00057-00019758-00019858 on this menu. 77Kuqry2r-A-00058-00019858-00019971 Click on crop. 77Kuqry2r-A-00059-00019971-00020071 Difficult to say. 77Kuqry2r-A-00060-00020071-00020279 And I’m going to shrink that. 77Kuqry2r-A-00061-00020279-00020379 Something like that. 77Kuqry2r-A-00062-00020379-00020831 I don't want it to be too tight but I need as much screen real estate as possible so 77Kuqry2r-A-00063-00020831-00021292 I might go back to transform just move me over just a little bit. 77Kuqry2r-A-00064-00021292-00021392 That looks okay. 77Kuqry2r-A-00065-00021392-00021926 The next thing I do is to resize the screen recording so that I can fill as much of this 77Kuqry2r-A-00066-00021926-00022299 picture with the material that I’m talking about. 77Kuqry2r-A-00067-00022299-00022697 Man this chair is really starting to annoy me! 77Kuqry2r-A-00068-00022697-00023271 To resize my screen recording I don't hit use transform, I just use crop, and you can 77Kuqry2r-A-00069-00023271-00023851 see I can shrink down that's a screen size window which is really handy, so I try to 77Kuqry2r-A-00070-00023851-00024292 get the YouTube logo in just so that you can see what I’m talking about. 77Kuqry2r-A-00071-00024292-00024845 That sort of looks like enough and if I hit done you can see now that the screen recording 77Kuqry2r-A-00072-00024845-00025224 fills the screen - which looks great - and the picture of me in the box doesn't look 77Kuqry2r-A-00073-00025224-00025324 too intrusive. 77Kuqry2r-A-00074-00025324-00025635 [VIDEO SOUND:] And we want to go down to here, customization. 77Kuqry2r-A-00075-00025635-00026196 I put lots and lots of pauses in my speech and I tend to take them all out. 77Kuqry2r-A-00076-00026196-00026752 I’m probably leaving them all in here, but usually on my videos I try to snip out these... 77Kuqry2r-A-00077-00026752-00026852 these little pauses. 77Kuqry2r-A-00078-00026852-00027341 My worry is that by taking them out, anyone watching my videos will hate the way that 77Kuqry2r-A-00079-00027341-00027945 I speak normally - so it doesn't seem to be serving my long-term interest to be taking 77Kuqry2r-A-00080-00027945-00028161 these little pauses out. 77Kuqry2r-A-00081-00028161-00028665 But leaving them in is just as annoying for me to listen to so... 77Kuqry2r-A-00082-00028665-00028796 I’ll take them out for now. 77Kuqry2r-A-00083-00028796-00029443 Now the way I make an edit to keep the screen recording in sync with my talking over the 77Kuqry2r-A-00084-00029443-00029895 screen recording, I’m going to have to cut both the camera footage and the screen recording 77Kuqry2r-A-00085-00029895-00029995 footage. 77Kuqry2r-A-00086-00029995-00030853 And to do that, I select all so that's command-A Now when I make a cut with command-B it slices 77Kuqry2r-A-00087-00030853-00031335 through both sections: both the camera footage and the screen recording. 77Kuqry2r-A-00088-00031335-00031499 And if we're coming back in here... 77Kuqry2r-A-00089-00031499-00031856 [VIDEO SOUND:] this opens I think that looks like a good spot. 77Kuqry2r-A-00090-00031856-00032509 I’ll do the same thing again, so command-A and then command-B. 77Kuqry2r-A-00091-00032509-00033190 And then when I remove this section, it stays in sync and hopefully the edit sounds like 77Kuqry2r-A-00092-00033190-00033290 this. 77Kuqry2r-A-00093-00033290-00033712 [VIDEO SOUND:] it expands the menu and we want to go down to here customization this 77Kuqry2r-A-00094-00033712-00034250 opens up a menu I am very comfortable with my videos jump 77Kuqry2r-A-00095-00034250-00034478 cutting as you've probably seen already. 77Kuqry2r-A-00096-00034478-00034982 I would much prefer to give a signal to the viewer that I am not wasting their time at 77Kuqry2r-A-00097-00034982-00035334 all so I have no problem whatsoever with... with jump cuts. 77Kuqry2r-A-00098-00035334-00035890 I try to make them less messy and I’ll show you how I do that with the edits but I’m 77Kuqry2r-A-00099-00035890-00036280 not too precious about my footage jumping around. 77Kuqry2r-A-00100-00036280-00036798 I just want to get through what I want to share as quickly as possible and I think it 77Kuqry2r-A-00101-00036798-00037047 sends a good signal to the viewer. 77Kuqry2r-A-00102-00037047-00037513 Even though it's something that TV and cinematic editors absolutely hate! 77Kuqry2r-A-00103-00037513-00037802 [VIDEO SOUND:] so at the top here we've got a channel trailer for 77Kuqry2r-A-00104-00037802-00039312 [VIDEO SOUND:] for people who are and [VIDEO SOUND:] a channel trailer for people 77Kuqry2r-A-00105-00039312-00039818 who are subscribed or not and then you might be aware of this but this is where you can 77Kuqry2r-A-00106-00039818-00040805 put different shelves different lines rows of rows of videos for your for your YouTube 77Kuqry2r-A-00107-00040805-00042780 channel rows of videos [VIDEO SOUND:] different shelves different 77Kuqry2r-A-00108-00042780-00043693 lines [VIDEO SOUND:] put different shelves different 77Kuqry2r-A-00109-00043693-00044672 [VIDEO SOUND:] you can put different shelves different rows of videos for your YouTube 77Kuqry2r-A-00110-00044672-00045321 channel page these are my rows I kind of like to think of them as bookshelves and then 77Kuqry2r-A-00111-00045321-00047031 [VIDEO SOUND:] and then you might be aware of this but this is where you can put different 77Kuqry2r-A-00112-00047031-00048390 shelves different rows of video [VIDEO SOUND:] different rows of videos for 77Kuqry2r-A-00113-00048390-00049505 your YouTube [VIDEO SOUND:] yeah those for your YouTube 77Kuqry2r-A-00114-00049505-00050319 rows of videos for your YouTube channel page these are my rows these are my rows I kind 77Kuqry2r-A-00115-00050319-00050993 of like to think [VIDEO SOUND:] i kind of like to think of 77Kuqry2r-A-00116-00050993-00052441 them page these are my YouTube channel page [VIDEO SOUND:] YouTube channel page because 77Kuqry2r-A-00117-00052441-00053900 I kind of like to think that [VIDEO SOUND:] page I kind of like to think 77Kuqry2r-A-00118-00053900-00054400 of them as bookshelves Can you hear here, I have a little lip smack 77Kuqry2r-A-00119-00054400-00054544 which is something I tend to do a lot. 77Kuqry2r-A-00120-00054544-00055588 If I run the the play head over it [VIDEO SOUND:] let's turn it off 77Kuqry2r-A-00121-00055588-00056099 Did you hear that? 77Kuqry2r-A-00122-00056099-00056244 So I’ll put the cut slightly after it. 77Kuqry2r-A-00123-00056244-00056525 You can see it, it's just on this waveform here. 77Kuqry2r-A-00124-00056525-00056873 I’m just going to go after the this lip smack. 77Kuqry2r-A-00125-00056873-00057538 [VIDEO SOUND:] sort of it's not very There’s a horrible swallow as well, so we'll 77Kuqry2r-A-00126-00057538-00057654 get rid of that. 77Kuqry2r-A-00127-00057654-00058030 [VIDEO SOUND:] there's bookshelves it's not very intuitive 77Kuqry2r-A-00128-00058030-00059986 [VIDEO SOUND:] it's not very intuitive but this is how you add but this is how you link 77Kuqry2r-A-00129-00059986-00060667 something definitive but this is how you add but this is how you link 77Kuqry2r-A-00130-00060667-00062179 [VIDEO SOUND:] shelves it's not very intuitive but this is how you link a featured channel 77Kuqry2r-A-00131-00062179-00062444 I keep making mistakes while I’m doing it. 77Kuqry2r-A-00132-00062444-00063054 I’m always... always using command-Z or command Z which is undo, undo, undo! 77Kuqry2r-A-00133-00063054-00063451 I had a friend who said “wouldn't it be great if you could just apple Z things in 77Kuqry2r-A-00134-00063451-00063551 life?” 77Kuqry2r-A-00135-00063551-00063651 That's quite a philosophy. 77Kuqry2r-A-00136-00063651-00064072 Now when I get to the end of this I’m going to be resizing the screen recording so we 77Kuqry2r-A-00137-00064072-00064369 can zoom in on what we're talking about and zoom out. 77Kuqry2r-A-00138-00064369-00064624 I’m just cutting this for audio. 77Kuqry2r-A-00139-00064624-00065257 I just want my dialogue soundtrack to be continuous and I’ll make the screen recording fit and 77Kuqry2r-A-00140-00065257-00065450 time with my speech. 77Kuqry2r-A-00141-00065450-00065889 I have a feeling this is going to be quite a long video so there are chapters in the 77Kuqry2r-A-00142-00065889-00066156 description below if you want to jump ahead. 77Kuqry2r-A-00143-00066156-00066644 [MUSIC] So I’ve got a section here where I’m talking 77Kuqry2r-A-00144-00066644-00067235 about the URL at the top of the browser and obviously I’ve cropped that off. 77Kuqry2r-A-00145-00067235-00067926 So I’m going to re-position the screen recording so that we can see what I’m talking about. 77Kuqry2r-A-00146-00067926-00068419 And just reposition that now, so go to the crop and then I’ll move this crop up to 77Kuqry2r-A-00147-00068419-00068720 here so I’ll take out this gap. 77Kuqry2r-A-00148-00068720-00069651 And I’ll go super big on the URL here, so I’ll use crop and I’ll zoom all the way 77Kuqry2r-A-00149-00069651-00069981 up and my face is going to obscure some of this. 77Kuqry2r-A-00150-00069981-00070170 I wonder if I should move it across. 77Kuqry2r-A-00151-00070170-00070454 I might move it across. 77Kuqry2r-A-00152-00070454-00071174 I think if I hold down command while I’m moving it... it allows you to move it more 77Kuqry2r-A-00153-00071174-00071274 smoothly. 77Kuqry2r-A-00154-00071274-00071374 Done. 77Kuqry2r-A-00155-00071374-00071587 I’m going to go full frame on me. 77Kuqry2r-A-00156-00071587-00071812 Sorry, that was me “going full frame”! 77Kuqry2r-A-00157-00071812-00072338 I’m going to fill the frame with this shot to hide the jumpy join. 77Kuqry2r-A-00158-00072338-00072945 If I highlight this, I’m going to take off the crop so I’m going to untick transform 77Kuqry2r-A-00159-00072945-00073370 and crop and you can see that I’ve removed the crop so I’m going to fill the picture. 77Kuqry2r-A-00160-00073370-00073591 I’ll play it through and you can see what it looks like. 77Kuqry2r-A-00161-00073591-00074186 [VIDEO SOUND:] A unique URL name for the channel this is what the channel's actually got... 77Kuqry2r-A-00162-00074186-00074286 There. 77Kuqry2r-A-00163-00074286-00074468 It just helps the viewer feel like I’m... 77Kuqry2r-A-00164-00074468-00074901 “I’m here for you” rather than blathering away over a screen recording. 77Kuqry2r-A-00165-00074901-00075344 The reason I chose to cut there to come back to the screen recording was: have a look at 77Kuqry2r-A-00166-00075344-00075444 my face. 77Kuqry2r-A-00167-00075444-00075868 [VIDEO SOUND:] for the channel There. 77Kuqry2r-A-00168-00075868-00076010 Can you see that I blinked there? 77Kuqry2r-A-00169-00076010-00076558 Let me show you again. 77Kuqry2r-A-00170-00076558-00076725 I blinked before I looked down. 77Kuqry2r-A-00171-00076725-00077233 T here's a theory of cutting on the blink, and basically when we're talking, we provide 77Kuqry2r-A-00172-00077233-00077482 little edit points when we blink. 77Kuqry2r-A-00173-00077482-00077937 It's when we give chunks of information or when we're taking in chunks of information. 77Kuqry2r-A-00174-00077937-00078430 It's almost like our brain shutting everything down parking it in our brains and then opening 77Kuqry2r-A-00175-00078430-00078530 our eyes again. 77Kuqry2r-A-00176-00078530-00079142 Bizarrely if you ever want to know how to time when is the right point to edit yourself, 77Kuqry2r-A-00177-00079142-00079500 your eyes blink at the... at the right moment! 77Kuqry2r-A-00178-00079500-00079735 Your eyes give you the... the clue. 77Kuqry2r-A-00179-00079735-00080269 So if you watch that while you're editing, these little blinks that you're doing subconsciously 77Kuqry2r-A-00180-00080269-00080889 without even realizing it, they're providing all the edit points that an edited video is 77Kuqry2r-A-00181-00080889-00081051 actually trying to recreate. 77Kuqry2r-A-00182-00081051-00081385 It's one of the best theories I’ve been given about editing. 77Kuqry2r-A-00183-00081385-00081845 [MUSIC] Now here we have a problem because the thing 77Kuqry2r-A-00184-00081845-00082332 that I’m talking about on screen recording is actually hidden by me - by my box. 77Kuqry2r-A-00185-00082332-00082980 Let's start it here, so I’m going to move that over to here and I’m going to crop 77Kuqry2r-A-00186-00082980-00083737 the right hand side of my box, and now I’m obscuring the left-hand side of the screen 77Kuqry2r-A-00187-00083737-00084526 so I’ll probably resize this screen recording, to go crop... 77Kuqry2r-A-00188-00084526-00085016 Let's make it bigger. 77Kuqry2r-A-00189-00085016-00085437 I don't really like doing this but I might have to move my box to the middle. 77Kuqry2r-A-00190-00085437-00085989 I really don't like putting my box at the bottom of the screen it's like it diminishes 77Kuqry2r-A-00191-00085989-00086269 my own authority on my own channel! 77Kuqry2r-A-00192-00086269-00086543 Let's put it to there. 77Kuqry2r-A-00193-00086543-00086983 It doesn't look right but at least you get to see everything we need to see. 77Kuqry2r-A-00194-00086983-00087450 [VIDEO SOUND:] ikea dad there are no matching results basically it won't link to channels 77Kuqry2r-A-00195-00087450-00087837 that don't have any videos on them yet when you've found all the channels... 77Kuqry2r-A-00196-00087837-00088238 I’m going to do something different here, so what I’m going to do now is detach the 77Kuqry2r-A-00197-00088238-00088338 audio. 77Kuqry2r-A-00198-00088338-00089032 So it means that when I turn off my vision I’m going to hit the letter V to turn off 77Kuqry2r-A-00199-00089032-00089291 my video so we can still hear me talking. 77Kuqry2r-A-00200-00089291-00089652 [VIDEO SOUND:] obviously you want to Which wouldn't have happened if I hadn't detached 77Kuqry2r-A-00201-00089652-00090425 the audio, and we'll just go big on the screen recording so if I resize this... 77Kuqry2r-A-00202-00090425-00090875 I want to see the “done” there. 77Kuqry2r-A-00203-00090875-00090975 Centre it. 77Kuqry2r-A-00204-00090975-00091361 [VIDEO SOUND:] goes on them yet when you've found all the channels that you want to link 77Kuqry2r-A-00205-00091361-00091975 to just go down to done So about here I’m going to cut close to 77Kuqry2r-A-00206-00091975-00092329 the word “DONE”. 77Kuqry2r-A-00207-00092329-00093243 [VIDEO SOUND:] yet when you've found all the channels that you want to link to just go 77Kuqry2r-A-00208-00093243-00093382 down to done... 77Kuqry2r-A-00209-00093382-00093675 I quite like that! 77Kuqry2r-A-00210-00093675-00094216 [MUSIC] [VIDEO SOUND:] and right here right now is 77Kuqry2r-A-00211-00094216-00094729 what YouTube thinks you should be watching next oh my god. 77Kuqry2r-A-00212-00094729-00095018 That's my stomach! 77Kuqry2r-A-00213-00095018-00095288 (LAUGHTER) Let's try again. 77Kuqry2r-A-00214-00095288-00095677 [MUSIC] So I’ve had a little break. 77Kuqry2r-A-00215-00095677-00096302 I’ve got a cup of hot chicory drink and some chocolate from whoa... some chocolate 77Kuqry2r-A-00216-00096302-00096402 from Cornwall. 77Kuqry2r-A-00217-00096402-00096791 I’m also wearing my Christmas hat because it's so cold here in the happy hut. 77Kuqry2r-A-00218-00096791-00097018 I’m going to go through the whole video again. 77Kuqry2r-A-00219-00097018-00097262 It's five minutes 16 seconds long. 77Kuqry2r-A-00220-00097262-00097522 I’m gonna really tighten it up. 77Kuqry2r-A-00221-00097522-00098010 [MUSIC] This is where I would put in my name strap. 77Kuqry2r-A-00222-00098010-00098451 I’ve got this pre-prepared as an animation that I made in keynote. 77Kuqry2r-A-00223-00098451-00099081 All I need to do is to hit Q I’ve got a selection of things that I use 77Kuqry2r-A-00224-00099081-00099318 in pretty much every video. 77Kuqry2r-A-00225-00099318-00099622 Like there's a comment button... a little subscribe button... 77Kuqry2r-A-00226-00099622-00100020 By the way if you're here at this point, thank you so much! 77Kuqry2r-A-00227-00100020-00100483 If you've made it this far please hit the thumbs up button just to let me know someone 77Kuqry2r-A-00228-00100483-00100583 reached this point. 77Kuqry2r-A-00229-00100583-00100976 I can't believe you're still watching this, but kudos to you. 77Kuqry2r-A-00230-00100976-00101613 And that thumbs up animation along with my subscribe animation - hint! - is all on here 77Kuqry2r-A-00231-00101613-00101714 as green screens. 77Kuqry2r-A-00232-00101714-00102282 I’ll put those ones on the video - and it drops about there. 77Kuqry2r-A-00233-00102282-00102718 [VIDEO SOUND:] the channel way too much there hello I’m neil and I do a lot of experiments 77Kuqry2r-A-00234-00102718-00102835 here on YouTube. 77Kuqry2r-A-00235-00102835-00103240 Let's now go through the rest of the video! 77Kuqry2r-A-00236-00103240-00103677 [MUSIC] This is the about the time I start to drop 77Kuqry2r-A-00237-00103677-00104276 in my little arrows just to help the viewer register what I’m actually talking about. 77Kuqry2r-A-00238-00104276-00104524 I’ve got the arrow in my evergreen folder. 77Kuqry2r-A-00239-00104524-00105101 Hit Q to drop it onto the timeline and then I use transform to position it, so I’ll 77Kuqry2r-A-00240-00105101-00105201 rotate it. 77Kuqry2r-A-00241-00105201-00105867 And I made this arrow in keynote as well which is the mac powerpoint presentation program. 77Kuqry2r-A-00242-00105867-00106213 It’s free and it's absolutely fantastic. 77Kuqry2r-A-00243-00106213-00106850 You can export pictures like this so that the background is transparent. 77Kuqry2r-A-00244-00106850-00107369 [MUSIC] So now it's time for me to do the final pass 77Kuqry2r-A-00245-00107369-00107932 and I find this part of the edit the absolute hardest because technically it's the easiest 77Kuqry2r-A-00246-00107932-00108265 and I’m just so close to having this thing finished. 77Kuqry2r-A-00247-00108265-00108747 And yet I’ve gotta look at my stupid face for yet another possibly an hour. 77Kuqry2r-A-00248-00108747-00109172 I’m gonna try and do this as quickly as possible but this is the pass where I put 77Kuqry2r-A-00249-00109172-00109618 all the final graphics and do any more nips and tucks that need doing and it's also when 77Kuqry2r-A-00250-00109618-00109964 I add the music bed and the sound effects. 77Kuqry2r-A-00251-00109964-00110365 I hold down the command button when I’m adjusting the audio levels. 77Kuqry2r-A-00252-00110365-00110840 If you do it just by dragging this bar up and down, it's really difficult to get the 77Kuqry2r-A-00253-00110840-00111065 exact number of decibels you want. 77Kuqry2r-A-00254-00111065-00111561 But if you hold down the command key on your mac keyboard you can get it going up and down 77Kuqry2r-A-00255-00111561-00111694 in increments of one. 77Kuqry2r-A-00256-00111694-00112338 The other thing I do at the beginning is, I have a title that drops down and I use keynote. 77Kuqry2r-A-00257-00112338-00112671 I just copy and paste the last strap. 77Kuqry2r-A-00258-00112671-00113402 Put something like “How to link your channel... or try “how to link my channel” 77Kuqry2r-A-00259-00113402-00113898 That looks good! 77Kuqry2r-A-00260-00113898-00114264 [MUSIC] The last thing that I do that I always, always 77Kuqry2r-A-00261-00114264-00114683 leave to the very last thing is to make a little montage at the beginning of the thing 77Kuqry2r-A-00262-00114683-00114802 that I’m talking about. 77Kuqry2r-A-00263-00114802-00115074 So let's take a listen to what I’m going to cover. 77Kuqry2r-A-00264-00115074-00115582 [VIDEO SOUND:] but I’ve just created a few other new YouTube channels and I want to link 77Kuqry2r-A-00265-00115582-00115772 to those on my channels. 77Kuqry2r-A-00266-00115772-00116275 I want them to appear like this as featured channels and I found it really difficult to 77Kuqry2r-A-00267-00116275-00116682 find where to link other YouTube channels to my YouTube channel. 77Kuqry2r-A-00268-00116682-00117230 I can see here, it's about 15 seconds that I’m looking to cover, so what-- all I do 77Kuqry2r-A-00269-00117230-00117763 for this is I just scroll through the video and anything that leaps out as being really... 77Kuqry2r-A-00270-00117763-00118054 that looks good, kinetic moving pictures... 77Kuqry2r-A-00271-00118054-00118525 I like that that big close-up of the word “Featured channels” and I’ll paste it 77Kuqry2r-A-00272-00118525-00118854 right at the beginning just so I can remember where it is. 77Kuqry2r-A-00273-00118854-00119749 Now that looks good, so grab that and the arrow, and I’ll use that for when I say 77Kuqry2r-A-00274-00119749-00120110 the words “appear on your channel as featured channels”. 77Kuqry2r-A-00275-00120110-00120330 I might take that because that's a nice scroll. 77Kuqry2r-A-00276-00120330-00120908 Yes I’ve just got a bunch of shots, and then I’m just going to drag them up here 77Kuqry2r-A-00277-00120908-00121377 for when I’m talking, so drag it up and then I’ll cut... and I’ll paste it over 77Kuqry2r-A-00278-00121377-00121477 here. 77Kuqry2r-A-00279-00121477-00121917 Now this seems like an insane amount of time to be spending on a few seconds at the opening, 77Kuqry2r-A-00280-00121917-00122108 but I just want to stop that drop off. 77Kuqry2r-A-00281-00122108-00122619 I’m going to keep the audience watching so I really do tend to over invest a bit of 77Kuqry2r-A-00282-00122619-00122853 editing time on the first 30 seconds. 77Kuqry2r-A-00283-00122853-00123498 So it's a bit too much, I’ll make it smaller and then paste it into position. 77Kuqry2r-A-00284-00123498-00124080 [VIDEO SOUND:] new YouTube channels and I want to link to those on my channels 77Kuqry2r-A-00285-00124080-00124859 I can't move these up, uh so I’ll move the arrow to one side then I’ll move this up 77Kuqry2r-A-00286-00124859-00125483 to here and then I’ll put the arrow back in the right place to there I think it is. 77Kuqry2r-A-00287-00125483-00125689 Let's play that through [VIDEO SOUND:] YouTube channel but I’ve 77Kuqry2r-A-00288-00125689-00126283 just created a few other new YouTube channels and I want to link to those on my channels. 77Kuqry2r-A-00289-00126283-00126576 I want them to appear like this So I’m just going to fill that gap. 77Kuqry2r-A-00290-00126576-00126867 I think I think I’m going to fill the entire gap. 77Kuqry2r-A-00291-00126867-00127379 And I’ll just grab the tick where I check that check box. 77Kuqry2r-A-00292-00127379-00127884 That's a bit too much, give it a bit more breathing space. 77Kuqry2r-A-00293-00127884-00128618 Grab that one, put it there. 77Kuqry2r-A-00294-00128618-00129097 And I grab this one, put it there. 77Kuqry2r-A-00295-00129097-00129514 And then finally, the final piece of the puzzle, oh that's in the wrong place... so I want 77Kuqry2r-A-00296-00129514-00130394 to put that one there and that one here and I’ll make this smaller. 77Kuqry2r-A-00297-00130394-00130570 My opening montage looks like this. 77Kuqry2r-A-00298-00130570-00131089 [VIDEO SOUND:] and I have this YouTube channel but I’ve just created a few other new YouTube 77Kuqry2r-A-00299-00131089-00131436 channels and I want to link to those on my channels. 77Kuqry2r-A-00300-00131436-00131938 I want them to appear like this as featured channels and I found it really difficult to 77Kuqry2r-A-00301-00131938-00132477 find where to link other YouTube channels to my YouTube channel so I’m going to walk 77Kuqry2r-A-00302-00132477-00132577 you through... 77Kuqry2r-A-00303-00132577-00132677 That sort of works. 77Kuqry2r-A-00304-00132677-00133134 I don't like it because this this shot doesn't really do anything, so what I might do is 77Kuqry2r-A-00305-00133134-00133417 just reinstate this clip. 77Kuqry2r-A-00306-00133417-00133726 Oh that's perfect. 77Kuqry2r-A-00307-00133726-00133952 So I’ll hide that and let's see how this looks. 77Kuqry2r-A-00308-00133952-00134462 [VIDEO SOUND:] and I have this YouTube channel but I’ve just created a few other new YouTube 77Kuqry2r-A-00309-00134462-00135036 channels and I want to link to those on my channels I want them to appear like this as 77Kuqry2r-A-00310-00135036-00135554 featured channels and I found it really difficult to find where to link other YouTube channels 77Kuqry2r-A-00311-00135554-00135877 to my YouTube channel so I’m going to walk... 77Kuqry2r-A-00312-00135877-00136078 Great so that works really well. 77Kuqry2r-A-00313-00136078-00136391 Right, so I want some sound effects to happen here. 77Kuqry2r-A-00314-00136391-00136501 Let's have a pop. 77Kuqry2r-A-00315-00136501-00137033 [VIDEO SOUND:] I have this YouTube channel but I’ve just created a few other new YouTube 77Kuqry2r-A-00316-00137033-00137244 channels and-- What I might do actually, let's have a crash. 77Kuqry2r-A-00317-00137244-00137411 I’ve got an even bigger crash. 77Kuqry2r-A-00318-00137411-00137677 This is a really over-the-top crash. 77Kuqry2r-A-00319-00137677-00137777 [CRASH!] 77Kuqry2r-A-00320-00137777-00137932 I love that one! 77Kuqry2r-A-00321-00137932-00138624 Let's-- let's do it, and then I’ll move this pop onto there, so the crash goes here. 77Kuqry2r-A-00322-00138624-00138910 I might have to check the sound level because it's going to be really loud. 77Kuqry2r-A-00323-00138910-00139203 [VIDEO SOUND:] and I have this YouTube channel... 77Kuqry2r-A-00324-00139203-00139341 It's a bit too loud. 77Kuqry2r-A-00325-00139341-00139528 Take it down to about minus eight? 77Kuqry2r-A-00326-00139528-00139879 Let's try [VIDEO SOUND:] and I have this YouTube channel 77Kuqry2r-A-00327-00139879-00140179 but I’ve just created a few other new YouTube channels... 77Kuqry2r-A-00328-00140179-00140434 And then I want a clang there, so the ship bell. 77Kuqry2r-A-00329-00140434-00140920 [VIDEO SOUND:] I want them to appear like this as featured channels and I found it really 77Kuqry2r-A-00330-00140920-00141086 difficult to find where... 77Kuqry2r-A-00331-00141086-00141198 And then another pop. 77Kuqry2r-A-00332-00141198-00141554 [VIDEO SOUND:] to my YouTube channel so I’m going 77Kuqry2r-A-00333-00141554-00141859 I need a couple of clicks I think, so let's put in a click here. 77Kuqry2r-A-00334-00141859-00142353 [VIDEO SOUND:] do link other YouTube channels to my YouTube channel so I’m going to walk 77Kuqry2r-A-00335-00142353-00142460 you through the process. 77Kuqry2r-A-00336-00142460-00142896 I’ve got a nice shot of my channel page, it's a bit less frenetic. 77Kuqry2r-A-00337-00142896-00143155 I’m going to reuse the clips I had here. 77Kuqry2r-A-00338-00143155-00143542 [VIDEO SOUND:] rows of videos for your YouTube channel page. 77Kuqry2r-A-00339-00143542-00143751 I kind of like to think of them as... 77Kuqry2r-A-00340-00143751-00144272 Obviously we don't to see that I’ve managed to get the channels - featured channels - so 77Kuqry2r-A-00341-00144272-00144510 the scroll will end there. 77Kuqry2r-A-00342-00144510-00145291 I might slow it down a bit and I might crop in a bit as well. 77Kuqry2r-A-00343-00145291-00145469 So we just see the channel. 77Kuqry2r-A-00344-00145469-00145936 Let's try that and let's get a couple of sound effects on and have a little pop for it to 77Kuqry2r-A-00345-00145936-00146036 appear. 77Kuqry2r-A-00346-00146036-00146316 [VIDEO SOUND:] and then you might be aware of this but this is where you can put rows 77Kuqry2r-A-00347-00146316-00146687 of videos for your YouTube channel page. 77Kuqry2r-A-00348-00146687-00146879 Let's try that. 77Kuqry2r-A-00349-00146879-00147329 [VIDEO SOUND:] videos for your YouTube channel page because I kind of like to think of them 77Kuqry2r-A-00350-00147329-00147873 as bookshelves it's not very intuitive but this is how you link a featured channel if 77Kuqry2r-A-00351-00147873-00148000 we click on... 77Kuqry2r-A-00352-00148000-00148214 That... that'll do. 77Kuqry2r-A-00353-00148214-00148358 I’m done! 77Kuqry2r-A-00354-00148358-00148898 It's all finished so all I need to do now is export it and upload to YouTube. 77Kuqry2r-A-00355-00148898-00149015 Is this helping? 77Kuqry2r-A-00356-00149015-00149487 Is it helping to see how I edit my YouTube videos on Final Cut Pro? 77Kuqry2r-A-00357-00149487-00149990 If you're cutting on iMovie at the moment and thinking whether or not to step up, I... 77Kuqry2r-A-00358-00149990-00150090 Agh, do it! 77Kuqry2r-A-00359-00150090-00150243 Do it if you can afford it. 77Kuqry2r-A-00360-00150243-00150889 It's insanely expensive but I find it a lot easier to manage video files in Final Cut 77Kuqry2r-A-00361-00150889-00150989 Pro. 77Kuqry2r-A-00362-00150989-00151290 I’ve just realized I’ve got to... 77Kuqry2r-A-00363-00151290-00151691 I’ve now got to edit this one! 78xLA5k4Rfu-00000-00000032-00000552 in this video i'm going to show you how you can turn photoshop artwork into awesome looking vector 78xLA5k4Rfu-00001-00000552-00001136 brushes in illustrator if you want to create great looking artwork and save oodles of time 78xLA5k4Rfu-00002-00001136-00001560 then subscribe and click on the bell so you don't miss a thing so i collected a series 78xLA5k4Rfu-00003-00001560-00002016 of passive shapes and then placed them on top of my ipad screen with a plain white background nice 78xLA5k4Rfu-00004-00002016-00002464 and bright to provide good contrast and then i photographed them and then i progressed one of 78xLA5k4Rfu-00005-00002464-00003008 them copied and pasted into a new document delete the background layer and then create a selection 78xLA5k4Rfu-00006-00003008-00003568 of that pasta shape and apply the layer mask to that particular layer so i could cut out the 78xLA5k4Rfu-00007-00003568-00004000 background around the original photograph and i was left with just that pasta shape i then 78xLA5k4Rfu-00008-00004000-00004376 saved that as a photoshop document to keep the transparent background so i could bring it through 78xLA5k4Rfu-00009-00004376-00004992 to illustrator so here in my illustrator document the majority of the artwork has already been made 78xLA5k4Rfu-00010-00004992-00005552 the characters follow words pasta and baby i drew those with a pen tool so that's what we're going 78xLA5k4Rfu-00011-00005552-00006304 to attach our brush marks to and then if i go to file and choose place i can import my fusilli psd 78xLA5k4Rfu-00012-00006304-00006856 file and i'll just drop this at the side in here like so and i'll definitely need under the window 78xLA5k4Rfu-00013-00006856-00007528 menu the brushes panel and if we're going to turn this into something that wish to use as a 78xLA5k4Rfu-00014-00007528-00008016 brush inside of illustrator it does unfortunately have to be embedded so if i go up to the control 78xLA5k4Rfu-00015-00008016-00008472 panel at the top you'll find this button in there called embed there's an option uh you'll find the 78xLA5k4Rfu-00016-00008472-00008904 same option in the properties panel as well click on that and i'll choose to flatten this into a 78xLA5k4Rfu-00017-00008904-00009552 single image layer and click ok and that maintains the transparency and then before you create your 78xLA5k4Rfu-00018-00009552-00010088 brush just make sure that you orientate it to the angle that you wish it to be made at so 78xLA5k4Rfu-00019-00010088-00010480 if i was to turn this into a brush now we're going to get loads of vertical pasta 78xLA5k4Rfu-00020-00010480-00011008 stretched along a path i don't want that i want to create the effect of kind of a string of pasta so 78xLA5k4Rfu-00021-00011008-00011720 i just need to rotate that clockwise 90 degrees and then i'll click on the plus choose pattern 78xLA5k4Rfu-00022-00011720-00012488 brush and then click ok and with this open now on screen i'll call this brush pasta i am going to 78xLA5k4Rfu-00023-00012488-00012936 reduce the size because it's pretty big compared to my artworks if i choose 30 percent of its 78xLA5k4Rfu-00024-00012936-00013512 original size we can always change this afterwards and with the pattern brush you can create elements 78xLA5k4Rfu-00025-00013512-00014047 for the corners the straight sections the internal corners the ends and the starts of the path as 78xLA5k4Rfu-00026-00014047-00014552 well now at the moment i've only got a straight section defined and that will be enough for what 78xLA5k4Rfu-00027-00014552-00015191 we need here i'll choose to fit this in a way that stretches to fit the path i'm comfortable 78xLA5k4Rfu-00028-00015191-00015880 with that and then i can click okay so with it now added in there you can see our new pasta brush has 78xLA5k4Rfu-00029-00015880-00016544 been made i'll just move this to the side and if i select all of the paths for the word pasta 78xLA5k4Rfu-00030-00016600-00017176 and left click on my newly created pasta brush it will run those brush strokes through the objects 78xLA5k4Rfu-00031-00017176-00017576 if you ever wish to edit that you can hover your cursor over the thumbnail follow your brush in 78xLA5k4Rfu-00032-00017576-00018064 the brushes panel double left click and then from here providing you got the preview button 78xLA5k4Rfu-00033-00018064-00018584 turned on you could always increase or you could decrease the size of those characters in there 78xLA5k4Rfu-00034-00018584-00019360 so i think for mine probably gonna go for let's try 40 in there yeah i think that is going to be 78xLA5k4Rfu-00035-00019424-00020008 plenty and then i'll click ok it will ask me if i want to apply these edits to the existing brushes 78xLA5k4Rfu-00036-00020008-00020520 in the document so i will choose to apply that and then i'll select the words baby at the bottom and 78xLA5k4Rfu-00037-00020520-00020976 click on those i don't need the original photoshop file for the pasta so i'm going to delete that 78xLA5k4Rfu-00038-00021056-00021576 and then from my layers panel you'll see that everything in terms of the pasta is in a layer 78xLA5k4Rfu-00039-00021576-00022040 of its own capacitor now i'm going to duplicate that so i'm going to drag that layer down and 78xLA5k4Rfu-00040-00022040-00022648 onto the new symbol and then i'm going to rename that one that's a shadow and drag it 78xLA5k4Rfu-00041-00022648-00023200 underneath the existing layer that i had in there for pasta and i'm going to hide the original and 78xLA5k4Rfu-00042-00023200-00023720 then i'm going to click in the selection column on the far right hand side to select all of those 78xLA5k4Rfu-00043-00023720-00024312 duplicated brush marks and i need to go to the window menu and then open up the appearance panel 78xLA5k4Rfu-00044-00024488-00025136 and from here i'm going to choose to clear appearance and then i'm going to put a stroke on 78xLA5k4Rfu-00045-00025136-00025744 there which is red just to contrast at the moment hit return and just increase the thickness of that 78xLA5k4Rfu-00046-00025744-00026352 if you go to 20 just turn that on on again i think that should be enough so with that now completed 78xLA5k4Rfu-00047-00026352-00027152 i can then go up to object path outline stroke to turn the stroke appearance into a physical object 78xLA5k4Rfu-00048-00027272-00027720 with that still active i'll go to pathfinder options in the properties panel and unite those 78xLA5k4Rfu-00049-00027720-00028264 together as a single shape now that will also then just group some of those elements together 78xLA5k4Rfu-00050-00028264-00029048 you can see that in the appearance panel so i'll go up to object compound path and choose make 78xLA5k4Rfu-00051-00029216-00029592 sure there's one object on me get access straight to the fill and the stroke in there now i'm going 78xLA5k4Rfu-00052-00029592-00030200 to change the fill to be the same dark kind of bluey green of the background which will probably 78xLA5k4Rfu-00053-00030200-00030727 seem counter-intuitive but if i go to the opacity pop-out and change the blend mode to multiply 78xLA5k4Rfu-00054-00030800-00031495 just drop the opacity value down to about 80 that will improve things and then from the fx icon here 78xLA5k4Rfu-00055-00031495-00032152 i'm going to choose distort and transform and then roughen i always find that the roughen 78xLA5k4Rfu-00056-00032152-00032552 effect always looks way too much so if it goes to the size volume i'm going to put this down to 78xLA5k4Rfu-00057-00032552-00033072 what looks like a really low value 0.5 percent but it should give us what we're looking for 78xLA5k4Rfu-00058-00033072-00033536 and then it's a case of going down to the detail slider how much roughening detail do we want 78xLA5k4Rfu-00059-00033536-00033968 in there well i really want enough to give that kind of zigzag effect to the view silly pasta so 78xLA5k4Rfu-00060-00034024-00034496 with that set to 12 i'll leave it set to corner again because i want those kind 78xLA5k4Rfu-00061-00034496-00035120 of corner edges in there and click ok with that done i can turn on my layer for pasta 78xLA5k4Rfu-00062-00035120-00035576 and then i've obviously still got my pasta shadow layer active so i can actually just 78xLA5k4Rfu-00063-00035576-00036216 tap down and then tap to the right to create that kind of offset of the shadow in there for those 78xLA5k4Rfu-00064-00036216-00036640 and that matches the offset of the rest of the shadows in that design now i think the 78xLA5k4Rfu-00065-00036640-00036992 opacity of that is a little bit strong so i'm going to knock that down to 40 78xLA5k4Rfu-00066-00036992-00037624 just to dull back that shadow effect for just the pasta in there i think i'll give it nice contrast 78xLA5k4Rfu-00067-00037776-00038288 and there we go so that is how you take your original artwork inside of photoshop import it 78xLA5k4Rfu-00068-00038288-00038904 into illustrator convert it into a brush that you can then run through your paths and create effects 78xLA5k4Rfu-00069-00038904-00039344 like this thanks for watching folks as always if you've enjoyed the video please give it a 78xLA5k4Rfu-00070-00039344-00039872 thumbs up and if you want to create great looking artwork and save oodles of time then subscribe 78xLA5k4Rfu-00071-00039872-00040784 to the channel and click on the bell so you won't miss a thing and until next time farewell 78xLA5k4Rfu-00072-00041792-00041800 you 7sAahjJjXXA-00000-00000029-00000571 Pro-ject is known for their affordable, great turntables and some time back I reviewed the 7sAahjJjXXA-00001-00000571-00001346 fine Pro Box S2 Digital DAC and preamp. From the same designer now the Stream Box S2 Ultra. 7sAahjJjXXA-00002-00001346-00002842 A very small streamer that in my memory will live on as Giant Little Dwarf. 7sAahjJjXXA-00003-00002842-00003597 Pro-ject has a large collection of small devices, ranging from RIAA pre-pre’s, bluetooth receiver, 7sAahjJjXXA-00004-00003597-00004323 DAC’s and a cd-player that is twice as wide to fit a cd transport. The Stream Box S2 Ultra 7sAahjJjXXA-00005-00004323-00005341 measures only 103 by 115 by 37 mm. The front holds a power button, a power LED, a LED that 7sAahjJjXXA-00006-00005341-00006053 indicates the unit is ready for network use, the USB slash PC button - on this preliminary 7sAahjJjXXA-00007-00006053-00006725 sample called Bypass - that lets you select input directly from a PC, a LED to indicate 7sAahjJjXXA-00008-00006725-00007420 this function is enabled and a USB 2 port for connecting a storage device. On the rear 7sAahjJjXXA-00009-00007420-00008047 a micro USB port for connecting the PC directly. When this function is used the USB signal 7sAahjJjXXA-00010-00008047-00008711 from the PC is cleaned up and sent to the DAC connected to the DAC USB output. Next 7sAahjJjXXA-00011-00008711-00009424 to it the arial for Bluetooth and Wifi, the 18 volts DC input to connect the supplied 7sAahjJjXXA-00012-00009424-00010133 wall wart switch mode power supply to, an HDMI output to connect to an AV receiver or 7sAahjJjXXA-00013-00010133-00010895 optionally connect a display to, the 100 Kbit ethernet port, a second USB port for connecting 7sAahjJjXXA-00014-00010895-00011624 a storage device and a specially configured USB port for connecting your DAC to. A small 7sAahjJjXXA-00015-00011624-00012253 button labeled ‘Boot” enables experienced users to install alternative firmware. My 7sAahjJjXXA-00016-00012253-00013241 suggestion is to not use this button unless you are absolutely sure what you’re doing. 7sAahjJjXXA-00017-00013241-00013825 Like the Pro Box S2 Digital DAC, this device is designed by John Westlake. The man has 7sAahjJjXXA-00018-00013825-00014469 an impressive track record and when I spoke to him during the High End Munich 2018 show, 7sAahjJjXXA-00019-00014469-00015105 it became rather clear why. The man is passionate about sound quality and knows how to translate 7sAahjJjXXA-00020-00015105-00015806 that passion into very good sounding equipment. That’s what you see when you open the Stream 7sAahjJjXXA-00021-00015806-00016610 Box. It is based on an industrial version of the Raspberry Pi, the CM3L, that is mounted 7sAahjJjXXA-00022-00016610-00017279 using an edge connector as used for PC memory cards. This version doesn’t hold interfacing 7sAahjJjXXA-00023-00017279-00017877 and storage memory. The network is connected over an Ethernet connector with integrated 7sAahjJjXXA-00024-00017877-00018541 transformers for galvanic separation and an SMSC ethernet receiver chip does the 100 base 7sAahjJjXXA-00025-00018541-00019307 ethernet and - I gather - the PC USB interfacing. A fully shielded radio module takes care of 7sAahjJjXXA-00026-00019307-00019906 Bluetooth and Wifi. Then we get to the power regulators. I think this is one power regulator 7sAahjJjXXA-00027-00019906-00020481 while here three step-down regulators are mounted. This is one of the things Westlake 7sAahjJjXXA-00028-00020481-00021169 stressed when I spoke to him: provide independent stable voltages to the different circuits. 7sAahjJjXXA-00029-00021169-00021792 I guess - although I am not sure, that this is the USB interfacing for the storage media 7sAahjJjXXA-00030-00021792-00022475 while this part is a completely separate USB channel for the DAC using a USB hub chip that 7sAahjJjXXA-00031-00022475-00023217 is externally clocked by this crystal. 7sAahjJjXXA-00032-00023217-00023654 When you first use the Stream Box and type the IP address your router gave to the Stream 7sAahjJjXXA-00033-00023654-00024361 Box into your browser, it automatically starts the setup wizard. First you select your language, 7sAahjJjXXA-00034-00024361-00024944 a large number of languages is supported, as you can see. It then asks you to give a 7sAahjJjXXA-00035-00024944-00025595 name to the Stream Box to identify it on the network. The suggested name is far too long, 7sAahjJjXXA-00036-00025595-00026366 I changed it to Streambox. This way, the next time you want to log in you simply type streambox.local 7sAahjJjXXA-00037-00026366-00026944 in the address bar of your browser. The third step is to set you DAC as output. For this 7sAahjJjXXA-00038-00026944-00027559 video I used a Meridian Explorer² and that was the only DAC I could choose. Then you 7sAahjJjXXA-00039-00027559-00028125 could connect the Stream Box to your Wifi network. As you can see the Wifi space is 7sAahjJjXXA-00040-00028125-00028808 rather crowded where I live so I rather use an Ethernet cable. The last thing to do is 7sAahjJjXXA-00041-00028808-00029346 to either add a USB drive containing music, like I did or point the Stream Box to your 7sAahjJjXXA-00042-00029346-00029962 network volume that contains the music, like the Rock server I use as Music server. The 7sAahjJjXXA-00043-00029962-00030220 basic settings are done now, time for some fine tuning. 7sAahjJjXXA-00044-00030220-00030984 To change some more settings I click the cog 7sAahjJjXXA-00045-00030984-00031477 in the top right corner and select ‘My Music’. Here we see the number of albums that are 7sAahjJjXXA-00046-00031477-00032043 already indexed. Since this takes a lot of resources, I have paused it here to let it 7sAahjJjXXA-00047-00032043-00032708 continue indexing later. I have no network drives active and since I don’t have a Spotify 7sAahjJjXXA-00048-00032708-00033446 account, I leave that blank. I do have a Tidal account so I enter my user name and password. 7sAahjJjXXA-00049-00033446-00034155 The only thing to change here might be to activate Roon Ready when you are a Roon user. 7sAahjJjXXA-00050-00034155-00034722 In playback options you might change the DSD setting, depending on your DAC. I would leave 7sAahjJjXXA-00051-00034722-00035468 the rest as it is unless you want to use volume control. Settings depend on the DAC used. 7sAahjJjXXA-00052-00035468-00035978 The same goes for resampling. If your DAC isn’t the best you might switch upsampling 7sAahjJjXXA-00053-00035978-00036663 on in the Stream Box. The next step is to set the appearance. You can choose for a background 7sAahjJjXXA-00054-00036663-00037384 showing a Pro-ject turntable but I prefer this light green option. The next menu shows 7sAahjJjXXA-00055-00037384-00038046 the network settings. As you can see the Stream Box is wired into my network but also started 7sAahjJjXXA-00056-00038046-00038741 a wifi hotspot so guests can easily login to play music. A user interface automatically 7sAahjJjXXA-00057-00038741-00039361 pops up. If you don’t want that or want to password protect the hotspot, this is the 7sAahjJjXXA-00058-00039361-00040022 place to go. The remaining menu options are not of importance but it doesn’t hurt to 7sAahjJjXXA-00059-00040022-00040743 browse through them if you have obtained a unit. 7sAahjJjXXA-00060-00040743-00041333 Using the Stream Box is a breeze. Simply connect your DAC to the designated USB port and check 7sAahjJjXXA-00061-00041333-00041949 in the Playback Options menu if your DAC is selected as Output Device. You could also 7sAahjJjXXA-00062-00041949-00042771 use the HDMI as digital output. Pro-ject chose the OEM version of Volumio as player software, 7sAahjJjXXA-00063-00042771-00043481 which makes sense. The shareware version is already used - and thus beta tested - by countless 7sAahjJjXXA-00064-00043481-00044221 users all over the world since 2013. Operating the Stream Box as a streamer is done in a 7sAahjJjXXA-00065-00044221-00044859 browser on a smartphone, tablet or computer or using an app on smartphone or tablet. The 7sAahjJjXXA-00066-00044859-00045580 browser interface has three screens, Browse, Playback and Queue, selected by tabs along 7sAahjJjXXA-00067-00045580-00046281 the bottom of the screen. Select music library to go to your own music. The choices here 7sAahjJjXXA-00068-00046281-00046958 are clear, perhaps with the exception of Media Servers and USB. Media Servers lets you browse 7sAahjJjXXA-00069-00046958-00047665 and play from shared volumes on a computer or NAS and USB does the same for the USB drive. 7sAahjJjXXA-00070-00047665-00048161 This is handy if you know the place of of files on the hard disk but not the correct 7sAahjJjXXA-00071-00048161-00048844 name. As you can see, scrolling through albums is quick enough. From there you can easily 7sAahjJjXXA-00072-00048844-00049512 play the album or ad it to the queue or a playlist. Clicking the name brings you to 7sAahjJjXXA-00073-00049512-00050014 the individual tracks of that album and again you can easily play the track or ad it to 7sAahjJjXXA-00074-00050014-00050575 the queue or a playlist. If you then go to the Playback screen, you see left the track 7sAahjJjXXA-00075-00050575-00051251 progress with below it three icons. The hart to mark that track as favourite, the plus 7sAahjJjXXA-00076-00051251-00051883 sign to add it to a playlist and a menu to go directly to the album or the artist. In 7sAahjJjXXA-00077-00051883-00052394 the middle the three transport buttons, the album name, track name and artist with below 7sAahjJjXXA-00078-00052394-00053154 it the cover art. On the right side the volume control and mute. The Queue screen lists the 7sAahjJjXXA-00079-00053154-00053794 playback queue and here you can set shuffle play and repeat, save the queue to a playlist 7sAahjJjXXA-00080-00053794-00054554 and clear the queue. The Stream Box S2 Ultra plays anything up to 384 kHz 32 bit and DSD 7sAahjJjXXA-00081-00054554-00054947 256. Your DAC has to support these too, of course 7sAahjJjXXA-00082-00054947-00055922 Internet radio is well supported by Shoutcast and Dribble. Radio stations can be added to 7sAahjJjXXA-00083-00055922-00056576 your favourite radios and you can search by country and by genre. Playing music from your 7sAahjJjXXA-00084-00056576-00057107 smartphone using Bluetooth is a matter of selecting the Bluetooth logo and pairing your 7sAahjJjXXA-00085-00057107-00057863 smartphone. The same goes for Airplay, here called Sharepoint-sync. The USB/PC button 7sAahjJjXXA-00086-00057863-00058516 does the same as the push button on the front. If you have entered your Spotify account, 7sAahjJjXXA-00087-00058516-00059108 a button will appear here as is the case with Tidal. When you select Tidal, the obvious 7sAahjJjXXA-00088-00059108-00059788 menus are shown. And the last option is Roon. There is no button for it since it will automatically 7sAahjJjXXA-00089-00059788-00060466 switch over, provided you enabled Roon Ready in the My Music menu. In all cases the Playback 7sAahjJjXXA-00090-00060466-00061137 screen shows the music source plus metadata. Even when playing from Roon the track progress 7sAahjJjXXA-00091-00061137-00061787 and the volume control work. 7sAahjJjXXA-00092-00061787-00062316 I did have high expectations given the approach of John Westlake but my expectations were 7sAahjJjXXA-00093-00062316-00063204 not entirely correct. How shall I say this? This is the best streamer I had on review 7sAahjJjXXA-00094-00063204-00063944 so far with the exception the SOtM sMS-200Ultra Neo. Using the supplied switch mode wall wart 7sAahjJjXXA-00095-00063944-00064741 power supply it did about 75% of the quality of the sMS-200Ultra Neo with sBooster MK II 7sAahjJjXXA-00096-00064741-00065392 power supply. Please do realise that this combo costs over two times the price of the 7sAahjJjXXA-00097-00065392-00066027 Stream Box!! Remarkably adding the 18 volts DC sBooster linear power supply - not the 7sAahjJjXXA-00098-00066027-00066725 MK II version - brought it up to 80% of the SOtM quality. An improvement for sure but 7sAahjJjXXA-00099-00066725-00067341 not as much as I usually experience. This must be due to the elaborate power circuits 7sAahjJjXXA-00100-00067341-00068068 inside the Stream Box. Up till now I compared the Stream Box playing by itself versus the 7sAahjJjXXA-00101-00068068-00068748 SOtM playing as Roon endpoint. Driving the Stream Box from Roon too gave another 5% increase 7sAahjJjXXA-00102-00068748-00069381 in sound quality, making it score only 15% below the SOtM. This is an extremely good 7sAahjJjXXA-00103-00069381-00070031 streamer and Roon Ready renderer, given its price. Slightly less sibilance control, only 7sAahjJjXXA-00104-00070031-00070682 slightly less, somewhat less deep lows and a little less overall resolution. But it is 7sAahjJjXXA-00105-00070682-00071306 clearly better than the original sMS-200 - without the ultra addition. This is a product that 7sAahjJjXXA-00106-00071306-00072441 I easily allow in my 20k Euro setup 1. Man, this was a surprise, I didn’t see this coming. 7sAahjJjXXA-00107-00072441-00073058 Giant little dwarf, this is the association that came up during one of the listening sessions. 7sAahjJjXXA-00108-00073058-00073706 It looks like a 300 euro mid-fi gadget. But, don’t be fooled, this really is a network 7sAahjJjXXA-00109-00073706-00074456 bridge of very high quality that is only a nose length behind the sMS-200 Ultra Neo. 7sAahjJjXXA-00110-00074456-00075208 The Dutch retail price is 779 Euros but prices differ per country. It is a good solution 7sAahjJjXXA-00111-00075208-00075737 for those fathers that have children that want Spotify. Dad can play from Tidal while 7sAahjJjXXA-00112-00075737-00076460 the children play Spotify over the same system. And if dad is in for Roon, right away or later 7sAahjJjXXA-00113-00076460-00077086 on, that’s gonna work too. These are the products I keep looking for since they make 7sAahjJjXXA-00114-00077086-00077768 me very happy. So please keep sending suggestions, I can’t always answer them but I do read 7sAahjJjXXA-00115-00077768-00078332 them all. And if you are interested in more of these reviews, subscribe to this channel, 7sAahjJjXXA-00116-00078332-00078862 or follow me on social media. If you liked this video, please consider supporting the 7sAahjJjXXA-00117-00078862-00079435 channel through Patreon or Paypal. Any financial support is much appreciated. The links are 7sAahjJjXXA-00118-00079435-00079972 in the comments below this video in Youtube. Help me to help even more people enjoy music 7sAahjJjXXA-00119-00079972-00080562 at home by telling your friends on the web about this channel. I am Hans Beekhuyzen, 7sAahjJjXXA-00120-00080562-00080969 thank you for watching and see you in the next show or on theHBproject.com. 7sAahjJjXXA-00121-00080969-00082212 And whatever you do, enjoy the music. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00000-00000033-00000430 - I am proud to announce that Children's Hospital Colorado, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00001-00000430-00000575 in Colorado Springs 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00002-00000575-00000925 has been open for one whole year! 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00003-00000925-00001130 - If you think you can't make a difference, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00004-00001130-00001276 just sit back and listen. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00005-00001276-00001478 The sound of a child's beating heart, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00006-00001478-00001716 can make the world light up, make it glisten. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00007-00001716-00001975 (upbeat music) 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00008-00002127-00002258 - Its been quite a year 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00009-00002258-00002591 at Children's Hospital Colorado, Colorado Springs. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00010-00002767-00002983 - Since we've welcomed our first patient 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00011-00002983-00003158 on May 28th of last year, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00012-00003158-00003458 we've hired over 1,100 employees, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00013-00003458-00003685 and seen over 96,000 visits 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00014-00003685-00003949 in our locations in Colorado Springs. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00015-00003949-00004315 - We've seen kids from 52 Colorado counties, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00016-00004315-00004619 43 states and three countries. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00017-00004619-00005119 (helicopter whirring) (upbeat music) 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00018-00005423-00005756 (approaching footsteps) 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00019-00006016-00006290 - We launched the first ever cleft lip and palate camp 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00020-00006290-00006406 in southern Colorado. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00021-00006406-00006548 And moved our NICU reunion 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00022-00006548-00006770 across the street from the new hospital 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00023-00006770-00007126 in celebration of families impacted by our NICU team. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00024-00007126-00007511 - We brought in 306 volunteers 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00025-00007511-00008011 who spent more than 2,000 hours cuddling our NICU babies. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00026-00008037-00008296 And we launched a pilot program, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00027-00008296-00008561 "Building Resilience for Healthy Kids" 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00028-00008561-00008953 to help shore up our children's mental health and resilience 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00029-00008953-00009159 in our El Paso County Schools. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00030-00009159-00009341 - It's been a big year. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00031-00009341-00009515 - And it's been a strange year. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00032-00009515-00009656 Just as we hit our stride, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00033-00009656-00009991 the COVID-19 pandemic changed our landscape. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00034-00009991-00010258 - And yet, our mission from the outset 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00035-00010258-00010600 has been to serve the families of Southern Colorado 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00036-00010600-00010949 and keep our children healthy and thriving. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00037-00010949-00011255 - Although the pandemic has affected our adult partners 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00038-00011255-00011492 more than the pediatric population, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00039-00011492-00011718 we were there to lend a helping hand. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00040-00011718-00011981 We set up mobile COVID-19 testing 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00041-00011981-00012318 and we distributed cloth face coverings to the community. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00042-00012318-00012680 - And though the future may continue to present challenges, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00043-00012680-00013111 we are as committed as ever to the future we share. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00044-00013111-00013246 Kids. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00045-00013246-00013388 - Children's is the reason, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00046-00013388-00013591 they are there no matter the season. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00047-00013591-00013796 Winter, summer, spring or fall, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00048-00013796-00014036 they're always here to answer the call. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00049-00014036-00014286 They so selflessly came to my aid, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00050-00014286-00014601 took care of me countless hours, while my family prayed. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00051-00014601-00014794 They gave us courage and strength, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00052-00014794-00014972 they helped us to be brave. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00053-00014972-00015156 They provided comfort and hope, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00054-00015156-00015372 it's children's lives that they save. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00055-00015372-00015584 - We will always be grateful 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00056-00015584-00015866 for Children's in what they did for Caleb and Joshua. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00057-00015866-00016212 So we just wanted to just take this moment to say thank you. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00058-00016212-00016412 What you're doing is truly appreciated 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00059-00016412-00016613 by the families that you're helping. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00060-00016613-00016948 And you are really making our community a better place. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00061-00016948-00017344 - Happy Birthday Children's Hospital, and thank you nurses, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00062-00017344-00017623 doctors and other staff. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00063-00017623-00017751 Bye. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00064-00017751-00017860 - Thank you. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00065-00018444-00018669 - I want to thank you. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00066-00018669-00018847 - Thank you for your partnership 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00067-00018847-00019205 and caring for kids in Colorado during this pandemic. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00068-00019205-00019506 - Thank you for making our first year an incredible one, 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00069-00019506-00019693 that we will never forget. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00070-00019693-00020008 - And thank you for your continued support 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00071-00020008-00020270 now and through the next year. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00072-00020270-00020603 We are truly in this together. 7t_CrE8cLBQ-00073-00020603-00020861 (upbeat music) 7w7XVhUEb8U-00000-00001306-00002042 Alright, we have a very simple and classic 3/4 length trench coat. A great 7w7XVhUEb8U-00001-00002042-00002518 transition piece. It's lightweight. Very versatile. I love pairing it with a 7w7XVhUEb8U-00002-00002518-00003011 suit. I think it looks great with a business look. Here, I just have a very 7w7XVhUEb8U-00003-00003011-00003692 classic grey windowpane suit. This shirt is a microstripe shirt. And the tie is 7w7XVhUEb8U-00004-00003692-00004576 a slub tie. Kind of with a really neat texture. I paired them with my favorite 7w7XVhUEb8U-00005-00004576-00005186 double monk strap shoes. And the glasses here are by Oliver Peoples. These are the 7w7XVhUEb8U-00006-00005186-00005446 Banks. You see me with these all the time. 7w7XVhUEb8U-00007-00005446-00006620 Briefcase is by Frank Clegg. And watch is my Rolex Datejust. Okay, here we have a 7w7XVhUEb8U-00008-00006620-00007064 denim jacket. This is my denim jacket, though my wife likes to steal it from me. 7w7XVhUEb8U-00009-00007064-00007595 I like to call a denim jacket kind of a blazer with an edge. I do like to pair it 7w7XVhUEb8U-00010-00007595-00008234 with dressed up clothes. I think it's kind of a neat high-low combination here. 7w7XVhUEb8U-00011-00008234-00008870 I have it paired with some flannel pants, which aren't necessarily spring pants, 7w7XVhUEb8U-00012-00008870-00009371 but don't forget that spring can also be a little cool as well. I think it looks 7w7XVhUEb8U-00013-00009371-00009863 really good with a grenadine tie. I think it "ties in" the casualness 7w7XVhUEb8U-00014-00009863-00010664 of the denim jacket with the rest of the outfit. Shoes, again, keeping it sort of 7w7XVhUEb8U-00015-00010664-00011294 casual and dressy at the same time with a pair of wingtips. These are the Allen 7w7XVhUEb8U-00016-00011294-00011756 Edmonds McAllisters. On my wrist, I have the Vacheron Constantin 7w7XVhUEb8U-00017-00011756-00012338 Traditionnelle. Alright, here we have a very classic kind of rock and roll look. 7w7XVhUEb8U-00018-00012338-00012940 I have a simple leather bomber on, which is an absolute essential piece of casual 7w7XVhUEb8U-00019-00012940-00013570 outerwear. I paired it with this black t-shirt, which I left untucked to give it 7w7XVhUEb8U-00020-00013570-00014254 that more rock and roll vibe. My jeans are my favorite Levi's 511s. 7w7XVhUEb8U-00021-00014254-00014711 If you're doing rock and roll, you have to have a good pair of sunglasses. And no 7w7XVhUEb8U-00022-00014711-00015382 better rock and roll sunglasses than these John Varvatos sunglasses I have on. 7w7XVhUEb8U-00023-00015382-00016226 On my feet, these suede boots. And then on my wrist, is the Datograph. 7w7XVhUEb8U-00024-00016241-00016830 This is a very simple outfit to throw on for the weekend. Very classic. Very casual. 7w7XVhUEb8U-00025-00016831-00017393 Very rock and roll. All black always makes a statement. Alright so I have on 7w7XVhUEb8U-00026-00017393-00017840 this heavyweight linen jacket by Drake's. Has a bit of a military vibe to 7w7XVhUEb8U-00027-00017840-00018235 it, which I like because of the olive green color. And then it's also got a bit of a 7w7XVhUEb8U-00028-00018235-00018875 safari look to it. I paired it with this really lightweight knit by Peter Millar. 7w7XVhUEb8U-00029-00018875-00019766 And then I have on jeans by J.Crew. These are the 484 fit. On my 7w7XVhUEb8U-00030-00019766-00020384 feet are these braided leather tassel loafers by Allen Edmonds. Sunglasses 7w7XVhUEb8U-00031-00020384-00020995 again are the Oliver Peoples Banks. Love the classic Clubmaster style. And then on my 7w7XVhUEb8U-00032-00020995-00021388 wrist, once again, is the Datograph. This is an 7w7XVhUEb8U-00033-00021388-00021859 outfit that I wore last May when Robin and I were on our honeymoon in Paris. So 7w7XVhUEb8U-00034-00021859-00022237 it was kind of warm during the day and it got cooler during the night. And this 7w7XVhUEb8U-00035-00022237-00022582 was a great outfit to kind of get me from day to night even though the 7w7XVhUEb8U-00036-00022582-00023137 temperature would change. Alright here is another simple, but elevated casual look. 7w7XVhUEb8U-00037-00023137-00023629 The focus of this look is obviously this brown suede jacket. This is from Billy 7w7XVhUEb8U-00038-00023629-00024112 Reid. And I just paired it with a very simple button-down shirt from Brooks 7w7XVhUEb8U-00039-00024112-00024559 Brothers. It's actually from Black Fleece, which they unfortunately discontinued 7w7XVhUEb8U-00040-00024559-00025051 not, well not too long ago--probably like four or five years ago--but some of the 7w7XVhUEb8U-00041-00025052-00025738 best-fitting off the rack shirts I've ever had. The belt is this Coach belt. 7w7XVhUEb8U-00042-00025738-00026432 Brown leather. And, again, I'm wearing my Levi's 511s. These glasses I really, 7w7XVhUEb8U-00043-00026432-00027032 really like. Round glasses by Oliver Peoples. Kind of a translucent blue tint 7w7XVhUEb8U-00044-00027032-00027956 to them. Very cool. Kind of very John Lennon-esque. And then I'm wearing a pair 7w7XVhUEb8U-00045-00027956-00028754 of brown Cheseas by Jack Erwin. And then finishing it off with the IWC 7w7XVhUEb8U-00046-00028754-00029539 Ingenieur on my wrist. Alright, so there you have it! My five picks for essential 7w7XVhUEb8U-00047-00029539-00029977 spring outerwear. A different kind of format for today's video, so let me know 7w7XVhUEb8U-00048-00029977-00030377 what you guys thought of it. I will put links to all of the outfit details down 7w7XVhUEb8U-00049-00030377-00030800 below in the description. Leave your comments below. If you liked this video, 7w7XVhUEb8U-00050-00030800-00031124 please give it a thumbs up. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel. And until 7w7XVhUEb8U-00051-00031124-00031602 next time, thanks for watching and stay tailored. 7wuyPihdqL4-00000-00000901-00001467 hi everyone Simon here so I thought I'd do redress 7wuyPihdqL4-00001-00001467-00002043 an old video today the most popular video I ever did was tie bar girls have 7wuyPihdqL4-00002-00002043-00002451 a scoring system on you it had over a hundred and forty thousand hits so far 7wuyPihdqL4-00003-00002451-00003123 fuse but more importantly it's had over a thousand comments it seems I missed 7wuyPihdqL4-00004-00003123-00003650 some things on that video if you haven't seen the video I'll link it at the end 7wuyPihdqL4-00005-00003650-00004596 quite a few comments questions quick recap girls tie girls in the bars they 7wuyPihdqL4-00006-00004596-00005039 have this growing system on you remember the Thai girls they're looking for the 7wuyPihdqL4-00007-00005039-00005457 dream they're looking for the husband it's going to take them back to that 7wuyPihdqL4-00008-00005457-00006207 man's country and finance the Thai girl she doesn't have to work anymore they're 7wuyPihdqL4-00009-00006207-00006750 going to financially support the Thai girl's family which is the most 7wuyPihdqL4-00010-00006750-00007529 important thing for the girl and she's going to gain a face she's going to go 7wuyPihdqL4-00011-00007529-00008064 up the Status ladder that's what most of the Tigers and the bars are looking for 7wuyPihdqL4-00012-00008064-00008832 the dream husband the scoring system we did number 10 was a guy who walked in 7wuyPihdqL4-00013-00008832-00009342 the bar with a Sun Tan who spoke Thai maybe how a Thai wife he knows all the 7wuyPihdqL4-00014-00009342-00009813 tricks and tips he was right at the bottom of the list top of the list was 7wuyPihdqL4-00015-00009813-00010428 the guy that walks in with no signs of being in Thailand for more than a couple 7wuyPihdqL4-00016-00010428-00011109 of days didn't speak Thai had no idea of the tricks and tips tailored shirts 7wuyPihdqL4-00017-00011109-00011852 tailored short socks sandals stood out a mile none of the clothes made in Asia 7wuyPihdqL4-00018-00011852-00012461 that was the potential lottery winner for the girls they had more chance of 7wuyPihdqL4-00019-00012461-00013022 converting him into a husband than the guy that speaks Thai now lots of you 7wuyPihdqL4-00020-00013022-00014698 have 70 questions and regarding religion color of skin and weeds color of skin 7wuyPihdqL4-00021-00014698-00015506 does it make a difference in the entire Tiger scoring system and no why don't 7wuyPihdqL4-00022-00015506-00016108 and this is a guys message to me I'm from Pakistan and I don't see many 7wuyPihdqL4-00023-00016108-00016709 people from my country in the bars they're there but they're in different 7wuyPihdqL4-00024-00016709-00017228 bars the reason you will find the food from no matter what color your skin is 7wuyPihdqL4-00025-00017228-00017759 what country are from you will find pockets of restaurants cafes and bars 7wuyPihdqL4-00026-00017759-00018287 that cater for your food the entrepreneurs the clever guys will open 7wuyPihdqL4-00027-00018287-00018679 a beer bar right next to the restaurant that serves your food hoping to capture 7wuyPihdqL4-00028-00018679-00019273 you suddenly the area four or five restaurants pop up and bars and it 7wuyPihdqL4-00029-00019273-00019801 becomes known as the Arab section or the India section that's what tends to 7wuyPihdqL4-00030-00019801-00020084 happen I did have customers from all over the world 7wuyPihdqL4-00031-00020084-00020776 red green yellow blue every skin how they're going coming into my bars the 7wuyPihdqL4-00032-00020776-00021411 girls treated them no different let's expect either the Henry list you 7wuyPihdqL4-00033-00021411-00021706 come in and you've got the tailored shirts and you've got the tailored 7wuyPihdqL4-00034-00021706-00022155 shorts and socks sandals you're top of the list number one so 7wuyPihdqL4-00035-00022155-00022716 skin color makes no difference not at all religion he'll get friends 7wuyPihdqL4-00036-00022716-00023705 most Thai people are Buddhists the only time there could be not a conflict but 7wuyPihdqL4-00037-00023705-00024141 talk about religion is if you're going to get married the type of marriage you 7wuyPihdqL4-00038-00024141-00024807 have maybe your two religions are slightly different in your perception 7wuyPihdqL4-00039-00024807-00025251 moving forward as a married couple those things you would have thought I innate 7wuyPihdqL4-00040-00025251-00025647 first before you went and got married so religion makes no difference it doesn't 7wuyPihdqL4-00041-00025647-00026135 effective scoring system at all of you coming in the bar 7wuyPihdqL4-00042-00026135-00026856 wait popular question I've done a video on does weight matter but on the scoring 7wuyPihdqL4-00043-00026856-00027416 system you actually go up the ladder up the scoring system towards number one if 7wuyPihdqL4-00044-00027416-00028166 you're the guy that's come in that's overweight unless you speak Thai you 7wuyPihdqL4-00045-00028166-00028791 speak Thai you're overweight you can go down the bottom but if you don't speak 7wuyPihdqL4-00046-00028791-00029304 Thai you're new to the bar scene and you come in and you're silly overweight 7wuyPihdqL4-00047-00029304-00029829 makes no difference in fact to move up because the girl will look at you quite 7wuyPihdqL4-00048-00029829-00030306 cynically but they'll look at you there's less exercise for them at the 7wuyPihdqL4-00049-00030306-00031095 end of the relationship if you get into aerobic six situations with them but 7wuyPihdqL4-00050-00031095-00031807 then also looking you as you love food they love food so you're up the score 7wuyPihdqL4-00051-00031807-00032448 great we're going to have a good evening into lots of food weight doesn't matter 7wuyPihdqL4-00052-00032448-00033009 it's just if you start speaking time or you act like you know things about 7wuyPihdqL4-00053-00033009-00033545 silence the girls it's not a game to these girls they're working in the bars 7wuyPihdqL4-00054-00033545-00034050 hoping to improve the life of their family themselves maybe they've got 7wuyPihdqL4-00055-00034050-00034485 children they're trying to pay the bills but they are looking for the lottery 7wuyPihdqL4-00056-00034485-00035313 winner so doesn't matter if you're green 50 stone iam wait long as you hump speak 7wuyPihdqL4-00057-00035313-00035652 Thai you've got a tailored shirt on and you're looking for a wife 7wuyPihdqL4-00058-00035652-00036159 you'll be fine honestly so that was version two of the video I hope that 7wuyPihdqL4-00059-00036159-00036711 answered so many questions by all means if there's some videos 7wuyPihdqL4-00060-00036711-00037203 you'd like me to do on certain topics that maybe I haven't covered pop it in 7wuyPihdqL4-00061-00037203-00037767 below the section below please share this video and give me the thumbs up 7wuyPihdqL4-00062-00037767-00038379 that little button there it all helps on the statistics for the channel and if 7wuyPihdqL4-00063-00038379-00038952 you haven't subscribe hit that bone it's free doesn't cost you anything I will 7wuyPihdqL4-00064-00038952-00039823 catch you very soon on another video thanks for watching bye bye 7y7GhvYdtd0-00000-00000000-00000094 Ethiopia: ወደአንደ ቤት ጉዞ - ሰርግ በጅማ ከተማ ሙሽሮች ድምቅ የሚሉባት - ኢትዮጵያዊነት ውበት ነው - Ethiopian Wedding Zoom Photography Jimma 7zQ7l6lozNM-00000-00000032-00000520 to become a data scientist while completing your software development 7zQ7l6lozNM-00001-00000584-00001248 degree or working full-time as something else is tempting if analyzing data 7zQ7l6lozNM-00002-00001248-00001784 and making Ai excites to you.but let's agree it can be tiresome. 7zQ7l6lozNM-00003-00002023-00002824 Accept that data science is something different Ditch the everyone can, i can do it to mindset 7zQ7l6lozNM-00004-00002888-00003792 anyone can do anything but will function under different peace and biological clock just because 7zQ7l6lozNM-00005-00003792-00004888 someone can do it in a month doesn't mean that you are bad if you can't make a budget luckily 7zQ7l6lozNM-00006-00004888-00005728 a lot of courses and tutorials are available for free but if you spend some time learning 7zQ7l6lozNM-00007-00005728-00006616 this field especially practicing machine learning you know that there is no free lunch it refers to 7zQ7l6lozNM-00008-00006616-00007640 something else but in this context it's impossible to learn completely new field free of charge 7zQ7l6lozNM-00009-00007928-00008568 learning data science machine learning and ai in general is so complicated 7zQ7l6lozNM-00010-00008568-00009272 because there are so many available courses and relatively affordable specialization to 7zQ7l6lozNM-00011-00009272-00010064 the point you don't know which direction to take remember you don't have to make a budget for all 7zQ7l6lozNM-00012-00010064-00011184 of them commit to one to two specialization and one at a time make use of your free time usually 7zQ7l6lozNM-00013-00011184-00011960 learning new things start as a hobby dedicate part of your free time to learning and the rest 7zQ7l6lozNM-00014-00011960-00012784 of your free time to your favorite activities such as movies games fitness and the others 7zQ7l6lozNM-00015-00013072-00013904 free time equals rest time learning data science doesn't mean you should give up your life 7zQ7l6lozNM-00016-00013904-00014696 for the sake of knowledge we all make and take sacrifices when we are learning something new 7zQ7l6lozNM-00017-00014896-00015584 what is not of those compromising your sleep schedule and health in the process 7zQ7l6lozNM-00018-00015712-00016616 focus your free time on learning and your rest time to resting use bullet journals and planners 7zQ7l6lozNM-00019-00016776-00017472 while learning by doing this absolute necessity for both software development and data science 7zQ7l6lozNM-00020-00017600-00018072 something we must brush up some theory before we can practice 7zQ7l6lozNM-00021-00018224-00018952 with help of planners you will not only have better insights into your learning working 7zQ7l6lozNM-00022-00018952-00019728 and free time concepts but also how much of authority and practice you have to do 7A_gKxucuxy-00000-00000000-00000686 Arrived at Aizu. Could you please subscribe. 7A_gKxucuxy-00001-00000700-00001400 Aizu-wakamatsu station. 7A_gKxucuxy-00002-00001406-00002092 Japanese traditional cow doll. Cow doll called "Akabeko" and a small size has been become toys for children. Cow doll brings you a lucky. 7A_gKxucuxy-00003-00002100-00002794 Steam-locomotive wheel 7A_gKxucuxy-00004-00002800-00003604 A front of Aizu-wakamatsu station. Turn left once you go through the station. 7A_gKxucuxy-00005-00003620-00004724 I'm looking for Kitakata ramen. 7A_gKxucuxy-00006-00004768-00005376 In the back, You can see the Aizu-wakamatsu train garage. There is a SL turntable. 7A_gKxucuxy-00007-00005402-00006476 I found it! Kitakata ramen "raimu". "raimu" means "dreams come true." super lucky words. 7A_gKxucuxy-00008-00006520-00006990 This is Kitakata ramen. 7A_gKxucuxy-00009-00007000-00007536 This is Kitakata ramen. Ramen with Egg and Pork. Soy-source taste. 7A_gKxucuxy-00010-00007584-00008300 Thank you very much for watching. Could you please subscribe my channel. 7BunJoiYy8I-00000-00000798-00001242 Sadhguru people who are different in society, who take the road not taken, 7BunJoiYy8I-00001-00001242-00001896 they are berated by society and hated. They are not accepted by the normal people. These 7BunJoiYy8I-00002-00001896-00002424 people end up achieving in their lives, but they have to face a lot of problems along the way. 7BunJoiYy8I-00003-00002478-00002862 Do we need a change at a societal level or an individual's level? 7BunJoiYy8I-00004-00003078-00003360 See, if you're different... if you think you're different... 7BunJoiYy8I-00005-00003515-00004074 I look very different from all of you. If you think you're different, 7BunJoiYy8I-00006-00004152-00004800 first thing you need to understand is you learn to respect other people. 7BunJoiYy8I-00007-00004896-00005502 They are different from you. But you think they're all bunch of idiots, and only you are brilliant. 7BunJoiYy8I-00008-00005682-00006498 Now they will trouble you for sure, and they should. Hello? The moment you're little different, 7BunJoiYy8I-00009-00006498-00006912 you think you are the only brilliant guy here and everybody else is an idiot. 7BunJoiYy8I-00010-00007020-00007409 So you think they will let it pass? They will make sure you pay the price. 7BunJoiYy8I-00011-00007518-00008262 And you should. So, I'm saying especially if you think you're different, it's very important you 7BunJoiYy8I-00012-00008262-00008802 learn to respect everybody else for what they are and learn some humility. Already 7BunJoiYy8I-00013-00008802-00009432 you're a freak. When you're a freak you must be little, you know... See that's why I'm always... 7BunJoiYy8I-00014-00009636-00010002 laughs 7EkDFuEkzbA-00000-00001070-00001270 summer time at the river 7EkDFuEkzbA-00001-00001525-00001906 i want to go to the pig house 7EkDFuEkzbA-00002-00001906-00002251 sounds like me 7EkDFuEkzbA-00003-00002555-00002690 hi 7EkDFuEkzbA-00004-00002693-00003052 can i eat alone? 7EkDFuEkzbA-00005-00003076-00003276 we dont serve 1 serving 7EkDFuEkzbA-00006-00003419-00003624 can i eat 2 people portion ? 7EkDFuEkzbA-00007-00003624-00003824 we dont have that 7EkDFuEkzbA-00008-00003824-00003961 al @#$? 7EkDFuEkzbA-00009-00003979-00004075 ?? 7EkDFuEkzbA-00010-00004083-00004155 no 7EkDFuEkzbA-00011-00004155-00004275 you cant eat alone 7EkDFuEkzbA-00012-00004275-00004364 cant eat alone TT? 7EkDFuEkzbA-00013-00004467-00004563 you can visit the village beisde 7EkDFuEkzbA-00014-00004718-00004918 i came here to eat beside the river 7EkDFuEkzbA-00015-00005104-00005184 but 7EkDFuEkzbA-00016-00005184-00005273 no 7EkDFuEkzbA-00017-00005273-00005385 you cannot finish it 7EkDFuEkzbA-00018-00005385-00005585 what should you do ? 7EkDFuEkzbA-00019-00005585-00005698 it would be a waste of money 7EkDFuEkzbA-00020-00005727-00005927 its okay. I will eat alot 7EkDFuEkzbA-00021-00005927-00006230 i eat a lot 7EkDFuEkzbA-00022-00006241-00006417 haahaaahaha 7EkDFuEkzbA-00023-00006444-00006644 please go in 7EkDFuEkzbA-00024-00006644-00006756 thank you 7EkDFuEkzbA-00025-00006793-00006898 how could you finish the food 7EkDFuEkzbA-00026-00006960-00007160 (happy laugh) 7EkDFuEkzbA-00027-00007784-00007984 food is here (1 cola please) 7EkDFuEkzbA-00028-00008337-00008537 samguypsal !!! 7EkDFuEkzbA-00029-00009084-00009284 why there is no sizzling sound 7EkDFuEkzbA-00030-00009682-00009882 onion 7EkDFuEkzbA-00031-00010106-00010306 bean spouts 7EkDFuEkzbA-00032-00010508-00010708 lots of garlics 7EkDFuEkzbA-00033-00011093-00011293 meat juice 7EkDFuEkzbA-00034-00012343-00012543 pepper side dish 7EkDFuEkzbA-00035-00013246-00013446 gooood 7EkDFuEkzbA-00036-00014017-00014217 no rice.? 7EkDFuEkzbA-00037-00017901-00018191 its cooked 7EkDFuEkzbA-00038-00019341-00019541 juicy and soft 7EkDFuEkzbA-00039-00020189-00020389 i havent have bbq for a while 7EkDFuEkzbA-00040-00021799-00021999 garlics 7EkDFuEkzbA-00041-00022644-00022844 if there is soup.. 7EkDFuEkzbA-00042-00023177-00023377 its okay we have sauce 7EkDFuEkzbA-00043-00024779-00024979 carrot kimchi 7EkDFuEkzbA-00044-00030850-00031050 a lot of garlic cuz its good 7EkDFuEkzbA-00045-00031639-00031839 well cooked 7EkDFuEkzbA-00047-00036332-00036532 meat sushi 7EkDFuEkzbA-00048-00039825-00040025 any thing with kimchi sauce its good 7EkDFuEkzbA-00049-00042638-00042838 my first river stream 7EkDFuEkzbA-00050-00043236-00043436 water level upto my calves 7EkDFuEkzbA-00051-00043764-00043964 girl: any fish? 7EkDFuEkzbA-00052-00044102-00044302 over there 7EkDFuEkzbA-00053-00044712-00044912 small fish 7EkDFuEkzbA-00054-00045979-00046179 not deep 7EkDFuEkzbA-00055-00046491-00046691 shallow 7EkDFuEkzbA-00056-00046926-00047126 like heaven 7EkDFuEkzbA-00057-00047126-00047326 really pretty 7EkDFuEkzbA-00058-00047582-00047782 river two (not zero two) 7EkDFuEkzbA-00059-00049056-00049256 trying to catch a fish 7EkDFuEkzbA-00060-00051495-00051695 i should have wear white 7EkDFuEkzbA-00061-00051877-00052013 i met the nice grandma again 7EkDFuEkzbA-00062-00052013-00052213 I ate 2 peoples portion 7EkDFuEkzbA-00063-00052727-00052927 cute and nice grandma 7FGkZJxjU9g-00000-00000400-00000643 We grow organic food 7FGkZJxjU9g-00001-00000643-00000994 We are getting our products certified in Belarus 7FGkZJxjU9g-00002-00000994-00001275 These are rosy tomatoes. Those are common ones. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00003-00001275-00001540 - The skin of the rosy ones is thinner, right? - Yes 7FGkZJxjU9g-00004-00001540-00001874 The core is bigger where the seeds are 7FGkZJxjU9g-00005-00002093-00002369 We now offer a lineup of juices. Absolutely organic 7FGkZJxjU9g-00006-00002369-00002550 No preserving agents 7FGkZJxjU9g-00007-00002550-00003029 We just heat it to 78C and that's it 7FGkZJxjU9g-00008-00003029-00003219 - What about sugar? - No sugar. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00009-00003219-00003479 Only sugar in the apples. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00010-00003479-00003760 - You don't add anything? - Absolutely nothing. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00011-00003760-00003990 If someone could spare some cash to buy it... 7FGkZJxjU9g-00012-00003990-00004094 Seven rubles 7FGkZJxjU9g-00013-00004094-00004279 Seven rubles? I don't have any money. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00014-00004279-00004329 What kind of help is it? Seven rubles! 7FGkZJxjU9g-00015-00004445-00004781 - We would like to present dairy products to you - Good day 7FGkZJxjU9g-00016-00004781-00005064 Here is Aleksandr. A family business. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00017-00005064-00005360 - Do you make all of it on your own? - Yes. We have our own cows. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00018-00005360-00005787 - And you trade here all the time? - Yes. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00019-00005827-00006146 Do you have a production facility? Special equipment? 7FGkZJxjU9g-00020-00006170-00006710 Let's say we operate at home. With limited resources. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00021-00006737-00007234 But we are building larger premises. We will have a cheese dairy. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00022-00007269-00007717 - Where are you based? - Volozhin District. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00023-00007738-00007976 How many cows do you have? 7FGkZJxjU9g-00024-00007976-00008429 Ten milking cows and there will be ten more soon. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00025-00008429-00008847 I have 11 cows. You have ten. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00026-00008847-00008990 I will have 20 cows. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00027-00008990-00009233 So, can I sell my cow milk to you? 7FGkZJxjU9g-00028-00009233-00009667 Well, if you pass [the quality test], so to say 7FGkZJxjU9g-00029-00009667-00009992 My quality is fine. And we will agree on the price. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00030-00009992-00010511 - What is the fat content of your milk? - Fat content? 4.6-4.8% 7FGkZJxjU9g-00031-00010511-00010850 - Ours is 5.6%. - 5.6%? What kind of cows are those? 7FGkZJxjU9g-00032-00010850-00011028 [unintelligible] 7FGkZJxjU9g-00033-00011028-00011305 - No, mine are common black-and-white ones. - I see. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00034-00011305-00011680 - My milk will not be acceptable to you? - Let's make some calculations. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00035-00011712-00012140 - You are so progressive. - I can even gift you my heifer. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00036-00012140-00012591 - Seriously? We can exchange cows. - No! I don't want a black-and-white cow. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00037-00012615-00012973 I can sell you a bull calf. For meat. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00038-00012973-00013329 What kind of cheese do you like most? 7FGkZJxjU9g-00039-00013329-00013680 For some reason I don't like cheese at all. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00040-00013680-00014192 People come here specifically in order to buy food from this stall. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00041-00014662-00014798 Our cabbage. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00042-00014798-00015128 - When did you prepare it? - I prepare it ahead of every weekend. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00043-00015128-00015287 I come on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays... 7FGkZJxjU9g-00044-00015287-00015662 - So you make sour cabbage every week? - Yes. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00045-00015662-00015850 - You take fresh cabbage and make sour cabbage? - Yes. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00046-00015850-00016229 - Where do you get cabbage? - I grow my own. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00047-00016229-00016517 - Do you grow enough? - Well, enough for now. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00048-00016517-00017040 These are microgreens. They can be grown indoors, in an apartment. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00049-00017040-00017614 - Doesn't it take much time? - No. You won't believe it but it grows very fast. This plant is only two weeks old. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00050-00017614-00018163 It is believed that the effectiveness of useful substances in microgreens is 5-10 times higher than in conventional plants. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00051-00018163-00018453 - I agree. Is it peas? - Yes. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00052-00018453-00019242 - Are they similar to the common peas? - Yes. But I like the taste of this one better. It grows juicier and sweeter. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00053-00019242-00019713 It is the first time I compare an adult plant with this one. It is tasty indeed. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00054-00019713-00020149 - Make a wish! - Thanks! I already have. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00055-00020547-00021086 We invite you to take a look at teas. A Belarusian enterprise makes the mixes. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00056-00021086-00021420 Do you make, package, and sell all of it on your own? 7FGkZJxjU9g-00057-00021420-00021869 It is packed in Minsk. We collect and dry these herbs in Myadel. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00058-00021869-00022218 - But the packaging is yours? - Yes. In Minsk. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00059-00022218-00022909 - How do you dry the herbs? The natural way or... - With a dryer. We have a heat generator. A certain temperature. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00060-00022909-00023418 - Let me invite you to sample some tea. - Is it all yours? - Yes, it is. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00061-00023418-00023991 - I should drink it without honey, sugar, right? - Yes. It is recommended that all teas should be enjoyed without sugar. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00062-00023991-00024475 If you add sugar or honey, it will be a tea beverage then. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00063-00024475-00024723 Surprised to hear it. I understand. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00064-00025220-00025483 Yes, it feels organic. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00065-00026202-00026886 - What imports do you have? - We primarily offer Belarusian products. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00066-00026886-00027368 It turns out only dried fish is from Russia. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00067-00027429-00027774 - What about this one? - It is ours. From Brest Oblast. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00068-00028149-00028615 - We would also like to introduce you to Andrei. - Andrei, is it all yours? 7FGkZJxjU9g-00069-00028615-00029040 - No. A personal subsidiary plot. - They use firewood. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00070-00029040-00029722 Firewood? Do you use the old ways of smoking meat? Or do you use a stove? 7FGkZJxjU9g-00071-00029722-00030172 I use a brick stove. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00072-00030172-00030760 We are building a new stove now and a chimney. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00073-00030760-00031390 - Do you make meat yourself or do you buy it? - I buy it from farmers. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00074-00031390-00031660 - You buy meat and smoke it? - Yes. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00075-00031660-00032170 - Is it profitable? - It turns out it is. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00076-00032170-00032456 - There is a demand? People buy it? - People do buy it. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00077-00032456-00032885 - Well done. May success attend you. - We will keep up the good work. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00078-00032885-00033300 Our sweets are special because they don't contain sugar. 7FGkZJxjU9g-00079-00033300-00034074 We have a sugar-based lineup but we also have sweets based on honey and another lineup without sugar at all. 7G6506nmpL4-00000-00000002-00000811 I think you are all probably thinking the same thing. You have a burning question. I felt like... 7G6506nmpL4-00001-00000811-00001354 I wouldn't be able to do the rest of my speaking tour without addressing this burning question. 7G6506nmpL4-00002-00001354-00002614 I was bombarded on Twitter today with the same question: "Have you tasted haggis?" [Laughter] 7G6506nmpL4-00003-00002614-00002980 The answer is, "No, I'm too scared." 7G6506nmpL4-00004-00002980-00003538 I made the mistake of reading about how it is made before tasting it. 7G6506nmpL4-00005-00003538-00004028 I've been told that you should do it the other way around, because then it is a lot less scary. 7G6506nmpL4-00006-00004028-00004624 I'm trying to build up the courage. I have been told that the best way to [eat] this is in a burger. 7G6506nmpL4-00007-00004624-00005232 I don't know if that is actually true. No? Okay. There is a big disagreement in the room. 7G6506nmpL4-00008-00005232-00006426 On the count of three, all those in favor of haggis burger, [raise your hand]. Nobody? Okay. Haggis for breakfast? 7G6506nmpL4-00009-00006426-00007309 [AUDIENCE] Yeah! [ANDREAS] Ah, okay. Are there other formulations I should try? 7G6506nmpL4-00010-00007309-00008038 [AUDIENCE] Haggis on toast! [ANDREAS] Haggis on toast, very good... 7G6506nmpL4-00011-00008038-00008836 [AUDIENCE] Intravenous. [Laughter] 7G6506nmpL4-00012-00008836-00009464 [ANDREAS] How about a corporate-sponsored haggis that is pretending to be an open haggis? 7G6506nmpL4-00013-00009464-00010218 [Laughter] And was launched this morning? Okay. Let's talk about the elephant in the room: Libra. 7G6506nmpL4-00014-00010218-00010958 This morning, you probably heard that Facebook announced their "cryptocurrency," Libra. 7G6506nmpL4-00015-00010958-00011628 Whenever the price of bitcoin goes down, I receive calls from friends and family, 7G6506nmpL4-00016-00011628-00012912 asking if I am okay. "Are you okay? Is everything okay?" This time, I actually got a call from a friend's mother. 7G6506nmpL4-00017-00012912-00013350 She asked me if I'm okay and the price has not even dropped! 7G6506nmpL4-00018-00013350-00014318 Just the fact that Facebook launched a cryptocurrency led to the "Are you okay? Are you holding up?" question. 7G6506nmpL4-00019-00014318-00015146 "Do we need to airlift you out of Europe?" I am okay. 7G6506nmpL4-00020-00015146-00016000 I talked about this two or three years ago, that one day we would see this happen. 7G6506nmpL4-00021-00016000-00016618 Today is the day, right? It is now happening. 7G6506nmpL4-00022-00016618-00017206 But what exactly happened? What can we talk about today? 7G6506nmpL4-00023-00017206-00018460 This morning, Facebook released a white paper. Not a cryptocurrency. Not a network. Not a project. 7G6506nmpL4-00024-00018460-00018646 Not even an application. 7G6506nmpL4-00025-00018646-00019404 Just a white paper. Everybody is freaking out because they wrote a whitepaper. But there is a long road... 7G6506nmpL4-00026-00019404-00020304 to go between the white paper and a production network available to two billion users, wrapped in... 7G6506nmpL4-00027-00020304-00020834 a candy-colored Farmville interface. 7G6506nmpL4-00028-00020834-00021582 But when they released the white paper, people became really excited. How many of you read the white paper? 7G6506nmpL4-00029-00021582-00022242 Excellent, quite a few. I'll be honest with you, I did a brief skim. It has been a busy day. 7G6506nmpL4-00030-00022242-00022888 I received a bunch of calls from journalists who wanted to talk about it. I am not ready to talk about it. 7G6506nmpL4-00031-00022888-00023482 This will take a lot more study. I will not talk too much about the technology today. 7G6506nmpL4-00032-00023482-00024324 We don't really know how this will play out. I want to talk about what has changed. 7G6506nmpL4-00033-00024324-00024922 Everything changed this morning. This is something we have been predicting for more than three years. 7G6506nmpL4-00034-00024922-00025732 It changes everything, whether or not Facebook is able to get Libra into production. 7G6506nmpL4-00035-00025732-00026586 The mere fact that this whitepaper was dropped has now set the bar. They dropped the gauntlet. 7G6506nmpL4-00036-00026586-00027602 Silicon Valley is coming for banking in a big way. We predicted that this would happen. 7G6506nmpL4-00037-00027602-00028426 A lot of people thought it would be Amazon first. But turns out, it is Facebook - which is much worse... 7G6506nmpL4-00038-00028426-00028848 than anyone had imagined possible. [Laughter] 7G6506nmpL4-00039-00028848-00029800 All right, about the whitepaper. If you haven't looked, this is a collaboration [between about] thirty [companies]. 7G6506nmpL4-00040-00029800-00030604 I have a feeling that within Facebook- Some people are saying this is the result of a year's effort. 7G6506nmpL4-00041-00030604-00031500 I have a feeling that they created this incubator / sandbox innovation lab, gathered thirty to forty... 7G6506nmpL4-00042-00031500-00032527 bright people, locked them in a room, and slid pizzas under the door until the whitepaper came out. 7G6506nmpL4-00043-00032527-00033936 The whitepaper is actually very impressive, in terms of the technology vision. These people are very serious. 7G6506nmpL4-00044-00033936-00034440 [They seem] well-informed about what we are doing in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. 7G6506nmpL4-00045-00034440-00035276 They cherry-picked some features of the best cryptocurrencies, the state-of-the-art technology, 7G6506nmpL4-00046-00035276-00035708 and then they [plan to] advance it a bit. 7G6506nmpL4-00047-00035708-00036288 They synthesized it into something that [sounds] quite impressive from a technology perspective. 7G6506nmpL4-00048-00036288-00037162 It has taken ideas from Ethereum, like a virtual machine for execution of smart contracts and gas. 7G6506nmpL4-00049-00037162-00037988 A Merkle state tree that can be added to Merkle Mountain Ranges, or the Ethereum state tree. 7G6506nmpL4-00050-00037988-00038918 An embedded or intrinsic digital currency. A proof-of-authority, federated network of validators, 7G6506nmpL4-00051-00038918-00039958 similar to Ripple or EOS, things that are kind of blockchains but not quite. 7G6506nmpL4-00052-00039958-00040658 Their consensus algorithm is not exactly new. It is a Byzantine fault tolerant consensus algorithm, 7G6506nmpL4-00053-00040658-00041098 which is not proof of work, but they say they want to move it to proof-of-stake. 7G6506nmpL4-00054-00041098-00041534 Some very interesting stuff there. They mashed [these components] together... 7G6506nmpL4-00055-00041534-00041904 and created something that is impressive from a technology perspective. 7G6506nmpL4-00056-00041904-00042494 It is impressive because of who did it, not based on what was actually done. 7G6506nmpL4-00057-00042494-00043118 If I had released that whitepaper with thirty collaborators, everybody would have [shrugged it off]. 7G6506nmpL4-00058-00043118-00043394 "Okay, there's another blockchain..." 7G6506nmpL4-00059-00043394-00044316 But when a company with two billion users does that, people understand that this could have a big impact. 7G6506nmpL4-00060-00044316-00045320 Now we will see whether this [idea] survives its first contact with Facebook's corporate [managers]. 7G6506nmpL4-00061-00045320-00046110 At the moment, this is an incubated project. It is idealistic. It is [rather] aggressive in its vision. 7G6506nmpL4-00062-00046110-00046774 It is focused on being decentralized, a bit now and even more in the future. 7G6506nmpL4-00063-00046774-00047438 Permissioned now, permissionless in the future. Proof-of-authority now, proof-of-stake in the future. 7G6506nmpL4-00064-00047438-00047722 A very progressive, aggressive vision. 7G6506nmpL4-00065-00047722-00048276 But that vision will run straight into a bunch of MBAs and lawyers at Facebook headquarters. 7G6506nmpL4-00066-00048276-00049058 "Whoa there!" [Laughter] Or maybe not. Let's see. 7G6506nmpL4-00067-00049058-00049636 It will be really interesting to see how much of this vision survives into deployment. 7G6506nmpL4-00068-00049636-00050822 That will determine what happens next. If it survives into deployment, it could become very successful... 7G6506nmpL4-00069-00050822-00051042 and a huge moneymaker. 7G6506nmpL4-00070-00051042-00051417 The MBAs will become very excited. 7G6506nmpL4-00071-00051417-00052005 Some things in the white paper are quite surprising. For example, the use of an association to segregate it... 7G6506nmpL4-00072-00052005-00052632 from Facebook, and a promise to not use the profile information on your Facebook account. 7G6506nmpL4-00073-00052632-00053100 Do you have a Facebook account? I sure as hell don't. 7G6506nmpL4-00074-00053100-00053972 [Will they] use that in collaboration with the currency? That would be a no-no, right? 7G6506nmpL4-00075-00053972-00054620 At the moment, it says that information will not be shared and used for surveillance. 7G6506nmpL4-00076-00054620-00055594 It will not be used for any of these- Oh, one second. Sorry. "We are sending you this very important email... 7G6506nmpL4-00077-00055594-00056466 to notify you about changes to our Terms & Conditions. Please reading the following 600 pages of gibberish... 7G6506nmpL4-00078-00056466-00056955 to understand how we completely removed due-process and your privacy. Thank you very much!" 7G6506nmpL4-00079-00056955-00057146 "The Facebook Team." [Laughter] 7G6506nmpL4-00080-00057146-00057638 So that email just came to me from the future. It was written by an MBA. 7G6506nmpL4-00081-00057638-00058066 It will change all of those promises the moment this becomes successful. 7G6506nmpL4-00082-00058066-00058605 If you think that I'm kidding, look at what happened to Whatsapp. 7G6506nmpL4-00083-00058605-00059164 The founders of that company started with the same kind of idealistic vision, 7G6506nmpL4-00084-00059164-00060082 and left, forgoing hundreds of millions of dollars in pay and bonuses. "Use Signal." 7G6506nmpL4-00085-00060082-00060726 "Do not use Whatsapp if you are a dissident, an activist, or a political operative." 7G6506nmpL4-00086-00060726-00061364 "If your communication's confidentiality will make the difference between surviving or not, 7G6506nmpL4-00087-00061364-00062334 if you are one of the millions of people who is marching in Hong Kong this week, don't use Whatsapp." 7G6506nmpL4-00088-00062334-00063072 Will something similar happen? I'm a bit of a cynic. I think that large corporations have a tendency to... 7G6506nmpL4-00089-00063072-00063840 swallow innovation, rip out the disruptive [parts], and spit out something neutered. 7G6506nmpL4-00090-00063840-00064604 Something that is profit-making while exploiting users, because that is their obligation to their shareholders. 7G6506nmpL4-00091-00064604-00065079 But we will see. Maybe it won't be so. 7G6506nmpL4-00092-00065079-00065384 That is what happened on the technical front this morning. 7G6506nmpL4-00093-00065384-00065818 Now, everybody is trying to solve what I call the three-body problem. 7G6506nmpL4-00094-00065818-00066716 Until now, we were looking at this space as the interaction between two major forces: 7G6506nmpL4-00095-00066716-00067610 on one side, we have nation-state fiat money, as we derisively call it in the crypto space; 7G6506nmpL4-00096-00067610-00068382 on the other side, we have the people's money, open and borderless cryptocurrency for everyone to use. 7G6506nmpL4-00097-00068382-00069054 These two forces are orbiting and exerting pressure on each other. 7G6506nmpL4-00098-00069054-00069650 Right now, cryptocurrencies are a [bunch of] tiny little asteroids. 7G6506nmpL4-00099-00069650-00070482 Fiat is a big planet full of very successful life forms, who are looking up at the sky and wondering, 7G6506nmpL4-00100-00070482-00071240 "What is that shiny thing? It seems to be getting bigger." You know, the experience of the dinosaurs. 7G6506nmpL4-00101-00071240-00071690 [Some say], "Don't worry, it's pretty. Look at how nice the sunset looks!" 7G6506nmpL4-00102-00071690-00072002 "Oh, it keeps getting bigger..." 7G6506nmpL4-00103-00072002-00072520 Solving the two-body problem from a political perspective, trying to figure out what happens... 7G6506nmpL4-00104-00072520-00073084 when nation-states and open cryptocurrencies collide, is difficult enough. 7G6506nmpL4-00105-00073084-00073634 We can't tell, because nations are positioning themselves in different ways. 7G6506nmpL4-00106-00073634-00074542 Some are freaked out and ban it outright. China has banned it about 1,726 times so far. 7G6506nmpL4-00107-00074542-00075148 All ineffectively. India has banned it, kind of, twice. 7G6506nmpL4-00108-00075148-00076160 Ecuador was one of the first to ban it completely. Yet in many advanced nations, cryptocurrencies... 7G6506nmpL4-00109-00076160-00076514 have actually been thriving. 7G6506nmpL4-00110-00076514-00077532 In what we call "free societies," the idea of banning private currency is constitutionally problematic. 7G6506nmpL4-00111-00077532-00078214 Both the United States' Constitution and the United Kingdom's constitution protect freedom- 7G6506nmpL4-00112-00078214-00078570 Oh, wait. You don't have [a constitution]. Anyway... [Laughter] 7G6506nmpL4-00113-00078570-00079144 The Magna Carta, let's say, protects freedom of speech. Money is a form of political speech. 7G6506nmpL4-00114-00079144-00079616 That is something cherished in free societies. It is not so easy to just ban [cryptocurrencies]. 7G6506nmpL4-00115-00079616-00080772 But there was a lot of tension this morning, with a big discussion on Twitter that I reluctantly got involved in. 7G6506nmpL4-00116-00080772-00081818 It was about whether Facebook's Libra is a cryptocurrency or not. Let's take a quick poll. 7G6506nmpL4-00117-00081818-00082558 All those who say that it is a cryptocurrency, [raise your hand]. All those who say it is not, [raise your hand]. 7G6506nmpL4-00118-00082558-00083482 All those who haven't decided yet, [raise your hand]. That is okay. I don't think that question makes sense. 7G6506nmpL4-00119-00083482-00084598 It doesn't make sense because Facebook's Libra is new. It is a corporate digital currency. 7G6506nmpL4-00120-00084598-00085890 We haven't seen corporate currencies since the opium wars, medieval feudalism, and the Medici. 7G6506nmpL4-00121-00085890-00087514 How fitting that with the dawn of corporate neo- feudalism, one of the leading corporate states, 7G6506nmpL4-00122-00087514-00088036 the supra-nation of Facebook, is launching its own currency. 7G6506nmpL4-00123-00088036-00089084 Things will become very interesting, for a number of reasons. We now have a three-point stand-off. 7G6506nmpL4-00124-00089084-00089836 It is now money of the corporations, money of the people, and the money of government. 7G6506nmpL4-00125-00089836-00090718 All three will exist. None of them are going away soon. In fact, more will join. The doors have been opened. 7G6506nmpL4-00126-00090718-00091478 Facebook is the first of the FANGs; the rest are baring their fangs and ready to go. 7G6506nmpL4-00127-00091478-00091864 "FANGs," if you don't know, [stands for] Facebook-Amazon-Netflix-Google... 7G6506nmpL4-00128-00091864-00092940 and the billion-dollar tech companies of Silicon Valley. There is also Twitter, Uber, and Airbnb. 7G6506nmpL4-00129-00092940-00093252 The era of internet currencies just opened. 7G6506nmpL4-00130-00093252-00093770 Silicon Valley is coming for the banks, in a way that has never happened before. 7G6506nmpL4-00131-00093770-00094346 The bankers have been very comfortable until now. 7G6506nmpL4-00132-00094346-00094998 I went to a conference in Zurich and spoke to banking executives in 2014. I told them, 7G6506nmpL4-00133-00094998-00095828 "Listen. Instead of hiring blockchain consultants to show you how to square a circle, undo the disruption, 7G6506nmpL4-00134-00095828-00096528 and pretend to do blockchain, you should hire a former executive from the music industry." 7G6506nmpL4-00135-00096528-00097014 "Ask them what it felt like when the internet came for their industry." 7G6506nmpL4-00136-00097014-00097940 "When did you realize you couldn't do anything about it? How did you feel when you started losing to Apple?" 7G6506nmpL4-00137-00097940-00098694 Guess what? The banks had [more than] ten years to figure this shit out, 7G6506nmpL4-00138-00098694-00099010 how they would handle digital currencies. 7G6506nmpL4-00139-00099010-00099706 The music industry should have made a deal with Napster; instead, they fought with tooth and nail, 7G6506nmpL4-00140-00099706-00099998 and handed the entire industry to Apple. 7G6506nmpL4-00141-00099998-00100784 The banks should have made a deal with Bitcoin when it was the cuddly gecko of cryptocurrencies. 7G6506nmpL4-00142-00100784-00101872 Facebook is a Triceratops [of social media] and it is coming for their industry, to disrupt a lot of things. 7G6506nmpL4-00143-00101872-00102858 [It may sound] really weird, but the first to be affected by this will be retail banks. 7G6506nmpL4-00144-00102858-00103552 Not the big bad investment banks who make shady deals to bail out dictators and stuff like that. 7G6506nmpL4-00145-00103552-00103809 The banks that actually serve customers. 7G6506nmpL4-00146-00103809-00104418 Most big investment banks stopped taking checking and savings customers [in consumer markets]... 7G6506nmpL4-00147-00104418-00104644 four or five years [ago]. 7G6506nmpL4-00148-00104644-00105500 "You people don't pay enough. You're not worthy of banking." 7G6506nmpL4-00149-00105500-00106040 But retail banks, the corner branch where you know the banker, 7G6506nmpL4-00150-00106040-00106864 or at least [you can call them] to discuss your overdraft ballooning again. 7G6506nmpL4-00151-00106864-00107474 Those retail banks actually serve customers, even the unbanked and underbanked, 7G6506nmpL4-00152-00107474-00107740 gradually expanding their reach. 7G6506nmpL4-00153-00107740-00108685 They will be hit hard by this new phenomenon, because Facebook not only has two billion users, 7G6506nmpL4-00154-00108685-00109150 but they know all their preferences and behavior patterns. 7G6506nmpL4-00155-00109150-00110376 They can use that to drop the cost of banking and wrap it in a candy-colored user interface. 7G6506nmpL4-00156-00110376-00111242 Every time you make a purchase [with Libra], the application will tickle your dopamine receptors a bit. 7G6506nmpL4-00157-00111242-00112366 It will encourage you to do or not do certain things, play with you like a mouse in a psychology experiment, 7G6506nmpL4-00158-00112366-00112880 where you can't see [the edges of] the maze because the walls are too high. 7G6506nmpL4-00159-00112880-00113340 This will be very interesting as it plays out. 7G6506nmpL4-00160-00113340-00114114 To those of us who have been paying attention to the rise of techno neo-feudalism, it is terrifying. 7G6506nmpL4-00161-00114114-00114876 Facebook will be effective at disrupting regulation in a way that banks have not been able to. 7G6506nmpL4-00162-00114876-00115859 Facebook is now going after central banks. 7G6506nmpL4-00163-00115859-00116392 Yes, they have a basket of currencies to create some kind of stablecoin thing, 7G6506nmpL4-00164-00116392-00117050 but that stablecoin will be stable vis-à-vis your local currency that is hyperinflating. 7G6506nmpL4-00165-00117050-00117622 I talked about that this morning. Imagine that you are the government in India or Argentina, 7G6506nmpL4-00166-00117622-00118600 and you want to follow an inflation or devaluation policy, but 10% of your population has moved on to Libra. 7G6506nmpL4-00167-00118600-00119450 They can put their savings in the "hard" currency of Facebook. Well, not really a hard currency. 7G6506nmpL4-00168-00119450-00120054 It doesn't really have a monetary policy, so they say, but it is harder than the Argentinian peso. 7G6506nmpL4-00169-00120054-00120796 It is harder than the Turkish lira, the Indian rupee, and more than a hundred currencies around the world. 7G6506nmpL4-00170-00120796-00121440 The central banks will lose one of the big levers of power they have over the economy. 7G6506nmpL4-00171-00121440-00122185 What will they do, ban Facebook? Shut down 10% of their economy? They will try. 7G6506nmpL4-00172-00122185-00123102 They have been trying to ban Facebook during protests, coup d'états of dictatorships, and revolutions. 7G6506nmpL4-00173-00123102-00123604 They will fail. They will try to regulate Facebook. 7G6506nmpL4-00174-00123604-00124302 Imagine the poor regulators, paid almost nothing, in their tweed suits. 7G6506nmpL4-00175-00124302-00125335 Academics from the economics ministry, facing an army of Wall Street lawyers in their tiny country, 7G6506nmpL4-00176-00125335-00125864 filling the parking lot of the local airport with Gulfstream [aircraft] in a row, 7G6506nmpL4-00177-00125864-00126459 "Let's talk about what we will do to your economy." 7G6506nmpL4-00178-00126459-00127406 If you didn't realize it, Facebook is planning [to launch] consumer and retail level SDRs. 7G6506nmpL4-00179-00127406-00127900 Who knows what an SDR is? A few people. 7G6506nmpL4-00180-00127900-00128526 The International Monetary Fund is a global institution that is not [officially] controlled by governments. 7G6506nmpL4-00181-00128526-00128802 It uses contributions from member states, 7G6506nmpL4-00182-00128802-00129392 a basket of currencies, to issue a pseudo- currency called Special Drawing Rights. 7G6506nmpL4-00183-00129392-00129761 [SDRs] are part of the international framework of free-floating exchange rates. 7G6506nmpL4-00184-00129761-00130404 They are the lender of last resort for governments. They do so in a very predatory manner. 7G6506nmpL4-00185-00130404-00131396 They impose extreme austerity on the governments which fall into their clutches, asset-strip their industries, 7G6506nmpL4-00186-00131396-00132026 their water plants, railroads, and telecommunications companies. 7G6506nmpL4-00187-00132026-00132430 Well, guess what? Facebook wil do that now. 7G6506nmpL4-00188-00132430-00133214 If you think about what Libra is, it is a special drawing rights pseudo-currency, based on a basket of currencies, 7G6506nmpL4-00189-00133214-00134072 that is funded by consumer activity, in the same countries where the government will ask them... 7G6506nmpL4-00190-00134072-00134496 for a loan or try to curtail their activity. 7G6506nmpL4-00191-00134496-00135092 This is very serious stuff. We just went post-national. 7G6506nmpL4-00192-00135092-00135716 The power to control money used to be the exclusive prerogative of states. 7G6506nmpL4-00193-00135716-00136360 That has been kicked in the nuts by Bitcoin and [threatened with] decapitation by Libra this morning. 7G6506nmpL4-00194-00136360-00137282 Central bank control over monetary policy ended this morning. Technology companies... 7G6506nmpL4-00195-00137282-00138304 currently worth a trillion dollars [total] are taking the ability to mint their own money. 7G6506nmpL4-00196-00138304-00139148 They will radically transform their business models, generating more money than you can ever imagine. 7G6506nmpL4-00197-00139148-00140052 Very soon, they will dwarf the GDP of at least one third of the nations on this planet. 7G6506nmpL4-00198-00140052-00140556 When the IMF comes calling, most governments cower in fear. 7G6506nmpL4-00199-00140556-00141234 But they have no idea how much worse it will be when Facebook, Google, or Apple comes calling. 7G6506nmpL4-00200-00141234-00141990 Maybe even Twitter can take down a few governments. It is big enough. Why not? Soon, Uber will be dictating... 7G6506nmpL4-00201-00141990-00142802 not just to taxi drivers, but to the local council and maybe even the cabinet of ministers. 7G6506nmpL4-00202-00142802-00143586 We [are approaching] a new world in which three forces will be competing: money of the people, 7G6506nmpL4-00203-00143586-00143918 money of the state, and money of the corporations. 7G6506nmpL4-00204-00143918-00144872 That is a crossroads. We need to make some very careful choices. I am hopeful for a number of reasons. 7G6506nmpL4-00205-00144872-00145538 They will actually make a contribution to the technology, whether they want to or not. 7G6506nmpL4-00206-00145538-00146218 They will introduce one billion people to the wrong kind of cryptocurrency, 7G6506nmpL4-00207-00146218-00147700 just like AOL introduced people to the wrong kind of internet. [Applause] Here is where it becomes tricky. 7G6506nmpL4-00208-00147700-00148358 At this point, we need to decide how to differentiate [based on] our principles. 7G6506nmpL4-00209-00148358-00148800 I have talked about the fundamental principles I care about in blockchains. 7G6506nmpL4-00210-00148800-00149434 Sometimes I call them the five pillars of open blockchains, or the eight criteria. I lose count. 7G6506nmpL4-00211-00149434-00150090 It is somewhere between five and eight, but you should always [scrutinize] a system that is trying to take over... 7G6506nmpL4-00212-00150090-00150430 the foundational technology of money in your world. 7G6506nmpL4-00213-00150430-00151422 Is it open? What does "open" mean? Is it open for anyone to access and participate without vetting? 7G6506nmpL4-00214-00151422-00151948 Can anyone send a transaction without providing identification? 7G6506nmpL4-00215-00151948-00152590 Is it? We don't know yet. We will see. The white paper [claims] it is [open]. 7G6506nmpL4-00216-00152590-00152826 We [will need to wait and see for] what the currency actually does. 7G6506nmpL4-00217-00152826-00153170 Is it borderless? I can tell you right now, it will not be borderless. 7G6506nmpL4-00218-00153170-00154018 There is only one borderless, global cryptocurrency of any value and meaning today. That is bitcoin. 7G6506nmpL4-00219-00154018-00155158 It is maybe as good as the U.S. dollar at being borderless. But Facebook will not be in China. 7G6506nmpL4-00220-00155158-00156152 I can guarantee you that Libra will not launch in China. They will have their own, launched by WeChat. 7G6506nmpL4-00221-00156152-00156996 Or a subsidiary wholly owned by the People's Republic of China, the central politburo. 7G6506nmpL4-00222-00156996-00157706 Like Facebook is a subsidiary of the NSA... [Laughter] 7G6506nmpL4-00223-00157706-00158030 It will not launch in Russia either. 7G6506nmpL4-00224-00158030-00158846 Are they going to give up their monetary sovereignty to a dude from Silicon Valley? 7G6506nmpL4-00225-00158846-00159410 It will not launch in a bunch of other places with unbanked people who actually need this. 7G6506nmpL4-00226-00159410-00159778 It will not be borderless. In fact, quite the opposite. 7G6506nmpL4-00227-00159778-00160440 We have entered the era of Cold War-esque currency wars. 7G6506nmpL4-00228-00160440-00161172 An Iron Curtain for currencies will drop, like we have never seen before. 7G6506nmpL4-00229-00161172-00162140 We will see a split between East and West in the evolution of state-based and corporate currencies. 7G6506nmpL4-00230-00162140-00162730 Of the three, only open cryptocurrencies will go everywhere [around the world]. 7G6506nmpL4-00231-00162730-00163072 [Libra] will probably not be neutral. 7G6506nmpL4-00232-00163072-00164016 Neutrality requires that the protocol allow transactions from anyone to anyone, [anywhere], for any purpose. 7G6506nmpL4-00233-00164016-00164628 A lot of open cryptocurrencies do that. I very much doubt that Libra will do that. 7G6506nmpL4-00234-00164628-00165030 The moment they [allow] that, the subpoenas will start flying. 7G6506nmpL4-00235-00165030-00165828 The most important [detail for] a subpoena is knowing where to serve it, right? That will be easy. 7G6506nmpL4-00236-00165828-00166436 They have an office which accepts service of process, so that is where [governments] will send the subpoenas. 7G6506nmpL4-00237-00166436-00167636 Where do you send the Bitcoin subpoenas? Aha! Can you send them to (localhost IP address)? 7G6506nmpL4-00238-00167636-00168756 [Laughter] [Applause] We will process them immediately. 7G6506nmpL4-00239-00168756-00169038 So it will not be neutral. It will not be censorship resistant. 7G6506nmpL4-00240-00169038-00169928 Large corporations like that, bound by jurisdictional regulations, are obliged to censor transactions. 7G6506nmpL4-00241-00169928-00170726 [As an American], you cannot send a transaction to an Iranian, a Venezuelan, or a North Korean. 7G6506nmpL4-00242-00170726-00171432 You cannot receive [money] from a Russian or Chinese citizen without properly vetting who they are, 7G6506nmpL4-00243-00171432-00172182 who their parents are, when they were born, where they live, and which companies they own. 7G6506nmpL4-00244-00172182-00172660 This happens every time you try to send a wire transfer. 7G6506nmpL4-00245-00172660-00173164 [Libra] will not be immutable. They say in the white paper that [it will be] immutable, 7G6506nmpL4-00246-00173164-00174064 but the moment you make a transaction funding some abhorrent and inexcusable activity, 7G6506nmpL4-00247-00174064-00174788 subpoenas will start flying and the "immutable" network will be muted pretty damn fast. 7G6506nmpL4-00248-00174788-00175564 That is pretty easy to do when you have a consortium of validators and no cost for modifying the history. 7G6506nmpL4-00249-00175564-00176472 Proof-of-work makes it [practically] impossible, even if 100% of the miners collude and try to change history, 7G6506nmpL4-00250-00176472-00176762 without expending the same amount of energy. 7G6506nmpL4-00251-00176762-00177984 This means with every day that passes, the energy cost increases. Within a day or two, it is an undue burden. 7G6506nmpL4-00252-00177984-00178758 It is almost impossible, even if you could find and coerce all of the miners. They wouldn't be able to do it. 7G6506nmpL4-00253-00178758-00179308 It is not "won't," it is "can't." Can't is much better than won't. 7G6506nmpL4-00254-00179308-00180046 [But Libra] will not be immutable. It might be auditable and transparent. We don't know yet. 7G6506nmpL4-00255-00180046-00180562 If it is audible and transparent, it will not be private. 7G6506nmpL4-00256-00180562-00181660 We are probably only a few years from a giant freaking leak, where all of your financial data 'are belong to us.' 7G6506nmpL4-00257-00181660-00181938 Again. [Laughter] 7G6506nmpL4-00258-00181938-00182750 If it is stored in the blockchain in a transparent manner and you don't have any privacy controls -- 7G6506nmpL4-00259-00182750-00183478 you know, the kind that "criminals" use, but at least they are smart about privacy -- 7G6506nmpL4-00260-00183478-00183852 all of that information will be leaked. 7G6506nmpL4-00261-00183852-00184510 All of your purchases will now be visible to friends and family. 7G6506nmpL4-00262-00184510-00185398 [Each of us] probably has a very good friend we've made a pact with: "If I get hit by a bus, 7G6506nmpL4-00263-00185398-00186486 I need you to take my laptop, erase my browsing history, and shred all of my bank statements... [Laughter] 7G6506nmpL4-00264-00186486-00187082 before my mom gets to the house. [Do we understand each other]?" 7G6506nmpL4-00265-00187082-00187574 Financial privacy is a human right. Society doesn't work as a panopticon. 7G6506nmpL4-00266-00187574-00188346 We have secrets because we're social animals. That gives us the freedom to express our freaky nature. 7G6506nmpL4-00267-00188346-00189270 We all differ a bit from the expectations and conformity of society. At least, I hope we do. 7G6506nmpL4-00268-00189270-00190234 Because if we don't, what kind of society is that? [Must we] absolutely conform to the expectations... 7G6506nmpL4-00269-00190234-00190564 of your stuck-up neighbors? 7G6506nmpL4-00270-00190564-00191082 Individuality, expression, freedom is privacy. 7G6506nmpL4-00271-00191082-00191786 We don't want our financial records blasted to the world. But that will happen next [with Libra]. 7G6506nmpL4-00272-00191786-00192774 It may be auditable and transparent, but not very private. This is not a blockchain I'm interested in. 7G6506nmpL4-00273-00192774-00193588 More importantly, as I have said many times before, we are standing at a fork in the road. 7G6506nmpL4-00274-00193588-00194444 On the one hand, we have surveillance money. On the other, we have free, open, and private people's money. 7G6506nmpL4-00275-00194444-00195632 Guess what will happen with this new currency? The timetable to cashless societies has accelerated. 7G6506nmpL4-00276-00195632-00196536 Cashless societies are nothing to celebrate. They [will be] without freedom or democracy. 7G6506nmpL4-00277-00196536-00197820 They are fragile, without the possibility of an exit plan or release valve. Where one election could be the last. 7G6506nmpL4-00278-00197820-00198428 You only need to get it wrong once. Just stay at home and say, "I don't care about politics." 7G6506nmpL4-00279-00198428-00199144 All of the kooky old people go out and vote for an orange man, Brexit, or some shit like that. 7G6506nmpL4-00280-00199144-00199652 You ask, "What the hell happened?" 7G6506nmpL4-00281-00199652-00200100 In a world where you don't have cash, it is much worse than that. 7G6506nmpL4-00282-00200100-00200806 The government, a corporation, or payment processor can decide that you have done something "bad," 7G6506nmpL4-00283-00200806-00201054 and turn off your financial future. 7G6506nmpL4-00284-00201054-00201586 They could make sure that you can't even buy food, let alone pay for rent or [utilities]. 7G6506nmpL4-00285-00201586-00201936 If you think this isn't happening, it is happening right now in Hong Kong. 7G6506nmpL4-00286-00201936-00202280 It is happening in China with the Sesame credit score system. 7G6506nmpL4-00287-00202280-00203094 If you think that is not coming to a country like yours, study up on European history, [like] 1918 through 1945. 7G6506nmpL4-00288-00203094-00203818 Fascinating shit. We thought the U.K. had learned that lesson. 7G6506nmpL4-00289-00203818-00204400 From what I have been seeing lately, [nope]. They are trying to repeat all of [that]. Great. 7G6506nmpL4-00290-00204400-00205023 Sometimes you need to teach the lesson twice. What will we do in the crypto space? 7G6506nmpL4-00291-00205023-00205314 We will start differentiating. 7G6506nmpL4-00292-00205314-00206246 Over the next couple of years, expect a lot of crypto projects to focus on what their principles are. 7G6506nmpL4-00293-00206246-00206976 Now, there is a lot of confusion. We are dealing with an 18-dimensional, partial differential equation... 7G6506nmpL4-00294-00206976-00207134 of a three-body problem. 7G6506nmpL4-00295-00207134-00207760 Everything is pulling on everything else. Six degrees of freedom. It is very complicated. 7G6506nmpL4-00296-00207760-00208038 Who knows will happen next? Look, Facebook went to India. 7G6506nmpL4-00297-00208038-00208526 Uh, India wants to devalue [the rupee]. Indian people are going into cryptocurrency; others are being blocked. 7G6506nmpL4-00298-00208526-00209338 What happens next? Nobody knows! If you are a crypto project, you must decide what your principles are. 7G6506nmpL4-00299-00209338-00210354 I have been expressing the same consistent principles for the last seven years. [Applause] 7G6506nmpL4-00300-00210354-00210967 The reason is really simple: it takes too much bloody homework to [shift between different ones], 7G6506nmpL4-00301-00210967-00211556 and remember how to be consistent with what I said before, if I'm not following what I actually believe in. 7G6506nmpL4-00302-00211556-00212164 Some people in our industry noticed that recently. Inconsistencies can happen very quickly. 7G6506nmpL4-00303-00212164-00212680 Some crypto projects recently faced that kind of fork in the road. 7G6506nmpL4-00304-00212680-00213510 They decided to focus on different principles and tried to change the trajectory of projects we care about. 7G6506nmpL4-00305-00213510-00214562 Lately, one of them is all about cheap payments, at the expense of decentralisation and privacy. 7G6506nmpL4-00306-00214562-00215248 Apparently, to the people [involved in it], privacy is only useful for illegals and money launderers... 7G6506nmpL4-00307-00215248-00215644 who are [engaging in] wash trading and bucket shops. 7G6506nmpL4-00308-00215644-00216850 Ooh, scary! [Laughter] If that is the road you want to go down, the light you see is not the end of the tunnel... 7G6506nmpL4-00309-00216850-00217742 but an oncoming Facebook train that already has the principle-less, privacy-less market staked out. 7G6506nmpL4-00310-00217742-00218473 They already have two billion users, lots of money and technology people who will run right over you. 7G6506nmpL4-00311-00218473-00219210 If you haven't differentiated based on your principles -- or worse, you don't have any principles -- 7G6506nmpL4-00312-00219210-00219940 and decided with your recently hired MBA that you are really interested in shareholder return on investment, 7G6506nmpL4-00313-00219940-00221112 and the best way to do that means shedding a few of these "silly," "idealistic" principles, 7G6506nmpL4-00314-00221112-00221323 then guess what? 7G6506nmpL4-00315-00221323-00221884 Once you start shedding principles, now you're [competing against] Facebook. 7G6506nmpL4-00316-00221884-00222630 What is Facebook, if not the world's most [powerful] principle shedding machine? [Laughter] 7G6506nmpL4-00317-00222630-00223296 It started with few [principles to begin with], and has since developed a mechanism for shedding them... 7G6506nmpL4-00318-00223296-00223886 faster than you can imagine, with billions of dollars in marketing tickling your dopamine receptors. 7G6506nmpL4-00319-00223886-00224626 "Don't worry! The future is candy colored and bright... as long as we are still profitable." 7G6506nmpL4-00320-00224626-00225296 They can shed principles faster than you, with more money, better user interfaces, 7G6506nmpL4-00321-00225296-00225546 and a bigger user base than you. 7G6506nmpL4-00322-00225546-00225980 So if your game is shedding principles to make profit, that is a game you will not win. 7G6506nmpL4-00323-00225980-00226573 Facebook will win that game. They will win it over PayPal and JPMorgan Chase. 7G6506nmpL4-00324-00226573-00227156 They will sure as hell gonna win it over a little ragtag crypto project that says, "We don't need privacy." 7G6506nmpL4-00325-00227156-00227350 "We just want to be a fast payment network... 7G6506nmpL4-00326-00227350-00228171 that collaborates with law enforcement and [enables] surveillance [capitalism]." 7G6506nmpL4-00327-00228171-00228350 Figure out what your principles are. 7G6506nmpL4-00328-00228350-00229828 Everybody will need to stop, take a breath, and figure out how to differentiate. It is actually pretty easy. 7G6506nmpL4-00329-00229828-00230900 If you get into a fight with someone who doesn't hold principles, a corporation, that is not immoral, 7G6506nmpL4-00330-00230900-00231369 because that requires having negative morality. 7G6506nmpL4-00331-00231369-00232106 [They are] amoral, which means no moral guidance whatsoever. The absence of any moral compass. 7G6506nmpL4-00332-00232106-00232976 Morality doesn't even enter their ROI equation. Morality is not on the spreadsheet. 7G6506nmpL4-00333-00232976-00233644 If you are going to pick a fight with them, differentiate on the thing they can't compete with: 7G6506nmpL4-00334-00233644-00235023 align yourself with the one project that is truly open, borderless, neutral, censorship resistant, transparent, 7G6506nmpL4-00335-00235023-00235521 auditable, private, and immutable. 7G6506nmpL4-00336-00235521-00236284 There are a few of those, I think. Privacy currencies will get quite a run [for their money]. 7G6506nmpL4-00337-00236284-00237278 There is a [growing need] to really focus on privacy, because Facebook won't. 7G6506nmpL4-00338-00237278-00238252 Things just got really interesting. As a technologist, I am so excited. 7G6506nmpL4-00339-00238252-00239030 I have been jumping up and down all day. I can't wait to see how this plays out. 7G6506nmpL4-00340-00239030-00239762 That has been my lifelong fascination: watching technological systems interact with society... 7G6506nmpL4-00341-00239762-00239950 and change the world. 7G6506nmpL4-00342-00239950-00240669 As these developments roll out, I will see if I can pick up a few clues as to where these things are going. 7G6506nmpL4-00343-00240669-00241452 To have that vision has been my life's goal. As a technologist, I have been jumping up and down. 7G6506nmpL4-00344-00241452-00242673 As a human being, I am horrified that we are opening the door to a future that is truly terrifying and dystopian. 7G6506nmpL4-00345-00242673-00243300 We are giving power to some of the most ruthless, unaccountable corporations out there. 7G6506nmpL4-00346-00243300-00244028 Not to fight against governments, but in many cases to join them hand-in-hand. 7G6506nmpL4-00347-00244028-00244594 They will ensure that while we're exploited by ruthless politicians on one side, 7G6506nmpL4-00348-00244594-00245484 we are also exploited by ruthless business people on the other, in an alliance between corporation and state. 7G6506nmpL4-00349-00245484-00246062 That is called fascism, only this isn't your grandpa's fascism. 7G6506nmpL4-00350-00246062-00246628 This is a whole neo-feudal environment that we have never seen before. 7G6506nmpL4-00351-00246628-00247502 A lot of people will make the mistake [of assuming] that if it doesn't come in a leather uniform designed... 7G6506nmpL4-00352-00247502-00249030 by Hugo Boss, with clashing colors, caricature parades, and screaming into megaphones, it is not fascism. 7G6506nmpL4-00353-00249030-00249828 But fascism today can come in a slick user interface with beautiful colors, accessible 24/7, through your browser... 7G6506nmpL4-00354-00249828-00250612 and the most convenient location whether your phone is on or off. 7G6506nmpL4-00355-00250612-00251756 It is part of your life. It allows you to share photos with Grandpa, the same one who fought Nazis. 7G6506nmpL4-00356-00251756-00252067 It is the ultimate irony. 7G6506nmpL4-00357-00252067-00252626 We need to be very careful about what we do next. This is deadly serious stuff. 7G6506nmpL4-00358-00252626-00253026 Society is not ready for this because we've never been here before. 7G6506nmpL4-00359-00253026-00253617 While I am fascinated to watch, at the same time, I am deeply troubled. 7G6506nmpL4-00360-00253617-00254490 I am not afraid because I think Bitcoin can't compete. I am afraid because I believe a lot of people don't care. 7G6506nmpL4-00361-00254490-00255802 A lot of people will go for the easy, convenient, mindless, repetitive, seductive, hypnotizing rhythm... 7G6506nmpL4-00362-00255802-00256912 of a Facebook feed, through which they will lose their freedom and their future. Thank you. [Applause] 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00000-00000000-00001019 Hi everybody, 'Neville Nugget' 43. And today it's a statement that he makes in the Chapter on Faith: 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00001-00001019-00001947 'Enduring as seeing him who is invisible.' So basically what he's saying there - your seeing 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00002-00001998-00002517 something in imagination which is technically invisible on the outside at this point, 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00003-00002517-00003084 but you endure until it shows up okay. It means he's saying now in his own words: 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00004-00003084-00003639 'It means persisting in the assumption that your desire is already fulfilled. Thus this quotation 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00005-00003639-00004173 means that by persisting in the assumption that you already are the person you want to be, 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00006-00004173-00004785 you rise up above all doubt, all fear, and the belief in the power of outside conditions or 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00007-00004785-00005376 circumstances.' Now the belief in the power of outside conditions or circumstances isn't real 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00008-00005376-00006075 it's responding to you, it's taking its cues from you, it's photocopying you, it's the mirror of 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00009-00006075-00006822 you - said in all those different ways okay. 'Your world inevitably conforms to your assumptions.' 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00010-00006822-00007392 So what you think about the world, what you think about yourself, what you think about other people, 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00011-00007392-00008004 what you think about your health, what you think about your money, what you think about any subject 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00012-00008004-00008616 is what you get on the outside. So if you're getting a result on the outside you don't like, 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00013-00008616-00009486 rewind back in and change what your assumption is about that subject ok. So then he goes on to say: 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00014-00009486-00010275 'Faith does not question, faith knows.' Your faith does grow over time by doing this work and seeing 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00015-00010275-00010860 results, you start with little things your faith grows, your belief in this grows, your ability to 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00016-00010860-00012015 imagine greater things grows ok. So that's just a little "nugget" there. And I wanted to say that 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00017-00012015-00012915 reading Neville every day, it starts to lift you off being in those lowest states. Just reading 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00018-00012915-00013319 a bit of Neville every day - I mean you can read so many other people to there's Catherine Ponder, 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00019-00013319-00014037 Joseph Murphy, Florence Scovel Shinn, Louise Hay, Wallace Wattles, Dhandapani is fantastic, 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00020-00014037-00014736 so there's lots of good, good, good authors. But I think reading a little bit every day or listening 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00021-00014736-00015369 do a YouTube - put that good stuff in your head and then start to work on really applying it 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00022-00015369-00016047 to the situation you've got with "X." Whatever "X" is on any given moment, the thing you want 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00023-00016047-00016836 to manifest okay. So thank you Neville, little "nugget" there. I think I've come to the end of 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00024-00016836-00017943 this book so I will start to work on another book. And lots of love - I wanted to say to that - thank 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00025-00017943-00018426 you for all the stories you've been sending in and the viewers questions. I know some of you 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00026-00018426-00018837 think I'm not answering you but I am working through them bit by bit if they're relevant 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00027-00018837-00019587 to I think for more than one person, that it's something others can learn and benefit from then 7Gnp0xPnGc0-00028-00019587-00020277 I will read it on the channel. So lots of love everyone and I will see you in the next YouTube. 7Hfl5EmvMzY-00000-00000000-00000520 KUSUMO LOVEBIRD JUARA BERTINGKAH ANEH - TIDUR SAAT BREAK LOMBA DAN MENGGILA SAAT DI GANTANG. 7MBYm12UEZI-00000-00000036-00000386 The dream match the world has been waiting for. 7MBYm12UEZI-00001-00000863-00001233 The world-wide star, Chris Jericho. 7MBYm12UEZI-00002-00002336-00002610 This match will turn the world upside down. 7MBYm12UEZI-00003-00002613-00002803 This is huge. 7MBYm12UEZI-00004-00002806-00003103 It’s like a battle of gods from Greek mythology. 7MBYm12UEZI-00005-00003186-00003629 Chris Jericho has set foot in the New Japan ring! 7MBYm12UEZI-00006-00003633-00003926 Kenny Omega has been busted open! 7MBYm12UEZI-00007-00004090-00004643 No one can control this ‘Best In The World’ bout. 7MBYm12UEZI-00008-00005513-00005876 Let’s watch pro-wrestling. 1.4. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00000-00000136-00000478 After the surgery, after the implant was activated, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00001-00000478-00000794 a lot changed. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00002-00000876-00001116 20 years with a cochlear implant. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00003-00001310-00001876 Most people need to take time to learn to identify sounds, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00004-00001912-00002312 to learn to identify speech, to speak on the phone. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00005-00002336-00002464 So I don't know how, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00006-00002480-00002680 but on the same day of my implant activation, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00007-00002680-00002930 I came up with the idea to call Carla, who was my audiologist. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00008-00002960-00003315 Can you believe I spoke on the phone? On the first day! 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00009-00003370-00003740 The doctors couldn't believe it, as it was too soon. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00010-00003740-00003990 So, after I got my hearing back, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00011-00003990-00004258 I recovered and I could do a lot of things that I didn't do before. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00012-00004272-00004526 I went back to piano class, which I had stopped, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00013-00004526-00005000 I went back to studying English, in a way that 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00014-00005000-00005268 I could learn more. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00015-00005304-00005632 I went back to singing in the church choir 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00016-00005632-00005748 and talking to people. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00017-00005774-00006016 I went back to chatting on the phone with my friends, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00018-00006016-00006302 I had the feeling of getting my life back then. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00019-00006334-00006826 I spend about 200 Brazilian Real a month to be able to hear. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00020-00006848-00007216 And now I can hear with this new processor, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00021-00007216-00007400 I just turn it on and charge. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00022-00007462-00007602 I'm very happy. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00023-00007684-00007873 I love RONDO 2. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00024-00007873-00008220 That was the processor that I thought as the most revolutionary I've ever seen, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00025-00008238-00008568 the thing of no longer having cables, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00026-00008588-00008779 to have just a little charging pad, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00027-00008780-00009052 to no longer have costs with cables or coils. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00028-00009052-00009152 It is so easy. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00029-00009152-00009490 And when I think that I don't need batteries anymore, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00030-00009508-00009840 you just take this thing off 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00031-00010080-00010520 put it on a little charger, that looks like a little disk, and charge... 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00032-00010536-00010812 then in the morning you wake up, turn on the device and put it on. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00033-00010812-00010916 It's amazing. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00034-00010920-00011280 Getting a cochlear implant is a very important decision 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00035-00011298-00011535 that will have an impact for the rest of your life. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00036-00011535-00011690 MED-EL's mission is to overcome hearing loss 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00037-00011704-00011980 as a barrier to human communication. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00038-00012000-00012386 For over 40 years, we have been pioneers in many ways 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00039-00012404-00012780 when it comes to the technology of cochlear implants. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00040-00012808-00013197 MED-EL launched RONDO 2, which is a single-unit device. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00041-00013216-00013568 The only one in the market which is cable-free, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00042-00013586-00013747 so that the user doesn't need to worry about batteries. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00043-00013786-00014141 The internal component of MED-EL's, SYNCHRONY Implant, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00044-00014150-00014416 allows you to perform MRIs at up to 3.0 Tesla 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00045-00014441-00014636 without removing the magnet. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00046-00014656-00015118 So choosing the right brand is really important. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00047-00015134-00015388 For example, the internal device PULSAR, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00048-00015406-00015819 when connected with a most current audio processor, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00049-00015819-00015946 which is now RONDO 2, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00050-00015963-00016184 is still compatible. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00051-00016184-00016363 And this compatibility is important 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00052-00016372-00016806 because processors technology changes over time. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00053-00017502-00017732 It is not easy to live with deafness. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00054-00017732-00018170 It is not easy to deal with the limitations we have on a daily basis, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00055-00018170-00018486 but technology comes for that, it comes to help. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00056-00018506-00018738 I think people sometimes need to be inspired, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00057-00018762-00018950 by people they can look up to. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00058-00018968-00019140 One of the things that makes me most happy is when 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00059-00019156-00019376 I am with a family at the implant center, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00060-00019376-00019626 and a parent finds out that I have an implant. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00061-00019626-00019752 At first I do not tell them. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00062-00019752-00019876 I start talking and then I ask: 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00063-00019876-00020244 "Have you ever talked to anyone who has implant or someone from their family?" 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00064-00020264-00020458 People sometimes say "no". 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00065-00020458-00020730 Then I say "today you are meeting an implant user". 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00066-00020730-00020990 – Seriously?! They react with wide eyes. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00067-00021008-00021294 Then I tell them: "You are talking to an implant user right now." 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00068-00021294-00021478 Then I grab my processor and show it. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00069-00021478-00021652 Some people get emotional. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00070-00021664-00021930 Those who are afraid to get an implant lose that fear. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00071-00021930-00022316 So, I think the purpose of my life - I have no doubt - 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00072-00022316-00022674 - is inspiring people, connecting people. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00073-00022688-00022892 And as an audiologist now, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00074-00022892-00023104 it's rehabilitating people, so they can hear. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00075-00023104-00023246 This is Shezita. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00076-00023288-00023992 Shezita has been with me for 19 years. I got her as a gift in 1999, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00077-00024006-00024414 when I had my first implant, so I have huge affection for her. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00078-00024432-00024822 This was my first processor, I used this processor for 10 years. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00079-00024842-00025088 People nowadays look at it and they don't even know what it is, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00080-00025120-00025530 that it came with this wire. I used to put there and turn it on. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00081-00025552-00025986 So, I have great affection for this little box. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00082-00025986-00026158 Look at the size of the batteries from that time, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00083-00026174-00026460 and to think that today I am using 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00084-00026476-00026762 a device that charges wirelessly, can you imagine? 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00085-00026783-00026916 Amazing, right? 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00086-00026916-00027260 And the size, look at this... 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00087-00027266-00027595 It became something that fits you. It's sensational. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00088-00027595-00027872 Today I look back and I say: 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00089-00027876-00028142 "My God, I did it". 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00090-00028170-00028750 I remember when I became deaf, my aunt told my dad: 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00091-00028750-00029158 "Oh, she won't become the doctor you thought she would anymore, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00092-00029162-00029354 but she will be an excellent housewife". 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00093-00029370-00029744 And 2 years ago, when I defended my doctoral thesis 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00094-00029789-00030106 I took that diploma and I looked at my father and said: 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00095-00030124-00030416 "Well, I can be a great housewife, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00096-00030416-00030654 I don't know if you remember that, but I've never forgotten it. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00097-00030654-00030895 But I'll be your Doctor too, 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00098-00030895-00031142 and actually I am already." 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00099-00031162-00031380 Then I handed that Doctorate diploma to him. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00100-00031400-00031633 So, I think there are no boundaries. 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00101-00031634-00031826 I think we have to chase after dreams and... 7Sbwp3gIRr4-00102-00031844-00032272 in the end, everything will turn out great. 7TmaVDnuyl4-00000-00000000-00000650 Welcome to Homewood-Flossmoor High School Library one-minute tutorials. If 7TmaVDnuyl4-00001-00000650-00001079 you're a transfer student or a freshman you may be wondering how to login to a school 7TmaVDnuyl4-00002-00001079-00001579 chrome book. It's not the same as the network ID and password you use to log 7TmaVDnuyl4-00003-00001579-00002383 into the desktop computers in the school labs. To log into a Chromebook your 7TmaVDnuyl4-00004-00002383-00003105 username is your last name and the first letter of your first name followed by@ 7TmaVDnuyl4-00005-00003105-00003860 student.hf233.org. Your password is your ID number followed by 7TmaVDnuyl4-00006-00003860-00004520 233. For example if your name is Brittany Wilson your user name is wilson 7TmaVDnuyl4-00007-00004520-00005019 b@student.hf233.org. 7TmaVDnuyl4-00008-00005019-00005967 if your ID number is 14245 your password is 14245233 once you're 7TmaVDnuyl4-00009-00005967-00006567 logged in you'll be prompted to change your password to something more secure. 7TmaVDnuyl4-00010-00006567-00006920 We hope this tutorial helped you to solve your problem but if you need 7TmaVDnuyl4-00011-00006920-00007411 further assistance just stop by the library or email us. We're always happy 7TmaVDnuyl4-00012-00007411-00007476 to help you! 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00000-00000000-00000404 I'm Nate Meyers. I'm the Curator of Collections at the Chandler Museum. As 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00001-00000404-00000909 the Curator at the Chandler Museum I think I have one of the coolest jobs in the museum 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00002-00000909-00001275 because I actually get to play with the stuff, all the artifacts in the museum 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00003-00001275-00001947 are is what I take care of them. So I acquire them. I research them. I work on exhibits 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00004-00001947-00002496 with them, it's a lot of fun. Working with Financial Potion was awesome. They're a 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00005-00002496-00003011 great team, easy to work with, fun to work with and they create a great product in 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00006-00003011-00003275 the end. Worked with them on two projects. One was 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00007-00003275-00003645 with the Chandler Sports Hall of Fame where we sat down with Chandler Sports 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00008-00003645-00004059 Hall of Famers and did oral history style interviews and those interviews 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00009-00004059-00004439 could be up to an hour long and the team at Financial Potion did a great job 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00010-00004439-00004977 editing those down into three to four minute segments to create a great story 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00011-00004977-00005400 of the Hall of Famers, and what they did and ,what they achieved. And the other 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00012-00005400-00005907 project we did was we had Financial Potion come in and shoot b-roll footage 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00013-00005907-00006344 of an exhibit that we did at the museum. It was called "Un-American Japanese 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00014-00006344-00006731 Internment in Our Backyard." They came in and just kind of shot some video of the 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00015-00006731-00007256 exhibit. Some of the Interactive's, the features, and we've actually used that 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00016-00007256-00007748 footage to put ourselves up for a national award that we're looking 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00017-00007748-00008090 forward to getting with the help of Financial Potion. The team that Financial 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00018-00008090-00008571 Potion is great to work with. Communication is easy. It's quick. The 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00019-00008571-00009272 turnaround time is really quick. They don't drag anything on, it's all business. 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00020-00009272-00009593 You get in there, you start the project, you do the project, you wrap the 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00021-00009593-00010164 project up and it's always on time, and always timely which is important. I would 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00022-00010164-00010575 recommend and have recommended people to use Financial Potion for all sorts of 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00023-00010575-00011072 video projects. Speaking from the museum they're easy to work with. They 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00024-00011072-00011454 understand what we're trying to achieve and they want to work with us to tell 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00025-00011454-00011915 the stories that we want to we want to help tell. So I would recommend them to 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00026-00011915-00012234 anybody. The Chandler museum is at 300 South 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00027-00012234-00012552 Chandler Village Drive over near the Chandler Fashion Center you can drop in 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00028-00012552-00013069 and check out exhibits there. We have Tumbleweed Ranch where we are today 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00029-00013069-00013543 in southeast corner of Tumbleweed Park and that's where we explore early 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00030-00013543-00013861 Chandler history and agricultural history and it's a lot of fun to come 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00031-00013861-00014466 out here and just walk around and you can always visit us online at 7Tcf_IKwaVI-00032-00014805-00015105 www.chandlerpedia.org 7UsuX1chhU0-00000-00000000-00000168 Welcome to another Rapalje Show 7UsuX1chhU0-00001-00000178-00000463 And this time we're going to open a present again 7UsuX1chhU0-00002-00000512-00000740 And we take you to a very special event 7UsuX1chhU0-00003-00000772-00001002 on an island that's not an island 7UsuX1chhU0-00004-00001046-00001274 called "Kultur auf den Halligen" 7UsuX1chhU0-00005-00016598-00016910 Like you've seen: Some things are special and different than other concerts 7UsuX1chhU0-00006-00016964-00017178 Like unloading with a tractor on stage 7UsuX1chhU0-00007-00017242-00017522 And this day is going to be a very special adventure 7UsuX1chhU0-00008-00017522-00017832 And I show you some more videos later on this Rapalje Show 7UsuX1chhU0-00009-00017832-00018018 But first I have to open up a present 7UsuX1chhU0-00010-00018064-00018278 And I don't know whom it's from because there is no.. 7UsuX1chhU0-00011-00018374-00018488 ..address on it 7UsuX1chhU0-00012-00018488-00018742 Except for the address where you can send presents to 7UsuX1chhU0-00013-00018742-00019040 So let's open this present! 7UsuX1chhU0-00014-00019738-00020128 Ahh, Rapalje burned on a piece of wood. This is a nice thing for the cupboard 7UsuX1chhU0-00015-00020340-00020542 Let's see if there is a note inside 7UsuX1chhU0-00016-00020542-00020876 And its a note in Dutch. It's not a very long note so I will read it to you 7UsuX1chhU0-00017-00020926-00021034 Hello Rapalje 7UsuX1chhU0-00018-00021054-00021284 I'm Nathalie and a big fan of your music 7UsuX1chhU0-00019-00021310-00021732 I've got a hobby: burning in wood and I practice a lot with burning in wood 7UsuX1chhU0-00020-00021800-00022104 I'm looking for images that are hard to do 7UsuX1chhU0-00021-00022104-00022262 And that are challenging for me 7UsuX1chhU0-00022-00022262-00022698 Lately I found a piece of wood and I thought immediately of a logo from you with many lines 7UsuX1chhU0-00023-00022726-00022982 That's hard to get nice and straight 7UsuX1chhU0-00024-00023048-00023230 This is the logo I used 7UsuX1chhU0-00025-00023262-00023534 I got started right away and I think I succeeded in doing a fine job 7UsuX1chhU0-00026-00023534-00023948 I hope you think it's beautiful too. Yours, Nathalie van Zeventer 7UsuX1chhU0-00027-00024030-00024436 Thank you very much, Nathalie. And I will hang it behind me at the cupboard 7UsuX1chhU0-00028-00024894-00025156 At this concert at Langeneß in the Halligen 7UsuX1chhU0-00029-00025156-00025358 it was the first time that I had a new camera 7UsuX1chhU0-00030-00025384-00025710 So as we walked around on this beautiful day I had to try and test it 7UsuX1chhU0-00031-00025710-00025908 because it was really the first time I used it 7UsuX1chhU0-00032-00025956-00026114 So let's see the next video 7UsuX1chhU0-00033-00032562-00032956 So after this lovely day we had to eat and because we have the cards like this 7UsuX1chhU0-00034-00032984-00033156 "Artist" is written on it 7UsuX1chhU0-00035-00033222-00033598 We can eat for free mostly on gigs 7UsuX1chhU0-00036-00033636-00033998 So let's throw it to the bunch, to the rest 7UsuX1chhU0-00037-00034218-00034396 That was not good but I will hang it later 7UsuX1chhU0-00038-00034406-00034580 So.. let's eat! 7UsuX1chhU0-00039-00037938-00038352 And then the guests arrive and they had to take the same route as we did because 7UsuX1chhU0-00040-00038370-00038676 we had to travel there by boat and so did our guests 7UsuX1chhU0-00041-00038688-00039118 And some guests stayed at the island, which was not an island 7UsuX1chhU0-00042-00039164-00039428 But something else, I will explain you after this small video 7UsuX1chhU0-00043-00039480-00039772 But the guests also had to go on the boat 7UsuX1chhU0-00044-00039772-00040168 to the concert and at the end of the night they had to go back again on the boat 7UsuX1chhU0-00045-00042556-00042868 So after we've eaten we had to prepare ourselves at the backstage 7UsuX1chhU0-00046-00042880-00043272 And we also enjoyed a lovely evening with a very nice sunset 7UsuX1chhU0-00047-00043286-00043520 And then we take you backstage 7UsuX1chhU0-00048-00043536-00043856 to prepare for our concert on the island that's not an island 7UsuX1chhU0-00049-00049374-00049666 I was wearing this T-shirt before in a Rapalje Show 7UsuX1chhU0-00050-00049708-00049992 And I forgot to mention the band from this T-shirt 7UsuX1chhU0-00051-00050012-00050196 I'm not working with a script 7UsuX1chhU0-00052-00050230-00050502 So sometimes I forget something. Not now 7UsuX1chhU0-00053-00050520-00051056 This is the band called "Pur Pur" and we know them from the "Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum" 7UsuX1chhU0-00054-00051094-00051198 in Germany 7UsuX1chhU0-00055-00051224-00051376 And this is their music 7UsuX1chhU0-00056-00051612-00052208 And also check out their video in our Rapalje Show T-shirt playlist here on YouTube 7UsuX1chhU0-00057-00052294-00052550 So why is this island not an island? 7UsuX1chhU0-00058-00052550-00052796 There's one reason because it's an island 7UsuX1chhU0-00059-00052805-00053158 sometimes. Like in the summertime when we were there 7UsuX1chhU0-00060-00053166-00053414 And when the water is not so high 7UsuX1chhU0-00061-00053414-00053600 But sometimes, especially in the winter 7UsuX1chhU0-00062-00053626-00053922 It happens a lot, the water gets so high 7UsuX1chhU0-00063-00053966-00054132 Like, too high 7UsuX1chhU0-00064-00054158-00054444 That the island, that's not an island 7UsuX1chhU0-00065-00054494-00054640 floods with water 7UsuX1chhU0-00066-00054658-00055000 And then they have these small "Halligen". They're little hills 7UsuX1chhU0-00067-00055022-00055191 with a couple of houses on them 7UsuX1chhU0-00068-00055254-00055504 What you see is only water 7UsuX1chhU0-00069-00055594-00055874 with some very small islands which are not islands 7UsuX1chhU0-00070-00055891-00056044 because they're called "Halligen" 7UsuX1chhU0-00071-00056104-00056298 With some houses on it 7UsuX1chhU0-00072-00056416-00056732 And then, when they want to visit their neighbours on the other 7UsuX1chhU0-00073-00056732-00056944 houses on the islands that's not islands 7UsuX1chhU0-00074-00056952-00057384 They have to go by boat. I think it's vey nice in the winter and very 7UsuX1chhU0-00075-00057412-00057632 adventurous to visit your neighbours 7UsuX1chhU0-00076-00057650-00057916 So now it's evening and the water didn't rise so high that day 7UsuX1chhU0-00077-00057934-00058166 So it was still an island but not an island 7UsuX1chhU0-00078-00058196-00058616 And we were going to perform and it was a very special performance 7UsuX1chhU0-00079-00058616-00058905 because the sheep were outside like you saw on the video 7UsuX1chhU0-00080-00058905-00059194 We were in the inside of the barn where normally the sheep lives 7UsuX1chhU0-00081-00059194-00059422 And so we are very happy and thankful to the sheep 7UsuX1chhU0-00082-00059440-00059784 That we were allowed to play in their homes with 7UsuX1chhU0-00083-00059808-00060178 a couple of very nice guests and we had a very nice and lovely evening 7UsuX1chhU0-00084-00060178-00060629 So enjoy the rest of the concert and the afterparty we had on that night 7UsuX1chhU0-00085-00060678-00060922 So be easy and free and I meet you in the next video 7WyuUHnCw4o-00000-00000004-00000944 [AUDIENCE] Major traditional consultancy companies and thought leaders, such as Tascosa LP, say that... 7WyuUHnCw4o-00001-00000944-00001376 Bitcoin is nothing and [we should] focus on blockchains. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00002-00001376-00002446 What is your view? Can we have blockchains without bitcoin, or must they go together? 7WyuUHnCw4o-00003-00002446-00002978 [ANDREAS] That question comes up a lot. I will talk about that more tomorrow. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00004-00002978-00004136 I think there is a lot of misunderstanding as to what blockchains are, what Bitcoin is, and how the two relate. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00005-00004136-00004938 I call Bitcoin the open blockchain, with an emphasis on the word "open." That qualifier is the important one. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00006-00004938-00005546 Bitcoin has an open blockchain which is global, decentralized, and borderless, 7WyuUHnCw4o-00007-00005546-00005992 allowing anyone to participate and innovate without needing to ask for permission. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00008-00005992-00006718 Those are the characteristics. It is a system that works through the anonymous submission of proof-of-work, 7WyuUHnCw4o-00009-00006718-00007192 which is a very key characteristic of Bitcoin. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00010-00007192-00007476 You can create other blockchains. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00011-00007476-00007958 However, if you create a blockchain without currency, you must come up with... 7WyuUHnCw4o-00012-00007958-00008452 an alternative way of [incentivising and] reaching consensus that doesn't lead to centralization. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00013-00008452-00009346 You must realize that some of the characteristics you see in Bitcoin would not exist without proof-of-work. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00014-00009346-00009790 One of the most important characteristics is immutability. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00015-00009790-00010400 You will hear a lot of people say, "We built a blockchain to record things that cannot be changed." 7WyuUHnCw4o-00016-00010400-00011234 But the reason things cannot be changed on Bitcoin is because of the proof-of-work. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00017-00011234-00012318 Even miners with 99% of the hashing power colluded, they could not re-write history for more than.. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00018-00012318-00012818 a few dozen blocks, 144 blocks per day. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00019-00012818-00013546 They can affect [the history of] an afternoon. Beyond an afternoon, Bitcoin is immutable. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00020-00013546-00014306 You cannot forge proof. You would need to re-calculate Bitcoin's proof-of-work [for the whole block history]. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00021-00014306-00014744 That is physically impossible at certain scales. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00022-00014744-00015278 [Immutability] stems from the need to present proof-of-work. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00023-00015278-00015969 [Many] people who use the term "blockchain" do not mean an open and decentralized ledger. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00024-00015969-00016796 "Distributed ledger technology" is the new term. [These are not systems] that use proof-of-work. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00025-00016796-00017476 Yet they assume immutability is one of the characteristics. It doesn't have immutability. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00026-00017476-00017796 It might have unforgeability, to a certain extent. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00027-00017796-00018338 But if the five banks in a blockchain consortium have signing privileges, 7WyuUHnCw4o-00028-00018338-00019006 and decide to re-write the last two years in order to change the balance in WikiLeaks' account to zero... 7WyuUHnCw4o-00029-00019006-00019598 because the government ordered them to... not that they would do that, of course not. [Laughter] 7WyuUHnCw4o-00030-00019598-00020062 We live in a democracy and it would [require] a big court fight first, right? 7WyuUHnCw4o-00031-00020062-00020818 No, they could do that. They could do that instantaneously without presenting proof-of-work. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00032-00020818-00021252 They couldn't do that without it being noticed. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00033-00021252-00022134 But the fundamental difference on Bitcoin's open blockchain is, they could not do that at all. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00034-00022134-00022740 These two [scenarios would play out] very differently, from a security modeling perspective. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00035-00022740-00023512 There are other characteristics that are very different. [When you have] a proof-of-work system... 7WyuUHnCw4o-00036-00023512-00024146 You could say that Bitcoin's is currently more centralized and the miners are less anonymous than we would like, 7WyuUHnCw4o-00037-00024146-00024974 but they are still more decentralized and anonymous than many other systems, certainly at that scale. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00038-00024974-00025900 Being anonymous, they can't be coerced. [So that is important]: if you know who has permission... 7WyuUHnCw4o-00039-00025900-00026532 to write [data] to the permissioned ledger, then you can extort, hack, and steal the keys. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00040-00026532-00027222 [Someone could] take away that permission for themselves. I can't imagine any of these systems... 7WyuUHnCw4o-00041-00027222-00027742 running as permissioned blockchains with every participant fully identified. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00042-00027742-00029548 They want to require identity and KYC/AML [compliance] on top, in a system where a set of keys being stolen... 7WyuUHnCw4o-00043-00029548-00030270 [could] disrupt the operation of that system and [make] every single transaction visible. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00044-00030270-00030770 Panama Papers on a magnificent scale. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00045-00030770-00031536 If they want a blockchain that is completely controlled by five entities, [go ahead]. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00046-00031536-00032306 [But if it is] leaked, it will provide forensically secure evidence of every transaction that corporations make. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00047-00032306-00032580 Corporation put on there are like bring it on that's like 7WyuUHnCw4o-00048-00032580-00033264 Bring it on. Anonymous will have a field day. They will have so much fun hacking distributed ledgers. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00049-00033264-00033956 I am very skeptical until I have [looked at] the security model and what are you trying to achieve. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00050-00033956-00034866 Bitcoin sacrifices transactional efficiency for freedom, global open access, permissionless innovation, 7WyuUHnCw4o-00051-00034866-00035192 and most importantly censorship resistance. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00052-00035192-00035774 If you don't want those things, why are you sacrificing transactional efficiency? 7WyuUHnCw4o-00053-00035774-00035973 What [benefits] do you get [from using a blockchain]? 7WyuUHnCw4o-00054-00035973-00036908 There is no question that a distributed ledger is better and more secure than one [controlled by] a single entity. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00055-00036908-00037602 But that is only because clearinghouses are ridiculously anachronistic and insecure. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00056-00037602-00038522 As an idea, it should have died two decades ago. Yes, they will replace SWIFT with distributed ledgers. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00057-00038522-00039516 They will reduce their operating costs by a certain percentage. It puts me to sleep, thinking about it. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00058-00039516-00040444 We are working on the open global blockchain that fundamentally changes the nature of trust, 7WyuUHnCw4o-00059-00040444-00041246 authority in finance, empowers billions to participate in the economy, and provides censorship resistance. 7WyuUHnCw4o-00060-00041246-00041816 I am willing to sacrifice transactional efficiency for individual freedom. 7bLMdZOZXYM-00000-00000418-00000733 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00001-00000733-00000933 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00002-00000933-00000983 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00003-00000983-00001033 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00004-00001033-00001083 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00005-00001126-00001326 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00006-00001326-00001376 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00007-00001376-00001426 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00008-00001505-00001705 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00009-00001705-00001755 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00010-00001800-00002000 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00011-00002000-00002050 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00012-00002099-00002299 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00013-00002299-00002349 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00014-00002377-00002577 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00015-00002577-00002627 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00016-00002627-00002677 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00017-00002687-00002887 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00018-00002887-00002937 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00019-00002937-00002987 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00020-00003049-00003249 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00021-00003249-00003299 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00022-00003299-00003349 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00023-00003362-00003562 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00024-00003562-00003612 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00025-00003664-00003714 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00026-00003714-00003764 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00027-00003818-00004018 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00028-00004018-00004068 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00029-00004068-00004118 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00030-00004163-00004213 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00031-00004213-00004263 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00032-00004263-00004313 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00033-00004313-00004363 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00034-00004534-00004734 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00035-00004734-00004784 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00036-00004823-00005023 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00037-00005023-00005073 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00038-00005119-00005169 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00039-00005169-00005219 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00040-00005219-00005269 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00041-00005269-00005319 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00042-00005416-00005616 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00043-00005616-00005666 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00044-00005666-00005716 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00045-00005791-00005991 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00046-00005991-00006041 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00047-00006230-00006280 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00048-00006280-00006330 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00049-00006366-00006566 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00050-00006566-00006616 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00051-00006616-00006666 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00052-00006670-00006720 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00053-00006720-00006770 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00054-00006770-00006820 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00055-00006820-00006870 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00056-00006939-00007139 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00057-00007139-00007189 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00058-00007189-00007239 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00059-00007271-00007471 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00060-00007471-00007521 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00061-00007523-00007723 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00062-00007723-00007773 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00063-00007773-00007823 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00064-00007865-00007915 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00065-00007915-00007965 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00066-00008113-00008163 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00067-00008163-00008213 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00068-00008213-00008263 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00069-00008514-00008714 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00070-00008714-00008764 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00071-00008764-00008814 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00072-00008861-00009061 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00073-00009061-00009111 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00074-00009111-00009161 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00075-00009201-00009251 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00076-00009251-00009301 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00077-00009334-00009534 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00078-00009534-00009584 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00079-00009584-00009634 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00080-00009639-00009689 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00081-00009689-00009739 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00082-00009950-00010000 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00083-00010000-00010050 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00084-00010050-00010100 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00085-00010100-00010150 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00086-00010276-00010326 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00087-00010326-00010376 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00088-00010376-00010426 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00089-00010522-00010722 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00090-00010722-00010772 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00091-00010772-00010822 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00092-00010841-00011041 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00093-00011041-00011091 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00094-00011091-00011141 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00095-00011171-00011371 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00096-00011371-00011421 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00097-00011421-00011471 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00098-00011558-00011758 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00099-00011758-00011808 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00100-00011851-00011901 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00101-00011901-00011951 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00102-00012022-00012222 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00103-00012222-00012272 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00104-00012272-00012322 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00105-00012332-00012382 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00106-00012382-00012432 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00107-00012432-00012482 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00108-00012624-00012674 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00109-00012674-00012724 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00110-00012755-00012955 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00111-00012955-00013005 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00112-00013127-00013177 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00113-00013177-00013227 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00114-00013227-00013277 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00115-00013277-00013327 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00116-00013407-00013607 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00117-00013607-00013657 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00118-00013874-00014074 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00119-00014074-00014124 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00120-00014160-00014360 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00121-00014360-00014410 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00122-00014410-00014460 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00123-00014543-00014743 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00124-00014743-00014793 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00125-00014828-00014878 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00126-00014878-00014928 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00127-00015338-00015538 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00128-00015538-00015588 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00129-00015588-00015638 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00130-00015638-00015688 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00131-00015688-00015738 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00132-00015844-00015894 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00133-00015894-00015944 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00134-00016065-00016115 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00135-00016115-00016165 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00136-00016165-00016215 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00137-00016215-00016265 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00138-00016401-00016601 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00139-00016601-00016651 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00140-00016651-00016701 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00141-00016715-00016765 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00142-00016765-00016815 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00143-00016815-00016865 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00144-00016865-00016915 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00145-00017055-00017255 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00146-00017255-00017305 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00147-00017340-00017540 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00148-00017540-00017590 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00149-00017590-00017640 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00150-00017664-00017714 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00151-00017714-00017764 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00152-00017764-00017814 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00153-00017814-00017864 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00154-00017916-00018116 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00155-00018116-00018166 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00156-00018166-00018216 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00157-00018252-00018302 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00158-00018302-00018352 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00159-00018352-00018402 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00160-00018402-00018452 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00161-00018501-00018701 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00162-00018701-00018751 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00163-00018799-00018849 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00164-00018849-00018899 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00165-00018899-00018949 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00166-00018949-00018999 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00167-00019235-00019285 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00168-00019285-00019335 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00169-00019417-00019467 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00170-00019467-00019517 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00171-00019594-00019644 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00172-00019644-00019694 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00173-00019780-00019980 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00174-00019980-00020030 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00175-00020178-00020378 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00176-00020378-00020428 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00177-00020496-00020696 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00178-00020696-00020746 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00179-00020817-00021017 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00180-00021017-00021067 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00181-00021156-00021206 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00182-00021206-00021256 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00183-00021256-00021306 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00184-00021306-00021356 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00185-00021398-00021448 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00186-00021448-00021498 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00187-00021498-00021548 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00188-00021548-00021598 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00189-00021785-00021985 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00190-00021985-00022035 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00191-00022228-00022428 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00192-00022428-00022478 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00193-00022521-00022571 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00194-00022571-00022621 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00195-00022817-00023017 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00196-00023017-00023067 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00197-00023067-00023117 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00198-00023128-00023328 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00199-00023328-00023378 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00200-00023378-00023428 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00201-00023463-00023513 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00202-00023513-00023563 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00203-00023563-00023613 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00204-00023613-00023663 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00205-00023728-00023928 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00206-00023928-00023978 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00207-00024016-00024066 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00208-00024066-00024116 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00209-00024207-00024407 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00210-00024407-00024457 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00211-00024457-00024507 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00212-00024562-00024612 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00213-00024612-00024662 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00214-00024736-00024786 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00215-00024786-00024836 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00216-00024836-00024886 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00217-00025014-00025214 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00218-00025214-00025264 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00219-00025287-00025337 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00220-00025337-00025387 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00221-00025387-00025437 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00222-00025750-00025800 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00223-00025800-00025850 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00224-00025920-00025970 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00225-00025970-00026020 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00226-00026020-00026070 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00227-00026276-00026326 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00228-00026326-00026376 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00229-00026562-00026762 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00230-00026762-00026812 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00231-00026812-00026862 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00232-00027043-00027243 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00233-00027243-00027293 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00234-00027399-00027449 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00235-00027449-00027499 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00236-00027499-00027549 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00237-00027652-00027702 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00238-00027702-00027752 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00239-00027752-00027802 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00240-00027843-00027893 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00241-00027893-00027943 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00242-00028032-00028082 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00243-00028082-00028132 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00244-00028210-00028260 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00245-00028260-00028310 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00246-00028310-00028360 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00247-00028416-00028466 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00248-00028466-00028516 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7bLMdZOZXYM-00249-00028994-00029044 Article 350 Revoked | Kashmir Issue 7fsh9mYdGJU-00000-00000986-00001505 GameMaker operates on an event system simply put it means that when an event 7fsh9mYdGJU-00001-00001505-00002060 happens something some input from the keyboard or a collision or something in 7fsh9mYdGJU-00002-00002060-00002484 your game there is a reaction which on the right side you'll see the actions 7fsh9mYdGJU-00003-00002484-00003017 panel a quick example of this is if you had an event press the spacebar you 7fsh9mYdGJU-00004-00003017-00003455 could have the action make the player jump that's a very truncated way of 7fsh9mYdGJU-00005-00003455-00003861 looking at it because we will have to do things a little more in-depth now that 7fsh9mYdGJU-00006-00003861-00004314 you understand that let's add an event to your object there are two ways to 7fsh9mYdGJU-00007-00004314-00004839 manipulate events in this panel at the bottom we have three buttons add event 7fsh9mYdGJU-00008-00004839-00005321 delete and change but you can also right-click in an empty space in the 7fsh9mYdGJU-00009-00005321-00005748 events panel this will give you similar options the first thing we need to do is 7fsh9mYdGJU-00010-00005748-00006201 add an event when you click add event you'll be presented with the choose the 7fsh9mYdGJU-00011-00006201-00006818 event to add window the first button is create what this means is when the 7fsh9mYdGJU-00012-00006818-00007290 object is created this is the first thing that'll happen when a room starts 7fsh9mYdGJU-00013-00007290-00007863 all of your objects will be added to the room and when they are this event will 7fsh9mYdGJU-00014-00007863-00008418 take place as an example let's just say you have your main player and when he's 7fsh9mYdGJU-00015-00008418-00008979 created his health starts at 10 and his jump speed is at 20 the create event is 7fsh9mYdGJU-00016-00008979-00009449 a great way to initialize all of the information about this particular object 7fsh9mYdGJU-00017-00009449-00010038 the next event is destroy this is like the opposite of create it means when 7fsh9mYdGJU-00018-00010038-00010503 this object is destroyed removed from the room this might trigger some sort of 7fsh9mYdGJU-00019-00010503-00011193 action such as if an enemy is destroyed the action is get 10 points the next is 7fsh9mYdGJU-00020-00011193-00011693 alarm if you click on it you'll get a drop-down of 12 alarms listed 0 through 7fsh9mYdGJU-00021-00011693-00012221 11 this event means when this alarm sounds or when it goes off let's say 7fsh9mYdGJU-00022-00012221-00012600 that one of your alarms is set to 10 seconds once the room starts after 10 7fsh9mYdGJU-00023-00012600-00013019 seconds that alarm will sound and the action might be something like spawn a 7fsh9mYdGJU-00024-00013019-00013386 bunch of enemies since video games are completely based on 7fsh9mYdGJU-00025-00013386-00013935 timing it's important to understand how alarms work now you only get 12 per 7fsh9mYdGJU-00026-00013935-00014331 object so later we'll talk about timelines this is a more advanced 7fsh9mYdGJU-00027-00014331-00014811 version of alarms it's in your resource tree but we will get into it later the 7fsh9mYdGJU-00028-00014811-00015357 next event is very important to understand this is the step event for 7fsh9mYdGJU-00029-00015357-00015863 this you kind of have to understand how time works in the real world we measure 7fsh9mYdGJU-00030-00015863-00016407 time in let's say seconds now we have smaller measurements but let's just say 7fsh9mYdGJU-00031-00016407-00017004 seconds animation on your screen is a manipulation of quickly interchanging 7fsh9mYdGJU-00032-00017004-00017556 frames this gives your eyes the illusion of motion most video games are set to 30 7fsh9mYdGJU-00033-00017556-00018027 or 60 frames a second but it can be totally variable and it depends on your 7fsh9mYdGJU-00034-00018027-00018495 graphic setting your graphics card your computer your monitors refresh rate or a 7fsh9mYdGJU-00035-00018495-00018978 lot of different things that decide frames per second steps are a little 7fsh9mYdGJU-00036-00018978-00019482 different when we get into rooms they'll be an option to set how many steps are 7fsh9mYdGJU-00037-00019482-00020007 in the room the rooms in game maker operate on what's called speed or room 7fsh9mYdGJU-00038-00020007-00020565 speed and this is set in steps the default is 30 steps but you can 7fsh9mYdGJU-00039-00020565-00020892 change this to a different number and we'll get into it later but right now 7fsh9mYdGJU-00040-00020892-00021393 let's talk about the default of 30 steps the room speed in steps happens per 7fsh9mYdGJU-00041-00021393-00022053 second so the default of 30 means that there are 30 steps in one second every 7fsh9mYdGJU-00042-00022053-00022476 time a step happens that means the computer has cycled through all of your 7fsh9mYdGJU-00043-00022476-00023037 code once so you're telling game maker to cycle through your code 30 times 7fsh9mYdGJU-00044-00023037-00023517 before one real-world second has elapsed if this seems kind of confusing right 7fsh9mYdGJU-00045-00023517-00023954 now it probably is because we haven't talked about rooms yet but what you have 7fsh9mYdGJU-00046-00023954-00024597 to understand is steps happen all the time they're happening at default 30 7fsh9mYdGJU-00047-00024597-00025041 times a second so whereas the create event only happens when your object is 7fsh9mYdGJU-00048-00025041-00025415 created and the destroy event only happens when your object is destroyed 7fsh9mYdGJU-00049-00025415-00026088 step events happen every single step of the game every frame every second 7fsh9mYdGJU-00050-00026088-00026738 so in conclusion step events are where you put code that is going to happen 7fsh9mYdGJU-00051-00026738-00027347 all the time as an example your player movement would go into a step event 7fsh9mYdGJU-00052-00027347-00027932 because you want to have your user control the player at all times every 7fsh9mYdGJU-00053-00027932-00028547 single step your user is pressing an arrow key you want the player to move so 7fsh9mYdGJU-00054-00028547-00028988 as long as this object exists step code will happen now you'll notice though 7fsh9mYdGJU-00055-00028988-00029395 when you click on it you get a drop-down of step begin step and end step this is 7fsh9mYdGJU-00056-00029395-00029813 simply to create an ordering system for your steps because steps happen all the 7fsh9mYdGJU-00057-00029813-00030260 time you might find it a little more useful to put things in a very specific 7fsh9mYdGJU-00058-00030260-00030539 order so when game maker gets to the portion 7fsh9mYdGJU-00059-00030539-00031058 of reading your step code it'll read the begin step then your step then your end 7fsh9mYdGJU-00060-00031058-00031502 step and of course this will happen every single step and every single 7fsh9mYdGJU-00061-00031502-00031945 second of your game confusing to say the least but once we get into code you'll 7fsh9mYdGJU-00062-00031945-00032426 really see how the step event is used in every single video game below step 7fsh9mYdGJU-00063-00032426-00032990 you'll find the collision event this is when two objects collide if you click it 7fsh9mYdGJU-00064-00032990-00033470 you should get a drop-down menu of other objects you've already created so of 7fsh9mYdGJU-00065-00033470-00033908 course this event is saying when these two objects overlap each other do an 7fsh9mYdGJU-00066-00033908-00034409 action let's say when your player overlaps an enemy you can either say the 7fsh9mYdGJU-00067-00034409-00034907 enemy dies or your player loses health or I don't know something along those 7fsh9mYdGJU-00068-00034907-00035369 lines either way it's pretty simple it just means when they overlap game maker 7fsh9mYdGJU-00069-00035369-00035879 uses masks to detect whether or not two objects overlap so it's important to 7fsh9mYdGJU-00070-00035879-00036317 understand masks and we'll go over all of this in the collisions lesson below 7fsh9mYdGJU-00071-00036317-00036842 that you'll find keyboard this gives you a very large drop-down menu it's 7fsh9mYdGJU-00072-00036842-00037262 important to understand that there are actually three keyboard events it's a 7fsh9mYdGJU-00073-00037262-00037589 little strange because they're not next to each other on this menu there's 7fsh9mYdGJU-00074-00037589-00038240 keyboard key press and key release every step of the game game maker checks 7fsh9mYdGJU-00075-00038240-00038753 whether your keyboard key is being held whether it was just pressed or whether 7fsh9mYdGJU-00076-00038753-00039227 was just released so what that means is keyboard events check whether or not the 7fsh9mYdGJU-00077-00039227-00039683 key is being held down and then continually will do that code as an 7fsh9mYdGJU-00078-00039683-00040049 example if your user is pressing the right arrow key and holding it 7fsh9mYdGJU-00079-00040049-00040463 you probably want your player to run toward the right side of the screen this 7fsh9mYdGJU-00080-00040463-00040745 would be put in the keyboard event because it's happening all the time 7fsh9mYdGJU-00081-00040745-00041294 because the key is being held down however something like jump would be put 7fsh9mYdGJU-00082-00041294-00041582 in key press you only want game maker to check 7fsh9mYdGJU-00083-00041582-00042065 whether or not the user press the key once and that's it then there's also key 7fsh9mYdGJU-00084-00042065-00042629 release similar to key press however the code will execute when the user releases 7fsh9mYdGJU-00085-00042629-00043070 a key so whichever of the three you're going to use you'll be presented with a 7fsh9mYdGJU-00086-00043070-00043526 drop-down menu of all the keys on your keyboard the first section is your arrow 7fsh9mYdGJU-00087-00043526-00044003 keys left right up and down the next section would be all of your modifier 7fsh9mYdGJU-00088-00044003-00044525 keys as well as space and enter so that's ctrl alt shift space and enter 7fsh9mYdGJU-00089-00044525-00045071 the next section has a bunch of pullout sub menus the keypad deals with your 7fsh9mYdGJU-00090-00045071-00045506 numpad and remember that most laptops don't have num pads so you might want to 7fsh9mYdGJU-00091-00045506-00045956 refrain from putting any code on top of the keypad the next pullout is digits 7fsh9mYdGJU-00092-00045956-00046313 this is just your digits row above all the letters on your keyboard zero 7fsh9mYdGJU-00093-00046313-00046670 through nine after that you have your letters and those are obviously just the 7fsh9mYdGJU-00094-00046670-00047066 letters on your keyboard below that we have function keys all the F keys at the 7fsh9mYdGJU-00095-00047066-00047651 top and below that we have others this contains backspace escape home and page 7fsh9mYdGJU-00096-00047651-00048050 up page down delete and insert then below that we have a very special 7fsh9mYdGJU-00097-00048050-00048584 section we have no key and any key this just checks whether or not the keyboard 7fsh9mYdGJU-00098-00048584-00049052 is not being touched nothing is being pressed or held down and any key is well 7fsh9mYdGJU-00099-00049052-00049409 any key on the keyboard you ever seen a game at the beginning when it says press 7fsh9mYdGJU-00100-00049409-00049820 any key to start sure that's where you'd put any key and sometimes you want to 7fsh9mYdGJU-00101-00049820-00050150 make sure that the users not touching his keyboard so you would select no key 7fsh9mYdGJU-00102-00050150-00050627 at the top of the second column we have the Mouse event now this is only one 7fsh9mYdGJU-00103-00050627-00051155 drop down but it contains a very similar set up to keyboard key press and key 7fsh9mYdGJU-00104-00051155-00051653 release the first section says left button right button middle button this 7fsh9mYdGJU-00105-00051653-00051965 is similar to the keyboard event Gamemakers checking whether or not these 7fsh9mYdGJU-00106-00051965-00052378 mouse buttons are being held down it's being checked constantly this may be 7fsh9mYdGJU-00107-00052378-00052862 important if you have a game where the main character moves towards the mouse 7fsh9mYdGJU-00108-00052862-00053298 click so that if you hold down the mouse button the player will move toward 7fsh9mYdGJU-00109-00053298-00053586 the mouse and it's being checked whether or not the mouse button is being held 7fsh9mYdGJU-00110-00053586-00054089 down this section is no button it's like no key game maker just wants to know 7fsh9mYdGJU-00111-00054089-00054435 whether or not the buttons are being used on the mouse or not below that is 7fsh9mYdGJU-00112-00054435-00054819 the section for pressed this checks if one of the three buttons was pressed 7fsh9mYdGJU-00113-00054819-00055226 since the last step it's similar to how I described key press when your 7fsh9mYdGJU-00114-00055226-00055658 character jumps we only want to check the press once below that we have 7fsh9mYdGJU-00115-00055658-00056066 released it's the same thing as pressed just releasing the mouse button now we 7fsh9mYdGJU-00116-00056066-00056235 have something different from the keyboard 7fsh9mYdGJU-00117-00056235-00056757 this is mouse enter and mouse leave this checks whether or not the mouse cursor 7fsh9mYdGJU-00118-00056757-00057344 has recently entered or left the object in question this could be important for 7fsh9mYdGJU-00119-00057344-00057813 changing the cursor let's say you're using the default arrow icon for your 7fsh9mYdGJU-00120-00057813-00058335 mouse but then when you enter this object or you are now overlapping it you 7fsh9mYdGJU-00121-00058335-00058812 change it to the hand and then when your mouse leaves this object you go back to 7fsh9mYdGJU-00122-00058812-00059276 the arrow below that we have mouse wheel up and mouse wheel down this just checks 7fsh9mYdGJU-00123-00059276-00059588 whether or not you're using the mouse wheel scrolling up or scrolling down the 7fsh9mYdGJU-00124-00059588-00060204 last section is a submenu pull out for global Mouse here you'll find mouse 7fsh9mYdGJU-00125-00060204-00060620 button presses for being held being pressed once and being released once 7fsh9mYdGJU-00126-00060620-00061079 this object is checking whether or not the mouse buttons are being clicked 7fsh9mYdGJU-00127-00061079-00061601 anywhere in your room and not on top of this object all the other mouse button 7fsh9mYdGJU-00128-00061601-00062061 checks like left button left pressed and left release are checking whether or not 7fsh9mYdGJU-00129-00062061-00062645 you are holding clicking or releasing on top of the object however global Mouse 7fsh9mYdGJU-00130-00062645-00063131 just checks whether the mouse is using these buttons anywhere in the room if 7fsh9mYdGJU-00131-00063131-00063554 you remember when we talked about controller objects a controller object 7fsh9mYdGJU-00132-00063554-00063926 might benefit from Global Mouse let's say you wanted your main character to 7fsh9mYdGJU-00133-00063926-00064232 move towards the mouse cursor whenever you click down the left mouse button 7fsh9mYdGJU-00134-00064232-00064667 this would be done in global Mouse because you're not clicking on your 7fsh9mYdGJU-00135-00064667-00065066 player to move you're clicking anywhere on the screen it's not too complicated 7fsh9mYdGJU-00136-00065066-00065529 you just have to understand that global means anywhere and not global means 7fsh9mYdGJU-00137-00065529-00066008 specifically on the object you're using below Mouse you'll find an event called 7fsh9mYdGJU-00138-00066008-00066435 other these are some predefined events that yo-yo games has set up for the 7fsh9mYdGJU-00139-00066435-00066861 users it's actually really helpful the first section has two selections 7fsh9mYdGJU-00140-00066861-00067445 outside room and intersect boundary outside room checks that whenever this 7fsh9mYdGJU-00141-00067445-00067919 object is outside the boundaries of your room like let's say your room is only 7fsh9mYdGJU-00142-00067919-00068531 400 by 400 pixels and this object goes outside those 400 by 400 pixels then you 7fsh9mYdGJU-00143-00068531-00068985 can make something happen let's say the object is destroyed because whenever it 7fsh9mYdGJU-00144-00068985-00069435 leaves the screen you don't want it in the game anymore intersect boundaries 7fsh9mYdGJU-00145-00069435-00069798 sort of similar to outside room but rather than waiting for your object to 7fsh9mYdGJU-00146-00069798-00070197 leave the boundaries of the room this takes place right when your object 7fsh9mYdGJU-00147-00070197-00070755 intersects the exact boundary of the room this might be necessary if you were 7fsh9mYdGJU-00148-00070755-00071211 bouncing off the edge of the room the next section is reviews we'll touch on 7fsh9mYdGJU-00149-00071211-00071588 this later when we talk about rooms because rooms also have views it's kind 7fsh9mYdGJU-00150-00071588-00072000 of like a camera for your room the next section is game start and game end 7fsh9mYdGJU-00151-00072000-00072401 similar to how we have create and destroy for an object this is when the 7fsh9mYdGJU-00152-00072401-00072804 game starts and ends what this means is any action you put inside this event 7fsh9mYdGJU-00153-00072804-00073155 means that when the game starts these actions take place like all your options 7fsh9mYdGJU-00154-00073155-00073623 load up or when the game ends all your options get saved next we have room 7fsh9mYdGJU-00155-00073623-00073974 start and room and it's exactly like game start in game end but it happens 7fsh9mYdGJU-00156-00073974-00074448 every time we go into a new room or we leave a room the next two options 7fsh9mYdGJU-00157-00074448-00074835 actually deal with some built-in variables for game maker yo-yo games has 7fsh9mYdGJU-00158-00074835-00075237 offered us things like lives and health and these events check whether or not 7fsh9mYdGJU-00159-00075237-00075549 you're out of lives or you're out of health so if you're out of lives we 7fsh9mYdGJU-00160-00075549-00075893 could say while the game ends or if you're at a health we can say you lose a 7fsh9mYdGJU-00161-00075893-00076305 life you don't have to use the built-in variables but they are helpful if you're 7fsh9mYdGJU-00162-00076305-00076682 just quickly making a game or you're new to game maker the next selection is 7fsh9mYdGJU-00163-00076682-00077225 animation end this event will take place when the animation for your sprite has 7fsh9mYdGJU-00164-00077225-00077793 ended so let's say that your animation is 9 frames long after the 9 frames have 7fsh9mYdGJU-00165-00077793-00078170 played out your action will take place for example let's say you have an 7fsh9mYdGJU-00166-00078170-00078693 animation for your players death once the death animation ends the room 7fsh9mYdGJU-00167-00078693-00079139 restarts the next section is end of path we haven't talked about path yet and 7fsh9mYdGJU-00168-00079139-00079605 we'll get into it when talk about code and the last one is user defined this is 7fsh9mYdGJU-00169-00079605-00080027 actually where you get to make up your own event it's a little more advanced 7fsh9mYdGJU-00170-00080027-00080399 we're talking about right now so we will get into it when we talk about code the 7fsh9mYdGJU-00171-00080399-00081006 next event is draw you'll get a drop down for draw draw GUI which stands for 7fsh9mYdGJU-00172-00081006-00081573 graphic user interface and the last option is resize the draw event much 7fsh9mYdGJU-00173-00081573-00082092 like the step event happens all the time in your game and this is the only place 7fsh9mYdGJU-00174-00082092-00082568 where you can draw things to the screen now it's not like drawing like you would 7fsh9mYdGJU-00175-00082568-00082980 with pen and paper this is the computer generating an image for your game this 7fsh9mYdGJU-00176-00082980-00083418 could be a sprite that you've already created or you can generate some sort of 7fsh9mYdGJU-00177-00083418-00083906 primitive object like a square or a circle or lines we'll get into that when 7fsh9mYdGJU-00178-00083906-00084287 we talk about code this is also where you would generate your text when you 7fsh9mYdGJU-00179-00084287-00084654 want to draw your high-score to your screen to let your player know what his 7fsh9mYdGJU-00180-00084654-00085212 high-score is you would use the draw event draw and draw GUI have some subtle 7fsh9mYdGJU-00181-00085212-00085520 differences but they're very important to understand and we'll get into it when 7fsh9mYdGJU-00182-00085520-00085872 we talk about code but for now all you really have to understand is when you 7fsh9mYdGJU-00183-00085872-00086294 need to draw something to your game screen or generate some sort of image 7fsh9mYdGJU-00184-00086294-00086762 that is not already an object you can do it through draw below that is keyboard 7fsh9mYdGJU-00185-00086762-00087077 press and release which we already talked about when we mentioned keyboard 7fsh9mYdGJU-00186-00087077-00087614 so we'll move on to the last option which is a synchronous asynchronous has 7fsh9mYdGJU-00187-00087614-00088076 the option for networking this is a very advanced event and it has to do with 7fsh9mYdGJU-00188-00088076-00088838 accessing networks things like steam or cloud in-app purchases HTTP it all 7fsh9mYdGJU-00189-00088838-00089223 depends on which modules you've paid for and installed through game maker this 7fsh9mYdGJU-00190-00089223-00089513 event is not triggered through game maker it's actually triggered over the 7fsh9mYdGJU-00191-00089513-00089949 net this is a very advanced option and we'll get into it later because it's not 7fsh9mYdGJU-00192-00089949-00090305 really necessary for most of the games you'll be making especially your first 7fsh9mYdGJU-00193-00090305-00090794 few games those are all the events that exist inside your object properties 7fsh9mYdGJU-00194-00090794-00091208 window if you no longer want any of your events you can click and highlight one 7fsh9mYdGJU-00195-00091208-00091730 of them and then click delete or change this is if you want to change the event 7fsh9mYdGJU-00196-00091730-00092213 like let's say you accidentally used Mouse release instead of mousepressed 7fsh9mYdGJU-00197-00092213-00092772 well here you can just click change and select mousepressed instead all your 7fsh9mYdGJU-00198-00092772-00093135 actions will stay there which is important but it'll now be triggered by 7fsh9mYdGJU-00199-00093135-00093399 a different event you want to be careful in 7fsh9mYdGJU-00200-00093399-00093900 because this will remove all of your actions as well so let's say under your 7fsh9mYdGJU-00201-00093900-00094323 create event you put in all the code you needed for when your object is created 7fsh9mYdGJU-00202-00094323-00094800 but then you click on delete and you delete your create event all of those 7fsh9mYdGJU-00203-00094800-00095268 actions will go away all that code who wrote is gone be careful when deleting 7fsh9mYdGJU-00204-00095268-00095633 anything the final section the largest section on 7fsh9mYdGJU-00205-00095633-00096132 the right side of the object properties window is actions here you should have a 7fsh9mYdGJU-00206-00096132-00096735 whole bunch of vertical tabs such as move main one main to control score 7fsh9mYdGJU-00207-00096735-00097191 extra and draw now for the purposes of my lessons we're not using drag-and-drop 7fsh9mYdGJU-00208-00097191-00097670 coding GameMaker is really good for drag-and-drop coding what this means is 7fsh9mYdGJU-00209-00097670-00098130 you can grab any of these pre-made actions and then just drag and drop them 7fsh9mYdGJU-00210-00098130-00098535 into actions and set up what you want to do these lessons are more for 7fsh9mYdGJU-00211-00098535-00098916 intermediate users and therefore we're only going to be talking about the built 7fsh9mYdGJU-00212-00098916-00099327 in game maker language called GML to generate code all you have to worry 7fsh9mYdGJU-00213-00099327-00099902 about is the tab called control here you'll see questions other code and 7fsh9mYdGJU-00214-00099902-00100410 variables we're going to deal with the section called code there are three 7fsh9mYdGJU-00215-00100410-00100858 icons there's execute code execute script and 7fsh9mYdGJU-00216-00100858-00101402 comment for the most part we might only need that first little page icon called 7fsh9mYdGJU-00217-00101402-00101945 execute code all you need to do is click and hold down on the icon and drag it 7fsh9mYdGJU-00218-00101945-00102380 into a blank section in the actions panel this will open up your code editor 7fsh9mYdGJU-00219-00102380-00102836 inside game maker but to understand this window you're going to have to watch the 7fsh9mYdGJU-00220-00102836-00103115 coding lesson 7jaQ3DaeOlU-00000-00000100-00000300 Click the link in the description. 7kJxtKhyC3A-00000-00000000-00000239 *mom being sweet* 7kJxtKhyC3A-00001-00000312-00000818 *meanwhile dad..* 7kJxtKhyC3A-00002-00000818-00001266 NOOO!!!! (btw i have really long hair) 7mS1TmsJhEE-00000-00001344-00001864 In this video we are going to discuss about moralistic and naturalistic fallacies 7mS1TmsJhEE-00001-00001968-00002253 In a way, they oppose each other 7mS1TmsJhEE-00002-00002253-00003031 In the case ofthe moralistic fallacy, you believe that because things should or shouldn't be in a particularway 7mS1TmsJhEE-00003-00003031-00003190 then they are not. 7mS1TmsJhEE-00004-00003190-00003543 In the case of the naturalistic fallacies, 7mS1TmsJhEE-00005-00003543-00004020 such as the appealto nature, is the other way around 7mS1TmsJhEE-00006-00004020-00004552 Because things are the way they are, because they arenot true, in a sense, 7mS1TmsJhEE-00007-00004552-00004712 then they must be good 7mS1TmsJhEE-00008-00004800-00005065 So let's start with the moralistic fallacy 7mS1TmsJhEE-00009-00005065-00005308 Youcan model it as follows: 7mS1TmsJhEE-00010-00005308-00006256 "if x were true, then it would happen z" where z is a morally, socially or politically undesirable thing 7mS1TmsJhEE-00011-00006352-00006752 and people often imply afterwards that since z is undesirable 7mS1TmsJhEE-00012-00006816-00006981 then x is not true 7mS1TmsJhEE-00013-00006981-00007269 let me give you a couple of examples: 7mS1TmsJhEE-00014-00007269-00008024 eating meat is bad for both animals' well-being, obviously, and for the environment, 7mS1TmsJhEE-00015-00008024-00008375 therefore we have no physiological need for it 7mS1TmsJhEE-00016-00008424-00009032 That is the kind of fallacy that people who feedtheir dogs and cats only with vegetables commits 7mS1TmsJhEE-00017-00009160-00009730 One can easily imagine a way of using data to spot such fallacy 7mS1TmsJhEE-00018-00009730-00010263 and we can use the question of diet, like pet's diet, for that 7mS1TmsJhEE-00019-00010263-00010656 Let's comparethe environmental impact of two diets for pets 7mS1TmsJhEE-00020-00010720-00011464 In terms of, let's say, greenhouse gasesemissions: vegan diet versus carnivorous diet 7mS1TmsJhEE-00021-00011544-00012151 and the data shows that the vegan diet isenvironmentally much more friendly 7mS1TmsJhEE-00022-00012151-00012232 Well, obviously, 7mS1TmsJhEE-00023-00012312-00012809 and the fallacy would consist in saying, basedon such data, 7mS1TmsJhEE-00024-00012809-00013560 that cats can be fed with a vegan and should be a fed with a vegan diet because 7mS1TmsJhEE-00025-00013808-00014140 I don't know, because it's not bad for them 7mS1TmsJhEE-00026-00014140-00014336 No, it's not at all like that, 7mS1TmsJhEE-00027-00014336-00014873 you should not make the confusion between what thingsshould or should not be 7mS1TmsJhEE-00028-00014873-00015021 and what things are 7mS1TmsJhEE-00029-00015047-00015374 It's the ought/is barrier 7mS1TmsJhEE-00030-00015374-00015984 Yes, we know that you aresponsoring animal suffering when you are buying meat cans for your pets 7mS1TmsJhEE-00031-00015984-00016190 andincreasing climate change 7mS1TmsJhEE-00032-00016232-00016623 But nonetheless, your pets need proteinsfrom meats 7mS1TmsJhEE-00033-00016623-00016841 and, sorry about that 7mS1TmsJhEE-00034-00016841-00017271 Sometimes basic scientific findings or interpretationsare rejected, 7mS1TmsJhEE-00035-00017271-00017992 or that discovery, or development, or acknowledgement is opposed or restricted for years,decades, centuries 7mS1TmsJhEE-00036-00017992-00018200 because of moralistic fallacies 7mS1TmsJhEE-00037-00018344-00018681 You all know about Copernic's heliocentricmodel: 7mS1TmsJhEE-00038-00018681-00019056 Earth revolves around the sun, not the other way around 7mS1TmsJhEE-00039-00019056-00019558 Well at the time there wasa huge fight among competing models 7mS1TmsJhEE-00040-00019558-00020119 Tycho Brahe, for instance, cling to his geo-heliocentric model 7mS1TmsJhEE-00041-00020119-00020713 because the heliocentric model was contradicting the Ptolemean system 7mS1TmsJhEE-00042-00020713-00021131 that had been inuse for ages 7mS1TmsJhEE-00043-00021131-00021518 The naturalistic fallacy, on the other hand, 7mS1TmsJhEE-00044-00021518-00021896 represents the oppositeof the moralistic fallacy, as we said earlier 7mS1TmsJhEE-00045-00021968-00022299 Since it is found in nature then it is good 7mS1TmsJhEE-00046-00022299-00022610 A very famous example is social darwinism 7mS1TmsJhEE-00047-00022610-00023171 that states that since in wildlife individualsand species compete against each other, 7mS1TmsJhEE-00048-00023171-00023630 it is normal that it should be the case in society too 7mS1TmsJhEE-00049-00023630-00024467 However, in daily life, you will more likely hear appeals to nature in the field of alternative medicine 7mS1TmsJhEE-00050-00024467-00024808 It is the type of fallacy that people use when they explain to you 7mS1TmsJhEE-00051-00024808-00025326 that homeopathy, plant remedies, essential oils are good for you 7mS1TmsJhEE-00052-00025326-00025593 because they are natural 7mS1TmsJhEE-00053-00025593-00026120 Well, so is arsenic, I wouldnot recommend it for breakfast though 7mS1TmsJhEE-00054-00026344-00026872 The question of the diet is also a quite commonapplication of naturalistic fallacy 7mS1TmsJhEE-00055-00026952-00027231 and, this time, not vegans. 7mS1TmsJhEE-00056-00027231-00027428 Here is how itgoes: 7mS1TmsJhEE-00057-00027428-00027826 as humans we have been eating meat since the dawn of times 7mS1TmsJhEE-00058-00027826-00028420 and it was, in variousinstances, our primary source of proteins 7mS1TmsJhEE-00059-00028420-00029142 So I see no reason whatsoever to decrease our average meatconsumptions now 7mS1TmsJhEE-00060-00029142-00029820 Well, in the dawn of times, there were not as many humans as today, were they? 7mS1TmsJhEE-00061-00029820-00030176 Sothe impact on ecosystems was a little bit smaller 7mS1TmsJhEE-00062-00030288-00030438 You get the idea 7mS1TmsJhEE-00063-00030438-00030817 In both the moralistic and naturalistic fallacies 7mS1TmsJhEE-00064-00030817-00031264 you pass what we call the "is/ought" barrier 7mS1TmsJhEE-00065-00031264-00031715 There's a confusionbetween what is and what should or should not be 7mS1TmsJhEE-00066-00031744-00032156 "Ought" represents what should be and, in themoralistic fallacy, 7mS1TmsJhEE-00067-00032156-00032340 the premise is the "ought" 7mS1TmsJhEE-00068-00032340-00032775 Things ought to be that way, therefore they arethat way 7mS1TmsJhEE-00069-00032775-00033097 The conclusion represents the "is" 7mS1TmsJhEE-00070-00033200-00033488 In the naturalistic fallacy, it's theother way around 7mS1TmsJhEE-00071-00033488-00033658 Things are that way, 7mS1TmsJhEE-00072-00033688-00033922 like cavemen used to eat meat, 7mS1TmsJhEE-00073-00033922-00034493 therefore, andthen come the "ought", 7mS1TmsJhEE-00074-00034493-00034792 therefore we ought to keep eating meat 7mS1TmsJhEE-00075-00034792-00035054 Keep this "ought / is" barrier in mind 7mS1TmsJhEE-00076-00035054-00035542 It willprevent you from making easily avoidable fallacies 80zWHg1LiwY-00000-00000378-00000803 Click Preview to Show Dashboard 80zWHg1LiwY-00001-00000826-00001198 Select Item and Click Change Type Button 80XnpdP9yD4-00000-00000024-00000666 the jointed cactus is one of the most 80XnpdP9yD4-00001-00000348-00000948 common invasive species in South Africa 80XnpdP9yD4-00002-00000666-00001175 originally from South America it made 80XnpdP9yD4-00003-00000948-00001571 its way to South Africa because people 80XnpdP9yD4-00004-00001175-00001842 used it as an ornamental plant did you 80XnpdP9yD4-00005-00001571-00002133 know that there are no indigenous cacti 80XnpdP9yD4-00006-00001842-00002418 in South Africa the roads in Avastin 80XnpdP9yD4-00007-00002133-00002691 syndrome for BL will disappear the beard 80XnpdP9yD4-00008-00002418-00002934 slacks on the who fury era finding any 80XnpdP9yD4-00009-00002691-00003204 gang of species the firm endure during 80XnpdP9yD4-00010-00002934-00003440 her PhD at the Center for Biological 80XnpdP9yD4-00011-00003204-00003675 control and at the road universities the 80XnpdP9yD4-00012-00003440-00004050 allergy and entomology department desert 80XnpdP9yD4-00013-00003675-00004257 Arita is part of this initiative alien 80XnpdP9yD4-00014-00004050-00004473 invasive plants are plants that do not 80XnpdP9yD4-00015-00004257-00004614 naturally occur in South Africa they are 80XnpdP9yD4-00016-00004473-00004845 the plants that come from other 80XnpdP9yD4-00017-00004614-00005114 countries the disadvantages of having 80XnpdP9yD4-00018-00004845-00005382 these plants in South Africa is one they 80XnpdP9yD4-00019-00005114-00005546 consume large quantities of water and as 80XnpdP9yD4-00020-00005382-00005769 we know that South Africa is a water 80XnpdP9yD4-00021-00005546-00005967 scarcity country so this alien invasive 80XnpdP9yD4-00022-00005769-00006155 plants are not good for our country they 80XnpdP9yD4-00023-00005967-00006348 reduce the land for grazing for 80XnpdP9yD4-00024-00006155-00006567 livestock in areas where they occur in 80XnpdP9yD4-00025-00006348-00006840 rangelands they out complete the 80XnpdP9yD4-00026-00006567-00007083 indigenous plants of South Africa the 80XnpdP9yD4-00027-00006840-00007370 continual insect is a red scale insect 80XnpdP9yD4-00028-00007083-00007629 native to South America it is cultivated 80XnpdP9yD4-00029-00007370-00007875 and lausanne cacti Grahamstown wool and 80XnpdP9yD4-00030-00007629-00008106 fiber farmer Robert white has been 80XnpdP9yD4-00031-00007875-00008336 farming in his farm for 20 years and 80XnpdP9yD4-00032-00008106-00008507 says the cautionary insect has been a 80XnpdP9yD4-00033-00008336-00008952 great help 80XnpdP9yD4-00034-00008507-00009210 the jointed cactuses spread over many 80XnpdP9yD4-00035-00008952-00009360 years it spread quite thick in certain 80XnpdP9yD4-00036-00009210-00009567 parts of the farm where the sheep sleep 80XnpdP9yD4-00037-00009360-00010071 and there's lot of Menards it likes it 80XnpdP9yD4-00038-00009567-00010352 very manure so the old days we used to 80XnpdP9yD4-00039-00010071-00010647 pick it up put it into power spray it 80XnpdP9yD4-00040-00010352-00010986 the big plants we used to just spray on 80XnpdP9yD4-00041-00010647-00011279 the ground as it is but there it wasn't 80XnpdP9yD4-00042-00010986-00011349 tremendously successful and it was very 80XnpdP9yD4-00043-00011279-00011604 expensive 80XnpdP9yD4-00044-00011349-00011928 over the years of the cochineal was 80XnpdP9yD4-00045-00011604-00012078 introduced yes it it has it's good times 80XnpdP9yD4-00046-00011928-00012267 it has bad times 80XnpdP9yD4-00047-00012078-00012564 I wouldn't out say it's never a quick 80XnpdP9yD4-00048-00012267-00012779 fix it'll it reduces it tremendously at 80XnpdP9yD4-00049-00012564-00013041 the Center for power control we control 80XnpdP9yD4-00050-00012779-00013251 alien invasive plants using insects 80XnpdP9yD4-00051-00013041-00013386 cousin Ali insects is described as a 80XnpdP9yD4-00052-00013251-00013659 subjecting insects 80XnpdP9yD4-00053-00013386-00013950 it has a why to live XE cotton would 80XnpdP9yD4-00054-00013659-00014216 like covering caution L insects are only 80XnpdP9yD4-00055-00013950-00014394 host specific to live on jointed cactus 80XnpdP9yD4-00056-00014216-00014616 they don't have any other plans other 80XnpdP9yD4-00057-00014394-00014793 than jointed cutters we refer to the 80XnpdP9yD4-00058-00014616-00015021 caution L in fact as a biological 80XnpdP9yD4-00059-00014793-00015279 control agent for throwing good cactus 80XnpdP9yD4-00060-00015021-00015497 while this cochineal is specific to 80XnpdP9yD4-00061-00015279-00015705 jointed captors there are many other 80XnpdP9yD4-00062-00015497-00016104 continual species that are specific to 80XnpdP9yD4-00063-00015705-00016308 other cactus plants the cochineal insect 80XnpdP9yD4-00064-00016104-00016548 is placed on the surface of the jointed 80XnpdP9yD4-00065-00016308-00016731 cactus known as the Thai road the clay 80XnpdP9yD4-00066-00016548-00016959 roads that are infested with cochineal 80XnpdP9yD4-00067-00016731-00017199 are then carefully placed on how the 80XnpdP9yD4-00068-00016959-00017745 patches of jointed cactus so they can 80XnpdP9yD4-00069-00017199-00018048 start feeding on them Cabala killer we 80XnpdP9yD4-00070-00017745-00018360 make a taco City Road anza-borrego le 80XnpdP9yD4-00071-00018048-00018719 panty choir obamawreck in Aqaba in a 80XnpdP9yD4-00072-00018360-00018719 villa cocoon along Guinea 80XnpdP9yD4-00073-00018801-00019369 finally I declared out freestyle mark 80XnpdP9yD4-00074-00019123-00019770 seeker touch a million for the for 80XnpdP9yD4-00075-00019369-00020029 Hannah Pardo Hanford Varney did the /m 80XnpdP9yD4-00076-00019770-00020604 seeker to mark that he continued in sake 80XnpdP9yD4-00077-00020029-00020823 navaja vas bought me a mistake is erotic 80XnpdP9yD4-00078-00020604-00021064 lettered at Willie its numbers on in 80XnpdP9yD4-00079-00020823-00021256 cochineal are you well apparently in 80XnpdP9yD4-00080-00021064-00021469 Sabini output you know which your 80XnpdP9yD4-00081-00021256-00022104 destiny is numbers any Oh Connie is 80XnpdP9yD4-00082-00021469-00022323 Runyan when going out to do the 80XnpdP9yD4-00083-00022104-00022551 implementation process wear protective 80XnpdP9yD4-00084-00022323-00022729 shoes and pants to prevent the cacti 80XnpdP9yD4-00085-00022551-00022866 from jumping onto your clothes and 80XnpdP9yD4-00086-00022729-00023157 hurting you 80XnpdP9yD4-00087-00022866-00023425 the continual insect does not completely 80XnpdP9yD4-00088-00023157-00023723 wipe out the drain to tatters but it 80XnpdP9yD4-00089-00023425-00023992 reduces the amount of cacti infestation 80XnpdP9yD4-00090-00023723-00024234 the results and the success of the 80XnpdP9yD4-00091-00023992-00024478 process depend on the site location and 80XnpdP9yD4-00092-00024234-00024687 whether the cochineal insects does not 80XnpdP9yD4-00093-00024478-00025216 work effectively in which and shaded 80XnpdP9yD4-00094-00024687-00025479 areas how to check for results when it 80XnpdP9yD4-00095-00025216-00025679 damages the plant its and they traveled 80XnpdP9yD4-00096-00025479-00026172 the planets from cream to brown and 80XnpdP9yD4-00097-00025679-00026502 eventually it rising up by your calendar 80XnpdP9yD4-00098-00026172-00026927 my Center for Biological control Mahalo 80XnpdP9yD4-00099-00026502-00026927 free of charge for meat 80XnpdP9yD4-00100-00027496-00027702 you 81kT9UK7WTI-00000-00000010-00000116 THOSE UPCOMING VACANCIES IS NOW 81kT9UK7WTI-00001-00000116-00000123 THOSE UPCOMING VACANCIES IS NOW 81kT9UK7WTI-00002-00000123-00000233 THOSE UPCOMING VACANCIES IS NOW OPEN. 81kT9UK7WTI-00003-00000233-00000240 THOSE UPCOMING VACANCIES IS NOW OPEN. 81kT9UK7WTI-00004-00000240-00000714 THOSE UPCOMING VACANCIES IS NOW OPEN. >>> THE CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR 81kT9UK7WTI-00005-00000714-00000720 OPEN. >>> THE CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR 81kT9UK7WTI-00006-00000720-00000864 OPEN. >>> THE CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD 81kT9UK7WTI-00007-00000864-00000870 >>> THE CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD 81kT9UK7WTI-00008-00000870-00000994 >>> THE CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION DEBATED TONIGHT AS 81kT9UK7WTI-00009-00000994-00001000 THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION DEBATED TONIGHT AS 81kT9UK7WTI-00010-00001000-00001141 THE BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION DEBATED TONIGHT AS THE NOVEMBER 6th GENERAL 81kT9UK7WTI-00011-00001141-00001147 OF EDUCATION DEBATED TONIGHT AS THE NOVEMBER 6th GENERAL 81kT9UK7WTI-00012-00001147-00001257 OF EDUCATION DEBATED TONIGHT AS THE NOVEMBER 6th GENERAL ELECTION MOVES CLOSER. 81kT9UK7WTI-00013-00001257-00001264 THE NOVEMBER 6th GENERAL ELECTION MOVES CLOSER. 81kT9UK7WTI-00014-00001264-00001381 THE NOVEMBER 6th GENERAL ELECTION MOVES CLOSER. THERE ARE SEVEN CANDIDATES 81kT9UK7WTI-00015-00001381-00001388 ELECTION MOVES CLOSER. THERE ARE SEVEN CANDIDATES 81kT9UK7WTI-00016-00001388-00001454 ELECTION MOVES CLOSER. THERE ARE SEVEN CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR THREE OPEN SEATS ON 81kT9UK7WTI-00017-00001454-00001461 THERE ARE SEVEN CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR THREE OPEN SEATS ON 81kT9UK7WTI-00018-00001461-00001524 THERE ARE SEVEN CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR THREE OPEN SEATS ON THE SCHOOL BOARD. 81kT9UK7WTI-00019-00001524-00001531 RUNNING FOR THREE OPEN SEATS ON THE SCHOOL BOARD. 81kT9UK7WTI-00020-00001531-00001591 RUNNING FOR THREE OPEN SEATS ON THE SCHOOL BOARD. REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS 81kT9UK7WTI-00021-00001591-00001598 THE SCHOOL BOARD. REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS 81kT9UK7WTI-00022-00001598-00001674 THE SCHOOL BOARD. REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS MORE. 81kT9UK7WTI-00023-00001674-00001681 REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS MORE. 81kT9UK7WTI-00024-00001681-00001808 REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS MORE. >> SO LET US BEGIN. 81kT9UK7WTI-00025-00001808-00001815 MORE. >> SO LET US BEGIN. 81kT9UK7WTI-00026-00001815-00001951 MORE. >> SO LET US BEGIN. >> Reporter: THE WASHINGTON 81kT9UK7WTI-00027-00001951-00001958 >> SO LET US BEGIN. >> Reporter: THE WASHINGTON 81kT9UK7WTI-00028-00001958-00002062 >> SO LET US BEGIN. >> Reporter: THE WASHINGTON EDUCATIONAL SERVICES BUILDING 81kT9UK7WTI-00029-00002062-00002068 >> Reporter: THE WASHINGTON EDUCATIONAL SERVICES BUILDING 81kT9UK7WTI-00030-00002068-00002185 >> Reporter: THE WASHINGTON EDUCATIONAL SERVICES BUILDING WAS BUSY MONDAY NIGHT AS MEMBERS 81kT9UK7WTI-00031-00002185-00002192 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES BUILDING WAS BUSY MONDAY NIGHT AS MEMBERS 81kT9UK7WTI-00032-00002192-00002382 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES BUILDING WAS BUSY MONDAY NIGHT AS MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY WATCHED SIX 81kT9UK7WTI-00033-00002382-00002389 WAS BUSY MONDAY NIGHT AS MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY WATCHED SIX 81kT9UK7WTI-00034-00002389-00002502 WAS BUSY MONDAY NIGHT AS MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY WATCHED SIX CANDIDATES DEBATE ON THE SEAT 81kT9UK7WTI-00035-00002502-00002509 OF THE COMMUNITY WATCHED SIX CANDIDATES DEBATE ON THE SEAT 81kT9UK7WTI-00036-00002509-00002615 OF THE COMMUNITY WATCHED SIX CANDIDATES DEBATE ON THE SEAT FOR THE BRAINERD SCHOOL BOARD. 81kT9UK7WTI-00037-00002615-00002622 CANDIDATES DEBATE ON THE SEAT FOR THE BRAINERD SCHOOL BOARD. 81kT9UK7WTI-00038-00002622-00002816 CANDIDATES DEBATE ON THE SEAT FOR THE BRAINERD SCHOOL BOARD. >> THESE PEOPLE WILL BE DECIDING 81kT9UK7WTI-00039-00002816-00002822 FOR THE BRAINERD SCHOOL BOARD. >> THESE PEOPLE WILL BE DECIDING 81kT9UK7WTI-00040-00002822-00003096 FOR THE BRAINERD SCHOOL BOARD. >> THESE PEOPLE WILL BE DECIDING HOW OUR MONEY IS SPENT FOR THE 81kT9UK7WTI-00041-00003096-00003103 >> THESE PEOPLE WILL BE DECIDING HOW OUR MONEY IS SPENT FOR THE 81kT9UK7WTI-00042-00003103-00003269 >> THESE PEOPLE WILL BE DECIDING HOW OUR MONEY IS SPENT FOR THE SCHOOLS, WHAT TYPE OF EDUCATION 81kT9UK7WTI-00043-00003269-00003276 HOW OUR MONEY IS SPENT FOR THE SCHOOLS, WHAT TYPE OF EDUCATION 81kT9UK7WTI-00044-00003276-00003400 HOW OUR MONEY IS SPENT FOR THE SCHOOLS, WHAT TYPE OF EDUCATION OUR CHILDREN WILL GET. 81kT9UK7WTI-00045-00003400-00003406 SCHOOLS, WHAT TYPE OF EDUCATION OUR CHILDREN WILL GET. 81kT9UK7WTI-00046-00003406-00003486 SCHOOLS, WHAT TYPE OF EDUCATION OUR CHILDREN WILL GET. >> Reporter: THE DEBATE WAS PUT 81kT9UK7WTI-00047-00003486-00003493 OUR CHILDREN WILL GET. >> Reporter: THE DEBATE WAS PUT 81kT9UK7WTI-00048-00003493-00003676 OUR CHILDREN WILL GET. >> Reporter: THE DEBATE WAS PUT ON THE BRAINERD LAKES AREA 81kT9UK7WTI-00049-00003676-00003683 >> Reporter: THE DEBATE WAS PUT ON THE BRAINERD LAKES AREA 81kT9UK7WTI-00050-00003683-00003800 >> Reporter: THE DEBATE WAS PUT ON THE BRAINERD LAKES AREA LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS AND 81kT9UK7WTI-00051-00003800-00003807 ON THE BRAINERD LAKES AREA LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS AND 81kT9UK7WTI-00052-00003807-00003877 ON THE BRAINERD LAKES AREA LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS AND ALLOWED FOR THE COMMUNITY TO 81kT9UK7WTI-00053-00003877-00003883 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS AND ALLOWED FOR THE COMMUNITY TO 81kT9UK7WTI-00054-00003883-00004147 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS AND ALLOWED FOR THE COMMUNITY TO MEET THE CANDIDATES. 81kT9UK7WTI-00055-00004147-00004154 ALLOWED FOR THE COMMUNITY TO MEET THE CANDIDATES. 81kT9UK7WTI-00056-00004154-00004324 ALLOWED FOR THE COMMUNITY TO MEET THE CANDIDATES. >> SCHOOL BOARD IS AN IMPORTANT 81kT9UK7WTI-00057-00004324-00004330 MEET THE CANDIDATES. >> SCHOOL BOARD IS AN IMPORTANT 81kT9UK7WTI-00058-00004330-00004411 MEET THE CANDIDATES. >> SCHOOL BOARD IS AN IMPORTANT POSITION FOR THE COMMUNITY AND 81kT9UK7WTI-00059-00004411-00004417 >> SCHOOL BOARD IS AN IMPORTANT POSITION FOR THE COMMUNITY AND 81kT9UK7WTI-00060-00004417-00004751 >> SCHOOL BOARD IS AN IMPORTANT POSITION FOR THE COMMUNITY AND IT'S A CHANCE FOR PEOPLE TO HEAR 81kT9UK7WTI-00061-00004751-00004758 POSITION FOR THE COMMUNITY AND IT'S A CHANCE FOR PEOPLE TO HEAR 81kT9UK7WTI-00062-00004758-00004928 POSITION FOR THE COMMUNITY AND IT'S A CHANCE FOR PEOPLE TO HEAR THEIR IDEAS AND PHILOSOPHIES. 81kT9UK7WTI-00063-00004928-00004934 IT'S A CHANCE FOR PEOPLE TO HEAR THEIR IDEAS AND PHILOSOPHIES. 81kT9UK7WTI-00064-00004934-00005014 IT'S A CHANCE FOR PEOPLE TO HEAR THEIR IDEAS AND PHILOSOPHIES. >> Reporter: THERE ARE SEVEN 81kT9UK7WTI-00065-00005014-00005021 THEIR IDEAS AND PHILOSOPHIES. >> Reporter: THERE ARE SEVEN 81kT9UK7WTI-00066-00005021-00005178 THEIR IDEAS AND PHILOSOPHIES. >> Reporter: THERE ARE SEVEN CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR THREE 81kT9UK7WTI-00067-00005178-00005185 >> Reporter: THERE ARE SEVEN CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR THREE 81kT9UK7WTI-00068-00005185-00005382 >> Reporter: THERE ARE SEVEN CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR THREE OPEN SPOTS ON THE SCHOOL BOARD. 81kT9UK7WTI-00069-00005382-00005388 CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR THREE OPEN SPOTS ON THE SCHOOL BOARD. 81kT9UK7WTI-00070-00005388-00005458 CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR THREE OPEN SPOTS ON THE SCHOOL BOARD. UNFORTUNATELY ONE CANDIDATE 81kT9UK7WTI-00071-00005458-00005465 OPEN SPOTS ON THE SCHOOL BOARD. UNFORTUNATELY ONE CANDIDATE 81kT9UK7WTI-00072-00005465-00005692 OPEN SPOTS ON THE SCHOOL BOARD. UNFORTUNATELY ONE CANDIDATE COULD NOT MAKE THE DEBATE DUE TO 81kT9UK7WTI-00073-00005692-00005699 UNFORTUNATELY ONE CANDIDATE COULD NOT MAKE THE DEBATE DUE TO 81kT9UK7WTI-00074-00005699-00006196 UNFORTUNATELY ONE CANDIDATE COULD NOT MAKE THE DEBATE DUE TO BEING OUT OF THE COUNTRY. 81kT9UK7WTI-00075-00006196-00006202 COULD NOT MAKE THE DEBATE DUE TO BEING OUT OF THE COUNTRY. 81kT9UK7WTI-00076-00006202-00006339 COULD NOT MAKE THE DEBATE DUE TO BEING OUT OF THE COUNTRY. THE CANDIDATES ARE RUNNING FOR 81kT9UK7WTI-00077-00006339-00006346 BEING OUT OF THE COUNTRY. THE CANDIDATES ARE RUNNING FOR 81kT9UK7WTI-00078-00006346-00006549 BEING OUT OF THE COUNTRY. THE CANDIDATES ARE RUNNING FOR THREE OPEN SEATS. 81kT9UK7WTI-00079-00006549-00006556 THE CANDIDATES ARE RUNNING FOR THREE OPEN SEATS. 81kT9UK7WTI-00080-00006556-00006713 THE CANDIDATES ARE RUNNING FOR THREE OPEN SEATS. >> OPENING REMARKS WILL BE MET. 81kT9UK7WTI-00081-00006713-00006720 THREE OPEN SEATS. >> OPENING REMARKS WILL BE MET. 81kT9UK7WTI-00082-00006720-00006906 THREE OPEN SEATS. >> OPENING REMARKS WILL BE MET. >> Reporter: THE CANDIDATES 81kT9UK7WTI-00083-00006906-00006913 >> OPENING REMARKS WILL BE MET. >> Reporter: THE CANDIDATES 81kT9UK7WTI-00084-00006913-00007056 >> OPENING REMARKS WILL BE MET. >> Reporter: THE CANDIDATES VARY IN BACKGROUND, EXPERIENCE 81kT9UK7WTI-00085-00007056-00007063 >> Reporter: THE CANDIDATES VARY IN BACKGROUND, EXPERIENCE 81kT9UK7WTI-00086-00007063-00007677 >> Reporter: THE CANDIDATES VARY IN BACKGROUND, EXPERIENCE AND AGE. 81kT9UK7WTI-00087-00007677-00008381 [INAUDIBLE] 81kT9UK7WTI-00088-00008381-00008508 >> BLESSED TO BE INVOLVED WITH A 81kT9UK7WTI-00089-00008508-00008515 >> BLESSED TO BE INVOLVED WITH A 81kT9UK7WTI-00090-00008515-00008812 >> BLESSED TO BE INVOLVED WITH A NUMBER OF DIFFERENT 81kT9UK7WTI-00091-00008812-00008818 >> BLESSED TO BE INVOLVED WITH A NUMBER OF DIFFERENT 81kT9UK7WTI-00092-00008818-00008955 >> BLESSED TO BE INVOLVED WITH A NUMBER OF DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONS AND THE COMMITTEE 81kT9UK7WTI-00093-00008955-00008962 NUMBER OF DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONS AND THE COMMITTEE 81kT9UK7WTI-00094-00008962-00009102 NUMBER OF DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONS AND THE COMMITTEE AND BOARD MEMBERS THROUGHOUT THE 81kT9UK7WTI-00095-00009102-00009109 ORGANIZATIONS AND THE COMMITTEE AND BOARD MEMBERS THROUGHOUT THE 81kT9UK7WTI-00096-00009109-00009432 ORGANIZATIONS AND THE COMMITTEE AND BOARD MEMBERS THROUGHOUT THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS, AS WELL AS 81kT9UK7WTI-00097-00009432-00009439 AND BOARD MEMBERS THROUGHOUT THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS, AS WELL AS 81kT9UK7WTI-00098-00009439-00009556 AND BOARD MEMBERS THROUGHOUT THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS, AS WELL AS -- [INAUDIBLE]. 81kT9UK7WTI-00099-00009556-00009562 LAST SEVERAL YEARS, AS WELL AS -- [INAUDIBLE]. 81kT9UK7WTI-00100-00009562-00009766 LAST SEVERAL YEARS, AS WELL AS -- [INAUDIBLE]. >> ALL OF THIS EXPERIENCE 81kT9UK7WTI-00101-00009766-00009773 -- [INAUDIBLE]. >> ALL OF THIS EXPERIENCE 81kT9UK7WTI-00102-00009773-00009933 -- [INAUDIBLE]. >> ALL OF THIS EXPERIENCE COMBINED -- GIVE ME AN OVERALL 81kT9UK7WTI-00103-00009933-00009939 >> ALL OF THIS EXPERIENCE COMBINED -- GIVE ME AN OVERALL 81kT9UK7WTI-00104-00009939-00010183 >> ALL OF THIS EXPERIENCE COMBINED -- GIVE ME AN OVERALL SENSE OF OUR DISTRICT. 81kT9UK7WTI-00105-00010183-00010190 COMBINED -- GIVE ME AN OVERALL SENSE OF OUR DISTRICT. 81kT9UK7WTI-00106-00010190-00010350 COMBINED -- GIVE ME AN OVERALL SENSE OF OUR DISTRICT. >> MY NAME IS JEFF CZECZOK. 81kT9UK7WTI-00107-00010350-00010357 SENSE OF OUR DISTRICT. >> MY NAME IS JEFF CZECZOK. 81kT9UK7WTI-00108-00010357-00010600 SENSE OF OUR DISTRICT. >> MY NAME IS JEFF CZECZOK. I GRADUATED IN 1981. 81kT9UK7WTI-00109-00010600-00010607 >> MY NAME IS JEFF CZECZOK. I GRADUATED IN 1981. 81kT9UK7WTI-00110-00010607-00010767 >> MY NAME IS JEFF CZECZOK. I GRADUATED IN 1981. >> I'M BLESSED TO BE A BRAINERD 81kT9UK7WTI-00111-00010767-00010774 I GRADUATED IN 1981. >> I'M BLESSED TO BE A BRAINERD 81kT9UK7WTI-00112-00010774-00010927 I GRADUATED IN 1981. >> I'M BLESSED TO BE A BRAINERD SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER FOR 15 YEARS 81kT9UK7WTI-00113-00010927-00010934 >> I'M BLESSED TO BE A BRAINERD SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER FOR 15 YEARS 81kT9UK7WTI-00114-00010934-00011040 >> I'M BLESSED TO BE A BRAINERD SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER FOR 15 YEARS NOW. 81kT9UK7WTI-00115-00011040-00011047 SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER FOR 15 YEARS NOW. 81kT9UK7WTI-00116-00011047-00011314 SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER FOR 15 YEARS NOW. >> Reporter: THEY DIFFER IN 81kT9UK7WTI-00117-00011314-00011321 NOW. >> Reporter: THEY DIFFER IN 81kT9UK7WTI-00118-00011321-00011468 NOW. >> Reporter: THEY DIFFER IN OPINION AND TALKED ABOUT TOPICS 81kT9UK7WTI-00119-00011468-00011474 >> Reporter: THEY DIFFER IN OPINION AND TALKED ABOUT TOPICS 81kT9UK7WTI-00120-00011474-00011681 >> Reporter: THEY DIFFER IN OPINION AND TALKED ABOUT TOPICS FROM OPEN ENROLLMENT TO HOW TO 81kT9UK7WTI-00121-00011681-00011688 OPINION AND TALKED ABOUT TOPICS FROM OPEN ENROLLMENT TO HOW TO 81kT9UK7WTI-00122-00011688-00011841 OPINION AND TALKED ABOUT TOPICS FROM OPEN ENROLLMENT TO HOW TO RECRUIT QUALITY TEACHERS TO THE 81kT9UK7WTI-00123-00011841-00011848 FROM OPEN ENROLLMENT TO HOW TO RECRUIT QUALITY TEACHERS TO THE 81kT9UK7WTI-00124-00011848-00011911 FROM OPEN ENROLLMENT TO HOW TO RECRUIT QUALITY TEACHERS TO THE DISTRICT. 81kT9UK7WTI-00125-00011911-00011918 RECRUIT QUALITY TEACHERS TO THE DISTRICT. 81kT9UK7WTI-00126-00011918-00012058 RECRUIT QUALITY TEACHERS TO THE DISTRICT. >> EXCELLENT SCHOOLS BEGIN WITH 81kT9UK7WTI-00127-00012058-00012065 DISTRICT. >> EXCELLENT SCHOOLS BEGIN WITH 81kT9UK7WTI-00128-00012065-00012192 DISTRICT. >> EXCELLENT SCHOOLS BEGIN WITH EXCELLENT TEACHERS. 81kT9UK7WTI-00129-00012192-00012198 >> EXCELLENT SCHOOLS BEGIN WITH EXCELLENT TEACHERS. 81kT9UK7WTI-00130-00012198-00012328 >> EXCELLENT SCHOOLS BEGIN WITH EXCELLENT TEACHERS. >> I WILL ENSURE FISCAL 81kT9UK7WTI-00131-00012328-00012335 EXCELLENT TEACHERS. >> I WILL ENSURE FISCAL 81kT9UK7WTI-00132-00012335-00012459 EXCELLENT TEACHERS. >> I WILL ENSURE FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY THROUGHOUT THE 81kT9UK7WTI-00133-00012459-00012465 >> I WILL ENSURE FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY THROUGHOUT THE 81kT9UK7WTI-00134-00012465-00012502 >> I WILL ENSURE FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY THROUGHOUT THE DISTRICT. 81kT9UK7WTI-00135-00012502-00012509 RESPONSIBILITY THROUGHOUT THE DISTRICT. 81kT9UK7WTI-00136-00012509-00012712 RESPONSIBILITY THROUGHOUT THE DISTRICT. >> THE ABILITY TO PROVIDE MENTAL 81kT9UK7WTI-00137-00012712-00012719 DISTRICT. >> THE ABILITY TO PROVIDE MENTAL 81kT9UK7WTI-00138-00012719-00012849 DISTRICT. >> THE ABILITY TO PROVIDE MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES TO OUR 81kT9UK7WTI-00139-00012849-00012856 >> THE ABILITY TO PROVIDE MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES TO OUR 81kT9UK7WTI-00140-00012856-00012956 >> THE ABILITY TO PROVIDE MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES TO OUR STUDENTS. 81kT9UK7WTI-00141-00012956-00012962 HEALTH RESOURCES TO OUR STUDENTS. 81kT9UK7WTI-00142-00012962-00013099 HEALTH RESOURCES TO OUR STUDENTS. >> I THINK EVERYTHING GETS 81kT9UK7WTI-00143-00013099-00013106 STUDENTS. >> I THINK EVERYTHING GETS 81kT9UK7WTI-00144-00013106-00013159 STUDENTS. >> I THINK EVERYTHING GETS REPORTED. 81kT9UK7WTI-00145-00013159-00013166 >> I THINK EVERYTHING GETS REPORTED. 81kT9UK7WTI-00146-00013166-00013316 >> I THINK EVERYTHING GETS REPORTED. I'LL MAKE SURE IF IT'S NOT 81kT9UK7WTI-00147-00013316-00013323 REPORTED. I'LL MAKE SURE IF IT'S NOT 81kT9UK7WTI-00148-00013323-00013486 REPORTED. I'LL MAKE SURE IF IT'S NOT REPORTED, I'LL LET THE PEOPLE 81kT9UK7WTI-00149-00013486-00013493 I'LL MAKE SURE IF IT'S NOT REPORTED, I'LL LET THE PEOPLE 81kT9UK7WTI-00150-00013493-00013576 I'LL MAKE SURE IF IT'S NOT REPORTED, I'LL LET THE PEOPLE KNOW. 81kT9UK7WTI-00151-00013576-00013583 REPORTED, I'LL LET THE PEOPLE KNOW. 81kT9UK7WTI-00152-00013583-00013730 REPORTED, I'LL LET THE PEOPLE KNOW. >> A WHOLE LOT MORE WE NEED TO 81kT9UK7WTI-00153-00013730-00013737 KNOW. >> A WHOLE LOT MORE WE NEED TO 81kT9UK7WTI-00154-00013737-00013907 KNOW. >> A WHOLE LOT MORE WE NEED TO DO AND CAN DO TO PROVIDE 81kT9UK7WTI-00155-00013907-00013913 >> A WHOLE LOT MORE WE NEED TO DO AND CAN DO TO PROVIDE 81kT9UK7WTI-00156-00013913-00014244 >> A WHOLE LOT MORE WE NEED TO DO AND CAN DO TO PROVIDE RESOURCES TO ALL OF OUR STAFF. 81kT9UK7WTI-00157-00014244-00014250 DO AND CAN DO TO PROVIDE RESOURCES TO ALL OF OUR STAFF. 81kT9UK7WTI-00158-00014250-00014377 DO AND CAN DO TO PROVIDE RESOURCES TO ALL OF OUR STAFF. >> TEACHER BEING THE TOP 81kT9UK7WTI-00159-00014377-00014384 RESOURCES TO ALL OF OUR STAFF. >> TEACHER BEING THE TOP 81kT9UK7WTI-00160-00014384-00014441 RESOURCES TO ALL OF OUR STAFF. >> TEACHER BEING THE TOP PRIORITIES. 81kT9UK7WTI-00161-00014441-00014447 >> TEACHER BEING THE TOP PRIORITIES. 81kT9UK7WTI-00162-00014447-00014564 >> TEACHER BEING THE TOP PRIORITIES. >> Reporter: THOUGH THE 81kT9UK7WTI-00163-00014564-00014571 PRIORITIES. >> Reporter: THOUGH THE 81kT9UK7WTI-00164-00014571-00014687 PRIORITIES. >> Reporter: THOUGH THE CANDIDATES HAVE DIFFERENT IDEAS, 81kT9UK7WTI-00165-00014687-00014694 >> Reporter: THOUGH THE CANDIDATES HAVE DIFFERENT IDEAS, 81kT9UK7WTI-00166-00014694-00015058 >> Reporter: THOUGH THE CANDIDATES HAVE DIFFERENT IDEAS, THEY ALL HAVE A COMMON GOAL, TO 81kT9UK7WTI-00167-00015058-00015065 CANDIDATES HAVE DIFFERENT IDEAS, THEY ALL HAVE A COMMON GOAL, TO 81kT9UK7WTI-00168-00015065-00015472 CANDIDATES HAVE DIFFERENT IDEAS, THEY ALL HAVE A COMMON GOAL, TO MAKE ISD THE BEST IT CAN BE. 81kT9UK7WTI-00169-00015472-00015478 THEY ALL HAVE A COMMON GOAL, TO MAKE ISD THE BEST IT CAN BE. 81kT9UK7WTI-00170-00015478-00015622 THEY ALL HAVE A COMMON GOAL, TO MAKE ISD THE BEST IT CAN BE. RACHEL JOHNSON FOR LAKELAND 81kT9UK7WTI-00171-00015622-00015628 MAKE ISD THE BEST IT CAN BE. RACHEL JOHNSON FOR LAKELAND 81kT9UK7WTI-00172-00015628-00015638 MAKE ISD THE BEST IT CAN BE. RACHEL JOHNSON FOR LAKELAND NEWS. 81FRWmv7Fwk-00000-00000064-00000480 (im wayyyyyy too tired to fill in my captions sksksks) 81FRWmv7Fwk-00001-00000486-00000944 (I love how you turned on your subtitles tho :3) 81FRWmv7Fwk-00002-00001019-00001346 (this video was filmed on my phone :<...teehee :"3) 81FRWmv7Fwk-00003-00001572-00001844 (HA, u thOuGhT me le lEfT? no no no no no..no) 81FRWmv7Fwk-00004-00002480-00002800 (pls lemme know if i helped u :<) 81FRWmv7Fwk-00005-00003146-00003468 (ok ima leave u to watch the vid now) 81FRWmv7Fwk-00006-00017144-00017374 plz subscriB :'3 81FRWmv7Fwk-00007-00017616-00017912 Goodbye! <3 825WWs01H1g-00000-00000000-00000600 Hi, my name is Mary and I am the Chapter Organizer for the KC Keepers chapter of the Harry Potter Alliance 825WWs01H1g-00001-00000600-00001000 and this is our video for Project for Awesome 2018! 825WWs01H1g-00002-00001050-00001400 One awesome thing the HPA does is the Granger Leadership Academy, 825WWs01H1g-00003-00001400-00001998 an IRL conference for wizard activist to learn about leadership and activism 825WWs01H1g-00004-00001998-00002480 so that they can bring those skills back to their own chapters and communities. 825WWs01H1g-00005-00002508-00003302 The HPA has been great because it has given me a chance to connect with fellow potterheads since I just moved back to town a year ago. 825WWs01H1g-00006-00003334-00004079 One of our chapters biggest accomplishments is our Accio Books campaign where we were able to collect over 3,000 books 825WWs01H1g-00007-00004082-00004598 that we were then able to turn around and donate them to the Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, 825WWs01H1g-00008-00004600-00005036 The Boys and Girls Club of Puerto Rico, and at our Library in the Park event. 825WWs01H1g-00009-00005038-00005604 Libraries are near and dear to our hearts so that is why this one is very special to us. 825WWs01H1g-00010-00005612-00006545 Another fandom that means a lot to me is Doctor Who and with this new doctor, we have an opportunity to talk about women's representation in fandoms. 825WWs01H1g-00011-00006598-00007168 My favorite HPA campaign that we participated in this year is Dumbledore's Army Fights Back, 825WWs01H1g-00012-00007172-00007890 in this campaign we're able to take immediate action items to decrease worldsuck on important issues. 825WWs01H1g-00013-00007909-00008760 One of the actions that our chapter participated in a couple months ago was writing Owl Post letters of welcome for refugees 825WWs01H1g-00014-00008774-00009384 so that we could show them that they are welcomed and loved and that we appreciate having them here. 825WWs01H1g-00015-00009486-00010046 Supporting the HPA helps us turn fans into heroes, so vote for us! 825WWs01H1g-00016-00010600-00011016 The Weapon We Have is Love! Expecto Patronum! 82WZ7LnqTQU-00000-00000034-00000134 Hi everyone! 82WZ7LnqTQU-00001-00000134-00000549 I'm Ivan Falgà, a Cambridge qualified English teacher. 82WZ7LnqTQU-00002-00000549-00000701 Do you want to improve your English? 82WZ7LnqTQU-00003-00000701-00001349 If the answer is yes, then today is your lucky day because I'm delighted to share with you 82WZ7LnqTQU-00004-00001349-00001830 my updated website where you'll find all the information available about the courses I 82WZ7LnqTQU-00005-00001830-00001960 offer. 82WZ7LnqTQU-00006-00001960-00002496 There are many course options: one-to-one courses, small group courses or even if you 82WZ7LnqTQU-00007-00002496-00002939 have to prepare for official exams, I can definitely help you. 82WZ7LnqTQU-00008-00002939-00003519 My goals as an English teacher are helping you thrive in an English environment and enhancing 82WZ7LnqTQU-00009-00003519-00003702 your communication skills. 82WZ7LnqTQU-00010-00003702-00004420 So, if you are interested, check my website, send me a message and discover why my English 82WZ7LnqTQU-00011-00004420-00004643 teaching method makes the difference. 82WZ7LnqTQU-00012-00004643-00004876 I look forward to meeting you. 82WZ7LnqTQU-00013-00004876-00005030 Nos vemos pronto. 82WZ7LnqTQU-00014-00005030-00005196 Fins aviat. 87kqZtDM4cU-00000-00000000-00000112 (birds chirping, echoing) 87kqZtDM4cU-00001-00000112-00000241 - My name is Robert Dudley. 87kqZtDM4cU-00002-00000241-00000406 I'm a Professor of Integrative Biology 87kqZtDM4cU-00003-00000406-00000631 here at the University of California Berkeley. 87kqZtDM4cU-00004-00000631-00000914 So I'm interested in how animals work, how they evolve, 87kqZtDM4cU-00005-00000914-00001146 and what they're doing in natural environments. 87kqZtDM4cU-00006-00001146-00001336 I do a lot of field work in the tropics, 87kqZtDM4cU-00007-00001336-00001619 so I see a lot of animals in tropical rainforests, 87kqZtDM4cU-00008-00001619-00001798 and often times, they're moving about, 87kqZtDM4cU-00009-00001798-00001933 looking for something to eat. 87kqZtDM4cU-00010-00001933-00002113 As a consequence of seeing all these animals, 87kqZtDM4cU-00011-00002113-00002303 and of occasionally drinking myself 87kqZtDM4cU-00012-00002303-00002535 when in tropical environments, I just wondered. 87kqZtDM4cU-00013-00002535-00002625 What is it about alcohol? 87kqZtDM4cU-00014-00002625-00002723 Where does it come from? 87kqZtDM4cU-00015-00002723-00003061 What's our natural historical pattern of exposure? 87kqZtDM4cU-00016-00003061-00003388 And what motivates excessive drinking? 87kqZtDM4cU-00017-00003388-00003574 The argument of the drunken monkey is that 87kqZtDM4cU-00018-00003574-00003804 we are interested in alcohol because we have evolved 87kqZtDM4cU-00019-00003804-00004127 as fruit eating primates, and alcohol is found naturally 87kqZtDM4cU-00020-00004127-00004379 in fruit within tropical environments. 87kqZtDM4cU-00021-00004379-00004680 And we like to drink because we have positive feelings 87kqZtDM4cU-00022-00004680-00004925 when we drink alcohol that historically would have 87kqZtDM4cU-00023-00004925-00005159 been beneficial when we could only eat ripe fruit. 87kqZtDM4cU-00024-00005159-00005405 But now, of course, when things go badly wrong, 87kqZtDM4cU-00025-00005405-00005635 we have unlimited access to high volume, 87kqZtDM4cU-00026-00005635-00005842 high concentration alcohol. 87kqZtDM4cU-00027-00005842-00006022 So where does alcohol come from anyway? 87kqZtDM4cU-00028-00006022-00006303 So it turns out that yeasts produce alcohol. 87kqZtDM4cU-00029-00006303-00006595 They ferment sugars and produce carbon dioxide 87kqZtDM4cU-00030-00006595-00006731 in the alcohol molecule. 87kqZtDM4cU-00031-00006731-00006854 And these spores are everywhere. 87kqZtDM4cU-00032-00006854-00006961 They're landing on fruit. 87kqZtDM4cU-00033-00006961-00007193 They're landing on flowers even before 87kqZtDM4cU-00034-00007193-00007401 the flowers turn into fruit, and they encapsulate 87kqZtDM4cU-00035-00007401-00007694 themselves into the developing fruit tissue. 87kqZtDM4cU-00036-00007694-00007822 So yeasts are everywhere. 87kqZtDM4cU-00037-00007822-00007998 Sugars are within fruit. 87kqZtDM4cU-00038-00007998-00008232 Yeast ferments sugar, produce alcohol. 87kqZtDM4cU-00039-00008232-00008602 Primates and monkeys and our ancestors go to the alcohol. 87kqZtDM4cU-00040-00008602-00008907 So the hypothesis suggests that they are preferentially 87kqZtDM4cU-00041-00008907-00009254 selecting fruits that have a fairly high alcohol content. 87kqZtDM4cU-00042-00009254-00009565 We have inherited an ancestral bias 87kqZtDM4cU-00043-00009565-00009868 that associates alcohol with nutritional reward. 87kqZtDM4cU-00044-00009868-00010062 We forage for fruits in the jungle, 87kqZtDM4cU-00045-00010062-00010244 and in the concrete jungle, 87kqZtDM4cU-00046-00010244-00010615 we go down the supermarket isle and pick up alcohol. 87kqZtDM4cU-00047-00010615-00010807 My father was an alcoholic, and I've always had 87kqZtDM4cU-00048-00010807-00011077 an intense personal interest in this question. 87kqZtDM4cU-00049-00011077-00011343 What are the origins of self destructive behavior? 87kqZtDM4cU-00050-00011343-00011604 One goal of the drunken monkey hypothesis, of course, 87kqZtDM4cU-00051-00011604-00011837 is to facilitate research, basic research 87kqZtDM4cU-00052-00011837-00012155 into the biology of alcohol exposure. 87kqZtDM4cU-00053-00012155-00012321 And ultimately, we would all love to have 87kqZtDM4cU-00054-00012321-00012588 a really straightforward explanation, and of course 87kqZtDM4cU-00055-00012588-00012821 cure for this disease. 87kqZtDM4cU-00056-00012821-00013079 (somber music) 8q0_eGICB04-00000-00000000-00000525 do you know somebody who's filled with self-doubt well in this video we're 8q0_eGICB04-00001-00000525-00000977 gonna talk about the Pygmalion effect which can definitely help so stay tuned 8q0_eGICB04-00002-00000977-00001454 what's up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the 8q0_eGICB04-00003-00001454-00002022 problem but focus on the solution this is a study that I want to share with you 8q0_eGICB04-00004-00002022-00002598 all because in fascinating and it'll show you the actual power you have to be 8q0_eGICB04-00005-00002598-00002997 there for other people and actually give them a lot of strength and courage and 8q0_eGICB04-00006-00002997-00003582 hope to succeed and be better so this is an experiment that was done by dr. 8q0_eGICB04-00007-00003582-00004125 Robert Rosenthal and it was an experiment conducted to test what they 8q0_eGICB04-00008-00004125-00004527 call the Pygmalion effect what Robert Rosenthal and his team of psychologists 8q0_eGICB04-00009-00004527-00004959 did they went into a school and they went to a bunch of different classrooms 8q0_eGICB04-00010-00004959-00005376 of elementary school kids and they did this at the beginning of the year they 8q0_eGICB04-00011-00005376-00005907 gave all of these kids IQ tests had him test on their intelligence at the end of 8q0_eGICB04-00012-00005907-00006237 the test they got the results and they went up to the teachers in each of these 8q0_eGICB04-00013-00006237-00006743 individual classrooms and they told the teachers the three top students they 8q0_eGICB04-00014-00006743-00007343 said okay Sam Sarah and Sally they tested off the charts these kids are 8q0_eGICB04-00015-00007343-00007931 just excelling they're geniuses right and they said now for the rest of the 8q0_eGICB04-00016-00007931-00008442 year you are not allowed to tell the students how they did on this test and 8q0_eGICB04-00017-00008442-00008931 you cannot spend any more or less time with them basically they told these 8q0_eGICB04-00018-00008931-00009321 teachers that it had to ask act completely normal and they also told 8q0_eGICB04-00019-00009321-00009759 these teachers that they would be getting checked upon throughout the year 8q0_eGICB04-00020-00009759-00010061 to make sure that they weren't telling these kids how they scored on the test 8q0_eGICB04-00021-00010061-00010725 at the end of the year they gave these kids the same exact test and as 8q0_eGICB04-00022-00010725-00011277 predicted Sam Sally and Sarah the three kids that they told him did touch on off 8q0_eGICB04-00023-00011277-00011943 the charts these kids still tested at the highest of the class but there was 8q0_eGICB04-00024-00011943-00012456 one little lie in play when there's when the psychologists originally got the 8q0_eGICB04-00025-00012456-00013159 test results back they picked the three names at random completely at random 8q0_eGICB04-00026-00013159-00013594 these weren't kids who did extra well they aren't kids who did terrible these 8q0_eGICB04-00027-00013594-00014431 were actually kids who did 1000% absolutely normal on the test so sit 8q0_eGICB04-00028-00014431-00014993 back and ask yourself why did they excel so much why did they do so well taking 8q0_eGICB04-00029-00014993-00015576 the exact same test at the end of the year well the answer that to that is is 8q0_eGICB04-00030-00015576-00016187 purely through nonverbal communication the teachers assumed that these kids 8q0_eGICB04-00031-00016187-00016514 were bright and they already you know they were going to excel they were gonna 8q0_eGICB04-00032-00016514-00017036 succeed and just do the nonverbal communication these kids started to have 8q0_eGICB04-00033-00017036-00017509 a belief in themselves and they started doing a lot better too this is a study 8q0_eGICB04-00034-00017509-00017956 that's been duplicated many many many times I'll actually put a link to it 8q0_eGICB04-00035-00017956-00018359 down in the description below but I wanted to make this video to just let 8q0_eGICB04-00036-00018359-00018869 you know how much power you have in this world to help out other people to have 8q0_eGICB04-00037-00018869-00019268 faith in them some of you watching this you might be a parent this is a good tip 8q0_eGICB04-00038-00019268-00019709 for parenting your child believing in them and what they can do and think 8q0_eGICB04-00039-00019709-00020063 about how much they can excel with that if you might have a friend who is 8q0_eGICB04-00040-00020063-00020407 worried about you know where they're headed in life or if they're gonna get 8q0_eGICB04-00041-00020407-00020729 that promotion or whether they're gonna be single for the rest of their life 8q0_eGICB04-00042-00020729-00021218 think about what you can do for them to instill more confidence because if 8q0_eGICB04-00043-00021218-00021701 you're believing in somebody they start believing in themselves so here is my 8q0_eGICB04-00044-00021701-00022253 question of the day for all of you out here who are you gonna believe in today 8q0_eGICB04-00045-00022253-00022763 alright but anyways if you like this video give it a thumbs up and if you are 8q0_eGICB04-00046-00022763-00023131 new here I'm always making videos to help you out with your mental and 8q0_eGICB04-00047-00023131-00023468 emotional well-being and make sure you click that little round subscribe button 8q0_eGICB04-00048-00023468-00023888 and also click or tap to the left right there I have a bunch of other videos on 8q0_eGICB04-00049-00023888-00024238 this channel that you need to check out thanks so much for watching I'll see you 8q0_eGICB04-00050-00024238-00024484 next time 8tGiM8DKckY-00000-00000354-00000553 We all have good ideas from time to time, 8tGiM8DKckY-00001-00000553-00000766 though it can be difficult to know how to turn them 8tGiM8DKckY-00002-00000766-00001056 into really great ideas that can help people. 8tGiM8DKckY-00003-00001056-00001286 Testing out our ideas is the only way 8tGiM8DKckY-00004-00001286-00001512 to know how to make them better. 8tGiM8DKckY-00005-00001512-00001702 But how can we structure this process, 8tGiM8DKckY-00006-00001702-00001995 to check what works and what doesn't? 8tGiM8DKckY-00007-00001995-00002327 Prototyping is more than just trying out. 8tGiM8DKckY-00008-00002327-00002493 You need to have a structured approach 8tGiM8DKckY-00009-00002493-00002735 to check whether what you're about to do 8tGiM8DKckY-00010-00002735-00002996 is effective, before investing in it, 8tGiM8DKckY-00011-00002996-00003364 but is there a way of knowing how and when to test your work? 8tGiM8DKckY-00012-00003364-00003584 The Prototype Testing Plan helps you 8tGiM8DKckY-00013-00003584-00003813 go through a structured series of steps 8tGiM8DKckY-00014-00003813-00004040 to keep improving your work and avoid 8tGiM8DKckY-00015-00004040-00004358 getting lost, when the feedback starts piling up. 8tGiM8DKckY-00016-00004358-00004574 The worksheet indicates two periods 8tGiM8DKckY-00017-00004574-00004758 when it is usually beneficial to test 8tGiM8DKckY-00018-00004758-00005102 your idea, in the early stage of development 8tGiM8DKckY-00019-00005102-00005474 and in the later stages, just before full implementation. 8tGiM8DKckY-00020-00005474-00005758 You can build a prototype using various materials 8tGiM8DKckY-00021-00005758-00006185 or simply draw or act out your idea. 8tGiM8DKckY-00022-00006185-00006470 Helen works for an agricultural consultancy. 8tGiM8DKckY-00023-00006470-00006726 She and her team want to help a community 8tGiM8DKckY-00024-00006726-00006945 where farmers have low income, because they 8tGiM8DKckY-00025-00006945-00007316 rely on unpredictable rice cultivation. 8tGiM8DKckY-00026-00007316-00007523 Her consultancy believes that potatoes 8tGiM8DKckY-00027-00007523-00007709 would thrive in the region. 8tGiM8DKckY-00028-00007709-00007975 They grow in winter, the farmers can grow them quickly 8tGiM8DKckY-00029-00007975-00008202 and sell a lot of produce. 8tGiM8DKckY-00030-00008202-00008444 Helen wants to test this new model for growing and selling 8tGiM8DKckY-00031-00008444-00008562 potatoes. 8tGiM8DKckY-00032-00008562-00008867 She uses the Prototype Testing Plan. 8tGiM8DKckY-00033-00008867-00009115 They generate a hypothesis. 8tGiM8DKckY-00034-00009115-00009351 They try out the idea, to assess whether it 8tGiM8DKckY-00035-00009351-00009523 can work in real life. 8tGiM8DKckY-00036-00009523-00009815 Helen and her team create a map of the region, 8tGiM8DKckY-00037-00009815-00010134 with potato farms, storage facilities, markets, 8tGiM8DKckY-00038-00010134-00010320 and communities of farmers. 8tGiM8DKckY-00039-00010320-00010532 They think through all the different ways 8tGiM8DKckY-00040-00010532-00010794 that the system could work. 8tGiM8DKckY-00041-00010794-00011098 They do a role play exercise, by acting out the different models 8tGiM8DKckY-00042-00011098-00011449 and interactions, and creating an experience map and story 8tGiM8DKckY-00043-00011449-00011548 world. 8tGiM8DKckY-00044-00011548-00011992 They identify problems and what could be improved. 8tGiM8DKckY-00045-00011992-00012262 They test the idea again, by demonstrating the model 8tGiM8DKckY-00046-00012262-00012617 with sample farmers and experts in agriculture. 8tGiM8DKckY-00047-00012617-00012944 With their feedback, Helen and her team refine the model 8tGiM8DKckY-00048-00012944-00013137 and create a blueprint to map out 8tGiM8DKckY-00049-00013137-00013413 how all the new elements work. 8tGiM8DKckY-00050-00013413-00013653 Before they can make their idea a reality, 8tGiM8DKckY-00051-00013653-00013952 they need to make a list of all the things that they need. 8tGiM8DKckY-00052-00014388-00014663 Using the Prototype Testing Plan, Helen and her team 8tGiM8DKckY-00053-00014663-00014924 are confident enough to run a pilot project that 8tGiM8DKckY-00054-00014924-00015191 has a greater chance of being successful. 8tGiM8DKckY-00055-00015191-00015460 The farmers can be more certain that the new system of growing 8tGiM8DKckY-00056-00015460-00015684 and selling potatoes will bring more income 8tGiM8DKckY-00057-00015684-00015947 and security for their families. 8uuvNyuPNy8-00000-00000000-00000444 I bet you didn't know that you can get a Pokemon with the title The Chosen One here's how to do 8uuvNyuPNy8-00001-00000444-00000911 it step one it has to be your birthday in game you can set your birthday at the Pokemon Center 8uuvNyuPNy8-00002-00000911-00001308 step two if you don't want to wait for your birthday open up settings and date skip to 8uuvNyuPNy8-00003-00001308-00001680 your birthday you know it's your birthday if the Pokemon Center has a cool birthday graphic 8uuvNyuPNy8-00004-00001680-00002082 for you step three start catching Pokemon once you caught a bunch go ahead and check 8uuvNyuPNy8-00005-00002082-00002466 their memories to see if they have a title selected and it should have the destiny Mark 8uuvNyuPNy8-00006-00002466-00002808 equip it onto your Pokemon and when you throw it out in battle with the trainer 8uuvNyuPNy8-00007-00002808-00003252 or switch it out it'll say the name of the Pokemon and the chosen one I did a video on 8uuvNyuPNy8-00008-00003252-00003678 my channel on how to get more rare marks like this go subscribe and watch it so you can say 8vpmNVzOAb4-00000-00000003-00000202 Yeah, yeah 8vpmNVzOAb4-00001-00001602-00001802 How many more 8vpmNVzOAb4-00002-00002560-00002976 cops pulled up for no reason again 8vpmNVzOAb4-00003-00010910-00011262 Idk if you guys can see but that's chunk. Right. 8vpmNVzOAb4-00004-00011467-00011826 There with this with the little hoodie and when will the two cops 8vpmNVzOAb4-00005-00011903-00012390 So dickhead of cops. Well, the tall guys cold the other guy right there the middle one 8vpmNVzOAb4-00006-00014059-00014259 Why 8vpmNVzOAb4-00007-00014583-00014860 Wait, wait, what 8vpmNVzOAb4-00008-00015041-00015241 What happen 8vpmNVzOAb4-00009-00015263-00015854 You're not even a hand cuffs g is he being detained is hebeing detained officer 8vpmNVzOAb4-00010-00033567-00034005 We got to go to the jail to pick him up my love a like 5 o'clock 8vpmNVzOAb4-00011-00034012-00034302 so you already know we about be recording that and 8vpmNVzOAb4-00012-00034355-00034542 Should be a good video simply a good video 8vpmNVzOAb4-00013-00034542-00035022 we've got some footage of him getting arrested that probably already played in this video and I don't know what chunkies gonna talk about when 8vpmNVzOAb4-00014-00035022-00035283 We give him the camera. So we'll see what let's go 8vpmNVzOAb4-00015-00035286-00035793 You already know we're at it's time to pick up chunky. 8vpmNVzOAb4-00016-00037213-00037542 All right, we're like two hours in right now and this man still didn't come out yet 8xmxjCbKzxI-00000-00000110-00000550 So, in this last example, I'm going to show you how to plot data 8xmxjCbKzxI-00001-00000550-00000990 with Facilino and specifically what we are going to do is to show 8xmxjCbKzxI-00002-00000990-00001313 the data that we read from the potentiometer. 8xmxjCbKzxI-00003-00001313-00001616 So, the code has been already upload to Arduino IDE 8xmxjCbKzxI-00004-00001616-00002323 and we're using the Arduino Plotter so we can change the position of the potentiometer 8xmxjCbKzxI-00005-00002323-00002828 and we see how varies over the time. So this is the minimum, is zero 8xmxjCbKzxI-00006-00002828-00003434 and the maximum, in this case, is 4095, 8xmxjCbKzxI-00007-00003434-00003736 which corresponds to the 12-bits 8xmxjCbKzxI-00008-00003736-00004040 Analog-Digital converter (ADC). Thank you. 8-D5cP81yoU-00000-00000342-00000940 Here we have the 90 degree jump and shift, using the ZIVA Grip Ball. 8-D5cP81yoU-00001-00000940-00001480 In a squatted position, we will reach forward for a shift, and then jump 8-D5cP81yoU-00002-00001483-00001800 ninety degrees and shifting forward as we land. 8-D5cP81yoU-00003-00001800-00002144 Each time we go through that squatted pattern we are trying to make sure that 8-D5cP81yoU-00004-00002144-00002391 we absorb through the hip so there is a nice soft landing. 8-D5cP81yoU-00005-00002391-00002740 the jump itself is not for maximum effort, 8-D5cP81yoU-00006-00002740-00003220 It is more so to get rotation out of the body, 8-D5cP81yoU-00007-00003220-00003396 and a little bit of that turn on turn off. 8-D5cP81yoU-00008-00003396-00003927 So we are going to drive it back and forth through that pattern. 8-D5cP81yoU-00009-00003927-00004318 If somebody cannot stay in a squatted position, 8-D5cP81yoU-00010-00004318-00004728 or if your hips are tight, you can squat down 8-D5cP81yoU-00011-00004728-00005126 and reach, standing, and then rotate. 8-D5cP81yoU-00012-00005126-00005480 Then repeat, that is only if your hips are tight, if you feel good 8-D5cP81yoU-00013-00005480-00005880 jumping, go ahead and do that. If you want to go to maximum effort, you can. 8-D5cP81yoU-00014-00005880-00006400 That is your 90 degree jump and shift using the ZIVA Grip Ball. 8CmZ_bOOlTg-00000-00004896-00006046 City council and the local government allocated these houses with no drainage system in place 8CmZ_bOOlTg-00001-00006323-00006831 because of this houses and road are damaged 8CmZ_bOOlTg-00002-00007214-00007922 one of the challenges that we have is that the City council is not intervening to maintain the roads 8CmZ_bOOlTg-00003-00008114-00008820 Yes it does come occasionally to grade the roads, but this only make the roads worse 8DdowEeOQbc-00000-00000353-00000553 [heay] 8DdowEeOQbc-00001-00033909-00034103 and here I come to rap and... 8DdowEeOQbc-00002-00034103-00034200 wait... 8DdowEeOQbc-00003-00034200-00034314 The beat's over? 8DdowEeOQbc-00004-00034549-00034660 JERRY WHAT THE FU 8DdowEeOQbc-00005-00099600-00099670 C O C K!!! 8E_KlxtI1Vk-00000-00000761-00000907 None 8E_KlxtI1Vk-00001-00001392-00001535 Zero 8EH0u4EFQVU-00000-00000057-00000346 Businesses can always use a little extra help. 8EH0u4EFQVU-00001-00000558-00000838 Digital marketing can help you in your journey. 8EH0u4EFQVU-00002-00001038-00001526 We've been here for years and we're ready to work with you! 8JLX_TYXizE-00000-00000010-00000060 >>> AND NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS 8JLX_TYXizE-00001-00000060-00000066 >>> AND NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS 8JLX_TYXizE-00002-00000066-00000293 >>> AND NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH COLLIN TALBERT. 8JLX_TYXizE-00003-00000293-00000300 >>> AND NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH COLLIN TALBERT. 8JLX_TYXizE-00004-00000300-00000453 >>> AND NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH COLLIN TALBERT. >> Collin: BACK ON TUESDAY 8JLX_TYXizE-00005-00000453-00000460 WITH COLLIN TALBERT. >> Collin: BACK ON TUESDAY 8JLX_TYXizE-00006-00000460-00000650 WITH COLLIN TALBERT. >> Collin: BACK ON TUESDAY SEBEKA AND PILLING ENGINEER 8JLX_TYXizE-00007-00000650-00000657 >> Collin: BACK ON TUESDAY SEBEKA AND PILLING ENGINEER 8JLX_TYXizE-00008-00000657-00000804 >> Collin: BACK ON TUESDAY SEBEKA AND PILLING ENGINEER SOFTBALL MET FOR A CHANCE TO GET 8JLX_TYXizE-00009-00000804-00000810 SEBEKA AND PILLING ENGINEER SOFTBALL MET FOR A CHANCE TO GET 8JLX_TYXizE-00010-00000810-00001494 SEBEKA AND PILLING ENGINEER SOFTBALL MET FOR A CHANCE TO GET TO THE GAME TODAY. 8JLX_TYXizE-00011-00001494-00001501 SOFTBALL MET FOR A CHANCE TO GET TO THE GAME TODAY. 8JLX_TYXizE-00012-00001501-00001564 SOFTBALL MET FOR A CHANCE TO GET TO THE GAME TODAY. PILLAGER WON 12-9, AND SEBEKA 8JLX_TYXizE-00013-00001564-00001571 TO THE GAME TODAY. PILLAGER WON 12-9, AND SEBEKA 8JLX_TYXizE-00014-00001571-00001628 TO THE GAME TODAY. PILLAGER WON 12-9, AND SEBEKA HAD TO WIN ANOTHER GAME TO 8JLX_TYXizE-00015-00001628-00001634 PILLAGER WON 12-9, AND SEBEKA HAD TO WIN ANOTHER GAME TO 8JLX_TYXizE-00016-00001634-00001694 PILLAGER WON 12-9, AND SEBEKA HAD TO WIN ANOTHER GAME TO SET THIS UP. 8JLX_TYXizE-00017-00001694-00001701 HAD TO WIN ANOTHER GAME TO SET THIS UP. 8JLX_TYXizE-00018-00001701-00001764 HAD TO WIN ANOTHER GAME TO SET THIS UP. THIS ONE FOR A TRIP TO STATE, 8JLX_TYXizE-00019-00001764-00001771 SET THIS UP. THIS ONE FOR A TRIP TO STATE, 8JLX_TYXizE-00020-00001771-00001831 SET THIS UP. THIS ONE FOR A TRIP TO STATE, MIRANDA PAANANEN ON THE HILL 8JLX_TYXizE-00021-00001831-00001838 THIS ONE FOR A TRIP TO STATE, MIRANDA PAANANEN ON THE HILL 8JLX_TYXizE-00022-00001838-00001911 THIS ONE FOR A TRIP TO STATE, MIRANDA PAANANEN ON THE HILL FOR THE HUSKIES, AND SHE'LL GET 8JLX_TYXizE-00023-00001911-00001918 MIRANDA PAANANEN ON THE HILL FOR THE HUSKIES, AND SHE'LL GET 8JLX_TYXizE-00024-00001918-00001985 MIRANDA PAANANEN ON THE HILL FOR THE HUSKIES, AND SHE'LL GET THE STRIKEOUT AND THE HELP DOWN 8JLX_TYXizE-00025-00001985-00001991 FOR THE HUSKIES, AND SHE'LL GET THE STRIKEOUT AND THE HELP DOWN 8JLX_TYXizE-00026-00001991-00002058 FOR THE HUSKIES, AND SHE'LL GET THE STRIKEOUT AND THE HELP DOWN AT SECOND BASE, A LITTLE STRIKE 8JLX_TYXizE-00027-00002058-00002065 THE STRIKEOUT AND THE HELP DOWN AT SECOND BASE, A LITTLE STRIKE 8JLX_TYXizE-00028-00002065-00002142 THE STRIKEOUT AND THE HELP DOWN AT SECOND BASE, A LITTLE STRIKE EM' OUT THROW EM' OUT TO END 8JLX_TYXizE-00029-00002142-00002148 AT SECOND BASE, A LITTLE STRIKE EM' OUT THROW EM' OUT TO END 8JLX_TYXizE-00030-00002148-00002362 AT SECOND BASE, A LITTLE STRIKE EM' OUT THROW EM' OUT TO END THE THIRD. 8JLX_TYXizE-00031-00002362-00002369 EM' OUT THROW EM' OUT TO END THE THIRD. 8JLX_TYXizE-00032-00002369-00002562 EM' OUT THROW EM' OUT TO END THE THIRD. SEBEKA THOUGH TRYING TO MOUNT A 8JLX_TYXizE-00033-00002562-00002569 THE THIRD. SEBEKA THOUGH TRYING TO MOUNT A 8JLX_TYXizE-00034-00002569-00002722 THE THIRD. SEBEKA THOUGH TRYING TO MOUNT A COMEBACK, MIRANDA MISHANDLING 8JLX_TYXizE-00035-00002722-00002729 SEBEKA THOUGH TRYING TO MOUNT A COMEBACK, MIRANDA MISHANDLING 8JLX_TYXizE-00036-00002729-00002806 SEBEKA THOUGH TRYING TO MOUNT A COMEBACK, MIRANDA MISHANDLING THE BUNT OFF OF THE MOUND, A RUN 8JLX_TYXizE-00037-00002806-00002812 COMEBACK, MIRANDA MISHANDLING THE BUNT OFF OF THE MOUND, A RUN 8JLX_TYXizE-00038-00002812-00003029 COMEBACK, MIRANDA MISHANDLING THE BUNT OFF OF THE MOUND, A RUN WILL SCORE AND THE TROJANS ARE 8JLX_TYXizE-00039-00003029-00003036 THE BUNT OFF OF THE MOUND, A RUN WILL SCORE AND THE TROJANS ARE 8JLX_TYXizE-00040-00003036-00003159 THE BUNT OFF OF THE MOUND, A RUN WILL SCORE AND THE TROJANS ARE NOW JUST DOWN BY TWO. 8JLX_TYXizE-00041-00003159-00003166 WILL SCORE AND THE TROJANS ARE NOW JUST DOWN BY TWO. 8JLX_TYXizE-00042-00003166-00003429 WILL SCORE AND THE TROJANS ARE NOW JUST DOWN BY TWO. BUT PILLAGER WOULD SETTLE DOWN 8JLX_TYXizE-00043-00003429-00003436 NOW JUST DOWN BY TWO. BUT PILLAGER WOULD SETTLE DOWN 8JLX_TYXizE-00044-00003436-00003506 NOW JUST DOWN BY TWO. BUT PILLAGER WOULD SETTLE DOWN AND TACK ON SOME INSURANCE 8JLX_TYXizE-00045-00003506-00003513 BUT PILLAGER WOULD SETTLE DOWN AND TACK ON SOME INSURANCE 8JLX_TYXizE-00046-00003513-00003606 BUT PILLAGER WOULD SETTLE DOWN AND TACK ON SOME INSURANCE HERE, SAVANNAH SPRAU CROSSES THE 8JLX_TYXizE-00047-00003606-00003613 AND TACK ON SOME INSURANCE HERE, SAVANNAH SPRAU CROSSES THE 8JLX_TYXizE-00048-00003613-00003830 AND TACK ON SOME INSURANCE HERE, SAVANNAH SPRAU CROSSES THE PLATE TO GIVE THE HUSKIES AN 8JLX_TYXizE-00049-00003830-00003837 HERE, SAVANNAH SPRAU CROSSES THE PLATE TO GIVE THE HUSKIES AN 8JLX_TYXizE-00050-00003837-00003980 HERE, SAVANNAH SPRAU CROSSES THE PLATE TO GIVE THE HUSKIES AN 8-5 LEAD, AND THAT'S YOUR FINAL, 8JLX_TYXizE-00051-00003980-00003987 PLATE TO GIVE THE HUSKIES AN 8-5 LEAD, AND THAT'S YOUR FINAL, 8JLX_TYXizE-00052-00003987-00004134 PLATE TO GIVE THE HUSKIES AN 8-5 LEAD, AND THAT'S YOUR FINAL, GET YOUR DANCING SHOES 8JLX_TYXizE-00053-00004134-00004140 8-5 LEAD, AND THAT'S YOUR FINAL, GET YOUR DANCING SHOES 8JLX_TYXizE-00054-00004140-00004234 8-5 LEAD, AND THAT'S YOUR FINAL, GET YOUR DANCING SHOES ON IN PILLAGER, CAUSE THEY ARE 8JLX_TYXizE-00055-00004234-00004240 GET YOUR DANCING SHOES ON IN PILLAGER, CAUSE THEY ARE 8JLX_TYXizE-00056-00004240-00004364 GET YOUR DANCING SHOES ON IN PILLAGER, CAUSE THEY ARE HEADED TO THE STATE TOURNAMENT, 8JLX_TYXizE-00057-00004364-00004371 ON IN PILLAGER, CAUSE THEY ARE HEADED TO THE STATE TOURNAMENT, 8JLX_TYXizE-00058-00004371-00004431 ON IN PILLAGER, CAUSE THEY ARE HEADED TO THE STATE TOURNAMENT, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SCHOOL 8JLX_TYXizE-00059-00004431-00004437 HEADED TO THE STATE TOURNAMENT, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SCHOOL 8JLX_TYXizE-00060-00004437-00005011 HEADED TO THE STATE TOURNAMENT, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SCHOOL HISTORY. 8JLX_TYXizE-00061-00005011-00005018 FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SCHOOL HISTORY. 8JLX_TYXizE-00062-00005018-00005231 FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SCHOOL HISTORY. >> ALL THESE GIRLS, IT WAS WELL 8JLX_TYXizE-00063-00005231-00005238 HISTORY. >> ALL THESE GIRLS, IT WAS WELL 8JLX_TYXizE-00064-00005238-00005268 HISTORY. >> ALL THESE GIRLS, IT WAS WELL DESERVED. 8JLX_TYXizE-00065-00005268-00005275 >> ALL THESE GIRLS, IT WAS WELL DESERVED. 8JLX_TYXizE-00066-00005275-00005488 >> ALL THESE GIRLS, IT WAS WELL DESERVED. THEY WORK HARD, AND THEY KEPT 8JLX_TYXizE-00067-00005488-00005495 DESERVED. THEY WORK HARD, AND THEY KEPT 8JLX_TYXizE-00068-00005495-00005568 DESERVED. THEY WORK HARD, AND THEY KEPT GOING. 8JLX_TYXizE-00069-00005568-00005575 THEY WORK HARD, AND THEY KEPT GOING. 8JLX_TYXizE-00070-00005575-00005742 THEY WORK HARD, AND THEY KEPT GOING. 11-0 THE LAST 11 GAMES. 8JLX_TYXizE-00071-00005742-00005749 GOING. 11-0 THE LAST 11 GAMES. 8JLX_TYXizE-00072-00005749-00005832 GOING. 11-0 THE LAST 11 GAMES. IT'S BEEN GREAT. 8JLX_TYXizE-00073-00005832-00005839 11-0 THE LAST 11 GAMES. IT'S BEEN GREAT. 8JLX_TYXizE-00074-00005839-00006042 11-0 THE LAST 11 GAMES. IT'S BEEN GREAT. THEY ARE PLAYING WELL, HITTING 8JLX_TYXizE-00075-00006042-00006049 IT'S BEEN GREAT. THEY ARE PLAYING WELL, HITTING 8JLX_TYXizE-00076-00006049-00006232 IT'S BEEN GREAT. THEY ARE PLAYING WELL, HITTING WELL, FIELDING WELL, AND I'M 8JLX_TYXizE-00077-00006232-00006239 THEY ARE PLAYING WELL, HITTING WELL, FIELDING WELL, AND I'M 8JLX_TYXizE-00078-00006239-00006429 THEY ARE PLAYING WELL, HITTING WELL, FIELDING WELL, AND I'M PROUD OF THESE GIRLS, THEY ARE A 8JLX_TYXizE-00079-00006429-00006436 WELL, FIELDING WELL, AND I'M PROUD OF THESE GIRLS, THEY ARE A 8JLX_TYXizE-00080-00006436-00006589 WELL, FIELDING WELL, AND I'M PROUD OF THESE GIRLS, THEY ARE A REALLY GREAT TEAM. 8JLX_TYXizE-00081-00006589-00006596 PROUD OF THESE GIRLS, THEY ARE A REALLY GREAT TEAM. 8JLX_TYXizE-00082-00006596-00006700 PROUD OF THESE GIRLS, THEY ARE A REALLY GREAT TEAM. >> Collin: 8-5 THE FINAL, 8LbzPcXA8Eg-00000-00030842-00031048 you 8pViVuIA3fc-00000-00000331-00000531 Hello guys, Welcome to ABF. 8pViVuIA3fc-00001-00000612-00001314 ABF would like to share How to work with Hinge marking feature. 8pViVuIA3fc-00002-00001384-00001817 First, open [Setting] and click the hinge tab, 8pViVuIA3fc-00003-00001837-00002176 take a look at these existing options of ABF hinge parameters. 8pViVuIA3fc-00004-00002196-00002432 These ticks are used to display the type of hinge 8pViVuIA3fc-00005-00002450-00002650 when you choose the hinge marking command. 8pViVuIA3fc-00006-00002675-00002966 Chosen type will show up when being used. 8pViVuIA3fc-00007-00003034-00003292 You can also create a new hinge type with the [Create New] button, 8pViVuIA3fc-00008-00003311-00003576 remember to name it for better distinction while using. 8pViVuIA3fc-00009-00003686-00003886 Input drill hole diameter 8pViVuIA3fc-00010-00003907-00004147 and layer or tag containing that hole 8pViVuIA3fc-00011-00004202-00004580 Change position parameters to suit actual use. 8pViVuIA3fc-00012-00004682-00005147 You can input the hinge price to calculate the cost when making statistics. 8pViVuIA3fc-00013-00005308-00005753 For example, now we will choose 4 types of hinges to use for this cabinet model. 8pViVuIA3fc-00014-00005835-00006279 When mark fittings, switch to Style X-ray for better view. 8pViVuIA3fc-00015-00006343-00006543 Click [Hinge] 8pViVuIA3fc-00016-00006563-00006762 Look at the left corner, you will see 8pViVuIA3fc-00017-00006783-00007043 the types of hinges that you selected have displayed. 8pViVuIA3fc-00018-00007063-00007270 Now choose a suitable hinge. 8pViVuIA3fc-00019-00007352-00007695 Let's take a look at the cross section to use the correct hinge. 8pViVuIA3fc-00020-00007753-00008119 These positions will use Full Overlay Hinge, also known as A hinge. 8pViVuIA3fc-00021-00008163-00008510 This position will be the insert hinge, or we also called C hinge. 8pViVuIA3fc-00022-00008798-00009121 We start marking by clicking on the [Hinge] button. 8pViVuIA3fc-00023-00009160-00009325 Choose the right hinge type. 8pViVuIA3fc-00024-00009343-00009543 Click the cabinet door that used to attached the door wing, 8pViVuIA3fc-00025-00009563-00009799 Click the sheet that used to attach the frame wing. 8pViVuIA3fc-00026-00009820-00010039 Marking signs will appear. 8pViVuIA3fc-00027-00010126-00010346 You can change those markings position by 8pViVuIA3fc-00028-00010365-00010576 typing numbers on the keyboard. 8pViVuIA3fc-00029-00010621-00010924 Click the marking where you want to mark the hinge at. 8pViVuIA3fc-00030-00011014-00011314 In this case we can hold SHIFT and click on the marking, 8pViVuIA3fc-00031-00011331-00011592 we can mark 2 symmetrical hinges. 8pViVuIA3fc-00032-00011616-00011787 Type the number, then Enter. 8pViVuIA3fc-00033-00011800-00012000 Hold SHIFT and click on the marking like this, 8pViVuIA3fc-00034-00012014-00012345 and click without holding SHIFT to choose a single marking. 8pViVuIA3fc-00035-00012408-00012808 Or we can turn on automatic hinge split mode to get 3, 4 or 5 hinges. 8pViVuIA3fc-00036-00013053-00013762 Hold SHIFT and Click on the marking to get more marking at a time. 8pViVuIA3fc-00037-00014783-00015307 Turn off hinge splitting mode by clicking again on the number. 8pViVuIA3fc-00038-00015684-00015969 Click on the Statist to view quantity 8pViVuIA3fc-00039-00015990-00016316 If you haven't entered unit price when created fittings, 8pViVuIA3fc-00040-00016332-00016622 you can enter them here as well. 8pViVuIA3fc-00041-00016726-00017117 ABF will automatically update unit price in the settings. 8pViVuIA3fc-00042-00017367-00017749 If you change this unit price to 11,500vnd 8pViVuIA3fc-00043-00017836-00018146 ABF will also update new price in the settings. 8pViVuIA3fc-00044-00018176-00018338 Very synchronous. 8pViVuIA3fc-00045-00018376-00018558 To Remove Marked Hinge: 8pViVuIA3fc-00046-00018576-00018975 Please note, because we have set this hinge with 2 parts 8pViVuIA3fc-00047-00018995-00019264 so when remove it, we have to go into Cabinet Door Group, 8pViVuIA3fc-00048-00019283-00019557 erase the door wing and the drill hole. 8pViVuIA3fc-00049-00019589-00019948 Next, go to Side Group to erase the screw that mounted the frame wing. 8pViVuIA3fc-00050-00020068-00020561 After completed deleting, ABF will also automatically update the number of new hinges. 8pViVuIA3fc-00051-00020839-00021289 Created fittings stay in correct layers or tags 8pViVuIA3fc-00052-00021308-00021508 just as what you set it. 8pViVuIA3fc-00053-00021529-00021818 You can turn on and off Layers or Tags. 8pViVuIA3fc-00054-00022009-00022217 just as what you set. 8pViVuIA3fc-00055-00022541-00022919 You can delete the entire fittings, by deleting Layer or Tags, 8pViVuIA3fc-00056-00022949-00023277 Check delete content, click OK. 8pViVuIA3fc-00057-00023344-00023819 Now, let's try to practice marking the Full Hinge in this example model. 8pViVuIA3fc-00058-00023931-00024232 chill a bit with some music bros, 8pViVuIA3fc-00059-00031332-00031777 Now click Label for ABF to calculate the detailed parameters correctly . 8pViVuIA3fc-00060-00031798-00032258 Then click Nesting for ABF to arrange parts into standard panel. 8pViVuIA3fc-00061-00032316-00032516 Let's check the results bro. 8pViVuIA3fc-00062-00032536-00032988 I will hide Layers => ABF_Label for better view. 8pViVuIA3fc-00063-00033140-00033450 Since we have separated layers or tags, 8pViVuIA3fc-00064-00033360-00033864 you can choose whether or not to let CNC machining that fittings. 8pViVuIA3fc-00065-00033979-00034370 There are many ways for the edge banding machine not to break the edge 8pViVuIA3fc-00066-00034389-00034589 after we drill the hinge hole. 8pViVuIA3fc-00067-00035226-00035426 You can register to join the community of 8pViVuIA3fc-00068-00035446-00035646 Lean Process - trained by ABF 8pViVuIA3fc-00069-00035666-00036096 in order to share and learn experience working in industrial furniture. 8pViVuIA3fc-00070-00036116-00036406 Thanks for watching 8pViVuIA3fc-00071-00036426-00036889 Please share if this video is helpful to your work. 8Pqi4lrOzfI-00000-00001715-00001815 foreign 8Pqi4lrOzfI-00001-00001815-00002881 [Applause] 8Pqi4lrOzfI-00002-00002881-00003980 [Applause] 8Pqi4lrOzfI-00003-00003980-00004329 guilty 8Pqi4lrOzfI-00004-00004329-00004575 foreign 8Py0R7aNrVE-00000-00000008-00000432 okay let's get started i have so much content so my name is carson anderson i'm here from domo 8Py0R7aNrVE-00001-00000432-00000816 i'm here to talk about kubernetes though so don't worry it's not a pitch at all for domo 8Py0R7aNrVE-00002-00000816-00001200 right there is my github at carsonoid that's where you can contact me and you can get the full source 8Py0R7aNrVE-00003-00001200-00001600 for this presentation the whole thing's open source um to start off who's read the description 8Py0R7aNrVE-00004-00001600-00001984 for the session and you're thinking to yourself how is he gonna fit all of that into 35 minutes 8Py0R7aNrVE-00005-00002128-00002504 yeah i thought i'd have an hour um the good news is i have a link at the end of the slides 8Py0R7aNrVE-00006-00002504-00002888 i've pre-recorded the whole thing unabridged and you can go watch that and i go through things a 8Py0R7aNrVE-00007-00002888-00003279 little slower i'm going to skip some stuff and i'm going to tailor this to you so raise your hand if 8Py0R7aNrVE-00008-00003279-00003584 you've used docker before all right that's good we can skip some stuff raise your hand if you've 8Py0R7aNrVE-00009-00003584-00004008 used kubernetes before okay raise your hand if you really want to know the dirty work of kubernetes 8Py0R7aNrVE-00010-00004008-00004440 oh good good good okay we're going into the dirty work of kubernetes i know the keynotes are all 8Py0R7aNrVE-00011-00004440-00004856 about magic but i'm all about real like it's behind the scenes we're going to pull apart the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00012-00004856-00005192 curtains so before i do that i've been thinking about how to describe this it's not a deep dive 8Py0R7aNrVE-00013-00005192-00005672 it's whatever the inverse of a deep dive is this is a like low altitude flight over the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00014-00005672-00006040 landscape of kubernetes we're going to breeze by everything and i don't have time to focus on any 8Py0R7aNrVE-00015-00006040-00006368 one bit because we're going to run right by it but hopefully this gives you an idea where everything 8Py0R7aNrVE-00016-00006368-00006736 fits together and you can go kind of look up the details later let's get right into it i'm going 8Py0R7aNrVE-00017-00006736-00007095 to start with the basic user section this is where we just make a really basic kubernetes application 8Py0R7aNrVE-00018-00007095-00007488 so we can talk about the magic behind it in the deeper section let's get right into it so for the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00019-00007488-00007888 basic user i don't care about the details i'm going to just really quickly make some stuff 8Py0R7aNrVE-00020-00007888-00008232 and i'm going to start with containers we're all docker people so i can skip this so we won't have 8Py0R7aNrVE-00021-00008232-00008608 something we want to containerize like this application this presentation that's really just 8Py0R7aNrVE-00022-00008608-00009064 a file system you type that file system up stick it inside a box put some metadata on it so you 8Py0R7aNrVE-00023-00009064-00009424 know what kind of runtime information it needs stick some labels on it so you can identify it 8Py0R7aNrVE-00024-00009424-00009872 amongst all your other images awesome you've got one container one application one process tree 8Py0R7aNrVE-00025-00009872-00010200 you're doing containers right but we all know that that's not really enough a lot of times 8Py0R7aNrVE-00026-00010200-00010624 you want to run things together one application and don't do it systems that's a bad idea you 8Py0R7aNrVE-00027-00010624-00011032 want something better you want to run maybe a prometheus exporter next your application you 8Py0R7aNrVE-00028-00011032-00011408 want them tightly coupled you want to put an envoy sidecar you've heard this a lot maybe even some 8Py0R7aNrVE-00029-00011408-00011856 volume data and docker doesn't really provide the low-level tools for that but kubernetes does right 8Py0R7aNrVE-00030-00011856-00012232 it's the pod we all know what a pod is i'm going to skip a lot of this part is a container multiple 8Py0R7aNrVE-00031-00012232-00012688 containers container and a volume any combination of all those things it's what kubernetes executes 8Py0R7aNrVE-00032-00012688-00013104 you'll kind of see it used interchangeably between pod and container in fact the docs even do this 8Py0R7aNrVE-00033-00013104-00013512 but really it's always paused so we can make a pod we can deploy this presentation in with one 8Py0R7aNrVE-00034-00013512-00013968 pot awesome but what we we want fault tolerance we want load balancing we want two pods they can 8Py0R7aNrVE-00035-00013968-00014384 make two pods manually we all know this no that sucks so we're gonna make a deployment right and 8Py0R7aNrVE-00036-00014384-00014768 a deployment um is just everything it needs to know about how to create the pod the replicas and 8Py0R7aNrVE-00037-00014768-00015160 how to label it so we make a deployment and it's gonna make the pods quick note on the symbology 8Py0R7aNrVE-00038-00015160-00015512 here everything in kubernetes is gonna look like this there's lots of properties underneath the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00039-00015512-00015824 name i'm only gonna point out the ones i care about at any point in time there's way more 8Py0R7aNrVE-00040-00015824-00016168 than just a port to find in these paws but we make an appointment we've got our application running 8Py0R7aNrVE-00041-00016168-00016520 that's really cool but we need to get to it and kubernetes we need to get to it the service so we 8Py0R7aNrVE-00042-00016520-00016928 take our service pointed out our pods and that's how you go inside the cluster at either service ip 8Py0R7aNrVE-00043-00016928-00017304 your name and you get to your pods and then you do cool things like use the selectors so that 8Py0R7aNrVE-00044-00017304-00017672 as things change we change the image in the cert in the deployment it's going to change and 8Py0R7aNrVE-00045-00017672-00018072 cycle out again i'm skipping this watch the video so we just pointed the service it's magic 8Py0R7aNrVE-00046-00018072-00018400 i'm going to tell you how that happens later but i want to understand what we're creating as a basic 8Py0R7aNrVE-00047-00018400-00018784 user finally even you people that using kubernetes a lot may not have used ingress yet ingress rules 8Py0R7aNrVE-00048-00018784-00019144 this is the way we get from outside the cluster into the cluster so we create rules that say hey 8Py0R7aNrVE-00049-00019144-00019464 if you're coming into a predefined load balancer again as a basic user i don't care i'm just going 8Py0R7aNrVE-00050-00019464-00019808 to assume it's there i will break it down you come into a load balancer destined for that host 8Py0R7aNrVE-00051-00019808-00020224 go to this service traverse all the way through awesome we do that with master access right we 8Py0R7aNrVE-00052-00020224-00020568 have a place to go credentials we're going to use cube cuddle i know they don't use cube cuddle but 8Py0R7aNrVE-00053-00020568-00020920 i'm a really basic user so we're going to use an imperative create a namespace called this thing 8Py0R7aNrVE-00054-00020920-00021344 declaratives create and something defined in this yammel here's the i mean this is boilerplate this 8Py0R7aNrVE-00055-00021344-00021696 is like day one kubernetes stuff we've got a deployment with all the selectors all the pod 8Py0R7aNrVE-00056-00021696-00022128 spec we've got the service using both the uh load balancing discovery and abstraction parts of the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00057-00022128-00022504 service notice the service listens on 80 but we're going to uh some weird port on the back 8Py0R7aNrVE-00058-00022504-00022840 end that's fine and we're creating that ingress rule against just a rule says hey if you're going 8Py0R7aNrVE-00059-00022840-00023176 to this host name anything under this path go to this service and this service port using the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00060-00023176-00023544 service abstraction so take your credentials our files send them to kubernetes and kubernetes is 8Py0R7aNrVE-00061-00023544-00023832 going to spit out the things we asked for that makes sense it's also going to spit out some 8Py0R7aNrVE-00062-00023832-00024200 things we didn't really explicitly ask for but we expected also kind of note these weird names i'll 8Py0R7aNrVE-00063-00024200-00024576 tell you where those come from in a bit let's do it while i'm doing it you can start loading either 8Py0R7aNrVE-00064-00024576-00025032 of those and hopefully it should stop getting 404s here in a bit i've also got at the bottom one just 8Py0R7aNrVE-00065-00025032-00025384 redirects you to the other so for the basic demo this is just auto types i'm not going to 8Py0R7aNrVE-00066-00025384-00025816 fat finger stuff you configure the master address you're going to the credentials we knew we needed 8Py0R7aNrVE-00067-00025816-00026183 that use a context to tie them together and then use that context so you can just switch around in 8Py0R7aNrVE-00068-00026183-00026560 clusters awesome now let's make them basic users i'm going to make things really simply i'm going 8Py0R7aNrVE-00069-00026560-00027008 to imperative create the namespace and then one at a time throw my yaml files at it this is not 8Py0R7aNrVE-00070-00027008-00027416 advanced but i'm a basic user this is simple so there we go we're making all our stuff we're gonna 8Py0R7aNrVE-00071-00027416-00027783 get it say oh all right so someone raise your hand as soon as that loads just start hitting refresh 8Py0R7aNrVE-00072-00027783-00028088 on your and from now on if you're looking at your laptops i'm just gonna assume you're looking at 8Py0R7aNrVE-00073-00028088-00028472 my slide this is how you guys can follow along if you can't see what i'm doing so this is not 8Py0R7aNrVE-00074-00028472-00028927 fancy right has anyone got the application up yet okay um we'll move on i don't really i'm gonna go 8Py0R7aNrVE-00075-00028927-00029392 back to my slides it's up all right awesome it's all the slides it's just web server files so 8Py0R7aNrVE-00076-00029392-00029760 i'm a basic user yeah i've deployed my application but you guys are here for the meat let's get into 8Py0R7aNrVE-00077-00029760-00030112 the meat for the cluster admin i'm not satisfied i want to point out these symbols i've scattered 8Py0R7aNrVE-00078-00030112-00030456 them all over this section and a little bit in the rest they are places where you can replace 8Py0R7aNrVE-00079-00030456-00030832 extend and highly configure kubernetes i'm not pointing out all of them i've learned 8Py0R7aNrVE-00080-00030832-00031183 there's stuff i don't even know you can add on to like you guys know now it's built to be extended 8Py0R7aNrVE-00081-00031183-00031639 upon but i'm going to point out some big ones um throughout the session so send files to kubernetes 8Py0R7aNrVE-00082-00031639-00031992 we got stuff but we know kubernetes isn't a just a nebulous thing we've been calling it that the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00083-00031992-00032376 whole set uh conference but it's actually a bunch of things it's even more than this these are just 8Py0R7aNrVE-00084-00032376-00032744 the big ones the top three are master components the bottom two are primarily node components but 8Py0R7aNrVE-00085-00032744-00033080 they can run on the masters i'm gonna cover them all one at a time also notice basically 8Py0R7aNrVE-00086-00033080-00033496 everything's pluggable replaceable configurable in fact cubelet uh i've learned some stuff that's 8Py0R7aNrVE-00087-00033496-00033872 replaceable like rocket led swaps out cubelet so really basically everything in kubernetes can be 8Py0R7aNrVE-00088-00033872-00034328 replaced or extended starting with the api server when we send our files into the api and got stuff 8Py0R7aNrVE-00089-00034328-00034632 we kind of guess that was the api server that makes a lot of sense notice we've got our first 8Py0R7aNrVE-00090-00034632-00035008 extension here this is custom resource definitions and the api server extension they talk about this 8Py0R7aNrVE-00091-00035008-00035304 in the keynote i don't have time but they're really cool ways just like kubernetes do the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00092-00035304-00035760 dirty work of adding stuff to the api we sent it in we got stuff out but those things don't live in 8Py0R7aNrVE-00093-00035760-00036200 the ether these resources have to live somewhere and again you guys know this it's scd or an scd 8Py0R7aNrVE-00094-00036200-00036616 cluster more commonly scd is great because a lot of the power and like reactivity of kubernetes is 8Py0R7aNrVE-00095-00036616-00036944 just fcd features like surfaced up through the api like they didn't even write themselves they 8Py0R7aNrVE-00096-00036944-00037320 just use scd features um it's distributed fault tolerant all that good stuff and that's all the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00097-00037320-00037728 api server is it's not magic it's just the heart and veins of kubernetes that's how everything 8Py0R7aNrVE-00098-00037728-00038088 connects up and talks to everything else but it's not doing anything for you now that magic's really 8Py0R7aNrVE-00099-00038088-00038496 there uh we'll move on to the scheduler scheduler is the best analogy i've heard is it's the major 8Py0R7aNrVE-00100-00038496-00038928 d of kubernetes right so it's gonna hook up to the api server with a long watch this is one of those 8Py0R7aNrVE-00101-00038928-00039376 sed features that's really cool it's kind of a pub sub event model so basically nothing kubernetes if 8Py0R7aNrVE-00102-00039376-00039776 you're doing it right is like listing and checking for differences and reacting it's just telling me 8Py0R7aNrVE-00103-00039776-00040200 hey i'm subscribed to all of these tell me about it and i'll react instantly everything uses that 8Py0R7aNrVE-00104-00040200-00040528 so it's watching api server and just watching for pods that need a place to live like the maitre d 8Py0R7aNrVE-00105-00040528-00040928 sits at a restaurant says i got people coming in i got lots of tables i'm gonna make decision who 8Py0R7aNrVE-00106-00040928-00041360 sits where so the scheduler says okay you you live there you live there there's lots of ways 8Py0R7aNrVE-00107-00041360-00041800 to influence that decision uh it's really really highly configurable so i don't have time to cover 8Py0R7aNrVE-00108-00041800-00042160 all of these this is basically things you put in the pod or node and then you give scheduling 8Py0R7aNrVE-00109-00042160-00042536 information about what your service needs what your pod needs and it'll make smart decisions 8Py0R7aNrVE-00110-00042536-00042880 about where to run it but if that's not good enough for you replace the scheduler write your 8Py0R7aNrVE-00111-00042880-00043248 own custom scheduler it's not that i've seen it done in a few lines of bash i've seen it done as 8Py0R7aNrVE-00112-00043248-00043600 easy as pod doesn't have a place to live first node next pod next node it's not smart but you 8Py0R7aNrVE-00113-00043600-00043968 can do it um and it's really the custom schedule is really useful if you need to make scheduling 8Py0R7aNrVE-00114-00043968-00044344 decisions based on outside information that the regular scheduler just doesn't know about and if 8Py0R7aNrVE-00115-00044344-00044720 you are worried about doing that do both you can do both you can run the cube scheduler and just 8Py0R7aNrVE-00116-00044720-00045200 let it do the default for all the pods and just per pod say oh no for this pod use that scheduler 8Py0R7aNrVE-00117-00045200-00045544 to decide where he lives so that's really cool that's the scheduler it's major d controller 8Py0R7aNrVE-00118-00045544-00045952 manager if the api server is the heart this is the brain he's the thing that made all this stuff if 8Py0R7aNrVE-00119-00045952-00046320 we had time to poke around in the api we didn't make almost any of this we made like two things 8Py0R7aNrVE-00120-00046320-00046696 on here and tons of other stuff got created and it's a controller manager that's doing that but 8Py0R7aNrVE-00121-00046696-00047144 notice it's the controller manager and just like a real life manager he's not doing any work himself 8Py0R7aNrVE-00122-00047296-00047656 he's in charge of the guys that do the work um inside the controller manager there's way 8Py0R7aNrVE-00123-00047656-00048040 more than three i'm just pointing out there's all these core control loops that do that sit 8Py0R7aNrVE-00124-00048040-00048408 there and watch and make one specific thing one bit of logic happen for kubernetes we've 8Py0R7aNrVE-00125-00048408-00048760 got the extension here this is you heard it this morning this is the operator pattern or custom 8Py0R7aNrVE-00126-00048760-00049144 controllers this is actually even easier now with the meta controller which i'm really excited about 8Py0R7aNrVE-00127-00049144-00049496 this is almost always paired with custom resource definitions we're using this right now to 8Py0R7aNrVE-00128-00049496-00049880 basically add nodes to our cluster by creating an extra resource in kubernetes that says i want 8Py0R7aNrVE-00129-00049880-00050304 more nodes and it'll make them um so all these controllers talk to a bunch of things in the api 8Py0R7aNrVE-00130-00050304-00050632 it is not a one-to-one i'm just showing you there's lots and lots of these connections all the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00131-00050632-00051080 controllers are watching and making things happen these are the proactive parts of kubernetes so for 8Py0R7aNrVE-00132-00051080-00051536 example a user creates a namespace a controller makes a service account another controller makes 8Py0R7aNrVE-00133-00051536-00052032 a secret a user makes a deployment a controller makes a replica set another controller makes no 8Py0R7aNrVE-00134-00052032-00052416 user makes a service a controller makes an endpoint object points it at the pods i didn't 8Py0R7aNrVE-00135-00052416-00052848 i'm not going to cover endpoint they're really just kind of the actual routing meet of services i 8Py0R7aNrVE-00136-00052848-00053224 just want you to see that this is the part that's reactive this is when you say kubernetes quote 8Py0R7aNrVE-00137-00053224-00053600 unquote did something for me it's a controller in the controller manager that did that and with kind 8Py0R7aNrVE-00138-00053600-00054040 of advanced logging and making and using our back extensively you can actually get really cool logs 8Py0R7aNrVE-00139-00054040-00054424 that say exactly which piece did what action to all your resources so let's control our manager 8Py0R7aNrVE-00140-00054424-00054840 the master components we have the heart and the veins the major d and the brain these bottom two 8Py0R7aNrVE-00141-00054840-00055176 do sometimes run the masters and i'll cover that in the cloud section but they're primarily node 8Py0R7aNrVE-00142-00055176-00055608 components cubelet's job is he hooks up to the api server like everything else does and his job is to 8Py0R7aNrVE-00143-00055608-00056055 live on every single node and make containers real all he's there for so he's watching said oh i'm on 8Py0R7aNrVE-00144-00056055-00056448 this node you have this pod that's scheduled there the major d said go sit there somebody has to make 8Py0R7aNrVE-00145-00056448-00056808 it real and that is the cubelet he talks to your container runtime there's actually way more than 8Py0R7aNrVE-00146-00056808-00057144 those two those just two i'm going to talk about again anything that uses the standard runtime 8Py0R7aNrVE-00147-00057144-00057567 interfaces can do this talk to the runtime creates the pod makes the container real he 8Py0R7aNrVE-00148-00057567-00057944 also does cool things like liveness probes like your process is running that doesn't mean you're 8Py0R7aNrVE-00149-00057944-00058336 alive and readiness checks like are you ready to receive traffic so he's constantly checking up 8Py0R7aNrVE-00150-00058336-00058752 on these containers reporting information back up the api server just makes containers real q 8Py0R7aNrVE-00151-00058752-00059104 proxy i'm going to gloss way over this because it's in really depth in the network section in 8Py0R7aNrVE-00152-00059104-00059496 a second but basically his job is to talk to the api server and everything connects to the veins 8Py0R7aNrVE-00153-00059496-00059952 and makes services real so he's constantly watching for all services and on every node every 8Py0R7aNrVE-00154-00059952-00060376 single service is remade real all the time by q proxy so if something changes about the underlying 8Py0R7aNrVE-00155-00060376-00060784 service a pod behind it changes goes away q proxy makes it real new one comes in you proxy makes 8Py0R7aNrVE-00156-00060784-00061167 it real it's just this whole job and you can completely swap out q proxy entirely different 8Py0R7aNrVE-00157-00061167-00061560 network providers do this load balancing companies do this i've seen it done with just linux kernel 8Py0R7aNrVE-00158-00061560-00062079 features um there's a lot of ways to do that and that's it that's the magic behind kubernetes quote 8Py0R7aNrVE-00159-00062079-00062479 unquote and where all that stuff you made a couple things and where it all went and how it all worked 8Py0R7aNrVE-00160-00062479-00062855 let's talk about networking in more detail so for network admin i want to know that actually 8Py0R7aNrVE-00161-00062855-00063255 how things talk to each other i care i know we're not supposed to but i do so we're going to kind 8Py0R7aNrVE-00162-00063255-00063616 of take the basic stuff we made and starting with the pods explain the way the networking works in 8Py0R7aNrVE-00163-00063616-00064000 kubernetes i'm just covering default kubernetes networking the provider you use may change a lot 8Py0R7aNrVE-00164-00064000-00064408 of this but by d you know every pod in kubernetes is a fundamental tenant has a unique ip that part 8Py0R7aNrVE-00165-00064408-00064752 is unique across the entire cluster pods live on nodes because they're containers they have 8Py0R7aNrVE-00166-00064752-00065216 to run somewhere nodes have a unique ipre across the entire cluster they also have a cider range 8Py0R7aNrVE-00167-00065216-00065688 that says here's all the range that any pot on me has to be in that's mostly for routing reasons 8Py0R7aNrVE-00168-00065688-00066032 that can change entirely based on the network provider but i'm going to cover the default 8Py0R7aNrVE-00169-00066032-00066448 where they just get a big chunk of a larger range so let's make some pods put them on nodes all the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00170-00066448-00066816 ips make sense they line up like you expect them to and they have to talk to each other they have 8Py0R7aNrVE-00171-00066816-00067152 to talk to each other with a network provider and i'm going to go way more in depth here but 8Py0R7aNrVE-00172-00067152-00067496 this is the most replaced part of kubernetes arguably to me if you've ever gone through the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00173-00067496-00067896 install page and looked at like all the tabs for network providers and that's not even all of them 8Py0R7aNrVE-00174-00067896-00068296 there's tons of ways to do this and the reason is it's not that hard it really isn't to be an error 8Py0R7aNrVE-00175-00068296-00068632 finding kubernetes you gotta do three things you gotta check these three boxes and you are a valid 8Py0R7aNrVE-00176-00068632-00069016 network provider technically you have to make cni plugins but i'm talking about functionality 8Py0R7aNrVE-00177-00069016-00069400 so first all pods they're using containers they use them interchangeably this is straight from the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00178-00069400-00069864 docks all containers communicate with all other without nat so this is simple you got lots of pods 8Py0R7aNrVE-00179-00069864-00070200 it's flat it's a very simple architecture you just need to be able to get from everything 8Py0R7aNrVE-00180-00070200-00070648 to everything directly if this scares you as a security person do not worry i have some solutions 8Py0R7aNrVE-00181-00070648-00071048 for that in the power user section but this is the network architecture it's very flat so you do that 8Py0R7aNrVE-00182-00071048-00071568 second rule all nodes communicate with all other containers pod without nat so nodes pods flat it's 8Py0R7aNrVE-00183-00071568-00071944 just everything just talks to everything i put it here so it's easy to understand and to see 8Py0R7aNrVE-00184-00071944-00072296 but it's actually like this right but again it's just a flat it's just everything needs to hit 8Py0R7aNrVE-00185-00072296-00072696 everything at a network layer this is a weird one the ip the container sees itself as the same ip 8Py0R7aNrVE-00186-00072696-00073136 everyone sees it as this basically means don't mind your ips don't let me think i'm sitting 8Py0R7aNrVE-00187-00073136-00073536 somewhere and everyone else thinks i'm somewhere else it's very confusing so just keep it simple 8Py0R7aNrVE-00188-00073536-00073920 mostly according to the docs this is done to make it easier to go from a vm architecture to 8Py0R7aNrVE-00189-00073920-00074280 a pod architecture so let's say you do those three things right you see and i plug in your 8Py0R7aNrVE-00190-00074280-00074768 network provider there are so many ways to do this so we've covered the pods let's move on to 8Py0R7aNrVE-00191-00074768-00075192 services on the like the details of how those work so when i make a service it's got a selector that 8Py0R7aNrVE-00192-00075192-00075584 points it at a subset of pods it's also got at least one port hopefully um so it's listening 8Py0R7aNrVE-00193-00075584-00076008 on 14201 on the back end they can be different that's right it's abstraction and load balancing 8Py0R7aNrVE-00194-00076008-00076328 and everything else you can have multiples they have to be unique listening but they can forward 8Py0R7aNrVE-00195-00076328-00076680 the same on the back end fine use the abstraction that way we're gonna talk about one and services 8Py0R7aNrVE-00196-00076680-00077056 have a type uh the yammer i used in the basic user section didn't specify type because there's a 8Py0R7aNrVE-00197-00077056-00077424 default it's the bottom one here there's actually four types by the way i'm just covering the three 8Py0R7aNrVE-00198-00077424-00077712 big ones and i'm gonna start from the bottom up because they all kind of build on each other so 8Py0R7aNrVE-00199-00077712-00078160 when we create a service whether explicitly or without one it's gonna get definitely a cluster ip 8Py0R7aNrVE-00200-00078160-00078624 and you would expect cluster ip type when you do that a controller in the controller manager says 8Py0R7aNrVE-00201-00078624-00078992 here let me give you a cluster ip that makes a lot of sense and to kind of illustrate what 8Py0R7aNrVE-00202-00078992-00079400 that's for we're gonna make some web server pods a cache pod and we need the web server to use the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00203-00079400-00079840 cache we could point them straight at the cache ip right like it's flat it'll get there but that 8Py0R7aNrVE-00204-00079840-00080224 sucks because what happens if that pod goes away or we want to scale up the number or any of those 8Py0R7aNrVE-00205-00080224-00080592 other things we'd have to reconfigure so we're going to use a service that makes a lot of sense 8Py0R7aNrVE-00206-00080592-00080960 so cluster ip service we care about the cluster ip we can then point our web server pods at that 8Py0R7aNrVE-00207-00080960-00081344 and they'll get to the cache behind it and just point it at that ip and it never changes i do want 8Py0R7aNrVE-00208-00081344-00081648 to point out real quick for those of you that don't know uh you can use names if you're the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00209-00081648-00082056 dns add-on and kubernetes is optional but really highly recommended so you can go to service name 8Py0R7aNrVE-00210-00082056-00082520 name with the namespace specification full cluster qualification they're all valid ways to get to 8Py0R7aNrVE-00211-00082520-00082912 your service and they never change i'm going to talk about ips because everything just resolves 8Py0R7aNrVE-00212-00082912-00083368 up to that so that's what it boils down to so we point a web service at the ip get to the cache pod 8Py0R7aNrVE-00213-00083368-00083728 and we never have to change if something comes up new one's behind it we don't care we just use the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00214-00083728-00084104 abstraction let's talk about how this hot works right so far we've just said oh it's magic well 8Py0R7aNrVE-00215-00084104-00084408 i care about the magic so we're gonna put these pods on different nodes because they're gonna be 8Py0R7aNrVE-00216-00084408-00084784 on different nodes more often than not um notice the pods live on nodes but the ip doesn't you can 8Py0R7aNrVE-00217-00084784-00085144 go to every machine in your cluster list all the addresses you'll never find that ip anywhere it's 8Py0R7aNrVE-00218-00085144-00085600 not on an interface it's a target for ip tables with again default networking it's that's all it 8Py0R7aNrVE-00219-00085600-00085952 is it's a thing that says oh traffic coming out of here destined for that that means i need to 8Py0R7aNrVE-00220-00085952-00086336 randomly assign you to the pods that are active behind it and the thing that makes those rules is 8Py0R7aNrVE-00221-00086336-00086784 the thing that makes services real so we have the cube proxy sitting there watching all the services 8Py0R7aNrVE-00222-00086784-00087264 and the endpoints and making that real so he talks iptables something changes in the api server he 8Py0R7aNrVE-00223-00087264-00087656 makes it real scales up another change he makes it real that's q proxy's whole job unless you've 8Py0R7aNrVE-00224-00087656-00088008 replaced it and this might be a little different so that's the cluster ip let's move on to node 8Py0R7aNrVE-00225-00088008-00088472 port so this is great inside the cluster right like pod to pod easy but not all our communication 8Py0R7aNrVE-00226-00088472-00088776 with pod to pod we know that we need to get to it from the rest of our infrastructure and that 8Py0R7aNrVE-00227-00088776-00089128 is where edit mode service comes in so we will make a node port service like i said it builds 8Py0R7aNrVE-00228-00089128-00089648 on cluster ip it still gets a cluster ip but it also gets tada node port that makes sense the snow 8Py0R7aNrVE-00229-00089648-00090080 port comes from a weird high range manager because it's a controller and the controller manager doing 8Py0R7aNrVE-00230-00090080-00090672 it for you so it'll get that node port node port means nodes so we take that node port use iptables 8Py0R7aNrVE-00231-00090672-00091056 to make just another basically another target another entry point into those same ip tables 8Py0R7aNrVE-00232-00091056-00091472 rules that pod to pod communication uses except for that node port is available from other from 8Py0R7aNrVE-00233-00091472-00091784 anywhere else that can get that so you can take your clients point into that weird node port and 8Py0R7aNrVE-00234-00091784-00092224 they'll get load balanced with normal methods from there that's awesome but ugly right like you're 8Py0R7aNrVE-00235-00092224-00092512 not going to that right now if you're looking at the slides or you look at them later like you're 8Py0R7aNrVE-00236-00092512-00092848 not going to a weird notepad i'm not going to give you that url so we need one more step we 8Py0R7aNrVE-00237-00092848-00093320 need a load balancer type service um you can this is really cloud specific by the way these two are 8Py0R7aNrVE-00238-00093320-00093784 always there this one is cloud specific whether it's there and exactly the details of how it works 8Py0R7aNrVE-00239-00093784-00094088 but in general you know we're gonna suppose are in a supported cloud so we make that load bouncer 8Py0R7aNrVE-00240-00094088-00094400 type service a controller in the controller manager because that's where all the real 8Py0R7aNrVE-00241-00094400-00094896 brain action goes sees that toxic cloud provider makes a load balancer points it at the node port 8Py0R7aNrVE-00242-00094896-00095256 and then you can point your clients at that load balancer and you traverse in through a normal kind 8Py0R7aNrVE-00243-00095256-00095704 of this can be static and not change and go to all the nodes as they scale up and down again that's a 8Py0R7aNrVE-00244-00095704-00096032 little different in different clouds but this is the general idea is that you let the kubernetes 8Py0R7aNrVE-00245-00096032-00096400 just make those load balancers provision them for you you can also just make node ports and make the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00246-00096400-00096752 load bouncers yourself if you want so that's how we get all the way through and at a network layer 8Py0R7aNrVE-00247-00096752-00097144 that's kind of the meat of kubernetes functioning let's move on to the cloud layer uh so as the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00248-00097144-00097512 cloud layer is a cloud admin i'm a cloud admin i care about execution care about where things live 8Py0R7aNrVE-00249-00097512-00097816 right like this is all well and good but i gotta spin stuff up and in kubernetes we make 8Py0R7aNrVE-00250-00097816-00098296 a big distinction between nodes worker nodes and masternodes they can be the same but in big big 8Py0R7aNrVE-00251-00098296-00098680 environments they're not because there's a lot of security like safety that we get from separating 8Py0R7aNrVE-00252-00098680-00099112 them out it's not elected like swarm so let's put our component places right all these represent 8Py0R7aNrVE-00253-00099112-00099456 pieces of kubernetes code that need to execute they need to live somewhere i'm going to describe 8Py0R7aNrVE-00254-00099456-00099864 a kind of a default aha master scenario it may or may not look different depending on what you're 8Py0R7aNrVE-00255-00099864-00100272 doing but uh we take the api server we run it everywhere that is not a surprise to anybody right 8Py0R7aNrVE-00256-00100272-00100776 we take the scheduler we put it everywhere kind of it's active the code is there on every single 8Py0R7aNrVE-00257-00100776-00101120 master all the time it's always running but they talk amongst themselves to their local 8Py0R7aNrVE-00258-00101120-00101560 api servers and elect a leader and say you you're in charge the person who charges the major d now 8Py0R7aNrVE-00259-00101560-00101888 and the other two are just waiting for him to die they just they're just waiting so he dies if he 8Py0R7aNrVE-00260-00101888-00102264 doesn't check in they take over his job we do the same thing with controller manager you don't want 8Py0R7aNrVE-00261-00102264-00102688 more than one brain that would be really confusing we're not what a stegosaurus has one in its tail 8Py0R7aNrVE-00262-00102688-00103144 um so we elect again controller manager runs on all the masters but if one of them explodes 8Py0R7aNrVE-00263-00103144-00103448 another one will take over they don't have to be the same notice they are not the same 8Py0R7aNrVE-00264-00103448-00103848 um you can you just need one active at a time i said it was a node component but the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00265-00103848-00104224 cubelet really runs on all the masters so we also know that the api server has to talk 8Py0R7aNrVE-00266-00104224-00104608 to the data store it has to put data somewhere and that's fcd we could use as a cloud admin i 8Py0R7aNrVE-00267-00104608-00105016 could use an scd service just make sd somewhere let a cloud deal with it and that's great or 8Py0R7aNrVE-00268-00105016-00105496 you do what we do and kind of hyper converge you say okay every master runs a copy of etcd and they 8Py0R7aNrVE-00269-00105496-00105911 all cluster wrongs themselves and then api server each one uses its own local copy that way i have 8Py0R7aNrVE-00270-00105911-00106432 full controller for xcd and i reduce the number of vms that i need we had our access that's backed by 8Py0R7aNrVE-00271-00106432-00106856 cloud load balancer pointed at the api servers we point our cubelet all our node components at 8Py0R7aNrVE-00272-00106856-00107344 it and even our client libraries from outside the cluster if you're inside the cluster pod to api 8Py0R7aNrVE-00273-00107344-00107776 server you actually go straight to their private ips with like an endpoint like this kind of normal 8Py0R7aNrVE-00274-00107776-00108183 service discovery thing but if you're component or an outside user this is what you should be using 8Py0R7aNrVE-00275-00108183-00108592 because you get all cloud magic of normal load balancing and fault tolerance when i say ingress 8Py0R7aNrVE-00276-00108592-00108856 rules i didn't cover that in the network section i don't know if you notice because it's it's really 8Py0R7aNrVE-00277-00108856-00109232 more of a cloud thing than the network thing um english rules are just rules right we made it 8Py0R7aNrVE-00278-00109232-00109552 before but we need something to make it real and the thing kubernetes makes it real is an ingress 8Py0R7aNrVE-00279-00109552-00109968 controller you will probably hear a lot of offers for a lot of these all over the expo floor like 8Py0R7aNrVE-00280-00109968-00110320 there are lots of things that do this right now tons and tons of companies because it's open they 8Py0R7aNrVE-00281-00110320-00110672 don't provide when they say go go make one so the rules have to have be enforced so we make ingress 8Py0R7aNrVE-00282-00110672-00111080 controllers we'll also need a load balancer to get into them i'm going to try a couple different ways 8Py0R7aNrVE-00283-00111080-00111440 we've done ingress just because we've kind of learned some stuff as we went we've got nodes 8Py0R7aNrVE-00284-00111440-00111840 they are normal nodes i'm just not showing the other components we used at first we set aside 8Py0R7aNrVE-00285-00111840-00112200 notice these are called ingress nodes we set aside a subset of our nodes and said okay these are 8Py0R7aNrVE-00286-00112200-00112616 ingress nodes and the reason for that is we used a damon set targeting just those nodes and created 8Py0R7aNrVE-00287-00112616-00113008 a host port mapping i didn't cover this because you shouldn't do it but but we did there's a good 8Py0R7aNrVE-00288-00113008-00113368 thing right this is very direct this is like the old school docker port mapping this is like this 8Py0R7aNrVE-00289-00113368-00113735 port on the host goes straight to this port on this container which is very direct and neat 8Py0R7aNrVE-00290-00113735-00114064 and if you're really sensitive you might want to do this but you get into port magnet you have to 8Py0R7aNrVE-00291-00114064-00114424 start managing what port things are listening on and no one can you can't have two listed in the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00292-00114424-00114735 same hole port but we did this ring grass because we set aside some notes and that's a straight hop 8Py0R7aNrVE-00293-00114735-00115080 but if you don't want to go through that you want to just create like a load balancer type service 8Py0R7aNrVE-00294-00115080-00115448 you'll get a node port that's not a surprise you'll balance into that and then you'll hop 8Py0R7aNrVE-00295-00115448-00115856 around from your service the downside is you've got balance twice you've got to double hop you 8Py0R7aNrVE-00296-00115856-00116192 get load bounce to once at this end and then the controller is going to bounce you again somewhere 8Py0R7aNrVE-00297-00116192-00116576 else potentially most workloads honestly it's fine but that's something to be aware of if you're not 8Py0R7aNrVE-00298-00116576-00116976 jumping straight in you might have to jump twice you then take your clients point them at that 8Py0R7aNrVE-00299-00116976-00117344 and you're almost there right we've got to our controller but it's enforcing rules that point to 8Py0R7aNrVE-00300-00117344-00117752 a service so we have one last hop to get to our service so we got our service our pods they're 8Py0R7aNrVE-00301-00117752-00118128 even on some more nodes that's fine once you've hopped in from the load balancer to your ingress 8Py0R7aNrVE-00302-00118128-00118520 controller service to your ingress controller it can just do normal standard cluster load balancing 8Py0R7aNrVE-00303-00118520-00118888 to the backend services inside your cluster and you've gotten all the way through that's what 8Py0R7aNrVE-00304-00118888-00119248 you're doing right now if you're looking at the slides on your phone so i'm going on to the linux 8Py0R7aNrVE-00305-00119248-00119632 section i have to skip a lot of this because of time but i'm going to cover one part of container 8Py0R7aNrVE-00306-00119632-00119992 essentials because i think you need to understand that to understand docker and kubernetes and that 8Py0R7aNrVE-00307-00119992-00120416 is linux kernel namespaces again i'm going to just focus on this one this is not kubernetes 8Py0R7aNrVE-00308-00120416-00120904 namespaces this is linux kernel namespaces meaning that it's ways of isolating processes in linux so 8Py0R7aNrVE-00309-00120904-00121248 you can take your application your process really but we're going to talk about containers and you 8Py0R7aNrVE-00310-00121248-00121608 can isolate it in a bunch of ways you can stick it in its own process namespace its own file 8Py0R7aNrVE-00311-00121608-00122056 system namespace its own network and file and it's really all of them right like really when you make 8Py0R7aNrVE-00312-00122056-00122432 a docker container you're getting split all of the ways but we really care about the cool part 8Py0R7aNrVE-00313-00122432-00122824 of features is that it's not one to one it's not one container one name space you can join other 8Py0R7aNrVE-00314-00122824-00123232 containers or processes into an existing one this is how you take that one container and you make 8Py0R7aNrVE-00315-00123232-00123728 your pod you just join all these containers into an existing namespace so they can share that one 8Py0R7aNrVE-00316-00123728-00124168 ip in the in the entire cluster i'll kind of go over how docker does that i have to skip the rest 8Py0R7aNrVE-00317-00124168-00124592 of this needless to say c groups are the linux way that you split up resources and it also provides 8Py0R7aNrVE-00318-00124592-00124959 some built-in accounting and stat management stuff again watch the video if you kind of want 8Py0R7aNrVE-00319-00124959-00125328 more details on this and union file systems i just put in here because they're neat the way they work 8Py0R7aNrVE-00320-00125328-00125680 and the way they save space um again i don't have time for them i do want to break down the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00321-00125680-00126008 nodes though so we've covered a cube proxy in the network section we care about the cube led we care 8Py0R7aNrVE-00322-00126008-00126408 about running things right so it's watching the api server it's checking see hey do i have pods 8Py0R7aNrVE-00323-00126408-00126800 you want on the node i'm on okay you do let me make it we're gonna make an interesting pod just 8Py0R7aNrVE-00324-00126800-00127288 for argument's sake we're gonna put nginx in there prometheus exporter envoy we're putting all the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00325-00127288-00127696 containers in there because i wanna show you how they share an ip address so we're going to talk 8Py0R7aNrVE-00326-00127696-00128152 to docker docker is the main right now kubernetes way like most clusters i think are running docker 8Py0R7aNrVE-00327-00128152-00128448 that's safe to say um again it's not the only one there's lots of options but i'm going to 8Py0R7aNrVE-00328-00128448-00128848 talk about how it does it so when it sees that you want that pod running it's going to talk to docker 8Py0R7aNrVE-00329-00128848-00129232 check the pod and it's going to first make this weird infra container that i'll cover in a second 8Py0R7aNrVE-00330-00129232-00129640 um this is why if you go on any kubernetes no do you do a docker ps you get about twice as many 8Py0R7aNrVE-00331-00129640-00130064 containers on there as you thought you needed um it's making this weird infra container it's 8Py0R7aNrVE-00332-00130064-00130440 joining all of the other containers into the network name space of that infra which is how 8Py0R7aNrVE-00333-00130440-00130848 um they all share one address and the important part of infra is it's really just this tiny piece 8Py0R7aNrVE-00334-00130848-00131280 of code whose whole job it is to be there and not die that's it just stay alive so i don't 8Py0R7aNrVE-00335-00131280-00131688 have to restart you recreate you so you can always keep your address then you join everybody else in 8Py0R7aNrVE-00336-00131688-00132088 i don't have time for cni it's um kind of that standard way that the ipaddress gets discovered 8Py0R7aNrVE-00337-00132152-00132576 rocket is the other big alternative for kubernetes and there's some important and cool differences 8Py0R7aNrVE-00338-00132576-00133144 between using docker or using rocket so it can do cni the normal way also cni came out of rocket so 8Py0R7aNrVE-00339-00133144-00133568 you don't have to have the cube let do it it can be native uh but more importantly that whole song 8Py0R7aNrVE-00340-00133568-00133952 and dance with the infra container yeah it's gone rocket's pod native rocket doesn't its 8Py0R7aNrVE-00341-00133952-00134288 lowest thing is already a pod not a container so when you want to create a pod rocket you 8Py0R7aNrVE-00342-00134288-00134760 just create a pod and rocket also you spin it off meaning there's no long running damage there's no 8Py0R7aNrVE-00343-00134760-00135072 docker or rocket thing just sitting there the whole time because you kick it off and it is 8Py0R7aNrVE-00344-00135072-00135488 self-contained so if you want to make another pod spin off another rocket it's all file systems and 8Py0R7aNrVE-00345-00135488-00135968 whatnot to actually manage it and also last thing you can do hypervisor isolation with the rocket 8Py0R7aNrVE-00346-00135968-00136368 you just annotate the pod and say hey you're stage one which is a rocket term basically run this 8Py0R7aNrVE-00347-00136368-00136744 thing inside of a mini super lightweight vm that so if you want some if you're scared of container 8Py0R7aNrVE-00348-00136744-00137128 isolation and you want some extra stuff there's limitations but you can absolutely do it and you 8Py0R7aNrVE-00349-00137128-00137552 can do it for just some pause i don't really have time for locking we know we use cube cuddle logs 8Py0R7aNrVE-00350-00137552-00137936 um mostly i just wanna you understand that it's connecting all the way through to stream your data 8Py0R7aNrVE-00351-00137936-00138432 directly um you can also basically any logging drive supports docker sports kubernetes you just 8Py0R7aNrVE-00352-00138432-00138808 hopefully grab some metadata on your way out so you can tag your messages and filter them let's 8Py0R7aNrVE-00353-00138808-00139280 get to the power user section what this is is kind of like this cool grab bag of fun kubernetes 8Py0R7aNrVE-00354-00139280-00139704 features i'm going to add a bunch of stuff on top of my normal deployment with no code chain 8Py0R7aNrVE-00355-00139704-00140064 i'm going to add more features without having to change anything in my image so go ahead if you 8Py0R7aNrVE-00356-00140064-00140536 want to reload that or just add on to the slash markdown i'm going to kick off the power demo 8Py0R7aNrVE-00357-00140648-00140936 and it's doing an apply so i'm a power user right i'm not going to create them one at a time 8Py0R7aNrVE-00358-00140936-00141312 i'm just going to apply the whole directory which says create or update just do what you have to do 8Py0R7aNrVE-00359-00141312-00141736 and then hopefully in about a minute or so you guys should have that markdown page running 8Py0R7aNrVE-00360-00141736-00142072 and you'll have some links that break down um basically every feature that i'm going to show 8Py0R7aNrVE-00361-00142072-00142544 you here in a second is like explicitly shown how you do it in markdown in the examples and pretty 8Py0R7aNrVE-00362-00142544-00143016 well commented so i'm just like just fun features that i want you to be aware of security context is 8Py0R7aNrVE-00363-00143016-00143496 a feature where you can basically define a bunch of execution rules about your what the runtime 8Py0R7aNrVE-00364-00143496-00143840 information for your pods and containers should be things they can and can't do you create that 8Py0R7aNrVE-00365-00143840-00144232 apply it at the pod layer or the container layer or both they can even be different for different 8Py0R7aNrVE-00366-00144232-00144608 containers in the same pod and just tell the cube extra information security stuff about how you 8Py0R7aNrVE-00367-00144608-00145024 want to run your pod network policy is that way if you're scared of the flat network architecture 8Py0R7aNrVE-00368-00145024-00145432 that's that way that you create some rules that block access to different things and it's just 8Py0R7aNrVE-00369-00145432-00145904 labels it's just yaml um policy is just rules by the way you need something on top that enforces 8Py0R7aNrVE-00370-00145904-00146312 network policy there's a lot of options for that you just need to go find one that will read those 8Py0R7aNrVE-00371-00146312-00146720 rules and make them happen but you can define hey pods with these labels can only talk to pods 8Py0R7aNrVE-00372-00146720-00147080 with these labels on this port and you can start locking things down in a reactive way where you 8Py0R7aNrVE-00373-00147080-00147432 don't care about the details you just say make this happen that's explicitly decoupled from 8Py0R7aNrVE-00374-00147432-00147832 the network model download api is really cool it's a way of taking pod this is not all of it 8Py0R7aNrVE-00375-00147832-00148192 you can put labels annotations everything but you take metadata about your running containers 8Py0R7aNrVE-00376-00148192-00148552 feed them through to the containers at runtime if you click either the proxy links in the markdown 8Py0R7aNrVE-00377-00148552-00148944 page it will spit back their pod information and their node information because they're getting it 8Py0R7aNrVE-00378-00148944-00149352 from the download api at runtime config maps i didn't cover they're just key value data pairs 8Py0R7aNrVE-00379-00149352-00149696 config maps and secrets they're handled a little differently but that's all they are 8Py0R7aNrVE-00380-00149696-00150096 you can mount them through to your containers as volumes and you can do it it's even live which 8Py0R7aNrVE-00381-00150096-00150424 is really cool so the markdown you're looking at right now is from a config map and if i go change 8Py0R7aNrVE-00382-00150424-00150760 that right now in the config map in about a minute it will change and i don't even have to restart 8Py0R7aNrVE-00383-00150760-00151176 the pods because it's refreshed live uh you can also take those same key values and put them in as 8Py0R7aNrVE-00384-00151176-00151584 environment variables so your docker images that expect that as configuration will work just fine 8Py0R7aNrVE-00385-00151584-00151888 affinity is one of those things i wish i had time to cover it's one of those cool advanced 8Py0R7aNrVE-00386-00151888-00152288 scheduling features that says here's how these pods relate to each other i want this pod to 8Py0R7aNrVE-00387-00152288-00152608 always be scheduled next to this pod no matter where you put it if one's there put the other 8Py0R7aNrVE-00388-00152608-00152992 one there tightly cut you know like put them right together all the time just extra information for 8Py0R7aNrVE-00389-00152992-00153408 the scheduler to tell it what you want from and it will always it won't move around but it'll always 8Py0R7aNrVE-00390-00153408-00153792 make sure that if one's there the other is there you can also loosely couple and say try to but i 8Py0R7aNrVE-00391-00153792-00154176 don't care if you have to split it up like and you can wait that even you can do the same thing for 8Py0R7aNrVE-00392-00154176-00154608 nodes this pod has to be on a node like this or try to put a part on a node like this useful if 8Py0R7aNrVE-00393-00154608-00154944 you've got workloads that have to use like gpus where you would say you have to be somewhere with 8Py0R7aNrVE-00394-00154944-00155304 a gpo you're not gonna work antiafinity is the opposite of all those things i just said where 8Py0R7aNrVE-00395-00155304-00155752 you have hard and soft um things that don't like each other usually they're paired actually 8Py0R7aNrVE-00396-00155752-00156152 so you'll see anti-affinity if you have like a gpu node you'd want heart affinity for your gpu 8Py0R7aNrVE-00397-00156152-00156656 workloads and hard anti-affinity for your non-gpu workload so you just reserve that and that is the 8Py0R7aNrVE-00398-00156656-00157128 power user section and move on to the credits so are you sosi as my presentation software it's open 8Py0R7aNrVE-00399-00157128-00157560 source you make an svg you can animate every layer independently and it just spits out web 8Py0R7aNrVE-00400-00157560-00157920 server files so if you like if you like prezi but you don't want to pay for it because we're all 8Py0R7aNrVE-00401-00157920-00158392 open source here um or you just want really hard like you make an svg this is so cool and it can 8Py0R7aNrVE-00402-00158392-00158840 be as hard or as easy you want it to be probably a class on that by now um all the logos i use are 8Py0R7aNrVE-00403-00158840-00159304 properties of their respective companies and open clip art was immensely helpful in all of the art 8Py0R7aNrVE-00404-00159304-00159656 and the kind of the diagrams and everything that i made i just stole a lot of this and altered it 8Py0R7aNrVE-00405-00159656-00160056 so highly recommend use that or contribute to it and i do have some time for i think i have a 8Py0R7aNrVE-00406-00160056-00160472 few minutes for questions yeah i have a couple minutes and here's all the links i will keep 8Py0R7aNrVE-00407-00160472-00160832 this up as long as i can i'll probably move it to one of those free red hat clusters at some point 8Py0R7aNrVE-00408-00160832-00161288 so why not um if you want the video it may or may not be there they told me they're trying to 8Py0R7aNrVE-00409-00161288-00161640 finish editing so if there's a placeholder you can always go to that link and that link will 8Py0R7aNrVE-00410-00161640-00162040 always be the right one um even when it redirects you to so does anybody have any questions yes 8Py0R7aNrVE-00411-00162184-00162504 so um i don't know i have to double check on that it might yeah i mean it might just 8Py0R7aNrVE-00412-00162504-00163416 be a detail i missed so yeah thanks for coming feel free to come talk to me and 8QhhJ816a-A-00000-00001601-00001898 Hello, new lesson today. 8QhhJ816a-A-00001-00001898-00002045 I'm Markos Smyrnakis 8QhhJ816a-A-00002-00002045-00002542 and together we'll see how to reply in Facbook messages. 8QhhJ816a-A-00003-00002542-00003026 Also some setting that will help us 8QhhJ816a-A-00004-00003026-00003520 to be professional with our customers. 8QhhJ816a-A-00005-00003920-00004307 Some of the fundamental tools that messages offer are... 8QhhJ816a-A-00006-00004307-00004357 Firstly, 8QhhJ816a-A-00007-00004357-00004604 you can make appointments with your customers. 8QhhJ816a-A-00008-00004604-00005402 It will set a reminder that on a certain date you have an appontment. 8QhhJ816a-A-00009-00005402-00005799 The reminder will also be set for your customer. 8QhhJ816a-A-00010-00005999-00006793 Such an important tool to have in mind everything you've scheduled. 8QhhJ816a-A-00011-00007594-00007694 One more tool, 8QhhJ816a-A-00012-00007694-00007944 for anyone who has a list of products, 8QhhJ816a-A-00013-00007944-00008341 is that you're able to publish your products. Instantly. 8QhhJ816a-A-00014-00008341-00008541 They ask you for a product? 8QhhJ816a-A-00015-00008541-00009589 You can offer everything, photos, description and price with just a click. 8QhhJ816a-A-00016-00010787-00010964 The most important tool for me, 8QhhJ816a-A-00017-00010964-00011261 is the tool for automatic responses. 8QhhJ816a-A-00018-00011261-00011461 What does that mean? 8QhhJ816a-A-00019-00011461-00011945 Sometimes you constantly get the same questions and give the same answers. 8QhhJ816a-A-00020-00012145-00012532 For example "How can I order ? " 8QhhJ816a-A-00021-00012532-00013360 Now, you can set a specific reply that is automatically sent to anyone who asks that. 8QhhJ816a-A-00022-00013957-00014227 You save so much time and effort. 8QhhJ816a-A-00023-00014227-00015025 It solves your hands when you get a lot of messages. 8QhhJ816a-A-00024-00016326-00017047 You can set automatic replies even when your shop is closed. 8QhhJ816a-A-00025-00017047-00017400 A message that says you will be in contact as soon as possible for example. 8QhhJ816a-A-00026-00017400-00017821 Or that your shop is out of order. 8QhhJ816a-A-00027-00017821-00018021 Whatever you want. 8QhhJ816a-A-00028-00018021-00018501 Even closed, your reaction will be immediate. 8QhhJ816a-A-00029-00018501-00019379 You can also set automatic replies to create a dialogue. 8QhhJ816a-A-00030-00019479-00020774 1 or 2 questions that have a specific reply that the costumer can get on the spot. 8QhhJ816a-A-00031-00020774-00020974 For example, 8QhhJ816a-A-00032-00020974-00021174 How can I order? 8QhhJ816a-A-00033-00021174-00022802 You can set the reply and the user will get the response automatically. 8QhhJ816a-A-00034-00023800-00024898 It's imporant to set the welcoming message the moment someone visits your page. 8QhhJ816a-A-00035-00024898-00025135 You give him the chance to contact you through that. 8QhhJ816a-A-00036-00025135-00025328 Think it a real time shop, 8QhhJ816a-A-00037-00025328-00025929 when you step in the employer asks you how can they help, 8QhhJ816a-A-00038-00026229-00026680 You can achieve this virtually through Facebook messages. 8QhhJ816a-A-00039-00027777-00028478 The Internet lacks of real interaction but with tools 8QhhJ816a-A-00040-00028478-00029075 you can be there for your costumers. 8QhhJ816a-A-00041-00029075-00029572 You give them a way of communication that is direct. 8QhhJ816a-A-00042-00029572-00029772 When they need you, you're always around. 8QhhJ816a-A-00043-00029869-00030213 So, be there, cause I am going to check your pages. 8QhhJ816a-A-00044-00030313-00030770 Subscribe to your channel, new video is coming soon. Goodbye. 8QhhJ816a-A-00045-00030870-00030970 What did I say? 8QhhJ816a-A-00046-00030970-00031191 Subscribe to your channel? 8QhhJ816a-A-00047-00031191-00031488 I meant to my channel. Bye ! 8RJscWz_YZM-00000-00000096-00000504 Welcome to the Green Button Alliance 2020 Annual General meeting. 8RJscWz_YZM-00001-00000688-00000872 Our chairman, Syed Mir: 8RJscWz_YZM-00002-00001192-00001600 The agenda's here and we're going to quickly go through our highlights this year and we've got 8RJscWz_YZM-00003-00001600-00002200 three showcases that have um that we're going to be highlighting and acknowledging those 8RJscWz_YZM-00004-00002200-00002648 and going through strategic topics and some interactive poll and then 8RJscWz_YZM-00005-00002728-00003247 we're going to also then do a look ahead and and and open up the for questions as well. 8RJscWz_YZM-00006-00003360-00003776 Jeremy and I are doing a co-host so we're going to try and make it as interactive as possible, so 8RJscWz_YZM-00007-00003776-00004176 you can rate us later I guess. We may put that as one of the poll questions uh, Jeremy? 8RJscWz_YZM-00008-00004176-00004397 Jeremy: [laughs] I don't know if we want that as a poll question. [laughs] 8RJscWz_YZM-00009-00004397-00004888 Syed: All right, so uh, thank you, thank you for joining us and I'd like to start with … 8RJscWz_YZM-00010-00004960-00005600 really a moment of silence … I think it's very important for us to recognize … what we've been 8RJscWz_YZM-00011-00005600-00006256 going through with covid, the wildfires, and the severe weather; so for the lives lost, I'd like 8RJscWz_YZM-00012-00006256-00007808 to … please join me in a moment of silence. [...moment of silence...] 8RJscWz_YZM-00013-00007808-00008464 Okay, that's … thank you uh it's been as I said: 2020 has been quite a year for all of 8RJscWz_YZM-00014-00008464-00009000 us and I know we all know of somebody close that that's been affected by a number of things, so, 8RJscWz_YZM-00015-00009000-00009792 just wanted to open the meeting that way. And the next slide there.… Really we had a vision 8RJscWz_YZM-00016-00009864-00010384 tabled and to be the one-stop shop really for where to go for green button and we had three 8RJscWz_YZM-00017-00010384-00010904 primary drivers which was really to enhance the NAESB standard and and help with compliance and 8RJscWz_YZM-00018-00010904-00011624 adoption and demonstrate business value. What I'd like to do is, to table something 8RJscWz_YZM-00019-00011624-00012168 that I would call a little bit: "a view of where we should be looking at from a strategic point 8RJscWz_YZM-00020-00012168-00012696 of view" and welcome to all the new members, if they haven't attended AGMs in the past: 8RJscWz_YZM-00021-00012768-00013200 Welcome. And this is our fifth year and and we've always tried to introduce something 8RJscWz_YZM-00022-00013200-00013744 a little different every year, from a flavor point of view, of what we think we should be focusing on 8RJscWz_YZM-00023-00013744-00014312 as far as the strategic direction. What I'd like to table to this group is that we really need to 8RJscWz_YZM-00024-00014408-00014784 promote what I would refer to as "energy-data value creation." 8RJscWz_YZM-00025-00014896-00015360 The how part is: through Green Button—through open, data access and what we want to do 8RJscWz_YZM-00026-00015360-00015800 but the Purpose—and everybody, I think you see more organizations talking about "purpose," 8RJscWz_YZM-00027-00015800-00016224 right? we're a non-profit organization: "what do we want to do as a Purpose?" and for us, 8RJscWz_YZM-00028-00016224-00016864 is really to help; and and "Goal" is really to look at what we can do for the ecosystem—energy 8RJscWz_YZM-00029-00016864-00017672 ecosystem—the energy ecosystem, too, includes for us water, electricity, gas, and and anything else 8RJscWz_YZM-00030-00017672-00017984 that's coming that you would want to (steam or anything else that you want to look at) 8RJscWz_YZM-00031-00018072-00018656 and how do we look at that and then how do we make sure that we can provide affordable energy; 8RJscWz_YZM-00032-00018816-00019112 and how do we look at enabling economic development 8RJscWz_YZM-00033-00019168-00019784 and how do we look at it from a carbon reduction. And I think going back to really looking at 8RJscWz_YZM-00034-00019888-00020304 what's happened, even this year, it's even more important, I think, for the whole 8RJscWz_YZM-00035-00020304-00020864 concept that we've got and it makes me very proud and honored, by the way, to be a chair 8RJscWz_YZM-00036-00020864-00021416 for Green Button Alliance for the last five years and having the the the board members and 8RJscWz_YZM-00037-00021416-00022024 the members really participating is … thank you. And I think we have a real opportunity now to 8RJscWz_YZM-00038-00022024-00022584 really look at what's happened with covid and you look at what is the number of small businesses 8RJscWz_YZM-00039-00022584-00023056 that are really suffering and what's going to be happening. And for us, I think we need to 8RJscWz_YZM-00040-00023056-00023592 give them more solutions—and how do we make them … help them move forward on that front; 8RJscWz_YZM-00041-00023664-00024112 from an econom…, from a DER point of view, from a carbon point of view: we need to really 8RJscWz_YZM-00042-00024112-00024736 look at what we can do to look at more community solar; how do we make sure that we can have more 8RJscWz_YZM-00043-00024848-00025312 renewables out there with a different business model, for example, and focusing on more on the 8RJscWz_YZM-00044-00025312-00025832 carbon reduction that's enabled through us. As an EV owner myself, which is one of the questions, 8RJscWz_YZM-00045-00025832-00026280 I mean I don't even know the health of the battery—and I own the car. It should be my 8RJscWz_YZM-00046-00026280-00026808 data. So, we need to work at that group, as where, we see what's happening in the home—and 8RJscWz_YZM-00047-00026808-00027416 especially when we talk about "IT"—the world … it's getting closed. We're hearing, and we're 8RJscWz_YZM-00048-00027416-00027904 seeing, that the thermostat … smart thermostat providers … that won't give you access to the API: 8RJscWz_YZM-00049-00027904-00028183 they don't want you to see what the data is, they don't want you to do a setpoint. 8RJscWz_YZM-00050-00028264-00028720 So we as a group, as an association, what we have to do is to really make sure that we don't create 8RJscWz_YZM-00051-00028720-00029239 all these data silos in the home and how do we enable that type of thing to make sure 8RJscWz_YZM-00052-00029295-00029824 we … and we promote that sharing … at the end of the day: it's the customer's data, 8RJscWz_YZM-00053-00029880-00030327 we have to be very focused on the customer to get that data, and then we're very passionate about 8RJscWz_YZM-00054-00030327-00030864 the strategic direction that we need to look at. Lastly, I really want to, for my economic 8RJscWz_YZM-00055-00030864-00031392 development and, and forward, and that is to really talk about our social responsibility: 8RJscWz_YZM-00056-00031488-00031976 To me, Green Button helps us "level the playing field" for the people in need, to the people who 8RJscWz_YZM-00057-00031976-00032480 can afford to. We need to be able to provide the technology solution for people have baseboard 8RJscWz_YZM-00058-00032480-00032992 heating. In our place, and where we got hit to, and then having to look at that and say, 8RJscWz_YZM-00059-00032992-00033520 "okay, you know what? I can't afford a fancy sophisticated a system, or whatever technology; 8RJscWz_YZM-00060-00033520-00033888 how do we make sure that's available?" and that's what Green Button is enabled to do: 8RJscWz_YZM-00061-00033888-00034408 is to break down these barriers and make it an even playing field for others to have solutions 8RJscWz_YZM-00062-00034408-00035056 that they can control and not … and manage their costs. So I just want to table that here as being 8RJscWz_YZM-00063-00035056-00035640 the way we want to ground ourselves, in the sense of: where we move forward and and taking it more 8RJscWz_YZM-00064-00035640-00036136 to the next level and focusing on that. And I will come back and close this off a little bit at the 8RJscWz_YZM-00065-00036136-00036664 end as well around what … what "energy-data value creation" will be, going forward. 8RJscWz_YZM-00066-00037056-00037464 On that note, this is a slide we've got—and I won't spend too much time because everybody 8RJscWz_YZM-00067-00037464-00037936 will have the slides available to you but it is about customer choice about secure access it's 8RJscWz_YZM-00068-00037936-00038584 about all the different resources it's all time series data it's really creating this 8RJscWz_YZM-00069-00038584-00039016 piece that we want to move to the world where we're not talking about 8RJscWz_YZM-00070-00039016-00039456 somebody looking at the build and reacting we need to look at the that how do we be proactive 8RJscWz_YZM-00071-00039560-00039928 we have to get more current data more in the hands of the customer 8RJscWz_YZM-00072-00039984-00040536 and through app stores or through crossing borders to say you know what I want to be able to control 8RJscWz_YZM-00073-00040536-00041040 my energy use we have to move past the fact that you know what i can't do anything about it I've 8RJscWz_YZM-00074-00041040-00041472 got my monthly bill or I've got that bill i want to look at it on a daily basis and every minute 8RJscWz_YZM-00075-00041528-00041960 especially for commercial industrial it's very important that we break down the barriers that 8RJscWz_YZM-00076-00041960-00042496 they can look across utilities across borders we need this to happen for our commercial industrial 8RJscWz_YZM-00077-00042496-00043272 customers and that will be a focus area on that one for uh for this the next slide is from this 8RJscWz_YZM-00078-00043272-00043752 is our little pitch I guess for why you should be a GBA Member from all different roles and 8RJscWz_YZM-00079-00043824-00044496 just highlighted a very few here just to highlight uh this table uh for utilities, munis, and co-ops. 8RJscWz_YZM-00080-00044496-00044960 for us it's really around customer engagement and what what we can do to streamline and bring more 8RJscWz_YZM-00081-00044960-00045560 choices and customers to them and there's other areas about how to do it efficiently and cost 8RJscWz_YZM-00082-00045560-00046112 effectively and how do we help and third-party developers those are the ones that need to be 8RJscWz_YZM-00083-00046112-00046704 looking at new business opportunities how do you make sure that you can now deploy and and bring 8RJscWz_YZM-00084-00046704-00047344 those solutions to uh to more to the market and entrepreneurs or startups or even larger 8RJscWz_YZM-00085-00047344-00047904 companies who've got things to to uh to help the unit cost for everybody system integrators who 8RJscWz_YZM-00086-00047904-00048448 play a role in deploying and moving out technology can actually have this cookie cutter approach and 8RJscWz_YZM-00087-00048448-00049080 deploy stuff and and bring solutions and overall reduce the cost of ownership of IT systems. this 8RJscWz_YZM-00088-00049080-00049584 is what the green button is. it's uh treated, it should be treated, like a development platform 8RJscWz_YZM-00089-00049704-00050064 access to third parties access to that should be available in everything you do 8RJscWz_YZM-00090-00050144-00050680 and then looking at property managers and and small businesses the key part is you 8RJscWz_YZM-00091-00050680-00051096 need a common solution to look across properties and facilities where you're getting different 8RJscWz_YZM-00092-00051096-00051744 bills that span those and to help you benchmark and compare data and government and commission 8RJscWz_YZM-00093-00051744-00052367 commissions are really looking at what they can do to uh you know open up the the uh 8RJscWz_YZM-00094-00052424-00052928 the industry and and not having to have multiple protocols and so forth that we can we can enable 8RJscWz_YZM-00095-00052928-00053504 so this is our green button value propositions and i just wanted to highlight a few of those and 8RJscWz_YZM-00096-00053504-00054232 this is a snapshot of our membership utilities and service providers and affiliates and so 8RJscWz_YZM-00097-00054288-00054784 a good cross-section of utilities and and what we're working with and again I'd like 8RJscWz_YZM-00098-00054784-00055224 to thank people for the new members that have joined and also for the ones that are renewed 8RJscWz_YZM-00099-00055279-00055808 I know, Jeremy, you spent a lot of time [laughs] on this one. uh he probably knows everybody 8RJscWz_YZM-00100-00055808-00056176 by name they probably everything everybody must know: "oh no, Jeremy's calling again!" 8RJscWz_YZM-00101-00056176-00056632 Jeremy: yeah, they avoid me; yeah. Syed: so you you got uh, identified, so 8RJscWz_YZM-00102-00056632-00057184 I … I do want to again thank uh everybody for for uh for being here and for the new members that are 8RJscWz_YZM-00103-00057184-00057767 there on or or members that aren't uh joined us yet hopefully uh you can reach out to Jeremy and 8RJscWz_YZM-00104-00057767-00058279 his group to to find out more and hopefully we're helping you here today to uh to promote this and 8RJscWz_YZM-00105-00058279-00058984 that's one of the reasons we're recording this is to help uh grow the organization. 8RJscWz_YZM-00106-00058984-00059567 Jeremy: And now we want to take a look at the uh what we've done last year uh we had an early 8RJscWz_YZM-00107-00059567-00060288 AGM last year so uh so there's quite a bit that's happened last year and also into this year because 8RJscWz_YZM-00108-00060288-00060879 this one's a late AGM so we wanted to look at what we were doing kind of take a self-assessment of 8RJscWz_YZM-00109-00060879-00061767 these types of things and so um this was primarily done just internally to to get a feel for where we 8RJscWz_YZM-00110-00061767-00062544 think we are where we think we need to go um so we thought that maybe uh Syed and I would just 8RJscWz_YZM-00111-00062544-00063184 talk about a couple things in here just to uh kind of clarify our thoughts on on a few things 8RJscWz_YZM-00112-00063328-00063920 uh in terms of memberships of course we just spoke about that but um it's important to to look 8RJscWz_YZM-00113-00063920-00064472 at where we were with memberships and where we are with memberships and we're pretty flat in terms of 8RJscWz_YZM-00114-00064536-00064824 of members that we've gained as well as members that we've lost 8RJscWz_YZM-00115-00064896-00065632 many people had some financial troubles as we moved into 2020 and so the gains we saw in '19 8RJscWz_YZM-00116-00065760-00066616 subdued slightly in in 2020 early on but we did see additional growth of members in 2020 even 8RJscWz_YZM-00117-00066616-00067248 with this current climate. Syed what do you think going forward we could venture 8RJscWz_YZM-00118-00067248-00067680 to expect based on what you've seen? Syed: I think there's a few states 8RJscWz_YZM-00119-00067680-00068136 that we really need to watch out for and and in particular uh what's happening in New Hampshire, 8RJscWz_YZM-00120-00068192-00068744 New York, and DC … and even Ontario recently with their their announcements and where they're moving 8RJscWz_YZM-00121-00068744-00069336 forward, I think that's very promising from a membership point of view that we can look at that 8RJscWz_YZM-00122-00069440-00069904 I think the other part that's going to be really beneficial is if they tie it to GBA Certification 8RJscWz_YZM-00123-00069984-00070672 if some of the areas that look at that I think adding certification is going to be key for us and 8RJscWz_YZM-00124-00070672-00071392 I think it's sort of uh and if these regulatory bodies point to GBA as a certification piece I 8RJscWz_YZM-00125-00071392-00071992 think it would be very helpful for us to to say, "you know here's a value," also from a membership 8RJscWz_YZM-00126-00071992-00072504 point of view I think it's it's really going to be uh to me it's going to be a roller coaster ride 8RJscWz_YZM-00127-00072568-00072984 and I think we might as well recognize that that's what it's going to be it's it's sort of part of 8RJscWz_YZM-00128-00073104-00073648 being a standards body sometimes my wife said "how can you get extend … excited about a standard" but 8RJscWz_YZM-00129-00073752-00074400 and it's it's it's because it's such an underlying thing it's not something you see visibly so it's 8RJscWz_YZM-00130-00074400-00074960 it's it's like anything that's uh that's uh foundational but for us as i think we have 8RJscWz_YZM-00131-00075088-00075672 got a good group and we need all our members to basically be uh helping us recruit in a sense 8RJscWz_YZM-00132-00075672-00076208 or or identify uh what we can do from use cases as we need to do to get more members. 8RJscWz_YZM-00133-00076208-00076792 Jeremy: You mentioned certification and it's uh as you can see here our self-assessment at 8RJscWz_YZM-00134-00076792-00077216 that is that it's a bit lower we've actually received quite a number of 8RJscWz_YZM-00135-00077216-00077632 different certifications uh applications for them they've been put into the queue 8RJscWz_YZM-00136-00077792-00078328 some of them have already been nearly through the process we're working with several different 8RJscWz_YZM-00137-00078328-00078968 groups for both DMD as well as CMD the reason that we made a self-assessment to be lower is 8RJscWz_YZM-00138-00078968-00079504 because we haven't uh we haven't achieved what we would like which is to bring in a lot of the 8RJscWz_YZM-00139-00079504-00080056 existing implementations certainly existing DMD implementations of which there are many 8RJscWz_YZM-00140-00080136-00080680 and get them up to snuff to meet the 3.3 standards so those are the kinds of things that we want to 8RJscWz_YZM-00141-00080680-00081296 focus on and um and we're not sure if that's a push or a poll that's necessary to make that 8RJscWz_YZM-00142-00081296-00081848 happen with uh with utilities that are out there now but we uh we certainly want to focus on that. 8RJscWz_YZM-00143-00081848-00082392 Syed: On that note and I know you talked about it down let's talk about an up here 8RJscWz_YZM-00144-00082392-00082840 something that's trended up is around the standard piece I think if you maybe 8RJscWz_YZM-00145-00082920-00083368 Jeremy if you can talk a little bit about what GBA staff did and working with NAESB and and 8RJscWz_YZM-00146-00083368-00083864 everything to move this the the standard forward. Jeremy: Absolutely. NAESB has been fantastic 8RJscWz_YZM-00147-00083864-00084312 Don's going to cover some of this a little bit later about the more intricate pieces of 8RJscWz_YZM-00148-00084312-00085032 of what we've done there but uh but the NAESB folks, Jonathan and Elizabeth, have just been 8RJscWz_YZM-00149-00085032-00085784 right there uh lockstep with us and uh and Cade uh leading the um the the Task Force up till now 8RJscWz_YZM-00150-00085784-00086368 uh it's just been it's just been really uh nice to see that there has been that support I know 8RJscWz_YZM-00151-00086368-00086984 it's a different model for them and so we had some we had a long delay between the very first 8RJscWz_YZM-00152-00087104-00087952 implementations uh but we solved all of that with a with having um a Memorandum of Understanding to 8RJscWz_YZM-00153-00087952-00088512 put into place and working with them very closely and I think we've accomplished a lot there 8RJscWz_YZM-00154-00088512-00088968 the other piece of the puzzle is that we're constantly making changes and modifications 8RJscWz_YZM-00155-00088968-00089528 within the technical committee uh of GBA which is actually an open committee that just happens to be 8RJscWz_YZM-00156-00089528-00090240 run by GBA, by Don Coffin: the OpenADE Task Force and this is a group that we encourage everybody 8RJscWz_YZM-00157-00090240-00090824 members and non-members to get involved in and it is really where the changes and enhancements 8RJscWz_YZM-00158-00090824-00091328 are set for the standard so we're excited about what we've done thus far and the enhancements 8RJscWz_YZM-00159-00091328-00092040 and again don will cover all of that later. Syed: Okay anything else I think other than 8RJscWz_YZM-00160-00092040-00092464 global adoption I guess is one that might be worthwhile I think 8RJscWz_YZM-00161-00092464-00093056 the Korean translation I guess uh NAESB's worked out something with uh to make that happen too? 8RJscWz_YZM-00162-00093056-00093648 Jeremy: Yeah they have a uh they have an MOU in place with uh with uh Korean Smart 8RJscWz_YZM-00163-00093648-00094224 Grid Association and uh we'll hopefully we'll hear a little bit from NAESB on here and what 8RJscWz_YZM-00164-00094224-00094640 their assessment is on that progress I know that it stalled for a little bit due to covet 8RJscWz_YZM-00165-00094640-00095296 but I think we'll have um uh I think we'll have something soon we certainly have a lot going on 8RJscWz_YZM-00166-00095296-00095896 in that area again I'm making Don cover all of that and uh and talk about all the different 8RJscWz_YZM-00167-00095896-00096392 groups that we're involved in and i think i think you'll find it to be pretty exciting there's a lot 8RJscWz_YZM-00168-00096392-00096896 going on in the in the in the behind the scenes. Syed: Just so you're aware for the group as 8RJscWz_YZM-00169-00096896-00097432 well we're we're doing a a what they call a Power Forward Challenge with uh with NRCAN 8RJscWz_YZM-00170-00097432-00098184 i think somebody from NRCAN is on the call as well uh is um with the UK uh to demonstrate uh 8RJscWz_YZM-00171-00098280-00098824 uh you know more DER promotion of that through a blockchain platform and and 8RJscWz_YZM-00172-00098824-00099192 we're putting in green button as part of that to show demonstrate the value of green button 8RJscWz_YZM-00173-00099192-00099640 across the pond so to speak between Canada and UK so hopefully next year we'll have some 8RJscWz_YZM-00174-00099760-00100064 results to share there too so… Jeremy: that would be fantastic. 8RJscWz_YZM-00175-00100064-00100704 Syed: I think uh next slide is i guess the uh… Jeremy: Yeah a little bit about what we're doing 8RJscWz_YZM-00176-00100704-00101264 uh on the website side of things we always talk about what we're doing physically and in person 8RJscWz_YZM-00177-00101264-00101784 but a lot of our first touches are with the websites and so i wanted to take a little 8RJscWz_YZM-00178-00101784-00102520 bit of a look here because again a lot of the 2019 you didn't see and a lot of the early part of 2020 8RJscWz_YZM-00179-00102520-00103144 you didn't see because of our our shifting of the meeting but so what we wanted to do was show you 8RJscWz_YZM-00180-00103144-00103752 how things are presenting we really have two main websites uh greenbuttonalliance.org and 8RJscWz_YZM-00181-00103752-00104256 greenbuttondata.org greenbuttondata.org is is sort of the one that everyone points to 8RJscWz_YZM-00182-00104352-00104920 demonstrating exactly where um where to go for information and that's what we've kept it as 8RJscWz_YZM-00183-00104920-00105496 a sort of a an overview just sort of a rundown for anybody who hears about green button whether 8RJscWz_YZM-00184-00105496-00106096 they're a residential customer or whether they're interested in development and so forth and then 8RJscWz_YZM-00185-00106096-00106656 from there we try to bring them to the alliance site which is something they don't see quite as 8RJscWz_YZM-00186-00106656-00107144 quite as often when you're first getting involved and that also helps kind of be become triage for 8RJscWz_YZM-00187-00107144-00107744 us um in dealing with questions and so forth uh being able to answer some things they they come 8RJscWz_YZM-00188-00107744-00108359 to us a little bit more educated so real quickly i wanted to want you to take a peek at the stats 8RJscWz_YZM-00189-00108359-00109120 that we're showing here there are fewer people coming to the greenbuttondata.org site 8RJscWz_YZM-00190-00109192-00109744 and what we've discovered is they're bypassing it and going more to the green button alliance site 8RJscWz_YZM-00191-00109744-00110304 which means that people are already learning about green button uh and going straight for uh for 8RJscWz_YZM-00192-00110400-00110808 for the detail which they'll find on the alliance site and so we're having a huge 8RJscWz_YZM-00193-00110808-00111344 increase on the alliance site and a drop on the data site all good things and all all 8RJscWz_YZM-00194-00111344-00111928 exactly what we were hoping to accomplish you'll also see that for the most part the percentages 8RJscWz_YZM-00195-00111928-00112600 of the visitors are the same though we have seen a slight uh decrease in the u.s visitors 8RJscWz_YZM-00196-00112744-00113464 in on the data dot org site but just slight as a one percent and and those are being picked up 8RJscWz_YZM-00197-00113464-00114111 with different countries finding interest in what we're doing so that's been nice to see 8RJscWz_YZM-00198-00114111-00114816 and the canadian interest also has reduced just slightly on the alliance site but that again 8RJscWz_YZM-00199-00114816-00115359 that's been picked up by by the others and these percentages are so small they're not really uh 8RJscWz_YZM-00200-00115424-00115976 very statistically significant but i just thought i'd point them out uh just so that we're we're 8RJscWz_YZM-00201-00115976-00116576 seeing where things go over time and then when you look at what people are interested in uh on the 8RJscWz_YZM-00202-00116576-00117168 alliance site you'll see that they're interested primarily in learning about the gba there's a 8RJscWz_YZM-00203-00117168-00117759 lot on that page and from there they can go to a lot of other other places testing certification 8RJscWz_YZM-00204-00117759-00118416 and how to join the gba are our second in line uh behind the about section which is really exciting 8RJscWz_YZM-00205-00118416-00118976 to see because certification of course is is truly important if we're going to have interoperability 8RJscWz_YZM-00206-00118976-00119456 and then how to join the gba of course brings in membership so we're excited about that 8RJscWz_YZM-00207-00119583-00120144 on the data side you'll see that the residential interest is the majority and that's what we were 8RJscWz_YZM-00208-00120144-00120664 hoping for on this site in the first place because that's where folks have come and they've heard 8RJscWz_YZM-00209-00120664-00121088 about green button but they don't understand what it is and so this gives them enough education that 8RJscWz_YZM-00210-00121088-00121711 they don't have to come to the alliance site to learn about uh about the minutia of those types 8RJscWz_YZM-00211-00121711-00122224 of things they can learn about it right on the data site so we want to increase the amount of of 8RJscWz_YZM-00212-00122224-00122735 educational material that we provide them videos other types of things on that site to help them 8RJscWz_YZM-00213-00122840-00123383 and then the re the developer interest has peaked up a little bit and we also put in a new section 8RJscWz_YZM-00214-00123440-00123992 about connect my data so that folks there can learn about that right away and that's already 8RJscWz_YZM-00215-00123992-00124528 gained as nearly as much interest as the developer interest so we're quite excited about that 8RJscWz_YZM-00216-00124752-00125600 all of this culminates of course in us trying to uh trying to drive the value of the organization 8RJscWz_YZM-00217-00125600-00126111 uh and that value is driven from our board of directors primarily uh through our membership 8RJscWz_YZM-00218-00126111-00126664 of course but we need membership general membership representation at the board 8RJscWz_YZM-00219-00126664-00127376 and so one of the things that we do each year is we have an election of the participating members 8RJscWz_YZM-00220-00127376-00128111 to be a part of the board and so uh this year like like others we had our election it's all online 8RJscWz_YZM-00221-00128111-00128792 if you didn't hear about it you are probably a sponsor or you're an observing member or you're 8RJscWz_YZM-00222-00128880-00129400 an special affiliate like an organization or a government because it's only open to 8RJscWz_YZM-00223-00129400-00129840 the participating members for the participating numbers and so nobody knows who the candidates are 8RJscWz_YZM-00224-00129911-00130624 nobody knows how the election is going until this exact moment right here when uh when we introduce 8RJscWz_YZM-00225-00130624-00131576 to you the uh the elected members uh to the board for the 2021 year and i would like to give 8RJscWz_YZM-00226-00131576-00132312 congratulations to jay lewis john anderson and jeff hendler i'm going to put each of them on 8RJscWz_YZM-00227-00132312-00132896 the spot to uh to just say a quick blurb about what they're hoping to do on the board uh in one 8RJscWz_YZM-00228-00132896-00133648 case you'll you'll find that john is already on the board and so uh without further ado i will 8RJscWz_YZM-00229-00133648-00134256 hand the microphone so to speak over to jay lewis first thank you jeremy uh and thank you to the 8RJscWz_YZM-00230-00134256-00135032 members uh for the election looking forward to it i think um usa hit it early getting the standard 8RJscWz_YZM-00231-00135032-00135736 i think will facilitate innovation so i'm excited i think what we've seen when you have a standard 8RJscWz_YZM-00232-00135736-00136504 allows the the creativity to come a little faster as folks can build uh and know uh how to plan a 8RJscWz_YZM-00233-00136504-00137120 road map so part of uh you know why i'm excited to be on the board and help further the mission 8RJscWz_YZM-00234-00137120-00137888 is to accelerate that that pace of standards getting more organizations on board uh so it can 8RJscWz_YZM-00235-00137888-00138512 increase the pace of innovation that um that we're seeing here yeah we're really excited to have you 8RJscWz_YZM-00236-00138512-00139152 as a part of the board you have not been on the board before and i know that uh people will will 8RJscWz_YZM-00237-00139152-00139864 love your ideas i you and i have spoken in the uh in the recent past here and um and we're thrilled 8RJscWz_YZM-00238-00139864-00140448 to have you jay's going to be holding the two-year seat as you see here on the slide and so we'll be 8RJscWz_YZM-00239-00140448-00141016 seeing a lot of him over the over the next two years uh john we've seen quite a bit of 8RJscWz_YZM-00240-00141016-00141792 uh john uh tell us what your goals are for this year jeremy and thanks everybody else it's a 8RJscWz_YZM-00241-00141792-00142456 pleasure and privilege to be continuing on in this capacity with the degree but alliance board um for 8RJscWz_YZM-00242-00142456-00142896 those of you not familiar with own connect we are a demand response provider based in california we 8RJscWz_YZM-00243-00142896-00143416 service binary residential customers we have over 100 000 customers now signing up participating 8RJscWz_YZM-00244-00143416-00144088 in demand response directly in the california iso market in our experience of course access to 8RJscWz_YZM-00245-00144088-00144512 interval customer data is essential to animate this business but one of the trickiest parts of 8RJscWz_YZM-00246-00144512-00145056 the puzzle is getting customers to go through the authorization process in the first place 8RJscWz_YZM-00247-00145056-00145528 for many people it's it's daunting it's not user friendly it's off-putting and you may not 8RJscWz_YZM-00248-00145528-00146056 be surprised to hear that we continue to lose a lot of customers between the step where they sign 8RJscWz_YZM-00249-00146056-00146448 up for an unconnect account and when they're required to authorize access to their data 8RJscWz_YZM-00250-00146448-00146856 so over the past several years we fought very hard in california to get a more streamlined and 8RJscWz_YZM-00251-00146856-00147488 user-friendly process for customer authentication and data authorization our hope is that some of 8RJscWz_YZM-00252-00147488-00148072 these lessons from california can be adapted in other states and in jurisdictions beyond to make 8RJscWz_YZM-00253-00148072-00148688 sure that yes we're protecting customer privacy and providing state-of-the-art data security but 8RJscWz_YZM-00254-00148688-00149168 also making the process for customers to share their data with entities that can provide the 8RJscWz_YZM-00255-00149168-00149648 value as easy as possible so we look very much forward to continuing our work with this group 8RJscWz_YZM-00256-00149848-00150344 thanks john and it's been a pleasure having you uh thus far on the board john also serves 8RJscWz_YZM-00257-00150344-00151008 as our secretary uh one of the officers of our board so it's uh it's it's great because 8RJscWz_YZM-00258-00151008-00151696 he he's part of the executive committee and uh and helps drive the little minutia things that 8RJscWz_YZM-00259-00151696-00152304 we have to deal with within the organization and it's really extremely helpful to have that team 8RJscWz_YZM-00260-00152488-00153064 now jeff handler from logical buildings jeff well thank you jeremy uh really honored and 8RJscWz_YZM-00261-00153064-00153464 public privileged to be part of the board and i look forward to working with john and james 8RJscWz_YZM-00262-00153536-00154272 jay as well and uh you know logical buildings we're a smart building technology company and 8RJscWz_YZM-00263-00154272-00154944 uh you know integral to our product and service because we make a business case out of green 8RJscWz_YZM-00264-00154944-00155712 button data and so we hope to be someone of an evangelist to utilities um to any any regulatory 8RJscWz_YZM-00265-00155712-00156616 authority of of how having access consumers having access to their meter data in a way that is open 8RJscWz_YZM-00266-00156616-00157272 for them to utilize or is open to have programs where third-party developers can make that data 8RJscWz_YZM-00267-00157272-00157976 much more meaningful um is going to go a long way to help uh homeowners manage their home 8RJscWz_YZM-00268-00157976-00158608 in terms of energy and sustainability but also there's just a lot of you know programs that each 8RJscWz_YZM-00269-00158608-00159360 state has or even on the federal level driving for renewables driving for more solar more ev charging 8RJscWz_YZM-00270-00159472-00160112 and really to make all those programs truly successful you really need to have ami data um 8RJscWz_YZM-00271-00160176-00160952 accessible to be able to measure and manage and balance the needs of the grid so you know happy 8RJscWz_YZM-00272-00160952-00161872 to be a part of the team and being able to provide some really good use business case uh case studies 8RJscWz_YZM-00273-00161944-00162400 for for the group and and for future members and future organizations that hopefully will 8RJscWz_YZM-00274-00162456-00163104 join join on with us it's great jeff thank you and we'll we'll be hearing from jeff again a little 8RJscWz_YZM-00275-00163104-00163720 bit later uh giving us a showcase on uh some of the things he's doing and how he's doing them so 8RJscWz_YZM-00276-00163720-00164512 we'll be looking forward to that syed on to uh on to you i just want to acknowledge the the board 8RJscWz_YZM-00277-00164512-00164984 members in particular the you know daniel the vice chair and janice and the treasurer and john 8RJscWz_YZM-00278-00164984-00165584 for the secretary that uh your your appreciate you being involved in the executive team and and 8RJscWz_YZM-00279-00165584-00166064 bringing a lot of your thought leadership and and for the rest aboard as well that when we do meet 8RJscWz_YZM-00280-00166064-00166952 and uh bill bill i guess uh at this point is uh we thank you for bill fisher he's a from eei and 8RJscWz_YZM-00281-00166952-00167400 and i think unless bill on the call i think he's i think he is yeah yes i want to really thank you 8RJscWz_YZM-00282-00167400-00167968 from our side that uh we would have liked you for a third year but our bylaws didn't allow it so 8RJscWz_YZM-00283-00168056-00168640 unless we change it but uh uh thank you for uh your representation and and participation and 8RJscWz_YZM-00284-00168712-00169320 likewise for uh david willen who's there from nist i think is um want to thank him for all the niss 8RJscWz_YZM-00285-00169320-00170048 grants by the way thank you very much it's uh very appreciated and um and the ministry staff uh on 8RJscWz_YZM-00286-00170048-00170576 as well from the ontario ministry and and uh and the department of energy i know chris uh 8RJscWz_YZM-00287-00170576-00171000 urban's uh attended and then we've got some of the new members there now and also we have 8RJscWz_YZM-00288-00171000-00171552 enbridge uh the gas company in ontario thank you for your sponsorship and the traces on 8RJscWz_YZM-00289-00171552-00172032 the call but or somebody from enbridge would like to pass on our thank yous to them as well 8RJscWz_YZM-00290-00172224-00172984 and we really appreciate it all right so uh as i said we're going to hear from jeff uh again and so 8RJscWz_YZM-00291-00172984-00173624 uh jeff if you uh if you want i will be running some slides here if you want to go on video as 8RJscWz_YZM-00292-00173624-00174168 well we'll tack that in at different points of your presentation in our final recorded uh 8RJscWz_YZM-00293-00174168-00174944 and uh youtube version of this so without further delay here we go uh jeff from logical buildings 8RJscWz_YZM-00294-00175136-00175736 thank you jeremy yeah so logical buildings we are a member of degree button and now a board 8RJscWz_YZM-00295-00175736-00176232 member as well so really excited about that we are sustainability smart building software company 8RJscWz_YZM-00296-00176368-00176984 we are an integrator we integrate utility smart meters with iot platforms we do not create our 8RJscWz_YZM-00297-00176984-00177768 own hardware we use existing bms systems or new generation iot which is every day there's 8RJscWz_YZM-00298-00177768-00178344 a new sensor out there and we figure out how that sensor might be a value to a building 8RJscWz_YZM-00299-00178344-00179104 so we we've created a configurable um product that uh this bespoke to buildings and now in 8RJscWz_YZM-00300-00179104-00179624 this year in 2020 we rolled out a version for the home as well an apartment in our condo 8RJscWz_YZM-00301-00179712-00180128 we started a multi-family that's where we cut our teeth with our technology 8RJscWz_YZM-00302-00180208-00180840 gave us a really interesting view of a hybrid of a smart city because a high-rise multi-family 8RJscWz_YZM-00303-00180840-00181416 building has a combination of a city you have you know a few hundred people living there if not more 8RJscWz_YZM-00304-00181416-00181744 uh you have common areas that are very like a commercial building 8RJscWz_YZM-00305-00181816-00182496 you have at the street level uh you know retail you know restaurants banks laundromats 8RJscWz_YZM-00306-00182496-00183008 you have parking ev charging facilities you know we have buildings that have 400 spaces and 8RJscWz_YZM-00307-00183008-00183624 they might have 10 to 15 ev charging so you know over the years we've learned a lot about 8RJscWz_YZM-00308-00183624-00184368 the whole ecosystem that the multifamily building exposed us to and really gave us a lot of insights 8RJscWz_YZM-00309-00184368-00185088 of how to build a platform that would be really valuable to that community and that's actually 8RJscWz_YZM-00310-00185088-00185920 propelled us into pure commercial pure residential mixed use and all other industrial as well we 8RJscWz_YZM-00311-00185920-00186584 have a formula for what we think is for been our success we think it's a general form of the market 8RJscWz_YZM-00312-00186680-00187480 um it's our like equals mc squared um ami plus iot minus co2 equals a lot of value a lot of 8RJscWz_YZM-00313-00187480-00188296 value for everybody um the ami is really a theme of uh decentralization um in the energy markets 8RJscWz_YZM-00314-00188296-00188824 what's happening behind the meter um in terms of what's dispatchable load is much more important 8RJscWz_YZM-00315-00188944-00189464 than what's happening in front of the meter of centralized load that's where the migration is 8RJscWz_YZM-00316-00189464-00190208 going with renewables and therefore that ami data becomes more and more valuable and more 8RJscWz_YZM-00317-00190208-00191016 and more utilities are implementing am i smart meters and therefore having a green button uh 8RJscWz_YZM-00318-00191080-00191840 type of construct of standards opens up value for everybody um and that's you know 8RJscWz_YZM-00319-00191840-00192496 a concept that we you know hopefully having this uh board c will be able to 8RJscWz_YZM-00320-00192496-00193160 you know amplify that theme taking that ami data integrating it with iot that's the digitization 8RJscWz_YZM-00321-00193160-00193920 that everybody's talking about that you know new era of 5g of device device communication 8RJscWz_YZM-00322-00194040-00194616 taking that information and integrating it with the mi data through button 8RJscWz_YZM-00323-00194704-00195504 incredibly valuable in a creating ai we have an ai platform being predictive being prescriptive 8RJscWz_YZM-00324-00195504-00196296 and what you should do in a building and and then you know iot its own sense that's you know smart 8RJscWz_YZM-00325-00196296-00197016 thermostats like this as an easy example of an iot device has become ubiquitous and again you 8RJscWz_YZM-00326-00197016-00197704 know being able to calibrate that with meter data very valuable to the homeowner or to a business 8RJscWz_YZM-00327-00197704-00198520 owner a building manager all the combination of those two drive energy reduction and also drive 8RJscWz_YZM-00328-00198520-00199008 the reduction of carbon and being able to calibrate that and understand like one of 8RJscWz_YZM-00329-00199008-00199688 the most intense carbon time of day um when you have that type of information and we've created 8RJscWz_YZM-00330-00199688-00200384 a metric of carbon intensity that we're able to expose to our end users to create this value 8RJscWz_YZM-00331-00200456-00201160 we've also seen since we started multi-family the the other three-letter acronym of wfh we're 8RJscWz_YZM-00332-00201160-00201680 working from home like all of us many of us are working from home and that's had like a real 8RJscWz_YZM-00333-00201776-00202424 impact on utility distribution networks and and transmission networks that we've 8RJscWz_YZM-00334-00202424-00202824 seen especially going through this past summer incredibly hot summer nationally 8RJscWz_YZM-00335-00202920-00203632 and by having that data through green button we're able to you know report back to the utility or 8RJscWz_YZM-00336-00203632-00204464 and we also happen to be a a demand response aggregator provider to offer relief in areas 8RJscWz_YZM-00337-00204464-00204976 that that was never there before there's just a quick example i don't take up too much time but 8RJscWz_YZM-00338-00204976-00205728 in new york this past summer all the the extreme constraints were in areas they never experienced 8RJscWz_YZM-00339-00205728-00206376 before the outer boroughs of new york city because the the working centers of manhattan were vacant 8RJscWz_YZM-00340-00206440-00207208 and so manhattan which typically would have demand response events did not and the outer boroughs 8RJscWz_YZM-00341-00207208-00208000 like brooklyn queens westchester staten island they'll experience extreme constraints and having 8RJscWz_YZM-00342-00208000-00208648 this this type of data was really valuable to homeowners who were able to participate 8RJscWz_YZM-00343-00208719-00209408 in what we've created through green button and share my data a product called grid rewards where 8RJscWz_YZM-00344-00209408-00209976 homeowners would get a demand response alert we would get that as an aggregator we translate 8RJscWz_YZM-00345-00209976-00210616 that into grid rewards which is basically an event a notification with prescriptive things 8RJscWz_YZM-00346-00210616-00211167 the homeowner can do because now that homeowner con ed has rolled out an ami meter 8RJscWz_YZM-00347-00211248-00211904 they're halfway through a 5.5 million ami meter rollout is over 3 million ami meters 8RJscWz_YZM-00348-00211967-00212440 we have a technology integration cloud the cloud with con ed again through share my data a green 8RJscWz_YZM-00349-00212440-00213344 button construct and we've created you know value and we've been able to take that data not only 8RJscWz_YZM-00350-00213400-00214000 translate that into providing grid relief but also to point out to homeowners how they could just be 8RJscWz_YZM-00351-00214000-00214512 more intelligent with their energy management and also point out to homeowners you know what 8RJscWz_YZM-00352-00214512-00215104 are the most carbon intense hours of the day you know having green button data down to the hour 8RJscWz_YZM-00353-00215176-00215871 and down to 15 minutes really uncovers a lot of uh opportunity to see what's your true 8RJscWz_YZM-00354-00215928-00216519 carbon footprint for your home on a time of use basis so yeah a lot of value in this 8RJscWz_YZM-00355-00216519-00217184 equation each one is its own independent trend and integrating it um has has been really worthwhile 8RJscWz_YZM-00356-00217336-00217719 i don't spend too much time here we'll have this deck uh you know uh posted but you know 8RJscWz_YZM-00357-00217719-00218096 there's nothing better than hearing from your own people you know your clientele so to speak 8RJscWz_YZM-00358-00218152-00218680 one thing we're focusing on though is uh with this new product called grid rewards 8RJscWz_YZM-00359-00218744-00219512 uh that we've just rolled out you know we've we've had a big sign up of a cca a a community 8RJscWz_YZM-00360-00219512-00220160 choice aggregation the largest cca in new york is called a sustainable westchester and sustainable 8RJscWz_YZM-00361-00220160-00220776 westchester what represents 120 000 members um you know again it's it's a combination of 8RJscWz_YZM-00362-00220776-00221528 mostly residential but also has businesses as well and they're going into this year now unable to see 8RJscWz_YZM-00363-00221600-00222344 their their green button data through our platform and have now this prescriptive and predictive 8RJscWz_YZM-00364-00222344-00223080 analytics you know literally you know in the palm of their hand or on their screen uh and what we 8RJscWz_YZM-00365-00223080-00223792 found this past summer which was our first summer you know enabling grid rewards is that what we 8RJscWz_YZM-00366-00223792-00224423 thought would be the interaction turned out to be 200 more than our own our own projection meaning 8RJscWz_YZM-00367-00224423-00224944 if we thought someone was going to reduce their load by 1kw 2kw they did double that 8RJscWz_YZM-00368-00225008-00225567 and it was really fascinating what we learned is that it's part of the iot phenomenon that 8RJscWz_YZM-00369-00225567-00226096 people have in their own homes they've chosen a device whether it's alexa whether it's google home 8RJscWz_YZM-00370-00226167-00226784 whether it's you know smart things whether it's your your broadband provider of say verizon 8RJscWz_YZM-00371-00226784-00227592 or comcast or cox whoever it might be they're providing you devices that enable you to literally 8RJscWz_YZM-00372-00227592-00228288 talk to your home so people are working from home they get a rewards alert and they say hey you know 8RJscWz_YZM-00373-00228376-00228912 alexa change my set points on my thermostat by three degrees and alexa does it and that and they 8RJscWz_YZM-00374-00228912-00229528 didn't have to move you know it's becoming that simple and we don't even need to integrate with 8RJscWz_YZM-00375-00229528-00229992 the thermostat it's already there it's already at their fingertips they have that app already 8RJscWz_YZM-00376-00229992-00230871 so you know being able to take the ami data and and integrate that into the experience of iot with 8RJscWz_YZM-00377-00230871-00231376 a homeowner or a business which we're now doing with westchester and community choice aggregation 8RJscWz_YZM-00378-00231464-00231904 all that was made possible though there's a there is a share my data green button program 8RJscWz_YZM-00379-00231967-00232448 and there's nothing greater than a use case for that and we're out there you know talking to 8RJscWz_YZM-00380-00232448-00232976 the new york state public service commission you know explains them you did a good job they need to 8RJscWz_YZM-00381-00232976-00233536 hear that he did a good job you know okay in that rate case for con ed to roll out those ami meters 8RJscWz_YZM-00382-00233536-00234184 there's a lot of utilities need to hear the good press about having ami data of green button data 8RJscWz_YZM-00383-00234240-00234808 you know we have different products like smart kid ai is the intelligence the ai that building 8RJscWz_YZM-00384-00234808-00235512 managers use we have a consumerized version same smart kid ai brain that's running grid rewards 8RJscWz_YZM-00385-00235567-00236152 and we also have for portfolio owners the ability to manage their commodity risk as well in those 8RJscWz_YZM-00386-00236152-00236632 markets where they need to choose suppliers as well it's data driven we crack the code 8RJscWz_YZM-00387-00236736-00237352 that cr the code is crackable so to speak by having the data and so when you have you know 8RJscWz_YZM-00388-00237352-00237976 green button data and and asking now not just our you know daily data but hourly data or 15 minute 8RJscWz_YZM-00389-00237976-00238640 data the more granular you get the more valuable it is and as there's a push state by state 8RJscWz_YZM-00390-00238640-00239271 country by country for distributive energy resources having green button data is that 8RJscWz_YZM-00391-00239271-00239792 much more valuable we work with you know sustainability consultants you know bms companies 8RJscWz_YZM-00392-00239856-00240696 um big energy suppliers like constellation um you know all sorts of players uh we 8RJscWz_YZM-00393-00240752-00241392 we're collaborative with we find our place and niche within uh you know their their ecosystem 8RJscWz_YZM-00394-00241392-00241816 and bottom line is since it's all data driven we're able to deliver 8RJscWz_YZM-00395-00241816-00242584 measurable results uh you know creating you know revenue and cost reduction as well thanks jeff 8RJscWz_YZM-00396-00242584-00243096 that's excellent yeah thanks for sharing that with us i appreciate that we're going to talk 8RJscWz_YZM-00397-00243096-00243832 a little bit about data access policy advancements next year and we're going to be our gba treasurer 8RJscWz_YZM-00398-00243832-00244519 uh from ng uh djangocenarum will be covering that for us for the u.s and then matt edwards will talk 8RJscWz_YZM-00399-00244519-00245056 from the ontario ministry of energy northern development and mines on what's happening in 8RJscWz_YZM-00400-00245056-00245896 ontario canada so jengasen first and foremost you are up to bat so first and foremost i wanted to 8RJscWz_YZM-00401-00245967-00246623 thank everyone who took the time out of their busy daily schedule to be here and share our excitement 8RJscWz_YZM-00402-00246696-00247288 i wish of course we would be doing this in person as it would have uh highlighted how much uh this 8RJscWz_YZM-00403-00247288-00247696 initiative has grown over the past five years but of course given the circumstances we'll have to 8RJscWz_YZM-00404-00247767-00248456 live with a virtual uh together so maybe a quick word about what i do and a few words to introduce 8RJscWz_YZM-00405-00248456-00249128 angie who has been a long-standing supporter of of the grim button alliance uh as jeremy mentioned my 8RJscWz_YZM-00406-00249128-00249656 name is jenga sangenerim and apart from being an officer here at the grim button alliance i 8RJscWz_YZM-00407-00249656-00250232 currently have a couple of responsibilities within ng i act as the central portfolio 8RJscWz_YZM-00408-00250232-00250728 management for our commercial business and also i'm slowly transitioning actually to a new role 8RJscWz_YZM-00409-00250728-00251560 which is uh being the chief data officer for uh for our north american organization um ng's 8RJscWz_YZM-00410-00251560-00252128 ambitions in in north america and worldwide for that matter is to be the leader in zero carbon 8RJscWz_YZM-00411-00252128-00252736 transition services that's of course happening in a variety of ways which i will not get into 8RJscWz_YZM-00412-00252736-00253264 i mean of course we start from putting you know you know putting renewable generation resources 8RJscWz_YZM-00413-00253264-00253800 on the ground it goes all the way into working our clients to reduce their carbon footprint 8RJscWz_YZM-00414-00253800-00254376 through reduced consumption energy efficiency and other digital and decentralized solutions what's 8RJscWz_YZM-00415-00254376-00254856 more important i think is why we support green button and why we see it as an important pillar 8RJscWz_YZM-00416-00254976-00255592 it will also probably take to the plane but maybe to provide some context what we try to do we 8RJscWz_YZM-00417-00255592-00256208 cannot do by just pushing ourselves this business model that we have would not be possible if there 8RJscWz_YZM-00418-00256208-00256800 wasn't a pool from our customers to successful in answering and answer this demand and as 8RJscWz_YZM-00419-00256800-00257440 any other business that faces customers we do realize that data is really the lifeline for our 8RJscWz_YZM-00420-00257440-00257928 business that we can understand our customers behavior their priorities and objectives 8RJscWz_YZM-00421-00258080-00258784 open access to data is foundational to not only just organization but also to our business 8RJscWz_YZM-00422-00258871-00259423 because it supports and intersects with angie's goals on on climate and social responsibility 8RJscWz_YZM-00423-00259423-00260096 looking into the u.s the availability and accessibility of consumption data or or lack 8RJscWz_YZM-00424-00260096-00260656 thereof rudder we felt we needed to do more than just watching the regulatory initiatives unfold 8RJscWz_YZM-00425-00260656-00261223 so that's why we have supported grim button and we thought it is important for us to share 8RJscWz_YZM-00426-00261223-00261608 the regulatory developments around the country with our audience today 8RJscWz_YZM-00427-00261608-00262200 as it's also an important strategic pillar for for science itself as well so 8RJscWz_YZM-00428-00262272-00262936 we have the map on the on the screen we currently have existing energy data mandates in in five 8RJscWz_YZM-00429-00262936-00263704 states these are california colorado illinois new york and texas i wanted to highlight though our 8RJscWz_YZM-00430-00263704-00264384 work is far from these states um i think this goes back to what what john talking about in a little 8RJscWz_YZM-00431-00264384-00265008 bit really having a policy in places is something but if it's not implemented the right way with the 8RJscWz_YZM-00432-00265064-00265792 with the customer and simplistic design in mind for they they will not succeed um john mentioned 8RJscWz_YZM-00433-00265792-00266288 about california and i can talk about since i live in houston the first iteration here in texas 8RJscWz_YZM-00434-00266376-00267000 uh but we even now have in illinois i think are great examples of what i'm talking about 8RJscWz_YZM-00435-00267000-00267664 maybe an analogy to go here and i saw bob uh was on on the call as well here today this is actually 8RJscWz_YZM-00436-00267664-00268352 his analogy so with this permission i'll talk about it so when i go to an atm irrespective of 8RJscWz_YZM-00437-00268352-00268936 where i am in the tree uh whichever bank i go to you know my debit card works i can use my pen 8RJscWz_YZM-00438-00269000-00269520 financial information is exchanged in the background and i can get my money within seconds i 8RJscWz_YZM-00439-00269520-00270128 can go to any big box retail store i can walk away with the tv you know my social at the checkout 8RJscWz_YZM-00440-00270128-00270784 register and set tv right then and there takes seconds that level of standardization simplicity 8RJscWz_YZM-00441-00270848-00271296 unfortunately doesn't exist in our industry and that's that's what we should be targeting 8RJscWz_YZM-00442-00271296-00271960 when we implement these changes policy is just one thing but uh you know having dmd or cmd in 8RJscWz_YZM-00443-00271960-00272544 place is one thing but the design and the customer experience should mimic that kind of approach that 8RJscWz_YZM-00444-00272544-00272928 currently exists in the financial industry and that's what we lack in the utility industry 8RJscWz_YZM-00445-00273016-00273672 so the reason i deviated from from the map and initiatives is uh i mean to explain this is is 8RJscWz_YZM-00446-00273672-00274232 it's really great actually to see more and more states and utility commission realize the same 8RJscWz_YZM-00447-00274232-00274920 thing and they're ticking slow but you know sure steps towards implementing this kind of approach 8RJscWz_YZM-00448-00274920-00275504 so there is an emerging interest in mid-wide data platforms that make it easier for the customer to 8RJscWz_YZM-00449-00275592-00276312 to not only acquire but also their data maybe that's why i wanted to really highlight uh the 8RJscWz_YZM-00450-00276312-00277048 developments in in certain states uh i think new york new hampshire dc there i think they 8RJscWz_YZM-00451-00277048-00277624 exemplify a good approach and also even you know what's going on in california of course 8RJscWz_YZM-00452-00277624-00278248 with the with the secondary iterations in texas uh those are also good examples as well so but 8RJscWz_YZM-00453-00278248-00278880 but maybe to expand a little bit on these three new states uh in dc the public service commission 8RJscWz_YZM-00454-00278936-00279408 uh announced the approval of uh the next sort of grid modernization recommendations for 8RJscWz_YZM-00455-00279408-00279952 for dc uh stemming from its uh i think it was called power pack the stakeholder 8RJscWz_YZM-00456-00279952-00280616 process these recommendations include enhancing energy data access uh for not only just cni 8RJscWz_YZM-00457-00280616-00281064 but also for all residential customers through pepco's green button connect my data platform 8RJscWz_YZM-00458-00281128-00281808 uh and also many comments were filed uh have a single repository for customer data as well um in 8RJscWz_YZM-00459-00281808-00282560 new york dps staff published two white papers on strategic use of energy related uh the first one 8RJscWz_YZM-00460-00282640-00283248 uh was regarding the development of a data access framework it defines the proc for access to energy 8RJscWz_YZM-00461-00283248-00283848 related data it recognizes that the owner of the data is the customer and they have the 8RJscWz_YZM-00462-00283848-00284424 right to consent to share their energy usage data and it standardizes the necessary privacy 8RJscWz_YZM-00463-00284424-00285008 cyber security and quality requirements for data access the second paper which i think 8RJscWz_YZM-00464-00285008-00285488 is a little bit more exciting regarding the creation of an integrated energy data resource 8RJscWz_YZM-00465-00285488-00286040 and it proposes a statewide centralized platform for access to customer and system data 8RJscWz_YZM-00466-00286144-00286688 stakeholder providing comments for consideration by the dps and if it's adopted by the commission 8RJscWz_YZM-00467-00286760-00287240 the data access framework would guide the requirements and process for energy for 8RJscWz_YZM-00468-00287240-00287544 energy related today in new york and through it through a single repository 8RJscWz_YZM-00469-00287544-00288112 which i think is very important uh symbols in new hampshire uh legislation has passed 8RJscWz_YZM-00470-00288112-00288576 for a statewide platform which even highlighted the certifiable solution involving connect my 8RJscWz_YZM-00471-00288576-00289160 data and should be pursued so obviously i cannot get into details with time constraints but also 8RJscWz_YZM-00472-00289248-00289728 as highlighted by the map other states are pursuing similar outcomes you have hawaii we 8RJscWz_YZM-00473-00289728-00290304 have arkansas ohio new jersey massachusetts north carolina they're all highlighted here on the slide 8RJscWz_YZM-00474-00290376-00291000 finally maybe to highlight uh on a national level the the e-access act as part of the nine bill uh 8RJscWz_YZM-00475-00291000-00291488 climate action plan has been proposed to the house of representatives of course these sticks 8RJscWz_YZM-00476-00291488-00292144 these things take time uh you can swing a bit uh depending on politics of course but 8RJscWz_YZM-00477-00292144-00292664 what's important i think is the overall direction and it suggests that we are returning around this 8RJscWz_YZM-00478-00292664-00293416 really um even in uh direct contact with it was mentioned with republic of korea with utilities 8RJscWz_YZM-00479-00293416-00294064 in europe australia to explore even this that can be implemented elsewhere outside of the us as well 8RJscWz_YZM-00480-00294128-00294696 so to conclude i think it's it's fair to say that we have come a long way in the past five 8RJscWz_YZM-00481-00294696-00295320 years and now is probably the most exciting time of all due to the the rapid acceleration of policy 8RJscWz_YZM-00482-00295320-00295920 initiatives around the globe and i i do hope we continue to take part in these initiatives with a 8RJscWz_YZM-00483-00295920-00296512 bigger and bigger group and the right thing not only for economic impacts i i applaud syed for 8RJscWz_YZM-00484-00296568-00297064 for those silence because we're not just doing this for economic impacts with this for the 8RJscWz_YZM-00485-00297064-00297728 people and for the planet uh that is why also ng is supporting this so strongly because the the 8RJscWz_YZM-00486-00297728-00298520 purpose intersects with all our three global uh strategic trusts as well which are both planet and 8RJscWz_YZM-00487-00298520-00299056 and profit so as as you might have noticed i did not get into any details regarding canada 8RJscWz_YZM-00488-00299120-00299704 because i think we have matt edwards here from uh ontario minister of energy and he'll go to 8RJscWz_YZM-00489-00299704-00300376 the updates uh on on canada next uh so i want to thank again for for being here and uh celebrating 8RJscWz_YZM-00490-00300376-00300984 with us our fifth year in europe so matt and well good afternoon everyone and thanks to 8RJscWz_YZM-00491-00300984-00301656 jeremy syed and the gba team for the opportunity to speak today my name is matt edwards and i am 8RJscWz_YZM-00492-00301656-00302296 a senior policy advisor with the conservation and energy efficiency branch of the ontario ministry 8RJscWz_YZM-00493-00302296-00303040 of energy northern development in mind or endm for short today i'd like to quickly provide you 8RJscWz_YZM-00494-00303104-00303600 with a brief overview of ontario's experience with greenbutton to date and update you on a 8RJscWz_YZM-00495-00303600-00304256 number of exciting developments that have recently taken place the province of ontario is the largest 8RJscWz_YZM-00496-00304256-00304880 sub-national government in canada and endm works to provide to develop a safe reliable 8RJscWz_YZM-00497-00304936-00305600 and affordable energy supply across the province for ontario's approximately 14.5 million residents 8RJscWz_YZM-00498-00305672-00306336 these residents are served by approximately 59 electricity distribution companies uh the primary 8RJscWz_YZM-00499-00306336-00306928 natural gas distributor enbridge gas and a large number of municipally operated water distribution 8RJscWz_YZM-00500-00306928-00307704 services ian dm has been a long-term member of the gba and has been represented on the board as well 8RJscWz_YZM-00501-00307776-00308408 my boss usman you may be more familiar with him he unfortunately had a conflict today but 8RJscWz_YZM-00502-00308408-00309040 he says hello to everyone and hopes you're all well um since 2012 the adoption of the green 8RJscWz_YZM-00503-00309040-00309608 button standard in ontario has been voluntary for utilities and this option has been incorporated 8RJscWz_YZM-00504-00309608-00310128 into provincial legislation in recognition of the benefits that a single standard can provide 8RJscWz_YZM-00505-00310216-00310808 these legislative changes were also made in recognition of the opportunity that was presented 8RJscWz_YZM-00506-00310808-00311368 with the province-wide rollout of electricity smart meters in ontario and the capabilities that 8RJscWz_YZM-00507-00311368-00312048 were unlocked by this technology initial uptake in the standard in ontario was modest at first 8RJscWz_YZM-00508-00312048-00312464 but endm has taken a leadership role in advancing the standard in the province 8RJscWz_YZM-00509-00312520-00313200 in 2013-14 endm ran an app contest to help showcase some of the capabilities of green button 8RJscWz_YZM-00510-00313200-00313696 and a great deal of information was collected through this exercise london hydro has been 8RJscWz_YZM-00511-00313696-00314328 a key leader for green button in ontario and advancing the standard and has retained the status 8RJscWz_YZM-00512-00314328-00314800 and part through the development of a platform that other ontario utilities have leveraged to 8RJscWz_YZM-00513-00314800-00315496 roll out the standard to their customers endm has previously proposed the green button dmd 8RJscWz_YZM-00514-00315496-00315936 and cmd would be required for ontario electricity and natural gas distributors 8RJscWz_YZM-00515-00315936-00316600 and that was as recently as in 2016-17 however to date the ministry has taken a measured 8RJscWz_YZM-00516-00316600-00317064 approach to this implementation as we have worked to ensure that the standard is ready 8RJscWz_YZM-00517-00317064-00317704 for all ontario utilities to implement over the years endm has been engaged with nasby and the gba 8RJscWz_YZM-00518-00317760-00318216 to advance the standard and understand how it can be applied to the ontario context 8RJscWz_YZM-00519-00318216-00318680 we believe that the current status of the standard and the gba certification process 8RJscWz_YZM-00520-00318760-00319272 there's an opportunity that exists to require that the standard be implemented across the province 8RJscWz_YZM-00521-00319272-00319744 the ministry currently has the legislative authority uh in our electricity act to 8RJscWz_YZM-00522-00319744-00320344 develop a regulation uh that would require a data standard to be implemented such as green button 8RJscWz_YZM-00523-00320440-00320936 the current government has recently communicated the opportunities that green button presents in a 8RJscWz_YZM-00524-00320936-00321560 number of publications this includes the province of ontario's environment plan which was released 8RJscWz_YZM-00525-00321560-00322184 in 2018 there was an open for business publication released by our ministry of economic development 8RJscWz_YZM-00526-00322264-00322896 and 2019 that highlighted progress on green button and most recently communications document 8RJscWz_YZM-00527-00322896-00323520 that you see up on the screen was released along with a legislative package entitled 8RJscWz_YZM-00528-00323520-00324080 making ontario better for people and smarter for business while this package does not 8RJscWz_YZM-00529-00324080-00324552 include specific legislative legislative amendments related to green button green 8RJscWz_YZM-00530-00324552-00325064 button was included as an existing initiative that can help meet the goals of this package 8RJscWz_YZM-00531-00325208-00325912 on october 8th in coordination with the release of this package endm posted a regulatory proposal 8RJscWz_YZM-00532-00325976-00326536 to require utilities to implement green button to what is known as the environmental registry of 8RJscWz_YZM-00533-00326536-00327192 ontario and the regulatory registry and these are tools that the province of ontario uses to consult 8RJscWz_YZM-00534-00327192-00327760 with the public and stakeholders on proposed regulatory amendments that may have an impact 8RJscWz_YZM-00535-00327760-00328504 on the environment and built world um so this posting proposes uh that ontario's electricity 8RJscWz_YZM-00536-00328504-00329136 and natural gas distributors i would be required to implement and certify uh both green button dmd 8RJscWz_YZM-00537-00329136-00329824 and cmd within two years of the enactment of the regulation they would have the option to implement 8RJscWz_YZM-00538-00329824-00330416 the standard themselves or work with an existing provider that currently has the capabilities to 8RJscWz_YZM-00539-00330416-00330984 implement the standard on their behalf and of note and something that we're specifically looking into 8RJscWz_YZM-00540-00331048-00331744 is that while ontario's largest electricity utility which is hydro1 serves over 1 million 8RJscWz_YZM-00541-00331744-00332368 customers many utilities serve fewer than five to ten thousand customers uh so there's quite a large 8RJscWz_YZM-00542-00332368-00332864 uh difference in the scale of utilities that are that operate in the province and something that 8RJscWz_YZM-00543-00332864-00333424 we're specifically looking for feedback on is how implementation costs for these smaller utilities 8RJscWz_YZM-00544-00333480-00334104 could be reduced and to make it as easy as possible and as economically viable for them to 8RJscWz_YZM-00545-00334104-00334664 implement the standard if it is required for them and the pope the posting also speaks to some of 8RJscWz_YZM-00546-00334664-00335256 the benefits the green button can bring to ontario energy consumers and utilities across the province 8RJscWz_YZM-00547-00335312-00335848 which helps to form the ministry's vision of green button in ontario the ministry expects 8RJscWz_YZM-00548-00335848-00336400 the providing easy secure access to data through green button can create a competitive market 8RJscWz_YZM-00549-00336400-00336936 for platforms to deliver this data and a suite of applications that can enable consumers to control 8RJscWz_YZM-00550-00336936-00337512 their energy use and costs further green button presents an economic opera development opportunity 8RJscWz_YZM-00551-00337568-00338104 while supporting increased conservation and energy efficiency this can provide direct benefits to 8RJscWz_YZM-00552-00338104-00338480 customers who can receive information on how they can save on their energy bills 8RJscWz_YZM-00553-00338480-00338960 uh through changes in consumption patterns or retrofits and can help you to utilities connect 8RJscWz_YZM-00554-00338960-00339528 with their consumers in an efficient manner if you're interested in looking at this posting 8RJscWz_YZM-00555-00339528-00340144 um you can find it simply by searching at least i did google i may show up differently in other 8RJscWz_YZM-00556-00340144-00340840 search engines but if you google ero ontario green button it should be the first posting that comes 8RJscWz_YZM-00557-00340840-00341416 up or if you go to the environmental registry of ontario and search green button there's 8RJscWz_YZM-00558-00341416-00342008 you can find the posting there as well and the the comment period uh is from october 8th to november 8RJscWz_YZM-00559-00342008-00342680 22nd um so there is still approximately a month um for this posting period if you were interested in 8RJscWz_YZM-00560-00342680-00343296 uh posting um because from the ministry's perspective uh we would welcome any advice or 8RJscWz_YZM-00561-00343296-00344008 feedback from gba members regarding implementation or other considerations and that can be provided 8RJscWz_YZM-00562-00344008-00344632 even if you do not operate in ontario so because once the posting closes uh the ministry will take 8RJscWz_YZM-00563-00344632-00345456 in all this feedback and we'll make a decision or may make a proposal make a recommendation to the 8RJscWz_YZM-00564-00345560-00346256 politicians who would be the ones authorizing the regulation and we propose some next steps at that 8RJscWz_YZM-00565-00346256-00346792 point as well and so i think that's all that i really prepared for you today so i thank you 8RJscWz_YZM-00566-00346792-00347296 very much once again for the opportunity to speak today and i really do hope that uh you and your 8RJscWz_YZM-00567-00347296-00347832 family's colleagues uh remain safe and healthy uh during this uh this time that we're in right now 8RJscWz_YZM-00568-00347936-00348696 all right thank you matt for that's great for for quite a detailed uh description of uh the 8RJscWz_YZM-00569-00348696-00349184 role that uh ontario has played on administrators played on the green button alliance for the last 8RJscWz_YZM-00570-00349184-00349856 uh few years so yeah we really appreciated it and and some of the questions that came into the chat 8RJscWz_YZM-00571-00349856-00350576 uh we're asking how they can find some of these links and we have on our website a menu called 8RJscWz_YZM-00572-00350576-00351120 happenings and if you hover over that menu you should find links and we constantly update these 8RJscWz_YZM-00573-00351120-00351656 links with the latest and greatest of information to find so that you can find the right places 8RJscWz_YZM-00574-00351760-00352160 but hopefully those will help you find some of the things you're looking for and of course you 8RJscWz_YZM-00575-00352160-00352616 can always contact us if you just can't find it we're happy to point these things out for you 8RJscWz_YZM-00576-00352936-00353168 all right we're moving into uh some 8RJscWz_YZM-00577-00353248-00353680 uh market collaboration discussion we're gonna talk a little bit on the technical side but only 8RJscWz_YZM-00578-00353680-00354256 enough to show you uh where it fits into uh into the world that some of us deal with even though 8RJscWz_YZM-00579-00354256-00354808 there are some tech folks on this line we won't we won't go down too deep into it but don's got some 8RJscWz_YZM-00580-00354864-00355480 some great things to share with you and um and so we'll just get started thanks jeremy 8RJscWz_YZM-00581-00355760-00356288 over the last five years we've concentrated in three areas for market expansion 8RJscWz_YZM-00582-00356288-00357008 and industry collaboration um educational standardization updates and interoperability so 8RJscWz_YZM-00583-00357112-00357800 as we've done that we have had affiliates and uh standard organizations that we've worked with 8RJscWz_YZM-00584-00357800-00358496 as well as um co-sponsored and worked with their activities so i'd like to just go over that list 8RJscWz_YZM-00585-00358592-00359088 in the education section we've been working with the consumer advocates the pucs 8RJscWz_YZM-00586-00359144-00359704 pscs and leading utilities these are our liaisons to the public and instrumental 8RJscWz_YZM-00587-00359792-00360480 in providing needs for their communities along with that general list we've got some specific 8RJscWz_YZM-00588-00360480-00361120 organizations the continental automated buildings association acronym caba they 8RJscWz_YZM-00589-00361232-00361632 we work with them whenever there's an opportunity to ensure the building's 8RJscWz_YZM-00590-00361632-00362240 community is aware of green button um the next one on the list is is one that we have spent 8RJscWz_YZM-00591-00362240-00362960 a whole lot of time with and that's the national institute of standards and technology in some ways 8RJscWz_YZM-00592-00362960-00363536 i've been associated with them probably for seven years although this is our fifth year anniversary 8RJscWz_YZM-00593-00363696-00364184 the nist cooperative agreement which is currently being used to assist the public 8RJscWz_YZM-00594-00364184-00364760 utility and service commissions in their desires to make green button available to the communities 8RJscWz_YZM-00595-00364840-00365576 is an activeness grant that jeremy's working on i'd like to take this opportunity to thank dave 8RJscWz_YZM-00596-00365576-00366296 wollman and [ __ ] win who've been absolutely fantastic supporters of our efforts next year 8RJscWz_YZM-00597-00366384-00367192 through working with [ __ ] we've asked the department of commerce cyber security group 8RJscWz_YZM-00598-00367192-00367992 within nist to take a review of the current sb version 3.3 standard for cyber security group 8RJscWz_YZM-00599-00367992-00369072 compliance um the um nasby group typically goes through a similar task but it's done as an audit 8RJscWz_YZM-00600-00369072-00369720 and the auditor selects the uh individual books they did not select the sb standard 8RJscWz_YZM-00601-00369800-00370320 so we reached out to nist and asked if they would review it they reviewed the original policy 8RJscWz_YZM-00602-00370408-00370992 when it was published in 2011 but because we you'll see in a minute we've done some upgrades 8RJscWz_YZM-00603-00371056-00371904 we want to make sure that the standard cyber security suites etc um are really up to date um in 8RJscWz_YZM-00604-00371904-00372680 addition to that um the miss grants have assisted us over the last five years in various activities 8RJscWz_YZM-00605-00372744-00373544 the one for next year will help us upgrade the test platforms to support the retail customer 8RJscWz_YZM-00606-00373704-00374080 schema that i'll describe in a few minutes on the next slide 8RJscWz_YZM-00607-00374208-00374712 another group in government that has really helped us is the ontario ministry of energy 8RJscWz_YZM-00608-00374920-00375816 they're always on the monthly um all all pulse calls that we hold with all of our numbers um 8RJscWz_YZM-00609-00375816-00376400 and they keep bringing this up to date as you just heard from matt uh edwards they're very active in 8RJscWz_YZM-00610-00376400-00377112 ontario and keep us well informed last one on that list is the smart energy consumer collaborative 8RJscWz_YZM-00611-00377112-00377696 collaborative i'm sorry um unfortunately they're having their annual meeting this week so they're 8RJscWz_YZM-00612-00377696-00378352 not able to join us today but they usually participate we usually participate with them 8RJscWz_YZM-00613-00378352-00379112 in their personal uh meetings and spread the word under standardization we've got some recognizable 8RJscWz_YZM-00614-00379192-00379960 areas that we've talked about we also have several new ones one that you are probably familiar with 8RJscWz_YZM-00615-00379960-00380504 is the environmental protection agency under former president obama 8RJscWz_YZM-00616-00380632-00381248 an executive order had been signed to see that the green button was implemented into the epa's 8RJscWz_YZM-00617-00381248-00381872 energy star portfolio which is an online tool for building owners to benchmark their properties 8RJscWz_YZM-00618-00381960-00382800 unfortunately epa only got so far as being able to export green button data but we have 8RJscWz_YZM-00619-00382800-00383440 now reconvened with them through another group that's been involved i'll mention in just a minute 8RJscWz_YZM-00620-00383504-00384472 who's looking at whether green button or the epa's portfolio management data stream is what they want 8RJscWz_YZM-00621-00384472-00385144 to use as a standard within their organization um jeremy and i had a conversation with the epa 8RJscWz_YZM-00622-00385144-00385776 just last week we gave them some technical information they're going back to review it 8RJscWz_YZM-00623-00385776-00386392 our next call should be in november and in this time they are going to give us an update 8RJscWz_YZM-00624-00386448-00387200 if anyone's been using it you know that they have added several new apis um we've glanced at those 8RJscWz_YZM-00625-00387200-00387928 there's some things in it that we want to add um and i'll go over those in my next slide but we're 8RJscWz_YZM-00626-00387928-00388552 trying to get it to where the green button and the epa portfolio manager become inter-exchangeable 8RJscWz_YZM-00627-00388672-00389104 the next group is the korean smart grid association that was mentioned earlier in 8RJscWz_YZM-00628-00389104-00389832 a previous site slide um we just had the nasb monthly update call yesterday and i can report 8RJscWz_YZM-00629-00389928-00390808 the korean translation is ongoing unfortunately it has been slowed down again due to the covet um 8RJscWz_YZM-00630-00390984-00391896 pandemic um but it is on on track it um we did not get a report from these vias to a target date 8RJscWz_YZM-00631-00391960-00392208 perhaps later we can get an update from 8RJscWz_YZM-00632-00392552-00393072 them a new group though that we're associated with is this linux foundation 8RJscWz_YZM-00633-00393072-00393632 um it's actually a group within the linux foundation called linux foundation energy 8RJscWz_YZM-00634-00393720-00394400 most people when you think of the linux foundation you're you think of linux computers as an 8RJscWz_YZM-00635-00394400-00395176 operating system but they've gone really extremely beyond that they have invested a lot of time and 8RJscWz_YZM-00636-00395176-00395888 effort into the open source development they have this lfe which is an energy division attempting to 8RJscWz_YZM-00637-00395888-00396776 harmonize the disparate systems that span europe and we got involved thanks to jenga's unirum our 8RJscWz_YZM-00638-00396856-00397840 gba sponsor engi who has involved us in it i participate weekly in the lfe data architecture 8RJscWz_YZM-00639-00397952-00398600 working group along with other groups anyone interested in joining that group um if you 8RJscWz_YZM-00640-00398736-00399672 google the linux foundation energy lfe you will find them on the web and it's a free membership 8RJscWz_YZM-00641-00399752-00400984 they are looking for open source projects that can be used to do micro grid work um nodal work um 8RJscWz_YZM-00642-00400984-00401704 scala standard work so if you have some code you um would like to contribute in the open source 8RJscWz_YZM-00643-00401704-00402504 um their only requirement is it must run on a linux server they will not take it 8RJscWz_YZM-00644-00402504-00403104 if it's a windows only but if you write it in java it's transportable to both environments 8RJscWz_YZM-00645-00403240-00403720 the next group which i just mentioned briefly is the north american energy standards board 8RJscWz_YZM-00646-00403720-00404552 um elizabeth mallett and jonathan boo have worked very hard with myself and with jeremy 8RJscWz_YZM-00647-00404552-00405096 to ensure that the green button is successful through the nasty standardization process 8RJscWz_YZM-00648-00405240-00405888 despite the historical workflow that nesbi requires which is really a business practice 8RJscWz_YZM-00649-00406032-00406760 workflow for standardization of business documents and we don't really fit that because we're an 8RJscWz_YZM-00650-00406760-00407488 internet development data style they've been very quick to respond to all of the minor and major 8RJscWz_YZM-00651-00407488-00408488 changes that the open ade task force has submitted and as a result of that we did a significant 8RJscWz_YZM-00652-00408624-00409232 uplift at the standard i'll go over a few of those points on my next point but um it's been a lot of 8RJscWz_YZM-00653-00409232-00410184 work i also want to thank um kate burks who's been the chair of the sb task force cades from big data 8RJscWz_YZM-00654-00410184-00410872 energy another one of our members um he's helped steer that work group through the nasty process 8RJscWz_YZM-00655-00411168-00411664 in addition we've got the national institute they're they're on that list as well as the 8RJscWz_YZM-00656-00411664-00412535 education list and again we mentioned them earlier then we've got a group that some of you i suspect 8RJscWz_YZM-00657-00412535-00413280 are aware of the open automated demand response actually probably known better as open adr it's 8RJscWz_YZM-00658-00413280-00413912 an organization that promotes standard of the same trade name that allows utilities to send pricing 8RJscWz_YZM-00659-00414047-00414816 criticality signals down to buildings homes devices that allow you to curtail energy usage 8RJscWz_YZM-00660-00414816-00415776 um connect during the most recent rolling brown outs in in california use this capability quite 8RJscWz_YZM-00661-00415776-00416352 extensively to help customers keep from being blacked out by turning off such things as 8RJscWz_YZM-00662-00416496-00417120 water heating pools that aren't being used if they have those running and so forth 8RJscWz_YZM-00663-00417256-00417752 green button actually the open ade adr standard actually does contain 8RJscWz_YZM-00664-00417808-00418264 an element of the green button standard it has not been updated it actually goes back 8RJscWz_YZM-00665-00418368-00419216 to a proposed schema prior to the original publication and we're now working with that group 8RJscWz_YZM-00666-00419288-00420000 in an effort to get the green button element of the open adr standard upgraded to the version 3.3 8RJscWz_YZM-00667-00420152-00420647 and we've gotten to the point where we're starting to do actual data comparisons to let them know 8RJscWz_YZM-00668-00420712-00421088 um what elements in their standard or out of date need to be updated 8RJscWz_YZM-00669-00421184-00421912 hopefully we can get that finalized sometime next year but it is an ongoing project and then an 8RJscWz_YZM-00670-00421912-00422447 interoperability is the mortgage industry standard maintenance organization they're trying to select 8RJscWz_YZM-00671-00422447-00423608 an energy standard um for their leaseholders um and renata siva from the gba member pg e 8RJscWz_YZM-00672-00423608-00424512 pg e got us into that let me skip over to the technical side um the focus area has been the is 8RJscWz_YZM-00673-00424608-00425352 also been divided into three areas um we focused on security ease of use and enhancements to 8RJscWz_YZM-00674-00425352-00426216 the standard um on the security side the version 3.3 upgrades the minimum tls to 1.2 8RJscWz_YZM-00675-00426335-00427320 it also has converted from oauth 1 to the oauth 2 with the most secure authorization code flows 8RJscWz_YZM-00676-00427424-00428272 that would be the authorization code refresh token code and the client credential it does not support 8RJscWz_YZM-00677-00428272-00429056 the resource password or implicit which are actually being removed from the standard in the 8RJscWz_YZM-00678-00429056-00429639 2.1 upgrade the other thing that we have done is we've added both personal identifiable information 8RJscWz_YZM-00679-00429720-00430400 in addition to the original energy usage but those are separated into two separate sets of 8RJscWz_YZM-00680-00430400-00431120 apis and data streams from an ease of use we've rewritten the authorization use case 8RJscWz_YZM-00681-00431120-00431576 in the standard to simplify how third parties actually process 8RJscWz_YZM-00682-00431576-00432464 authorization requests and we added the ability to allow personal identifiable information to be 8RJscWz_YZM-00683-00432624-00433232 authorized in the same single authorization request as energy data um looking at future 8RJscWz_YZM-00684-00433232-00434072 enhancements um we've always had the ability to provide temperature readings um but 8RJscWz_YZM-00685-00434072-00434680 in reviewing that we i uncovered the fact that you cannot indicate that it's weather so 8RJscWz_YZM-00686-00434816-00435464 we have not submitted this to nesby yet but the publicly available energy usage 8RJscWz_YZM-00687-00435528-00436232 xsd from our open source now contains a weather service which would be a much more reasonable 8RJscWz_YZM-00688-00436232-00436856 service for temperatures we are going to be investigating adding a second use case 8RJscWz_YZM-00689-00436912-00437376 today what's defined is i'm going to call it interactive process with the customer 8RJscWz_YZM-00690-00437488-00438000 we're going to look at adding a pre-authorized case where a customer can pre-authorize 8RJscWz_YZM-00691-00438096-00438743 a third-party access without having to interactively be present we're also investigating 8RJscWz_YZM-00692-00438743-00439376 how to support smartphone applications the current standard does not allow a smartphone it requires 8RJscWz_YZM-00693-00439376-00440096 that you have confidential servers but the oauth standard has actually added the ability to support 8RJscWz_YZM-00694-00440096-00440912 smartphones so we'll be adding that capability um to the namespace standard in addition to that um 8RJscWz_YZM-00695-00440976-00441504 some of the things that we're coming we're seeing out of the epa update indicate whether it's green 8RJscWz_YZM-00696-00441600-00442616 data sources being evs being solar panels wins so we'll be looking at how to better support of der 8RJscWz_YZM-00697-00442616-00443343 generation types and sources and we've also been asked to and this has been an ongoing request but 8RJscWz_YZM-00698-00443343-00443968 we've now got a serious request with somebody who's actually willing to do some design work 8RJscWz_YZM-00699-00443968-00444752 to indicate how customer billing statements could be sent using read button as a pdf file 8RJscWz_YZM-00700-00444888-00445776 so that's a quick summary of what we're looking at obviously the open ade task force meets 8RJscWz_YZM-00701-00445776-00446472 right now on a monthly basis anyone who has areas that would like to have us discuss to 8RJscWz_YZM-00702-00446472-00447400 make changes to feel free to um contact us you know it's listed on the green button alliance 8RJscWz_YZM-00703-00447400-00447776 website you can see when the next meeting is there's a countdown and having it on there 8RJscWz_YZM-00704-00448135-00448839 next let's go over certification benefits um there are really two currently available there are three 8RJscWz_YZM-00705-00448839-00449488 um types of certification that we've been attempting to get done the original was to 8RJscWz_YZM-00706-00449488-00450343 download my data it is for data custodians it really allows a customer to get energy data in 8RJscWz_YZM-00707-00450504-00451135 the green button standard schema format customers log onto a portal download the file and then are 8RJscWz_YZM-00708-00451135-00451943 able to either review it with a style sheet or can send it off to a third party via email 8RJscWz_YZM-00709-00451943-00452600 or an uplink or however that third party has asked them to get the data to them they connect my data 8RJscWz_YZM-00710-00452672-00453343 um has the exact same data as download my data the difference is that instead of a customer having to 8RJscWz_YZM-00711-00453343-00453920 daily or frequently download it they authorize a third party to obtain that data when they 8RJscWz_YZM-00712-00453976-00454728 um are interested in that monthly be that weekly be that lately um and a certification 8RJscWz_YZM-00713-00454792-00455416 um that is under design and hasn't been made available yet is for those third parties to 8RJscWz_YZM-00714-00455416-00456088 become certified as compliant certification assistance is available from the alliance 8RJscWz_YZM-00715-00456184-00456856 we offer an education one-on-one video training sessions we also offer the ability to run 8RJscWz_YZM-00716-00456856-00457592 pre-certification tests before the applicant actually goes into a billable certification 8RJscWz_YZM-00717-00457839-00458584 sponsors get 10 hours of technical education per year and participating members get two hours all 8RJscWz_YZM-00718-00458584-00459447 members including sponsoring and participating beyond those benefits are able to contract for 8RJscWz_YZM-00719-00459447-00460096 that education at 250 dollars an hour the um other thing is that we're partnered with the 8RJscWz_YZM-00720-00460184-00460784 does data guard energy data privacy program it's a voluntary program that 8RJscWz_YZM-00721-00460952-00461647 requires the data is protected in situ as well as in transmission that protection 8RJscWz_YZM-00722-00461647-00462304 and transmission is automatically covered by the green protocols if you're using connect line data 8RJscWz_YZM-00723-00462424-00463280 uploading a file into a third party would have to be covered by their data card compliance so with 8RJscWz_YZM-00724-00463280-00464392 that i'm going to turn this over um to utility api for their innovator innovator showcase thanks don 8RJscWz_YZM-00725-00464392-00465008 uh that was great and there's so much more that tom can tell you about some of this stuff but uh 8RJscWz_YZM-00726-00465008-00465696 in in of course respected time we have to always keep moving uh we have a showcase here put uh put 8RJscWz_YZM-00727-00465696-00466343 up forward and uh we're gonna show it to you on the screen here uh so listen in and hopefully 8RJscWz_YZM-00728-00466343-00466888 keep keep yourselves muted during this there's an audio piece to this it's a real small video that 8RJscWz_YZM-00729-00466888-00467343 they wanted to share with you about how other interface works so we'll get right on to that 8RJscWz_YZM-00730-00467688-00468247 hello my name is rob zakum sales director for utility api utility api is a platform which 8RJscWz_YZM-00731-00468247-00468808 enables energy companies to quickly request and download utility data for their projects today i 8RJscWz_YZM-00732-00468808-00469232 will be showing you our new data access platform which we have begun implementing with utilities 8RJscWz_YZM-00733-00469288-00469816 the demo today will focus on fort collins a municipal utility company in colorado we also have 8RJscWz_YZM-00734-00469816-00470352 the same platform with silicon valley clean energy a cca in california which is called data hive 8RJscWz_YZM-00735-00470424-00471120 soon many more first off we'd like to congratulate the green button alliance on its five years 8RJscWz_YZM-00736-00471120-00471488 you'd be hard-pressed to find an organization that believes in the potential of the green 8RJscWz_YZM-00737-00471488-00472039 button alliance as much as utility api we offer the only green button connect my data in the 8RJscWz_YZM-00738-00472039-00472752 united states tested by ul and certified by the gba we helped write the green button standard 8RJscWz_YZM-00739-00472752-00473352 we're on the board of the gba we participate in the technical open aid working group we've 8RJscWz_YZM-00740-00473352-00473816 watched the gba's progress over the past five years with a mixture of satisfaction 8RJscWz_YZM-00741-00473816-00474447 and milestones met and anticipation of the promise of the gba's future we're deeply proud that our 8RJscWz_YZM-00742-00474447-00474928 service unlocks green button connect for over a thousand small businesses in clean energy 8RJscWz_YZM-00743-00475000-00475552 the ability to access high quality data quickly and easily helps solar installers transition to 8RJscWz_YZM-00744-00475552-00476120 online base sales which is key to the survival and the age of the pandemic congratulations to 8RJscWz_YZM-00745-00476120-00476632 our partners on five years of innovation and here's to the next five today i will be showing 8RJscWz_YZM-00746-00476632-00477143 you how to register as a third party with fort collins utility this platform was designed to 8RJscWz_YZM-00747-00477143-00477639 enable you to request and download utility account holder interval data for all your fort collins 8RJscWz_YZM-00748-00477639-00478239 energy projects and procurement this platform comes at no cost for energy companies to use 8RJscWz_YZM-00749-00478424-00478856 first i'm going to show you the registration process for becoming a third party 8RJscWz_YZM-00750-00478856-00479424 this is required to request and collect utility data from your clients next i'm 8RJscWz_YZM-00751-00479424-00479864 going to show you a demo on how to request and download utility data once you're registered 8RJscWz_YZM-00752-00480176-00480400 in order to register please visit 8RJscWz_YZM-00753-00480400-00481496 data.fcgov.utilityapi.com scroll down and click on register as a third party 8RJscWz_YZM-00754-00481680-00482088 this will pull up the registration form that should only take you a moment to fill out 8RJscWz_YZM-00755-00482088-00482712 it will ask you for your name your email your company name company's website and to create a 8RJscWz_YZM-00756-00482712-00483232 set of login credentials for yourself the reason for the login credentials is when you register as 8RJscWz_YZM-00757-00483232-00483776 a third party with four columns a utility api account will automatically be created for you 8RJscWz_YZM-00758-00483776-00484239 so that you have a dashboard the dashboard serves as a place to not only request data 8RJscWz_YZM-00759-00484239-00484664 from your clients but also where to view the data that you've previously collected 8RJscWz_YZM-00760-00484968-00485376 scope of use disclosure this is what you would be using the data for such as 8RJscWz_YZM-00761-00485376-00486064 a solar proposal or an energy storage project scope of use terms url is optional but this is 8RJscWz_YZM-00762-00486064-00486376 if you'd like to upload your own terms of service from your company's website 8RJscWz_YZM-00763-00486616-00487080 click register and a utility api account will be automatically created for you 8RJscWz_YZM-00764-00487247-00487776 if you are a current utility api user you can go to your settings in the upper right hand corner 8RJscWz_YZM-00765-00488016-00488504 scroll down to utility registrations and click add a utility registration or connection 8RJscWz_YZM-00766-00488504-00488784 to register as a third party with four columns 8RJscWz_YZM-00767-00488968-00489728 for new users to access your dashboard you just visit www.utilityapi.com and you can log in 8RJscWz_YZM-00768-00490088-00490592 you'll notice once you access your dashboard there's a big blue button called request data at 8RJscWz_YZM-00769-00490592-00490976 the top of your screen this is really what you want to focus on when talking to a client you 8RJscWz_YZM-00770-00490976-00491639 want to get their interval data when you click on request data you notice you have your own unique 8RJscWz_YZM-00771-00491639-00492104 authorization link and this is what you want your client to click on to grant authorization 8RJscWz_YZM-00772-00492239-00492824 this can be copied and pasted into an existing email thread it can be texted to a customer you 8RJscWz_YZM-00773-00492824-00493392 can embed it into an iframe and put it on your website if you wish or you can simply 8RJscWz_YZM-00774-00493392-00493824 send out the authorization request through the dashboard itself by typing in the customer's name 8RJscWz_YZM-00775-00493896-00494560 their email pre-selecting fort collins preview data request and then make sure you click send 8RJscWz_YZM-00776-00494639-00495096 when you click send the customer will get a pre-formatted email not from us it'll come 8RJscWz_YZM-00777-00495096-00495704 from your email that looks just like this do you want to point out that in your utility api 8RJscWz_YZM-00778-00495704-00496232 settings you can quickly swap out our logo for your own which you only have to do once 8RJscWz_YZM-00779-00496488-00496992 let's see what this looks like for the customer once you click send and they receive this email 8RJscWz_YZM-00780-00496992-00497504 they're going to go ahead and click securely share your utility data and then continue to fort 8RJscWz_YZM-00781-00497504-00498160 collins utilities from here we need to do a simple account lookup if they know their account number 8RJscWz_YZM-00782-00498160-00498656 they can click here and type it in they don't know their account number we can do a lookup using 8RJscWz_YZM-00783-00498656-00499176 either their phone number email or the address that they have on file with fort collins utility 8RJscWz_YZM-00784-00499304-00499520 for the sake of the demo i'm going to use a phone number 8RJscWz_YZM-00785-00499816-00500512 here i enter my phone number and i click look up two-factor authentication we need 8RJscWz_YZM-00786-00500512-00501008 to verify that this is the actual utility account holder so we will send a code as 8RJscWz_YZM-00787-00501008-00501480 a text to their phone we can give a call with the code or send the code via email 8RJscWz_YZM-00788-00501800-00502160 once the code is received the utility account holder will type it in 8RJscWz_YZM-00789-00502488-00503239 and click submit final step in the authorization process is just setting parameters for what data 8RJscWz_YZM-00790-00503239-00503704 the account holder would like to share with you whether it's account details 8RJscWz_YZM-00791-00503704-00504280 interval data or both do they want to share both historical and ongoing data with you 8RJscWz_YZM-00792-00504472-00504872 and do they want to share data for all of their meters or for just specific meters 8RJscWz_YZM-00793-00505080-00505416 the utility account holder clicks authorize and they're done 8RJscWz_YZM-00794-00505584-00505880 they will receive an authorization receipt which looks just like this 8RJscWz_YZM-00795-00505935-00506472 utility api will also send you an email letting you know that a new authorization was created 8RJscWz_YZM-00796-00506688-00507232 at this point as the energy company i want to go back to where it says my dashboard 8RJscWz_YZM-00797-00507584-00507928 and you'll notice that the newest authorization will always appear at 8RJscWz_YZM-00798-00507928-00508400 the very top of your dashboard so you don't have to search for it we're going to give you 8RJscWz_YZM-00799-00508400-00508800 certain identifiers so you can pick and choose which meters you actually need the data for 8RJscWz_YZM-00800-00508935-00509488 service agreement id account number billing account number the address of each meter and 8RJscWz_YZM-00801-00509488-00510032 then what tariff that meter is on from here you have two choices you can click on get data 8RJscWz_YZM-00802-00510104-00510456 collect historical data and we will begin a historical data collection 8RJscWz_YZM-00803-00510656-00511047 alternatively if you want data moving forward you can click get data 8RJscWz_YZM-00804-00511168-00511720 start ongoing monitoring and then please select the frequency at which you'd like to schedule our 8RJscWz_YZM-00805-00511720-00512584 software to pull their data moving forward whether it's every month every week or even every day 8RJscWz_YZM-00806-00512824-00513272 i do also want to point out that we have our api documentation publicly available 8RJscWz_YZM-00807-00513376-00513743 this is for companies that want to get a bit more technical on the back end 8RJscWz_YZM-00808-00513743-00514288 perhaps do an integration with their own crm like salesforce or to push the data into their own 8RJscWz_YZM-00809-00514288-00514808 software platform that they've built themselves we offer a standards compliant green button for 8RJscWz_YZM-00810-00514808-00515384 those who are familiar with how that works and the documentation is publicly available at www 8RJscWz_YZM-00811-00515672-00516320 docs and that's it now you know how to register as a third party with fort collins and how to 8RJscWz_YZM-00812-00516320-00516928 request and download customer utility data again this platform is 100 free for you to use 8RJscWz_YZM-00813-00516928-00517543 if you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to reach out to support utilityapi.com 8RJscWz_YZM-00814-00517608-00517704 thank you have a great day 8RJscWz_YZM-00815-00518008-00518792 i appreciate that that was great and um uh utility api has been uh with us for a very 8RJscWz_YZM-00816-00518792-00519400 long time and been on the board for quite a long time and uh uh with uh daniel wrestler being 8RJscWz_YZM-00817-00519456-00520128 the representative there and serving as the as the vice chair right for us and it's been great 8RJscWz_YZM-00818-00520128-00520768 uh i loved the fact that the demo had all these star wars characters as their uh as the 8RJscWz_YZM-00819-00520888-00521496 sample sample emails and such that was fantastic daniel thank you all right great 8RJscWz_YZM-00820-00521496-00522272 uh oliver davis the ceo of bildy uh zumuwat uh and billy is a gba participating member and um 8RJscWz_YZM-00821-00522328-00522935 we're going to hear a little bit of what they have to share with us on on their platform hi my name 8RJscWz_YZM-00822-00522935-00523447 is oliver davis i'm the ceo and co-founder of simulapp we're the developers of buildi 8RJscWz_YZM-00823-00523520-00524160 software as a service platform for commercial industrial and multi-family buildings to identify 8RJscWz_YZM-00824-00524160-00524920 opportunities uh collect information act analyze and track information related to energy efficiency 8RJscWz_YZM-00825-00525008-00525592 and electrification measures uh in the cni and multi-family space we really appreciate 8RJscWz_YZM-00826-00525592-00526200 the opportunity to uh be here today and more importantly i wanted to congratulate 8RJscWz_YZM-00827-00526200-00526904 gba on its five-year anniversary we're excited to be a member of gba today and moving forward 8RJscWz_YZM-00828-00527088-00527736 so who we are so we have been around for a little bit uh company is over three and a half years old 8RJscWz_YZM-00829-00527792-00528624 uh we spun out of a previous company that had developed a lot of early technology in on-site 8RJscWz_YZM-00830-00528624-00529176 energy assessments with the national renewable energy lab and today we have some of the greatest 8RJscWz_YZM-00831-00529176-00529768 partners and customers in the market including new york city's department of energy management 8RJscWz_YZM-00832-00529824-00530480 and fueled with work that we do with the cuny's building performance lab we work closely with some 8RJscWz_YZM-00833-00530480-00531280 of the some great utilities across the country including ladwp and dte and we're part of the 23rd 8RJscWz_YZM-00834-00531280-00532208 30 district in new york city ann arbor detroit and expanding actively as we speak the platform 8RJscWz_YZM-00835-00532208-00532752 we have is has over a billion square feet of real estate of utility data and asset data 8RJscWz_YZM-00836-00532872-00533592 we've been recognized and have had accolades around our technology and innovative strategy 8RJscWz_YZM-00837-00533592-00534344 we won nrel's in2 award in the third cohort and are part of the urban future lab by way of winning 8RJscWz_YZM-00838-00534344-00535032 the urban future competition smart city awards we really differentiate ourselves as despair point 8RJscWz_YZM-00839-00535032-00535560 solutions in the building energy space and talk a little bit more about what that means 8RJscWz_YZM-00840-00535832-00536592 so we have a what we call a building relationship management platform and with that one of the 8RJscWz_YZM-00841-00536592-00537312 biggest challenges in the market today is that they're all these disparate pieces of data and 8RJscWz_YZM-00842-00537312-00538168 tools to provide data information to owners utilities service providers and others to drive 8RJscWz_YZM-00843-00538168-00538816 efficiency program one of the challenges is that this data is disparate and it's distributed across 8RJscWz_YZM-00844-00538816-00539584 multiple platforms and multiple sources so with that we call our platform a building relationship 8RJscWz_YZM-00845-00539584-00540104 management platform or brm so we bring these point solutions and data together including 8RJscWz_YZM-00846-00540104-00541008 gba data and others to really improve that engagement from field to front office so what we 8RJscWz_YZM-00847-00541008-00541928 do is really speed up the process to engage with that data and connect that to owners so as we look 8RJscWz_YZM-00848-00541928-00542552 at how we connect that data across stakeholders in the portfolio we take measures and incentives from 8RJscWz_YZM-00849-00542552-00543368 sources like ashrae and utility data take product data from various equipment providers and iot 8RJscWz_YZM-00850-00543368-00544032 vendors and lighting vendors mechanical solutions we take reporting standards from portfolio manager 8RJscWz_YZM-00851-00544032-00544560 and ashrae third-party applications and we connect those all together to serve owners 8RJscWz_YZM-00852-00544560-00545200 through their utilities and service providers so with that we go from portfolio segmentation 8RJscWz_YZM-00853-00545272-00545864 we target assessments in the field and we provide data to tools to collect data in the field and 8RJscWz_YZM-00854-00545864-00546528 auto generate reports save 90 plus percent of the time it would take to take get information 8RJscWz_YZM-00855-00546528-00547104 and act on that information and ultimately driving capital planning projects and performance tracking 8RJscWz_YZM-00856-00547224-00547880 so why we streamline this data is critical so as an example with portfolio manager we 8RJscWz_YZM-00857-00547880-00548536 really easy access ease access to utility data and import that into ability for a high fidelity view 8RJscWz_YZM-00858-00548536-00549112 into your building for potential energy saving projects and bench and we provide benchmarking 8RJscWz_YZM-00859-00549112-00549712 at the touch of a button as a result as an example the city of ann arbor is integrating 8RJscWz_YZM-00860-00549712-00550240 their entire portfolio uh to speed up the process for their benchmarking standards and requirements 8RJscWz_YZM-00861-00550360-00550944 in addition with greenbutton build is working with gba to collaborate with utilities and facilitate 8RJscWz_YZM-00862-00550944-00551560 the rapid integration and analysis of energy and water data so we ease that ax ease access to 8RJscWz_YZM-00863-00551648-00552200 improve the accuracy of energy consumption data which is essential for building managers 8RJscWz_YZM-00864-00552200-00552872 to understand and manage energy usage drive programs meet mandates and report on energy 8RJscWz_YZM-00865-00552872-00553576 consumption so we're working with gba closely to minimize that barrier to access energy consumption 8RJscWz_YZM-00866-00553576-00554304 data which really will enable stakeholders to drive programs so where we're going is 8RJscWz_YZM-00867-00554304-00554680 we're continue to partner with more and more data sources more and more 8RJscWz_YZM-00868-00554832-00555760 vendors and products to simplify that connection between owners and information and again we've got 8RJscWz_YZM-00869-00555760-00556464 a great start going for the company and are just thrilled to be part of the gba and thanks so much 8RJscWz_YZM-00870-00556720-00557272 okay fantastic um that's excellent and i know oliver couldn't join us today they've got 8RJscWz_YZM-00871-00557272-00557872 fires running through over there um ben levine is with us from bildy uh ben thank you so much 8RJscWz_YZM-00872-00557872-00558472 for your participation in the alliance and for joining us and becoming such active members it's 8RJscWz_YZM-00873-00558472-00559144 uh it's really quite quite wonderful to have i think i want to really highlight the fact that 8RJscWz_YZM-00874-00559144-00559624 this is a five-year recognition i thought chairman's award would be warranted here to 8RJscWz_YZM-00875-00559624-00560048 acknowledge individuals or an organization that made a significant contribution to green ban 8RJscWz_YZM-00876-00560128-00560552 past years i think this is something that we'll do on an annual basis we'll probably solicit 8RJscWz_YZM-00877-00560552-00561208 input from everybody but this year being a uh a five-year and if you're if it is okay with it 8RJscWz_YZM-00878-00561208-00562168 i took the onus to uh to nominate and select uh you know basically the award winner for this year 8RJscWz_YZM-00879-00562304-00563256 i'd like to acknowledge three people so this goes to the green button staff and i'd like to 8RJscWz_YZM-00880-00563256-00563992 acknowledge jeremy for his efforts on the really the business focus the whole area of finances 8RJscWz_YZM-00881-00563992-00564640 reporting his business relationship that he does and he's such a calm character i'm telling you 8RJscWz_YZM-00882-00564720-00565296 no matter how much fire and how much frustration you just see that as you can see now he smiles 8RJscWz_YZM-00883-00565408-00565944 he's just he brings this calmness and we're very fortunate to have him as an executive 8RJscWz_YZM-00884-00565944-00566696 director uh for for for us and moving forward so um i really wanted to thank jeremy for the 8RJscWz_YZM-00885-00566696-00567240 governance and leadership don i don't think i have to say too much i think a lot of people know 8RJscWz_YZM-00886-00567312-00567904 your subject matter expertise even though you're atlanta uh braves flynn i won't hold that against 8RJscWz_YZM-00887-00567904-00568416 you being you know the blue jay country here uh we always have to juggle around his schedule but 8RJscWz_YZM-00888-00568416-00569072 uh it's always been worthwhile you'll know that don does not cut corners he tells it like it is 8RJscWz_YZM-00889-00569160-00569656 uh so if you get certified you really get certified okay like there's no difference 8RJscWz_YZM-00890-00569656-00570352 there's no middle ground with don as far as passing anything and the other person is valdes 8RJscWz_YZM-00891-00570448-00571064 valdez is someone who if you ever call make sure you have half an hour on your time to to finish 8RJscWz_YZM-00892-00571064-00571848 that conversation so he's very passionate uh very uh gives her heart and soul and dedicated 8RJscWz_YZM-00893-00571848-00572520 and and uh and i think she every time i'm just if you want to fix a pep talk just call valdes 8RJscWz_YZM-00894-00572520-00573336 i mean i think she's she's so positive and and creative and and always and all gba staff 8RJscWz_YZM-00895-00573408-00574128 i know it's limited time and what we can do gives you funding wise but they do put a lot 8RJscWz_YZM-00896-00574128-00574856 of extra time and effort into it and so um it will be an award it won't be with all the uh 8RJscWz_YZM-00897-00574856-00575384 uh with somebody i want to thank zorin from our side he's our creative uh brains behind this uh 8RJscWz_YZM-00898-00575384-00576112 tree here to give you a knowledge of the fact that uh what you've made happen uh don't worry 8RJscWz_YZM-00899-00576112-00576552 that we'll give you three separate awards it won't be a one award but uh 8RJscWz_YZM-00900-00576552-00577152 and a talk a token gift is on behalf of gba so if i can get everybody to applause here for 8RJscWz_YZM-00901-00577896-00578232 anyways thanks everyone so i had to pull this one off just be aware that 8RJscWz_YZM-00902-00578304-00579096 that uh um it sort of be a surprise uh to uh to the individuals so hopefully i i 8RJscWz_YZM-00903-00579096-00579832 i got you there jeremy and valdes you we are so i'm stunned how did you pull this off without us 8RJscWz_YZM-00904-00579832-00580352 were you we're the ones running everything here behind the scenes and yeah as i said he gave 8RJscWz_YZM-00905-00580352-00580968 me control right he made me call host that's what was my mistake right there i'm learning 8RJscWz_YZM-00906-00581024-00581664 slowly though all right and don thank you again for for that again so thank you thank you it's 8RJscWz_YZM-00907-00581664-00582192 absolutely our pleasure we absolutely love working with everyone at the greenbutton alliance we love 8RJscWz_YZM-00908-00582192-00582808 all of our 40 members growing every day we get so many requests in every day we love handling all 8RJscWz_YZM-00909-00582808-00583264 of them answering questions from everywhere we just love all of you thank you so much 8RJscWz_YZM-00910-00583416-00583968 look ahead i think next year is for us we're looking for active participation it really 8RJscWz_YZM-00911-00583968-00584656 our success depends on it like as as how we move forward we need to uh grow the membership uh we 8RJscWz_YZM-00912-00584656-00585200 really need to secondly evolve the standard and as john mentioned on the der side and directory 8RJscWz_YZM-00913-00585200-00585848 services certification i think we probably could add a point here based on today's discussion we've 8RJscWz_YZM-00914-00585848-00586384 always talked about onboarding and making a simpler process to get uh get connected and 8RJscWz_YZM-00915-00586384-00586856 move from place to place so it's anything we can do to help evolve the standard and gba offerings 8RJscWz_YZM-00916-00586968-00587744 lastly the areas is around the outreach and the influence that we have to do i think we need to 8RJscWz_YZM-00917-00587744-00588304 do more case studies and the examples of the ones we had today are very uh as a good start 8RJscWz_YZM-00918-00588360-00588792 focus on commercial industrial customers as a group we've always talked about that a bit more 8RJscWz_YZM-00919-00588792-00589216 and we'll try and support the international standard and and and the marketing that's 8RJscWz_YZM-00920-00589216-00589856 associated so that's a look ahead and i'll just spend one close the loop on what i started uh 8RJscWz_YZM-00921-00589856-00590520 just talking about earlier which is around energy data validation value creation again 8RJscWz_YZM-00922-00590640-00591192 this again well i'll put a shout out to zoran who takes some of my scribble from last night and 8RJscWz_YZM-00923-00591192-00591856 said you know i'd like to put an idea together on the energy data value value creation from an open 8RJscWz_YZM-00924-00591856-00592400 data concept to better decisions and on the left hand side you can see we're really talking about 8RJscWz_YZM-00925-00592400-00592912 social housing shows the benefit as i mentioned earlier assistance programs need new business 8RJscWz_YZM-00926-00592912-00593432 models to help students and what they're doing and entrepreneurs talking about electric vehicles 8RJscWz_YZM-00927-00593432-00593968 getting access from data the climate the karmic footprint i'm just going outside circle around 8RJscWz_YZM-00928-00593968-00594560 the future grid and small business as you said coven and even customer choice for rate plans on 8RJscWz_YZM-00929-00594560-00595176 and you can see i've seen there's a few meteorites coming in iot and trading platforms that we have 8RJscWz_YZM-00930-00595176-00596000 to factor in and it's all about trying to make it so that we look at it from a viewpoint of what we 8RJscWz_YZM-00931-00596000-00596496 need to do from accountability and third-party access is one component as we talked about it's 8RJscWz_YZM-00932-00596496-00597000 beyond just the technology piece it's making sure the quality is there the accountability whatever 8RJscWz_YZM-00933-00597000-00597464 we need to make it easy so i just wanted to end on that note and thank everybody for 8RJscWz_YZM-00934-00597464-00598056 for the time uh that everybody's given for the last five years and even for your time today 8RJscWz_YZM-00935-00598128-00598896 and uh and we look forward to to doing that so again i'll hand it over to to jeremy to to maybe 8RJscWz_YZM-00936-00598896-00599504 solicit questions if anybody's got any the purpose of these surveys as well just here where we use 8RJscWz_YZM-00937-00599504-00599912 them for our customers so it's nice to see you know in their people close to the industry what 8RJscWz_YZM-00938-00599912-00600400 they think and and what our customers and where we are let me just move to the next question 8RJscWz_YZM-00939-00600560-00601024 looking ahead what would enable better global adoption of green button from your viewpoint 8RJscWz_YZM-00940-00601240-00601664 so the two items seem to be the top two there seem to be the streamlining third 8RJscWz_YZM-00941-00601664-00602328 party onboarding and utility adoption seem to be the main with some others there as well okay 8RJscWz_YZM-00942-00602464-00602728 just for interested time i'll move to the next one 8RJscWz_YZM-00943-00602848-00603744 what gba program should we provide provided offered in 2021 what should we do as a gba 8RJscWz_YZM-00944-00603744-00604416 point of view have more education sessions more updates on legislation more networking sessions 8RJscWz_YZM-00945-00604512-00605008 or marketing or speaking events and opportunities and you can choose more than one if you'd like 8RJscWz_YZM-00946-00605280-00605696 yeah again interesting it seems to be on the education side which is uh 8RJscWz_YZM-00947-00605816-00606296 maybe focusing us to get maybe back onto our webinars and things like that that we can 8RJscWz_YZM-00948-00606296-00606840 this would be useful for us and also more updates on legislation maybe valdes we can take note of 8RJscWz_YZM-00949-00606840-00607408 for more communication and networking especially given covet 19 i think we need to be more 8RJscWz_YZM-00950-00607464-00608248 creative i guess on our online piece okay and the last question is around where do you see 8RJscWz_YZM-00951-00608352-00608672 uh on the horizon as far as technology what we should be 8RJscWz_YZM-00952-00608672-00609400 being ready for cloud-based uh platforms energy as a service real-time data you know looking at 8RJscWz_YZM-00953-00609504-00610104 more mandates and global adoption again is there and a one-stop shop type of thing or marketplace 8RJscWz_YZM-00954-00610344-00610616 so anyways that's great thank you very much and 8RJscWz_YZM-00955-00610696-00611672 again stay safe and looking forward to your participation thank you 8VeseViZOnM-00000-00000064-00001080 Let's do a second example; this one will be a little more typical in that if you remember 8VeseViZOnM-00001-00001208-00001464 this listIi showed you 8VeseViZOnM-00002-00001544-00002584 and then we did an example where we didn't do two of those steps, here we will 8VeseViZOnM-00003-00002664-00003104 And I'm going to mostly work this example pen and paper 8VeseViZOnM-00004-00003176-00003904 but just for time let's not write it all down, let's just read it 8VeseViZOnM-00005-00003992-00005032 We are creating a box by taking a square sheet of tin cutting the corners off 8VeseViZOnM-00006-00005032-00005936 and bending the sides up and we want the box to hold as much as possible 8VeseViZOnM-00007-00006016-00006440 In other words we are trying to maximize the volume. 8VeseViZOnM-00008-00007095-00008296 So here I think a picture is going to be useful it will help clarify what's going on. We have this 8VeseViZOnM-00009-00008560-00009088 12 by 12 inch square 8VeseViZOnM-00010-00009384-00010880 and we are cutting the corners out and we're doing that so that we can fold these flaps up 8VeseViZOnM-00011-00011208-00011528 and create a box 8VeseViZOnM-00012-00011584-00012744 And the volume of the box is going to be this times this times the height of one of these flaps 8VeseViZOnM-00013-00013072-00013360 so let's label some stuff 8VeseViZOnM-00014-00013416-00014680 Ehat can we control here? Ee can control the size of these squares that we cut out. 8VeseViZOnM-00015-00015536-00016280 And this is going to appear in the formula for the volume 8VeseViZOnM-00016-00016352-00016984 the volume is going to be this times this times this, 8VeseViZOnM-00017-00017112-00018056 And this is a square so we only need to figure out one of these sides 8VeseViZOnM-00018-00018248-00018960 Well (x plus this side plus x) is 12. 8VeseViZOnM-00019-00019440-00020008 So this side is (12 minus 2 * x) 8VeseViZOnM-00020-00020272-00021520 And what do we know about x? x is between 0 and 6. 8VeseViZOnM-00021-00021816-00023144 Why 6? Because 6 would make this x together with this x be 12 8VeseViZOnM-00022-00023208-00023648 so really these are not strict 8VeseViZOnM-00023-00023648-00024496 equalities ... I mean these *are* strict equantities, sorry, it's late, 8VeseViZOnM-00024-00024568-00025384 x is strictly greater than 0 and x is strictly less than 6 8VeseViZOnM-00025-00025576-00027208 And the volume is (12 minus 2 * x) times (12 minus 2 * x) times x 8VeseViZOnM-00026-00027512-00028576 I went ahead and FOILed this off camera and we got this. Now good news bad news 8VeseViZOnM-00027-00028576-00030312 the good news is this is just a polynomial, its derivative should be easy to take 8VeseViZOnM-00028-00030583-00031832 (just watch me make some elementary error after saying that; but no, this is all correct) 8VeseViZOnM-00029-00031983-00032360 The bad news is that once again we're not 8VeseViZOnM-00030-00032360-00033088 really in any of the situations we've learned how to deal with 8VeseViZOnM-00031-00033160-00033624 I mean this is not a closed interval, 8VeseViZOnM-00032-00033696-00034544 x can't be 0, if x were 0 we wouldn't have any flaps, there wouldn't be a box, 8VeseViZOnM-00033-00034624-00035280 x can't be 6, if x were 6 there would only flaps, 8VeseViZOnM-00034-00035280-00036016 the box wouldn't have a bottom, so we're not on a closed interval 8VeseViZOnM-00035-00036080-00036872 But we're looking for an absolute maximum. We don't even know that an absolute maximum 8VeseViZOnM-00036-00036872-00037336 exists if we're not on a closed interval 8VeseViZOnM-00037-00037624-00038408 So again i'm going to retreat to technology; 8VeseViZOnM-00038-00038520-00039384 or maybe "retreats" the wrong word that makes it sound like I'm ashamed, I love technology 8VeseViZOnM-00039-00039528-00040352 Once we look at the volume graph we clearly see that there is a maximum 8VeseViZOnM-00040-00040424-00040784 and that maximum is a local maximum 8VeseViZOnM-00041-00040848-00042720 It's a critical value so if we find a local maximum that will be what we're looking for. 8VeseViZOnM-00042-00043120-00044000 We set this equal to 0; we can divide through by 12, 8VeseViZOnM-00043-00044624-00044688 we get 8VeseViZOnM-00044-00044968-00046568 x^2 minus 8 * x + 12. So we have two critical values 8VeseViZOnM-00045-00046568-00048216 but we're looking for one between 0 and 6 and if we go back to the graph 8VeseViZOnM-00046-00048320-00049880 6 is clearly a volume of 0, that's not what we're looking for, so the critical value at 2 it is, 8VeseViZOnM-00047-00049944-00051264 and you can verify using the first derivative test or 8VeseViZOnM-00048-00051328-00052496 even the second derivative test if you wanted to, that 2 really is a local maximum 8VeseViZOnM-00049-00052496-00053064 We go from positive to negative there 8VeseViZOnM-00050-00053248-00054112 so the dimensions we are looking for to maximize the volume, 8VeseViZOnM-00051-00054167-00055991 if x is 2 this is 12 minus 4. we're looking for an eight by eight by two box 8WofunZjpdM-00000-00000040-00000168 >> Dr. Yong Shin, Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery at KSMC: - So, my name is Yong Shin, I'm one of the 8WofunZjpdM-00001-00000168-00000458 cardiac thoracic surgeons here at Kaiser Permanente. 8WofunZjpdM-00002-00000458-00000637 I'm the chief of the department and 8WofunZjpdM-00003-00000637-00000979 I came here a little over seven years ago 8WofunZjpdM-00004-00000979-00001187 when there was an opportunity to start 8WofunZjpdM-00005-00001187-00001472 this heart program from ground up. 8WofunZjpdM-00006-00001472-00001794 What we wanted to do was build a top notch 8WofunZjpdM-00007-00001794-00002083 premier heart program where you kind of 8WofunZjpdM-00008-00002083-00002249 wanna bring your own family to. 8WofunZjpdM-00009-00002249-00002594 Our vision never included being a top three star program. 8WofunZjpdM-00010-00002594-00002819 That wasn't actually, we weren't interested 8WofunZjpdM-00011-00002819-00003075 in getting any kind of accolades, we were 8WofunZjpdM-00012-00003075-00003368 really more interested in how do we do this 8WofunZjpdM-00013-00003368-00003638 so that it's best for our members. 8WofunZjpdM-00014-00003638-00003847 We were really aiming for quality, 8WofunZjpdM-00015-00003847-00004141 safety, and service, and by doing that, 8WofunZjpdM-00016-00004141-00004460 we also became very affordable too. 8WofunZjpdM-00017-00004460-00004759 Our vision was let's put the patient in the center 8WofunZjpdM-00018-00004759-00005054 and build our service around that patient. 8WofunZjpdM-00019-00005054-00005267 We have a multidisciplinary team 8WofunZjpdM-00020-00005267-00005456 that rounds on them twice a day. 8WofunZjpdM-00021-00005456-00005740 It involves the surgeons, the nurses, 8WofunZjpdM-00022-00005740-00006100 the intensive care, critical care doctors, 8WofunZjpdM-00023-00006100-00006331 the hospitalists that work with us. 8WofunZjpdM-00024-00006331-00006550 We have physical therapists, respiratory 8WofunZjpdM-00025-00006550-00006890 therapists, nutritionists, social worker, 8WofunZjpdM-00026-00006890-00007152 care coordinator, and we fix the 8WofunZjpdM-00027-00007152-00007343 problem right there, together. 8WofunZjpdM-00028-00007343-00007570 When employers are looking for health plans, 8WofunZjpdM-00029-00007570-00007809 where to send their employees for 8WofunZjpdM-00030-00007809-00007984 a heart problem, they want to go to 8WofunZjpdM-00031-00007984-00008100 a place where they're gonna get their 8WofunZjpdM-00032-00008100-00008424 best outcome, meaning least chance of dying, 8WofunZjpdM-00033-00008424-00008574 least complication, which means less 8WofunZjpdM-00034-00008574-00008975 time out of work, more time back to work, 8WofunZjpdM-00035-00008975-00009246 and also what's most affordable. 8WofunZjpdM-00036-00009246-00009444 When you're adding a fee for service world, 8WofunZjpdM-00037-00009444-00009777 in a little way, it is kind of almost, there's a little bit 8WofunZjpdM-00038-00009777-00009923 of a conflict of interest, right? 8WofunZjpdM-00039-00009923-00010283 There's almost a perverse interest built in to it. 8WofunZjpdM-00040-00010283-00010495 If you do good quality work, it is also 8WofunZjpdM-00041-00010495-00010705 very cost efficient. 8WofunZjpdM-00042-00010705-00010902 The old image of Kaiser Permanente that 8WofunZjpdM-00043-00010902-00011069 you have had is old. 8WofunZjpdM-00044-00011172-00011430 (upbeat music) 8XSBCvx6woo-00000-00000298-00000518 Sensationalized and over the top news 8XSBCvx6woo-00001-00000518-00000818 stories are nothing new. In the last hundred 8XSBCvx6woo-00002-00000818-00001046 years, tabloids and news magazines have 8XSBCvx6woo-00003-00001046-00001241 been available; but the way they were 8XSBCvx6woo-00004-00001241-00001439 distributed and how people encountered 8XSBCvx6woo-00005-00001439-00001676 the news made it much easier to tell the 8XSBCvx6woo-00006-00001676-00002099 real from the fake.... In 1980 CNN began 8XSBCvx6woo-00007-00002099-00002308 their 24-hour news cycle which started a 8XSBCvx6woo-00008-00002308-00002550 more competitive era for cable news. 8XSBCvx6woo-00009-00002550-00002785 Access to world events through real-time 8XSBCvx6woo-00010-00002785-00003014 television broadcasts, 24 hours a day 8XSBCvx6woo-00011-00003014-00003202 change both the way the news was 8XSBCvx6woo-00012-00003202-00003479 presented and how the consumer expected 8XSBCvx6woo-00013-00003479-00003715 to see the news. To fill time around the 8XSBCvx6woo-00014-00003715-00003878 news stories, producers packed the 8XSBCvx6woo-00015-00003878-00004088 schedule with commentators, investigative 8XSBCvx6woo-00016-00004088-00004304 journalism programs, and more and more 8XSBCvx6woo-00017-00004304-00004598 advertisements. The birth of the World 8XSBCvx6woo-00018-00004598-00004799 Wide Web in the 1990s in the rise of 8XSBCvx6woo-00019-00004799-00004976 social media throughout the early 21st 8XSBCvx6woo-00020-00004976-00005192 century made it even easier to create 8XSBCvx6woo-00021-00005192-00005549 and distribute information and news. 8XSBCvx6woo-00022-00005549-00005702 News and commentary that had been limited to 8XSBCvx6woo-00023-00005702-00005966 print papers or cable news could now be 8XSBCvx6woo-00024-00005966-00006161 distributed over the Internet and the 8XSBCvx6woo-00025-00006161-00006317 competition to capture the audience 8XSBCvx6woo-00026-00006317-00006676 became even fiercer. 8XSBCvx6woo-00027-00006676-00006938 By 2016, 62% of Americans got their news from 8XSBCvx6woo-00028-00006938-00007126 social media. 8XSBCvx6woo-00029-00007144-00007444 Our seamless and constant connection to news organizations, 8XSBCvx6woo-00030-00007444-00007678 individuals, companies, and institutions 8XSBCvx6woo-00031-00007678-00007922 through online social media blurs the 8XSBCvx6woo-00032-00007922-00008097 line between opinion and fact, 8XSBCvx6woo-00033-00008098-00008324 advertisement and information, and true 8XSBCvx6woo-00034-00008324-00008440 and false. 8XSBCvx6woo-00035-00008492-00008848 Credible news agencies scrambled to remain relevant and started 8XSBCvx6woo-00036-00008849-00009032 creating more and more eye-catching and 8XSBCvx6woo-00037-00009032-00009278 sensationalized headlines. 8XSBCvx6woo-00038-00009278-00009536 The line between real news, tabloid news, and 8XSBCvx6woo-00039-00009536-00009804 outright fabricated news became blurred. 8XSBCvx6woo-00040-00009828-00009988 And it isn't a simple matter of real 8XSBCvx6woo-00041-00009988-00010186 versus fake news either. 8XSBCvx6woo-00042-00010210-00010456 Skewed or misrepresented versions of actual news 8XSBCvx6woo-00043-00010456-00010652 stories are often presented in the way 8XSBCvx6woo-00044-00010652-00010914 that gets lots of attention on social media. 8XSBCvx6woo-00045-00010966-00011080 Not only are there more news sources, 8XSBCvx6woo-00046-00011092-00011266 there are also sources of news 8XSBCvx6woo-00047-00011267-00011456 satire and stories that intentionally 8XSBCvx6woo-00048-00011456-00011629 poke fun of the news for entertainment. 8XSBCvx6woo-00049-00011629-00011836 When mixed with comments and posts on 8XSBCvx6woo-00050-00011836-00012038 social media, this begins to blur the 8XSBCvx6woo-00051-00012038-00012383 lines between funny and inflammatory. 8XSBCvx6woo-00052-00012383-00012560 The issue of fake news became a media 8XSBCvx6woo-00053-00012560-00012782 sensation itself when it was discovered 8XSBCvx6woo-00054-00012782-00012997 that teenagers in Macedonia were 8XSBCvx6woo-00055-00012997-00013262 creating pro-Trump news stories which 8XSBCvx6woo-00056-00013262-00013447 flooded social media and news feeds in 8XSBCvx6woo-00057-00013447-00013744 the U.S. just before the presidential election. 8XSBCvx6woo-00058-00013802-00013950 In fact, fake news 8XSBCvx6woo-00059-00013950-00014241 outperformed real news on Facebook and 8XSBCvx6woo-00060-00014241-00014452 many Google searches. 8XSBCvx6woo-00061-00014519-00014734 To make matters even more complicated, 8XSBCvx6woo-00062-00014756-00014947 the term "fake news" has now become a buzzword for 8XSBCvx6woo-00063-00014947-00015128 politicians who don't agree with how the 8XSBCvx6woo-00064-00015128-00015308 news is being reported. 8XSBCvx6woo-00065-00015354-00015666 So how do you tell real from fake news? 8XSBCvx6woo-00066-00015678-00015910 Seek out information sources beyond the social 8XSBCvx6woo-00067-00015910-00016174 network or sources you're already familiar with. 8XSBCvx6woo-00068-00016174-00016394 And though Facebook and Google 8XSBCvx6woo-00069-00016394-00016559 have taken steps to prevent the spread 8XSBCvx6woo-00070-00016559-00016780 of fake news, the filters are not 8XSBCvx6woo-00071-00016781-00016940 foolproof. You still have to rely on 8XSBCvx6woo-00072-00016940-00017108 brainpower and critical thinking to 8XSBCvx6woo-00073-00017108-00017348 separate fact from fiction. 8XSBCvx6woo-00074-00017382-00017623 If you see stories with inflammatory headlines or 8XSBCvx6woo-00075-00017623-00017822 headlines that incite a strong emotional 8XSBCvx6woo-00076-00017822-00018080 reaction or that have lots of comments 8XSBCvx6woo-00077-00018080-00018251 that go back and forth in an argument 8XSBCvx6woo-00078-00018251-00018418 make sure to investigate the source 8XSBCvx6woo-00079-00018418-00018652 before getting too worked up. 8XSBCvx6woo-00080-00018672-00018830 Become familiar with the political and social 8XSBCvx6woo-00081-00018830-00019058 bias of various news organizations that 8XSBCvx6woo-00082-00019058-00019280 you use and make sure to verify news 8XSBCvx6woo-00083-00019280-00019538 sources that you see on social media. 8XSBCvx6woo-00084-00019590-00019762 To take some of the guesswork out of where 8XSBCvx6woo-00085-00019763-00019988 news comes from, try going directly to 8XSBCvx6woo-00086-00019988-00020284 credible news sources like PBS or NPR, 8XSBCvx6woo-00087-00020284-00020516 international news organizations like 8XSBCvx6woo-00088-00020516-00020702 Reuters or The Associated Press or 8XSBCvx6woo-00089-00020702-00020900 newspaper websites like the New York Times 8XSBCvx6woo-00090-00020900-00021116 or Wall Street Journal. 8XSBCvx6woo-00091-00021132-00021352 These news sources falll roughly in the middle of 8XSBCvx6woo-00092-00021352-00021560 the political spectrum and when opinion 8XSBCvx6woo-00093-00021560-00021731 or commentary is presented it's 8XSBCvx6woo-00094-00021731-00021832 clearly labeled. 8XSBCvx6woo-00095-00021924-00022108 If you hit a subscription pay wall or 8XSBCvx6woo-00096-00022109-00022304 want to search for specific newspapers 8XSBCvx6woo-00097-00022304-00022466 that you don't already have access to 8XSBCvx6woo-00098-00022472-00022748 just use your library's newspaper databases. 8XSBCvx6woo-00099-00022800-00022906 We pay for news subscriptions 8XSBCvx6woo-00100-00022907-00023051 to papers like the New York Times the 8XSBCvx6woo-00101-00023051-00023236 Burlington Free Press and hundreds of 8XSBCvx6woo-00102-00023236-00023448 other credible news sources. 8XSBCvx6woo-00103-00023472-00023674 It's also a good idea to become familiar with a few 8XSBCvx6woo-00104-00023675-00023891 reputable fact-checking websites 8XSBCvx6woo-00105-00023891-00024032 like PolitiFact, Snopes 8XSBCvx6woo-00106-00024032-00024232 or factcheck.org. 8XSBCvx6woo-00107-00024282-00024616 For cable news, learn how to tell pundit 8XSBCvx6woo-00108-00024616-00024900 or commentator from news anchor so you don't take 8XSBCvx6woo-00109-00024912-00025134 opinion or conjecture for actual news. 8XSBCvx6woo-00110-00025160-00025446 In the world that's increasingly full of misinformation, 8XSBCvx6woo-00111-00025468-00025708 it's so easy to be fooled by fake news, 8XSBCvx6woo-00112-00025727-00025922 advertisements that look like news, 8XSBCvx6woo-00113-00025933-00026095 or real news stories that are 8XSBCvx6woo-00114-00026114-00026318 full of opinion or commentary. 8XSBCvx6woo-00115-00026318-00026549 So remember, don't spread the fake news! 8XSBCvx6woo-00116-00026549-00026738 If you see a story that's too crazy to be true, 8XSBCvx6woo-00117-00026738-00026972 investigate it before passing it 8XSBCvx6woo-00118-00026972-00027304 long or posting it to social media. 8dy6DasoV3c-00000-00000000-00000731 Psych2Go is a digital media organization that raises mental health awareness by presenting psychological topics in a digestible and relatable manner. 8dy6DasoV3c-00001-00000823-00001329 Please share our content with those who need it. It's a great way to show your support to us as well. 8dy6DasoV3c-00002-00001423-00001814 Most people know the common five to seven stages of grief: 8dy6DasoV3c-00003-00001893-00002252 shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, 8dy6DasoV3c-00004-00002403-00002603 testing, and acceptance. 8dy6DasoV3c-00005-00002671-00003009 Everyone experiences these stages in entirely different ways 8dy6DasoV3c-00006-00003082-00003690 While you're grieving many people will tell you something along the lines of "Stay strong" or "It'll get better." 8dy6DasoV3c-00007-00003754-00004388 While those are predictable and well-intentioned things to say in an attempt to comfort someone, they're not always true 8dy6DasoV3c-00008-00004468-00004986 When I was younger, I experienced more than my fair share of grief and after years of reflection 8dy6DasoV3c-00009-00004986-00005361 I've come to understand that there is more to grieving than most people realize. 8dy6DasoV3c-00010-00005403-00005894 I would like to share with you five things about grieving that I desperately wish someone would have shared with me. 8dy6DasoV3c-00011-00006048-00006347 1. We grieve for more than the dead. 8dy6DasoV3c-00012-00006444-00006944 Yes, the death of a human being is the most common source of grief, but it's not the only one. 8dy6DasoV3c-00013-00007008-00007388 You can experience the whole force of grief for anything important to you. 8dy6DasoV3c-00014-00007480-00007672 You can grieve the loss of a pet. 8dy6DasoV3c-00015-00007672-00007988 You can mourn the loss of a sentimental object, the loss 8dy6DasoV3c-00016-00007990-00008426 of a beloved place, or of any kind of relationship or connection. 8dy6DasoV3c-00017-00008512-00008836 Nothing has to die in order for you to go into mourning. 8dy6DasoV3c-00018-00008892-00009282 There can be grief for a friendship that has just drifted apart, 8dy6DasoV3c-00019-00009282-00009516 or for the ending of your favorite book series, 8dy6DasoV3c-00020-00009564-00009764 a home that you've had to move away from. 8dy6DasoV3c-00021-00009784-00009975 You can grieve for yourself. 8dy6DasoV3c-00022-00009975-00010175 When you grow and change as a person 8dy6DasoV3c-00023-00010218-00010396 pieces can be left behind. 8dy6DasoV3c-00024-00010396-00010800 Old bits of a personality and mannerisms that we can ache for all the same. 8dy6DasoV3c-00025-00010896-00011204 Whenever something is lost no matter what no matter why, 8dy6DasoV3c-00026-00011208-00011618 and it causes pain in its absence? That is grief. 8dy6DasoV3c-00027-00011744-00011808 2. 8dy6DasoV3c-00028-00011844-00012130 "Just stay strong," typically goes hand in hand with 8dy6DasoV3c-00029-00012130-00012316 the denial phase of grief. 8dy6DasoV3c-00030-00012394-00012766 It's when you're told that despite all the terrible things happening to you, 8dy6DasoV3c-00031-00012766-00012958 "You must stay strong and overcome it." 8dy6DasoV3c-00032-00013041-00013424 What is not said, is that "just stay strong" should mean, 8dy6DasoV3c-00033-00013424-00013760 "When you're done properly grieving, you will still be alive." 8dy6DasoV3c-00034-00013804-00014168 "This will not kill you. You are stronger than your tragedy." 8dy6DasoV3c-00035-00014204-00014452 Instead of pretend like nothing's wrong: 8dy6DasoV3c-00036-00014452-00014766 "Don't let your tragedy affect you. Just keep living regardless." 8dy6DasoV3c-00037-00014878-00015213 Denial is usually said to be the first or second stage of grief. 8dy6DasoV3c-00038-00015238-00015512 If you find yourself stuck there, you will never eventually 8dy6DasoV3c-00039-00015512-00015812 get to acceptance and you will never really be out of 8dy6DasoV3c-00040-00015812-00015956 your cycle of grief. 8dy6DasoV3c-00041-00015991-00016191 It's okay to not be strong. 8dy6DasoV3c-00042-00016246-00016590 That's what people should tell you when you're beginning to grieve. 8dy6DasoV3c-00043-00016590-00016972 It's alright to cry, to scream, to take time away. 8dy6DasoV3c-00044-00017040-00017316 It's understandable to feel weak for a bit, 8dy6DasoV3c-00045-00017322-00017624 so long as you learn to let that weakness go. 8dy6DasoV3c-00046-00017672-00017950 You do not have to "Stay Strong." 8dy6DasoV3c-00047-00017950-00018214 If you do, moving on may become difficult. 8dy6DasoV3c-00048-00018280-00018534 Weakness and vulnerability is part of the 8dy6DasoV3c-00049-00018534-00018752 grieving process and it should be accepted. 8dy6DasoV3c-00050-00018854-00018974 3. 8dy6DasoV3c-00051-00018974-00019218 There should be a guilt phase of grief. 8dy6DasoV3c-00052-00019360-00019640 Often when we lose something, those of us that are still 8dy6DasoV3c-00053-00019644-00020028 here, feel a sense of guilt: some people feel left behind, 8dy6DasoV3c-00054-00020060-00020268 Some feel survivor's guilt: 8dy6DasoV3c-00055-00020268-00020468 in which they believe they should also be gone 8dy6DasoV3c-00056-00020468-00020686 or should have died in the other's place. 8dy6DasoV3c-00057-00020756-00021116 Some simply regret what they missed out on before the end. 8dy6DasoV3c-00058-00021116-00021362 They regret something they said, or did, 8dy6DasoV3c-00059-00021362-00021532 or the lack thereof. 8dy6DasoV3c-00060-00021532-00021774 We find a way to place the blame on ourselves 8dy6DasoV3c-00061-00021790-00022060 find a way to make circumstances our fault, 8dy6DasoV3c-00062-00022060-00022256 even when it's not. 8dy6DasoV3c-00063-00022256-00022594 Facing death often proceeds a re-evaluation of life 8dy6DasoV3c-00064-00022668-00023004 It's only natural that we question things in our time of grief 8dy6DasoV3c-00065-00023030-00023222 It's normal to find regrets. 8dy6DasoV3c-00066-00023222-00023480 You're always going to feel like you could have done something. 8dy6DasoV3c-00067-00023516-00023846 You're not weird or unhealthy to feel a sense of guilt, 8dy6DasoV3c-00068-00023846-00024106 but you need to learn to let it go eventually. 8dy6DasoV3c-00069-00024154-00024400 There's nothing to gain from holding on to it. 8dy6DasoV3c-00070-00024400-00024688 Instead, turn that guilt into nutriment 8dy6DasoV3c-00071-00024688-00024868 for what is still alive. 8dy6DasoV3c-00072-00024894-00025156 Learn from your regrets and use them as a guide 8dy6DasoV3c-00073-00025156-00025484 to ensure that you live the life you have to the fullest. 8dy6DasoV3c-00074-00025564-00025624 4. 8dy6DasoV3c-00075-00025645-00025886 Time means little to the act of grieving. 8dy6DasoV3c-00076-00025938-00026172 It does not heal all wounds, 8dy6DasoV3c-00077-00026172-00026372 but merely smooths them over, making 8dy6DasoV3c-00078-00026372-00026572 it easier to forget their presence. 8dy6DasoV3c-00079-00026592-00026808 "It'll get better," is nice. 8dy6DasoV3c-00080-00026814-00027152 Though not necessarily true, and that's okay. 8dy6DasoV3c-00081-00027176-00027452 There are some things that'll never really go away 8dy6DasoV3c-00082-00027474-00027676 Some scars never fade, 8dy6DasoV3c-00083-00027676-00027908 but that's a fact of life and part of you. 8dy6DasoV3c-00084-00027960-00028292 It's normal to still be haunted by things that happened long ago, 8dy6DasoV3c-00085-00028316-00028545 to still grieve years later. 8dy6DasoV3c-00086-00028545-00028810 Do not be down on yourself for being emotionally caught up 8dy6DasoV3c-00087-00028810-00028970 caught up in the past sometimes. 8dy6DasoV3c-00088-00028970-00029232 You can't just ignore trauma and tragedy, 8dy6DasoV3c-00089-00029232-00029424 and hope that it'll go away 8dy6DasoV3c-00090-00029424-00029589 Nothing fixes itself. 8dy6DasoV3c-00091-00029589-00029789 To heal requires treatment. 8dy6DasoV3c-00092-00029789-00030018 Whether that be through outside assistance 8dy6DasoV3c-00093-00030018-00030218 or internal reflection. 8dy6DasoV3c-00094-00030266-00030514 Acceptance will not just roll round to you. 8dy6DasoV3c-00095-00030514-00030754 You have to get there yourself. 8dy6DasoV3c-00096-00030932-00031070 5. 8dy6DasoV3c-00097-00031070-00031414 Acceptance is more complicated than just admitting to a loss. 8dy6DasoV3c-00098-00031506-00031689 Acceptance is not a finish line. 8dy6DasoV3c-00099-00031689-00031889 There is no real finish line with grieving, 8dy6DasoV3c-00100-00031889-00032136 because grief is not a marathon. 8dy6DasoV3c-00101-00032168-00032388 Rather than a straight shot to the end, 8dy6DasoV3c-00102-00032388-00032588 it's a winding and confusing maze. 8dy6DasoV3c-00103-00032645-00032846 Nor is it a "one-and-done" thing. 8dy6DasoV3c-00104-00032882-00033146 More than likely, you will find yourself going through the 8dy6DasoV3c-00105-00033146-00033384 cycle of grief several times throughout your life, and 8dy6DasoV3c-00106-00033428-00033718 chances are, you'll grieve the same thing more than once. 8dy6DasoV3c-00107-00033780-00034044 You can regress and that's perfectly okay. 8dy6DasoV3c-00108-00034092-00034308 You could be done with grieving for years 8dy6DasoV3c-00109-00034308-00034496 when suddenly something triggers you, 8dy6DasoV3c-00110-00034496-00034696 and you have to go through it all over again. 8dy6DasoV3c-00111-00034736-00035000 This usually happens if you did not let yourself 8dy6DasoV3c-00112-00035000-00035162 grieve properly the first time. 8dy6DasoV3c-00113-00035162-00035464 But it can still happen to those that have had the proper closure 8dy6DasoV3c-00114-00035534-00035734 We're never really done with grieving. 8dy6DasoV3c-00115-00035750-00035992 We will grieve for as long as we live. 8dy6DasoV3c-00116-00035992-00036324 A cycle of grief goes hand-in-hand with a cycle of life. 8dy6DasoV3c-00117-00036360-00036560 But that is nothing to be afraid of. 8dy6DasoV3c-00118-00036560-00036760 In order to accept our losses, 8dy6DasoV3c-00119-00036762-00037098 we must accept the cycle of grief for all that it is. 8dy6DasoV3c-00120-00037256-00037470 We hope you enjoyed this video, 8dy6DasoV3c-00121-00037470-00037594 and if you're grieving, 8dy6DasoV3c-00122-00037594-00037794 we hope that you fully allow yourself to do so. 8dy6DasoV3c-00123-00037864-00038056 Maybe you know someone who's grieving, 8dy6DasoV3c-00124-00038088-00038288 share this video with them. 8dy6DasoV3c-00125-00038313-00038513 Always thanks for watching. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00000-00000583-00000716 Hello everybody! 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00001-00000716-00001245 This video will show you how to recover lost or deleted photos in the RAW format. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00002-00001245-00001643 An image in the RAW format is a photo saved by a camera to a memory card with minimal 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00003-00001643-00001743 processing. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00004-00001743-00002200 Though RAW images seem to be common knowledge, RAW is a kind of a generalized name for a 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00005-00002200-00002693 large group of formats meaning unprocessed pictures, but every camera manufacturer actually 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00006-00002693-00002959 has their own RAW format. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00007-00002959-00003419 For example, they are: .raw, .rw2 — Panasonic 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00008-00003419-00003842 .crw, .cr2 — Canon .mrw — Konica 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00009-00003842-00004189 .mrw – Minolta .orf — Olympus 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00010-00004189-00004808 .arw, .srf, .sr2 — Sony .dcr, .kdc — Kodak 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00011-00004808-00005269 .nef, .nrw — Nikon .ptx, .pef — Pentax 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00012-00005269-00005722 .raf — Fujifilm .srw — Samsung 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00013-00005722-00006174 .raw, .rwl, .dng — Leica 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00014-00006174-00006437 Also, .bay — Casio 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00015-00006437-00006881 .x3f — Sigma .ari, .dpx — Arri 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00016-00006881-00007273 .erf — Epson .3fr — Hasselblad 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00017-00007273-00007644 .mef — Mamiya .r3d — Red One 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00018-00007644-00007912 .dng — in Adobe software. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00019-00007912-00008288 So in this video we’ll talk about recovering photos in these formats. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00020-00008288-00008579 In fact, recovering RAW pictures is a very wide topic. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00021-00008579-00009049 But in this video we’ll go into detail on recovering RAW files which were lost or deleted 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00022-00009049-00009467 because of the most frequent reasons: • Deleting by mistake. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00023-00009467-00010155 This is the most widespread reason why RAW photos or other images are lost. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00024-00010155-00010385 • Formatting or format operation errors. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00025-00010385-00010789 Most often, RAW photos need to be recovered after formatting a memory card. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00026-00010789-00011155 It happens not only because the photographer formats the card. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00027-00011155-00011535 Sometimes, users see the error “you need to format the disk” when connecting the 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00028-00011535-00011978 camera to a computer. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00029-00011978-00012324 • Mishandling the memory card or damaged file system. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00030-00012324-00012779 The file system of a media like memory card can be damaged while it is taken out of the 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00031-00012779-00013331 camera or when it is ejected while saving or copying data, and sometimes it can be damaged 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00032-00013331-00013469 by a virus. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00033-00013469-00014328 As a result, you can’t use the memory card or USB drive without formatting it first. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00034-00014328-00014738 • Errors when copying or transferring data from the camera to a computer. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00035-00014738-00015241 RAW photos can be lost or deleted as a result of a power failure when copying or transferring 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00036-00015241-00015945 data from the camera to a computer or laptop. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00037-00015945-00016191 How can we restore the lost RAW photos? 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00038-00016191-00016718 RAW photos lost or deleted from a camera, memory card or computer can be recovered until 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00039-00016718-00016954 they are overwritten with other files. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00040-00016954-00017339 For this purpose, we’ll be using Hetman Photo Recovery. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00041-00017339-00017524 Find the download link in the description: 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00042-00017524-00017714 So, let’s begin. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00043-00017714-00018284 • Let’s suppose we have a memory card containing RAW images. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00044-00018284-00018648 • When connecting it to the computer, we can see there was a failure which resulted 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00045-00018648-00019093 in a format error or damaged file system. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00046-00019093-00019398 • As a result, we have got a formatting error. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00047-00019398-00019823 That is, we cannot access the RAW photos, and they will be erased by formatting. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00048-00019823-00020423 In fact, any situation is possible, and whatever it is, there is something to be done to recover 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00049-00020423-00020756 the lost RAW photos. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00050-00020756-00021193 To recover the RAW photos: • Run Hetman Photo Recovery. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00051-00021193-00021442 • In the first window, click Next. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00052-00021442-00021755 • And select the memory card. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00053-00021755-00022248 By the way, if you connect a memory card to a computer while it is still inside the camera, 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00054-00022248-00022402 the utility will not see it. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00055-00022402-00022794 Connect it to the computer through a card reader. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00056-00022794-00022894 • Double-click on it. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00057-00022894-00023233 • Fast scan will be better if you have deleted the file by accident. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00058-00023233-00023712 If there are problems with the file system, or after formatting the memory card, Content-Aware 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00059-00023712-00024031 Analysis is the weapon of choice. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00060-00024031-00024131 • Next. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00061-00024131-00024366 • Specify criteria to search for files. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00062-00024366-00024784 In addition to standard settings like file size and date, the utility will offer you 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00063-00024784-00024981 to choose file types. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00064-00024981-00025248 There is a special line given to RAW files. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00065-00025248-00025659 After all, Hetman Photo Recovery is meant to deal with photo formats, including most 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00066-00025659-00026037 of the RAW types. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00067-00026037-00026306 • Select a format, or choose all RAW formats. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00068-00026306-00026726 You can also select All files, and soon I’ll tell you why. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00069-00026726-00027030 • Click “Next.” 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00070-00027030-00027368 • As a result, the process of analysis will start for your media. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00071-00027368-00028524 Wait until it is over. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00072-00028524-00029009 • When the analysis is complete, Hetman Photo Recovery will show all image files it 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00073-00029009-00029109 has found. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00074-00029109-00029606 • Click on a file and see its contents in the preview window. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00075-00029606-00030074 You can also have a look in the properties window to see its size, date when it was created 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00076-00030074-00030587 and when it was lost or deleted. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00077-00030587-00030962 • If you are happy with the scan result, go on to saving the files. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00078-00030962-00031422 If you’re not, here’s an important aspect. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00079-00031422-00031906 A RAW file is a large and complicated file containing the maximal amount of data about 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00080-00031906-00032006 an image. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00081-00032006-00032481 That is why, if the quality of the recovered file is not good enough or it is recovered 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00082-00032481-00032865 but it is damaged, sometimes it makes sense to scan the media again. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00083-00032865-00033275 This time, with All Files option enabled. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00084-00033275-00033960 As a result, Photo Recovery can find this photo in JPG or TIFF formats instead of the 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00085-00033960-00034094 RAW format. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00086-00034094-00034244 There is nothing unusual about it. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00087-00034244-00034762 If the damage to the media or images is too heavy, the utility will try to restore their 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00088-00034762-00035016 data with signature analysis. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00089-00035016-00035190 It can change the photo’s format. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00090-00035190-00035623 Quite often, the quality is good enough when compared to the original file. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00091-00035623-00036605 • Select the RAW files you need to recover and click Next. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00092-00036605-00036758 • Choose how to save the files. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00093-00036758-00037261 We strongly recommend against saving them to the same media you are recovering them 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00094-00037261-00037361 from. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00095-00037361-00037633 It can get them overwritten. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00096-00037633-00038261 • Specify the folder to save the recovered files and click Recovery. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00097-00038261-00038561 • Ready. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00098-00038561-00039677 • Go to the folder which you indicated for file recovery 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00099-00039677-00040280 • and you can see that the files have been recovered. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00100-00040280-00040768 If you need to recover not only photos but also videos from a memory card or other media, 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00101-00040768-00040996 you can do it with Hetman Partition Recovery. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00102-00040996-00041278 The link is in the description as usual. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00103-00041278-00042077 I’d like to draw your attention to the fact, that if the files were deleted accidentally, 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00104-00042077-00042552 in 99% of the cases there’s not going to be any problem to recover them. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00105-00042552-00042983 On the contrary, if you don’t handle the memory card or camera right, or if there is 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00106-00042983-00043416 a file system error or damaged file system, the quality of data recovery will depend on 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00107-00043416-00043549 many factors. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00108-00043549-00044106 Which means that recovering 100% of data in 100% quality is not always possible, just 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00109-00044106-00044206 physically. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00110-00044206-00044375 That is all for now. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00111-00044375-00044736 If you found this video useful, hit the Like button below and subscribe to our channel 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00112-00044736-00044836 to see more. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00113-00044836-00044961 Ask questions in your comments. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00114-00044961-00045061 Thank you for watching. 8e2Qsx7QNdA-00115-00045061-00045111 Good luck. 8ew1scttaIu-00000-00000357-00000653 Four Steps to Emergency Preparedness 8ew1scttaIu-00001-00001051-00001441 Step 2: Prioritize your Health Needs and Create Lists 8ew1scttaIu-00002-00001908-00002402 These are lists for your medications, disability related supplies or equipment. 8ew1scttaIu-00003-00002402-00002605 and anything else you need daily. 8ew1scttaIu-00004-00002702-00002886 Decide what medication and equipment 8ew1scttaIu-00005-00002886-00003086 you need everyday to be independent. 8ew1scttaIu-00006-00003163-00003436 Write down where you keep them and any information 8ew1scttaIu-00007-00003436-00003736 about them that you may need during a disaster or emergency. 8ew1scttaIu-00008-00003840-00004381 This information can be useful to your trusted allies, first responders, or shelter staff. 8ew1scttaIu-00009-00004434-00004881 There may be phone apps that you could use to help develop these lists as well as, 8ew1scttaIu-00010-00004881-00005091 having a written or printed list. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00000-00000377-00000639 Well, obviously as you can see, I am shopping. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00001-00000642-00000928 I do this yearly to reward myself. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00002-00000930-00001203 And no more giving gifts to my friends. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00003-00001206-00001465 This time, it's all just for myself. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00004-00001649-00002163 This will be for my followers. I must perfect my moves for Tiktok surprise post. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00005-00002166-00002419 For sure, we'll be able to reach the 1 million followers. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00006-00002422-00002477 Yes! 91rZMYlnX3Y-00007-00002667-00002854 How would I celebrate Christmas? 91rZMYlnX3Y-00008-00002857-00003015 Of course with a bang! 91rZMYlnX3Y-00009-00003020-00003302 Last year our Christmas was not festive enough. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00010-00003304-00003872 So this time, I make sure my house will be the brightest in our village. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00011-00003875-00004211 Lights galore for a brighter new year. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00012-00004214-00004615 I have more lights to hang... 91rZMYlnX3Y-00013-00005841-00006041 <i>(Door opening and closing)</i> 91rZMYlnX3Y-00014-00006219-00006421 Hello, mom. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00015-00006499-00006713 I'm sorry for being late 91rZMYlnX3Y-00016-00006764-00006958 traffic is heavy again this time. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00017-00006961-00007399 I brought pancit for dinner, let's eat while it's hot. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00018-00007426-00007618 It's dark in here. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00019-00007676-00007968 Let's turn on the Christmas lantern. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00020-00008030-00008193 And I'm starving. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00021-00008196-00008466 How was your day here, mom? 91rZMYlnX3Y-00022-00008499-00008670 How was your day? 91rZMYlnX3Y-00023-00008681-00008897 Why, you seem sad? 91rZMYlnX3Y-00024-00009002-00009235 I just remembered your father. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00025-00009463-00009822 This will be our first Chirtmas without him. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00026-00009877-00010030 It's just sad, right? 91rZMYlnX3Y-00027-00010160-00010437 Mom, dad is now in heaven. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00028-00010441-00010709 Even though he's no longer with us, we're going to make it. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00029-00010765-00011090 Well just pray and ask God for joy and peace 91rZMYlnX3Y-00030-00011104-00011357 in our hearts and for the whole world. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00031-00011388-00011668 So, here's the pancit, mom, let's eat because I'm starving now! 91rZMYlnX3Y-00032-00011670-00011754 This smells good. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00033-00011814-00011927 Just a few, my dear. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00034-00012048-00012328 That's enough, don't put too much. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00035-00012493-00012728 But before anything else, let us pray. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00036-00012927-00013403 Lord, thank you for guiding me and mom. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00037-00013419-00013575 Even though, father is no longer with us, 91rZMYlnX3Y-00038-00013577-00014066 help us to celebrate Christmas with joy in our heart 91rZMYlnX3Y-00039-00014073-00014468 because you, Lord, is the essense of Christmas. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00040-00014490-00014838 This is our prayer, in Jesus' name. Amen. 91rZMYlnX3Y-00041-00014931-00015804 Our Christmas may not be complete, but joy and peace come from Jesus Christ. Amen. 93t5e41l0uo-00000-00000000-00000200 Do you have any items that you must take with you when packing your suitcase? 95UzNMvdz5Q-00000-00000000-00000303 (free) pinkpantheress type beat 2022 - "bliss" 9686kozYgfc-00000-00000600-00000800 Ice-cream! 9686kozYgfc-00001-00002300-00002400 Hey! 9686kozYgfc-00002-00002500-00002850 Did someone shout ice-cream? 9686kozYgfc-00003-00003000-00003100 Oh, yes. 9686kozYgfc-00004-00003400-00003500 Hey. 9686kozYgfc-00005-00003450-00003550 Whaaaaaaaat? 9686kozYgfc-00006-00003600-00003850 Where is the ice-cream stand? 9686kozYgfc-00007-00004100-00004300 Let's find it! 9686kozYgfc-00008-00006500-00006600 Wait... 9686kozYgfc-00009-00006700-00007100 Let's go back to the park... 9686kozYgfc-00010-00007100-00007200 Okay. 9686kozYgfc-00011-00007400-00007575 Let's aks for her. 9686kozYgfc-00012-00007800-00008000 Her? Not him? 9686kozYgfc-00013-00008050-00008500 Nooooooooooooo... 9686kozYgfc-00014-00008900-00009300 Let's find it ourselves. 9686kozYgfc-00015-00009400-00009500 Hey! 9686kozYgfc-00016-00009600-00009800 I listen something behind of me. 9686kozYgfc-00017-00010900-00011100 I scream! 9686kozYgfc-00018-00013700-00014200 Bzzzzz...... 9686kozYgfc-00019-00014350-00014425 Quack. 9686kozYgfc-00020-00015700-00015800 Wow! 9686kozYgfc-00021-00017600-00017900 Three chocolate, please. 9686kozYgfc-00022-00018000-00018300 Sorry, but I close this stand right now. 98QfnvPY8oY-00000-00000406-00000606 Did you think so? 98QfnvPY8oY-00001-00001259-00001459 stop! 98QfnvPY8oY-00002-00002000-00002200 wait! 98QfnvPY8oY-00003-00002233-00002433 Cha Cha is playing with an uncle she met after a long time! 98QfnvPY8oY-00004-00002701-00002901 here! 98QfnvPY8oY-00005-00003002-00003202 A puppy with aegyo! 98QfnvPY8oY-00006-00003421-00003592 Nice to meet you in a long time. 98QfnvPY8oY-00007-00003612-00003812 What is the puppy's reaction when he pretends to be dead after eating a snack? 98QfnvPY8oY-00008-00003910-00004110 She and uncle played so well. 98QfnvPY8oY-00009-00004262-00004462 wait! 98QfnvPY8oY-00010-00004495-00004695 Uncle eating her snacks? 98QfnvPY8oY-00011-00005178-00005378 Either that or not... 98QfnvPY8oY-00012-00005852-00006052 Cha Cha eats the snacks from his uncle instead. 98QfnvPY8oY-00013-00006541-00006671 It's starting again. 98QfnvPY8oY-00014-00006745-00006875 Violent head gesture! 98QfnvPY8oY-00015-00007064-00007264 I 'm surprised... 98QfnvPY8oY-00016-00007709-00007909 will you mind me? 98QfnvPY8oY-00017-00007956-00008156 Am i forgotten? 98QfnvPY8oY-00018-00009092-00009493 Look at me... / Busy! 98QfnvPY8oY-00019-00010338-00010538 She is not interested in her uncle who is dead. 98QfnvPY8oY-00020-00011820-00012020 I am forgetten again... 98QfnvPY8oY-00021-00012346-00012517 Dad: Cha Cha! What is this? 98QfnvPY8oY-00022-00012617-00012817 Dad: over here, my uncle dead body ... 98QfnvPY8oY-00023-00013299-00013499 Ceremony 98QfnvPY8oY-00024-00013684-00013884 Uncle thought that it's not a way. 98QfnvPY8oY-00025-00014348-00014548 Did it happen? 98QfnvPY8oY-00026-00014744-00014944 Uncle pretending to be dead again! 98QfnvPY8oY-00027-00015027-00015185 It's not this... 98QfnvPY8oY-00028-00015211-00015411 do it in moderation! 98QfnvPY8oY-00029-00015473-00015673 Second try! indeed? 98QfnvPY8oY-00030-00015724-00016191 Failure... punish me! 98QfnvPY8oY-00031-00016257-00016457 Plaster deadly crime. 98QfnvPY8oY-00032-00016533-00017077 The rest of the snack is mine! / I enjoyed myself today. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00000-00000668-00001115 John Prensner: I initially applied for a medical degree, just M.D. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00001-00001115-00001604 I was not intending, actually, to do research at the time of my application. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00002-00001604-00002164 I was going around viewing different medical schools and seeing their programs, and I was 99EtMe4Yi8U-00003-00002164-00002813 really struck by how accommodating the folks at Michigan were, how much they welcomed me, 99EtMe4Yi8U-00004-00002813-00003061 and how much they told me, "We want you to come here. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00005-00003061-00003271 We want you to be happy." 99EtMe4Yi8U-00006-00003271-00004135 The department as a whole has a very strong record of providing facilities, funding, and 99EtMe4Yi8U-00007-00004135-00004577 services to graduate students that really enable you to operate at a very, very high 99EtMe4Yi8U-00008-00004577-00004716 level. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00009-00004716-00005410 As a Ph.D. student in the sciences, much of what you do is tied to how much your department 99EtMe4Yi8U-00010-00005410-00006040 trusts you, basically, invests in you, and how much they think that you can operate at 99EtMe4Yi8U-00011-00006040-00006257 an advanced level. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00012-00006257-00006856 Here at Michigan, the Pathology Department, which was my home department during the Ph.D. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00013-00006856-00007281 phase, really had the utmost confidence in their students. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00014-00007281-00007850 They made every resource available to them, and they gave them access to advanced technologies 99EtMe4Yi8U-00015-00007850-00008510 and also the opportunity to present their work at conferences, nationally and even internationally, 99EtMe4Yi8U-00016-00008510-00009108 as a way to help build your confidence and build your skills as an independent researcher. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00017-00009108-00009919 Doing a Ph.D. is really developing the ability to think in an independent way, to progress 99EtMe4Yi8U-00018-00009919-00010751 through a project from ground zero to completion, and I think that's greatly satisfying. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00019-00010751-00011172 I think there is a very strong tradition of academic excellence here at Michigan, and 99EtMe4Yi8U-00020-00011172-00011678 I think the Dissertation process is a tradition that is meaningful. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00021-00011678-00012205 It really forces a student to sit down, synthesize what they've done over a number of years, 99EtMe4Yi8U-00022-00012205-00012934 and derive core conclusions and the important, salient features of their work. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00023-00012934-00013381 That makes it a cohesive whole, that makes it something that's greater than the sum of 99EtMe4Yi8U-00024-00013381-00013634 its parts. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00025-00013634-00014193 In closing, make an acknowledgment to the ability for Rackham and the University of 99EtMe4Yi8U-00026-00014193-00014823 Michigan to support its students and really foster them to great things in their career. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00027-00014823-00014960 My mentor, Arul Chinnaiyan, is a product of the M.D. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00028-00014960-00015194 Ph.D. program here at the University of Michigan. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00029-00015194-00015813 About 12 or 14 years ago, he was standing up here himself at the ProQuest Distinguished 99EtMe4Yi8U-00030-00015813-00016060 Dissertation Award honor. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00031-00016060-00016384 He has the pleasure now today be on the other end. 99EtMe4Yi8U-00032-00016384-00016512 Thank you very much. 99Z7m9O_HFy-00000-00000000-00000200 Blocked. 9qGU20jOBXE-00000-00020537-00020704 Strong man eat pizza 9qGU20jOBXE-00001-00020704-00020925 Weak man eat sword!! 9qGU20jOBXE-00002-00023944-00024240 Today's like a breeze. 9qGU20jOBXE-00003-00024299-00024461 [echoing] As always. 9qGU20jOBXE-00004-00026309-00026605 Watch your fucking step man! 9qGU20jOBXE-00005-00026639-00027035 It doesn't really matter if you expect something to happen. Because it’s there, 9qGU20jOBXE-00006-00027035-00027323 and there is nothing you can do, say or think, 9qGU20jOBXE-00007-00027323-00027773 that will prevent it from ruining your whole day. 9qGU20jOBXE-00008-00027773-00027994 You can hope for something good to happen, 9qGU20jOBXE-00009-00027994-00028240 or you can eat whatever you can grasp. 9qGU20jOBXE-00010-00028269-00028445 But, even if you try your best, 9qGU20jOBXE-00011-00028445-00028678 you can't really do nothing about it. 9qGU20jOBXE-00012-00029471-00029650 PIZZA 9qGU20jOBXE-00013-00033654-00034096 A wonderful public violence today in our lands. 9qGU20jOBXE-00014-00034096-00034359 Dozens and dozens of ripped heads took off at the "Pizza Mayhem"! 9qGU20jOBXE-00015-00034359-00034484 <<PIZZA MAYHEM>> 9qGU20jOBXE-00016-00034484-00034951 The renowned weekly meeting for our sword-sliced-pizza fans! 9qGU20jOBXE-00017-00035018-00035506 Chaos among the hardcore crowd was triggered by the opening song, wrongly interpreted as a warning siren. 9qGU20jOBXE-00018-00035506-00035673 Five seriously harmed survivors, 9qGU20jOBXE-00019-00035673-00035915 but there is no trace of them left. 9qGU20jOBXE-00020-00040215-00040611 You're still the same kiddo. 9qGU20jOBXE-00021-00040611-00041066 Since I know you, you've always danced the same way. 9qGU20jOBXE-00022-00041182-00041499 You show no respect for tradition. 9qGU20jOBXE-00023-00042012-00042167 No I don't think so. 9qGU20jOBXE-00024-00042208-00042475 I look at the clouds every day, and I think I'm right. 9qGU20jOBXE-00025-00042550-00042788 I've come from the stars to change the world. 9qGU20jOBXE-00026-00042788-00043005 And you've never changed yourself. 9qGU20jOBXE-00027-00043005-00043247 And I never looked back. 9qGU20jOBXE-00028-00047176-00047397 Give me a slice, here, c’mon. 9qGU20jOBXE-00029-00047534-00047781 Your pussy, yeye wants me, yeye 9qGU20jOBXE-00030-00049682-00050066 Hey, I'm gonna keep it real since we're friends 9qGU20jOBXE-00031-00050066-00050296 You know, this is how I wanna live my life 9qGU20jOBXE-00032-00050296-00050392 I want to 9qGU20jOBXE-00033-00050392-00050804 drink canned beers and just listen to the music I make, non stop. 9qGU20jOBXE-00034-00050804-00050967 You know, I would never get tired of it. 9qGU20jOBXE-00035-00050967-00051063 I'm pretty sure. 9qGU20jOBXE-00036-00051113-00051417 - You’re woke, you can do what you want. 9qGU20jOBXE-00037-00052819-00053261 When you fight And you need one moment for refresh 9qGU20jOBXE-00038-00053261-00053357 <<REFRESH!>> 9qGU20jOBXE-00039-00053524-00053958 Nothing's more satysfying than Roborama Beer 9qGU20jOBXE-00040-00054667-00055042 Roborama Power Craft Beer 9qGU20jOBXE-00041-00055134-00055234 DRINK IT! 9qGU20jOBXE-00042-00065644-00066045 So, you've called for a pizza. 9qGU20jOBXE-00043-00066111-00066216 And now, 9qGU20jOBXE-00044-00066316-00066391 The Pizza 9qGU20jOBXE-00045-00066491-00066654 Is coming right after YOU! 9qGU20jOBXE-00046-00068564-00068910 Motorbikers traveling the desert delivering pizzas. 9qGU20jOBXE-00047-00068939-00069252 The so-called "Pizza Racers" 9qGU20jOBXE-00048-00069331-00069598 They have no contact with the ninjas' world, 9qGU20jOBXE-00049-00069598-00069961 except the rare moments when they stop by to make a delivery. 9qGU20jOBXE-00050-00069994-00070303 Their code of honor is based on speed, 9qGU20jOBXE-00051-00070303-00070528 power and strength. 9qGU20jOBXE-00052-00070578-00070966 Originated somewhere in a hazy past, in mysterious ways 9qGU20jOBXE-00053-00071020-00071329 Rumours say that they own and keep videos, 9qGU20jOBXE-00054-00071329-00071471 original videotapes, 9qGU20jOBXE-00055-00071533-00071725 which show the world as it once was, 9qGU20jOBXE-00056-00071725-00072351 and that through their vision they have remembered all the most important uses and rules of humanity's roots. 9qGU20jOBXE-00057-00072384-00072793 All that we had, by then, forgotten. 9qGU20jOBXE-00058-00073047-00073352 The time has not come to despair yet. 9qGU20jOBXE-00059-00073698-00073965 There are things you haven't considered yet. 9qGU20jOBXE-00060-00073965-00074236 Don't rush to finish your meal. 9qGU20jOBXE-00061-00074236-00074474 You don't know when the next one will be. 9qGU20jOBXE-00062-00084184-00084375 Want some? 9qGU20jOBXE-00063-00084375-00084471 *wink* 9qGU20jOBXE-00064-00085635-00085923 Green sauce very spicy! 9qGU20jOBXE-00065-00086365-00086503 Turn up the volume 9qGU20jOBXE-00066-00086503-00086603 Put it at max 9qGU20jOBXE-00067-00086603-00086761 I want to see every single note. 9qGU20jOBXE-00068-00086761-00086886 Just shut up. 9qGU20jOBXE-00069-00086886-00087024 What, who you said it to? 9qGU20jOBXE-00070-00087024-00087249 Shit, I've never told anyone to shut up. 9qGU20jOBXE-00071-00087249-00087670 (I want to leave this diabolical desert, leave behind all these incompetent assholes) 9qGU20jOBXE-00072-00087729-00087821 Just turn up the radio! 9qGU20jOBXE-00073-00088092-00088359 Oh come on, keep that shirt, please! 9qGU20jOBXE-00074-00088359-00088626 I gave it to you when you had long hair. 9qGU20jOBXE-00075-00088626-00088721 Oh yes! 9qGU20jOBXE-00076-00088721-00088822 Well... Maybe... 9qGU20jOBXE-00077-00088822-00088938 Why not!? 9qGU20jOBXE-00078-00088938-00089205 It has to be done. I might as well go now. 9qGU20jOBXE-00079-00089251-00089351 You take this. 9qGU20jOBXE-00080-00089351-00089472 (Maybe I should leave right away) 9qGU20jOBXE-00081-00089531-00089785 Forget about it. Stay! 9qGU20jOBXE-00082-00089831-00090019 You look good in this shirt. 9qGU20jOBXE-00083-00090019-00090190 You shouldn't change it. 9qGU20jOBXE-00084-00090190-00090286 Even worse! 9qGU20jOBXE-00085-00090286-00090561 I would become ridiculous growing up, and I'll end up hating it! 9qGU20jOBXE-00086-00090628-00090736 (I must leave..) 9qGU20jOBXE-00087-00090853-00090978 Keep that shirt. 9qGU20jOBXE-00088-00090978-00091149 You can wear it at my funeral. 9qGU20jOBXE-00089-00091149-00091270 So I won't change. 9qGU20jOBXE-00090-00091270-00091420 (And she won't laugh at me) 9qGU20jOBXE-00091-00091549-00091683 (And so you're leaving!?) 9qGU20jOBXE-00092-00095887-00096025 Sooo... Do you love violence? 9qGU20jOBXE-00093-00096025-00096258 Of course I love violence! 9qGU20jOBXE-00094-00096258-00096412 But do you like to give it or receive it? 9qGU20jOBXE-00095-00096412-00096646 Did you hear about that guy who beat his wife? 9qGU20jOBXE-00096-00096646-00096788 The fuck are you saying! 9qGU20jOBXE-00097-00096917-00097117 Who's so dumbass to like receiving it!? 9qGU20jOBXE-00098-00097163-00097351 No, I don't like violence. 9qGU20jOBXE-00099-00097351-00097464 But what about the sword? 9qGU20jOBXE-00100-00097464-00097776 What does it matter? With the sword is different, it's a game. 9qGU20jOBXE-00101-00097776-00097931 Nobody likes being beaten up, fuck! 9qGU20jOBXE-00102-00097931-00098064 He kicked her ass. 9qGU20jOBXE-00103-00098089-00098381 He beat her so hard that her mother didn't recognize her anymore. 9qGU20jOBXE-00104-00098381-00098502 Losers get beaten up. 9qGU20jOBXE-00105-00098502-00098819 Damn, if you just stay there to get your ass kicked you're not worth anything, 9qGU20jOBXE-00106-00098865-00099007 you will never be anything. 9qGU20jOBXE-00107-00099007-00099140 And you know what? 9qGU20jOBXE-00108-00099140-00099382 It was that guy, the one who told me. 9qGU20jOBXE-00109-00099382-00099507 He told me laughing. 9qGU20jOBXE-00110-00099507-00099787 If you take these things seriously you're dead, my friend. 9qGU20jOBXE-00111-00099787-00099912 Above all, you must have fun. 9qGU20jOBXE-00112-00099912-00100241 I ripped his throat, side to side. 9qGU20jOBXE-00113-00104345-00104537 Strong man eat pizza. 9qGU20jOBXE-00114-00104537-00104721 Weak man eat sword! 9qGU20jOBXE-00115-00104800-00104908 Strong man 9qGU20jOBXE-00116-00104950-00105042 Eat pizza 9qGU20jOBXE-00117-00105255-00105363 Weak man 9qGU20jOBXE-00118-00105442-00105647 Eat sword! 9qGU20jOBXE-00119-00105772-00106043 Isn't any of all this any useful? 9qGU20jOBXE-00120-00106131-00106272 No. 9qGU20jOBXE-00121-00106564-00106723 They are violent years. 9qGU20jOBXE-00122-00106723-00106881 The only law that applies 9qGU20jOBXE-00123-00106881-00107006 is the way of the force. 9qGU20jOBXE-00124-00107052-00107348 Everyone fight to get what they want, 9qGU20jOBXE-00125-00107348-00107607 but none of them really know what they want. 9qGU20jOBXE-00126-00107636-00107957 People just die unnecessarily. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00000-00000010-00000164 Good Neighborhood Forum. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00001-00000164-00001063 We certainly feel very sorry for our state's inability to somehow find a good, kind solution 9sPjJG6gM8u-00002-00001063-00001657 so that we could live like friends. It is painful for the Lithuanian people. It is painful for you and for us. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00003-00001657-00001874 And I have this question: 9sPjJG6gM8u-00004-00001874-00002933 Do you think that grassroots democracy could help with the resolution of conflicts? 9sPjJG6gM8u-00005-00002933-00003574 Because people don't share the current opinion of our state. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00006-00003574-00004243 And we know that America directly encourages us towards a war with you, a conflict with neighbors. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00007-00004243-00004487 It is very painful for us. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00008-00004487-00004907 We think that grassroots democracy could help somehow. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00009-00004907-00005735 America is the only country benefitting from what is going on here. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00010-00005735-00006127 Europe will be put in its place and competitors will be removed. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00011-00006127-00006536 It is clear that China and Russia are the main competitors of America. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00012-00006536-00006731 The USA is dealing with the problem. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00013-00006731-00006949 But you should note that it has come to war already. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00014-00007037-00007836 But they state in public that neither America nor NATO will wage a war in Ukraine. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00015-00007895-00008300 You've heard all these statements: [war] by proxy as always. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00016-00008358-00008685 While they will stand behind Lithuanians and Ukrainians. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00017-00008701-00009143 Lithuania, Ukraine, Poland pursue the same policy and have the same stance. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00018-00009143-00009391 He wailed: We are neighbors! 9sPjJG6gM8u-00019-00009391-00009904 But I've always said that one cannot choose neighbors, neighbors are given by god, let's live and be friends. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00020-00009904-00010077 I've always said that! 9sPjJG6gM8u-00021-00010077-00010521 Why do you have to remind me about that today when a conflict is going on? 9sPjJG6gM8u-00022-00010559-00010901 This is why I've always been in favor of grassroots democracy. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00023-00010901-00011153 Grassroots democracy is necessary. I am grateful to you. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00024-00011153-00011743 Your voice in Lithuania may not be that loud because there is democracy in Lithuania and everyone was told to shut up. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00025-00011786-00012065 But they cannot shut up grassroots democracy. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00026-00012087-00012391 One person or ten people can start a wave. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00027-00012391-00012564 And nobody will stop it. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00028-00012589-00012774 I know it from experience. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00029-00012774-00013297 This is why you are welcome to Belarus. Let's restore normal relations. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00030-00013297-00014030 You will be removed from the international agenda, from the American agenda before Ukrainians. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00031-00014030-00014209 And you will be forgotten. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00032-00014285-00014733 You will be simply beggars if you fail to run away somewhere in time. 9sPjJG6gM8u-00033-00014733-00015053 But you no longer enjoy that much welcome either in Germany or France. 9w9R8pJLU-y-00000-00000000-00000417 Hi there my name is Bryce Evans and I'm the founder of The One Project and after 9w9R8pJLU-y-00001-00000417-00000768 more than eight years I'm super excited to announce that we finally have a 9w9R8pJLU-y-00002-00000768-00001140 mobile app and brand new system for our community so if you're not familiar with 9w9R8pJLU-y-00003-00001140-00001604 The One Project we help use the healing power of photography for mental health 9w9R8pJLU-y-00004-00001604-00002034 and essentially what we're doing is building a new language and community 9w9R8pJLU-y-00005-00002034-00002496 around mental health using therapeutic photography techniques so you can use 9w9R8pJLU-y-00006-00002496-00002967 photos as a new way to express yourself and communicate these things as well as 9w9R8pJLU-y-00007-00002967-00003629 connect with people but also sharing new types of visual metaphors for example 9w9R8pJLU-y-00008-00003629-00004061 around what depression or anxiety looks like so we've been doing this for over 9w9R8pJLU-y-00009-00004061-00004514 eight years we have a brand new system I'm super excited it's still a private 9w9R8pJLU-y-00010-00004514-00004893 community so it's more of a safe space for you to share and connect with people 9w9R8pJLU-y-00011-00004893-00005364 who understand and can give you support as well as for you to give support to 9w9R8pJLU-y-00012-00005364-00005880 others and it has a lot of new features that our members that have been testing 9w9R8pJLU-y-00013-00005880-00006369 it's exceeding their expectations and they are loving it so far. It has push 9w9R8pJLU-y-00014-00006369-00006939 notifications it has an easy way for you to post stories get support way faster it's 9w9R8pJLU-y-00015-00006939-00007431 much more competitive with you know the big apps and social networks out there 9w9R8pJLU-y-00016-00007431-00007931 so that you can stay engaged to get the most value out of what we do so we're 9w9R8pJLU-y-00017-00007931-00008436 super excited about this it has a few other key additions from all the 9w9R8pJLU-y-00018-00008436-00008843 insights that we've gained over these last couple years one of them is our 9w9R8pJLU-y-00019-00008843-00009197 courses so the big change is we're bringing the courses on to our community 9w9R8pJLU-y-00020-00009197-00009663 now they are you can get them at no extra cost and you can learn more about 9w9R8pJLU-y-00021-00009663-00009997 our techniques and therapeutic photography as well as a lot more 9w9R8pJLU-y-00022-00009997-00010404 another thing is events we're super excited about this we're going to be 9w9R8pJLU-y-00023-00010404-00010839 helping connect you with and hosting online and offline events as well as 9w9R8pJLU-y-00024-00010839-00011202 empowering community leaders around the world to host things like photo walks 9w9R8pJLU-y-00025-00011202-00011718 to help people also get offline and connect with other people and feel less 9w9R8pJLU-y-00026-00011718-00011985 alone one other thing is tribes we're 9w9R8pJLU-y-00027-00011985-00012418 integrating things like Mental Toolkit as well as a few other concepts and 9w9R8pJLU-y-00028-00012418-00012813 tools we've tested over the years to help you learn things like what are the 9w9R8pJLU-y-00029-00012813-00013288 best tools to help you with depression anxiety or other issues and what's 9w9R8pJLU-y-00030-00013288-00013666 worked for other people as well we're also maintaining our forever free 9w9R8pJLU-y-00031-00013666-00013956 policy so we've changed our model a little bit to help with our 9w9R8pJLU-y-00032-00013956-00014466 sustainability and this is gonna help us do a lot more exciting things like paid 9w9R8pJLU-y-00033-00014466-00015052 opportunities and grants for members very soon but we don't want to have any 9w9R8pJLU-y-00034-00015052-00015334 financial barriers for people who can't afford it we know that mental health 9w9R8pJLU-y-00035-00015334-00015769 issues can often be made worse because of financial challenges like being on 9w9R8pJLU-y-00036-00015769-00016210 disability or out of work and so everyone is able to get access and this 9w9R8pJLU-y-00037-00016210-00016678 is funded through our memberships that we have so everyone is welcome we 9w9R8pJLU-y-00038-00016678-00017160 don't want anyone to feel like they can't access it you can easily request 9w9R8pJLU-y-00039-00017160-00017650 access to this new system so we're really excited I hope that you'll join 9w9R8pJLU-y-00040-00017650-00018154 us check it out on our website at theoneproject.co and I can't wait to see 9w9R8pJLU-y-00041-00018154-00018450 you there. Thanks! 9x6qVAerBFk-00000-00000744-00001338 Hi, this is Chadi. There seems to be a lot of stuff coming out regarding submission grappling, 9x6qVAerBFk-00001-00001338-00002172 and a lot of them tend to be very seductive, and very alluring and I get the appeal. You're in the 9x6qVAerBFk-00002-00002172-00002808 worst possible position, and yet you can still go for the tap, and the buggy choke is no exception, 9x6qVAerBFk-00003-00002910-00003611 the buggy choke is very reminiscent of the "fly trap" a few years back, same concept, you're in 9x6qVAerBFk-00004-00003611-00004380 the worst position possible, and then you get the submission. So the problem with this is that 9x6qVAerBFk-00005-00004380-00004998 a lot of people especially at those who are just starting in grappling they're frustrated, and they 9x6qVAerBFk-00006-00004998-00005766 get into very bad positions often, and they just want the next best thing, and they think that, 9x6qVAerBFk-00007-00005766-00006348 if I'm stuck in that bad position all the time, might as well get comfortable, and attack from 9x6qVAerBFk-00008-00006348-00006948 there and get the tap. I'm guilty of this myself a few years back, but the more I train, and the 9x6qVAerBFk-00009-00006948-00007854 more I learn, I realize that the benefits of the fundamentals will take you a very long way. So the 9x6qVAerBFk-00010-00007854-00008502 thing with the buggy choke, or any type of these submissions where someone is chest to chest close 9x6qVAerBFk-00011-00008502-00009246 to you there is a lot of risk involved, and the first one being is that if you going to transition 9x6qVAerBFk-00012-00009246-00009924 to anything regarding MMA, self-defense, or here in these ADCC trials I believe, 9x6qVAerBFk-00013-00010026-00010710 if you have close chest to chest contact you're finished, if the guy is just a little bit strong, 9x6qVAerBFk-00014-00010710-00011292 he's gonna finish you off, so getting the tap from that position is really counter intuitive. So 9x6qVAerBFk-00015-00011448-00012054 I highly suggest you train your escapes first, you don't want to be permanently damaged, 9x6qVAerBFk-00016-00012054-00012702 or feel this awful knee injury that's happening with the guy actually attempting the submission, 9x6qVAerBFk-00017-00012702-00013241 so I didn't want to put put it on full volume because the popping sound is just absolutely 9x6qVAerBFk-00018-00013241-00013986 atrocious. So here's a crazy idea, why not learn the fundamentals like escaping?!?! A great man I 9x6qVAerBFk-00019-00013986-00014826 recommend is here Henry Akins, he's great for learning all these types of escapes. Now, the 9x6qVAerBFk-00020-00014826-00015330 reason why this inverted triangle, the classical inverted triangle as a far better, Superior 9x6qVAerBFk-00021-00015330-00016140 option is because it's working on the "hooked side control", meaning your leg is hooked and 9x6qVAerBFk-00022-00016266-00016740 you push them down towards your leg, meaning you lose that chest to chest uh 9x6qVAerBFk-00023-00016812-00017334 contact, so the ability for them to pick you up and slam you becomes very small, 9x6qVAerBFk-00024-00017334-00018084 and almost non-existent. So here it's a better production by the Kodokan, you can see it, so 9x6qVAerBFk-00025-00018156-00018744 you push, and as their hand is hooking your belt you can actually put them in a triangle, 9x6qVAerBFk-00026-00018744-00019302 look at where his chest is compared to something like the "head and arm side control" and the 9x6qVAerBFk-00027-00019302-00020250 buggy choke. It's much safer, so escaping these things is very crucial, so please white belts! 9x6qVAerBFk-00028-00020316-00020814 I know it's very frustrating to get stuck in these little positions that 9x6qVAerBFk-00029-00020814-00021366 are absolutely horrendous, but learn the fundamentals first, learn how to escape, 9x6qVAerBFk-00030-00021366-00021996 and trust me all these submissions will not be appealing to you anymore I can promise you that, 9x6qVAerBFk-00031-00022164-00022872 also you're doing it because you have a weak guard and you have a weak side control defense, 9x6qVAerBFk-00032-00022872-00023490 and the moment you can actually do it you're gonna let go of these submissions, I can guarantee it, 9x6qVAerBFk-00033-00023490-00024258 there's a reason why people like Rickson, and all these older generation operate in a certain way, 9x6qVAerBFk-00034-00024258-00024972 but the point of this video is, I know it can be very appealing to see such submissions, 9x6qVAerBFk-00035-00024972-00025662 but they don't come without a cost, popping your knee, or even me looking back when I was trying 9x6qVAerBFk-00036-00025662-00026339 the "fly trap" I'm very lucky I didn't hurt my pelvis or Tore a muscle, or anything, so please 9x6qVAerBFk-00037-00026412-00026850 this video especially for the beginners focus on the fundamentals because they 9x6qVAerBFk-00038-00026850-00027210 will take you a very long way. This was Chadi, and thank you for listening. 9yeLHcQ2Ico-00000-00000352-00000760 every night i dreamed the same dream 9yeLHcQ2Ico-00001-00001120-00001592 then 9yeLHcQ2Ico-00002-00001904-00002039 the nightmare begins 9yeLHcQ2Ico-00003-00002560-00003488 i did what i had to do to protect our world you cannot control everything strange 9yeLHcQ2Ico-00004-00003744-00004384 you open the doorway between universes and we don't know who or what will walk through it 9yeLHcQ2Ico-00005-00004664-00005368 wanda what do you know about the multiverse this had his theories he believed it was dangerous 9yeLHcQ2Ico-00006-00005776-00005832 he was right 9yeLHcQ2Ico-00007-00006495-00006608 i'm sorry stephen 9yeLHcQ2Ico-00008-00006831-00007184 your desecration of reality 9yeLHcQ2Ico-00009-00007848-00008584 we should tell him the truth 9yeLHcQ2Ico-00010-00009320-00010192 things just got out of hand you break the rules look up 9yeLHcQ2Ico-00011-00010416-00011432 become a hero i do it i become the enemy 9yeLHcQ2Ico-00012-00011432-00012784 that doesn't seem fair 9yeLHcQ2Ico-00013-00013640-00013647 you 9_5DnufW4Vu-00000-00000808-00001424 today we are going to discuss about the effects of soil pollution today's lecture will be the last 9_5DnufW4Vu-00001-00001424-00002128 lecture of this soil pollution uh in which we will be discussing about effects of soil 9_5DnufW4Vu-00002-00002128-00002776 pollution and in brief we will discuss about how can we control the soil pollution so the first 9_5DnufW4Vu-00003-00002776-00003488 impact is the industrial waste that contains lot of chemicals and toxic substances 9_5DnufW4Vu-00004-00003576-00004360 like uh from any kind of industries whether it is a dying industry electroplating industry it 9_5DnufW4Vu-00005-00004360-00005248 contains various chemicals like heavy metals chromium mercury lead and that can find its 9_5DnufW4Vu-00006-00005248-00006096 way to the soil from the waste waters or it can be deposited from the atmosphere by what we call the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00007-00006096-00006880 dry deposition dry deposition basically happens when the atmospheric impurities they settle down 9_5DnufW4Vu-00008-00006880-00007504 on the ground on the surface of the soil and then it adds pollution pollutants to the soil 9_5DnufW4Vu-00009-00007631-00008248 so when the chemicals uh get or toxic substances get added to the soil they find their way into the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00010-00008336-00009048 water bodies no in the soil and then it uh definitely it finds its uh way into the ground 9_5DnufW4Vu-00011-00009048-00009776 water and other water bodies and also into the plants and later on it gets accumulated that is 9_5DnufW4Vu-00012-00009776-00010552 called biomagnification or it gets accumulated into the fatty tissues of the animals and it can 9_5DnufW4Vu-00013-00010552-00011408 pose various kinds of risks particularly this is a case when there are certain pesticides like ddt 9_5DnufW4Vu-00014-00011408-00011952 which i have discussed earlier in water pollution how it gets accumulated through the food chain so 9_5DnufW4Vu-00015-00012032-00012472 industrial wasters they can be a source of such kind of pollutants 9_5DnufW4Vu-00016-00012576-00013352 second one is the domestic wastes that basically is the garbage that we throw out from our homes 9_5DnufW4Vu-00017-00013447-00014119 you can see it is a common problem uh garbage it can consist of biodegradable wastes and 9_5DnufW4Vu-00018-00014119-00014640 non-biodegradable resistance biodegradable vistas are like the food waste just 9_5DnufW4Vu-00019-00014824-00015528 like the vegetable peelings which can be easily degraded or that can be eaten by the animals stray 9_5DnufW4Vu-00020-00015528-00016720 animals but when these kind of garbage or rubbish that get accumulated on certain site it hosts 9_5DnufW4Vu-00021-00016720-00017808 many kinds of the diseases like first it is it generates the fuel uh order it is very unbearable 9_5DnufW4Vu-00022-00017808-00018536 to uh smell that kind of uh environment in that kind of environment second one it is uh the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00023-00018536-00019456 breeding place of various kinds of uh scavengers or dogs like animals so it is very unsafe to walk 9_5DnufW4Vu-00024-00019456-00020144 over those kind of places and most importantly uh these uh sites they serve as a pests 9_5DnufW4Vu-00025-00020144-00020944 uh they uh like to fly housefly and a certain kind of the vectors they that spread the diseases 9_5DnufW4Vu-00026-00021024-00021792 in humans and animals so these domestic vases they act as a breeding place for certain pests 9_5DnufW4Vu-00027-00021992-00022784 and third one is the pesticides that we apply in the ground or in the field for example 9_5DnufW4Vu-00028-00022784-00023384 in our apple orchard or you know or at the peri fields we apply certain kind of pesticides so 9_5DnufW4Vu-00029-00023384-00024128 that the weeds can be controlled uh in paddy fields so that in apple's pests like scab sanju 9_5DnufW4Vu-00030-00024128-00024688 scale red mite and that kind of common disease that can be controlled by the best sites but 9_5DnufW4Vu-00031-00024776-00025504 only a small proportion of such fertilizers and such as sites finds their way to the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00032-00025504-00026152 target for rest of the percentage of the pesticides and fertilizers they find their way 9_5DnufW4Vu-00033-00026152-00026976 to the soil and upon entering into the soil they uh react with various physical and biological 9_5DnufW4Vu-00034-00027032-00027808 properties of soil besides more important they interact with the biological uh properties of 9_5DnufW4Vu-00035-00027808-00028527 the soil like the microorganisms so when we add pesticides they also attack the microorganisms 9_5DnufW4Vu-00036-00028527-00029264 in the soil and they kill the beneficial organisms beneficial microorganisms like there are certain 9_5DnufW4Vu-00037-00029264-00029952 organisms in the soil like earthworms earthworm is called the friend of the farmer because inside 9_5DnufW4Vu-00038-00030008-00030816 the soil it starts making the holes it start irritating the soil when earthworm is inside 9_5DnufW4Vu-00039-00030816-00031416 the soil it eats the soil and produce the worm casting and that is very nutritious 9_5DnufW4Vu-00040-00031488-00032024 and the same technology is employed for the generation of vermicompost in which 9_5DnufW4Vu-00041-00032024-00032672 earthworms are released on the organic matter that might be leaves or food particles or any 9_5DnufW4Vu-00042-00032672-00033408 kind of organic waste cow dun so they uh eat that organic fist and they digest it and they release 9_5DnufW4Vu-00043-00033408-00033968 the available nutrients that can be uh used as a compose that's called over and composed 9_5DnufW4Vu-00044-00034040-00034552 so such kind of organisms like earthworms or beneficial microorganisms bacteria fine jack 9_5DnufW4Vu-00045-00034552-00035576 so the fungi is beneficial if you have heard the micro riser that is the fungi inside the roots 9_5DnufW4Vu-00046-00035576-00036328 they have a symbiotic association with the big trees so the fungi gets the food from the roots 9_5DnufW4Vu-00047-00036328-00037056 of the plants and in exchange the fungi gives ah enhances the absorption of various kinds of 9_5DnufW4Vu-00048-00037056-00037664 nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus to the plants so this is a kind of symbiotic 9_5DnufW4Vu-00049-00037664-00038240 association and another kind of same association you might be hurting or you might be learning 9_5DnufW4Vu-00050-00038240-00038864 from your childhood that is the symbiotic association from in the legumes plants like the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00051-00038968-00039896 rajma plant roots with the rhizobium in which the bacteria they uh fix the atmospheric nitrogen and 9_5DnufW4Vu-00052-00039952-00040776 it gets transported to the roots of the plants and in exchange the pulses legume plants they 9_5DnufW4Vu-00053-00040776-00041368 supply the nutrients so such kind of beneficial organisms they gets impacted by such kind of 9_5DnufW4Vu-00054-00041368-00041928 pesticides and this is called ecological backlash in which beneficial organisms are 9_5DnufW4Vu-00055-00042040-00042760 are affected or they are killed by such kind of pesticides so uh this is called 9_5DnufW4Vu-00056-00042760-00043616 ecological backlash besides that uh when we go for intensive agriculture intensive agriculture means 9_5DnufW4Vu-00057-00043616-00044560 when we are uh aimed to produce high uh amount of uh food grains for the increasing population we 9_5DnufW4Vu-00058-00044560-00045016 are using certain kind of inputs one of the input i discussed it is the pesticides that 9_5DnufW4Vu-00059-00045096-00045672 only enhances the production by controlling the pesticides best 9_5DnufW4Vu-00060-00045728-00046528 diseases but besides that giving the extra nutrients we use fertilizers to the crops 9_5DnufW4Vu-00061-00046680-00047360 and when we uh apply the fertilizers to the crops same principle also applies here only certain kind 9_5DnufW4Vu-00062-00047360-00048080 of uh certain amount of the fertilizer that gets absorbed by the plant roots because when we apply 9_5DnufW4Vu-00063-00048080-00048800 fertilizers all nutrients or fertilizers are not inaccessible to the plant roots so most of the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00064-00048880-00049600 fertilizers either they get washed away or by the run of water or they are they are percolated 9_5DnufW4Vu-00065-00049600-00050312 into the groundwater so over the long term uh over the long run they also uh reduce the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00066-00050312-00050888 capacity of the soil to improve the fertility so basically uh the in soil there are various 9_5DnufW4Vu-00067-00050888-00051472 kinds of microorganisms they uh continuously are degrading the soil organic matter so that they 9_5DnufW4Vu-00068-00051472-00052055 can release the various nutrients like nitrogen phosphorus and other micro micronutrients also 9_5DnufW4Vu-00069-00052055-00052591 there are n number of like 15 20 micronutrients that are required for the plant growth 9_5DnufW4Vu-00070-00052664-00053191 so they are supposed to be available in the soil because only when the microorganisms degrade 9_5DnufW4Vu-00071-00053191-00053736 organic matter so when we are using the chemical fertilizers these chemical fertilizers interact 9_5DnufW4Vu-00072-00053736-00054424 in their process of degradation of the micro this organic matter so the microorganisms capacity and 9_5DnufW4Vu-00073-00054424-00055216 it overall or the long run reduces the fertility of the soil so it uh makes us more dependable on 9_5DnufW4Vu-00074-00055216-00056000 the on the chemical fertilizers but recently there have been uh various innovations uh like using of 9_5DnufW4Vu-00075-00056184-00056888 one of which i have discussed earlier that is vermicompost that is also a bio fertilizer so they 9_5DnufW4Vu-00076-00056888-00057712 are very uh ecologically friendly fertilizers they didn't i mean they didn't uh interrupt with the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00077-00057712-00058424 natural process of degradation of organic matter in the soil and next one how uh the soil pollution 9_5DnufW4Vu-00078-00058424-00059055 uh various uh i mean the effects of soil pollution is a mind that does destroys the vegetation of an 9_5DnufW4Vu-00079-00059055-00059784 area and makes the land barren mind dust basically when we do mining uh it might be any kind of mine 9_5DnufW4Vu-00080-00059784-00060408 like coal mining or copper mining and iron mine any type of mining so because of the mining we are 9_5DnufW4Vu-00081-00060504-00061200 disturbing the land surface and that uh soil gets converted into the dust and it travels to the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00082-00061255-00061888 adjacent area and it settles down on the leaves of the plants so it reduces the photosynthetic 9_5DnufW4Vu-00083-00061888-00062784 ability of the leaves so you might have been seeing that adjacent to the roads if the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00084-00062784-00063408 road is dusty or it is not well maintained cell road on the roadside some plants they 9_5DnufW4Vu-00085-00063408-00064055 uh on their leaves dust is settled there is a layer of dust so same kind of here but in mine 9_5DnufW4Vu-00086-00064136-00064864 uh dust kind of thing there are certain chemicals like sulphur dioxide or sulfur compounds are there 9_5DnufW4Vu-00087-00064928-00065968 they can interact with the soil with a vegetation and make it uh unable to do photosynthesis besides 9_5DnufW4Vu-00088-00065968-00066632 it can settle down on also on the land and it can make the uh soil infertile and uh 9_5DnufW4Vu-00089-00066912-00067736 infertile and it can lead the soil back and another one is the radiations actually 9_5DnufW4Vu-00090-00067736-00068288 affect the soil and its fertility that is the radioactivists but these are kind of specific 9_5DnufW4Vu-00091-00068288-00068936 at specific locations where uh like the chemical laboratories which are using radioactive chemicals 9_5DnufW4Vu-00092-00068936-00069552 they are depositing or they are dumping the electronic waste or this radioactive waste 9_5DnufW4Vu-00093-00069552-00070152 and it finds its way to the food chain and it causes various kinds of diseases like it can 9_5DnufW4Vu-00094-00070152-00070960 cause mutations small kind of mutations can cause cancerous growth in the tissues so this is also an 9_5DnufW4Vu-00095-00070960-00071696 effect of radioactive wastes besides human excreta like pathogens and trig bacteria parasitic worms 9_5DnufW4Vu-00096-00071696-00072504 they can also transmit through vegetables so if we are uh irrigating our fields uh by the waste water 9_5DnufW4Vu-00097-00072504-00073152 or sewage water so sewage water also contains various kinds of these bacterias or worms they 9_5DnufW4Vu-00098-00073152-00073792 can find their way into the human body through the vegetables which are grown on such kind of water 9_5DnufW4Vu-00099-00073792-00074672 so there are various kinds of studies done on this and one of the also one of the organization 9_5DnufW4Vu-00100-00074672-00075472 methods they are small microscopic organisms that can be seen in the microscope they are snake-like 9_5DnufW4Vu-00101-00075472-00076120 so they also find their way into the food chain and they can enter into the human intestines and 9_5DnufW4Vu-00102-00076176-00076704 these worms kind of think they can parasitic worms and they can affect the human health 9_5DnufW4Vu-00103-00076840-00077648 so there are some statistics how the soil pollution effect the different dimensions of 9_5DnufW4Vu-00104-00077648-00078664 the ecosystem in the first decade of 21st century soil degradation released about 3.6 to 4.4 billion 9_5DnufW4Vu-00105-00078664-00079232 tons of carbon dioxide and this is particularly related to the climate change so there are various 9_5DnufW4Vu-00106-00079232-00079824 impacts of climate change one of the impact is the soil degradation and soil degradation is on the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00107-00079824-00080472 because of the soil pollution so because of that there is the chances that there are some reports 9_5DnufW4Vu-00108-00080472-00081104 in the range of 3.6 to 4.4 billion tons of carbon dioxide might be released into the atmosphere 9_5DnufW4Vu-00109-00081168-00082120 besides soil degradation climate change might uh in 2000 up to 2020 that can make the migration of 9_5DnufW4Vu-00110-00082176-00083016 the people around 5 50 to 700 million people may migrate from one area to another area because 9_5DnufW4Vu-00111-00083016-00083640 all the impacts which i have discussed earlier the can reduce the soil fertility it can 9_5DnufW4Vu-00112-00083696-00084416 impact the human health and definitely it can make the soil barren and it reduces the food 9_5DnufW4Vu-00113-00084416-00084952 availability that is there is a food security issue also related with the soil pollution 9_5DnufW4Vu-00114-00085080-00085640 and next one is the soil contamination is one of the major causes that trigger the sixth mass 9_5DnufW4Vu-00115-00085640-00086336 extinction in the history the population of land water bits fell by 38 percent between 9_5DnufW4Vu-00116-00086336-00087096 1970 to 2012. it is kind of statistics in which they are saying that about vertebrates 9_5DnufW4Vu-00117-00087096-00087760 population have been uh seen declining up to 38 percent in between 1970 and 2012. 9_5DnufW4Vu-00118-00087824-00088464 so you need not to remember these statistics but it's just an addition to the knowledge 9_5DnufW4Vu-00119-00088568-00089104 the number of inhabitants in most edit areas edit areas means where there is a very less 9_5DnufW4Vu-00120-00089184-00089960 rainfall like the rajasthan the east western part of the rajasthan of the earth could uh account 45 9_5DnufW4Vu-00121-00089960-00090776 percent of the world population means uh the arid areas will increase and the population area will 9_5DnufW4Vu-00122-00090776-00091272 increase because of the soil degradation while the wetlands areas have decreased 9_5DnufW4Vu-00123-00091416-00091768 it states that in last three centuries the wetland area have decreased 9_5DnufW4Vu-00124-00091848-00092512 by 87 percent because of the land degradation so you can see most of our wetlands like bular lake 9_5DnufW4Vu-00125-00092512-00093144 dallas area is shrinking continuously over the last few decades so this is also how 9_5DnufW4Vu-00126-00093208-00093888 the human population increasing and they are degrading the soil and also this is the case 9_5DnufW4Vu-00127-00093888-00094336 where the soil degradation can result into the degrading of the water bodies 9_5DnufW4Vu-00128-00094432-00095104 and this all can impact on the world domestic gross domestic production in which global 9_5DnufW4Vu-00129-00095104-00095688 economic losses that are caused by the soil degradation are expected to exceed by 10 percent 9_5DnufW4Vu-00130-00095768-00096808 so this uh gdp of the some nations can be impacted by the soil production also soil pollutions 9_5DnufW4Vu-00131-00096864-00097528 might enter in our body that i have discussed and cause various diseases besides some antibiotics 9_5DnufW4Vu-00132-00097528-00098192 that are released from various kinds of wastes into the environment they increase the resistance 9_5DnufW4Vu-00133-00098192-00098992 of the various this microorganism so if we are applying more pesticides they are less 9_5DnufW4Vu-00134-00099088-00099760 effective because the resistance of such kind of pathogens ah i mean the bacteria they have 9_5DnufW4Vu-00135-00099760-00100488 increased because the antibiotic pollution that is common nowadays uh because of certain sources 9_5DnufW4Vu-00136-00100488-00100984 like the hospital based or some we are using many kind of things which contain antibiotics 9_5DnufW4Vu-00137-00101072-00101688 so overall such kind of things they increase the resistance of pests and disease then overall they 9_5DnufW4Vu-00138-00101688-00102432 can increase the incidence of pests and disease instance means the occurrence of such a disease 9_5DnufW4Vu-00139-00102568-00103232 and overall the soil degradation can impact air water and air water quality particularly 9_5DnufW4Vu-00140-00103232-00103872 in the developing countries where there is the very high uh thrust on the natural water 9_5DnufW4Vu-00141-00103872-00104688 resources and this can lead to the impact on air and water quality besides the soil degradation 9_5DnufW4Vu-00142-00104888-00105408 and in short we can summarize these points in few points like 9_5DnufW4Vu-00143-00105464-00106008 natural nutrients it is uh you know because of the soil degradation of soil pollution 9_5DnufW4Vu-00144-00106008-00106472 soil and natural nutrients are lost in the soil it can leak the soil ban 9_5DnufW4Vu-00145-00106472-00107040 these all points i have discussed and it can disturb the balance between flora and fauna flora 9_5DnufW4Vu-00146-00107040-00107624 means plants fauna means animals residing in the soil basically the soil biodiversity is impacted 9_5DnufW4Vu-00147-00107624-00108240 might be the microorganisms bigger animals or it can be the bloods and 9_5DnufW4Vu-00148-00108240-00108752 it can also lead to the death of animals and plants in animals humans are also included 9_5DnufW4Vu-00149-00108864-00109632 and overall it can lead to the terrible impact on the health might be because of the the chemicals 9_5DnufW4Vu-00150-00109632-00110232 it might be because of the physical change in the soil it might be the biological change in the soil 9_5DnufW4Vu-00151-00110288-00110968 all they are related to the soil uh pollution or soil degradation so in last slide i want to 9_5DnufW4Vu-00152-00110968-00111783 discuss about how can we control such kind of soil pollutants so the first is the proper legislation 9_5DnufW4Vu-00153-00111848-00112568 so in india we also have the legislation about the use of pesticides that is uh 9_5DnufW4Vu-00154-00112656-00113816 that is regulated by the insect sites act uh 1968 and that was uh i mean insecticides act rules was 9_5DnufW4Vu-00155-00113816-00114640 issued in 1971 so if we properly implement such kind of acts so definitely we are going to reduce 9_5DnufW4Vu-00156-00114640-00115280 the use of pesticides and fertilizers particularly in your agriculture sector so over the period of 9_5DnufW4Vu-00157-00115280-00116048 30 years as i have told you yesterday also in last lecture that there are around 23 pesticides which 9_5DnufW4Vu-00158-00116048-00116832 have been banned or phased out from the indian uh i mean the india in india for the use so there are 9_5DnufW4Vu-00159-00116832-00117472 still uh many uh pesticides there are in screening that might be banned in near future one of the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00160-00117552-00118200 chemical was ddt endosulfon and many kind of chemicals that have uh witnessed that 9_5DnufW4Vu-00161-00118288-00119008 lead to various kind of physical uh and anatomical impacts on the humans 9_5DnufW4Vu-00162-00119008-00119616 so one part is the legislation what is law how can we implement if we uh 9_5DnufW4Vu-00163-00119688-00120200 uh if we abide all laws then definitely we are going to reduce the soil pollution 9_5DnufW4Vu-00164-00120311-00121008 improving agriculture methods like reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and improve the use of the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00165-00121008-00121696 bio fertilizers biological pest control you know in environment nature have provided the control 9_5DnufW4Vu-00166-00121696-00122368 of every species by another species like we have seen uh the food chain in which the carnivores 9_5DnufW4Vu-00167-00122368-00122904 they control the population of herbivores same in nature there are some pests whose population can 9_5DnufW4Vu-00168-00122904-00123711 be controlled by some other organisms we need to like to do research on that or if it is already 9_5DnufW4Vu-00169-00123711-00124216 uh i mean available in literature how can we control so we need to implement that 9_5DnufW4Vu-00170-00124216-00125080 so the use of the biological pest control or biological fertilizers they can also 9_5DnufW4Vu-00171-00125183-00125624 drastically reduce the soil pollution public should be made 9_5DnufW4Vu-00172-00125624-00126400 aware of harmful effects of soil so this is very important as i have seen in new delhi 9_5DnufW4Vu-00173-00126456-00127104 uh in early morning there is an announcement by municipal corporation that if anybody is 9_5DnufW4Vu-00174-00127280-00128296 seen that he is throwing trash on the road or he or she is uh seeing that the burning the trash uh 9_5DnufW4Vu-00175-00128296-00129016 outside in open environment they can face three months jail or five thousand or ten thousand uh 9_5DnufW4Vu-00176-00129016-00129928 rupees fine so when we are making aware our public with such kind of things how the soil pollution 9_5DnufW4Vu-00177-00129928-00130496 is harmful to our health and by such kind of announcements we definitely can control the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00178-00130496-00131056 soil function this is very important in case of solid waste the waste which is generated by every 9_5DnufW4Vu-00179-00131056-00131712 individual in the country or every individual in the overjoyed jnk so you are drinking the soft 9_5DnufW4Vu-00180-00131712-00132432 drinks like the pad bottles chips pad packets so you should properly dispose of uh those things 9_5DnufW4Vu-00181-00132432-00133112 in the designated place like dust bins or the areas which have been designated for the dumping 9_5DnufW4Vu-00182-00133112-00133672 of those kind of things we should not trash such kind of things in open ground or on the road that 9_5DnufW4Vu-00183-00133672-00134456 definitely leads to the it's kind of contagionist thing if you uh throw trash any at any place so 9_5DnufW4Vu-00184-00134456-00135096 people start saying that this is a trash bin and they can start uh throwing trash at that place and 9_5DnufW4Vu-00185-00135168-00135888 over the period of time there there is a big pile of the garbage of trash another one is 9_5DnufW4Vu-00186-00135888-00136512 the it is particularly important for the um transportation and the storage of some chemicals 9_5DnufW4Vu-00187-00136512-00137096 or oil that is transfer stations are meant for temporary storage of bulk transfer of garbage 9_5DnufW4Vu-00188-00137096-00137800 built to be a suitable place like uh this is also a particular case uh where the garbage 9_5DnufW4Vu-00189-00137800-00138352 is directly stored or collected on the roads where from there it is loaded to the trucks and 9_5DnufW4Vu-00190-00138352-00139032 meant for transportation to the dumping area so the some kind of bins or some kind of 9_5DnufW4Vu-00191-00139032-00139728 the storage facility should be made available so that they are properly managed at that place 9_5DnufW4Vu-00192-00139808-00140336 and also this is meant for the oil and chemical when we are storing oil and chemicals that also 9_5DnufW4Vu-00193-00140336-00141112 the facility should be made uh i mean it should be well planned uh so that it cannot be damaged by 9_5DnufW4Vu-00194-00141168-00141872 the external forces cow dung human excreta and agriculture wasters uh should be used for the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00195-00141944-00142584 energy generation you know the biogas is uh very easy to generate can generate at home also from 9_5DnufW4Vu-00196-00142584-00143216 kitchen waste if you don't have the cow dung available you can make uh made it from the farm 9_5DnufW4Vu-00197-00143216-00143976 residues also so by this method you can reduce the volume of the soil waste generated from the farm 9_5DnufW4Vu-00198-00143976-00144520 or the from the kitchen and you can generate the electricity and also you can generate the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00199-00144584-00145272 fertilizers the biogas larry which we call you can directly apply in the fields it can enrich 9_5DnufW4Vu-00200-00145272-00145968 the fields with the nutrients and also you can get the electricity and gas you can light up the lamps 9_5DnufW4Vu-00201-00145968-00146584 uh you can use the biogas in the gas stove for cooking purpose for lighting purpose there are 9_5DnufW4Vu-00202-00146584-00147200 n number of examples in urban countries biogas is also used for the transportation purpose 9_5DnufW4Vu-00203-00147200-00147760 after some treatment because biogas have high concentration about 30 percent of carbon dioxide 9_5DnufW4Vu-00204-00147864-00148296 use of plastic and polyethylene should be minimized it has been already banned 9_5DnufW4Vu-00205-00148296-00149032 in jnk but still there's a use of plastic whenever you are going to any any shop you are asking for 9_5DnufW4Vu-00206-00149032-00149888 the polythene so if you start uh reducing the use of quality in each how every household 9_5DnufW4Vu-00207-00149888-00150616 they are using the plastics like the quality bags for uh buying grocery 9_5DnufW4Vu-00208-00150616-00151352 or carrying the fruits and then we are directly throwing it to the open environment so minimizing 9_5DnufW4Vu-00209-00151352-00152096 the use we can reduce the soil pollution waste uh products like the ash basically which is generated 9_5DnufW4Vu-00210-00152096-00152664 from the thermal power plants or brake lanes where the coal is used for the energy purpose 9_5DnufW4Vu-00211-00152720-00153448 those kind of ash that can be used for the production the bricks or lightweight cement that 9_5DnufW4Vu-00212-00153448-00154056 also can reduce the release of ash into the environment and in case of agriculture 9_5DnufW4Vu-00213-00154056-00154568 cooperative rotation should be encouraged to revive depleted nutrients the places where the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00214-00154568-00155128 nutrient availability has decreased because of the soil pollution crop rotation is an important 9_5DnufW4Vu-00215-00155128-00156000 where in one season we uh we uh grow one crop in the field and next season we grow another crop 9_5DnufW4Vu-00216-00156000-00156824 so there is a nutrition uh i mean the uh there is not a stress on only one nutrient in the soil so 9_5DnufW4Vu-00217-00156824-00157584 we use uh for example pulses in one uh rotation than uh maize or mixer kind of cropping 9_5DnufW4Vu-00218-00157656-00158128 so this kind of uh things they can reduce the soil degradation and soil pollution 9_5DnufW4Vu-00219-00158256-00158824 and importantly there are certain grasses which can absorb the harmful nutrients 9_5DnufW4Vu-00220-00158824-00159472 like cadmium chromium like cadmium uh is absorbed by the breast agency abrasive 9_5DnufW4Vu-00221-00159528-00160536 means the uh this rapeseed uh which we call in kashmiri telugu that is very high absorb uh the uh 9_5DnufW4Vu-00222-00160624-00161280 it absorbs cadmium from the polluted soil so likewise there are n number of grasses like typha 9_5DnufW4Vu-00223-00161280-00161864 is used in water bodies or wetlands that can also absorb certain kind of chemicals 9_5DnufW4Vu-00224-00161864-00162536 so such kind of grasses they can be used for reviving the lands or wetlands that have been 9_5DnufW4Vu-00225-00162536-00163200 polluted by the various kinds of pollutants and after them biomass can be the plants in which the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00226-00163200-00163704 chemical compounds have been absorbed in the biomass of the plants then it can be harvested 9_5DnufW4Vu-00227-00163704-00164488 and disposed of safely where it cannot find its way back to the environment and at last the proper 9_5DnufW4Vu-00228-00164488-00165120 sanitation facility should be provided proper sanitation like the the facilities we are using 9_5DnufW4Vu-00229-00165120-00165808 uh like toilets public toilets might be or that we are using at home uh if we are using the 9_5DnufW4Vu-00230-00165880-00166552 septic tanks it should be made leaked so that the pathogens or the waste human waste cannot 9_5DnufW4Vu-00231-00166552-00167384 find swing into the ground water and it contaminates whole uh water also it reduces 9_5DnufW4Vu-00232-00167384-00168096 the soil pollution because overall those all waste goes into the soil so it should be properly sealed 9_5DnufW4Vu-00233-00168096-00168784 so that after the certain period of time it can be opened and the wastes which have been 9_5DnufW4Vu-00234-00168784-00169584 accumulated there or the particular time can be used for as a can be used as a fertilizer 9_5DnufW4Vu-00235-00169816-00169824 you 9_IhNxBbm_M-00000-00000000-00000100 me and my friends will go on a night hunt butwith a different spot or place from before Hi the name of this place is Curug Orok Where this place is said to be quite haunted for the local community Hai orok in Indonesian means baby, short story. Why is it called Curug Orok, that is, by the occurrence of irresponsible people throwing their babies in this waterfall until it floats and ends up dead Hi because of that incident over time local people often hear voices or cries around this waterfall Hi and not infrequently the surrounding community experiences things that don't make sense when they are in this place, namely Curug Orok but here we dare to think positively so we can ignore when there are things that don't make sense yo yo Oh, it's just like horror content Yes, it's OK, so it's more or less like that, it's sport i now is the time to execute the place to go yes, thank God, without taking long here we got one freshwater prawn, friends, Hi, so the waters here flow directly from Curug Orok, waters that are still not touched by humans, most likely there is still a lot of life in the water. Also, we got another freshwater prawn, so the shape of the freshwater shrimp is that the claw is elongated, friends. Wow, it turns out that there are a lot of fish here, we just catch it without taking too long. Now here we find 1 more fish but you can see that his body is battered, maybe because it was carried away by the current, it hit the rocks, maybe his body was a bit crushed, now this seems healthy, but very lively, friends That's right, he can get away with it that easily, if the healthy ones are okay, let's just continue down this aisle. Who knows, we might find another fish here. and thank God my team here found one cork fish In the past, I really borrowed cork fish, friends, but this is wrong, let's just relax he tried to run away friends But it's not that easy finally we get a cork my friends I tried to catch it by my bare hands huh the fish here are really agile you can guys Wow, really, this place has a lot of fish, friends, Hi Hah, that's great panuduh Well, usually if the water spot has a lot of rocks, fish or shrimp are often hiding behind the rock, friends, wow, that's scary, my friends, the shrimp is the same as the place. There's a lot of prawns here too, huh? Wow, this is great, it's fried, it's delicious in In Indonesia, here we find a crab that is giving birth, that is, we see a lot of cubs, actually there are a lot of voices in this place but we just ignore it okay here I found a freshwater shrimp again, friends, he's laying eggs, let's just keep the residents safe first, guys, when we're looking for fish, we accidentally find the original inhabitants, namely the cobra, friends, maybe this is a sign. It's supposed to end hunting tonight, I'm afraid things will happen. unwanted thing Indonesia Okay, my dear friends, so this is the result of our night hunt Wow, that's a lot, that's pretty good, this is a lot of fresh water prawns, this life is gokil, the fried ones are really delicious. now this is cork fish, friends, it's still small, but it's okay, let's just release the fish that was battered, sorry, come on, come on well is okay, be healthy, well, so the freshwater prawns are long, gokil gokil, it's quite a harvest, okay, friends, maybe we'll end the night hunting first because there are some things that make us awkward to continue night hunting Okay my friends so maybe it's enough to hunt tonight don't forget to like comment share and subscribe bye cough cough 9JnZW_JNdlY-00000-00000096-00001350 The Turkish Air Force, in collaboration with the manufacturer of unmanned combat drones, 9JnZW_JNdlY-00001-00001350-00001944 Kizilema, successfully conducted flight tests and ran very smoothly, drones which are predicted to 9JnZW_JNdlY-00002-00001944-00002448 be one of the most advanced defense equipment in the world, will be put into operation in 2023. 9JnZW_JNdlY-00003-00002688-00003300 Video of Kizilelma taking off, then landing back to the base in Corlu Province, Turkey, 9JnZW_JNdlY-00004-00003300-00003864 was released by the company. According to Chief Technology Officer Baykar SelcukBayraktar, 9JnZW_JNdlY-00005-00003864-00004134 Kizilelma has successfully completed its first flight. 9JnZW_JNdlY-00006-00004746-00005244 This aircraft is designed in such a way that it can take off and land on amphibious assault ships, 9JnZW_JNdlY-00007-00005244-00005628 such as the TCG Anadolu, without the need for a catapult system. 9JnZW_JNdlY-00008-00005712-00006228 Kizilelma has a maximum speed of: 1,100 km/h, with cruising speed: 9JnZW_JNdlY-00009-00006228-00006984 735 km/h, and combat operating range from base: 930 km with internal fuel, 9JnZW_JNdlY-00010-00007595-00008238 In addition, the operating endurance is: 5-6 hours, with operational altitude: 11,000 m 9JnZW_JNdlY-00011-00008304-00008832 Equipped with qualified weaponry, an air-to-air missile system, as well as modern sensors and 9JnZW_JNdlY-00012-00008832-00009264 radar, placing the Kizilelma as one of the drone aircraft that should not be underestimated. 9JnZW_JNdlY-00013-00009918-00010476 The combat drone uses a jet engine. With this engine the UCAV is able to carry out its mission 9JnZW_JNdlY-00014-00010476-00011076 more optimally. The combat drone uses an exterior design similar to a fifth-generation fighter jet. 9JnZW_JNdlY-00015-00011988-00012408 Baykar said that apart from carrying out conventional missions, Kizilelma 9JnZW_JNdlY-00016-00012408-00012846 could also duel in the air. This drone is designed to carry out air-to-air attacks. 9JnZW_JNdlY-00017-00012846-00013350 Baykar's reputation is well known in the world, as a manufacturer of capable combat 9JnZW_JNdlY-00018-00013350-00013950 drones. Its product Bayraktar TB2 has been used in wars in Syria, Libya and Azerbaijan. 9JnZW_JNdlY-00019-00014004-00014388 Even the battlefield in Ukraine was enlivened by this Bayraktar drone. 9JnZW_JNdlY-00020-00014610-00015000 Thank you for watching Don't forget to subscribe, like and share 9JZhoTwMVv8-00000-00000000-00000352 Hi, I'm Megan. Welcome to the W. E. B. Du Bois Library! 9JZhoTwMVv8-00001-00000378-00000524 [Guitar music] 9JZhoTwMVv8-00002-00001178-00001623 The W. E. B. Du Bois Library is a UMass campus landmark. 9JZhoTwMVv8-00003-00001680-00002328 Built in 1973 by Edward Durrell Stone to accommodate more resources than its predecessors, 9JZhoTwMVv8-00004-00002328-00002896 Old Chapel and Goodell, it was designed as the tallest Massachusetts building west of Boston 9JZhoTwMVv8-00005-00002896-00003180 and the tallest library in the world. 9JZhoTwMVv8-00006-00003508-00004050 Although known for years as "The Tower Library," on October 5, 1994, 9JZhoTwMVv8-00007-00004050-00004544 the Board of Trustees voted to name it after W. E. B. Du Bois: 9JZhoTwMVv8-00008-00004544-00005024 the famous Massachusetts intellectual committed to social and racial justice. 9JZhoTwMVv8-00009-00005142-00005424 To dispel a common myth about the library... 9JZhoTwMVv8-00010-00005458-00005854 No: a brick has never fallen off the building and hit someone. 9JZhoTwMVv8-00011-00005898-00006314 Sometimes, small chips will break off the facade due to weathering, 9JZhoTwMVv8-00012-00006314-00006623 which is why we have these protective barriers. 9JZhoTwMVv8-00013-00006716-00007131 Another common myth about the library is that there are books on every other floor 9JZhoTwMVv8-00014-00007131-00007381 so the building doesn't sink under the weight. 9JZhoTwMVv8-00015-00007381-00007538 [Cartoon crashing sound effect] 9JZhoTwMVv8-00016-00007538-00007642 [Buzzer sound] 9JZhoTwMVv8-00017-00007752-00008126 Stone took the weight of the books into account when he designed the building. 9JZhoTwMVv8-00018-00008152-00008710 The reason we don't keep books on every floor is so we can offer state-of-the-art working environments 9JZhoTwMVv8-00019-00008710-00008886 for students, like these. 9JZhoTwMVv8-00020-00009402-00009840 The Du Bois Library offers 26 foors of resources, services, and - 9JZhoTwMVv8-00021-00009842-00010312 oh, yeah, falcons - which we will be looking at individually in future videos. 9JZhoTwMVv8-00022-00010370-00010516 Until then... 9JZhoTwMVv8-00023-00010562-00011078 Hi, I'm Simon Neame, Dean of Libraries here at UMass, and welcome to the library! 9JZhoTwMVv8-00024-00011114-00011260 Welcome to the library! 9JZhoTwMVv8-00025-00011324-00011420 Welcome to the library! 9JZhoTwMVv8-00026-00011658-00011796 欢迎来到图书馆。 9JZhoTwMVv8-00027-00012314-00012466 Welcome to the library! 9JZhoTwMVv8-00028-00012526-00012576 Welcome! 9JZhoTwMVv8-00029-00012674-00012847 Welcome to the library! 9JZhoTwMVv8-00030-00013072-00013306 Welcome to the library! 9JZhoTwMVv8-00031-00013346-00013591 [Singing] Welcome to the library! 9KehKiuXGvc-00000-00000000-00000200 truck is bugged >.> 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00000-00000328-00000428 Nicola: Okay. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00001-00000428-00000534 Welcome to my office today. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00002-00000534-00001200 Today, we are going to do a tour of all of my different pens. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00003-00001200-00001807 And the reason I wanted to do a tour of these pens, well it's been a wee while since I've 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00004-00001807-00002091 done kind of a welcome to my office space. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00005-00002091-00002696 And also I get asked a lot of questions around what pens are good for bullet journaling, 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00006-00002696-00003340 what pens are the nicest tips, and all of those different questions. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00007-00003340-00003647 So I'm going to flip my camera around, and I'm going to start showing you. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00008-00003647-00004046 But what I am going to show you first is just a little tour of the cart that contains all 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00009-00004046-00004146 of my pens. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00010-00004146-00004939 And at the end of it, we are going to be testing 17 different pens altogether, which is quite 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00011-00004939-00005144 a few. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00012-00005144-00005796 And they range all the way through from Ecoline through to Faber-Castell, and everything in 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00013-00005796-00005896 between. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00014-00005896-00006483 A spoiler alert, the Kelly Creates pens are my absolute favorite, and I love them because 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00015-00006483-00007000 they come in such a variety of different tips and colors so we'll get to that a little bit 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00016-00007000-00007347 later, but I'm going to go through every single one with you. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00017-00007347-00009343 And hopefully you enjoy the tour of my pen section. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00018-00009343-00010925 All right. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00019-00010925-00011272 Let's start off with the good old classic, the Tombow Dual Brush. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00020-00011272-00011650 It comes in a variety of colors and a cool storage case. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00021-00011650-00012109 They've just released another really cool storage case, which I'm pretty excited about, 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00022-00012109-00012461 and may grab one while I'm in the States in December. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00023-00012461-00012574 So we're going to start off with this blue. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00024-00012574-00012938 I'm going to use my Canson paper, because it's nice and thick and it'll give us a good 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00025-00012938-00013309 indication of all the pens in one place. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00026-00013309-00013487 So let's start off. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00027-00013487-00013812 And you can see that the tip is really nice and thick. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00028-00013812-00014290 It does fray sometimes, which can be a bit of a challenge, but it's nice and thick, and 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00029-00014290-00014759 creates ... It's really great for beginners and creates nice heavy lines. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00030-00014759-00015470 The thin marker side is thin, but it's actually not as thin as some of the other marker dual 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00031-00015470-00015829 tip pens, and we'll see that a little bit later in the video. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00032-00015829-00016047 As always, love me some Tombow. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00033-00016047-00016310 The next up is the Archer and Olive Calliograph. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00034-00016310-00016779 Now, they come in a variety of colors as well, and they've got dual tip. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00035-00016779-00017319 They've got a thick Fudenosuke on one end, and a thin Fudenosuke on the other. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00036-00017319-00018011 What I don't like about these is they end up getting quite a bit of mold on the tips 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00037-00018011-00018607 because they don't have an anti-mold in them, and that happens quite a bit. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00038-00018607-00018968 You can brush them off and you can put it in a little bit of alcohol, but I find that 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00039-00018968-00019165 they end up drying out really quickly. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00040-00019165-00019426 So I don't love these in comparison. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00041-00019426-00020048 The nylon tip makes it really easy to do brush lettering with, and then the medium tip on 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00042-00020048-00020376 the other end is really great as well for finer lettering. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00043-00020376-00021104 But again, they'll get dry because the barrel shares the ink, and I'm not a big fan of them 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00044-00021104-00021618 drying out so quickly. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00045-00021618-00022404 Well I would love to know in the comments below, what is your favorite brush pen or 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00046-00022404-00022518 notebook pen? 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00047-00022518-00022625 Do you have a favorite? 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00048-00022625-00023109 Granted today we didn't go through any gel pens, but that's okay. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00049-00023109-00023326 I'm really curious to know what yours is. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00050-00023326-00023620 So pop in the comments below what yours is. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00051-00023620-00023919 Back onto my Karin markers. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00052-00023919-00024143 And you know these are a personal favorite of mine. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00053-00024143-00024426 They also have a nylon tip, but they are super juicy. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00054-00024426-00024834 They do not have a dual end, and you can see they write beautifully. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00055-00024834-00025226 They are amazing for watercolor, and if you're using them on watercolor paper, it makes it 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00056-00025226-00025757 really easy to blend, and the juiciness of them just keeps them [inaudible] moist full 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00057-00025757-00025857 long. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00058-00025857-00026057 Yes, I said moist. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00059-00026057-00026363 Next up is my big chunky monkey pen collection. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00060-00026363-00026700 This is a little bit of everything and there's a couple of my favorites in here. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00061-00026700-00026962 You can see that we've got a variety of things. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00062-00026962-00027132 We've got gel pens. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00063-00027132-00027491 We've got other gel pens, we've got Fudenosuke. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00064-00027491-00027601 We've got dual tips. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00065-00027601-00027769 Those are my favorite. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00066-00027769-00027895 We've got some Pentels. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00067-00027895-00028263 We've got a little bit of everything and we're going to kind of go through it. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00068-00028263-00028954 We're going to start off with the Pentel and these are really fine soft tips. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00069-00028954-00029481 They're more of a medium tip but they are definitely flexible and I personally really 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00070-00029481-00029680 like the color range. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00071-00029680-00030400 The next one is we are back at Tombow with a pretty hard small tip, which I personally 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00072-00030400-00030500 really love. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00073-00030500-00030699 I find though that they dry out really quickly. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00074-00030699-00031106 But I do love the tips of these and I might actually end up getting some more because 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00075-00031106-00031283 I love them so much. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00076-00031283-00031706 Now these are my personal favs, these are the Kelly Creates and they've got a really 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00077-00031706-00032285 soft long fine tip on the one end and then on the other end they've got quite a thick 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00078-00032285-00032453 brush tip. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00079-00032453-00033043 And I love that they are ... It's quite a hard brush tip on the other end as well. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00080-00033043-00033393 But they're really great for beginners and the color range is great and I use them in 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00081-00033393-00033727 pretty much all of my planning and all of my creating. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00082-00033727-00033881 These are great for beginners as well. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00083-00033881-00034438 These are the art sticks and they're by Artline and I love that they stick together like Lego. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00084-00034438-00034785 They are so cute and I've just always loved them. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00085-00034785-00035171 They're also really juicy, which is great for beginners. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00086-00035171-00035797 They've got a really long tip to them and the tip is pretty medium. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00087-00035797-00036321 It's pretty flexible but can break quite easily and fray quite easily as well, which isn't 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00088-00036321-00036469 great. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00089-00036469-00036753 But they're still pretty good for beginners and they're kind of cheap as well. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00090-00036753-00037084 So you can get them just to the craft store quite easily. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00091-00037084-00037547 Now these puppies are pretty expensive but they're really juicy and they're actually 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00092-00037547-00038119 made for water coloring and you can see when I pop them down they're really thick and full 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00093-00038119-00038230 of pigment. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00094-00038230-00038653 So they are great for water coloring but not so great for your diary. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00095-00038653-00039241 Then we move on to the Kelly Creates again and they've got this really cute kind of medium 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00096-00039241-00039565 tip Fudenosuke and I love these. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00097-00039565-00040016 This is why it makes it my favorite because between the three tips I can do pretty much 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00098-00040016-00040321 anything I want with those. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00099-00040321-00040724 These are notoriously great for beginners. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00100-00040724-00041233 These are the Crayola Super Tips and they've kind of got a chiseled tip to them. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00101-00041233-00041679 They're kind of pointy, almost like a triangle but it makes it really easy when you're still 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00102-00041679-00042103 learning and still practicing because they have quite a thin end on one end and you can 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00103-00042103-00042345 kind of chisel it to be a little bit thicker. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00104-00042345-00042743 These are a personal favorite when I'm teaching people how to hand letter and just helping 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00105-00042743-00042994 them along. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00106-00042994-00043649 Now if you are struggling to come up with ways to use your pens or your different types 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00107-00043649-00043927 of pens, fear not we have you covered. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00108-00043927-00044290 I have you covered, There's no we in the me here. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00109-00044290-00044456 Fear not, I have you covered. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00110-00044456-00044589 Don't stress. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00111-00044589-00045134 You'll see there's a link in the description below and you can download some lettering 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00112-00045134-00045647 practice sheets and we can go through those as well at a later stage to show you what 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00113-00045647-00046105 the best way is to print those and use them with your pens and which pens are best to 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00114-00046105-00046228 use with those. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00115-00046228-00046791 So head into the description below, grab that practice sheet and I would love to see what 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00116-00046791-00046907 you create with those. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00117-00046907-00047197 So feel free to tag us on Instagram. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00118-00047197-00047790 These here are metallic markers from Marvy and these are quite a new addition to the 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00119-00047790-00047890 clan. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00120-00047890-00048349 I quite like them because they work really beautifully on black paper but I'm not a big 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00121-00048349-00048753 fan of using them regularly because they actually bleed through quite a lot of my notebooks 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00122-00048753-00048853 and that's okay. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00123-00048853-00049287 I don't think that they were made specifically for notebooks, but I do think that they were 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00124-00049287-00049534 made for thicker materials. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00125-00049534-00050111 Marvy does, however, have a [inaudible] pen as well and the fine liner on the one tip 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00126-00050111-00050613 of the one side of the pen is incredibly fine and I quite like that for journaling and planning. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00127-00050613-00051082 And then the other side is a really nice thick brush pen, which I also really like and it's 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00128-00051082-00051246 also pretty juicy. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00129-00051246-00051741 Coming straight out of my favorite pencil case is also the Marvy Flex Tip pens. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00130-00051741-00052257 And I've done a review on these before in a whole and I love how soft and flexible these 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00131-00052257-00052426 nips are. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00132-00052426-00052571 These we won't be testing today. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00133-00052571-00053204 These are actually a kind of ceramic marker pen and you can do brush lettering on ceramic 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00134-00053204-00053383 and bake it and it's good to go. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00135-00053383-00053652 I kind of love that about them. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00136-00053652-00053866 Onto some of my basics. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00137-00053866-00054311 We've got a Papermate Flair, which is really great for colors and using in your notebook. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00138-00054311-00054470 It doesn't bleed. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00139-00054470-00054965 And finally we've got our brush pen from Farber Castel. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00140-00054965-00055458 Now I'm not a big fan of these because they're actually quite soft tips but they're pretty 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00141-00055458-00055610 good anyway. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00142-00055610-00056041 If we're going all in for Tombow, let's go in for the Tombow TwinTones. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00143-00056041-00056525 These are not brush pens but they do have a thicker marker side and a thinner kind of 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00144-00056525-00056654 pen side. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00145-00056654-00057238 And I really like these for journaling because they don't bleed and they're actually really 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00146-00057238-00057520 full of bright colors, which I really like. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00147-00057520-00058346 Little bit of a jelly roll just to number off our cool things we tested today and then 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00148-00058346-00058707 doing the jelly roll test takes us up to 17. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00149-00058707-00059447 Thank you again for joining me on my trolley tour of pens. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00150-00059447-00060038 I can't wait to do another video for you around maybe some other of the things in my office. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00151-00060038-00060530 You can see I've got tons of staff in my office here and I don't usually film from my office 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00152-00060530-00060879 so it's pretty good to have that. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00153-00060879-00061460 I usually film top down and not really showing you my office background. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00154-00061460-00061616 So I'm happy to do it [inaudible] the office as well. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00155-00061616-00062079 So please give me a comment below if you do want to see the rest of my office. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00156-00062079-00062660 But would love for you to subscribe and join my channel and my community. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00157-00062660-00062883 You can find me over on Instagram and Pinterest. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00158-00062883-00063270 That's where I hang out the most, but trying to build YouTube here as well. 9Nyz4jBD5Wy-00159-00063270-00063466 So I subscribe and a like would be fantastic. 9pMT3epow4I-00000-00000000-00000384 for those of you who don't know who day from boy in a band is he's an incredible 9pMT3epow4I-00001-00000384-00000863 youtuber and musician he first blew up from his rap don't stay in school which 9pMT3epow4I-00002-00000863-00001196 pointed out the flaws in our education system he's gone on to make other great 9pMT3epow4I-00003-00001196-00001575 videos discussing this topic as well as some other interesting ones he even had 9pMT3epow4I-00004-00001575-00001907 the opportunity to interview one of his favorite bands Linkin Park he's done a 9pMT3epow4I-00005-00001907-00002292 ton of collabs and is known as one of the nicest youtubers around Dave also 9pMT3epow4I-00006-00002292-00002700 struggles with depression and discussed it in his song titled I'm not dead 9pMT3epow4I-00007-00002700-00003051 this is one of the reasons why he made the video and dis track towards Prince 9pMT3epow4I-00008-00003051-00003455 EA about depression after bullying a bands collab with I devs content cop for 9pMT3epow4I-00009-00003455-00003810 rice gun he went mi a today he released a video explaining the crippling 9pMT3epow4I-00010-00003810-00004173 depression he's been dealing with for the last six months and in this video 9pMT3epow4I-00011-00004173-00004571 we're going to discuss boy an advanced depression and some solutions in case 9pMT3epow4I-00012-00004571-00005007 you or someone you know can relate to this story so make sure that you stay 9pMT3epow4I-00013-00005007-00006327 tuned what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk 9pMT3epow4I-00014-00006327-00006747 about the problem but focus on the solution and if you are new here my 9pMT3epow4I-00015-00006747-00007164 channels all about mental health and one of my favorite youtubers boy in a band 9pMT3epow4I-00016-00007164-00007545 he's talking about depression today so I wanted to chime in give my thoughts and 9pMT3epow4I-00017-00007545-00007953 hopefully help some of you out there like I can't express how much I love 9pMT3epow4I-00018-00007953-00008403 what Dave does on his channel not only is he an incredible musician but I just 9pMT3epow4I-00019-00008403-00008768 really enjoy the way that his mind works and he really thinks outside of the box 9pMT3epow4I-00020-00008768-00009236 like if you get the chance go scope out his channel if you haven't yet but he 9pMT3epow4I-00021-00009236-00009732 has a lot of very interesting subjects over there so yeah I first got into him 9pMT3epow4I-00022-00009732-00010185 I think after the content on rice gum but then I started binge watching his 9pMT3epow4I-00023-00010185-00010725 stuff and then he wasn't around I'm like how back is that like I just found this 9pMT3epow4I-00024-00010725-00011103 guy and now he's not making content but as I went through his content I realized 9pMT3epow4I-00025-00011103-00011364 that he is somebody like me and like a lot of you out there who struggles with 9pMT3epow4I-00026-00011364-00011850 depression so he recently came back and discussed depression and I just wanted 9pMT3epow4I-00027-00011850-00012204 to make this video I have no clue if he'll ever see this maybe he will maybe 9pMT3epow4I-00028-00012204-00012531 he won't but I know a lot of you out there are struggling with depression or 9pMT3epow4I-00029-00012531-00012953 you know someone who's struggling with depression so I hope to talk on some 9pMT3epow4I-00030-00012953-00013306 points that he explains in his video and maybe provide some solutions 9pMT3epow4I-00031-00013306-00013708 to you or someone you know so please make sure that you share this video it's 9pMT3epow4I-00032-00013708-00014080 day 3 of Mental Health Awareness Month so let's get some awareness out there to 9pMT3epow4I-00033-00014080-00014409 help other people struggling with depression alright so let's get started 9pMT3epow4I-00034-00014409-00014941 so first off it was super brave of Dave to not only open up about his depression 9pMT3epow4I-00035-00014941-00015478 in his video but he actually kept like a journal throughout these months when he 9pMT3epow4I-00036-00015478-00015834 was struggling with depression and he completely opened up about him on his 9pMT3epow4I-00037-00015834-00016225 video like that is huge that is HUGE right there and I wish more people were 9pMT3epow4I-00038-00016225-00016693 not only documenting it but also sharing it so other people don't feel so alone 9pMT3epow4I-00039-00016693-00017106 but as he's reading these and discussing what he was going through he was showing 9pMT3epow4I-00040-00017106-00017454 some of the classic symptoms of depression he discusses this feeling of 9pMT3epow4I-00041-00017454-00017926 lack of purpose Ness he was lacking motivation he stopped enjoying things 9pMT3epow4I-00042-00017926-00018226 and this is something that a lot of us who struggle with depression can 9pMT3epow4I-00043-00018226-00018495 definitely relate to towards the end of the video you know he starts talking 9pMT3epow4I-00044-00018495-00018922 about how he pulled himself out of it and some of the things that he talked 9pMT3epow4I-00045-00018922-00019390 about was you know friends good reliable friends he has his sister that he often 9pMT3epow4I-00046-00019390-00019693 brings in in videos he also talked about reading this book about the latest 9pMT3epow4I-00047-00019693-00020125 studies on depression I'm not positive but I think I think he's talking about 9pMT3epow4I-00048-00020125-00020548 lost connections about Johann Hari I'm just taking a guest there and if any of 9pMT3epow4I-00049-00020548-00020901 you haven't checked out my full book review in my video the lost connections 9pMT3epow4I-00050-00020901-00021238 depression experiment I'm gonna go ahead and link it up in the info card it was 9pMT3epow4I-00051-00021238-00021589 an amazing book and a lot of the subjects in there and studies they're 9pMT3epow4I-00052-00021589-00021901 very very useful to anybody struggling with depression so if you're somebody 9pMT3epow4I-00053-00021901-00022201 who's chosen with some of the symptoms of depression that Dave talks about 9pMT3epow4I-00054-00022201-00022516 we're gonna go through some tips as well as some suggestions that might be able 9pMT3epow4I-00055-00022516-00022806 to help you pull out of it all right so the first thing I want to talk about 9pMT3epow4I-00056-00022806-00023373 like obviously I don't know Dave okay I just go based on what he talked about in 9pMT3epow4I-00057-00023373-00023947 his videos but something I want to talk about is his therapy okay Dave is a very 9pMT3epow4I-00058-00023947-00024319 very intelligent guy all right he does a lot of research he does a lot 9pMT3epow4I-00059-00024319-00024831 of reading he knows depression inside and out all right but something that I 9pMT3epow4I-00060-00024831-00025360 often have to realize even myself and I teach to others is that we can't solve a 9pMT3epow4I-00061-00025360-00025725 problem with the same brain that's creating the problem 9pMT3epow4I-00062-00025725-00026145 and a lot of us based on a pride in ego it's hard for us to kind of grasp that 9pMT3epow4I-00063-00026145-00026493 concept especially when we live in a world where everybody is like you can do 9pMT3epow4I-00064-00026493-00027020 it do it yourself but a lot of times we need support and but more so we also 9pMT3epow4I-00065-00027020-00027533 need an outside perspective this is one of the reasons why therapy is so so 9pMT3epow4I-00066-00027533-00028029 beneficial because we're able to get an outside completely objective point of 9pMT3epow4I-00067-00028029-00028541 view on the situation that we're dealing with they might be able to point out or 9pMT3epow4I-00068-00028541-00029007 bring up different things that we didn't even notice if you watch my video that I 9pMT3epow4I-00069-00029007-00029495 made yesterday about anxiety like we might be having trauma responses that we 9pMT3epow4I-00070-00029495-00029838 don't even realize we're having but when you're working with a therapist and a 9pMT3epow4I-00071-00029838-00030249 one-on-one situation they can help identify things that maybe you were 9pMT3epow4I-00072-00030249-00030660 overlooking or they were happening on an unconscious level so I don't know if 9pMT3epow4I-00073-00030660-00031041 Dave has sought the help of a therapist but I think it might be beneficial 9pMT3epow4I-00074-00031041-00031587 because he like I said he's very intellectual and sometimes we beat 9pMT3epow4I-00075-00031587-00031947 ourselves up because we fully understand what's happening to us but we can't 9pMT3epow4I-00076-00031947-00032277 manage to pull ourselves out of it something that I hope you all take from 9pMT3epow4I-00077-00032277-00032564 Dave's video and if I didn't mention it it'll be linked in the description below 9pMT3epow4I-00078-00032564-00033003 so they I hope you take from his video is he was tracking his moods okay he was 9pMT3epow4I-00079-00033003-00033438 tracking his moods his thoughts his feelings and emotions but my question is 9pMT3epow4I-00080-00033438-00033801 I don't know if he was tracking his good moods to something that's very very 9pMT3epow4I-00081-00033801-00034257 important when tracking your moods is to not only track the bad ones or the bad 9pMT3epow4I-00082-00034257-00034785 thoughts but to also track the good ones here is why okay because when you are 9pMT3epow4I-00083-00034785-00035163 having your roughest days when depression is fully set in and it's 9pMT3epow4I-00084-00035163-00035478 saying things are awful they're always gonna be awful they're never gonna get 9pMT3epow4I-00085-00035478-00035943 better okay you're able to go back you're able to go back into this mood 9pMT3epow4I-00086-00035943-00036543 journal and you're able to say oh here's evidence that things do get better and 9pMT3epow4I-00087-00036543-00037038 here's the other thing too it's from you it's not from somebody else because a 9pMT3epow4I-00088-00037038-00037347 lot of us when we're depressed we don't want other people saying hey it's gonna 9pMT3epow4I-00089-00037347-00037683 get better hey this too shall pass but when you see 9pMT3epow4I-00090-00037683-00038064 in your own handwriting or if you typed it out on your phone or whatever it is 9pMT3epow4I-00091-00038064-00038490 when you see that you're the one who actually put in this information about 9pMT3epow4I-00092-00038490-00039030 your good days then you're like oh okay I'm just actually in a really bad 9pMT3epow4I-00093-00039030-00039336 depressive fuck but here is proof that not all days 9pMT3epow4I-00094-00039336-00039855 are bad this leads to the next point when we're able to look at our good days 9pMT3epow4I-00095-00039855-00040230 because they've been documented right we're able to look at it and say okay 9pMT3epow4I-00096-00040230-00040719 what did i do what did i do on that day what was different that day than it is 9pMT3epow4I-00097-00040719-00041256 today okay we have to get very inquisitive about our own experience we 9pMT3epow4I-00098-00041256-00041646 have to say okay what am i lacking today what am I not doing today I go through 9pMT3epow4I-00099-00041646-00042044 my own depressive Fox right and I go through kind of my list of different 9pMT3epow4I-00100-00042044-00042381 tools and strategies that I use and sometimes I'm like oh I haven't 9pMT3epow4I-00101-00042381-00042822 meditated today oh I haven't tried to accomplish a small goal today 9pMT3epow4I-00102-00042822-00043200 oh I haven't done anything to kind of progress today and then I can look at 9pMT3epow4I-00103-00043200-00043619 that and say okay well I need to at least do this right and if any of you 9pMT3epow4I-00104-00043619-00044091 watch my other video about the book review for upward spiral it talks about 9pMT3epow4I-00105-00044091-00044430 all these different ways we can actually start increasing various 9pMT3epow4I-00106-00044430-00044786 neurotransmitters in our brain like serotonin and door friends 9pMT3epow4I-00107-00044786-00045156 dopamine and all sorts of other neurotransmitters so when you're 9pMT3epow4I-00108-00045156-00045450 tracking your mood and you look at your successes you're able to analyze it and 9pMT3epow4I-00109-00045450-00046002 kick it into gear that day so something that Dave talks about is he loves he 9pMT3epow4I-00110-00046002-00046466 loves creating and collapsing with other people he loves his process can look 9pMT3epow4I-00111-00046466-00046841 back at that cons who was working with his friends on videos creating music or 9pMT3epow4I-00112-00046841-00047277 just creating other types of content and he was genuinely happy but the struggle 9pMT3epow4I-00113-00047277-00047733 he has is when he goes back home and he needs to edit it this is very common we 9pMT3epow4I-00114-00047733-00048303 are designed to be social creatures we need to be around other people okay so 9pMT3epow4I-00115-00048303-00048780 what's the solution to this so this is going to depend on who the person is 9pMT3epow4I-00116-00048780-00049119 what your financial situation is and all sorts of things like that if you were in 9pMT3epow4I-00117-00049119-00049434 this identical situation and I don't know how much money Dave makes or 9pMT3epow4I-00118-00049434-00049788 anything like that you need to start looking at your your setting you need to 9pMT3epow4I-00119-00049788-00050199 start looking at your setup like are you able to edit with your friends - are you 9pMT3epow4I-00120-00050199-00050684 able to complete the entire process with your friends if not can you edit in a 9pMT3epow4I-00121-00050684-00051159 public space all right something about our brains in the way we work we often 9pMT3epow4I-00122-00051159-00051657 cheer up just by being in an environment with other people alright this is social 9pMT3epow4I-00123-00051657-00052052 anxiety aside but by editing or doing things like 9pMT3epow4I-00124-00052052-00052385 shop where you know a bunch of people are there this might help jump-start 9pMT3epow4I-00125-00052385-00052916 your mood but dave has noticed this pattern of what he tries to get down and 9pMT3epow4I-00126-00052916-00053279 do the editing a lot of times that's when is a depression and lack of 9pMT3epow4I-00127-00053279-00053615 motivation sets in so we need to identify that problem we need to 9pMT3epow4I-00128-00053615-00054041 identify the trigger and say okay what are the other possible solutions like 9pMT3epow4I-00129-00054041-00054287 this is something like when you see a lot of youtubers talking about 9pMT3epow4I-00130-00054287-00054671 depression or burnout and things like that it's because so many of them are 9pMT3epow4I-00131-00054671-00055124 doing it like on this like deserted island just by themselves the more we're 9pMT3epow4I-00132-00055124-00055595 able to connect and be around other people it helps improve our mood and get 9pMT3epow4I-00133-00055595-00056005 us out of depression that's what these social connections are for now one thing 9pMT3epow4I-00134-00056005-00056477 that's a bummer is Dave lives I believe in England right and most of the people 9pMT3epow4I-00135-00056477-00056888 that he talks with from what I see are from other countries and they're around 9pMT3epow4I-00136-00056888-00057494 the world now while social connection can happen online via email or Skype or 9pMT3epow4I-00137-00057494-00057923 social media or whatever it is the way our brains work there's something called 9pMT3epow4I-00138-00057923-00058424 mirroring neurons we kind of need that that emotional connection to happen when 9pMT3epow4I-00139-00058424-00058729 we're able to see each other's faces now I don't think they've done enough 9pMT3epow4I-00140-00058729-00059165 studies on like whether or not this actually works when it comes to like 9pMT3epow4I-00141-00059165-00059542 FaceTime or something like that but it definitely does when you're in the 9pMT3epow4I-00142-00059542-00060020 presence of somebody else if you don't believe me try this okay go up to 9pMT3epow4I-00143-00060020-00060344 somebody you know alright somebody in the house of roommate a friend or do 9pMT3epow4I-00144-00060344-00060650 that work tomorrow at school if you're watching this go up to them and say okay 9pMT3epow4I-00145-00060650-00061346 you have one job one job only all right don't smile okay and then all you do 9pMT3epow4I-00146-00061346-00061942 without saying a word is that you simply smiled and 99.9% of 9pMT3epow4I-00147-00061942-00062390 the time the other person will start smiling too it's because that's the way 9pMT3epow4I-00148-00062390-00062753 our mirroring neurons work so when you're around friends family loved ones 9pMT3epow4I-00149-00062753-00063170 and having a good time like you feed off of their emotions and also remember 9pMT3epow4I-00150-00063170-00063410 that's why you get rid of negative people in their life because they can 9pMT3epow4I-00151-00063410-00063908 pull you down too now again this last topic I want to touch on like I don't 9pMT3epow4I-00152-00063908-00064330 know Dave I do not know Dave but I've touched on this before and it's about a 9pMT3epow4I-00153-00064330-00064829 disconnection from values throughout Dave talking about this it seems like 9pMT3epow4I-00154-00064829-00065109 this is a you know what happens when we assume it 9pMT3epow4I-00155-00065109-00065646 seems like his value system needs to be re-evaluated alright it seems like a lot 9pMT3epow4I-00156-00065646-00066231 of his values are based on subscribers likes views and things like that that's 9pMT3epow4I-00157-00066231-00066666 why you see a lot of youtubers get depressed same reason with celebrities 9pMT3epow4I-00158-00066666-00067179 in any way because we attach ourselves to these values and then once we get to 9pMT3epow4I-00159-00067179-00067617 the top of that mountain we realize that we're just as empty as we were before so 9pMT3epow4I-00160-00067617-00068064 it's time for a lot of us to sit back and really really what our value system 9pMT3epow4I-00161-00068064-00068541 is and once we start going after that that value system and said it's called 9pMT3epow4I-00162-00068541-00068961 interesting values we start to see that we're a lot happier alive so my 9pMT3epow4I-00163-00068961-00069507 suggestion to Dave would be is to not focus so much on the numbers but on the 9pMT3epow4I-00164-00069507-00069870 fact that what he's doing is helping people and I know he's seen it before 9pMT3epow4I-00165-00069870-00070353 because he talks about in reacts to it in different videos about how his videos 9pMT3epow4I-00166-00070353-00070641 are helping others he sees the comments and everything like that if you can 9pMT3epow4I-00167-00070641-00071088 hyper focus on those things then your value system starts to adjust and 9pMT3epow4I-00168-00071088-00071484 balance you out that's one of the ways that a small youtuber like me keeps 9pMT3epow4I-00169-00071484-00071964 motivated because I hyper focus on all the comments that all of you leave me or 9pMT3epow4I-00170-00071964-00072378 the messages that you send me saying that I helped you so regardless of how 9pMT3epow4I-00171-00072378-00073020 many subscribers I have my values come from wanting to help other people trying 9pMT3epow4I-00172-00073020-00073470 to be as altruistic as possible anyways again again Dave is 9pMT3epow4I-00173-00073470-00073983 a great guy I'm so glad he's back I look forward to seeing his new content I hope 9pMT3epow4I-00174-00073983-00074385 he stays you know vigilant about overcoming his depression he mentions 9pMT3epow4I-00175-00074385-00074832 that he's he's doing another experiment video and those are always really cool 9pMT3epow4I-00176-00074832-00075306 so my best wishes are with Dave and I hope this video helped you out and be 9pMT3epow4I-00177-00075306-00075531 thinking and helps somebody else please please please 9pMT3epow4I-00178-00075531-00075858 share this video on social media get the word out there hopefully some more 9pMT3epow4I-00179-00075858-00076287 people can find some solutions for their depression alright so again 9pMT3epow4I-00180-00076287-00076611 Dave's video will be linked in the description I'm also going to include 9pMT3epow4I-00181-00076611-00076974 some various resources for anybody else out there who's struggling with 9pMT3epow4I-00182-00076974-00077382 depression alright but that's all I got for you today if you like this video 9pMT3epow4I-00183-00077382-00077769 please give it a thumbs up and if you are new here I'm always making videos to 9pMT3epow4I-00184-00077769-00077987 help you out with your mental and emotional needs 9pMT3epow4I-00185-00077987-00078296 so make sure you click that little round subscribe button and if you want to 9pMT3epow4I-00186-00078296-00078566 check out some other videos on this channel you can click or tap on one of 9pMT3epow4I-00187-00078566-00079019 those thumbnails okay thanks so much for watching stay vigilant about your 9pMT3epow4I-00188-00079019-00079477 depression today and I'll see you next time 9PhdGQNbvF8-00000-00000482-00000916 Influenza epidemics affect millions of people every winter. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00001-00000916-00001186 The human influenza virus is an enveloped 9PhdGQNbvF8-00002-00001186-00001552 ellipsoid-shaped virus of the Orthomyxoviridae family. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00003-00001552-00002048 This virus attacks respiratory system cells. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00004-00002048-00002616 The viral genome consists of 8 RNA segments enclosed under the viral membrane. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00005-00002616-00003236 Each segment is associated with nucleocapsid proteins and a polymerase complex. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00006-00003392-00003900 Haemagglutinin is an envelope protein located on the surface of this virus. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00007-00003900-00004252 It plays an essential role in viral entry. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00008-00004736-00004954 It is organized in trimeric spike, 9PhdGQNbvF8-00009-00004954-00005428 each spike comprising two subunits called HA1 and HA2, 9PhdGQNbvF8-00010-00005428-00005666 connected by a disulfide bridge. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00011-00005848-00006409 HA1 has a globular domain, which interacts with the cellular receptor. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00012-00006718-00007056 HA2 is protected by HA1. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00013-00007056-00007320 It has a short sequence of hydrophobic residues 9PhdGQNbvF8-00014-00007320-00007686 called the fusion peptide at its amino-terminal end. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00015-00007686-00008145 It is anchored in the viral membrane via its carboxy-terminal end. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00016-00008145-00008640 This subunit exhibits long helices oriented perpendicular to the membrane. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00017-00008640-00009164 This helical architecture is characteristic of class I membrane fusion proteins. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00018-00009444-00010038 Viruses are simple biological compounds that need to infect cells to replicate. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00019-00010038-00010444 Influenza virus first interacts via its haemagglutinins 9PhdGQNbvF8-00020-00010444-00010990 with sialic acids anchored to the surface of the respiratory epithelial cells. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00021-00010990-00011514 This interaction initiates virus entry into the targeted cell by endocytosis. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00022-00011514-00012106 A vesicle coated with clathrin is formed and released into the cytoplasm. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00023-00012744-00013236 Transport vesicles are driven by molecular motors inside the cell 9PhdGQNbvF8-00024-00013236-00013544 where they fuse with early endosomes. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00025-00013860-00014412 Proton pumps present at the endosome membrane acidify the vesicle lumen. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00026-00014412-00014996 Below pH 6, this acidification results in important conformational changes 9PhdGQNbvF8-00027-00014996-00015263 in the haemagglutinin structure. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00028-00015408-00015760 HA1 moves away from HA2. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00029-00015760-00016480 Loop B connecting helices A and C rigidifies and becomes helicoidal. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00030-00016480-00017016 As a consequence, the fusion peptide is projected away from the viral membrane 9PhdGQNbvF8-00031-00017016-00017292 and anchors in the endosome membrane. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00032-00017292-00018016 Helices C and D dissociate and helix D leans onto helix C. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00033-00018016-00018572 This new rearrangement pulls the viral membrane towards that of the endosome 9PhdGQNbvF8-00034-00018572-00018872 and the two membranes fuse together. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00035-00019660-00020372 A fusion pore is created and the viral genome is released into the cell cytoplasm near the nucleus. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00036-00020372-00020688 The released viral ribonucleoprotein complexes 9PhdGQNbvF8-00037-00020688-00020972 carry nuclear localization signals. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00038-00021190-00021670 They enter the nucleus where the viral multiplication process begins. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00039-00021670-00022142 New viral particles are synthesized with the help of the cellular machinery. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00040-00022238-00022614 They bud off of the cell and infect new cells. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00041-00023416-00023910 Umifenovir is an antiviral molecule that blocks the fusion mechanism. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00042-00024436-00025054 It carries an indole core and can bind strongly to haemagglutinin, impeding its flexibility. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00043-00025742-00026033 During the acidification process of the endosome, 9PhdGQNbvF8-00044-00026033-00026280 haemagglutinin with bound umifenovir 9PhdGQNbvF8-00045-00026280-00026560 can no longer change its conformation. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00046-00026560-00026798 The fusion mechanism is blocked 9PhdGQNbvF8-00047-00026798-00027156 and the influenza virus remains trapped in the endosome. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00048-00027412-00027983 The resulting late endosome fuses with a cell lysosome to create an endolysosome. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00049-00028488-00028872 The whole influenza virus is then degraded by the enzymes 9PhdGQNbvF8-00050-00028872-00029145 contained in this new cell compartment. 9PhdGQNbvF8-00051-00029145-00029544 Thus, the fusion inhibitor compound has played its curative role 9PhdGQNbvF8-00052-00029544-00030008 by preventing viral multiplication in the infected organism. 9QyoutJWpIY-00000-00000579-00000700 This is Tyler. 9QyoutJWpIY-00001-00000700-00000994 He's president of the 4-H Club at Yokosuka's School-Age-Care. 9QyoutJWpIY-00002-00000994-00001205 But what's 4-H all about? 9QyoutJWpIY-00003-00001205-00001923 It'll keep kids active and it won't like let them be boring. 9QyoutJWpIY-00004-00001923-00002381 Or in other words, to help kids learns skill sets and enhance community involvement. 9QyoutJWpIY-00005-00002381-00002711 Such as donating school supplies to Shunko-Gakuen Orphanage. 9QyoutJWpIY-00006-00002711-00003408 We are actually teaching them how to be a good citizen under 4-H and now that we are 9QyoutJWpIY-00007-00003408-00004157 going to the orphanage we are, you know, giving them like an experience on how to give back 9QyoutJWpIY-00008-00004157-00004409 to the community. 9QyoutJWpIY-00009-00004409-00004939 Well for me it's a fun experience to have, because Japan is our host country and we want 9QyoutJWpIY-00010-00004939-00005117 to give something back. 9QyoutJWpIY-00011-00005117-00005503 Yokosuka's SAC Program thinks giving is important as well. 9QyoutJWpIY-00012-00005503-00006112 Which is why kids have options with the 4-H Programs they offer, to include: sewing, cooking, 9QyoutJWpIY-00013-00006112-00006362 gardening, technology and, Tyler's favorite, photography. 9QyoutJWpIY-00014-00006362-00007126 It lets me make other kids happy when I take a picture of them with their friends or their 9QyoutJWpIY-00015-00007126-00007284 mom or dad. 9QyoutJWpIY-00016-00007284-00007708 All the programs are scheduled on different days to allow kids to join any or all of them. 9QyoutJWpIY-00017-00007708-00008126 However, once a month all the club members get together and share ideas. 9QyoutJWpIY-00018-00008126-00008696 All 4-H club members especially the officers they're the one's who's conducting the 4-H 9QyoutJWpIY-00019-00008696-00008988 meeting, so the kids are the one's doing it. 9QyoutJWpIY-00020-00008988-00009514 So not only does 4-H allow kids to gain skill sets or grow leadership qualities but it also 9QyoutJWpIY-00021-00009514-00009725 gives meaningful connections. 9QyoutJWpIY-00022-00009725-00010069 Last year they were, they weren't interacting like this. 9QyoutJWpIY-00023-00010069-00010445 Today they are like everywhere, I mean, it's good. 9QyoutJWpIY-00024-00010445-00010949 Everywhere, indeed, even interupting my interview. 9QyoutJWpIY-00025-00010949-00012003 Reporting from Yokosuka Naval Base, I'm Petty Officer Anthony Martinez. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00000-00000112-00000424 [Dave] It's a pretty low key map time this week. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00001-00000424-00001224 It's just going to be me, David Weimer, talking with Garrett Nelson from the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00002-00001224-00001551 Leventhal Map and Education Center. We're the two 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00003-00001551-00002351 co-hosts of this and today rather than having a kind of traditional interview like we've been having, we'll be 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00004-00002351-00002711 talking with each other and sharing some maps that we, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00005-00002711-00003184 that we like to to think about. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00006-00004360-00005128 [Garrett] Hi guys. Hi Dave. Good to see you. How are you? Happy July! [Dave] Happy July! 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00007-00005128-00005784 [Garrett] How air-conditioned is your apartment? Mine is not very. [Dave] We have, we have 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00008-00005784-00006264 one air-conditioned room. [Garrett] Are you in that room right now? [Dave] Well, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00009-00006264-00006752 the air conditioner is very loud, so i turned it off. [Garrett] I was saying that I, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00010-00006752-00007192 we had to finish our Bending Lnes series before it got too hot because I 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00011-00007192-00007815 wouldn't be able to host them anymore, dripping in sweat. [Dave] Yeah, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00012-00007815-00008128 but it went great. I enjoyed all the all the talks. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00013-00008128-00008632 [Garrett] Thanks and these Map Times have been so awesome. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00014-00008632-00009040 Thanks for kind of taking point while I was busy with Bending Lines and we've 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00015-00009040-00009584 had so many awesome visitors. [Dave] Yeah, there's been a good amount 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00016-00009584-00010047 of map material for people, so it's been good. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00017-00010047-00010447 [Garrett] I just noticed that the Gorilla Cartography 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00018-00010447-00010872 deadline for their new shelter atlas got extended to 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00019-00010872-00011239 next week, i think? [Dave] Yeah. [Garrett] So we've been thinking about 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00020-00011239-00011807 contributing in another week to send a shelter map to the Gorilla Cartography 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00021-00011807-00012232 folks. [Dave] And Susan, who is our, so 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00022-00012232-00012656 Susan Powell, who works for Gorilla Cartography, and also the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00023-00012656-00013103 map librarian at Berkeley. Berkeley just announced, she sent an 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00024-00013103-00013416 email, and announced a really great initiative that they've been working on 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00025-00013416-00013952 with the captured German World War II nazi maps, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00026-00013952-00014640 which was exciting. So they they're cataloging and digitizing thousands of 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00027-00014640-00015072 these maps from nazi Germany that were 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00028-00015072-00015376 captured by the US military and kind of distributed 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00029-00015376-00015687 to different libraries around the country, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00030-00015687-00015919 including Berkeley and UC Riverside. And 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00031-00015919-00016423 UC Riverside was getting rid of theirs and they, Berkeley, snatched them up. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00032-00016423-00016800 [Garrett] Don't I remember you saying that your least favorite type of map were 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00033-00016800-00017424 nazi maps on one of our conversations before. [Dave] Exactly, or any map with a swastika on it, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00034-00017424-00017856 I'd rather not. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00035-00017856-00018559 Yeah, so it's exciting it's the same 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00036-00018559-00018968 project and it pairs well with what they've been, Stanford, has been doing 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00037-00018968-00019376 with their Japanese military maps that were captured,. So, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00038-00019376-00019704 I'm excited to see what they come up with and 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00039-00019704-00020064 hopefully it's something we can add to with ours. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00040-00020064-00020687 Do you guys have, I don't know if the ... [Garrett] Yeah, we do have some, actually we're a project 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00041-00020687-00020920 that we'll return to once we're somewhat back 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00042-00020920-00021264 in person. There are, there is a collection of 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00043-00021264-00021648 objects that sort of belong to us that had been at 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00044-00021648-00021976 the various city library archives and 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00045-00021976-00022279 depositories that moved across the city and are now at the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00046-00022279-00022672 city's archives in West Roxbury that need to be 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00047-00022672-00023064 sorted and cataloged and amongst those items 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00048-00023064-00023479 are captured military maps from the Second World War. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00049-00023479-00024040 So, I'm not quite sure the extent of what's there but we do have some of it. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00050-00024040-00024592 [Dave] Yeah, that sounds great and will those end up coming to you all or they're 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00051-00024592-00025008 going to stay over in their space? [Garrett] Yeah, that's kind of 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00052-00025008-00025272 depending on what happens, as you know space is always 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00053-00025272-00025647 at a premium. So yeah, we don't know the answer to that 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00054-00025647-00026023 just yet, but ... [Dave] And 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00055-00026023-00026519 I will note I've been working every day, this week I've been 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00056-00026519-00027016 working hard with Atlas Scope, using it probably 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00057-00027016-00027432 every 20 minutes. It's been really helpful trying to find, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00058-00027432-00027736 I'm working on a project just thinking 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00059-00027736-00028191 about kind of the history of Black folks in Boston and 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00060-00028191-00028544 kind of where the geography of that, and so looking at 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00061-00028544-00028912 census records and finding addresses and then going into 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00062-00028912-00029247 Atlas Scope and figuring out whether ... [Garrett] I'm 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00063-00029247-00029775 going to send you, i have a few Atlas Scope notes and links 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00064-00029775-00030208 relating to Boston's Black history from when I spoke with the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00065-00030208-00030583 Bay State Banner. Actually, it's something that we talk a lot about 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00066-00030583-00031063 kind of internally is, you know, the fire insurance and real estate maps 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00067-00031063-00031712 can be quite difficult for the history of groups that are, were 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00068-00031712-00032063 relatively, didn't own property, right. Because the maps tend to show 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00069-00032063-00032408 property owners and sometimes if there's a really remarkable 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00070-00032408-00032808 business they'll show the business name, but otherwise tenants, even you know 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00071-00032808-00033136 commercial and residential tenants aren't on the map. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00072-00033136-00033680 So, trying to find evidence on those maps for people who 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00073-00033680-00034136 are not property owners can be kind of difficult. Though, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00074-00034136-00034408 that can give you some other clues about who 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00075-00034408-00034872 was landlords to whom if you know somebody had a certain address then 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00076-00034872-00035216 referencing it to those maps is interesting too. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00077-00035216-00035616 [Dave] No, for sure, the renter thinking about rent is a always a fun 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00078-00035616-00036024 exercise in political economy. [Garrett] Yeah, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00079-00036024-00036568 absolutely. [Dave] Yeah, so I don't know, is there, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00080-00036568-00036936 are there any maps that you are bringing? I've got one. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00081-00036936-00037280 [Garrett] Sure, you want to go first? Let's look at some, let's look at some maps. [Dave] Sure yeah. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00082-00037280-00038008 [Garrett] This is the Map Time after all. [Dave] Exactly, I'll, I'm just gonna, let's see what 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00083-00038008-00038391 happens if, how it looks back here. Not that great. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00084-00038391-00038912 So, I'm gonna just turn my camera around. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00085-00039119-00039600 So, one of the things that, you know, one of the maps that I've been 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00086-00039600-00040168 thinking about recently is this map of Cuba by 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00087-00040168-00040672 Erwin Raisz and Gerardo Canet. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00088-00040684-00041128 Who--you know--Erwin Raisz is very important to the history of the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00089-00041128-00041663 Harvard Map Collection and kind of the history of geological 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00090-00041663-00042296 and kind of physio-graphic maps. And this map has a really interesting 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00091-00042296-00042831 story and kind of plugs in with some, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00092-00042831-00043240 a lot of interesting kind of world geopolitics. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00093-00043240-00043936 The, it's you know, it's made in 1949 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00094-00043936-00044303 with this partnership between Erwin Raisz and 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00095-00044303-00044872 Canet and part of what it--why it comes to be--is 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00096-00044872-00045480 because of a kind of long-standing connection that 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00097-00045480-00045952 Raisz has with some influential Cuban geographers. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00098-00045952-00046256 And also some of the relationships that Harvard had with 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00099-00046256-00046919 Cuban institutions. So, Raisz, as many of you might know, is born in 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00100-00046919-00047431 Hungary, In 1893. He emigrates, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00101-00047431-00047968 after World War I, and come, does his PhD in geology at Columbia, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00102-00047968-00048424 where he works with Douglas Johnson and then is 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00103-00048424-00048752 also, you know, colleagues with and 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00104-00048752-00049336 influenced by, Armand Lobeck--in these kind of-- 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00105-00049336-00049663 this intersection between kind of traditional cartography and 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00106-00049663-00050063 and geological mapping and geological diagrams. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00107-00050063-00050719 And in the late 1820s (sic) early 1930s he comes to Harvard and is 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00108-00050719-00051087 hired as the curator of the Institute for Geographical Exploration 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00109-00051087-00051703 and he's there for about 20 years. And you know Raisz is a really important 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00110-00051703-00052208 figure in the history of physiographic maps--in this--particularly 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00111-00052208-00052832 in the kind of language of landscape and how, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00112-00052832-00053472 how you communicate landscape in a map. And so if we 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00113-00053472-00054144 zoom in on some of these, so you can see on a map like this the kind of really 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00114-00054144-00054608 close detail he pays to what the landscape 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00115-00054608-00055008 is and kind of how you can pictorially represent these kind of scientific 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00116-00055008-00055744 features of the landscape. And in 1929 he had made a map of 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00117-00055744-00056272 of Cuba with Salvador Massip who was a Cuban geographer, a kind of 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00118-00056272-00056760 influential figure in Cuban geography, and also 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00119-00056760-00057520 working at Columbia. And through that relationship 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00120-00057544-00057879 Massip encourages Canet to come and study with 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00121-00057879-00058616 with Raisz for five years, uh for four years from 1945 to 1949 with a 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00122-00058616-00059032 Guggenheim Fellowship. And that in those four years 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00123-00059082-00059712 Cannet and Raisz collaborate on an Atlas de Cuba, which is this 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00124-00059712-00060367 really important national atlas for Cuba. And this map 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00125-00060367-00061048 actually uses information from military kind of aerial surveys 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00126-00061048-00061495 to get some of this information about the landscape. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00127-00061495-00061944 And so you know, it's a little different than some of the maps we've been looking 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00128-00061944-00062391 at at Map Time so far, so i wanted to highlight it. We also have 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00129-00062391-00062848 a really good collection of Raisz' materials. So, his 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00130-00062848-00063488 travel notebooks, his, some of his papers and so that's 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00131-00063488-00064079 another reason to highlight this map. But there's also-- 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00132-00064079-00064639 the other thing I was going to show--so, the Radcliff Institute has some pictures 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00133-00064639-00065120 of Raisz teaching classes, working with students and so this is one 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00134-00065120-00065391 at Radcliffe. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00135-00065424-00065727 I was happy we, we realized this was Raisz by, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00136-00065727-00066168 by kind of happy accident. We put this in our 200th anniversary exhibition, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00137-00066168-00066568 kind of just because it showed a map and showed someone teaching geography-- 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00138-00066568-00066960 and Jason van Horn, who studies Raisz closely, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00139-00066960-00067280 visited the exhibition was like, oh yeah, that's Erwin Raisz and 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00140-00067280-00067839 I didn't know what he looked like and Radcliffe didn't have any metadata in 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00141-00067839-00068168 there yet that identified as Raisz. So it was nice to be able to add some 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00142-00068168-00068568 metadata to this and now Raisz is in the, in the record 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00143-00068568-00069016 for this picture at Radcliffe. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00144-00069016-00069712 So, that's the, you know, that's the map I picked out. [Garrett] Cool, I love it. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00145-00069712-00070151 One of the, one of the kind of themes that I'm most interested in is the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00146-00070151-00070576 like the etymological links between landscape and nation building 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00147-00070576-00071136 and regions. Obviously on that map it's the Spanish paisajes, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00148-00071136-00071512 and you know, of course, in Spanish the, that contains 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00149-00071512-00072192 país, which is country or nation. And you know in the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00150-00072192-00072648 Spanish colonial world there's a, there's a really strong influence of these 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00151-00072648-00073063 European traditions of regional geography that 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00152-00073063-00073648 connected ideas about landscape form to regional development. And then by the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00153-00073648-00073960 20th century, sort of national enterprise, which of 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00154-00073960-00074504 course, Cuba was in during that period, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00155-00074504-00075151 before Castro. There's a really awesome book, I want to say 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00156-00075151-00075480 Applebaum is the author--I'm forgetting off the top my head--but it's about the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00157-00075480-00075968 choreographical survey of Colombia. The 19th century 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00158-00075968-00076439 regional survey of Colombia, and it's a really interesting historical look at 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00159-00076439-00076832 the relationship between cartographic survey, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00160-00076832-00077400 landscape typology, geology, of course in colonial rule, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00161-00077400-00078104 and like the, the production of this like national identity and a nation composed 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00162-00078104-00078656 out of these regions. It's a really great read that, that 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00163-00078656-00079151 kind of situates these European geographic traditions 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00164-00079151-00079592 into the colonial project in the Spanish Americas. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00165-00079592-00079968 [Dave] Yeah, that's interesting and how the, how you communicate 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00166-00079968-00080304 some of that nation building in the map and, and also how the map is 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00167-00080304-00080663 kind of constitute of that nation building. [Garrett] Exactly. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00168-00080663-00080944 [Dave] And those can be at odds. Sometimes they work together, sometimes they're at odds 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00169-00080944-00081280 where a map like this is able to communicate 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00170-00081280-00081663 to a wider audience what Cuba looks like, how what the feel 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00171-00081663-00082232 of, of the country is, of the país. Whereas, you know with topographical 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00172-00082232-00082632 surveys, is able to give more control for 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00173-00082632-00082919 the government, for the military over that landscape, but not able to 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00174-00082919-00083256 communicate that really to a wider audience what, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00175-00083256-00083592 what the country is, what it feels like. [Garrett] Yeah, definitely and, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00176-00083592-00084056 and Raisz was such a, like the visual language that he developed for 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00177-00084056-00084560 the, like in your words, the feel of the landscape is so remarkable. Right? To, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00178-00084560-00085095 to kind of communicate this, not aerial, it's not a perfect aerial view 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00179-00085095-00085472 it's not a perfect scientific view, but it's, you 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00180-00085472-00085880 know, it's based on on geomorphology and geological 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00181-00085880-00086256 principles but translated through this visual register that Raisz developed. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00182-00086256-00086800 Let's see such ... [Dave] And look, yeah, looking at his notebooks is wild 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00183-00086800-00087160 because he he talks about these different kind of 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00184-00087160-00087488 ad hoc methods for 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00185-00087495-00088048 cataloging the landscape or kind of getting its features. And one of them 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00186-00088048-00088504 includes, basically, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00187-00088504-00089088 like not, like car surveying. Where you know, being in the passenger 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00188-00089088-00089439 seat of a car and [Garrett] Yeah. [Dave] Making tick marks based on 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00189-00089439-00089776 speed for how the landscape's changing. [Garrett] Yeah. [Dave[] And 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00190-00089776-00090192 then having, you know, collating those and getting your, your 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00191-00090192-00090544 car survey of the landscape just, you know, while you're traveling between 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00192-00090544-00090951 two places. [Garrett] I mean, those fields, those field 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00193-00090951-00091383 methods, those field survey techniques were such an important part of 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00194-00091383-00091712 early 20th century cartography. There's a lot of 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00195-00091712-00092088 really interesting John Kirkland Wright stuff like that too. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00196-00092088-00092544 Actually, you know, Wright retired to the upper valley of Vermont, New 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00197-00092544-00093000 Hampshire, where Dartmouth is, where I spent the previous three years, and 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00198-00093000-00093504 he did a ton of field sketching of, like from mountain, mountain tops 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00199-00093504-00093839 and ridges in the Upper Valley. Which, of course, were based on his 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00200-00093839-00094280 training as a geographer. [Dave] Yeah. [Garrett] It's something that doesn't get 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00201-00094280-00094712 taught very much in uh, GIS curriculum anymore. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00202-00094712-00095248 [Dave] No uh, certainly not. Although, I don't, I don't know if you, you 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00203-00095248-00095736 saw the post that we did yesterday. We, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00204-00095736-00096119 Bonnie Burns, the Head of Geospatial Resources 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00205-00096119-00096783 at Harvard, sent this old promotional video from the USGS, from 1987, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00206-00096783-00097119 where they're using a digitizing table. [Garrett] I saw that, yeah. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00207-00097119-00097680 with the cur, with the the cursor. [Dave] Yeah. I was really taken with this, this 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00208-00097680-00098136 overlap between the kind of plain table and the digitizing table. They 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00209-00098136-00098448 really have nothing to do with each other as objects 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00210-00098448-00098872 but, because of the kind of 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00211-00098872-00099400 embodied kind of familiarity these people have, they, they end up being, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00212-00099400-00099727 being similar objects. [Garrett] Yeah, as I was looking at that I think, I 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00213-00099727-00099983 mean, it's still retained in a sort of echo, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00214-00099983-00100448 you know, even in link to these like icon tools like you have like a lasso 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00215-00100448-00100904 tool or, you know, whatever the marquee tool 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00216-00100904-00101584 in a GIS software image editing software, is still a reference back to those, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00217-00101584-00101952 those earlier methods. [Dave] Yeah, just like the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00218-00101952-00102495 the floppy disk "save" icon. [Garrett] Exactly. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00219-00102495-00102888 [Dave] Were there any maps you wanted to ... [Garrett] Yeah, actually, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00220-00102888-00103191 let me flip my camera. In some ways it actually like 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00221-00103191-00103519 matches really well with what you just showed. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00222-00103519-00104016 I pulled this one up because I have a soft spot for White Mountains maping, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00223-00104016-00104391 maps of the White Mountains. I grew up in New Hampshire 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00224-00104391-00105079 and I was just up there before the long weekend. This is 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00225-00105079-00105528 one of the first two western known, western maps of the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00226-00105528-00105967 White Mountains ,Euro-American maps of the White Mountains. It's 1852, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00227-00105967-00106440 drawn by a guy by the name of Franklin Leavitt. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00228-00106440-00106791 Actually our Boston Map Society colleague, Adam Apt, has, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00229-00106791-00107111 has written a little bit about Levitt and you can find some of 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00230-00107111-00107416 that stuff online at the White Mountain Historical Society. But 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00231-00107416-00107832 this is such a fun map because Leavitt was not a cartographer or a professional 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00232-00107832-00108391 geographer. He was really kind of a, not a folk artist, but 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00233-00108391-00108752 he was drawing what he saw as a resident of 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00234-00108752-00109303 the North Country. He lived in Lancaster, which is 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00235-00109303-00110000 right here, and this map has north up (??), in so far as there are 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00236-00110000-00110535 directions on this map. It's a very just geographically distorted map, but this is 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00237-00110535-00110855 Lake Winnipesaukee and the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00238-00110855-00111224 So, you know, beyond the top of the map would be southern New Hampshire 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00239-00111224-00111640 and eventually Massachusetts, and below the bottom of the map would be 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00240-00111640-00112152 Canada. And, this is basically the view of the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00241-00112152-00112503 landscape, of the White Mountains' landscape that 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00242-00112503-00112752 Leavitt would have been really familiar with as somebody growing up 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00243-00112752-00113440 north of the mountains. So, this is the really beautifully engraved panorama of 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00244-00113440-00113904 the Presidential Range. There's Mount Washington in the center, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00245-00113904-00114296 the northern Presidentials, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00246-00114296-00114903 as seen from this view. This is Crawford Notch. One of the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00247-00114903-00115200 interesting things about this map is there's some folk 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00248-00115200-00115655 names of peaks and features that don't exist anymore. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00249-00115655-00116024 If you zoom in here, I don't know if I can get focus on it-- 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00250-00116024-00116464 of course, we'll send out, i'll send out the link to this after the video,--but Mount 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00251-00116464-00116855 White Face and Mount Brick House are, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00252-00116855-00117159 --that is not the--there is a Mount White Face today 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00253-00117159-00117576 or one that we use the name Mount White Face for, but it's not this one. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00254-00117576-00118240 These are, I think, what's now Mount Demas (?) and Mount Nancy, probably, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00255-00118240-00118600 but they're the only time that those particular toponyms appear 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00256-00118600-00119040 on cartography of the White Mountains, so they were, you know, a reminder that 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00257-00119040-00119391 uh you know these names were being kind of provisionally assigned by people 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00258-00119391-00119624 living up here. But I think my favorite part about this 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00259-00119624-00120167 map is, uh you know, now with Interstate 93 being by far 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00260-00120167-00120520 the most important tourist corridor to the White Mountains, we kind of think of 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00261-00120520-00120888 Franconia Notch and the approach to Franconia Notch as really the center of 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00262-00120888-00121248 the of the tourist site, but there was no 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00263-00121248-00121679 I-93 obviously, in 1852. There was a stage 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00264-00121679-00122055 route going north from, that's Plymouth 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00265-00122055-00122544 and it was really the route of the Boston, Concord and Montreal Railroad, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00266-00122544-00123055 which up what's now New Hampshire 25, cuts over the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00267-00123055-00123464 pass to the Connecticut River and then north to 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00268-00123464-00123935 Wells River and Littleton from there. Or, in the very opposite direction, if you 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00269-00123935-00124359 were coming from Maine, you would have come up the Atlantic and 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00270-00124359-00124759 Saint Lawrence Railroad, which cut through southern Maine up 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00271-00124759-00125288 through, that's Gorham, New Hampshire. So, that you know the tourist economy was, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00272-00125288-00125520 of course, just getting going at this point. The 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00273-00125520-00125872 White Mountains were only just becoming someplace that people 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00274-00125872-00126176 wanted to go, rather than a, you know, economically 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00275-00126176-00126615 unproductive landscape. But those rail corridors 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00276-00126615-00127015 where how people got there and and you know those rail corridors are 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00277-00127015-00127400 not used for passenger rail anymore. Now the interstate highways are how we 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00278-00127400-00127783 get to the White Mountains and the difference in perspective is, is 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00279-00127783-00128176 kind of striking, right, like what, what is the front of the White Mountains. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00280-00128176-00128455 What do you, where are tourists dropped off when they, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00281-00128455-00128808 when they see it. You've got these nice little 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00282-00128808-00129264 illustrations too of-- it's hidden behind the inset map here-- 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00283-00129264-00129848 let's see if I can pan over. That's, that's the Crawford House. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00284-00129848-00130200 There's another one down here, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00285-00130215-00130520 I think this is the station house in Gorham. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00286-00130520-00130952 Whoops, I'm zooming too much here, I don't know if I can do it with one 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00287-00130952-00131208 hand while I hold my phone with the other. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00288-00131208-00131855 Anyways, you know this, this is right at the dawn 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00289-00131855-00132272 of the, of Anglo-American tourist economy in the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00290-00132272-00132736 White Mountains. Of course, you know, as we say 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00291-00132736-00133240 in the American Transform show many times, you know this 19th century period 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00292-00133240-00133544 is striking in the way that it has written the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00293-00133544-00134128 previous American Indian tribes completely off the map. They're 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00294-00134128-00134448 not even shown here in a kind of picturesque way, which 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00295-00134448-00134752 later became one of the, you know, white tourist 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00296-00134752-00135184 selling points of these, these sorts of landscapes; was this romanticized 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00297-00135184-00135888 and kind of made up type of Indian culture for tourist consumption. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00298-00135888-00136520 There is this weird little picture of somebody hunting-- 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00299-00136520-00136815 what they're hunting I've always wanted-- I think it's just a puff of smoke. I 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00300-00136815-00137303 don't think there's actually like a a target, unless that's supposed to be a 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00301-00137303-00137720 like a panther or a mountain lion in the distance. I've always wondered about that. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00302-00137720-00138488 It's hard to tell what, what this guy is aiming at. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00303-00138488-00138960 [Dave] [inaudible] [Garrett] Yeah, yeah it's quite possible. So, yeah like, like 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00304-00139010-00139167 I said Adam Apt has 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00305-00139167-00139544 written a bit more about Leavitt. There's some of his manuscript maps 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00306-00139544-00139760 in, I think, the New Hampshire Historical 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00307-00139760-00140224 Society and a few other places. But, it's a fun little map thinking 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00308-00140224-00140488 about a very different tourist perspective on 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00309-00140488-00140952 the White Mountains. [Dave] Yeah, that's great and I love that 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00310-00140952-00141484 idea of the, the it's like a harbor view but from a 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00311-00141484-00141912 railroad. so you're seeing these from that 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00312-00141912-00142248 corridor. [Garrett] And it's really, I mean, the, the 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00313-00142248-00142776 talking about field sketching, obviously this map isn't super 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00314-00142776-00143240 geographically accurate, but the, the sketches of these mountains with the, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00315-00143240-00143567 the flumes and the slides are really striking. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00316-00143567-00144215 Leavitt was very talented with his, with his field sketching, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00317-00144215-00144824 and so you see the this kind, you know, front view from, from north 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00318-00144824-00145255 of the mountains here. And, of course, there's our famous Old 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00319-00145255-00145664 Man in the Mountain, no longer there. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00320-00145696-00146440 [Dave] Yeah, sad to say. Great, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00321-00146440-00147032 and yeah, so I think that's a good, that's a good Map Time for today. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00322-00147032-00147360 [Garrett] Cool! Anything else coming up over at Harvard? 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00323-00147360-00147872 [Dave] Not really, the uh, uh yeah, just I encourage everyone to go, go spend some 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00324-00147872-00148367 time with Bending Lines and uh, and really explore it. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00325-00148367-00148872 The next week we'll have Layla Bermeo, who's Associate 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00326-00148872-00149255 Curator at the MFA. She'll be talking about a statue with a 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00327-00149255-00149679 map on it which I'm excited about. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00328-00149679-00150024 And, as always, you can check out the schedule on, on our website and, 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00329-00150024-00150488 and see the the people coming up. [Garrett] Super, well it's great to see you Dave, [Dave] Yeah, good to see you. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00330-00150488-00150879 [Garrett] Nice to see everybody out there. [Dave] Yep. [Garrett] We'll see you all next week. 9Sb6YkS3oxU-00331-00150879-00151472 [Dave] All right, until next time, all right take care. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00000-00000097-00000600 Hi and welcome to this video about using library ebooks as your textbook. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00001-00000600-00001036 The Library provides free textbook access in a few different ways: 9U6GoBFTbLg-00002-00001036-00001521 We have a reserve collection of the print textbooks for most COS classes. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00003-00001521-00001742 Reserves are for in-library use only. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00004-00001742-00002252 We have some textbooks that can be checked out for the entire semester if you qualify; 9U6GoBFTbLg-00005-00002252-00002672 more information about that is on the Library's Textbook page. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00006-00002672-00003174 And sometimes we're able to offer free ebook versions of textbooks, which is the focus 9U6GoBFTbLg-00007-00003174-00003303 of this video. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00008-00003303-00003786 Library ebooks function differently than 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other hand, ebooks in the OverDrive collection are designed to be downloaded. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00029-00012396-00012635 You can keep them for up to 3 weeks. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00030-00012635-00013031 This is great if you're the lucky one with the book but it does make sharing among an 9U6GoBFTbLg-00031-00013031-00013278 entire class more difficult. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00032-00013278-00013554 Because of this, there is a waiting list feature. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00033-00013554-00013993 If you get on the waiting list, you will be notified when the ebook is available. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00034-00013993-00014438 As a bonus, the Library will be notified that we should consider getting more copies since 9U6GoBFTbLg-00035-00014438-00014601 people are waiting. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00036-00014601-00015149 You can learn more about how OverDrive ebooks and e-audiobooks work by going to the Library's 9U6GoBFTbLg-00037-00015149-00015545 Research Help page and looking in the Databases section. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00038-00015545-00016009 I know that some of this may have sounded complicated so here are the main takeaways 9U6GoBFTbLg-00039-00016009-00016642 if you want to use a library ebook as your textbook: #1: Don't wait until the last 9U6GoBFTbLg-00040-00016642-00017193 minute to do your reading because someone else might be already using the book. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00041-00017193-00017584 #2: Contact the Library if you have any problems with the ebooks. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00042-00017584-00018237 We're here to help you and we want to you to have free textbook access whenever possible! 9U6GoBFTbLg-00043-00018237-00018756 Our contact info as well as more information about using library textbooks is available 9U6GoBFTbLg-00044-00018756-00018956 on the Library's web site. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00045-00018956-00019470 Our textbook page has lots of information, including a video showing how to find library 9U6GoBFTbLg-00046-00019470-00020018 textbooks in the catalog and a list of Zero Textbook Cost classes. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00047-00020018-00020547 This list contains handy links to all the library ebooks being used as textbooks. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00048-00020547-00020946 Again, don't hesitate to contact the Library if you want help! 9U6GoBFTbLg-00049-00020946-00022165 You can reach the Library by email at library@siskiyous.edu and by text or phone at 530-938-5331. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00050-00022165-00023006 Our web site is www.siskiyous.edu/library which is where you'll find all of our contact 9U6GoBFTbLg-00051-00023006-00023341 info and the link to our Textbook page. 9U6GoBFTbLg-00052-00023341-00023558 Have a great semester and happy reading! 9VJwLi7RGm8-00000-00000000-00000200 So tender and juicy 9VJwLi7RGm8-00001-00000200-00000400 Street food 9bsattYupuE-00000-00000000-00000700 Finds from the garbage dump 1 September 2016 9bsattYupuE-00001-00011158-00013319 ...The presented finds are 100%natural-That is,they have been thrown away by people for people-Unitil you overtake you MPO :)-All the presented finds are Krakow on a variety of dustbins...-You like ?-Give me a sub:):) 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00000-00000002-00000252 The Blacks Scabbard Fish 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00001-00000608-00000776 The Blacks Scabbard Fish 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00002-00000790-00000938 Sounds like where you might keep your 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00003-00000938-00001096 swordfish man it's not in use. 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00004-00001110-00001336 This fugly fish lives in the deep sea what's dark 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00005-00001360-00001534 and nobody can see how disgusting it is. 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00006-00001554-00001784 At night it rises through the water column 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00007-00001784-00001985 using the cloak of darkness to help it hunt 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00008-00001986-00002270 and further hide its hideousness. 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00009-00002270-00002446 Why the long face? 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00010-00002478-00002748 Overfishing, it's quite sad. 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00011-00002766-00003152 EU ministers continue setting almost half of all fishing limits to high, 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00012-00003152-00003365 resulting in overfishing. 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00013-00003390-00003722 61% the fish stocks are below biologically safe limits. 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00014-00003722-00004004 This is particularly worrying for the deep-sea fish 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00015-00004040-00004422 which like a fine wine took a long time to mature 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00016-00004448-00004570 and don't reproduce much 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00017-00004588-00004910 like people who have drunk too much fine wine. 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00018-00004940-00005042 Trouble is, 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00019-00005076-00005330 it's not just the deep-sea fish that are in the dark, 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00020-00005330-00005421 so are we. 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00021-00005421-00005742 A lack of transparency over who decides what and how, 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00022-00005766-00005974 means that no one is left accountable. 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00023-00005994-00006272 Year after year, ministers set fishing limits 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00024-00006288-00006528 above scientifically advised levels. 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00025-00006542-00006773 These are decisions are made behind closed doors 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00026-00006794-00006966 with little or no accountability 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00027-00006966-00007209 and can have real lasting damaging effects 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00028-00007231-00007338 on our oceans and lives. 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00029-00007338-00007578 This must change. 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00030-00007630-00007823 Deep seas and the fish that live within them 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00031-00007831-00007914 need our protection. 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00032-00007931-00008068 Please like and share this video 9ckw0Kws-ZM-00033-00008090-00008268 if you want your Minister to take action. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00000-00000227-00000396 Naval Traditions. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00001-00000458-00000717 Baptism of the ship 9dW84m9cFuQ-00002-00000814-00001079 Sailors are superstitious people 9dW84m9cFuQ-00003-00001081-00001334 and there have always been many different rituals 9dW84m9cFuQ-00004-00001336-00001528 and traditions in the Navy. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00005-00001530-00001893 The baptism of a ship is one such tradition. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00006-00001896-00002166 Now, when launching a ship on the water, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00007-00002168-00002442 a bottle of champagne is smashed on its side, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00008-00002445-00002860 but this wasn’t always how a launching ceremony was celebrated. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00009-00002863-00003470 Severe Nordic seafarers, or the Vikings, were usually extremely uncompromising 9dW84m9cFuQ-00010-00003472-00003747 when it came to their warships—the drakkars. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00011-00003749-00004156 As a sacrifice to the gods, they put captives under the keel. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00012-00004159-00004386 A so-so tradition, isn’t it? 9dW84m9cFuQ-00013-00004437-00004716 In other cultures, people were gentler 9dW84m9cFuQ-00014-00004718-00005101 and used large and small domestic livestock as a sacrifice, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00015-00005103-00005321 which they simply threw overboard. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00016-00005323-00005601 The poor animals were saved by Christianity, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00017-00005603-00005842 which abolished the barbaric ritual, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00018-00005845-00006145 transforming the bloody sacrifice into a humane, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00019-00006147-00006400 and symbolic baptism by red wine. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00020-00006402-00006715 In the 15-16th centuries, in England, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00021-00006718-00007000 the launching of a ship was almost a national holiday, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00022-00007002-00007292 at which the top officials of the state were present. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00023-00007295-00007611 The most important bishop often performed the ceremony. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00024-00007614-00007817 It was a huge party. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00025-00007819-00007993 Kings established a rule, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00026-00007996-00008440 after toasting for the new ship they threw a gold bowl overboard, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00027-00008442-00008703 with the crowds cheering on in support. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00028-00008829-00009229 By the 17th century, the monarchs stopped throwing away 9dW84m9cFuQ-00029-00009231-00009437 their dinnerware and precious metals. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00030-00009439-00009588 And at that time 9dW84m9cFuQ-00031-00009591-00009940 the tradition of smashing a bottle of champagne on the ship’s side 9dW84m9cFuQ-00032-00009943-00010108 appeared in France 9dW84m9cFuQ-00033-00010111-00010357 At the beginning of the 19th century, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00034-00010360-00010712 women started to get engaged during the ritual, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00035-00010715-00011071 usually they were noble and respected ladies, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00036-00011092-00011217 At the same time, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00037-00011220-00011617 the lady who smashed the bottle became the godmother of the ship. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00038-00011620-00011840 There is a case where one Greek steamer 9dW84m9cFuQ-00039-00011843-00012120 was baptized by a three-year-old girl, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00040-00012123-00012332 the shipowner's daughter. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00041-00012334-00012620 She is the youngest godmother to date. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00042-00012622-00013116 The 20th century was the century of experiments and variations of this rite 9dW84m9cFuQ-00043-00013119-00013444 For example, fish oil was poured on trawlers, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00044-00013447-00013826 and a block of ice or bottle of water taken from the Arctic Ocean 9dW84m9cFuQ-00045-00013829-00014100 was broken over an icebreaker's side. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00046-00014106-00014673 One Dane baptized his ship for fruit transportation with orange juice. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00047-00014676-00015074 Various mechanisms for smashing were invented. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00048-00015076-00015345 One of them looked like a Roman ballista. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00049-00015405-00015826 There was a case where the bottle was smashed by radio— 9dW84m9cFuQ-00050-00015828-00016094 a signal about the launched ship was transmitted 9dW84m9cFuQ-00051-00016097-00016367 from Australia to England using a telephone. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00052-00016370-00016674 But the bottle didn’t always break... 9dW84m9cFuQ-00053-00016806-00017346 It is believed that an unbroken bottle promises misfortune for the ship. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00054-00017348-00017782 To avoid this, the bottom—not the neck—was notched, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00055-00017785-00018128 thus helping sailors make their own luck. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00056-00018266-00018514 After all, sailors are not only superstitious, 9dW84m9cFuQ-00057-00018517-00018756 but also as sharp as a tack. 9dW84m9cFuQ-00058-00018759-00019157 Nevertheless, you will discover more in the next episode… 9mvQK5My_z4-00000-00000008-00000231 I tried one line drawing first time 9mvQK5My_z4-00001-00000448-00000730 I didn't break the line during my whole drawing 9mvQK5My_z4-00002-00000730-00001003 My hand started to hurt 9mvQK5My_z4-00003-00001003-00001251 this is how it turned out to be 9mvQK5My_z4-00004-00001251-00001456 Creepy! a3vsdu9EznY-00000-00000000-00000400 You can find all information in the video description! a3vsdu9EznY-00001-00000946-00001346 Dice 1 onion a3vsdu9EznY-00002-00002346-00002746 Half a red and yellow pepper Dice a3vsdu9EznY-00003-00004680-00005080 2 tbsp oil a3vsdu9EznY-00004-00005130-00005530 400g chicken breast cut into strips Fry until a3vsdu9EznY-00005-00006070-00006470 golden brown Season with a3vsdu9EznY-00006-00007443-00007843 salt and pepper Remove and keep a3vsdu9EznY-00007-00007933-00008333 warm a3vsdu9EznY-00008-00009053-00009453 1 tbsp oil a3vsdu9EznY-00009-00009576-00009976 Fry onions until translucent Fry a3vsdu9EznY-00010-00010510-00010910 the peppers briefly Season a3vsdu9EznY-00011-00011530-00011930 with salt and pepper a3vsdu9EznY-00012-00012050-00012450 Add 1 tsp curry a3vsdu9EznY-00013-00013260-00013660 200g risotto rice a3vsdu9EznY-00014-00013719-00014119 200g frozen peas a3vsdu9EznY-00015-00014573-00014973 Deglaze with 600ml vegetable stock Cover and simmer for a3vsdu9EznY-00016-00015293-00015693 20 minutes Add a3vsdu9EznY-00017-00016420-00016820 chicken after 15 minutes Scatter a3vsdu9EznY-00018-00017423-00017823 1 spring onion Bon appetit a3vsdu9EznY-00019-00017926-00018326 Anastasia wishes you! a3vsdu9EznY-00020-00018560-00018940 We look forward to a like and comment :) a5zcyzICCiE-00000-00000016-00000376 MCARDLE: What is the last Western food that will become popular in China? a5zcyzICCiE-00001-00000376-00000697 What is the last Chinese food that will become popular in the West? a5zcyzICCiE-00002-00000697-00001530 [laughter] DUNLOP: The last Western food. a5zcyzICCiE-00003-00001530-00001920 Maybe a really ripe, heady, stinky brie. [laughter] a5zcyzICCiE-00004-00001921-00002164 DUNLOP: I have an experience of trying to feed it to people in China. a5zcyzICCiE-00005-00002164-00002285 MCARDLE: I read that. a5zcyzICCiE-00006-00002285-00002753 DUNLOP: The other way around, it would have to be something textural. a5zcyzICCiE-00007-00002753-00002914 MILLER: [whispers] Sea cucumber? a5zcyzICCiE-00008-00002914-00003243 [laughter] MCARDLE: Sea cucumber is not allowed for this a5zcyzICCiE-00009-00003243-00003343 answer. a5zcyzICCiE-00010-00003343-00003764 DUNLOP: I could mention one very extreme textural delicacy that I’ve only ever come across a5zcyzICCiE-00011-00003764-00003914 once in China. a5zcyzICCiE-00012-00003914-00004380 Probably most people in China wouldn’t eat it, but Sichuanese love their rubbery, crunchy, a5zcyzICCiE-00013-00004380-00004480 offal. a5zcyzICCiE-00014-00004480-00005001 That is the upper palates of pigs, which they call tiantang, paradise. a5zcyzICCiE-00015-00005001-00005459 I found it at a late night street store covered in chili and Sichuan pepper oil. a5zcyzICCiE-00016-00005459-00005782 I don’t think that will be a big hit in New York or London anytime soon.